Grand Traverse Herald, April 14, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 14, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



tl.«« A TEAK.







Getting Ready Par foe and ■

ra M mm uce


-i I


•vrylary tn Ow Day Tlnw !■ th*
CMrg*—HW Uvaly ChM* Ffr

Oce«e EBd Herbert WUeox. bretbbetore JueUoe Geori^
W. CnrtH todw qpob » wAmwtebK»ittae» «Kh bttrsttrr is tbe day
«B>e. They wKlred exuntAKtkn and
were bdted otrer to tbe Clreult eonrt
to tbe earn at fJto eato.
It te alleged that tbe nea entored
the booM Of Mleer Loiter, who reeldoo


. There wea bo one at borne ot


WMfM In the tee and
-jMftat dbr V *va. «be Ming^ ti«
.«JWe «M«a. «r Cnarteveia. and her
•«i«w «r •« «wn
HwfipdHuwliriiy by Ike ear ferry.
Tban wpriltl • eeerlar ef a ten ef
.dWd'ld.e«l •M««ay.q*aa ene eeM yetMh
—’ tbiuew day ar>. the Uttte MaaU
te net aeta, tbe
Milav »aa« Meva e«t at Uttle Tn^
, ^
Tbe wtad eaddealy ebawe^
iiil Oe moe boat baa iMcht ta tbe
«W Obartrretx life aartw
( to the beat aod

broUteia deetafea that be did Ml ea­
ter, bat lemalned arooad tbe bora
while tbe other went late tbe beoae.
It U aaM that they took eeeeral arttelea.troea tbe bo*e.
AboBt etx weeka afo SbertC Cbailea
Mmaoa eeesml Herbert WH«os and
landed bla in tbe eoenty )aly^ where
be hu been otace awalUag tbe arraoi
of Ua bTother. wbon> aberiS Jobneoe
..jred at Pen Hnraa. where be had
been held by Bberik


Tbree Hwndnd in the Heepitake and
M An

teen. Ham, April IS—With the
falline end glpwiUe eleude of
•moke ertolne frofTi the beape of charrad end Mackanod dobrte, the rulni of
1400 bualnam btriidlnpa, peblie buildInga end
a end demfliite people at Chet*
too eweka tola mornlnp te the tall
naaltoatten ef the extent of the awful
toot tell «pen the city yeaurday.
Three bedim have boon
Thrm hundred an In boapittte. to a
miaaltig and the 1
mate tot leae at between ten and
twelve million doMare.
Ctolem le today under menial
teldiera with, fiMd bayeneta march
■troeta chalftra Jinea. Tbe aalaene an eJeeed and
all pWlIc buelnem la euapended

. bin to Bbnrb fer tbe
tt wee aet oat.
etty. wae aboard tbe
Wr,fHtr aod teOa the
of tbe uttte Maata

in lee




Ml MaiMlw daily la
imalad and beaded lowaid Cbarto
MS. tbb%felw beat waa aawall
W* Ms Star* taakoat wna Weaa•tali M
««* «it IWWra that be weald set
tan MmM oatO ho taond the boat and
Aw. «•
M aWht df thaw lylag
•a Wt M «s«
“ '

haniWfVsW wae yet ee dMoe.



Per a towoau

Porwiar Traverm City Yeung Man Hae
WaablBflon. April it.—la tbe aenate today, Mr. Boott nrged that tbe
roBMot baUd aany baOdlosa in
Iba Bar. John J. Beeidnge gave an
talk to High
aebool ctopel today. He UmmU wu
a etoiieiii then and expreaaed hie
plepaore at being back.
Hie fleld to to Soatb India only 10
waafcn to talo beoMotote.
dagrem'fron) the egoator. India, be
Senior Knox reparted a bl
to a great country; a coontry
ragatote c. O. D. bulneoa to
wortbj of Mndy aa being greu to bletory, great in religtoo aod gnat with
At l:to the eeatoa ndjoaraed tor- a^eet fotan befon IL
tog aotblBg oe Ito nlendu tor
'w’oen one reachec a mlsaloD after
weeterner'a greettng be to greeted

IWt M »dlw waa iOed op la aeow
praprtotloa bUl aad tbe e
HBHa It Ml high. There weia no
cMdha, flke tea betag peeked toaetber
Mgl^ sad earered with Mob.
fldeeo to tbe l
•Wudittn SobMeo Iminedtately 1^

and «ba t»a pfapauera began eatWg
atthat^. la two heua. a ebanoea
Sad haw *w td ttw UtUe Maeu and
tbe ana ware fakoa aboard and toolag the Maata, we etarted beekk lor
; Mertbiiert,'
nwe aboard tbe ear ferry apeak
aery hlW>r •* the manner to wkled
IhewapM hnadled tbe bow aa tbe
foWlw wna a Tory OekUab one. bot
be took tW endt into toe loe and got
tbe beat wd BW aM wltboat Uw

TSe mea bed not eeSdred to any
grant eataat, aitbeigb they foend <«aMtoiaUi gtaamre to tba dining
Of tbn wr ferry. Tlwy were tok
r aM aarty tbU
^■nraiag. touted back tor Cbarteroti
: to toe idttle ktoein.
TM or Crow OM Atoiere.
la tbe tl day* they tod been tm
prtBwnd «a tto beat, they bad drifted
waw asd muas beibg dnwed baw
ward aad torwaid in tbe Vw peek, a
pertw ef tto ttam wlttoa iRaln el^t
ef the Msd bat wahle to got aabore.
■llwTig two ef tto ei«w bei
ae web to dieaaed aa ta atarre to
dMiSw (bd beat amde their way to
■■ere j!Hr toe lee. Ttoy aeeared help
aad todeMI—bat bedare they arrtred
the eor'jAr tod token tto Maeto



AT PflgggNT.

WeeripUen Paper lo Selng CImlav
ad end Oraamtond TieMm Are
■eing bold.

tbe rtoitOT a lemon. Tbe acboola of
India rare among tbe beet In the
World, tbe fluU of tlx-lr Higb ertiooto
batog baaed on Oxford and Cam­
bridge reqalrc-meois.
AltboBAb only 45 i>er cent Ir nqxlred to paea tbeae aabJecU and ooly
K per cent pans them then are to­
day men than one bondred Ibooiaod
cottegB men to India.
The great cune of India
caetD syitem aad the indDau-tal lyc
In India, tbe mrpenier geu
down to bla work Inatead of bringing
it ap te klm and tbo to cymbotleai of
tbdia'a lodastral tyaiem. Indla'a only
U in OhrlsUanIty. He coaclndad ndlh an appeal to Amerieno atu4aau to Improve ibelr condlUon.
At Cengrognterwl Chureh.
Tbe Rev. John Rannlnga. of India.
. at tbe Ptrat Con
k yoaterday, both i
itog and
avaetog. girteg very eloquent aad Inhto work as
to that country.
Rev. Mr. Banntnga to a former Trav
eiaa City boy, and has many friends
(n thu city who are watching his
estraer with interest. At present be U
tivlDg at UoUesd. having reiuraed to
Ma natire land to build up bto health.
4rb(eb bad become Impaired by the
nytog climate of India. He expects to
retttra to bto field In September.

Company M. Spantab-Ameneon war
reterxni, wUI have nnllormo 'to no
doitog paradm and other public oppAarucet of tbe compAny. m o«b•rlptton paper tar tbU parpen being:
cIrcaUled by tbe coopooy. Tbe now
nnifonn will be tbe ngaletlon adopt­
ed by the SposUb-AmeiicoB
erans and will add moeh to tbe eppearuce et tbe eompuiy.
Tbe compaey endeerored to miae
ade for tbeae ualfonna by o eerlee
Of dancac tbie winter ai tbe City opera
boeoe bet ttoee wen not nenriy u
ao they tooold tove
been and ibe nnlformi wen m fu oS
Manager Hale, af Dreamland, baa contrtbaied a boneb ot
Ucketa to tbe boy* and all tbeae ioid.
go Into tbe ealfonn fond.
DeepiU tbe tact UiaiaLto tO yean
Mator Bosttiig Popular.
elBce tbe bay»-we»t to war. tbe----pany baa maintained tu
and la ahrayi ready to ton oet al
aay lime rewmtod. Tbe
tion paper la being leedUy algned and loogtog eyes dally toward Lake CadUtoe la the hope
seetog tbe lake
h to beUwrcd that aneagb to pore
eMr of lee so that they may put tbclr
tbe anuoram win be ralaed.
beam In tbe water. Motarboatlng has
Mn. Maiy Tibblu, of Central Laka,
who kaa bem vttlltog her daagktar,
Mra. Pred Rnbbard. rctaraed borne BOW about forty tonebee on tbe iwto



Vakles. ' Alaska. April
American auto to tbe New Tork to
Parts race to here asd the erew are
now ptepartng for toe campaign •TATE
PRBSIOENT OP •CHOOL AT PORT against the lee ftelte and
between bare aad Behrtiig Strait.
cadliiae. Hleb.. Apm u -Lyman.
Tbe Mtlre popototlon wwlccimed toe
the 14-year-old oao of Arlene Bolke.
Napoleof^ and Elmer, eon ot W. K
Trombl^. Of neu CadUtoc. were
tang OrewM tae UbbI
drowned Satottay afternaon to a poad
Opttsa FbeMB.
aboat Se rode tram tbe Trombley
ator Curtlta.
Arbor, Apni lE—Or. Tbogha,
Tbe Btolke boy and hto mother had
wbo ymterday maao 4 ikyMaal aoloat arrived for a vtott aed tbe two
V^sbtogtoa, April 11.With Mileage c« 224C0.
amtoatloa of Frank P. OH Aw «a RH
boys want oat to pUy together. The ttre Hetaoa to tbe boose today ^k<
cwrtaln bto raal atata df bdattt lapond was tonnad by Barry ermk aa tbe naval appraptUUon bUI fkror
ta dlvslga bto ftnMnga aatt be
aod to from three'
tog tour batileablpa. Great toteresi
so ofHeltUy.
feet deep. The boyi had no
waa taken In bto remarkn.
oecorlng pleem ot wood, eonatnioted
Prealdrai Rooaeveit anaouncad to the umoo Piclfle at Chicago. Bdw^
a raft and this went to pleom when day that he would make OMierxl Pred
they were to^ canter ot tbe pond.
erlek Poaston prealdsat of tbe geo
Hra. T. A. Conley waa paaalog at rral aerriee sebool at Pi. Leaven raa^ with s tcul mllecge of n.OOO.
beie to |IM 'Isr the bbbmI
tbe time an^ mw tbe boy* to the worth. The appointment was mad<
: «• kg bMt IB
water. Banning to. iba Trombley upon tbe recommendation of Senatoi
Traverae Ctty asst *
borne, abe tonnd only women there and CnrUss.
ABMBg thane gvaawg 'ama Hra. Mthe talepbaae was need to bring male
Bn ChambertsM. «f ttitM. Mhfl.
Help came too Ute
Bla R. ThasMA at CattMA M.
boi^ boys were dead when they *
■anb a: DBiaaA. of fHBt. Mra'aHm
taken from tbe ponl
pleasant Entertain man t Was Given
B. Barber, of Onai BaglAA ME
FrWay Evening at tbe Qunton
FranoM WhsMv iiBUh. ■« BMglap.
The tollowlag BOW Mh wmb
mined:tfott; WomiB-* matt
Onbtoo school boote Friday night for
the beneRt of Hnnnab camp, the pro­
> for tbs soldtor boki
oeorce w. orcen ANO ERNEBT
I musical program ^icb HIGHCfiT
mra-a Readtng^ and M*MM akm. Ah
was very well givae and tbe erealng
;; Womknh • •
was tboraughly enjoyed by tboee pne
PMKbbslt; Womans UMarp M*.
enl. wbo numbered about 75.
Another entertainment is bdtng nr- RDdelph Ktoybslto A Ca, of CMcaga, HeapmiBt JaAaaa Tsara RaowYMiat
ranged tor'lo be given in tbe Dtiin Wsra Higheat WKh Hwris TrwM
Maitam. MI*h.MFtflM/ lf*l
Mfht tor iBe
■evlnga aai* or Cbtoaga
gna ooaaty w to ho tb* Mnm ggRMr
ot aa Mart OB the gait ad thi AlRh
The ountoD anterlalnen have been
Bids tor toe sale ot gllJIlLgf
Sslooe Mngae lorm to Aottii Maa
given a large number at Uchela by tbe
Traverse aty (
. to k
stoeMM to ha MA
Lftr tbe
InthaBagrl^JtottMBMlMaiunllorD fund, and tbe FPiM m«b hope
Alleged to Hava Stolen the Doeddone as tor. M tha tataii M IM
to sell at least £.000 ot tkM tlekeu.
ly Billy From Hr. RuomM
the money to be taraed over to tbe
tlnna ara bttag ted- aaA aantoMr
—Arreeted in Ohio.
inppraeaad nttil the pwper Mma to
-DLIII 00 spring the naaoaaeaBMBt
Oeorgv W Gm-n and Eraeat Baa
•ell left ibto Borslng for Petoekey
wbrte they will teuify lo the trial
Bari Joboaon. alios Bari Green. wto>
goH on itUl tomorrow tor tbe murder
or John Blglo. an Indian at PeUston.
saaongood A Mayer. Ota-.
the fodtoa being killed some Ua« last
rtnaau .................................... -m dl
winter and Ids fraxen body being
ETkleber, Tottog A Coaabt.
foond several days after.
Bosioo .................................. U*l fig
it to tuted that the Indian was flrat
OUs A Hoagk. ClereUbd ....
■truck with a billy, a portion of which
Pint Natlcaal Bank. Travwas found beside bto body aod ao>e City................................ XM 11
Dtfaer portion of wMeb to arerred lo
S. A. Kean. Chicago, leu ... SM M
have been found In Jehoaon't pooaesTbe sale has not yet been made ow­
•lon when be was orrmted la Ohio.
ing to tbe Utoeas of toe mayor, bat
This billy eonalatad of a piece of
Ibe matter will be taken np with
Iron* covered with wire and tbe
St once by City Clerk OUito.
whole woand wttb tape, if It to the
same weapon. U was ttalen from BraTrngady In Paatima Naar Cadniae Sat­
urday Afternoon Their Craft






wAg vjnua.


eel Roasoira trank. Ur. Ritaoell securod the billy In Ionia, laktag It tram
111 as he was about to strike an­
other man. As It was an ugly wea­
pon. Ur. Russell kepi it In bU trunk
■ouveidr and It la staled tbai
lohcaoD stole It from there.
Johnson. II to said, showed ibit
billy to George Green in thto city oaylog that with that be waao't afraid of
•All tbe ---------oops in Traverae Cllj
iney rould come as fast as tbey
wanted to.“
moan was here for some time,
working st vartous places and for a
tlroe was employed m a flreman for
hinted that be was onder cover, it be
lug alleged that be waa a deserter
from the United States army and lo
order lo get free, bad committed a
serious crime.
Jobsaoa. or Green as he was known
heie. to said to be one ot a family of
21 children and all of them have a
cntnlnal record according to reports
here. _






s Civil I
will Tike Ptac
< Italy.

Charlee McNellta Uvwy Barn W«
ureed. Efitolling a LMa at
gl4Qfi WHH MB Inaasaim*
—Goes Fir* Fteftmm

New Tork. April 11 —Madam Anns

pMcc in New Jersey, as U was a
dm ceremony they sre to be mar


----------- -

.. boiidings


repsrsie si'soiei>.
.Madam Gould
psasiDg oui of the Hudsoro with iRr
cblldreD on lK»rd the Raiser Xniheli
der Grosso. wsv»d • farewell to Dc
Sagan on the deck of toe 8(. PmU.
wbirb was just leaving its dock for
rhoussnd Pounds of Nitre Oly.
oerine Were m Gtont Charge
dlspenasiion conld be obtained
Which Made BuUdmgs
for tbe msmage lo America.
Miles Away Quiver.


tblcsfc'. Apr.I IJ —A t6rr.ric
plosion In the Aelaa Mills of tbe Duptntt Powder Co.. Hillers Station. Ind..
*'^7 early today wrecked builAngs Is
nelghbortkood aad canoed e heavy
I property loas In town wubln s rl
'ef 18 miles, but tbe empfoym al
saved Man From Being craunG foi Charles Arthur Preemaa died si
EaiH BSgfatb street,
Ficen Under Loc
• Fbur ibouaand pounds of i
Borne’city. April iJ.-Presence of 'Monday, after s year s Illness
glycerine was in tbe glam charge tost
bind probably saved Bnkemsn P I ransumptlots. He was ft yours
I shook the earth for mike around.
Dubois from being ground lo pieces I
'be widow, three Iluie daugbnnder s Joeomotlve near Boyne Falls ' “-f*
l^f' Wilhelmlns. uged sis.
he kat bto hold while riding on the | Msrgsrau aged four, and two-yearfold
footboard of tbe engine and feU head-1 “»*'<*«• Three brother*. Burl ucd' George Jehnann wm Baev* 0«i the
long between toe ralla The ponder-1 0*«- of tkto city, and Dorvat. who ‘
ons muchine bad psmrl almost en I rvAdes to toe weqi..itiid u stoier, Mlss> George B- Johnson left Saturday for
Orelv over him as he lay ereoebed
Ptwrman and a haU itoier. Matoslee where be Joined tbe crew us
between tbe tracks when hto coat'
Hnxel Coo^r. also'naezUe.
| seaood ofScer of tbe steamw Mlssovl
‘ ■ spent toe greeter
Iter which left Haatotee today for CUcaMr Freeman-ksd
eangtai some part of tbe machinery,
torawtog Mm against the rail and cut­
Wednesday for her Bret trig of the
ting off bis left arm st Uie shoulder.
He may recover He to s single man was marrled'^sevea year* ago to Mr* season.
NelUe OolemsB|
and bto borne is in Haacetosa.
Tbe funeral wlU b« held WadBeeAay
Lg^ M. PMtea, of at Ugds. Mo,
morning st t o'clock at Sl TYmneto to to tbs dty on butoeas today.
Hra George F. Knowks left
lOOD for Green Ibiy. Wls. in Jotn her ekwRh. tbe burial ta be In the Cnib-'- C D. Pmtm. of BnimR Ctty. ta In
joUr ceoetery.
toe city




Ml^. April
John HeNell'a livery ban was total­
ly droirayed by Era j
noon. Loss. flAM; Insomaea. 540S.
Tbe origin of the tre is unknown bat
It to toonght that It wae enimad Mthm
by a spark tram tbe ehtomey or tiara
The fire was dtocorerad aboat 1
o'clock and on seoonnt of tbs gals
ibsi was blowing 4t was thought that
tbe whole Viusge would m>- Tha ban
to near ibcbotel and tbe ban to ths
rear of that caoght, the Btandard GO
oempany-s balldfog eao^ and the
"Flat Iron piece* was oa Era bat ‘
bnekeu were oa tba noto
and succeeded In
names 1b time to aave the boUdlii^
Thompsoorllle has s water Work*
and a volunteer fire department, tha
that they oonUnUed the An ana to
'ace or heavy Odra. The PIchen
handle Co., also bus s votanteor dm
psrtment and s bone wagon and thsss
called Into servioe.

Will Be HifliiMi Om
Ea*t Bay Tn««i
wiiuam S. EUtey wiu be toe Mgkway oommtofeioBer tram mat Bay
fownaMp. Owtag to a dartHna ef tha
nttabetween BUhy aad Albert Courtada. tha
matter being decided by drawing haJtousatnrdKy. MMcy vru rapraaraled .
by Perry Doyaton aad Me. Cowitade
by-Mm K. (MgnaiA


. m- i««se. Ml



mitt iAr L s. nil

a, un.


T** 'wnaT VNSMv oomA S* J
. ttaB B«Mr .«M Bf lend

MS* MU ud etoree and otkec totipillll BBSe. Tke 9M*ie «l Bom*
I Bid
SSiM*! Mud MID. «> tker I



«dat «n kwoM kam w Ike *TB«__ Mi.- »: a. Mver vm auw«
M atfTMs Of Ike Bovlr formed d«k. OCUIAATM TO THC IW
vttk Server X. Trl*o ■> wendr
«w n voteii «TMt «<iair
iMM aM U» ««ik el eriu«d
wm eoetlBae- ntH it embiacee €
OB «< tke «ootr<


Mr. TMM'a cmAMmt *« r«M««-

r vfflMi kid IPU «• su. Ika
T*OTi#re mus Uid vakgm li (ki
Mil ud-«Mer MM «d in oUMed.
SKdki *M*» M Bom fMMd ti be
M lut Mft ed **r. w tier
• SMddur tte wBitr*9t. 'dUdiS *u-thi .MMMor o( tMvifrM M MU
dkMiudMUlmrkMldtBci. Brnm■ ii*.a(4feM, mUSvt WM mute Urn
9 *M*I« wbo »OMd


■HUMpi uwlirs u» uUdic «iu
- .^ BUU. JfUor tkM MNrU I
iMHBMuidCdlOM. tke MUtr'^

r ud thi ««.•« to ur

M moflis. Bit I



Msr kVMdrwCb WHO Moe Dmh Lhrlig
II ttiMglml. CKIM. Hm
Vilimkie OeiiMe.Bor WoodraO. wbo M
i..W. MlOer. ud wko recsoUr tune
to tkM ooutrr from Cblai. hie ■
* klm br I tke
tor wM oBlr I reor ud,i keif Md
to aimulul M iku
kto Mlve Mid for over U r«in
... oUmded, howeref. i pririu
■dwel te ttu pSee whMb te pi«eUeilD or e«Ml Uisditd to oar owa,
Tkore M oMo i oUeol eopported br
the eeverM Ibowaad Ameriein
itber tOraipien of tkat ^loe ud
beiw tksr hire weatern teuben ud
modeti metkoda. Mr. Woodntf will
luead tke St Hemu cchool iwi
OiwiMUa. Mona., where be wlU atndr
be I Blaeloutr ukii| up eMeUlettr akmg with tkla.
TMe cotoe ate very ucMBt, one of
lb«M beMBgtBg. it M itatad bp n amc:
•aaine oe tbU anbieet. to
There U alao one rery uctent Romu.
oad BOflte Jewuk. Tirtlak. KtuMu.
Jtpueae. Sarawak. North
Borneo. stilUv Beulemuta. Hoof
Xoif ud Koteu. ud be baa CMoeae
coin# saMre. Bone S tbe preaUat
cnrtoetUea to bim are tbe Americu
cdoa wWch are aU oomson
oMthiee cdM pMee. HU other ocUa,
however, bear ditee biek to. the mt'
eatb eutory.

w tbe
h U MO
.ilSiOBti mut utud wwked
Tku tMked cMilr
hsbU MUr i«v
Curt of CMlma of K. O- T. S-M. Bald
-MMUtad tkem eo pUUOr Ikil tMbU
»1MP BMIcy HeW By Sip
diu wm isdiuni* rtmlktort «■<
poret Haivereen, eof IMoii.
• UUd bM IQ the white
Auornejr John A. I^ornnger rcton■ tkil II eotkiu
ed mdar iftonMxm tnm . Port Hnroo
fsauwwuwBrM wikim
where U rureaMUeff Marsaiet Hal^MUS.Ud WkOB vottiw
Mss, «M itksMim WM m>
OM-fluUM wmit dowi nd ftaret BMvoimb wu the braell^y
. ^nd HUM' kowr the eowBiy eM
la the poMey for tl.OM held' by
M SBSai UUty. tki fwMt nrMr Lewli K. Bilroraen, d
1 and In
Bikinp e«t the prook, u
made, le that the order, while ready
ud wfUlip to .pu the claim, eonid
trpaUy So u uUI' the dlffietilUea
were.iemoved which
d by Mr. lioruffer.
dpMtfln. iwSg to tke ooBinc there
St dki MWdtr Mtom ud tketr femakuhsrt lUnBer*.




' >iBd tkoM UkM.MB lad sitertel.
fku • mw coutr bMMtaf moS be


it «i«wi eiurded M I more deSf
^ sMdUM tku Mkim ud the
as* keel tkit Bast M tbe ootutr
Ai the tlmbw M eM from «rend
jssh; tbe tud M kek« tuu IP br
ud tbe v^ hM beei
SM^ MudUr bM I of tkU. ■•
tkM «• .^IMS ID hr. thM BitirM
liwwth W fOBtiue. TkeMUookfor
r M Hi «lt-

NCI Wm iumict


THK McrriNa
Mfi. N. Howard, LiM
Mto. Hawaii, Or. Wmiitkah
ThmnpM aiM Othare.

Tka Motken* Hub of (he Bmwood
with a drUl to the pyDiaaalam by the
clau recently orputoed by Hlaa Anna
It cscuiati of ptrU from tig;
Sfth. elxth, eeveath ud Mghtb kradea
o(-tbe ematr iwt to Ud this U the flrat time tke uotbera
*® TtoT.j
^ ckaaee to ae« their work,
u**^jTh« aoac plrlt from tbe ffrti ud
aeeoBd iredea pave eom fancy match,
of tbe Bortb. la, ftftd ,tep,.

The aublect of tbe alteraooa was.
■*n>e Value aid Proper BaaU of Conffdeoee Betweu.Jtorent ud ChUd.
Tbe leader wm Mm. H. Howard and
her paper dealt 'wllh tbe inbleci from
a mothers point of view. The mother
eboeld aerer be too boay to listen to
the aBMn of the eMldfu. as UrU
fonndaUai of oondduoa. One of
tbe best Umra for a oonMeatla]
lu at bed time when4he child Is ready
to relate the bupentop of the day.
Dr. Boaenthal-Tbompaon epobe from
doctor's ataadpotot vary ptotot; to
favor or the tnlleat oonAdwee. U
more ooaldmice wu pracUisd there
..iWM«L. ettv. Mich, April 1
MaMSakaU wm paehad to the doors woeld bo mwh leu
BMNi*kr-i»ialu bp a thnmeef pea- later Ufa She advoeatM the aepan.
tloo of euae to the period ot adolwJlp.sntoc DM all orer Pan
IjBSlii. au USB nia Uhl Bad
ttipist -towariUpa The oecH
Tke Rev. A. A. Cudy then swke of
w|toB|*«(.n|toctos .«nr Imdna
the roeuet e( the ohUd lor enperlor
TllSiifc I*nid I .vicdary while raa. •trencUi aad hM eewAdeoee to It.
■mg tti<l|~irn~'r aed to the face or there mnat be aympathy as w«dl as re­
iMISHn sut odda Ik tka ran for spect if veal «e*M«ua M to be aeoarod. ^MU toft wu tiW a father's
atudpcM MMa UBMa dahnaoo aaSd
■ «i u aasay S aatablee uder the mWw SpdBity with the teacher
Tka groat aM of tkla. how.
la-tha denrmlaattoa to attato IL
TUi wu ue S tha has
ot tka pair aad Suarvad tke Ui*a
It «ru.
I aad aaapM ayrnp

But Bar bVMi *a a

n,iifc,!a pS

MbMtoftr hmk.
mm m


But Bay Oranpe will be tbe goroU
of Grand Trarrrae grange Saturday
u aB day aeaaton wkh a big dtoaer
d hb. In
toe toroneoB a toipe daw ot cudi,datu wtD be lattlated. and aach other
baslBew u may come before tbe
drr. Uto being fdlowed by the dinU the alterwou ft propmni will be
Mren. the rdi call to -be daswered by
Selodiet. B. O. Ladd wUI gire an ad
diets npoa tbe *'SMrios
Oruge," after wUch u election of
CalUd State* preeident will be held.
each member having the priTflrge of

rerr ku«e Sieaduce from outilde
of tbe dtj aad from
witde, I tiMiI of 10( oit of IS4 belAf
praeoBL Tbe etaeoteee were mitolr
from tke remote dUliteU.
Tke meeUnc wu called to order at
2:1« br Hon. J. H. Moaroe, cbalnau
of tbe
Ut. Soaroe extended bM Ibukt to
of the eoentr Mr the
taron atwwn bim so manr reara ud
for tbe bwore offered him a» ebSrand be auied tbat be war
ft cuSOftte for reflection,
K. W. Haatlos wu made chali
S O. C. Moflnu eecretirr.
Tka tsiowlnt comodUeM



vigor and cheerfuL



s s ?.......... »•».

tbat it is ww Bocom.

tflooflea. if the nnne wakU
or if. wbtatoMcbihireacbeaan
.. _ I itslKialdheaUctocoatrottoe
[w»ss;:e. it i» vet sSiclel with bed-WTlbpwlh ..Me liBE. ilcpemi ni>oo il, tbeoBK of tbediAi.
cnltv is kidney troahk. ami the first
step should be towanto the treatment ad




tnmliic is doc to a >li
tne kklneys
and t>ladc
baliit as moat
moal people »
m as well as men are made
S ger Cnt sUsved •■ riMs D
sl.Ic »ith kjdnev and bladder t:
Poultry, per lb............................ ...7«8c and lK>th need the aame peat remedy,
pic nuld_and the immediale
of I
Frwah Lake FMh.
bv ilnumisu. in fiftyiceut and ont^dolUr
liteboHlca. You may
hare a aamplc bottle
Torpedo Sett Fletitla RucAmI Mapby mail free, also
all aboot Swamp-Boot.
dalena Bay Satoectar.
InSlii iginanyoflheU.----------- ------Magdalena Bay. April U.—Tbe tor­
Bionial letters received front raflerers Ott. F. 4. MacNett
pedo boat Ootilft uder Uentenant
cured. In wi
Cone, arrived today, one, day ahead of
Ue any
se. Saamp-Root,
ooL and the adN.
Y-, on every



Emmmiva Trout.
Beblamto'Plckerd. of Rapid CIG'.
ent trout fishing Friday.
•■veniRfi Slate Deputy Came Warden
Sinlih took hint to Ksikaaka where
he pb-adi-d Rillty lM'lun> Justice KelloRB and pail] <10 anil <3 crals hv

ChodentUto-B. O. Ikdd. A. E. Pmver. Robert Barney, D. F. Houle, p.
M. HarnUn. *
ud order
Mtb. A. B. SUn-

Freeh Lake FlU.
George Higgins, of Grand Rapida.
wbo bar been risltlng Ms mother.
Mrs. Ann Higgins ud sister. Mrs. J.
W. Hnnnea, reiarned home today.

-T. T. Belea. John Hoxsle. Oeorpe L. Crlap.
I were L. J.
Tedman. Bnrl Adams. P. 3. HoeU.
mute] and B. C Oreen.
The toUowtog delegates to
tote eoDTcntlon, which meek
Oroad Rapids Hay 12. wen named by
aedainsitloo: George W, Raff, J. W.
Hanaeo. F. B. Brown, A. B. Pray ud
Milter w. dean.
John Heaste.
W. W. Deu. tuiH-rrUor from
dutrict Third
srard. deslnw Ihc lb raid
H. 6. Hall. cuAdate for dUUIct
republican today lo make oCnctal aomxim.
delegate to the nationalI 'republican
coarention at Chicago June IC. was'nH-ni ol ills raiididary for ih,- rof.ciim
pennlUed to name hit own dek-lrnn nouiuiaiiou (or r-glMer >it d. i--b
gates to the Eleventh dlslrict eonven Mr. fHan lias Insn . I<wt> td--iiiili--d
Uon which meets at Reed aiy A^ril wiih the affairs of Crnml Tr.iv. r ,.
county for man}' yiurs. bavlQR
IS. namtog (be following:
Smith. George L. Criap. W. E. Will­ ■lx times I'lecled suiK-rvIsor from bis
iams. Tboe. T. Bates and Ralph Cue ward. He has sorvi-d fully five ycae<.
MT..AIIU1 stated that toe namtog of and at the last election was n-ci<ri
Mm to a very cmlUfleaiSou with county work m:<kc<>
barasstog poaltlon as he -was Uralted
him a very atroOR caDdldair lor ib‘
oRiee tri rCRlstcr al de«d». Mr. Dean
ipek wUror name forty or
has been chairman of the bojnl rl
Cewnty Commlttoe.
supervisors for (wo year*
The county corn'mlUee was eieru.-!
u fAkiwn.
Acme—Denirta Houle,
flair—David Swalnaton.
Bast Bay—Edwin Btock.
From Mobday's Record.
Pile Uke—L. 8. Whiter.
Gnilteld-William Grant
Lhleago. April 13.—Cloe*'—Wlu-ai
Omi—George A. Riley.
PlSc: rorn.
oats. Wise
Oreen Lake—Willis
Detroit. April tX—Cloae—WJ.eai
Long L*ke-E. B. Duryea.
S414c; coin, fi»r; oat». r.Tc
MaySeld—trwto Rawlings.
^Paradise—A. B Stinson. A E. Pul-j
Easi Buffalo. ,V. Y . A|«1l 13,-fat
—W. B. Gray.
He. 2.873; maikrl fairly active und
about steady. Vn.l., ;.90O: active and
Wbltewper—George L. Crisp.
Meady. H.m i.. Jv j.'.
Sheep ati^
Trarciwe City—
lamtw. HMOU, a.:.w, lan.W, 2;, ..
Fifit ward—O. C. MoBau
30c hiRher; -Kh.-..|., nnii
17 -li"
Second ward—]. W. 2ammertnu.
ami l;.-ai-.
Third ward—W. E. WllUams.
*« 10 to Iti.fS.
Fourth ward—J. A. HooURue.
Flhb ward-^. O. Chudler
micaRO, April IS.—t-'iii
latiey Kuruls ihr niark-'i
monily passed: ^
"Resolved. Tb« «r«, repabUeane of|!,ut other varl<-tii-s «.ri- raih.T
iverae ooeniy. lo eonvebiloD rlned lo be qzs} ix-iuati.l was mi;.I
Ih- lalrty acliii- lor SaiurUay,
lualu rin-lpU arv now euiuliiR in . i.and bnyvrs wire loxkinc for !■'
su>ck ArriraJs acre fair and
we believe that these poBcles should still a srv>d supply .if h.-ld m..
Prices were alchoui vpe lal rh.iiir.
s contlnocd.
Sabs r«t»rbyJ ».•»*•.
I <«r 11
For H. S. HulL
“We heartily endoree the prval- lankt- at r.Tr. I car hurilt In sack..
CSC. 3 cars extra flue Kurals (2 eti’
denllal cnndldary ot WtlUam H. Taft
recommend that the dvlegsiro ot
The Diarkei
qsolftMe a.
this county to the district e
lows: Bulk, p
pruent the name ot H. 8.
rotiFlo. MIcblRBti Or ,MI'iH'-> I'a. R-iraU.
deM««e to toe reuUleu
rl^i'c bi lanii. 07HCH..
ooaventton ud that ts
secure bit Eu'w**.
«*'* ‘kr Dusty order
ud honorable meant
Ordinary to Rood. liUf.-'.i run non
COedlUon. WfiVcc; llurlainks.
The couty committee'm« Imroedl choice to lucy. wi^niSc; If .-xif;. m*.ately attar the coovAtlon ud elect­ posalbly a ahade hlRher Urdinsr? u
ed W. E WOBama. elalnnu. R. E. good. C.3ft6!«-; conironn. as to f.mll
5u»l6<)c. lied slock, choirv I"
Waltar, aecrotaty. ud 3. A. Moota
taney. C5GC7c. II oxira fine porsibly
gne. trounrer.
higher. Fair to rouA. r.o^<i3r: if poor
down to 5uGO; mixed stork, as lo
grade and condlilob. 55D6:c: b>r
■Ingham Gchetora Oefoatad Ow Hsim- seed stock there Vt u« regulsr nia-fcii
forth •ehSBl Friday Ni^L
held Friday rveolng at the
Bingham ackool boase between
of Helmtorih ud Btoi
V*ar of toe Btoskui atoMnra apelled
tke Hefatortk acbool ud the
iwnyham ftekoten ITO to roceipt ot
vary pretty ptotare from tkolr tajober,
Mr- TuAlsbnrg. Hot coffee aad re-

^ toe mtoff.

The poiftie market ofiened at 55
cents this morntog with proexe’> d a
Slid tunher adruee during tbe day.
Saiarday. guerally n poor day for
kusIncM at the scatr bouso. was a
bettev day thu uuaI. M loads of
tubers. ctHotog In. Two hmd* of hay.
five boraes. three londa of iron ud
oae of eon] completed tke day's bnsl-

Utt Flan.
PtonlB haddle ................................
Poultry, per lb...............................llCflSc

sr......... \zz

iprtng lambs, live weW ............
'tides, green ............................401c



We Believe

Cboiw Unoolmxl Japu pniticalnily fine flavor aud
exooplioDa] atreBiftb. -I( you havu troablo gedtiBg •
toi tbat it to yoor likine try a umpfe po*od oftbU
OOQ. Wo will take onr ebanoda oo your ootning baoL


Coro, per bu..................
Coro, in ear. 35 Ib. .........................30c
Hfty, loose, per ton .................. lt19Xt>








A few thing* to mnenbof Wore toTbtg jrow BaiMero
Tbat WT eirry a very coinp‘«to Hoe of tbaaa gocth.
Tbat wo bay Uioto gmla direct from tke laapnEaotnrorg sod
you miiney oo then..


Hiat we l.nvo bad ytara trfexperieiMeijt Bmldan Bstdware ui! mi. ’ • ip yon oiakp aoloetioiu tbat will pTeiM jrm at •

On Chest, Back, and Head—Pain,
Heat, and Tingling Were'Excniclating—Nerves in Eichausted
Condition—Sleep Badl/ Brokeib

and Rn l i-ur price on Naila.

s th" cradrode
Cuueura R»vi»xlie« hare
V d-laidc.
or-, and hail »s-v«r
bad anyUiina the
maitor with her
skin until fotlr
----•h* ago.
ago whrei

an eruption broke

was a r«vinros, and t hen followed
break and
In* arsl hluuvs, whah would bi
le nronouDoed It r-—----f.>nn. He troaUvl her, but
elHVkod. ..._____
Id uf bnn* Itx-lf nn twv-hark,
and thrci quirkiy sprred Upwards Until
the wbolr of hre hi-a.1 «ai affertrd. snd
all bre hair had t-'
out off. Tbe |>ain
ahe suffered wa. rxmietatlnR. and
what with that and the brot and
gm^^^r^llfr was almost


drosrn-, and oi**il<.nal1y ahr was d«Urioua. Ibv nema wree in such a low
state that sSo could mt brer u. be Jnfl
alrem. In spH* <d lh« ei’ld weatlsv
She would Insist oo havtr^ hre bedroom
___________ out «
Sbe--------dtd m>t
the wuxb-w-wlL----- bav«
-_i . a
hour', ihrep for many Mi^U.
oood doctor w" K*."^
, first.----

d Cutir


tniiiinian cost
Tbnt we *i1l se’.lyou hardware -for leu money then tke
Mai] < >rOur bous e
Tlini you sho'.M ser onr Biro Door Bcdlen before yoaboy

Old Poslofllce BnUdloii

Paints, Oils and
Mr. and Mrs.I ciiuU rviau.l iluit >ui havi- :<> il. ......... PsIunnR. V-inilabing and
.iiiiliiliiR. and In roinpUsn-u.Ki- M'lr RTHds. W. In-liev-r we bavw
W.- b.-!i.-ve tbat wc hav"
i. (onnd to Traverse City. We
|. Tiuisl RtKfe lo the pain'.
a rule lo protect mir oiMocnera. to If goods are BOt Mb
Irrac'c.ry we Uke them hock »•- sre aoxl«i<
do anything WI
COD to s.-rTc you. Wc Ruaroni-*- our oil to be strietly pore Itoaovd
oil Kvery can of crar paint is s-.aranieed. U K i» used aoeordlng to
direi iiooa. As there Is such a vorui> of |.a.ois we eu't giro pfieri
In ihl* ad. Ifs
b-xcr.. wacon. Inipl-nienL ffoor. peroh paint
and hundreda r.f ruh.-r itdiiRs Ilia; needs patoiing, anch U ebnJrw.
tahW. euptmerds. eir I'alnl Brwabvs trom ic U diAa..dlot pric.v
on while lead, oils and varotsh.v L'w AUlmstine 30 deeante y«ur
kltibeo. parlor, etc. Call at


snd More




lutet Time
Oalls for a chanaa 'to
now' spring apptral>- Haver batara have we


f; 1!^<»ATSITS-

The patterns of elothfft of garmants-atyla
of maks>iip have, nothIngfurther tobe disifsd In thbaew'stylesfor

*‘^ast quality for ths
least -money" Is what
Wa aim to giva you*
.Wa think we can maka
good^ome and aas

%mm TMUCBlMt HtftAIA TuntAV. AMUi. K tin.
IOA.a>iw —um »» Bm w. WA MMM M aw (IM Mck M
one-. MM. -n. »n tM.Mn. Oairttaad taa awved bar
mm mm taio tba otau bam

' «nMI UMSv.
SnM MI..T mncMU «.

|M dale'blba U tba PblOpplwe Wai
•vriac (M gmai atnaet ojma nunto
la IMO. U vhieii b« uok pan. daaerttac tba cMlrr tfeidadi wMch
thar/pawad aad raUUai bub» tad.
teau thaKlook plaea aloei tba vap.
Ra apaka alba attaiapt nc
|li eoBpabr tr^at to raadi aa lalaad
4a vhleb tbara vafa aode honaa.
Uat> boau becomlnc eaagbt u
*lcn pool aad thtaa of tba nan aaok
aafar to rtaa afia
Mr. SalaaAj waa fonovad br Ooai'
tada Jobaaoo, vIm daelarad that ai
aitt* bad ban aaA atoqvaaea proeedtap bin aad aaeb food matle alto
ha vould Daltbar attaafpt le apeak or'
to tiac. bat voald t1«a a traatlte upOB tba anar nola. *bl«h braaght tba
bonaa dovB.
A salaedOB br tba orebeatra aad a
dan. "Tba Anar Bean." br tba llttie
Hoat atnara. waa nartieularlr ealorrlesed w'tb
few remarks la which ba declared
tba camp fire .had bem ooa of tba i
moat aolcbla'svar held b, tba poat

'.. •

Mr. namUg tonebed npoa tba strug­
gle between tba north and tbe aentb
find tba taUng' o( frlendaMp wblek
imlatB new batwnn tbam wfll never





owa borne wttb bla teS!

raacmtlr vacated br tba borne bakaiy.
If bar vlabcB ta aaose tbap MR
have to bar or bUld aa than itan aa pBTtRaii. iMde a baataim trip to
aa«tr boBse ta town.
Mr. Lear la ublDf
tablag a
a abort vumtloa
at borne. Ha is a fibs macki^ and
baa pa.-.d lor Um litila lohr ttee farm
vwU^^aeay frem boM at bla trmda.
pnipoattlao at graft hi mt nra.'
I fact.' auawated tauanb Bar
gbam. “mar
----------. and ra agala
r laOiirr
I pm iB today. ai
tab Star.
I bavtng a d«w one
laatrameat ba baa bad wa daShaating aura.
Ml" and Mre. V. t. Cea Bg^
_ atari are uot teal stars at
an. but art small Indiaa wbhK tbr
• Rueaaegfsr and are fitUag
aarth rena Inio a^ wbtafa are made
aa bot br flirtioa la tba atraoapbera
lag qclip a
tbbt tbar are bunml iql Tba real
Caabtlir of maple syrup of tbs fiorst
alum, ba tbaaa of tba Dipper, am ssrr. Uad.
v«t far. awar. to far that no net
te acbool. with Miss JsBBis Pull«>r
baawa tba dlftaat*. Tbar are bright
bar. win giTs an sBlarutom*-nl
ba4laa nka oor son. bat team ilka
bot BocSal at tbs scbool boose.
pclBta of light Waoaa tbaf are ao far Tneadar arealnt. April n It hai
iM. bajba lanb morea about tbs con bean annooBeed for Wsdnasday s»sb
owing to aocn>- ob)erllea Utr
tt tieaeaoGr masta uuia bodlaa. It
-i changed A ttrr fins proli
morlng _____
ao faat____
It strike*
(bam tba frlKlae
frictloci in lbs air
aU Is very «»»■ l» Ixlfit preparwi. tba leading
great and twuallr tb'T are tmraad up.
S?aa*« like mo^g
B^rybody I. rardml
ly Invtad. Ladiss bring supper ta b:ji
lebur oUr a frw tailea sboTo oa la oor ss.
wMrb wiU bs solA
Sometlmea ooa Is aa larga
J W.
V. Rinehart aad danger. Miss
througb tba sir wltboot Elhsi Ribsbart.
Rinsbart. Isfi
left for LadingiOD
being wboOr bBrned up and falla m Tuesday, to bs gons atmui tU wssks.
m graiuid.-gL hVbolaa.
Prnbk Amiabucbisr of Soloe



.- '

ssiKspr: Iferveaill^che

nraaflaball wat filled to orerflovloc
Tbaradtp alibt bp nteotbeia of MePbarapB Poau tba W. a. C, and other
Maate who etma & etiojr a etup
fire IB honor of Loa't aarroodar. a fine
proma of Bddraaaaa. Bale and reelUdou balbg Mt<b.
Baardalar^ onAaatrw opeaad
progrwB with a aalaetion. ComBaad-'
tr J. V. BQlIkar fijTlBg tba addi
Of wMoibBe, iUUac that tbap a
pot praaaat to aUr up old atiifa. bat
to ratolee that tba foaHag bat
TbompaoBTlUa. Hicb.. April 12 —J.
Mrtb Bbd tba aeath waa a lose for B. Trowbri^v. of Piukton, waa aallId Blbilral tlmsa. An
MAULoba flag. "It la tbair fiag asd oar Ibg on frtaada IB town Tharsdny
age of Ue years wss not at sti as>
WaiaoB mad*
■aaal ta tboas days for man to aitnls
fiag.- ba aald.
Wm. Drnka. of Orwd Rapids, war
of tbair faraltiaa be- Bapida 1
lAi MeMaBBt followed with
ba* pnrebaasd s
ealKog OB bla oM coatornsra Tbura- face tbar war* gubarad aeie tbafr
aopal aoio. wbkh waa aoeh aojorad. darfhfbactf Tbara Is a cauae for avety- labts bores
A 8. l*ray we
Mlaa McMaoui baa a voloa of aaeb
Dr. M. r, Starar. of Otadsiona, U
and la U Bnrenaoaabla to attrlbitbaat BBd power. BBd bar readl- vlaiUBg IB town thla weak.
■ loag Ufia. b> part at laaaL U
ttoa laat Bight was a trawl to loran of
'tba (bet I
Dnva Ralyea. Lou
vocal BDBlc.
Wm. Biaaard wue Hooor
Saw ito
R. D. Blaaki tboB gave a raadlag. TwaadBr.
a* ooa Of tbafr greaimc aartbiT hisw-' bars Ut tbomb tr.irsn by
tba BUbtect belBg. *^0 Ufa of Abr»>
Dr. Shanka waa callsd to Oraad H
tomb for It gave ttasin baaltb aad day laai w.wk •
baa Uneoln." a vocal pu
Rapids Tuesday araoiBg by tba aart- •laagfbofdapa-' “
Hr aad Mrs. I9d. Glsodsnclcg and
fottr rouag ladJoB. load br H
lUbut of bla braibsr t alts Ha
daagblsr Uobsl sislled at C. B Prmy's
Mawaa. followed tbia. Htta Baatrtea reianiod Tbunday.
Wss Bertha
Clovalaad Best ^va a vocal aolo, "Mr
-u. — Tsntisy.
........... tbs
— dinghier,
John Gobel made a trip to Cedar
Mrs. Oaoiga Rarrtnifsr, of Canada,
OWB UHltad sutaa.'
epent Monday night at tba boms of
a long tlms. To- ! Tbs Wl
....... ............., Aid society qulltW. H- UlBler.
M.' barculoaU was
loas of bar doalb. sd a quilt for Mrs Nell Brown WsdJohn Bnsltb, leaving Tueadv for NaaTba firat addrcwi of tba avaolog aao aty lo sea bar sUtsr, Mrs David I ^ **»
------danrs girsn st Mr nsaday. alatr sawed rags for Mrm. Ora
ths wedding Brewn
waa gtvaa br W. H. Dalor, who aald Sfflltb. wbo is aartously HI at that'
Andiswi and Wm Dnrtaoa
4a ^art: "I traat that rm wUI torCroBkrtghi' Sotns wsnty
guests, I wsnt lo Trarersa Cttv mday
glva ae If I am a mUa abattared. aa
Mrs. Bi. Mclyra paaaed away Tuos-j young and old. vsrs prraeoi,
I have beat tbroagb a battlf aad have day svsnlng afterra week-a iltpeai
of »arious kinds,' Travsrss City Ttuiraday. reiurnlng o
bcaa boataa.' It doas wot take
-le PMnsral aartlcel
*"'* sartbsu dish Saturday
with heart trouble.
1 »». “0
uaulul houssbOld goods. I Mr and
an Mrs CharUs OtendeBnlBg
BDch eonraga to go Into tba batua. aa
It doei to taea tba muaie afurward pow where a large number of friends
ooa of the greataat patHota. gntbared to pny cbelr last reaped.
Messrs. Orin D
Ha waa oSared tba oommaiid of tba Mrs. Mctyre was loved by all that lun and rreemsn sctsujsd a lawsuit
It TraTSfss Wednesday
aivr of tba Uadiad Btatea bat re- knew ber and had many tiiands.
WIIHacD 1 CronkriKbt has purtoaad It from bU tlarw aeoaa of dotr
Wititsn (Or the Henld.
Sr., Do™ AiriU, ol AU-.u, I..
’i „„„
chased iba John Smith farm and win
CadlUac. Mlcb.. AprtI 12. IMS.
to bla own itata. Wa rev«
tting at tbo boBM of Dan HsLaugbltD - move from Moorsttown. Mscoau
home of bit dangbter.
iMor UK aa we rorato apd bewor obr thla weak.
] ty to oscupr ths same Ha ha* four Mrs J tj. Wheolar. in CadlUac^ at
own Boblo Kaa who look part ta that
Mrm. Hart Haamar was called loleblldreo wbo will ba wetcoms addi I on o'clock Banday morning. April
oowfiicL*1!(h. W W Bartlett In tbr aerentyFrankfort by tbe aartons lUoaai of I
Nr. Umlor apoke of the work of the hsc nolhsr
•"'S i '"“"h tear of M>
lumber from ibs Wslisier mill fur bis I Mr. Hsrilsu
Amarican aoldlen tram tba blnb of uvr uAMUAsr.

the eoBBtrr aoUl tba praacbt tfme.
eomparlag tbos with tba aoldlart of
other ooaotitaa. wbera meB are forced
tbto tba armr to aarve tbetr allotted
Uma. Ha deelarad that our mea have
made tba bon atridlara oot beeaaaa of
tbair drttUBg. bot bacanaa tbar bad
a ptnpoaa. and Ib b few montba tba
boat aoldtara were made from
erwUa aa lb tba revoluUoaai
civil wan wbao tba demand came for
Btan tba tbonsaada wbo responded bad
Id no asperlance In war.
“Id the OBwfllct between tbo"MrU
and tbe aoetb." ha aald. -%ad altber
tba amr of tbo nertb or of tba aootb
been drilled, one aide or tba otbar
■oidd have won in a taw dart' battla.
FVoB that time on Anerlea
bood became tnlnad. and In INI wa
bad a teat. Wa thought oar roeng
bad bean aunk In Inxnrtoaa
and tba amr wu not of tba
■iatal aa before. Tat we ware mla-.
Wa bava tba kind of man Uat
gage lb ipttia, baennaa tbar
bava a porpoae. we are wot tiiblect to
anr potanUtp. bet tba land ts oura to
flfibt for: It la ours for bemaa. oor
flag, oar natloa. and t^t poasaealOD
rawkaa w what wa are aa man.
tbta perpoea be atamped opon tba
ig of our eooBtrr It will ba what
tt U for tba r*nn ikat an to come.
Mar oor taweban lewcb it, our preachcn preach it. owr tlngen dag It. cad
our poaU write IL"
The Rev. a. H. ncmli*®.
The Rev. R H- nasftng was the
nnt apeakar. wbo declared that ba
bad a fellow' foaling tor Mr, Vmlor
as ha nlao knew what It sraa
beaten. "Tbe daatlUaa of tba world."
ba ^d, “are anUrelr changed. Great
aaldom spoatanaoua
ortgtn. Great cboagMa are not
U a rale, but
are tbs ttneded acta of
Mr Flemlbg declared that If yon go
back Into tba ages aad trace tba ortgis
of freedom you will find that man wi
created tree aad ol an aqoaHiy In
eertalD aena* with tbair creator. E
of this deaira (br fiwaden tbe
Uma came wbaa tb* Uttla bead
wbo desired to wor­
ship OM according te tba dlcuta* of
tbetr own caaactenra and In order
tbair Borerelgn terwad
Uielr toeaa toward tba aatUeg ana and
bmbarked apon aa unknown aea.
tbair deaunr gnMad tbetr
ftaggeflng bark orW tb* ana uUl
^ tandod an tba *ngea of old New


Traverse aty’s
Best Store

notles u bstsby glvea ttat tear
csoatba tram tbs Itth dv of ApcD.
D. Ipat. bare boas allowad for ersdb '
sold dsceaasd to sBd ceoK for o*a»
«i fapeia md ^ ^ 4s
jpotiOD and adfeatmaat. aad that aR
yaraiii Id if4mb^4»am
ol uid dsosaaid are rw
quired I pmsot tbair etalms to aald
la the Mtp
eauaty. oa <r
of ABrnaL A. D.
IPM and that aald etalu will ha
beard t>r aald ooort oa Twaagay.-te.
mb day of Aegest. A. D. im. at Sm ’
o'eloek In tbs foreoooo.
CssdmBy. s«w^-tod
Ootid AprtI mb. A. O. IPOfi,
•srmsi .ym. . Ub spby 4. p-snoMiM
as. vmrawaid-mbssiu PS. w4 db.
es^sryWW" wsymbsitb. wgt ssd
April 14-21 :i>May

Dr. A. W. CWs
Nerve Pyb


«T rwry bos. SO cw si dl

m Da
A. V. Chssi Hmium Co. Brfsk. N.Y.
Tea,,. Woliw Sireob
kskloo4 Po*. i-stes:
-1 tmi tsry aseb t« dswa Sid <^«sd ^
Dr A W. CW> Nwm
P* dd SN • MViU d |--| |,|| W

eocniy of
Grand Treveras
in lbs maiisr o( ibs ratal# of Owtnvm E. Brawn, dsrssacd.
Hottc* la hsisby givra (hat to*
nwoibt Tram tbr utb day of April. A.
I) 1P»e bavr base allowed ftw era*
lun u. prvssiK tbslr cialaw agalaaf
uld drrsos.-d (O sdd ooart for esa*
Ination end adtusiamt. aad that aU
sr-iiK. June Ist. lUt U*beB he was but creditors of saW dseeasod _
iwo years of age bis pareuu rntgralsd quirrd to pressut Ibelr clalBB to h4I


and *U years utsr lo Jeffenoa eoae- of ■ niTars* City. In aaid eauaty oa
ty ^-nnsni-anU. .here he grew to, before tba IStb d*y Of A.
' '
manhood. In 1&S4 he waa Mnlted IB ipM
ih., bid -i«»—
will ha
ruarrlag,. lo saiaabcth M. Saaloa and i^rd^-lSS
lo Ibis onaoti were bora sight children.' uj,
day of Augoat. A. D. IMI at
Ihrra oal, of wMch surrtvs. Tbs .or- 'Z o>rocT In

Dora ThoBpaoB of
W J. Bennl&cI. and Mrs J. K


April 14-n-bfi-May t.
d a b
-wnsbip of Mayfield. Grand TravMuiy. Ib ISW. He wapI eleclad,,.
lierlg Of t
ly U. 8 I
iM* raum,, aoma icc or t.a^ year*
«■ *»• «»
Is# aiHug maBy toeal poalttoBa.of,
' Judge of Prabatc.
Mr and Mr*. Rartlau wera ebarterj U tba muter of tba aaUla of Albeit
laambers of tba First BapUsi church i
orgaBlted In ibis riiv and the early
illy Dotinar. Jiavlag Had la a*i
bee pettiii-n praying, that a eaw
10 lnjfirem--nt.iii wnina. a«
tlsaaeat to another tkningb IM* i Ib said coal - ieirp»rting
ling So
Su I,-.'
t> tba laM
sparsely sottlad regloa. atorapa toaad ‘WlU and T>s<sni>-nt of esid
a hearty weieome at tbair bOM
| ba admitted lu pr<>twt<
eat< sod (b* a4
rtinerar aerTleaa war* bald at tbe ' ■tiblatraitoa
I ber smlUMg
Wastord efasreb Toaaday afUrnooa.;
barmelf o
It -“
la ordered —
tbat ....
‘ ‘gtoh dai* Jt
■dlllac. etiw U»C r^^HASS I ’■
laid beside those of tb* eompaatoo of
A D. IPOA at t.i. ..dusk |a t
bis youth. IQ tbe eemetory Coar mllea |
•* •**( p'»i-*>» ogji-e,
>rth of tMa place.
land Is hereby fippotpi'd for beuti
'said petlMon;
II l^tanbor ordered, 'hx: rnsblh- aoUse ibareaf b* gtreo bv pabiuwttoo «(
' ibla order, for tbrac sacce*I prerloaa to said day ot
I the Oraad Traverse Hetr printod hs4 clrc4;


Jadga of Frobgl4
April 14-21-28-Hny t.


Two Groups

The Greatest Easter
Out win be


Made this Season.

Easter Suit and Skirt Sale
An Opportbnlty of Extraordinary Interests
Oor buyer picked up 4S Suits aod Skim at most remarkably low prices. There are two lots of Suiti and they are especially niTa- 't.
A^l oew modeli anJ paueros io fancy mixiures. itripes and checks, gray mixtures, plain colors, light fitting semi-fitting, and h-.jucy-y
styles. Skirts made after the latest modes.
LOTA. Worth regnlarirfSAO. yon ona buy (or.................

'.............. $15.00

LOT R Worth regniariy 130.00, you cut boy for..............
................. ............ $22.50
LOT A. VoUoSkirta in the uat aiaiek, attnetmly mtolo (d tho t>M-mbtorinla niid worth »lfi 50 to $18.80 for.......$10 75


Lfl, Mb .


aot tootooeo M po ton datafl
ght tototo mmBmwomo or tod

• >:iR2ss

«wr «ol tanrti « HM MtNiti


oonnl to topi wo ton dooo.
toe obctotr wm onoatoad. ooek^
► Md omy wtator. “
ton', tooa oatlnlr '
toottag klo tooM wlto o oborB or olod
otoko. Ton deal ooo oi nock ot toot
oon of tolng os ron did. Wo ton
poMM serml wtoro toe oCw
too boon too togroBt to onrtook.
fln boron toot
ooSerlag ood beroed help,
tore bod toe poimd mooter dtopoee
anmeioble dogs, oou sad benos.
We ton bod bones toot wen loae

too homo condltloM of smrsJ cUl
la rogord to onnoarmoos eomplolDts
ore do Dot wset ibem. We moke It
rale aot to ose onr Infonoont's non
tot we moot know wbo ron on. 1
ooBcInotan would oor too Homone toclotr does not roeein snr opprt^irts
Uoe wtoterer fram Wtbor toe sute or
tr bot is kept ap entlrelr br toe
membership feee which on M '
for lodleo ood ooo doUor tor men pet
poor, n CDOU leos tooo one-totrd
cent per dor to bocoMe o member
ammm tmi* m» rntm %»a. •»■ M If rmi toink toe oodetr U copobie
of dotag some good, wbr not come In
•My HM BM BiMjr Blrt
OBd belp booot It olong!
Agent Oroad Tronree HumoM
' i'imM Uto to Mr * fMT vord< to
* mfa« to tko Bbbom aodetr u4
vbM M ku 40M. to «oli>c. wd otoe
ttoMnaUato awl
Mro. B. K. Oegao Onet of Meiw at
«M «ktok wo work. I b««0T0 It too
FIrwt Motiiadlot Ctoroh Pre
ioM* —attotood too oltbouoo tooroofrtod With Cut Olon towl.
. totokljr toor wiU eont to too froot uu9
. Mp to ^ Bio Kwlotr to « ww to do
A fonwall reception woo dren
• r<M doto Men lood tooa h^ls toe M-B-pomooge Tborodor a>«bt la
penWo to do to Ito prooMt «oo<
r of Mn. N. & Degen. wbo leoTe*
Oatortuototr otoeo too Int
lor bor totnn borne tn' Oiond
■aWtoo oftor wo won orsoaicod wo Sopl^ the reeepttOD being teirt
' tetio aot
oar rocitou- rooord of hr too music eommlttoe of toe church
odldkoop Mro. Degoa bot bod cborge of
' oar work, km too otoatoo wo
yWOOMt or Ikow toot wo
toolr tt too dumb for obou^
' >id to M
moatoo, OBd npoo her dopartnn tlW
ton tooa o
j)ttoa wot glrrb to ikow bow
fflacb bor oenlooo had born oppredob

mn ~ (• tBt


otr. i

I nii «Mi 2ESD



I “HiSrS:.




There won aaorir IM pnooat, ood
B ddl^ttd enodag wao enlorod.
Tton wmi ao progtoia, bat is
moata] mnslc woo farniabod br wtoral UdlM dnrlag toe ontUag.
la too aftornooa Mrs. Dogoa wao
proaoBtod with so ocqnlslte eat glsos
fndt bowl, ton gift of toe oSlcUl board
of tbs dinreb.
Opsa bor rooigaotloa Mlso Etta
Mlaor bos token cborge of too dKrir
Boit Boadar bdaj^ bor Iret work la
tots podtloa. Mn. Degoa wU) Inn
with too boot wiolibo of a largo eirdo
<4 Moido who regret her departure
bot ban aotolag but beet wlober to
olor her la bor mow haaw.

Over Inrtloa •reogM on Ailment
Thai ftooultad In Hie Dottle
Wm 17 Vmio Old.

i guvicc^ WAS HCUP
DM •untoy At VpeH**U Of Sonlllly
-Had DmwMor Heme « Omens
r Many VMfs.


TMUaad, Htto.. April 14.—Byrtm
M. Cmtoe^. Of Omnd Baplds,
Mka^Mrs oae at weoton b
eldaena. die bon BundOy% toe'home of bis outer.
«*d. Dooto wos dile
Oeseml Cntcbeon was bon
PembnAe. K. H.. May 11. 1U«. aad
was a doacendent ot an old New
lamily. tdi graadfatber
haring been a soldier In toe Borolutlonary war. At toe age of IS he
entered Pembroke Mgta ocbooL and
at IT qnaJlflad as a teacher, at toe
r time pursuing bis studies,
pnnnu died about toU Ume sod he
me weal In search of opportonltlei.
EUlag In TpsllaniJ. and Uler going
BlB^mim to inke charge ot the
in IKT Cutcbeoo entered toe Dalrerslty of Mlcblgun. gmduaUK wltb
bcoors In ISGI. when he accepted
poaliloo os professor of ancleni
Unguages. higher matbemoUes
menu) and moral philosophy,
brilllatil Intellect commended marked
atteoUoD, but be resigned In 186Z to
take up arms in toe CIHI war. and
with a martial Inhnrltanee, raised
company tor the tOtb HIchlgen tafantry. and was mnatered in as a
and llenlenant.
Uent. Cutcbeon gsloed steady pro­
motion for bmre and brilUant
Tloe at Frederlckabnig, Vicksburg.

dereesi and at CbaneellomrUle
SpottBsyiranla, where be was
rerely wounded, by a bursting shell,
la s tbree-days* ftgbi'st ibe Weldon
mikoss be mUled S broken
nrent undn^ Dre. look toe colora to
bU own hands, and led a bayonet
pbaige. captnitng toe enemy's rifle
plU. For toU he wu brereted
Praoldeal Uneotn for consplcoons
gaUhstry. He was breveted s brigadier-geaemi for gslUniry In ■
'A'llderaess campolgb and reared
dSfit with that Utle.
After toe war, Oea. Cutcbeon took
9 be yiractice ot law tn toe office
of bto brother. SuUleao M. Cuich
eon^ ot YpsUanJ. and after practicing
for 'a year In lonla. removed
ManUtee, which has been bis borne
for 'toe greater part of bU Uter
yMra. ,{l7 waa recognised as a pow
erfiR p^toal speaker. He was s
'iber of toe board of railroad commlMloneru until 1U3. stoen be resign­
ed W onior oongrees. where be remalaMl nstll 18M. when be removed
to Grand Rapids and resumed
piacUce of law, reUrtng In IMII.
On Jno* U. 1863. be wa^ married
to MUa Marie Anale Warner, of Yp-^
sIlantL He Is survived by four sags.
Frank M-, Sbarles T.. Mas H. and
Fred R. Cnlebeon. and a dangMer.
Mrt. LouU Ramadell, of MonUiee.
The foaemi was held here tbU atier-

Boaar SUolor .too l7-roor«ld son
of Mr. mad Mn. Nolsoa Shltler.
Boloa. died at 1 o'clock Satnrdor morn
lag at too oaaHiilam after a
wooha* fllBOM ot inflammaUoB of toe
Geaeral Cniobeon was well koowo
bowels. Ho was brongbt to the oositor- In thU city, having bed Us son
lam rrUar ftoa bU boate.
»e at Omena for many years.
Two weeks ago Mr. Bbltlor mot with
B uddMt. one ot Ml sbonldoro bolag bnksB. HM ooa Boasir wont
too pfarotdaB aad onr^amrtlaa ot this
tlBM bconght ao too Itowoa


. S.*S.’fei:StlS°ra„a.

Posood Away At tho Northern MiehIfin Asylum At t:i5 O'clock

> Detroit. April IS.—The
l|utes lake survey reporu toe atages
if the great lakes for the month of
’torch A Jollowu;
Lake Superior.
01.7* feet above Udewater. New
Vork; Mlchtgan-Huron. £80.5»; Erie.
:72.C<i; Onuiio, {47.39.
Since last mouth Lake Superior
t«a fallen one aad ooe-ronrto inches,
lakes HtchiMo-Huroa have risen an
Isch, Lake Brie has risen six and oneslg inches and Lake Onurto oearlj
f.Ve lorbes. ^
; During the present mooth Lake Sui;ertor sbonld rise about one locb,
IllcUgon and Huron three inches.
l)rie seven Inches and Ontario eight
icbes. By mid-summer all the lakes
iftould be a foot or more higher toon
(.uriog March.
Lake Snperior U tdne Inches higher
tion In March. I8»f; three and three■urtbs inches blgfaer tban in 1K98.
od abom toe eame helgbi a In 1899,
ut it Is Mx Incbea lower iban in
I>01. two laches lower tban last yearj
snd isro and toree-tour*b Incbes below
tie average March stage ot toe last 10
Lakes Michigan and Huron aside
om toe years 1906 and 1907 show toe
rigbtot March stage since 1894. They
(TO toe MBS height a In I89i.
lAlf Mcb lower Cbu In 1690. two and
one-half Incbes lower than In 1906 and
»k incbea lower than In 1886. hot
they are three lacbee higher than In
1903. ;I7% (aches higher than in 1896
and. ite incbes Ugber tban toe aver­
age Monk stage for the loot 10 years.

Mrs. Lonlsa Iao^. wife of Peter
lABsIng, of Clsn. died at the asrium
Friday moralngalFrie o'clock, at the
age of M roaro. 8be bad beea ao
mate of toe asrlom tor toe last It
years. She learM oeversl children.
/ate ood too diM of poUoe and bio
Mrs. Albert. Pox. ot tola city: Mrs.
teoe, M too obMtf, bon o
Jcaoingt. of Clan; Chester Lansing,
bcoa jSt prcnpt to act is oar
of KetUe Palls. Wash., ood a dangbter
when wo bon wooded than.
wbo iMides tn SoobomUb. Waib.
tMak toot bnoaoe toor do aot read
aoMiUilag osofT dor about oemoono
Mag armtad toot wo an aot ddng
aartolag bot la that thcr on mlotakn. Ike law M oU right m a lost
foaort or la aitxotu easw bat we do
Funeral Wervlee gaturdey at
aot-tbUik It li aeooaaorr wor right to
amat omroao wbo it not doliig
aocir'as toor toonld. cmr poller is
lonroc Cenier, April 10.—Chaleo
to work odeOy and deal diroctir with DnHl died at bis borne ben last nlgbt
toe paitlaa ooBooraod.
When wo at I0:t0 o'clock, after a short illness
loam of onraotoleg that to aot as It ot typhoid pnenmonls. He was
dboald bo we dad ont os nnrlr
old. aad unmarried. Besides
posglbte all too faeU to toe motur bU tstoer. Wellington Duell. be leei
wad tooa eee the portico mad talk toe two broibern. Fred and Veraie. and
ttlag onr. odrtalag them to moke
one sister, Mrt. Maude Fnoer. all of
tooago and obowlag toota what too Monroe Center.
Itniiipiiirn will bo If toor make It
Ike tnnera] will be beM tomorrow
woeoaMir lo go after them. Is this
at 1 <clock from toe chureb
at Monroe Center.
« are aftar aad nn too partr
Had Bad Fall.
Mn. Belle Jobbett, oF^pst Front
Okie oonm wo boUoeo to bo too ntmt fell down toe bock stepn ot her
boot aad It ten wot at a role 1
lence Toenday aOd bealdee bnls■oto. n, paaeUdr bn tolo fag her face Inpired ber back no toot
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dnvls. of MaaisI that wo 4e wot got
obe U now coaSnod to ber
Mm. tee paaaed tbrough toe city today ob
R. W. Burk, of Klngnley. orriTed tbM their way to Boyne aty where toey
will make tMr (Btarc koau.
nfUtwoen to oare tor Mm. Jobbett.





Laaslag. MbA..toMa T*v^Tbe naanal college umi eonntry ran will be
bnslness trip to Read City. Booae and
beM naturday aftotwoon over
A ot laat year, which U ^|oat
W. p. Keaacy hA retnreed from
three mOes In length. Tbe conme to
mile ap tbe west side of Red Cedar
Mrs. L. K. aevetond baa ratnnwd
river, torongb tbe woods, then scrass
bridge toward OkentM and back by trom a trip to Baglaaw.
C. R. Doekeray Is bene from Grand
tbe coUege road. TUs event
bring ont sU tbe cross country snuS Rapids.
and promises to be very (ntersH
Mrs Wesley Stanton, of K«
Captain Carr. Orlntt and Bignell
City, wbo bA been vtsltlag ber sisters
exited to carry off toe bonom, bat Id tbe city, left Urls morning
there are also many tAt new saen
Solon for a visit wto ber poronu.
It would Dot be snrpfislng It a dor*
Mrs. Anu Hoebel west to Mnssiee
horse wtns e ~C- C." isreater. About today tor a risit with friends.
twenty men will enter, it It expected.
Mrs. M. Deering returned to Empire
Tbe Brst tegular spring term work today after a vnsit In the city.
ot tor tot M. A. C. baseball team was
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stdth iwtuned
held Monday afternoon oa toe parade Honor today after s stabrt suy la toe
gronnd ft 1:30.. Tweoty>Ux condl- iclty.
daiM were out in sulU. After speeUI
Mrs. W. H. Magee sod six ctaUdren
examinaUons Avetsl others worked arrived from Bmydre this morning sod
Itier. The squad was divided into left later lor South BoardmA where
Infleld and ouifletd hundia and given they will locate permAenUy. Mr. Ma­
a fast practice after which Coach gee belog already located there.
Brewer picked two teams, one c
S- Garland left today tor Chicago
posed of BMSt of tbe regulars and sm­ where be wrat on a week's bulness
other of toe BCmfae end put them on trip.
toe dlsBkond. Boyd and Dalstrom did
the battery work for tbe Mrvbs. sod
Crissey and the coach himself for
regulars. At toe end of tbe nino
nlngs toe score stnpd fl to 6.
Tbe old men wbo were ont were
Crtssey. Harrison. MIIU. Nelsoo and
Burroughs. .The pruetiee was Asppy
and showed that Averal of toe new
men had tbe rigiit sinft In them. One
noticeable fact aboni toe new men Is
tbeir sUmy to hit ana this year's
team promises to be the hmt bnneh of
siit-k arilsu M. A. a bA ever pot on
t*i tests in tb« rvjuah*
toe Held. All of lAt aeeson'a good
hitters are back tUa year.
While. Pctercon. of Cadillac, and
Vance, of Lansing, seem to be tbe best
Rtods since lase
ttnict norr/or nar oMOT«
infleld material In sight and are alM
good hlttere. Dalstrom Is doing good
work behind the bat and throws well
to bases. Ash. tbe one-armed outfield­
er. of Indianapolis. Is a wonder. Ad
Idcks'tbe ball out of Ibe sky m easy
as the best two-handed men.
oeems to be showing up about tbe
best of the ootflelderx ud also hitt
The new diamond ^
Athletic field baa been completed Ad
oon A ft becomes dry It will be




of Paraa^. wfce has
I vMtlng twIsiHni U tlw city rwGrand Tiavoraa.
^ssAlaa of eMd oeert. bsU at
bate (Mew. m tbe
_ty. m aatd oommtt. « the |Mb
day of April. A. D. 19M.
Preaeot: Hob. ftai
Judge ot Peobate.
In^ muter of
oetaie at Alam-

bate eosn for toe eonaiy
Grand Traverse.
la tbe matter-cf toe setete ot I
lamle F. HoMomh. decaeesd.
beiwbr «»*« toat l_„
Nobie Tyrrell, bariag
B tbe Mtb day of March.
conn hA peUtte prayiag tost toe adA. D. 1908. bare bees sUowed *
Btolfnauoa of uU route be grabted
eredliori to preoeat tbeir d
agalaat taSd deewaed to aoM •
tor examlaatioo and adJiMtmesi. sad suitable pereOB;
It U orvSered tbet tbe flbto dap at
that all creditor* of said deceased are
reqttred to preoeat toeir claims ta April. A D 1908. at 'taa-o'oleck la
sold conn. A tbe probau o»ce. la toe forenoon, at eald probate efflee.
the city of Trsveree City, la said be aad U hereby appofated for bearcDAty. o nor before Ibe 3rd day of tag said petition;
It t* fnrtoer ordered that pnbBe no- '■
August. A D. 1908. and that said tlve thereof be giveti hy puIdkatKm
rlalms will be beam by Aid eoart
|of a com -of Ibis order, for three « ~
Monday, the 3rd day of August.
wwAs prevMms-lo a
D. 1906. at tA oelock In toe fo
hearing.. IIQ the GMd4Cl»i
newspaper printed-1
Deled March 30th. A. D 1901
laM In said cooaiy
Jadgu of Probau.
Judge of Probate.
Apl. T. 14. 21. 28.
March 31. Apl. 7. 14. n. a.
There k BfbUenl |iroof 4ff toe Met
tbet glone have beea
year* Tbe firm bwbOob
made In ibe book ot Rato.
Traverse City, Mtcb.. March 21. ISM.
Tbe Anul meetlag of tbe tlockbolders of toe Traverse City Railroad
compAy, fur the election of s>
Directors to serve tor the eMulng
year, and for the transaction of sneh
other builneas u may come before
Ihc^meetlng. will t>e ^eld at the of­
fice of Mr Tbomn* T Bates, la tbe
city of Traverse CUy, Grand Trav­
erse county. Michigan, on Thursday,
May 7. ISOg^at 9 o'clock a m.
B R. Metheany, Sec
Mar. *4, 31. Apl. 7. 14. 21. 28. May i.

N. 4 L L TK GW

Vu Ooronm A A. A. R. B.

-SSLVJTS.S ffirsh s?ss

Sensational Easter Values

Located Hers.
Mr. and Mrs. Rruce Sumraerfleld
id three cMMren arrlred lAt <
Ing from Winchester, Ind, and have
taken up ibely residence on Ea*l Slate
street. As toon ae .Mr Summerfleid
has looked aboni the city it is prob­
able that be wlU engage In buloe

octsgentWtj^mpTfy onThe bcKk«U, cleanses
fke ^temej^ectual^
one in ok^rcoming
habitual consl^ati
permanently. To get its
Wejicial ejects
le Genuine.
_ Potiujo^ uiikI ^ t Kc

Another weell of wonderful bargains In
Wearing Apparel. Ladles’ Soils. Skirls,
Jackets, Shoes, Men’s CloOilng, etc.

Easter Millinery
Easter Hats. Special Paris models. Extreme­
ly the finest assortment shown in this city.
The smartest styles to please the most cult­
ured tastes. You are invited to call and ^
these Hats and try them on and we save you

45 to 50%



sou BTiiwiNO Oiucasto-SOI ,-4ona

Ladies' Patent Leather
Blucher style, light soles.






$3.00, $2.75,
Our trade is ^uinj

Ladies' Patent Colt,
button Oxford, very neat.

Ladies' all Patent, 2
eyelet, Gibson tie. latest

like the way



fiotusl Sk«s ai Horust
Pritts is OUT Motto.

sola in any drag ntora fo’
25c. in oor Eaaior
bargaioB at.................. mV.

A 1 lb. Jar of Petrolcam Jelly for.......VC

Ladles’ Suits
Ladies' Panama Suits
in Blue. Brown. Grey or
Black, fancy tucked and
trimmed with Braid and
inlaid Silk, stylish Collar
and CulTs, worth $10.00
everywhere for


Ladies’ Gun Metal Blucher Oxford, pretty last.

Ladies' Blue Suit, fancy
Braid trimmed.

Ladies' Patent Colt
Oxford, plain tie and
fancy Patent Collar, very


better oo this class
shoes because peopie

ConplexSoto Cream,


Ask to see Mes’s
$t.M Spcdsl

Uan'i toncy light eoloiad
•nite, Buda to a^ lor tS Sa
Sold at onr Easter

lattla tote snita fms S to
gysanold. Imteata^ksiR
Boater Brewns, Biasiao
btooM, foocy ttimaad, as&or
^^■ndn^ laatibar batt.

Ladies- fancy dress
Oxfords in all1 styles.
Special Easter bargaios.

▼erylatwIpBUerMiB eUaks.
bfoma RBd Uuer gUds.
EMtar •tyhs gqoaf to $1S.
any. Easter basins

Ladies' fancy Black
Short Jackets.

Ask to see our fancy
Dress Skirts.

*1.98 u. *10.48

Men's fshey
ooats. Bpecisl

*5.98, *6.98
Men’s Hats

Gold Bond Hits, many
stylos snd
spring odors, gosnnte
OsU snd. SB*
... r
tha£. ”

Men's fnr hata, told
where at $1.00 and
Eaater bargains


Men's soft bUok feU bats,
every store for 60c,
onr Biater barKSin.
to be

Men’s blackTsattoe'shirts,
best 50-ceot
vaJut-a.......................... Oyir
Meo't black and white
striped and ebecki^*'wasb*
able work sbirla. ragolar price 60c. now

wear in fancy colon, 60e
and ^ valoea,
Canvas Gloves, «<€ per psi'


V iV.j


a Oteop Woo Oanlal. Oaio*

A matetty ol c
pnndeat end wben (6ey are coni'
paltod to ter* WeeUnfloo bare only
a .eaBitlilt Boiphio oa hoik to cany
tbain home. It mectert nttto bow enoeb
tbeae bmb inakc. tbe rcoult li tbe
anme. for they lire op to tbdr roreooe.
Ameoc tba many wee Dantol VF.
Voarbua. eo wHI kaoim In bio poblic
ennor as a remow orator. ■ (mlaL
penerona food fellow and boon cun-

«pw lagoon Jsw 37 to «<acocBe the
t«V IM or coonsOoM to bo bdd to
Xmr« tkis oaoiMf. osons wfaidi
wlU te tho DcOMcntle Mtteol
Sbo talMlac to m b7 300 foot In
■Mi^.aad to of tfao boigbl of * Aoo
mmr tfenn HnOtoon 8qooi« Oardon In
Kow Tork. vbtob boUi 12^ fwopto;
CoUooua In Oifcoffd trtwro
tte BopnbUenn cnarentlaa to to bo
bt»d In Jne. wkkb boMa 1U)11 poo'9to. 00 tko MomMe ttiMtnaoto la Salt
Itoko Ottr. whleb OMU lOMO. noro
nio t«roM7-(o«r oxtla. Iododln« 340
Bnoor foot of oxlt ipoco. and ttw boUd
to( ««■ bo Mi««to« ki two Blnmao.
' rvo ftoiataot teo at ono a^ of
tbo boMtac Mod air botTMi ataaa
9 foot of pipe. Midtottaa two fasB tee
r w|]l aood tbo air
tbraogb tba maindar of tbo booae.
An ozteiM fbn wIB 4nw tba fool air
'«« bbiOW Wboto It llM on tbo floor
id oiBri tt Inoa tbo boUdlnc.
HBBtor tbo‘haa««toparata to tm
ad IMo a
by SMng tbo
ealla^er pl|o witb'cold
<b cold wr—
. maayatKnar
wtj la
In tbo i
loot to

!tor aap pabiic btdUlBK la
Oad df tbo dmrobtootloM t.
marn§ Ufktlnc mothoda In tone bnlldli«a to ^ coawtant bomlnc and nap^ pf tbo jaaonaa an Ucbta wbleh
fWaMi gtoflrtaatloB. In tbo Dearer
. iBtodf w« la oat la tbo oeiung. girtni
. an « atoadr tadtaneo of USD candle
pawn eaeb, wbkb wd do away witb
. ------- ---------- ------ .dhjrare
Ofbi^ nan wQi ate be 10000 BuUor laape amtttad Wboat rarton para
ar ap Ml«ta»^ ne
taminttiA eaUalp el flrepraf aatartalaad wd be tbo noetlac plere of

I I.•Win


Tbto to tbo dnt titt# e
whhto tbetoitr toe


_____ Kalita Tcoplan. tbo Qrand
Ampiol tba BdMWtoand otberelfflllar
aipaiAatlan, w tbotr moetlns fOaoe
r ball for tbetr'aaternftod la

OwttofoaadaalrliODlonda. JDa(ia«
the obatb 01 3aly tbo flowan wbkb
ttow orOd In tbe Vocky moontate at*
Booa to tbotr ctoatoat profaaloo. tad

Vtotor aad ansUDor BMM la tbepKoofKo

w la Doorer for tbo
«im 4er tbo dolintoo and riettem lo
Tomoa. DenTOT alwayi doee


I bir L

Anv of tbo BepabDe Bet tbere a few
' ---- OOOwelkient
tadge and nnual mate of Elba met
IPmayMr UtertbcR wu more than
•sano axpended. Tbeae bnft enn>
an eratflbatad by attoene wbo baioro
tbec to ntaotata Ubereily nnkea tbo
rtottersoawayand teport to bto fttebde
at baiM tbet they tmt yon nicer In
Iterar (ban anywben elae In tbe
eaenoy"Th* attnmpt to make tbe (atberl&a
m tbe Domoeratk aatkaal enreotte
Meat end boqdtellty to bmoCIbc wttb
Stoat etocoare«*BaaL Tberallroodaraaitos toto DoBTw bare eeetrlbotod
MM* tben SlftOOD to aw^ tbe entertol—nt toad and topr* W launeMe
Mtetor el TMton Sy brtac to tto
al» tbe meet pleanro ead
It b pOMihle to crowd toto tte n
_ n*« wthiir to Donr» i* unoBsalir coei dBTtog the iM«th of July. It
win net be Mro than TO I ttet It to t«icr«ny
to Mtoera cMm It con nedUr be
fhnt ton wCl be few SeSfonTte,

r r^M'ldto Wthh^VtepM M
-TOB maOB 1 ihOBM ItonfN

Bo perad witb bis moucy wiib no
tbooffat of lU relno. Tbe middle of tbe
moDlb foomily fonod blin -^roke."
bat this worried bln little, for be manaped to cat alone loot os well antll
pay day. Dr ordered wbat bo wauird
and bad it i-barsed and ibeo forpot all
about IL Tbe ronay |>ar« of bit uature
was that, wblle be did not rememU-t
bto crcdltora. be always kept lo niod
Wo Mondt oiuj would al'e tUm tbe
coot be bed If tbey applied for os-



Nationaf Gittrdsmen Enter the
FteU of Aerenautict.


Great Easter Sale

Oiva rirot Proetiool Leaeen.

klemben of tbe First company, alpal torpa, X. O X Y. arc preparloe
to add bGliouos to tbelr equlpotenc ond
ollllse aotoDaullcnl oeleoee to tbe full­
est. To this end an aetunaoUc conis.
ewBDanded by Ua>orOwtor Erlaadara
and conalsting of irreoty-Ovc m«u.
a complete coar*
rtudy of aeroiuiallc acicnce Is to lie mupoD. ascensions are lo be made,
and a-ltbln a few weeks (be milUlaciiiect 10 take op tbe roustnicUou
uf mvercl balloooa for practical use.
Id doKTDlDluc to enter tbe Oeld of
at tbe eapllol to see tbe senator | ‘='^^1 narlcatlnn (be men of tbe First
Hot flndlnp him In. be weui lo tbe
hare- bad tbe beany co-or-eroortMnt-at-amja. that poaltloti tben I
Proinlueot memberm of the
btonp held by D. J. Bright ate from 1
^Inb of America. In adopting
tiuTi.... sod nn iDllmata friend «f »>* coufoo. too. tbey bare atulned the
Mr. Veorbeen. Tbo old man told Us !
national guard
. . I nmalsanrui ,.t .to M.i.
atory to Brigbt and the reaaoo wUy be
Id aearcb of Voorboea. lu effect It praetkal aeronautic*. «aya ibe Sew
was that be nas ‘hard up” and Voor- Totk Hanld. Uajor Brlandseo. wbo
boos owed Urn flSO on a nolo and be bso bami tbe gnldiog genius In tbto
Dooded tbe inoocy badly and waa tbere pton. to widely known aa a cirU eaglto collort IL Hrlgbt thought tto atory DCer. Dc recoDlly aaidi
'Onr aeronaoUc corps Intends lo taka
- or and astd;
*Xow. my friend. If you go to Dan op ballooning at once. We rralite that
to collect tbto money be n-lli not pay we moat follow ratber tbao lurenu
you a dolUr. On the other band. If and beennae of that foot we plan
make a practtel study of tbe •object
yoo wm go to bim. tdl blue bard Inch of orrooputlcs and Be ourselrea
Otdry aod put op a poor meotb be rrlll
daa and gire yon erory dollar be mako tbe greatest poaslble nse of
loons and dliiglbleo. On April 30 :
(he coarse rrlll open with a lecture.
Tbe man took bto adrlce and. meet­
the uae of lanierD
ing Voorheea. told Um wbat a bad flx alldeo. Afterward I.eo Bicrena sill
be wna in and bla need of a little as- give members of tte class tbelr (
ototanee. Voorbecs affectlooately put practical loaoD. A complete«lri first
; mtiilabto arm over Ui tooolder and aaM;
baUooo will lie used, a
'’WlUlam. I am very sorry for yoo. and wjll a torge liallooD with a capacity of
I will help yoo all I can. Com# with
— I 85.000
00,000 cable
couK leer

or Baa. ini
mo to the rtM.
ctork'i. odeoffice. I d>
do M
not uod.l
^ I hare nny
. money
. tbere ar impg e Uc eas
for sti
gna two
bbt I wUl gire yoo all I hare.
tboogb (be balloon
1 will conetnict a small pilot Lai*tih-e It all to my fnend bore.
00 bo to a long rray fram borne and
oada It more tban I.”
Mr. i'oorbeeo devoted tbe toot ton
yeaI* of bto life to tbe O
ItbraiT. Colli bto death be took no loterwot U polltlci or anything doe bat
tbo Itbnry. and to him more than to
r one else to due tbo conipiette of
mciure Bo died poor
and In debt—O O. Btealcy la Baecem

tweire feet. Though this caunut
oood to carry pamengera. It can lie
ollilicd in earring akywanl the
tennac of ■ wircleas telegraph appantoa. In operating eamems and
acnOIng np Ardols llgfau for prscUce
night. AfUT that '
I .h.n cooatnKt a largi
irge balloon barln
! a capacity of at least 3S.0U0 cuUc f
Of gas. If the company participate*
the maneurar* op tiate daring June
we aball take a balloon op (ben?
on. tbeiqtfa It probnWy will hare
amtiaeHis* of Bata.
borrowedIn one respect at least bati arc tbe

of tbe Aero Club of Atner------ -.11 .A.. .........___
.»« » In ."«7
.. ..

Is Bound to Make Things Stir at this Store
You II find it a pleasure to do business here: not ooly because of wbmt you
buy but because of the way we sell it to you.


Our entire organization has the gpitit of “at your service" to tee that you
get the tight thing; and that’s what people say about ii who have tried it.
If you’re hard to fit. or just hard to please, we've got the goods, styles and
prices here that will do both.



Low Priced Easter Apparel In Distinc­
tive Styles.
Exaggeration is so prevalent nowadays in the advertisements of retailers
of women’s garments, and the worth of a garment so often qujted ac a figtUT
much above its intrinsic value, that we Vefrain from saying what a great many
garments we offer in our advertisements are aaualiy worth. We leive it to your’
good judgment, knowing full well that you will be both surprised and delighted
when you come here and inspect tbe many money saving values we are

offering in

NeCAU M1TEENS tes. 20I9-20SJ

A Stepk Ftste to the UtofI M«dc

Suits, Skirts, Coats, Waists, Men’s and
Boys’ aotblng, etc.

Ladies' Tailored Suits at SI2.50 a.nd SI4.75.

Brussels Net Waists in Ecru at S2.60 and S5

Latlieo’ Tailored Suite of 6uo Paonma doth in Navy nod Brown,
plain uiloivd. medium lencttb. semi-fitted (onto, satis lined
wij, (dJ .iJo tUited .kiiu

Noner hnze we obowu snob pKtty wainto no
at tbe prietto

SI2.50 and SI4.7S
VoUe Skirts

nauUc corps will make ascensions with


wmprlte ,

, ..... - 1...

•xttakt aaimato with which, thanks
tbe tobors of geologist*, we ore now acqnnlntnd.nat oa* baa been dlocorcrsd
to nay way eonnectlDf bam with other
ms bats stand alone.
wbUo bow and irtiy tbey became vest.
*d witb tbo power of flijtot are qoeotloa obrooded to mystery. Tbe framowofk of tbe bat's wing la foml*bed by
tbo fore limb. lodeod. tbo boaeo cornding to tbooo of oW own band
ttoto Its moot imimrtniit parts
bsneo bnis aic known os cblMptm*. or
tend wtoffod nnlinato. The tonaib of
tbe bat I* frso aod tormlnatca In
bookod daw. bnt tbe ■■flngors’ s

IIV__ .
^ pbysteai aod other dlffer^ f**^**.




Long Silk Gloves at $1.40

Petticoats at 95c

Lons Silk Ulovt 6 io WLitr. Black and
oolore. SpiKiial < ffex for
Eteter Ssluat.........
Juat iee if iboj- art- not ly far the boat
io town at this price.

We won't say wbat kind they are.
We'd jaat like you to nee how much
better aod prettier they are than oifaen
are offering at this price. Our nr^
Eaater Bale at.............................. ObC

During thit sale we will offer



Cindy's Easier Hah
Loekyah; Whut dat cemln •
What 1 Ah looktn' s<*
WrlL Oat's sun mah Oitor
In her EMier tell

•Ule tte lUltona aoDtb of Lombardy
■re of tbe old Itotio stock TbU fact i

Whits Waisto trimmed with I
not uy what
they arc worth,. we’Uletyou
we’ll let
youiaeU. Prised daring thja Bteier *»gtf

ar* contemplated at nttstk-id.
In tbe tower of the Sevenly-Brwt
regiment tnnon'. where tbe
pany maintains qaarars.
. .
bero bare conitnicted tbelr own wtreleas telegraph apparatos. With
bdlognpbs. signal flags and other
devices tbey maintain constant commu­
nication with tbe Brooklyn signal
corpo. tbe Kew Jersey corpe and tbe
Fort Wood.

Them, gay* LendeA OaeOener.
On* of LoadoD'a loodscape gardener*
assurta «s^that fashions Id gardens
otrstcbca a nkla or membrane, to etenge almoot aa mystertoosly as fa*bwbicfa to certain spedeo tbe boooi of Ions In women's bats. Tbe plain mat­
ter of fact garden, with tt* trim lawn
the toll
tUnga coraldered. bau appear to be bordered by neat row* of flower hola
better modeto than birds for tbeoe wbo Is panting out of favor. "Tbe fasblooable garden Uito summer. ' he says,
attempt to atUlo tight bj’ mecbnnlcal -will conuin a lake, a fountain and
po*oIbly a mase nnde out of lourds
Irregnlarlty to Tte resDit aimed at.
sari tte New York Press. "Fur In
Sir Jameo Enowtoa. the editor of tte stance, yoo may tere a small lake siirNtooteratb Oeeury. wed to dew.-ribe roonded by a hedge and spanued by a
wUb enjoyment tbe fasbte lo wbkb bridge. By tte aide of tbe lake a aiusll
be wns knighted. Be was at Ban- snmtner boose can be built At (be
drtogtem one Snadny evening, aod ibe end of tte garden, reached t.y tortaous
king said to Um; -Knowles. I want potba, tbere may be a beeblve. a rain
yoo to be a knlgbL Wm ttet pleaso gauge or eooieCbtng whleb will Inteirst
yoor wU*r -rm son ate will be the boaoeboidcr.
ebarmed by yonr tboogbt of ter, sir '
-Statnes hidden to nnexpected coraeni
“WdX. then, eend word to ber In of tbe gardCD can be totroduced. while
town." Sir James was dtocorrml a a softly splashing fonntaln adds
little later by bto majesty wrIUng a cteRn
_____ to tte whole Uany persons
dreody bad Urtle artlflclal lakes
^n It to tte court newwman. and sbr boUt In thdr gardens tbb year “ A
sec U Id tte paper* | clrcnUr lake eeveo fe« In dUmot«
tefore ate gets tte letter Write out a I wfU
wfll not co« more
mom than
tiun $10.
no while
whii.. eon
UM 1 wBl aee that ste bn* It »ectlng a water .apply for the lake.
And she ted "It was not whleb inort be kept fmb U flab are to
^ W.- added Sir James la teUlng! „re In It abould^ coat more thTn .
^ story, “that I valoed so tdoch as few dollars more
the wny In wbicfa It was conrerred.'
Tte Weir. Teeth a* a MssceL
A singular rcvlral Is taking place to
iflug the tooth of a wolf
. -------------- ... ....
— In gold as n mascol. An
oortb Italy and ttaane of south old anperetltlon cuDoected (be wearing
Itoly. Tbe reason la becauac. while of each ornaments as jirovocatlrc of
poUttelly eaie.jhey are raetoll.r aqui. | good fortnne. The cnatom of wearing
b ring U also being resusclUtsd.
0 Ittty and pennaoeatly c#
taUlsted themeelre* to the ricb raltey
watered by the Po and Its aflaonts.
were of Tcotonlc stock, tbelr ocifflnal
borne having been tbe region m tte
left bank of tte Elbe. rotiad^Bkut

$2.60 and $5.00
Pretty White Waists at 68c

Ain't ehv dress' ui>. horeT*
Kow. whut rn' think ob datT
Don* nienl
d« moner
Po' dat Gaatve hat.
Ocm trillslea.
ea' an OaiT
ff'psa Ah gwlne go hangir
On 'count dat Easier Kail
-Vtenk K. toaotosM to K«w Tor*


rolb-Hloa CM
ol ncima
oetoia in
In new
Sew cCirIt to eetto -«d ^>1 tbe i
(Bail *
l^on. to mneh terser Iteii
any water precipitated'on tte pote'anOther
In the world. oeoHy TO) .»«»•;

cvXt Danny to tte fora of tain, now. oto.
to SaOOO ceWc BDea.

There’s a degree ol Dressing well that
Is prolitable to you.
An amount you ought to spend for Clothes—more would be unprofitable; so wou’d

You decide for yourself how much; we're here to see that you get the greatest

possible value for your money.

You may ttiink $15.00 enough.

Lou of Men do

YooH find here at that price tbo

shown at such a Gi^rv: all ihe smart
ahades an<l patiem* in 1
. Tan, Olive, Giey. etc ,
D all Wool Wonieda and Cheviota. also Blue Serjrea. Black Thibeto. and Worma
tedi. MichaeU tSU-ni new tipring models, the b^t values ever shown at...............wiWswU

Our Men’s and Young Men’s Suits at
$9.75 are Leaders.
At ihiepn-^- - Wf arc
^ntiJuaive line'of Novelties in limwn*. tans, greys in ■ cteat
variety of (lAt'cms. also blues and blacks of ezoeption&l quality workmanship aod a A
style of the Ligbesi clsM. A truly remarkable showing at......... ............................wwa/te
Every ouaoo nf style end quality ha* been carefully oonsidcreJ in our Kew Spring Line of Batri

.................$1.00 to jj.00
Pretty Patterns in Shirts
Th- Princely Ne-ligi!* Shirt* for Men and B lys. light < ' 'lark.
wiih iMeii »r Cod loilar. Very pn-tty pattern*

Wilson Bres." and" Faultless" Makes
for Men. N
$1.00 and $1.50


Boys’ Suits
of annaual good styles and vaiaea. Your boj will be a erdit
to yon so far a* olothes go. if yon oome here for hi* New Soring
___ A fine line of tmart
smart ityle*
style* in Norfolk
Norfolk Bm '
'' "
'and pUio donble-breMted *tylo*. ~
Piaio or El
pant*. 3 to IT^ear*.

$2.50. $3.50. $5.00

■ i

lA tVSiM^AMIL-M. tMt.
t^sir* Mtsic, vkMkw (mr« »
Bm of tbdr aioMtlau. Tte pmu
ooald Mdir «HLUi«e <0 half-tbo
It opaat&c Prot Onws wM.ih.
dm alone Ada Uae at boM and tber*
•» Terr sM ta b« mbi* i> i
tip to
U) tioM
tiOM ta tko
the dty «bo
vbo hoi
iui dUl- «oila be oaar >«aa aMta la Uta.
Mint werk Wtth Honda.
dm (a the eehooU ta eoeddede t the

The arm beat thiag m do U ta Mte
to ererf child a nOUacBOM and atdlUr to work wUh the haadi a» «dl aa
todajr the hand. Too bate there baa beta
(hie ooeutoa of pnedeal ti^Of has tehdeoor to edaeate the brain to th»^
mi of a. canal a not ihJn.itto..! o< U. liul. cm Ii I. .
mated, edocatloaal proMenw In the ecndlUoB *bleb aboold be remedied
at the prMeot Use. Conalder ai mee. There ta too ereai aa n»er.
die the oMrstraa nmber ot ^blldren alon on the part of awdeata who fradour ccbooli
acbooli to sanaal labor.
Mm arc attendlae f*w.«i to be tumeu uaU frtai oof
«ite IntdMeeat dtlaena the fl.eatloL 1 They prefer drrfcafalpi s poaiUona In
»hopa and the - - - *
BataraHy arliea aa tiowhatlaihebcrt

M biMg Naailb In tmr of m
tflMMG and BiiMIttli iwImihi
Altar the i Hr bin An
Jeamei tn UM IrblMrgibMi i
where lie M4iM eerved a vary nice

The « e'ClMk UM Wea B
Tka Mt ifltUBl wad prtBirtvn wap
•C mnitMB a inanBary was prataMp

MM er QMen OBln ami bar enhsp
pMklu and enke.
A fettnre Uist abaorbad wmB M tie IW«t Cwtlmffi. tar •* such MnB»
artanUon of the etsitors and eavecUl- cmM be MetoMB «r a bnlTa UBe AB
to tin. bitaiKy of

like pecnllar modes

a armaged in the bnUi. The woi*
Slating of rntln banketa. pMoUnga
’ well
done and reSected sneb eradli
only upon the stodesta but Mis Stout
u wril. Another etUiildt wbMA
Meted much aitenOon was that of the
sanual training depnrtsem
oantstee achoola. There were many
ariiclea, nil ot them naefol on eshibit
IrHlhcr knee
In nM.
and showed to those
with me worUngi ot manual traln> ditcBti thla
IW^lfl nrljgirtx'cpiitl aoldlv
could gel the same wage with board
ihrturn in;
etpertenoe in school work.
of this rests srltb the parents of properly directed.
Banltatlen Necessary.
the children. In ten years manual
The school building was very clev
Posttbly the flrsi and most Import
training and domestic scu-nce will eriy and beautifully dscomled w
>i thin* to <lo Is lo aorround the
hold aa prominent and Important posi bunting and innumerable flags.
children with the best stnlury condilion In me' public acbools at the
ttoBs posMble. When they (o out la­
A Ufht Fcr «hs v«yi>« BlekstL
lUI studies do now. The ame has
soana of eampe prorlded; If the »anl
the world they will B.-ed iliclr very
Oeneral ilrant bad lieeo a dca - rnmd
come when the American people call
In tfaeae boildloea
best health, pood nervuua lyitema.
of my soldier* ever sliice tbv kfei
correct, and due pieratiiloo been tak er<od atroBc huarts to pomp ibc blood for something more ttf the school grad war At tbe Udiv ‘Hir unit behy Was
c« (o pmr»t eoBiackraa and loaih o all parts of the body, ti Is stld uaies and went poople who do things. bora tbe two armim w^ eocansud
eome dlaeaaea. Hip molben elll he hsi from SO lo so per rent of ch;lfacing each other, and they nttea ew-ap.
Whnt Buoeis la.
luU>»-u uurtir Qngb ot
perfectly' aailafied and happy, but. dreu In the srhuols have trad eyes and
Kucceas U too often reckoned by ac-1 P«<>
uevuston of uiy aeo'a
aboiild any of theae poodllkina be this oatnber Is Icm-stdos, and to It
iniuUtiun when It ahould be reckon­
found fauUy It will become thdt duty Is very necessary that the physical 'd by hpprednUon. Tba person who blr« ixmllnw were lighted hi eet
coadiilon of the cMld be car.-fully| appreciatea the moat 'can be said uw tbeoi
Id a sptrll of cooiplalnt. Bor from
to be the meet suoeMatul. U Is
rause tVbfV they rcfiorisd be said
doairc to be meddleaome. but becau
-althy man who boys books for Oeneral Ingslla:
The second best iblna to do for the
they rely opon yon at lalhera la
effect but Aibsr the glr.a who dust
-Harwo'l Ww some Uodnng «u tbU
children Is to give every child efery
Jaat ai deeply iDtetealedJB the w
Uem and admire ihes and learn their IWk of the line? Why don't we etHha
fare of your little onca as are their I iDstrumenial study in the aebobi ciir- miea that can be ealled sueceecfol a light for the yoong ru-fceiiw*
In a little wMlv bonllf*«> wvrwilimmother*, who it may be have
Tbe chief value of manual Mtolog
are reading, writing, s|>elltng grammar j
“ I tng from the Federal Hoe A few day*
of tbe
MANUAL TRAINING AND OOMEA Lime lo devote to a special study of and a cenain amouni of arithmetic
thdr needs, and who undoubtedly are|irc<l.illon.
Laby'a silver ■
e engraved."‘To
Tnesc stndlm ibocld be well in hand
better quallfleA aauirally to under

♦iyh» packaffc and
glaKlwgnf pure su^ar.

n«m e puMt a
the iB«oth or the
Mlasl rfrarngteiMs nonhwem throogli
tndlaim a borsity hnasrn as the
“» e*eln(h line.*' This M om ibnH of
an Indian grant WbrnUhe mu* had
agreed to cede a parfluo ef ibeir tend
tory to the whites a nwetlng was beM
for tbe purporse of maribig ••at the
ground A sarreyor was pnaeat scil
had isoanted faU i-ooipasn snd l.'ie
*c«we oil a tripod Tba bead man of
'be irtti* weal up io the laKtraDirnts.
4ansl wtradllj at ibea fur gtrtilie.
granted and returned to the circle
alsint tbe couorll Ore Not a word
was spoken by any one Ruon SAOth.-r
tiiubin cisAP. wuflcd Stsluli-Iy lo Ibe
Isairumetits. ers'vi.v etau'lm-d Un.*m
gruaicd and rvtnrn^ to bis plan- hr
the lira. Tilt' examptr was hii,rfre.I'
by hair a dosro utlH-r*. oftev wbkti a
short eousutlBtlun was held
The i-blef Ibeo apprusi in-d Ibe white
men. That whot tndlau kie-w." be
said, drawing a snsM .irric ou Ibe
ground with a stick
-TUal r.Uat
wtdte mas know." dniv.-ius a lai-^er
cirria Toiitd the first Thu wh^i ue
body know.” be added, potaiiog to
what lay vitboui tbe last eln-le
"White men kn«n- that." lU'lkstlog
Ibe tnstnimeot. '-Indian not tui.w o
iLdlan know tbe son. Ue t:ect-r < Ls-rt
iliui atv.-uyi aatue Hiui ihrow shad
un- Inditn give while oisn land nsaide.’'
After leng raosultrtton tt wax de­
rided (ta; a line drawn In Ibe dlrecttan la whtet ^be bud would rest a
■tadnw from aa agreed point at iO
o'clock BboulJ 1» made tbe hModury,
the white man taking tbe Und ou one
BUnd what peiuins lo their comfort.
per cent of children never go iKyond iKives dcas but alio denis of neaiaesa.; tbert erfeoda. U. i Oraet. Bu^ In. •tde and the tndlane beeptag that on
aceursej-, preelsion and oorraclneaa. , gnIU. ^orge Bockley.''—Mr*. PiekeCt
“Other qoeetioDS too numerous to mat gradethe ether The e>ba- liuunderiM «ff
metalled lor B240a
menUoD come up tor
ibone of 1be<Mgl
PooBdation of Habits.
In rioting Prof, drawn said that the !
* Newmlery ReiMsr.
of the Mothers' clubs, all of vlial imToo saw a graet many palntiaga
porUnee to both parenu ib<I teachers.
We sight senGon the subject of
« <1"L
anawered Mr. Uraft
lT> cenelodlng eargato* with tbe Id
recreation, play-grounda. gaidenlng. habits of life. Flral the hahlta of
diana und hare bacotne known at *’1B
rernlarity and punciuaJlty, habitH ures taken from tbe Mi. I'lea-t the old uiaatera did u
utiock itMa.~-~MI«aMpDlls Jantw
which will carry over Into after life training school be showed bi>w i:c,rleb.''
“Onr subject thla evening deeU with
and which arc esaenUal to the sucoess system could be Installed Uy Bgnnug
“ibiK's wlwl I'm (<-;::rig my boy.
mrni itatai Ataawn
the 'advlMbillty of Introdntlac Into of evufy business. No hshlls are more
a room In each building for U.'x'O. *
v. outs lo study art uisiead of tielp^
l-be Drat letter poM la the sodeea
public school system the departImportant than those. Next comes thr For gS.500 a system could he inalnlled
mn the ward Tberr'a more
the ward, aaacas to have
meota of domestic selenee ana sanhabits of frankness and simple, down­ I. rtfh
.n« th. m., .hi
OMoblltaed la tbe Banae town*
ual training. In order that the cUIIn the eerlj part of (be tblrieenth MOright honesty, Then come tbe bsUls turnlahed for a year. Tlie quesUon of
dren by actual cxi>crlenee In the use
trry. A Itne
of industry and thrift, respert for a suitable leacher »ss easily
of their hands, may be equipped for
ive u-lil Auitrta wttb eennln^towiia la Um
manual labor and tbe recogtriUon of come shen II Is taken Into consldera^
practical aide of life
They I bandy, feitowed In the Mga •#ttae Emlue value of money. Here the spcakei lien thii all of the normals are turn-; .^nitaln
J p*rar Uaaimlllah. In 14SI when Rd"Tbe prograsa ot the different heartily commended tbe syiietn of ing oiii msDual training teachers each]
ward IV. wsa at war with Bcoaimd a
Mother*' eittba are here, open for a^gisgs banks la the school, saying year,
^I system
your Inspection. We Inv'ie your in 'that they would not toaier atarlcc bui
ITof Or^wn was followed hy I’ C ' ““ ls.*trous ..-ub t.y union, tappy u,|,^ ,b
otder to provide
illben, W. W Smith. Dr H B Oar
uJstinate; {j,
,6, jgteat news fioo tbe
vestigatlon of the work rarricl on by 1 rather a sysleni of uav-ing
these clnbs. and for them w'c bespeak i The fourth best thing lo ilu 1,..- .
1). E B
*nd w II i:»
...... .
--■•n'-'. U..1 pi.-elpItBle.betweeu England
your beartr cooperailoq."
j rhijd Is to ascertain as suou a& po
r. oil of Whoa espK-ssed IlK-msi-K'-s
B catnbibbed by t-twris

Ail First-Class Grocers






Mr. Omm Bald that the ByMes
CMM Be iwtalled in Ail of the
- iffldlAGe in the CUy Per









ABoM »H fathere and solheta were
priMBl at the Fathar't nl|ht of the
Ontnl Mothen- chib Triday nl«bt
and 3M0BM to A f«nf pleadBK and instnsdra ptogns. The saetlef op«M« with the prealdHL Mn. John
R. SaMo, ta Me chair. The Brat nmaher oa the pr«B>«B m a piano aolo
M Mlw Mu Miller. Thla Vu tolWwad by h tIoUb nolo by Mlie
Moaelte BeBsetL Mra. Santo then,
waMB^thotMMeavlBf-Mfd SOMM ABdrwa.
-t knee thOMAt thla Bight be a
Boo^ Use to air a Mrw
tn behall el the Mothera' dnba. That the
Bwresaot of Mothati- dnba lo oar
dlria Mt tsBeitPOd. ta tart. !hil it
la IbMM epoo wta

. iM^daaa M eviBaat fns aose ot the
'I ct^tMase Based npoe IL and It U
vuk ji BMdre to try and eorreet theae
IS that I adk tor a few
> lalraiM ef 'Toar Umo.
Thwa are U TrOTotae City Are
' MoUtoiaf cinhA oat* organlied and op. oratpe'iMy In the IhtB^ts of child1 hoot tboy are not Intended tor aodal^Uttr or BatenaUmiaaL but aUletly Bid vlthoBt neoptloa tor the pn^
' pow or Making a ntady of chlld-Hfe;
U BMi ana «t the elaba haa atyied Hool^'ltoljMn'. ChOd Study Circleparhapa mora nearly atalas ihe
than simply

-»■ «JIa to i bMMlii IB whieh
Mara Ot .mu ttma, M tba Motbeia'
sea made lor tboir ooeafori and'
, « tboy on iply proBoiAad
.dMlnngor thatr Bveo, and th* proper

less V. Houv. gf KoniMovn, Ob.,
wrilr* to Mn.
■* 1 safferad nnlnU lalatiij <M MsaleiroabM. Mydnaternsia anopsndon wu the only ehanea 1 hnd.^ 1
dremkd It almoctas mochMBaath.
"One day 1 leta bow ottar wosMk
try IL Before 1 had taken the
bottle 1 was bettor, and now I as taIre^ cared.



faBta iMM iSMriilid Prtih


forms with praetpitota wnBa tjm
feet high. Tba only moata aff Ba^
Bays bafora, his dtnth. Impfarad Ha

- I friend• rnanlnghaa
to «• hM ^
•ote with Ibe FoamlsML______
ufaaiti of ote|M
In order to get hU stotr
itniT rnlMdfM
iSC ■ ysr to <20. -fathtrwls
thtrwto* H t m
Mt of dfamae I ma« pariah vHh ta^




Easter Shopping at £. Wilhelm’s
New Wilhelm Block, Front Street
What’s New in


'Than clnb* aach hold me meeting
per Booth, the’ time being devoted to
carefaliy aelectod loplct. ail under the
I Boaeral subject of -CbUd Life.'
j^tor the atndy hour an o
amhlly bItu (or dlaeuatlos along the
Una o( the anbjoct nador conelderatioa. the tatorchaage of opinions
I apm the experiences
BoUieta and teadtora. wblrb prerc
votr helpful to both claaaea.
"Aa eW life has many pbaae*. l^e
taplei are varied. Perhaps the most
tMpnrtaat om that praaeoU lUelf for
(beir conMderatloa and the ooo in
which aolbors oan be the belptal to oaA other la the home life ot
tbe chili ombraelng toe yean lo
• nndei
w^ U lo
thfftaia o( the tnoiher. Tbe study of
iM lArMtal. menUl and moral
; to learn how each of
thsoe devolopmenis aSmt the other*;
the Unpattaaee of the proper food
Clothing to meet the demand* of the
dlfforcnt etogea of 1U growth; the
fomatlm ot haMt; the beat method
ot iBpreoalag the leoaorn that be
line. atricUy mmfclng.
training. T^om yean are toll of perptektag peoMema wHeb mother* In
aondoB can help each other to solve.
. *Sal the ehUdrm can not always renalB at home, aftor they have rearhed
th« ptnper age they «p*nd neorly iwcthlrds ot their Mmw daring the •cfaool
Tpor la these ochool bMldlngs under
the Ai* of Eeaeheto. and the mother*
menpt none but the beet resoUa from
h the teaehera o< their
They arv not worklag for
B anr agtoMt them .bat with Uem
An npboading and the totera good
tba oMM. who ter tbe time being. U

Plakknta'a V«B«taMe CBMkpwud.

Men’s Clothes
m’ dM

• Sprioc stales show a decided
cbacfe io deslpo from anything
produced iQ ihe last two sea­
sons. Bright effects lo fabrics
are p eferred.aod yos will find
a great many people, especially
tbe smarted dressers,
wearing clolhcs cat w!lb patch
pockets, '‘sporty” ironsers and
raiber larce lapels.

^ Ladies’ Suit Dept,

Large shipments just irt from New York,
Cleveland and Chicago. Easy
to select your

From this Beautiful Assortment.
No on styles Here. Every garme.nt shown
Is exclusive with us, having that touch of
excellence in the way of careful tailoring,
“nifty" styles, best of fabrics, etc . that is
so much appreciated by those who know.

Our stock Includes tbe popular colors and patterns at

Sio -to A22.SO
Assortment Especially Strong at $15.

Young M-.-n’s College Shapes at
$2«nd 2.M
Stetson’s at
Otters al...

.55.50. $4 and $51

New Dress Shirts at
$1 and $1.50

Extra Values at

$12, $15, $18, $20, "> $30
New SUH WalBts la Nets, Silks i
Llagerle at

87c, 98c, SI.25. S2.00 to S7.50

Late-l Novelties in Nrekwtar at

25c and 50c

...... $1 and $1.60 j Gloves at............$1. $1.55 and $2

55.00 lo 115.00
SC, SC.M.H10and SIC

Ribboa Sale
SPECULS-A lot of plain KibboBO, 4 (o
<'> iDchta wide, at .................................. 8e
F.XTBA’-2de Ribbon, black ooly. at......... lie
Print Warp Ribboa. a5e value, at ..............ISe
GLOVES-P>rrin'a $3 .-50 !«> battoo
kids at .................... ............. ..........SISO
Bral Frvooh Kida. abort, at... .$1 MbC SL5#

E. Helm’s, Front and Union, New Block



mb Ja^''VMr' 'l^. a^ Aiqrlkm Ym CwMMc wm

it ■cnc^ AU ArlMa Mot Be HmM

= • ’i?

Write Oaly Oa Oae SMc ai Ae .Pbpw


for UHb >■ tte b>c«d. Surt
nl «on> aad Ml wqtplM with
'lee as to duagteg ftcar-'towa to)
bH tha rm !• cMir. MoflBg the m- tor irj veatbar.
roantry to tbU; Do not cal oS ftom>tlficiaU |wOI eCect 'a
It aeteaded tbe whole leBgtb of oer
tatloB o( tte qoMttM of profit
Br ptuUac in' Ule faU or winUr kltabra canton aad i pleated for cartbe oM bone aad Its lite all al aM.]cbaacp Is tte ttancter of a paatwa.
Om draw buk'lo '•peeUlijr farwBMfi a«ed ao(
If yoa ted that jroa maal tara farm-'aadiberefM^ ta.^^
todty'e take and tor tte pretty preea
tar la itei It rooiatlMM eaaaci
be moeb decayed. Tbe beat peaeiatod
era look aboaf yea a Itttle tor a
loitece. Tbe aeed wat ChantiW. tte
by terab aaaBio vill be abaarba
bit of land not too ter^wa) ftem year I
•owlBf was thick and not rao:b ealtltte cold proaad aad aol tojara
boeae. Try that for a while, bcadteg oB and cbeking I
ration wat pirn them.
wbaa all Hw boaaabold bUB hare to aaed; by warn veatber It vlU hare
SUM boUlag yoer place In tte dty T*>e toar eoadtkn of a aoH cia ba
v attar arap- Tba be aald obt o( tta tpttUi^ctop tt «a- daedyad enoafh wo ttat ao tsiury «UI The roou were tarce alec, short aad
where yon bare a Mated ^biry or! remedied by dreeatoga of Hia^ which
seme of ttem arefpbed neerly a pouad
-mm U wmmat i
tneta frm profiu.
reeoli from bontlBt
steady profit from business, if yoL- to s spedde agalnet sorrel and wheal
'sad had they brea ncefany ttlnatd
bM poRllda It to aloara Root
s<v ibsi yoB anreeed with this sod] msrtgM. Tbe appHcaBca a( a Ofikt
n* ttnma «fea -»inr aM prepartr tea to aaU la a rtotog nattat *rr„ .. wbatter tte aoO be wet or dry. for out might have eweeded that.
light toroalng of towto alag oa wat
Ire) that yoo mast bare
!>>om tbe trial we bad all tbe csi^
IVipHa tta aaa Mata aawla< «ata rOB da aot bit tta verr top y*a «M tta amanre la tte bottom
toueb with tbe coaotry it to any to clay toad prodneea a wontortal atocA
rou tbe family sad atork needed
tta % jr;iinirii bat asaartoanta a prtea ttat to aboaa tta are
traach wlU keep tbe aoU knee betov
OB sate tend by ewcoanglng ciavar
in^t 11. wldie If ran eat loose all
that season. It wlU psy to espeilkm mmrn ttat. tta am apai
t^an aaUtaf la a UIMbc market the ead waatberiag vtll eoftea tbe clod*
neat with caiTota and get s aaie the' Agrirultaral Dcpaitmem in Wwb- oRcr. you any regret It ter all time and improving the herbage geueenUy....
jy^lMfib a( tta aaad bed tor oau raveiie le Ovt.
1 of an.i really make tbe mlatoko of poor —W. H. OUbert.
"^IMB'ttbOBranaaliaatoaataiL sat der eoUa are aeaerallr bena Beloc Ttalar plaaie iweet peaa aaed
guinea fowl. These birds sell la the life.
K ‘OA^
other wUL
•lad by Uta tall or eariy oliitar ploo- aappoirt wbaa they attalo a beipbl of
Aad be sure ef one other thlhg;
FVoni oar rery amdl trial of this ra- margeta of Boston. Washlagion. New
acat oat a cliaatoree or eigbl tarbea. Moet aay sapThr man who san ibat aoybedy can
i'ilely, which It eadly palled, wa reap­
Ito Mtor to tte toimen ot Iowa Ib
epeaed roiicb aartacaa wbleb will port will do—braafa. etleka or strlaca
30 cents per pound. They are he a tanuer la inlsuhen. Only really
ed a Torp-aaUsfaeiory bsrrrsl of carMMBMriBcBBtattey
pat them ttlo a bauar aemiUoa to be —bot wire poallry aet|lDE )■ Ibe'beal
rou, and the work spent npon. them heart}- and wlU cat an.nhlng that an trmari men make good fannerB.
e BBBfi bad. Vbar haadradfmd tU^
by tte eprlgg eaiura- Bwierial that eea be used, alora itbae
ordinary cbirken will eat. but are]
was tinned.
twf rapHaP ware raeelred. They abaao maay croM wlree to wbltt the teaM'e were aol troabled wtlb bogs or wMe rangara end ehould be coaSted
want ae fdbowa: M par aaat pat
No datoot la aoy ploie of mettait- drila can dllap. Tor ibis porpose four
posts of any kind, and that . alone within I
Ma oa attar ttu aun traaad. U tom cu ocmat ItaeU, aeltber doea
or fire fool tendac (hould be uaedaa
par om Tbkad abd barM aen atalka day detect Ja oar domaattc anlmato Uie naaa oftaa prow a» to elgbt feet proved them a snccesa,—P. L. R.
n.t par mt aaHhar brobe
Are Borwe ^ng DManeea by Wind,'
ppaar aitlen It to brad oat.
tail. Ibe aeuiiiR aaed am be eet very
fmm bbr btobbd tte atalka. Oaly.
Water,-In Farm Produce and
Coaeal D. 1. Morphy of Bordeaux
cloae to tte ctoand. but aboold be
BMt Ottad tta srppttd
■tretdied Ugbtly ead
My nOgbbor aald to my wife one day, forwards tte following synopsis from
a Preach Joental on a new method of
r end) posts well braced.
'■|•re a-TODl of a ptg HI give away,
preaervlag eggs, which, be says, ay
Tb.-re are many ways la wldtt tte
weight of imatore rtaee and surface
■ iKideh Uke Brtoe rbe atanos i pears to have the double merid of weeds aro distributed. Sometimes, as
•ad II pVMBtdWmt after aowlag. groe atom will not always Insare the
•are will test It darlag severe
They have fine roads down to the
.'IBm-pir'aaat banowod bott btfore greeieat meHl to tte pn«enr.'
cheapness and simplicity. Tbe article In tbe case of popples and tttatlea.
Etoraia sad wet weather in aunmer.
ArgonOne Bepobae, bat have not yet
md dltor mtifi. U POT esto kanoware borne lyngTllsunces by )'te Horned to aro tradtton caRtnes In
Where tte gardes to fenced with They posh.and crowd,her. and. well was based upon the.experlmeots of
tedgan bifiiia aowlag aad m per
I know.
Dr. Campantnl. as reported by him
wind. In other care* they
pOTdtry settlag or otter woven wire
conveyiag 'gnia to mwtot. 11m gtorown over the land srltb
tenclag. sWoet. peas may be planted Mo pig wtihoot vHtlre ‘ad drink Ida tte December bull«ln Uued by t
(ore abowa a wagon iuefi to Mat
ItalUn miotstriwaf agricaltoral.
may be contained In the mi
ahmf the bulde of the tence and no
putpoOT which win eatvT tea tone. It
Dr. Campanlal. ifter reviewing tte which haa been aproad tterenn.
other aappoitt will be reoulrod. ttlieo
nqalros from tea to Awrive kerne to
My wife took tbe pig. aod ft had 'f ill rartouB known methods of preaerring
There to lltle doubt that many of
thas planted the vlaea wit) make
draw IL
eggs—by salt water. Ilme water.ttll- tfaoee myvicriona outbroaka oit
aloe herder for the vagetable garden
or potaah, vaseline and cold stor. upon farms bare ttelr origin la tte
and the fence dill be to a glowtag y'roin ttwy morn to set of son.
age—described Ms expcrtmenis.wblch manure heap. All the rubbish which
hedge fmn iuae tlD^froat. U one bar At night the weal toto k little pen
showed belter resulu than ^1 othem. Is -cleaned out of ditches or tramjdlrto kofip pate toad poultry.
tte time to keep (be blotsomi all ptektben.
HU theory la that to prMsrve eggs ly places to carted to tbe maaifre Good atott rogabca no mnn teed nad
ed, for the more they are picked, the
more wfU come, bot tf allowed to go And she ate and she slept and llien aome ayatera most be -adopted that houp. But It does not neci.-r:arUy die
than a:rah otock. bat tte rotarno
I e( tte staltoi may be
ate agaip.
srill aboolu^ly prevent tte exchango then-, and. presently Bads its way
to seed the rtoes will ripen and die.
an mach Urgar and tte piaasare of
tbe air outside and tte in­ back In the land again,
By planUng on the inside of th
side of the egg. for It to Urts contln- gracing animals consume man}- of the baaditag them to mach gnator.
woven wire garden fence we bad I.- I sever s r finytiiliiE take ti
wee^. and others In the istall
•Beeuro new broedtog panltry tarty,
OM Bitenr feei.of these favorite flowttem la their hay. but tbg seeds pf bo net Hail aatfi the amlng toeeiltog
last year, with blossoma
to Hood tte world. Blgbry ttouaand
then-the heat
and pass Ibrtmgb the bodypnharmrd,
The blaek beetle. wUtt tOT sevent blossoms
picked to oae wees and
broeders have sold (heir best lowto.
ad BO oat to tbe manere heap
years has been working havoc to tte seat by eapreaa to a dty friend, arrtvAs soon as we have graspt.-J the lit purahaslag early yoa cna patchaae
valuable pine liubera of tbe Blade
are toM. as crisp and- fresh
manner la which srveds are dtotrib- more rbroply tkaa by waiting. Ilia
UIls. Boalh Dakota, la being destroy it last oB the riaee.
4fi«l. ilM and barwed. Many •dJliy a fnagos which tads In (be dy
aled wc can devtoe methods for
9T ihctr prvscnt demand to good broedtog
Sweet pens rcspMid to good eulUvs• Witt an «
lag traea a
cupprenJoii. Tbe memt ohrious'
s rf.
' of Mock of all kinds to no great (hat
* of lode- tkm. tost as an other cultivated pUnU
■' '.ttigadmri
course, to prevent them from seeding. hrqedero will ask large aattfi to ail
do. They ahooM be tboreughly sod fra
It to recognlaed that an onli Block earrisd..oTer tte wtaUr. Mala
•d sotted way at dieeklag I
aad 00
iinr}- clmriork plant iirmlUces more birds wUl mao give belter roMltx tt
beetles, bat were anstKceeafal.
weeds or otter vtoea should be alloWthan l.OM and a poppy at least ItO,- pofebaaed now and kept with
wd-w Aboortr the'tranrtBhBiear
aeeds the Importance of preven­ flock for several weeks before
them or orowd tbe vines from form­
tion of w-eding it SeUfrident.
ing an even and harmonioui mass
breeding ocssoa opcaa.
Oeeaptore of allotaicnts or coitsE'S along the sbppon.
(mpcrfeelly riteaed aeed should
Arraage baltdti^-a^d otter g
WfU sooa be bnsy. weather
IM- bought, as it is dlffirolt evea icrs ao.ihnt tb* "poaiuy win bh dry
Although not injured by (be cold,
to geulag
for the expert to tell the aeedj
yet swwt poaa will not grow end
nnd comterUblP. erith an abniidaare
g(oaa4 ttelr pouioes and sawfag bloBsom to the abode, even, though
many weeds—such as the dodder- of senudtlng spnee. On tbe term dry
PMs. beaae. enloaa and paiaalpa.
seed should never be
readremeoto be good, it takes
be arraagtd lor
bare fhovea toll auaUghl to make them to Ibelr/
Vhen George Prtoco died a lew ytam ago he left hta wife, five dangh- .my hut reliable seedamea. Deep ptow chicken* In some tnriiiaed abed or on
tte bigb mtoe of a a^ara of aitifl- besL For this rrston a dcMc raW
leri and one son. They had a good term of Ififi acres, and oiickly decMed ing, by way of burying the weeds. Is tte barn floor. Allow them tte MO ran
«ial msMre for poiatoee
Bhoald be pet north and muUi so that that to sell ii would be foil}-, t>ccaoap the money distributed among so often bcnefldal. Many, however,
of tbe barn dnrtog the day. Tbey-wUI
af lav bandrodwelgbi
they may get bcAb tbe forenoon and many woold not do them much good. They poaclnded to carry on the farm ly remain dormant unoer .bese coadt- aereitt oat and eonsaW much waste
Phste aad two fatmdrad weight Of aolDo BM tot poultry get and hari- tone so very sBceeaefolly. The glrk all work
thr flHds. They ■ loos and are eventually broogbl to feed and the exercise aader dry ohaspbale of ammonia aad two handredtborn. for they like aweet peas bet­ wear overall* and broad-bfimmed bats sod are stout, healthy sod lotereat- the surfaett Shallow caltlvatloa and ler will do them good.
welght of Bolphfite of potash per aero. ter than they do corn and will soon
good tilth are more adrisable. when
Make-ponltry condHloae sock lhat
lag young createrea. They aitead s.-bool at Solomon, Kan., and are
. II M This dreaalng abooM give a good destroy them.
u Leeds will be encoumged to ger- tbe lariag bea* will he jmr •( «U
the smartest girls la the county.
when ao
There are many klodi of aweet peas
mlnsle and may then be deairoyed.
Umes haaUng for.tteir feed. The aola avaOnUa. ttaatt t«n ions per sere
hen. all ttlnge oenaiderad. to the
of ttat itoaare to a nlaahlc addlttw. than ffty varieUet. but tbe sUndard Uke that pig did. She grew sleek | oal exchange that causes imliefac- I couch or bindweed, U more dlfOlaying hen. If coadltioas an each ttat
and neat:
j uoq.
When tbe laM to applied the enlphate cotoro are pure white or white and
i:i The*e sre propagated by uader- ehlckena rli arotMd la groapg aU day
of .ammcmto and potash may be re­ plak. Many otters are Interesting and SI. ImeScM o«i u . so..d -u...,. Dr. CM1P..M
ground ruunem. and the best treat- It is a pretty- saro sign that ttan la
duced by onehair a ton eaeb. Trials
**** ■"'* rovered them -with
i are extremely beauHfu!. The'
Rhallow plowing and tborongh
inch egg toying going aa among'
was gbntle and ktud end just as ]
M 4aKk M.aaMsIant. have proved that theaa manores pro coljib' bowever, to a matter of
. "P
j cultivstlon .the weed* being rotlect- the flock. Chickens win aoaitt ter
,-ITif ril «■> diil tttt tta aoed had dnoe ttelr best rasalte when pieced la and one can get almost anything In
the IK.IVS. The shells were thus raa- ^
bunted. Hand pulling and dig gralD until the last M it to amUerad to
the need poUUes. Qrow- the lino of eotv be waau. We find As a kitten, nd l couldn't blame
d. red impermeable, the exchange of
,ork and spade are also efraw or otter litter.
■She onto are pet la.
en who plant only a tfm rods may Bmlly Heademm, pore white.
air prevented and the obstruction of „r>nt «etho<l»
Variety of froda counts (or maoh to
My wife very- mseh when she said li
have dltficalty la getUag toeally amall
pom* not p.-nniitlng the evapot
j„dirto,.* rutilrp will d.stroy weeds
a production Witt chickens. They
in the (all.
BBaatiltas nf tbe arillcUl maaarc:
blit iiMimed euiiinx may ooly eoeonr- ebouM hare a variety of foods cora.
• Wc cun never .-at tbe. pig a. alL " | „f height The whll.
nd yellbWH ol sge iheni. Mony weeds .rut
1M whgiiiH M to be dam to tta named, bat there are aome large town
Therc^^ roarkei demand for earl: so WL- kepi h.-r, and. If ynull beli.-vc ] ,p,.
wheal, oaiB, wheat bran and all otter
r.-Mned tf
color perfi.-t- Krouiiil fi-iid u;i lu-w stem*, which
^ seat giarfaet tod empleto maanar firms which vrill aell thtt by tte bag. eawt pee blossoms with long rtemi
rich seeds aad foods that can he se­
11. sir.
1 ly .iiid I’t- lorti- was not ipodlfle^ '
and coaalderxble siarc niuney eau b< Thai pig has llfiod
s eaery aero ol the lA ready-made pouto manure from
,-V •. ni d If lh<- process cured. Cut or inaahed bone tow splen­
mortgage. Il s.the she!,test ctegree. Woen i.roiteil.r ,
4 ,r,r
torn prodaec to Ito atmoat camtolty. firm of fatgb KpDUUoa Buy answer made by fordag them early and *en<iri.d
thr ,, romr
.^.mplete drotraetlon did load given la snull guaatittostwo
■coated with ;.,rd-n«r t-. tblcKl}-.,.
r.s.iii. weeds, such a.
■‘Itia pcaetlea af broedtog atock bo- hfitoUy weU, alttongh It wui cost a Ing to dty floriiu. Any dealer will hVr nothin- else-wr tried.
three llmea a week. Aa c
little more than Ito coasatuento -would foralih InstroetloM for shipping,-H.
•he eggr are p„ .mo l«akru or boxes I ,„sh or hor*eiall. are Indicative of a cooked mash of moat, table aciapa.
■■•tttog '
srhes they aro bootot hr the ton. A H. Shephard. Allendale, III.
U!»n a bed «( low or flm-. odoriroa | i.„ ,oit. r.nO ran only iw- .-radicated wfapat bran, corameal and aome good
dsep'atlrriag of the ooU wthoul briagUhavlnc* and *n
poultry food will make tte heu Mag
lag the anhaoll to tbe top U a great
w-ai W a.j
cf contact
tune .Tbe slnMag ■of the heas
aaoarfly agalaat droagto.ta«m—a mold win deselop
PMd qptorty. Stock-aat^ b.
is cheertel ffiuiic: It appMli to the
and pm:--11,.!, r.ijli Th.- inching has be-n found excr.-dtngly efflcaIll' 1,1^ to laadliM at -a i
well aa to the otter
room should he peffeeily dry.
ttma ato-iMto* daa to ftosto
cioiu In the case of wcLda amCiag
es—money eoantlng as the slxib
then ill the fall.
qneMlon of irmperattire not iHlng grain cropse la poultry ealtare.
imnonani. ti> h,g prereu Dr. Cam
Wni WMbotond Matt tteto Waather
•Nd today sh.-s a graudioMbcr o'er panini kepi a quaniiiy uf eggs (nr ■
and iirouW to Mwtsd toriy
and o'er.
whide year—through a very hot sum
1 tell you lhai pig bos made hgr score. mtir and a very cold winter—and
they w-.-r<- fxrfoctly preserved,
Toung aweet poaa cna
[Someway, that pig ha* brought u ray* thai 4 centj.' worth of lard sufFor a SaasoaT
Or a UtaHawT
^toltohto Btock. Implies ,
much or more cpid (ban nay of «ar
jMW rw.WM. te a rnwwnmwmHto
fleer K. r.>ct iAn ect«. and that any
«4<iNb horn tt atost ato u will tor
Idaats. •he's been oar mascni. aii.l given u ■iH«- mill.I V-rrily pr-pare that number caaAmy a "cteap" Cream bepafatot. tml a> )
ted. tbeyroarrolrt wUbonl Injun'
ol egg* In on.- hour's lime.
. tolm a lartor mmi
early sever* freetis and grow iriieB
5e * rooted
ront<-< the Dortgagr offi-n 1
to sum ttrir teed.
thawed out as though nothing had bap
It toMtatokaa nf am nr
posed. Hence they ahould be ap with
a teoaratw fhoBia. Yoa
Sbes' MBOOIbed the carr-llnes out
Caai witol to tmv oark
Mat gelB to have tte hum hnplB- tbe first Bio* of spring before real
Thail»a qu.stloii ofiou asked by
This to. the picture of an Iowa girl
wife s (ace. ;



















Mto Mto tototti

Do You Want a Separate

tobUe atotoiag la tfw toU wberolast
warptag aad nattog.

ato* wf-mirn.

. A variety avee-

• M |Md( ttWtormerie b^Ma. tn


topMiUMto hb term and

to toat adapted to.
toMg attoaid troea
;■ A.
*. trn'-mm
to*^ Jto to
c';' ^ nro peapara penaad toto a M»d abtoe
(key «• mm
tottAfitol tonaw m



Brin wnihar.
-.11 who arc now halillng places of
who raaa-a tea-row dairy mth the That pig: Why. I tell'you. she won t
Bwoei pea need may be piaaied any help of a stoat boy. The dairy house
.me (tin.J in tbe rily. In the heorU
time darlag Uie fall, wtoief or eariy to lOsU feet, with a alraam of cold
■ 1«I moM of u> Ih.-re Is a longing to
spring. They may jut u well
water from a apring nualag throngh Bell her? it'hy. no. we cant soil bt-r '8" O'-’' and *uy a place where tte
la srlater u at aay other time
She says ttat the only way ta Plenty-of oth.-r-. If you'U look al :em.'
«•>' “*! “'*r rest and build
eacem of mototare ar froea- keep a dairy la fine condltloB to to
j W bh aitol'' *» b«ly and soul, both of
tag v(U tainre tham. To have extra first rloae aO vroeela la - crid water That's the way with awf^^thing*. g/v'wtrirh have been woni out by
eariy Woawme tte plaattag
nrverro.lit>g frlctkm of the city,
and then scald with boiling water.
aot be defiayad later than March I* Shtndda about « Ubkvpooofel of Thryll m.-*ke
of eafb rircuin-! **
■“ «»«' flaestloo to ans­
aaalral UtJladee. .
wer, Men differ IB mind, body and
to a pail ot boUing wmer!
scror -A good way to ptoat e^ peu Is and ttlnbi It helps
edocsilon. Not evere man could beto dig a traeb Mx ar eight incbu sela. Aftor tbe waahtog everythbtg to
008#*,^ farmer. n^maBer how hard
•0 It half full af subte
be afight iry or ho^r aoslobsJi£_mlChi
pat Ml Into the san whenever
with a UhOTal mtotaro af wood attee shines.
, be to try H. Nol ^ery woman cogld
and panltry draptovs M piaesrable;
■wUl never ' r fill the ptoce of a tarmer's*W%e.
ptou to«Bl on* inch of oetl aver tte I A tormwT near Jattoaa, Idaho, hss
tbbrr are p^lems to solve to tte
^ Pinnt tte aoada an WAw Wcaverod a aew variety of wheat
-MMcr. ; tw** « ibe tSnner ttat c4 Ma
a wHh-nra ar ttoee teitoe af salt which be aayg .wUl yield ISO km
Imost pecollar ability <n tte part of
a proto to ilg the treaca eUll
«f*. He band tbe ptoat grtjw^
Troeben la Illinois bersnfter win his wita
w ap that by fliHhg la noO to (he wnd la Alaska sad brought home a be yeoalred. to laaltg-ttr MteljiMt ic^
Tbe best thst can be said to ibe STaVE AUeKT
• M Oey ipoar the (note wSi he few keiasia g^ piaatod them.
ri^taro part of ttelr erortc.
men and .women who are secktog adAAcOoBAlUvSUudAr.




M. J.J-aLone


;MMbMa wae vary uny, ter bu dur
BMe'Ukn. Mkh. b. P. b Me. i. •MAaau-wB sM* M bm'sb iflwBib<>ey and girl had hau ttlUag
Ao aot Mbs to hnve It rato hsuui
Md pteaatag nheto the tevtoy tlae
■■Ma m ItaBiua My (uMbA. Jaaale
they wonld hnv* on tea groat hoUdey.
t wgn n 'BOBber to (he Sou
Bowaoog. hu neat my womm to u I
e had code to bed teat night Cinh but hnve teal ay enrd nad het- Ao BM hove to- ato to JtoB tbe Clnb.
■ho thenght and teongt If thoro wu ton. wm you ptaau tend Be enoteer I wlD-he very pteued to get By pta
■ay'way ihe eonU Mve hor darttoga
' We are havttg mdte aSu ■Dd will wear It erwry Aay. Boptog.te
Ito^J, itoM wto tor irnm M«> tktor happy tiae. aQ at tmeo obe enid
weniher now. I go to school eltnou see tMi -la prtoi, I wm Ckwe.
right o« to the date. 1 have U. (hat's •very Aay. Ow tucker's aame is
Prom your trtead.
Juet the thing we waat," and teen ten Miss Brans of Traveru City. They
Age ».
Marguerite RaascB
r«ir MMr tt «Nny «r
toMton ooa or o«r ^octol SouUm bewpa to laugh alood. bet «olckly
Ilka ben very weD. I live i
We are an glad to have you fOr
Uyi «0MM ikto «Mk, ud to
MM^let that ehe Bight not swaM tom. We tovw bovwu. sheep. catUc, BuuhiM girl. Marguerite, and hope
m on k*F* tkM it to toMtor. B to the ChUdrea. Che could hardly wait cktduaa and plgk I wtU close. bcu>- you wm write agate. to* ««rr tapyiMt dm to tki nntD aurntog, and the flrat Ihtog ehe tog to hear from yon egala.
Ud y« tooMM St to
lo rna into the next bouu
I roBBln. y
MabeL Mlcb.
COlM-hmppy OCN. pn*m growa-i
ead ttol her aetgbbor of tbe bH^u
Dome ACUenoa.
March «, IMS.
tolk Mtor It Bore ttoji bon owl plea the had teangbi of. The neUbbor
I am glad that yon are stUI Inter- Dear Prarident—
gitu do. Too kU kimr vbat It mt
thonght tt wa« a doe Idea, aad ehe wted to oar Club. Too have your
I wonld Hke to Jcie the Snasbii
Ml nw Ml to irrtol to «•
U a BoaocT^ar ‘ kopi la
told another Bother, and betore Mgat card and battoo by this Ubs.
Club. 1 go to oebooi evoTT day My
mrnm totafk I «M ^ toy
tocorto toeooM too door'Chrin e
alt the.Boteere knew tee secrec. but
teacher's name Is Rath Young. I ete
bock U toa Dtoelploi totor tkoy aot a single telld knew, for It wae to
to the thitfl gruile. I have readlag,
tkcoaht bia dead. Jon kaow too
grant surprtee. There wee euti e
■peniBg. artteBette and Isiigi
boaotlfsl etory to the Md womes who wuk behwe Meter, and during tele
My seat mau-t aame U Peart BadwMt to JeoM' tomb mad bond there Ubw there wae a good deal of wUeI
Busley. 1 have a little Mstar and a Ht
the eagele who told theiB Chrtot
ponag. and the fathen and nuteera
brother who wish to Join toe.
,;|eeo. Aod 00 we kaow we. too, ere would aartle every time they tboagbt
to Itee Blwm. eod that death to their aecret. When Baeter cntoc. my frieeAs have written, 1 made up Thetr namee are Ortavis Pray and
caaaot reallr hen ea. or nake u flret of all every one went to tbe grut my mtoA that I wonld write alsa ttosen Pray.
Bver your friend,
^yeleae when the oaea we love co atone eborcb. moiben and falhera Please eesA ae ■ urd aad button. I
Oladyi Pray
^way br a IttUe while. That to why aad cblldroB. When chorcb oaa oat, bare four peta. The flnt Is a pet ptg.
to nwh a happy day. ancta a Inetead of going home tee oM people hie name le Mike. And a pet chicken,' 1 am sore you are a real Bunshtee
hare osBed her Bridget And a pot girl, Gtedyo, and t am glad teat
SBBahtpy day. aod ao »ery beaoUtol. eugguted golDg Into tbe lovely wooda
calf Bsmed Belle, t am to tee fifth
your brother and alster wanted to
We cao
JMI beck of tbe cbufch. "Perbape »e
grade at school. I on twelve years
our club.
And eome flowera,' they uid. Bo
old. 1 Bust clou (or tets time, hoping
la the wtatcr. whea aU Ao ^en
they went and icon the merry
faded aod the ti«ee are leafleM children were ecaiterod through the
Wesley Verao
■ tee eoreta the bmfta. aad whea wooda among the trr;r
Yes, ever oo many of yonr friends
the Wrda here Oowa eway. why thea Soon a about »em up. now here,
my card sod buttou a long
1 aa thoagb aU adTore waa there, from all aldu. ‘Fhteer. mntber. are flonsblnen. I hope tbls wiu not
MMtoy to H I
letter.lime ago and I thank you (or them.
dead. Bot la the eprtac ttone hked took here." “See wbat I have toBed."
My mama gave me some red. white
the warn eaa bbIu the eoow, wbta *8one beauUful egga!- “Here's a red
Cedar, Mlcb.. and blue ribbon to wear wUb them.
the brooka becta to alag acalo. whea one!" -I've found a yellow
Por ChriaiBiM I got three bmnAke^
March S. IMS
the bode awell oe the trew. the Bow- “Mre'e a whole but full, all dlSer• «lMn nn* It.
Dear Praaldeni—
rhleft, two bair-ribboM a lltUe verse
ete awaksi and aU the birdw
ent oolorat- and the ebJldran came
of wTiang
paper aad a pen
oet to the aouib. we koow that natare running. brlnglQf buutJfully colored
thought _______
1 wouldbos
wu Bot dead, bet eleeplnc- We aay eggi. which they bad accidenlaJlV lines to let you know 1 am well and'
^ P'" *
hope you and all of tee Sunahlneii
• «og and a dove and a oau
to each other. ’*H to like Chrtat'a ree- found in tbe eon bom under ibe
eneetSoa! Now we oaa
tee same Here are M>me new I'
'«'> r>n tV names of ray pett.
Wbat kind of egge could toey
I are Joe and Daisy, tee
better ho* each a woaderfo) thics They wen too large for bird's egga.
Ttctor. John, Anna and Joale.
eeald be.“ And aoiae way. the (lad- but they were buoafully colored and Schomprio. of Cedar. Mich.. R. P D. ^
aeaa to baler eod the gtedoeee large Uke bens' eggs.
1. Josephine Matthesrs, Waller Porter and the cat Is Kitty. I have
to aprSag aeen like the
Just teen, from behind a large tree, ■ad Tboiaas Oanthler of Scfaomberg little brother and a Ittle sister who
toedaeta. aad we pa ahoot with the where there wm a large uut full of Please pur TboBM' name oe tbs would Uke to Join the Cradle RoD.
a«BehlBe la ov beam aad oo
egge. Jumped a large labUt. and with Cradle Roll. Andrew and Charles La- Their namca ate Robert and Capitols
long leaps dtoappured Into tbe dup Cro^ and Charlie Amore. an t hre« laell, as my letter ts gettlhg long. I
MtoM* JMky MM4M iMk.*.
When your prealdoat waa e UUle er woods, srbere he wu bidden from
St Provemont. I gueM this will
’ fWtolkwtotovabto:
cm. the toed to look forward to Ma- ,iew t,, the
_______ I and busbu.
. be all of the names for this time.
«Htotoir tkv ^taeto tw 4«p
Helen Broderite.
ter to aha did lo Chrtoo^ }ui
; to Traverse City iMt summi
have been tb^ rabbit who laid
«m ft* UtotoB tokto.
How cuanlttg your Sunshine button
eeoea It waa made each a happy day tbe pretty eggs ' uid a little girl- “1
* your offlee 1 go to Beboaberg
la her hone. Now that ahc thlate
the rabbit." uid the nearly every day. Well. I can think a. must look with tee red, white aad
BtMy Lagton's ow^ito actblue
aboot It aba aappooea that there
notblag Bore for this Ume. so goodU toto «dto« toTt aatad n,
have been aose etoroiy. cold, nlay
Hnmb for the rabbU! Hurrah tor
■aater daya. bat her BOBory bold*
la Meter rabbit! Hurrah tor HeCr
BoOdac tmt (be aaaaUay feeUac
Jameo J. Horton.
Oaier Kau!
Dear F
then elL Wbea aha ease oat to
Age 18.
Tlw chlldree ahontto aad obured.
1 will write you s few llnea. I have
aad tatears and mothen were glad. Next time yoo cone to Traverse
Bother hlaeed her ead eald. ‘Chitot la wHh tee chlldroa. And ever elnee teen City I bope^you will come and see tab been golBg to school almoA all the
jLhd abe gave the old, old to teat tor eway land and to other
am alsrays glad to see tee Sun- time I was eight yean old tbe tltb
“He u rieea. ladeed!'' nar*. eounlrlu tee Buter rabbit brings u shlnera.
of December. My little brother Law­
mlwaya flowera oa the breah' tbe buoUrmiy colorto eggs.—The
rence Will be two yean old tee sev­
faet table, e low diah fall of cractooa, Child Garden.
enth of June He got bis Cradle Roll
paiyl*. cold, aad wMta. aad at aaeb
tee third grade. I have
Cedar. Uleb..
Plato a haadfol to aaow^dropa. After
Just gotten ay new reader. I have
Peb. ». IflOd.
Mmb ead Ceaday a^ool wen orhr
^'bite's flnt book of aritemoUe. Well.
wriUng y
OBBe the Baater diaaer aad with K Dear Prenidcnl—
few ilnee to let you know that 111 gusM I will have to do** (or (hlf
This IS By flrat letter to you end
a ^ to eoae aort it sdcbt oe
am well and hope teat you and all of time. Good-bys.
pretty Meter card, aoae egg aballa the SeBshimn. it is e buutlful day. tee Bunahtneri are tee mbs. I have
I go IB aobool every day. My teachdalaUly oolored aad palated. or
Bather Cunningham.
namee to eeod Gertrude and
Uko a boiterfly or nra aane is Mr. P. A. 'Dago. 1 Ike Joseph Leaky. Cedar, Mlcb, R. P. D.
Ton are a regular Cbrtstmaa girt,
biB very well. My studies are roadflowor. Battba
No. 1. and MeUlda Brow. Provemont. sren't you? with your Mribday so
ed a bag while, laager teaa Jut oaa
Mlcb. Theee are (or tee Bunsblne near ChrlstmM.
WTlUag. Ungusge and physiology,
IT eoaebine a
day; aad the Buter
Club. Have steo some names (or tee
am In tea fourth grade. Our school
Traverve City, Mlcb,
Cradle Roll. I wIIV send my little
wm be oat to May. I have four broth­
March II. IMl
ers asA t am the oaly girl. Ttaere att> oepYew's name. It U Wilbur SWor.
Dear Prealdeot—
thru to M who belong to the Sun- Rapid City. Mich. Katie and Prankte
As I hare not written tor a long
Laaky. Cedar. Mlcb.. R, P D No. 1.
The llaaaaa the nebblt Cringe Caeter eblne Club here aod Mabel wanu otb- Bead them aU cards and buttons t lime 1 win write s few ItoM. I will
era to join too and belong to (be large
send a poem with my letter, named
sblae Club. Well. I bad better close, lost my card aod button so please
A loag Uaie ago la a far off cooatry
send me another one l «m Id school the Butterflies' Bong Well. I will have
■ hhpi there ww a taailm; aad tUa la how bring By first letter to a eloae, be-'
to ckiae now m l am In school, eo 1
cauu it Is BOW too long. My age li today
Wha«tt«M vMag «a to pick.
It «OBa AboeL la the early
Still aay good-bye.
I kteN flwMclMMl paapi
whea the Sret graas peeped ont. the nine.
As ever your lovliig Bunshlner.
Age •.
JuHa Horton
I am your Hole girl aad Snnsbtoer.
eu ehoM ae hot that it all dried op.
Age s
Marvel Cuer.
Wauoetu Wllaoo.
No ralae fell all (he loag aanaer
Here la the cunning lltlla poOB
wm yoo be happy to hare school again r I wonder if you arc slill In
BWBlhe. ao that tho aoed aod grala
Mirrel copied tor us:
to* gmo} 4or gom-% yom
puaw eoald aot grow, ead




to tto COM to tMy ptok.



eretywhete the held aad DeadowB,
lly eo green aad Heb. were a don
Cray brown. Here ead (here a green
tree waved Ito doety temcebea In the
WadaeMay. Agtol «. iMd. bot wtad. When fall «as» laatead
toctohm JMhMg Mcee tan re- of
I well tilled graaerlee aad
there wu greet emptineea;
OMyi Buy. Mahal Mich.
_ ___ ___
aad _
of happy ______
MhMay TaiMt Mlglfa, Mkh.. B. r. aothere. there were grave troabled
®- >to L
tooea. Bat the chUdrea were Jnet ae
imarto Bmy. aad Baaea Pray, happy u ever. They were even glad
ytoel. Ml^ MM9 *■«*
Oladya u gig oot ttoa. for they oould play
‘oBt-to^oora all anamer loag and the
lAMtola BaaaaM, Trarerw aty. dwt boapa were never to large aad
A. The people In the land bad to
be* very eavtag and careful of
Matorcite aad Pea^ Laeky. Odar. thlnga they had left troa tbe year be­
Mtohn B. PJ> . Me. 1; MaUldt Brow. fore; end all the (ollowtag winter, br
PriiwM^. Mek. KaBto oeet by trylDg very hard they mnnaged to get
very etapie food for their taaCUee.
■ iMIe Many. BMte NaDer. Jennie When ChrUUnaa otae there were not
nckaigb MiBBte. ■mhakar. Mary
preeenta. bat tbe ehUdreo did
■■thbeae. ■naer Brtadlay. Phaline not Biu then u we would becaueo
■ Inrtat. OtoWhy BaaMto. 2«alaa iter, In that land they did not Mve aany
preeenu. at Ckrtetmae.
Their holiday wae Buter Sunday.
tTtoter.Stoa. Aaaa and Jeaie Behoa. On thto day IhW had a grwt oelebraHorn, and them wer* alwm goodlu
MpepIMa. MMhav ahd Whiter Oaotb- and preeenu for the little boyt aad
tor, Him III. MMk.: Andrew man r-Ha Aa the tlae roae nanrer, the
m, ChaUey Aawre. pareau wondered what they would de
k. JfBBBi BHIt by lor their ohUdren’a hollday. ea every
new day to wu harder ttann ever
gn lull ptote. euru broad ter thea
H. V. B. kBHhlac Oh* Oradto Rett. to ato, not to epeak of all the aweetMtort Payne. (Mara, Utah. Maroe Bteu and pretty tblnge that they had
Beat by Uttte Myna.
alwm had for Basterdlae.
Thaawa OaMhtar. •fkiaabirg. Mick. Bose to tbe atohetf got te|
Nhtoaaaat hyiaBH y. Mrton.
one oventiA after tee children
abed, to talk over vbal they wonM
do. One aether eald. *ron
ecu. ae all the chkkana are Uyteg.
hat they are eo Ur*d to (but. for they
have thoB ovnry day."
Bo tear decided that eggn woeld not
do; ead they went hoae rnther eeto
rowtelly. thteldac they mut give H
nU np and lei Mater go by Ilk# every,
nthar day to the year. One of tbe

«1M tkto to iMtor Oayr
-Mb. B. I. Mar

»•,«.», Sun.”w


P%'Mtor.-Mdk, B. r D. Ka l;


Peabody. Kar
March 2. 1»M.
Dear Pruldeai—
1 teougbt I would drop you a poe
1. Mildred got a alee long letter
fiM> you and she was very glad to
get 1L Mildred sent you s lot
names. We are going to start a 8oothlae CIng. Well. I bsd better close.
Prom your lovtog Sunshlner.
Marlon Westbrook.
Tour posul WM a preuy one. aad
was gtod lo gM It.

1 have got a whole lot more oames
(or the Sunshine Club. Here they are:
Latte Keller. Btete Neiler, Jennie
Dickerson. Mtonlc Haymaker. Mary
Rathbone. Beaoor Brindley. Psullne
Irvin sod Doratey BansBn. Please
seed them all cards aad buttons, aad
alao aend Loalse Moffait a card and
boUoD too.
PloB your toying Suublner.
MDdred Westbrook.
B%at Jolly Uses you girls will have
with a Sunsbtoe Club. Write and tell
me more about It
Osborn. MIeb..
March 2:. IMS.
Dear Preetdeat—
1 wlU write asd thank you tor
that CB(A and button that yon setit
Ba' i got one valeoUne this year
Tbe roafla are 'full of aaow.
I kav*
I pretty earde at home now. 1
woaU Uke to have Bbertf name tm
tbe CnAie Roll. I gueu I will elaoo
(or tefla Use. w good-bye.
Lotae Payae.
I aa ptaoaoA to put BbertW name
oo tea CroAte RaO. DM ho like hla

The Burierfliea' hang.
Traverme City, Mkh, R F, O No 7,
Never fear, friends ere bore
March 6, IMl
To guard and guide, aweat M
Dear President—
To help you on your way.
have not written to you for a
long time. I will vnlte now I go to tee
Babin school. I have not missed a day
1 have been late a few times We
going to have t sleigh ride to­
morrow If nothing happens Our teach
cr'i name U Carrie L Spencer. At
school ws play gaaea or Old Maid
nomlnoes, Rutb and Jacob. I love to
tbe letters In tee Sunshine page,
especially iboae from (ar-ofl girls and
EverpthinK depends tipoa
boys. They are so inierestlng. There
your nerves. It is nerve force
• Mile flrl here whose name I
that causes the brain to direct
win send for 1 know ehe will be
the motion of your body: it is
pleased lo Join Her name Is Mar
nerve force that causes your
guertle Ransom Please pul her teo
heart to pulsate, and send tbe
cislen on the Cradle Roll Jessie
blood through your veins: it
Ruth Ransom age tour years sod
is neri'c force that causes your
Bessie May Ransom age six rears
stomach to digest food, j-onr
For pets I haev two cats and a dog
kidneys to filter the blood, and
have four brothera. There are two
tbe liver to secrete bile.
of teem away from home I hare been
In fact, nerve forte is the
Playing to the snow The snow was
power that mns yonr body, no
■wfnlly deep tbls winter 1 will hare
if you feel woro^ut, Irriuble,
etop and go to work
nervous, cannot sleep, or eat
I remain, as ever your trtend.
well, have pain or misery
anjHere, your nerves are
' letters are all
T«f. tee I
weak, and yonr system ruo>
I am glad you hsve v
dowfn. To restore this vitality
take Dr. Miles’ Nervine which
win strengthen and build op
tbe nerves.
You cRnoot be
TraverM CUy. Mich . H P dTSTT,
healthy without strong nerves.
March 6. IMS.
D««r Pr«riden(—
ilsralBs a&^^-Pua'pms tovJtoM
My seboM mates have written to
you BO t nm yotng to do ao too .1 am
going to tee BaUn school. My teacbrr's name le Chrrie Bpencor. I am to
iMrd grade and bare seven ttudFor pets I bare a eat. I have
auto Elstera. Bcoale aad Jesale.
Id a lIRle slBter Pearl aad she
died last wMk. 1 mlas her very
moeh. but I think I wlU nee her oobc
m. tt le nlnlng today nad no w«.

It Takes


k Vaaal «1B gtm ym*-wnam AToir
Aad we g faiHi. Aaar Hay.


cartoualy at tha Mg a
Than TsAdy Mia eg« tta tattM,
whua broUar
atM**A vrm aad
ftani hBklag tmt H'^hoaMag. «
<Mte a Mlaataad tattar. wiMm

Bora at TOM M la honey aweet
And water treub tn atp.
ABA bricht-eywd apriag. while blaehiida alBg.
The ahaiwt^M^ad acMpt p*bMA
Aad lamMlu Berry aWp.
Taddr. who agyaalad to tank "BaU
Baugh and wild to yo*. dear chOd. It to ■».“ he aalA.
la « tro^f
ScecM tee Bouatala stay.
'Bat have ao (ear. friends an here
Tub's eyes wara ahlaUM with ^
rimeat aa he task tha gagM hWH
aoanced. Tbla letMr Is truB a
■ Here are Jaat three doaen
-said Mm. Brown, on ESwter Monday,
-and you children may have tbCB. I and thee
sin color teem for yoo.”
"Bpriafvtna, raday
-All right. Bamma!’
'My Dmt Unle. Pi
"Hurrah (or &Rer! Six tor me!
know what
8o It wat
, have of ahakiag By MB’ hag Mf my
four.year«ld Baa.
spoUlaa my ehaato at ■
Into the kettle they roUed. bat only dinner, when By mlitruaa hdagi me
teiny-flve caste oat whole, and of, to town. Aad twBt t have haw shtv-

y aothlvM
"Six Into thirty-Bve. Bre Umee and
flirc over. Now. who's tee -five ovat T
"1 wouldn't give a cent for IcM tba.
alf a dosen.- said Bob. gloomily.
-I dot to have sUa.' Mid RcM Bna.
"I don't need bat Are. " Mid Dot.
When tee egga were counted Dot
had gone oe an erraad. Bbe was al­
ways the <me to go on errands.
ilher to whisper,
"Put tela biggest one with Dot's, she
deserves lu"
Then tee twins came togetht| on
tee Mme errand, teen Daisy, and
anally Ben. who Mid:
"I dess I don't sraat alts."
"R'bat «lce ghlldren!' sMd mama.
But Doi aaM. “Why. maauna. yon
did not count yourMlf? Now hero are
Bve tor yon and five tor me, aad we
all bare five apiece!'
The OeB for CaeBr.
Thirty days hath September'' .
»r*ry peraoa can remcBber,
Bst to know when Eastorie cosM
Pnsslen even ocholan—aome.
When March, tbe twenty-flrat la pant,
Just watch the aQvery boo^
ABd when you see tt (alt aad roaafl
Know Bastarll be here aeoB.

a**** m
pKUi V a. IVDM
“I may be • crwiy Md bona, bnt f
lore By tiloada. aad | haraby tastt* '
yoa aod yw trlabda B go Br a
alel^ride with •* tBBorWw. on B
my Blatraaa’ flam. My aBtgh hoUa
twelve boyn. B»d tbar* to laafl aknt>
tog on oar poad. 1 «l> mAI flir |M
at bine o'etotk. and bring yo« ham
by fonr.
“My compUBahU B tha BnCtar.dT
•oeh a thonghtfM
hey, ahd 1
tnist she wlU took tavmhiy ngeR
ew Jlagla BgKhar.
“To«r gntoM Maad.
TTnhWl McDomM.*
Toddy wna bliMiB itog nL Torn
was dnarthg Wh iBlIflht Mit ■*■■wna saying mMj,
lg«h Mw
Doonld!*- hhd the* aha toM M har
SBSU son and nald. Tatit, Htbnt'i n nwnnt Bttar B h* the flMt
tetter By boy avsr WBriril and rv

ont nad ghtoAd hnnMMM. hMMM «U
Ooh^. Ka gB«Ml-lhB mm , nad
PniMed bin balto and WHMfl » 9darriand. Whn tn th* flarty flp* ^
the ehUdraa ntvMd, Thto BU
story <
After toe moon baa iwacbcd lU (ul)l
MrikmaWa tmt M |
Then bster will ha. bora
Teddy allppnd fiMMIg B Ub ■
The very Sanday aturi
stda. later. “Ibria bbM M flrottr «■
Id each aad CTerr year.
ion. aaan.". ho alfl Bhylikn IflMpd
bar geod-bya, aad ah* anH. Glnr
And t( It hap on Sotaday
well be thrw MaRdR. Toddy rrI
The Boon ahnld reach Ito bright.
DohMa and 1‘ " .
The Boaday following thU evdat
Mama atrotod hto eoB. Tm a*
Will be tee Eastter bright.
—Booion Tranacript. glad Htas L«dU has dtoenvarad,
■marnmna Uula crbCBT Mb aalA—
lARtoa L. Mm la toRara Obb»r»>'
Dobbin's I
“I raally cant ImaglBa who has

ConsirniptMTh b le» tladDy tban it im4 iB W.
Certain relief aad UMuOj^ai
win rcsutl. Irom iixe foOoftniif t
Hope, rest, fresh air, md—Sccff^

A.L Dr."aCtSTSt BOO. AND gt^OO.



Building Season is Here
And you begin to chiok of repairiftff nr
building new.
Bring your bills to ns aod get our figures
which will mean money saved by you.
We make a speciality in Store Frootfl. Store
Fixtures, Grills. Stair Work, in fact fint cUm
shop work of every description.


should see lo U t|i«l
yoa always asc BEST
FIjOUR. Ls«s oMri^Ucaased by esaataMMy
rcsalls arc alwaya ■>Islacg by Mias BEST.

£3ta?aiSr55&5 HANNAH & LAY CO.

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