Grand Traverse Herald, December 11, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 11, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





flAt A YEAK.



Little OeoM. Mewevec. tort thet toe
Uwkacwii" ecaft le the O. M.

TraT'-Atoit Uttooto

Thought That Wavei Tore Away Her
Hatehes and That Mvw of M

Wernlag aad INVtTATVON accepted VT TNK

UoW JuM Mimed Heed.


Atrnmn That Th«y HaB TrtaE ta
CMart m rrMB ChartM Ma»
alwB By Haana af a LaMar
CaaUtwIat thiaata.
RkBaaMa, MWl, Dac. i9.-Tb»
Mnt' aad eelr Malt of tha '<BUck
Haad" ta Wk BaaMs cana to a aad4n anE lut atfit. an aod dlsaatnu
to L«a raaac ■an. Cter
and Vt«o Johaaon, who ware tbia
MmlB( lakan to MB Aatrlm
' Jail at BaUalrc Tha jouag u
alhgad to have afta«ptad to extut.
$m tram Chartea 'Blanehaid, atlni
“BUek Rand’' tacttca.
Mr. Btanehard taeelvad the lettat
. ihTTMck the naU. la It

}aca K he dUa*! ttlaae tdt la a ho)r
la tha hQIboaN bmt the of&ee ot the
Bk Ka^ OMiant Co. The lattw vaa



Aaatt eia Marie, MIcb., Dec. 10^
Today eight down hoond bonla paesIng the 800 had reported ei^lag the
wreto ot an nakaowa boat near Wblte WAA THE KEYNOTE OF
nth point. There Is no doubt, howgPEAKERM AODREAA.
r. ot Itabetag the D. M. Clemaoa.

AauK Sie. Mmle. Mich.. Dec.
^ecaate no life beau from the eteoim^
er Cleasoe have been found. It 1a be­
THE lieved that the ship most have Ail­ SUBSCRIPTIONS DID NOT BRING
ed EUddealy from the washing away
IN ENOUfiti.
ed rnddenfy from tbe washing away
aad that ahe went down suddenly
Tout Indebtedness Is HAM aM But
AaM Every Peesible Prejeet ef the with the crew «d 34.
A1ASS Was Donated in All Ao That
Wateraveys Cemmlttee WeuW Be
Cadillac Broad cf Pythian Temple and
too Asia of the Property Was
Pushed Ferward Aa Phat
Lnmhar Cempeny orsem
As praetieel.
Decided upon.
CadOlae. Dee. 10.—Wwkme*
patUag the Antabtag tonehee os a
Tbe board ot directors of tbe Grand
Washington. Dec. 10.—‘-Safety aad
Aae «NMe buUdlag In this city, the
fair uaoctatioa held
front of the balldlng Is the ele»ni
siK-cIsl roeettag In the ofAce of Pres­
marMe oOto buDdlng of the Cammer- Cannoo’a speecL before the Katkmal
ident M. 8 Sanden WedneMay,
Mvers and Harbors cO(«reea this
for the purpose of taking deAnlie acinmbar. aad wiU coat ahoot 130,000.
wtad up the buataess of the asBnnaUg at rl^t nagles and at some
*-Dnder the leadership of 'RepresocUUou ta connection with the fair
dlletance back from tbe Inmbar of-, mutlve Burton.’ said the gpeeker.
held tota fsU. Tbe subsciipUon list
See l» the new t^thlan tmpk. The ”Bvery feasible prolect ot the water­
for the purpose of rwlstag
boUdtnto Join on the rear. Tbe Byto- ways committee will receive my mp-sutBclent (uads to make np the aborttans are ependlag ahoat lU.OM and port as r^ldly as can practically be
age of about 3IP00 not bavlug devel­
have a Sne new homa. The street cor­ dOSA"
oped enough funds to make up tbe
ner between the two
whole amount. It was deemed ueevea haodaoDe pteoe « lawn.
sary tooahe action for raising special
f TO I





Hooor. Mich . Dec.
While telltag
trees for the Guelph I’atenl Cask Co
yesterday afteraoMi. Swan Johneoa
had the mbtortnae to break Ms right
arm twice, between the elbow and
wrisL besides receiving some slight
cut. and bump* oo hb face and head.
Mr. Johuon and his partner were
cuiltag a leaning tree. when, wltoout
era and Fmrt Orowora ef tim
warning. It split up and Jumped aideways. airiktag Swan on toe nrm
Treverae CHyA large hemlock limb Arw bark aad
Just missed bis bead while be was ly­
Joo R Santo. praaMcut of the board
ing on the ground.
of trade. Toesday received o lata
Mr. Johnson was lakM to hb home
gram from county School Onumtoetem
where he was given medical attestioo. er Geo. U Crtop. who b'atteodlag toe
of toe aute grange ta Sag­
inaw. aaaooactag that the state
grange meKtag for 1P0». hod hma se­
cured for Traverm City.
ly vfred to Host Geo.
B. Horton, mnstar to the grange. a>oartag him of Travorae City* approdatlOD of the hooor to talwtilam
bemhers to the Mate mns* here
next year.


Tbe only available asset* of the a»WILLIAM OLIVER BUPPOSEO TO Crossed.Ahead of Ptra Marooetta koclatlon being the on building, grand
stand and bleoMra it was deeuivd
Train Ne. 3 Despite toe Warning
Aagueta Klewlttar Waa Elected oraale
advUable to oSar toeee structures for
of the ptagman at toe Cate
at AwHial Meeting et Beclah
The rectpteot of the letter, bavlag
sale to the highest bidder. The tout
Btroet Creasing.
Cang at Cedar.
noUtag to Mar from tha threaU.
of the bleachera. grwad stand and Michioan senators called on
t TheugM to Have
htoagtlr Maoad the natter before
Vhning In the center of the track art buUding waa about |l60d. and It M
PortMtod In a Piro at BeottvRie
Special to The Bvenlag Keeord.
MVtr Behard Aneraon. who got Inbelievrd enough caa be gotten from
Cedar. Mich.. Dec. 10.—Beclah
with a swiftly approaching pai
n with Sherll Kittle. camp am It N. A. at Cedar held Uialr
aale to coaslderaMy morv than
ger train iMt more tban 30 feet away,
•mytklRt neved along ao «nleUr. regnlar meeting Dee. 3, aad the fol­
tbe obligatlou ot the aasoctatlon.
young girt Toesday night eocnped
BcottviUe. Midi.. Dec.' 10.—WniUm
tkat no one aacpectad that the aher- lowing oMeert were elected Cor 1001:
tm what gpponred to be certain Should Che fair be held at the same
Oliver, aged 40. a blacksmith from To­
If cnine to town for aajrthlag naaeplace next year, these atrueiures
Oracle Angtteu Klowiiter.
ledo. M tupposed to bo tbe man who
«l.aM Mat evaniac, he vaa aetnud
Put* Feed Law.
be of use. If it should oot be
Vice oraele-Joeepblae MeQaeer.
perlabed M the Are wbia deatroyed
M the dtgnvt eaMtpav^ otlea vlUi
held there, then toeee wUl be of on
tbe targe ban ot Simon Warner this
John Joa^. tbe Bagman at the
Washington. Dee. P. Osoatorv Burvalue, other than wMt ooald be eecfosalag.
>ws aad Smith vtoUed Praotdeat
^^SNMhMd had been flcde.ed t*
crosi thr tracks going north Tuesday cured for them ta the way ot ealvagc. Rooeercli today and
Tbe total amoul raised by prem: Jost httoteNo. 3 came In.They
appotatoseat ot &t-Oomrw Rich aa
went to the north end ot the bridge
vaa on laad. hwtng'wftb bln a gaohamountad to about AtCSS. tW orlgtaaj
and then stoned bn& Jnat aa the'
a«a cMCaMlng -|»*ga nodar.*' TWa pour eontlnel-Mgetmrg DahL
Bhortoge waa gUlt. hut atace the Bevnior Burrows said when he left tbe
tnl. whlMM.-M.
that there wna Httle
stotemM wa>
. Jones nns oot of bis shantv
I bU way.'
. witab win .to- doobl of the appotatmenL being made
guarding the ctoaalng and seeing that C'eaae the total
Pure Foot C<
It Is belief.
they wen about to go over the track,
cd that the mM «d the property nienWdktalogtoB. Dec
sbouicd a varniog. Tkree of the glrU
p Mt.iha rtlee or the cv
tloaed wQl pay an ffbUgBUon* and Roowveh this morniog named Secre11:30 o'clock last night at the Wes­ held bMk. bad we. holder than tbe leave a batahce to the-traaurT ior Xsry
ru across. geiUng safely on tbe
. net the wabMen
leyan hospital. Cblcego. where ahe un­
future espensee.
p : V, T \ >oner
^ Jlsdriafii^I RAevtoue CapWher side..
derwent aa operation Saturday. No
era and P. tM)Mah.*Bn^xpm of toe
'-Come Oh.* she called, beckwtag
vaa fell natn yealer
ot chemtotr.v. at ^ booed to ad» the others, *i got over all right.VtOILANCE COMMITTEE fVMMBD dar aftemeon. when telegfanu from
Judtaels toe diSiraltic* wbich ' bate
n tha eoene. They
Two of the ghls hung back, but one
the deceased's brother. Frederick,
arlsah under toe iaterp^tioo of fhr
want gf to tha htBboard aad the
rived saying that peritmi<tis had eK started 'over. Tbe craaslDg was very
pure food and drug act ^y the tatey
aat^are allege that they were Jatt
ta. Her tather.T. J. Ramsdell; Bister. slippery and when ihe girl, who waa
national rerenne tureoa
raaehtag into the bole attar the
Ill Endaavor to Pat An End to tho Mrs. James Dempsey, and brother. about 14 yean old. got ta the center
ey whaa Bbertt Kluie came oat trom
Raign of Terror Which Exietad
Dr. LewU Ramsdell. were <m their of tbe main line, she looked op and
ordenog them to throw
a Year,
way to Chicago at tbe time of her seeing the bead light of the engine
np their haada and aarrender, back­
ii^t at hand, tried to turn back. Her
PiHilaad. Mich.. Dee. » —A vigUanw
ing ^ Ua order with hM can.
Btoesing Delivered in the Prmihti of
Turned Around « the M. A.
The remains arrived here today. andden movement caused her to fall,
was yesterday organtaad
DevanMy and Johneoa gave np
N. E. Station.
Arch Bishop J. J. OMfwion to
Funeral servicee will be held at 3 and sbe dropped to the ground. Spec­
■edl^aly at the eight ot the revol- bore, asi a remit ot the renewed outAL Louis.
o'clock lenwcTow afternoon at the tators were horrlBed aad espeeted to
trer and Vere Ukaa Into the oCAce ot break of myaterloua Crimea that bavi
f unmanageable.
home of her parenu. conducted by the see her ground op before their eyes
the eemgany and the eheilB pat them
Rome, Dvr. p—Tbe poiie today
as No. 3. which was about Are min­ Mrs. B. A. Slmmonds was thrown
Rev. Fiorence Buck, ot Chl<
which has Anally brmMt the lesManu
- throngh a genipe of awaating.
will be in Oak Crove cene utes off her schedule was coming trom her slelgb Wednesds} at the blcsMd Prcsld^t-elect Taft and bis
of Porthmd to a et^te vergiag npon
ftMtfcid the Crime.
tery. Mips Ramsdell Is survived by twlfUy. The eagtaeer saw the girl on M A K. E. suilon and bad a nar^w Umll). Tbe ^sUig was declared ta
At Srat Wpi denied that they had terror. Hoslal Horaer U prealdent bl
proeence of Arch fttsbop J. J
ber father, mother. Ave hrotbera, Pted- the track aad slapped on the air, but PK-Biie Troiu serious Injury, the sofiMay caoMattaa.vlth aay ‘Blaek the vliiUnco committee., aad Dr. C. C
of thr snow and tbe tact tost Glvnoon of 8t. Louis.
erick. Robeil. HllU and Lewis, of thU' Ihe dtatnaco was too abort to check
Baar aMUmda. aaylag Biat they were
Domentum of the train to any
the sJvlgh was Hnr. being all iLai
city, and Carl, of Saginaw, and three
nhlyntaadbif there talking. Aftm cnnOne ot the laten la tbo eerlee of Blatera. Mrs. James Dempsey, ot this tent.
saved ber.
atdergWe qnaeflowlng. however, they myaierieae crtoiee U the eeadlng of
Mr. and Mrs Slmmoods drove ta
In falling, tbe girl did not lose her
dty; Mrs. Colt of Duluth, and Mra. J.
ndamted that they had eent the let­ ‘Blark Hand- letter to Mr. and Mra. Prnnds CampbdL of DetroK.
wits, but as soon as she touched the 'from Brockway bill this morning, Mr,
ter and had caoM Cor the ntener. The Nelaoa Walnwrfght. who were the rln
ig tor morniog M. A
ground, started to crawl, getting oB
■Ual braeetcu wm« allpped oato their tlrna ot masked robbers, who bound
the track ta lime, although her es­ N. E train. Just as Hn. Slmmoud!
niMta and the yonag men were taken and gagged them ta their home at
cape was so narrow that the cylndei lunird around, too ^orsr became
-’to the vUlng* prim ^cre they were Praet'c Comers, three milea ees
head of the engine braabed herNrews (rlgbirnt-d and Jump^ so suddo-cly
bcM over nlMU. halag takan to ]alC here, a tew weeks ago.
klelgb was overlurned aud
She was not tajured ta the slightest
Mr. Walnwrlght refosea to discloa*
moods tbrowo out. ibe boisv
and retained her presence of mind sufDevnmey U the eon of a teamater what was ta the letter, which Vae
Bciently not to give her name to tbe breaking loose and raring down Esm
la the employ at the cement company found fastened to the door kMb of hll
nowd which bad collected, several Front ein-ei. James Purvis and F.
aad dohneanjc'the eoa or a laborer. home a few alghu ago. It Is said that
pewle bsvlag beard the engineer ap­ S. Sicaro* Boslly stopping bliu. The
Weto polled In Their Ettorta, Hew
U allaged ttmt nMthcr yoeag men threats ot death were made nates
ply toe air and bad come to see what cutter was oal.v slightly damsBeri.
or. to Becure A30M0 Booty
hna the beet at regntaUena la the vil- aenda a Urge earn of money to
tbe matter was.
Prom Egpreee Car.
Mga. It being etat^ that they
writer of tbe letter at once. Mr. aa4
As the train passed'on. tbe girl who
rv^M generally aa rather ahIfUeea, Mra. Walnwrlght are now staying at
Bpokane. WssIl. Dee. lO.-Baet had gone over Aral, asked her i
bet llUe M the flm tlnw that they the home of Horace Peake, nearby, tor
panlM U she was hurl. On being told
here been la eerieus trouble. Both satecy. aad they are greatly wroaght mod passenger train No. 4 on the
1 IS Solnp Celebratad
ap over the receipt of the mysterious Orest Northern, was held uy early to­ sbe was not, sbe laughed and said,
are ahoA 10 year* old.
c Cambridge—Oiftcrant Foel“Well. I got over all
■al yemA men are ladeed in n
inp in IdM.
Andro Camegie UrpM on 1
Had the aeddeuf occurred It would
tight ginoe an the letter waa eeai assault made oo them ta their bncoa ed rich booty ta the mall car bui
t of the WaUr Ways—Oetcware foiled ta an attempt to get gto.- have been the fault of toe girU them’ thrangh tha man
f by Vice
London ik-c. k—Today U tor Stunh
000 cash which was being earned ta eelvea. as th«> Sagmau bad warned
thrasta. ao Ifla aald. la that cane,
anlvcrsarv- of John Milton, aulimr
then and tried to stop them Frvit
they weald becocoe amenable ta the
Taradisc Lost.' The occasion is
LotAle on the dlber aide ot tbe track.
federal la* and wooM ba dealt with
being celebrated ta Cambridge, lu
wUnened tbe oocurrence aad be aJby the (adaagl aethodtiec.
lUD Ibis tecUng of vavratioB was nu- Rjien aod Harbors coegreo* opeoed
At toe Annml MeeUi« Held
caDed a -warnlug to the gtrb who.
The cagtara of the two etandei
known sod tw^ of Mllton'i books hs tftb annual ccuveotton ihU oiora
Last Evening.
however. tasisU^ on croasihg toe
waa wM] artnngad aad wan carried
iOf at 10 o'clock ta the large aasem
' publicly bornrd.
bly room of toe New Wltta'd botH.
eat, rateetlBg
credit en theae
g oElcera Were electei
They were evidently ta no harry as
who arraaged aad carried on Che pro­ last night at the meeUag of the M. fr •ROCERVWEN MET IN THE CITY
Rhpreeeotatlve Rnasell of Loulsiaaa
they bad been taughtag aad sky larkgram. wah e«Kh an enmpte, it Is n A-lodge:
prseldent of the eoagrem. presided.
smong themselves, aad evidently
ante prawimptlun that the '3laek
Cardinal Gibbous prmraonced toe In­
Preaideel—John Daaford.
had takes a leng chance Just to
i flowh* ta Bk Kapvocation and PresideBt RoooeveH de­
Cadillac Deputy Pee
t-Mra- Clltord Oyaa.
d toe Whole Btato-Lunch U they couU. Tbelr names eonld oot
livered tbe opening addreua. Vice
Secretary and treasnrer B. ft.
be learned, but thoae at the croestag
n Aervod By Hannah B Lay
Preoldenl Fairbanks
were eC the opinion that tbe pareats
ChaiAata-Mra. J. R. BoyA
of toe girl*, who were all betwee
Ckmductoi^Mra. Brayton.
Cadillat Mich.. Dee. »—Arthur V.
Andrew Carnegie urged the Improve­
and IS yean old. would be perfonnMale Baited ta Brave that Dr. fhmUa
Watehtaaa—James Paaek.
Hwnner. who has been the depu'iy ment of the waterways.
tag a good act if they would InBlct
MM WfM Dnvia to EBaal
Bentty—Mra. H. Miller.
paymaster in the lecal ofAee tor 13
Ptantat—MIm Myrtle Daaferd.
Mrs. H. B. Cornell left ibb mm
yeara. tendered bis reelgaaUoo yes­
Trustee tor three years—Eric Oari- Thnreday. those present repreoentleg
' trip to Kalkaska. Egterday to take effect Jan. 1. Mr. Har' Oanha. Nto.. Dac. lO.-The iary la
the whdaoale giveers t<om all over
B. D. WllBon. a cootractor by pro- mer will engage ta bustneea ta tbie eelslor aad Spencer.
the ome cr Chaitoa Hward DavU.' Trustee for two j
feeaion. and now engaged la boUdtag city, poetmaater Wallace J. Smith
Mts. James Kenoedy left tbb momchargto with the maiBar at Or. »>adARM- the betaneae of the
e bank AvUdiag at TnsUa. retaraed dcred-tbe potltkm to hb eoa. Cbaries tag for StdMW. U. P, ta Jota Ber
erhk B. Haatta. tonnd taria net
ras dtapceed ot. ‘the WaAssk «
yeourdag-ta that plaee. after vtaittag M. Bmiih. wrbo to a tamer ta Ml
hosbaad. who b eagtaeer at BeUgoUtjr.
the order, and after the hoMnem wm
at toe home of tala father, tor. Bonaa- kee county. The young
ner's factory. Mra. Kennedy hta no
Thb atate triad to gcova that Ran diepooed of a pot Inek aoppor
tor4 and hta statm-. Mtea tMmu
wa dtapeoe to hto thm ead be-, ceptod the poelUon to tattoady ta the
tin hlM Darts to shoot him.
dance was enjoyed.
,eerved ta Mr. Banders' office.
mm aevMlh stresL
gte his new vorfc *o>t moeth.
i butter dtoh


DP w-cncKO








they bring togMher the mom ea
and progreealve farmen and
growers ta the Mate, vhooe «
ate directed toward all ,
and horticultural punults. The sdtendaBce ta Saginaw at thb meetly
b abooi a thonsawd It vlU fhrrnfmg
een that Traverae City will hare
an opportMity to demenetrate her
erblal hospitality ta a BcM Mata
ThU dty has ahova on several ooa targe aamher to people,
dearly deotaastrated at
BUM Sunday sehoel envantap hMi
here, and also when tte suae oacampmeni ol the 0. A R came here
a lew yean ago. Oonveattaos to tWa ')
kind are a peed thbg Be nay dty gal '
*1B ba itoBBlally tmtorlil to thie
that the people to the'^^^^S
tree to aceord the graagmi a
eordtal aad- hoapRahli racaptkw.


Uating. Mich, Dec.
AsMclaiioa of Farnsera Clube today
Instracted a eommRlec to eabmlt
reaetatoWB for -adepUon
toe legUIaiurc to withhold the approprlatfoD for the MaU fair oalea* the
wale ot liqiMra was prohlMtod m tko
Criticism was ''proaouaoed on tbo
oianOcr In which the taM fair wae
and It was deplored that a
- was not at’ tbe head ot the

L C. B. A. WnOR S





las Mew Tueeday.
The loDoulBg oSloars were toaOed
Tuesday at the mMttag of the Ls C.
B A.:
1^—Mra. Jalto I
preeidMt—Mrs. Rom Stater.
FirM riee preeMtat—Mrs.
Secood vtae

MarahaO—Mra. Bom Wrialer.
Caard—Mra. Mary Vorran.
peMaa MaWa.
Paallse Celmea.

taBd Traverse lerdl

fflpWwM B*»Ri^ itti
StltE GliUltt


JiMtar wi «W^a
OttM. m naM«mt
B9tk ThOBM Na B.

LaaeUg •Praak Ueeko «et ■
Vaara far Ihietlao Oatratt

G. LI. omcEis

W.'Oaw CWeied-Cw
jw. Dee. A—Eh
atau Omage waa called
morning at a o'cloeh U the Uaaoalc
temple. Tweire bnndred are preaem
At the legoUr meeting of MelNerare expected. 3. K. Camr
Campand more nre
ui Poet G. A. R beM Teesday. the
bell of YpallaBti reepooded to Ibe ad
following oBicem were duly elected
dieaa of wolooae br Mayor Barm.
Ralloey ttaai.
MvakecoB. Dee.
The Sapreae
^ commander—C H. Joto
eonata of Mlebl«ha tUUrrar Met k
Belief aMoclatton opened a three daya

AH aow.H tooha as Ihoak^ the farSbr that sold tor from N to«4 easts

t • MU te caagnm t» have
Besides the potatoea, aevaa toads
Mlgmiair kM* Pit tnitar federal
of lidB. one toad of oaU. two loads of
troi iMtaad of tecrtnc tbeai tn the
com. Bine toads of hay and one load
Iffifa of nrlou flat* lecUUtorM, keof sboep were sreliEed at'tbe city
■■mnm tWA tui «om« amt w «mma aDd tkorWore better protceUM
•eale boam yeMetday.for auM btrdi. HefrooM hare the doant from the large dtlee and raUrond
Sorgeoa—Willem Core.
^rtneni of acrteoltore aliead U> thU poInU of the aUte.
Chicago. Dpe■ Get to Yaara.
—Frank Ueaha -c
. , At ooodiUoae exUt no*, the same
•IrrtL Dee. A—r
OnSeer^ed^t^daji^^^: ifarTim*
Dee. 1*.—Closer-Wheat.
Officer of guard
guard-^. C. Devendorf.
,o< taiioaa atatea coaUct to a
Adjutant—M. D Morgan.
fl.«; con ei%c: onto. Me.
great exteoi and birds that are pro- 10 yeara la HamnrUe.
Bergeent major—Cbniiee Irtth.
Mtted U OM aUte arc not'in .anoUMr
Herrtble Death.
Quarter nutter eergaant—Curtis
gid.U aerenU of Ute ataie^ the tipen
Trustee for three years—B. F. Nc*GBulfsto. N. Y.. Dee. H^-CatUe.
•Oaaons are at great rartanee. reauXrecelptA IK: market rvISd Brm.
b« la the almaat aopUiwoaa dangbter twisted from his body and ton to
receipt*. IM; Brtive.<^ Sheep
W Btane apectea. Varto«a water towla biu by the revolrUkg wheels.
and UmbA recelptA 1.8W;- market
are the gr«UaB( anSeren by the Uch
•tMe FarmerW Club*.
•lyw and tower. ^
of mcorabr tn the Uw and a feder­
Clnba aasocMUoa
al law voQld Jure a good eEecL
ston here and reprOhenu nearly 40.,
. la thM eoanection. the sncgesUcui 000 farmera. It la expected that action
Otca^ DoA.^d.—Utile
will be Uken oa the Uguor gneotlon.
tif Prppldm Boonrelt lb Ua laat
change'In .the Bi^eL Pan^ ttork
aagetoeongrawi. that the Eahery tawa
ecH^nea frm ajs for ordinary
be aader fedenl aaperrWon daUead
the markM.was steady. W’hal
or elate McialatareA la aMo laterealreported was at 70E7«c
^ and la aoand. Aa It b with the
otttaMe lor Dusty RunlA Arrivals ragame Uwa. ao It la with the labary Royal NMiHhan Nana
The trlends of Um. George K. Newmato lighL yet onerings are ample.
tawa or the rartoaa aUtea. A gnltonn
Oreeavllle, Dec.
C- H- Olbeon *
t|hl« law la needed for the Great
passed away Nov. 18. FOr mab.v Co. quote the baying price of potatoes
The CryntaHa Camp. No hOTT. R
Lakea vltb adapuuoaa aohahte to
at Wc; rye.
the rarteoa territory iBclndrd of K. Of A. aleeted the toUowlag otfleera years Mrs. Davy Imd made her borne
with Mrs. Newcomb at Orchard
eeana, and It It tboaght that anch a
Knob, tbe beaodhil farm on the pee- toe; wheat. 11.02; beans. tl-SOei-K
OT wOBld do BDch to prerent frtctoanU. anE the gneeU at Bdgewowl
had learned to took forward each
tlae and
year to
to meeting the trsU and exqnl- . ClBctonaU. Dae. R-:Tber«. waa m>
Chancellor—Mra Whrwer.
A tedenU Jaw woald alao be easier
site Udy: sritb her snowy cigf KnA 1^-' marked change to the total potato all

I Vogl.
elate Uw. alchief, and t
charm of mam
lhoegh.tbe gaioe and ftih warden s
describe'. Ufa. Bnvyk uatloa and rendlttons rema^ pncil
Mhrahal—Bessie McNlchael.
kdeaU -took Maoa at
of her mdly tbe.aame aa tost- werQ. WhUe
Inner aentlnel—Maude Uoe.
dqHBtineat’ of Mlohlgan bas ■ been
ttaughtcr. Mra J. & Merril. of CUem reeeipU have not been-overly heafy.
Outer wentioel—AIMe DOl.
naklag a stneere attenpt to eatofce
I, and the inteni
at Falrhav- the market is well eappIledEttddeal
the‘lew. There are uaay wfte will
take a ehanee <n rlolatlag a
*^nMaUatioD wilt take place
that wonld not drcaa of fooiing wUh seetlng In Jasnary.
maad Is light aad stock ia. moving
A fbderel Uw as VaOk Bam has
very slowly at eS to 70e per bndiel
haUt of nuking offenders feel
for best Uirfaigan bulk aiork^m tbe
weight Of Ms dlapleaanre rery mai
car doorA


New York. Dec. A—Siiot cuttuo
cloned qukir middling upUnds. 9.S5c
middling golf. l.kOc; sales. »50 bales.
Ftilvee closed grm; ctoalag bide
Ooeembe*. AlOeiJaanuary. a:»c: Febnmiy. A7*e:March. AWc; April. SASe;
May. A88c; Jnne. Agfc; July. g.gSr
Angusl. :.Wc; September. g.SOe; Oc­
tober. Akte.






Thomas Mertoa. Etrilerwa WltbiplearUy.Ttas Been Tdtcen to tty

Thomas h>«>ruw. a .nmag s
WIH Be Bwilt Per the Uee wf arrired from WWlamabarg Friday
• Hunee of the Momberwnight, gulto lU. stopping at the
L»n| LMte Pnaen.
ing hmise of Mrs. I. a BpHi
m Cam sirwet. was taken to the aan•TTWVBWaj.
regnlar meeting of Long Lake Mltuw
The young man wna In a deetUnte
>a December C '
conditloD when he arrived, and 8u•cted officers
rvlsor FYank Carver was appealed
.. to look after the caae.
Mwton ataled that hJa father U an
ird—Walter G.



Seentary—MtA Barnet M. Fanning.

Oerea—Mra. Bra Durgn.
Pomoaa-MT*. Myrtle dark.
Wotn- Mr*. Mary Klagdoa.
ludy assUUnt atewnrd—Mlat Lena
**TkeOi*ngeaUosrill baUd aheds for
the nae nr the Or«ag« U>naA
- BMghlag U oomliig down pretty
tut far a Tew days.

Mr. Carver wrote Mr. Morton, and
•OB. stating Ihu be
would.stand all expease np to dale.
An operatioB wfll be performed upon
ibe young mast He is stiffering wUb


.by N
d. of 1

. Danford.
Firm detegale to department MnTeailoa at ■Knltmaieo—Martha CurUa
Second delegate to department c
ventiOD—Mary Jameson.

mm Clip

8(ws. (
A Lay drag stores.
Trial botUea 10c.


4 bay ....................................WaW nia Hadoe. of Tkwverae City spottt
IredwtoflN. H. E le Bmt
Saturday and Euntoy with Mra Ida
i PhanaeosebDildi.
Mia* Bertha ttowaU-npeot Eonday
rtenlng to Beimi‘;4,
Will Dunn spent Sunday with Mr.
aud Mra. Hugh DtUA
Mku< ('aniKctt OI Travel ao Cfty.
si>eDi Saturday and Sunday wHh the
MisMw Bdiib and Mildred Slinmor-

“... ...... ”S
TI.-loto. per Ib .
Beef rtwats. per lb .

Mlss Martha Polrafka spent Stmdsy
ealng with Row CnnMd.
Hr. and Mrs. WUUam EnnnEera
•peot EuDday with Mr. a^ MrA Enpisl FtorafkA


Cxlve*. M-w .
ItogA live ...
Hogs, dressed ........................
chlckcaa. llvo» weight
s, U»

Ttoto* -


PomoBA Htrti,
isica.. Decosm. g.—The
lue . Eev
Mr Bants, Of
of <f-adittoc. preached to
the Methodist
rt church Sunday.
There wtu1 be a boa soclat In the

tending pkyaidan.
Mrs. Meivta Bon
Bocat to Ttoittog friends

-Van Muat Have
Something to th« way oi a ____
powder for year stoek. and why
.ber wkea
Hsrvell'w remestaMbibed a
• being the
Ibe market for boraeA bogs,
rattle, sheep and poultry. AboototeljL'
DO waste and- full
- II weight packagea.


plant potatoes oa an Iraportnnt scale
for Shipmeat May I9 to 11. pfas April
10 to ID and cucumbers May 20 to XA
Then will also be some beans and
ibbage. Shipments will bo fiade
esriots eo far as potaloea. peas
cucumbers are concerned.

'reseriL Hon Fred- R. Walker, judge
or prohau.
In the tnatttw of the estaic of Alta
H. V. Andersen, mloor.
. Mn< r r Howard having flfbd lo
said court her petition; praying for
license to sell si private sale Ihe In
teresi of said esUte to certain real
estate thereto dearrtbed
It Is ordered. That the r.tb dsy of
inusry A I) IWia. si ten o'rlork In
Chicago. Dec. 9.—ProvIstoBS oi>eo- the (oreBoon. si said probate office.
od 2He0c higher.
I petllion, and that all persons tn
Pm*—December, lUAO;
-Rtcd in said c-state appear before
May. Ite.l&e said lOUrlT'm said time and plare. to
abow cause why a license W> sell the
interest of said '-state In said re
estate should not be granted.
further ordered. That puM

wspaper printed and elreulat
id county
Judge of Prabaie
Dec. n-tS-XCsjan 1.


Ren Wood to on the elcfc list.
Several from Copemtob attended tbe
preside as instanUg onoar. At-tkat range festat Frtday.
time the nnual party and rwowtton
Mr. aad Mrs. d. Bwlkart spent Sonnr tbe Biae Lodge to its member* and day at L L. Duffy’A
their famihto wRi ocear. Tbta
for aereral yearn, one of the
• t»« FMNL '
1 at the year, and no pnlaa wiU
A torawr onraraJ roote A Bamire.
I nm Me
' K. R. RowlaMi C III I ■■■■ ThM
Oa.. W. A. Fleyd by name, aaya;
umduoAoot I Wiu Cat Min“BoelOto's Arnica Salve <nred the
h»Q El
two worse sores 1 ever aaw: one on
my band sad «to 0* wor-w It W
Uw BBt* BBttlDg al the WosneaV worto met* than tta weight to «blE
Botae and Foreign MUatoamry aoeW- 1 wsnld Mt be wUbe«t-tt If I bto to
•m of the Aid society of the BaptWt
held U the partor* of the

At ri»
r Mta K. a Oaewer.

j* - sssisssiir^ ■*

Far EEi« Pv Um« CMlEa k cotoptstr liM M«J* «• aw
Witch tor SDOCUI Uri%lu U Coots MXt wotfc.

City. Dec. «.-Gool weather Picnic

w. R. c. oracEiis



CKA^-Rot* •■lo) «0M brub bli-koryl Vx'**
kvS Inch bMtma. \sH inch to Nx\ tocb^kiMWA
lacb^kiHWA Ik
% nwd 7-88 tor*
isud forged wrowahl
hi iron braro. ..............
T l« wfMgbl (ran draw tom# faoiti>. IS tochThannel steel ‘‘•ho*A
-d to trame
body .
lilV Itirb
. quick
_ dras bar heavily ironed toU length. Braces
ire all hand forged and Sited to each cutlet.
BODY—Ask trame and wbllwwtmd panto* tborm^ily ’%laad.
screwed and ptogged. and well braced, gwwd toae and ...........
appearaaee. three prang steps and D-ln<* atep boartl. esienaton" 1*"
dash, nickel plated arm and daab rails.
TRIMMINQ-Wool faced biwe or gnwn toeth
Spetog fwahioa
1KxS4 Int-hes. apHttg tork m» IncfaeA padded sldto ' '10Hx3*
Inches All p
S'G—in color A orally striped: gear, fcli
rarmlite. neatly atrlpid Only first rlasi lead aM Oil
rarolsb are used, giving a St>e Balsh and a job that will •
SHAFTS—Selected hickory, genuine leather irlmmtd.
place of sbafu with singletrees, evener and ncekyoke^ JLM extra.


Had a Ctoee Call.
Mrs. Ada L Croom. the wldely
and Annwal
knowD proprietor of tbe Croom hotel
r WUI Occur en
Taagbn. Miss., says: “For several
meoths I suffered wKb a severe congh
and consampilon yieemed to hive Us
The annual meeUng of Trarei
». when a met ‘
City Lodge No. SH F. A A. M. «
ed Dr. King’s New Discovery. I be­
held Tneeday and the following
gan taking It. aad three bottles af­
AeWft elrcted. .
fected a complete «nre.“ The fame
E. L. Httgbu Was EUtoad Cawawt Per
of Uia ;Ue
ths Enuring Year—New omears
Te Be Inatalled In January.

as tke olgM of Inatallatlon of otScere.

A 6009 comx

kerche'r. of VilM. wiib paased away
rcinll n better (one prevailed
t bis home at the age of » years,
c leaves a widow- apd tme danghtcr, than WM mxtttod tost^ week. The
mto-ket was^teot steady^ with a fair­
ly good detoand. The moremeet was
promtecat Maow in Ibe eOte. ttud
Salted Hides, per lb... ...lOl^
was well knowD in the Grand Trav- free and'the inquiry toucN Improved.
tralfsktoA per lb..........................
erre regloq. Miss Grace McKercher PleiAy of Coloradoe were offered and
of Leland left for Flint to attend the
few Idahos, equal to qnalUy to the
funeral of her
Colorado Rnrals, were alao shown.
‘Tlje northern potatoes are aa a role
very poor- This marvel (s not high
enough to handle MtonesoU or any
amount of town stock and nothing but
Mm. Lottie Cievettng Wat El»
.S'o 1 Fli-ber aa high a
At the Annual Meet
Nebrasknns are offered from
as high at
Inf Tueeday.
These are of poor quality,
’ At the election of officers of the W. rough, showing eotuldmhle rot and
grobby. Most of the Neferakhns
It C. bald Tnewiay aftemooi. the
W Uy je.*C s6ld^nm U to SSc. wiih. tosm diMee
) House cam ............................. »e
and fancy stocks moving as high as
Prialdent—LbtUe aeveland.
Cotorado Pearls brought 6Sc. Ru- C TATE OF MinilGAN. THE PROSenior vice prcaldent-Martha CMrbale court tor tbe county of Grand
rals 88 to 70c and Idnhas the
Af a srsKlon of said court, held ai
(• probate offic-e in lb<- clt.v of Tra\
Yemassee. 8. C.. Dec. 9 —Several of
-^atlie Pndden.
se Ot:

the growers here and at Abeldnn will

a nearly Ttoaen over and

IhBtbiM Camp No. 8ms m. w. a.
TYMunjfWf—A. B. OooA
Ufitab Tdeaday Mght In Kwreiors
Senior deacon—Herbert R Montaban. The iMtaBUIon of the fdlowing
a srtU take pUee the Wat meet gne.
kwla Jaaaenr:
Junior deacon—R H. Ellsworth.
DsttsM-C. L. Ua^ea
Ohaptola—The Ber. u. a BatyMtAArtoer—P. M. Payne.
Stewarda-H'. W. Wolcott, M. F.
Baaker-^yank VoslMnaL
< «Urtc-Chartoe &. Howard.
Tyler^A: C. Despres.
Miiirt—OOs Botnea.
Hawhat—Chnriee a Hale.
1 Watchman—F. Oberahaw.
Member board of inmieea tor three
Seetry—Boy DeFoe.
yeaiw—WlUtam Hotheiwill.
H. Athm. C
. Begbee. P. 6. Heum
Grand lodge repreoea


Green peppera. per doa
New tornIpA per peck .





t... .






It was thought that the tubers
would begtajo come in as guickly
tbe roads made Ibe bani peeafble. tor
eberv bat been pUBtj of telepho
measagea to the market erery day.



A Winner fnr

The potato market toonsoed np coo■tderahiy yssterday. teo kwde arrtrTHE
ing at the market sad nU goU^ at U St.«W; market Wesdy to tOc lower;
breres. gA«097.7d; Texans. gS.tOto
<M; weMerwem. |AS»«Aa: stochThe Hgulty was agala oa the mark­
King Edwerd today
Hts peneoal pbysWUas aay ao Nr et and bought two loads aad engaged
as they esa dlsteser the hlag .W oM- two. bwt tbeir baying did not affect
(eriag Irtmi neartiu Im> hW majesty the price any.
Mr. appendix.
His Ulneaa has eompelted him ii
cancel many Important engagcmcbU.




Park ehorch will a
George SmRh.
straet. Wednesday, sfienao*. at 8
o’ciocA All the ladles are especially
requested to be preseoX as Inere is
work to b? flntshed for tbe baiaar.
shich ii
be held la tbe FMlb Ward
hall k>i
afteraoea and evening.
Wber* Eulletn Flew.

fool at GetlysburA says: The good
Bieetrtc Bitters have done
worth more than five bwndfwd doTlara
to me. I Bpent mac* money doctor-'
log for a bad cam of stomach Iraoble.
♦ lo little purpose. I than tried Electric
Rirters. and they coFfd me. I now
The social beld at Dunn's school iske them as a tonic, and they keep
me atraog and well.“ SOe at 8 E.
house Frtdsy night was a fuceesi.

- ---------- g Co,.
MIsa Maud I'mlor. Miss LevoC Miss

to earn a fair rate of interest,
to be absolutdy sEfe.
lo be withdrawable oo deDiaod at aoy time?
This Bank meets tbe above requtremeots.

Cbicagn, Dec.
daisies. KHOIBc; twins. 14«rl4Vkc
Amerleaa. 14Hc. BtHter^Sieady; ercamerlto. 22tt80c; dalriCA
Xl^OlSc. Bggs—Firm; flreu. 30c.
Kew York. Dee. 9.—Balter—Steady
■celptA 8.172; creamery special*,
81H938C (oncial prteea); western
toetory arm*. M*2l%c. Cheese Firm and ahehaaged: recetpu. 3.814.
Bgga--dtofier: receipts. C.48I; west­
ern grew. S7G88C; eeeendA 3808De.

The Flower Store
Of Quality
Shif^edaBd OeUveredl'roopily

AmI tbe Best oi Cat
f«r all •ceHHloas.

It pays 3 per cent iatereto on Savings
Accounts and Certificateg of Deposic
It is the oldest and stroogest bank in
Nonbero Michigaa.
It » officered and managed by care­
ful aod successful buslDOB men
It a absolutely sound aod conaervalive.
We invite your ^ccouur.


lUn AKDEBSQIIs laiaser


Tr»>g«r»tm Oi^

STATE Bisk *..«*e?B3SS-i SSS5-«tJ
.*^0 have W9i aaM Car ii—wa*

I every psHtoOIty


ii -^«rsvKs?a

OrWKSBB^ Tner Ur. PiSIrnmui mUm*,
MirC, A. X

Ak X

■u^ OutMC H. C. D»T% 9m§



«<wras vtMid ba,alUMr
water or t« laRaU s
tka piaau.
*^a are anaMe to ««v ear eatl_jataa tor eitbar rtapartlaa at m*
JIaWe and as aUnple la operatloe as Ume, bat call th* attaatioa ot the
■taeU ta the tact itat a —'----- -“U a MoMo pm* la lasts
oa foot to prwvaat all
—ar iba vatosa e( lake
^ This awreaeat was started last totinc

X B.-.^una a OOMU^


and we betteea that sei
not be tedneed to a bas'U o( doUan causa wUl tanllg salve
and cents. Mt
Ml s

I of Traverse
ra wruiy
worthy ui
of oummucixuuw
. ,
. mf* therefore rceominend toat the
major and eltr clerk be directed to
ester Into a eaetsaet with the *----4tMB Pttan Co. tor a d
Mr. Ooedriek btolsvsd that - V
the present Snow pomp as
tormt of the coatraet, ai
kUer. tbe Msapll
eopportnally nnd


*ad bj uta vttf BfcHjiaay,


im mk

Sia UK lEFEllEl

------- ----------------------- savtor
leartairoe and sa»lko to tom

K ep- __

Tbe eommlttee's report


this djownce samawbat bat to
tala the stSdenej dootod'la the t
' ttblne
iblne 'wonM regntre the
Ir which
i Of a
sew Item
upkeep and attendance
ware the oeatiltoaal pamp to be
Irea with steam au^ the' power
It at very btof elhdencr woald be
_.t lem than ttOO rwtor thaa to
piwarat Thh smont Is the
M. while the sarthf
ceatrlfutBl pomp woald not
be ever MJWO.
“rrom these. flCBi

**lTaS^ tbe renewals ai%-^maiJr
tore will be less thaa 1,000 feel of
wood matos aad tbat'ln good.caudlUoa wlih to eieapUoa of the piece
to Ott's mUI yard. Tbit will allow a
higher Are pressure ibas has hltor
totore been oontidered safe. We also
Id that new autot of the sises stated be told as fOllowa:
Moaroe street from Front to JeSerson tireel. tour lack.
Third street from Maple to JXvishw. foor Inch.
SIztb streht fra. tNvMon to Spruce
foni loch.
Store thaa tolr • to __ _____
Ease ptreet Dorn Waabiagloa to
Snstp ron «ni strthat a ht|h pade Boyd. 12 loch.
JUncotB street tram Boss to GarHeld, alx inch.
amodat of water pomped aad the
Boyd avenaa tram Boae to Fera,
'pHoeof tool laasssM ths^esease|a sU lech.
tovor nr ttae BMP psaip win ~
Taney strm trom -Ml^ to Beit'
oar. ato^toeb.’
“BVer siabe 'ttie cHy has owaed
Pram btreet from Bose to Oartleld.
tbe water worka there bae beea a
Sp^ atroot tram Wnras to- Bay,
six ioeh.
• ^
^ the dlpw of at sotoSTMdU dato -Cedar street fram Pnat IS Seoaad.




i dOBsstle sewaie fstos Into
to sayrum is

,a water to .
p was rectoved .
■ OdsdrMi's toatlah.

F« our booklet.''Some Diet [>elw»m.‘' Tba booklet wam't
la aad we adb'l hire it dooc. It is aoiply 'a n
SB aibde in McCkac's Mianbae wxiuea by Or. W«
soa. A. M, M. D.
leg. too. Take) only a few memraft
to read s^ is bi9 ol a certoin k^
kind of
ol Ttke sense" svhicb many of
us noed in diis sge o( bypockcal exfk
h bsi Mcb subtoadbes as "Nalure pototed to whke bread and
>NahneaaeiooL'*"Too much-brown b«ead ii mpnous.'* "Mts4i
(nake^a tern maib a a weak amach." Tawiact hr wpenor to
fceioB. ete.'
< b aEes) wid> awat everjdhiat

Lily White

tke BMt Cooks Use**

Aad toi'foae of lbs reasons we ibmk you 0^ to read d. Am
edter is ibsl we bJitva yen wfl enjei
befter and eaiejr pour food
better afis reacW k
You've be« readins otr ads for a good uisny yean and ibey've
Now do us tbe faver of seDcfag far dm
' boofdel and read
the Doctor says.
Scat abseftody free and to any womsn wbo sends f« k aad
writos sa a *bi«T totornraid
maud ((to Lily Wbae. weT mad a beautfal
-t_:____ “_____ ______ “" .....A
wtokbeatitoFs the cml «d ber riamp tod
Fov sale by your deakr.

trace of aewafe. This pood sbowlns
—I are convinced Is to great psjt dae
tt direction of to currants to to
1 tha parebaaa cl a to tbe
bay. and tbe fact that par water nev-AnpUcato « tte ___________
has beea pro^ the eonm of a
the paa» to bo lastansd oa
serious epldmle la nwia tbe rasnlt
ba^. lp thaoltr. Tbto orm
Of food tortnae than of good
, DtoMTSt of ihe^toff^^ ngement.
“By turning nU ear raw news
NSto «■ Iba atta that ob- to tbe bay we are eultlvatlag a source
I osttMta tis eoto of tbe of danger wbitoi cnatea In to sdnde
to many a feellBg of anasM
as Mews:
Iw pBtop........ I OS M “Tbla daagtr Is pinbabiy aot aa
great as an taapaetloa or to preacat
ftltby eendMlee of tbe river nnd lU
bsakn wetod ’ tndleate. but It will
i.m OP not grow lees with tbe Increased

------------- -


I tmafl snm.
at pnaent a__________
eblOBy 'an East Bay near tbe

aKe nr tbs 'istske toia. K
.T- thetaMd
was a toap and coavsnlent

fusplat roaches tbs
to.«D0 saQaas per day
d and tbe proto
oat im£^win alsoE> be larte aneagh

method of tmispnrtitlnn to tot ter>
Itory soch as tbe open proposed
iraet railway would nCord.
The prioa, spaeidcaiio&s aad'knatv lieve tbe
[ «Uae nader
Oder which M pnmp
pnnv baa bees crease rapidly nnd be psrmaaent.
'^OBereX are tbe aa«e as tboae tor

Two quilts for to Beulah boys'
home were lied by tbe Girt*' Opportun
liy class lam night al a meeting fuliuaiiig a put lutk mapper.

'iy «f

rearilw. la the' Grand Trover** Her­
ald a nnrrpaper prlnlad and clrculalJudge of Probalo.
Nor. 20r-Dec. 4-11.
H ORTOAOE RALB-DutnoR bnvtag
fn been made In tbe enadlttoan of a
by R
City. hllcb..toO««. E.R
same place, dated SepL 17, t$$7. nad
recorded In the office <ff to RagMar
of Deeds for Grand Travorso Ontoy.
Mlrii.. Sept 18. 1807. at 2 a'dock p. to
ct that day In liber tO. of a
page 4*3. wblib n
3rd day o
-Itord I _
saM George L
Heath, and to a
m to"'otoi‘^^*R*gWar5
Deeds for Qrand Travuraa Ooaaty.
MU*. Oct. $. 1*08, la Uber $T. af ■
gages on page 118 and stoa vbww
S^lgage tore U now dalmod ta ba
due and unpaid at to
Eleven Hundred nad RPyMras ^
Isrs. and 0 proceedlt« ottor a
/ baring besa tasUM
e debt aecarad toraby or
^yart“th'rvor. notice Is bank
given that by vTnoe of to pavur.ud
sale eontained In tod moslgaga sbi


A Healthy Family.
“Oor whole family ha* -enjoyed
good health Kintf we bejean oslng Dr.
Klnjr* .\ew Uf.. Pin*, three year*
ago,” says U A. BarOeii. of Rural
Rowe No. 1. Gnflfonl Maine. They
cleanse and tom- tbe yystem In a case ma
gentle way that doe* you good. 2r.t- sold at public aucti
at 8 B. Walt « Son*. (' R. RugU-e to hlgbto bidder Drug (Xi., and Hannah * Lay drug
< the man bouso U TnvGrand ^vw Owty.
Mlcb. (tot being to plan of
log the tircull tvurt for «ald tt
tbe premUes d.-mvlbed In said
gnge or so much Ibereol aa may be
satisfy U>* Ismoant toa
g tbe prlnetpaL iatssust
tewmlad ta ttetoce e( (Iw KwrWtw ct Dwa>
tors as prov idnl for^^said a
Tbe premtiwe to be
In said mortgSMie as altualed la Trav­
ers* my. Oraad Travsrae coaaty.
Mkb., vlt;
Tk# uadivided oae-baU of to foDow.
« destwibed lead: Oommenaag aL
of lot <me ta
bi^ ~H." Of Hannah Lay * Oo-'e sev-


I rath^wis^ tbaviifari.tow *Mr)

rsrw city. C'ouBir lit Ursed TravM
« u( Vlditfsn. Ilui Mb* Ibe
is* the On-mi Ugrt !•* •aid l-«waty, SW


ftiy a Rug


.... tbtoO*
to tbe recorded plat tbeteOL
... tot one
east oa aorU line of sold
rir parallel• wHb to r 3oaaI lot one to
t tod lots one a


This Is a seneral clean-up for the year

' Bto^btaU
•IS.M Tb^tit
»iI2. now ...
I>7.00 Tapestry Rugs.
pm. anar ..................
IM.M Axmlnster RugA
127.00 Axmlniter
1x12. BOV ....................
I.M Wilton Rugs.


lest IhM> of genolae Cbrk
Linoleum ever ogereO at
prire. Juet received >04 yueds
of *beavy grade, all new pat­
terns. Isid on yonr Ooor at only

42^ sq. yd.

Lace Curtams

agent’s sample* in all sizes 18x36 up to 36x72.

Just the

25c to 23.00
CoDddtnte Coatomtlai



DR. W. J. HI001N8, DwitlM.
Now Moaaon Blk.
Travane City.
otOco, 7$t; r*alenee. $02.
Ask to bo d
poallo Shehnt _________
Do not be mlBdlrqpUd.
Gold work of to ve*T i
Portoaln Ulayu.
PalBlee* sxtreocRm.
Btrang. natural a pp swing and very
beat artlfidal toetb.
Mhko appotnimenU ahead whM

25 per cent discount
ft'hlte, Ecru or Arabian This
U a good chance lo buy good
runalns cheap.

AU fti^ cleao goods.


i.ue Of
vi raid
raiu lot.c
'^da^? line
DOribwest along tbe wdt boandary
line of said tot one to to ^ao* of be-


Annual Holiday Sale of

Small Sanudn Rltafi

to Barttoii

MKSKUK. THE PROtoe coon tor tba eonnty uT
Qrand Travorae.
At a seoskm of *aid ooart. bM at
Che probate office la tbe city
erar- City, in said esanty. *
day of Jtovomtot A. D. toil.
PrratttU Hoa. Prod R-WaBcer. J«M» ;
of probate .
In tbe matter of‘ the Mtota aC ^
OUver P. Hufhra. deceased.
Ida U. Hughe* baring AM ta sM
e«rn her Ottal aceouui as eaecatna
of said estate, and her petition pray­
ing for tbe allowance tbercoC. and fur •
distribution a«-'
ilgnnH-nt and
tbe residue of Mlt'. eatata.
ll Is ordered. That the Ct
Oe’cembcr A. U. 100*. Bt ten o-«to(fc
In the loreBoon. at said probat* of.
Bfc. be and 1
letamlnlBX and altowing oaid aceoaSL
I It is -{briber ordered. That pMUc
notice thereof be given by paMltaMsm
a r«py of this order, for throo raeof ^sw

0«. I. IMt __ _____________
Assignee of Mwtgica
Attorney for Assignee.
Iluilnssa addreua. Tra*«m Gtty.
oeL p-Jaa. 1.

aboat I.IM: bought test (all tor tea
yean old; good traveler and daaallmbrd: price $60; win take new
iiilldi cow In esc’bange. Also oao
black mare, seven year* old. broke
doobte and single; goad traveler:
weight luM. Price $1$S cash «


F-rmd B. rodorspiol

Farms and Oty Property
Boagkt, sold and exeknaed


Bftom t-4 MogesU(j,BIdg., Traverae City, Mich.

17c a yd.
tba ueadi k ito
oabiaet Oackoak

r ti osMBded to
to tbatiaa of



-H.- 1

t be aftmltted tot a
„ j beea aiade and _ ____________
tor poRp wiu aot be tortoiim wn» aC tiangvr seems vary ramoto but la
.vtow of tbe great atoase neeesaary
lie new pamp.


son's nest Thursday. Dec. 10. There
be an electloa of ofAcers and S
cordial InvltntloB U oxiended to all.
Dr. 8. H. Ooraell nude a profetoooBl trip to Martlla last Sunday.
Alto Baboodc went lo Weldon on a
ulneas trip IsH Tburvdny.
Ralph Simons mndv a bualneas trip
> Homestead Saturday.

■■■ t!ii23rs)SiigS;-

Wo roar juasatftoa ea wab
hna waaWarrwd toe ipauer
a^ .aaw pa.pi la tbs


’‘SeU f..'
for »e«r .Maty yMn."


You Qo^t to
Send Today

tidM. iwm Om* MfftM mMM I..
parer than oi^ preseat aappto. r '
■hr basbad nere admisSoto
•4^ somne.

ArtrH CbetTT Pectoral cer*
ttlRljr cures co«|h$. coU$,
broBchitU, CDBStUBptioa. And
it certoiDlr MBui^ietti weak
tbroMs and vetk luDgs.
Then CM be BO aiiMake about
Hits.' Toi knew It It true. And
your DVR doctor will sty ao.


**2^'’•” •«ensl«i< km.
Tola] oost of aU improvestoats. flS.-

'1?^ «>e|« «■! iaaaM aamiwtttaa
*.«» Hm eoat or a


__ Bhnwood nv
son to Bay.
Total coat at an reaewata. 4dJM.

For Lung


Dr. Moos OMpteag. ,
. Abbott moved that tofreport

tot to maitsT

■sot at water works sad water oomlaid e«ev utn to aact regular
wing. Mr. Sleketd saggesM that
“Blnce the tPMeUoe of lastamnc a the committee secure other bids for
_jw poBip was flnt bron^t ap la the
to tbe BiesaUiae sod Ibis
eomeU the statement has been made
wltbto to motion.
that a eentritocal pomp to mode, pievalltog wl{b
rl« the
the...... ............ ..
senttog V '
vice ud betore errlvlnf tt
caretee we looked Into the matter
Tbs eommiuee oa water reeom-,
meaded Uut to old woodes malas oa
tbe follovlag atrects be lepMcsd wkb
Iraa stains:
On Bnat pront atnet tram Pnaktto
tone o( water acalnM^toUl'b^*^
H5 feet
fe. at a feel coet of «t.4n.7t . Hope.
On Bmatb ntyeet toon Oak fo
The average hers# power ontgat has
been HTl -at an nanaal coat Cor toel Cass.'
Oa fOntk street fro. Plae ts Ukc
r >1A41. or MlAt per bosat power.
'To pump the same amomt of wa
On Rkadolpb ntreet from (Mvlslon
ter w» a metar dMvtn cetfCrffagal
drivaa pnip wHh pbarer cocitiic obe w oak.
OB Cedar street fram iesead to
oeat per bone power hoor .bt ‘*awttdi beard and tossnilas tke maan-

took to doar aad made a
ettoa to to repen
that to peogto
had rated
._,ed JOr to
a--------tor to pamp to good
md takb aad bad
. tbetortog ^ vm tocrane la popaiatloa “ TiS;
tbaagh to
Tbe re
» to stobt wUI net pay Isr^ ward to
treated as wet* to other wards. Tbe
10 per Cl
'oew Mia bod beea vlrinsl^ promSion wbi
) great length to ■
toed to BooBvUa aad tbe weaker de­
clared Ukt to a spirit of fairaeos. it
aboold be givea tom. He said be
Tbe estimate* aa reenmatended pra.
oouldn'i face the people of to Ptflb
rides for renewsis sad extcasloai
tbe nrtb
Plftb wsrd amotmting to alsMSt ward and (eel aa be dew opoa to
<0' per ewnt of to total bead Itoue.
. _ . .
while to tanes paid la to 'ward lo V*
Mr. MeOonnlck sraBadsd Mr. Moon's
amount lo lees «*■»" nine per cent of
moUoa and Mr. Goodrich tod that be
to total rity tax.
felt tbe saom as tbe Plftb ward al
dormsa. As aa a.eadment to Dr.
H. AI_____
Moea's .moiloa. Mr. Perbett moved
that to report he laid oa tbe tsbi«
to water works
enrw prices oe to
drasts, valves aad rappllea ter
wry BO that (bk work
ted early to to

Por oar 2Sc grade


35c each

20 per cent o« j

59c eadi

For fancy Sateen Covered Sofa
PiUowa These are reveraabir
with full rune, dainty coldrsi
regular price -Me.

POT SUkolloe Oiled, three see.
tins Screens, sold every* here



serial: 2 good patlenu. 22H
Inches wide; worth 2&e and 2>c.

For Swiss Ruffled CsrulD*.
saiUbie tor bed rooms: regular
Me value*.


is ■ome htKber today thaa 30 days ago, bat U CHSAPBB
thaa it will be 30 daya friMD bow.
BoOdiag Material of all kinds ia obeap and labor is plea-

N(w is tbe Gddeii Ojipertinity
d.O.CBCrrSEB. Receiver

See Om; fleavy Unoleiiiiis at 4^

SonOi ^de Lumber Co.

Traverse Clljr, IBeh.


mmi Tnurlnii litiwia ™ioW. i


^ ddhrwoA'Vtr^*-


Bandar aaenhK.
thoM vha
w^rd^^^^g and other met«|M« tM i«t« te MM. Ail
__j»at ioasa.
««e« muMl mmIi th* Ham vrasnvi


we haUeni -k wfU'-ha a rerr - —
Bdal aerftaa.- Bapyhody come
choreh next ^anHar avealas.
Dee. 7-

a<M MfUr Urn*.

WC»T ALtalHA,.



Flaatyof *ww for |ood

M plM.ii^ee fter retUiUTaaia tram

MaatetM.Tlia BOfe I WM
ant-i rtfj
rafMii IT.76.
Fyutay eautet..
.. ................

We all bMtba children wW hMe a
•nod Ua»«.Clir«K>^ •'<* tp-MeCbrtat;
BserdBat add the Chrtatinai tree?
The Rav. Mr. .StralL
i,jHa father and
aty. waa vlaJUaa wlth,*“
_____ _______
alto caTUiif on
M tkta Jltre.
Mrs. Aaa PMmer, Mra. EmnUi Oray

vUlhha be^ workinarf koS^fMaTTraveraa City. U
homa fW4
■■Mr. and.MrMilWK* Han* apant
Saturday In Trareiwe aiy. •
:W-P. Kpaaer'af Tra»erM City,
apant Taaaday vlalUns hit father. Ret.
L. Kenn«y. who It «ulte tlek.
Mr. and Mr* Will Carpeater and
Robert Carpenter of . BenaatOa. at-

wndas thrratawfr W Taaea l—aM.

praacbed at, the acbool hooae at II Tneaday.
a. Otunnar, of Trararaa City.
o’etoek Snoday and the Rer. Mr.
IB town Batnrday.
e M. K. Ladlea' Aid aodety wiU
haaaar In Mias Uaaie Haacea'
retlvali at the achoOl hoaae for i
wMle. BrarTono U cordially loTltad hooae Dee. IS. Many anielee nae- at Chrfatnaa slfia wUI be aold and
ae attend the meeUnga.
iBTited to come aroond and
Hrm. Mabel Baiaa and Mary RlebardtOD ware the goeaU TlalUng with
Wakefield. o(^ Bowline
Mr. and Mra. R. Batea for a few daya.
Mra. Frank Rogera and Minerva Green. Ohio. It
Btooka drove to Lake Ann laat Tuea- Charles Wilton and family.
L. Kimble, who told hU farm
of town a abort Ume ago.
a Lawla aspactad to go to Tuba •outhaast
pnrebaMd1 the bonae and lot cof
a aaed drill one day laat waak. has
Chaa. McLean. Mr. and Mra. M
__ jnda lining kin a preamt of R. Lean
will lira In a part of the hofite
Mr. a4 »ra.> LewU HueUmantal
thia. winter.
apmt thaf»T«Blag playing euchre with tbia.
Mr. 'and MM l^ai«uJI -Lewla- one Miss May lAWMOti and Mrr Mianie



Job of

was ihocked


4«ooie at laat- T%a R«. dday by tbe anddan d«ath of James S.
now aa they'cu MM lawwin which took place at hla home
can are
Bear her# Friday allemooB at the age
tbelr ioga. thd .move.
Of Bd yaara.. He had bma working In
Dec. 7.3



the cellar of. bis home during the lorenooB hat when ha came np at noon be
complained of a pkln In bU chest. He
n dM «U they c

■iBTomBrCowa thaw
d the diar
aeanlng. Dae. Id.
- Mildred dawaw vat the gaaar <
tena and Mlanle jtemingwn m
day aftarwoOB.
Bvaagdlat Chariaa Strait hdd
WH»ti"ga in the chnrcR tiite weak. Be
la an eamaat CbrlaMMa worker. i
The TottBC People win bold an *'OM

^iCDTOmoid^a tomny I----

norei back to Traverae Oty for the
Mater.'- ' '
Alfred Edgeromb baa moved mlo
bM BNtber-s piece.
______ May and Veen.
Mr. Irish hm meved hla Mtfly late
and two aona. John JL and Brerotu
the bouse recoeOy vacated by '
ire him. The tanaml look plaea
tta miand M.
Mias Met BdgeMb Is warhJag tor
.1 dosed with e Mrs. Goodrich of^vetwe City.
B. Aar^ the Rar..
len^ of aandwiehee. coBeeand wafen.
served by the Mtsece Carrie Himes
and Myrtle Rariek. .All were lnte^
__________ __ ________,een ao 1
Mted to the demoukratMai c
Mra John Greilhk has goes to
worhlag of a Oreleaa cooker.
to then In their trooble and for
Grand RnpId* to spend the winter with
the ses her sister. Mrs. Mnrfcham.
The flrat load ' •!<«■ for

haanurol flowera. ,
k by
Mias Cunningham and two Mcgmira
spent Banday with tbek unde .gad
and Aim Faye annu Mr. and Mra John Cady.
Mr. and Mra. Claude Gay wore Trar- HdCkag vUited at Kingsley over Sun­
They had a very plenmnt time at
le A. 8. of B. supper Saiurdsy even,
. AugaK Oran u ae nsMb laopn
ig. Oysavs. esSm. cake. aaUd. chic*,
that he has resamed hU plaor as
and other things were served after
tloB foreman.
tew dayt last week.
vbUb sla nice cakes were raffled off
Pomopa ora«fawap-bMd_n»^ba
Mta. Pnn Tahberm and Canrib
at i «eets a tkkst Walter Grdliek
Grange ball vredneaday and Thnnrtay turned from a visit to her detent
^nade a nice speech to the genllMiieo
of Utt week. Owing to the atonny Tuatln. Thursday last.
weather, had-roadi - and poer tn^
Mrs. Frank Sayers and Miss l._. end ladies^ which was very sppny
■ervlee, there Were bat lew, from oner Saym and Him Mabel Ktihpatriek
On accoont of the storm the far
were at Traverse City last Saturday
Fred Tabtetaa aad famtty. and Atiss us.jM4.tA •St OBl aed hrsak rui
apaat Sunday and Monday with Mr. Basel KMder are sbodpiag la .Traverse or the mall man on HMtdsy.
City today.
.. - . _____
Dec 7.
and Mra. Curry.
Mrs. Jacob WoU It at Hodge, called
Mr. and Mra. Peter DuBole. Of ManI by the serlout lUneas of Jter
eelona. came Monday for a few daye
hter. Mr*. George Kodl.
vtalt -with Mandfbara.
Broderick, of Grand Rapid*, was Klditay Dltsatei Ara Tee -Osnpan
Dee. i._____________ __
Fee Traverae City People to
The great danger of kidney trouble*
Mr*. John Bernard of Traverm City. of the Grand Rnpidt Evening Preen
' Spaulding vlU new deliver ta that they get a Arm bold beforv
Sunday with her mother. Mr*.
t to sntaeribera.
the auffhrer recognliei them. Health
U gradually nudermined
spend a week
dropsy. dUbetes and Bright'* diseaae
' the Nlther
muow In merciless suceeulon. Don't
Mrs. .
negleet your kidney*. Cure the kid.
and. safe r«mGeorge Walter drove to Suttona Bay
neJt wlth^the rertalD
____ ____________
which ha*
a buslneat one day last week.
Doan's Kldi .
Hr and Mra. Jacob Sehaub returned
I cured »«N>le right here In Traverse
Wedneeday from Harbor Spring* ,Dec. 8.
where they have beee. rtalUng-Jbelt
.George W. Wlkel. SOS Sixth St..
......... -Mv kidOiy.
Mich., says;
Bora 10 Mr. and Mra. Bari Z
l«wd me tor four yyeera. the
Sot. so, a girl. The lirfle oaA^M
and was takan to HumesteaA their
’^"ra.^Stel^-ef lhmoB* Bay U tf»*>. for burial Wednesday,
'“2te^%4S£^5k“bSln^ra*fnnVe'of “™”S: is father and noGi'er fiti
the Btetea. Wm. Hommlnga wnlked
T with her.
}J in' w Awhn and Jointt, It wn* hard
nsi. TWO'
MUdred Haloes I* auEerini vihri forZe> radl ai Bight and I bow
Sad hR team; gout!. He at once
weak and «BB( for work. -1 was tnSkM-A* home. expeeUng M> find erysypela*
try Dona's KldneF Fills sfter
Hr. and Mra. Lewis visited their du^to
But on the way was in
I had uaad a number ol other remediea
children at Buckley Friday.
jj, and before 1 bad Uken
,1^e LadimVAia wll} 'meOt with
St two boxes 1 was much
Mrs- Crawford Dee, IT;
UBuing with the
Two men were hurt at Wood's bettor. Coutll
loi mnfii
vat done.
_jtarday erealng. Nov. JJth
Toung lAdSea’ aodety gave a pi
Tbr sale by all dealers. Price SO
alre pedro gbrty. First prises ..... at Heslcfc on Iwulnea* Tburadny.
cents. J’^er-Hllbura Co. BuSsIa
Dec. 7.
swarded Co Mias Qertrade Kuemln and
New York, sole agenu for the United
Louis Schanh. Oi
•warded to Mr*. Wlneherg end Fred
Brnnemher the name Doan'*
Denlo. A large crowd was preeent, MU* Bessie Bmerson Is assisting
labo no other.
and all enjoyed themselves. C— Mra Blackman with her work.

'-mosmmosmasmm bsasmasosssm

in^ Interest of hU hwber b

Coroner Frank
City was 1
Htddswwtb of Tra'
an Inqnast; the
BcmaS and held a--------------.......................
death was eauaed by
heart. Hr. Lnmaon had
Michigan for abo«
bean a raaldasrt of
o----------B years, coming from fBL Ijkwrenoe


Id aodar flOMtMl onoad sneenrfal baiiBeH awD who
ve iMga gfii^Gri ol labor. It^hn totlw pRbtieiti
aarnoG.- iSirtiMM MeoaBta aardtoUj iBTHad. aa wwD *a


A. V. FWKDRICH. Tie* Pnillmt

F. C. DmtMWl Btwj. Tblrtby. J. O Crotaar. 81
«er. J. M. HwaOmsataL Oaa. W. ImrdlA Wm. -tm
H. Bmlth. H. a Oaraar. L O. Rice.




---- -

Bert Le Baron and Ibmlly


work In the wood* ihU r
John C. skepperginh and Pete 8henamieet have AaUbed their Job cwiltag
wood for Mra LUe and arv •Olag to ,
David Manifoli had the mtefonane
wood and shlagle bolt* tor Mr. i
«» Mae a horae last week by beiiig
AocheA OB oau. An Inrixkm vak
ade In hU lhr<
1 set in nnd
moved, but pn
insed It* death.
The lAdie*' AU wilt me t with Mra
Dliabetb Manigold. ofKIi «Mey. WedMdday. A pot ludi aiA por will be
'Waller Sayert of SdAh'Paradise
spent Bundsy wit:
titb Bryan and Mnnrtbe
Mr. nnd Mra A. Bnyer* of North
Pnradlse visited nt U t'annl^^nm's
MIm Belle Saysra apeat Sunday at


^ocoficetue. Wa have the
laale of tM«M»nrinI^fl
Sasteal Book Oaae in thia. sttyl
........................ iaVU







' Viiion
" St




_____ .2B5Sf.*upk22J

•d in laGUMr, Uige mMira aod oon-

WUt aoiiU lO-n 70BI «iCi or mcOit non
be Xmai tban • oic- B-g or Oupot’ U-r
dUrariBjtooboonfaom. From 11.00 to *5.00
. can bo undos orerg So* born ■»< o°l<I Xo^
DK of all kinds maifcad at Xmaa pyicaa. tlG.OO Tabl«a at
117.00 Batata at flX7S. $16.00 Dinara at $11.78. Tbeae are all bnatliag
Be aan aod get one for you wife.

Pram 7Sc to
ou ba myi
on awry Mor Table fro« dqw
WktU XoMf Over fiO a^daaAi aaAreiyiMBhlpBBaeat


: -m : '

Spedal Notice to XTRRs Shoppers

__ the Library «• hara
1 BamlOGS ralnee in allkind. „

Drape tbe Archway with a pair of
these Portiera. Xoae momiog
yonr wile or nwther woold eartaia.
ly appreciate a gift of thin kiad.
We have a magnificent emortaeat
to oheora from.

_________BMt b MlT KB todex to OBT snperfe dbahy «t FnrWsttTfirtt
Bltire had Roue Fmbliln|iF indthese spe^ bvstkes an art
latoBM for cash oaljr, u ov aritlnal and SMt Wiini am
xfim poatts fm to have tteni oo the eadest kUndot easy paytoOrts. ttkayotf atiaetboseariy.

fcraltnvATii twAh nwW wnd MSsain**,


r^rv; > *


‘ ' I UOTBKRRATit. need
-••WWk OaahorOradit.

J. W. Slat

---------- —W-




Just wbat daagfater bra been withing for. Ton could find netbing
better tor her preent We bare
eerenl atria in Golden Oak and
Mahogany, np from $1$.$$.






For tbk Holiday 8al« we


iBOiej, Blaok. Xadipo, Oedet
BtoeeadOanliaaL AUogood

ligkl 1

I DiiA Oattaig
oi Shaker

2c. 3c. 18c and 29c

Begins To-morrow and conttnues until Cbristmas.
Yonll find It a positive money saving opportunity to
seenre^nsefnl and practfcallBtdIday ffllts s s s u


F«r U.M aa< M al «»
{ While PrcHlaai Tlekcls
wiD Bfve yo« a baaetihJ lam
Only Fifty DoOa
will be alloeod to go in thia way.

Hondreds of Ladles’ New FaU Coats. Soils, Skirls, etc.

Holiday Handkerdilefs

In Hite Sale at Moat RewarkaMy Law Pricca.

aanoy awa (WetaUd), itc Talee.
marked 4owa (or HoUdar Sale
• etOM «HflM New Oeetfa M>(-«o)ored. Cberros
Btripea. aooM with nair tUe of uoUer
u ootor.
vortk Me. d«c tad Tte,

oholoe ..........................................

Garments that

haw* that indescribable atvle tone to them; thet touch of matter hends.
Many of theia worth M& marked S9e; haadrMs
of others worth Sc aad lOc. marked Sc; Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs at X>/gt: very Alsty handkerchleta at
10c and We: HandkertdaeTa In Chrtatmaa Boaea:
a for SSe; a for SOe: a (or 91M: a (Or Mb; C (or Tie:
C (or ftM. etc.

indicative of superior workmanship, fit and finiah. They're not the ordinary sort that discloses


their source by their very • look" and •'hang.” but garments you d have a right to think caroe
from the bea> cnvtotp tailor in the Und. Such garment, at such pricei. a<-e truly remarkable

tMaeli Heavy aoltioe. nilUble (or SUita, Salts or
Ooata, food values at tfie.
■pedsl ............................................................. WWw
a pieoM da^oeii aiBc and Weel Cellenne, Creaat. Nile
Oreee tad Chunpm^ sartor party
dreaaet. worth |i.M k yard, at
Chelce a( all our Black Dress Oeods that wart
priced at |1.M tad op. at ONMUAflTCII OFF.
.. *

bargains, worthy every woman'* attention.


The moat beautUul styles la
LadleW and MImos- Wiater
Coats, made of Broadcloth or
some Sflk lined,
worth HIM. lt6.M and
«UM: ear HoUA
^ay Bala Pric«.......... Ve f V


bnuoa. twald and satin trlm-

Black nUhet Coats U

Bis style# snr Rmplre. Ticbl
Putins and Bemi-FlUed. M-




Q SI ta^aa wide, worth

Seml-PUIed and Loom Styles.
braid and velvet—some Used
tbrooBbost. worth
IS.7B and II*. at ... VeVW

CoaU are

:M valsa^ (or .

a and Aarmlnc atyHa, the devereet Ideas ever Mown at Me and


Broadd^ote Coate SIS

waah Siw. apaelal. i er yard .

Dainty Gilt Aprons


.Slylteb Wtatcr Goate

mash Wi,H. tad Calared Hdbutal

We deirnd oet a i___________
^ 800DoOi
DbOaatata a apeeU
priea wettb from 6c to 60e each
whkkwekafeplaoedoa mk at

Gneat Holid^ Sale

mdnL_ ^^pieoea marked.
down to per

Dress Goods and Silk




-%r.£Siifts^3^r... 11.50

Aprons made of L*wn and OoUed Bwlsa. U round
«T aQuare rtylea. nicely triinmed with Hemstitched
Ruffle or Embroidery and Tneks. or wUh Lace, or
with BeadUia and Rlbhoo. etc; also maids' fan sise
Aprons with Tucka. etc. st tte and Me; a few at

Dainty Neckwear
For the Ladlee. A complete aasoruneni to pick (ro
and etylea Uat will saUsty Ue
the most eurtinf
exertiof tastes,
tuck CelUra at 10c. BBe and He.
ffvenln. Bearfe U «elnty colorlBct and Peralan
Aealcns. at BIJIi BIJO. $1J8. BLM and OLM.
Knit atdnte onff aenrta «l Me. lae. BIAA BUI.
Fhoenin tfuttlera. aU ederp aad alaea. al OOe.

we hare had, without Question the
edelt of the season. The
Hraba models
icvToas and dXierlou, to




modeta. Aolee (or our Holiday


:iir BbiiiiBliktbr CUHStUkS

la our larse variety yooll find soaw o( the mort danraMe h»__ SslM la PUlow or Rug Muffs. Shawl CoUa^ Neck-plcces and Throws.
' N^pIoM at BIjM «2J0>


etc, up te


Cape Olores. (.11 aitk
16 Button Red Kl
. arorib <4.<KI. At RM.
Embroidered Long
worth M.M-amtIr. at 9ll

K .

4^ Mtfs aadThrom A eaAx;........a..'..-.flM

Kait or Floeoad Dnlerekirta. worth
Ladiaa. Hiaaot and Ohttdten'a Kut Leggina, ex.
oeUeatqnaUtyet 4»C.i»e.Mehh«7fC

D Panama, trim:___ ________________________
Brown, Cardinal and Ones, well
^ QQ
worth f(M and |7.M. Our Holiday Sale Price .

LhtfWUhB WtailcrCohIa tlM
A hargalB ia tedlw’ Law Wlatar Ooata. made ot
U la madlum and dark . eolora.

Holiday Towels

tosses’ and CaUdren’s Coals

Lailcs* Up-to-date Skirto


White and
and «TJ0, we offer (pr this Holiday Sale


Three hundred of the neweat and wdUeat SaUa
Damask ToweU ever placed oe aale at aneh low
Knotted PriBiad. Hemstitched. Basket Weave
dealsn and Mextras Drawn Work, wortt »& He aad
ILM earn. MtaUisaalea6ne.Meaad4So.


marked down
«e^»nt to Imprasa^'with Me (act that we

EiirS-r^... 4.80

Lndlee’ Fine Wool Union Suits, best M.M vsl^ at ......f1
Ladies' Fine Union Suits. worU |!A0 and «M. «l............ H
....................... .............
- Vorts
• ty ......
Vorts and
and Fanes;
Fanes; all
all refu-

StikandNel WaisUain.»

Baiftels and Qafks

The prettiest BlDc WalsU ever Aown at |3M
and M.76. la all colors; also Net Walsu In
White. Cream and Eerv. and finest Bail«te
Wdsta-all CO la our HoU^
dV Sale at ocOy .

HotMay Prices

Blankata. Urn alsa. (or doable beds. In while.
artot. oTuwE. worth tS.M sMlr. at ...

and UM

-----New Fall Waltto In White ud
Colored, worth |1X6. at ........

aLIiW KMmni bldiM
Salahed BulM..
Oheaa Hlinkme, M«d. madlam alaa. worth Me aad
Me a Mir. at................................................................................He
-Qdlta. fined with Oottoa BetUas. Worth tLSS. at.................. Mu .


New silk Petticoats
he prettiest of any shown this season. In all colon nsd hUA,
rorth from IS to HIM. marked down to

5 i


Black MoroorUod Pettleoati. ot lull wlU deep obli^
red flounce. worU 11 at.................
We offer 60 Ladles' Skirts In black aad dark colori. that were
SS to S7M at

Lndlot' Coat Beroatera U noM but the most
desired siylea aad colors, worth
^ gQ
MAO and ti.H. at .

SXS5. SLSS swd tlJS

One of the Biggest Attractions


Melnbcpg ftros.’ UoU Display

• w #IFTY

ffiw IM neketa JM CM hnw
A bsBotifBl 4S ptoos Dianar Set. A
IsigeAmBoQkM. ABsit Cbss. A
HMtbsriAKNB PsttuasL
A Bae
|B6os«rBtie-G.fitBear g Isrgs DoU.

WEvnuRiso owe i

Fot 7S nckcls yom earn have
ABnepiaoe of Brie-Brao
An Oak Btaod with Bcbm Eset
ors large DoU.

For H Ticketr yoa



e verypiettT Do&. A Sait One, I
ceneaeeied BoAing Chair. AMeroeriied PettiaaBt A poetil nrd Albu. Aa
Stsni, or s nest piece
of Brie^Bne.

For M TIdccIs yM «m have
A large OH Painting







Wc’U make an uproar in tbe clotblng business thafs bound to beJcll lor
hundreds of miles around.


l»i This Great Holiday Sale
^ I

With smcb an awhil cal In prices all along the line, means a great deal more Id yoa than ever before.
Ordinarily you'd never Itnd ns oUerlng

and other standard lines ol merchandise at abonl a quarter and a hall underprice so early in the sea
now we’re tree to say that we are partlenlariy Interested in disposing completely oi a number ol sfandaad lines.
We speak Utile abonl onr loss bnl a great deal abonl your prollL The prices quoted are an indication ol how
mneh cheaper and more reasoqable yon can now buy clothes.

Men’s Overcoats
At $6.45, $9.65 and $13.70

Al $6.85, $9.75 and $1450


For $ It) arias'! 2


Suits in nice neat
effects, in greys,
browns, fancies
and black.

$12.50 and $15 Hand-Tailored Suits,
Michael Stern’s and other popular
makes, only the best materials, in all
the newest pat­
terns and pplors,
Cassi meres and
Worsteds, styles
right up to date,





For$10and $12
Overcoats, black,
brown and .Ox­
ford. all lengths,
cut in correct

$15 and $16,50 Overcoats, the famous
Michael Stern’s
mako, in fine Ker­
seys, Thibete and
heavy Irish Frieze,
in blacks, browns
and fancies, at


Suits, Michael
Stern’s finest
tire no- bettor
clothes made

suits that are different from the ordi­
nary, with that marked individuality
that is bound to please the most critical.

___ .2—




For Mfchaef
Sfprn’s$20 and
$22 OvercoaU
of finpst matnrlals. Kerseys a.
The correct 46. 50 and 52 inch lengths,
hand tailored throughout best serge
lining, etc.


•mnocvm •tea.


Fiw Moo And Young Men. Odd Snito in dark riloie. worth
$8 00 aad SlO OO, go in tbie nle At............................................................. -T. W

A big wiet.
Fm and Far-Liarf OoaU of tba maat ralUbl. makj.
n gmllr nduo<4 priaaa-SISJS. nt SM. $28. sn and up to SSS

Best Qoality Corduroy Coats, with boavy ehot p bnJ QC
iBg and high storm cjUar. worth $(i uO. aj................................. .7c/
AU Corduroy, Duuk and Wool Storm Coats and Rfatem at gieaUy

Men’s Heavy Wool Kersey Paots, worth $2 and $2A> al /

FaH Mdu and Yoaag M«i. Heary weigbta, dark nolon
worth r*.00 and $8Wat.......................................... v..................................
FUR CAPS. All tbe newest shapes (or men at tliiO. $100. $3.60
and $o.UQ. up to $14.00. Fat ladisa at’$l.», $L60, U $8. $4 and 1$.

For Drfrlie G^om aid Hlttesi airkei aKCtal at $1. $t.50, $2,081 ^ ta M

Mothers, Bring Your Boys Here for Clothes
nstn and toner eolore. worth
OTPiToats for bort 4 to » r«
J2.00 and It&Snt............................................................................................

Boy-s and Children * Suits, n Inter welahu sad nest pattern*, well-msde. panto plain *
Knlckorbocler style, worth »*.00 and I2.». at... ........................................................................


OrercosU nnd Reoferrf for boys 4 to IS years, made wllb velrct or hlyh storm collar*. In
Unes. browns, oxfords, and fancy weaves, worth *3.50 and *4.00 at.^.
Boy^ and C$Ud»en‘g Ovemsats la plain color*, mlrtares and orerplatd
^meatt for Utile fellows from 3 yrs. or boys up to tC. north *5 and *6. at ......
Boy's Knee Panto, sood wetchU In Caaslineres and C^erlotg. Ua line ot paUema.
srorth Me. at............................ .................... ...........................................................................



Doy’s Suit* Ki all ite nvw fall and winter «)ln* and pattern* la wool Caaatmerea. CWiott aad tiltbeu. I’Mi:’ Kiii.kirbocker Or plain with double *c*t and knees, were *3M, I4.0S aad 2,46
f4.50, al ...........................................................................................................................................................

2 45

Voy s Suit... lb.' celebrated ••TrwBip- brand, la new and novelty patterns, dark mlrtsrsa aad plala
tolor*. All the newest fall and • Inter style* sad fabrics. Tb«e are fS-M aad M.M vals« Q- OR
and ev.ryoD.’ a •Inner. Size* 3 to I« years, at..


Boy s Knee Pant* ol winter »el*bl wool ra*»lmere*. caievlott. Worsteds. 'Neat dar^ pat
tern*. In Kulcker and pUiu style*, ail site*, worth It.M. at........................................................



Men’s ”Wlilte Cat” Underwear
riBsM an-wotf sarments. worth I3.M at................................
Wool Oanaento that were |U5. at........ J.................................
Men's Heavy Fleeced pademar. all sisea. per ^namt .
Bi^'a Heavy Matoied Baderwenr. aU aises. per sanuent ...
Boy's nae Wool tTaderwenr. worth .1^ at ..........................

HoUday SuggesUons

Men’s Hotiday Neckwear
,A very exlensive line-all the nobbiest styles and colorta** appropriaie for
the s,-aMin. Put up In b«%utirul Cbrirttnas bores, at


Men's AO Wool Sweaters

SSCg 50c. 7Sc and S1.00
Also a very eboire line of Men's Netikwear -in nobby eSerts and 'ACp
all sbapee at .......................... '............................................... .................

P,lk Mnfaers at sperial pri.. - • 4«c. >Sc. 96c. *1.29 and *t
Tbe New Fboeuir Wool MeMerR el ■
liandkercbief* In SUk and Linen, p
While Silk InilUl or Colored Border Haadkerchleti
raney Ereelda end I'isfa Silk or Uaea HaadkerchMh
• an,.' rokfr.d SlL »r wbiu SUk wtth totttol. alee Impoftod Irish
t.inen Handkerchiefs, very tnU *lte. at...........................................

Pine Of«M Cloves and Mittens. Perrin's snd other noted makes, in kid or
Moeba. Snk liued. wool, or fur lined. Kacb pair to a b-auiifel gift bar

Men’s Heavy Wopt OversUrts

$1. $1.5$, $2, $2.25 ud $3

Inll"' hm.n r:-<t Cray, best *1 Aeality. at ..........................
.........' SSC
M-U > lleary Lulfrlo Flsaael Shkru. all colors worth *2.06 at----- $lnAf
M> • ‘ •uung Uowns. at cut priesa. 45«. 4»c aad gowns worth *1.26 at
M--.'> Wo.4 Sor. extra heavy, worth 26c at................................*»...
w, n , liesvy Wool aod Leather Otovce aid MStaoB. worth &*c * 76cat 4Sc

Pine SuspeaOsrs In «m bone* at Sc. 90c. TSe and'ttm
Mwi's House Coats, beautifully trimmed, worth *5.M





MAH0TRAVen*8tt|l^ FB|pAY, »fitHllgH3(h.

f' 1


Mlsa UUIaa Jacohaea aMoad, aa aeOLEN ARSOR.
Toetoay amiag ito gronad waa
The Axior u-mt catM don lo ■*• nearly rorereE with xaew. a aortto ■ Robert Bayer, wife aad aoaa Taga.
Mra. ailn GHiBWV *bo has hr*m we«t wind was blowing-aod tto
Harry aad Boy. Ml Wedtaesday tar
rury only 11 degrees abtoe am.
et. Joaepb. Idabo^vbera ttoy expeig
"’rbe^todi^^d society wt with to taoate. Ttotf amay frteatfa heh
Hra. Bble Wedaeoday —
vlah Ibcm pioaperiiy in tbeir
wttk I
A (ood mnr of oar TOMi* im
. ......... .... d eoao- by a la<
r 70 years oU. and she alayed i
Mlaa Barcb. leactor U tto kladm*
uowd tore are eUrtii« for Ibe turn
>0 tbe <
tor vooda
gartra, was railed to her hom ta
Urs. Bert Sheridan vent to *nnTto OarUad e<tool ta Untft br
iwbarg last week. caUed by tto Beliabw. Tuesday, by the death of her
Mtee BMaM. • a«Mtor eto Mtool.
U ta tor Brml ttrmt. aM it U »afe to serkMs iUnetk of tor sister. Mrs. father.
U7 that ato wUI BMto a «n>t-rU>!> Gray.
. Mr. Rringleami and fainny
A box forlal vaa brtd at tto 0|e- moved here fma Uln Hax-ea.
...' T*4DWPRONVH.kE.
Mr Mbnaon aad (aaUy df Port
deaabwv ■cbool Fridar attfrt. Aboat
U4 waa ralaed. ts be naed for aa Oneida, arc aow Uving la ^ir
Tboaiweamie. Mkb.. Dec. 10—B. 8
organ for tbe eduMd.
for Mrs. Northmp baa been eoalaed to bis
MMs Btnoa
There will to good aletfdiiag when
tbe road* are broke oat. Plenty of Pmk Fisher.
Mrs. t'bsrtaa Boatoo. whose ataiden boose for a few dura with atrnlaed
innselrn of bis neek. eaaaod by aiMr. juad Mca. Hobttfg will yveai
tempUag to perform amaaal iabor.
ChrUUtoa wttta ttoir daughter. Mrb. b«r' father
dbys, marriad and noved to Iurtlag>
CAL rovLewla Joam waa blought btoore'
- ton. » yearw ask 8 to was hpre a, Jiwilea Northrap charged with refnagea). «f Beatto )laitar.
«t tto few «uys afo 100^ upd»l tov>^
Mrs. totea
Batas t
IB tern- laoros. but sad for her. so maby bad Ingdo scad hlaefalMrea to tto pahUc
■ gave I —
school. In detaolt of a ffne be Is serv­
by a passto away and few
greet ‘
ing 30 days In the connty Jail. Tbe
line, aad we Ibitei
ehlMrea will be Ukea from a house
_ - Mrs. Dumbrill. tto Mlsaes of sqaalor aad seat to ttoXoldwaier
' nara BenneL Lota f>eVaDee. fda 0)eeoa. Biu Wboelar and Laurw BnrCaliff Bros, have added grooerlee to
* toad, aad lour audenu. Ue
their etoek of hardware.
• Mary Dorry and Pearl Lee.
Mrs. j. C. Stewart has been eanSued
- Alllmtton. aad lartrranee
.. .
, They atieaded the tetcherb Inrtltnte to her room with honrt troubles, but
Fram Ttomday'a flaaord
Itoro. There waa ao school tore last D better at this writing.
Tto Wo^-s Home Mlnalw^ of week.
Loeal people are agitating tto local
Dec 7.
option quraitoa srllh plant to put tbe
wUh Mi?
U •RYdaeaday after* - ^ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
matter betare the eoten In April.
P. C, Gilbert. Of Traverae City.
RegnUr meetlag of the Congrega- ♦
In towi Wedoeaday.
kraal Ladlee AM eoeiely will be beM .
CMS Saltb. a former realdeai of
tto home of Mra C. V. Wright, St7 . *
Wa-iUngton street. Wednesday alt<
tbe town, aow of Montague. Micb.. vUperry Is quite sick.
Kenaedy, who baa been work- lied tore this week.
^r. and Mw. George A. Rotortaoo.* Elme^Rennet
Roly Haak^ and bU son. aaude.
Ir. and Mra. George UCriap and Mr. Ing UMr'Ooyne City, cot bis foot qollc
suricd for Brittah Columbta Tuesday
aad Mrs. B. B. Cbasapion
. ru arv
attend- bagiy
siieuuba^ WNB
wMh aa axe last
mas wees,
week, torlvwii
They go . into the lumbering sc-ciloa


»e KImd Ttoi Bm* aim
im M far Rfcr 80 yean, Ima BarMg

AU Co^tWelto. ImMMgtom^W«*Jfattogiw**«nBDt4 cmdu««r tte MeaRai #r


a»»iw ihMW«pJo«y. N»«h^
•0 jMh~«MUm deviM ptevorib Bm
SSbW-^LcU. E«<.ThM*«r w«i»taL

• ig5^'Lanv£SA*St

5J m MtcfeMytotdfNMy ba«e toored
. Rtok OB tlMlr turn aftar rbMdtng th aad In reapotme to tbe hearty eaeerse
Umk± aad aiaewtora for tbeRpast mag a Hlea Mande Burdgi
aceofflpantsL Mlaa Bamaid also gave
.................................... - ■ r both
[ which wen realty enjoyed. Those
Huj^ScoM. h! ibwa. j; F. Matthews,
-t v«i«..Al''ribofe Baa baeh
Kehl. G. M. Dams, tbe Hlases
toUar at tto gseaSM vrlttog.
Bnrdge, Bc^eanx. Miller. Grant and
M OoraaU hM raato* ''


, Jtoerae city
Uiaa Basaie Oagroat spent Sunday

It Medtial m-rtWriTf'
Ito- JOSMC Rtoqp and Robert 'gredk

I Trkmto.ntyt Saturday,

CUto'Ato CUBord
lord IVar i
f»V^. for a fr.
feWltototaiPrap to rMaagOaorge
Pray In Traveno City lor a few days.
' Bea fMUBd.aad
’%aa were caltod^ ^Uaa»Mwfg by 'The Ladled’ AM that wi
tto apvwre Ulam of thair alstar. Mm. been i
was a very stormy da)-.
Wallace Giles aad Ralph Smith iwClaaae Bash aad alstto Katie and
imed from their hunt quite auccessBUaa Wacaar war* tto gnesta of Mrs.
hil.^^Ofles got two nice
Joba MBIer m Saaday.
wots Olaya. of Lalaad. apent
Mra. Grub and Hra. Rid
wa« At Part Qnatda' dnrthg
tea^Fn InsUtate.
Mra. Babraag oatartalnad Ur. and

.. .. Ibactora toea lotaraad fraat -tto
S .MstoMBla aad aU rapoR a fiaa
f >We axtaad tbaaka to the• people
Vc }nsl Vade«^ed word that imoray. Hr. HoUandb sUter. dJad yaatarday at It:t0. Word waa reotvad here
' at
7:00________They wOl aot return
aatO after the fHieral.


s *
Btonwa.t3iaaa..o(iUrbor Springs.
; I; waadha gawt of Mr. aad Mra. Hath
— •^e bbA week. .
**Mi? Sato^tota^ Caaiwvla. b
D. ft. Soott epeat last
tost tbaraday
yfm. BartMt attaodad tto Good
Rqada eooeeatloB baU la Trarara.
CTty last weak.
enpr Bobortaoa wpaat the day in
wail ns rv*Hi •••
w ww.-n
where he baa aatptaytoaat on i
of the P. M- carltoTton'IorthewJn
; •
ftSf. F. C. Funor. tto Mlaaee Bi
V ard.'OnM.~M<ato^-Sordga.
at. Mffl
- •
* aad Ida BoaU attaaded the taadter'i
I I iamtimit to
Laaland lastTbe

alsoellaneous pro-

Md tl
eW erealto to the bom of :
Mn Q. JL Bam oa Mooday last
The eoAtottae ttdIiarAe af tbe eraalajte eatertaiaiaeot ervre
dams O. M. Dame. H. Ryan. ._
Mtoee Bnma Bardtatn
and daUt
M«er.•- The
I with
o aad gacaatog con-


OB oppertuBlty to aaawer. One eadiag
la natare. and oae In ann —. J. F.
Malhawa ROa tbe Aret two prlna.
ReT^r. ttatotoMa
Srto prtw
taliitoiwil wKh aa inatrameniAl
fitos pUao aOto
by MHi Bardge aad aoeal duett by
the Htodm Otodye aad Vlrtan Dame.


told the of ihrtn bad To to
I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ayers spent
-^dar with‘’Mr
to Clara
wile to Cbas. J. Lake. Mr, Ayers mumed today but
lelm and wife, lots 1
bis wife will remain a few daya
UUIe Bmeraoo Broomhead Is quite
t and wife i
Blaise Kill
ill with pncDi
~ Mra. K. Stiles oftent Saitday with
Monu _
Montague and wife to Geo. W. KUeb- The family of tbeir bob. Wilber, at
j. SB corner of d »-IO.
Ann 0. Munter to Louise M. .Saugb Blk RapMs.
Mr. and Mra.tW. Criaplefl Monday
>n. W IC n. of lot » and E 34 n. of
mnrtilog for Saginaw, where they are
I 8. Mk I. H. L sod Co.-w 7lh.
Chna. Uadsey to Nelson S. Perr> . delegates If. the suie Poamoa Orange.
WMof 8BM.»-S7-».
their return they will spend SonD. W. Reynolds and. wife to Fralfk
Sdwyee. tot HL Fouieo Add to Village day In Grand Rapids with Hr. CrUi.'s
brottor Clayaloii.
..'beoca WnrTM to James B. War­
ren. 8W of NW«. .»•« 10.
Bnuil !!. Palmer to FrvM <*. Richter,
t ll bft. 4. H. 4. « Co.-s 1st.
A. P. Hueltmantel and wife to Rose
Rapid City. Mien.. Dec. JO.—Judge
wife and daughter. Miss
Paarl. tgR BbarsOar tor Mobile. AUu.
to spend th« .wtn^r with Iheir
______ _________ __ Bietner
of Kalkaska. Tin­
W^ of lot r., Ik. a.
ft Bleu
rank 1Blelner. ned her Bnughli r. Mrs. W. W. Hoi
J. bU
riA here Friday.
^Iraes.Alna Mali and Jn-«ie Burck
ToU 2C nod 2S. bD. 2. Fernwood
Wllliatn R Pierce and wife to I'rank were Traverse CHy shoppexv Balurds)
Bd Rafferty lett Tuesday Usl fai
r. Carrla and vTfA iou • and lo. bD.
Mrs. Lewis Losure was an Altoa
Wldeen. parcel
vDItor Satnrday.
Dr. Bond-Decker’s new residence
is about eoinpleted.
Mrs. George Kenney entertained

totmtowa «C

CartaHa to • I
aabatltMte far Oaater OH, FM»>
gortc. Ikrvpa Rod SuotRliMr Synipa. It la .PleMRRt. It
coRtaliM Milker OrIim, r—*■*----------------~---------------aabatamea. Ito age la tto g
It deatoayg Wm
■ WarrtMBRRmd Wfad
Colle. ItnUetreaTw
- Boweda. gleii« kaaltky and MrtMnl atoeys
Tka CkUdrai*a pRmaocm-Xke JloCker>a Friemd.

Bean the Si^BBtarB «f

The Kmd You Haye Aliajs Boaipit
In Use For Over 30 Years. .

srlt. All hope they may auoeeod.
Ooonty Age^t Northnip wishaa UT
ai^ertain the whereaboata of Charlea
Foote a boy of li years. Any InforiAsball. yiK- I
will to used Yi<|lng In tbe rlty. returned to
tion will to ibaaktuUy rooelved.
buy bonks tor the library.
The Ulvam-ra beM a sp>-< UI B«Tt
Mrs. M. J. Wai-trr U vislUug Mrs.
»-w im-aibi-ra wniisu) Forlun.
31 rr. K. Walbildge. of Grsnd RapMa.
Graudnis Frink nHurned to her
Kewadla. Mirh. Dec. 3 -Mr. and
it- the guest ol Mrs. T. Ilortaa.
Mrs. J.
Booth returned from a ibree borne In e:ik KhpMs Saluiday. Hra. Willlsiu IMteaberi will .have
Tweut.x five new meaitora were lak
daya- visit at Kalknaka Wednesday.
f<ir ('hicsgu UHuormw wb<fc uto arill
Chester lioUeabeck is oa tbe skk en in ibe rhurrh oa pntballoo Fridst Join ber linsbvnd. a bo has located
list Or. Long was called la ooe day
theiw penuanenliy.
:-harlie AndenioB* aud M>< k lUrhi
ls»i week
Hp. Al-bn- F. CooHer left-toda^ lor
Lowell »>luk lost one «f bis best 1«-R for Boyne City Monday wlic-rv Fife (.ski- lor o vUU with bar aoa.
they will worit for a while.
horses Tburaday Bight ■
' Miss Gerlnido Rlngtar. of Soalb Mil
Hr and Mrs. Krtil MaaaqUW and
U«. speol BuDday with friends
Mrs. A. MausrtUL of Baltoaa Bay.
were'la ito city today ou busteaaa.
Mra. Jobn Baata of Edgcgaiar. arritiM today lu sfu-nd tbe botidaya wllb
The aebool will give a
tor Mra. Jobs GubuTm. of
meal Friday eveatag at tkg Geangw
422 SiSte strra-..


* rMB.Fc«crs»l«l

Qgfy protoDTly
Bquow. ooM and sichantf
jerenlng with pedro and flineh and a
Uouj to loan, CUI and tee ma «««•*"« w"***'- »•'>
^eMerIwMHatotoBld... Trav—oiy.lueh

Our Superb Shewing of
HoUday Gifts
All goods are on digplay now. and tboae wbo appreciate vbat ao adrantage it b to
■fdectearly while stocks are fuii will have choice from an entirely
new line of beantiful and useful goods. We can only offer a few outlioes of the
stocks here......................Come in when you can» take your time and see them all.

New. bbutiful Bayreuth China, a brand
new line of Leather Goods, handsome
Slalionety in Holiday Packages. Dainty
Perfumes in Gift Packages. Broshes, all
kinds, sizes and prices. Toilet. Militaiy
and Manicure Sets in new Homback.
Gazelle. Silver and Stag Designs. Smoking
Sets. Shaving Sets. Cigar Jars. Elegant
Kehra and Metal Jewel Boxes, at

Going Tast
Wb9 sbottidn'j tbtf at

0m=tbird discount
from regular pricts.

eomparison invited.
Cake them Quick.

Hamilton Clothing Co.
N. B. Boys’ Sntts^v

On« Mb lot. One>ioarlli OU.

S. E. Wait & Sons
Itaverse aiy’s Leading brag store




IWlliE ^ER

» i.


Or. frtitor the HMStoaaM. dtotrii-T (kb taattow-'llto aae peohd of
to eerde- aad pwndla and allow M diopped hhbnry aut bmU. two capo
add tha aogar. aad boB aaU) the adz»ra wui hardea wkea broaght toto
****'• *f

• of flow wIto one
Tho htoh ewww CkrtatoeSA
J. aatMtotoaaSa ta the cai.
ata StoMgMaaa
to about toe mlB ot a doUar. oa
Itttoto eilhar ot the ahore ailxtwaa Jaat BBoy boBM. Cbrttuaas Seda
Lor.oaaaalV before Uktog oC tha Sra. one oaa Oa aae fO taked. than to all the sota s buttered pan. and hake la a i
;oren. Add the hickory auto tosL
make aeae rcry Sm aat caady. Sat
other Idaa to to eat opea Im. t^
fine leogthwlse. Bsat
' 'wm-mmr-Hmitat rnmm.
the white* of feveh eggs and eUr to
oae pound of sugar.
Add a RTOe
ihtog>JMw etaa to the girt who to
ranlBa and sUr shorn half an fienir.
adept at lodge .aabtag. The Boewn
sn^r OB year bakeboard
CtaeUag Sohool ^Magatoae gtopa ihp
and foRB toto dough Into rtoga. Rake
teltewtog rato ter Bekii« It: Out•ipv* « ••IR.-lor ^ »«fi
foorth eehe.of eheeetote. two eapa'of who caaiipt toare bia aiek-rao» witf k U^t browu.
tktccBDUt Jumbles—Two eupa augn-.
a' Uay tree plaotdd
was eap at bMter.
All Its decoratloaa two cups floor, one cup bOttar. oae
Ml for. 8«a tntoutea, tbaa take troa
neint toaspoeo bnktag powder, two
at dla- ihe atore aed pear to a baaptag akpOM 'W''tairtapoa«ng)y ea^O. U
^hoiMto raSr-a
eggs, oae cocoannt akredded. Drop In
Sw.'kttt B 7<m wtoh R hh«a
pans and bake a itoht brown.
mu. Beat aatU the Btotnra bp-'
gawt ^ ptoto lawM lea,
tea. odd-a
Poudam Cake*-8lft lato a mixing
aad-a ya«; ciaa to got aUg, thea poor it auScM^ ilifai“fo ‘'i' Mcntoamt child tboelA
batuund pane to-'cooL Ao- be eeleteed whh the Mee of bdag bowl two eupa Of flour and luw teaotaer way to to lay the ahredded played with aa the had or a amaU u- ■poons of baking powder, add to tola
ooe-baU cup of battier softened but oot
tha boitoa of the ble. There ere BBay faectosUai
far a daUatoaa plea paddtog aaa
melted. Break into s cop two whole
■ To «»a 7«ir‘ o*m hMrt «r«rr oae cop Snely chopped snat. ooe cup pea. and pour the hot fudge orer It. per doll books la which eatlrc be
ireatent when both
Bay be made and which nSord a eggs, one cocoanut Bkredded. Drop in
aaadad ratotok eao cap
and tha ptoto TurleUea ^d aadtoae ptoeaara. a UUla boy. Btir this and pour Into Ike mixture.
.haU caV cltma and caadtod oraaga
Beat an briskly with a wooden spoon,
who ntut rem^ oaaparettrely
are to be Bade froB the
Ite. tkt aMs wttWa MM M*> ycM. paalntoad,
flnem with vanilla and bake In
Ceceaaut Croam Ban—MeH two win Mioy a p
three capf fott btaad eraBtoa. tear
paaa (Delicious cakea made hr an
of batter to a graalu aatoll doek wbfek to aU to pleoaa and
ogga. added ooa at a UoM. aabaataa,
assy end tnespenslTe receirt.)
oaa halt enp of bOK; haU a taaapoon- pan and add oae and one-half capTtoa aat ta pot together by the <
Cream Wafers—Warm
■n^ika tv UU lai <m U a>Mli«r M of etoaaaod, eloree. aUaploa aad of angar with half a capful of nllk.
three teaspoons of butter and stir In
BBd tha grated riad of a Heat alowl^ to boHtog point, boll l{
It is at fi\ tlaes yery dlstresalng to
flve eggs, one at a time. Mix In we
hits an tha (raft aad
o^aatei. rwore trpB Sra. add oae; a alek child whea aU hto CbrUioBi
quart sifted flour and one
aad tbea add the ««at of tha togrodh Ulrd capful ot ahroddod eoeoaant oad preMcu are those, whleh nau
eerti of banana abd raallto enrmets.
aatortni nooraredaaoato talf
aad ooebalf Uaapooatol of ranUla. Baai uaed outdoors or in aonw way bcyonif
toTicn It Is a smooth pastA bpread lato
irea boora. fctod. Tara eat. with a.apooa uaUl efaany.uad thd his stredgik. if suek.are sent Mm by<
W hot oiled drtpping pan aad bake to
paSdlBg.: -A highly aMUonad har^ BUxtore hpgtoa to awgHat«dgaa thao frleads the aotber will ta wtoe
u hot orni till • delloete brown. Cut
aatoe. or a Iobm aaaM la good wtoh poor toto.tatta«wd tin and.-cot
cat to
In BmI
away imtti ha to strong enough
into tauares. pick -with t fork aed dtp
The Ualept Prop. *t btotog water will to. Btke proper ane of then.
Into powdered augur.
Altar a-hMTp .podding a eoaraa ot Brtte the oaadi pare white.
Sastern Cdkek lEngllshl—Rob oae
toea to alwaya rtotobad. For Chrlah
Choeelale Kliaea iTkto to a eeBpa^ oa Chrtotmaa dey depeads a great pound of batter lirto threetoortta
J«r «" tlw WarM.
day notklag to ao approprtoto W tUraly new eoofoeUoa which will be deal uppn the dUeBsc from which he
pound of Star ooBtalalng onetaklt
IWM »er iMih <• m «wM 41/ movMU*. MbM^ kUtB riM
Clear broths ate TStr poaod of raw augar. oneAalf pound ot
kU maAa la the
vMiaB ic» at»m BBd iTMtr tt r«r frttowtog.rdy.:ihe.whna^ff «»• .ottenrallowed by the doctor, aa ate eurranu. ooe^tourth ounce of miked
kM; M Wr ««r to to M to: MM
also Bilk aoapa. If the talld's otomaro nplee; tots into a paate wttt tob yMks
oi%r Blikt to • cool kUcB- t«t «« poaalblc. Beat toto the egg
to strong
and the whttaa ot two.
«al Mt B Bprig ot kMlr OB to* o( tk« of alftad granatotad aacar- aad aUr beef eteek saadwlebea are the moat of three eggs
ubleepoont of atraag rose
U «• Mir UM ven
'wfeart 'U to Iroettof. Tako b bpoob throe Ddaatea. Corer the h^tom of esillr digeated. Round stoak ebould be
1%« IsMawt —tAawt o< m« «WC. *M 4l»>Mt • Utb« ronadod •pooBtal dripptog paa with wriUng paper aad used tor these sad ahoold be scraped water; rot) very tola and bake to a
about three mtoutea.
Bii’MlMlr pnm H into uowhdU tone eight mUe roond ktaaaa trooi with top sharp edge.of a ubiespoon
Japanese Tee Wafers—BUr toe
Ik IB tbe «orld. tt
iiimgi. Haw roadr a prottr tnr, or the mlstura. Pot In a oool
so titol ooly the pulp of Ue meet to
ki^Uar dlak. (Ulod vlU amra of dry rather than bake natll tight yel­ obUtoed; this should be well salted, white of one egg with oaa
pf sugar, then add cme tal
baitr or other Chriatmaa smea aMt
Ur WMT Anika the ambalto anonc thaaa low. dry aad ortop. Carefully rea»re ton spread OB eery tolaly«ut bread rice flour and one and one-hslf tNfrbis paper. Nest day grate a cake ot wMcb bes Me buttered wUb
ooC'toMd-'to ***“ tahia
aweto areeetote into a bowl. »et tote bit or bouer talore the breed was
tV'aato to aB^.«ith4hto abooll ha hot watkr aad dlaaolre. Carefully
out froB the .loaf; toe crotu shouM
di^^^taa aritk'Billed, ehe«date aad be «ui oS^tond Ahe Bndwltoee made
‘rt«e'on ,,pa*ad paper to cool.
only jaboiM ta’o.^neMe eqoare; -toe
breed used muM-ta MAsyi old. Veai''
.Hto, let troeW 4a attan allowed itilfhe
:atok >taB.bat!Bastta gfrea-^to tatoH
aiunittles. JelMK
ardecod bp toa doetta and ataduld al­
ways ta atrrad IK M*d dlahew; Astttp aarcrlag B*aaeh'iaM»edUited by '^
Bick okoa auv will idRlnr irtkipt'^
aOTrttta..ikMUi pMdtog tttor bA
hardaoetdn iluMcBPMW of tarteas
with to mue
etanm .aad aagarp- Mr-ts rery .aaay
aad a«)i afiea ta Btab rot____ by -tha eltfld U-R to aarretf'tald
iaHkto WM InateaA'-of 3tat. filanc
made from trtob moss . Is es- In, a quid
peetolly dainty fort W' ednraloscelrt,
ehtiA This moef>. aap' wanslly U
» kny large drug store; U It
oiuwaa 41 kaart. aM.haMaai va i
Merry Ways of Colebratinflelgna of the Cbrliti
oftea gatoerad at toe sesabore aad
Ml ot'lka cklldMlrit *e grov Terr
atrlsimas Surprise Ceko—Take i
Prorlde wrcalha nr artIBclal. holly kept dried to the bouse for chlldnso's
MW the ktaiMto- Vaa Drte lalU
for the glrlt and bouioanlarea of It nse. Mias ftrmer glees this recipe for twcKiuart bailu. turn It upside down:
m thal,kto Mirtt oMor to aot <wlr
Mvla Caraaala-io Baited aaplp tied with rad ribbon for the boyi. toe btonc-mange. and If made exact- miner it. spread over it neatly a good
Itock reoeiree hli or her erowa i ly as directed It Is deHcloos; Take cooky dough and bake It. lee It with
either wblte or dark Icing. Place In
boupuat oo eniorlng tha rooa.
tat tviltB.
oae-toird of a cupful of Irish
Tha fret game oa the progtaB to
four cnpMi of milk, a quarter tea- the center of the Uble—on Ihe bare
“RV to a datr-w vKli goldaa tore dattf it allghtly bardana whea dropped holly aoareh. For tbU laarea thaped apooBful of Ball, a Uaspoonful and a Ubie if the icing ia white, or
Tki'^tolMtov MMi 'twgM to dare e( iMovito ardur. tbaa tarn late a pap like that of the holly are cut frov half of raallto. 6eak toe moss tor flf- wblte doth If there la dark Icliis. All
%■« wbad oaol oat toto oarsaal
green paper aad hidden arouod the teen aimtes to cilM water to eover,' the small gilin. ncaily wrapped, mnr
loom. SaQh,«hlV> rooaiwe a weep
droln. pick oeCr and add to (be milk be placed und<fr tta “surpHse cako”
AaUidapdal of battar haa naltod to a baaket wlU handle, lied wiUi red rtlK Cook to a doable boiler for ttairty for dessert. Dcrorate Uie COke aSfl
apaa. add eoa eaptal aheh W boa. and .tweaty, aOnute*' Uaie to al- nlanlcn. Add salt, strain, fisror.
table with holly *nd dlstrtbito the
ari^ «aa oaa
aaat. and .krowa dagar.-nbd boO lowpd for the iieareb.
strain, and an Indlrtdual moulds^ girts after dinner.
1 thick. Tkdarattr to half a oaSI Jolly Poverty' Kesaet—The foHowtng
At the wd of-thto period a tMH to .^ch hn«r boea
tool oat krliH leak at» rtaaa far
ruag aa a alipBl tor Ua Sntoh. The (sM water; ptoce pn Ice uoUI Arm plan was used wberr abrersl families
bnttorad paa. aad oft lata a«aaraa laarea la pucA baaket are then coemtonlted for the Christmas dlsiribuUon
enougk to' turn- cat oa a gUas, and
Aad'ttara^tlto Maator aiuM.orheaa SMb nearly oold.
pd and the aataU bey or girl who to serre wito ctmb and sugar—Ladies’- and where there was a dartre for its
Mwloaa Paaeefe
aimpllflcatlon Thrtw or four weeks
fouad to hare coUectadAaert noelraa Home' Journal.
t eagar. i
k ot a capM
before rbrisunss . (be hostess sent
Sartott u thaaa •
a bos of oaody. the corer of wkiek
•batter aad eoa eaptal of ema;
formal notices to each family Inter­
Dk orer a BOderate Sra. PUertag 00, After the heorty ChrlMaas dinner ested that flues would be charged
>r aaoUar froOc.«
atooaally, aatU U» iBstaro stUtoaa
bnly en
each perooB receiving an expensive
rtba ot wire and eoae aceriei itoane
tokoa dropped toto eetd «atw. SBr
Trarsrae City borne tots present, or one In fancy wrappings o'
paper a huge boHy berry Piled with ed. In <
la theroagkly eaabaU eaptal of
espectoHy JMIy occasion, paper or ribbon, also asking (bat each
eagared alBooda and other ktoda of
ekeppad pecaaa aad oao4alt oapCal
r tahia to
A OtortoMiM I
at which each memtar of toe family person contribute
ctoanalagfrr «ow
daewatei «ttk a ttor
bu the prlrllege of going to the cup­ tbe occasion
a tree to a pot la tba water. ly into botUrod tlaa. Wbaa oold eat
When all had assemblsd for toe dis­
board and the fnsU closet, rummaging
ia the center of the room aad aboald out wheterer sulta hto or her fancy tribution of tbe presenu ■ dlsaer-bell
toto aquaraa.
hare elastara of ttoaua paper learee and bringing It to the table. The re­ startled tbe guests, wbo were then
MMlI kaah vktok kai rather daUeato A Oalldoaa
toaarkw. aath « iaal»er. Tha two tMaepooatola ot galatla ia ooa- of esagsaratod atoa. The ebUdrea sult is a eombtoatlOD whicb Is tunny guided to a room where stood
btawM AtaM ha kaai with ttoaal third of a eaptal ot eoid water. AM .daaee aroaod the holly berry.
In toe extreme, aad one which would hitcbrn'^ble. covered with a
aad gwtarlac halto. CaadlaaUoka wtu one eapM ot graaatotod eagar. boO Tbaa one of their nuuibar. walktor appaU s nerrous dyspeptic.
But. ubleclotb. surrounded by kltcbeu
toaOrdal aaaAaa aar ataad Bhoat tha twaaty alaatM, than aM the Mea etlek to hand, braaka the paper, ekow- eerred wuh an acoempanlfficnt ot hap chair.-, and decorated with tbe china.
ertog dowa the goodleu. A aterry plnaaa. langhur and good cheer. It gtos» and plants to be dUtrlbuted aft
tahto. tan or thrw at eadi oad. or at halt a Iobob aad haU aa
it tha tahto to tooal aar ha pat aO lUBoeo Mb the Sro aad poor to oM •etaaiWe toe the aceuerlag «wee» has nerer resulted, trough all toe erward as gifts to tbe guests. A large
tha wv araaid. K n trw to M da- toaapoaafal at asiract a( atrawbarry toUewa.and. each child to flowed'
menu-card announced
meed tbe courses,
years, in as much us u tad dreai
airaMa. aatt to Itt
n plaea a torga gtoto pad baartar ot a eaptal ot atoad aat reiala the
Om ptoco upon which there is always whicb had taen prepared tatt
To prmot teoahall Betlea oa the Rte to ta'u -raid made by the searcbbowl ae’ h^. OD a Sat oat of^boOr taaata. Oat to wU apaaiaa
served on trtya
troys by
part of the yauagatara, It coaid bo ex- ere Is toe cake Jar. and tola Is therc- the cotnpanr- Foreign' flsh proved
eeel ABd roU la aagar.
ta toe packages coming by mall; toe
' AltwDlaaar Mtoto—Fat two eap- pialaed to-adraaea thatAay oae gtfl- tore filled In odrance.
Baw naaO dIahM e( tad aaadtoa
Nut Cookes—Cream ooe
scant subetaotlaR were the plainly and
tha tahto. aad othtra of waaberry fato at graaMtod augar aad laabPlf
eaptal ot watar oa to he(L WhM It kaste waWd ta obUgod to lerfeli the toblaupooB of butcar with ooe-half cup grotoequely wrapped gifts; the deuserl
>al|r. *tlh aUraa aad aaMad aata.
to htoorherp
of dalnllly-wrapped presrw Chrtattoaa dar tha gaaaa to tha aaathaa the heQlag potot add baoof sugar. Add two eggs, one seam
enp of floor, ooe taaspooo of baking enta. upon which ftafelu were to be
tradtttoMi wato 4toto hat a toe tar, toartk taaapeeatul eraaa of taitw. dMlA»P« e twig of holly to a
praTtoOBtr^toaolTad ta a IMto watm aad ptoee.tbe-totter m e taalr or.lew powfler: oae-hali teaspoon of salt, four paid: tbe envelopes and tiny packages
key la pradatrad hf toaar; w
while Jok^presenis
of milk, a generous cup
pt top«a-4to*ato atonps atoa.. Tha Ml tor'Isa atoataa wShaat attrrtog.
BUaitaM aaa ehUd at e ttoae. tha ob- of taeppM hickory nuts and ranllla to and Uble decorailone came last as
I ot batter aad ra- loot belag to aat wta eta. that Waad- flaror. Drop with a teaspoon
soavenlrs of toe (east. The waluro
paiitoto tollh W wtohaat eoM awaat
i Ihto dapaadi BPoa tha M BPtaMbi tha Sra. After the hatter pgod. Bate bis way to the holly and tared pans* ahon two Inches span. If fflsde out tta charges of Ones. anA as
each guest left the room with bis
■autr a( tha diaaar. If ayatwa ara ttaM^>poar the caady toto a bob
too thick add a little milk.
by aay child the aprsy
toao*-«to-«M allow It to eool. Whw
bosket of presenu. coltoctsd the mon­
to a creaffl
toata aad taa, ha»a thaa f
t the raae tp await the ot hotter and lard mixed. Add oae ey nlrendy voud to none tanrtUWe
ooa) aoMgh ta haadto paD It aatU
irat eaana, If aat. hara fnlt.
wbtoa. Savartag wttk aoaaaea of pap- eSoru of the Best eontoataat. and the cop each of brown and white sugar, purpose by the nasembled eompoi
pantoat whUa paUlag. Cot toto i
to girea a graao-or two esta. eas-halt cop of sour milk
red tiekei which mUUot kla cr-W wlU four oops of-fldur in which has
Tsss Unhrorosl Chr
thraaM Saaaa]: the aa» aaratog
a dainty,
to draw tor tha general prise.
Christmas wreaths i
raaova aar tat Mat aw hare Haaa,
btao sittad ooobalf ^aepoon of saH.
son M toe
Aay CkrtotBat gift wtth a sptw Of OM teaapoon of soda one-hslf teaspoon sweet conceit for this
heat BBd BtrBto Bgato. Sam with b
hiriiy drawn thraojk the wrapper wOl of etores, one taa^toon cosato. and year, asys toe Womaa-s Home Comtkto aUH a( toaaa to each plaM
Mahaaara Miaaa adtat dhtot^
eoeooarter teaapeon of Miaeg. Add 'paaloe They are made of a olmple
r ooald.poaatat Ota COP of nttetiia a»g,tao-hilf
martBBM BlxUr*. *Mck if one
twa am «ta «M Soar, oaa aap
to drawtog a twig or hnby with .eyes
.DnBibr ckoones may ta shaped to a esrlsty of
I odd a third of a
to -the Mtowlag
opM. a rewud betag to aiore tor tta
oa a Ua aad bake
aa. poand of batter to aaejJbaet sketch.
•BcUr ma floUBto taowa.
pera Jbtot nd wptar. «toe4 m*




t, ••-.


xix OIppM





l iTifilfi






BU.Toledo,Ohio,writes: "Peruna
eorod me of taiernal ealarrb. I took
about foor boMss wbes 1 noUoed tbe tm>
pBeeeiDaDi and tbs flfth boMto eorta me.
••I do not know whst 1 woold hare
bsw like today had I oot get Perwaa.
forlwasiaatsmbtosuts. Ihadpalns
all over and was erase and tsrlublo. I

"I oannot toll yon how happy I feel,
Ml you wtu know. I never heard of
such msdielne; It Is tbs bast msdlriae
no asrth. My husband It
lu I will always keep Parana in my
houM. Perana to tot beat friend I ever
bad. Jt must be pralsad; it cutad me."

IVi Oklahoma. writMi •'My hoahond.
euldron and mysaU haws oatd your
msdldnss, aad ws always hasp lham
to tbs hooss la easi of aaosMtiy.
•>1 was reatored to health by this
Bodlelne. People ask abont ms troa
dRrerantplama. and are darpriasd that
I* cea
can ao
do aii
all oi
of ay
my neoeewara
and tost I was eared by toedoatorof
ehroole eaUrrh.
-My bnshaad was ooMd of sslhma.
my danghtot ot mrnshs sad ostarrh of

ooehQBdrtapoundsi now 1 weigh oaa
Pstpto -who object to handnd and forty. Fsranaqutoto the
aerrea, and is a groat spsclfls flptxtt
of ebraueuotatth.''

pta wai-awats to -glve variety. Beat When I Bnt looked into tha ovaa.1
mliuke had teen .
(ta wblfS of four eggs until stiff, and
somewhere. They certainly do bektn
dlllciTBtlJ', from any mUutrs l.hays
tdid 'MtlnM' the

taaUog oatiiths aAntfO'wm'hoints
Shane. Cut and toW

.on. T.£


Iswidtoape in wreaths (using a pastry
bag* our qnta) -oa <ariip«l tasrd ^cm-erdd
paper. '’Ordkmetrt Vito
aAkdnei'’sU<Fk^9 cindiro W reprofent
holb' leaves and berries. Bake tbirty
mlnntes In a alow oven and remove
from (be paper, using a sharp. longbladsd knife. Unlees one has a very
Is well to have a guide
(or shaping these rings. Hark circles
on toe letter paper with a lead pencil,
sUng a doughnut cutter (or a patteru.
Shrewsbury Rings-Work half a
cupful of butter nntll creamy, using a
I'ooden cgl^iKion; then add grad
>s’ll(. *JlA(' .beatlnj; consuntiy. one
■ufluf of augar
one «gg. wall beai-0. Mix and sUt one and three(ouritah rupliiia at flour wito two teaapoonfuU of baking-powder and add
toe arst mixture. Tons on a floured
bewrd and roll oae^-igbtb of an Inch
thick, dealing wllk hot half of tbe mix­
ture at a nmc. Shape wlib a dtmgbnoi cutter, flrst dipped in flour, brush
over'with white of egg. and spritkie
with suiar misea with cloDamoD.
fourth of a teaspoonful of clnni
Btancb sod spilt almonds, and arrange
three halves at equal dlsUnces
each wafer. Plat-e on a butiered
sheet, and bake eight minutes
Coot before packing
In a tin box. This roclpe Biakes abCut
three and one-ball dotco rings,
range (or serving, overlapping one aooiber In circular shape, oo a fancy
plate covered wlib a dolly
Brandy floaps have no brandy in
them, but 1 am told that they oCiM)
' ' '
apirtr. acraas the
henro coma the nasns. -Heat half
a cupfnl .of molaaaei to the hoOlngpotot. and. add onotolrd of a capful of
butter Remove from toe range, aad
when toe butter to melted add gradnally. wtaDe nttnrtiig and boating cesisUDily. one cupfnl ot flour mixed and
lilted srith twodhirdi of • oaplu) ol
sugar and toreo-fonrtoi of a uMatpoonful of ginger. Drop small per
ttons Irom the tip of the spoM
a well-taUered. inverted dittpplng-pon,
tsro laches apart Bake in a alow
oven, cool sllgbUy. remove (roi
pan. nsing a sharp long-bladed knife,
and roll over toe handle of a wooden
spoon or. aspeclally at toto festive aap
•hope oornneopto faahloB
deaft with, they make atraetlve
tor bolding the salted nuu (or the
Chlmmai dinner. One may be placed
■t each cover and when the lee^raas
(S aarvad it sill fnraiah the wafer tor

’ Try Thaan.
One Ublespoonlul ot tatter rabtad
to three of flour, roltod tsto toy.
upper crust tor pies.
Keeping food hot by covering and
setting In a pan of hot water.
Adding a cup of grated ooconant
to sugar cooky dough.
TesUng a soft custard, to sm if It
Is cooked, by pouring out a IKUs
from toe spoon. If It iMvns tha mom
clean. R needs more eookinf.
A little turpenUns mixad with the
starch, to give a glcss to ccliafs and
To Slop toe smtaa and sbsU of any
aubstance huralag m the staiA..hy
sprinkling salt open 1L
To (dean 1
uaing MokaU cH»M
a pan of waur.
.i V


CrymoHiSSd Nuto. '
Slowly boU (Ogstocr one plat ot
granulated sugar and oBOhalf of a
pint of water nntll. on dropptng * lit­
tle In Ice water, it can be rolled In a
ball between toe Angers. Poor It Into
a stralgbl sided shallow paa of mlflcient site to have She ayrup about an
Inch deep Drop In the nuts to ta
crystallized, not allowlDg them to
(oueb one anoUier. Bund aside la n
moderately warm, dry pBoe. and leave
undisturbed tor twenty-tour bonroi If
by Ibis lime they are sufficiently cov­
ered with tbe sugar crystals, dralp off
the syrop and stand toe paa in a cool
place until tbe nnta are dry.
Another way u to pnt the wtts la
through tat wilt not eoloA
half poand of nuu allow -tons poimds
of sugar and three cupfnla of water.
BoU slowly UOUL on dipping Into It
with a uklmmer. letUag It ddp tnr ao
tnauai then blowiag torooflli .the holes
itttie bubbles wm ta brasd. Add u
R one sca^taa«aMtoi of vaiAln.
take from tbs flra and sat oo a hot
brick or in a pan of hot water.
Holding tbe dtrti of hot aoU In one
band, poor over tbaa. is a Ana stream,
tboui one tablespocofnl Of the syrtip.
Keeping tbe syrup whore It wUI roraslo hot. shake tbe nets ontO toe
BUgar graaulites on them. Shake tor
a moment longer, add another spoon­
ful of ayr^. toake as before. Gontinne to follow this procoM until the
eoatlnt of sugar on tbe nuts Is as
thick as daatred. Do not attompt to
honr the pronsii. or the nuU win ta '
spotted ShouM tta syrap becoBd tSi
thhrkj place It tor a motopot oo (he


18 READ.

Ilian tiHi

diboOovo that tte
etoo thtf Tight with vtadoa aad oP tor Hgbts woaM do vrang to atd o
fTcttroBM BO as both to aocBio tobdm prooB bOMot bootoea BMO. benoct GM>
wealth, fcr tea neeaa of dteor
CMS BBd te do tedieo to tte BiaBt of
tbo Boot iM- tTpe of wiongdote Btcaartlr tartta
I agalnat tbe caoaa tbe
poftant taetora to oiodwn baatoMa. I
itoanr opteldi.
bottoTO teat It to vocoo tbas fdly to
pcdBt of dancer to tte aattoa
nation tb«
tbm to
attempt to proWbU aO
' '
aa Io docw-br tte Sbomian aoa«BW Botelag to cboom batwoaa. oo tte ooa
law, bacaoBO oacb a law cao ba as- biod. Iba corrBptlo&lit. teaptteagtrar.
r and oBoqaal- tea brtba taker, tea mu who omptora
tardtetpMxoed. 1 atroBstr
adoooau teat taotaad of aa aowiaa
MoK to problhlt an
wUob an 1B tea tetenW of tte pabik;
bat tean, at tte aamt ttiiw gtra to
aoao agoBcp of tte aadoaal govwBmoot fou powor oT eoatro) and aopM
•boold te aaOBTteg oatlw pobtleltp to ail mattaro
wbkb tte pabUe baa a itght to kaow
aad. fottkoraera. tte powar, aot br
jBdldBl, bat b7 axacattra acttea to
pooToat or pot a atop to OMT form or
impropa farorttam a oteer wR«g-

fnm tte domain of tte anu-traa tow.
Tte powa of tte commtooioii ab
te mada tbaoagbgotnc. ao teat It
eoBld agarctoo
aad eootnl ora tte toaoa ot awarlttoo
aa wan aa era tte laMag aad lowa^
M of nM. At ncarda tatoa, at IM
powa to t
t tte flaaoeltl opaad aeeonnla ot tba ranwan
baa kam oao of tee mow ralaable tatarw la iMMt toglelatloa. Powa to
make eoMdaadaaa and tndk agraoawBta akoBld bo expUclUj eonfeirod
apoB tba raflraada. tea penwatoo of
- being Ant gatnad aad
a agraament batog
PBbUated ta an Ita datalla. Io tte lataat of tte pabUc tee nprooeatAlra
or tte pabUe aboold bare comptota
powa to am teat tte rallnada do tbrir
dat7 br tea pobUe. aad u a matta of
eo«rm telB powa aboBld alao be oxarclaad ao Bi to aa that bo inlwtkv to
dooa to tte ranroote. Tba abai*teldat% tea anploroM aad tea ablppara all bare taianata teat mnat te
Bd. It to to tea tataraw Of aU Of
tbit ao

tkm aboold te alknnd aad ttet tbaa
ateM te BO Imprapa toanaoco of anrtda. Tte galdlat latalllgaoM
aaarr for tea oneoMfol boOdlnc
teoold foeolra ampia i

bto gnat taleat to owladto bto fallow
etttoana on a largo oral* and. oo tec
tba praoeber of cUaa
tetnd, tea tnan wbo. wbatbar fi«B>
WBoraaca or from wUltagBaa to aaartflea bto coontrp to bto aabtdoa. peranidca waU meaning bot wrong beadtrj to dattor tba Inatrw
a wbieb oar proa>orU7
a. Let oach groop of bma
bewan of and gaard agalnat tba abort0 atakb teat group to UUabto. Too oTiaa wa aaa
Itp to a apirtt of
ubMlthr clam c
tbe effort to bold Io aeeoont nndar the
tow the wealCbr men wbo in tbetr
' great eorpoeetloiia.

ICO of tbe plain, decent people.
8Bch nn atutade caanot bo condemaod
too MTor^. for men of propertr
tte rigbta of propertr when tber
barCUr to JolB In tbe effort to da.
awar with tte aboaea of wealth. On
tte other band, tteae wbo adrocato
pnfwr eoDtrot on tebatf of tbe paUk.
thnogb tte Mate, of tbne gnat «wpocadpu and of tte weaHh engaged
on a fftaat aeale tn boatnae opentlou
man arar keep In mlod
tber do aeropnlow Iwtko io tl
pondoB. notoa tber ponnlt ample
proAt. and wadtollr aocomage capable
awe of twatoeoa ao long u tber act
wUk boMotr. tber are atrlklng at Um
root of oar aatSoDal weU being, for in
tte tong ran. ooder tte mere preomn
of awtertol dtotreoa. the people as a
wbme woald probabir go back
ralgn of an
itter than aabmlt to a control far.
tte state BO dnstk and ao fooltoh. coocalrad tn a Mm of
and BBRow bcadlttr to wmlth. a



Tte epgoatUoD to gonraiaoat co*' of tbaa great
moat aSactlro affort In tte atepa
of as appeal to tea old doctrine of
to addUka
' A^tB. or coome tMn an
Jtwt as than were fonnerlr uouy
Bin tasa wbo betlerod In slnrcrrftat U, In tbe annstrlcted right of an
ItelTldul to oem snolber Indirldnal.
nten do not br tbemselTea bare
graat wtogbt. boererar. Tbe HfarUre
Igkt against adoqaats gorer-.inient
oootrol and superv won of todlvldul.
aad BMctollr of eorponte. wealih en....................................
la ebletlr
daoa endar corer, aad eopodallr nodar corar of an appeal te atatm'
figbto. It to Dot at aU Infreqnent to
read to .tte aamo speech a denuncUttoB of predatoiT wealth fostered br
apadal prirllage aad dcAant of both
«M pabUc ertifan and tow of tte

jdH wt«« 9m U. 1M It «ma pro- ba pat Badrr tte JartadMoa of tte totoad aad a wmt «» waipc<t ID tbt BptlOMl
itral fOTcr
Maki Iki pwmkr «9 tbM Mmo Dud
I erltb tbi
- (to pwBit tiMir «M u ■ bMti for DddlOPMl OUmUlDB BOM Of BOttOUl
la sneb twin dennadoMa. no Mt*! oCort of tklo pro.
to abootntolr aotblBg.
•liiiw «M M «rMt tkat It via
AmU Bo WiMlr l«c«lata4 U the for tbe Bret half
la ntOUAed br tte
aaoood bait Tbe chief reaeoo am
btanat af tti
It to Terr aaramtlr totewlehcdttet tbe Bianr eoBBd and coapHlIng
ear people, tbioogh tbair nprunU- eOBB ttet ted to tbe fermatloa of
Ml goTeremoDt wgp Zbe aboointe
flraa. aboold act In tbla matter. It to
ttet tbe t'nlon and not tte
kaid to ear wbatbar moat damage to
Btates aboold deal with Inicntate
the cooBtrr al large wooJd eome from
oaOn Caltan oa tte part of the puWic and foreign commerce, and the power
to aaporrtoo aad’eoacnl tte actiou oT to deal
tittopM>l»M.naB,lMBaadotnr. tte great corporaOoaa or from tbe ez- graatad abeotetelr and pleearllr
tte caatnl goreniaent and .eras ese^
«Ma PM or tko teal pMT ISOO. Tbo ecctoe of tte i
Mt mbU vbo o aaplM of IBURS.. power tn a war wbicb woald do tnln*- claad completelr u regards tbe onlr
interstate cuimerce
m«. no laoadk] epmaoM of tbo dea aad wrong to tbe i



r tbii paUd. iMod

teo DblM-aMoo tioa nST.liUMO to


I anal

law of > por coot

r tte act of
IteKk Id. Ala loonted is tte eoenrMob MB t pit eoBt ooBodo or USD of
-------- ---- ‘ ■» koBitac htphor atoo
ternoBO of MLteTJM
d ekaiao raaltod
a poonoBd

• a Dot oar

Both tbe prweben of an
ladirlMItom and tte proacben of an
cVprW^ wbkb woald dear to able
man of baclnma tte Jnat nwatd of
tboir ialdatln aad batoncaa mgacttr
an adroeaUag poUctoa tbat woald be
fraogbt wUb tte gnreot baroi te tbe
waM coontrr. To permit eretr towton eapMaUat, erarr tow defrlng coc
poratloB, to taka aar action, no mat­
ter tew tnlqoHoM. ia tte aSort to aw
BP ptiniaga woald t

r a twor one cf
pomi to rarrr oat to tbe tetter
iBort to aecora ta tbe In- tte prime parr>aera. If not tte prime
doBtrlal worU tte Mrit of democratic
tslr dmllng- On tte other tend, to
repremmti merelr
bttoek tkate wrooga In tbat MHt of
of tbe pelent feet
demagogr which caa are wnog onlr
• IV tte nan of wealth
and to daab aad bUnd in tte pemanre tab!.......... ......................—..........

•tea « Moilp «BO hnteod amkao of
BM. a NdMttel
K daw Hr BtBMr

‘JTSV or tte axfiBardluiT

Btao mUUooo OB tte
arpa. mo to as
Woriig» aotiafatecj teowtac. t
mof IB now of tte aa ttet d«
Mi poBMd teo aatloa baa Boror I
toad te ^oftolt. 007 rapoMdltgfo

a BO BOV tauB aad bo ter «U0B Ob tte ccBttff.
B kBte booB taka* oC. Tteo

tbose dare—tbe waterwar*.
tte blgbraada-aa well aa tbe partnermipaof

•d an of wbat boslaeai tbere
Interstaie commerte to now cbledr
eoadocted br raUroads. and tbe great
corporation baa aapplnnted tbe rum
of small partnerabire or indlrldMU.
Tte propoul to make tbe utional
over, anu tbrre*

tag. wbontar U to toood. and we most
ataad beartUr for the ilgfata of ererr
doeoBt maa. wtetber be be
glut woaltb or a man who
Urtoiboed aa a wageworker .
of tteaon.
It to to tte totaan of an cd to ttet

will come onlr br pressing various cuoenmot remedtoa. Bume uf tbeee reuiedlae mast Ua oatzide tbe douulo of
all govemmenL Some bidsi bv outside tbe domain of tbe federal
geveramenL Bel there la tegtobtton wblcta tte federal govemmeol
eta It atwualou can <
t and ffbkta

great taierauta OTperaiiou. bu lndtog
a almpto metbud of aceonnt keeping.
pul>Uclt>'. aapervlsIuD of tito tosue of
of rebatea and of
tpeclal prlrllegee. There tbouhl be
abort time frauchtoea for all corporaHunt eugoged lo public buclonit. Ineluding tbe corporailoot abl-.-b get
power from water rigbUi. Tbrn-sbnuid
be national as well aa etate cunrUlauberplnaftc
abould concnrrvnltr
apllth tbla mcoui. of couree.
a cortato Uicreaae
to tbe use of. not
the creaUen ot power br tbe eenttal
Coeemmeat. Tte power alreadj esIsta. It doea not have to be created.
Tbe onlr qaaetloD to wbetber It ttell
te naed or left Idle, and mcoowblle
tte carperatkms orcr wbkb the power oagbt to be czerelaed will not romalp Idle. Let ttaooe wbo object to
tWa iDcrtaac to tte nsc of tte onlr
power available, tbe national power,
be frank and admit openl> ttet tbep
propose to abandon anr effort to cootnil tte greet boatoese corporattone
and to eseretoe ettpervIsloQ over (jtc
accamnlatloo and dtotribotion of
wealth, for aueb soperrlston and con­
trol can onlr «>B>e throngb iblaTmrtkalsr kind ot lacrease of power. We
DO more boUevo In ttet empiricism
wbicb demanda abaolntetr unrestralu
ed Indtvldnaliem tteo. we do In that
emptrklam wbkb cUraora for a dead
. wbkb would destrur
not even an onrestratoed Itidlvldnal1am Itoelf could acUevo. Tbe danger
to Amerkan democracr Iks not In
io tte concentration of admli
tntlre powar to responsible and acnumUble hands; It Urn to tevtog tbe
power Inenficioetlr concentrated, so
that BO oae can be held reepcnalbk to
tbe people tor Ita use. Omceotrated
power to palpable, vlalble. reeponalblc.
oaaUr reecbeiL qek-klr held to account.
Power scattered ibivngb manr admin
letratora. manr toglslaiora. man'r mee
wbo work btetod and throngb legtototocs and admlnlatniora. to impalpa­
ble. ta anaaeu. Is Irresponslbk. caoeot

BdmlBtomtloB of poimeal powar la
ecatuced emong a varictr of mea wbo
work tn secret, wboee verr namee are
ankoowu to tbe common people. It ta
Bot te peril from anr man wbo derivea
notborlir from tbe people, wbo
Mem It to sl^t of tbe people and wbo
ttet to from time to time competed to give
r corpmtkma dcOng boat- an accotnc of Its exercise to tbe peo_______
It or all of tbmn. Bret, bo- Pto.

IdfiiUtin Veadai Is Vafij Xiaae

paefto asd' aa ampto reward tor tte

Mllp tea nteeada. I aa colj npaat
wbat I te*B alNodp B«M BBd BtBte
oaid te ap teiMBgM to tea wbwooo
I. ballooo that oador tte totorotato
. ctoMc Of tte BOBMtatteB the CBltad
teoM BOB ^oaakltte BBd patBM^

d lergor ownetahlp and of
oqallatte distrlbatlao of proBla and at
tte game time a krtter «< r>ice
We iKlIeve ttet tte
adaUntotratlon aboold le for tbe benefit
of tte raanr and ttet greed and rascalUp practiced oa a Urge scale aboold
be punished at relenUeaalr at U prac­
ticed on a tmaU ecato.
We do not fur a moment beltore ibnk

dltldad aatborttr cunot regotoa
I wagswoi
BMfto wtth wisdom and effect
to draw }
to mind tbat ozacUr aa ite anarchist csatnl goeemmeat to tte oalr power
latte wont eaamr of Ubmtr and tte
ad tte problem In aU Ua aapecta la eat
WBcaooarr tbe worst ooamr of order tbeleee tbcroogblr and
m the' mea who defend tbe rlcbto of eentrol and supereiae tbe
tere moat to (ear from tte pamtiona. To nfaaodem tbt
m of great wultb. aad tbi^ C3tkn:l r«it;x-1 mrau to abandoa tbe



L£I«H ^ tor aU admuMs.mUiiaL.vd


cdal fuMB'ISb -ffeerngard Ter
'proTtotoB Utr we
calltica has raaolted to a aMfctog denial
uf justice Bad Aagnte veeag *e tbe
tkrnTte ectioa there la certeto Mto- bodr poiitk. ________
letkB wbkk sboold te inarlel at
eocB. Tte tow peaeed at tbe MM aeeekn of tbe eoagrees granting cmpcBtedoa to cwrtaln elaseM of es-

mm 8F TK cmni

ptorM of tte

to todode all <
tte gDvmmcot and abouldMte*i
liberal to im.tenna.
good graaid for tte dteOnettoa made
to tbe tow betwote tboae tegaged to
t and tbose not
to tojuTwd or
kUtod to anr Un•^ of work It
beaerdoua to hla-^^ Wbeiter 1 pec
cent or 10 per cent of tboae (Mtowtag
a gl<
- .
jnrr or drath oogit^dM to bare anr
bMimg on _tte Jjoeeaoo of their ra--------------'|U to a grim logic

Vet MUe Whea JtdieiBnr h
AttBsked iBiiiritolBBtBly.

At.tte last etortion certala toadata
of urganlced laU-r made a vlotoBt aad
awee|>Uig'altack Upon tte ondra JB*
dlctorr of tte cuuuitT. an atUA
conebed to *c»cb terms aa to iBclBde
tte nxwt upright boBeA and broad
uluded judgtw uo kwi than tboae «ff
nsTTuw^ Ditod and mere teetrkted
outlook. Itwutteklodorattecfcaduilrabtr Atie|l lu j>rereot aar aoccrea
ful aiteui|it tv refunn abneea of tte
Judklar)-, because It gave tbe Aa»
piuns uf tte onjust judge tboir sagMlff
dcetrvd opportunltr lo shift
4tnd toiu i ■
or tber are cniutod to no c
Uon because verr few people utber judges wbu were nnJusUr aagiilad.
fftan be tevo been lajmed or killed In La«t >-««r before Ite booM cummlttae
tbo Jodklarr these tame labor toadttet eecapatkn. Perbapo ono of tte

to tte

cuntstuvd them, tettet It does not
gtattog tbiff
and others whose llvos mar be earrl11 or
Aeed to enforcing tte laws of tte wished Ite principle of tbat bUl
United Sutee. Tte terms of tbe ad
labor dUpote oo tojanedoB
ptwTldlng compeoaatloa aboold U
made more m<eral than to tbe preatwi abiwihl isHOc exi*oi>t lu pritert a pru^
act A rear's eompenaatioa Is not ertr right sud spe<-tficaUr prorldad
adeqoato for a wage earner's (amllr tbat tbf rlKht tu carrr uo hwitotM
to tte rveot of bu death by acMdent ebuuld nut te cuoatmed as a propetlff
to tbe coarse of bis cmplo.vueoL And rigbi. and to a wcund pruvteon ttetr
bUI made legal li a Isbur d
to tbe event of
etoven tnontte after tbe occi set or sgreetuent br or between two
dwt tbe famllr would onlr receive as or tunn- ptwMui ttet would nut have
been nulawful If done br a atogto pertte eqalvalral of one
two montte’ earalnga. lb Ibis reepert aua. lu utber wueds. tbla bUl togaltte geoerositr of tbe United State* laed Idsckltottog and borcottlag to evtor toaisnco, tboae
toward Its
n« of Ite eecoadarr tiorcott Wbkb
onfavortlilr with ttet of ererr coun
tbe aaibrsrUe cusl strike commlMoa
try In Europe-vvea tte poorest
while the
Tbe terms of (be act
nsTBient ta
•" ""T on ■ buslMos was ezIt ta to anr »***f'»T
nn^ ‘‘d* pfowar doe to tbe Begllgenew of tbe em-j
ployee. It ta Inevluble ttet dailr (e-.
The demand wvS mede ttet
-------mlUarttr with danger wlU toad men tot
»‘»«Ud te trial te Jn^ to
t unnibur of email
. guud. take cbancee ttet can be conetoted: tenq* cteet. tterebr moM eerionelr lak
rtwsuns. aud where;
wherej into bcgUgwoce.
begUgwnce. So weU ta thto
this recog-|
recog- P*»
P*“’tog Ibe auttokUr of tte coQfto.
thing fur tte same reasons,
a cuarac of poUcff
tteemploroesaie tte noekbolden ttel rtivd ttet In practkalJr «U coantrtoej A"
Verr muebj to tte clvlltaed world, except tte Cnit-j »>>lch. If carried oot. would
te oataidc of 1 ed Stetee, onlr a great degree of negU-:
P**"'*!* »
- - - - 1
' *•- crudest atMl must bruial form and
desiructiuu uf one uf tha ottet ea*«>«<iIVvtog. tenk.'*; lU i
onr Wialau'on. btih Mto ate ••n'*-l fdncUuns of (te Jedklarr to ^
make U csmt fur (te pouMi to keep oatSonaL so far behind practkallr tte Mvlllzcd lands.
Tte vinleiice of Ibe cruaade (or tbla
their sartni.-s to almuluie safety-. Tte{ entire clvlUsed world aa to tba ma(t<
regatailou of tbe nailuoai bigbwara | of llabUltr and compcnsatloB (or sc­ legtolaUun ate Its comptota fallnre li­
an i Mdents in Indnstrr lt la bamlUallnc lestvatc two tratte wbkb U la
must te such tbat tbey atell a
[•eople aboold lean. In tte
pal cMie<inal justice. Corporate ttet at £ur
acMdcnU tte Cnttod SUtee first pUc« liter ought to teach tor
anaiiec* must te npervlacd so aa tu
make It far safer Aten at preeent fur aboold te singled out aa tte numt be­ worktogotatk, tte laborer, toe wage­
tbe nun of aiuatl means to Invest bli lated among tbe natlooa to reject to worker. ttet tff demanding wbat 1a
moner to stock*. Ttere most te pro­ emplorera’ lUbUltff togtoUtlon. TUa toutfvper ate Impoaetoto te plar* toto
Is itoelf a large empkirer toe tends of hta foaa. Bach a ends
hibition of child labor, dlmlnottoe of
woman labor, abortaning uf houra ot of tabor, and to lU dealtoga wlib Its ate vkloua attack upon tte coorta.
If It »
emplorccs It should set a ataodaid ta
all mechanical labor. Stock watering
would tocrltthlr to ttto end cagaa a
abould te prohibited and stock gam­ this country wbkb would [dace
. _
:e coan- violent raactloo ate would bate
bling. so far aa ia poaMbto. dlacosraged. a par with tbe
Ttera abould te a progreasive Uibcr- trlea to Earww 'Tbe Uwa of toe great maas of cttMate togetbar. forcMff
Itance tax ea Urge fonunea. IndUa- UBltsd SietM to thto xeapoet ate the ttem to atsnd bj; all tbe judgm. coatrial edacaOoB abeoU be. .BMPOOged. lawa of European countries have teea petent ate IncompatoBt-BlttB. lutbsr
of jeMke
Aa far aa poaalbto we abould Ugblra aummartsi'd In a recent ImTIetto of tbe
of totoUedM
iLc burdea ot taxatks on tte small boreau of tabor, ate no Auetkao wbo | stoi>ped. A
I fait to te ulilmateir rtanlt tq sotbtoff bw duaWa aboold put a.
a pramlam upon reada this i
it to
thrift, bard work ate bostoeM energr. Btrnek br the great contrast between age tt tboaa to Myee
but tteae gnaUtka cease te te toe uaiu our practices and tbelr»-a CMHrast nomluatlr uoderUhen.
most healthy truth, wbk-h It ta wtoe
factors to eccamalaUng a fortune lung not to anr sense to onr credit.
Tbe congresa ahoald wltboot fnrtlwr for all vur i>eopta to Icaru. Any aer^
befuie ttet fortnos reaches a point
where It would be scriouslr affected fay deUr pass a model emplorera' ItobUltr aneot bated ou tbvt Mam batnd wbkh
times aasomes tte name of ''Maas
acr inberiiauce lax such as 1 propose.' taw (or (be Dtotrict of Columbia. Tte
as- ta C
It la MDlnenilr right that the nation emplorera' lUbllltr act rccentlr deabould Ox toe teraa upon wbkb tte cUrrd ODConatiteHonal on account of faU aod. IMt t'
to Its provtalons do farrsacbtng damage. "CMi eb»great fonooes are toberlted. They
e engaged to I
bMousimvs- wtere It to merely another
rareir do .good, ate tber often do
barm te tboae wbo Intertt them to merce ea well aa tboae engaged to to­ name toe tte odlooa rke at cto«
tes been held br eetflabness U equallr noxloae vbetbte
tbelr ecUretrtte local court* to be *UU to effect ao to an empIoyer'B asMcUlkn or, la a
PretoctioA Par
tor as It* provialuo* appir to toe Dte worktognmn's oMoctatlon. Tbe 'mt»Tbe abore is (be mercat aketeb. trict of Columbia. There abould be no
ment to question was oue to which
hardir ereo a sketch lo oDtllne. of the amblgnltr on ibta point If there ta
reforms for wLkh we abould work. anr doubt -on tbe subject toe law tteappidl was made to all woridngmen
But there ta one matter wUb which BbaaM be re-enacted, with epeclal ref­ to rote iirimarUy not as Amerlctn dtlseoB. but as indlrldnala of e certain
tbe evogreos should deal at this ece- erence to tte District of Ctdemlla.
Bba. Ttere abould oo iongar be any TbU act bovever, appUce onlr to eu- class to nocletr- Such an appeal, to
Ite first place. revMla tbe more high
peltertog with tte question of taking plorvye of common carriers. In all
minded a
and fanigbted among tte pen
care of tte wageworkers wbo. uodor :ber occupatloaa toe
_ llaUlltr
tow of
whom It ta oddraeaed and. In
ear prsemit iteuairlal tyeleai. tecoue I the District It tte old cora^n taw^ tte Bemod place, tends to arooei
Ulled. crln>l«d ur n-urn oat as |>Bn uf Tte aereritr and Injustlte of tte
strong aotagnnlam among all otbM*
Ite regular toddents of a given boai- moD law to tbla matt^ teve been lo
riaesea of Mtlaeoa, whom It tberafora
Tte majurity of wagewurkec* aome degree or anotber modified In
tends tt BDlte agalnt tte very organteve tbelr rights aecuied for
majorltr of oar stateo, and tbe taatloa on whose behalf U to totead.
e artlun. but Ite nailoul lonly
r toe excioalre Tte mnilt ta tbmfure antottantte
from ererr atandpolnt. Tbla haalthff
truth, by tte way. will be karate by
t only
( tbe oa-1 Union to tbla respect A comprebra- tb<- SoetallBta If tber ever soeeste tn
mal government.
for all peraons lalve empluyert* Usbllltr law aboold be
to this country an Ispseengaged In Inteniate commerce. Tte i passed for tte District of Colombia.
object snugbl for could te Bcjilevni
lo s mnuarable di-gvee. as^ tor as | to a pre
s message tbat half bollLllied or crippled are coucerTkot. days te granted during tte summer to
by proper eiDpluyer*' itaMIltr to«K aU. waeesrorkert I government t
the tabortog me B of tte coontry.
As far as concerns iboM who teve i phff.
tte way to wbk
effort to get tbM to cnat tbelr Totte
the fact that definite step* toward ! met the prir Iplc of the eight hoot <*
to reeiiDDne to an a|>peal tt Mass
[vovldlQg uid age peoaluus have beca !
m ntbiJly and aa tor as pni
hatred teve
ve empl
empbaolsed tbelr eoand
lakcD In muuy of our private lodns- tkabto be i.> (be eoare wu.
.and J
irks. Tbxee may be Indefinitely ex-i bei-g earrt< ] >':■ by tb- guvemmrut
>ODtry baa
tendnl tbrnngb valuatorr aaaoclallun . TL - p-nteal lae utauuld te ameoded tu
■ iiiiode of stordy liiMi pfad
and cootrlliuivrr ectemes ot tbrough embTS'-v co:iiract< «!i ib'icc imblh
Ibe agency Of savings banka, aa under ; wurka which U>-- vrt----ii; wvrdUig uf
eoce upc« acting Mmply as good-Mrilu cxu.ll
tecs, aa good Amerkua, wUboet im
card to fanebd and Improper claaa tnu-etl.v un^' upon tbe
I most
aboold be onr immedUte duty. It b
lereicia. ttocb an attftede b aa objeeS
Ite duty of 'lner«i»lng tte totally kv^on in good etdansUp to tbe am
not at praaeot or- cssary to p--------given
tte latger aod tu-rc geoe^ govern- tnadeuuate salaries
tire nation
tbat moat‘' Bunpean
whole, there to no twJy
Rtropea: ■
But the extreme RSetkaarM. (be
bare found tbemselve* ^
aervimw who do as valuaiue I«r*«n* wte blind ttemeelvee to tbe
obUgvd to adu|>L
usuocy.-d reward ta ah wrufigs uuw etid then eetamlRte hff
■ te ivnina on Ubortog seen, ehtwli
system, works dreadful wrong aod U
juilrce sbnuld have tbrlr aalark* d-m- aiiiu (iiink ecrloaelr aa tt what oeeb a
of benefit to only out etaaa of
bled. It to oot befloine tte dignity of nx-rement aa this portend*. Tte
—(be lawyers. Wten » wurti
I tte inllua tliat Ha m-«t bonoivd public Judges who have shown thunettvsi
Injured wbat te needs la not
able and wUllng effectively tt cheek
' aervants should be [aid snma w
penrive and doublfnl toweslt. but Ibc
tte diaboocst ectirliy of tte very rick
of relief ttow.... .M.oieooi.c cempaml to wbat they w«nM
ate life that the l^rforttiaww of ■nan wbu work* Iniquity Iff tte Meadmtoleimlve acilon. The number of
aceldrjts wbkb
bare stewu i
I alert to do
death ot
pecuQlary mrrlfice.
criiiptlrg of wngewurkers to the Unluoi
It b rBrnc*t!y to te desired that Justice to Ite wageworker and oyMat large ta simply aptwlllng. In a very
inUh'tk wKb tte needs of tte i
few years It runs up a total far In ex-|
peo(te ao that tbe dwelkr In
tbe long dt-Uys wbicb
CM of Ite aggregate of tbe dead aod|
tte tetiement henaao. tte maa wke
woobded to any modem war. No
joatks and which operate wtth pecul­ pructkra a daagarooa trade, tte aaea
aendemk tteory about traedom
iar aeverity against pMona of analJ wbo k crashed toy cxeeaatro boon of
Ubertr to means and favor oedy tte ravy crlml- tabor, feel (bat ibetr Mada ate —«rcoetmer aboold be permItiBd to to nato whom It to most tfcwlraltle to pun­ stood by tte rnerta thM Judgw era
terfere with thto and atoUar moveish. Tbeae ioog detays to tte final tte rral bulwark of tte coom: thtes
masta. Prugraas to
judges of tte
dedsluns of cases make In tte oggrsavjabme Baoaot a ttmltodoa and gzte'a crying eviL and a remedy aboold
rresMeni aket who have bees
be devtaed. Mctcfa of this IntoknUe (eartraa to <qmMag lebar when to ^
gone wrong, bot frarises ate> to teUdrisy Is doe to Impruptv r«*ard paid tt
toc^ atrkt accoont coepemthme that
which are
0 juatke. tn suMjneM. ve- work UlqultT. nod (atrigbtad M tee^ that tbe aiihtn^niii
IM« to a snbJCM wbkb In <1.


Mda boatneee power to to be controlled
to tbe totereet of tbe general pabUe
tt can onlr te controlled to ono war.
Iff fftrtog adequte power of control to
tte oae aoeeieignir capable cf esercMag sDcb power—tbe national gorFbrtr er Aftr separate etata

abaoleteir lack tbe aotbor-

atlein. bat an torlcemcnt to tte wDd
aot radkaUim. for wise radkaitom
wtae coneervatlsiB go baud to
hand, one tent ou prognaa. tte othei
bent on eretog that no ctenge to
to tbe rlgbc dlracUoa. I beUeve
___ aicedr effuri. vr i>cr1iape It woald
te more accurate tu aur to atcedr «ffotu
bring abeat a cv>udUiMi of aSalra un­
der wbkb tte men wbo work with
tend to- with Urato. tte tolwrera. tte
anportoteoacuU tte cu-a who prudocc
for tte market aud tte men wbo And
market tor tbe articles praduei
aball own a tar grraier atere than
of tte wee',lb Iter ptwlnce
and te enabled to Invect U In tte jooli
itrumeuta br wbkb all work li
carried on. As tor as possible 1 bupe
tt are a fraek recognlduo of tte adTaetages conferred b.v ojacbluery.
ganiaaUun and divlalon of latec. accompank*! l>7 •» vToR «> bring .aboof
a Ur^ abate to tte ownersbip br
wtecwotker of raUwar. oilU and toeIn fanning ibis ‘almplr
we wish to lee tte farmer own
bto own Und. We do not wtob to are
tte farms ao large (tel tber bccoioe
tte propertr of abeeniee landlords
wbo (arm ibem far tenanta nor. ret >
small ttet Ite farmer beteiuca like
Bnn^a peaaant.
Again, the depoaltnn lo our aartoj

legatotloa of c
noonee both tbe power of tte rallroadi
ond tbe ezeectoo of tbe fedeml powar
wbkb BloM caa reaUr control tbe reO.
Tbose imo telicve to cadent
1 coosot oa tbe other band, do
DOC to tbe tout Otdect to comblut
do not to tbe toast oblect to cuoco
tkm I
contnrr. Oaer faror both, with tbe
Impocmat pcoriao ttet there aball be
aech pabUritr about tbclr workings
coatrol over
at to tosare tb^ being io the
tatmeM and not against tte toteteet of
tte gen«el pebUe. We do not object
to tbe cmeutostlon of weeltb and ad- our entire popolatloo. Tbeee a
mtoletratlon. bot we do beltore
dtotribotloe at tte wealtfa to proAto
loan tbclr looser to tte workers
tbe rulnwten and to aecnrtog to tte -ttet to. to manr roam to ttemartreepaUk tte faU benedt of tbe coocen- to cartr on Ibeir various loduatrtoa.
W# beltore that The more we Increase itavlr number

who aWp fioigbt

____ tte etaploroa and of tte lUppm teoold all bo guided aa agalnat
LBOtear. To gtra an/ ou of tees
0 and improper couldantloo to
to do tajaatteo to tte oteeta. BaM
aaat te aada aa krw u to eoapatibto
with ctrtog proper ntana to aU tte
atoplorau of tte raDmad. from tte
Uibaa to tte lowaat, aad proper roto laa
tte aoanaiMam,
abarotelden, bot
miv tbep
tkt flMBttT
bM mma m
t ta tto
of tooat aot. for Inaanca. te redaeod la
taabtoa aa to Baeoaltata a cot
teoM tmtOfUk to
ia tba wagm of tte onaterM or tba
abeUtkm of tte proper and latttlmate
pntMa of boaut teanbotOara.

Md MqiiOllWii. Mated io • Mt r*.
tecdOB 4« tho latorMt boorlDf defat of

Tte Dntb to ttet wa who
belteee to tbla movemcat of aaaertlng
aad exercUtng a gcnolne coatrol to tte
pobtk totereet veer these greet coeporattaoe bar* to cog tend against two
bMS of rnmlsB. wb« tboogb nomlnalir OpfWaed to om anotber, are reellf
a{Ua to preranttog a .propar oolutkm
of tte profalem. Tbaeo art. Aret tte
Mg corpAatk* sian and cte oztieiM
wbo gooBtoeir belieTO to etterir on­
to, to tbe reign
. oecond. tbe i
who. beliw Utod to tbe economic
rawnts cf tte dar. beUcee to

tin bodr of dttoetM.

wm Vat Xeaa Weakaaias af tha
Si^ti ef'tha Btatea.

e(4te dtalas af~Ll^:b
actios Iff Stott l^tianiM. wbkb ttoB ot tbe ntttou. Nevenbetom tber*
eaiibat acbleee tte porpoee aoagbt (or. an emtato cona..^:TaUor.s wbkb I wtob
Eat wbkb caa d* a grut deal i-f dat> to sot before }ou. tecaut» 1 bupe ttet
ov poople wUI moee and moce keep
them M mtod. A bUnd and ignceaBt
natotenc* to ererr effort (or tbe re­
form t-f abuses and tor tte tcedjnati of soctotr to iMtt

toUmeg, to ir^iai

• ^-.■r- 7''




feM CAM M «M< MM. ikat tM a«i>
MCiM m m pumm f*«r«i t« b> HgwSrilhri
ifc jlipfi^ill CrtWMHy ty tt» vMm
«C ttM* fiiirtl Md atttt jAfM wm
AW Mtttr « BAntanMi to PM
>Mi»tott» ■TlHllluMMfTHA
mm mCm to(4m tuftriii «
tMto nA ImMUip or MwtntocMi
fir* MM to MM «ma SMM or
wbe an cnatod dowa
V tt - vfe% to Mtor ««r«a, toll to iiCir
toM CM OMlp too MAad (OtoAlM
Hr too Mto wMto pwiCctoC br tor
■nr CM IHtop Mtoptoc ooetol cM

an itea Vi

choro torMrcifotai tr t

UM. oM oroa If Moctog
lath tow I brtlora tint tto law woald
rt^dp to toU aneoaaUtattoaaL ll«noTw. tto labor poopto an thianatna
»dw bogtoniag to toroto ito aoa oT
tto pDwrr of tnmnttM. Dvtag tto
an. aag wtthla np owa
_ ....... ...... . at toast trip taptartkno
tom hoM obtanad bp labar suono la
Now Tort dtp akna. neat of than
«««* 9 to too ton hatt tMtorp.
bal9 to pratart tto aalee ubri <■
. Tho ropto
to mu aortal aM
rtp rtgun. b«t oena batng obfor ottirr toasMo agMaat aar
toCHOtol Ufa wUto '
' '
ptopara. Tto pewor of toJannlM la
toto nptf srwto karo
p toat to appirtac to rooetott
0 gnat nla of rt|to laM down to aa ao accoant ba daotrorad. Bntaafo* MUdtoUM towo okovU to a fait gtoida aboold to tractad agalasa ita
lawnaiCtin aM ajptortaOoB of tto - n 1 toHara that aowt aorb fm■a M ttoaa I adrocand a pvar
0 to which too ra)M an
for'rtacktag tto abma of tto
to to CtolM. What wood hart tora
tofttoi—M «PM Utortp hatf a
la ■ahataiMo. procooCtoT ago 0)07 to tto aoMoaatr aafoCMI« or Htortp todap. What wooM _____________ _«a that to latoto
tor* toM-ac tajarj to propcrtp toon tka or tonpuratp nattalatog ordar
■9 to aocoMOiy to tto rotojaMt of
Mottpaow. Xmp Jodlrtal docWoa when brapanhla tafarp woald altoo-'
■roirao two tormi low an latotprota- wka raaaH. aad la aarh ease a toar
Om or tto lav. tto ottor tto aadar 19 os tto totrttt of tto mUt Aaald
tmaUag ot tto farts to which It la to to tod wtttta a abort dzod portod.
and tr net
- - toapptod: Ttocnataaaaofowtotowtth lapoo. Dartdlrtal oAron an. 1 toUovc, aUre to
t tto jNctomaoro of aad tto eboacokf
ararp wcp. Morooror, 1 baUsro ttat
nrodan aboaM to Aaiplp dr:
dMd aad tto fadga tacaWad niaatolpi
lan tto parth botk of bk
a aad of bk t

ton la aoBSd aad oCactlTO 4^ cure,
R fsaalBo aad asst orcr to oalo
tolaaft so tto oafOgoaid of ttooc ptisgRIto or Uhart; aad JaoUc* which
atoad at tto (osMatlM of Aarrtcaa
•toOtotloM, tm. aa Hiirfco Asclp said,
tp and Jaatico an
tototor lo aaCa. Tbero an. bowerac.
JBtoO CMtohwi oT tto pudJclal todr
mm tom laggsd bound is ttoir u
inrnifn-|| f thaw gnat and rlul
pMdto tto todp politic, vbooa
~^1i tor* noTw tooa opoaad to tto
" 'm of tto old
' '
of thk otanp do laadag hana
dactoMs. bseama thap «mla aaad of
0 eoMta of tto land an |«oip tohorut or aad oat of apa»^
Wf#tMlr Mads and p ‘
tosdk to sap prop onto
. To aarh nan It aaoon 0 ctaai
r ts tort cap coart decUr
than «a tto groand ttot u dr
Hbtrtp- to a patelp



H C9 ml aad ooaatiwrtlra aoaaa It
R dnkotili that tto logMoUre bodp
-------- , txA.

■Ip. Ctertaa.tha power u datmalw
wtottor to a gttaa caw anptarsco
«fd anpkpaaa an mc m aa aqul
WOWiig. BO that the necaasttlaa ot the
Mkr cowpai than to aabnit to sach
BMrtlaM as ta bean aad coadlitoaa
.ad ktor as Mdalp to ka ibrtr
AtaegCk, CM otdp nkrtkf caa rosBit
wtoa oaA dotowntwoHiai k opaat oa
Oo gnaad that Han nan bo DO mWMWMeo with tto mwrtp to cm-


•^^mnoRloaot whlrt k tto ar
tton cn cortalD dodaloM hp radlM mmm wMA tore boM ozeoedMgb’ InriaMBtai, to tto rt^ta of
VAwmon. THo k tnw of tu (to
I that tortdo ttot mn aad
__lb»hp tto------------------------H eeetiaet to
Wtok aa todoknbio or inpnpsr atmtoot tom or to wort la aabooltbp
■ClPItolliili. and ttorofon eaiMd n«om dtoiigii whoa natnod ta ttot
ot toan.
tokp M tto wort aador coat
dortdao to to aatoallkp. Tto noat d



Tto cUef towaakara of oar coaatiT
oMp ba aad oTUo an tto fadgaa. tothap an tto Cnal east ot sothorltp. Rrorp tlno ttop tatrtpnt caa
uart. protortp. rootod rigbn. daa
at law, Uhartp.tbop
lato taw ports of a ntnn of
pbUoaophp, aad. as oach tater
protatloa is taadaaMataL ttop giro
Aiortka to aU tawnakm
rtakM o« tto caorte oa ecskoartr and
ooetol qaeWloM depoM npoa tbrtr
Ar tto paantU |«o«raa at aar per
pto dartag tto twaaltoth coatarp wo
abaB, owa noat to thme }adgeo wto
toU to a twoatHb roatatp aeon

ttooowu. UkaaoCaMoorttak
rar anop of tto j
tapahik to sap aapthiag whkb
•nkm thk toogaet mto Ar tto gtaV'
mam aad A ^
tto totoaa aad partaa mraip baar
tto* aton tagatbar wtth tto pabUc aa
to told A patAkrtown. Bk
It n r
......... A
aad dwthfal_______
paapla that than •
aad ctKkkm. Whkb mold to hAdkg
wbaa wo apeak A anptodp. oboak to
tM to iBodco Htoh who os pchtw
I we Meek A
BMahato hoM gatop M «an9d
than. Oa an avorago ttop
vtoharo pnatid bp tto corrdptl
> sMBlt to oaaaUp shore sap other aerraats A tb
daatohaWMUt- natolp. aad tto gnataat ladges tore
I la tto toiotacota- taartad tto Ugh krai tok bp ttoor
few gfMWat patrtott when tto wbok
ttaa af tow hp JadgM. to a
a oa tto part
toMt Acs tto Act ttot tbero are wke
of partoa ar to hpatarta aad
aad aawka fadgea. Jaat aa ttot* an
alton to tto dallp nraaa Por
at tUa tallsn af Jaatko na rwawaol erko aad bawke eiorattras aad kgkUUtp wtotooar Itoa oa rteh non aa latort Wtoa a nakdeat ewwon
soeh. Wo vto nato ap tto nan U
tto paagia cannot aUfi tto nopoato nmsdp ta eaap. for Me tana ta a
Tto oskw to use with the tagtoklor.
bUtp Cran oar

than k aa bapoctau pan of tto fOO- altbeagh set to tto earns degree, for
an which has aportollp to do with to k «4w A onap wto bskag to ooBw
ftrea kgktattre bodp, sod It k iborr
laabiUtr to boU to prapor accooat
fore leas asep to Ba bk porwwsl re«r vaabh wto b^«o bMIp.
Tto rhkf breakdown It la toatlag
vkb tto new nktkaa that aitoa Aon
taHMB, k also llkeljr to err. bat
oar dow. Brotp new aortal ntatloa taore k for Itfo. than k no olmikr
wap A. boktag bUB to
bagots a new tppe of
QBdn oodlaaiT cwadtttoM tto oa|r
ala. to ua aa old
to vhkh to k 10
naap pean alwape -rtapoo tofara or
rte<p ta abW to tarn thk oia lato ertna sap wap
and tto aetka A bk fktow ladgoo. It
wUrt caa be oSactlretp palAbe'
taw. Daring tto UMlzae of tto oMor ta tto taat wbkb ta moat imaMdtotrtp
BMO SOW aUro tto social irtetloao otorttro aad to whkb we aboak took
tore ctoMod Ar mere npldlp lhaa k for tto reform A abaees Anj reawdp
tto preceding two couarka. Tto iw- appltad from wlihoat ta fraught with
awaae groVtb of corpsrationB. of b—' rkk. IttaArbrnerfrumererp standpalat ttot tto nmedp stoald comt
aaas doao bp aawrtatka* aM the
fraiQWttbtn. Acootberaattootathe
work do tto ccorto vtak each rast
UA bare pn
Anaacblag paver as In (he. CaUnodor tto p«
All that taaocoonzp to ttot
tta reallp daagerooe Art on. and
aawag tto pabUr serranti who tore (to coarto aa a whok afaoak exrrctao
not oalj ebaird thk ewafaska. bat bp -rtta power with tto Anlgbted wtodom aboadp shewn bp tbooe )o
Mmc of'ttotr
vto oeaa tto fatan wbUe tbop a
an conala lodges.
cp baa beea Aowa In dvaltag wttb cor- (to pranat Let tbam eicrclae this
gnat power not oedp booeatlp and
peminik aad la neattlAg the
atdtade to be takes hp tto pabUc -not biaretp. bat wttb wtae Insist tbiu
(to Deeds and gseg- psrpoece A (to
Skip toward cwpwhtkaa. bat Reward
penik. so that tb^ awp do Joatke sod
labor and tswaod tto ... ...................
wort eqoltp. ao that tbap map protect
aitakg on A thr Actacp i
sU pmeao ta tbkr rtgbta end prt
break down tto harrteca ot prlrOcg*.
vhAb ta tto Ae A rigbL

VOo Mbk kr iRiroptt Vm H

Tto hags wmith that has bOM ar
tang aatgrowa pWtoaophp orhkh was
ttaotf tto pndart at prtmlttre ocown- conaktod bp a Aw Indtrtdaak A nl^«oadttlo9. or eoant a |alg^ ceet peart A what boa amoaatod to a
aeelU aad AdaaOkl nrorttloa. baa
an oaatnip wcaad ta I
bam as ragaiA boom A tbeae ladlrMaak made penAk oalp bp tto ImotahlfhaBd
anaa wttrt amas tto pminlia ot fteper aae A tto nodm ewporetka.
ahA otontataip tMdw ea beaa«p. A. oertala tppe A awAra carpbeattoa.
ceange had A|r taladedMee. Tto wlfh Ub cAeon and ogAto. Its maup
keaw A aecarlttee aad Us eoaatant
coalMIAtkiB with aOtad andertaktaga. 2^ baeeAid M jkOtawmeat ao
owes Hthcr hto rtertloo
fanptez aa ta HkOiA I <(kikr nnto tto noaop or tto Aror her A Aantoto (W caM rartoae
on eiito ar laOmi dacMoA Ml MAiiHria to
toocthp to hit 00 tto bench, an alike fiaA and nptAHIi'ttob top drrirc
tnitoro to the people, aadaopro- pet oPfltrA A tto hatada Brtta. Oor
fcadWp of legal leaiBlag «g corfoctaeie portttoaa an afrtAarp (aotnunata
of abstract costoettaa oa gaastton of A Bodeni boslaort Ttop tore boeo
pAke pottep caa aom aa aa odket to pnAtlA to become a meoace kigetp
Bat It ta also tnw bicawao the'
ttot Adgaa. Dke cnratlrea aad Icgk- tires A tto people hare worked alowtp
httaca atoold boM aoaad rkwa oa (be to prorldlng for adeqeate control
garedoai of poMk polkp vhkh an of ttom.
rtUI iBtonat to tto people.
Tto cbtat oStadcr A tap cItm
The kgtataton aad asocaUroo .an map to an execoUre. a tartan or 0
rtoan to reproant tto pecpie la ro- podge. Eretp execoUre baA who Aarttag aad adnlatatortag tto tawa rkas Ttotaot tasteA A gradoal aetko
Tto lodges an not ctooA to repnaeat or wbe Arocatea m
tto people ta thk eeaaa Tbrtr faacaMoaaroa A nfotwi. 00tkabtotaterpretttotawa. Ttolock- poctaOp It ttop an tolatod with Ttotatare an nspoaatble for tto tawa. tto
for tto
Adgea tor tto nMt k which ttop is-' ilgba A tto aiwHtp. k pankatortp
kmai aad eafOeca tto lawa We' -------------- Tbe strartl legtatatnno
skad ah»r turn tto reckkn agUaton
> fA tbe Act ttaat 001
Wto woald wake tto jadgn man pBaal teota of popakr pntadko aad pae-

d pkrtoge wto ABp tto I
» wton tto boon of wort an
( paaaage at tto Mggeattoc A tto
kagnt and m naap rasaa tboaa wto
o that taBanaehasJAgMafe
fp panko agalnat wboia ttop an
•a kda thaa an drtraa
terwaid eoforcA. Oor great cRmpia. tbep ebook oMeo to BA oot whet
a tmt ttot ttop tore V
tbooe biiirnk an and. 00 tar aa tbep
shoak attire K emplop tto raty boA ievpon tbep caa
abtata to pick Awe to these statotto
after thtor paaaage. bat tbep eko em■ of tbclr
ptop a ckas A seem egeota wbv er«k
. glkdiag seed. Ttop ton or
under the adrke A experts to render
•-too tovrea>Mt for aocartag tokw end
I, often thruogb tbe
.Ana acaltoblr eaadltloao of labar.
fto talk abont pnoerrtag to tto nk- bat tbep an to be blamed
np knnd
0 aaho
ho make contnrti fall lo ncogolae onder a 1
Hr aart arrrlc* thotr *‘Btortp'* to Uke oate tbe Altbonte
ntto-tosn k rttber to spook to e the Bwlocltp ae to a natter A legttt[ ot boartlOBs Ireap or rko to eate pulicp wta'B dalp espreaaA bp the corrupt cieatatee wbv totrudnee
Bweb lawfuHp 01- btortnmlltoi schemea to "efrtkr" corr ea atter tort of
a ot Ufa annag the gnat
purattowi sA aH who demaA esbe glren Aert bp tbe courtotoat* to
rAkel mras_________ -_r follow ceontipi
Art orhkh nadta 0 padge to do good tto estnue sA escepUeoal eeoea
when tton baa b
gtrrteo loot se R woald
arottro or kgkktiro oA
Tbroo k ako. I Ihlak. groand for tto thing like ftlrAtp or
%Ukt that antotaattol toloaUco to apeetttog each cleartp taken gororn
- redI bp onptorwo
onplojwo to eoaar
coBor mcotsi artJuD k a grave Aenec agalaet prepatattoa A e atotoie vat tbe emtto caston of coarts kar (hr repobUc. To protest egalnn tpnn- plopecr Ikbilltp lav A 1908. la tto
CP. to protect AnorUke from oppreo enasB arising oAer ttot taw tear oat
Bbm, ta nnuifp ea act cuamlttA la a A rtx eoorto A Brrt lottaMe bek It
ttWsm A popnkr fury, te to fonder e ■Dcowtttnttooal. eU oot A cine Joaamlre
to tbe npahlk. Bot for Ar tkae A tto ntonme mut Wrtd that
m a nattar
ar ct
ot tact,
tact. tbep tore so
of map procordtMs Oat- coorts to atrugate to ibeataelree fanc- (to aabket matter vat wtthto the
(bar A tto atne focUces held N raA

a rnliaint wUi-h c
I moot to tue ptoo af
IdkawtoathaobeeavnIp iigriiiit hat mre k a
torn Ar k. aad the erdartp end kw
ahOkg psepla at a te—eaaltp wtaBd
tok a Ar otr»9or prottka fer ap
toMkg tto eawta If tto
- - > aatod to gtooMM

tkaal bp a bare k , .
—dee to fow. It vaa emalp a very
rtemdp prtre A wort to fraaie tto
kgtokttao ta sort rtape ae to koea
tbe gaeetloB epca M aft
Beal damage bae toaa door
maatfok aA remdlcttag tetarprtAtkoa A Ae bawelate eommin^r taw.
OootrA Otar Ae groat rarpoiiUuae delA latcntoto baelaeee «oa be A
only tf It k reatA with faU poi

tbr coon will aet U right. Tbep
be UoAI that tto right wap to get rid
A h hA lav k to tore tbe mWetar*
lepeal It and nrt to bare tto coons bi
tcgeblooe balr wdittlBg A
liv map be nawke sA tmpniwr. bot
It tooold but for ttooe reeaeoi be dehp .
tattepntatko. for tto reaaU A each
aetko k te tohe swap from tto^p^k
A . kept tbrtr aaoae A t
aodjlUmotota to dtotrep tbeW capacself netralat aA setf fortiTe tr a
rnder .
toft to hotb Ae Btam aA Ae Mtko.
It caa aarar ba eCartlea tf laft to tha
(boofp that to tto toeg roa the «n
Made oTAe caoRe to to deehtod kg
tto paapla k eapmac. tto atttatoto
Mfotp A Ae aottao Ma colp rest to
traioing aA gaklag tto peapk ao thk

aa ^ to tightMd 9t



to hwioter^j^to tonMow ^
kwMtetoi, NM many cooorka 9a
the coantiy A northern Chtoe was
OM A tto moat foctUe aA '
tooth Ja tto eotWe arortd aA was
baartp foreatA. We know this net
00)7 ftom tto Ad Chtoca* recorto. bot
Aom Aa hccoonts gtreo to tto trarOkr MmHo Polo. He. tor
■Hidimo ttot to rklttog tto_________
AUbaart oA Sbenst to obserrA

(ff-U» -kegrAFOdkog—erW-Btom
whfck togM A MM. wtoctotB
MAS now am Artr crape
tort A rotolalL whDe Ae 01
mofo sA men ttragolor. oA ea At
ab Iirnaiii drlm ceciata ctopa tefaaa
'soger to grow at all.
Thai cpccpthNl dries oot IMter
formartp b stowo hp the Act Aot tto
kvA A the wAb A avar tto UA hM rtrer A ftom twaotp m s
A Aem toV
g become toAUp dry. A addbko m
forte teiAiA art iehitegti

Ij thop were OSBov oA dreg, vrlthaa
tto coltare of tto sltaworm has morA eboodasce A cbor water tto pear BP menaug mom om up me woom
Arttor oeotb. to i9kM A
afaaad. Ar tto mate oA homaa A A pojAc moo9. Tto rotoodp Itaa to
gtortc amtatofo.
the. foiaen caoffht the
be It eotop* to otaw, r
M to toM wBh mnmm$ oA
As an UtoMratko A tto <
- . o cecuto rtrer.
tto Hm Bo. was ao targe aA deep
.V-.------ -----------------.. .
aae wtth heartip
boats. Today
. lAso
Bdeo hoata.
tUe Hror k aimpip a towA iaadp bnt
AA ehaltow. lapk carTeoie waadar19 htttor and tUttor aeraae tt.
hrtotelp oaMrtgebte., Bat we do
Wave to depeA apoo wrlttea mconls.
Tto dry o-ellB oA tto waBe vrtth wa­
ter for below the former vratcr mart
bear teaUmaop to the good daps A
tto past aA thawrii dapo A tto preaeak Wherever the hattve voMiatton
has bam allovA to rmato-aa. for ta^
ataacoi. bare aA there areoad a eacrA
there axe stUi hags Irem aA taoglA
iMgle. fragaemto A tto glortooa an­
cient foteoto Tto thick, matted for•m growth formartp coveted tto Boontolae to their eaauAta. AU oatml
foctora fororA thk daoee foteot
growth, and ao 109 ao h was pertektod to exkt tto ptalos A tto foot
A tto moaotalas were amoog
moot fortUe 00 tto gtoto. oA tto
whok cooatrp was a gardeo.'
NM tto
rtJgbtost effort was made, bowrrer,
to peeveat tto anctockA cnttl9 at
Ito trees
DoabUese for manp oeolartsa the trt«
cttUtog bp tto lahabUaats A tb*
workA bot ertvlp to brlagtog about tto changes ttot hsre imv
come to iom. Doobtkas for genera
Ou»s the loroadi were scarerty twt^ble, bot tbere came a Uma vbeo
(to forcet hA abrank aoSckatlp
make each peark catttog a eeii.
mattao aA trum ttot lime oo tto de-

Mrtka to etoodtr emtesto 0
dry aeaeoM. vhlk wtoo tt r
om freehto aA leattaA ■
aster bA..j
Mcreovec. tb
I aA ftmtoti.
whkb Are
wash ewap trem Aa mnaatato 1
oA eicbsr vM away m coror ta tto
raUepa the rlrt Asrte boB wbkh tt
tort tens A Aooaaads A paais for
Mtare to form aA It b kot fonrA.
aA aart tto Anoto gmv ogato tt
easnot to rmtoesd. Tto OhA
stnoii from tto masatato otAa
week lid loaae aA come roUtog doers to
com tto artbk toaA. %A to c
thk |Mt A <
many fiansailj rich
madp wastrt aaataa
Uratton aA evoo »
ettba hare hee*. A
affaemd. for tto aumott Mm gmdBhUp ceaaed to to MTtgabto. Tton k
ttot etM vr'
orp A mea BOW ttrtog
A tto latoAB A
MrttoaettRi Chtoa. Tto krrt A tto
Saagart rtret. ta oorrtM kUachotta.
bas beea teaalMp to^ed dmrtog tto

tli foemto tocteitog Ito waiimtod ttb
amat aU tto rtrera A
bare bocome aweoattAkbk aad very
daageioBB to tto dweUefs ak9 tbelr
banks aa s direct rcertt A tto
tton A tto foieata. Tto joofort Aem
Pekto te Jehol ebovs to
Asbks how tto BoU baa tern voetod
away fnaa took ralleyi. eo that they
tore bees coBreriA tots deeerie.
In Doettora Chtoa' Ab dkaa
lAlty. for A coom etch pear A dostpMtton reodered tto fereat tote able
I eo for ttot no <
to recapmte. torn able to tertat Mxt
Tear's torosd.
IMr VuU Belittled hj flhntaifhtUr. Ueper aceertbaa Ae caaeelem
aeO b goM ao aturlp that
Wrogrem A the deetrvetton even
ad. fina^ V«Uie Vaga.
i^. vbM tbere b eo little kft only tto alow artkm of tbe agm coold
If tbero ta sap one dotp whkb
to dmrop. Ev«y Bomliig men aA ngato restore it. ahbo9h of c
than another we owe It tooorebUdno bops go oot ariaA wKb mattock Boch could to done to prrrest Ao
aA oor chOarMW cMldrrb to perform i-r ax. seek Ae steepeoi mooatato atm Aether aaatward extenstoo A Ae
U Okce It ta to sere the forcota of rld<« sA cat down aA grab oat. roA MoogoUan daotft If tto Chtoeoe garthta COOBOP. for tbep
rnd branch, (he small trace oA thrato enmaot woald act at ooce. n
tint aA moA laportai
rtltl lo to foand. Tbe big trrta dk(to reaaeirraaiia ot the Mtvel ro- SKwarA ccntarlea ago. so Aat
show tto 1
eoorcea A tto coobtrp. Tbere
one A Acee b never srto aeve In tbe
I to whkb CSC
roorse. two kinds A utural rcaooirta.
tato A tbeoe rirere rise—Boaatattu.
One k the kind whkb con oolp be
to tt tememtored. Which
bbA aa part A a prrreee A wabsae-'
■■ported denee Arcets A
Itoa. Thk k troe ot mlnca. natorsi
and Are, mw smakk to predaca' obp.
oO and gas veils aA the ilko. Tto
wood aA heronm of ttotr
«mr. and A coone alUmatotp hp Ar
a aoufce A danger to tto whole coowtto men Important lartAee the rotry. Tto pbAagrapto also abov Ito
wbkb can be
la^rA lo tto
A to Ae bittrort toto A
eon. tto tlT- Arm to peweont deforeetctloa teto tu aaese rtran after they bare poaoed
ere aA tbe foraet* com sAer tbit prAt to AO touDcdtoU Me A tbe fart throo^ tbe-aeuantalM the bade torhead. Acp rsoUp clrtlttA oatloe wlU whkb woald oAerWtoe to asA bP
ao was aU A thaeo^tbne greet natkoal
oArt AmUp or adm
-aaaeta that tto natloa vUI tore thalr manltp. A tbe total abaeoce A logn- Ooe A Ito pbrtegrapto sbews h
baoadt to tto fstwro. Past aa a farm­ taUoB ot the tnaurt- to tha totrtrtt A ran paeetog tbroogb a valkp. FVmerty. wbeo Ae
er, after A hit Ufe maktog hie U'
tto whok people each email groap b eeted. It was tbkUp proplA bp pfooftnm bis Ana. wtU. » be It an expert tnerttably portA Into a poUcy ot de- peroa peamoto. Now tbe Booda have
Arrow, taare tt ae an aseet A tonras- ettvettoa whkb cannot afford to take carried deatnirtloo all over (to bM
A rmlne to bk eon. eo we shooM laara tboQgbt for tbe morrow. Thb b Joet sA tbe vallep b a stoop deecti Aaoor aatkmal domain to oor cbUdiwa one A those matten whkb tt b Atal oAer pbotograpb ebovs a noontato
AcraasA to ratve sA not won oot. to leave to aastoerrlaA indlrldMl rood covert vltta Ibr eiunes and
Tton are email eecUotn of »*r qwn
rocks that are broagbt duwo la ibe
coontxp to tto east and to tbe wart, to
rain.v seatoo from tbe uuontalus
tbe Adltonttacfca. tto White
wbkb have already '
sA tto
bp bumau bauds. Aooiher ebovs
pebblp river lied to soutbern Uancbnria wbnr vhat was oore a grmt
me snape 01 pcnaeneai
stream has dried ap ovUg to tto deBoU aA the river apateme-vbteh c
tereeution to tto mottstatoa. Only
from rertlsM AforretdUoD- It
laamA maap.tlmee already fnm
aume setpb vood b left, erbkb vlU
teia not wbatbar iliie dAorastottoo ta bae occotrA to other pbcea. Desadehalf OBAfp. Tet
dne to tto ectnal ncfctaaa rotting ot tlon koTce uakA eoU. Aen guUptog anuAm above tto effect A one A Ae
timber, to tto Brea that laerttabtp foi- cuu down to tto bare rock. aAmean
ptog an arebk mooakv eocb recUeas cotUog of Umber ot while Ae tort «-aste burka Ae bAtato side, tbeae voaboutt betog doe
to rtckkae aA ancootroUA gmtog. tom taoda When tto soil le gone mao the removal ot aU regrtaUoo. pec to
aapertaDp bp tto gnat aiigralory moat gn. aA Ae proceae does not Ab photograph tbe foregrosA above
baAe A ebeep. the aocbcckA was- take I09
ttot reforesUilon b stUI a pomapity
drrtog of vhteb onr the coantrp
Tto AaIms tetmetko A Ae for
ssans deatraettoa to foocsta aA dk- eau to norttaern Chtoe has hnmgbt toWhat
boo A« happened la aorAam
aster to the smaU bomeuakcca. tbe aboot or baa aUA to brtogtog aboot China, what too happened la eaotral
Battlers A UmltA maana
Jnst to Ae
Asia, to PalesUne. to aorA AftkA
BtMtoichtA peraeee,,A pel
tto forma to caotrel Asb aid to brtog­ to parts A tto Mediterranean coonbBAA to tto fOlare bp desire to tog ruto to tto ooce ricb central Aslan tries A Europe. vUl eureip tappen to
make money to eracy va>- out A tto cUka. iBBt as tto destrocUon A tto oor country if vc do not exerrtae that
nettowo epeek as if
foreeu to nonbem Afrka helped
vbirti aboold to one
great An
arard tto tola A a regkki ttot wa
A Ac rtlef marte A any people caUrrctleae <
fefttle granary la BoanaD daps, ffbort- tag ttortt rtvUbed. NoAtag eboold to
Elgbtcd man. wbrtber barbaric, semi- nemlttcd tu stand to tto wap A tto
drOlted or what he
A tto foreeta. aA tt b
to oor own reckJrteneee to tbe oee A as fully rtvlUsA. when to bas destroy- ertmlnat to pereatt ladiTidBak to parear wdcAld foreeta we bare atreedp A tto foreota has leotderA cectato tto ctoee a uttk gate for ttomertres
I rueeid tbe rerge A a tlatbcr tamtae to nUtautt destracUOD A Ae bA ttfoU.
thro9h tbe -...........................
tUi coonlry. aA no meaauree that we
la Dortben CXitoa tbe moontttaa an
now take can, at leeet for many MW wch os are ohovn bp tbe hccompeort ODdo tto mtocbkfUat bae alreedp beea done. Bot we can Acrout panplng pbotecropha. abaolotrtp barren
Not oolp have Ae foNOU toco
Aitber tatortker bmg done. aA U
weok be to tto Ughcat degree repre- dcatrapA. bat beconse A tbelr deatntchcartbte to let any crmeUmtlon A tUi tto soU has been vaabA oB the
uakA rack. Tto
cert tatorfore vWh sort aetko. cape- b Aat tt b
Actito ta Xa|g«*a.0tf ImtAla
ckttp as regards tbe ositosal furesta Ito damage Aat bos bees dona. Uaep
Bfom Vifwtiy SaaM.
vhlrt tbe neUoo caa sow at tbk recy cesrarka would have to pam bAate
soil vooM BMlB collect or cookt to
AcAto oheold to hign focthwtA.
momaat cuatroL
Al eerloM etadente of tto qaeattoa made to coUeet to aodtokot qneatttf dartog tto laaaaat amtom A caaftaoA
are dwart A tbs graat damage that ooce »tm to aoppoct Av old time foc- for tto Unproramcot A om lalaA Watto Moo- ttrwaiw aetko vhkh WlU nook to
has been done to tto Medttcmneaa
eooattke A Baraga. Asia aA Africa gel desert to ptacUoaUp axtendtog east­ g(Tl9 M BA oolp MritohM ttet
to dAonatatko. TW rtmltor dam­ ward ovm oorAecB China. Tto cU- narltoMd rtran We bora apmt
age Aat hM baeo doM to eaatero mato bw cMagA aA k atfll cba9. bandraii A bSBcm A deHua opM
Ask k laaa wA known. A rereot to- tag. U has changed gvoa wtAto tto Aem watorwepA prt Ae trofle ■
▼eottchUuD Into coBdltkw to nocth last half caotury aa tto wort A tree hearty aS A (tom to stoogUy dmttatag. Thk nmffttko k Ae dbact tw
China to Br Frtak N. Meper A tto
salt A tto abaeoce A say comgnbareaa A ptant todsatiy A tto CnttA States departmoit A cgrlcoltnte eo Ae teoonntee wimany bmbiib toartie aA fiiTiiTnf ptoa A waterbaa tocUenUDp farokbA ta my Ae heat A Ae aoa sA mat op car- WOP •
ottBctog toshlea graA A tto rala Aat ceote A cool atr vhkh brought tto art wwttooe Am to 09009 Ae meames from reckkea deforesuboo A -—tare laden rteoto tower aA toeaad
1 to precipitote to tala a port A
■Mstabk aA Attofartbwthcttbat'
tto Maage aoco dsks may peore prac- ------bardeu A waur. Nov Aat Arts
•o ImpactoA are k M v9atotton tto ----------------oeaceWA
aeA s;p cactoato
• - by ttosoa.
that t
l^d*M frmrtpA
A teted air whkb drtre away toattoch as an a
a rory moap koABcm A tik
'^stMd A attnettog tto rata rtmito
riBlIMiM la Cbtoa. They ebev m
A. la egoBequrnre. laewad A Ae nr |
■* *»
Arid fortlne tto atoaUtog '
UM aA ptaUfel ratoe vtart exkta j ^ ^
A oev^
takl9 AeohopeAhamo
ta^A^ttetaMjf^qta^r^ ta tk%.



MM mmm

grme tto aacTMaiy A «or eoM. Tto
efatot defect to tto msAode httheno
bouatra pisM cotattog Aa esMtty ar
Mtaml dlrtatoos ttomA.' u tUa
. -------- Tto pnm
sot aatAods not oolp tall to give na
................. Bat Aap on tojottaM to Aa ari9 to woR
riRMUp a peevoMBt dstaO A tto
corps A eogtooma m ctttttaa datp a
wmiOy Impaln the AtokoKj A om
iitrtlkhotaai ^ teffbaiy

Lintog aA «
booed rtrw aA to gather aad troMkk to tto ce^iM Aa 'cotetort^
lA HMtotatal •MorttoMih aAfdto
ttog torn tailed te gram
tto graat iiistoljl9 toct that rreop
obit foOto ka swORa to to
that A ki oam on totarPnAiiBt a«a« A tto
ea«lnear corps tore ncaottpavao gsM
eo Ar he to haelfft to prtot ttot Waterwa.vs are not dAeoMht apw tto
coQserratton A Ae fonata about Aett
Thk poMtlto k oppaaed
te aU tto rtceoi waft A tto mbatlae
buraaoa of tto goretomaDt tpd to Ae
groent ctpmiMWe A MoklA. A
tta voou aot to tto right otak te
toiidk as eiAeadc of ewatpat. hm
touBid we keva a doctor otoAkai
ahnt.tte tnnamtartoo A pAov'Mw
by tbe etegoHirta meaqmite to rtitte
A aenltatta at lAraM' or ratofia.
So vriA tto laproreawot A ear iteIt b DO tootor wbe or Oafo^
kera Ak ermt wAk to tto toAg •
men who tkU to gro9 Ae iMiaH I
rrtatfoM brtwem Mrl|Utoo 9I
ww tto caotM AeA itoMt ear
DttUl tto wart A river run iwi
I law malma why k oito
a (OimlA that
Aat w« tobrt
tobat Aa
( Ak Baton aalta. T^
Bank atomid
be met oriMAAMBW
dUBrtaffptog «r deUp. TbrpUtovMA
pfeotae tM best eAIqAMttaMto
k Aat A 0 rifteeai
oOto wAk A^

plan, tiodto bwk
acArt wart A cobatroetta sy^to
tetrusted ta Ae b
to tbe mIBteiT eogtarti
aABcteot rwtnbfr A rtvillai
Unae (he
to Uaa A war. er k
ahAt «* dl>(.kd Lrtveco (tor reciataatta eervlcr and Ae esrpa A engtoartk
Faatb should be ptotided fma ctouwe If It b L. ..
oAeru-br foaoi tto mk A buada.
aeeeoibl AI9 b Aat Ae wort ab__
go forward omkr tto beat posedM
ptae bA with Ar kaat poaeihk drtip.
ebuahl hair a sew tpiie A wAl
amt dlrrctlns tt. The ttme tU PtoPtog
VIA oor wnirrvspB k past Tto coootry drinaads rtadJix.
Nrttaal Barto.
I urge that all uur utiooal fjaito a«eootplrtri.v utidrr Ito Wrul A t_
forcat aeriloe ufttbe aadroltatal AparlmeuL tostrad A kavtog them, m
tbep OB BOW. under tb* tourior d*partmeM and poUcA bp tto arap.
Tbe rtBgrees ahoold provide far mcApaaff
tnf clam ctaUtoa omau e
and. Ariber. pince tto road caaa|ncrta under the eapertoteotont.lMtnd
Sort a ^nge to tort managnopt
wooia rmtt to economy aA av«U m
iriac Croa hevtog 1
bUUp A rare aA piAectta ^_____
betweea different departaaento. Tto
oeed for Ab coom to peeoUarlp
to the TeUdvemm i*rk. Thb. U
Toeerntte. b s
Should to kept as a natkoal ph^
groom labpAAIwAAtogiga
be prottctA aA the eceamy togt
im happy to sap Aat 1 ton bade
atoe to set esldt la rtrloH parts A
Ae country ttaii. wA ebbom hoMto
A grooA te aerre » soocOtortgaM
Btaefor vOd aeatarae.

awMadOBrieiaAtoliofliiligii m 1
• flB-lhat to ta gnrtia for tto
aval fna A tax A tetol
pogpeoea. Tto tow A Mm d. 1
aA tta imaitiiii 11 A Maart g. ]
rmpect. oA A* wm'A i
Apaataam oA Ism


^____ to offfr to arewo a tti
yrora. tha'ttakerdhto topto of' Mra ttpll aatacottaat tffa aVim- pna apaa aad ti i idinii ttl
Ctott ttewattat thto porafaihaiit atoat eat to tha aOmtoattoa of ottccR Iff wnk oat an tff prepttato of tho awAayaton
mratal. phyatowl or trapetaa
m-ltt at aa a paopto aad «n» alto por>
tttr hy attaettoa or %y
dtoaWMea. Bat thto ptoa to t
poM toward thooa hot wttt what wo
feM kM mrntr ynpw
a or igr hett proffona. aboalt
amat http tff nupttoa to maater iff liiadid offy If tff LLidiim dan war
hr ffa paipoot of .
aatad ptaclw aador iba Jattodtetloa of hBtratooaeffapatorttatofBiff ' d|ff«K Bit of'aaU ewttoi. wttch to an dt to protida what to m ffir
tt to oat of tto pan»i>»i M *>—
Iff tofftfiat of coauaaraa had la- to aa latiwUOMl laailBja aw
aottbar utti tor mtf poTon- meat to far bettar-(ha| K
Mr^ pakaiWBoat laiaitoa offco. At od by «u tba porwBMata «f tff
tm bp maca an
u But wr lanaat ptoa thrs actf Un la pconatln aad tor «-----------pffffht ctoa Otoe* towadai tff c«bpact to pat tha I
for ape. Ottcera wba fall to attain
Uhad NaiM. toperrffea ahd adialacectala rank hy a ceftato air abeu
TU wetk OB tto PaMWcwaal to
mrntm of tba ptooidoat
ff ratted. Par tottoaea. If a aaa
otoomooBaiMaM faolap deaa wttt
ttoatt net attato Sttd liak by tff
IV«tiWlihlwai|i^jM>i ______________
Id tha ttro baaaa
ttao ha to forty-dTo ff aboaM aC
of ioM laara and aympaifftlc
wdal for an
adfhatap* ef hariap tha *jom a»totratm we bare evety maou to be- canoe ho' pioead n tff r««lr«d Itot
UbA Notatt of
Onaral otteffa ahoald bo oetoctad aa hontoal ahlp with tff fisat in Iff Pa­
lakn br aay Urva that they are pradoany acqaldap
too of tho
tta etomettr wbleh Uao at tff badto of at proant. and on third of tff otffr cific haa show* tff tevmtoobla weak
I ff oa osacattoo
' te amda by mlac^ Whitt otott a ttito don aod hn atoo
aetf abmameot aad for wffeh. It il
■ tako Xtti ikifc* M »MM laaiaod of tha
oa tho tol&BUM. ftoto cohtooi OMihah ba tocktoa. no cyalHa « »*w«. n P^ im tba aatoe^ to ba made by tba pmod MIttlawoatoffrellknC
................ 0« lU^. « ««ly
wtt to any wtoa aorra proaldest or tba aacrotaty ot war frv— uadn tto commaad of a madtoal ottaad htolMlo# M
r«M Mt ea tk»
MdtorT Homo.
two caadldatea p
atr. AJ waa to ff oxpaetad. ttl </ tta
Ah BCddlm* boBM kbdAd ba placod ttk a«too Bat ot
aaOripoCtoea of treohto fron oatt a
PhUtotdiw* bare aebtorad wbat may peoed for each Vacancy by a iMoid
ladar tff eoaiiAato JortadicUMi aad
topMawtaly be caUdl a amrvelon an- otteoaa fun tffAn of tba aarrico
y IB Ih* w«7. ^kcM k«t
oatfol of tha war-dapartaawt.
to ptota* to (bam a auranmeat
tooa. It to afford to«pot a haffWil
aad prautada ff tho i
a that tha iwasaa
ohtp aadar a ttoo ottcar as It woolt ff
wktoh toatka on tta pan of thooa to
B <f twto a -Bctantoy aad aouad baaletoa potlff
Oaaon Hail Lioaa.
to pat a bnpital <m atono oadn aott
aattoitty both tba oaewnary andar- pram ffviap for tto obtoct to si
a ncomamad tta on
lopotro that all oatotlap tadapawUat
tff protooUua af ottcon to niton
' Thto e^ht to ffto boato
ttaedtof of tba paopto and‘the
aalhumaa abd POtowtoalefta tooold ha
airy pnpna to anva ttam dtMBta^ praoes at
inJtood hafm aad thsro to ao a
ptotod 'aadi* tho lurtodlcUoa ot apptolOalodlyaDdlapoodtaKb. l tnm< that process ff aatoctlua. by boards ff cdl_______tkat
luiUooal rovcrourlato otaeaUra dcpartoiMta. it to to South ABiarlca. Aala. tba rhllff Wtttto a aanratln (be time wlU ar- ceea. of tba toaat oBctoat for rottoKottlap boner tor tff nvy treto
MBt aboaU taka la Uw l>road « u.-k
ouv.Ma float aftoy aundpobii aad i*- ptoM and Aaatralatoa toff ba otoab- Ttw wbeo Iba PblHw4an eaa decMa aarnt with a pwevataSo of tbeir pay orery alaadpeiat baa arer occamd
«H a haty la auw-htof to baTo aay llabed. Tha mailoa of koch etaom- for tbaotoalrea wbrtber R la waU for drpooddap «pn taaptt of oarrica. Tff thaa the enffa af tff kotito fiaat
vic.aUra work doaa aavo by the pnro- ablp noia ahhnld t>a tba aatwal careh tbam to bacoma tedepmdabt or (o m- bui. oRhoapb aot ■
ataaad tha wurtA Tff Improrenaat
fhr tkP H- oaocwln hadtoa aader tba counol iarr of tha affapo et tba battia Seat.
Ihat aboald te dona, to a leap Map to •f tff aUpa to orecy wv haa haea o»
t of oor fdo uf tff ptoaBtoV aad each aocb aaaea- It ttoaU fwacedo tff opaatap of tba
Kaoo aader Carorabto aaaro-to tta toiaada antar at bosa «ad tha right dborttoo. aad 1 aMoaatty uaiadlaaiy. aad ttay hare pabnd Car
tfktmt bhd taatUuiioa* nota ilw body ahoald ba oadar tbo laiiBadlUa pamape or that ff a ffan wpartcan to battle lactka thaa
M Witt tka kw0tt ati aaparVtoloe ot a coUart mlataifr.
protaettoa from forelpe laeasioo. Bat
tffy would hare palnod tt tffy hhi
tore conpletMy aSactlre
baton aaeh Uaaa COB bo pat toto eptr- no oaa can pregthcay tbe etars data
l,haf«aal atatta aettap thtoaff
Tff careliy arm ahoald ba reorpaa- attyod to tff Atlantic wntor*., ““
Acroatfaply 1 atpe tbit tho wbn It wm ba wtoa to coaaldtr to1 pdTocoto tho laiuwdlata od*l
toad apoa modern llaea. Tlito ta aa
act praaiptly whan fui lolpbt
of Kow M«lo6 aad Artoooa ai ata»
arm In which It to pn-altorty
jMw* wMtt-aavl Mt ba laat Thto aboato tto doM at tba prcooai aao- aMody ahbwa that aeOn aoooar er
oicoBaai coodlttoa of tta fink ff
.-fully nry that tha field ottccca shoal
I ttet Ud btaa Mlawad l» a 2«alMr vklek abooM M
toaa Of tff rffproaa Tff paopla of later win to loa^bto.
Bhowu by tbto ccutn aad to vtow of
to try to BK down ooch a data la, ad- ff old. Tff rareiiy to moch
tha two lormortoa hate atada It o«l^
raoco. fur It auist depend opuB Xff dtSrmt to fora than tafantry. and tt tff ImpiuvemaM tha crutoa has woek«Mt by tbalr votoa that tffy wUl not
I call partlcBlar attndn to tto way In vhlcb tbe PbUlpplac peot^ ttoBid ba krpt up to tff mhxtmam ad In ttto already high cond&toA lie
copa la aa oaa Mata. Tba ooly allM- territory ff HawaU. Tff
ttoinaalvn drreiop-tba power at arif ■both la cttcteBcy abd to otreapth. far not boliere that tffre to aay ottar
It to ddtoft tbtoa aa two. aod I of (hen toUada to aiTornt. aad thewric* to tha world to which Tff
It cannot ff made to a harry,
t that ttia wto>a dooa wltboot^
orerapa of chnrncier and cdMMBy to
^aeat both totoatty and amitoiy
nad ot iBpfOTtop ttadr cimdtttoo and
the aafftod nan to « high aa to aow
daeetoplap thalr motoffa to nrpnL;
apala recommaoJ that American fe~-f*w to aambar for oor ua
I at ««llM la $Bm tnm ttolr
la recent ynr* Indnstrlal coadmen cUttaaabki ba roafmed Bpn ibe poo2 call thh anodttoa <f tba coo_
nna autemaut ran ff mnda n to oar
ip>oa the totonOa have rodlcaiiy ahaap- pto of rofto BIco.
to tff Uapacttaea ot tha problap of cd. Tff lapioruttoa of coaly toffr
panml aarvlre corps ttH«U ff eotab- eSrera. taken aa a whola. bat ttaco
got tha riHaiTT.* *«a pwpott is »a
made to iwtotd
artrbaa practically ceased, aad there to
iB Cnba oar eccnoary vUl ceam la apa auldlar tea far loo naicb tabor off to tW to tbe blpheot tanka, as to
a dlvaralty to
muniba' time. Tba Cubnaa
tha.Ctoff.laffii wo an m«. aaffr,
aiBUilHtolj cffroctar to perfurm.
Which 1 hare already ffokam and to
s as to make poott. raty wtoo iraaty of Aprtl u hf! ffe a ebauae in tbr latMl coodliloae of have to orderly maaiwr alacted (bail,
fw eelnod
NatUott Ouard.
» baaa onablad oa to i;at aaa
- -:toa.aadtff
own povi..
flvta* - thU year. aodaaTorlup to come to aw'
Iff aarrlee. bareuse we do aot now
and baaco-tha moot balpM lottnaa
Wiu be taruod war tu them
Kow that tff Oipantood mllitu.' tff
• fW tbo • ■ - tff tcniiory M that aa opportonlty
may ff plToa to tba anall Itadowaar oor occapatloa oh tbto omatoa tea Mtloaal guard, baa been Inconxwated get ttm bafffR Burn «w oBoaOHd
vfftoa tad aadrtacteiy ooo ot tbe toff
■rel arboul at Aounpulto. '
MniUar to that <n tba Batatood. To toatad a littto om two reolB. and Caff with Iff amy aa a pert of tff nailon.acloi of thaoo watara which «a^
tt ta nbmird not to grodunta tho mM-,
aU tbaaa ebaapw tba aaUoaal ponr«- baa tbrlrn and
R behooreo Iba governmaat Upmen oa eaBlpno. To krep them for,
odHTWlto ba aetfftod. Lake Srta.*fbr
oe uiitmimr) ua
2S b£teM ?aetMuai^ offffipla. baa Iff rtebaat freab watar laaot must prorlda tbe
Iptt tbtta t»aamwg la tMUIn. W
Oar aariMot bop
to do areay i
wo year* to aocb an nnomaloop po^
a nch totoad i
$» aatHraat lalrlad otban.
power to perfect
Hoc os at preoaot tha law regaim to
SaffclM la tha worW. bat It to now that tbe BCTtooltaral prodocts
pevora theaiacJ'
datritnaatto to tffm aad to tff w
coaMNd ff tha atatutaa of two aa. la aUa to do that ttopa, roar atataa aad ooe prortaco, aad carried to tff maiketa ff tta world. paoc* and urder may ff aecure.
- llffrall) la tbe nendemy Rnlf every M ttnoaTff cnatwln ttilpptop towa aboald be will gladly help them to tbto cud. bat
a tha rtchaac atataa c
ff Si IwfflMO'ff dtawoBtoidlBancaa
wo hbould ff required to tarn n
4o aad With lb> <Uat|M o<MH1oobIM S ffflffkff toanttaa. All tbaaa poUI- aaiaodad to meet tff aparial naada ff 1 woeld aotemidy warn tbam <o tA leas of many well oaloed regular of- aarre na petty ottcer and tttcer. Hto
tff totonda, and tff alleo cootract to- maaibar tff ptoat tnitb that tba only flccf* wUI ba ciBaBttal to tbti eoOBacranlaaa that tbe loftraatloa thaa «b
iiaarta* «t JottUa. Mataoaor. tt aot tatoad la aaad for tba lauMdlate baa leal dlTtoloDa work at crooa pnrpoaaa, Ur tow abotdd ba ao medMed la Ita way a people can pemanenUy avoid tloa. Bnch ottcera muft ff apectamy abiUty to dtottnrg* bta dattaw an each
- to hto potop
aad la ao caaa eaa they achltvp ph>- appUcaSn ta Rurab n to anabto
ast « aS Otf phapK '
bbtop povanaa'fiom wtttnt to ta trutoad at aorrica attoeto hast to quali­ toto the line, tad bta aoccea^ e
ffetioa to Iff flChertoa ob tff oaa band
With tba ItBltcd aaaaa bUbarto pro aff toattoa to tff locaUttoa aad ladl- Antaricau and European labor *ahow itaat they both can aad wm por- fy them as instrui-taf» of Iff uattaaol matttop ahoald toffriy dtfafflitoi hta
bro^ht tbittar.
Tto* Bttid of
yWtoTXlff othor. Iff
haw ffptto to Itoprove Poart
■ tntotop at tff aarrlee orhools rtaftoca aheUd ff appototad to >aaa.
daBar la Papat aonad.
harbor for a papal ban and to prod for duty with iff ankwnl guard BIT. Bta wtt Btonhar ttouM to ragreoa baa aaffaclad to adagaataty aap
Bat tha proUaiB to gatta aa prcaalnp
Tff Jopanen pomamcat has poa(talta detochtop ttam froff tbalr fgp- ggilrad to fire at least otx days' wrr■ tba bama with aMaa to matt la tba lataratata watara of tba Unitad Tide tff ac canary mllltarr fortlllcmpoued nniU 191? tff date ff tff praal
■ which ore alrrody grtttty dc- Ire, only from oor to then daw to he
rtb of tho coaaUT- •tatca. Tba salmoa daharlco ot tff tiMts for tba procartloa of tba totonda, Internattoual cxpoelttou. tff actloo ffplotod by 4
Tba approptlaciaoa for tba foooral Oalaabla rlrar are oow bat a ftBetkw bat I camwt too atronply emphaaln
perforuMd durtop Jbm week, whicb
lag token no aa to Insure ample Umf
work of the boroon. oatatdo odOctUoo of what ^ ware twoaty^ra yaan tha need ff approfWtottona for then
to tff taOBt dnUBble time for tba
_______ of aocb an amoaal aa wUl to wbk-b to prepare to mabe tbe cx‘ acta of tbe
la Alaaha. tor- tha year UW
to ba Bt Aimapolta no far aa
within tba ohortaat ponlbto time make poaltm aU tbai It aboald ff ntada
A bai ta aoW peadtng fftoro Iff
187^ aa ■■aant laaa thaa they
«JT- tho WTy by tbeir ofaonreTff Americaa coinmii
wore .taa yoaa afa. aad oaaia of tba taton eoaptoto ehaiito of tbem by ff.
koapren acoettap a aambar of
ta c--r'.rmaA
ottcan In tff army. wkIcA If p
iBiportaat Uona la tbaaa appcoprfi- Mraoalap fftwaaa Or^oa and Waab- It to oaelen t* devekpi iff ladaatrtol Ttolted Japan, and I
tloaa era lea thao they weto thirty taptoa.
Th* White 'Boaa«k ^ffttiy. Doc. %
Xtorlap tffaa twenyAro coadliloaa ff Iff toiaada and eaub- for Amerk-a to ff rvt>reoaatad at tff' aa It oapM to ff. wlD effWa m<
Bears to ff ttnlMd as tnatifftoiu of
yoan apo. It U an Ibescnaablo wane yean tto flafffiaao of each atato have Itoh there bean of suwly t<» <x>r aaexpusKkm. Not alnce tba drat later■ cftmtoal.«(tha wnoadaar.
Dt pabUe tooaty to
aatanUy triad to taka aU tbay coaid rml aad marrlttBt fteffs uaton wa lo- naiioual exposition baa there been one aatkmal guard aad anlpaad to that
il artBMat ta taw at tha
-. aa tar aa bamaa lopaaBUy CBA
daty. In cun of war It wU ff of tbo
pat. and tff two kptatotnrae Iwto
ff pmtar impartaac-e than tbto wm utneot ImperiuBce to harg n tar;;*
nri-*!- wia that iba
aonr ban able to aproo oa yotet ac- their aaftty from foralpn ntonre.
iMot thoM)^ vM to ha tafaattOne thtof to ff ramembned with all
aambar of trulaad ottccca to aac fW
tin ot any kiBS adegmto la dapraa
lA w aaefit aarrlea wa. Vaty
for tff prawatoBB of tbe dabortoa. At bar loniflcntlooa to that It to ffnMat thiuoa of tff emperor of Japaa Tff turutop raw tavles into pood treopu.
e of the Chhuflo
^ at oaoh lawialHittia haa ban
-Tffre ttouM ff laptalnitaa to paotta.acnnt tha dahlnp n tff Oiepn mini to puk* them Imprepnabla
‘ ry loop to a toremfft ptoed Ttda a complete plao for
• la tha pM^ hat tt M Ow that lha
toda to ffaetlehny ctoaed. wbBa tffre from Iff an It tffy are left open to
e*mm hta club to Dopatt ctatte
_ (to imtlooB of tff wffld
Ik ad tha aa«it aartka'afMrta waa
la no Unit oa tff Waablaptoa aide of land attack. Tbto to true area of oor by Japan durtnp (bto half century to tog tff greet body of ntaBtaera bt- vhoB ff uotired a BtoMyoBraid ffaoftm fOttinwaMa tar thk twMettaaat
^ ktad aid m cm cm tMl wha( own cffw, bot It to doubly true ff oor nmetbtop oaparalleled to all prcvlout btod tbe repular army aad aatloaal top hruchn from a naoh tmeta
I eonrlctka at a aaaaHiVBra^ ffrtaaato ataie of affalnn roparda tff
guard wffo war bn com. Coopreocouria wDI decide aa to the taiy
~fitop that" ff aald to tff ynwnMn.
tatotory. Uda exposition wUl fiUy atonal aastaUace abeuM te gtraa than
ilMB Car iaad ttaada la Oiagaa. nUonI adacaOonal oOeo ba remadlad
. It to worn than oaaff
Btn andar whiefa tbto action and
loacblughlmontff.aheoldn. *>1 may
commemorate and Mpnaltae tff plant
h aat baHara that It la tt tha fobOc hy adagaala appeoprtatlooa. Ttato inUnawhUa tary few aatabltab a naval olatloa nakua w* iwognn that has been acblrveA It who are eudaevorinp -to pcoraute rifle have lu arrert yon for that.'*
A to pwttct MKttMa ta aoy
* -■ I la tupod by tff raprw
ptnetke. ao that ear moA to tff
noeb tha apawnlap prearndp,
Tff ebUd looked at him aaktralA
^ at tha pahOe
had haa of odr.oemam aetaooia aid BM prahahly fear yaan haaco the ____ _ tbai no tondtap fbrcc ran take b the flrtt expoalthm of tu kind that Icn or oat of ttom. may knew bow to
-Tou cast do that." ff Hffnud
baa ever been held to Asia. Tbe Tnlt- on tff rifle. tVbne tram wpreaeMwa haaa apatt a^ U
Siitoa wBI amoaat to nolhtop. ahd ffHB n*o br repular dbd kmp
bereoM of tff ancient top tba tUted 'SUta* woo (ff rifle prareiy. -I aa entitled to dhfiomatta
thto coBMa from a- atiipfla batwen
frtoodablp ffiween tff two peopltm and revolerr
aoch ertmtaata who
or pm na» Tff
ettevr'a mouth cpMsd to namah
PaWin la tha oneattaa bnaeh at tha
■ tipn thto nblocL
n tta aha »««*d and tff owaan of tbr
mut thn ff nld: **Yow« ana. 2 ass
rtftc aim ffrenn of tff growing comawiniMttt a» la tty battaC wo aheaM
Sdhlap wbaato op tbe liter. Tff ffban ottcer of iff law. It ta oatowMl
merctal retatlous bclsra«i this lounirj that tff great body- of m
ba ptraa aapla m I to tawaaaata
1 atreaply arga that tff rnnm of arira of tba Mtoatooiipil. tba Ohio aad
abrubbny. Anybody dotop
ahoot len and len as time a
tbr diroctor of tff capon to coaoM-tln tba Potomae are atoo la a bad way.
0 muM be arroMeA"
aoMap tff axpoattkm made a sun-esi
SM It thto It att 00
To meot thta yre ahooM
ao aon to ff For thto tffto to ao ramody axrapt for Mafff frorma, tat Hot Tat Kt> to every way.
•ttat TOO doaT know who 1 am.*
fffoa M ffaWHad ditt and that tff tba Valtrd Statoato control and IcptoMck
te n chUtttt treble.. *T*to
*T *
I take thta opportunity pabUdy to
pnSSSuac tha aaa ot tha
to'tff <aaaM tofco bg Uta for tha Intototata daherteo aa port
Bnl pnproaa toward aeB porara- Mate my opprertatloo of tbe
tff eon of an ei
tff dm aarrlea tow. bf tba tlfflnan ot tatatolata
a minister plenlpoiaatlnry.
. .
meat ta balap made to tff rkUlppm wblch in Japan, to AnotrnUa. In
ikwttaca of tha eaofMa. IttraaMba
In tbU ease ibe oaH
in In our power, Thaa. end oaa tfftr fstottea noort ff pttttM
totonda. Tff patbertop at a 1’UUPPl‘w Jtaolnnd OB.I lu all the Mates of Sontk
thr batttr to do tfah ttao to do what aa ropaaatod hy tff diroctor
for o.not otffrwtae. may we be able to
miBtollra body and PbUlppln------Arnnku tff tattle fleet has been re- atat to ptoeerrlng the pnwe of tff fur breaking tbe towa IfyoBttBTfftiMhallr waa doM aad otma to pfb.
1^ martto a procaaa affotoiMy
crived on Ita i*rscttce voyage aroand woriA nt to ffU oor own ngatool
Atta. notcAly«ai*parda Aatatlc colo- tto world. The Amerlren gorefumeni
tff Btroop natlcas of tto reriA our Bkaa" the ottcer sold primly. "1 wtt
aarrko tow for tff
ntoa of Saropnn powen. bot as re­
htoheli of tha
a rale ffoald ba foRowad of bat- gards Aatatlc paneailcTiB ff o(ffr Asi­ cunnot too stnmgty rxi>ren Its appra- rear* for pswee vlU remy to the end* toko you to yew fxtbsr and see If yea
tlndlractor. 1 cow
ctatloe of tb.- aboondlng and gaDeroof
atic powot*. aad tulaad, alwaya ax- bOMdtaltty shown our nhlpa to eve^ of tff nrtb. rmwepored airf there­ bare any Isimsbtty fiuto bta punlabfore unfit wr most alt dumb aad brip- meot.of ttrdlioetorcf tta
captlnp tha ttrUctog and wonderful mralted fltalaa. problatDf wbteb. lu tff ample aBoedad by tbe pml ampU* of port they Tislird.
tan to dotma onieelm. prntret ott
o yoBfagem wuflsA^att
iw of coadtcltaa state laptotornree Japan. It opooa an aotlrely new daora or pf(tar>-e peace. Tff Brat
are aoay
AnU Hava laa«ity «( Oaiat>»
for (ff rmnnm to control.
ank BAta4 Aott.
tolohartoa and tow Saala
powceo wbicb a - tbeir oara maator*.
Tff toOalkl atatota rapuUUn UterI aiala i
ISBeptiTe'a Tiewi m the Amy. tta
toMHiiairt scttdn ff tff
Tff Mevy.
te pootat aa*li«B baaka. for dapoolt pan of tba aattoo oo tta guaMtuo of atate timtte la game ahnld be axtaod- baa acted with moderation and aatf reThe Cktoeae hare a taverUe way ot
Hary aad the SatiaaBl OuBid.
ili aarlapa with tha aaeortty ot tha prtaarriap the baalih of tff coutry.
atralot and has acamed Id precttcal
qf trying to crush three tffy don't Uk»
2 approre tff t
As regards (ff army. I relt atlrnUaB
Mnaidathrtdad than. Tho ohiaet
fashloa to reoUaa tff.eternal untb
tte geoeml board fw tbe toman of wttt a wrigM «* co«emi*uoua epl^
<ttla to aaeovnpi thrift aad aeoaottr B la Baa Pnactoco ot _ .
. _ admlatotrBttau of tta Atoakan fttr aeal that tbar* maat alwaya ff porernmaat
s to thsm an era
Aa^W aaraar aad paim. «< la^ Ndoata our cwiatiy baa ttwa far ep^ aartW aboald M toeiad la the buraao and that the only way to which any
know, are “foreign devlta." 'The *tt
Mfta lari- 4a foortawi autaa tha capad tha baboBic plapoa. Tbto to bat of flaherifo.
body ff ladlvldnato can ampe iff na- tbe |>mrat system of {ifumotloD Of colUen and. abo>-e all. of the four bet perec ef Cbba la pceclatmtop tff
•enlorlty reso^ la bringing Into tta
Aip^ta la oavtoca baaka aa laportad na of tba auay
coaalty of batap poTerued by
Paraign Aflatoo.
•nr effUed to tff eoeny (ff
to to show that they at* able to re­ blgbrf grades many men of medlocn as SOUQ u ponlblr a aqae-lroa of ritbt
of “»o>en.“ or vannta. Thta
This nattoato focolpB t>eUry la
capaclly who ffvr l>ut a abort Hmc U
lA«a or kM pw
waa meant to be an tosnlt aod ao iff
n tta tffoty that ttpbt- nnat be deak amta IbemaHvsa. to kaap down
No man should regard It as blB bsttleahln •? the beet existtog type
' ca* «« tha atom dapcalta. whUa la
lock It for the none they
betwm aattoua pmetoeiy m betwara wronpdulnp and dtootdcr. Tba FlUpirested right to rise to tff blgtwsi rank The Norib Dakota. Dolawhre. Tlofkta rintm ta “yi-kwo.“ or people of tff
r<w« otataa Ibera
tadlTldaato. aod la oar octlooa for tba Do people, tbroopfa tbeir oSciato. are
In tff army any more than to any ott
«« ^ tnjUUa, or lA M Cl
Imnd of tbe fttaup Ran. Otter fertoat tea yoaa wo bate to tbto Bkttter ttarffora awktop real steps la tff dl
of tbta oqaadron. Tff tour
It ta a curious and
Stforlot «MCttalT«t7 lhal ttara
rectioo of BCif poTornmaat I
kbwevur. hare afin had
proved oar faith by ear draff,
Utablc fact that tteiu prepooed will, form ttao oeennd dlri- enffe to eomplato oa cklo acorn, nre
bare brffTod and at* batatrtn to­
•loa. ,lt will be on Unpn>veai<-ot
1 ebam which wUl con- aboald be ao often a fallur* ou tff t«it tff flirt, tff ehtps bring of the besvy. qaeatty to trcntln tff crafty Ckfiaen
ottar aattaoa aa In private Uta aa
Baaim Iff* rood AdaHnatiad ward
of tbe public aad Us r
•Ivao to tte poopla to dapoidt I
tonrt aome ti
hoaorabto tna wkaM baffea toward
stogie rellbcr. all Mg gun type,
deride for tffmattvn whotter they understand tff gent need from tff tff eesseb should hare tff n«c
■Ttaga tha toobU la that a«
sad Other tpanaa rravntaUe. bto Mlowt.
* to be i
dmtre to ff aa
nry re Iff ottw
to hopt la hMlBf aa« Mjwaltoii m liidir* to paUk hffltt Btott
itrel gualKlea-tbat ta. apeed and t
Bat tt to writ for tbam. and writ atoo
» to baltoTod tbai la Iff a^ijRa taad adoJtentloa and from
log rifrie-and ns near as peoMHe
for tbooa Amortcaaa wbo daring tff rideriy tocompetenta
fall aatok of tooov »«•» ‘
tbeae tactirel qualllln ahoald be tff
ottar aoarcoa. nch aa tha BMoaco to
poM dernda bare doaa ao moch daaiIff pbytoeaL nmlal and nieral datalop meu wltboot regard to •eolor nme'-os Is in tbe four vtonls before
apwio-tta V^nna by agttatkm for
named now bring boUt
omaat of chlMm tntt OOH ga. EMtol tiliilai go US. i
At lent aeolority affuld be treat
toUhoato. WhUathero araoaijt.4SS
1 ff met aod atatoatoa,
I mon niuntly recomaCod tfft tff
ed as only ooe coosidentloa. In tbe
r ware totally aailt. t
to tha eoiapWmabSkSieni
peoerel board be by law turned Into
tttflar. ttara art tone thaa d-Off
tff fimnniitlal aad toaterlal pnga general rtaff. There to Utmlly no
I to bo pratntaSTwIdch aio
patted Hi. ttXfiOO of which an menay
■irun wffterer for cduttautog tff
ffton net preroJM Tff to> toff of the tttffir Iff
mtm Odkoa. Peatai nttapa baaka
InMa to woAff a« tbr ctoattoattn|g*«nt b«ma erpanlntloa of tff
tff optXWtknty to develop tbe copoct- were cbooeu simply oo iff ground that
r la operatm ta ptaetkaUy aU
tilia at iff ettttWto Mooiffroretln tyfW-attf«ff«BiaaDt. If w, had fol- tffy were tbe otdeM people to Us e»- lary. Tff navy, should be treated as aff ffno BngtoBd la today by tto
rtth tha
t praat clrUtaed c
Chtoon etttad “TtorKWA" tff doorhnreatff TSrire ff the fooltob doc- ptoymeuL Tet tbta ta tbe coom advo- i purriy atnittry orpantaa^
B Of tff Oabad Statoe.
itrd to htttos; France. “Fa-Kwu." tte load
Wm M
^ trlnalm wff wtobed aa at any time reted at rtgsida tff army and re­
where the tows Bee: lto|y. ‘T-Ktsm”
Vffoal total.
•M adord to tap bniad In tff worldquired by taw for all pradco excep*
tff toad
of Jnatko: vrawr.
Owffmy. s.
Miai <a
la Biy Int aaaaal man
wlff hatUo new talap wapad hy aU
onciency. boci
raiptoo people adrift wa atonid bare tbon of geocnl ottcer. As o mattor
t of tta Caltad Smtaa.
guoidUcod In ttatt“(ir Wff If Sde." ttk Off IM to'vtrttM. kfid tff
cftllind poapto wttt the
of fact all of tff beM ottcen to tff
far aa aiiaoahm of tho
tbe oMOt tbufouph prerion mtted fitotn. “Mel-Kwo.- hlghnt
lliTTm ikTliriM^i
have Indicted a.toattop wtuop nxm
tff raral routoo. Tff
itloa to dae of panoo-n preps” 5* ” *?■*»»—" aywa «
uaoato. Wa hare acted to who bare attatoad thalr pmeot poal- pttparatloa
of a loeal panel patt
*k “
“ tkUm. I aay add.
V. Ur. ttaa wtaOy or to part hy a pnea
I tgoahrln wm waat gtrea tff iTMpCiin cooaQmkmsI gora aff of canto thaa
noffbUty fooreff aay liH
Wffa a rortBto dWtoa waa a y*«tt>.
ritrt ff lB|imBi. i

r. aad U ladoatrabto tivo atof to ff ukn to that far tff
ff ttaffi ha*g aa hli kttettl att r m-'.a aad okaptoto at tff Di ‘
MB'lift Wp ad ihr iffpak Mnd*
riniB B tady ta
Bttnta taha i FcKTlvuBla. ttoo ottar i
^ mtmrn: ■arflidiaaM.A»
I bOI Which BhaR aattff
Mbtoloa of tff haroaaa;
beat accottpUah ttia caA


ahd ttrto toaaamrSltoWn to
oa bad to actaahitlff thtoi ffTaato

m r

'StffSSte SSSTkCM^^
SSkSmSwwM —











HE mmo.

w ffionps ums.




I - EE"

WORiB Mcvmu.

day atata tor a tatol iiaNag Obb-


♦ amoBB kn^ kign StatoBd U> prw
tor both

KKW fOfta^’-fSk* U New Tort PRB) Tkaradayk Beeord
t» taMi flAMta «• k Wir «^k
kooa*. bta kad ttawr, to be eeoot•4 kt Vorp'tkM ktrM kkd MBtk bm- day eroalac. Doe. lA AD Odd I



Tke rogktar Beottag ct the Pytttaa
Staten «m be bNd Prtday ***klad!
or tklB mmk. Tbwe will be etaetlos
of ofSoen aod aatS louiber la oepeclsUy tamed to be pnata kt this
The Buaa) etoetka of tke New Bra
.eseetattowmwa ptaee at Na. SM Odd
CHNnuUA, PA.*r-«tatr-aT0 turn
moo or* komlooo ta tkU citr. oo tko
r«^t o( B Sr* wkick wiped okt UrM
okkBroo of proporu' ta tko koort of tko
•UPKMOB. THS.—Blekord Crkoo.
«r PkQkdolphla, woa tat aod tauUr
weoBdoS kero hr'k tnoo wbeao ded tor BOBor Btbbb kod refaoed.
Tbe BOO ooeoped.
widow of 0*0. Lokgslroet, pootOkloaorm*. Ok.. keckSM
ct oBoritaot oorrloo.
« kintartoae dOBtb o( kto two
davsktaa* by pMaoktag. wnuom Mok bBU wotar. was orrootod
kero, targod #tth B«afdM>.


•HBr crrT-?>*


•t Aorvoed kM ckiiod hudt.
0«r Hmmb. wbo htt eoa«MW«
for tvd ymn. MUtaf Ut iat»
u> A. C. MoCiv7, tt ate «ttr. vbo
‘»W Uk« «urft ts«w.
** ^ i*AM«NO-Jrk* naiUM fin Id>
RETUM CMVMr ta* Ua MMVpoll. UB pamj BBRpBBy, botk of N*w
* ^ock. h«v« vKMiwrB trp«

LAMmO-nt Ur. W. A. H1b(7,
pmamrn «f tke talk OpwitaUsMl otank «( OruC BspMB. Bt

ekwtA tak. It IB takttol IT U RokBd Moaotklo. M mUoo aonk of
Tktakk. boa ctaoed Ho door*. Bi '
wmaaoti-lut ttmfh
tata ore glTOB ks the eokoe.
UM kk« Mt« k*4 MkitlB I
'WASHINGTON—The okmpolgB
bob. Uo WUMhkn Wk
Ota tko onoy Is ateetlog with aoeMtk, BUM to tkBtr talk b7 kO, BMordlag to Adjataat-Ookeral P.
oltat, «w tk* nttai
ONION C*TT-Itapk* tko rt- fwitk targe Sr* wUktk k year two of
•sitt kM?r fkliM, k ilt takk Ok tke ei^t dock* of the Onutd Truk
. tko KlBkoD ekrm. »«ot ot-tkli eUy, Rkltrood eoapuy were dootroyed.
eaackt ta. Ik* ttao kBlkg rtoMe wl*« ^BBUge of IIU^.
tor w toUkk. ni mmlaf .tko l» OLYMPIA. WASH.—Oo*. Mood koprBkBlek tkkt ik« Vmktw ot Ikof' eeptod tke retagnatloB of Saprese
wood kod Oklw Wkto ’bomiag. Tvo ODort JnsUo* MUo A. Boot ud opoeoro «( mm .urorM kll alght tta- potatod taperter Jodge Stopkea 3.
tag ta.
Ckodwick. of OkUax. Ws oorBBOoor.
kam •AN mANeaSCO—ne sekreb for
« Iso botatag tko k» the body -of OkiBl Biggy. who dlsappokrod MB Ike poUn Uuck Patrol
last Moadky alght a« AleotykS Utagd.
ku bBkkkbajtdooed.

■ ???


»•■ T”*”’

ad by u Ofater ngp*r.
Tiarorwe aty Ooueil No.
North ABOftou aatok wlB boM
regular Beottag la Ike paHon of tko
Bmel Whlttag on tke ovoktag of Priday. Dee. 11.
There wID be a tactal aaooably at
Traveree Olty eouaeU No. <1. Boyai
sad SBoct Hasten tonerrow **oi

After gl*ta tke-BBttor tkrtker taeeeUgkttaa. ta baaketbaH ogaads of
ta taeai hl^ ackeei ha«* decided
not ta & •. p. Si. kBU for tatr praeGee. noogb tkta ta soBWWkat oat of
ta wny tor CBSsS. tt R a targe kta'
k^ and U was tao^ » be sutod
to the aceoBBodatlag a( crowds who
would attokd ta fkBes tbta wtator.
The Braur sapper to be gteea a
BlTBley ehnreh. Bast OsrSeld, tonoreveatag. la couaectloB wtik ta
bUkV. wU> be U eeats. tastcsd Of
St oentB. as prortaosly aBkouaec
Their Ptovt DepMit," froa ta OB
igtaai patkita by Loata Moeta. ta
ta title it A bcutltol ekleadar laaud ^ ta Tmreree cny Suu beak,
ta eataBdar being oae «< ta SbbB
pleeaa of an work ever ten here,
ta eoloilng being eiceJleet. The sub­
ject Is very appropriate tor a bank
nd ta biBl-rraii caleadsr ton
Btrtnklng soaTeafa-.

tollowed by a baagaoi.
Tbs Baweod Avaauc Motherf
dab win meet Prtday Mnwmm at
S o'doeS. suMoet, ‘ta BlghU and
Wruff of ChOdhood." Ml*. Metesr
sad Mn. Itoaale ha*o obarge of ta
rask AU tbue latereeted an eordlally iBTitod to attoad.
QuMB City camp Na m. K. N. of
A, will kOM tkelr tegular
Prtday eewlag. A toll attaadUM ta
dsalred aat eloctloB of oCSeon wtU.
tako pUea.
A big erawd and lou of good totaup
to oat markod ta a^ta* S>roa by Shippid Mid DdiWMlPraBptly
ta OnBpulOM Of Pereoton in tatr
kail last Bight. Tha auppor aarcad whs THE FBESHEST
oae of ta boat of almnar onoa aor*-,
ad this toll.
F. W. gmaoB. ratfster kf >«*dA AnS' the Bat oT Cal
■eat to BoyM City totey u boatoeaw
Ragular Boatlag of ta Bks to­
night, banottot. tolUatlok and Sappar.
Tha OBtanguttoaal Bnaday school
are pnpartng tor a noval Beaaurtpg
Boelal. Friday eemiBB. Dac. llth. It la
expeetad tat thia wU ba ta aoeal tUcpiMMM N0.4S.
eTutof ta letoa la gettlag togatktlS&UBlmSI.
er tka pupUa of ta eonday aebool, Tnygns Oitp.
ta panati aad Maada of ta «u-

The Flower Store

Bur Mamifariurnrs’Price Sale
will ••II all soodt nam«d her«(n at manu>
ufactuiar’s prioat, absolutaiyat th^rcott to ua. Our atpck
is not loaded with reek” Cfothtng, and our Overcoats era ill
new, this seaeon’s produrt from tha best clothing makers in
America, as Adler BrosM & Co. of Rochester: Steerel, Straus A
Connor of Rochester.: Herman Wite Co. (Union Label line)
of Buffalo, etc. One look at our Young Men’s smd Boy's line
will convince you that we'sire offering the best values evMmade. We will sell at this sale

.......... $4.00 to 10.00
6.00 to 12.00
8.00 to 11.50
........ 4.00 to 10.00
"d^S’yS?^'*.*r‘.'^".2.7S to 6.00
......1.00 to 5.00
25c to 1.00


UHlaUbrakcallMal Ma’i Wool Ua4erwcv at Uw aclaal
coalloas. WakaacalwayaSaacaawcaaTcrllsc<aa<waaK
golag:iocoBtlaoeto*>aa. Weskow acw caaCa cafh acaaaa
aad we arc aoiv akowlag a aoMy caawMc llac ai BaUday


------- i&^sM

dr.keyB eato* to ildit
■SiBfItBtlaui yanSa Id De>
Tke boy* braka
Biato Siipitato, asA had a a
tan PbtNh to laly oaMmUcH;
•uU g hag to hdsr ash brefea WtaSow* hi tbta hBHtaa.



CNKm crrr-aiM harm
to^ to ta B«la Mgsatoc
cBitasy la ta etty kaa 4

ta a*.

ftolaery aad etosk tm haito
hasa iFaaBtonal to enudltara. Ikair
ctotoB thaa Mag oasriy aattoSsd.
irwsa HPBntoi hr iMlkM parttsB.
*1 waaMB
wheka** BBUBto totoh OMtortoa, UM ftm
Stalk ta bat «f d

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦


a. a

PiuBb SaBwMil Tws.

PON NOVeiMglL ♦ W. to. Jataaa.
Oetebar IS-Maiy Batoa. daaghtsr, aaitafStot BBd Sr. CBMuraStao
Mr. aad Mn. Jansa WhMtay, 1«M Rta- -y^towaMB >*• H aa af3
•at# BtrsBt; tlsd Na*. T.
Mwntobar 1-Otaila Marg
dataur. Mr. aad Mn. SBatr'Ttokal.
SM Bad «ghU atruat; SMd Np*. Btog BPta^taBo o, m ou

■CflBtoh L. aaa. Mr.

TuU atreat; flsd Nor. II
Oetabar T-«lay«. aoa. Mr. aad Mn.
wmiaa P. Kttahaar.dll Baat Ml
otr*«; SlBd Nee. lA
NbiWBhar lts-S»aak Mart, aoa. Mr.
aad Mra. Mar to Laraagar. Ill Lake
aeaaao: Slad Mar. u,


tooeaseir -igsaH »«Sh>r» Mf•Ml Mol vnUaB tL Atislii. Ml

lOc Gandies

Mr. aad Mru PhOlp Thlai; Alad Nar.

mir: asd Mia. Sd-

at prlcM that will mean your chance to buy these has arrived. This store has
decided to cut the price on these goods, and when we make a cut on Suits and
Coats there is always something doing.Not one garment in our immense stock has escaped the knife.

‘ Your Choice of Any Suit in the Store at One»Third Off
Shop in the morning if poswW^you

Ladles* Coate—These will be Sold at a Discount of 20 to 50 %
Your ChtMce of Any Child’s Coat in the Store. One-Third Off

‘ M Oata. sa Wtoa Tagu at

■aat Flual aliwat; SMd Mar. ft,.
WeratolB M Wiarel
daaSktor..». mi MfS: liaawr I
ar. IM MwIMtthU atraal: Sled Nor.

But It Spells Opportunity for You

You know whst thsi mesns—there will be s rush for the beii thing.

will get better service.

WauiMiir -dLcaaa M, aqa. yr. aad
- Mia. m Itonov, ttl Narth S|
iBlraat: «M Ner. IL
•lad Nar. M.


Prices Always the LowesL

oar BcMay CaadMa an dm
to airtoa Batuiday or Mcoday.
IMglW-e4>- Caadtaa erery
TASte-ta baea eoaslderad.
, raUflpni year wuta early and
bay SBictor. If rm would kar*
An ywa waM.


Ages 4 to 14 Years.

Ail Cravenettes and Rubberized Rain Coats at One-Third Off
Quhlities Always the Highest.

! J. l£Millikeii,






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