Grand Traverse Herald, June 19, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 19, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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' /

tlUV«m» CITY. »KAIIO TWAVtWM COWftV, Mtywow. F1WO*V. jum n, Itm.

’t/m m first ballot
Olio ttan Will Lead Re.
pid^cali Hosts on to
IVUkory — Nomina^
tlon Unaolmous.

brriiM. tw MA^tM «m l
ptd« to SOOWTOtt. AM piiaUEC Uc
(ko oMTOTtk*. U tk« plottom tBTOlTM A lOttg aAMlHOi
«TnlBc A«ElM «Ui pntekir b* !*»«.
ThA Ttft MM ATA oartAlB o( tMr
AUK.~ «UI «
rigbta l^Tor e
<f tAM wtUl Ikft'A pMAT* ATA bM»g
diMftbatAd, bAArtnc the AtogAA. 'THitf
AAd tottAd UW.A#4aJ—AtllB HM*.
Tho toltovtaK li tbe aaUabJw
piBBk: -ffcA npEMku pwtr opboMA At aB Uma tbo AAtkerfQr am!
lAtAfriiy qt tko cowti. tUto And
toi^ AAd VtU OTAT iBAlAt tilAt
tMr pornn to Antorco iMr |
mod to pratoet Ute. Ubortr mnd ptopnr AhAU bo pnOATTOd tOAlOlAtA. ’
botlATA. bOVCTAT, tbOt tbO ralMA
^Moodmridof tlw fadArml oowu wKA
npoet to ikA IWAAOOA of tbo wrtt ol
lAtoMdAO or



MAm BoAkmml- «bO ATA MB loo
AAcoaM rmir- •polr. dlBbBAABU ABd ftWSd tef* BBV baa bad to V with on- eatPWlowl^ BBoklyteg ViABdAfielii sM ealoalal retUad, tlwdoltottoam It «m V wV took ta
I. OabA wbo troly IbTAB tbo charge tV paaaaeaUra cd that cotoetbAB
aal eatorpriaa aa
iV totharaa. tV
OoBAfml Wtadtord teWMd
CBABI mitlBg tv taaaer a»d^ great'
MB MAWh AWid th» WBTlBB RA«a br
aad aiVar kta dMRtog
tbA wort tor tWBtorlBE old Msats of
raplAtlea of thli torn ataboBBAty Bad ABBBUty. ba. wAll as for
of pabUe works la Be ieagar
of «drfc datr. <ba'
iBSbBA* WmMtm ABd Ohio WBA
mitiBABl, ABd tbrnt ■laeat raaBty. With kta asarei
CBOBd. aU tbA delASAtAS rtAtoc to tbBir
■ is TbA
atoU as a paMVAtor. M raab
toot rBUlBC. It «}IA tbo Rm (
irasQuiiiiy to tv tortOa Mtoad
•UbOob la wbteb iho dolAEBta
Cuba, ao ofttai db
BBTBl pan. Wb«a tbo dom
atrtta. to tV (biw
«*Ar Hob. ThBO. Burtop be- wltb that
der a bUMag tropical aky. ho
AB tbo BBBtBAtkNI ct Tbfl.
which boa aaaand toe
people of'naay rai.............................
Mr. Bonoa ASdd;
bettar era to wM
Eroded by VabaifiM.^ MwBla aV
IV weak alike
------------- ,. 4Bg tbera »od%a^ oaly
to tv I:
r»To mpoBBlbUnr o( A^Aea
the role of lAwA a
2l toeal
MWBtdOStlAl CBBdldAU VlU tbO AO- of tV law/ There
oBAtrai ta plaoi of oeaTMtaa. aad
> that tbo I
bleady auUs. bat abawod CV w^ to
PBItr VfD OBBttoBA to r«lB tblA PBOwblek Vre
pM. What AABAtBblad BBMtadB iB mar
(bia titaie of tiok of toe Hghtr of aaa. TV papgrowth aad Maaty.
Mad has ATAT polBtad tbo way
•torr of bia ptaa BBd raeae. bV todtrtdaMi. aadv
■p oae of
toaptratioa at a titoadiy gtota.
toe brlgbiatt pagea to tV btatory of
un tkanyirra baaraaward aV
aay 00 aad wlU proea iVi
to cMBb tv gruat verttk altar
olf tbto pmad old orpgrtnttaat Tot today, aa to say ertUcal boor of sordal atalTB to aoMB Vtglrta oMibarty aV
*A do not lAty aioae epoa tbo roeord 4aA0r. tv aaa win appear wV
Ity. It ta to bia MMag bau' witb tV Btoergaacy.
m wWcb It has Aceompl
or that bta daairw waa uM to V
to ao St to IaV ap tV I
kBOWB as -Tbfl. tv PiwOowBaal,*
praWA qaaUlcatlaB t Aolre ibr prob- wtoc* this woBdraat gsaetadaa da- bet M "Taft. tV Vmtbar of tta TBtAfBi Of tbA pmeat..
watott aVMd V wtaaly aad >-|— ipfuoa.* wV bsoeghc to IVb iV
It Is A^ACiBlty i
ttoUy partorawd aa bta great War
tblo gatbArlBE aboBid bo bald U tkts ■ecretorrl Stoea tV Bay wVo. to
IB IV buaar apbara af varid pali■AfoBB «dty of
Hra. we are Autartog toto vw aV
tba atoAl bands of
■1— ™
IM-U» .. . K.
•ds Witk aB tV MBsaa af
ta AYATT Urset
tV other to
tv eeitb.
WV ta better geaMtod
ABd rtrar mad awmatala. to abaoBt bar at tv Clrll Barrtee On
tbaa V to taad AbaMcu to bar OSe
Urn diBtaace. bnadaB the rlebVra
peafdaa to Ibis tolar day i
ABt ttoBASTBA Of A OOlUBAU ID lay by kV tdratooBd aim VMav itoa
to IV aa»
tbAW at yoor feoc Hrrt 4t i
of fiiradabip. ABd by tV
of nataal eounaal. each Vtb bit a
•ad ktogdom »d I
aad BaarboBtata apnnig tron Iba aa- ladtTtdaaUty
Blog to raaitaa CbK iVg V*s m
tioa-A cnosciADea. rMaed ita im M- baaptog caaatoBtly ^ riew toe eatuapbaat rotea Yrken Abimbaai Ub- avitoc rMoa of a bettar aad a graatVeretary Tatt Va «
eok was aantaated.
Aad ban. V Atoarlra. TVp Vra sat baae at- BUtartty 1
acBlB. wUb Botw of tba
tofled ikai tv Tenpla U Pnaperity uai Ortoat—to Japaa. to Ohtoa. «a
tbroaci graatad abaold V daVad aloaa by IV taweia Bay real aaaered that aar nHllwiil
tV aatadag of OarbaM. of Btafai af •f IV fortBaata aod tV apataat. b« triaadahlp wtto Japaa wll vaitoaa.
toatatsd tVt U aboald atm
tv tatara piaBlgdi to«
Agala OhM pTOAfatt i
--------- rtag atfUav at Cktoa w«
to tv BAiliwal rapabUo
ajnV tnm toe tacharv
Uoa. la aana itaVorml
sV thau will raaitaa that tV Boewopportaalty vhMk tag dawn of Waaber Wa aad «MW
AAcnd aafl Vyw tad tV enbMtiad vraada bov add bleaatag •
IwwMm baav Stoa
rapaataaRbaatatawIctwr. Tba Baci^
aya Siata has aaaatodly aaMiibatad
. tara tbaa tblrtp years
tfWBAi maud uad kafpw- «ta aarat m
her Ahara of AtAteanaa alt gaamla
Taft deBOBced. with
portloa of Vr Unil^. W'e liatri
tor the upballdiac of the aattaa. Bat words, a meiBbAr of bda v
bar. as froB Ml aitlira. tothat of Yrbicb we aba proodw Mtt M irbo bad bare guilty of fl
Nd goad arm aad tVtmtaalraher AtAlwart citisAai
tooa practicea aad bad
teat balwBib of (V repoMM to ar- tv eonmniAtty. V has aeer baaa aa•rtugtagoa cdtbw aMa. Tbw
V of lAA
. of tioa raBAw era of targra retottaam Veertea'A free yeomca. rrery ready to lam-aiu that ratotm wbfck wM ratary Taft, adto kta ea^nk^Ma
u> tv taeato of atom to
days of aertt
A or bollew words. Be kM woald taratoh a eartatety af
wVaarer U rataaa Its aioatrtog boad. beea Itobaad wttk tv apirtt of <
Ohio. toiVaa- ^ Vroeaey of aoeadAr readmeai
tkla Bigtor
wmliAr. Now Tort wi

£.r>, i

Seutor HopkiBA ntd 1b ooch low
TOlet, ibAi UttlA of tbo plAUom was
beord by tbo deUgiteA. At flrst. tbo
■WldWA VAA tor tb« ABU-lAiBBetlllO
plAAk vltta fanodrodA of roADOAdlAf
“No.- -No," AS AB
A BMjortty iwport WAS tbSB pWAABtOd
tBTOriBE pOriBABABt tATTlC oommlsAb boor for debrnto was glm.
Noithor MdA iMltAd.
Br Wlr« to Tbo BmdBE Roeord.
Chkapo. June 11—Tbo coapron
BBtldBjlUKUoa plABk. WlmAlir Sdopl«d M 2:10 this tnorelBC. Is by mo
Altber Aide.

Wnb tbo way eteaiwd for a fMat
day BC wotk it ta bAtatovod a laal adJoarmaeat iBlghl be rwacbed today
tod alroEgle oecDn
orer ibe ptaiforoi or a deadloek
TV wetcbi of/opialoo this avniint
tVre wUi V BO stBaapAdr
tboMch It Is poaAible as aitawpl will

ChleAgo, Jmno 11—1:20 p. i
Atood: yaa. 2S: ao.
Ity rwport- of tv pUtforBi
coiBBitUe WBA ratoetad tbera beln«
oaiy a fAv aeattaoiac Yotat |a its
fBTw. it waa
by oBly .
maq, Mr. Coopei
BoataU U now.pimdDc
Lodca says the aoBRaaUea tor pceBldswt will V nad^
Bad Yriee-praaldAet taoiorrow.
CbleafD. Jbba it.—Htcblvab nil-

Cooper, of Wtoeoatln. who espoUDded
LAtoUecte idaaA. told of the profraas
aaV by IV aal(hVrinc tiatea of
bVMAalB AAd MtctalEAB.
croAled tto radarABte.
11—TV ptattoriA
tv CraatOAt AtAIAABlAB OtBOA VosbiactoB aad UbcoIb aad declares the
party's oalalWlBc adbereaca to
pledfOA tb4r ooallADAACe aoder repobUcaa BdailaittrAUon.
TV platfom dedarea for the prlBeiple that U tv VretopmaAt aad «eJayveat of wealth there aball
eoBAl omortaalty lar'aU. It taads tV
party tor tV eonatry's safe paaaasc
throBcfa the raeent anaaelal dUtarb'

seat forth
thoaaaBd aoldiero for lar eMBU7*s
defease, a fontodabte
bt» array easily
ibera tV world[ tagion of ttaperlAl Cat
*r. AM <
larger ibaB say amy
d by Mtaia
taated letd. Bai'tTaaseeadABt abore
aU ta tV lAAt tboa Ohio la oae of
Of states naked t
geOiAr to erertasttog boada of adIi
ABd coaamoUBg SB eatplre wooderpower aad alnoat liaaiTiain
Me iB esteot. Vch torerei^ stBte
ahtoe wootd occupy but a aebordtoate
of tv
by oae of fony-eto bright aian oa a
■eld of atalBlesa Mae. erery oae
toma part of aa mbtam of naioa
ABd atreagtb nore beautiful tar tbaa
tv Dwst btilUaat coasieUsVa to

a ef hlBMilt. It Vs Atways baea
progrera af tv eaaauy aad woaM
totegrtty aad tV eoarage
real aafatt tV rutaaBea tVt a CkIM '
tv trutb. aa V amdeietoBdi
was at tv balB who, la
eu. ao Batter bow 1
V ta war. wawd guMa tV 4aa>

baM BBd Witt A tatataK patttatta
loBtlal eVdr wV bad raeetYod a
Meal prapanttoa for toe dottas
of tVt great anee. Ai Jedaa to
and fAderei courts, as aotwiar gcaeral. as EOTenwr of tV nuipplses,
aa aAcretary of war. wMck bai V
ciBdM tv work of eotoatal oecretory
ABd director of BAtlUBal public works
V has iweelred bis tratotog uud Vi
Always iVwB biBself BAster of tV
AlteatloB ssd eoBpeteut to
> boaorabta am betoTsd tV
There bare beeu ao
yoen of Iaacimb to bU career. He
has beea coBUaaoasty cegsged to
weighty usv aad each seceemra
aerrlee has been cVrMtertied ' by
as tocrraMBg toflacBee npoa Boat

AM ao today, la toe prsoMca ef
ttore tbaa tea tbauVM. aad vMb

tv taapirtag thOuM « tv mto
aod wV dweD wUbta ow bardras, 1
BoMnate fv rv prstaisatj that pV
feet tyv af ilBiTim uiaatowd. IVI
peortera rupfraainati of tV aobtaet
ideals to ear Battaaal Wo, WOOaa
H. Taft, ef Ohio.


We weleome iv friendly rtralfy of
Cm ta OW Aga.
aodldates from otVr ttotes—froa
br creat Ciuplre itate, IV KeysCouc
Mrs. Mary A. Bantoart
paaaM a«w
tUa aftoTMOu i
Uie. lodtona. nUnols. asd Wlictto
bOBB. tm
. fonntog with Ohio a broad eaU our domesUe AtAlra, to wbAlar- South Ualoe atreet. at tV age af «
paaae eateadlug to uBbrokea sweep rr poMtioe V baa held. V baa dto- years, old age belag tV Mara of bar
from old oersB to IV uppemoat played toe rare antaa ef a iadktol death, la addiUoa to bar baabuad.
bouBki of the greatest of tolaad
teatperaaieat with as iiinrpMSsil UrbuB. sV Irarra thrao cbOdna.
Ebcta erf tbeat
leader Mft tor udBtolstrattra rrnafriaiiai Wnitam. of Maatatot; Carale. af tota
snougMeaden whose achtareneou To bia V)oii0'toe ettrmcly tbIba- aty. aM Mrs. Btaauatpr, af Hevr.
and rraowB are doi coefltted to toe M« CaculQ' Of elUaliiAUag tV BTre-re TV fnayrxl serrtce has aot yet boBt
Stand tor Tartu Revtaion.
preWetts airaoged.
TV ptatlons Velares uBeqoJroea' oarrow Uiolts of a stogie coorDoa- aruUat trea comi
bly for a rertalOD of the Urit by a Yreahh. Today with ferrid earaest- ABd gotog directly to tbelr ■ebstABce.
special aesAlOB of cobctaaa Imedi- Bees we wage a coaieai for toe prise. HU capacity tor work la eoonBooa.
ToBorrow. utoted tor tV fray, and yet quite as Vlpfui is bU rouble'
ately toUowlac ibe iBAUCuntlei
qalekeBad by a cotDaoa lery seal, tcespcTaaMt. wblek will eoc allow
IV Belt prAAldeou
, j. w. VIV Viaitfd Tkla
tv chaapioas of all toe eaMMatci
of life
win go
kuaiChieapo. JDoe 12.—Micfaicaa was KB to sasautab ibe foe.
TV Boat perplextog questkai ol
J- a MUtar sM hratoar J. W.
PtattonB tbr^k .tecret eaocas ae- today arise Cram toe boudfu) deret-l
Miner, aad Mn. C
dAagklar M
tioa wbea tV LatoUecie Eilaortty re­
of our toaterlal wraith. Recb i Mb
^ Btartoig
port ease up. TV WotrerfBea a« —.
t eas Bot occur wttbeot;toe Bsal aMlysis rren toe highest of- orer tV Pere b
iVdr SS *mea acalBst'lV Vr-tacoDila- tv creatioa of toequallUes aad flaa-j
tBoat v Judged as aira. aad, ,V J., aod Icfl later for 0____________
raflroad Appralaal reaottiUoas ta btdk gera to toe aoelal tabrie. I BOBtatrea- ooder tola crueiton Secretary Taft la; tVy wU rtsU a-Uae at TV Oortoto
ABd tbea aiata oc the emsApaisa coa; uoaaly deny that toe AmerlMA brai-lodw aM wUj erer V kaowa for hisi Thla ta tV Iret «<»—
Bcra (aaa or tV ABetacau eiUaeo; broad ayBpatolra with erery grade af MtTta.- has rtatted this pert af M
rated tor direct cbertabra lowar atADdards tbaa tor'kaataaity aad as oa* tarartabty actA- aaeatay tar tt yaaca. tetag vatat it
cltUeoa of aay other coeutty. TV atad by (Vt democratle aptdi itoicb ahart Orac at OseM wbra LaMi^ABArlMB people are by ue bsaba 'aboald cbaraeterlae
____ _______ ____
deprared. Vt by rraara ef tVtrbeay ’ Aioerteaa. Aad yet V oae cab for a tarmu with eato A taw farm acaP
ratacd panataa. aad Bomrat beattote to rceogalaa bta ao-itand bare aad tbwa. It to tV M
toDowiBg Bootcl. rordaejr. of Wlcbl' of tV giiBBiu which alta^ SBC- rertty ta drattag wtcb wraAg-detag.;rtatt af bta b^trar »
to grew aadertaktags. gMataae- WAV ua
taari TV party Ataa rtattU
{able uretbodi Vre bam abie ta ae- bia. ao dU
■ope. bridge, iewai. wkB» MUy
_ ___
Goreewor gmft toeraaetaw i^ou toe buatae«ito bid* V
r to J. W, xmer owaar a fttta. «M thtas
'of the country. Rtcb reward.



»pTJ Limu'ii




k to If...... to a tor
to feM. *toW

'll to •


to wftoUM jto. «
to* Waal o( Forte M«e. «kto l» toi to* |«t to Kniiti «t«toto tocM tottome.toe «c toto
to iilto to ' A
to MtMMMv to.
la im. mjtmm. n»$rt»mtm of
■tor too
to mim taw. ealto «t KAtoto
“Wto «• took rtototo ot Ik* .
toi ton woe tat OM otool k|

lac ovaM ta to cororweat. 1—
UMro am ooor tokif. Mk to oariaetTaittlii. to to atox
taPUa to to cakUr totaole la MjNk
to toad, to a laproo

taeoHia «e to Ualtod M
>ia to FkUtfplao toa< to poo^ taro taaa ciroa a
body, to fas poaor of

a fwtliiia? Not Batata
artV tiaptadi <■ bow yoa pnoaol
SaoaiiMa to oka cnuabka: Myha
u-i “doacbyr ac patopa to
NBB ai. ABtota WtaWcnaM
witb to halp of riacrfwT*

kotaoea toot, ta to laritatto ^
«o o( to tarttatloa lor to
I Tita o( W koM at tOkjo. to ta
; to roepptat of to Utota Stato* to
to <
to tantatloa of JOpaa to partta
uea of vUek tacoai to
la to ciaat oapotalea tota to to a*
ic\m ^ catooet of proetoc to cm- taU ai-Tokro la to roar Itll ta
poakitaro of fl.OMkM. to grootoat
-ttat I
vktta coaari taa aotorltaa to a.

CoraScaick. to laaay wiaiwfil aaat
of wkick ai* lortaM ■ Ota fto boi* of


arf CMihi nips*

mmafOKO’a .
osw^ss. '

w toaltaoa to atmtoo;
MMCTOM 4. e. MMIttOW*.
» tot tot* la awiatkiac k
MtHaakly taattaci
■ liBtUti la I
■ Itaalt to poapla ta CMaa whlek craw oat
kata atay tar
ataackad ta * tor- of to aataroawi ta to Cklaaaa attkea^ to crowd «aa rcry qaiat Itoir ows tails ajatota to dlroe- .
toro waa aoM a
otatoaBac. <
taaaloa taw aak M to to kayoott ta
OwlMrt TkM HMMi«i WUI ll ^
kaatily taataitatak
laodar." aad to aeaator lot o«
kara klaapptaiad.
' iqr aar otor paopir Ckaaa kaitac to a;
Mick or t«&
da ■ Cklaa ku
Tfc» Cmact ta>^ I
It waa foirkra ptaatao tatoo ta
kaaa roMor|d to lu aatoiml eaara*.
Ko. 1>-P»d Cppaai. ckalrraaa
ahORy to riayaal at tal tima to
waa ekoarok. whita waa wbaa ta aad rtaiakl| eai
Tba DBltad Slataa kaa aaeared to to loeal eoBiBitto. preaeaird
rarytac aak aaaetlac kpawad
aattoaad Boiacralt
ta aU to aattoM'taMac poa- rhalrman vUA a caroL
traka. yat. kartac to larty-krt yaan aaaataH ■ to Ottaat ta a atatad M
toeklcaa draw a Baa pototo la
locto katwoaa tjm aad 4.- ot tia atiBtaaoa. taa aaraod a
la eoartatta. to dalacMieo taUs
w^ Cklaa ta p« n aak to to
I, to* u^-n»
Tock. wUck kadUo to wttk a total aaroUMt la taatdi
d o^tta ■ to OBeat. aad aa
tata ta dnpn. Poataaaaa kara k#aa
aktair kfat'-iarr
■Tkat It taa Its waatawiw U ttaa- toan
troat aasta. Tba <
U Hooeevett greeted wUk toad ckeaie mr; un^m hlmoNf was giaaay.a»
ad tkroactaat to artklpa)- ly aktaittak. Tta dafaeta af to eye- laadaraMf ot to Uatlak Bwaa. kaa
>«fcto nv apaalac to jotMd tioaa of Now York and MIeklfMto tta gaOerba bat tta kalMatm UUd aa ta toM ta to fompMte W
■aa and twoOIrda
kaaa agrwad apoa to taot at Skang- were calm.
hed taea accardad Wat At to MSr
kaclaitac ky pcwBealty arorr aae- kaJ aa to let of oau Jaaaary for
foot aa to Oktaaaa aartod U wUk
No- l»—Barrowe- lelaraacaa to Mcr talk tooia prrtact to Taft kaaaare.
■Dai ta talacftak aad aabi* tiaaa rotary ta to traaaary. aak wUl*
Klnby aad Booaevelt badly ebearak.
ara ■ oparadaa. aak aawa) kaakrak
Hal rtaacaa kara taaa atoa aa
BaaatDr Borrowa col No. I*-Beaaur Barrows aptea aaa
------ ktoeu tara karalapad. yat to proraat lu prodaatb
doa. to meklcu aan faataac ta ■Uaa ot aow rtalway ara aakar
I boor sod IS Miaoifa.
tok fo«aad.............. . ■ ------------- atnacttaa or eeatiMl. akile taaa toa aaa ftartag law. to waat of alaatle-'
No. n—Tta c
MMk Wm Ba BWilH
10 par oMt of to cororatoai
Aa Seutor Borrowa draw
Tkraataaad uric
Ttaarvtval today ot tea. IP. ftettaa
ktot cHfatf Ctokaa taof to Knit. dooa of ktt apaook. to ktocatao ta- Ptam aak taaalcipal oCkeara are A»- ‘Tta taoaM paale aaUak totatcoto UalUd Statea aad Oertekay, aod ’
repnaaatlag Morgaa aad Wall mm.
Caa to cat loattaaa. Tkap raaUard crteaaa. aad ot to ptaka aad coa- tlaa ta aaacraaa %4 to aarwtty of beewaea to United Sbtaa
r caaoraSy aad hb latorrbw wttb to
Btabalary toica M par aaat a» SUCktoBCD. .kaM Ur>4t la elaarlr tot Ikk waa ataodr aa* of to
Ftance. hare taoa amtad by <
oOoas coulttae MaarBr lakb
klato OMt Mltalata «l|l ^ «ar aatr adjaacta of the
merebl agraemaab tatwean
1 that Watt Btrost fears TbSra
(M« oa to ant taUot to aaeto
Tba work of ettaUilBc aad apt raotlva to c
I to tka
r carTtacj of wwpw.o*o Unlud BbUa aod mth ta tinoe o
ksttet at to poQi tr to TTritajaM
at « o'etot to oaartatloc
Kfuac to l-*‘tMttata ta-to AtUptries, made andar ‘the eattarity glrr
plaak U loraed dewa.
plaa ialaada taa com forward wtt
aileaa. aa aatorleattoa. It eo 10 the Proeldaat U to tWrk aeo- Ledge, tta reading of tta «
It b oeaa aald to Margn tatwaab
reaarkabla pracrata."
daaroatiaa 0p«ak.
U tattered. wMcb wOl prrraat tta r*- iiae of the Otagby laric act.
waa loapended aad to lUt dvea tta fiTor to aaempUaa ta lahor smom
■i fiaa la-ltor-ai
■are ok at at to lapokHaao paitr foar poan
earraaeo of may aaoti dlaasur aa boaecieury.
“Bat to erowabg aet b tkb dra­
cMtoaeBaM as a troat. Hew.
Of to traaklea la Cate ta wld: Ml to aooBtry Ian taU. Tta aao*- ma wa» that b which tta
No, e«—Tke aporenlloB adjourned
aftar ibo Farkta*' MtaMaw.
-V «dklta<«klikli lo-aaBM to <
aaM la Ma addiota ■
Tba laalgtaMua «f PraaMaat Pal laIT of to traaaorr baa prMaptly hlmataf took to bttbUra. tailed to ot 8 o'clock
10:20 loatorrow
ar Marray Craaa isniteiif
^MdiTtaiktoitoto kanutottoa '
a aa taiaporaiT ckalfacr
■a af to BapaUlc of Cota aad to takaa to aaeaaaary ataps to gira ta« ermba of Kaatta aad Jap- toorrow toondag.
that to plaak emaM ta
' jl»«a^.a«Wai'«(. tota >a to
Banowa' Akdraoa.
■Dora ta to Cobaa coagraaa to taact taet to tkla ifttaatkm. pad baaklag
w aamteUtaa ky so u ss.
• kMr
to to laatk part of a
From Wedneaday'B Recork.
■aaator BotTowa aaM:
■ ara aHoady tarwDac to
wataar Ml tot.talaad vUkoot a
i. tt b
Cbbacn. JsM it.-Altart teirk
itotototf tokVtaA
Oaltad Stataik, *'Wtat taa to rapabUeaa party
aoatraa ta to beorfiia
aaoMtarn Had Chaaea.
be hoped, aa eodarlag peaea bait...Cammlaa. ta fawa. has caasMiak ta
<^crtal aa HkMita dlita..
Cklecgo. Jane If.—Booaama
Abm la to laai faor yaar* ct
(kb act It b deabtfttl If to prorb tbeae great powers. It waa a match> kcoapi to aamtaatlaa tor rbograalae«# too «ta oootato a
Ulr OMOftaWv today fa make
It We katy to aataMtak a '
iroa atrofce ta dltemaey.
daat. hb CacbMa U tty far -to of' . •kMto a«t «ao ta to ciaat okaator
taateref ar- '
-Tet Dothbg he* added ao mote
•ce hertag just taaa made kaawa hr
great Importaace (or. after pragrtea
. Otop O^affauB BMrr 8. Na« o( to to klatary of to party aak. to kar. jkMtalatar
to kb ]iw taw m kb
Laltyeua Taaag. one of tta Iowa

• iTir--r Mtltail tammUtm. rmp
aod Irreroeabb refaaal U break to
Mr. Tocag otters a Ufaeomaktioea.
the eoareatb* waa
V takto- oMor aak cot It attar a talk
raa prtalioiaary to to ro- ' beta lu Moiiatia at
■mwriuen Uw of tta npabUe by ae■ DeaMolaee aa arlkaaaa ta
Mk ata akaal^air ooaMcat tot to
-Im to BoaiiUma. t
I ta otaarty i
nepuag a ooiataaUon far a tklid thrown opes to to martetag elaka Camadaa* kaatre far to Bttba
■ to.ialaad. Ita toiaauaad laaoi paMtcaa poKy b aet ladlSrrroi to term. By tbu act of adf-ebnegBUo* and to ehoWara b ge*^
CaaimiMr Beam l-ytof
Uooa tara taaat to rapakUe dortaf
That to attempt at aUmpotfe wiU
hmtar and
dad good
ta idacea bU oaoie and bme b to
aUcaw. itee IT.-Tba ChMu .
f made, there b no laager
to iaat tear yaaia. yet tkeaa kata order rtotorad, «»d to (
ta Mr iDta
eecure keeping of bbtory by to aide
irepreatkiailal boom ess farma|ly
kaaa met eak ovarcoata with alacrity
new. aad u) that ead of ibal ta the immixul Waihlagtoa. doubt. Tta allies hare prorMed
Tta warrtac
keg ta powder. They hare Ml -y*t
WkOa to tata Jar aattttc to eoa- aak aoarac*. aad to coantry
to oaagraaa put ekmd eai
• With thi* eplemlid recani of to
produced a match nor have toy Wt
' tAn.ll
wok 1> ttkda to eraatba ta a ■oaetary i
ataadtty ca«*ta la ‘tta
bet fbar yeara b tta amaag
aay ooe know toy are aatoad ■
Boooa ta ladoatrtal
. f actok* W ktaaek. 9h« to
tor AtaBtaor.kaa to tabad ka«_ ..
f caadMacy.
foratga aSaIrs.
' t S* kPItad. to» wta a «ai
wlaa aak koaaSeaat lafla. tiao Data ■aawiaklag taadi ta palyarcaa kaekad by ($e bbtaty of neoriy half ooataah.
kaaar iHaak.
The Taft faroea tera atoppof talk­
' i »..«MB-.akata to taftki
ttad aad aaterad apae lb bkora. aad
OMo. i™.
centary of repabllcga poUd
ing. they are aot ao free wttb pr*«c- sfaa ta tta esaveatkn h«a at txm. tata. ' fto (ptat taB Bad <
Ika bag yaan ar Ua aaaaadaacy aa^ttta. Iwaai aad MttaiaJ
woHl pnbUe Band muai real b (he
•M.-kkl ta iBiM. atok to Mta>
with to hope aad aspeabtlai or ro^ liM tot the contbaed aaeendency of liens and toy aeam to fob «a to
to ta haU.aak to
kabgaUB to eatta topic
ne ta the batUe tot their
9CPto-««6k.y4MpM to «mH iBtalba towtotlna tor to ptaBe taiaak apar to to Cataa paopb."
1 Btobatary eyttan wbtek
akor pbak aad to
repobllcan party will beat pro­
Mptatata ataito toi* waa k kaaJ ta aaaaraly tkat do dtaaabitag “Oar aary btm baaa atraagtoMd.'
Moat artta Ibfi nltlaiaiam It Oompera waa aald fa
rrery taWtlaiat* boaiarM mote to lotereiu ot the peopb aad
worker* are yeaag m*a ead they may beve bate ksttrorad to tta
nckta ta potata.da tal to
• ta BteMaaid. “aatll today wa baM a seed end promote tta proaperlty
adreace to glory end ■tabDity ta to
know as maay triek* ur “Oneb
aU ta oar paopb.’
*• i; VtotoBtoaoMaltakMtaM
I aaaoak ^aeo ataoag tta Mra)
Tta ar*wd wm «vea gisatar
Joe- Ceanon. tkey may not to as w*fl
i, I AMto ktal potoo tok k owta
Wartk Powar.
. ta to world, aak oar Saac ta battlemai owtag to to atoctaacy ttet
’The work ta tWa coaraaUoa
trained in machine warP aa Pblrtanki
ooBld anaat to aecauyb i
Of to DBltad Ciataa aa a world
• matohaatiy araoak to
eooo ta coaeloded. Tta pbttom will and (tare are maay thing* they may to aUm would make a tgkt agafast
power, ta aald;
*ha ctbkwuab commlttaa report
voice (be doffllwnt toagkt
BSBteaMtaCBWto la a tow krtof aad polatod aaoteiTot. b to bfoader fleld
OtgaaMod Ubor. ihroagh PtwkkaBt
peopl^ aad to ««i>ai4gu n
aae ta oiaead to takatartal growth aad good wUI u paopb.woridb drama, where tta aaUoaa must euod apoa II trm ead ereeiA long wraacb eboot anti-fajuneta to oaaatry dorOa tta aohlaat ta iwUway bgbb- are acton, oar eoBatry hae takes
Ttay must have tta patrloibm of
tien plaa took placa aad tote b m
r to leg tba past loar yoara. aad toa i*- tba to oald:
. pare Uncoln, to teaadly ta a Orani. to!
doubt bat that (be .Utierest g^t M Vioyan MaMHf tew.
Tba oBart of tta aatlooaJ gortn- Harlac teesma a world poweix .
wladom aad moderatba of a MoKln- (he eoDveniloB will be over thb
af to btoaaaa b IMU-wlde ead alwaye
by. ead tta
Ptaak. Then U the talttereat kted ta
b to tateract ot peaee aad the With aaeb a pbcfonn end eoeb can­
■paaktag of to----------------______ja wtta beWtpMteC tamaakbd. Wkeatodb- didate* tta bne eaBBoi be to Moobt. feeUag ead Speaker OaaoM b load(Cortaaad oa Tblrk
catataatteol a gatorlag ta mb..
to bA scMaa ol Oamaa to i
totage aattoaa aad eokOBg to etetaa pab tatwaea OarmoBy aad Proaea
The repobllcan party aoBAdcntly sab.'-BMMHy attar tatora waa a rapabIt b wUWa tanta U aay that
ta to Cftauat recarkbe A right ta eaatrol
fadgaa prarbaa aaMlaaa of aoagroaatera tarpMWiy. to takrtto ar wklib kaa Mafaceo tkretaeaed to brolre eit
ta to Amerlcaa peopb and. apk^aptayak a aaor* oettra or
to* attaadad talk aa. Utib dUBcalb war. tta aetlre laflaroM
* reaewal deebratlon of blth.
cut lataraat ta to aaada
ta to Ualbd Staiet. both directly torokee cootbaenoe of pobllc bvor.;Mb»acaa or toataal air «
waga earaai* toa to paat tkrae
Tntkoat rrtoaratng to laebia* aod tkraagb lu ropreeeotatlree ai
» af tot ba« knm ■■■iImi. aor tea ttar* hantotora la ttta aaactad to ctaroet to etaU ead
a al to lip teortlag to aaaae bagtk of time
to war* of
I at to taInpayuat aad pragi
fcaow ttax to paaceahb sobttoa.
* otto paaL
4 of ara Mat dlaapTta baOdliig ta tta Fansms eansl.
Chicago. June 14—11 lo ■
S*gM May cmb* i.ito.
paartac. aad carrier aad abippar aUka the moat ooloaaal aadertakbg ta tta
The doors of to Cobsium
It W9 to «tet to kalacnaa aad
IbWag ap to aatkbet of 4
■ j ta to aateeemeat eeatury. the aoceeaatal comtaetiM ol
TjeftecenyAwa^wtiteltol^Wfciteltek. £0117
ggtaUton aaaapt to Mw tot arary- aWpiaag. to aaid;
ta to bw. aad what at aae ttea which b now assnrrt. makes It more brown open si 10: SO sad s
c of li.
tea » Mt M efaett Uted MikiE. mkm *»'
cat aak kilak. br It my to
ailed tbe bail. BireBbrrgcf*
Amrieaa thipalac.
Importaat to the Oalted Butei than
tta BteWorta.wUl t
‘ft b to ta ragrattad tot a a
rtmoBloaa a.trogcb u fast amuatag ever batoi* that tore sbsU ta no Chicago hand began a concert wtih.
Thri’i to tettomy td
peaeefai ataoMoa."
hoatlle cootrel ot tta roou betwew
gDod natured aad pmefol over dm goad btead k. ii gitol. tor
11:*®—The galleries and eests
% pat to party fairly end aqi___ either our great Atbnitc and Fadflc
ka writm to U9 « abota k.
I at aU.
,te aw ■
ly to laror ta tarts revlMoa. aay- poru and the itthmas. Pta that naa- ranged for the spectston ore test ail­
ing but very faw debgaim ar* yet In
ahfpa ahonld tevo faUad. tet Us pasaoa It is of eapeetsl tafaortaaee that
Ske fiathta *wi (kai “cvea i it todd cak 40 CM fato on a
plaee. Two negro dalegsles Iroic
mm. M kb teaote tore was Brat ega b tba aaar futara b eaaBdMUy
1 party aundl (or
tta Isbnds sod
5apo^(aekilwaaUbcdieww4te *te dl to o4ta kto*
Louisiana were to flrsi com In. The
•team teoar af to aoratas.
Tta oMfateba ta Sa^
s rartoba aad r
shores Of to Cerrttaaa ahaU
BpiBa fa bok BMf* Ilka a raal
tary Root spaa hb raura from to
tab bdeptedeat. paaeefal. aad proa- delcgsilon* from New Tort Indians.
Ohio. Illlnol* and WboDoain have to
OteHoa. Mr. Mawb eafaa waa jrary .Booth Asueriesa eeimtrba to startr^afaaaMto-lbedatoitedJa^
U. Tta policy
aob'ikead etmy year ikta
front row*, owo having to ptece of
■ifH. .;Ba eoaid aet ba beard aay Uag that -Darfag to paat aammar I ■ay tevo aaaka neeaaaary. kaapbg
tta DalUd sutte to aid tom
honor dlrootly te front of to speeJi
witeak all to great por
*Ukdlly;b rfawthe taiiiaai pttaelbfabbg Btmh gove.-niDeou has
Boatlmra eoatteeat aad | anr only Pba Of prafacttoa to Amaricaa bdasm praaacaud with spae
11:54—The vast crowds which were
tea ahlp kpatkea to erobar tot trtea aad Anmrteaa Ubor. As
duriog to last tour yaof*.
la from of the bonding are befaf;
carried me ftytag to Aamrtcaa Bag.'
ta lu good faich fa thb regard,
Tta (rightful disorder sad blood- seated with Hub coofusioa.
Thb kamtUatlag oeaktttaa ateaU to aatbaal bimae ot roprteeobavte abed irtileh had amrked the
U;«-The CaUfomte debsaUoc
. cbM aader tta eonsUtatiaa with of Baa Domfago far many year* have
jtmt marched b b a body being greet
Fknr the toiC Cooks Um**
jBTbkIctba fa -ortstaab all beea aaded by aa ogreea
ed pith cheers.
kOb tor rabbg rwveace.' oa tta SOih Dtatod Btaiw tahbg the
Nn. *—Senator J. C. Burrow*
or April bat past, by famal rmoto- treaty eaiered bfa with to approv­
kbear. aaerMaiy af to
temporary chairman, was gretaed
tba. aatorbod aad directed lb
__ _ __
al of to aeoou. ander wWeh by to
auaeaat^ wte hae a Bae QpUaeam Aatertcaa Bag fa aeery
at trad*. ■ttfaaea way* aad tsaea*. the organ sbMte appoiataeai ta aa Amerbaa with cheers.
wfae^ . fata o'aSj le roa far to money
wafaa, read to eaU aad could ta
No. 7—The Wbeoasts debgathm
Tta work of rootcaaWag aad pro- of to hoaa* tevbg Jsitokletbi
agent fa coUeef Dasolaban
wtad. t m t wtto say roue due yoa^y far k
tear* ta to fartorast Book from to' ■oeiac to etldam-y ta to aiw."
tefated b a body beariag s bamrer.
tta tetetba. 10 Mt daifag to n
reveaoe*. aod apply to sarplaa tm "rhystcaJ ValBsthai ot tbe RaU
ru ToakiM Of to la
ta ctetbaai. -has gooe sttekO
" ~
m* nad fa gsttar aoek b- wart to payaMota ta to
, And (faa'i let say one h>4 you vrth to —miM tot to
wart aatll we have n military
towj^ aier yoo far fasi moaey "• to seme 0a^ m“
. wltheat laadbg a aoMbr or "j^a-Tta Ohlo-delegalioa b^pg
aBpoa: Vpaa wmidaalna ta to bag aot oaly wfBdaat to
■•MO aak otorwiaa. as It may see
kmrs aalteU. (tobtoa Ntw sfap- wtthb oar ewa borketa. bat —
Taft banaer* waa badly cheered os
flt. bakbg tawart to praparatba ta
V it aOtely wm. do yoa aaagbe ikay erodd ad i far 1*
»at mrptH tei Jatrakwted Bsi
« fteeriag any pootabb ton* ttet a hm far to rariatoa ta to farttt.'
•ate* and bdwtty ta to
t. a Bomwa. ta MMUgaa. aa to OOhM be aaat Btebat
•Na *-A Bask Ught picure of the
Altm- caObg attaatlea fa to fact have rwrlvak, to tovsnaaa
4^ *^l^.aatlimal aoMteUm
AoU aad to coBteaay waa taken, to
ta a ceaoral
Nat aa yaw Be.
■" —
that to om
daahbd. aad tta mamdaal te
gaiamy tea make aottoa-hy U
too aa Baaaaa ta ,
aaw ta ever S40AM.PM. which koag bryOraatek wnk flteara.
prampt aad oBaeUv* toa ever ta- faaroa. ta eaattoaak:
no cteBtar «M craatak witk
Ns. la—Tta twaveatiM mas
given np at] attempU fa pay aitor
ptaafa .ttt ebaon aad bagaa fa apaak
prtaripal or bfaroat has bate akjaeo.oi »c —»~.t <
M aad aettbd at baa toa UlMM.- Ite It-tte ■
a US fast away sh
Tatetag to to tehjata of aw aat- •Ihb tot to work wfB ta ■
WP, far which bteroBt aad tetoag aaaa-.wat ^a«






His Wife Say$
“No Waste”


LUy White


ipt dMth the aitntolii e( the $»ttr (it wpa eaftraited, fto cranty «
l•aaaelalMtMMta.«ad (htt .thajidMtm haalare the peUdae B»aa.«hM hardly, be OeaeaatliDatad. ft craw i
toal pany vWch gtoaUa ftaalf to he
aah Car the aappett'^ the of oesafttow asd wm the laaoll at ralad bp them to thereby iaoMsd to
paapla •( the Oaliad mrnim. mth earaa taeyead the eeatial ad mm. WflMt.
Waaaa aad «ta a
8daaea aad toeaattoto tha two groat
Tbe pobeyoCtbe wpaMlMB s
ta»parao’ chateu baa ahaMr re- toetom-to thto auaaaea. hoeo sot «•B-dca^ ^ t^ sew aad fai
aaaaaha of im trade •idi^lWiMur
rteired the hUtetp at the party, haa ly attorod cadtoaUy hanaa a«*ljT»Urea pea aeeaaat at atat haa hM toast aad oor retottoM » aaiar*. baC
Com aad haa eat Corth «hat «ii ha|«
tb«7 ha?o
of cfi^aBd la great >tolto aMtooe
mam to have a tmrj wor^ at
to do. My daty ta’toirely
stodlttoaa. Thcae
to aU poa. ao tor aa 1 caa, toidba oradlUcaa
and frieodablp*^ a«ySiirbrt
derty aad vmapt tnaaaodaa at the
Uti aodety aad
boatoeaa wHeh haa breadd m
polHtoa. They have I
•ether. <niat boatoeaa to omioB
thto^. to r
‘^- OMh uTf?M flOM
o that them grow The groal aerrlcae of the. picaldeat
nothinp leaa thaa to aoBd her*
^ labor os a aetoa as* with a powto the worid-s peace wOl be mtto
Uro atm who. apeaktof wHh the
by tbe party which be has M. ...
pUdiy at troth, wUl be the sen Prea- opewad the way to I
aa aaatal aamata aad sot daauoyod are a pat^ flt to rale aad goren, tn
Ueat aad Vice PioatCeat it the Ualt- weafth la ■ceoM be;
«e they haee lh«aton^ ^ ^ iMtotoU aad admlntoter. and not a
ad atatoa. la'ardar to win tor th«B. Of avarfee aad aeret
•ofttotooa cbUecUoa of atoms whose
and tor oar party, aa aaaorod aa'wen platod by BMM
This poUcy to tbe ahaolalc MPoaKe OBly fbrm of toooebt or motloe to l
w memt^mm •sttac
aefttod etotoir, we saat defeat
The acetol and poUtIcal proMegto ( ^verameai owae^ah|p aad all JMe oppose. Above all. we are tree to our
thu crated are wbdiy new. R to a
tradmoBs aad to oar past—trwe npw.
power to dealred by the eooatry aad taUacy to aeppcae that beeaaae the
aa we were la toe days of Uneotn.
rood by theok
etoneau are old tbe probleai Itotf
' In-thto cpim we t
therefore diSer only in decree
thto sign We most ca
Ho poUtkal party la aodero dneo fr^ ihtoe Which hao( gone before.
n to in poianance of thto poliey,
IS show ooeh a record at a«Ueve- The eteiaeaij may be ^d, . bat the
4bM tfHi iMaM nci)
‘haped and aeUled during the past
■ast dattog the teat Cny ram s> probleai preMUtad by a ehaagc to
few-yean, that trid tom have ben
tha r^bheaa party. Vpos tltol rec­
of tbe elesMii
eafbreed aad sew ooee eaaried.
ord we atasd aad chaUei«e aUj am
be, and to Uto caM to. eotlrely
Notoiiig to more destruetiv^to tae
ero to the UaU. Bet It U well to i
la^ldoal rortoBca aad rich rropea for Uw—toe chief bulwark of
Baby wont 'ao«ef.flve mlnolea wlUi
toomber that the U« we hare
MS are. i( to tree, as old aa record­
liv 4m Mor I
drtlUed solely—than to plan laws
to arech leoe aerere. Thto to
ed hteiory. Nearly Z.OM yean ago the
ipeo the BUtote books In order.)
*« IM 4mtnf tke worlctasmn'a ia
iratHa wortd. We do not go lax farwierc of Bone foraied a ”troat”
ly to oUU pn'bUc ctomOT aad sallaty
Bwuia riaht to brioaa to u or^- forth to ooaleot the great price with
Oaath Was en Hla Heels.
for their own proAt and
toe people, but which It U never lo*M» «*• *orkl.*>M«. db- aa Ideal party, which we aoaieUBM
^tota peofde. three .
leaded to eptoree. Tbe worst tows
—f> win uk« OBotlMr torn Md
by peniBas of SCO. roeolted agatost the pateata ud
-An attack of pnewmoola
Imaginable spa .fhoae ^rtlcb are allow­
' fMMfl MTC W4h1 wltti (hat”
ty aad t^rcaJe
granted by BUcabeib and ed to roat, OBBsec. becaime. if en­ ^ me so MMH aad ■wUk aooh a fear
Al ,u-M tha .wtaaa awreWaa
fsl oooM that my frirnda declared
iteaL Tlrti gUKeHDg abstraeOoha ««• aaUriac the oaaeeBdoa.
forced. tbey mlghirinterfere with vest­ —isumption had n»e. Md death wat
Una which they preecnt aerer eatoi
ray heels. Tbeo 1 was petsuaded
ed abuses or curb toe rich and powerthe hwida ww flartai aad ootbraahs
ed yet ca aea or land. It ^eaote apoo
iry Dr. Rlars New Dtpoovery. it
oa to prtoteio' tok. bnt it hai orCther our revoiotlao and bitterly deooaneed
helped me Immediately, and after taktagtwe-oad a half bottlco 1 was a
nor organIxaUoD nor candi- by Washiagtoo. Tei it It nooe the
Tbe preaWeat baa tnaforced toe iawi well man again. 1 found out that
daua. for organtoaUoea and eandl- leaa tnw that tbe same things today
New Discovery
reijr to toe beat remedy
datas aiost ^ tokim from too ra^ of
n la kind os aa be fooad them oa the . ah
for cooghs
_ and
anif lung disease tn*all the
^htolUad tha toUdtotac au»adty renea and cannot be toe floating phan- well as to degree from their piode- books. War thto perfonnanee of
wortd," Sold under goaroniee at 8
sworn doty he has been bitterly st- e. Walt-* - I. C. A. Bogbee Drug
unaa of an uneacy dream, tbe Aatoft- ■Mors.'
Ucked. It was to be expected. Vestoaa peopto mnct chooae next Noeeae
It to toe bote also of private for-|
ibuaes aad profluble wrongs ery
bar between os aad toe DemocratJe tones, ttie vast extent sod power of
d|Br, oppatcM aad lanMlarC la
pany.'Wlto the democnUo party, modem oombfnaUona
of capiul.
U—opc twatoaa Tor M hoara.
Ask tar Allse's Feet-Cats,
and with that aloae, moat toe mnpar- made poaatMe by prosest coodiaaaa.
haprd eeery {ooatoat preawiad
when the bayoneu of tbe Uw
toon be made. We ditar from that which have brtiugbt upon ua In toese
VWirthe astos MR aad oanMI __
tn the great
party to oome Important paitleuUrc. later yeara preblemt porteotous In I are pushed borne.
rtitoaUoa aad'as a lesalt of oor deI American edeciorate money has few
We to ime. hare a paai And a toelr iMsalhllUes and
Hhmtloaa we hare reartoed the eoohtotoiy, bat we treat tooae pooseoa- only opr ooctal and ponUeal welfare, votes, but It con rrontnand many
that the dtonatce pot oa the
toaa eery flltereatly. They wfah to bat even ear poroonal froedom. If
tWVCnry roll hy. the aatioaol eoaikeep their past a profound eeawt. tbey arc not boMly met and wisely
■Mm are detototea entitled to aeau
the best abused and tbe most popoUr
We eeek hy all meaaa to.plRi)toh oora aolved.
man U tbe United Suits today. He
to toe world. If we refn^ to toelr btoThe great body of the Ameitoan
lory toe charge ns wlt^ calomny. ppople. neither very rich nor very has been more abased than any
preaident except Washiagtoo. UnWe rowrd oats, tratorm and ondto- poor, tbe booeot, tbe thrifty,
coU aad Oram. He pooeeaees tbe
torted, ^pa oor greateot glory. To the
tbe nten and women love and cooBdenee of tbe AmmlcaD
yovth Of toe ooontry
My: who earn and save, have no base
"lodge ui solely by oor ondtocoWred: vy. BO lanaUc hatred, of wealth. people to a degree never equaled ex-.IsICVto^
.-Uuaeoareeolo- fatare.." We say: "Bead oor reoard.l whether Indlvldnal of corporate, if it oepi by Uuoeln and Washington.
May it DOC be said. In aober unth,
' Moariaportad tlin they «
jBdge os by oor past aad
has been bone«|y gained aad U wtoetost toe fearless performanoe nl a[
iMdj^ rMort at l o-elodi aad Ue aad from tbaoe tears etoat we «re. ly and geoeroinly employed wlih
»w«toa ihea gave liaalf op
what wo hare been and what, wa sense of reaponalUIlty to tbe pnbLc. ewora duty. U not without lu exceed-;
hoeddhg’Vaadlditea. Thato tfas <
maaa to bp.” RecaU toe crtec whlen But this great body of oor people, Inp great reward
Bat the work has not ceroed oitb
tojM^^haailBg bdt toe d^
eooaded Bom toe Upa of tooae by 3iablt and inetlnct alike. srUely
toe sntoroemeei of exUUag -Uora.
dtrWya astoU porUoa of IL ^
two partJea daring tha last haU Ma­
peopU who SIC
TepabUcan oongr«M a^ a republican
doWM >aBd pUyad *Thaaaay” i
lory. Oa toe OB# eld»~*aiaeci y. .aobeu and slaew of onr
pUoTO aew Uws open
li» aearMtloa baad rWpoadad a
ceoolon. ropodIfUoe. of
>'and updh whom lu fortnnea and Its
doht. flot BOMy. tree tnde.<£ree all- atfny • vMt—began to obaerve with toe statoie books, designed to earry
tbe repnbllcaa policy of Mvera
eer. toe oeertorow p( toe oooru, and Aaop alarm tbe recent manlfeetstloM
t reguUUoe In a safe, reasonable
of toe new economic oondlUone. More and eSecUve manner.
Tbe BIHds
On toe I
sell, and more they came to believe that
law. aimed at prcfercnUsI rebataa.
toe UnW'toe paymeat
toeee vast fortunes and toese hnge
which have been the corse of
toe debt, honest okmey, protacOon
coraWBsUons of cnidtal were .
trsnsporuiloo and our business
Amerleaa ladeatry, toe sold eianA and bnlli np by torturous and dUbonrailroad rate Uw. wbkb made the
ard. toe malBleaaa^ of Uw. of order
means and through a syaUal
•upervUton of rrtlroada ntore k(and of toe ooorU and toe
disregard of toe very lawa which the
focUve, and the pure food Uw, wWch
a Ha report a
corpom- mam of the people were compelled
baa beon In tbe higbesi degree bcoeThe oU shibboleths of tbe: to obey. They began to fear that po­
A loag Bet deotooiaU are today ihe.epiuphs of UtIcal power daa being reft from flceni to tbe mssees of our people.
jonometu of tbe policy and
pogcUf which are dead aad damned. toelr haada and pot Into toe poaseisoorMorlep aad the Uko was reported. Tbey eerrt only to isnlad ns of dan- akm of ihe money boldera. that toelr the Uboroof tbe republican party.
Tbe preaident who bM led bU party
H «M OMdaOBsly adoptee aad Ooror to wun aa of portU dearem rigbw were U danger, that
In thls^groat work reanor DaMoa, «f lAtaoto aad Oeoatal to be toaaaed. The batiU ertee of toelr hopes of anccesa aad advanceUm. by hla own dslcrminaUon. from
Btowari L. Woodfoi^ at New Tort.
lutve heen the watchweie cut off by bualneta
«i^ appotetod to coadoet genator WMda Of great caoses. Tbey tell of toms Which they could not under- bis high ofUcc oo the fth of Harcb
next ItU refusal of a teno
vMoriM won and triuophs lasted; Blaad, b|Bt by wbicb tbe Udividual
dieuied by lbs loftiest moUvro add
they are embodied In toe Uws no< -----merifleed and beM down.
noble loyally to Amorlean trsdl■ijilir(tote•fSte'laa eok* ttol amrk toe stepping atooee by which
tboee who looked beneaib tbe
. ontrWWdpUtojy over the eatlre (be rcpnbde baa rtiee to ever grealet sortaoe an vnminous -unrest was ap­ Uons. U Bnai and Irrevocable Any
e wbo aticmpu to use bU nams aa
heigbu of power aad preipeilty.
parent. Tbe violent eoonseU of vlocandidate for ihe presidency lai
to (he deaMcratlc party hfoM
Ao we tool eall up tbe past aad the leni men. who nlmed at toe dninicpugns both bis sincerity and bii> good
•Mb ooaUnoaa cheering.
eebooi of toaoe old eoafUeU agaU tlon of property and tbe overihrow
faith, two of ibe.prroldenrs greatest
IMeMgn Oaaoaa.
sooad In oor ean aad t ooeb
of Uw. began to be heard and'hartsod most copspiniouB euaUdev. iipou
. A MtoWgaa caaeas will bp held
cbtads of memory, one ,«<yai tact ened to. -The great order-k>r1^, Inwbk-h DU shadow bn ever been cast.
*• e’aoek tola evaalag to try to agr
forth clear and ahUUg. ihe
masara of .the Aatertean
Thai o>an Is no friend U. Theodore
■ am toco praaldoaUal caadldaie aad iMvhiicaa party has never failed
t the ktod you «
people turned away from these advo­
mho am Uw stand to be takM rwaid- eapt wheU II khi.bltnad. Our long cates of violence, but. at the same Roosevelt and does not cherish hU
that t
and-fame wbo now. from say
te the pUltom. While the delega- eareer of wtclory, oo lardy broken.
the bogs.
motive, aeakt to urge him as a eandlitoa to Ukety to cast moet o( Ua votoi
dne to oor meeting boldly
dale tor the groat nirice which be baa
far Onttoa a«Ud. of Maaachaetto. theto aoeodoo os it oroee. to
rnfortunaiely maty procure som<
flnally declined. The prealdeni has
•a the fltat hallot. there to oo arach lag every danger as It croi
wblch toay were eailtled agalMt the
refusM what fait countomen would poor brand of Paris Green wlib wbicb
jiMtlaiMt tor a nua f^ a doobtfoi poth with eoUre courage, feariesa of dangers they justly apprehended.
gladly hare given him. be-aays whai the market Is flooded, or good Paris
• .fhilh..* dtraaKPralor. that the eeooa
determined only-vto
Never Flincnad.
be means and means what he Mjn. Green that bas deteriorated from beaee the atate shift.
tree to the prtndplM which
Tbe great duty of fulfllUng throe
bed hU party and hU rnunlry will
brought toe party Utb existence
righleou. demands, like all the great
respeci bU wUhe. ..
honor his
_ . . to aurtod oheOring for to toe spirit which bps lnsfir^;it public eerricaa of tbe Ust half
pUce. and not only waste the pr^ce
IMoaavtot ‘Mleh Muted n mUetea from lU Mrib. 'We faoed seceaMm' Wry. was Imikned upon tbe republi­ high fancier and git-rt pubUc
green but lose their poialoes
te dU'tM mmtm and toe
ratoar than assent to toe extensfctii can party and Ithas not fUoebed from
But, altbougb toe pmldeni reUres. lDU> tbe bargain
Mm worn shOBUng ”roor Tears of aUvery. Bather thaa sobmlt to^oe- toe burden. Under toe lead
Mom” A «rtat “TPddy Baar” was ceaMon we took ap the dread tranflan prealdeni. toe repnbUeas party has he leaves bU policies brtOnd him. To
Tears of experience baa shown ns
ialapd aloR oa toe puga aad toe pao. at elril war. Bpt a few yean ago we CrtMled wlto toe new problem, boro those policies the repubUean party
(fledged. We most carry them just whai Paris Green gives the best
fla watt wiM. evoa tha ««M thaa permuted tooaaasds of repoblk^ oMM new coadiUons. It baa been no
ftMod am Main. IMa mm Tha had to leave os. tharoby ftaperillng par ligbi task. Dangerous extremes ibrcat- out aa we have begun. regardUaa ressits and just bow to store It ao
% mmd It amogg toe deU^tai m poUUeal power, raiber thaa abaote ------on either band. On toe one aids alike of the radicals of reaction and thsi It never deteriorates.
tbe radicals or revolution,
Iho gold tuadard and. ^aage Jfie
toe radleau of reaetUa. who hold fast to that wblch Is good while
ui Lavanbunfs gUr Brand
^ >t
woatrr Ihlo-dlaaur wad dUhonigC
reaUted any change at all;
we make the advances wblch
Pufs FnrU Greaa U bulk and la
aeaatar lute a4d:
other aide were Ihe radicals of de- Umw demand.
Kopt Up Troditlenj
0 that It has the
tlsM Of tod OnBveaUoa
la than lateot years as U toe mW sirucUon. who wished to change
We aak for the eonfldence aad snpgrwatest efficiency.
yoa M»t Mnoaraly for the nmou. we have beeo trne to our ton- eryihlng. These (wo forma of radUala
port of the American peopU because
hoaar yoa have daae me (a
la the procMs of devrtgp- nre aa (ar apart at the outset as tbe:
have met tbe problems of tbe day
We have bandied tbe same brand
me to »r^Me otor year de­ anat a polat te reached where toe poUa. bet when catMed out. they' aad Itave tried paUaaily to aoire
ls, Ar U U a great hegor to eonatry was otmlroatod hy s rtte lead alike to revoUtUn.
Betweea them. We appeal for rotes aad tor tor years aad oar eustomera report
prthldtat elfloar of a rapaUt- tloa more perihMu than any (i Mas tones two oxtreeNB top repubUean the power they confer beeauae we np- nre aad qoirt resalu. Prlcea toe
prortisat and toe repebllean
■oept la the civil
hold toe prootdeni'i poUelea and ahall vary toweai. tost good ParU .Omen
>re mtmprtled to eieer. and. caaiUoe to auiUU toem. V
aad we repnbUcaas
be told BL
____________ ahUged to deal with vrattam at toe
7 advnaead atandlly. soberly, oor appeal wfth coaddanee bsMoae
Mto a pew as dtot Mi« aeonaad dUgeglt cBaraetor. and etbeUvaty. they were obliged u sre have < weU dedaedjioUcy and
flal M ms to daWoaa/asd whma U
>r. be It aald. we have ratal the adUal aaronha oa either not. Uke our opponeaU. tombltog (a
mttaimt la pmaamt, plaaam to art ahraCk from toe task.,Hw«i hM
the dark to And aome opinion
NMglBigiu by Us abaeaea Bat to tea firfs igarh, no dooK etlD ro Tet. Brtwi
M tha pramBng «Kom Of a iMahil- ■atos to te^t toe gtrot aaderty- Urn. maeh
We believe in toe maUteoaace of
^ ktoamttoatoaPMi
Mg prlartpte hm hoM eatabluiiad The tropeas
Uw aad order aad U toe aapport of
aiowhlto waaao
dad tea thhm fm eaa bunt, as ae- poltelae arte by tot prertdrot has tbe eonru U all toelr ligku
teteatlimtoi at
Uas. earstoDy and dehbnr- bsM ao emphioe (hat U haa been dlgally. We believe u eqaal rtgte
Aila. I thaah faa.
made rtear. oaee for alL that toe tor all mea aad are opposed to sp*IteBhMdaiayaripialaWotottf
tn if the eertoBaagM govatsaset at toe ITaited Btates Is rtal pririlegea tar aay maa, or aay
maty words. Toor naotadeai «ui
irith wkUrt toe
never to be demiaated by money aad, class at men, high or.low, rteh or


-------ATho best way to


it ssf-ji






Paris Green


S. E Wait & Sons


protect your dedds. 1
iPOrtBspes. insurance policies and
other valuable papers from thieves
or nre. Is to place them in ene of
our 8aU Deposit Boxes.


loctnl i,
our be vHl bunilir pcooii
.yuull. A«a..u.,beW«
«ov lime duriuebu-inen
hour.. The COW bhot Two
; Dollw, «.yc»r. You h»o
‘ (he key.

Oldest, Ldrgett and Stronaregt Bank
ID Northera Michigan.

Woof, Wote|, W«n«tecl
The altoatloo of the woo) market U not aa bod ai oreornt but
toe oollook U that if they -atonW take the tariff off that tbey smi
rertaUly make a dedoetom of from 4e to tc leu for evwy ponad.
At too present ooadlttoB I cno ose all the wool from Ornad Tteene. Wextard. ABirim,. MaaUtee, aad LeaUnao ooonUea. with a hab
ter advantage thaa any onuide Urge dealer can do. AM I wonMl&s'
to have toe pobllc do before they ablp or fetch them In Is to ffiout toe prieea tram eoaseone else, aa 1 am eerUlnly poeitlve that am
prieea will reach from a cent to two cenu above ethers jUnlgbt gfl«
(era. It wooldn't be bo oblect to me to pnhMab my prlcea tor MMS
. other dealers, ax 1 want toem to wort and hustle for it as I did h»fore I made my eale. aad 1 am satUfled to give the benrtU to (ha
ITOwen ax to toe dealers. Bfhoever-sraaU to know the prfcaa WWWthey ship or fetch toem In eaa caH me oo eltocr pbotte as we an.
always toady to aaawer and we have them to toe ofgce.
Please do not eeil to aayooe eUe before yon get my prieea.

# make you i

xMlsBnl tou year.

^ Travana city. MMi.'
t Ml. Ben phone 13«.
- <.

At the City Boirik l^re:
Room lot Ramnants
of Wdl Paper

^ Price
Paint at less than cost. We have a
quantity of g 1.60 per gallon paint at


to dose

White outside paint

$1.00 per gallon
Hammocks at

discount. We have received more than
we expected so will make this reduction;
to reduce stock.
A fine lot of china, cut glass
and fancy goods suitable for
June weddings at

low prices



strn^m j. w.millirendead|tw5^

of the Hair

hiM New Yeeli Qly received |iwl w
the M« sews ef
New Yerk CMy cvljr ttia
0-k- Hr.M« Mrs. MlllflMa wereM Ikeirwey to vlatt|h^
wlw to«t lAMPoUcgc. The behjr w«


M. *.,».»«-*.


ThdrcBrefborvcfied. V«n
Aydf’s Hiir VlfordtoptfdUinf
bdlr. V^2. Ayer’d Hair
^^for mtkes the hair grov.
Vend 3. Ayer** Hair Vigor
cvrdd dtodniff. Verse 4.
Ayer’* H»ir Vigor naes the
•odp healthy, sad keeps it so.
h is s regalsr hatr^oed; thU
is the reel secret of its won-

CUcnll Oovt for
r al Oraad TPasaiae to
to toe Btoto of MMMma.
made naa dPad on toe tl- day of
April. A. D IPOS, la a cortata eaaae
hereto pandlac. whereto the Boub
aide Lamber Ompaay U (Mpiadnaai. aad Ida a lUbcoch te detradi
Nodee U hereby gHea that | ol__
aeli p Pnbtto anetlon to to* htghaP
bidder. P the treat door of the com
hooac la the —D ot Tnvan* City,
and ooaaty of wrmnd Tnvara*. aito
State of Mtohlgaa. aald coot hooae
betog too pUee of boidlag too Clrantt
Conn tor aau eonaly. oa Sotardar.
moeh toerseff m» omo I
t*e to

aovwatk /adt—

Mr*, iote Pwlwllud<^>*nm mk» a W» •enm the yliUu
W 4 vMt wlU MmAt her* oa 8aiwttf. Mn. Pwtall U a •»«« to
• Om 9MUC
drowaed apee D«ek

h—IP yn ap.


*^TK!r wlfe aad ehi14r*B from


Mte •pith and Vito Pok «B the
~ ■liuM It Traverte City Tapday.
JirC-Tw .Bovpaa raO^
tip hap* in TnT*rp Oty ate
appd»d Ttrtt aPOBs old irtoad* and

Oft W. J. HIOOMd. OantW.
nr Muason BIk.Traverae Qty.
atlaeaa telephoB*; oUca, TPS; raatdence. 402.
Aak to be directed to bta etde* oppoPte Sherman A Hanter.
Do nP to mtadlioeted.
OPd wort ot toe rery b
PorreUln Inlay*.
Painless ePraetlen. •
Strong, aaiunl mppeering and very
bep aitlSeUI teetb.
ahead vhea

pad* a bppp
p tha panto pal Wadaeaday.
Mp.'Mpaoo wMt to Tram*

Oto taaday u tum tb* f^l P
to aWU Mp. fhatp P Ihararp
Up CPOkril* p Almlp U
ppaau, Mr. aad
p thiB pap-


Don't be asleep!
Tiihea are aivaDoiog, to U toipooe.
To onre a bndkhobe via tn doae
had d*ery
old BoatnuD adTortUed tor kidn^

To get A radic»] enre U to giro
jonr atoiDdcb a roM and gN a

7:» to UrSP. 1 to t
Tbe plaoter of tba foton.

QM W tb* aart^ Ulaeai (
Mp.--yta*PiB '
to atUiP tk* tuarai
Daaea taaley aad vtto vara alaHeap the coaaty apt p Movday.

home at the Btoaptog Boar life nrlag atatioB froa Beaton Harbor,
«bpe the *peot the paat wlaier.
Nr*. Hrrtoti A. Vok« van to BbMATOHBTT.
- ■* ihl
AM neau yrUk Mr*. Daa Ihjtor lo___ _______ of
tied tn tovB rrt^.
Mr*. AiBP Box U at •Bob*'a^
D. H. Day Pleaded the National
M t* toeUa. bettor.
Hardwood Utnber

Mr*. MPk ptortalned her



Ajax Dynamite

*^Hl^Hn*iUrarat P BtP Baptre
-atar rUltp Pth rctPtvp Bondar.
a rW -troB td tomUy Snaday.
Mr*. WtoUnder tpant a lew dap
Mr. and Mr*. BrackaapP vn orer thU veto wltb^Mr*. BIrdaey at OUnaav Caapod vlth
Tharaday to attend the fnapal P
hoth vaya. vhkh a
thair Oua*l*,
eopia. Mb*
•■■■> Oartou iMnapA
Chaa. Otaaon 1* rery tn.
ihtp Hdo.
Mte Cv* Reddy ot Glen Arbor
■pnt a fav day* p UP rwpk In *MHt • few dap thU week with
Mamvlnm Ha add t*Bllr are
*uy. Mary Bennett.
l^gwSg ^ha. «aployppt ta. Pth e A. WaU.
Mr*. Hill Vp rae-Tad Into to* ««M*nANTBD-^o pay toe M-itoarah Snaday. aUo 1*0 other* pt*
- Mh prka. The Hamah 4 THB BIO 8TORE TO .OWE AWAY
Ukaa la oa proballoa.
MeraantlU Co.
oppe* veil t»n K aoa, J. h. MtPh- Orndna WPt apoat Baturday


uuRuntwB. - uian.B0.

U^EO-QBtd tor generP botoe
work Mr*. Arthur ftoaeothaL 4S
WaahtogtoB atreet.
]oae IC-U.
Tha ftp. aad. Mr*. Herbart vai
eautae la the aalipborheod Prtdp.
Abnt 41 ot the Mead* p fthod
jgSmUr'hJ*‘lSr£^ Itop HPatt met P hp home Tnaiday t
her Ihlrtaeaik birthday aseSf^aOaithy ia hapt Ipp Aaa Prerpry. Itoarybody report* • good
Otoe vHb toe eroBB aad other good
fap'.:0. •ehaadUa toll Mnday to at. thing* to pi.
Jane 17.
pSph^ •etoeatUi

hn .n.


■ppiair milaa P «hla voah -A
•hew ▲aatr.*' vffi p prpptad p
IpD tor the banatt P ear

Wa. AagoPa^nd


Daa Pratt to dtavtog tan bark tp
Bwt Cato ot
Ot H
Tbat* pn
in to a big goB* ot ball
aott Baaday.
ty. Jane ...
». ..
.._ ito
ladtoa tooB and W*P Alalia Mas.
dBlNton. IS ewita.
Mr. and Mr*. B. I. lake vpa ^
gapto of. their eons. Sunday.
Tbara were oavm. topttoed
VHday at Pearl take.
Btrawbarrytog U the order of tha

Mr. aad Mr*. 3omm Dmb aM Mr*.
Uwail Boot* attended OM SPilai*'
Sottoa* Bay lap Wed
Hr. Pilar and aoa Chortle were
Ttarerae City one day UP weak.
MU* UU Carry ipmt pan of last
weak with Mend* In Traverse City.
Mra Lnloae p ' '
led Iv her WNi Brmtoa and *^e
Itepad Mp amp Waear .Uan- Tobn. apent Monday with frteo<U
M a»,faae*al P Mr*, ^adrav Bhaftort alLTrapta* aiy itaaday.
Mr. aad Mra George Maaro aai
MrriM Hi*. Jp HMPaa vara MO apaot Bonday with Mra Mnara^
e^P^ SMaay BbaSarh 8nday P- panat*. Mr. aad Hr*. George Hanel.
nk BapM*.
~Hii76. B. OtayBool I* «mi aaabie
Mr. aad Mn. AUa Caspban ot De­
to P hP varh. Mtn AmIP r..8hPpt. who have bom vMitag hnw
tor H yePla. tor bp p pnopL
.JO paP two weeto. m Thsnday fp
1^^ OOP had a put m hi ttofr k<na
Mra Bean Maara vUtted trien^ la
BIk Baptda a lew day* UP veto.
JPto lA

WAHTBI^toi pay
py" tto* M(
aP oaP^jjHcB 2]*
^ I' Mawtoh

ford* Per La—eo—On* Pair ot
Aegal Bbee* or Oxford Per

jma tafT*

And break up a cold in the chsN
in iron Sd to 36 bona or yw

Get Yaw MoaeyBtocH.
Whan yoQ nu it osca yon doB*t
throw it awAjr, bat take it off. faid
it np and p«t it v*rtoy for fntnye

Don't delay—tend for one today


Ikey md the Coin

There has been much eommeni. Pro
and Con. and man} vpuable auggw■Itoetor. doctor, leetlle Ikey swal­
UoDs oBered by the pprona of our lowed a kwarwr!"
In the «*P year on op *ion
••Was It s Pfood qiiarterr
tement and methods of doing
-Tou doa'i suppose I dake la boon!«*. and to continue toe inieraet lerfell rnooey.;and In any way betirr our condUion
"OMt you lust said that ikey took
as a nwrehanaue houw. and to give
It in."
our cuatoineni better and 1
It wa* evident that tbe dPtor was
factory eervlee. we are gotog 1
trlBIng wUh a serloti* altaslkm.
"If you want to know. It wa* u
■ WHAT TO 00.
goot as der bunk."
Write, ua a IrUrr addroaatd to
"Then calm your fear*. You never |
•cn Park, by JPin Alpen. wbo U In AdvertUlng Masager. The Hannab A
the life aaving atailp *1 Jackson Lb}' Haroaniilc Co., but do op Ago saw good money that wouldn't pass."
Park. Mr. Alpen U the ooo ot-Mr.
Tbe above situatloo U one that U
and Mr*. CUu* Alpen et Sutton* yonr n&e. nil out tbe blanks be­
ifiay. The teocne was made under low. or write )our nasr and address a majority of loalancn U —mtUr lo.
the Bvrragr person. They are afraid I
great dlfllrnlUe* and a/cr the party m a liciiarate .Up of |>aper. and
-rtase with yoar Uttar. ,Tto*e letter* of counlerfelia Pouably they have
will be opaoed aad numbered as toey reason to be. Bui conoierfelta never
are received by «h* adrrrtUlBg
come Into existence wtlfaout being
A Twenty Yaar Bantanee.
detected eventuall) :
*T have )u*t coBpleied a twenty ager. and no one bp be will I
year bealib ppenee. impoaed by who to* writer U.
BtoUen'* Arnica Salve, which cured
Do DP Ac afraid to tell u*
B* — bleeding pile* Just twenty faults.
year* ago,“ wrttea O. S. Wool
Do not be —raid At burling
P LeftayiviUe. N. T. Bucklen'i
ca Salve faeaU the wont aorea. bolU ones- feelings.
Do not besitate to write what
bnnu, wMnp and «uti In the ibortU one of the ifclBgi tbal will ullST
eP lime. 26c at S. E Walt A Sons.: think or ua.
wbrn the cuuoicrfeit baa been detect­
C. A. Bugbee Drug Co.. Hannah A
Crttlciae our management
Lay drug atore*.
ed. To toe pertAo wbo has InClresCilllclae our sale* people.
tlon or dyspepsia tl U worth a fPCrltleUe our adveriUemeota.
Pam fp BaU.
tune i> he|[» the well person from
Criticise our .bos wludows.
j06o ot the ben arms In Oraad
geutog sick If you have a bad Uste
Tnverae coanty; 4h mUc* aoath
CrltleUe our office force,
mUe went of city; »5 aerp: N acn* and do Ooi be afrpd to put It In ptaln in the mouth on sitolng. pain la toe
nndp enlUvattoo; good frame boose: Bngllsb. a» toe writer.' uames
back, belch wind or gas. black specks
two good frame barns; good orchard.
before the eye*, and eonstlpsied or
AUo Tp acn farm P Uke Ann; good ne»ir lx- made public.
costive, feel mor* 9red when you
fmm* boose and ton: fO pr«t 1
All Ifuer* must be Mraled,
dp camvaUoo; adJPntog city Umi
eiihi-r mailed or handed to toe adver­ gel up than ,vou did on going lo bed.
Brick hloto m Sooth U-oo Pn
tising manager not Uter than JPy there's aometblhg wrong. Don't neg­
Other property fit aad 414 801
lect it or It meaei a sick bed even­
Union. Three kfty tool lota eaP part lat. I9«s. when compeUDi isdgea will
of -ty. doatog out everything. Ib- award the prixes. and a. tbero will be tually. Get a parkaxe of Kra-PoU lo­
ll sill keep foo out P that atek
quin U Gnnd Rapids Furnlti
no name* to the Ic'trrr. there cannM
com>Miy'B store. Ooiu to leave 1
wbole moatb's ireatmeot lor 1
help but be a blr deal
aad you gel yoar money back
To toe lady wrlUng tbr tM«t criUMarch » E 1 tw.
don't bcnplt yoo. TTy Just osc
cUm on our stme. we will give a ppr
package, ibst's —| we aak. Get 11 to­
He Get whP H< Needed.
of 14.00 PatricUB ab<x-» ur oxford*.
~Htoe years age It looked as It my
To toe gentleman sriung Ihs bast day. Don't delay , iu dangerous Ask
time had cmne.- pys Mr. C. Parthtoa
criticism on our store, we wUl give your druggist (or IL U he baa sot
ot Mffl Gnek. Ind. Tar. ~l vs
It don't take the anbaUinte or
ran down that Mfe hung oo a
a pPr of P4.00 Regal sboa* or ox­
(he couatert—t. bet send only oa'
aUnder threaA It wa* ttoa my '
Bectrtes IBli
BEMBMBK we waat no praise o' dollar for toe whole mootb'a treat
botUe aad I got '
It. Get well; be well; stay well by
flauery—we tkfak well enoagh of oor_lh. 1 bad oto I
thpARMU ton Bectrle Bitten put it aelae*. What we want U CRmClBM Mlag Kra-PPa. '
tack on the turf ag-n. and TTe been —atralgbt out from toe aboulder.

K018I1 Kwlck


Co.. Hannah
vlth t-aUrp p 80.
ac.S^ Ml*, O. B. CtoypoP drora
to ap-;bar MP]
toty tov.
: MPdpa Whad aad Mip A
to hp hpp a

WIU Preveat

Plaoty af TroiPta
le cauaed by atagnatlao ot ibe liver
end boweU. To get rtd ot It and bead
ache aad hUtonaaea* and the
that .brtog* UnndiP. take Dr.
New Ute PlUa, the reliable pariflere
tbat do the work without grinding
or griping SSe. nt 8. E. Walt A ~
Trad WlUoa aoM a horaa to a
C A. Bugbee Drug Co., Hanna
roto PiwiBBuiit UP Batnrdp.
Mr. Bprp of neap porohaaod a Itoy drug awratj^
homo trap Bd Cray Up voah.
A OalUr
Mra BOto Oray vpl to Trover**
bicago IP
o apaod a tov dap with
p gtothp. Mr*. Hookp. aad

The ao-al P Mr. and Mra. D.
.hoBpwp'a UM rrMay amtag
raiT waft utndad. they raM
M. e Boaday attoMd hare tn dolUn tp tha benedt
._Jp Bln Boyd ftton Marleo.Ohlo.
rUUlag with Mr*. Uata & ~ '
Bar. aad Hr*. L ./. Hall «K U
the Oraad Tpran* BoplP^ fp tha praaaat. Sba aap aba
• ‘ P Baya* etto lap lU eoantry raty v—L
Mr. and Mr*. C*H Bata* ver
1h* BP. Mato ot thatr paranu Baaday.
I PBp p
thara wU to prayer aMattog at
Mf.n<^|M^WIH LaknU Jana llth.


ItDOCSOlKbiokaebe. asde•obe, relierua astbrn'. an>endioitia pdina, oonghs, vbot^ans
oongb. pains nn<i« m between tb«
•bouldp bltoUd.




Grand Tnveraa..
At a •«—oa P *aM arawt, haM ai
toe prahat* ofta. to the -ty a|.
Travwrae Oty. to nU aeoacr. m mleth day of Jana. A. D. UN.'
U toa toanar of the astatocditoto
i Mattasoa. dresaasA
Leri Beau, havtag lUd to said
eoart bb pattiao praytag that he he
MtooHsad. etopoverad aad Itoenaad
I ooU p prieaU eau tha totomt
: aald eeUte la aaM raal aPgto

TJS, ua eTtoek to

and I
tag aau petltkB
It U tutoer. _______ toad pMdte
notice toeraet
wrap be gives N l-Mkaeepy ot UU* order, tor thra*
e week* pnwlow* M «M
day P
in toe
U Oraad Traw
erse HeraM. a
—muted ta «ald
»ald coutyT

t described parcel of 4and. le-wit:
to tofnyAve and thtny-atx (U an<
PC) of btoto four (4) — Hannah. Laj
A Ooatoaaya *rat addUtm to tbe rll
Uge. now -ty ot Traverae Oty. Mich­
igan. according to the rwemdad plat
tbereof. la accordance with the terms
f said decree. |
June It ta24-J«ly I.
To TRAOC—Tlrat —as* —ty proper­
Dated JuM 17th. lev*.
ty tor A No. 1 farm —os* to -ty
O. W. Rlee. Mafeaile bteek.
easy, aaural
Cireali Ooart Onmmlssies>ef U and
June 12. lA 15. 54. '
sitpsiMo-rDoan-s Begpsta. Aoh
for Grand Traverae Ootinty. MIehldrngglst for them. U eeai
WAHTEO-Glrl for gaaeral ..
work. Good wage* year ronnd
SoU-tor for
rtlm"for* .
M. 8. s^ra, n« Bay
Blood BUen }ue iPjuly >t.


>b4PW Watoat anPad

to Chaa-

BOR psBdtog to thajOrcBil
tor the Oamty - Oraal Traearse. to
ch*aeraT. at Travacaa OUy, ea to*
*to day P Jne. A. tt IMt.
LHa Salaa. aoMpfatoaat. w*. wnben Rata*, dafandaat
In toU csoto R appaartag that W
d-aadaat. Wllhart Batoa to not a
realdent ot thU Mat*, hat realdra to
toe Mat* ot Indlaaa, oa mao'
Ooveti A Crad*. noBcdtof* tor
uat. U U ordered that i
ester kU ippaaraara la 'aaM
le OB or hatore fear mostot traa
to* date of toto order, aad top wltola twaaty daya cotoglalaaBl caaa*
toU or^ to b* pabiUhfd la lb*
Oraad Ttovers* Herald, udd pahBew
I to be cos
- OM* tn each
__ ______
to swtuiemloa.
sk for aU
CUePt Jodgr
Sollrtlor* for COa,
BoRoeas addraaa. Tnvara* Oty

•taai topa^ town Mooday. on Pa
lay to Beath MaaHoa Wand.
S. C Blag Of appirt waa to 1
a_UwUip Monday.
IB* lug* •3aUa CretfUdP ihU
ion thU week.
Mn. aaohr aad MB « mt Oaetda


Wrtte BgBc aad sidreN da
Muk dr icpuBit NMC •(
•■per EB4 eaddK wtth letto.
Mr Un «r MO*.

The Koxe Remedy




Soap Is one of too** anlclen that rvorybedy oaea; aad Met*
refne matter and decayed materia] U need la lU maanfactare thaa
In poealbly any Mber pcodack BaatidioM pcopU oRca oa* toe ktod
P eoap Uiai U Uably perfumed aad that perfume U ofiea lead W
kill the tmell p the titky IngndieaU. po(Hh asd graase are
geeeraUy lu chip lagredlcnU.

DM YdM EvcrStaptoTHMi
that the dead aalmaU hauled through your -Uea, torwt* aad aUay*
I Ml to a BitU uqaarc calUd unap at toe other eaA

You Use TMs
I Of aiihy atauer aad you waah yoer toe* aad honis -

Ktoxc KwMk KMm
A Map that la at eaee a ^ food
d aad a cUaaaer. Made pom'
luJurioB* togrodfeau.
before retiring at algbt. ai
whoa you arto* to the toan' rath
tbe esrface aad totoovee the dirt, omm,
Ito toe
porea aad kllU microbes aad genna. Rab It ta weU oX
wipe off toe Utber wub a towel, go to bud aad whea you artoa to
. mofoiag go to yoar wash haala
baalB faslng hard or m>ft water) aM
waah oat toe lather you rubbed la toe alght bporo. with It.toe rPime mattp.


It GmIs a UtUc Mwe
hat you get a fall two ounce cake loi tt cenu that -eaaaea. poitSea and caree. Just to adrcrtlsc It to a few U cock loeality wo
a eaxe tor iuV seau. Seng far It today, tke off— amy to
1 at mar tfm*.


Why Not Tajke Advan­
tage of these Good
Shoe Bargains?
Thaae abona'an made ef
eic« eofi kid with aaotobl*
beek, patoBt lentbar tipo and
look M w«U m an apengin

LItUSsle - - *U*

told will giuB mrim Sid

Only $1.19
taU^toet. good ahapN

We bara a Uaa Imtber
•olid comfort Uat vbiefa wa


. Men’s ffsikSkecs
Kangofoo GbU. 8 iaeh lop,
BaDowHlongna. BeBdthfo^
and tbrotof^. $8-k0toto ^
nlao far............... #ZeVNP

Wbeo it comes right down to fhcts, oor sboea
are all bArgnios



they mre BlwByi just


repmeoted and we stnod back of erery pair.




Grand Traverse Region
Bora, ta Mr. aad Mca. U T. BaU.
a m. Jane nth.
11 narrm.
Mrs. J. H. Bm roMnad
■ mmt fweh Um H*««U «rHe«Mt
New Tort stale Tharsday. inae
lllh. after spenalag a vtoy plai
visit at her old beae.
Mrs. Pitch Brooks Is woritlac Csr
Mrs. L. T. BaO.
The AhMe seboel doeea Jaac Itth.
Ura. a. A. Bra^ is ao ^ caa be
aroBM acala. after a lengthy Ulacsa.
a hrokea u»b.
e* bwlBw tUs.aonilaf.
- Jans II. *•
A. C yrttkaap-M aim ««»•
The Ladles' AM society atet at the
tors tto toe was pot Mt vitk OT1I7 home erf Mrs. Prank Bayers Tbnraday
.« imie towiM*. It a«Mis ther
sneraooB. Btghieen Isdtea were prea.tavtoc.aMw ttoa their share of
enL Mrs. Sayens served deUcloos ice
^rcas aad cake and ssde the oc
one one to he resaeBbered.
.1^ oew ikees. kJUlaf om sad obs
Mrs. A. a BarBOB left Wednea
-w hatf as badlr she bad i
Ust tor AlbloB, lad. where she ezpeets to Slay two Booths visiting rel• v)Om Bstaila Wares of Lone tak« aUrea and old Use Mesds. She
la woettc Bod Mol rred Tocher.
. nled to Wsitoo by her dsogb• Ctorler Oar Md wdU tote m« .. ur-ltt-law.
tote the Newmn hoosc }ost racated
Mrs. Theodore Schneider aad ehUdtwn. Catbortoe aad WdUsa. reioni«d to Grand Rapids Wednesday, aftc
4tf Saa eeOto Maadv.
. The wow US Bhd dMMreo are an vtslUDg at the home of Prank Tayli
iBarvdeWacJrUd stiawhenies. which aad Oeo. Rarick dsrlDg the preceding
,4Pe «f(y hlwMfid.
Mrs. John Vandertort and daugh­
ters. MIsa Veda aad UtUeBnilab. retsnied Bonday soon from Oeners. O..
whither she Aad gone a week pnvimsiy to attaad the exercises of the
High school at that place, as MMs
Veda was one of the grndoatea.
Mias Maole Powtdl was a TrarMrs. Ooorge Hodges of Hodge vis­
one CUr caller Sautrdajr. .
ed Mrs. PYank Sayers the Utter
Bawr and Brereu Crain toe nah- part of the week, caBlng upon other
trlendi la thU pUc« . liday.
A nnaiber of flaherBcn fro
Us haM a«at Batorday night. All are ent loeamies have been etopplag with
Urltad ta COBS.
Landlord HaUlday <
f the sport


■«Ba.toeat aotoay at

ifteMey of Bartor _____
Prtday avantv. entled by tbe deaib
of tbMr aaat. Min nsky.
TTcfiMer MMr katt PtUay
lag ta hU Beta U IBaL
Mia. Bnseae. Mrs. R Byaa
arrived Aeae from Tiaiesse
City oa Prtday erealag. where they
wans to auand tha mdasOag ehet>
Maes c( taeir sister.
Mrs. Edna Keltey aad dasghter.
Btta. rjMsi last week wKh friends la
Sottons Bv.
A- P. Andersoa of Oneaa U la
taetat to leave oa tae ear tenr M
tbe Boralag for Maalstleae.
.saws Onto
dsiigbter Roth of
Pasblo. CsU are gaasts of Mr. aad
Mra. P. Wartbarg.
Janies Stricklau went to Tra<
City this BwralBg U spend a

- Mr. ato Mta. U P. flhtaiaa a^
Mb arrived last td
1 oa Mtaor KMiirbisii Mstaw^
J. M. Battle of St Loals
Thoraday to get his etango
i—iaga at the
Born, to Mr. and Mm. Us«A Bi^
PWat la rMdtBcaa tar asBBer.,son. e te. Jmo IL
liiaBii,O. M. Data Mfi for BaMsaw this

^l^bn^MtSTtiag!*' ^E*Os^ j P

bell bad ebargdoftbe taoeral.Tbe Inh L
Tinent wUl be,BB«e ip, ito riSage uw •
BWtery. •

Miss PhiUmen Bawtsan was anlted
joae U.
1 marrlags to Mr. IgBCs Uason. of



ed by Mrs. Boerlsan. Bother of the
‘|Hoo. & W. Matthews. Ci
bride. They left for Lelaad to ibe sf- ■ Labor Statistics. Angnata. Ms.
teraooB. where a receptlou awaited
them at the boBe of the grooat. Mr.
•for -nd Mrs. HasBi will auke ibeir
>Be la LelaaA
Tbe many friends of Jay Spangle Nstare Olvee TIawly Wsniings That
No Traver*. CHy Citban Can Af­
Mrs. FVuk SlsBord sad dasghter I
grtered to bear of bU drath
ford to IgMfW.
of Beaver Uiaad are visiting Mr. and | >**t erealag at Trarerre CUy. at the
Dtnger signal No. 1 coasca fitMS
>K»» or hte btbarda-U^ Medad
Mrs. J. Klm^ly
■ A. Ward aad children of Vinton, where be has been rtaytag tbe kidney seeretlooa They will
past week for treatment, slaoe warn you when the kidneys are slcL
Grand Rapids arrlred last week
retuin from CakaiM vbetc be *VU kidneys excrete a clear, amber
spend tto summer at
fluid. Sick kidneys send out a tMa.
pale and foamy, or a thlr*. red. 111Spangle bad been In 111 bealib tor
Mlrs Anna Josel of Chicsgo hss
smetllag mine, full of sedlmeat aad
rtred to speaSUbe sammer with her past year. He Is snrrlTed by his s
irregular of. pasaage. .
children. Vella, aged 1«; M<
slater. Mrs Cbak. Swatoeb.

Mr. Maasfleld.
Danger Signal So. : cornea frem
Bier of Lsnele
tbe bacA BMk pains, dull aad heavy,
In town, on bit
or sharp and acute, tell you of utek
Hdneys and warn you of tbe ap­
ber of tbe <
Tbe Ladles' BeneSt aoMety
proach of dropsy. dIabetM aad
O. T. M. !
Tve s topper at' the boBc of Mrs.
Bright’s dlMaac. Ooanh udney PIUs
Sesbenr oa Friday ereafag.
' kMneyu and care them
neadsy moralng si the botae of Hr.
Mlaa aia SushaeH of Chicago
Vinton at Trsveme City. Tbe Inter­ proof;
rlM Inst week to spend her sobi
ment wilt be In the WUUsBaboig
George W. WIkel. 383 Sixth street.
cemetery, by the side of s UtUe
Traverse Oiy. Mick., aayt: ~Hy kid­
who died twelve- years ago.
Mr end Mrs. U Hagea. Mias Jen- neys bothered me for saai* four
Hagen and Mist Holton, wbo years. Tbe eblef symptom wa. a
lead i
of tbe •ecreCtons which
re been rtslUB] '
t Mis* Bresla. daughter of
were irregular aad of an unnatural
> ibclr borne te I
color. My back would ache and throb
wiib pain, aad there was eevere heudday la TYarerne Ctty.
acbes. aad a eoreeoss of tbe Hmb*
a week with the family of her oncie
Tbe chUdren of Mr. aad Mrs. Jay
and Joists. It was bard for
George Koch of Hodge.
Spangle were called to Traverse City
rest at night and I became we
they-have, Ou Pepler retsmed troB Maatoa. Sunday by tbe ainees of thetr lather.
unAt for woiA. I was Induced to try
ol the last
lay. bri Vaadervort
Vandervort whSTweat L R. Peek took them U bU autoDean's Kidney Pills after a number
there yrltr
'baa gone to CadlNac. mobile and made a oolck trip.
lb him.
of other refflediee bad beea tiled
Chtldreas- day wlU be oMetoaud
IMra. Reaenernns U spending
Miss E3la and Lottie Swan rUlted
here June tSth.
tbelr slater. Mrs. Burflead. Sunday.
June lA
aad I
Charlie Oloaon loM a youag bone
• of Ibe remedy
ipoHa. I
last weM . It got eat ao MIy Is tbe
..jpylng tbe Netaon cottage, for the wire fence, it had to be shot.
Mrs. Knldsoa and .mue son of Cad- ibtemer.
James Mikule ofSeulb tanl-{
iOac were gveata of Mrs. Agnes SeaMrs. C. A. Settle arrlred — herry last week.
Tncadsy Ui ^nd tbe suttBer at tbe ------------Mn
New York, sole agents tor the Unite
Mrs. Walter Wllmm and children JABcA.
George BekerdI
left Saturday for CbarteroU. to spend' Born, to Mr. aad Mrs. Chas. Berry,
Tbe surprise party a- George Eck- States.
- few weeks with ralaUTes.
of Reed City, on June II. a glH. Mr. erdU' WBS well atteoded and everyRemember'the nameThe-MlBsa Rena aad Pn
and Mrs- Berry we
one seemed to enjoy tberaaelTceMrs. N. B. Kleholi arrived
tan Prtday ewalag
where sbe has spMt

i £

The oU gialliBSi Pataraon wto
niece. Mta. B. Wootsry. mn issnday BOtnUg. after a long Utans-Tto hss beea sick tke pnM thrae weeks.
tenerto asrvlee was held st the hoBc U alowty ffUac.
s ts warktag ta


TraVer**- City to work.
Prause of Travt-rse
OUude Naab U borne Iram Tiaer village Satordas
erse City where be has been attaadKlanie Palmer
______ wbo
has bevs____ lag »eJ«tiol.
pUyed as lelepMme girl, has reslgu-' - T.m Kennedy -.4 sbder BUneke
ed ber paaltta and- returned to ber of Bbat Kssaon attraded cbmvA at
ibU place Sunday nlgbL
k number from here uttewded the
Cedar Friday evening
Lititt Lavaaee of Glen Haven was
in town Saturdsy.
Tbe Rev. Mr. PblUpa aad w«fe eatenalned tbe Rev. Mr. *Carter
wife of Long Lake over Sunday
Nellie Herbert U working 1.
CilsBM telephone office.
Tbe Mlaae* Uaxle Rytor
Pearl Tboraburg hare returned beta
after attending ecbool In Traverse
Hiss Vera Jenc^of Traverse City
vluiilng friends ta our village.
J. P. TcAten drove to taiHre today.

A a Ptober has gone

The Home of Good Furniture and Houee Furnishings

eoial Sale July; 3 and 4
Goa funher' in this
store thao Two Dollars
io the ordioery store.
to'tat thu
elaim, we have proved
7>.h cp others mad will
prove it to you. We do
fNir owe buyinff. there­
by evoiaiw high calsr>
ied men who must be
tbe consumer.

Per week will furnnh
your home oompleie.
We ship ^podt aoywhere in Michigu on
ea^ terms aod charge
y^ aothicK extra for

We want everybody far and near to celebrate these two important days in Traverse City,
and to rnake our store your headquarters and resting piece. We shali conduct a speciai sale
of several valuable House furnishing articles, especially for the people who are unable to visit our
our store during any other time of the year. We offer these extraordinary low prices as a medium
to become personally acquainted with our Mail Order customers and better acquainted with all
who live out of the city. You can save enough money on your purchases at this sale to defray
nearly all your celebration expenses.

If you cannot/visit our
store write us fbr prices,
all mail orders 6Ued

This Nobby Bed

Ricbly eiweled, lolid-olorn. White,
Blue or Green. It is made of the
best laaleable irftu and'hts meel chills
and^e rail. These beds are strictly
taobary and are high grade in conI structioa throughout. July Sd and 4tb.

> )ust like cutgivaasplen. did light and has a bril•t._.
world over for 25c. July
8d aod 4tb.

Easy Rockers
This Rocker just like cut with
improved badt panel and arm
post, b large and roomy aod
aod b well braced and supported
which guarantea durability, it
isirorth $3.00. July 3d aod 4th.

Your Parlor
or Sitting Room may need a Stand of some kind.
We have over 50 different styla to select from aod
we have decided to give you your choice.

. Quldf Meal Range



25c, 75c, SI.2S. $1.75 and $2.25
July 3d and 4th only

Be sure and visit us whether you buy anything or not. Our large
plate glass windows will enable you to see the grand street parade in full.'

Osa*l Ian to sec the

We have also decided here
to to give you a big choice
• $2 Roc'
July 3d and 4th choice 88c


L, >..! 1.1.



Get a Cab or Go Cart
which sell for $2. $3, $4 aod
$5. thee swill be sold for ..
Sl.50, 2.25, 3, 3.75

This sale includes a largejiumber ofoecess
ary khchen articles. We shall sell
Enameled Coffee Broiler, sells reg­
ular for 60c for

Kitchen Oa

I worfb SI tor 21c

We have over 2CX) Bookers which will be at your service all day. and
a large force of competent salesmen to wait on you.

J. w.

No UMk* cam^e witooto IL

Remember the

Enameled Khchen Ware

which sell for 50c, $1.00, $2 00. $2.5o and $3 00.



Sewing Sockers
Bed Room Rockers

Bcmcmbcr ow sircci Bimber

120 E. Front SL
A spICBdU place locat year IWKh

rwoAY.jWwt It.


Northern Midtiigan Has Ever Witnessed
Splendid Ampsement Features
Six Brass Bands Will Furnish Music All Day and Evening. Program Begins nn the
Afternoon ol July 3rd.




....... :.......... .......
evening of July 3rd, and another some time during the day of JfULY FOURTH.

f daring aeronaut will ascend to a height of 3,000 FEET and ^ring into the air with a parachute, which w3l'
apparently be blown to pieces, but the performer sails' gracefully to earth uninjured. The most spectacular

ASCENSJIONfS/ I aerial flight ever witnessed

Magnificent Trades and Industriai Dispiay
This will include numerous apiuting features and a great many magnificent floats.

Excltlfig Motor
Boat Races


The largest parade ever seen in Northern Michigan.

FOR PRIZES—In which boat owners of all the towns of Northern Michigan will be
invited to participate. GRAND MOTOR BOAT PARADE ON THE BAY.

.Series Of Athletic Sports For Liberal Prizes.
F*obllc Exercises in t^ie F*arlc I


Two Days Full of,Fun, Frolic and Patriotic Demonstration.


The Most Magnificent Dispiay of Fireworks Ever Seen In
Michigan.Outside of Grand Rapids or Detroit.
A Prngi-am of EnOr^ly New Features is Being Prepared by the Gregory Fireworks Co., of Oiieago.
Special device of illummatioi will be^ibown, including the great Niagara Falls, 200 feet long, with realistic effect. The Grand Traverse Honi of
Plenty, showimg the producU of the soil, fruits and flowers, with wonderful splendor. The Merry Widow Fan, an entirely new pwotecnic presentation.
“Bdiver,” the wohderful perfotlhing elephant Six Little Tailors and their Six Little Devils. Hundreds of mammoth sky rockets and aerial bombs.
Old Glory, the national emblem, in wonderful illuminations.

Exdtlhg Fire Fighting Oispliiy and Hose Coupling Exhibition, Showing Traverse City’s Fire Department In Real Action
Come on the SpCl and stay al^ day, and all day and evening on the 4l]h. Trav^ City ^ give a cordial reception to ^
Grand Trav«|e tegioti. The railroils l^ye promised special train service from all directions. The time for each Of these f-eatures will be atinounced m



A bard A aboA tertp dear daraafA to* aUaUa Md cera ta th* ahoAl
.. Let aseh nrip bang leeuly fi«B
rAieaer hope Chaaper Veu tov toa
batweea the ahaattag aad tha «tat»t
Any Haodp Asa **> Woman
the top aad Bah* ear* that it wUl on tha farm of Hugh FiMhaid. Lm
8etLargar Mar#aa MaA »a to
Atwwdaeh OMO wu aleo Mft A the
BnanrUi Waite .eta dae*
hita atraldht te toa dgeru AU cuter. Mb And tba tew prarute
nata oow to^titu aixtau to fwaatpAama Owl Itoa.
top ahora tU plaalar aad hatow tha
ante b*«M» Mutag ii tooeb ib* Mb (mn Atetung ib* sup or *bo^
AcMp and TlB*.
two paan. aad tba BBjorlip
tag toCB.
Plate. Thaet apeeea were corerad
fntoooor MaM^ chM A tha bo- bread iwgaUitp «ntH>U poaiw eld.
with haarp Are aatUeit ta heap oot
(By BaaMZ TattaB.)
tl U taeUau to wrinkle lin It ap
m te to ulrraat
nurata aad slea.
Do oot ehoou poor paper Mlalp be- uratally aad up agata. bruibiog into
MhtfTtac la Utn/rnm ifht «m tftag
To.ka^ bug* away from.tba poaag
The aDe OB tha nUaoU tana hat moto etatte Aadana that R la Jut
canu SOB* Meed bu a room papai- plan whra all 4* right.
« «• Un » MMTMtM- M ie an tto
toara*. iwnghlp. th* oaaA dM dapa
plaau oorrr to* All* not tafeaied
A wUh It. and tola ptaaaa* yon. Cm.
haaa «M twtea aad both paan the u Atopla aa caa ha that Iba torgar to* laagth A tba toUUag.pAtod.
glflt' afcidi 1* «olta «saa
Th* boAar U. appited last, and If wich wir* natilag. burying AI egg*
Ala«a hat kept perfaeUp, araa oan tba tolUal walito A tto faadar« tha.
aldar th* terroandtafi ud tarnWIb*
the aoU. alse they AU gat «nlaM
tags. A watmgbtA non All stead
Mn la alt o( Iti «MaUa la w4ar tki)» the wall aad sate tha deora.
dar to*B lura.
ararpwbara hare aeUrrtp igaored that
dark paper, but oaa dlaly lighted
te aav kmr Ikat kJa aOa ia propar
Tha trrt aprtac. whae tha
Aad the rbaapar pea bap peer eattlr
nek NgataMaa with tb* daw oa; mast bare Hght wAU at w*D u a«m
Tba.unuh te anbjaet to dar-bget.
Ir baOL A vaak ftwaiattaa w ware tMwap eat to peatare, aboat
Btratch tha ohalk line aktag tba luw- la* and yaltaw aad Mack atrigU
the largar toot ba the margta
tbap on aoparior ta thou AdiA ta
ataaa tba leaa a( Oa aOa ttaaH, wbna aavaa faM of Atoga rewMtaad.
a*t potau and t>a ibaakfol that tha bug*, ajd^toa#* do aoi Uk* cMsB
COM on araa. bat It la gaaarallp toa hM aaa. BaaaiT bowarar, mut
vafla Ikat aiM air Bar laadw ■Btall Ale tor esMtaar faadtag wu
cAltag paper coBa* wall Uwa ai tba CBiuratioB. w bum aU rubWsb afiar
aaid that it ia tha other wap.
b* plekad wbu drp; If rtou or full
bAroMn. If oo* to alek thny
^iBtfaaa aS tW alla«i 'tha bolMlac thee oproad 'esd tb# rMtaa Alapa
aaUralp are haadlA wbu wat th*p will nwt.
xeittag oS toa crop. Bxaadaa The
fraaw the top A thta Ale waa dlatrlhahOBi Itte ktUa lap*. coBMllr
•Mtalan.^ ^
right. Rawara;
rfne* twlea a day. Th* bag* gatotr
The tallowtog ar* battar-pIckA be- tag to* apoa. which sheald ba i««aiip.
ora are many .adraauga
fnafeiar WMar J. Vnaar a< tha aud orar tha good Mlaga la the lam
. .
-•tew. Iat9^.
tan tall atoed: String baaoa. buu. to connt tooB. Qntet tnu aad pl-tta hoB*. papariag. DMsRy th* paper coDitantly.
ewa to a depth ot ahoot At iHhaa.
hangar to ruiiA and poor room* are I Naitar plant Bora aaA thu arf
iWhaa readp lo lU agaia ta the taU tasep aalaetad teder bought at MAt mrota. cotw. .caceBib*t*.-pu*. iwd- paticrna are prafarabta.
ATOld Uou and gtap* ta a ■nnlou
feaai a mr wlaalia btflaUa naerlb- tera ware ahoot Aght taehaa A ret.
pomada par dap tor ata Boatoa A to rtpn om toa plaau a tbap will Mta. Tallow and rA are waraer
• or dcetractiu by bufln.
tut tka aaaatraatina of dw Oartar laa AUga to raw>ra, «alp two taehM
• oaatt par peaad tha gala oeata tM. •top baartaf.
TButoioBs will driir*
tosM. StripA aCaete taercua th> apIt te I
aurta o( «a M taiM ao alaipla, aai of tha good altaga bartag ueilad.
1 totspar, aad (he <
bug* from toHr t
TAA eetl, |SL Tha itaar bow wAgto
paiAt betet A the ioob. Pteturra gtraa to toa protautaul win, t|
. tab UbMtmuaa aa ataar aa< praa- toaah cotw WM nu> aa tha top of
ud I
14M poaato aad u oocm oot wrao
•how to BBCh better adrutage oa A aubla yon topper almost twic*
. ttaat «at Mjr nmar with Ua au er
0 aarpaatar. eaa fm tha «lraedeaa Whaa M OBI eeareolp aap traea A
Wbu one geto a donham itowa Mta wall*, beoc* tba popAariiy of a. amny room*, ko expaitelra tool,
111. A MAI par OWL Tba aoat wu
riara 1* Raltaf tor Wemati.
r*,ulrA. a cobboo wbiiawub
0tm hr raaiauBT rrhaar baua a ai- apeOad rUaga wu to ha teasd at the
nnrtu flop* to aet- aa*-* taatb oa toalngrsta*.
mm, leartaf Rto aaeaeurp lurgta
Tat toa aaatanr may dad Ubb 'BhMh that ha* earn bean iwA will
^ that wOi adtad tha praaaara aad Bsloe of iht allaga of tha dtCaraat
Ac*, be aoun aad aapa iteabnt
B»r* r*lfdeua to hang, u a wrlukk. aarra tor putlng. aod may thaa ba
IMP lU aeawau awaat.

rb* Rrot grapM I buA A whan
na Ate 4aacr1ba« la thia aitlela
VtoB tha abova BUtaaaat ot eou
top. (ta tha DaigbborboA A aiitp to Bora apt to ahow; ud If. toa past* elauA and oarra it* oriAul
B haw ta aaa aa tha lUlaola auta ft wD) ba aaaa that ahaodp famar eewt A lOObpbUda at 11.71 I* 117.50 rum ago) wet* tattodncA bp th* happeu ta be a MtUa tota they ta- pou.
It gplu two pouadi par dap. or Md
a lam aawast A tha
AigwortU A ClaetaaAi. bnt tbap (Una to (pA. upaetollp It atam pi-:a
^'«aap.'baMa «tt haaa M aaat paaae A tabor, aad he eaght to be povadi ta toe rta Mibt. and ibU a toOTA naraltabl* aad la, Mtounrl I* nerd.
.. Ample rnia (or. Aadlag
Bble to bend a alto Uka the taw }aet I eeata a ftaito' eoeta IUA0. Tota
daaerlbad at a eoet bm toeeedtag
tha Im^itlaa la paraai^
Whaa ta Plorida lau poar tep<te aaout of paper lAntrA I* to mul.
INO ponada aad to eoae oot eras 1P* nd war* gone ta Jalp. In New tlply the entJra dlsUaca aiottad the
*PM taphNart pana(.tha
Bnt aall tor (diridlag MIM b« fork, naosg tba teta A lake* wa* rnoin ta (aet by lu height. Tbu
ate. la thia Ale a alrala •• teat t«
IMO) M-Tt. •ebtracUag orlginA oor ha diet grut soccau A ABarksn Are* tha anmbar A AUf* (At ta
Mtea k dkaMlar aad 4 (aai «aap
flAI. the BBoaaaarp aargta 4a eoac
aet ahd * .44acb hrtak>wall vpa
Ttpagrowtag aad «ui toa Lake •ba Ada wAI. Deduct twaiiy uur*
Maap who* pride thaataAru ea a to be IIAI.
an* uoto ahora to a BarrH. l gw (At for uch door *M Andow.
IM ap atuaat tha elajr. >ert»r «u gaod gardaa aad are food A boImi
“Now. lefi' up tha taferior Mar
.raattatA.'two paan ago ta Ttorida, A denbl* tAI of Utlaan yard* cooJtedad la at the hack to halp tha barer attediA to grew than. -Cbrapwkea tha law gain u iba baa wUb a iadp who wksitha ptowor In Uta* acrcntydwo squra f*«, bn* by
aaail raalat tha praaaara. Wtthio oaa A'to bA at » eaati eaebr Mapbe
dlAdtag by ahety loAud ou te buts
ear; lodo goqada at M.7$ eoat 117. ■tarting tha bulaaaa. Sba
•aat of tha tap tha wan «raa ttlakaa- for iba drat two or three, bet If pea
caathdl'te t lachaa aad ca
terw aow and doe* not make wlna A Maktag good allowuea tor wuie
weald like a toaea or two. aaongb
In c«.tag. BBUblng. etc. TM* ,glrei
Md; total out. |MA0. Balltai: >M abip* to Mariaaiie bp
^ tha crte Uaa.
Jhat If eeapaap ee»at oarxpoetedta
tba number ot roll* required.
. .
waUkrihepae waa
atraatth- aad thera la ao daeaen for dbialr. prloe to eeoM cut -araa (dlridtaa aad.
, To tnd the nuBber A double ^4I(
iMd tf’aa Iroe hook IiBbaddadUlt
the a»A0M -oaa rteblj npUeo puup MSAO bpMlAO bp 14M) MAT: MAT
Wa hire lake water aurfaca. warm of raUlng mulllply toa width A the
leu fi.7S eanaU
Ite'abere tha crpaad. lUod
drataa -that U a aweraot sattar.
>orow aoll and aow PrAoala. New rcom'ta feat by tba lanrb and d'r:d«
dNlU'he lte la the hatlak
ot arerp
Vork hu origtaatA drat-clau grape*
tttapita tha thbertaa to the eontra•ir-ar’-there la eare to ha uoaMa r, I taalou are u aaAlp grows u to* but ataar to «1.M. or M coot- bat will ut ripe. *aeb a* Moora’a by slaty.
Two burds abont eight feat long
lau thaa th* margta A tba laferio
aad there are
aaabar ataar aru If tha lauar make* th 'Mrip. Canpbair* Barip. Niauta. and a Tool Ada ratring oo boxes sot
I tare plantA an acre A VarA aariatlu which wUl matura nalau
am laid h AU a»da. ot hala. oat U tka aoBOar ia uaBeaalip ahart A aaa* jAu. If tola wot* the ool.. dnnan. which a maa utaaB* bl^lp. orar (brae feat high wrra tor psR
tag tsbta.
factor tha t
i be ta fc
titwdoet laattha laahadded ta awr. rlto. Ugbt atol. aloptag toward
a long karaar to goA ta aarip
Hare a pUnk iwaAitag early acryM
IM The ataia. Id feat leai aad tM out or aonth. aad well fertUlaad ta ror A tba prime atadr.
*7*t*r. Think of toa Bonap
tha loom and placA on chair*
IsAmo. were taaaallA to the AB. A tba MU, WUl briag tha taaAou frnlL
“Ton can feed burp weight utU
oada ta ahIpAng them to toe north- biM. so (hat wbao etudlng oo It the
1 a amaUar Baigta than Ughtar. ui ra*t. where tbap nrrer can raise
laife peat it laot laag-wu eat ta tl
tr Ibare to daager Dob drp wuther
top A the bud All b* about six taA- •
jpaaad to the adatar ef tha axoar
U*. u to* aboT* dgnru ahow. Wbei ,T*pu. <^Ua a nnabar of i
f» ea oM pall or opMar ua (Hat
hpam aBtaadtag from th
pen bur light utUe doet.tergA tha^ aowa ta BP locaUtp on toa Hongh- a* Iroa toe cAIng.
Aay OTdtaary brub wUI aarra for
atHm etbda eheat ata laet Mpb heM MrfotoOag the bottois with aui ararp time pen out og ido peuadt ti on taka Mata'rte on the Alto MO
peat*; a wbiu brooB
A helt-laeh
tM weight A th* feeder pon are to act abora the clip. It is frmi proA
niakei a good tBOothtag brush, ud a
«MN w«i that haaa aroaad tha oat- trr driNlhfa. Aak It urUp le
crauing the nacaturp aiargto i'
fcoead aad keep it netouwod. Tbto
bed castor will urra u smb roliW.
dte A the Mato at thIa hatiht
out area. But tha poungcr cat ■Bp*.
BOt,^ba USA up*!l the
,«a itoto ware lacfeed to R ea teat aa win^ OBlj foraiah BOtotare
tl* make to* chupui ulna.. Th<
Room 4. City Opera Houie Block
Tueba* are gaaaraUp a goA crop.
food. The raumdr batag below tha Bora lAartor Iba uula tba mcra nac
tly dry, alu =t AR
to^rNme Haaibad.
•Bit tblDk of II! 4t dagrae* oAtb!
Traverse City. Mich.

Box 167
■artua wUI taspt tba rooU to grow
at tba adgae and n;n.-'
euarp to pap auanUoa lo tba facdi
IMH «■
dewa taataad A auktag the anrtaoa.
matoc, apRt to two. aad waa
A hlgb initial watgbt. Other thtor >t tba Rockp aoBotalu. But doo't
u wbu water cobu Iiob tha hou
!>* frlghtanA If tha fia*!*
tha laaito, haptoalai e( tha
batog *QUI. tba aiaar to placed or
•laai COBCOA or any late paaeba*.
It.tla htapy. Tha pr.Aeutoe«1M wpRor pertleoa ot Ue ta ealp eauU duatlUn. aad thap the toaricat ta tha ahortut Uma aa)
k pear ago lodap wa* a regular wta- • Irsilr* b:* flour Ath a lltUe water
toara thaw ptashad aai held ta wm u Mu eawapllbla to drangbt
with the fawut nnnber A pouadi
A dap. pet I had rip« grapes, pueh- Ud tom pour* in bAIIng water. lUr
If tha plaat* go to rtau alp oS tba gain 1* th* swat prodtahie ataar."
r Heaaa nitotte treat tha
ring *tl toa while. If Mt thoroughly
obda, bat do bU tap to ebaek algor.n Boat ot Michigan.
•raided it may ba At oa tbu vior*
ou growth bp etarratiocu Tba Reekp
Hearp Voortaea*. Ud rararad until flprfacily clear.
fbrd to OM A tha but aartp i
K*aw«pa hreak Jotota ta oadlag.
Oa* tb* roA drag araip chaaea
Whan It bacoBci cold n tnbk-'
Clip' R. F. D. No. 4.
AOtewa aad oea A the aaalaai
pM gat. upaetallp after rAu.
tol M powdarA alnn to a room ir.ty
I so tha bAUag. tobu the top fdew. beartag ta pretutoe.
Oalp fraah aaad* thouM b* pUatA
ba iltifA ta.
The iBdtaaa ewmtbaan t* a taror.
^ lha drat atato to ruabed Ibap on
In th* gardkp.
POUU. bu.
Ilk. I.t«..t
. , H... II u.tbia u .111 m. ..11
dltoed to the aidu A toa lewar, te a wwleraMtoa. riputag urip aed
A* a AM Uaa'oa the fain a Mr* ot
flag twd Met. aad waetoA ' aaatM A axeAMt teUtp.
work days and from tha brash. The baflUiBar l« apt
*u dOt too bill.
to make it too thick.
AM toasM ptaAba^ tha aAttag to
therefore the kitchen U a matter of impOtant con­
‘Monap apant tar artidu oaadA on algbte. WhMi toa broods flrel begin
If toe triBBlag Is
dona omn
aWMtotod u toa toaWa dsteteb Ax
batch it U to* time to set The
the tarn to ba wutad.
sideration. Step into our store aod look over our.
sfier ABtttg one All A lore *Ai
Wdte Adha top aad toe pttevMeh
Thto troAoal aaenal bu aoeoeadA
r*A tha bran to Iba uw* and bup (Bly raaAy piucHcat aad etetlr* IA pnttc te nAitad on tba Age* Cut
large line of
dWtotaAtoto AR tote
twditoM ta toe aeatbarw etatu aad to a tub- nlddltau for th* pigB.
known at preaeot to aH* green.
all tlte sWa tor tha cedtag Afore
tette M towTapIkad «a top
aoaitie Tegatabto of aarip growth ta: A mtl* hdp ta to* gnrdu now will
teiiug say,
too auto, where to bu oalp'teeut. I appraclatA .bp the woataa A tb* terA M to* ptanta. Tba apraytag apC«
sld.1 toh aaah A toa Bse ad' deorWapa Ip beeoM pepotar. It to ta high oe- data.
Aiutus to too wall known
wsll three or four loebas: than if the
RAN «•! tea ulkad Mgatbu. Thau tebB for aupa aad ttawa.
Where toad to at aU ladtaA to ba MrftiA bare.
•site sro not exactly ira* toa AAar
Atop ptaaad w ihA Ua sdga A toa
To each bsrral of water me aaren ran A put on stiuJUt ud tba aBSaadi ahoaU U uwa ta Map Alar danp adunat* drataau ibould b*
i. MMagtha M groBBd to woraa Sow ta drill* aoppUad.
pounds of ebssp floor nnd one raund tag AAr will eorar uy atrsy InCookini in summer is a pleasure when gasoline or
Mt Ada tor toa deer* to rut
AA^M thru feA apart aad tola to in taebIn th* growing of tarn aAmala re- ot Art* grara. MIX tba potion ud aquailte*.
r froA fta u apart ta tha rewa. Om one* ot aaabar It to doddAlp nnpc
oil stoves are used- Pneet to fit your pocket book
bucket containtag abMt
FA toa same rassM lap tba side I
two Allon* ot Water ud stir until ot toa flm breadth of eaillng aA'
and sixes to suit your requirements.
aaad ta Ngalred for amp IN feet pf to check tbAr groarth.
dAddf'to.the tato where the ptastar row.
Otl at lb* w*A* ta Uto*. Kaap thoroughly bIxA.
two tocAs A lA Mda wall. This
hattoor iatoa.
Whan the whole mmura 1* too^ AU lasva toe flrst atrip of calUng
There are aaranl rariatiu that are tbam froB uttlng to* atan and to*
''Ab toe ahe 'wag garttaOp eat la two
work wUI ba bocS *s*ler.
ougbly BlxA pMr talo the Arral of coforA only slxtran lAba* Ada (lA
M toe Ada Ateetoe epeataga wora
The good tang haad to worthp of water on toa ipraylng Buehlna ud AAr te aIgbtaaD loebas after trim
ttop bp oARak that Ada A tba Ate
Me Is a
kaap the conianu of tba Airel well mtag )
Aba prerided with aa extra tblckaeu fear aad dre feat. wRh r^padABooth thougk ba to u aBplors
•UrrA while toa sprayer te ta boTo gat a •tralgbi line a* a mark
fate toe bettm to tka top. oatag Pte MM INaa. uadu aad A du
Naae to* (ara ud hare a aeai
lip. Keep the poda AAtad oC oo
for tote Brat imp dr.rf i« uii on
itolNato taAbar. Tha deorwape
Ihaplaatawm aAbuotoi Mont- patalA^jIgB boBA where It cu
each ride of lA roon iIxum Inches
Tba only sariou* obtacUon
dIteAu Ml to tba toMdU A
•een froB toa highway.
Btatar* to that It tend* to clog to* from ib« aa and fsstan a Aalkad
difcw aaOtog aad tba wpaeu batt
te aura to* bw wuta lo At aad acreeu ta toa puap.-Thl* can
string Atwaaa Sup tote ta tba Bid­
jAddaou ware thuwared witk two •in ba good poda aatn late ta the
Okra raqulru ao bon attaa-: IhA Are her froa thirteen to aReen •raidA by hartag the acraaas
dle at our grandaothars nsA to dc
Wfedaaaaa. Thera won mo t
•flg*. aeeordtag to toa atoe ot
ttow toaa a eon crop.
they can ba takaa out and rcinsartA ta Bsrktng quIlU. sA yos Are a
liiua far M toat
guiding Itaa.
^ alle wu tbu lathed with a
Tha cor* fitanar oaA* hog* aod
After toe flrst strip of AAr 1*
ctokan 44a« tolh, hraahte teta. ta agate or aarthuwara atwage
Tha acraan* eu ibo* A
cauie to e^ma grata and aiorm^
Thto NgataWa to bow aooM
pssiA aU trlBBA fold It Adk ud
ttto phtotarad wRh ou part Pertlaad
and the roUttOB crape that hto toad* and clauA ta a Aiart Mb* ud tha forth hraaly oa a shlagi*. ud yoo
.a*Aau. two porta good, aharp aaad.
•praytag go on Atbout lurthar talarBay rauta fertds.
hare a little pile of AAr lAtcuA
ail raealraC two ewto Tha aaeawd
Reap tbs lltUa chicks Mt ot cold, ruptlos Tha oparatlou
•arh gtote-r
held la tA left And wjII* tba right
damp rata*. Lack ot proper shatter tioobteeoBa at flrst. bat one spraying te^AtUng toa edge along toe gnlda
hdttou ot tha hrlAc work to tha tap
to OM A the raaaoBi Arty batchA kUto all the bag* aA It doesat
«r toe Ale. aAttog tha toudetlota
ter U It ratas Atbl* two ten sRar
AIcks are h*A to rata*.
Or u asMstut may Aid lA ritlndtethe NptoMjaetare aad Briag ah
Flut trees around toi yard ud ta U ta upUad.
le ecBtataiac tba sorplu p*Ar ud
t^Htm wall Per the awiliw Alo.
Pnitiag poau to unMlp * hard the<mMure flaM. Oat to* ehIMire
Daw nd rala All not wub It oC
toa other party Ar* Ato hud*
Job, tot bp tba Ar A a dariee u iBtareetA ta tre* Muttag.
and traan of it will r*Bata tor two'
Ato Ha works taom right
ahowa ta the ptotnr* eaa bone wm
'I Sere will never be a ftme again when you can
toe wfR pay (or UaAf ta wnaka and coouana to dwttoy
left. flr« ptaelag IA adg* and thaa
to sppaAu dtoreeuou with tar UM tba pul out A toa giwmd *aMWtto poor (aneas stock rw kaicklags ot lasecU.
build cheaper ihpo oow.
•Boototag with whisk braoB. TA
gkgar batwaea. Thep are M I
Ip. The brau ohoaM be A rerp
The flour form* a pasta toat ratch- im etrlp snrrss u • guMs tor tos
rap ud
high au are t____ Btfoog hardwood, ft taehu leag aad
Let us figure your bills—our prices will con­
l^of to. ra *u toe Ariletes of Art* tnoo and •sooad. Let toa tost strip mn* down
iato tut Mart. Tha top A toe apper fear tatou tttto aad to* kaeta Boa.'
ta turn adheres to the pint teovra.
vince you of this fact.
ter to tN toA belew the ptoto.
abeaM U prAeetA 'hp atnp ins.
Rnay a heru to puutohA for totag* ta a flald aprayA tboroogUy ta this ta toe AftaAng.
to order to praeetN the ado
aenwA oa aedarelp. Ptaee the chAa I cueot hAp. That to a goA' way way a oseoA oparailon to not oaetw
To hang to* Ido wall* Ara yMr
N to
M ctou to to* gronad u poaAhle. of ratatag a rahtoU* utmal.
snry. Tha Amp Bay A poX away
a bAMsck oaOtag u
pen it wrer th* brace eat ataa aagla ' Randl* tte colt earatally. tor yoo and tha grower rest aaeurA that he PtatlorB about a foot troB lA waU.
Cut toa paper Mug awMgh to com
The ph
A aboet M dagroea. atari toa beru ar* BSktag'the futura horaa. ud is through for Ih* saui
wou xmoor tA bnAar. aad Batch
M* to A goA gaanvp ea a alaw. ataadp pAl tad tb* pom
Rhatarer baMta. goA or bad. h* ha*
Th# aprayar should oot A drirra toe tgeres-paifeetly.
.................... I bp ea- wfB hae* to COM oot. Tbto work
DraPn H Luber. Laib, SfeHeio. FteU. Boars.
are ta a lam JBeB*«ra te ta to» too fast. At such pUnt A aOowA to
SBodtt Awn traa toa top to botM-fte tete tou ..p ap. •baud alwtpa b* deu wbu toa
Wtaflews. RMMMn $Mi SSTwOrt.
trattaUBt gtrea toe eoR.
tat IIS fALshara of tha potoem On* >«. ud at to* keeebeard Bart with
Pte u tet toe «0A Nall ueMN ■rate la waB aeaikA aR«r a baarp
tea*! Iwigtat that heeauea joo Ami A tola ^tatm (hould
a* toAiliii 4MU the aUasa
toa back part A tA sbean where
bar* apoUefl (OBBtiiOA fertOtoer tel
to cofar ahoM4*ro aam
lA end should A, rate* a UttM wMl*i
MM Mitf

omoiswntstUAg .


6UPCS potJK NOtn

Igte. It k M that M «tttaatar.,l4li




te te «> Ike brlBk _____




nsmnic m potaio mk



Orasolinra Sfliovura
rand OH


AakakMrtoorEMy rajatemt PUa oa B
Bold Fnltore.


tu-ur S. Unkm St






an "«»«•' MU w




Trarcisc CHjr, lidL

poBsd Of ML PM. MOd the ekerrtou amts Jaky, toM add^tke *«gw
the otb«r to baba, vlih MB at bat.
Mr b*tv**a- Mn laady a qaan ot try that.


Oook neatly vatfl tb* sagar
She wrtu* B* Ibst It b
aotvad. TbM bol) Iw Sv* t
Pan tb* cake* apart, batter
*tiadM0B vMl kaova to VIrglato aad can.
Mnad tk* trait bmaaoB aad ea top.
Mt with Meaty ot rKA. sveet
ta ibo. am lastMd ot over the
Witt. BiisMirrlM.
•tore; that berries prepared to tbb
TW* are l*w tialB naore SMI
vjtr-va both.richer aad
0 eat toat ot kaad~ (bsa tae. ripe
f*et than whss pr*pond to any oth­ ioo*M*rT«e*. aad S b sMd tbeee b
tavkam** an riaaad og ean- aeot* ooe or tk* *aBB|ts ^esrtkly er vay."
Tbd Tlr^aia raW (a* she calb It)
toUy by optiakUBc tk* vstn^ «a aad biien. It b acoepubly"'eemd **
bnabtost. aoebeoo or dtoam.
requln* Um-qaaruri ot a poaod of
•kaUBg tkoroogkU ikroagh a
to a pouad of atnvberries. reservee. to which, cvea to
d«r. to arold aotteolag the mgt or «pp hardly appear too oMk to sin*.
aafclog It tastdaa* by aoaklag. HaU berry •muno to knit the averaga The aagar b Bixad with Just eaougb eeaotry bomea. tkMr am b
ly. Mix two cuptub ot partry vater to v«t It. aad b then pui oa
ly BBlted. Wbea freak and rip* to
b» karri** asd dlanrd all Impcrtoct
Sour, four leaspooetob of . baking boll. It b to b* takes ot before
ibelr oeason. they Bsy be Bade tato
cb. aad poored over (be
—1 »
deU^ttal dbhem tost It
rack tk* prepand Inlt cloaeiy la povder. one b*tf l•a*paonfnl OC onlt;
Jn'm ckWrfU u Mfo*;
atwlU**9 i*r*. *miBg la tk* *ogar nod tvo teupoonfnb ot ougnr. ^ ftnvLcrrles. The* the berries are
0»‘d)ta di» *tir kut M M*
s are aaavare of tbclr puevtth lb* trail, urtog ooe cnptal of tvic* nnd work In me toortb of a cap oei to the em tvo day*, covered with
at «• 40'•tbUnSea Soae ef the raetpe* gueo
ol*t*d fogor to 0 ooart Jar; lU
bMov vUl be bcv to Bsay. sad all
» «Ak Ml t«Bp», bew.
to tb* top. •ere* o* (be carer*. I«*t- Sngm. then add. gmduaUy. UuW ly sOrrM.
Oa (be third day pour oS the oirap of tboB sre good and worth toUevTab Muwn try to m1
log off the nibber*. Stood tb* |ar* In toortb* of n coptol ot BUk; too* oa
XtMO —Mil oUm Rwtoo to «to
the betum ot aa ordinary boU*r. _ goarad board end divide tato tvo and boU it sgato; U vQI be found lag.
Joic* ot the
' Do Tteuty to 4o Md.
Jam—Tbe red.
vtth a pertoraud board, tray or bad par4. Put. roU oat aad bake tvetv* Book tbtonM by the Jalc*
ot •xedaior or bay to tb* bottoa lo Btoote* to a hot over In buttered trait; boU aboat «m Moute*. and gooeeberrlea Bake toe tneat
im tb* Jan. BP to aliov tb* vaier to square pb or round Uyer eske ties. whUe boUtog drop to a tBall lump Mther (beB when quite rip* and to
I the stnvbarrle*. ball,
or alam Um tb* at the tip end M ta* weather. Up ud taU them;
dreelat* aadar and aroead. vhleh
*nr OM look* SPOT Cko brt^t *Mf pr*T«aU any rUk ot braaktag. Pill quarten. pot Into an earthen dish yoor nub dager; poor tb* bat olrup every poued of tbe fniU aDov threeUl* ■«* to be tko Ti«kt .M*:
quarters of a pouad graaatoted eutk* boUer vllb lepM voter op to lb* andViprtnkle vltb sugar to taste, ever the bervlea and eet Is the
again ubder the gl*u. The ocxi day gar; let them staBB ta a preeerriag
At im» thktk ko« I'vo feasd It u ooda ot tb* par*, aad. otter It b* about one eaptol being roqolrM
pmr an Into the preaervtof keul*. kettle uatU tbw Jam bneoaes Btb U
tkroofk oock <Uj
glM to bpU. boil tlovlT
tor tbr**> each box of bwtlea. sad cm* box
AM 9^ fooor bo* okoAov* vaalok. gaartan of ab boor, un tb* Jan oat bwries bdag taqolred tor each sborta Uule to set aside U cooL They
eake. Plac* on the back of Ike range tbea SM to (be *«a again for a day. Bwat be oklBBed and atlrrod
25 be* coor tio to ho»l*k
earefally. BlBng ibeoeh to on
Tim 0 bright Mrt ot Mtoro
lag vtth bcdhag voter, ostra *yr«p. UBiU vanned, then crash slightly Tb* next Borutog eeal oad piOMrve queeUy u prereol bontag; they
they shoeM be tboroo^ cooki
•rary. 4oM«l tktac a«*y.~
or. btot at all. trom lb* coathou at
aa boor- u net veU cooked the Job
M- Bon Of tb* jar*. Seal carefol- sortae** vltb butler. Put the berries parafSa *o the lop.
between sad oa top of the eskeo.
Boae In tob way. she ootare* me will not keep.
they vU] never Bold ar.temient. and
tpt«odtog tboB «keb Ub* os
'• *it orgvd tt traoMco pooaod hla
For cbarrlM. yiOB*. blaekberr
Oooeebeiiy JaB No. b-Top
surtuc*. Cover with whipped eteaa to that eooo woald richly repay ui
aad Uaeberrlca a oyrdp aad*
taU tba gooeebetriM. allev
rveMcaed aad Savored with vanllb for all troabto.
• AO ko vtth aeokfo wtltad. «
•gaal part* at vatar aad *Bgar
welghi of lb* gouoeberrtae to sagar.
her• m ooM. *WbM 6o TOO troobteo
M OT«r tb* trait altor pattUg to
BoU tbe sugar vltb water, allowtog A KY rearndy that beoefit* dlgmtton
tb* Jar., leaitag a kak tod> enpty
halt a plat u every poaad; tot tbto' a\ttreagtoea* tb* aervm.
Tb* aerrs eenssrs require nnirtUon.
•ad to each quart of borrle* allow a boU (or about Bftem Btaute*. ivbov
• Whm foo «« Ihoo k*Modr
tk* top. FOr kUck ra«pb*rri« the
If lb*dlg««(lm U impaired, tbe amr*
tesk ibemMtoMn Bm M yeMg,
quart ot Sae white oumt: put lb*
StravbafTy OaiMiaa.
• nN go.* tkoT oon no tboo* who
ayrap any fa* B*ad* at **0*1 parts
tog aU seuB as it rtoea. Tbea pal U: cmiert twrom* aaemte, sad todlgcetkta
1 got Bek a«aM anB ^ ^ Ml
ot eorrant Julo* aad sogar. vblcA
gooeabertw* and tot tkoB
to the resale
mpsqof gettingewid_
• Who hMk oa Ulo AtloeioA;
glra* a deUgbUoI Baror to tk* ber- aaartar chp* ot ripe berrl**. ooe cup
gmUy uadi clear and firm. Try
ot aogar. vbita of oo* egg; pine*
• Wha vook9 ooy aooA^yo to
■as vac ttattlar ta mtaeketaganmdlB
a little ot tb* Job (mm tlae u
U a bovl, beat tUl stlf •oougb cook slovty. vltkoot tUrriag. uaUI aad as eom as It Jellies wkM cool.
p*ruaa,m 1 ikensMI MM gif*


lo hoM abape. Pile lightly on a diib. tb* liquid is dear, mod >be berries It U don*.
• W» go ^oro voV* oogocUA’ ’
soft; oklB' toOroeglily. nod BII bol
Oooeeberry Soy—SU pooadi
raattoas-Tki* |* oa* at lb* cklU and amre vltb foUovtog sause: Jars to the very brim; serev oo tl
Tbroa^oarters ot a cap heavy crean.
gooseberries ibet are Marty ripe,
B*ayd*l>eio«*vays at **nrt8g otravlop*
dUotad vtth qoaner of • cop of
three pooads of oag»r. OM pint at teeuU.
m: «akd* aoB*
BMt bl
la ether vetAs. I>ur«a* gem to tho
edd; vhea coM. tlgbteo the top* and beet vtoegar; boil these together en(altbar aoda or baking Htodw). S^ Bilk; beat until stiS. add tv* and a
jMttom Of tb* vbol* dUBeolty, vktn
halt tableapoooroB ot powdered so- ore to a cool ekvet
tu quiu thick; ecasm u salt yoer
open and arrange oa a Sat disk;
Strawberry Jam—Hall the fruit.
-ite mo
Mmu «kob ko toU
Mr. It bMvy creaB la aot. used
taste Vito gioBM clovat and graead

Mr*.J.C.Jaari*m.«l Marebaniamoet. tar*.Uiea
«b tho floiT. flWO 0 Modkol
omit Bilk.'
etoaamm. To be eatee vllb Beats. WsleoarUle, Col.. vrUeei
■ aad oa* tabtoapoanfel ot kalof fruit. Hssb
«lk. Too WOOU Bok tktM to look
Strawbarry BherbeL—Ooa quart}
-I was tnmbled with my stomach for
Bottle, and teal vbU* bot.
othlalkothoooorkMhodtUTor tar; add to this 4B* plat of stravkar- strawberrim. ooe qaan vattr. augarlMto barjie*. and pal them ir a pnms years. 1 tried many kinds ot madiOreea
rto* jBSt batorc *WTtoc. If tk* stnvetos. aloe was meaisd by tores doctors.
goMo or uytkiM oIm to Htk« kls
to taste; mix OM trees* la OMlds. serving kettle with meqnarter ol the Ibree qearters of a plai of vater
barrto* an very large evt to halve*
•They oald that 1 kad aervum dyw
oM AbtIm tko mro vHoo 1'
Before tresen hard, add v*ll-be*ton sugar; when (be troll boUs, add
each pound of toe oaretolly picked
vtU a dUrer knUa Bat do not
tauurtgky If tkndkmMta Me mS
-mir*irr-—r «tik hla bo
vhlte of oa* egg. alx weU vltk Urge other quarter ot the sMar. and re­ trulu and let boU uaUI very eoft.
than. Ptaea a spoMtal on each halt
ty oko «C Ik* BMt koolthr mm I orspoon and leave to treeser aatil
sbmt bait aa hear; stitan tkroagk a
btocMt aad aem vhUa they an hot
Or haov. Sat yoo «U> woat tf kao
Toady to os*. The sherbet may be let the wbote boll ontll the Jsm bnrd- Jelly bag. vetA lb* Joloe. aad to
Stravtony Chaaai
Mi BMOV. M h«0 tt a.
Bolded by treMtog to a brtekvMped eai to the spmn. when exposed
ery pound allov oo* pound of vkite ed that Ita ate would Keep tk* mouU Uho away too.M
mo* patty pan* vlU
-I «a*a to hoT* now Boapniit. t
awM. aad seat to tb* ubb to that (be air; tb«n pack to small Jar*
eugar. Let tbe Juice boU up quickly to sota a vbelmeme condtHon that
kak* la a hot otm. MMa a SUtog at
IhM onrytUga hwkog klta a*
vltb a tern leaf plaeed oa the tumblers, cover with paper and par- ugmla. add toe sugar and b(U It abmt
ter would not be prepared to
tka yolk* ot tkrw egg*, tba Join and
0*ia MAjun othor color, oioopt
plattoc. and a omaller ooe on top of
twenty mlnote* toager. or unUJ It lake disease* like dipbtoerta. Dr.
gniad rind ot halt a tomw.
Sttawberrie*— Oboooe
STrUMbaTaa*. I io ^
the brick, the pink ot the sherbet
will jeUy- SUB aad lUr vML
Huai claimed ihal the AseapM altoh..
;tal 0( gnaalatad aagar and knit ■'
kHv hoft It Mao to ko 00.
and the groea tersa maUgg a preUy the largset end Sneei berries tor prevkmna Bua CM gtt aglamd( aa*|.
Oreea Oooeeberry
MkK troa a
r. Bat 00 eaptel ot kattar. Cook tka Btxtan la color atect tod will odd to a pink- srrvtog. Weigh and use equal quaai
a doable hnltor. antll It tktMeo*. Ratwo idau of green jgooeokorTtoa and tog to mouth and throat r^lrinni svM water mom qatohty • toMT ta
aadgtweo color sebeBo at table dmo- Ues ot sugar aad berries. Make
« aa*.
from tka In aad *b«a* partlalatoned ralalas qtlu Tbe vaah Is compooed at to* Mtov- Mextoo. The valor Jars urw mnde M
mc•njao toy l aaA* ay ay aM thol
.a poroMfottery vtacktitov* the
iy ooMeS stir to oaa large eaptol of
Bne. with three ounce* at garlic cot tag tagredtoats. to
l■l^llH kM got a bo Aoao. aao I
Seed Stiwvberriau Betoct targe. toortb water, Bell bard tor dve mtottamed; Beoiolc arid, ooe dram; tine- —.
<^ «>
— MM^torquM
. w' »•
— BUtoHM
---------- — Tcroaked •trawtorrie*. Wbm tborsdd the berries, not too many almoqt lo a puete; mix veil with
10*911 tato ay k*ai that tk* lOa^
Sac berries. leaving the stoBt on.
ot eecalyptu, Bve draaa; sbeo- toe taaka. and toe evnpmnrkB MBp
y cMIM SB Bto tb* pastry
time, and boil twenty mluuiee. three oaaees Bastard Seed, three
Dtp In beaten ,wbite of egg. ibm to
•M tko tMag: a l o*t akoat It to
> and eovar vtth a aott boUad
ounces powdered gtoger. Bv* ounces iyte alcohol fmr oumes; eU of pep. ft ahrayu mIL it to not ooU, Mn
f UAt had a Mt at
eugB. Dry them; dip again. Srst
Theaa bom be eatba vbUc
^twe sugar, thrm ounces osU. one permtoL flrteca drupe- To am It dl- onr toe wMer.'koi It to aO to* bettv
1 akoat It
to egg. then to sugar. unUl the Ictog with syrup tad seal to insure perfect
OB that sceouai. as a m*a can *ta^
teaspoootul of the
>ce of cayenne, two plau
keeping and preieni mold. When
-lotoa AM kot aaa bbM to laagfe a a
b ot the reqeired tbickoee*.
gar and snffleleat turBCiic to make by addlag tvo Ubiespomtals ot va twtoe as BUM end omer iMi ta tag
Stmvbarry Salad to ToBOto dtp*
^ MtofB that Uaat taU «to*a aad
Strawberry Costard—Make s plain worktog with strawberries the sur
This wash pnriBee tbe Bmt! leest toimud. nn BtaUer kov IkMBMI
It s nice color. Let boil tor Bfteen
VkaagaAonr. l am aot eara U thaj
ailed cuatard vltb six eggs ioadt- pin* juice left may be otllited to
mtontes. rub through a ttev* aad bot­ •ad teeth and sweetens the breetb. dmagkta. AMtraMen imHibso ftnUag the whites of tvo). one small making jelly. Aod by ibe way la mak
Ihtak I asa aaktag a tod ot ay
qenatly |M wotot tata m BettlM
atth aBall. Brm. partaeOy rip* capful ot sugar, a ptoeb of salt, one lag tbb JeUv-a smsil quaatity mly tle. This ts a alee relish with cold
aoK. n oaty I eoald oar* tkat air—
which they iwspmd trotalta *MnAg
meats. Green applea euy be subetiThe Care of Shea*.
Corar vftk a craaa quart ot rich milk aad one
aboold be i^pared at a ttmeMa
oMiylalat So l kayt
snd toe Mr waptow tk* MIm huM
da vltb ioBOB latoe td ot lesoo extract; put a layer at Bore tbai^ tb^ glasses for the reas- (uted. (qr gooeeberrtos It preferred.
Wbea shorn ore vet. reaove toea sad north aqpto toe oMer Md remdme
' laagkiag
Spiced Gooseberries—Wkab clean a* eom as poMbtr. As aom as they
r «d H tan oatT 1 got ootln- laataad otvtoagar.
stnvberrte* in t ^sa^dtob. epilnkle m that it Jrito more quickly sad U
to-taoto BMatabto.-ML
fine, ripe gooseberries, pdt them lo
to paotiy-SbMla- with eugar. aad poor over a iqycr ot ma^ ebarwr aad lighter in color.
•re Uken off. rub them
0 U««r
inablal Fraa tkat
ly iM d tb*
syrup made of three plots ot sugar with soft Bonacl doth, to take odf toe
had aoto than a Maak oaa qaan ot stiavbarrlaa with
itard; add more strawberriee.
day to Mia i aooor
sad me plot of viaegar; bolt uoU) dirt, and mb not as mt
toack o< «. aad tka alanu I kav* oa* coptol ot povdarod aagar;
and SaUb with tb* reBotoder of the
When a apUigM hM kM
Canned Suawberrtet—nil s quar quite thick; wbea staost dmc. splc« dsmpoeu as possible. Then rob with tale toe baad It eaa be antraeud I#
IBU tk* Sm otCB or it I kan kaova paSgaato Into strip* woo tack *M* easiard; have costard
with elaasmoe and clove* to
cloth vet with keroseae.
Mat U «M baaaaa I vaa aot Magk- aad tan toeka* loag; rMI tbaae very cold, aad do not put together Jer with large, ripe berrie*. troe
ateasB. FO] a vJA* BMta taOtoneBrTb be eetee with seet*.
lag aaoagk. aad 1 ha*« koMM la
uatll Jnet before Ume to emre.
ly tail et k« vater, ptaas (b* lajmeg
qatefc ovmi uUl U^t to tka toack
Gooseberry CeUup— Select ripe color, when they are oot badly worn.
BU ibe nr wlib cold water; then
aU tk* kardorpart ovnr ton monto and prMe B
gooseberries, take off tbe lops ai
rub them with tbe white of
Nov. tkor* vaa gkUoaophy la that a^ca handled: vkaa done. aUp troa qaarts of ripe berrle* and whip into pear U o« again into a setj
sHMiUr. Tbe netton tom prodneM
egg. SBd then poliob briskly vKb tbe will didw the tHk dMM. anddn n
Md aMk toagk. HovT W«a. u It • the aUeka. and iU with the
tboB the sUtSy Oeateo wliUee o For every twelve Jam to be put up tails, wash tbea oad pot tbea to
porcelslB kettle;
band or with chsmali. This wilt
liMg joat to tklaft ot ckeortol Utlag*. atnvberrlaa. Sam vtth vkl^ed throe eggs and a cnptdl ot sugar use tbirtoeo of these meosare
Btout* or tvo ton atans vm mstint
AlOM thMM kat* • bright oMa
best until tight and foamy, turn Into
the apUntar. Mm toe IndiBBitlM
Mee aad Stravberrtas—BoU half
of sugar. Pack the Jar with berrle* sieve; sdd sugar aad spicaa. boll Sf- brigaiPB tbefs-SDd so It sboald be
ta Mm. toraa vhaa v* break o tag
deep dUb and chIU m Ice.
mlButes. and add U)c vinegar used only
when the lestber
•loeely as possible wlibmi moobtkaaa la aatHfaftlna ta thlaklng that a coptol ot vell-vaakad and drtod costard by beating ifae yolks of three
cold: bottle Immediately wUle bol grown dull and wont* pelUhlng
dl vat lad batter vk*a It ttoy* *<^ ric* to ooa qoart ot boIHng vater tor
with • cupful of aagar and add­ tog them. Fill each Jar up to
skmUer with sirup, cover it looee- To four vad s bolt pound* of goosePates: leather shoes are the bard- women who opmd Um greater |Ht
tag. Wk an to* Back tadta** to look tvraty Btootoa. Drato U aad pal in­ ing a cupful sad a half
to a double boiler vltb a Uttl* tail, creem cook in a doable boUer uaUl 1/ With toe Ud sad set It io s brge berries, take two and a half pounds
It of oil to keep loaktog Bice. Haay|or (heir wa Uvm to (be kUehea. B
at tk* VHM aU* «C tktaM. It b
people keep tbrir patent leather u eerpristag hnv mU* eCoet to made
m Mao. Tha blaa atftkaa to aad a Ubleepoootol of angar. and Blit the eoatard eoou the spoon. Ssror bolter. wMeh obould have a looeely
> IB roum batttog asd the In- to render tol* BMt bnpoRaat room
with atmond exirwct and W.en coM BtUng wooden bottom pierced with
watkii got Mdy tk* tt**r. hat tk* •aoogh to cover It Oook antll
sMe lilted with tbe samr material, attrarilv* or «
alikiah aad tto bovda aad *nry rice b thoroagkly oott and tk* aallk poor aionnd the prepared atTawbe^ boles U set m toe metal bottom the
tl to well u> rub them occsslei
Jam are liable "to crack. When toe
atbar bodOr argan. Ke*y okaary aad b all abMM-bed. Make a thlM strap ot ries aad serve.
In bonding I
vosefloe sod afterward rwb houMkeeper may bara on
toottvar *« do It* verk te Ban el
For the Heutb and Teeth.
up to tbeir shoulders; cover It
them with A chamois to give them a «n. large, bright, asd abT. vHh.eq^
iMtoaQy. It la to«^ kaata— vork and let It cool, to tba cooler ot a SUtog for this novel sad delicious
_ _For Infismed gums rub m two
Tenleai rioeeu sad pnatrim; -ktodB*
tog lor a «aa that 4dm aot aypnd- gbas disk kav atnvbarTba, arrange dleb by eoaklDg a box ot getaUne to sad set it oa the Bre. At ibe tame
When a new shoe seems ligbt and are ooi m tartanou bad B ruB^
ato vtBt a* Ao. U V* on gtoomy the rice arooBd thaa. aad ovm tb* bait a capful ot cold vater aad when tme put the tnrplus alnip to s asu^ parts glycerine and one part powder
vs over a Jotot or to say partleuUr lor many subM to Bgk* the baM
-------. tk* hm.kaov* it oad act* vbol* poor tb* strap. Sarr* at coca. soft add halt a capful ot boUing va- pea and allow tt to become bot. As ed burnt alum.
Tagtoca Podding altb Stravbfl^ tor to vblcta ooe capful ot sugar ba*
toe water to tbe bailer bePowdered orris-root and ebsik In spoi. try pressing sgatost tbe lletog. of what they bat*.
LU(he curve of a boot bettoeer.| Wbst sees* atBOSt a ‘Tel
been dissolved. Strata through cbeeoe
Aad toon, to* Bcuon of tba body
it ba* belted for eight mtouiet'^re- tertae or someiJdBg of that ktod to s stretching the leather oxtvard. Often hope" may. with e UtOe week
to laaghlag aSaaca the Brer aad bov- toploea vltb cold vatar aad bt stnad doth, add me pint df stnwbei
shoe that It seems impomlbie to ptooatog. be quite traaefarmed,
toe boUer from tbe fire Take good local wash.
-d|i aad attia th*B into graatar ae- onr bight to a deahb botlar. to tb* Juice and eet m toe onili the nOxti
out me Jar at a Ume. BU it even
A foul breath may be sweetened by
tar may be made perfectly eomfon per m a kllcbm wlB hiepms «
dNtty- Ikeaa organ an apt to g*t Boratog add two enptab of boUtog begins to thicken; beat ^tb a era
simple mouth wash of etystal per- able by a few mtoutes ot tUi tre*
MtoMto It they an aot ronoad op vatar aad cook alowty oatU tba lapl- Mp antll tbleb and troiby and sUr with tb* bot olrup to tbe saaceM*.
Is clear. Then add two captoto ot to' on* Mat ot dmble cream whipped lastenliair tight aad stand it back mangensie ot potash, la a umb er
;ooe Is; vhJtevask. vUto Bay to Mggg aad thaa. a iaay ttm aoada a
kVberrba nod oaa c( sugar. Pour
J Of water.
Have s slipper bos handy You eon ' newed «t wUi. U better. A grettj gilip
a stiff troth. Bury a large roond to toe boUer onUI all are Blled and
dkarp laatoM. Tkla a go^. kaarty
‘ ‘
- - - to'beo the tongue to while tad there upbolscer tbe top « you Hke. bol be coloring ca '
toagk win glva. It may be there doe* tato a •arvlug dtob aad Mt with BOOM in salt and cracked ice to wlth- covered; let them stand there uatU
tbe cxtri shoes or sDpperi are j whiting or
s bad usie to tbe mmib um oOe
■M aesB ta ba Back that la taaay to whipped cream. Thb b deUedOM aad to aa inch ot the top. Soften one- cMd. aad then store to a cool place.
r bandiomer It'eemd «old.
Stravberry and Currant Jam—To drop of tincture ot myrrh m tbe there, sad when you are m your fen' addlag to |i
•ar Uva*. Mt that la baeau* ve an
quarter ot • box ot gelaito* to tbreeWhen

atnvinch change your shoe* vLcry two'potash to glvs K ton ddMrod n)M»aat loaktog tar the taaay tktoga. Try
qunrtero of a coptol of cold water every ponud ot fruit allow three- tootobnah. A glass of wator coa
Add a liiUo itqatd glM and apply m
tt a tav days and aea ko* aaay bente* at band, try utlUstog tbaa tor aad set over bot water ontll dissolv­ quarters of a pmad of sogar. also ulnliig s aqueme of iemm Juice to s r three hours.
p cnbe. pie llltog, or tor n toot at ed. Have ready a quart of Srm. dry ooe plat red currant JMce to every
rbolesome to Lag tq drink the flA:
A good dreastag for shoes Is some; yos wmld ordtaary vWievaah. A
nally toaghakla tktoga cob* to oa.
good oil olive or sweet
oilapplied | paleyellow shnda.toMcb to parties
loor porndt ol toe berries. BoU (he thing IB toe moratog.
totod-qp; Unr cmipUtot and cake If ibnt better
«Ttb a tork
Tbe following tooth powder caaTw with a Mt ot Bsanel Itthe coi-, )y good for s IrlSrpM bbj be etastak^tor do aot go together. | ve«M Par stravtwrvy SUtog. beat *m o«p- kkkver dip.each to the melted gela­ currant juke with toe strawberries
arrange ckne logciber for half aa boor, atirrtag oil toe time, made at home asd to on esecDeat or ot tbe leather, sad shoes ibut|-d by oabetlfftag-q ttlU* fsastt
tSm ban tka toa^ thaa tk* -toa- tol ot heavy ereaa nnUl sUC. aatog a tin* aad
Bom egg beater, thee add ooe tbbd sroond the stdee and bottom of the tom add toe sugar, aad boU for tweu deaUtrtce: Mix together sad past (reeled do not hardes after bring j ochre tor the perminMeeHot a eaptol ot povdnad aagar. the motid. When the Untog U compM*
proprrIf a carpet or silriou to oot neelL
riaatoa longer, skimming ctrufal tbreugb a Bae hair stove or s ptoo
vbita or <B« egg beaten ntS
la caawlag Timm
Put to aaiall Jars or taotolert ot bolUnc cloth: Tvo ouaces ot pr*- Jresstag for petesi-leather. linseed j tbe be« tfMtBmt ter tbe Boer to p
Uy SU the center with
halt cupful ot etruvherrtM vhtto Mcam. cover clooely and set away to with pardtftae m (op. The curraat psred chalk: one halt ounce myrrh,
ftigtn toa trait carMally tor tka
sboemakers sey. It to Brst dreastag of bailad- linseed ML
. Miktog. With ptaaaMam rmmntb* have keeo tbeioughty mashed, and stiffen. To remove, tarn the booM Jotee may be ooiltted.
a win keep greoa* tioa skovtag and
me-balf OOBC* potrerised orris. saJ
MIf tmvpoaotul at Taallla.
dry Bmaael. Pateot leather treated ta give a very atae Batab. De net amM
.gator toto aad Ny*a> by taklag hoM
upside down and sUgbUy warm
Caaned Cberrice—Tbb fruit U one
»e oonec borax.
Wtoa aiggtara kaadto. aatog a
boeomm Vltb lye or strong soap. bM BOp wIM
Aa cxcclleat aad toespMoive tooth (bto way does bol crack or
ooUdde by clotbs dipped to bot wa- vhtch s yoong boaoefcaeper ma saleTwo Q*od Stmri Cokoo.
tihktoStoKtol Niri TMa caa ba done
warm boras water. Tkofe skonM Ip
ly aeJeet vbm Jost begtoatog to wash to made by rubbing tbe brush dull after wetting
««ttkeai lNtog adrap at tba jBca.
Suuwberry Sbortcakn—To mm pint
lean bow to can fruit While peachpure casUle ooep, tbea dipping At
tight shoe may, aoBc Mae* M bright
Tkpa vtth a allear fork cantalty of lick botUTBUk odd one qveo tern
a ta front ot deora. tabtaa. ota, BM p
I and berriM with tb* best to prepared «-b«fb
ahrM tka Saa pMp Mil* hoUtog Bpom ot haktog sods and boM v*D;
A trtmd who Is fomoes tor her e( care ^ oCtea spoil. Ibe cberry.alTbe foUbwtog dlslatectant wash Cor clotb vet to bot water acraaa where tav. easy ^alr. A tabl* «Mb a dMta«0M a kovi to Mtck aU tka jatw. All sUr in half a teospom of oalt aad shUi ta mepartag aad
cbangiag several Umm.. rr la which ssay be kBP MtaM. taMP
'mvee itself, a great relief lo
the Indt ou ba mood, toartng a daaa ownngh gmhnm door to smh* n I
tnik aad berrtai rccoatly
% bcey woman. After pUO^ tb* cMvery skilled phyttriaa.; vbo wa* at iTke loatber will shape Itsrit
earm aad aa bard plecM an atot ter loikor kUder tb-ia cake halt
tk* foUowtag. alBo giriag b* perMs- ries wedgh them. aDowM eoe-tmrth
oe time Seerotary et toe Hew Jer­ knot. This vlU. however, iwbovi the odda am end* so <
with la tba pnparM dtah at vitkoikI
took of the shoe*.
dalaston to one It la on* of ita rialkt.*



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"I Am
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JlMpriK CuH#»r'« CtMr


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