Grand Traverse Herald, January 09, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 09, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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maalog ory the ly bridge.
He waa baable to get to safety aad
the pliy y the englae etnick him aod
kaoclwd him dowa. Portunalely, Uw
trala waa nm^ slowly. eUe the
ISO wooM inri lost bla life.
Both boois s hie left atm were
broaee la two plaees but be was aot
Tb« Detraft Ualted Rtflvar Mpw area readend oDCOoedoiH by the ae«w tb« boAlcBt atwt of death. With cldeaL
In the dt7 of Detndt 47 perwoa net
Willi Cxhftlt Blart Jsvaa.
death OB the aUMt ear ll&ee, and M
Reglsty ot Deeds P. W. WUsoa towere In)Bred BMre or leaa aeriooalr,
Tire Black
or the 0OBB rallroadi the Pere Mar- dsy shipped a pen
ooeUe had the greateat dtMaUr aad iaru to Onnd Rapids to be yUbltthe tegeat Itat of dMd aad iajored. ed at (be Onnd Raplto Foully show
aad toia&r
The total SBBher of dead oa that
road -vaa 4«. wline the InJerM list row. The birds are fine
was lit ot the dead there ver* tX one y them taking flnt prise st the
u the PlTBooth vTMk. Jolr M. aad Northern MldUgnn Poolty show Mat
ahoat UO flUured. The Oraad Traak yaar. The othen hare nyy been ex­
COOMB Best wtlh 11 knied aad M la- hibited .prerlona to the preynt time.

AeMMto in MtaMgui.
RAlivart. Mtna wd •iMtrk*].
eltiBM » ftoh bATTMt Ot dMd Md iBtart ia tb« 7MT Jot drswlag to *
clflM. Ii WoUbu in peiMii
kllM tA m injarad oo tbe nUwv
. Ubm Ib Ue t«el«e noBthi Jut Md-

lared. The MlehlcBB Ceotiml. oooaMertac Its mllaaffe. shows the Isaat
death taU: Beren kflled asd H lo-

Atlaata, Oa, Jan. s.—The mwt aotable fwtnn ot (be flnt day of proUblUoe la Georgia waa the refnta
Tbe MIovliig table shows the i
ben ot killed sad Iajored ob rartoBS Judge W. P. Newman In (be United
8tat« Circuit court to grant aa InMBOay
jnaetioe pending HttgaUon wbMh
would pryMt the putting -Into eVyt
y tha prohibition law.
Oraad Troak ................
Papon U the cMe were filed Ute
Tneaday on behalf of two brewerlM,
In Chattanooga and the other In
The layen for the |
that the decision of Judge Newman
did set y?e the effect ot throwing
ease out of court, but that It
would come up lu the regular order of
boatneM, and waa expected to y
ready for trial In about two months
In the meaaame ptOhlblUoa It In ef­
fect la erey dUtrtct ot Oeorgla.
Total.......................................... ui idi
itwithstandly predleUoM that
t of the law on the
«aath of Weasel Rartak.
fint day ot the new year, which Is a
Waaaal Bartak. eaw of the arst Bopilted boUdy In all paru ot the
hSBlBR seUlers la TrsTane CItr,
pasaad avar this aMralag atur a then was not the eUghlcet dlwrder.
ahcvt Uasoa tna paralraU.
haleen LMenee Ryueed la Al^maBaidtt waa strlckea oa the ereBieg
Montgomey. Ala.. Jan. 8.—The Prtr
of VapHiber M wWla watUac oa the yte judge y Losrades county restraol. aad sloee that ttaio his straafth fated to usue Icensee tor barraomi.
raBaall)' ebbed amg mtll death
leatloa was made tor maadai
rtsfad Us at t:ld this Bioralag..
Vb«r dhOdm sifTleB Mr. Bartak as
JulhM Been Edher.
Aatta W. Blirtak. Mis.
AJMSiS VWnba. Mrs. Mair Wilhelm
aad afn. JdadtUa B. MeMaans. sB “800000].** the offiddl pabIleaUi
Tlilltl Of ttls eitr. five (toBd- the Howe MOltaiT ech^ at Uma.
Mt B. BL Bsitak. lad., one ot wboae stedenU la Jtllut
MdB» Baitak. JIttiad C. WUbelm. Mto- Been, of this city. The SenUnel U a
Ble r VotfBha aad Will B. Voiniba.
and young
The earif Ilia ot Mr. Bartak waa Mr. BMn U He Uleny editor. Tbs
oea of Mala aid bardthlpa. He waa subject mutter «l the “Pounden Oy”
boiB la Bohisla. ABstrla. Juir 4. number Is *ey Interesting end yvee
lltii aadatthaaseotuwaaao- a oomplM hlstoy ot the aehool. This
liisBUssi M a oahlaet Btaker. i^ch wort wss done largely under the
trala he psrfbeted aad for
ot Mr. BMn and is cey
thSaru UaspMMsa in Ufa. Altheaib
The Howe sebom has a
he JM a had atraifW la these yean.




c- -


all adjourned to the UtUe Tarero
wbere.oystere were yrred.
Seteral Important matten- regard­
ing SUU UWB were dlysaeed and a
> U drafting a reeolnUoa
which Will be presented to the eute
laglatatare. The same line ot ledaUUon wiu be taken up u the eute ooaventlon which meeu in Jackson Peh.
4. 5 and 6.
AX this eonveation. Traverse CKy
will hare 14 delegate* es follohe-. L
H. SUekny. M. P. Hunt. W. R. Poole.
George E. Hoyt. Ed. Leutner. John J.
Bretlna. John M. McCormick. J. M.
Omlor. Prank Ely. Julius Campbell.
J. A. Montague. Tom Nelson, C- H.
Johnson and Josyh Birder.
The eleeUon of officers resulted u
Prerident—H. R.
Vlcesireeldent—L. R. Btlckney.
E. Hoyt.
8ecrrUy-M. P. Hunt
Board of directors—The offlecn.
Jamy M. McCormick. Joseph flledy
and C. H. Johnson.
. -.
The assodaUoa has yd n rry
prosperona year, the membership yrIng betfn increased from 15 to 60. The
1 haa been very
I. 678. aeeounU baring
byn closed and tl.S76.46 baring been
Any reialUmerehaat is Hlgible fy;
p and (base desiring to bereUry, M. P. Hunt.
Pioffl PMd^ Record.
Doctor Sarah T. Chase nlnraed last
light from Otsego, where she haa
been spending her holiday racatlon.
George Noteware. a school Acker
of Ogdenshey. returned home tody
after spending the holidays with
trteads In (his city.
Doctor Lacore. o( Elk Rapiy. was
In the city today.
Bari Boyce, y Empire, was. In the
ty on hualnees tody.
William Campeoo, of Interlocben.
eras in the city tody.
Mias Edna Caras has returned from
Ig Rapids where the spent New
Tear's, aad is again on duty in the
office of Beglater of Deeds P. W.
Hn. Martha Kent, of Ptfe Lake,
wile of the editor of the EUe lake
Mcoltor. was In the cUy today oo

Louis Belding. wMi U teachly
aehool u Onawy. returned there to­
day after spending tbu holidays srttb
hU parenie. Mr. and Mm. W. W. Beld­
ing. 1174 Randolph street.
Albert Knuth. of Hancock.
hene UiA morning after spending the
bolldays^th relaUres and frieuds in
tbU city.
MUs Eula Seott, who has been rU
Ring the Misses WooUey at Northby M|b aspleyors sad tbUr vieoe, aad Been la enrolled la thU department. port. returaed to the city this moraCar aoeiy klad act ehowa him b(
Besldee being the llteny editor of
Mlss Baldwin went to Kingsley this
alwaya deeply appreelsUee.
the SenUnel be Is captain y one y
tag «sB with pieaaars la hU old age. the football teams of the school and morning to spend Sunday with friends.
WUUam Mason. B. D. Mills and
Death iMtend Pamlly.
berwtae prominent and acUve in
Baray Bornrtt. ot Walton, were In
Whao U yafH ot age ha was aalt- •cbool work and atbleUn.
sd la sarrUite to Mis Akdse VieOne
the element* thy makee th^ the city OTM night on busincea.
Mlta O. Howard left this morning
paMk. win wsr ^ bet Id yean of school particularly enjoyable
ago. Ha yaan later, with their llUle Been U tbe fact tyt the founden o( (or a vlMt with friends at South
daw^tar. BOtibetb, they itarted tor the achoot. were intimate friends of Boardmsn.
Will Andemon returned to Milwau­
dairftM. la aospay with aevani oth­ the gnadUther ot JuUnt. He U now
er iMiOMa. aseagthonbelogtkoeeot spending bis Tsestton with bU par kee thts morning after spending the
deaaph aad Aataa WUbelm aod Proak enu In thU mty afid will return thU boUdays srlth his father. W. 8. An
dersOD. and other reUUvea. He Is
Lada, to tha I Mays' joaray thy week fy the remainder of the term.
sailing on one of the Pere MarqneUc
aiparlaaotd say hardsUpB mad giiaf
steamers between Ludlngton and MII■ aetaead tbalr MmOy when «a their
wy from New Tort to Chleago. death
There are ll men mployed In the wankee.
Mrs. George Pray and eoe. Harry,
dlalMtag ttair davghter. BllsabeCh, aad Pere ’Marquette oSloes u Boardman
thy wen ehllged to bay The tittle and elgiU uaUooaliUM are represent, left this noon for Owego. N. Y. Mrs.
body la Bacbwtar.
ed with one man nnaeconnted for. Pry received word that her mother.
tbedr Menwy. Their aorrow waa all Bceomly Interested In the wide dl- Mrs. C. P. Btlle*. wm very 111.
Dr. and Mrs. J. O. LaOore. of Elk
the hardy to bear ae tby wen io
ot meet, a Record repreBtnaga aaaaty aad were eentyiTe made a cafirtae this morn­ Rapida. returned home thU morning
after spending tbe holidays wHn rels. apeak y aadentaad a word of the ing and found
The tnlnmaster'a office contains an Uves St Honor aod Etopire.
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Tolhuret re­
n and a Canadian, the u«lnWaat lata 8yleeaa.
mayer bely English while his clert turaed last night from Grand Rapids
tkla oooBty la Chleago, thy oame to It a Canuck, wblcfi la right aa Orest and Kalamasoo whrre they spent the
Tnrane City, wbare tby loeatcd per-! Brityp yways boeeea Canada.
Mrs. George Monroe. b( Elk Rapids,
asaaaaUy. to IddI death acaio eaOoly into the chief dUpeteher-i rtM In the city tody on bnriness.
terad tbatr oddat, taktag their imte fics. It was sttted that the chief was
daaghty. Aaaa. Bat tby bad brare Dutch.
Deaths and RinsrelA >
beam aad. dghtly yey laeb of the and hU clerk a Pole. There are three
wy thioogh the plceey daya Mr. dispatchers employed and tby have a Prom Saturday's Record.
Tbe funeral ot John Moran
Bartak M last aaeeeeded la aasbUtb
by themselres. cecb man work­
mornly at » o'clock (roi'®
lag Uiiwalf U boaliMaa. aad tor SO ing eight hours. Tbe first man on, Is
St. PrancU church the Rev. Pr. Bauer
' years, ally ke had left bla Srm a Scotchnun. . He Is followed by
officially. The pall bearer* were
home, ho eoadyted aa
IrishaMn while a Dutchman Ukea
token from among the young plyI. 11 yaan ago aoUlag out to last trick.
R. U Carty.
In the ,yardma*ter's ottce. a gen­ mats* of tbe boy. sm<mg them beiy
dll years ago hit faithful wife
uine Yankee waa dtacoVered in the Prank Nelson.
Many ont of town relatives were In
takaa fram btm, aod tlace that ttma person y the yardmaater htmaelt.
Mr. Bartak has made bla borne with The car clerk U a Htilander and the stteadance. smoy them being Hr.
hit eh'Jdraa. He was realdly with night man was nnclnsstfled. he ny land Mrs. Coiambus BoUmere. of
grandperenta of the Ud. at
his dsaghiy. Mn. Prtak Votraba, at betng M douty and no one was able
whose home the tragedy oecurred
the Ubm y his dsaut.
to Bu^y the information.
Mr. and Mr*. Thomai Moran, of
Jaeeb Bradner Hurt.
This mixture Is regarded a* a
^ and wui 'bare to stand nnUI some Batas: Mr. and Mrs. John Mulrooney.
d etrart Jaeob Bndner. a sectlM other office, with an equal number y ot Bto Rapids: UlUlam Moran, of
Kalkaska, and Mrs. Margaret Moran
haad. M the UtUe Maalatee rtry men. ena fnndsb a greeter diversity.
end dan^ter. Miss Llsxle. of Barker
bridgeaoatby theelty. at 1:U TbarsCrert. The remains were laid to
4y afteraooe.
B. M. A.
The aaaoa] meeting y tbe Traverse rest in the Oethollc cemetey. Unwith brtisy aad a eomponad tra
y the left terym.
Oty Baslaeas Men's eaeocUtlon was fierttknr H. L. Carter was in charge.
Selomen Trade.
The man WM werklag on the bridge held fa tbe eouaeU room^ Thuredy
sofavoo H. Trade «iy at 3:80 tbU
and did uot bear tha neeeengrT train Bight, there betng a large number y
mornly at the borne of hU eon. Baappreack. the dy betng oold aad kla
ears ba4a| oevered by a oap. Tbs bely *0 plesaaat ay profitable that tamo Trude. fiSS Bast Bl^th street
train eras right epea him balers he an were glad that thy atteoded. At tovly been eonfined to hU bed -stoce
tbe ocmdBBhm ot tte buBtom seaskm. Twsdy. He was 70 yenre oM. awl

leere six chDdrsai. Prank. Bugene aad
WlUiam Trude. all ot tnis city, aad
Mrs. Jennie Core, ot Oraad §nvk«a.
Mrs. My B. Brilthart. ot B«erne.
and Hr*. Bell* McKay, ot Syuyi.
Uuh. HU widow also snrvlTcs.
Mr. Trade was ooe'y the old set­
tlers of this region, coming here from
Nebraska la 1<78. Par many ycara he
Ured OD a (arm near Blngtaam. but as
hU health gradnaUy (ailed be dUpoaed o( hU farm to Prank Pelton and
y helmforib. and made bU home
In this dty with bto children. He sms
a soldier and formerly bdoaged to
McPherson Post.
Mrs. Trade has been at Srilerue
with her dangbter and they are ex­
pected home Monday.
The tnoeral wUI be held Toeady
loraing at ^ o’eloek fram the Bing­
ham eburrh, the Rev. Mr. Olbabn, of
the Bvangellcal church offlcUUug.
Tbe Andtreoa Ui
U 10 eburge.
Mrs. Mabel P. Eeet
Mrs. hfabel P. East, mother of Mn.
William M. Wright, died last tdght at
10 o'clock after an lllnees of been
trouble lasting but one hour,
tboyh she had suffered frequent at­
tacks of heart failure, her death was
inexpected and csime'ai a great shock
to the family.
Mrs. East leaves five cnlldreo. as
follows; Mrs. Wright, at whose
she passed awsy; Mrs. W. P. P. WIIIot Ninth street; O. J. Bast ot
Muskegon: H. M. Bast, of VandslU.
and R. M. Bast, of Niles. A brother.
U J. Reynolds, of Vandalla. also sur­
vives. Her husband died two veer,
yu tost April, and unOl last sprty
sbe bad made ber home at Vandalla
wUb her sot. She came to Traverse
rily last spring and bad since made
her home with Mrs. Wright.
A short servly wlli be held tomor)w afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Wright, on Park street, the Revs.
Pranklln and May Moon Meredith officUtlDg. Tbe remains will be token
to Vandalla (or Interment.
Mr*. Schatlee.
Mrs. Joynu Sebatler. wife of
Jaeob SehaUer. died at her home on
the Peninsula tost night at 11 o'clock,
^ the age of 61 years, six months and
16 days. Sbe was stricken srlth paralysU Tnesdy at 8 o'clock In the
morning, and gradually tank until the
last, althdyh It was the first stroke
she bed ever suffersd.
Mre. SebaUw came to thU counlo
from Germany in 1878. and has
her home in. this region many yeer*.
Her maiden name was Kllengers. No
children or other relsUvei are left,
her husband bely the only
mourn her loss.
The funeral win be beld- Monday
mornly at »:30 from tbe First
Methodist church. Undertaker E. U
Hughes has ehsrg* of the arrange­
Orawn QIaattera.
A special meeting of the Orawn ar­
bor of the Ancient Order ot Gleaners
wu held W*d|esday night for the
purpeae of electing officers and the
following were elected:
Chief Gleaner—Walter SiadMbauer.
Vice Chief Gleaner—Sieven Hoxle.
Secretay-treasurer—J, C. Bunk.
CbapUb—A. Seymour.
Cpoductress—EUen Sheehan.
Lecturer—Mrs. W. Stadelbaner.
Inny guard—James Roderick.
Outer guard—George Ayers.
The meeUng wm largely attended
and the election HJf officers was fol­
lowed by a banquet
The "AncleDi Order of Gleaners'
was organized IS.years ago by G. H.
Slocum, of Caro, Mleb„ and is the
only organisation of Its kind in the
world. The members ot tbit order
_ confined exclusively to farmers and
kindred occupaUons, and of which the
membership has Increased 10,000 durly the year 1607.
The lodge has one feature that
other organIssUon ot Its kind has and
Is wyt Is called ly "reaeye fund.'
In its proper sense of the words. That
that the officers are allowed at
to have at their disposal more
money than the amount of the retnnni
sene fund.
The member* of Grown arbor are
lining to Increase their membership
considerable the. coning year ta
which thy will no doubt be success<y lodge'It compoted largely
of a vey entbuslastic body.
The next regular meeUy of the
Grown arbor will be held next Wedneadny night.
At tbe reguUr meeUng Friday night
ot Traverse City Encampment No. 78
I. O. O. F.. the foUowlng officer* were
Installed tot the ensuing term:
C. P.—Jrta Coleman.
H. P-—H. A. Costea.
B. W.—T. O. Shlisoa
Seeretaty—C. B. JtoblnsoD:
Tresaufsf U B. Hughe*.
J. w.—WaJto^ Porgoaon.
O. 8.—A. U Neals.

Gmeral News.
bcapiy tram a meMgeric a large
bear patrolled the town of Aaron,
capital of Aigovie,
Strseto were deserted and housee
closed for several hours, while tbe
bear raided the tnAl stalls. It
shot In a cafe.
With regard to the age ot olive or­
chards In Vatonela there are many
with aatbentle hutoriea of 100 to 200
yesrt.andafew which were probably
bearly (ruU when Columbus discov­
ered America.
Strel shot *o bard as to take tbe
pines of dlamofldt (or some kinds of
drilling are made by spraying molten
steel Into cold water, cfatlllng It In­
Bight-car Gains are to be ran on
tbe Boston elevated line In the en­
deavor 10 cope with the trtffic offered.
A London barber advertlssa for 200
men to be ahaved In a music hall exhlhlUOD and sys "cabmeo prefSTred."
The queen of Holland dlscoutages
gunning aa far as she U able. She
an aident lover of all animals.
Grape* are sUU trodden with tbe
bare feel la many of tbe vtneyards ot
Spain and luty.
In Anatrla no lees than 41 *001 ot
evey 100 doctors die of bean dlacsae.
The banana and p^to are almost
IdsaUcal In chemical comyoeltlon.
Six of the largi-Bi colleges In
Swltxerland have 2.193 female .stndenU.
A pfie driver ai New Orleau, U
108 feet high, tbe higbost ever bnlh.
It I* reported that a Hambuy jotot
stock company has purchased a large
tract ot land along Ue mouth of the
Elbe at CuEbaven. where power worta
be erected. The action of the
ebb and flow Of the tide U to be «■played in generatly electric energy
be used In factories about to be
estobUsbed. The srurks wfU also fur­
nish electric power
CuzhavcD and other (owns In the vlelnity. The dally capacity ot the
piant win reach 11.060 horse power.
Tests are said to bare eeiablshed the
feasibility of this method of generat­
ing eleciriclty.—Consular Reports.
Aluminum Is ryarded m probably
le most available subsUtoU tor tin
In the great majority of useslo which
that metal is putowing to tha dlmlouUon In the price of alnmioura, the
practically ItmiUeEs supply of tbe raw
material, and the (arorahle physical
of the meinl. As the producilon of aluminum I* cheapened
win the use* (or H Increase. The de­
mand stndlly keeps ahead ot the tup-

Brown and three smaller bouses were
or Mre damaged. Many abets
were fired.
There were betwesa fifty and seveny-five maaked men In the party
were In town abont u boor.
Tbe LouUvtne A Nashville stoiloa
as threatened by tbe Samee but
escaped. ‘Tbe atuel waa ntirriy un­

U-iwe<-a Northport and Manlttlqsc. Is
on the bottom at Haalstiqoe due to
sGIktng a rock in the harbor tb<-r.Saturay night.
Northport with a full load ot cars and
right Into the harbor ran into
rock ■toring In two atrel ptoiec belos- tbe engloe room. Tbe terry start­
ed (or Milvaukee Sunday norulng In­
tending to go loto dydock there, but
It was Imporelble to keep the water
down with tha^mpt of the big boat
and It was lu-evssary to return
Tte big boat sras' ued up at
dock In ManlsUque where she filled
and sunk In 17 feet of water. Before
■an make tbe trip to Milwaukee
tor reiiaJrs. ii will be nccMsay to s»
cure additional pumps.
one was Injured m the accldral
)D damage was done 10 tbe train
The accidvDt rsme at a purticularly had time ss the'ferry has been
wochlng overtime Io aa effort to catch
up srlth the taye amount of freight
In the yards at Niwibport and at this
city. A great deal of this freight la
coal (or the Uanlstlque and Mtnneapolii;.

Nortbpori's most prominent clUzens.
pustd through the etty today on their
passed through the city Monday 00
joy a three months' racatlon In travel
They will mske the trip to Los An­
geles. Cal., via the Southern Psdfie.
and sill return via tbe Northern Pa­
cific. The Ume wlU be apent
traveling about, although California
will occupy most of tbelr time.
Mr. Kehl U looking fenward with
anUcipatlon to the trip, aa H U the
longest vaesUoo he has had Is
year*, dqrtng which Ume be has built
up, In company his brother*, one of
the north. He feels that now he
m dcvAc a IltUs' time to recreation.
Mr. Scott b a retired farmer, ud
since tbe death of hit wife a year age
ha* vUlted among his ^ildru. haring
given up his borne. This t* also hte
fitut extended trip.

White to the Rottghum mining aehooL
OUvei wu well npeseioted cn the
10:60 G. R. 4 L Osln: Martu WU.
SOB. Oaesr Amtaboelrter. Mbs L*
ria* Lowrl* aad Mias Bdlth Salter,
all of thU city, and the foUowlng trosa
JasNs ntomaa. lOis
Vesta Tbcnaa. B. L. Ranum. Clyde
Thomu ud Mias Grue Kahl gDiac
art re:
Champoey. of Acm; Earl Ackseman.
of UR* rity. and Georg* and Prank
Albert Haakrit.' Hrmu Coplu and
Eraeot Miller relumed to thc -MlcbIgu Agricultural college at Lansing
ud MIS* Minnie Tounte went, hnrt
to Oberiln.
Among the teachar* who went hart
In violin at Hardin college. Mexki^
Mo. ud Itoulk AuJeiuor\, i-f OBwa.
who w Instructor In thi ccmmerclal
department of the Mralsllqut achoois.
Mire Mabel Anderson retonisd to
YpslluU. ud Mbs Anetta LardM,
Arbor. Mlaa KItUe Wrignt. who hu
been iir aitudasce at YpslluU. 1* too
111 to return. Mis* Mabel McMlchaM
rKuroed to Crud Rapids.
Keep Away.
not care to see their chUdrea
broughl home to them mangled aad
Ufe-lere. they must keep thsRl oat ot
the Bosrdmu yards ot th* Pm Mafv
quetts; toat sevml ot then have s«
been kUlod wlUila th* tost few days,
has been due to tbe walrtfutoMs Ot
the trainmu. Matters have eoaw to
uch a past that. B. U..4^aBbertala,
yardmaHer, stai^ 'to a'ltoD)^"
porter this morning that nales* th*
parents attoaded to this themselvss,
tbe compuy would be forced to tahs
measures to protect the ehlldru eru
It It wu neeeaury to nave them ar>
Thb Bomlng. there wer* sevoral
small boys In tbe yard* ud thaff
were seen tearing “bad orAsr* togi
off the care. To tear a tag «C a snr
is a sertout thing u the tags yo pOt
there tor esrtato pnrpeasn an^ «R«
Umea they play as
la the hudiing ot to* awe. Whito
toe youagstora wart onwtM In tMd
ocenpsUoo. one Ot thaoi stogpad «it
In such a muoer that he gotto fr«B
of the switch engine hut muagad to
escape by a aecond Or 00.
”^~Boardmu yards are a bngp.
place aa trains are kelng made up eaS
can ewltched coattoually, sriiU* **•
glne* are being turned ud ran ont

A report from Cot
ard Gueotber. of Frankfort, stoics
that the next International convenUon
Ml^'^'lut v>^ bought a
of Chambers of Commerce U to conhalf intereet In tbe Wukamith boal- ing the eUnatloa are feraed to nu
D Sept. 1. 1M8. st Prague, io
ness of B. 8. Hadley ud
eonstut vlgliue* to ei
the firm wll Ibe known a* Hadley 4 ' ^
of thb. a cMM ran* a terrfUn
Pasadena. Cal.. Jan. 8.—PMSdena's Millard. Mr. Hadley b u eueriencU [ ^ whenever be mtare three ynrdk.
annual tournament of rosre, tbe festi hlacksmlto ud Mr. Mlllsrd hu been I Trainmen are aot hearilese ant
^ ^
val of flowers, wss celebrated New
u toneh a. Sonto.
Year's day. Buds and blossoms ot and 1. a pracOeal horarahoer u that
^ swUvhln*' crew ha* otlief
every hue and color, foliage and ferns the new firm will undoubtedly do a
of cmtless kinds, ptouu. shrubbery, very. Urge boslue**.
Ithloga to attend to benide* walehlng
twigs. Tine* ot all vaiieUea, floral
rtildren. ao tome day, onlcre too
Water la Low.
beauty or every sort and' description
Those who have been obaerrtng the | ‘praetleo U atopped. a ehQd will ba
had been gathered together to make
Boardmaa river for year* state that,**®*®'this the greatest day In tbe hlslMy ot
toe water at mu"! M «>«
«ndr*a to tbn
the city. It N esUmated 60,000 vis­
and that obaGocUore on toe yard binder* the traiainsn la tbelr
itors were here. MIsa May Sutton,
bottom now sUcklng up above the enr-. work and ii:e> ere an unoyanoe to
the world's woman tennis chain
twee, have alwaye been hidden by tbe muy waju ^nt despUe thi danger ant
In plaore above Part rtreci the annoyance, .owc par.6ts.ot ton
Mnncle. lad.. Jan. 3 —A call for
bridye. the water was not 12 inebre cUy aciuslly send thrir cb:id«a Into
state troop* to come to Mancie U ex­
deep yesurdsy and old eribs. bsdow the yard* to gather coal. If they wton
pected before the day 1* over to con­
•Ji* bridge, wvre pUlnly vUlblt.
cognizant of the eoodUloBe. tbeff
trol the atrike sItusUoo here.
would be horrified es some day, tbef
Violence startsU today when a laye
crowd of strike sympathizers went
Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Marvm rriumpd’ qpsth'
to the edge of tbe city and wait today from n trip to (be MKitoeni ^ puenU will keep thrir chMru
ed tor the coming of two cars for In- part Of the state, near LsMlng. in ^^ the yard*, all will be wriL bttt
dLSGy. a suburb.
blph they joluted a (amll.v reunloo „ tj,ey oon't. a fatality ta boonO On
Bricks, stones ud clubs
Of Mr*. Marrln* relative*, tb* Di^
^r W not that, they wfll snffag
burled at them ud every window was family. There wrre about 30 perdisgrace M baring tbelr rtUdrSB
prT'iLijl. c-u ug from Minnesota, ,rreried.
The strike breakers, who were oper Mreeonsla ud points In Mleblgu., .
- —
aUng the cars, were compelled to flee Tr.r»v dav: iv.r.. sp-ij- In rtnewlng! Montreal. Jan. 4.—Word baa reacto
No oue was seriously hurt.
fa. !r Ujr.e absent ed the Cuadlu Pac^ railway c4
New York. Jso. 8.-^a*ulty
aentM rs. ud a very «*.■"><<!>> time flctala here ot the arrival at
lime he killed Stuford White Ud
Maine, of the
sanity now are the proposed keynote*
This I* tbe first reunion ever beld j wfalcA reubed tbsre ou
for the second Thaw trial which wUI by the family alnee Mr. Marvin's mar- time with no news OC the
begin bejotc Justice \1eWr J. Dowl­ riege 36 years ago.
steamer Hout RoyaL
ing in the criminal brucb of Supreme
The official* esprett (ha bdMt toiB
court on Monday.
Sack to College.
the steamer hu foundered with aQ «•
With the cloee of toe Christmae board.
This was decided on at a long con­
ference between Dr. Eru*. of “brain­ holiday*, the outgoing trains today
Tbe Moimt Royal la SS 4ayg wsl ot
storm" theory fame. Martin W. Llt- hU muy young people from Trav- Antwery and had nearly 406 peoplg
Ueton Ud others of Tbaw% oounsel e^ City ud vicinity who wore re- aboard- No stcamera within toe P«l
New Tork. Ju 3-—A bomb was ex­ tJmlng to their etodlea In the various thru week! bare leported ber wbleh
ploded today at the entrance to the p&tieges after two weeks spent
tuda to nhstanuate toe bebet toot
of Peter Uscato on the recreation at tbelr homes.
ibe weet down in a storm.
ground floor at No. 20 Moigaa street those who returned were:
Every window In the building wu
Su Prandeoo, Jan. 4.—Tbe otofT
brrten. The front door wu driven to Tale oollege; Ed. Kyselka. Louis that Mg Jtai Jeffries was led oat «C
Into the store and the eoBtentt were Tlakhsm. Jay Smith ud Arihnr Walt a saloon ben by toe ear by bis wito
to toe Cniversity of Michlgu; Mire Is dselatod <0 b* tra* dauM tb*
set afire.
One faaUy wu hurled out of thrir Jnlla Kelley to DeOolL Julia Boot* dertal which was attempted.
Ud Prank Rriley to Ho** ndlltary Jeffries b dselszK “kbampiim at tbs
bcada and 60 otber..M In terror.
Rassri,ville. Ky.. Jan.'-fi.-Night rid­ school at Ume. Ind ; MU* Margaret
er* visitsd thU town at 12:46 o'clock Hodlen to 8l Msryli. Nolr* Dame.
4..-0*arDi X
thto Boralag and dynamited ud iBd : Misa Beulah Cevell, • Etirast
ClM. Natlorial Park senlsary.
Pattfbooa. of 4b* 1
hgrnsd the tobacco
»ff •
Wort * Co. ud the Amerlcu Snuff WaahIngUD. D. O.r Mia JBSspWae e(XIo*n.wat fipufi bto
Darif to the ObreUn cooervatory. jury bsrt today. TOUtmm to npato
_- *
The ^aatM aOl ot Bobwti aad OtnrilB. 0-; Barry ROKO* ud Ckhrire sdtobedytos.

. -ii';




MBMt vkb tlwM


iirtlM that tba eoaaradaa
aad fl^ trim njepad «ac aona-'
tbtte mwrnarmt. 'ite dloear itoatf
m a teiitilplin. tba Tlaado bates
Walt, > BUBP aad I
p vat tuabla te totviee la
mm«r Da- Bomber all of tbaai aad vont bare
otter mn. tte to oat for loo dapa to oobm. Tbaro
iraalu boBOteada aauaia Bka
fortauu oaat otad to aBjop M
I for Dapaort ago, loott pork aad cUdiao
that laatad fnUp at good at tbooa
“bofTBBod- te tba oaetb afiar a two
itba- dlat of bardtaek aad baaaa.
K pork sad all tba triBBtagt aad
at tba end. cnolu boat made bIboo
ptea batter Uaa tho btoL After tba
dlaarr bad baaa eapUrad. raalaaf dapa gaac bp ears ladslgad
la aad oafan aapoba reobaad It. ao
bad tba time potaad



A imt nppar vat aarrad at tba
Cborcb of Cbrtet Taeadap oroolnf
B}OM Mrfcar Hurt.
from < uUI 8 o'clock on tba oceulon
Sites Alter or latortMteA te< a Of tbe annul cborcb aoeia). A bamM-;
tetter tefltei tetteaot teteO %im at fnl ropoat bod ben prorMad. Tben
Mte tteite. foliate, whaio te apcot
ao lack for food or people.
Ite tekiter'v^S*^ rMtUc moBte Brarp ooa from tbe ankir C E. and
•te rotattfca. Mr) Porter ted ben anier Bible ocbool optrard to old
teltec oil a Mood wteo be rooalrad a
vac Bade velcome. There wu
tented irttrttffiri tail, m be curled
eharpe for tbe rapper aa prerpISn Ite alopa . laadlai from htt tblng at (be Cborcb of Cbrtat te altflar* teaa te aUppa^ aad tall waps free.
Ifrfld^ aa Ite abouldar and bead After topper tbe andlaboo retired
m teroa Ha ««i Inobdlatalr I tbe sodltoiim aad a apodal proyiM to a oteoMaa. arbara te laan- arsB couteOag of apectel bbcJc and
M ttet te kad a atiMaad teotedar. a
tba Ideal tor tba
Imteo tetter bote aad a btobn Ja«- vork. wu girn. F. R. Wright kpbba
9r. tetter la —m te tbte -cltt oader brtegp on 'tter Cborcb Paper." Tl
congregation roted nnaniBoulp to
pnbtteb a tbraa eolnmn cbnrtA paper
eruj week.
Tba eoaaalttn alao
1 the editorial aiu Baa-'•“Ai tte Oteteteaa bote Oroto rtag- agaant of the paper aad tbe came
ilt CkfMsaa on, tba voddlag bate eamad wlib ntbutaca. W. M. Oardn opofce on •nitbtng.’' Mice Nelila
Am oteo telaMag at tba
Lptle apoke oe '‘BnoUt)«Bg tba
temoor. for bar
aad Om S. Barr, bodi Lord's Hooaa.- A baauUtnl solo
Ate tooda ta tbti eoamuattr aad glren bp Mlaa Otlre Doboon.
a wMa olrcla of trUndi. Tba remainder of the time
ite ^tetebOTt oetad aa baat ma ud g;ren to a pmper and consacrstlon
serrlea. At 10 mlavlcs of IS an InAu» tMdte Oarard at
rttatloa vac glren W accept Cbriat
««te. Mr. Qolaa oCldatad.
aad nine peroooi rnpoaded. Tbree
othaB vere mclalBed. Brery pai
«dv kmtted obd eoailr
praaaat wbo vac not a Cbilsliaa gave
I Torj nleoly deoorto Ood. It vu tba gmtaaaa aad «bita and
oot aarrlea cd tbs pear.
a >tej
krtde vaa.rote<
SWa Club.
b teall with wblta caraaUoat.
Tba Boct dda crovd bad Ita flrvt
m tte iifMooteald wai cmaotad te rwwaloB of tbs paar teat arntag. a

•■te bioaotol 01

t-lfate.'M *ara pimtAL and
htetilll uka «aa partatea/od br
Aa MmA aad rolalltoa of tba brtda
teds teak It waa OB anat that vW
late te>taaabarad at aa aato/abla
ASrr te of oaa el tba oUnt
kmrnm « dhtt ooBMiaaltr aad te
tea.ii tte bora, teatat Brad bD bla
«• ta tAaa P0K4. OBd tet alwan
ItilTf—to bdd ap bit «te with
taapBOtH aad trtaada.’
tarprtead^n^ *
, ntep tMot ol Ute dtjr. aad Mteo
'jteMO.SBMA daagbtar of Mr. aad
aid. teite.SUra«. Of Kt. Ptaaaaat.
#m atetad la tearrlaia peotardar
talttatetejO o-eloek U Mt. Pteaiaat.
At tetetatlid Otetsppun balaa tba
ior. A. «. taaipat. 9ba brfdt vaa
■tfidi te Kte ABU Tblel. tiotar
of tte stem. aoACteaur Saao waa
Mr. AMtetnraad toot arealac with
Ml tetfa. aad tbap «ffi ba ot hoBa to
ttefr frteodojtedfb Woat Proet atnot.
Par tba pan altet raan Mr. TblM
tea baaa eoaaactad vitb tba pocotr
Sopfrumtof thaHaaaab * Lar MaroaatBa eompaar'a atore. and bit taate


Ate ate vte aatote to bba tbtdr, baot
wtebta. Ite bteda U a popolar. yooBC
Mte e« Mt Plusaat

Mr. ote Mn. Cbaitaa Cola ware
•otead .41 poon a«o paatardap aao
to qMtbTHt tba boppp oraot. Ihep laTltoiteCtetalBoad Mra. B. B. Cbaaa
aad Mr. aad Mn. Bamp Laateartbp

•teteemaa be c^mdlM te issd

’*7. Cbm’a

InTcrscatj State Buk

MutriitatAtaalu want to Maatea
Tbe Bor. iote Radpnib. af I
bap, ratauad ta bte bama this
■Bor boWteg aimrleso te the S
cborcb nt Onceu yesterday.
Mrs. Mary L. Raaaetl ratoraad »
her borne te Cadillac tbte Boreteg
after rtelBag frlndi lb tba dtp.
Mr. aad Mrs. Jap Spaagla, of Northport, are ia tba dtp. ealted here by
tbe aerlou Utecas ot Mrs. Bpanglea
father. Madad Vlatoa.
lira. P. B. Wbitmu. vUa of tba
Bar. Mr. WMtmu. of Harbor Sflrlags,
led boteta tbte noon after
teg a abort Uma srttb friends at Bear
Labs. 8ba wu acoampanted bp ibrtr
Utile daoAter. Eda.
Errcm M<wua went to KIngalep
Bornteg on bnalotaa.
Mre. jaares O'Brtea retoraad to
Klngdcp tbte morning after rUtUng
in tbe dtp.
His. Floule Hlddaagb and child,
vbo bare bean rtelOng te tbe dtp. retomed to Kingsley tele acrnlng.
Mr. and Mre Gao. R. Newman bare
froB Ledaua coontry
where they spent the bolldaps
Mtes Aim Roetnlng bu retnrned
to her teaebteg at Kaltnasoo. after
rUUlng Mrs. Hupab Hiller.
Mrs. Bllza Sprtngstead. of Ceatrsl
Lake, rislled Mrs. R. K Beldlng to­
Mrs. Roae Hess and daughter. Dor
otby. bare returned from a risit In
O. W. McRnry tett todap for
be win hare diaige
the South Side Lumber Oompanpb
ip dnrtag tba winter Bontbt.
Prof. Horabeek vbo bu bon rteit
Ing vltb bte poroate In tbe aoatbera
part of tba state, returned borne Sotordap.
Mrs. Luillan RoasdI. vbo bu
opeodteg her rocatloo in this clip,
returnn to bor borne ia Mantetoa

■■ MMdlaga of tba Weak.
^ffis Nellie bip Bteghaa and Hervep Henry AnifcrsOD vere united In
the bolp bonds of matriBoap test
avnlag at 8 o'elodi at the borne of
tbe brides' parents. Mr. Ud Mrs.
Walter N. angbam. NM Soutbpieltlon
street, tbe Rer. J. AHn Cubp. ot toe
Church ot Cbitst. offldacteg.
I perforviad In tbe pres
of a large nomber of frieods ud
reUUves of tbe bride aad groom, vbo
stood nodn u arcbvsp of evergreens
ud white wading be^te. mUlng
beauUful picture. ,
Tbe bride vu charming In a gown
of light tu allk. and she carried
bouquet of bride's raaeo. She vu
attended bp Miss Mabel Anderson,
sister erf tbe groom, while (be groOB
attended bp Don angbam,
brother of the bride.
After toe cereBonp and toe eon
ben vlsUteg here, wnt borne Sstnr- gratulatiou of the guests, a light
dap.' •
JuDCbeoD wu served, the dlnbg room,
Baibar Orep. after apudlng her rs- u well u tbe parlor, betog decorated
catloo with her pamu. bu retorned lo evergreuB. white carnations and
to her school at Great center.
woddleg bells. • Tbe wedding giru
JaaOB Allen b bat^ after a rialt were numerous ud bnuClfui.
to Otl^agoAmong the wedding gitu wu
Lbaia Stepaa wnt to her aebool check te torn flares from toe
te Vnlcaa after nendteg bar <
groom's father, tj*. 8. Anderson.
tin wlU her pamu.
Both bride end groom sre verp
Lydia Konig te badt from a popular among the poung penle of
rtett to Owterd and DetraU.
tbe dtp. and their work In the Church
I rapresnuihte being proont at
Mrs. Koehler of Lenateg vbo bu of Christ bu been a great aid to tbelr
tba Wfr^ootong club, which vu ban rIdUng bar pamte. Mr. and putor. Both Uught te the Sundap
Qpnad for test arning oolp. The
Jnllw Koeolg. retarned boBe Bchool. ud toe bride hu been superarenlag kraa.cpeat la daaeiiig. rariou Srterdap.
of the Iniermedltte aoclety
ibers of tba partp. vbo oaderotood
lira. & L. Bacbul of Chase, vbo of Christian Endeavor lor tmne time
tba mycterlec of tba kapboard. turn- bu ban rlaltlng bar son. wnt borne Since her graduation from tbe High
teblag tba aoale. In l»o:, she has been employed
Mre Hnrletta SmKb of Benton In the office of Dr. H, B, Garner con
South SMa Club.
Harbor, wbo bu ben rteUlng In Elk Unuously until within the lut Jew
Tba Jollp Sooth Bide elnb vu on- Rapids, wnt *boBa Saturday.
tertalaad at tba borne of Mr. aad Mrs.
Brnut Miller went back to ocbool
Mr. Anderun Is an earnest. ChrlsOtea Lott, ca Wwt Tenth street, at M. A. C. Batorday.
tiu poug man. ud Is slndpteg tor
abaot tvntp moBbara being preaont.
Dan C. Colbelin. of 8L Paul, and bis the ministry in Bethup college.
Each BOBber bad coma with tba ^ slater Clare of Mnskegoo. vbo bare Betbanp. Wret A'irginia. He left the
tnOon ot barinp a good lime aad u been risltlog Mr. and Hn. Guy De- emplop of bis father. W. S. Anderaoi:
bad 11. Prluo were plTes for flinch, Long. left Saturday mpectirclp for of tbe Anderson Ondertaklng ccHn
H. Coles winning tbe flret and Mrs. Red Wing. Minn., end MoekegOD.
panp. about a'pear ago. for toe eoiClpde Finn captaring tba eonaote
Mre. Joe. OIIsod and two children lue. and returned home tor Ms bride
A floe tbroaconrse sapper vu se
vbo bare been visiting her pamts.
Mr. ud Mrs. Anderson win both
and all aoteped thU also. Tbe pear Mr. and Mrs. George Barage. retarn­ enter Betbanp college, Mr. Anderson
IMi vu well oo iU wap before tbe ed to Jnnings Satordap.
to complete hts studies for the mlnpartp obdad.
Mias Nina Payne vbo bu bean Istrp and Mrs. Anderson vttl conttnoe
speodteg tba hoUdaps vltb her par- (D her music and will also take up
nts. Mr. and Mre George F. Payn. i>ible sludp. Thep bare tbe best
lbere vu a good crowd pmnt at
ratorcad to bar abool at MUvaukee. wishes of a host of friends tor success
tbe Ompasp H. dance on New Taarb
Sba vu accompanied si (sT as -Map
are and tbe dtp opera bouca wu
fleld bp Mr. and Mrs. Papn.
rarp pralHlp decorated, a large bell
Kmorp J. Updike ud Mtes Mary N
Min,Sadie Uelmtortb of BteAOB
being In tba enter and vbn tbe
Hemdjes were quietly married at the
left Satordap moniteg for Manet
aew pent began. tbU vu pgng. tbe
home of M. H. Wilkin, on Bute
BUle vu fnratebed bp Stewart's or.
stfvjet. lut evening liy toe Rev.
ckcotra and wu mneb enjoped. sH
by her sislar. Mre Dare Gore, of this Drtou Cocki:n. Mr. and Mrs. Updike
haiiu cneb a p>«*bant tise that obwUI make their home at t‘ South
doobtadlp tbe capaeltp of tba ball will
Him VloU Brovera retenied to Spruc^treet
be inted at tba neat In tba ecrlsn.
Morlep Balnrdap after a rteitte tbe
A pretty New Year's morning wed­
dtp vltb frlnda
F. Fredd aad soc. F. Fredd. Jr., ra- ding occured at tbe home of Mr. uJ
Freoa McBAar's Beeord.
Oermaine. 12S Board
nireed to Harialta Satordap morning
John Laidle. clerk o( Wnluote
: after a rtett te tba dtp vltb friends. manavenue. the contrectlng parties
tovublp. wu In tba atp todap
Tbep were accompanied bp Mr. and being Lew Hamilton nnd MIsi Marie
Duiels. tbe ceremony occurtng i
Mm. Wllmer Atkinson.
Joe Vallep. ot Proramoot, wu
Mrs. B. Oilefartet vbo bu been rte- o'clock and tbe officiating clergman
tba dtp todap.
Mlng frtends at Bear Lake, retorned being the Rev. George E. Lockhart of
PTad Atklnaoo Md J. B Alter, both
the First Baptist church. The cere­
to Kaikuka Satordap.
cf of Maple dir. rude a trtp to tbU
HIsa Peek rMureed to her shool at mony was very quiet.
cUp todap.
Last evening, Mr. ud Mre. Ger­
Kalkaska Satordap after apnding tbe
Waltor Maabated. of Sottona Bap.
enleruined about forty gnewts
holldapa in tbe dtp.
vbo bu baen< rlalUag bU grud pa^
Mrst Hnrj Barber, who bu been Hiss Chaloupka of Charlevoix ud Mn
eeu at Honghteo, te expected borne
vldilite friends at Neaan CUp. re- JoU Ensign and son of ^st Jordu
thl*. afteTCOOn. Hii father, tbe Her.
Mng among the guests.
tureeC-to Waltos Satordap.
Mnakn. d. wu te tba dtp todap.
Tbe groom bu been employed at
I Hit# Farnsvertb returned to her
IVd U Sm tb. vbo bu bon qolte
aAod at Kaikuka Satordap after­ toe Payacs lock factory for aome
111. oaring to u nteamted tooth. Is
noon otter opndteg her racatlon time, coming here from Detroit. Tbe
back at vork oo tba reportlal force of
bride is also from Detroit bot for toe
sOlhoWr. and Mrs. B Uoogbtoa.
. tar. and Mn. Dnnla Houle of past-few montoo hu made her home
Mica Mteala Andanda ratoraad to
‘Atifaa were te tbe dtp Satordap oo wltii Mre. Oermaine.
Oraad Rapids todap after rpowdlag a
■poclal to the Bvening Record.
abort Ume with -bar pntwtt at Sut­
Oowbla WaOdlnff.
MIre'Edp Venn retorned
tee Bay.
Wlliamsburg. Mich. Jnn
A very
home In Central Lake Satordap afMlaa Mama HaAtea went to Maatemooa after visiting friends In'the pretty wedding took rue here yes­
too this Bornteg fok a rtslt with
at : o'clock at
dtp. ' ■
HtesxA^reoe bu retorwed to al- psreonage of the M. E chujeh. toe
B Oartha aad alstar. Mtes Oertrnde.
teod tie«loeal High. aebool after eoatrecting parties being Miss Kate
of Mortbporl, ptnad throngb the dty
Yoong. daughter ot the Rev. ThoaBS
apeadi%'-ber bolidaps with rdaU'
this motWag oo tbdr wap to Oread
Toung and WIDlam J. Ayers; Mabel
te ElkBaptds.
BapMa for a rtslt vltb trlenda
Mrs.iDpiTov and Mre Bpon wnt M.. daughter of Wllllaa H. Ayers and
MBs Kittle Prlatop and Miss Mu to Muk^n SatorAp to vtolt friends
■set Scofleld.
Stone, -who bare ban rteltteg frlnda
Promptly at the appointed boor,
Major tandemn left for Lanateg
te tbe dtp.' rdartted to dare tbte
tbs stretes of "Hearts ud Floven.*
to au^d-tbe sebod «or tbe blind.
played bp Mre. Robert Sveeoep of
Bote SwarU of llcksburg vbo bu Old Htesion vere heard ud tbe bridal
Mra. A. W. Lpna aad non. Mate, ra­
te GaSnUe tbte Bomlng after ben 00 a rteit here, wsnt bene Sat- partp took their placet, the sreddlng
a rtett te tbe dtp vltb Mndc.
coremonp being aolomixed uder i
Joha Otodp aad oteter of wmiama- eaaopy of wedding belU ud terns,
Mm. Fred Netevaro retsreed
Cblngo tbte Boretng after rteltteg borg loR for a trtp to Coster Bator- tba Rer. Tbomu Toong oBlelalIng.
her pnreats. Mr. and Mrs. mn. F. dap.
tbe ulemn ting ceremony beteg osad.
George Rnaep of tteteon vest to Master John While and Muter WONewaygo to rldt bit daagbter. Sat- ,1Ub Vinton, dreaed all te white be• tag toe ring beoren.


Traverse city, Vich.
SeliyooyonrbiUforAbotteeorlmm. VS o cArry at all tiaM
Get our figorea and eompApe oar gradca before bnyias Calloa
na. Look for the Big Red PlaaL
Phoou, BeU 890; OHa. 806.



iFcrCaGtaBaweflaB Ifiefiiftti

We Believe


Cboioe Uneolered Japan parttealariy fine flavor aad
axoeetiooal attmigth. 11 yoa have tioable eettittR a
ia to TOor liking try a aamide pouto oftbia
one. We will take oar «buMea oayoar coning hank.


PriM.Ste ptx pooS.

J. J.




Kmm« ^FuraW •Wa-mmW.

Tho brides were cbarmioglp gowned
In white allk voile and tbe bouM was
decorated te wedding bella and potted
pluu. At tbe conclusion of toe cere­
mony. no piests ui down to u excfllent Ibree-oourse wedding dtener.

Ayers ud Hr. Scofleld Is superintend­
ent ot the Grand Traverse trout
bstcherp. The brides are both charm­
ing young tedlea ud It Is doubtful it
there are four young pe<qile with more
friends te the regton.
The happy
couples were remembered with many

- OingmanGmlth.
Special to tbe Evening Record.

Oreo Dlngman vere united In mar­
riage at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
at the Methodist parsonage, toe Rev.
Tbomu Yoong ofliclating. The young
people vdfe toe guests of hour at a
party Tuesday evulng. Both are veil
known young people and have many

ud bu gwe to But Jordu to visit.
He win also rUli In Traverse atp be­
fore Iceatteg again.
Tbe leap pear partp by tbe yonn»
UdjeO or toe rlltege on New Ycarb
wu a very prestp affair.


AXffi Kzns OP OUT novsM

I La
A- W. Stevenua, tbe popular drag
m wwsarvw
ulesmu et Grand Rapids, retnnied
tbit nioralng from s buriness trip
Northport, and left Isler for tbe aoutb.
Mr. SievenKon bu the launch fever,
and bu deciditl to putebste a fine M
foot gaatrfino launch wa:cb be expects
saalt ste. Marie. Ju. 2.—Fanelob
to take to bis Hntkrgon borne at toe
Brotoere’ atore. at Heaael vu deetropopening of uvtgation.
ed early tbte Boniiag bp a Are. The
man. books ud an Ub poatofflea
State .Newa.
Laulag. Micb.. Ju. S.—Pledges
from CS debtates to vote tor tor la- IU.0M.
lUailve ud retereaduB have been
secored for toe expected cteab next
Tborsdap. Tbere are otoera te the
doubtfal list.
The flgbt over compenutlon for leg
IsUtoia is being cooUooed tbis afteriswBBrr - •
The primary edwo) fund te oetUod
bp too coo-coB eoounlttte bp plaeteg
all toe new aoercea.crf apeclflc tu at
legtetetlve discretloo. dtecardteg too tesaenstettegfroB
Oturrb and drives
per capita tax.
swap s CoU ia lbs



eik Ru>ds.
Bk Rapids. MIto, Ju. 4.—Eak
Lake grange hu elected tbe following
Tbe share of tend that would fall to
urb tebabltunt of tbe glolie te ibe
Muter—Letter IntUs.
eveut of a i«rttilon w.wld be about
twenty torn- ai^a
Overseer—Louts Curry.
Lecturer—Prances de Crauuz.
Steward—John Deu.
AMlataot Steward—Win Hunt.

Sacretary—Clara Hanel.
Gate-keeper—Henry Hanal.
Ceres—Harp Curry.
PoBou—Groce Hunt.
PIora-^.(rft Ilnnis.
L. A. Steward—Luro Dean.
PUblat—Alice Soore.
Matroa for -tbe Javenllea—Matil­
da Soars.
Tbe testaltetlon will be held Satnrdap evening. Stole Depotp D. H. Mc­
Mullen. of Traverse Clip, beteg te
Tbe council Is couiderteg a peti­
tion from various ciUseu ukibg that
Bau lake be dcslBad sufficiently to do
swap Vito toe adjacent martb tend.
T be Improvement would only com
Tbe KnlgbU of Pptolu vitl bold
their InttolUUt^.Wednesday evening.
Charles Johnson, vbo was a mem­
ber of toe Aberdeen fire department
bas returned borne tor a visit
Ralph Roscoe bas resigned bis posi­
tion as chemist at (he cement ndll

The Farmte’ Store
Stove Sale
tt'e have a few stoves that we do aot want to carry over and to
cell them belore teveotOTy we have redneed the prlee.
Bdfore you buy It will pay you to eaJI aod -get onr prieea.





te iecond hand faaatlag atovee.


nwiib lin IMiq

IniMe iri lera Siqect L

rrevalMie, ft KiAmt ... ........
Must people do not resliie the alarm-

ta, tac™.. tata

TTn Ware. Craoite Ware. Por^-lalp.
Wliileki'doeydis,orders sre the
aatprevail, they are
almciM the test





Varnishes. Rope. Stationery. Flour. Feed. Hay. Straw. Lime. Hair
Cetneal, Cakine


onr Uoe Is varied

We really have a "peobg" departmeot store nbfler

u well u groeerfee. So you aea .that

one roof—so ask fur an article, vbatber it I, a spool of thread or
ticians, s<*« <vs(sal lktmtfltr$
riOi dorieriaf fcU tfftU, while tbe
iiwl diMess uDdermines the system.
Tbere is comfort ia tbe knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, tl
the great kidney remedy.

^inteThnocLTkTdwTl^irt^. Lladtto
and every part of toe nrinarr paaiage.
It correeu iuMIitp.^to bovf water
ud senldteg pate te paasteg it. or bad
efleets foUewi^nse of kqnor. wtee or
beer, and overeosus that unpleasant neccaaitr of being compelled to go often
toe extnoctenaryeflect of &bib|i Root
is aooo rcalizad. It su&ds toe highest
roosboald have toe beo. Soldbydn^giru in flftv-cul and oee-doUar aues.
You map have a aaaqrfe bottle and
hook that trite all
bv mad. AddremPr.l
Kilmer L Co., Bing.^^Ml
:.V. \l1ieo
—writteg ButhB this paper aad dost
make up mistahe. but



a bale of bap. We map have It.

Tbir is (be dull saaeon with Boot tarBcrs

ft's tbe^ time te re-

varnish chain, tobies, ate. We have Perohlac. a varateb vbldi te
made for that porpoae. Ask about it.


If there te a liule pteaterteg that yon could do dnriog ,

spare raoteenu. we have tbe lime and ceibuc



«PS» fc>

tor tlda UBO-ao good-bye.

Oob. aad aa cefjtaln tightly to hia. he cracked hte whip wock for which he Ind* ttow. Hte Uthat yen are a teal SsatMaar.
and Don tUrted off.
brary. eontalntog
Tbte wa* deUghtful fun. ud Don books, opeud oat of tkn ttody wbete
I bara oant yoe aad tela yogr
seeaed to enjoy It u aoeh as tbe tbe call was mnds. la tbe curse ot
“t doal eara tt I did promlaa. I childrea for It required rery IttOe toe converontice toe geatleouin with
rw-tettoaa. it it alea to Me a SeaoMner. teat tt?
iaat ’eant. aad tbafa all tbare
exertion on bte pan to Bake toea ed to cowali a certain voiume nad
aboot it.' aid Bert'e boyito face i
Baked toe boy to bring tt from the
He tboocbt a dolUr voold be eoucb
touoa OMtar. Mieh. a look ot talky detonalaatkm. and
toe Ice.
To |«y for a job Ilka thfL
be laked out <d the window with ell
Oae. a. 1N7.
Bert ebjoyed toe OOTel eport so
"Third bwkeate. top shelf, fourth
Aad ao dtd I. te WBdtet K boy
Daar PtealdMt—
light, ao that tbe algbt of Beanch that he was glad he had not TOloBe fron the right.” aald toe acbnl
aa tkatn or a ball aod bat
1 theacbt I weald wrlta a tew Itoaa ale'a iear tUBed pleading face alght gone with the boya. They were so ab­
to yea today. I aw wtiJ aad hope yoo ot weaken bte rcaointiOB.
sorbed to their (w toat they did not
*■111 do It." I aaM. aad raa eat to" aaa are tba aaBc. i go to acbod arary
*Yto. Bert, rre been eoanting on it hear the merry Jingle of approaching
cr several more voluBca. ud J
Tba wood 1 Boat pl>a a*ayi
day. I baToa'l Biaaed but fpor aad ao afl the week." entreated Beade. Bteigh-belU. util a chom of merry they were naaed with oqual readl-i
And tba oickt of It alBoat took By eaaAalf daya tbla tana. Wa bad a **CuY yoa go with tbe boy* aoae voice* batted them. They looked op.
4. At it grew dusk to tbe UbraryJ
i>« »r «i Mirtl* bMpw
~ bnetb
;I12 Bay Sl
Cbrlatmaa traa Saturday algbt and I other day Jnst aa weU. ud sbow ae to see a sleigh-^ of ihMr couatoi
light was needed, bnt the owner;
Aad ftUad aa with dMuy.
•pokd a plaoa. tba tltla wet -A Tala- hew to skate today? Pre
waving to them, and Ben guided Don of tbe books readily found them
pbMM Maaaaga." and I waa la a dU- By new akaiaa on eren enee. and 1 towards toe bank.
the dark Tbe boy expressed hte
t mMt tm h, inrtm *• «•
They bad baapad tba woodl^tbeoM loc^ “Playla* Hoaiaaa or that Tar- could nerer watt uotbar week."
-A'e'r* going to glre grandpa
laUin passes hli'
I tkH^ I »W
“Well. It tent Uk«r the boys will surprise and we've come after you
Mbta OhUd.- rer pieaaeta I got a
“When I 'began to study." aald the makes bim soft I
TUI the door ww bid fma debt.
baadkaiekM, a paaeU. a pletora. and erer try to sMte op to Dobb'a Mllb aad Bestee!" ahoaied Consln Archie, genUeman. pleasantly- "I wu
bockskto or rrlndeer uMn and dan
Load Bpoo load aU okwa tba path, a aack ot candy, nnta and popeoni. again." uiwerad Bert, "ud 1 cut: who was driving. "Your mother aayt
careless aboui Ibe order of my
them on with stout thoogt of leathur.
We are gelag to have a aaeaUoa tbta glre up toat fan Joalto watch n gM
go, ao Just Jump to. Bring and my belongings; l tbougnU
In tbte way he will travel cutty ooWood to tba Ml and rtekt
I bare toat ay battoa and wOl DiBble around on akate*. Ton wont your Antes along, for we're going to msny other students, that a helter- 111 bis feet are tooronghly healed np;
aand a two eaal ataap tor anotoar. like 11 uyway. Beat. Tontl tall down have a race after dluer.'
skeher room wu rather good form: then be bitem ud teun hte nkow
-Why. I aerar eaa |Aa that aU away." Ikia to an 1 can think of tbto Ubo. about twuty-dte tiaea and kart yonrIt did not Uke many mlnnte* for but a teacher who called upon
with hi* sharp- scolf-Hk* teeth and
I aald with a h»c. loog algb:
So I CDoat I wlU elooe for tbU Ume. aelf, ud yoor feef will get cold (be deitMtted children to crowd Into gave me a lenon. He tried to make eats them up.
For tba taak bafora ^ lookad ao with beat wtobof to No and all tba ud—"
tbe already weU-loaded aleigb. ud me flgute out toe time I wasted to
Wonderful aaimate are tbeao dotta
"Well, I woB'i aay n word about It preaently they were skimming over flnding my cloibet ud books; be de­ of Alaska. AlUoagb they ne only
I bad8*t tba eeeraca to tiy.
If they do.“ Mtd Beaaie eagerly, ana*
(rbcd snow aa swlfUy as toe
clared that my (allure* ot meawty tittle tellowa—sot more than httt the
what encouraged to k^ tor her boros* could carry them, while toe ud ssDt of lofiea] arrangement
Ago 14.
Joaia Jobnaen.
ttee of a Mg NewfonadlaM-dber
to tetkar oaM eot and ftoppad tar: Write agalB aad Ml Be hew yon proalaed lesaeo to akaUng. since aUver bella rang.a merry chime.
stbool compoBtloa* were dne to this oeU from ITS to |8W eweh. Bore
Ben condeMuried to argue with her.
apaat Taeatloa.
"How nearly I mitaed all this fun.' disorderly hsblt He wu n
than an ordinary horse will nett tof
to roaCnl faoa to aaa,
“Ob. Bert. dear, do take ac. and HI thought Ben. aa Condo Archie let (ruth. 1 turned a square comer.'for to thte eouatry. They wm draw two
Aad aakad In bU ebaartol, I
Moaroa Caater. llleb. do anything In tbe world for yon.' him take the reins and guide
I wanted to succeed, and from that hundred pounds euh on a stod. Ud
It wa* pretty hard work for Bert to koraro "I'm glad I tuyed home with day hare saved u Immense amount they are usually driven in UOBa «C
Dae. ss. NOT.
Vkat it waa that trovbiad me
teetel bte ataier'a eager entreaty,.nh
r. though I didn't know I was of time and have made system ud six They need no' Itoea tn golde
I tboogbt I weald write to you to­ peelnlly when be knew bow she bad' going to have ail tola good time."
order te pereuan) habits help me to them, for they rsddtly obey An
'Tka pUa la ao tog." I a
day and tell yen that I as wM and been looking forward aU toe
The children were ready for the system ud order In tblnking
sound of toolr amsterte votes, tarnAnd wad alBoat randy to err:
bopa yen ara the tnaa. I as gotog to Saturday Bornlng. when be had proa good aubstantial dinner that grand- speaking I will give my old teacher's iDg or oupfiDg at a word.
And It aaoBad to grow, aad grow
. W« bad a CbrlttBaa tree te- iaed to abow her how to use her birtk- ma had to readioeaa tor them, (or she advice;
Bat to* BakloM dogs hdv* tteelr
and grow.
nrday nlgbt. I got a toy wateb. a doU. day akataa, but be waa the only one had been la the iccret of toe surpria^
" 'Hy boy. tr you want (acu a
faults. Like many boys thoy «iw
TUI It alBoat raaebad the aky..
I ir« UM wnk
took of caady aad a top Santo of the bora in hte cteia who had been ud after dinner the bon bad a twee Ideas arranged to your head so a*
over fond of haring good things to
ant. I want to toll yon that I would
toe ice. grudpa profflistog n gold find them, put your blit and show ud
they teavo to bo
Of ti. m«Uw ud ka»bi« teM. "Of coorae yog can't plla ft al
Hka to joia tba Snnabtot Oob and toe loog trip they were gojng to
dolUr to toe winner.
books to sumo sort of order aronnd watched dooNy or tbof wni.attoet
would Ilka a card aad battoa. My Ud he lelt aa^ be cooM not raito
3 one was ns happy at Benfe you. Orderly baUu ealtirato orderiy and devour atoraa left In UMr way,
Okt tfa Ilk In tlM :h(t^ d^n c( ten Oaa atlefc al a tiBa, ay aoe;
Blatar it balpldg ate to write thi* 1«- ODteb that honor (or the nke of pleu- when Bert won the prise, for be was brain*.' ••
hong oat of (heir ruck. At olghl.
• th« bto^ MU Iran thilr LItUa by HUla. and aaty aeon
I guata tbla It aU I caa tUak of Ing Beaale.
aeknowtedged to be the best eknter
when camp It pUebed. the OMttMnt
Toalt tnd tba work it doea.
There*# no nee taaatog me about among tbe conalna.
tbit OBe. to good-bye.
Dogs That Wsar ghooa.
a bUsket te thrown opon Ike giigai.
be laid: gruny. putolog Be«Wbcji Ua Mekterblrdi wnitUe ud
to Alaska even the dogs wear aboea they will ran Into U and call ap, tmi
A ride borne to toe clear moonlight
'*Diat Utek of the cNot. Ug be^.
Bte'a cUnglng amt away. "lYc aald was the Bnal pleaiore of tola happy —at iuaat part ot the tune. It It
BUtb iObtwoa.
seltber cuttt or
Ucka notttan N
wont ud I meu it. dor I «Vt go day. a&d when Bert laid hte head on on necount of the cold, tor a shaggy budge toea. Tboy Ue aa aeon to
.(ao* iurt i> tt. COM.
Bat ftardlljr ao« beds.
Beboel '
tree. Toar preaeatt erlth you tide Bomlng.'l want to go bit pillow that night be again re- Esklow dog will Uve and be frisky, the men who own them aa possible,
• if tauucal^.
were etry alee.
Jojfpd that he had cthquned aelt. wku a mu should freexe to death. and the mtoer nunot wrap klanrif
Ued to a firt'e apru airing.”
fo? he bad not only tbe conaciouaneeq The dog doe* alt toe work of drag­ no close toat they wont gel oader
And IT wager (hat yonT win.**
He walked out of the room after at having woo a victory, but hi* aelt- ging and carrying which In thte too blanket WlU him.
Maple etty, Mlcb.. E- P. D. No. 1.
Thoy tm
tote eaitottlc declaration, to what
Wkf» tit
«< IW cm If fo
Dec. 2. 1907.
flee had brought him a reward c^atry. rails to tbe borsee. and In human, too. la tkatr dfiUgUnattett to
Be I toil to work, aad tUek by atlek Dear Praaldent—
be thought wai a veiy aanly and
he bad lltUe expected.—Belected. troUtog over the rough tee o( the get ont to tbe Botning.—Now Mr
I Iliad tba wobd to tba. tbad.
bruised and sore
Then hU driver land Parour.
I BB a UlUe girl aerea yaart old.
did not wattte tha btop oatalda.
preparatlona for hli tkaUog expedi­
Ortter Piyv.
weald like to loin
Bat the growlag pOa Inataad.
Boys ud Mrte do not always uChA. Plaaae eend ae n enrd
Somehow he conld eot feel TaTT deretud the value of orderiy hablta.
batten. My teaAer'a nnae U
wblftlad BfrrUy at By work,
Bnrtb. I like kla rery weU. I na comforuble, at'toroagh the doted' Tniea a boy tbrowa hte hat on tbe
----------- It play;
eeoed ruder. Tbere are three door be caught the Baffled aonnd ot aofa and his mittens on toe Ubie.
And ao. tm tba wtatar day waa dona, la ay elaa. I bare ona ateter, ud Beaate-a aob*. He tried to harden fait when the school gtrl leaves her books
Most people know tlul if they luTe
pOad tba wood away.
two brotbora. Gbrlttaat I get two heart ud aasure hlaeelf toat none to the hall, ud gloves ud hudker^ been sick they, need Scoff's Emxtlpletare hooka, a ribbn. a ubiet. toar of toe other boyi would ttey at home chief in toe parlor, they can see that
WaU, boys, the tptk I had tbongbl ae
pleaae their eliter*. but. be could tbe raretewneM annoys toe careful
a deU, a Cbrtetmat'
to bring back hemlth and dtreagliL
tm loeceed recy well to qoleUng hit aad busy mother. But the trouble to
- ..
. - fr«« iwif
ard. candy, and peunU.
1 Bnltbad tba aeeoad day.
' kMd
others Is only n smnll part ol the evil
will eloae. ao good-bye. I hope
But the strongest point about Scott's
Aad Llanned a laBM than nad tbara tbte In print. I wteb yen a Happy
Aa# dart TOO to cH It avia.
Too promteed her yon would go of dteorder. It oosU time that oflM
Than balpad aa aU tbh way.
Emtitsion it ftvaf you don't have to be
and yon hare no right to break your cuaot be well spared: and tt weaaNew Tear.
en| tbe menu) and morai powers.
rick to get resuiu from iL
to ba
pulled on hte beota.
The leaaon to orderiy hablta here glvBeat KelderbOBM.
Beale would not h
I bopa yoo wUl bsTt a happy New
It keeps up Ibe fitblcte’g gtrengtb, putt ^
Dea*t ttoad, and yalt. aad drand.
Tear. toe. Too bad tnch a nice him to that way to graUfy ho- own
on thin , people, makes a fretful baby happy,
^.Skttac tha dttn mThichar. TUI aeoraga waakeea-ao. ay boyt; (ArtoteMt!
pteunre. be knew very well, and aa
Bat go to work tootaU.
he teaeabered what a loring. oblig­ •cboter ud writer, whose dear and
brings cokM* 4o a pale girTs cheeks, and protkfn la dw te tha
ing little ateter sbe waa. be begu to powerfal apeeebes ud easnyi are ne
Tents coughs, coi^ and consuinpbott.
U% otandy aad oterdy wcA
wish that hea oould to soma way. ful- lea* noted that toe vast amoant of
^tonura JeUr goad ttaaa la iba
fit hte ptoBlae
lae io her. ud yet go with
Food in eoocentrated form for side and
la this Bh «C e«n. ay oee;
I bara nerer written to you before. the boyt.
tba utetor 1 aiac. Utia by UtUa. te patteat toll.
wdl, young and old, ridi and poor.
I thooght I would write and tdl yon
Tba BlgbtteM daato ara dsaa.
% M « «ka btotat
what 1 got tor CbrtitBaa. I reealred enough, to remind hla of Beaste-n
-QoUaa DvA
lo him. The pretty . skate
And it cohtrins no drugs and no
n new rloUn, a collar bottoo.
Mimember. U IbT aU doaa at
budkerehiete, cudy. note, a pair ot beg. with Ite «]ku tolttete. that all
Ifi etap by atop wa cHab
ALL DRUOOI6T8I SOo. /.NO $1.00.
giOTB. n box of atntJMiery. a pair of the boye eneled. had been her OirtMTo tba aoaautok top. and to
tleere npportera. ud pletare poat- mna gift to him. the pretty embroid­
ate. Wa hare two week*' Taeatlon. t ered het bud bad been her patteat
Ifa ^
atte at n tlBa."
hare a ente Shepherd dog pappy. I work, ud tha rad Uppet that
If yoa are in this condition,
would tike to loin the Sonablne Club. woud about hla neck bad taken all your nerve force is wenk-^the
Xlk BapMa, Mte, I wlH done, wtoblog you a Happy her penntoa and spare Btontes for a
power it fivinf oat, tbe or­
long time.
Dae. 94. 1N7.
New Tear.
of your body have
cMt a bard atrugele betrraen self
"slowed np," and do their woric
ud hla dealra to do right; hut at last
11 would write a tow Itaaa
Howard Bordend.
imperfectly, .“niis failore to
to yoo. I aa waU and sept yon ara
I nbeuM llU to >0Br yon |day o
do the work required, clogs
Wa bare a dog. 1 as to yObr new rtotto. Are you fond ot ai open the aKilng-room door, he callthe system ind brings distress
ntav. 4am. 1 INI. tba^ Silt grade,
ud. By atodlM ara Bie*
and diseaM. When tbe nenes
reading, apMBng ud anabart.
“Cone on Beta. ni take yon. Hur­ are weak the heart ia unable
1 ttood n to reading.
Baplre. Mich,
to force the life-giving blood
n to apaUIng aU IN In nnabara. I
I <1 make n Ine skater out of yoa be­ through your yeina; the stem'.Dec. 80. 1M7.
•eae-aoi bean tardy Boc.«baaat tbU Dear Prealdent—
fore dlnnerJime." ,
kch fails to rigest food;■ the
Please tend aa a card and
Tbe bright look thnt flnahed over kidneys lack power to filter
I ruelred toe card toil week.
, i«Brcakt«a»toCttr. Mteb. (atv.
battoa. I gneat I wUl bare to atop
toooMt I would write to you. I hare the tear^nlned (aoe alneat repaid
impurities from the blood, and
e acre naae* to tend in. Marion
the poisonous waste remains is
te ay brother. These naae* are Jake iKted pattenUy to toe hearty
, B.^. 0. No. 1.
the sj'stcm to breed disease.
wnaa Oaa.
MeOdu and George
Mcaellu and Uaa that Bess^ could not reatei Nerve energy Rust be restored.
Ja^ IfcOaUM. toTon caruialy bad a apteadU toe- Tttey are ay brotheri. Jake te aren. glTlog him aa she rushed into tha
Dr. Miles' Nen-ioe will do it.
— ant by AlBa to
ord to attooi toat 'tara. Do yot Hka and George 1* Stteen. Good-bye.
hall to get ready for her eut-door
because h strengthens the
yoor otadlaa?
Proa your lotdag Stmabiner.
oenres; it is a nerve medicine
No ona would have knoarn that
ft a taut «te vaek yoor
ABIe MeCldten.
and tonic, that rebuilds tbe
Did pon hare n nice Chrt*taa*. Bert's toonghte followed half wtetful-, entire nervous system.
-Pewrol roan ago I wm an brokro
a boy. btA
gown. I WUJ n«r^oua. wwu-out. eoulS
up the river If they eoald have heard
tbe ebouu o(>angbler which mingled
dortond for montha. aad SnaUf
1 bar# not writtee to the Herald
aald h* couU do ixiibLns ttor
tor a long tUne. to I gneot I wtU aow.
ma. 1 bagaa uaing Dr. MllMtehnwnkn. Ind., with Beaale’B silvery peals, aa
KrrviM. and eard atiogvtbrr algn
valniy assayed to Imiuie her teacher.
. _ , with UtUa BWTola stock on at ! aa well and hope you ate the
Dec. SO. 1097.
boutea. and 1 bacanr rtroag aad
.... .0.
Ool«I» B^ mi Wa MB lart fkat kted.
grudging, retuctut Buner. ud
Uc. We are gotog ap to Orandaa*a Dear Prealdent—
m Biroona*^Avt':’‘}aM^ra^^
It ttt TM bOy Vbo 1
^ie ttbongbt to beraeif that none
Dr. Wilt*' NarrinT It
d by ywir
neae Uae daring neatlon. My Motor
»oik.«in»rblinteg. tt
Well. I wiU try and Anith tbte let­
• tHrt IM
I* • rig4u Beaablaa boy wbatbar la going to write yon. too. We ore ter. 1 bare written eerernl but nerer <Jr her aaebool males had such a kind,
II falta. M
M e*ar elfaad ear ptodgn or not glad It li 00 near Cbrlttaa*. I got flntebed toea. 1 na rery sorry to patient brother.
peanut by Mr. Sbaa B. Baitoid. a budkerchlet for Cbristan*.
eay. bat I wU] bare to aak Igr anoth­
Mrs not got all ay preoests yet I er bntton. todoaed please gad tbe ns mach aa the children, ud when
bare to stop tor tttto tlac.
atlek M a Tima.*
two ceatt. I had bad lack with alae, Beaaie found her treneherooa skalM
a atory ay tetbar told
Ud let It teU to a pall of water. I sllpirinc from beneath her. abe would
MUdred Oee.
Maoe to nt boyt.
teund tt a lew days after ud it was grasp Ms curly coal u uve beraeif
^fbN did yen do at OTUdaa'i? 1 an apoUL I expect yoa had n rery frOB falllf
ooMtet la talk.*- tald
kaew yon Boat bare bad a floe tlae.
An old lady was buying floor and wkM tb* dert tried te n«n
1 did! I got golte '"Oh. Befsie. I've get a splendid
yr la Mktog a deal of aotoa."
,rr * fancy brand she raid. "Hsonsb a Ltr* Beat te goot
n few pretty ud osetat praeenu. We ldeA“ cried Bert, hte brown eyes
nough for me," She
a wnm.n with many yearo- dxpwlenee to
Mooree Canter. Mkb.. bare aored twice alnce I wrote be­ sparkling with dehghL Itet's harness
baking line. Profle by her exjy-rJeaee and get 1
down to the tblagi to
Dee. 91. IPOt.
fore aad we do not take toe Herald. Doo and make hlB pull aa over the.
caw*. It M* glv*n the start
Dear PtoeMotiMt I api glad I bekmg to the Onh. tee. Won t that be ton. though?
IM oMMll, pantec ,*«y.
te thousand* wpoh thoua1 tboogbt 1 weaU write a few Mnaa anyway. We are haring n raenUoo of Come here old fellow.' and he pro­
shds of yoimg p*«pl*. K
«4 ^
not know tba Job te to yeo today. I go to aebool evaty a eoople waakn I wUI be la the
ceeded to bring out a varied aaaortcan help yew. writ* for wir
day. I aa te tbartbird laador. Wba esth grade. A clna wbu uhool be- ment of strlnga from the deptoa of
cauiegu* and
- give
US __
ifi* pMOy o( Use tor ptoy."
chanc* by •puding th* n*ot
I get tbroogb tba third reader I aa tbu again. I bare 4naf Sntebad aer- bis pockets.
sia menths with
gotog to toe toartb reader. I \et a enth grade B Maa. Wdt. a*
It dM 'not take tong to fastu two


; ■onumental










If Your Fuel Is Costing
Too Much


Try Storm Doors and Sash


Traverse City Mfg. Go.
It Should 6c Good
Enough for You

bon ot •tatiooery. a cup aod aaueer. grow* ^hotter, I wlU eloae. hoping
Bad candy ud aott tor Cbrtetmn* yoi any bare a Barry New Tear.
WtYe drawn ap the wiatefa wood.
ate I wOl eead a two *«anl
Brer yoor larlog trieod.
And aoBabodyte got to ptb tt np.
ataap for wbbb a«M at aaotber bntOtodys BUiott.
- A yea know a boy who ceoU?'
I tbtok tote te aU 1 eu tbtok ot
Ton. 1 na gtod fknt yoa helimg to

of the strongest - of thaae to Don's
colter, ud giving toe wtee oU (atlow
BeMtc-'a matt te-koid. UMt It might
not be to her wsy. Bert took hold at
the Uaeo. had. Mddtog BoMa bold

J. Beonett. C. A- C.
Principal. 15 WJlew
Oetreit, Mich.





Tbto Ulac oa vMek thj hmn
•M. tut tuag which eauM
mt wwirr, 41uppatoUi« «H7. thU
4AWBt, B7 Mw4 lor UMt—
Bt ootBbwtad; Ood kaowMh bMt. tht
Ood whOM BtM it Lore.
C Urw ahoro.
•I? Well.
then. Uke it tram Hit htsd.
Shall Qod't appointatBt ae«n
Snod than what thrMU bad planaadt

I of talt.
of batter, half t
good datta of pepper, a tableepoonful
of tage. and eoBBier tarorr nilxedBoli op the tllcet. plniMsg with woodto keep tha dratalng am.
Pot a little batter and
baking pan with the real and bake
in a hot oTtn thrae^narun of an
Baeu often.-and when done
thicken the gnrr. poor orer the real
and aerre oa hot pUUer. with thin
tllcat of lenon.
Chipped Beef, rranch St^e—Cut
thoa from the atan and of alx good
tolld tomatoce. then with rour
gar take oot tha aeadt; put taadt
and tllcet in a aauoepan, boll
ttraln. Pot Into a bowl one cupful

Twit In thr mlBd to go abroad. H«
hMt that •bj' at BOM.
Obt ham bona: thrtca ha»»r U to 11
thp coaat Ba oenol
Twat In thread to go abroad. He
Tha Lord atTi: "Kv. sot rat-"
Ba oonMtM; tho netting ttna thr Hlx. add etraloed unnato juice a
flit Into toaatoei. Staod than In
Lord win not lorgat
baking pu and bake siowlr half an
honr.hatUng ooce or twice. Tbeae
Tvat la thr BlB« to work (or Him.
Bloa to aerre at nett and vegeuBit wQl It:/Child, olt •tm*':
hie tor inneb.
had MMir *tu thr blaoaadnM
Rambnrg Steak With Onloni—Pur
•tad tht Mattar't wlU.
isnpt (hr dlaappoloUncat, triad, chate a tlice of steak cat from the
round, which U cheaper than
thr sift Iran Ood'i own hand.
Birloln or tenderloin, aad chop It fine.
Shall Ootf-B appotni
food that what thrsalf had pUn- foraSng n loto a flat cake. Try two
Or (hTM large onloat, alnead flne, ta
butler and shgtllr browaad. aad
tpread then over the neat to^ar,
So. dtr hr 4ar' aad tup hr stap. su.and flatta It with a rolUag pin. Pal
tala thr falling straagth;
ftan tuhastt to suwagth. tadoad. It on a wire hiotler orer a quick flra.
S» oa thmgh an tha jonratr't and broil two or three minntee. Seawith bnlter. salt and pepper, ud
Cod hMt «hoa tarrr aow aad tha; ron hare a eteak that will rle with
a tlrtoln.
itthai tha weak oonplalat;
Bam With Tonato Banco-Trim,
Oodh M«tfa brlngt tha waarr fwt.
aad try Blo^r thra bUcm of ehtde*
. aad oordlal glM tha faint.
ban, Remora from tha paa at toon
1 Ood bidt that labar, and tho ^oea M u doae. for aeorchlng n«»t aot be
allowed U the leatt degra Hake ate
tMek with thorn aad briar:
B« Ba win ahara tba hardaat talk. of tho oD which flowt from the ham.
tor the purpoee of frying, but if no
■agfl Ba callt thae hl<har.
Bo taka aaeh diaappointnaat. frltad; ceatary, ttart the proceet by ntlng
ooohalf taaepoonfnl of flncot lard.
tla at thr Leidh ec
MnrOodt appolatnant aaam ItM Hare ready acaldod. poelod. ud rery
thinly tlkied. throe or fonr. large.
feed than wtoi throBf had
ripened toomtoei. Place
than, together with epoonful of mlao
-M. B. Saagitor.
od aballott or Mloo. In the pu from
whia the bam wu taken, and try
ter a few monutt; add a guerou
a Win ehapa a aohio lUoT Tha
capful of water ud a little panley.
• tut
• Ho harvard glaaoM to the path topped flne. Season with pepper
• Aad what tt aonathlng atm ha ' ud salt and slew slowly until the Ingredlnts become perfectly Incorpor­
• IntT
ated la a thick, rich unce. the proper
a Aflt a nowben la an then dat
contItteMy of which mutt be
• What aaeh dar «flB. that tbon
tatnod by replaaltbiDg with a UtUe
• ^It aik:
water. If neeeuary. to nn>Ir ^e
• Boh dsr «in wn Its pnpa
wasu by eraponthw- Replace
• What otbnn do. that ahatt tbn
bam at tm ai tha uoee hu becoma
• la thtaa own w«it tbr foarda • neariy smooth, and parmtt tt to tutIn It for a UtUa while, thra take
it np. poaring the unee amnd
• 1«M aheea all: Biu aoaa. Tba
ham « the dith.
Derlied Corned Best—Prom eold
•Uart It to Ood. Ha kaovath
eoned beef eat thick tlleea. Biz togotter one Ublaapoonfal of floor, two
-Tbonu H. BnlarI of mustard, one tuopooatai of talt. onpqnarter of
Om of the ^atM aru U that of apoootal Of pepper ud sofflclat Worgtrlsv «p, paoefnlty, etteertnlly, and
to aUr to a thick paste.
with the whole heart We are " Bmafl a mue of tkH a both oldM
proAe to 4o u eoe <dd lady mreaeed of tub allee ud brofl over a eleu
atrtsstohOrbardatMd' alter throwJellied Tongue-Boil a freeh longue
r. to heap looking baek aiirwly.
iwly, with' hertf. and regeUblte
to tee If (key were atm attached to to flavor It Let cat in water It wu
ha Barn u nnknowa writer
boiled In. Shin ud aSee thin. Put in•WeaiMly a day paasM In which wa
dteh OM plat of tha Uqaor. ue
do not bare more or teea practice la
of real, or beef grnry,
the art of gtrlag np. Sosaedmw it me tabletporafal mixed tplea In
it tha *m teadlag of the sew m«a- bag. two UbletpooefaH of Ttnegar
shm that we nrneder to ooc whoa# add two ooDOM ot gelatine which hu
•ya hia wlettaL
bea aoahed halt u hour In a cup ol
ylaU enr pretarenoe aa to whore a cold water. Poor orer all ae pint of
gUtnro akaB bang, or tha dlreeUa a
boiling water. Btrela wbu gelattn U
waft thnU taka, or the eeoalag a dltwlra. Whu-Slightly Alff,
wMeh eesvaay shall be tnrued to tlleu ot hard boiled egg around
-Ofia onr firing np gom deeper
tba thcae tvfaco saerlfleee which
are hardly worthy the aante. A hope
nr ombltla tang chailtbed It torradtnd. aad wha tt la wooded at ol
oor Ura we almeot M u If nothing
grodow were HA. nothing worth the
hunts Bther In grot tUav or U
amML we all know wkat tt meat
rehoana o«r own win and onr own
toM OM, glrtng tho ta
Mbttlty. hu aamod. net r
hot Sba nhOlty to i
bda omWttara Aad that U jot
where many tt
taO. We glre np.
bet down In oor hoartt there U bitttgata orer the ntaaelty tor the
aeadflea. enodlng perhape to Ood
himtalf. And more «Aa thu not oor
faOM reflect all the orS that tbadowt
oor aplrlu.
*Thare le bo booty la gtrlag onim the heart gtra too. Surtfloa
mate la WUarnaa of no«l are hard
aal Halerelr, tetagtag llule of bHaaI etthor to onreelret or to othera. DaH« we oa r
1. we bare taUed
to Bad the eeeret ^dek maka laBnlH gala wmditlooal oa the lost ol all

the Hg. in alOM aa large aa ash
hagi. aai Uut haU u taoh thktt.
alia lay a ti
I a cap of broad
g a taWsoeoniol


mold, nil la with aUcet of tongoe
and jelly, set* os fee nntU flra. Tnn
at. garnish, ud tUce whu served.
Old FaUlMwd But Exeallsitt.
Old Fhahloned Hath—Cold corned
but and poUtoet are. necessary,
the proportion of ae-Udrd mui ud
twodhlrds poutoea. A beet or two
good-sized carrot improve It.
Chop rery Use. flrst the meat, thu
add the regeUblee. Pat a UtUe bat­
ter la a trying pu.
more tccotdiiig to the amount of huh
pour la party half a capful of boUIng water, Ud a mUe ealt
mUe pepper. Thu put to tbe hath,
prea down nicely Ull weU heated
through, thu eUr It thoraoghly ud
press down sgan. Cover ud set m
the baek of the store a imie while.
PteU muU may >e bathed withely. A chopped tomato or onion U alee with bMt
or TUl. Pat It In whh the batter,
aad let It cook a few minutes, thu
Id the chopped muL
Fried Pork mih Cream Grary^
Wash one halt poud of salt pork,
trim off the rind. ud. with a aharp
knife, cut in thin allcM. tprad In
large spider and place at the elde of
the Are nnUl the (at Is well tried ont;
then draw graduny forward nain
the Mica begin to color. Tiauter
them to a haeted platter and
n. Par oS most et the tat lur­
ing ahat two UhHtpoaotnla in the

(ectl# clan. RinM and suad a edge!
to dry. Wha the 'waste pipe H cior
g«d 'With craaee. ponr down a gallu
of boiling waur la which has beu
oopCnl W soda. Repat
this uUI tha Imparitlm are removed
In cookiag gooeeberrlM add a ptneb
or soda, aixe iff a pa. to each quart
of fruit, ud Ha sngar wUI be re­
quired to twata It- Add a teaapoaful of soda to tbe water la which ya
wash silrer. Before using glaa trolt
Jart the secoad time, wash with soda
rolled erackert. Brown In the oren. water end rtnse U order to sweetu
tbem. Oampu sada ud uplj «>»»
Bllce when cold.
BonMd Plgt Peel—Clean the fert. btttu by u polsonoa InaecL—Tbe
eoek ud ecrape tbui well; tpUt
ud ctsek In two or three pUeu. Pat
them In a atewpan and Jual cover
with boning water. Boll gently Ull ten­
der. Smsm then with salt ud pep­
per, pot la u earthen basla. BoU tfr
Tba ot repae, ud peace ot congether (or a minnte btU a plkt of tciace a pound H needful.
good vinegar, a doMn whole envet.
Ot pastlma ot alKsorts. ta. sbould
three blades of mace ud two hay be gathered u mnch as the hud cu
leaves. Poor it orer the feet while bold.
hot, thu tund In a eold place. .
Ot pleisut,jnefflorr. ud ot hope,
ttngiuh Hofflnt—No Amerieu u- three good drachma.
ble U complqte with oot hot bread
Tbeae most be at leut; bot they
Or biteolt of tome tort Abroad «e ehald moistened be
never teat tbem, m they are aot
Wlihnilquor made from true plcasthonght to bueflt the digestion. The nra which rejoice the hurt.
BaglUh waffles ud cnimpau are the - Then of lore's magle drops s tew—
nearest approuh to our hot aku.
But use them sparingly, ter they
Whu property mtde there It noth­ msy bring a flame
ing bettsK Tbe following are Iwo Bag
Wblcb nangtat bat tean eu drown.
lUb recipes for mthlng them. .
Grind tbe whole ud nflx therewith
Yorkihlre Hofflnt—Ttk# three ot merrimut u ouce.
pounds ud a halt of floar, half a
To llTU; yet all thl^ may oot bring
onnoe of aalL one quart et waUr, one happtnea.
MU of yesK «r IH eqolralent In a
BHcept la roar orisons ym Iltt year
yeast cake dlttolTed In warm wttei; voice
beat together for twenty minutes and To Him who boMs tbe gin ot hultb.
then let them rite to the top of the
bowl in which they hare bea mixed.
I «r wator.
Baal them down a teemd time;
There u no remedy ot sneh general
tarn th'em
oa a bed of floor ud
application and none so eaMly
wKh a khlfe and spoon mikt them np
Uined as water, and yet nine per
whu the Ira U hot tUt a illUe flour
sons ont ot tu will pus it In
oa It, which wiU turn brown.
seek tor
Lay tha mnfflat on It; whu but­
less etfleaey. TVre are but tew case*
tered on tbe top tnre at; whu
ot lllneai where water shoold no
brown on-the other tide they will ^
cupy the highest place as a remedial
ntAcluUy baked.
One plot eeald- aguL
BnMlsb Crui
A atrip ot flannel or a upkln (olded milk. onehaU cake eompreetad
yeast softened In a little lukewarm eo lengthwise and wrung mt of hoi
water ud appUed aroond the neck
water, two ttbletpoonfult bnlter. ae
a child who has croup will nioallr
and ooe-balf cup
bring relief In a tew minuta.
toH floor; beat Into a amooth batter
towel tolded several Uma. then
ud lei Aud in warm place, covered,
uUl IlgbL Place muffln ring* on a qol^y HriUg out of hot water
griddle ud when both are very hot immedlaeely upUe^
tbe pain In toothacbe or nuralgla.
poor batter Into the rings flUIng tltiwe
will afford prompt relief. ThU treatfoarths foU; when Ann torn the nnga
In ooUc work* Uke msglc.
M that batter will brown on tbe oth­
Cases a record having ralated other
er aide. These tboold be made the
treatment tor hour* have yielded
day before, ai they are to be split
ibH trutment In tw mlnotos. Pleca
apart when eold ud touted for
ot cotton batting dipped In hot wnter.
breakfut tbe next day.
thu applied to all sore* and new
i. brolsa. and sprains is the IralAdhaivs Plaster.
mnt now guerelly adoplod in bosOIsu bottla and tin cue which of­
pIUH. Hot water Uhu truly a halt
ten atteriy retnu to hMd uy label
that H introdaeed to them throagh hour before bedtime U u exceUui
cathartic In the case ot consUpallon.
the medtom ot pasti or mnellage. bewhile U hat a mat soothlog effect
suddenly dodle when tagged
the atomacb ud bowels. ThU
wtth a bit of adbalra. Try U. you
trutment. cuUnned tor a
housewlra who hare never beu able
maths, together with proper atunlark the Un palls and boxa In
yar kitten pantry, and yw wlU no tton to diet, will alleviate mild cases
Ing point, thteka elt^Uy with a
baptng teaepoanfnl of flar, blended
with t little eold mOk. Beata with
pepper, boU up once ud poor over
the pork. Port, m- baou wiu fry
crHply. It kept in a very cold place,
or nearly frocu util ready to ate.
Boiled Ban Pork—BoU (oor or Are
poonde of pork bar.pc streaks at
isu In it in pHnty ^ water tor owe
and ae-haU boars. Take out. remorc
sUn. cut guhM senas the top. sprin-

lager be obliged to taste in order to
distinguish the soda from the powd­
ered sugar.
As a budage (utener adbMire H
wttboat a peer. ThU U indeed Us or­
thodox Qse. and belongs to the proTtna ot tbe surgeon. Bat it U someUma neoesury for tbe unlnUlaied
burn or a boll where It U
very paUitul to apply sufflelut presorer>|he bandage to hold U In
lU pUee. pMte down the edga or
ends with strips of the rubber plaster
ud bur what the sufferer wUl say.
Wbu the doctor lara medicine
1b a glam, ud you know the import5 ot keeidng It closely covered,
a circle of cardboard a trifle
larger thu tbe top ot the glau and
Uatu It a with htnga ot adhalre.
develop a
soddra hole patu them with adheIt srill also mend your umbrella
yar cloth skirt snd the crown ot
yar tell bat, not to mutlu Uie dlls-p
Idatod baek ot your pet recipe book
tbe cracked side of yar tavortte
Jardiniere. It the iberaomeier hang­
ing atMde of your window duca a
noisy jig to the tunc ot evecr high
wind, bind It down wtth s strip ol
adhesive, which Is proof against uy
TUs H aly the beglnnlttg of the
Bsa to which this artlde may be pot.
Ta will not have owned a spal ot It
week before ya bare dlseovcred a doxu or more, ud ya srUl wa
der bow ya ever lived so long wllbout the oonstut companlonoblp of
this friend that lUeketh eloeer than
brother, bat which U always ready to
rMu lu gentle grip when nrged
do so with a BUle benxlne.
B0(M Usa for Soda.
A weak uloUa at ooda will
vtve the color in a dusty carpel. Keep
flower* (rah by putUng a pinch ot so­
da la the water. Add a lliUe soda to
ntar wbu boiling oot enamel sauce
pans, and It srtll help to cleanse them.
A apanful of soda added to water is
which dUh elotb* are waahed
kop them a good color ud sweetu
One large teaspoatal tl aalsoda wlU bleach a ketUefnl ot elotba.
HMr bruaha need a weekly clanMng; (or thH parpoa add ae Ublespoafnl of soda to a qoan ot hot
wator. dip the brtaUa aot the back
—dnto this aad akaks wall, ntll per-

WMn Meat Is Hi«h.
We mske a mistake when we coo'
flne a^Iva exclnstvety to
roasts ud porter boose or sirloin
steaks. le mast he owned that there
U nothing belter thu lh«e in
kind ot meal but there the muy l«s
costly cuts which may. with Judicious
cakery. be brought to a pitch ot savorincM that will commend them
the palate at uyone who has u ap­
preciation ot good food. Take the well
known pot-roast tor ezsmple. If this
U cooked at It sbald be—put
the Are or in the oven with a piece
cf fat. herbs ud vegetables—nouhly
(he aloo—ud aly just enongb
ter to keep it trom scorching—ud
then covered and cooked Mowly ud
stadlly. It will be a very differai
Udng from the tastelea or driedat
dish that is often served under the
name ot a pot roast. Hack depends
npa the slow oakery, much upon
the seasoning- The onla ud par*
ley Md celery ud carrou with which
ll sbald be encompassed when
KOM in. will do mnch for It. ud there
sbald be a bottle of kitchen bou<met ud one ot Worcaiershlre aance
the pantry ahelf with which to fur­
ther season tbs brown gravy made
trom the Uquor in which the meg:

Bar Milk With Baking Powder.
Some time ago. uya a writer In
the Ladles' World. I lamed the ae«ret of using sar milk in my general
Uklng. ud have uaed It ever since
tiih the bai of tuccea. The secret
contlstt in oslng baking powder
well as soda with the aour milk, the
principle bring to use only soda to
caaterart ihe acidity of the milk,
using bsking powder as the leaven
ing agent in the nsnal way. Of course
this H catrary to costom. bat the re­
salt Haves nothing to be desired.
The proportloni are one level ta
blorpoonfnl of soda to a full pint of
milk, with two level teaspoontnU of baking powder. Exartnesa In
mesaortng Is neceaary. as It U high
ly luspertut •not to ua more soda
than will be taken up- by the acid ot
Ihe milk. It ooe hu not the measartngapoon*. flU u ordinary toupoa
wlih soda which haa beco maahed to
tree U trom lamps, snd aciape


Si 'Ml 11,
Ask HnrfhirakMed doctor and he wntcflyattMl foUc*isul.eMahsssMolprMMfts(eMtglMd
M PhO-BS) ire vMaihlt remedies In the trutment of catofThal dteeasa. And every hWKtt doctor iriB
e that MllMionis cafladcnsla. corydalls formosa awd ccdrsa seed (cootalmd ia Pe-n-oa) ar«
With this aeiBlM all the leadhu oa«cal text boks aflrac.

with s knife level with the spoon.’wss belter use for n along the flsh |to a plaiter. sprinkle llUenmy with
For half spoafuls divide straight ing ueVH. N'ow everybody lu that .-.uga'' and sltohily with nutmeg or
down the cenier from handle to tip.jpsrt of the country hnosa how w cinnamon. . ThU Is a d ah good
and for qukrtera divide the ball agnin] stale fish In a b'lrry. and every flat- enongb for uyae.
1 *•««« hM hti currycomb as hudy as
Fried mush U * corn haikers’ dHh.
I bis Ashing pole. The Arm teeth seem- To have It a aucesi, make the mush
of one laspoonl ri; ^
^old of each Individual the night Iwfore and have It thicker,
to a pint of liquid allows for verj gdp. leaving *the skin nnlnjured. Not Mlffer than when meant to at as
sour or lobbered mitk.^For milk "f j, *cale escapes, and the rapidity wiih mnsh Puur into a dish or crock, lav*
various degree* of acidity these meat j
done In soni. th ug as- iinctivercd. and in the morelag the
irements may he shaded, untl! for tonifthii.g to one who hss always uaed slices win come out dry and vhMe
illk that has merely “changed" only a knlN-'ftir that purpose Uon t forget and wilt fry aialy. Hush caked ks
enough soda is used to give a slight the curryfoaib the next time flab above cereals make* a fine bresktsM
have to be cleaned in tbe bouse.
dish for a ctange.
It Is pot necessary to give jw-paraic
Have fried plea torUinner occas- .
rulcj and rvclpea for the use of sour
Innally. Use dried trull, stewed snd
Fcr Cooler Weather.
milk in this way—simply use any re­
Cold winter nitmilnes brisk sharp maahf d. or apples for these pla. BoQ
cipe which calls for milk, subsiltut- appetite* and a r.-llsh for heavier the dough UD ibe board, put m the
for -zweet -wherever
diAhes tban m<-re eeraw may wwli sweetened flavored fruit on bslf^ the
sweet Is mentibned. and using the g;v-{ replace the cola fi-uii wished for
dough, fold the other a tew times,
en proportions of sod* aud baking
ing the summer, says Saccesstul place in hot tat. wben brown on nspowder. MufflDs. tdacults and ell cake Farming. Tbe bot or uncook*^ break der aide, turn, wben brown on that
(excR^-pt layer cakte) made
fa.:t fad. Oat meal is tbe old stand­ ride remove to platter.
way. are as lender and deUriou* U by. w'.lh cracked w rolled wheat a
when sweet milk is utod- I hive alclose aeeond. Many.prefer Ihf latter A Fenny Saved, I* a Penny Csrnett
used tbe conJblnaiio> for layer
A double i>on>T is murh handler than
The German fabhlon of ecoartac
cakes; bui. while- the-cake is lender
Is the improvihed esn or biieke: used
and good, the texture Is dllferenl. and i in a pot of pank filled bo: water, but steel' knives comuleDda itself for rimpUclty and effeettvenea. Ua a stoat
the subs-itutloa,mlfht be discovered
ione or tbe utl^r Is a necessUy In cork dipped In tb* scoqrlag
by the Initiated.
pound, whatever i| may be. Ifi a few
When ya have sar milk on band
Put the reqilreq amount ot oats secoads. the knU4 will be dean and
hunt up yar favorite recipe and' try
or wheat In ttJbu^. i <*r injier part pollsfled. reqolrl
It. fuletltuilng tbe u>ur milk for
of the^doiible bmler. salt a little, pout
and using one irtspoonlul of soda to
r welt, .place
boiling water o{e
tbe pint of sour milk, aebalf teathe kettle or o;|t. r an of Ih^e double
sponful to a cupful, or ae-qoartcr
siowlr un-.ll well
holU-r, aad let «o
teaspoonful to the half cupful at sar
done It ;f Blt»- j fla n at- supper lasts I twice
milk, with the ordinary quantliy of.
lowed to rest 'ip<^ tl«* floor.
baking i>owder. I think you will
Have sUiCdiBg over'night in the h>rt , toni .* hoi., tbragh the handle et
pleaseJ w^tb the resultvessels', a heatijig up In tbe morning ber’s.'pnd
it by a cord from
will give a nioeJy coMted braklae; the'kUcbei. wall, after always dlpAn Easy Way tt Sealing Fiah,
plng it JD hot soipfuds. after sweep­
Not ae persa in a thousand
Fried apples .are greatly liked by ing a floor.
knows the easy way of taking scales most everybody . Slice urt caking
A gu"<] brmm holder may be made
from a Ash without breaking the skin. apples rather tblcMy, through
by piMlng two lauce rcrews—nails
This Is perhaps loss remarkable be­ cf.-r.- remove core, and faulty apoU.
! „n*w«-r—mtci the wall abat twa
cause the Idea was suggested to a fr.’i
ill deep ho' fat, sl.glHly
apart. Drrp the broom
writer In an exchange by-a young
when well dac. removi
<'U ih'-in. haodl- d'lwnward.
farmer He loved to flab, and living j /
oa the shore of Lake Champlain, bad
plenty of fleh. When they were
caught :hey bad to be cleaned. Now itii no fun to take the '"pin fathers'
from a t*o peund yellow ptreb Tb<j
are a little woree tban any other
salt water fish. One dsy be hao
made a big haul and. a*, there was a
For a week or two. or until our annual inventory
large party to ea;. th?re had to be ■
good number of fish •picked." TTie
is btRun. we will sell any Chest Protector in
knife d.d not work well, the rpiaes
our stock at one-third off, as we wish to reduce our
stuck In hi* Anger* ano there wenSleek in this line. Don’t miss this chance to buy a
oaly a few of the big pile finished
Chest Protector or Chamois \'est at cost or lower
An idea came Into hH bred. How
would a enrrycomb work There was
comb in tbe barn and In about
mlnotes he had it in operaUon
worked Tbe scales came off m asily as Ibe skin from a MHed poUto.
No basketfti] of flsb was ever before
cleaned so qelckly. Tbe carrywtmlj
never went back to the *able. There

Chest Protectors

Wait’s Drug Store





Part Two

P%cs 5 ta 10



Wllllamibarg. end Mr«. HetOe FoUet.ll>UDi about t o'clock Tuwdar after-) iilsc^d midcr bonds ) keep :he peace.
Parmera' Mutual.
*««9iiis wiih badly l.m'jcd
Mr. Hauitllou spent
year* of bis
''■ouai'uiwtlBc of tft,- Farmers' |
After D«eri7 balf » eenlurr of wed- of EosledlB. C. P. Eight grandchlJ-i
Ille sallltg the seas, and in «‘ipre«-•
ineur^iic., c.anpany otr
•ih •epareled Mr.
BeoBeld. of Wllllamabarc. are also i Mr. Perstuon wua working about' « ing bis Innocence In the mutter anil
Trav.-r«-. .Antrim and]amu
and Mrs. Matthews M. Olct
Mr. Glendennlng waa '78 yeCrs
held Ttiesda.r attermwii
at 4 a. m. Wednesday, Ukiog away
when he Inai hts balance and slipped iMHUng hji Srtevanr.-s be uJ-ea the In ttraiie*'»«*
ball and oracemcr the eu
the husband after a two days' IUdcmii. old,'
Into the hot water. He was we; all vucabulary eonin-.un among old salts •ulug year rlected. The toilow^g an"’.'.T
daring which time no thought of!
Wanted To Be Togethoc.
over but the logs prevttited his bead and Which Is more plduteauae than
death warned ^he wife that she w as | For taaoy yaara Mr. Glendennlng
face from being fotred downward
““ •"
n be left alone. His demlae at ‘ has been % member of MePbenon | |Qtn th^ lank.
an eariy boor this morning came as' Post. Ko. 18. O- A. R-. and waa also | peijow workmen took off his clotbct
a great shock to the devoted wife who‘a member of the Church of Cbriet.',* quickly m he was leniored from wile took 8.0 from him to come to
, „d W. S \wi«m
him a.-iot.>d
thought the lllneas would soon pass' Dtscipbe. He was a Mod and in- the lank, preventing fortber Injuries town to have
_____________ -'ir. ASonnw u—1> p.-.>U\>nt of
j dulgeot father and a devoted bosband. a doctor dressed bis wrists and iwthis e«ri.t> liir.lbe pus- d-' y.are. and
Old Miaaion A. S. of E.
Mr. Olendenolog was t veteran of '*" loc dent showing the affnciton on ported that no eenous conscHuebi-er
A new local of the Auietlcaii StoebUy Mr. Mctt'Mliy wa»’d liiis afthe civil war. and aerved his countrj
*'***‘*<' between husband and *o„id ensue,
of £<]Uiiy was organlz-d at Old M .- .temooi; a, ...Cf tavy l.n the 15th
wofi and faithfully. He vnilsted in
<!»>■* »go. when ’
slon last oenlDg. Cbiirlos Emerson.; *' *T'
18M. nerving not I the close of the
Glendennlng apoke of not feel
O. E. Hamilton Arraated:
this City, and C. J, Rrysutt. of ..T
war. In Company B. Fifth Michigan ‘"6
'You must Uke aomeihlng."
David E. Hamilton woa brought I Kingsley, muuiy organlrer being (heie ti
Infantry. On OctoUr
l»l. he'**''
should die. what
ftemoon !* pn-seut.
..m....,,. IKie
ms... local eUrts with Eugene
■._____ >
mi. he
_i,s„, -en ■■ «t.
'“■'■^‘^•’<•11 this afternoon



-5.: .:|

The officer.



MePhemm Port

Senior vloMrtnmaiider—H. J. Ca^
Junior t

—Frank Col-'


A Simi

Odd,, .A ,t.d.y-C.H;

First alternate—R F. Metvho|tae.
8ee<uid alieniate—G. A. Siearw.
Tnisle,. for three yviarv—M. D. Mof-




.r^. "J!.

Aghttng for hla country.
Indeed. Opon hU return at the close
o( the war they conlinned to reside
la Travers* City. Mrs. Glendennlng
havlaf left the farncrat Hatches
Crnealng wbhre they bad lived prev
toM to hla enllatment.

.. .h.

Th.-te «as a good attendance of
*>o«h orgunlra'lims. and sMCnil vis­
itor fiTitn out of the city were pres'•■nt, among iheni being Mrs. Metcalf
ftoni Saginaw; M^. J: W. DIckerjnan
from Solon. Mr Hale from Sand Lake,
and oiheni.
Aft-r the Installailoo
retiring nwnmander. was pErwenied atih a gold badge m a token of
of the i«*l, and Mrs. Sarah
HOUker, retiring president of the
corps, waa presented with a handsome
Joint Inatallaton.
Jardiner and pr-destal. Mn. Martha
_A J,a,
.1, n. ir
Curtis making a neat preeentaUon
speech Hoih Mr. Manin and Mrs..,
.1 lb, W. II
M„ M„, Rllllker responded in a fltting manner. <
j™,™ .Bd ,b.. O, A. R .O. P C ,
Alihougli I
The following ufflrera of tbe W. net eral o{ the
. «i
...... ....... ............. ..... ....
R. Ct we.e lUBtalled:.
Iremarts. aud'Htw l*d^f atoo far
l*re»ld. i)t Ma’lle rlevelaml.
iored with a shon talk


SeereUry Farmers' Mutual For

Monday <-venlng Mr. EiiivtMU and
be -hi .0 3dT.T r,r
l» «»«■ "‘'’come or the
be able to round ou the half ceO' ^ ^
of ,
a „nn
farm in
in Groen
Green Lake
Lake towntown- j|,. Hrj-ant were at Maplrton when- a
eMp. for which they received fl<u> :n rousing tneellug was held. Six new'
cash lu-slde* other considerailcms. It mcmlK-rs being add.-.i to the already
nonneed n* aoog as It U learned when
Is alleged by the old man that his, large llsi an J Perry Pouch U-li.g elect-J
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Pollett
wife took the |4W) without hts
I. knm

reach the cliy.
ledge or cdosent and deposited It in
A. S. of E.
bank in Travenic City .
At the Buuual ni<H-ling of the I..-. inquoM Htid.
Trouble arose over thS,
laiiaut Comity A. sj, of B. union No.
Tbe Inquest In the death of John
xc hen
het.l Jim.
4:h. at C.-dar, Mirh..
Moran, the 14-year^ld son of
?be ic, ® of the Dee. IMh state meetMoran, pf this city, who «aa abo, at
Urt summer for assault
Indorsed, and the following
selected for the next
Habe] Jan. S. was held In (he Will- 1 and baff^ upon hU wife. After his
release iiWe once more botered over yea
tamsbnrg town hall yesterday
' the Hamilton home, Um li was ppi lo I l*r.-s — John planner.
luBilre Andrew Pray. Frank Nelson,
..d . ,„i
who held the (hin-and Irving Moran,
brother of the dead boy. being jirMent last week. Tbe declurathni ainiiw ^ vice Pres.—Miles Mlnnaugh.
tnat on January 3 Havld HamiliunI
:<Bd testifying. Tbe verdict of the
The Elk'l'!aK,Sile"*;irt mn-t
coroner's jury was that John Moran threatened to shoot h's wife, and
bis death by accidental shooting. declared that he would bortbw a —'

Wadded 48 year* Ago.
Mr. and Mrs.
anlted.ln marriage 48 yean ago last
April, by the Rev. Mr. Robinson, the
r to preach In
this dfy. the bride VIng Miss Helen
•chovnn. of D«rolt. Mr. Olendenalng's bocoe having been In Toronto
At the time of thrtr marriage Trav
•iwe Oty wan yet in Ua InUncy. nod
the young bride who bad lived her
, ,, .„,id„„_AH™ sm;
eariy life In a city had a hard alnig’■
, regulnr meeting, and at e o'clert Ingle to begin gloneer life.
Jn Vat of Hot Water.
nounced. SiippiT w ill 1m- served by 7 he amount of fin-los..'» for the yi-ar ] Jm.or vie. • tvsidt-iit—IMna Macs. vlte.1 Uie Post to a SnHy prt>|iared
Plonr children were born to them,
Jiihus Ferguson, of Second street,
This was not at'wll satisfactory to jibe members. E. It. McMunou will lli9* was Slo.l-.lo.i*:;. Tbe total ex i Troasur.!-faille Thacker.
-jhaaqurt wMch was grnaUy appivdatthree of whom are llv'ng. as follows: fell head foremost into a vat of hot tbe wi(r, who made coniiilalut .and,be preaenl to Install the utflcers and. peiiNi-s have iieen<J.t>3. and thi-j Chanlaln-Vfiia Young.
jed by- the gentlemen, and a very nice
Charles and Ed. Glendennlng, both of
r at (he Oval Dish comiuiny^s dcsirsw that her bigi- lord shall l>e give a reixirt of the M.ili- giauge
total atiouim ,.f r>x>-l;il« fl!,211,73.1 Comlu.-tor- Mary Dlitiovan.
'eocUiI time waa enjoyed by alL


# The Hannah & Lav J^erc. Cn.
5 more Days in Which to Buy at Year End Saie Prices 5
Men’s Suits

From the foremaat Ciethlng makers
'of tha country, nbaolirtely





« in color and pattern.

$3240 Suits, sale Price.............. $28.00
$27A0 Suit*, sale Price .............. fsaOO
$2540 Suit*, sal* Price.............. $1940
$2440 Suita, Sale Price .............. $1840
$2240 Suit*. Sale Price.............. $1740
$2040 Suits, Sale Price ..............$1540
$1840 Suits. Sale Price .............. $1340
$1540 Sutta. Sate Price .............. $11.50
$1240 Suit*, sale Price ................ $940
$1040 Suita. Sale Price................ $740

Year End Sale Prices on Men's

Let us-caU your attention to the many extra values
that cur Cloihing Division has to offer for this great
sale. We regret that space will not allow us to go into
detail on the good qualities of every garment, but a
glance at the price reductions cannot help attracting
your attenfion and a short visit to-this department will
show you that the values are just as attraciivc as thi^

Oar regalar $5.00 celvbraUtl Knox Hati

forUtti ill f^sbiuiu IgU st drerer.

BEACON BATS Oor Itm* of tbe rery popuUr Slt.OO Bestxn
Hsti for Men cf 8ty\> nnd Dr>ea. 8s!o l*ric'v



Including the famous Alfred Senjamln





nukes, made up of Xersey*. 6re*d-

Year End Sale Prices on Fur Coats
Fur Lined Coats

Fnr Outside

IQOfiCi coats lined wiih
natural rat, with S'^tra
chan collar .........''^'OO

'JO 00 coats made of
north* ro cron in natnra! colors.............. 7» UO

125 GO coals lined with
extra quality bh nded
rat ....................... lOO W

40.K1 coats, esqiiimo r^o*.
natt^ral and colors
beaver collars....IL'.i.m

bO.OO coats lined with
Matiot. large ,-\s’rachan collar .......... G.5.W

o7 -50 coats,
cron, natural colors,
br-iver collars... :{i>.i«

150.00 coats lined with
Beaver •- have Ouer
collars................. 120.Cl) •

dog. beaver
cellars ................. HtiOU

75 CO coats lined throughon: witlr'fine Wa'er
Mink ...................*10.00

>0.Gi0 coats of nonhern
coon, natural colors.
Beaver collars ..Gi.OO

Boy’s Overcoats
A large selection «r Beyt' Overceats.
all hand tailored and correct m rtyle



Men’s Overcoats

>}«40 Overcoau. Sale Pnee .
S840 Overcoat*. Sale .
$740 Overcoats. Sale pnet
$840 Overcoat*. Sale
8340 Overcoat*. Sale Price
S540 Overcoau. Sale
S440 Overcoat*. Sale .
S3.75 Overcoat*. Sale Price ..
$340 Overeests. Sale .
$t4P ivrrtrrtv- sair Pi-.r

tC-i; Overcoau. £a.s Fr.ic
«--« o.kfsceU, ta'c Priag .

cloihs. Meltons. Fcieae. etc.

li msM

S2S40 Overcoat*. Sale Price
«j.00 Overcoat*. Sale Pr,ee
S22.S0 OYerccats. Sale price
$».W Overcoat*, Sale.Price .
818.00 Overcoat*, Sale Prise .
ITl.OO Ovcrcoatx. Sale Price
5’2.50 Overcoat*. Sa’: Pr cc
310.00 Overcoats. Sr>s F'es
J7.«0 Overcoats. Talc Pr-ec


St.OO Overcoat*. Sa’e P' :c .


Boy’s Knee Pants Year End Sale Prices on Men’s
Dress Shirts

Made uo of tne wool serges, castmere* Worwted*. Cheviot*, etc. The.
h;ghe« grade <n workman*hp and
correct in style and fit.
38-W Su tc. Sale Pr-ce
$6.10 Sulu. Sale
$0.00 Su.ts. Sale Pr-ce
S'.OO Suit*. sa<e price
34.50 Suit*. Sale Pr-ec
3440 Suet*. Sale Price .
S3.75 Suit*, sale
3345 Surt*. Sale
S340 Su.U. Sale Pr«e
3243 tj:U, CsU .
Cj:u. Ci’o p?;;* .

.... S4.75
.. 33.30
'.... 32.75
... .$2.75
■.. .V^

Soft and sti^ bosoms, Clueit makes, uoiversally considered ihe best. Made up in
all the nobby stripes and figured designs—
cbtfs attaclied or detaihed.
$1 "« Shirts, sale price, 7‘.ic.
1.50 Shirts, sale price. LLJ,
I 75 Shirts, sale price. 122
'J fiO Shifts, sale price, 1-»7 ,
; tg CL.r.c r,i,

I 45.

' C'.cO Shirt*, sale price. l.TO




Gtaod Tmcrsc Hctalil
•nrr «

TNOt. T. lATEa,



T1)« NaUAfial CenvAiitlwi.
Tb«r« I* much aocItUj aiooas prom
le«nt ivpubneaiit Id UICbi«AB tor
9lmm Id the rapubUcAn daUouaI cod
YCBdoo to be beld Is ChiCMO »»t
>- Jplr for tbe pnrpoM of oomltMlng
cudJdBtM for prealdeDt Md rtCA
prMidaiU « the United SIMM. It U
. that BeDAton
WUiaa Alden Sntllb ud Jallui
Borrow# wHi be deletate*. and Honor­
able Jobn W. Bibdietl. of Grand Raptde. U taUcd Of vcrr etronclr M a
caadidau tor delecMoat-Urse.
Blodfeu U a maaber <K the naUonal
repnbUCAB eoandttee and baa alwajr*
be«B pnuntoeat In the coanclla of the
KrpubUcan paitr. Mr. Blodfotl U
wen knows througboui the aUte and
M one o( MleWcan'e moM prasroMire
dUMSa and a dletlns^bed bnatnoM
sun. Ttta Record win be mneb
pl«MOd If Mr. BlodseU abaU be elect­
ed one of the delasateeat-larce. '
U able, eonacleetlona asd fearleee
and would etaad wen with other diedlsgukhed deletatec of that Important
The Record alao bcllevee that the
Bortbera poKlos of the elerenlh eon
I district should be repre•ested la the coneentloa. and In thU
I we bellere thU so better
sriectlen could be mnde in Uds sheDon of tne lUte than Mr. H. 8. Hnn.
«C this ettr. Mr. Hull M one of the
largeet manntactnreTS In the sUU.
known is htistneas rirclee and a
prowilDeBt repabneaa.
The Becord
keMeees that Tmers# CHy
ami a dMegato and we bellere that
ilr. Ran wosld ably repretent thU
inKUm of the district.
It U beUered by U
Romioal coBdltloes. that Q|e coming
' eoRvtntlos wUl be tbw
pertant since that e< USE when
James A. OariSeld. of Ohm.
jpated for president ores V. 8. Qnnt
and James 6. Blaine. That eonreotton oonsnmed ten days and fbe nom­
ination of Oerileld was the cataidnatsoo of one et the meet esdUng
poHdeal beUles erer fought prerlons
ko an Section.
Then far. Wm. H. Taftds larg^ la
»e lead Rw the repubRcaa namlnatkw
•paaker Casnon. of the lower house
.St eongreei. secau to be second la
the noe. while Oorereor Hngbes. ol
Mew York, ti building ap a strong
s'the east, followed by
^fenator Knes of ftnnsyTranta. Vlce’'praeldsnt Vklrbenks. of IndlMa. and
'' UfbUetta. of Wlacoaiin. With this
grray of dktlngntahed men la
jeld tor the ncsulnatlon tor

In the work cUlm it to be purely a'cieaned up Quite doeHy. The demand
w. fltl
0 supply ________
locsl wanU
and to
Certain It U. that the small orielde orders. Of the held,
morement U not eondaec to temper­ fresh and ordinary stocks the oBerance societies. On the contrary. It l» Ings are fair and there U not much
demand ftw such lota. Storage eggs
by ovte
are selling well—there U a better
■ as elraenl la
dric pride la clUss trade and feeling stranger.
t the ooentry.

Sirloin ........ ...................................... Ofieisteers and hellers. ttOO tbs. .lOSWci

Pork cbepe
Pork steak ...
Loin of perk .
Pork satwage .
Lamb steak ..
Leg of lamb ..

................ llHcl

Si 5 ........

......... ■...... £



Cut Prices
on AH

Felt Footwc ar

...... .....................


Chicago. Jan, g—aoee—Wheat.
May. I1.05V4: corn. 67\fcc;. oat*. 54Ur ■
91.0244; corn. 62c; oaU. 53c.
Bast Buffalo. N. Y-. Jan. 8.—Cattb
. W>«n oBIee m the gift
KO head; market quiet, steady. Tealthe people of the United 8UtM 200 bead: active.- 25c blidier. Cull
a rery latarteUng end escitlnB
choice ISeO.75. Sheep and lamb.
atrnggle Is a sure thing. It U con­ 7.000: active, bigber. Lambs.
tended by soma, (hat In enss of a 7.90; yearlings. $66*75. Hogs, r.4wd-lock. Presldsnt Rocmewett may bs eelpU. 7.650; active. 5610c lower
.the lari reeest, tn wbkh ease many Yorker*, pigs. $4.75; heavy. $4.7St,
bellere that he will reconsider Us de- 4.80.
termlnaUoB not to become a candi­
date. Howerer. U is Bnnly beUered
Chicago. Jan. 9.—The market wa.
by a great many who are In touch
sleady at yesterday’s prlcee.
with the cRnaUon that Secretary Taft
mand was fairly active, and tber-wtll win ost and U U eren ctrimed
wero sales at 5«c to We. Arrival^t he wlU win oat on the trst baiwere light, yet there were ample Of
W. Certnln It la that Ur. Tatlt la
ferings. The main arrival* are gen
strong candidate. Bis dose asaoeUerally good to choice In quality, bu;
. Jtloo with the admlnUtratloD In
there are only a very few ear* coni
Bdal capacity makes him eminently
log that will bring top prleca.
BOed for the oSlee of president HU
Sales reported were: 1 car at 56f,
flSetUsBt work In the Philippine
2 cars at S7c. $ earn (1 car in sacks,
Uands. la Cuba and Porto Rico, aad
at 58c. 2 cars at 6»c. 3 cars (1 car In
W dUUngnUhed aerrioes as teeretarysacks) St 60.
of srnr. together with hls recent toor
Chicago. Jan. 8—Butter—BxtrWs In
crawad the worid make him especial^ freeh creamerlM are quoted a) 20c
)6r Strang In his
The oBertngf are moderate and th
.. in hU tosr around the wwld. Mr.
';(roaud good.
^4 ewe in IhUnmto eontaet with
Storate butter extras In erearoorienUeri of rartoos nations «t the
»|Ui moderate sale ami
world. He U tboronghly tnm'Mst
i: -o-,ai ;•»;c'4c.
iHth laterflflHPnM eohSltioeg and hat
First* In fresh creameries In tno-'.
n wider knowledge and a broader e>-ate sntK>ly. The -htoh scoring makeBHlaaee than ear of the other can
meet with a fair demand, but the ur.
Mates in the «Md tor the noadnaUon dergradcs sell <mly moderately. Thc.v
re quoted at 24628c.
Seconds In fresh creatneties ar-a Ter
rating quiet Quoted at 506 :ic.
file local option actlvUr in Grand
lAdlM were in light demand. Nx.
fravarae county Is but a reflection of
quoti^ 18c.
a almllar oondlUon throughout
Process buUcc (renovatedi mod
qountry. As jeferred to before
erate sale. Qimlahle at 2IC for ck
dheee cotnmna. thU anoranent
trro aitd 29c for flrati.
spreading with great rapidity througbDairies In moderate - supply ac-l
ont the west and south, tn the north, meeting with a fair demand. Bxtn>-era and .western sUlei great progrras salable at S5c. Fitsu are quolabltkaa already b««n made and during the Sic. Seconds or such good* as I*
[|ast year. Colorado. Delaware, nuntds flavor and are not of nntformleolor.
a WlecCMln. have all extended the
^vOegc of local <«tloB to
Pocking slock U In moderate sup
yid tow evary aUte come reperu of ply and tn moderate demand. Ml*e<i
a growing sentiment against \'<c lanrous reeelpt* of fresh sweet stock
Bquor InteresU.
Quotable at ififlTc.
It Is not a campaign agrinst
Eggs—The market I* ruling Arm
men mfi*i m the bntiness of liquor and price* were advanced 2c.
BilBng. tt la a------------------- —
Trade i* a good demand-for fresh
■ ItsriL It U not altogether a
They seen all right, and a* the
» moeamaBL Many aettre reortpu
only moderate they keep

have ^

ulc»'r or horn f
. a-.;v »ore. boil, ulc
X. V.illr-u. of.ti «a» sppMrd. It ha* ssred US n
AM<-n. wh.i ha» aI-;>
.u 'i'.ilus Mrs a do-nor bill.- My. A P Hardy, of

ne. :r-- at S E, Wall
A ^ns. Hannah A lAy. C. A. Bogbee
Mi*-,-- 11-\V.--t -r.
liruj: Cti. draj; *lori'».

prash tish.

easket Ball.
Friday n chi *111
’he Cr«t l-i;;
' lM>skt-ll«lI game of th>- aeasoa.
Jordan (-milng ht-r,-. The BUtue whirl.
*111 luhe placi- In the Campln-ll lil-vk
will be Intorestlnjt from ih<- vl«-w r(IttiTnilnlns th<- slrvnKlh of the k"..
team a. well as that .veriwd from I’.u
H. u i Co,-. B.,., p.-, bbi
riiairy telwoon the two schools.
............. ,2
buvino pbicm.
So far the Bast Jordan team I. a,,
unkiman quality blit raporls malo' it
fast 81x1 atning- However, the
l«-vs an- niH worryinF. Their eoach.
j Ri:ui;;i-». Is opt.nilstle as the boys
................IMO '
.............. <.................... "^1 b. L-tuij:ng lo work
a-1<*m withoil
Hay. lo«*. P-r lou ...................
Heu. old. per lb .............................. 14r
Cralne at H. L. 4. Ce.*s miU
|a^.--«o*inB hard thl« w«k with - v
spring ch'ckras. per Ih......... .-...Vie Wbent. per bu ......... J....................... Mays of scrub, opposing (h.-m.
spring chtckchA live weight ........... *c «yo- l-r bo.................................. -,-.-T"c',
« ,he game U n flnanela! suec^.^Duck«.p. r nf..................................... ,cc . Hockwb.-at. per bu .......................... c:< ..,h.-r> *1,1 I- ,-b,.-d «nd
WP^r lb............................................ICC Outs. p.-r bn ........................................Srtc
if not Travon-- City w,ll not >.-e
rrom Tueedar's Record.
Yesterdaj'a rt-celpts i
Turkeys, per lb............................20e-c,C«rn. per bu
...........................---•.r-nc ,h.. Sn.x Grand Ra.dd. tram la arUon.
scale bouse were :s loads of polatucw
Corn. In ear, SS lbs .......................... 59c Owine to thi- amount of p»od ma•hJch went for 40 cents per bu«lic-l, Porterbouso. per Jb .........................15c
t. rUi the llm-up hus not ^-n d«id
loads of coal, four loads of hay Rotmd stflU^..................................... 12%c Steers and belfors, light ........I^SCSe cd
and throe etoeri.
t of the market was looked for this momln*; ©wto«
abnndent suppl; of potatoes on
tracks at Cbicaco. It was staled Ibl*
morning that there were ISO
standing to the Chicago jards.
A. 8. or E.
The Ameitean Society of Bqnlly Bnlahed loading their car of potatoes to­
day end shipped

Receipts of poUloei at the scale
bouse yesterday numbered 51 loads,
all of which brought 40 cenu
bushel. Other receipts were four
loads of bay. two of corn, one of ca^
rou and six bogs.
There fi no further change In the
grain market, flour aUll being quoted
at $6.10 per barrel.
A. E ^ E.
There was so much dedng at
warebouM of the Grand TraveriwShlppera’ association yesterday tliat
the car of poutoeo was allowetf”u> |
ver until today when loading was
completetl and the car sent oout.
The storage room of the warehouse
U*now practically all flUod and in ad­
dition to that at the warehouse, room
for 4.000 bushels In another warehouHbeen secured but this Is also all
taken. The aasoditloo Is doing a
big business but today’s storm, cut

Ittrtu-d home this a

Shoulder .

who are la the badt of drinking
liquor or irenuentihg saloons^ and to­
day. the men employed on suany of the
«reat raUroads are men who do not
Uquorm. The ccodlUona In this rwgard are much dlfferrM from what they were some years
ago. when as a rule nllioad mm> gen­
erally were regarded m men in
the habU of drinking Dqnor.
With all thme eUmeata back of the
noTeoMOt. thoee aondneUng It In
Grand Tnrerse county have many InBnenoce to their Uror and there
s to be no qaesUon at ihU time
that the propoeKloD will be voted upMi favorably b.v a wajorliy of the peo­
ple in this county.

Bides, green.................... .............!•*«

great ratlroads o( the country,
within a few yean, rigid rales hare
among the great


Ladies’ Felt Juliets,
fur trimmed—98c
Ladies’all Felt
Ladies’ Felt Slippers.
Leather Sole. ..48c
Ladies’ Felt Shoes.
Leather Fo«d . 85c

Men’s all F.ilt Shoes................ 98c
Child’s all Fei; Slippers............39c
Child's all Felt Shoes.................50c

All Must Go


Come in while the Assoriment Is Good

Men s Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats
S£LL£/i OF aaao SHOes .

Sizes 33 to 46
Lot 1 Men’s and Youths’ OvcH -jats $31*0. rt’gtil.:r V.lllR'S S 5 50 to s 6 50
Lot 2
” •10fO and 12 00
1 ot :i

s ir>.
12 50 to
Lot 4

Lot h
14.fX) to
•• ‘
Lot i;
” ':
•• -i
Ullo. 7
•_’2 0H
Lot 11
Lot u>
35 im

Lot 1)
CUldreBrs.Belled Overcoats, aacsto lO. .Uvid.*l inu- lots m flow
Lot No. 1. 2*1 percent discount from icuular price





. ••..
•. ••••


tS fc- 5 si! .::

•• .
-•• -



" ;



I for l.-as t!,»t, $-2 :*).
We c u'd nolbuy tlicm tor ti X: to rio, ■ .t................ .....................................
Boys- Reefers,- to 11,.bcv,..

1 trim $11.

Boys- Box Reefers, NKW. li.l.t .-olo™, t«c. 51„ 12..,.
Boys- Long Overeoats, ».-w.u. !r,, Lot Xo. l

...................... ................ 52.35
■ ■ 25 per cent discount



Ijapp^ 17m Year
an-f don’t forget your

!• 1

Dbrp for ms
The Encrlsior Brand

W, huvr all kln.i.


Htver befori have we offend such bar^iains

Pnntff, nif-c haavy CaMimt-re-s. aii'k

to ol wjist. 2^ to 32 leg. rei:iiasrs 10 to lV». edits hat’s sold


L?t from «1 to *1 -=,0 yonr choice........................79c
1 Uh.lJrohs to eWf *l 2per cent disco,i-.t

One iJiblc fillf*? with njidorwctr. toudl loU. brokou sizes.
Uncf. to .-kae—
Lot No. 1-5HC jioods now'...............................

Ney» Messenger Boy’s





Big 1-,‘t of the above gVds. w-orih m »ro than we Uav,- ever soM tbpm fnr-nill m-t
cjrrj- them
tbt-ra over.

One Connlcr fnlJ
Hrory c.ip a coiwlone Oor large a-iles civi ,i* u large variety at
the end of each aeasou. «1 2‘> to $2 C.ips in the lot f.*r 51.00, others------50c a»d 75e

Men's For Gloves and Fnr lined Gloves

Make your New Year’s Resolution to comm-.c to trade
at the

. .25 per cent dlseonnt

Smoking Jackets or House Coats, choice of $5 to j'T Coau. to cW..

Hamilton Clothing Co.

City Book Store
It ’Will Tay





QTATE OF MICHIGAN. THE PROhardest problem to aolTe. The atcam of the J
i in Wuh^
for — Cwiaty boOer wMeh was installed a few yean Inyton is the record of George B. Mil­
^ hate Court• —
I Grand Tra
aye did not bare nSlelent opaoty ler. fometly of Manball. Miller left
In tbe t
etute of Cyato produce thd beaj rcqdred, without left Manball two years ago.
ihta Krtlzer. dec*:
Notice Ik hereby
ereby gfven that
$200,000 freat expense U fuel and Injory to Lansing. Jan. 3.—By a vote of S<
the 4th' I
. $45,000
iMri. have baen allowed for
tenanu. conrentiMi yesterday voted to insert
to constant complaints
o present cisimr
mlng 10 lack'of heat.
a clause lii tbe cODstliuUon exclod:d deceased to uid
omCKSfr-A. Tner
-Wiih the price of fuel aoarlny sky­ lag the tale or gift or ntannCaeture of
riord Cllaeb. Tin Pn^dnl: Hoiul
that all creditors a
iBi^Onhkr; A. J. IbrwJ. A J-HavlUad, ward tbe present year. Is was decided cigarettes in Michigan, "maklns" even ' For over sixty yesrs doctors
btve endorsed Ayer’s Cherry reqalred to present i
at once that aomethlny must be done, being barred. Tliia b tbe first time
aaid r
DIBBCTCSfr^ *ner lA7. *. Tk
or close our doors. Aeeordlnyly after in tbe history of the country that snefl
Pectoral for co^s, colds, the aty of Traverse cUy In said
The Kind T«a Have AIwbfb BoocM. nd «U(^ kBB »MB
CUacA. Mn. ImUm 9. Haimh, awwi O
mu<^ deUbenaon. your board ttaouybt- a prohibitory clanse has been Inwytand, H- C DatU, Jwtt MHtvi, W.
weak luBft, brofichl^ con* ty. on or before the 8th day of May
ia ue fiw ever 80 yeert, hes bone the ififwtare -ef
A. D. 1908. and that said claims will
best to Install a new boiler with dou­ *d In any oomtitntlon sltbougb a
aod hM been niMle under hiB
sumpdoB. You c«o trust
ble tbe capacity, at a cost of |SS0. number of sutea have prohlbltorr
Bonnl wipervtoom elnee ttBintharr*
mediclK tbe best doctors tp> the 8tb day
3 per cent aDeired es'TlmelkepMltt We expect b>
bulldlny with laws.
AUow no one te deceive joQ In Uua.
o'clock In the 1
mneb Ims fnel and better saUsfactlon
Olds For TaR.
Dap-d January 4th. a. D 1908
time you bsve t bsrd cOQ$b.
than ever before. We hope this will
Lansing. Jan. 3.—R. E. Olds, tbe
t trifle with Bndqndnngerthe beeltli of
be proren before sprlny.
Th* baas kua of a tMtlBoaUlInOkots and ChililreiH>Experie&oe
-Boia lor ovar sixty ysars.”
■■We bare paid «40e on tbe n«e for clared himself tor Taft and announced
OTATE op MICHIGAN.the PROtbe lot on Cass street which
his candidacy (or a delegate from tb^ bate
Court for th«* County
bougbc two yean ago. Tbe debt Is sixth district to tbe national conven
Grand Traverse.
Will LocaU H«ra.
At a session of said Court held at
Georse J. Barcef and Ills aou. F. R., now reduced to OOO.
OeirtorUk U n hermlcm nbctltate itor Oudor Oil, Fbi«>
the Probate Office in the Hty of Trav­
■-We now bare 3.079 volumes in onr
Port Huron. Jan. 7.—Twelve saloon
Earner, of Charlotte, are in the cHy
gortr. Drops anti Soothing Synipa. It ts PlfesenC tt
erse City, in said County, on the 6lh
libnry, bavlny added 131 tbe past keepers were arrested today and war
(c4ay imparag to open ep
day of January. A D 1908.
coatnms iteUher Opium, Horphlxte nor oth« Kereotto
rldslve ladlea' fomlatituK bo(x
■ubsitMce. Its age la tta guanuitee. Jt deatroja Wonw
"We hope this number may ba in­ lion of tbe Sunday cloalng law.
yer’a Pilla keep the bowela regular. Judge of l*robale.
In the Beadle block.
They Tire
and ailaj-a FrVcrlahnoM. It mur« DiarrtuBa and Wind
Id the matter of the ' e
creased anolber year^-aa books
Ud b DOW firmly on Sunday Ituuor All vagetable and gently laxative. Charles
tiesoUatlcs today for ao entire
Cotie. U reUerea Teething xToubles, enroa Coi
the principal object of this msotia- trattlfc
outfit of flatorei and artll hare
E O. Ladd
Ladd bating
fli.-d in s^d
and f^nlency. It ammltates uiie Food, r
Tranaferred to MarquetU.
n Us final account as adminlatra
of the niMt complete aioret of
momach and Dowels, giving bcaithy and natuial ale^
15c brought tba snug sum of 11.039of
kind Id <ne atate. They ha»e been
Tbe Ouldicn'a Panacea-The Mother's FYlend.
05. Tbe salt fish ever tbe same dock
*Ing .V., the
.Of •m-vAuve
alkiwance there
condneticc a lar^e aiore In Charlotte Fedention of Woman’s clubs held at pardoik board. John VanFleet. murder-! aud by tbe way. this H only
allioDd for Ihe assignment and dtstritiuof Charles Douglis. was .to
for aome yeara aod both are widely not Ibis year by one delegate, Mn.
,„;tion of lh_e resldu^of said est.
_ or the
_ __
_s in!'*“"
fish ludnsiry.
expet-Icnccd In the bualneH. F. R. J. V. McIntosh. She gave a very In- transferred to Marquette prison,
.b." .b,. I
. ...
Barney has been connected with a tarmUng report of tbe meetings
initiative Will Fall.
pen 81.C39.60. This U for aall fish
the forenoon at said Probate Of
t In Great Falla, soelal afternoon h«1d In NovemN-.. LAnsIng. Jan. 7.—0r. Webster.
Dd U hereby appointed
atone and the quantity of fresh fish J flee.
UontanA and In seekiny for a place We sent a Joint inrlution with tte CrTTvl itaidds. active initiative reform- that
and allowing a
Woman’s cinb to the Fcderai.on, l». .Is attending the con con and sa)-e
to eaUbllah a new bulneu.
lost Uses, etc., we have not been itotice 'hereof be given by publicanon
have decided that Trarerse City U melt in Traverse City the ““•'’sjthp
failure of the proposal seems able lo'^get. but it Is easily ten times of
order. for three suc­
a copy of this order,
the best ptrint, became of tU ex­ year ns our guests, which was accept- probable through the tendency of the
revious to said day
cessive weeks previous
great and even more than that.
We will have a ehanc* aext 60 lawyer members to protect
cellent aurronndiDfs, besides Ita de­
There were 700 eaaes of cherries of hearing, in the Grand Trat
ewspaper printed and cirsirable climate and other aUracUona. October of proving our hospitality, as powfts4nterests. Tbe canvara shows and blueberries, valued at not leaa
aid county.
has been done In tbe past on similar 49 protesting and 37 favorable. Sen­
than 8770. Packed butter. 3,300 lbs.,
ior Fyfe is In the chair and. a final which brought 81.935.
Judge off Probate.
’The sooipl afternoons have been ite la not expected today.
BeMdes tbe items mentioned above
Ladles’ Library i
raU within.
annual meetiny of the a good attendance and a happy and
Tbe object thus far
Ladles' Library aaaoclaUon Monday
Jock aod 100 cords over KebI Bros. | At a session of said court held at
afternoon, the toUowIny otfleera were baa been purely social, with mutlcal
•lock, making 4S0 cords, wbicb cost the probate office, in the City
elected for the enauiny year:
programs on many ocaslooa, and light leatth Comet from Knowing
Traveree Clly. In aaid county.
and What to Breathe.
the dock, 85525.
Prealdent—Mn. O. P. Canrer.
Ordar'ef Eagtaa.
3i>th day of December, A. D.. 1
the germs
Dust laden with tbe
of conSummary.
Tbfc rhiloaopbcr-ll's the man with
First rlce-prealdent-r-Mra. 6. C.
Traveree C(l>- Aerie So 363 Fra
Present; Mon. Fred
p has been kept at imption or other disease Is Inhaled
.......... 831.747 45 . Judge of Probate.
ternal Order of Eagbo hi-ld the an­ a pull tbit gets Bbvad.
by all wbo use the streets, but disease
the average number having 135
n»- I\>llHctan-Yes, bot it’s tba araa
.......... 37.213 73: In the matter of the estate'of Bes- nual installation of oBleers last even­
is not developed unless the germs
second Tlee-yrmldcBt—lit*. T. D. bert at thehpresent time.
tba basd that gets a paU.
find condlitims suitable for their lodg1.939 60 '
has been unbrok- lent and growth.
Adeibert G. Amaay haring filed In ing in their ball In the Broscb bulldPish ..............................
2.139 80 said court his resignation and Snai
Recordlny aecreUry—Mn.
by death the' past year. A few
Traublas that Kacp Half tha TravWith people having caUrrh Ihei
araa CHy Doetore Busy.
ideal culture medium for these

members have been called to aorrow,
the •prescriptions
presented them by Elmer E White
-Mn. L. Soule. when we have sent flowers and maa»- germs, as tbe trrit
2 925 00 : les'ance thereof.
docinra write are tor
weakened tissues is a hot-bed where
the newly elected president, ifae sup­ Traverse
Treaaurw—Mn. B. ntlrlby.
ages of love and sympatby.
troubles that r.uult directly from a
genus most thrive and multiply uuUI
Ubrarlan—Mrs. CalUe Thacker.
"One of our oldest merabera, wl
• I January. A. D- 1908. at ten o'clobji .u per being much enjoyed.
weakened: slumarb. Strengthen the
they are nnmeroaa and acllve.
Total ..............
..869.186 49 the forenoon, si Mid probate oBlce.
The oBIcen InsUlled last evening stomach aiuscl*-s. Increase the seeraAaabtant fluancUl aecreUiy—Mra. has been our president, and memb
If yon have catarrh yon should use
You can get something of an idea
tlon ofgastric Juices, and yon will
tbe easiest, simplest and quid
' 1 be and Is hereby appointed for
C. D. LaPoIdL
of board, tbonght sbe baa not been
find that comniim aflllcil<vna—tndlgaacure, the
he direct method of Hyoniei,
of the magnltnde of the potato in­ ' ling and allowln
Aaalsunt librarUn—Mrs. C. F. member for a few yean past, o)
W. P.—Elmer E White. ,
MoD. with Ito headaches, dlsxtoeaa.
whose wonderful medicated air Is Uk­ dustry when we tell you that tbe
It is
whom we have honored and respected. en In with the air you breathe, dld-rorosslon of spirits, spots before the
W. V. P.—George BUkelee.
id destroying all quamliy sUpi>ed from here If loaded
Board of dliectore—Mra. O. P. Car- Mra. Ramsdell, has been tnkeu ewny.
. . . thrw
W. 8.—M.E Fuller
-Ter. Mn. C. J. Kae^d. Mn. B.
"Ai we close our books for tbe year
Thlrlby, Mra. L. Soole. Mrs. A. !>. 1907, we bespeak for the now oBicers, _________ healing and vlUlizlng the
Frno] DOW on build op tbe streni
Herald. a newspaper printed and
W. Condt^tor—Joseph R. WyckoB. and health of the slumacb with 1
Haviland. Mrs. Marloo Corbet. Mrs. J. your utmost confidence and beany tissava as to render catarrh and on, this number of bushels marketed I1 circulated In said county.
here tbU year would make a proces- j
o-na Ublets. You will soon find }
V. Mcintoah. Mra. C. W. Aabton. Mrs. anppon la all their work, a^-voen- germ IntecUon no longer possible.
W. C.—Prank M. Hall.
of teams standing with the j
inusual way ■n
In which Hyomel
self strodg and never know tbe mean­
Judge of Probate,
B. S. Pratt. Mrs. s. C Desprea.
ever called upon for aaslataDce. me
W. I, G.-X. O. Palmer.
Is sold should dispel all doubu as to
ing of iodIg>-stion.
fiecrettry’s Raport.
ready to ^ve it most willingly and it! curative properties, for 8, E.-Walt horee’B nose of each, reaching over
if Ml-o-nn did not have an nnusaalW. O. G.—Prank Adams.
TATE OP XIICHIOAN, THE PROPrevious to the election of offteera cheertully.
t Sons ofler to refund the price to the load ahead, as long as from NorthTrustees—Jud Cameron. Ferdinand
® bale Court for tbe County
anyone whom li falls to benefit Yon lioit to Leland or about nine mites.
Ihe report of the ueereUry. Mra. C. J.
Besides those sbli
Lautner and A. A. Glddings.
4, Sons to re­
do not risk a cent In lesUng the heal­
nn by 6
Kneeiabd, m given as foUowa:
ing virtues of this breath of life, for large quantitira he’l
m<*cy unl<-ss k does all that
d the m
The election of oBlcers for the fund
-Mrs. Pimidest and ladlm of tbe
the probate office, In the City of
with every tl outfll 8. E. Walt fi spring market, how many
to elaliiMd for it The)- give an atwo•ty. on the Eagles club and the insiallatloo were
MciaUon: '
~jns give a guarantee to relieve cawe
also held, the following being elected;
-In accordance with tbe enstom of
irrh or money refunded.
Present; Hon. Prod R. Walker.
shipments of fsrm. orchard and for
Jan- 3-9.
rresident—William Bloodgood.
the past, your seereuty begs to pre^
esi producy: from Omens and you
SecreUry—it. E Fuller.
matter of the estate of Aland vou certainly ran aBord to get
Leelanau County Resources.
will get a close estimate of tbe pro­
Treasurer—Walter Orellick.
Nickerson, deceased.
Mi-o-Ds rrom them on tMs plan.
R. WyckoB. .L.
Jan. 2-9.
Uon for the year 1M7.
sources of Leelanau township is uken
W. Case.
Bhi^enu From Omens.
. -Ftoiir m^Iar qurterly meetings
from the Northport Leader. This eeti- Potatoes. 84,000 bu............'.812580 00
Robert Davidson ba« been employ­
hfve been held at which the reporu
shows that the people of Lee­ Apples. 15.000 bu.
ed as cbef and the club is proving a
of oMcera have been given and other
lanau have nothing to fear from i p,nter and eggs .
1 000'001 ' It Is ordered, Tbst tbe 25th day of very popular m<‘etlng place among
Moemary hnslnsas has been trans­
600 00 ^ January. A. D. 1908. at ten o'clock In tbe memboro and their families.
money panics or stringencies. The
bark ............
acted. Tbe board of dlreetora has
Tout .
’he forenoon, at said probate oBlee.
Leader says:
heM 13 regular and tow special meetbe
e aod tfi* same is hereby ap
As the shipping season Is closed for
bin: and in all the
for hearing said petition;
the year, we thought it might be of
It Is further ordered. That publli
I ccoeerning tbe best
notice thereof be given by puWI
interest for our readera to know
methods of caring tor' tbe property,
The tnasurer's report for 1907;
tlon of a copy of this order, for three
aometblng of the magnliudf of the
with the finances which hare been
Jan. 1st. 1907. am't on fraud .$ 100 U
—-iouB to said
Masista*......................iuupa JJ.tJ
oat dUpoael. perfect barmemy and Rw'd from flo. see.................I.IfU 43 produce business In this locality, j ]],7og
The figures are not absolutely correct
,cres of unimproved land. There
nearly so.
Tile amounts are 304 farm: averag'ng about 100
*^r resources are loans, secured
by mortgagee. amonnUng to I3.7M.00, DUburaements .
the Items could be secured but It
Amoug the moat important in­
the Interest on the tame, the resU
For E Bad Case of Eczema on Child
the purpose of showing dustries outaids of farming U that of
from this building and dues for mem­ Jan. 1st. 1908. bal. on hand ..8 177 31
-Suffered for Three Monthswhere we get all the money in this eommercial lllkhing. the figures of
Oisease Reached a Fearful State
"Our expenses have alway been
—Pain and Itching wereTerrible.
Ihroogb the hands of the merchanU. past year but for the vear 1903 ihe friends In &tt Leland.
quite heavy, and It Is with the nte Uhrarian*s Report.
total value of the fish prodqpt of the^
moat economy that your board is able Number members .......................... 125 farmers and tradesmen.
To the figures we ^ve might be county was 819J3B. sccordlng to the ^
to meet them with tbe recfipU etcb Number books .................................3,079
HattUP.ulu. of Leland sp««t
the amounu received by government report and at which Ume
Amount floes collected...................86.70
tor stock, grain, contract peat there were 75 men employed to the her sister. Miss Nettle.
”A sectional boekcaae has been pnp
which flgnrrs we shall give later, eounty to the fisheries buMnros
leased tor tbe enrplna books, and a
♦•When I was small I was troubled
Suttnns Bay are vislling with r«Ia- with .-«*i-ma for ■ 4t three montltt. If
ponltry, amall fruit, dairy products,
To the figures already given add ]
I none tbe
aod covered Mariy
was all ... -lyfaoF....................
wood and forest products, and many 815.000 paid out this year by Roach;
leas needful. These nrc all the turnasstsUnt keeper
all of’ ray
o. head. It reached such a
a A. g.
it was ju>t a large
scab all
iahings we have indulged in tor our
The Mapiefon Americu locletr of other Itemi we do not Just al this £- Sears for seed peas and probably the North Maaltou llgtat. is borne for that
and the pain aod iiflimg
were (errible.
1 doctored with an sbh- phvsictan fnr
^ttUy had a big meeting Monday
,hu' M'm
Slvenson Is visiting pome Ume and was th-n adeiv-d (>y him
Tbe grestest item among tliem aU
-A strip of land, it Inchea troot- ing. a large number
purpose. Also to all ibU
relatives at Leland.
to use tl
the CuluTUrm Kcmetie-* which I
age. trom tbe west side of this prop present and addressee being made by Is that of potatoes. The total num- should be addH Uie ibourands of
The Ladles' Aid society of the.PIrat did and .
of bliaheU shipped out of North- dollars received for poultry, beef. Luiheran church of Northport met not bpen hblhered
erty. has been aoM to the First Ka- Charies Emerson and J. W. Bryant,
(Siticura Smp ai
Ms Fr^ Anderaon, yesterday.
port by all sources were 90.707 which cattle, sheep and bogs and you get
Uonal bank upon which they will erect county organiser.
do noiVarvw
ioiVar>w •■zactly bow modi was
» merer little surprise was given but
iwd tn civmplcte ti.e cuf. 1 can safely
an average price of 36 cents would something- of an idea
the wall of their new bank In the near
say that CutK-urs did a k-l for me. Hiss
suti News.
make a grand total of money paid for ance of our Industries
,es are ___
totnre. Half of tbb can be re-por|„g ..j,,. ^ number of Nor
Northport Anals-I Wilson. .Vortb Branch. MkL,
The Rev. W. R. McLaugbltu tender­ tbU product alone of 831.747.45. and varied.
-C, lVt»7."
chased at same price and half the
' fri^ods.
Another source from which we .le
Holton has resumed
wall at cost of erection, by any party ed his ^resignation at the moruiiig aer- tbit is a fair rerage price for the
vlce of Park Congregational cbqrcb whole season for many wore bought
desiring to build on thU lot.


Weak Lung,


Cinaittioii tliis net 2.826


I Scan the Siff&Rtnre of

The Kind You Haie Always Bonght,
In Use For Over 30 Years

................ fff“

SSn;.;-,;.-;...-.:;:;: mS



'Wmm- as|I



Sunday. Mr. McLaughlin has been at 40 ceuu and not. many at lest than
pastor of tbe church for several 30 cents, so the average wo believe
years. Tbe parish Is very wealthy. would be above rather than below it.
tbe annua! meeting.
ThU quantity of poutoes went out
;t!on setfing forth that a change In of here the several dlBerent ways
: the pastorate was desirable was «amerated aod in the proportions
named below:
Ubied by a vote of 359 to 189. but Over JCehl Bros, dock _____ 47557 bu
Mr. McLaughlin fell that ihU minori­ Over Parmen dock................32.000 bu
ty was too strong to aUow blm to coc- In cars .......................................H.OOObu
Uoue the work with any saUafactloD.
No charges were made.
Toul ....................................... 90.707 bn
Tbe Marshall postoffiee has Usued
The next Item to point
importa statement showing that tbe buslneas
emsauMlsj w Prwrsttas
-■ly saS lasfMir sssi
raUng trom Mafsball has increased
nearly SO per cent In the Utt yegr.
Tbe Michigan Sute Engineering so­
ciety opened lu eesslous at Battle
............ 40.678 bn
Creek Tuesday, contlnaing
wtfwsdfrsM ItcUss sad pmrsSlad
e of the apple
WMsk wws m »s4 tk»i tb«r s»»n«liud By Wednesday ntghl. The «Ute Ice
coasermCream manufacturers
begin crep therefore would
Wednesday and close Thursday.
Ove at 8n5l2.T4.
From tbe position of teacher fu the
The stopmrat of eggs m ' KeUI
village acbool at Ceresco. six miles Bros, dock amounted to 331
Far auto hy Jahaaaa Drag Ca
we« of Marsbsll,
that of principal' 6,930 doxen at so average price Of

r prin­
cipal expenses have been
fuel, books, Janitor and librarian fjes.
Insurance In this locality Is a very
hl^ rate, and this U one of the reaacas why we have been deslroua of
changing our location.
■Xntr fuel and beating the bolMIng
has been the grestest expense and the


Dr. A. W. Chase's



summer tourist who come here every,
u* pnresti of this place,
year bu: of course 41 Is not really a
Mias Marie Clllnesi of Suti
fund created by annhing except to! f Ihe guest of her coiwin. Anna
exchange tor our labor and producU., Miss .Mar)- Kalchick spent Tuesday
us a good m Traverse City,
but It creates and gives lu
home market for the little things offl, Mrs. H. S Brown is reported much
the farm and garden.
'better at this writing
•rs grand summing ...
Little Amelia Bourdo is visiting
up then 0. ..^,^^

our resources show that last year,
more than 1250.000 la distributed,
amoug a popnUUon of about 2.500, Baltimore. Md, Jan. 7.—Abraham
t-coMfiKsiHnski Sunday celebrated his 114th
■ ■
—'birthday. He is the father of 14 chil­
dren. three of whom are Itving:
I graodclilldren. 28 great-grandchildren.
• four
Basswood, popet. white birch, pine
and balsam bolta. 54 inches long: I been to tbta country 75 years. He dlsfrom four tacbes to diameter up. wm
^members Napoleon's capture
pay highest market price. deUvered
burning of tbe ancient city of
at mUI Of on any railway sidetrack 2,rt. to Ul2. He has never been 111.
within a radius of fifty mllaa. Ad________________
1 CLEAR Eight room boose and two
• a /'ADAM M.
*® Chicago to exchange for
«!• A* l-AKUn A
property to or near Traversa CltyTraverae City. Mten.
643 Cedar SLI Christton H. Andreaca. Glea Arbor.
a i Mich.


with Cutlcurm
hree Days After Sh

.Months of SuHerlnx.
guflorod fully su f^ths.
trottole began on'tny
red pim^^ and' it
It was^not^ong


l^^hanS. ll^wT.' so bad' that I'coul^
not net night.or <Uy and dunng tbe
six montlis. 1 did nut get a good lughfs
alrop. I doctored f-'C
or fotw
months and cnecist least twenty dolKetnediesadverti-ed. and tbe next day
1 purebawd somefor srv-enty-fl'e e»mU
at tlw <lruggi»fs. I Ueed Oe-ra and 1
was relieredof llie.tchlng in three day*,
and I have nevM. tiad a .Tgn of any skin
msease Sin™, The
u.n.*ui« v
> for skin
will cureothcra in the rtme wsv. J.w.
Bloom. R. H. TeJempboe. Holloway.
Mich.. Nov. 20 and Doc. 29. 1906."
absoluiety PW under tl
~'ood• and Drug* Act.

ras; aid tnrrMI Tnauamt Xr


Rubber Spies
on yoor old Rubber*
add a lot to tbe wear.
We cement rubber
on and goarantee them never 4o
come off.
Ask to see the rub­
ber aoling we uae.

■ ?


«»mm<•«»«• «•«•«»<•

tnivrt yorterdajr aftor** greoUy
U BuMdb road! In
Mr. and Mr*. K. N. Gl*»a rtwi.d
irriAHnx to *»t oqt tlw- Jojrd vacalkn
' Ihf
Mr*. John V'aodorroH
wac ...
lo Trar- _____
, ___________
damhtor. Mr*.
trr oo W. O. niflii
Saturday. Majot Hodip*. Sunday.
MbOOl orw* City fYidny«6d
Wtur ti> nttoadior.
VnndcrvoTt rotuyMJ to Ibr arboni to;
Mir* <r«rtrui!F' Rarir*. rrtnmrd
Ih** Lllnd at IJiMlnfcSaturdayMa.thr j-ji.. t.ckn Satur
Mr. ao<j «ra. Moynr ond H«lra ham '
liton I*
iday t<i Uaxdnld »p>-:it
Ilcbt »d

------------ Uav:d

Uanlpold■ and family
■Tturnod Iron] a vU!t at Kalainasoo
)j„ j w. Dirkt-niDia vUttod
____________ '*•**1 th« Htrald .
plac^ a BaaoUne «whlrb 1 rill b
Ralph t5Ia*s ha* imm-.l i
C W.' M'lniaJDS’ at Mm>*« Ct'f ‘
iMt' t^■n TocMay noon of Mch woek. ____
Mr*. R. 8. Ollbort la eapectod botnn
and If eotTMpentfanU fan to find ibl* v*«.4c from t'nlon Clt).
it !b needed.
i *l;h
tholn In. thojr moy ba owrad thot It
Mr*. Henry Rose
danstiter «r». Luther Macj la»t
Thayer baa • iflot foror.
eaaa aftor tlma.
Cbarlpvolx tlio w*»k of N>* Y*-n
Vlra rt-tumed. to Coiiemlch Monday.
«r. and Mn<M Jam<
Her *i»ter. Mr*. R. M. danuBeri- aho havevisi
lauirua). ^sj*. *4.
.. . .
[errinBKm't* on Janie*, acromiianied her to Tra*ei«*
u,,.|r ril4.nds.. R. MarMiall
Rayl Hansrav.*- father and brother mother* Mr*. N.
bmo vUlt-. Sunday,

. (an.iiy r>luro<d to their home
.nvllle ha<
from ~
Clark 41MU
and Caalmrr
lup artr,
IJJ 4.IU1*
4_4i"..«. . BacaJ an*
-a year.
I O'drk 111 r
ihiUDB the eirk
Warren oFxter
Tho foUoalOB Sunday arliool offl-.^rjjng j,, [...t., Kadrmach*
Ttiamrj liomo Pnday otooIob
B.. Jan.
• last «et k.
etr* ha*e bten elected: Supl.. Waller b^weea Cedar and Maple City
•«„ tt*v
City on buslnes* today.
iK-it I.4- Raion and lamllv *i*<n:
aaaUunt 8npt_ Mr*.
« c. Coi<- learw S.don tl <<
,(KTttude KiirlrV ha* returned
I \e« Year'* aith Fet. r CMribaek
Mr*. Vim. .Milfon, and
e “

for a vUlt to White Clond
her position Hu the
' Hotel Ge
(tresory Kiopley.
CrarearerUIOngMta. Wllwta hrothiv^,,,,;,
W, fF. Hannaford and In r dauBht.r al -Fife Ijtke. aft-r sm-nd ni:
cr. Mr De KlBg «f t>«ir PaP'"'
! Becker: chorl.ter. Mia. Ulr<*; Home
and lamiiV- then to ConiMoek
*r*'*'"j' "ht*** 4i_, w J Mill i' Chr otnia* vacation «: home.
We are barln( aaoUtor afaaon of Dept Sup!.. Mr*. Stadlebuuer; Cradle
.^r i.mliv visit-d
Harleh »eBl**!iind.iy in p,,,} on laa Connh v al the JitiK-t
•arm weather,
iroU gupt.. Mm.
Mr*. Burl C.*eV al KlnRsley, *her*;
Mr, and Mr-, Ikri Chase *nd
A. I-. Burr wa» a Lake Ann caller
Roj Hannafurds on Siioila..
be will !>.■ eaiWBf l for wane ac Ks.
Jan, €.
willle Gran end
Marshall'rha».r- -l-i.-re. Vis. I.
Ofo. Hertyideen. Sr., bad the Mta*

---------------:bave n’lnrti.-il lo nrhool at Kliissley., Mr*. Marrhall. tvlnimd lo-Ti:e
**'* home.
Mr. aud Mr*. <;e..n!e F.iyn and MU* oiTv
:he• borne
I - ■'
IXc. 30. wd. coate*. «
!nd"llrRoiiand Re&ron Spent
spent Sanday
•day. last
oCuahliis ol4-»t
J L. '
with mvatles.
alth Kitch BruJp and family.
S home I
ly at hi* liomV*, Mr. Coa
There ha> beta floe
Mfldr^ naiCn
»;n lead thell"**^
, mused by
hi* Bu
HuB's-bark and adJo.OinK
iS:<eilfiB next Sanday <wRI be sadl;
'••• t^nai
in;: the oolldny vacuLon. unit
aelBblior* and
and friends, also the •
_ , roundinc
iM-r of akatiuB partks have boqv
Frayer mesf^cwlll be Bl Georye{

Grand Traverse Region

We Credited Interest
On our pavings accounts Dec. 31st anu our
drpositors may urtsent their books at their
convenience to have interest entered thereon.


If you have not already a savings account
why not start one NOW that shall be earning
interest for you?


“ii s

Open Wed
7to 8K>

'lin^wJd the|l"**a

eveirtuRs to enjoy It.
in him a frend
Herrniii-«i s
found In
MfiCB Uarloo UIbU aiu-nihd
Jan. » MJ Bt Vltrb Brooks' reatd4-------- He have* beiM
Id Traverse Cil>. u .rt-unlun

Ftanci* ^BWho *■«• aboeni from 'tbe low of * kind husband and faihor., Hisb school class aiih which she ***,
v;SiiAWnr ^ir time cn aecooct «'f: The deepwi oympalhy of th.-lr fri. ndf ; yradualed and MUw OlUv Lackey rv-‘:
Charlie I.ami
her l^tewn^urtied to ocbool Mon-iare thalra. In Ihl* aad bweivemecl
unii.d with her fi.r a l.y da?*' v ^ut. I* iq»ud:us a
a r,w.
. day* here Hritlna
Tom Cable, a youSB man rtulJlnB'
There war « |Muty ai Warn n Rur'.* trla5i\<* and friend*.
l*h.--|lalley and Graham children pear Nesseo City, was kicked In lhetp,«ay nlstl In honor
Schoul comniuicd
> ........................
A. F tire;, ....
is. afi-r s who tvturned
■macb by « borw |a»l week
------ 4..44.4..>)' ..4.W
An iuu|p
iu^ had
died ill a few hour* after.
The r.. on llu- Peulnsula. «.;i S.»t::ida)
Mr aud Mi .. Wimaa:*
T;oai aud fkorK- r-l>- Veare with «ieir_d;frfB?iter. Mr*.
naltis were laid in the Raaiiey


tery Tuc-aday.
id ei|>e<- H< ID Kve in
Looftard !>■*• s of Bockb-y moved from Ealdt
the first floor 1 ick of the (>enul*tOti
„Mt. Rtreeter -»tio H lambcrta* here hii family In one of Prank MooreIdlli*. durinp thi- wiiiler'
'waa called to Cedar SliHiiyi Saturday Ifnd's bouses for the winier Wedn**«dttle Mina Hannon wa* s-rii-miy
by tho death of his wife'* mother.
r'ck with measles last week, imi is
Bd Royer of South Boyrdman baa ***Uttle Ethel Is quite sick.
I hi* teml
The Udles' Aid a Mrs. Lea'll' wo*
Tb*re I* DH*ther pood slelchini: oi
Bnyrr works at the iblDyte mill.
well attended.
Thi- folUi-lnB offl«''> ,b."Tln* her• a urewui. and no haul
id*d. The
Ellia Clark baa also mured bht faiB' were elrcbled forth- y.or: Mr* Krauk
bolt* has yet bi^n pjs
t<T from Acme ir Sliarati,
_______ ...e*!dent;
Mr*. Geo. IV-cker.
F. Btiloa
and family of AcBe,rtf«. president; Miw.
Mr. ^
and Mm, ,Uroy ,CarHshJUng with C. C. Stlua
Jennie Copley, trenaurer. .-n. Mich-, who have betu vlsltine
lia. C. C. Btite* and «JauBh(er| ^atoumed to meel with Mr*. Howm-r'
Ml* Carlisle's
sJfi.r. Mr*. Bcii Hop
m. '%fary reiaVncd to Acme to s|«'ud be* , j „
and friend*.
^Mra. Btlle* retDroeff Saturday and re__________

^Itowrd hi* bmny lo Sharon.


MV* Ur cie
mar l.<Hl'nrt>in Hft.r if<
wi-«'k* with b-r pai.m*. reUntrd
b<r srhiol 8nturda.v nlplit.


Deposits in the Savings Department made
during the hrs: live day.s in January draw iiitericrost from Jan. I-







Ihedtehiim, cut.-* it penim-:
any.dnie *t-'>re.


do not

6d& «db c»

e» «#& <»

lu iiii-nih. r

the iiiiiiie—Ikian's—and

mud-, lull .!..d. prove'
dl-triit, vi-tliili
Iliis frieud* and r.l-;
The 'tilai.f da'iRhter of Mr«. Marrtif
CoIvlTi has lieeU quit- *li'k for llw:

.A”'uV.“““kTH"me^nw>* ot
Have tnade their local lepulation. ,
ti Via* I Bay I
Fnaif lie*, in the t-stlnioi-.y of Trav-iand wife. U.'s
who huie ]>e.B UtlW fv»’.
• Jtdiu Kr»:i|ia,
E. O IJiW .\dni.


Jan. C.
■ •
----------------- ' "■■■■
Seven Years of Proof.
' -I have had sov'-B yijii* of pnwf
that m. Kint'k N-.v Discovery !*
jheil t_......................
cidil* and fof' • very dlsi awd eondi- f
f thruat. rtiesi.
W. V. H-nry. of Panama,

till* dUtricl
noiuis' KIdm.'


How’s TWs?

.......... ..... -- -.................

ports a T*rr cojoyal.le trip.
D....TO, who
.ho ha*
h,. been
for two week,! or more with pnei
nocla. I* reported very lor and not


Mr7'|■tonBhe^ty•*' daugbur and
Lawyer Wethey of
City have been called home.

•nded post meetlnp* at
a\ Maple
Saturday ond were itlveB a chicken
imd Alnldona' wife.
pie dinner by Conn
W. O, Dickemia
I ». n. Cai
irday night i
were ai Maple.City Batui
Hamid and Manon Gibt>s relumed
Haeeabee meetinB-

r£i”-.... .


New York, sole aEotiis for the I'niied

Urug Co. .

of Everything Desirable for your Home
Yonr eredll
Is lostas
good dwrlwg
bis Cut
Price Sale
sslhongli yon were
buying *1
any other
time, during
the year.

Is now on. To thjjse who have taken advantage of these sales in the past, it is unnecessary to say much
except giving them the date of tho opening and closing, as they readily know what theyearly house clean­
ing time means to, them. But to those who have never attended our clean up sale, we especially in­
vite you now. it means many dollars in your purse, as we would rather have the first cost of the ^
goods in our hands than to have them left on our floors unsold. No other time during the year
Is there such a sacrifice made, profit at these tales is entirely forgotten in our anxiety to
dispose of our heavy stock before inventory. It will pay you well to stock up with things
you had thought of getting in spring orsummer. Don’t be behind lime, corns early.


Htavy Furniture
Soch as Couches, Diniog Tables, Bed Room
Suites, Side Boards and BookCases, many of
which were bought for the Christmas holiday
trade, cao be bought at this sale at a price
that is surprisingly low.

Onr line bore is heavy imil will bi- n-lm'Ctl rtfianUi-ss
in yil2 Tapestry Bmsseli. Smyrna. Vvlvet.
Axmiaktvr ud Body Brntsela Kuus
which sold from $1^ to!45.

Now from $11.75 W S30

Others that sold at $8, 10. H, 14, lf> and 25
now $6. 7.60. lUO, 18.50 and 1876.

Throw Rugs from 75c up
Heavy Wool Ingrain Carpet, 40c
linoleum which sold at 65c. now 40c

that sold from $Sjto 25 now $R to 1S.75.
Dining Chairs from $2 75 to IS per set.
sold holiday Goods 10 per cent off.

Sold on Easy Terms

made to obdek


In the
highest qual­
ity of goods
and the low­
est possible
the quality
and price
ol our goods
with any
MaU Order

Rugs, Carpets, Stoves:: Ranges Lace Curtains,
Floor Coverings
Drapes, Fortiers

A good tteel spring-Couch,’upholstered in
heavy Velour at $8.60.

Good Dining Tables, 6 ft. long at $3 75. others

We Lead

Don’t Miss This Chance

The stove seasoii with us is over, and
owing to moderate weather we have a heavy
stock of healers on our hands which we are
going to sell at

■ Air Tieht Heaters from Sl.W to S11.Wand
one-fourth off on these.
.A good cas; iron cook stovF. if.-'iO.
Other Stoves which sold at S12. 515, SIS ami
$20, now «y. $11.25. 51:5.5" and 5;5.

No. 9 Steel Ranges S34.5f


Her-veil will finil jnkt what ytu imvo
}wK*n I rjkiuu for. * >iir stock it hr«k-n.
Ittkvinu us two or thre- pairs of a kiii<I
ami several od<1 ones which you will ttel
at your jirico

Lace Curtains, each, 10c
Lace Curtains, pair, 25c
All odd lots of Nottingham
and Brusselnettes at a dis­
count of 33 1-3 per cent.
l’oriit.T> h'oing at
This is your oppor­
tunity to -.took up.

Easiest Kind of Payments
Picture Framing a


who ha*
l-'^.M-i-CCe Mon.'i.
k|i^ La-jra Hotrade reiumed Sat-!|.,^n
Msnist-.- for *r-.iie time
iruay ushi from
siw-ndlns a two jn|-t
*0|. the hath*, reiuroid home anJ
‘,ay..tD -hepun Uwchlny.
oBaU of Trav.
Mr* Isatx-IU
Mr. and rM*. W. H. Sr.itt of Trar-,,._ City
spent Obriftnia* and.New
erae caiy rlalud with Mr. and Mr*, y,*,*1 With rvist v.-s,
Frank R.->-n. m* Fridn>
J. Ofto transarivd In
The Bpworth la-acuo here w U sire Traverse Ctlr L_..-------week
an oysii-r *um..-r
the home of MUt;
jj*. and Mr* John t^iilorler of-Clh
Urrle Ha

Imc. aod Mn. WK Hant tb* Sr»t ofNcR thUjnornl^ for «!UoriO»,wUerr
I the wwk.
1 went to Trar- cr of Klnt»ley.
BsrI MorrtoOD returned the Srut Of'
•sjm. itavc Hammar t
the «i'k irom Rapid City, whore b' .er*e C
fluUe lick 1* reported to
vn .sttcndid
Bttendid the Mornwm-uocoia
Mr*. m. r>*^uie«u«

Mr and Mr*. William Bates wore
lla- s'a.Tt* o; tholr a*,or. Mrs.
Mr, and Mr*. Walt. rJ.a.*e ei.teiXBlB

... _arWr wps the fpH«t
Hint Lottie Shearer
• '•“* <*=■>'’
lloifiih- -S^imday.
lh& home
ton i*
•orkloi! f<jr
Mrwr.i I
u„,|, y^o^n
g^tordsy iClty. retumliie SsUrday.
\\!11 Mol'..sail from
Sours for a week or twa
Hiilett. Mr. and
tn of thrsr uncle.
Mtuo fno Trareree
Mis* Helen Thoma* ninraed
City, after
JohnPetulkow sod
was ti. out Tio.ulty flaturjay etdllap
0 n-ium.-d to their botuv
BeoziinU this iiinruliis, after taavluy: Mr*. MouKen
a. I ks' vacatton..
Trsver** City »i«:ni
loeturv ticket*.
apent her racallon1 with
With her parent*.i in Traverse Clt/ Wedneaday.
r* with HIM P*»riCurry. .
Kroiih Rl«Th of Bast Bay at the- real-1 .Mr and Mi l. V Luci- called on
be SwsuUka clul. met with Prarl
denre of Mr. snd Mr*. C. L. Uomlne. ■ Wan n Taylor. Thui
Curry Thurvlsy ereulnn of Isit we. k.
KathentK of At-'
UlUe Helen Som.. U rucoverln*
C. Uow.-r*. entertsiDid al«ut Wj
About twenty <.f the lr;ead* of Mr.*
Mtoh. ilute Trlci*ooc Co, hai
stinii and appetlie and ihur's fiieiKU befotv the ceremony | Mr*.
BiiUP of the 1 of
tbelr Mead* at home of the latter and Mr*: C K Balds.u m.t *tth. tabllsb.-d a new line amoiiR th.-,
from her recent Itlnes*.
Ask , to' k (ilace.
I of the bowids.
Mrs. Ml
s present
Sb.- earn.- j. honor of the n-« year. Mrs. Bo* , them New Tear* ev. to eelH.rate the
near here,
jalone tlint lone dlManre. taklOi.- het'.-p. and Mr*. Stoyke prov.-d
them-1 tseiiUtIh aiinix. r*arv .d tl..-lr mar
jii..., o,rtnide Hommutpa wb.
and Ur*.
of CbarloUe visited at E. O.
flrst car rid.-.The charirari
l.elve* capital eiiteruluers. the dinner rlnpe. The .oenlns wo* sp.ttl In Visv-ett
nk's the latter pan of last week,
'male an iiwfiil
noUe and din. and i brine 1»m sloiide Bne. and the happy llinc and IdaMuc C.ini.-».
ll'-ireati-, Adrian *|"ni the .hullda.e-i wit!
Mr. and Mr*. 0. F. Frliili *tid di
d .Inhn Scott Pa«l«'
- I. '! of ih.- c'>»d thins* wt •U-fore
gii dijiarled 111 4'
ter Thelma of Wk B*pl<U rUllod
llh* L<-oa alUi* i<ar-ed
Arhur is the liToinor ..f C.
th.-tn, I wvre : —J
Domine. and as I* usual the bard wa*| jhe;r friends pnoented Mr*. BowerallaU- hour wirhlas thrtu many happy ;i.„n SulnrJay

Stoyke r.-lurn» of the day,
led upon for a poem
ug pre-j
tVMIe worklns Ri tbe
;hi ■ni." Miss.-* Ethel M.W. * iinJ .-nudla
the.- iM-lDg
[with a rucking eha:
. fotlowlns Impnimpiii
],t js*tiirday .ij Trtivcria
V. H.
Hrrh.rt.jM* fath.-r B.etle Iktvl* wn*. Injun-d'
NIpM. .|a.-nt|.d by the Rev.
krthur and Idas' Weddin
tboae prtwent; ;hy a f.iHIng limb Tharaday. The Ibu.i fiiv.
Annoai atatemeut lor the year ending D*c. 31. 1»7, of Uh- cAlltlon of Ida came from Saluda. 8uuth Carolns;
Carolns ' Fulluwinc Is a list of
. . and InlUn? al*><i!
ijwt.ltn- fo.iiuri.r ..f F.Ik'.i
•rlH-rt. Mr. and , b.-e*m«- d.-i.rebed
ihe land of clay and eoUon.
iTm- R.-v and■ Mr*.
affairs of the Paiwia- Mutual Fire liaurance Comi-uy. loeai.-d at Trav­
Bert thirty f»-«l stmek the tioaiid
tb«‘:i ,|vul a f.-w days wlih Irniid-. aiil
IT. Mleb .ilie
. ItnhUnder and
erse aiy. Michigan, and doln* bualnra* In the Counliiw of Grand Tnivht'-rs
j I>onnd.-<l .'V.-r nhd *ird<-k U. rt .- .u. reuti.e* li. t.\
iyJehell iird f. IWs and two duiikUUTs
| Imnn.
idy ti
land of *piid*
ntid i
llul.-ti Jiid fiiuiily.
1 the ‘h.nd. cuil.qg a
V *bni"-d
l" gap Tbarsday
afi.r ;
erae. Antrim and Uelanau, In aaW Stale.
After hU honor bad i>roiiouni-.-d ;,.f K nc*ley “
' •*thr.*‘• —‘
Inetie* —
I ’-.glh. M.di ■
ta.alhAi d.rriiig to.
......... .......................
Ml*................. . Ilucart and lauiily.
> Mlrhaal HeCarty. barn and
le is.y 1. , J(r a0.I Hahtenis-is .
He wk.lp-d them a long .vnd proaper ikiVratt and
: eaidml
gull- a, large nmub-r
PUS life.
I family. L .md family. J
iDl.', bi«
[Boa and IHlIe daughter. Mrs. P. A
w 11 h th c c offer you arenow
A eaft.- «.f rtlpb.tberii. i- r.-}s-lOct r JoM-ph Turrwtt. bow** dam
ben the labh-a and ehslra tn th.-, Wall and two
daughters. Grandia
u-ing don't thaage toe
1 Ihe CamiB of FubUti Han'
byhchUlaa................................ W.T.- Cl.-:.r.-d away
IHow.ra and wlf.-. Vinlter Itowera and
moil people £bJ it hard to
Oct' A W. fUrth-l.miew. Iwra
-.mlS'llU'Ub ‘IJ ►hoPI"
a line; wife. Mf** A
erte^ coffer. BUT if
And on the flour tlie daiin.-rs in
To the o* ..*p.i*
; pnwwnt ,«r and pottrt-raw
damactW: by liafalnloc.........
you OK Bot aaushed—try .
th.-miM'lvea did :
all Irtlervsls In fti- l.ittd
Lr^.Tnisu- hb<^- tama
"•'ng on a chair ... — ........................ ,
*crib.d iiud to the iiiiinuaa.-. or mort
Idler waa fouml.
!a«id famllj-, Mi*. B l.ihb*
gag.-ew ii.imed in all iindxs.hargrd nIsjaiiew My*r>. b.m-a- liurwod:
aylng Old Zip C«>n lhe .h.w
eorded Diertgugi-* ,*i wad l.-u'.d oi
aiiv Bs»iBii<*- iti-usd of Ti'cer.l. Take
rSuJiwtWti Hoards boo** atid
MBlrw.' Imrawiiararlotruni
N.illee. That sab- ha* Iss-n lawlull.t
made of the following desrribej Lend
Card of Thrni
. aE«>BUIiathsfdl.l.nM Imra
for unpaid lav.'.- IlMi.ftn, and the'm. it'T.1-3*^.- *p.'«l
wish t.. thank thi••4: fwaAt rraai abrnt^p*Th.-n the <lane.-ra !!• * around
has.lltle tli-tvl.1 under taX|»I«h1o>- «'>«■’
KorSir. A- Pum-n. rnralliir.' In
o kindly
danred'thHr very li.-*t:
o\.d wil.-..-i>il r.-1a
J. B. Urwriani.e, bay haniel;
Th.-n «!.• I- wa* great fan. all gath.-r-' Al»> 1'
inaiit iH-autltiil florHr. and Mr* O. K. CJayi-.vI .aiil
ed In a njw
u'hl ..fferinr. acnl. W. her.-bv .-xpre**
, ni*iu .!:f:iglil.r Ale- r.turn. .1 tioiii a i*-'
D a.-.' the liBT.Id*ncea set wl.h hU,
gal of forty _ye«rs ago.

aiiil-r*igned nr to lln- w..-k4- Vl*n with tvlall..-* ;ti *o;:i:i
3ne« rv id Uie e.-jnty .-rn Muhlaan.
s a rood coffer, and if
A;tw-ri Whitten i* working on IllH;e cluirlvatl party
„ .wHch Up- land* !..• if all mini*
you eiTc jt ihr -'Squara
great nolie *nd din.
Deal "ofa (ail trial, payinc
imlJ upon »neh
ioBi-:h.-t farm for a eoiil-' Ol .lays.
>. .\tni'S Box.
Ailimr lAUUer jial
tad took pan In the fun and
a (air amoimt of atiranaa
Vllh one h-mdred p. r m-al a.ldltional
Mr. i.nd Mti. h'rapk Bni.
the coofcisg. you
iheii'io. and the i.--* «f th- Sherit. »>'■.
•. II.
S'livit and
bare a good. clcar..fei»5lor the service <ir eia'I of pulilirallO!i'
J*B 1? Frask Batbsr
tt’e u.i-ight-r i-f Mr, nml Mrrap of coficc that d
And two b.-i*rt» 1;
ing cy>
ef tills mill-'.- to Ip- conipu:.-!. as ii|«rj^
ecmtMit* bun
•.-iiEDi-iA a-orne***- sai-aata*
o g(*H| for a s<
■ TlPT.
u very nwul
Suiiil- 1
all coBre.
iurvonal s.rvle.- .rf a decliiiatl.ui ii*
Keliviric t
Vsi Onr*. attendlua atmaal f
I Jaa n
commenr. tuent of suit, and th- tur
ip-.irw. Uell-v.e :i
'XXXX Coffee is pceparw
rnrrs it Ir. i. f.iw
Ml. ..U.1 Ml*. Jo.' Ilin; a- -o:.!. S.-1
live for one another In the aw.
Ih.-r *11111 ol Five Ihillarw tor.aeh g-ct yt^l. w, and b
palii In ally part*
j.rrtpilon without
night th. y will alwny.
ji-osl of charge*. If paynieni «»* afore- *-<•1 Ansorge.
«sr K Fraak Myan. b.m~ imnwd;
Mr*. FlU I- liv '
jll.t made, ihi- imd.'rslgncd
B. W. Ub-wan. stU'iullac s
Iblng A. n. 1!«'T. the 31st of UecomWGI Va-iiiSnl.iirg and fainlly have'^jj] m*il,ut.' pr.g'.-edUig* !«• |io**>-s bop,.- no* aliJ hk-lher *
B. mu-tliur
l-d. 'V Hill to Mrs. Y*""'.*b.u of the land, -liuate in.the Coiint,. t'l.'ar llnwik s.-h**>l.
’. W- Burdirii. an. .*tioe auai
i,<. Co.a yhii.-iMuro!
OirtvUir*' in..-Unk-...............
m.-need k.i'plua lion*.- a' King'fley.
If„r tax.-a «»*-^sed ilur.-«in m lliiha'WhlM'. stteadiiig aaDoal E
r.l:l., t: igbt and
ceMrs* lunMiis......................
At the clos.' .'f li!**n of «tffl-, v.-c.-. H‘ol.
ih'tl. 1W>:
I'* •»:
lu. W. MrW'.Uy. •alary
Jan .
r.-rs of A. O. O G. at »*r>ot--et Arbor
S.-etloll W.'xVu.

the' fuD Vnd^ Wl""al I pinM' Lhor.'^'’a pn.|’«'r"*wrnv’l»tloti i ni. uia of candy; improni ami apple* jaivutf.

Annual Statement

If you are

ort. ;

ertng >



1 Man n. n. P. 1


_ ***•?’

............ in-ar








I fripii





t*Mt;stwrk> fnaa ehimimy
A pr B Wa* M. OuK. hm amt^

MaytOUbart BssdaU. boc* a
KBlrnta; raws* snkairwu

May«re»^BguMd* -W kllUd
May Kl^ytn J.Taylie. ^ MUad
Josr 1 Iw Ealmow.lOTiit
boss* and

JaaMFalar M.JahBHm.beaardan; warks from ehtmary..

JuaV^^n^.nw kllM 1*
JaBJobaB J<mm,laradaiiiat.d
by llabtadas................................
JuBB-C. »oWmlD(. Iiarw damatadliyUahtaUw.....................

Ja.y ITIykwjr*lb.bcms*lOTad!

I duly

Mala: byUahtatac.................

«‘is.2rr -««*■ w

' ""Ss*srr


Il.i-re was a rap at lii<‘ Ji-or. a* the containing ifi't aero*, mur.- «ir less,
guard epi-oed the d< or III wa!ki-<l th.-^ To^-n • 1 w.-n'y *ix. Xortb Ran,:;.- Nlmlr«-*d Amerlt-aii dfceaae. Rh. imui j <ji,.ancr ..oat i
-e lug nle.- fin-unr au.ot»gagxpgvs»
„,„„unt iu.1,1 Tw.-utyFour li-ll.vrs
.. O
Carl Uau-a :
Jnsi oommon.
.-veryolay altar,
'n.l*- goat I
Ml. and Mm.
jtlsm., with Jnst
- iH-lonclng to and
and OneV.-n!
OneV.-n:. Sh.nrsf.'tvc. Five 1).I- r.;;-.* *.-r.- Ihe ...................... Mr.
the smart one.
tl l«
Irtniro found In any dri-g :

Mr*. C 1*. Hates Suluiu.v
phvilclans w.-re slew ............. . to allaeh F,
Trav.-.-.- Cilv
Cbm.-hra Flauacun.
vi-li. Isike wa* ri'. a-.-*
imu-h iniportanc- to. bU claims. This,
Mr». Averv- wi nl
dauylm raiid piurp uf biisln.--*
Missouri City.
Mm. Uufii* IWii.s Monday
was only a few moUlhs ap- TolnylNew- Y am tq Vi*
n. A. Chapin. D.vuty las. Uaa ....
Fort Bend Ctujuty. |
ftumii Griiy
i.-.- ng
•Si m-arly ev.-ry
cv. ry newsiaper in (be r.i-.m-i reliir
old n ^^-ll■n^ of
! I.lneliore r
i Travem- City Oil* w.s-k
l»»l try', •'V.-n
e>-<-n the melniiKilitsn
daili.s. Isj
Ivltlng old
M,-,*!-*. F hi- :ii-.d Kddl-- Gray t
— •“
. . s »c m attmumrlnr It and Ihe
to Thii«iip*oiivllit Moii.l.iy
rulls nrlilevei
U Is Ml wlnipl
I Uken
Emerson R.-an
pn-iAnhtivinc *<>m.- fine weather.
•Iny (.IT
Caah w
JaaBsi? 1st W
amnil ct»L It Is m.i.Ie up as follows: sick Krliluy and
No";i.VgM« yefto a,..-ak ol.
iim any good ^r.-*rripih>n pluir- be wa* »o had Unit hi*
nnld Bitract Pnndrtlon. one- wired and rea<*ed here Ctabmslnd riein o.-w uimitwa* .
Cash iwo-tr.d Imm tprrws.d tnaurKince:
Compound KargoB. "
half ounce:
BTiillh last week.
lA-tuta Fought M vlalilng r.-latlve*
““ o^ee; Compound By
-nds In
igl n II l.pi- and friei
l.uioulihree ounce*. Mix by shat
!n*t Ttiursda'
<>r Tin.
labw-*.! fwei-irr.1 .w d*ll>
iin-l Ink.- Ill l.-j*isu>ufiil do,
Total UerwlpU ........
... _____ meal and at Utf’ltn.-. TU.l.i’ng »Pt
1 ti.-t‘> -* .1.1
air nil *lmpl.- Ingrvrt:.-m*. making
r A M.
Mr. :
IM.. Sheuanc
ll••lll.'t i
■rlh f.'r
Rheiimailsm. as every on.- knows.!*
Miss Kdns
aytnplnm-of d.-ntnged klilii. v* It
-^ "
.» w<-<'ks' vvealion.
Jim Skipp.-ig.i>h an.l
r.' riU'ing *o.*I f-r E. ’’
Jan. C.


o3l>inUkg'AiMtt<.-ar?F»h‘*iTn^ * IMHU






Deposits in this Bank r.rc


rr --rPsl-Tr


eai<-d. ellln-r in ihi- urine or through
nt S F H >dg s.
How I* Your 0.9«»t or
***J«- Holirof; w;i* li) H.tfge Fridav
the skin pore*, remains In the Wood.
Hoh rof;
Mr*. Mary Howling of So. -Irt Klh
. O 1,'tre has l-e,-n earing for
decompose* an^ forms alout the
Av«-_ Sail Fratici*r.i. n-coiiim.-iiil*
i t.-ni«-ily lor sloiiia.b
irrmbliSute of Michigan. County of Grand

"Gratltndifor ll
Trayerse. as.
]efft-el of Fl.-ctric RHIeiw
James H. Monw. President, and
This prescription
scriptlot Is
said to Iw a
lie In-llgrsllon.
Oeo. W, MeWrthy. Secreibry of said spl.-ndU hi-allng, cleansing and lliVlgOr.-n Fnvr.' of Tniverr-- CUv
company, do and («cb for
himself oratiog Ionic to the
l.e.-n vIrdUng relatlv.-s here the last
tr..iit-!>doth depose and My that they have
i« almost tmm.-diate ivliet In
road the foregoing
and forms of bladder and urinary lroul.1«-s
know the cnoi.-nts tb.-n-of. and that anu lutckache. Hi- also warn* pr*K>l.: Honor S.iiurday ofu-r a
they have punl r.-a*on to bell.-vc and In .1 l.iadlnR New York iuHm t scalusi
do believe aald sinl.-iiient to«U- iruv. the
use uf mauy patent ,
.M.-iuv of th*- Jip-n ol
JAMES H. MONROE. Pivsid.nt.
OBO. W. MoWKTHY, Secri-tarv.
Ev» .lao'nish and Tllllc K.-m- of i *
L- loiy.
Sworn and auDscrilH-d U-fore me at
Trav.r*.-Cite eatii.- home New- ^ .airs ; Ur:s Co. drug sure*,
Traverac Oty. la aald slate and coun­
Oom. to Mr. and Mrs. .1i»hn Ham­
dav for II *!--rt v‘* I
ty. this Slat day of DeceniU-r. A. B. mer. Wediii-sil.iv- Jan. 1. a sun.
M. I.
WuiTuiii I
K,-iU -il *.-rvinw I- gnn
Jusiu* Kniii'l- was u Trav. r*- City
!;. M. ' pl-viiiii. Biii.lo.-V, It!,*-<I HP!--.
chiireh li. r.-la* I night. Ih
vl*l|ur Saturday
Grand Traverse County,
Jim Smith and family wpi«nt the .lay KooMS in c-.Uarg.v .
- Mr. amlMrs. W. I’. Keimey of Tn
with Mr. and Mc». Hav.-n* Sunday.
niaalon cxplrgs April h. 1911.



fhc*f deposits are >roieclctI by m >re CiipiiaJ
I S-.*ftf».(Mi0 00 I and Surplus (f i"»,0<iO(W) ilnn ts
oilcr.l by any Bank in Northern Michigan.
\Vr- pay three per cent, interest on TTm->, l)epost >. and Sjvin«ts Accuunls.

Traverse City State Bank
Oldest. Largest and Strongest Bank
In Northern Michigan.


■ This has been the most successful sale we have ever held.
* In point cf values it wxs the best, wtiich accounts for its bciiii: the
most successful, for people do not buy nowadays unless the values are
FridayandSatufday. January 10 and 11. will be the two last days.
' Notwithstaodirji'ihis sale has run two weeks, you will find some of the
best values of the whole sale will be on display on these two days.
U you have pot attended this sale, by all means come lomorro*
and next day. If you have been here come again. You will lind pleifiy
of good things to interest you.

Here are some things that you should inves'.igaie:
/.. !/>/y:.S CO. I 7'S—l)o not wait long' r for special price*; you will
never get a belter chance.
r.\W:‘A‘//7:'./A’~\Ve will eWe you your ih iice vf anything in
upderwear for these twodiys at 2-') per c-nt discount.
ir(>OA A'A.-/.\A7;'7'.V-Some of the best lalues if the tci* „
arc now being offered.
A’/T.l/.^’./.YT'-V and odds and rnd> of everything at prices that
are so little you cannot help

Tomorrow and Saturday your
Last Two Days



CM*ld«r reliability w^iea reading these Items.

Cotton Batttng at 4c

Reliable mereha^lse at reliable redactions are w->rlh investigation.

Steinberg Bro.*s goaraalee 1$ i


Fbr this Mif -too roll* of Cotton
Ra'linv; nt
|icr roll................................. .......................................


»le protectloa

Fleeced Blankets. 39c
For thu S,l.. 100 pnin Cotio
p.T }>ijr..............

. .

iil:, .



Our Great Inventory Sales
J1 Rousing Roaring
Phenomenal Bargains
Cloak and Tur Sale
men’s iUarm Clothing

I - il ,u:.>■ ■■;.'/ ■ --Ki.

:,-i iiiu'lf.i


'• •

,v .

■ 'i.-r
' ;. /my I ■ r

ih- y:,!

go In
only .

Lftdiit' long ouuU that v.-ro enven
«d abalf ^ ten

Ladles* 118 Coats at tio L.uUt
boug OxhW and Short C.kiti, KlMl
and ioo«ettyi«t tliat «vro fifi.-. n iiwl
Ladies'888 CoaU afSio Ladi.V
bang Uonu ami Short Coalt. ul! of
OBJ Qobhi<>4t |^Annr-nt»1C IcKte 02 fit­
ted BtVlra, made of finetl Kerteyt.
fincat BrtMwlcloth. VeU ur hd I Car.:- nl.
all beautifully tilk linoi.
W, rv $i:-.
$80 and m
Nat one rrter.-ed.

1,..,.:; .U


Misses* Coats that vero tbr<><‘ nml
l^ur tSolleni. gw in lliit ^ J

Baby \

Ooata, ail of onr fincat No>'ellv Bear- 1
tkinc, Cnrlf Bearf', Broadtail VeUcU. )
bimd Brordolotbt. etc, Coata that |
ware 86 and W-SO. not one reaerred, <
80 in tbit talc, your
choiwiortaly...................t^O»OU i

« I'Oi «’lo ’ll. 8,

2\ ,» n-r*-

y.» 1 -wil uio-t at tb'w

• «.-’V ’Mug.

o.— O’ »ti«- year. ♦

Upeo 80 Overcoats -:» - M , .


Misses* Coats timt verr tire xnd •>!
•KMtara, 'gw iu tiiit aal<;

I iIh .-’M -o

H .'f Fii.-,.

l> . ‘• 1 >• i.i ' the

|«-rf.<-tii'n of fit ‘.but n« «|f>.

....... J...... 'JC

Misses' Coats that w<ro ten and
tvbive dolUn, go in
this sale at..................... t^OOC/
Misses* Coats that vere bcvco end

8iJ8BabyCMto at s»fi0.

alio* llio \ •

Up to 87 Silk and Net Waists at :us

LadiM* M Long Coals at tt. Ls .
■ diet'Long
fiv.- ii'i-!.
: ri* .i..n.irs. hUck ni.d
0 J /l/l
r- <-oloro. f<H only...................

■ * M

.-r , ,j
•Fike TIim.b^rl H.'iHtifnl V\ ,i*t, «.
F--'k I'l-N ^ :■! lb.‘



■t'.y !'■>/ :■ .:,H

Hondro-l* of ol.oiac ifnrnienU ariil be pUfx-l c I iKtIc nt 2-‘>. nr. lui’l -VI j. r •
tbcirhyilin lo»r pfi<’et ~....................

Ladics*tie LongCoats «t ss.oo


■ ,1.' .
k. .



■ ‘“k:



s. k


uiiil Yo iig M. ii's ()r> rc”ii*< th>ii «•<'


N’ I
’ i;-ii
r-- fi.i:.r -i” ' ; • 1. ii
u ;,i’..
y tiii'l ;.lf L-.-l-i’; .t'l g” :il III.
e T 4 0
I'lri f of.......... ............ ...................................... ^ J,40
88.08 Waists at I 7.> Si.k Ka.iin>id’ na
and N< t WHi«t» in Wiiiie-.»r BU’’K ti.»t
t,-o.tiii>«.libr .b.'hr’.goa...................... ^1

■ nil’, go t’l tl-.A



$»LS« Overcoats .1 in- .

M™ .

fiuf ovm-OBJi ID bl.ifks. ‘ilu.-o. ()3k'<»rd
grata «r Nml-a. tn«t w.-re le: n-.l
go III 'hlB_'nlv at oulv..........t • i 7

Best 8$0 Mackinaws ' ^

8^ Wal«t$ at 9V, Silt Em»»r B.iiss- W isia
u> whiU'or'IiVi k and all «wol B. tany '* in .-..I
-riHtm. •mtli I.7"i amf2,2;,

818.00 Men*s Overcoats m

81.00 Waists

Men's Reefers i 2 »> -M.-i'»ib-i-f
era oi C.:.-tinioy and Mfllwu. .....bwith bmty wa rn lining, with b gh
forc’i iv'l Hr Hill d<iu’ I.
b-.M l*’..
Won'' t'-nr.-uiil
half, ot

To close :'t..

Men’s 8ttS Wool UnderWenr


WE ARE GOING TO GIVE AWAY FIVE HUNDRED ROCKERS, cartt. s?at or saddl‘2 seat.
Som- of »•” m
be very handsome lar^re Uptictsterec! Lfatlier Ann Ro'.kcrs.
All of th'^m will be good and comfcr*.tb!e
and no doubt most acceptable. We uid five tickets with every 50c purchase and you can havt until June
1st, nearly five months’ time in which to gather them. For 50 tickets you can have a Can'? Seated Rock­
ing Chair; for one hundred tickets you ten hove a large Arm Ro"ker; tor two hundred tickets you <.an
have a beautiful large Upholstered Rock'^r^ tor four hund-ed tickets we wMI give a large geruine Leather
Upholstered Rocker, worth $25.00. Of course ih<^re will be other things as usua*, such as Suit Cases,
Parlor Tables, Underskirts, etc., that we will giv-i’ away with tic-kets.

L>l^’ SKiRTS-Tbat were W.M and 14.

Bstonisbing Dress Goods Prices

Never in •.lie hisicrv of thi' ciy
d cti S.H.- -n «.ih h '.ivj redsc.i' '
;>l:d s* ‘.rsl L [."iC" .

86 Inch Mixed Plaids,
2-w V .Im-*. f. r...................

: i9c

86 inrb'Fnncy Snltlngs,


.■ IJri’ss
b’.i r
dr. B’ •" r

tuch a i> id: r;n :
iu .
hi- -•

.V.k- v.,lu«i l. r.....................



Now Ifs Rocking Chairs

Cremendous Reductions
in Skirts, Kimonas
Underwear, Etc.

»l..:'.H; „|„.,„, iL.t



To clow at___

50c Waists


r..|. Ii Nck Hii’l g n\ «-h. rk
F llriiK l. Ht.....................

Paiiie. onr'egnliir 2 6.' tnluworth 4:1. in this kai« at
only ......................................

1.78 Wool Pants a> 12V

Cadies' and IHen's Fur
Coats of Reliable
blfi a»Un*.

32 50

a Mat

v^i^g^jlDon't Forget Our One-Fourtti^O(f Sale,
Remnants o( Wool press Goods at HaK Price and Even Less.
of Black and Cclored Silks

TS AT |t.7^AU ot our Aaesl
bars |12.M and IIS >
na Skirts go In tbla sale at

___________ ...nONAS A
8T«r and Ugbl blue. | gg
made o( bee buSy fla«e«
worth td at
HOUbt JACKCT^bUde ot bnc Ramona Flannel In dain­
ty Perilan detlfna. wonb II.2S.......................................................
•Oe KIMONAb AT S»o—Short KImonkf made of Fleeced
Flanneletua In neat ^Uen>i._»on^50c_^a»d^6te

y< u BiH- 111. tu.


Onr Eatlrc Stock of Ladie$*r Misses’ ud Chil­

Flannelettes, in Htfi»).8'm l fi\mro* an-l P. r.
a;«i! t'ff.n-ih .1. i\.i.,rK. •i‘i
... .at lu
. ..*r'..........
All Best Onting QoUkS, t ar

dren’s Uaderwear In Wool or Cotton Fleece,
Slagle Garments or Union Salts, wUI be Sold
during ibis Sole at

wav .:..wi, lo

4k. 7c and 9c

One-Quarter OH

Iras tor Curtains,


Men’s 42.00 Fur Coata at................



LADIES’ FUR ORIVINC COATS, CO tnrhea l«n^. with blfbAn Ch
r.pllar. aA/r-.b $32. at....................

Blankds ^l' R;duct(l :n Price,
. 43.50
Extra Urae Fleeud'sianliels.
85c Its3 95
.............. .. I6C
Big Cu( in Lacc Curtains.
I piir u . $1.25
89|: Good German Knitting
Boat All Wool^BI^ela.


Zfinche* Ions. «onb US.


Stlnrbei tons, worth $CC.


LADIES' FUR JACKETS. :i Ibebt-a l»nc. worth


- ft


FIceci'd Blanketa.

Canon FUIcd Comlorlcra.

LAOIEb’ OirriNO gowns that were b.« and

u- i.’.

Heavy Wool Pau’B. Mglii au i 'art
I’olom. bmry w. ighi. al: aiz a worth
1 7.'. for thia avie '
^ 25


BcmiitUal Klmonn snd House Jackets
at Nearly HaU Price.



Hrre iti the peatest opportunity tu buy Ibem a

I all C lor.n1 tiiiil Bliick W.<j1 Dr«*•
aoU f r $1 « >«r»l ..r ovor. ii'-ti.ii g n+enwi.




ut O. rturiae th-s ..Tv at ............................................................


'MiuViiT worth


in 'hu Mle at..............................,..............................

*'‘\!.'^S“S^3.50 ;,‘s.:v.i.98



S2c >«...........

Ladies’ Long Goli Gloves. tli«w length, were
^Qr7bc pair, at.......................................... .................................... t? ^ C-

Ladlu’1^ MIssm' GmmUel Kid Gloves,
OilMrc.’. Doid>le Wool MItta
tbkt wen? lyo. .. ....................................


nu . $•'. •. p„ir at..................

Ladles* 80c Handkerehlefs at 2Sc



$l.:o ihluAW. at ....................................................................................

All linen, barnxi. .’aibroiii«»r«i awl hematitoh.
>vl. H>ui(llorchi(?i8 tbut were fiSc. lOc 017^.
nnd .oOc n « cboio- for.................................. ZOU


Steinberg Bros.

BOYS’ WINTER CAPS. WORTH 28e AND SOe. to olooa at So.

p.tir at...............

[Yam 'n navy.cardinal. J

gr-y MM • U' S- P”C

The Store that gives
U'bal It adverilses, at
the Prices advertised.

inuw II

lltgiri* Goats ttint V«>rr- Arc itntl nx
iiDliHra. tu t'* Itiw Kil*50


m will
be very handsome large UubcisterecJ Leather AriTt Ro'-k^rs. All "f th-^m will be good and comfortable
and no doubt most acceptable. We wi’l five tickets with civery 50c purchase and you can havt until June
1st, nearly five months’ time In which to gather them. For 50 ti^kets you can have a Can'* Seated Rock­
ing Chair; for one hundred tickets you can hc-ve a large Arm Rocker; for two hundred tickets you can
have a beautiful large Upholstered Rork^’r’} tor four hundred tic kets we will give a large genuine Leather
Upholstered Rocker, worth $25.00. Of course ih^re will be other ihmgs as usua', such as Suit Cases,
Parlor Tables, Underskirts, etc., that we wMI gwi* away with ti< kets.

Misses* Coats timt wprc thri<<‘ :tm1
tour (iullnrs. ko tn thi« ^ J ^f)
MMBaby Coats at t3A0.
OokU, all of oor fiont Novdtv Bearakin*. Curly Bears, Broadtail VeKvU.
Linid Brordolotha, etc, Coeta that
irarc 16 and $6.50. not one reaerved.
BO in tbia aale. yoor
^ 9 f/]
choice for only...............

in Skirts, Kitnonas
Underwear, Etc.
I2JQ MIMES' SKIRTS AT SS:. Ml»»«' BUck wool Skirts, qq
tS to S8 loot leagtli*, wars tt-iO. at............................................. wOU
LADIES' SKIRTS—That were U.50 and tt.
^2 0Q

; 26 Inch Mixed Plaids,

:.i9c :

2-x: v.lii**f. r........................

StLSO SILK SKIRTS AT S7.80 Ladles' 81k Sklrti. made up 7 rn
Terr full and nobbr. were SIO and
at ........................... / .3U


4ic, 7c and 9c

One-Quarter Ott
and 11.00.




»oil'. 1 !<• i.

69c: India Linen.

39c; liv-dviml Bt-.



3.50 s."^l.98 S.:;” 1.35,
LnUenN^^ Goll Gloves .1«. lensm, .

r>frtut lu il- B

ir' »-y Kcd.TOTili 3‘*«iiil4


Ladles' and Misses’ GannUel Kid Gloves.
| Ladles' SOc HandkercUeia at XSe
were 16c a pair, at.................................................... fTJFte \
barrwl. .-mlvroi.lereil.aml heinglitcli.
I’d. Hwuiikort'hiela that wi re :!5v. lOc 25c
CMMrcn*s Doable Wool Mitts
and .lUc n.'W choid- £"r..........................
that were liic. at ..............................


Isles’ Silk Mrtwd*. ii,..:. -li
r- .........

.n-.l:. . •.•.,-1, 1,-9. ....


Men’s 42.00 For Coats at............... ........

32 50








ooUar. nor'.li |3i, »l........ ........

•♦tl W»Vl!r.>Wtl to

LADIES’ OUTino GOWNS that were



M l*ff.Vlala. .d- C
-.81 lo ,n.i, a\. »


5. worth 2»c s




Blank- ts \l' Riductd :n Price.
Cotton Filled Comlorters.
Cotton Batflng,
. I6C
Big Cur in Lacc Curtains.
Lace Curtains

Flannelettes, in •*ihi»§-n;.l 6v-i.n« »i.-i P. r

n*s Underwear In Wool or Cotton Fleece,'
ale'GaraaeBts or Union Salts, will be Sold }

dnrlno this Sale at

" thp srnaiodt oppomnlty t, buy them at a bic awt lng.

yen ei^' tl» m.

' 1.98

.... 1.25


Don't Forget Our 0ne-Founl^0(f Sale
Remnants of Wool Press Goods at HaH Price and Even Less.
Remnants of Black'and tclored Silks

Bcanllliil KlmoDas and Honsc Jackets
at Nearly Hall Price.

1.75 Wool Pants a* 12V
M> n'«
U.-avy \'o«.i I'ai.ts. Ii,r»i( an I 'ark
<-o!nm. henry w.-ighi.a1; six a. worth
for i

Cadies' and men's Fur
Coats of Reliable
MEN-8 S35

SIS SKIRTS AT S».rs—All o( our flarst I12.S0 and IIS VoUgq
and Panama Skins go In this sale at ....................................... O.f 3

SOe KIMONAS AT 3»«-^bon KImona* msde of Fleeced
Flannelettea In neat patterns. ^ort^SOc and 60c at

L- L-Vt-'-'i Go(.«i> !>•.: n
■tr. B ' . C..II ••

Newr I'l '.1(0 hisirrv of thi< c ’v ha> ^uch a
r.n :
{ji|.y<cd on s.-l ■ :-n tHith h -.»vj rr-dneu^ • s in oiic<. :ii ■-hi- -1
< •■rc«s* ‘.rst cni-iC>.

Men*s 2,50 Wool Pants t i .i \
M-u » extra t «-i»Ty nil
K-r.vy Pants, our'eirnlnr Sftii vnlir . ♦•4'ily
vorlh f;i. ill (his sale at
f /l/l

9^cjstcinberg Bros.

STlnebof lonf. woftli S4S.



S( iorhe* lone, wahk tK.

. 43.50



“ 3.95
’. 95c

»f ti, Wlli p. m.B »t.............................................................. j.

HOME MADE MITTENS—Meu'i. at--! Uo>»- Home UaSe
Miti.-ia.. »onb r.'T. at.................................. :.......................
MEN'S HEAVY WARM LINED MlTTS. mid^ c( hor^->.
boe»k;.'i facr.'d, al!
w-wed. 'a.«l>04
U.- it e>. d’irtnc Ih-I. Bile



ol Rallied Sasb Curtains, |q ■



UVB. in 'bio dale at ..............................................................................

r..::. \alu*«. a: ....................................................................................

B ••■•r»- $2 a pur u w

Brussels Net Curtains,
Cl U. B put..' 118. »vrth
an Jr'' I p-tir it...................................







Good German Knitting Yam’iin.r,.aHlul. /qk^.y Miw . lack. l»-r BkeiH ........ ...........................M
Hose SiHBPorlcrs, ill Bi**** Sp<cid i’, Saopwin
- Cioap Ii *e £»app»rters. wonb lOj per pair, at........CfV

Ttie Store that gH'es
5tamr<:(l Linens, Doilies and Center Pieces.
wbat it adverlises, at
all le-iiie^i from
.............................. 20 tO 40 pCT CCnt
the Prices advertised.

fJt|ronl. TraTerse City emnte right back. The vvmiwthy of a ho*t or friends if i;aco at the immamiel
«uu Naw*.
[ The total weight of the flagpole on
Toe Detroit Newi, one ot the moet major portion of terrltorr.
jhowerer. Hall geltinf the applause extruded to tte bereaied cutxher lulchurrh l-y the Rev.
Rafa.hol.; The Ivjlldln,: m tv :ns a, a p.wtofflce,
York's lalWi imlldlng is
prahibliIta I for the first banket. In thU half Hall her great l««.
inflnenUal newnpapen In the euie of ColoraSo—Local opUon
Mr. K^ten Bahle If th.- sm of U E,*» Boyne Ciiy-wa, damaged by firet^-.y poouif it Is 60 feet high and
Klehlgas and In fact one of the moit sale of liquor in greater part of ter- aecured two ba«keu. HaMoo
Lerenx Koch.*
liable, who i, pO'-(iaj«ici
prominent In the nortbweatem etate* rltorr| Whiting one fret- throw. Enat JorFimeral rerMce* for Lorvni Koch
MU* fjiur* is The daughter of. The safe In the Michlgj^ Conirtll prepamilons are being made to es
ia devoU* a great deal of attention OreBoiv—Paritally dry through loisal dan'a forward, H.«cured Ml their «en* held tbl* arerooon from the
S'»'•« "J-nitahlisb wirvlro* telegraphy between
I the antiwaloon morement which opt on.
residence ou Ebm Ninth ti'reel. the village and wlxi fur the pas- year ba* Tuesday night and
Pekiug and tbr Htiiih of China.
T the eouniry and ha*
Score at end of fir*t hail:
for the Cltlieti's leie-^ lUg.
'-jA»hc*U4 shingles, niade of aabewtos
The WomenW Club.
I for ardIn favor of T. H. S.
boarere wire taken from amopg the phone Co- and his daughter being I A Joint im-etlng of trust«-* «f all
fiber and cement, alwflrb atwm !■ per
At tbf mt^tUng of the Woman'* club
• etes from the center* of each dUtrict
The teams did no; chaitge their line old rexldents of the city who h*d been -Hello girt i
aeylum* lit Slirtilgan will be cent ot thrtr weight in water.
where the prohibition morement a Friday afternoon It was definlU’ly >ip in the se^nd half uuti the
associated with lilni in hii,tn<’*a life.
Mis, l,a:.ell4'. Il=nholoiuy Is \l*it-^held at the a,v!uni ai Kalamatoo.
The >;iu c railways ct iuly have a
Infinentlal decided to form two classea. for ont- ficlsl, were the same, lu this. EsjiI The reuia u, were ictei iu Oak- ing rel.i'iv.-s al L'jdlng'on.
.tanuary 16.
mlbwge .<t about TJlon mile*, an In
paper* tbrongbont the country are. B de atudy. A Bible class with Ur*. Jordan took a brace and for a ilni" w-oed.
The schecis i.f thl* village have ro
Evelyn Thornton Va* appointed icrease of -.600 ;»lle* since Hi«.
laMng the same course as the Even-1-I. R- hanio as the first leader was or- played the locals off tholr fm. Had
Mrs. Mills Dead.
oiiencd the first «rf the w.vji. at n.Tkshi».-. Sanilac couuj The currency taken from mMIrwl
ing News and that which I* being | sanlxed. and one in domestic wlence Ibelr forward* been a, good as the
Word has been ri'celve.l
M, n. Hoqker «f Chail-voix
vice S- J Slanii. n,jgn>-d
j.-d Irtter, at the dead letter oMce
advocated by Hie Brenlng Record. with Ml*. J. L. Oibb* leader, the lat­ rest of the team either iu team work death of Mr*. MIIH. a fonner re*»- spending a wn-k here ou husluess.
Mayor Kfng of Adrian ha, calle-l'l.iii
am.miil.-d to SfiT.Tlo.gS.
In the tenne of yMterday. the erealng ter to meet 4*0. 16 at the home ot or In playing ibeir-poslilonii indhU- d»m of 'bis city and ,n member of
John Ou wa.v -.i; I’rmenumi Mon­ upon the couucll u. either ahrogntej Th,- water c.':i,uui.M In London
Ur*. A. W. Peck.
New* aeyi
ually there wo-jld protiubly have
the Haj’tUt church. She |ias,ied qw*3' day ou burlilr*,.
ihe franchise od the Adrian Has Co ' .'.ich .v. jr would fill a trench 2.40U

"What li probably the greateet
HowanI St.dniei. Martin Marriason
o culiipel the comivany to ktw.T lls 1 miles long and « fi-et deep.
temperance wave to the history ot Che coming year wa* appointed, conelst- seemed to lose their heads. Before remain, wer.- hroucht u> this city and l-oul» Bulme all of ih‘a place rater.
Mexico's coffee exports this year
lag ot Mr*. D. F. Wilson, chtlnnan: the t*l|g could be checked lhre<- for Interment In the family lot af Oak- went to Frankfort Wedue<day wher
United autes hex
E, C. Chase, who boasled that.he wit] he lu the. n.'lghborhood ot SO.Mr*. A. W. Peck, science and educa- baahrts were b-ing up ;o East Jor wood. She ha, lelativew I vlng
the country, gurcrng more than
Ihey win iM' employed on the caifer- would CM-aiH' Ir.uti S'.ierlf!! Olyiilree
Peloskey. where she made her home.
dan's credit, making the score i:
quarter of a eencory ago In Kanaas Uon; Mrs. Z. C. Brans, music, art
ef Alcona c.^nnty, l.a, made
le c«td. H.
An electrical Instrument recently
She had UwD vUliIng at Ciucinnai
and Maine, the two orlgtsal proiiUd- expression; Mra. Hughes, literal
Sliss aioUie Snibetb. John Fmisctli broke away li.-m ih.- oTfic r at Har- Invented for avoiding the pain Inci­
Werit W-th Mother's Club*.
Right there the locafe t.gntened . Ohio. Ml,. MIIU waa foroierly Mifi nnd Theodore Rieffen* of this place
doD etaten, the aoU-llquor mor<
to.' extracit.’n of teeth has at- The Mother's club of (be
and this was the end of the scoring Cri's,. of ihlk <Mty.
ha« now trareled from end to end of
ore ntlendlng business eoUegw at
'n.e th! U
as last n~ It ■-in
o-'irt.'d c»n,idrr.ible atlenlion. Bricfly
Mra. Cralflo'B Funera
on E- J. H. 8. part. For Traverec
the nation. On the flrat of the year, schools desired that the Worn City. •
t'ghteiied on Mudetii "rqh r-ihs',
It rtinsist* of adjustable prons*. car­
The funetwl was held Sunday and
City. Whldng secured four on fre^
•onthen otatea which bjkTe been ‘wef club cooperate and assist them
A wtr|irl*e parly wag given in hon­ Albinti. Four euib'glacs were fined
rying huUonVAMi cQlUltfted with an
Knee the day* of the earliest colon- Vringfng the' following* proiwslUon th'rows nnd* Ha!l'£our un two haeketa, Long Lake, whs h<dd yestAntky Tinrt or of the hlrthd.iy of Mr,: John ISetiV
of $|I< tor yelling on Stale ch-ctrlc battery.
The buttons are
was Urgely diteudid by friends and
one very difficult.
let*. went 'dry.' Georgia going com- before the dty antboriaes:
Tueseay evenng, there being ~ir.'et Slcnday night.
place.! on the (nee urer the nerves
That the city prorlde a free bed
The main tauti. as might Im> <x|iecl- relulives. many plunei'rs uJso botog iu abonl tiiir of her frteiidK present
Metnly tn problblOon on Jan. i.
eonleading from ibe teeth to the brain,
ed. was lack of team work Individ- Jiilelidanc. The Rev. J, W. Sillier The evening was spent tn dancing, vemi.'.ri.Bt Baitle Creek Weditt-Hdiy
the nme time, fit per cent of the ter­ t the city hospital, that free
and •* circuit Is iwuhUshed (he mo­
proper care he given the city am­ .islly they played a good game, all of nnke ol the many flue qualitkw
ritory of Kentn^. the home
card playing, singing, etc. All those
a general med'cal them, but the team work was ragged Mrs. Craine and dwelt upon her beau­ present Tvported it as one of the mo«t evening Mumped the new ihire food ment the extrarl’ng Instrument tooch‘bovrton rye.' wlSt dry. forcing pro- bulance. and
law wllh approval afl.-r the u.l.lreM es ih.- tooth.
blMtloe on jAk).000 of the eutc's inspection be made in the public
time*. Bast Jordan displayed the tiful Christisn efaararter. A quartet enjoyable ilium ever *[HHit in Sutton* of Fr.'»idini .Alfi- ; Ea-ter,
Th.- I'nloB League club of Brpokacbools.
"ptmslaUoo ot S.230JIO0.
After '
oe fault but If th. ir forwanb. etmld rompub-ed of Ashury SI. E. chtireh aiy. Sirs IVusler Is Si year* of age ttuit. lyn. bas Invited Btsbow Cbarie* G.
littee from the club will >>e have tbrown haskeis tH’iicr they singer* funilshed (be ni'.iide. The jiull
Em dej^ l»0» Alabama will
bii> nvlded heie for the la,t thir­
Still o:i yie war p.. i, .if alleged vi- Galloway, of Jacksou. Miss., to apeak
wrboOy «y.' And no on throngh
ty-four years, ev. r wine- her maroiaters of the ,alu«n law-; Sheriff tlaIts Abraham l.lncola birthday.cele­
Rlckerd. tVIlIiaiu Uraut. (>et>rg» Rob
New Vaaes' Groetln*.
wwk In getilnr the lull down
iage to John DeuMer. Her home heTldMD of Foil Huron Wednesday bration on Feb. 13 liexl. The bishop
ertson. E. Filnioiv and F. J. Stover.
Tb« prealdenL Mrs. Martin, gave In field wa* hUi^rl«.r K. tbe liK-als.
foiv tli.1t was in Milwauk.-e.
"AnUwalooB pooplt are worUng tn
iftornlng sened wU a great admirer of Uncoln and will
pleasing way, a new year's greet- may be seen from the aeor.' Travers-v The remelns were Inieired In Oak:
, emry natn In the noion, and are
mnre. .tti pleaded not guilty at Ibe
his subjMl from the Btanupoinl
ig. She said there were some things City out played the viHtors In each w««o<l.
Mothers' Club.
inaMiag vRh snecM. The reform
of the fonnnoai thinkers of iba south.
a new leaf might be tamed upon half by a email mnrgin. The spon'vThe Union street Slolhers' club held prel'mlnury broring in police ^uirt.
ware Is hMsg fMt la the ‘wettnai- loThe hoi........If Frederick Trost of
Ja|Nin and China now u*v more
Great Com Showr.
and she believed that with Ood's help man-llke conduct of both si>ecta(on
very Interesting liKvting Thursday
calKtaa in the *wMtMf suten. Not
than nio»t of the other counan should do her best for the com- and player* was most coq^raendahte—.
afternoon, tb.- leader being- Mr*.
all the sraalUi ot he oomMned liquor
The brief vacation ha* been a the usual kicking on every dec’slon hi Id ill rounection wiih tiie mrniers* Frank' Shannon- and the snhject,. about . clock We.»ne*day ufternuon. triee.' and this ts about the only meu)
tetaewts has been enough to stoo the
Institute ni the court hiiii.i- in 11.,<'

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