Grand Traverse Herald, April 21, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 21, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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$1,M A YEAK.




mm ms

un oNuaHKD OUT or >{m


Tbe Saturday mornlttg



Rtebmood. Va.. ApAl
AarrleaD Tobacoo ooaipaay. vltk a
CMoiinm riNNCO mrrwtMM gab caplUl of tUO.OOO.ODO. alamad by
the wtdeoce stkrrvd asataat I
tba goreraniefil aad faartag to face
thil la Nev York on May If bafora
lU. otaw Ptmmiy UvM « Ma)r«tW Virttad Statas Clrcnlt oonrL It la aalA
Osnial BuINvan Waa Advartlaing Man
•nd th« Dtdy Wm ukwi Thtra
baa dacMed la dUadva.
For Orand Trvnk Railway—PulTtBajf-B/m Htftottr an
elds Oecivred at Maty.
Blxth itreat gtatlan.
tend C. CbM«. fonDMir or Mutetoe, wu kllM mter aflaraoM at
Nev Tork. April 18.—Daniel Solli>:» at DC dantA B«*«r IteBd, br
vaa, adrertlalog man tor tbe Grand
tha OBCtaa virtek ba vat MHw tor
Trank railway, tkivw himself in front
«t a anbvay expraas at tke Bxty-aixik
street aiatlon aod vaa ground
Ua -araa tt raan old. aDd* baatdn
pleeea today.
tka Vidova laavaa tow adMraa. tera.
Snllran bad come to New York
acBd IT. Mward. tend asd S^twold
•ee a vomsn ilriag In Brooklyn vUb
whom ke vaa iiriaetoaud.
Mr. Okaaa «aa anglitiiar oo oaa oi
tha kMtac tniM d( tka Btarar lalau
teatkar tomtmaj, aad rndv afu^
tfktt. Tka aMMa ia^dkt tka tra^
Churph Rsotory at S O'clock
Maalna Mr. Cteaa betaraaa tka throi.
tia akd tka aldo or tka eak. dialooa
Laat Haura War. Cxtramaly PattiaUe
na aaetnaa craahlac kU okaaL
Valentine H. Dunn and MlH DUie
A* pha Waa Canaetoua ta tha
Jeoklna vera qolatly united to mar­
End and Baflged Har Far■ht cnak aad taaikad. sartoc tkaw
riage at t o'cloek yeaierday
anto la Halp Har.
Oraea okorch rectory, the Rev. C. D.
Mr. CftMt vaa «aU kaova at MarAtwell pettonnlng tke cereoMoy. Both
Afiar aufferlac untold aconlea tor
•tM, aad MdYta aaratal ktotkan. at
yoong people are fn»i OardeM tovn­
teOova: WaHar aad Aaa or Oraad mora than so bom, tram bnraa ra- aklp vkere they bare a large circle
lUidda: Wimaa. of Mkrdaldi Ban eelvad vklla playlaa oroaad a bumof frtenda to alah tbem happtoeaa.
nd OawBA et tUa dtr. aad tvo ata- tog atoiDp. CUra. tko t-yaarold daugkkava, Mn. lUckaid Marahall and tar of Mr. and Mia. Irrlog Dlplry. vho
Mm. tenia Maear. kotk of Marfldd. foalda tow inlloa aootk of tke dty Ir
iDad at MkMataa tor a nambar of Oorlleld tovnaklp, vaa relieved from
Hla Vito vaa tonaanr Miat Kdaa kar Mffarins at n p. n.
«ark. dn^tar at>. aad Mta. s. a death taMna the little ooe who had
ttark. ad WkUa -Cload. ika kw tvo Hacarod oa tor hoera attar It
tigua, Mamed Hare.
laatkan iMat at Beaor, It & aad M tkoaak fka had kora, all that kv
A. W. aafk.
OMa.tko aotnd o<4katataat tka. Tka ekUdk atotkiac tcaltad ftMar.
dapat. a •iSSar-'orbdd teitova aad
Mvte:iloaday swrolng and vlalted
. R
A Mt ^ imrnm *anr aai orooMaa tka held -vkara kar tatbv
of luttoe George W. Curtt
7iata%«iSaMr Mtoar. Tka Vu plovlag. aha atopptna vHh bar vbara the ceremony vaa performed
dtaarat vflt ka »aM at Marddd aad tvo bratkare to plar aroimd a bora- Tbe bHde vaa UIm Marie LaLoae
tfck tatwto^t iklU taka piaoa in tta. lac atanip vklla vaiUac lor kar talk daogbtw of Mr. and Hra. Fted La
ar to dalab tka torrov ka vaa pkrar- Lone, of Nonhport. and Theodore
taste tot at tkat plaea.
to tbe
>B|ary, eon of Mr. and Mn.
•upper. When ber-olotUng cangbt George K. Moody. Of MaoUllque. They
ara bar brotker ran tor Mr. Upley, were attooded by Mist Kellie LaLoue.
trko mate alf haste to tke aid of hie •Uter of the bride, and Manning Leateoghter. bS tke dtatance vaa lie. of Nbrtkport. Mra. Prank SwanMt that ake waa totally bnnwd ■on, also of Northport,
before k^p arrived. Her face, ckeai tke party.
ate hack were korrlWy be
Mr. and Mn. Montgomery raturned
tl vaa apparent that there vaa noth- to Northport in tke atternoon. and
1kg to do bot make ber as comfort­ morrov altet a wedding receptloo vrill
able as poMlble VBIO tke end.
In all her auCerlag tke little girl
Bwanson. atur vhlch
ww coaacicoa up to a fev boora of they vUI go to Marquette, vhere they
tbe end. aad ake voold res'.b up her vlll make tketr totare Imme.
anna to ber mother and beg ber to beet vlakee of a large circle of frieodf
bnp ber. Tet ake vaa awMl and go vlth -the young couple to their
DV potlant (kroogb it all. ber torUtnde In
kw grant etfSertaic being
Tbe parenu bare the aympathy of tbe
ty IB tkttr great aor-






iua oms TO sin



, wm Utm Ban teMaiaao Fkr Bslita
ttoVB Ab Baan Aa tka coal
Avakara can ka pillad

a ptoko. teUt, item it.—Tka At«t « b'tiack tWa soratac aod want
ant tknakk tka sMt that hoag cioaa
aw tka bar. Baa tedro U the nan
'tM^Bara ta Ban.
■aa Ptnaclaeo. A|irtl 11-^mmaadar Marar, or tka cndaar Atbaar. raBairod roak ordart today to take <m
teal aad aoppltoa for a Ikrao sootka
Ha vUl aall
Oar telSa Oraa aa aooti m tka eoal
ksdtsa ara tolL-

IMfO Thaa B««0 Worth Ara Boina
OoNvarad S tko Orand Troaorao

Mora tkaa |Mte vortk of trait
Uos kara baaa aoM to
TrarS«a coatr taisora aad aro aov badakrarad fraa> -tka tot adlotalac
i J. MorsaY Urarr bara on Siau
Mran, tka taroMio costas for Ikalr
Tka traaa vara frwv ca tka aoraar tom of Omts a Havlw. at
Mst. aad aro baiac delWwad by hla
Brothar. H. B- Havlay. of Boetk
HvroA Thay oonalal of appla. ckarry.
Won. paook, paar aad wry Uad ol
frvU troa aad karty bate Usi Urtraa

« aate ktod of Boil
Ordaio vora tahan tor tkaaa traaa
tertac My aod. Aofoat. of last yaw.
te Mr. Havtay. wm B
teaa. Tka ardtto raapa aB tka vs

aaa and Bapalra Warn otAZiER DOCBN’T WANT TO BE
i By Beard This

taM ThM oigantlc Oetep«M WHh C«p- aULUVAN threw HIMPSLF UN- Viritara Freoent Prom AiN Araimd tke
Reglan Roeeevelt Wa. NemHal «f »CO,OOftCCO It Afraid
mated Far Fraaldant


The addreaa of velcome vaa given
by Worthy Master Arrilla (Jardner.
the response being from Worthy Mas­
ter Warde Smith, of East Bay Orange.
Tbe roll call vaa reeponded to by the
ladlee quoUng aeleetiooa from Mother
Oooee rfaymea. tlda being folleved by
paper by Mr*. E A. Bvani opon
-OetUng Yoong People into
MUs Zema Udd taea gave a recllntton vhleb vaa r*rf yaeil given, aftei
vhlch nomlnailona tor prraldeDi of
tbe United SUlea ««re
loving namei being placed on tbe
ticket: Charie* S Hughe*, governor
of Nev York; WllUam'H. Taft,
tarr of var; Tbendore Roosevelt.
of the Dnllta SUtea; Willtorn Jennings Bryan. After the nomInaUng apeechee veep made, the votes
vere ea»t. Roosevelt raoelving Jl.
Taft IS, Bryan t and Hughe* 1.
Donna M. teampney then gave
recllalloD, -jane Jonea." vhlch vas
veil recrired, E O. Ladd follovtog
vlik a paper upoq The Mtoalon of the
Grange." Hr. Ladd gave * brief bialory of the grange from Ita euileet
begl^Dtog. told Of itg puipoaet and for
'hat It U atriring to accoraplUh. He
considered the grange to tta relailon
to the home. <ihe school, the church
and tbe aute.
Q. L. CarUle, of Boardman Valley
grange gave a talk upon Kallraaka
grange, vbicb has M eobordtoate
granges and ooe Pomona, seven of
the IJ owning their ovn halls. The
spring meeting of KalkaaU Pomqna
■ III take place at Rapid River May 12.
Tbe next meeting of Orand Traverve grange will take place May 2.
vbicb Ume a dl
roads viU take place.


sari Woodbury. Who Has teen Vlalt- Judge Mayne Will te On Uc Banrii—
ing Hla
Short Braaoh of Fremiee

Interior of Johwoon Drvg Btora le Bv
log RetnodalS Olofc Winnie.
Bari WOodbury, oi Sbangkal. China,
the Purchaaor.
vbo bka been vlstUng hi* grandfather,
tbe Bav. J. W Hiller, tor the last
Tbe Interior of tke Jobnaon Drug veeka, left today tor NVw York, later
ooaapBOy'B store ta anderaDtog alter, going to Boaton vhere he vtll e
ttlons. Mr. Rozborgl- having aold kU •cbool. BarL wbo la 16 yean of age.
soda tountton to Ik
Winnie, of baa apeot hit entire Hte In China,
todliiguw. vbb baa op. *.up a candy leaving Muakegon. hu blrihpUee,
cotttoctionaiy atore. in place of ahen a year and a halt old
the aoda founuin Mr. Roxburgh wilt mother, daughter of Mr. Hiller, It a
place new show eaaea. baring decided mlaaRmary among the CMneae.
to dlaconUoue tbe eote water bualGo kla vay to ihl* riiy terl vUlted
bit aMter vbo la In school In CaliferaA Thu I* tbe drat time be ba*
vMted kU grandfather, and
been a very happy two week*. Some
of tke time baa bees spent In tehlng
M Cor
since Ike eeaaon opened.
and Mra. Nichola Will Btay.
Mr. and Mra. William Nichola. of
test Bay. left today tor t^lnnlpeg.
vhlch place they wilt
■pend at leaat a year. They hare
leased tketr teal Bay farm to Arrhie F. H. Bmith. of Sixth StraeL Haa Reaeived Hla Feerlee* Or. Mun.
Bdtk. but viu not tell aotes they
tketr oev borne taUafactory to
every rrapecL Mr. aad Mrs. NIckoM
bare lived at teat Bay tor eight year*.
P. H. Endthk aU cylinder TS-bone
»ver PearlBm antonioblle arrived
Saturday night. The enr U a very
toms one and rnna ao ainoetkly
that It to notoeleea. Tbe flntah to
toator ef Mra. I. A Cllben Paeet beautltol and the btg ear has attract­
Away tuddanly at Her Heme In
ed aoeb auenthm already.
Dr. 3. D- Monaon. of tbe asylnm.
baa raoelred hi* big Stanley atramer
L a OUbert and
This to tbe ftrat ear of lu kind hem
aoa. Wittlam. left PtMay tor Bagittkongb tkto type I* orach in erllaav called there by tke death of Mra.
B. A LMCk. Vito of Dr. Usek. of denoe Ik the oasL
•nmn viU be a nnmber of aav mnwv. Mra. Lenck bring a slater of
Mn. Oilberi. Mra. LmcB Sopped ■toea aaea oc tke atraets tkto year,
tead vklle BaSoaalai Wedsaadoy a mat thaw bring a Rso owed by
Or. 3. & Manta and Jnmaa Purvla



An all day aasakm of Grand Traverae grange vaa held Saturday,
granger* from Bast Bay. Boardman
Va.iey. tecelalar. Summit City. Grant
Center and Penloaula granges attend­
ing. Tbe moralng eeerion vaa devot­
ed to tnlUatary vorfc, tbe foUovtoa
being Inetrbcted In tke third
fourth degraet: Mra. Ckarlee Drake.
Mrs. JenMe E. Adams, E A. Brans.
Mra. John Otoon. Mr. and Mra. Btovortb Dnryea. Hr*. Jeeaie Wella. Hay
Curtia and Rose Sterans.
Among the vtoiioia vera Dr. and
Mrs. L. J. Tadman. of Bummlt City.'
Mr. and Mra. & E Champion, of
Oram Center: Mr. and Mn. Pred
Warner and A. M. WlUongbby, ol
Peotoaula. 0. L. teritole. of BoardValley. KaHtaaha oounty.
tablea. and an t
rate dfnner vaa
enjoyed, after vMch Ike afternoon
aearioo vaa called to cwdw.

Tbe adouraed aeaalon of tbe March
no cf Circuit court oonvenm tbi*
afternoon at 1.1& at the court
house aSih Judge Frederick W.
Maynr on the bench.
This la a noo jury larm
Judge Mayue ha* been holding
Grand Ramds.
last veek tried a breach of promise
half an hour, vblch va* th,.
shortest case on ih< feeords of Kent
e painira
Kazmina Holllckl. a young Pohsh
mao. wbo brought suit agttosl Aloph
Urban, the trial being commenced, ibievidcnee ri'eo and the verdict an­
nounced tn half ao hour, tke ptalnUS
receiving a verdict of Sl.DM damagna.
The case Involved two oontinenu.
The young woman's husband died and
lett her ll.OiXi. She vent to Poland
and there she met a young man tu
whom ake became engaged. As tke
marriage vas shout to take place,
the prieet refused to msrry them as
She had no proof of ber bushsodU
death. The oouplr signed s msmsge
contract as is cuslomery. and dame
Grand Raplda lo be married. After
reaching that ctiy. the groom refused
bSs part of the contracL
Tbe vomao cued him tor t£.WK> dam­
ages. the trial resulting aa stated.
Mauretania Levered tt By Juel Owe
Mlnuto Today.
Nev York. April l7.~By just due
minute, the Mauretania eaiaMlshed a
record acraua tbe ocean over tha



, tog Of tha rtty board of hoallk took!

riaee In the ortoe of ibe city clerk to. that WAS CONTENTION OP MIB
t qnarantlea MIto vMob'
vlU be acted upon later by tke board.!
I The superrliora In Ike aflernooa an-l
c of a type-1 g^mi Oraad Any t
Emergency Supply of Baeae Eeeaped '
writer for the oStce of the
treasurer. The purchaatog
.--oien blsnkeia tor tte jail
beru and Beeretary.
> thoiir.d It was/Oia aulhotUed to
have the roef over the the couaty
Lake Ann. Mich.. April 20.ccmmlrsloner'a
Prince tell in front of a M. A N. E
t': Ooft the county -ent vet R la the court here today and ntfMd tm s
local freight today and hta left
■ as terribly cruahM. Prioe vaa to
surendtora that Ike change at venue for Otogter «■ Chs
loxicaied and that be vas not Insiatft- cemmFrioner keep ory.
gtounda that be couM not get s fSlr
1y killed to'dne to the providence that

••"hortied tk« an easy trtal to Ingkam eowty. Jtece Wriri
care* tor drunkards aad children
•“**! *’*^*'’ toraltura reeerved hto dwtetos.
mar be deemed neceraaVy by tbe
Tke man vbo la about se ^ean old.
staggered along ahead of the tram and
just before It got up to‘him. fell
fer the Udice' writing
ctrtklng to the eemet of the track, f*®®Stria that the toveMMattos n( ten
Detroit eekooi twMd by tke teeriri
rails. The engine paased
grand jury kae renaltte to enriarat.
body. Ike track catching bis
tog both nemkMu and the naeretarr
Hli position to the center of the' StrikerF Symteihlxera Betrayed »• of tke board hom tke drargea prv
track saved Ids body from the
Om Cenneeting V
vbeela. but other tojnriee were to- [
dieted by tbe piloL How serious thear

are caanoi be told as yet beennae of
teeeter. Pa, April 18.—Early tMa
in's coodiute. A botUe ol moralng, etrikera' aympathtoen banvklaky to kts pocket vas not broken. ,»d the bridge over Johaeoa'a Creek
PriDeek relallvei live to ProvemooL «®nneeilng Ike town of TVeaaer la the
outskirts of Cbeeier with Marcus
Hook. A trolley line eroMee tMa





County I
ter* War* th* QuMtS At a
Banquet Oiven By Janitor



Teok. All the Money In BIgM. WeBmd
Rede Away.

Frag P. BOMBkay Riialwd s


Oodeyvllie. Kansas.. April II.—At
WHUara Bright « Hi Cash
8:3« today Ike auzena State *wi.k at
maud Thla Vaar.
Chantauqua, near here, waa held up
by two men and robbad of SI.OM.
Ike robbers took all tbe money to
lAka a pkaatoa Mdf wite Md ti
eight, walked a block down the street, tke mist .tbe eteuMW lllaituB te tte
mounted their hornee and rode oS.
Nortbera Mktagu
eoapuny gUded tate tke tap at •
e'ckiek a. m. Batnrday, waking eenro^
ly a rspla upon the ptaedd vatog. aod
at Tisw
erae City. Tbe Mg •
a hearty vrioome. not ooty by ta*
crovte vbo stood wpep tka tete
avalUag ber arrivte b«t her vhMIa
vaa replied to by wMattoa traaa Aa»
toriee aad mllU
spick and span from tee aaftaa
tke pUot k

$400 TAKEN

Saturday moralng the board of auperrlpora aulbortaed the bulldtorii and
grounds committee lo prvvarr a suit
able place for ibr storing of coal. A
communication from Janitor James
Marrin asking for a vacation vaa re­
ceived. tbe board allovisg Mr Marrin
a vacation vlib pay Mr Marrin auied that since he bad been Installed as
janitor of tke court bouse be bad not
slept away from tbe building
Dlgtat except on account of lUi
and had never bad a TacaUon.
> as the geagplaak '
A Mil from Dr. Svaniea for H2 va»
lead were eeeoried o*dr tha heat by
referred to tbe commliue on claim* - THIEVES USED OVNAMiTt AS tbe geBtlemaaly crew. Ckptais
and accooDta.
nnocan. vho gento] faoe baa be«t
Aa a token be dppreciaOon of tbe,
welcomed maay leaaoaa to tala pert,
l-oard uf suiierTtsont' klnUness in al
d (kM year, tke beat
loving him a lacatloc with pay. Firvi Seeured and Held..Nlght Watoh- being IB command Of OkpUdS WHUka
Jsriior MaiTin ibk. afternoon treattrd :
man a Frieon*r Se That He
BrigbL fbnneriy of tke Maaltou. Tbe
the board, cooni.v officer* and tbe I
Cewtd Net Glw* Ae Alarm
0rri officer la AlgM AhdetMS. mw
preea tu 3ce cream and cake and al
—Mad* Th*ir Escape.
ond officer George E JteaMra. k tYs»gramaphone renren table* being set'
erae City man, tke puner. T. E Deri
Id Ibe court room and the refre*h ; Lanras-cr Tv.. April IS -The Penn. »i*. clerk Harry MkrOs. ana etovmrt,
menu bring »er»-ed hr Mlsa Anna
sylvanlt railroad siallou
ai Parker*-George M. UeRoy, Cbkri
NeedbBm and Mlsa Bdna Carna. after |,jrg war «r!-cird las' nigh: by dyna- Travert* C^ty man. It oM of tke bug*
tbe *ea*lon of ihe b<«rd
: mite used by nibrr* In tioaing open gageman.
At the afieruood »««lon H A Lang- , ,afe -n th- tl-ktt rTlc.. from which
Fbr a nnmber Of y«U> Mr. Ajdrtdk.
vorlhy apt»-ared before the
board , (bey rei-ired $»'•••
ihe aigh' watch- of Cbicago. a friend of tepUto ftoUviih a rTT.iK»iiioo that the board be; man «a* flr.t tc.-.iMd ;:nd held a can. baa made the Brat trip bf tke
alloaed It— per acre for the land pru,-n.-r to ffeven! him giring an aeasoe. but he failad to make Ole
noa o*n-d by the county to part pay- alarm Trc 'h't re, . erared
There were only tvo paav
tneot of 40 acre* of land, the old
---------------eager* for Tracer** City. E C. »e«r
Ramsdell farm, now owned by George
® * Smi'h, vho **te brouskt S
W Raff Tbe farm I* valued at $12.
jllU»£l vAA JlAlIlL 4j number of fine borves frott Chk*SOThere were IS pxssengera out « GbP
Tbe ctalms aod accoonu committee Traverse D'y People Who Are V<sK- eago for poiou along tke Eac, aad a
reported bills amountteg to
tog In PvnaSBOla. Florida, Ara In foi] lomi of freight.
<71 "S. of which amount $3.16».28
tn* aaidri M a Sad On*.
pred P Bougbey racMvod S »>—*■
vere ailowd'
-----some ne> KamMer aStoMbOa, S tS6S
Coooiv nerk Robert E Walter pre-' Hr* E 8 WHUam*. vho ha* been model J4. tour cyltater ear. vttb M
seaud the matter of rurckaslBg a.tpeDdinc several raoaihs in the south b p engtae. H. E Teaser. e( Ka»
be floated dary as is always _ wtUi Mr William* and Mr. and Mr* o»ba Wu . arrived to the rity to meet
federal biSldiDgs. It belBg the L Dl Curtis, write* from PetuHcola. tb* ear and loMract Mr. Bougbey ts
belief Pf the clerk that couaty build- l-Tn.. that they are to the mid*t of a the vay that R aboold go.
tag* a* veil a* federal bulldtof* | terrible *ire« ear itrlke.
Although tbe Vlad was etreeg «ge«
ahouW fly the American flag, troop* of the *tai*
maStta have been leaving Chicago Wedaeetey atgbtaad
County Clerk Waller al*o preaeoted; called out to quell the riou Over a Bust of the f aaiiiMeii ware
le matter of the pension of Hr*.; hundred strike breaker* have bee* thtoga grew more «utot m tae boat
Mary Wander, vbov peasloo appHra-' aeni to Pen*« from Nev York, aad proeeMlod aorthvard. aad ft vaa ds
rejected because K-va* not: moeh more tronble ts anticipated.
| clarod by tha offtom to be one of tan
known that her busba|d died (romi ^r*. Williams vriin also that It la
trips tka beat aver mate, pah
--------.-----there Is no"pa»rvary warm at Peniecoto. the temi
Heulariy at this •aaaau of tha yusr.
tore being tike Grand Travetae Jnly Btope vere mate at LnStogtoa. MmM
Vidova penstona anleas ttaeir hoe- weather On .uelr tahlaa are eervad tee, Frankfort. Glen Hav«. tka Noata
band* died from the aVecta of m
potatoea. peas, baana. atravber-'and South Maalinua. Inland. Kocte
Chairman Darrov va* asked to tatro- rtaa. etc. Tbe party axpaeta tt ra-'port and 8i
dace a apactal act eovering tkia. a
a petltSoB win be circulated aatote
Mtoa Henrietta LaRkoltx, Ikiwarty
Ovll u< Spaatoh var raterana
I D. MiddMon toft yeatarday with E wnkeiia. hM awaptta S fete
that wapa be taken toward aaeurtus t
aigD tomake pwchaaea lor tke ttov with BtMaberg Dm. and VIE
thla prortolc*. Tba board than te- t
ooda and aOk draurfant ol be found to ckargt «C ten ~








- •

• • '■'.•••

6tnA TnTcisc HcnM NMSAIR




I ^^'*







ttoaad aloag the aaoe Im. that ptoy.
M atottrnlMd tmda to a dangeror pytlB*. yai Satoiday. tJ
ary dftwd or boys and aa
noUeed to the railroad
ywtoa Oma It toke the death ot one
ad-thCoe todUm to atny ihe ptacude



00 BO VET.

Po^Wy ThM Ha Will »iaV*r Mhi
CammaRd a warahip As Hs'wiri
BaoA itotira.
him. Call. Apill ».-^d.
mm Msaaa wtU be unable to Join tae
Mi «i Bania Barbara. Thm to
•rwvw doakU tadeed If be oaa Joli) U
OWihdlMrtWetoeo. lfBO.fltocerttda toat ha will aevar agato cobMBd a wareAtp tor he wlU aeon ro

Wtll Train Minietera. b
Pagtomi Helpers For Their Warfc .
atii Abam Forty WIR ^‘‘^
' Barollod at the Start.

_.• »,

An eafhimlaetlc meotlag of de
tbe Church ot Chrtsi c<
and membere of tbe local cbni
bold Sunday In the parlors
chnreh sad the propoeUtoe ot toaa«-

opiMca of the meeBn^Tbgt the aoMfl
should be brongbl to this cUy. Tne
work Of the cMtoge srill be to tram
mlaMtera. mlasloaaileo and pastoral
helpera. Later a
wiU he addod. The graauaHa ot thto
coBroe will be eaUttod 6 a Bag

iWllMB and W. M. Ooftam. o( thU
ettr. M C m ndtotL «( PoMey.
iMtatar BR8

-■ -.'--ty**.;- '


Mr. MtSay, or Kalkaska, was] Ladd declared that the aendtog oat ot
led to Inresttgaie e site had aoch a efrealar aatogaed oagbi to be
the .obrpe of laachers sad to report
Twici A WOK.
«esl meeitog ot the Mstrln wpl^ U waa aa aatalr mcaus of worktog
pfobaWy lake ptoM to July, agafnat the proposltloo to say
e are abont forty la this
After cMstderable dlscusMan Bupatop will pfobaUy mrall to the
toita aa soon aa ft Is aiarlsd.
ervlaor Itaan declared bimaOU to tovor
JOHN WAOrt VACUUM PAO- ftnt'aeaBons will be heM to .the haas- Of leutog the matter . rent,
meni'^t the ekareh antil a anltabio deelared that .it had been
alie c^ be aaeared. As Ue local down twice, aad that It
tr le tot R rent at ptiatat mtll
Chureb of Ckilat Is iha largeM of Its
the aothorlHea at Laaatog shonid Uhe
ktod In the state the right to toond
tlon In the matter.
ot the dei^tee wu
.ge fonow-lBg coolmlttees were ap
conDdes of this district csnlj suppsrt
the school
Finance, ways aad means Imdd.
The Rer. Cenby wsa edaeated In
Uamtaond, Hastoe. wboae duties ti
elniilsr ashool at Bethany and Uier ahaJI be to esamiae the eceounia of
County Ctork and of tbe County
,m im A«fue*
tbe Onlreralty of
Treasurdr and eettto with the latter,
he laeka thrae mentbe' work of haring and to recommend to tbe board tbs
MM 1 im; u tkf pOTtottw «
Doctor of Pblloaophy degree.
9mpn» Cttr. MMk. nOOT tk* Aet
•unday*a Pregram.
kroMtiw «f MM t im.
h a UuJe
Tbe program at the Cburch
lOAorne power gaaollae motor taratog
Christ where ibe district convention
the tana, maaated on a aet at ancient
A errr mautipul.
• Sf In scesioa Sunday was derot county, and report om the equahu',n«* M« BMP )»MI tar bMMlttr- bwgy wheela. to faat with aU oow|. ed to matters of distilct Interest to a Uoa of ihe sane.
W « ct^AM auqr <ittaB tev* bMB Uons agatoet It. yet polling right certain eitent. Tbe Brat serrle* vaa
Oatans and accaunts—OIbbe. Cleve«tm Mta fttUBttao to Ui«B. ahead and dolBg buatoeaa
quiet boor at which many
laad. Tedman wbwe duties It shall be
to. MB* .Mttai. fro* tanrw ooed* u« Use. thai Is what the reaMenu of
There were Cl
camlnr and report upon all claii
MitrtoM ftBd vrtMi c1t«b tar tb« Booth Unloa atroet hare witnessed and all attended the Adult Bible clam agalnsl the louoly.
' it «utaBo. to Oraod BopMo 10.000 daring the past week. The machine la charge of tbe Rer. Mr. Caaby where
ft tn« IBTO M Inportod ud ooM
they reeelred many suggeattona
i shall be I
• oMIdra tor * oMt a^toee while by John Wade and the eipertmenl carry
oed .10^ elme was lor the purpm of abowKtg that mnnioo aer;lM li charge irf U. C. aaaeased a
I the hoeiid €t trade ot that city hla theory was eorrect.
A'anaftec was. held and tbe sermen mltire on ananee, ways a
The machine need tv tha -tSt % _
D cirt UOM to. the ekdldrH eo ttel
was [^k|i4.'«y-Uie Rer. C. H Me- Ibe several lownsbl^aad tbe city.
r nar plaat then on Aihor day'. not the teeet and beat that ooM-lta Kay.-BT Kalkaska; formerly ot St.
GreuDds and., haildtoga—Harvha.
r M theae treee that grow, Baoulactuied. the Ians, betas mada jol l>OBMa. Ontario. The atoilect taken Can er. Sdua, who almll have tbe gep
>oa to the beauty wood, to fact the wbMe machine ei- waa 'The mas wbo Is caught to Ms eral supervlaion at .^tnc coanty
0(pt the gaaoUne engine
ftoe thj. ■•
own tonp." ' As a lem the speaker grounds and bulldloga, and to report
I has been prodlga) to her Baicrlal, and ihe engine not working look the scrlptuial mory ot Haman tbereoD to this board.
I to Tiwveree OUy. the enTirons perfectly, nererthelMa,' it alarted. and Mordaoal.
CouDty poor—Champion. Bafford.
idekod np speed and mored right
At Bible school the vlallors called Kubeeh, lo whom rball be referred all
long wit
witbout any healtuton.
^taebwd. bttt Ban haa been
g every class In tbo ^ acbool.
Qiatlers relating to Ibe managemeut
M~bat Itbia neana t«.. the Inrontor
hMac oontant to take what Nature
stoodard ot attendance aet (or
of the bounty jioor and re]>ori ibenhe.
ina tJran ud teartog the root to can be told from the fact
acbool yesterday was 400 but there
1 to this boaril.
Ohenra. That should not be the eaae worked for year* ap<^ It In ijhe i
ere only 8H present.
Towns—HamniuDJ. Aodni>oo. Carha nan jl&eld begla where Natore of beery odds and under most
In the afternoon a aeaalon of tbe •r, wbosc duilew It shall lx> lo re
yet be eotttlinied
lenvoa of and wM to hamony vlU
Cbrisclan Woman's Bible Misnud
>rt upon all peUtlons for tbe cliang
bU iBbora and now has the satlsfac
held to charge of Mm. Noble. The tog of boundaries or tbe urganlsallun
A-flleaB elty an^ a beantttul dty Uon ot seeing bis droain realised.
fonlpr class of ibe Bible school gave
new towns.
The Inrention Is ntremety afni
m ahanlMa. necaUXa U daab^ble
an fperdse and Itlaa Ollv« Dobson
Printing—Stiles. Imdd.
fnagle an w.he attoncted and we to nndrratand. The motos drleaa two suni^B very pleating sola Ttio Rev.
'BM Bon people. Trarerae Cl^ baa eat# of rani. Tbeee fans.atear- J. A. Canby tben gave an addn-aa on whoic dulli-K U shall be lo provide
for tbe publlt printlog of the county
Masty of txMiB to expand and grow ranged that they knock tbe air away -Why every woman should belong
Id all maticrs -pertalolng thereto.
ktot atm retain {{a baan(y^ bat things', from to front, creating a vacuum. The U^-jSodety.Roads snd bridges—Champion. I
|BK be done to ;gmaot people. The.],1«lr behind the tnacblae' puah<«‘'Ai '
tbe evening service the pastor beah. Hoxsie. whose dudes It sball b<
. ahead into the vacuum. Tbe workl^*
and todostilea —--------------an aeoeasary----------todoatilea
preached upon the topic, -Some reareport upon all matter* pertaining
while *p are aacnrlng Ihern. any I
“to**® “k®* «hls vaqnn sMs’>tor believing In the ,4lv1ntty ot
roads and bridges that may come
................... .|0 eieic beamy and continuous and as tbo atmoapbere Is
Christ.' The rcasonr given were
It srlll be aa aid area alw^ right behind ready to do bual- thsro Is ao other wsy. that His char- belore Ibis board.
neos. with iu prrrsure of IS pounds' tii
AlF’toeattog tactorea.
m^tgr. sbdwed divinity and that Hla
the afternoon session
tbe squaiw Inch, tbe machine Utrst gd
aorka showed U. His reenrrei
jail Inspector* wu preseniH
ahead aa long as the engine Is run.
showed It and tbe suSl.-lency of Cbriat board, tbe report sbowing that
la mad. that That It win he do this,,
16r%r lives
■ be last InspecitoD there bad been to
m haantlfol white Mi«h trees pro. the crowd ot people that wltneaaed
The mualc for the day was to the
conan<« in the ia<I. as fo
ntoht to this regton are being ruto- the
>e teat
w»v laat
iwi week.
hM#s of Miss Ida Lorklns and ibe
low*; Larceny S. drunk and disordei
U by ChBlesa people who peel the
11 to opnOdemiy believed thsl<I^ w¥T<
ly T. truancy «. aamlt 1, Insane i.
U thla la dona, the tree to time vaAnm propeller has solved the liicdisorderly 5. non support 3. obtaining
4tai aa the. UrCh to awt « hardy tne Uoa proUeai as It works wlthoui
money under false pretense 1.
atodtaahm HTadmbe.L '
traction. Ihgi Is. the wheels do noi
lamUy 3, uuU.w
• Tbe aUveiT white trunks ot__ toke hold of-the toad or track so
l-ond to keep tlie ]>ea<-e S, burglary 3.
IM alw a hsAatgiH eoatmat to the slippery streets or rails present no obbegging 2. bouse breaking 1. assault
totoda MaM dha -cup hwt thn wtu Btoclea. Also, a %Mgb or a boa't eaa
and battery S. fertile ndtided i. jump
■ be an gMM U toiBa raatratol
11 Ila be pulled ahead as raaily as a buggy.
ing board bill 1. HI treating anlmali
With one ot these motors on tbe for.
rounlerfelling l <
a. barh tor Booeanlfm.
ward car of s freight train, no engine
IndecvDi laagoagi- on iruln i. robiH-n
a owners at .Bant bay would be neqeasary or a motor could
Of these 16 were fcmsleS. as ful
to last eompUtoU over thto be placed.on every car as Is tbe qasc
lows; Truancy 2. Insane :. disorderI bttt K has dooe ao good In trtdiey can. and beavlor loads
ly 6,
wtraea ara peeled. could be haedted. Tbe Idea presema
a accepted and placed
*0 kill a bwatifnl trM tor the aake InBnlte poaaibllltlea and could
on tile.
ad a UtUa haft Is'a tooHab thtog and turned lo advantage In any wj» where
The chair and clerk were auihorU* I
pulling power was reqiilrel.
with Mark Cru«
Tbe teaU last wt«k. while
tto «wya «hd thw ttrawB away, thosr. •traiing that tbe Idea was pracilcal.
for providing a juvenile detention
bouse for a period of tta monlhs.
las that tha atowaa para waaUBnaaa. were not eatlefactory to tbe Inventor
committee on buildings and
•• =at
as hU gasoline motor wm not mngrounds were aulborlzed lo tnrestl
Mrbataa aa# MvOtoatlaa do wet atog as It should baVe done. The ap.
gate tbe matter of purcbaalng a suit0m aadba dAtolr«ortbat. low« U paralue . being conatneted of wood
» dhr. eoasaaaeiiUy yaar by year It would not Btond tbA strain . of
.tlili- lypcwriier for the aounl.v ireas
Twdom -Eyeiae For Prleencra
Butvr's oflHe. and report tomorrow
« aearasr to dha vlctolty of Trav- mazlmam number
At the Jeil Waa Recoma Otty. Oaa of the causes ot this either hence tbe teat waa not a fair
I oidMijMiw ot the people who one although the Uitle motor ae«f tbi>
r it: Baay -lboaghtieaaly paling buggy aloag abo« as fast as a man
At the,, tuointog seaalou of tbe
a to the roots. U tbe Uoaaoma oonld mb.
|i «al ol, tbe pleat srlU oonttoue
Tbe dAviM Is fully toteered by tot- tear^ouperttoor*. a ct
r ha| .pM^ tip the ste cam
Uon frwu. SefreUry John I Bandertetw ot patent held by Mr. Wade.
d^^ Thka a kglta to aetoBon
eon. of the SUie Board ot correetloua
and charities slated (hat a report of
Ibe visit to the Grand Traverse county toil had been made lo tbe board by outing BEACH BEFORE THE
r>OhOdf«a have beu warwed agato
Clappcrtou and that
gpd hsMaaadiaraata baya been earn


•- ••

was recommended ihsi some eaerrt.'c
be provided ibc prisoners, and
flatures added, also that the prisunera be empkiyod to tbe general cleanIne The mailer waa referred to the
conmiltlee on buildings and grounds.
Bberlf Charles Johnson api>care<l be­
fore tbe board and asked that the Jstl
be pjoHded with more bedding. This
was referred lo tbe commltu-e oa
bullttlngi and grounds.
Poor House PropM.cion.
aUu received
frvm Secretory Ssnderwoo.
hoard of corrections and char-'
rbloh It wsu> stated that at A
rtcent meeting Comnilaloaer Clappei^
^ned bavin ^‘wd toh‘ pr«»tor a county bouse to Trar-,
€^>011}- and that tbe board earaesi|t
hWommended tbe ervcNon of a eonnty
house on the land recenUy purchased
tor. to® 'PuiTcae. This recommendatlon was rorwlved and placed
> A general dlscnaston of the poor
house proposlUoB followed, and tbe
'melliods employed by a few laxpev
MM for voting down tbe poor bouse
bonding propotlSon at the receoi elec>
At^Wvas censored. A eircular seal

Land Has Heretofore Been
Would Have gweet Job e

dtoeusaioa foUowad. tt ww..........s. ■.„ mu____
bring shown that A. & Carter, who ■■ISlIIS UTB UBIJ
plaited the property, bad good reaaOB for preferring to pay the whole
taw* ttt*tead ot bavtog the loU aa
..-slot......... ......,
____people do .
*Med tndlvidaally. as this weald ^ imaaoe and rctnarkahle
p^cralency r
ol kidney dacaea '
bring up the taxes oa the rematolag
Whflekidncydto. ,
aarold lots to more than what be to
lOrdCrs are the
now paying for the whole which tt e*____ conitcon
diacaacsstnaiprethat pre-1|
oeaaed to tracts ot 40 and 10 acre*,
vail. tl>c
elc. There hare bees about «.«0e lets
Bold, no stake* having been laid out.
rccogniied by •
and it would he an almoat Imposttble
paiiesd and physidana. »*• «“•task for the arseseor to 8nd tire lots
In order to be able to assess thrm )

TiNMt Id Hera Smat L


anempi to locale their loU. It U said,
laey caonol de eo 'without taking
along the surveyor from Interlocbtn
whirii cosU them more iban a dozea
mnre of tbe tots are worth.' It tt
said that some of the lots are absriuiely worthless, being platted
mud 10 feet deep along the shore ot
Long Lmse. Some are In swampe.
r under water, and some on wnd
According to County Traasarer
Brown there are scree, which
are idaced at IIJOO. the whole
last year amount to tltJl.
Mr. Holovtlle asked If thv owner*
ere giving up uielr hold upon the
lots by allowing Mr. Carter lo pay,
tbe taxes, and be was assured by Mr.
Brown that as long as (be thxn were
paid by Mr. Carter uuriJcltsd and
not been reiuned. V Md not af­
fect Ibe ownerablp in tbe luat-i. ■
•| would be glaJ If *0010 one would
ly my taxes fur iO year® like UttV
told Mr. Brown.
“1 five those who aend ihclr money
written guarantor that tbesr are no
xes agxtost tbilr lots, and this Is as
good e« a Ux rereipi. If any tax is
assessed after that goarwblee. It
would have to come oul of the tress-


paiu in the Wck. kiJners. lirer. bladder A «8aenl BARktatBRalBCBaMB
and ev-crv port of the uriaary PtsMgc.
h correeu inability 10 bold water
snd scakling pain in paaaiwg it, oe hod
eflecta followtuk nae of liquor, wine or
facer, and orercomee that uopleasatil ne- J »cr CCBt aUBvei 88 nfltoI>eB«8tt8
ceaaily of being
amg comi
compelled to go often
during tbe vttv. and lo get up many
times daring tiie DigbU The mil.l sod j
extiaonTinarr effect of 5««ap>Ro0t'
uon realited.' It stands tbe higbeat
for Its wonderfol cares of the moat diasing raan. If vou need a mcvliciiie
should have the besL Sold by drugpats in fifty-cent sod one^lai
bottto aad a
Voa may have a
book tbsit
that Ulls all
abirat it. bdthaect free I
bv mail, ,
Kilmer 5;
hamton.N. ........... .
.............- .
writiiig mentinn this paper and don’t
.istake. but rctDMber tte

Da. F.

Mlaa Pbllips roturm-d SatanUy!
aigbt from i^icogo where aka purebaoed the s'prlog*BDd summer slock
of Doiluna and glow* for J. W. MltllIlMi's dry gads store




Wbwt •' a ro d in the I aad* Koibrat
-.«r*rr ul> >!t |f ym tret.- 1. witj*

.’3-SS'r •JtSJ-S.tS
••I think the Joke Is on the ti
taui ew arrh. wad ib* wleyaw**— ba *« la- AXii SIMM or OUT noimk
rer." said Mr ilolnville.
flcoM tbvt >oo kav« to ficki to* ev-rr
“I think It Is on tbe tot holder*.'’ Twth It H «rw» tkwl Xl>'< Omw> Balm
^ST'a'iSTit '2S"2ir'
told a member.
The mailer was referred lo
iiroaetutiag attorney.
Ur H^vllle is a rwHroad man 1
made a special trip to this rity
streighten out the tangle. He declari-d ibal be had had fun enough
of tbe deal to repay him.
Tbe board adjourned unUI g;30
Ciioii'e Uuoolofud Japan particularly fine fiavor and
morrow morning in order to give the
Uooal alraaKth.
I ■. . „
If you • have trouble
^;ettiB|r b
chairman duie lo apjiolDl bis elandlng
ton tbat
at i* to your liking try a aample pound of tug
We will take our chancee on your ooming baoL
Price, B0e per pond.
From Monday** Record.
Tbe frlenda of Miss Etta Minor wi.*.
ti-. pleased to known sbe baa taken
poKliloD nt Steinberg Bros.' atorn.
Ed Conley, of Napoleon. Ohio, wbo
has been Spending several weeks to
the city snd wbo defeated Prank
Diirns In a wniAtlliig match•At>rilTi).
bn itoumlay a> 3:3() fur Sanduvky.
Uhln He wrestles at Danvlllo. 111.
innlchl. iind a-lll then go lo Astoria,
lire., tor a visit with Ms sister.
Stephen ruek leli Saiiirday nlghi
for Chicago where he will purvhasi'
III.- -prlng -lock of carpi-ls for J.
W, Milliken-e dry goods slur.-,
'Mrs, M Shadek left for Detroit this
niuruiiig to visli her daugliii-i.w H J fluff
nyouarv giHoglodoaoy paipting tbia ■umaaer we want

We Beyeve'"'*“'£.'^L5S:"“J. J.


Paints, Lead and Oil, Varnishes
and ”Mnresco**

Young Woman Found in Awful Con*
dition with Scabier-Bodya Mass
of Sores from Scratching—Tried
Many flemedies for Seven Weeks
-Result Was Discouraging, But

you to call and let ua explain to yon why the *'8barwia 'WIH>
iama" resdy mixed i«>Bt ia tbe beet and meet eoonemical pauit
you out buy. We want to explain to yon i^ibk paiut will
laat longer than oibor painU and why it reqnitae fewer #aHwig
to cover a bniMiog. Two i»>nto that yon ibonll inwaati^la
bfforc you buy. Wv have the Royal C^wn and Oort«B Lead
and '.Midlmd"Oil. We aUo aeli “Mnieaeo” tbe beat wall
finish cf tbem all.

Old Poslomce

"While I war doing mNaloixarr work
in il*e lower portion of acveral euire I
mii II n*.-e>earv lo
to know s lilile <d
• eAtmi-v of a Irw rm-dhtneK and
•V a while I found thsl a liltieknowb
if I'utK-ur*
I'uiK-ur* waa alK,iiiI all I' needed.
1 had to drel
Oar of the veey bad
With wa> that cf a vuung woman who
bad tiKTie i.. u* not broken In
•pini hut in a moat aa-ful eonditioo
ph>-.itwJly. Our doctor examined her
and udd ua Uiac ahe had »»*bre (the
iteh'. Inripw-nl pareah. rh<-uinati«m.
ree.. brought on from expoaure and Ihe
effeeu of btr ragpdudged life. Her
pour bridr waa' a maea of Mxwa from

retain aoito food. ... ........ ........
Prom Wednesday’s Record.
a good look- wat mvaentaed and bwlhi
with a rubbing a>( lard and aolphur. Wi
special ni'fling of the bovil •>( Worked
hard for w-ven wreka ami you
Suiwrclsors war called to ori]<-r
ewn imagine how tfireourxged *e were
eouM are
aftetnooD at tbe court bouse by Co-tn-' whro. after aU that tlm* we (oukl
w day 1 hap­
ty Clark Robert E. Walter, la accord* pened lo lee a Culicura advertiamnit
triling bow a little haby bad been
wHh a Blgned eatl- by the i
eue<r <g a bad caar << aldn enipoon.
Uers. Mr. Walter giving a short nd- and alTfaough I bad bul nmKyewveti
dre« of welcome. S C Uarrow was oeou wilt me. I bought a lake <t Cultelected chairman, and be thanked
board for tbe honor, stating ibsi be wa» like a child with a tvw i*-v and w*
our patiait wHl and gave bar a
eroiild endeavor to .preside as chalt- bathed
■ -• doae
the R<*.,lve»il. She .lept
I night belter than >he had alnre
lo the best of hto ablUiy and
had bra with ua and ibe next
the eatisfaevtoa of every member.
1 located tlw prkv of * b.>x of Cuu
oommunkatlon from Wilber
Omtsirat. I am nol exaggreating
I mr that In exsrtly fire wreto
Watson, representing lie Bureau of vbkn
this young woman was aUr U. look for
bridge and building iospecilon.
read aad IHd apoa the table. Tae moelh tt» Wt Abe buOtt.a^.^ has
matter of tbe Outlog Bcacb reron a go^ posicioa in a nieTmnffy wbrre
tbe voters to bnry tbe propoei- property was taken np. Beveral eom- siw m reoreewe and b Mroog and writ
Uon ao de«p the aupcrrtoori - would mnakailons being read
know they meant It, waa nid to haTe|h<ildert in vrhtch ihky. «emapM filhjl'vO*** Vock. N. T-. Bar. It.
.bean.iNgi oat hy.*tom « tastr.their louhe ------- *

Lots for Sale
Lott of garden and SeM weds for tale at P. Ka' ooraer
Freni atd Caaa Sla Bay what you naeil at on..*e. Tbeae aaeda
> r« freah. from one of the beat areid grawera of thia couatry.
1V», lieana. Sweet-Ooro. the Early. Medium and late aorta,
Amerioui Wonder, Little Gem, Aiuka. Firat and Beal Dwarf
Champion, Telephone, Cbampiou of Englami

Pena, Gddan

Wax. German Wax Beaut. Beett,-Badiabea. Saletfy. figniwhaa,
Baga. Turnip, Cabbage. Carrot. Cocumben, Lettsue, Oatena.
Paranipi, Pumpkin.—Field. Pie and King of th* Maamotb.
Beet tbe blood Turnip.Manganrtxer, Pl'e hare the GoUen Tan­
kard. Mam. kwg Red. Sugar Gianu Coro, Cory. Peep O Day,
Early Mincetola, Mammoth Sugar, three kinda of erergrean,
8Q freeh and way below atcakxr price.




Fully Roasted—
Properly Blended

McLnslilirsXXXX Coffee
Every pA^ace coDtttias one faO pound, and comes
to yaa fa aiMjgbt, dost-proof packagem, which
fceep It fieab. rich and
Mel««falin% XZXX

AU FlnMan

• of Uw fUvelHtiMk


• five
potrder and UU 1<> abMX aaelrTcli
- ATlrr « liUI* imrUrr bt vu raqoiraJ
(o iMloc >n u oaiv wpilnvto u b»
tad ncelrad «tartM nodw pcnaJlr of
s wn«e tectar* or vrca of tariog bij
^dctat'-Maata." At tta ag• »r t««lre
the lav tacaae a I
. WUll
1 Urn fren vhleb to
• acotoro raltad umlast

Urovlac older, be
boaiiM<« beater eC door. elk. boSalo
i|art bmi MUled ja tnllliic «od in
ntiltxtaf corer. cepeble of endorliig
lone narcbeo Utfonab tzacfcloas monntaln bm0a At nlgtat be wu eoateot
to «m
op tn • oiachi bUeUt taolde
aaiaU fire aa« Mmp eaOer the i


taerea. If It releed. la a tew a

be bom btaa Mae ef bark or boafta
wttfc DO InptoBieM bet bb oae peaad
teoatawk. Uiriiiant war wkb the
liidlaae tavbt btm to bt hb own gwaml,.jojM erer oe the alert, to ta^
bb head aad etaM attalght aadte '
Mtad agaiaat an maear who gave ao
Vaarter. wt netated the Urtag aad
aeelpad the dMd. be iMtoe blwelf


Chtengo. April
May. Mo; own. M^c; oats. U%c.
Detroit. April
M^ic; pom. tPe; oats. HHe.
"Ljyi BTOCK.
East Bntale. N. T.. April M.—Cat­
tle. tAOO: aeUte. 16 to »e Ugber.
Voab. 2.6M: actlre; J6e lower at »1
to 1746. BbMp sod lambs. 16400:
tombs, lOe Ugber; sbe^. flm. Hogs,
17400; good weights. 6 to 10c high­
er; Igfat grades steady.
Poutoes wso't as Ugh as M emu
Bstnrdsy. warering betweeo that figaod $7 emu. Today tta market
opened np at 67 eaoU.
Farmers took adranuge of ibe rise
to ita prieo of poutoea sod Batoiday
3S kjadi. wUeb was good business for
the week end trade. Two loads
bay. nioe bead of llrastecfc. and ooe
c-ach of iron and coal were weighed.

few. It grow* oBij’
oecaetMa beeanie tbe famer* bar*
doatrored II ert-rrwbere ebe. Its ler
_ lojarlouf 10 lire itoch."—New
Orteana TtoHO-Democrat.



THt Bntssing Frayer.
Ita codloD of (otiowtog a aseeat with
a prayer goes ao tor baric Into tbe past
It to next to tmpoasibb to tay wben
It aetoaUy began. Aecordlsg to Strada.
.. ......................................
the Aa-



. that attended It after tbe
act of snaetlng made a ebort prayer
te tta gods. Ita Booane after aneeatog eriad oat. "Jnpitar. help mer Tta
oagloto b taUaoid by Boner, tta
Mily JewM wTltns and otbora and to
dnad a^oac soay ntago trtbas.

.... S

Ban Ftolb
kaewa aa tta noat teroctooa r«m»ititit
' tta Boat wariika aatagaa. They Ptoato haddto .....................................ik
Mg, gaut fetlowa. of imi

aMSenUr fstw and great oagacltr- Ponltrr. per ft.......................iteite

ttax are ttalr casmisB, toterrsd tbeir
eyrn daed. anf ttar believed tbst tta
third dnr after bnilal tbe-taart srpsrntsd Itodf from tbe ©orpae sod wu
sarrlsd te tta etoods by an attaint


M. Km


Tta ms W# Ar* H«ir Ts.
TVi* ar* ttato fflodss oC bsartiig tta
whkh M tta oMst mmwm: br papos•phr. wtl<A is tta m«t flsUBtattoss,
aad br iMlgtoa. wbieb to tta most efOemaL-Ksw Tmk Pisss.
Ctermtog Hostea (to djvpeptlc gn«*t
r at all. Cnest-Tl

A Face and an Otieaes.
booae again 1 shall atop IL NoUe
Oftar-Ah. hot It OM a panlababi
tease: Captaln-Of taorM It b. That
b why I want to tbp It-Jndge.

Orlwital Bmeet Teh
and Africa tta oatlres posa avstlc power of rapidly and seMab drasMB b rery often obatl- cr«ly
An tosUoce of this soange

The Brnwaatie Victim.
Ita Barber-Toor bair to comlag «f
on top. str. Tta Crank-Good! I knew
It »as to am Now, for goodsoM- sake,
don't talk to It or It win crawl tarii
ngato.-BC Lonb BepnbUe.
At tta Opera.
*'Wbat was the matter arttb Blgpor
TVsoriT He nag tta drinking —g

eond ilKMnaads of thcae wDtnen r

ecenes be bad ordered for a new produettoo. Tta famooa eeenlc artbt bad
known ManaSeld dntliig the abort peri­
od tta latter dU sane painting to Lou­
don. MansSeM at the time had met
with little aacceos oo the stage and
rery likely thought ta could paint bet­
tor than be coold act.
Is hb comnaaodtog way be told kUrBtoo to take down a certain scene, to
which be aaM tta color was oot prop


poultry, per ft................................. 7©>c
^ A dadpa't Foetbal Requaet.
Froeh Lake Ftoh.
^ nteatara of Pamont Trials.* by
Bet. B. r. Bamaby. b an amoatog
Kory aboBl tta late Lord Bowes, "a wuta Bib
o Ibe 1<
ctaBfolInra breakfast to ISSS ond ad- Bound etoak .................................. U%e
droteed tta tdlowtog reqticst to hb
old friend. Mr. Justice Uattaw;
Mr Pear J. C.—Wm ywe bt fret tt
«• 10
' 4jrta gteat ywwt of t«—octal aget
la (or Pork ^opB ...
■ taro Med to attach
Pock stank ...
tlabtr-Uie*t A D~ (or Ladr
^ —t Bipttcaan to the nattar Tewe
and Lola of poik .
jlewla ^grdijardf aad aowber* ebe;
Pock sassage .
inoe tber ww* acred to tbe dead to baae bt O 4ub D tbes eta._____
Lamb steak ..
hw tietaii tec toeb « mtboaliolr m
m BrtbORM’t Meet eta S '

aMod er«7 Jaiw 1 net wtaj be bad
aa 7*wa a bb pbee. The uswar
^ptwantbegaiDa: -Dojrta tbtob
Vtot to leet S7 cattbT or 'Had oo
MWndowB. TtataaatbogDtatl
tearei to peddle to Ibe boae
tbal b tte eoeiM ^ tte

la tbe mud. yuj might lirltig op a
spongy looking otiject test rearmUe*
tta wUte of aa egg to lu couristeDcy
It looks like a Sower faaAet and may
bare a hermit ciwb inalte. for ibc cnb
Urea at tbe same depth and likes
crawl into the basket, bot be dees i
find mack bosplulUy awsltiuc blm. for
tta sponge cloaes orer blm and bolds
blm forever- Tbb prodmi of tbe sea
b calJed Yena' Sower bosket, so nam­
ed because to lu Bnbbed siaw It migbt
well make a recepUrlo for tbe gar­
lands of tbe goddess of tieaoc.c. This
b after it b cleansd and prepared for
sale, for U Uien looks as If It ver*
made of Sne s|>itn glaaa. with lu Sbout from the bottom,
These are called "vpleules'
to anchor tta aolmal to tta bottoo.'
biM so Bmjly dora it brid oo that It
ukrs 0 good Btroog pull to triog It np.'
Tta Sm Vema' Bower basket to be
cleaned and eoM caail.v brought tta
price Hi <1S0. New, bowerer. a
doUara will bay a rery beautiful


Waahfngtoe aad a Peg.
WbUe tbe Brltbb omitiled niQadel*
phla aad tbe Ammcan force bjr to
wtoter C3snere at Vality Fom, one
day as WiL-jliigtoa and hb etaff were
dlDtog a doe bnaUng dog wblcb
endeotly lost came to seek OMsetlitog
to eat Ou tta coUar was tbe naiae,
*H;etiei«J Howe" tVubJnroo ordeied
that tbe dogaboold be fed. and ttaeo be
U to Phlladeipbla ooder a flag of
I. with a btter reading: "GcaecaJ Butter. emaBsry. psr tb
1 to OMcral
banutoa. par lb ......... .........IBe
Bowe Be dote himaeU tbe pleaean
aa, Aaurienn eraaa. pwlk ..Mo
n to him a dog wbicb acetdeatally fen Into hb baoda and by tbe
toscripUoQ oo tbe eolUr appeara
bag to General Howe" Tbe Drlttob
Id reply aeot a cordial l«t-



Venss* Flawor Baahst.
r Tta paanm grows tn tta pnmi,
If. wben>yoa are in WssbiagMn. you Bcrer aboTu tt Tta Bowen abom
«rtn go Into tta -i-Uldrei’a reoB* at ermnd am stems, bot after tta Bower
yon wm wittasn a stalk ftora an Inek t& two
tee one of tbe most beeottfol {irodor- toctas bag sboob down into tb*
tiojs of the sea. Bo fiaU and artotlr U earth and forma tta nni. At to tb*
Us mataop that yoo feel saiti thjt not natlre eoontry of tta peanut tta opteMCure. bat
WM. man.
...Mill meat
M.WM. have
MM1« produced’
.MMMM.m., ■
W of
W. MM.MMW.. *re dlrlded
Ml • IMCU betwaaB
an ob}ect ul curb delk-at.' beetty. Bctj Africa and .4a>erlcn. It to exteaemiy
narare did I'o It sad nuuir K oo ttai cnltlrated In all tropkal and subtrepbottom of toe sea too. If you will go! icsl coontiba. bot Mcma to thrire '

Tta Hiflissl Wtodmin.
Tta higbsm windmill la England Is
(ta lllcb Mill at GMt Xannootb. It
to bellsred also to be tte taigtast to tta
wotld. Bufll to 1812 at a toul cost of
tSO-OOa tta belgbt to brick to 100 feet
and the'wooden cage on tte sommlt
this qnottar ten feeL
In s Mgb wind the mUI works at thirty
and 4s enpsble of grinding
c( whsst an boar or ennb-

Grand Trarersr.
la the matter of the aeutc of Olircr
P. Hughes, deceased.
notice b hereby glren that four
O. 1*08. bare been all
present their natms against
said deceased to tsld court for exa»
luaUtm and adlasuneat. and that
creditors of said deceased are re­
quited to present tbeir claims to said
‘ probate office In tbe city
of Trarerae City,-to said county, on or
before tbe 18th day of Auguat, A D.,
IWI, and that said claims will be
beard by said eoutt on Tuesday, the
day ef Aogust. A. D. X80*. at ten
o’clock In the forenoon.
Dated April Itth. A O. 1*08.
Jndgs of Probate.
April U 21-28-May 6.
OTATE OF MICHIGAN. THE PBObate Court for the county of
Grand Trarerse.
Id the matter of tbe estate of OueiTut E Brown, deceased.
Notice to hereby glren that fonr
mmths from tbe I4tb day of April. A.
D, im, bare been allowed for eredll&i* to present ihelf claims agalnu

jie prouBiv viirci- in lue ciiy
.. .'rarerae
re City, to said county, on or
before the9 l»th day of Angnsl. A. D.
IMS. and that said claluclaims will
rd by said court on* Wedneadsy,
ihe mb day of AugusL A. D. IMS. at
ten o'clock In the forenoon.
Dnied April 18th. A. D. 1»«8.
Judge of Probate.
April 14-21-i8-May B.
CTATE OF MICHIGAN. THE PRO® bate Court for the county of
Grand Trarerae.
session of sMd conrt. held at
ibate oince.
otSce. In tbe city of Trar• City, in said county, on the I3ih
day of April. A, a IMSPresent: Hon. Fred, R-'Walker,
jdge of Probate.
’ '
In tbe maiicx^ tta estate ot Albert
onner deceased. ‘
petlttbn prkjfng' thst a cerain iDstromenl In wrlttng. ao* on Sle
In said court, purporting to be tbe last
A'llI and Testament of said deceased,
be admitted to probate and the adadnlstrailon of said estate be granted
herself or to some other suitable
It Is ordered that tbe eighth day of
ay. A. D. 1908. at ten o’clock in tbe
reikoon. at said probate oBloe, be
and to hereby appointed for hearing
said petition;
It to further ordered, that
It pnbHi
copy of this-01
rive weeks precious to sold day of
ing. Id tta Grand Trareiwe He^
printed aad clrcucounty
toted to said e<
Judge of ProbawApril l42i-28-May 5.

tainn tte
XVaUris In USi6. Bereaty-BTe miles as
tta crow Sbs and 120 miles by mountsto roads rrom their base at Bbelk
Bodlu tta British troops defeated tta
Waxlrb. Beary mbt piveeotrd tbe
news of tbb
cd natU tta follorrltic day. wbeo. cornbeing opened np. tbe Brittob oOeer at SbeUi BtidlD aaOclpatcd
of tta victory by stating be
To introdnce our basinets we will
had been tofomied of it by lutlves on
tta Twy evening of Ita occurreoce. have,oo sale Wednesday. April 22od
Tta most famooB Instai
s sort snd unlll Salurdsy;
to asBoriated with tta
Lred Mayo by ■ cimvlct In tta Anda- *600 Sne
trees at 81640 per 100
man toUnds. WitUlu a tew hours of leoo tas peach trwe* at
AOO par 100
this mnnler an Englisb adctol c
KteRar Peer Eatr* . trOO per 100
to was tidd by bto Psthsu eervant that
pltim ...................... 1240 per ICO
tbe viceroy wu dead Trirgnma
psr MO
noonclng tta ncm dM not orrirc natu ,
1040 psr too
Ita next day. How racb memoges are 1^0 OPP'*
tranamittod to UiUcd from Baropeous, I
but again sod scsto to India, aa also
to Egypt i':rtog tta Bodanene cam- |

Farmers Read

r war. tbe antbsotleltr

Bohlemler & Son

Prof. Jacoby U In lowu today.
J. W. Ooble has lecnrnlnd from
Sagteaw and resnaM hb duttoa aa
mall carrier oe route No- 1.
A. E BelUAger. of Mapb aty. was
at the Hotel ^tlng today.
Fred Atktoaen. of Lriasd. was to tb*
dty today OB buineaa.
Mrs. Mary McKereher aad dan^the. Mbs Grace, of Letond. arrirod
Mia. MaCBcher intnralag borne tbla afternoon and Mias
[ with trtmda tor
Mri. May Merrin. of Qraarn, was to
the city today rtaluug her SMthw,
Pr«n Baiupday a Becord.
Mrs. C. L. Bt Ctor, Ste will go tt
Helen Whiiaou was to town today.
Bellatre this erenlBg. 8ta was ac­
Beatrice Wedemeler. of Grand Rap- companied by Mn. James H. WinchMs. who has been rialUng Lu town
returned home today.
Mrs. John Allera went to White
Oood today for Baater.

Mfu. NMMn. MlM Bn^
apwit the day to ttb ptoc*.
to SaglMW to an«
Mrs. Qllbwt'a abUr
borne. '





KMiMy-U«ac P(U*







NcskI to

A Big Reception
Biew the rBstSCy** Oannenti at tbe Ncw Style Slorc Ibr U&e' (1ST I
Praat Street) Portieoloriy doriag our 10 lUji Bagtor Sole jwt ondod.
I fW yov. For TraTene(Kt7 Ladies an Del OBfy«on(td8liopp«o
bot good jndgM ot valnes and the hsartj eoppori which “BaraoT" etjUs an iwsiviBg
from fUs olanafdiKriminatugbByari U kcvl cvfdacc whj yap’ibodfl.
vestigato **Bumcy** values ia Udies' Beady-to-Wear; UMsy apRMi to JW

sdl-rc^ccl» to yaar pnnca to ywnr scMC Of 1
•Huige’’ aia called hy their proper nanee at **Bancy*OT no eatgonOtma, bo cOMe
of eometbing for nothing, do old styles to wo^ off on a ootiSdiiig public “for a soRg.”

■lift Meld. nnon. uS IMr Belbaa.;iB 'wrldm u*


th.1 iupire ooofidaioe m -Boecy' »tl«» H» muto i<n

Prices that benefit Buyer and Seller, alike.
A deal that bsBefiia tbs seUar alone‘is not tbs kind of a deal yoa get at
IhcvRoroey Co. is in bnsmeas for profit: mehes a pi^t en CVCT3
•ells; that's what we are hen for «o4 WC*TC hcM to Otay. Bat the
•ble BMrgte of profit oonfers a benefit; A setastaatial money eaving to
of "Boroey" stylee. It» high eoengh to maintain the standeid of **Bomcy**
quality. Just low enon^ to make tbe “ecotoumy" feetaie epperent

Barney Prices are Unifoim.
'rhere ii DOt ooe price for “Mrs. Smith,” another for “Mrs. Jooea,” a price te whisper in
your ear or a drop ef $5 at the door before yoo go ost "Begaler” or “Bale” priM, Ito
toe same to all ot **Bar»cy*a*'. “Hone fading teotiee” are not infiM^ oo tbe -}
npidly growing patrons of tkc BCW atoTC. Your child can boy hare with tbe mm
fseling of seonrity as yotin^.

Think If Over! Act!
Thought without aedon gaini nothing—Yooll be treated with the e
when yon com© simply “to look”.
Here's a chanoe to nee your eyes and jndgmsnt—end ineidentaUy y«
immediate benefit.

arrived too late for our Easter Sale—10 day* over dee—priced to yon this week as followatlMie. in.60 ailk lined Broadebtb Coats, elegant material p)*UL*4 9 mm
tsiioring. your ofaoioe.................................................................................................................

Tan Covert Jackets
$11. $10. $y yalnea, cloth atrapped. hard finished eerrieeUe gaimento
your oboioe.......................... ................................................................................................


42 New "Prince Oiap” Coats
Black Broed cloth and Tan Coverta, most dever little Jacket tbet tbe *
has produiwd........................................................................................................................................

23 UtUlty Coats
Tailored Suits

Im Blmck Suits. Voifc, PuMm, M>d .trip.d Sminw 928 ud

incal la Havaaa Brawa aad Black Drew
SUMS la a Bloat desirable raage ol Styles aad aew FabMea Modcslly
W* premcmt a new

$7.50, $8.75, $9.50, 512.50.
$15.00, $25.00 and $28.00.
Hic "Merry Widow” Petticoats
In a sof^aaEricable T.ffeto or Heatherbloom
an Cnd^rakirt with a xfirf flaring fiotmoe.

For SiLK toe price to

'k. pnaents the moeh deairad featore to



Many other atyle featnres of interest await JM. at OW LlttiC Store Of Bl0 Val-

■ea tlUs wedL Invcettaate.



bum the tomb net to docsors. bet a

SlilE BANSg^ggl:.;

UDM flM ttan 1^ • IM
wortt !■ MH« l« dw v«rk t> tk*
<Wtrteti wtSitt cbmk.

■ftWMW' MMf •! Ikt »•
, Tmcy U7,
0pwi« With « darodoMl^
Mr. Pfaen. Ala
«nls % 9ttH CMkATlwyrHilt; viM kr «■•

_____ ty' irirtiiSf

OM or M akn^ An tka «Mrkt tUn
ora JQ ikat art wMmft fniaw.


Nghi «( Mr. WMafu
Mn. Barr «•■ Miai Joksatoa _. .
■aad faailinf <Uda u Trarcrao Qtr, <

lb« rau aad aceaptad. Knct <
«( Uta I
If f dUMtiattea'---------------------


<Jtf, MMk


Mra. CM^PMm vaa a Tnraree
aiy caller WMafMar.
Bin. Allle Bart left Twadaj tar
rfeasan » rMt bar atotor. Bha haa
______ - tiaur to SO nan.
Urr «aa rMd br Mn. Tannater In
lUan IMUr aad taBU|r .bara
rtlMtl «f d»t OgWtoV TkllVMMV atored inU> tba reafdeaoe raecatlj
boodht at a. A. Brt^m.
r. BUard ten Wadaeaday tor Baea»aha attar a two wacha* itatt wlU hit
alatar. Hr*. Aldriob.
lltaMe lUrcaret Mctotoab




^«!23r .
«to jHro bMB

5.::rirsss K-“a


____ a Oiiy l^t'An Babla llda
j hIMlM Aprfl L Atrt who waa
A-iofS* Pm tmiirnA owlM
If ibnaa Born Iba Baaren AprtI B.


I tba pebHc baa bean BslUac Bm. Jobo Tannul
I tba later- nod taiDlly. left today tor a visit with
Maaito to Grand RapMs.
Bra. L. H. Sbaak. ot ttnpira. wbo
baa baea rlsIUnc to
the city, returned
this mordac.
Bra.I. L. A. Bolmas. of Pomona, wbo
baa been vtsltlne
Holmea. retunied
•tuniad hoi
lone Ui
Bre. Mm Sehiatel left this mora­
ine tor Banlatee tor. a vMt wUfa bar
da^btera, tba BIsaaa Bmma aod Ida
B^iatol, who are enewad In
fUtoary bnatoeas at that pUre.

I Bln •aatas ciww ta report tor



lac b I PMea.'
tractten sltns



gNsrtau mn
Many Meumara, Mambars ef Bretharbead er Ralhaey Trainman and
Udiea' Aimlirary an Train.

In • feaaral decked vpeel
<hht vaa nortal of the UW Byron
luSuif. tbe brakenan on the Pait.
Bsrcdotta (relcht train wbo lost kda
>aa oranco luaeosy.
ha City at S o'olork
I to lu last rest-




at tbe *
A BhOTt prayar
Meesnc SdMrday MemJm
body reatod over idcK tk< Bar. J.
I BaivwO-cnd MsABaa
.Sdrte TBId AlMninn.
epotpaaM the party to Ko-kiska
Bhare tbe fMpral was held trom thb
Cboicb ot Obitat this forenoon. The
"aTthn cottat. Uddan by wreatbs and c
lands ot apwem. wna home to i
t Would Put the Bin in
by M. Scymocr. Chaa. He
c Vaan^ bfc to tka cbair train
Will BcdMflls. Bciin Brya«. Harry
BelUy sod Harry Barkbaad, tbe a B.
naaalon' fa'panad" ~Mtk**a T. and Lodlaa* Auxiliary tonnlnc
tod by tba praaMeot doabla Ilae at tbe depot upon tbelr i
rival, ihraadt width the funeral
.. April IT.—Tbe bo^
paity paaaed to tbv train.

-jiu eurmicy
In the tnaeml party were Mrs.
AMrtcb bill,
pod Bh0ae<a rt Prayy
Story Blehhrda. widow ot the dae boi
’ * •ntep. 1BaapMkar«
eannad. Bra. SUry Moore, her mother.
______-fioeeihn of prayer as
Mlaa Ada Moore, a sUtar. Arthur
I bill.,
Moore, a brother, and bis vrita, and
be bW in serious leopardb’.
....___ % alM depiorad tba
e( prayer is tbe pablle aebooU, Bra. Dorm SUr- a aliier ot Mr. Bleb000,000 over U
■alraralitoe aad ell pnbUe ards. Tbe train was to charce


the aattoaol caplial.



Mktad. .wbo foM that prayer la oral arra
X. W. Do
itttdtoMtddMr b
B. Gcmdor. P.
------------------laa. Q. Kela.
9. Kaowlas.
Kela. !B. OlcaW. Arnold,
a Miller.
.. AC tbe Priliat Ttma.“
.. son.. M.
Cbarlos Haw, £. Bract. J.
many Ineldeata ot wbere prayar HawKl.
RaUly. ... ____.___
C^i«f.wbo..k.-f Mbara ut tta B. B. T.
The members of the Ladtor* AnxlHa ebaek
asM to tbam by a cwttomaa
waa iao mltos diaual, tor
Saltarly. Lowrenee.
•ayptour, Ooodnr. Bona Pltacaratd.
] amt Batvday PsbiBB. Brins. Hewltv.rcrsaaea and
o( tbe (toarob. ReOly.
The anoctol trala Was turcdabdl by
1 Hltle baatoau a derotlonal
t tor tba
pMlac to ebarse of N. A. BoTop waa emtort of the tonara] party. B. B. Day
•ddmaad tbe Arrtek and J^Wkka. of tba Haa-



25' ■■






WtPu Bt Ihe.>|trpp8—aat

at 'The waa doaa la an arSatic and approprtete manner, tba wntslda ot the ear
on boa dMad batoc


depot to pay.thatr
end.many trthataa to ^
^ aeeaMtlen «t wealth


u« «m>

_______et tba_____________
Anetber bad feature U the
tbWM and tMtlylnc dIstHeu Is
• artih whleb to earry
woriL Tba epaakar Udd ot
10 tor pno^
I Be evs cHltnct iw
B to' CM lllUa Cher > one ionday
«>vrto lM«ad to taka atcht ot the tea
Mam oto of feta owa poekei. Ooe

Tba~ toMtoWt was to
ka^ Mtotf. Mda
or Mr. Blebarda* mother.

the ^aCntjepm^

A. Barber, ot South Boardman. arttvad tbis aftmoob tor a visit

Wyckoff arrived tMs aftaraooa ttrm

Mayfeeld. lor a akort atay to the dty.
& Otiy Walter, ot PBo Lake. Is
vmoac ms ncwisor. umacy vtam
Walter bstora potoc to BsaUto. Wask.
Ha will ba atectopadlad by two
i of soam of tba matobara. Tor Meads. Haoiy tmmka aad Dnipfe
m ta ooa plaea otome thoy uewe.
Bra. Otto0 Krselka ttfe UtUa daiBh*
% efebrto the aan spend ahoM
E went
Mealon tola
ter. Svdra.
_ _________
eralBc tor a visit vdto relattvoa.
r tho oaka of a tww diamfe. Lost
«r lU. WhtHfepfei ilbaahad 4U aer-


,> -a

bat craa he «aa aadaSed hj aetoal
touch. Tbare la toe atystery or mir­
acle la U. bat tba taadmoay of Jamw
mnat ba
takea and ha said,’TTbaadi ra dantroT
this tempia of my body yet to Urea
days ahatt 1 rwlia It.’ Bran by our
reoaoo tbaa we cam prove the
sJbUa- ead to thiB Ilea ear own hope

Iba troable then la not tbe reallsaUno d this iralh bat tba -■atvrdar.
Tba Quaker Madietoe company, who ot it. It Is one UUnc
iva bane bare for the past wiek. toft,aaotoer u raallsi
raallaa It and aathis moraine tor Interlochra.
Dld tba martrra
eOMiNATC* hKW' VOBK TflAC- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!•>»»“*"■ taliahaod? No. bnl lor a
41 treat truth. Tba day waa Mt naani
by God to ba oalabrwtad bat that H
abenld throw down the wall beiweau
Proai PrUay'a Baoord.
Hrt. c C. Sly. of PoDttae. and Mrf. the apirttoal and pbyaieal world. Salaskneae is the wtndlnc sheet which
FWnl. ot Ann
... . imt»
--------------- bands aad feet and prevents
paaaad throoih the cKy
**i«p frpin helplne.ptbera To be raaurI callad
tram our
PalUloo thbi taomloi by tba'iilDaaaltalf-eooatrucied tomb. |bat to the
Of bar ton. Jaaoe. wbo wai tokao with. raaaoo aad the pai
wbUa Tleltlo* Iriaodt -t
--------order was
■ .founded to aave tbe
that fee.
tomb from the teracen but Ha mod
Bra. A V. Kirby 1;^ today
aod taleber porpooe ahonld be to
Boywa Ct^ tor a rtalt with
Ith trli
at tor Him.
Bra. Jamaa Whitley returned to
ue Its dcnlftcohee from madam
Borne dtr today after a rwt with obdvIoD. Ae we rise rroai tbe tomb
we win Ifve to newnaas
Biss Bahai SIcBIchael. wbo is UkKorcad. hlraady In 'ptacBeal eontrol
Inc a eoursa in tba Ormad Raiddn Of MIe. And •• It waa towodlblt
Madarcattaa sebool. has returned ChrUi t
bone tor ttster.
put U hla bands the

WM rMNilty 0»MM«
«■ ■four


tordbly lau thdr Oe^t that
tally bdlavad they aaw him. Bat
weald not be racocnlaad by any
set the

Mr. aad Mra. R. w. Mamiy. (<
OaiMaa. opsM teolsr wfth Br. wd
Mra. Ban Moougoa driving aver ta
thatr car. Mr. sad ra. Wtales BaMta
atao drove over.
•F the happy bmm d to-day M a VMt
Mr. Hid Mn. Bart Vtach. of CadOtoad d faderamtlaa •• to the best tosthods
tec. aiMt Easter la the ' Bty. Mr.

Ofte of tite

sMt Urine and laowMce d tba woridh
Pmdacto d eebml asetOcnce aod
BsstatUde-^iu. ttosonahli daf MMUoUy pNeeated
and which have nttwead to wecld-wito
the apfuoval d tbe
WBI-liiImmal of the World: not of todiriduab only, but «f the mmiT who have
kia aorrie^l the Hm h
MathodUl tbe bappj faculty of sclaeting an-l obuinebureb be«U wUh a larpdy attaodad tog the brat the wuiU afloctk
•OB rlaa prayer meettoc- This waa
Otm of the products cf that Mam. of
oUowed by the lucular omrnliic ser­ fatown wimpotxnt porto. aa Ethical
vice at te;te. the Rev. Jmepb Duttoa remedy, approved by phy
Master aenaon.
mended by the Writ-Informed of the
■nolle by tbe duir bdne prapsrad WoridasavsluaUe and wbolraranc family
espadaJly tor the oerriae and hatac laxative b tbe writ-knon ^nip d Fip
exoaUsBilr clvasL At S o-cloek to the and Elixir of Senna. Togetito
afternooo. tbe cbildren of the Sunday eflrcts always buy the geauine. nisasaehoel cava an tester proeram. the
fsetured by the CslifoRiis Hg Syrup Cb«
eaerdaas belnc very appropriate to
only, aod (ot rale by aU kading druggiris.'
tbe day.
Qraca Church.
Tbe holy eucbarlst was eelabraied
at Grace church at T o'clock yaeterday
line, the celebration betop plain
and many cornmnnlcnnu bvlnx pn-v
Id the matter of the estate ol Ben­
At 10 :U. morntoc prayer was jamin F Holoomb,
Nollre U hereby given that tour
add Plato aa a Araparatlon
•acood celeUratloa at 10:SO. At tbe mouths from tbe *Mh day ot March,
A. D ISOS, have bean allowed for
monilne aarrlcc. the vested cboir croditora to present tbelr claim*
sane. "Cbtlst Our Paasorcr." by K W. agatost said deceased to said conrt
Read; -Ha is Not Hare. Ho Is RUeo."
hoaE. *0 AoyfQ]
Hackner^ etoaa.

Mr «oi alMpi « Tlw MiM


Iimtec toe Baaday iefeod hear a
•bolt Baster pracraas waa civaa:
Toeal aelo.

The Knisbts Templars attended the
Bapum church Sunday, the Rev.
Oaorca B. Lockhart taktog
nutadaet the t4lh varae of the second
chaptor ot Acts. "Whom God hath
raised up, having loosed tbe palia:
possible ihst he
ahonld be boMen ot ILIt to «tttog. told Mr. Lo^hari. that
the order aboold -warship wlih
ehoseh since each had tbelr orUrto to
the taata>«- There have been many
attempts to show whai the ralstog ot
Christ fiuto tba dead was an tmpoaalhiUty and amoac ibcae them bare
The drat is that the soeallad dMth
ot Ohrtot was to raallty oaly a r
(bat tba cool air ot the vault, tte
npttto aad the ravtviac otounanto
broackt aboot hto roeovery. But ta
the atanpta narraUve ot tbe acriptoraa
there to noUIng to aapport thla.
tearaotar of Cfertot. on the utoer head
sraau not have allowed IBm lo say
His lam wordk naa loo. ha <

9 very fitune aad
eanilful music duiinc tba oarvice.
The dtolr cooxlsted bt: Sopranos.
Mrs. Dnrfae and Miiaca Rosser,
horal snd tebrett; aho. Mesdi
Porter aod Beonett and Mlisat VandarHp nod Lniman; iraors, Mesni
Huxbn, Goble and P- Ashton: basa.
Dortae lOrby and 8. Aahtoo' The
Mra- W. L. Dtwlu.
They sane tbe anthem. "He U Risen'
tI Hartter
very beantitullyf
Kirby sane
Trosttoe to Thy Love," Mi solo betof
beautitnily raadend.
Tbe Rniebts were aocompanlad
tbo church by OAmpbell's band.
PIrat Conprabatiaftal.
Soul Inspirtoe and brti«toe 1:
rlceer touch wlih Uie one who put
the me rtmt was. nnd If, r
ever ahalt be. wWv the Easter service*
PIrai OoneraiaUooal church
lesiarday mnrMnc. BMier music was
ntlered with a revereaee and depth
ot meaoinc that touched tbe baarU of
tbe audlenee aod Inspinsi tbaot with
■ he true meaatoc of the day ot
Tbe toltowtoe proeram was elvan
r a double quartet, assisted by Miss
Grace L. Harner:
Voluntary Larto (from Xem-s)
rlollD<ello solo with plpeoresn. Han­
del—Hies Harner
Anthem. "This Is (he Day." Maraton
Bruponee. "1 Am the ResurreetJoD."
"And^Cbe GlOry or the Lord." trom
the Masalsh. Handel.
Offertory. riolln-caUu aolo. "Sons
ibe Evanlne Star." (from "Tanohaiuer-j R. Waener—Miss Hamer
Anthem. "Heaven Unfolds lu Por­
tals Wide,- West
Poatlode. "Tannhausar March." R.
Waenar. Harry Hamer.
"Because*I Uve. Ya Shall Live
Also.” ware tbe words Ukea by the
Rcr. Demas Coctalto tor bU text.
Spaetol tester music was tarotsbed
at the evenlnc sarncc. the Rev. Demas
Cochito chostoc tor kU text a port ot
tbe }0(b verse of the Mih chapter of
6(. John. "ThFn were the dlsdplea
glad when they aaw tbe U>rd
AsbvryM. E.
At Asbutyr church, tbe regular choir
consisttos ot II voices, under the dltecUun of F O. Millar.
anthems, tbe toUowing being s pro­
gram of the music:
Orcan prelude. “Cbrlsi Is Risen."
by Horapool—HIM Irwin
Aolbem, -Welcome. Happy Horn­
ing." by Leman—Mlm Emma Pybus.
soprano. Hrs. R. B. Herkner, alto.
Offertory, piaoo. -Wayalde Chapel.'
try WUsoe—MISS Irwtn.
Quartet. -Work. Pbr tbe Night Is
pybus. Theo­
bald. Pierce and Hrs Herkner.
Anthem. "Lord. God of Hoats.'
Pke—Miss Bale Keoyon, soprano
PosUuda. piano, "testei
aL- by WlWcm-Mlss Irwto,
Tbe text tor tbe sermon was taken
from tbe eleveath chapter ot Jobs.
»-K: "Janus said unto her, I am the
and tbe Mfe-. He 0^1 bw
Ueveth In me. though be were dead,
rm ahall be Uve: and whoaoever
Ueeth and
BailFVeat thou this "
The avaaing aamek was
Organ praluje. "Hadli
Wymn-Mlaa Irwta.
Anthem. -Cbrlst. tbe Lord Is Rlsea
Today." by Sohannaa-Mtos Etole
Kenyoa,'Om>ram>: Mist Ruby Ptorta.
; Arthar Mx^

muDlon Serrtee to F. Tbe cx;ellvOo
of both tbe solas and chorus «o-l.
UroBitbi forth nothtoc but the
rsvorable commenL

..... ™

required to present tbelr claim.
probate otaeo.
the city of Traverse City, in said
Muniy, o nfer before the trd day ot
Aucust. A. D. 1»08, and (hat said
rlatms will be hesra by said conn ou
lay ot ,

... Ku.,; J."3S:

Presbyieriaii church both momlng aud moo.
ventoe. tbe cboir belnt laaUted by t Dated March MKh. A. D. INIB.
Mra. K. B. Korat. who sa^ at the j
taorelne service, -'te«<«r Eve.- the;
Tudea of Probata,
music being by Gounod: Miss Olive! March SI. Apl. 7. 14. SI. tS.
Lolwon and Measn« Snyder and Holll- i
-----------------------da.v. to the evenlns. Mlu Dobson! TRAVERSE CITY RAILROAD COM^aDK. "Allellua.' Tbe mnaic was very |
bc:-jlir-j| Slid approprtala to the day
Netica to StockhoMaroi
rraverae C»y. Mich. Hareh It. IME
; The annual meeUng ot the stock­
♦ «♦♦♦♦ tPVObbbb, holden ot the Traversa City Rallruad
k'l to bttirday's Bacord.
rompany. for the eleetton ot seven
iTorenee Crotser went to Howe.! Ulrectora to serve for the ansnlae
Ijjter party there.
nj,, meettof, vrtll be held at the otIra. C. 8. Pardy. of Wexford, and gee of Mr. Tbmnas T. Bates, to the
city —
of -----------Traveiw —..
Qly. Or^
ier dsugbier iwtnrned home today,
——- Trav-----Mra. E. Sumner wen. to Copemlsb
10 spend tbe day.
Metheanr. Sec.
Mra. R. E. Wood, formerly of this
Mar, }t. SI. Apt 7. H. «. 28. May 8.
ly. went lo Moslck (his morning'
«-liere her husluiod ban lorated,
Max Noel, rapraiai^tog a Chtcsgo
WHUrd Friedrich went to FOucb this Jewelry boose, greete^old trlaads la
morning to saeod the day.
the tliy today rli..- «n nlaetcc of
Rachel Harrington, ot Soloa, sram
two yc:.:.
home today lo spend Easier.
. E. J. Uddy. agent of the O. R. A L
Mn. Elsie R. Hannah and Mrs. C.
whm to Reed Oty today Wapaad Sun­
M. Beers accompanUJ by Miss Plorday.
<nce Croiser. left this morning for
Mrs. LeVatler. ot Rapid City, la to
Lima. lad., where they win attend
town to apand Eaaier with bar taitaer
Military BsU given by the
Geo. F. Jamroon.
Howe school.
Mra. Edwwrd Psyson has returned
from a vltU In Cbleago. Her alr.terin-tow. Mia* Bickford, whose father
ocemly died, accompanied her and
win make her home bore.
1. Cottliel, and aon. J. Goltlieb. left
lor Detioll thla morning
Mr Gottl,cb. who haa been 111. will enier the
boejilta! there.
Mrs. Norman Morgaa. for masv
tare a reetdeDt of Saull 6te Marie.
It now making her home at Omena.
paased through the city today on her
her old bODw at the "Soo."
where she will visit frleadi. Sba
ipanled a* tar aa this city
Frank Craher and Mlaa Rath
Craker of Omena. and Mia McKln\lma. wbo i* vlalUng at

mau. who ba* been visiting her *l*Mra. George Tybr. at Uk.- Ann.
paased Ibroagh iba city today <w ber
return home, accompanied b> Mra
Tyler ,who will visit ber at her borne.
Mrs. John H. Hudson
through the dty today t.a ni* wt> to
Boyne CIt} on butlenss
Mr* T, Mi*er. of M> PleatuBii. re­
turned borne today after vtattikg Mr
aod Mra W U. Nelaoo

It Stops itch
w « mn*A*bW
«h*ry t> >
■op acoaicsadhMl ww All u* \
«^ri eoacat Icr
■ WM«. *xl **k rheew.
A-y owe «he . I«ari«> wah rh. U

D(. A. w. CW. the isnoK R
■aih*t. kaew, dul le» ?*.»»•■» •
■<k m ofipwaucy •( Wvea w wque
writ dw UM ««w9w wokJ tT*4U.
t* k*

•• aafTChody »■ dri ••

Dr. A. W. Chase’s
Yea oa post ih> terirodyfe ray ewa
ri anma. Aiwa ri< L> Ira. appkma.



E. Whlkar.
■ idge of Probate.
In tbe matter ot tbe eatate ot Atom
•on Tyrroll. decaasad.
Noble TyrrHI. having Ued to ssld ).
Samuel p. Dean or to •
suitable perato;orderrd tbatl
April. J
the lorcnoon. at uid probata c _. .
be aad li FM-n-ln' sppotnted tm hsaft
tog raid petltlu
Mve thereof be given I. .
«t • copy ot this order, tor throe one- '
ceulre week* prertoun to said day of
tog, in the Grand Travnroa 1...
_ ............. • printed aad clrou* •
lated to said county.
Judge of Proteta..
Apl. 7. 14. 21. 28.

E & I. L IK an





O. BtBLT a. P A




$3.00, $2.75,
Ourtfwde » ffettio£
better oo this dau
sboes becBwt peopie





Skms Pi HmPsi

Pi icts is our Motto.


Rugs, Lace Curtains
or Draperies.
and you will be pleased with a large aMortment.
The homewife can hnd komethiaf; in our
store to fit the needs of boutccleaning
lime. An we ask i« an iospectioo.

To ^tmt^mrrry^r*
Wc ate offering a fine iioe of l ishing Tackle
to select from.

WE Have

a very fine lin e of

Household Furniture and HardwsK
Will be glad to hnro yoo look om
oar liiMW aad talk (o ns aboot


^llh. EA Kaasity. 9r, D
R. Y- ai------'I «a wariOad wta a oroa bra ri aoram

IIOAKjm PHDbate aeon fOr the eMnty «r
Grand Traverse.
At a aaaalon it said coort. bMd at
the probate oOee. to the dty ot Tcaverte City, to said county, on the <U






tm U Ymv Post, mi

Aiomdas Ym

ima uttET poTAnEs


An Arttelcs MbM Be Slpei.

HELPS BY rtiAcn^

Write OBy Os 0«e SMe el tte Paper


Oathar toaae oM appto aad‘paweh! ter ooapia
Never feed cotw ia wlaiar wUhoet can lbe>- epect a borae to kwow
traco that toaea toUea aad are kaa-jaDoth aod
waratfag It. Ptor Uytag heaa ft la ihu Ue mater Bet they elm
Too tig boaao to a pAg arc ohaa
hortag MDIatoa of laaoeu ibat wBI
beuer w warm all teed; bat aay aod edNm.awa a borae roallr
weak aad will toot Mppon tbalr
to Caaaod toy a Paaoatoa oad ia Nat deairoy yoar yeaag treaa-aai yoar
) of BtralnMaB. Ala,
gtmia aa cold aa cor* to. wot At to be Bora (uae tUa hto aWMer.^
w^t aa watt ai nay of tba flsar
. VM IM Mri Whtto m T)f»N
Ttohamrtaato. aa toaar
growiag er^t. Pile OtOB m eeaic
Bodrigeai roach of jawalhxrrd by may fOwl uettl the chill
Stady yoar
hoaad oaaa of the aa» atae.
Think. .
rich *iMt aad bare theai. Thto awke* 471.MO actea la the toau of Doraaga. U reaiOTvi.
\ haow bow
fbr th* km tow noatka of a plg^
Bccntariiy u u ssaaoUel to tbo]
Itfa wa aaaat faod aaek toad aa wUI
(By K. B. BfWMtt)
<By Pcaf. A. & Alsaadar.l
place to aow eartycahhage aod ttoaa- deal are 9S4B0 Bead of goau ud S. fectHftg B fowls.
pfodaea baaaa aad maacla. ^ut a<
No food AAMt U .
coil ^le.
Pavic ofiaa coaa w the a
'SUB Btok hu a-kigh vaioe to egg]
aaaa Um. tf aacoaiary. we ahoald
mmi to fltoUtoM owttriM u to* p»
1 If *e coHd make Mag term coaThirty (araera ta Kanaaa arc eo- prodocUeai. Dut wuto a hit
that wrkey# have haao af-l Thera la aiiwb ealatWa Wbm km
toad aaeogh cam to kaap It to good
' irmrto-uy thru B tv* yaan-wlth
taw. ThM* m protehtr »ort tou
tooted with tubarcaloali whao oo each apriag la repalrlag br^ae parta oparatlag with the agriralteral de
leor employera. It aaaa* to Be that
«M toawtaa WMIM of yeutoM
of plo«w. ofttogtora aad gwilog the
atooghtoitug tbaB their Ueeie
Bwwra «A yaar. yat w iHUa U
fonad to be ataddad over wHb rouad
■«*> IBprored. Too a
•iMva afeaai awUty M vaitatiw to
There are a few daya ealy MiAt aac- perta Uee foaad In Peru. South AbBat wb'aa flalahlag thna of for mar od. yaUoetok. aae-Uka baaekn to
oalres double tbe labor h. ..________ ,
MMoa* Ato( mm auriiati
hat It ta beat to give watania plaee which a puiy or chaeay aubauace la caaafnl plowliig
trrwitd and then the levulu are *#*•. «k« Tur aroaad and prater to dapoad
Aal two typaa or klB4a of poutoaa.
touad; or It ouy be that the aaca •prlag- aad that Is wben tob aoU la ta
ffixtaoa beat sugar
of tha Bilk.
.>4M ta« aa« Uia whK*. OoaauBara o(
)u«t tba rightaootottoo. Now be Hkblgu to no: prodi
Thera N ao tana aalaar ao aully re ftllod with trauparent llguM.
Tbe cow to the BKhlae. the food to '®
op dar'
otoar fndu daauutd car- aleatad by coU w a hag. You cu
Tbaaa obtaeta la reality are byda- ready for thla. Sew ap tbe ripped bar- pounds of angar Ntee thoaaud four
• sheet tocwwH *B
tala aarlatiaa aad a -otrtato viaaUty
raM aad M the coUara mad hundred acTB were pluted to beet* the raw Baiei(al. milk, buitor aad
aam froaae a hog fat. Bat It to eaoy tldi or ayita of a paraalta whtcli Bay
to tbaaa frtota. ab that aon* vartoUaa
larly aSact bu aad doaa ao af­ ua«a. hare the doable ud atogle toot year and tanner* received •t.SOv,- chvB are the Buutai
to froaoe oaa laaa.
The daloiBU to the BaaufacUrer.
' hrtoc Bwm thu twiea aa aucb par
ku tIlUa Mb eoBW dartog the
The procsB or grading ap bitaga drift to tba cltta* where they <
oalt aa Ua auAat aa other vartatiaa.
I are eery awoMma. tor theaa par- Uer* to o good -aapply of ofiao Hak^
W. J. Moaroe H Iowa hu iM
w^tor It to naeaaaary that they ba
OB* coMlnnHIy aaarer t* the teU
guinea to ««alty la aa praat
allowed a Uiila rra tor anretoa oat aake eyata are the larrat foraa of the ud lap rlnga oa baad.-~Docle Heary. SBHIest cohs ever bom In tMt atoi*.
tb aaHiMto aa* typab at potatoaa aa
They an BhBlud twin*, ^th nund. Wood, which to a source of HI aaitoaide of the pea. for they wlU aot tier iapawom of the dog (toeala ecMi
to too In^. Thb tUlaraaea to haaad oaa walgbs eigbtoea potiad* aM tscUoB aad profit (n *tock feeding.
<fae aaoagh to ba thrifty la a aaul ooccw )bhd the coadmeea produo
It reoHrea AjitnUt of claoer appUMalis IMiMiMi aa Oat aaww ato^
Tbe^aothortitoa «< th* TOH sap*
All the uUBtoto..»«k 1*> kaadlag •toe other iwanty-three pouda. Ykey
lUoB and stiMy ataag a stogie Itee aakt stotioo are advodHtac PB
kata ata (totoiaklM a Ugh «aa)lty at
can both stand up and wilt Uve.l
To ralaa pork at a prott ^mi
potato at a Mch pttoa.
John P. Brown, the catolpa expert, to nuke a spaciaky go. but whra It
tom BoIhlBg hat waU-atatorod haga:
Tha aMt Aaaifakto pouto
la order to toaar* a rioe crop for
hu norally Antohed pluttof a».«00
iadgaeat to aU yoar work, Teed I* uatt Nr bamaa aae. for ti to poaTbe ntu who works su sU-adlly (Mt .jme birds akmg tbe MiBtoHppI rtfar
etopa aid atoa for an parpoaoa to
aad care for roar heu to u totoUl- alble that ooioe of the eyata are allra.
See lUi aU laiau to the palia.
. tree* on bis plantation at Carway. be never hu ftms to atop and mak* sporUBW aro oowIib bus* ffnaallor. to otbU worto. cootata the heads
and Mratoer are «eU made aad dlled Ala., ud ZOO.Ata Bore Of sBairHxe hto ptau abaad 4ob aot otUa pcw-'hm of wBd rtoa seed.
It atoaoW weigh tea to
to naraery BeHdes thto he hu aet
aeU yoar hoga to Ua baot-ourhat.
with eolder.
dnee tbe beet rosHu.
oaaoaa. Ttoa ayotoatoaald ba Mallow,
Droaght la parta Of Texu tMa wteTba ttore u aiarkct ptoa u tha beat that Bight m being tiaaaterrad
Do ut pul cream to u oM cu that 9M.OOO tree* tor the L. A N. railroad.
itoarty an tha piotala id tha potato tomotaga
U there were no otbto argniarat la ter bu rosaltad to (be Mb a( banA HU prohlUitog farmer* ol the
la at a Ubb wkea other tha kamu body eanu the dlaai
AM A ihiaa part ef'tha atareh'to bont hayora hare aold. had thu avoid tba wMch Bay affect not only tbe liver hu the tin partly worn of. Tha cu new Slate of OUahona from sowing Uvor of keaplDg slock the Hngle oor dreds Of cattle. Many matAB w«*

tha aartoaa al tha tahar. K tha ayc^ glut |h tha Barketa that U aura
bat the luaga and heart, u ^eU .u
Johnau grass hu bafn approved by of bolplag ta market fba balky pro- dteertad oa aacowt of lock af water.
effect upoo milk or cream
dneto at tbe tamt aboHd b« coaiM
aro doap. tha tabor lirapdar la fona.
Tbe govciwBeat of ffwilB ta pWbMM leoa laporiut orgaae;
» erery year at oartaia tBaa.
parta a pecallar aaaulllc Savor Utu- (be governor. It Hso nukea It a mU- ered.
tha laaa fPHa pailag will ho fna H
Biag a toreMiy anblMttaa to b* b*M
It also affocu catUe, ud tbe othet
«lto that come to eoolaet wUb milk or demeanor tor uy person to aell bay
iree of lacomr ekich briaB
^ M at tha tola im. AB tbo aaMtma
day we axaalaed tha liver., pploea
cream cu beat be cleaacd by ' Im or grain /rom Johnson gnus land
■tito randy atom-y every day or jof tbe world will be usKed to uk*
aod lung d a cow which bU been
Without (ntorulng th« purchaser.
Tha akta «( tha potato ahotod ka la oaa of oar paataraa thaie grew hlUad aa a *t>toer.'- and thoiwbt to be itnslDg in cold water ud tbea waab- teptiu eoixoo hu been aneceaw every wyck to a great baacAl to tba part.
tog wUb a bruah and hot water.
I iBBtanu oak ttoa wUeh
I to wtthauad tka
toraWy of (ba '
fully grown In New Mexico ud Ari
UBtad state* DepanassM af AgrtaMI wMM potatoaa neaiva to algaa of dying, aad ao Baalfeat wai^ There to no core Nr the dtoaaaa. It Some beUeve that a waahing powder 4utoa-by tbe borean H ptont Industry.
they that wa cboae « resady trocn b bbtibciM b, <b. .aibi .c or should be added to ibc wash water. Severn million dollar* worth of this
tbagiwwarto tk«
ao tack aboat laraUag.' tore, has bera Margtd wHb ■ndllag
ra) aaggoatad aad begu traatlag Ib. i.p.n>nb tn_ Ibo do. v-i»a< J,
Baerk. aucceB to tbe resHi of wail- by <
t GHJorata aad
free ,from cotton 4s Im^rtra Into the UaUed laM plaaa. and (be faHores. wUh rare Wyoming.
•aaaa «r tha, h<tkaat aaokty hava
bto Mubb.
ul rooa. »-b»
SUtes ea^ ykar
___ aod Its growth here
ttoa aktoa. Tkaoa >wald ba kaadtod A bar of two aod uoAaU Inch Iron, the egg paiBee Into the atomaM the grease, goap should.never be used.
of the lack of; Farmara af Iowa are bagtaaing W .
. .
|real;ae (be ratoc at (be eaUoawood
to aatoU cTptaa or hoaaa. to ihto way tipped wtih a ateaf point, wu aaod la aahryo tapewormr bore their way to buying a washing i>owder gel a I
tl-l U raluln.
aitoia el tha pawara of Oolorado ara drtUM botoa la tbe acdl at apedted through the walla low tha Hood cir Knu.
do pot pra-'grovB M 4bHr tanm. Oa* au aaar
from grease or get ordtoary sal soda
Oliver, died at bis hmM at
aeea Jaat aadar the tree. In the Cttlalloo ud are carried to the blood
malftog ooaaMarabla Bora tor tha
South Brad. Ind, at the age
S( maneatly braefit (be toad. They have CUrioabutost aold laMAIaHHeatffodact thu tha gaoaral Borkot. helae we crowded faUra team and atream to vartoua parta of (be body. and uae It spsrtagjb^. After wuhlag yearn. He came to tid* country^ from ibeir legltiBtote uaB to helptog to tonwood lambae tot aboat fiWt).
tbe utensU* with hd^ water, rinse
> wood Mbs. Tka holaa iwma
fteceatly a farmer at Orwafiy a
•raw aftor tka aapaaaa of kudUog
Tha liver -atopa Boat td them aad thoroughly with bOltog water and *e«**a*^ ‘a !»*«■ » puf "H1 fftrad- produce larger era*, bat tb^ du uoi
epw ud oeeaBMuny atoro learaa theylbara proc^ to devolep; KMoe,
aad tba kaa to taku oat.
make (be land uy richer.
Thu ly. Iowa. loH Mta worth af.Mv* a
^ce ibem whaee they cut corn to
»*“ *»* Invented the ptow^
PalortmalpM^ toaaUiy gad a*«ibouM be naed to eoanectoaa with
bowevar. Bay carry put to other on come to eouact wtoh (he direct raya
*»»e Mm fama and fortune.
other manure.
dtoMiitog^ aw two ektotobtoiB Mt
Be, u tha l«u» heart ud aploaa. Of the sun. in waa^ Abe osdtoary
A ire ot th* Bmradort Stock taU*
Affeciad liver* may ealarga to an dve. eight or ten 'gaiMn milk era. be «' Le**»rra. Ry.. deairoyed Ulrty- '"'TbeJe 1* ao profit la the arerag*
Btgh aaiUty to potatoaa aooordlag u Siamlagly all’ll needed wna natural Immenu degree. Some cattle liver*
crop. If you canaot prodaca m
sure ibsl the inside of tbe shoulder
tu”* aud eleven todls to
. Iho gaMnUy aeooptad dadalUoa 'of food.
com. wheat “
or P«
potatoes from u a
have bora found to weigh u tnnch a*
troular bam. The
The barn
Here la aaothar treatatent: Open IKt ponnda. while tbe b<«'t liver, nor- ol Hie can hu bcun rubbed with tbej '■'»*' I6.00U bam.
tha tana. oeaNaU la Bealtoaaa u«
s to Maryland, bm a*Hn
aad the feed was^k 1
^ yield reported
good kavar to toa oookad pototo; Tha ouftda are ganataUy left to decay amlly but tour pounds to wetgbunay
» to ru a fnna
The farm Is wellI known
known u
department of
o agrlcHtiire thea
__ |
innxMf to M or lOU pounds,
lafMc chacaetartotle oaa ba ooatrol- right along, bin wa bad all these ud' Inerewe
I profit ertthon p
yon would better refoim your land
iad patlto ky aril ceadltleBa aad Bate- tba open covIUb well etoaaad ud| u dogs sprrad thla dtoem. which cu may be baked on by comiitg
and your pnctices, for sorely Ibete Is and has daeUad to seU a aatabar at
bom cattle.
comaci with but wder.
ton aaiplr. A toeaa «I1 aid aaaat caiefHty tiled. Base wore Uled with ^ ,c*und to bUmed lor from S to
Bomethtog wrong about tbtei.
t'leosUs aealdiM with boilitig water
While oae Hbb of atoek ntay gay
' wator wIB flea a dryar pouto tku eoBaat ud om tba boUow. aad ^ per caol of the deaiha OBoag the
^ rado AgrlcuKuraT college has pu
bHtar thu aaotber. da aH low alMl
tht.maroa.etam la gaaaiaUy a m boloa where .gatar or dunpaoB poputottoa. ptocautloDBry meuures long enough t
do not need I be dried with a doth, I chased tour Kentucky bred mares ;
of tbe fsH that the avaraga terta
la aad cauot ha ooa- oonM aoUoct ataall tin
•bouU be adopted by destroylog
Sliuply place I bent where they will
Put tongues into every kind of a
taw head at every aart ta or­
I to any gnat aataat by cal- uokadoa.
treating oeeM dogs
t Fort Colltni. They wilt be usrd
aod be
ue exposed u.
to L4ie
the »uv.
sun. V
bfarm vehicle One of tbe moat danger- der to Biake th* beH and elaaaatntos
Aa oM tin gntier froB .tbe boose nt leoai twice a ypar for the desirac- drainj *uu
MA BathadT
■ ^ used about tbe dHry should not ]
experiment tor
oi» thing* we Mva to the old-taah- «r aU the prodaeu.
; Oaa of the geaateat laulu of Boat makB a protector whore tbe breach ttoa of upeworms they nay harbor,
Amertcan type of carriage horse.
toned stone boat with a rHler to draw
A borse beMuglng ta a (anwar mm
to to be oorerej) n loag.
and Uking care that they are not H-’
South Dakota experiment sutlbn
by but no pole. It to apt to slide oa Newark. N. J.. was tattaa by g .dog
la a aow laaatiy. ta that too Baay
towed to eananme affected HUl of
recently sold 6S lamb* on tbe Chicago
the heels of tbe horse ud bring abou
August iau aad recraily amt amd.
vartoHaa afo grown. Bna U they an
ulaaU. ItapecUl can to oecceaury
marke,i at ft IS. the lop of the mar­
a runaway. Some fine borae* Mve erraUng a tremeadou
g- OBoag
all good, aa* earioty at a aaanaa-lhat
Mnha frienda with the Hrds. It la In the nalghbarhood M slaughter
ket. Tbe lamb* wet*- part uf a sixother antmato that were coafiaad with
The agrlcultoral awtroprinnoo bill year breeding and feeding test to de­ been spoiled in tMi way.
ta. aatlp. aadlBB aad tata-la batter cheaper to feed Hrds than to rntocJhousB. to whtob dogs are apt lo r>
tbe field.
tor a ooBBtmlty thu more.
bnga ahd worms. Birds Hwgya pay tor food thrown out as wule. Affect- now before the United Stotrs con- termine the best cross ot woi-lern
great carries a toiH ot tll.uOSAtW.
_ nf pure bred ram* to make ioi Would make It toteresOog for us every Stoor ’im tbe tomber cul to MtoHthalr hoard.
lime we hitch them op. Tbe bBt wa|y gan has dwtodlad to aboat M|tL' R*One of the but Inaeetlrides Is tbe
Tbe lumber cut of tbe UHted State*'
Is lu have your horae* under coatroL ceoily completed stattoUea show that
lui year was the largest on record.
UtUe tAlek. aot the Mae WUb atroag
Tn do Ibis you must Mve yoaiaelt un­ (be total produettoa .ta IMt. wu Uleg* aad claw*.
being 37.&i0.73t;.lK>0 board feet,
■Msimmir wnuM. ■ ■
control flm of alL Tbe mu who l<S.S«(.aw feu. a rodaecioa of 10 par
A care lor -loeocd" cattle hu bera
* Coop the old baa ctoa* to tha gB^
Otoe the plow polata ud the hiP dtocovered by tbe expert* of the
Cold water iBtea good In winter; cannot master UaMalt cunot master cent from the ootpm at mt.
du faaw aad let, tba chicks have the
Six iBtoloads ot popema cacaalty
row dtoha a light coat of Hi with a
;iU-uHuraI department-lust remember that adih the chickens a good borae.
•hi npidtr aad aooa baeoafe ahrieSardak.
Write It down big is your bean left Sac aad Calheu couttaa. town.
mtin^u in It
Robert McOnirv. a Pennsylvania ' And note bow they will leave the best
I aad at -pear ffiamy- Tka aadarpad atocaffa coBblaaa aU tha qaal- With COM HI atanbAoii. toUowlag this .’A few abock* of UU fodder eet np fanur, to the father ot twenty-one. food and crowd around the founiaiu. Don't keep biUtog your horse with th* That wns bat tall the Crop ratoad to
aeetloa last year, .rarama ara
lag pototota ta th* boat with a dash of c«M arater upt» aU on the north and waM glde* of toe children, of whom eighteen nre' FuriuMU- are they abo gru* ibetr
finding pop corn n pcofiBbl* erap.
The Iowa exirerimeni statton is own (eod. Much of the imported laay as sure as preachtog
•Mb of the pUnt to rid It ol green. heabouae of toe hog bouae will do
Hlven you SH. -Wboarmeaa whoa Oae mat hfi la fiM bctb aad hat^
Imnch good to .keeplBg the tomalo* maktog SB apple stonMCe cxperlmem gnmnd meal dt bran i» poor stuff,
i iBponut regal- Uea.
Aai* to thevtrdeo Bay be trapped
ili«fa.wl»ily daya. but It should to find out the beH method of keep- ■ When jougei your own cats and corn DM steady Some folks tUafc a borae v< vied from fifty to Sixty baahHa per
. and It to worta tram tl to llM
grooitd you kno* you arv not feed- doesn't know the difference,
- s’it tha gglllir. Thane collan aaoal* ba to ptaHag freah bb( boaes or bacon be Muted aWny to th^ spring ud pot .tog applea (or winter oae.
men >f*ei« seen net to know
How [ per bnsbH.
to those mile rnta jm aUrtlag .
V > tatit taaidkatii with the eamata of ^da where they eoUect When
or elgbty-four cokbUb In Nlnneso-1 ing sawdust,
dir ao that tar tbe lall wbea the po- erta VUh UU dip Into boiling water,
to there are creameiiee (n seventy ot ■ If yoti Mve acr<-<-iiings feed them
How aaeb bHter it i* to acHtaroa tbom. producing «6J17.737 pound* oi.and count youisril Just that much
- Yataaa an pat ta. a draft throngh Ue dry ud repeat
'ahead. Bui is i» rarely economy to
oaiiar eu ba aatnbllakad at night to
Layers ol llB* or wood ashes the naow n few nice, dry buadlB of butler to a yeai.
dairy «g tba boat taoaght to with tha aroaU bade or pluu will kaep tba bright, sweet (odder (dr a cow or two
Green bugs aiv reponed In Okis ! buy them s* much of the weed seed
' Bouwfd datlMI tba day. the prao- slug**gad soaUf oat H the bed. ud a tew bonea that are kept to a boma. but the state board ut agricul'lto worthless and even the grHn U ao
ttoa ta ta tn la the Mae ta layan of taken they are bad band pick at warm, well-bedded ataU «»sb to catch lure says that they have done lltUei Imperfectly developed a* to (uratob
up the old maiw that ha* been stand­ damage thto year.
iw Bore ttaa oaa foot oock day and Bight bribe light at a luteis.
| mUe imiruiun
ing out to a cold. drluUng ruto, su>llit thto
A herd of JW cows at the lllluo'.*; The chick oner siunu-d never fully
Oalmatlu tosoH powder la
tha patawaa an aU to iwatedy tor black Aee and gnaa lice terad only by nn pto tree H a toil rHl;BaMom faoapliH ha* b«u>
fenoa. b^ncB her and haul ow a >. tnbercular. TUs action (oUow>-4| if (b<-hens do not »H with a rcUsii
•a natfltattao to kept «i aear tnaa- aa plnnta. Give a lM>t
No Panto
!»oiuciluiig >- vrong, li is
k OaaThMtaeWaB
tag pMt aa gaaNWa wtthoat fnataag Hter a abower or whan the plaM to shook of fodder that hB bera btown t«-*is aude by atate Inspecun.
aver uk to ttaronghly wet aad a part
ai Belgian <o find out sbai—and that In i
the patotoaa. Thla ^aatBMtoa to aao- wet with dew. once a week
No Doga
1 Oa* Third ih*
of It BoMy, and Mve It to a few
bnrsB ever brottobt toio the south-J order,
aaaanr. aaiaaly » ngalato tba ta» ■Man.
No Beatawte*
- t
and a calf cv two that ace atondtog era atotB bu Just been Imparted by i
Weed oui tbe cutis, even It they
panuara. hat ta Map tka air paiwaad ; Mr bark Uve od eltber
No Ctotche*
to Um (aaca caraers aU Antwa' op aad B. A. BUcfcshere <d BHUmore. Md ' mu*i be soU ai what seeiM lo be
dry. If tba atr kacoBB foal oad ahnb* or uns aad on trait
Mo Rackets
damp aaMa wtB mm apd diy nt or
n rntber atroag eototton of ul with tatdiy me
AboBi S«.otM acre* of. land atoug sacrlficv. aad by thus getting rid of
Na BUc Shaft
;■ faeaitaB wU] InMg: May pototMO aodn ud BMily Mto ahn
a hraah. A wHiw move. Thh |* not a%Ave<drn,wn plc- tbe weslBB border of Utah have been all but the best stoiu having oolto
RrLMcta* •
t gn apeltod ta tM Mona aad to the waab bnbh win do- Da* .the ulnUoa 10(0. 1 agi aorry todigg. and 1 do om diseoTcrwd. overtopped with sail. The' next year
have to pa B*oy Bllao to fiad-Jun vatoe of the landa m a
Let the turkey* b-ve
^ atonnoBa c< dwoBtagn. fyagawtly a Maatltally alj over tba buk.
eaU cases.
jerep wben rattening keen tlbaraily
liad af pototoaa ta ukaa to a graoa
To parUy water to toe lOy
I tara'seen a fhCBter haul np the
•ad to destroy insect Ufe to It akkko
WYsewaHn experim It atotton| all the grata they aUl eat three Hmes
' - ^ ntored to u ahon grand ato
fbe WYsce
t the time to purowss* yonr fillea. Crw
freak atoae time to wator. Baking a •hock, earn aad aM. and pul tato a bB proved that sugar be It can be'a day vd they sill lose levs flesh
< lapat whore the air la warm aad t
I handle the MeVickar Oaaolinc Engine, tr* aimpimt angina an tha
lent Wis iibe f * exercise thH taejr waaMt pm «ghv it to thmvht baeuae the jOgaM u tor wUiewaU. Ikon Mr pasiare field aad stack It np la April
markat. only tssw movamant* when the engine ts rvnninta^ w;mH
In tBto they yielded IS.Jh pet! wbib oafilng under confinemraL
4. IfMiii are |a aaeks or bamla that aom ol this into the water utU it 00 as to break up (A* lud,(or auihcr
and ptoton; an* third th* ruimbar ot parts «f anyeWthar laglaa.
enp. with BO excuse but Indlffereoce cent of sugar.
T .ea il red does promise to be the
kaap nnui aold oat aadaoad. boeoaoB thoroughly
NHianai Craaai Saparator. enly two ptacB In tha bawd B waak.
Becreurr WYtoon U ptoontog to conUg tad to color do aot let this
: 4Mb to not tba caaa, howam, a my BH effacHv*. add a little Bore. The and laHnaa*.
SimptoM and aamest running hand saparator maria. Pay* far itaatf
one year, tf yew have *ix or eight conn.
Haul a log or two to thr mill ud
■Ula Ugbl. aapectoUy wharo the Hr Ubm boh be fresh Ud shanx,
moBBtrate the manufactme of dens- swerve yon fi
I also handle the Lanaing fiito. which Me I
' to «*•■. Mil OMkhe poiHoca uSl lor
taad ta two weeka.
hade dBH wwU wlta powdend tobac­ last tong. It make* a nice gate sUt. in owe o( the biAldlng.> oyi;be depart- ritfpecu. All Uds fiully grow a
Meore ffrew* pvra soft capper LifMalng fwda.
.. ^.Tka tataa to troa in the boBO. The co and ptoee tetaoco ataoM over the Rick Ike imabrr op to a dry place
A full line ot Pwsser maehinB ara* a* thrwatarn. Euitoga Cwh
aad let it ataaoa. Then wben a new
fieak horse covered with loag.
Never leave a brokra egg about thr
pelBlaw an tiwqeeaily stored aear aoU aboat th* toou.
we* far flUing aalaa. Saw «•«*. ShIngla.............
—-----taws. Drag Sawa. Corn Huskars. Pu and
hair was sold rervaily oa th* poBitry bouse. Sot .oaly will u todwee
- a fnraea with Bore or leu light BeA hraBcaidWH^rtogr^foadto- gate I* nraded get down your matcrdbn tba oMb or barrel-to all OBst. tbe wtBaat If yoti aae H pearly aad IHon ratoy day aad pat it togetber.: ch.rago horse market. The aaimH re­ the egg-eating baut, but it it * biwedps aad briar patch** yon laembkj a buffalo to color ud tad a
- pMatoap Mtin greened pf tba tight oftae aaoagh to a»ke It pay- It waaY
have baaa plowtog uJ amwlagiswitixing «alk like a bear.
| If the turalp* a^ DM'Wateai*T
C' :r :'aad aiwuS aaly uwhotoaonee. but to aae itmU^
f? •
:a —
aaruta d^utot potaaaona.
tf BUnr* to too too gtaaa arwud tor years dta oat tbe stamps} Secretary WYlroa hu advtaad the cooking tad mtotog'm tbe hraTirab.!
Itave nest boxy* to tocowpIcwM*
wtaai appitad ta th* gardaa VMBto|ud pile thea to.* little hollow. They j part aaihoruia* ot Ktw York <iv
Iwill Btch the traU
traah aad aarth
ttat'te grow
mw potato*,
isastsM at com
rans to-OrauH,
to.ftoaim]. ptooB-tor the ^ paUets nad Uep
warth ttat;tc
._j MMa|t satnn takar atory 'of
i BOV yata dgam Treta Mew
* ta takatn ta tata talyj»*»fiu ■»« •I'fi
*»» park to gH a ataad of graa*. Itou- them dean.
will probably be the crop grown.}
r. when a baa ta npanad to bO:
to ta.AptakMr Mdtnaa’ aam aad,


i«ms n a wshon FAMtB;::u‘,sr;:■





msiiDns HAY mr

McVicker Automatic
Gasoline Riidiiiss

7- V.



M. J.LaLone

tatoita wbaa aM kaa taU,





-V -. >


■■r; :

■■A -f]/'/ V H- '

tatt DstH, ••• ««• mn; M»
Dartt, M* tM Mtta. Wnfor
Mich. Hum* mm by BrsMt Davit.

NmbM VaMa Hn» *

k Hlea IMIM^ c

• tbto »Mk

Mr* h* H fotaf to vrtto acHn b*-

Mfy IMaa tMi«.

»ii«rte «• «•
«Mi«a. I WIN -Try, fty

«m*Imcm*wo *M to be «Sner. n*t Mt roar prwMest to
tblnhlac. u« *be sad* 19 her nta«
tbet tor cwr talk tbla «eek the anraM
<*tl roe abOBt the *rMt Mg SnaMtae
Oab that gro«a-ap folk betoag ka
The slab 1* caHed **1%e IntoraatJoa! «eaaliSM Soctotr.** arbteb neau
that It teeaat bekag merMy to tbe
Dattod Btatoa. bat to tbe vbote
worM. It-* preaMaat 1* Mr*. CrnthU
WMtorar AMea. aad *b* Uvee la
I aa wrIUag to the Herald for tbe
Itow Turk Oltr. and la oMtor of a
atat Ua»e. I would like • card and
UlM eased The
have a dog. HI*
BalMli.’' tbat |a prtotad every atoatb. buttOB. Fbr pet*
name U Rover, and t pat Itnee
Boath toere «a* a aotlee
him and drive blm. I an atawet bIm
“Banahtne BaUeOa-- aboat
hu a eon.
owB s. T. r. DaaaMae Gab. beoaaae.
taow. oan ia tbe higM*t Jaalor U to OM year oM aad U Ug. HI*
I if DlBple. My atoter ba* a
dab la tbe ««M. Doeaat It Mkka
roo tool iMMid to tblak ef that. and R u abont the «aae age and K*
‘naae u Oa& I will eesd aoae ni
MauT Oar Chib la a Biaach
tor tbe toadle RoU. Della Bi
Ct9b at the lateraatloaal
Soetaty. Jut aa tbe Baaiwr Gab at bridge, four year* old, Attee Braoe*
ir. Mkb.. to a Biaadt Gab of bridge, two yeare oM aad Bna Datbe a T. r. taablae Chib. So rod yfi. two yeare eld and Maa Davto.
aee. w* betoag tacetbar la oae great tea Boetbi cM.

Mg aoctotr. Otot beKevaa la.,.--teB•hlar baarti aad taoae.
Itea w* grovD^ap SaitablBe eoetottoa ta almoat every atala. with a
aiau prealtoM aad eCboen, aad ever
laay braaob aoetettaa la the dlfttMataa«ll«ra
ereat dUaa. TbOM nnnablna aod
are all bear deliig ibtag* to
paople happy, they hoU aa
garBMta for poor lltUe A0>
droa; tbay arrtte lettoi* aad
Baiatl^aa aad dewara to tbo talk
who are in. tbe *-abtit-4Da;- aad tbay
vatoo Boaay ter a gwM atany ekart'
«a by boMlag aocdato aad baaai*.
by vttk hmm OM m OMof tbe tblagi that pevhapa yoa
««ry «»b M.
ban aad glrto woald be tbe too«V
^ JattfHttalmnbbMbvvttbaM- teraetod la. to tbe -Mlad BahtoaBoae- at Dybar Belgbo. Bwohlya.
b It todbe oaly Qaae at Its kted ta
the whole Dalted State*, where MIed
flagbMtlhd BM^av t
aywbare aad eTto^

V. '


tMB rfB an aver the faer vtib the
IMSat la Ma Boath. Pmtr aoo
«fll ait ap da« ebMI It aad eat halt
ed «* peaaat aad bide halt M
ThM be «1Q go .aad get aaotbar hiM
tt aad Ude It la tt* id
I he I* Bad bewail be oa
gM aaotbar, aad vffl alt ap aad 1
a& ,tt le ratatag today aad ttei
to gato«-'a»ay vary laat aad I as
glad at tt, ao vra oaa play baU tbto
Bar. Hare at* a lev waaiea
tbe Baanblae Qob: Harry &
Balph Htoka. Bty*a Hleka. My
ter togdhlJig toag aad I gaaai I wlU
Tov saaablaer.
aidaiiy Laoa.
Wbat a taaay, clever pet tbe Mulrret to! Tour letter fa veiy latewat-

wbtoe are weleoae ao loeg a* tbe ao. Aad »MUk Mile iMd . the 4t»de> <My ws tbIm Boaey tor their eap1to«a btow.
jpwL the dear nuie bUad chUdrea
AM y*B iMt aad yaa fM aad yoBjwte are aet eU enoogb to go to
atato eehoot tor the bUDd. are takea
■aSMdteth tb* way that a aaa.,w«oCte tbto boaie. aad their Uv«
dMBB t*M, ' .
are ttled with tbe SaaBIae tbetr
~ ^ 'eyee caaeet aee. Bat el oearw
MMn fary MtoMl M banal a^ wkaa a gnat daal of aoaay to «i*
|torthobabtoa,aada(BMoftbo«aa»aialaaradyMiata«yaa«tth etotoa Otaba tiy to ntoa Boaay )aat

Bwen Davto.
I BB Aure you aaat have fine time*
ptojdog with Rover. Be to a* good aa
a colt. fRTt be?

Ktogeley. Mich..
Mardi It. IMS.
Dear Prealdeat—
I tbod^t I woald write to nu a*
r bave Bot wrtueo for a loag Uae.
1 goto acbool end I aa to
Ue Btztb grade. My teaebe^ aanw to
Mr. wyso. 1 like to read thb Herald.
«BpeotoUy tbe Saasbtoe
I bave lot* of fun ptoytog with tbe
boy* around ay bOBe. I Uke to read
booh* aad I have aboat thirty of
tbm of my own. Auoeg then an Bogeae PleM'* worka. 1 am goto* to
Tnvene Qty before loag aad ft i
bave tone I will ootne and *ee you.
PNB yoor Snaabtoe bey.
Otonn P. RtoL
I hope yoa will eoae and eee ae.
It yoa do I wltl ehew you ay book*.

Lake Ann. Mick.,
Mam IK. IMW.
A totttr.tbat ptoaaad year pwiDear PreMdentdeat very bw* bae eoae Crnb Mr*.
! tbM«bt I would write to you a*
Beet Latbrop
Tmikipn. Ban to
1 have not written to you for a hmg
tlBW; t wai Joat reeding tbe tetter*
Praaktort, Mi<h„
to tb* Herald. My birthday to next
March 10. IMK.
BMBth. the Slrd. I wUl be eight yeer*
old. Iheoe era tbe preaento I reMved
the Oraad Travi-toNT-M. toto We have takee
f* .
«v____ already: Two dreaae*. three, apron*,
I«r Uttl. r.1•M I bave very auch cBloyed read- tots.
1^ As
^ jiAh** Mtsr told yon abont
tog tb* totter* of tbe SonMitoe Qab.
the animals we have. I will teU yon
Wni yen plecB pat my little
We bave two iron gray colts.
the a. T. P. SaaablBe Gab My ancle baa fnat got them so thkl
HBItfl toBtoBK. Md Otott BBTheU,
Crmdle Roll? TlMtr aemee are Mydrive tbera. Seme nice cows
■7, ^ BdB Badtoy.
end two ale* pigs. Pbr a pet i have
mm* Latbrop age two year*.
a pet kitten. Hto name is Teddy-Cnte.
Btooarely yonra,
LaBay BbiMbw, Uhe Ani, Mleh.
Re will temp np to tbe elmlr and
Mra- Bert Imtbnp
ItoBo Beat by Paail Ratolow.
put kto foot oa tbe chair and then
Harr^ Mph aM Bryta HlelDi.
Jump np aad pet bU front foot on my
SBB^Oiy. Micb. Ihoae ant by
aoM-s sboalder. I go to acbool every
Travevee Gty. and to caa ot your day. Our acbool will be ont to net■daw Ub*.
Baall Ttvtaa Bala*, Travarae Qty. preoMeat-B beat trienda, baa bnivbt on weeks. Here ai« all the etndles
MRto. B. P. Di Mb. «. HBB* aeat by great bimdie at Sunday acbool pa­ I am to: Tblrd reader, flm arttbmeper*. to be plaead where tbay wfO tic. geography and ling**!*. I win
Oiatodtoito JMaa.
de tbe raoet goad.
Nw* xiy*. aad OMb Dya, M*
bo glad when achort is oat It has
0ltr, Kk)^ B. P. a Jto. L Ih
been eight long maoths. 1 bave Joat
kat by JtoO* MIekwtoa.
mtosad tevea day* so tsr. l have a
He., .
brothw who would like to Join tbe
April s, INS.
«« WM n>o. lu.
to LeRoy
Uh*. MtoA- ,Knm wm by Mildred As I bavsB-t writtas to you for a Rnshtow. His addree* U Lake Ann.
Hoag tlB*. 1 tbougb 1 woald write Mtoh, can H. T. Nelson. Rease send
before I got too old to be a Um a card aad batton at oaoe. Now
Snaabtoer. Oar acbool wa* an tbe t.jrfll teU yon whom I got a pnt
Owe.' BnMBt Whbm Cyru* Durfea rblneentb of March. NybratlmrStoB fhrd from today. It was from a BunUey Oetolto. aad Oartrade MUlar.
aktag maple engar. TUs I* Jbe Aloe girl by tbe name ot Agnes Ay­
travevae OBy. Mich.
Scat year be ever B*de aay. Tb* ers. WaU, I gnera tbto tomU tor now
JWto BotoB. Ntto mam. Te&a Aek. am belch be made bnrned to a taal Qood-ky.o
Belgi Malaea. Aaaettle
bat be U doing bettor ao*. Wto bav*
Lev* and beet wtobee to you from
yalto AadaraM.
a pet *«alirrt and be to paito tara*. war SuMbto* girt.
dMBle Aetu^Ladwlg Lar*oa.yked- He win lake a tot ot *00*0* aeeto
Pearl Hnsbtow.
I Bw. Mkiu aad pot tbaai amoag tbe beuae piaato
Wbat s nlo* Mrtbday you had! We
B. p. a MB. 1.
a*at by aad they wBl eome np about
all enjoyed beartog aboat tbe cunning
m high. Tbou be wtU pall thorn Snto kitten.
ladeat oae. H* wIlHSde tb* r«at
H. V. P. SawtoilM Ctob CrBdto Bett.
ooraer. aad who* be wants one
SMtoas Bay. Mtoh, R. p. D. No. l.
ItoBB IMhrop, age toir yuan; bewiHgoaBdgettt.Htaoas oet-cd•Tareh 1*. IPPK.
■BBS iMhrop. ag> two nan. Ptaak doora, alu eat baU aa bon.
tort.'Mch. Nbbm ent by Mr*, mm

I. age


yean; torapuputtortt.1

a k* srt* HM^smvw sot

Qtrtottoa Blacka.
What a loag Bet ot name* from
SoitoB* Bar! M 1* ale* to think they
an want to bo. Sanditoer*.

I tbon^t I would write a letter
and teU yon tbat wo b«ve moved
from Btolr township to, Hayfleld and
Uve right aem* from the ichoo)
e. I am to to* Sfib grad* I am
glad that Alice Mmsan teal my i
ta end I think the card yoa eent Be
te very nice, and the rale* are not
very hard. 'Alice Morgan doe* net go
to *<toool this wister. She Ivee eo tar
aww. I cm naytog at Mra. Web­
ster-* toalght. Stole stayed there
last Bight Mr. Webster wa* not at
r. I cm carry we do not get the
Herald end do not get.wbct to print­
ed cboot the Sanahlne Clnb. We want
to organiae a Gab of nnle toIM this
aprlng. 1 win tell you cheat the
boraea and their acme*. Oae ta Beau­
ty, oae Baniey, oae Puinie, one
oae Ptora. one Daisy and oae Klchola*. Beauty to dwri and chunky:
Panale and Fton are big bor*e*:
Delay la tbe driver. We have a dog.
m* name to Sport. We have an cz.
My brother drive*. I will now chwe.
Yoqr toviog Sanahlner,
Wbat a nice letter yon have arrltten! It makes me very happy to have
•o Intoreated to onr Mg club.

1 wUI BOW let yon know that I have
gone to the Oak Park school
abont nine weeks; My teaefaer-a name
to Mra. PMtor. She to a very nlee
teacher, nease eeml me a button.
Pile Uke. Mteh.. Hy teaehet seeded my eard from
Mam IB. INS.
Michigan Montoyv ao goodbye.

D*ar PtoMdeetan JOB feehng. aad an tbe
«n? I aa feeltog good. I
rewfvod toe batton* and card* bad
nwre nasee. They are
tor tbat 1
Bto IBM hB«ty<dB awyhedy wMh m. • BaaihtBa fodaty baa a matol BHa Baade Hedgea, age nine yean. MUAad aa aanr M«a tta* ev^ toatb- ba that It win scad to aaycae who to dred BDdgea. elibt year*. Ntoa Bha«nlne year* and MUUe Ftocb,
. «a *r Mm;
I lataraatad If It I* poaalUa to plae*
fbraA BM hdia« It <bv «Mt t^ tog Miili « drag atora or other baab age afevea. I am to toe flm grade.
I aaaa plwa. CBoa a Boatb tbe bn I go to acbool. I otady with Mte*
8be to to the df«t ^e too.
wm toatbab Md MMar aad Thbhy^ to «p*aed aad tbe peaatoa it eoatato*
hMr mm,
(are aaat to tbe Society la Hew Torii Ptaaee tend me tbe bnttoo* end card*.
Aaf Ita iig aad the goat Bad toe dis aty. toat that a beaattfal way to ^Fhnnie and Lottie aad Ralph «rer»
tbetr card* aad battoai.
tytoaad bar,
I hdp toe nttto ehUdrae?
rsato^btoea aadtoaMrdiaadtoe «o ywi .w we are aot the oaly > wOt Moae.
Tran year loving Sauhtoer,
hgbl and toe toy!
to have a SBaabtoe dab. aad
MUdrwd Oaderklrk.
when we got too old to eatoy the
What tan
yon SttBsbtoera wUl
ToBBg PMks!’ part of U. why tbB«
an older aoefetle* }«st wMClag tor have togetberl I wtob I -couM eee
you, every oae!
BI. AU we hBve to de to to let esr

tooWibgtaAa My ilaMii an read- papah tottor pactat Oar Bm*
eard* wore to It. aa tbw ware e^ved.
YM would bave burned up U n bad
I a mtle iBier. Tbare waa a Mg
btoae ever my two btotoors* bead*.
We were an to ear aigbt dotbe*. I
troeo By fwt aod tbay teve been
porting tor a long rime. WhS. goodby*.
Orarto M. Crouch.
Wtot a dreadful da* yoa eU bad.
Oraelv! I wUh.LkMw. Mtoa Jeune’a

epeittog and wrttlaft r bad 4
MaaW dhe waaH ako to Jela toe
Saaaktoe CM. Thttr aaBaa are Jo­
lla SetaB. T«aa Aak. Halga Netooa,
ABderooa, Jatto Andw
Bottarbo. Jena* Settorho.
Nrti SiiiB.- Ladwlg lamm. Predera. Jaanle and Mlnate
AMUeba an By aaeoad coada* and
they are twtoa. They an to the tret
H to aleo weather to­
day. Pleaee *ead toe ewde and batla By aaBt. l got a lot ot thing*
Chi'lrtBB*. dM you? A* I bave
notblBg amre to write «aboot 1 win

OBeaa. Mich.. R. F. D. No 1.
March 10. im.
l-wUI now lake pletonre In writ
log yon a letter, t haven't written
tor a long time. It to awfully slushy
ODt-doori today. The water to running
all over. I Just got home from school
There were only oeven scbolan In
eeheol today. I am te the seventh
and elghtb grade*. We memorise
poems for reading. The real of
arithmetic, grammar.
geocrsidty. phyMology and orthogra­
phy. My teacher’s name to Mtss Net­
tle Paulas. She to very kind to us.
We had a pngium and soctol Satur­
day. We made KStAO. We are now to
pay for the organ we got ibis year.
There ware lOO there. WeU. my let­
ter to getting tong to I will clo*o tor
tbto Ume. TeU the eunshlner* I
would iUw to eachange postals. I will
Tour loving Sunbeam,
Age 14.
Setu Brown.
Tou moat bave had a nice time at
the social. 1 should like to have bwo
tbereV-lUlanutnirg. Mich..
March 16, 1»0S.
Dear PrortdeM—
I would Uke to Join the Sanahlne
Club. I am nine years Did and ao to
schooL I like my teacher very much.
Her name to Ruth Toung. please send
me a eard and botton.
Tour lOTlng friend.
Pearl Badley.
Ton hnve ydur eard and button by
thl* Ume. I am glad that yoa wanted
to be a Snashtoe girl
tnuiamsbarg. Mich..
March tt. ISQfl.
Dear Prsoldwt—
1 would Mte to Join the Snnshtoe
Gab. I go to school. 1 am sis year*
oM. I play with the little glrto and
have loU ot tun. We go eoerttog
would Ate a eard aad bntttm.
Year lovtog friend.

Sda Bsdler
Wbst kind of games do yon play
BOW that the SBO

Tnvecae OUy. Mich..«. P. D. No. (.
' March HI. IHM.
Deer Pvosldeai—
I call yea prealdeat, becanse, y<
•ee. 1 want to )oto tbe Sunablne
Gub and be a little Sunbeam. I am a
little giri idoe year* old. 1 bare 1
Ue brother named BaaU >’lvlan who
to only tour. He wanU to iota wiib
me, io please cead ut both a card
and bnttoo. We hare a black curly
dog nanted Cap. He like* to play
tb* snow banks and help* up carry
wood. Our pet cat to named Tello*.
gone-three weeks during the
winter and when It came back It was
very poor and glad la get home again.
go to acbool every day and am In
the third grade. My teartiere- name to
Belle Hopfcin*. A* this .to ay Srst iettor. I will eleae.
Grace Marie Ratoa
Indeed you may be a Mute Sun­
beam. aad I hope yon will write again

Empire. Hlcb.. R. P. D. No. I.
March U. 1906.
Dear Presldeni—
DOW write yon t latter. 1
am weU and bc^e you are tbe rame.
Our school bectns next Moaday. UlVe Gray to onr teceber. I hope I win
Uke her. l have one brother wbo has
jMMe Utroush.cellege and be arid tbat
wenid aaoiy bard and get throogb
Ibis acbool. be would send me "to
Big Rapids to school. 1 Met m> BunBngadliie. Micb.. riOne button aad wm «ea4 two Mats
*or another coe. I will close.
Manh SI. IMS.
Prom yonr Snashtoer,
Dear Prealdent—
Pvaakl* Mroohs.
would Uke very mneb to Join the
Sonshtoe Gob. PtoM eead ma
1 am sure you nut to go to c(
card and bntion. I go to acbool every lege, do you aot? That to worth work­
ing tor.
day. 1 SB io the {onrth grade
teecherto name to Mr. Barnhart. He
Satten* Day. Mloh„
ha* Unght three terms In my school.
MartA S. 190B.
WeII.*I guess this wiU be all (or this
Dear Prealdeat—
I thonght I wonld write to yon as
Haggle Burnett. it to *0 long ttoee 1 hae* writtas. I
Tou and David are tbe only Sun- have not lost my button yet. I po to
shlner* to teigadlne. Ton will bav* acbool almost every day and I
to «btoe with all yonr might, woa'i tb* fonitb trade. My etudle*
reading. wUbiMUc. apeUIng. laayoa?
guage aad geography. 1 Joat
Peabody. Kanea*. borne from acbool now. At ao
arere atettog on the lea outside onr
March SS. 190S.
acbool bouM . 1 urtob spring would
Dear Precldent—
Will yon please send me a card come, BO we aron*t bare to walk hi
and button? I lost mine. I go to the snow. 1 guess l most close lor
school In tbe third grade. Hy teaeh- j this Ume. Hoping to nee tbto to print.
er-* name to Miss Kieler. I go to Sun­ 11 remain.
Brer your Snatelne girt.
day school every Sunday. My pov
bad a baby wnlt hat it died when It
Tbe Ice most be aU gone by this
wa* two day* old. I got lots of thing*
for Girtotmais. I uke music lessoao. Ume. Have yxm touad aoy Soweea
Mrs. Ralph Case gives them to b«. y^?
WeU. I guess I will have tt etoaa.
Prom your friend.
Carmen McKercber.
Do yon like to stndy music? t wtob
I might bear you play.
Omen*. Mich.. R. P. D. No. 1.
March to. 1908.
Dear Presldeni—
I will now write and tell yon wha>
we did after the pragium wn* over.
I will Brat tell you that we bad a
gintobag and It wa* five cents a grab.'
We drew In about W.OO. After that,
(here waa ■ hand social which went
to m oo. We did not cone home be­
fore 12,0'clork. I bad * dialogue la
which there were flve of u*.
name of It was: 'How the Story
Grew." My teacher had pert to some
of tbe piece* and some of the Lrtand
Kiris bsd part In some of the pieees
too. -There was one piece In which
there were Bve big girt*. The uaaw
was: 'Not ■ Man to tbe House,
look eboni .an hour and a half for
them to recite It. It to gening spring

Every nerve is a live vrirc
connecting some part of the
body with the bruin. They are
•o numerous that if you pene­
trate the skin with the point of
a needle you will touch a nerve
and receive a shock—pain it is
colied. Achos and pains came
from k prenure, strain or in­
jury to a nerve; the more prom­
inent the nerve the greater the
pain. When the pain comes
uom a large nerve it m called


Mapi* 09. Mte,
Matte St. UBR’
As t have aet wittta* flw a Saw
time I will writ* now. t lav* to laafl
the letters that tte fl
to tb* Herald. Tbe a
getog of very tarn latrty.
y. Th^to
very mate aow. I go to s
eret^Tbiy. My taaeberb name to Mlap
Jcenle PnUer. My etudle* are , reeftog. history, arittenetle. gaegrapbr.
phystolocy. gramsaar aiM spelliag.
The snow bos baso meRb^ ■> tbe wa­
ter runs BsUI tt to altooet Imposslbto-,
to get acroes tbe sead U aoto* ptoesa. >.
There are place* from heir to tbe
steooi hobaa «bat era tbat way. tet
11 has been.* ukAw^ A* 1 caul
tblnh of anything e^’^i^-rtoM

Name Rtoebcrl
I think our BnwUu* page b vary
Btcreetl^. I cm always glad to get
tbe ietur* from the boy* cad glilB.

■itedtoa. Mlob,
Manb a. SMfl.
Dear President—
wonld Hte to jote the SaartUa*
Gnb. I go to aeboel every day. I a*
in the third grade. l Hte to fo <»
eehoot. My Umeberb uaaw to Site
Aana Bcrnbcrt. WUl yee aeod maim
card and button?
I arU cdoa* ^
letter lor thl* time.
David BtebriL '
Gd yon like yov evd aA biNi

Ourtd? 1%ey telp w itemter IP
be SuBsktoy.
Ktesrtey. Micb,
Mute n. im
Deer Prerident—
Ab.i have not arrttte* te CbcBcraM
for a loag time. I tolB Uy bow I*
write a few Umc. I have two eooeto* wbo woald Mte te Jote tbd ■»•
shin* Gnb. Tbetr Mraea are Nava
and (Henn Dye. Naraea GOT. MWL,
R. P. D. No. 1: Ptoost oeid tteai a
eard aod buiioa. I pn to acbool eeary
day 1
i taa*a
teSaa to vpte
to aeb^. My oaat-raato ia Inra
rate My teoeberto uaaw to MrR Oartar. She to very kted I* te.'#k"{tea
the Herald and 1 nod the Mtpn
every sreek. taaT It Blc*. to tSflak the
eprtag ta almoat bar* aad tb* Sowan'
wm soon be In bleea
Mtetag te
see this to print. I will do**.
Brer yonr Snntelner.
tMIto NteterMo.
The Bowen te my gardea ora M
pretty. I wtob yon «*p* ten to bava

Hie effect cf Scefi’s CmztUion eo
pale duldrcn is magickL


It maJrcs ihcrv p’-rTrip, resr, RcUpe, liRn7*
It cc;iU'.--= Cctl Llrcr Gu, li*ypop!;egphitcs ^
•Bd Glyter ....
; u-ke fat, Uood and boOte
end *0 put togediu: that it ia easilT disastoo
by UtUd folk.
ALL OBOCCIS-fss OOc. AKO *1.00.

Building Season Is Here
• Arid you begin to thiek of repsiriog or .
building new.
Bring your bills to us and get our figures
which wilt mean money saved by you.
UVmake a speciality in Store Fronts. Store
hijctures. Grills, Stair Work, io fact first class
shop work cf every description.

It’s Important to You

whether it be the facial nervet,
or the heart, stomach, sciatic
or other prominent nerve
branch. To stop pain, then,
yon must relieve the strain or
pressure upon the nerves,
br. Miles' Anti-Pkin Pills do

That you get a flour that YOU r
KNOW will always be uniform—
that will




bread, cakes aod pastry. BEST Flour never ditappoiots the user.

Whitt#, Good. Mleh..
March 19, IMS.
Dear PreaMaat—
We baracd oat aix weeks age. Deer
Mis* Bstes. do yen know where T«
Jenac U* It yoa do. please let me
know where ab* to aad trtl me her
addiwas. We baraed out tb*
ntoB day ef January. On bo
an to a Mara aboat M u’cdeefc to the

aad to* lammii htoda are «*B
to* bore. I am gtod te tear tte raatos alng to the apvtog. W* have not
^ry maeh.aww ter* aow. It m melitog very toat today. I have two
mOc* to oome eveer day,
] was
twelve .vtara old tbe twenty-trat at
March. 1 had same of my trtoal* to
on iku day. We played
game* in the ufteraeon and after that
nuu aad casdy were served. 1 got
haadkerchlef. a hair ribbon, a permes bottle and twenty-flve cento.
M>. brother aIMb has come bom* to
da>. He wa* worfclag oa the- boat
hlcb gee* between Northport a
lanlatiqoe. The uasM a< tbe beat
the oar ferry Albln to aldi ao be
work yet. bm when be get* betbe will go there again. Thank,
you for the card and boUo* which
received not very tong ago. Well. 1
close. *s my tetter to getting
l>om your friend.
Briber Petera».
to'hat n nice birthday yon bad! 1
wa* tntereated to your dearripiloa of
tbe social, too.

5Sf -Sir-Ai
Or. wnss'


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