Grand Traverse Herald, November 20, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 20, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Ttuvcmt CrTY. ORANO riUVCIWt





FMm Wedn««d*y



R<>cord'i< Kxira.

At 10:26 iMt night, tbt •creaming of the liren and a dull red
glow iniUntlf growing brighter, In the weatem sky annonnced
that the big flve-aore plant of the J. E. Oreilick company was in
grave danger. . Forty-five minutes later, despite the many streams
of water played on the fire, the main portion of the bnUding was a
he^ of aahee'and ndns.
In 4^t short space of time, 638,000 worth of damage had been
done and 60 man had been thrown out of work temporarily. Ordin­
arily, 00 men ware employed but the mill was running sbort-banded lor the present, ao that the lots is a sarions one to ^e d^.
4n deetrielBOtor wffl be installed in ow of the large warebottstt, and tUs will be used temporarily for keeping the chair fac­
tory mning. little time will be lost in this department, bnt it
wfll ptubably be spring before the main plant ia rebuilt. Mr.
Qrdliek etetodAhat be w<ndd undoubtedly rebuild with cement
end stone, end as it Is tee late in the season to commence such
wtrk, the Ug bniUUag would not be rebuilt before early spring.
There art 16 buildings in the entire lOant, the greater number
r wurebeusee. Bad these been swept by the fiames the lou
d have renohed the enormous figure of at least $75,000.
Closed At 4 p. m.
ne mill abut dua’u at 4 o’clock
- in the afternoon, only two or throe
Ml remaining in the building. At
-t e’dock Ira Hull, the night
WMefa, came on, and coinpk-ted
Us work, and at 10 o'clock he
Made hii rounds, finding all well.
4 A few minutes after complet­
ing his rounds', Mr. Hull was sitthig in the engine room talking
erlth Foreman Bert Oage, when
kc fvmarkcd about smelling
smoke. Ths men looked into the
next room, sod saw aoioke pour­
ing down the chute from the outting room. Hull immediately
rushed to he alarm and turned it
In yelling “Fire,

be estimated by Mr. Grcilick,
follows: HuUdiups, $8.(t00;
michinery, teD.Uliy; stock unde
iroccss of eonstruction,
eonstruction. gll.tHKl;
flooring, *2,0lK). The loss is fair­
ly covered by iniurani'c.
The baildings dealroyod
'letory. and the j
mill. The old building liad beofl'
Btondiug about 35 yeara, but the
engiue room, which was nut dcstroyid, was built only four venra
ago. This is valued at $I(),UU0.
and ia fire proof.
Second Engine Delayed.
,After th" arrival of the first
gme, a general alarm was turned
in, but a delay at the engine
liouac, owing to the iiutbility to
secure a team to haul the luwiid
engine, was experieiicisl. Queen
I'ily No, ] arriving on the hccne
of the fire at 11 KW It was about
17 minutes later Wfore tlu-rc waa
sufficiisil steam up to throw a
■driuuif' but the flames had Inn-n
gotten under ccntml hefon- the
arrival of the sceoml engine.

ITlarence Oreiliek, who hml
be<n in the ofRee figuring with
Dome ohairK.
had |inT come out of the ofiice
fhen be heard the cr>- of fire, and
mahed to the factor}-, with Oaginioning up the outer ataim. As
they re.tehed the door they broke
Wts Hard Fight.
it in, the flumes hurating out »ml
The netwiirk of wtHideii ImildUroost knocking them barkward
iiigs were all in grave danger, jtnd
down the stairs.
with the stiff southwest wind
blowing the eoiiipany is forliinMong the entire np|»er |wrt of
iil not Ii»e the en
e tiiAt they diil
building and Were making their
V pta
plant. It looked for a time
way tfarongfa the lower |>an ut
though the flames would sweep
- Pc stmeture. Sjiarks and brands
i-r.vthiiig away east of the fac­
1 the‘fire tbivatened the dry
tory. but thesi- buildings were
kiln and chair
kept wet dowji. and did not
and only the eement and ateel
iguite. The tracks of the M. &
boiler room between, which
N. K. railroad which stand alxmt
iproc-:. aaved tfe
20 feet from the planing mill.
-The! planing i
wer«> also wati-hed. but only a bos
tween the fainory and the M. & K. <-ar l»ef*m.-, This, how­
B. tracks, Koun i-au^t fire, and ever. was not damaged to aov ex­
q>on this the Htreams of water tent.

were bat as drops in the bucket,
and before rnsny luimites had
passed this bnilding was a heap
n( Itirid ashex
Elforto Futila.


Ik-tween the floors in (he main
iug in which ih.- fire flrit
eam^t. dust .of many years had
•eeumulated. and upon this the
s fed
fi.d frecdily ATith (he d
dr>euttings and other inflaniuialdc
material in this building, and with
start the fiasKw had when the
ed, there a
SBviog it. and it vaa apparent that
the effort wta futile.
Bstimatad Loaa
. The ODtire has, as near h could

lOffat'Watchman's Stary.
1 made niy ri>m«ls
o’cliM-k. and a few laimili-’
Mr. Gagi' eame in, and t
be engine room talkling.
luelled smoke and ajsi
Mr. Gage. We lonktsi into
nest room, amt there were great
volumes of smoke pouring down
the rhute frtiHi the euttiog room.
.As quiek as I could reach the
alarm 1 turned it in, t-uf the flames
then were all over up stairs, and
bat the flames then were «)] over
up stain, and bunting - through
the roof.

The Fire In Brief.
DiKi-oviTiil at in.l.'j p. Ill,
riiilcr iMinlriil nt 11 p. lu.
Alain huildiui; hurunl.
Total loaa. 4^8.000.
: iiOH'i (lit buililinK.
Aln< hiiicr.v,
Stock uiuler cdiiKlructioia $3,000.
li to oui'iT Ion.
liisuruiu'c. jinulK^ally (“ii'
Iian evvr in apring.
I’laiit wilt i)f rcimilt bolt*
lory will coniiimi
Fifty 1 It iliruwn out of ■

Hectrie Wire?
'‘How the fire aturt<<J i
than I can a^', but it looka to n
tliouRh ii caught f*‘U'U
electric win-. Then- was ii
sigu of fire about the building at
10 o'clock, but about 13 miiiutes
later it was a mass of flamos."

Mr Ureili^. who had been
the. office with Mr. Uage all the
evening tlgUriiig ii|ibii some work
stated that he bi-lievi-d the fire
ignited from sponlum-vm eombustioo, as he did not si-e how it
could have caught irom the wir­
ing. The r-Min (-oiilained shavings
and other inflammable materi^
iiud Un-ae might have become
iguit<.-d in ;hul way.

Saved Designs.
Aiuung the 1urs<« are tutmple
new'chairs. but tliey were furtuusaving the
le designs,
wise a iK-w set of designs would
liave to he made. A contract had
just been secured to furnish tin
ishings for the First Nstiunal
bank building
The fire throw* about 50
out of eraiiloynient, the factory
lumg eight hours per day short
haaded. In busier s(«asoi>s
faetor}’ employes» almul 90 Ii
The J. £. On-iUek ooiupauy
run steadier than any (*oneem of
its kind in the city, the longest
pi-niKl of time that it has biM-n
idle for many years being a few
winters ago when a new eiigiiuwus bi-ing iDstalbn], the factor)’
shutting down for three months,
lisst winter the only time lost
was for two wc-eks when repairs
ere being made.

The n-tU-etion of the flumes on
the sky was visible all over the
city and evi-ii the citirc-ns that
had ndired made their way to
tjic set-ne. So deluded wen- the
eompauies with calls
that the various ei-ntrsbi answered
On-ilick's mill" wiihout hardly
liling for the ((uestion.
AlthcAigh the crowd felt a pang
the destruction of a valuable
iiidustr)- and one of the oldest
here, WHS witnessed, still tlie
sighi was ;i grandly beautiful one,
Tbousaiids of gnllo
of water
e iKinred onto the flaim-s, but
(-ffurts of iiiim for many min­
utes nppean-d unavailing ami it
was an (.]M'U (piestioii wlietber any
of the buildings on the north side
of Hay street could be saved.
The water’; conquering .-ffeet
begsu to tell after a while and as
the tire died out. the crowd melt<-d. away gradually, until prac­
tically the only oiii-s left wen- the
members of the ebinpatiy. employcM and the fin- dejiarlment.
Till- auiiouiieemeni that the mill
will he n-built as soon as pimsihle
is iiidc»-<l gratifying as the .1. K.
Greiliek eomimiiy is one of the
moat valm-d. of the city's in­
dustries For a (luurter of a cenlur>’. it has stood and haa eonstAUtly exiianded imtll it is one of
the Im-sI known in th«- state.
The imsiness of the Iravera^
City t’l.air company, conneebd
with the J. II. Gn-i1iek eom]iany.
piiuii-er ill that line In'-rv. and
that that department will Ih> kept
going this winter, is also import
ant news. The s]Virit of the com
|iany. ig^ahown h)- the fati that

f i-wer
i-fia-er vril
will sot deter 1them.

plans iKing made to install an
eb-etrie motor and continue opera­

Were Like Tinder.
The concert crowds w.-re just
making their .way lowuni home
when the shrill cry of the sin-ii
heard, followed
alarm of 3. which was in the J. K.
Gn-ilick iiuiiilier. .All turned uml
Went lu the fire, in the crowds
which stood in tlu- slusli watching
the rush of the tlanii-a lieing ladies
while theater gowns, with
i-suiris. busin-.-ss men, small Im>vs.
fact almost everylKsly who
heard the alarm and saw the r<-d
glare on Uie aky. was there.
a Kpcetaeular sight. The
frame buildings, with their iiillammaldc iiuilcri;d. were like
tiiider for the tire fiend, and
fanned by the wind the night was
lik(- day for the entire bjock, si
the light from the fire
There was nothing the lire fight
could do but turn on the
sms nothing could Ih- n-iiioved
from the huildingH to places of
safety, and ihi- speetators watched
the buildings with their valuable
eunlenta, the spb-ndid tuaehinand manufactured stocks.
greedily sueki-d up by the fiames.
U-aviug in place of the busy far
tory nothing but hea|i« of red

Firaasn Worked Hard.
The areim-n did giKsl work, but
rc hondieappi-d by the delay
securing their sts-ond engine.
.S'ol having a team to haul the
second engine they had to wait
for the return of the team that
had taken out Queen City No. 2.
uml trouh! • in getting' steam
also deiayiHl them after their
rival with the sei-ond ciigine.
I’raetically ev.-rj’ volunteer in the
city was on the scene, and ail ihc
uuder the direction of I'inChief Reimie. worked hard aud
faithfully to get tin- flann-s und(-r
control, siieceiHling
large share of the valuable plilaiit
from destriietion. Ki veral of
took their 1iv(-s in their hands
when the fire was at its height
order to place the streams wher<they w lld do the most gootb
the spectators
igh I
lolM-d in
The scene from Ahe water \
With the ]ilaning
mill a lurid muss of shiH>ting
tlaim-s. s<-iiding Up brands and
sparks into the sky which th-strong w ind carried off to the east.
inl. threatening not only tlnidiy kiln and chair factory, rod'lenci-s along the shon- were also
•ndangcred, and few if any fam
ilies stepf before midnight.
the wi-st of the factor)-, in
adiUtion to the number of ware
!iw4si-s owned by the (-ompaiiy.
itaiid the Traverse City M<>toi

ing had been light hiit after the
alarm, things were different.
alarm was receivtsl
10:30 and from 10::iO p.
III., 330.00U tiaooiia
gallons iisu
..JV ■. 111.,
>H>cn imnitH-d and ]>raetically all
>f this was thrown
]>uiiip waa wo
rate of 138,600 gallons an hour
tiul this WHS not iu c-aj-acity, 208.
13H gulloiis an hour Ix-iiig thmaximum. However, this amount
could not bo handled with -1
supply of hose.
Tin- big pump never faltered
its duly, but ran along just as
imiMithly as though it wer^ only
pumping bn a hot suimmT’s day
with every hydrAut in tho e'
going full force.

Poimded By J. E. Ormlick.
Till- factory was uwm-d by J. E.
Gt ediek fur several years and
on bis death it was ineurporat
as the J. E. Greiliek t o. in 1893
for $50,000 and had grown sUuulily ill sire and value evi-r sineo un­
til imlay it ranked as one of the
first factories of the kind in North
-n, .Michigan.
The annual ontpnt aevoral years
igii. was $145,000 and the luiiuber
>f hands employed under normal
tmditioiis was 90 all ^thc year
.’ound. The annual wages ap­
proximated $30,000. Th.- busim-ss M thii factory consisted of
vtsh. di’ora, store fixtures, interior
tiiilshiiigs and witliin the last few
vi-ars. H large business has bei-n
worked up in the manuraeture of
i-hairs. them Iniiig a huavy de­
mand for the product. Consider­
able work WHS also done on sjh-• ial irders along the line of lMu>k'
tine store fittings built
s|M-eial plans, ete. Glass, besides
irge amount of plate glass,
also an important item.
The main flimrs of the, principal
ictory Imildiug. wliieji was deruyed last night, was or(-upi>-d
l-y various mn-'hines for cutting up
lutnher. tin- west r<Mim heing
i-iiig devoti-d to th>' sHiider or wood pulishing maeliiiie and the north
room t-i til.- veneering depart
The second fiimr
riipii-d by the door and sash
ehim-s. tnniiiig lath-s. band saivs.
and till- ciirpeiiier (b-parb
nieiilK, the «<oKj>aiiy having: very
veuecr.-d (i-»nrs. in-\vcl p.iMls, cupiKiard*. <-le. w.-n- made.
.North of til'- mtiiii huilding whs
a larc* on.-story l.uildine wh.-r.ptnniiie. surfin-iiiL' r.-aawinc, cic..
wi-r.* (J.ui.-. ilie w.-st part of the
liiiildiiif; l-.-iin; iis.-d a* a lumlier
slorag.' sh-.!.
Tliep.- is a twovt.-pv saw. lHli..-jjiid sliii.ffl.- mill

Secretary—Claire Curtis.
Ireasurer—A. J. Ilavilaud.
Queen Otty Co. First.
The Qiiei-n City No. 2 got a
strt-am goiug first, and in a few
ininuten th? Ifose e»m]iaiiie8 be­
gan to arrive, that from the See
ond ward getting there first.
Every }ios(- wmpaiiy turned out.
I’erc Munoa-tte engine ^No. 40S
was on tln^Hl. & N E. tracks and
had a line of hose going.
Traversi City Chair Co. had
stream running on the rpnf of their
L>w-u building, which w-u dangeroub1>Ihe fire, aU through
the fire
Queen City No. 2 experieneed
i>mestiffi(-ulty in keeping a stream
Jit water piing and at about five
minutes after 11. the linf« on the
north side of the huilding wenwiihout watir. -Tlu- Oak Park
H( se Co. arivi-d the same time as
• Queen City No. l.
the sreiu- at 11 .-Od. A
there wen- 14 streams iHioring on
the burning sirueture.

Mm Not There.
••RTien w* gw lo tbe Bra It
t-ISiQ't be see - • . the
- big taalldtag
• as dooim-d. Tbe eotlre building was
mass of flauea Inside, and 1_____
oBce that It was unless lo Ur to 4o
snrtblDg with Ibe chemtral
Oral eaglae.
so tbe driver wet
e for !$• Ug
eogine. There ^ . (tolay la getOng
tbe CO

bMse -oa my own book ail
left town Monday. I have bad my own
•earn working for tbe city all eumgsM.
keeping their driver at tbe oaglM
house for just such emerwoete. ■■
this. When there
----- -----------more work
for the team, tbe driver went t«ay.
Tbe borsc« are at my sea's bara, aad
of tbese waa sicb. The <
at the barn tcle^euod «
toscewhttJr*--- *

ii. lu I
of possibly
>lbl> two or three btaSA-nd
regular bat
bare night man was slok, a
USB in his pUc* was new.
CouU Net Have Bean tevod.
“Howerer. had both --f—' boM
- the scene Immediately MIeirlag

I.C1-D. •
When first (
Mr. OtwIWedBMdsrs »ecorthek told K
lo deroie ay atteatloa
•I ihlak 140.000 will cover ourlOM.“ to eavlng t
chair factory, dry klla
said CUrence Greiliek to a Record and other buildiagi. ae It was evldwt
rtpresenlaUve thU morBint
tb(! taciory could not be used. I dlstood smoag tbv ruins o( ibe mala recled the men to keep all tbe otter
bulldlDg of the Ug plant. -"Tbe tset eadang-red bulldlogs wet dowa, only
pUylng on ^ tbe burnlag taetory
of the matter is, 1 have been ao boar ,-ooagb- to reep tbe flaaea dowa m
tbU inornlBg seeing wbat can be used (bat tbey would not Igalto the othw
trj’ing t.
to get ttblngi siralgbiened
out, that I bbaven-i bad tine to tblnk.
Old Tteir
I bavent i
tbe fi^rd extra as
“'Other factories have burned down
yet eliher.'
The figures given In (be esrly tnora- In lltU town. TbU Is not tbe flm oaa.
iBg extra were «vdK-d to bin and Fhr my part I did all ] eoold aad my
-Mr. Orctlick eonflftned Ibe estlnstej men did too. I do not see bow She
fire got such a elan befora.k Was
•aylng tbs: they were si near correct
discovered, unleee it was opoatsaaous
^slble and not denting
and this in tbe mld« of
^drr stufi s lid make a big f
”Wc will keep the chair factory
'unnlng but Just where and bow I uick. I have aera Mg fi_______
be big dike of tbe ooaatry. and
iDi not prepared to sutfc There are I Ibe
made "
several pouibllltlee. We might go haveI alwayi
down to the plant of tbe^otor Boel when about where there are tree to
bow tbey are bandied, and have
company and ojicraT# thei*. w c might
tm the polntera I coaid m that
up a warehouse or i - might go
some uibiT location I arhy. ft U
I SOUQ to sUte thaL
Tbe last of tbe firemen did not
leave tbe ruins dbUI g o'clo^ this
-it couldn't bave been mudb v
I think Uisi there Is s large amount pf 'morning.
mschlnery here that U fit t*lj for ibo
Junk heap, while it li possible that a
A specall Ininrancc agent inspected >
small B.nouui of It may be reiiairetL 'tbe J. R. Orcillck company's plant
for yours4-lf what kind of jyeeierdiy and found eTerytblng is
shape It's In. farther (bap that. I |good shape; sub the excepthm of aerjrly w ■■
eral ba>relsI which
i ' ' ' *ere
only aboat
lecied by Insurance."
ha:f filled wiih water. The agent canOrelllck stated farther that <
■d Mr. GrclUck about tbit, snd benUmt 'Ml men wiu be thrown out of i
ace saw to the filling of tbe bar-.
work iQiil the new plant can I
atrucK t.
The pUnt tbh i..uri>liig prnsented a <
dunial uspot;. n i.ix building being , believes an electric wire lo have bean
-iplf-iely r-!lr(«. Th.- |«wcr |dani <be cause while Mr. Greltlek doe* wtt
boused in a brick structure and
ihlt uosslbla. ag tbe wiring
f w.'K not d?m.ii;MJ ID the tllEhieti. *»- pn>iv< i.-d. An Isdepadent power
rkrk m.t .--n Ulog stopped*nd :nmlctalned by <he company
steam was up . is nii.riiing,
|wltli arrsfip-ineiils to connect with'
Tbe Ins :rn:ic
<s: divided amoag.'be liosrd'nan River Oo. when neeesre agencK;. II I’. Carv.r d Brother.|
)hn II.
II- Kant...
Kani.i. i: W Hastlnas,
Hastlnes. wiibi
and Mr. Gage were in
Monrm.- d Mc;*h- chair ompany's office oompllhig


tvhii-li V

stream. We lost no time in nsfiblng
the fire with tbe Brat
englDe. 'i^s
firat englDs.


... "!„7i;


. . isti-cin. of water p!u(-.ogon the flame.
JlffKthc;^v^ were oil of the enPuc bour.- a->d;
.-arpciiter shop, h.-yoDci that, a on our way beloie .he alarm
Iutiib<-r Ktoraifc shi-d.
('eiitrally »iopiKd and when we arrived o
l'»-Bt«-d i* a lar|^• one-storv imild-

to employ-another designer

i„e iu «-hi,;i,....


u.,k „f ;;T„uro;,.’

y of the fire will be fooad

ihcsf- arc the elaziiif* department, them attach their hove and a stream
1h«- Klor.- rooms-for kIhs». mouldwater was lura.-d oo th.- flstues lu
inp*. interior finish, d.-.r*. porch
ni>nut«- irom the time
Mrw. Hattre Robey snd Perront Wil­
(XnitS. He, bl th.. rear^
we received the alarm.
son. Both of This City, tecorwd
tw.KSlor)- addition which « used f -wv lIST 1.^^* f h*^ playm*
, Uemisa to Wad.
as a timstiingr de|»artmcnt. There a coniluual stream c»f water where it
relsior rompany. Had the wind IK a large w-arehonae filli-d whh «ouid do itc most good, la all about
been in the opiMisitedireetionthen dooTii. the t-omimnv manufaelnr- C'-b-J
•**«- ■*“
doubt but tli<«e bailding* ing only veiieereil
‘ There
lertryone worked
would have been swept away. a< made on xpecial or.I.-rs. but Uoinir:,.,nging buck, and all obeyed my m
close do they stand together, all
jderw as so»n s^ fbey
tbey were issued.
_ .jobbing
. bimiueas iu stock
iM-ing of w»(>d.
had irooble with tbe big
- .’sine owing u> not hiring s good pUce
At Water Works.
Ihertatof .heplant isowipted lo put n. The dock is rotten snd
Mrs. Robey U well known tere and
It was only a matter of second* by the lumber yards, bams. etc. when we trim u> go out swhere
baa a large number of Mends. Pte
^t the Salter works after th>come time abe baa conducted a sneThe prcfcnt offii-ets of the Con­ could gel a good supply of wstm. i
bicycle rtpalriag boalnras at
alarm was received, to speed Ud
bad to go efoaer In. and here the wa- 211 Elasi Front street Tbe temo off
big pump np to fire pr
PrcRident—CUrcoe* Greiliek.
tbe groom Is also la this eltr, te ten­
i^revioos to the alarm, tteepu«^
Viee-{H-esidefit—Erqest OPi-iliek,
ts g rcMded «• Barlow atreaL



CMd Tn?ehe BenM




i^ipilT msoii!ii

The recMpu w«to falrir large yes-

Wall Knewn Reeldent of Intorieehen

MUn Rnpkls. Nov. 1».—Since tost
Ssiurdsy night sis carloads ot dressed
turkeyi and chkkens have been nblppod fimn Uls Mty by local ponltry
baayers to eanera markets and near-'
to as many more will go out before
Hw end of tbe week. The
of Ue po-jltry to tariteys. tor which
the bnyeru have paf
paid Uli and Id
m pound‘ ■lire
e 1
weight, and when
leaded on tbe carsI ready
resdy tor isblpmcdt
this wUl stand Uem to about
20 cents per poond.

7-Upm wi(p dad n«« ptowk-


taro- Was 77 Vmu


>. OrvfllA to>t Um »uu

*frr MKi«.
inI fM
«( Itw
K I lH*«ruat
I «t fWTttot CJU
Citr u>4 PB6

HV «9M H «tol^

IT i* «i« of tito
I v-to4*to to
purtH 0OW

qrM CKi’ to )OM ftB toduiur ol tU»
kind and • nUfonu« for ibe bolt
fettodrod woilctog fwale who will bo
Wt ■( work tor • Omo. TraverM (Utjr
to to ko oonr*tototod. however, apon
the Uot Ouu IM> MUr»rtoto< eoHoor*
*01 Ml bUpv tku kMo. Mvero m it
to, to totorfare mstortoUr witt lU proThe 4^%. Ortatcto eompwy to too
vaq IBOVB Mid Ito prodBoU IB wo
iroM dosuAd for H to be oat of bueP
MM tor m toflcw w
The retoOt *t the flrw. tborwforo, will be a
botUr plant than tbt old one afld onu
Win not oolr be as orumaat to
ilio dtp h«t add a ntlU aaoro aabatan
ttol atfveiaro ud a mnptoto and
iwra flwdem plaat. Ponuaatolr. the
ptotot vaa (alrlr weU eoterwd -b; toa«raB« and the flnaBclal lOM *UI not
be aa bwrr aa k mltht bate been.
It to Terr tortaute that tha wind
vaa Mt Uovtop from tbe north. Had
Utto been ttoi anee, great dnaage wonU
bare been eiBUtoed on the wnet aide.
rkm* baa been ad
gUbdtof to regard m Ue namee- rag
totontton bU, vhleb tbe nweea of ibe
ptote Ire ,we^U«*ll7 etrirtog
kare peaaed br the legtolatnra.
«be bOl dOM ad prohibit n
«bo are BetcradaaiM tros pradletog
the pleto^rte^ ovt It pmecu the genpnl phbUe Crooi aa»M who are not
^atoUtee ton who poee ai gradn^.
daagwdlng the.adM noner that '
paid grhdwata anraea who hare apnnt
Iraa two to three retto to preparattoo
ter thto cafitng. at eapenae to ihei
{fthM. It alao protects the pobUe
|tm loeBdept and WMcropntoae
•aroM who poee aa trained asrsea.
The aanee- MU proteeu tbe pnbllc
la preddtog a vnr «C detemlntog oo
Mtot trhethar the none to n gradute
P( ■ddr PMtot as eae. Brerrgrad
Mto aaree regiMertog ander ih«
Mbto TagistnRtoa. to gtrea n badge of
^ tottan. -Sl K.r toanatog '■Regittoml H«M.“ Anr parson wenrl
eae d tbeoa badges and pmcUcIng
' • mtotared anrea wlU be guUtr of a
■todWMtMr. ud upon eoarlcUoo
- toaraot ekau be peatohed br a ^e ^f
Mt awto thaa im or br Imprtaoa' |^‘ia tba oonatr >all lor a pertod of
•M toon thna M dare, or br both neb
•aa aat^fdprtoooMBt ter each or><|itohTko gaaarsl pnbUe to not to dntr
boaad «e hlra a gradeate aom. th<
~ daa hire aar ktad.of a aaree ther d
Ptro, and par a noo-regtotered non
tha mm vagaa-tber are obUged^i
par a ragtoteeod nnree If ther ao detoro, bat *a 4noot demand it. Tbe

■hare hare been a number d deer
klUed to Ornad Trseeiee eonotj this
•caMB and tbto open aenson will Juat
nbMt tatob OP the deer that were toti
4M1. I—langbto. Tbe doeed
d tbe feet that Ue
dear v«I rniMpir If protected and
It eeeaw a altome to oatamlaate them
there will come a time eocn when
a dear to the lower peatoauU
Mttodgna will Indeed he rare and
lor that reaaoB. at the coming eeestou
V the legtotolsio. deer aboald be proaened to the eatVe V
The deer. It to troe. do an partteoUr
good and tber da no poittoator barm,
thto rectos was ooee corered wlU
abnodaaee at wtM game of all kinds,
bet It to nettUng op so raptdlr
that game M all kinds 1s booomlng
•earoer and acareor. WlU Ue npM
adraat of Ue eettton, Ue deer will
•et malUpIr to nek an eiienl ns to
ba a Mtowoe to aarbodr «r
oar aarlaaa damage, mad we beltere
Uat the taw that aatope the hutara.
UooU ba kept that the M^toa mar
■to baaoma esUaoL

par Ih .

latartolebM. Uk^ Itor. l7.-«aC. HamUton, g| rears one moaU
and M dart old, dtod at | o'cloek nw
hit deaU betog 4«e
to ckoktog oa a piece of beetaieak.
Mr. HamUwa. It to atld. was atoae
at Ua tlma. and toartod la to cook
tha steak. Beton It was deaa. ba renoTSd it from Ue store
to opt it PMtlallr raw. daylng before
medtoal aid ooold be agaiwnaed
to addltka to Ua wifa, Itt ebU- aiUer. naalaUnt to ge»b^ Manager
toferaUle Long Dtotaaee TeVephone'
driB are llrtog. all daaghlata. Tb«r
an: Mn. Olbba of fliaad Haraa. coa.^, Detroit; kties B|hpl Psynr.
(Haea SamUtpa of Oraad Haraa. chfiB operator Unkm ToJ«ltone com


PMchss, •—
per baakot
hay, one load ol Iron, one load of com BtaasM. per '
sulks, one load ol com and two loads Omneea. per
o; oou were weighed at tbe diy weigh

The rceelpU
potatoes bad been
rather light at the dty market to­
day at nobn. leas than a half doaen
kada haftog beeo bmogbt to. Tbe
price today to 60 ceou.


CMcago. Not. l».—Wheat—CI<
gl.fliH; com. dSAic: oau. 4»lic.
Detroit. NhT. ]».—Wheat—Cloee—
11.06; com. 6i%c; «au. 6l%c.

Prank MeClellan of Hartotto, and operator, jackson; George. K. Slrslemryer. Iraffic manager (’Itlsens Tele­
mma Hamilton of lanatog, ,
The funeral eerrlce will be at t phone companr. Grand Ksptdy/
o'diook umrrow at tbe bonee. Mr.
HamUtoa was a well knows- resident
with % Urge number of friends, Ms
sadden dnnU causing much tnonni-

Emi Buffalo, iim. 19.-Catile. recetpl^. 2i. stow; reals. 400. alow
steady: sheep, and laiuba. n.700. veo'
dull; Up lambs gi.6i06.TS; mixed
sheep. $3.7Sff4: bogs, 8.500. active.
) U 25c higher.

Nira. Bfipth «l Quad tapMv Mn- MW. aww«»:





Chicago. Nov. 18.—Little or
change quoted. Trade wm not h
tU-e. as buyers look on a good supply
yestMttoy. Arrivals Just fairjret offer­
RECAA ings were fully ample at CSeTOc.
Upper Penineula Trninmen Are Tak­
Greenville. Mich., Nov. 18.—C.
ing Ne Ckaiwea WlU Oeer
Gibson A Co. quote the buying price
of poutoes on tbe Greenville mark­
et 6»©^60c. rye at 68c. wheal »»c,
and beans fl.M basis.



deer hnnlera la Ue field, twt for Us
Mac reason tbe basards ot railroad
work have been greatly
narrow cacape from dMth of a mSstber ot bia crew to reported by R- W.
O'NeOl. ooddoewr ot freight train No.
14 on Us Dnlath. SonU Bbora nad At­
lantic toad'. Thto n»n was atoadtag
OD Ue top of a box ear while tbe
train wu aseendly Us L'Anse bill,
when s i•uUet from a bunter’a rifle
knocked the brskeatick from bis hand,
carrytof It Into the rartoe on Ue-side
of Ue track.
There was mn^. shooting going on
to the vlctoliy at Ue Ume. Many of
Uo ImproTed rifles now being used
«m kin ni a dtoUnoe of two mllct.-Aa
irr nwaaure brl^t red
coats are worn by Ue eecUon men to
Older to prerent hantera from Ritotoktog Uem for deer.



Per It Voara. He TravetoOer the
«i»ger fieurlng HeeMae Ce.—
Pimeral fietorday.
Prank Palmer, for it years travallng
anlesmaa for Ue Singer Sewing Ma­
chine Co., died «t 11 o'clodt Tbursdny
mIMt. haTlasbeaa IB for about Uree
rgara- He wu U years old as
ayM f widow and seven UHdren.
Mr. PUmer was bom to OUo. and
In IMl moTed to InwlaBan eonaty. to
mi he mored to Uto city, bto home
being on Hastings street
The funeral wlU be held Saturday
rtemoon at 2 o'clock at Ue.home.
Ue .Rer. A A. Alllngtoo offletoUng.
Pall bearers will be selected from
SC Travetss city Tent No. gTl, to
which Mr. PMmor cnrrtod n tX.OOO life
pMlcy. The totermeni srUI be at Oakwood.
Tbe rbUdren are Norman O. PUmcr. of Orawn. and Prank, Wllllnm.
Mrs. AHbtu- Spnoldlng. Mtos Resale
and Charles of Uto city. Tbe broUers are Jay Palmer, ot Elmwood town­
ship; Jeremlab Palmer, of Leelaniu.
and MartlB and towest PUmer. .^ol
Mtooeapclls. Mino . A bUt bmther.
Norman Lewto. resides to Bast Bai'

Celewy ot Plying RUlem Is Leeatlng
—Third Let Arrtood Thera

Interiocben. Mich, Hot. 17.—Nine
Tlylac Rollers'’ frmn Benton Harbor
named Urongb bne yeeterday fa
Uetr way u Ue bendqunrteru eatobUabed aaar Honar. Thto was Ue third
A to go Utcim here.
The "Flying Boilers’, which hare
been located U Bentoa Harbcr. hate
parcknaed a Urge tract ot toad shoot
flT* miles from Hsm and oa Uto
they will loeatn.
Tht band yoatorday 1
bit dlftfioahy to findtog oot UUr dotttontloa bot.laally tocatod R.


a at the Needt of

.. to « esdtJ retoewdar
and Uej mar eur »>
totoa w
E. E. Rarhar. of Travans CHr^ to On dar. .the togaUr borer gM the Erst
two kmds oa Ue maUet at U ceats.
sad George Lardle oSered SO cents.
None of Ue other bnrers wanted po
CadUlac. MIU.. Not. l7.-»Tbe snknal cooTenttoa of tbe ladapaadeni
aimeeu. isowerw. lae grjee
Talepkone Mnnsgtrs Aeaoakatlon
kept np^ 60 cento nad Hr. Urdle
IflUlgnn opened to Cadillac tadar Offered a tanner 10 ceats if be would
ATE THE MEAT WTORE IT WAE and eoattones orer Wedosadar- .The hrlng in a load today. Tot to seems aP
sessions are betag held to Mssonlc nmst Inpofslble tor tbe markK
Stood tbto prloe.

Um M «» «*• J. ■. Or«Uldi coiftput£
mdu. » caowlau «orr •!
vudi.fte «tf«i to n* *T*Btof Bw
or«« A
«t 6 o'ttoc* thU
«||^'« MtUf ^ to tb« i. E.
«r. latf •
»• «• M-


Chicago, Nov, 17—Celery reported
PITCHFORK PRODOINO MADE HIM as just steady. Arrivals from Michi­
gan were not large, yet offerings ap­
peared to be fully equal to tbe de­
mand. In prieea there was little or no
Alva Saymeur, Who Was Hsid as a change. Large flat boxes. 6ff8 doten
buucbea. Golden Heart. 76081.25;
Witnaaa. Evidantiy Eooaped Too . square boxes. Michigan. Golden Heart,
But cams Rack Where it
ordinary lu good. COffSOc; fancy, »te:
bunch, home-grown, white. lOfi
Was Warm.
Ktongsley. Mlob., Nov. 17.-Ji
Sicirgls. who escaped from Ue ]UI
here Saturdsy ^Irtt. srat found to
kaystock on ^be HeCnrty farm about
mile frxtm thll vl|iige last
tog and recaptured by Deputy SherlB
CMUe of St. Johne. and Deputy Sher­
iff Rouse ow tbto Tillage.
The capture was a defer piece of
detecUTe work on Ue part ot Ue
otfloeru.-Aa SUrgU, who to only 17
years old. wore oxfordajt was Uought
ras not far away. Tracks
found about tbe bam on tbe Mlcbael
McCarty place
Uare Ue officers
leok up Ue search. Not finding tbe
to the bam. » pitchfork wm se­
cured and after Ue bay had beeo
prodded aereral Umm. Sturgis could
stand U BO longer and came out, hav­
ing been completely buried.
At the tame Uem as Sturgis was toiivenated tor tomptog n board bill
and ttcallDg a ahot gun at St. Johns.
Airs Seymour. Si years oUt. was arrroted as a witness. When Ue Jail de­
livery was dlscorered, Seymour wm
atm Uare and alleged Uat he ki
noUtiic of Burgto. Trncka about the
bam todicaled Uat Seymour '
along srtth Sturgis and after aeeing
that ha was hidden, he sopplled him
WlU proTlaloaa and then hiked U<k
to Jail where It wm warm and com-

Chicago, Nov. 18.—Beans are rul­
ing Ann. Some lots, most of them,
quoted a trifle better. The market
is niMog quiet. Arrivals and offe^
togs are very moderate. Pea bei
hand-picked, choice, 82.20e2.25;
(O'good. 82.«e2.1S; common, ll.t
195; mediums nominally about
same m pea beans.
Detroit. Nov.
12.18; December, $2.20.


S-3^ -I

Mrs. George Doateray. returned to
Lockwood today, after vtotUng her '
brother, JUexandef Robertson. ■
Mrs. Flora Fnngpt went to Mo^oa
thto morning to vtou her fathar.
John P. Mauel. the Wbsi Side gro­
cer. left thto momtog tor BopaHer.
Wto.. tor a Ttait wtlh trtoada.
Louie R. Ooldtttok. a ahoe ropnlrer
ot Petoskey. retaned hoide thto merjbIng. after a hoalneM trip to thto city.
He may locate hare to the near future.
Mni. A. FOx and Mrs. K. S. Chapan recnmed from Northpon today,
where they had been vtolUng friends
since TuNday.
Mrs. Lind Monroe, of Maalitee. re­
turned home this moralng ntler vlalttaf friends to the cUy.

WnUtogton. Nov. 1*.—-nis barbora of the east shore ot L*ke Michi­
gan receive many a fine boast to the.
repon of tbe chief of eMineers made
hM great slgalfieaoce'
expected that a rivers and
ors VU! ■will be pnaicd at
lingoesslon of congreos.
The amounts recommended tor
various Western Michigan poris
Utmtolee. 1187.000; Portage Lake.
mo.OM: Arcadia.
Pmiufen, I18JOO; Cfcarleeoix. 128,750;
Petoakey. glg.OOO; Mnakegon. 8154,
760; Grand Haven. flM.OOO; St
Joe. tlM.OOO; SonU Haven. 889.COO; Saugatuck.
White CTAT'B OF MICHIGAN. THRPROLake and Pentwater, flSl.OOO; Lud ^ bale court for the county of
Grand Trsverse.
lugton. im.ooa
Mid court, hrid A
. to the dty of Trav­
Hew to Oct Strong.
erse Ciiy to saM conniy, oa the 12th
P. J. Daly. Ol 1X47 W. Congrem 8L. day of November, A. D. IPflI.
Chicago. teUs ot a way u becot
Present: Hon.' Fred R. WUkM.
irong: He saya: “My moUer. wbo
Judge Of Probnte.
very feeble, U deriving
in tbe matter of the estate ot Daar
lei B. Scofield, deceased.
Perry F. Scofield having fitod IB
wbo need i tonic and a
Mid court hit peUUoB pmytog thatmedicine about It. In my - mother's Mid court adJudk-Ble and dMermtot
case a marked gain to flesh bM result­ who were ai the Ume of hto death tha
ed, Insomnia aas bo^ overcome, and
bears of said deeensed and en-'
she is steadily growing stronger." legsl
titled to iDbetlt the roal estato of
which said deceased died seised.
U to ordered, that the Tib day of
December. A. D. 19M. at ten o'doefc
'orenooB. at said pcobato offico
to hereby appsdnted tor baato
tog said peilUon.
It to further ordered, that paMle a»tier thereof be given by pAUentlon
of a copy of Ibis order, for thne anoMr. and Mrv CIIMm Copeland Were ccoslve weeks previous |o said day ot
.......... . to the Giwnd Trarerae lien


WMufiah. per lb

- ...

. -------------,-r lb ...
Salt pork, per lb ....
Beef roMts.
Beef stews .
Mutton stews
Veal stews. ..



Mr. and Mrs. CUnton Copeland, of
West FkHirtevnlh slreeL were the en­
tertainers of a score of reiatives and
friends Monday night at their pretty
new borne,.the occailon being their
i0*h wedding annivt-rvary.
very pretty titoens in honor ot the
event w.-rc given them as memen
of tbe occMion while Ibe guests were
delightfully enlertalni-J by music,
games and other psstiz«-s.
Tbe guests departed .it a Isle hour
after wishing ihelr buxto the pieMure
and bappInesB of many more yean ot
wedded bliss and Joy-

Bays; ’BucklM’a Arnica Solve It a
sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A bad
one came on mv leg last summer, buf
that wonderful hIvo knocked It out
Id a few rounds. Not even a tear re­
mained.'' Guaranteed tor pllea. aores.
burns, etc. 26c at 8. E. Walt A Sons.
C. A. Bngbee Drug Co., Hannah A Lay
drug stores.

Mrs- Andrew Kehl, ol Norih^.
landlady of O-Sa-ne-RInnlBg hotel.
the city today oa her way to
Iliiffalo, N. Y., her old home, tor n vtoli witb relaUves and frienda
Thia la an EMy ToaL

t»^s. *i24s(fr


imeries. 22G
29l4c: dairies. I9l4e26c. BggsSteady; flrsu. 28c.
New York. Nov. 17.—Butter—Firm;
receipts, 3.170; creamery, specials.
2lc: extTM. It>e$0l4c: thirds to firsts
210 29c; sute dairy, common



Chibago. Nov. 18.—Prices at fne
opening were 2H« lower to 2Hc blgbClose**; Pork—December. 8U.65:Jan$14.45: May, $I6.3‘M4. Lard—
" "H; December, $9.22
Hay. $9.42H. Ribs-




New Tork. Nov. IS.—Sugar—Raw.
itVady; fair refining, 2.44c; centrifu­
gal. 96 test. 8A4r;
Steel .iK;;; ib....i«>V
3.l9e; refined quiH
Ctives. I
He was released, but Siurgto
powdered. 5c: grai
Hogs. Ill
token back to 8L Jobu to face the tec Quiet; No. 7 Rio.
■ed ............................ COCVsC
charges against him. The met
Santos. 7t4c. MolBsseslag^chirkeoa. live weight .......... 7c
esped br taking Ue door off.
A peculiar thing to connection wUb
tbe case to Uat'boU men wen chop­
New York, Nov. it—SiKM cotton
ping wood for Deputy Roum and closed quiet. 10 potots higher: mid­
when srord came from 8L )obns, he dling Uganda. 9.55c: mlddllug gulf. PoUloes, per pushw .
9.80c; sales. 600 balea.
had to arrest his own men. ^
New hny. per ton .
Putares closed steady: closing Mds:



xnusry, 9I5<
r; April. 8.9
99c: July. 1
K. L. Carter Has RacHved a Vary
Ftottsring Oiler For Hie Lawn
Edge Trimmer.
Detroit. Not.
$5.50; March, $SAS.
H. L. Carier bM been granted a
Chicago. Nov. is.—'nmoibr—No­
patent on a town odger. Tbe object ot vember. $2k7H; March. $4.SC
member. $9.20;
-----the tool to te trim the sod at the edge Clove
$9 AO.
ot the walk and cut the grass which
the lawn mower fsiU to remove.
JUi eastern manuUetnring coapnny
New York. Nov, 1$.—Poultryhas nude Mr. Carter i very fiMlertog Alive. dull; spring chlckeas. 12Hc:
fowls, lltoc; turkeys. lOffISc; dress­
offer for hto aptenff
ed. easy; western spring cbickens.
l4He20c: fowls, ixeitc: spring
wrkeya. I4ei9c.
Mr. John White, of M HIMlandjavele. Ronlton. Maine, tnya:
been tronblod vtlh a congh «omt wlnInr and spring. Last winlor 1.tried 22.000; market weak si lOe lower:
many afiverttood reaaadtos. boT the beeves. $2.2004.70; Texans. $2.40ff
h eonUnoed aatll 1 beagfit a $»c
4.40; westenten. $2.1005.70; Stock­
ers and toeders. $2A»O4«0; cows and
belters. lUOffS; calves. $6.50O7A«;
Hogs—Receipts. 28.000; market 10c
bigfaer: llgbt
$5.1006.75; mixed.
$6J6e5-»6; heavy. |6J5«6; rough.
|5ASe6.45: good to choic« hMvy.
tang rsMedtes - Md nnder mr |S.45Ct: pigs. $2.7506.10; balk of
^to^^^E- Walt A SoB'a C ' Mice. $5.M»5.>5. Shebp-Reeelpto.
20.900; aaartst sinsdy; naOrc. $t.4»0
Trial bottle Uc.
4.50; WMUrn, $2.4»«4.4«; foartia^



Depositon and borroweis are aitured
strictly confidential treatment at thii Bank.
Every person connected with this insti­
tution is expressly cautioned against
giving out any information regarding the
business of it’s customers.
This is but one of the advantages we
offer for your patronage.


io. I Cross fox M high M

on aU pocket books, parses,
Isdies hsnd bsgs. genis trsvdtno
esses de. All ieslber goods la
oar stock go SI <4 pH lor

Tbe next 15 days
Oder Avplcs wmed

Mcento »cr inndred

A good chsMC to gel a acw
poekcl book at a bargalw at


STATE BANK'dwng son lost
5SS. ■•■•SSJ
MMT Mm. 0»n« PMT Vmi«. «•»«•
and Matlwr Nm of Afpmiahlni OMth.

# nu

Vai««T. Kov. 18-—"I cant H» bui
a abort time. It roa want
arnd for ma at Mea.**
After hanrlBc boUiIbk Irocn tbatr
000 or about toar yeara durtnc vbteb
have been unable to locale
fain. Mr. and Mra. McDonald, wbo
lire on a farm near here, were creally
chocked to reoelre a letter from uirtr
U-wU McDonald. rooiaitiinK the

Irw. W. W. Bmltl
N. B.-Ad«r«M MB

B McDonald. Ueiria' broiber. who
I tn the weit, and vaa opened by
motber. wbo recoKoUed her aon'»
Thia waa Saturday and a a ticket
wtia at once lelegrapbed to Lewla, but
no reply baa been reeelted and the
l>oHc« and telacrapb company rn>ori
that tbey are unable to Hod any Lewla
McDonald at the addreaa (i«en In bin
tetter. Hence the McUona''
1y punled and worried o





Hadd lam S«fR
only Two OpSa^ uter.
Wntora wmdd Have Deon on
n Mlm M Wan. tlw


Telepboae caapany'a
buay Ttieaday . nl*bt.
tall of the Mbaeriben callfiring to know where
k. The glrle didn't aak the
tmo. -‘Numberr b«t olinpThat wan «Haa Sought
I Hr* toeaUon nnd attended
-to the oUtar caUa.
*’it'a almitly aarreloBa what bap- Shanghai. Nor. IS.—It te rumored
aaaa «hM the alren Uewa." aald Lere that the dowager empreai waa
giiMar Wbaatoch U> a lUoard r«»- polaonad by snil-MaBobu leadera.
Prince Oblag oppoeed the eaocet
come that a^
e to a flnanclal panic tn Pekin.
The regent ekowa a dtopoaltlo
_____ _
force la grMually tadneed conenlt the (Bactioaaiy Chan Cbl
■«nUl «lur u o'clock, there are hut Lung.
two eparawfi «b and thene nnaln Latwt reporu from Pekin nay the
OB doty Bli Bight
palace aaiee are eloeed, are guarded
“Laat Bight there wma a goodatond and that Yuan Shi Kal baa taken lelSnree ao aBd w« were able to eare
f. Bad the '
Hr all Che «UM gnhSiy.
baen Utar. of______
j the eei
from the new rulers or from the vlowonld not baree. been eo eatlafactory. Knee ot the reformers, the news lacks
one girl neU attend to Mte dre deIiartBmit The cattocBs'company haa
• gong la the depanmeai and we han­
dle more aHiiBi than are cent by the
«liy tetegroph ayatem. And oer work
tont dona when the alarm goaa In aa
tkare are ealto tor-men who are off dndg, teama, wiwaigei to tbe engine
feotrne tor additional apparaioa. etc..
' «nd the girl OB that board hai to attnd to all Ihta. B»y* Well. Mte
Saagat get a chaaea to read the dally
:>1srar«aappalBM M tMOial dooaat
.«*« oes dauua. A taomeBt'a
wUl oametaea them of the an.BaagBShleBe* at aBtS a regaeat
The IncaSaa to aU that we can tnrolah becatme that to all tbe operator
know* and eren If »hc did know oor^-.
abe could not let 50 ealto go unanewered la order to hold a conrerialioB
with one anbacriber. The fact that the
department ealto are handled by a
arparaie girt alao pferenu tbe other
tmeraton from knowlag wbat to ‘

. •;


• 'Then again, there were a rcry
people, baldly one In S. wbcwai..._
a anmbrr and cared aotblag about
tbe dre. b«t thw were an tew aa u
Mkrdly eoaat. We bad to dtoappolfct
tbeae la order to care lor the oihen.
A caae at ma>3rttr ruling. They cml.r
had to wall a few nalautea. aa the
la^ emda aa nddealy aa It begtaa.
■ "Whea tbnr^rea blowa. then UUaga
are atreanoM around the Clttoeen


China Showar olven by O. E.
Ladtoa In Honor of Mtso


WllllaIImb«rg.^lHeh.. Noe. 1.—Tbe
Acme and wmiamahurg O. E- S- gave
china and granite shower to Mtos
Norlene Baird, daughter ot Mr, and
Mrs. Whiter Baird, of Wllllam^rg,
yeaterday aftorDou. whoae marriage
Earl- Vfw. SCO of Mr. and Mra. J.
a L>-OB of WllllamBbwg. Ukea place
next Wednesday.
There were amout 20 ladles present
wbo arrived tn the forenoon, brtngins
their dinner. After dinner, the after­
noon waf'spenl very plcnaaolly, muaic
being th^ rinelpa] foaltir*.
Of ice
Baird served

On Wednesday. Nov. 25. there will
be a doubK wedding at the bon
Mr. aud Mrs. Lyon, ibelr oon Bar)
and Mias Baird, aud their daughter
Mlss Myrtle and Waller Baird, brotber of las Norlene. being the princlpato.
Jbt ceremony wUl Ukc place in the
pvcntng nl 8 o'clock, tbe Rev. L. 8.
, Cnrpenter of Peltoion. on old frtend
of both tmmUles. to be the ofSetatiDg
Mr. ud Mia. Baird will go to bowekeeplng on a lam at Silver Lake,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lyon wUI mnkc their
home at OrlgtL


I at 11
o-'cioek Wadaenday at the
Mr. end Hrm. W. U MeadeU. ill South
Mlmwo^ arinae^ tbe controenag par
tm being Aagf Kelch and Mtos
Lontoe Kuenln and Dan Heckeodora
nnd Htoi Uaate Ketcn. Tbe cMclatIng derpmen were tbe fter. W. O.
Wwiiwcw lu unf« R uiio m nr cvvtvj
«!.). Alur^ the CI.Iamtmy. a i
ding dinner wai eerred at tbe 1
dell bMne. The wHneaiea «t tbe
eaaoay were the Mlaaee Maad Chance
and Lucy Coleman.
The young people are an promi­
nent realdenu of Buttona Bay and
tbla afternoon, they left tor thalr
home* there, where n to prei
they were gtren a hearty wetaH
their many frtomda.



Now Fapor I
Can So Tuntod Into Pulp by
Any Pfocsoo.

CadUtac. Novf i'.—Proapertty to tn
aigbt for Cadlllae If Indlcailoaa nro
any enterion. The Ct
company wlH work the new camp on
>«t)OB 2. SotaM township, sll winter.
Tbe 8l Johns Table company has
>0 men woriUsg tea boors a day and
orders are connng Ui.
Tbo Cadlllae Mannfactnriag
p^ reports that ordore s-e r
Ed Brown, foreman at the Schnytor that wUI leqnlrc f ": : ..o i
Hts- OOl. has beea caUod to
Tbe Hatphy ft Digglas coi^aay Is

Us two eampo
ahont to
into <m«L The mfU tn thto dty win
two to Cdpacl^ nn wtntOT.
cobba ft Mltchen. fnc.. and Mltchen
roa. arm rua full foreea of men ten
bonia a day.
Tbe Csadtllac Baadle eompaay plant
win probably be run an wlatar on full
Ufe and with the aanai force of
The OadUlae Veaoer company haa
all u can do and wtll ln aU probeWi<
Ity malstaln a taU force all wlaier.
Tbe operatioa of the new Cadillac
Turpentine company wUl open up a
valuable Held of ladueuy for ibto city,
w; L. Sannderc. general manager ot
tbe Cnramer-Dlggtne company, aaya
relative to tbe propoaed paper mill
Id Ibto cHy; "In a tew week* we will
have the new tnrpmtlne plant In operalbm. In a few weeka later we will
have thoroughly Icned the dber pulp
from the Norway pine etumpe and If
It proves that a laper can bc/mad(
there win be abundant capital la Cadlilac to so on wilb the proJecL'
■* from Kalaaiawo and'Traver»e
City stand reedy with their money
in if given a chance.


rd aad her hartaad dM ap the.weok'a
waking aad asade mpaiaum for
nMpalalag her Mead.
With her work oompKloft Mra
Barnard and her hnahand sat down to
enjoy the erealnf togother. and at IP
o'clock the wife aUpped «nleiiy away.
A lelepbooe meaaage waa lent to Mrs.
Minor at midnight that her trlcad-oras Wiu. HEET IN TRAVERSE jtlTY

-Rad Eyapepala or ttEigewtfoft lor
yHin. No appetite, aad wbat I <U oat
oaaed me terribly. BnOoA Btomd

TEACHERS ^ My Hair is
Extra Long

noon at S o'clock at the home
Brawn, aad the funeral party will
Umve for Kalkaska on the P;3« train,
where tbe funeral will be held Thnroday afternoon.


UNT wu

IE rerIe

EMsIlsirt Progrom Has Boon Ptaparsd—■’BOT.-peobtofn” Will B
DtociMOCd' by Or. ForBtmN
Of OotrolL

* bate mn Ber tge oonniy ot
rand Traverse.
At a smsJOD of said conrt. held at
the probate office tn tbe etty Ot Trav­
erse ORy. la aald cematy. aa the Itth
day el Noraaiber A. D. ISat.
PiroanL Haa. FTed R .'WaJhar. JaRa*

X M. UtMhet havlag Sled U aaM
( her ftaal aceoaai a* aaaratrtx


The beet kfog e« • tMtnaoafot
••maiA tor ever etsty veers

aad AtotrlbaUoa of
Che raet^ of aaM estate.
It Is ordered. That the
December A. D. 1808. at
la the forenoon, at saM probale‘o(ftev. be aad to hereby appointed tor
LtmlnJag and altewiag aald accoaat.
It to farther ordered. That pubbe
notice thereof be given by puhlkatton
a copy of this order, tor three sueasive weeks previous to said day of

«d la said coaniy.
Jadse of Probate.
Never ran tctl when you'll mask
Nov. 20-r-Dec. 4-11.
ingvr or suffer a cuL brnlsr, burn oald. He prcpan>d
Dr. Thomas'
Uriectrlc Oil instantly relieves
; Gay D.
-quickly curee the wound



Just a Few

Traverse County
Ladles' Aids, and vteoB<wald«nt ot tbe
aid sodeiy a: Grown.
A short funeral aerrlcc will be
wm of Mra. William Aater Was Pro­
rendered at the home at Grown.
bated Today—Son QM Only a
afternoon at 3 o'caoefc. the
Few Jiwsla
Rsv. Mr. PiiesOy. oiflclaUitg. - The
lunerol aervlee wlU be held at the
New York, Nov. I9.—The will
Helhodtot <B«rtB at Kattaska. Thurs­ Mrs. WtUiam Asior was offered tor
day afternoon at 2. tbe Rev. M. Harris, probate today. John Jacob Asior, her
aoa. to left only eone Jewels. Her
Mra. BarfliiE and Mr*. Minor, moth­ property goes to ber two daughters
er of Dr. B. B. Minor, were Meads -and reverts to Jobs Jacob AstoaW
ter many years at Ionia, and attor chlldien In case of the death ol their
Mrs. Barnard located tn tbe aorth. two daughters.
they did net meet again. About a
moatk ago Mra. Minor came t^hs city
TBey TMce Hm Kinks OaL
to vtolt ber aoa. aad plaaaod a vtoll
1 bavw used Dr. KlWh New Life
to her Mead. Mrs. Barnard. FTOm Pina for many years;.with laowaalag
Tbey Sake the kinks oat fo Ume tbe visit was postpoMd.' eaUetBctloa.
Lch. liver, aad bewHs. wuboat
anUI It was flaaUy decided that Mrs. ___ __ frlctloB" says N. H. Brown.
Minor and daughter Mtoa Maw. ahoold. •f PRta^-Vt. Gaaraaieed attlego to Grown oa the C o'clock trail factorv a^.S. E. Walt ft Sons. C. A.
~ Drag Ce.. Hannah ft Lny
thia Boralag. In aifter to have all
her work oat of the'wap, Mrs. Bara-

H. WMBw, Baa-


The clshtecaih annnal conventlou
Ol the Noriberti Michigan Tcacbcis'
M^meiaUon will be held la this city
lYIdey and Saturday, Nov. 27 and SB
It to'cxpt'CU'd that a Urge number pf
itncbers aad aui<enateBdeats will be
present as the majority befofo
this sssociailoB.

SnUth. Maatoiee.
Vln-icrold<-ut—Commiaaloacr Geo.
T. Roxburg. Bt arL
Would Provide for a Board
Etu Wotti
Secrctary-Supertalendent L B. Oil
irotlon Appointed by the
rse tniy.
■Provisions of the
iboener Went On Rocka At Death's
ot. Wlld Legislation.
Door. WIeeensin, With a Cargo
liuni Bales. Mi. Pleasaat and i'ommto
Of Potateca.
SK m-r H. M. Babcoek. Harbor Springs
A pcUtioo to being circulated among
An excellent program for tbe two
he basiaesa men of the city by tbe
days has b*‘rn pn-psred snj to as fot
tlrand Tiftverse AsaoeiaUon of Crndword of the wret^lng ot hl*>^cbi
Kurses to be oent to tbe legislaScBUian. which cleared port fdr^ Mil­
FHAay. 2 O’clock P. M.. Hl#> School
asklng tor the paaaage ot
waukee on SalnrdSky last, carrying a
^rgo of poutoes. Caught In the gale ouraea' regtotrailon hill, already
Music^ cbotas. giadoo, Traveroc Cit)
that bAw over the lakes Sunday, tbe large number of 'aamea haviitg been
little achooner waa hurled on tbe ippended.
rocks at Deatk's Door. Wto.. and there
le llee, a total wreck,
the loss sustained by Mr. nally Is
or ,1,,
....u..- 0,1
83.00V. which Is hsll the value of i:
Ihl. ,l*to .ho ah.ll coD.tltuie a,
and cargo, the other half be­ of n«.<n.UoD ot oot^., ih, ..polo.O » KolUrtW h«lih |oC«h.r. TOn... Cto.
ing owned by the Independence Tug o« bolo, th»o. trom . lUi ol urou
Address. Hon. U L. Wright, sut#
company, of Milwaukee. There was SBbniiiter annually by the Michigan
a IfKurance on schooner or cargo.
Stale Nurses’ assoclslion. The ap- suiH-rlnteDdeni public lastractton
Address. «Tbe Child.the &id." Prof.
Mr. AaDy. wtlh his son. James, and poiutees Aall be cboaen Trom those
B|m<T Aiklnaon. all of Empire, re-; actively aagagod In nnrslng and who K. C. Rowe. Central Nomai school,
turoed home this morning, having have graduated trom ropuialiae train- Ml. Pfoasant.
been In the wilds ot the upper penlos tng schools giving a two years' cojrsv Evening, ft O’clock. Stcinberg'n
Music, chorus. Traverse City HIgl
tralolng. served In hospitals
h aecfiro^
good standing, aod wbo have had dve sr'.:ool; dtrecibr. Mtos Ln McManus.
Addfosa. ‘Tbe Boy Problem.’’ Dr.
xpcrleoce In nursing, IndadByron Fbrbush. Detroit, author
year's teachlag Ic a trwlniug Wm
Wm. Byron Fbrbusfa, Deidoli. author
of -T%e Boy Probtom."
Aay penon wbo ahall tkave c
Mornfog. « O'clock.
piled with tbe provMons of ibU
aad received a certlGcate of regtotra- I SoclioD meetings. 9.W to 10 JO.
Primary oectlon.' room 1. high
tioa shall be styled aad koown
■'regtotered nurae.” and be enUUvd school. Prof. John Keely. Central Norlull, chairraan.
MRS. C. W. BARNARD PASSED to append the letters "R. N. ' to his
her name.
"Hie Training and Derelopmcnl
Section S says: "Any jvrson who Children vs. lnstn>cllon.“ MUs Bather
>hall. after the passage of this act. Parker, teacher County Normal. Kal­
prartiro ,prd;eK9iocal pursing as a kaska.
‘registered nurse' without dmt com­
Discussion. Ada Jobaaon, Traverse
plying with the prorUlOQs of th'i act. City.
shall be deemed guilty' of a mlsdeGrammar grade and trigt school
r. aod upon conviction thereof seetloo. room 6. high scboQl. Supt.
shall be punished by a dne of not
>. A. McGe<-. Cadillac, chairman.
more than one hundred dollars or by
How Can the Work and ManageItDprtoorinent in Ble county Jail tor
Bl Of the Grammar Grades and
Mother of Or. E. E Minor of Thia a period of not more iban ninety days High School U- More Ckmely Ooanect
City Was to Hove Gene to
or by both such due and Imprlson- edr Principal Jos. V. Voorhees, MauGrown Tuooday Sut Mcaoago
enl for each offense."
Hlgh school; Principal
caused Changa of Plana.
"Section 9. When any person shall Hornsby, Ccairal, Traverwe City,
append the U-uors 'R. N.' or ahull use
re and rural school 1*ccQrasrtt Mich.. Nov. IT.—tVblle sit­ aay other letters, dgures or sign
Oon. room 5. high school. Commtoting IB ber ebuir.
Indite that be or she to a register­ sioBcr Oco. T- Rojtburg. Rood City
pleasure a t l»li ' with ber old friend ed anise, it shall be prima faefe ewl- chairman.
Mrs. llcU-n Minor. Of looto. Mrs. Hel- dence of
Marking and Ehiimsting
Itarnard, wife of Ctarlm W. Bara- log as a registered nurse within the Pupils' Work." ' ConimtsslonW ireue
I. of Grssrn. died at 10 o'clock Mon- mraning of this
Getty. Kalkaska.
I night, with m> warning whatever
There arc now 455 members In the
of approaching death.
Slate a^sorialton. all of whom
Fauoee, Cadillac.
Mm. Barnard waa Bora tn St. Law. working for tbe paeiuige of
Address. 'The PlaslDg of
■ICC rounty. New Toik. In I8t:i. and nurses- regtotreuon bill.
l.ilily,' Dr, F. A. Maimv. Westera
tbo age of Dine years tame to Mich.
Normal school Kalamaeou.
Igan w ith her lurenu. the faiuU.v mak­
Singing, ' Ameriaa"
ing their hume in looto county. .At the
This country has b
age of IS she was married to ('. W.
Here Is Relief for Women
Barnard. an1 Mr. and Mm. Baroard
belter- During all ...............
made ihclr home in loom county until we have bad on the market the dnest
15T7, whtn th^ movt-d to Kalkaska stuck food In the world: Harvells Conii.v. which was tbeir home until ditioa Powders. Tbe best horse, catsbeep. hog and poultry condition
about foot and one-half years ago. He,
powder ever offered for sale. Every
hen they came to Grown.
particle has a medicine value. Sold
Mrs. Barnard leaves a husband and lory where at 25 cents per package.
J. F. Shear, Seech, Mich.. Writes:
.cfareeidavgb'.ers, Mrs. Pearl Saunders,
"I have used your Harvelto' CTondiof Grown; Mrs. LUtle Wilson, ot UOD Powders for over ten years,
Shepherd. Isabella connty. and Mrs. have always found them to be .
Fred Buckel. ot Kalkaska coonty. She wbat I ’ horses snd cattle needed
< t of sorts.
Tbey alway
converted at the age ot 12 and when
brlDg bark their appetite. My stoc
bed alway-s been n member of the show the resuBs. Since feeding HarMeibodlti Episcopal church. She was vell's Condition Powders to oar poal
aealous worker and at tke time of Ui tbey have not been bothered with
her death was prealdent of the Grand roupe of ebolero and we get lota ot


Feed roar btlr: aouridkii;
Rive -it toaecUsc 10 live os.
Them k Vffl stop fallint, sBd
vai.«ro«i lent sad besTj.
Ayer's Htir Vlcor is the oaly
cesuiBe bklr-food yea can
buy. It fives BOV life to ifae
btir-bulbs. You sdve vrbat
bsir you btve, and cot mere,
too. Aod It keeps the scalp
ciesD sod bealtby.


r many new porchasca.

J. N Martinck has killed hto.
_______ ____ ____ a^ a
Jeer and P. .A Earl and brother each by Kebeera A. Pterea. ot 1
CUy.Mlch.wOea. ERMchafd.
have one.
same ptara. dated 3o§L 17. int.
recorded in the o<fice ot tha ligtotol
of Deods for Oraad TraWM ol^.
oMM B- m.
skin Ikma's Orntmeni givee tnsunt
. Perfectly sale at that day la Uber SS. «t MlBSBto «•
relief, cures
page 48*. whkA imwts^ «m «B tha
rUldren All draggtois seU IC
lHall Sr
3rd day of OcL I9W.
aald OMCge E. RaMbaid W Bl^hM
Aaadthe; '
' '



Michigan Aaaeciatian Haa Concluded HUB. OO. A tMd. la libw 47.BI MonQuarieriy Meeting at LudiiWtmi
_F. A CNggIna. PramOent.

Bleven I

LudIwWB. Nwv. 19.—At the q9arte^ tan. wd ao procoedtag aUwr at law
aMv-ung ot the MKhlgan Hardwood «r la equity havtag bora laMttaWd w
association' the Mlowlng otBcere recover the debt serarod thweby or
any part thereol. asSWe to hereby
eleeied; PrveWent. P. A Dig- glvw that by virtue of Am powwr of
gins, Cadiilae: -dret vice president.
C. A. Bigelow. Bay City; aeeead vice tn----with the saUte ta eua
president. K W. Smith. Manistee: rase Bade aad provided, thwu wUI b
SOU at pubbe aacUoo or nate w
Kecteur?', J. Cxlvin Knox, Cadillac: the hlgheat bUder oa
reasurer. P. J. Oobto. Cadlltoc.
January t, IMft
No dxed program of speeches bad at 1 o'Hoek p. B. o* that day ek tfto
been prepared, but addresses were traat door of tbe court houau to Tnvmade by several of rihe delegaies
Mldi.. (th
proseat. F. C. Skeeto of CadUlac de- lag the a
Uvered a talk <m forwiry aad Mem­
1 ta aald Bortf as Bay b*
bers Spalding and Reynolds ot the aa
amoaat kkea

tor the meeting ot. tbe NaUonal
Hardwood assodathm to be held In
fviroii next May. Last night the dfty
delegaier present enjoyed a banquet
the Stearns hotel.

enitai^ aam

and coats of such foroctofoue aad ml*
aad sa attdrauy fo*jM Twuatydfoq XtoP
tore aa provIM tonipj^ EMCtBWUTbe piwatoM to be eoM^dnajhid
ir aald awrtcage as attnated la Trav-. Grand Traverse auify.


block -H" of Hannah Lay ft Omb dmeath addittaa to the vUtag* (now «By)
of Travem City afnrseaM, aocurdtag



XU... «(meht k> thr mut of <8* dM
■ssv oill rmsra bsw b>—n etmd Is s

line of aald lot one to Ue aouth hWudary Un* of lot two la *ald Woefc^'
thene* w*M on the eemth bouBdUTT
line of BUM lou oue amd two to udW
block two rods aad eleveo f«*t to «ato
boondary Itoe of sold tot am, khmeu
bweet aloog the weut boundary
of aald tot uM to th* ptom ml hw
DR. W. 4. HIMINS. Deuktot.
Oct. 8. 19dt
: ofdce. TM; 1
.------ |,f
Idenee, €02.
Aak to be dlrueud to bU ofle* op­ L. H. GAGE.
posite Sbefmaa ft Huatur.
Do not be nkadlreeted.
Gold work of the very bmC
Porc^alB inlays.
I’ainleas extraotloa.
Strong, natural appeurtag aad wy
best artidctal teeth.
Make appolatmento
oroew hours 7;S« U> U:ld. 1 «
mil....... Bcrae, vme mu ' uwwrawu.
Other boars by request
Mom bo ooU at omoa. Mako aa aa


offor ca kho wholo er part
TlBu, eaaft or trade. J. W. Stotor.

Rrcad B. F'Bdtorspiml

Farms and CUy Properly
musai. iiH isr lyrs—e>«
anon 1.4 U.(..tic BUg,

Oitr. Uiob.

Glnves and Mittens of evecy
coneelvabie kind lor every fan-

Great addttioaa to onr line ot
HOeiBBY. Some extra good
value* tn Ladles aad Chl'-dren's
flleece boed goods.
The largest and daeat line
ot Band Baga. ITOrMs aad Pock­
et Books we have ever ahown..
Many new things tn JewNry.
line of



tt aone hisber todaj- thaa 30 dayg ago. bmt id .CH^APBS '
thaa it will be SO daja from now.
Baiiamg Material of aU kmda » «hda|. aad kbor Ea |dte.

Now Is (he GoUea Opportottr
r. o. caaraoLiMccivci


Lmnlier Co.





Grand Traverse Region

Cvarv rii’' c*rrMpMd«»e« M rttrt« tft M*. All MrMpendtotw- ^ T««d«y



visM«\ Rodet^. or Praiikrwt.
*4 tte Koe.w\«f Hf •«» Mr.- H«ff“wwley ©tawonSir
•tieDdUiS ih* FeiTto lAaliata at Bis
from ihU «al«W»Ortioo^ve
(onr to (h« Manlatee fiver cottPOy to


plekUts *««»• r««in»e^


/^TBe tadlea- Aid will »«* «
HnSmaii. AU a
koine of Mta. P
Javtted to come



US^TevenlW was enjoyed Uy all
M Mr. and Mn. Kaiy an. eiccllont ee
HUSO immxuai
B----- ^
UlDBient to an appra^llvo *—-“•at the school bouse Prtdajt evenly.
Xorember A IX*. The ek>cuil»l«
vaa rreeted with freournt applanae.
Mr. MKchell has a lai»e srs.^ophonc
«kh nu«jr Sue records wkUk was
kept^btiiy throushout the
bis Mlatant Mr. Noble. The school
cleared 17.00 from IhU
whlob will be used In purdiaaUis »up
At the lacent social siren ^ <
atndenu under the dlrertlivn of FI
enev »rl and Ida OfCidt. #S-W ’
which hai
turned r
ctearea. wnicn
naa been
la^u-to the school for library
Bevonteen non realdrmt pwpnj
-in tbrodance at Glen Arlw wrf
loalshL Over MO In tuition baa> been

■radMtt ta


Vlnor Mmaoa. ot Cklea«o. «So
rived laal wMk. la aow u eaptore
lo tbe Neaaea store.
PatrtcA Doran, of Sairtre. w the
cueat ol Ur. and Mra. CugeDe Fliber
We^oodaj- oisbl.
tlvt WaUer la on the alek Hat
U y. Sheridan and F. E. PUber
made a bualneaa Ulp to Travene do
ToM(U>- nflerttoon. Mr. Sberldan rttnme.1 Wedneadar and Mr. FUbei
came laai eveolox.
Has>> Mliebell, an ekmtloniat. caw
-----—*— —Mtalnmeot In tbr
evenioc. aaalated
.'^uuiv wi\u a iante crapbo
,_____ “njc- beany applause by the
audlcQCo. showed ibclr application.
The prosperity of our town la ahoarr
IS sold a
Main street■l to Harry
MclMyre U li
lOka of his new home. tb<
ins the tool
and1 clean'
cleaned up
• patni
k Bbarldaii's newly palnt^^ousi
Ktfaei* Improvement Mr. Ander
,o< Part Oneida, has traded prop
i-rij in Chdoaso with Mrs. L. L Todd,
lor KOine Of her properly here, a
house, bam and two lots on Main
slreeL and II acres of land on Lake
street, bavins a small orchard on It
kir. Johnson la Imptovins the looks of
' house with a
stone fouiidatloa and other, repairs
Dan BrothPrton. who owns a fine fruit
farm about two miles array, has had
his farm house newly painted while
with sre«m trtmmlnsn- Mr. Bramcr.
of lbs roller process mtlia. has a large
two story bonse nearly fliilxbed. All
tends to show that there are live peothe Neaseu dork I.3ES barrels of ap­
ples and more ib ahip yet
Five couple from here sreatly en
Joyed the dancing party In Empire
iaat night and spoke of the supper
fumUhed by .the ladles, as -Just
MABEIMtaa Alice Bolsmer went to Trav

las. to Glen Arnot from their hofw
Bardlckville, a dls«|i«»
■ ^t or nine mllea. Tkle U pidahlv
erse City. U TlalUng
w'fweord breaker for attendance.
are. at preaent. tkal tew days.
r* MV
Bdd Olendenlng bat gone np north
nil be hisber than fn
the attendance -...
•M prerloOi year.

dek leavi
aney. of Traveiae Oky. was
last week by the lUae
ilotKal- Ids father, the Rev. L. Keuey.
Nia. J. W. Jarrett Is slowly Improv•s. WiUlam cook has gome to lag from her recent lllneu.
Haoae for a short vUU.
Fanny Jarreu baa been caring lor her.
Mrs. O. E. Baldwin reutroed last
The hunters aroMd here deJ^not
meet with very good success so ttr.
week from a mMtb's vUH In fhaad
Mrs. Bhennan aad cklldren. of Kal- Rapids and other points.
wka. Is vUIUng at J. Stoops.
Miss Laura Potrad. the primary
Not. 1A
teacher at Lake Ann. vlalted trienda
here over Sunday
Mrs. Bonne., has bought
of Ed Smock sod U going to move tt
htm- back and repair it for a borne beta.
. Mrs. Joseph Ferry and Miss Lois
her Job this winter.
Burke drove to Bensonia Thntada:
Emms Remington drove to Trav­ They
are uaing
erse Cky on Thursday.
We learn tthat James Sweet and
on bis pUcc
imlly will t
UuDDing, died at her borne here Wed
jer's lake, i
night at the age ot 37 years.
Helen Burr
She had not tsfen sick.long Ad her
ants for a abort time alter having as- death can>e as a shock to her friends.
ilrted Mrs. Wilcox, of Traverse tTly. She lesves besides her husband.
with her work for some tlma
son. her mother, Mrs. Austin
Harrv Pettenglll plowed all fore­
and two sisters. The funerwl
noon one day this st-ek with hU over­ Jones,
held Friday afternnon from th«'
coat on The trouble was with the WA
church, the Rev. James Turner
veatber. however, and not wHh offieiatlng.
. Interment was at the In­
Harry, as he Is one of the most In- land ceiueiery.
luBtrkHis and prosperoua farmers in
.Nov. ?.
Jos. Remington
have been doing a Job of clearing for
I'm Wilson
>n Uli
Miss llBsel Allen returnt>d Thurs­
The imic
c Mis
Misses Elsie Naomi and day nigh' after visiting friend:'
.da Browning
Benaoii la.
The Rev Jantes Turner has pnr
the tbureh on Sunday.
Geo. Merendeen visHed Traverse chased a horsy-of Wm. Dexter.
City OB liUhlneKs on Friday.
Oe Bogart is the new mall
Roy Van
Ed. IVtteiiglll. wjio teaches sibool
le No. 1. He begins
In Maple Cky. was busy uial
work today.
Improvenienta on bis farmI here on
I'oniralssloiier of Schools O.
Bristol visited some of the schools
A meeting of the Ipeal telephone Gil- viriiilty Frldaj
Mmpany Is called for November SL UlsH Ruth Baldwin left Saturday f
ai-3 P. m. at ibc Ball school. This W Beihah where she euters the Ilee;
a slotkbolders meeting.
sten School of Telegraphy.
Miss Belle Miller, of Traverse City.
1 Br
IS here caring for Misd Mary JAuish.
who is sick. Miss JAUisb Is si
rrank and Ben Wilson made a qiiit-a
Miss Mandc Lewis, of Cadillae.
Ulp 10 Wixom. Oakland rounty. iWa called here Saturday by the Illness of
week where they called on falends Ad her niece' Mias Mary JAnlsh.
Mrs. W. P. Kenney. Mra, Ray BeW
Mrs. Pearl White McCowan led the log and llitle baby daughter visited
Young People's meeUng. Her sub­ lelallvcs bore Tuesday and Wednes­
ject «s- "What Will You I» With day.
Your LKeT" It was ably handl“d anu
Messrs. Wm and riarettce Clark. K
no douU will do good with our young T Hanklnson. Frank Mrl^lUn. Uiady
Bloals and a number of other*
The young men have organihed a taking In the deer season on the ManBible class In twineetlon with the Sun­ Utee river.
day achool. G- W. Benson U presi­
Laura Morreau and Wm.
Olaaier were married ttalurday aflerdent
noon at the home of the bride’s parNov. ».
enis west of town.
A number of
guests from here witnessed the C(
Henry Mavnard baa been buying poatoes h9« the last week.
Robert Stoope h


WEBT ALMIRA. We have about two inebea ot bmw
>w on tbe grinnA
The pic social wa a grand saccecs.
A fiae program Ad it wa .conducted
' Mra. LUUa Gray. K I. Lake wa
cryer (or the plee, Earl Gray coh
lor and the children did splradldly
with ibslr speAlng Ad singing. They
ratted tbe sum of 17.
The tanners have all been botchep
lag and getting up ibclr winter wood.
Mr*. Aa Palmer aad chHdren w.
the guesu of her aunt. Mn. W. H.
bates. Saturday
There will he preaching
school bouse November 22nt
sve a good auendance.
There srlJl be a Dutch social In the
acA future.
Henry Bates
hlB bOAe ww soon on his farm. That
what we all like to sec; aw Unproveuents lu the country.
Mr. Smith burnt out. Joo»1a terv
ear all of hli household goods with
■ rocerle* for the .
tbe farm kuuwn ^
Rufus Graham's plate.

imAVEKSE anr
Is tm<W control d kxwl socvxMhi} bumeM men who
are Urs« ampbym ol Ubor. It oflen to tbe poUk iu
aemce. BoMneM aooouati eatdklly invitAi, eg irell m
barion DeoMiU on which 3 pa ooDt iateraat is taid.
Libwafity confM with aale baaking. iu motto.



H. a MTJLU PraaldML
A. V. PRIEDBlca Vice PrealdWL
CliAS: WlUIELN. Vice Trailimi


Unceasing Work Keep
Strong and HMithy.

All the bloud In III'
every tl
'tbrouA the kidlieVr c
minutes. The kidneys liU‘-r
blood. They work night
When beakby they remove about
grains of impure matcer dAy, whet
unhealthy some part of this tmpun
matter is left In the blood. This bring
nil many diseases and symplomspaln In the back. beada<-h>'. nervous­
ness. hoi. dry skin, tlu-uiuaiism. gout,
gravel. iliMvnIi-rs u( ihe • yesighl and
hearing, diizlness. Irregvilar heart.
debllHy. drow-siuess. droje-y. deposits
ia the urine, etc. But If yo
Altera rigtu you will have
'lib your
jr 1kidneys.
.Mra. W.
Muriell. 631 Webster
h.. sm-s:
tt'en Venn I suEered
from backacjes and kidney trouble. I
became weak, nerv-ous and depressed.
There si-enied to be no strength in niy
hack whatever. . I doctored but Ole
talned no relit-r uiiiH I us<-d Dnan's
Kidney Pills. In IM'l I gave a public
statement regarding the cure rifeeted
by the use ot Doan's Kidney Pills, a
at this time am plrased to roendoi
« For mIc by all dealers. ITIee
cr-nts. KoHta-r.Mllburn Co, Buffalo,
New Y'ork. sol.- Acnu for the United
Remember the name—Doan'a—and
take oo other.


P. C. Desoond. BenJ. Thlritgr. J. O. Crotaer, Stephn Lant- ■
11. bmllb. a. a Cantor. U U Kin.

Bcr. J. M. HuellmAteL G.-o, W l.arvlic, Wm Loudon, Fraak

I.''si.-r’ lm,is loft W.-dn.«day of Iasi
w.-ek tor iv ward to bunt deer..
The Ijdl.-s' Aid --o-M-tv closed their
ntmmwe sale which ibey have k-en
bolding at Elk Uspids lastt Saturday.
They cleared about |3o
Mrs .. III BtiiUli. Qt IHintlac. ranulast week for a l-w days' visit with
relatives. Bhe lelt for home tbU
l.ucile Ad IVA Rours enlcrtaiued a
; numk-r of their friends at their home
iTu.-sday ev.-nlug «i( last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt aitended
the Gleaner lodge at Kewadln Salur
day night
siM-nt Sunday w-Jih Mr.
and Mra tGit>. Hockridge
Nov. 17.

The Aral

Mrs. Fsust I
. „
her *lrtiii.-s, allbougk Mrs. 1
improving uliely.
’There is talk of Averal Camilles
ebsnging resid-nw* tkk tall.
Sheiwiuiliet are en'tlng bhH-k wood
lor Mrs. Man Fife.
Mrs Fife luleBds acning onto her

tow storm today ot the

A. M. Smith lost OM ot his horaw
last wec4. caused by eatiA to many
applos. lie WA turned In the or^.
ard where there were lols of gull
apples on tbe ground which caused
severe colic.



What You Need

And Pay Whenever You Can.

Our Easy Payment Plan makm It easy for everybody to furnish their home at a very small
expense. A small payment down and the balance to suit your convenience. We have helped
hundreds-of people start housekeeping in this manner and want to heip you.
Our big buying for thrA Houa Furnishing Stores make our low prices. Come in and
talk it over with us.


Every Woman


tbould own oae of our handy
Kitchen Cabtoct* for it will
more than pay for itself in the
Bavitig of cooking materials, and
wU! make kitchen work a real
pleafocg. Sw the one M *9S
weare^iing at......... ..‘*•1«

In our Chair Dept,
have over
200 styles of Bockers and over
40 styles of Dining Chairs. No
disappointments here in prices
either, as every chair is marked
at a price to please light pocket

Wash Day




Comfort Couches

Can be made a day of pleasure
with the proper kind of utenalls. Our line of Wash Tubs.
Ellers, Wringers, Clothes
Lines, etc., is complete in every
respect, and will sate you lots of
time and money.

Thera'a maohdigerenoe in Oonchee. Some arc pretty bat bard aa a brick.
Wo don't have that kind. Our Gonchw are atyliah, beantifolly iipboliiered
aad jnst aa aoft and comfortable aa popaible to make them. Then thi-y'rc not
tbe high prioed kind either, but we gnanntee them to last jnat aa lone, and
look joat as well aa Oouohea coaling mnoh more For 919.M and tlS-M
we can aell von aome boantiea. Also aak to aeeonril piece JdabogaDy Parlor
SnU (or S17.75.

Beds and Bedding


No one can afford to be without
a good comfortable Bed and
Bedding, when you can get them
at such low prices and pay for
them a little at a lime. Iron
Beds, Wood Beds, Springs, Mattmses. Pillows, Blantets and
Contorts, i
fact, everything for thile Bed.

Whicti gladden tbe
bearU of tbe little
folks, and alao the
older oi^ea, are arriv­
ing. We have some
excellent Baby Beboa
Cuttera, elc. which
can be need to advan­
tage for the little fel­
low now.

Good Iron Bede....... $t.7S
Good Wood Beda.... $1.50
Good PiUowa................ 7«e
Good Blankata. double $1At
OoodOomforta......... $1.7$

With heavy gilt frame and
aome in tbe pUtn Oak MimioB
atyle. Alao a big amortmwt
of email Looking Glaaaaa.

We tuve some splendid values
in Dinner Sets, plain White ajtd
Decorated, also some odd dishes
which we are closing out at

3c and 5c each
A nice lot of enameled ware
and tin dishes for cooking.

Our Carpet and Rug Dept, sur­
passes all previous showings, for
beautiful patterns, choice colors
and excellent wearing qualities,
Whether it be a Carj>ei, Rug.
Matting or Linoleum, your or­
der wilS be appreciated and prop­
erly tilled at a very small ex-



Wc have some special bargains
in Book Cases. A few sample
combination Book Cases which
are worth $lsOO now



Also some Writing Desk samp­
les to be closed out at

$7 and S8 each
We also sell the Globe-Wernickc
Sectional Book Cases.








Now is the time to get a splen­
did stove for a little money.
We have several good beating
Stoves which we must close out
to make room for our Holiday
Goods which are arriving daily.
We also have some bargains in
second-hand beating
which we look in exchange for
new ones.

FoU Rails and odd pieom at
greatly redoded priooa.
3 piece Sniti at $1$.7S
Gommodea $U$
Bed. - $i.n

t O. B.

la. M>. and Mra. W. A. Lee. Dr! years. They have hod olae ctoOdrew.
Bnnoe.>. of WUiiamabtirg. U attending •even of whom ore living. ST grand­
children and thiwe gruat-grandohllthe case
eUD Un jhM wMk.
Long Lake. Nor. to.—James Soy
Janet ronta was In town ttb
Those present were Mr and Mra.
Detroit where he has been to attend
Ihe Euie S'lnday Sebotd conveaUoo. Joseph Glctaen. of GHn Allen. North has goae to the aouih port of the
Tba Wn<ot( c}eamL.ror Mllwaokae
Hv report! .v Urge attendance and an Dakou: John JLnna and son. Charles, stale tor a rtak amoog relaiivca and
Ut* weak with a carco of aUba. the
of Middleton. Mich.; Hr and Mrs. Meodi. His mother wbo has beeo
idtog the ounuMr here, returned
laat load or the aewnn. ThU makea
new bousa Joe O'eiuen and children. Rose. Mary
the |»tb roar Capt. Oleeon baa been
. h? hoi bull) to take the pUc* and Eddie. Of Ncdlne. Mich.; Nicholas nith him.
E T. LlndefiDan. who baa been very
ina. Jr., of Uyton. Mich.; Mrs.
tradlac atoadUr at thia pier.
of Ihe one lost by 8re. nearly flnUhed
Meaara. Campbell and Anderaoo, oC
imam Schwander and daughter, tick tor over a week, was takeh ic
and ready to move Into.
hUalatae, have been here for the
arle. Hr and Mra. John Wolf and Traverae Oty yesterday for, treatWilbur Hannah hat his new barn
10 daya. menaartnc lomber for
well under way. He expects to get It children. Genevieve and Albln. Mr. meni.
Lcvl Cox and wife, have relumed
and Mrs Anton Uomrlcb and family,
The barce Crooae caHed at the pier
and the Rev. Fr. Hassenbeeg. all of from lodlona. and Intend to make this
for froitbt for North Maaltoo Batnr>
place their future borne. Levi has
tfaU place.
Srbtwl association will bold i
purchased the Joe ElUott pUm
lion at tbe Yuba MeibodUt church o
^ho 'lUe aarlns rl*w at the point
the saiool bouse.
Satnrday. November II. beginning i
waa eaJled npoa twice to aaalai the
J. W. Marah and family have gone
10:10 o'clock. Everybody la tnvIU

adwoBOr Seaman to cet away from ihe
to Richmond. Va, to apend the winter.
to come and have a good r
pier al^ Empire. •
They expert to return tn the spring
Mrs Wm. Aihnroec U i
Bendon. Mich.,
I^ov. i>.—Mtaa and occupy ihitr cottage by the lake.
P. J. MeCanley U bolldlag an addlwith tuberet
doo to his boote OB hU /am.
Winning Bridge of Traverae City
Bunce U aitending ber
.Cash Meerae. of the Traverse City
bear boor that abe Is gnprorlng.
waa the' gae«t of her friend, Ethelyn
Iron Works, wbo hai been here the
A parly from this place eoaslailng Undta. recently.
pant two weeka dolnp boiler and maWm. -Selkirk. Aurtln Doynlon.
Del Bridge and family have mov<<d
cfaiaery work, returned borne SaiurTbomas Hanuah and Male Bacon are
In the upper peninsula after deer. Wo down from Atanaon.
Copemtah.-Midi.. E F. lOJo.
hope they will gel them.
WiUred Ocake (crarned from Lud- Mra. H. Jonca hi able to Iw up ogalL
Nearly all th<- larioera around Bales
afur a short and severe lllnesa.
havep their ccrops
. all accurod and arc ington laat w'cek Tuesday.
Ernie Gsnliuo baa moved Into Wc*
ready for winter.
Mrs. WillUm Murae.ta not gcitlug
Mr .and Mrs. W. Fbtier were areal­
Nov. 1C.
along as wi-ll as all wish she mIgliL
ly sarpiiaed whm a load of their
belsbbors caUed on ibom Friday
Uonocli baa been aouth caring Me la very WKwk.
for her daugbler, wbo bas had au
Mrs. t\)nrtney from White Cloud,
accident occurred
ranging a great deal of mer­
ta visiting her sUier. Mrs. Willlaiu
- ; home of Charlea. Manij
ManifoM Sanday custumes
riment. Th'' gainea were all old tim­
Tbe Kaat OarOcld Ladies' Aid wll
Laura Harcau and WlU Glasler {Siunion.
i. nomlas, when n mn In the bands o( ers,
their eon. Hawley, was .v-.
Decern- w-eie married Saturday, .Nov. 11. ai j NUs Ftrn Smith Uaa gone to Mat
Mrs. Ml ' ICK maicb. in which Ur. lUtbews won Ibu East UarOeld M. E etaurcb,
L disdiarsed. peneiratlnf Mr
the home of tbe bride. Q.iite a few[t,H. tg attend the business coIIcbc
prise Vocal solos wore given by
f aoM's len. leg ,|uat below the
Ihi- knee. .. the
Mra. Jew
friends and relatives witnessed the ih,t place.
physIcUn was aamnoned a
and fonnd the Misses Maud Burdge. Jolla Miller
and G. C. Fuller. InttramenUl solos 'Uauitou Ulanda for the winter.
that Ihe bullet bad • '
The Ladles' Aid of Simon Lake will
by HUS
HUa Bsrnsrd.
after which refrrabMira Myrtle Scott, teacher (prlnthe muade of the lesWiliam Huddleston, Ohas. Lehman, j meet with Mrs. Elsie Chesebro ThurslU of «Hd dileken. pumpkin pie. cipall lu ti
Irmley school. Is sick at
Nr. and, Mrs. Peter Carlbaek imd
plrklea. ginger bi^

• aad prc'cr
It Jackson, of Traverse and Ikodv Stokes from here arc deer <i]|y
taniiy visited ai the home of Bert coffee were served.
niy.'. la torhlr.g In her place for a himtthi'd^ on Ihe ManUlee: It Isj
Deji* Rockwell has been vfeltU-Baron Sunday.
Mrs. C. Itoscorraus
recovering icB days.
Mrs. Bert LeBaton is on Ibo altdi
regoried that Messrs. Stokes and Hud- ing friends In MarlUa for the past
from s atuck of loaklltiu.
There arc a numl>er of Impraveroente
week. She expects to go to Big Rap­
tM'Ing made on tne East UarBcId M. E. dkston each have i
church. Among tliem a nice atone
ids Thuraday to apend a few weeks
ehUed al
p home of Boircnc Foal- play In Ibe near future.
tervices arc being held every nigbl basement U l>olng built.
. , fid. Sanday.
Mr. Mllbcrt last aa valuable hotwc
ilnnell Bros., of Traverae City, tbU sreek In the .U. E chunA by the
Ro)' Ballard was Johnnie
Mr. Robinson.
short time
were til Ibis nolahborbood last weeh Rev.
spot for once .In bis life, and killed
‘The I.adlelfAld will meet with Mcs.
laat inn orfcans and pianos on trial.
C-has. EDicr»on. December 2.
An organ was left at Bert Be Baron's,
and Mrs. Lewis Ulcken, Friday. Nov. a deer Tuesday. It ia feared he will
•too one at Ralph Olaases and a piano
have lo order new clothing
13. a baby glrL
Tbnrsday morning the ground
at Pr^nk Sayer's.
» Mr. and Mrs. David Cosier received present suit Is rather small for him.
i outer Ueddsugh and Mtaa Edith eoTered wlib snow and nearly all
Ernest Wood will go back to Big
r reih. a telegram Friday morning
Oarihcck eaUed al Chartaa ManlgnU's ■ ere yfct.
that their daughter. Mabel,
The Hlsaourl called at Nesaen'a at St. Mary'a ebureb. Mins Job
lu southern, Michigan, was quite 111 Rapids this week.
dock this morning.
IVupperron and George Keller
Mlaa Amanda Teets and John MatO. H. Sfaecklcr gave entertolnmenu united
icn lu
in luaj-riBge,
marriage, me
the nev.
Rev. er. KUCBBRucbb- wlih pneumonia. They left at once for
tlte ot Msrilla were married at Marcabee hall Wednesday
n Officiating. Tbe bride was beau- the ume place.
-------- - .Tbunday evenings, of moving
tlfully gowned"
In ..pjug
lighig reen silk and
^^^e niLh Tuesday. AU extend congratiiSchool''atarted yeelertUy after be- turcs. Illustrated songs. stereopUcon
in-led carnations. She was attended
Gleaners meeUng here aSl- lai ions.
lag dosed a month on aceourit of the views. Illustrated recltailODS and
lUitle Dopperron; erday night.
Mra John Stnrlefant
Miss GUd:
teecher being ill.
poems, that were One and Inatructlve.
groom was attired In the ci
ton. was pleasantly surprised Friday Tbompeonvllle Tuesday to spend
The music of tbe brebewtra was good. ventlonal black- Edward Ott acted
The barge Crouse made her
groomsman. After the ceremony they nlEbi by a number of her friclds. AU few weeks with ber mother. Mrs, SeyEarnest ^^ditud fnmUy, of Trar- trip tor the aeason to Glen Arbor ;
ipport a One lime.
returned to the bride's home wbei
otna City, were vUltors at Prank lerdsy. landing on PlKher’s dock,
Mr. Decker of Elk Rapids.ts putting
bouDliruI weddftg
A. ComelL She li is very poor
full stock of groceries for Fisher A served,
Uful nreaenu « . . B furai.i.-e in the new house of Mr.
Wttn »%en laft last Monday for
I't new store was left, also clearing received,
■ceived. Tbe young couple hbare the DeRocher.
warehonae of all out freight; she best
Iss Au_
>st wishes of ibelr many frl<
O. D. Storks has bis store bulldlsg
h^nTWataklah nark, of Carp Lake.
I landed a large freight on the Nesis sick
Miss Casilda
___ Brow
.... given
M spending a few days with her sen, dock. 'Ihe branch has made pleasant surprise last Tuesday
The home of Floyd Smith burned - ready for the mosoni. He hopes lo
SasBtOr. Era. George Newman,
eight trips from Cheboygan to Fisher's ing. The occasion being ber icib the ground Sundey. Mr, Smith being be ready to oyen bis slock soon.
ifis^eea Pooch rlsitad her mother. dock this season for wood, lumber, birthday. The'>yenlng was spent
Tbe R. N. A. ore preparing a tpec. rni In
slabs and bark and look out freight games and socUrxom
ehlldreu narrowly escaped being bum- ial Thanksgiving program for their
mverae. 'KefrethNot. 17^ »»»«•
of produce. Bbe haa also run to il
lent were served.
ting. Every member ta ex­
North and South Manltoui with feed,
Nov. 18.
pected to do aomething for entertaluhay and store stock. •
Mrs. Arthur Do try returned today
Bor«—To Hr. and Mrs. Le:

from a vUli with her parenU, Mr. and
Mtaa Kate Bridge
s Traverse
•oalor. Not. II. a ghl
A 'lecture clnh has been organlxed
Mra. Kitchen, of Maple City.
Ity caller Saturday
Oasion Seely was In EDc Rapids
Nov. 16.
s' Lemon Lake. Mr. Vola was elected
Mr. and Mrs. Nofe Rhodes, of Inler- -Pomona. Mich., Nov. 17,—Mr.
day last week to kare his horse's
locben. spent Sunday at Mr. Dill's.
lirrsldent. Mlaa Bernice Cuahlng as
toeth landed to.
Albert Tlndell. of Fremont. Is visit­ Mn.. Alex. Bolter atort for England secretary and Lealle Smith ai treasy*jfi*r Maulson. aa well as t._.
Wednesday to spend the srtnter.
ing bU cousin. Willis Rhodes.
othS. are busy cnuing their winter's
Tnosp who were at TntverBC
Ralph Bonebrake of Wexford, who •er. Th<-y hope to give an enienainoap^ofwood.
Saturday were Tap Hartline.
Mtaa Beeale Broombead apeftt Fri­
has been aaalsting tbe Rev, Mr. Strait iHit in the near future.
Vanderhoff. Wllllg Rhodes. Albert
Potato buyers are thick and fast but
day with Carrie BeU.
the meetings, returned home ivAu Mm
.p II uinfugu uie Tlndell, Burt Peakerel. Mr. and Mra.
Mn. JoSa Hamilton has gone to clparlngs
ihey are not getting many potatsei
Fred Knight and Mrs. Flossie Barton.
to tee her little granddanghThe price 1s not right.
Brooks' people bad a Urge crowd
Mr. pnd Mm. Horion and cl
Mra, Fred Ashcroft Is quite sick at
tor aa Dare Hamilton la the proud
and good sale despite the stormy day. visited Wm. UeDonald Sundav.
A very Interesting series of meeiIbis wTiUng.
'"9S Brvgb has Uken hli et
1 Mrs. Rurt Bano
The rctVal meetings closed Friday ings waa doted Sanday which hod
>f the shop to saw wood with
id Miss aMrgaret H
rutted friends at Barker Creek are sorrybeen conducted by the Rev^ Mr. Olas It was very bandy to hare visited at W. Kbodew Sunday.
evening with some succeta.
ohaflay Urt week.
for the past two weeki at the Halbs. C. Olendernlng. wbo baa been
The M. W. A. arc preparing for iheir
Geo. Brooks expecu to work for dren have returned from Lanson
rilU chnrch.
aa W, U dowly Improrug. Mwda Don
Pratt this winter
Mr. and MVs. McDonald leave this annual shooting match Thankaglving,
aad Besghlo.1 aU hope one wUr soon
be veil assla.
of goods on Tuesday. He is southern part of. the sute.
with heart trouble.
Mn. George Preomas to rlalUng signment
-dMog lota of goods.
Mias Edna DIU and Jim Peakerek
frlaitds at KingeUy.
The M. W. A. will give one of their
Harry /'ettenglll plowed aU fore—united
in marriage Tuesday.
Ebaar Cronkwrtght hae nored from _»on
one day with bis overcoat on.
Traverse City. The popular donees Thankaglving.
O. Proamaa's into the old MOier house The
trouble was with the weather,
the oyster
• were accompanied by
Williamsburg. Mica.. Nor. 17.—Mr.
le wni rnnala Ale winter,
however, and not with Harry os be is

of the Thanksgiving eve.
El Glendennlng
llendennlng has gone
gene north
and Mrs. Wm. Curry spent Suaday
huM for deer. Many other ere hunt- om- of the most. Industrious and pr
Miss Sylvia Boral U vUltlng her with Mr. and Mn. Cbaa. Eaton.
farmers In the community.
lag^toOT. M Boyd has already shot perotts
The funeral ot Ira Bartlett was held
Mra. A. L Burr is on tbe sick 1
irlends here wish them i
Ladies' Aid will meet wlih Hia. E from Ibe church here loat aSlurday at
Jnae Warner, wife and ' grandson. at present
Tbe Rev. Wnu HaMttas preached
B. Morris Tborsday afternoon.*
Maaler Dewey Warner. Mat Hamltton
II o'clocdi. tbe Rev. Mr. Melrig othpowerfnt sermons on Saturdv even­
Nov. 18.
aad wUe and ^lldren vUlted nt C. ing
Ralph and Plold Lake returaed to elatlng. The remains were placed in
Warner's Snaday.
Boon this morelng.
Isaac Clawson hss gone to Lake
tbe old cemetery.
Bar! Broomhaad and wife apeat oouniy
to bunt deer.
3 order by tbe
Mr. and Mrs. H. Finney of Wexford
Mr. and Mra. Hanow ir Dbeudorf.
Sunday at John Braomhaad'a.
Joe Remington look some beans
■>34 eonvei
George PTeeman and Master James
spent Sanday with Ben Sanders.
and child, and John Hureun. of Coldraverse
d Game
took dtomer at John Blmth'a Sunday.
Hlsacs Anna and Ethel Bolter have water. arc visiting at the borne 'of
NuvemHaraaot Pahl wHI move kto family
and Mra. Arch Brown.’The gentoday orer near Baiea.
tiemeat are enjoying the hunting
Damoa Seeley aad family and Mn.
-Nos. 1. 23. 59, 307. lod
TM^na TUitwl at Lemon Soedey'a
around here.
Tbe Infant daughter of Mr.
By Miss Aspin.
Mra. Joy^ Bradmtt U very sick with
Real Estate Trarwfera.
Quite a few sleighs
Prayer by the Rev. Cerris rai
home of Its grandHike Polish and wife to Iva E. Van clglihorbuod now. though aluigblng
Song—'The Story That
Grows Old."
Norman, lot 61. Mk‘ 2C. OnUng Beach
anyibilig' but the beat ycL
• ■
discussed by ' Ml&s RoMirl.
Last Wednesday night the people
Oen.-rva Young to LUIlsn Elliott,
Paper by Miss McUln. i
of the eon.mimlly held a farewell
1‘anvls In 14 2T 12
sraey. J. B Barney and the
Lillian Elliott to Lory Cox. Parcels ceptkin . given in honor of the Rev.
Recitatloa by BsUw Crain, of Sliver In 14 27-12,
and Mrs. Thoe. Young, who
Anna (Isek to Frank Rokos, lot 4.
been exchanged to the Central Lake
blk. 6. H. U A Co's 3rd..
Fong—-No Not One.'
A. W. Bartsk anq wife to Mary charge. Ineldentally^t was a welcoi
Rerlution byr Bertha
Lone Tree.
^llcr.'lots 34 and 35. blk. 10. II. L A to the new pastor, the Rev Mr He!
Introduction of members ot assoctaRoyal n Slsikvr siid wife to .Myra wig. from Central Lake, who arrived
tlon by the president.
in time lo be present: In spite of llit
Adjourned for basket dlnni-r and •Ibrlght. W4 ot .\K6i. 2125-10,
If you could visit CRAFT suit or over.
But, remember
M>rlal hour.
0.-O. E Fritr. Ad wife :o N«-)Iic M lliclcment weather a good crowd was
cm], duhieg ««c coaL
AfternooB sessutn ca'.iid to order by A-^Simmons. lot i. blk. 2. H. U A Co '* preseui. Light refreshments
ia ttto countrj you
And if you want
Lucy A. ' Adamr to-Jsmes Edwsrd served and a xjilendid time waa en­
Song service. led by Miss Aspin.
joyed by all The Rev. and Mrs. Young
orrlson. Parcel tn 4-27 !>.
GeBldn*t find in uy good wear—and suits end overcoats
slngltig Nos. no. 225 12.
Wllllani H EbBcr and wife to John In O'er two yeara of work'here have
DevotioDal uervlce led by the Rev.
of them such value— clothes that look ore tbe only ones
Ml. Carey, by reading John 20-3021. Orpdy aud wife, low 25-26-27. blk 7. won many friends
as youH find in a right iH along— guaranteed all woed
to lose them, but we cordially melCLOTHCKAPT then you w
rorno Mr. Helwig. and thongh regret­
and selling at from
ting that be has no wife to assist In
FoB and Winter guit clothes aitde of
gto togas.
lot 71, Haviiand J
his work still that may be remedied,
or overcoat right wool
■ O l-'oote to A. R. Nes’man. lots
doubt not that be will moke
That sounds like
2. blk. H. H I. A Co's lii:h
dm .Urackel and wife,
cursed by the Rev. Mr. Carey and J.
to Lottie U on entire success of the pastorate and
CLOTHCRAPT full value—it is—and
B Barney .
Johnson. luiK
county eveo'one his worm friend in
Goodrich Add.
pnnenu ore made of the most voli»-cbe
Treasurer reported 81.76 on band.
very short time.
James Selkirk lo tVilliam D AshSecretary’s report—Five schools
We see that John H. Blsaell of DeCLOTHCRAPT an wool materials— best for the price.
present, six reported, collection |1.12. »re, .NEt, of NE^. 30-28-5>
oil, whose summer borne U here,
expi'nsea 6.'. cents.
Bryan J. Bridge and wile to Jobu
BeBnttyk,Hptotlw guaranteed every
Roll call—Gunton. 8: Cedar Run. 0- lukuleekv. S CO A of NtY^ and N>4
u been elected president of tn*
.S'O 1. 0; .Veale. 1; SUrer Lake. I2r f SW^
Don’t wait.
wimam lice and wife to Marv State Forestry amoeiatlen. Mr. BisHoward 2; Lone Tree. a.
Ofcouracgintome There’s a b% deMUIe^s 51 and 36, blk. 10. H. L A seil and a party ot frienda spent a
Talk by the Rev. W ,H. Wrigbl
part of last week here, bunting. Taey
ether makes of cloth­ ihand for CLOTHSongs—'Hta Yoke l» Easy.
Jai^e M Mrluosb to Hnlbert 1. returned Sunday.
Be With You Till Meet Again "
ing yen will find CRAFT.
BvenUon w:l be held at CroBord. Parcels
WlU Samuels has moved Into tbe
some of the points of now, before the big
be election of offirers Robert Barney, Johnson. W 8TH ft. of lot 16. blk 6. John Acker boose Just south of here.
Tfaeee't fuB value
dlence some of lot of selections raeht
Goodrich Add.
W. A. Bell has moved bis fwtniiy
president; Ford Fanning, oeereiarr.
B'm. Waugh's bouse for the wlnis «vny CLOTH. tbe value.
Mr. and Mrs. Nlrhola* .knna.’two of
■ r.
he old sculers of Kent county, releFMaFc«cnptcl
E J. Kanlfmui who opened up the
bntled Ibelr i-Oth weddins annlteraarv
their home In S4Milbwert Byron,
grist mni here Sept. 1. has been
Monday. .November 16.
obliged to close It on account of lock
onple a
Tbe conple
although far advanced tn Farms as4 City Property
patronage. He moved hta family
a»«ahL oold and aseiiugad
are in splendid health,
hack to Beltalre yewterday. We rogrr:
pbva rai and mental. Mr. Anna ta'in
Mooej to kmtL Call or.d oec n»e
able te walk abont at tbe age oi g
HoiofUrBM*.. *rar«*ct.y.»fc]h
neceasUy Tor their learlng. Mfxi,

Mn. Ella Har.el left Thursday morn­
ing for her borne In Alden. Minn, nfier
haring apeat the past three months
here, the guest of Mn. E P. Dame.
The "BaUden'’ met ihU evening et
the Coagrwgauooal panonage.
H D. Leslie and family bare moved
in ibe Wilson cottage.
Mn. C. E. Nelson left this morning
for New York, to atend the funenl of
an unde, wbo died yesterday. She
will apend a few weeka at Chicago
ting twUiii________
iwUiives on her______
rwtorn home
ty will
Tbs Indies' Benefit society
with Mn- Kale'Wflaoo on Prtdey afternoon.
The "Yope Fellosrt' wlU
pUy. ‘The Rube.’ In the i
next Friday evening. A go
evening of fun for all wbo will come.
The proceeds are for the aew church
Mrs C. B. Kehl spent Tbunday In
Traverse City.
Mrs. Ryan and two chUdren
Thursday end Friday In Traverse
The Women's club spent e vei
Joyahle evening at the home o
and Mra. J. F. Ualbdwa. last Tu
evening. The comlmttcc. wbo
charge of the evening'! entertainment
were Meadamca Hathet
and MUs JuKa Grant
wore arraingod like those of a farm
bouse of 30 year» ago and every one




are sorry that the mill couldn't
kept running. H. A. Ix>iidon will a
into tbe house vacated by them.
John BnUth will move tnlo
Keith'* honae. Mr. Keith who was
U«D foreman bore, bos been traasferred to Traverse City, and Is moving

The guesU departed at a iMe hour
■•avlng many pteoaont memories lor
Addison to ponder over.
Ask County Clerk Ely what bouifly
be U imylng on good tat Tbomas caio.
' Mrs. John Acha of No. 647 Filth
avenue was agreeably anrprtafd by a
large dclegatloD ot her friends wbo
catl.-d Saiurday evening to help her
cflelraie her blrthdny. Seleetkwa
from the gm^phewe and a booiiUtul
viippyr wet^ the prinelpal teatnrea of the evenlng^i enlerUlDmeht.
Orville Hammond, foreman for the
G. p. C. Co., reinrned Sunday from a
two week'/ vUtt In the aouth part off
tbe otate. Hr*. Hommon^ vUl thilov
anil later.
Hr*. 3L M. Deoke MT-been bond­
ing un addition to her bonne.
It I* reporied that Alee Hurrel and
Mary PHtnrek were married recently.
Roy Vondebogart. our new rural
carrier is now on ihe route. HrJJexter'
has mode n fine carrier and all on
sorry to lose him.
Mra. BemneU U remodeUag_4hi .
bouse recently purehosed ot Ed'

Tbe funeral of Bert Watatoad waa
belt from tbe CoagrcgaHonal churoh
on Monday at 2 p. m. The church wot
Oiled with aympathetlc friends from
far and near ui pay their lost reaped*
to him who alway* bad a kind void
and tmtle for oil. He va* on boaeaL
■ober and hurd working man. kind
hearted and generoua to a fault. None
knew Mr. Wotaiedd only le speak wall
of him, and he will be greotiy miMod.
The grief stricken family have tbe
sympathy of tbe entire-community in
their and bereavemenL As n mark of
respect tbe G. P. C. Co. mlU abut
down from the time of tbe oeddent
until after the funeral, and all bus!places closed their doors daring
the funeral hour. Honor lodge L O. AAAAAAAAAAA

o. P. attended in a body and had A
charge of the oervlco* at the grave, AAAAAAAAAAAAA a*a a
HOLLAND—Hendrika JklrtnE the
the Rev. W. E Lyon gfllciatlng at ae
baby danghier ot Mr. and Mm. J.
Jalring, choked to death on a OoSee
ORTONMLLEJ«w«d_8eml«r. a
the M. A N: B. E R. and wife have fhrmer living neaP" OHoffiBlE
moved to Kent City, where "Rosey' with a peculiar accident yesterday
Bernier was engaged la
bas a more lucratlre poaltlon.
Honor. Mlob.. Nov. IT.—Do net for­ pticbmg bay upon the Aora floor
get the .event of the aeason. tbe M. W. when be slipped and drore one of
the rock tine* completely through hta
Ftoresiera donee lo be held
Wednesday evening, fTbonksglving right foot. Althoogbibe vonnd la hot
evening) Nov. 26tb, in Woodman ball. thoughl dongcron*. it to extremely
Tbe mperlal orchestra, the best that painful.
HOLLAND—Mra Oerrll J. Olekemoney can hire, have been engaged
lor the occasion. Bert sad Shell Clark ma. wife of Congreoaman ptekema. U
the best Boor managera in Northern serloasly 111 at her home with pneu­
It is not thought that her 01Michigan, will have charge of
floor, assisted by the Foresters. Desk, nnu is dangerous.
of order will prevail. Bill for dance
LANSING—Under the new eoestitn60c. An oyster supper will be served tlon the governor will become ox-ofby Lull-^the caterer, at midnigtiL
flclo a member of the sute board of
About 25 of the Murray H1H "400“ railaay as««*aors. It 1* being etregeslswooped down upon the peaceful dom­ od here that the leglslaUre create a
icile of Addison Dennis loaded down board or two odditloaaD members,
with everything calfcble. last Thura­ who should be required lo give their .
day evening, ami aulsied "Deacon" In entile atieoUen tn the duties of the
celi-braiitig bis birthday. Addison lioard. while the goventor should uke
says he would like abont throe birUi- part In the actual making of tbe ns- .
days a week tram now lutll April I.

Can You Beat
Bread and Milk?

* ’

When you ore in seanA ol g It^t. quidf Kiocli god
^ don t want to load in> on a lot ot nch food an Too
tbink of anything better than good, old fadnoeed bread
^ ____
Do ,you know of any
new fangled __
patent fex^ fake line that can bold a caocSe to it?

ig llig

Ever notice bow many btuinew men call for bread
and milk during tbe noon biW at restaurants?
Ever by getting up apd eating bread aad milk ni^
when yon can’t ileqi?
Ever notice how much better tbe flavor is when tbe
bread is made of

Lily White
•The Floor the Best Cooks Uie"

If you nevo have, do it tbs very fim rbaitra. yoa get
and bread and milk will possess new interest for yoo.
Dcm't be in a huny to get it down. Let it
dre mouth and give tbe tongue, palate, etc. a cKatira> io
enjoy it
Take time to eat and enjoy tbe flavor of bread
of Lily V^'hile and j-ouH live lo^a anJl^ better.
__ But roneaber. when you are ordering flour tfatf Liy
While by any other name is NOT Lily while
For sale by your dealer.

VAU-nr axY mlunc company
<to«ad RapM. Meh.



. MM

Coadar " Tbe ecbool thowldfcoacb (ba •eatton atood diaa«ly la (bo way el a WW1I rankn Ban we foB tbe tote at boys’ failure to
to terir
nadeat to be prepared. “There wffi boy'a prootaite. A lew yeaie ac^lma skilled laborer*, aad ate alwaai tote- acbedT work to a maitter that
be poatoa la BUe.’* wae Dr. GaraeTa tauiac wlib a raltread Mperiatendect tog tor nrace to A* ptolttoal -wbeiw largely with tbe pnteau and to aoae
way ot RUUas tbe juetealty o( pr^.
-carotal tnflbng ll'reaalred. .
/ ; dwie* wite tee tantear.
ratloe*Tbe QMatien teen drtoce. «hy^ -‘Brtog op a teild to tbe way
A sr^ cry to b^ ratoa«
BM we apigggtlce oaejibytoMB agibe bheold go and when be to tod be i
daya tbat tbe lady teacbera es oar I aeaa ot bb edaeailop.
teem aklUed worbmea? Why cannot not depart from It.' to sot a mete Idle
Mboob eiU eftonluate tbo bore aad' tkms eoald be nalUplb
tee boys teat drop eat ot iteeel to
teat we wlU bare a
ceed'to tbe fl
;vbo was not out ot date tong ago; it
baneb of aea to tbe (stare. Bat If
oar akUled workmea? Aa aniwer ts,j, ^ urtng, rttal. moderm op-todate
boy to not bon a “atoay", it b bard i
Mend Tnliiing Mn<i»
Oito qaeatton U dlffJetol lo »ai*.|mct CbUdren are largrty what tbelr!
aoe bow the teateer can nabe bte to­
‘Boye vaet bare taoral tralniat Tbere are a number dt tottors Fbtob porenu make teas, and rery
te one. Oa tbe ether band, tbe teacb- We are Nrlac to a Uate ot great per> entccitoo the probloto'which make It turn out b«»er than could be rej
on bare apUftad aodety at Urfe and aoaal reapcatalbUlty. Now aa aeter be­ Impoaslbie or at leaat Improbable that! -bj, expected. U we truto
made tee eeboolbey belter.
fore tbe poMle welfaer depeadi
an npprvmUceahip aystets *ill rter Npen to bear no reepmtaiblUty when
Dr! Oaner'n talk wae rery iactracporwwitl Botwlliy. Our mtnal depeal- gro^Dp to thb eoontry.
| they are young it Is hardly fair to
Ure and receired tbe ctoeeet attoaence b eonatantly tocreaatoc. coaeeDo' Not FroeperI ask them to be responsible when they
ttoa tbrooiboBL
gueatly any lapae of tbe todlvidnal In
“What thro to to become of tee lire grown up. ’My father brought me
The Bey at High Beheel »
morale brtom more or leea trouble
boy who U thrown out upon tee world i up tike a yoang mUltonaire.' aaid a
ITof. W. I
, tbe eoaoiiuilty. People m p*ldly atteeageof 12 or 1C with only an ele- young man mnd when t had
alSb M'bool. then re*d bta P4per. “The____
_ to realbe
_ this
_ __
“Tbe eoiBtoc
and __
ki« deaaadlueaiary education and no mausirial' for myself I came down with'a thud
uy >t ihc Hl«b CkDooI At%r Pwt; ^ . hWi uonJ >tud«H for'*B and tralRtogl Wlte no ©pporumlty m be-i that nearly ahook me to ptocea.- Let
Ferruoa ipoke M folknrt:
MpecUUy for ttaoM wbo 8U paHttoia
ime a telleld
workman? Tbeee | me quote ftplp^a carreot magmalce:
“Tbt«c are dart - ------------------ ot pabUe
boys Uve a hand to monte csisuaee, The boy haa a will but It mnrt i>e
ateic erery line ot bniaaa actlrlty.
“Many bnslnes* Snne and eorpote-. an’tbelr Drew. Simply drifting along. |trained; be hhs eye* but he must
WJ are airlviag with all onr lalibl to
Hone will not employ aien at all who Of course this Is not the ease with h-ern'to aee; he haa ears but be must
oacb a blcber plane, ot llrlns. Brery
bare not a perfectly dean record, and nil of Uwtn, bat many who could do [be Uugbt to benr. aad abore evety.* .« ot moral, nealal. and aplrlum
a good cbaraeler b one ot
mueb better tt their opportunity had; ibtog else be has to learn to work,
1 volopnicnt b betas dbeneeed aad
Urongeel reeommeodaUons that
been graour or U they hnd made bet--There Is a weU deltoed period to bto
erery eSort b betas pa> tortb to atyoung man can have. So we arc that ter nee of tt, make
talluw life when, If be does not leant this
toto a sreater degree of eaceldenee la
moral tratotog b eesenibl to a young o' lUc.
letson of lessena, it Is fforerer onall tbtosa.
ican’a tueceu to life.
“TO^e^ tec boy In eehoto until be Iranted and the time off learning to
kuong the many problena wbi«
keep foix-ver past. B\eey child to the
« taktos onr attentlM la that ot tbe
him frmn .falling Into erfl bnbits and bouw-bold no matter how young,
boy. Bliat can be done for bin* How
can we bring out tbe beet tbat to in to closely related to the moral train- I>reparc him for a life o.* osefulaem; should have his duties to i>ef(orm and
to wd Loss or.SUBR
bln? How can wo make bln the foil tog end should go hand to band with beec are tee real problems of the
rounded man Uat be onMlt to be? ll. U<n cannot do their best wlih t«y at High scbool age.Dora be need our attontloD? In other Kick bediea. U b said tbi)i NapO(ma
Boys drop twii uf school for i»e of
“The Ota saying tbat -all work and
word* U tbb a nntter which to wor­
} reasons: Eilbcr because they no pUy makes Jack a dull boy.' is t.-emSMT-------thy of our thought? People who bare an undigested broakfasL The world j|^,e no taste tor tbe kind of eduea- moodously true but it to not one whit
teem or they more so than the equally old saying
giowlqg boye of tbelr own. wbo are requires teat Its young men be goodjij„„
anxious lo eee them grow Into manly aoimaU. Many Itoro pf Industry ro-Jhnre not the ambllten and energy that -all pUy and no work makes
-men wbo will «U tbelr pbcee quire a physical examination tefoie necossary to da tbe required work,
.'aek a great fool' So when we cec
to tbb progrraalre worid of out« la a. a young man 'to admliteA^Thislailj.^-Knowledge by labor must be woo;
boys dropping out of sct^ol because
way that wUl brtog honor to tbolr pai- . training U essonltot^io n'hoy-s com-; tw,, ueer enuiled froi
of lack of amblUoD we can be pretty
eats aad credit to tbemeelrea, are ext .•
to rery
un- sure that tbrir training has been nt
— —
^ j This, 1 Swuf«.aurae
rwis ****
tbb matter.' the education that they should have?]iort,Mte for many people as ll seems fault. Out yon will ask. -are not tee
Are they getting suterient mcniml.j,,jnost imnosstble for them to exert
‘How freqnetitly people miss tbe
today bat tbe boya of yeaterdayr ani' tratotog? We hare only
themstores soBIclenUy lo get an eduthemsO
moM Bnpoitant things to tee care
bare we aa many great and. good men around os to see tent many of themj^itg^
Ibeir riiHdren. Hww many parefliu mechnnics and should be cneoaraged iTlii r r<l . .i].- ihM’wlU Ihe beat ivtoday aa we bare ever badr Yet our .r. .oL Bo. ouu., ol ior Oor-I
ll I. iloit . n°l
fatbera took no teoagbt ot the boy. at ncr "ool, ih. own .T.JO. ■"ll,..,,,. WO.M U... u oO.ooUo. .!» (eel tbat terir duty to their chUdres along that line; other* are Sue *c-|su: .• U- o',lii«c».'’
is diacha^ed when they keep teem cojiniants; while rtiU other* hare a I in . j p. entert was then
loasi not aa a problem white needed bo, 1,. r. tbroo*. tb, Hl,b -b«,l.
warmly eloibed and properly (eO. df Eire to enter the profe-esSon*. so our \,, j..,n m.d **» e a brief talk on the
a edlatlM. Why aboald we cooalder »b.i b«™« oi^ b«. .bo
They fell 10 realixe that there are hey* BhouW ho encouraged to tee line ipSytUral cKanges to a boy to Us «Ithis serloualr? With all oar care can out ot scbool? Tbey go to join the
and Ito rignMeance H*
other duiliH that they owe to terir of activity which they prefer, hut j
we make better boys than teoee wbo real army of uuakllled Uboiers who
Po^ntohare gone before.
are worth only the wages that are] "The ff.-« of the two reasons teat rbiiaren which are of more import- above all thing* let n* Imprcs* upca named the egrs from TH :
them the manllitira* of wote. I flrmiy youth and fr^m'Ttli to 18% ai the
**00 tee boya ot today dlter from paid them,
whose earning have been meniiont-d as the cruse nf rnee than these, although these
right to I bell .-ve that ibe boy problmn will take iniporum cat*. At sack agrs te*
tbe boya e( yeeterday and wiU tee capacity to net half what ll might be. hoys' dropping out of school to tee imporent. The boy has
from bto pspento than simply 1 f»ra of It^lft If parents arc wJ^tJa cerroua systems of the boy are to pm
Tbe state
men of tomorrow differ from tbe men for It to a well known faci teat an In­ problem of tee state.
,;iie tratotog ot tbelr children.
’irullar states and it to-nccemary teat
of today? Let aa aee where tbeee goea- telligent mao working nt common should furnish sehocto which m*et all piiyslcai homfort. He has i
*'\\'hcre then does the foehtr eeme j be L treated with u
UooB toad an.
labo> can aceomptisb twice as much ac«da. Schools lo educate bora In Dwtsl and relidOQs training. He has
The leochfr* ijllbert's talk showed
World of Chaiigea. .
much as an untrained man who to every line of industry, to give him a right to training in habfts of !n- into this pro'olem?
free setto* along any line for which du»:ry and thrift,toe haa a right lo the woik sboold only be MCondiry. Tbe cumprebensiTc knowledge oC tee sub' *Tbto la a world of teaagee and tee 'S^rktog at tbe name task.
confldence and Intercat
par-j parent to the rrol teacher of the boy. j>xt and was Uslened to with daw im
boy oomoa la tm bla abarc. He to aot
“Of coarse a few of oar boys learn h<- may be best adapted. This Is rapUke tbe boys of any other Umo. Con- itoetul trades and thui-to a degree Mly being done all over the country. eats, he has a right to at nnder- The lioy-a father is tbe boy's Idefte ' lere*l.
(The tr.-icher may labor ever so hard,
We see manual training and trade standing of bis own nature.
The nicetlng* then repaired to tee dlttona-under white be
continue their
“Parenls should' study
grow* up are rastly different than number
eehooto being opened up oa every
chlla!'. lo m it ca'es, the effort* Hndeixirtvn room where refnfhmeads
of Ihest _
to r _
rat- rf Mb crjSfcgyste**ud wafere were
dren as students stndy thr-ir lesaons-^re u*e;,"* anlee* they are
they were a few yaai* ago. We all
jwrreeagnlae this tact and It U not neo_
America come ■
emabliteed. whUe domeellc aad as men study tbrir busiutas. They i
oasary to go Into a dlscwsslnft ot what from?"
,rom.- U
i< to
ts nVt
not foom
»rvm tee
me Ame.-lcan>‘~®®.j*.‘“*-‘«
_ ‘ '«»• should -acquaint themselve* ' wltbl'-cts rcnllae bow much the tc’che-'s
tee various traits and teodcucles
ddiKnue [upon their dtlilude.
■b— BUM.
nr bo. tbb, bbT.
.to b« dibbcbl 0.1 ot .obobb>‘'‘.
“ •'
Wa must
smat meet
mmaat but
to the boy.) Sven now of the child, cheektog those, teat are
been bttmght «hcnt We
"It to orty when there is perfectly nausea. dlTzlnee*. languor, heart palfrom tbe European boy* Mo hare
tnese new eoadltlraa fay new wBtR- ,
^ ^
, I the boys in most of our High schooU evU and encoitragins those that arc|aympatliy b,-n«x-«n parent and toaehvr piialtcn l>ra*tic ph- *Uw gripe, sicklearned terir traue a. apprentlc-s «id
teeir bnatoem on tee old plana bat
good. They should try to discover .that tbe tt-icherk work to whcdly sue-; en. weaken the bowel* and deal♦ our*.
adapt teemsoires to the time*. We have come to this country to fill po*»-lbent to a more or less cxienL The
constantly turatog from tee old to tlons teat we o*n not fill from ir I second aad most important e
but adapted. Some boys are natural eSon and a perfect undersiandlug.




iThB KmI Yob Hm
Ahvajfs Bob^
Bears the


ter fatewe at tba Cnttnd
Bcboei Friday al^t aad In the ae^
Moa tbere «u a Rood aprlaUlas of

by te>beTt Boadoo.
Both BObM ware a«nc la Mr. liOE^
D tee etrl«w
■tloalea of Ue Utt moeilai bad boM
read. Janie B*aier itUyed a vioUo moto aad bit perfonuBee well deaerrod
the recaU U col. Ur. Garner tbca apohe oa *Tbu Bor
Pfoblen," Dr. Oanier be(aa hU reBnrka by aayiac that tbe cray balre
and etrinktod Uoea U bit aadteioe
mtn tbe beat ot evidence o( tbe praotlcaU kaowledce of bU bearere aad tbat
bb renarka would be oonflned to that
koowledte calne< in ic r«en of nedlcal pracUce. Ii to of tbe (eraieto bnportance. aaid Dr. Oaner. tbat tbe
edaenttoa <d kimr abouM laoald bin
iBto a nan of ability aad praeUnS
i wbo abonld ba a credit
to btoweU and bb country. Itoe boy
mnet >e uagbt entrgy and obedience.
Tbeeb. with o^minon senee and upright
metbods. wm bring encceae to
man wbo will nae teem. Then the Importanco of edneaiica b seen, tbe noceolty of good toatractora la plainly
. to tbe hiring of themmon« BOibtog QunV
Uy ataw ■booNI be ooaaldarod. Tbere
to aa old aaytog that i
power hot bltbool pbyaleal strength,
tela poww wlK not aecon«Uah nneb.
' Tbe cblitthOHlf be derdoped ^lyalcelly tore syamaalam from tee dme
be caa spesk tee teglUb laaguge
to tbe Use tbat be cradaatoa trom
BteoU DocMe Young.
.Tbe pgieau abosld bo boaeet tp
tboBMlree and UimIv ^Odrea U'ben
aO mast etrire to maxe a llring and
wtant teat tbe y
to. teg
man aboald decide upon bto life work
yoa^ tbu nut*waittog tbe beet part
of bto life to inaotlaa. B’bUe It to tar
tram cspedleat tbat aay perwm. yonag
- or old. itemld be attogy, It to wtoe that
Tory yoans peraona aboald aare a eertato portkm ot tbelr eamtoga eate

dr bla foUowmea. Tbe mOy way to do
tela to to lire ap to all agreeaMBUl
Tbere are many people wbo bare poh
feetly good toteaUow, bat wbo bare
aot enough lime to tbelr baebbone toearry them oot. U a man to abaM o(
eriUolaa be wlU not ameanl to mpeb.
Dr. Gancr, spoke of Tbeodm Buoee-'
vch aa one of tee beet men atoce tee
time of Abraham Uncoln. a man who'
tototereat^ aatidB augaaiw deal. t»
gardleaa of rank, etandtog or otdor. Be
U a man wbo etroa^ bellevee to Pby­
aleal derotopmeoL There to an grar
growing tendency among Americana to
.eritlctoe. 1 woald like to #k tec man
wbo crHlcirea. *Can yon otUror tee

Bull emu

fUi m

For Over
Thirty Years


*The traintog which made a atroag
■an a few yoara ago will not do for
our boys today. The beat equipped ship
to tbe Bpantob Armada u<wld make
a very poor showing in onr splendid
Amwlcan fleet which is clrcnm-narlgating tee globe at the present time.
The dlfflcnlUcs to be faced call
(or greater powers to overcome teem.
A few year* ago competliton was a*
but « teance aUme to pro pate which
generally go around; today It to a
great wall that moat be sealed by ev­
ery one. CompedUon to tee mighty
force which crety young man of tec
pnnent day must tacet and overeome
or be swept horn off hla fc«t and leil
.along tbe'taliorcs.
Cempetltioii to All TMnqm
‘This doM aot refer simply to tbe
Indosirial and comemrclBl life of a
man, it refers to every phase ot bto
being. It he would be great among man
he must show himself ktiwager teu
tee strongeeLMen gettoiopesUlamof
trust by showing bemMves aore'
Mstwortey ,thna their nUows;(b«y
rich fay ahowlng tenmsrivds


Annual Thanksfliving Sale

Ladies’-Tailored Suits

Choice of u>y*d1^ Sail*

Choioe oVaby S22,‘50 and’ JSfi Suits

Sails (
Oboice of any SiiS.tX) ano

_ {arowadteem:teeybecome
.ed dilten hr showing themselves the
tinoa, an man or las Itohto to a
pattoa aad nmay H thsm owe thhtr aa< I moot wortey Of respect. What can we<
* do to equip the. boy* to meet life asi^tSS'they-flBd It today? .We muH educate
tee ead teem.wc must develop aU their taew’WlHeateo tee fuUest IlmlL We SMst
wr wMkat
make tee most of them mon^ly. morMf’^
masty that isjtoMHtt m mha anfl
of education go hand to hand and to
■stoiri*mS qwwStotMhsSl ariTR '
to to unfli tee boy

Cboi»ot'»D'7 W5indt50’snit '


m-aad'Hi' nSeS?


Rew^lgnlipnto. oninjaen of edwratfon.
mvt: nt 1
u wOl toko
h*»e*a«| Many
mtoo ned .................
Hsn A H. as*
lam tknir amploy who has
Okto. ays R are aa
|not a High etMool eduenttoa, while ete-^
-iimiMBa WhsoHr, Ftatoien. tod.. eaye:ler« will not employ
. Of cou


i«aov**aMM* SSm froS t

We an gtod a tend
ssod « free •
amsli te ,__#
man «h<>
«h<> ha*
has ItIt Is
to tee
the oo‘wbo
oo‘ wbo to
to pr»-j

K!ssi“aantSi^jss:i«"“*- «-kw. u»
am CBiffwNfaH!^^l£!^£

. u™’

Ikaowa of two coaa where InA o( e«-,



Sample Skirts
We bxv.' Ii;.fn tel!i>TK vnu u>>.>ut tbe aampk* Hoc of
'K-y nrp boro now nnd
wil! CO oil saio Wolnt 6 !aV. 1It'e tlio sooip!.- liof
of tbe Novelty Skirt Co. you have *■ oa and
bouuht them I cr«)re—h.-n- :s U:o et>
*t<^re tbe travel
inc inaB baa fiitisbod bis trip nrd <ia no moro ntc
for ibooi. we buy them at 3S*«% dlSCOMBt.
You l-tiy thviD at wbal wu wruald Lave te i«y in
nre^torway. Wo toko ihodiecount f'-r our pn>fii
There b.-ia always
■» f*it; ruali for lirai -jhtiioc
of aampli-s. -JuBt oi.t-buodnd uid tdostyfive ID t!ie lot.

68 in. all Linon Damask. 8oc mine

.mJR, W of bustoee* aad erery ocipation to life calls tor an educatton.
The mea who are making tee great
Bucceata of tee prweent ttmh are mm
wbo are fiDng
flWihaii ciy._eaye=,’'We bs^.ftroH o*
Sr. OUflWim
Mgefo aattsCeeterr ^)
all te re*pon*ihle poritlon* to the hntidssqeTs&e: “My. ness world are men ot oftnostlon. The


Choice of nod S40.C0 and $4S 50 Suit

ib.. *teereepect-

vet ee mM and oate ihnironli of BMClf
wa me H to_ telM IMtoa . Jams



Sole price..-

This lot eoBtaiofl 4 difftrut paUenia.

100 do*. Hnck Towela. regular 10c each......................... ............................... .. 100 dox. Hcck Towela, 10c mlnea,

$13 60 Mt. 8>10. C3elb bematltrbed
1 doe. Ibxlti
iMOitilebed Kalina. UentifnI Eooe
dea«B. Salsprioe...


$l&00 ««t Tbit Okrib to dxlS. hemttitclu d. pattern
to a lane dot with a ribbon bolder aod bow
, kMoto. Nap^'saa'e 18x18.
d 9 CA
■ atitohed. Unto ^....................................IZw&U
TW ckitb to 10x12 in • fcoautifol scroll

100 doxeo Hcck Towela. IS^c rabe
25 doz.
do*, all pore
pun Linen Bo<
Buck Tow^, r:i>>< V
29c aod 33c. at each...
10 dooatt Urge blenched Batb Towels.
extra value....................................................
10 dox. extra large (xtra heavy aad very
Tnrktoh Bath Towela.


10 c

Sal-pr................... ............. J..V5B
e-.t -t " -rtvy double Damask, aalaa
$150 s1v price...

Nspkitza to match all of ibe I
eatpe rsdoctiona
at iber ei


The bfst value, we creteflered. '

W. Mil-l-!KE:iM, iSM,

ndt !• vmt Fw aM


wm Make tl Better. AU AHkIee Mot Be SlgaeB


t; InrTarKklfftetlKU

tka£ •kila tara ptadaea
•««« 11M aii< to tta IMat tMMMl- latolag la price. MeUlag, li
f*l PPMT t* UM M tiN
taa^ aad beltdli
(aratoklac gooda
ad Kna otkar
Ttoa ■at
|wt Iqr na- tklagi lamara lai t bay kara goac
•lag ana eattara to a aaaoUaa laifliift
It to alwaja alrtoabto ta hav« tto«
Bat ai tkaaa aommldKiaB tera
lawar a Uttto tao larga nUtr thaa kept pace with Ua adraaca la tka
Me aaaaU.
pride of tkinga tka tmimm kata to
Tka atnlB to net aa graat. tto aaa- aaO, tkay mv an tka «hala faM tkat
Mmm to tongtkaaad, aa« la ttaa ot thv ara gaining gronad aad that
Vaat hang aa4 vbw nora pawar to agridaltara to not u be daaptoad.
4aalrad it to at ahad wlthota aadiw
eralatog aad pariupa braakaga.
MaadvlBa. Pa., wm the ftrat Mty la
' Wkat kaa baaa mU e( patrar agpitoi
la tka aaat af tka eatHr. A aaatl tka atata ta aatorea apoa bar dairymm tka tow raqnlrlng tkam ta (amtoh
Mara wark to ragmlrad tkaa was la- tka dty aOk aaly tros oawa wklek
>w4ad btr tka Baaafactnrar. Tka had baaa aahjactad to tka taltorcaUa
atfkiB to aaa graat aad tka araar rapid.
A 14-latb oettar werto Tary walk
'^.kot aa iktack to batter. Tkto to a Tary
goad ptaoUcal atoa (or all -ordlaaiy
pnm to ampta vlU oat tkabnadtoaot ^ «
ar Mdaok eattar to batter. Tbto lat- and tkat the teat to act raUakla.
in tka ttAa Bade aaoM BMtka ago,
tar atoa kuI grant
- - capadly and U
pawar to aa^ wQ ew tka baadtoa al whan tka rale waa anioraad. N at StS
aofg aa laat aa two Baa ana tkrato Mated aawa akowad randSon, aad aaly
katd waa asanpt (ran tka eflaet*
tkaa onto tka fading ukto.
It to not adrtoakla to'bay a eattar oMkataat.
BMW Wkidi akawad raacUon at the
. aaMitor tkaa IddaAaa. An il or n
tMk anefctee to « good atoa aad adapt- Aral teat akawad nU right al tka
aad. Aad five at tklrtaan kind
nt to any kind o( pawar.
U a large atoa to pnrckaaad at Ut dassad In aM kard wva ky Ula rat-

d FrwH Paito M Bring Oaad

Make a Ukto
taat wide, twelve
taat laag. oalag Sx4-tnU scaaUlnga
Pvt fbavy doU over Ua top, utAlag
fw tka nldM aad Mda at Ua table,
down Ua aasM. patting a ooa-tock
atrip on t(9 of Ua doU nad salUng
it to tlM acnatllagi to sake U imar.
Apptoa ara Uan picked and pat oa
Ua sortlag MWa. paUlag tkea a*
fan M Uay are pirkad. AU rod apptoa
akeold ka wan eatorad kalOra pMUag.
In paeklBg apptoa to barrato driva
Ua koopa do|n>ad headltna Uam.
pottlag toor fins to eaek hnadllne.
two aaUa la Ua koopa. dinchlag Ua
uUa in Ua bural.
Taka BedlBte. e<
taaa wlU. toy apptoa light m taoa.
a<M Ua applet, pnuing them to kaU
katkal baaata.
to aaptytag apptoa lata barrato be
onratal net to tot tkaa tall but pat
Ua kaakat totk Ua baml. akaklng Ua
barrel wall attar emptying aark'baaPI
rlaa m toral m poHihU. prUa
bead o| MrraL nail on kaadUsa aad
koopa, laying barrel down aa aoap m
paUed dad aklpplng toon aa poaalbla.
to padOag Mo. 1 applaa taka aU
gond. Booitd apptoa, tree trom worm*,
aeaba and kmtoM and
Ua aamo
way Uroagkoat Ua barraU.
It No! 1 applet ara good crop Uaa
paA Ua No. 1 aad lat all oUera ga
to Ua drying kouaaa sad cider miili.
M it doaa not pay to pack poor applet
In barrala to pot on Ua markat.

PkUnjl OM Seed CMS

to Ilka ponrlag water mta a nUedt.
'kn. 3. A. Jaksaow at Backaaa
aoonty. Mtoaoari writM ta know If wa
think K waald'pay bar to togr a sap- OUa
aratar. as ska bM only five caws. Wa
certainly do.
U yoa MS bay Ua cow that Ua'
oUar MS doesn't want to aeB yea ara
it to le ba bapM Uat maU aaad
gaaarally pretty aata.
coro bM already baM aalactad trom
It yoa bare ptovMad wo aolUng tba atandlng corn far aaxt yaar-a pUnt
crops aad the paaturea dry up aloag lag. Tbcna wkodonot cat Ualr com
In August and Ua milk dow dries up. kava yet opportunity to pat UU axealtaa. wbo-s to' btome?
lent mrtbod Is prucOee.

I Later m all growers will have
Ion to go over Ualr corn earefully
A tool always idto wkat ka to gulag wlU tka vtow ot toying aalda only Ua
> do. but a wise man lata kla acu Peat aara lor aaad.
speak tor him.
) Tka toUowtag otfidal acotw cwd wUI
FWar at old age comM only to Uoaa p* foand balptvl:
who have not learned bow to live.
j i. Muturity cw AdaptabUlty.
A (AUd navar laamt bau util It polata—Ot first Masldaratton to aabM laamad wbat tear la.
aaad corn. Indkatad by ootoMan druM to plaaaa womaa aad pmm filling .oat ot karaala; by hardwoman dieaa to make otkar woaen eeM ud ripasaaa.
I • aamt rVMittItInn
/Tlia loud but tooltob moUar
opno non.
POT I. w«~
Good (mit and vegetabiM
to. dean.' tou. indlcatod by aoUdIty of m.. .m.
altmcilva pnckngM need no Mlaamnn. ^
an Ua ear: by brtgbtnaM
It u never dltficult to discover nomtr ^
eapactaUy at gam. and by
body whoaa aorrow U greater Uu
I ot tip. While Ua germlnatloo taat U Ua final arbiter, tb'v
It wa ksdw a a 1 to ha a kMve we tratnad aye cu
I la deatlng wUh
.9. Shape at kamala. 90 potoM—
m b« . M 1. OTl

Write Oalr Oa Oae SMe e« m Pa^

"to^\Faadiag Baalt
P-Vary ^cceaatal peattry maa
ara raptactog
Isr towto by dry
lead aad say iWy Bad k M ba at
■grutar valu aa load emd find tbair
bans are leas subtort M disraae.
la cee pt Proiasaor Oowell'a experimeau tba atacu el rvpUcIng maa^
WlU dry toed was atoo studied wiU
MM cblekaos (ad crucked corn lor
UU grain and vbaati ud beet scraps
kept to separata slatted iroegha so
ibai Uay could help Uemsalvas at will
to which a«er (aad they daalred. Tbe
grain ration lor puUata waa about
wheat ud (or cockereU craved corn
only. Thera were no rngutor hoars (or
(eadlng. but cere was taku Uai, Ue
troughs were navar empty. Grit, bones
nnd oyatar afaaUs ware atoo avppltad ns
Ubor «( fading wm
requtrod by uy oUar
Ua troegM ud over ant. bat halpal
lowad. Tba birds did not bug nioead
Utila nt a time ud
ranged oC. kuUiig or ptayUg
coming back again wbu ao tocltoad to
Ue food supply at the troughs.
There was bo rushing or erowdluf
beat Ue utteadaat. as Is Mogl at
(eadlng time when large numbers are
kept togeiber. Wblle tbe birds Ukat
Ua beat scrap, they dM bot overeat
i IL

During tbe ruge season—from June
to tbe close o( October—the birds ate
lust about ope pound ot ibe amp to
to pounds o( Ue rrarked rom aad
wbeuL They had opponanHy to bal
aaca Uetr ruiion* to suit ibemselver
by having tbe two Hasses of food to
select from always at hud.
The birds did well under this treaime^t. Tbe cockerels were well deve)
M>ed and are never raised a better lot
ot putlels. Tbe first egg was told when
the oMact puUau were tour menths
and 10 days old.

Tin UUIl W»
Parvnar-a WIto Bayu It MMua PIM
Ratiaa Par wiwim At Watt
By Mra K.' ffnliiufia
I da not nod muU writtau about altaira to uy ot Ue poultry tonrunta.
ud yH 1 aarr demoaatraiad tt mP
wistoeiioa durtng Ua pan'yaar that
It excels ctorar boU m a grnu load
tor growing UlAs and a wtoMr rMlali
ter adult foals.
We have a BaM a< 1« acroq sown W
alfalfa siretcbiu^ Juat briow tW («louy «o<Bs aad paaa where Lyatob my
'lAst I notlcad that M aoctl
I I gave Ua chicks free rang* Uay
would seek UU field and apaad heart
Ue growing alfalfa, partleulariy
when tt blaaeOBad raady tor CURMmBy close abaerrattoa I (OmM that
Ury ate tba toadar Mpa and purpto
bode ravenoudy and cartatoly acaiaa4
to Urtvo on Ua food.
I Iliad towing aomr aaad to w bmaery pan anJ It waa woadartpl to aao
how (be chirks cejMed N—wee, Baty
fellows just (ron the Incnbttar Tkto

When Wtoiar enaa on I bonoad IN
pure Bog txxklB paliata to a (airly
laomy and comfortable boOM.
Tba large bay ban was atorad to
grant Bany yaara, and the naeaatlty at aa fit (M beat
Tka'dalryaea’a attoreay braagkt out
the mat with alfalfa aad mtOot b«y.
aaOlag a eattar Mr wknt It win bring
(act. tkat to cb
From tbe former the leaves and dHod
knanaae It to too oBaU wUI be ak­
om». still gran In hue. Wl to
an U Mrar kadad bigkar than IM
msstt-s ot fine (rsgrani littor. aaalaM
It to beat (ar each Urmat M awn a dagiwaa. wklto Idl dagmaa to 1» dathe caV.1> and hortaa, which only
enttar. Tbey ara baary tkinga to Bora
era nacaaaaty to klU the dtoanae
str Ibe bulkier <tems.
akont (roB lann to (am. apd a eo»- ld«w»- Hence tt to nrgnad tknt It nilk
~>y iMCblne Hully doaa not raoatoa H proklbHad (rom nntantad eowi
All winter tong t Mod U>a attotta
oa unitorm to aUa. abapa. color, tnt bant of nttaattna. aa it doaa not ttaaaa nkenld be ntoa
cMtr tor litter In my hoanoa, toMtog
daoUtkm Ud alia Ot kamal.
The point to atoa aada that la i
pgPB M. ba anyona-a bnatoana In parthe floor dev-p every day. The Hoceaatttl (eadlng ol barf tormity or Imanaaa ot Ua
iDdlTldBato the rtoa o( Itt ar 1 % d> apray Uavi. give tkam care aad attjslar M look attar IL
The' bena scratched to It tor Ualr
calUa baglna pith Ua growing ot Ua tarmtord upon la eaaanttol to prograan la lanparaura Bay be aurtbo- taatkB and yoa will kava so caata
^^i^A«idnn to^ tUoa raqalra
grain and ate every avsllabla hH Uay
Improvamant. Unltomitad to tba ptaaanaa at a atraagar l« tor aoBplalat aa to Ua prioaa, and Ua toad, and not. aa muy seem to Utok.
aarrtaM tkaa otknre. BakUk it
could pick np. By night Ua Boor
wbu Ua utoial goM Into the taad
kameto la assantlnl to mncblna
prodact will pay yoa well.
•ary tf raadlnat tka aadilne___
would be bare and a traU uapply wu
BiUbito^ a rapnutloa tor your
wMck to apt to ennaa delay aad
irown In randy Car Ua moralag meal.
Whu a pracucul farmer bays a ma-' 5 Weight ot ear. 10 potata-To ba
goodt ky pMklng Uean boneatly and
My bens have always dona writ M
Work In tba Chicken Yard.
r. 1. Inbot hM 14AOO dUekana oa emtuUy, and Ua Inraatmagt wlU not chine ba saiacts one Uat baa provu <‘ " ~nlnad by Ua use ot scales aftM
Vkttt a good aacklM to praparly towtotar layers, nwt tbu saanuh they
Bread from vigorous, v
entad aad adpMtad tor Ua wwk ra- hit tam near OtoUe. Kag. H« bora on|y pay you well-, but you will find Ua Boat raUabto tor bis purpoM ud '
- outdoaa tbamseirce and mode i
Uat wUl do the seat work ta Uo •o“»
prartlctl before .
stixA ud tbe mortality will be ll^t.
galrad. K nbonM not ba nnad tor tUl- tooBbatora and kniodara by Ua car- pa^a loaktog (or yoor goods, rather
which to «Ke wonder and cary
abortaat lime. The same rigid aclev- "T- Where tba stud and oUer ec«-1 An Individual feed coop tor each
k« otkar aOon.
Um yoar balag obliged to aaek
lion Mould ba made whu wa are dltlona of growU are equal walgbt Ot Orood. whether with hens or brooder of all my
Tba beat lica-klllar wa ever triad to market.
Ua credit ta allaUa. Mpacl^
ktTTLt NUBBINB QP NBWB. . plenty of tat wUm Is Ua ekickan
ly as sonYHose nalgbbors wlU warmpreducU taio productlvanaaa.
More tkaa 1AM neraa ot watannai- bpma. Tka birds atlr ep n aWity
I 6. Color of grain ud c^. E points—
honsH—one ot ibem baaiad—who
The chicks from IBrisbalors are
Apoplexy mgy alao follow whan pIga
lOM were pUaUd taat aprimg batwaan dMl atun nad aa tova ean'llTa la It
■nie Improv^ animal that has toshould be free from mixture,
ore aeli-re'ilant at the age of six bought pn;«at eggwaklag loods, proThe tocubaior never • fllai the coop"
^ monUs old.
P—auola and River JancUoa. lU.
harttad fixed cbarutartaUca Ik Ua bast UnrerUlt. tlnU to cob Ud grain ud weeks thi.B Ue hen-ralsad bobles that tain and blood meal to torga qiunUttoa
and narar cknngaa lu mind. U la on
4( m hard on a growing pig to '
a dtotaaaa ot only a taw mUae.
machine for conrarttog (arm crops off-colored keiwHa arc evidancaa ol
and who hire bona mills and toed
-e left orphans al about that age.
A Mtoateatppi Maaaboat wktek ear- Ua tab all Ua Uma. Not ao Ua cranky *,tn roddenly wlUoai teedlng
into beer. Tbe mUad or poorly brad ni>k>n(
NcClecllBg to dc Uto. put a eonpic green bone all winter, wHb , oysier
aomeUlng to tempt kU appeUU.
(Md nwny a flaw's ealt wm (oUawnd
Inches of lime in Mr® bottom of a sbeUs. mica grit and ent dovM. got
am a quart o( fins alaekad lime into ,|t to attar all more oor mtoaten to animal la Ilka a macktoa of toM capa-i. wblla i
tMRy Blton by tka baraarad aalaal.
box. drop Ue eUleks In ud cover nt to no eggs at aU.
bogs baalUy tbu to allow
Interior quality of prooucuon. have rad cobs.
avlBBlag nB Ua tima. When Ua oow a barrel wlU a cover, atlr op a big
;. Leahb ud proportion. 5 polata— them. Tbey wlU stir np u awtul
to tact. Ua ane'who bM tho haatod
WM ahoM *0 ba Mewnad tram aa- dost aad drop tba gappy cklUaM Into them I keep UaBsalvas to that eon- *
grain to Ua alavutor ba extmett Ue Length will vary according to an- dnst Inhale K. cough Ud anaese and Ulcken house did not average throe
hnattow aka was raaenad by «akw- tt. PaU tkam aai attar yog have gjuon
a weak and the athar haraly BOt
expel Ua worm. DonX go vlaiUng dur­
coanMd filMan aad Uay win anaoM j wa akoald keep Ua hoga doaa camenragk tor tstoUy MO
tka wama Inu Ua karaaftar.
Ip„,, ,tndy Ualr kablu aad ttelr ra- dpadactbla tacdlug oo Ua (uma prin- tba score card, save that sat by ma- ing Ue proeaai
’( your diiritv are moping for no upto past wialars oggi fMM toy aM
Thara to no aantlBont aboat a ban. qalramenta, tod Uaa cater to them, ttplaa. Facdtog tofMlor atoU to Uka tartty and pioportton. Clrcunfaruea
whtok BnkM a anlfOtB Blfc nundard
la measured at ona-thlrd Ua diatuce parent cinia. look (or Inaacta. Pallinit bans have been tsw and far hstwash.
at UiP PM oMl Mtal aoUd* aad tJS ■ka to M agg aad BMt wmcklno, and JUM ta UU knmana treatamani and huullng Ua grsto to a poor market.
Tba farmer who raliet maximuui from butt to Up. It ahMld not a» to find tbem. took again. Falling again,
as Ue pallets. Uat ksM Ua Od«L
gar OHt o( whldi ant ba kattar tat
* we kava aolvad Ua wkola problem.
SOBa people who ratMo M pay gt a, Mud to nol a good thing to (aad piga cropa with Ibe totatt. highly Improved cead four-fitha nor tall below Uraa- treat them for lice uy way And you but not only did Ua i4m toy bU Uay
Ma redaoM tka batUr lat tor namwin probably come out aU right.
I to sat Jast M H ft WM aoBBOr
WMT allikUy and tocransM Ua wtotar dltlngtor tartlto MM tiOB para- b; daat to worse. BoU should ka machinery should nM toll ta rotp Ua tounhi the lengU.
8. ButU ud tips, 8 points—Kernels
full benefit ot tbe cropa by (eadlng
UooM am. m
tulr dui>«.
.. nd. u pcib,.
should extend lu regular rows oxer
them to Interior lire atoU.
.Bleaching Oalary in Btoraheiisa.
brake aa many m a doooa fit fi
to BalUraa oonty. Maw Raawaklra. 'ot getting Uam at Ua grocery sMta.
Uc bntt ud against Ua shank. Tbe
las: Jannary. In the Uc« «f
laat year oaBr etoty^ight ekaqi ware
tle who are depending upon u ad- abuk. however, should have aufflelent kiD and well bleached by ptoetog It oa tarts like these 1 natarsUy glva tlM
tttoad. JaM batore Ua war Ua ahaap Tka braafiar taawa why.
A cock to a daddad nntoanee InUa, AabartnoMtogood.t»taloag vuea to price which will-make Uem atoa to support Ue ear. Swelled, open U-y floor of Ue vegetable bouse. The credit to alfalfa. This wm Ua
a goto
Indnstry wm tka pctedpal one In Uto
I, us well a* floor skonld b* first covered wlU sddlUon to their teed, and tbe only
Blotter on Ue apeentoUon Betteiiaek attar Ut breading aaaaow to pody to better.
; • «M adj
Uose having kernels ot Irregular aUe. about Bis toUe'i of dry aud and Ue grain they had was corn and ag «c(■.
Mni da
I Wa ballva Uat onakalt tba man ud aafar to go slow ud not teed more
rtragM ot wUd doga and wQd
Tbe tips should have kernels of ev­ down, clore togcUer afid Iliad to wlU 3t eow wheat last yMT.
ing you financially It tba market goes
(attUa owaA and Ua latter- riumld
af all Ua food Uay nsa.
daatiwyad tba todaatry.
en slxe. well dented ud preferably to eanb. The floor sboold ba tocloacd
let a pig go over six weeks wrong.
It to oatlBatad that Ua tamera nt never ba aold la Ua open market tor ,
regular rows. An uderatoed car li by 12-toU boarfii and Ua vegetable
jwlUont Mstrailaa.
ible with a oompleiely taouae sbonkl ba wall vaatUatad. Bias CM. UrUly. grawtofi Ulefcs aatfiUBOREEZY LITTLE ITEMtr
The IghUng baa makM Ua bMt
•hMg g&d taBba taat year, aatoly an
Ing to aUalta Utter tor Ualr fmta.
Over five million buabato ot pota­ capped tip than with a lltUe bare cob. for otbar vagatsblm eu ba provMad
gKllta. it WM a had yoar tor Ua mother.
wbsreas la the Mlghborhuod Ua faaoa
Up Is not desirt- above Ua celery ptonu.
aitFodder cu ba made mnU more palt)M« badnaito and It to Mid tkat Ua
only tost bofitoa'liig » aot ood hoyear,
I u to- atabla ky t
IgM «U ba ghont 91 pm head. Bawbody has aay ehtoks m you
keting methods of Ua gFowara vary
•ardar a- ..autiful Calora.
gfor. aa oradK to glraa tor Ua great
1 have baooBa an onUnaUst oh Ua
small prpfiis ware reallxad from tho
If yon want a border of beantltul anbjact of aUalla and I aay to oU
SMoant ot adUty rotwwad ta Ua
WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE OOINO feed cooker will do (or one to bait a work.
Sixty-srvan Uousud acres of good colors setect aneb bniba as the Em breeders ot chicMM. sow tt to Ua
In spile of the (act Uat pretty good land will toon be opened In Wyom­ presa Bmparor. large munpat narcis­
Hia OawdlM lonwr worka Irpm doaan heed of oattla, bui tar (aadtog
A (anMr la Nodaway coonty. Mtopans and sUo sura U m a wtotar «n
atoirl Btoaad aarana chetM piga ra- twelve to alstacn boorp a dv to Ua> on a torga ocala the loUowlng plans UPlas were aelllug as low as tl to 82 ing. In Ua Bb^bone river Irrigatton si. (he Slagle Van Shm. Ue cballee prods eer.
buy PMSoa. Bo dOM Uo AMortcan wUI show bow to buHd a cooker of per barrel to New York tost spring project. Of UU 17.000 seres sill ba
or star narciul. Ua poat'a
aantly aad bogan *to oMpact
-Uere was a derided abonage to muy watered Ult aommar and 50.0M aoM rissl Ua douMa dafiodlla or garduaU
_aunictoat capacity:
Rdrt>M» «kta ha dtoeorarad that Ua larmor.
Tba largest orUards In Ua world
Dot In CuUfomta Um hu beca or-1 Tbe Uad sbooM be only Urge Paris of Ue west On Aprfl 1 Boston next spring.
and Ue paper w^lte narctosi.
Tbe ara at Werdao. aoar Borito. Itaay oxyoug aatoaato wore being packed to
A ISHBonU-oM child, sen of Max Urge trumpet narcissi to tbe pletnre tead wlUoui a break tor aboat UAW
. «iMh by g fiook at crawa. A totek gualud u natmaal ciab caltod *Tbb eaeqBb to bouse Ua auamer. Thera had 40.000 bairels more apples to stor­
ad BNpt UOM black ptratM aataally adcratton ot (ba Tree Qfe«tW Clnka to a amall door In Ua cad next m Ue
Croeketu near Loutobiug. Teu.. was Is one of lue most baonUful ot this scram. They yMd sobs 4f/MMAfiO
' firebox bMidc Uc boUer.
klfiad by a large roottar. Tbe UUd speclea and tt to hardy, rich aad vary poonds ot apptos aad peon evory
kIBa# a pig aad atrlppad lu Doom : Amorica.*'
Fanners of New Jersey are aaklog (all ta Ua yard and tbe rooiter at- satlsfaitory to every way.
It to expected that Ua mtMbartMf ] The bios oa Ua aides should ba
atoon ta toM Uaa Ulrty mtontM.
ot Ua (ederaiton wUI raaU bom Uu torga aaougb ■ w steam u ample ir a tow to aboitoh aU spring Moot­ UUad It. stoking his spurs rapeotedMODUCE PRICEB OOlNa HIGHER. 1M.OOO Uto year, u Uc work of o^ aup^ lor caU day's leading. Tba bto ing of game bjrds and to atop Ua ly Into Ue bsby'a head.
Wrom tba fifuiM ot a report by Uc ginlMttna to kaiag pMbad to nearly to .fiUed one day before using and
Tbe state agricalaoral anUorlUaa
baiwuaftobortbarcbubacnaztract- every stale.
, iteaatod tborew^y, but not aeough
of Pannaylvuta ara fluting the Hatad the IttUraMtog (act that aato prIcM
Tba JapuMa ralaue plgMU In- M make li aoggy. It ahould ba allowed
slan fiy by brtngtog Into Ua atata par­
at Marly evaryUtog raocked a bigRbr KMd of smaablag a bouto of wlaa on 4o cool ud then tad tba next day.
asites wbtU It ta axperiad wOl depos­
torto taat year thu at any dma dariag Ua ntora cf « chip which to being' The bto ahould be prorldcd wlU
it ibelr egga on Ue eggs of Ue fly
ym Uat alghtau yaaiu. aad tba {arm
binged Uds. ITia steam pipes ara rua •cutad Ua work of if^raylng cotUa ao and finally work Ha dMUwcilow by
proiuoa leads aU tbs resL
WhM u oyttM to a tortalght oU from Ua steamer to Ua bottom of vigorously Uat on May 1 fitty-sevan : tUttgtogUe larvae to deoU when It to
counUM to Ua eualam ud
Etta bvrau «|v1dM tba 9H
It to not much torgM Uu Ua bead jt Uo blna, wbara Uay are
ready to hatch. This work to bamg
porttoni ot Ue stale ware
Modittoa ot Ua eoantry lata atoa
pin. At Ua>oad at (bar years' wfU aura pipM to give aqn«l dtotri' dbne by Prefesaor Kelly ot Ue Kuratoasad trom federal ouarutlne.
Craapa aad tam pradace akowad Ue growth It to fit lor Ua taWa.
button ot steam.
ass Agrlcvltnral ooUage.
klghato tocraaaa to price atulaed by
■ Tbe plpM Inside Ua bins ara ptoroad
gay at Ua grovpa. Aad Ua ao'
WlU OM^IUU inch botoa aU tnUes ing u Important factor *ln Ue large
OMtem markata. Texas ontooa are
To Ua BdJtor: An BngUab Ueep- apart U altow |be steam
adag (aatara ot Ua ropert to Uat Uc
_ out ________
Bartnudaa ud prices ot' Farmers will find these big. haslUy.
paalc at last year did aot aCcet U« au gave me a new wrinkle In Ua .To proaarva Ue bins tbaj should ba _______
prioM at farm atafi very M8<A- In
1 ot dtocoae at Ua nddors ot ttood, bottom, aidea. top and UdA wlU Ue latter are steadily tailing. It to VlgDrooi birds vary wsefni as layers,
said Uai the quality ol Ua Texas
Uay anpply a large ameoat of
tacL taking everyUtogBOid. Uc (arB- awMstlerUaUmh tats dken away. stae.
cr cot more maaaj to 1007 Uu Ue dorms ontcra Ua milk data ^ Ue [
average o< ua years betoia.
Ue leata, aad this Bag- WORKINO NOTEMOF THE DAIRV.
aeome wat and riogged with
A slick swindler to a
—.-c aoKiobly (Or tba maa
•Boat farmara Bay aot kaaw Ula, itoh trtowd tafia ma to smaar Ua od-l T%a mu who starta to tba dairy
_ ___ big
aad to very coM wanUar Ue
who dapoittt bta toads ta Uc
. kot It to trwu, bMausa Hr. Powderly't tax WlU ooMmott mntoaaaa. whtoh bustoaaa wlU Ua IdM Uat ha to going «m (armen by oCaring
bank and pays all btfis by ebedt than (or the man who
baiMU cays ao. Aside (rom Ua BButv wai trlefela down and form « tongh to make a aneceaa simply bacaoM ba wlU purcAasee Of
of sMp'lia
aou- H. cMlacUjXx* of the bird ara opt to bacoma
keeps earreacy to Uc cstb drawer and pays tt owt fcspw.
BfiMM Of a daporiBut report. Ua floating at Ua ends ot Ua luu and has aoma parUentor bread, to oa Ua Ua money In advuee and Uao lorgau trosen.
xard. Thin busk U Uorooghly equipped
M aend the premlai
CMt to wvMaRt Uat Ua laimcn of UU Um ksop oat Ua germw
ebaUIng aeeoantq, b<>caiu« of its eqwrt smxMiBUag sysMwatry are aora prospaioua Uu
But ft uaama to ma the motouMs
Wa mutt not kiaa si^t of Ua tact
Tba Kansas amplormant bnrau baa
Tbace an not ntany paopla who
tarn and toeOltles tor dlspatab sad atfaner.
' Uay hare arar beam It la abowa la would land to draw fltos nadeanatUe Ust a oow mut eon bar board for
kattar kPMM, bi0cr karaa, laUar awM A grant 4anl at trwobto. Bow- Ua ontira ywor boten aha cu begto naked Ua rnfirond compewlM tor x know how to make a good mad Beat
roto « t cent par mfia tram enttern wire splice. In t^a pletura tBnra A
aver, tt ta worU trytoc. lor the Bng- to show peofiL
9m BMhlaari. aad. aore laportaat Itoh know pcottr BMh on about shoap ■ To Ua abamhtog wlU Ua cow tbnt points for hnrvoat builfi to ialp take abowa Up first Bovanont and flgara
fkw «ayiktof ttaa. bIgbM ataadard Uat to worU kMwlpc.—John Stonn. cannot prwdnoa eswogb to pay (or bar enre ot Ua great crep how being bnr- B Ua «Ms attar they have
ban aecsrad.
at ilvttol tor tka twany.
Ikoof. Koaptn*thtoktodofnnjmlma}^vMtojL_

“ f

trefli tip le crown. wHh m-* ■ttwifP:
It U net «. PiPcl. tb. Ubobbt we „ „„
,1.. u tb. Un. lb blTC It.
p, ,.a,„b.,»« witbm, rom.
Wbe. • 1.™ bo, «« toe. to tb.
otwerroJ front U.
ell,. 111. HOT. u lbt»» roe. tbromb
• telrorop.. L.t.t It ro tbeitjb
b. ... brotOtt, tbromb lb. wrom rob.

r^t.‘“r i=”ro:r.



The Best Ptan



' ^FAM «


dbb. and bake for forty-Are
mlaate* la a hot oven. Serve cold.
nuipkla Batter—Weigh (be cook­
tato of fat to the pan. add *U tahleapoonfato of Aew aad etlr naifl wcD ed pampkla. allow the aame weight to:
browaod; thea pear on gradually, graaalaied sugar, aad tour tahierpoonwhile Btlrrlag oonetaatly.-throe cop- fuls of bolter to two poaads of puotp^
H|».MABEL BAreS williams Editor
fato of *toek (made by enoklag deefe. kla. Add any *plce preferred, and lei
tip* of wlBgB. bean, liver and giv •lamer on the back of the range unaard
In water to cover.) bring to boil­ ■J1 thick aad rich.
to It that the Mrd to soft and ptamp.
Pumpkin Loaf—Xa*h Ane a «uart
point and let simmer three minWhere gooee doe* opt prove popular
Rlfufl aM d«rk to kffrembwto
the fact to often do* to Imperfect ntes. Strain and seasoa wKb salt and of stewed or baked pnm^tln. Add
teaspboBlQl each of salt and baking
d(ee*iog. A gooM need* different treat­ pepper.
Lea4M b«r mu;
__ _ The aiofSag for turkey oo^t not soda, one ublespooaful of sugar, and
omrM. (kc wbMt «»A ment from any, other bird, or it ba*
j to be wet, say* one writer, a* then three plats of while com meal. MU
tke rr*.
I. wash asd *crab »' H ««• a* a Bort of poolUoe. drawliig all toieiher while hot and steam four
UMmi Ikt tTM*.
« la hot I »nd*:
then gr*w |““*•“ “^ >*•»**« ** hours, or it may be baked tbe Iasi
BaogkM tb« ««f* drooplaff with i
hour If a crisper emit la prefem-u
(wMdi to removing the ln*ld* — . , bird dry. Take i
tot Mai toU.
Serve hot with aweetened cream.
taatB.) Wash thqfwa^ly In cold we-^crtimb*. add a leaipoonful of
used «b4 ton.
oatoa. with salt and pepper.
■VtoM that tvaaf amtbnt daaters, ter and wipe. Stnlf. tme*. sprlnkl*
one and one-hsl! pinta of ladlai. meal
be*pwith anil and pepper, and
a ublespooBful of ground ginger I
tng ublespooDfal of fat *sd brown
Prone vtOi the tkora.
toaaat”mr^^lhr’rt?k?ii th^ iliTr
crumb*; then atuff the turkey I with oue and one-half ptuts of cooked
®« P“‘ »«« “7 •«*® or ] and anted pumpkin. SUr one plat of
“BoL oh my heart, tboach iha blrthe: ping pan. pat In a hot oven, and baka
you wRl And this t mslasses iaio one cuart
two boun. basting every Afleen min- •****'
milk. Add. Mlrrtag hard, tbe meal sod |
nice. Indeed.
BIOMbcn. blnla. bMi. *11 have van- atos with tbe fat In pan. removing
pumpkin, wlihtbe grated rind of a
the-pork tbe last bait hour of ibe
tobed togelber.
lemon. Tie In n pudding bag. and
Place on a hot platter, cot tbe
T* <to With the Turttoy.
Still w*>e a Boac. tboa«h tko akto*
•trlag and remove the etrtng and
Potatoes are dellcioua cook In bolting water lor four houri*
droop with srap—
Tbv water must not be alloa<*d to stop
For oar brave oaoBtry'* ftod naaks- nkewers. Garnish with cup. made of These are boiled the day torlu-e they boiling lor an Inatani. and. as it toils
'^s' i.
balvea of email bright red apples All-'
SirlBl Itor-"
away, rbould be replunisbel from a
ad with apple nnuee and watercress. I *'“• «»«»
Chicken a U Warwlck-Tbl. to „'*™nolaled or brown Higar. atJ put kettle of boiling water 'Thlii puddiiie
Open the borne ioon atasA ihroosb>^rmed over, ahould any
to«y as toaly can be. Dress, clean |“ h™waMi the land.
and cut up a fowl. Melt one-thlrd of a
Urg» while be left.
To child aad kla;
WbOe toee's dnr aamd Area, led br capful of buttor. add two medium- «“«“
•lied ontoUB. thinly aUcad. and the «»» “»
changing th-, water
Dailcioo* Thankaglving DIahei.J
FbUh's hand
fowl; cover and cook alowly .eyen
A ColonUI Sweet-Selcci a good
OI«a« Iron althla.
watching carefully to aoe to
MPl-er. and cam h«e
pumpkin. ^oUd nicatrd Hah.-j
Driru at chiTBaatbemuDi* sartaad
out the seeds and cot In
Mr.O.H*llock,Antwcrp,OUio.wn -s: “My dauclil.r. Allle. after iakIhe beard.
wlih boiling water «md cM>k slowly,
onion* and -Jt-e' j,ip» ibr aise of a dollar. To each
lag three bottles Of your Perana, U entirely cored of catarrh of the bead of
Rife with good aeer.
two years aundlng.
WhkS orchard. AoU asd vine richlr antU the neat la tender, when
“We have used Perana as a general tonic, aa well at for eatarrb, and are
r fine, white sugar and a gill of lem-'
ftock Bboald be redneed to one and table»r >.'0r il Ut r.tur srith od«< of b-i
have poored.
one-half enphtU. Remove the fowl, take ter. then adding a cup of milk and OB Juice over the whole. i.el Ibis re-1 , well pleaaed with It, and r.«eomraend it to aayliody who ha* catarrh.
t. c. HALLPI
Cmrnlag the year
“Anybody wishing any infortnatloB can write to me."
oC the akin from the breaBt eeoond cooking till tU>C4> and apreaJ crumbi main for a day. then boll together, al-i
•40. oh ay heart aa thfoagh bright Jolnu and legi and arrange on a hot and dota of I itt" Leiween. Ou ’-op ^r towing Breup of water to each three
“I kept on using IVrnna as 1 had
aaaay weather
pound* of pumpkin, with a tablertalte^ having wiaga asd aaoond
started, and after n«ing U U>rv« days
uiciiK', 1-vriins, nase* ^"ict
nUidy we tarod oader aoCt ektoe to- Msu oppoelu each other, the breaJt
Mr. WlllUm F. Ilnrke, inss Ftankford aud nights tlie pains in my chMt and DeofsloDg-slandlngesaaut rsUrrb.
cheete ant. brownn ll. lUo even. apoonfu) of ground ginger, tied up in
' tHhar.
la the cMter of the platter and the
Celery SiU* -C'l.ll ih • c lery imri bogs and Ibe yellow peel of ...e lem- Ave, Philadelphia, Pa., write*!
slomaeb ditappesrtd. and they iisre “I bad Ponsnlled noted doctorv With“On the 191h ot.Frbiuary, 1901, I was
•uU with glad hearta tboa« the RnmaUth* croaaed Jnat below the » «• VTJ
« ona cut In atarads. When the pump token srith cramps that exiondsd froai never appcsr«d since, and It will be two mtany r<-li<'f. ll.v persicteat urging of
beam* droop with gray.
: friend 1 commene<d the one of your
..ndn t«™ tl... .b«l.
,throat to tbe boUum of yearstbu July ”
aeopnd )olnu. Rub atoek and onion* >• “«»' O*’'***
•'« kl,
Keep wa oar brave eeanuye graad
wonderful peruna with the
of re­
Po-m^n ReOaved AR SymptOM
„y,mm*eh. They
throngh a aelve mat thicken with two
’•••*'/ Into a atone Jar and aet away in a myslomaeh.
weroso aevere that
sults, and today I highly recommend ll
Tbaakoglviag Dayt*
■vfk. At the end of „y »if* had logoforadoctorabout two Mr.J.C.Cn
and oaoknir tableapoonfnto mmO, of peat --nd aerve with any piv cool place lor
aay one suffering trumcatarrh toany
—Hdea Chaae.
the sirup off tbe chips o'clock In the moralnK.
Ind., writes:
Ibat time.
buttor nnd Aour cooked together, ferred oalad dreaalng.
Snecotaab—There waa a dUUneUv< boll down until tbick. then turn back
■■I canaajr that I have aolhlog to com­
•.{ bad from February until July of
with nail and pepper and add
••As .for nyaelt, I snfferad nntold
emiled "an
j that year three doctors, and they were' plain of now. 1 feci weli. r.-»l well
onodhird of a cupful of cream. Pour Indian dtoh. ‘****«
toceoiaaD. >.i over the chips sue rent.
tgony, but today ‘
night, hi
1 ttenbfp' am lor wee bU thlngwthe aanco ovnr tbs meat and garhtoh'*^*
Thankaglvlng dinner. - and
one. with more am
My neat my pipe, my chair.
With bananas ent in alicea. dipped In
upproprUto can be .--v
in raysvir than 1 bavs snjuyml lot
As* Weore npon aay aM heerthawae.
aad fried
butter and parsley. ed today. The I
and a few wbde clove, and a stick of
and can dosomeklnd of work everyday. years.
As' work to keep them there:
Pried Dude a to Thorndike—This
dnnamon. Serve ll vqry hot with the
^^^s I had not token a morsel of 1 must say 1 can stand as mncti faUgoe “All my friends ssy I look bslterthan
i atoned them a*.
lever iwtore, and 1 urge th. m aU to uy
tb* dlfAeulty of carving
turkey course and also when the }o«d except la a liquid form. At the as I evsr cottld. and feel good vvsr lu
I eavy sm a»a what be haao,
of botUsn
Pe,nnd mnkan an eicelleat dtoh. Select
mince pie Is served, if the cider la end of that time I could not drink milk
with Ihe greatoluf asllsfaclion,fiel^or.ama'.
young domestic ducks. Remove the plemy of butter, cover with crambi new. It wHl not be neoetaary to odd or water except in email si]>s, which runs, tbe grip has done the same, as
“Tour Penms is tha greatest tonk
well as paint and acbet of all kinds.
sugar aa It will usually ,be aweeiched caused me great paio.
legs aad acond Jbtou in one piece and bake UIl a rich ennt forms.
“The roaring noise has enUrely left snd twlldcrfaralirokcB-dow.neonsmaPried Sqnaab—Fried winter squash in boiling down. Some think to stir ll' -I bad given np all b^ of living
1 thuhto' am my doggy* noee
I then scrape Bent from eeoond Joints,
ears snd hesd. my mind Is clear, my tlon arising from tlisl dreadful diaease,
Upe to my reeUa- baa'.
it cooks ini. I
tonvtag meat attached to tbe tog .and to not d^kWell known na It aho-i:d be. with a redrhot poker
slleetloB good, my Isiwclt are repo- catarrh.”
Ho khawB I ay* ba’e cheerin’ word*
<w akewer into ntiraeUve Cut tbe Moaah into indt pieces, af- proves tbe taste.
Isr. aud I Just simply feci easy all over.
For beaetto. chtol’ an’ maa.
“The core of ray case was surely a
Bbnpe. OU off tbe wings to tbe Arst
*u a UU4U
I fry slowly In a'covered spider with
1 gl'* them tree:
joint and remove the ^aat
,-hom the dellghu of pastry
d to give Itatrlal.
. Barh )x-ople can ohlaln Peruna
I need aaae tor my aln brgw oeT;
enurrh nf Ung StamAnA.
leaving the wings
IsMei*. wfa|(4 repntfpBl tj.e niedicliial
............ ............... bidden, yut wbo desire to honor rus“I tookssversldiwesthatevenlng.snd
perfectly tender'T»ul still preserving
Pm fa' of glee.
press or skewer Into ahape.
tom. tbe pumpkin pie assumes tbe f« 0>o first Urns In wm^ka Mtod fairly
Ogdun, Dtoh, vritu: “J tabs gtMt equivalent toon average ^ of Poi onn.
with aadt and pepper. sauto In but­ ■hope. H to ready to aerve. Begin to shape of a pudding. Prepare a eua-. **^‘“*»***•
I thaakn' am for votoM ewMt
ter and co^. Break the duck carcass-, co(A H at least an hour before dinner. Urd as for pumpkin pie, turn it into a
An’ PMC* o’ tovta- toodt
as to ptecM. cover with eoM water'
An Oyntor Pie.
other useful ptoics cboult] be plac<>d In tbe milk- aponnlul of lard, and mix to the
Ah' kladly todka oa a’t SMot^
and add two slices of ohioa. two
An oyster pie is a Ane dish
tha mMdaa maT (ha mneh;
■IICM of carrot, a stalk of celery aad company the tnrkey, and to Bade by heaped in IIMle mounds, and aUnd In gilts can be bid-len. There mock,pics roitm. It absorlis tm^lusi* gases anij sponge. If more liquid is needed, wan
are made lu :hl* manner:
Take kills the hid smell* and odors. warm whey. Knead until perfectly
H want nM malr:
halt n toaspooafni of peppercorns. l..ei
a alow oven until of a golden-brown sAiall pi.- pUle* and. line them with
Ife waatls'wbat^thoy dlana get
It should be changed froquentty, eape-- smooth, raver ctorely. and set to riM
the paste
paato half an Inch ihl
lhlck,and cut a color. ■
an edgir.g of crinkled while tissue dully during the suntmer.
That mak^ IMka ealr.
a-arm place. When light, mold
capful of stock.
Cider Sherbet—The
sherbet to'paper to slmuliic pic crust. Put the
-Chaitoe Mdtvato la Ladlae' World.
The most pnrtical cover for a glaR;< )nto loaves, let them rise again, and
uti»po....u.. ft.,....
made by beating sweet elder wlih amall gift*, s-bstevor they may bo. In of waliT or medicine in the sirii room linke in a moderate oven.
cup of sugar and a Utile iemon Juice, tn-' center of the plate and cover the
mitde from an ordinary envelope.
Ituiiernilli^ llread—Scald one quart
•TarantoatOodlamorqrBeada; •
of the pailry and eet to oven. MTille
lerlng Are minutes, straining | entire plate to this edgjng with liny jTht finp of the envelope is turm-d In. of silted floiir with one pint Of but­
the stock. BiraIn and season with
this to baking put Into
• ?hr haaNk and 'children, boi
freealng. It may be prettily - ypUga '(.brysuninemunia laid close to | the envelope is then opened out like termilk. aud thin with cold batternalt and pepper. Dip the prepared
01 butler and two heap
irved io tall. Rat gUssea, with a bit gather. These may be real blossoms |u bag. and the lower corners turned milk to the consistency of croam. Add
dntk to crumba. egg asd crumbs, try
Ing Ubtospoonfuls of flour. Cook to.
Virginia Creeper on the pUlc by
apor oBaafert la the time ^ need.
artifliial now-ers made of yellow down against the ride*, making
one cupful of dissolved yeast, aad aet
to deep fat and drain on brown paper.
gether unUI they bubble and ponr
• per avwr kladly word and deed.
tlsaue paper.
most rlrrulur cap.that fils over a glaa* to rise over night. In the inoraing add
ArranM on a hot ptotur around a upon them a cap of oyster liquid and
• per hwM (haaghta aad holy talk.
lablcspoonln] each of aalt. aagar
A big paper horn of plenty­ or aniall pf eber. excluding dust or
monnd of parsley, ponr around aance. half a cup of cream. Stir until
« Par gaidanca la oar dally walk—
f OBSMrts.
land lard, and oiic-fourtb of a teupoonother way of giving .-ich p-r*on a III- microbes.
and gnrntoh with netbabaped rice smooth and drop la oysters allowing
A froteh plnm pudding
ful of soda dlavolved In one pint of
Uo surprise at the Tbkliksglvlng feast.
croqnettea to each of which to a cube four or Ave for each petwon to be
and can easily be made
not water and stirntd into the yenat,
home. I suspeud thi* the chandenej. fillPop^ Hiph Collar*,
of earrant Jelly.
served. Cook tgether until they begin Take
quart of iblD cream and heat ed with It* good things, and have ribAlt the new lingerie walm*
Add Just enough flour to knead wslL
to rafAe and add two eggs beaten
heaping bon strlt'B* coiiiliig from (he lliilc diosds Jof house and *tn-t
Add a cup of sugar,
Knead again before puuiog Into the
Stufnng the Onbbinr. ^
lightly, beating them In carefnUy. a tablespoonfult
grated chocolate, all's in ll* sidev to the several places, made willi lilgh tiollar* whk-h
p*>,*. When light, pnt to a slow oven
Tbe .tnrkey served by tb< Pllgrtma few drops at a time, aad stir concup of seeded and cboppi-d raisins, When the dlniicri* over a good pull on IPoH'K-d upward until ihey aInMst to bake.
Whoa aae etta down to awdltau np at their Am ‘rhankBglvlag feast waa BtaaUy. Aa toon as they are all In.
a cup of currants, half a cup of chop each string at the same lime will rend Uouch the ear. Culess one know* jB*t
Ruilermllk Yeaat-Make a batter of
on Thaalnglvtag aad Ito appUcatton staffed with beechnnts. aad this dress­
with a heaping teaspooafni
A teaapoonfnl of powdered the horn of plenty to piece* and each jhow. these collar* ore hard
half corn meal and half flour In one
net la a broad aewa*. bat In the Indl- ing akltoagb somewhat dlfflcnlt to pre- of salt and a fourth of a teaspoonfol
-ionanion aad one of duves Simmer person wlU Und Ibelr surprise on the *o that they will be^igh
enough under pint of fresh VMttermilk. put rin one
of while pepper. Try t have them
Me minutes and cool. Ilavor end of their ribbon
and Btlll not uDconiforiahlc lu tablespoonful of good'yeast, than net
•noptuff that they threaten to atav-'Z^
done at the same time aa the pastry, with a spoonful of vannia and when pings ar.- noveme* {bat make a day bark and front.
When light, thicken with
whelm and tanve one almoet ffWlag ^Ztolly p
bat do not let the oysters wait. Uft oold, frees*. When It U quUe hard
of rejoicing ►land apart in lb.- mi-niSome nl them ar<- made three tu'-sL making a *tlff dough, and set
tn the wuvaa of thankfutoem which'f^***"'
>y people.bnt
perhaps the most op eroa carefully from the pie. lay it pack it to a pudding mould with a
ory from all outer day* of simple Ilv- . Inches high under the < ar*. and they to rise. W6rk down .roll out. nnd e
ling Is made ns follows: ra a hot plate while you take the cover, or In a small Un pail, snd
Ing. The paper horn of plenty 1* par- j
I Plato Brand Dresstog-^tor a me- bread crasu from It aad pour to oya bury Id ice till needed. Turn out on a tlciilarlv aUracllvt it topix-d by aii
piat-c .before rutting out the col­
w^ mart thto TW
teri. RepUee crust and serve at once putter and surround -with whipped
tverhanging bouquet nj flower* from lar you must take «>nn- measure- i
ibraad eramb*. The bread should be at
-.earn mixed with the yolk Of a beat- which
loo*e vines eseape, trailing mt ift*. Mrat measure anmtid the neck '
AuUmfi Loaf Cakaa.
hoard hMU to took bars* ThankOod , toast St boors old.bai not stale enoogh
Pumpkin Ways.
the »ix<- of the collar, then' Two' cup*
lor tha happlnaaa. tbe peaes. the rwt to he dry. Season wtih salt and pep­
The pumpkin pie ahare* honor* halt a cup of chopped nuts and vanll-'
tut—urc Ironi Jus! lehtad one- ear oh'-half leaven aalt. one teathe froedom from aaffering. tbe Joyooa per and moisten sllghUy with melied with the Thankaglvlng turkey, there­
ariiund the front of th- neck id'jnsi *poon raid waier. Mix all together,
UMfui Household Hinu.
arriM Chat to that cm's good for- boner. V Caron are derired. one fore a few good and tried recipe* may la. This sauce is sometimes also packpail and buried in ice: or It
U-hliid the oiber
Sour brerdboard lightly, roll the mlxtona. and be ^od. oh. so gtod that, on1\'ben celery i* high and you <
of sage and n large. Ane- be of Intereat.
may be served with the plain whip­ )t often wJTord il and yet if >-ou !
Xow O.-if-'ium- the depth you ;wlsb lure Into a large.-very tbin sheet. Mt
Uha the heart-braken people of Are- ly chopped onion makes an agreeable
Pumpkin Pie—Select a amnll. Ane- ped cream.
ralinr.t.i I-- in,
In tront.
Iron in back, aod »'»h » '-harp hnlle two loch *quarra.
ll for flavoring roup*. <
grained pumpkin. Steam or bake It
Thankaglvlng Plum Pudding—Three plan: Wash well all leaves and part*'under ih. ami ih.-n mark It off and drop few 'at a Ume to dev*p hdt
O'hav* the rent of jMr tamDy to love
celery dreeelno.
until perfecily tender, then
pint* of milk, eight egg*, one cupful of
tough (o- tabfc use Put t,ne»e'in 'on the ir.<»leriai The lower edge of laid; when brown pn one side turn
and work tor. Do not tot aelAdi grtaf
Baachnmt and Anstont Drenatog- through a colander. To a p|nt of the
the ,<,iiar nm-e bf straight to make over, ren.nve from frying pan. pul to
' togar. one pound of ralains. one-half
a make you over­ Remove the shells from one quart nuts.
pan and dry »low ly In
Blfted pumpkin add one quart of rich cupful of butter, one leaspoonful of
well. Mark on the goods the more I'lavet; when all are done
look Ihe bteaalags which ttlU sar- BoU until aofL Drain and Vnaab and
Roll into pjwdi-r. strum through a
milk, three weU-beaten
to remov.-any lumpy pit-(-<-* sir. of ti.e o.iiar. and wDh a pencil ►prlBkle wl'h powdered auear. You
ttoond yoa. Bat thoM are the greater J add salt, pepper, and a generoua lump ,nj,j| cupful w. sugar,. one
..-v ----- ---------loaf of baker's bread.
Slice tbe
MosalBM at TbaahnglrlBg day.
in a .l-y can or jur that ran make ,a d»i for tin- helglil in front., *111 have a large platter of the nuM
of butlerABd It la ready for the tur- of ginger, tbe aame of einnaioon. and bread, removing the crust, spread it
yon wlU take tbe tine between
be cloaei to all air. TbI* i* nlr-' add- hack and lehind ihe ears t'ot the deiiclou* cookies tbait the most drtl1 of aalL Line two
keyhalt a 1
rlnplDg the npp-r edge to c.tle siomach can digest.
The hot
with softened butter. Seed the rais­
nnd Thaakagtring to role n paper, todsoups. *t'!W-s. or salads. ThU i.< collar
Oyster Dreaetog—Mix one qonrt of deep pie Un* with good paatry. ponr ins. place them in the mUk to tbe
gar like, and write the UCtlc happlfk.- cheaper ahaii and Just as good *► follow the dots, and ro'ilng the lower -lard make* 'hem grow Into the moat
ed?.- rir^igbt. BiQ- some '-dlar sup lot-ly ►bap--, th;.! r.f.wnble tsllaa
the WU of daily -"*»■«««» aad *'"•'* ar*>aha with one quart oyatera. to tbe pumpkin mixture, sift a little double boiler And scald. Beat the celery flavoring sold In slorn*.
sugar nnd a dusUag of nutmeg over
egg*, add sugar, Uren add to the boil­
Jay In oos coiUBn while planning to {D***” ®®
The care of lamp* is an eitrinicl; po.-t« a[nd afier the collar has been'
the top. and bake until Arm to tbe
ing milk with Mit and vanilla.
write the dtocowagmeet* In the oth- “P
Imporian; deiall in the oiHchofil.-m of fivl>li-<I and wwed to the waist, wew
center and a golden brown.
Oatmeat Hurryupa
[c.n>--ln under earh“-af ami-one in the
V tha Med
— vO! kaon voor pea P®PP®<’
,- well a deep pudding pan.' put In
rnlos it fulfil!*
Pumpkin Fritter*—Select rather
I.. eup o! tlty rolled oats
Uyer of soaked bread and acatter duty of Liiratog cl.-*rly and brigL-.iy.' ba. k. If you wish to lurk the collar
small oval pnmpkJna. Cut them to
ceresll, one
ratotos over It; then more bread and a Ump i.« of no use whatever 'r let UiM-nlon into It. you
which tooned np tUl they thranten- ‘ eottolng with aqnal parts of oyater Uqlong, square Angers, pare and lay ratolns untlfall are used, having the
twu teaspoons of link►
ai 4a eovsr tka wboto sky with thslr
caniio' fiilLll tnis duty unle>» xfl of,'
U the turhey to aUffed with anyof them to a dish. Sprinkle with aalt. and Iasi layer of bread. Bake In a slow . part-' an- kept tn-e from du-i and
! powdi.-. une ublespootr of sugar.
Anito etooda. arm dlrtoAto to Importlet
P iesHiMon of salt; mix and rub to
a aa rapidly that yoa wiU Ml
dreaatoga aaeapt the oyater try
hour*. Serve with hard
Sour Milk In Saking.
; lamp b
I- large lableapoon of good beef (at
hnvn time to get thtoogh with
the bird ramptotely wKh thin dish from time to time. Drain the
dlsagr-eaWe oily odor, and there II'labber l.ight Bread—Take Ot
wipe with n cloth, and
bu ter at--l lard. MoUten with oneand tbe other wlU
**>t POrA Wrap a piece
no leak or o;b«-f nbvicu* def-.-t. itslcrtck of fresh clabber, and pat H c
half cup uf mUk. fcmalng a ratfana blank. It to. after Ml. tbe
esA tog aad faaten neoirely them over with Sour or «ery
t.uile It-iS heating, sift ot
Thervkaqlvrinq Surpeiaea.
bread crumba. !Pry a tew at a time to
duugb. drop lu small blscuiia and
Hide thing* of life whldi odd an
mui-b as possilde. pu! the f and
bak.- :;(i minutes in a bot oven.
matto to lia aw total of Joy or nor- with water, slightly salted- Rmnore
a kettb. cover Ibein wiih'.oo.- table.pooni
er give a bit of excitemeUL to even
iDem with n IttUe aalt. nnd aerve^oo
co'd wr.!-r to which a handful oTwash jtabl-.qvounhil of »ugar. Strain the
row. Jnat as an expartmnnt open the porh n halt boar before nerving
member ol tbe family la to have
heated dtoh.
and baste every Ave mlnuto* with
Washing Overall*.
little present for each one bidden tog soda ha-s beet, added, and bring j whey from 'he bOiled clabber, and
Pumpkin Pudding—Take a pint
If. when washing the men'* oversO*.
Re.T.ov the parts, and afw-r! pour it tihe wheyl boillng-bot over
It wm AD yonr benrt no fuU of hnppl- melted batter.
cooked pumpkin and add a pint of away In a novel manner, to be dlscov
New Engtand BtutAng—Melt half
►crabbing brwb U used, they wiU
aam nnd hMp ID tbe who)* world
drv Inc thoroughly, a.ijust them Very ' th-- flour. S ir until perfectly smooth
cap.M of butter to two-ihlrda of a rapot be dlfflralt to get clean Soap the
Soak one small cupful of dry yeast
wRh Joy.
often ;hi" trea'rovnt is all tha!
.> of bolUag water, add twO:thirdt of butler, and one fourth of n pound of For instance, a ataaU Inexpeaalve •'smelly' lamp rt-<|Ulre». All lamps and when the bi^er i» cool and the brash and lay the ovcrslU on the
. Add B teaspoonfol trinket can be hidden to eatto Indlvldcupful of senlded mlw* and
should be bulled in this way but once veasi dlsrolv<-d add the yeas! and beat wasbdmard aad Bcrhb with 'the brash
RaoA Ocas*. Bagltoh Buffing-A two cuptuto of erseker crumbs, aes- of powdered mn<* and etonamoa 1 ual tmndy bov or to a bunch of Sowand
they will 'oe clean with half (he .
a month.
•Md seeaa nboonSa to pln^Mthm noned wlib oaa .pepbar and sage, wi.»A together. hMf a grated natmeg. ' era bealdc each plate. Mock pumpkin
Salt fleh are best (resbened by soak­ the winter gind In' a tool place in tbe rubbing. *ni is 1* a great help in washvery (pie* served before the real dessert
tbirrfrrr to iking year salaetlon R’ban waD mUad add one agg aUght- and eight eggs beaten antD
summer. WTten the sponge Is light, Ing overells that are greasy (lom ma- ing to aonr milk.
toak waU to tka ptofanlhera. aay* tba ly baatan.
•ill lour qturu ol Sour, add one Urge. dhlnery.
to'getoer. twu tote n hattorod podding thMi. haadkerehteto. tone. tonKtver I Ffwtoly powdered charcoal oat tin
- urian. AM aae
Brm Ornvy-Poor off toe








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