Grand Traverse Herald, December 25, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 25, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



er«iid Cravem Herald



WeaitMnritad)' tor the UU


trxk of 190S witb tbe fiocft


?lre Insurance!

'■ -irrfLfi'.' 2j,,rr,

Plats Claaa. Steam Boiler artd Accident Inaurance.

.0 «oJ .ell.., o.T Ua.1 lo-l

Monty to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

►Ml.u.- .*1 .l,nlUo<

line of Novehies and Ksney
Woolens ever tfaotm in Noslhcn Micbigaa.




:’ :




Olv* aj«'« ObM

Johnson Block. Phono 73

Traverse City, Mich.

ami look them over— We guarantee everything — and

Trarerse Qty State Bank


■totk ami 6t cannot be excelled.



Hre Veu Protected

A peienl BkBktac B«lae» DMc


Oo,.vier«’»£.a ■brrv.r
tB«.Joa> n.ajvoird.n* BVikriii. .FPl..«U.
Harovo.k.Br.radt-V'II'-n •O- otr.
iBiOroiU l-rtrll lo u,«h.vk...t kn.vlB.*;
PwM«Ot ooa prlB.v
ivolw. |

Knot, I.el ui protect )-ou, from nud.icn changet of
the wealher, with one ol our KUnncI Intel Chamoa
J>V ieiuD.1 iirroiir**, klht
Skin Cheat Prorecton. They are ax near a-tnd and
cold proif axanyiliingpouibly can be.
They are
cheap, too, irhen comitared vilh a levete cok! or a
sicknen brought about by ex|«ure
II you 'necl
■‘aaylhing'' in the Drug, we have the llot lhal
IS to be obtained, amt we will lie pleased to wait nn
you, Wc iolicil your |ia




ua oar oowoion

Qlft Ivuro.;.

3 ^ cat tUawe^ -n»e Deralts.


'3obnson’s Drua Store.







;. A. HAMMOND. Ceohi
F. calkins


W'iSiSK-SKWiSiris' ■

A'SisriiL£..3ss~ ■

BuuiieiNjaL irsBRim.


\Vi: arc now open for business aii.l wouliJ be jilcascil to
have you call and insiK-et our new ofTicc.







Wej^uld be pleaaed to receive your buiineu. Urge or small; it
would red^-c our prompt, conrteoin, skilled attemion.
SAKRTV DEPOSIT BO.XEStn our steel-lined vault/ot t

tdAia Sewiag Maekk

CLBVBLAtat. omo.
For Sale by



Trevor** City end Elk RepWs.






0mm Sak SUf., DETBOIt

> - rrr.B^

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.


OfyUX BOOMB; A W. ote II

l.lilllirciitiii 6i't.Bi«k.


Hides and Fur Wanted

Bell Pbewe Isa

Commercial PitiillMg


Traverse City. Mich.



pboBe 4

I sm now in the market for alt kinds of Hides and Fur. ready
pay the highest market price. All goods shipped to me
ill receive my best attention. Will hold goods until I hear
om you and if prices are not satislactory will pay chai
both ways.



Berald 3o» Office

' Cititeu PhoDF 4S1

..Andufson Undertaking Go..
AiisiSTEh rv


twnfiiiiiig4»r Tobi Nbw Year's Dinner

Rmr Mi FW Dnipi.

■ — Trmwrtete OlBy, MtoH.

From t^ fim courw to tbe Nuts and Candycan
t^ound bere—Give us a call.

S48 Front StiwM



ADrxgiitataiMiitiWKk. SpeeW wh**
oaed, aikl falbgnamt^ in ev«y t«^«L
naaJk<%lM That a« «ad* to ow a» well aa »*n. They are
OaBBieH moti>adeorcbc.|>mattria).*<kifive.a Itehr
to catch tbe ere; b« arc dnabU^ coeifottaAe^ and
Tbe rtraprW oe the aaiket, qoality owidered.
Once toed ndyoaviShByho other TulcB .

lu state strooL t* Uictor^PcIeilyl.
l)o not-fail to see the

OhrleaAmmte 3*ool<
--ofDlmmond Mlr«s»
oJaWslary. WsReHaa
Sllvar NoWaf-Uam
- DO exhibhkm at tbe store of

■ lyTA-BTUSTBig:

Don't Forget
to get your

Toys. Candles. Nuts, Candies
andyourChinaDishesat P. K*s.
Toys cost from one to twentyfiue cents, made up of Whistles.
Trumpets. Harmonicas and
hundreds of other thing. A
few cents spentfor these things
once In a year will make your
children, friends, and yourself
smile. Come in early so you
can get the best selection.


Bhop- Jack's vulro. and bo turned away.
Tb.-ro wa* inioate sympatby it the
IBS the
M OM. vokv Itaai i«id. "My'Uvy. I'ni «>rry. >
I-mVoU will'l,•l.'Ptula.' luy wH,-. and ibon yon

tbra ocdily.


inoeni borar. .town and
Half an hour UUT <
.as a hush, durinc wbJch’lte
tl- w.aiian karli by l«h}'. rradlr and
rl sax- a 4ul.-k. olartM
b>ucln-.l and rn.-l o..-. ihe dalniv
suu tbo nr i.. xv whether
fa.-.- with Ih.' H.ri rutl#«.ii
an. on.' had .tx-rbcanl arandma’i
IMpa'. Ik**.- akv-plnj:
f.siUsb sp<sv-h No line ks>k.wl ai hr*
p.-ac-full. in a .trannThe waa briskly wlplns of
.1 luim.t.’w tnMihl.-H.m. rain dru|i* that iiad
divTurli b,T.” »a
Inio bis .-y.-s. Ttn- hlusiorias
p-r IB Iho .ipiKislio'oooior we*
t U Jack. iMd ll was bis 1
IB'.-nll) d.ton Ihe sirvwi with
• gulv.-r .rf th.- rbiB lhat eiea ..iw l«-ar If I have kti.n
bis piitna.'i.Mjs Mark ^otutarbe wiwld
of lusins luln.- fu
u.ti hid.Tbo nn'^boy ^of t^lm^
iltn,-. bl
forovi-r -I
tH-er n ".
and busR.M blm One
"We mlabt
here bmUhi
The Ia.-«-Ileu, yuuns
le will' Ih- ps'rf.vtly
>fe. and .I'm
llluDilual.4 wiifa »
• U <Mi d<ito' bom,''nnw?"
take fold
weds' no prMeoae
He wi«iM take her bom.' and *b«
hat tb.
sm -tnio bis eye*
itahi »l.-ep la Mey-« rradle. Sh.' dif
There tyas a
snuithere,! “no* .iiiisldo.
IS -siui wopL tor<ik a IlMl.' m,.- Me.v. end
en the lips .d
Hiund romeTrota
•tnin.i.vl limi nf on,- «« Ian
--------- It as shr tb.nichl .
o. hut wlOitn Ihe
lon-v.T. /
lyo Bnd r<d Ih.- hoiu.-bidd. an.
n lumisbed. and
mladi-r. M
aruund u.
nunt.wi bor l«U> n
-an warim-d with
Wiy-arod molbor's
M- id l.e.ili.'rrss,id wlik '
Ih.-n eh.' d..-lded
II- Tb.' viowmy. hoevy
. . . i' rapx ni> rooib.T'II make ymir
had f.niod
liSbt.-n. and n.ti a aMI
ilon.r a now do-M
Iton't »h.- mn-d
Us sordul shs'ni (o’tsbi.'n.'d and purl>he d<ui'i n.-i-d earSniE 'c-ri
»m Bl a alA.
«.-ny o
fled In Ih- Is-i. .radtan.v that sb.iee
iwiti like draeuna’e Her to
•l.-d Iho balf-eau-n dish of nil
Hir wnukl.v] faro id itao peSsrnser
i l> a1n«erer' ji» Bn lor >u>
mil> whi rh had iM.lehly -I..l.l f.WSl I
n-iumod. What
h.-rr Hr rould
•t sir tb.- BHttbrr
l«by bwt I
ii.T nlKht
Till' wind had nonr down «
in. but wlilt tb.' «illln.-h. ra
n.iw fellinF lu l.,c lUk.-i. i!
lunKM thr bn.wn Bkux; Inu
polirrman ia »i>
tar away H> c.
not '.tix' h.-r ih.-rr o*11.- bo jwn
iioill,. any one of hi-t appserino,'
n-blio ho XI.M.I wondoHnx what ho
diould do >ho aolvod tbs-^luootton

•I mask' an) arranso
-w. I wish y.Mi w.wl.1
,-l n-mark: aniTJaek
Id b.'lp us d-l.-lneio
.-r tip Id bl. arm.. jo>i e> iho r.
.• Slay BO many, sieny
ome way the erbe lo hl>.
- Thnsima* <k>o*>- in his lap. wliih.1 .h.wn t.i him as if she had
nown hint. ftwllBE insilno
Ei.iw.' wa« OIK .ir w.Tk.-liui l,-ahuel the l.-kw'n Thai old.-r piv.ple
t»k.-n y.-ar. i.. bolra. that to
: h.' Toe.-d and cared tor lit
hu faille Bu-l
hl> mite
.ur-elvo. we niti.i help nilibr.
• f.dks' Thi- Emi dion.'r. ih.-1*au
lr1..l ii. e,.oif.ffi him awl a|.-ek ehe.-r
loB w..r.!> for the f.inir,',
la- lifix-n and l..ny
lixpliy (acs- ol ^Mrs
i>i..a lliouch bi-r bewr.t wa> full -.1
;.ai^ .ljK-> mamma ealK..t«OWV. all b.-li->d' t o mak.' It a da.v h.
ilaTke,..* mini l.-ar for Hie euailhe
It »a-« alincwt rhrl>noe» lime,
- r.<m-iul»-n-d J>y
lme« Kitten, an' «0)-tblnK .-lii.and aei.-r lied il»> d.«-n la
■n Auk Id" 8Urare for e Inuhat t'hrisi
«m-h .irmii» lhai won.- liiile n-li-lirafiH-E.-i ihiiti.-ir
».-re luadi-itff eoiijt Umi-»
flw Jack aays that
s.Ho lln-y ex-r had
and >10.,- Iir.-ad. It wax not i.. !.<■ >uj. taki'. me up and hu» luo and uiU
I>i.. .1 ibo}' e<.ida l.av.- a mriee fur the nio d.»1.'' A^wob. and tbon. "Kbv Jack r-^l^-d ll SIS si lu-k. hut Manln
l■ol^ll,l>. Mivlonane had
ckoHB ibi- larrlaE,'. and
1.,-ilini all lb.' j.-er, Flr.i. .Mr. :
UEb bor bax.1..!. L" w^'-'l V' lory-o a tiunile-r ,if
...............o Winls tkid 111*
.-XT lack taiiRiBn frl.-nds
o I.,- mtlia.KI cd OIII bpr name.
« etll Four-n emme lllnen.
■—Ik.Hl llouH-k.s-plnE
ibr-Jr dHtm«»al
-rtamaa II
and itabi Ua>
cl'aaav in ibe cravo. wKh
A CMla Car EpiBeda, tap h,-r' and tb.' baby.
f..nlui# tleiwKlii of Ho
va« a rain) afi.-nniou lu I..iIi.Ib]
n.t.ho.1 acain on Ja.-k'« nrrk.
ila.r> iher bad VMim.1
and III.' rablo car slopped half
a le.-liiiE of )o> ibai i
up a sisv'P Era.l.tTbeiv bad
wbile hlo- a
le-s'B tbe usual rush id Iniiailriii pass
II nf hnwih with lilw hunk-n. dark
' h.-ari. and i
■m to Ih.- di«.r. bill only .me or
w. talk, and l«t.. a»« alopt
UK-ner. elon oiii Ibi.nil fell lli-ir liusln.-iu itulSelenl
IV whoiiklor.
Iha^iln- .lirTlor'v bl.ll
1) in-Eeai III pnimpi ibem to bmve
tin- sii-aily downisn.r outside. It was
Kmalb ribaii exT. Jaek
e ft. imd
o? • and III*'
y^cm Mra.^1
l> .-amluus k.-|n il»-m I n Irrewd and
•i..x>^hinklnK .a.IIy
.mail, .•wof.djj .«-iti •mlwl lire.
How ll did is.ur!
-. and the..- • if iho^ilm
ihl> nlBhi wa> al'
Isiiind lo break In
the bapplrat of- all
old. blu.l.TlhK lUy.. T .en did not
ear wbb ih<- flerc-n
m.-rry vole- war n.d
ar<’ -to aiaml lonk eiiuucb is. bax- a lb- yoar.
of lixai
s It rin In rtom shi
r.ielau ) jiui v|ioii Ihoir bi»i.. iliai .an- o la.1 y r. as abo w'.tndorril
•-walks and Euiivr* .d
'he iwaniiw eaiu.- In m> Howl)- lliai what Ilf
K> for bor. And llirn lark
aa. olit-u nearly 4iM".uriih-d. an.l prt-liy II
on uml.n-Ilas
xssInE ('•
|d-a»rd ho'lia.l 1-mu In lalkini
,'ondiTM wliet wao lb.- ir.mlile. Wan
i.j.|wd in
tho Klorlftt .d the I-m.! >rf Obrtot
the dlffirnliy In ilie |ovi|>1.-. in him. or
biwn .d I'blnau,
and wasbinE
0 day liarlf. Ni>w bo bad hardly,
the weather: ll uvnod
blui be
dmirwiyn had diiv.-D all ih- tencsiuld bate laime atixbliic If only nioiiiluned It. and bo know ibi
Id guxT v.-a-ial.los and Hu- pi-ri
'■ W no foa.i. "Wo ran ha»o
llaby Would eoui- barl. to
palellr ivihidmi and ju-ndom of tinlomorrow
Mary. I a B tOTTJ I
when lo- iume.1 He enmorT Shi- eln.-na.


. ...............
........... BarrW .
CbHslBias and New Yw'a.
sixty yr^ an»—I.. tb.- ..uly Ban

l-eia ti

>11 ;S~u.c VhrM

Ctiriatmas Hints.'

la* in Bnc-

len'U irm

way-a alcxid at the window, her yetbw
h* baa tried hi bard to help u
h.-ad }tt«t eUrtV the alll. «aK.-rt) and. Indedd. 1 don't knot
watdimg fur Ibe Ar.i Indieailon nl hl> vbmil.l hare don,' wlihobt
wiped' bor i-ro* will
liiE. 8he ihn-w a klaa ai algbl of
br amid. "I ac« a llitk
e 1I|. Ho- Malrw, and with her tiny moat wlih Hie liono itwla!:, and 1 ahal
1 a few vocelabkw If dark baa hai
J« tlnnc It wid.- o|.-n, lellln* out
y kind Id a U»y. It'* anowinit. irur'i
jud ol llcht lo Ruide blm up the
abo exelalmivl, a* *hi
fllElil ..f »lalr». He didn't like to
nidue now lill dark, fttr he knew
.kivl ml at lb- wbtrllnE flaks* Ik>
window would Id- empty end h1i
i-en horaclf and the tsaallsht. ''Why;
path tip ihe alalr. winiM no Innaor be
II ran have ahi-reHiu: loiworrow."
tbe ablRlnK one It bad lonnerlr Iteen
•What lr ih,' work! I* ibo Altei
r. waa not bla trrief
lb dark: and Mr.. Stowo aprwni
be bate minrlua of
ivy, I
rled to ke.-p
link that Ibe;
moot fe
i.pi^ Ibe him
eeiiln* ahoie Bm-iy. and tried
•rw.- oB th<-y, famed
........ima how mt
harfl work.
tuisiit b.'. itui ir
ihutKih roemme aa
Siowp's wuntrlH-dI s^Dlallon.
Ibe didn't km>w a at they wi
iSho fame
i» up
..-----------In-hlnd me Juai a* I wai,Jac^. he w s elwajw *■
i.uiHue away
way my hnisbe*.
and when :
r. w hore «
EitlitE ahi
-. sb.-'d Jos
"I 'ant to oil down."
--------------- - her hli (5o_..
The nicbi Ufor«- rbrixlmaa. tiui
mamma call* her I'.'t. and I can'i fli
la* v.-ry dlffereui from laal yet
mil who she Is; but aho
Phen .now bad freshly falbm, and l!
-anh wai all In white to ceteliraie wbor,'. and I EUess aomeUnly'll
around alirr bet pndly. wnm.''
he .ehU-erwarj of iLe M.intn* of
•Tivlly lialiy; she looks like—den
Ibe wlnd-ha^l been bicb
Now il
sh- ManlnT' lierinE oui ibe lov
all day. and t:
name b*t abe taum bis himri afrseb.
-'I ll inii her riehi lb ihV- emdle.
n.-er the .lertb a. ti wrwp rx-rjlhlni!
as I Uke off her
nurfas-r In a Bmy palJ. Then ki
tM'r are; Sh-'s
Jeck'a heart ihl> y
ee BwilhiT "
How I 1
llns Hi
wblrh had -n
when Iboy pnl
The I.
BO. He .lldn'i warn to K* bootihey piled her a
e lhat empt.r eradle. How cmld
ly kB.-w that
speak eoinf'sri
I. at It and then »i
n bl. miMhi ■ IWw 1
w.-ni 1
ihlrk.-oi dothlnr
boy sblver-d arid
' breed, and then burr.— ____
laaie They never
-k. dancliiE back Main *im-i and down to police bred>E bis band* aail Uuan.TS. and as be aieppi'd in be lain tbe effort to If any oae bad losi a baby?
Iniiaaily Ibe mi
. _
■Herv. John.
ibooEbi bla day-a work
S Ui-n- a mlniiie aso and brInE bin
. paylnt daTs
rk ■■
waa ibe best be cnild do,
Mr JVels was here a mlnuie tept.
Ean to pul bis bni.h.*
dlsirmninl hecense bis baby bad
cmderlBE If bl* faH.-r h
ellmhed o It of Ihe cerrtaEe and wi
been any more aoeredafBl i.nlay lb
HI* wife waa alBo
yeot'erday. and iryinE lo hope lhal
rraiy. and be ba* been to every pla
b- can think of. ind has olfeiwd
reward to any one wlio w


n an down."
nped tn bis aurpiisc.
>ee who spoke. There
, dressed In a brown '


ff buOE br a silk
around i r nrek. The voice.
tired, came irom n awe
Ibe lips wore blue wHh cold, and tbe
lace locked cblllrd In the sharp wl
As be stared at her sbe repealed
Brsl remark'. "I 'am to all down
•'Wai. I vuBBy. Where yo« eoH
I'l dolB'; I'ae des lum."
comer Ve*. 1 »ee lhat; bPOl
your motberr'
ima say. abe tea t tsA HlI abe
WB. and I doBT flak ! tea
art out fats blaektac
....___I sh- sat down on In not anr
cirea surface. skc
IIbe hecwelf with a
.-oeiemed slrh as U all her wemrinoas
weee now over aad abe bad ao tonber
take tbe rvet offaeed.
le if yon all bMw ka(.

.- as. ploWI................... ......... _. 1- in ABH>Ncm
ly :• This Is <luo u> --8nap IlraEI t'fartslmaa xame IB blEb favur
•ur llrilUb nnislns. A tmwl wr
tbmwn tn and pltirbed
• luxr>- flnEors
It la m
r ox-r)lssl> vxc.-pl Ibe a
Ino of Iho I'
KOI |iecH>V- la Sweden
Hml durJDE fbHaimaa we«-k Ibo
-to- nod been rvwtoaa
tntn wolves.
Imsm eelebrwli-d. at
lh«T, In evriy B
I Nox-oil.T t.t A
pro.-iM- .lair of Iho'* b
las nin.T l«s-ii d.-ftiilic-tv doiormlaod.
Tb.- r.-lohrai.-d <d (’hrlslmM la aupswod l.l hax- ie-on r.o-maily msHUi'
111 in A H ns. hy |to[a- TH>Mb
th.-iv Is a wnisTstlibm ID^-Bl
I ^
I !»• hnjushi up a
iNTonii- a ihh't
has f.T BK.-s bm-n eoBCIed
Tl-nh), Ibniib Wales, durlat ite
Dinre filei. wire I
o'lib lb.' 1
It lurtne.1 Ilk.- a e
and elirhn*«lh
aany part* <d Ihe CbrloHsnised
ih.-n- luv valls Ihe aupmHHoa corks rrow e. rty bivtir rturtOE the
abi or Iho Nailviiy.
-Hie iN-eMuiis In Hpain In-Hove Thai
It. hold rrliEloiis srr.ln-s on CbrieiHnll^' La). BlMlpt.n-. Uantl end
Memary ae- ibr only imiivt Isevee
> use fur Chrlsimaa day d.woratlima.
tn many |>arts <if tiermany tbe <mliiraii-d riasscs In-lk-ve lhal on tbe
vnlrrmary id ('brltl's birth (lie oxeb

Iho anriect ciuiom <d htsIde £
iilnut pnddlDE with ihr flrst eon
.Ibe ChHaiBtas {lani-r
Cbriaimaa l*>.-b-brwied on Ji
alklna wbon flroi thi
in-d. but Inslili-d upon bail
liaiik from Ibr nwdurlor.

Why Children Hang Their •


■■When's chi'rar Eoln' lo olari. ma
d-ajaiiiled for ibe IwanHelta lime
fnnilnE four-yaarmld, i-rttenily' his way lo aorar holiday feslltii
"tbe pany'H In- all out 'fore I f
Iberrl" Host. In- gtilei. Fred," Ibe
anxlo-js moiher roiillod
tbo ear will ■

a* r-tsBirhul. Iltenlly Nlrbnla* with
liieenlnE 8i NlehoUi drtaaed la
Oulalde « the dummy the arip;
It Is a rmr.- slEht on Ohrtalm*
an and i
D almirwaly a'
nndoetDr moralQS lu a Uertnas bousehoM to
platform see Ibr expresskin of nbj.wl mUMT
i broken bieiit-dne** on tbe fnor
Twi. or
-ihnn- men and w.mH-o wHblli
anaie ponr Iliile wtebi who. hniinti
r feet im the fltmr
dlstdiMlIeni / IT
lO c«r. 1stpel Icel at Jb( delay,
and rendered wbol ly wreighoLbr Hk'
‘Fortins *mlr*'a“emel1 i.l^*rA
.He lb., bush-n id Ibe brothert aad
irr. 1. aii.ui wiih bun-lKBs end
monkey." one youns fellow lAs
d of EBUlttf Use .
I in a atckly atimipi at fare.. ...jess
No <«e anlled. bourver. rod fnmi old Prlaalehol o
II anylblQElbe rest of IbepeasenEen kiwp* laeay a Ganaas '
ihniusbout Hje cetlre »
r and abore ihc bear-'
■ll for
haired they l-ll
Old World CbrMmaa Frrrarta.
a sped
wdly d'
ran- tuorai
Krery ime In Amniea ken
..._ world
_____ prororb.
"A Eveaa ChrtMma* atabot a tai ETarryard.'' bat tew
ETOWls Ilf
olbrr* of lb* ul4 world Chflaima* are curmt here Some of tbass
bad Iwen denied til* faremooey bark
eireedlBEly iBtereoHaE and
riRaee >tt Ibe ear
.not leas (nolnscilre as sts
a very ffld lady
■bowltuc HM
onalioB base
plain, almiai ahabiry old l«dy. with rbaace* that time and bsu
lade In Ibe proverb* of tbe ooniyy
a queer blark buonei. of a slyir of
years goBu by, aad a ruil black wrap
BOple. Her* are a fen :
'A warm Cbrbima*. a roM Eostor.''
Her far* wa* wrinkled aad aeam«d
"A Hkbt Cbriaunaa. a heavy sB^"
th ece nnd cate, aad her
A Eveen fBHaima*. a
d iTCaa lu bead beuwJb
Uln( burden iif years and
of tbb world
bear fnwai fruit ".
b»T sirri-bowed ElBsaes her faded blur day.^tr
bear a man bBarr
eye* shone dimly, and Ihe sofi baltds
not afterward."
of hair that showed beneath the re Cbraimi
roBld rmllMr aas Mt
iwsed nxif o« her aorieni bonnet
ere stlrery while.
r wrinkled n
r call .
the SOB ablOBB Umtapb Ibe am
day. there wtfl
e«H^ •■Hr tJtat
- ibi- foHowfic


lita bis basil-, and m shins
sek br Eraaped tala hand.
'Hare you fouad mr faabyf Where
I abeT le abe bnriT Ha
brouEbi her?"
pretty Ein of. perhaps. rl«h-Shea all rlEb!
.wa IB my l:
D. .whose smart pown and atyilab
slsicr'* cradle, aad i lamma'Il ten.
I. sbowinx beaeaib the
her; abe'a i
.riAiT beby:
and baaaet aad a muff, and aaya abe
___ _____^oidTh.
I* papa* Cooae. bis Ti
Tbe Etu had been
we (o-jkdn't And i
ly for arveral ma
Jod otady
_ staUac Jack-* hata anrv as Irriiated
otsd) of her com
sbe bars! forth with:
hardly beHevc wbai be
' iwliehlns.
and take ttalnp*
aembUBce b>^
ci doatrol aad dropped Into> tbe chair
J tbe Urasome
and ■burled bU •eema aa tba

»• “<I
Tbe bU iblnEB tn Use
pnliremaa asddealy had aa ertaod
fur the oSce boy to do. nod went oat
There wa* ae reply, and after aa
to nee abuai It; wbee be came back
a few mlBBie* later be looked aa If laatam t he youap pW apoke apala:

• Us* eyet lhat hod beat
-Bat sta'i all rtphL' Mr; «ta'a all
far ibroBcb the mlat came
riEbi." Jack kept -'repamJac. hardly
-Yob ran away. dIdaT ytt. -now
knoartbc-srhat be waa aaylas ia his af- le riTlTTinr— of tbe ImN
-No. I dldhT: I dee walked a'
The wriakJed (sea bapx ilfort* to raaware Mr. Btala.
d PbL be ael BP ao auaiai
ber.tat the bII*
eer t««ed to eee. aad < de* baTl
•beat cta faded npa was atisapoly
jodw when be ftada i dot bemr
atiaaff.^ So yoa bate b baby
*T'hNma to ba gWa to Jack aew.
dSi flS I'uMbI And It

hbby ba tan Ml ta tta av

rhiisitnas irtw I* derived from
liifmaa*. wb.i hair a fatte that
ll<- the aiorUtlES. of pood Uilldrea
■ illcd with toy* a»Kbrls KInElt—a
rlsi Kliidlln. or C


pity rbe Porliaa
Kbusd, who knew
DothliE aboat merry Cbilatmaailde.
with lu rollleklBip-'pajma of bUadmon-s tmff. hum the, Nipper, anapdrapoe and Uie Hke. but aome of tboa
aajoyed the prmrHee whteb they
called "bumlOE tbe Cbruima* eanTbt* lapor wa* a bomMaade
aad dllored from other tallow
dip* only IB betnc larwtr aad bortap
Ibe wick dlvtdad at ibe loww «pd lo
Inca Uroe lac*, while
m CDBceakd a quID wall BUad with
nnpowder. On Cbrimaaa «ve It waa
IlgbMd. and Uw qntet ItuJe PaNiai
folk aoi arm............. ............................
dlea uatll *

IP bat T




HenU. ^

Trie QUMd t<UveetL><Emu>. jl6iMiin w. leoi^
rmlaphamu th* «dm
tomybadildd. kmd. piael^ b«*
pl^ to Omaaay brtMii
aa my toocldm. aald, tmpramto* milU lu tbu awutry an mid to

hr TntTMM CUT- Hr r«sl»dra ^ Prof. Maadte wtU MMto to toto
Uni ihu dtr bold* aity.
third placr ta rxtasi of ■robarahlp. Of to* Median la to* Oahwal
atoeol. MiM WoaS wlU «o ta bar
Battir Cr«rk U la arcm^ plier. aad boaa* la Latoar. Mlm trtpp to KalVarer Lodpa la Dctralint tha haad. haaka, Mlm Oryatar t* BaDortUe.- ***T^ *?*"'"
u. ww
Afiar the a«atao aa OT«ar nppar Mlm Wlte to PMotoay aad Mlm
. laraad oadar Uw dlraeUae Maamtia to Mt. PMaaBBt. Tb* r«M af
of C. 8. Carla. TUa waa follavad br to* Oaatnl eebeol taaeban, tb* Mia*•* Baioam, Pardy. Olbaaa. Moan
noma, which «aa aalorad aatll a laU aad Pirroe. wtU r«aala la tola elty.
;e btuo* klB.
Mlm Barr of tb* Elmwood araoBa
Om W«dsw«v Of Hoom pn»«d
Tbr ptlBClOl otartalanm ware toeol. will fo to ML Pleaaaat. M
tk*l MtialT U* vm bat a* Afwt laaa^ Caro aad LoomU. bat Ur. .tamn ta Bartoa, Mlm raaatop
rn«—nliUrM oC tk» pmtrie. vlthoot hrlatlaa ooalrtbiRed to the aatartata- IbmoIob. aad MU* BU**U to Uk*
non) to pvtr. »n nttr Md «IU- ■eat by a phaelap talk. H# war tor View. Tb* KU**e UytU. Smito,
aeraral yeara a a<rid)rr la the Eapllab BraaA Vdto aad Oibb* IwlU
army, ta tbr caralry. aad waa proarat > toU ally.
at Utt am baiUr cd Ua}aba Mlm DoBphertr of lb*
. tiM Ptoidot HUl. Sooth AIrtcm. Ut. Chrte- dwaaae eobool wiU ga to bar boo* la
Bik Rapid*. MUeOady to'bet
daoKocm aad MU* Oamp to UaOidal MprapriktkB'be Md* (or th* made him a raloable atetabar cd Ibr
(lap. Tbe MUeae Ortmtopar. UrlapPythian L’aUarm Rank, and br haa al- •tea*. Vlriaa aiid Beleomb. aad Un.
waya beat aetlrr la tbr work. Therr- Baaior aad Mra Ray wiU ramato fa
forr. ble rrmarka wrrr apprac
■■port tfe« prwtdot ta mifivelat «z Srreral local member* alio ecmtrib- toU elty.
Mlm -Pllktai ef to* Booo*rl
MlM Uw*. It »o o opporiuallT at«l to the pracram.
ijbool will pe to Brtmwm. Mlm Slmplor wan aetla*. and H n
eee to Oiayllap.' MU* BaUoway
Wbll* Oloed. MU* VlUei te Ml
Tb* roHowlne Hat of beet aopar (re PUomal aad MU* HaUae to ll
■rla* I* takee from lb* -Bapar BeeC MUt Tlmobald, Mu* Millar aad Mlai
ad wUI pror* latemUat. laaamucl TcpdiOBp will remaia to toll ally.
Ml** Woodmaa, Ml** Plaimm aad
Tia»«f*e CUy U latereeled la be*',
tb* dlapoaal at the attsroay poaral.
Mlm Ptommer wUl laamla to tbU
culiuibat toe premml time:
A pcdat <d ordrr mtabi hare boo
a a fuIklUi of toe eacar tacbwlr* elty for tb* beUdayA MU* Bate
ralaad that would hare defeatad the
tla* will po to BattU Onek. MU*
taopoaal. Bat aoar rmleod IL
, to Ht. PliaoDi dad MU*
Tb* majartcy. M by Mr. Canacm.
Orou to PtfMloaa
at eae* aoeaplad Mr. Hepbora'a aapoaUoa that Uta amooai be made
0**th *r a Ptoiwar.
KM,eee. Th* amaadmot waa adoptad
AUsaadarOamiibeU. apad
wUbeat dtnaloa. Doth parti** put
Of lb* cabtettol oU piooiat* ef AathmaaUraa oa raeord *■ ataadlaf by
trim eoooly, died at 4 e'aloefc toU
Caro. MIcb
tb* praaldaat-B troR policy.

itof *1 bU horn* to Rlk BapliU
Dair • -sior
A poller whldf at th* «i*i oppor- Ml
Deemed Ud Herd a aaafal Uf* aad
each aaanlmo'e Alma Bupar
old.ap* wa* to* eaa** ef bU dfolb.
.Uiaadir Oampbell waa bora to
thwarted by tb* praaidaai
BeotUacI cm Jam ». IB*7. mad to 18U
avwbara. Tb* aaDaie wlU aol
i*d to Jaaal* Oiay, al*o of
raapooBtr* ta pubUe amitlm*
BeotUad. They Un Beetlaad for AmtrolMd by the pr«ald*at. thaa U tb*
uriea la Jaae. IBM. aad mad* tbeU
foraaborttlm* to Detroit
Th* pmipt* b*U«r*
IBM they earn* to tb* Oraad Tranne
Booa*r«ll’i atpearlty la hi* truat polrtpioa aod Mttlud la MUlas tewaIV- Bowarim mwcb oartala alamm^
ablp. Aatrlm eeoaty wbu* tbay aeMleh •••••-••
la eeacTM tnmld Uk* to dlabMIara,
payed to farmtop. la IP?4 Mr. Oamp­
- to dalar. and to thwart Wai. tbay
bell waa daetod *banff at Aatrlm
Uleb .
tew ttet lb* .praaldabt expraoM tb* abewalap Bapar Co.. Sabewheooaty aad dnrlap hi* Uf* mmd
wUl e( th* pmvl*. aad they are aiaadaral torm* a* nperrtoor of tb* (
. IBI by him.—tolar 0*«aa.
Chfteia* to th* Setela.
PHday maritad to* dee* et U* 8rat
Urm or th* BrK yaar <d tb* aapartotamdaoey oT L & OUbart. Tb* tarn
oleaa* trUh to* beat o( fadlu
' tbroaitet to* acbod*. aad with tot* Almada Bapar Ce.. Alrarado.
work tea.
to tor Blpb aebod Prtday meastof Datoe BOo.^' telii 'uartk
Raw. W. F.
Bptrekle* Bupar 6o.. Vauoa-

apoka cm to# sohfeet <d Chrtatoaa.
mtaalap aad iu orlpto- H* nfan
to tha tbraa wU* bmp wbo broai
ibMr fifu to toa Chrtot ChQd. aad of
- toa atpaUeaBC* cf tba*a plfta, nproaotlap toa poM of to* paK. to* traakMo of tb* tour* aad toa myrrh «f
to* praaaaL Than b* told to* b«aatiM aiarr cf Tb* Otoar Wla* Maa."
M daaBrIbad by Bevy T*a DykA Tbe
addfw ww aa ta»r*Bdr* csa TU
aaafiaaniomit toat aeboel woold «k»*
aad Taauioa bapta at i:M waa raeatrad wlto otoeatan by to* bon.
la tm tb* toaam of to* rarteaa
balMte to* ChrUtmaa idto WM earrtod eat. to aato at to* prUtary
teona, «p *e tb* toorto prada a
Orttea* tm wu njoyad. with *p•raptlBU atardam. Tb* StU. aixto.
a*w*MbBBd«lpbihfrad**orto*BMwood araoa* aebooU bbIM la a
- CBrlalmai tm wlto a prapram. aad
la aO otoar parta at tb* eUy aabooU
'to* CbrUtmu hUa waa eatilad ooL
to maay piBdH th* Cbrtotef work
. waa aloap to* te of tbe aaklap of
bteay aeamlra. Ckrlitea «Btda.
mw Toarh ealaedaa. aad aato
tolMA maay of wbUh war* Tory te.
te weald b* a erodlt to artlata of

Otty Late H& m. to toalr alab
tooma te Frtday tdpbt wai oeo of
tb* meat «a]ciyaU* aoctol *r*Bi*
toa year. Abott IM eoaptot m

atmklaa Bapar Oo? BprmiUat,

Atete tetsim'o»..'

s__ _


tbofOOfUy i«ee»*rtd
mre^ib afttr baby'* o
weakceed by wt

cam Dr. FUrce'e Farem

LeaU MoUaaea.
\ ^y th. dUoOTary of •«» “ I*"’mtoer .mployid ta Ito FSklto“«
Ftuklto Jaa-1«
U tbeepht io'biI^ bam by ____
to* mb;*ei* ef to*
»«-i of may Urlap ! oo* of to..* ha. been
dte weakeo-lmao. Belia-piaalto
‘ Wood ___
Ulaad. to

. _ medicine wUcb


* oo to*

oamp pioaad m to Uattop U nrped.
Sdiool bey* a WBpI* df miln aoetli
of tc»|»ma*oo may And tbamaelra* la
trosol* fm towrt«rtoc wlto to* Uai•nraUcatinUiaqMiad.
ilatmmaiU. They tbnw mew
hall* at a raial mrler. eaaalap bi*
to* aew vammtr naort prepen
lima* to raa away. Hi* wapoa wa*
Uk* Oily, tl doa«UU et abea
wTMkad and to* peepi* ee to*t real*
of lead lylap to o atrip ab
pot BO mall limt day,
qaamr of a aUU vtd*. belwemi to* Mlu 8. R Kay. wbo ha* baaa a
Ink* aad lb* Uk* Oily branob of to* "bind ptrl" la * Hiehlgaa town for
Q.R.*L lihMabeatamlUaDd
to* laet to yean, eootribawd to*
faair freatap* oe tb* laiy* lak* and
balfiaU* ea a <mall«r laku to Ib iriae *my lo a lal* meettop ef to*
Twaatlcto Oratory dab of Ealamartealtandw
aad aaytop timt b* te boophl toeai
bat waatod bu mcBoy baok. K* pel
to* amonat foar time* from dlBaraat
lady dark* beten b* wa* catpeeted

Sana ebUdrra ble«**d to* family.
MX ef wbma an bow UTtop. te
aad OM aoa.
r. OampbaU-wuaprc
1 rallabi*
aad temooted eBcdal to whatorar
b* wa* pUoed.
b*r of to* Otaod Ttararm Old Bat­
tlin' Ai^latlca aad maay of tbe
top tioDom will
forhltpeed^tDaUamaad pealal par■OBal ehonottr aad dUpooUion.
Tb* faMtai wa* to etaaipe of W.
. Aodtraoh';aad took plao* from
to* booM at' to A m. Basday.
e*a*od te may warm M*Bdi to toU
wbo 'poM tooir te napaoW
tebU meamry.
•uu N*wa

Mat from 8.000 to 10.000 toM at piapM
an fodaead wttoto 10 atUm ef Ftw
Paw. it U arldaat «mc to*** will ba
a* dlAeally to eapplylap aU to*** ta•titatlaot with all toe fralt tb*y can

Palmer. Mtoblpaa’* Mar laeUA wbo
BtoU Bate Oo,
ntortoady left «oU^ at to* hlpbl
aftefoatbaUaaaaoB, UatUlatUmapoam*« toU weak ef bU whetoLoretoad Colo —......................
lteVdl.y8«,M,0«AL0P... ^ -sSMm Palm* to at boat* ee I
totom'* farm la M»mah«»tW* Ji
tab Bapar Oo, Froro. UulK..
• lb* WlteeeMa pam* b* wi
rtacoaato Bapar Oo.. Meaomo-bam* aa aeeoaat cd bU “btoar-* lUaa* FalH. WU........................
" aad to* «tadeBU *ald*'meto
>proa atrlapL” Diraotor Baird
U.ho_B.M SUV O... Hw.t.1.

* dab leoma war*

farte oe to* todp* room Baer
deroud to card paam*. aad w«n
patroMaad.. TR* lode* room w*
tter plTM op 10 daadap. te It ptw
aatoad a btUHaat aoeo* aa toa todtm

oak. Two wa*k* ter Palamr
left apato «a aeeeoai at bU ‘‘totlnr-*
Uto**A‘-aadto* ttadmim mid hard
toliip* ef Urn. It u fcooWB bOW itmt
Palmar'* latom aad metbar an aped
paqdA to whom any Utoam ate;
id. Tbay Ur* aUm* Ob a
For to«m Pater ba* laorU
bU eollac* wok to oan ter to* farm,
aad lob* with toam to their daeltolapdaya H* it a feetboU here, to

Fire y*an ap* Mim Halbert of OelCuteaaonlrtop. far wblah
fal bat rato aadcota wa* m«A TfaU
UltUrtopwa* feead laaXpetale
wbito. wbea rmy |*maU,
UmUtoUda aad. ptwwiap rapidly,
H rapataldm aad pood itacto* dA ap
tomA itaak te b*fe** It eeald pat
toieaph. TbamaOlwa* a llpai
totoartop emmettap to* part*
•Id* aod plrtop to* tabar to* farm of
immnad. J. R Baraay. B. W. adamb-heU.
* Tha nka arw «wtttM to prolm tor HadlapA Parker O. PaoBtoptoB.
: Miaic«rFrr«eb.ofto*8ac XaUad
tta aattmi of toe ball. *
rocuaat—AU paaion of to* dty.
I.* totplif a aerganm arlD rota ton royal
■aae* ■ J. W. Mimktm, C A. Bar
b*m* ta do eway wlto to* piri
Ota. Tb* promda win
■r qa«*ti«A B* b*o eloaad drtPW. whteb win mbU tb* Btoa
Maak-4. T. PeBatoptoe. Bowtaad
mob* a pntraai dtotrtbuttoa te I
Doapte Ftoak Walua.
axtacdlap Aaa Arte eollap* to
poor of to* dty n CkrUtama day.
ban g. J. Fultoma. Geon* W.
altma at to* hotol ttariap to*
LardU. W. M. OoedoA C. 3. Bbaar.^L
imtocmtoA HmU.afM.mBtartalaad Oroed OPtoara. . R OUboTL
ebaatn WiU alto b* aopapod. Otaddw* —alpbt toar* wat a laii*
iniali*ii at Um'ecmmte ef TtarWbMW TMy Ha«« Omw.
«m CHy Udpm No. *n. Ealpbto of Tb* heUtoyi btgia tm to* meama caotod ^ to* toeapht toa* te mrPytbte te au praooht dwoyad tb* <f to* dty atoeoU Friday aftmuumi. topi of yean atlitot b* loot, Mra
tel <f Otte Cbaaedlor Leo 1. Oan te to* matop matoa toek a poodly Tbama* Rite
gaUmaao, ta '
te Qite Uetaiar W. H. LoomU of
Mr of tom away te toaU bemoA tow te booto to to* mldai cf A
fltte Bapte R. H. Cbrtottoh. aa mtoamaaMi^cf tlw. beard of adaeaeter m Oraad Rapid*- TJalterm
to* tmabm* t Ur* to*U mUrUa
Tb* work «t tb* ird rte w
m with MofcA bat to* M to*
part «< UU tte to toU dty bat wlU
•Maud to* atetap af toa Biam A. UCtePtm etOecasoA pmn
•d a bmd af 14 8m Oarlmm* j
I«aabmi-\ teaelattoa at BapU
Prladvall^d to* IDph tebaol
L O Oto*y «f TraUA a few to*
diridtbU tte batwam BaitU Onak •eu.P*rU««Mf«<bWL laa<
BaplMW. Mlm Taate ^ ^ ttm* DT* <Pto* 14 warn tote
Sl^ aebad WiU pe to te bam* to ObaMUmateOtoto’ tm 88.000~ toaip. Mlm Meaa«M m Odd- •PA TU >*xy iHmitoif attor batop
watm; HU* Baa^ to Aaa AxboA eat 10 beat. TWmmm Ura (*ato omaMlm lAiT.—Kod aad PtaL mtemnrteartondto* Mte atom
RUtetofanrl^ XU laol of tha
pnmditop BaUley rorlral mo
mM Frtday artotop at to* hm
Em’. W. K. Wrlpbt. aad eatohad tbelr
Urpaaltatloe by tb* •eUcCtoa of


tte. timmlab, tte.l

n ef to* tewA

Oifwral NrwA

A Mary Oraat Oiamer. a iilMrr
of era. V. & Oraat, who Urn with
te iliur, Mra Vlrpiala Oraat Cmbia. at Eart Oranre. K. J-, my* lli*
dnto of Mta Oraat wa* fototold lo
n a dream Uraemlwr S. "Tb*

L. Bnttatflald, laiWaolar
of rarat nMolepy alto* Ualrerilty of Mto. Oramer. “I U.oapbt MtA Oraat
Mublpaa. ha* aoeapled to* pgdtton
of tnaldaat of to* Rhode liUad
«olUp« of apitealtan and maohaalral
ant. loeatad bear ProrldesoA
lUaamune bit dotl** AprtI 1.
Bix fla* tarm balldtopA ewimd by
toa Harohanl't Nattonal
OharloH* wan dartroyad by bn Wadaeaday montog. topatbar wUb toalr
ooaUBU tootadtop IS bead of r^ritlerad aad it prade oatdA two bona*.
IBO Ibaep. Br* hop*, aad a lann
jndaeu aad aprioallaral maobtoary. TIm tom will mob
at l«Mt Blt.000.
ef to* *b«aau of lb* apper
11 U repotMd. toe baarir
y*ar. aad it U

ftap* Jdle* laomUto te boeem* a preat by tow. tbay will b* gall* aomwoaL
Isdaatty to Taa Boiaa eoaa^. Om Aaa Arbor eitUmm. iaeladtop C.
faoiocy at UwBm eraabad BOO too* of H. Oady, of to* beard ef p^bUo
of to* oempeay U sew to I

tb* CTDWtb and d
on of blood Botoea. or ac

I 'V ^

.^uptorat; cnlaiftd plaada m toman afaoat toa ate
aad *riapiU.caUrTfaoftbeted.wtecyc*kadSfmUal
nkw enptimu opoa diBcrcat aatto ef to* body obew tbe
; of tobocaUr or acrafnleoa mattor to toeblood.
toe blood. tktoduvcfoaa
Itadf aaeerdy la toe aypte aad attacka
t and UmacA
dcBtreyi to*
x«d earpat dm of toeblood. moltlap to
ppeatateoftoe aUa. kaad Rmptb aad



0^ /S#tUac*etote*decttoBA ttparitetoedetmiontod
. d acem^aad
^ ,----------- cantoaaoa*
cd. &&aimpto*ca
------ ----------------------------aadatoto' m et food. rmtDRO tbe
weipbtop no peaad*. aad w*an a ho. |
jam b**a iarmlpat- loM ptopeitiea to tbe
•e blood aad gateau
tb* diceUtioA toiapiap pbealtty
1« *ba*. Uli fatoet U of ordtoary j ^ by R. R. lUylor ef to. SmlUmoa color to tbe akia aad ripm to to* weak teemadatrd body.
Write u aboat year cm aad ear e^Mctoat irill cbrefully adTimaad
«lm aad hU motoer aadm to* arertoeamUoa. He my. tba old ter
|A Toaap Moteaa !«• rrfam ,iu wa* ballt ly tU Ramlaa* **rly brlpyooiBrreypoaaiUcwaytoncuTwarbcaltb.' Book oa bloody
laey •>(!«« te traral a* a freak.
la to* ' *
TIm adjataai-paberal la bU nport

llcm t« to* proand eeald b* orrrby maktop a' coetraeti for lb*
proaad* for a term ef ytan. Sterape

ETWitlaa <f • faetery ef I.OUO
too*’ oapaaity. aad to*y t>opoo
ml a faoMwy at MatlawaB.
toaplre Stole
N. T ..........
Colorado Bb
Ford. Colo .
Natkmal Bupar 1
Oo.. Soparr City. Colo..
Sapor Oo.n

traly: ‘Mary, 1 bora oama te talb
1 erorru trltoerdara
with ye* te te my poadby bacw* I
Dr. Jeba a Balloy. pmidaat of
oi potap to b* wtib yoa arnb
to neaaUy orpaatoad. Oblmwa.
Mr*. Otamar told hmdmm
•aa B Manklaac OoutUa' Madloal at tb* krnaktoit table tb* a*xt moaa-'
ba* to* dUttoetlao of banap
ad to bar mjata* a Iriaad at lb*
proloate to tb* upper family. Mr*. Eatlieria* Uwreato.
wb« wa* Ttolttop toma at to* Urn*,
period ttaao any pbyiletoa to tb<
•aid *be te a almitor dream. Ml*.
tory of to* dUtrtoL He U
Uwma* laid ib* dnamid tiiat ab*.
B**ur of tb* peotonla toodieol
Mra Oramet and Mre. Oertato Mood
For U.e {te to year* b* ha* bees a to to* tonal of Oraat '• tomb eo BlriUemar at Maektoaw Ulaad. •nid* drlt*. N*w York, aad than apwhen be more lima haU. a eaatary
flnt torrnd a* carpeea at to* fort,
r (toe* Bbaadoeed by lb* porua-

pr«at fortoM la to* potcih*to of to*
bip laUbd aam to* aenbeenml eoam
of OabA It U mtlmatod toot to* lilasd te la tu fonat* er«r 84.000.000
worth of dmbm olte. At a romlt
of larmtlpaUau to* mw eom
mild a taip* miU aad a u
map* nUway ee to* itlaad. ll U
b*U***d that mlUiow of dollan will
b* •aearad from to* md* ef to* timbm aad ptodaou of to* ItUad.
Edward PmA a baekator Urlap
of K*w BoatoA wbU* oa hU waj
OattoU wlto a Ite et buL wa* Iwld
war BeoTto by two laaakod m«i
nliarod ef om bop. Ho tree* of
to* pattim wa* feaad.
Prof. A. A. Brnaliy of toe aairmlly aad diraotor ef to* Obcial aalee.
a* bean aBteOy larlmd by to*. 8L
LoaU wted-i faU to pir* a *erlm of

amt la to*
toelrlp WlU be a pnai eatiap a* weU
to* adraniwmrattm to* aairm•uyAtEalamami

paMl of B**tal*T*r (hipped la­
te to* Mato from a fonlpa eoantry.
It te a total wMpbt of aboat 1.000
aad oaiB* tram Aatwerp by


IT SEKDT10U1 raca

The lucky n
Watches andI Jewelry at a Bacniice sale and
mers the bene...
lefii of it. Tbe sc^s are UP-'
we place them
m on sale at SENSATIONAL
low- We positively assure you that our prices will save you money—w
afraid to quote prices.

this Sptcial dolUaf Salt will btgin Saturdap Itlaniing,
Dtc. 6, at 9 o'clock and will confinut throughout tht month


■ rrnffiOMlO
$2.00, WORTH $3.00



S, to:
•8 CkNT*

$1.90, WORTH 2.75: $3.90, WORTH 6.00


$2.00 SS--



oPAUi wns waam on



$3.75, WORTH B.SO I $2.75, WORTH 4.00 $3.75. WORTH 6.00 |


-• 2

•* lUrtBTU I
^ j $1.25,
WORTH 2.50

€verp JIrtkk Warranted as Jfepresented.
Don’t forget tlie <M man
with the fi>h on his back.
l-'or ncaily thirty years he
lias been traveling around the
world, and is sbll traveling,
bringing health and comfort
wbervvcr he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To' all weak and sickly
childrch he gives Hch and
strengthening food.
To thin and pale persons
he gives new firm flesh and
rich red blood.
, Children who first saw the
old man with tho fish arc now
grown up and have children
of their own.
He stands (or Scott’s Emul­
sion of pure cod liver oil
delightful food and a natural
tonic for childrcn.for old folks
and for all who need flesh and


Uhtoffat tafatolpr m

Rastall, HostliiE Jiielef.


$7.50o - TO£ ^$8.00
oi st i


A Gasoline EMjne $12.00to$ 14.00

Is what you'need, and
you want

dividing the
shock of explosions, evenly balancing the
engine at all times and reducing the vi­
brations to a minimum, admitting of
lighter construction, adding to power and
efficiency of the engine and doubling its
life. Easy to operate, economical to use.
moderate in price. You can’t afford to do
without ita^SatisfactierT guaranteed or no
sale. SeeUwaHtimistMirstPft.



NOW’S YOUR TIMEI Who is there that ever
gives better values for the money than


Hamilton Clothing Co.
-TiwterM OI«r. MIolv


.THt aiUWB mVEME HeitALO^ BeOEWltil is
• rMA cM. M
boa*. Sbe «w aluuc la treat eC tk*
UlbliS wtcb astBe «< ev aalcbThar bad bM taiuv aboet
Are aad aboM people beiac bmed.
aere UcbM aad beratai

thi Strange
a Tbla may be 00. bi

The decUloa deetered
Kkl aad ot BO effecL Tber bad bMB
-Wba ^ sot to tbe tret lead Ins
■be loeied oat aad eaw Aaae* twias
« to tars
to tbe electric railroad caapaar ost ot tbe wladow
tbe alley. She waa trubtaaed
Uae '
tarrtUy. She did aot hare aay epacatt
troB TraTerae- CItr
ram or taint, or anythias Uhe
tbe data beton which tbi* wu to be
Her face waa Kd. aad wbee ahe
« betas October 1. IML
aaad later la tbe erealns bar eaTbe towBihlp boaid. tbroosb tu'attoraera. Patcbla a Crotaer, PmU a tire body waa red. Bo It waa la tbe
to ilA all orer.
Darla aad J. <3. RaaiedeU. entered a
demorred at a fonoer eeealon at tbe too. and after a while the lUn oa her
body aad on aose parta
eoon. which war orcrroled.
dry ep.
.prceeat ■eealea they let tbe
not affected at all. Atier
by deCaoIt. and the
a daya tbe «Un all orer
a BOI pat In ah appoaraaee. tbe
ber body looked rery jaach like a bUawbiai la aearly healed. It besaa
peel, aad abe coald retaere tarse
Xtia oaae Ot Arietta WItees yi
UiarK. Wtloei. diroraa. vaa takes patebee with ber ansem Ot cooiae.
Idnt nffer aa aeterely aa abe
t by the oeart laM
It abe bad been actnally boned,
amlBS. Tbe tranad of i
bet ttill abe aBffered."
A New Turk phyttcUn. who la dolas
Tbe replerln appeal cbm ot Afnee
at tbe PoIyeUaic.
Kalsbt ra vmard Brown west to tbe
Biry tbla monilas at 10:S0 o'eloek. aad
at »:t0 IhU afiemoon a rerdiet
retoraed la taror of the pfadi
finder tbe ebarse ot tbe court,
daaasei oould be awnrded.
Tbe caae of vnuatn Snyder ra. Tbe
Kaat3ay Isaber Co. waa takoi
aa Boon aa tbe Knlsht-Brown e
went to the Juy. Tbe t^tlBony lor
the plalaUff waa all In at 3:45 o'clock.

Tto clicnK coart U now buy with
the dlrarco anill ot Jottea P. Powvi
ra. Amy E. Porwen. Tbla nit la eonVMcd. Ibo/defandant bartns tied an
a petition for aUmony. It
la aald that the caae will be foosbt to
Ibe bitter cod In open coart.
In the caae of WtllUm Snyder rt.
The Bui Bay Lumber Co. tbe inry
bcon^t la a rerdiet ot tzu.ti la bror
-of the plaintiff. Tbe rerdiet wu
nacbed at 3 o'eloek tbb aflaraoon.
Tbe auumpelt altaehaeai can cf
bury A. Cook m John A. Cook, her
biber-ln-law, bu been before tbe
coart otday.
tether of Prank Cook, and tbe plalatlS
la tbe wife ot the teller. A board bUl.
ti^wbleb tbe plb(alUt hu attaAed
aome pnpttty of the defesdaat. who
la in bla etshllelh year, la tba matter
la coouvreny. Tbe dateadant U a

aad who aUeoded caw ot tbe Boea
ilorwlu eUake. eald:
•It la a pure caae of aelf^jpaotlaB.
be Blrl'a talnd waa la a coadlilao to
be wroosbt npoa by tbe alsbt of
I. which boint anddealy on ber
nalea. I satber troa what ahe aaU
the clinic that abe waa not only
(ew nlautee that abe wu aeloall:
bclas bmed. It le tne. of coarH
that tbe.aerrea wen aSeeied. bat
they were affected qnlte a
by the faculty of Imaslaatkie a
by the iBpulae ot fear.”
Chrtttmu In the Cborehea
> osnl. tba Sunday betore Cbrtatwu made a apecW oocaalbn in
tbe rartona dnrebu veslerOay. sad
ne eaan tbe rpnlal eerrlcee
were qnlle elaborate There wu a
la do honor to tbe birthday
of tbe Kins.
ysuacw cEUbcv.

mas aerrtec *t tbe Prieadi'
church wu denfted to tbe anbleet of
”Paaee.~ u nss«a>a<i: by tbe yearty
Siren by Her. Henry 'HeKlaley.
putor ot the church. Rer. J. Pennlastoe aad Bar. Katfaan Baldwin.
I .cvmtea eve*. .HcKlnley
a Cbrtatmu eermta oa U
-to the gnegtlana pnt to him were ab
anblect. The
Tbo Bctblebem B<A~
wayn clear and pertinent. When the
attoraeya in the eau were threwsb
Chrlatmu^u U
SMttkialns'bUD. be ntaled that U any
d the lory had any Quattlona nUoct of tbe moratas aerrlee at tbe
Flral M. B. eburoh yeatoday. Special
to aak be woold be slad
cuic tor this aeniee (satiated of:
' aa be wanted eretybody to be aatteTe Dem' (Uortonl. choir, with
' fed. Tbe Jadse Informed blm. bowriu by Him Oardaer. Hr. Hnater and
arer. that tbe atimeyn had peObaWy
aaked him W the aecnaaiy qaeatlaaa. Hr. Oowteu.
Solo. The Chimea of Cbriatmu"
Tbe caae of Boaa dark ra tba O.
E. * L nllRiad hu been pal orer tbe (Drualer). Mtes Boberta; rtoUn obllterm. Tbe eau of Philander Pirla ra. sate by HIM PBlsham.1
Aatbem, Tlaifc. the
Bdata of
Arthur Wilaon will not be triad at tUa
Are Stestef" (Hantn).
term. Tbe Cook ra. Cook nee. wfclA Huraa
Mk» by Htea Katnoboraky.
wm to tbe lory at 1:30 o'eloek. la tbe
Hr. Uaaier.
teetotthe iBiy CMea.
Uymaa. -Antioch." "CWrol.- and
lialtea Hyma."
Tte wb)eet ot IbT^tetns aenoa
waa. "Why Dou Herod Wlab to Wor­
ship Jaewr The apoctal maale for
tbte aerrlee wu;

tnnaof be exptelned. Per
aoaaUy I beUrre that u u rale la
M natural law
te wltbeol diarerbaare. hUny tbuts*
that we call
a or. to speak
toR af
sseeshmefabbormal facoltlea
Ever since tte teclnnlas of tte
wteellns craxe I hare been an enUltBttiUc wbcrlman. In tbe summer of
dlas St ntstal sOons ■
-ben my ttnip went rat,
was cMlsed to pet ra as best I

-Good rrmlnc.” I refilled. -Tear
wbed makeM Uttle ooiae ibal I didn't
bur It. tlAoEb yon weir bet a few
feet behind lae. TTlib that mavhlM
-1 nrrer
eoe. I am yoarowoUmp
to not ustaied.”
-It went oat far lark of ell. You aay
oq aeecr -me a UsbL Can yoc ace la
-BuHlsbl le d^e rnonsb ter me."
Eltbrr aunrtbtog waa wrons .with
ly TleMa or* with tbe meB'e wbrrL
te nIsM wu not a brtsbi one. pel It■u not 10 dark but IhM I could ece
him pedaUns with hli feet noddioldlos
aa-lf to beadle bem. lull etraln my
eye* ea I woold I could eer uothlac ot
bla macbloe. T was shfiu to mcetloa
tbe tact to‘blm aod aek an esidsuatlon
wtea we ceuee^ tbe rays of a Upht
a wtiMlow, and I u,w bis face.
Itbstabdlns the fact that we were
both rtdina at a pood sj>ecd. It waa u
Rottel u If lytes on a i>iik>w In aiiiiii-

turned away. It was as If be bad vanttbed. for after ibe wontt -Good nlcbr
le lUencc.
Tbe face of the slrsBger haimlM me
from tbe OHOeot I eauplil that ooe
brief ctlmpee. One day, bearlus that a
l)ibt Id a traoce lo a
DclsbbcrlBS towu. 1 ooDctaded to rldt
010- OB my wheel and «lali blin. 1 wu
obUstd lo sraH my lorn lo «u aDte.. and only


”1 IMS to Inform yon lor cdreatettoB
iiabed wbottoa Weioa bttweea Cape

- .(Da Ouu). la-

-IJatra- (3. W.


bed In tba Seomd Hetbodlat
aad Italy. A
church. -Behold Tour Klas” wu the
km TteU hu
ibieci In the moralns. teid . in the
la the preaeoee ot
erulas Bar. Kennedy praatted tran
O. Morem
Dec. 3t—Tbe
Ttmca conBrma tbe teoelpl ot a
ease by wlreleu Wesraphy from
coal at Cape Breloa. K. 8.


my teaey. Is turn, on my
■o that when 1 «ue permit­
ted to so Into tbepeuenee of tbe aleepblcbly excited
ras my sorprlm. my
» In the fate of tbe


I alApper^ tbfvUSb

irrieed slMTtly la-fore dark,
n I atoned to po buma It wu
after Oio'clock. I sroold not bare bad
the coolDau to Usht my tamp bad I not
led to ride witbout otM orer tbe
. rud on wUrb I bad eeen tbe
Ucyebst. tte yoanp man lu a tnoce.
What sraa my anauyauce at ptdas orer
bnmp la tbe read lo see my Upbt r>
1. frit In my
match, but in i
I teoke lb and tte lipbled end
red oo tbe sround. 1 fell Hr mabot tbee waf M otbm. I wu
fnreed to tide on te tbe daik.
Now. 1 am ready te adoR tbM
my pecollar
wbleb mlsbtarcooni for what followed,
bat it does not account for what had
Receded. Suddenly lookinp tewn to
my left, t mw tte dim ootUae of a bli
erde rennlnp notteleoaly beside me.
Maine at tbe ettnUont. dlpplns at tbe
e pedatt tnralns
d by a pair of biiman fteb the
le bars and

te tbe rud. and tbe wbed rantabed.
Tbere wu a bttDk of aoow week!
after tUa dnrtes which 1 wu IIL Now.
tbe Usteoer. sre Wve tbe exptauAn abnomal brain prodnead
botb meetteps. Not eo fuL When I
(ecorerad. 1 learned tWt tbe man In a
tiancaWddlM. 1 madelnqolrleaabeot

and tbe bteyde ted turned tuta I
ta am bir. and abe loU me ttet irUle
ber aan wu te a trance te ted tretmaetly rttlled ber (spIrltnaUyi. oaoally at iiisbL I also learned ttet be wu

tire tbe views ef my ptayeMan. a
noted raertallit te nervou dlsusea
ecaose I pUre faRb te blm. but
that my UsteMC may JtMse rorblmaeU.
Be uye ttet 1 wu all Ibe while aofferlns from a nervras atnla aader
b I ereniully brake down. The
Iff tte man tytnp te a etuatese
eondltten wu a colBctdraec. My own
brain saev him tte face of tbe UeyBla mother, wbo was a very aid
e.Ber. Butb. tbe p<
aad faoble woman, bad been u aff
pnoehed ta tte erealns. bit ubfect
by ny atmy ttet she Imasteed te
bates Tbe Anstta- Sons.”
Uc blm wbowiu baHeve BDch ak.akTo Krery Han HU Woiir wu
Btalaet M tte mmalns aermcm ot I
tflku yoottrday. The PreBmliM
of CbrUt- wu tte aotdeet ot tbe n
las dlacooru.

Tba htetory of tb* eau. u o



ti..* '

Lslesl Mraienle S*^.'



.1 .Thlny,.bo huae an•d^ c.^lnply ;ri"rs'7o£*>lT
iirunp Harana clpan U Vbe dally sJ-: >'»•> Hsia th*> bs. ao.*! (.* nar. *i ih*
lowanc- of Kins c.riuk of h.nt.sM.
l.;ci.-st and the Ulleat of

which eechew the u~i
relpt mxnareba uf the Ad
i-rtakikfsCera *v«h
HU bulk U SOmCthlBS
Uaieh &. llMu. aod Lord Ssltsbury ] fast retards bi-iIvItt
. ■>
of hah mind aiM
te anued of mttniameitlap tte facta.' body and Is a fertile cause of l-fdlsaw bolli on Ibe same lines u busierCeDeeai De Wet complahi* bitterly of Ura. dyaietats and like aRmnila
aal prudfatber. the late Kins Vlctur
1 eg: i. si r L y<Ai»..e'. i..r- .. bsoer*
Brlllsb linecb of fsith.
faith. but declarca
VImmaa|cl uf Italy . *n1) be it mueb Haehr -<i lleuimbie aek. sad si Ueine lAr
dwsM.reM <Sd MUiaei >e lke--Bref la.
that tte mull waa not all favmUle to
aad bla (ace. In spite of
sndsi P. kjwlks-. T*sr,ew .'.tr.fW
tte -Invadrra.” lie . .li-* the promttrs
Ix-rahuDdance Of fat. Is both
Slreo General frluaUu and fc
pi--s«ant. Notwlihiiandlt
when Ite.e eorrendend. ufety Of prop- {
Binh, be »ti:i raccls lo all
srty and pc
eaojy. tte dte I
u ruond bstirca.
ualv rcralne
r.-lpnlne i
mbu ran buui >ff U-lns
Iryled Do ter bondreils of iiuBoda be- tp,. ,\eu York
I and skillful bull fipblcr.
iiist Rrttlsb nllnad |>ro|iiny wu de- The i>ay account w un u'-h.l7h.bu(>: uicdAn n-purt of Ibe
rayed lu tfietr oelpbborkood. |<-al service.
laUilU |«J.
csVluad of CbrUI
ull ra rou"e ila-sb-i

As a mullof tbla. be Myr3.000pa- iG.l01.-av: yeomanry loy, x:>ta.tl30;
1 II »>-*-». prs-ms tksisraeuin
reled Boera tonb op arms apaln and vomui.-vr cone pny. C.VJHS.3XI. (rate- or the west wu
fouptil to tte end of tte wu. lie de- pun* and ivmwmls. iM.Tll.:**'; i-ro- C V. Suadsy. Only twenly or thirty
Ibst sack
ubsr snd hirtbrr icde* sW |ir-.
scrlbea Ixwd Etolwru u bla (Ur Wef.i- ,ip|wi* aud (irape. v.M.L:.'..***-; Clolb- -ut uf W.eo <«■ elsht buadrvd |•lucbea______
_ ns;
U W u ikr
» si usy t.
bsM iwcrolUos serpeaot becsoar of bis lup, I13.T5tI.TlW: warilLv .t.eca. iol.- sat.Hl. tbe borard mall betas for Tsv«o*d !'• «brs»»liit»ls*». k
luaU swt
-SI—..,. ...I ..u...
Drtteeoi breacbea of faith. .
,17u.w»'. wurk-v\‘OLi. lu-Ulary
p-dais «....*»
further ___ _ i r^vidig
d. <k*i yndsy\
General De .Wet's alst* of nited edo.-jtwii. i3T1.0t«. in;*.vlls.»-oUs cfmall wu desilued
tinw-*«i. te SN*r*id for ite j
throopUout tte war end after It Is ex-,e cUurptWiT.'G.'--: «ar cdB^
I'taimptaes aad
u FIJI Islands.
peused by ■ In tte book;
nouclfectlte'cterj:-* for oAatm-aic *ear. Klu-r t*vw-n. iswe*»i*.l is Jd nusi-Ererylblnp la as It uipat be. aod OB- ot,. i.V5til.l«.i f.c imv, t3.W.5I0. mail urka were
sn- reimrwl t" •n-w' •< > •bUob ct mid
■a oue 1* a sluppard one has no rcaaao sihI su|.'ruunii:>il<-n and o>nii-ct>*atlDB s bleb rarrled nu oMud-tteei 1.. h
BI Ow- f-rutwl*
Mexico tHy
xoit..-*-. lur-Lms
iivKiiv a 4..101 exinnw,. fSTl.T'ii.
-d Lu Virratau ,ibrpeiii>-serte..<iUB.*WrcB*M. Xediii.
it bua been cutcul*t-l tlut tseb one
u>-ihe soverement the ■
j-v-*,. <i.imm*.du-Lid
of llic .“.VX'SV uini .mi-U.J.-d lu tte
le Oar ■lalslee «• X
war r-'V-lird
and. allo^liiB
Herbert Wolcott Rowni. Amcrlcaa lniTS|'ortalk>u, v ili th--. liv|-itbrstt
III silver Imrae .rf ihe Vlrjtln.
mlatticr to Venraorla. baa teen <iull- lluti
b-r»--* «.-n- elu|ii.-d la
Iplomatlc NuuUi .tfrlca. It >v-l
by twelve yeera la tte diplomatl
and ibrrusied with pemst<> hike oue
Ice uf the uslluo aud rip.Tieure
-rieure Uy msu ;:.ol A'S bi-rm- out .,*} teck. On 1PT dlamunds. St: emeralds. *£ rnblc*.
r coiilire) Ibe uiiK- lAi* It a.ek* tml Uui fT* A jaHaOis. and 1.317 pearls The perns
Caracaa wu*
pandea which may arise
lit III tualulOJii oji'li luai. aad
He artd (o bla post there In the sumTbe direelur wu told uf
mrr of I901. aucrrcdlnp PninHs B. l4»Ilf ibc ebesi by
mtt who sreot to I'onupal. but whose
lb<' ninepe. wbo s sya that its
policy was canltd oat by bis
au«* Ts»w?i»i.
n ^ many -4
t**r u-wbAip, is mui ouny, te
UlnUter Bowen went to Vt-ucnwlt ; we>uh>
faldloE plare wu eimfided lo
mas I'crHa. where be had Iwea mlBls- :
a former maimn'while
-•'while t'”ii^widr»».wl*bh» ib. ..tuk-idul. ..n
yura. bavins laco appoint- ; Tbiit III
bri--i:i I*
on bur desdh te-d. The cbosl
to succeed bla hrtaher-lo- i ,ud iroul.W-b
Is lw«e;i;'i 1«*-amc evl- di-n'lic-ni'aib a tlacsium- 1a tbe rbspel.
taw. Anbor Sbertuite llsnly. the im»vtl.riihir
f. tlir
of tbe
Tbi- annual re|>iri iff the rummls- sni I tel .ir-h r-ih-T sad Isrtl-v irteesiirl pn.
. . ..................... ................'.r--n-.iry af ■ Ni-w
riBdllie* "ik.T 1-te.l iBil.r r—B te*s*i-*j I-Ira.T «rf fdueatbin fur Fun.. Him. ii.,ult~tli. Ill--leliitim -bHi-w- ms-V'SSd
Spain, before Ibe out- I yorv |,y au
;..n f-r t«.*t.\-ilve
bruk of hoatllltlcs between Ibal coony.. „..,i ,,
a pciure»i Bcbuuls’ll
try aiM tte Vnlled Btttew that Ulntttrr fbri..u.;is | l-.v
e SB smnl '
•-'liby OunBowcD palwd the aapccial cxptTicnc* • ejer wIhsO- mim- ei.a
which will
eland Urn In pnoJ alead
In'; V.»b>;..w
... „ th- laain-st r-( tbi- uiae praile ta very
the N.-W
V.n»-V.»b ........ ... ..............
the venexsett Uahroplla He first went .
terb-| b-M -vrllfiralcat'nlled Stales, al...............
lf*"£ ? ra""'*'* ii were
off a la.-kUB-of 5.a. i.-w
tOtbalcoantrylB 1»0- lieliitsrawLted
Lbuuph the everyday output <ff ibe ele- .
ecoaol at DareHou by Prvnldeiit Har- i
lu a ai<ei-ial l•ax_lB
mentary schools cnnaul he compared
aad II P fnnbre uedi ral. that mid
le 18U5 Fresldeot Cleveland |
^ r..
U, Ibe pwwmi lolerta-ad U mid
il peneral. Bdrceltxui * liv.Tj
i------- jesr alioot tbla time ibm with tbe brat city schools of Ibe same ' r"Bu<ev
made blm c
mOIecffltep-vAmry cd mat i-aikm B-talhe
mauireutslkms of boslies a licuvy demend far now bilh of pradea la tbe statot. An American
OUty toward tbe Vnli«! Siaieal lo
d'-onmliiulKiDs. fur new peld avdas free public acbooi now exUla Itr every
UorcAUKL Tte frelloe wu areoicd
I new -siiu l fbaiw- tu l-c uerd u
iiiiildpa:iiy in t'ono RIcu.
by tte paasas* by ibe areste of tte TnlHldr ]Ute.iii.H.
v.-.vr Ibc deof ClevMand
Hersktf ruolatteo wHMi recopulaed tbe
ulartliik- lu uiiUBiiulIy esrfy. oa-ni mlaea in Ite Haullloa dietrfet.
fnrm which aboul.TuQ.OOO tons of coal
front of bllh buvii Ikv-ii 111- (irsi.
tbODund psnoos p
lUrcetoon annually, but be is usable to
tbe UnlMd Steuacc
Sl.lBBi 1,111 uuiy -c-in a y.uU sIx-V
ns aod wUb abrau and exaerallona de- prtv.-ut. ;,.I1 tlMTC iin- lii.iliy Juillloo- obtalB fn.-l ter bis borne In Wubter
lUDdcff the deatroetka of (be bulldlns
bu uisbc su- I, iir--*-vil*io ibelr
He lives In Uio bouse formerly
and Ite dsatb af Ite oceupanta I'aosul truMi-d eb-rk* vt runOni-MisI etn|iloy- uceeplod by John Sherman, and ta
Oaoeral Bowan anwared
weather it- lakes aevreal tons per
tnac* and deflrt tte mob. whid. dlsWiik to keep tba place warm.
pmaad ta ■ abert time wifbout b*rmCUP RACES A LA CHINESE.
tap any ooe sad dotas UtUc dsnias* tn


V peudltuife of


E«r IsAstt ate ChOiM.

Fur Coats
Fur Robes
Plush Robes

W* l-**d
T-Hrau* l_ln*te!

127 State Streei.

2ud*Xo.iSSl.''lSit *l'l!
O- - jy

Hi moil


i'alrTftn-l1 -‘vi!a I

EYE- ^

b puro a

ttot ssaalon aaeedote about an Iowa
eanttteoait who iriole asklnp for copies
of tte O
eUtnrlea and analbtas pleased blm more than to read
-oWtoartta of dead roapreastnen.- uys
. WaatAapoB diaiatcb lo tbe NewTcrt Tribune. -Your conctltornt oosbt
to beta ecstasy next Mosloti.” remarked
UttMeM of Malae. for tte whole
boom tt lo be Chnnonlxednew War PaaO.
u lost beao dtsroeered that tbme
_____ I at Bapparawyl, Ssmsrrlaad. ■
fnad craatatlnpof omriy KO.OOO. wbleb
tea tera aatmctlbed by I'olee te vnrloaa
parta of tte wcrld for the pnriure ef
wapn* sear eo Roaatt when a propltlOMahallanlvc.
•saw AffOa tb- «1i
ad SB- vaaM
Wbea te- llcku bu Wuikwl
An' rsr ne< 'l-layms's aald.
Wtea Users .rare *U around ye.
boo» bamed trrad
Oat ef doors bM
u le
In th' dlsianc*




•lihn-x- p-nil-uwii. .viv-ordins fa
tbe I4UI.U-II Tiller, wrote to ilii- editor
of an Litflikb iicOB|B.i.-r In Tluoista
anyiac that souu-Ibui-B In- v>»> rt a Iobs
iindcrt-taiid the un-anjiic
injiiK -<-f iIm- ttie»M wbitli uive rvcv-Invl
and said In- wanltvl i<> kiHin.ainane
ler Ibiiipt’wliai h - SliBiiiinefc HI.
Tte editor lufoniH-d btu n* follows:
•■TbeAiuerica'acup Ibb i-te-rof eloopated sili.T, inin-b cuvctu-l 1iy EticlJ
andJ Amcritiin proi>le. v
. It iB uur a tael* It
I, ai|.l a hnat to
• nU.ut uiu.uu)
boat keetis it till .eome
bolliU a faster l-eoi.
bolds II at im-M-iit ui^l 1bls for keep* Ueaiiee lli-pie liare forsutteri buw lu
Sir Tbomas l.lptun tbinka
a Iwitre aompan ihan any
In .tnienra atid.lia*
already 1

SHOsh Paper Oars Baaker t- -aUe aa Map la M(b vaera
London Daily Mail r.vxvily pule
1 tbe ffrai i-f a w-rira of articlrt
about J. r. U-g-ean and LU .uivlSuda.

of anldn tbe 1


ot OiiVlreri


onalm r-ii‘^r


l.t. 111,11.0.

Jt mtrrf Christmas to Jttt.
tht Boston Store.



.-.H^W-rooKT-riHKM— ■


pTMerve. Purify, sad
tbe SklD. Scal^ Hsir.
swl ruadswltb

You rurniob the hide, wc Ian il and moke Ihe coal cmpletc at a Coat to yoii of from $10.00 to $14 and yoa
gel a coal mode lo yoot order that would
uid cost ytm iif'.
bought ebewhee $$8.0(1 to duplkole. You faraiab the
le and we un and bne (at a robe oil complete at, a
d SI to C feet k)^ that would coat yoa
anywhere from $13.00 to $20 00 to diqilicaie. We airCoota aad Robes
ao cany in ttock a fine lb

Our $26.00
coot ia
_ Cl
_ 1.,
ea Mag, salmi bladk
Gallowav, (talf ctffUr, 6ne«> quality blacfc Itahan liaitA.
qudted, 31ohairriees«
Hohoirrieesre lining, HoraoM
Hoesoid Her
Bar buRoot,
the kind that ouy buttoaed, and Braided Oemtn. We
duplicate thveraf in oarcastam srork, we moke the

_r Wowu wB CvTscraa
Bter,waWed h* Concuba Oisiaui,

a*-*—— umaa u' Osde ye wondw
It wbea atoMBV nttbi bu nol.
Tberu b* atm eomitb doow eUrkn
Far r let ye aae yer sled.
Or « fatka mast to awtatterln’
Tbreuoh UI- Sttoay aloab InsteaO.
Tbsa yap. r alw reoal
' All te- homard ulea yi




Oallowsy »rta

il il-'pc-i-a
,up tU- .\



Goats and Robes at One-Half Price!

tt-bat * test Ibv
Itehtt iS“r*Lea
Aa'te- eauleabv----------- ---Fee r*' wtao-* a-ouua' madder.
Ar- «*• *1 — --------------------------


Ji t^.-k;fd *57


5SV“V-------- ______ ........

baia^m of tea laM, hate, asd Bersr>y.
ilil[iMiffwmuBu*CvTvrtaA AoArta
tetes to, bnuylD( irrtuMn^flamim-Yet. Uke Napolreii. te aerm* Cnabte
to hall or rrat IP bii career. LRe Ka^
n. te maf find -the louiteiit

Tte Loodra aradeniy tea pot lu a
rati qnetthm. -What tyre «■«*■ te t:
ir bare you read wRb tte
d and pleassrer' and Uerbert
■r.-uya Ite Chkapa Inter Ocean,
ra. -t bare net

13AV0 looa. wUi have aU ter pou
^oed la a ritedel lostsad of la ci
Tte S«D posrer Is sraatly
t not rmd any new erraaed. aevaral S3 locb puna betas
cetred wltUaMS daytu
*acd will te iwaaty-twa
te LoDdee far otndy aad otter par.
tela read
Cbrtatmu day at tte White Hoou srews prulsr mry year, and they or*
TbOBU Maede aa«-e KilTrr *at prueot wuble to ptrfactt tte poblle
win be hUrtrid wltboot a Chrb
Woods- -rrtaeesa of Baaorer” a* ooe.
tru. aad Iteiaad each of tbe
EdmwM Oosu laiacta
moreoTK. that tte existence of a
pla iB Loodu win remora tte t
^laa not Stepbeo RiUUpe' -Clymm.*
te the family aitttes room. Tbe praat- deu ef tbe mere eftbodox Bmd<
and Hra. Boaoaralt bare aban- MHites ttet cooaiiT. The frut
deaed all
m ttetr way.
Md «ni Auote ttelr
eoUre time to their eSDdru and ttelr uSBlas ttet a ttsi- t ra B«Ittb ■
Oely a famtir dlanu wiu be MOMt poiiiu tte aaaeWy ef aw
?brtafmu day. wbu IBa.'
reoffy. ably walttep tte retora af bar
. ateur (ff tte prseliut. amd.
t tteftasd wo te It
bastaat a*^raa


Tte aainUwi* M tte Stem K

Pd?I -



ateool PrMay, atur naeffrlas
ft* weeka from the effecta ot a
ToutIUtb CetSafy Smid.
whkB dM not bora ber. bat wl
ebteler. H. T, Dec. 31.—Her.
o tadty tbU the akin H. HOla. rtwreepoaiflns secretary <f Bcssal ora farmlns a fand te pravida
peeird of ber enllie body, aa If ft bad
St Iff tte New
bean aelaally bUatared.
Tlmea. Tterearet ry few ef tbe veal
Baub ■mthm- beUerua that tbi
d which have not
'tngtt come eat tbroosb the akta." ter eff tbe 3SOAOO.OW called for thru
Tbla axpteaatkm la net In conpleu yean asD tea beu ratted In catb and pMees ef wratelp Id or near Uadaa.
bat Utedaate is oim of tbeos. aod tte
pleSset. More than ban a milik
need for aub a boUdlns tt resided te
The trlsht afleeted the cbOdb
•arrea. aad the ecaaeuaeace wu a
perilDS OS ed Ihe'eulMle. but wbat
aerru were affected and how
than we on tell.* aald a profuaor at
. -TbechUd'n
t penoB wbo bad beu ae- reniy borwed. bat L > palB and .u-



COffOSSOAXIOllAL causes. .

-Joy to tte World* (Oabriel}. aoprone loloand eboras.
Special mnale for the erulas oar*

toopht atnicsle tte Uoees
wmr Sptattep ta rain, mj ^ \>w I
Torfc Hall and Expnu. Tbry knew
their caum waa loM. but fotubt u God
tcarlnp patriot* nmll every ruuorea
-as cxbaasied.
He d^l.r Craott a. aav-lnt^ -

am. but Jiv^rea te »•* «<“‘Af*-'
ate to .tendon bis j«dtl«D wte-n •
trapped Id the ttxper nmr PatrdM.ors !
byL^HolK^ HI. caplura I, tter■ctertted as tbe catastnlibe of tte war.
la that Its dMntneoli.c effect oa tte ;
Irnpcr is referred to as -tte sUlm
D PTO.WD pray la bla cooiiUTr's aerr.
nr ooe brutblns in alfro. Tbe next
aad Gladstone ss tbe -prestcal
Mmrot a Ulcydlai wu beulde me.
-flood ermine." be aald In a alns«- and noblest of Enpllab auiramcn.General
He Wet cells upon God lu wit. i
terly uolel voire.

Te Oettm" tUortoa), tislr.
Ocfak ra. Jeta A. Cook Twtaned a nrSate. The Bhepberd KlBff” (Terae).
dM of ne caoM ot aetkm.
Htea Kataoboraky.
Trio. "Pratee Ye' O’erdl). Htea krt. a now trial In tbe cnae of WUUam Botenky. Hr. Haatar. Hr. Klas.
' aspsw ra Batt Bar
The dlrcfpe ball cf Arlette VSloox
Tte moralBS dlaeomwe at tbe Conrn. Afttar B. Tl^Ucnx of Kinsley tea
aura tbat be sms tbe one wbo bad rtddu ra lb* larlalblr wbeel—moreover,
be* taken Bader adrUemem by the
m. Special mnale, wu pforMed.
bad not half an boor before left
wbleb wu rery Sne.
'Urn lylas te a umnee. 1 soon recorartd
icnetblnsofmyeq«plmKyai>d.nodcBAlTWr caCBCH
id tbe boose I bad pamed dnrtes
•Vod'aCIft to Haa” wabAl^hlael
of tbe moratas aermoa at tbe BapUat my prerkuu Hdr. bos«l 0at Ibe Usbt
M. teal* Bemu wu ^raa a d
ablates tbroosb tte srlndew woold rechereh yuiorday. and ‘■Man a am to
tftrerce tiMB Onear B. Bemi
-real tbe fare of tte Mder. I wu dttap^
wu tbe aub)eet In tte erentas.
There wu no face Ibal win
cn the smnda ot extreme croelty.
tal Ufbt would reruL Tte neiX mo
New Toik. Dee. 33.—Tbe toSowtns
dtepatch fiom bteioonl. dated Oteee
Bay. N. 8. December 3). bu been re-

General Oirauten Rudolf De
Were Thru Y»' Wu.- tte title'
tleu by tbe naibcr to bU buck ea tte
pnUlabed re


• Innw 1-c___
Seaora Calallu FVwea, wbo died
tte tatter's vian'to betend ta
tte betrotte! of the
hie wife un.-oow«o. on tte Boor, while
•» ^’al'ft«la. At tte time of
tte rat wes rcrwn.*ij to re- ‘“'r death she had te*i complaled ber prtoce ot Germany. Prtnew rradaMcb

Hue tisrtf. It wu ftaiud h<vv«swry 10 [one hnadrrd and sixieCBIb year, and WIIIUbl
'XUcc ^ ilUay'cblonfform tte anlnul so j> to release |f« oter HI years abe bad lived nader Tbe irtBcews. wbo ts but l» yura oM.
Mra Downr;.. who was i-ui crsnuly ! .be shadow uf tbe Son CabrlH mttbeen (or the test two yurs te GuInjored.
Sloa- H.-r tansband bad been dud for
ly u tte snem of her brelber. Tte
more than SO ycara.
raperer ud emprew have watched
Younc sirU with Has hair la t>iua- bee ckiacly , and have derided that abe
■**• **
‘'J' ««•''«- A tiny bnrp. I'A. arc panlc-atrsckce Some will make on ideal wife for the huare
mtmjr Is etui-b.d to tbe lii-e near the malickms or rrvy aiaa Is coi;tes tbe
baited book. The aseumi-t.un I* that a tresses .-ff ct.-ry pirl be ran catch rat ,
te the I’alted
fisb. wbeu It ee.-s n*>-ir in a clasa. vlU alutu- aftt-r nlpbtfalL
Stales In cooUsnous service, ttnawcll
concladeltel w-io-- mb-r li-li i* try Ins
Beardsley of North IabHos. tear Ilk
wimam McCoy, a neat
lara. -V
died oa mday at the ape
the Oyster Bay branch of
fof *3 ^ura He had teen pusimuier
itet .i win ap«d- Island railroad, bu received
Jlr. R^wetflt. Uistrecllnc hl»^»'
LaAMo#.lnce te wu I»
Uwn :
purchase a barrel of eandv. pack i

'* >rars. Hb
^ ,bm-to tfound*
in'dccorai.-d cornoroplu and «-e' •''1*’“*'““'*““’•Jr la ISSS
o far this assumj<il.m.
child la tbe Oyaler Ray!
.me trf the laraacra 4* a;tJ^iii«“^?____________ ________ _
Ifhrlsimu rresooi.
than they ever cauBht 1-
a. ate to n


Popular Music that was 3Bo
now • ea«Ms par copy
etor35 cants.


1-4 OFF
; > All Ladies’, Misses and CMld-^
I > ren’s Half Fitting and Auto-;
‘J ‘|l mobiles
at Onc-tinartcr
Off, $3!r


Baeluttoo-Mttoa Ibirla.
SoBC. ”I WoBid Ba-—C
. erowM ud tb* pwlon BWitr CM cnc. LueUe HalUdar. trn
iMt •mlDf CB tba oeemtkm c( tb« Suraart OaUboC Praakle Kilter.
CMAbh «uretMi br (b« prtBMT RaelUtioB—Alban Lrbiaaii.
. Tbc
-wbai I Woold Uka-—
BloaaoB BUar. MakI* HlUar. OUre
Cole. Amber Weatla. AIbcna Labmaa.
A AttUthOii] proctaa Bor Uiber. HaUa Loalac. Staaan
VM glraa ai stras u f^krar*:
CUtBM woe br ebetr.
Soac. -Beck-a-Bre
PiVV br B«T. D. Onrhila.
DtasoBd aad eberua.
WMeom br Ftank WdloA. ■
Bedtalkm. “Ha Loroo Vi Bo"toMBdeat el tbe aebixd.
Crsa Orooaaar.
CMMsuw aons br cbolr.
gaec.' -Jeau Lorn Ke'—I
. Sow br 8<teoI--‘a>Mr CbtWaM
••ChiiatBM HraS-—PrlBBiT da“Cbritt'a Wnbdar“-Olrlf from M«.
-W« Bar* BMa

-Oar Dom«s--Oli1«
naan cum.
-a dpom» o. D-—oooa-—fioT*
fitm Mn. Tanraitar'i ciMa.
Ufa. FBddMt etaaa.
v«r BUI* tou—Pai


-J«« Tot* Ortowaa*—oart Pana-

-Ua^lac Soar-Boro tro« MJao

-Idda BarTo^ora frasi Hi*. Ua-

-Uoda BMadunr^W* trow Mr*.
: Nta<a daw.
' -to tb* Atm or HIshr-OMt frea
; Ml*. OaBBtMx'i aad HIM BaoMor^
-HmiBC to 8aBta--ltot or Kla-

Alax aaBpbalLvba is atteadlac tbe
Hetrr Bdla"— Oalrardtj cd MtoUcaB. atriM last
Soac. “Blac
Pridar and is aoaadiax faU r
wUblitf panata. Hr. aad Md
RadtailoD-EdUb toatatdarItaUoa-^landd HiU.
Itatltm—Jor BiU.
BedtaUoa—Lanra Clrae.
CloatDK aobd:. -K6 RaoB f

Sofas BaoBaorar
ar aiTirrd
arrirrS bema
beam thta
eoUact to tpni too

Biowale* and Cairlea wlU ba li
Mn. Oea. BeaWa Is rtsUiaf trtoads
deaee at tbe Bacood Metbedin cbordt. Dd
Talatiras la Tiarsne OttrA caataia. "Saoia to a PU»hl,“ will ba Mrs SUM Md Biaadds^tar. tor
Cltae. Tbe decoraltoei are
.erlptara. left todar for BelUtn to
spend the bolldara with Mr. aad
Stoats at that pl^
SL Prancto Chrietmae EMerciaea.
Tbe inlaat tea of 111. and
CharloUe ItcricThere will be elabotate CbrUunaa John StUet died tbis aorntoc.
sons. -Loa la a HaBacer
Bimdr end IsBllr bare ;
exerdaea ta 8U Praad*’ ebareb Chrlit- adOnat
to Acme from Mabel.
BoIUdar aad cherao.
Oae d U>e apectollr toe fee- CIbb. Palmar ot Onws la risltlac
BaeUatlon. “UUla Oaaa o
to pleaae tbe cblldrwi will be bit aaat, Mn. Bare, of Acme.
lOB'-^th Cialc.
It to tbe Biaacer to Btoli
Olarlac. for Btooloas.
aad tbe Maraeten la tbe Bible p
Soac. “Cite-—Pmaarr dai
Beat on that oecaxion alao repreei
Mn. Itaae Lore fell and hart her
rerr tmdlr iMt week. It la dMbtfal
to mlntottaw.
AIbcna Labmaa, Lacr Deeo
Tbe ebareb wUI be beBatlfollr dM B ua ceta well, we an eoirr to bear.
Catbertoe WbltSald. Ollt* Colt. orated to faalaam ud eedar aad dber CbrlsUBM will be ebcerrad to toe
aid taabieoed MpU at Taba with
OlaaBa Lowtacaj>proprtote cSeeU. Tbe toUowtoc Ohristmaa net and exemUet by toe
Hrmaefalldrsn aad tapper for all.
win be tbe proc>*m ot exerdaea
80BC-tinle cirla.
Mn Sddte Newaomb wm token
HOBimro BKBvrac.
Boclutloa-Perer Wrl«bt,
rone tost week, ao toer bad the dooAt I a. d. blA maw aad aermo
». Sbe to batter todar, wa an clad
toarelae—HIM UtIomIoo'i <
BccHithB Mania Courtadr.
Him BUaefae Cbipeator U tpMdtoc
Seat-^ta Little Bor*
Caataa I.—Mtoa Bctelle Barrr. bar TscstlM at bnae for oae week.
BadtaUoa-Harr Wrlcbt.
HIM Blaaehe Joree.
Cuiu II.—MUa
HIM AIrtoa DIob. HIm Bdieeea Jae- Beben Ptoiaa iwtonad Bataidar
boa Tiarana Oitr. when ba has
boM veadtoc a week.
Cantoi U1.-M1M AlletaaB Hodl- Parer Tbospaoa la apendinit a few
dart wltb retotlree bare.
be oae d tba teatarM ai tba erealat maniel. Mtoa KatUe Warsbarc.
AdMle Flddea-Lamto.
Harcerr Speer eleeed a . foer
Tba IoHovIbc inciaa trill be dtaa
Chonu. wltb adlaa. br Mlaaw Joale _M>to'stora at toe Bolmn eebool
bpaee Utt Pridar.
Hormotb and Batdia Banr.
Mr. Pvae U aoldtox awaltoca at I
Tbe Aacela' Maaaace’ (Herbert). e'eled
Saadara aad thandar areatil choir.
Too AU-—Baaeen BUot.
Tbto BBM win be Immedlatetr fol­
SMC. The Mid aad tbe Vtowar”—
HalM Touker.
Slactnc br Cblldrea-t Cbolr.
Ctoaa exaretea. -yule CkrtatfaaaBOHHITaTT.'
10:30 a. d. bleb BBM and ear
Soac. “A UUle Babe'-Ctoaea Z Htaaie aad atactoc aasa as C o'doek
clatm Balia-—MU-

Theredar eraat^ wUM was waU at‘nded.
Mn Bobert JehasM. after ipcad
tor a few weeks wlta letotlres to tote

ton HMb^.

of tbt llaUaa laboaero

dare <________ I wltb Manda to
Tiarataa CM7.
du>- n<

Mr. aad Mn Darld Beett. aaeea
paaled br Mn Howard OUi. took
trip to Tnrene Cltr Taaedar.
B. R HMktot. tlie jewalar. Is aow
gvcal^ located u R R Oamp-

ecObrisU_____ _ —
Md a to proxnm of 1

on 9ood8 in every line.we hanijle. end especially soon all amall tots- on
short lengths: on odd lots; on all heavy goods, etc.
. .

Ladies’ Misses* and
Children’s .... Va^lOOKf

men’s and Boys’

J. W. Wltoar la eatTruc bit
to a altof. eaaaad from a hart


3. M. LtoiBi

I bit beaM

■eaceef Si raan
ware held at the
tbarehatlOa. a. Baadar.
Tbe Elba
Cfate ladlaa' eodal fwalna. to taka
place on New Ywr'a ere to Ibdr deb Baxardar and Baadar’a rato. took tba
raoaia. It It aa annaal enstoB for tbe .saw off CO maoh that rracOBi bare
to ba oaed.
Blha to hold a bic Bocb
OMrUe HUe. wfao Ima beea atteadNew Year’s cte. This r<


■ li Porter.
HUc Emma DeLoac toft MMdaj for
a rlalt with reUtlre* to Souou Bar. Mn. Feteraon of OIU's Ptor ipMt
Voodar wltb rrlailrM to town.
Bari Breekwar is elerklat for CIEBarrer doHa* tbe bolldar*.
Weddlnc belU wiU etoc to ear rll.
lace to toe near faton.
Batos Beaaaorer to olesktoc for
FtM Aodereoa of Omeaa donac too


= I
Detroil-Wbeat, 74 Md M: .

Hut Ntoa Para -arrived Satardar
rentoefrom Weat Soparlor, B'to,
■pood toeholldara with bet parmi
Hr. aad Un U«e. Pern.
Mtoi Lola Gdktoe to back frt
Obloaco for toe bolldara.
Ameoc toe Tnvern Cltr
eok from toe eollefea forr toe boudart are MiB Lrdla Eoaalc. Him
Hsrme Yonnt Md CbarlM Novak of
Ypeflaatl, Lealle HeWetor Md Hmvej Aadenon of tbe M. A. C . Him
Ktoel Olbbaaof Oilranad Frm D.
ten. WUIBoBshallMd Tom Wl|.
belm of tbe V. of H.
HIM Oaaavaa. a slelar of Or. Cbmu ot toe Aartom staff, arrivod from
Ann Arbor to 1

raeallM. 8ba will ba tha caaataf

nbe, tS-Sa

Our enameled Udin' walrhn wii:
malch any tuwr—Our Brit U'aicha err
anielN-andnew—Ould and mlver .-av-<!
dni>in^{ve walehea. a> well la thr Urcei
etylr',' are illu.tiaied ip our booklt-ia
whu-h are eent on applimlion—A mol
appro|«riale prevrut lor 0>ri»tm*»—Tbry
sIm aiale the price ■( wUrh tW “O be
porebaeed (Wm ady Leaaint Jewder.
/•r^r BWri CMorrwtefJ.

be for Elks aad tbdr MlM onlf. Tbs
are betoc made for a
for toe
______ tree toIntbetoerob
foUowlac va
Baadar aebool ehlMmi.
ehsrca of tba laacUoD:
Hr. aad Mn Elac'a daaefater. Mn
Wwrar. -wlilto slidtoc dowa tbt Alfer
The New England Watch Co„
UU tost weak eaaitot oaa af bar feel
M a etab aad dlatoeated bar kaea.
Praak Ptobtr took toe Dewar al
PiaabCbarchaf CMat
fort aad OBBe borne ria Bmpln. B( toe bolldara
Ur. Oarrel bH rctaned frea the
Tha folioTiBS la tba praciaB to A. HoUldaj. Cbas. A. Sfcalebar.
to waU aad wra erarrtotoc la boew
xrloBlunl eoUece to apsad hit vadaea of tba Chareh of Cbritt enda. D. W. Scewan.
BecMtlM r. Friadrtok. i. T. Han0*E2.*a2“e2£, ■;i?&li!Ureas:
aab. SaBDd Oarlsad, E. McNamara.
ntora umlcbt. Mr. Plabar wiU r>
ha<A to Iba latoad on toe Dewar, m
Pnnk Priedrieh was mUed to Ana
toe will call at bla daefc far bim.
Artxw tola moralac oj t(e
Mi of bit metoar.
S. L. Ilaa.
A. V. Frtodilto went to Aaa Arbor
DacoiBUoa—R. Bwaen, VlUlsB
SebMl baa etoasd for two weeks'
todtr. oallad tbete br toe
Lore. A. U Joraa. O. R
•M <ff bit Motoer.
e.e’fTW Wrtoer
Seda—HIM CRnrall.
Paifcar 0. PeutocUn left far AlSaac-KlM oapp'a atoa.
Olf Ow*.
lOnl todar. when ba will ba Martiad U<<
Dtalocaa—Mar WUmb. rfoaafo Ho- BIpkaalee. C. R Bala. U. biab. T. H.
M CbrtatBH dar to Mtoa Oarlattoe
OUHs. M. L. Daka.
Oanr. Lm Ckawford.
or-^ W. OrelUek. & R WBBmi KIb Labfo otoa,
bald J. H. HtOooeb.
■adtitbB Far Batlar.
Mtoa Havaal Aederten af TYarinsa to tba etlj raatardar.
Bttt MMlacne. Cbarlla BMartb.
Ollr WBt to aowa tola---- ------------Hr. rar Cnvford. Mr. T. P. DUoa.
lac lor a aOBbar of b
walla Md> Edwla TUHbr art task
BadtotlM-Babr Miokar.
Aa aaetlM aalt ami aappar will ba
Ana Arbor. Ooone Tbirll
Soac Ml*. DeVaOa-a data.
The aaaasl BMcUbc ot tba Ocncre-< bald at toe Swadlto eharto Salardar who baa baoa Bktoc <
satfonal Sandar aebool was held last eTMtoc. Deo. rib. at 7 e'etoto.
Ualvarritr HeqdtaL ratnmad with
atealac for tbe decUea el oBean.
AMrM at oaoe
Tbe deetlM rasaltad as (diows;
aad Bal(di
M. TMt, Ho. 46P;
Saparlataadeat—PTaak Wdtoa.
OeBiMBder-O- 3. Stabbtoa.
Tbaekarara back fraae OUvotfer toe
Baeetdiac BeerattiT—Mlaale R
Liaat OoBiaandre-W. T. latoia hoUityA ______________
R Tarloi.
e aiarclwo ot tba BapUat Aareb Walu
.r. J. Pnuok.
Bank at Klnptler.
Plaaaelal Seent^-Neta WrtcbL Biaard___
mcB loBotrew at^tlac- Tba proEaapar-R R OxapbaU
Rlacaler. Mlob.. Dae. tt-Tba bi
Traasuer-naads Saiaar.
ptaB If a* loUova:
MS BM of Ktocriar art aanrato
R BoOar.
Aatbaa. “/or te tba WetM“—Cbelr.
Ilea Oowaluaa-C A.
IB M. of O.-Sdwto Middleton.
DOM at bMae. D. H. Powor. irealdMl
ot toe PMtIae Savtofi taafc, ms aaBbllab^ a baak ben W. 3. ~
fermerir vrtto toe Oaktoad Oooatr
Barton baak. PMtUe, la aettoc at
B. B. Piekard af Lalaad waa to
Tbe T. P. R a R aad Eewerto
Snac Hlai Baetor-a daw.
tooltrtrom Haaaa. Berth:
LaaicM balds wbIm tarrleeto toe
Baduuoe-Bbaa Mania. lere be bM beM for eoMe 1
toardae—Six cMxlac. Aa tokereMtoc f
SectalBir^Mapb *
^ raaltottoM. na
Tbe Beattoc waa wa

0 storr 0 tba Kiar-


F'ft’Siais-iS.'is’rsi f-


MforM brail

O. M. Daaaii qMt S
H. R OampbaU satrad haw Satprdar arontoc.
tiroalbatle dtaOst Dr. Sawrax baa Tba Weana-a Ciab mu beU no
Boadac toM weak bat rUlSeldtoalr
maf MnO.


ar aAed «1U e
■s. Tba procraa will ba aa fadMwa:
Ova VdBBtaiy.

Dr. Sawrar lafl last alfbl Mat

Tbe Sweat Old I
Hnato I
ia tba Pawara eaw to tba aliaalt aean
VlaafoCdcp. ■
Pridar aad toaartor. tha awe vw
' BadtatkB. “LKtfo PWka' TTidiinBa“ aat talked, bat warn artr tba i
-Oara Mar Ocadaa.
aad wlU M ba BTlBH bda
Bc. -WdeoBa Uac aC Otar-— Psbraaar twa at aeatt. Tbt da
bare aeratat men arttaaaaM tac

-Ood Ba mih Taa TIB Wa
------ -y OoavMaaaa.


Soac. *»a te tba MaadaT—OMtr.
BarUattoa MwbB Tama.



Mra aa Clbriafi aad arbe tera net
toeaaciBlWind Ufa.’


Xtiia$ Present
Wscusuit^M. WsknepiacsdoBsslssnsn.
tirsptw tins. siiitBbIsfor ths HelWifs.


Udias’ Hand Tarn Kid Shoes


Men s Hand 9£wc4BaIs
Let as Show Yob Onr Ltocs

Q Rn


Trank Friedricb
142 ^tM

Ik to IMt

Cbe 6r«at«st Stsre lor

Christmas •tSsr
in thi. Snedno it tbe

E=KKy Book Stere^3
Dolla », Toy*

Muik Guouk Ekk


In grreat profusion for the (little folks


Ohrlalaaa Kra. Tba atoa at cl*i>C


- ^

♦•♦Tor d***




•oac -BIbWbc tor MT-lr Ooa-

Many a wdl racaat, weu puaneti aueiapi ai uead ntokinr 'is
wrecked Ob the ihotli of poor Boor. Good bread b not hard to
make. Half the yojtgf b where you get good floni. Om Beat
Flour carriet yoo to Good Bread witooat toilure. Whiter, itrciwer, ahaiperlkKircaiuwibeiDade. Aodibepricrb jus xi altractive at toe bread. Ii’i a pretty poor cook that can^ nve
mooey and delight the tomily with bread made from oer



fltolBii TMr axBttoa aOI ba
haU M Cba Baadto (Moreb. abid
bOM MMr dtooraUd to tba nniaalni
Tbamigii atn oeear tblo ataatacA CBiBraii tiaa am ba oaa of tba
SiBtoii. rU aetoel am the aaA
BtobB ar tba aMoot a araatat. aad
ihB* aM ba M> cMa aaUa bBB tbaaa
aa Ibat aaM aaa am ba rawawl
^ an orffl tar* altka. A aair I
Mf praciaB hai baw anaacad a

OnfJooilsjnd Clott^ store

HiU Harr Joho tooka trip to Tnrn*e Cllr one dar toat work.
Un Joaepk Tbooaa U lU al ’tola
WrittocTravnrnn City Mnrkntn.
Mtoi Kettle Paolu of LeUad ipMt
Mordar with friends to tbit piaea.
TTilarwport la made open WadneeHtoc Emma Delonc epcnl Saatar day of each weak. Tba Karald la not
with rrlaUrea to Ibis plaae.
jMb Peien of Letoad aoMl'esadar
a town.
riie foltowtoc o«oen were elealed
t tbe L. O. T. M. Pridar OTMlax:
Indr CoBBMder—Psaalc Blaele.


Ba^ ------- - br Bar. W. K.
toaa SBaW Saa^’ iolBal,


Lot of one and two of a kind, all desir­
able garments. AT ONE QUARTER
TO ONE HALF OFF regular values.

twsnoUMlM J. Honootb.

^^o^da^ ,^les.

Big lot of Men’s Cassimere and Worsted
men’s Suits
Suits, all good styles tmt only one or two of
a kind all^izes in the I sT.-Y«gular values
$6.25 '
Cbildren’s Suits Sl.65~

Saac. “Sfotr ol Iba KlaT-

At tba ecadaaloa oT tha >aat aoai Badtattoa. “A PIoUbreriDsMtaoe* Pidb
SHta Oaa* awaarad with a wanr laad’-Beraiaa Blaaper.
BMC aC sraadai aad pnaiuod a box Hole. 'HataUa <d tba
«C aaadr to aaA mnbar at tto de- Mn. BUou aad eboraa.
dtatfoa. Tba Seadar Sdmal
ChiMBaa Traa*—MlaB'nanaee Boaa.
TaaiM**! Piaiiaat
Ma*k. “A Baac at lyimiph-—Cbelr.
. Tba (onoatac prociBB «U bo etna
CUa BToatoc br tba Bata BBd tBlanaaOiaea Eplaeapa<- •
■ foetlral at Oraea
SMa lijartBMta oT tba Ssadar Tba
pfoeopal ebareb vlll beftn wltb tbc
aadar adrad CbrtatBaa tree oe tba
a*e at Cbrlataao. Wadawdar. at 4:30

<IW aaaratoa at tba BoasrlO*
aata am ba raeotrad tia^tb* paiaeu
ta ba Maead ea tba traa. Tba tallaatac laaraB aU ba M?aa:



ClMKtorv'fc Boolcs
OibiMB, AlburwiB,
ToilM't SM'fcB
- Mnd ^oRurMB
in Treat variety and tha cholcaet aaeortment of
CHINAandOLASSin Northern Michigan. You
will mies a great treat if you do not call and see
them. Complete display ready this week.

€lty Book Store
0elerf>BfM*CP O., Prm.

tHt tm>5 tnwiim utmuB. aeatuMS K. i»m ,




3 KT Ceai tU*we4 n Tlw De^wtts.

Circulation this week 2,725.

II *as ta tba talatar’s baada. U
p rrem tba KorlUaad,” br lba
Mta Mra. Harr K. BadL Tba tnt
eoapMad tot baa $bk baaa raedTad
BM«« WM *» rMn (■(•«>.
«M fn» tba btaden aad piaead oe
feam ts tkii elv, «l»r« k* hM la Ula dtr. it la a book at era
■ptflt U» MUra Ufa.
Mr. OBok kkd a wth« UIsmb. «Ueb
fail, tm bar aarltaat oaaa ap to
» laat oea aba vrota badora bar
baallh conpeDad bar to drop ter
tra vaaka. Ooecwtlsa cf'Ua
bfMfkt hla w'dmt to daatk-i
- lovad work, abortlr tedora bar
Ibai itm a Usa Ua Ua *aa al»c
•d of. Ha tefrorad ta t
bovatar. aad reunad to Ui daUaa aa
ihIppiBc dark at U>a J. E. OraUlcfc
lor iha patt U rpara.
worfcad for a raw watei. op to Prldar
areaiac oT laat weak.
At tbit Use Ua wtfa aoUcad tbal
bla Ml arai aataid to ba iwtlallr
parairwd. Salordar ba waa iaaabla
to go >o work. Toaadar oT laM
bU brolber. A. D. Cook, aad tba wUa
or Ite latior. acconpaiilad blia t
l»IL wbare ba waa plaead aader tba
a epeeUllaU He. boa
aald tbal ba aoold glra a lotal pbral___ __ laalraetloea Ibat tte tallaet
te uaatad aa well bare

ramra 40 tbia elir. TbaiadaR bow.
eror, tba paUaai waa worae. aad waa
baa to flL Marra boapllal.
Prldar araelas Hr. aad Him:
b d* boTH or badta* Bteai^ «T One* rwtsraed to tbia olir. aad-Satar.
HvtdU vaa hrea«bt «o Or. Aaott'a dor^tbar raealrad a telafram rtaUag
...............> bad oecarrad at <:W. aa
1 rridap. A
«M bdU m tba «M|b oa vblab tba
boraa «aa btOB«M la. aa tba aalMl
d laaraa a ream wKa. lorU aaffarlag froa laac traabla.
martj Mita Cora Walter at PIfa Lake.
wbofB bo Mtrlad JOBoarr XI oT laat
oaa taretber, A. a Oook «r tbia
city bad two olctara. MM LotUa Oook
or tbit elir. aad Mra. G. yt. HolUdaj
or Tterolt.
Tte laotaal eeoanad oa Taetdar
Hataoaa at liM o’oleta taam
araalM tnJ> <>■ aalerad.
laoHMOi cT Ite toatbarer ate daoaaaad. A. B. Oaok, aa Watt Klfbib
Oakwood eaiaiiarr. Steaar.
rlM wata eeadaolad br-.Bar. W. E.
piaea tiMj •tta'af- Ota. M, aad It Hrlfbi. of tte PiaabrtMaa ohareb.
la laqaaatad <tet all Mataoa to tba
Bor. Baph Kasaadr cTtte
tdQ>. Wbatba Baa ban al ihaTiaT.
Saaood Hatbodlat etnrab. Tteloi
atK Oitr ledca or aat, vtU aUaad
at waa larfair altaadad %r tai wav
tUa welal fattarlBS.
Maodt wbo Boan tte aatlMlr death
Tba taaUrj at
.Bactte Paekart It bow trap hit of tte roMC
warkat Ithpaolag fte tba beUdapa tte J. B OraUlek Co. waa diat 1
Ba la trtmlp (rat led bj bit (riteda far tte attaraeoB. aad aaar at tba
btta, wboaapaetto iiibid thatr
CMlattaM te bit taloMt late Ite

r; sr;

AHart V. HeOradp arrlTod ia tba
adlp llaeter to rtall bU aetbar, Hia
Oaaadall. of Slatvoad. Mr. MsOiadp
aaraad la Ite ipteldi draadaan «ar. plaraa at Ite J. S. OialUafc Oo'a <aek larpa
fiaa tba laalij
Hla aaifay waa Utaataatw Mom
our. Alteba. vban bt atrrad aa « ate ditatal ■apilliwH, «bU
roaaa boai tba tamlij of Mra Oaok, i
latalar la Oa. A. Tib D. B. A.

Prtaada ctardi aiKtal. vaa Ttar aaU
»Maad.l.^teia baiac aboal (Mr PMjda pratet- Krarr cm waa nay gmaraaa la ecaMbatlat tbdr ^ra «T

(raa ^ XtadbaB. aad Boardip Iroa
Uia Haatan e«i, tba Portia Olah aad
dte PitebrlMM MlaaUMir aodaly.
Ste pan baaianwart^.TkaakHaldwMb^ VIU Holdowattb>r. t. W. Tbirl.
OtaUioM Hta A. R.i HoUldar.
aa AlMOaapraa. W. P. broM aad

by Ua book la eaa
rlchaeat. It b
book wfaicb. aalda/roB Ua aeaU
ani wbb± wilt noka It preatly appradatad by Ubae wbo koew < aad
Ite wilier, will te a wekocM
oddlUoo to Ue Ubrary oT erary book
On opealop Ua book. Ue Aral Utar
BoUted la a rery flea bond.looled baBponrall ot Mra. Duck. Oi
ory of Ua lore a
twentywerea yean. UU IllUe book
pabllabed by her botbaodZ' Tbe fore­
word asd talila ot coatasu follow.
rided b
at BaiBre, aonca of the
eblldrea'a Teraaa. apacul poena
and later poena, and poant ol
Upber life.
TrararM City paopla bare alwoya
eao proud to cloln Mra. Bw
iteir owa. prood of bar llleiary lol
aad appraeUUre cT bar IMorett
ta arrmUbp tbal weal to noka
ibe pebik pood. TbU book wlU eo
ter (rfooda olaoat at tbooph li
ire a peraoaol pill, mad ll will te
weloonad Id noay benaa tpla CbiTii


•“ ■ ws-Inventory



Boitt Daoaa wai oe trial Taeaday
Moca Jaallat Brawa ta Ite eoasall
nooa. wbloh ware peaked wlu aopet
lotera. ooxfoot to boor tte deBor ate Oartald, white cost t
btadotata ta tte aaoouDier tecw<
ate Horry On
laat Taaaday, ta white tat lomar
aaeoed bcM. wiU
caiaaeff deetdadly
. . laaled ta daelda tte
w waa B. W. Baraa, William HoUlaw. a a Aoab. T. O. Bhilaoe ,r Mpcaa ao4 WililoB Blehatda
U tte atalenaat to tte lory made
by AHefBfy' W. B. Poater for tte de>. II W etalnad taat tbe rote
tba dafaadaot aad. ibeae
wtM aatetap te opaa waa a pablie Upfaway, laaaad ap laeaolly by
«ltatea Han.

UteMwateU ai MaalUat Satater,
Daa. M. aiat rai7 vaU aWiadid,
tba laltd a (Dio br' Mra.
I__ Mm baM aboal alitrpaafia'prattel BaUldar, with qaailtt rcdiala.
Tba ipaadiat vara tot aHaaUralr Mra. Oook. widow of daoaaoad. U
UoMaad la. avacdaUr tbM br H. P. U al bor paraait' -boas U PUt lake,
BaU M Dlaaodate B.:o. lAdd alae
J. Aa aiiainafliiiil a-aa aada
brvtatatteaawtaa nailltiiof bar
bartaaA. howarar, ite Mata fro* tala
Ida aad Hlat HaMa Albarta Mlatbaaa dlir. taorUta Ite body wot naaawaaa «aiM ta «aMa«a Dae. mb ianad. bsytap aaoBred ipaeial erdora,
br Bte. W. K. Vrl^ at Ite beaaa at
m BWtb oa Ite nalB itaa M
O. B. Omb. m Wabalar atraat, at
lake, whew pall baaiaaa were
TAB. Tba i—idUta ralatlrM d Ite
at aad Ite tedr waa takaa lo
Waltar taaldMoa. wBara tte
awtekte wtfa ted aa anDrtanlly n
taokMita tatotaa taoaoC bor ha^
MabaBcaa kia|i


48o unusual interest to you.



ALL of our $tO.U) Children's Coats have been re­
duced. We have not many left- and these should
all Ito picked up in a very short time.

Have not bought their wimet- coat yei: bi“«'n waiting
for them to get cheaper. To such me wish to say
that the 27 ii
inch All Wool Kersi;y jacket «e arc selling Of should be cheap enough »o that yoii!he<ni
no ioi
longer put it off.* $1(1 and $12 jacteis, fiiU Satiii
lined for



AN V of the higher priced ones up to $IC.W 5n Vclvct--Kcrsey and Pebble Cheviot with all kinds of
handsome trimmings and buttons


■ Taken Intc
J. H RlotmlM ntorsad from eapl.'
aaw Tharedilf where "ba wai rolled '
te tbr oflleiaU of tba Uallad State*'
Haoltb A Aaeidaal Aaaacla
While Ibm Hr. Blokaalra waa
aeDlad wtlli a liaodioi
aad prcaaeiad with aa


lalUoB at Hr.
1 pood work

apeota ror.
rllOTj fo» tl



Since this store began its business, anfl cveij' year
stock and trade. This year is no exception.

OR. J. W Kiooncfl. daatUi. bat reaerad to tte aaw Maoc
wfaara te will be pirated » reorlTe
bit latiaata
S04f i

has increased in size of


llas'an array of Christmas gifts that is most pleasing.



Alwa^tinds a place in cvei^' home. Perhaps you want a set of knives.and forks
for some member of your family. Nothing nicer for a chritamas present. A
SCI of spoons is always useful; always having to borrow when you have Gitipany.
'It is licttcr to own them. Someone wants a sugv shell, or a butter luiife. or a
meat fork, a new nut set. a napkin ring, or some of the little ones would like one
of those sets of knife, fork and spoon. Always did 'want a

Have some of tbe fmest sets with either ebony, bone, or fancy handles. Cao't
be a good carver at the dinner table unless you have 4 good carving knife and
a good steel to keep it sharp. These we guarantee to be the best made.


i!sis{, m

\,\V[ YOlP ^1CARl'th ^


\Vhere they do their tradinp.
We don't .lueMioe >oor ngbl 10 Wi.'e
‘ e yoQ choose; we oaly uy
u if yoo trade wisely.
will \B!1 Ibit
beiore you bay shoe*.

BlSS[ll 1=!

Make the best Christmas presents. No housewife
could appreciate any gift more than ime of these
sweepers. They save time add labor arid that
mean* money: they Mve the body from fatigtK.
and that means bealih. There are three different
styles that sell at

$2.25, $2.56 g $3.00

trie BUtcaa are a poatBod cere. Oaly Me at
a ate r. H. Mate-a dfy«


Ita tMm l^rlc

for $10.00



ALL our high grade ladies' garments, latest fashion
effects—rich ga'rmcni% of Velvet—handsome full
length cloth coats. I-'ur trimmed. All go at ^ price,


Orafta laauaao'



A Good IVIariy
l-taciites ^

atala Baeklaa'a Aialea Salra la

at tba daatb. at BUaad MUM. 1
Tack, al Bav. Baialar 3aa
Ir pataor «
» paaia. Bm. Mr.
tala al9 (
Ure. cn
tat ehaieb Saadar aaiwaiaa. w Jaa.Q. A
bat Uta,aad wattad tobla Iwm oa
tat teaka at tba Hadtta. At bit dear
ba tall amaaoeleaa Ba waa takaa ta-

. Btaal. ted baaa taauacMd aad twHbad hU atda betOM te dlad.
Tba badr wm takaa ta Maw Laataa. taB.lerbaitaL Ibaaawawat
aaaaliad ta tbit eitr far Blaa Hary



i-s s.


MMd. Ha baeataa raaiaolnaa d. _
tte aflaaaaiai. bat dlad Ite toUawM
tar. Baait treabla waa tte abate ad

3io yd.

4iiaO y^d.


Seen. - -


White Shaker Flannel, the kind y
for. while it lasts three and onc-fi
good width and extra, weight.

Full thirty-sik inches wi<i. of sii|«-rior quality ami
softness -comes in small pieces. Kv«:ryune
Kv«:ryun<.' ooghi lo
bii) a whole piece.

BataU ba oaUtdjDaaaaBO aaaaa.
ate pare Ua ae pioraaatiea torwa

Tte taaera] oT Alax. Caapball eenimd Budv atiafaeoa at Ua tata
raoltaaca bear Bk BapMa. aadar tba
directtoa e( W. a Aadartoo. Tbara
waa a nrj larca atlaadaaea. It tetac.
ta tact, oaa or tba laisaat foaaralt
*T«r bald la Aatrtai eoaatr. Tba oM
tanaaara wc«a aapaciaUp U artdtaea.
Mur baaailTul floral oaffrtBM laaU.
•ad to tba aataaei at Irlaada. who
•awed at Oroeak Brtak .
wata prteaat (rom Kalhaaka. BaOalra.
-I ktewl would ka« apo bare beea
m Rapldt. Rapid atr. Trarcraa Qtr. ta ny prara.- wrttaa Mn. 6. & Kawaad oibar placaa. Mlaa Oatcr ot Kal- aoa or Dacatar. Ata. “It It tad aet
beta lor Baetrte Btnara. For ihtet
haaka nada Ua fabaia] addraa.
paara I aatorod oatoU apoay ttatai
tba warn loraa ot ladlpoKtaa. Wotot.


Bld»aoK*d Oo«<ton

Bocatap wbae tte trouble eeourrad. triad te brtop ta tba Botlar ol Ur
waak ape Taaaday. ba waa told by bii telnrari wUob eeooTTed laat ayrtap.
daapblartBaiaatae boo ware taartap bet Ilia
that tew
dowB hU ftaoaa. Be tpa dewa tbaca,
daalaiwbao per- net pnteak Tbaa asaead a llrely
tepa tweaty reda away. Whoa flee or Altai batwoMi Ht. Fealar aafl Preaera
fcaoek- tor Pmt. Tilt teamer waa datarlap dewa tte faaae with aa oxa. ha ■taad W brtap ta tte etoay at tba
atead vtet barlataa te ted te ao it. 1 dlflleolty prtTloai M tbe
‘ Oaaaa Mdafor Ua. Mr. BoaotalM. vita tte atataaaat tbal talad
^1 ^
te waa potap to Uak blaa TUa
__ ______Oltateo Hamaate.* waa
Ite a
ptaead CBI tte taad aad told pnoililMiq' of Hr. Bantacod. wbo atatad mlly tte toam atery aa bit (tlbaf liad
that Oaaaa ttraek hlai twloa. taay ■olA Ha waa aliU aa Iha ataed at S
eUatead ate fall, ate Haantaad /s-c-lnnk
aalaad Daoaa aad bald biswU aa‘
cleat to OaOBt'a body aopowlUa m
lltaltao blewaot Oeabo woUd'hara
bnaeb o( Ite M A H. B. bat<
Wea. He olataa that Oaaaa
Preraaaat aad tab JaaoUoa. 1
lapaatadly. oalltap
« la betac aioabad ap wlib a
Mta la ■■aqaaal."ate Ibatte
artlap a raltead. Durinp bb
sa Ua wife boa baaa faaldlap al atead Irrla Htoar. wbo waa wtU
Dteaa mad Mr. Boate. to Wap aa
AeoM. aad Uay any poatlbly note
plaaa apoa Ua arrlrU to retnra te

flead^ Botla. Gtoari. Skla Braptloaa
tod pnao. It earoo or ao pay. Oaly
He at taa O. Motoa bad P. H.
Mtad-a drop ettaao.


quality cloth, w^c ac- Want to imprcss on your mind that these prices are of Sf4oii»»ha^ t«t?^


tar M I It ■
I aadMUtUUIte WaUa ware
aaUad U ■arrlatt brBar. T. P. Ol*
oat. Tba atraaear vm paafoftd ta
ItepMMBworalawftlaadaaad fd-

1^ !

Underskirt Oegins Friday morning -we must reduce our stock beD fore inventory, and nrinp
price r.nnrPssionQ
concessions miicf
must Kia
be pviqh
the columns B^owyou will find itgmS"SCISS.“'‘/Pc
to doiT Cotton bock toweli,
and wise buyer. We'""''-----'
arc wcU madc of »kin
good that must appeal to every thrifty
W« Uyje,i«, ttaped..


Tba work ol coapUattoa waa «arrfully doaa by bn huteod. tad Ue
prlotlac waa deeo la Ite fob depart.
oT tte Graod Trararae Herald.
iBdlap woi done by Barlow Sroa

liny women who can
I resist these pric«
on lowcis must hat-e
more than she knows
whai to do with-~not
many women like that.
Some of these lots had
not ought to last but a
few minutesStxM Tntkbh boU
towel. (Ifie p..), each OC
>3x40 Tarkite bub
lowri.each............ lUC


A Heavy Gelii on
the Cbnat .
Al tbit teoaoa of tbe yev may
jnaetatalif aU cored at ooee.

OnrWWiePtae «»4 Spraee BxPWtafflta it tbe beat preporatiaD
fcr an kiadi «rcM(fai. oolta ta«w
cbitta or oay kiod oT pita nrary
trooble iwtoced by txpoMra. : ;

1 hey can be furnished in any kind of 6nisb to
suit the custMner.

Bo^-flmqua]-! Wam«>-i rebbarj Men a be*»
ity nibben, 1 1 bo«i, you ae«d ^ wool
batek&beclt |Spair.




Mta** Gik




toot waraera.
theyVefreal. ;








AIFt-ted V. F-riAdriota


ITic kind that will wear, and so such a gift will be remembered all tbe year
through. \ tea pot or coffee pot is on the table at every meaL The longer you
use these the better they arc. How many times you could use a Baking Diah if
you only-had one. We have some of the best. If >-ou cotdd use one, so could
vour friend.

tnu 9fu irautn ntMUBir w#wit


Trt6 OlUlio TKAVtKsj HERAL5. beOtWfeW W. I9M

Grand Traverse Region.

faar baaia bora aa Tkantor
L. Daatta aad taallyr CToaad
ooaad to pov«i «•
Lj,., „
Kato Haaltoa Thanday wbara
^ — tbar

toMla tUi wlaur.
wlU taaala



; (toaaty aad bat «wadUt»a

Tk* -irr^- ud wtwUn s(



mad C- J. SiBltt <a Tntam Uit; and Wa. Om «f Blngban,

tor TtbtMm OUjr l»C|»ap.
8«wl tanm.
^ ^ ifa«
midwiw «< WlUtaa ■d««rt* lkM»«kr, Dm. 18. (rf p*M»e«l«L Tb* i»-

laal rtU»7 »T»Dl8# tat



liralT* traa. All toport a rood Uiaa.
A. M. Ultd of Trarme City taJad
II toe> of hay for A. V. Mebbrct lari
Mt- aad Mn. ChM

Mp M T»*«ne OUy Ia«» Saartay.

Rarold will

^ '•<
WobbatrUlo. Mieh.
Mta Uaa BaTotd bar wld bar fans
to Mi. Bdbaab.
Mtu Loaa fle*oU wai bomt fro
TiarerwOUy a tew dayi lan week.
Mn. r. Bereld eptot a few daya
wilb her danghttr. Mn U. Deaaia
al Saltooe Bay



Bon. to Mr. aad Mn.

B. pool.

aad MD of tiles Ara Helm lail Friday.'
Piaber aad
frieede hm i
Tbe Oalbello prleet of Imdoia eallad
ee Hr. Bela ttssilar m bit way from
igitoi.,-----------Mitto* baimh abd Marcaret Dana
walk two and ese-hatl mllee to ailead
tbe Bardlekeille eebool
Doraa. tbe toaebtr. bai fires
Eer Mliool one weak'l raaallos. to
tbaiowiu be bo teboal antH eae week
Mr. Cook of Olea Arbor wai orer
Ibe Itth paylBf ^leoki aad mosey to
^ moa wbo work for (be Olea Arbor

Me. aad Hn. B«

lb. Olaaar. whlU AiMtac
M tfa* alrfamaa to cratb hit foM



m tbe!“j™

Bmtl 'aad AlUee Laderla. vbo aara

nbool teaebert. maay of whom an i Ax'kosy t
I »J.»5 fer o

toatpbU tim baa receired aa ! fare of two
S. E. Btoak«<«d. who U taaehlat
ID tbe Ji
aebool at B)~! naa. apaal Batarday
aad Saaday ant, aU taally.
tor nreial X-ray amebUee. wfaltoi
____ _____ ________ —
Of«r(a C»ok U at bwt Jordan ria
UsU of West
U. Uetro
Itiar I. Battlatl aad family.
la Japaa. fer tbe dHeetlaa of why; A eereer cold bad eetiled os bit
MtM U*r«vla Panloi aprol a fair
dayi at OlU'i Pier tUIObc bet itaar. dltomcrl ewployn who anal gold lusfr. cautlsf a sioet otoUssie coofb.

miai by ewallowisf umm.
Mlm KMHa Pwlaa
c-blae worked ao mlrfai
*°t i^U™"be
tbe Mikado ordered nreral more
or.■ (.e-sas ,lo Ute Dr. Klsf a New Uieeo'
'«• «
to prereot tbe .-ry for
ipiloo. aad wriiet:
Tons of tbett referred to.
Re\. Juba U Scudder. (be Jerser
pc«lilvely man
.raatcod lor Coagbu.
Cliy Coo«re«stluaal prmcher,
CMIdt and Luos uuublet.
ierery 00* i'ln. Dr. Q. O. W. Fsn- comiBuoe u nia a bulxsf cUxe is the
•• -- Trial botllet lOc
wbo retaraod reoaatly from bxsemcoi of blx ebnrefl. aad bax mv juhntua'e aiHt f'. IL Mead-t.
ag«d aboeaoe. BoUead a ecaage
ttaned a bl( (katliv risk Is a bic
cDTelope tb bu ilepont box. Ko ooe j^eoL The reveread inaemxn xiroaf
'ibad a rwabiog, iichtog tote c
my leg.
Baffered tertarea
.elnU Mppond to bare a key. Be ly sdvucaiM the idea that tbe
•atltSedblr oorioeity by axaislsisg of lha church ladodee the cultlvailoa' Otaunut took away that Baniag ai
hing. aad uoicklv cSeeti-d |»rm
itarded to ai mutcle at well at mormlt.
II core. " O.W. Leabart Bowlb
ladSfleaacrlipIluOblUs Be MeatHxJf X million ddllxrt lx ibe reward
ly BTon tbat be did oat place tbe
that Mrt C. A. Wblie. pretldeai of the
The nfety deposll
la the _
s Biaert witb eqsal lantire- Home fur rrtcndlext Dugi and Cait. D Taetday evealog I7
receive fof Undnee* lo Ibc fuu^ fBMiog Ibteogh the bsllding The
Pr. Farsham U tbe eole pnfouled waUt. The oea t of her beaet- door wat brokeo oi»n aad the dtrart
aos bavlsf a key, and tbe doolor
olence reached the can of her bache- exliugaltbed witb a few palU of
claret Ibsl it ie oot of the q<
Capt. U H. Launder of water. The ilmely dieoovery of toe
aagiMi 'ibsl eemeoae gave
Ilxoiei^ prohably prveated a dietaiand be bat naacd ber ax
Btoaey to i«t it la a nfe place. Ha |
la blx wui. Un
bat dMide^
•* Imt tk«
Ife toe lUtU- eoldt that grow into
ilie and Ibe other mrmben of ber big eoldi; toe big culdt that end in
lan^ aa tbe' (arully hail nM heard of her oaclc for oooiampiiob and dtwib.
Waieb the
Tbe Polllb t
l>r Vo»dt' Norwav
iwooewli of whlDh wbele pnvtaoei i many yean. A few weekt ago. bow- Utile eoldt
Pine Syrop.
dapeod for a tivlito. it nlned by tbe ever, a picture of Mn. tt-biie appeared
oboltra epidemie ragiag amoog tbe'la a Chlc^o aewepaper In euaneclloo
birda Ti.ey Bifbt be nved-by goon »Ub a eiory of bor beaevolence. Tbit
eboiera nram. bat it it obcaper to let reacbed ber uaele. aad tooa afterward
them dir Ibaa doctw tbam.
; be wruie ber that becauae of ber klad.
A maa wat ametod laM week aaai. eeet he bad oamed ber at sole betr
Batiing Bidfe. K.' J., fer rielatlag: to a lonubp of mure tbaa l»0.000.
oailabto Wbo I' A picture gsllerr that dalet from
armied him mllod ap JilaAln BowStone Age bat been
tot by ultphoae.
csrern near Eyelet, mace.
tbe evidooew over Ibo wire and bbed picture*, wbleb are .all of prcbltUrlc
tbe offaadto m aad eoato. which wm BDlmaU. were iwt only cut la' ibe rock,

gellliig out «l OHutcr Seadt M em aBdJi<lew.^]ni IKuttao ted
SuchPrlcetmiBPalt, ^ ,
Men s
Suits and Oxercoats...
Men's SliMki Suits ami 0\ercoats..-'.


Mt-nsM.'J.t Puck Coats................ fr.--------Men's S-'t.UI Sheep Lined Coats......

Men's .VV- SifsiK-nders..........................................
Men'tS25.« Kersey I'ants...............................
Mi.»ns............ ,..............................
Home Made .Sox

Heavy Heeced UnderwearSheeuSkin Vest..................................
I-. Caps-biB line .............................................
Bij; Warm Flannel Shins...................


oori MISS IT


S. BENDA & 00.

With eery

|mr- ‘

chateof $l.St«wc
a |«iiol



^if you are late in selecting your Xmas i*rcsems. as we had
such an immense stock that our assortment is uood yet. Wc
are having^ch a rush that our salesmen cannot nwit u|>on
all the people, so 1 have made some prices on our gootls that
will si.-i! theiii ami not need any salvsmcn. .All) ou have to do is to pick out^ whai j*ou want and leave the order
at the oi'iice. We have ten times larger .i>sorime(it of stoves and furniture than any other store in town.


Na 417 Reed Rocks, verv Uige roomy rocks, Uige roH
*nai-be« cheap
ea the maikel-the
l^t aadatmehen ate aoc wooed bowers, fat ^aw if.
No. 135 Reed Rocks, laige.
comkauble rocks,
made of the boM Gcnnxa teed, aot » paitide cf ^
woodibowiag except Iberockcn.(s........ Oa/O

kidney*, ead other lymp
_____ ____ _______ .iheni
B tb* boon to tows aad I
, _______ 1 had to pten my bandt
_____ m tbe tout fer tbe email amcnal
of aid it afforded, tben flaaUy wat
aaable to go farther than tbe yard. 1
BtadloH tbaa two boxeaof Doan'i
Kidney PilU aad they oared me. ■ ’
For tale by all dmlera Pnoe 60
aeota Fortor-Hllbura 0*. Bnffalo.1

At New York Min Aaaa SlapleMi
wat a ptnaager ea a Ntotb aTtaao
torlaee mr.) Tbe fail (oee of tbe
trolley oaireat foaad its way tote oei
of tlie eloetrieal beaten ptoeed-asder
IM eeau of tbe mr. Tbote wet a taddea OBCbeiet of Uee Same a
fraferiiif _
tUght report Min Stapletoe. wbo
• aa a aseb
wn ever tb* bmtar. ftoelved atbook.
plaoe to Ure.
Ibare U aa oBort balsg made br Thea the airieed at Belleva* tapital
Ito niiniMB people to bare tbe aiatl the wat saable to tpeak aad bad lott
laato raaatat trom ban to MaM ro tbe an of ber right leg. Bar cmdl.
'j to flbtotooa TUi rroold est tbe
..jto off (Nto railroad ooeaeotloa for
tbelam. Gala, bralan.
lUkftob- vUeh woaU be a great Aootber ytpsag wemaD. wbo had aa
adjoining nal, wat tUgfatiy tboofced. _____________aa Dr. Tbomat’ Eleetrtc
- Another eostribatloa ai |1,COO.OOO Oil reUerto tbe paia lattaally. Never
mJ* Wltboat It.
«i do BOW. macH of toe Btall tooold
Iron John D. BoeketeUar ito the Ualoe Friday, the 1*0^:^
G. A Brtfbas of Qiawn took dls•to with hU toother. A E & ' '
!d tbii plaoe Uei Friday.
Obriettoa Smith, who bae I------------


Heavy .Ml W<K>lSo.x....................... .




Men's SU»i .Ml Woo! Sweaters................


at U uiuxlly tbe cato wlib each repreJooopbloe Bate* of Taylor- •nlallont. hat were palmed in tevoral
rilU. UL. WlU Icavo Saaday Bight colori, aad give tome rvidrece of orvia Kew York oily for Chleatta. laklll. There aro to ptcturctTyif
dia, wbote tbs wlU w*d Dr. Bnee D.
te repretent bltoat of vxricmt
Schraatx. apon im arrival there, a
The plgmeett uted. which'
at red aad brown, have been
deaul omm la TaylerrlUe nvetto
found, oa aaalytU by MoUaxe. the emLaaberCo.
» to Hi. IB« Kta. J
yean. He waal to ladia ihrm yean
Freacb cbemlit. to be ochen
Mlie Manant autoa.' Iea<^ of ^to
ABtoioao dmtal
mixed witb mlaaie fragmeau of tranttbe Manowe aohool, elt^ her-eebool
Ulot Batn U 80 ymn of age.
tm one week dorinr tbe boUdaya
pxresL UUica.
lUfal braattM, aad> popalar
tooie^ girL
toal Ue fatber u dmd. Mr. Tottos hae
«t I*** *>•'»»• “ ^
Vltv Travers* City People SiieuW
nglmmt detiag Ibe
Fdlcw tolB Valuable Advice.
Ika Miflitoa Ktooatlat oat for
tbe proof it to Travi-xn
twa totolJ totoiloa
a rstalc of woanea. bat
. n«a ««• Hrrtoat bald la tlx
be elalma
___ mat Wtolbar Of 'Uet Wtok W '------ibgoolytlSa meatb pentioc
Cktoalli ^awb Soaday.
•ywlll ptoi
tbe 1(« had.ltDf bad taade Ibe
I at Maryland Joba. A bUl
iHfhini re>7 poor.
patted to eoegreti toertattog tbe latA. a Oartli of Ttarerae Oily wae
ue tolM. bat by mb
at Wasford oae day leet.weok lookisg
Mr I
udad to blind John.
M«k F. Balth took too «ttb Mia
■ eat tbe aUMake and bu ^toioAtfaat tbr Im aottramt a prrMr. aad Mn. A a Stooe of TimrOMito BoUatoh BoadiV-'
1 to have
ton Oily ar* rieitiaf bare a few
BOB ent tbe better they me off. bat 1
raaki dariac tbe beUdaya
"for tb«
reetifiod. bet Ibe e<
BtoTT aad Ebaer CUkiae
Itog tbe etn tboagbt bltod Johb wat kidibeya* From Se nroag rod
mcaw 1 ned tooebiag Doaa't Et
iBTcm 01^ OB baauieM lael tbai*.
ay- •
Min HiBBla HobbeB elaeed
nbool la dleWiel Ko. I, Oraal towa-

artorls tabntm the




I tr^ (btotb of tkbt daoealM
I the city. The eh)eet of tbe a

MM m to arosM iba iwrtrai tottujlt waa malsly decired ^ tbe a^
tbe iBoralnf'eerrtee Saaday. Jassaiy aad protoOM tooear {eOowahto betwoea of the toMn of Oearrsl Oraal.
wbm aermoa* oa -Tbe Boly
Now Ufe HUe.- They______________
aemkwi of tbe rartoae matooaa I « .
T—^-------------------- -lo ctomaeh aad nrer trooblea. Can Spirit- wlU be preached almoltsa
nick bea^e:

______U tome talk atipreaeot to tbe
offeel that Uw^


FeiU a OMdty Attoeb.
r «l(e wa» eo HI that food pbyslwen.- gjtoldo Wp ber£^WTUn
AnnlB of Wlaebeew^toA^

nfaeed to frabt tbe peUcloa of ibe
Udiee of tbe OalUtoala olsb aeklbg! man

HIM iMnt Lladla; 1« hamt tna
for»l*« w»k»-------flaaly.
HIM ™u» Prl»Ma. ««r *«cb«r,
will gfiai b« nml\cn u bat hoar
ik* uNonbpott. .

benrafseto playfelly
iBlo Hln Mattie DialaetosUy lapaad late
—TT-'T JZ."


ID* Aaa Btoia. «bo bai baao
i^toiiat IhaPlofe FiaMtaMalla
Stonna nitr. la at facaa (a * Tlalt
W; a nniBii
aa aaotaa aato tS



bqhed on,

nice carved bisc. Golden Oak. fiyi.rows deep tufts put on

w^th steeLiufiing buOons, duck eanv
ntced springs, a beauttiul couch, ji
e cut. for .


rwh-ol to. tw-.rld •
t«r itapoMir

--------W.'a Hawltt kw -bam toadlaa an proMSlDg agalait neb
vhaalallUa pbaa lha fail vaofc. ai
etlTullt RATbaadMfdawalaa.
Ml. Md Mia. CatolOoB Uavatw
mil^ Coaadar w a abon rtoil
totlfc lalathaa
W* have good tlelgbliig.
Tb* drag rito* plat tb* ieweln
partmaat makna t
tneUrt plaoe of bm

...................... ”;:^r7J5

I9H to be eeed for a ban.
tb* OMpBV ba^aew gravel nU
Tb* flthtogUataeeem to tbU toml-


No. N.K)—Couch. C ft..J inches long. hea%->- wide legs

^ tnUien of the pab4o eobcol
have tetoraed to ibelr nveral bomn
, f« tbe vacattea.
a Plefcard aad Atnraey Dayton
iBlaad wat* to towa-Friday **tml
to altoad tb* ndtocl aoelal.
Tb* popUt of the pabUe ndieal eaicyed a very pltonal sleigh rid^ Fri­
day afmmooB.
Tb* D. S. aaU U earrtod by



No. SIT—Couch, just like cut. G ft. C inches long, 30 inches wide,
k-jr* bolted on. Golden Oak. finish, plain top. fine tow filling,
tufted side rolls, duck canvas over springs. This methi^
of upholstering will outwear four tufted wuches and will
■ ' •
r. Guaranteed spring construction, one sf the



"^‘vOaata.'u very 111 al tUawrtt-

liT*a,retiuB^ to Kati J<
^Ug^Tetooford 8a Petr*, ed Ktwto

$40.00i-oor pnee........................................................................337.00
Nke Romaa Chair, mabagaay faiikfa, apfaefatsed ae« 3176




Mr*, r
IMd her
HU Marie Hatnieaa.wbe U tmohlagM North Maatue. aomt a few
aad WUI Oeekaad Mn
to Tknvarto OUy I
of QMd Barber
madUagbU KmMod
wet* UannA oalU* FH-

maple. Thse it to mach tprug (0 tfaem that (her viU-wX
bold the gloc. and uales they ^ tbom^ .wiMd I '
(ted with reed they will aol give yoor terricc. If I wai
boy a reed rocks that waa not wrapped. 1 bad jwt aa ■
bare thw 33.75 otw at aay {eicc.

ised m good.vdoor, far............................................................. 319.78

New dduc U betog pat on tb* Ur.
wa hara.
. Tb* nbool wolal given Friday
aeaalsg wat a big aaceam Tb* proglam wat eme tkni deaarved more
ftala* than raa be given to a few
Mr. Dasoaa apmad hu talk

. .

tf act they v^ dm bold logeths long—gi the poiii m the
reed goodt are » fiends aad arc fcasaBy laade iitHm at

No. Sl4 Couch is the best couch we have in the store
have had. covered in best grade \'elour, 6 ft. S'inches lonj
ak frame, pol­
30 inches wide, vcT)' heavy quarter sawed oak
nice carved head. 8 rows deep tufts put on with steel
ished. nic
.lhng.-spni„ edge, all steel guartufting buttons, fine tow filling.-spring
V Ic;
legs bolted on, just .like cut. one
arueed construction, heav>’

! $16.76

made, i worth J
of ths handsomest
_________ couches
-■ Sir2.7o t. our price oijly
Now we have FORTY different styles of couches ranging in
price oip from this $1.65 couch up to tbe best one. You can
get a couch at about any price you want to put into one.


ALL KINDS of useful to^s for children—a dooWe
‘ Rocking Horse, just like cm. from 50c up.
Come a look them goodiot


Bed Bankrti.
Wc win give yon exeepdao^ big bargataa oe Be
Shecta, Pilkto Caae% Toweh, Bed Spteadt, Coafarterx.
have a large, fiae mock of aioe tat bed blaekctt; raiding ia
pneet Cram 40e ps pair ap. la ords to redack ear tiaek
wa gtve you aemc etrrptfanaBy low price* that win
aktaftoODey. Wc alao
afao fa
Imve a lai|Mtoe of KBa
that WC win ease yoB a lat
Sbeeti. Tottoli. Bed Spmada,
ofmoecyoB. A aice paow CMC, 43 iacha wide, far 7c; a
81x90, fat 46c; tewdi froa Sc ^ piUoas, aE
fioa 3L00 ps pair ap; table doda. 64 iaebs wide,
. ............. ,partliDca.7achpansabords.boB36epsy*id
aptotbevsyfawm Imen; aapfaBR an pries; dark red dataUc ckth. 60 a. wide, frea 16c ps ysd ap.
baveaMIlacercotum down bed onfartert-thcM a
fafa to featben ad the cMtae ■ aD wwvea logeths aa y-oo
^taketba ewrm off aad wafa rtirwi AdHaqpaixe tarn
3U0 ap-Yltey are beasts.


'ejtmaoaeaMaeywewaMtkejuaaPUSENTfaaBieePameBfcetsBs far yea troaUe

fal* «FMl Plwtoll


-tHi emus WAvtim muLOi HetMUn iSiIom
at Owaaao. a itoagikaa
WHU hrf bppvislmg !eil., .;
N. Ho^ tor CabL
■eta wbo MMdUr ratarbed borne from aad
« was farced to ask him to 1
Phllsdcipbia. Dec. ]».—Otoetoto of
tbe PhUlptooea. wbcew be eerred la'reu.. .. sh- VS.I.I th.-- Icticrs aa ilbr Rtadlag Railraad Co. Bow
ragator arov. will befcrlppM her
u-u no hope of relM from tbo aatbrv
ai a raaoll of a partea of peeaHar { Prcllmln
real smageary tble wtoter. deaeeldeeu. Pteree broke bla arm at
- Ibe rCorts oa tbe part ef
Uie T. H. C A. a mootb ago. eUpped
cnmpaay t.. mlae aad toitp la lu fan
aa ler
broke tbe boae to tbebame .plaee. aad
"1‘ndn- Dcamal cnadlUaas.~ mk
It will rvclslD
buedreds ef
e hoae Tbe a
ito of acres n{ Kaekskes martb
uw regarded as wnnbless. The
d daHbg tbe wtoler atoetbs.
Niebolas Reaaadr died Saiordar
onlog 17 Bdlea aenb cf OvfaL HU
daiMter Hargarwt. aboot 13 nmiu old. ties to continue the dlleh lu the lilt ivariuus stutape pclals to help
lek at Ibe lime. Sloce
tatb. Bols suic Ilee. a dtvinye ui 6c miles ; d-msnds of the trade. This year (here
era death abe baa been etrirfceo wtib The rust will be 11 ,m>».n->o.
is nut s pound o( n«l i
If of Ibree
Earopean advices bfongbl the la-.siursce patois Aad n>a
farmalloD ihat Ibe enmlpc Christmas :pcBdeal railrely upun the tUlly
Girto'tor boaeework I"' nii'vh Isrrer tbta year;put of the mlaeA Tbe bl« dealers la
l~-forv. The C.vmrte, iMund Ni-s
t-aiglabd, who
opleloo of
emptoyaeal fur N<-w* V<irk, is vsl-i to bs>e on [siurk ai this seasoli of the year from
ageaele*. ae well
baps uf mail. Tbe EirurU , '.•'.•"■c to HSi .vm tuns, are bare of coal
bolde. who bare beea tiTtng bard for Is also eumlnp wlib l.S"e. the KslMv snd depeodeni eatlrely apiyn what Is
maar weeka to eecure help. The troo. WllbelD der Gnstse with cce.-sad th>-iu-!0g shlpiwd lu them b> (W v
glrte. bat In SI. Irf>uU mlth 50"—a total .if
, ieumpsaies
of faelorle*.
Uo.erttur JenoIngs uf norlds l< In j ITieileslIy sll <d Ibe Reodlag com-lores and r
• fur f<
reeelpt uf lelesTntns e-aiinc Ibsl (bt-1 peay> ivillleriew sre In apermilua. Tbe
tor. Several famlllee have deeldrd to tiuld being ,us.v| by ih<- roliik] States ‘ eumii:.ny .hipped tnun the mlnea dur
rent Ibeir bomee ibU wloter and move ; gou-mmcoi In ibeIr es..n« to kill tbellox tl..- s«»i t«o days ni-orly
the boieU and apart-, tarsrlnlh pest in Fi.irids n-sl.-rs l.y irars of eual. .This m.ans a daity
inmt housee. elmplr because good' spmilbi: It from a kai i-ver ibe plant |dueilon of nearly
drU for housework caaaot be se­
iiising (he ilcaih »f many cattle' It Is stau-d that tbe Pennsylvania
Itollntod fo. bar of tbe Reading
!> rangua kirderlng oi
John WIchert wae
cumpan>'s coal ears on Ita tracks In
Ih- wesi.-ra patt <d Ibe
amlgoed before Jodge Biownc on the iwesBIngioe. n-qucstlag ili>-m
heakKu charge of eteallag one stick Jfunber -work uelU
as I.r.i.i twiuaging to the Cenital tallniad id New J.-rsey. Thi
WIcbert is a feeble, ‘could be made.

bw • »c«byDliiiiWiiCi&>P
Ok. of

«ltb Uw Va«ir Swr


mdtn: ead. M (hex. ther eia. I
BM tbUr wim er tkelr aateial

" W

th» Uolifd BtalM tint It will ob)Mt
«D AmffWu oklpplas betas <
fMTtd VUh.
1. Dec. K.-Il «w

te. ntw oMfli


»tet la toe alfht. ladbeeHea aad
a gala a toMhal^tm ito Beer
aad a p«tt« wtibml tomag wl
7 the aaticr will difh mu C
DreheW DrepepM Caie i£t Ktrre_______


The objwt o

btober maaaer of eetllesael.-bat la-


I 10 tbe iaformailoa dkpeaeed.
ber meeikn mar be held la other
rtlooe of tble eectloo.
Mke her aaever eiiTtbloc bet a oooUr. Priedricb hae eootraeta oa baad
aeai to arbItraUuD. Ilair eara abe wiu
d all tanaen who dealre mar look
«bUe br aar ftapoeltJoe of the mai- ________er. Wear «aU kaova (anaera
bare alraadr eipreaead a dealre to deaeaenl acrea to beet-----------------br Baciaad


Oenaaar are aot
WaahlBslon. Dae. M.—Tbe state dotbat the

Tbe easaad Oerlac. It vaa Uamedlateir ukea to tbe
WUU Hotaae br Seceecarr Har- Opoo
hU ratam It waa aaaoaared that iba
.r VmMxana of tbe atlpadown in the repUee to
poeal. racelred br tbe

e to obtain Caatra'a
aa paaalUa. while at Uw aaoBM time It
win be diplomatteallr aatcaeted to
BasUad aad Oarwur tbat tber re-

SderUoS'riM ^ abao
>at The Hacoe
It tble erenlnc
Idaat'i atUtiida

Waahtasloo. Dae. I*.—Mr. HtU <rf
nuaota. from tbe fnmmiuae <m fet>
elca aSalra. ravortad bec^ tbe Da Ar-

procna of the Bntlah •




Lw Qaarara. CMaoda,
Ooaato. Oamaaa aad tbe BMKb of tbe
aad after December »
Da Afmtmd reaolBtkm lie apea tbe
table, aad t^ tbe MeOedl rawbuks.
whiob tailed tor all tbe eoRwpam
deeee la tbe eaae, be adopted. The


were. acreed to and tbe HeCall rMohttJoa adopted.
a Mm wan orer tbe area of all. lacladBoaw. Dee. M.-oacdala at tbe Itr- IBC Preeldeat BooeeTelt.
el«i oaee tadar ezpieaaed tbe Mlef
eateemae «f






... Co^watar tarallr agxwea with
tbe wisdom of Ibe New fork aolborlUas.- wbo have decided to proUbll tbe
mle of partor matebee. Hr. iBd Hre.
B. Hoorerot that ellr charges up 1800
that a red-beaded matcb
aiarted a blaie to a couch mad did tbe
Hsen Are Csmlac.
;abore aaxMUit of damage to a tew
Dearer. Cdo- Dee. 80 — Nearir ‘mtoalco.
P.000 Boms. It le eahl. are prepartag
A totter to the paree^ of the bride
to '■trek* to Amertim aad wUI aettle
brtoga news of tbe marriage, on Octo­
la Ooteado, New 'Hei
ber 11. at Catbamc. Samar. PhJIlpThe lepteaeamlve of
HUs Kale H. Halford,
daughter of Mr. asd Mrs. J. Hulford
re are tat New Ti
of BalUe Creek, to John H. Bveaas of
the Bom bi
Oalerado Meade ef
eaUoe with Oen. OUtoi. Both of Ibe rouag people are
__________ ..._____ to cidtable laade
uatriiera. aad ibe wedding was of
tor Um aett^ aad, Oem H. de
epectol tolereol to DelroH aad Miehlgaa Meads of the pair, bacause of tbe
■a«A*bu ** ‘
•d with tble alatA fact that Mtai Halford made tba Mp
to tbe P
Thesoeof Tfa Ting rang, tote CblPeat Heat far Na«rto (be Ualied Sialee.
wt Maat.. Dae. ».-0b
_________ ^lalerar tbe Cape Aae a
will. It U said, to tbe near tature. beIbe Datted Statee moaUor Mt____
a giodeat at the Dalrwrelir of
rengeapeedof ISJSbaetA
The boy. whose
br a
ef liA_____ . aba.Clunr. baa beea left to tbU
For msra ibua'weSu
try to be edacatod. asd to bow atloadtog tbe Hlgb aefaool at AIUbMc City.
Before he toft Waabtoroa Wn
at Um W expreaaed blasselt as
Tte Maetfa
tab wetta, at a aae
praased with the groat aebool at Abb
tbta tumjm. aiu'tt~latMM
aad with Dr. Aagell.
Bba la abaat ttl fast
Ha said be
law aad canta MUaA
typteallr Amsflcwi imlrersity to
aad aerefBl the XlBltad States.
Adolph AtbU of Maekegoa haa dtopoaad ef (MO.tooakm. SM mtok. lU
eoob aad m aka^ tan. Tbeoa pelta
OadMac. MM. Dae. ll
gatborad from all ever HteblgaBi.
apwtamm are agWatlag tba croalwttoa af a haaaball laagaa. to ba kbowv both apper and lowar peatoaalas
as tba Heetbwaat MlebMa Mgae.
lembewblp to ladada Big Bapla etatloo tba eof.
wki tbe 1
Sawaa p
_______ _______
at I
New Tork, where tbe n alas win be
la tbe Oranl ti b OB Hirer.

a of mr ooltaacaa. .
former eecretarr of war. to a plaee oa
to eae blm plaoed where the eeaate
wUI reeeire tbe tall adraBUse ef bla
! bar# a plaoa oe Uric eocaIt ie aet c
aiaie to.bare two pkeea ea tba eama
eeamUlet. 1 daelro to taalso aqr ab
-|---------I beta tbe eeaaU wUI tll
tbe racaacr br aeleoilnc mr ooUaacae
ter tbe Taeaber.’
Oa mockm ef teaator Platt. Bet
Alcar wm appotpiad to tba rat

I bit motlea.

It i

to pat tfera^ tba toaaa aad aeaata.
ban aatar^.’.b bUI
CHdJM br tba aae <d tba departmaat
of Joatlee ts teat tba aSelaoer of tba

re of thU appnpna.

elTo parpoaa of pohlac paadiac 110-


MTcr tbe Idea, aad are

Dee. 11.—Tba bmd
ter af OadUlae. wae abet la a !
t temarr ta he ereetad beta br
•atardar aigbt tr a maa wbeae
m. aad whom tbe palkw
m waaMa to lalmca. Tbe I
Bamael Blepbaeaea.
tbe raealt cl a qaarTn.
win be tbe laipeat la Mkfclnn aad
tea wae bit to tba Itoehcal Tbe baltba third lanaal la tba Dallad 8i
taai beea Vaewved. aad be win reIt will bare a aapatdtr af %m
ef baela danr.' PM more ibaa tba
> Srm dedag kimtoiii oa tbe
of (be WtoeoartB A HMIgaa tend.
will oalr be e
Koas. has shipped to CUeav
KUwaakee acarlr 1MM OrM-


WU be aUe to tara oat ckaa la
t^maad barrok af aasar riallr.
OrdtMnir Itraealiaa a tob aad
ibe «Ht made ef beeU tataad ta tbk
fWaltr laat rear ae aa
I to bt
uaaanr ht«b aaauv that it la bow
•carad a tos to Ibe banal will ba the
nia ber«. Tbe work of elearlac tbe
alie le la Manam aad tbe ooe

be aboal a tbooraad feet la )«(lb.

mete tor (.M* aoraa of pa^ beam
bare abaady baaa (dSMd wSk lumMmaMaae abd adjol^


r.f tba


1 Hsddmw Chr. a car fan
of psopu were
kid mtobahavad himsaB recaeUr. aari the (eattoer laariad
a few warm oms where be tbew^t
(bv weald rie the mset geed-Tbe bork
father bad the Isaeher amated. hat
jmUee iri tba pewe aeqalttod Um.
Tbe mat wm takaa to tbe drcalt


new Htoaer ef CUeago was oa a
to MareaDw lam PHriar.
boaltog with Louie Davis. The

tbreuA tbs scalp. Davta mar ra
w«h (be toos ef aa ea>e.
a rat pern bos sot to bo ee
meo ameog lbs fmmm. mt to

Joplin. Mo, has Hied a atiit for dl
to ber pellilcm abe allegc<
tbat during the summer they vent to
Colorado, and when r.-ady lo ntum •
ipsoB failed to provide iranspor-^t


takes Ibrir rata whk at. Thanks to toe
Kcrviae sad Tealc I m, cewtitoriy twnmvd
lo tonlik. I have stos mrd iV UiW' Aste
ruardhwitkcesdtMhsssdl towk <M
itoDt. Mi>s KewMirs an pettoct'-Rev.
. Besdrt. SpsRx, Wo.
vast IS MV s few reed words farOt.
KiMMivv NtmM. I have hce^
cdvvTT MBck wkk issismn once J
toe ebsM tt toe nrw paper sad <to


xstsi. ‘i sjrst';^:5h2 Ci'Ta?


(tone ae s iol ef good. 1 doa« had II oeteissiT to ae it laotoMr sew bat ecosssasUr wbn I M1 SM etioMlniT an


is out of toMTi this week with
horses, bul will


Oosstyto t>

rcuirn Saiur-

da)' night and will be Heady to

buying: a^ain



nt-Ofnos of Uw


< Vwrt f.w Mto wosty.

KMej Trorth Hake* Tm HHcfabk.


bnr oiMa.' Tba boeaw loriar dU Ita
part teerarda nabbe *ba appnprtbUea br oddlac It aa aa eoMadme

Cured Aflmr
ThlrtT*one Temr».



H C Platt Porakbr and Ji
HeLeaa. Tbe preeldeat.
Waablastoa. Dee. U.—U tbe todar Beaator Bamwa reaisaed hie

Ill have to be held out to klU them,
moreaieot hae beea aiarted amoeg
tbe farmers to bare petUkou atgaed
to be preseeled lu tbe
lag that bodr to pace a law that wllf
give a bouair for each and every rat povenr-ethekea Oermaa. «4 reart of 1
rreoeial Peebodr." sbs for set etal urgcnily aeoded In ibo naibraclte
killed or daatreyvd.
tiade. Tbeir
age. He bas lived there BO yean aad [ >etr* was one vt tbo best kno
of Xl>e JnlU Tbompaon
good reputation. He wae gets and rKts-ai eoncreied
claimed, to nuaiag much deUy la tbe
St Joaepb wee U>r raaah of a pe. eaagbt taklag
nuB't and Forepaupb'a aad Sella cir- sblpmteil uf ouihraclte to puinta west
caller aeddeat Sereral dare aco. br
pile beloag^ to tbe firm of Hiller. euses. waa found dead In bol al New
■ lUrrisburg.
Ryder A-Pnalerbum. aad tbe firm York Wednesday He was a Japsne
l(<-adtng cumpapy uBclato decline to
pet doc Wb* covered with barelas oil, lodged conpUtot agalnet blm.
scuss Jhe uuMlIiio aa lo whetber
He 3S years old and 3 feet 1 larh high.
aad ninotac la to lU alatrea* epnne wept as be wae taken
(be ail.nne.- of SO ci-nis n tob made In
Kll liyinan. a Turunio
lalo her lap. semag her dotMac adre.
he mcobt no barm to , begged for admlssloo to the Toiento Ucliik-r win bold good daring 1003.
Before MIee Tbompaoa could extinwood, ai be did It 10 keep boipllal Sainnley. Is dead. Examina- but admil It will cerlatoly rule beculeb tbe BUk ebe wae fttallr
trf the rkulilng r.-snlied In fladitig vuod New Tear's day. tbe dale fixed
itvsicleni Harr (or a redu^loa. ^
scrip worth .
Oibcr papers
SbertI Hnlaes of PbH Haroa
to nperator wbo allended (be mj^-'
abowod Hyman 10‘be worth pn.bably
ir aelced tOO Unllard docks, about
; of the opeminrs in New V^rk
Abopt the
lion.nnn. For :« y.-ara he had al.-pt
> be shipped la New Tork. Tbe^were
lice ifanl (be advance would be rethae Is ^Bied la a Howell pa­ in sboda and aiaUles. aotd lapeiis nod
Ibeked la a bon nod labeled dab. Tbe per thU weric. It U by a mimnc comtu-gged money and fi.Ni, Tbe heirs (blned during all of next year.
oScer wbo lode tbe dodee in eharpe
paar. and readi; -Whea out bnyloc ire a wife and daughi.-r living. It la
learaed thai tber bad been ehipped br Ctarlsimi
~ '
I preeeou. remember the ohl thought.-In Saa PraneliKn.
tt Pearl Beach, and had bees
bur 'her eosu coitoaseed
"Pro}- fur me, glrla. fur I am pulnie< tbe FlaU. Wanaau will be
10 die,- acteamed pn-tiy Kaile t!mn.asked for Ibe arrest of tbe meo. The
At St Joseph. Ho. as she was golag
ebarge le of a sertooi oatore, a* there
OacMral News.
srho.l lo'ber h
btbrr peaallr for everr duck
I ant every Amerlcnn girl that,
-k afti-m-v-o.
ablpped out of the alble. aad aa addl- haa the cbaiiee to many a real prince,
ic after tbo cxrlamnilun. wl
I before you buy 'll?
tload dae tor Obooilag them oat of
and there nr* fewer eim of them wbo sianleil a dnren id her girl frloads. ]
bavtog the ebnofee would refuse.
corps.- md the Imdy w
It great deal of ei
Yet Ibis Hiss Clnudtac' Sharp' bas 1> iug arrusa tbi- narrow 'xldenalk. S
Mias Cbarp to a Chicagvi girl, had lu-on worrln.1 considerably of Ii
dar br Ibe dadloc of a box of bamas and her h>vrr to ibe mbhanlah ut.Ka-.
porlbnla. one of tb
* tu maaler as speedily as atanc j
________ .■'btaaket bearing tbe name He met Utoa Shbrp
of b.w classmati-s cu-.ild. and this |
Harty C.i Roblaeon. Tbe box lay
ogu and fell deeply In lore with prcye.1 npiii^her mind a gn-st deal.j

tbe railroad
on Ibe Blrtloae
He fuliowed her all over Europe Sbe dh-d (ram bean failure.
.. I package*: n
nod pressed bla auli. but Mtot Sharp
ItocauM- her biHiIand wbiuc.1 her to ‘
chance lor handling,
those of b
a ^ elx feel to height a
refuaed to listen to blm. Wbeo sbe
do a bicycle with bln from Coliirado.t
r dirt Of (binge to
show elgu
Bigu k
H bbTlBC
bavtog bwB
b««B eaten
relumed to Ibe United Stntei be be1 Mtesourl..ilrs. Dora Tbnmpvon of f
get in.

DlMases Caused by'
Dr. Miles' Restorse
tlve Tonic sad

the wondsfol
.. .. made by Dr,
kidney. Ilvet

thrungb on a wbcal. On (he trip abe made happy by (be anonuncemsBt fbto
became 111 and siraosl perished In the wtwk (bat the comnuiy would make
them a Cbrtoimaa presaol of 3W.0M
By itar-will of Ibe lat^'llllam Pitts This ansi I* an outright gift snd will
of TaunioB. Mass.. t:3.0M to bc- be divided pro tala among (be amqoentbad tor the crcciiuo of cbspels ploye* of the Crape Co., so that each
n- work In or
t .lo spread t

Dr. KUm_. ..


y mSSto"'sii“ia received a vary unusual package in
blv mall Friday. At first be supposed
Dme gift, but upon removing

tba cover waa aatoolshed lo (lad a fanhand. An aooomptnyibg letter
pay. kvmer Madder trduble It will be found reUiad (ha alory: Tba hand bekmged
juMttanmedyyeunsed. libasbeentaRed
an old anidiar, Adam Oaabege, who
toasnaaywsya to
)k that maasa of (unbaring bto-ap
tba UkiIsM lee poor to pi
plication (or a penaion.
emvycaaatfaal a m^ anan|erneM bsi abol while In tbe army, and bad
bean madi by whM an venders ef toll piper have, tba
wbebtvenctalres^WMdli. imy hive
Ha preservad tba
auaple bento eenl free by men. else s bee
cobol. and aa bit appUcatloo for .
.M Sa»amp«yiAdhewi
baa bam dra^ng ever aloes
If Ibe penaion surgeons
have (be hand ibey could readily aae

I of
the gunabot wound.
I. so ha sent it on
The praslon oSca



Dj'i CniB Bin


r to Bastob aad eveataanr tbe
«Bd tbeir way to Loodoe
world's market, where (bey an
posed of alaactloe.
At Boyne. TOlUam H. Baker, whito
wfwktog o«4be top cf tbe aew mOL
supped oe tba tor reef BBd Ml
Both blpa ere brokcb. aad
has severe toteraal tolnrtoa. TUs
makm tbe fourth aeddobt to Us tamBread mode from growtog '
bat eauaed much alarm amoaj
rmWeati at OrU. C. A. Johaaob'e
r—try of sU were ell palaeeei
was mme time btobra tba doctor ooald
raltove them of (be potoom AMkar

that eoe ef tba Im>t Httae* to be mmiidnwd at
aaaml moMdog at tbo CbeuR
s' amdatSea of MleUgaa wUl

DR. FEmm

KIDNEY «Backache

. . -------- --- ,


rsss’isss --


Here you will find the satis­
factory kind; aii new and of
the best manufacture, at.....



Also splendid ?alues in suits
at p^HtefDriCes.






irrAbM'fiTM »Ui»|MlMMA»a an-



MM. H.B. C. BATE*. EDfTOa.

AnwvMthr M hUbtn.'’MA abo
doM 8M wiafa lb* toilrto fnlaodM
obltcatlM «i> bM. aad n tb« mmU
lh» i>iiii*i >«U» wwMj «tla«.
tiTMbettMan In bn iabn.
t ta bM.-0«t lAtd. ««r Kb«, Aadbi
«U tb* paeiA* lb* hilpi al nn aod
MM mtik," tb» «b«M teUi i
aa lrt«n* eharitr iato a
SbaleaBset ba
‘«CBtadabaBd.'-aaiba a
aalan It U Inpoialbta M aa<
ha>|k Laal wiai'r daiiaf i
■ StMMjAUbM* MMy boj:
pox tMazaa tba «aa tba :
•MMk* BU«4
«op M tM.
aagal >s tuaar bcnaa. naktoc tba
XIU (toy MitT «nrto«
lof tba iafi.............................
WUk «• pMMSIi
8ba laaovlba,______ _
IMta M« Mri Md IMAM tblac*.
aoM> tba wmj. *aif typhoid
' riillMii tisA w f«U «( eAMT,
Ot Pnaaaa Earn., Oood vUlMBaD.' farar baa foocbt waU for tiM penaa;^l|lMtlMJ|l*4dM»lAtA«rMr;alM e< lha baby. ^ aayeoa' waaU to
-OM* (MSOtM via vhlla.
U tha Childran-a Badtima.
t BiaaioMiT toOhtu aod eaa't.
AAA Mm vMir Inn » mU«;
Xaiir Botben lal Ibatr eblldno (c
hM tlM '«i OMMbm UmI


BmAbMAUAAdbnitM* mr
Omatmt. MChrtMMtAv-

to bad with Mid faat. Tba appnl
of tba liKla «Mt far tamalbliit wann

, tol7 Mder to .“fo to alaap aad atop
etbartot "
Wa kaaw of a BOtbn vbo aadrum
flaa littia cUldraa aad pau tbao to
baraatf arary alcbt. 6ba la
traaltlv, hat aarraeu vbo woold
villtotly taka bar plaoe, bat aba will
raalca tba pnrll(«a. ll tbu liiUa
I ora cold, wblob la fmiaaotly tba
>, IB« motbtr oolda thaa aloM to
, tba fln aad rabt tbaa btlakly wltb
B8I11 einmladn la ataitad
VMy ama oftoD acba afiar I bara
dltau tba NlldtaD tbalr foed ai(hi
ktB.'-abaeeoa aald. with a antla.
“Mt tban," abt addad, "I kte ay
. (a^Mdi )s kaowlDf that tba darilBRa
art warn. eoBforubla aad happy. ”
Bialtaeka of Moop. dlph-

diAfthaflr BMMd

I I "-ssr •


ShntotbmrhtaMka^ tto Ob*iftaitowltoto.
CMM*lpur ttonDOW. GbtWa ba»AtiaCtob.

OMI^Mn te ^ MMkm. Chriat't
^fSnCJdy^MMN. OhftB'a
irnaatm Ufhk,

ahriataoaooMBoraL She anoM
^ 'oy aod paooa M nrtb,
Wbaa arary baort with (ladoan
la tala to cblrp and flBc;
WbM cara and caabbad tanclaa fly
And klDdltoaaa la bloA-

Oad btan tba PBBar a( thtahoAM,
Ufeprtaa tba BtaUn. too.
Abd aU tba Uttia diUdna
nod MPBd the tabla go.
AM bO fOAT kto and fetataolk,
bo* fM 4Bd aaoti
I«Ub FM • Utaty OptUIbm

HbM *B yam ta growiag eUar.
*o«lpbaaMlM*M«r aod ahor.
fln. *a ■tgbtalaagM*Bd BMt taMBly.
ttetoMtotoPbUlM bad plpptog.aU
' glpBg(|Pwtai«rtog Ml obd cmly
' - tototatoM oatUta* daapM abd toapM
«nr *•
ooMM Ototai.
' AM B*M ta bPM Iba WMdarfol
^iBbiiiJlh *aU ba tba Ufbt Of
MMf tartog (Uta toaoke

Obd the Baw Tmt
f pMMito fbd 1^ mod

ll «rta«
I * ■fg*”lLMMim** Ir


..................... tbto'
of bread and batlM to daitn* toUA
ctaaaaa atiehi. noU eokoa. eUrea.
Bo. A-OeoM or abowlato an
toa aold. eatary nodwtobaa. triflaa.
•Utm. nltad alBMdB, eeSre or too.
darllad a«"antMt".otoimBM paSa.
ad gtoger, eUreo.
For tba q«Bp flagan 0 toot offdry
la It oat Into i
mrleog; two
bar wi* MOM plqaaot tally
Triflaa an tokda tiy bIxIm
floor wl* tba oabaolM whUa «A
g OBtll it toroM a paito wUeb o
nltad Ml. eat into aoiiow IBlp
PMbap ail toehaa lobg
to belttog lard, tbay wiU poff pod
eori Into odd ttaopaa. lay lightly m a
pbAa. Aolnkla weU wltb eoofaokBM'f oagor; pot oe ngor tote tba
Fcr dertlad flagert. Ml bread at for
*ott of apeop aokt, and qroad with
a Bizton aadrot toUowi: To mb
Saaly eboppad « Mt batd boUad egg.
add two taaapoanfBta g( flaaly oboppad

a tikteg for l

■ bynU


taMta *9, yat il’a aagte hantooda fro. paff
Ml on baarto bavparhMdaad pMta atao. BoU eery tola. Ml to
It taa taadtog bMA V
no. npM eoa of toaoa lay
of toe Blxtan 1 girt be­
I. yMtoaUneaMtarthaklag- low. ley oaelbar otm tbit,
haaTtoL" Zhreagh tba Babe toa adgaa togatbM. Btol mm Mffal
BatbtabOB taa wbotawerid
aalll It foTBa o rtto. etaM
VMp: lata tob ear Iobm Jnlaa
qaito tart, and
«—»>«* glr**- At (ba aumgb

AX bona, abeaad. ptaora Ood. «e

mtabtr kankflamu leap mat


to tba apocla If pnesIbV
apooU of onlforoi atoa at Ibcy
aaeh Iwtlrr. to the back rooa^'poi
aoaa lo (ba rraeb of taa aBallaM
yoongttata to tba family, aad toaUl
that ba or aba taaorbata m tboB it
alaad of fliaging tbna m iba fleer, or
to aoBa oener, aa aaay efaitdraa are
allowad to do.

To pnneia ba piety.
To bear baa bordeo*
TooTMtoekbarfoUlw. '
To nra. obariab and fonrM dafcod bar.
10. To naamber bat alwaya to my
rayen. Tbaa, Oed wllllcg. we aball

Flax ami laownada ta aa axeallcnt
drlokforacold. Powotm fear Bflax toed
aao aaa tto lataa ta
to. and tat ll akaep two
to a eerarrd dUh
oaelhM nreto lt '<
aba drew it eto of toa otm a tew
adding taan water if toe thtak to to
bMBB. it H!'’ "W^. aa."oba re­ polatobla. aad naa altoMoeld m hot;
plied. ••and tbay aarar viU to if tat it U boUM. if Iba patlMl it to bad
Md wall aoTMdd, to gira it bot
made to tbit way." IbeldByi
r tlabe, todead bad tergettM
Tto *aet Part tatto SM.
By hMly arowal. aatU


him to a xittiag peanra. pel a
Kuf M toogttowl behind tto pillow.
> parfoo taking aa* aod gaotly
dnw op toa poliMA


wnya aUUtaetory. And ab, an* >
toate tto btatad Bilk don gin
>. toe beadta taUl M *a MI
torn ptai an dibwa Om *a


fUtaifleld Oinler. Geaoec C-o.. Hiob.,
Deo. IS, IKK.
OaMltn. Hatoa-At'i tore oerer
wrllM to yoo brfora I tboogbl I
WDold write to yoo oow. I woold
' like to tala tto Baaahloe Olob WlU
u ptaaaaaHl me aoud aod botlM?
woald Uka alM to joU toe Poaltry
Laaoelaitao. I am going to aebool
My teoebor'a name ia UtM
Lyan Pliyppi
1 like her Tety nepta.
My itodiea an r>«dlog. arltfameile.
writlogaod apeUtog.
W«U, u my
latlerlalaogreoagfalwill ny good

You cannot afford to miss
this sale. We have a fine
line of Plain and E%ncy
Rockers to show you at a
very low figure. Come In
and examine our stock. I
am sure we can suit you
both Instyleandprice. This
sale will continue

from now until tbe 25fb

281 E. Front

Traverse City

rioceoee PalmM.

Tneam City. Ml*' Oot. «1, IWB.
Dear Mn. Batoa-l go to aebul
ertry day. 1 like my -laaeber Tory
M ta Hiaa I>boo. 1
And be
____ hlelory, .arllbtaello,
Ha wiibai
got to know his.
phyalology. gmmmar aod f^Ulag.
For be ne'
aaya. "I aa Bonto Than are tweoly paplla to acliool to­
day. My gmodma had a parly lut
Bat bia
deeda alwaya ibow Digblaod wo bad lou ta (on. My
brothMBod I plajed toll aod Iota ta
otoer gomaa. Va haTa bad two UlUe
ibM iHb. isu.;
Tialion al coboM todey. Wa an gat(tog ap a program'Tor a weak from
day. Wa toTe eoa (or ooa Friday to
a BMto. We an geiog to apell down
Molfbt.- We tod a taadtog cMtaal
laatwaak. Flaaa axaoaa a abort let*
a niee tattore today,
IM (or 1 toTo got to gel my lAyelula from ear Adraooa
egy taacM.
a girla,
Yoor (Head.
r. a little lettoi
OUra HcqAto*
OetobM ttaM
ttot toaaway drUiad mI ta
U 001^. and a gud Ultor bxaa
FittgatolA Ua. Not. 10. IWO.
a Oaerffta
Ooargia ,
boy I
Don Mra Batee-I tboogbl I VM
wan right ^lad to bcu fr
fiom u It
vrlto. I as alrru yoon old. 1 |
bu bau a Tloog ttma
ttaa atm
atoee a letur
to ttoeoL
My taotoer'i noBa
toa oema fira him or k
MIb ABM EeUey.
Then on ..
Wboa wa wobld Uka to bear from too.
acliolam We cmly taoTa Atb Bontba
ta BbMl to toe maniry. Tba falka
ban ratae eeaeo. oorn. awaai pM
and eana. Tba oona grova by laying
Ito oana aBlk down and e
tog it. The anna hu jelnta arary
I ool iBTa Tety good la* tola taw indiaa. Tto cpcooU oema fr
■at. UAprillaal Mabto; toa Iba tatou. Wboa they gat npdy
off wltb 10 cblekaea. Oe faavki a*« op toe ayrop they Uka a at
eaagbt aoe ^ toaoi. tara of tfaea died and boo* off tto Imtm. Tbay an
ood I aold Sana ta IbcB aat bare M- reagh eoeogb to eel you handa. Papo
iy (eor left. I to Jona I at •
amda eon Friday. He lmdabaml.
toaand toaiaabieoff wito IcbiokaDa: nan an araial boa to* veold
Oto^ tbam'dtad
Uka to tato toa eoMblna CUb.
and Wtonla Dootor. Btb and Oriflta
oftoiaafMtoa tobto. I mda flkW Darolng. toUia aad Laa OeepM,
off ta ay ^tty tola anamar
MIm. Baby. WUlle, Bddle and Ar.
did not ko*p no* ta By agg*
towAnoM. Paul and Toa Li
gaam 1 viUleleae tar tbu tiBC.
Fr^a you lertog frlud,
irleaBiUtogH ou rtaa baUed.
Flotooea MeEaa.
1 aTatol buMa. I goat ay
lataM it IcM Mcogh Iqr thtaBaa.
__________Ml*.. Dae. IT.. »01
HmoUH. KaKto.
Dau Mra; B*a I Iboagb 1 woald
rrlM and 4U yoo aba* my eUcAtM.
Wtora Taya Arc Mata.
1 did B* g^ akmg ray woU wi*
Tbe giMtmt toy prodactog diatrieu
t taode giSO. 1 aold aU tart
ra tbe-nmnogu aaoalaiea, cooeotM aad that I kept- ta exBa railed ihe Tbulogla toraau:
*aM« far bnettor. IhoTa left torn
(to Botaeot city ta Nueaberg. In &oldluMMta (OU ptakla. l aaaat
Torla. and tbe nglM ta tbe Eregato Vito tbne baoa. Two ta toes m.
barg Booauina. Tbe Boat IntereaTto fint MB broogbt off flra aUto.
lag ta tba lorallUa ta tbo Tharingto
euandtto aaoevd aaa hroofffat
Bontato dtatrirt. Bitoated lo oppor
Btoe eUMMa. 1 h^ to do bettor
next you.
9U. jFroB
playtotoa 1.

How Can I Keq> Up with
the Times?


'T ia preti^h*ad to k
political aewa, tbe acicDtlfie newa. the Uieroiy
newa. the edocoUonal fnOTemciste. the flrext
huiineas deveiopmeou. tbe bundreda of iDtereatuii
and valuable nrticlea ia tbe huadrpdo ©f exceUent
magaxiDeo. Aboot tbe only way it c*n be done by
tbe average buxy tnnn end womao it to-read a
magnxine like *■ Tbe Review of Reviewo." and. u
it ia the only mogAxine -bT the aort. it ta a good
thing to aend $*.50 for • yeu's aubocriptton.
" 1 Mew tbai tbraogh ha tetoaim vlawa 'have baco *a.
aanttd la me tbti 1 eaold M inbaiatas bara b* accaa to;
una. taM wvUly

The Review of RevieWi Co.
ij Aamr Plata. Haw Torb

Read The Review of Reviews
For Job Wort of all HnJs Call at Tbe Herald Ollice

■aTiganti^ Oi* (or tiod aiMica and wrary braia.
C«O-0ilM aid. Afvmian. toetmwa Ito mn-diu. clrars tto brad and

C*ta«i(Wia.lraaBWT.t<i.ta.ata.apiMdldrwiTM 1.
■r. by aatog Cancian.

Dm A^ Bata 1 thaaghl
-woflu vitaa and ttal yM
TM ahMtoy

The tatagot traa to tba void B*
bcofcM K* ptarifl* * the BBd ta a
detta^AptaMO. It ta aald to to C«

to Vito tone
hMa a*


toa atoM tvw
Oitaof toa bata oorufMfad ayoU* 0m ta tom f* Vito onatoM fla* ta
ehltoMi aad g* but u hod tool vo
had toaogbt toot U aaaltot Un bto

to Mmo toa Mg> to tMfftoMad
ta toa hoaiabold toto bar eoM- Boaeakaapen wbo .toy knew tan
-----------_____*Md ttodttanetadaaBbMi wnya ta aafftogIt. to BJadiMdilB- Bfuj-vomm toaUd toapa bM iff
tattotoBUyuM MtaF good oe*. pdy vetoed MdataM art* mb. Btaa toBOMl tobiita to bMiomoMtoka

to«mflMa«Mb -SB^goFAyl.
towy_giMj^hy '


0ut Price

Forlba 'Saiot J
Aod Boy full
And ao to Matal« Iba Unta aald
to ao aBlgrai^ 'a dlAOiai.

Ftajtaoad Lamanada.



tba Sonabina Clol- Teiy mneb. Will
yOB plcom Bend me • cord and botton.
Coed by.
_________ Eama U

iMt Blgb^

Com Dainty.
Opto a eoa ta eoro. lua iba
Uoagb a oaaat ebon** * grlad flaa
aU toe vtola aad eoarae gralat.
Flue Inn toklag dlth OB toe Mora,
pot lo two ^ooofelt ta bottM. wbM
bet add toa eero, a taon>
' '
■and pappM. MOk
fora (aw Btoatao. odd aod otirU
iwaU (brae baaBaagp aadptaealo
tto OTM utu allgfaily
aunra. fold a m|A1b armiad tba di*.
aat It to a lOetay plate aad plaea opoo
• table. ___________________



uld Hlulu. Hieb., I>ec I&. ii
Dear Ura Bata-Ai 1 t»Tc oitm
written to yoo befon- I tlieotbl I
efbeld now. I like lo rmd tbe Utten
tto Heielil Tery meeb. I bare b
a l*d Mid ao 1 didn't go to adiool lo­
am to (be toarlb grade. I am

Idle ot Cbrlatmaa

t peoae oa aarto. good-will to bm!


For Over
Thirty Years


If yoodoDotderiTeproinplabdBaUa''' .
factory roaoltafroB tba oae Of IVniba
write at ooce to Dr. Bartmao, gldag a
atalameot ot yoor coae and be will
CladtogiTaToohia ealaabla addeo

She plnoad her alodliug to the arot.
And elobad brr tired
a wen atadled Ml by Tliaodon
od toM aba nw coA longed-for
Parker abortly baton tbadaroTbla
wadding- Tbay took tba fern of ton
lodraamlaod'a pandlie.
beaottful loaolnttooa, wbtefa be toOe a not lirbiDd life little Bold
aMlbed to Ma JoonaL Tbay w«
Bot a aofi Hgbl,orM Ua
I. Kerer. axcopt (or tba boH
I pUyad.
. [
acBM. to onwn ay wtfe'a wiU.
Aod alolc loM bla baatt.
A To dlacAarp *11 datlaa (or bn
a tba can drew ap al a baay town
nka freely.
S. BerMtoaeoIA
Tba rough nmo baft tbe' Into.
Bat aeana bad from tba awpa lamped
n to worry bar with a

Bbak Mtanda bom and tto ttoy oU taagtod. It
MO^t^flan M baton |b.
tatu oow. ood

plagu. Md oalghbcn u
btao. toM •
glri" pat. to tor appBaoa

t at am t
(raabfra. Ptnaa___ ..________________
rfifecyfm carr torcatorTb and / woaM
aSvtaan wba an aitucns wAA r<

Matrli^y-a -Tan Celt

1 Uka tto wing. 1 Uka Ito a*ok.
1 Uka toa flita, alto tto CMOod taint aad 1 tto bird Uka (con
Tba gibtaa to toa latetou droBSltak aod tto ttaOag aad toe *la
TMT flee to aay.
or oU toe Mrk (ran bo* to bauM


: wiaaffllclod with caurrii furMa
yean aad tb>.ugh 1 trlod OM*]r. .
gdiMoadapplIMtoaorma dochgra
M not able to Dad a core. I took
PoMoa for twrotyiwo e
.Tbunma Cabao.
anUiely cur»l.''—Tbc

portleotar pta by a
btaod Vito wot Tictttog By base
that tiBa. Tbe old cry n ofua
by ht^taakaapert ipd atc^ ttolo
Thli to not all; tbo apple
bM baariog, ••What aball wa bara for pneeata todlgaalloa aad toroAt diedma«? " Aad toa aotwarad aagMlr.
—Fbmlly Deoter.
do let u bare aataa eoatard
' To whleb 1 tO|dtod to ataaba- beard tbe belli M Ohitatau day*
^ aad dtagait. •■Ooalard plal-J
Tbeir old faBlltar oarol play.
' think tbay on fli to aat tM
Aad wild aad iweat
uantoa attar tbay an Ml of tba Tba werdt repeat

ttot pia. aad at toa kalla allppad
toroogb It. I kaaw it wu ao
pta: toa euBid atood ap atlS and
gto«yu. enUof mabMgtato
If to'to oatd aleea. Stir tote
totpia cnai wu good. -Ultoyit
toU gynp Moogfa eate cmbI
i-L" gnu 1 baU ay
■ a^bwnatodaoalagiad
Mtbe U «( toe tolokaeB ef ratoM
pnee. fwta a
aot tba "poof ef tbk
*M Md piparttlM h>c bafm Ua
taUy. Tbaaa an dcUoloM
podding ItoM
■Mb *bb e« lo *a wtotn toy, aad
AttaaMtoaatiocMita loil ia tto
ita MMiy m*a tba bean van tUl tta« vaUev baUt tnlam tba air.
OMTMnltto eaaatd «B to took op
IM BmM tevMB bagto to blaap B Wtah bMlBMa BMt far aad wide;
jut Ml bad
to* MbU aaixr *0 ChriBMa toditt all Ocad wiU aad taT t* natywbtea.
of toa seat daltatou pta I OTM laatad
*• Itotoea BBUbt toroigb *M to- DpM tba goldaa. OkrtoMu-tldt.
to aaa By Unto oUy (rtaad wattolag
- AnltoeaM Patoa oobo m oil tb.
Ba with pooHy oMaaolad delight
. .^MMdpodwIUtoiMadMito
A Ua
UolqOT ‘Tilrad OM.’
*'mABmtm vaald M bhod toptoM
of OM tovA an prMd of on 'Tby. whai't Ito aataM." laakod
Iwo tbe bortt loto a Bcary tao^
and tolpfal btrodgtrL ~
gtoMb^aaoiBoeold iSlL
iiMMty-foeryaBis old and tot btM ‘■Ob. oototog.’- tot Mid. "eoly 1
tboogbl yM vara ti
b U Ml verth *a vylag?
•'eainnlty oad ta
Bto U tto only doagbOr tboagfatOBaBtdpta.1
taa wall^Hdo tone. Bto data aot aat. aod tto la* ta «
aa aa
ApMTMMd byaa. pMt to wBk BO*, bat tto Itttta
wu MO BO* fM
who wlaha to



Applaa and Inaamnta.
Bratybody eoghi to know that tto
ray beat tblog taey aon do It (o eat
; opidea 3am baton rtUrlag &r tba
Blgbt. Be bMS cob eooa etM to a Tboogb tooM
dallMta tM*m by tba aottog of Hpa
toaroa nfr^A.
and Jaloy ifttaa faafon^^olag to bad.
Tbe child wu I
Tba apple it axoaUtot broto food, ba­ TtogoodSaui '
ll hat oaore pbotidwrie Bold to

TbM (eilewad bM Barry toollaM*l-u amke yoo a eaatotd pta (bet yM
wlU to glad to aot. Badas. to aay
g*alRy aod al any
if yea will
pt Bfiba lagradiMiB." 8be Imd
bM way aad I watobad tto poaaadtop
8ba oaltad for tbraa ^p aod om
pint of Bilk, a plooh ef tail, a toaot
esp ot mgar. oubnag. a qMtl
aad a nail aaaaaiaa. She
olaoed tba ptol of b1* to tba |n m
Iba ctore to baat while toa heat tbe
agp wall, and addad (ba ptoto
nit aad aogar. Jut at Iba Bilk i
otbei Mid BMt. MB at bnaktoglntoa boU tba wfaltoad ll
giotod. iSdaBitbaai) two off tto tloTo aad attrrad it qaitoly toJaloa. a tlay totbatoolMMP tuaadHootiato
ptoeh of aayoaaa. Boatord, and nit Ibt ready latpnd fda pea liaad wi*
toata. Tba Bottard nay to
nob. light oreat. gnted aotBag otm
*^*' tbataBMtalea.
red all to the one. ra-

Bears the

Erairbody iaaabiart to eataiA.
BOB curra ratorrb, acuta or cUraolc,
wbrrenrer laratad.
Hod. Tboioaa Oaban ot Cblmgo, ■nem.
I bar of Uia Nattooal Commlttre of U
I XkamocTaUepany.wTticaaafuUoTai

A Darning Club.

Cuttord Piaf

9aara,9aaSa amJ ChUdg**.

The Kind You Have
Always Bought

ariMp la a crowded car, a iitocBi pton.
8ot a MOtbar aad Am AUd:
toaat. maka aa erdtoarr whlM aaaea.
CBtla tba baoebaa aod tarn oa « flat 'ba woBaa-a faea beta waat'a wi
Bat tba Uula om only tBllad.
la Boktot tba wbita naca add a littto of tba vatn to wbleh tba aaUir Aad tagpd aad poUad at bar BOtbw
■1 impnaa Iba
bMban ballad. It
Aod bar Toiea had a nmy nag
Ai aba Uiped: "New. Banma, eoa
plaoM of Mlety. Kam rook tba MoVhat floota Claai'll bring.''
dn bnata. oa lhay arr cood aaooxh to
oked. with aolt Bat tba Bat ndly tba Bother Mtook bat baa
Aa aba tboogbl ef a banilar part:
abere raelpa arUl ba toend to nra
Ocagmaamaa Irrloa Doogaa <xf JarkBa
oarar caa eatob u Iran." al
lou of Mlary tbai woald ctbarwlaa ba
OD,.0^ clectol to (be FUtywreond CooMid.
falaotod aa oot taodrr Mea«b to nt.
. gnuaaa Deamcrat, lo a reccot Irtler
"Tba trato it plag too.tact"
tooB Waablnctoo, D. C., >ay>:
Opan ttay load ai Obrittaat lUa,
••O. Banuoa. yaa. ba'il mb#. 1 aty. t
<r/ Saba to Jala with my a
UpM thy bean to Ohriattaaa dOsa.
8a twUt ar<Ua llllla dear
Open Iby ml to thbnchta aabliBM.
Tbay mb all orer tba world todi
a. to ay^ia

Dareiag atocktop ia pnaiaic aod tu-

By a TOM 'of tba dob Ifae booh
wbtah U read blood aaal baaUbM*
iBOT^eraabort aury. latbei tbao ao
TbafoTOM batog


CUttara Fnn Tm ProniMirt ^

Wbn iraiiBtiar. iba lana fdaoto
mold ba anasad. eat ton d^w
laMtba. fad ta tanabn abd .eoafead
SpaAcB ibreagb tba AlaakBaB (A
Bstll taadn to boilto( vatn. Tbaa It
tba bight.
la dimtoad. BBd Mid vaaar ttoown
And otaft tin pUcAy Mrk to lento
a It abMld ba rannad to bcUVllhtbaglMBad Ito iMaa bM
vall nltad. aad

ril tong ay aWMing op bece. "

ooBoliy MWD. not many bIIot froD
CmcoiA. N. H.. a naabn of hoo»haaa boadad InplUar abt
ad-A Darotof Olab.-’wMM
at tba diffarent bodaaa arery Friday
aftoraoMfroa ttaraa aatlliiaU paal
flra o'clock.
Tba Bembeta mael to Iba dtoiai
aroosd tba tabla.

eobaldared non of a
> for oltar. tin ai
- 'M«ar.''lMokl«baaanb'ia aBMa
raeaptioBt or aoelali IbrfoUow- Tbit ia tba kind of a elob the
wlthto raoefa at woiom in totm
u nJottoMttaa,
1.—Baniaa (ao. thto allaea ef
aad man eouliy <
tnodaad bettor, apeop flagao with
tally, oliraa.
Bo. A-Oboeolaie with wbinnd
It that wUl to of groat rolae.

WLf<m mx.$stf.

"I Suitsbine. |

nalng apooU. cr koew thgl tbay eao
be aUUaad (or olotbre pap ia eloaata.
loomi. etc. Tbay an BBcli
tar'tbao a oail. aa a nail aeaiai

B|»B which tba work mo ba i
tootly ptaoed. aod tl>e boatop jnrUet
bercoeatawitba flra o’clock cop of
tMoodaoDa olBpla biwalu ot armten; tbaca an plaaad M tba table ba­
ton tbaat. wban tba too noy ba oeeaalOMUr dppad wltbMt ^MaoUy totoriartn* with tba work.
VhM trcrda fMaaaaibMton
Oa* of the noBbn
fipaaosa loMfoMlnc. adefa talkod
of book that baa'bTM laoaaHy pobDB aebMl 00 a wat day. Tba IWiad. tba ebaraman la wbleA an
« Moald baraaU aaeatoto
trtwtbn tba abooktop an tba loat
U tbay an.^Mty abMld ba
lafcao eS, tba fart brld btfon toa
boay. tbaptod 1a aaployadaod
am and nbbad wltb tba touidt ootil
tly dly. aad ooethar pair of tdlofeoaiattifa oadpltaionit alao
ap aad aboat pot on. Tba n- •ajoyad.

ta^wMa at tba bIObIaM vUab
ibaMaatMMC* titm bbdbMT b

(aalilaaapadaUyMOOd. •
la«(otopaUaaadaBd tba
toyadtaatonily tohaiaatoatyia
ad tba Baal papolar i

An oatri* Hr
ad toa aratoga
UoaptiTity la ta

uottanvaMilgtaBy toMnato ■
roodFoU iMiy Mota
ti. »a I .
^Mto Ba* hNA TM ■


otatat tolrty yMta.

Oaa aaa*'.


To Core a CoM m OD*D«y

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