Grand Traverse Herald, May 01, 1902

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, May 01, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tsuYessb cnr. oxuks tsaverse cotrorv, iochioan. may






ntKarniiT TMiORii i


Real Estate*"Insurance

For th« Ml acMOd of IWl «»
b«v« MM ot Ibe fiocot MOorUnMita
of nev>t;le>of



TraTcrsc Qty State Bank
SURPLUS. S60.000

•rer ■howa is the mark«t Alt the
UiMt NovcIUm Iq FUitU, Cbe<^<
•nd Htripeo, bolb Fbrei«ii »ifl i>omesUc. Tb«M «e will niske to
fODrorderattheverr luweat prices



On».Ut H. 1 ». BiKfc




r<* ARurtB'. "'»>T
tn»b.an1.dl It.
A. )m- >.«< lE.- imjasirr Ima.


Tire Insurance!

iur»»M. LeillvIlerchaitTiUM-.

Plat# OI088, steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.

A CcMTit teiktar Basia»s Dole

3 Ver Cetf alleweA n Tiae DepotUs.

207 E. Front Street,


Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.



Johneon Block. Phone 73

Traverse City. Mich.

A lAAM at llaae.
»«I' tw <«
y. taia nnai bare beea en­
Pcm-l-rt. *»4 ui dowed will* tbe aiuril ..f ivoiibac;
fan the bn-l of
wimn >h« named me.- II,.• firl aiRl.i^l
"I >u|>|«ae il l a cood
ibinc to liave iioiw id y»
anU I'r«i«od Vooda
We have a foil
iB eoB'< bare il aowben____
line of tl... be.1 manfafturod oi mod
Sbe moved «.«ri<Hlly ko IbO lovalid
etate pric-d. Melbeto rao fely upon
ber tired ere*. A
-«h picti
oar FroaetiiKioo IVjaftiuetit. We a...
Uadioen DDiwinied
fMily lb. t>ar«-« Dnita Yoa »ill fii-d
roi-r..o houai* set a«aiu.l It.
i.or ]«•.< > liAe oar RtSudi. --t)Oputi>r. ’ KTOUDil of Uie )iiae*. (b.- biar a
of Whiutbeml iii tbe d»tan<
iinut ate* wa« of II all'
lor tbe W>d* .Weep of (be <
It liomc. wnb Its flw
or the
liiWM.. ur«l» tho
taih. tb» be»t

W.JM Oms9 l-k to,.. DCTBOIX


yyiw.”.! «-yg?g.5.':-a.c‘


C. A. HAMMOND, « ^



Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

One Kiuty.


0r. traverse

I'ettcanm i:

cbanical correction of si^t ami the
auUation and examination free.
OOce over The City Book


We lave Mioy mbers.
Hesses for SalLMeoey to Loao.

Land Company


hwnir. Pun Bam. Tata
Un««»aa«-I.»«a a*,liroD e.



Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

PWCMarauaaA PaM-ker. l* p a.- «=

jSrTwJSSi^'tm***"^ iWlear* ••
W*tO^ BmOU. Kalaauam lad IbMag

Who wOl get one? Drop roe
pottal at once, jileaae. ami grt a eickle
tfw tot tine yes------Call for roe att Waif* I hag Stoee.
by PoaiOfice.

PaiWaaddi ,ii*f mm aemb aa« mTObhem
c L. UKatWCMD. ...
O. P « V A



Tolopbotip 4


KBOB. acml.TmraneCuj.

peratolan A •urceen.




IHidros, -XA/ool and Rur
I have enlarged my business and have arranged with a
large Eastern house to handle alt the tur from this part of
the counw. 1 am prepared to pay highest market prkes
for Hideii^WohJ and Fur. Come and see me.
Oth^ anil Warebou*.-,
E. Fr .ut BL
Phone i:«. '
ntixen* Phone 4-1



, 4 H>



. Bnisbes, Putty, $anit|»|Mr. Etc.


" 1 bai repen I* aabataBitaHy ttbu.
Fbere are allU a few aeakteiwd oaea.
bat Ihe eod »t a plae rappty Iba* waa

•■i bof.

-r Biid ov

Tbake an eoroe food mretoh.i
ol tuabv-r euU emadlac la boUm
wiaroaala aad Miaeeaom. bet aoae
thee... t.M. will tare bero mid low by
the arpodnaa'e ax. Burfelac tbe laat
of tbe icrandeat ptae toavwm Ibai ever
-laa..etaaold ama " eouttaued
Ut. Kealee. "aad yet I tan waa
lllaek river, from Ha moatb al Part
Harou. literally choked with lu< bi(a
for a dieiaace of fifieaB Bil*w Tbaw
we mowd up to the taclauw valley,
whlcb we Uiewkl eoBld Dewr be deideled. Here I have area aa aabrakea ainwm of lo#* ti. (be 8a«laaw aad
lU utbemnee forty milee lua«. Aad
wUal irero tbey were' Why. we pwroed Uuro by if tbey ran atorr llmii
four to Ibe* tboaroad. Y'e*. etr. U*e
plae Ibat (rew oo tb* aaatera alope of
, llirbiitaB waa abrolamly tbe bi« tbal

der ll abe-» (TOl lloi« in bet
abe roid whimaicwHy. -'Sl,e
»Ti*t«l-lv .he
luat need ll alme-d a* murh-u I do
ra. a iiaiiv a aeek
wonder If iDU r.t jwopie d.m i u-ed
a couple ol
t, Polly. If we,ouly knew •
■■ ■
-1 coeee they d**. " Polly ana*
waa tautaVeO
Abe tuned HerlHwd awa<
' '
.lay-or iwo later whew alwe.
ev.> ''liiee,l
' ale- CTI'd III
Polly aid tK.t. k'uU at lb* "wio.loa- walolied 1.H e
oDalv.i, »eu>e.l almoal eUaaire. ao
d*l niaoT ibiuca to bereelf Ibat raiiDul.'ly bad iIh-i rtvia inio lh.-lt
lot* never beard. b< .wevet .liaridv I'lOUChl, ihal die roald pa.f ao e
Sue. UB
them au.i urvec bear ibe fiuv.
dw lutclit pee*. Ibem.
Horn tb> »r euul. lo
oki*u lue.taKea
rbe* <al uu>' < In'-'
I <w*v 10 «>■ OQ ia1
Hoje waleta-d Pollv ateppio* lurhlT allur'e but
Iv dowu the r<wd aa alir bad watched
iieb.-d Ibe Kol.leu i
■ier iuanv a dor
Hal li waa not *r
er Ibe «o|» ol tb»
lint P..11T vraeBird lo <U*b Into Uir
room 01. her trlurn •
PnwoBtlv Polly left I
-Only M.e
tiir qanrtwl
le lo Hnjie-a breaihl, '
J berel Hot*-.
*id-. Boib the ftrU w e (Udof Ibe wriliii* -and
1 *ie l-lleve |i


B .leien preru irrm««T yardet
Dow fraanul Nmnwr aen

lUrerly i!.*|a- tore it open, and Ihe
aa loaaibl. . y ‘
' ' '
u r.wd tiwi'tlier^paiufoi, uand-aalloj*--* Ixate aub
•ive rollv, and b**w
tuM line. wiroderiBit aaoeTlaiOlv
terlo|r*-a .»o|.l.d. ceiv.
er tbe half *lii-et ol IWI*-r. evetr
eoDid abe rot wh<-o Hope _

line el,-1uellf of the mrwdTe.
la.*utut Uiiiic*.
H WD. better
.... tbe miaelDbl.- boalue*. awa.v.
-d Krirtid —
Pollv clrorrd tic* table, nod drew I
eartaiaa. ati*l lit tlielilil*—^ '
ala-ava laid for cool
N-fore- I'v.
Tliea- were Ibeir haiipie.i b<
I.oioflioe tea ntir>
all. wbei, the tl.ree-lliey two am
on >u tillvwn yi . and Dubodv eve,
fire—miked or drtwuied or Lr|-i
• Pit,eel. yewn
I letter
elleare* uiimbet.
I wait.
I'd aluBi
only OD< i> a l.uir
Al arai the Hr.
illv thel I made up
rt el irot Into the
lewptUK point# of name
Hut ihl. n.iiii ol e.iinit a
oe tlie .ileure iaeteii Innx* r lluvn keep .ni ir.Mtik-. ll an In .io|>
lal. Polly, deep lu her eaici, J*^ It duut luak*' luni I iIlRe
« Wlien II I
„<jl Il0|*-- Hyp walkliins*.
lia *.«
ut and ruuuiid; ■
..k*5, but nwb
liealil. iiurilux
Ibet icirU. Hoi* «
nd l>'cin 1
alaril-d by a
lall her
•add-a e*olaiio.tion
Sl.e .prai.* up
I wa. al llop«--ii tide t-lure »ni WH. real inl- re.iiiqt what you -----nl**iiil rilvt and .11 _I reckon 1 ami
lU.d itiat Hul> wi» aillmr: up
j..t niu.di--It a n***ajr wbal ,-itv.i.
eallaliitbtv I nevi aiivabete
Polly.- .be
a t we V



«y. srpr'l. ■illeaily' aat* i.iB* the


»he e.Kil,lB'i my to Polly.
!«».. Polle. waao'l ibe fiahiniK.
I.<r Hope
81.- loo.l be htmrer
PollV. auke- Il wa» w-IUeh lo lei f
niid ni>i care, wbeii tliey iw.. w-re tb
..□Iv -'own folk." la ll.e world t
eucii otii.'i. and Polly wonid be otter

::;^:.v;r...w..i.e=...e.. yvu.,



'* "Si

old ill
■o I bop
Uebbe tan
other folk, d,
.*r. only 1 kind of IbuBKbl Id 111
,«e men- bet" e Im Ul.l
••WhT, ol oour«" wr can . II will I* rea-l (In- ooi- >o'
We ll do it Hie 'er>
tmt Uu Mlty M.ven ;

Tbe Ovwllieei of all lb* amaked
irou. ' rold a ikwler la roeb (hlac*.
are ll.e fin* bama abd tartm ttat
-onie from Lim.rlrk. Irelaml Tba
prioe. id (beer mrote Bar vary Blight*
ly from lime to iiBr. liw ham* aell*
IDE aroallT. however, at from SS to bi
oeou a pouid. aad ih, baooo al a er
- oeaie a poood.
"Tbe.* roallv emoked Beat* are
ad.- from fioe ' hofii tbal are f»1 aad
oded will, eeraimloaa can*.' Tbe


eat* ot aaeh quality i
la^rnd tl.ea^.wt
there are fiuelwauiaodoned ben* aleo.
alro. DoUl
. tbOK of Vir■inia. Ibr OaeM ol wtateb bAng
oruuaiwaed. inrladed In l
- Ibe Limerlrk ham. aad I


Virginia bam* voo woold raiaa Ibe
ouel of tin u to '*• cent*, abd bUIng
from Kuroi** would bna« tie-Virgtalb
liame prelly rioee to ilioaeof Idmenek lo trine. ao tbal lo (b*-lr angtiuvl
00*1 ibev are alwol lb. roaie.
"A* to wbieb ie th.
belter habt.
aid be largely a inaHer of
Tbe Inal, ham la rub and
tOlCT I * Virginia i* of a BUv '
-■-New Vort Baa.
tote tla

Tl.e large*! flower ro the world
groan ll wM diaaome yror* ago bv a
covered tb
er. ll II
■•*■ five {wtolad
Uermau e LpInrer.


ri'e Ihl* week. " Polly
bonnet, ble.. hei f *rv verand i-i- r bb*
erv flr.l dav ibat you f~-l
•l.oald have letter, all tbe i-«t -f b.-i
peUItiof tbie lahie, Polly vowe.1 teiveully to be.--!!
oval and errom
oiLer*. loo. " H<i|«
lor baviDit dlVrll Hojie tb. )•>«
e. growiag roand a MCWr filled
"Uid voo no
ikri: and iilannioK It
coanila** l.iag. vl*>lr«-bue<l HbHo|e allot her Ihooght to i I.e
<> Polly, we II
lev exi-lled and Imppy
Th. BatlT.w roll it Ibe hota.
,.r Polly-* lake,
,.ut H.7.U ley. fr,.i Mr Itlakr
,.-IUiu« em^MMlly.
I aoTihiEg at, wa* uTiag ail
O boi il •
, evrrytiMtv*
-But 1 lee
10 be of tba apecto* Rafileaia. a
oold do
g*«.l it i>—Ih-w Meaard'-lo-f-v
Tbe doeto
eeui b»r want to Ol* It
plant Wiaoirered in Bamatn. aad
ippuiiiled aindb. I
... . I vaa 1. a Itny bit v-f help «.ai.
aad only b. r 10 go bon
aase-f ader tb* EngUab gorwroov ot Ye*. 1 kaowHiavey.^-doo
ll were gobe; aad aia*
that i>land-8ii Hmiaford Bafflro.
loo* an, Poll.' WI.T, you're like tt.
■ vou lurr. drorr" Pollj »e-*i
oalv to Iw
l. ft lony-tbree. fortyTh* l*olo
l» foasd
foaad u
la the
»ir I heath* . 1 nuutdn I iiiiignie li<
three wegk* to eil by tbe wtadow. lated aukloaaly • "You dinu'l eat *aj
.ood ol Am. .me of lb* bkghand read, aad look oat at the piaei. •aiiper voa know. u»i ■■uougblura twill ju*i Ui-su-e we tove.arh oilier
ov*. in ^ PUUpfdBe** or
WinnldU'l «V« l-tter wail-liH
tl feel above th* l*v*I of Ibe
ad 1.- brave l.-fore Polly.
Co Ih-iu. if Und will let me. I
Tbe lino bandectuU'lir*l tie arm* of Burning
ran give a !>lli> hatipinne witboai
••Plroae- Hoje pl.iW -liavii l
er chair Beroely.
Whv. I’ollr, how It growc
• m going to gel latter—I Will-- ban me; it will <h> ue* gooil. and. it
, Hme
Tied - I'lD going to get belter, I doo'i. it willtoH k.-*p whirling 10
II Ihrungh
Uermaa ha* Mtoated a taviro U
to take walk*, and longer aiv beml all nigl.i. 1 w not gotug to tot woul>'
puM oouni a h-tlet aa *1.* doe*. k<«ti ruoeu-r* from eruwlag dartag tb*
Uiiue Hull will brglad
*■ iTieOd.
MhtDg-rcwlly do *ometbuig
to do a
.V hell*
—e.*wordn»i or vweep' Helore the TOOT elbow-, ao i*..*|*-ak. I'lra.*-. )’*al
mad the rooB mio*' at oigbt Iw a claep. whieli don Mt
Tear i.
i* up I'm going----------------------going to booa'clrws
tb* glad- tabwf.r* tii any war will* tbe Uid’e
, ll wou't hurt me- 1I believe
Fo Polly 111 the lainj*. aad *lrew up
Ibe arbole of our two room*! Tberv
breathing Wbeti be aUempte to roow.
{ can build air-ca*H**‘ I'll Ml Polly
however, bi* riance ii.K* WIU #M
(til* very evening "
forth anill hi* <nrn*-r ehoooB lo
Tb.rv a wbialte. an-l then a long oaroed ll .;uile a wblP- tatore tov
hack in her rhal.
re tbe rlani
Tbe loeeairo faatbaodt riog iar that *boto tb* Imle decided how to do it. Hul ou«- »tari^
^ exliaa.ied, bat Hill tollaot
■ tbal. after a lime, tbe itioHOf
flame bonae, a* tbe Kortbem .•tpre**
weara the aatlrowwer will eeooe
aa*b>*d by. H - •
• wanting to crow area wbeo thedr- .
alter It
Tire I. BOI attataod te Ibe bllL la
l.jard ao aror ....---------- ----wblcb evrel B farther hope !• «M*rafimid ibai the noiee of Ibe tram
d that a raa* of aon rookrtog
would dlttnrb Hope. Bat Hop* bad
. von al! oOBfortabl*'-btgk-ed M mak. ibe exprrtm«nt The
Oau I Irov.- you for a few aomeibiiig lo watch, .be
-And your i«x* nnger*: Ho|>-aaid “J"
one link Ibat
mItL 8be cluag U
to tbu oni
• Hope retani-d "I've
-■ I didnH Bean to work •
r*tfU beyond teShnlanllv
hoBOd her to tbe «
Miliik abOBl. to pto. Take
(be liilla She wa» aoi .|olt* oai ol TOO to bird. Polle
' I“‘»'1 lii ,k. ,,
toaeb ea Itmg a» abe oould eee tb. when we were talking aboai bom*. I
Vip|wd uol ol the yard
-hag* floag oat. and know that don't .appoee .be'Il enjoy the rcadliut
. the nmd .Dto tbe dutoy
u h
great, HeTy-hraned
faalf a* maeb a* w
reacbeaof the tdaea M.e HO|iped ihen
bat I do bope ahe'll like U a Utile'
nod lifted h*x tao* t , the Uoe al«T*
dav bv
Iheir far einglng toa icbea And Itor. Paaioe-Dai
hill* cr*M>ked oI*l mas tunding ly returtod. ao flen-ely that Hope
le Hill, bvaatifi
ar* alan ebowa IB
beaidr tbe iraek bad tuoked Bp lh< laaglied and then Ungbed agaim till
and h-1jied h.*
Butl-bag. aad waaaiolldly tradglng flaally Pollv ba*l to yolu
.1 h. v l<a* k I
1,01b looked ap 10 aiaa«eB*nl when with IL
ei. to Ibr poaloffio* wilb il
tb* lioaan.1
l^baraafnlloflcafera. Oueorlv
roglrU N
- tl
i-e way
U>* clock airnto “'^,“''”,'(0””^'
aod to o#o or------woBi-D «itS" ODI Of urigbborii
tlieir to tter Miteitm. Of
.. the
wHh IbU to
rwl bad the evening la-wi’ a> qalck- of tl DO 00* •
hoaae*' aii*l
ainl gle|<f*-d
gle|.f*-d acroai:
" old
tell: for th* broatv
woman wnb araetr black >BDeauaei
re Ilf It are wreagbi
flTH tiling *fi-ik l*»akfn.t.P«H; into the Hf* ol
ytawle.1 alowly up tbe bilL Tlieu a
Hore" -------- ■*gitl ran dowa the toad: abe w»* bare•
•wt.aad-theean made warm
ghi* in her broau hair
id took with a wuital 1
*<l to letiort a w<
har old Polly 1—I bope ihe'
eplarole too to
Borv. lhaa oooe Polly nigrelied tb*
. _ IDiag." mb* and. 8br'U
Ige. Here to ha
.limppotaied If el* haaa't kmm
T* it in bl* eora crib, anril heooaldao.
-If, foollab of me. Ik
to tiribg ni*-a baadred rime*
.diiify bU n'ighbo!*
bare a cha»*.
i toe earn** being giren.
roid. -bul I aball be *0
m we* Httoea yror* old.
foe aav .reanm *b* doe
>. mail u that lluy ooraer of the If
iDVevigeooD proved that il. amt
1.1 wa* never a hroey oor: in m to ll,taking ahoai ll
Bit aovi-ted Ibe |iruno*T .iB Bakio
rtangvd to
relvM bat with |4amto,
-ly move ihao five miouie* Polly jut think of it. Polly—1
give a wing effect era I fio* aad
setiBf It four (I
vra* (ofily optotug the daw
. —Ou'f
.... la.ide Btrtil 11 had hitIf raeell* in frouL
.......... .................
"Tberr tro t a Indt tai* lime, week—aad
ten a har.l low from It. laHeoinge
tall, gawky
ai . .■■ „ ‘ .
dror. " ab* roid tegmfally. "I hardr.a^
Tbt.. however, wa. not .offirieot to ww* a Mae oeokti*.
aerlpad b
IV rijecied ihki tb-ra w.mld be today, eaarly Iwo tboaimudtwraiit iLto gel oel anhw>ibe board dark blae-kamdtook Baat. o
ftut there are Iwo e«w magagtam. aad Mow ha* »hc aloud. It. Puily'*''
wa. lifn-d ap
I'm almoH »aee a leu*r will eoroe,
*Id *p from till
rd wa.
. a* tb* I* h mark* 00 11
Hop*, doo't think of u that «y!
aer crawled 0*1
aaul (b* I
_____ ____
wa*__tb* walk
. — each
- ,b day to
to biok
roowurd to—daviaad day. of eojo; • *
loeevroal viUagro to Ptol
I a (
are! 1 waee'l tn-tuag tor a tot
-arooa ba* aatoorlty. for a P
■et rotoB tow* wboM diadprot aro
ter I ooeld bare aerrlred it if then
ro* of the brlgbreet 1
.weed to Barry rod to Bko a tow to
hadn't t*eea aavthlng"
the tod haatore ui to* a
"Only If* aiccr to have *orot
; eobalt to the ^0 10 tol^tob^^
thing." Polly vetaraed qaiakiy. "Be maal Uve be*a tbiagalo eajuy by Ih* haeeyal eaeamafed.



11 you ».«thinking ol buying anything in thi! »ny ol

do not fait to look over our large line- of handsome articfei. We also cany a fioe stock of W.ATCWtS.
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC Specuck Fitting a
spedalty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work .done.

J. IT. MoAJEiimirEK:

If >-ou want to paint a houke. one gallon of mir paint
wiU cover soosq. ft., two coats on ordinary surface. If
you want to paint a bam. we have good pbint at 50c per
gallon. Come in and s«e it. You can paint your bugg>'
with our bugg>‘ paint not to exceed 75c and the job
will please you.' Smalt cans of paint to paint chain,
tables, settees, bedsteads, or any domestic article, alwaj-s on band. Our boiled and raw oils are pure and
no higher in price than the adulterated. \ arhtsbes of
all kinds, from half-pints to any amount. Brushes of
sizes and prices. Don't hesitate to givx us a visit.






‘PS r.;S "L" i

» - “™-' * "



, a pMure draw; la IBM aad

itoer. J T
aboav bat 1 sr.*-of‘32X:i“i‘Y:
a* tlial novtfBtod far
I. HagtoUro rotriagee


s ?.r.r

I aad pablle fagUdlact




teaoUoe. Oato in tbn
tiro and akertUaMtOB

ly^aj^B^Mi^ ««#lg|a from

Bd b.-re are three leiter., all for
rou. -' Polly a bappy voice raa ua
-Uldo'c 1 aav eometbiac woBid
Hoje Ijiok.-d bark. ealliBf lii her
haari abe knew ibai aomecbuif Oeiivr
leMer* had (wme lo her.
•r that a w
and 1


Tiaretie City, Mich.


rallWBT- immad tteoairti
_________ oo Uw 3mi day 0# bid way
boma tro^ DednlL Te a re|w*v« tor
tbeOaaena Kewa. la
*e tba
qatwnro aakowbatbac itWrotnaktel
Ua Ui(*i«aB Laabm arooolaliea tad
JBM advanoed (be |aloa af all petaeitwi viadn 10 to Si iwr erot baeaaae od

wbo allll ooold rove

[ Dp -IhrMUgh Ibe
b*- Sortheni ek.r'
lUCied •i-m.
*oee mon- tbe eali
If allr could >(
bet ll
uate of Ih.- ew
Here ill. re wsa 00 eia», only .eod
ufldt-r Ilie eodti-a* Iffocre.lim of ibe
New Phone ue. piimi. uulr. dav after dar aofl. fraa
K. *.M.BIPc1i.
ruil |.r..rie. limt wearied b.T will
li.eir accbaoituiR
-KikI.iiuK for your life l«'l tUi
luce bit. If (leopb ouly Roew it:
l.-lter *o mam y«
til*. Iianteet work lii ib<- world, .
liei uaine truip I
one lone. .Iiwooraihd.iitvd.- abe mid We oouM itt in't V,-. Polly.- '
Blake. Coul
Polly-. lac. badrwaebt tbe tadiai

treating disease* of the eye, the meIMmKV TO LOAN

Hope, lylap twek
rlaaeed op tbe road, par et> die hill
dwooold eeetbeli tie lOlllDc black

w. Ibe road that Ibe letiro wpi
leliDi; la ihoae barL toHroaie old
adi took CD roddeulyawana aaO
“®* a-fool

U» mo.1 iu.j»mo< nMnWt oi .bv




ai7 Front awMt

,v .W.-



«; g> isn. B. iro*

iwlr,».i,.d.d II




....n-W l,,fWTivT.iaJ.
Ih.t •>.
•fwiikl ital U^.1*.*." »r«i^


alariy. 1 ihoonht maybe abe tmd a
U oal la Ibe wortd t^wuete, or
Muketbl^g like-that. Bdi. Hoi*-, wbol
o eaiipnae - 8b. bkao'l a relaitvy
> world ekoepl Ibe daaghler *he
_ with an.l the daukblei'a ebjIreo' Mr llleki-«y. be ->e0 I».1
naater nioe yeaia.and •be'i e-rer bad
letirr luall that time
Vet aOlI
d.a k.«|» wachiBd lot noe. Il aeeai*
pinfol. .lotau-i il Mr Blake roy. lot*
>f |M>plr come Italway. tlwj aeen
m Utnk ^■eeaaee Tgh.x pe.*ple pel let
bev will. too. aomeitae:.
(Wife al all H«l tliey'.r


way. it waro'l all bard!'
for govetslag bead, wtaro 4mv H to
Hope midevetood Ih* m'»
10 ro* tool tb* BOB behave tboaroive*
IbiB white ton*! clOtod
Chief Surgeon H«a*. 'of -4i*n*rBi aad w paatoh itaro if tboy banagtoro.
BOW. plro*>." liop^
: Cli.Se*'*
*(*ff at Maoila. in a report Bimlteat* tbe-Panloaare- to Ugrollv.'
aronnd the brow;
. . ,
. who atoo racogate too aaprePolly'* eye*
kaew that U
aia.buuKel laiuiae. ' lem.*;.,..., «...
Hofe- uniled Bp into bar
••I'd tathm ]BH bavevoa talk. "*l.e
Iroid^-Talk t^ ward.




PoUy. *yro *d IBM) view.
Polly drew a harooi
a hargiHar'
aide: lot a wbU* to*___________ _____
lag her tatod MBiaH th* era of the
ebair. aad lafilT geakiBg tb* tbla
I band* OB tbe afgtaa. XbeaihcelropI ed bw owe haato about bro kaaro aad
-Do TM taOT that old wwM that
: wto* tore* BilM to tbe MHidllti. alImoHcvwy (kay-th* iUtto. dried ap

Hop* gave Polly a lit- lk,iied. aad their Wood examtaod


___ I*?
• »*“««■»
tilag*^ g^.

polj tSl:ur7a*SSr' el57'.,e


•*., volU

■1 i hata-rtoelotot tdro.


wet* lotia/!to

taro*, have be. toroard for tot.

wkoplBBil IWIIBI; wb

L tot to be away fiM i



' lEiBblro toT^aTtod^tooUiito. Tt^» wtobia too tan yrog Itaro

.2-£:S‘£r»Ss; ^ Thro«i« fifty

Tto tariaatUnOwoU ttoaU of the tioo. Ttore U a totol rain to
High^wolef Atoptoamth. In
- will be gradaa. adnaaaa war* aada aa
tat anijm Id » few dM*.
daa aBBnlntaaaf BlK
•nmf an ^obaMr ■*«■*« thu jmi
tfeM mr MBm.DDd other Imw »1U
*0 look to their Uat«Ie.

i' rs-^cr-^-rLtrs'^p^^.^
toe for the teteo wfaleh le paid totef.
the iwiewi fwM for potototo etoee IMI
AvBit hare tohde tUe leetoa a rerttoUe KlMdlkr tar the tomtom who
■•rfMtIr be the mrj at

t of
m m prtoeipal of tl

Prof, a H.


inhale to the wwth of Hr. Bora aa a
. a^laraad npaUa laatometor.
< aaaaal raoepMaa Kirea ,Frida)' areoing te *e tollowt:
poaltiw io oae wkUh damade ealtaro, faaab aad ablUtr.
lUtr. aU of which aroalag to the teadiere of the Hlirfa
I bp tlie auaiben of liw Jaalor
He Ua
Ut. Harap
SMtor elatoM wee oee of ^
tatoManoteof the kiad lathe
------------------ jforaaahapoeilieaaa
lowUehhe haa boaa called, and the
SeeonI bellena that be wUl be (oUp
aqaal to U aad that ha wiU dlattoMadera Woodatn ball.ia which the
(alto hlaaeU la
to hlBaelf aad theae orer wlieai be reeeptlaa war bald, wae nrp prrntlp
Iht olaet
toell lwTft4diatte la the aollairo.
He liM beea a roaldtot of Ihli eltp oolon of the toolari aad }at>>>*r t"'
T of tab hall
anap paato. aad la aboreh aad
baag the flag of the toator olaat.
t he haabaaea badaraadaiawain
tioei worker. Hli afforto to laaeaad which waa raa to the top of the Kl«b
1 fiKitair. aadwhioh wae reto arorpthla* ha haa aaderlakaa hare
1. at the aad ^ a week bp takown the llairfeff.
With the Tranrae
ooe eoraei of the hall waa a
to hawerthp cd the
froa wbiob fralt laiDcb aad
aew itopoaelbUitp trtilah ha ia to aewafen
war* aerTi«d bp prrtip little
AU aoeta of Bwarp (aata wore ]
I after Haw •tor the iroc
TUa wat altooat erllrelp an immSalr. The drat bboW
mbU. Bod Boat of toeaa who ware to
Ito-gnllar dael br HIM Haade
hare part ou the proRraat ware Bhant.
Hlto Olara Raoer.
The BMettof waa bald to the parlort Attar thap l»d ri

atoatu eooora. the 1
haodril to each
ibtoet hadh
tod bp Bar. D. OeehUa. the preal
of the taaabara praaeot, aad one «
tolrodaaad; the Am aabtool that waa
of tba elaai of IWt. The
to ban bacapraatotad. "ThaTwebttolh Oaetoip Baatop BehooL" Baratal tfaoBghti Ob
fmaratod. attar which Mr. Obarlaa A.
Bkalciiar mb( a fanattfal k>1a with
Prof. Bpdar. trtoeipal of the High
a Otortoth
Otortotto Bala at the phtoo. Btoool. tod for hia nUaet. "What!
nUauber i ugraatlp cotoTOd bp nafrctotbe Boatraia." Tba u
Of hli lemrhe raa be Imagtoed bp
IBP caia who over attoodad a high
ww toU aa the aab>et that had bean atotol or taoffat to eo«. Tba aodleaco
llatowad with do tod of pleaaata
atoool aatbada,
TUe waa pattiel- vtol toe iwefiwar tod to atp of tor
lated to bp Bar. V. K. Wright. Ban. Ihtogi tliat be eoM toat be ii oel asp................. ........ i. Bop TbaapaOB. Bor.
•d etW
*. P. OUara aad
otdad to allow the oBtoart of the ai

ptooa. aad the ohair waa aatoeriard of "gaoaatrp at aba U reeliod.
Hra Oook tod for her aabject
which Bop Tboaipato la toalram
‘Bwaaga Tbtog* to Koea 4" aod Iw' otoola.
toa aha tod eoaoladail It wae arldenl
Bar. ■. Howard Btowa, who
ttotktotod aeea aaaop Ullage that
to tore daUTvad the addma cd toe
Maiaellp ia
rdloarp la
araatog oa “OaAalte Alot to Taaohto«" WM aat priiiit.
Bto aUroaa
FioL Etaaaciek'e nbieet
■ap be girto at toe ae» eoaraatlto
Hp Fim
CspartoDoe Id Trar
of toe aaaaetotloBmCltp." Whto tl It know that he
airtnd bara, an eatire ttraagrr.
o'eloek in tto aoratng. the natore of
HaSala HUl'i Wild Weal, ltd bP 0»L Ue noarke ean be toogtoed. a
aat hard te tea wlir the asilleno*
W. r. Oedp hlaealf. wUl UiU taaaoa,
aad for toe Am ttoa to Iti bletorp, amiedaload.
■Botot Qatar Tlaaalatiooi” wa
■aka a ooraplato Mar of Uia AiaeciaaB
eahjm giraa to Mia Boaldls who
ae totto.
Bto garr aonw
to weak; froa too ZtolUi Oltp to the
pin af tba wap to triileta High Bobool
hottii to tlia Qalf of Hazieo a

TtiU Utoartrp wUl tok

the tarrltorp wbaia lla wild
are laid, aad far Mot aattar brtog to
toaaotodlpUlBatrmtodto atlier |mti
af Uia worlA A trip to the FaeiAe
aeaat Itaa bog beao oooMBf
how Uuu Hmn. Oedp and
hate aeadadad to go
toU fall toap tort delarmtoad to pap
( tolau
tolate of ra^aol to Amrica
. aad wUl. aa i

« In Olaaete’
wae tto aablael of Hlee BlidiardaoB.
tilt eeotral ftotoia of her impreaplB
batog the uraaios of Ua apper toll
bp a Aeroa neaaa. to rcoeaa tto uaeli
or froto wbldi mrage rreatore oot a
tto High aobeol hope aran to hie eea
aad threw bit book at tto animaL
Aaetber toeidnl neotioaad bp her
waa eoa to whieb a pa|dl. la rt|dr to
qaectien ragaidlag tl;r Hayraltaa
Lande atotad that tliap had roennllp
Madlaae Bqaan Oardao to Uwntp
- hmt of Uw MatrapoUe. aad tiiaa az- baas aanand to tto Ualtod Btataa bet
WMI at toe irtoolpal t»ihta oalp. Itora wat acmqBaatloe regarding
The dap aad data htrawtU to dalp
Flepd Bnefa. tto
tto elaaa, had to toll -Hew I gat op
Wbll^ the te.
the faataiat wlilrii ton for paoM Ofaaataup Malta'
wna totemUng. It did not help
■Bdt flie Wold Wm UmouM. are rathen krbo do DOC like to -gtiod■taad. iBDlBdtog Uia baching 1
atberoegh knewlMlge efttoir tabwhoa eewbopB. Marlcaaa. Ra
nnaradi. todlaat, U.B. AitUtopand
Tto entire cTcatog waeooaof tto
oanlrp. Bedoato Aiaba. Boath Amr.
inat plaaania, and aU wan aerTp
kaa gnaehaa. and Johnnp Bahv to
romrkabla fcata wiUi rlAa and ahot- wboD the boor com fn the portp to

C nwa wrui oe to l<


poaluee bp Bex. Dan. F. Bradlap
ofOtand Raptoa. who waa laeantlp
deeaed {aaaidtal af tba eoUeca. aad
will pmeh bU faiaweU aaraMB. u
Uraad Baptde Santop.
Bxar rinee hie alaetiao to tba praaidaaoe. Dr. Bradlap haa deaWad Mr.
Horn to acorpt Ible poietloa. bet nntU
a few da:^> ago toa totter woeid aat
oeoiou to do an.
to U owieiiiarad for tba paaltiaa. Or.
Bradlap teat won! to J. H. T. Mato,
aoltog pmldail of U.e eoU««e and
eaalnaiD of the ncfllle.i to a
a mao far the plaee. aad Mt. Hn

Tba atoadile of taacbrci for tto naaiag pear to the dip aobooU wae
aad paeard ^ tto toard of
rdaeatlce Thnradap.
>e ncant, bat )eel at the lari.
Bi Noalrfid from An of
• that bad beea- arceptod

aceapt poaltloae hne Then on to to ton new tobefan*
lie pear la tto gradaa, U addlitoe to
T. new eon alrcadp emidepad to

kaoD at hU aapaatm an^ 1
lara to tttto Chat lUe eemioa i
enjored tulip.
Mr. FainUld a
foralehed aom of Uie good ebaar.

and Bnglirli
Hiti Oraor Bngla. lauto
Min FoBDia U Yoang. BegUeli
Bn-r. Howard KI>Wt.blaurp aad

Harrp Dombrilla. cirtn


U. 0. Knnarich. phpaiee

Nothing new waa d
dapaflarDoo to the
John A. e
merdar of hie wife. Oeroaar Ohata oeactoDod hU toatiatoop of tto raeratog.
Thr eoait booae. to wUrii Uie asam-

Pn.f. W. F. Ken
arerp eeai and much of the Mandina
Tt«m bring oocnpii
Hlee Harriet J. Wood, eigblli
Or. Otoee gan aaoUiar deeeripCiaa
of the waande. and oh erom axamtoaMlri aaile K. lYeU. aenaUi
Uoo Mated that tto woende were andmiiallp not aU produced with tto
MW LaU Tripp. alMh grade
Stt W
Mr. Patefato aooghi
Hue Harp E. Orpeler. AfUi
to bring oat tto ftet Uml ehacTi
am of the ruraitun or Uie brohae
acaoep. foarth grade
gtoto aigfat lien paodacad tto aharp
Mia. ElU WilaoB. Uilid grad*
and Aatito nrfaaca
Un Jnnelto Bnilh. aroood
Bat Dr. t^toae waa poalctre Um It
grade ....................................................
wtmld not tore been potalble far Uie
Mtn Roee Bliadok. Am grade. .
an to ban InAtotod Uie tojenae
Hiae Jeoale Mannan. ktodecgaian her toad and Uuoal hereeU.
Bbr could not ton produced omra
HW Ckilinina O. Moon, o
ma oae of the traeCBna. arfil tto tolUTp to tto latpak wua carlnln to preLW KetUe E. Filfcise prtoelduoa almcat lattaat death.
pil. eighth and aeTctatb giadae At»
Or. Erana. who Wae railed on tto
aeaoep. aisth grade
peetmemm. dcaeribed tto woande
Mi« Benlu Wiloox. Aftb grade
from wUrii tto woomn had arldaotlp
Vareiicp. foortfa grade
died. Hit danriptioB did DM dKer
Faneir Taplor. third grade
that of Dr. Obaer.
Hite Maiue K. HlUn. ercoad
aquallp pocitlTe ttaal tto wwaa coald
grade................................................... «8JM
Hue Konlla Vogeltoag. Am
toTMir. He eaid that if ato Imd
grad..................................................... a
Irrd either of tto woande
Miae Nellie Xelaea.Kiodrrgartoo
on the brad which fractarud the ikaU.

1 cl Catraib with amtiaytit aad

}aat aa aeaarieto aa weald be Madliag a
Bnawtoo tto torpaa af Itia dmM tto pot to make it faoiL Tkne. ttoae gin tcBpcnrp
Ifa WM rablWMd to .Miew hen a
irikT^ttocaritia aad pranM of tto hrad aad the
btoBcfaial tnbraaoao AUwMuwitbm
_________________________Taking Bhutto Am ateptowarfa I

iJSJidid^iisiJk ***** “•


SS^ould para oC tEo^^tto aldn. are ^
Vton Dr. EVune waa ato«d hew [ prodndag iaAamraatioo aad cxccraive Aow of ra'acna. '
toog. in hu nidalui.ato wpmoa hod aoch cf whiA is otooriied iato-tto Ueol and threugb tha riirelatiaa
booedoad whea (to paMateriarawne: reaebn evrrppari of tbeepubaa. tavolTieg tto&oarach. KidncpiaadotMct
railed. hereplM tbotli might tove; p„ta of tto bodv. When tto diaeate amaiau tto dir form, tto hctaA
■ "«»»«* eicndinglp looL blinding toadactoa are trequenl. tto eve* red.
’• .w irlh Sill
toaring affected and a coBJtant ringing iu tto ear*. No reincdr that does
llmi <mth had erne
Ure polhitrd U«d coaTiuJ CaUrih. S. S. S. expeia Irora tto
*'l ...
_—_ rimlatioB all offensive matter, aad When rich, pore
W«»>d ia agmn^^conn^^^tlu^h tto^to^yjto
Asked It ha
I. tto doctor rvpIM. -Yra.! 'Sv 'SjV
KWTvaisnr 11.” Tiiecoan Merruled |
artivr.allttodii-..________ ,________________________ ,
the otd^toa of tbs auorm-r for ibe :
penr. and a pmaanent fbocougb cure 14 caceted.
to Itonnttoa
------------------------------ ------- .0. o 0 ttiuf m >...ctlv
Mood pctri&cr does not derange tto
faodM anpthiBg re thel js,„^handdi|

Unede Sam’s
Mail Service
ranainm phpiicu! and me«d
abaitp of a high degree to
wkbsand h» hard labor*. The
high teotiaa to u’bicb the
nervous iputetn is constamip
subjected, has a depressing ri<
iect. and soon headache, back­
ache, neuiulgia. thenmaiisni.
aciarica, etc., develop in severe
Such was the case of
hla3 Carrier S. F. Sweiolkn,
of Hunnrilk, Ala., he aapu


and rhnUrtrr.........................
Ire. Anna K. Oook. gtaatnar

--------ibedon (he woensn. Tto wii
ristod that oae of Hwni eould to 1____
bp falling sgstosi tbe divsser. iwi in
ilitp w<
woold follow Slid ihe otli______Jld not ________
ner. He raid either .
fractsres woalJ )«odi... _____________
oera sad tto r.nct«red lomi desth
Or. U. a tisreer. wire sauted Dr
iRniis Id the autopev- te.tiSed ash
:laltp s* Dr Emu
a gmt deal of interest
to (be
Itico o
of tb<- Maud slain-d
Inns ws* r4oalled
nnd tosnd'-d Um( tto wocndi looked

Pain Pills


CMato >• toh and rircogUi.*
•aid br oU B
Oa Mlaa M.mcit Ca, ElMiari. lad


ran *FRCinc co.. a

Kalsoruincs are temporart,
rot, rtib utf ami scale.


SM.\1,1. l*OX
he I'IcI' •

and otht-f tlm-asc |!im»» arc
nurturvJ and disi-aiK-a (lis'win-

sioo hetwnn the vitoea and Hr .
Psicbto relative 10 Ibe eiuilUmv and
tbe lacier argued thai llie hair sho(rn :
on the stick wua not like (hs( of U>*'
Mru Flora lake, who was on.*' woman, toing darker 1and tfal.-ker Dr ' S
be weraen who stteodid
"“ Evans peniMed (hni tlirv
-- bevertholea
slick wae to all prohnMiiv tire
beman Iwlng. hot
declaml thsi111 V
to delenuine p-siiivelv
tore anp natiratlon ihai lolnt.
Dr. Enn- bod
. -I..,

had not

inated ay wall jujicr.!
should lie UMti in renovatitig


and diMiil'cfTjng ait walls.

ABASn.NE COMPANV. CrAnd fUpkts. Mich. J


the slaiid

which w-

Commercial Printing

Ha dcaeribed bia eaU to tbe home
whan- tbe cragedp bod occureed.
eoDdltlcm in which be fonnd thi
Ibere. Uw bodp of tba dead woman
and tbe wesnde upon it. Tbeaa were
deaeribed mlnuieip aad
Tto three moet
deaeribad to aome delaiL There were
I bead that iwac
tratod the sraip Of the*.-, t



- leaar of the leant
>M to
:to mrive Ibe wounds other th
Che eaernou of forer be anottoi
I herself
All of the
ig to
t< Hargrnvi-s.

akult. eltiu-t of wUeli. Dr. Olinae toe-1
Otod. would have coneed inpesat uii-'
The third woond. and !
one rtot she witoea stated wontd |


nil Kinds

Berald 3ob Office


have eaawd mlmori toriani dmth.
the eruabliig and ruianre of tiu' larThis. Dr. Chane said, oonid dm
Mie coald not ton aria*a ahd rohaw been caused bp a fall, bat oould
wr, prlnc
eelnd enp more woande.
He eald
baw been cnose.1 bp riiskiog with Ito
-igfatb and aennlbVradn AtS itot tto injorp to the taipnz could
Mtae Nellie Lptle. tilth grada .
not buTc loeo caaaed bp a fall, bat
eeveinl objections on
Lre V. F. Uonter. Afth grade .
. bar* brae caaead bp a
(hs pari of the attoniep for tto de
cad the laraao-tthiUDb
(eose to thequeriloui asked bp ProsfoDrib grade
eeulor Pratt.
Rap. third grada.
to ialtup coald ban ban InAietod.
reiieslod lire sUcp of
Hlae Edith Holcomb laoeed
He raid Umi She weunde on tto head
lire unr-d.v as told (•• him bp Har­
an M> ltd apparcatiT bmi made bp a bludgrave*. At cue time Hargrave* (old
Hlee Mabel R IMp. Am grad* aSf ao
s that when be went 10 the
Mm Jea.1* itep. kindiritartoo
spue beoriug tbe 07 of bu
Him BUnbelli Vivlan.iingra.lad
> to etotod Uiat
wife, be loaud her Ivtog ou tbe floiw.
the wound* oo tto toad coald not
aad at another (im-- to raid (bat *h<nan baw ranaad bp Imken gUta.
her feat, lu oUuv potou U<e
Mia Aguea Baiea. priuolpU.
itoied that Uie neck Mowed erridanoe
siorp wae jast as lre>l town gives in
<-ightb aa.l toT.-oth gndea
of the mark of Anger nalle aad that
the Unrald. Hargraves eUdng (hot
Mlu Ada Bmltl., rizth grade
Um- eoti tmoee of Uie neck oootolnrd
afur regaining his (ee(. alter hu a(
Min Helito Kvane AfUi grade tn ac
o praveol Ills wife from snicldMm Amp Bnrr. foorih grade .
tog. be hail fallen in s At. nnd as eooo
Hite Iu*< OiBouc. third grade .
lag the neck.
ae be CMOvetad from tbit he bod sum
MIm Franc Uibaoa.eeooad gt^r
After the taetmoop of Dr. Bi
Mia Loot Fanning. Aral grade .
Dr. Oarnar took tto etond and
Jolin A. Uargnveo. ^ho is in jail
Mm Maad BalUbDip. klndargar(•aeUrallp tto raaa toatlraoup aa had
ehatgad with murdering hii wife.
qnlte cbaerfnl Fridsp. tire
Sheriff Oraptoa MMlAad
strain of bUesamination oono seriocs
Andiag of tile bludgron oorarwl with
a elmrge not affecting blm ontwskdlp
blood, bow tba hair oo the wrapen
Mm Bel Pioi
to anp eztest.allbuogh what bu meneomparad witt that of the dead
lal sBffering* mar tre none ran toll.
nan. and all three of tto pbpel
He epmit a falrlp goo.1 ntgfat
eiane agreed ttot In ttolr fodgMil ti
to the raarelng talked fnelp with wbioh tto worn
Ito slieriff. althongb md In n-latloo
BO had prohabtp baea
to tto crime.
Ke fnrtiier laacimoap wra takaa. It
Prerlonslp to had told tire sheriff
being DOW aU U fee both aldea. Tto
Ire eapectod to br de­
natare and acarcelp laundod for tto Frldar, Map t, to gire tto
tained natU afh't the toqceM. be did
IwbUc- car. Whmi tto rote oi tlic re­ Ogtuplmr Mlm Clan^ Uat to
expect to U told and charged
port of tto ooanittae oo tebeol. and eeiiba tto Matimoap for tiie elgnataru with murder.
haobm wae reached. Mr. Hopt wat of tto
him regurdof John A. Barlag tto epllepric Ata he U tvpcried to |
grant on the charge of tto
tore and Hargraves e aid that th. v|
hu wife began bofen Jadge
I ’
tiie cooncU teerat Tbaredap :
ad tire ftortff to not do aaptlitog with ' V
long befora the time fia tto
Inge and groonde Che taUewtog
blm to oaaa to had CM of tto Ato to I
Uea to begin, tbe room and the etaiia tbe jail, axsepi to ae.- Itot his bead
wm not faun la caae befell
Nmh . ,4
Orotral eebooL Uamp Onitle AM a
lagacMd bed
' etcep( to
Booth; Boardmaa annae. M. M. ibere of tbe andin
ijIewttoM»il Mcaraoff. Askedas
Keith. AW a mooU.: Oak Park. M.
to torw ofMD to bad eaeli Au. be
Heua.Aiaamoelb: Elmwood anane o-eleek bat it wna decided to amplop that calp ooea did two of ttom <
L. H. Torapklne A» pto moaUi.
Bargnvra daring tbe eooverration
loog aad ttraaom-work of taking the
id ite
Ite hU m
Bind wue net affeclad bp
toatlmoerp in cnlinarp Icog baaA
ai^v>e Am and that be did not '
delap. aad ft waa nrarle to^thlnk
o think that be was h

1 have sold one full car load this spring and have just received J
my SECOND car load. Keep up with the procession and


I have also just received another lot of those elegant


and haa alee takao work to the oni“
rmtlp. Mlea Yoang U a tote eaceaw'

Tlektbatg. and Prof.
BUotl tea midacilof Ullret. tracal eick amm.
Mtot Lptle bae ban traebiag av-1 ^
j Dr. Bradlap aad Mr. etmnUp at «-blir ClooA Mia Mae-1 iug.
Mata, hie elaetioe
ice bp the beard of raat Cltarleroie for lhr»e !
gaole brtog aeearad.
oa foor paanand Mm Fnantag lealee- ****
iawa eeUrito ie oaa of the Indtag
tto eeboele there HiaPtom-i^
ooUegto d that etato. bal« acmlitoka beat Ma_oakaa aad Mm Wll-1
ablp hug* than Olir«t.
Mr. Sara
will ton obarga of tto aaUra

Mr. H^’raalwMaa far tto
UMTMalp agent

to la laaaldad orhr bp Mapor Hatohln.
aambaref the mamtor«ratiaiaedfer
aorttoaf-toreftaat- After thto
Ir. Patoliln torilad tto mambeoand
itae to a little

er or hU amiaalntaaera aa to cetto room, tod anmad rrap aeracoacldcxlag the charge that

Dr. IVfce-e “

Tba Am wicaato plaeed im tto atoad
'Oa Mim. Slatner. tto Am oma to ria11 tbe Haignna boraa an tto raaraiag of the tragedp. She told the aterp

You Can
waier* but

aim aeterto tto hoaoe and raid that
bit wife waa dead, "Taa. ito ie drad.
and UmTe not the werM of it" She
alatod ttot Batgrana. after to had
ealM bar aad ato cam to tha hoaaa.
wae l.ring oa the eoaah ia tto aittlag
tametag apall.
crplng aad mcaaiag all^Up. bat attcrlag ao tataUlglUa worda
Dorlag tto mow anmlnartna of
tbia wllaom Bargrana gan tto oalp
decided Mow of faellag in tto
r'a asattiaattra
Whra Ito
of hU wifeweru bafaw* da­





You can >lufl

to a thin



ing him


can mjk.
lly mak

hungn. .<


Scott's EmulMon makoa tlni'


rre.- didn't
sti/ln t you
villi ?
thin b(*dy

Wvil It I'll i.

rn atlar *a Mgadp. aad to atatad
ia ilrad. aad Ctotalal tto u

tswhlah ktodaad waa
and ramad aat ia diM tto d



is a.slcq>—m

a sirik

It dix-Nn't trv to use it"' ^“-1

te am. .a. Aw-


stotiuil. : .

that (Jicsn’l make him iisi ii.



; k

make him drink.

Scott's limulNioit




Tto aeeatrd wilt not pet dtaeuee his
proapitoto nor anptblog to relatloo to
in etonn of Storlff Ofaandlar aad
Ito eriore. Ka will nos eveu rap anpOepatp Sheriff OrapMth and oeeam- thing abent the
toadte found
paaled bp hit attoniap. J. W. Pateh- witb blood stoto* ai«o
' of Satr clinging to I

Hpa of tto High actwol. hat I«*d ae-;
i-t giriinn
bn aoem
alalaal prtoelpal to ito_MU* t Wk : haie bfalacfaeTSikh eecm pecolier u
aebeelafor Arapeareandtian Olirel!
nuroo. thtobMay
hnderhee tmntt
1C* peculiar to »oem moat he ee
..utrdtuacBunlp^ecaa? Warn

alight ratoe to the
■toalM of the leaching
'^^b^mcrabtraaf ttobimid


eerrlee to tto aehaa toaelUthap
ttoa boa tba temn Okp O
itoliaUt Asad tor
wiU> the asaaptioe of tto
1 haUdligiorlto.
ganlng teat Ihaa NO. wfai
• waa raealnd aad
to that Agora
1 Uie grade toaeban
p beoD ragagoi far tto pnr there
token V ^ tto I
ban ntotal adroMB an

mu Soifkp will ataad behlad itorhila thBp Fentuea die oDBlhpaw will do BKwt of the tbrowtoe.
e ncaneua eoear. itota
with (toariaa Bonk to oeeapr the
atob hie totoc at Um Udm after he to- pnibabip be a farther torlag of at
I with t^Utlaa fm
froto rptUoDtl. Vle ladkewlU to»i AU a BodUi. whleb wUI
-el InomeoAf.fiO |wr ■oath for Ugfatingan.
bout dowB the ftfol kae. and ll.e reel
to digam tba Ughi
endee. aad Alt tor tto High rldrd with
wUI beatarly the »aae
ae tattrly. with tlooe Baifkx out in aehooL or a totol of Aa.M par atoath
tba I'oUr* telioob. a totol of AMA •
. tool armloa for I
&0 for the pear.



127 State StreeJ.

Iktauwl Import (tf Uxbeudtf

ttWM «r tl> • dir litniT. tMotid

Mttadtr eoucil n«iidv »8«it.rlTM


.^rtpert d Ih* libnrtaa ibom
Itet (h* dbllr arMpe d Inok* ciTM
Mt dmriajt UM Tf^r haa bt«u 110,
4u|tMl >cr uy $lar>* 4>y helag &|L
Tbr<Ully attaodunr In llM nadlac
te Um Him-

And Buy

Tta btwdol tr ..JM BUL7
sn; nfamcr. »>; aatw*. 41: imBy.
d€ul» tb* mu
__________ .
loyJdluM dwoU ilmn. « 10; •eUee*. Il»: mtaodlaMOU. IM:
--------------- «Mb« OJMXll
vte bar* MppocMd the IttinTT with

gj.'r__ ,


* "


An dn^pati. lec.


Biabard ^Uay. a
Whlk rtnalt hU I
of WUaai
y. aa awnw paMag U a
for it yak.

!> TinWa<hbotler.»5

8c '
taopbae growa to vaat laoportloae.
aaaoasoe Itel ibe dlaeaw U
drat la OeemaBy aad lalev la tfaU tnaeal. ooshat It with Perry Davu'
'pataklller. All bowel irooblaa. 1;

W *JS -

Uc bulaan the ]Bel
eulnl Ibe Beelwioo^Bl lo the hie-.;
way of
The Urlagtea Ooaaty AaaocdaUea :
Id aoy alocla year,
of Fanaan'elabi le taklag itapetel
bad tot*‘»et la U>e
beaa «Md gratUT- orgaalae the eooaty for mtal laU-{
TheI UaaU
Uaai. lobrla
to briag a tele-^
‘‘fiiwlBK *e y
r a. ponIhA. j
jU aaabrr

iSDl, tlie total
leted wa* 1a,KB. wliile duloc Ibe
d ibi' aaaiber waaST.Aofaet H. WiakleBaa of Riga, a
__________ je of oearly ™ i« oeat well to do Uxma. Iwe aoi baaa htmii
of S.K06 iiereeat haT* diawa
A total O'
fnUB ataoe Aivil lA Ua that '
boake fr«n> the
laoladlag »;
u wife to a hoepiml to i
city wboee po
Toledo aari neecr letOTBed borne. Tbe
oily 10,000.
fanily lean foal jday.



K,. Win™ b...!.™™.

I 2c fot good tite.1 gtaanr wadi Bases IV valne.

ea the poBto. aad the poBU gtowon .
a Mlohlgad asy a
Fire baadred
to their advaatage traat hU dlraetliB
The aew oee fer tlu poBto U toeoavert 11 lau aloobel and to aae the alin tbe beet growing
oobol to plaoe of gaailiae aad aaptha ■ boelacB. They onat fr— Kebraeka.
' a^ outer Bo­
tova The potato alcohol I
w taeoth>U.T»UM-eBIr.«



tor a pine Of white eonaoTtpeite valae.


diSc valae.



torAbagcCnrliaK Irae lOe raise.


for good rubber or Base BaJls, 10c valne.

. I 2iC> pair far «nrabeakyduUmi's Ribbed Heat
doable kaeee ISc vahK.
to chain of 4 of the tales Syto in ladieg
Beh. SSc valw.

to ia.bee fancy hat PmslUe valae.'


to> good Bdt Fia Ac vadae.

I 9c for a IH qt Milk Pail whh sniaer t-V lalae.
S4C for *>tot<:alvcnue.l wash Tab TV value.

a large (ue Bread Board weU .Vkr

I 7e' for «» nm goat bmeber Knifr SSc v^ae.

I 2C for 4 Urge liic'clolhef Basket SV value.

I 2C for a coMpktc haadlrvl N^t lAinp SSc

48c fo< (he IkiKeK tixe cloibct Rack 7Bc valne

of fim


isicb will luve iu etill.



eaywltn Bargaina.

Had blood aad tadigeatlan an dea.tly m.-aUe to good beallh.
Bardock |
Blood Bilton deatroye UwB.

ea-t fee ilie glory of li
tag pobUc oaor ll vroald jnv»bably lo •
KeofamiD Fiyfogle. a Soabld bbd \ |,anl work to get aoyoec to eet a. }a>wbo died a few d*y. ago. dag bU owa | uoe of U« pe*or to Ool.oetah t
grareaome lime ago
Ue isrclseed ,hlp, Liringlm coenty.
two elate vaulu, ooe for blBuelf and] j,rttr« Ime held bU Job eight y

■aalnUoa Af-'aebaol

baaa o)aa every week d
dehoS p. B. aad tbe-----------Iron I to 5 o-olook oo Baadaye
library darlan
~lw addlllocti tolbo"‘-----Ibeyear liave i.eorae>taled the iwroban
of aaambarof aew oeaea
ll baa
bees the alaiof the iraiteaa to luake
all aaoh addlOoaaof a oermaaeat ebar
—• «~1 >11 tbne porobaeee have
faudt already at Uie
dlspcml of tbe traetaee witbot
lad foe addltioBBl Bp|<eoprlaiioD
The laanaeeo Idoobc darte
,^bae eaabled --------------------- ------pl«a. • aaaibar of eete of tiBadrad aatbon that ware woeo onl, to have
OT 'irabeaad aad to earry oet. la

tits U to Mat all aeboel emeen iato
toneb wltb each otbar. la tbe .;OD*identlOB of aebool laoldest aad the
broader Idea, food arboole and eBl-1 b.. m>-eiit.-d oa a apeelaly dveirned placed Ibe vaalti tbmin. aad tbaa.
lent teaefare*.
jfraatle |«dMUL The las preeldent after fltttog oa tbe tope, filled la Uie
gtavee lo await the time Uiey ehoald
Tbe new towa of AUtos. eltoaled !lt re|sa*ame>l in the allitode in
He bIiO Ml hU own taen> the eootbern part of Iloncbton .wblob be etnod when lie delivered hu
nmeat some timr pnvioo. to hie
oouaty, ll latbe bran of wist u | law «peeeh the day prec-diu* bUaeirobablr tbe |ffeam»t game jvea>-rve'| eauiistlon
Aroand the baee of tbe
> npper peniaeala. Tba lawn le jeuiao will be grevni Hie followiag
litnated IB atlin from Abe Han elasi.. w-ird. of that epeMh which are immeit Kewaaoaw bay and ia only a I dlairlv reeslird ae ooe of bU etitef ot- biwUti' MulBrrOrv'. a*-^ (S'rdrr'l.e
ld/.o «iU .Je... wir* it BuewaM.'jir.*
lialf bont'i walk f'ros the wi«i braacb t.-raaree aad which
Ik" .III' piooV' llov. at .11
"Onr fBtare:|
the Btorgaon livrr mad IbeOltrr.
BoUi of Ibaee etreasB an well known
^ruaasl of tafiraaoe.
The meletd
BMde qalle ekteneive parolitaet toe and are ifat rasm of tbotuaade of peaoe, in eoaoord, not to etrife.
U likely that
thU dapartBeet dorlac tbe year. aaglen every eeaeon.
Claries Sleek.' proiei.'ior of t
Tbaae beokt are not iniended for
hnatlag aad flehing olqh will be ermaeeal dlMrlbotloa aa art tbe othie
: tb«|.
booka. bat for eaBOtlaaltoo and m1
ISoull. Africa. Hr. Svnokbammer will
•alMloa ia the llbeaiy roost
It It
lain, of liU faiber from the lati
iiaben. Tbe ragiou is an ainetive
the iBMIlOB to irorlde aside deak
gather ugviber tbe '
aad laUe least for Ihie panoea. aad
^ ae it eeuBlae deer aad fsrtridge
noBb.-r. Tbe
tUa will peeve aa attraoUri' and very
weight totvre.'D
I wae fooDd in Ibe of
valaaUe addition to U>e llteary. Tbe
Than are evldeaeai Uui tbe eauba wagm to whirh | poatide.
ihisniitanl will be ad<led to ae npld' lyaetha library fnade wiU warvaol UahiD.-nl of tbe beet eagar ladaetry in
la Ibe
wi»OBt detriment to tbe reel of tbe Hlehlgaa wiU toBall in
1 Ib.- .lead : Aet Vaar ItaeUr rer AIM'
Ubewof oertala eaMloae of




...w .h.. .1-

life may be aaarlfiord to a
lack ot etoo|i, if yoa dan'I
sarload of 90 oigane wet .billed
Thomas' E.'leetrio Ull on
the I'tongb & Warren Co. of, hand for tbe
Adrian to Texas U.t OcloUv
Timvelen throegb U.e obaniry di>eevenl moDtlie'
Bcarcli loeaicd. bui were Me badly' tHrta say that never before nave they
damaged to dUpoe.- of and were ship- eeeii eo mnay women al work in tbe
Vida Tbe diOtoalty of eeeariag farm

78 pieces all Silk TaffeU Ribbon. Nos. 9. 12. i6. 22. 40
and 60. any width, only.......................................................

Rsf B.dMwae.lfta.uWa

red and the hone ud wagim tak
« one aide of tbe lilglivray.

'Saturdav morninfl Ole Place on Sale
tbe Followina

At SUaoelooa fire broke oat to the
large store of Bceare Hoffman Saa
day aliernooiL
While the balldttig
wae {srtlally mvad llu Urge na
COod.:ie niaed



<‘>v ^ne gaan rhildrrs'c Veeit, laiger wace al
Uk, IV, ISC'and up fo tic.


43c *a<1 BRr fai,(;ood vixe Bread Boxes jxptaed.

’Bvcleetod colde Bake fat gtaveDr. Wood'e Norway Piae
or WilliaB-a exptoiiatlan of potato al- yaide."
eoliol provei ae vaoe-cf ol ae he bopai;
Ito-day mar eome wbeo every potato'

UlH Inae Loelae Uelty. conailtthe llbaary
i. aa ai“- aloaer of aobooU for KaJbaua oonaIT. atU
pcdfeottaf ao or-

Raaaian iBulgraala. During tbe past
lUptdi. aad DO otber oity of lU alae
U the Mate baa ai many library palroaa Ttavaeae Otty haa to a temarkaUa dttpea a leadiac pobUo. and ll 1<
load of .W arrired a day or ivro
tbe lamtim of tbe traiteer not only
h> wpply r^^yeln M^ieadbis. bol ago to Bagtoaw aad will settle to ReKarller la tbe week lie
SwTlo^nUt la dlreeting-----------------tar and1 Maeol
Mae of ihU nsdlas- While BuBlau. reaobed Raleiuaioo-lhle
nambar wae exrlaeiw of chUdren and
lialwaye 1
tbe UMatloo
tigs of tbe
tb inutaei to inpply otber rarmlirn of the family wbo are
not capable of worttor.
Tb<- Mateie made that Urge aamber. of
have alna.Iy eetiled
jKwaaal iaewsee in Ibe desaad for ble al Bay Oily. Oaro and other potou
where Ibe manafactaiv ot beel aagar
lias beoome aa ladosuy.
Hon an
expected to reaeh KaliimBxoo eoon.
wtlb Ibe beet work, la tl----------------The resdin^ row it^ne longw aa The expeiii
the RaiaUne vrlll bevratohe.! wllta to■rfChtSTbeelof magaalai-e aao
teieeu ll auy serve lo it
nat tiuniarv, and le well pal
tbe dlO«nlll.4 wbleh be
Tbe report of
re of beet eager in Hiobik dose ia the

For a goo.1 heavy 10 qt. Tia PaO.

Bgqtevot VilUaa Bay Ue ia hlMary

bM -'^ ■(•(•d luwit Is
mfyfaM b«B ■
nnacMbarar he • tirea osl <

wUboat ooet fraai Uie dcparturnu at


year boweb m oat of at^. Caaora Candy Cathartic wiD makd
tbcai act aatarally. Gcamac tableu
auxaped C C< C Never abld in

What yn M I

lb' M<^(|oa>1OT
ia tbe _

waeMirl. It

wbo>aa elaeced
Blties at lha leaest elaeMas. la asl.v
. age. Ba Ml hU falbWe
farm wbM IT] yean eU. aad tar two
yean atigagod ia MBfklag.
At |wn
aat teU a—Bhar
the Bm of Tbbsee A Co., groeiey. hear aad feed
The paegAe have east
aUHty to parfaem the
dsHea of faU o«ea naaaafally.

Musical Merebaodise,

Stun inSTH
Sheet Noslc. TtlkJnc
lUcblnes god Records.

129 Front St.

lory vrlih a«30 fiMght hill tacked : l>»'l‘ l«
railroad company then atlempled ..
to haal till- eluft avray. bnt were i»e- [•
venlnd by replevio.

3 No. 9316. Muslin Curtains, a bargain, only -



Nos. 9189 and 6240. Nottingham Curtains, a bargain.
only............ ...................................... ...................... ...........^I.Se
No. I 100, Bleached Oamask.^alue 76c to 80c. at only..A9o
I No. 270, Bleached Damask, value $ 1.25^. at only............. 98o
I No. 222. ^ine Huck Towels, value i2!^cto 15c. at only ■ - -lOo
New Lunci^ Cloths at

78o, OOo, 81.00,

I NewTray Cloths at........................ 2So,.38p, BOO,
i Children's White Dresses, ages 6 months to 14 years, >.
aso, SOo, 81.00,
88 OooH

I..n..b TMiua.
’ TnvMF I.vir. ... lb. ai. Omj .r Ai-mI
I ibr fW IB' thi«wwl uii, koMMl M
r. PTfOI. X.Sn A.
SwU' u
r.AaVr ■n.b'nwiw.eih'

"Baby” Bliaa, tbe buy eyellal of
abnormal weight, wbo baa riddeu
I lUy City a n-cklem driver nu
w Mdi'se’i^dlme ih.prtiti.ui.d.1; tmi
ihroagh ih<- etrovU of every eoaelder: tbe a year old eon of P. H.0 and otty to Hieiilgan. bee.
I irr... ud "U.r o( istd alMr
f whteU of the ekrrUee
re|«ned. be.-D take
-r the arms nad lejse of the ' “
g from a mild fcsai of dethe totltUtiOU Ml rrtllM.ud th.1 (hr Mr. .1 U» cl mid
mrnlU. Hr arrired at tbe
.-eueped with
.treighted with MO pounds
a. not ebon' toing
Ubn-.IB tk"<ir a! Tnrwa.Vl,, sad to..w
Fred1 fllmmonx. an T[sllaati liner«dv. IfM* tb.-r. W, vkr tb. vr\jm of Ik.
PT aMdd M M svnelM Aad I. u
isn. wbo he, been working at Fall

• •
-.iMUDuMg-Biv..t. fell from a *6 loot polv the

Hlehtgau faree anasaally well In
Ibe pablie talldlnge oninibvu bill,
a deBalte
new peateneea being prorided for i)x
STtw- They w
_________M the eoanoll on tbte different olite. at a total ooet of f»B..
the near fattin.
Nime of tbeae itanii an likely
of tbe
> doclDg the to be dUtnrbad to the houe.- ae tbe
Uhraiy and reading n
bill will probably be panrd iulaot on
Tuvwday. tboagh then- i. likely to be
other day and after tarsing twu
1 poUuy of tbe oooacil 111 ^
doilBg tb. naat
eltlee wbieh drew ihr prUee an:
waalaai srge that thli inlloy be ooaFlint, leo.OOO; Battle Creek, gsn,. Miuanly that be i
• tlaaad. Tbe ftae. t^ go/or Ubn^
He wae b^ly thak.
___ _________ __________ , and aseertain 000; Hnakegim geU IIO.OOO; Uwoaeo.
ism of nvaana Tbr asoant for n- lU.OOO: Adrian; >40,000. and Onnd
bi.AtB|r aad nplaolDd won oal booti
le heavy.and vAll avenge pfOO a year. Raidde. MO.OOO.
It Will ooel at leait «I0D b rear u
At TpstlanU nevrrbae IMaiaoelved
the reading room. Ibe olbof tbe maxTlage of Him Lorena Old­
M lalwnllBnirmt expeneea fwill bring
field. a former normal oo-ed. to O.
W. dolawn, a wralthy Ameriean of
Hollo. Puiay tolaad. ot the PhUl|
ptoea. Him Oldfields gr
Boatb pat into------ —vbomlbenonnal.laet Ji
___ _______
bat dl.OOO
to Oetobar sailed for tb.- PhiUrptoee;

eagege to toaohiagl't^

............................... ig of t
for three yMra Al Iloilo, a pity oT >
I and for otber neeeaaBry ex- W.OOO. to whldi the wae aaeigned. sbe
oa A kn ram thaa tbU. the met Hr. Salmas, a New Jersey maa.
roaU lataifere eertoae' wbs hoc Bade bU fortsse os tbe lilty Wi* the work of tbe Uhnry. ThU
aade. aad late to February they were
nnaliT*------ «>>• peymeal from tbe
Tbcbride vrritee to ber girl
IIiiiiHi-- taad of tbe oily of the
»T. tbe tent of Wu Maadeat tbe uormal that she U tbr
aad. Ibe }aalMt-e Bletrese of a btsolUsI hose.with ua• Dowealuadla
U do ber elightesi bid­
tlw Ubaary faad wiU
i b
U bereqalred
ding. She will relato ber eehool pooltlos natll Jaue, to the Baaatiiue be­
fart a bm
Ki needed
beaded general
giarral ealalogi
eaulegac ing Bkea to and from tlw eehool '.;u a
Ibe Umry new being prepAaed.
oantagv ditns by liveried
rba report of the muter,
mutec»^ refer.
mfere u>



I .WU;. t> made

wruag. euTOMc. Nil J ! tb. korinr iW-d.

ceaaas a eu|u U

TALK IS cheap!


Go (Uilbclttlo ^ ntwStm

rrs .tZr,?ars, i:

. Wants are as carefully looked after here as the men's—No department,
of our store is belter patronized than Children's Department. This is
because we handle only the best and at prices barely above what it^ fre*
quently asked for -shoddy.” Pine lines Linen Crash and Duck Suita
for little fellows.

1—'Yi^u have been told how some of our competitors boy.aod how they will save you R'
moncy.\ We will only say we sell both DEALERS and JOBBERS, which Places Us 5^
■V Positif^ to Buy-Rikht. and untU further notice we will sell all kinds nf

"Mlf Bhtne*'


the —lest loa* la tbe death of Urt.
M. S. Baofc.wbo wee pecallarly Sued

Two eUldrea, aged four and five,
rere lost Holiday to the pine woods
neat OUdetooe and batted tbe efforie
of eearrhtog partiea uutll 10 o'rlObk
at nlgbt, wbea they were found
asleep to lome nadetbrnsh. Tbey were |
not wnnaly oUd sad a Bight epaal out |
of dears to tbU eearos migbl hare rcaslled fatally.
. i
000 for tbr ereoOoo efa.fras pablie
Fostlae expeete ta have S.0QD peopU I
llkcaiy balldtog. prvtvideil tbe ooaaotl
Jaae 10,
and It. tbe
will anaage for tbr p^meat of tr.oou
per year foe tbe rending espeosee ol ecoaeloa being the aduual encamp- '■
the Utomry, aad Ihal a ealtable site mmt of llu Hlehlgaa U. A. K.whirh 1
be rareUbed.
U to be held bere. Tbe headqusrten |
It U tbe earoeel bore of tbe trurteee
St Ibe
tbe Uotol
Hotel Holgre.
Holm, and Ibe
' u *e eouMtl wUl U aids to aeeepl wilt be at
e easdltioaa Tbe addiUosal ooet prtaeipal ereal will be tbe campfire
OB the eveatog of the mii. At thu a
_e great beseflu lo be derived,
Dumtar of aoted eiMktn will be
tbe trueteei believe IhM tbe

HioBld avail lleeU of tbe
tO BOcireM valaabU aa *l^lilaB ib irf tbr local poet, U teoeivtog appiioator tieoe from pv^dr wbodeelrv to enter.
lla publir bitldlM sudi^de
Bin tlu eeldlen al tbe esoaBtaeov
Tbe IsUtI
Ixcae will
Clfsr •’hlU' rk«kr> seed-wra Us. .hr k"i-> ;

mmb^U^b^ t^^TtsOadU.
K work., bn ^oOfal
_H lofty IdtoU Tbe vatsbey on ibe
heard wae filled by Uie appolatmeai
sf Hrs KUa W. Petty wbo fetoe to
tlu repsrk
Tbe report oeseladea vrlth a refer-




3.00,3.U, 4.00

Carriages, Harness and Farming impiements

aettoa ot the eouaeil looking to
^ art thri tbey Jill gladly eur

We have no TR.ASH nor CHEAP JOHNS, We are HERE with tbe GOODS.
Odrstock is LARGE ENOUGH and prices LOW ENOUGH to satisfy tbe most
careful and conservalh-e buyer.

Tbe traek— mm mseai tbe ;
ear la amoA d«plle tors to tbe



5.0040 71*04

Voung meti'
This means “boys" who wear looif pants—from 15 to ao years of afO^’'
“Boys" are paiticnlar at.tbb ase. and we have been partifolar in oBr
u—Newest of everything in style and c^or^Five doUart to
twdve doUars—Every -boy” should lee then when a need efaaaiL

kr-.r M -

UUium for Ibe ei7 during Uuenre.
I appesded to
___ ___________ ____________tool Ibe total

JS AtanaEBesessm

Q. E. & F. P. BOUGHEY,
C>r. Gus aad State Sts.
TravemCtty, Web.

Tbe Odest EzetB^e CtnUce asd Ig^kaeit teakrs |
Ui tbe (^asd tniTene R^ka. Alwbjs 1

Hamilton Clotbinfl go. 1

2M Front Street

Craverse fOtg, mch.


1 pl^aiaa. and aU Avmt had a

Lion WCoflfee

DaHaiaai ^
„_daurta wara aMd aad trhaa tba
bkiek. hu ntUMd f«i« iraaau deparMd Ibay inatated Hra
Ta*. wb«" h» ^rahMTd a rarraw trhb a naabar of iMBdaaaa
eaaau aa MkaaM of Ibalr aad
vliau «MS*B

Oloto sun ta tiw


Thtnvam of

iMt* UM «r AT r«oa*. eiotoiB,.

MU Of U«
will ba ipaaad ta a fa* dara
A my plaaunt tenwatl par
M « Ow eowiMJ HaidiT awliw »•
Atm Hooday aaenli« at tba b
TrtTf'Ml'rJ'W TIut aho* *■ *••*«
wtat hM bM« MMBplbM Aartac -•----------IT lb. naa>albal. and both Hr.. J. M. Ufrht la bomroi
Chimola Vadu^_____________
U» nal T«ar and tbc ooadlticB ^
ata bay daMtH
tiMae totvtMU A (UaUaa. Tba
■toek M •>» pabUe.
Ulrra-— *o« vhat hai baa
Oaorar W. Uidla baa poabaaad tba
ItalaU CMa- Huttac.
nocUd ot tka oltT'i faadi and tb*
flat iroB atepad A«aa A property boTba OUak'a Dal«B bald aa asaual.
lIT___________k- ikkM >1
iwmi BlAiib itraet aad luka araaoa
iy plaauDt Uutoa Moaday araalot la
diwraa Tb. n-nlbi are plaaalaf
(bair laaeUoo Bear Iba Bidbtb
Maual If DO. .jatu all tan»«a Thar lUuiaoabalL Tbora wmta lotfa at atroM brldaa, and irill renora hla poladlsM tba ciarolaa of eaia and food lUidaDea, aad aftar tba laitiatlaa A
at Haran rkoalleat proarau
}odx»eDtoalba part oMba oOelale
_ a.T Hot
tba paanat oaeapaat A
deBBd wbUa il.era ara few pobUo Im- *aataad«aad. Aftar tba pro«tau
“alike wmladwallla* hoaae oo ttat lot..
ItoaBOtbarpUoa- Tba boaae no
asoepi water wctba aitNuloo. » li
■ 'eepiad by Hr. Herrlaon will ba radawn that arhat ha. baea ai1«tdad ha.
aorad to anolber lot. aad Hr. lurdla
at arery BMetlr« aad it la hoped that
baca ipMil trtaaly.
Tba ooodltloo of tba ba daisrtauai la the DMT foiara A1 A ilia alerka A bia prawDi warabooaa, aolarAoc
a. repeated by Obtaf John KaanU U IbU rtty wUl wm the aav botwu A opacity by abeo. 8.000 boabela. pat.Mat riattlyinc.
Oar dra fltbOoc flu whieb bare beta adopted UiA.t.
UoKlna fallteMaaiant^anaUTa(arllitlaa are anujAooaUy |Aod for a
A umr bU.k
I tor Tba addition aad otbat l»i»o».of the
' ' city of tbii ataa. aad the
fiatarday aTeolac abertly Alar : aaau to the batldloc will eeal al
dapartsaal derta( the yaat rear
o’A^^ba bM AHr. abd Hrallaaat
Tba lot la
baan aBaetlre to a tataarkahla dafi
waa Btehlb i«aat. lU width rarylBKfnu.
Tba addltiona ta tba departneut aukt
ICH ta 18 feat.
damped by Bra. The
U attU oi»a effaotlra end foralofa an
Hr. Lardla-a t
ttertad from Ilia eblu>t of whieb Ibaclty
loeatad <a> lead taaaad froa tba
, nay. aad waa eoolrolled will, bol
' iy tael pnad.
Para Harqoatla railroad, and IM haa
Tlia raport of tba library traataea la allAit daaaapa.
Hr. Olookat. who la A adroaead baaa pivan nwlca to tOBOra bit waraKino almoal eonplata Ih aaelbar part
ari. waa alaaplac la Ite booaa wboa boon within 80 daya The Pt-ra Marofthiilaaa. . Tba datail will ba eary
AaBra atartad. aad bad U bm b>'«e qaelia ofllclalt will baUd on tlia land
ialmtiiNC to tbapatroha of tha libraMTly by Hr. Vblu. Mr. aew ooeapiad by Hr. Lardia’a waraIT.
Tba iseraaaaof
boaaahnd lying belweea tbit boildio*
aftba Ubrary i
if tba oily aitrrlL It abewa ttaai
tbaBoaibarer raadlbc paopla la laeraaalaf aaeh yaar aod that oar
pla ara larfaly of tba
aad iBUUaetaal Aaaa Tba aiBOOBl
aspMdad laat yaar aod tba food la■alu Mtalaad ahow tlia '
of larpar aod mora doora
> Aodrav
im. Tba p
OaiBtvie to »l»t tb» o“r«
balldlBi: la tloMly. aod a llbrarr
boUdlBC with Mill fartbar iba
(aeillttra asd largar qaastlty of hooka
Mid aaal wllb tba apftaer '
t ba Ami Um
Tba tfiiurt of lha board of pablle
imprebaDalra and tbovi
wtaU haa baaa aoeoatplltbai
IM the yaar. It abotn that tba
tb board
la ooupeaed A uan wlieaa parpote ia
to urea tte taxpayan to Iba liaA A
Mr ability.
Tte raport A tte obtA A pAloa
proraa that tha dlnottea A tfaatdapartuael te la good bateU. Tbaeora
. with wfalafa tba paaaa A tha Aty it
leaked Aier la
aaay ba ufely aaoertad M BO
the alaie A tbb tiu ea« Hiow fewer
arraauaail lau dlaorder tban.tbte.
TbU ttudiUon la dna tolba atrlA
» aad good iDdguBBl
Aaad by tte ehief of poUoe aod bia

tte oaa daaA»« aoil aateial (mid
oblldtaa aad great graadeblldraa, aba
Uaaaa two aou. one In Solon nad one
in Ohloago.
Bor foaerA wai bald from tba
baua A bar tengblor aaor Otawn
Monday. A 10 e'eloek^' Tba
waa In Uakwead oauitary.
Hbar W. B. Aaduacai had Autge A

Edward. Kiat A EacUad; Alphuau lUaf A Spate;

____ wliat tl« fnU Aana of ilia rail
road ABeiali are oaanM badi-BalUlj
ataUd. tel Hr. Lardle waa aaaarad bj
Hr. Agtww lliat the anUre apaor freu
the laeaant tialgbl da|Mt to Oaaa
•treat. Ueladlag (oa IW fo
enpled by Mr. Lardle and « faai be­
tween Ilia teildiog anil (be tnuaen.
daiKit. woold be need for tlia new
ftaigbl depot, nnd Hr. Agnaw alalad
that toe rood woold imi op a atraolara
targe anough ao that Ha oaimily
would nolteaalo be Insnaaad “till
iGabriel blowa bit bom." The iuwill eoai aararal


KBUa br P. M. TiaU.
ed daring tee tlaoal y.«r fnel oloeing.
and iDcideDeUy to give the oommieIraBeyuoarwaa klUadHaodvA.
elon ao 0|>pi>itunii.r to exidain Intelll• bylbegnnlly
wby a aiew mi A pnmpa with
boBBd train U tba oroulBg in front
nclty tlnn.lho.
A the OvA Wood Olab Oo'a 0000.
A eary ulld eaae of aR.iUiMx liat
ae will anon lie needed.
BlabMd ema ertuhad ao badly that deTalopa.1 in tba family A Obarlea
The meeting WA eoeoeei
ba oaly Itrad a abo^ time Alar be Oarlaad on Iba {laBlaiula. asd tbited baaa teken U hla boua. Ha eer- oeighbon an toaiawhat
a after U>a
bae teere been to moAi reloabb
aoAdant oeearred. aad It
lAormatlon nnd Ugbl Uirowa apoe
tatl from tte drat that Ua Abum
wara aluoat BoUUag.
Hkwi to mraat ti.a ^raad A tba dU- tte WAklngx ot tbe departnmit Uiaa

Ha waa tokea te tea lawa ta front
A tte OvA Wood Dlte Oo'a ottea.
aad Dr. BoUtday
teoad ttel
bai tee
tba lovrar }aw h
1 badly Al tte left A
aavan Maadlag bom tee oMate,
aanaadteraA ladkatad lalortaa A
tea bau A tea brain aod uoda Say
uoor'a ateau A llrlag
few boBiB at tea mcMaXt
AU waa dona fw biu oa teeepA
thA eoAd ba done, aad ttea he
takaa 10 hb boow at tte eenit
Oaloa and Blxteentb etnota. vrfaue
hb foully iMd abaady been praparad
fA bb arrlvoL
vrtileb tirae
tea aortebooBd Pete
iaat poUllif onl.
It eonld ba hare
goiag foot. It
uepped within la length aftualrU
lag tea wagon drlran by Bayuanr. tea
book A tee roar ooaAi eloppiag by tea
Ada A tee ahauarad wagon.
DaoMted arai aboat U yaan A
Be 1mm a wife, nee adolt ten
is tee iniillpplBee sad ana 1
I Bovrard. tea BAOdI may
. writer, b I
ill in
B FioDoe.
Hr. Howard ipaA
oartrA anBUBenban in Hu mlddb
*(Qaaadwm A hb bAt wtirk waa
dane darlag the qabt A them Oiasd
Ttarme eotlnga
Bronaon Howard
and tb.- lab. Horgaa Bataa, wluwa
daotb ooenrrad ben lael vristar. wen
warn panonal trtaub-aad baqoMt
•Bd tee otaaiaeu* A tbeb Utarary
Worfc.ilrfW teea eloaaly u«eth«. m
bote looked forward with pleMon
Mr bbbbA DwaHaga A Tave.
terra b litUa hope A Hr. Howard'

teb eld.
A BUlinga
Haigtau. axpooUag
Tolopricaad poadbly aufca
mar boma hera Ba atiU owi
AteaiBotHeat bay

Ooe A tba teiaga that baa eonaad
tea nalghbora aaxiaty la tee faat that
tea boy who bat brokaa oat with tbr
a. waa oat to a nueert on)}
teort Haw bAora tha erafoion appaa
ad. It ia oA thooght, bowam, that
otbui taklBg Ite dlaaoaa.
It 11 DA oartAa whan tba di
oa oontraelad. tet thetelter A tee
boy raoinlly ratanad from a lambar
Mup. it b Aid. and tte diaeaee may
teve baaa oairled la teal way. Tbe
U a rery mild one. and no
one alam la fall

iben cf tbe oUn A 180d A
tee High Sohool ten anaag.-d the
delAb tA ea otebtic meet, o|ieo
otadeaUA tee Blgh Srbool. whteb
will take piece Friday
fv tea bmafll A tee High Sobool aabobL Ab axeaUeet program A ath.
tatle arainU boa beeo onongad. and
tte aamber A eatriaa alnady paeora.
dsa eoataau la arery arent.
Tte |B««tam laeladu tte fellow
iagr lb yard daab. no yard daah. but
two la teraa. taeally
lamp, ataoding brad
loiap.raiiDliig high]Bmp.raBaiagbap)«b ranU
tema who wiU eompaia
wiu te Ed Beyer. Obnd Carter,
er. AmU
Ladarb, Bomb BeyDolda. Rerray
ndonoa aad orer a toora A otfarra
la additioB to tba ragolar athh-iic
naiU. team will'ba a baaa baU
Awatn tea laniA elaia aad tba feealty, and trill be a .great drawlDg
Ko one oaa aSerd to niiu thia
Bald tey who 1. A all iotereated

thia gaUiernlg.
Chairman Milliken hnd aenl ont inTitaiicmi to the ABcinla to Inageot ter
WAka nod 10 en^y a litib lonebeoD.
The laiiolioou develepwl into a apleo-


FitforaayU^StfAyoo. NA gjaaad with aay
cbeqt. Boaiooa ceofiac; aercr aold te balk.


Hr. and Hra Bebm Btealff and |
two teUdian A Eupba. weta ban to­
day aor«nae A Data wham Ihey j
dll Mka teab bama
Uaa B. Fiaaay. a mlaliiB axpart of <
bteMte. WA la Iba city tbiarday te j
Tbit bit brateA and te eootA with |
tte Gold Kaef Mining Ga on baalneu :
la enaaaetiA with tte nlm whioi. ie
being <^ad op in tea DAthern pen.

wfaot vraa to follow A
teongb none the leu lupottAtAtAtalnmrui.
Tte mens wa nieole aerred ia tbe
nmmnorteAteepnmproom. white
WA pmltlly decoralnl with fbga Ad
hnatiag fA the crasloa. BspAisundeot Joynl vta aetlva iu Ite laepaiBtlA of tee feast, which
teal he knows pretty Bear A mate
abontbreillag bteftuak too fOpA
lorti A be Jdm abonl tee propA UAwhid. to
water to Ite potmlaea
Tte mana wa a follows;



CUMrcB's aad Toiac



I Before ixm boj die bbjat joung m^bixqriag
Albt, call kikl <A Ar
tiiK-k in tbew<A.W ami


vrr have ever xhown.
.An immcn>€; variqlv—
all Braudes.

Well please jou ai|.
? sai e i <w iiiiKH-v licsj.les.

4Sc aid apwaris.


W. C Kalann and wife a

BoyValtAA Fife Late b ta the
IMBie neoauary loadd foa itetelara. i A.y fA a Tbit A a few daya
It U rotluaW that a l-uilUoa •alloa
Dapaiy Feed InipaetA Gan M.
Dane A KorthpAt wa In the rliy
nqoin fA anay yi
Be uye thA ter rapmse
We an aow pamptag aboot
. deebieo 00 tlie oleo coIa qsAone aad ena -telf milUooa g^<
wlll be tended down by AXI
r aad tbe i«u]a bare a MinAty A
0 aad on».half aHUioo gallona MdI
Hr. aad Hra J. A. f
immia is aw have beeo aaad tamily A Ordu apeol Buday in tea
many yearn and an maeb more ax- eityArteur
WUlaA H^OUy wa tea
l«Daive U nk than woAd be laab
AMhwndanad. Aa tee Al
BUI A friaade u teUAty yealenb.T.
l«n»i ai
in abe teedemaad fA vnu
aad tA
Geo. ClauaBI of MapU Oily, la ia
> it U wiu te I
>WB today.
imnide nmia A n auximnm Aianl
A. E. BalliagA Wa at ter WUHag
lyof a. bAt iooi millioe gnllAU.
from Hapb City.
.Aenew pnu|dnf«oiBl
Mba CBpiloU VbAa IAi llib mon-1
br teOM laaaaal Ad
log OB tlie U. B. at hy way A:
maiwr trill no dooM reoelve favAHaekiAWfA BTeiati. WaIi., where;
ebb oonaidaraUA when nSbially
110 baeoma tee bride A lUrry
plMrd brfon tea eooseil.
ll ie mtlEnt.
mated that the pomp la viaw i
Hra Gao. F. HartlB left oo tee A a
aboat <14.000. white with 1
m. Prre UaniMtIr bmlu fA Volmy.
additooa A aqalpownl i
Allad team ^ tlie eerloA UrkneA A
liA futer.
CblA EugiaeA 3. 3. Habtell A tea
lam In a eoadJllnn to Ual many yaare
IL A H. E. b la tha ei(y today.
permit A^mon ao.
Jarry BelllTaa aod wife A CadA

UVvo 2... lu.l xU.nt l.\KKVrmMl m
n... C ,U' I.INK-all ihe nol.l.i. cHcte ai
llixt eil! mlt-io’ '"u. Sec our lint>
u. S.-i. an.l .-ilV .

See our Men's $5. $8. $ iO and $ 12 Suits.
ReltaMe IM7 Coadt. arret
asd jCMUsc Boom.


am A tee «*bUlng.
PetAWoixbarg faAiataniad from
Weel Men. lad.. Ad Loobville.
propA »te|»Danng hie ramarkt Hr. MilUl
viewed the work of tee comi
daring Hie year ud auird that Ihinge
ba<l been duoe white would te done
diffetentlT If tbey had to te dom Ota
He uid teat miataku had
teen made, bnt that in Tbw A tee
oondiHont at tee time they coald
■ooroely te aroidte.
Tbe oommuhe Aid. bA Dried lo prufll by
A AbA elltee. Ad if
hare been 1
of Ite ami of tin
He Aidabo
ttel which V
tte. tee iMord bad proklad hy Um
■gained ainee the pbnl <
eauUiabed ud teal a non perfeot

Olr LaraA Of Batloaa Bay. «»> »
tee Aty lodayHra John F.OU. Hra A. H. Hollitey. Hra. Hauael Oarlaud and Hra

Wc an........ .

ea the atramA lIliiiAa
wlum they will te gaeau A a t.onA
imrty lo b.' giTrn by Hra Otl'e mote-


JusI infi.r l i I '; •


Ik Io»

iiiaiiiiU. lun-r-' jifH rv.


Inin I'k-i'., »•

• t.»«

■kn .An-llrnl 1*1!. -Un.K ii" n 1. h;.;h. inn Iw-i'n- ~ ir
;;lev-n m l.Uic ciianu-l..................................................................
ItcaiUifnl all Ihas-Itcl.. a-H>« .<> .

Hra Mary BlaylA. who Imt ajienl
Hie winter ia COliforab wllb Ur and
Hra William Bleania. hu }eet mlaraed liomr today. ■•BTing apAtaerry

If Jon ug III niv>l »1 a

ill '

• ..


• 10.00


I'll, lai'ii"! uininl .•


pUaraot winurHra Iriali Ad Hba HadAi liare
eyaieu b
leluned from a two wreki' alay io
Ixurd Inmobu norefamilUr with tbr
Mt. Olemana
A. F. Buling
The Tiuiora Inapeciad tlia worti
U >B the city today from Empire.
and eTerytblng vta found to ea
J. A. BaI (ume np from GiAd
.lA.'Ad tee
Brel nie— Ohbi
Rapide yerinday aad today wmt ott
be.vud erltiriam. Befom leaelng the
My frail irere are DOW mady for
Keah ia wAta to look after Ite
Tlriture wem giTen a exhibitiA A
work at Hie reeofl fA the epAlng A
tbe praoeuof opeiatiag the dm alarm,
Gea Holr-.fte-l teni.wmi oi^SUrkri
whieb vraa eery IntAuHiig. I

2te RRON-r s'TMCK'r.

Tbr vraa TOy iaterutlaf
All Hir iaformattA imparted A vAoe
E. A. Fialur A IInlAlotei n vraa in
PrA. 3. B. itmwrier, ot thr
lo eTAj oBclA preernL
The r
town loday a bneiDcaa
deportmral of tlir Unlroraily.
will bi- a BK>m IbAoagb aadAb
Dr. Wood, farmoriy A tebclty.
dresei-d a open letter lo the elti;
ing of tee oondltloea earroAdlng
bam fA tee
“.1 ‘


trlmiDlBga whioh waa hugely enjoyed
Ad admirably pmpaiad tee gaeau fA

AftA the «PPA WA dbpoeed A
Ur. HlUkeo UatMl to tbr eempAy
t Jmolwnghi it a good thing
tbe ofiebb A tea city to get a
Hiordogb .iaeikbl into wlut tee i
to mpon -tliA roehl
led thrtegh a cosaal nodlng
be gained
of tbe report L Uie nMeliag A tbe
Be telietoil that A aote a
gathering muc-b mor<' TolAUe bfAmatton oteM'b' gained Ad qnaetiona
Atwrred in n manner to give
mgh imiigb. into whn. bnd bu
Ad whai.U eoctemplated.
Hr. HilUkA prodaood
impAlA 1^ ooumbaioa. vrhlch will
be i«
Tbe r<-perl cbowa wbat hA
eertav Knot*. ,
ben expeoded during tiu year, what
Hr. opd Hra Ed Seymaor A EAt
mama turn bera bid aad oteer imElglite etmet. wem pUasAtly ear
MoDdny. wlirn
IncidAlA te tee miorl Hr. HlUiA tealr frimdi oOlad upon Ibam.
kPD rxiilalDed luAy thlngi blereUrvAlag WA apAt la pbybg piw
9 tbM; meeut Ad dmir OABgmulTa pedro:—«M jglaea being
larisAi be.Treea tbe wort A tbr ayaavrnrded lo AAlaa DIa aad Mr*. Otln thb dty Ad b ottex mtba
inoriiailT Ealaiiuaiw
O Ad loBelug.
wbioh Al i
l wUUDg tew
rf ter water temM ahowa ttet tee in|tter.
Hr and Hra Seyaum
OAt Ot immi-ing ia teit Aty
eriTed mAy bAutiful pteaAU. Tbom
was gmaiA teA b
at wan Hr. Ad Hra Hoses DeawoaicT. Hr. Ad Ura J. H. HoeU- tbr taken vmUly baa teas teowlv
tte gmater rerAae gained b.EabmAUU Hr. aad Hra FrAk Bate.
aad tee tni that them it a
Hr. and Hra Alex BeymAr. Hn
if water u thu city whleL boa
Hike Tebo. Hr. Ad Hra 9birby
. Wu aeeonnted lor. exsepi
Hlaea HAty Oeaombr. Jehauie OH
elirba. Tteodoea Dion. Abtba Dia.
lu bu remarl. Hr. UillbA
BAweea Jaeqnea Esther Dmaa.-«a
1 Uiw the aaumat imm|xl dolly
dbDeeaa. Agara BeymAr. Bell Oeat
a ym
aoembr. Aaaa OagDa. ElU GUchrlM.
AUmogfa abAt ItO mkire teee
Has WatBoo. Baaab Ooban. Baui.
HoOillb. Hra A. Q.^ubnoa. Hra teA addA. abowing ttel a tetter ^
teubteiagaaDtUbbedGUtefbt. Hn. A. a HeOiUb
ns exidalaed teat tee amanat A
r iwniwd b teb
Abeol U A ter frtaDda ]
dalIgbHat aoiii^ a Hra Baa.

Tte uAI poote oV tea »
imia was etobo at Oxford TnoodayrvoeM, an U Work A teo oaw,bte aa
re taosd a Ana Tte ouu' *" A ter birthday •

Lion, King of Coffoos,

(Nul U and. aod Mr. HilUkaa ataud that It waa mI.t a qaaetloo A bet a abart Hue whao eoA
aandhara. Ba aipaA that it
r ifaan wood, wfaiab la ta­
la |Aea aa tha aap|ily daOul tea baaa trinl to tbau
wltii aaeem.
Tba lelBoltA taiOe dlaoauad
tbauattarA i«u|a.
Hr. HilUfcea
teliarad that tba qaaailon It A faHnoa todauaadooaaldu.
atioB at a Tory aaBy day. aaii weald

A nnubar of the naldenta on Boat
Blgblb itraal do dM feel overly
Tbt- foUowlog Hat A Jnror. wan Aaaaed with the idea A the looation
drawaTaetday by SbariB Obandlar.
Ur. Lardie-a warabouae oo Btgfatb
OooBty Clerk WAtar and Jnatloaa
etreet A apor vrlU be balll from the
Bobart Baney and Oaergr W. Our Per.. Hanioeue iraokato .hr waii'i.ouw, an.l .he proiMrty owuAa toe in
Will (bwaad KebMB
tee change Uie oUlmoW rlMlng up of
Oily, Piral ward.
lake oveiioe.
John UolMi and J. 3. Sugg; aaoced
ward. W. a. Oaaaetl and A. II Hill
tr: TblA ward, Arthar OaaprM aad
OaearSimpaoB; Funrtb ward. Jamea
Borden aa.1 A. A. Oaupball; Kiftb and ma.TA eleol vrere the gooeU
ward. O. L. Oteppu and W. HBmlth; Union. Oeotga D. 1*010000: worke idaiil Toewby.
The gothJotinO. U-lb-r: Blair, Rolierl
wu eoBAirad fa lha* poipoar
TteTia; Bate Bay. Albert Ooenada; of allowlog a mioole iupAlioa A
Fife teke. 3. R Looeki; Oarflald. F.
wAke plan, aod lb opera
3. Stover; Grant. William BobertanB; Hoa.
Graan Laka.
relalive to wlia. bae b

He. Sayuonr waa amAoyad for
few daya by Alax HelMghlin. wbe
waa iBjored Thoraday aftanuon. Ha
eraaBotea ttepvreU A the OrA
WBOdOtahOo. AoU. Ba wBi dnrlagoaou tte mek from tba wulb
wtew tte train atmek -hiu.
horua ted faU enatad tte baA^ aad
tea damp aart ttel Saytnoar waa drlrtag wot oiaan aerou tte tetU whaa
waa ItatowB lata tba air. aod brokaa
loeaa fr«u tea bonaa. ana A whioh
had a 1« brokaa aad ted to te teot
Bayowai waa atroek to tte baaul aad



Hra moakal waa calUait s( the boBM aad tba praaan. freight daiot. a large
(ralgfat depot tliat
A bu teaffaer.
wlU ba apemiaamt aOwetora for tha.
Hra. Aaaa Stnliai. taia A tba oldaA
Aoaaui ot thU ragloo. died Sataraay
atteraooaA tba boBU A bar daathtar. Hn. Jaeob Brakall at Silear
Loka. A Ad age. lacblog oaly foer
daya A baiag M yaata old BaAdaa^



rrvMmit>y •itMXffo.
Rev. Hogh Koaaody left for Petoakey today tohAd a meetiag tAlgfat
A the dletriu Kpworth Leagae aUDet ta artaage a prtotram for aaaoal
babeld W Korthport
Jap 80. <1 Ad e.
^B. R
R. DAlny retsraeil 10 Bmplm
Joseph Uambe waI te Manlatte a
bnsiaeu teb moraing.
ObA Bchnmaoter.carpAlA at Foreat -Ledge. rotniDed last olgtal from
Detroit, wbam hr vraa eoUad by tea
ineav A a mlatiea
C. W. Wharieek ntiimger A the CiibAi- Talapbaoa Ca WAtta Bapid
City A huabna today.
Hr. aad Mra Augnal BaomA wai
to Copembh A a riait tbU motalsg.
rran aetuidw * Ownnl
Ralph Casa Ad J. O,- Croaar A
Kittgaley worn lu U.e eity a
B. J. HorgA ratorard today from
OTAd Raidda Ad rramnt.
Fred 3 BeAtUi retoread today
from aeraxal weeks absaDoe dorlag
otbli-bbe vblted .Veel BedA. lite.
Ad LeubnUe. Be.
Grorge MyamA Cedar b>n
It te SattoM Boy

*. Jahtoat wA« wowwM tb. II
ben teb marniag.
Ha j. V. UiUlkA WAt to Korte-'
pan teb iflaraoon.
Frank BamUlA


peo|.le mfraiii from ntbg m
• “Alopo'" be bnugh.
“Let ut tak.- ite boll by tbr
^ emartblng d.
to Ohlrago ]

.Shiwttt Hartb Brown A Leload b
in town toiby.
HriLFrank K. Painr left teb morn­
ing lor a mAth-a Tbit with friAda
OrAd Baplda Ad UrsATlIle. -


Thie raport lemaoa upon WAnaaAV of aaoh WAk. Tha HaralO te not
onolAe fcM- changae in prlAO.

EDBOK Talking HaolitDee. moold-



z. r. FAftaaks b at Bxraey Ab
AtnouX 123 OSS iueex. wttb
EdlpM 8^y pttiDP «d Iran ireav

Wall Paper
Paper Hanging
Newest Styles.
Best Worit.

Hra C. E HahA A EU
res ai Pate Pboe Mtey.
E. Baomer <mmt erar laday
Hra Battb Hewated A Orbit
b Iba city today a boaiaaia
Jams Hartela. fiamAly A tUa
mty. was down «
AaaU HertiagBr woe b tee eity yaa-

.Ml colors of rcady-mldif fdt and cloth shades
always in slock. Our
nia.te-lo-order curtain
c|ianment it in the K.indt of exi>(*rts. Shades
for 1:

Ml PiPtf DtPUimi
I lerc is where the bulk of the Wall Paper busi­
ness of the county lakes place. A reason fur
il. to be
nr of the Hitch
will do well to
quality anil low prices

m DtPitintiu.This part of our business is now combined in
our retcular book and stationery store. If it's
I Hshes you want here is an eluant chance,
bverp piece of our earthenware is ituaranteed
not to craze, check or crackle in the stazinR.

For Job Work of all Kinils Call at tbe Herald Ofllce'

245 Front St.

SHiaUtittfU alMMm.
OaMt-WhAL 88 aad88U:

HimCapiMUTaderwtIl Itee.
morrow for ETerott. Wa^. whem she
lo beAme the bride A Barry KaL
omerl.T of tbb eity.
Hra Barhert MAti«ne taA m
ad frvA a Tbit to the waot. 8te
awae Itae with her MlMr. Hra
PloCB Beck WAt to BAinaa


aroteadiaa for aab by 3. W Clifl
» Ftai atiAl. UarkhA. Block.

The Famous

nfto OaHoii
WAtar K. Kelby
bat Bight.
Dr. J. A. Bayda aod taaHly wlU
apAd Sanday wlte the tamlUai A
RApb Casa a* 3. O. Ci

...ii[E BiQ mm MiiiES...


*. T4>4;



It is a mistake to think
that Ceresota is expensive
because it costs more than
ordinary floni^tbe quality
of bread aod extra number
of loaves more than account
for tbe diSereoce io price.

The foremost shoe for men!
<H>d, by PINCREE H SkirTK)

SJ=SE>"5tUrra. tnr^cn,.

7lf ru%v styUs are nov> in!

. . .CaHr«brbmur.



The Hew 9^.ihatityiedayAterwi






Ttmr Titaliii, a yaDM mb at U
tbto of tbe principal BbBrtbBte. b aaSBrtec tfaB a wrata 'IBenfMetnekiBtbeDewBTlaca bonk
Jai7;naaUlBK troB the kick of
thlaapcta. Tfanrawanaoj.^
fatatfal tta
boat. Ba waaplewtac at bb boBo fanrabeld a lanttnc anddMaoalba
A. T.
tBtbetaa raadaaran Bilaaraiitof pooBda. orAOnid-dbaabeulABaM^ 'it Pm
tbe dty arban ooo of tbo la(a beBoa FHednob. Ctales WilbelB and a
taaa waa aboat i
laainnnd Tbay wtU pa* the baild- Tbe armaca tab
«.<e tba
eaBla,ta Ibaaotaate- paid
J?. w
wbea tb* bom kteked. tb« hoof Mrlk- >« operatioaa ai Bpldly aa peaaifalo.
a aboat «.m.7S.
! Mta^^B&al BfaSwaa Mda aa
oipitti. . . $100^ laf Ifaa yosaf bu ^unlr 1b tb* It ta beta faddad tn mfimUm the
hat iwDwetka tat Mda an > wall aa orer aad l^^d aoeb la
vm'twj tadljr eat Dew bask at |80.<l00.
- )• ■
brai«d.bBt viU net be ba«l{ ditibaa otlelcy tala.
M of Uiia. bet tba i
ealaa Far tba weak aodlop
bottlaa tn^ OkB*nleod
tfsnd. U U tbomhl. oaaledlAprU II tb. rraelta for wdcUac Uc aadSJ.OO at BB-Walt ft faa. and
A bojr aboat Sec
M.d0 and for the waak eodlac Jaa O. JabaaiM.
AprU Id. S».4k________ .
Hueri (tariud.
mtt7. CM l«n Headar
ita Odw bat haaa a
a aaatlBC to ba brld aooa Ifaa
ao aaa7
9 »er cm alltwcd m Tine Deporio. boaaaa ia tba elrr tbat ba eooldBol
Trame Oity Board of Ttade wiU be Tbaaoeial xirB Taaaday by tba lacr lalBid. OblppoBa eoBDly. f7
S yaan. bat Doaar MlU laaiWDak ta
taeeiRlae hla faosia. tteoab be «aa orKOBiaed petBaDeoUy eod anlted
enreabatitliadaperehMia Be vaTc
. and tbe Snlchta
cfal act U bU oapaolty aa at
la^bere. U tba aDApy t ^ Itief Pytfalaa. wbo wore tbe |
Obiad of Prilea Baauia
flaallr fooad tba bej'a
befa la infnaed inBlatrra.had no and of a rood Uae.
bona and t«atoa«d Ub fo bu varauu.
Traverae City Bay ! a dna prociaiB oeraidad tbe ftrat part
wbo wan nakliic tbiam lUalr tn expect wTrtbor Bbatantial derelep-1 |he ;meta- Tbe.jra|ntB waa aa H. U. Aaartn. adrll war
of Wiatbtwar. tad., wrilea
afaolt aMnh fee blm.
withlB the DCZt year or two |follow.:
wife waa dek a lone lisu-la apHe
Tba jooftaa of tbe UtarazT SoclM? Haniatee baa a Board of Trade wbtob Toal aele—XiB Hasda B
reoesUy added tfane ealaalde in- rioUa eolo-Uoyd BeBaa.
Of St. reaaela ebonb. vhleh aboald
Maodolla daat-Xlaa Xaada CoBphare bMoHoodar atchb waa poatpooed deatriea TbU dty neTcr taker
with SaaMea asd wlU not ia
nd ViB OUiB Bataar.
aaUi aaxt Uemiv araalac. owiac to
DUtar d
.K.' & Bolley.
«bo veto to taka
j Jaa. O. JobBaan'B draft atocaa.
Veekl tolo-Bart BiBBOodt
part la tbe }ic«|tiBB. TboM t>wot
After tba pretRaa delidou refreeh-'
felt (bat ihtT needed aoma eoeaeUBDUwore aarrad. Than followed a
tian far baiait appetTed of tbe aeae•Urbtfal dasoa. to aade Inratabad.
tac-a iroiRBia. ao they roted to bdymn to Jaofcaoo'a toe eteam milwa
and enjoy e«aa tea cnan at Waxof tbe abaoat memben.

Trarasc Herald.





b baa been caU-

Ofanriee A

-Om. TaaiiB.

beea thiplac fontaao for t. K.
Olbba * Sou, by tbe eertoaa iUaen of
bi« little daoctatar. one and a half
yeata eld.vbo laa been aolferlac frum
viioopliic eeach and laiauBoaa. Up
to Tbanday It na tboafbt that abe
oilfffal DM Roorai^l ibaUBOwlai.
peoTiacaadllUfi^vlU aooo l>wallacala. Br. Edyoeoab ha« tba
wbooptne ooBtb hlmaelf now.

Circulation this week 2,475.

J. W. HartbM baa aBetad bla btfok
yatda and la maktac aboot «0,0C0
Tbe bOBd waa died Honday fee the
Bio of real eoBle la the Mtler of tbe
oaBte of Alpbonea aDd Obariea Aiek

eladoD laae adc^>lod tbe offlclal botmof thr order. TbU Ua baltoo
vttb a atar Is tba motet, tbe worda
Betall OlMfci' Gatos" aboat the
order and tba leten "A. C. I. P.
L" bettraan the poiola of (be atar.
Bnry aslso dark baa tsit battoe. or
if a lady tba Baa dealxe ii fi^iibed
OB a pin. Union men bb look for tbe
batton and viil not Deed to nak for


Work on Ford. Uatnar'a now brick
bBlldinc « Union atreet vill ba
Tbe bnildtss will
isooat. Ibeboildlac now oeenplod br E. K. UoUo will
ba Bored to ibe lot eoaib of tba old
Oatler balldinit. wbare Hr. Uoblo
will catrry oa bU pbotoarapblor boxl.
rw for a while. Tbe tmildiait parMeed by Hr. Hoblo, edjoinisft tbe
lUbela blook.aadoceapied brOoBpDr. U. J. KBaaland boa nealrad
al'a aeoaod liasd atora. will nwBln
lo at the Pan Ab- where it ia for a abort tine.

A aattlace llMoae vaa (tiaatad Taeaday to Oeorce Haleta XsOoBba and
Mtt. Mnir Spoor, both of Oimnl t
A Mfrl^ Ueaoaa waa lanad Bcniday nfatnooD to WilUna A. Mayera
and HlB Horn Stbal Bhialor of Oedar

W. H. Crowell hat teeeoUy abi|>pad
to hU too Arthar. of JraaiSBe. U.. a
forty bone powA boiln aad eaciaa
lo ba need far ntnainf their irrlxaiinR
Th^ ban a tea ioofa well
two baodred and alrty feat deep Tlia
waU rlao to within
The raitalar uMetlng of tba
«MBaa-a (Vaaiary Improratatait aa- eiahtera feat of the antfaec. Tbe
power ia appilnl to tba pamp.
wbloli Ihrowa oat a ten loch atraam.
the rate of oea bondred barreli a
Tbar will Irncate aboat
Sixty Ban are at work on the extraof rice thU amaon.
dan Dl tba H. ft N. E. from Oedar l<
aariona danfor U aaid to threntan
Boadbed hM baae lai^
tar allot BBdtninawm be rannlnc tba ^>ple bode, many of them haUv
ad wiUi eoontleaa liny Rnan
wUeh It allowed to lire will
Pl«f. a Q. Bnikbead of Obarlotte. np all Dm Ufa from Ibaas Z. a
anka hat Mal>mplea to the Ar-

Third pipaBon—Frank Zealiik.
Foorth pipeoM-Artbar Taxta.

a Oo. aadl
^tfae workof panlBit ibalrwirtiBB pitidipCdplUL
jdarfroond wiU probably ba*is rarly
!sext week. There i. esoofb of the


Uaioo atreeta and oo Union atioet ha-!
---------'tween Bay nod Sarrath. It U tba Inpar SarlDCS Department
:toaticn to paab the work ax n]ddly
a. poatibla. and to cel it all oat of
J. »k»w
” "Ja? **'*“•* '
' tlir way in Una for tba
TfaMns partefj
Si. FrmoeU ehorcb Vedoaaday
Father Bxnar i<erfarme.l tbe oenBOny tba work will be oo Unto, dreec and |
that nailed is marTiaffe Hr. Ofaarlaa a form of a. la«i » nra w.U bapl.; ftJS.'tiSrSSiSSi’S
weed MW.
Webber of Hilwankae. formarly of work early next
Tbi. Bora of tlm telpobooc oospaey^ hMilpStlaB UMUU.nfT M* a
tbit city, aad Miaa Ohriatina HoDon., ,■ ,
. ,
aid of tbia city. Tba earenotiy wma U maatioft With tbe haartlaat appra.
perfoTBed at 7 o'clock wl* bifth cUttenoa the part of tbe people of ,
P. ntv. te l (b^ur.
maaa. to the ixeaeooa of a larpr eon. tbe city. Ordiaarlly eomimnlaa of , tb'Auw;
posy of tba frienda and telatiraa of IhU kind do not pollliclr wirea oot of I
11 a. iteJi
tba oonUBcttsft lartite. PaUr He- the war anleaa they are oompalled to. j
Donald. a of ibe bride, wa.
beet mas. nsd Hie. Bnjan Bordmax ;
waa lirideeinaiA
Tbe bride we^’ a haadeoine ftews :
of blae fonlard tilk. trinmed with '
white, aad a wblla Int. Tba btidra. !
maid waa daintily Bowoed' is Usbi
After the marriafv. a deUdooa wed-;
dlnx breakfaat wna Mrred at the hotne
of Uoftl. UcDooald, a brother of the '
^80. and the hapjiy bride nod proon I
itaOK A FKW liAVS n are r(v
departed 00 the H. ft N. K. nats for
Hilwankee. where they will make I
P ing to xUughtet prices on
their home.
Camera line. If >-ou intenJ to buy
-Howd ofTiMe.X Camera this scaaon sow is the
at a meetiar Tneeday
time to buy.
miltee reoeally appointed

Dr. Tietor H. Btnrm of St. Doata amay. b. fa
Ho.. hM pBreliaaad 8|wiBC Beaoh
Tbe lad wm
tal aad ta raaaard It the Otand
rM foond i
awploy of Job*
Trararae Baaltfa mort Tlw raaort it
la tor Iba pM aiz yean, baa no- belnR r^red aad Htaed with tin' aeareho
era! eloot \ . .
ad a podaon with tba'
beoRbi ef"tfae llaaaab ft aftanaoD aal rvenii^ bat to
LayHxnaatile Ua T
fret. Aootta ohlM 'vwax lost, aad
for hay fever
from many of the Mporti wAx foaad to re: of Jaae lo tbe tret of Se|k «»«°H1B. '
tber. aDd all tbe year ax a barpltal.
Paha tact, while at work at tba
Plae ttoeori l<rapmx.
Oral Wood Slab Oo Hoeday cat bU An- open <0 sll Benfaenof tba intaatlaiiOr. H. P. Harley, whom Dr. BtaTBi
Juliet T. Haaaa^ J3aoree W. BaS.
(MOD a knot BW ao bully aa it
- aBlBle the aapoiatioa of tlia forafta- ta ksowa xinoa tba forBcr'x boy-, Oharlet H. Beerx. Ubariaa Proefaax(B at tbe rixbl iBod at lb- bat Joint. bood. will be tlie pbyxlelaa in efaarga fca, Jr.. Bid SxDinel Oarlaud tar
Tba walk wax deae by Dri. QaaBllatt Ehtaoaivr faafldlnR lm{«evvBentx eloaed tbe deal wiU Peter H.-lafoitb
are plabbhl for aeat year, laalodtaR by wniefa they hraoma tbe owbms et
aa araotta of BBBamat ooUaRaa.
oae-ef tbr tattbii pieeex of nwori
Tfaara waa a brief fanaial sarvioe
Cfarp take, adjoiniac Ibe
•wd BbMm la Uiaaa Tvavwe*.
faaU at Ifaa lata boat of lia SayBoar,
While tblx te^ baa for ymrt beeo crouds of thr Oiifiaal 8ia. wblcb arv
wfae waa UUad HomUy. at 8 dO Wadaaad^ BOfalas aad the naaiaa wem known aa oaa of the beat lOMlIrira lo Jaat Borth of tbe Octooary Clab
ba takaa to Wexford, fala old faoBa. Ifaa Ualted Statee for lalainR aaed taaads.
paM and baana, ta Ibe bin itrd
; boDiaa. BO apacial attempt bM been
made to talar other aaeda Uxai
O. Ia Oeallar. wbo hM
li ebarnaf tbe Il u Ibe InteDtloa of the Dew ownla the OfaDB TiBraree era of thU proi'erfy to Bake of It
of tbeiretrieri qwtr
Ba|rtiB.M weUM ia ■
la this pari of tba stale. Tlie wort
otilir state, for tfaa Jar
liead Oa'of Detroit, pen
D latter- are aaorlac latamere to deveto ta
te the Mai stare forBerly Deeapied by
lac It all ooe pretty park. Tfala fall
Kia. Flaea. aad Bm HeHaona Is »■ 0. D. Belksbeek of Korth Hlltoe a Joint barn may be bail!, or all
paperiBR and Saiablnc tba alere la tbe : planted fire aeraa. ud from tbaB be baUdiac opriutoas say be poatpooed
BoBar baildlaf fotacrly oorapud by
aaad wblob heearriad in
irfagbiw ncoa, law taleh G. B
wa«oo leoil to the point of dalle- la time te tbe aaBBM mnaao nasi
talapiDBBe ft Oa wiUatwa
ary. TvoelTiac for tbr aiacle load yeau. faoworer. it ia inaaodad to bare
CUlSa HaDty Baaol of BU Baplds rottacM for roefa of tbe five owsen of
daeoud tea aOM to imdithae law the taxi|iexty. a joiai ban will be
year' aad tfala
cixiaae aooa Hr. Oeallar U ao woU a*, ud a Jodat cotiac haosr. wbor
. ama aad wile wiU be employed to
ore for aU tfae boildiacs ud Kiw
, a»d to are to tfaa eookta 4or aU five
klaa af aoental vnnetlox. b
•fXfao'famiUaa, so that wfaee May co
VUIfaa r. ud AfBM teltb. J. and and bMoa. ud fat baa alrvady iw utteuoatta. Dua of ifaom
Otta Oaok aad BU J. and la. ealeBi a laaca taally of aaeda lo ^
to fool a Mta or iiiptaalb


Altaraata-Albert PdertrL

asd by-Uw. for the ]
baain.-aa mon'i aaaaoclatloo.' In the
office of Tboe. T. Bate*. Tbe eummlitec oooiUl. cf a a ilall. Alfred
V. priedrieh. J. W. HlUlkes. 3. T.
. W. Haatit
BalcaS U Spnane. aad C. K. Back.
Tbe odIt BU-mber abeiwt wax C. E.
Back, who wax detataed by bailaatx.
Tlia commlttae dmeoxaed the plan*
ivopotivi fo( a paramsnal orxaniaatiae
(d a ooBititatioo aad bylawx to be pteaasted ai the sell meatInR of oitixona and boxinida men. It
that the name of
the new maaocixlien be Tbe Timcena
Out Board of Trade.
atklnc «>>• boat Btlhod of kilUaft tba Another meetlOR of hnauiaaa Baa
pata Xortfa Dakota.
laaaeta. nod will (et an nnewei In a and eiiixana fteearally will be mlled
perfect the otpaa'
taw daya. triiiidi wlU be pobUibed aa
taU O. Bryant fBl aaiau ncaeey, aooD aa raoelnd. Oalem aootaUilaK ia
which aetln aleiu will ba tafccb
taM nsd IM So. 1011. aoat FrbI .done to ktap the paata from apnadinc
KMaW wban be wiU hit faaily U
^ttlid to rmU» aflat Hay lOlb.
Utile Bex MleelBC.
Ptak M. Patna ta letaraod troa
rraa year old aoD of .
Itaol Laixa, wbare ba baa bran act- Cfapnoa VUl Fnnklia left Honday
tta oat Deaa nod laylnc fiowao bada Blcfat far OfakaRO. where be will Mari Hn. L R JeSaraon U loat.
for tlie —aa captxie of (he
him hat bean aeaBred xlnoe
fat bBOtitatloo of the report Many
imar lawnora, wbi<-h will ply be- HoDday aftaniooa. ll la fmred tbxl
I in bainc
tWM« OblcDCO. Ftankfort. Hootafae.
aerioai bax. oo-amd to
WUtaliaU. Ladiacioo and the While bio. aad the Boat carafnl aeaRh !*•
Tba seat eartfnl and asM
Lake reaorU Tbe Iwwnaoe bat bDea
M il wax foaad
BMab nU day yeaterday tor tba JaSer- Baely nSttad and ealarRed and wonld
ana boy who wna loal Xoodny aeaimlybe known aa tlie .bb* tnal
lU xad mandx. with the po
ttaathaifaeanae famlUar to Tiarene Uce of tbe city, bare followed every
Oltr Itada. The boat la ooe of the claa. hit
orafl of the Dew Use. tba Peaple'x
It ix feared that far
lit eoamity, lo wlileh S. S. av hare fallen into tfae river.
The prieo for potaBoeo la tbe looni
It I* aaid that the lad U uM overly
antfcM Konday ainrted at 07 rrata bnt Bazfce. weU kDOWB bam xa onoe a
Baabaref tba BeriDMir Tn^eporta- etross Beatally. aad U he faaa been
mtaitat son than lOD , ran
lloa compaBr, te the feaeial manata.




Vive Magaune Camera, atyle A'4, takes 4x6 piciuiet, $K.
now ..........................................
Vive MagartaeCamera, C, takes 4x0 pictures, jnee 5t‘,
now^lat............................................................................. 5.03
Kxcclsior Camera, 4x.1 srith two double jdalc hoUcra, twice
' $-1.00*..................................,.......................:...................... 2.64
Korona Bkjxlc Camera, 4x5, with cattying case 'and plAe _
holders, $12, aow............................................
IVizaiJ a Camera-s fobliag. or bicycle «yle. with cairyiiv:
case; $14, now.........................
Premo R Cameras, 4x.*>. .lotdile lens and VicMr ahuttri,
$15, DOW...................................................................J...... iO. 18

Other Camera Bargains equall) as gooil, at


Doatfail toBCtbe
Udiet' Sta ihal we

They are diffocDt Ban
other aaitx. They are
the Milbkca fend.


Tba MBita kifad of
Ladies’fam at

aic bette tbaa yoa
daewhare. Monarba*
ia Ifaa laBtBBtee D« |Bt

We have tdected six diRerent styles aod qualities o( Wool l>re» Goods
from the tegular stock and marked them for sale at awch 1m thao their
real tKirth.----

Bleri eraxfe
54 in. wide., strictly all
wool. A very new aod stylish fabric
for separate skirts. Hard twisted but
light. To be made without lining.
Colors, gray and un. New stuff just
put on sale, and to make it an -extra
good thNig we've priced it below its
real, value to - make lively e
selling. Fcryd................. lA-FU

f2 in. BrewB t>ckbk Cbtriel
. . This line of goods has sold
at $1.50 per yd. We find too much of
this one color, and to reduce it to the
amount required we have put a quick
moving price on it. Don't overlook
this. It's worth your while to ask to
see it. When you see it. you 1 1 Q
will appredate it. l‘eryd... X.Xs7

Good weight, smooth
finish, all pure wool. Suitable for
skirts, jackets, capes, boys' suits, etc.
Sold in stock at $i.$o. This piece of
goods will suit you if you are looking
for a good thing. Cost* you ^

SO Nl Basket eiolb
BUck only. Has been a
bin »JI,r and is a veiy popular ooavc
lor ,«dl .oit, aod Jriru. Yro, have
alwaphad to pay $,.50 lor lh» uofl.
Voo .ill too. .h^ ,-op look a. i.
that we have it underpriced ^ ]|[0

Min. navy bum eUcvM

Sb fn. Black eamcis
Heavy foi walking skirts.
> lining required. A beautiful piece
: of goods and very cheap at $1.50. but
: to make up a list of good things at less
' than their real worth we have 1 4 Q
marked this at........................ X«X57

Sponged and shrunk, all
wool, a winner. The most used of any
fabric in the dress goods stock. Good
all the year around—for suits, skirts,
.dresses. An exceptional bargain at
To make this line com­
plete we added this number ^ ^0

Ev«ything mentioned above is prices below their Market Vali
You may
select any of them and feel sure you have sax'ctl
least 3.S per cent. All
new spring goods, ncj old out-nl-date stuff.

I you'll havatite Millikan j
1 guaramra lo fall lark j

- nonef Back

J. w, mmeii

ir yxM
ni tba Dialarial yoaV
tiiwl that jxio ran save |
aUnil ia by gatiaV i
<«*c cif tbaac mdr-t» ;
wrai Siiilx at


You prepare for your summer's enjoyment and the
lawn receives as much attention as a good sized child.
The out door surroundings are the beauty spots of the
home. We help you make them.



It always brings it 'our way. It can't help but do
the work. People will trade where thej' get GOOD

men’s Tine Shoes
Made on nico^tylish lasts. Plain or
tip toes.' Quality will sur- 4
prise you. Per pair only. • * *Vv

men’s Fine Shoes
Made of the best quality of leather.
Fine Dongola tops. Wide and me‘dium toes. They are our prize win­
ners. - We have sold hundreds of
Ooi„witl.o„.ocoo.pUi„. 1_50

caaux FhM Sbecx
Several hundred pairs t^ dose
out at BIG HAR- iTf\f\
GAINS, only........... 1»UU

They will suit you.
JUST NOW we are 1 K(\
selling at
Shoes for which you would
ordinarily pay Si.75 to Sjdo-

Didn’t have enough for last year's use. ^ttert'see to it
at once. Thei>est that is made is the celebrated Non>
Kinkable. thAt is so frequently imitated, but equalled
by none. This we will sell you in any length you
want, which is a most decided advantage, for many do
not care to buy a full fifty foot coil. Hose is sold from
10 cents to 18 cents the foot.

Time you had the water turned on and your grass nice­
ly growing. A splendid line of sprinklers from 26 cents
to $ 1.50.

To clean your lawn and keep them free from dirt. The
best is always the cheapest. We carry a full line of only
the best.

May seem a trifle early to talk these most necessary as­
sistants to a beautiful lawn, but speaking of lawn tools
in general, we could not refrain from mentioning our
great line of everything that is good in Lawn Mowers.
If net now. you'll need them later and we want to keep
this fact emphatically before your mind.

and Spades and all kinds of garden tools you will socm
housing. We can sell you almoet anything you ask for
In this line.

Siaexli ID2.....................$L«0

Specal tal 8 IO IS.

It pays to trad* hem.

Jllfred U. TricdricI)

Seller of Good Shoes.

. Opp. Herald Office.





afslKrsrSJ^j? ^
Ov M tta W* <■( M

Uim Km>*
«f On I— '
Mm4( t> MB tUt ««Bk.
Mte QrMklB
^ ****SS
mr ipM »te* dBT* ta MB «Ub




Obuiln at Bimbam. U U



tnwB |U« vw<*.
■la U* PiekanioT BMtcw B»
^w,B«BJBy vlil. ftwA* U tbb
■n VelteBBB Bod tB>ll7 W> FHdBj faCbarlai«ix
■tB^ K««eaab VUm airivaa «ti
Or«eai>t Thandaj
a M bMB •>■ ti

nmraday for ObarUroU. A Baaber
of tr^ie were iMeat ad a r«*y ayable eralnc wa epest.
LeUBd ttaU week.
_____ Uimwteeelot nq^ly a Um
TIM eou of Mr. ad Mza. i. Eenaedy ie rery 111 at tble wriciaiJ. Zimaernao wain toe

Grand Traverse Region.
BUbl Brttr w»»k u>Bi»ip»awt» U
oaltMd a seeeoBt of lunBOhiafU
too Ut> for tUJi !>«• of til* HmbM.
vtiidi 1« jrinlod arly In Um wook.

For ibtaau and ChiUrab.


It it cettmted that over It.OOCi rbIUnu nf saple eyrap will be teioned
, from OioeoU oocnty. which told at 81
atitulud tbe foneraTuday of Mre. Umo viiittnR th... _
«a ptr aallOB.
PbllipSberldan, wbieh wa beldai Rlelierd Tbuaae. of
f UiU
pUee Uft
Um boae of ber lUter, Mte.
dander on tbe Illlneia
Glen Haru. A rery lane oamber
Mr. ad Mra Chae. Maiidiy took i
frieode ud eyapathUere we»v prt
rt|> to Leland doiiday.
•nv a doe aertuoe wae tnaaebed }y
few dsy* witb twr psnau.
Mr. Wade of Empire. Tbe elnclng by
IfnatiOD a
— —----------- -llisal i-boreh. which wa aoi«pi>il
Storldan laaed away
Wedne'day wltb deep rt«reu. Mr Boakeeaa ud
■la UadB BArraK wa oror lo
nine at Belie Poiei. Her diaaet familr bare been here font run ud
tBTem Olty lor B few day* Uel
re many warafneode intbli idaoa.
, oeoMunpuan. 8ne wm. coouioM
.1 oat. aboai^'rudy to rive ■
Um lali told Um frUndi at bet
Tber bare
I bettoD to aae KleWc Hir _
■tb Bell Wsd.' Bod m™. Ajdm
•lie that her tmr had oome, and
BMware tUecoau of Mrs
to Donni for her. a ebe would
liarebeenacrul help
Bota Baodsy.
□ ImM ttot. andaUed ueb one to to ib>
WUlUaHobbelatf Lok* Ann
- eilMtlya ebe left Ureui. Iben wire deep recrel that
that ere pari With

T lyu. croeeed ber bande od tbem ad they will be
got bU oot of . lo*» done for (bU
It andjaeud peaoefally to by all. not .
bat lu tbe o<
and tbe reUUriw left to moorn
elrcle >
tbe eymimtby of a Urce
oleared above


Trsara* OiV ooUM tha Mond*T

Tnreree <5Ity Monday.
■n. Oeufe Daae and daochlar.
EdUb. retnrned from Tiarr— ~~
Uwiday eT>-Bi8KU F. Sbt»i<l»n U auiaf np bli non
Oapt^ Webe and wife
witb drr good! sod irrooerte*. Bhoa town UooUy.
•sd radT mod* clotliiugsod tome arLeoli





Ito Vurt-nxkr.

f m!,r.C-.

IfcRyBBBad fsisUy ban, wiond
“V lUnhBU ba tBM Vbito Bisk
iMtb* UM WBBk.
■la Vtdo VBodBTTWt s»a
DoUy HUU of
»«• **’
bor« Bfta arbBOu M»nd«y.
Tbe Mbool tad s TMT IM
•OM Um um wnk. u asay of «a
BhUdrai tad the asap*.
cAsms ooRKna

Blankets and Robes
A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
I have about six
firstclass FurCoats
left which will be
closed out at less
than cost. I offer
a big bargain in
these coats.


W. OoddlwM tashU atwbtmMO Ttandeya
■ikeOlau (rot >
Mr EddCTtf^Mi»UOUy. calUd Ona IfetBoo'i tan rBuisir.
■iB. AbwUb laainet end W
TiM Poektaa tsmUy oxpact to a
AdUBt wue BArrl.4 UM week.
Bwny tooB.
Edd AUw U workUy for W

AdamBelllBCuad lUaEtaMr Flon
drove to Tnrore-- Oity ad bak Sat­
urday. Miu Mors le taking niaic lawoe of Hie* Allle Koberu.
Fred Wiaie ad wlf.- ei«o> Sonday
wiUi Mr. ad Mr. Pbeatt. Uie lattoi'e

Joia Leu ba rented bUfe^a
' Barr MelUnu nnd Hla Ollre
■ike Kocnt.
OMMOofb a MoebhtB.
Suphan laalner ba lanbaad
Mr. aod -Un. Bomar Pnya ere beaaUfBl pUao.
AntbonyJh^perohBeed an on

Mn. M. P. Fubf-t. who ba bea
rely elok <«ain. U improrloi! tlowlr.
MrK Libbie D. nemore * teft ibU
A. MUaOB ba bo^t the IHlloo
lormiiy for Oelroil. where eli.'will
imalo Uie nunmi-r wiUi liet wo Boy.
BaU Otoa U weeiinfr for Mn.
Oaddle Bony retnnid to her eohoo'
Ooo]<« of 811 ra laka
la lUet Kanoo Suday. after ipend■rv S. W. TrsahoU yUltod friadi
loff a few dayi in town with fnepiU.
Bt MBpie Oily Uat wsek.
The W. C. T. U. eleoUd tbe followBar. Mr. Wade wa. onable to mab
UOrUttSanday on aoooal of arFint Viw peeUilimi-Mra TlioniiBC to oadnot a faeral at bmpira
^ Mr. and Mra Ken*e.;«ar were bniy.
a f« B tBW Asye.
Beoond Tice pnaidat—Mra Lnua
1 Bela RkatTsd B ule­
ma Fli^
tbsdeoth of


K^MSa-ffuw!j!*a Dr«y of


boar wa

brekeu ad

- EsrjrJ5ss.“-

sobooU. TWUd ooT abopl Wodo
. _?ar«Ualo
Bne wa uka to Mr. Drew'a
Botart HUuaof Tnas aode )
^au B r'~'—•
^ veok.
_ with tbam wen aharmed.
Bee. Tboua Tindall drove to ^

■ sXE''Js


-Mn K. KewmalL
itoa«h ber<' for Alberta, tan., wneie
e will make liik boma Sena Sberlaa of aoBtliern Miabtoah paued
trotmh lirreuiueele for home Mon-

The ColanibU ulltd here Monday
Tnto wiU lute Travetee Oily al h

pUlar mrltoa nuta The worm! w
an el«hUi of an lueh.or sore in
iBoytli. Bow eaally and qalrkly Umj
oonld bedeetroyed now. Morilland
Morlev, expene in *ro^»« <»«‘oe
fraiu. Wril4- me that Bordunx Mixoe. e
CBri- In a fnnjfloide,
le tbe eub
killing the epotu that
tbi c
I. It it bolh
wit jfr
Oooibineil wilb parit
le. and ('
and fnari
___________ ilde
ihlt it tbe heel oomnini___ ya Uial
le Uie Bordunx o
tare nee’ Oopi«r Solplmte, ■ btoe
rolitlbe. Irub lime. laDtlaked). 4
Iba, wuler. Wgalloo^ Bee thel both
ere of the betL SUkv tbe limr willi
boUtoc waier. not allowinc It to yei
dn wblle elaktoKDiteolve at one
tiM at luanv ponnde of bine vKnl al
yoB elake poasde of lime, in an e<|Qal
iiemberot qaane of water: then yoo
■ (el the iimtare vxacL Wblte ar_.iie i. iwjo.- a» eSeotaal aa |Vi>
(ito'uand II ouu only aboot one' ird at Bocli. To pivfwre it. place
o poondeof fruhly tlaked lime and
e lOBxd of areenlc to iwogallcnt of
water and boil SO lo 40 sinnieawhu-h
will make It an inaoluble eompoand.



P A. Danfotlli of LaOrmn**. Oa.. Tr.r.~ .
nffento for tlx mtaito. will, a fri*hl-

cared it to five daye.
F.w Glotw^
Toonda. Pilu Ifi lb* but |-......... the werlA Care ruarauleed
r. Sold by 8 B- W.
t. U JoUnm

John J. Beadle,
TraverbC Clljr,

rrlble pli
lemir illeuK
Uaaa-t Uuilmem
t-ml to ^leery^
aoy dreif etore

me are $o Busy


U Um reeord of Painkiller I Perry
OavU') bat die ebope are fall of lintuttone made to aell aioo tbe (leat
repautitm of -tbo senatoo; be uaUoaa tlieretorr, wbu yoo eek for a
bottle to eei' that yon |cei Uw |
An anfalllot remedy for
rolde. hroooMtia

84Ui. I8T8. Hu parenta. Henry and
Fannv Tabbetar. moved to tbe prene"
boom' O.U Ktoiteley. Mieh,. wb.

__________ uved money
blnuelf for oamstreial
^ItebnMOn Brju. i. IWl.
eoUece at V luiBteo. lod.. fora
He attainded failbhad paeeed all
folly to
bU emidu
Utma for a di­
tlie nereeury exam
re woalA bare
ploma A few lUya
re.flnUbed hU
- ' for him to
_______ at at tke Uel be ww atrieku
onto aod died at
-• ta. noIIOJ.
' if
ti .viar*.
yi«r*. S
b mutbi
muUu and »
W days
lilt tueben and eUaamaiu ^eak
hiRbly of bie life aod work.
luvea to Boorn bia death a father,
brotner*. ooe alatu aad tom
' frtooda He waa 1 >1 a aeBber of
Bart LaUuop and tosily lieve Rue
idbUfaUiany ehorcb, iboORh a Deoberof tbe
to OadlUae for
_____ .___ ,. ____ .me a* tbouRb they Spa
• * ------- ‘-■
WilUese will Uave today bare « wanned.
Erm Law U dtawtof potalaa 1
_________BoUier ue«bt hta
tlM aldint today.
Tbe frail iraepecl U very favorable. wonblp wbeo bai a bey.
Bny and Flank Bntua want i
2a her bone. We'are ataty to loee Kurly all triu are loaded wiib ba.U
Trarane Oily >
A Urre amoaot of ■n-dJor to I«1d|I
WllUasa from oar TilUce.
doDe. Vqar oocTupoorteot predieu it
will b.' a rood eraeoo.





lebn Macao of KalkaMca.«u null- tofetber aad pat i
•• aader
—' - Um
« bet* Friday.
. Daru of Manoeteoa wUl uw
Put O. U Toed wUl
rUe for & J. Hoyt when tte mUl
I take lile
are eaiy to .lou Prof.
U a firm clem tuedur and
OhrUtton Renting

Mr* J. T. Olaaoa Imi (Obe lo Ooli viiil reUUvea
She will vtay

will be fflueb Blued-'
Many fonaan who were patttos in
■raiD were uayhl bv ibe baavy atora
the ni(ht of iba Uth. It wilt be aoBC before they uo finiab.
rtenUu TanTaoul liaa
aceocy lot ulltor tUver wa
Imrlac fair aaoeau.
” Jto. aad Mra J. O. Hearn . aodfc.
The all U franrant with Uie twrfBau
and Mn. Walla of Maalwer
of traiUBc arbatna
It la van fine
IhU ajnui;. People fo many mile* lo
Arttsr Dobwe lati today for Hew
tel It.
Tort tllty. whore he ezpeeU to
A oea.111 pUnl at Horlnoa U tsa
to a (bort Use.
of tbe Uaaca expwied to tbe near tnMra Eohttoaw of Blk Bapldi TiellMr*. WiUUou of Fmnkfwt U her*
edher Utbw at IbU pUoe tbt ........ rUMoi^^tatber. Mr. St. Petot and
Tbe new carpal ia te be leU
MoeSi of UMdtorcb. tbe c
Mis Fiaae PaUer'U vUIttofi 1
■aniial Hiller of MUIer*HUL lm» low to dliwae of it.
aearly enmpUud anaddliton loBU
UoBfd Pays baa aeU bU U
BddOreu Iutn today teSUad- beaau.
rill not Bore book bare,
Tte cewtoc anolety awl at Um borne rort at Cedar Bn
of Mn. Ollban Wameei Friday aftorMUl.
A fiM lancb waa eervrd and
aUteUtbnk Ifae meetuc waa ■
Wbu Mr. aad Hrt-BkU w*____ .
Oharley Falser of Om i
hU aanl at tbU idaee Baaday.
Mr. OUgrponlbunalsd ta

a fatal sMetake to nedsrt bnekBsokacbe ia Um fint ryaptOB of
^^i^'tiBiilluftoo follow.
.Dtma'e BJitoy PilU oare tbsB
DuV^Uy BBtU too lata
Until tl baeomea dlatoma. Brifl.fa
Brad what a Traveru City cdtiBU
“Jtoa E- DaantoROf *IS Webrter
•But. any*; "PatoesenMa By back

sjy*ir..St” rs?tSvX'^b3

atli^i of b^Uebe; dirvinaea and
doktoc apeUa I knew ll *o^nU


U only...... ......
A beautiful iron bed. just like cut No. oi i«». nearly
5 feet high, any size, in white, blue or green, sec^
cut below.for only......
Our No. 711 iron
bed. over 5 feet high,
anystze in white, cream,
blue or green, for .
only..................... S3 75
It wouUf cost you ?5
any other place.
We are still giving
those bargains in bed­
room suites. A good 3-piecc. solid oak bedroom
suit. The dresser has three large drawers, bevel
carved toilet. I he com­
French plate mirror, nicely carve
drawer, t»
two- doors, and high
mode has one larfce drawer.
splasher back, the
bed is over 5 feet
high, nicely carved
top. full si*e. all
good solid oak with
nice golden finish
and well' made
only...........$«3 "5
A good solid oak
'dresser, three targe
drawers, bevel
!'■ reach plate mirror, well made and well finish^ in


Onr No. J khchen cabinet is the most convenient
artideeverputinahouse. It has a 26x40 top tlut
does for a kitchen ubie: one drawer 24x21 in.. 4 mdeep, with three divisions for different articles; one
flour bin 24x21 in.. i4>f indeep with partiuon. One
part bolds 25 lbs flour, the other 50 *•»; one large
kneadipg board 24x17. We^ sdling this cabinet,
just like cot. for.................... ..........................^$450


aU dulm.

Prtoe CO

Scad » Toer tocil oiderv




.__________ ~

Wc have a large line of
kitcht-n cabinet!,, eight dilfmnt styles and sizes
f)ur .No. 4 clothes bars
arc bargains, just like cut.
ft. drjing surface. A
good deal enables us to sell
them lor even 50 cents.
We have four
sizes and styles of
i2in.^y5 ft. long
can be ‘adjusted to any
ht?ight. for......
Our next size. i6in. wide.wiih ir.
A .goexf wood clothes
wringer for................ $1 50
A good clothes wringer.
guaranteed, for......... $200
A good bench elothes
wringer, just like cut. will
hold two tubs, for- - • .$2 75
Four styles of washing
machines, from a good
Kjuare washer for- • • -$3 00
A rpjind washer that works
with a lever, for...................................................S3 75
The very befit wash­
er made, turns witn' a
crank, a child teny^n
old can do a washing
with it, the^-ery best
thing out.............$6 75
Asalmott everyone
knows we have a-Iarge
and complete line of
Furniture. Bedding,
Carpeu. Oil Cloths.
Shades. Lace Curtains,
Draperies. l aWe Lin­
ens, Stoves. Ranges.
Tinware. Disbes. Sew_________________
ins Machinea. Bteydes,
' in fact anything you need in your boose, from cdlar
to garret, at the very lowest prices, for we defy coinpeUtion. We more than meet H. we go below «ny

D b«t attentwo mdMetrillaeiidrtmlberefybeW good* te tbe moatj.




uiviii^ tiur customers, that are niakiiis our store

S^a £dney’

Ba frwn tbe firot. 1 need ftmr bane
to all and em an waU pUaaed with tbe
reealu ttat 1 do noa baauate
oBBsnd IbU nmedy to anym

Frank BcMSaa of LaUn
utoa bos. Wbu tbv oama back town tbU weak.
Tbr Ctarlevoto and llUnoU enlUd,_„
Bert. *n Mr. Md Mn. IswaU
K. T.,
Uw^ A few day* after
BUMb. a boy.
Mra 8. 'T. Portir tekaued ftou Bitoea
^^to^Aad Mn W. Wellsr.


We are still giving a
beaiitUiil iron bed. any
si7<'. in white, blue or
green, jiist like cut.
ne.irly 5 ft. high, with
best woven wire springs
has lu cords, for ,

/. C Falrbanka

ed to the dotn.
dlttoD. A Unoracruen'Will be sown
Uel Taaeday Ortito Towniu
O. W. Hatton had wife dtore to
fined «U and 10 dayi to toll forkeop- Ibao Duoal.
JUk B^da Satnrday.
to( bltei'
T. Ooi bu uld bit crop of |nUtou
DaU FalrUaki and wife vliiud
at K oenU and the rite wbtU be U
•Tu Bandar to Um nalibberiwod,
baaltok.TUI AUsabder nf TuTerte Olty
3. B. Else will rent liU farm aod
wa a oalUr bare Suday.
«m sore 10 Tnrene Oily.
WiUli' Pny. who ha baeo aur
Many are reeelviaif frail ti
OcawB bnU^ a bara. wa h<
itUNI- them
«ho°> oat. A very

The ehtofle uUl wlU Mart ap
Kennedy attended Um
^T. Ud^
emplato meetltw
at Uie Canter

» Oily.
___ Moqtaa of
on tiv' Sto anj
and (ave
(avt tlMm a itood
id (
of onUto
boafibl a
ear toad
All fon welfulu.
uutrtet Bonoay ecoooi oonTuiitn
Uatday. Uare 81 o
Ttore hai
qaiu a eaU for hay
r tb« CUamploo Hill (diBrUi uxl
■ • •
a well
and dome faauvti have aold tb.'mulvu

I’Lttini: out KOt’tls that wc haven’t time to

of at) atl. lint will bhow a few of our many bargains that

headquarters for House Furnishing Goods and kce}iinK »'«

to 40 Itallont of water, ooe (Ul “
Howard TindaU bad bU rlfht
breka wblla be wa drawtnf emod to
the tdmn*.
Hr wa rator^ a
block wbieh r>* lodyed to Uie wb^
Sy^ Bor- Hat
wba Ibe hotweetorud eaUilM hU farm poreliai <d of tbe Hard erUla.
We ere bnriiif 'eoae ifrt^ lUe____
■Uie Lan.
It rititloK t—............... —
make It bit fatare borne.
ecroted Uat week.
mttlat a ew>« b» twaeA eolU
aabliurWD Oox. one of a iiarty tfaai
fiimfferd had a new well dnrBUfilSl
went to Oadar tmka reluroed wltb a
(bon tttBeayo at Um bo
Jehn MerrUa and Mtoi Mtoa
fine lot of plekt-ml.
oenUj ponbawd of bie facolber.
Daald were aurrUd Uel WadsBeday
One of the fansan who uoybt tbe
Ed Cook, north of b
■raatog. wUnewed by a Unte acewa
peetern fever and ereot to Urriton.
tarn deeuoyed by fire I
oftrlewdnand reUUru
a* folly recorered and filin'
beaptof hntae at onaa.
Tbe beat tbe wood, on Monday.
an U ifood anoayb for bis
Tlie wall for the new ebareb at tba
Tbe uw Bill ba eurtad ap tt da­
Ceoler It well nnder way.
ub tbe la«i that are to tba yard.
FUtolier bee ohane of tbe sttwi
rark. whiab atcaree a (ood job.
Udotoetbe woefc.
The wuiher bat been eery favor-


Wwototo-*14 Frtot 81.


PM to te tha M of OBbMpte

tl«B Maatb MMtlMt Bri^dlv OtmMl ■aU*1 M« er
vtU te
•piM «U1M>7 «*^ Me- l«l- eWBlBC
Ml B^r U b* ww }Mll*ad U aatliMataw lb}«r WkUir to Ull bU mW
t bowUac


bb treofo M ««*• oa qoorwr wh
0«B Mamtoo OOkM It UnpM
oubrf hlMMlf «iU> ivioaem.'
HUlawT Baton dlTUodai
boortac of tbit ardor apoa tba oom la
petot. aad wlBt volflilltvlU ten
■M tte eoon BMtlaL Tte erdar,
whUa uehataallr WiU In effaet. tea

aa la ooImUo far aaa la tte aaBoa
Mia of iTiBaj. Iha lacbya
ten dirUad tte dad U aqMl tea
tertv UJa' peaadi taah. aa teat.
•UaBOBBaa aaofa tea atoat
Mteaf “fnaaa.’'
AMa Callr, cix Moalfat old, mo*
dnte U aa aaoMal

at. aabl teerily bofso ■
wtea tl» protldtBl tabrtd tte rwb
aoaaaad. U aa laabat Itey
■aabUBCW tealr feet la tate
kawb teat Uir qawtlwi ot deb
tally waa fontotba. Tbay i
tea Mac witblB ter naeh.
eldar atatai o( tea laatUj ted oai tealr aktrb aad aaah asked her
DtlfbMr It liar bat was oa KialRfat.
laldlL Stetedtftaa
tea ■aff. to tea folloaod tea enapla Tbeo they all ahcn^ haada with tea
Itet. sad te told sate ha wt
brpattlac tea povdar to
rieteit Miitlm apalli at
Tte board ot alterBte at Hew York
I aad tear
aadtteftU ten adopted a rotelattsa racdUac
Uial tee laereaae la tte prioo ot bmM
Waltar Sotetfa. 14 ytan old. aid b wvklajt Rtoal hardaWp aateaa the
> ba tea tea of a vaaltey aaaalao- loUlatMMottee oily. Ibrntouor of 8t. laaU taa away (raa labaa deolme that tee baard-'etnacly oeedaauu tte labeBaa'eetloe ot
OMtIaMManb. teat aichlte
soaibimtloe kaowa aa tee-beef
arraatod vfclb traaUDi diteaa
la loenaalar tee jwioe ot Beat,
Kata Bpadt la OMnr. Ta
aad demendi tee labmatloo of Ite
Behaadar aya te lae away baoaaar
ral aatecwltiei aad tee ctat
btear whipped Uau Ha onteod <
tlioritlu to immedbtrly bop tte aataelod wItehbMrroaadiaCB. and

Uffated te MS htr.

Madrid. Airll S4-Tba rateo eilj
aad Hau arr ia nritatlae today
vtet It baUm-1 to bt aa aticBid to
lanb hU adroBtaro aa a Joka
oMMlMtr KtOR AUaoto. A you
John O. Botefalbr. hya fUt of of a tpod wtalob b aa abaolab- aeceeatly
aBa. araad. «aa eaaciil ttyiap i
11,000,000. tea ftna tea dm lann for tte worklBR ebaeet of tee ally.
ptatealt to Um iBlarlM falaea. .G
At YerknllU, & C. la tlia trial of
to vtet It iataedad to bo tea
•aa anoBod aad ateiod ttel hit aaa
at aeraaaet for odaoaUaa te tea aell ot Bamaal tt'. Hltohell tor
•at Plana Kaary, a FiaeehBao. t
RU.OOO dasB«M aaaloel tte Modena
VeodBMe tte woodae mat that li
ter? aaaoaaTrf hima^. TteRO'onbald teapoerible ter Miletell-e laaMBt tea appralad to tea Pnate aateaiyforatdlD idaBtUylactee irla- tetfamaa. whteh ast Tbaraday te' iariaa wst Inlrodooed la ooart. Mitteat te waa atraiped opoo
Lthou. Ob. %Bhofalla’a Rift b to
bt aaad aqaally ter tea adaoattee ot tte mat darlBC hb Inlbaltao at
11 teat tba dariaa waa tbea
tea Matea aad wliltaa.
widow aad aHep- set ia Bbtioe In recite
kterriUa. Ohio, aao aot Wadsaoday dUr^rdof idalatlff't
afoteroa«hoot tte ally. Aooordtec tor tee drat tiaa. attar tertec bate ■mat" perforated rar
to tea loeal waather baiM li waatea aarrted onr tea loes dlateaet taW- oart by direetioe of Mliohell. wbo
aeoRbl to illaMiaic bli tnat
worn mb axpartenead ateaa tl>t Oal- pbaea te tte drac atore of A. O.
raina eyelaoa. Tte wted noaliad a Ooata. Daytaw. Ky. Tbay tad aonr Baoh aBUoaa aa were ahowe
taeh otter bofva. Tte lalapteee ■id by WoodBea to te id> |>n oC the
voteolly at n alba aa booi. Boob,
of laitiatloa
Tba eeewaetlBd
blfh (tooaa. treaa. alma, fdata (tea otermt won BB.
Ibla of tea elRfate
Wtadowaand tolMtapii trlMaad rail. parOa ware Mn. Oortmdo UaUacbor
aed Tteedora Ootee.
Tte hHdo. ae- eeiitary. Bid to be wortli tte
by ter (atbor. a (tetor aad prop rty of J. B. Hontaa. a oajitew
aaoy gaioM, aetarod tte tM aed faJ, Plarpoat Morma. who baa ]ul
aaa ot tte Ul^cme. Tte trrired aa tea
|>t^ look aata areood tea tala»iapl, iHitd by Dapnty Oolleeter Wilibnu
Datmll. Airlt tS-Tte alstb aaidor
R. D. HardluR
Ite spiraierr'a alorea to
la Ottmt witete two vaeka waa
BOBBcad Ite aenal qaasUooj to tte be rained. It b a
Bitted today. J<teo Rateterdt
eridmlly fan nkb- Tbe beadlnm of aoeb eliaptor an lllaTte aaemOD) ootlnated In eiqnbile BaaDer.-aad tlie
UUad teertly atlor 1 e'elook by riaak
capled It Blnalea.
Tte bride wae
mr of the book li set with pnelooi
OeUlv. at tte eeraor ot Seett aod
otend into tte booth and aaewond
Daqatedar ttraota
OoUtef b a lad
1 qaeottoae iwopooBded by tbe
Plane are belnc prepared for otM- of
ot K. Bo fol late a qaarral wild
at te otter and of tte teU- tlia larcaet dry dock. In the ilnlied
’ Bteaterdt-i eUldrm sad ttetatear
phoae. Tte oooTtahip Imd beeo ear- Stab at tlia Hew York navy yard. It
llll■l^tlld to teaBlat hla. tte boy
Tiedea byearnepoadaBoe,
will oeeiaboBltl .000.000 and will Ixdnw a lorolnr aad trod.
Theodon Rooaenlt Uardlac waa ballt eadrely of eeeereta. When finon is Tnatoe, K. J.. Sanday. tte blied It will be of eaffleleet dt* ta
OiUt Pbr, April Id-Tte Oilla Pbr tatter. John BariUnc. balac n yaan
prepaty. forately owaod by Wllbar old aad Ite Bother. Jalb Hardlac. It will te aOO fan lane by Wifeet
UtU and tetor by Vbltaoy * Ootera.
Tterib anoBBoe bahlad tbb aide at tlia botton, with a olearanoe
waa Bttariy iteattoyod by finysatorOMBl of fact.
A few ytan am of SI (sol ot watar orer rfia sill of tte
day. Atteoaot aaawBokopibam Joha Hardlac adopted a llltlr clH ae doek.
ddhtew inter M bean la prtatrra
daachler. who enw ap aad oap.
At Tokle. Ite toBi eoltpse of'the
eteer laopatty aaar by.
So fnai tend tte old Ma'i baart.
■000. rUlble la tliSB latlnde*. bat
wealthy ha Ran her adtaalacos aad lorlribb In Uie Onlled bbtes, wu
r ha Baten Utoa baaatlfal yoaac rbwed by aatleoal aodfenim aa■aa-SHar ecMBa foBdasB for tte rceonen thla wn-k In a oloniUew
Ohteaca. April W-Tte prioat of
IM led him te qaBtioo tte drl
MtloB aed pork wan adraaood aaoae day. aad John Hardlac. seed « OBda. aad froai drat to lari the pro­
oteB faaU eaat par poaad today.
yoan, feead Ibat hb 1» year old
of tlia eelipaa wa* atattoetly rlsPateaoU torMoaday dsUrocy ai 11
adopted daoRbur waa ia lore with
The Bodarn Japaaaae liare rap­
oaaaa wteUaala. non ttea lb ratall
Tte old tete dsBorred waaa idly atepted their mind* to Wetten
tUaa, bat daally took tte child wonnoBleal teselilam. aad cren
aa at her word aad aiBTled her.
C Iha Bon Imonnl ebsaes
Or. Btaapal of Hew York b abeal there b bat little traee of llic old enpCkteM. AprU U-Pech aad araltoa
> inae a crmaaM ot tte Tacaloc or
Mlaaioteariaf. Ab aoralac mekan addad It emb to tea t«tee ot PhUIppiBS bDcaaca. toRotter with a
dlotteeary. f.
fat thaatrof
teak. Dnaaad boat b aneteafod.
mtettotte Uaada ThUb tte Brel
Oelooal Bnotl O. Btahl ot TnetoD.
V. J.,bkaowab
I la RtebokUa
twtety-oldhl dlBaitet .
Smj. Alteka.
Two Saattb sea. A.
4 baa tterriad tna «ao aed ot tte nibotf aad Oscar Walter*, an dead
eeeetry te tee otter OB berieaot eae- aa a reaalt of tea awfal cold, aod Lga
par's feet wan boaao eo taadiy
etoted qrlte oea or eteoi ot ttea.
te wlU loM teob and pwy loae
paper paMiabad la tea attla eapitel of bbllte.
Mow Jarny.
Mr. WtHaa OaetaaiM. wlm naldee
Tte Aaabtea aray hataa aotln
nr Lyadcia, Iowa, wae pertaape fatal­
■aaotalwheb Hyaanold.
Ttab b ly ialatod by a taae wolf. Oamloc
Puld MarMl
Ueatemat f
lain tte yard ate aotieod tte anleaal
BahwMti-Komaa. who hat boa
waa aatiad aad la aa acly noed.. Bte
rfteb atnaly-feot yaan aed Btlota
to m> teddot tte oetlar.
yaara a maanL Ha b aet at dm oB- bal-bdled aad tte wolf atlatead ter.
con atUi atiTt wbe Mnbad with
ter ten add lofitotuiR
a#ly woaada. H« yoan«
POO Biaad tte waU by tte teroat. bat
Ateipo BBBbar ri freean ot la. w«oU ten boae lajarod aarloariy
dteibpnila. wtao ban ter yaan ooe. bad aot bb fathw eana to the meaa
daeted a tatel boaiiM. hart ditooe. aad kiUad tte weU.
baaed tte tab ot btel aed teat preTte tebaUe world
teat thoy weald ael nmab tea trade
IB priaaB BentBl bateter bwp
iteentii wlte freaariaa ban abo
elated aad tame etten refBao to bey
ttete tea ChlcBBO pateara. ylriac as a of tte BlBM npaeood earn to ten
naaaa teat teoy an laalai ooaoy bt- bomatod by Kiac Belobee ot blbUoaateotU^prteaa. ABoraMtliaa eal teaw.
It b daoBed (acre trekabb, bewerar. that the dooior baa
bay teab owB oadb aa iba boat aad alraekaaaw Bald la bb
la tte Ut
hero dtedly aaecaedad la braaklat ap
tea whbkay fbte white bad beta c
oraMBK Bleat tte HlMbnM rinr
aUoaad I be* refaaod to yin eat
didiiiii ot tte teoUUUoe bw aad ay otter illton a ttein tel te b
aatllat wUteay te bM mbna.
■pelac to KIbr Bolaaue-t bIoos"
BMUptetet Atetwaaoaptondaad
AdBiial air Hoary Seppal. aew In
pat oat at htrtaita bob of tea
lb ninety Booad year aadkaowaaU
aab ttea dbod ap with a bar sod aa
aboateBl teppirof bqaoraad
ererfreea admlraL” hasaanat deeln
pokte raeata.
db am. Vltb tet tad la riew
alaat tea tnat ot tte yrohib
bob eoaetaatly mine oa toa« myooBabaa aad cl*taB>Mba ot tetir
apprmte by a
whbtb, ter
nmtb ot tea whbhoy BsM ptekod ap
e Blbd tor to Baay yaan
«U alo^ terir Itao el
Aad new Hb Ofiffiw aaa ait
Ttea raaalbt b>I tete midroach a tew wilhent yolac oat to
B. tte ban w
aad Uqaer waa Uac.
Tba littb aaaport tewa of Ibabae,
Malat. b trtety aaoibd ant tte (oed
late of two ot lb otUnaa-WUlbB
Bbf/ aod Robtet HiloteU—ate
wUb at inapobtllo labad. daok
haadaBcteib wttks am. idefcod ap a
Ibbp -lit M I they al iib teoatbt te
bo bllow. bat white
Mbr aBbtfttb.
WlNO Bteny aad
MItehaU dm aaw tte aatetaae. It wai
Beatlay b tet ataoal wabr asat tte
teteo at Oaspeliollo, aod atbr drawIBB It opto tea bteoliaad lookloa II
onr they bfi It tette. thlaklai It u
teofaoialaa Wtee they told OapMa IMO Paitar. wlb wte caa of tet
teoeilaa party, abeol it. te drabrtd

A imotiBl-Hik. lerBlaated fetally
for Bdwwd L. MlUor of ailcam.
wliea a mu he Irnd bachtncly ordertimw op hbliaadt" draws
mrolTw ud elKd tlie eappoeed tli(et
Joe. P. Brown, who And
■liol. wae a fHead of hb ristbo. both
liarinr llred to the Baa- lioaee ten
Bverat taeatJia
Oswald Rdward Uwd. o yoaac nma,
reeldlBC at Arandel Maatloaa Pnlliam. was drirlBR u
S o'clook
In tlie Bornike. «heu Uie nhiob m*
beyond eoatml.
>rweler'i eliopwreokl^ tte tioni ud
whlob will, it le re­
ported. amonat
to tbonBaib of
poanda Lord waa iaaiadiaiely arrested. Be olaias the stnet bed lost
been tfalnkbd aad wae eo .llppery
that be lari oontrol ot tte
Beyn Martin. Iboacfa totally blind
■iaoc (te t«e of 4, hu been u aoilTe
aad OBtnl laeaber of Ite dre-demnof Port fberior. H. I., foreern Tiara''TaaniBC with tteaushine" to all Urea.
A tac SOP TBis old. known as £mireB Eomalr’t "laayei raR" baa
bean paiafaaaed ia Ki-w York, for di.
000 for r. H. Pioaey-ef HUwukee.
■t'terac if-er-Fpnlae BaDafaetai*.
alt by fobr feet,' and ha. a (reoept
fiTiBtte ^eru wteenln iu eai
breadth, b ws. acU
In Barb
irb thrM
yBi* am at u
aoeticaof I ■a amrrim' eSeeta
Uia white
boaae are ohont ooBplaled.
nCuy rIsb terrea will be removed.
ic tte reriibale aad lahby Into;
crud ooart, apoa wblA the blu,
red aod cnea Toomt will 0|iea. The
Ite lobby
wUl clva way to earred mahoebany
with RTBl btsB uditnaa Tbe Soon
WiU te Of Inlaid wood.
Mrs Rooeeimpoeee to wipe oat all aulen
feateTB ud rrriere Ite muakm to
torarid laid a nau dlalac room,
eheoiy will ba tte pren^t^ solar,
and tea aaUiafi aad door* wtU te of
lalaidwoed. It b abe iatoadad tfaat'
atell aerre aaa ball room.
meUat Taade
ooBb« qailer a fCTCrtle t
woririaoB la tte Mott Barer riKipe of
tte Hew York Oeatial railroad.
to SM him lyiac on
hb buk aaeac oeal daei ud riader.
etiBR tee oenswaetloa of a loeore d» bon Orbartaoed eaitl

M<ist erenihing that can jtossibly be the matter with
a pumim U due-toUuI t>l<i<ar(v>n(1itioiis,aD4l Uitfie arc in
turn due toliad lh*er ami kidm*\ti.
If )-our blwtd is
rich and plentifnl, dlseasse sim­
ply can't get into your sy.stem- Tlie trouble Ls. though,
that people n^lect n luzy liver and diseased kidneys,
and the moment they fail to «lo their work properly the
impurities which they are inUmded to get rid of {lu-ss
into the blood; tlien t’llf trouble* cumraences.
Women with thin* i»oisnm'd blood suffer from all
sorts of diseases peculiar to the fox. and men haverheumatism, scrofula suid other diseases, as well asgi'fting into n condition s>i wi-ak and enfeebled that they
:m^ scarcely able lontleiid to their usual business.
All tillsoiin U* aviiidir] by kivpingthe bkaxl jiun* and
ritdi by the il*« of Sscmi's t{iu:K.s Mot'yr.vix Rknovatoil
Tliis inedii'ine doesii't wa>le a moment's time, but goes
riglit to the siK)t wliere the tronbio is and, as it.s name
indicat**s renovates an<I until evc^Yj-thing is
working in perfect onler. ami you are on tbe higli ixuul
to healih and ^nniglh again.
This mwlicine Is made just as it has l»een made for
many years from the niots jind herlis of the Vermont
Mountains. Xnture intendirl these roots and herbu for
just the purpos<‘ wo put them to in tliis me<licine, and
when you follow Xaturi*’s Icafling, you can't go wrong.
This medicine lias always l«en highly jKipular in its
own home.althoiigh it was not advertised. Now eveiyliody can get it. It.s pnsent tnniem arc dlstributitig it
all over the country, and w«* are the sole agents heni.
Take it in the faring as a matter of pn>caution, evoryliody neeils its cleansing pow«*rs then.
Tsike it all-Hie year ’loimd when you don't feel right,
and it will do you gt»o<l.
If you find tluit it doesuH, you arc alwaj-s welcome to
vour money back.


Always Bought
Bears the


UjauXotytew aof >tocnl
NorXAf coTic.

/. i
To WnoBi It Mar Co*«oom.





Aprifect Remedy forFoMte
rion. Sour SKMteh.DuntM
IWM (rid Loss OrStSEP.

For Over

tmimiU Srtnalurt of



mU.-*iiM> .* ikw MM. e- Ic ewawMawrrw .e * AMamiaw •• e-M

‘ •-«M.i*> rMdTwMw
Am*ui1 Mri. >»•> -«>ni lUetor. a>d ikirr
im. IIM. !■**,.

Thirty Years '■



exACT COAT or wRauen.

laa lUiacneieMwaMi
' I. MBIM.4U. cc4b1-. end Uul aw-fc cBw
»>i *wi ecMoUsei
“ -V I'.'vxriyrs. T «b-

BelierlDR teat he waa RoinR inmne.
J. H. Sollon. lawyer, M. abol himw-U
I III tee Mubatiu lielel.
•v.iru, I ui.-wi.ic
Hew York-


killed and
TiWy ma.irle.1 hy ih,-.
uda tuunlatn mn louf.

II. lb- ,'iiy ,4 Trstiew ivii, awl Bm

I Marcella* Mrs UoaKhtelloR, a
the inhitc achool*.

tv vwo* arrvwa* w, w*d

eoaiok at noon lo day. .r.. u.l her "XKl.t.Vr.iJ;,;:;-'
pgpilj ud I he oelRhliors ihooL'Ie »li."• ic™."**"
na* onlof town inreallcallnc auoih.-r
|io«ltliiD. Her hnatend
•he lay aosllended uddirlplr*. Ilirec
days, ud aervuu* piMrirai
*1**1*. cn*oe-l, cnnalni:

aettM* th« track lo ■>• lilui Ud ws*
II i* nporied Uial fire rhildsm of
k by tb* 'ttaln ud Initutly Jim Hilla-a oeRro. who were dew-rted
In Heywood oouly. Tenn.. by tbair
iperor WlUtan U bitterly crlll- father several wiwks sro, narv
el*cd in arblooratle dravioR room* dBte. Tte family llred In ai
beouH niitliled barini-ea men ooimti- lated apol aad tlwkr eoadliloa wa
tabd tbe Diajority of liu caeei* >lnr- dlsoorered nntU tery were leyoad
tae bi< twent rxcorrioe In tbe Korth Wlp
n tec Honb Omau Lloe.l
AI LonUrllle. Ky., Ulm OaiberiBe
Ilf Krooinn* Wllbelia. H. w*
Utnoe Rloe. a pretty Rirt, laaRbed
imper* all orer Oermuy wlte arlatolieraclf to death.
She wa* rIaltiBR
c iBnlnc* bare daring Un- lari
friend* when oae of (l.em lo
day* boRan a reRslar olliurul
funy *tory.
The phyelelsn*
oamiaiRD SRalnri tte new joUcy Incliarce said Iceiu of tbe brain
trodnoirl Into conn life.
lirodnood by her laoRlitcr.
Al Itloominmou, III., tlie varklnRThe boaomrv Tteedom
lee of tte t'kicsRO A Alton •l.oia to
tte aaiubi-r of -J.cuo bare alRud au Plnmlicr*' <'*>m{Biiy. u aoolent onlld
aRiremcnt to ateuin from uiial fur of tlie city of London. 1* to t*- ooad oo Anilniw tlnniwie al ter
tee period of 90 days They are bot*"
fnl itel every wotklaRtnan In itecit.v Ruildhall Mar 14. iu renwnmoo of
muifioeiini ol hi* edstaiiuoal
and In tec ouantry will follow (teir
,Hel Saaday, married Monday, part­
ed Taeaday ud applied for a diroree ‘
Wedaraday I. tlie r«v«d ta»6t by!
a R. Minor, n Kenoobs oouty, >
WiiKXioain, farmer, wbo lire* la Ru-1
[ T*l.» b.nM Ibai Wilv h»* I,
Iwwlc u>
ney. MUor read IhtooRh a maorlmo- {
ueuald U*~ th-r»*i »i*l Ibu I
nlal boreu ot a OhlnsRO Rlrl who
of lOTlncaatareandwuteda bn*-1

■HR a uiiu.RuRa.







■n. Pile repUed lie went to CbiesRO
lari Sonday, bw her and abc promiaod to marry him.
Tlie rIiI t* IM
yean old ud lived wlte ter parents
On Honday mornlaR ate arrired in
He Bet her. hoacht bi-r
veddlDR finery ud they drore to
WaakeRU ud were married. Then
ttey drore lo Runey. Hia friend*
Rare Item a boi*t reecjHloa.
Taeaday abe mid ate did aot like tte
farmlitR peorJe. coontry life or marrlsRe. Miner drore her te tee itaUon
ud hla bride care him back tbe weddlDR rioR. told him te waa free ud
W.-DI bank to Ohisaca
MUor drore to Kuoriia ORslo aad
•d a anlt for dlrorec ce Ite
croud of deaeitlon ud tnoomt-lihllyntesl ftraa are sweepiaR inraoRb
Ota. derariinR a ra* amouiof prop,
Oo RarrUy’i lambtr railroad
fail* deiisar Wil
•nRtne aad a cloaca Bt*
loaded’ wlte lORs
Tte locomonre
pluinR two of tin- six




IWvK*r \t UwAbdll-e UinwnlW Uw SU*e
,4 MwbWM Md

K-Mbwi u WUl. and lb- funber •■■* u(*«*

Sale of Suta Tax Lands.
Wll.ualt imiRRua. Tib*.

Ml.-ai Ibrdcl tuBlb, .4 w*r lbliwraud vUn 4nncB>.*l 1,4 Uw aoi.<i*l Tsi
Ii*b-. It n-4 nccirwJi r-,1—w-l .4 ,wn-.4k-l
a*te Oar of Mar'. A.^Tteia.
«l *w« ,-tw-a la tba twiwuiw. at Cb- flBl
dweaf tb-u«*n Mu* i.wtnr iitr w tai
4TBIVI*. la Ib-I'ueilr >4 OiBdIWrrf, W

4.b,4i B>>bl.4Bbl
pm-^CTnaiiU eyTRiW MU
■" '

■■■' "

......... w.41,4 th. tr.dwif^IifTlSr^S

nnOw nwlt.4.4 tb'«W*l--4 Aluv ik.idS-b
BUJUtb .l-...n-b .4 n. i-wwrMiMwn.


,N.r.^'VbT*lb-bub-Ind *bd ■•„\i is’r
P ,

1 wEJU«»bl •4-uOui-. i« «.-ln«.»l,.<b..B-«L

- --

■MbBweciui-r tblbC* lh*i b, nwIltMlWe
IMl. -lal*’4-'wl •iwllr-*—11- Ml tW wW^
a. t> IBI. ibnv rill ta-bb, at eoUw*.B(slii llli hub I *1 ladrii r *1 lla u-atb frtwl tWa
i4Ui-i'Mn H.4M. in lb, ci«> .4 Tmv.rSb dal S Mai. a ■> b
Cny.MBrlnaiMl ,ai
laib-bMBwai. (•■awWBd 1,4 -lb. b, ■“*<4 ^d aad
•aturoay. «
BBl ptiu-w. ^ Uiai^j^ bwe* b





KHteT TiaaMc Hikct'TN 1


^>d ae«tn,w I,, (la- Vuiaar .*..4
atwad imium. aad Uw-------- * m * id. b*
Tlbi'lw IVIf, BaSaBB. aamedlb* U iX- 14 imBW aufUlWcrMwIw f—^ O
IU 1. ncadlUllt.
.t-,4 AbMU-adiw*.

■ads to tte SB of
Klac Bdwaid wbib attwidlnc tte
Tte labbaadtti be* aU
fold ap Ule a mbU eiomaadflaate
cairiod with a haadU. Uka a Blotel
lafariat tte eoaioab ot Ite
tiay. wblah ooasUtt of tao diBatwi.
three artbtle eatcIsB taubbe and
bottaaof ealtaer. Oee
■ideot te tray aeatalat riiiiiii ter
■aeon, stiver
bemaae te b hb (atbri’s cob. tat ba­
te b a Rood
dersBote the tO|dB they like to dls-

mt aad '■•vaWMI la aaul -wnal*. tar- iwaw



evwycaae mat a
____ ..............
> Boetea boardte aobooL la - -St Port Ohetetr. Ceaa.
boB mmla by widte aU raadon «< Uus I
HeCbrthy. seed It. hm bb lib whlb
■lea. laraBsd tte WUir Hoasa trytBR to BTe hb bUad falhar la tte leDIte »erv abeol Swamp-Raa aad ho- •*
Tbaietey batve te poeaUmt ted belief that te wu
fiod OBI It yon hart kidney m bMMr maAit.
tet after II Is a batty.
iBbee poe- bnahfiat. They wtead te Boat te beywaapb
pntedeat They mtetod la tte cnat
rooBL A4 11 o'clook tte presi
Haatfnat mtet to brta(Jl I
teat waa adU imhiI aad oae of tte
nal te Hew Yert aad Blrb Bid te eoaU aot Band any



The Kind You



FiniaSea BuiminR Stone ano rnpinrin nmai

Opit MiriL riarte On.
Mate. TM. Ha m.


THEi6t(AwB_'nii^ia^ii itbHALP. may i. 1902

I sunsi)ina1ii.lH.=g DAN QROSVEHOR SAYS:
the tot**t it 'wlllny" by tel
PanMi mUtr^^U
D«o. "an bM«Biw e
m«ta' Ih* raBBiof la of *a
etailiiyt for fir* or tw s

Baking Powder
Made of Pure Orape Cream al Tsrtg. '

Safeguards tihc foar
against alum* ^

MRS. M. B. C. BATE8,eo<roa.

tbr l•l•pho^l•.U taw*Iy toopooahU
foil. 1 Boke n«»rl7 *11 b; f^U aew
ttic pboee. It U *a naefa BM>r«
<^atorBbl« aod aarr* woti a ln(
tlnr and IxKhrr, 1 jau nil down ie
Bf own
In hiir III

with it:
kl *0 tort Diyl>>. wten to** aatotoi
> toy to bto bed. 1 took « prop
I lb* little garatoik to** to ae*
I mid. wtei tte aeoret of U alghl

Vhito tte ml of bto nlotbee were
■Wewed aroend.
tall eneaefa to barak
I emptied «aeh oo* oararelly.
Freddy^ lad trtanuea ae yoo »baU

tb* -pboo*.
and. althowh 1 Bar bare nolbinc la
t«nu-*lar to talk to liwaCeai. wr
ebtim awar for Mraral Blnotr*. aoO
beftrc lri*«oSI kminM opoo b«
that 1 an raUralnc bcr nail
flMiIul tbi
ezpret b« to
aod tliat «

A kldf'e with a braken blade; and
K bandfel of aarblea, eiyhi «r lea;
' Miok
' ' for

a bandi* on wbtdi to *idn
apmnpin. “
Oay biu of p
Iwk or ooB* see
A ..I of penoll. aa eapty *
watofa that took no not*
Aod^^ tony |B*

think* ir.aU ricfat. aad tbta par*
*OBi**( tb« oaIU*b*owra la tbraamr A wbtoUe'to help ia n
way. It wally doa* away with a «mn

Ida. the teal pattod fcrwaid aatii
a feet to oat of atepr and a growi
naan oan w*ar ante a <boe a* I toft |
tte oar* of tbe Vomn * Fotrlye
Miatonaty Sadety. atoa with lb*.
Bnaba* to Trarere* City.
Voe »•
qali* of (boa ladle* end they wtg
tee* thea to yon. Tbt* litto gtri
bad lo tere aa epscaliea on tte foM
and afarward* *b* plajed for weak*
wbU* on ter bed. wtih the Uuto doli
thai hnd eoae oai la a box. few tte
heaptotl. Bte lored (bat doll a* aoy
littto rrito America cuuld. Wlwa
ah* weal boa* we gave ber tbe doll.
woald not take to. She aid
Ihal ber alalrea would take it fenm
gi»e ll to ber owa ehild. and
lid not be allowed 10 take 11.
"I woald talber o« take Ik than to
•n it aad not be aliow'ed to pUy with
Tbe teildrca. and women as well
learn lo read wbll* with a*. Tbey
l«ani to nnd bible Tm--s. the.l/oid'e
lea-------------» - byniasmocf'


TW Hna wise*.

Lot a* dac aUoot tte yood time*; tbay

l‘^'!’“lor*S?e aod llrtnyblanlac Lot* denlaa
1 lU*'* a *WMl tbaakonrlac
(M aad anrwerkey *kla*!
—Prank 1* Soawn.

It* Moaloa* whlU' taim*n flow.

Of b_ I1A> IU.|>I>I i>

Ooaa late tli* ffarden!
^ —»«ii boy, a*>e opeaed ibi- door, aad
Bh "W* an plantlay baby'*
" Th.D*weoBBli*darrlT*d Uai
BOnlayaad tb*re wa*a mban

ltoal7 te wlaann all latwa-

a la^a brlfhl fay. a caaaia taaa.

dtoBaat aaoey tb* ohilocra.
triMid-* yardea wa* qaltaiary*. aad

taU of it wa* (iTcn orar lo'-fhe faallytad«k."ait>ieraaUit.
Two beaatifal «lmt. plaaMI on
thair nartlaya day. wan fatiwr'i aad
Bothar'* tne: Alfnd'* the ftnt bora,
wa* a direr popbr; Joho*
bealook. Haiy wa* npnwnted by a
A BmlA* Ucbt. a Mother ttata'
Tlie liule yUl ao>oy
adtbeelanea of briyhtnd torrie.
tial yladdeaad bar eyee froa Joly iui.
The tMltmtai^ tbed. yai Wart
winter, aad the Aral read wold*
That day'* haid work ran* aaeb
4<aua*fraa her baby Ilpa.a**be
sweet not.
thnw ber ara* arooad it, '
n-ll^M-taadnrr by
pretty ineu"
- 1 lioiii
troa liBTeB’*
luarea’* taliod
ae ylad ta be prra.i.1
- I, hr* qaoaAed
baby ’strae wa* to be planted.
Ifaa atber baU It la hi* liatid, aad
Itwaaa ynaefal white adi.
'Tbb tree.'’ aid he. ■•Mony.

Toward oa* teUi b*am a* It ban-



was laacvUb loaaaoB .

■■AKea U tbe beby'tBaae." k
Alfred tone, "lat it ireuy?"
“I ftad." aid tbe father, "that the
ohildreo are happier and more inter,
adad a aU oatdour life to have ihea
I valaabte lacye*lout aaraad in thi* way.
Proa ioTlDy and etadriny
her tne, they an over to learn ahoat
other yrowlny thlaya Alfred ha* at-'
lUy, aad U r
nady aade up bU Bind W be a trail
anvof meet
>t widalr BBdorrtood.
thaBlradeBof the wwld. Thne
aad happy froa
out of donn
Toiaa* to be laid absal Ik aad Bi
Tbe equine wUl an f
OboB aopB to my li.tlaw aooayb
Alia'* tree till the Uttle maidea
laycirta. Par lo^. Uw arOela la eld aaonyh to look afta it. fa they
qa**dca ha* food «Doa«h fcr Bar*
teBOWcok'* theoyfat. It U a* fel­

jrmivd the editpi's CeMe.



oaadcwli I lorod to t**l.lh»
Happy the woman who own* a food
tl* body M *BBd aaUoii. tod 1 woald qtedan of the old-taihioned
•amaroTB tb* daar earb ay ynaf. lewalrr wbieb wm the ray* tliirty or
wqatoiaytayatUfor tb* r*B of the forty yaan ayo. Then' i* a oarked
nrlral of Intamd in thl* kind of
llarvinpBtby oradoB. and one dealer who for tea
oabdai betwoae ea To ay aanwia yaan ha* h*oa ooUaettoy *peela«a«
la.naaed w rwfieet ay owa a*
to** hanitoaoB profit* in d^k He
IlynWBDfe aukad. aa
ha* been ia badnealeoy enoairti
patniUy ih* gayeky of babyhood wa* ka«w that the todiiia in iew.-Iiy, a*
lartay hta. Pot ana* da* 1 had
bo«a BBtiea* or«r a bait which bad adrerttoed for eld caa^ pay aad
mtimo aad drralapad oadar tb* tya». braeetoa for yean. Many ne bonyhl
. wkal away ed hb aan* darta« oar twllKto aa* than tlie raloe of the
gold ia the ntdagt aad aatil a year
tal toild he M baeona ]nM tt« op- ■go b* ted alaoal no draand for
peda leaniiMaUbowtheladdia- cam BO Jewelry. Bo popolar bai U betteaeaaeaBe;! think alaly Iraa eotne B
tbe eldtodaderara*: " Vhy eanaot I ooaI ooUeettoo to worth more ttea
tral hta ta <B* way a well M la aaipto that be paid for IL One of ibt
otharf Hy Berroaraaa ha* bam glrJrwebT boade
aaUawlth ar cane al aiyht while in Hew York aye that they bare don*
h* wa* adeep: wow why cannot 1 ia- men work alteriay and mrUrlBgold
Baiaahlaa tU* other attar?"
eem*o J*w*lry tfato winter than they
worked It all oat la ay own nay aad bare for twenty yepra The all
mid Dethli« of the ex|iwlaeal to aayhare hero oh telly in eha
body olae. At alyhl. apew eoalay to
da bad whlto we dared. 1 woald pot to ptudanti or eeaUntuy them la
vara* atoand hla aad oty.
load aaoayh to awaken hla la
dlgfcwd; "Hotbar tore* ha Utile

to pnah hian
Aad he loro
Bate dmrly. Be and not tell her
moyhly ctertea
Be doa* not taU
■aoyhly atorica Be tell* the troth.
My little boy anal grow op to be aa
hOMd Ohddlaa little fmtleoaa.
fyaow aa hoatot. Obridiaa Unto
*' I kept thU np alglit after atchkaad
tatoa that three week* than wa
woed«rfal dmaye. TbaohUd ua
. aarlytoa .raan cU. While of a
to Mieaably tratofal aail pedilraly
■are at hi* aother * lere.ereo thooyfa
ihe bell ti a»e»tT to alayle with
H tb* reelralBt and aathority that
totha woald axerel**. I lar* ilBai
n la the anu aaai

Woetber boilueB womsa aake tb*
•d wire* er aoV away pwhaie apoo tb* jioiBI of rii w.
If a
wife wiie erlU do ti>e
"eilegiac vine" art, aaA a* a n
writer ay* "pat her ha*band
pad-.*tal and be yntofal that fate ha*
glren her a goil—anally a tin oot—
tot him teep away from the boaiaeB
Bnl if hr waul* a ooarede
a* a wife, a woman who ha*
gained a broader rirw of tbe world,
be mar *af«ly cboo*e a ba*inee* -romSoeb-a ooewil! take a man for
what b>. It worth; no fooliab
iilral* abont bit yraatnats: Jati a good
wboIeMUne fellow; and they
deobtlea* bi happy tnyctlier. ISadneB'
pnfilied a woman for matri.
if lb*
for it. She ean go Ibtooyfa
with the remiU of gain inttoad
of loa If tbe wUl. It all depend* apoalieru-lf; If the will dir may
her atper-ence in (be hadnet* world
of adraalaye to henwlt a
tore, in til* makiny of h.-r own i«ppiIhal of the aim wbow «ife
the may

•r^w^ldak aad yellow, aad while
_ all deyrm from twin*- lo Ifaiem'

I y*rr oni- ytoneral tbe •toeplay f»oe.
Tneu pal each trratare agalB to |itoe*
The pookeu balged a* 1 bang it
So gay ud *totdy. epoa tte chair.
And I IboBgtat. a* 1 poadrred over It.
No wtader the jacket doiwi'l fill

ApHl », ItOt.
There arv Will (Om* of ymr toilet*.
Soabtam*. that hare been walling a
long tio>*. bat today we will lieciu to
let in •OB* of one oldw friends
hare wailed a long time, too.
VoB reaeabw we told yon ■
week* ago that we had ■OBelhii
yoB that woelil ptoawr and nrprite yoa Hew today i* tbe day yon
tliall to- told.
ll U a totter wrikeo expreedy for
as criming aU tbe way from Obina. It
will tell it* own ttoty. aad ibaa ll
with yoo to answer tbe- reiii
aad. by Ibto drarOhiiieaealBianaiy.
And yon wbo hare anything to Mod
can wed it to yoo Santhtoe i«eal<Uot
at TiarerMi Oily and tbe will •>« that
Isn't It nie* to br
Belle play an tm:
li part in ftu it It forwarded.
Bble to send Snnthlue to little ObtoItbinK op a diirt
cbildrea otoar to the athi-reid. of
effeclire and tlyUlh bell toof black
tnffea with toiip eyelet* thiuugb
b to ran blaok taffeta ribbon and
Still more iwert arbotai flower*
and oilier. wUd wood blomum*
I«rpo*e I* a wide to tbe San*biiM oflioe this 1
black alia or relrM ribbon wot
Thank yoo. dear ('bUdreii.
Tbe itoy*
mil the wain and tied
over whin yonr prcaideul c
front in a bow knot or funr-to-baad to the wood* *lw lose* *o wall
aad fatk-nad with a taniaoiae maoria *be sits in ber big eaiy c'miraad
Tbi* it beoomiiiy and nal and it it look* Inlo tbe dear flower*' face* wtatli
coorenirtit a* oo<-may wear tbe nb- Cbeir awc-et perfame fill* all the air.
a* tight a* one wiidiea Aooilicw and in ber fancy *he 1* oooe again in
popolar bell ha* two booklea
til* srUd plaeeaool to tbe clear *i«tog
froutaiid ooe to the- hack —Detroit air. aad la a* bap]7 as tlie child ter
Trl banc-.
e*ed to be.
Ko tyrap of poiqaea. uo Itoctare of
oplam. no powdara of moriAiao. aay*
one of tlie medical Journal*, ran
pare in *lr<-p-prDdaoln|r power with
tanthioc. Tbe worti aoporifle 1* landand tbe brat is tansbine. Tbc-reit to caally anctoniood that pcibr
*lee|rn tlioald (as* as many ho
taatbue as powiula Maay wom­
en ate martyr* and do not know iL
They *bui the caaabtoe oat of their
taooaea they wear roll*, they carry
nuKlmdnt, they deal! that 1* pOBible
to keep off tlieabUrel and yet a
potent tofioeeo.-. wliicfa to totonded t«
yire tliem (Oeaytb and beaat
•• Iltaatar sT nuns
.. -—an wbo treat* bc-r elotbr*
with beaeilfel care tell* me that for
baoyiag *ilk petticoat* or dirt* of
*llk. chiffon, B*l pc aaythlny adoraed
with floeaoe*. *be eesrs thieo or foar
loop* along nndi-r tb* taotog of tte
*kirt, rather tten to tbe watot to-lk
by which tbe areage wnaan hang*
her elotiwa Bte etola* wbeo fionnoe*
era hang the onualle way froo-tbal
to which tl.ey are woefc they
fivehened aad lake on a new l*aiIir-.
If ooe eoold lodge by the
(wlettoe freebne** of Ihe wenrer'* garb
her iheosy i* a luefol one.—Good

Hit tbrap heaping toaqaon* o
xtarcb wHb one on uf ragar
eaaoenut ^on on Wo cap* ot bolltag water and Mir ((ntokly a* it Uiiekena and wlu-u (aonth aet ll lad
where it will merely bobble, aad *tir
It oensiooally. Add lb--grated rind
and Juice of one lemoa aad

liny, aad anethw tiling,
aantwleQa. to (hat oee't'breaUi i* beeped l*ble*pooo of batter.
tbrawB lack to be inhaled again. A
hot Water If loo iblek. as
tllekesu to ODoHag. aaa *huaU be
wa* eared pocaanoMly by dapiy (hla (Boart to poor «a*ily.
Bortay tbe bed ftom near tbawelt
ima Ui. Blddto of tbe room.
Whole W
■ raMI**.
> rainc of ■arroandlag* that dt>
eol eaeite the laagiaalien to an iaporant thing to ecaddor in prefaiiny tnolae^-* one half ea^ffal of wstoat
e room for rrpo** and stoto
t one eapfel of *1000(1 raUIn*.
wall* aan lare rtsafak-^toM and
>*lf tenapoonTnl of uli. one-telf
tben oaaaei he loo llulc farailerr t* trasiswofaief soda, one ronniUny Icato few ptetore* and briea-bran
•]K>oofol d baklay |<owil*r. Klaor
The** thiny* yet on tbe aerre* an
.iretir'^Biz all ugetber and tore
idaor wriukle* and otuw’s feet and
a ^oold or tin pail. Steam (brae
aU eoapeitoa.
Let the wbd* it
ra Till* make* a torye iwdding
InaaMU of tbr bedroom trio the c
wbuk will kfwp aerseai dart and ran

»a (pottoaly olem U ato
’. DM only for nak bet for <
Bail one capfal of rice, lender; add
a* at well, da*t being tbe grrai
> one ({oart of milk, two «ggi
rof awocaan-t good loon, ll
• iBibe tkiaand wriekl** an caidol of •agar, la* *all*|aat
** td a traepoon of aa:
(9.- eepfei of eaadid ntotoa ate
Apota Pha^
. A (Bag of chaw for the weak
halfef aeeiWal ofaiaoed*
Do yon orec aake apple pickle* to Wbeo nearly doM *Ur onrtalonat^.
a*|Wlny? They are ladly aa^
and add ooe ableepocwfel of te
telp fill tbe empty pKAto J*^
Pat*, ewe and qaanw tort ai
pat Into tb* lUB* piekl* tor. T
qaart ot oUar t1b<«w add fire poaad*
pa. beat togrtbw. Make a caall
Belted, a half eap of swim
tec and fill wi* dot** and otoLot a* dny aboBl kh* ^ tima: Ibey
«y. one (raaponatal of aete. w*
m. pal Into tlw vinogw.
Penr •nod eap of ral*laa aewted aad choplay hot OTW the nw traik Ooraa The nasi day ninni. Itey
WiU te ftedy fw m* in n few ttoya

B*te W. P. BrawBtow, Cte

>t tedf* month* w

cable afisr the flm tore* daya'1
ka*ctaken three bottWof itemidittat
and I terlaatlsSedUulI amaowalmcte,
If not pcTmaarailT, rand. In ennnee- .
turn with tbe tVrana. I hire md yeai
1 regard It ea tbe tost mabeioe tor thu
parpoae tbarlteraevre asal. Ilaetog
been braefiud ao mneb myeelC, I gire
yon (hi* •uiemank that oUm may be
likewise hrarflicd,--w. p. Drawahiw,
Mr*. laaM* Pleatnc.orator c< Haiir
ecur IV.OBC-U Xo. bto. Xanfaeastera ls>
fM ot llcmco, ot Mianrepdis. Hlan,

tevo read ilmt Chi
kept in tbeir home* and are mto al> lean to read aad as they
ae. w« bare al Bm to offer
mu to gel llua to ctody. We
Bad that grown women as well as
girl* will work hard lo learn a verw
to order to yet a picture cnr-l. and as
1 wrlu I aa woBdenoy if eome n(
(te obildreo wbo n-ad this would bm
Ilk* to (end as cards. Sandxy *ebool
card* and adytnlsomni -ard. and
leaf clastar* as resrard* (o be yirrii 10
todao* ibaac pt-opto to Iran to read,
for many becom-- toiereeted in what
they r<*d and laara 10 brliese >i>
OhrUk* My daar ohildrea yea may
bear tome ay ibai they do not brItore in foreign ai**loatry wort to-i
laidi a one ooa* aod arc lOe diffeterc-e
between a nation wbo know not llbrisi
and on* wbo does. Iwt sacb a ooe
rend ibe butory of hi* owa aneeaior*

were in n* mneb darkne** *. tbe (Ibla.
eae are today. Let sate a one ere- Ibe
Tereaoe belwc-eo the lunibmi 1
Obriattan* to tins tond UeUy.
and hopeless who tme come (o tbe
boepiul. and witnra* tice ciiaiiye tlcat
tmes o*er ber a* b-ipe in Christ and
liertafter eiiu-r* her bran and updantaadiui:.
Thtnk It over, |irey alxnit 11 nod o-e
if yon do not gfie ihuc dolls
lonp books M till- \V. y. M. ». vf
the M. K. eborte to l-e »-ot to me. o>
thi (odely of yonr own diorte i» he
lielp OB tb..
work. Girds can t>e seat In a box. ot
by mail well wrapned and tied, uoi
•ealcl, for not moeb poslaye. I:-- toraod nol seal llw iimkage for ll woald
mean that it woehl uec-ct (o pay hiwe
Ur. doable teller |u*iayr at tb- end.
am afraid Mr* Bale. wiU i-ui Ihl*
in the.waate bwkei,' ii is *0 limy If
she dueaii'k i<eth*|e 1 will make
teorter call n< it
Voat friend.
1.VOO. U 1>.
Pooclww. Cliiua.
Oato- Amerieaa Hospital

r. I'hlna, Veb. f, I
Dear Ura Bato*-I wa* onee a linl*
Here to a trio of lelier* ilial cdjoald
girl and I lired in tte Onad Trar . bare been {ruled before Jedyiog by
enn r«giou aod what to more. 1 read teedaie of them. And we are alvrare
tbe Herald
i am not little
ao glad to boar from oor Island Bonn^ithe
Lher BUI I yonny. yet may to-1 ean
Yoa mosf come ayau.
tbe lltUe ytol* and boy* that
teildm to lid* far away tond.
China it not ae far away as i
-aa 1 was talking with an old tody
(b* other day and tbe told me that
the fint time aba raate onl beta ate
mlird from Hew York in a miltoy
Teaael and wa* Btc- meelb* on tte
way. Tber rame areond tte eap* to
- *e daya Too may. I am talking
tte cbildten now. look to yonr
.. tmiihie* and find tte rame
caiie, ^t now we ran eome
month, and tc-legnm* tell ataUimill new*, bni it wa* tte telli
of Obtoa 1 wa* going to mU yon
I find that tliey ptoy
• aTiBitor to wtet I plvad ia
New York cBte and Michigan. Wr
read maefa of filial piny, yet a* a
rale tbe ohildnn of tttoa do nol obey
a* well as as thoae of AmericA " Ibe
teild don't wAntto.” to mb
parenk a *aflldenlrzcam why A Uny
u nol made to lake bto medlctoe.waati
hi* faoe or ha** bto hair oombad. yet
(bit wei-fc a yonag amu offered bimA-lf a* a pttoontr to place .of bii'tatb.
rr on aoeoanl of d*K* oanlinou
te. the eon. in no way reepond
Many ot (be UtUa yirto that
o oor boapiial an *laTe ytrU. One
ad Ibe bonee of tost fool broken. Im*.

■'Peruna is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy—I am as Well as Ever.”

Sonlli Manlum. Mich.. Mareii 8.
Dear Mrs. Bate.—1 Yboogbi 1 *
write yea a few Uee* today,
going to aclcool .-eery day M v v
er's name it Mlsi Anna Bordick. She
it eery kind to ni all. lam Ify
old and lam in the fourth rea
Hew I will tell you how mkoy so
an there arc in adiaol: there
twenty-flee tbls moralny. The*
will aooB be goat and tbe flower*
b* to baA
I will be glad wb. a ■
mer eome* *o that we caa pUy u the
fields. -We bad a good time bt Valeattoi'day. 1 gol a valenlinc; it
a *er* pretty on*. Thi* 1* all 1
think of for (bto time. Sogood-liye.
Jeaaie O. Green.
Boath Manlua. Mtol... March 3. IM
D*nr Editor—As 1 have neecr wri
ton to (be Herald before. 1 (boegiit
wooU do ae today. 1 like <0 go 1
atenol this winter. Oor teeteer
eery good to me.
Ber naBx- is Miss
Anna Bardiek. There ate iwen.ty-fl*e
to aeliool today. We hare not *

troobW all my *
life wilbi-slaiTb {
u my brnk ,1took peranator*
aboal throe*
moaUi*. aad^
DOB IbUik I am ■
cured. Ibrllrvo*
iU*l lot caurtb*
la all It* f-irms ■
' I'erona b- tbr J
; mnlletos of the ■
age. It cores*
• ben aU Mbct trmrdi-s 1*1!. 1 ran
heartily tnvimmi-nct Vervn* a* a camilb
n -n. I>in. .1. <;’i-v--n-r, tvimly AodiUir ( ir the War Drpartmrak la a 1
WT.ii.u ft-iii tv*.Ill nr I-.11. n.i'.MTs:
| n-usdr.”—Mrs. lUnirt KlemUg.
Trret Cstscra «. agHan•• Allow me to expret* toy rrar/futfr a you for Ibe benefit derived
The spring Is tbetlais b< IfraleatoffW
Irom one bottle o! Pemao. One week hss brought wooderfolcltongeo
c-.dd. wet wimer ereib. r uDca rMatdl
nnd I om now ot m-ell ms ever. Besides being ooe a/ tbe very best
rareutrmtsrrb. tlar.sir.ecd pi rum
spriaj tonics It Is 00 excellent eotorrb
• taken ilnnug iberarlv spring Bnaito
IhcrarvalU lw]irv-rnpl and |---------------*
There ran be no fsilure. If IVniaa b
-nl 1 -ii.-r he says:
laken IBtelllernIty during Hr laturalds
aeatlxTcd spring.
I AsasTstetni' e»iarrh reraidylSraB*
you lost. In


ye&"-«D*A. A. Grasveaor.
A r»..if .


, ^ w.wd f,.r the trtile <b*l ImmrM me '

n we
esn 1
llancbe Ho)/I, r

U y-iado D.>ldertirpr.«i|4*nilsaU*
(*ek-r> TTsUlts ( lb..|i-e...( P
■ rile al ooee li. In.
luau. gumg a
-eaiid bewlU
1- |-.l•«•svl to give «-<u bit saiuaUem
Tli-e gratia.
Afi-ltres Iir. Hanman. f


.ml 1 fr-l ll is-uiy dul} Uisissk* - lu-i. lU-ss>st
be li.-re,


-Aii tc?ulat aiicv cn Slc-k.


t„ cn.ler.

Soath’HaoHoa Island.
Island. Midi .

>iwriai ipaclc

OnU^te-vciy U*t nialcnii

use-!, an-1 fuHiYnafantcci in ever) ievi«-rt. .

Ruaaics '‘‘‘‘"“■^'"»'‘'V''«»'--ct1assell. •I'heiter,
wntl.-n In ilie
llcoayhi I woal.l write
bi go to *chool *ere B
tweoT-i-ighl aeholarsleartaer Is Tcry good to ns all.

n,r ma-lcofjlii-Jp niilc-i.ial, aid ^iic.i a


fmndi til rxich llic 1-11-. hul aic •Imal-u-, 1 -eniieial-'-, an 1 mat.

Tlie ehi-ai>cM on Hie mlltcl, -itiilnv •-rnsLU-usl,

• ‘1,11 iiM-.l an.I I--U will liuv nil





126 Slats siTssi. * Uiefor Peterfyl.

oat *11 gone off the gronnd.,
would like to go to Traverse Oily lery *
mech. I will be very glad when lamooae* and the Utile bird* will
Wl.en at gel* wanu ire go ap on Ihe
bleS* at tbe we«l side of tne lal.
and ted play many kind* of game*. I
inert think of ary more to write, »o
rill cline by gU'ing my ago and
ne. Good-bye.
ige b.
Jes-is Johnson

Hotictng lhai a litti-- girl, to wilktog aroand tbe •oboolo-m. limped, 1
that afaen
g a tnir of
- sboeA Oalliiig her t me. 1 toid'Bonietime* new shoe, a 6 etiff; bdA.'
»Im- *aid. -My
•hes* do D»i bon me. It's mv leei
1lcal hurt " The llllle lai-- wa* sn
there ooald be no dnebt of her |s-rtecl
nnoeusciOBan-s* of having mIiI eome
tbiog bngbi.
Ilsrw lie Wo.14 K*r M.
One day 1 was endenToriiif tElljab 10 read the aentenm-.
blpdog' Raw: Hat*'" He psrsiaied
in drawling the srote*. and. in order
ainral ezprreaioo.. 1 miA
ID a vi-rv ID imaled nmnner and loncw
"Now. Elijah, raiipnae yoo **w tte
rats, and wmmed Un- dow to bnr.v
whal would yoa mv." 1* a voio
trtuTokingly e-iol and ctolik nie he re
pUed. "I'd aay ale'"
Chnatlike lilim.
He oar lireo lika'lfaioe:
Haaru of gold and aamdilne.


of all descriptions now on sale at

J. J.


BroACh Block


2«8'Front StrMt

Wc refuR the price of Cifi-CiBe If li hoes sM
Eire ulMuUoB. Osr Mllh la U b uhmded.

nit 1
C*t-l.'mc. Cu4^ine 1* iKrt ti)- any means a rurc-alL iVe <lu
Ol'iriir friend* fur a munent lu belicrec ilial wc c Uira it to be.
c|ci wish, howeter, that all khciuld knosr wc ctitbttsiaitirally ch-

tbe (so
rcclum. In all.. rverf Khei
iiac'h. I.ii-CT and Kidnei Trcrablcu, Female Wcaknrm, ileneral
I>cl.i1ilyel<u we rer«im>«ai.l CateCioc.
bo unc«nclittuna||i do we
icanmend it that we offer in all iDiuiKe* to refund tbe rouncy |nid
if I..U do nor find Caa-Cme in every revjKvrt all we daini lor 11,
ll will |«y you to call and let u>
eijdain Caa-Cme
II eijilam
to )«o.


to nearly gene, and spring will aoen

twime So your w«Hb"

The Enterprise Cash Grocery
At the new »und. comer Suie aod Union, will make
special cut prices all the week. We are now in a po»ition to »ell groceries hc eaper than ever before. Re­
member we are located directly opposiie* tbe XThy
Market, the most convenient point in tbe dty lor all
«>untry trade.
S^r. H« fa«n,.
lb. Co-..................
, $,.00
K-:i.»cne Oil, per gal.................................................
B-. bulk Co«eu. pur lb, loc. 15c........................lie. Vie
Yello, l-e«h».. ,................................................-. .,5
Fourepke.Fairbu.k’.Seo«ripsS<«p................ , «
Johnsons Soap Powder..............

ton pataea be had adaptod. aad alway* with aataliag raaData Hi* tor*
aad trad taae an gnat ir than la
Ita* arwaga ehUA"

........ . ............



I lavoilobly onswer. 1 wberrewH mayls-lD-wled. Ilenresra
, urrbcd tiseebKB*-hur isnreto wUbth*
same eenatol; as <«Urrb of tte bste.

country osking me If my certificote Is genuine.



It wa ihertoe bar work ate te«ttm) bar laiaara Ctoea* irwythkw dtesabl* fima a
ate okabm. pot. Ate para. (koTIteteari.
work witbBat COLO DUST-ttemoterectoaraw; liallai anil mnn nmubfMIha

Ark Seep. ,0ber.............................................
Bee Hive Soap, to bars......................?.........................35
Yew* Foam......................... .........................
We always pay highest market-price lor good butter

Enterpiriiie Cash Grocery

Cor Saate Brat L'aism.

I. I»^.

D. O.
K. K. C^i>itoH«
LmI vtok tototed M •poeh to ibe
fnttotttl Umott •< TniTWW Cttr.

■MUmm Jato

M tf «•
bon ib
mM brVUboll'*
th>to iwtutoii ««r
Um Tottrtto «Mb hftTiac o dlffoMt
oMtt Md fotaf to lain to ItollN ai>d

Tbe aid mytof ttet U takaa a

Kn. J. H. MoOoofh aadHia Ibu
lira "
?Ju^to« rlttotohkib redobU
tosTftoi>MUI)rvta U“ mwrtoftb* Imortol SMtole 1U>m9 o« * <*«*« OoBxh. toe party betof girta to
of Mra MoQoaxh'e timer. Kla*
iMcrlbod “All Bbatodlor ti» ><m
blchM vt PjrtbU.. wlw
Vitfa toe
Mhta for tbe mt»l (xuuire. tlkbtoM*
tod Ifau totoa ■ tof or
toPPOMdir tndcAi of tb* reoelved a peany with the laatnu
to brtox ae.blx a baacato at eb* oonld
■fur otooto of tbo
matM IB aortbtoa HleU«>>.
wltl>it.aad toeeurekerp■od bto In Ibe Um mm «b« Mtou^
ttet toelr raeb m eaaUai for
CBlltopo, to* rw*Utol tmd «
fto.Ko. IU.D.O.iL.E.. April B.
to* pact few day*
collkap* tliat *rer looted.
The tenmiu wen
luardUklr fOllowtoK tor
CUMIOM ft rtodrdto iB load blr>btW toeetodldua*
•orj- ■
ptto* to BUiabtos'* Ottod.
_________ _jlnr boptoOf tooto wlio bod
took to* nalUd reu of aU t>«oixit to
tiM aOelr In ebuno. PrcM lb* MTitol Then «M B Utouadou nub for
daddewUeb wv* aieet wortoy of
at tlN man beoriaK tto Ant drlr«*- tou an beer, tod SeetoUry Blafctolto
tnu. Rift Ryrtto BaaabaU wa* ti
tUto Mill to* dt-iwnn of to* Itot
fstot it Wto « ototlstol mnd of
^ktoon ter rxn*
><qu* nlto*.

tod IV TOUty taarf«r* frou
Teupip of Onad lUidd*.
nw pend* toto oorof to* uou
u afur Ua o'cloek wbeo to*
dntoUi««*to *ir.-nl.i« by • InUtalM of taUiailM
tolaooMy. Tl.* wreueoU* tofltotovofc wa* eoadneudbylbedlranaf
toq'* Ottod w«» wl».to*d by to*
Eaata T«npl*. Tbe ialUtoery week
bucwl itohutof Of PyUil
inU>*Tad ««*toer in Sortoarn Hlehi- m* coefemd apoa a taaU <
di<VU*tod wlMtodby tlieoUMn.
■ad lb* baaqnit

II beinx toelndtleaada
•d to to* penny poiehaaa
TIM prto* wa* a heaatifal obina call
elL Tbe ooatolaliae imee, wbleb
ad to* appmaane of belax cm of
toe barxaiaa. wu woo by JUee Jcml*
Smito. wbo broDffat a* btr pnrchaee
a box of ltoyltoailoe“Blxii«r babiea"
Aaely caiiled oot by the Otaad Rap- At tb* eoaeloilon of tbe roitox e AowCneettox ooDteei wa* held. Rim
.1^ eeedaalon of to* ^jaltiatory HaadeBaxadon n-ceirtox the priM,
iilfnl buck of caraattoaa tkeIk to* foUo»lnit oOcareof IaIU
Bookh Teupl* by P**» laiprrlal
.Viileb aU to* detail* «*n eerried
*^w2S* Blielk-C. «. Oarla
Tlu lotol Pytolaa* had toe opporRoyal Vlaler-Dr. L A. Tboioiaoa.
A aamber of ladire wen Ibe xbmi<
taalty of eaurtuUqc »oo»e* of dlitln
Uraad &alr-A. W. Rlckerd.
of Rn J. W. Patohto Fridey after
(mielted ptople. upmben of tli* ordw.
Mabedl-B. U. MeOoy.
and eprat a oonpl* of hoon my

iaUttoe. Thelabteel takea In to*
Meat by then fiota abroad vbo Jola'adtoenewumple ehew*.toe latereet
led 111 lh<- D. O. K. K. tod la
* City'* elTorl* to pat np a

ttode as eepeeUllT An*
dhoviait aad U Ih* hoy* of toe Ball
Olty toe Tren-rei- Oliy PythUn* are
deeply ladebbd.
Tbe nae *i>lrtt U
U toe Ealkaeka del^Btiae, toeladinc toe exnUrat ailhUry baad from toat place. Tbb kaad
lu* iBtoy frtead* In tol* oily aad faa*
■uda Buay tie* ooe*.
Tb# »hole
■■air wa* a atapipdaeu n*e**a froia
the oooti^ of toe parade wa* ia
toe tend* of Uanhal 1. V. llelelbeh
■ad bit aide*. R K HeOoy. Joba A.
UtoBia. P. O. Heoaaan aad Kd W.
Aavia. Bad a btuy toae itey had
Wbipt»te *»to



toe wUd B*a of Htodaaao. tbe roat
•ad toe derUe wbo look lart to tbe
■■tod*. Owiac to toe laMeea of tbe
Mrtral of to* H. ft K. E. trato. toe
]»rada wtoairlBe late to etarttafitel M «ooa a* toe boyi from lUalet**

Beereury—1. M. Blakeelo'.
Tr*a*0T«r-J. T. Baimab.
Hcelal-O. O. Urrif.
8ablb-Bd ^^aMla.

V. Priedrloh mad* tbe xnateel
iberof polBUaad rnselyed a*i1rer epoon a* tin- reward of her irowlatlon priw. a pretty
plat*, wa* woo by Rn. Rtonl*
Oiaw. Olatr.' H. Oor. tewn-eee. Dainty n
eerred. roeiiflinx of plutoppl* lo*.
After to* work, which wa*
cakea pink and while bean *hapi'd
olsitod BBIil after 1 o'elook in the
line, the whole crowd aunhad to
tlieOltr Opera Boa«a, wb«« lb* ftaei
lud bneaUidaader toe direction of eom-d Friday eTeainx at to* borne of
tod direetaa- Rev. and Rn C. T. Bloat, the eteot
beinx arranirwl to honor of tbe Epieperrlelon of a B. ObtU.
Ooren ww laid for *00 and there eopnl chorch ehoir by tb* tedin'
Tbe enlinwen lea than a dona raraat efaalra Oolld of Onoe ehoreh.
■el DOrtb eetainx wa* eponi moei plceueuly by
eemben of tl>e ehoir and ttelr
aad aooUi aad <n>* rnaTlos yuaUel
with tor *«■«• for toe
When t
died to lliey
of torgilrtoc mule from toi- manaolli
■ad gnllar ontaenlra aemi«*ed of
rd. PiUiatrlok. Boeaet
The taWe* were beaT*
with rood totom. to* menn a* labllabedyeeurtay betas «b* iMt that
oonld be had. Tte table* weft- enibel.
Itobed with oat Bowen aad i<otud
itenu and It wa* a xlorloo* eeeor
whtob emtod ti>* eyee at to* eUiton

■r. nwelary of Kaaba Temple.
ne w.itenm baail wa* ben. followad by to* wUd maa of kUadBa
who wa* aadtoeetly bidaooa, and
teeatoe a* toe aenenil ran of wUd
me. to aU ptotebllliy.
Ttea tom tte D. O. R K. stot.
-batoy aatmal, wbo led bte «oalbatd
a miry aid oteee. aad fanltoad ao
aad at smeeemeat lor the crowd* that
Uaad to* ito* of aurob. wbleb wac
u with oolored'An. with Arrwork* eboottoc ekyward from a anmter of eaaftm POtota
Atur to* Boat
r too at tome la Ito*. ttembtof
wito tomr a* toey tboacht of what
wa* before them or otoarwiu erlae!■• tortr llre\y toUi**l to the aOaln
ttet ware atead.
Ttea tom a Aoat on wbioh wa* aa
Immeaee aaldroa bolliaf eriih nd
Ara. aad oa tte Beat, fotkint orer
toe bone* of a tepUa* tyre, wrre toar
tetoc* wbo toakMl like tor deril aad
wba claimed toat toey felt Itte-well.
aayw* eoald eaelly bare foaad oat
by atotaC toeat.
Ttea earn a Anworki Asai. followad byaaamberef eourkee to their

bediaaeteekleio. Bewu etemtaL hsd a lood appellu far toe 8sa
ftiy blU ef fan mtte Botel fteCtead.
to ten set a weny
esearth. eiarpt
Thie wu tssead by ^ tent toat te
bsdn«BlT*d aottoa of a box tost ted
acTlred fer him al lb* Pm* Kaiqi
tnixht'depM. D looked loltem
bUleduabax af
ao^t. tet Hmsurw taelMed that tl
wu a bu of boofci. a eereeal roll
wmfc os -Tte Idf* of Cbriec
XiaTa* wu worried beuu* heeosM
BOI bar* to* book* at
mere wertiad beeaaa* be atifte ten
M rmsre toam to toe pshiitoen.
waated w read tost Ufa of 01
and be wasted It rery had.
Tb* matuvof toe h.rinod*t wbe
ad eom deallax with netxiane
me lim exe. aneardiax torrpon.
and wbo. it tee bees htoud.- mixbt
ten bad aoat besriax os tte otim
tl«t OMBU to ter* taken pipe* to to*
little bedroom on the waet eida, wu
to Hanrarc
bsi toe totUr aoonUd to* idu tost
toll ma oonld poeeibly ten had tte
luei cnoo-otiec wlto to.- duib of

any "un
Dni hi* ooetou* aad apimnnl abeuleU latk of warty lead
Rr. Chaadler to tbebeUel toat be la*
0 aboonml ataonal of awre.
HarftaTr* wu a;raebed on toU
esbjeei. ann in reply to tb* racxe*tiem toat be did not naliu toe ftarity of hU eitnaUoo h* npllod that be
rrslltod felly toe ooodltion to which
klh of bU wit* placed

ter eel and make it mnll all rixbt to
the end.
H<- erldently oxpeou to
ter* hie Ubeny in a f. w month, al

<-beeur at AeoUema
Wtoaipi-x, April W-Ponrxlrleaad a
buy. children of -lean Reuehna. wme
bBine.1 to dulb in their borne at Korbet eetilemeat darlnx tbe Bixbl. Tbe
tatb.T, awtoer.aud one daaxbter were
rrecoed but eol b. fore they were urtUoouxa* and Herbert Roouxn*.
os*ly barnod.
fon Ibe evealex wu ended, all Joined
DoT«. K. J.. AirilSB-Tbe boiler
to elextox •■Baane* Rieer.”
the ■•nfia* of ao rtpreea

« .!»>.. ™

initanllr killi-d.
Jolln. HU , Aiwil »-Whll.- pleut Rr*. Rtohul
-* ridlnx laet w
Rnlleek. wile of lb*
sy. axed SO, and Floyd
Puree, alao agti SO. wen killed al
tb* BaataFe rroeeiiix oa Fattrreon
etreet lo tte darkneu toe occnimale
of tol- unlix* did not eea theapmeehinx Into.

Ray and Viol* LnValley wen eniTte Ealamauc Paper Oo. wlU <-»ct
[WliiMl Friday ereoinx by aboalaMor*
tte Ane*i aad Unceet paper mill to
oftbelr fneod* wbo epent tbeemHleUxau toll eanunei. doshitox Its
Inx mo*t pleaaaatly until.abont II
Tbe Kalametoo Railway
o'clock, when they went horn to tte
Bn^y Co. win atoo bnlld ao ImPythian* partlealarly e
Naee plant, donbllnx lU npaclly.
■letiox Of le* etuai and eakea
Haneleto. a beipitt AUteiTtotlon from al
manwbo Ilvu oi> tb« baak* of Wtolake. BUT ~
Bnpeiuiieodi-at C. II. Hon wu xlrto
wlUiaqaeer exblbtl.
londly encored that they were
D a royal n-oeptioa by tbe boy* of
pelled to reader anotber.
tie Ul«h eobool Monday On hi* re{ara While A»huix a few day* *xe bU Itoe
to what b* took to
Paet imperial Prinee Leo A. Caro of from Cbinxo. where be aoupted the
In Irytox to
' ' M toe tout.
elpUihip of tlbe aoademie-depart- be aa ordlii^ aaax.
loo(*D it with a *p*ar be brWbt to
■•Ou Baby,” that betnx to* urtu ap­
.1 of
Iowa ooUetn.
toe msTtaoe to* ekoll aad aUeh of aa
plied to to* new Lalla Roekb Temple. drawn thronxb to<-etrvel* by an
elk to wliito wen eevea teeth to
Rr. Chro mid alM tlilafi abont Ttar toutoetlr body of yonnx men. i
of r*M*rvatioa.
la tte
Oily and tb*
made a Rood iharc of to* eity Hiir
(kail wu bnried a erode iroa
aad earTBr-* toe andleaoe ttet old wltl> tb* diffennt lUxh e^mol yi-lla
jronld alwaye be imad of ber
expecti>d that Hr. Horn tewk, mtou toe haadl*. wbioli bad
evtdcatly rotted away. On pnrltm
HooooeladedwUhan apiwal woald arrtri- on ibe hoon tt '
oeeaeton* elk'* aatler*. ter* beea
tor a Am and eUadCut effort
toe Prre Raniaette from ibr
part of all tnembere to cooltoBetoe aad the boy* bad prefund to meet tte fonad la' WlBterxrua lake, bnl aever
seed work of bnlldias up the order of Rato. Bnl Rr. Hero stale a mareb bi'for* a ikoll or teeth. o( an elk.
Knlxbt* of Pytolaa
book by wap of MU- U^Mleto wu offered $S0 for hU Bad.
waakee aad RaalMre. asd arrived bU>e^iL
Ohaa A. Bkalolur teoelred a
areal 11 e-oloek.
Mepttoo wbaa be wanx "Qeeea
The boy* did iiM prppoaed to b*
of toe Barth.
-k by IlxhtnlBX whll*
Flint, wu otnek
wu toe applae*.- toat he wu forced duaied oot of-toelt deaimiitratloo,
retarutof bornet bm tetaeoL
aad they wVted toelr
W rupoad twin, wbtob be did by
falter wu waltiax for ber al to* xatc
Bhortly tefon 1 e'etoek.
borror-sRiokea wltaeu
toey drew out a baxiy trimated to tte
lauar Ornal
ViU S. Hampna bald t^ andlenee colon of tte Htxh *obool and too** of
HaiMXer Birimntooa Of tte Owoeto
^lahtore^namtotb* III* *aBiar oln*. and a crowd of en- aad Ooroaiia Electric Co. wu "baakli at a ran
at. "RaadoeB TbonshU." which
tox''toe fWluhboard wlwo by eoel>e of Mr.
t fall of trttttolem* and aerV>u
■hen riroatted.
: jBM eacb Horn. .
In tte ftoeh toat followed RichardHen tte enpertatendont wu bat­
a taU M Prtolau Ilk* to l>*u.
band* aod face wan badly bon­
tled oot. and xmled by a roar of aptrleb 8emuan''from RanUU*
ed aad a Toltax* imaed thronxb hie
plani*. Hs-KM aeamd to tte texxy.
bix hthaad It
>t of tbe
eotlow tbeo,
Two mnawey Baxtoaw boy*. Hecry
ly «oUd thu RaStaU* I*
HlXli etoooi yel
When It eomc* lo Arm elaa* enurtainBounan and Lymaaa Wartu, «r»*d
r I^IlF* who, xatteiwd
an Tbe artlit* wbo mre to* ikeUh fooax
nvolven aad pocket* faU of
Raahy llleratar.-. etopped over at.
of Prof,
d up byib. cmileot
exhibit UmmwtIw to tb*
via tor two yoaos i
tovlted to *han
■■■otal laleou u ei
admlrtax »mll boy* of ttet towa.
bat' bad deoltoed. tte
won kepi on tl
< traveler* wan nltltox pnboy* drew iheteMyiaptdlT down
treel to Union.
borxton aa oOacr »wocp*d down and
Tte peer set bad Ixn eneh n twUi
••Pa.*” Palmer. Haatotee-ipopator em toat a anmber of tht- lee* atlilrlie eollar«4 them. Tliey were nal boma,
• a tronaetof awaited them.
peetmelBi. ff*” o'
of (he yoanx m>«> had boon foesed to
Aowefy aad
ImpreaelT* addreeeo*
Til* Ar»l elep* for to* formalloa at
' Knrtb on Union tte bey*
Wbi^ btoaxhl to* boau to lu feel at went, and Bui on Float, yi-lliax a to* tedermUoa of aU tte obnrebu of
toe rmrfutoo. Fred Wetattwo. pru- food than of tte way
They loroetl HtohlXBB bu beea token at Loaainx
ecstlax Bttoreay of CadlUac.aleo xarc tooth on Park.
a Am addteae aad ooBamat applaau tooth on Ona*. wut oa Blthlb. aonh eheithu tori to
aad Uafbter ebowed bow well It wa* M Uatoo. wnl oo S<-Teulh. aad dnw Rm. S. B. teaford 8f Hew Tork. neap|w*elBt<-d.
Tb* mlltn of wli bo- tte baxxT rtobi np to tte door of to* n«ry of tte 1
twees Palmr, Ckro and Tetmore •oheol bonm.wbrn axato totve ebeer*
kept tbeerowdto eimtla^ lai
wen-. uUed for for Hr. Horn, mad
aad eom* very eliatii pellmii, I------ ... Iter were xtr*. with all ktod* of
: bsmleae remark* were ebot from all foeo* and a xood tifvr to terk item


Jtte *

M aam to* R*^ band,
ad Serer looked mole oniTbf Boyttead
laadlik aad never playad bateer.
Tte tnribl* oun eattox tlgn,
iaAiaadBapid*.wa* the next to toe
Uaa Hawa* oafed for hypaambar
of tmtm a* BO mu except 81 Plaakard
dared fo aear blia- Bl. howera
wUhlB hisoade vllltOBi lb* leael
of fear, and atur the parade aad to*
ladM work diepeaed of Ibe roael oe- tore*.
W. H. Uomie. Mxadler fteeni of
erfab aad ■acu-eam •Itlioat fear.
Ktote Tempi* direo wa* next to too Oalterft Hank of Uiohixaa wu a
to* IlM of mareh. and a very impee- ■Met aad reepoaded to an toTlutlon
to* tummemer Oeaeral Loomlex duw wa* mad*, with the Ao*
Aoet. (ton Areerarke e^d more Tiaearer Olty rotariu to their robe*.
OM boldtne *o lofty aa.)
•* the bix
BBotod a puIttM to lb* etdvf.

rtxof iheUolamMaTraufnUo With
Tb* ia*t nnmbar on to* proxram
M rad el ftwd fer the uRIeheato the
way of Mn oaaa broken crookety. wu a efcetoh by tte “Oermaa Ambuador*” of Hanltu*. who aave aum
exnlleal aatortoiamut tor eeveral


E.aod Plreinaa Haybnry

awu dlipoaedpf be 1

Mr.. Hera to veiy brief wtwda.^
ttenked (b* boy*
of Ihelr f.wltoxa, said he never,
toibebted alum toat bad u mneh
"heitr **■**•'and expr»**i d bUxvattButloa al to* ferllax that exult tetwun tte taaehtn of toe Hixb eefteol
aad tte impila B* autod tote be
mlRhl tev* iDon to toy at ana* etbar
tlat*. aad after eom* marr obeertox.
bey* wut toto the eobool bona*
aad to week.
And Prof. Ryder fot evu wlto to*
wboh' booeh by kup4« tlumat wort
Itemim Mu* to*
boulaim toaaoeaal la tte albaaqael wtib a f*w tterk* aad.
tlmteilotte 1
Rfn. LUy TaVaasto who haa Uro*
b WM wmrly 4 a'alMk «h« |ft*

to to*

M^Mtotff tMthafus NyunteM

ImplemUit Stor* 123 Cass Streat.

Fasd and Sales Stabiss 231 State St««t.

Having r
a ol Geo. Cants, I will berofter condor a I
and Sal« Barn at the oM sund. 331 Sute Sucet. opposite Park Place HouiL 1 will also ose put of ddt bftni te
a warehouse, where 1 will unload several eu loads of machinery that I am expecting in a few'days.


A94-haim a large farm a short distance from town, 1 am ta a positioB to haadls ail kinds of stodc in exchange for machiociy. buggies ajkd impleowflla.
I have at present about twenty good work hmso tor sale


These machines are too well and favorably known in this lo^>
ity to need any further explanation. They speak for themseiTes

Milwaukee Junior No. lO.



Machinery, Buggies, Wagons and Implements. 1 am in better shape
than ever to supply tbe wants of my customers. If you do not find what you'want in my stock I will order the same
on short notice.


1 not going to sell goods at wholesale, as 1
of myxompetitors claim they ue doing, but am going to offer you tirst-class goods at prices that will move them rapidly.
1 can buy goods in as larg4 quantities and
as cheap as anyone, and am always willing to'give my customers the benefit. Call on me and be convinced.


to.' lonxeat

Rodrred, eoealtCinx
end Inxtraiaeutal aolM
Alma Deeprea. a eoenl tolo by Rr
iUlph Uatlelt. and Aae mule by a
banjo qoarb'l campo*.-d of Rn
Batnael Uarland. Robert Ohnee. Ben

end their boela
e tor feeet pnpared for to* toa wa* elaborau. none lb* lea.
_ . _ to* array of talent from nrieu pan* of toe mat*. It wae a x*toeriax of brilliant men. men who lm»*
lepatotoni a* etoxen of eonft. tellrn
A aocbtl for tbe memben of tl>*
eloqneat otatoiy. Royarawoed Snnday eehool wu held
•91*. The a artowaaeoalbeaBonid- of etorle* end eloqa.
_____________ io Btato, weat oa Blau to al Tiller Dr. I A. Tbompeoo pwe- Friday eTeainx a* the letideiioa of
A Aa* eoeUI
<Ru,Mtocm OaiB lo Seat Bl«bto. elded with bteBsnal praee and dlf OiviD. Pelt.
id u *ooa u to*
wen oa Kifbto w Boeto Untoa. aorto

tote a teplem eltlien to
ptaeeUmto toe "berry-np" war».
PallowlBC toe paml «Butor marttel Id to* day aad tale aide* <m bore*teek. Ttea came to* oarrlac* with
tlie dldBltorta*. Dr. L A nuapeoa.
Boyal Viator af teUa Reokh Temple,
Jay l^rBakeatoe. eaeniaryABd JaUae
treaearer, aad Pnd J. Pleh-

tested «ey to to* ee
HeftUaot atomd eftsrte. emd.
>mf, elBute laklewtfe'efasmei.


mmUitodi to* place whet* tte par­
ade WM lawlBC and fall la, tb* <c' MnUMmond. Tte partee fonaed on Front etieet.
dte btod twtliid OB ~
Tte fowtotloB and baadltosof ton

M Uaka to FronV ***( ea Proot to
Park, with a ifeaetal ocnatermaroh <
Pnmt aimt to irlr* toe throns*
ebaaee *o an to* *l«bu clearly.
Tbecr wn aa tmoMnae Uirtac on
toe etreeta Oa Proot between Ualoo
aad Park emeeu. the eidtwalke wite
ao Uookad toat before toe parade
■urUd tin pao|d* bad eeaeod trylac
1 aad ilmplr
toair plane* aad twtoled a little oooaetotelly to tliow that toey were alirrPtrm to to* Ito* tom tbo paml
wa«to. from wbleb poUeemim wenU
r eup oat toto tot crowd.

JftmA I

aUowiax OM eliarth to look
after tte nllxton* need* (d
{dr to ptocu wbtolt, alUtUXh U
ta not weU afford W
Tte Hlehixaa MaUi
*d Btotoe Ato oemmli

Htobuma watte* U u toltowa ThM>.tn.i«;Utka wut. idR«ao.eoo:
teoek tront,i.lto.OOO; loch evu iroal.

Citizens Phone 126


Our special sales during March and April have been a great success, .nnd still wc are not satisfied,
double our usual May sales, and intend making prices for this month that we know wi1l.tio it.

on cvei^thing in the store, except Coats' Thread and the articles listed below, on which we quote special prices.

Indelible Ink. best kind per bottle.......................... H>c
Genuine cut glass Water Set with |ray ^o^.............
Wash Bowl and Pitcher full size, good gratle for-. f^c
Glass Salad Dish worth 35c lor............................... lt«c
Gla«.vaK;.ieapa isclor
................................ lUc
Syrup can good value at 15c for................ .............. l'*c
Good Hand Saw. 13 inch for ................................. Hk
Horse Bitts. best kind............. .........................
Oil Stone in box for..............................................
Cloth window Shades with best spring Roller....... JOc
Paper window Shades with spring roller............... He
Jackson's Liquid Glue, loc bottle for---- .........
Spirit Level, pocket size for..........-......................... .P'c
Hog scraper only........... i--.................................. .. lOc
Hog Ringer malleable iron for................... ........ l»c
Hog Kings package of 100. only.........................
; ft Buggy Whip good socvaluefor........................ Juc
6 ft Buggy Whip good one/or............. ...,........... H*c
6 ft Raw hide Whip as sold for $tXK> for........... S<ic
Alarm-Clock, warranted to keep good time, good for....................
Half pint bottle writing ink such as is used in
Fountain Pens...................................................... 1'»c
Sixjloz. wood Clothes Pins for................................ -1c
Surething nest eggs each........... ............... .......... 2c
Two cakes ben Tar Soap for................... ........... 5c
Kindergarten Beads Urge box for........................
Sox TabkgUsses good grade set of six............. l"c
Williams shaving Soap-such' as barbers use. per
The Daisy shaving compound In wood box 10c size . Oc
Housp numbers, white meul oval nkkel pUted.
will not ™t. each........... ...............
House numbers Bat nickel pUted each.. -............. 8c
Anti trust matches, best parlor matdr there is. box
600count for....-................................'•...........
A fully warranted Jack Knife for........ ................. lUc
Good Honebide WhipUsh. usuaUy sold for buck­
skin ...................................................................... J5c
HickotyWifflBre, *ood,............. ........... .......... - UK
I \Vim«n*lron,allkiwls — .................................... Be

Che Mito-

Plow drvis each....... ........................................... ^
Four inch clevis for............. ........... Oc
Six inch clevis for............. ................................... - • - 7c
Dairy Thermometors . .............................................. I<>c
10 quart gaivanued Pails for................................... Uc
10 quart tin Pails :.................................................. »c
8 inch flat Files for........................................
4. 4J-L 5- SK slim Taper Files................. .
A good No. I Ax Handle for...................... Itic
A fairly good Ax Handle for........................
Alligator Wrenches worth 35c for.................
Cycle Wrenches worth 35c.................... "...
A good sewing needle per paper of
Urge bottle Soldering SalU for........... .. ..
Mn. Potts' Iron Handles................................
Two papers Carpet Tacks, 500 count for,. •
Wood pails two hoops.......................... ............... . .lUc
Good Broom, good value at 3$c for........................ 17«
A Misses Broom good grade
---- f5e
A fairly good grade house Broom for............. lOc
Family Scales cheap at $1.35 for............................-$1X«
Blank door Keys usually sold for locfor..,..........
Cc^per Rivets & Bum yi Ib package for.............
German Soaps K and 1 inch. 6 (or........*..........
Harness-Rings all sizes............................................
Harness Buckles each-............................................
Men's 9 oz. Overalls with swing podc^ at...........
Men's heavy cotton Underwear 35c values lor....
Men's heavy cotton Sox...........................................
Ladies' Beits worth 50c for.........
Udies' Belu worth 35c for.......................^..............
Good kitchen side Ump with wire frune.............
Rogers Bros, best pUted Koives and Forks for set
of six..............................................................$3.65
Steel Knives and Forks with wood bandies, set... 4<lc
Silver pUted Tea^toons put up to sell at 35b. aet- - Kk
Butter Knife aneJ Sugar Shell tilver pUted per aet tUc
Urge cake Scourine beat thing in the market for 6e
BallBluingputuptoAellatscpadugeJpack^'s 6e
3 oz; botde best Sewing Machine OU for............... 5c
Sewing Machine Needlea, all kinds per paper........ 4c

We are anxious for your trade and are making tbe lowest prices ever quoted on theae everr-day necearitiet,
tf you fail to patronize this sale you are losing a chance that may oot come again.


baadnd thoauad lUataao ftayltof
fryer* to betuelvaaad ptoatedto
MlehiiM wuanwUftt wiU

123 Can Street

.251 Front StTMt


JahaBooUbu. A* an «xUmb<»
'-------- ■» —"i-r tUaealof tbr


u- -I— «

•», bowrec. aad tl>«n wlU ba ItBally bt teeatad
iMt ttMlco Batordar tnuof lo
Tl.a Traraeae Oily Oai Oo. raqaaat
mmOU iht aaaiMd ration of <ba el^'a
-------------elaw vf ana elbar '
MM lafi (m latl rroolac.

tbenbnatlBa«aM:Klkaaah KabMaa, tether af 3. BabonoticoaiCteterBaalMaa. loMMaway.
Br . Bobkaaa waa
laiMCed to work wltb tetar
Satardtr. rmiaiil
■HU tors bare
tba rlUacaof Bear Laka. Haalel*

looot at AMptre rriBay-

ww« aw

tmm aiwa




tere tbair Bee. (1 Clark MOedar Oily
wbo kaew biia. Ba wiU ba Mdly
Bra 3bmm flteamr tet CMt I
aacbeold; Br. Ball of lafiaM. tea lalated a
by hu mnay trMteaod M
it ralarteea aad (ri«M la tea M
(bat aotelnima rtow.
OMl >ob af teiauac ca P. Entta rtjHy te .^aoa
r^attaUiai ma B»4a «>a i
rtnta. waal 00 aald altoy |o Oak. tMty.
Br. aad Bra lamaa ritewd wltb 1 beam
CiaaUy redaood tbatr worklac 1
beaid of lUoaar baaMn. a
Liriia Crane
Ortine from Kew Bleb.
aympMby of Mr
MOO Mid allay to Pl»a«»
Br. aad Brm. Albirt OoraoU of
'Rev. Lieaie
ir MO AJplw oa teaibir lart.
Am Berbery wat lakao elek Prtday
wlitab appiara la aaothar .eoian.
- - tbe alley
SbaMB were rWHac at H Iteltb'e
nMaadMlIlajrraMelaof alfdeaad wat ohitced tocoto Bm|d>«
Obw. arrived bMe a few teytj'™"**‘"‘t“^^^^
lAka: acu 10 awat Re. C. W. Clark lahfa'
C. « CDatewHI loaotebaae
-W aen 00 Iba1 lAka
«ai liaatoad ae vitb maafc
^ nid. iBveacalieUc wort.
Monday evnuac-Bay t
. Bra B. B. Pate baa racarned-hoMa f
Ulanat br (ba cltr fatban. aad al
Mid allay to Oak Tbap*-'

m baaa .jallr tete far
tba eloM of tba laport Aldanaaa tloB waa (traated
Br Dannie aad Ileeaia. af Honor, were
pa., few days
. AJrord ta workloc
_ Oo<a loat Lit Boate aad ^ aori.lla look oroaatoa k>a|Hak ia Tar;
A teaolatlOB wat paa-d that
flaatMlRf tarma of tl>a vcofc af (hr oooic.ltla«o.«raataa..d waUtbe.^; teir of lu eontaola by fire Taaaday
000a. It a-aa (Mtly t0Mre4
llbtaar ■»<
Malaaa vbo ara «ald- enerooBrtatof ftra ate«b«a
Albert Boocbay of tbit pUoh wbo
lac l(a d'otlBlM. la hli axioaaaKoi nf ttma
waa workloc la the laMBt aayloB at
of a|i|«nal (ha eUiat aUanaa }olBa<l.
fU^imoawM ordned dra^ Puattar. oataa IxMe yaartarday.
HsDM are Oteflaed to oor oaM
Tba aaanal report of Iba baalOi oB taualrtac tee lioaoalnf of pawabrokOar, WMr, Mlai lUyiae Doraa. whiob ia proTiac teibtwra eooack ti«
dnlac bateaeM at Wextonl <
ear. Or. B D Aibuo. vma laealree naad telldlat laorara. aad teat Iba wwJ lio»a >0 Otboro ,«tor.ta- - adcuaaoaaaa.
apead beoday wUl. ber pareataTba J. SolUraa Mw ■HI baa ahal
aad filed
Ha leeltad tba foar oal Utlar tire bond. Inaua^ of
Ptaak Cook aad family tera mered
for a week. Bose lapalrlac wUl
bnaba of aaallioa (tea bare ocvamd er. of bclldlac. tob. -or-i
nto tba Jteapii Ball term (o keep
> deaa and lu the ■aacuae Ite «aa
d. IJofka a of ^ Harbor. Wtdaea10 tbr 0II7. ibraa af wbleli vara rtodAa ortUnaaca waa propoaed ralaine day .'VmIoc
|l oaaa for R. B. Boblyer. who haa lha
A aasbar of yoooj
irm realod tor a nampar of yean,
Hr eoetrnUad. oolr oea bataf
l«ei>Ie^ otieadad aod rtport t coed
10 tba ooatnwatlac of an 00
foab Elawmte of UUleaco. wl>o wa.
aUoaed (0 aaotlirt. aod thla, la tba eeraan. la froal of plaoaa of a^ •
-Ulad bare to attend tee fanacal of
Ma boaaa with (ba aSlOiad |»tlao(. ■oat. tidtMBC o« tee w^ta
lilt daMbter. Bra. Ed Bopkle. re
waa ta-llerad 10 bora baaa I
d lo U- letaed i.oaie acala----------------larlac tea»VBKdBa did DOi do Ita weak. Dr. Aabbad. where ba coatltera tlia laMlIty
Ed Bbekberat b baay Uxeeteyt laiirlaed
toaior. »mt.
taa apoka of tba odtbreak la lha ear(be (artBtrt a. - Ibelr
laa. how Uia dlaeaae waa iBoairlit 1a
waatt In^ttae Uoe
of maehtoery and
all kludt of vehlebaaBd reputtt a
br a womaa (ran wboai tba aatbori- UUla oBOOcer.
-------- trade.
Uaahad (Boarad a wrlttao a(a»a»ao«
Bra Dnnca telamed lo
Tba oaMaat walk oHIaaaoa reeoiu'
that to (lia kaowMca of Iba aallwrl- ■aadad by tba boaH of pobile worka
iitmneSTuIrw'dtelte to lire mme todtlaa to Chaborcaa. fres wblab plaaa mmt ap. tel Ihrra aa. med 10 ‘
ly lives.
aud Aacoel Braecer
Br. Prooiy and Mr. 81l*ht
eama. rtia ted not baaa expoaad (o Ua ambtralV te It. aod It
■T. Yaecba ia alM boay ta bU
re la Iowa
-raaCity. aHenOed oliarah bare latt
qalel way. eadeavonnii lodifall
tlia aaallfux for «0 dar>- Tba liaaltb tarred tete for fata^port.
_ ..ia power to etteectlien aad aplifi
oBoer alatrtl (taal (oo treat eradll eaaAn ordlntaoa wat
Hubert Mallrii went (0 PrornoDi la olierob work.
aol ba flraa lo Uia a^law aatl-orltlea
Ileaty Waro. r U ou tb.' .ick Ii.t
Uui week aad teioiate with a teida
Tlie work oo the M A K. E. exteiiWr eiP lid 1.. Ibam oar beat wlaliei.
for tba Tljrtrtniaaad eBoleat way la
Belllucer aud Biee Plura of
loa ia procnMiait aad with favotsble
. Thewiadalonauf UatToiiedayite.^
- ■ •
• M.ui.tay
wblab (bey piaraatad a rary aertooa
rcathte rapid atrti'
ed haver with (be cot flelda Soma te ilall.r by the foroe o:
apUaBla Ba Kalod that (bare la
ilii'Ui had lu be remwi '
^ Dr. Dowdea of Oeder ha> loeaied
qaaoHoolKX tba tboroocl. and adao-




Made With Self omnE Box. and Solid
Steel Shalt Draws. Ver)-Easy.

All Sai^ and Dirt Excluded
from Boxes. None Better

S'SKFisiT:;.’; K

Hra raeolDaliao bad BMb to do wiUi Otter.
tba aaoen of (ba aattKwltlaa In preCook A We---------------------lltloa tclbeir faeiory
rabllnc tba apraad of Iba dlaaaaa. .alldaaaddl
Owlu to t>.a earalaanaat of -any It
dlreeled (o eom>
a clerk a
baabMi dffllouH lo eoulrol aeaiUI taod with the raUroad ooBiaiaetwi
farar, whlofa bat b.ooq*i(atoa»alaot
ttera tera baaa bal two osifaiMka of
OMOlea. wbteb ware ramUly eca:Mllad.
no aaoBal teporl of tba haaid of
paUle work. *owad tbalteatabaa
boMMoad of aedrlty la that part
of tea alty coTeroiaaal (<r (ba |M
jtm. Tba total reoatTod la tea
laMI bat hoao «M.SIt.te. aad th
Atekaette tend of B.M1.10Mi raaaipla la tea oaoMrr »■»«
wMadAVf.n.aad (batelaaoaoB band
la (be park (and Iba raoalpuwwa IMaa, tad (ba balaaea
U din* ad.
Tba Ml iBtba
fMwaail.MAi;. witba balaaoa al
tbaoleaaof tba yaarof ru.81. Tba
Mtariy U (ba baadi of ti.r boaid of
Tba aaaul report of Oblaf of PoUee Jtea BaoaUabowad ibal (be oool
te tee d^wtnaal lor (ba year ‘
(ba rted.ean^tera _Uie richl of
baaote.HB.OI. TlWBumberofarl
ndt wn at foUawt: Per ataaall
aadbaitery. S; borctary. I: earrytac

mmPuai. aud Ethel Btu.Uw
Air rto TrarerM'Clte tbU murutur
Tin- faaeral of Uv«r(e Taberer eo
Br.Lalloals aad U. Rryaii of b
to Tltll teeir .Ulrt. Bre J K Still
mat Krldav wat rery Urcely ailoedad.
port werv lu lownRouday.
Bra Urooaelh w.wl to Ttmr«ae
Tb.- imeiiira ot both charrliea panio- ** . Utmaat of Ol.leeco. aM«e<l to
ipated tu tbe eteroiaea.
The whole
Ollr BMiUy.
I a oottBiie Ibt* (oreomui
rommsaity .leaply tym|iatblu wltb
tea affllried lamlly.
Ueonea waa a
Thwaday by many of the yoaag p-o- raeonio amoDC hit maaoolalea.
, We had a pretty llrelr time 00
pie of tba towu.
iBrowuMo areaoe ibta
Ulta Aaaia Uadbam to
Onuit Bolo'a team made cood tUna
teral K.nhport Satarday and
or J. Uartiac at ObarleTola, retaroed
from ihr aonib (mrt of tows (u aorth
lOme Saiiorday evaalacBlm swale and Bim Pickard rWt- ^la atreel. Bat 111(1.' damace «>■
Peler Moalet ao.l family of Prove«d ai Korthport Saluyday and Bouday.
Bonu have realed ilw BoKeroher
mom fur tea anmmet.
Two more weoka of aebooL
J. to-hwar* loat a valnable eew tei. ^
Potatoea aold lor VT eenla latt weak.
ir will bare biacoodtto|
.... ---------------- ---------The Clarendon Ht
It brine
Tbe paiowra ate tertty *>o«y now. proved by a oeat of paint.
but no( imtollBC tee towu red.
.war* oloacl a very
A new mllboai lor Bablac haa be.*
i*«...^?f?.-^‘:teoc.-fu. IM Of- teboul near Ba
Ditto'd and t.plylnc tee *»»*ra H
iwreiwiuted lojae-11^, A|wU to.
i.e l»y ererr day.
aarr.' Iroiu de<my.
Mr. Bander aUrtod f« Oetteaay
aaed y. t pat la the ;
Bra. Rbeadeaalob riaiiod oa
■ KtoH bada. plum and prorb. are j lakTihoi^ today:
all aaf.' yet.
Bra. A. L. Baraley. who haa been
J. Rant drove lo Trareteo Buiday.
liillnc rclatIrM at Utlla Pier for Ibe !
Blm Tina Joho and Bp John-n
aal areek. returned to ber heme at
rere to town Satsidoy.
Uo^ Harbor Themday.
A new ooai of pain. 1. belnc pal oa
Bre Vm. <J. Tompkint lu
h.< CBliioile elmrob.
Hr. J. A. Stru.1* la oBjaylac a via- cialte tlok but la touia better a.
I with to r luothtr. .
alrlith Cttola cradoailnc »»'«*-•
which will be held-OB tee ISte o'

doteolac dwaUiac
lac laakaapor, 1
mlooi opaa after
Krauk Tbomai and family bav.tlie property, mad irorlaioo baiw
bom >: larotey, II: traadalai
mov.Hl Into the Perry hoota.
madaW tranfeti to other roa^ i.
Amouc U.OM who aMdad lha \V
■oral of coate aadar otekrate. 1; COM otfcar roadt amy ootue la. In all.
C T U- oouTeatloo al Ttan-rie IRIy
taauoate. t. la addlUte (a tbit,
n ware Haoed la tha tety lote-ap aatil tl> ba ralMaad. II wara cites •
•ICbt-a MeteC to tea coop mad 1»
wraa citea lodctoc to botalt.
na report at tea tee daiMtMaBt. Moro 1. .a.(MMd. la *».' of H. proaa wblrh iu older brothfr wmi nalB«.
■ate by Oblaf Bemnla. ibowed a total
’^^M*’B5;cbay anally iMded
Ur. liTont made a botiuom trip to
arpMMof HITT.OB. At tea otoM of
Trari'iee City today.
tea year aadliic At>H I. IH>. tea
k-raak Harvey liai parcha
pn^arly af tea tepartmaat ra{maeaP
two tested hBCcy.
adaMltelmaof oear moon. *»«
Bora to Br. and Bra. Barry Bidtra
addlUoaa daitoc tba yaar wm "
lH.Tl. and tee proparty of tba tepart■Mt aow tortelerlM
wbkb tea alterteoe teeachlwaaqalka
a tMpaetabla ftrr tepartmaal lor a


kind at Detroit.


Tlie tola

Slien the lamp Is Lit
anlttie CUldra
rhetlted molbev Rrtf oe« her bwo<^
.4.-..: ami hecine to darn Ibe bolea
. how hy lb* teitlre* in the
teitleea 1fert <d
-.0 httle Iiura.
ra Ilia
It ia aopomlto
ao pouj to be quirt
...I .- ....n ahe Ihiiika. but very eooe
.hi-.wer.»n.uxht nerve* eeeert tbem,l.e%. SI.* lyvladU»y. her bead tbrobm
.ml -he ha* to Uy axid* tee w«k aad
rtorp eraolr tofbet.
All eork linDf;* 1 natural weanDcaa., a
healCy uredoTM But there U a
acM which I* sat Bataml aad a tired-

blRh windt liaTe na.le

taa oa claima aad aoeoaBla, aad will
pMiHy araaiaalli fo to tl.a beard
el aaparrlsaiB. wbo. H it IbMcht.
Witt faara to pay tea eeat of oartoc (or
Apayartit of boadtaad tolaraata
BOW daa tea Ttarerm City Blaka Bank

Joainal eieeit
to all wmya. Tbe mott IminttaDi new

anv um lovtM vuu are larkouw to uee
te^ They m^;ht help lum* ether
mwe widenue nuulaa.*
e U a <ilr*
eflecttd by the uw
.ptwe' hutb is the
H iVivorite’prew-njaioo'
laadqumkaemI of the CUT*.
cooree. ia* complicated and cti
•a tbe rote may Iw alonry hut
.-Jt tb* lea* cure if the aw< u
failhfnlly uard M dirertrd. Jhe rrvurde
•bow (bal niDMr.«icht wowen 10 every
hBOdred wbo bav* K>v«n ’pavotitt IVt
eeription'. fab and (ailhlui Inal Imr*
been perfectly and permaaestly cured
nrMATcmai. commorts.

_________ la Cklro.
baatoem life, la tee
bleb are aethlnc
___ __________
(baa Blebra to the
ptolarM wite teeir lilUe foot oolet of
axplaMtios tell (to- atory wltboBt
of lib la

Cadies' Suits

ikfO. P. Ctomc at

USK T\l’IilTKV\ K...I .iluoai7‘-i.
llKAl'TIPi'I.MlHjl KTTHS -Sl.m.aiur», we i^-c at............................................................. 85
»V HR! S.SKI.S -

All tsn Suits till-? U?
. ,^l. ,.rt(e.i titters lie.

All fiS Soitv.


H'a fi A. Bender, of
Krone. Cuabuctoei Co..
Dhm. *yrt I am not
aftatd to Hwak * (ood
w«d for ‘kavorii* Pie
■eriptlou' emi ' Piearoni
Over * y«a>
ace I eadeitd IrmM.
. (or aeaiU tour arol.
with peutopeueei^ wvek-




« Sauarss %
................ 4 50 End 6.50
.... i r.,-.n Kv,............................. 3.W




Dress Skirts


a aa-1



I" laitcrov of cAhrt w-lLaUemake* to ik-C al 25

per cent diecount



All $1.2f. Skin. K-'.........................................




» Silk Skirts «
vjlue. up to Si'J

Wbeo Ibe wronanl .
bealte ia re-muM.-hol.
tbe crtwval he.Ub «
•act. improve*
to no moec imekarbe oe
bmdaebc. Tbe aerv*.


Japanese matting
Ibrtii al...................... ...................................................... 25

CIHnssc RtsttHiS5
cm.* wary.—Ill, IJ a»-t 1% —all worth awiro.

Summer Oleiglft


O '"'>"“ - B.50

iw. Ptofcc'a Faveelu


Brass IDatthig


Cinoleum Remnants
aae lar);e enuik;h (or aa^ room—9uc pee njaaro
ja^ the |ra rcio wotthl {wy toe orlmary oil

5d,.€ £ Sr9:..s; "11,“


l dSe^'‘s45bt»2fbt5

auaic <MWMkaBdenB.dowa* wumre
it ia nneqaatod. aad-------—
will find h •wpe^ to
M cawmaoBly he-


. ^ -_____

tee- ^

«Inflraitts •
........................................ ®o
l.ratuics bcrtievt.................................................

boetlr H '1-e.ueito I re
I lia.c takro
ao medlelne miH-e aa.1
have liU BO minRloene
M my foCTuet truutdr.
Have tued tbe-pa.unte
Preacriptioe' at diBroem
timer to* mocc than loui
yeM and bnd h baa ne

Tluve rne;> arc li. h -ru> brtlri inailc.

<-•‘*‘■‘-‘'•1“’".................. ...................................................35
All w.ud.....................................................................................50

.A tovins on caih auit^ii' f4 to JT.


Bra. K.nlly'^oDt
of CopraiUb.' hav.
------II lac
Dleade here lbe~p«*- week- Ttjey
tarned home fair mornlnc.
«III f
too aceomiwied Uwm.
Br. Ueaa U baildiaca aew In
for UeMkIal. Mara tm toU farm.
I^eont- Haaee It cUarluc qall* e*.
tenaively on the kJcOonalck toad ihU
Bra. CUnde Worden la Uld ap With
a feltm on bey hand.
A very diMttroat foroM Are Marled
Mat Tuesday from nme loc btapx eet
by Olaade Wordea aad baton rain ache. Iweka
cam.' teat ntchl 10 pot >1 eat It ban- but a few of
taed comuuoB. an lou
o •ndrv irom woaaaly di
Br* Hand. Ewoey, Impenllac ^
balldlnm and bantac ap «
BOt have

S.’SSS'.Sf"* ■“


l.l.t.OANT VKI.VKTS, vilnca fl.H'. we

«»1S Avminvlcrt......................................................... I 9-00

Ur*. Calbyjurneon

SK ■■■"

eilizene Pbane tM.

For the Next 30 Days!


.Ml SIT Suits silk hne! -

riDic tab. £e httoiae^ qalte e
Be ^expeaMi/bU dorm

mtov ot t
la of tilt



wltb nalote

Pr^'^ t ai ter order df
rbieh delicl'tfol
•rved aad tee.-t .
Ameetp tboe.-

rlTtok Mrtabkra
Tba Bay Natlml tooohM Ameri
ti-i- af tba olty tor tea «•»(.».
eab Uteal mere dlSeteBl i«lata ilmn
BMOBDl of tea Mk. eoald ba proaM
aaiy otbea paUteatiaa.
"Aflalid e>
Bt a elala acatoat tee eaMta.of tha Watetoctao'^- emi
tota H. D. Oampbal^ Re favored Uw
Hob aad aasmberef
- totlM plaa. and R.U waa adopted.
The roeateblM- boBdt. draedt
btmd. and llQoor boadt raealrad
Uat «aa<lac were ^ported fa»«ably
H. K. Hrlak
by tba aoMMlBaaoa Uaaoaai. aad
(Wiled on eUl a
(M appiwred by tea oeaaeiL Alder
tart week.
MM Oeeblto TOktoc ao oa tee apprev
from « to 8 netted 1
(or the Aid Boelely.
________ of tbe -Ooaniry HomrA loa.1 of Bmidooliro •peat a rety
msali l la (aror «f paytoc to OUy
plesMBt reMlbc wite Bi. and Ur*.
AtkMaey Onn OHo (cr esttr

- -m
- - cradiDC
—'- - the Kimble Urt wev-k
toe •laytoc
ta Mt edtoe dartac tee year.
cuecern ibr
_________ (blue* of Ihr
earted patMlH
all, Oouatry Life In .Am
C T. U. b
Italy te< moel beautlfal
I tee hoa
ammm aad tee repnmstaUee
tM them wbo lore tbe ooau- Widric a»it Wcdnrwiay arfecM
t o Vtoek
John HoMw U away plartertoc Br
A Mtkk^whlte tetmld^>my»-_-bMn Spewber't beam la tee weet tart of
* JWn^
Stoto Atoddlam*-U oonMderH eH?tha Aia Wdtoaaoa.
Otl. Ofdell to MU ap with bail* at
Mof H rofantoc to tee rnHrtd
. Oarpfwier'a
la tee Are llmlla. Thqy
A caod many Ireee were pi
aboai beer tort Prtday.


Crauerse City Tmplemetit Co.


beyi. whiob li wrlttm aad tlluan


I ..' Somh IV-vi.l Ntv ISO MuB.

I ..t Oiimi'K* ''o. I'll I’lua.

»l stale Street.


Sm. if tba nrero la I


I --r ih-.-: H I’ H -V f.

l ot (■.Iii-n.rlW V '. 1'- I'^.e.


iuc ta 10 be the order of the eveatoc.
alee of tba moat
Ur. and Mra. Thomaa Baker watil lo
____ (d wiri'lea lele- Truvarae Olty today.
Ura. Daol Jobnaon aad daaltl.tar
rt.lana<l home Tbnraday alcht after
tee mareelm reeolw that be tma tpradlM a few daya with ber motear.
Tba Uiaeea Dwyer of Kaaami Olty are
1 pleada, la
Prot W. 8. B
rertioc at Baidy'abuial at tl.ii wrlltba Bay Poaaaafor ctaaler ialereet In
tea bt^ edBMtlde af tee nec------- not mlalmlttoc the C

WM erdacad iBid.amoanti4C u
Oily Atkoroay Oom rapetead tla
Mhw of tea elalta of WlUtom Kbit
aeytor aUr«ad iatortaa
detaatlTa walk, itel tee walk had
baaa toMMUed aad vpaliad abertly
taBaratba iiijary U Mid to hara baaa
taaatrad. aad teat. wbMaaa tea ptotokir alalwt temaca ot KHO. it It mdd
by ethart that I.e Imt tml M«Med aoy
aMtoaatoJaiy. Tba elty akWraay did
•at roeommaad tl« payMaal of tea
Btreoo. aod hit report waa adcHad.
Olty AtMmey OroM alro reperki
OB tea matter of tea dellaqatBI parMl Ml acalnit & O. Campbell A
BaM Ba iMlad that tea tax aaamad
M bars baaa leried to aaaardaaea
witfa tea elmnar of tea city sad tbi
aiBla tow.'aad to- bald tlmi it eaaaH.
Mkad a tocal debt acalart (be OrM.
Ba CMIad teat aait eoald ba broactal

K..r Nv» llun-h S.i, -fl l•|.nl,


PiMtoeal Olaraland writ.* aboai bia
a espanaa of aartac for eoateTba HU eraa cafatia'
Ctoaa .. .
a esMBlt
la tee (rtty aikortwy aad


mail Paper
CoMwtieroyoo have Ihosaandt of roBa to adert
6am. Choice. ha»vl*ome pallcnto at lower
yweem thaw yon can get like'laalitioctoewbere.
Fine laulerax, per dooUe roU......................3 And 6c

ale to-

leatimcieT e.' manv Ibooaaadi (d w«Mca

er wraac treatooewt and c«wrtally rf a
arrtoMaad maafnl art^ )■ by tea a»

hwl Diicoverr.** wrHea Bra. Elmar DShMwr.of Bees
y^ *a^ eaa aa.
• — —— -•
that dramkd diataae. Mecint tro^

i. taS;, w,. .!.« —

En..kDo«IB.V —.M.

PartM I^j*rv per doable roB........... 1 2 Bftd I 5c

S?Tte- PI

X aad htoSufllB

w Carpets *
s tee best ^qipped in tbe city—
ts ia all aokm of caipeli,

faeabda- Horn! aad em»fcal 1 aMituto.
Addrem Dr. B.-V. Pkrro. BMUlo. S. Y.



FintTit Fialnrmri Pafcri, TSc to flUc 41M teateic roll

betoe. We have re«i»ea aaotear torfe teipinetd of Caipeto, sad aD «o M Ae Mine low



A r>1C<«x sMortMeai-tee way aew


» f- -rr- - v";!»



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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.

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