Grand Traverse Herald, March 20, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 20, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tl.«* A YEAR.

g OB Bnrk« clTisc ap
bN amt ntbw tbaa duiDplottiig r
'cRRM that be 41d not dees r1«bt. Mr.
CariDodr said: “ir oslr oar repr*seatatlves asd atatetneD held oplaloRs like Burke's, thes we weald dm
jha*e so masr wbo. like weather
Field to ererjr chance
HU MeUllena to ladia.
In speaklnc ol Parke's relation
the affairs or India and the i
ot Warm HasUnsB. Ur. Carmodr, after drswlof a pletare of the
deraalatlon of that Und hr the BncUab trades companies, said that
realltr It matured lltUe to Burke or
to the world what happened to Hasttecs for be snoeeeded in s



Und wu then told, “And no man <
did more to bnnlsb the eerpeot
discord. fBsUce. enry and hatred from
the Irish heart and home.'
Mr. CoreU.
8L Patrick not only instnwted the
Irish la reUgkm but opened schools
as wrtl. teaching the Istln letters and
so well did he do the work that the
Latin Is the aJphsbet of Ireland
Mr. Oorell next gave a abort his­
tory of St. Psirlck sutug that be
»u bom In the Inner aart of
third century, his bther being
Roman soldier sod hU mother a Oal
ulsh captive, k'ben Bl Patrick wu
boy, be wu captured and taken
the DOrth of Ireland.
France where he studied that
he ml^i return and teach the Irish
He secured the appoint
and bU first cathedral wu a bam.
The shamrock Is the Irish national
Bower uid Hr. Cerell because 8i
Patrick used It to teach the Trinity
the Pktber. the Son and the Holy
Ghost, three In one.
Africa ever feels grateful to the
BmefaJd Isle for many of her great
men have come from there. Id every
walk of life, the Irish are found fill
log their places abd filUng them well
Tke Irishman loves liberty and there
Is no greater ntteranoe than the words
of the Irish,
I^tiia Henry wbo Uid. “Olve
liberty or give me death'
In closing. Mr. Covell said that 8t
Patrick wu not only an luplratlon
to Ore Irtih. but an Inaplratlon
patriotism and love of country

«t MrlohY Oay ffrwffrsm Was Ablr
Oarrlsd Out, Caeh Number On
Bnrke tangbi the leeeon that AMt
the ffrwpraw. Being Cxeeptlea bare rlghu and that BoropMns
BeMlIy Wall OHwiL
have obllgsUons; that a race is bound
obaeWe and he the hichest mor­
The Qtaad opera house was foil to ality of the Itinee In all lu deaUaa
the doon Toss day nlsht.tha evept be- with A sablect race aad bis (eacMngi
tag the 'annosJ fft Patrick's day c«le- are beartne fmtt In our land today
hnUaa ot the lauaacnlau Conoeptloa Id the Jut. ganeroBs and merclfnl
treatment of ow deimndant ooloalee.
flYH tadadtif two i
a tnll if
The Pretteh Ptevelutlon.
lataroat. the apaa^aia balii« Hon. MarThe speaker pointed ost that many
tlB H. Caraody. of Oraad Baptds, and critics and sdmlreri of Rdmand Burke,
the Baa. OeerBe O. OoreO. of Trar- held that he wu inconsUUnt in uponoisa. y
hojdlnc the AnertesD rerolutkin and
Tha flrat Bombw on tha prograa opposing the French reroluUon. but
was a audUy of lilah airs hy Stew Burks's position wu expressed when
-.arfa oreheatTa. TUa orAcatra fom- be bald that Sberty U but aaolher
iaa tha Me lor tha aranlac and name for Jnstice and when there Ui
separation between liberty and
the aMsattaas vara aot only well
>utlce. neither In bM opIniOB wu
tacly that the appUase ' > Uheral safe. With Borhe. liberty did noi:
license and rights, rwrenge;
After another much enjoyed selec­
lha aaccBd anaber was “Voices of goremnsent did not menn eompset
tion by ttae orchestra, the scarf drill
and reBglos mere reason.
■»!««.“ Babeiwtefn's Melody In
wu given by nine firla This wu
Burke, forneelng the greet
Tkla «aa gtyaa by nhoot one faasdiwd
HtUo Hiis nad boys aad was not only Mters that would follow the course of one of the pretUent drills of lu kind
pratty hot the soof was well snne the French rerotutlott. ireee u an ever seen here, the difficult poses b«and the Male fotks raeelred maeh ap- Inipliing pro|diet and streUbed forth tng with a natural ease and grace
chat made the applause come easily.
ptaaae, Tha gronplnc was Tery pret­ his right hand and pointed
ty, the Tait^Mored ooMnmee oSerlnc cloada that were gathering afar off ThU was followed by the chores.
-Just a Bit of Doth Bn It's the Red.
a Yory pMaatag oonbaat.
and Ibreatenlng to break u too
Wfalte and Blpe“ sung by the young
Tha third anaiber was a heastlfnl ly they did.
folkt In an Ihtpiring manner.
Boike wu not Inronsistent In hli
'' thias. betac a ‘Star-Sbasnroek’ drilyost before the eloring number hy
golldWhea the enrtala want np. Id yonas
Ute ordieetra. Father Bbeehan thank­
' dirts aam «a tU daaae eaefa bear- lag his couru by those euraal prin
the andtence for their attendance
tac a a ataMXdstad wand. AfUr a elpMa of undying truth and for orer
oonUnning by wying that "Ton may
year be labored anousingly to preaonber of fneefal eroloUoas, a targe
think It etrange for a clergyman to
troop of atOl analler dils with their pare his “Raflectlou , ID the French
•raw aa staaaAUhat-tfoey faawnhlad B«volhtIOB“ whl^ wu translated Indoe of chrach and aute does
d ta and drftlad to. emry langnage on
mean the aaparatio of rellglen and
with tha etdor aMMras. tha eartoea and changed the <
politic*. Toq cah't separate religion
swelling to ae
laaieaiaiite lwti| sHaa with a akUl Which had
and poktlea any more than yon
that showed eatofal aad. lorlnc traln- Freoch eaue.
separate aoraUty and religion The
.tag OB the part ot thoae tn charge,
Burke wu not
I In de- sdeitce of polltlos U u mneb i
^arthi H. Carmody.
Bonnclag the French revolntlon.
ter of rellgleo u any of the free acU
Tte arabeetra thea played a Urrty •tata can be eondneted on lU prlnot man and by carrying out thU Idea,
air aad the Bar. ^ i. Stwebaa, paetor elplM,M^lt bolds that the object ot
a man can but serve his country and
of tha cAareh. tetrodaoed Hoc.
govenMBt Is liberty whereu the tme
his God.
Da K. camody. of Oraad Baplda, toil- fhject of gomrament U Justice.
The man whom we have lUtened
lag ika pieasm that he felt U tntrocan
tont^t Is well worthy of our bent
ffwrtng the epeahw for a aeomd U«e.
support for coagreuman of the SaevMr. Oaraody harlag apokaa bar* two
MstrleL If you allow anything
rears aga.
Thu Burke in devoting Ha life to
ceme between him and you. you
The speaker took aa hit enhjeet thoae three great oaoua of humanity
*Mirad aortta* aad for
always with copslatoney sustalnjag are BoL doing your duty- (applanae)
hoar hold hla aadlaaee eloaaiy while the prlDol^es ot right Jnstice and Ub- Tour dclegaUon ahould be aolid and
he detailed the life of thM great erty hu made for hlmsdt a place u ouImT firmly in the support of Mr.
IrlahMaa. Mr. CMody M a flaani the greatMt etatuman and moral OovelU'
Tha finale by the (
apeok^ aad h^ anlMa was a Sadah- force that the world hu ever known.
od aad potMhad oae. sort a aaa aa M He never yielded tc the whispering pleted the program.
-a raai plwiBre ts lutaa to.
of flnttery. the plandJU ol the pnbi^tw WalAlH a Mogra^ of Mthe eednclng tppeaM of ■
Mnd Marha. Mr. Catatpdy thea deali popular cause.
wtth kM ttfe M deallag with thive
TAen B. Veraey Legg came on the
iffreat wortd oreats: The rIgbU of
the iaiericaa ooloalee, the wrooge with applanae and wheiT he twd coullMpaaed ea tha people of ladto end elnded, be wu celled >>»* again.
tha OYlM aad enaaeea of tha Ptaoch His first number wu “BHieve Me It
Thoee Bndeartng Toung Charms.'
The epsaker pHated Ml bow the the beaaUfnl poem of Tbueiu Moore
I people most alwaya revere | making a <
on the
the pra|« etead taken by Burke tn aadlenoe. It being snog to the air of
Aefiaae V the eolontea aad that the {“My Lodging's on the Cold. Cold
pntrtode Migtlihmsn u truly rwramlQround.' For his eecend number he
the stand Uken by the Amertean j gave. “Kathleen Aroon.“ an^er Irish
patriota. .The pelhleal Ustortsns ef song.
today aekBOwMga that had the
Oeorge a CevelU
Father Sheehah then Introduced
tOM la their etragH* *tth the mother' Hoe. George G. Covell. cxpreulng the
ceatry. there wonM have followed ^ hope that he wu Introdoclng the
with their dsffMl the Mat of conatlto-1 cougreumAu from the Seventh dis- Father Oeldcn'a Subject Was “Re­
ligion and Education In Ireland'
ttoM] Ufaerty In BogUnd and that tn [ irtct. the annourreement bringing forth
—Musical and UUraVy
e way. the Jut and fair erttlc much npplaue and Hr Oovell also
woBld have to admit that It t
being given an ovation.
«e MdmnDd Berke that there
Mr Covell aunred bis bearers that
BL Palrlfh's feut day wu appro­
arooeed H HHM&d a eenUment
pleuure to be present and
favor Ot the J
I and ^I address then and aaid that i > part priately cwlebrated Tueeday night t>y
t the perty and ^ of the prprram, except that In which 8t. Frauds rtiurcb In the City opera
a large audience gaihertng to
policy cd the king. Therefore It cas' be appeared, but that pleased him
Jaatly be eoodeded that without the: very much ConUnulng. the speaker bear an address bv the Rev. Pr. J
(}olden. of N'eueo CMy, upon "Re­
s little eenbarraw« W Bdmond Burke ^ sUted that It wu ______
H IBgIsad to aeeare ftteoda for the ing for him to appear before the audl- ligion and Bducatlos of Irelsod."
The Rev. Ft. Golden war Introduced
eokmiea. thea Antprtcan Uberty would
by Professor W. P. Needham, who
aot hare beea eeeured at that time.
spoke of the love which AuhtIc&hs
Friend or Irelend.
meat that be wu a candidate for
The tpeakar auted that Bdmnnd grau. He said be would not do so have for great men no msticr when
or where they were bora. In wbat sgc
fcrke bad been crtUalaed onJnsUy | because the tact that he''^
they lived, or whom they served
finr not devoUag sufflrtent of his en- dldatc had prevtously been man
“Bvary noble work and heroic deed
erglas to the ca>,u of Ireland. Bat all over the dfstnet.
Haaya the eouetatent| Referring to the slgnlfieucw of the Ella Of with gratitude." be said. “We
blend of thr land of hu birth and day, the epuker told a hnmoroaa therefor* ionlght%>iD with men of all
naHons tn celebrating the annlveraary
eapeelal attention wu celled to -the Iritb etery following this with
feet that he fearleaely gave
hit,tribute to the tUnaoiooa Bu Patrick Of the feast day of St Patrtek,
t bceanse the Brto- and his Uhon tn the Irish natioa. gresuesi apostle of the Bmerald Isle.*
LioyaRy For SalM.
ney whirti he repreaent- The speaker then aUted that be wu
Id bis opening remarks the Rev.
ed. objected is Baike'e attltnde ta re- half IiMh. his wife bMng of that
Pr. Golden spoke of the loyally of the
gard to the eappon of the najust nationality,
tndo town egiHsi Ireiand. He alao
HUtory loses lu sober
tlnU Irish peo(fie for iheir patron aalnt. ae
NudfeMly opposed the penal lews and in speaking of 9t Patrtek. p(«pls na earth balng more loyal than
- - • d and the Irtah p*»pie. “Wherever we see
saws ta Ike -talrtu Bor out- tegeods. The story of bow ^ good the Irtohmra wearing tha green bis
k In aw.
aaiat hatasbid the iMkee tram Ire- heart M awelHag with pride that be



is the eon of St. Pntiick. Hence men
nnd womra of every nation on that
day nnfnri the fisg ot green.'
in spreklng of the great change

uw k.. UA„ pi..» u, 1„|„J

giving people than the Irish.
have so ill feeling against Boglaad.
a&d they are trying to forget the rais­
^ Bigllah govemment


-m . tirt W1,«* |» tb, tor-


tie to., weterte., h. oil to iwt:
" >»'
"'W” ““
“Ah. Irelud. Und of my fathers. their c
An excellent program
When I look upon yon aad see what
J are, and i n back the pages ot the following numbers bdng given:
glowing history. 1 hardly Imagine "‘SeiecUoo by the 1
bow such a change hu taken place.
Vorel dDK. "Come Back to Erin'—
It bad been afle«ed by the harterous
jjisses Albius snd Helen Dton.
cmelty of your miera Ireland bU| instrumental solo, ' Irtsh Medley-—
always been the suppliant the U!ss Maude Lafayette.
, the poverty stricken i , Vocal duet "Kathleen Mavoumt
ito. .h., .b. bo. 1.. 0.« .b, -A.
Cook. U.0
free and preeperons nation, norelDg'
ReclUtlon. -Jimmy BuUer and the
religion and science, and she wu the
Owl '—Miss Knte Doekeray.
center of edacaUon, of Bnrepe's com­
Centmta Oreppid On Three
Moblo orchestra. "Irtsh Alra.'
merce, trading with porta of the
Men In OecMja Mine—Fred AitVocal solo. "Too Late-—MMa Al­
Mediterranean, with Egypt, Cathage
dereen, ,Out ef Werti.
snd Spain.'
Hung HtmaeN.
Moblo orchestra.
Ancient CendlUona
The speaker took up the phase ofi Vocal quartet -Meadows GrMn“—
Orecnvillr March !».—Fere MaeIrtsh ttfe 2.000 years before Christ. - Uresre. Coates snd Otdbard. Missel 'queue freight train No. 12 mnntag
and gave a brief outimr of the condl-1 Albina and Helen Dion.
[ over thirty miles an hour etrock a deUoss sj they existed st that time. | Tbe Moblo orchestra, which N com raller here early this medolng and
bringing his story down the centuries posed of Hiss lues Moblo. Ilrat vMln, ' plied up care a^i thirty feet highto the present time, speaking of the ■ HUs Nettle Moblo, harp, MUa Mamte , Herman Dehart,‘a fireman, wu badly
trials and struggle* which the little j Moblo. cello, and Irving Moblo, fiu^, hurt.
isle suffered from the bands of tbe'was ssrtsted by John.Mlknla, coraet.
The care took fir: cEC the fire de­
oppressors, her triumphs and her j Charles Ftirtsch, clarinet. Miss Ruth partment brre frught the flamca and
istery of the arts and sdeuees. She I Adams, second vlcltn. Sam Bchott- eiiccctdtd In amothcrlrg the fire bw
ua a clvtltxed race, but the word'berger. third violin, and Maude
fore an oil tank car wu rex bed.
c^:|UuUon la not uaed In the tame: fayette. piano. The aelectloos were
M’ne Aeeideni.
manner that It la today, be said. The well chosen and executed In a manCalumet. Urreh I»—One man wu
Irlih people In the early centuries un­
r that pleased the audience.
killed today and two acrloualy In­
derstood bubandry aad agricoltare.
jured in the old Oaceola mine, a
ture of cloths and dying.
cable breaking and dropping a ear
wesvleg, the forging of meUIand eootenU on thrre men aeveral
perhaps the oldest nation of the
hundred feet below.
world with the aeepUon of Cbloa, It
Hung HiRteeif.
hu beeo sAld. No uailon In the
Maikrg^ci. Marcb 19.—Fred Ander­
world hu so many records and his­
son, aged 51. aulclded early thU moratories u hu Ireland. Ireland wu
Ing by hanging hlmeelf to a rafter tn
ccltlvsted people. A place wu glvtbe vroodsbed. He wu deapendmt
1 to the scholar. Music wu cousld HEAVIEST IN THE HISTORV
over tbe lack of finaneni and^ wu oat
the city.
ered among the arts sod do msu was
of work.
educated unleu he had become accompHshed In that art
isitODs were worshipping Idols
Irish were worshipping the elcmeDit. {
1.1W, H. Snpc.n.. B-lm ’ „epu„.|CAN INTOLLMEKT WA,
‘ They* were also a warlike uailon ;
But It wu Cbrtsctanlty that took thej
•word from the hand of man and in-1
-----------iplred him with the desire of puce.“ auny Demoersta Annouaeed a Change Net Weerylfig About tba PtKure and
Advent of Saint
Republican Faltb—Total
the County la CaHttg For
The tpenker here gave v brief Ca­
DcraUe 'Enrellmant
lory of (be advent of 9t. Patrtek who
was Light
captured l|y the Irish off tbe
FTom Thnr*4ay« Roeort.
The regUteraUOD Tuesday and
coast of Prance at the age of 16 and
Happy as tbe day la long althoogh
Weduesday wu the beavieat In tbe molherleas and charges npon the
taken to the uonh of Ireland 8t
Patrick waa a lad of noble birth, but hutory or the city except whan a county, finding a temporary home
be wu put to tbe Uak of feeding complete rc-reglstratlon hu been nee- with tbe family vof Mark Craw, who
swine, serving his muter six year*, easary. The romptete registration for provides the dstentloa home tor de­
after wtfieh be eacaped, only to re- the first wards wu M9 which wu di­ linquent children of the coonty. two
after 20 years u a coeaeerated vided u follows:
inUe children, a brother and tastor.
priest, a bishop, devoting the remalndwere seen today by a Record report­
•r of bis life to converCng the Irish Second er and they stopped long enengh In
people whom he bad Iranied to love. Third ..
r pUy to ttal something of them"History records (he succeaa of his Fourth
mission." said the speaker. "He con­ Fifth . .
The boy, whose name Is Bay
verted the whole Island. After be
Jacobs, ts nearly lO years old. and he
had done this be died, one ol the loott
foUI ..................................................S&i Is very prood and fond of hla atx•yea^
remarkable men on the pages of ec
Wbat the mqah-'ag ol Ula ta not
cleslaailcal hlston' "
known of course b’Jt probably the
"He oot only brought the boon of local option Qoretlon ud tbe oppoMreligion to Ms people, but tbe hand­ tion re It hu a bearing OD the gitater.
maid ef religion. edueaUon
ion founded upon sanUment Is u
The enrollnent prAents an Inierfickle as sentiment Itself. But re- Mtlng study Id ail five of the wnrdi.
Hglon founded In the rational pan of In the First ward, 1T» republleana and
Is eorvinclug. and when man If IS deinocrau either enrolled or re­
convinced, nilgton will abide rolled. Id ifato ward, six ladapeBd- LEFT LAKE ClTV PRUON BDME
Time Thursday.
with him. St Patrtek did ot go with ents announced Ibelr alleguca to tbe
the Bible In one band and tbe sword republican party one Indepandent
In the other and shoot religion Into stated that he was a democrat and
(be uDchyUilsn nation,
and one prohlblUonlai enrolled
among them as their teacher, show- republican
the folly of serving false
Buend Ward.
gods, and laucht them of the
In the Second ward. 250 repubtlmaa
Cod wbo rules the universe. By such
were enrolled and not a single demohe Instilled Christianity
. seven lndep««d-l
their hewrta. not by fear, by persecuts changes Id republicans and
|. ----------- -----------n„t ► -------- Net Coras Her*
ig them, but bj- conviction
itabllshcd Bchftols where children democnits t k, tepublicana.
received their tnStnicUon in chrlsllan
Third ward.
Wat Held D" Burglary
rard. 265 people rw-mrolled
‘•‘Cation upon which depenls tbe wel-1
every osaon Through such'
means he Introduced Christ Into Ire­ Fou-'eer drmorrat. changed U> repob- ; From Thursday's Record.
land. The Irish, being nsTurally an flrahs. two prohibiUoDiMs to republi-! 1--.;: i':>sard >i.-. j..:> he<a la lull
< l:y awa.tlng trial for burgIntelligent people, had found no sat cans, reven :ndepend<-Dts to republi jat
Ufactlon In wnrvblpplng the elements cans. lire -g.A.u goverumeat" to re- larij.n a .aloon on the night of Febpjt'lrin atd one independent demo- nta-v 5. hrok» )pII «ome time laat
No Btoedahsd.
rr‘i l.'v.-n the bourr of 11 and I
• Although the Irtsh were s wtrllke era- to r.-piibUran
o'clock thU morrlng Bherlfr Waltoa
people Ibis little Island of Ireland Is j
Fourth Ward.
tbe only country on earth where I In On- Fourth ward, there were 162 ;'>'>'*«»■'»
J«*nson and the sberpolice are on the lookout for
Christianity took effect wlthoat blood ! republicans enrolled and 13 demo-11®
ID Bllhougb they do not believe
shed. Her soil Is not desecrated hy I rrs-s
Four crmorrais announced ' Ift"
e will come to Ihia city where
tbe Mood of a single manyr she i that they were now republicans. 11 in-,
Hla wife, formerly
bllcana. eight .
bowed her bead
devotion that has been her life The independetna repuM;cans to republt- B<'ulah Ward, of this city, who vu;tcans
recently lu the lail. It now in
spirit of warfare ChrtsUbnit.v did not
i Grand Rapida
take from them. Again they go forth to democrat
Howtrd"la five feet II lncb«* In
from their shore* in armor, armed In­
height, has blue eyea. and
deed but with boly acrlplore and sup1 enrollmeni,
iiurel faltb, to Implant in man the of 209 republicans, three democrat ' black keraey ■ I and tUff l
sublime blessings, not by abooUog It one prohlblUonlai land one jD^egeS
into them, but by humane agenu. per
■najdtm aad a prayer. Vhst a genMr. end Mr*. A. J. Miner, ef Bilvi
t-rona task History does not record






Its eqtuL'
Tbe speaker auted that he did not
wish U be mlaundemood when he
•poke of the Engtlab government, aa
be did not mean the Bngilab people,
to whom be paid a glowing tribute
"How can an Irtohmaa be expected to
lore the BigUah fovemment when be

Mary A. Miner. t»e lUtle fiaugbler
{of Hr and Mrs. Ama J. Miner, died
Lawrence Payne, the Infant eoo of. Wednesday afiemeon at 2 o'clock
Mr. and Mra. Homer Payne, died yes I tbe home at Silver take. She waa
lerday at the home <» the Weak Bay : is months old. The fuaera] will be
road, at tbe age of owe alontha and ' held Satnrd^ afternoon at l:S0 from
three days. The funeral will be held | tbe eburch st Grawn. Two eoua and
tomorrow aftemooo at 2 o'clock at | a daughter are left (be bereaved parBon ef Mr. and Mra. PayrM Deed.


MJ ■

t Faduenb and tbs

Port An Priac*. Marrt Xt.'—Ttgm
!w wnrahipa atrlvad lb tbs hni^
today although the aitimtion caattenSs
to remain pearetnl. Tb« tatsta obliB
to arrive are the Amertean ganhaBt
Paducah, the cmMer DreMolaSB Bad
the Begtlah cruiser Creasy.

Mr*. Msrths Grey
“Yoke Besrerv' At Hortbpsri

Mra. Itartha Gray, of 4ta Dpoth
Unioa etreet. gave bar laetsra, Tha
Good Blahop of D------“ St Mortta
port. Wedseaday avoslag tor tha b*»
efit of tbs -Toke Bssrer*,- a dBM ot
yoang men who kavs b
by the Nortbport Cot
tor, tbe R«T. Mr. BsbtalL The Mo­
which U uksb trm Yisiar
Hugo's "LM MMcrablsa.- is of • Ugb
order aad 1* full of many hsaMttal
thoughts which Ml*. Gray hmusssi
In g charming gnaaasr. U «*s b traat
wUefa *■• thor^ghly saJdysA.
Tbe Toke Bearon U a rtab pea*
paced of aboot twenty yoosg aos
whom tbe paator U aiding Is rantadsg .
higher susdnrd of Jlrtng. Thtar
motto la; “Baeb roka baarar Santa
pnftonn bit part of tha mart.-


DOS Was Hssd OR CtaUtasa WMta
ts Other Oosattad D« B CiMB.
Wm tbs RssMil,
CoMieUevine, P»- Mairt IR—tlMbS
persons were serfoiisty tB}va« Snd
many snsUliied braMss wbs* two
strert ears on tbs Wota Pen ifi&tnF
crashed wgethsr hssd<m bssr Fiytat*
■UUos lodsy.
Ttn tasre Hbrt
PbUsdelphls, Msreb ID.—Tsa
sons wore lajorsd. aoos sartouty,
when s Sixth tafsst tratlsy mt
creabed Into a MsHMt street tta «B
a crossing tbU mortlsg. Orest »
cllement resuKed tor s slfert tlBS.



Or>s Man Paid BAfiOD M FiMS BRB
Lsgfftre Mimt Go.
Springfield. Mo.. MsfCb lA-B*.
port* received here frpm sevM*!
It are known ss the low­
er Uer of aouthem Mlweart countte*
abow that ilnce they have adopted
local ojdlon there baa been a peralrtent effort to aell Hqoor through boot
leggera. ollnd tigers and other elandeatlne cbannele.
hill section* have become aetlva. To
meet tills the tnti-llqoor element has
grown Rggreaslve. and the deterttlnaUoD 'ui enforce the law la declared
Willi empbaal*. In Bhannon eonnky
John Harlow was cotvicied on sever­
al rounu of selling liquor, and five
fines were imposed aggregattag 94#500 in addition to the fines be wa*
tent (o Jail for six month*, in tha
aane coumy John Bty Waa fined IBM
on the same charge. The people la
Shannon aad other ceatMa have pot
tbe ban on the liquor trsBc and de­
clare they will enfovee tbe law to tb*

Admiral to Haul Oonssi FUg cfi Rretal
ing Ban Frsnidaaa BeoauM of
Hie IK Haoltb.
San Olego. CbliL, Msreb IT.Admiral 1
reUremeat from the oavy bwwai ta
in kealtb. Ho wfU bnl tewK bN ftag
reacbiog 8aa ni^lil'lb


TMadtjr mad TtUmj


I Mra. & A. JfoUaMwOf Maakegoa. CUBS P«T dot
NoatraaAt belim pot «a foe tead‘
arrived thU aftMoaa and foU later SmeK. per Ib..................................... foej^ hate conH for the cminiy
' that he hada’t'; antfcad any­
tor Bhfon where abe «tU vieU raU- Sataaoa spawn, per Ib.....................Me
th^ wrweg with tha ehtM aaoi wifotirea. She Wa* aee^panled by Mr. Fresh Maehervi. per Ih ...
ia a week when the child aeemed to
ptcba>e»'*^ofAcc, la the cl’y of, the probate otAoe. fo''the cHy of
and Mra. Kllman.
grow poorer. Dr. BdmnBde, however.
Traverse Cl:,. Id said oounl.r. no the 1 Traverse City, '
teaUAed that every organ of the child
-. Mleh. March 17.—Don’t for­
la perfect eoodltfon bnt no food get the entertalttmeot at tbp charefa
toBDd.ln the etomacb. abowlng March rr by OecetAa Pooler. Ttu
that it had afowly sUrved to death. Udy lx a ABC efoc^rtfonlat and cornea
’ ! bW FUh. a Minor
Wheo the child wee hom. It weigh­
CarolltM- Pl»h, batlog Oled lo sa:d'
ci.iiri her petition pnt'tng tor llpens.ed aevea gad oaeAatf ponndi and at The Rebekah and Odd Fellow From Thursday's Record.
her pettOof’iBMlAg' that Mid
.............. W,t<- sell a prhal.-sale tbe loterest ot
the Use of lU daaa. the poor Rule lodgca gave a progreealre pedro party Chlcoga. March 19.—Cloee—TYheat,
adjudlrate and deietmUe who
.................lOc,”*'! relate Id certain t.-al .-state
akeletoa weighed bat Are and oaetheir halt laat Saturday evening.
tnerein aeaenneo
*** **tearter poaode. The body bad grown Relreahmeota were aerved. A goodly Detroit, March I*.—Oose—Wheat,
.......... i It U ordered. ,h« tbe Mrd d.v ot | ff'
.......... 5»c>M,^h, A o. 180S. at ten ..'rlock ln'LL*S
toegar bst It wae merely a rack of number waa preeeni and all report a 89c; com. 67t4c; oau. SStje.
........ loCjllii for* Boon, at said prohale ofBre
,, ,
ph.t ihe e*rMl A,.' t
good time.
.......... 15C
sod IS heret y anpotnl.-d for hr.r „iVh
D 19^ at teo '^cl^ to
Chicago. March 19.—Oose—Wheat,
JiuUee Northrop, before whom the
Mlaa Orpha Fralick. of Maple City,
caee wax beard, haa boep-a Jnxtiee for ■pent Sunday with Maymte Salllvao. say a Mg drop In the price of eggs on
the laat U yean, bnt the deUlU of Mlaa Arlte Johnitoa la quite til at account of the dealers being Aooded ricBin h.ddi. ........................
hers. Price IS eenu per doxen whole,
end the eaxe In general,
preeant of an abaceu in the bead.
the worn be hae beard to that lime.
j^jlrald r^-al esute should nol be
' Hr. and Mra. Tice, former realden's sale. Over 50 cars strictly fresh re- Jl-U. OM. P.T Ib ..................
tion of a coiiy of thU order, for three


v_.r- -

k ThoMt Mo. B.

- ■■






I at7.,iBcaL. «Bdw uio Act
mm •( March t. ll».


A QOOO tuoauTioN.

traTOTM atj U tb« home of
Urga anb«r of taveling men who
eorer t^' Moltorr tor moor mllM oa
•Hhor fMa of TraTtMO Otjr. One M
of the boM bttalaoM pUoM lo thii oooMM la I^alanaa eoaoir b«t th« U*tttUrn M arc ooBplMtdof of U>«
a 1ft Umi dircoUofk At tMa OM. abooM a oomNortbport Oama aad BnUeu Bv
aad rctm the aame dar. It woald he
MooaaaiT lar bta lo leave u €;0e
the M. A N. S, so to
^wweat and theo make a honied
drlvo to the tovtte meatkmed la order
lo got hack OB the eoealac train.
mmtT -w them oomplalB that IhU
method. wWe aatalHog the neoeeal^ Of «oerr Hsi. doea not oHow
.aBfMaht «B0 for them to deal with
their •Botomera.
A lassiiHoa hm been made that
‘plan almllBr to that adopted from
. MMoator he laaaceratod hr the
asamaat of the T. & L. A M. railroad.
^ M h utmt. that ahoald a plan be inMtttttad provided rer a moning traia
owt of Trarerae CItjr m leant oooe
araak. enahMag a iwtnm the aame dar
hr rail wmM he a great boon to travallBg mea. alao a great
to the farmen who would avail them
aelvee gf better taclUtlee than they
grpaPW weehUg A pnmlaenl
tnmar oSarad thU eaggeettea to The Breolng Baeord with the
BimmiBt that If the matter were
gomerti hrooght hetore the atteotioB
of the t|Hfili1i of the O. B. A U
aome eDltabte arrangement might be
made that would be of not onljr bene
•C fo-tha travetlsg sataame
.Baao.hnt Ate onr focal
i Urge somber of
/formere u weQ.
It u r^aUapd that it would not ba
prohtabfo.for the railway company
ehaage the Mhedoto at thli Sme but
rlfeaae U raaaea u tha aagspaaon lor
a Ihinw for oae Aar la ea^ »*«k
wrhldi Btehl ha
hr tha 0..B. A L ndlroad oampany.
The Record glvaa pnbUelly to thli
beUevtag that mntual
* atghi be deHved If the matter
a from proper

It of Organicatien.
Tha NeUoaal Protective Legion
held aa etaetfon of ofAcere Taeeday
night and elected the foUowlng ofOcera for the epaulng year;'
Paat preildent—C. 8. Vad*rPrealdeot—A|bram Smith.
Vlco-prealdeni—Mra. Jennie Ump.
Becreury—Mra. Margaret Drxpreia.
Traaaqrer-Charlei 8 Vader.
Bva Smith.
Conductor—Mlaa Nettie C. Gray.
Onard—Oaorge Fnrtaeh.
Sentinel—Mlaa Gayle Grlawold.
Organlat—Mlaa Pearl Little.
Dagraa maater-Mabei White.
Truatee for three years—J. 0.
Afte'e tbe meeting several of the
membera vlalted the Palace and en
Joyed refreahineais.

or thia place, late of Rapid City, have
bought the Van-Wle property and w
move here to tbe near future.
Pierce Welaler, landlord of Hotel
Cedar, has »old out to 1 8 llaliicd.
who will take charge of the hotel
aome time Ihla week, Mr. Welaler and
family removing to Baai Jordan.
Mrs. Herb Cook haa returned from
her rtolt to Baat Jordan.
MUa Lena Brlltlan, who haa been
In Traverve City the paat two weeka
taking medical treatment, apent Sun­
day with her parents returning to
Traveree City again thla morning.
Traverae again yesterday momlnB
Her mother accompanied her.
Mra. Jobniiun waa on the sick list

Hr. and Mra. J Crawly an aaovlng
from here to ^st Jordan where they
will make their home.
Mr. aad Mrs, Henry Cork have purrhaaed a home here and are moving
here from East Jordan.
Mils JvsBi.' Ashly. of Traverae City,
spent Bauday with Lena nrUilan
; Mr. Uothe bought the bouse anJ lot
In this iDwu formerly owned by N.
Reuben McQueer. who has hwn
very ill for some time Is reported
some better.
Btlsworlh Blllman had the nilsfortune to run a rusty nail In bis foot
and Is laid up at present.
A sleigh load »r young people from
n and Craaa and the
Bolon aiSended cburch bere Sunday
Rev. O. E. Lockhart Ware the
Tbe missionary society meets this
week Wednesday with Mrs. Sullivan.
A maat meeting of tbe voters of
KlBcUey waa held In the Kingsley
town ball Tuesday night and listened
for three anda half hours to address,
es ID the Interest of local option. The
Aral speaker waa the Rev. George B
Lockhart, who showed the history of
the preaent temperance wave
waa followed bv Attorney L S. Ba.d
win. who gave a history of dry terri­
tory BcqalMtlon Id Indiana fr^ Arat Decided to Hava a Wooden ~tab«
aa be baa a«rv<Ml as
nacle This Year inatsad of the
proaeentlng attorney la both dry and
wet tenitorq. and has facta and AgThe Rev. A. T Ferguson relumed
nrrs at bU Anger ends.
Attorney George Croti was the laat this monilog from Nortbport where
speaker, giving the focal county last evening he oonferred wiih
aspect and showed the alight Increase
great annual ladlan ramp ni'H-ung.
In taxes compared lo tbe
Of tfS.OOO which the liquor In- The dates for ibis year were Dxed at
teresta take from Kingsley si.d aur- August 6 to ICch iBfIUBlvr
AI the meeting last evening. H was
ronndlDc territory annually.
decided lo erect a great labernaele
There was tren^aduous eniuuslatm



ceivid dally. This Is the lowest prlrv
Id Ave yean. ,

Basi DuBalo, N. Y.. Mareb IS-C-i
f. none on sale, feeling stead)
Vesls, 150 bi-8rt: sMlre. 25c higb.-f,
lo choice veals. 95.5u to »9«m i
Sht-ep. 2fHKi head, active aoil strong
Lambs. 95 50 to 99 25; wethers, 4C.25
96 T5. inlx.-d shc-p. 99.05 to 9C.:5
Hogs. I.TPO U'uil, active at nlcklc
Chicago, March 19.—A Utile l>.-iter
(r.-nDg prevailed, yet Ihciv was no
S|»eclaJ improv.meni Id prlc-s
Bulk, per bu. In car lots—Wiscon­
sin. MIebIgan. or Minnesota. Rurals.
cholee in fancy. 6Tftf.Sc; Durt)
Rurals, or on Dusty order. Ti'CT^c,
ordinary lo good, CSfiCCc; common
showing frost or dry rot. a» to copdl
talon. 59GC2c; Bnrbank*. choice ic
fancy, 55fj67c; If extra Atic possibly
a shade hlgber. Ordinary to good
c-lrfifllr: common, showing frost oi
ilry rot. ss to eondlllon. fiSGfihc, r»-.t
stock, cbo>e lofoncy. esfifitc. If ct
(m Ane insslbly higher. Fair lo goi>d
SSeeic, If poor down lo 5StiCf»r

. .Iifii 15
Ormln. K H. I. P Cp-. Mill.

new«,..per printed and c.t
.|■'.lt,J in said county
Judge of Prot.Ml.
I<''SiiUl<-. ihi-




lutgg.s: for ll„-m 25 ci-BU s

P" “■ .............................. ’
Butter, creamery, per lb ...........
Oleomargarine, per lb ...............
Chw-se. Americas cream, per U
Fscs. per dot..............................
Potatoes .per bu ..........................
Strained honev. per qt..........'....

Feed. H. L. A Co.’a Beat, per 100

Round aiesk
Sirloin ............
Hamberger ,.

gteers and belfera, l.tiwi Iba. ,99SHc
-M H-l"-,-. i»«-.

DRV Teet



Chlckcuf. lire wHght...................T-?'c
Fresh Lake P<sh.
Mackinac iroot ..................................... »• ;
Vhlte Ash ..........................
l.des. green ..................................... l®iv

Spring Weather
Can be had if they are
clothed in footwear made
of leather that is tanned
by a process to resist

'o- > ...........................
lldes. cured. I S f .............................. Sk
allow ...................................................... k


hav*»used New 1>ieci.v-i\ M-v
NII'l I kenw M Is ..... IK-Sl
M, ri,Ildr.-n are subject ... but N.w Disr.ncry q.ileki.v
. le. iliep

Sold ulul. r guafaut.-e
k Soos IlHIlllIlh a- Ijtv.

We have shoes that the manufactur­
ers claim to be absolutely waterproof.
We don't say that they are absolutely
waterproof, but we do say that they are
as nearly waterproof as it is possible to
make leather.


FARMS $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00.
On E«^erms




Cuban Land & Steam­
ship Company.
BniiKb Office,
23iDd 34 PcDlBSOlgr BAAk Bldf..


And spealdng of

Teiepbona Mam

MDO WAS acquiutd :

...TteageoevlUe. M1«h.. March 17.—
At hte yeaterday atlerMon the trie)
'a( Mo. iflBBle Roec. charged witfa
,aU(wtag her a-montheHjld child
.Aaatk. wti poetpoaed naUI Friday
.gmiBlH hecanae of the abaeaee
.9a. MUIa. one of the phyaldane who
.gOtermad thOantopocy. the
holding that hla prweeoce
.mat aecaiaary.
iVoettliMt. for whom Mn. Roee acted
,m hOBMAeaper. oonld be held to.
iCtfmlial (oaipUelty and be wai prtced
,iudar tm boBde to appear FitdayI Aafanh of thU. he was takea to
'mu al mnktort the woman alao be,ll^ Ukea there. H la believed here
that be ai w«dl ae tha woaaa vlO be
aaot to Btataa prlaoo.
Tha TUpeaaet examined yeaterday
broMlB oat a terrible afory aad abowo« that'the mtle babe had eoCeiwd
^;p«atiy U lie ahort apaa of Ufe.
flSUPpto. U aru aUaged under oath,
that the womaa had ten the dilld
atoOe for two dayt at a tlote. the oely
o«a It romilyad bUng marwfog. i
god allM. tea day the babe wai
MIUoM ateoohd the aoit. the aaly
aggg A reaefrad «aa that gtraa It Or

i- ..

After March Ui. IMS. all repair
«<>rk Icti on our hand* for a period of
iwK yeara' time will be told to pay
J N. MarUnek Jeweler,
irt ft,
217 Front eireet

Calves.......... ...........................

Rank Foollahnesa.


Wm Only Akefoten.

Jodg* ot Probate.


Urd, per Ih ..................................
Bntter. dslxy. per Ih................. J

shown during the meeting and prohTt'
Pork chops .
bitlon was the anbjeet of
tenu. This structure will be of wood
upon the sUmU of Kinsley today.
and will coal la the oelgbborhuod - . Loin of pork .
Pork sausage .
“Hie matter of leitlng contracts and Lamb steak ..
securing funds for this was refern-d
to a commltlee as wsa also tbe mat
PHs Lake Villaga-Wm Have 0*»»Stews ............
ter of speakers
Plenty of AcreSEa la In SIffht
Par the VIMaga.
It Dees the Busli___
Mr £. B. Otamberlaln of Cltu-nn, 1.Anb ohors
Fite Lake. Mich.. March 1».—A
Mafoe. says of Ducklen's Arnica
meeting was held here yesterday af- Salve, "it doea the bnalness; I hare _ .
taraooa and the matter of a laltlag »aed R for l-lles and It cur. <i them
..Veal stews .
station taken up with a repreaenu- Csed It for chapped bands s
tlve of the company that owns sim­ cd them. Applied 11 tn an old sorr- and ‘
U healed It witboul leaving a scar be ,
p,.r n,
•JKfH AMC IM THA COUNTY JAM. ilar pickling plaata at Leroy and
Mud" -Sc at S E
Salmon, per Ib ,
Maaton. There waa much favorable,
. UuglKC Drug Co ,
... .
sentiment expressed and about a quarI Shrimp, per lb .
of the necessary acreage aubCrabs, each ...
tcrlbed. The represeotstlve stated


sucrpMjvc week, prev.ouf to sa.d
ds> of hearing ta the Grand Traverse
H-mld. s newspaper prtuted aad Clr-


(hat be would go ahead with the pro­
ject and trust to securing all the acre
Foemkt Traverae City Man
age needed.
Charged With Attempting te
Uee the Malle to Defraud


Lowell Setwi. of Whltavrater Tewi
ahip, IS Devoting Attantioa to
Hie CaadMacy.

Ih-lroll. March I9—Wllllsni
Miner, of Allegan, s cripple, charged
with frandulont use of the malls, was
discharged by Commissioner Waller
H. Haraha when a leiicr fivuu a phy­
sician was shown staling that Mtn
er's mind had become impaired
throegb apoplexy.
Miner te 4J years old and claim* to
be a great iBventor. While trying to
obtain money with which to push hi*
pateoiB be ran afoul of the pustof.
Ace anthoriars. He wrote several
letters to a man in Traverse CIit.
ctelming he wu a relative and aaklng
for the loan of small suma ot money
Miner says be has Inveoied a patrat
coEta and a spiral railroad spike tor
(axtcttlng the track (o the tics. He
expect* to realise large aama of moa
ey on bis patents aene day.

Lowell Boara. of Whitewater townattp- 1* AdvMtag aotne attantfoa to
hit foacaa In tha matter of the aomlnalfon tor npieaenuave ta the state
Hr. Baun || oie «( the
<MaaA Travin <Maa4
coaaty and U racatvlBg atioag
sRMVt altew^ the eamgalga la yol

reached a higher health lev­
el alpce 1 began using Dr. King's New
Life Fills.' writes Jacob Springe'-, of
West Fraakling Mala* . *They kae^
«qr aMmaeh. U*vr and bowels
lag Just right'’ if time ptlla disap­
point you on trial, money will he refunded at 8. B Wait A Bona. Hannah
^lAy aad C. A. Baghee Drug atores.

Mra. Amanda Lennox died at 7
o'clock Monday night at the home of
her eon. James J . IIS North Elmwood
avenne. of old age. She was S: yean
old and leaves but the one son.
abort tnneral service was held this
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home,
and the remains will be taken lo Cen­
tral LAke tomorrow morning at 7:30
for hurUI.


Wall Paper

Pradenl women know tbe value of

/ .u.'pp.d m at the
Cn\ Ki^'k Store and

a savings accounl In a strong bank.

<; •• • really mart paf'tr.
riekt in that stent /ha «
/ f-.'tr imagined eould be
used in tkt> rr£tOH.
•V,»w/c thirty tilt thous­

Thars wby bondreds of them have
snag sums ol money to tbeir credit
In this baiAks all earning three per

and double rolls. Thai's
£oin( some.

cent interest, compoimded twice a

. hid the aM v theyar, selhn;; that Piper is a caution —
■■< Jiitilu! pattern- t> 'in ie per double roll and upward,


Oldest and S-ronyesi Baak
in Northern Michigan.

rari.ty' Well tj a person cou'dn t ^ei suited there they
ou^ht to be a 'hamed.

TriTcrse City, Mich.

The Hobart Co. prop.

*- r-




ttkt ur. iy«*»
OtttiR. Wmi ainA.VIoePr»Me#l: resolution in the general
Owted. Ctshl^: A. J. UtjMrt, Ji 3. Bqa



0(SBCT0«»-A. Tr«cr Lar.
Vlord COtoch. Mf*. JbUo. T. Hu _ .
■amoM Oartud. R C. DaTia, iarr?


■■utTu, V. w. tattfe.

• KT eat olloweO n Time D90du
W. B.—Addm* all ConccUoat ud
Oom»poBdue*_r**afdla* -

CItNiltiM Ms wA. 2.650


William Oulansr. l
Barber. Laid Aside Rasor to Be­
come Bookkeeper In Navy
Depart"'ee<Washlniton. March 19.—Tbe com
mmee on appropriation! todar adopt­
ed a reaolntloo tbai tbe gorernffleot
If under no obllgaUonjjU. par uy
money to tbe heir* of tbe ricUat of
tbe Genera) Blocum disaater In .New
York barter.


The nth Obtrtes RepobUeu cocVentloa U hereby called to meet at
Eeed Cft^ Mleh.. Wednesday, April
16th, 1908; for tbs purpose of elect­
ing two (21 delegatn to tbe NaUooal
Repobllean ConTcntlon to be held In
CblcagD Jone 16. l»og. ud to re«-lsitbe constnetion of the district cotn
niltie* uV'truaaet sorb other hurt
as may come before tbe conren
The aeveral cuuniles are enUiied to
i fullova:
Antrim ___
Charlevoix .
aare ..........
Grand Travel
Gratiot ........
Isabella ....
Kalkaska ...
Mcoosia . . .
Mtaaankee .
Ctaceota .. .
........... h
ItOKn-iDmon .
J W McCAl-L. Caalrman
nsN-d Rted City, Mich.. Uarcb If

Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 limes escb day.
Doe* it send out food blood
or bsd blood? You know, for
good blood is good beslib;
bad blood, bad bealtb. And
you know precisely what (o
take for bad blood — Ayer’a
Sarsaparilla. Doaors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
rmcMBi fsM Oi b.< W~s k Z trsaatzk

.■rin!? *



aiia tzm


> cawtr PccTotu.


ilr. and Mr*. Wmiam K^erboase
^ Port CKielda <^led on Hi*. AtkiUsoo. Uarcb 12.
Joe AtklBsoD waa
er Usi Tuetday
Frcd Atkinson ;
>e StelgeT
•pern a pleat
- ibe borne
of Ur and M
Pbestl resterday afirmuon.
U!zt Anna Ulknla b. su
her sister, Ura. Hebr> Be
Port Oneida
Leri Pneatt of Lelaod I
snrrnzed last Tuetda,
Sev. ral of her frtende an.! neighbors
( .-Mile laoeu » ;h good Iblnc* to help [
1 •-- celet-pste her anJ ipend ^
-: iil.aRanl lim.- The taM- sss beSo■ r-.ilU decorat.-J m-lih .l.ifk red car I
i-;z n.ia.-rs an.l refr.-.bnieoli. were I
tirt.-j at 4 O'clock.
A phi-iogruphl
"at taken of the group a» a souvenir
o' lb- occaaloti
Prof. Jacotn visited th.. Shellaod ■
■ chool last Pr.dsy tniimliiR aoJ took
'un.-h with the l.-st-her, Mr John
Mr and Mr* Kre'lr called on Mi '
and Un Atkinson last .-s.-nlug aod '


HE Utest in styk, the
most perfect in worknunship, the most '
dtirsble in wear, the
reesoDsble in
price—this sums up

If you want per­
fect sitbfsctxn ia
every respect—wear Oothcraft
They bx>k more stylish, kc^ thdr pbod
looks longer snd wear longer than any

clothes made at Qothaaft pr&es.
Mr and Urs. I
ed from Ullwaukee lart PrldAy
Tbe president has sent to the sec
Mr» Pti<-all will give a carpi-l i
te tbe notnInatJoti of WlUlani J.
bee next Tborsday afternoon
March 16.
Boyer, of New York to be sppralaer
mercbandlae In tbe district of
The police force on upper Fifth
, A repubHcan county coDveDilon for
eapwrad Naar Otolin Aft«> MMDar Boflalo. N. V.
For the Herald,
New York city, has eome
Saitwr Now Bookkeeper.
George Rhodes was
WM »cn
in ColuDi. . held in the clrrt*l court room In the ] be known as tbe ’’soclelr souad " lu
William Dutaney, tbe president’s bos. Ohio. ID the year isf3 and dledjourt bouse. In
... iW.. «l._
_ .
the city of ...__________
In,^- runemn
. and On»44alf Pousida
colored bsrber who has been at the at the borne of hla son. Willis Rhodes. City. Michigan, at
o'clock p. m .'
April ]B. A D 190k. for the '
white bouse erer alnee Ur. Rouefelt Wedoesdar morning at i o'clock He 1 “n
WilUaai Ur« liaa pruuM
was one of tbe early pioneers Of New ;f‘>UowiDg porpoaes:
oUtdm vtUi a babf bear valgUac
aygo county. endgranUng from Ohio:
of five (S) delegates to at
tonr ABd oa»4aU poanda. vUch vu razor to' become a bookkeeper in tbe over 50 y.«rs ago He leave* s.-ven ’’”"1
”'•> CoBgreesloDal District OTATE of MICHIGAN. THE PROchildren. Mrs, O Cal.nd.-r of Rmmet. Convention at Reed C’lly. April 15. A.
broodAt to dt« dtr Satvrdar br 3. T. office of tbe auditor tor tbe nary.
bate coun for the county of
Idaho. T. J. Rhodes of Fremont, Mleh.’*’
•aathall from tUi camp at Dublin,
J. T Rhodes of Grand Rapids. Willi*
Bl.-cllon of five (5) delegate* to al- Grand Travene.'
MtCHIOAN. THIRvher* u VM capttuad.
At a sesaloo of aald court, held at
Rbodes of Green l.ake Mrs Gea I
<be SUte ConveniloD to bo held
for thi-founty i>l Craod ^ ie.-Bth
iwatl Judicial ClrcuU. In chan­
• PH»!
■•hate office. In Uje city of Trav
Tbe Uttla b«ar wu-ona of a tamllr
Thompson of Fremont. Mr* J Calm •* Grand Rapids, May 12. A. P IStes
Oily. In tald county, on tbe 4th Tra\er»e
tier of Newaygo. Henrj- Rhode* of
'ransarth.ii of such other
or thraa whleb »*r« torad la a lalr
the CIreolt Court

Former President la Ouistly Celebrat­ Columbus. Ohio, and 47 gnmd-chl!-'
properly come b» fore
aAv tb* BMOier bad bora UUmI.
the probate office, lo
for the County of Grand Trwvome, la
ing the Event At Hit Homa
dren, and IS great grand-clilldren
Traverse aty. in said county on tbe Chancery, at Traverse Qly. Mleh,
Tba logsan kUlad tha motbar b«fot«
Tbe aeveral townships an.l wards
With Hla Family.
A.. D. im.
tbap IBOV of bar UtUa oaaa, and
will be entitled to delegates In the
Mary Dalgre. Cornwall
Present: Hon Fred R Walker.
Church of Christ, the Rev. Bllllahan County
Convention as follows:
wban tbar fomid tb«m two trot* dead.
gart Datgre. defendant.
, N. J-, March 18.—With offlclatin);. The remains were I
Adallne L. HavlUad haring filed Judge of Probate.
Acme ,. ............................................... 5
Tba otbtr ond^tber toob to tbe camp bis family and friends OB band
In Uaple Grove cemeiery
In said conn her petition praying
In this cause it.appaaring that de­
In tbe matter of the estate of Mos­
I. IUicb.
that a certain lastrument In w Htlug es Bowerman. deceased.
wltb tbaa. ud ted It os
fendant. Hugart Dalgre. Is not a r«wgratulaie bim, former protldent. Grov­
t Bay
purporting to be tbe last will and
■ink, keaplnc It earefnnr bnndlad up er Clsvelud. la gnjetly celeb/aUcg
Roxclna Bowerman havlug filed
- lake
led In Idem of this state, and thatlueiv
tCWam.ri of *sld deceas.-d now
w on said court her petition prayii t that eueeewwMiis arw uuzotfWB;
unknown; there^ It would not tad tba oold. aa U tbe seTenty-flr*t aulrenary of b <
file in said court, be admitted
•d lo pro- the administration of sMld estate be fore, on motion <JT John J, Tweddle.
was not Bwr* tbu two dan old wbaa birth today.
bate and tbe admlniati
irla poison produce*.- say* R.
I of aald graoLed to Clifton U Porter or to solicitor for eomptalnant, it ta ordep
foud. Saturdsf -Mr. Bnusball brongbt
azuiea. of Louellen. S. C “Ifs railed
granted to herwelf
ed that defendant teuter Ms appaarsome other sulUble person;
Electric Bitten, and come* In 50 cent:
r avhable peme
,ance In aald cause on or before fire
h to Mr. lanre.
It Is ordered that the 13th day if I months from the date of this order.
, bottles. It break* up a case of rbllls' p
Tba bau u aeiT moeb of a baby,
41 Of a milous attack in almost no time:, kr|j,'
March, A II 1908. at ten Vcl«k In April. A D 1908, at tec o'clock In
forenuun. a,
at raid
office. Ito ^
r«d probate office,
aad baa not rat learned to tap mOt. |
♦ ;and It puu yellow taundlee clean ont
tbe forenoon, at cald probate office. ..... forenoon,
t>e and 1* hereby appointed for bearllfbed In the Grand Tnewnn Be^
bot Is tad with a nnmn« bottle. At |
lug sad i--mion:
■ and blood purlflt-r glvr* qnickj
aald pul
ibllcaUon t
teoding tUM be beeomea rarr raet'
It Ik fur!
i public no- In each
eek for ata weeks U i
less, and when oeoa be ceu buar. be
complalnu and the misery “of' lamcjF’*™* »»rd
pyblicntlOB cecslon.
Mark and Leonard McG&rry, of
keeps aqueallng like a pig
copy of ihU order,
back. Sold under guarantee s( S. B Isecnod
plre spent Sunday at the borne of Wail
A Sons. Hannab A Uy,
cesslvc wi-.-kH (irerliiur to said day «t
[ wltbln TcaetL ihUr aunt. Ura. Val Dunn.
day of bearing.
hearing. In the Grand Traverse Her­
Bugbee Drug Co. drug gtoros.
Ha U a good natmwd lUUe chap. KbwMn. Teoker la quite sick at this
••rue Herald, a newspaper printed and ald. a new*i«|H-r printed and circu­
trer. and play* Oke a klttan.
circulated In
lated In said county
Farm for Sale.
TMtM tba bear
One of the best farm* in Grand
BuatncM addrewa. Traverse OMy.
LlKla Freddie Canfield ba* been
Judge of Probate.
ba wtD taka a trip to Bbalby. OMo. suffering with a sever attack of pleu- Trarerae county; 4t4 miles south;
Judge of Probate. Mleh. '
FVillowiog the Conven'-len the Counlittle west of city; 95
Mar €, 13 JO, 27.
March II. 20. 27, Apl. 8. IS. IT. S4Mar. to, 27. Apl. 3. 10.
Dazt AagnsL Last yaar whan
Dated at Traverse City. Ulrhlgan.
..Lore waa atlaadlng tba elaetrto eonBmma Ask la quite sick- with tbe
March 16. A. 0. 1908.
< Yaatloa at Bbalby. Ohio, aoma of bta grip, which la very prevalent here at
frame bouse and barn; 40 a
fellow workars ware of tba Impraailoa present.
rbalrman Ctooalv Cotn.
tbal ba Ilvad In tba woods. In a )okJamea Lyman of Grand Rapids 1* Brick block
Ing mannar Mr. Lore decUred tbal iBlUng at the borne of bl* grand­ Other propertv 41
ba would bring tbem a live Teddy father, Mr. Wlnvi) Kratochvll
I’nlOD. Three fifty
city. Closing out ev.-rylhlng
baar the next tlma be attended (ba
There will be a box aodaJ and fish
eoavamtoi. sad they took him up on pond at the Dunn school on Friday quire at Grand Rapids Piirntiure
ronipany's store. Going i ) leave t
d.,ck UltMHl l)ilu-'K
IL BtUa draamlng that be would be araalng. March 20. Proecoda to por- cllr
abta to carry out bta lotenUoo. Slnoa ;haae a achool organ.
March go if. ]
that uAa Mr. Lera bo boaa kaaplai |
Ua eye* ogaD for a lire baar, aM
vbaa tba HtOa cab waa found be loat
We tlma Is
inat what the final dtapoalUon of
the etib will to Mr. Love does not yet
know. He will ktop it In hta famlty
Beadon. Mich.. Hareb 18—Mra.
na low to tth dtapoalUon wUl make It Martoo'a daughter, who has been vis
Two vvos»l-s old 'odav, and doing vt-rv well—thank you! Able “lo
safe to do no. when he wlU probably lUng her, ledunied Friday to her home
present It to oonw pai% lOO. As the In Elkhart, fnd.
get up and take notice" and li«D a little Merchandise babble that’
enh wu hom on UnooloM birthday,
Harry and Lena Martin hare been
Wanton Lore ban naaed U "Ato.*- hot entertaining their uncle.
prrfrolv inielitgible to the Ladies’ whw have favored - the
Mr. Loam wooM Uka to oal) it Hmuna
Will Otasier la- the guMt of W. C
Foreau and family.
New RHADY-TO-WE.AR Store i and their purse) bv »helr oarronage
Wesley LandU bat moved back on
to hia farm.
McKean of Traverse CSty sra*
cats—whether Sait OoeL Skirt SUk Thnc, Waist or
In town taat week Wednesday.
Funiithm^n have an Imln-iduality end Koodneaa that appeal to carefal buyer*.
Lewis Byron was the guest of 3.
The **BARNEY** Store—i* not a diatributor of “Sweat Sbe^” pradaota, but o(.Unks
ALLIMD THAT ANOTHER PLOT N. tVharion and family taat week.
Made, wholeeoaie, dependable gooda
Lawrence Marean waa down from
Traverse City taat week Wedoeaday.
The **BARNEY** Prices- -are not made to itretob like robber. Tbe tlrst prioe, la
Nafe Rhodes and Amoa Dill were
the best price, ia the only prioe; juit high enough to inaure the quality which
Hfh Peeeoosgae Are Inwelved Inelud- married recently.
Grandma Smock U entertaining her
lag tto Shah’s Unel* Whoa*
particular womeo demand. OO more, to that your ehikl can buy here iritb tbe aame
daughler and grand daughter from
Hnin* Yielded Evideite*.
fotling of •ec'urity as yooraeJf.
New York.
Grand Traverse County received from
Hairy Martin has purchMed 40
Odeeea. March IT.—Another
aptmey ag^t the Bfe of the shab of acre* of land from fOvz Bowman.
the saloons in 1907 - $8,270.00.
Mabel Huddlaetoo ia working In
Perata tajreported: It Inrolvea high
-•\meng the new arrivals, we note:
S the ahmh's uncle. Honor,
This Is only 9 cents on each $100 of
erne’s anltan. In whose bouse
HANDSOME VOILE SKIRTS receiving no small amount of favorable oommenL
of the assessed valuation of the county.
pronriUeg doenmeota have been
Novel m ,ie«itn, clnasic io fullnces. and like m<Tst of me Etaruey stylea. they appeal to the
Many arreata have been
smartly trow.u.iw.m,^..
.Modesi v pn<»i al $18.50. $16,50. $14JS, $12.75. $1LOO,
$9^. .$8.75, $7.50 and $6.75.
B. E. Walt A fiena Sum hM-»*ia -Will

$10.00 to $25.00

A. J. Wilhelm



The Signs arc Good

Tax Payers!

Traverse aiy’s youngest Mercantile
concern gives promise oi a good
healthy growth.

Be Not Deceived


Charged WHh Aaaault and Battery—
Oiegraceful Affair At Danot
At Buckley.

Under Local Optton your
Taxes Will not be Increas­
ed One-Third, as you have
been told.

IncaJculable amount of good
that Ul-o-na stomach tableU are dotag
- ■In Traverse City, in making sick
and even despairing people well
should compel the attention of every
JodIcloD* i»r»on who U out of health
with sumiBch irouble*.
The underlying cause of nervous
debility, headaches.
and melancholy la faulty notrliion.
the resnl; of a weaaened alomach
and Inactive bowels
So long as tbe stomach Is weak the
tfssues cADDo: aMlmllaie proper nour­
ishment. no matter bow much food
Miona increases
ngth and ae-lvlt>- of the must
la of the wtomsch. restate* the
bowel* and makh* the blood espa!

1 the

Boekley. Merck l»,^«nry Fbx.
bartender for T, 3. Burgnot.
hit toarlng yeitertlay totore JusUee
Baird on a charge of asaanlt and bnttory. preferred by Frank SUckney,
who was ticket aaleaBan for- M. E.
Oocnlng's 8t, Patrtek'* dance. Ftox. in
oompany with Jack Roberu. or Kings­
ley, a Mr. Gnat, a lightning rod dispenner. and Jake Vaiitoi. of Wexford,
foroad Utor way Into tbe hall without
paying at the door after haring tho*
> Mr. Fox made free weakened stomart
«ae Of hU fiats.
ergellc bodily condition.
A taige majority of the dUzeu of
other way can you s quickly
■ Ively
Beekley m fiecMedly In favor of tawH*® readily and so poalil.
•ly lUmulate


ilng Ml-o-na. ne fact that thft rem‘edy U sold br S. K Wait A Sons
The tarUd will take ptace Friday at under
*!t- a gnarsntee to refund the mooO. A. BRIGHAM.


paid out for the support of the Poor and
Criminal Courts (90 per cent due to the
saloons). - $13,418.84.
Under Local Option, taxes in townships
where there are no saloons will not be in­
creased more than nine cents on each
$100 valuation, even though There be no
reduction In the expense of the Criminal
Courts or Support of the Poor. In town­
ships where there are saloons, the in­
crease will be but a few cents more.
Local Option Executive Committee.
Atty. Geo. H. Cross, Pres.
Ftv. C. b. Lockhart, Sec.
C. A. Hammond. Treas.
C. H. Estes.
Geo W. L^rdle,
A. M. Willobee.
Robert Barney,
L. S. Walter.

ELEGANT BROADCLOTH COATS and Tan Covert Jackets. Taffeta and Satin
hnel.jaat ainv.d. ;bv pnee ramie .* $16.75. 615UW, $12.75. $10.00, $9.00, $8,00,
$7.00, $6,50 and $5.00.
NOBBY WOOL BOX COATS, fancy stripe* and plaids, plain
special at $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00.

vilvt-l collar very

SWELL SILK SUITS in "PrinoeM” and’• .lumper".
New Wro] fiuitg in pj
Stnix-s and ( F.vrit.-. at $12.75. $15.00, $2<L00. $24.00, and $26.50.
DRESS SKIRTS m new RreyB and fancy mixture*, very tpecially prioed, your choice
$4.00. Blit k nii'i ■•oioro.i Panamas ,id tho Utest new flare and plait^ effects at $5j00
$5.95. $7.00, $8.00, $10.00. tllM, $12.7$ and $1X50.

idiu.oa’ •h->zi->k' of Net and Lawn Walsta. Tailored, Kid and Wash Bella.
**Merry Widow** Belts, Elastic and Silk Noveluee 25c and SOe.

zhipment of of ihi

PetUcoats at $5.00 and $5.50.

quick selling number* in Uaek and colored Tallcta

’ )ur Heatherhloom Skirts have made a •'hif '-“There.s a rea*on’--Come a


ihc BARNEY Co,

157 P


fob 0S.
aw, WXzrSS

Beadle BIk.


Grand Traverse Region
ev*<y »•••«
tt r*tocIMk to «mm. All »8rr»to>"*
sscb tlM H«nM onios
totor UiM Timiyr bomi ^Mefe «M«k


••to H •••/•Moiifato toll to fiBd


efse CKli >■« WMk.
Bpni, to Mr.


drM u« tpMM^Of U* vMk to Ti
cne citrMto. Ro)m\ ThuinM ku gose
Kbv Tof* to «Mt rctoUvM.
Tb« UaiM' Britoflt sodetr viH
Clr« • ciBei pto
to Uw to«%
. p-o.
Tex, tor Lot ABg»lf«. C«ll.. where
k* expert! to Jm ciw^ beMStod.
w. a CU9MH
eiMUd to
Ike rwcawer canirtonto by w. a
iDkMUM-i •
Mr. Maura of Brie* Mlaw. Canada.



■ Mrt. Chaa. Baninb*r**r .
Mr*. K. E. QaaphrtI aiMt Frfdar
•Ad 8atord*r to Trarer** Cliy.
Mr*. Oraj of Trarerae.Cfty
will glT^a^lacUte oo “Tb* Good
^M? SSSi JohnoB of Chicago a^
rlrod Satardar eraatag to apcnd a
eCM>« axtotha wUb her fatbor. John
. Kaucdr aad -family.
tin. Chaa. GoMat jotomad tUa
aonfeig (roB JrararM dtr. %har«
Aa agMU the paal week with bar
tagktar. Mrt. Chaa. BarTTMra. Wm. Bartlett want to Tear, ataa d^oa PrMar Uat to trlalt bar


Mn. J. BpaaMa ratoniad Batnrday
•ra^ig from t • • with r • *
Chaa. Bannberber rataniad Batar'Ar craniika from Sutlona Bay mare
ha apaol the paat waak.
Mtoa Lottie NaltoB of Cadillac ar«»ad riHay arenlng. called by the
of kar gntAdma. Mr*. Mary
Lawraaca Oagaon end fanUy bava
icrad to TroTaraa aty.
Wra. Mary O^oa weal
■aa Cliy tkla Bomtog to

bar* Bored to Trrrene CJi^
Art'rraoiaB dsuad at Mr*. 1

graaae baH ton Twnday td^i.
Sac UBa U nporud.
J. U Unrry aad Aedrew Cnil<
made a trip to Trarene City Satv
Frank Alrord of tba Bab Magbc«e
Co. U to town today on bagtoaaa.
Maadanaa Robartac*. La Bor aad
Mr- aad Mn. Jofan Myen toft ler
Mn. Madill who Opaat about thn
tordfc want to Mantotiqna Satardar
weak* with her niece. Mrs. Will Oee. their home In Ohio Saturday after a
■D the car ferry, rctonliic Sudar
retorard to bar dtoBe la SlavortI rtgit wUh Mr*. Myen' parmns. Mr.
and Mr*. George Hennoa.
aou, ratumed booie Batnrday. ,
*•*«§*• ban vltl b« ^Tca to the Mr. and Mr<. MeOarry accomjM
Onr athletir riub was organised at
Ml!* Carrie Foot* of Chlewico eam<
,0WA ban. «• WadaaaSar avewlcis. tbelr daughter. Mr*. I
Sanday for > rliU with bar stoler. Haekinsoo's ball Saturday evening,
and the following efflcer* were elect­
March, nth.
Ml* Andrew Cnlor.
Rapid*, whei
board daeldad t tbrtr day*.
>r<. josD Mill* baa been to Tnr- ed: Prealdenl. Stanley Uangremond:
Swrelary. Bert Dare; Treasurer Uy
Mr*. Hagar aad Maode want u Ir vlslUng Ir. this neighborhood.
. t 7:» p.
man Kenney: Manager. E. T. HankKtogalay. Friday w*tor.g. to aUend
Hlft Pearl Curry rirlted frtond*
town haU. to dlaetiM the BMtter of I tbe tectare. aad teacher'* aiaettog, T«aver»e city orer Sunday.
r aebool balldlag.
Baiorday BorstoK.
Mr*. W. L. Frink aad daughter UlTwo
aad Mr*. Brra Tenataai rlslt lie of NoBb Mlluni epeat t|edne*day dM roJdealy at the home
ad to tbp aebool haato.
WIllU with Mn. W’lll Gaa.
Tbe BCit BOBbar Of the larture
Mr. Gllpeit took a load of apples
coaroe. will be Tba Old HoniMtead
MU* Zada Lorayoy 1«
Trarene City Friday, retomlng Sat- day
Qsanetu. March ». to tbe -town halplng Mn. Towacand
Tbe *oclal Uial was held at the
home of Mr aad Mr* C. E. B*!J*lr
Mn. Cfanitiaas Robert! .of Tnr
Mr*. Lowell Morrison xpaat
Tba Wooun-B dob atet at the borne
Tueedar •venlng. *ai a »oere»>. A
City ii
i! *peodlDK a few dayt wlth'cjaj^r lui arbrk with her iwre:
Of Mn. C. B. Kebl Ia>i Tutaday. i
time was enjoyed and fxc.' *n•y H«1j
I faanliiyaad Mr* J. L Warner, of Elk Rapid*
Aftar cttrrenl erooia and qooiaUODst
addrd to the treasury of the Lad:vr
March IS. ■
HIM loUa Oram gate an anida
AIJ sodeiy.
own^ bT Ur Dobns.
the principal topic of tbe day. Mr*.
Allie Milhour h-ft thU mon.
Tbe arrmber* 01 A. 8. of E. are
N. C. Morgan read a rery Intertitlog planning to erect a potato ware boose
mg for her home at Latayeile. Iixl
Mr* Jobs Mlll« har been In Trav- On her wav fh.- will *ialt relative* a:
ppper on bar trip to California, which ■I Keyptone. the rapadly Is t&.IMK)
was very mneb enjoyed by all. Tbe burbeli, and the rftlmaird rssi ir rr*p City a couple of day*, haring Grand Rapid* and New CarUde Ind '
(lob *111 meet «Ub Ml** Emms Bor tl.oOO; there has alrrady been fC2S ’Om. denul work done
Mr* and MU* Eagle, IW-i-»le Jarre-:
The Udies' Aid will meet with and I.lule Haore rpent the day w:lli.
dean* oa Ttraaday aflpmooB, March tu Uteri bed
Mr* J»M ChnsiopbCr on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Georce Hanre Fiid.vy i
March 17.
the ITth.
Tbe W'oaiaa'a clnb bas clo*ed a conUr. and Ur*, mil Cariienier. Ret. :
The lee crop li about barresird. al- en Carm-cter and Charle* K.-iin.-v ‘
act with 8. B. Uaefcwood. rrprearoSOUTH WILUAMSBURO.
ibongb tome would have put up more w-'re Trav.-rae City visitor* Sai:ird-ij I
tatire of tba Burean. for a lectore
There are giilte a number of bams If the lee had remained good.
eoar*e (or. the next season.
March ifiWv are glad to know Mr*. Frank
going to be built In this part of the
conree i*
Smith to moeb better.
Loo Baxelle has accepted 1 poaitloa
MU* Rnlh Hills ipenl Futirliv
» the car ferry,
and Mr* George Coa’e* have
ting l
Mr*. R. E. Canpbeir
cniaftalned a
lumed to their home a' Munuing
nle OMrai
Mrs Paul is oo the slrk Kel.
few friend* at tea on Monday eren,
- iipm-r penlnruL
Mr. and Mr* Herb Hall made
, Tbe„Sanday
. seftool
ireniion held- ,viiert Kameoy's folk*
trip lo Tneersp City Saturday to gi here Saturday was one ol the l>e>-t ,„j h^ve
. sine dental work done.
Lorhle Pray
ray and
amt W. MadUon wci
..hoe* from ...
o Trarene City today.
convention held at Traverse City.],,, ,, , membef of Murrea Hive of
Mr*.. Geo........................
Geo. Freeman 1* i
slCK msd.- II verj interesting. Ml/a KittleO T. M M of Wexford 'of
lUt. but Is getllng belter
wr.t ttareCooper :n Indian oo*lumc gave;
),a« helm a faithful mem
a g.m,l itlk about her work among ,.(r She will be grcallv ndsred hv
PYeeman lost a •
ctJW ,hp inJUn* and turely rhe has done; her
trlenda The Hive pre/enl
C. B. Pray I* better at (ids writing. la*lMr.week.
a good work.
,.,,h g very nice unle cloth,
Clarence Fairbanks and wife of Potatoes were down t
entertairmeot held here last
j^hn Bigger* folk* have raot.-d tc
bnt are up again to the so cent noirh
night wn* well worth seeing j„,,„
loirh Fii.iar jrighl
home near Silver lAke.
.el., .leb
*cter«! of oitr farmer*
ladle* cliarcd Hi There 1. somejyhe Wt « i*he» of Ihelr many friend*
‘‘‘* log them 10 market.
-talk of rei.cnt.ns il at Archie.
, go ,„h ,hcm.
but Is better
,*„in enfer.d our n.-ighWeawo Wtordan
to Glk I
the north pan of the Btalc. where he:
-----------I whood snd isken from our tnidn
Id* Saturday.
went to look land, tut ihlnk* Wll
und nditoboV Merrill R.rkMr*. Bobert clow and cklldiwn
tuddcnly last Saiurdav
tiarlle H
fr.itn Ul.
Ul> work 111
In a e:;nip
e::nin nenr: (i-i..................................................
f.-i > n<vd. on n luad of logs, a* he i
rown hi
Mnrch 16.
b-elMg In Twin Moniiiaiii. Ml* d.-a:!.
Grawii. Siindny
•e a cow Saturday algfat.
w«f dot to heart failure. H- leac-s
Mr* Marv Green left Frl.lav 1
Leila Wordeu worked for Fanny
her home in Tracer/- Cite, afler
beside* hi* wife four small chlldr.-i.
ox last week.
[».-• the sympathy of tli. Ir
Born, to Mr and Mrs. Will Gee. *-i-ek'» vl-ii here *nd at Ininnd.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Prav were ibe
ir'en.K .ti their Rorrow TH»
Mrs. lAura O'Connor of Thompson-'
niesta of Mr. and Mrs. Weston Wor­ Iasi Tuesday, a daughur

• Traverse;\tlle visit.-d her ^rent*.
Re>. ilie third sudden death In this nelghden Saturday.
L'.*cll xnd
und Mr: Koons. Friday
, Uorhood tbi* w-int»Uter. Jlri., L".*'
Oo account of bad road* and *ick
-l^eBlIe Reynold* and
.□d Ml**
The fartii-n- Iti
neat very few met at Mra. Losees' Sourr, last Friday.
Traverse Clt. visned Mr.;thnnirh log* and at*•'
for the aoap flub.
| A Jolly load of r
t people
t week. I
,t Norib Mt1ton'i;n.l Mr*. Ftank Rc.vnolds
Mra. Newataa

Not a Private Bank |
This is not a PHvate Bajik but


■- T-'-.,.'''

a STATE BANK under the suj^^V
vision and control of the Bank­
ing Department of the State
of Michigan.






Iioaii'* Ointment cured me of ccrenin ibai had aonoyed rec a loti:
tiiuc. The cure was permancot."—
H..I, s. \V Maiihdws. Comml»«loncr
l.nle.r StatlMlr*. AugliSU. Me.
o Boym r:;v

W.--I. nil.; i-uironi home Salurdl

lorn' .d’M.''”varron -ray'kn on'SunMrs. and daughter Gladys
went to Trav. rx- City last Thursday.
Mr*. Reiinei; r<>lurne<l home the rasio

Arbor, four wvie li
J. • l|. icralt has four men at work
lo*-'lr.i Imiile-r at Holme* Siding
mns; of It .- time the pan two weeks.
1 t-iil. t'brirtoj.her went lo Old Mis­
sion last Tiioiday on a viafL

A Comfortable Home Is the First Thing to Be Considered.

^ < V UUi ^ V ^



It makes no dilferaooe what
kind of an eaar chair yoo
want, we can aanplr you.
Over twu bnodred differrnt
■tyle Bockera to aelecl from
•eiUng ap from 7Sc.



fMer Steeds and Ubrai^
, Tables

We sell tbe macbincs that a child can
operate with iIil- lieat reaolta. A larve
complete lioeof everything fortbekitchim.

Tbe kind that cairiee ito own leaves, the illneiration (bows the table ei
tended. Ceo be mole lartrer or sinailer witbont removing tbi- table Linen
or Diahea, ^Iways safe and reliable, ooste no mon.- than the old kind.


W« weald nraob rather ahow yon tbeM
than to tdl yon abont tbem. It will pay
«M welLto Twit tbia Department aa we
lava salseoinpsraUaUMftf tbe beat

Tbi( iUcsUstiMi (bow* the Seclional
Book Ciieo Theee cjsee are particular­
ly uclaptcii to tbe horn.- as well as the
office. We also bavo the coml>inHtioD
Hook Caxc and Wnlins I»«w. Come
in and ualimate.

, AiE to Me OBT LSADEBS. A Parlor
W BtMd. aoUd Qoldeo Oak highly poIiabc<l
^ 9HS4 in. at top. alFUah tamed laga with
■beU naderiHBtb for.......... ............... tl4f
liCbmr TaWea op from ................. n.7S

toveis* Rags, CvlaiBS and

During our long experience we have acquired the < xHOME of substant'eil furniture. Buy here and ypu co
No matter whether you iive in a city, town or some


We take ffreat pridu in (bowing oar line of L'pholatere.1 Fomitan-. You
can not be diuppoioted in making a (election at we hare an extra lurgc
a((otunent in the very Ute(t (tylee and (izes.

We want yonr opinion on
tbe Chair qneatioo. Onr
line at Dineri are made to
•tand tbe teat We sIm
carry a good line of odd
Ofafeitf iM Ohaira for the
Uleben. np from 4Sc.

Onr Easy Payment Plan
•r G**a* Eug lo
Pay lor and onr Low Prices
BriRs thcM Easy to Bay:

Beds. Springs and Malrcsses
At (nroTisIncly low pricto. .\sk to
•ee OUH SPECIAL Bed, Sprinc
and Matresa. <-omplete for only fS.75
ThU isabaisainatllOOu.

J. w.

Theee can b.' used u Conches, as
they' bate the adjustable ends.
They are made in tlie newest styiea
and Dpbolatered with a superior
ffrade of Verona. C*r Pinsh and

Dressing Cases. Chiffoniers
and Commodes
We have a full line of each Space will
not allow a ileecnption of
bnt a
cloae inveatitmiion wouM n-v.-al some exi-ellent barun'i.s f.jr which our sUwe i*
-widely known.

e: r



Timely Suggestions to ttic Newly Married People
House furnisnlng with us is a speciality. We have made this particular business a life study.
ciuelvesale of the most desirable lines that come under the head of home furnishings. This is the
not need to buy a^ain. Come and get your complete outfit or^Kid pieces at bottom notch prices.
remote farming section, we will furnish your home and you can pay for it as your income will


■nn. a.d ■« .he -.Il'ICK HEAL BA>-CE.

120 E. FRONT ST, Traverse City

Our Branch Store
RIVER ST., Bit Rapidffi. Ukibigaii

B«Mh Mh been u UrtlU tar manr He will prabahlj- be 'conc about a
e better at thla writing
rM_wttb rteBfludKB m4 dial
. BMCh wu laid <
Mr. Wolf, who haa bees poorly for atlrcf ______ ^......... ........................ .........
ao loatt. la much Impraved and la now Ifotitlay. Mr. Crapo Icam tbta week
able to walk abont hia room wUb
ithera Idaho, whirr Mra. Crat
aoBc asalaunee.
The ranlMy of Timothy Goodsell
who bare been qaaraaueed for aewarcoont of wood Satnrdar
V-’’!' weeka.
b while Un. Beach la at (be aas- rmallpox. are now c
cblidren bad the dli
John Hulrii aold a drlvliig horae to
If of the Swalna.->n bo>» laat week.
Hn. Frank Reich, who li back ai
B yoa «e Uy Wbta km. *lke lam dm
Mra. Lottie Bower of Fife Lake
ae- I Ortn Lnce called on bit slater. Mra
(he Grand Traverae aauUarlum. la sot
eompaoied b.» an aunt. Mra. Jackaee , Werren Taylor. Sundty,
much better.
il a dm beat karara. bem ackM. mom rntyrnwy ^
^ *r lb
jn,, *|*r^ Boiain apent a few
Ona ODBlae who haa been work- flailed orer Sunday at the bone of
conby ami mo« peeiik blow A
,i,b Mra. Dave Hammer last
iBa lor the Backlej’ Lumberlag ooiti- Hr and Mra. Fred Tahbeter
Mra BuKCDr Footer waa reported 111 week.
liaajr at Hoeor. It bODc acala.
the larter part i
So wboi yea id ifacm yew am L3y Viam Aay ban*
nirslev la stavinc arllh
Bd DOBlt
Donlnr la the iruiat of hla .j»atMra Frank Saym la able to be out hla brother Amo» o( ihl« pUee helprtiia, Mr. and Mra-I C I. DoBine
ibai yam jariMi^ ■ taoi aad key n yoa v « oaa cf ^ bett
Bcaln altfl her llln
itc care for hla liule dauebier
Jim Baonon of Acne i
E ■Holdcroli
Mra I. M*beat and nuther, Mr and
carpenter work for John N Coortadc I -J ^
Mra. fin* Harrall, Myron Taylor and
-• and Mra C L Domlne Sunday*'
SooeWar.thera'sagRaidcal of iitirfiaiaii m kaow^ dmi yea
Ih- followlui;
followlne. Mr* \ Palnieter and Mr*. P Bar mother w<re rallera at Wllllini Bowafternoon estertalned ih>era’ piinjav. Mra B<-*er> u very '
laueau: Mr and Mra Jerome Forlon
ara tnm« an aiTkk whieb tbe majontycaaemlm lobe tbe bml msd ko
fiertmde Rartrk and a frfen
*>k. »lth bill vliRhl bojres <»f r«-eo»-;
IWimam Fgrlon. Blmej Forum. Mlaa nark
,. ,
to that a is Ml a
trotamto domai bmt yam pdk a bs.
I Lulu Forton., Mr and Mra
Vina ItarTtiM and aon are maklna i
jnra^ and family. Ur. and Mra Oua I'.alted at her home for a couple of

.vrup.hut we ItuaRlne the •rBB“ ■
I nonane and family. Mr and Mr* dav* the latl of the week.
Brown left Mon.lav Tor .1
,.,.ry rood TMav
^ Fred Domlne and family and F.J Dom
tnimeroiw pcilnl*. Amon* the,
>,,,.1., vv.dnea-:
!‘''■Jo^ul N connade and Brtte*. Jjn^rea” he will rUlt are MuakeB. .day and t;ed a cnnifurler. They
I ......
iTaylSr. haflne l.eea dra-n a*. irrami,
rr.rv,! . B*'
Wabh haa returti.-d from the „ iwo'w.ek* Let 1
luror*. will :
attend I •jpi“r ppiiinpula
5Mh of thla month
•*Tht rtov tbe SmL Cooks Use**
'spring term of conn,
.. ■.
______ ■ ...... ft...*
Mr ll.ldehrand

I A Iieo-parllran cancu. will tie held ak< II aiiolher lob.
■MXB » m ■*««• imnc
1* cmtamly not *cbeap' ftom becaoK we me aot makiag k fag
I Monday nflemooa. March 3<>lh, at 1 he
March lH
trhool bo.iae Indlfpilona point
VIMHfStoilaM Yiw Mdy
•cW topic.
;to a large vote Uiwo„iueellug day
lij„ nhode. returned 10 her
Sle.r Caoeua.
(The qiieallon nf wet qr drr anl the
There will he a non-iianl*an caiicu<
y>emoni Mondav
Wc ara "vw^swg it (at that cto w
leoiintv poor farm will tn- the ctniM-a
c.m*' a (nil
f In tbe rnuniy.
Ito the ontory. wbo Ske to kbow dmt tbek bad • ckM. p« to
.. ‘ban.'
Sal.tid;;v March
„„ Flosrr Barton,
• o’clock p
ildrrina tbe condlliona In moai parli
Inc In n
of the country during the pa*i 1
and »u:h
Wlio OR w2mg to pay tbe e ra COM of erira can m a
to J
Tbe croww, meadow larka and some
tuay comr before the caiirua.
Old* wa:
Traverwe City
roblcir are here, harhlngera of aVrtne 1
wheaL b'mnkary cottoaos of ma tometofartataam
Uv Older of Com.
c-bIIt a few da:'*

Quite a few of onr neighbor*- hayej
Mr. and Mr* Wcaec are Traverse
been aelllng their poiaiiwa at 50 c
There ara SO many pmto b to cto to k makai • Uc> ta
i The Lcwect Cf icapa en 1 Plane. Citv callers (hi* week.
make Som to eaeugh far them to we’ra imaiac am ■& ai^ to
rhii-ng.. I.11..WS llmtj "r. and U™- N'-'wton Johnson of
party ba* 3OO11 biirhel* pnd' four |Ar j Rvcrj-.-iita i.lano at the low- Miiv'» Bridge w.t.- called here b»
l_le« bare o^t 1.5w burhelt cacti 'in*'w:i.
! ih" w:i. i(>
it> secur»
day to do iL
ct p;' e I. to call on Lvoa A HeaK
death of Mr. Joho.un'* Jtrand■ aold I
camp waa hauled by Dan t team. Oay in tbe fall.
iThln.llrm .•vh:iilta the
ami j fi'thcr Mr Rli<>di-«
Gray driving them. S7U feet of elm
Hr. Ijierolx of Traverse City ha» nio>.t varbd «to.'k Of pianos |u(bcj Tap Hartlinc If recovering rrv>in n
In three logs. One log there
bought tbe old Fish place and a pari) j world, (Her I »i>o inslrenienl* 11 f severe attack of la grip|>e
Wtr March TWb, a boy.
i hear wbo can beat from ouUtde haa l«)iigM the old J»v 1 .llrpUvcJ side 1 >• side iimlrr Ibeir
u,,r|, 1Mra. Bearwood of Snttoiu Bay
aeph Plette place. Manv arc looking roof AM of these pianos are sol.l at
--------- .
Mod «Uh bor danghter. Mn. 1
to rent farma and It look* a* If farms low flxe.i jirlei-s which arc the *aiiie
' WaRor, one day Uat week.
For ih.- I|.-n,lil
wonld be In lu*ller demand than e|l> to e»er>t>r.e
OMWd Ririfka and family hare
preperly. caused liv the gtasd r,-tiirn*| The foiindatioi, stone of I vor k j Miri tt Rlrk>-(i wa* U-rn Iti
•MitMi into'the Km bonae and Alex
by the farm* of this , Menlv's ai’eeei » t» It. have everv pl 1 Jii'ruh eouni,. |1leli. March IK, lS7r.,
I and family have moved
hi* borne
Mr*. Sllaa Gray look advanUge of n-glcin.
- —.......
. ..............
are rvlurnlng
they will act a.' a iiilssl.'Oarv. it
v^ »u<ldf
le cruel lart Tburaday marolugAnd eouth and wc*i where
here they
U Ik be inairunu-ntBl iu s.-llliig iiia
fii’iiii ii,wn*hlp. fiTMid Trarer»4‘
Dr. and Ur*. lYallck aad Orpb*
Ktb.-r plsno* (or them
ei'utiiv. Mich . MHivh Hth. 11»K. seed
. tag Mar Satuma Bay. apent Satarday walk^ over to Mra. Ed Albright's to peeling to make a foriiine
Mr* \tio. McOwcD wa* unable to flailed la C«dar Sunday.
apend tbe day
you can say tbit, and lar
Lyon & Healy no»- offer to rf
'I vi’sis. 11 months and 7*> oav*. Tl«'
her reiatl*ea ts thla plana.
Pi-rry Flther wbo 1* wortOBg wear
Grand Traverse lu-al* t^em all for
ftibiT and molh.-r roave^ from St nii.nd the Mtrvlctf* at the church GtUs Pier rpent Sunday with hla paw
pianos to iwrron* ai a distance
MMo Faari Walker of Trarorae
.... house with a ver;
To«epb li> tbi* xirinit, wht-D the *nb- S'ind'iv u:i account Of her pcsir beattb. rots.
pnclsel, lliK uinie |>rlr,u. they a
J. II. Byer returned from Indiana
Hope abe may be bettor
March 17.
for the goml* In rtiiragn ,
this obituary was qult<-«oung.
Beck. Sbarmaa AiMdaa
Born, to Mr an] Mrs, Floyd Bate*.
they make a si*e,-lally of r*- 1
le wa* known by a large clr last w.-.-k .bringing hi* liMIe grnndAivto to Sottou Bty
~ ram Fraacb woat to Tra*mia*
March »ib. a l>oy.
ing of a.! daughier to s|. nd n few moalb* al
lei-ilng Inslrumente (or persons >it a il.- of acqiiaiulanre*. and
It) Saiuiday.
Mra. Rufus Bates was the guest of
Percy dl*lam-e
| » n.lly won lui , I friend* ^
Mr. and hit*. Paul Plamondon apont
Mr*. Franc Tbompsim
Ed CluK »r.. baa goee to Qraad
■dvantagi^ot buying a rianoi (in Oct. fith, IS7T he was tinned
•atorday tt Trayotwo Olty.
,,jlUdd . to TtsR b1* arm. '
Matrd rr,.wford, !'»>'b •*>at wa* supp<w(4 to be the
......... i Seott and famm of MaMa
Ml*. Dan Pratt haa gone^^tok ■« j by °lh^^il!^d^*ilier L^udfnB**'ibe ‘'h" *T*»« Pb'eaco
Alter U movteg hi* family to
iy« last
last week.
t work (or Mr Curleriwinter *t nuckiev
There .............
I- liel’ '".Tt. 1hem'wK.». ~,rr (our rhllilree. i grip a lew day*
lee apOBt Sunday with Mr. Bcott'a Trareno City
y to
" '''
line along'I Detro
Brugb U geUli
r tinderiaktng buslnefa.
p»noe that Lyon ti Healv|«hlrh. lonethcr with two sister*
faraata at thla pUeo.
IX-vl pepler a nd (nmllT returned to' «1"“'
Ihv 1111^ ( Mr*. John Donoyan of Empire *(*ttr
I the M great make* lhnl|H,e limtti.iv and many friends
Mr. ABd Mra. Philip tU^rd apoat
lb) Hinra*!^ reUt^e* In ibl* place laat wo^
.ewl* Huelltl!lMlcl.,helr home


Healy sell vou win of enurae ■ i..|t t„ ni„„rn ilietr Ins*.
Nellie Hciwrt baa gone to Tra*OIM and nl^ Sunday
| The young people are preparing a "nd
find Steinwov*
St.-lnwav*. WeUn. I.von *1 The funeral took pla.-c from thej T(ic
'1," young lu-ople*’ moeiing
ulte well Bilendi'd Sundav erenlng.
j we City to lean the tollUaery trade.
WM-bburo*. and, m foci al',Grant ehiirrli Tiiesdav af|ernooB.| <1'''*''
Mr, and Mra. Calvin Brooka were.hterary progiwm whjch wilt be -lv,.n,
given, Heal''. Ws-bbu
Robt. McLaughlin ----•■-.Ilrablo
— *-'- inelrumecte r.1 .1.......... .. ............ -J. largely att.-nded. The
Tlaiting ber parent*, Mr. and Ur*. M .' in tbe near future
1'^*' ......
u>ust. d.-.
City by tbe
Quinn offl.laied- Inter
. J The Ladle.' Aid society will hold a day
Tbo Aid aodoty mot wUh Mra. Mble
n«"ni in lltani cemetery
®f|*ocl*l.inneUn**t the hon.e of Ur*. A.i '‘^ '1'“ tor ih-lr new and ver,
IBBI Wadaaaday.
March IS.
Th>- family desire to erpre**> thdr
8. Banium Tburaday afternoon, in 'If'd rauiosue entitled -A
Mr. aad Mr*. B. Klag aad UiUt
sirir.-ri- thanks to all n.-igbbor* and
I to more to Buckley. All her* Rook • Address l-ynn * Healy
SaiMblar of Maplro vUltod Mooda
Baby won't anfer !*•
friend* whu so kindly assisted In
nrraent. (Adam* Street.
Sireel. Chicago
e eapectal
ally Invlled to bet present.
nth cToap If you apply Br. '
I,cry war they could and for tbe
Mr* J. L. tGibb* wa* I
Mm. CM Wtfltar wou golto 111 li
Ernest I.erisT of Traverse City was ^electric OU al ooea. It ac
.•\;'r"-s-'<vfs iif sytty.athx teiidcrirbU a
woah aad la atlU tm tbo tick Uat
•|CI’,T Friday and Satu:
ory aanltarlum
ildw-tn Friday, Ib-ol.- 1

Yon Have a Right
to Brag


Lily White




E* Wilhelm


_ _____
tooth Manitoa laat Wedaoaday.where
ho had boon for aoeoral days on bupl-


Fnak Tntde bad the nlafortnoe to
tono oae ot bla boiweo laat nlabt
John Boraey ot Qlcnmerc
-- a flalt
same bar* FHBay
fli with her
aoB Anbar and tainlly
I bocB rather dU. caarastas lor lombermoa. anow to
deep tbe raade bad to be enow plow­
ed: aaed only a few daya; another
------------------------------ tbenatbow.
good, aa I
lai be alody_
by the free oae
e of Ita langoag*.
were ^ Ockaii a^~t^ the
bold in K. a T. IL ball
pie aupper In
aorrod a dao cbMon
at port Oneida called
OOlBiar tatarday
m'a. FDOad him ooottaed to bla bed.
bst Tory comfortable aad well carcnl
mack pleoaed to tee her.

MAKS IT veuntLF.
Tbara It to much
ta avaelgbborbood
lewiBa advice by

RhniBiatlim hero
now that tbe fol
an eminent au
tor• reader* of

j^hty aps**«a»«’^»>»*‘^

who oaf-

Got from aay mod pharmacy
half onaee Plaid Itatraet Bandt
oae oaaoo Oompowad Ratgon. >
•naeoa ef Oompouad Syrwp BaiMpaI thoao won In a bottle
___ _______
• atter
d at bodtlmo; alao drink
-------------d that tbor* are few rlc___■ (S thla dread and' torturoua dliaaw who w»] tall to Ind roody relief
ta thla Bimplo bocBO amdo mixtnrc.
aad ta amot eaam a pormanoat cure
M tho natSL
Tbu MBVta recipe U aald
Btraacthm aad tdeaaae the ella
Bee ttaaaaa of the Kidney* ao that
they oaa SHar aad oUaln tram tbe
blood aad syttom tbo polaoaa. adda
mad waau auttor, whieb cauae not
oaly RbeoaaUBBLbnt
or d_______ _____
Keory ___ __________
bora who feola that tholr kMacyi ara
aot haolthy and aetteo. or who aoften tram any nrlaiLry traable whatoeorahMld not kealiate to make op
thla rntatara. aa it u certain to do
macb aood. and auy aara yoo tram
mnmh mioory and aatortag after
Oar booH dniggltU aay they will
attbor aup^ tbe tagredleata or mU
tba prdoerlp««a raady tp taka If oar
raadart oak tbocL
1%a laiBMt toad of toiM from Bell
f tak wi. 4 by
y «tth BaU-a taam. ms

lart Ma


- Am ■took


ta tba targrat

load taom Oaa praitY

YT may seem incrcdiatble, Dcver tbe less it is a fact, that «c received last Spring
Y a car load of paint, tbe first car ever shipped to Traverse City; and this Spring;
another car load. This fact will demonstrate to you that we are strong; in the paint

The only reason for our_..great success is QUALITY first, and PRICES next.

Our selling price Is based on our low cost, h is a conclusive fact that buying as
we do to car loads, we not only save the difference over Iccal lots, but also the
freight as well. This great saving-we are giving our patrons the advantage of. so
when we quote you $1 25 a gallon on quantities sutficient for a house, we arc giv­
ing you the same quality, that if bought in local way would have to diarge $1.50.
Now when through our large investment
we are able fo save you 25c a gallon
should we not be considered before the
Mail Order House. We give you a five year
guarantee, whereas f^jom them you have no
recourse.* If you want still a cheaper Paint
we have some for $1.00. In Barn Paiht wc

time to tbmk Jtbout Plowing
You havt the Land, Wt baot tbe Plows

,have imponed English Venetian Red, groun 1
L'.ncid Oil.which'whenthinned
with Oil makes the most durable and brilliant Barn Paint that can be produced.
This sells at 5c a pound and one pound will cover more than two pounds of any
dry paint.

Just received ■ ear load of OUver Plows, glvtog aa aa
Utat caa doI help pleaslBg ycNt.
AtiJv From ilieir regalftr number* aneb a* yoo knoir. m MA, M, 4S sad 4S, tbs fiivt clara
(ii'Tieral pury^me plow*, ve ara abosiuK tbClT BCW No. 48, Bad B lOOk Bl It %VQ1 ^OVC

We also handle ‘ FRESKOLIN ’ the only Sanitary Wall Finish,
which comes in beautiful colors and can be mixed in hot or cold water.
Easily applied and very durable sells at 40c a five pound package. W>also handle a Black Paint especially made for tin and iron roofs: will
positively stop all leaks, wears for years' which sells at $I.CK) pi:r gallon.
We would appreciate having you give us a chance to show our
extensive line, also our Buggy and Wagon Paints. White Lead and


no. II with a 40 Bast is tbt Oliotr Sulktf Plow fMltd
out with Ibtlf famous Ho. 40 Bast
whk-li to tbi- fanner ia in Hwlf an aMorance uf -{Uality.

Yoa are laviled to call la aad look over «
hay or moL

We carry. a>4arge stock of Field and Garden Seeds.
We pay tbe highest prices for Farm Produce and also f.'r
Stock for our Meat Depanmeni.

to you It Is the perleetfoo of the age.

Piuliry and Live


d^nnal) & Lap Wercantik Co,
T*c atorc wkerc yoa arc alwaji* w*l«»c.


OA naoAV. MAjKM M. nm.

•( tk* T*<l«r.
SOMUM tb« worU to «p «Kh M.
Brt cfMar 'tto down ! .
It hatk a OiUe itor a*.
Mm otiM haU a trawa.
BM heva'ar tau mar 4*al wMi aa.
U ktad a the rar«n«;
IMt tan aaMora'aatath aa.
Or aayty ba m paraa;
Cm aiMatatkaa laft to Ba.
Maaaa eaa taka away.
It to tka taa* tkat vaUa for at
AT baaa. at Maao of Aar
Mo faea aoMAba m tolr to aa.
no* vm^t wKb OTory fraea;
AaA a<ao aeoM ba oe Aaar to ao
Aa tbto rroot, aaOla* taoa.
So If tka •oHA 10 wall wttk aa.^
Or It It CO awry—
Tkto torlai taoa will kap tor aa
A aaOa tor orory alght

Ood klAw HiBMtr wttkUt the loro
Of tbM Wbos wo tore boot
no aaitoa a^ toon tkat a^o oa

It to eaay to beb<Ad tbe Ch/tot oa
the kotgbu aaA to groa- entkaatorma.
OTM But be anotiitcA
to bobold the BBderelopeA codUke
JUdc oar loyalty and
•errin to tbe andean begsar and to
tko abhorred taak.—Trinitlu and
If there be aoae weaker one
OlTo me ttrength to help him on;
bUnder eoul there be.
Let OM guide blm nearer Thee.
tKlio aeeko for heaven alone u ure
hU ooul.
Kay keep tke path, bat wai.not reach
the goal:
tjUle be who walka to tore may
wander far.
Bat Ood win bring bla where the
bleoud are.
—Henry Van Dyke.

tbe spots, thea proao earefaHy wttk a
hot'lioa. Change the paper cftaa. as
It ohnorbo tke greaae. If tk# goods are
M rich, or dettcato. that the Iron to
Itk^ to Injure tkes. try trtcttou by
Bgtog raw eottoo; rah the epou oC.
eh^fag the eottoo Mten. tt the matartol to etoled or etatoed to many
ptoeea. rtp-the artleto and wash It to
tepid water softened with pulrailzed
borax. It can be made to look at good

tke obo ar a
dtoaolved to the BMth. wlU allay
coughs and ihroot
a pinch
of tho powder nsoA no a onnff to ben*-!
trial to catarrh: and a oolnttoB of
ten grains of bevnx to one OMoe of
pare water to a soothing lottoe tor te-*
flamed eyes. It 4a an exeelieut coe-j
meric, allaying all trriUUon of the
skla and making It soft and whlto.
U Is said that cknnltoets U nest
to godUneea. and borax to one of tOe
most cleanly and cleunrtog sabstances known. In the bonsebolo
where It Is freely osed. dirt cannot
exist, and with tbe eradlcatloa of
dirt, the germs of many diseases arv
destroyed. There can be no surer way
to preserve the bealthfuln<ss of tbe
home than by a free ose of bore*,
which cleanres. deodorizes, and dU

To dean a Brasadla Carpet—First,
have the carpet well ahaken. then
tack H down to a room where tt Is to
remain, and sweep It as thorou^ly
u poaaible. Take a pall of hot wa­
ter. pat to two Ubiespoonfuls of pow
dcred borax: wash tbe carpet oil over
tbe sortace. using a funnel clotb.
For greare spots or very dirty places.
a scrabbtog brasb freely, and a
very Illlle ooap. uktog care to rinse
tbe soap off well sfter scrubbing
Dongtr m Little Sleep.
Change tbe water qotte often. Rub ' Many energeSc people seem ti>
the carpet welt after washing, with
think that they can steal from their
dry cloth, and open tbe doors si
nlgbt-B rest to aceompUih their work
windows so as to dry It as qalckly as Sometimes It to nnavoldable. as when
a student has to prepare tor cxamlaaTo Bleach s Straw of Panama Hat tioDs. and occasionally It probably
—Flm. scrub It well to warm water, does no barm, but the regular prac­
softoned with a ubleopoonful of bor­ tice of Bitting up unUI all hoars of
ax to a palifal of water. Vse a clean the right Is one of tbe silliest things
brush, and If the btt is' very mnch
sensible person, can do. says
soiled, use s llttle-soap. Thea sponge Chicago Chronicle , i authority says
the bat all over with a weak solutton •There to no overstepping of tbe 1
borax, aslng a leaspoonful tp a basin­ It which is more dangeroo than t
ful of water Bleach In tbe sun tor of doing work which curtails sleeptwo or three days, sponging the hat
It Is a common thing for girls in
frequently with the borax water
college and ttudenu to profeaslooa:
the hat to very yellow, a little lemon' .rbools to lose sleep by working until
itrtea, or dUuied oxalic acid, to good | ^tt^r mldnigbt. A certain well-known
------------lOCuIlrt. In speaking Of this practice.
To Clean Paint—The best soap for
his brother entered
P.U..,.d. b,
otmee of powdered borax, one poun-1 j forked like i -grind ' «»d was grad
of 111* boat brown soap (cut to small,
b^nors, while M, brother
pieces) and three quarto of water. |always at tbe foot of his class
Put all in a kettle; set on tbe back of
-sow,- be added,
stove or range mntll the soap is alllfo^y^r impaired
dtoaolved. sUrrtog frequently, tt mnat ,^,1*.
brother baa made
not come to a boll. Use with a piece
fony ^ much of
of old. soft, white flannel: It cleans , though m a different walk
paint wltooul Injuring It; It is also eyes and health are abeoluiely p.-rfec;
beseflctal for the basdf. •'•d moeh and likely to remain so undl a good
better tor washing clothes than any:oId age.
other soap.
Tho end for which scboolr and ooi
To Wash Rod Table Unen—Use lege* sre intondod-namoly, a usoful
tepid water with a little powdered career in llfe-ls defeated when one
borax (borax Hris toe color). Wash .tans with weak eye. and a tired,
• ’ and quickly, us- overworked nervous system.
- in1 tepid ji Of courre. there Is such a thing as
Ing very little a
water containing a lltUe 'boiledd atkreh i >0 much sleep, but ifs a decided rals
hang to dry In the abode; Iron when uke to ronse up an energetic young
almoat dry.
| perse n or growing school child who


ma. MhAT Ksm
Miss IWolab B. Broome. ed> itob Su’
Boad, WU- S. E_ Wash jigton. r>. f.. writes:
! err. Appleton, W
I “I have suffered from wrtmk bmgt and ! >1 coDtractad a srrere eoU wUck
AkA tf Mkalth eboeao to Aowor aa.
ffeid. L. 1.. S. Y.. wrl
b eatarrbal trouMaw tor four voars. brought ' settled on mv longs to Twry short aeAer,
Or Porertj ablAa,
as not long until It devslaped
Be kngaa ^Ao«h akaro wttk aa,
>t sleep half tbe nlchl. Many
. 99f atttoth at ay alAa.
people thought
-IMay Wrisbt ffMA.
a friend
l*< runa an honest gesiloo WM poor and my IBM* ••fih
-A woman iwcom“Tbere It «e thonght that tUro me
trial and I am pleased to stats that It |
After a few doses of Pvrana I began
mended Perona
a aaA oaly'a wo- • to the depths of my toul. and make*
me |wo yean ago- rrsMreri »e to ptrirtx bomttk. There' to mend, and fell
and DOW 1 am i -------is not—
trace—of—--------—:---------catarrh In . that If I kept —
0 Bun-a weaaa an by koiadt «f • ay blood tingle to Ute very Bnger
1 began u> take Pet
--------------pvri«Mly free fn-m s cough. 1 am gtod ! my system and my lung, are perfocUy taking It tl wonld
• oho IkoA and wttkoat any man •: Opa; it to that I am ont pUeed here
• to holy her-who ean tara a • at a mere esperiment. nor yet aa a
•kaBMitttoabaao.-rnBCtoPirw*|AlTtoe eonfeMlon: t am created to
do Dot feel well, and I atoo give It tomyl'^to my I‘^•” _
|, was right, tor In
• a Oobbe.
• I be a worker wlto God. and a fellow
j Mm.WUliam Hobmann, U» K. Paul-^«te.
' '
• aoldler whh all the noble men and
‘■Peruoalstbebestmedictocinreooghs ms til . Chicago. IIU writes:.
-I think PerwM laa grand ■
women of the peat and fntore who
e.eeslgbtto I have told many people bow I “I eoSered with catarrh of the bran-1 and wlah to add my Mttaaan]
jrblal tnb« and bad a terrihleeaughevet - many others you hava."
hare aehiered imBortallty by their
is has beJi«l me.”
Mrs. HetUe Green. R. R. No. 0. luka., rince a ehlld. After a while ii .
m. Writes as foUows of toe efficacy of' t»A 1 had te coogh both winter and I,
success to lifeas
Bdrax In the Home.
“Lost November 1 had catarrh aod
my threat from toe strain of cough^
eioenm of too •
My wtthto recent years has tbe
felt so miserable I tboegbt that 1 wonld . tog. next a blood veeael in my stomach. J*,. _________an
With tti Borry rash and whlri. to over. low price of borax brought it within
I*® > kept getting wort* and doctoring.
;anA tkOTO bna bou Uae to aetUe,tke menu of every one as a bouseIirledsomaovdociorsandmedlctDec »nd even torn eould get no rebel. I."*** V
- —— *
AowhvaDA catch oaeb breath. It to too I ho)4 uslstant. and It would oot be
but noioing did ots aoy good, only thonght. and everybody else, that 1 bad j
' oarly'to bogto to tUnk of «pring!nrprtotog if there were still many
y as bring toe greote
hntiitflwhlhr as a whole, or thejvbo would be found but partially
“A'*'/ >
« vwrwo. « vw-,
w ID toe treeimeot of OM
work, both todoon and ont, whl^lxwaro of tbe ways to which K ean be
lopr tost U would do me any good.
wU sweep Aowa like a Marah wind Bxge belpfd. aays Good HoasekeeprighL m?-boweU ars wgular. my appe- after Uking tore* bottles I noticed a| Dr. Uartman has for many yuM afb
before Bony wneksAnA threntnn
Until within toe tost quarter
i>viu-r. so I vocated tbe fresh air treetaseat tor eon*
site good, my complexion etear. my, change. My appetite
ipuon. At toe earns time be hu
klov ovafFOM off hlB tML
to like caainry It was principally the pioeyes are bright and am gaining In flesh I hrpt <«• never got disc
a as a Bsefel priltotko Am Mrty waking boor of tke dnet of Butera coantrtss and Italy,
and strength.
-Finally I seemed
Parana Im. no equal o. aU-1
raarto aormtac. vhey one ha to n and was Imported to thU country and
I better. 1 am e
tarrh remedy.”
ptdUhBt, kbit awake atoto and Ms- ooM at a high price,
To Bet the Color In Blockings— hat overalepi. If toe rest was no*
1 you how grateful 1 am. and I cannot 1
nrMy plw ont tk« work of tke day.
pte article known as borax, which, tW»en wubed for the first time ute thoroughly needed he would pmbably
expeeioraUon, streng toens !l.V—c------toank Peru -------- ,,, J, I
Tho work will to onrtor. more owltt- chtmleaUy speaking. Is the hl-borate^iQ me grst water s little oxgall not have overslept. "Work wMie you (he peilent. Inrreaiies the appetite and | •here docto
ly and toM aetkoAlenny
oe procurea
of ooda.was foond In toe derelopmeot:
(which can be
procured at me
the urugdrug- work ano
and rvsi
net »nin*hlle »ou rr-*i j» b In many eases proenres Bound, refresb-1 think they
konito ptoAitBA and U a worth wUle of California sad Nevada to exist in ‘ glsu’); alao have a Ubiespooaful of good motto for all InduitriouB yi.ung tofl sl«P| give It a trial."
snefa quastiUea that a loug farewell
to toko toO'tlBO tor H.
“" powdered borax to every pailful of people,
And ao,|^nftk to a gooA Bight be given to the Imported
hot water: use very little eonp. After
Roast them ihortKighly. Cut off 1 Use ordinary pie crust or puff parte, pnmra. stewed. stonoA saA cnrieA.
wkkk to Iny oat u tor oa say bo, ttclo. If only these doporiu could be I the Aral use of aocgnll. borax will
CueUro Cups.
end from each, scoop out the ;>ola ' if preferred Bake wtib two crosts, then chopped very Aae rttkort Jrten.
tko woik of tko OMDtog wooko and mode avaUable; and It was not k>og wer every purpose. Do not let, the
If the family growa tired Of
and season It aito batter, salt and i The aiaount given will make one | Brat the whites of sU egg, to a
BAwtka. Tko boa tolA ptou o' 'aleo bef re Amertean capital had extoi- stocklngB remain long in anyJwawr: useful bread puddlog. as ordlnsrily '
■ close. Arm froth, sdd six t ''
»fulsj targe p!e.
and a«n gang oft ogJoy. wo nro trid. tire raduring works to operation, hang to toe shade to dry
ri-rved. offer U to them in custard
____ _
_ t, fols of Aae sogsr and whip tolo tho
brat-! Cranberry Catsap—Ooe quart
bat tke woBon drko ooa BOtkod. onA trith nch rapacity u to not only sup­
To Wash a Black aod White CkK- cups Thera are buttered ^fore toe , ^
to | cranl^rrlcs on.- cup of water mhI '
Bake half an hoo, to . bot•toakw b«hoaA ure bar heola.'’ to ply the home demand, bat to aUow ton D
tab partly fllled , podding I. put in. and baked In bot
a piece of i »«A deep dUh. eoveepd until It hU
tko ewo wko wUl eomo to the yooTs of toe export ot large quanUtlea. It with hot
» torge teaspoon- water, as when they hold cu.t.nL.
y„Jriacn io Us full heirtu- Browa drtl*
end wUh the greatut rimer the beat BOW sella at leu than a quarter of ful of powdered borax; wet only one, Spread each with X bl. of jam aod_______________ !..Up,c- .bout u deram.poon of hrok-‘^
koMth. obA tka tewori witaktoa. the price prevnlent thirty year* ago. part of toe dreas at a tlrae. the ^ meringue,
found tha0»nven,e«t Home Ramed...,
>n cinnamon and some mac8lm
» *•»<»
Of Ont cap­
Ibrto to a good nantk to whteh to and Is therefore available tor every baaqne Brst Use very UtUe eoap, and'ibe homely pudding has
----- ------- - "•*
prv*er>1ng k,.-, . ful of e
nttond to tko oAAs obA <BAi of work, use to wUoh It to adapted.
only on soiled places; wash qnlckly.
eaa or wsier,
perfectly ran. ■flavored.
the wb!ie of an ■
to aort tko ooeuatitotlant of tko post
And U can be osM a great dul rfnae to
and. although ih
[ - ill l>torough a c-.lander, add one| Fig Padding Chop half a ponaA at
yonr, to roguUto rioous. hosu end more guerally and helpfully than U
1 of salt; stretch
ssm.-. It wilt not t'llMer the skin.
• pound of brown wugar, >lmB»er lea ] flgs into rather ooorra ptoeoa; ohop a
cUled. It Btay not be aniw to wrong aide, wring very dry. shake ont
bMO. Md dtspoM of too totogi WklQh
pall.II I an Ih- m«de cool
longer, and si-i.1 Tbto recipe quarter of a poosA of heaf sart vary
some of tbe methods of use. at
nro of no ow to tkrir owner,
well and place where It will dry
I,, b.-,D=
d.iw.u. aam. flne; pound or roll Ana If
wklek wU] prove a wondertol kelp given by' thou wko have made the quickly. Next wash toe overskirt and j It
poiraA of atrie brood. Mix ttMOO
o..ron.Pb,™.,, m.d. I.
to MBM lou tMtuuto pmoa. It It
.................................... a view to lighten then the nnderxklrt In toe same way.Iso frequently fail to send
soda Uss been di«u.l.ved
iquanllile* at aav Ume throughout tkrm ingrrAenU togetkor wttk half
too but Uae to tke yur to toy oat
To Oran Black lAce—Place the table, as they should b.-, a i
ke on drarbm of ,j...
the home of toe
rnr earache
B pound of rich, brown FOBtr, AM
tho torikg sewing, and fft^ou of nU lahorer.
lace on a clean table; have on Tra-jsnowy nghtnera Th*- reason
oil, beat, tnowtI laudanum i
egg well beaten and a nnimeg g^^toA.
raoopt tka thtogs vbicb need
bard to find.
, (i.ece of eouou with it and place
for aU wmshlng pnrpoM borax apoonful of powdered I
Vtn weU mixrt itaoB tar foor
To Mond Rraken Croekary.
lotost spring toskion ikooto tor their Mftoat the wator. tooomt dirt, uvu
In late spring pnuioes should be'^^
quart ot hot water; Uke a soft
fL-eause It la one of the few ce­ boura and aerv* sritk lemon aOBC*.
aoAris. Tksro are uoaHy rai« hofs isonp and labor, reduce* the wear on tmuh and uae toe borax water freely.
H over toe Are W cold water, and | Turpentine in which
dl—Ived as
Raisin Pie—Molf a copfal of tail*,
gntos to ko toond to too atorao la clothes AOd la soothing to the sMn. After all tbs* greaae apoU or soiled gradually brought to th,- holllnc P®lnl,ma<h camphur as ii -111 Uke up. 1.. ments that realil both wai-r and beat
ralalBs. aeedad. 'cover wUh oa* CORtheoe Ant wteter pmths. la the way making the bands ooft and white, places hsre been removed, ose plenty They should be scrubl>ed clean with a pr,..,,fnlD< nth- to- dressing for tocer-^ while lead I* said to be toe moK
agcTii lur meudlog broken fui of eold water and cook slavly two
of roBonnto of dreu goods, biu of and win not Injure toe flnrat fabrics. of warm water wlib a sponge. Oo all brush, but they should not he peeled gvlon.-''
crockery .After applying thinly on hears Bea- nntn UMlt one egg and
• lacoe ^ trtBtotoga. which un be
the places so as to rinse off all Tbe eook OnUnarllv pels her poUaction t» -qval to that of car- the edge of the broken picoee. preat one cup of sogar, add the Juice and
Fbr Uu to Wssbtog—First, hsre
boo^r-lor o song now. SAd a bale
borax water; place the lace
the Ore li: .
n fjH-<jlly stops blcMltiir
plenty of brikng wsier. To every
hero together and set aside to dry. grated rinds of a lamoa and oa* Uiorotkongkt wW aake tho peekotooU bollerful sdd from two to three tshle- (wbDe damp, and after picking out bo:llng water,
iFe--. if anv ulcer* long rerisl it* A -a’-rproof glue that I* very u*b- bleapoonfol of Aear. Mix too rrtrtaa
Ao Aaoblo A«tr to MAteh.
The average-idi-d i-otaln cooks in
tpoonfuls ot powdered borax; nu ileely Ibetween piece* of old black
f'Jl IB r--palring marl-te or porcelain and the water thay were eoritoA tn
And to the Bidet ot too spring planomlment* should alwavv p- kept ih nisy be mide by mixing pirtn whit- with the other 4nfr«AtoaU and cook
of toe borax water from the Ilk or ratbmere and press with s half an h»«r after the water on them
ntog Ao not forget tot Aowdr garAen boiler for every tubful of clolhet. warm Iron until dry—be careful not begins tn boil The. should not be ^
,, ,f,p
pec.m.-s |clu- and milk Cnslak-d lime mixed until they thflek^ or ontll toe flour
. At to to ho. Bend for cni
salt.'d until they have iH-gun lo boi! pa„^,d serious Irrluuon
adding only enough cold water to > use a bot Iron
wl’h white of an -g* make* a co,kJ to doe*. Pill tarn pie ftast*. add up­
Sowen and rogetoWsa. and make
for miilrh ci-nietii for ordinary use. as dm* al- per eras: and bok«.
Phr Starching Linen—Use one tea
make It comfortable tor the bands
you gordu with panell and p^or.
soap on the most soited. and rub ipooofnl of powdered boray to one Iocs require an even labl-siwinful of
*1. platter of part* blended to a cr-ara
Peach Roll—Cook dried peachra.
A AoBor or two tovuted to tbe rid
I boArd or thrangfa a waahlng ma* quart of bolHng sUrch: it will Im­ salt added lo the water Ib.-y are boi' ; ^ |sviiiir- uf fit,-', scrap-d garden
make a rich biscuit d-iugb. roO oot
rime tovort'tu wUl transform a bonu
I. «•,.;] r-c<inir'e:td-d for cut*
t boll the clotoee. Hsre prove (he stiffness and gloss, and ed In
aod spread It *ito toe peachra. roll­
into 0 boao. and make tt
a tub partly fuD of bolHng hot borSM prevent iu sticking.
Seme Dried Fruit Deaaerta.
ing toe wboi- up et tboogb it wet* a
not only to tts owMto. bet to overy water to which to pat the riothra that
To Whiten fkirvelain Sancepans— them, peel them quickly, return them
I..-" }'. .. . -One prtit of flonr. Jelly roll Stf^ra ihr-e-qaartorB of on
chanee paaur-hy. Tko woman with a here been rubbed; let them remain Have the pans half fllled with hot wa­ to the hot, dry pot they were rooked
*;ft.-<J »llh t»o teaspoonful* of bak-|hour and
ehMtu yard to Boi ~
ter. throw to a tableapooofui of pul- tn, and If they are to be mashed beat
In the borax water nnill ready
sugar and floor, with
log po-dcr and on*-tialf teaspoonfal ^ butter
ethera. Sbe has as
if a bump wax wi^l of sal’
rinse, from s qaarier to a half boar verUed borax, and let It bell. If thla them tooronghly with a wooden poUI>ne ‘■ei tx-iten. two table-> son:.- of
water In which toof too rtohost ferUtlter that ean be will do: rinse to one clear water with does not remore all toe stains, soap tci beetle. This beetle cost*
• ,ki:i would no
spoonf il- -if tiiiil--r and two of tugar ^ peach-cooked.
foond. rondy ot hand tor toe ualng. oat borax.
;e »a>p a «rltef 1 had
cloth, sprinkle on plenty of powder­ and Is better for 11* piirpo*,
add-d to the egg.
I—Half a pound
and ortto 0 Utile ciuo and loving
fancy patented beater ever Invenl-d
'I-- 'a th in ih-- remedy but hap •h!-l. of a ruptol of ml'k. toe slf-ed ' d,
To Clean White Lnce—To a pailfnl ed borax, and scour toe pan well.
stewed and chopped
<koo^ her premlsu un be made
Properly boiled potatoes should fall
To CIranse the Woodwork Around
;;--d to try !i and found tha- uo flonr i-id one and on-half capfals of v-r, Sb- Beat two egg-whitea all*,
of bot water, add one tabiespoonfal
perfect bower of beasty. It to not
ifK was left BuMr' la a1»ay* with .inni-d and chipped dates, floured
of powdered borax; place the lac* la Doors—Take a pailful of hot water; Into a snowy mass at toe 11r>; bio*
taste, fold In lb* apribU too early to begto to think
reach and ti.y ll'ib- ope* hav- bri-n ► Ugh':' Mix and bake twen-.y nrn r-.t- an; bak- Re-ve wtto wblpped
and let It remain for a few moments, throw tn two tablespoonfult of pul­ of the beetle
thus totaga. Tho pendi garden wlU then watb to toe same water. geot*.y verized borax; use a good, coarse
Do not add anything to /he poia
I'd many ugly 1-oktng mark*
UK* Krw- wilt vaallU *aoce
c-.-am ..r a .-jsiard sauce made of
pratobly ou many traastorBatloos
brush. When wash­ toes until all lumps are bealin out.
arito toe bands, ottog very little loai
Jv-jae Souffle—One hall pound
-b- l.-f'o'i:
of tbe eea.
before tko rasil one la planted, but W*hen quite dry, rinse In one clear ing places that are extra yellow oi Do not add cold milk or cream but
toat to ooe ot tko riUof plusnn
bot water; aqneeoe or preas tbe wa­ stained, soap the cloth, then spnnkie to every twenive potatoes, add half
0 wtotor evontog. and uch plan wlU
boiling milk quarts of h:;chi rej berrie*
ter ont—do oot wring It. I^ace <
It with toe dry powdered borax and rupful
bo heUor toon tke one praeedlng
lace, if a amall piece. Inside o{
rub the places well, using plenty oi Do ont be spartag of aal; A dozen,wash car-fuUy put them In a |«-r
wntn toe tko^l-garAu to traasl
Cleon, folded towel; tt a large ph
rinsing water. By washing toe wood potatoes, which have been boiled In relain 1 n-d kettle wl-h a »cint pltf:
oA toto tke BOtutal one.
fcnte a aheet. aod with the cloth weU woik In toto way there to no danger
spoonful more when they are mash lifteeti m-nuies. to.-n rqaeete lUrougU
wrapped aroqad<.Ahr lace, gently of removing the patot.
wring as much ot toe molstare ont
To Bxtermtnale Roaehe*. Ants, and ed Add a liberal Ublespoonful of a flannel )el>. _bar Return the )utce ^
UttJa AO ye know your oiaraeoneoa. „ possible. Place a clean towel or (Kher Verrrtn—Sprinkle powdered butter, and whip the poUtoe* Into a ton* oMalqed to the ketll-^add two
Paioling i* o& inveattnetit wbicb olway* pay* wrfl if tba
tot to' iraval hopofuUy la a bsttorlgneet oo a Uble. and with very riran borax freely about toe slnka. on clos­ light mass with a spoon. The beetle pound, of'toe be*- -witte-s«gar. and;
qaolity of the point is rieb(—It increoaeo tbe
value ofj boil for abem; iweo-y minute*. at)r-,
i to arrive nad the troe
atralghtea or atreteh toe Uce et shelves, and In cracks about the to DO loagCT nraded.
yc-nr botme as well i* tbe Incibs—It aavea its onet ia tbe prt>Do not smooth toe moahed potato*-' ring coifxunUy Pour Into moulds
MMOM Ii to Bhor.-4. U^SUvtBaon. to tta original shape. Pick ont all tke kitchen where they exist. While de(ectioD it Rive* tbe wco\. BOYDELL'S PAINT u Uw poiat
prevlou..lyto bee®
In ,
edgra. prints, etc.; tt win
Krnctlve to these peKs, borax to ab- down In the dtob they are aerved in. that
aae rm»ed
os it oorero
more oaH lonka better thoa otben. and will
but pile toem lighliy tn a well-shaped cold
Tare rou*:
be taken
O Thna who hast givm ao mnch to> perfectly dry while doing ao. If toe aolntely hamleas to mankind.
for that
many yean.
We bore boodied BOYDCLLS
lace to vary large or hard to dry. pta
PAINT over twraity yearIt boa atood tbe teet of time—We
Borax to also tbe beat preeereatJve loogh man They are better If they.the berries are no, over-rip*.
are serrad at once.
! Mock Cherry fr.—Mix tooronghly.;
eivo CM ^flag
ftrtaCri u dowji on a clean board. Kicking known for flab, fleoh. or fowl
kpow it it right i(aA]ity—Pric«« and Color Coida on op^cotioa
There are many attracDve way* of one cup of cranberries cut ID halve* ,
. hrart.
ptoa into every point or loop; aae
- pnrpoaes. immense qnsntlenp of
raifins -ashedand peed ;
rirt thnaktul whan U ptonseU bo; |attreh; Ao not iraa U or hang it op
oaed: a light aprinktlng of •erviag toto common vegetable, and a odd
hU spore days, to dry.
As tt 1
borax will preserve them little variety to offered In toe fonow-'ed. but noi chopped one cop of su­
ing recipe for staffed potatoes.
gar. one tablespoon of floor and one-1
Mat «aeh a hrart
polBO Bay
To Renovate Oraaae Bpoto from from decoy or pntr«(ac<loo.
Select smooth m>tatoe« and have third cup of ho: water and ae: In s;
Corner Frant & Uoion StreeU
TtaTene City. lUeb.
Borax la rieaaly. cooling sad aeda—Oafr Bnrbort. per (to* «o(i klaA) m both aides of tivc; to good for burns, scalds, and them as near toe same size as poaai-|wans place while prepartn* toaernsti





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