Grand Traverse Herald, June 16, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 16, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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$!.•• A YEAB.


NoumtLC.MCo or cmazco




I !•«•& BBd in tha
bMroBm down bUIi*. waa Hr*.
CeoAtP BJMl bar- Utti* baba, batb «*Btf. ONE OF SMALL PNOFORTION HAS Arraetad fer Sheeting Four Timet at ALLCttEO THAT HENRY WELL
MfB. Caapar atHt had th* S»«alibra
Mr*. Jeeaph. gretoaaa Aa She
I«va«**r with whM aha had d«na tha
Drava Atong Highway.
daadtr'wark. tha 0un baiag aC tha
Milth A WaacM maka. Up aUlra
Joaepb Bodn. of Paradtoe to*aahtou waa nnaatod FMday up
aarrant charKiap bua «ltb tbouUni;
mnea at Mra. Petri Broii
vhUe abe whi drivtop alonp tbe klpbeOMMITTEe
.•A» ;0U0«iTjJJYOYIN0 IM TH*
' «ay with her buabud. Joaepb Broi-,
. Thortdny laaL He
iphtar ia a prabiam. ta- ,
■ broQcfat batore Judge Nerllnper and
‘hto esaminatloo set for Friday nw
MIchlsan'a Oalapataa at-Larga.
top at 9 o'clo^ Balt waa placed
la Uhabla ta Sa Fraaant
PSOO which be ^dn'i furatoh.
At tha Canwantien.
aopty axoapt for a faw drapa. Tha
Bodas denlea maklnp nay atleupt
fact that all war* alaln aa thajr Mapt
npon tbe womau-a Ufa. or gpoo any
Slvaa color ta tha thaary Mat tha waWhat might have been murder, it
perwn'a llfr. daelarlnp that be
abooUnp at mbbtu wlib tbe In­ all accooBto are irne. cauged great
haa baan atartad
hafera kilUnp thom.
at the home of Henry
bbra by Fermtr Cengraeaman Thomaa tention of bavlap freah meat for anpWellborn, on Sixtb aireeL Saturdny
It la thaupht that aftor ratarnlbp W.' FhllUpa. dalagataat4Brpe from
, T«nlW» piMBYMy MbEb Ey Mr«.
nl^t. it being aUeged ibai W«
hoM fram tha thaattr, that har Penr^vania. PhllHpa la Mking tha
attempted to blow hto wife's
malady aaddaniy ratumad. ApparaM- reunSa of the Hotola urging tha dal
of with a abol pan.
If raturntop to alaap aftor bISdInp pataa to veto for tba preaidant ar
«i« FMMty OOM.
daelaring there la too much Raaa
bar hiirband.and Icvad ci
Aoeordlng to the ston'. Wellbnra
>me dopn town Saturday night nad
nIphL tha madnaaa had eropt Into har volt aantimant far the convantion <
accept tha preaManfe daalinatien.
bought su cartridges for the gnn at
hrain and with davillah
- MEM Ca«|Mr. agiS 40Mn. OBhM Oaapaf. apaS M.
mada har plan har pwrpaai. Waitinp euwfaranca la planned far today aaa local aiore, also 0rlng bto ^ildrm
Marry Caanar. a«ad 14.
until all wara aaund aalaap. aha had earding to Phlllipa. at which
quarter apiece to go to the pteture
shows. He then went borne and waitMhia eaapar. aiad M.
abtaJiMRl tha chclafann bottu
beam will ba leuttahed.
David CaasM. apad is.
awda thair alumbort daapar.
ed for hto wilt- who was down town
^arglihaa Caapar, apad s.
aoeurihp tha ravelvar, aha n
abopptng with Wellbnrn’s niece. Mtoa
ly killad har family ana by
Haxel Wenburn.
.FlawRdB Cdspar, apad is nantha.
endad her cwn life.
^ penn. oaa of Ulcblgan’a dalegniaaAtB’ben Mre. Wellbarn and Miss
Every cnc of tha dead waa aM larpe to tba rapobltcwB national
Frad Caapar, apaS 17. ,
Wellbam reurrned borne about *:30
ahrawph tha lafi alda of
venUon. hto place will be token , by
Saturday erenlug, ft to alleged that
. CBMIlaJ^ HMt, Jwaa IS,—ThU city ahawinp that earafwl atoi had haan Cbarlea B. B’arren. of DetroU. Srei
Wellburn locbed both
. waa ahacMS at S:S0 thla awmlhp tay tokan and that tha hand that hold tha
doors, then walled for his wife on tbe
tha dlnivify a* tha mcm tarrlMa ravalvar waa alaady. Sha had alaa ebriat waa called to OtoraUnd on
stairway, slopping ber with tbe mnstnpi» IhM haa avBT Sbm cnaetad ahat haraalf thrawph tha haad. Tha count ef tba aertona lllnrac of
tle of a abol gun ngalnn ber bead
la Mb lilatary a mathar in ' fact that tha bodMi vrara all cold wife.
Face and Right Arm Wert Badly when the went up to pnl tbe chlV
Angnat Maxhauaen. of Detroit, one
thnaap M laBahHy nat only ukinp bar ^han found ahewad that tha tragedy
dren to bed.
Surrtsd By the Flaming Fluid
MM Ufa and tha Itta af bar huahand muat hava haan anactod aema tima or tbe 'drat dtoirict delcpbteo will not
Tve got murder In * my baari,’
Whieh Waa Thrown
be bm. for a almUar reason and
.iMt Bdplap act har cmira famllY, tha dialbp tha aarly part ef tha nipM.
Wenburn li alleged to hare said ai
Over Him.
No ana. aa far aa ceuld ha laarnad, place will be Slled by AUeraata Oacar
an^ Blip Ipti aaw lytitp in Marey boabe iit^ped tbe women.
pMBi Mrhip. •R^amMy canatatad at haard any af tha abate, but thia la
Leon J. Baker to auterinp from a
Mra. Wellburn knoarlng tbni there
. Labor Wants Rank.
Mr. Bbd Mra. ObaM Caapar aaS'thair would naturally ba awapectad haaauaa
painfull} bortied face and a badly bad been no aariridgoa In tha bouse
Of the lecatlan bf tha houaa.
Tba fortnal demaadaot tbe American
burned right arm aa the result of an for moDtba told the man he coaldn’i
k yaar iMt, Hr. and Mi*. Ca^r
alcohol exploaioB on Marion island
her that the gno wasn't loaded.
PMiB-M-OaSiKaa fr«M Sharman town- > tha ally. Mr. Caapar ■halnp falHy wanted la tba rwmblleaa ^aUorm Sunday aflentoon. To add to Mr. niackbqrn repUed ibM it was. at
wall at. l:le mpoiw anpMl^ him and wlU be fomnilntod today at tbe
SMh OaaaaAp aawMy, KvlNf an
Baker’s ptouBare. ba was forced to
tins pulling tbe abelto from hto
dPHJR#,Sf ChEpi* cyaH. tha hit fbmu^^tp Mva wMwat«
I eight mllee in a lannrb In a pocket.
• ^
MMpatlon. Mra.-Caap
hapM hSHN|-HH»*«HMaa fr»m any
bacTy aea tn order to receive medlca!
thnt Inalnni. Mrs. WHlhOin
Wkal the ttomlng republican plat­
"SPlgkRiM.- Mrs. OiSpw. at tinta.
pushed tbe gun to one ride nnd
In•mm paacaaMd af a Kamiaidai m
The burn was esuard by a rhaflnp waa discharged, the shot tearing a
luncUont to a que«tk>a that baa been
MS It la aaW that when In thaaa atdlsb esploalou. Mr. Baker and Mr. bole through tbe side of tbe wail and
brougbl forcibly to the notice of the
tPMok aha VMM aflar thraaun ta kill
Helper, in com pan} with two young passing upward tbrough tbe roof.
powers that be lo tbe party.
»ar fpMHy BPS haraalf. Bat aha ah
ladies, having gooo to the Island In Terrifled Mra. Wellburn ran down
Wade BUS. tbe Obio platform
ppys raaairarai and whan nat afflictUr. Heipes' laoBcb. Intending to bavt- stain with Hiss Wellburn and the
maker, received delegations repre­
sS Mf h*r •mimtr acres far her haaspecklcd trout dbiner. a rhaSup dish wota< n found the doors locked. Anal­
senting both ald^ of the question on
Sahd m* fCMOy with .a ah tap dayebeiDp mwd for tbe cooking.
Mr. ly eacaplng ibrougb a rear door which
Buttdny and by the time they had ex«aa.
Baker was lying down on ibe pround bad a spring lock, and going to the
plataad to him why the party should
whilp one of tbe yodog ladles »-as nil- bone of a nelgbbor'a wbete tbe police
and why it should not, Mr. Ellto de­
top the buracf. When tbe alcohol ex- were called.
clared Umaelf to be tn no poallion to
Mik Eathar McaSy, who Ibraa a few
ploded. tbe bomliip fluid was thrown
Vellburti bad thrown the shell out
say anything on the subject
him. Mr. Baker to'lop to lurn ib the window where It was found later
Mcaka mmm
«««f *•
It has been pracUcally decided that
ahd awSa plaM wHh her SaaMMar to
shield his face, recelvlog the fire uD by Chief Ashton. He was taken to
senator Charles W. Fulton, of pregon.
ga to •ccnc fer a faw dayc. H hdtog
bis arm and a portloo of Us face
the eoonty }all where be to said to
win bead the crcdetiitob cmnodtiee.
tha plan’ H taka tha chiwran. aohaal
Mr. Baker was wearing a flannel have made tbe autement that doBe to a atroeg Taft man and the conihaaiMp haan glsmlaaaS. Mra. Caapar
ahin and when tbe sleeve was re­ meatic trouble was tbe muse.
mlttea will have a safe majority of
waa to a ahaartal fraiaa af wtod and
moved. a ponkm of tbe fleeb came
Buppo-tf«a M the secretary of war.
Sondiy uiornlog Mra. Wellburn detslkad pvar tha iMp In an totoratoad
with Ic. the burn being very painful.
John P. Hill, or Maine, has been JecHned to swear out a warrant, ber
waaiwr aaUnp har wethar to earn*
There were no remedies other than
clded npon aa ebalmiao of the -eomla har Mm da mm aa ^Ma thit
lard on the island, so there was noth- husband agreeing to leave town, but
mlitea on permaneo’ orgtniuUon. It
tbe afiercuon sbv swore ooia war­
aiarhtap wd MDp har awka praparalnp.>-(o do but return in tbe launch.
Eaptoratton Parties At Vat Hava Dean la hoped that tbe convention will On- T&cre was a strong aorttawevt wind rant ebarging him with asaaiiU with
Mww. tha nwfhw apraatop to thla.
Uh lU work by Friday.
Intent to commit murder
He ap^,
Unable to Oat WMhin Naar OleXaat atMPlwp with m prataanHIan
blowing am] the party came back In
Wamod Hodifiaatian.
pearc-d-before Judge Nerltugcr and
tanea ef tha Seana and tha
af a*F SliSdMr. Mr. an* Mra. Caapar
hlpb tea. ibr alnd on (be burns
The Taft delegation waUed on Senwas placed under fioo bonds lo apOatolM Are kaekinp.
anS mm* af «ha afUtorwi wtra at the
aior Burrows today requeatlng him adding noil|lDg lo Mr. Baker's pleas- irear for examlnsUon June iS. Not
living able to ri-cun- bonds he 1s In
SSangbal. Juw it-HandreSa .. modify kto BiKi-ch wblcb to said to
praotloaUy Ignore Kooaevrit.
Mwfwd after that taBillae bare met Ibetr daatba by beOMIlvur Wont AacapL
- wHt navar ha knaam imlaac tha mtra- U( affallowed up la a Saaera vbich
Oaorge D. Perkins, cbalmau of the
aatopa happana and tha hoy now to eaSdeely opened In tbe aide of the
town dalagatlon. today announced
tha haapHal aaaawira aaRMianUy to
-----------«%ole rlllagec ware annalfed In that be had a letter from Senator
aaH af tha SraaStpt aaccrfinia.
tbe hope crack wblcb haa been Dolliver to ibe cffeei that he would
j Peter Wilnan Passed Away Saturday
'•SSOtHEll DIO IT." M. It to tboofht. by an ranb- not under any clrcumsianees. accept
N<g».t At
O'clock. Pnau-'Mra. MaaSy aa«a to tha haaaa
the Tiee-praatdeniUI nomination.
mania Bemg the Cause.
ahato S:IS thla awminp. tn accord-Bltdpati -May Be Elaoted.
Ai yat eaplontlon parttoa hare
aPM wHh tha ptoM mada tha aftar
PWi McMillan to being held tn tbe I Formal Demand Made Upon
been enable to pet trilhin near dtoaacn hMaM, mmr Srtaatiup af what
Soard af Education by the
IVier Wilson on.- of '.-le-leqmincDl
lUat ngatost Blodgeu for national
> of tba aeene of tbe dtoaater and
aha waMS «•» Entortop, aha,die
farmers and an old plonwr of the
committeeman. A deni may occur to
detalto of tha calamity are Ucblnp.
aavarod Fred, tha oMaat hoy. lying aa
Peninsula passed awa\ Satnrda.'
clou Blodgett to resign later in favor
tha eaaah. Wa faaa Slaaatarad with
l.BD:ing. June IJ.—Supi
lilghi 3’ n o'clock at his home alu-r
McMUUp,^ Bradley to here anj Is
Stops ana tha Rear cavaraS with
mnes: ol pneuinoola. He was 74
working herd>ilb Hill and Atwool. Wright of the siaic department of
ri old.
Qoveraor Warber to not coming. public Instruction bus nmiJe a formal
Atowat toraraama by tha oheck. Sira. Crand Travaraa County Muat Hava Tberc is a big bowl about the dearth deicaiid on the Ionia board of cduca
Irs WiisoB dl<J shout six yean
MasSW gM «M alarm and at Srat tha
Them Elaa Free Dalbrary Wfll
Uckeu. Judge Roboert and a
tion to relurti i<> the state 11,:T» in
. but be leaves a daugbier. Mra.
hay faSwwS to talk hat bHnp tohan
primary school money Illegally paid Jumes Wlildls, aod -on sona. Paler.
Sa Cut Off.
crowd of promioeni Mlcblgaodera
to Marty hatpR»< mM. -Hethar dW
to Ionia. He rbargvv padded school James and McKluiey. who resWe to
clamoring tor admittance.
M- toll hayaad thsL ha rafuoad to
census rolb. The matter to also WathlngioD. and WJI!, Donald and
nwha any fhrthar ototamafft . An
placed In the hands of the attorney Arthur, of ibe PenlDSUls MdUgley.
matter P. V. DeGran- talailva
cpcraUaa wac parfarwad thia atUrgrneral's dcpartnicoi R'bether
of Wtahington. wus with bl» fbtber
tba report of the bad eondlUon of
Inal prcwecuilons will follow- wi
wbrn be parsed away.
roada w rvuica No. 1. 2. S. 4 and &.
pend on the larestlgaUon by tb«i dtv
!->Behil wnievs Wj-re held
William Thomaa. of NorUipnri,
I. DrGrav aaya:
thraapi. tha Mfi alila af tha haad.
Monday at the home, the Rev.
Will Oraduata.
''Too nrlll alto uke ap the matter
It U aatd that tbe factionat flgbi
Heath offleisltog. Tbe remllns were
arltb tbe road oEtctoto and patroaa InMr. and Mra. MHIlam Tbtunas and Ionia over the questloo whether a. 6. inierred In Onkwood.
lereaied. tad lafortn them that un- >n. Cbarlea. aad Mra. Jamaa Kebl. of Wright, of that city, should remain on
alM< Vp ataira an tha «aer, wm leaa all roaSa corrni-d by rural dellr- Nonbpon. paaaed Uireugh the city ibo school board, led lo ules being
Saans tha body df lltUa Davis. Ha ery from yoor oSlce are properly re- Batnr^ momlag on tbetr way to told which reached State Superin­
has aVWoMly atrappiad with daath l<atred dolop the preaem ctiniiner aea- Olivet to aUend ibe graduatloo exei- tendent Wright He Inveaiigated and
PMS has potton cal af tha has anS rean and placed In »ucb condition elaea of Mias Vesta Thomas, daugb- (ben sent A. Hamlin Smith, bto
ot Mr, and Mra. Thomas. MlsaThat or Pant Halter Waa Removod
waSa Rto <M7 shwt 10 foot ala«ip tha that Hointemipted aenlea can be
■na has secured a position la the cleriL there for tnriber Inquiry. Tbe
From Elk Lake. Sunday—
hatora Ma and cama.
In are rendered ihtoupboot the 'year, the
Petaakey aeboola tor tbe oomlag year demand Is baaed on Smith's report
tk Ago.
ratw «p ataira. laid HttM vltbdraval of raral deUrery from as a ttoohir of malhemaues.
which shows. It 4s charged, that dor-:
Eaarglaftaa and Mtoa toaUnp m
I rpasp fflll ear} likely folTwo brotbera are also in Olivet tog tbe past three yeora tbe school
m**^ thay wore aotoap. the.r facM
Roy TbomM. who has oue more ; e«r census oL Ionia conutoed 123 names
Elk Rapids Mich . Juae 15 —The
balnp paapofwl and to ah.Wiah r*al coUege, and James, who to a fresb- of alleged pupils who were unkoown., lody of ftoul Haller, who was drowapaoa Mft tha harrtola hlaad atahwd
had moved away two or three years
week ago last night la Elk Lake.
ago. were married, drowueo qr wee* wa« recovered near the Hammll farm
dead from other cauaeo. Ooptoa of yevierday to Mravra McPfelBer and
:beoa Alleged padded redto srera se­ beera. who ware drogglbg with tbeir
cured and all the latoramzlon placed gasoline iatiAcb.
That of hto com­
hefore the attorney teoeral.
panion ha* PM yei b«-n found.





r aWNWIQ) VldlilS










fe r

BECRETARV taft will visit

It to PraaiSaney Itoeaivae
Invitatiea ta Attand Banhara*

Margneicc. Juae IS.—W, H. Taft
will ba the gaeat of Margaette early
comlBp mdatb. laritad u> attend
aanual coavenUon of the Micblanken' ■
here to July, tbe war depanmeat
has pnmtoed to come if be can poaaihly arraage It
WrlUag 1. 0. Kaufman, of tbto
city, preaident of tbe flnancia] mena
organlnntlon. be says that he would
like to visit tbe Uke Sopbrior regloo.
bat that bto future plana deptetd to
targe extent upon tbe onleeme of
next week'# rcpnbUcan conreBiloo.
Should be iweeire the. praHdeaUal
under Ue control of the gaaaral c
paign comUiee and ft might not be
that Its plana would permit of a trip
lo tbe north country. Ptor that roaw be withholds a delnite anew
It to bto Intention to Uke up the
matter wttb tbe republican mnangera
In tbe eveoi of Mr. '.‘affa lelectloB as
bead of the nailanal ticket aad aa
tbto more wit] be ^ made with
backing Of aome >(g'»««
Hi* PArty
there to every axpeciatton that the
lOon'a pro^ecUve chief wtu make
kto flnt visit to npper MIckigan next
month. The bankers' ontlag and
vention an acheduled ter Jaly g to
It to punned to mU from Detroit
by chartered suainer. awpplng at the
Soo tor eome bonis ea fonU to tbto
dty. From Mnrqoette aide trips will
be taken lo tbe Iron range nnd cap­
per country. Tbe DuUng will be one
of tbe beat ever arranged tor the aasoctotkm and there to no qnesUen that
Secretary Taft wooM enjoy It



Ptoed 1 to 1 UnUI Travaraa City Cama
Up In tha Tenth—About ZTt

DRlVDit win nSBAND

ThaupM of HmDrava HaW a Wlla WHh

Mra, Rebecca Roha Trotowine, wile
of Wtllnm Tioutvme. died while
driving with ber buabaad at 4 o'etoek
Saurdny aftornoan and with ibe llteIcaa body of hto wtto ta hto nrmm Mr.
Tmatwtoe was tornad to totva n mU
a mile before be could gal haAp.
Mra. Trautwtoe tor soma tima had
baan aCllctod with haori troubia and
aabjaot to tatotlng spMto. Sat­
urday abe aoamad to be ttiMh tmprovad nndthtoktogthefiaahAlraadA
trip into tbe coniry would be good
tor ber. Mr. Tcwotwlae took har driv­
ing. tbe eoupto BMhg aoMh of the riiy
and looklag over n tom. Mn. Troutwine enjoyed the drive very rah
rtoBAThed to that Hfeot ca bar

About three mtlas from the city, tba
boroa ablad tllghtly at mma objacl
to tba rand and Mrs. Trootwine aoclntmed. -Never let Mnndla driva that
home agnto.*' atoktog Into bar busbandh ama. -Mr. Trotowtae, ihlnktog that it waa bnt another of ber
stoking spella vda ok atoraad. but
aba aank toto a rinper nad dbath
came to • few tooaenta. Thar* was
another rig bnito of Mr. TiwotwlBa
but the nanreatfhoaaa was •.haM a
mile aVay and holdtog hto dead wife
to hto arms. Mr. ihrmtwlM drove
there, this being tbe naMmg^|tr.
Bora. A pbyalcua mu^'iMfltoMad
from Trarerae aty n quidtiy as poaalble. but Mrs. Troutwlse wax dead
when be arrived, the eoraoer wna
atoo caUed. tbe canoe d( death botog
pronounced heart tollnr*.
U addition to ber Itodband. WIOUrn Troutwtne. Mra. Troutartoa imim
three thildren. Mtoa Mnnd p«trt.
Oaorge Howard and Oart Irri^ She
waa a kind and lorlag Bfitter. bar
ihooghu being conunurilr
totoily and her lave and dnuttou to
fnUy nttetoad by bar toot woiBi
wMch were of her datitetor.
PkK- the tost oeren yodK. tbe Tmlwtoe family baa lived to the dty cumtog here from DafiAMt. O, and 4v
tog ber stay to the cHy many (rtonda
haw bren made, (be newt «f Mra.
Troulwine's sudden daath brtagtog
forth many sincere axprearioM of
Borrow aad aympeihy. Mra. Trouiwlna was a faithful ate moatottet
ber of tbe Gbnreh «t Owtot ate
Monday morning the ramilm wtn
token to Dedanor. O, arbor* tbe
fuaeiol will be held and the Inter­
ment will be at Ayreoriae. O, The
faifilly. ibc Rev. J. A. Caaby ate Mte
Anna (toodall accompanied (he reX. The Ladles- Aid BDCtoty of
Chnrcb of catrto'l aeeompnnleJ
tbe maalna lo tbe tioto.

Traverse City defeated Old
In SuDdayaball game 3 to
It took 10 innings to do It. Tbe game
was characterised by flne pliehlng.
Knox pitching for Traverse CUy let
down Old Mlseloo without a Ml tor
five inotogs. He Mrnek out five and
WM bit past tbe infleld only once. It
was bto first experience ibis yaar aad
he let loose n couple of wild pitobea
but tbtee did no harm.
allowed two bit* and fanned tour.
BxUlie allowed seven hlU ^abd
vtrock out nine nieo Tbe firvi scor­
ing came In the third. Knox finned
but McIntyre bit to left and stole
second Kroups
oat but when Gaoept RuMalL Mtenlte'^W. Triad
Hmnxe). In right field, mufled Colic's
4a Drtofc patoeit FUute to a
fly. McIntyre scored
Old Mission tied tbe toore lo tbe
-IghU) Swxney hit to Ebrenberger.
Goorge Roaaei.' toe »-moatbs'o<d
wbo ifarcw- the ball way over Colby's BOO or Mr. Mrs. Rsaaall. of GorfieM
bead. Swaner Uking aecoel. Pol- ivenua. was badly bnrned to (be
cipher ucrtflced him to tHrd. AlU- mouth Friday by attempUBg to drink
soo hit nafoly and stole soeoBd. permangonate of potash which the
Lyons (aimed but Novak ml aed tbe child fouBd in a bottle.
third strike and Alttoos scoreG
A phyakton was called who pumped
It the cblM's stomach and found
Nothing more doing -411111 the lOtb.
McIntyre Mt safely to left aod went that none of tbe potaon had go«e
to second while K*ou|m fanned Col­ down ti> Utroat. ARhongh the tangua
by was the boy with the stick again, U hs.liy burned, the little one to getling sloeg as well .as conld be axbitting a peach to rigtaj enter
which McIntyre easily scored. ColbyjPevtrd
stole secoad. He went down to third!
—- ■
la an attempt lo tteal but when the
HIVF BrrfTil
ball went pasi the ewicber and be-:
Unit llUrtlAIr
came blodied. he acor«-d
Old MH-_
" ' " ...
slop could not gi-( a man past second At tba Hannah A Lay Mara. Co.
in their half.

fitera Saturday Night
Old MiwIoB's line up was; Haney.:


Caleb; Exile*-, second; Miller. 1ef< I Nellie Cate and Ladore Heteeram
field; fianxey. right field; Swaney,
^ tanalcal iwcltol to tte furmlM-cond. Pulctpher. short;
tare deportment of the Hnannb G
center field: Lyons. iMri] base; Bril tev Co.'s store Saturdny nlgbL Al­
too. first base.
though Mtoa NriUe Is but a *-biM tee
Tra»-ei»e City Unrd up as follow* aang several aeleetiona to a rmy
McIntyre, third and pitch; Kroapa, pleasing way. The aodompanlmint
center field: C<flb>, firat base; Baker, waa atoo vary good and it to prteabla
right field; Novak, catch: Snlfka. that there wOj be morn cniertatoEhranbeiyi. abort: Hlg- menta of tbe same nAtoto. TBto ate
gtoi. left firid; Rsox. pitch aad right' was tor tbe enjoyment «f tte

. a

- i,v.‘1^ TUMOAV, JUNK tt, ttOL

Twws A %vm.
tea. tv



tetete M a>eete<lMi wttM
Hirte I, UN, at Ito uteaact at
Tiatww <ltr. MMu BBter tte Act
cf eiapaw « Karte 1 at! .

TUc H«r«M jMtf IlMMV C«.*a Vm«««i Trtffc
The SrMrtBf RmoiH aad OnnC
TfaTMM HcnM h*r« aitsatnl
gh« avar tic frf* tri|M to Nlasara
rate aad rMDn mm tlsc Cniliur
tte naMr tiMMii. wUA laeloCe
Me. Aarlag Um Irt*. Tbe del^Ue of
Um eeaUM for tbtia triw «U
MM M tte IMt PM« of UM IWM.
vhH* Mi MalMattoM are gtvvB.
Wlagita Tiik ta om of (he ffMim aatanl •cteen of the wortd ud
the eWe^ve potat *f theueBda of
tovMi aaeh rear, not oalr froB thU
eeaatrr hat fraa Bwom and BoaU
AMMtaa. There ia voaheie la Uw
wM saeh a greed ««ler eeeMe Mev
ae Kiagaia ralla. and when aa oppertaattp te oCaraA lOr a free trip to that
ptaee; together «Uh all acpemea. tt
am Boeeeaanir aurmct attcnUea.
U addltlM to (he trip to the (ana.
the Mp froB Traforae CItr to Maehteae Iticn^ down Lake Munw
thiaagh 1*0 ». flair Mver to Detroti.
OeMaed and Buffalo on Lake *rir.
te ia Iteelf. a grand water trip, it-10
gidte pwhehli that aeterai hoern wtll
ha aUevad la Detoate OeeMad aad
Bteale before reaching the tolU. and
t«e or three dapc wlU ge given for
■lllH mlU tad eoterneu of the
atuaedeae of (he Klagnm PhiA and
ThdnUr. The aatlre trip will regalre
sheet to dare-. The (rip wlU he
on the grand palaee ateanMra o( the
OatrMl. JACalo nnd MaeUnac Hoe.
ana af tha taaet water tripe la the
Valted BUtec. Thee^ etM»en afford
oMrr OMvealeaoe and loxurr poaalnnd aa a aeetde roote wtUIng
better or More, aUrnctlve ootid 'hr
Ae hefaw aUtod, theae trip* wiu'^be
aSaolBtoIr tna, |o
aU popaUr
fMdIdtian raatiring tbe largoet aumher ad vatM, oonpoa* tor which a
printad with the announeomeat on tl
toot page tearr one who roretvoe _
Mgr n( The Sraalag Beoord can vote
eearr dar for their (avodto
tetaa, and H gOM without earing that
Ite triM wilt be looked forward to
vltk a groat deal of plcanre and that
aaateotnau tor theae priMo will
* Ue begin■ng.
Then will he iwtt scpainie
gMU. one eonlaed to Travetso Clip
M4 t'lo other In tbe ounnirp dUlricb'
teerpone sboold rand

lUe reong aaa. he »sa ahoMt hti
a de* Um aod late atin foa>ar and
toff roOH. and Ue assmole shoted
la enoipotttlen Mth bon and gfria
CBBlatod bp every vUtoge/fa
wlU oeaiariaa of learmlsg behind Northern MleUgaal
thete not ootr held hi* own hot eaplared honore. Hie o*a«p»*
After pears of work tbe governnot floir be aa taeplntlaB to his peo- ->eti bar fftoeovereff a aafMi Ual
Wlll^'care bog eholfra. What
u to Ue farmers of Ue coi
evM tUagh tbe begtating mar bf can be saea fm Ue tool that each
■Man. tbe roang Mae or roong
pear Uto dtoaasc alooe cawaed a loas
I woeU aeliber be dlieoen
of gl&.0M.OM. A* Uc serum b
ooatenied a« tiiher oae wtll not oneb tmble lor Ue goyemmei
be hcneddti. A etiab and lowlr
place aboold'be aeeag(«d aa a otari
and then erer^ affort beet uaUl tbe
goal U reacbad and (be end

dnrt wm be pOed aad sheeted aad
then a ntirtare of Ti per cent wale
and M per omit aoU wtU be paasped
that evety bastoM bates and
from Ue bottom of Ue bay aata U*
• be decovatod on Ue trd nnd top to as levri as posriMe.
4U. aiyi as thare wlU be a treatend
demand tor Ue aaftreial eotora.

ntev Tntele Mahes T« MMn


BUracrites at an aarip data. Tbe
eenUre cammlttse will btid tre«oent
meellagi as oocaslon demands
Yeu>w Lady WitesA
complete nrrangenmnto as praBptIr
as possible.
Williamsburg. Mtcb.. Jane IS.—A<
Aapone Inlcrestod to any feature
Uc bomt of Ue brtde'e parents peo
that map be costem^M Is rekw
omnretiiktoard^toftb Becre- terdap afiarnoon at 3 o'clock,
ufy J. W. Hannte be Cbafrmaa O. P. moar M. Perry and Miss Btaartc
were nnlted to marriage SDCcreriulto psomitir cwring lone b
Carver. Uat Uere map toe no-deUy
Ue Brv. Thomas Young.«( Wnilsnw WTK arid. <auirt o( Ue bUOdcr
In tbe anangemeats.
Bnght-a DUraeg. whirii to Use
form of hidaev Uooblc.
large namber of friends and relsilvei
Dr. KitaKr-a 3
bring preMBt.
kldner. river
liver or
<w btoUcr
Miss Cora BcofleU plapod the wed Kxmer,
formJ'rmwedy yog need.
dtug mnieb and the-rtog eere
was Bsed. Master Osborne Sage belni work and in private' prwetree. swl ba*
tbe ring bearer. Miss ItoU Thorne proved so Mccaasfnl ia every care Hut a
siecul arrangeaient baa bcca nude by
of trevene fliy. was hrUeamtid aad which all reo&n cd Uto paper, wbobaec
ageoe Carpenter. Ur beet man.
uoi already tried iL'may have a sample
The bouse was handsometp deeerai ■>ntlle trot free by Mail, alao a hook toll­
» city Eeoiera

Hed An Eamore about Bwsat|»Rent.a»<l howto
ed and Ihe bride ws> chamlngTy clad ing
nt Time
Heme Earip Tadap.
Tbe groom has been Ue prinrlpa
of (be Bk Rapids spools tor Ur las sddrare to Dr. Kilmer
Aboui ti U-n on the' CbuquamegoB four pears and will again be here A Co.. Btoghamtoa.i
Friday mdrwlug on Ur eeolor ex­ nest pMr. Tbe bride U a ebarming S'. Y. Tbe regakifl
lift v<cnt aad
cursion. The boat left al 13 minutes
pouag lady aad boib have bopu
after T according to Capt. «Vbb-s log
friends to vrish tfaera noUlng but bap told by all gcnl dreggissa. Don't
SDd it was IS mlnuire to 5 wbeu It
plptss. They will live to Willlsas any nustakC. hut remeinheT tbe 'i
ba'ck. Tbe dap wa* slmosi Ideal,
Swamp-Rooc Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
burg. .
and Ue addrevs. Winghsmtoa. N. V.. On
(tar bap sud lake being so smooth Chat
hardly a pasaMger got rich.
The party arrived at Charlevoix
noun and after dinner were enteo
males may do. so any rime after 13
ttined at a parody os baseball, if li Qiiinep E. T>.aeker. of Yuba,
bad Mt been that the locals wvre IT
neunces HitneeH As a
to S vielora, tbe game would have
been not worth Ue watching
when the right team was bitting Ue
Quincy B Thacker, ot Yuba. aAb«
ball right, there was plenty of
lownrhip. announces MmSeU ad can Yeung People Were Quietly Ijfarried
Uuslasm. Brief plicbed an erratic Jldate for Ue republican nomln
Thiiredgy Afternoon at the
game. After otaowlng off even' wild for represenuilve In Ue legislature
Ho^pf BrWe'e Methcr.
pitch and easy curve be had and In Ur. Thacker to e. pioneer of Grand
cldentally letting hi a couple of runs, Traverse county and one of the grad
Fordyoe B. Wiley and Miss Vairda
be would tlgbien np and 'fan two or nates of Traverse Ctlyt Erst
H. CalkiBS were quietly nurrled Thurs
Urceor such a matter. The team dtd school, aobaekaenily attending
day afiernoon at 3 o'clock at
not give him tbe enpport it was cap­
able of elUcr bui oh bow tbep swat- been engaged In commercial bnsinews home of tbe bride's moUcr. 34S Wash­
ington sireel. ' The cemaony. which
and farming a great many years, and
was performed by tbe Rev. D. CoehCharlevoix put up' just as poor a now believes that he can accomplltb
im. wax wltotert by only Ue Im
ffome and could not bit ' Bundy- good for ihls county as a mrinber of mediate friends of the young people
wbea be was Urowlng bto beat. Both
He Is receiving
who were unatteoded. The ring
ement to hu
* evldwtly Uooght It was a bollrice was used;
part of Ue connty.
Tbe bride wps prelUly atUred to a
gown of white penn dc sole and foltowtog Ue ceremwiy. a Inncheon was
Hr. and Un. WUcy wm
t have to play, good I:
Frincipal Nye. of Ue High Eetooti the redplents of many benaUfti preo;alghl the wbo|e b
Will Not Return te Trnvaree
to an Alaatnl dsuoe. Tbe nutvic
City Hen Year.
The bride has bre« a teacher
end floor wa* oil ,tbat could be tk^
the schools here for several years
■In-d and Cbarlevtix veeree<l in
>'ye. principal ot the local while the groom has been InatriKtor
rylng to show whai they could do
i«lgh scho
bool win be Up pcoleisor o( in biatofy and BnglMh to Ue local
plesM ibeto. inertB. mmeaeding sdni
year to Detroit High school for two yean.
ably. The boat left Itaere about
Central High scbool. Mr. Nye to his
and arrived here at S. The crowd May here hot always been very ac year he gees to Cheboygan where he
will be prtndpsl to Ue High aebooL
has pretty tired but olbnrwlse was rive. In school work In all tu pb
at! right and aU to ibe good for the to slbletlrs as well as In work along
noUtog bat gM wlsbea tor tntara
literary lines, hr bo* sways been (bt
lender, glrtng peraonal and flnsnciti
Atur a Bhort a rtgrt stoy to Chi­
sapjibrt to anyUiCK rbat would
cago. U«p will retorn lo Knlsmssoo.
fit the sch^. He bus many friends
Ihe home of the groom, gotog from
among tbe alumni and stadoota as
there to Uclr new home In Cheboywell as the Hifxeus. who will miss hi*
help and enrouruKPiiient.


Heorr Clews, tbe New York t'snk-. la hie woekir Market review mf»:
-The OM teatnre of
Whteh now standa oot more proMlaeatlr thaa all olhere U the rirp
look. Fneeai ladloatloos po^ui
iergo ciopt Bf all the iinparlBBi
staplea. Ootlon. wheat and bar are
^b- reported «n high enodUlon. and
With larger acreage the proMlee b al-^
moat oenaln as lo a Mg rieU. The
> soMMer Moatha an frequeatlr
perioda of detertotatloo: buL allowleg tor thoM aaati declines, onr crm
aic tiUI anre to be hcavr Both win
itr aad spring wheat an In exceileiit
condition, and the ootloak.
>. b tor a crop of
about T00.M0.00d hosbeU, or tbo.:
tng of Fireworks.
ood largeat <« record. Big oat and
bar eropa are also alMoat certain.
Moreovor. then b an unuaun) nbcigenu I
S(«0e of tninry br taaeeb. and the
ibe Trareree Clip Foartb.ef
>r July r
gronnd baa been so weU Mtnrated
ebratlon Ub pasr are much tarUer
to make damage from drouth or hot
c^vanerd ibaa ever before -sbown
winds much more raoMte than urasL
ihiwa weeks before ibe eelebratioo,
Corn b
asd ibai all tbe plans are much more
rnetorp (bao has eror
w in tonner poare so Hnig before


weather would otickir otapi
for 4ireaeDt hockwardneos. and there
b no occasion as rst tor nay u
in tbb reaped. Last pear, it
will be remegibBred. tbe crop Wha
tale; aevertbolMs tbe ritid was
Our farmers^
onally beavp.
dote, are praclleallp eore of aoother ptofttable pear, oinoe prices
high nod there are no surplue
anppnat. Tbb b tbe eblef bnaU for
inooMpronOateg opUbIob o( tbe
weal. wUeb eantrssts ao pteaaanUp
with the deprestioo silll banging over
orp feature « tbe
week was lh« rednetloo la the prters
of ■roB and sleeL Tbb atop abouic
have taken pbee long ago: Ue rlgtl
retosti to noagoUe changed bulnaae
coadUtons being not oalp very poor
ludgmeat. bat dectdedlp bad bnauna
policy. Tbe only eritklem to be now
made is that tbe cut wae not auffldentlp deep. Dupere fully appreebte
Ub fact, and will almplp bold off nota conrinced that bottom baa
reached.. Valuta are stlU so bigb and
naaettled as to restrtia new busln.-ss.
sUnuIant b
In the shape of boltou prices,
mdp aome of Ue Indtpeodtnta are
maklt% deep raU nnder the Untied
Riatea hteel «-orpnreiloR; ereailng
feeling of unc-rttinip which Might
have been avoided had tto Stool
Trust sqnareir met Ue ulitiaUcM Iqr
promptlp MBiBg down U> b4-rock
Bgnm. Tte noMt -hold iip" poMcp
was Isiariotts mm til siandBoInla
was pttiUeaUp toolbt^. eoboomicalunsound aad Dommerchlip tnjnri«. Nothing has dose no much t»
ward delaying a prompt recovery


was a (srgo attendance ol
ibe ebtirmeo of Uc var’ons oon
tN*lM|becoqiicll room Friday night
yft evorp one was eoUoslaiUc. Tbe
chalraen all ^ported splendid
greas and great encourngemeet.
b alrcadp, assured that TtmverHe
City's celebration on Ue 3rd and
win eclipse sDptbing ever before offrred to Nurihem Mleblgaa. The.a-ingements arc progvecslng Unrip,
tuagnifleent Industrial and (radee dbpUp Is alregd.T assured tor Ue parsde which will tisn contsln many
amusing and s|wclal features to add
Ue inieresi q( tliU great feslurc
It will be reoiembetv\l (bat In*t year'*
parade was ibe beet we ever tisd si a
KmirU of July <-c)ebratluB and ibe ef­
forts of tbe cowitiueee will largely
do any prwloue ritons In tbb
dtrectloB and a veo' floe dbiday may



1 per cest hiidwRi EE nae tevREtte

F. M. PAiNEe
AU. KIHM or our rumam



Tbe Breworks prOgrain furnished
by Ue Gregory Fireworks corapany.
or CbHago. win toiroduce many oew
fcatnree and the most gorgeon* pyroIccbnle spectacle ever lurweuied outside of Delroli or Grand Itoplib. Tbe.
Cregory Firework* company bare pre­
pared a special iimgram for ihto «^«y
sod will sMd Hcveral miK-rts lo superiiilend Ihe exhtbllloii al ibeir
•apMuci' Th.- preparailuiib for this InUrfeee WWi Ue ImpreveMitnt
exbihiu-in win ink.- T^ev.-ral
. the Hcnnan A Ley Company
previous u> Ibe -lib lo prepare.
Deck—Take Many Flics.
esccuUve roioniiiii-o ns* no Ue»l
teM page aad the* get btupla bebaU
Mich . June IL-Thc
latlon Id promUIng 'hai ihb will h
o( goMo partlcaUr Mend or relative
e>'l>il<m glv<n by Ibe Alumul
the mmt’ mosBinrlrm dlsidaj am then- are probably people In loan
vhaa tbop wonld like to aee oa}op
inuai of ilu- «k Raidd* High srboul
who have enough coal ao (tut ihcy
«■# tt tboee grud Idpa to Niagara
Friday oretiug wm a moki clatorraie
do not have to worry, ton'll I* pnl- Had Seen a Qonstani huflarer Fi
Northern Mleklgsu.
ThUf and nun.
T«*o VMre—Lived ia Thii City
ami brilliant affair The is nietnlirr*
The transpditallan romtiliiee hav< ly safe lo Mp that there I* onl.v
OoMpleta dettili. Intindlag achedFor 40 Veare,
lb<- Clare that were graduted
I all uf Ihe who bn* got more than bep vwant*.
me and prlrilegns will be naaonoad
Thnrrda)i-vcuing wen- guests
. gut more than
rnllmaiU that >.'|ierlal train service
. to-aili ■-Dik-d ihi- sufferings of Mrs. intmr. The ria** who arc oovr cb<to plastp of tenr baton Ue contnt
•-'as coal—wbof) you've gui li—1«
moMoa, which will be on itip ttnd.
H'tiior* of m-vi ynt nunilia'rliig
>iat iraio* will b.- held on ihe seldom a cause lor carv. b«‘lng »u ul- Sbeffer. who died at » o'clock p.
A targe namber of (be newapaiicfa night of Ihe till unit after tbe fli-e- lerly devoid of aulnixl.»plriis *; <ai-li
aa*i*tf<l ti> M’lvliiK. The Urge ball
Thun.da.> at tier; North Him
The GtoM of IMt.
of Ue Bleventh oongTeestaoti dbi
was lM-auii(ull> tiliiiim-d with ever
a* Ibe other kind.
works iitogram lx completed.
wood avenue, after at) lllneu of nenrI giving Uetr oordlal support
Tbtrip-ive roong people b
mviiF ai«t wilb (••iiid and cut flow
The oulp mnu In t»sii. so far u*'
Cooirscl* have been rioaed for
1} laro years of cancer.' She wtU M t-rs and brtlliauilt iUamtoaled bp
IhUr adnantom Thsradap ntgbL 1
Irb will also In'; in be learned, who Is worried to ,i years old.
Besides her hUkbnnd. ctmln* and fr-mcHiu* of more dun a
degif.- exmcLly |>ru|iOrtloaati- lo il:.'
rdditce aomethitig eOllrely new.
jihree cblldreo Kurvlve. Bert SheffeV, buBdnd lmaud<-»ciii Hgbi* wiml
hwh. hot bofore Uom b Ue long to a algnlBoant fact that the paper* , aiie motor boat rwv* and lutrade aniouol ot eoal hr bat is-Jobn r^iutu
jOf Cblrogo. Mi*>. Bert Gage and Ckir -pv-Cially for thy |>-jr|>o«e. A beantiMteti M Ute a ateool wlU aever a which are favoring Mr. Oovell
«ni be a splendid feature. LauDcb- baugb. who U auperlDtendlDg Ihe re
eompeu&atioa. An edUorlti
p. froai the surrounding country will palricg of tbe Hutmab « lay d:a-k enec Sfaeffer. both of this cUj
ul 'drtokiug (uumaln made to re■ TnenUM and tfoahwa Umt
A year age lasi September. Mrs. M-iulile as old-fasbluDcd
CMripnod Uti Uto
. Invited to participate to (he races lor John Monroe. There U ypi
de of Ue ebaracter of tbe sup-‘ ilri to the parade. An onergelle
Other dlallnctlon he has. however, Ebeffer was token HI. n cancer np- ivcil-boitre occu|i!ed tbe middle of Ibe
Thoaa gf p«nng people aurt Ueir
.UfM «tu a pood egtipment. aa port Uhleb Mr. Oovell b rocetrlng nlttee o(,nin(or boat owares have which not another man In town poe- pcartng whlclywas Uler removed by Boor. Bvergrr-ec wrealha dimbed like
tetigtoMt Which tbeir parents and ibrongbout the ^birict. Tbe TUM Ih^ In charge.
»-.sea. not even tbe ricbeal Inhabit treaimeni si Maple Rapids. She was V)' up ibc wull-post* and grarefolip
■tha tnpnpers of Trnverae ettp bare nys as foilowa:
That dUltorUon U ihe having imiooved after ibis, but Ue dread >ung lo sprays from Ue motip roof.
The street ganw
malady again apprarej. and sbe went lYciiu sitblD fwcv^ly dressed young
-The Ttmea sapported Hoa
tonMmd then. The Umr. It Uep
> much "rocks' BHber oc
hUtiilng e
to Maple Rapids where It was again
o. CovaU two pears ago wtiboai
served cold water (ram
(beae marks of boeor would
removed. She became mocb worse ieptba of (he old welh' fVom aaoUre
^ hM bUB wtil spML If Uep haVe pcnaatlon or any promise of oHIce to hUletle dbtiacter will be both toter- tMugb to rattofp the vanltp of
be tCbvtil) was ctoeted.
•te thu their dIploBa. cbrrbhrd
tvllng and exctilng.
but he to not only dltiVls- about Ibe Brsi of April, and store jower al a corner oCfUe room punch
bp a ffoup of poqng
toangh It Map he. b vortt esacily
«>* *here we did to tbe last
‘ '
hU gg—ifr
•hat It wotid bring tor old papar..
If any one docs not believe the tense, and dealb came os a relief,
blx bands have already been
W* have three good reasons for sup­ ifmA for and on tbe wbolo K :
above, perhaps tbe foUowlng tklltens
Mr*, gheffer was born In New York
A very pleastaf pn«ram conatotlng
- -Tha tisM oMPOt to mpoaed of m, porting him. In Ue Orel place, be s sad that Ibe prcparelloss
tlOB will eaeouragp hi* believer. State, her pareou bring Mr. and Mr* o. a few well selected mittirel nhmfMtent body of yotng panpte They bears Ue ear-marks of
v«*7-hatlstariory and Ue reetiis o( Ahn li occupied piut now to pulling John A. Cook About «• years agu tx-rs and reports and remorts by
te*a teM BMeesatoi la Uetr CMne •omeUtBg the district basal bad for (bi wmk tbas far eompletod Tcrp out Ihe piles around Ue dock so Unt she came wlU her pareau to ifcii repreeeniBilrea of Ue varioaa classe*
maaite weald mi have reeelred Ue
he can pul Mme new ones to. The cityi with ber'alster*. Mm. M. A l•-ereat s-na a most tolereettog pan
prailfytog to the eommlKeec.
te*« they -dU last tight. Bat aa Uailed Siaiee gorernBent has given
Whte n U stated Uat few if any sand U very easy to wash away bsi CurUs and Mrs.-(Dr.) J. CaaipU-lI. of the evening.
tou ofton
bln a icriernl office for Uree terms, of-Ue nmaller towns of Ul* regtoti the aforemenilooed rucks sod cost both ol UU dty. another riater. Mr*.
Great credit la due Winn Poser*. ,
^ la martip Ue bc«inntag. They at bb work has been so aaUsfactory. writ celrtrale this year it lx a lore- bare an unpleasant habit of slaying Clara Myera. of Silver Clip. Idaho, a -he rei;rlng|^reiadent. tor Ue t.rt::i
teve been gtidhd and led so tar. now And lastly and not ImsI. hr tou yonc cooriutloB Uai Traverse fliy tost where Uey.are regardleos of an* fcrether. Fred sheffer. Idaho, aad sni MirceM of Ue tecepClon. A Urgihte MM dertiop Urir owa tadlrld- showk a dla
II] are Ibe latgesi crowd ever gaUrumpany was to attendance to enjoy
^tp. follow Urir own nstatal >eat
erod srlUIn lu corporate ilmlu at tbe eager aod tbe wonderlag what i
the ereniag.
Md wort o« Urir owa deatlny.
time to Us Wstovy. Tbl* be-'«f
‘D««About tnrre pears after romlsg 10
Tt|e moat cordtol hand-ebaklng and
What Ues before tbem no one knows
tag tbe case, ev'erp citUen of Trav l Th» pulling of a pile Uke* onl* ■ hi* rtty itbe wu married to Mr. gremlags among fellow alumoi wm
tell ovetyoH knows Usi Ue oppov
Pise Cdy ahotid riteri hlmeelf to tbcl«t«"t Urea.ti (oar mipaieu anitas Sheffer. and has store resided here. eiarked feature of the oecrelou. wbi
Bwebtop HMtItoto
ttoUp to make eomeUtag of themTbe mile vtlbge of Bnehtop. which
Uls a grand and
pbcaJtor ohettfcto.
Mrs. Sheffer was a member of the Ue orchestra tempered • Ue scsi
• odivoo baa been gives Uem aad Uai to ttktog Ue plac^
—- m Ihefa hooe with ISO-pounds |
Aabutp M. S. rtareh. having ■
WlU Uc toy and etArit of delightful
dhMU la til talneaa. not only hutting pure of lu klad to Northera'
gticklp brnsbre away Ue soil tee Of Ue charter members. Sbe
buslneM boaae and rivle and fraBedreohmanta. strawberries
•a Utir paraab. Meads aad Uetr Mtohlgan la setting Ue pace for many j
la Invited to pre- and (te c
Ue tog also a member of Ue Companion___ and toe cream aad wafers were
■tePte hot w UoMativM. devrtep Ue lartre riOes. (U Tuesday evening, a Pare a display lor Uc blg parade, oti'ap eoqr aa K tost ttfitog It
rwtoim. aad Uc U O. T. M. No n. dalhifr eerved to intorinel graapa
tett that Baa wUMa thsM.
trw retelag room was opened. wbree'Many have liready begun arrangeIt w(U take nearip ^ pUaa (o fls
The fnnerti arrangements wl^l
gaUend aa congenial toMee braoght
Orar to tek lU>i4a. Ue poong man til kinds of rendtog matter, dally b«RU tor tUt halare.
Uh the Job. Tninartek will' be uoed- deUyed •tnilj word to recrived frem Uem together. Tbe foliowtog oBrers
•te dHtoarm ite (teae oratloa was papen. waffnitnes and dUer «p-to-{ Th» nalomobllr parade will be a The tid anw. ft «| 13 peara.j ago the aoB to Cbkngo.
elected for Ue remtog year:
te.teiteteff. te'KM atObwadln.
^Jader water
affair, aad tbm wiu be. ter* pret^
The fmerti of Mrs. SbeSer win be
Mac. Dvmcaa Deattog; rice. . 'provided tor Ue benafft <« Uo pt
of cotite ahi Gr tha said the wood hold (ram Ue bouse. 433 NorU Elm­
lent. Mrs. TOltom M-hlUtid;
e and. a* »f the eommunUy. TUt Is nqi the (tons
poiel k
basmt rotted aad-rit ntlll ffrei elaas wood aveue. Snndap gftecteea ai -wrearp. Eton QeuaUeti;
^ gflrytely'teowt. |ha
goto Tcrp Em tosunee u which Bncklep to a
every pgrttrulsr
(Baber. It writ be deed agcln. Tbe 2;S0. These who wtoh to-aee Ue re- >-r». CLa::.* Carver.




...................... .

Drawn. Mlt>.. Jsne lA—Dr. W. M.
Boylan. o( Drirgtl. to here ristUng
Tbe eoclal glTen by Ue tmdr Mato
rabeea auturdap evening erae qtdie n
Tbe Ladle*- Aid »oci*Xy of the M.
& church mei with Mr*. S. J. temek*
Wedaendap aftemooa. The ladlee
planning to have the eterrt
cleaned and Ue wtiU decorntod.
-Mrs. Vtimam FMiep. who hM.tees
to Tipwree CU}' tor U* pasf' few
daps on bnatoeaa. returned borne
Thursday erenlBg.
Mr. Wleriifi has been conflaed te
the bouse (or tbe tool few dtps srIU
bean titiable.
Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Brapton and
Mr*. P. L Bird were Travetee flip
(rip to Trevene City Thnradap.
Dr. and Mn. Clark were Travenie
flip calleis Wednretop.
Mra. Dell Bepmour and aoa. Mop.
left Wedaeadap (or ffnmmU. Mtek^ to
ritit Mr*. Sepmoer'* taUor.
Mtot Oreee Hand has sented Sraest Harr's bouse aad Ourles Rram
hu moved Into Ihe hooe Jut
■■d by Bd. ChappelL
Mrs. Clark Hoad, of TbooptonrlUe.
ept-Bi Sunday WlU her daarttcr.

Sokt S«nd a Thmk Gren*'
Remedia F.M--Nm


~ mfoarprenagolMUmstigto teve mjr M gK re^ The
docten eould not W4l me what R woo.
ah errehed arrow the bcOom ae ff fte
had (akre a k.ufe ard <to thu* oumw
r.. tu-r wouk
bow they dH.

anr-dj-.w'ss' ej'sH

Cutkwra hoop. C'uUrurs Oiatnre
Cuticura PUla. costing are dodi
•hsU pretoc Cuticura *• kmg as 1
for U» gire* bHp it has beta. Ite.
Hanmret Priremer. Plauia, Mo..tete
«iaBlJaly3i. isor.-

Warm Ireth. wtU 0




Mas to ao Utaoraai of tbr IsM otjikaaxk the perteemna did bM enr At Bwchankel deparuaoit of that new»atuadfd by Mias V—4 Pbaatt aad
phyalotacr aad kntaao Uut odMlte wpJti aaethB
eeteettoa. Tbe bra- peper, vlsltnd tbe Record eM«* yoe-foha Sbalda. Tbo toWe wa* dtONOd
UiMB ba doaa tka vroac Iktec. otk- edlcMoB waa than ptoaeaated by tbe lerday. after baring spent aeretal
ta white aOk aad carrtsd white raaa*
an roatoa tbaawatvaa u tbtor aoftor- Rev. c. D. AtwaU and tkta oomIb^ days wUb bto twiadrea at Ktagcley.
and m brtdcsaald ta wbR* or^adir
cwtrtng wp Of Ragm rtuTt? tbl ot^i^
“T '
and carried pink reoM. Oaty the r*llaia tbtaklag It to tba wSU of
Lpato Btodaall to !a tbe city tl Regal
al ban tow wblek wa. operatod
f« a vlMi ,
aUvas aad taUnate friend* were
batai vklla oftbrn do aottoajt
le bell was tbea cleared Of the neat of hU thtreata. Mr, aad Mr*, by Mwta Pease, Tbe aboe*. appar
preoeai ai tbe eetewMay. After the
toot tbay do vroaf. Tba baart of a chairs and daaedag was eajeyed^tu ihsak BMeatl. Mr. BtodMlI to aa anily of the be*> buaUly of toalber
big dto
aboot :
ilm pbyalclaa aiatt oRaa midalghi. the orebeetra faratoklfag OUtM grodaate aad at present
Mcctod to order “ Mrs’*A
“* tootbm.
tItetLUtNT CLAM HAS «OM- «»w alek obao ba lea*aa nadlctaa
tbe Buelc. aad aD enioyiag every Bin
rtnieadewi of tbe achooto
“ j The wedding m Seymoar M. Pern ■
ta haadi toat ba kaoara
me of ib^ tlau.
and Mtoa SUacbe Carpwur occarpataot to adulatotar It proporir. yat
Tbe cla4 that ooacloded h* school
Mr*. 8. A. Kfloaler'went to tuke
red June 11.
at • •eteeh M the I
tbara ara ao other*. Bat ao«. ataad- Ubore tost evenlag to an etcmiecii
WAHTSD-^Urt tor general boose- borne ol ihe bride's pareata. a*v
work. Mra. Arthur Roseathat.
tag batvaea tba kaowladga of tba one. eoauMeed of a eurtUg M ot
Ita. puce Tbe boose wa* ptetUly irtTrS
Wasklagtoo street.
June l«tf decorated for the mimaiM a^*toe
^yalcfaa aad tba IfMtaoca o< bla, yoong people who no doabi wtU be
dear frleada.
bride looked very lovely la
patlaeu. u tba trataad aaraa.
SB honor.and a credli to tbolr pt»
Mtoa Jenale
ctasnpagae silk Tbe »e»
The power of ayapatky wpa thaa fcailoB aad tbe wortd will be aU tbe ggggggggggggggg#
Ben Wlllaey and MUt EUnora A. the bappy cmtple left for a wedding Traverae City 1
ShaMa wer* aalied to
loor to Booibera Miehtgaa. vtoltlw expedltloa.
toaebad opoa by tba apaakar who better for tbe tlue they have -apcol
Mr. Yoaat 1
There wa* a taeartag oo cUlma la
a. B.. Wedec
tbe relative* of the groom. Tbtokiag
■aSd that ay«pathr aada praati
under tbe efArteai lastroc
to .eo.-ape the aitcaifoni of Uair
>e eatace of HcM HUebcoek
Tba apaakar aan toochad MU* Leeoe.
comlderate trieod*. the young
Jodg* Walker's court toUy.
North Vtaty. Tae eerenony was pie drove to Batea to take the ai__
KwMiiis Wm DHJv*ra« npoB tba dJfareat Tlawa ot tba body
There were Id laalor operatloM pertomed aader an arch of ever­ tog train, but tbey srere too pepoUr
aad Ufa aad aald that tba bicker rlaw
Arr. O. CMhltH— OIaHperformed
to be allowed to get sway wlitaout
that tba body waa tba bona of
; M. W«« Dr«MMM by TMA
only a few reUilve* of tbe bride the proper tarewellc ao new* leaked
tba aool aad aakad tba eU** to bear gggggggggggggggg; the Orand Traverse boaptui bj Grand
1 groom. A booniltu] wedding dto-1
of tbelr pUn*. a crowd net tbeai
Traverse pbrsteton*. AM wer
that In Bind.
was served to aboot to gueai* at I
Bate* aa they were boardtog tbe
ProB Mcadayto Beeord.
eessful vbieh speak* well fo
o’clock. Tbe
lae vaisiue
outaide cuesis
cuesu were.'ram.
train. pj
plesUfnlly sbownlng them
*'fk« trA tsBMt mdoallon «i«r
Tba kaowladK* and taachlac ae*
W. M. Oim* and wife to Ktagiley Orand Traverse phyalcUns.
Hla Roee MlkuU. ahrdlauaaioaaool I with rice
re to the atoai approved tssh
alM or tbo N^rttore MteU^ t*T\ dalrad In tba tralnlnc chbool will ba today to
Rri- -><»«
Sthi* MIkulA and H. Ru«k>. of KwCora Belle Styles brougbi
Hm tnlalAi acbool tor oorM oc- widely dICuaed In UBa and iba atata Craadal.
Mr. and Mr*. P. Taylor of Mantoa,
agatoat WUlUn Johnsoo lo eoUect Traverse City: Mr* H. Puller, mother of the groom, of Reed riiy. MIrh
Mich ; aceompaaled
by tbelr ton. arrived
««nM ta tbo ^opol TModay Bi<ht at wtU reap tba baarSL Tba tnta phyM. Aekermaa baa realgoed
Judge Or j.c, Prall^ aad
and dangb- U*i nigbi for a visit at tbe home
S o’«M. U rooas pMpla kartof ■Ican doe* not awader a«aay
position oa tbe Sr* depanment to be- NorUnger* court ikia afteraooa. MorMr. and Mr*. F
■Of the........................................
gvnUeman'B brotber. S. a
taWilma'tba t*o TMra' coorac aad blcbaci ratnra for bb labor* bet to coue foroBaan of a aaw Bill at tbe toa p. Hunt and -John Loraager spTayloi
fooloa* tbair dlploaiai. Tba azar- feel that ba to aUBter of pbyalca) aad Boo.
Mrs. RelMTT Sweeney
- - - -ley of Old Mlspearlag for tbe platoiUT aad Lester D.
Sroboda. and MU* Qlubetb Sail! sloo attended
•n^d ibe
tbe Cai
van ««fT iBiareaitoi aad war* Boaui Ul* to Indeed tba blcbaai aeMl*. L C. Clapp went to Kalkaska Welch for the defeodam.
ran. of Cedar City, and Mr. and Mrs. weddlaa She returned borne today,
aambar ot ward. BPbodled U thto to tba kaowl- today to vtoil her atoter.
J br a
The Rev. Ur. OrUeder. of OakUau. Oeorge Gilbert of Oaborae.-A grand aceompaaled by her mother. Mr*.
frloMa ot
rt tl
tba eU4
edge of cuCarlBc eared, of Ufa pronctOBoe Boooe w*at to Ktagsley Nebr.. will preach at. the State atitwt reccpilcn and dance wa* en)oyed In Banna ScoAeld.
Another band concert with an lee
Hm M. vbo Kradaalad TDoaday lonced ot a bnaiaa belBg neat oa bto today uvtall.
■bool bouse tomorrow evening. M
Many bcaatlfui and useful pres- cream social to coanection> Witt be
way retoldac- Tbto kaowledce will Ir
Mr. and Mr*. Otto Crane weoi
ArUader baa been here befoi* and
its of silver, cut glass, china, sad given next Tuesday figbt by
ftorry Bakar, Uara M. Btobao. ttBO be aU that tbe pAyiiclan or iba
good address to assured. All Sraadli fumitare were received by the bappy Grange at tbe town ball a good
Mr*. Bert Prtaat left tbto BMnliic avian* cordially Inrtted.
8aa»aU P. Baru. Laoa AMrleh Oor- ■me oaree to ckerlah.
crowd to hoped lor to order to help
Tba laanano* tbat ao
tor prand Bapld* for a rtalt with
the band beya oy^BaCIa U Ooekarty, AaaaOaiTow.
X. R. Frank*, of Houghton, has a frtend*.
■VOBA Maty Loaiaa Rak, Waalar H. tie* hare apoa tba atok. tba peace lOBto.
rived to tbe city to take charge of
Tbe groom I* a promising yonag vUiied I
Mr. aad Mr*. Wllltoin Wtaa
lieniBaa. Jeba a'Hoppet. Haynood
they brine, toe eatoUng of tba
the Travera* City oSleo of tbe later- gentleamn. and tbe bride a charm- Friday.
O. MBMb. toetbar V.-KeUer. Lootoa toBult may be aeea la tbe Ufa of tbe tbelr «hUd weat to Mandate*
NWg lady, both of which have i
Cblldreo-s Ctoy
naUcoal Correapoodoat* school*. Mr.
». N. Y.
clrele of friends who all wut held here lomorro aad very pfrtt;
dOtoabbr. Dwa BtUe Lel^. Marta Great Phytoedan wboae preeaooa ornlag.
Franks has bad charge of tbe HoogbMr. E. F. Ssnidk UOd S. WatkdMtoa'
a long and happy aiarrted lift.
Mr. and Mrs. SatooH Wiae tatnra- lon dlvMoo for tbe acbooU for a
Mu«ar*t*MeOoaaM. LootoeB. Meatr- brought paaoe and HI* loaeb bcaUag
Mreet. 1 «a*tog. MMu etoto.1
' ~
mrn. OUbertae McKlaawi. Aaiy Or- Tba apeakar ooodadad by arglag tbe
BBBber of years and come* to TravWILLI
aaO, Tktor A. Patftok.Hattla Holmre clawi to apply their kaowledge to tbe day after rtotUag here aad
City with the taleaUoa of mak­
Mrs. A. W. Bntoa. who bat been
The marrtnge of Ben wnUey and
■Khpleoed wiA A« Asm^otoasa
tbe goepel awetingiepirit aad faiib ot Hia ehatacter.
Pair, PtMoae* Halea Roeat. Loi
ing his (
very til' at the
tbe he
hoBM of her dangbier Miss BIU
NHlIe aad Pera PacUrd iwtumed; Rghtymiree people went on
-AfUr a amabor of aelectioaa tioB
Bhyyar, LyUlaa FUtb Rblah. Anna
Bates. u
U slowly iI Wednesday. June 10th.
Mr*, o. W. Bvt. at Bates,
at ' the
> tbelr boBe ta Mot Kaasoo today M. A R K exeuraloB lo Proven
Iba -Mikado- by tba
hone of tbe bride's parent*. Mr. and
H Waratr, iBctoda Haaei WItooa.
John H. Biaaell of Detroit aad a Mi*. Sbalda. The bridal (oople were
after '
The Adpel ww very ^ttJIy aad
Mr. tad Mr*. Joe Doman went
Bataa. prcoldeat oftbaboardot imaKalkaeka today to vtoil.
fersa, potted planta aad oaraattoa* taaa.
Mrv P. W. Carr weat oa a boetaees
wbUe the eotor* of the claa* were
Mr. Bates sUted tbat if the trast- trip to OadlUaq today.
ahowa in tbelr nalfomA biM aad
Ml*. John oartto, of Detroit, who
vWla. Oa the atage were eeated eee at their lati awetlag rad kaowa
Tmtaaa WlabaU of Oadlltoe. Qoala- how Myant tbe oceasloa tt the has been vtoiUag ben returaod bOBe
taaee of Petoakey^Uoyd of Maatotee,
M would be, be was oooS- today.
Mint Drew, of Ibe
Ctorla aad Batea e( Trareree City, daai tbat aaeb Baa woaU bare bad
Aaatstaat but oae rote tor prealdeat of the ae scbool went to Big Rapito today.
Pete Clyde want to OadlUae today
Bovley aad tbe etaff i
he will work tbto suBBer.
• waartag' tbe aaUom
aad to bare bed tbe pliasMtoa LeUh Dmb went to St. Lonit
1 Mlto ttoeed are of preoyatlog tbe d^oma*.
Tbe spanker coatlauod.yb outing today where ebe will vtol.i Meads.
MU* Lacy Oataer retarned to her
■ that tbto wan preeailneBu/ an age
borne In Jetereoa Oty today after
(MofhU) by 1
tpedaltoto and tbe beat roeulu i
tefpjabad exoalleat bdMc
alUlaed by tboee who glre tbelr best atieadtog the local High achom the
•ntolag. tbe graduUag olaae took Ita stteailon sad stndy tn tbe line of Use year.
Mr*. Mabel Batae-^-lUtaae arrtvod
•e^ jB.jho ptotforat. tko aadJeaee tbelr eboeea profnalon. Tbe foot of
ottaMv. The taroeattoa waa apokea tbe ladder to atwaya crowded bat tbe froB Dearer oa Baaday aad wUl reaula a tow wbeka.
by .tba Bor. c T. Atwell, reetor ot
grow lea* aa tbe toond*
and Mrs. WUka. of TbompMB
Oraee obaiob' aad tiie addreai ot tbe •eofaded and there to elwaye roou at
ywalBg by tbe Her. D. Ooeblta. ebap- Ibe top. Tbe world-today domaads rlUe. went to MancelOBa Blturday to
' ot tbe NorCbera Mleblgan aay- tbe beet tbat there to la a nsaa or vlalL
Mrs. O. WlUtaaa retnraed to her
taa. toUowed.
tbat beet oomee only
Black Feather Silk Petdeost
1 lot
.. of tiutom
______ tnnflo Work
aa» In tffhltaa Sator^ after
by bard and peralstaat woi«.
made with two row* of mf.
Tbe Rev. D. Ceeblla.
Shoes, ^incloflinj:
inclodini; high cut
epeodtag tbo day ta thU city.
aaiatJag bto aadJeaee.
fling and good quslitj
The epeaker tbea addrwMd
Tablo Oil Olotb, li yd. «t^
C, A. Oreea. of Sud Lake, retomed
OiibUta atatad that tba ebJef oCAea claaa. nyiag tbat tbey bad^oe
of cloth; regular
1 *_ U _ J* .•----------- 1_ .
1 to 3 yda. in a pm. go^
50c values...........'....49C
of tba atata wae ibe woUare aad tbe boaorable and Baatal ptofesalon and home Satorday after being la town
$;i 50 ralnea
assortmeot at pstt
todll'halag oat tu paepla Tbe etate tbe WOTU needed Jnai auob worker* few day*,
Blue sad Black
ema, per yard..
Mie. T. D Meggtoon. ot Cmilral
a greater Iw tbroagb al^there to plenty tor tbem to do.
Waah Dress Skirts made
dtotraaa than tbroagb war. Mr. Batea eUted ibat be had heard It
in pUmted Mylea with band
goaraoteed aolkl iosolea
Itot ««ty ^ the eute loae ta aald that cold blooded, onayi
at bottcuD; regular
nwae Hate an of tbs Istwt
ThU Silk U SO in. sride aad
Mra. Fred. Potiafka e'eat to Maid*
sad ooanteib,aa^
tiMRh through eiekBeae, bat la tbe
atylss sod bias, eTStyoae s
and woBoa made tbe best aur*ao4 the best wearing Silk
^toMtoem aad w^ belag of Ito peo- oa. bat be did not betlero that, as if City Saturday to vtoit,
special for...................... 9oC
on 'the market today, we
Mra. I Moaeer. of «05 Weat NlaUi
lla. Thaao aobeoto «t aureee bare there to over a Use tbat a ou
Samples of Lsdics' Low
Lsdiee' heavr Percale Wrap­
have it is Brown, Bine.
94 and 96 Hats for $SJt
street, went to Reed City tbto ooi
that the
It to when be 1* OB
Shoes sod OxfoedB. ma^
pers, vmrj Ml at bottom, in
and White.
Tour choice ol say of
tag tor a rtolt with friMda. She will
ite eiek with groaier eCl- alok bed.
of \ ioi ■■
all colors; regular
also visit at other polau,
Lesther: uo off atr]
The taflueaoe of tbto gradarln:
HOM oeiu PaHMul Week.
Abble Payae. of Cedar Rnn.^rmuTl
aae a* the naeBbere go on
worth tS.50 and tS;
-Tou bare doae taltbfal work la
2} yda. wide t'nbleeched
wbils ihej last,
ta tbelr work aad oiber* take tbelr tbe laat two yeert. you bare put ta ed borne Saturday afternoon after
1 lot of Obildmt's Hats,
1 lot of Ladirw’ Wool Drees
Sheeting in good heevy
;oor ohows...............
worth Op to 91.60, •
plaae win Mreod beyeod tbe walls cOoee.etndy and tbto la yoar iwwatd. ependtag tbe day in tbto cUy.
Skirts worth optot5. in
Mr. and Mra. rni Ltadatrc
trimmed aad SsUor aa^
•r tha teeataUaa aad ta the eew ra- ta awerdtag tbew dlfrlOBa* to yoA
Gts7, Brown aad Fanev
^Isa, cboioe.................98c
' L tbe wM --attwdaat- win tbo ofAetal reoagaltioa of tbe port- antoue. ere th
Mixturea. to be
kid uppers; mr sesros
• to bare a ■
ttoa you hart attained, and ta girtac MV*. B. A. Weeton!
snd h^
to And. We
Uot of 91.00 sad 91 25 Drwa
Sample line ef Fbweti. aU
Oeo. Brooks, ot OtaatL and Lowell
w. The atUBdaat* will deera to tbcoe etau plan wblrti are pleaaaal
have them ia
Gooda in Pbaamai. Wotd
kinds, worth 9Sc to S5e
Mer to tbe tu adad body aad iwBembraaOea. I doaire la behalf of SacketL ot this city, went to Ortott
aiaes; S2
* sa
Big redoctioo on all Ladies’
and TUets to be
buaob.whilstbeyksf u
to he aa atteadaat ta an boaerable tbe tnwioe*. tbe aug aad the eatlre Saturday.
Tsluee for...................... l.4o
Suits cod .Isoketa
cloeed out SL par yd... /9C
yovchoies...................... la
Mrs. 8. P. Scott and dangbtee. ot
but when to that to added laaUtuUoa to eoagratulau yon beertltbe trained aaiae. tbea It beooeaee ^ on your eoooeae. Tonr work aad Maalstec. went to rPoveBoat Satur­
day to visit
«a BA
yoar euocets will be aa ezaaiple U
bUn to IgaeranL
your aaeocdaiea end an taeplratloa
Man to aot OBly feertaUy and woo- U ut alt. It la. therefore, with the U-wanU. arrtvod (a tbe city Satur­
litaOy tnada, but I* atoo feertnlly gt«ateea pleasure tbat i preoeai you day propatory to opening Monday.
Prank Anderson returned brnne
aad veadbrtaUy igaeraat or bow be with the rewards of faithful aerrtoe
to Bide, dodared Ibe epeaker. U a and stady. durthg tbe Uat two years.- from Ain* Saturday where be - ha^
been allendlag college.
Baa wor* a* Igaoiwot ot tbe neebaa- ' Ihe
aroee gad aarchod paai
Mrs. K. SiaSord went to Letond
tea of hie aotaaddle n* be is of hU tbe speaker, each one belM prceentf body. tiMre wooU be bat Utile plcM- ed witb tbelr dlptoae wUle Ibe or- Satnrday'to spend Sanday.
50do.»n Work Shirts made
Mr*. J. C. ClelaM of Kingsley. i«
Qood two-ply logrsia CarJ-are ta eMtag. .Kaowtedpe to power cbeatia aofily played a aelectloa from
of beety Gingham. Sateen,
tnrted to her borne to Kingsley Sat
pita, fall tird wide.
ta^.Bot a powar. Igww-- “II Trovatore."
Cboviott aad TwilU. sold
A viollB duet bf Mtai Moeelle Bea­
40 Ohiidne's eoito. made of
everywhere for
JenabSolid Oak Table, extenda to
rn and PM. Horet wae ao well g1*good quality elctb. ranging
SOc.apecial...................... 06C
Hrgen and Ji^ Holton, of Cbicago.
r, ft with 51 in. aolid Oak
> but tbe BMdaasc laated loag. alin |iric» from 91.50SO
Yard wide Chios Matting in
who have
rtalttag Mead* ai
10 dotoo M«n'i Heavy Work
sQ nae from 3 to
a good sssortoeat of pat­
Nortbport. w«r* to tbe city today oa
SnapeSdeta, made of goed
8 yis., your cboioe.... wDC
terns: the best thing for
tbelr roton homa •


PROAI -rw srmii.

. ..

Dr. A. W. cbid^*
Kidney and Liver Pais

■tom •«:



Trying In every possible hi
: way to make Ws store
Ibe m o s I e e o n o m I e a I (
I ccalcr ol IVavcroc CtC.
The prices mentioned in this advertisement are but a hint to the hundreds
of bargains we have in stors for you.

Special Items from Special items from
Our Ladies'
Stioe Dept. Ready-to-Wear Dept.

Special Items from

Special Items from

Dry Goods Dept. MillinenrDept.



psrpslr ............... 98c



......... 89c

n.47 sad......... 2.98

Special Items from

Carpet Dept.

Special Items from
FumishinEs Dept.

Special Items from

Special. Hems from

Furniture Dept. Clothiif^Dept.

Mr*. Oeo. Weru, of Aaderaon. lad.,
retaraod to her bone thl* nondaj;
after vlaitlBc her non. ta I, Wbru. of
Weat Premt etreeL She took the lit­
tle daughter of tbe Utter with her.
Mtoa Oertnide R Taylor aad Mtoa
Mildred Lartoo left Uat Saturday for
Mnakegoa. MIcb.. to spend the vacaU other pUcoa along tbe shore* of
Uko Mleblgan.
Mrs. O. M. Dye, of niat. arrtrrd
thl* aftemooB for a visit witb Mr*
Prank Bto^an aad other friend*.
Jane* K. Marklnek and *oii. JaUui.
left tbto aftCTWooB tor a Uoot Aching
trtp la tbe Upper PteitosaU.
Sualey Snyder Ufi today for Carp
Lako wbei* be wlU camp a while.
Mr*. B. Uhr went to Sherman tbto
Bontta gto .rtelt her OMther.
MIBB May Goddard iwtnned to her
hoot* ta South Ormnt today after a'ttentaag tbo taeal
acbool Urn
J. A. MaebBag. vtoeprorideat of
tbe Broatag Newt coaip*By, of Saab
Bto. .Maito. and tbe Banager <a tbe

cheap floor coverings, a
Spet^, per yard............GU

ScreCD Doors, complete with
all trimmings, made witb

..79c up
W.01 Papti, in ud
pvdo^ml'.. ......... 4C

leather enda,
19c, epecinl ................... '.SfC
Men’i Heavy Work Soeka,
just the thing for every
day. Speciai.
per pair................................OC
Hen's Work nhiria made of
corded Madnai cloth, all
sittb; 39c
value for...........................24C

Solid Oak Dining Boom
Chairs, full posts, high
backa and braced anna
cither leather or cane
neat, each......................... /3C

76 Boy’s
aampls 8i
less than

Refrigerators and Ice Boxes;
the kind that save ice, in

Co-VP thp Trnilinn Stiainnc

stamp with every lOc purchase.

Globe Dept. Store



an ^h.ifAibifffiiliff inilrtii'i,

tkoM ftm tkla dtr vm Mr, nd
Ml*. C. C. OBopar. MM Wm ud
Tkm Mr* « Makar of atata of•ean pnoMt. aa fenoAa: ft# lU*.
. ttm Uf._
loakM tekarta. of Boa>«a! oapartetaMaat of atata
mm Mr. Traod. of Oktrett. npartotMdMt
kf (ha Bam: BlaaloM ta tba aarthwaat; tka Bar. Mr BaaMT. of OadUtae. Mparlotaedaot of MBlatarial aid
Ika Bar.
C. DBTli, J«rqr Mr. Oatlar. «t Bar <
Ml of tka Baptlat
work la Ika atau. Tba
Uw ahova a U| Mlo fk the atau.
aad tba piMPaeta aro krl|bt (or f«^
lera W«th aad i

an % 9tm
mm OMmK*teirt A. a.
i,-jL $. wmmm. Ammm t

»Mk. !birwM our.



Ftt tm YEARS


aiata eiaatad-.
Barry P. Pawaro an Oraat Cm-

A aaaahHu in
Plawar Bardaia Haw Baan a Raatara
biatoiT of liaeaabeaira aad andTMa Vaar, dlaiqr Raaiiata af
(bi In a moat bamaolooa auaoar, iba
BaaiM Batov UaaA
t«aaty4iat Manaial rarlaw of
jraa broofbt
No* tkat ika aMool mr >■ aadad
aaaa aC tba raaalu ara rMUa. Oaa eloaa bara yaatardar afiaraooa wiib
af tba alaearaai aaMpIlMti
Tba aoUra alaia of tba anU-Bomvoi a tauar tiaai FtaalEaat AagaU, of lOB faetloQ WM alratad aa followi:
aat eonaaaadat-Oaona B. Urn.
tba OatraraUr aarloB tkat tba
tba DoadlOoe la «h}eh tbar fend U>a
aebMli aad that tba adMOl had barn
blaaad aa tka aaltaraltir Hat ter tb*
laa«a« voaaiWa ttna. tbraa mn. It
vaa raaowBaadad that a targar eorp<
af febara ka Miad aa tba Ul*h
aahaat aafoUMt la rarr iatia. Ut.
Om of tka lataraatlac faaloraa of
tha aabaai tbia raar baa baaa
Ba«ar vardaaa. Tbaaa bara baaa
laagad terataO tha baUdlada aad la
all bataaaa lAM and UM
cf aaada bara baaa MTea Mt or told.
Tbaaa aold »ara la l<«aet paekaiaa.
•adi «rada baa M a dlBaraat Uni
or Bovak. Bach podl tabai tba aaada
hcBM aad plaata aad earaa too tbin.
Nan ten a oORMlttaa wUI ba appototad aad at!) aantd a prfaa lor tba baat
Bo«*r sardao Iroai aacb rooa.
Aa paipdoa of tbu la aot bacaa’ jiratrtb aid «an of plaata aUboBih
te ntmmm in Uai way. Tka pB^
Boaa la to aroaaa to tba children a
taato .abd daalro tor baautr to ibalr
■MaiwitoM. Bamd that li <n<i

niaiwplaBiaooaaiytbdf poUer
la IMlilm that tba atodaaia ««
aMBBi tan MatblM to ear# Jw «
acM vmata Bar axtBpla hi
Wtmmnia arwao oaeh gtUa «ui can
tar a tavar bad on tba acbool




awndatad aad
I ba daterayad.. At tka
IC. to
havanr. tba - opfB^
Baa IM
baaa tow
toaad to ba trad,
Jdta baton tel
-MbM&ai >lJti'«Mn
I «ran ton
ton «p bat
tilfci^-i^ora la bb war totoiad.
Bardaa at trary

i ^bMEnattoMaad ^
M ^ tba aarroaadton eC aaA bntld
f ^aaaaUwi
proparty. Aad tbara hat
I ^WBoa> carttlitog
of tka rlfht of the
I to play oa tba itoaadi
ailhar la tba aoBnar or to tba retar
ttoaa an aov bMng aada lor tba
^ -MBMitotloa of aiannn
tM oebodk.
Tba Oantml touidtoi
«« ba tba Bnwl tnlntog btodgaarH taip oal tba r
tko A
tba laroatb aad.4ltaUi'srnao»
w« va to iton tn balidtavo oaoa o
a>«aMi torpraotlea. tta flea aeboala
aaUi tartof a aapaiaia do^
•Wwrteer *UI fo from bafldtof to
btadtot OBd «m oat laoooaa Eortot
tta *«B aad tko oehoUn «1U praPBta tko latnaa to their
■M tbooa MIdtoca'u a
*te«nin,kato* tka
4|Atb -*11 bara «otk a»eb Uut U
•ta aot ba aaoMiy tor tbeai to go
tothon kaUdtoto, bat tba nparrtwr
«QI lira ibaa toaaooi aa nnale an
dtotrint an now.

K AattM »ni

Tba Ba*. Oaa. «. Laakturt Waa Naoana Bp tow.orand Travana

Uauiabaat con

-ChariM R.

waoa kaopar.^tobert 1. Whaley.

'•■ ’‘“s'“HUT

Ntaia Vmmv Raopla Made Tkotr Pint
itfto NOwCMrto.
Tbe lOday Oatbale. alMloa at
MaptatoB. oendwted by tba Be*.
Atbar Brown ta the bntfUful' new
cbsicb at Mapieloa. coododed Boaday
alibt. , Taateiday Btomlni.
yooai people ntade ibalr itrt comikn/tbe minion batog rery aaeeeatoal to rrery way.
The atteodanca at tba (wo watoa
aeitoLaa waa exeaUaat indeed, there
betog ^ay aon-Catbolles la the aadleaea. AspiMailoB box wa* a alglidy
featore and many gueatloas were aakI were ably Mswered by Pr.
Brown, tka gaeatlona sliowltie (be
deep lataml that wbe lakra la the
Tboae wbo were receired Into the
dwrcb yeatrrday were Haute Zoulek,
MaUtaw Zoolek. Harold Lardle. Flo^
ene« Holmaan. Ne*a JohnacMi. Poreet
Hade Bueken. Howard
Bacben. Balph Ooffeck.
Bt. Joaepfa’a cfaurrb at Uaptelim artll
be dedicated July U. Tbe rburcb Ik
not -yet all completed but eren now
la tbe daeai ooeain’ church to the
outa. tbe Interior daUh ail being
waaCbercd oak with a brauttiul altar.
Then ia a Urge baaemeai and tbe en­
tire biilldlBg la baatad by furnace. .

Caramany Which United two Well
rKnmpn Vaung people Perform
By Pathar ghaehan.


happy mple-betog Joba Oareua and
Htaa Ada Moore, botbiot tkla dtp.;
Tka ceremony took , ptooa at >:N
o'clock, (be ceremony bdag pert
od by Jwtlce George W. Cortla to tbe a aambar ofileBdi of tba
Mdr a* groom. Tbe noma
rary prattUy decenied la boM
tba oecaaioa, tba bridal ooople atoadtog nader an veb of aratgneai
twined «1Ui piak toaea. The bdda
taatefnlly gowaad la white mall,
carried britol roaen. Sbe wa
taadto by her MMar. Mra. Blebarda.
and tbe beet man vaa Braaat Oairton. brother of tba groom.
There were many beaoUfal weddtog
glftt. bat the one prUed noit highly
gold watch and ebala to
bride from ber anther.
Mm OiMa Waa Highly Car
ed by Kalainaaoe Pap
Tbr Kalamaxoo Oaielte c Prlday
"Th<- r.ciiai gtren tail ereolng at
tbe Noniuil by Hlu 8uuo Wood and
Ml» Ethel |.oralne Gtbbs wa> a moat
enlo.rabl.' aSair. UIm Wood played
all of ber numtieri -okceejlngly dlfflcult—front memory except the Chopto and jure maeh pkaaure by the in­
telligent Interpreiation of tbe nttmhere. She baa a light eymimihetle
touch and bv Acbalqur is Rood. HUs
Gibbs was In rery good voice, and
generously reaponded »lih two eo« to the bearty applause accordfd
Bbe baa a btgb aoprano or much
Kwreinena and a gympathetic ooahiy
wbich Is very desirable. Her Im>s(
nnmbeia. were the *'Walu Book' frum
Rom<N) ana Juliet, and particularly

The President

Dr. Hawley

Mlaa N-loU A. Bblacker. dangfaicr
Of Mr. and Mra. George Bblacker. ud
Leoaard M. Miller were uallet
Coanaaler>.mnk B. Jonae. Datralt. amrrlage Thursday arenlag at 7:10. Pro»idtoit of ‘ibe N. Y. Staff rvf
• ‘hyaiciaitoata
SnrKCooa. CobiOraat editor—8. D. Wniton». De- the ceremony being performed by the
■Jaed of Qannan, Bogliah nm!
Bar. J. J. Bbeeban, of the Immae
.fflericu Dtetora, PermaDooUy
Located at
Orwnd Sapido: Oaone A. BopU. Nw
ton. Mleb.; (third manbar tmdacid- youBg people. The bride was chan
S»6 C. F^nl St.
lig gowned to Otpeabagen blue wl
•ted will reader service to
Of m rotas cut Uratoee raeelrad
a corertog of white lace and carried
Ike sick
>11 aad- doba B. Mellaato. of Port bogitet of traxenella
Mtsa Irma
Rnren. ISt. Maior N. B. Boynton rraa Bblacker. alsiar ol the bride. i
to paai eonunaader at a aalary of bdde'a maid and abe was attired
While and carried while caraatioat.
Breeai Wtegand vaa b)-ri man.
After tbe ceremony, the wedding
UnHl July 1
party, about SO In ail. enjoyed a lunch­
Vou Deed not bring money u coo
eon at the bride's borne, the house be­
aullaUoa sad wdvlce ano free, tbe rich
ing rery prettily -decorated.
Both and j>oor atike are treated. All wbo
I. iptaiBLt PABBCD AWAV are .well kaowa yonog people with
call upon the docurni before (be shore
bail of frleada to with them happl- dale will receive consultation, exam­
aem. They will Ure at MS Second ination. advtoe aud surgical oper­
ation free of charge.
All that
Mad Boto to Pato Par NoaHy a Vaar.
la uked lo return is that every perAn Abaaito in the Head Be­
son treated wlU state lo their frlebdi
ing ilia caata,
tbe result obtained by tbelr new sys-



Truth €md

Hr. aad Mra. Cbarlaa FtebM. to «>
Baat Fitei airnto, died at u wtoaek
Satutey afiM a tbrae WaaMT fBama
to paanmonia TbU Is the mito «lilM
to Ika tamaaved paraata.

William Lpm% Awimai VHt -•» Teaia- ^vml'to iba WdMMarm to i
wrik at Ua aad are emtteW ta pmua
WUllam Love’s pet bear will be one Ingijr. U M not daiiMd that Syrup cf Fta
•ta EBxir to Sams is the only tenedy ef
to tbe attfMtkms at Mattoa latoad
tbla aammer. Jeaae Tallerday now banm valoe. bt» eu-to many temua
betog busy leamiag bow to feed and wta it fa tbe beM to pesM»I aad temTy
fa tbe tat that K ifranwa.
care for the anSamt
' avdeteM ud laiirrei tbe intevuto mgui
Vedaeatey tbe Q
D Manon Island i imi wbich it ecto withDol say tetoUtottag
IO:SO a. m.. tbe excankm being al'
teg bukei picnir. giving all an op-j tba quutity {fom time to tiaae.
portnaity to take ibeir dinner to tbe; ]( gfu p<a^tty aad uUnaOy ud
Utend and
I tte city I
truly u a hustiv% and tis compoagwt
farts an- known to aad apfwoved by
One bondred went lo the latend j
physiciso'. ai it fa tiee (ram al ebjeetiow
last algfei and about STS went to Buw
aide subetaneea. To get its beawBciat
era Harbor yetoerday afiemoon.
cflecu always puitoiaw tbe gHiaine♦
^’manulactun-Jby tbeffaUfonua PlgSyrup
1 Iki. ualj, and lur ole by ■■ Wdiug diugCi-a.
From Saturdw'a Recoed.
Mrs. p. a Bogart, of Malchel. rr-j'
1 Mra. John Danovan rclum
tamed home yoalt-rday after a hhort <
rtsll here
cd to their
e lo Bmtdrv ihia n
Mra. H. navis, to South Boardinaii. [‘“g '
who spent yeaterday in this city, r.Ur and Mra. W W. H. Bishop went
limed home lui night.
lo Fouch ibu morning.
Mia. sigrtd Johnson went to Grand . Mr. Ro«. iiuimra went to Cteef
Rated, jeaterday to friend..
- ,.Ue thlr naming to visit ber ,Uter
Margaret McOarvy and Blidle' fbt-' _
KVi. of Key.iunr. relumed home la.i
Mra, flruoe Hansliaw ud daughter :
relumed to their home la Reed t'lly I
yratenlay after a^'short ttoil her*-,
.htra, J. H. B’IIkod went to Itee-d
§|ty yerlerdiiy for a few days,
K. Olaxe. wbo bu. been serving on
the Jur>vretumi-d u> bis borne
Far tela by Jodnaaa Drag Co
Kingsley ye.ierday,
Ura.'Thuraa Hiller went lo Chart.Vflx ibk nioTOlog for a short vuit,
Alton Bennett returned to bis borne
in Nesaen city today after attending
the local High school tbe last year.


Cbocol8t(^ne U Beilthfiil
Food eiiuci^sagree that ehocolate
is line ci the most bealUiful
tmiriiloiu, articles of
fobd I.U
l-uown and
'f fted
ehi<viii:ie pics are taomli _ very
populur. Who can ImaglBe any
mure tempting or delicloua Uiao
nice large piece o‘f Cbocolaie pte?
Hard lo make ta tbe old way but <
if you use -OCR.PIB.- Cboco
flavor, and follof dlrecttotu on
Contains all ingredlt
Pvady for instaot u
At groorrs. 10
Order today.


CTATB OFMteSGAK. THM I«D« bate court ter tbe Ogty to
Gnad Traverae.
At a aeaatoa gt aaM <«ai% Md ah
tbe Probate Office ta the cliy to Ttaf*
erse cUy. la aaU eouaty. on tka SSfil
dar of Hay. A. D. Ifidd.
l>reseBt; Hon. Fted B. W^tr,
Judge of Probata.
la tbe mauer e- • . esuta to John
a Luritw. deceaaeA
Areund Lorlcr haring filad'la aaM
------- bU final accoimt u ai‘ ‘ '
- ■ a 1 eauie. ud
teaa tpatitlan
the anignaent ud testilbalion of tbe rtwidue »t said aatais.
It U urden-d. (hat tbe ttth day of
June. A 1). i»0k. at ten d'elodt to tba
forenoou. at uld Probata ofBea. ba
I and l« hereby appatoled lor
Mug and allowing aaU ac<»c
It is further ordered, that pteBe a»tlre thereof be. given by pubUcatioa
of a copy^tk^*^^8og>raa unr- •
aasive weAs prvttoaa^dkaU day
of heating. In the Gra£8-'-Ttaaaraw
Herald, a newspaper printed and ctrrulaied la sold rauty.
Judge of Ptteatf.
may »-June S-S-IC.



-TOBate -

. «t.«0

Grand Rapids
IS" Saginaw
Kate - - UM


riAOuruMwa A AB.B.

i f. JEKKH. Ateat

tay Scau treat to ; lawa
where be will work tbla aow

D BIBl-T O. P_ A

Train will leave TfAverse
City at GKIO'a. m. See posters
or>sli^ fIcieCEgeDta for pv*
B.F.MoeUtra«.P.A.JoneV. 16 ,


U J. Bpa^a. one of Nortbporl'i
awat blgkly raapaetad cmaaaa, died
l:IS Baaday algbt at Uw boam of
bk tatbat^aw. -Mated \*totoa.
•M But Pioat otraat. He wu
mra oM.
Hr. Bpaagla had keen a grant eoflarar hr Baatiy a year, an abcaaa to
hto kaad batog tba caaaa of tenth.
aoTaral alight ops
^aa, aad a abort IIbm ago want
Obioaio, wbm aaotbar oparaUoa was
paiformad. A weak ago. Wedanaday
ba rotoread to this dty. and hU
fiiagdt' gaea ap hope of hla reoovery.
aat la. and it
waa known that death wgg.
Taatarday hla obUdran. who i
atlU « Nortbport ware brougbt
tbla ’dty to aee tbdr tether before bis
lag. He learea four. Vella, aged
Id; Mead. l<: Watr. lA dad
L Ha is also anmrad by bit
wife, his mother. Mra Mary Philo, of
■ant. lad. a brnher, Aiea. alae
or that plaea, aad a Mater. > Mra.
Martha BgiHoito. of Pramout. Ohio.
Mr. aad Mra. 8|iaBgle were nalb
la Burriage IS yeara ago to tbla dty.
tbe brMe betag Mlaa Nettie ViatoB.
to Wltemaburg. Mr. Bpaagie bad
come to tbit city three years before
from BtMbea ewaty. lad. bu blrthK They harp raatded
loeality atoew that Ume. dgbt ywra
ago loeatiBg ai Norlhport, where he
waa ta the barber bnateeaa.
teber Of (be Haaoaa aad tbe K.
O. T. M.
Tba fuaeral aarrieet will be bdd
Wadaaaday morning ai 10 o'clock
tba home of Mr. llatoa aad tbe interBMBI will be to the WllUamsburg
oaatetery. by tbe aide of a eblM who
dtod It yeara aga.


Paaeafully Pell Asleep EaHy Sunday
Manting at the Hone ef Her
Brother, g. g. gurrmn.

'Lake Aon. Mich-. Jane IS—Mr*.
Jane M. Tburstotr. a pioneer of Ben­
da county and widow of ‘the
Myron E. Tboieton, probate Judge of:
county, peacefully pasgpd
away at 1S:S0 Sunday
paralyala betag tbe cause.
Mra. Tltoreton was 67 yeers old and
it yeara ago, the came lo Bemie
county. Pbr many yeara, abe and her
husband lived in Ptattc loanabip
malnlng there until Mr. Tkun-tun waa
ad probate Judge when they
moved to Frankfort, both being prom­
inent and baring boats of friends
fhrougbont the county. Mrs. TNirs.
Ion came to BenUe county from WuDo^n where sbe wu born.
''After tbe death of her buslund. Khe
Dame to Lake Ann making her borne
with ber brother. 8 8. Burnett, and
duftog ber two yeara' stay In the riP
Urk, ,all wbo knew her became ber
triaad.rN that her death wu tbe oceaatem'of teep aorrov^ particularly to
n BMouni of Its suddenihu
Friday. Mra. Thuraion suffered a
aiioke to paralysis ud gradually fall
ed ontJl Saturday erenlDg when she
Bank Into tbe Bleep from which there
Is no awakening.
Tbe fnneraJ service will be W<dm BNrblDg at 8:30 o'clock at the
borne of 8. 8 Burseu. tbe Rev. Mr.
Spear, of Lake Ann. omctetlng. The
body wUl be Uhen to Frankfort and
Id to rest beside ber bnyband.
fo addltton to 8 8 Baraeti. Mrs.
Tbaraioa ieares three other brotbera.
Burnett, to DePere. Wit.: T.^
Bomeit. of Green Day. Wii.; and L.
C. Buraeu. of Olaagow. Kansu, ud
oaa alator. Mra. Blbn Unklecter. of

Tba Bet. Oeorie B. l»rkbart «na Chartea BtanRaM. Who Haa Bet
Taking TrMtomrn to Naw York.
a at U* Otead TnrHat Improved Very btodiI obtob eon» aty
------ --------------------JHdn
% i. Mail, or ^tosiiay..
: otocaad nnerouty. Tba aatt nnattoi Iroii tor hit eyea atooa rebnmry IS.
ba.BoU to rntont CBy to Jaaa. bos
rotanwd to tka dty ewp BBOk
Inprofed. aad be hopea to a abort Pretty Waddtof Banday NlgM At the
to be M well aa ever.
Hama to Mra. Lettia Ricbaraa.
laid, wbo for tbreo yexn waa
iaatiaa Cartia omtoatinf.
Mtaiataa lco» Paiaiker. ~
on the Pere MargtNtie.
to tbta diy. WM
A pratty weddl^ook place Sunday





2iS?7^sr* tbwS*"^i,


aoa to road a oavapapar.



•am cur a«'I'mn* Cttr. Ami


sa ■" “ -

«ARET0N-M00R£ .

AM DIsaases to Men, Women and
Chlldran Treated.
By three trestmenla. many cured
wtih one. No knife, do pain,
no del rollon from biislneaa.
Dealoese and roaring oolae In tbe
head cured by an entire new system.
These DOerro^ are .killed apeclalisu
end will be fouud ready and wllltDg
extend the bud of help, bringing
bwck health sod happiness wherp now
exist flckneei and aorrow. A r]>ee1aJ
InvllatljD to uyone eofferlEg from
ISO pronounced •Incurable,
era not abai yonr dlaeue
be, come and be examined: If .
able they will treat you; If Incurable,
edrtse you. These doctors treat ev
ery variety of dUeake and deformity
holm. .
OFFICE HOUR*'. • e. m. to 8 p. m.


The long record Ihft ihU
brand of sobra lu. bad does
away with all guest work in
buying shoes Any style your
feet may' need.
Tbe good
brand toe kind for comfort or
tbe more dressy sbapea that
tba young, aaa like batter.



twar James

Means Shoes

$3.00 $3.50 ,

Otter a Special Economy event In
the retailing of




For Silk Dresses

For Silk Coats

Maoy DOW stylei In itrlpod Juaper
Suits that are $bowo oow for the
nrst flae.

Beautiful Princess
Gowns and Two
Piece Suits
01 plAiD Ud [uqr sum that are uswminoii in tabrtc ud flnlsh; tbit ire
workl m irt In style; vilnei up to
m you tniy cbooie Iron, it tbe men
cofl of tbe Silk.


The latest prodoct of the ieoOnR Coot
nakers bi pUio tod faecy striped,
fnu length, Knbhertsed SDk aod Sttfi
ODd SbAOtmR oDd Pongee Coots.
VolDOS op to $2$ for

Black Tatteia Coats
la “Mow Chap", “Botfertljr and Box
Coots; a smaO ossortaeot left Ina
last week’s Sale. iJM, $11, »ILSI
ood SIS values, the baluce tedooeht

One-ttilrd Off

Many Wool Suits at Halt Price
lidles' Tilliired Sdts moied ut tbe dow it “duble qnha” UU «uk, u tkt Un
uurtmeiit bu iiimwed Un to lUa M ud 31, b ben fiiiaiy due tbe
biUKe c( tbii esorUKit d lliiely bDered Sntti-tbe nalnlty ere balked uacbaU l«s tbu tbe loraer lellbif pilu.




«|ANO -TI|ltMMK.MCMUk-Tua«MV. MM -m'lm.'


Mn. Trau Ztedafc. Of BojM Ogr.
to to tews today.
¥r. aMl Mn. Artbsr Mia. who
hare baa tto fwiata of Or. Oraary.



CaidMatcs EotcriBg from
ich D^ict and ao intcrcst1^ fiacc Is Anticipated.




...i ,, ♦___ _ •

Clip >hd Fill Out the Voting Coupons Pub­
lished Dally and Send or Mail Them to
r tfceMerald and Record Office—Get In the
Bade A Onoe and Have Your FrleniB Vote
TheIrCoupons for You—It Will be Easy
te'WIn a Fine Trip to Niagara Falls.
- (.It to Uw ewtovt of cuy Uls0 to
mm thto «mum. CBIp the coaptma
^ appoar Mm, arrtto pmt mme
«r tkp MM ot aoM ftoaM IMMjr oa
Aw BMM glTlM Ow SUM Of U« orjl IliilUii, M raaMtog U Ototrtoi No.
a, Mtf wise or and It to tke UenUd

diatrtbalod ease as lo dlatrlrt No. 1.
A apaelal frawd-prlai far oaah diatrtet^a addlthw lo the prUeo aUre
proHded for tbero wlU be clreo to
tbe.peioDB.- Udy or poitlesMB. 1
lac the btobaot vote lo eaeb distrlcU
ooa estra Clip witfe berlb aad I9UJI0
for SM«U BOd Na nioaey.

The poreoas wtoalac tto extra tripa
la Uko tbelr wife, baebatid, moUier.
latbar. atour. brotber or tbalr aeal
sMM to vary putteator
vrtto to' UMr Ml sMrNa, staUM
Mto. vKlato^ rarto
May Sotar-ltolaa awd N
ToU tto toltot pshHa>oJ today
Do SM tot It CO to vmU.. roa irtU
OaodMaloa to Otetrlct No. 1
toM toook totter after tovta* toIpo4' ba aanbara ot a eburcb. lodga. choir.^tkto auli way. u.yoo tom bowl ehib. labor. Utorary or aoeUI orcao
.teUM et atnoitiic tto nw. to w Itetloa boldine BWIlDS* to Tnveraa
•t «M»: It to BM oaly tto
>« pnivaMy tto wly opportolty of
Caodldstea to Dtotrlet No. t are aot
tola ktod. that toll oyor «om
raqalrto to beloac to aoy orcaalaaTto towr of, rooolrtac toyal attp-,
ttoa. may be of sdtber aax. bat
•tort Irate you- filaoto to appiM-i
loaat Id yoara oM.
Mai by teoat poiwtea ovaa as mach.
No oteptoyo or
•r non. ttoa tto i
or an oBptoyc to Tto Breaiiic Roc^
Or Grand Trareraa Harald eaa be^bw cat to tto.
etodldate tor tto booon aa*
. torary aanber of ovary ooelaty to
WUi diaMeta aboold aoa ta U that ttotrapblea.
Tto vodas WlU to by baltoto clip­
daaarrtoc workar to cbalr
taa a
tto ml. ped fn>B both papen aad by roUnk
•abla prtoac awardad to tto vtonen
la the erairt of a tie batwoHi
Tto Maaa What Ttoy .Ara «to didatea for any of the priMa. ...
raiN of aneh wlU ba ataaUy dIrMad
Mtrtel Ho.
botweaa ttoM. or a IR^ of the
r^ win be ctraiy.^
aa to each.
^toD tto lady raeatrtoc tbo hlgbMt
earflSeata for etttor a lady
win ba ciTaa ooa rauad trip wilt
win to b.
tnacara ItoUa aad CV-M for


' teaalB.aM fto Boaay.
Tto way to tolp tbVn ta to tou
' tor Itote to Mt lot « atMto ballot
.«a to WBBte.
. irm ara toteraatod to ttoocatabt
ttotor for yoaroHf or tor a frtebd.
to tot tany wBlaniaad tto 000toM dto. Itoaaa oaB ap tto oaobwt
fmrnmr. vto wlU toUy orplaia sad

f mmtrn My a^ all aaHaUaoa j
i yto'
. Ta too caoUateaa ncolrloc tbr
' toctoat rote wui be
owe rooto
trip wUb bertt to NIacara FhlU end
. IMto tor Boala and (da antey.
totortat Ha. C..-AII tentteiy oetaWa of TrararM CRyr . .
' Tto tripa la thia diptrtat wm be anwtiBi ot rotes aa 1

5: ns:

On* Vdlafbr .




TM MM. Mm m om Tnm. H-UJ NUm F.H. .
■to tri|b aawtaat,
MIM m .Mr -nim.,. m »

. Olmm Irm DUirin ». t . r. .«
maUM, M »«K M w TMN old.

u Mo,, i

GenttemeB’s Ballot ■
2 KToawISr^

▼'•'"to* Harald Htofara Palla a

TWa bailat aoW adlor Tlwratoy. Mw » me.

■ f

*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ G^O
Btote rrldya towd.
Mrs. liC. Fbi. ot MabMeM. U
. tto itaat ot tor abtor. Ure. Mtoala
ftotoll. Of Ctot State atraal. Mn.
fto lortearty toad to thU city bol
too bead teahtoc tor borne at Maaee■toto tor aatea tlm. Her boahaad. la
IR tfaiBii at tto lueoabaa oaw
(•mum to TWada. Mm. rn atoa vt»-

to Wtotord.


Mn. Bomy Aadaraa antra yeatarday aftaraoa troM Bsthaay. Vpal
Va.. for a Ttalt with tor parata. Mr.
aad Mra. Walter N. Btocfni


■ tnm SapMadaty
attaad tto 1
eraatog o^tor dsaihter.
Mr. ato Bn. A i. Kaapp. of Tpoltoatl, aRtvod -yaaterday afterwooa for
a rtolt with tor BOO. a L Kmpp aad
Alva Careioa. of Orud SapUa. was
I this city, oa lintotei yeaterday
aad rauraad tease toat idckiMn. G. V. Soaoett ivuirwad to her
Mae to lateitooba toat algbt.
Mra. Steoraad ber aoa reteraed
tbelr teate da toterlochan toat alaht.
left for Lot
vllle, Keatocky. tost aifht where be
wUt apeod Ito aanner.
Tto RcT.'^ T. PartoeM aad
ooa, Will, aa^daasater, Mlee Lauret­
ta. wont la Aaa Arbor today.
N. r. Ulloy aad bis aepbew. Harry
Sarktil. weat 10 ibe Sao ibis uoratoff to aee the niece of tBe fo
sate. They will renato there
aboat tsro wrks.
Mr. aad Mn. J. H. Smith weal
Detreit thto noValap where they will
Mn. C. H. Hagar went lo South
Mrdnau thto wsMatoff i« vtolt her
Bn. O. T. PaUer ratarned to Reed
City this BMwatoff after altandliM
wadding of ber aoa, Bealaato Wiitey.
who was nailed to Mias KUa Sba'da,
June IC at North Valty.
Mn. -M. B. Tracy, of Moaor.
to Fife LAka thto noraihg to vlalt
bar aiiter.
R. HeOaaaM. ^ .Garden, who baa
bosw pen os aooowat of the daaU ot
John MeDoMld. ntarood lo hfa hban
today. He waa aoeonpaatod by hla
Biatpr. Mn. J. 0. flearlaHy, of Otodotoae.
Mny C. S. Rama^ went to Boyne
City thIa ntoralag to rUK Inr aliter.
Mn. U W. Caaffeld aad
Weaver, of Kingsley, who hare been
nttendtoff tto Old Beitlen meeting,
rwtaniod tone today.
Mn. Moral weat to Pomona
owrelag where ato will atog at
JTto Rev. A T. Pnguson went
Bear Lake aad Mantotee thia teamtog. He wUt go on to Ann Arbor to
aee hla eon. PVaaA graduate fromjhe
gr departnem of the Cntveraliy.
Both Prank and Mlaa LouretU
lake a poai graduate course this anm•r.
Prof. Horat went lo Lake Aon cwt -a
flahlng trip this mornlBg.
Mn.'L. W.-Lyona went tu luterlochra thto moraUg.
Mra. B. P. Luplow. who has beeo
vlaitlag k«r daughter. Mrs. Charles
Hull, returned lo Thomfwoijvlllr

' Mite AMO Uaubary. iteator of
jCtoaito antoat Oaatnl Ue laH
Mr. abd Mra. W. MaSasa. of ItoItoA M 4lto aartoas iv bar bme ctoa. Wto, TtoUed fTtewda to tto city
f to MMtoto. «to waa
today M note
they will apad three weeks rlslttos


5-.. .

Mr, Pteurtl and Mr Youai hare
the dtallBCIlow of aewurtox the laiwtl ptoktwel ao far ibh aeaaoo
Mta. Barbara Vlakonbll and sw
Prank drore to CwUr WodneatU.'

who is looklns for
that is cool and comfortabis
to wear these warm days
will be pleased with this an­
nouncement* We have re-ceivad more

Acetyllae gas ta brlnx tasianed 1
the Traverse Lake resort. It gli
cledr aad 1111111001 light and U a
dertul Unproveroenh** Mr. and N
Alklaaon are bus}- preparing
wring for 1
annual rush of sumater vlslio


be back ia the toaiiuprinj; of
nan’s onjanism. It quit kly cnlU
att<-ntion to trnuMe hv aebini;. It
tells, with other arint^nus such as
nervoasnew, headache, palm In the
loiiia, weigiit m the lower ]sm <>(
the tody, Uiat a vomao'a feminiue
In RUch cases the me sure ivinnlv
rhich apeedlly lemox-ea the caus
(tores UK feminine organisi
to a bealtig’. ooriBal-pondition Ls

Mrs. Will Y<mii5, of fi Cotumhia
Ave, Kocktond, Me., wi>-*:
■' I was troubled f»r a luug time with
dreadful backaches and a pain la mr
aide, and was miserable in c»
I doctored until I waa diaconn „. . .
tbonght I would aerer got wrll. I n
what Lydia E. PinUham s VegeU
Comnnuod had door for others t
dacii!^ to trr U ; after taking three
dUcs I can trolv tey that I aceer felt
well in my life."
MnLAngniUiuI^viLof lilastEarl,
Au, writes to Mrs. Rnkhura:
had very Aerer* barkaches. aad
presaiag-don-n palaa. I could not sleep,
sad hid ao appetite. Lydia K. Pinkbaia's Vegetable Pompoand cured roe

TheGMsat ffoeks.
oldfwt books, prnper. wee
rail shape, the roUs betag kept to
‘ oxte. Very aarteatly ibe ebauge
made from tbs roll to the toldsd
For thirty yean I.ydta K. I*inkform or botdt. the vellum, or pairb- haniV Vegetahle Onnipoitnii, nuda
■uent. being stiutod logetber. The from rexte and hcrl^ has been the
oat aarlent wrltlags of all were
ilafed 00 wood or eiooe. as amuug
IT Bgypttoaa or cochamtrred on
send brlrkB, ao with the AaayTlan*.->tkm, fibroid nimo.r*. irrc|nilariti«,
eriodio pains, barkarho, that tearug-doirn fwtuig, flatulencv. iitdige*.
e-sporattoM af OeM. •
s8,or nervous prtwtraUuD.
ru:‘^ nd It tea hern proved.
Ihmitf’i sa exlierlineDt extendiog o«ti,
ir .r-rp’. that when a CTittimn of
•5 l i oiinsrd lo iwat itpoo a i-oiiiiDU
C-1I! r r}fin diffusinn. or eesiioran' r • fiiri ieke« Hare, rfsu''tng
tb- .iFJUi;!; :; i- of traces at soM '
the tentl‘
1Vi«r:i »>-rre of hrat aol.mOVHeot
> iM-li el;ber of the meiab> It opHim
Ibe rtlfri-«l.«i of (be goM inlipt p.sre
BHite rapidly. The ie-i.;.'U.,v
ipar»W--» to opwanl Into I'le le;-.l.
As far aa H yet kuown ibe eraporw
Ikn of girid oretin noly In tie preoeara of aaotber nieinl


The Silk
Jumper Suit
which ta exactly like cut abowa here, to the
aoitire are BeUiag at oor Great Jnc
Sale loroMly ».7C. TUi Oh^ Juapar
Drens ia -made of good quality while and
black checked Looisiae, aeetly ret off with
black ttrapt and trimmed with piping, aoataclib brakl and buttoos; baa a Japai
aleeveeffjct: full flaring plaited ekirt with
wide ihlf (olda. Itt is ea
pretty a auit aa
you will 6od any­
where at |15;our
Jane Sale Price


Summer OressttH,^'^
More Waists,
More White Skirts
and Duck Suits

(P%at conccs«tona id -price.
Wedi'csday morDing we will
place OD bale


W^ «rfOobrrf saw Waist


WMte Skirts, worth $IA0

Wc Rave other Swell Style* iu Oepeohegeo. Brown. Navy end
BUek. worth SIS. at..........


fiff-lMCh Silk Coats made of a good quality
Black TaffetA (JaboraU-ly trimmed with emIrroidereil cape, cmbroiilered cuff* and erabroidi,‘nsl aruuod the
bottom: worth tl-S.
Oar Jane Sale price.


50c. 75c SI. SI.25. and SliO
Ov Bsy^ WasO sm al Me


I The June Sale is on In Full Force |

'alffd Rtalee gvrttnghwl array
ha* rrcmily tovute e rr|-.<rt dealing
• Ith ibe BDtom of ramke |•^eTentl<m.
la ablob It I* etmcludml lliat <-aa1
sbMilil be rappllrd tn rnmaee* to small
qnaatlllM aI fraoorai Imerval* an*
■honld all^ily ncraC
*K tbeMratral : amouDt required fav
.omliwatoa. Tto lemiweaturv (n il*
uraara atetel be euOcleBtl} high •«
Ignite tto gaae. glran off ftnm tb>
fneL aad boHer renon abouhl be mansgH by properly iralaed men.

Mr. and Xra. A. u Caaiptoll tore
ratarwad to ihelr bone to Drtitei. afHtovGe. te Varten Ttovrae
(ar apaodtoc a lew weeks with Mra.
la ffsealae Hart ns tobacra tbera to
CatepbaUh psraau, Mr. aad Mrs. T.
than : per rant of aleoHae.
J. Caru.
tnbewe-abMi C per e««l and
Mite noraMe Cams wm toare to- li nar OM Dtaiatoa prodiK-t a mtto
vx'fr 7 per crai. Ip tto Ulcr Gi
OROw soralac tar a two watoa’ rtoU wllh ratoClTte to Oatrolt aad drretoad.
Mra. T. A Ttoteaw. of S
has baa VMtlac tor Malar. Mra. W.
r. Bwwwb. « laiarioctoa. waa to the
Hiy thii totefMM M bar ratani

ynr mam •'mm 1
□t“ wu:
plTCO to tht*pa
M«1 to Ibe year £B(t aad tewfce c«l
Into opes iwbelltoa agalnn Beary III.
The king waa dedaied depoaed, - and
the goreyaneat wad rested lu the]
hands of Iwwoty-feor cooacllcas. with.
Btowo de lioBtfcrt at their head. To
He MowtfbR bsdoBff tto bower ef^
baring started what night be coUed
popular govaraaou la GrMt Rrliato.


$1.50 and$2
Men’s Hats


’t-so and S3 «
Men’s Hats |

A If

newest spring and summer
1908 styles In Tans, Browns. Blacks. Greys and Smokes.

Children. You'll find here one of tlte best
asyorimeni* in the eiiy at all prices.

From 10c £r«S^t*.o $6JO




MalM mmt Wnilitli ii «(Th«
iMmttf Ymmf
I «»W tr,
tni al
I «m »|r

tiwaor « t

I wW try to bt
MM to aatoytw^ «MI to
Mwy it»to| flito»
ir i «w toH to toytn« to *
«HM totoifc «
"Try. ‘H'

Ml« eiAIM MTU. Uitor.
r •> 1M.

Ftok Bto*. « Maar4nto«». * 1
toon'^tattoa, a MontorcIoiT«w toa Itot to Uspto>i atoto. <Bai««« roe told toe.,1 doM tktok tba
aaiPM »tra apeUad toto tUa «to. M
that doaaat to> to 4toL)
“Wall, 4U Ton ertor cHad i
aa; •tobe toM yo* atoni ikaw rto
*-Miaa Ktuto ChaiMr.
Ska aakad aa tonr | Ukad tt la (ba
COBB try. aad | atod. *OIl. nvUy mO *
~bto aba told toe to cooat ap
Owl joa UOak Uaple traa a e
Blag unit tori, mad bar Mm »aU
worth ooprlng? i^a daya are fan «<
«attoc tbUica.bMaotoaUina wa
(orgn to watch for tban. Toor praat'
dm ariaea yon would write to her
aboirt the -rialtora- you bare. Soppoee wa all try It for a week, aball
arar Make a Hat of the Blaaat ibhif
hare bappaBod to aa aaeh day,
aad tbto taU ,eaeh other aboal tbeoL
Ho^ good It did aaea to year praaMpat to gal aome totters from her
Snftlitoen thto wa^.Tbey ai« all
eoeh aloe lettara. too. from
Baraiec. Nera. Raaa. aad Mary. _
poatal 'alto cobm frqm Cbriatlaa
BlaekoB to Bouoaa Bay. aad a big
jpackage^ to Beaday aAooI papers
! from Mary Bagara. Bo It baa beoB a
BasaUBr weak Tor yoar .preaMeat^
•ad a eery ba«w oae.
mk RapMb, MU..
- Jaaa 1. IIM.

^ . tovvtalVMoM.
AT tetoan sat « MN to toy IH
toUk tor 4todi o’mM*

mtSS’« u-


I tboagbt I wotod joia tbd Banablae
aab. aad aae srbat ft was Uhe. WUl
yoa pleaae tell me wbat we bare
do. aad bow miu a pto onto? There
aia a lot to boye aad glria to tbli
WWB that are la It. aad I want to ba
to It. too. My aaaa u ttwla Haber,
aad, I •« *»•»« mm old.^dto
Briggs told me to jolD tt. and so 1
tboagbt. I woald. Win yon ptoaae
aead-me a pto. aad I wl)l pay POu. I
oaaaot thtok to aaytblag awra. Bop
tog to beer tram yoa oooa. I win say
oara traly.
Brwte Haber.
am erar ao ^ad that yoa wanted
to MU oar aab. aad bare writton
yoa about it.

aty. MU.. R. r. D. No. 1.
done 4. IMk
Dear Prcaldeat—
1 wfll try aad write yoe. I am
lUtle gtri Blae yean oM. t am to the
Coarib grade. My toatber^ aaae ft
brotbar aamM CUBord. He ftoaed the
Ctob Uea I did. I have tome lltUe Meada who wtab to foto the BaoQab. Tbeir aamea are Ootda
Mytoa. Opal Myen. aad HeU Bobeator. BMd the earda aiM battoaa to
me. ptaaaa I wUi ban to deae.
Youra tnily..
BernM* Bbertl.
It waa nice to get. a letter tram
yoa. and I hope yoa <r01 srrite again

^ ft- kMtofto^ ktodto tutor w toto

■ k» W Ml «««.,<». I

. ; .

-«“» C!H~

».n ■>.


acioM, tba


n 1«. IMS.
Haw mamban Jetatof Mbm toat ra-

sumnin aty. mu.
Jane 4. IML
Dear Pr^ectI win^rop B few Itoaa to you aa
have aome aamea I would Hke to
have pet aa the Cradle RaU. Here
they are: Bto Mae Wte. dewonh.
Qa.; Paari aad John
BbtMay. MU Jobs has baea alck
long time, bat to better
send the oardt to my a
I bava boea bartog the wbooptog
ooB^ for two waeks. Did yoa
base It? Mamma bad It when obe was
Blue girt. I bMK all the Bonatoe
Prom yoar triead.
Neva T^lor.
I aaat tba Cradle Boil cards to tbe
cbUdraa. Neva, and wrote that you
•d glTCB me tba aamea.

ttwta Habto. nmUpU. MU
4Mte Myara. Opal Myara. aad Rel«B Bebaator. Nomm OUy. MU R. r.
IL Ma. L Mamas Mat ta Barniee
TTavatoe 09. MU. B. F. D. No. X.
HBmI suier. *toTord Ztogler.
ione S. tPOe.
TMlam ProboR. 4^ranee Witkop.
Dear PraoMealBtodai; aU Uoyd HalaMoek.
. it I would write yoo a few
TnvmfM City, MU
ttoea. My papa cot bis arm bro
bat be to bettor bow. I base only two
brothers now. i had three bat one
of them died. Hb name was Beanie.
He has gone to bMven to be with
Jesns. We get eo loasoemt sritooal
him. ms cbslr ts empty at the table.
about aeswBty UtUe
•U a prot9 atory abott a woe gl cblcfcaaa aad I bUp bar feed them.
•ad bar "vtatton." Her mamma toa I wash the diabcB. and make the
beds, aad swesp the floor. I have _
her wrtttag erf bar sigu. aad aaM
"Oame. Ptmple. K to getttog too Uttr. and be raUs orar. tor bU dto' 3ato A you ta aaba ptotarab ea yoar Mr. My deg alu ap tor bto dlaaar. U
to bMaural today. My achool ft oat
atoto; U sriU hart yoar eyaa."
now. Pnpa to pautog to about twain
. Tm not maktog MUraa.
of potatoes aad aboat twraty
' am." saM the Jiuto girL
"I'm U'
■va nerea of com. Well, goodbye,
aoaatla' ap my vtsltora."
ar UtUe Boaaktoer.
Taar vlaUanI" oatd bar motbor
Rosa Busier,
la OMpriaa. T didn't know >oa had
‘ bad aay vHUara. Bring me yvft
toe aad to tonra of yoar
Uttla brotberia dMtb. Yoa wUI have
itota. aad tot me eee the tlsL'
Blmpte abaok back bar ablatog to be a rMl Banablner. and kelp
ehaar yoar pnpa and mamma.
. Uria «M taM bar ttttia atoto
, 'tolar on mamu'a basa. Than
TTaverM CMy. MU. R. F. a i«o. 7.
* asaotog UtUa amlls to bar bright
Jane X. lU
. «m ‘iroa't mamam be aVtaad'

Stototo was M)1« to banalt
received my card and hntton.and
AlMndiiU a Bambto Bee, a Hoa49 Itoe, a Mole, a CatonBltor. a Rob- I toonk you very much. They were
Ka Jeaaywoa.
veiT Bke and I was maeh pie

on the coed, aad I wOl try and obey
tbam,iarl aanfy «a« to ba a
ahteer. Tba flewon are very pretty
beta, and the Uvea are ao grraa. We
bava get a wtopbona to our k
Onr nnaAar la iMl. two loag
rtsM sad one abort rtoc. My p
a tomber, latb. and shtogle
at Keyatoae. We base a n^4
mill. We bate Used li
right moatba. I have food a great
btoofUrdnanu thleyenr. There
to'a robin's naat to a tree to
eebool ya^ There are not maay -glrtd
ir aebooL Tbe echotora are near,
ly an boys. Bare to a UiUe story I
tbtok tbe BnaaMnera woaM Uhe to
wd. Tbe aame of It to .
*T goess aoaMtbteg dreadfol to tbr
atter sritb Jack." said Dr. Umg one
morntog/as the family waa seated at
the braabfaat Ubie.
"U mam be
r terrtole disease. 1 advise toe
rest or yoa to slay away from Urn
yoa wUI enteb it"
■Wbyv wbat Is (be msiter with
hlmr tSby sll eaeUlaied.
"His hands are urnlng blaa. and
woaMBt sronder If It spraad aO
over him." aald the doctor.
Tbe tomily aU uadentood wbat be
then BMaat. nod as a laagb w«t
aroaad the UbIe Jack left tbe room

madam Brawn tong <
pasaad on to (be tbe fieucr Land,
bat Agnea niOl owna' the Bttto
bad «am. and oameUmM taUe to an­
other UtUe ABBM (hU wery a
whU is..en irne.—Dew Drape.
Aufrt Hlldato Jmrn Ban.
"Bbe's a meu Md tbtog!" dectorI Bento Bloirir, 'CenUT keep atlU
bat had to go aad trii tW eaebw who
hang her that Uttle dammy ama!
Twos Just a tobc. aaybow: How obe
•ad it oat ts mora'B 1
can nee. Bot woH pay bore bo^!
Bee If sre doat*
"What WUI we fl»r asked Cart.
"Ob. I've got the plans Ul mode!"
nodded Beanie mystorleoaly. "I've
tobacco box—yoa know
tobae«o-^t tt down to the
atore; aad It's sH covered with todtoas and ptetares aad tUngs. My!
tbe very sight of it will make her
eyee snap. 'And U thing thoee swtal.
boys should do such a totogV
ca| ses fast bow shell loc* when she
says IL" added Bennie, with s chock-

I Bsuto was
by AnM HUda's honac. two days Utar. on
way to srflnol. (he doer evened. <
Amt KDde harried down toe watt
M taet M hrt rhaomaUe Batoa wonld
snow carrying to her hand a ptou of
B. Crispy doaghaats.
laaato. Bnaalef Walt a
she eaOed. aa i
atepa. drtvea by a straagu. gnllty
fecltog within. "I'm bees wulttog two
days to toapk yoa tor aty aptondlJ
Jane bos. aad ! want you to have
Mae donghaats to make my toa^
MBi naere reaL"
"I-t—- begu Bsaale. bluahtog.
-Oh. I know yon kmg tt." Interrnptad Anat HOda. amUlng: "tor I
tooBd your name on fte newopaper
Bennie started gollUlr.
Tee, I dld!"Ani Hilda moat be dUerent-a
thought she was to make such a fuss
ever a box of turalps." tbou^t Ben­
nie to btmaeU. as he walked away.'
"Bui I'U never do unytotoc so menu
Anyhow, to anybody, agato." And be
kept hto-word.
And. days after, wkea bis skner
(old him her teem, be whispered
sotUy. -I'm BO glad. Itotso!''—Chrirttoa Bsglstar.

'3ai—wbat ere yoa goliig to do
A unis at e Tim*.
wlib the bos. DOW yoQ've got itr
Dr. JobaaoB eieeir mid: *tle who
asked Carl. tlUl & deep mystery.
watle to do a grmt deti at oaee. will
-tt^y. hang it for a Jane box of
do anrUdng.' Life to made op
coarae! Well flU It with teralps of Uttle thing*. It to but once to aaj
baada be Jaat dlpp^ the Up cad of sad iblags. aad pat oa top aa envel­ age that occasion to offered ter a
ope. bavtog toaldt of IL Tbe eompll- great deed. Ttm graatneas eoastott
Us flngtrs to the water.
That la the tray aome boys waab meata of toe tojnrad!' Atter we bang to bring great la tittle tolofs. Hev
welt ran behind Urn bouse, sad
tbcCr baada.
Tb« tike sraier to
railway* built? By one thovelfel
esrlm to. to bah tof and to drink, bat get a plaea where we can look to atter eaother; one ehovelfal at a
to baUe to. tbat'a a dlffemt Utiag. srhea she' anwrapa here bos. Yon Ubm. Thus drape make toe ocean.
Blaeartoy yoan.
know she never ppUs down her cor- Bence, we sbonld be wining to do a
talar. My! woaT It be fna!"
Mary CrandaO.
UtUe good at a Ume. sad never "wait
The UtUe atory Is aa caaniag ae
Bsriy that aftamoon tbe bos wu to do a grast deal at once." If we
prepared aad covered with a large would dp mnto good to tbe world we
la be. Did yon make It opr
newspaper, tightly tied about with a>
be wUkng to do good to UtUe
strong wrapping cord. Forrafe keep- things, little ecu one after aaotker:
The Little RoMbBd QuIlL
‘Tbere." aald Agnea. tytog a acrap tog Uli ereatog. they placed tt to the spesktog s word bare, givtog a tract
or a anil aroaad bar dollb beat bat.jcnto Ua to the abed.
there, and settlag a good example at
"Now, Marian, we're going abopptog.1 "They mneta't do It! They realty all tlBMe; we mast do Uie Aral good
to boy yoa a new draaa. See totor' mnstat, exclaUned Tclcn. Bennie’s tMag we can. aad toea the aesi. aad
She brid oat two silver threeoeat sister, as -she laid ber seodicwork on so keep oa dotog. This 4a tbs way to
Wbldi Dnele Ted had Jnsi toe Ubie to toe eoaey oltUag room.
f. Thus only s^l
given her. Morton's bine eyes cured T didn't ^meaa to overbear what we do oU the good to our power.-^
St (bem aad Agnea. harrying to ger they said, bot I eouMa'i help II Per- selected,
on bat. took toe doU by tbe hspu tor tbto time, tbontfi. (t'a bet­
band and suited.
ter that 1 did It was b« a blott to tbe drygoods
It was only a moment before Dm
y, china there are -many Inn*
stare; aad a yooag girl mme to wall mind was made np.
y eheltar for man and
» ASnea.
“if I can only unwrap it nad do .lt
^^ry Unto, and wttboat re­
"rd Uke to took al some pretty cnl-, ap again Ibey won't oospeel If. been* ,d to wbetber yoa are man or
Ico to make my doll a draas.'
touebed. Twm be alt rtgbL And-IAnimals beiongtog to the pack
mue girl aald. aetUag Marian upon,
abe declared slowly
*|,o drtre them sad aay
the oonatar.
o beroelf.
traveler «bo may chaace opoa me
“Wrtl. yon came at a very good
■f H»em
lie tons, lie flows—
time." toe clerk said, smlltog. "We're clock on the maatel.
.01 in pence—but In ccnfuslOB—1»
bavtog a aale of pttoU this week,
-The boys wont be back fdr over gethfr. The braying of ssse*. bellowand an toeae are only three
an boar and toacn give me pleaty of tog of oxen, bleating of camels and
yard." She potntod to a pUe of very ttme.aaores of esbansted maaktod all rise
pretty flowered aad dotted caUcoes.
Harrtedly she brough toe box together..^ Ameriraa trgvaier may
"nreo ceato!" aald Agaae. with from iu biding place, aad ost tt on indeed be toaakfal tost rallratda are
eyee ahtolng. "Why, ni have enough toe raand rad ubie to toe klteben. doing sway with pack trains, and
for two." Bbe laid down the three- it took but a momeat to remove toe that soon these gueer iBss wlU have
cent idccee. "I-U hare a Ught and
newspaper wrapper. Then with a no reaaoo for extotlng.
dark one. Won't that be Iflvelyr
knife she easily peeled off the aaH took a tong Ume to select those slghtly paper Irtim toe sides of tbe
Do flnaluc Hava CaraT ro dresses, bat Agnes Anally bought boxer, lesviag them fresh aad clean.
Snakes have no external ears.- bat
Into a bwket from the abed she
me yard of whiu. wKb ttoy pink
Inside tbe head toe ear tonra are
raaebnds eoattered over It. aad an­ basUly turard toe contents.
very crude. BEuikes "hear,' however,
other of dark bine, with
"Now for tbe rcAHIng!" sbr ex­
by feeling vibration of tonnd on their
Then, blddtog toe smUtog claimed with flcllght.
delicate scalp covering, and search­
Fresh poUtoes from a imd on a ing tor round vibrations by protrud­
clerk good-bye. she sUrted bappSly
boBMWard. •
stand nearby formed (be Arst l*>- ing tbe wonderfully sensitive Xongur,
Jnst ouuide.
which t* Ailed with thoBssnds of mi­
Otandma Brown ilmping atong witb
They'll- come ha'ndy." iboogbi Hel- croscopic nerves. Their’ sight to very
her eaae.
keen in dlstlngnlshing mortog ob­
-Aad besldrs. the weight of the jects—Raymond L, DItmars.
"Good mornliic. Grandma,"
box mnsU’t be ebaaged. If It should
“Morato'. desr." wee the reply. be. toey'd uoUce It.*
A Hot I
"Fine day. tots. I'm iryto' to get
A toat or frerh "rtlecd" bread.
'1 wish >00 d buy some glass eov
UtUe ewretse.
Finished all n
done up to white tissue paper and I ran make s faoibed with glass covnulU pieces ynsterday. anil 1 dunno dstotlly tied wito pink ribbon, was cri and i-nt en) over my bed." said
what ni do wKh myaeir how." Ste next placed to tbe box. alongside of 1 Harry to bis fsiher.Ai
Slgbed aad looked down at ber i^r it a Jar of delleloos raspberry Jam. 'cold Ujl nlKbl fcarThhn sars yns
bands, crippled with
“I know she Ukes plcklc*." wbUwith
aad able only to bold a needle and perad Helen. So she pui amoog the >r,y^
to "pleee- qallta
good things « doten salted cucum
Agnns walked sloniy atong bcnMe bers. 'wrapped in a eleas thougb
tbe.oM tody, very sIIcdl She knew worn napkin "Mother wont care if
Grandma Browa. for was I use U." she iboughl
she not her nest-door
Then there were dalnt.v packages
Grandma had a comfortable heme of cocoa, ten. coffee, sugar, a con of
niUi ber ann's tomily. and plenty
coadeased milk, and a boiil^ of Unieat and wsar. but ber graadctoldi
menL to which Helen attached t
were not tkoughtful. and often spoke card. "Pbr Aunt Hilda s rheumalism."
If so. it will interest you to
•_ to her.
There's Just room for one thing
know that it can be stopped
^JPoor Grandma:- Agnes tbou^L more." said Helen, ss she packed a
with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills;
■•Fm BO sorry for ber" ^id then pot of strained bonej. "Oh. I know."
and without any bad after­
embered toe parcel to
snd she harried. wUhoui saying more
effects, and this without dan­
baad. aad held It tigbtly.
to tbe gardeo acroos tbe road. IFben
ger of forminc a drug habit or
ftoandma Brawn's bslttog fou- she returned to toe Mtcbea. abe car­
having your stomach disar­
lepa were stow aad oaoertato.
ried ig her hand a bunch of delicate
ranged i try positively con­
they reached ber gate at tost. aad. white rosea.
tain Tw opium, morphine, co­
aa she aald good-by. Agnea slipped
ttie tied them with white ribbon,
caine. chloral, ether or chloro­
parcel Into tbe wrinkled on one end of which ahe wrote.
form in any form. Dr. Miles’
:-Wlto toe love of two Uttle friendo.Anti-Pain Pills relieve pain,
"Here ore some pieces
For Helen knew that tbe boya not on­
and leave only a sense of relief.
rnadma." she said. “i hope youll ly respected Anni Hilda, but loved
Tbe reason for this is explained
ke them." And tdf she raa.
her (00.
by tbe fact that beadacbe comes
Beveni days Uter Agace was pssiBefore Bennie ami Carl come whlsfrom tired, irritable, torbnlent.
tog the honse. when the beard tor Utog op toe walk, the box was safe­
ever-taxed brain nerves. AntiM tody calUag. aad saw to ber hand ly retoracd to Its biding place.
Pain Pills soothe and strength­
tbe pretuett Uttle nnUt Imagtoabie—
Bang! bang! bang! resoonded Ben­
en these nerves, thos removing
ell Mae aad white, with roeebodi nie’s knock toat eweotog eo Anal 181the cause. They are harmless
scattered ererywhere over IL end ex- dt’s floor, and. wfih a ecomper. toe
when taken as directed.
acty toe right sis* tor Marian's bed! boys raa to tbe tmtk side of toe Uttle
"W* urn Sr. MS**- SMI-PolB PfC*
It tor you. dear." OruJ- boose, where throagb toe kitchen
wss saytog. "aad
window they' could rommand the
yoa'U mtor asin’ it as wri ■
BMTumenie Of ttte Uttle woman tritoUB W * BOTVwtB tcmperwlBreL on*
the makto'. i never hhd prmuer ipleee np. aad It's a long
Siowly she oatiej the string wind­
Ume stoce I had any hot scraps. ing tt op os ohe did ao. and when she
I've had a Bice time ptonata' and took Off toe cover and saw the conmakto- }t aad 1 tkank yoe tor the. lenu of her Joae box. before loachtog a sto^ thtog. abe bowed ber
"Oh. Oraadme!- Agnes earialmed, band reverratir 'on tbe arm of ber
Be. MB**' AnU-Fat* PUI* M mU by
riapidBg her bem s with
deUgbL choir.
The Idea!" whtopervd Bennie to naIi5lii°J5r‘f^TS^ MM.
pretty Uttle «aI1t! Ob. thank yen.
MQca Medical Co.. EDdiart. Ind
thank roa. ever and ever eo mech!



n> iHmi «r stoM-j E«
im, aMm ImfV•.-.b-CS





For AllComeJobto Work
Herald and Record Co
Cnoolored J^mn pnrtMnkriy iMftnor tmS
exoeplioBal atrragth. If yon barn trenU* ffaMag •
tea that is to yoar liking try n Aunple po^af&a
one. Wewilftnkeoar efamraen on youeomteak.



Wlmt Ckrad Cooks UkeMonarcb l^«ad Floor.
This it meeiiDg vith tplpodid tucoen.
Eyerybody prooouocet it ezcdleot.
Have you tripd it? Ask your grocer
for B tmcl^ If yoo do oot find U to
you^ liking’cfllt ui up and tell yt arky
'you do not.'

Hannah & Lay Co.

Kill tbe Potah Bug
You caa keep tb<- trags off your poiatoea better aad wtlh loM labor
by iiriBg (he Rw-tM-xier New JliilU Comprassed Air Bprafor. with
■be -'KoBt Klog' nexxle tooii by aay othar way.

Tba. RDchsatar

sprayer will hm>o pay (ar lueir to Uma ud malarial Mvod.


Rochester niakia three dlSarent oprajrs. floa. eonraa and flat Isr
UloiH. ohraba. fruit trara aad ate.
Tba Rochewtor Is always ready for wnrit.
Come In and let ss show you bow It sprays.

Old Poslottice IMMIm

Head Ache




Sewing machine oil
Sweet on-For salads, rcca
atoshcb iNubla.

* .
d by

tte a bottle,

Rjat a roach Oil—Tbe beet boggy grease.
Eslondo UachiM Oil—Porall kinds of roaebinee.
Haroem Oil—Eaape the banMH new. Sane yoo temoe
SUEdaid Gaa Ecgine Oil—For gasoline eaginea, motor
beets and antoa.
Separator Oil —Specially made for oiling cream sepaatoffi.
Floor Oil—For preeerving tbe floor and (nmitwe.
Gaeoline—Alvjya «i top in our little red box cm the

Have yon ever tned the f'aiveraal Food and TefgetaUi
boppe -r
Alvaya handy bnt yon sbonld have it mere trbfle
inning fnit. Tte chopper has foot kinds of entten, ooa for
«etoble. oeefor meaL one for dry bienu.etc.,aad«Dfl for
grioding nntB.
We carry other canning aeceoaitiee eaoh at pea^ dippern,
nixing epooos. frnit cans and paraffine vex.




Dgh SdioolClftss’08—Orattens and nc^nres



my Omm W. Mraorl
noelMMaf UNaaOtMrM
ai« Mt togMkw'ftr ^ iMt Oa
(ho oraool cuMT et tho eUao. U Is
Mr p)OM to ooqi^ TertaOr tho foaOTBl mUtsOo •* tho eloBi lor tho IBtoroM vhidi koo twoR nioatfooto
thoa tr tho MoaOo of tbooalML l
hanvot aonr to do this ftdialy.
Words on 0109(7 had mooBtailioi
oa nA. oooaotooo, oad oapty. nooaumt thiw an hottn «booU| Wo
hoTo l>oeBtolfthstvoanBo« illac eat tats Ulo oad ant p
oar owaMUW- U thMa Is trao. than
oaik tadMdwa noaibor ot ^ duo
ohoald aako Us bnt aadoaror to dooonro tho klad ottanHoo vhkA has
bora bootomd 0900 hi*.

•y Alee M. Tnraer

oftra It k then who dm tho dnah
oot ojiHtado that ooBoraUkh tho
or (ho ngh o^ed 10
aot to tooA 00 ma lathi, oad 00
Uies. hat (ho tnlolag
aoddnd te
to propon oao iBr tho tetan Otraf
(U u mo. IB this vor tho otraaloo
of tho (ataro on a*do oador to tn»»lo vlCh. oad tho vor Is
hldbor peoolMUUsB. vldeb voaM
arvloo ban bora toe lor ovar to 0^
or TMlIsa. Tho rtadrat vho dooo (ho
Boot voile la oohbel Is tho awoea
vho vin do tto moot vorfc
oraod. aad that k tho psrora that
Iho vorld vaata. Tho
doralaadi how to %nrte oad who fol:0» to tho tlOM ei oar srodu
mat tho Blgh o«boo1 oar a«
kaov bev to vork
hs*% to 0 Biooma. bora <aldoi hr to tho boft of thoir abdBtr U th«r bad
aot had tho adfoataco o( a hl|^
OOlfaB, hW BOV It t 0*100 lor M to oAoQl tnlBlht. tor it k hon that tbo
doddo vhat tto aa . atof ohon bo. otadrat karea hov to oeaoeatrau hk
•eras vffl oraor od
aaorir Is tto lUht dhoethra
la thk var the toIw ot tho
tira and traialac vhlA tho aoBbato
or thk oUra hSTo }ost
tho TolM or tho old vMck
tho porrats aad (Hoads haro gtna
' had- lor that
toTBal thoata ao arattar hov voU
aot ahovtho groator
aa ohodol avtttnda. dn tho a
0 for thk ha^ vhira k ooob

naSr aBW*»m Iho neat totar; aad

Prkhds ot omr Ogh ochoel days, add. Ti-bra I -get big I am gsteg ta
wa ara gatbarra bere to ^d
tare- do thra and ao ~ Now baa oeaae the
Use Ira ra to loMUI the foeHafs _
ke awra teDy than the truth of theoe Mde t» ounelrea. Now k the time
The tuag that when wo mutt pat (ouadaUora andor
hath been. It k ^
ahall he; oar air c
Ihnd that which k dove. H k that
Bat It k B0( oorratrea atara who
which ahsOl be dra; aad Uterek no are to he considered thk ereUng.
new Uiing Oder the ran.’ To you tbe Oar High school coarae baa milBt
UIghtt. the muatc. Ik
moeb bard work, and sacrtlco tor ra.
eworekoa, tbe preoiwtatlon ot dlplo- bat H baa coat oar parents tfliUaly
'moo k all aa old atosy. Ontr to « greater eelt-sacriBce. U beteU ot «be
wb« arc here npra tbo atage k aay eUaa.Matghi 1 thank tbe saotbraaond
part ot the ereslngk program new. (atbers whoea
Valodletorlea hare hera wrtUra aad made poaalhlc aar edaeaUra; wbaae
deUrwed yrars before we were bora lore and ■ympath]' baa tided pa orra
and ein cooUnoe to be girra after tbr hard pUoM; and whose eraoat*
say nothing new to yei agement has more ihaa one* iBeed
toalghL-Aa Seboprabaner ramaihs u from the depths at deepradracy.
-LArerythIng baa been thought, ereryTo those etadents k special hoora
thing baa been done, ererythlag has doe who oUhout father aad BOthra
wrUtra. ererythlng
to cheer thsB ,|y thait;,pw|i perae?ra>
ance haro paid tbelr wily l^raiiblia(
But to us tonight ererrthlng Is the raUre tear, yoan tat, tbe fake ot
U aU botore bat many dirBoaitka. Tbrae k no ddoM
aoraL Wo bare
aa to thoir sBeocaa tat Ufa. Oracera
Top raw. toft to rtQht Mosofa Nra, «avk, RuMka, I
an air U expectancy. Wo art wsMag tag them cm any aay, net They
hliraHoa^ Mkoos oshonM, 1
koaU.- bat They wtlL*
tor wo know not what Only
And U) tho Bneben ako do 1 ow
troth a I
rera By watefaU approkatka et
oa. Gp to tbk luao wo haro bora thoir aores>lnlltng Intwoot and kM
earetroo. Wo haro aot known wbat coasidorattra. We owe s
real Ulo aeant. Bat bow wo sjo to unsaUra dwrottea.
ter oorralrra
wtanltke yorid bra e( Joy and hanl- togother aa a data. Many o( u va '
nera ot pain and aorttic. W# arc to ptebaMynorraaesoM another arate.
Bhip. and rich In ehnnolor. SeeBg dkd not ot dd age, but of
Uro oar ttrra to tbo brat at oar dbUl- Bat the Wradebipe which wo hara
U k tho parttr
the vanto .of joeng mra he founded broudit oa by trrannr and InjaMee;
ty nn that etato ot Die rate vUeb (ormad duHag Iho paat tear yoom
Uarara hnroUiu. tho toktaaeo of a an BsUtotlM known to tho vorid ae they (ell not upon the hetUefleld. hot
It sbaU plerae God to call on'
will nerer bo hrokra nnd forty yeran
tho pktr ot a (Uadatoao the Toeng Mrak Christian Ansoela- In Ume ot peace; not (or the lack o(
There k no ora ot oe here toUgtat banoo we win oooB as oar troaol
tbo BTBpathr of a Uao^ aad tho Uon. and vhleh lodnr thrice enelr> mao. hot (or '
who b telly Mikfled with hk Hl^ trirads tboos ot bar BMfa
BtBhholtT at tho Naaaroao, that oa- das tho gloho. Its eoope hss boeome Therefore, that kingdom which k
school coarae ^ ons ot os who dora MUogw days.
thoir uiBir- la tho oalroml OS broad as bnmaaltj, and Its reanlu endure tererer meet be eeUblkbed
not reel (hat If ho eoald but begin
After tonight vs araarate. rarab to
heart tt hamaidtr- Lon. tho as- are mskfeet in the npU laerease of upon tbe character of a noble peo­
anew be would do many Utngs dU- go OM way. aoBst anothra, o« oer
ot tho
r. A» laatUnUon which ple. end that chuweter mut embody
terwUy. We wUI alwnya look back tenracy throogh Ute. May wo ra
Mat. k tho laldlag star of oMUia- has does more ter the epboUdlng of and erampUfy tbo etenai prtadploa
to 0or High acbool days wltk Uraa- that vbra wo roaifa tho boondary bottoa. It U aot tho botraorr ol a Hor- moral and matertnl man than aar o( Him who spake aa neroi
are.. Bat as to tbe regrets we mrat tvow tte kaosra aad that rant onod. Iho hratalltr ot a Nero, aor the other elnglo orgaakatJon on the spake. And thus on the powor ot
*Tet tbe dead mut bury lU dead.* fcaovB, we can tratbteUy eey that
Uahaara of a Bobaarlorre:bottbo earth. Be who teoaded thk pdghtr rlgbteooraess aad on tho atrragth ol
There k a teturc iteead of na to we haro dooe our duty as wo raw ft
hnaaBltr ol a Ohitst. the foath
ualrersal brotherhood do|
wblcb w« must glre'* oerae thought To my ckssmatra 1 would say: Kay
or a Seoatea. aad the eeU-dealal «< maaklBd—hk ohnrra was the worid hope of any nation.
and more (ban that must we Uro la ths cloads in yora Urra bo neither 00
a Wookr that has bora the nrai
—hk creed ves kre-^e erer sooght
U the crumbing rdna
the piraeot-do oar doty each rac Urge nor ao biara os to ooBptotoly
to be hk brother's keeper-^
Athena, and1 Bono, magnlflceat U needing day as we aae it.
obacora the raa. bat (say tharo ba
herod that la order to hare maar
Thera ipnooaeotwwbodoranot jam oaoo^ of thaa to aaha a beaa- >
Pott aad povra. oiaeo Iho dava ot Meade <me most be n trtend. That tbelr rery deaokUoo apeak
here eosM pkas ter tbo teUre, hew- atuj aonoot*
hktorr, has bora tho and aad als od lore was greater (has hate, that ta and If we do net akhrtrapti
•Igas o( the tlmae, than It k
order to Uto aa Itel Bte oae mast
tlaUy tr«e that the Iteal maa b
Bity eubfoet to aneh ^nage. Bose
gaM vka vtth Ttrtaa T«l hg tho
Ideal tor ethaie.
vesr avoBt ot hk brov. aad tho fory thoagh a bwlnera maa. hk Ute was tat example in the eeome of drOl- of on -oxpoet to eater coUege thk!
hk rami. bUodlr aad ea- erer oratrolled br '^e golden rale taUoa. He k abadately nsciaeary. oemlng nntwBa oad to hare an added
gertr. thk naa of self has straggled end aot the rale of gold. That man 1s and without him there k no drUka- (our years ot acbool Uie to more telly [
prepare us for the dnUee ot real Ute.:
Hlmbed. aad faUoa ta Us mad, on- au George WlUlame.
Others of this elras ot IPM are planbated seal for merelr the pomp and
Among th« raiteoa
aigbleoosness esalteet e nation
nlng to Step out Into the buMaaaa
pkaoon ot a day, fhonch the east
and nations ere mede rlghteons unk tronUng the young men o( today k
world tomorrow U> prore by expertmakHtr hare rereled la sin and
br tbe chereeler of their men. Thet Uie problem ot graft and greed- Bold,
cDoe that wblcb In the last tour j
Boalltr; though the caooe ol wrong
eberaeter mui embodr the prlnd- deflaot. aod erer growing it stalks years they bare tea learalag la [
has seemtnglr prospered, ytt
pies of aUralim- Without the altnik- rampant orer thk naUon. As an out­
tread ot cinusatloa has been onvard
tlc spirit true gorerament k impoesl- come of greed and graft we hare our
aad upward. It win e»or be 00. Browhere
Laws ere made oalr when men sweet boose abraes.
castles la the air. your work need not
latlon k tho dlrlao pka. had vbrT
beeome wUUng to reeognke' their mu- slaughter of ebndm goes oa om
be lost; teat k where they abould
ta OTOTT epoch there has been bora
toal obUgathm. end plaee the 00m- Ingly; Uie sodal art] which Hrak be;uow put toundatloae nader tbem.vte has tlYod not tor himthe
and tbe
good ehore Indiddoal selAetaIn one eenae we bar* beu kylag
oHf bat for othora, Btsoslng thne
Ther are'the formal sute-' permeaUon ot'^graft In our rariooa
that oareod him; forgMng those that
tec past (our yeare.
I of tho rale hr which men' pubic ofSeet where men are swayed
hated him: aad ntandng good (or
by the gliucr of gold, and tbe (ear We hare been gaining teat wbkh k
agree to ho gDraraed; the
tee beet stera la trade that a penoa
era la a alapk. hamblo war. he has
Of kv vrlUa In tbe tongne of ex ot the TnUreete."
can bare. Bet In another tense tt
plared hk UOlo part. -snSertag the
pertraee epon tbe hearts of the peo­
has beep a parted of air oaMle build­
oUags and arrova ot ontragoono torple. Hence their nature meet depend
teae^" and the vhlps aad
ing. Like emaU ehUdren we hare
krtnclpk B. L. Nya.
upon the character of the men who Bcnpalous poUUcian who. errasee the
tlao, knowing the losntahle fate of
made them.
Und ot bis amhltloo upon e pontoon
Bartrr aad relbmor. Bk eoetom
porarks hare caUed him tool, (anal-, Ancleat Nlncrah and Babrton witb bridge made ot downtrodden feUow
la aad hraetle; poetarlix calk him Its banging gardens ot ertlflekl splcn dUsens; not he who erects hU
hkaaed, and tMUratteB calk him the dor. kelng ihetr moraUtr, fell sad be­ throne upon a pile of gold nnjuUy
came mere relics of tbe past. Great wrung from bands made hard wlUt
Ideal man.
______________ '
Borne giren to senooalltr was uon bouesl toll. Bat he who truly lores
Bora la a poor peaaaaP'SSR nembwed with Ntnerah end Bebr- hk fellow men and battlea tor ths
reared ta aerrUe porertr. and kaov- lon. And tbna do vc tec that human welfare ot right and equity. When
tag the httkr pangs ot wnnt nnd character k the poke ot a nation. the twilight ot Ume shall hare faded
wna oao whooe caeeo wns tho The nsttonsl poke baa grown weak. into the dawn ot etertety; wba the
or hemanltr. Thk mnn eertod NaUons bare waxed eeUkb end Im omnkdent Rrwarder of men ahall inhr hereditr
Ity aad
eariranmeat climb- moral and the world has become
ibe 00 Uie eternal roll of honor
ed akwtr and paltttiillr Ufa’s ragged ■Urat grarerard. Beneath the aecni
the names ot those who lore thdr
Nellie Thaekec.
Pusrl Wilhelm.
Dortohy Iratoo.
path. Ndther fate aor terteno smOod dated dut ot centurta, slumber fellow men; thca high 00 that ete^
upon him. got
roll in letters ot Immortal light
dues aad drllUaUoa. Uajeetlc colTeraaco and oonetaner ho achkrod
snd mlghtj prramlds stand as
SDoeootin Iktreeotcaa. Ro became BMlaocbolr moaumrats ot (alien em- championed tbe cause of character
Hch In nateetal wealth, itch la Mead- ptrra. And wbr hare ihej gone* Tber aod pkred the part of the Ideal


The Power ol the Ural Mu



$ it
Harold Jshrue.

Head RMra.
, Jeeephtoe Melrefeen.

IMv Orarara.

Charles CIciiient.
Pen fainphran.



. NkMB Kotaoei BotoftoV Jobmm, tmmoo.



AU agra ^ latt
tha aolotary oMoet of a agUa woI'e inloaaca. aad wo hoTo only to
taro oTor the pagn at himary to
atady tha oiampH of tacBa of OwUle. tha mother oad bbimMIbi of tto '
aolBUy Ktag Loom. Whn Sralk had
•raHrad bar of a haoha^ oml ImWa
of a fathar, aha Ml the ryoaMhlllty
n«tlng apaa hor; hat aho k^ bar
doty, aad Proaea had mm fw
whdSlo thaak bar. Old tho aalarad
o«da mack u bar lo ton
*Tbe aphera of tho raalatty of
woaaa to la tha homo MMa aad to
thla aha rHgaa m a goon TP bar
tha care of tho fatara-^
aad aock ymag I
la ptooad la hw haada to ha raoWad
for tha gliBrT of Ba Craater aad tha
good of iBiahlal
«oattaauy oecopdod to
aotora oad diapotototo of oaiS poaag
aool. ^ u rkBBrtag toe haat mathgiMa hto thoagfeto aad aMattoaa toward oB that to lefty aad
graat. Thoa aka oaohat home btoght
oad happy by her gMa toBaraw^ totaatog aaw Oto aad coaraca tota the
hoarta of theoa oeaBaad to hw ean
-Maa haa todood. pmlorwed woadorfol foata; h« hu mado maay oad
tor tha pctofttf
of troadom; ha hoa tfflad tho oeO thal.
It might pcedooo (he Cratto of tho*
: be mm -hawa hto way thraagb
ptooao appanst^ ItopraatTibK aad
(hrawa hridSM aeroao bodlaa of wa

P«*enua« tt diplOW-Bapt H.
T. BlodfKt.
BtlirtIcUo*—Tb« Brr. E. H. V*U
TIm iBienat wma tatam aa tha U
7oae« BM and «aM
tlu Biato BBd aaeandad Ute atB««
■iBSlac tka craat TaBakanaar aalaeOoa.
Tbe axMraaa. *Tka OoU Mlae With'
iB." hr tka Boa. Tboa. T. BytMa waa
of azoeticnt theaght aad
gradaatea vara laaptiad ht hto
laraaGoi. Tha Kone waa aa ia^
•Ira ooa whea tha yooaj
■tood batora their paroota. Maada.
taacheia aad tha board 0* odacaBoa'
pnoaoM «Uh their
by thlr
rbowtag that they had iiwmifnnj
complaiad tear yean of hard work.
Credit U dna Mr. ood Mre. Otto,
owora tor thair aaoanrat moHe. the
•onga oad chorna, tha
oad Prlak. tba mala qoartat who tantohad oareral eHacOoBB. Tha
by Mtoa BUMyo Abbott, wbo appoaiv
ad OB both tha
program ware atoo miA aaNffoC
Mlaa Abbott
Forty CompleUd Thot Courao—K< aopraao Totoa tmdar parfoet ooatnL
Tba tramboae duet waa friilj ptatowadin tndton Bey, Ooorga Madillfoat aSort Oaorga
aa was the duet, "Aftor tha Tray.* traOktoaa tonat. bat aha hpa doM
mogena. OoHvarad Ban Hr
fortnaa, aad today they are 'the lead­
by Maaara. Banka and Fowm
My man TP bar haa ben gtrCloaa OraCHo.
ing dtlieai In xba aamo towa where
Tbe exeretoea will coadadt tagt^i
Harray U worldiig aa a day laboiwr.
■k Bapida. MlcC Jaaa 11.—Three with (be ol
r oearaga toto tha haarta at
*Whao Karray walka dowa the dmea the opera hoona hu bean pocB■treat, thoae who kMw him paaa to ad w tha limit. Tha aehoola hare
the other aide aa they kaow ha will coma haCora tba pa^e of Blit Bap­
*'Wkat a i
wlah to barrow from theai. aad
ida aad they bare ptoTea their lata^
Orarge wiahed to borrow meoey. aO
by lUtenlnc to erery Una of the
toft Mtotha ponoa of tbe mother of
the banka In the atate ai« opa to
How gnat ma
bim bacaoaa they know bo ia re­
SM waa tho tads
grade gradaaUoD oocnrred and from
Wo hOTO h«t to
A Woman.
tbe Uma of the
of Vatarte. tho
Profamr Jooea loM of a youg the ciBSf prealdeai. Ray Vernier, that
teoihsr of Cartolaaos. and Ooraalto, '
lady who waa born oo a farm near opened as Itoa an eighth grade pro­
nwtbar of OranrW. wto wffl both tar
MUwaakoa. Mlaa May Wright, who gram at eoald be wlabad. the ctoaa
ptoh ah asamiito ttet asy Chrtodtoa
•orkad bar way throogh Braaaton won Uarals (or thamaalTaa and for
toothar tolgbt woU teltow.
collage and eaplorod all tha ptlaw their teacher. Mtoa Alexander. Vary
It the mwm of womb ww .m
offered by tha InaUtottoa lo tha da- few of tha proad yoang people
Ml had aahaowtedgad oras SMf
partmant of modara Uagnagaa. Bba whom Bapl. H. T. Blodgett praaast
I maam Mw rapes raaptv
waa one of tha faculty of the ladlaa- dlpIOQiaa will ba mlutog from t
ho (hat graUo toSaasea toaeo
•polU HUb aebool at the Uma tha High pchool wbao the
the ooralac of W Lori wbo by Hto
•paakar bagu hli year there. At the

Claas Roll.
ratoad a TlrglB to g plaeo abera
end ol the year aba aUrted a piirale
Tbe clam roll to as followa: Holley
aagato aad rara. Tea. aoTar amn te
claaalc adiool for glrU to Indian' WIlaoB. Arthur Elman. Irma WIUtba world baas la saod of tho traa
apolU, whkdt baa roDoded out iu tama. Ray McEacberon. Charles Oram- •<Wlteh of SrmaMa HoHatA”
I. thaa M tho praam ttom, b
Ooartar oentary. She la now Hn. mel. Albert Brldl. Morris Martinson.
Wall olTon by tha Stomal. I
this ora ago of ptegroap 9mm and
May Wright Bewail. Ia iggg
Evelyn TbocapaoD. Ruth Hawley. Mar­
Vartatoo Parte of tha Orams
fOBBded tha Ihtarnatkmal OonaeU ol garet Bruce. Agnes Moran, DotUe
Being Ably Mawdlad.
t'oman. wMeb mow nambera ____ n'atooB. Shirley SeboHr, Ethel Kram­
tha worfea of laBgtoi adaeaMn
than (.OOO.OOO tn memborahip, aad la er. Athnr Johnaon. Albert Andenon.
oompoaed of the moat iatalleetnal wo- Beosie Martin. Buale Brtgra. Uira
and clkartty (rare oeaght aM Talwd
la the wortd.
WocMl, Verna Kasnady. Blanche Cou­ Praocto achool ware htod Taaaday thaa to (Ma tho Brat daoMa of tha
raoalr Uma lu praeldeni, and a tew turier, Sale Jenney, Mtella Alpern.
lath oratary. Aad (M Saraaaf .
Btomqnlst. Ruby Robinson, lent program hartag
apaodlag ooa- yeara ago while at a bi-annual meet­ Ttua
ing In Berlin, when ahe wai praoldeBi. Julius Kohler, Verna Mackey. Clara by tha atodaata. Tba
third of a cratory to e
a TioBa aolo, Briadtol (SlIt
Ibe Amartaa eebooU. Prwar
ard) by Mtoa IBM MoMoAoaarapratod
bare had the uUataeaoo of apaodlag gataa from all orer tha world, at not •on. Bra Parks. Ray Vernier. Cora
Ladle OrlfliB. BUubeUi 00 tka pUao by Mtoa M.
a third of B coatary la Utraa pUcea. one aeadon did aha aear hare to aak Canon.
Johnson. Ouy
Nelson tel. Mtoa Mofato to
Toal^t we hare • mao with ua who for an-inlerpreter. 8be was auch
Smith. Isorla Palrboaks, Lulu Katoer. tog to atacotlca. and tha aoto waa
tpaat M yearn la iBdlaaapolU. jTt maater of modern langnagra a
well raaderad.
of thaae aa a
ganior Claaa.
daat of ihe'io oeadMl no Interpreter. Tat atka atood
This was followed by a draam to
On Thnradsy morning at lo o'clock.
Ha apeot aararal beat (n Ufa
gradons boatess, and tor resn bss Che •Moaiac Overture.- by the Elk four acts. eotUlad. Tba Witch of aboold ba (ratoad to aU that MkM
years at Cleraland. aad to
lad tha aoctol life of IndlBnapotto.''
booored praatdant of oar stal
the day tor Bramble Hollow." Tba laadtog parts
traa aad parfoet woraaa. aamotaken by Mtoa Margam Haw­ 1), ealtare, raSaoraeat aodaofy. raWeraad At Hama.
mal collage, who will apeak opoo
tbe senior claas graduattog from tbe
wra glTon of
High school. The most taking parlor kins and Lady Bmaltoe HardgraTa; Ugtea.
"Soma Toaag People I HoTa Kaowa."
young man who. although obliged to play. "A Cam of Suspenalon,'- was
wltfS, Maortne. by Mtoa N. Mc««« to appraetoto tha Ml Im­
Oraatod Claaa.
laara High aebool owing to i
given by the following lO membens of Oairy, Loaottoa de Moraoey, a IHtla
In greaUng the gradoaUng eUaa of
TeralHet of his father, kept ap I
tha claaa:
Arthur Wood, Ernest gypay dancer, by Mtoa Hag
IMM. ProfeaBor Jonaa aaid: "! di
sindlM ai borne until be was able
and Slater Idirabshis.
Schuler. Ray Cooper. Almoud ConU an honor aad ooont tt a plraaare
ho property odneptod. bM 11 to tba
eiitar tbe nnlTeralty after • year
of the academy of IRUa Sia. prPMtoPi pat tba teseifB] kacwliln
tarlar, Raby Dow. UiU RusmII. BU>el,
thBt 1 am permitted to apeak a taw
preparatory work, and within tour; Stafford. Anaa Hulroooey and Lueala Marie, portrayed by Mtoa R BUi
which they paad. Wa aboold bit Sad
words to yon are yon recatra from
years from that Uma waa proteoaori Ehle.
Uule Mlaa Holmes who daaead Mr
mthar-s band the arldancaa of your
of the chair of nkfltob llUratnra. wu
At tbe coaduslon of the play, the
Uuougb tba drama aa a podU
Tueearafnl work to tha «gh aebool.
later for eight yean profaoaor of that followlag claaa day rxeretoas
little gypsy girl. Showed eaaaManhta
"Tbia to no ordinary
who Iowan herratf by gdag oat
talent to axpreaslon, and fMto woh of bra appotoad apbara to oraami
yon. Thla «ranlag tha door of Ufe rhair In Stanford unlraralty. aad at- flran;
throa yean’ study aad trarol to
Iraee by bar ManMag por­
swings open before yoo and throogh
role for wUeb God aarra (ataadad
Boropa returaed u> taka ap p
trayal of the part. Tha popdto of tba her. She who glTaa toe care of bar
Ibis open door roar fatara to arched
Hattorm lectaraa: Bdward Howard
. academy were tha MImm L Mattea, home and e^raa to •arraata that
wtib «ha bow of pramlae. Tear adoOrlggo, for that waa the yooag a
Haellmantal. g. Brewa.' 8. Bltoky, she may enjoy bram at a clnbW
eatioo rooHrad la tha alameocaiy aad
name. reealT«d tW.OOO tar hto
Wieiler. M. LaFiyetla. N. Slater. sbtoe to aodaty. eommlta a erima
In the High octoHl of tbto dty abatt
Daeba. K. Boyd. N. Mobte. M. Gra- ibat raadara her nawortky to bear
tBTa dona Ito baM wnrk whan It has taroA and •They ware worth i
thaa that to tha peopH of tba <
tomay. Tha Joranlla Coon Sy»- am. P. Oortto. U Moblo. K. Sebaal that moM andeartne UUa 'Mofhra.'
lacreaaad yoor powar, le think dearly,
ete"—M. Myra.
der. U. Holla. ± Oyar aad C. Gibba.
11 to toe aaerM dreto of toa boraa
Ha inM of a pathetic .iBaUaee
Ctoaa htstovy—Grace Campbell
Tbe gypatoa who earapod to thi that womaa 1s wmm aM thrtao m
ly. aaptoo noMy. tore daTotadly, hate
where a boy whoaa tathar had dtod
hood of the ooBTsat were ai dUtas tha power. awiatiMi Md too*
iBtanady. aM perform yoor 4Bttas of
la a boBtttal ter tba Imbm
follows; Mtoa K Bowaa aa Zerelda. which UR to diTlaa *»“-gr
trnat choortolly.
»1^ had beaa ahat bnrgtoitoUtos R ColMB as Mmaralda. Mtoa
whathar It ba toiQ-Boraeadc Ufa. tom
-Lac oa hope that too-dra to Mt
tog a hoora had bate broogbt to Mm
tba oonattag boooe or tho
by hto mother srM aeoU not heap tha
thaea gaallttoa aad power wtn ha Mt
SUITS to wto toa otagtora of 'A Itoatoy to a^eol hocaara if hto fiaOtoM
lor good.
fo! Wotoaar A trwa wombI
oneaUr goUteg into Sghto with oChar
Mlaa Margaret Etawktos tha oaly we may look tar happy bomaa;
*1 am na bora to proocB to yoo. bora. After mnek dMloMly tba pro. gradmua thla year tram tba Uth bright kraatdaa. htoratopi acattacod
rt m ton yoa
fmaor oaeorap tha aMy from tha hay
grade, gave tba Tpledletary. her
far and wMa. afl dra to tha Mesaad
ol yooag paopto I bora Iraowo and that tha other baya twMail him of Ms
Jeci btoag Tba Traa Woman." Tha laffoanee of (ha Traa Wooma.
to Nto
tomlly dtograea. and made hto Uto
. wha had the loilowtog to tba paper la toU:
-And. now. dear OBrajmahmA tal­
watdMd and (eitewad with gnat toarabto. Ha waa SaaOy yon
boaar of SaMooeteg tha eton craUoa.
Tha Tiwa Wsms.
low traTstoca oa toa hrigM patoway
larM oalti thla day. One wM apaaks
» Toura to High ichoM
to aa iPdMm boy whom heraa to to
"Maa haa baaa atylad tha lord of Of Chdactoa adraattap. opiy om
to tMa nmMtaeant aood to apt to ba
iittotoght Krwadto ii i ereattoa 1
totog to Of Mpratopoo to n. Met ora
charged wtik grawtag aM.“
• gy iMaikahlj wML LeMr ba anBapMs anf ha walked
IHInraai. aat too raaRttado of btl^
torad tha oMToralty and
to and too too graatar pan at the
waa made to ba hopoa toot wo oMratalB hot toto oMy.
Pipfwrar imm daetorad that tha tram tha aagtoaertog das______ ___ Utoo. ha dMat mtoa a Magla day
tbalr rator. FOrthra that
toatwahotraatothotoMOMrocMpatortraha woMdMH wooMheofeocli CatpaH oal.eitou. Ba boBt tha trot
ram tota oaea la tba teor gtraa Mm as a helpmate wMeh alpto (Ra daiP tMt bar* aow focarra
to eharactaf that tha eoa- trolley
railroad aystam to Sooth
that ba atteaded the BR Bapida alS« pot aa tofertor, hot aa o«i^
iRad iPto too potolraa ohpra of
tmtthay woold draw wooU prara aa|AMcn and -to bow
y BMh school aad toe yoang maa da- I
> Adam aad Wm oaraa rtmtr. to Jhdi ora SHi oraMsttoP
asaen la tbamaHraa, aod ha'that ayaum.
to praat prataa for aot oaly hto I
I toe eraatlTa haad of Ood tot toa taator of om to tte atom
yratottagaamcTafay------ I a haaoUM ograWy



m. brothora aad etotara aad trlonda,
whoaa proud, happy taoao raSoctod
tha }or they fell aa thla ooa
Ol tha pUUona won al«> aaatad
Prat L a OUbart aad Prat U I
Araoa. or tha State Normal cHlaga.
The program opaiad with a rang.
*tlh. Phr tha Wlaga of a Oora.”
•RAOUATION CXBMCtMW HBtD whleh waa aoag by a choraa. i
iho dlraetor of tUaa MeNaaea. Thla
waa Tory aicaly roadaod. aad ahowed
thoroogb drillag by the taotraeu
PoIlowlBg the tayoraUoi by
Rar. J. Allaa Caaby, B. Toraay Logg.
acoompaalad by Mlaa Myrtle Htllar.
OOMNJTtO OOUMI IN tjOGAt. aaog *Tba Awakaelag of Bprlag.'
(Taroaa M Rlggo) wideh waa at
wHl Toeolrad that Mr. Lagg waa obUgod to roeptmd. alaglag ‘’Ooodby
Bwaot Day." by KaU ^aaa.
Daaa Hobart, of tha atdoaoa depart
ionaa «r tha yptUwVi NotmI.
raaat. thao gaaa the aalatatorr. Mr.
of VoiiH ^
Hobarth daBrary waa Tory r^-try
pta Ho Had Kaowo.
hU addtooa hotag roealTad with moeb
Oa» a eahopr of rod aad white,
Ctoaa oratiasi.
tto Otaaa colon. H noag poopla.
•rataatoa of olaaa )M«. Trararw
Mr. Hobart waa toUowod by L. D
aw a«h whool. *•»
»“»« Caatla. of tbe literary department,
w ontlod aa tha cmtahi rooa. pro- who gaa* the elaaa addroaa. ■'The
—ttpg thOM to rtaw of tha aodMace Power of the Ideal
nwodor at tha aur opera hooaa. CMUa'a thoa^ waa ooachad
fw dalatr whUa droaaaa of tha odiaat Bogltoh and bla doUTtry was
lOMC ladHo aad aaart btaeh aotta oaedHat todaod,
Mtoa ABea Tiratr, of tha Utaniy
•f the peoag ana proaeatad-a otitthig Manaat. Tha ataga waa taatofoDowed with tha rato
Mlylboeontod with palou aad the dictory. Mlaa TimarP torowdl waa
oWh OOloM. while tbe fooUlghta jaera well raeotrad. her dallTory hafag good
horOrod wRh a row of fataa. Tha aad hra addrasa waa ectgtoal
dolor Mn waa al» canHd oot la
. Iho iBcaadeaeoat Ughla. whhh wore
m Ln McMaaaa than gare
ditoraata rod aad wWu.
Toenl oolo. "BkmKim LaM" raapoMProB tha.cootar of the aadliortaB g to aa anebn
wofo haag (aatoaoi ol blaah aad pHMlaa McMaaaa haa Mt only
Jew taaUag. the High adhoM ooloia. aweat. powarfai aopraBOTaleo.bntthat
tho H«gto aad boM hotag draped
wKh tho aoM. Tho worh of doeora- OTidanrad by i
tioa wao dOM hp (ha Jaaiora. who landarod her.
«aplarad taara aad lagraHly la thla
Mh aaotM to ihooT Tha oaata of
la latrodnctog tha «aakar, Pn
(ho piMaio ww* draped with hlaa ^ H. ionaa, pntodant of tha Bata
wUra. Mr colon.
Normal eoDaga. Prat L B. OObort
Tkaro wao aeara^ a oaoaai owt
W tho mm hOMO ^oe (ho oarWIa



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