Grand Traverse Herald, June 23, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 23, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nuvcME emr.


ommo travcim couktv. michmam, tucsoav. junc

tlA* A YEAB.



all rtAc Howevtf. at Ute
of the city to Ckiee their stores Wvd- j 14:
. Sherman 4: Florlte.
Mere, theao went |o m cterka
Mdday afteracon and It ta
was thrangh these that
that thta may be arranged.
I tr loira, OulM 7. ^
was made pnnMble and Om magaiteea
' Tire dtotb ot Mr. MUUkc
R Myau
am made poaMMe.
place Fridsy moratag <t 7:30 oa tbe
■ M»*w»v oii^Mia itiw
Wkenerer tbe employes bad a Uttrain near Poogbkeeptle. Bberily af-;
paar. tbe vork M Uw beard of traAe
vorr city.
under Mr. MnUken'e Lre.‘ tie todal mtbering. Mr. and Mrs.
ter mldnlgbt Mrs. bUHlken
of wUe& be
aul la the eaet halt Mr. HamiUon MllUkea were pmeni bad occupied
her hashsnd from tbe berth, sad SL aciwsetm. ttaUd S3; MIchlgair.
and ibe tbcweand and one atbw
SUNDAY SCHOOL KSCORTMO RC- ; Srtt thought nothlag of it. bettevtat
the elothtnc d^artaoeaL
tbe place of honor,
tbe Mmtkm
tblaca tbat.ce to Bwk*,a baey
that be would mod mure. Hi* pro­
store rid not aeem Uke tbe nseal
Bill] baeler. yet be teaad Ubm not
longed shsenre filled her with nlarau.
bat miber snore
only (or all thle work bat tor other
Uke one lar«e &mUy, bond togetbw
and upon tavestlgnUoa Mr. MUUken
»ork aa well, aaratac far three yean
back ta tbeir closely by tlce et mninal respect'and
was tondd In . the bivaiory ta an nna> precldent -of lb* Mkblfan 8o
tber'plarad toboyhopd
The MtmkcB store U usnally
ihU time tbe
^hool Bnodatlea.
Cether. studied toECther
ailed wiUi bright nd happy people,
trata was tomewhere near Rochester Mnrphy S4; Hew York. Sherman 74;
worked tocether. Bat no heavy bad but today there Is aa air of goom.
Tbe Pulimkn conductor dU every- !^h (taroftaa. Sherman 4: North
Whaa the oaovennoo waa held la their baMnesi boeoine they Mt that the employee hardly senMng their
Ibtag within hta power to auUC ta Dakota. Sherman f. Ohio. Murphy II;
thta dty in IbOE. Mr. MUUken
In order to do It JoetJee It waa bet­ loas. yet renUstng that a great and
raring for the .trlckcn man. be at Guild 10. Shermn 34: OkUbotea.
elected preeldent and after hie elee- ter ta dliMlve ptrtnenUp. and each good friend M gone. There w
first beUertag that Mr. MlUlken was Sherman 14: Oregoa. 'Shennaa I;
tloa, he deroted the aaine enersr to conda^Un own buMneat. each reat tbe MUUken store. Memertal Sewlc* Well Se H*H Next suffering ftom an attack of acute in Peansylvaaia. Sherman
tbe aSalre of tb* ueodatlon that he talains tbe departatent which he had very few.- and planes there were mneh
Suitaay in Charge «• th* Rev. O.
digestion. As the train pulled Into <: Rhode Uland. Shennaa ■; I
had done In
bollt np Is the yenn of their bartner- sought after. AU ot this Is a more
Albany a physician was secured and Carolina. Murphy 1. Sherman
lave, at Jadcaoa. contrary is an pre­ ahlp. 80 in Pebroary. 18U. their clonnent trtbut* than wor^ to ihV
as toOD as he uaw tbe ^Ueni he pro­ South Dakota. Sherman «; 1
cedent. be wae axnln cboaen ea the
waa diiBolved. hot the re- Hf* and chUMter of James W. MUU­
nounced the ease apoplexy, and de­ SbermsA S4;:'I>taa. Uermaa »;
rmMcoday's Baeord.
head or tbi* sreat body of people, aa Utiona that had ertaled fOr half a ken.
clared that there was no hope. «Mr. Utah. Shemat ¥^^3(4^. Bbermaa.
No effort was made to curry
honor accorded to no other man la century were conUnned. 'ilie Inter
8: \’irgtnla. Sberotan Tt';- WMagthe regular program yesterday ta the Milllken dIJ not regain
Hio Smmy SMioel Werk.
So noeecnkfel aru
lor arranceiDent ot tbe etorea repassing
away at 7:30 a. Che train was (un. Sherman id; Weet' Ylrglala,
Bat Mr. Mnukab wtergles ta 8un- First CongregsUanaJ Sunday schooL
moA and ao well waa it appreeUtad
mnleaSherman 13. Mnrphy i; ftiirnteia.
that In 1M7. arhan the cnvestloa »ot tion hetveen the atorea Is tbe Earn diy aebool work were not caabned to Hearts were too full tor that
Tbe phystclau accompanied
Sherman 4. Guild >. Mnrphy 1;
the state smctatloa. At the Um «d eminently fining that Frank Hamil­
today that U was on tbe day ot tbe
ton. boyhood comrade, bostacte na- slHcken srlfe to New York, sod every Wyoming. Sherman •; Alaska. Bber
anpertnvota. Jama W. MUUken, of Travene opening, and an be wna bdoved by
thing that human hands could do to mas 3: Artaona. Sherman 3; INalitel
toctate ud lile long friend
tendent of the Congregational 8n
City, wna acaln elected.
Ida own clerks no was he held In the
Colnmhla. ffbarmaa 3; BavaR,
OMtf Man.
aebool and all from the little tou la Ute Hon. J. W. MlUlken should take
Bern in Maine.
hlgbett esteem by thoee employed In
done by the'railroad bffldals.' Tbe Sherman 3; New Mailco. Bbermas T:
the very am depertment on up to the place of
Mr; MUUken was me of tow chllPullman was twitched onto a special PblUpptora. Sherman 8; Porte Kan.
during the Sunday school hour.
■en. Bawnel K., who reeidea at WorAfter a tew remtrks by Mr. HamlV track, and word was at once eent
t and deU^ted ta tid­
cdsUr. -Man., wko te eocafed In the
Jane I, Ittl. Mr. MUUken was unit­ ing and bonortag him. In hU work, ton. ta which be staled ibst although George L. Wentworth, s ceosta of
A motion waa made to aame L
irtatta. wlte ot
ed In marriage to Mlaa Callle Thack­
tbeir bearu were full, there waa Mr. Milkkeo. who resldte in New chalraun of tbe e
Woreeeter, er wko waa bom in Ohio Jannnry to. he waa ably aaaUted by Mra. MUUken
work to do. and after a aeaaoo of York. Mr. Wentworth reached the Taft. Borrows was appotewd ctelft
Mean. and. Chnriea o.. who died In IttS. When n cUM of seven yenrs who took Just aa keen and taatlng an
statloa as dom as poulbie mad took mu to aogfy ffhtemiB. tbe date » ba
Intereat ta Sunday achoou and Sun­ prayer tor tbeir last leader, commit­
Mr. MUUken wna n busy man, there
she cam with her parents to Trav- day achota scholars as her hnsband. tees were appointed to make the ar- charge of the arraagemenu.
arranged. Lodge unonnotd It was
edneaied In the local
Jiaty tor blm 40 eerra. uS
All bU me, Mr. MlUlken was inter­ rangements tor the memorial lerTtees
•cboola and waa a graduate ot the ested In Sunday
reUred ta faiTor ot
Warner, at
(0 be held next Snndsy at the regntar
High edmol. Mra. MUUken U a Udy
time a Beeord tepbrter. just after hU Sunday school bonr.
vote Mood: SbersMW
election at Kalamtsoo. asked
work In the Cot
aU; Maipby, Tl; Onfld. 76; dsp.
bow long he bad been a Sunday
aebool aril] be'kaosra to tbe coming
ernor Sbeldon. of Nebraska, lO; PMraebool worker and be replied. '-Al­ Hamilton. whUe the fiower comaalttee
ta composed of Mr. sad Mra. C.
banks. 1; total, 878. Oto delsgaM
ways.*’ Mr. MUUken waa also
-as absent
prominent and inSuential worker in Bhner. Mr. and Mrs. E. U Bdwnrds
and Mr. and Mra. Stephen Cexlk. Tbe
But one dUld was bom ot thU eonnty Sobday school msttera.
Taft Raalgnad.

union. Jnmm Thacker, bis Mrth oeWaMUngUm, Son* 18. Oseratary
•sard of Tmds.
ot M. a Holley. Mias Clara Batea and
cnitag Angnst ta. ittt. He received
Taft has reMgaad te take affect Jsa*
In the death, of James W. MlUlken. C. A. Hammond.
his early education of tha' loeti
Mel thS Body.
acbools. gradsaUd from OlM, and the Travene Oty .board ot trade Usee
one of lu most faithful and efficient
Aa tbe hour to/ the arrival of the
tbea took the commrcinl taw c
Al-M- trata bteftag tbe tanerM party drew
at Tala. It waa to see hit 'im
fian grad- mmbera. n man who took a vital
nrar. the entire school, nearly 4M be­
nate from Tale that Mr. tkatam udk
-vaS always ruady to do whai
tag presenL formed ta double colamp
tUs )o«mey eaM.
could. He wap one ot the dlrectora on Uta street ta front of the church,
ttste •mater.
■ariy Is Ufa Mr. MUU^W bin ta the board mid chairman ot tb« hegteatag Ja«t aronad the corner os
Park street and extending east oa
tat vltf the repohUdm pb^ juML
At the Hm ot^ death, he waa en­ Washington street
tam n'.staundt republiena
ateoA Snrtag tbe esolUng campaign gaged In perteetteg plana tor
The first carriage cwtalned Mrs
I be was chairman of the re- vendoa hall for the city and it wu Uilliken. her .on Jamte T. MlUlken.
n ctatjal committee, and so' one of hU moat chertshed schemet Hist H^ldegarde Gswn and
-faUy. directed tbe aUalra
Thacker, brother of Mrs. MlUlken,
Mb party that tha. repubUcan mayortty Boardman a vast paik with a targe who met tbe party at Grand RapldL
In the county waa mnaldeiabty In- park syaicm acmtternd tbrougbout tbe
A bush teU on tbe gattaenng us the
Bitektay. lOeh, Jena je.-A targa
imber of
funeral party passed down the Use. HASSACHUSCTTES MAD£ THE
' A Modsat Man.
psara both before and after
beate^were bared, and tears Sowed
teadanen at tha dob«| at
Mtpalga ta that capacity,
Jamea W. MUBkto wns
for the man who had been so much
rcaterday, •RaeraaUoB Day bMag Mm
ta in? Mr. MllUkea was elected to il man. not only' in seeumetatlng
thoee who a week ago had seen

Unda^of aports ha- au the vaeaacy of elate senator, and money bar In attaining the respect of him ta his usual place on the plat­ Seccindiiig Spneeh For Sberman Wat lag (be fealnrec.
ta im received the nomtaetion of hit bSi fellow men and being honored by form conducting the services of tbe
Mad* by “Uncle Joe- Cmtiwn
The ball game between teams mada
■ '4. W. MIUJKtN.
party for state ecnatar In tbe twenty- the city ot bU choice. His character Sunday school with bla face wreathed
Who Awoke Very Much
BP atrtetJy ot^CtagMas ud Badtlay
above ibproatai. hU intellect of
smiles as he looked noon i*ie iinie
bastaSM men was a koM aad OMtfbhIAme n;nm te vtaioia TmverM waa the stare to look altar, the basi- connote of Antrim. (^artevoU. Grand the keenest and hU foresight slinosi ones, everyone of whom beloved with
U.g game. Th* featnres were th* •■*
Tmvnrae, Kalka^ BentSc. Leelanau remarkable, get wltbal. he
all bU great heart.
Chicago, J«u«* 19—Slwrman,
fielding of Frank Moor*, a bO-yaar oM
M «Mn aMniaenad. iwt Mlsr Mentha im at bis bom ta DMdtford. Matae. and Weatord.
HU opponent
modest man. a modeet kindly
And there were team tor tbe lew York, received 818 vote* fee tbs Bnckley MUaea and ihe ncary batting
ifyl UlN^ nar bi-feabl*
B. Btnrtevant, who wna anp- wUlUig to help whenever Im eonld bnt widow who had been so closeiy IdenHen. James W. MUUbea was bom
nomination for vieeprwsi- of Vsl Linden, mt Kingsley.
Mr. '
yi^S ta ammmrn ot im ta Dtemark. Mr.. May W, IMS, bla tmtoi by tbe democratic. populUt unoitentsUoQsly and qnietly.
How tifled with Um in hU Sunday school dent on th* first ballot and i
Linden made torn- safe hit* haatdM
uilMtt Ufa was father betag Joseph MUUken, also a •ad tree ailver pnrtlea. Prentloc W. many ha has aided In the city, hot, work, and ‘whose life work ouulde tion of Msssachiioctt
two iwo-baggen bnt In each cbm Jail­
he was abetrt te nauve of Matae and a lumber maau- muuaan wna alto g candidate. The money of the poor will mill him will (be keeping of her own home circle, tien was mnd* utiar
ed to reach first base, the e^^m be­
dUcloaed the vote
.'Me «!•
never be knosra but the number U has been one of love and fldeUty to
faetumr. HU father died October H,
ing hU svoirdBpMa. bat Klagal^ woa
i.\>u wn I
the mue ones whom .he loved and
lUt. Tbe mother'e name was Mary U: •Whitman. Sll: SiiirteTniit. S.256. targe.
19.—Chairman 6 to s. The Ktagstay band JadAsd
Ana (Book) MlUlkaa. atao a aaUve ot had MUUken. 7>0C.
Mr. Milllken did not desire to ulk isbored tor every .pare moment .he
he pteoson of the 4|y.’
a veryNtuc- for publication when the article
Maine. She. died la Augnat. lOS.
hW command. Abd there
several minute* before order could be
Mlddsugh. the 17-year4ld
Mr. MUUkm was a man who never oadEtnl term aa dtate aeoator, and >1- ceraed himself allhougb wlUIng i
■ympathy for the ton whose joyou.
eiblete. was tbe flrat ta the rpaalag
let an opportunity for botUriag hlm- Ibon^ amply tunUBed and apletalldcivic matters or other things
shoe rate, the high m4 4ba
ly eoBlpped for a poUtIcsl career not pertaining to hta peraonalliy bnt was crushed out with the word*.
naming jnmp.
Brerybody ' prapeat
«rly lire was spent at Sbeo. Matae, EOibtag could tndnee him to accept juat a Uitle touch shows the charac­ “Paiber U dead.’’«s« he met them at
the tone and manner of
bad an excellent time aad voted tb*
lar poUUua] office. He was thor­
and very little chance was given him
ter ot the man. Several months ago. (he Grand Cen(rsl depot in New York, or .econdtag speech.
t success.
oughly wedded to the calHng ot bU
bis joy turning lo grisf.
local newspaper man received
Yark oRp.-taat dated June !• ««# th* to ecenre an edoenttan. At tbe age
taMtae, and tbe halli of legUUUon Imporiani assignment which meant
The ball tiearcr. bad beea selected
Hm.H ^ Neehmd at th* leeal of- mf IS years he waa obliged to leave
» doicn delegate* asked
school, and for three yeni* be ee- eonld not tavelgle him away (ram hli considerable to him.
Unfortnnaiely. (tom among bis pertonal frtands and
him ta buslneu r«»*nlilon.
Chairman Lodge
enred work ns dtek ta n dry goods bastaets.
the aeslgnment dealt with Mr. MilllThey
were Frank Hamilton, C. P
“"“““Uon were ti
ken-B Ufe and hU altainmenu. When
. a taite. That wM all the MteBuck.
a motion wu. cniKi.-laatlcal- Passsd Away At th* Hem* of -Hi
Althontai Mr. MUUkeo-s cMrt bual approached on the matter, be blushed
Theee Utree ream, ta wMcb be reMtn aaM. jwl R waa cMuah te eawe
C. A. Hammond and A. J. Doyle.
’x carried to limit the nominailng
Oaoffhter, Mrc. C. H. lehnsea,
MS was hU store, he was also concelvod a fund of
red nntll the. young man
The Rev, Demaa CochUa waa un *P««he. to lo mlnutee. Jun then
leted with the Traverse City Potato who was collteCtag
At * otieck Friday NibM- .
the maurtal told
kPMMbiap menttoR Mr. end Mrs. mgsnUng tbe
avoidaWy absent bsvlog gone lo Mt *“““ tefltag » marching club carryHUMtan Ml able cHy beond ter New fueneed bU bntlre career, tUtag um Implement company and was a targe him why be was doing It and what Pleaaani lo deliver the Vccalaurcate

be would receive.
Mr*. CaroU ne WelUdted Friday
York MtadM* thorn they tntsndid to with a destm to som day own a
er. He waa oad of the organUera of
laeM of bU owe.
ntght at » o’clock at the home of bar
“Will It help you any?" said Mr.
•e te Ne« kaim. Cenn. They
iTbeo tbe rail of iiate. waa begun.
tha new NsAh-ia-wnaU reaort taeocl- Milllken. On being amured that it
Mrs. C. K. Johnson, of 348
jetated tar
tien. In any eaterprtee that stood
___ e of Rmf. e. t. Om«M, term- When IS yearn of age be
lid. tor aa hour, ta tbe busiest
When Delaware wa. reached she Easi Eighth street. She was (7 yesra for the betterment of Traverse City
Beolde. her daughters
portion of the day. be answered qnsstetp >r thle tata bnl
of tbe world.
yielded lo New York and Tim
Mr. MIHken was alwaya connud npkave. one son. Edward Smllh. of
tloDS and even eousenied to Mt for
kdiinat. a ■Mss'mMta of the family and ta company with a boyhood
Woodruff took the aland amldii
oo ^support IL When the Grand
Sbslubufg. A brntlw akw reaUus ta
panton and acboolmau. nank HamUHe did not enjoy Uie
fiionn of cbeera. (or Sherman
Traverto RegUm Fair aaeoclatlon was tetervlew, as be afterwards sui»d.
ShaOsbwg. -. Mra< Weite-had >ba« a
ton. the young men started wnet. a^
abed. Mr. MUtfkA waa belecied hut tbe fact that be was helping J. W. MILLIKEN WILL SC BURIED three lime, three fOr hinwelf. Then naideni «f tki. Mly-fortatuvc-toyaar.
oel|>8itad:<MU»b dtam, Jamte
rlvtag at Traverse Oty where
the anuounceaent wa. made that
as airman of several importaat someone else along, • making the way
June. 1S6S. they entered tbe emMoy
Speakeo Canndb Ybuld Mcend Sber cosktag (tom B*4oMter. A>«NuH atrcomadttees. and waa also taking a
M the temao.lRta.,B>or»
of tbe Hannah • Uy Her
caster.’ wn Incentive enough to make
share ta tbe work fot the eomtag 4th him do ikai which was dteustefii
tag at 9:30 o’clock, tbe Rev. i,.AltaS
pany"i ftora.
Tbe convention wen: wiM and
of July eetebrstioa.
In everything himself .
Tba,Remains were
nearly tlx years.
:* Mil&RAL •bwtow.
many of tbe delegalea jumped lo their
that cam op ta a public way. Mr.
._ on ^
__ 11;^ Per*
In 1874. feeling that ba had sear­
Hems Lever.
ehalra and (or k few minute, yelled
[hM was one ta the Int to pot
Marquette irtln ’where' the: iniermeat
ed aoMclMii knowledga-at ,.tae-boM- kU ^Ider to ihf wbwL
Mr. MUUken was a lover of his
From Moodars Racord.
wiQ take place.
neat to conduct one ot bU .owa. be
home and every possible moment that
The funeral serrlee of the tale J knows bow to speak to a crowd and
tarlMd a psrtnerablp trtta Mr. HamU- )lt. MUUkse was a bnataest man be eonld. be spent there. As soon as % Milllken will be held at 3 30
*** taternipied by cheer*
ton. aurttag ta tbe dry gooda and tbraagh and through, there were no tbe day's bustafn was over, be would
o’clock Wednraday afternoon at the

clothtag bnalnasa la the old Hulbard ^tane ends*' ta his affairs and hta go home, vlsli for awhile, read the
CongregaUonal church, the Rev. D
Bros, atore on Baat Front atreet, Juat •tern wna a model in every way. But local paper and then retire, betag a
Mambcr Will Otvc Friday Aft, moan
Cochlin offlrtattag. The remain. *111,*'''“ “■
**' wlckedne...
addnm, ta balp H grow and make It
ata CBly. that be waa taterasted ta man. no matter bow tired or bow He In Stale from 1 o'clock a«Il 2| Senaior Lodge iL«n pro«nted the
Hstf Holiday* te Empleyss.
btatte and every vniy tarisr jotatag the Alley, tbe Arm nam
Ibw welfare of bte emirioyes. ta tbe much energy be bad eapended during o'clock Wednesday afUnOon at tbe t>*<nv of CurtUa Guild, of
number of local merchanU bar*
Travwne «ty. whut Hr. tainHceii tag aunUhm. MUUken R Co.
sure there ta ■ tarcslaUag library, a the day. who could throw aside hta church. glHng hlB many (riaida ,n''hasene.. There were tome cheer* agreed to close their places of boatboataeas
««a net bom u thu city, Im aame MlUlken bad nnUie abatae ta tbe
room and other UUle
on Friday afternoon* doHag
ty lo see bis face tor the and roll call proceeded. Osbonw. of
hdtd ndma a mem boy, 40 yearn afa, dry goods' dtpeiimeat, wbUe tbe
a that make the daFk work easier always betag cheerful aad JovuL
last time.
[l^iehigan. seconded Gnlld’a no^na- Jnly anj Auam«. the following sgniii
cloUlag depanmenl.waa nader
jmt pe.:lHd grmMi with the ally
Since early sprtag. tbe MlUUcn-s
ta perform. Oat at Baat Bay there
It 1* the desire of tb* family -that
Ahibsraa Ing to do to:
■upervlaiQB of Mr. HamUtam
• -hditafNi..............
I its wafylBg
te a eocuge made poaalMe through ive been oeeuprtag their beauUral no Bower* be sent to tbe eouage. ^
Steinberg Bros. B. Wilhelm, 'be :
Sbenosn. 19 Guild,
R«a the aW tamber deye en ta the
BulH Brick Btask.
•weraatty. lo every letsdl dry immer bon)*- Oraeo Oshles. nt tamt that Instead they aU be Bent to the **°n>hy; Arkansas. Shennaa
Hannah R Lay Mercaauie Co., gber•Hr «HI R U taday end hU Imnd
Attar bnlldtag ap a tafte patroR- goods, atore. caA month there te a Bay and this Sommer, they tataaded ebnreh Wednesday morafaig where C***'"™^
Sheniiati 3; Colorado, man * Heater, (teorge W. Millar. A.
>M oW.tMh helptai ta ahaptag m ■ge. and flbdtag that thta vem teat talfa aeenmnlatkin of waata .paper to boUd a new home on tb* Moore they wUI be carred tor and arraaged. Sherman 9. HarpRy 12: OllnoU. Sber- J. WUbelm. HamUton Clothtag . Cou.
ontgrowtag tbeir
■tera bona and these are cold piftpeny. corner Washlagtoa aad
There •eem* to be a geaeral dispo- "1*°
Narphy 3; iDdlaas. Bherman J. W. MlUlken. Knbeek R BvL ^
•M ta lita' aHyY flrta and tammeta apnat it yenm ta that Joealtaa. ta tornecmHdei
be^s meetly WeUtagioa streeta.
|dtte« on the part of tbe baMaess men
Murphy: Coane^lcnt. Mnrphy, Archie A. Miller.


xm they bMU lb* brtA^^bJock la
vblcb tbUr ^1^ ai* mm locaiad.
b«M atoo tb*7-narked taa^lber. lb*


nnis FiowH) mm






was nuiE niMiiMs-


■rrrjirrr r.’ =



NttuiA tvUMkv. luNc n,im
^ Mk« • *N Mt«* ta ttto ««•»
Mr. Oaixott. J. V. Markban alu
i»Mk»r v«rr
Mr ft r*UtM M.

A. Tner Lay. Prootdiat

■MBkm «( tte
M iilinM iwmtM. BtmMMM <« lm

Ifimn ■mriiiw. M



appaarMxb attMaeuliallipoblX var X TXtjM

nlttu tbat Xm vlll: b* «
euxir IM rlUfui au X IOba

fcL jlBItt .

ibt'^plraX IM
oAbouNt teHecioN at
ot X*

wui« ftma M B«t r«t Ml
mutia IT Kx Mtr. tk» Mmusm OXx tpadal Xatnno 'in balai
IN tM l» «ltl bl It tb* Cn w
proparal. Tba xoxr beat taoM aX
MOW M tlU Uw
iHpxr vui X a iM tuXN. aXM
Uw t«o tm ii BM «ii «(pton.
TbI eMXlttu vbleb umIKI M A.


-------- ....

p*,pJ, Bf

th* Qrua Travor > rosXo IN I
pXrM ul oeitu
> tbolr on-



• i J «il.

iMr Via •
p. «ClUkH ibl X tbotr
• H tbo^aMottkx eltr.

I Ml ba MMr Xit ul bx

riNi riATuwb

^ kibX part ot tb* ataX Vbo bal
^ VM. Xeu, rwl Moa4a tbu
via a Mx X tbX OUT
Xb It VUl X lUlealt X 111-

RallreU Men of tX.CItr W1H X a
Part djoaob Room aal parala
-M% DXpXr *t AotoTIao to Inviap aoar

t «M OlvM

»m Mr. «Blt batv bau u«or>
jbXaiar awIttXii tbat m aluut
f vteb «aa«UM u ax toaolNl
r.M but. paaXbX IlHltnut ot
tXxMXa ot tbo proaMut of iba
IpM MXXa. Ho poauMo UnuH
<^Ho pertain ^ Wbtx Homo a



PoaiX ft Jair 4

Xvo bou
work aal plax an pr»
sroulap X a rorj utXtaeXir «oTX cbalmu ot aack eonUtXo. XvOTtr, X «rtol X ou Xat tko
vork ot kX eoUBlttX X eonplotad
viXX Xo aosi tov lar* u Xat Xo
EXX1 vtofraai nor X poblXbed.
Maar lu toataru an airu4r aa
MPM*** XX neot oborXM vHa- sarod.
apk Mr.'tan bu XWn X tbo
iB KM;'Mr. Brru bu Ulkol w tactaror X Xo «ltr bu bua rouutod X naX a
panda aal Xa ebatrau ot Xo pa^
bu tocoXad naar
Mr.'Xryu ubuMa x tbo
viim bX tbaartu; Mr. Ttfl tbo rw tovonbX rupoBooa. It X lulnd'
0^ at bX vbrk. Mr. Tan X u tbat 0V0I7 nuataetarx* taluur X
Trareroe air X r
' Mr. tntm
r kaoTC vbat aart at par- ororj Xslaou beau X aXo rofaootX X sax a IXfXr- Tbon vlU X

. .Jiiu ba*o traai
lorabX rivalrr
I u oMtbUcXtroto; u X Hr.
la X propartaf artXUe Sux
. M X b ivau PUU (N^
nx paialo vtU X Xo laoet apor
X Travono CItr. or X Xet. X
abovp X o unnur abovlag KorXora Mtcbkiaa.
WUUpu H. Taft vu laXeM X
TX In lopaztnut nx aM*X*
Iba ropaUXu pirtr aal vbr ba;
>,0^ X tba pxalliuj ' pIttXrXc apuraxo vlU X a IXXhXcfWXn.
t^MtlMMtltu aan Naunbor.
NbAuirlwi w Totorau
L Taft X' u IrWnor. bo aXo appear X Xo parole x'

2U“x: :lsu.x^ ^

Madrid. Jue M.-tt X XUevX
iXt atnut 40* poraou Xvo Utlu »i.T B PUmj troafato. u
vletlx to a taartal loraalo vblek mspsXaM XaevarlatX t
swept ever Xo cout.
Two hoalrel aX Attr von UIIX
it! tx Mopadonn dXUlet of Ponopal
>«acnuw«Uum---------ftX It u tXopbt Xat 110 toot tbelr, abto XX k '
HI NlVkb LMT MIb PRtbKNCl luX oo Xe PonopBOM aX Pputah
mi)d_aX JX
■ Uiaaotd

Hoaor. MXh.. Jimo tt.->Lui.aXbl
t l:M tX «oXt ItttX bars
aivoaod br Xo err ot **lra‘' ul


the MOtON.

Mra. Mary Ann XmXrt. WX I
X Away TfuvXay
PI Yaan OM.

SlNaXr X tbo Oabu oMalr.
t^Mboar upaMty ba .bu aomi X
bhl^Xba.«a X tba vatr batt et bX
ibMr Ml Ma ibttttr bu bau tuaL
MM vXu rtBiii.uvM to«a boaa
■Mb bp ^ auNvOM Xu wm
• paapX ot tbX ooutfT *■» »at
^ V XU vbo bu XldaU*^ a ma
VM X foartua, vba X Ms ovoapb X
Ml....... . Ml tba oouiir. a wn vba

■out X Xo Qnal apora boaX s
voiX asD. Xvo aXo bou XvXal x
puHetpato X Xo panlo vtX Xo eU
vetoruo, Tbou Itttlo obapo Xn atIte aattertoa ul vUl X ualp-

var vounu aX Xe Uttla toUeva




nanor, ud uo .of Xo
tnsBpo vx ur* bX. aano u Prod MAD MtAZB IN THE VICINITY OF
Dole, vu arruUI. Ho un kX alInu u Ul
TX oXor ttlMp
tcoai tx trotl urX of Orut

—Oat MOM lUUuX.



many of XeXauaalaoftaati.
---------..Ttm rcceivod from aaffatvn
enrol. In wtlxXp Dr. KtXer M Co.,
Bwcfaamtoo. K.Y.. X uraaX-----Xla paper. Don't make uy :

Boot ot Lwefc.

Mary Au BarnXrt. vita ot Urbu
BaraXrt. vX paaax away TXnlay aftarnoQB at t:4B at Xr home.
IM2 Xuth Unloa aireet, bX been III
Mae* Tbankacivinc eve., when aX
wu atrlcken vIX parnlyals.
montx ot sufferlnp.
rXumatlam ut In. ud UtU
dwx Xr aaffertain were groat. 8X
vu at yean oldy'*'
Bealdes her aged btubud. sX
leovM Xree chlUren, Mra. Matilda
er. of Hoaor; WIUXm J. fiaraXrL of Manlotee, ud
MX Canto Barnhart. vX realdX
vIX her panox
Sbe leaves
groX ebUdrea. Itoar ekUdru pre­
ceded her X dux: Mra.*Allu Voice,
Mlu Xnb BoraXH. Mra. MXuva
McFkU aad a Uttto aoa. a tXior.
Mrs. Matilda McKay, iivu at Niagara
Mn. BaraXrtuu anlted la mar­
riage X her bubaX SS yum ago tost
X Soutfagon. CaaXg, her
maldea mbs baXg kUu Mary Xo
McDowoa. X IBM abo cama wix bar.
huboX to ABorlca. locotXg at Loland, when a XnwotoX vu taka
up. X Jane. mi. they casu to Tnveru atr. Mr. XrnXrt bofiding IX
borne 00 SouX Union stnet aXdat
vXt vu tXn Xe aecoX grovX
foresL Ren Xey Xve reiddX sXoa
Sbe wu a life long moBber ot tbe
Congngnitoaal church.



Mr. Milllken dies X IX prime ot
an aeUve life. Xt with a rooord Xat
U aa taaplrailu x u alL We awara
hla duih but we njotee tXt X bu
livX. rx maar r**rt u maw he
win X naioBbend X cm of Xa
but friends Tratene Oiy ovW'kX;
aX Xe lltile eircto of trlaada, aow
■boring aearmly a bolt omr«^ vlw
begu oar barineu lUo wiX hla X
iX eariy doyo, will teaderly riwrMi
a lovlBg roBOBbtuco <d tX ma
wX wu u trae u tX traeoL u
goX u Xo boot

I wu max Oboekx aX prtovX to
bear of Xo ooddu ud aaUBoX
XoX ot Mr. J. W. MliUka tkX
BoraXg. loXX. It vu a shock to ,
aX stato X
Xipe. u X t
IcrX by aU vX know kBa. Ho vu
X active. brosd-XXod. oaceuafal
btmxeu inaa. coaridotX emo
Xo .
Mat X Xe lUte. olwaya XoklBg at
bright six ot Xlagi ud 1 bm
Iteve did Bon Xu ur o(k«r awa X
Tnvetke Oiy X t
X a aooral, nodal aX baadxu way.
M a BorXut. X vu ox of Xo

fim to a
ud brtaMag obotu bMtor ooodItXx
» employes X guoroL Xvaam■eat tu Us watchword ud X «M
inch X upbuUdXg tx dtr aX hX
laflnaee. always of a Ugb otaadard.
wtll X a living spirit Xat wW aaver
X forgoita X oar dtr.


From Friday's Record.
If strong mu veep XXy IXn U
caiwe. Mr. MUlikeo U dud. Flags
XJf-mut. aX fsew on Xa ainec
buXX TOlcea ud
u mu meet ud pau vlX no word
uld. Tbe suddeancu. Xe abock, tbe
profoud sorrow, the grief of Mfe-loag
frieXt. Xe terrible sense of lou in
tbe busmen life, to tbe aocUl life. »
■ be ebureb ud efpaeUlly tX SuXy
school vox of Xe dty. estudlng to
Xe couiy ud tX suie; X aranldpal affairs, la everyxing good that
perialnX to Traverse City ud
NortXrn Mtohlgan, Xt more tXn all
eln to the near frtoada of tvo
yum, Is overvbelXng.
For 40 year* scarcely any mi
Traverse City bu stoX closer t
MlllXu Xu tbe writer. The warm
frieXsbip formX In Xoae way-back
Xya of Xe middle stxtlea bu only
grown ud strengXeXd during IX
>un aXce. No mu Xev better his
vorX. or appreciated more bigbX bU
■pleXld cbancter. Any comroualty
Xvekipt few sorb men. Aggreorive.
cbeerfully met only to X evercMpo.
cXrltable and generous x a tauU.
Xnorable In all bulnau rcXUou;
outspoken In his Xltofs aX ccavteUou. aX ufflncbUgly tne to boX.
but vlX a UXral Xterpretattoa ud
kindly coDceuloa X Ua hurt for
Xe oplnloDs of oXen. a Prm. aX
siudfast beUer X Xo ntigloa c<
Cbrut ox for mon Xu o tUrd of o
century u uUvo worker X church
aX Sunday acXri. n lover of chil­
dren for whom X wu always plan­
ning ud doing: a bur awn. ao Xsy
Xat be always bX time u do aometblng more If it vu densanded; al
cleu awn. ctoarXaded. ktX-burted.'
IrcX-aPaded. UboraXpirlied. uwavevtaMr trw to kto frtoads. with
BOX word tor ovorybXy al all itmu
oX Oder an rirewBwu&cco.
aX mon. Boefa son, was Mr. Mli;i-

WaabXgton. June
•eUmm TXt TXt Con X Pavel—
evoryOM Xe -beat of lock" aed a
Wax Xloapto, to OuMot oM
summer” Preoideat Rooeetp to A W.
velt left WaabXgUm tor Oyster Bay
at »;U o'clock today. Accompanying
him was Mra. Roonevelt. m— BXe]
pouals IroB i>. Patorou Tkaralar
aX QouiX.
,biMl aal Potorau pXalod palitr to,
reolo X Xat vieXlty wen t BooC Secretary Merer' aX Mr. ud
vIdXUw at Xo Poh ton
baton atn aX Xat oortou rooMSo woi Mra. Look
JMtoo frlo aal vu Paal m. TX toarU u XO vtX wu to iX waa
TX towoey was made X a special
•ak von out to Moray baopHoL
TX Bn’wbu raportel. vu vorkXg
of a
TX lopatfM took SU pbtoHo traa toward a torn hoaoe Xt It
page car. a Pallau aX u obeervam ptsaBii aUBOta ot tx' Morti
1 Xat Xat eu X uved.
ttoa ear. Xe Xat named Xla* oc•nt notleed captod X Xe pnoMuta party.
Sack BOU euad die. TXIr Xflud X tx pvaaktort I
E. coven <ev-| TX . presMuiXl party toched, aec for goX 4a a community gon
at I o-ctodt Oyaier Xr about S o'cloX tUo after- M forever. If to well tor tX vorid
bamto ot a
I,Xla afteraea wu said to X beyoX aoov.
. Xa: rack bu Utol
kototoo. Jou Mi->4>apatr Cane
Warin O. A. SnlX aal a S. Bbb
Xvo toolo XoX ot vhMoAoh o<s^
potto* over um pouls. Tbor ou




troM of Xa ntlon, lolnp X ProveK
It. Suttoni Xy. Sut Bay
otXr points and It la uld aecarlnp
Xe 11.40 from every Frenchman In
tbe Ncion vbo coaid r«X ud write.
Tbe younp man
lUpUr of InvorX. tecoXw

she vouX Xve been X mulclan. boln* able to aXp aX
BO boUo
Xo nuiX ot aoToral brau
XdIa KO Tolopbou,
^dlr XraX u Mr. Bboter, but play tx plaao with prut aklU.
Bake Jalr tri ud 4X a
also a beautiful pumu ud tX
tXaal roool ot pXuan troa Xo X lock beint X her Xvor aba vu ataoK fxitabao ho Mit on tX ncelpu
tXalap to Xo clou ot tX precniX. ^ X tX front door srsr aX eacap-* wen tblnpa ot beauty. Ho vuaboiU
It X auorol Xat u lauuau erovi id ' ubsnnod. TX bucXt brlgadv S4 yeoi* old. smooX sXven ud made
win X bXe. Tra^ttHT B** («Port IM tvo IXoa Ot booe troB tbe O
a saUut appearuee.
enXtttXaa XrotttboiU XX part oT C. Oa. brdnnu 111 oxceOUt sorvlcOr
X Travere* CK/i The olXr Fnncb people IlkX bX
tx oanitrr aal auto Xat otorrboir
froB Honor this attonou stated tXt playX* ud lincinc while Xo yonnaIt pUaalnf to coma bon.
tbon vUI X a neotXc «it tX cxo- aixaapb badir baraol, Mr. Sha'er «r likX him for blmuK aX u tbe
ruover trosB |la Xret and hia young mu vu In tor aodoty. vu
eouvo cwiaiittu all chalrau of an
ran Mt aSoeted. It vu lUted It uy wonder tXt be was Xe guaat
oXor eoBBlUOM aon voX
pi*to arraicoBuU ul It X X tbat X vu rcotlnp u our u powl- Of honor at numerous fMUriUat
1 at vXe bis
blo aad tXt overrXXf tXi could
family waa one of tX oldest X Mon­
rulr X a verr few loro for X loM. vu boXp doao
coaftMt. Mrs..8hptor|DXed ton this treal aetlUng there many yean ago
XXg deacendanti of a F^ncb noble
Tbat Mr. Bbalor vu not more bad­ forex to lenve thtor nntive Xnd at
tX Ume ot Xe nvoluUon. Tw. be
ir Xrvod tXn bo was. Is due
a charmins talker ud vbra he
ilnd U be never loai hii
would go to tbe (atberlngi, be wouU
bud even vbon rvnnlctf froai
himself at the piuo and pUy
TOOK *»tOT at PC^ MAR- botMXc- ItoaMstna; tXt to Inbole
IX Bainu woaX X taul. be held bU tX songs of XXlla Fruec ud tbe
rag time ot Xe Amerlenu aX make
bruth until X«r
He U blirvad about the bud. X«. hiBorlf popular Immxsely so.
Now XBtaa the awakenXg. Some­
Ud Xpa
Om Man *truek In ix P
Affonteoptvm 000 ot tx
Jtr. Sbater. vX X prominent ben. one wrote X Mwtreal ud It U
<eXp tOTBerly alderman ot the Third tbat the letter vbleb came XX wu
ward and at praiaut. a cudldate for anyXlng but aMurlng. TX Mouireal
rvpmenUtlve on tbe
lor sheriff.
WbUo oovoi;pl aocUu nu
workXf u tX Pen Itorauetto roal hU leptou if triendawXveraobockTX youg man Is gone and lo an
aboat a nX borX ot CaouvX Tbaiw- ed X Xe acctdeni aX all Xpe lor
all those goX Xllaru aX Xlveii
dar. uo ot tvo traBu atuBag a a apoodj aX complete tvooverr.
gone. vuisbX and
HIo'm a tnlgbt traX fiiot a »
X ibe abiding place of tbe dapper
callbn NTOlver at 'be ooeUoa. boo.
yxbg bean wX aniverX X
ooo baU otJtkXg oae ot Xo mu X
name of Perrlent ud who could ting
'Xo toot, aal tX oXor foot msXc
play divinely, write beautifully
IX lof of WUIXB Hams, IX aoetUM
of cautious
FYencb pockets.


3 KT G«t POwPt PM npPftVPMil


X( tron trout oa| r«ar ot Xo nUUaory iXN ot Mra. Matbortoo UttX.
It ouna Xat Xo Truo UgbtX*
IXXn.'ot MllvaUn. ma.
XXTMt- oiallXp aov «M»Uu UsbX tor Mn.^
LHtX aal IMr ropnontattvo. Piuk
Shaxr. ot Tnvora* Cix. tboaabt
tbau vu a Xak X tbo pipe or taak
e dtr- Ul taUx a UlblX Xnp axrtad

WarUu Rtoitb ax Una Have b

tNjttaMirr-* x


r. XX raarb*^ Tbm vUl X mur oataHo aaX iki buUdiac X adimoxod ot pXat
..j ot tbo pXrkrai fbarX ao^ boro ul a flu paXX vtK »dl VlX u iuorueo of tSM.
Xua ^Toru OIX X bp
TX BeasX Co.
(XU uparaSoSol umbaa
pbOM eomponr ooouplX a
tbou vor, too
X bXn abl txir lou is ulX baarr<


SUHFUW, «4e^000


Cwll Pinp aX PXr ani VVn »
Tbe fact tint tboN U a obortase ot bln. Vbix tbou w Xo vut olio Aliuai XatutX tX taok or
Ouoot of Hour ot Monr Paneiiaa Xnp oiModX aal llXd
bolp X u IXTM X Trarxao atr
tioM-Poll Hi I
asl Ibo. 6fud ‘Mtotm niXo bot euahXf aoltaXo oaiHco. It X lao-' rooa XX bXaXf oil. eonpXtdr
X Montnai proae.
pertut Xat all utrXo X
UNloplix Mr, Ibaxr tNB bead X
u mr Xvonblp Xr It
loot vlX Aaau. Mr. BUtar
lix I anwoX ovXdle
oot ot loon when vlUiiw bulk
tbou vbo Mra it ul IN abX to<
afoatJe aporu eoBBltXa ud XII •sBoXeral out tX lanu vlX aul X vbteh tX PrenX reollwu of IX
•II tb* poBlUua oCorod.
uXet oXor nonbon u tbat oonnlt' aal blaakex. He vu takm X tbo *»l?a won tx vlctlma. vu
X* X uoxt bln. Mr. Craulu cUm of Dr. OONII O. BdnunX ‘looed tolar, a larpe anmXr XvXp
Wbw X* Foartb ot Jolr erawla
udUbc avlnmlac vboN bX Xru VON plvon aUeoUoa ^ven up ILM each tor onboerlpi
IN la tbo atr. It nut aot be (o^ rapoa an| oXor a«utX iporu.
ud Xtor Mr. BbuUr vu nbovX to o tbe Mralreal Preu. Xa soUclxr
tbat tbo Orul Ttarorol
ratn bu bou roglw X SOlBc X biN a fair, a bic C. O. Carver X obaltxaa ot Xo Xo KoXl IbiX. . Dr. BdiauX laotroot iiBU ud axrx comnUXo fcmod tx' Bocoil eorreapoadoot a X«eup*artn*
t; o< IX auter KXooj. fair ul obo woU worX ooi
rraagonuU in bolof male for tXt Mr. ffiioXr vu boMr boraall^^f
^ cugbt admlrtat
■ MX bu.bM u ox- •proal tbo MW* anoBg tbo enwX
«KdUap MBXoX AD utrix X ttlfbt aot Borrlvc
^ plu^ea tram the rounc FVeocb firU
aki Xt tb*^ aproal it u tbat tbe
Vhorover ba veat.
X Jlal MX Hr. Carver m Iba Banaa X
---------------M^t OTM p X^
praaxtir u po**ibx.
TX yooap man, who pave tX ume
niaed X tX adlUbdtr Mon. but
Tbo pabtX «urd»
ot i. T. PerrtanL of CM' Lawrence
vatll Xa atock ud Interior
vbXb W. W. 8UX X ebalna^ bu aot
Na^OaUlr ralaod. Tbo lou oe tools Itraet. Moatraal. mXe ^ unful can-


A. J. Maraud. AmL Caahtor.
-A. A Uavtlaad. AaaL *^**-»—


QitAtoRi in tm

t Saebaat Bart Harflaal. CXlra
tMrtU, Sort Mtule aal Leo KMpX.
ax pnpartai a a*Hu ot rUu X
varXu exaau vfcleb vUl Mr* amp
BXXr boat u tbo bar
Om It Xa xoot
• vUl ba a iNilbr•I
tuUH • toM
Ml ot udumut ul HX ot XXr■oDo prMtf faot bciX wlU W
I. X XX «
laalallu tvo,
at XUt. vhXkk vlll abcTV ap
a apaal of tron it X II kUm u
Two vlll X a graat orut tor
Xo doroxu ot notx bwtXc.
but ovaar U tbo dtr

Jut tbo oppoolX X truf howoror.
u-tbof* X Torr iim* Wp hTUXw*
ul Ho r*MTt pMrXton. It Her M
AM tbou
aot brtac Mr omplopw wUk tlu»
IN tuo X fUf wUI I •bomge. Tku al an loalrfl x <




no rtUtaA

TnmM oitr It Hut. tfe
tit ‘•urn
ot thi umpiarii,*
x k«t
> * arti a«
•mr uMwr Ifur
X bond to
MM*.' Tlw ruwt MUM X Jut
80* M Mp
tu th* Mtt two
. It He •Pimr ot tb* iMX’ »M won ropiwMUd bM«,

hu « M ■ X to M Tnvase Qiy State Daik
Itoii b Btaf od

«■ M «

Moot Connd »Hli Ecmi-tb;
rPlfPO Upm

:ni TnUMris FlMa< LMt.

' isDUEToamcwMt

dbly stand It no toinaw, 1 XadX lo ’
try Cuticura.
_____ J. I boubtamkeof CuU-l
mra Snp. a Xs ef Ctotoon OtotwiisL
Ud a bottle cf Cudonra nwiilvu,
Bgaod Xat sma
yoo, but X IX mutniai
ml Huge for tX beO<
1 ueotod bhn tsrtoe a Xy to





-■ .:;-•# '

THCtMT. wC fel. *m'

6o Mjv aa APiiAi# TO voice


Tis. peuo Con^ aP-lhs Big Stnm
Has Rsselied an Many Vain-

ia talking with c
h« Friday and siiurday. Hr. Brown.
MiperiateodenL dtacovered that
many b<-*liaied to enter the eeatest
rlBK « ra4 far4. ThlM tor ibe g&M tn prise* because they
U Ute am Uermar lo b» ukra
dia not want their namm made pubU>Dg Lake U>«B.htp >l»ce y. B.
Brown has be«n conntr tmsurer..
to regard to th»s. we will say that
the tatters received are placed In
8b«»r w
enye of Mr. Arrick. our advertising
thin moTBliiK.
manager, and be ba* been provided
Col. rr«4 FWuw, «t BfDioa Har­ with a locked c&hfnet to keep them,
bor l«aee of tke Gnutd o{N>r» boo^r. in. so none but be will ever know the
ts la (b« eftr vlaltlng Haaaicvr Bm- writer's asmes.
a«i and kwUits nftw bis Urtorosts
Tbe managemrat does not care to
know wbo wiote tW letters, as all
■ Albert Hufcell and Hyn.n CopUn they want la to had out our faiilu, so
rMuraed borne from Luting
be afraid to. write.
c*eMng wbere Utey bare been aiiendI will countIt tbe
i critlcIng the MlPhlgan AgrlcnUural college.
As fast as possible afWy the leuers
nr* received, the writer will re^ve
take bar life diploaa this summer.
tbe number of his or her letter by
Sopt. Blodgett iboired on Monday I
bis recently't.BK-ha.e<t home mrn<
■anil, gnd when the prises are award­
ed it will be by number only, when
Of B« atrei’l and Trarerse areni
tbe ones winning wUl be forwarded a
The Bar. E. 8. Vail and Mm. Vail
slip, which will be good' tor the
left for a-twe weeks'.vaeatkm to vlaii
tarlmW potBM in the kate. : .
Below la an explasaUon of tbe conMr. O'DeU is Boring Into the
bmith cottage on nae street.
Mr. and Mm. wm Woolpen reMOW TO orr them.
ictee orer the arrlral of a daughter,
There has been much comment. Pro
thf Smi UtUe one to come into ibelr
and Con. sad many valaable sugges(loos oSerod by the patrons of oar
store In the past year os our store
mana«emeni and methods of doing
bOBlness. and to enaUnae the Interest
and in any way better our condiiloa
merchandtoe bouee. iad to give
customers better and ■
lawory s^lce. we am going t
Fits your cUkAsms.


Bh HaphU, Midi.. Jnne 19.-Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Powers treated th^
assay trfrada to a delightful
OB Tneeday erealng. Nearly a hun­
dred pec^le were Inrited, to their
hbae am Bm atrect for n bmm eniBtonnal aaoeical treat.
wiu: m MCto av acHeoi. ncxt loyable
Abbott, of Doldth, trteod ^ rMtor.
at Mrs. Powers, aang Boat ehermlngly. -A
in Spring.” Bobm. sod
a^ with MUe Marloa Parks,
iMM- Mw Nrr. Pr. I
dnet, “The Cnieifls.' Faaie.
Puts eang beauilfntiy a coatralto
eolo. Mr. Roof played a piano solo.
to a hearty all srltb
aelociion. Mm. Wq. ^-SRUtSaU sang. “Utile Boy Bloe.” imi acaniM of Ibo SL Mair^ aebool local- c^tably. Mlao Bertha Howe, tnstmetor
Unlremlty of lUlnols
a« «a HanMli. wUI be bold Monday
at the aebool Crbana. rUltlig Mr. and Mm. Banka,
■Ml 1 nwefowlai imcraiB has Wn proved berseU master‘of her inetnimenL playing two numbem.. “The OPEftATSb AT LONG LAKE AND
of St. Cradle Song.” M. Hooke: and “Seren‘ DePienle.*- mpondlng to a call




Vrtm Bt n tatter addtceeed t^'the
Tbe Hannah •
this cltT.

» On. tart do net sigai
yonr name. PHI on the btnnhs be­
low. or write yonr name and addrvn
on a aopamm sOp of paper, and c«elBoe with yonr IctUr. Tbeoe letters
wiirbe opened and nnmbevwd .. the.
am received by the advertislag mnnuger. and no one but he wUI know
who tbc'writer bJDo not be ntndd to teU ns Mr
lm not be afraid of hprtiag nayunes' feelings.
,.Oo not bealint* tu wrUe what you
iMah of US.
Crltkif^-dhr Mid
BSie* people.
CriUci^ our sdv<
Critidae our show wtndos*.
CrlUctae our oCIce force,
sad do not be afraid to put U la pMn
_Bagll*b. as tbe writers' names wUl
never be made public.
Mr*. Sallie rreiich. of I'aiiraimk»
All leitem must be sealed, aa]
either mailed or banded to the sdver- luL Ter^ viitw to Mn. I’m'' '
■■ I bad fconle troubles for SevM .
ilslBg manager not laisr than July
■rs —was all ntn-doww. dn< so nerIrt. IPOS, when compeieai Judges will
mid not de anything. The
sward the prises, and a* there will be doctors treated Btc fordiSerentUtn
•I did me DO rxxi. White in ttdsoon-' .
oo asmvs to tbe letters, there cannot
to Mrs. Plnkham tor ad;
help but be a (air dcel.
eeand took^dia S. Plnhtmmh yagad 1 nmnesr Mr«Mg
To the lady writing the best criti­ ,bieCos^>
cism on our store, we will give a pair
of S4.00 Pstridan shoes or oxfords.
>«hVIM rOK
rWK Mleit
r the best
critldsB oo our store, we,will gfve bam,


a pair of 24.00 Regal Aors



RSMSMBEB. we want no praise or
Itatiery—we thIU weO enough of onr
selves. What we want Is WHTlCtSM
—stmlgbi out from the ihoolder.


Write asoe aai sSirw se
Msskir sc»M ftoce s(
aeper sa4etdne«Mkkder

ron Rwta ud berhg,Wbeate
fniMfc 81^ ■
Mid bha pa^wfy.enwd tbwnM^nst
ewfaobave been kraubled w
tUL ttnU tomora. jxwgnlirMML.
l^^loiit y»o try it r ’

irMHtMM ywB «n tenf

thowMsidg. AAGreufcLTBitelliMM '



roemiENi uiiBERinN

do tbs coiWac. ye» «iB
ban; a good^ cteOr. brae-


XXXX Coffee is prepared
to get jonr Isror, and to
boUit. Sold by

The Store For Hot W6ather
Merchandise .
> splendw ii^iof

tho;srti*i~te «huB«.
AliiM' M^lm biifu eanlM tn.
ia^ «iii psrpha^ am the tear eormmti itt aunhh. and a church erecM.
Mtte^Uy a parish honae wm
MBL Mi4 W adBUon Made to the
.BfeVcS. Last year the beeuUtnT aew
tw story aebool bonding shown herewHh. was eoMpteted in tl»e tor the
■pwliig Of nhool Mat
Bomb alatora troin Tnveroe City c
M and took op the worh.
- A the
aorw^ih old OMPly mTlnoe oaw
thM^k wtB hh mt a
Oputam ^om. 'Ktfmr the BUIa at
Courieay of the Klngeley Brtio. .
tr^of Day" Beheol ^ofr. ,
St Mary's eebooL Honnah.-Tbe Srst commenrement exercises erer
. 4iHmmim, •WnHtt Nlghf->WlUtaBi
held In tbte beautlfnl now achool bull ding will be given on Monday and
day eweBlnga. Jane tt and 23.


W-W: lAlw

i«hr, iu aimrtek:

vitaiiir'' IMWort.

Oamee Weber; chlnainan. Arthur
. N«E«r. Albert Kretaer:
W»ll»ii II twtea. Cbarlee and AlOchert;
Saany. oBloe boy.
Jo^jh* Oroitieo: Ramie.
BofM^^Wm. StalUDoeller.
. *TM1m af the VlrglM*--wtua
poMri^ JoUn Haaeen. Olem Worm.
,^r.. . Margaret HoMrich.
raotPee >osarif< Veronloa
Aaaa >gM0L Maad Aane.

Vlot»i neto. -FWtgWwWr. Stela-

and Otto
Pnsrers playdd most bMutifnliy the
trombone duet. “Sourenlr de ValTheir playing was
an uusual treat tar uuMc loeem.
Mm. Banks and Mias Howe ^eyed
the piano dnet. “Sponlah Dnnce,
ty. Mlae AmelU Voegeb.
by Mr. MMrlson,.Tlolln.
“Hnniy Onyn.“ by StiwIetkI.
Mm. C. A. WhyUnd. of Chicago,
the pleasant Wbyland cottage
m Htt Lake, sang am e:
of sragsr-'TIte Ro'ldn
Apple Tree" and “I
by.“ both W McOooald. and 'The
Nightengale Has a Lyre of Gold.' by
B'alker Lang played two piano
■elecUoni of his own com position.
Mm. Long's uunie has been very
popalar with the mnatanl.
Ana Arbor where be baa Jnat completed bis frosbmaD yur at the tl. of M.
Mis “Whirlpool Ray,':., and “Uive's
Oifu" were much enjoyed as be giMre
..of them.
Tbe Powem' orchestra thmt took
their place* and tbe mat of tbe even­
ing wna spent socially giving alt
those who bad
so pleasantly entertained for the
evMtng. Refreshmeni*. punch and
wnfem. added to the sociabUity and
It was near midnight when the iMt
gneata bade tbelr moat soceeaetal eslettnlnMs. Mr. and Mn. Powers, good­
With the dooe of achool teacher*
havn Sown, tome to bomes in other
plneee, and aome to thke up epeclal
In school and coUege.
Mlm Onlln Mnrkeet left Widiwoflir
merWng tor her boam In OreenvHle.
Later she wfU attend tbe Nortcal at
where she eapecu to

the north, died euddenly at bU borne.
441 Fifth street, at 7.20 Sstunlny
nlght. He was €» years old.
Mr. Leritlns bad not been In good
health for a number of years, bui bis
sudden demise was unexpected., Fri­
day. In compuy with bis daughter.
Miss Ida. be look aa automobile ride,
and anoiber was planned for yester­
day. bat at 3 o'clock Saturday be was
taken suddenly Ul. and a pfayvirlan
wsf called. He grew rapidly w<
coDsultailon waa held, but there
was BoUilng that hpman bands could
do. and at 7;*«Ae baa pahaed Into
tbe last sleep.
Mr, Larkina was born in Akron,
Ohio. 1^ 2S yeers ago came to this
couniy,: kwailng at Long Lake where
be erected a saw mill, remaining
there for 0v<- year*. He'then moved
blB plant lo Bimthgu. whore he oper«ird for 1* yoara, Hla. hpalth beglii
ning to Call. and. haflngr secured a
compemice. be retired from active
baMnrBS and moved,to this city.
Having been n busy otnn sll his
life, and not onring to live la Idl
Mr. Larkina giarted a ccml and wood
buBlaass which he condneted until
IPOS, when hU benlUi became to poor
he was obliged to give It up. Slace
that Ume he Ured as quietly na poesl
In ItSd Mr. ImrklDS was aniled la
aiarriage to Miss Bva Beardatey
OeorgetoWB, who sonrives him.
also tenves one daughter. Mias Ida.,
one brother. Waller, of Hiwtaoa. mio.
and Bve mister. Mrs Mmma'Ninka, of
Aurem; Mrs. tnnnah Doyle. ^ ffaiward Lake. Minn.; Mrs. Lonim Muager. of MlnneBpoIU. Minn. Mrs.
CUiinJn Hong, of ChaUtthun, and

^te Skirts at
' 9fcj $U5. JI.50. and SLSir
that can’t be beat anywhere at the prices.

, ' Pretty Xllf) SldrtS m Uack, light Woe, tans
and Shepard check at......................... .....................................9lsdU

Also Colored Skirts at 98c, $1.25 and $1.50

The President

Dr. Hawley
•romdeni of the N. Y. Staff of
Phyiiciapa ADd Stuveone. Oompoied of (venBAD, English and
AmBricnn Doetwi, PenoAnentl;
LocAtad at

86 E. Eronl St

Usttl July 1
Tou need not bring moeey as con
sad advice are free, the riefa
sad poor alike are dreated. A^ wbo
tt>* HocthM before the «te*7
date will receive coosiillnUoa. exam­
ination. sdvlce sad surgical opevlatioa tree of charge.
AU that
result obtained by ih«4r n
AH Oteadesi of Men. women mia
. . eMMsna Traetad.
y three irestmeBis. many cared
Ith one. No knife, ho pnla. ao rtek.

and vUl be tousd ready SAd vriUtag to
extend the hnad of betpu bringing
' ' health and happlnees where now
eickacas sad eorrow. A special
tnvttatiOB t« anyone nhler^ from
dteeaae pmomu
matters not wbi

Our Skirt Waists at 79c, 98c and $1.25
arc the talk of the town. .

Sblrt Waist Salts at less flian It woidd edst
to make them
WhlU Shirt Waist Soils livm SIXS op.
Black sad Colored Shirt Wolai Soils Imai S1.M op.

KoU Vests ot Te. Oc. tVhK, 15c. l*c and Sc.
HosUo Drawers at Me. S»c. SOe. aad 65c.
Corset Covers si tte, 8e, »e and see.
fTon ngvmiA

10c, 15c and 25c
Lono t^ves ■■■ 1““

lOc. ISc, 24c. 39c and 50c


i.Tir f- tttike; Block ood colors at $L36


Ben limenfBpy’s Wash Sails, “B’w,^i-..50t to $L50 I
Boys’ Bloosc Waists at


CS. in WbiU-. 'Blec^ an

19c and 25c
Boy's SooioMr Vnderw^r at JSc
Mca’s Saiaoirr Uaderwear at aSc, Ste aad 5Se
Stsaw Bats at itc. 15c. SSc. SSc. 5*c. etc.
iigBis at
ai 10c
loc and
aao 15e
- ■
• r Tlohls
Alca’s Hose, laa,
aavy, grey or laaey. 5 pairs lor 54c

of dlscMe and dotormlty.
OFFICC HOCRSI t A. m. to • r. m.

Ladles’Tan Hose

sizes, for Misses

ran nose god children at





- "



mambv a moktaouk am the

. Trmer Lv. ftwir
^iKWtm* OMw*.TIwPr1lt;
Wrn^mmti, OMmr; AXiur
mri. A. *


WMI Uw oniy th* »Mt IMvIiif WotolW OM ttM

- ttablu M
1lM MV ftm VlU
kMVa M Howor
MM007 A BIMUCW wUI «BOeo*or

Ww M« tM CtV •< #:» Tble A«^
MOf Coollot TWIIW Off vory

WA» wvffM «veffr NtcwMairr

Itaewod «A4 aoUilac bat tbo
«T«r vltnc
U) Ibi Mtca- Tbo »eta «oo^
Wt vUl
tractod for Abe preoeni wA h*»e
bm canoMMd and ontS. hooklnca
daa bd arranBod with Uw
aBeadot. motlu ptetarea only wU
b^Aova. ttteWat to hooaa fc
the oooBtry vUl be patrot
aoM bat tbe Aaat plcnre
able vlU be tbrovaoo
aerm at Oraaalaad. Ttala of oonrae
win coat anaey bat tbe new pmpdoton bdUore that tbe patrol^

•aKoMd That He Will Baoewer Mlth
Only a-Poor •aara to Romta|
Him or Hie MMtap But
a Wcca Aovora.
rtaak-W Shater. vbo waa orrerdy
bomad IT-the gaaollBe esploaloe at
Honor Friday nlfbU vaa brao«bt bock
, City Mooday.
abater waa accompanied Jy Mr*.
abater. SecreUry Tracy, of tl • Honor


Tnm Bloater^ BmotA
’ AA t:14 • «lad

nraainlaiMl wUl be eattrdy clean,
h pletarao and beu.
the poUey ander
By I

vbMA they bare befwi bul^ tbe
*rae toltoB alley "irtU


lary ntiendon to add to bU comfortt aft.
injury. Wnlle be vai aererety bnraed aboal tbe anna, tesa and face, the
aarions aSacU

moat aererr


______ BMk.
Wtb BDOd- care Mr. abater will
MB reeorer and wblle be may carry
a few ocara. It U not thonsbt that be
will be permanen........................

___ dm, At tM


Men Who Dynamited Bataey Riwar
KVart Handed What They Noed' ■A-.MMraoM Fined A0eln.

» Co. Mon -Mm oot

i' a ffMM.tto book otMi*. ka<M‘
• itttiilttodipitalbaHbr

B Ma. AIHAT7 detanjt
I TOT7 aoMly eWk-

' TfflS CITY

itiaibBrr Fera. and non. ARnM. tothTtOe Inr toe last tore* y«m
vat w TnoUn today.
to too «By today oo her tvtara
i to ffUe
BMb. Robert Walter
e. Mlta Baager has aecored (he
Lake tbla OMCVlns.
school tor aaotoer year.
Mra A. B. Lacey retoraed hoar to
A, 8. IbJidrmg. manager ot tbe
Ann Arbor tUa aoralns.. acconponlewart
Hartshorn HaantactarlBg
company, af Moakegoa. waa to the
lira man Dyart weal to Cbaboy- dty today on hit way to Konbport
saa thU nmlac to vtalL
spend Soaday with bU parents. Mr.
Fred Donbieday, of Kaliaaaoo. vai
:aad Mra. MR Berdeans.
a tbe dty today oo baotaeaa
Lula Hubert reiurtHd
today after visittng
t city today OB boalaea.
Ml»^^ 8icy
brother. Fred.
vUb MMa 'Rath MUM at Old Miadoa. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦MB
Mr. and Mrs. veo. Roberts mfaaed
Mn. P. 8. Roae aad alstdr. Min troai Satsrday-s RacovtL
to Chicago alter vWUag here.
Btbel Obertas. of Farso.' North Datkmaa. « Delray. Fla;
Mrs. Myrtle Wyctok. retaraed to
lioU.'aft apeadlni a lev vedu with
their ,«azenu. Mr. and Jto Mike who baa booa speadlag -the last
■auMt Cl^ toBiy cRer-viaklag here.
Ohertn*. of Old Mlaalon. They will
Petoskey, arrived
Mr.^ Qlajys Thayer weai’to Kttigv
alao spaad part of ibelr time with
r toe Pere Maiaaebe ley ibis motalag to vtstu
their Mater. Mra. Hall FUck. of Baat
Mrs. Waller Braatoa. of Itorthport.
Front atreel. Mra. Roae will rrmala aad will leave» Ibis evening for ber
a mooth. and MlaaOberlng two weeks.
sent to Orapd Rap«s today to HsltBbe toamerly waa la the employ of
Mr.'And. Mrs. Gtor«p Paddock.
.. Mrs. Claude Nichols, of Bay Cuy,
tbe Haaaab A Lay MarcaaiUe compaay a store, hot U bow to the em- Hart, arrived ibU afl.r.ii^u over the rtiuraed home today after vlslUag
Pere MarooeUe and to'Jeave l|ls bbre.
ploy of tbe Sundard Oil company
evening for Bay VM«t‘^ tbe sum-; Mrs. FVank LaMne. of Itortopwt.
Mr. and Mrs. Paddock bare
enl to Grand Rapids today.
been risltlBB Mends tn Fort been spending tbe Usi 16 summers at
Mt> J. Swanson, of Sbribpori
Wayne, ind-. arrired this afternoon.
i-nt 10 Grand Raplda today.
a G. Detter. Bay View.
Died by
MiKx Miller muiaed to tbe 8oo to
ed with ber
Mrs. L. T. finot aad daughter. Ito
of Fbrt Wayne, who arrlTed
tamlly to oeenpy thdr summer boi
Lauretta, or Grand Baplis. aceom- day after vislUng bee*.
W. R, Sullirau went to Greenville
paaled by MUs Bilbcr Ley. arrived
Mrs. a A. Stone returned to Klns>'
tbU afiernocm and will leave this today.
Mrs. George A»hby aad two daughevening (nr CbarlevoU to spend the
_ra. Irene Pomeroy returned
KlnsBley tbla nomlnB afie^ rlelUnB
lOfs. of Midland, who have been vUiitog Mrs. Frank Alvord rctamod home
Robert Waltert. who baa been rlsltthis morning. They wete aeeci>
^ parooU at FUe Lake, reinm- ley today after TlMtlng here.
Miss BUiel Staler went to Big Rap­ )>anlcd by Kb<>a. tbe little daughter
Jlard Haaa. who baa been to Cad- ids today to visit.
of Mr*. Alvord. who will spend pan
tllac. returned bMne today.
Uarhm Pleree went to Howard City of her vacation with her gn
Mabel Morpan returned to WatUm
and auntie in MidUnd.
Ibis moraine after wUiUc in this city. today to visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Emory and
Mrs. Louis Smith, of Nortfapon.
em to FL Wayne and other poloU
Booth this mornlag to Hall friends.
Mr*. R. H. Brown.' of OilnmbU
CHy. Ind, srent to Mackinac today.
Mra. J. 9. Bradley and two chlldra. of KoGhport. weal la Mackinaw
Mlsa BtoH Ranger, of Norlhport.
■P* powo. ia Me cam. ii^ awha
vrbo has been toaebing achool
For Bala hy Johaaoa'

wmn ot Mr. MM Hm% U itasbMk
rr«4-FWtM. leoM o( (Ae OAAd
opera bo«M. returned to Be*too Har­
bor todOB artn a cbort aUr M the
Mra. J. U Btarua aal <AIldm MR
lodar OB aa catoadoA^TWt at Ferry,
aad Battle CreA
Artbnr & BordeaBX. of MMkecoa.
vaa in the city today after apoadlof
Bmday vlih' bto parMtt. Mr. and


nrday. pleaded Bullty to dynamiting
fiab In Ibo Betsey rtTwr and waa flped.
t>S srltb
Itb «A0
ItAO cosu. tbe
------------arrept being
esnll of tbo work of
.................t dynat
occorrod Mw >•
Mra. Nioa Hartbofa tlHIa OauBbtar Weila. Bnoe Weila and Dart Nuef.
mad J. M. UrWM Wtra
« coata or SO days.
id le
PWe ta ae Callod ffinao
tbe bcmHet aettllng.
taturday Nl«M.
Tver irerstm. tbe Frankforl dsberman who waa la trouble oace before,
was arreoted on complaint of Deputy
Smith wd tbla time paid MO fine and
PilDa Mcmday’a Becord.
M-06 COM for barinc SOB pounds of
Jamaa M. torktaa. ued «| y«ar«.
>ln. Marr Krot?pa. asoAefl feara. Ulegal vbltelab.
omby Bartbo^airt

TSitti hat eoaped a barreM la tbla
idiy Mneo tetvday algbi. Are peratu. throe of them woBsea U the de-

------tm «


cosO be ngosol (rem d
ya csl. hiS yea cea be tvMMcd by

Farmer Honor Reaidcnt.


■- c£?
So ^ MatWtt.
-• h laMana and T. C. U

Uttio Child.


(Mar atmt. Boa tbe body of Don^.
the umatba'-old daoBkter of Mra.
h&ta HMhat. the mdbunb-


of Honor before «MrlBgt.
a y««r kgo. Mr. Bl;
t'b 'at^ aad' alao
rbleh he made a ■



Ifcimr.-Mlefc. June «.-^lo»toa w.
Wly. oT rrankfort.. has yta^HI jbi*
ftoUtumn Hotel, of Honor, and. wl'J
taka pwMiloa >tily }.

He ■
MUUrea anmro bem- hot aba oaaa.
aad morod to rraakfon, -------------I a hasbaad and two BraaA^I- oaya. "He moat bo orbeio the county
im. CUra and Thmaaa KmupA Bbe leal (000.“ Mr. aad Mn. Ely ai
aiate to tbla dly more than 30 yeara
...................... . '----------baring
Foneral aerMea vUl be held Tnesday ofiemoea at t o'clock at
borne, tbe Ber. Demaa Cocblla
SdatlBB. The remains vUl bo lator
red lb Oakvood eometery.

Mr. 8. M. Wbebler. the
EUrtrkal^^o^ef T<
Dr"! A,-W.C3»«-. Nww ^ a
pm lucca ■ serxBH dymepa. I eoi

■Mr^hOTBa irl^ paUa»dr


Dr. A. W. Chase’s
Nerve PiUs


tmrljr u tafate, «ai bw^anSfilfeM


Fete Marquette

July 4th.

lay friends srtsh 1bln

The dance that was to be given by
Honor baae ball team last Friday
Jonc IJ. sn
cuont of tbe Are.

Took Place Monday
Home of the


Low rates for the round
trip between all stations.
Tickets on sale July 3 and
'4. good for retuar. trip any
' including
July f

J srUI be held WMb^
«ay aorain at 8 o'clock ot ifc
anreb of tbe in
The B«t. Pr. 8M
^amalna wilt bee interred la
otte oemotery.
Ml*. Mary Brown. ,
Two doatba alao-oecarred on WoM
------ atreel .orllbla a block of each
5^?‘liia. Mary M.'Brovn,
Mi.'Brown, widow of

A pretty home weddlig l«>k piste
Moodjur, , tbOv
at noonI «o«Ja*y.
luev parilrlpanis
b^g Mias MrrUe May Freeman and
Ralph H. Mwker. of Maple CHy. th^
ceremony Uklng place
Ot the edited ^renu of the brt_K
J, Barney, of 826
est Front sireei.
There were about 2S gucou present,
ibe Immediate relailvea and friends
of the ronas «wple. The bride was
Mat alto barlnB^Aeen lU lor more attended by Miss Bditb Pybut. while
than tS«* n»aths. She sraa la ber John Rinehart was best man. Tbe
7»th year, her Wth I
bride -sros attired la white Persian
lawn, and carried bride's roeea. wbUe
Three c^dron sarvtre ber. Mrs. tha bridesmaid wore pink, and tarMUCH WAS PONK NEAR THOMP- Ua Jobaeea. at wboee home obbe
died, 4«S Woet Bl^tb street; Mra.
Tbe Rev. W. H. Irwin performed Ibe
ObftMbera. who reMdea
of the cUy. and Clement Brown.
aMo Urea on a farm w«at of the citythem
Bl^t grandchOdrea are left, and one
Bto BmdeblM. Virm Marie UPoat- tbeir best wishes.
After tbe ceremony a anmptooos
nee. daaghler ot Mr. and Mrs. JuUns
weddlag breakfast was served.
ImFDBtaee. or tsraad Rapids.
thM|(Tlllll WITH n« BUNCH OF
Meieer Mt
ImmedlMrs. Brown has rsalded In tku c ty and
itMy t^tbelr borne near Hsplc ICly.




EaM tosmsUPi-wbat* they bad resid­
ed Mbm 1«U.
:Tbo tnaoral wilijte at 10 o'clock
a (be boose.
From Monday's Record.
Mra. OroMika.
Mr. and Mra. William Bamhsrdi. n(
* tadr to pass away
aalatvo. who have been visiting tn
was Mra Tberdha Ibis dty. returned home
to«B* UBds in ^ aarm
Mrs. Joba KydWfe
Wea|. Bl^tb
suoet She
torned to Empire today after vMUog
Mrs! Dvaebka had 'been an Invalid
for aboot far yoara Ue b^d been *Mro. Goo. WIleo*. of Mantoiee. who
eColta bean amde lo o
has bsea Hsltlng Miss Btbel Smurth
ter brlnfflng her from her farm ho»- watte, returned borne today.
In ImoB Lake towaahlp where the Mm. H. J. Btowe went to Lake Ann
Imd resided for M yeara Her bas- W.S.V. '
Mia j. VobM west to Sokm today
I IM oofita of band M alao to >ery poor haalto. and
ty of tosi and Is aenroely able to walk toat tbe to visit ber mother.
....J, a lari* «onUty
Miss AbMe Caiman.'who has been
tot Ant eaia bad boM-------------Two eblldHa oorrlve. Mrs. John HMilng t
vSro wan a lam <wm of mea pat
Kyarika aad MMs Mary Drwebka< al­
MIm ]
w dry aad the btgb so Are BiaadehUdreo. 1 serrloeo will be beldto
—---------- th«r work.
r Kal'
iftoraooa a(‘2:M o'ckwk' at Fraacm and Graoe. whom bare been
Bafa^ (be bona oa West B^Ub atteet. tbe vlslUBg at the home of Mr. and Mr*.
Rev. Dmaas Oochltn offtoUBg. The Joeepb .Bchwtodt. ot 8|oioB. reiamed
to Haskegoa today. ^
Sa ffma. oatp tha aidtfWrail
, MIm Laara Hon. of Haaeock. to the
KyaMka IM to <
Ok ttwE
hWMd aMB.



E & I. E. TIE cm

Tu Ooesaaa • A A E B


MNa. THEFiaaA drachka Auao

jHra. .TBeraaa


Unable to Digest


General Passenger Agent


Only Ten Days to ^
"The Gtorions Fourtti'’
The season, oi atezUng hral
when Ok abeevesl and dalirilest of hree^ihVIUng iabrlcs
and gbOnu arc araeh aoaSht

ooUsr 8^ talh. piped with pai^J' «61on
and otoor Other d^yat/ke.

St.25, SI.S0, $1.75. i2.50
(Jo«t the khid .approartale lor
DOW) are allracllog moeh sMeoand S3.50
Uoa at (he Baraey atore. where
■he latest ready-to-wear In ladica'
Petticoats $ID0
apparel holds away.
Tu, wd Bln. BDd<«liil^ UA colon, }S ia
Wuh Suits. T5.75 imd 7.75
A ai^ally


tuid plain repps. Ooat. :I7 aod 3R ioob
lengths; *f-lfetrappings, poarl bntton trimminga; akirt plain gor^ or plaited with wide

Linen Coats, - $5.00 to 9.00
Foil length *Auto'’ ftylea. full “.lap" sktere,
light weight cool linen or white entah (xmta
with leather colnr trimmingo. Just tbe
thing for “car" or “boat” coata.

Wash Stdrts, $1.50, 1.75, 3.00
11 to 31 gored ekirt, Indian -Head or Linen
FinUb materials, white, bine or linen shadea,
vhh the style and fit of the higbeat rlaea

White, twn.pioce, lacc trimmed lawn itroaaoa.
while wd colored "Princ^,” of

For light wear of any
kind Teonis Shoes meancomfort during these hot

Etqaiaito Lawn Dreee*-*,
Qgrmcnts in French Lat

$2.00, $2.25.

Ladies’ Smart Tailored Waists
,' IwbJI-25 f

by ihc flCBlIn SCO.

Warp Wetter
WeaiaMcs for Wom»

Tennis Shoes

For Men, Boys’ or the
smaller boys.
They wear like iron but
are as soft as a glove-


The Barney Co.

The Barney Co.

Lingerie Dreeses, - $2.75 np

Elk Skins


and Lac&

K. $7-50. $8.50. SIO and $12
Separate Lawn Skirt, $2i0,3.00'
Jtst the thing needed to oomplete a dainty
whitecoetiuDfi. Of *beor white lawns, beantifnUy trimmed witli French tu.As. mkny
J. three narrow fold*, very (oil *weep.
be worn «ith tbe hneet lingerie vaiiu.

two cloetaa of b tocka, onfy .


Am exekutve
Clovea. Lace Bosienr aaS^

Silk Petticoats $3i0, $5.00,
$8.00 and $10JI0
Is Uiie lot is incloded ibe best and vofft re^cent arrivaU in good heavy Taffetoa,^ Black
and ooiora, rhanseablea and bacy Btnpee.

f' $060.
Valoea now ..........................t
$$J$ that aeU at
Skirt* go at $$.••; $74$ for $10 valnea;
aod$l$40 for aqrlea worth up to $14.

$11.98 lor Slk Dresses
Selling yon tbe ailk and 'HhiDwing in Oe
making" ia what thi* offer amonnt* to; the
price will hardly pav for the nobby •ilkplain and fancy *triped-made “Jnmp^ or
“Prince**” *tyle—and aelling # 1 QO
now at only......................... ..-A •
Tbe enit aize* 34 to 40, Uad aod erior*.»

TaSored Saits for*>h Less TiulonJ Siito arot iii,
The entire lot. o(
cloaod out by .loly dtli, if poaaible.,, So WB
have rut
cut tlio price almm-l in bau
half to _-^
qnicklr clear aUapringstylea. l>eatfMgM
ibi* offer, when looking (or a late M|le tfeL


The Barney Company
187 E. fyoBl St, ■nravene Oly, Weh.

fe" til
|| I


1 ilpiilij.™




















2 !*• nm


4 S‘ 14



'■i ■ .







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?i Jii P r I ^ ^ a i



"iiiji IlK Ilii


li Jt!?

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ii ifes

ill lln'i”

Riliii Ilf
p pi jiji ill m III


'(■■ >


.- . .
JU» 1^ VtUt


■-f T■?



-pt .'

these Free Trips Afford a Most Delightful journey from Traverse City by
Wate> to America’s Greatest Natural Attraction

With All Expenses Paid by the Herald and Record Compmy.

•the magnificent palatial steamers of the Petroit, Cleveland and Mackinac line will be used on these
trips, allowing stop-over privileges in Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo, with plenty of
■ '
itme to visit friends and see the sights in theate interesting cities, also

'Two or Three Days at Niagara Falls for Sight-seeing. .
Remember, the Evening Record and grand Traverse Herald pay the entire expenses of
' ^ |;hese trips, including hotel bills, transportation, ^eals, etc.
Alllt requires to secure one of these delightful *^rips foryourself and-friend is a little hustle, land

WittiOiit Rie Expen<iRiun*e of a Cent in Ca^
^i^ftead the PriQpKDsitidn of the Herald
Company Upon the Last Page of This Paper
I •

You have often heard of the fun of clipping coupons. Here is your opportunity.
Every paper contains a lady’s coupon and a gentleman’s,coupon. Get busy and clip the cou­
pons from' the Record and HeVald* and mail to the

HerbM atld^ RecOTd Company
Traverso Oity, IVlichigari,

Properly Fjlled Out for Yoiir Favorites. Each Coupon Counts as One Vote
Remember, that if you secure a New Yearly Subscriber for the Record it
meaps 1,500 votes a^ a New Yearly Subscriber for the Herald, 1,000 votes

Read the Details on the Last Page of this Paper

CranicstOlfcrEyerMcln Nortbern HleSfe®
fbr fbie ot the firandest Trips that can be Had in file Ubited Stat^









.A .

■ ■




MV. ww’itnAi




- r

i.elM thlo ■oeiKg to rMt h
the eon.
m. MiwWUUhai lardit.
The bot dry voether k kUllag the
Klee duK* BelkiB. of >t«oe<a atjr.
vbo hae beeo TlelOag Or, aregefr.


... i;

kseleM. oech

• • ‘ W

*■••• ......................................•?

AMMi PiikUa.


N~ AMVk. da.
AoiaMi >
Pork Btaok. per tb.
Pork CMpe. par lb.


CM atn trip «ltk berth iuid .i&OO
lar BMM aad ptB »M«7. ^■

‘ n» pmoM wi^Bc the


PoUtOM .
Oata. per ha
Hay ........
neor. H. 1 U Beti
Raadredoelght. Cora Meal, loe tier
Radredateight. Cora neal.
Haadredweigbt. H. g L. Beet
•a* feed ....................................II.M
Onckoheat Ptoor. pea IM lb. aack tec
Sireet car feed, per 100 Iba.
......................... tlJS to «1.M


. ......Ill to


OMjwttc tt nbtria


i-*ey were.
• err eearce.
be Mbwa or i cbiOTh. Me*, choir.
.elBb, Ubor, Utottry or oocUl orska- areragee •bout a'^uibel no« whenBrick aad lUiburgber
tnUoB koMlot fcoMcji ti Vrerem
Ud It U-4eabtfiU that eiwusii could
OadUatM to DUtriet No. t tr« sot ^New
OraagM. per dot..................Me to Me
r frelU aad fegetaklee i
roqnlrod to boWic to hay ergutao-

2? ^ a



..Alk ie l>r


cu ^h* tbMr «tf». hoAhM. ifeether,
tUli«, alctcr. brathir o " ‘
Wm my


... ia



tka, any be M cHiarw. b«i bmi
be «t IM i< yatfa ell

or OraaC Troeeree Aerafal
0 eoadUate lor the hooore ud


THe TOttag «U1 bii by ImHoW ell^
00* from both poiwre aad by ToUog
oerUleetM taoed ««th


trkf*i73r’Ss? "Sr

nlpe pi B«^ VW be «MVy dlrMod
-son iMMea
Umbrae a'ti^' of thS

: 1 i



Will continue this week. RADICAL REDUCTiONS have behn made
ih bVBtV dBbBmhlihf.*^n this space we can mention only a’small»
pant of the £Qod things which it will pay you to take adva’ntage pf

had nlM vin be giv-

Sensational Bargains In

ClotbiDg Dept.

Women’s Siitts
and Skirts

About 25 Youths* Suits, ases 14
aigBwt foto Viu be gleea om roaad
to Niagara yuia aad
aad iia
-AS tenttory oa
thie dlatrieOvtS be
ae to dUtrtet No. L

«U rM.. Z,b>. <

a«^ O. A. B........................ .'.w......................








1:3 ■ 1-i:

wllkbe Urea to

M Mhe to each Itotriet.

(Sense tUot)

' f(i


Dress Starts


AuM}omd Ut madt of wool, chtvio.., melwni
etoBimies, $4 and $5 values



About 100 Men’s Suits, band tailored in fine
Worsteds. Cas$imerey. also black Thi
bets. Clays etc.'$15. $16
A ivm
$17 values. A snap at.............. aT* / U


' iwiw Ml. ...
Naaie of OrgaaleaUea..


teriaU, high class uiloriog, $8. $2 and
A $10 values..........................................................................^
Silk Dress Skirts. $12 and $15
valves at.................................................................apO## V





Trgvene HenH l^togara Paila s

«*W aftor Twaday. Ana IS, ISOS.

len’s Ballot
NaM N Orsaatoatioo.

I e2s EiriStorr*

tmu HugM ^

' vm ommommor Twasay. aww m im

$1.50 Mercerized Sateen Petticoats;
deep flounce, tailor made at.........
Heatherbloom Petticoats,
$4 00 at tS48» 91.95
and........ ..........................

$2 50\ to


Silk Petticoat* made of guaranteed Taffeta,
colors, black, brown, oax^ and
green, $6 SO and $7 values, at..
.A.1I 35c and 40c Corset Cover Embroid­
eries at............................... ............'..

Special lot 4 to 8 in. comb Embroidery,
16c to 18c values................................
Cheap iot to close, 5 to 7c values

AboutIW Men’* Suits. In this assortment
you will pick from some of the season’s
productions. Values
$20 to $25. at ............
About 80 peirs of Boys' Knee Pants. 75c
and $1 Values.
C*Am $1.00 Flouncing Embroidery
TAe them at ............................9vC


About lOO.pairs Men’s $4. $5 aod$C Pants.
cenmtiB0 'dt pure Worsteds, fine wool
’Cassimere*, and
warranted. Choice..................2o«fO
A^i)t_125 Wt* Men's Panty, value
$1.25aad$175,>oiin at .......
Youths’ W««I Pants.

Some of them are

........... ..1.19

... 198

Aq assorted lot of Skirt*, very fine, newest ma>



Children’s $260 Janets,
this sale..................... .


920 and 122.60 ralam....................................fl&M

An »9soritd lot of D^'s Saic^ one of a
Kind only, $10 and
- ii i*A
$12 values. Special ............ ,...0«0U


BcdttrtlM ow mn ttoest Swiss E4ges
.Rtod tBScrUomsRtod BaMs average 2t

Ladies* and Misses*
All $5.00 values going during
this sate at............................
All $7,50 and $860
values going at .<
Shirt Waists
All $12 50 and $15.00 values
going at....................................... ....

$10.00 and $12 CO
Ciaveuettes at..

W'ine or Colored Dress Goods at
$3 60. $4 87. $6.50 and ....................
Wa^h Belts. I5c
values at ...........

A Snap— About 8 dozen White 'WaisU. em­
broidery fronts and neatly trimmed
aS.l value at....................................... ..


$1 50 White or colored Waists, trimmed with
lace or embroidery, sale
$2 50 and $3 00 Wbi e Waists



lot of Silk Waittf, including black and
firciei, $500 an 1 $6.00 values



k TUgMjt^y. JUNE n. MML


thMk tt ;oaWd ba aary
to alart
It oab ralatog bard aad fW«y|«
a Embtoa Ctob. I w» n»aR.aa yw «ea taaktoE aW a( too wtobao. la a'ai
aaib oaak. WbU. i mWt. dpM tor

Aa M hM axbact nffidM
............Ill frna bar fboS.
I Ska look JeorV-r Bmatsion.

Wnard teoata. dleaioom
I hare vrlttaa yoa all abaat boo to
Alu fv PaMqrt
atait a Ibiaablai dab. aad ahall ba
acra taad. bat ba wu aaraltaa. Ha
aa lataraatod la year aaaaaaa
Ml Uw bam deer opaa. ao4
beraaa laa oat and tbara «aa. ir _
cant, t. V O. Ho. 4; da It la abw d-.-^_______ ____ __ _
ceUtac tfean to aatUa .tova a«ala.
I witl try ta W w tWfy « I
4. MM.
taka bMh to tbm to da ur
«too (eat a«ar iba abtomBlar'a head
■a forpK to alaw tha faia la (ka
Oaar PraaMaat•Tbay*d berar get It doM.- mid *“ Mt .yerateb yab. aor eaa
«aU. bad tba am atrayad lata
read aboat tba taabla dab I 'iohaay.-•they’d all dooa aad lall .**^ lega la tba middle aad at tbe
MWtbof% MBtam/Tha boa aaetpaS
md'of tbe body bam yoa. UaaaDy
vbila ba «m - W1Wk le toad tbap,:
tberaaredrepalM aTtbeae aaft catbifeaacbt I voatd oriia ^
nd^evtii- wbat-a^ aaa at uIUm,
lev toet. aad they go pIt-a-pat. plbaaU nba dreattal 'fMata tbai. baptfk-, { an Bot loliic to Mhoot ’baeaBaa aor
Abaat Marbtaa.
aebotd oaa 301 to May. T an atata
odt-roa way ta piauy awa ibat Mi;
tmela aaa dad »kra Jeta earn
beak. a*d i>ar«.wM.ala« to taka taa- toeiib cn^ tour ypa pla«a aaad bla oare roUad dooa tba bllto aad
Aad bera lat ^ aay that It aone
aaea Cm tba-miaw, aat otayM* Cam tot a mrd aad balUa? Tbara >ana leoadad aad.gobaded by atber aiooea
fau. They are Jbraa Uttla bSttaaa tfBtH tbay baeonc toya (or cUMraa to mtcryiUan do reaaaUa ooran, they
bayM la boo |o<«toaa doom.
Id too Ug mta. Aod I bare « mua 5;,
.are aa dtotaatly.^Md to then
DM jM «ror atop-' la tlitok. law
blta dac. Ha la ohita aH ^rar. lUa
ahlaara. ihal wa/ u wall aa Paray,
Ik. DuuMinia. ..p«nw 3^ Wkf
la Taddla. -My atadlaa are read
bava flat to apaad aaat of oar llaaa;flag. apelUag. aad artthnatic. Well,
ad than to Bagtoad. (ram obare we buttarfllae. aad la time i
cloatac doorat Hare to a Uat of daora ^ippooa I muit doaa (or ibto Une.
tbe oorma, aad aerer
(bat oa oUJ bare to kaap abet If oa Oood-bye.
makes little dUfereace to tbe boy*
girla ot lodv. No matter obo latro- bare left oa all ringi to tbe Uidy
Maa ha r> tbroagb Ufa aoooaaitolly:
rran yoar aao Meod.
Tba doort at year aars maai ba
daeod tbe oorU to narMee aa toya. aa do caaUpadea.
LacUa NldtereoB.
eloaad afataat bad laacnaga aad arlb
t^ are oltb aa aad aloaya olll be.
Poaalbly yoa ara atrald to cater.11 to rery totereaUng to gat a lei
SoBM o( yea Ota them from other pUlara beeauae you'iblak they oill
tor tron (ar aoay CaUtorala, aad I
to yoa trade poatoge Uto; oell» that to a ntoube. Look
Tba daora at year ayaa
aa Bare all tba
•tampa (or than; bat aone peraoa at tba bead to tba aazt ooa you dad
deaad ayataft bad hooka aad aU read- joyio^n.
orlglaaily boogbt than (rom tbb illboo anan too' no«tb paru
lafotabamtal aatara; agalaat lot*tie atora aroaad tbe ooroer, oboaojOre. Of eoeraa. it aaaoyad. om yiay
lag at aaslcbtly tblaya.
L Midi.. B. P. D. No. 1.
ooaer got Ibaa tron that graatmt aaap at you. bat they it ^ Joat *-blet
Tba daora of yoar Npa vlll
Jma M. ItM
toy abop to tba 1
flBE'^.ao ywa Bead »M toUd; mad no
apaetol 'itolehtac. tor they geard tba
the heglBBlng marblaa were maUto how many hompa and horea
toagM. oUeh to
I iWUI aao try aad orlia a totior to
.-.v. may mhave,
.... they
door to yoar llpa la Botaanuat' the Baaabtoa aab. Sobool to oat aow called-boarU. and moo aad woman,-----played
bamtom m hatatoaa oaa be. joat
ly watebad it may opea aad eat mv
I an having a good Ebm throogk
c»aw agly oorda. Keep It tlgtit abot Pheatkm. For pau y have a klW aad HaBdrods to mUUoas to Mmodes ctovar davteoa to nako m and other
and agates and gtoastos and ablaera aaenlaa at the lasact afraid to toacb
uaEl yoa
a haa. T have a aoaala who woaM are aant to Aneilca. and the cfalldraa H- Bat wbm yoa dad a cateiplUar
tlka to ioto tbe Baaabtoa Clab.
fat nwfo ptoBaara out to these cheap with
■"* atlS
brtotlaa or I
Tbae tbara to a r
aama to Canto Datraaaa. Parry. MIefa. Uttla two than almost aaytUv atoe. look oot. (or it mv ba one to the
Bkag .dleaE caam «MNkar littto lad, wbtok ahoald bd earotaUy gaaidH. It R. P. O. No. t Plaaaa sand her a
—Waablagtoa Star.
eery (cw ahoaa balm atlng aad CMaa
Hip -apap, wwa. brM^. aad bit toaa ^ uw door to yaar baart, obleb to card aad hattoa. t thank yoa (Or ny
oapleaaaiil Itching. This neter Uau
. » to tamptatloB.
pary vt »« »pa*
card aad hattoa.
tong, however, vi kaoir..lrom <
How B Frag Draaoea.
Ikaro la a doortaapar to tbto aatraaoa. bat ba (a rary laolaat Vlb
One Jane morning my mothar aaat
Ago t.
Martha Soow.
Whan yon aiaintoa tha heed ot a
*«it ni^^balg .yoa EiaL K yaall lal htonalt .aad aaade watoblag.
I hare neat Came her card aad aw lata tha garden to ptek Wigltoh
Bla.aama to Caoacieaee. aad oalaaa botton. aad hope she arlll ea)oy balag pane tor dlanar.
was baally plM- caterpillar. noUoe U It baa
tog awv when I aottoad a qaaer- horv
on Its tower .Up. If ao. It
yoa gira bln year atUettoa ha nay a SmabtM.
db ttM boy aama. aad ba balpad. laa; drop to slaap or go aboat aoapa other
• •*» Wtoner. and ant (rom tha
tooUng toad udar the vUai
tube, or aploMret, Boanaa toe Bne
baalnaaa. aad lot.yoar daoda oaadar
Bmpira. Mleb. old Pbd nwty, ^ toan were wblia Bilk wtth which tta toaact wcavea.
1 pUy Mgalher wbaa Ibto In tba oTOBg path. Jaat aa Party's
apou on lu back. Than It waa
Joaa 10. II
ballda. mends, etc.
M daaa,
to a qnlvar, ss If having a chlU.
eaoa and bwaaa did.
Dear PreaMaat—
Neatly aU toe allk to toe world
. JbM thaa,- ha aoM. -oa olD bare
atoad ao (uy that I atypad pita;
DM yoa arar tbtok^t aaab
1 wooM nka to Jala the Baaahtoa
It kept U (rom OM (oally et caiarplUara.
ot yoa bad aa naay doora la abat? Clab, aa ptoao# aaad bm a card and' tog paaa aod’watritcd IL
ahaktog lu htod legs as a eat does DM yoo ever tblak bow bard and
Aod put aa UwTPoM.dwr ®t yaw pin. I am alz years tod. My hame
long aama at diaae toUad before they
wjkak-^u (aat ai^ waL
boosa la made at thick’oood-aad has M^^Cradla Ball. Oood-byb.
bad span , a safacfmt qasnUty for
•aoA tba.wHta ptocea pa lu back year necktto or bolr ribbon? Baally.
AMroag task aad key to kaap
and Iw-KTOw Ucfar, FtoaUr, ss it I do not know bow wa mold manage
ao afcoald ytoi
• ''-'PillBi Mew.
^ywB dwrd yoar aitoda aad baarta
too ■baW writbaa’andt a aim lit- coaUBMOd to kick and qolver. a lit* U toeae U(Ua aareaau wmi on a
,<tk« mTum I.
rw -Ml
~ — jr- :---------t**lh #pod thoaghu.) agd balpcal Ua totter. JaHob. I hepa" yoa will Ua,'bUek. ahtor aUt snrwared to. tbe atrlko. Wp aboald mly vey maeb.
a^a again, aoo6. '
browB-akto down the ridge
I am onnato. toe baautiful clotooa
^^‘•aft wa. daaa mr^;
•to «
•«» »w
ly to keep oat bad Iblaga aa arar
back, and down lu htod toga
which they give ua.
toick woM or heavy Itw mold. That
BmiiW; Mleb, (eeL Tha rtialy akto bad parted
Tta eyes of q eaurpUlar arc ar­
(1 obytkaeuttoblaa pladgeto aaeb
here, apd the black, glosay akin t
Jane tft. iMt.
ranged on tta aldM of lu bead above
dfrneato.Abowad tbroogh to a UtUe the laws.
W MV ..UMvt k.,,, W Dear PreaMeai— ..............
Tby.toia amall raised
Aa i have not Mttaa Ibr a long eirmk dopa lu back. As )hu sUt pUoea and you may not aee itam an■e. Wt MV kriMjMn, « .7w
Qtoo PWlif Write now. Onr aebool grew -tarsar-.JU. rasty . otttoUa coat Uoa yon look tbroagb a magnltylag'
WM oat toe twaavtontb to Kay. 1 hegaario cari op. -tba-adma lera'tof gUM; but yoa oaa .plwara .And the
'VM-n. ttu tkn.'k0M will
paaaad from the aaveAtb |»nde into ludv ^tare tbe Uttla atreak Uto agktotog bolqa of Jba taaect. that la,
peareVand kapl-roUtog npwan) from
the eighth grada.-^
on look ja the right pUea. They
tba tall towarda lu bea<L ’leaving the
____ Uttla broth*
to oval apou on tba aides of toe
m. hbw.- j vve a new bane for bUckapL Muaslrtt cmt under! tbU oatorpliur and .aomt4mes ara boaw
tha'Baariilha Cltfb. Ha'to ny coaria. that. Mm ever uw.
.-MMhaHa oamMrt ,
Ufnlly colqaod aad sniMMd.
IM a Uttla glrHa,
PrygMe kept etaktog blmaelf. and
Of mures tbara are eaterplIUrs
coantr. Mich. Fleam mad him a card aUo atosrod at Ute akin with tdi bind wbkb do not sppay. to tta least,
toWMg pyaa OA blag,
had'pin. Plipa ifreat dowd to the tarn fact as It roltod np. ss If to get II
tobt mads lor amtUng.
Tbia anyone tiring kvwa.
wotma, tor axampU the sIur
labt Modday and has not mma tack loosa from tbe (resh coat undetnutb. which are' alwya ohort. broad. brU'*
A|M baart tbafs ktod and trna.
yet I wlU be thlrtam yean old tba and *aake It roll futer. Now toe old Uautly oolored aod with lUnriy
■» •aara we dainty diasaaa.
Yon can keep tke bagu off yonr poUioaa bettor aad with leas labor
Moth ot Joly. I have qnlla a i
lii/>wtoa does aba own.
mat aUo, began to peal off hu'fora* apines. Another odd Individual 1
by Bring toe Boebestor New Mnitl OdwiprsMal Air ■greyer. '
•s.k.1 aaiuf ^
Bandv achool cards and papers,
•nt iha groatrn of ak treasures
lege and to cor] op Into a little roll, bun^iy Vtoeroy. TMa crawUr (eeda
tbe ' Kant Klog- aoreie than by aa, iber way.
The Bsehi
la bar ItUo aalf ataoa.
POr^moUo wna^iSSo^a tba yen MB aaa than 1 will aaad then to Uka p'black alate pencil, tdwarda hU upon willow and popUr and U one of
you. I go to Bandy aebool nmrly tv- red.
toe cleverest and wUeat of caierpll*
sprayer will aooa pa, tor Itoelf In time and iMWrtal sarad. »ka J
; Bar aaaa to *Motbarh OnmCtot.*'
*Tbara-a a waleama ban lor an." ary Bondv. My two Uttla brotbers.
Ton have no Idea bow strange It Ufo. Whan smaU. It rau on toe mldRochester
and Cat lor
JoUna and Herbert, go too. My Son- looked to aee toU toad roUtog his old veia ot a ly( aad protecu luelf U a
fhr a tba UTtoong dv
talore. abnibs. trait trees and etc.
day achool
am bwr Uttla tagara
When ibomnriar
coat np toU way with hU lore feet, pecnlUr way.
Mrs. Ackermaa. She gave me a nice aad puahlag It np over bU neck end,
There U aaotoy eaterpilUr,
wtobarto cnrea awv.
Tta Roehcotcr U always ready (or work.
for' attmdiv Sunday head, aad aqueeslng it into e tlgbier yellow aad Tiger Swallow-tail which
JkMBMkiai totroB to gltolan
Rp ctoaad It with hope aad (av: bookmark
AIM kMn to bar BOft hair,
Al^> wtpta attova
*1M ataool every gundy to Uat quarter. mtto rtot with bU feet. When toe U apt to escape notice becaese It
Come In and Ul ns sbow yoa how It a|H%rs. f
Tba erottooBltU, “The Lord Is good. old mat bed peeled off elev np , okto u Juat toe atade at toe tulip of
^.dlmptoa okaaa aaeh other
to tha dsy to trouble:
j,.Ab4nt.bmtotoahB ao tair.^^
Bava. good tboaghis aatar here.”
. wtal do yon aoppoee I . tab leaf where it (aada. Toa will aod
aad Hh kaowatb tlm that traat la
Why. Pronle had bis rid these batterdy
cblldraa raating >
OVlHatorltog Uttla gIrUa.
And tba good liuia IboMbta oama Hta.- it Is oraaga'eolor Mth htock maty mat la bU fore feaL prewtag spring maicreeaaa of sUk. sod if one
totters. I keep tt in my ^le. Wa aad aqneRing it Into a Ugbt dlttla pnu out lu lU-amelling weapon of
trooplBg la
tito dlamonda la bar ayaa.
an goUg to have Oilldraah Oy r- ball against hit moato sad nose, and
metharw haan a sonahtaa
When ba drdra'tba otbara eat|l^gbHr far than booda the aktoa; Thv riaonad tba waQa and tbv arelam neat Sunday at oar obnrch. ttaa—wonld yon beUeve iit—whm
•m golBg to take part tb tbe pro* he got It Into a little black ball aboni
tba aama that aalta bar hattar.
> ' swept toe Boor,
tke aUe of*a pebble, be almply open­
. A»i mahba bar glad ayaa nWAa.
And aai« v tbay moved aboat.
Bnr year SoMhlae glH.
la tba Mgto to '-Moibar’a.Oomt^'^
ed hla big mouto and twaUowad toe
Btoel Bow.
caat-off garment et one gnip.
This Bttia traoMua mlaa.
And tear to all an magal came.
then ut there wtnkly aad bltoktog
WKb wtagi and aahtolag (boo;'
I a fiuck. gloasy mw coat.
And above tha door ba wrote. -Haro
Wadaaady. inaa It. ibM.
Jnst as U he were uytog. “til bet
Love baa tooad a dwoIUag place.yoa emldn-t do tost!Iffw toambara Jtoatog toaoa tost iw;
Two totten have cone to yoai
Tniltomtborf. Mich.. R. F. D. No. 1.
ItMm Bpw. Bhpin. Mtob.
prealdanl thto week asklag aboat how
Jane 10. IML
If you are ia tbU cooditioii.
Mftw Qtm. Trerarea City, Mlo^ to orgaalao BaaaktBe cloba. Om waa Dmr Presldeat—
)-our nerve force U weak—the
Not ovary boy can ta a rich
biiOa Mekwwm. Bnrhaak. CallMUtord Bowen
I wiU BOW try -aad wriic a letter to W a groat man, bnt every boy
powy ta fivioff eat, tbe or­
mV to printed todv. aad the othm tbe suabtoe Club. School U oot
ta a gentlemaa. A boy with gantle- gans of vov bodx have
. MwbMttdArthar Bhermaii, Trav- (ran Bolae Brrin, to Shaman. Tha I like, to go to achml. bat I Uki
maaly toanMn who U treaty
"slowed np," nnd do their work
totter (rom I
(sOog. For peu I have a eat a
boneoL does bU very beat every dy. imperfectlj. . Th» fnflve to
KItoa Atohipn..AvartM.
jBtonM,.AvarfU, ]Mich. Name OM to yoor praatdanL so aha oonldaH
I go to Sandy acbml every will gain tbe attenUoa and conadeace do the work reqnired, cloga
5 Dosen TorpttU Conn—i Oezen.
It (or yon all -to nod. hot sV «qndy. I thank yon for the card ot men and will be given paying and tbe astern and brings dutresa
MMl. R. wnatad yon 4o
Aid bation.
molble porittons aa aoon u he U nnd diaeaae. When the nervea
12 Oenn Repesiing Torpedo Canes—^pozen.
kWiawUlhov ' ‘FVom yoar lovtag Sonabtoer.
old eaoogh to ail them. Bnyk Uke to ire weak the heart ia unable
I MUtord aod Mptoe^irhaf
L. U Snow.
have fun and a good time. It Is right to force the life-giving blood
4S Oosen Aa>muollk»i for
Wbqt' are' ym gotog to do to vaca- toy aboald. Thy never will be bore through yonr veina; the stom­
? i' ?
aat dovaVt
lloB 'Do'yon help With the chores
mce. bnt to have fan U adt al- ach faila to*digest food; the
t Bosas nre Craekera-a
l vary teg- 'in tba Tarmr
Iddnevs lack power to filter
togetby what thy are made
pyu> toU yen that JnUaa Bo*. wbOM
Boys sre Of vatoe chteBy lo Bake; impafkiea from the blood, and
120 Doren Paper Ca|JLi20 Oetad.
nana waa on the Gradto BoU.Ja.iMW
men. good fOr'aometbtok to toe worid the poIsoBona wute remains in
a “truly BanaMMA” with a pladga
hue QUdyt
Charwetar. like a hooae. nnst tare the tytttm to breed disease.
5A00 « abrit.^min Ore'BUidCartridge»--fcdM.*
~r td*Fog. aad aha ramambarwr A card and IHtla.<rod bnuan.
Nerve energx must be restored.
naodU for tba right ktod of a tonadatlon
toy hhMt h mtto city bv aamad
mdatton atoaes of a good ^ract- Dr. MUei’ Nervine will do it,
'1AOO SI Mon Center Fire tUiaA rUilll^q
’PaPW Vba apaat laat aammarvE
Aaothar piMkage to Bandv aaheot - •■AlnBOe; _
ara reverence for Ood. respect and because it atrengthena the
■nala-s (arm. aad bow ha toaread the papan haa bam raoelaad from Nary
nerves; It is a nerve medieme
pin for me and pat a tangU to lt.“ obedleBee to parenu. aad defy
ttopartaai toaaea to ahatUng doora.
Let os belp you make a Mise on that day of dnya.
ina la an totonatad Baa.
a^ tonic, that rebuilds the
toroid age.
It WM hU drat aapailanea la tbe
-WML RohWe.
entire nervous syatem.
cewntry. UM ba aVoyad It to his
■Wsvaral ymn saa 1 wm aa touta
veto "do ytiii
kpArfa ccmtaat, bat ttotr a (aw daya.
Uha mav alV haya, ba (boogbt ha
Jana II, iMf.
"No;" aaM
nadamaod avarythlv and byaa
gy tottara.
ew wrltM' Ton know tou at thto Uma o( the
■nka tan. a( Mm,‘tha torm haad.
I am wan and hoga yaw hna nUJha
arba. - • - — I to Percy, arm -ao
(bn yaar yoa tad them oa abaat
aaahtoan an'the mma. Will boa
ery plant and tree that grows, nad
alow and dtagld.- Ttanaa, aaela. tot ptoaM taU me how la ourt a Baaa eUm to writs ss
.are tta qMoreet looktog■ creaahlne Qab? I weald ha maeb ptoaeBsaalU at Larineos.- tnifs. ir only they did dm- make
ba ptoadad. and raloataany bto' bacia od H yoa wobM. Oar a^dl hte ham
Om of tba Mwbt hat
baya fa yanahlvarao.yaa waaM aatog staly'
K. WM MM John aB la Me attp olaaad amda tha tSad at Mv. wWto
tag .1^. tor roaUy tiny do mom
KIk» ICtdialCo^SlUMR, Ia4
bava mack tea dariag vamthn.
tlm a btoV aboat
-------erfai tbtoga. aad mans at them
IWm m4 RtfidMtWM «fTM
HaraM y«w« MW tiMWitfW
I wit tiy MW M wwry ar

,Ska taoMd a pnoij . dar ki vaidA


W AllComeJobto Work!

Herald and Record C(
We hlsye-;

- ■■


J- J.



Monarch :«-rj2s5











torwto, 1. r. a Na. 1.
:mw otto. Ntoh.

r. a Na.> ah»^t

'2* s? ^

For the Glorioii$;i



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