Grand Traverse Herald, June 02, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 02, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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n nss EuiT nsoN
•Mw «l aw omnwr Ndw H Ymtd



Detrett, Mleh.. Met . M.—MemorlAl
DiV oyntA wltb A 4rtullag nla
«1M «tow«d •boot f o-ekMk. Tbe
•mi o( .Ow ««r bw* irai Um BBTeil
tog of tb« WaKBMt to
tet <pmaor.
■pEiB—iwm at Oormor Kmob oc««pM M*U of booor ud Inprowtra
fwaoDlAi Rwrkad Uc doAcKUoa of

u4 wW« tba am eoptui »( tbe
•uu stood.
Him. Thos. PDlowr presided sod
c br Miss BoUr
V. MSI u sWUr of <
■ad SMrn rests of sfc.


Borlsd SBder ibe earth probably
for a eOBtatr asd maybe more, a deer
bora was vBoartbed by Uborert os
Ibe Btw ntst maosal baok bulldlog
Tborsday, tbe aoUer belog toired at
tba wstor lereL How kmg It has
teld SBdsr tba sand, bo one koows
SBd oniU SB iBUrwUBg aoppoi
u bs woTSO sboBt tbe relic.
The bora wbieb u blBckeosd sad
discolored by Ume, may bare
brafceo from tbs head of a Mwk to a
battle for Ms lady lore at a ttme bafora tbe diseomy of AmerlM, or lU
rar might hare foraUhed a mdU
tor redsklaa baton Mlchlgsa was
eroB diaamad of. Os tba other band,
tba bora mi^t bare bees horted osly
a tow year* ago. At asy rate, DeO
Bgslrae bss tbe i*Ue bow and baa pot
It to bis ooCIactfem along wltb the
ataBed teBialBa of'Carir monkey aad

7,500 m

$5,000,01)0 IN ORDERS

MMOber, •sen •miMi «r tt
PtMs Uiw raid
THbdIe to Ufwsbi,


• gnwtie held o «err Net a Few Went te Caetera Sutba—
laiOTwaag BMasv •sUudsr stwr
btetel Tradaa Bapaelally Will
MOO. ths asHbsn isspnwdiag to tbe
nO Mil with war storlw, msiir of
Ow« hOM f* ■ mHolMSBi as
8L Lonla. Mo.. Jm
Iz-Joae 1
mt day- by
wUeh wore •odsnd hr ifeea.
the Nailoaal Proaperlty aasodeiloa,
Oserae W. BobwtSM. itfto sa
TAOO men return to work li
hBratoetod bar. «arr1ed pies sod eskot Loob and TldBlty.
Us aoUwr bUwd to the soldier bori.
Ordera from SL Louts aJBont
lUd of tbeoe sspertsBOM. sad Hsorr to B&.000.000 bare bera sent to man▼Pofbsw told law be bslpod to or- utaetnrers at) orer tbe ooeoiry. not
fsate pwttaa via igmi ooi lato Kao- tow of tbeae ordetvgolag to eaatera
■u Witt tba dAsradasttoa of sMtUag sUtee.
Ksasst sa s frw state.
Tbe meUt trades eapeebUy will de•Ooe aeattar. who was bora sostb rin large benefits.
af tbe KasMi aad Dtaoe ttaa, lald a
«4fb tribsis to Abraham Uoeola.
dacdaiwd that ^he Miter teeUso
*Uob bad estsud atur tbe close ol
lbs war w«ra 4liia»psaitna.
Iran Keeh Airaotod tor Chaek Fen
Ob Mae U ttera wlU bo a torsstrr
angrma. sod oa Jobs S? It wUi be
cdtfldrsa^ dar at tbs graate.
Iran Moeh was arraated Kpou oemptoloi of Cblet or Police C. W. Ashtoa
charged with forging a chock opon
tbe Pint Natienal Bank tor
payable to I. U Newton by 3. L. Bak4 c. Jib........ aad •swIaLaw. Will rr. and lodoraemeBU, tbe check barlag bees dated May M. KoA was
MHsSk H tywi, lad. Ars After
bacon Jodga Nerlteger sad
ram Usd.
OnmlDatlaB ael tor nsEt 'WadaeaC. JobaaM aad Us sooda-tew. day aAoraooa at 1 o'clock. HU ball
set tor ItW. and not balag able
'Wni MOSS, t»tt of Lran. lod.. are la
tts utr looklag BP turn tead wttb a to socora tba amoaoL was iskaa to
Tl*w of teesUag bora pamaaMtlr- tbo oouBty JsIL
Koch was appreheeded at ProraMr. Mason torawrlr Urod la tU«
MUr. bst has bssa to iBdUaa tor
moBt tail week by CMcf ot Po
dral roars. Tssierdar he closed a lice AebtoB, who inAt oot to that
«oal Witt rrsak Ksthardt. of Sotoa. place at midnight end raturaad wltb
wborshr Mr.^JobBsoo secorad W Ml awB early In tba monlag. Laaraasrss of load of Mr. Ilatbatdt Tbe iag that May Dyer, whose name ap­
gsatleaNW wish to parchsM between peared OB Ibe back of tbe ebaek, was
•M aad Mb asrss af Oraad Trarsrae at ThonpaonrUla aad wtahlag to aeoura her as a wttBaas. Mr. AAion
*<«t to that pbee Thursday and retnraad with Mis. Sgrer oa the erentng




Mrs. Dyer was onswan that the
chaek was forged, and atated that
WMON LANftLBY. OF LAKI CITY. ■he passed It for Koeb at bb reqnaal,
that be was baWag doMAO OAO LOat. .
masMe iroubb.
Msrss^ ths aubte Wss Ces


atraoga Dtacavary Made In Kssavst- AFFNO^IATC SCRVICCB
leg far First Hatlsfwl Benk
New aolMIng.


KphI Brua., er Nerthpert. Nava Sold
the Onekawin te Loub Aitee,
Ukr Cltr. Mich.. May M.-Tklt
of the Foxes.
Stir was vlfltsd with S serera ratsStorm sbost I o'elork IbU amralst.
No oerkMN damage wst oeoaaloned.
Tbe Onekawin. the tOfoot gaaollne
bawmrer. swept that tbe bara ot bunch owned by Kehl Brae., of Norib•Unas
Uogler wae etrack
by pon. bas been sold to. Loub Anee. ot
hgbUtac sDd barasd to tbe granal rtm Isbnds. and another and larger
Ono boras whteb wai to tbe bara at tatmeb will be put on the bay In her
»a lima porlahad. TMe U lha ..
plan. ChrUt Kehl came up from
■ad Br* Mr. Uagtey baa bad wtlbla Nortbpon tbb morning to look up
a roar. Um la aeUmatad at glAM. Biatortal tor buHdlng the Uuuch, and
abo to puKbSM an engine. The boat
will be built nt Nortbport and it b
IN. Ms N. Babooeh, of tfate oily, especied that It will be bnnebed July
aad Kite TbUa Oskar, of Nortbport. 1. ne Onekawla made eerera) trt(n
won salted is amrrtaga si Ua
between Nortbport and Cedar
■Maas af tta first M. a. chsreh by iMdge. aad abo ran to otter polau
tba Not. dosopa Dsttoa Jam riMsy
■long the bay.

I and TWO
WERE •uit* Are Ektrateriy ,
the Bey* Will Make a Hand-





FarMa and Exarelsaa b Afternoon
—O. A. R. Ritual Used at th
Caihstery in^e Mernlnp—
Co. M. Naw Unlferma
HemorUI Day dawned dark and
feggy, but nefore 10 o'clock the mist
rolled away and the sun eame
bright and beanUtul. The members
Ol MePberm Post. No. It, O. A. R..
the W. R. C. and tbe .Bpanbh-AmeriMB retrrans who made a fine sppoaraaoe b Ibelr natty new unlformi.

SOB Poet In bosses. Chen Ibe W. R.
C.. aboot a down busloads complrtlng tbe proceeMon.
Flewera On.Orawea.
ArrlrlBg at Grange ball, tbe Woman'i Relief Oorpe coedncied tbetr
ritual upon Oasa street bridge, sod In
honor of tbe sallort who lost ihHr
U«ee to Ibe servkw ike-W. R. C. aca'torad flower* upon tbe water.

On Saturday. Hannah camp. Bpanb*-Amerlraa war veterans, lonoerD
In DnUed Butat aerrica as Oompaay
M. 31lb Michigan VoInntecT*. appear-'
in attractive new nnirorms In
tba Memorial Day cxercisee. Tbaae
uniforms bsTc Just been received by
tbe Hnmlltoa ClotbtBg company who
was awarded Jbe eoatnet Is cmapeHUon with otter dealer*. Tbe avits
are extramaly attractive and tba company *rUl make a very handsome appearasce In tbe Memorial Day par­
The btoime b
of Indigo blue, regubtion army doth
with nAUUry cub It b alngle braastcd wttb brass bnttona bearing the
Untied flpanbb-Ameriraa War Vet­
erans emblem, oa the eolbr being In
brass letter* tbe laltlab V. fl. W. V.
Tbe- ironsers are gray with a Wue
stripe OB tbe outMde Ilk iMbw wide.
Tbe cape are of tbe same oolor and
material as the trcnmei* with blue
band and p«tant batter visor strap,
tbe front belBg adoraad wltb the na­
tional coai-of-arM Is brass and tba
niiffiber ts. tbb being, tbe nnmber et
Haanab camp In the natloBal organIsatloa.
These nnirorma coat abont Utk
praoUeany tba eaUre aaeuat being



HRMfl Coupb ef New Reeerds Ware Mh
Despite ttt Handicap the Mad
Wericed Vndar.



Hra. J. W. Ourlsy. a WKnaaa la Folica Ceurt at Datratt. SuddMlg
Orappad Dead In CaswA
■nua Mamina.

Batuiday-a BetTM was Mke tbe
eatter. eoose good aad
good. Ptereon. who tetely w«a ttir
ev«nt In a aUte coateaL went fO teet
and two tteibte In the brand JumpBbaaon did the 100 In IF hi eeconds
and the IM In n »4 aeooMa. Both
af these i«eorda were fine tor the
trach was awful. Tbe broad Jump Is
a new roeord and the liaw la the IM
yard la as fast at any^local
ever run It. The drsi two
each event wtn make up tbe team
which competes Baturday. They are;
100-yard datt—Slmpsod. Wall*:
tlm* 10 14.
KO-yard datb-flimpmra: St 44.
Hlgb Jnmp-Plerwm; t feet «
iBcber. Whiling, i
UUng; »
fort 4 InrbesL
DIeens—Wbiting. PHnoa; tt toot.
Shot put—Whititig. IlBBioa: 3* foot
T incbca.
Hammer throw—FleraoB. Waite; 44
High bnr^ Weraom Eldrod; II

Detroit, Mich., June I.—The m
Important eveat in tbe history of Cbtrott BnaBccs oeourred today vbea
the First Nations] bank mecMd wttb
tbe Commertdal National tad ttraw
opeo tbe doors of the Bneet banklBg
honse -west of New Tork.
The bank occnpylng tbe cflUre
ground Boor of the a«w fOr« buUdtag
at an annual rental ef gMMO. The
esplul and surplu
tbe new bank
aegregacea gj,000.000.
‘ Tbe opaalog took tbe torm of a
grand raeeptioa which
tbrongbosl tbe baaklBg boar*. Mngnlflcent floral decorations eabanced
Tboee winner* wUI la all probabUtbe braoty of tbe •eene.
Ity oompoM> tbe team aUbongh asm*
flinttt Oltehtegad.
Detroit. June
In the Pollee eouri ilnor <^angi« may be made.
conspiracy case today. Jnetlc* flleln
rendered a declshm dtoeharglag Po­
lice Commldkloaer flodtb and holdtog Ftang Kibbler npd Captain New­
berry tor trial.
Witrmee Qreppid Oaad.
Detroit, June I.—Mr*. J. W. OurIvy. who was prvtrnt a* a wttiMW
this morning, suddenly dropped dead
In. Police court. She wae tC yean ot

tbe cliy coBtribuang Mberaily tor ibU
purpoee. The peopb of tbe ooau
BUM BTOUT AND MR. EOWARM tty take pride la tub orgaalsstlon
tbe coglrlbnUoBs to asslet In ae
ruling the new regalia were made
wltb a spirit ot patrloUtm and prldh
Want to Old Mbeien and flack In 10 lo the raewd of the boys of Com-'
Ibny M. Mtek one of tbe gtnsenu'
Hewra and RefuOad All Oflara
will boar SB lamal and sumber and
Te RWe.
will be kept 10 Individual looker* at
tbe army brsdguarter*.
TUrty-ab miles In 10 boore b ■
asceilaal record for non-proraaMon
strlnns bat that was what wi
mplUbad by Mbs Helen Btoi
sad Jtebart Mwmrdt Balurdsy. their
tnatt siteadlng to Old Mbslon and
Mite JermI*
Wolf* Was Badly
Tbe start was made early In the
Friphterted But Put th* Reptfle
moralog and (Hd Mission was reach­
Out of Buaineem
ed abont 10:M. After a mat, dinner
wss anlen at the Porter House and
Mias Jennie M. Wolfe, who la v|aat t o'clock, the return trip was suntilng ber slsIYr. Mrs. Btto B. WIlwM,
The road was muddy In places
at Pendwawan' collage. Nortbport,
but In Ibe mala was good and the
bad an eiperienee wltb a spotted ad­
tut mib was made to U mlnutoa.
der Baturday that aha does not ran
Fire oBere to ride were daclioed tbji
to repeal
aide of Bower* Harbor.
At Robert Price's summer borne, a
MUs Wolfe, accompanlod by lha
ydoitic party was eacoontnred and a
pet dog belonglhg to bar Biaea. Itoanomber of inducements were offered
na Cbampoey. took a boat rids Sat­
to tbe oouple to stop, eat supper and
urday afteraoon. rowing n mile up th*
ride tba tour miles back In a launch Ne Rearan I* Krmwit fer the Mleckief bay and landed near Tbe Ranch. tt«
bortbey declined and went on, arriv­
—Kunae I* th* Bey Who Set
summer borne of c. A. Battle, of flu
Fctrr Fire* Irt th* City on
ing In Ibe city about S o'clock. They
LonU. WbUe walking on the abofs
ere none tbe worac for ibMr expei^
Hollow E'en.
she was surtled at seeing a ^mttad
toe yaalerday.
adder colled np as If ready to aprtng
While tbe ediiortal committee of
li Is probable that a walking tour
(be dog. She acreamed aad the
-around the horn" will be arrang^ tbe Church of Chrlri parvr was meet­ dog Jumped sideways Jost as tbe
befor* tbe aeason b orer. a number ing nfier-the regulsr mcvlce in the snake sprang, barely mlasl^
of young people being In acUre traindog's leg.
by a Slone shivering tbe glass In one
Mlis Wolfe, although
of the from windows. Pieces of the i
>rved. aecored a large atltt anJ
glass struck Mrs. Homer Snyder In
went aher tbe anake. After she bad
the face but fonuDaiely, abe recetvod
killed him anfftcHnUy dead, abe took
Bo Injury.
tbe dog Into (be boat and rowed back
Twd of Ibe members of the commit­
to the cottage.
ter, P. P. Wright and ClarenrA- Bums
Yesterday accompanied by her Msgave chase to the culprU and sfier a
trr and niece she again rawed
hard run. caught him nrar the
Catholic church. . The
mtserrant the spot to sboa h<-r sister tbe snake
bad killed To her surprise the
WERE INSTANTLY proved to be Nelson Kuntc Tbe po-[
anake was gone Kvldemly abe had
lice were called and Knnse locked up.
not killed him aufflcieoily demi. and
He bad no reason wbaiercr for
the rnln of Saturday uigbt had re
ibrawtng tbe alone
Tbe window fonunately was one of vived him so b<- bad crawled away.











Entire BuiWIno* Were Carried Awey
,, M Ote Terrante BrarablwQ
^■rllee Ara Leekteg tor
City U Mextoo. June 1.—BIgbt
pereoDS are known to be dead and tbe
town of Paebnla baa base ^pad of
tba map at tba reanlt of two days
Tbe water* rose with aaespocted
speed and carried away entire buildlegs la the resbing.tormta.
Bearehtag parties are busting
move bodies today.






Mite Maud tato'j a^talBl^^liR tm
tba OrgewHt at tt* OwFM tor

A magnMeeat naw ylpa
betng taaUDad te 8t- Pritecto atomh.
wbkt tba R«v. Pr. Baaar raeaaitf
eared tor the cberob tram tba BtoOrgan omnpay. of Itohla, IB.
The organ arrived laat w*Mt and
Jaoob Behafley bas bara bwy OTteT
day alnoe getting It tn nhap* tor the
flenday servtoaa. Tha ergaa wae am
onred by the Bev. P*. Bawar fw «l,r
004. toraetly tram tba toototr.
wrung nt )B:|a eYlDak
tbe teuto was bloeeed. after wkteft
tbe proraeriwiai prelnde wna ptom^
•a by PraC. LiMla P. MnKar. tt Oraad
At maw. HaBerV uara tt Brar
parts, was played, aad
fenory. Ave Marla, war aaiB W
Arthnr DnMak
A radial was glrea la the evemtag. to which an were eatdtaUy tt*tt
ad. there betag ao i................................
twt a oHver oSerlng wM tahteL
Prelude la O taajv J. K Ba*.
to Urn Moratoc. Oitagi *) Karaha
.jMitoe. OouBod; Rafltoa OnaB, «.'
pAneir ebeir. >
Av* Mari*, tram OavalHaftt Baa*
caaa. Maaeagnl; (» TriwaarM. •*»
aban; (c) MamteU. BooebarttL
LartA BateM; (b) Aiillaaitti. X*aara; TAadaH-OBoaai at MB MMara.
, Oraad Cbona. to OL IMBMHtL
OBOftolra. to O. ItoMp.
Miss Msad* LaPkyttt^ toff aeraa
Um* orgaatet ef BL P(RM *irab.
will conUn** to that atflaeBp. aad
ber work will nadoabtodly.W ■Rttra>
Ir aaUttoetery aa aha to aa aBraReoB
Tba ergaa Is nM otfy awaaf, p«r*
tea*, bat Is a haailaoraa efimmU tt
the chnreb
wltb the Interior deenrarioaa.
Baner aad bis pariabraera ara to b*
oaegrainiavsd to aaourtog so flaa aa
tastrumaat fw tbalr obereb oarvOcM.
After tt* OTM* M raady ter waa.
Mr. Bcaafler wUl tear* tor TWaC
Rlvar Palte. Mlaa, aad later m to
PtoM. Dak. wbara to «fU ttMO
■Imlter lastrateMtA



Out a Week until Jwet Raotertiy.
Mr*. Bil Bardeens, of Nortbport
list week received tbe Brst l«ier
from her husband In nearly U> year*.
Mr and Mrs. Dordraux are nearing
the half century mark of thrir
tied life, nearl}' alt rf wMch bat
spent at Nortbport. In all (be ;
which they have speng together they
have never been separated, wltt (ba
exception of a week which
»>rdeaut spent at tbe Worid'a fair,
aad he was ao busy at that lime that
he did not write borne, hi* daughter
wrlitng for him.
Two weeks ago Mr Bordeaux left
for a pleasure trip through tbe
going drat lo Muskigon. where be vt*.
Ited blf son. A. S. Bordeaax. T
(*o went to Toronto. Gnnada, then
Mr Bordeaax. wbom be had i
eeen for 1$ years. When the brottera
met at the depot they did
nlie each Other. After a visit with
bis brettw SI Reyneldston they
to Bufalo. where be visited with bis
brother. Dave Bordenox. whom
had not seen lor IT year*. He
TUited a alster-te-Uw. Mr*. Peter
Bordeaux at 8t. Cntbertate. and
Toledo BtoppW with bis only clster.
Mrs John Damns and dasghter*. Mr*.
Bemie and Mrs. Dorr.
While la Canada
wrote bis wife a letter In Trench, and
tbU was (be Brat letter she bad
reeelTed froa him alnee before, ttelr
marriage Marly to yuan affi- I
expected borne this week.

•L FranoH New Plpa Orpan Wan
Used tor FMl Tima at Awa-

Tb* new pipe organ la 8L ^aa*
ebureb waa «>ad tor tt* flral Oaa
flttnday. at tba aoratog aarrto*
corrlag tbe bHariag aad tba Badlcte
In spite of -the rata tt* strvto* bad
a good attendance. >Tb* chair, vttt
Profeasor McKay, ot Grand RapUL at
tba orgaa. amig tbe IWtb Itotoi of
David, wuefa was very wall gtvaa.
Tbe prelude was played by rtrifaraor
McKay with mutt expreeatea.
At the recltel given te tbe evewtag,
(be church was inadegnate to bold
the crowd which eaaw aad BOa«
every available space la tt* cbteoh.bring seated even tn (be atalte aad la
tbe gallery.
Tbe program, which was prtated ta
Friday's Issue, was givea. tba work of
professor McKay brtagtag owt U> tbe
fullest extent the bOMYltal tOOM ^
tte wgan. ProfoMor IMar to a
master musician snd those who beard
him enjoyed a rare mnalea] treat, sad
that the reriiai was apgreelatad 'waa
endeared by tbe atteatloa glraa Um,
tbe immense andieaea abowtag as
much reverence as (bay woaU at a
regular church aervieA OIrca tbe
coabiaatlea. such a toaaletaa as Prafessw McKay aad aa taMraateak af
•ueb rar* quMity as *■ BL Ptoada
pipe organ, ato tta raMtal eatod aad

the smaller ones and tbe frame kept
stone from coming ihrougb.
a stained glass window and ibe
damage U estimated at about U.
n Mm Hannah's Franklin
Kunse is tbe boy who on tbe nlghi
t Oel Si last, set four Urea In. the
uta Orarturaad Crushing lha flia OoAnally releaadd berauae It
cupanta Underwaath—Two Oth­
rs Elate Hannah. Mr. and Mr*.
laalble to get him Into tbe borne
er Man Ware FsUlly Hurt
of the feebleminded at Lapeer. What Charles Beers, Ur and Mr*. George
in the amaeh Up.
Raff and Miss Florence Crotser left
jesterday moridog In Mrs. Hnnnnb'*
New York. June t —Two men were
seven-passenin-r FYanklln lor Lima,
kilted Inatanily and two Mbera mot
lod They will aiieod tbe gradualtally hurt when a racing auto speed
log exercises of the Howe MUItary
ing in from Coney islsnd. smasbed
academy, where Julius Beers gradeagatnsl a tree In Ocean parkway, near
Mr*. E- L. Huflhra Has OM ef t> ■tea this year anJ Julias wilt accom
Prospect avenue, nt 1 o'clock this
puny ttea back borne.
peMUate Ceetw Ftema E««r
moratagflaan In th# Oty.
Tbe machine leaped lato tbe air
and toll, burying tbe sis men te tbe
Mr*. E. L. Hughe* has one of tbe
rar under Its weight
»aa TaIHrflmr Will Agate Be At
loot beautiful castus plants tn full
Tbe dond nrej Willtom H. Oou- bloom ever been in this cUy. there
Marten island This Ywe.
beauA and Thomas Nolan, both ot being tolly IM blodaom* on tbe pinnt
CsteapoUa. Mich.. June 1 —Jesae
Brooklyn. Tbe amomobtle wii own­ with nuaterous buds abont to open. Tallerday. wto> baa been aoperlateaded and driven by John Lanyea. n bw- Tbe plant atands in tbe window of log (be "Skim Milk Onjry Fbrm~
o( Btooklyo
tbe Hugboa Underuklng paHoto pad here Mnce October. leR Sunday even­
ing for Trsvene City to become ges»auraets much attendon from pai
Tbara wUI be a regubr meeting of
eral factotum ot the Marion Island r«le ■aatora (Kara teraorraw eveolag.
He has a Bse new ttea of Jolly
Mbs Helen nray left for Cblcago
Mr and Mr*. A T. Whitney HR aad has bed Ms pleasant aMtesite
FVaak Wraaaky arrived tbb afterMr. and Mm. CftrMt Itohl at Itorto.
yistaeSay to aiiaad the mMonsBier tblB morning for Muf^rgon for
smile repaired and made good tor aa- MW frea Oaytard to epead a
port, were U tbe etQ; today ea b«ddbplay of Onge Brother*
otter eeasoB
short stay.
day* wltb bM teoUHr.




Gml Tmerse Herald
rwtoi A wcoc


Wpta- v^SlK


rnyer «w twai atml hr Jha Kat.
J. Al^a Ol|ftr. uia anu tha ritMl
iMcA va* aaaloeted to ih« offtem
trilW'fM(.a»daMa»e.aholM. W. U.
noulac »u tatraduoK to Cbn>iwaadf HUHlwr. vbo «ara Ibo adAr«M ot tko day. U« araho ia »art

-ai»M A*^ «I tfc. mnMic. w»

auB<a SUM Conw aad tiUma ot
OM at tbo atoat beaaUta cttKa ot
Mlrh^a> f «raat foa. I halac to roa
tha thaatoat tka Altoa^ dhf atwera
t a eoailTT."
Tba oraator (Wa caBad tka anaaam-to Bocaa of tba «rau araau tbal
W ar to tba aeoamaeaa that vara
coauianMated that day, golac back
to tba tMa vbao tba litUa baad

aav «orU tbal tbay aU«U «o»btj>
God ttatramwalad by aorerelraa and
acemdtar to the dlctatea at tbelr ovn
Ha idetarad Ue trlala ot
rhto HttAa baajL aad toUoved tbeu
actoaa tbe aaa to' tba laodtof ot tba
a» ^«9l» «f tk« mmnttjr
te rlM^ vtUi tk* emram? muipaopla satberad uK
at tbalr aaaaavortby craft
(MM hr A. Tncjr L«r. of CWcata
tA* hwfl fl< tbe Huuk A Lm IbMT- mblDf at tba alar, thaa lo^tax
mf A thti «t9. wk0 lut Otekt mt
a «l4aaaH*tkn to tko boM ot edtieaUo %o>Mln -to «o«Mbato ll.MC ad with draad ot dangw aad laaraoua
UK IIJ»A « noKwry. tovard
tbara vaa a
aauWiakmat e( MBoal tratKaa la
»• •■Ulc aoAealo «( Ttafwaa City. ikroBcb tba etoada yoadar aad tbe
Mr.-Ur M Am tafomK that |7M etinato of yaara i«(iad and tba atar
or boya to tba dUtraoaad and dovni0Kl*» a
toa.tto totoMlihaiWt of ikato addl- ireddeo ot aartb lad tbem oa and on
tbalr deatiny tar avay. tUl by and
ttoM.ibabf Tiatwna aty acboau.
aator :tkat anab aa'aqKyBaat vlU ba by tba beat ot tbalr bark smied on
IdiWKti aad tally »cei tba reaalro- tbe abore ot tba nnkaova land.
tototo at tail ttaw. Mr. Ur Otan to Ua did tkay raatoa tbai tbU vaa tbe
aawWbata ooaalderably nora Ikaa uaraiBearn pralnda to Ika aoas ot
«ha^ aaana to ba aaoaaaaiT.
ttaadoB that <
not «tft K Mr. Ua «S> bt am Irani 80.0U.0M throata. Thto band
•BtoMe aa a KtoialaB M tba mmmi of pllfflBia la the abadov of tbe toraat dodbnted tba land to traodom nod
to Alulcbiy Ood.”
Ordat evaata.
dSla*^ StoT -aa^otort
Tbe apaaker apoke briefly of toe
am rwBovaa tba n
•>toal K earaMa. «Mob baa been ad- grant ereau that tolloved ibo toadtog
of ike great deVbaeed. It baa baaa «ilta sanaraliy
ot tba ooaairy, vhlrb has
.battorto (bat tba
succeeded to developaienl every other
land aad nation. He apoke ot ita
awf pabaK tyotou aad tba toat tut great ayatau of of raOronda. Its baaaMa Uy raatomliw tba Talae
valae of a^ tlhil chutUas. lU uanutaciarlea aad
MAAdttMb-aad M «im^ to bear tba toduftiiea, and tbe great opportuniUes
opaa to man and woinea to be want
tba b«a«y awtoral 4
<« 'tk«
Mori. I Cod Intended them to ba, free and anlU^btaaed eldsena
Tribiitaa Are Due.
tu ipltlt «^kb to
“TP thaaa soldter* we ova our
tbU ritt ia a V
. Mr. Ur apaat flovem. But tba pmla do not rey>r.
vbat va any..tbe flowers
MBAA^ tba awllar yaoia «( Ua
fade avay. but the gratUndc ol a aato tbk Btaaa aad aUbaaab Ua h
UOB tor you tobora of tove and barolc
it tofQhlu«B,vU baa Ursa bvl
nevar censea. and artlt bo
irtitoato hare and baa a «ar« ai«t
' to Ua baait tor Travaraa aty. ma maniberad wkea jour tacea arc long
■ toltoMb ton board ot odmtloa vWeh
with a btgb tribute to
•MWMrwrVBtotf 'OAaaH «U1 ^x■
tbe AMrican
plaU .MiUtaad tba potota of tba city
aro to be UtotoBHHilii aru tba in- •oMlei* U Ue norM. aad^Id: “Tbe
torut totor abova to awh a sab- day la coming for many of you and
abortly. when you will pouto Ulai
BtMMM aaaPM tv. Mr. Ur. .
vbo to able to give you g^ter m<i
gnader mvarda tbaa any oUer. Year
boura are obonenlag. you caa iMHai
catch Ue ling of Ue caU. of Upe
BHgbtea your armor for laNKOtML
maacb airalghi^or Ue city of the
King, and bear tbe great Commander
nay aa be placea Ue inalgnto ot etern­
al promoUaa upon you, 'Well done,
good aad UlUtul oervanc Tboa'^atf
««• SCHOOL CMILftSSN IN THI been falUfol over a tew Uitoga. I
Btake Uroe ruler over maoy. Kiler
telo tbe toy ot Uy Lord.' Hla
rewarda wIU exceed all Ue woNd can
pVr »t*e you.-




towtoto At toa City Opera Ham to
Nia AftWiiai tba Ha*, to K
nautoa sator tba Spaak.
ar ar tba Day.
Mabftr ItNB aebbol toUdrea. cany'tot tacL toarebad to toe Mantortol
Itoy premaloa. toUowtas to tba loot' atofc-Utoa tny beaded uraibai
UCMnon Boat, tba W. S. C.. . tba
Mtooktoaricaa »ar Yotarapa and
to^CRp and oonnty oUctoU. wUla
paWnOe aim ware played by
mti BMa band.
1 at 2 o'clock.

■ tba dlraciloa ot MIm
. and tba WaU aide' band
1 darartl aelectlona
« toe l.BOO lata to tbe bandi
or^'aiwK eUldraa dartag
lewtirtot -«t a palrMto BMdlay vas
aa,tap*lrt>t and pcvtiy .eltbt.
T Rimbcr. to opaotot the


AMMMl Mwating Will »S HMd M awttbaa Way Thia Yoar. iba Data
Being Jwna 10.
The Old‘Setilera MeeUag vlU be
bHd Ula year at Oeaater Park. Suitoat Bay. In caae of bad weather
Uere to plenty of abell
There will be plenty ©I good muBic
and a general good tlM la expeeted.
Any peraon who baa lived to the
Grand Traverae region tor flrteea
yean or more la eligible to atemberablps to Ula aaaodatton. it costs
only 60 craU U toto. Including Ue
Brat yeara' dues, and Uc annual dues
are bat 60 ceata. Tbe vmen have
nothing to pay.
Tea, colee. sugar and cream will
be tumlabed on Ue groanda
eecd not bring dlabea. Uey will be
tall to attend tkla annual
■Btbering ot old time treads aad
mb, mis. Come yourself aad
brtog your family and nelgbbora.
W. M. PAYNE. PrealdenL
C. H. BBTB9. Secretary.

'llM aubtacl «w bronaht op ot
aetara^at the ebUdraa troia
adaha'iar toaaa aserctoaa aad barlaa
on fha BtraeL
pofaiato apaakera. Bat Uo -eoteraaa
Bd, Armairoag was' stricken with
ab]iR *00. We want tW ebUdraa. We
want toa orathm to be aa ofatoet ks liantyals Monday afternoon aboal 3
working oa Ue street,
m' to tbem.' i coaaUtor Uto a comup In an
pUMt to yoa. aad 1 hope toat you «*•*« -picked
wi^hBT* tiK r*T*
ug^coadKloa akd takea to bis hoi
romot B»r m Uat ve bars lor yoa.1®“‘
Hla ri^ leg was
Wa. tmlim that yoo are tba fatarol'■»**•*• •»>
- gt toto cky and tbal to Ue>«
eoaseioiisaeas aaCielem.
ajtt WU) dapaad apoa yoa 10 ly to apeak. ^ Annstroag to mar. jK ttapa a*ar«iaaa.
Ttoantan riad aad haa aevenl anwl) oWqdiea.
«a Waat yaa |o Aa kata, and «a hopa
tost m «B1 ha orOarty. If yaa ara
Mn. iaaTsmlU wea« to-^JQmto
PM R dPoClmv what «o Bill do this mmlag after apaadtog a abort
Ubm to too Kty.
I'., .

BK iSEfne

Kiwm will OpM BaostoM 4
AMgMK • TWa Vaar and WIB
eieaa Awdunt W.


• every effort to Sava
Mm. 9hmfi*g the Beat
tba Peat of Wator.
Tbe trat drowning of tbe year In
tbe Grand Trarerae • region occurred
« o’clock Bunday at Dock Ube.
Loyal, tbe U-year«ld sob ot Aleaaader Sayers, near Klugsley. being
tbe victim. Tbe yooog man los
bfa daspUo-ibe beat eflorta ot
eoanaataD. David Haolgold.
. rad by tba valgbc of
boota. tv« eoBU and bU winter
coat rigbiad tbe boat and shoved It
to the yewng man three tlntea.
Sc. HaatgoM and Mr. Sayeta were
to one boat aad there were oevaral
otber bonu on tbe lake. They were
atiU gablng aeu Alestnder Haaon's
reoort. using a small rovboat. The
flabtog not being good where they
vero, Sayera undertook to bant up
Ue aaobor. eliber oUpptog or aumbUag and upaelttog tbe boat
Aa Sayera airuck Ue water,
cried! “1 caanot awlm." and appeared
10 looe blB bead completely. Hantgold.
aiUtougb handicapped by bis heavy
soaked cioUtog'and the boou. could
swim and rlgbtlag Ue boat, shored it
toward Sayera who caught it and at■njpted to climb on.
Manlguid waa calm and tried
qidet bla companion telling him 01mply to bold onto tbe boat
would be all right but not to cUmb
aboard. Deaplte Ula. Ue young man
to crawl on Ue boat until
itie third ttoM wben-be again fell off.
and throwing np Ua hands, sank In
10 feet of water.
The cries of tbe pten brought two
other boau to tbe sceac bnd UanlfK>ld. wbo was almost esbausmd. waii
picked up but noUlng could be seeu
ot bto companloD.
Alexander Mason, praetor of the
resort and A. L. VaoRatler. of du
WasblugtoD street. 'lYaverBe CU.v. ca*oa R. r. D. No. 1. who wio.
s|iendlng bis vacation there with his
. were awakened and taking the
n-sori ataamer. Daisy, act out
search for Ue body.
Tb« rowboat was ptekad up aad
steamer alloved to drift. Mr. VanNatter locating tbe body aad bring­
ing It to tbe Burtsce with w.plke pole.
The party hjirrled to the' resort and
•Rhongb there were ho signs of llle.
started in attempting to
tbe young man, working
ly for two hours. Only Uo arrival of
Dc. Clark, of Orawn. who made ah examtoatton and pronounced tbelr ef
toO^oseleaB. caused tbe men to stop.
Tbe young man bud been under
water 45 mlnukrs
Mr. MaitlgoliL allbough broken up
>cr tbe affair, did everyUlng Jjb
luld to save his companion, who
ina W form tor btm. while Maal^old 1^ sawyer In Klaisslay. Manlcjk. rKtosed to Rive up hope that the
boj^Md be revived and reinal
win ^ body unUl Sayers' parents
came Ibd took Ue remains home.
about 10 o'clock.
^ Ike morning was cold. Sayer
iM^atoo heavily dressed having on
bto winter underwear, boots, heavy
woolen pants and an overcoat.

Ceremony Occurred Thia Aftamw
They Will Make Their Heme >i
HattiwMur» Miss.
Miss Rosamond Shadek. daughter of
Mrs. M. Sbodek. of this cit.v. and F
C. Pickard, of HattlesbtM«. Miss
were united In marriage on Moodoy
Grand Rapids.
The bride Is well known In
elly. where wfae lived many yaarw.
Che has a tone circle of MeDds wbo
tbelr best wishes.
Sbadrfc was a tvacber to the city
seboola tor a period of three year*,
aad two yesLTS ago waa principal of
Ike Third ward arbool at Cadillac.
The gown is a railroad maa.
to now having been geaeral toremoB of Ue Perv Marqwetie round
house In Ula city, and was also g*n.
eral fbremaa of the Pere Marquette
shops at Graad Bapida. For a time
he worked to Si. Thoama. Canada
where be eras FuperiauoJem of Uc
Pare Marquette shops. He la
hwatad at Matileakorg. Miss., where
was once uavding migtoeer of
G. A S. U aad has luat accepted tke
posftloB of water meebaalc of tke
Mlaalaalpto CeatrmL Mr. aad Mrs.
Pickard will made tbelr

Tbe Baa. W. D. Bobtoana, pastor of
tbe HHbodtot eborch at NorUporf. to
busy with orraagemenu for Ue eomtog tadtoa camp meeting whlck will
open August « and oonttoue natll
Auguat 1(. The Rev. Hr. Robinson
has secured the oervlcea of Dr. Dny.
of AIbhsn -eollece. also Dr. Dickey,
president of Albion coUoged. Local
pastors will also be oa the program.
For tbe last Sunday of tbe camp
ateettog Dr. C^rlua Moatesuma. of
Chicago, a full blooded Apoebe In^.
wbo has r|>eot bto life amoag tmwhites, an.i wbo tor many years bos
been one of tbe foreman pbysicUus
lu Chicago, win speak at Ua services,
and those wbo beard bln upon hU
previous visit to (be camp meeting
win undoubiedD make an effort
bear him this year.
Owing to
mirunderstaadtns of the date set
bto appearance at the camp meettog
years ago. Dr. Moatesuma t
ome. but thU year Uere wUl be
no such error made.
The Rev. Mr. .Botonaon to having
bis first experience wlU camp meet
togs, having only been to MU-falgas
wo years, coming from VlneBoes.
Ind. He to an enrorsi. conscientious
young mao. and Is patting new
toto the Methodist church at NorUport. He to full of enibusUsm tor
the caw meeting, and uaiioubiedly
will make the coming one a sue
I every parilrator.
The Rev. Mr. Robtom to havtog
3.000 totdera printed at Nortbpon for
the camp meeting, aad these will be
ready for dlslributioa Uto wx-vk

SIONflEttHSCIOOl M nmiNMa . Thtcisc Oil SIMc Baik
J iMtoai to Iw-iaL

IM UBtoa HH«w> btawad • ktoty

BtKMT Ettaers Make Impvt BM.

Ow tka Bwacii.
It wacd to be cousidend Uot onjv
wiMryODd bladder irowbtew were to b^
traced to the kidaeva.
BiSact aC tke Btaar BnA wetmt
but. wow
far tke menu wadtog May St, iMt:
aciesma iwuixa that
•eorlv aD diamaes
Tbui attaadaaee. 746.
Kwmber awKlad. 40.
Average daily uteedaac*. 64.
yaa ft
KHUer abeeel nor tatdj dariag tW
“ftr UdDcv* filtar
moatb—Nlaa Bmiinq Deada BaaaeO.
-*nd pwrify Use blood—
Bin RoeaeR. Bibel Buaaei,
that i» tb«r work
Helen Rtohardsaa. Anna
Tberefoce, wbewyouksdsevvorv <
Dtuffok. Daisy Grubb. DoQy Grubb.
Huebel. Amos Montague. quKkh Tuv ewtiro body to aSi
' ' to do
Helen Montague. Beatrice McMauui. bow rv'efv organ seems to toil
Emma McMaawa.
Vtsltora daring Ue asoaUa. T.
i tatting tbe great .
Tbe total earoUment for the year 1

......... ™

ATCiaga ewroUm^t, 41
Average attewdanc*. W.7.

s 9«r Ceti iiMvet« nm bcssslts

j wtU connuce on.-ooe.
Myouatc *tck you can make ko miw-

roar. Oenla Ruaseii. age 10.
School closed wiu a ptente oa the
shore of Boat Bay which was much <

enjoyed by tbe rbUdreo.
Tiat la tfse CMrg* 'Mode Againat
Jettph Knotix.
Jusepb Knotli waa arresU^l to Lee­
lanau county and brought befure JasL. H. Uagr Ibis monitog charged
with deviroylog a fencu beJtiaslDg to,
.K. W. Herrlagion.
set tor Juae ti

» Saamp Bwa» the grcmi
ksdney mued
of tbe musi distres^^

Dr. F. 4. MacNstt

druggists in fiflv^eut,
auJ ooc-doUar tue[
Utile*. You may
have a aaiupic faoUlc
)>y taail free. aln> a pa
bow lo fiwl uat if vsa aave ksdwrv c*
bladder trowblc. . Mewtioa thia paper
when writing lo Dr. KibiKr & Co.. Binghaimon.S.Y. IkHi-tmakeaBy mistake,
bul renscBiber tbe name, Swamp-RoM.
Itr. K>ltiKr'*}i>aui|vRaot, and tbe og
dreao. BUgbaaton. S. Y..oocvcry UXUc.

- '. ^Eg**Bf6F«




FrwKi Labs Flak.
From Ttieoday's Record.



Rapid Ctiy. MIrb . June I —Audy uw: acilv.-, 166 Me higher.
Smith left Thursday fur S|>okan<-.
Mrs. Wilson to cnieruiulog
JaughUT. Mrs. Joseph Doyle, of Trav
erse Oty. Miss Myrtle llryon. uf l-uk.Ann, alM> Mrs. Burnou. a »i’>i
law. W. Clement spt'Ol MoiiJd.v In Mon
Mn>. Choa. SexKin Np<-ni Sunday at
Ru;;i: with tter mulh>-r
K;-‘. !>cr doe................
f.i-orge' Kehuev V-P Fi-fSaj lor an
RV bu.........
wxuadvd trip to New York.
Mias Ella Atorwball returoed from
Angel to assist Mrs. L. Lorare.
Mrs. Edgt-rly and Mrs. M'JIkIns are
vtolttog their atoier. Mrs. Cumatogs.
Jolle. the 13.momb»x>ld baby oi
Mr, and Miw. A. U Tt-dbeU fell off
the porch und was quite luidly hurl
Thuiviay ouon. Dr. ikrua IHxker is
tn-atlug her.
Mrs. AlUri Trii-ke spi-ut Sunday In

Powttiy, par U. ........................... StRlie

•> ..................IU.U .
Poultry, par lb. .............................. 7RBa

PK fb


FrwKt Laka FtoN.

TaDow .........................


Urabs Below the Kneed Were R«m
—Feet Top Swi^len to Get Shoes
On—Sleep Completely Broken
by Intense Itching and Bumii^
Well in Two Days and Says That

OAPITA&a «aooxx)o


Eaai Buffalo. N. Y,. June i.-Cat
Ue. •.•»: a<-ilve. Hi ®J5c higber.


A. Tracy Iaj. FtwoMswL
B. Floyd Cteek. Vtee .P ihl iL
BamoH Oariaad. Cnakloc.
A. J. Mayward. Aawt. Caviar.
A. J. Uavtand. Aaac <MHk.


Steinberg Bros.

^4 Q *7ff
gJSJJe Men’s Suits at 9-l-VBi9


The excepiioul valaes that ve will affer
ihh veek lo hileliacIs-Stcra Use {uranieed soils a! S1X7S will cnviacf every waa
who sees then that they are Meed the best
values for the mohey ever offered in Travers:
City. This assortmeat comprtses oar rerolar
tiaso and nast new snmmer modcis in
heaolifoi shades of brown, tan, (rey, also aavy
and biack. For balance tf this week at

‘■Ood blaw tbe man Thn first compouaMl-utic^ Son*- two monUs
wgu I hod a humur U>«k <nil on mv
limba bekrw my knees. Tl^ come to
took like raw beKsteok. oU red. and no
ooe knows bow Umy iielsed and burned.
Tbey were so swollen (bat I had to
spin my drawers Ojs* to gra Uwm oo
fvcpot tena-dow and *

h touebed mathekebing was goctr and
I iMvenot f^ a bU << it stoew. TIm
■wKHog went down and in iwodoy* I bod
my obom on and was abeot as usuaL
1 coly wtob I had mi-d tbe CuUcura
Bamadl^ to ^ Aral of my trouble..
Ttorv would ban- sav<-d me two or
thnw weeks cf inueise sugrnng. Dar1^ that tiiDB 1 (fad not sker aa bour at
a Uim-. but was up atn'Iywg suck
leoKtow as I bad. HeocKorth Uo
CUUCUA RtenedMi wUl be amou my
botawbdld gods, rest assurod. Oeorra
B. Farl^. 50 South State SL. OnxM^
N. B-. Mv 14. 1007.''

Hats at $L85


Rewest shapes, seft or stiff, browo or •< oe
buck, worth $2.50 at .....................X.O®


Bcaiaaa aad IcfBallaaa, FKlrvi
la Worth tU Wwigkrt la Gold.

Dishes and Rockers Free Again

Sr^a^M^Bd^warowMit and woened
nd scalp. IKaatile and birth haman.
scwIlKMiaKL emas. rasb». itcUn^
ckaflngs. ami every form cd ttet^

Hkvw yoa beard kboat oar Ncw ‘ Pnaiaa
Tiefceti? (rood tor aeia of Disbea, Boekus'

.wUrr-.------------------------ -

Cbairt. Sait Oa*, e4r. Goo4 MBta OcL ISL

J ..,


One of-the


4|i^ IhFlBC Md kBMMgB tte WCfU**
rte^ete <d
—dl«w ud
mmmeUi «Um twlbfdly
Md «Mah
atUlMd to «orid-«id*
■■■■mil l tMwfb tte ■fifimal
WeiOrfoMd <d the WoU; MtefiMfr
Ttd^ ■■». but rf the —«y who h»e
the bMl the wrid rfeedr
Om «f the imdMte of thrt dMi, d
kMTC MnpoMPl FWte^' n Ethkal
i»Dedy.ejtWOT*dl>jpiT*i»nteadBoo■Pdii I9 the WeB-lafoemed of the
WoridaeOTetalie oadPhdonefnBr
llMH* h the wtH-kitow* Q^nip of
■pdBMiirafaoHia.’' Togethebwrfetet
^hrnitmeye lav the fcmine, bhw
tat««l by the Oilifonde Fi(
ea^, wd V
Iv en h*df^ dnioMh.

wit LAVW «irr pon


IDBCET IS $33,500
TaWI ooit of MMirtaiAiM MiooU le
hi ToMhhw AM PIIMLPig AeaelMi.

wry oeheol

AdMiinwd at 1l;te p. w. •
*^e • e ••••«• .
( of tho hoard of odnMUlOB Thandey slMu. the offer of A.

hn mmi. thn aann hMng twq
mabert Bnidwtn 1
I It thn ITntei
Trecy Lay to fflre the city tl.M0 to
weeks nheM at Inst penr.
A teia*
tor the arlimca «m
str^ belldteg be run thrmmk to
oouMieh ■uw] tntnlQK la the -alao that n wfll ha rand;
■enge «l sa^ bests %ae Um plant
I aehnnl at a s
n« and that a condenect be famoW wae aeeeptad oa Mr. SoaWb WntaraiotlMC.
tebed ter the Mter. beBertac tUt
em. The oSw 1* esUrely aacoarAvalUac the pteaaara
would effect a anrtng la fuel
dlilohal «tth the exception that the
reported that a number ot ^
■ ii ir^isi Aveoaia.
High eebool at M7AO a month; Mlsa
tensors and their wives, teem tbs
mrat cball be kaovn aa the ‘A.
“Ttwr* eery truly.
ikst the leaate Wool, preeent aspefrlaor
Xnef Uy Hanaal Tralalnx Bqi«p.
-A. TRACT UAT University of Chteago. are lolw to
awtng, at SCO n month.
Rapt. Gilbert stated that this
■pend ihMr vnenUoe tel* summir na
port, left this morning ter Casevilte. termers la th*<Bm*r Root vMtep n<
Mlaa Once Bdnd haa cetegned
Booat would furnish the e^oeds buBdlng be graded and grareUed ter
Huron oouuty. tee a visit with her
take aa oceUent poatOon tn l

with aa excellent equipment Aee a playgroanil aad that the
___ _________
Anna —aad BUsabeth Nster, Mrs. Katherine Barber.
: h« jMt «g«o<
“Chlcaco. May S2ad. iMd.
equal to any school to the sute ex­ scholars be allowed lo ptey on
*To the Honorable Preeldeat and cept due* that had bad their eqMp- groonds* south ol the bnUdiag. The Johnson didn’t accept but will go lolsuttons Bay she. was Joined by anN«»ho
Member* of the Board of Sducai giren them and Kslsmsioo old plank walk should be taken op Duhrth. Mias Zimmer, of the Union
and a Sower bed placed there. The street buUdlac. goes to Manistee, bet;
tkw. Traeenw City, Mich.
Miss L. M. Parts has rmlgncd her
Smead system of beating should be home. F. a Wltey. of the High
^"TlentleBen—White the deeelopiwat of my boMnem laiereata hae bert euted that Uollaadera com­ replaced with a steam heutlag plant. achool. gees to Cheboygan to take s poMtlon with J. W. Pntchla and ulU
poMUen as principal. Mias Lydia uke n rest from efflee work tor
eecaaeary for la* to be a non- prised 10 per.e«Bi of the ptmateUon
Oak Park.
Wade. Minnie Bailey: Mabel Honey- Ume
rceideat of Tnverae City. I have of
u>i White they were
Park boildtag was
Mrs. C. A. JoMt. or Ortandn, Pin,
watohed lu derelopmeai with a areot cloee and thitriy they were long ttounred nnsaniury owtag to defeeleft last night ter Nonhport where
deal of pride elace 1S52. when the headed and roted for the maaaal ilve drainage and venUlattea.
CerIng were rscommeaded; Him Mabel she will apend the summer. She
wielaal, ptet of Trarerae aty was training school beenase they were uin
ebangea were recommei
MoMIchael. at a salary of $42AO a sccom#aated by Mr*. A. D. Squires,
laid 001 under my dlreeUoa.
able 10 see Into the future.
imonth: Miss UUlan Wells. $45; Miss who WiU spud a tew we^ with
The motion 1b accept the offer car­
-At the dedUdns ate of ay Ufa I
>r at that place.
Uoara Graves. $M; MIsi Louise
dad myaeir presideat of three of your ried wltboot a dteseoUng rote.
The BoonvUle building needed
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hank, ot Baton
la^ corporatiMi and la actlrc
pairs, the bisckbosrds should be
Range, are the gnesu ot Us brother.
e on ways and c
aoelatkm la yoer eSona to farther
surfaced, the desks sarnisbed. the Keablea. $50; Mias Ulllaa Hart. $45:
Miss CIsra B. Siaallridge. $50; Miss A. B. Hink. ot 53$ Rose street. Mr.
halld up aad derelop oar beanUtuI reported thst they
LUs SandaU. $50. Oa Mr. Msmtague’s Hank la h veteran of the avi) war
needs of the achools for the coming
aad marched with McPbecaon Post
motion, tbe reponmi was adopted.
. -I hare been aeeklnt aa opportun­ year at IS3AM, of ihU amount. 114.The committee recommnded that
Comes to yoo in
As teacher In the day school for today.
ity to personally sire, ta material 000 being inddenuli; »7.700 for re­ tbe Doors of several school bnlMlag*
clesn, wBtvy, SM*
teem, tome lokM of the r«*ard I pairs to bnildingaand groonds: flJOO be oiled, tbe desks re^nlshed and the the deaf. Harrieta Maxted. was
hare ter Traverse City, and one that for a hesUng plant tor Ceotrsl build­ iKcesssry paiotlng done, rsrtber. an recommended st a salary of $K a
. tight pK^ages—
would hare no elemeau of eommer- ing. aad llO.OOO for teachers’ ssl- apitropriatlou for Sower bods was rc» mostb. tbe term to be nine months
ahvRys frerii and
ariea. Tbe report was signed by H.
I wheat I
dallam attached thereto.
tbe attendance srarranted it
Itontagoe. U Soule and C. B. CnrtU
“I hare been much Uierealed
ud -was adopted on Mr. Montague’s, ^he cost of the T«rtoaa needed ImThe truant officer reported that be
New Tork U receiving II.MO bar­
the effoH to Introduce Manual TralaThe $n.«IO U axelaslve of
ntltnated at filO.OOO bad visited 53 homes; Invesilgated rels of new pouioes a day. The best
lag into your echoota.
lt*s0avorandqnfft(or the besting appantns. $2,400 for 63 cases veported. served one notice,
atock comes from Ftorida.
that the Increased bortion (Im the ■c one Biltl tax.
grounds and the animated coat carried SS packages and traveled KS
The budget for IMfi was StS.OOO,
ity are ahv^ tbe
New Tork. bsve orvmUed a traat to
BTOwIcz youth throush these studies
at $2,000.
miles. Received and Died
control the output of tbe toland tor
would result In fflrlnf them a greater thst being tbe year the dty received
Biune —always
Before tbe report was acted upon. Soule’s motion.
tbe coming season. Orowm in
opportoalty to learn tbeU nauiral such a large amount of primary
school money and in 1M7. It was
The report of the committee on
wur seU their piodaet enty
bants, tbsieby enabling them
dlUons. lo which be has deroted Claims and accounts was adopted on thixmgh tbe cx^ange or one ot its
shape their Urea so thst they could
much study not only In thU dtr but Mr. Monugue'a -motion,
also being received then.
Upping statlona
take adraaiage of Nature's puts and
in a number of others, and advised; made It necessary to borrow abont
Building* and Oeownds.
A young lady ot New Tork
grow np capable men and women, reXXXX GOPFBB
Tbe report of the buUdlngs aad caution. He eeSmated the eomplete $1A00 which
bon^t a farm on Long laland and U
soltlng la a contlnned bnlldlnp-up of
cost of rtuinlng the achools tor tbe
the moral, physical and financial bet­
iling tnasmneb as tbe recommenda- year st $62,000 and elated that U the' fire becauic of brush piled near the Ue market She am they make good
terment of the community.
Boonrille building and this wiU be
.tlons carried about |!S,2S0 and
pets aiA are easy to raise.
-I am informed by your superirtj
AD FM Obm ,
brought tbe aUcniloh of the board to It would etlU be necessary lo raise tended to.
-The Roosevelt Way- la the name
tendeat of achools (prof. Gilbert)
the fact that tbe heating systems in $35,000.
Tbe board vUlied tbe Central build­ Gilbert R. Weir of' Denver. Ool.
thst your fchooU coaid be equipped
Mr. Montague then moved that the ing tbU afternoon tn a body and de­
three of tbe schools were dangerous.
lid give a road he has ptaaaed
tor msDual training and domesUc
Tbe committee reported that In Uu.neces- from the Atlantic to the Fadfie
cided on what change
adenoe for some seres or eight hun­
Hlgh school building, te Smead sys­ committee on buUdlngs and grounds
HU project haa met with the
dred dolbtra.
tem was In a condltlcm that kept the be accepted and adopted and that It
lontagne called attention to approval of aevetal /suie ^
aUght expression of my lore fire danger near and was also dsn- be tbe sense of ths board that tbe
Tbe recent snow storma and arid
Uxneat In regard to trills'asying the
ter your city (It aoceptnbte to your gerous lo the health of tbe pupils Central building be auppUed with a biUs were not aent In aa they should rains la Wyoming have kUted a oonlimrabte body) I will be placed to and teacher*. They recommendeJ s new beaUng plant and if It seems be. that Is the Items ter'tbe different sMeraUe number of ahorn sbeep, but
donate a complete equipment, to cost uew astern, the old boiler being all wise <0 Install new plants In the Elm­ buildings were not charged to the the' kueea are not uansuaL
aboB* tl.000 or IIJOO. Tbu will al­ right and of aufficlent capacity tor wood avenue and Boardman avenue bulldlaga bnt came In bnnehed ao
While plowing on the term he had
low of the addition of a tew machine one of the ward bulldingi.
buildings thst tbe board endeavor to that tbe committee bad to gtKsa at Jsst purchased LooU Hoffman ot
It was farther recommended that raise the money by bonds. The mo^ ihem. Also, tbe orders did not al­ New London, Wls.. tnreod np n pot of
The only catuliUon which I would the old aewer pipe be removed and tlon carried.
ways come back.
Mr. Montague gold said to be worth $30,000. The torTsachsrs for Vaeanelea.
rofiiwst U. that the acbool be known replaced with a cast Iron pipe, that
thought that tbe Arms who did not
of . the term has
A. Tracy Uy Manna) Train­ ^e oak floor in the baaement be re­
A number of tbe Uichers bad care eoeugb for the boMneeB to carry •nil to reeover tbe gold.
ing Bqnipmaot.- so that the Trarerse placed with a cement floor aad ihai eiiber taken better poslUons or not out InstrucUoa*. should be omitted
tary Tlppln of the
aty boy aad girl of the future will a aundpipe connected to city pres­ accepted the lerms offered by the from the bnying^iUl.
i state board of bortlealtnre says that
know that I feel an Interest In them sure and wigi tnfficiem hose be put local board, so the committee on
After a UtUe More dlscnasiim. the unless terther damage U done
teachers presented a Ust to All tbe board, which had begun work at 9 frosts the tnrit crop of that stele srlU
aad their future wdfare; and that lo the buUdiog.
Union Stiuat
you will agree to keep it up to a
vacancies, the reooamendatloiia be­ o’clock, adjourned unUI tbe night nt be a record-breaker.
standard equal to lu li
Hie coomUiee iwoommended that ing:
Wednesday, June 10. at 7:30 on Mr.
Crop outlook in WlscoaMs to bet-




rnmms of fum hews.


July Xl-iird
, j




Biggest Patriotic Celebration
Ever Seen In IMOrthern IN/licKiigsn

Committees of Traverse City’s Most Progressive and Hustling Business Men Getting
Busy To Prepare for a Grand Demonstration.
The A/^st Magnificent Firewo^s ^er Burned in This City Will be Fired Off on the
Evening of the Fourth. Day Fireworks, Too. Many Entirely New Features.

Magnificent Industrial Display

Big Automobile Parade


- — -



Don’t plan to go anywhere else. Make your arrangements to come
to Traverse City for two big days. Enjoy the music of several
large brass bands and the innumerable features of enter­
tainment both day and evening.


Roads Lead to Traverse City and Everybody Is Weleome



WMi tiiAWiiMi jwimd: ntxMr/mmx 'ttm.


•Mt; ft. Wtvi aaa^TimTnMmti
mt4. k. >. nnii». *Mnmir«






'f. '■ jj-.rr;::
tu fottovtac olWrt vei« ctreM
tbt AMma'* «l«t> mur atte^
t W. K lUrtte.

, TttgwMwt-yMw. B. U
•WMUrr — Wm


i: i.
. A.k0b0k.

itEWacaU 1o lodorAtoa—Hra J.


dM^aie-Mfa. B. L. IH|h*a.
it M baas tbe wlsb of tbe boatsM ABABoltloe that laat year’s
iiot .fte rstaML ao the oBI
I etadad togethAr oa ooe UckM
bm Hond dfanaelm
Jpgpelabt aad MtMaciory la ereiy
’ W U>Ttt« dHA and ft U or iavert-

■hwrg CMHort Band Oa»e

day Blgtau ihe pioceeda
fSP-M. There was a Urge crowd amt
a eery eBjoyaUe time gCMnlly wad
Hjaiai PmMeat of tbe 5. T. Suff of
PbjrsiciBna nod Snrfteons, OonMBcmm
p3^ of Qenoao, ftpylisii and
Speciai serrieea will be held at the
Aaaricaa Doetocs, PerainMUy
Monroe Center ekurcb i.uniBWtlng
Located at
Jane. t. Ulae Ida Oalhy at Orand
Rapids will aaalst the pastor.
Xw. Wtoi.

IhTA. W. Chase’s

SS8 E. tMt SL



the l*njbal.- OWco la Ihe cUy «f Traei rac City. Id said eoanty. on the SSIh
day of May. A. D. ISMPrearot: Hot. Prto' X WalkM;
Judge of Pnihate.
lUoB and advle<- are tree, the rich
Ui the maiiiT - - - - eaUte of Joha
and poor alike are treated All who 1
rail up<in the ductnra before Ibe above
.date will receive ctmsaltalloii. exa._
IlnsUon. .-Olvlce and aurgirsd oper- Imter of yld rataie, and tea ystllo?:
I atk)B fre.- of charge.
Ail ibni'f"
" .........................
la asked In retnrn-ds that every perm-aied will stale le frleoda
' -red. that (be 1 Mb day Of
ilie result oblaln.-d by their new gyaMbs «■**•
o’clock U tbs
... ..
.. Women an
Ing and albnring saM aceauBU
Cblldiwn TfwBod.
Bv three trentmeata. many corr tiee thereof be given hy pubUcntioa
for three iofh one. No kntfe, no pain, no rtak.
> to aald day
del-nl>un from bjislnesa.
iring. In the Grand Travnra»
rk-:-1i,os» and roaring noise Id (be
ll.-rald. a
I aad drnataeriM sBds.
cuutod in sBd connty.
jonci'n BOHL.
end will le found ready aad wimng
Judge Of Prubatn.
Notary pBhUe
extend the band of help. brlD
may S6-Jnae 2-9-lC.
bark bealih and happineas where .
slrkniws and somrw. A apedal.
Invlutljn to anyone euRering tram
sse pronmineed Incurable.
maiieca not wbat your dlaeaae may
t to Kingsley this morning to
come and be examined; U rur
spind Decoration Day.
nbU- tbey will treat you; If incjiraWc.
Ise you/^-These doctors treat evMrs. A. Thompson and Mrs, Augus­
. rarietj^ of disease and deformity,
ta Colo, of Shepherd, wbo have been holtr.
Tisliing In the city left this morning OFFICE HOURS; 9 a. m. to g n. m..
for a visit with friends at Kalkaaka.
W. II. rmlor went - Kingsley iWs

UntU Jaly 1


E & E L TK cm

mora'.cg where he will deliver the Baptist Sunday School Cboao TboIra
MfKorlal day addteat this aftert
Yesterday fee Voar.
Tbe following cfflcera were eleeted
ai the BoprtH Sunday school Sun­
SuiH-rintendent—C. E Mater,
si creury—tonlee Roaaer. .
Unmnist—Lulu Saxton.


E.-r!TSr. A.virehase’s
by Johnson Drug Co.

D . B1B.T <LP A

i ot primary departmrnt—Edith GIbbt.


First 10 Days of June


WUf spice Ihd garment selling wim n lot ol spedsny priced
groups of mer ;handlse mat spell ECONOMV la every laslanee.



MsMUee twported. tl Beabera. From Pride's Bneord.
Mr. an^ra.'P. D. Perfcstt arrived
PMo^ has 63 members an SO mite
(bio afternoon from Chicago and arc
boxes sad ralaed Uit year flISJT.
Tbs First cbnrcb of Trarerse Olty guests of hU brother, U F. Porketi,
to«. a Bembemtalp of tl. rbe P>Bf- and Wife.
Mra. A. E. Fbrrest and daughter,
street ebareb baa, s omintacrsblp of IT sad tbey keep 16 mite Mrs. H. X Cameron, arrived this afboxes. Those not menUeaeJ had
temodn from Orand Rapids, where
sepanto report, their record being Mra, FOrrwst baa been spending the
wRb the •«»»«« secjwury. Tne dm- vlnler.'
ti«et aeeretjuT. Uis. U X Csrpeaiar,
Ura. KatlieHne Bogart arrived this
reported leea moBey ralaed sad fewer afternoon from Kingsley and left later
members tkaa laet year. Her report tor Charlevoix where abe will rlsU
' • V
was the tame as ptRtlltbed in yester­ friends.
Ura. L. B. Carpcpter. wife of the
.Tbe room was etsborately deeoral- day’! Becoid.
A letter was read from Carintta B. Rev. Mr, Carpenter, formerly pajlo^
4B vltb taga, Urge sad amaU and
, • toEO paper batli of red. white aad HoEmaa. a mUslQaarr to India, atk- of tbe FOurlcPDlh aircet M. E. cbnreh,
aae. the awrlag table beUui leeloon lag for sufflcteat cloth to anke 2M returned tn Pellston this morning
afler attending the convention nitri
aid la pmaners of aatHial eolon.
vlalUng old friends. She was accom
tte china being’lbe oU bfae ootoaUl
'ware sad Ibe ctoter piece red. whila
A BioHal aenrlee was h^ for ponied by Mrs. Jamea B’IIpod.
Ur. and Mra. Arthur E. Glhbxrd
'OBd Mae Eowefi^ fh^ ' fdlloartag the seven membera wbo died tbe laat
‘ladles U cape. aproBs and bertlj^. year. Mra. Kellogg and Mra B. J. and,little daughter left this morning.
Grand Rapids
Olbbard going
tapmsaatlBg tbe aarty eoatnme of our Howard, former presidents of tbe or-- -- - to tbe platform
*•»'• friends ahd Mr. Gibbard will
eooatiT, aerred Mew BnglaDd refreshitend (be conveoiioo of postal clerks
Bia; Ueadanea 3. H. UaOongb. 3.
I Muakegon.
.. MeUtoeh. Ctoa.
Mra. Prank Tennant and Mra. G
.Walt, T. D. MbUmt D. X Paddea.; fbr all tbe i^eaatat aWan were rea^
.; Be^ brown brend. wblte bi4ad and afldr a eolo by, Mra
■aadwlcbea. Boaton tanked beana and had been enjoyed *tbe m'eetiag Cloaed
:.- toa ware aerred. after wMob nany with n bymn.
If noi. you nre missing half ibr
Evening Seeeion.
i.«wied aad worked on fsary work.
plraaure of life. It may nut yet Ik- ton
The evening eeeama was opened :laie. Just order from your grocer a
The. htoee eoaaalttee was antborlast Bfbt by singing ”Kow Firm a few packages .of-OUR-F1B" and l.-ara
-iMd «o bontose a aeW gas mage.
Foundation.’’ Mra D. W. Parsons how -easy It la In make Lemon. Chor
olaie sM Custard plus that
UlM Wlanle Oagaoa aad Mlaa
please all wbo taste Ibeoi Bach
Mabel OarUa, of tbe nfflinefy departa In prayer. Afvr a
luickage contains th.- propel
. of the
he choicest
ttwt of the Qlobe store, momed anthem by tbe cbolr. tbe speaker of quaniliy
retdv |or tuKtoat
troB NofXpnrt thU ammlng where Ihe evealbg. Nn. Jeatie O. Qrosenpleased tboutanda
anda and will
- they spent Enadhr at KUs Qagaoa’t baoib. was intradoeod.
Her aablact wraa RcBa. She spent
, Mra. J. C. MclBtoab .tod cturgn of
^ day’s tod^aneat oaliiag
jftlpa X L. Bogbet for a t^rt of the
Mlt to tbe a^bprlag olab at Cadtt- aac. 'Twelre ladtea alfeaded from tbe
Apcal cWb aad a moat rayal welcome
;jaad Talaable n«Uag wkt repertell
»y Urn. Hugbaa.
^ Tbe (wmalader of the
, ftlren orwr to -coknlal tea” aad aocla-



The President
Dr. Hawley

aMMoeale deMre to praa^ U
Tbo Borne of that Ume M
hare beta graad.
Brea Its rail
<W. OmboS
iw toy Wdi
alter M tsesutrlee are orrrwbelaUa
■Ai<i wal sU Ibdw im t!m wwM
4 for Qtt UMva Oe oa# place tbere are IS layen of
eamlXou hkm^ntkiuc^ SO<A.
baOdlaga. Ail tbeae fantoat
a W « d <Mcn Of Dt. A. W. ChMt
tbe iDdgBtcat MBU at tbe
briag tbe tbooebta of tbe eteraltr of
to. AAb Abv, EmI filk St. Matya
eiOr. Ohio, sute*:
”F« iW«ST )««1
fs » mU ban
The Watrlcl COBfereaee of lUtho- ' RoAs^ren tow may be called tbe
ubwg edev caW iMaHlnW er Mher BMSMW. Oik twa el Oi. A. W. Ckan’i
dill W. r. M. 8. was opened Thnrs- rrt»t*r of the rHIgions world. Crowds
OwiiM ywloMlr <») Cm. le •wyoirad
<d priests tbroodi tbe iirwU
day aftenwoo fay d
^ «ed eeialeR w see
<e b.
coodoctrt by the Ber. J. W. MUIer. Ibeer yonng mra ore all types of the
Ufa. Wlltlan H. White, the preab Iftbest msabood. The rery aUDoedeal, read from a book called Ol^ere seems boly. AmeHfsas hare
’-Agatha's Uakaovn Way.” It la a f fTfai Inflcenee on Italy. There la
book fall of me sentiment and obe ba^ a shop where there la not a OTATB OF MICHIGAN. THE PRO-1
O bate Court for the Crwaiy
which all taiereaiod la miaalonf iIkd 1b Rodlsh, telllDg ibai Ibis shop Oraad TraTerac.'
■tera esportally to American trade.
shoBld read.
la tbe matter of tbe •sUte of AlasHie meetlag was the ZStb annnsJ
,Tbe MethodUt Ulsalona in Rome OOB Tyrall. deceased.
Koiice U- b»reb] given that four!
to be held by UOa society aad a tons-, are^olng flody, drawing as rspeclater pmldant, Mrs. a 3. Howard.- of Ir’larse orowd of tbe middle class. D. l»06. bare been alloved for____
Petoahey. told of tbe edrly dayi of Among Ibeir eiudents Is a grand ton to proseot tbolr da I ms against
the mlaaloaary moreneoL At that daughter of Garitaaldi. It la mot
said deceased to said court for examltime aearly all Btalatera were op- •Firing to know that ibe ernler ‘of natloa-and adjoatineot and that all
—-lltofa of aald deceaaed.............
pcMd to foreign mtaaloaa to the work tbe modem dvlUsailaD and religion li qiilred
ed tii present tfaelr
well lepreaenled by Uetbodism.
was carded on under dlffienUlea.
Aaotber prtaldeot. Ura. M. A. Ulaa BUa Minor and Robert Edcity of Traverse City, la said
Xdlogg, uld she bad not been able wneds sang a very en]oral>Ie duet. county, on or before tbe ISib day of
September. A. D. ISOS, and that aald
bymn. Ibe Rcr. Joseph Dut- claims
to prepare for what was assigned her
win be beard by aald court on
bat that aha 'would apeak oa thloga iB pronouDced tbe beBOdIctlon.
Friday the ISUi day of September.
that are vortb wblle.
A. D, IMS, at ten o’clock in tbe fore­
Morning SmsIob.
Xiad tbongbu of and kind aedobs
At tbe opeilmg aeaslon this morn­ noon.
Opted.May lltb. A. O. IMS.
> Bitslonariea are the least we COB ing Mra. Thompson, of Blk Rapids.
do for them. Appredatioa U needed. taMi the delegBles Id s elmaa meeUng.
^odge of Probate.
Bot unferoraUe critlelfm. ■Hooghta After tbe report of (he ,lBSt years
Hay 12-1S-26 June 2 -9.
like these arc as belpfs] to the orlgla•Ung by the secretary, tbe blow­
ator of tbeto as they are to the ob­ ing officers were elected:
ject ' Ura.. RenoB'a Utk was fall of
mwaldent—Ura. W. H. Wblte. of W. Wood retuTMd to Lake Ctiy ibis
lasplrtag thougbta and hclpfal ang- Boyne City.
moralng after attending the coovengwtloBa.
* Correspaadlng aecretafy—Ura. L.
Mra E. I,. Taylor left ibU morning
B. Carpenter, of PellsioD.
for Kalkaska for a visit with frlendo.
Tbe correepoodlBg aeeretary
Mrs. P. J. Howard, of Boyne City,
BeHalre aoxltlary reported that they fildred. of Tmrerae City.
Treasurer—Mra. Bmma Lord Buck­ wbo bas been attending the Methobad 17 oeabma with U ntto b^
dlat convemion. Irfl this moralng for
ley. of Clarion.
la drculaUoB.
nay CU.V where she will attend the
Boyne City reported 6T oemben
stale W. C. T. U. mtetlng.
. of Boyne Oty.
and AS Klo^a HeraMt. They hare
Mys. George Deli, of 914 Casa street.
Second vioe-prealdeni—Mra. F. D.'
C2 Bite bmeea. CUrleo bed IS neaWilson.
bera aad tr alia boxes. Laat year
Third v1oe-pr««ident—Mra. James
they raised MSJd.
Wilson, of Pelltton.
Ulsi Leon Tltca ea^ a beaMfol
SuperlDtendent of young people—
•oto at tbia One with nBBaia] eg- Mra. H. W. Thompson, of Elk Rapids.
)wsr ‘’bU^ th»
8oi>eilntendent of children—Mrs.
Btk Lake reported Id aenbera and MabU Uennia.
faUrrh sr.d
10 mite boxes. Lsat T«ar they raised
IlsytXrr. No hs-aful Sruc.
Tbe meeting closed with aUging.
ES6.SS.' Bik Raplilt bat It members ■Blwt Be tbe Tie -rbat ninds.”
nad U Bite boxes, lake City
" For Sale by Johnson Crug Co.
U membera. SC KtBg’a Heralds and
It Bite boies. lAst year tbey raised ♦


Trararse City Slate Bank


t Umait <Xj fa theNMi)4'
•b tte pwtor of Mrir tnl«AoBarr «(fan U of ob^mUI tataroBt to aay <■•
HEt« >v MSTHopftrr w. r. m. •.
iBUri^ li BriMtoM. The *rMlH
roliffM WM bora ib bkbi
the bOalBBtaK of <t« r«B] ttf« wa*
ta RoB«. Tb« reHfh^ aood»4 tEt
broad rim «f name aad 'Borne «or>talnlr aeeded elirtetisaltr. Tbe poii-

WAS M Z5n,|iMDAl
aftMMtMllw ft

9MT or VBE OOEBmOK Off in

moA Um T000BU7 1b Uie BUruA
Cttr BsE'lwr talk *m tbi? ttlcrMttE M4 iwtrictat. '

Ladles’ MasUn Vaderwear.

One-fiftii Off
SSao 16-batloa Kid Gloves.

$3.00 pair


Embroidered WasS Bells.

lOc and 15c

75c and SOe Neckwc

Wool Suits. $7.75. 9.75,17.50
very sp< i-ial

-Ihe long record that this
brand of sohra ba» ha-l doe*
away with all gu.-s* work In
buying shoes. Any Myl.- your
fret may need.
The bo<k1
broaj toe kind for comfort or
the more dresry shapes lhat
the young m.-n like belter.



Special. S3.75

that sold lor 512,515xxd 525
A apleotliil Laoe Trimmnl Wssbablc Peiticogt
in Uuo and tana..............................................................................

Wash Suit, $5.00
It P<tys to xi’for James
Means Shoes


1KO Oonta a all kiods-badlp
broken *iw aawortojnoln nt ■
prioen to cloip qoi^jr.

A4 aA

$S.7S and $5 Dress SUris. yonr cbolec........ $S.7S

FriSs. the

Dozena l( ollit'r f|ioeialB tbut you moat penooAlfy
insiKcl to appreciate.





Hnto 700 braid About octi

Hbve you beard about our

New Pranhim -nckets

New Preminm Tickets


Sk sSTcil. ST




Oet: ±.tti
Wc arc hxvtaf X ftxic M

Boys’ Wash Suits
in Boater nod Bloonmn^lra: that eonft bn bent ni tbn prieen,

SOc, 75p. $1. $1.25. etc.


We atari a new ae'riea tbia we^—. '
Kood for Seta of Diabea. Bockiof
Ciiaira. Suit Caaea. etc.

Good nntU OcL 1st

idy ■For \A/arrri \A/i
Our Boys’ Blouse Waists

Are cut full, well made of very choicest washable materials in «
light and dark colors, at Only

25c and 50c

STRAW HATS AT........ ................ .Me, Me and
OUR STRAW SAILORS at ^ 3»c ud S$c
hre poeitivety tbe grnatent valaea ever offend.
TAN HOSE, All aim foe boys nudgiik at

lOc, 15c sDd SSe







vaian the i .______
Bboafoetare of Bgnor tad the Ifouor
iratte be proklbttod wtthla the
ot Oraad Tranrae;- tad ter awd^
_itoat the ptopoalUon "To toad
tlM Onb6 «( On>i TraMfM^ Outi corny
ter ta-MO for the ereettea e<
aoltaUe baddlw on the aite owoM
by tbe OdSsty U Oarficld Towaahlp
U which to ko^ tad care tor the
poor of Grand Traverae Coeaty."
t»flk >• I ...........
have hereunto aet oar bandt at Travto tk* Otontr of On
«rae City.- la aaid Coenty and State,
j bc«4 Iko csoQBtjr for fW** tor

i. M. MfBRS.

Oraatrin OortoW TowaoWp tawf "
to kMp ud «r« tor tko poor
Orud TniToro* CboatT."
Tbe «1wle oomber et TotM glt»«
for tad ••

$10 to $22

tad a. ------- -wttblB tbe Cimat7
mer* vat:
Vkar Tbeutad BcM HoadreJ
Serea tr-Tbree—4 tTS.
' Id Uie7 wtre glreii at follow:
/et" recedwd Twenty-Two Hundrod Btobly-nrar Totet-Wt.
•W iwceleed Twenty-flTO Hnadred EUbty-Nlae eotat■ mmt.
The whole no ‘
ot YoteadflTen
lor tad actintt the propotiUac *To
boad the Coanty tor U.Md tor tbe
pBi-pote of erecting ealtable buUdlnga
on ibe Bite owned by ibe cOooty la
OtrfteM Townehlp in whiai to keep
and eare for tbe poor of Qraad Trarerne ooenly*' .waa:
FOar TbOBtand One BvodrM F«^
ty-TwoAnd tthey were tfeda at teHowe:
Bondred SUty-Seren
ren -For tbe Loaa"Totea
Tweatjr-tbiwe Hundred Sercatyn*e Totee were ■!»«• "Agalntt tbe
ot M
do hereby ooMlty that tbe fore­
going U a torreet aUtement of tbe
eotea given In the Ooonty of Grand
Trarerac at tbe elecHoa held on tbO'

Onuty Gaarmaaora.

SUte ot >UcU»B. Conty ot Oraad
— -erae. to:
he foregelac copy of the atoteineBt
ot votea gtvHSln (hli eosnty for and
agalDM tbe propoelllon "Shalt the
Banutaetore of liquor and the lienor,
uatfte be prohibited Vitbln the Coony of Grand Traverae;" and for and
BgnlnM the propoililon "To bond
be County for $8 000 for the parpoee
-Una BUltable bollil
reed by tbe Connty.................
rowAiblp in which to keep and care
tor the poor pf Grand travene,
Cbnoty." and of the cerUfleate thereto
Bttached, are correct iraneerlpU ofj
he orlglnali ol lucb atatetnent and!
eerUhcale. and of the Whole of aocbl
origlnala cn die In tbe ofSce of the
CleA ot laid County, eo far aa they
rNate to the tote* on the propoalUoo
hereunto act our handa and afBard the Seal of the Circuit Court
for me Coui
hlB 14th day
County Clerh.
Chairman of the Board of Coun­
ty Canvdaaeie.


jSOc to $8.00



50c to $3.00

V a^uit
Stiff Hats

Waa a Very Prints AttaIrwAt
HOBt dww 10.

at the hone
Rawll^ of Kfogriey. Wedaeaday
evening when Hr. RawUnga' altler.
Him Kate Dora RavrllnM. was unlira
I marriage to Ira E Hatchett.
The ceremony waa perforiu-d by
tbe Rev, Hr. Herbert, of Kius-l-r
Tbe brtde wore a dainty gown o: j.
•lan lawn trlmated wrtb <ralaiclrt.n c
taee. Tbe bride'e maid. HUa Kn-n
I Rawilnga, ooaaln of the bride, ax-re
flowered organdy over plah. and the
aiUo rlag-«aarer. Hartoa Rawllnsa.
wore flowered dloliy. “nte beet man
waa Prank HatebeU, brother of the

25c to $7.50

Golf Pants
$2 to $5



47, m 14>
S[ 14» 171
40: pt m
TOj H !1<4

nt| T*|»mH
«! m| mil 47
<1 7b| 1M|| to
nl Ml mil u


aD Ob week to
the PAce Pkton Show.



This is Children’s wsek at the Bib Store, every division has arrayed ita .
self in a way to please the younger folk. This week every effort will be put
forth to bring before the people of the Grand Traverse Region the elegant
assorsment of Morchandiss made especially for the children.
A glance through this ad will be of interest to any mother or father and a
visit to our Big Store will prove to you that we' are offering these gOode,&£;_.,;
under price and in/eady-to-wear garments much cheaper than you can^"*^make them.

Children’s Week at the Big Store is an event of the Season
Bring the little ones in.
Let them see the pretty things.
Ask for FREE tickets to the Picture Show.
EspezMy arranged films for this t»eeh, shoUting the many fairy tales tlu MU ones
hear and read about at stdiooL

Tblsgi for (be children from onr Pvtotnre DIrlalog.
CWIdreti', Crib Beds, in a variety of Mfoga*. prieM at tl-fla
$3A0, KM. M-00 and M.75.
Fell Mstlrevaea for aaaie. MOBl

Caody for the ^ildrM at reducc^prices fi


tioi 3to

•1?il 41!

-TiW -HI 'lit «
, jopii n\ 14^ »os
1811 Stol still 3M| !«0| 4«
1681 870] 53811 100| 1721 iit
tZV 3711 707't 2881 2tl! 530
1221 178I 30CM 1«0| 1381 283
1811 3071 4S8II 2371 US| S»
' ' by 305 Loat b> C08.


r pound 15c.
IMT laiund. flc.
atabdaRl . . .
r pbinid 15c.
Fill-' Cfcurns. t|>ccla1.
pound 15c.
Mixi-d KlDilcrf^i
e Cixanii-.
per pound IM.
Chos-oUi-- Chip*, »|uxlal, per pound flOe.
IVunut Cnndy, apcclal pi-r lUHind 15c.
AMort<'d Tnlfy. spotlal, per pound iSe.
Candy KUte-*. npectel. per pwuul tSe.

Juri a few of th'.iiFi the Infanta nnd children need from 'our Dry
Goods dlvUion:
The mint brnntlfnl and complete line of Infanu’ twenam In alae
from all niomhs to aU years, ever dUplayed In iho city. Theae are
hnndsoBob' tolmmed In lacc* and embrold-Tlcs and are i-ricod lo m-II
at 50c. 75c. 81A0. 81J6. fllAh *1-75. *8.00. KM. «2J0 nnd MAS. but
lor thU week *v will give you n dlacouni from tbe above priced of

0ne:fOurOi Off





tD otMKner all frniale diaeasea.
' Urn. NonnaiiK Band!, of Allen,
IrtM satardayw EaewE
town, Be, erritoe:
Hri. L. H. Bennett left thli B
“Bver atoee 1 waa riztcea yearn of
Ing for St. Ignart for a vlali with her age 1 had^gyM ftw anorganic ^
Hr. and Hra. Aaron Hemmo
aad waa axtremelv aervona -Mjr phyas
(hla Bornlag for Klagaley for a vUlt daa aald 1 mw( go Muoagb aa operwto get well. A friead told im
with trieate.
_-jt Lydia E Hakhain'a TegeUhle
MHa Jennie M. Wolfe went
Ckwpoa^aadl took Uaad wrote you
Kortbport yeaterdny afternoon for
for adviea. followiag your dlrecv<mi
Ttalt with her alater. Hra. Stte 8. Wll- earafally. aad thaaks lo ^ 1 am to­
The wUl be Jolaed MOm after- day a well woman, and I am trOUnr
^my friesda of my nnperieaea."
by Stella H. Champaey
daughter, Mina Doaaa. who wlH aptwd FACT9 Foil SICKWOMCN.
For thirty yeert Urdln K. KnkSunday with them.
j. C. Johaaon aad W. Hllea. ol bnm'a VogeUb> Oompouj^ made
Lyan. Ind.. relnrned borne thU mora- fnm nioU and herbs, has been the
remedy for female ills.
ing after tooklng over (he larmlag
conatry la the Grand Traverae regtea.
and ao well pleaaed are tb«y that ti
la (Mr latewUon to aMl tkair '
gumti, irrmkritint.
dlana property and tbea retara
■taa Oiy aad panAaae form land
t« teeate here pmma»amtly.

7^ Ob Chita for the doll, 10a.
K'beelharrow*. 7M.
rroquet Sets al $1.10. OtAO, aaH Ot.10.
Go Cana tor Ibe ChlMren from M-na
Bicyriea lo ail grades 02440 t* 03040.
Boys' Speedero. 0640..

i* 10300 aaah.

Dolls »Dd Toys ^ every kiad oad dncHptkw ot ^1
prices from the highest to tbe lora:
Garden Shovels tOc.

ully sold for 2Sc. specUl for

Ideal Huslln I'nderwear W^»cs, for Infants. ^Isaen a.nd Boys,
c vuiiie, s|i--/lal ut each 21c.
ChUdn-n's Kill' Wstsu. In all alic* from 1 to 12 Tears. 10c.

The room in- which they wefc mar­
ried waa laalefnlly decorate with ap­
nrodcjit. Vou
UneiM — v»u are too. btode
ple blaaaoma, fema and amlUa. Tbe ______________ _____ teU Mnuimk.
need not bnafniid
dining room waa decorated wUb tea- banuatli
bam. at lijmn, »a«.. the thinita v
ribbon draped to tbe coraera ooaldnotcxptointotbedoctxr. Yt
of the Uhie.
i fettcrwUlbebeldmtiu•^trie■teet(.'
A dainty three cooiae lancbeoi waa, fldeooe.
her Vast wnrspoi^aerved by tho MHaca- PaBhaueen.:•------ women dnring tbe
thirty yaara she may have
Brhrll, Fhael and Logie.
' theverjftaowletige that
Mr. and Hra. Hatebetc wlU be at
______ Suchlettereastho...
bone to.tbeir trlendi after June lOth
, from itmtcful woruen, eala tbeir'ncw boaie In the
beyoDd a doubt the poa%rof


Straw Hats

»t| (»| »i!
X03| M tS3|
W. U| lUi

aD Eis wedi te
the Pahee Picfore StoE-

The tickets are free ttnth every purchase, it matters not how smaH

I a II

$1.00 to $4.00


**We chttse you nofUag to look ^ iltlle if yDH imy*

COWWOMW aotonnt.

mTkTmmt or voTss cHfa t

from S5c to

d or ua. 15c.
Sam.- in «xal.
trimmed, priced
Intantr' floiim-l* in Itmni. lie.- mod
Ifinii II down a* rh.-aii a* each 26c,
Oillrfren'r eolorvd rxitdv ms4i- DreaseF made of flue percal-fm
nnd dr.-#» giuchaoia,.C< 50c, 78c. gl-00. and |1AS.
full IlDc of
Children'* Tan Hone, iht-y
'Inc Hose on tbi- market |M-r pair. 25c.
Childrens—Tams In tan*, ’t lues, cheek*, while eie.. regular 50e
valuiK. special .-net 37«.
Cbtldroo'- fuder V.-»ts. ribbed, taped neck, crochet «-dge. low
neck, no sl<<-\<* extra cond quality. 10c.
Bops' lui rmlcrw«ar. In elib r kave .or ankle k-ngth. drowen.
per carmi-Dt 25e.
I all the new eoloringa.
Percale* fur ~
36 In. able. |ht y
In our Mllllorrv tllri.<k>n yoii mill find ail Ih. latest erentloo* tn
Iltlle Puke Bonneis.
Sprinc and tiuninicr Hal* for Children.
:be nem •had.-s uf
. Buster Bntwii Sliapr
aii.l flom.Ts, a;i
pink, blur sod
apixltlly prb-ed for Ibis week.

Children's Caps In Un.-n, plaid and plain while, regular 7Jr val­
ues. 5M.
In our>i-' Suits illVlsloB you will And Children's Musiln
nraw.r*. plain h--mMlicbed. i rows of tuck*, all »lte* irom 7 lo !J.
at per pair 12'c*.
jDdren's nrawrrs. hemsUiibed luffle. 5 rows ot lucks, all sUe*.
• pair 17e and 25c.


Carden Setn. three piece 10c.
Wash Boards. 10a.

INwated Tin Trays. 10c.
tVcoraied Tin Cups and Baacers Se.
Decorated Tin Hllk Hugs Se,
-prorated Cblaa Ptairo 10c.
I^rated China Cupi and Baaeera 10a.
ailver SpooBs He to SI4L
CbHdroa's aet. sliver knUc. lark and sp
from 2$c to Si4a
CbUa Bread and HiU Sets. 25c.

u 3 pieces sTmt set

BtobyLwlia OmrOrm^OMaim
Baby Tooth Breshe*. «e to 10a.
Baby Hair Brushes. 2Sc to 35a.
Baby Talcum Powder. Sc to 15c.
Baby Pino Comb*. Me.
Baby Toilet Sets St4a
Baby RaiUw. 5c to tSe.
Baby .\nralng Bodice. M to Me.
lUnick's Malted Hllk SOe.
Nc-sUe r Milk FOod 80c.'
Ehkay * AlbtuiM-nltc-d #ood 50a.
Mililn > y<p:id SOc.

c'arti'icS'* l^eto l‘rc-|iarailou SOe.
Aui'-lran Melted Cream 2Sc and SOa.
Uuhy I'ouch Syrup. 28c.
Baby Chnllal 2Se.
IlJby Tcc-tblng Syrup lie.
Baby Toilet Soap, Sc to 25c.
Baby Nur.tog N'lppk 5e.

Syringe 28c.

Baby Teetblog lUnp> Se to 1»c.

each. 28b

floe Muslin Skirts. bvinCItcfii-d regie. 3 rows of tueks.
llown*. ht ti-siUrhed ruffle oi. n.---K atul sb.-ve, 2M.
Cqwo. erobruldety ruffle on n-—k and *l.-eve. 48e.
Oowos. laec rulfla on neck and sU-eve. 45c.
Ideal Waist* 28e.
Waists, plain -drill, each t2Vjc.
Waist*, plain driU lame buiioii. 17c.

Baby 8i«ng.-* Sc M lOc.
Hand's Baby Worm Blx. 25a.
liana s Baby CuHc Cure. 28c.
liaud'a Baby Bterrhoi-a Ulilere 25c.
Hand's Baby Tc-e-.blng LwUoa. *V_
Hand's Baby Pkasani Physic. 28c.

Punt* Waist. sU-.- 7 to 12. style 23S. ca.-ti 50c.

Books lar ftc CMMrca
I 8. tl valni-. Inee or button.
(KT pair 75c.
Hisses- Kid Oafordt. good wearing and fet dressy styles, per
mm at 3l.» aad $1,75.
Hliaes Pnlaot Leatber Osfurds wlib eliber light or heavy solea,
Bluchrr Uyfoa' ml per pair MAO.
Chlldree's Oeforda aad SHpperw of every deaeriptiOB. patent
ligther. kid. ealf. with strap, lace or budun. sites 3 to 8. II.M. Sites
8(4 io !1 tl.»CMd pairs of Children's Slippers and Oxfords from Upe* that
sold at $10u and 11.25. sprdai for pair Me.
Extra apevtel ahowlag pi Boys' W-nring Apparel In Mr Ctothlag

Boys' Blouse Watsia. site 5 to If. Itr blue ehambray. white aad cot^»ograa. alrlpc* »d HgurM. each 5M.
Boy*’ Knee Pants, Mg assortment of paiierwa. all tlxes. per
pair, SOs.
Boys' Wash Subs, ages 2 to 1“ yetrw. in white pique. Wur with
while trimming, stripe* nnd ailxtiyes. ai fl1.fl8, fllAO. $1.75, flflJMI, and
**"^%oya' Cap*. Eitors 2Jc and JOc WYifte Dntk TennU. SOc.
Boys' S-iIts in Ibe latot models, blue st-rge, fancy cassimerea.
ewomeds and plaids at «2J5. fllAQ, MAO. MAO. and flfAO.
Bp\W 9»:.'p.-nders at i-er pair lOe and 25c.
.. .




Uffrrtng some very fse books that bav sold for 16e. 20c.
1 23c. lur Ibis sale only 10c.

Tc4dy Boon $t% Oiocotttol
Por Ihl* greai Children s Sale we will ofer any of oar btg^
<yt T.-ddy B-ar» at Tteentydlw par Own Oiaeasart.
While they last and ter ibU sale only we wlD aeR y«a srdM Mg
Tabl^. With 6-> Iiwve*. for oeyOne Cent Eadi.

These are *11 the fancy eotora, aad cold for le, 3e Mid Se« fM tMa
*al- only you can have yonr choice tor OMC-CCHT.

Stcrcooetplc Vlc«Mio
B.*ou:ul Vh*. of Americas aad ftretsa Bcaaery. IS dlBerm
klDds. somrthleg that everyose ahoald 4a*« aM tMy wlU be ta iMa
sale for one CENT.




Naaaa aa«l ty QarWla Ovml.
Zatt OaaatMt Jania BaMtawar.
t will tnr toktiwiHftttMpM
Mi kM to
Mi ••
•Mry IMi« tWfi*.
IT4 *MT faU ta tnMfl to *
thaaa ttoa^ I will -T«». *»»

Ltori ItoaiMiway. l«ma Goto. Patcttk OcOa, ftoRlat ftaitk, AmmM
Pnaela Datodaoa. <8au
Clark. Daver Waraar. BUdtoM (BJkart. Penis LaCore. Ellea Uawtbonie.
BIU Oarer. Marto
^ OaMTieee lataaiar, MrrOa BaOeeback. Oladra Maxwell.. Boj
Mttebtol. Uifie Klns>oatt. Bm Bol,lMk, Mae-Preoeb. Laelle LaOora,
Aloeaa Ktacaeett
Marioa Blakler. Jeeapb Uawtborae.
CUb. BU BapMa. Mleh. Nbmb aeat br MIm Marla

«IM«LAIIA BATS*. Ciltor.
M. V. P. Banahla Clab Ciwila RbHHaaet laabel Bdnle. aca alnataM
mibs. SoloB. Mleh. Naaw aeat br
Mn. a. J. W. nekarmaa.

At Mtoa InPonek regaad I have
orgai^ aa Bb RapUa
sbtoe Clab. We orgaatoed ooe week
av> last Monday at my borne, twenty
aembera betog preeeot. At Sret we
toteaded to admit to oar dab only
tbe ^^dres 4ea^t by Mlae UipDrge.
bet (btor ooedaded to allow tbe
brotbera or eUlen of tbe loemben to
Joto; If they are betweea are eed
tblrteee year« of age. Our meettogs
arc very pleaaaot aad I hope they
erfll prove prodtaMe. We arraage prograau aad tbe cbUdres enjoy tbom
very macb.
We iatead to have a ptoalc after
eetaool U oat. A few of oar member*
have betoaged to tbe large Clab.

woeld like to join
Clab. Win. yee
heltoe aed tbe cord of rulee?
Mdim PMktoA
NaahiBway. MM
May fl. leoi.
Dear PrealdeatI would like to jota tbe Suaiblae
Club. ^IR yoe please seed me a
button sod tbe cord d rules?
Berenice Wachter.

ItoDbtBwv. MM.
May SI. IbOg.
Dear PreeUeel—
I would Uka to join tbe SUBshlae
anh. wm yea please ernd toe i
buttoB aad tbe card of rules?
moot of them have never Jotoed be­
Tour friend.
Irene Wacter.
Ptaaae send cards and betuna to
tba followtog members: Zaeb OsantNhablaway. Mleh..
lett. Jenate HemMway. Uoyd HemMay SL IMS.
eaway. Winie Cole. Patrtck Cole. Dear President--.
HatTtot amltb. Aaab Saaltb. Pmads
1 woald Uke to joU 'the Sumblav
DavtdMa. Ofona
Dulyea. CItotoa
CM Win you please aeed me
Baaa. Dare dark. Dewey Warner,
betton aad tbe cord el rales?
Madison Oilbert. ybrrls LaCnre. BUen
Tour friend.
Etta Corey, Marks AlCecelia Arshambo.
pera. Bessie Orammel. • OeBevleve
torsBger. HyrUe HoUeabeck. QUdya
NauMnwuy. Mich..
Maxwdl. Boy Mltebdl, Loate KlagMay tU IMS.
acott. Revs BuUodi. Mae Preach,

OtlsvUle. MIcb, R. P. D No. 1.
Hay 2S. IMS.
Dear President—
t wU write a few Iteee agato to­
day to you. This leave* me well,
t hope you and all the Sunablnar* weU *1«>. Wen. 1 did gel a
letter from a eonaln of mlae ifarough
tbe dear Herald. 1 will take tbe fteoealco tbe gbertr of seadUig tob
store naBMs of my little trieed*
wbo wish for a card and pin. are ar follow*, Oracle Trsver.
and Beatrice Drumm. both wt Otl>TlUe. MM R. P. D. No. I. Please
abad the card* and pins to my name.
Beatrice la sevea years oid. aad Gra­
de eleven. 1 hope- seme other 8unshlaars will write to me. Thank yon
tor tbe number of the Herald tbat
you seal me.- 1 will cloee. - aignlcg
Your HtOe Sunshiner.
Evelyn Palatef.
I am aure whe-a the Sunsblser* ir<wbai a nice letter yon have written
c of them wUl be glad to c<
I with you.

n to easy to tM) ibax racatlaa has
ooaM for noat ec tbe Baasbloara, ao4
the bright warn day* are bare.
Btery tree ead Utto bato u eoeared:
a Ml tha Craila with ttoy gaga of greea that gatter
Fwwiy Saytapaffurly tor tbe feadval of aprtng. So
A boy OBC* said. “Oooadeace la a
wbe wanu to stay todoora tbeee daya
Utile threeeoniered tbtag. like
area to wrlta letters to tbe
which 1* ^aced to <
m to eliBt ct a loeely Bbora. aab?
breast, aad goes aroand wbeaever
Toaow as geU to the wntog light wen last ho« m all feel, aad while
you do aayiblag. If you do right
.TIM MB’s ewB eo^ at Moa U wereiabe BdaseB tbe letten troei yoa aad
turns la one direction very umoo
Aad h^ faded wt at tbe fall of tbe lutle elMta arltb yoe. tbe aaOee'
and doSeenk hurt. It yon do wroag. It
I to beieaU iuet tbe eaiae. and waats Ladle LaOore. -Margaret Oavldsoa.
1 would Uke to jda tbe Sunsblae
a the other Way and twitches and
WlUla Preaeb. AJonso Klagacott. aub. Will ye* plcaae seed me
scrsiches and biirta terribly.’*
Marioa Hakley. Joaepta Havtborae. button and tbe card of rule*?
A UttJe boy came to hU mother re­
(tbe above are new member*); Wal­
Tour frtead.
cently. aad said; -Mamma, I abould
ter Bmaa. Bdna Bmaa. Liord Briggs.
Irene Perkina.
iblBk. If 1 was made of dost I should
laad (bea OB atoraay days or wbea yea Luctle Brigg*. B^wto Briggs. Marie
get muddy Inside when I drlak-tto aeoNt the aaOen eoeld aot aaBriggs, (tbe above are old
NauMnway. HM.
A cbUdtoceM h btU M>-«i:;kTnpb
neaae eend tbe old
May XI. IMS.
poet: -O u^UB. UpiR A. meaiage
Bat they eaDed tbe ecHtotry a
and.bflttona for tbe eneloaed money. Dear President—
A nomber of letten have com* » Our ofSeer* are Pres.. Marie Brigg*.
I would Uke to join the Sunsblae
Hie.- WfW the mother from the
leatly that aay tbe boy* and glrto VMe Pres.. Jeaata Hameaway; Sec.. a*b. WUI you please send me
hall below. Srbaf* all that noiae np' want to start a
Hsrrlet Smith; 'Tms. Sack Gaant- button aad tbe ard of rales?
ttalrs? It's ahocklng-" "CHi. tt’a U**e
ivaeatlOB. and would Uko U know Jett lett. We wUl meet oa Moadty. Jaae
Toor trieed.
two MU cf mine. Tm gdag U
‘ R w« tobk* yan aall* wbmi imoaibow tobegto. OteoaiwatbereareaU
BUen Moore.
them rlgbt to bed sad see If we can't
klBd* of aafaa. pleaaar* dnba. atady
I hope our Oub will be e saceeas.
have a litUe peace.’’
ctoba, belpfB) elubA and rrer so I think we have a aloe lot of boya
JbtosM^ tbab
Kaubtoway. Mloh..
maay more baddea. Atoioat aC eluba and gtrla to make good enabeema.
May fl. IMS.
Marie Briggs.
bars eartate ttom for maerinn. Md
Daar Preaident—
We have two dogs, Neptune and
tonr or aacre otScor*: praaldant. vies
I would Uke to jola the Sunshlae VMorr^bey are very bright. Inielll± a alee letter baa come from Club. Will you please send me
gent one*, and have been tangbt to
U tbe dob la Joat a Ptoaaaw dab one of tbe *gro»a-ops'‘ who Is Inter­
different article*, sueb as let­
enearnd ton h ■ -vna »
woBldat ba anytbtog ested la onr dub. Mr*. B. J. W. DickTour mead.
ter* aad paper*.
.for tba etOcer* to do. naleaa yoa ermaa. of Solon. It pleased your pres­
• Qton Belley.
A Brighbor. Mr. W—. bad rrecuemtba wnd base bimmad. wd the wantod to atect them ~tor ton.’' to ident very much to send tbe Cradle
ly let Victor carry a paper or bnadie
tbat case the praatdeBt would be Roll card to Haael wbo U a lively UtNaubtoway, MM. for him, and one day he gave Mm a
BMda el
maidy a sort of laadar. and tba vlca Ua body, aad daar aa^ sweat as
•May XL IMS.
paper to eerry.
Arrlvlag. at our
tbatptoea wbaa be. with her tt«oU black eyes, aa^
Dear President—
bouse, instead of giving up the paper
Ik be Uara; tbe eurly brown hair. She li a real Uftle
I would like to join m SuaahlBe as usual, Victor sprang over tbe
V near (ha »■ '!»* two ar* boa
aaeretary ml«bt errito Uttto aeeoaau Sunbeam. Mr*. Dickerman tMnbn.
Club. Wlv you pleaae send me
fence and^ast down to tbe yard, aa It
-WhM A 4aar ehUd. wimU
«< tba meettoga, say one* a montb.
battoD and tbe card of rulsr?
to aay. *iief* see you get lt!“ No
dwegg for «nny
tor Mr Suasbtoe Aepartmeatj aad
A Bttmber of
Yoar friend.
coaxing on the part of Mr. W—. was
We VMM wn. aad a^UU at tost we there would be no need dor a trena- bare «ome tbU week. One la from
Henry Arsbambo.
of aay avMl.
mwr. Tbe Ptoasare Club wouM
our trtenA Mr*. Morris, of Bverett.
Neptune who was «ltriag on tbe
f« a eeetol time oae* a week or of- Wash. She says she wll] write agato
NauMaway. MM doorstep watching proceedingB, got
Mtt* at bom* we
when tbe PadSc Sect vMU Bverett
May XI, IMS.
down, walked over to Victor, and
play ganwa. take jdly walks, tg bars la Juae And tell os more about tbe
gave a sharp bark, as If commanding
kl pdcale. Bet wbat
ships. And perhaps she wUI leU u*
1 would like to join tbe Sunshine him to drop It. which he promptly
yee did yoe e
about a moantain trip abe espeeU
Club. Will you please tend mt- a did. Neptune picked It up. walked out
r aad vaeatton a Bunabtoy take tbU summer. How we all hops
battoB and tbe card of rule*?.
tbroogh tbe gap ta tbe feitee, aad
•be wUI!
Your friend.
gave It to Mr. W—.
Aaotber postal la Mgaed by dear lit­
Tte Btady CM demk aoead very
Amanda Perktoe.
We considered It a pretty bright
veoatlon. bi
tle Dcmald Wllaoa-of Teats. J^b.
act tor a dog. —Golden Rule.
asm* I* OB tbe Cradle Roll, but
•tody doeeak always
Grawa. MM R. P. O. No. 1.
be shall have
bodk leamlag. We are real» aloJyHay XX. lOM. .
A Wendartul flwn.
Ardurus U olne of the very great­
lag tblnga all tbe Use. la *eboot or oeid and buttce. Won't It be fine to
Mt of e^ooL Oea Study Otnb Bright get a letter from him eome day!
I have not writtea for a long time. est of the aiars, so much u, Indeed.
Strlus probably would make
Aa inlereallag postal came from I wUI write a few lines. I have a ben but aeven
be called aa ObeervaUoe dab. aad
poor shoving tn the comparison
m edeU try to Sad out about tbe vus Plxley wbo Uves at NaaMa
and a pig. Md I have aevea calve* to If placed at an equal distance In fact,
MIeb. She teU* about what
tblnga there
feed. We have two hones, their some or the cnimates of tbe light
areoBd oa. The aambera ooald take timea tbe Sunshine Oub of tbat
M are Frank and Prince. Wc and beat sent forth by Arcturus artalmost Incredible, snd If really cor
Bad tbe witoiirfel i
a toum walk end each have a dlter- place at* baring aad apeak* of a ptc- have lea pigs and eeven cows, We •Cl ao planet could sunt^ as near
eat object to aoUce, one coaid lell nlc tba teachers gave on tbe last day have a dog. hi* name Is Nigger. He ) Arcturus as the earthV'ts to (be
MfotM. yee an kgaatlfiliy
bow Bsaay Mato of trees be saw, aabelpt me get the eowa.' We have ten
other count tbe dltesenl varlettoa
cau. 1 am to tbe third grade. I have
TBe vondsrfal air M evar ■
Soweih. another watch tbe birds, aaBare la Gertrude'* letter.'and tboae
little slstw. Sbe ts tlx years old.
tba wandmtel wtod to abtfctag ether tbe battorfltea aad toseeta. and of tbe t»ew members at Naublawso': We get our mall oa the route, but we
tbe tm;
ao on. tor yoe know there are loU of
NauMaway. Mkh.. Uve at Monroe Center. I am aloe
R walheen tbe water aad wbIHe tbe
to see to tbe samMay X8. IMS. , year* old.

mer time. It yoa waattostaitan Ob- Dear Presldeat—
And talka to tOaU an top o( tbe bflU. eervatton Otto yov preMdeat
Bddle SUdeltouFT.
1 will write a few line* to yon. aa
suggeala your school out yet? 1 expect you
of lettm from
Tea. trtandty tetb] bow tor do jm
be glad when vaesUoe come*.
aoW of tbe children of tbe lower
A Helptel dub would be a very
school. I asked Hit* DuFTrd.
WUb tbe wbpat Selda tbat aed^ and
Sanabtoy thtog to have to veeatloa. their teacher, to ask them bow maar
tbe rtvete tbat Sow;
donk you think so? Ton could |uke sraated to join tbe Sunabtoe Club,
WMb tiM eittoa aad garth
Are nerve diseases, nod unless
tbat e ralay-day club If you wanted and bavd.tbem write a letter to yon,
outs aal totoa.
checked, lead to destruction of
yon could not go out
I wlU once more try and write
they did. but they have aU writboth miud and bodj.
door* to pUy. Tour presldeat would tea letteiu lust tbe same. I tblak per- i« Banablne Club, as I see they ;
weak, shattered oerres must
be glad to seod you {detom ter scrap bape they did not quite uaderaund ot many letter* now. We are having
have eomething to strengthen
tbat when talabed might
wbat abe meant. Toa can send tbe real nice weather now. aren't we? Al- and build them back to faealth.
Ab! yoa are aa graat. aito 1
oant to UUie skk cbildroo who ere
card* and buttons to me and I wlU t'bongb It U awful warm. We bare I>r. Miles’ Restorative Nervine
I tnmbla to tbtok of yoa. world, at the dty boepitela; or tbe glrU Bright giva them to the cblldren| We are quite a lot of flowers coming up now.
is a remarkable nerve tonic and
eeto drees e BUIe peeey doU for the bsTlng nice weather bow. and
aad the snow balls win soon be out gtimulaoL It strengthens the
good too. n was ao eold for *o la blossom. I tblak they arc r
AM yM. when I aaM toy prayeia ta- seme purpose. Fetbeps one d tbe
nervee, relieves the nervous
■aotbet* of e Suoablaer woold give long. There Is quite a large barge la pretty. Don't you? We are going
strain, and influences refresh­
here sow. getting loaded wUb lum­ have cbndrea'a day exercises i
A wMfoii wttbto SM aassaad to epeee to her gardeo for a :
ing bodj-buUding sleep and
Sower bed. and Md> eeaahlaar eooM ber. Our school was an( the XXnd of weeks from next Suaday. at
rest. Persistent use seldom
Tee ere toore than tba Martb, tln‘ brleg seeds tor It. or treaeplaat Sow­ May. I did not go at all after I was church at Monroe Center. Gur school fails to relieve these Afflictions
ers already grewtog. Of coum the sick. I am weU aad atrong agula hut was out two weeks ago Friday. We
yee are each e det:
boya aad giria woold have to sec tbat I do Mt weigh aearty as much as I
tbe last day
Toe cea love aad tbtok. aad
totow aowt (or M r
the weeds were pulled end the plaou did before I was sick. My UtUe sU- of sebooL It itoeed so we bad to but
h» ceuta ae vary
watered. Tbea whes tbe Sowers ter has been sick for a few days but bava It ta tbe acbool bouse, but we
thy tod 1
were to btoom they cooM be sent
U getting better- I mast close tar bad qnilc a aloe Ume. Well, t wHJ
Wiltoiifoy. May It. iMg. toek folks, or eaed to brighten
this Um^ with lore to aU tbe Sna- qlaa*. with love to all tbe Sunsblaei*.
Ifow toembari jetodag etoca laat re- chueb M Suedv.
U yoa wasted to yee eoeld have a
■Hla NoSringer.
rrom your friend.
■dwta Kaapp. Travem Oty, MM. dab tbat comUaad an tbm ktoda.
How nice It seems to bear from yon
Certrade 6wen.
wtormr t so. Too mar usa thia as
. Onato
Beetrlee It coeM be a ptoMer* deb. i
agala. Sella! I alwaye feM tkat
IbWtoto. OttovOe. MM. R. p. O. No. vation deb. aad a belpful dab. ead
uf*nmi^ni—T 1^ I^’aaMrOorito
real SBaatoner.*
NauMnway. MM
1. IfotoM wmt by Myn Palmm.
atlU be a Herald Tonag Phiks
May XL JfofiItova Lertog. TMatee Stotts, toa- abiae Ctob. tbe afoeat ctab year proa- Dear President—
nte Lake. MM
ctolr lalBka, Mto Morrta. Ma Bar- deat knows about:
May IS. IMS.
woald Uka to Join tbe Sanablae
tonre eOd Oartrnda mraiiMai. Pita
aub. wni you ptoeae send see a
LaSa. MM Nato« awl fo Mtoa
WU) yon pleeec leU Toe bow i
bntue ead tb* card o( ralas?
I man broiMt two leuet* and
eUTt a Buaahlae Oab? We dock unTour frtead.
mm to OSiSaer. Ma wnnderetand hew to enaalse U. and w*



S-JJ. -




For AllComemto Work
Herald and Record Co
We Believe

Have tlw Beat Tea c
tbe Maital.

Choice Dnoolorf<d Japan parikmlgrlT fin* flasw and
TOoeptiooal etmiKtb. If yoo bare trouble gatrini A
toa that i« to your hking try a aample povid ofttie
ooe. We wilt Uke oar chanoua on your coming baek.

Price, 6*e per poni.

J. J.


Emm* ^wmn*



Rather have * flour that
you know hat been a fitudard for over twenty ye«n
than to tbke a ebtnen on
gome brand that yoa fcno*
nothing of? When you or­
der (lour next time in^it
on setting BEST best
KNOW jtnt how good tbat
flour U.


Builders Hardware
Wc want to call your alteatloa to our ilne.trf
ware sad ask you to get out prices before yob buy.



We buy tbeee

dlrtci from the manutaclarers aad can make yoe anew egtramely
low price*. We carry tb^laust dcslgas to locks, haeba. aad eseeUReont aad wc' have evetythliTg needed to comMete the heoae or ban
la the line ot Hardware. We want to eaU yo«r aUeetlna to 1^ *31g
4” Barn Door Roller; It baa a< top beertog at AU Utom aaA R to ka-,
posilble to get It off the track.
Come la and see tba bargains we^aa give you.



SL Vitus Dance

, A—«. .

Lavenberg's in one pound packages, 32c per pound.
It is convenient to get at the amout you want to use
when you get tbe ooe pound package*. It to one of the
best greens.
Fine ground Land Plaster in American bags and
in paper sacks.
Land Plaster Sifters and Sprayers. Potato »od
Corn Plaoteis, price guaranteed.
A good display of kitchen hardware. Kettles Paik,
Tea and Coffee Pots, Cookie Cutters. Spoool, Knives
and Forks, See prices and quality.
Money returned if not satisfied. Comer Froorand
Cass Streets.




'Ifilw Mftlnl Co, gBdtott, iBd

A- ■

Proposed Amendmepts to State Constitution
IllffiSS TO PEOm SS.",£T.
MicMgan e«ibvttton at tbePrMwik
rtm Act •BAvr «kieta U>« GovtltBfiMMdOMinBUcs ot »>'*'< coavfMd
ttal -n»* CCO*C«*OB . •

Mm* In MjMnforat. pr*»*r*
Sb tbc

cooMltBitoB. and Um

„ _ja*Uaac« jrtth IM (on«al>C

•siMlnc CO

Ubm oT Ihc *ca»tat ca___________
«U1 b* lo«Bd that the oht*j— pro>wa« ar* olibar awiry <r *n>*dt'
cat. t> **ct M* cooditfama. or lo aniu
MM cartalo m piM***Mc of the ooe
MUwtaa or UM. Cine* lb* laMcr ymt
JHeMfia baa ctova rrom Um that
«tuw paopu ---------- ----------------------- uatrlaJ aad
r *1 narc tbaa
Tb* ee«atlt«tloD
ertaalc la«


mt Ibr «*la tar Afly-alKbl
•ocitir ha* srova «aatl>........ ......
Ha MslirlUc* MuUt|i^ It*

aal M al tha** b* fa sHM aa»*n
a aatboHaM ba

« la tb« I
.• IbMr p
t dMrici* aad dr*'
tlua of the pretoarr
■<marr acbool

non*r: (dac.
t. Art. XL ^vlMoel
to Oi» imsMom of th* baaklas :
(Sac. ». Art. XII. RnrUioB*.
ftLi Aatbomr U sraslad tb* h
lalors to daUcais poovr lo a com
aioa to fls lust sod maoaabl* eba
for lb* traaiionatioe oi property
rallmad rooipaBin asd rxpraaa <
paatoo: C(Uc. :. Art. XII. dtevlaJoa)
<».l Provision is mad* for the *ob*
MUatoa of roastltutloaat aaModa
lo a voir of «>• psopU upoa tb*
iloB of twooly pM.erai of tb* •Uclor*

^t^Tb* kaislatur* is astborlaad to
sobeiil aor act pasaod br H aad ap­
proved br Om poTMtior to a roi* ct
th* propl*. aad II Is providad Mat Ba­
lm* sorb act iBccltM UmMou of s
laa>»Hlr of tb* *Uclor« vociac tharvoa
- sbaJI
- tJl aM
b»eosn» a taw: (S*c 4.
Art. V,. .
TbM* see______

tSi'o aMlar shall, la tba* *c'
prace, be «iiart**ed In aayr b*ua* with,
out tb* cootanl of lb* oanoer or «
toim. aor Is Ho* of war. vnapt
naBDrr pr«ageib»d by la*.
No ebaaw* frow Sm. >. art XHU •

ec. I. M»ltb*r Mav**r aor Involuar •ervilud*. anlms lor lb* poaUta
)t of crtia*, abaU *v*r b* toUrmad.
In ibU Mite.
N* cbMs* mo a**. 11
Sm. *. S< law or b
tion of emltrat > absll b* pai*Ma« tt. an if
■ «sr*M for tb* »

awnaad ntaBh of iba Mata ha*
' '
Uaa thaa thinr >dUSlw*?UH (a MM Ms sUti
«Md aad Anr-lasr WHtiqts I

■ riftis:

MaaSr af*tSa|^|M^aadjjaaiaMa•Man MS aataraJir adtali* at'___
•Mat rotiaisB. aad natcmi aawad.
fcanianli dt rovMamMt .. .......
.carataltr pMactrad. Ms stntttaral
dttfsaw an pnaeaid- Th* bMartc:
danahaids af nto. libanr aad prop-

cSd3ratt-*sik?*^ “*

n*AH*a br nau


.4«Jm iMMdfiM Stoll
dtoB. PL Bit V, ItMMeB).

O.) H* ttt Adtt b* paawd
• s law at


I af «sch
(Bm. ».


n.) Tb* .loral .

c;“.t ifc

Ur* rote of tbN»-flfihs of tbe *l&ttira

■ s^ir^i^ijr
^ni) Tto olaeitvo drarwbto*

MBdod to womt» upon bumiiors which

o warraat

Ithoat d**rHI
Ibvm. BO* wlUwut probabi* caoM. •up'

Mwildi a ay«t*« of uatforen aecownita( br all atat* oAclal*. boards and
XU) $kf •semwor i* vsaiod wUh
(ILi PlivlUis I* Mad* far the Ux•Um of
piBpitfjf of exprma. I*l*BIiiibi. aabpwpb. (mUM aad other ear



' Sec Ltonytors and rrpr.«cr.<aMve*
absll In all eam* except for (n-asct>.
fel.-iy or breorh uf Iht peace, to ^rlWIged^ftw arixai^dortup^^ewi^of

' of I
cb Involv** tbe direct •spesdUiu*
subllc Bioaey ur the Issue of boadb
r> vosies baelnp tb* «aaltAca,lloaa
nsU tIeclocB wbo baa property aw

a tb* diiBTiloa

w B '


*•*- *•



^ s?

------------.,1,... s.STf'
s. sursss -'Ts.".srurs
Iw lb* patpam af Imptmrtas Ua psraoa<

wmmr. eacepi *iKw pOrtp MM mAT requ(aecrecy.
The rsaa and uaya of t
MOBtora of ritber hnuo* on aby ques­
tion Bhail to eolored on tto Journal at
(be requoM of oae-fifth of (be maastora
PHSSENT. AST memter of
hoM* Bay dUUMt fimu uad
apatan any act. procaodlap or
tloa whicb bs may doeui IsJurlotM to
may peraoB or tbo pubUe. and have tb*
rtuBao for bla dMaaat astarM ea tto
“Wiukiii slactsd- U tb*
Ua. Si* H. An. nr. ar* cl




r5w*5:.uffKr.2^ sr.


torn toe. >t AH

VI M lb

toe. n. No perooo abail to rendered
laeoMpotont tS to a wltneaa on account
of bla opinion* oa atattan of rellploua

(to lermer
per dtem

ap* tbi* la rsorrally
tk* Caaeaetloa.............
lax (as aaarbt*
l( ta
IB aslary vUI Bskr ll
for urt>'*ta
Is s(ss*'
s(ss* for »*
Ih* l*M*l
eoMd asl posMMy sSsr* Is do >e
iktatlB* to'r Msb' as* II wllt^fcBv***^^^
•cbm tan«rary
tan«rarr is
Is eonniFa«iM

ballot, except for such tuwnablp .
aa may to aulborUM by law

----- to^’Ssm' *?r?i V

SHALL to passed to
preaerve tbe purity of tiectioua aad
' iculBH abuat* of U>* alecUv*

point on tb* easters boasdary 1!
le slat* of iBdiana. where a dirt
southern estrci
Ky «r iMbe MMilpao to th* me
Bortberiy cape of Maoaee Bay
iBUmecl the aane—tsM point bclsk
Cb* fMrthweat POINT Of tb* Male of
Ohio, aa asUbllshed by act of CoBpresa.
•alUled "Aa act lo cstabllsb IM Bortli^ bouMi^UD*
HmMM* of Ohio.

a d......................
ehaab*l belw**.. ____
IslaBd* lb the Lab* of tb* Dcseni
Ibenco In a dlr*^ line to the aontbero
LMe Bnil
BMIe;. Hwnca alony aald
.. pf Lake
.-.ibera abom and daeri. —
Brute lo the aialn chaBB*l oi
fbenv* dowu
rhani)«| of Ihe saaie
lb* BtoM waual skip
to th* center
rbiBoel c- •
coaler of
Wirhiaan: tbeace tbroueb__________
stoat usual
uial thlp
Ibe^ aald
bay to tb* middle of Lake
(hence .tbrouch (be isMdle
Ub-hlpan lo the ■■••rtbem fa
tbe slal* of
- trfdlaiis.
. -......... st
r- was
by the art of Coitpreas of
aatabllafc ...........................................
Bih f* April oighteea
. leeo boo-'
I sIxIom; theuee due coat with the
aoHh bOKBddry llae of the aald Mai
Indiana to thi
of: aad ttonce
r llae Pf ladtasa U

ST.. ■ ■ ■

«< dMaad la th* etMIIB* eeasBIUlfea Tbe
•M -yMM" I* Kisie* la the »!*<« M l*a
war* 'eorwer'' to tbe par***# of tveewca
la daarHpIM. aa* tb* WaH Ttlaa* Lab* '
y* a **• laeeRte* u maka caKsla okti I*
■taM by Iba haof- oat*m of tb* KaaireaT
-toe. I Th* seat of poversment ahsll
be OI iMAalar. whem It la bow aalab-



dtad^afstg d^*i^^'‘w^"tJIto>*|S
Tb* rertaisB aoitad* li
wd -abail.- iber-by iss.
y apsD the IstlstetuT* i«
•* (k* peniy of cMcUsa*

aftb?^SrtaSMw ”Sar’*taudrr4 ^ JU'uq
deltara. Tto OeeeeatWs bsiMvrs rkal tto
pfsatlen ol a aslsry per urm vui per
or ly iottoe a Kroa*er clan sf msB Is arcepl
Mrvicv la tto Irfistaivru but vill maiertalb


Secllon 1. The power* of pnverumaBt
are divided Into (bite drpartaientar
The leclsiatlve. aSK-ullvv and Judicial.
Ne ebaac* rram Sac L -Art. Ill ai iks prt*-

^Bk. U. is

prov*d 4uBc nnrrMb. e1<bi«eti . .
tblrty-slx: iboaoe wtlb tbe *Bld bcundary Itn* of lb* state of Ohio uaill ti
lotvnu.eta the bouadary llu* belueen
lb* tlolUd males and Canada In Lake
Srte: ibMte* wRh tb* said boundary
lift* brcwaea fhe United Nlsiea aud
Canada Ihroufh <l» OetroH River.
Lake Haroa ond hakr Superior to a
polat where tbe aald line last tourhe*
Labe Superior: tbMC* 1a a dlrecl Hae
tiHOBPh Lake Supittor to the Wuutb of
lb* Mantraal RIvar: tbeoce tbroupb tbe
mlddl* bt tbe main cbaBbM of the
-eSSlr-beiicb if .b.
• - Moa.

_ JS3f4S."iTbV'T.lS;.T,.'i


prapHM* bradiass ta iksi ta
Mr mar* aecemlbl* ub*a arBSpc4°ic«r(brr lo
a alacls antru li u vottbr el a-.i* ibx


*JM M 11

UiU b* (••ad Iks aecUea b* aecks.

J~teosUv» rrsachl**

.'st'-i-ssr-ai X'sutfite

utlrrts ssuykt ta to rearaed. eii; ts brasdra
(hr SeM (ram wH<b Bmatois af (to ls«(Mslar* may to dravu asd tketaby taetvass Itn
• Tsrak* Irerl st tk* mrmbmhip kad. at tto
mmr (IB*. ti tk* rammamuea at p svs•■restle* Bevra. II ta •allBsIrd thil tto
darjeaa* Is eapsaa*. larldcat to (k* skoH-c
ramtoUsSltf^to“rt**ta!IS!i. ta'uta^ “““
CawtovaatMi lor •t»ii*l aiaslaav was <04.
•Idersd tooacarr. a* a mariir ol paSII.
palley. t* lauwa aKeadsare sod 1s pratid
rrasuofralWa 1st airaitirrs wbo assy ks>.
to*B dppulBtrd Is BII «s**r- - ..M.
stur M.S
Iks Msa*
Mss* at (be
tbe rr«atar
rraalar aiailao.
Thr alloVaarr atd*
a*d* •(
*1 prsMs!
is msmtocr


and. Billease •
■laiure aad r

e of a .
u. SC-1 »
puld only lo III' perron declared to b.
entllKd to a Best by (he ho^e :n which
-OBiMt take* I l.. r,
bsi.a- Id s>e*D<D( rrSB t-r B AH.
Ito I-Iearal toDiiiieiioB.
lenoB. A mrraaar-

!»*laiyrsee (hr" pi.tiMi.i'eT
The 'lecll-rn of
Of aanalora and
if H:-«

■“ “"mSVK


c to Each Pettolor asd
•ban be a cKiaec of tbe Onlled
ea and a qqalHIed eUeior of ibe
dwtHct be rax-reornti. aad bta rewKwul
th* dlstrlcl shall to deemed a vsr
the liberty of opeecb or of tbe ueeoa
whieb and tto time and plmv ml wbtrfc
Ne ekaaos trma Ser 4L AH. IV at (ka Buck ktoeot eiecSora may vote, and for oallim at the office

Ne ihsaxr rram Per. to AH. IV ef tto prso.....................rtiMH”
yy* to lb* parpeas lha aMVaSO aad retora of ibelr volea

Soe. • Tto toUtary touD to sU ombm bars nUed or teal a rvMdcBc* by i

**S*^d .Vo'peraon hoUInca^ office
uirfe* tbe Vailed Siaiea or tbia oUte
«r any coumy ofSee. except srotarM*
public, officer* of ibe mUnia and officerv eierttd by toaruahlpA. ahall bo
•Uffible to or bsvo a aaeS ta oUbar

vamd IS tto caaMSuwaTM tkM mSLm
Udito Uan teqwrad la (hair paaaws


tlwru* by^vata or'*MoaM taw ^
rale or coaveyanee af any rodl Mtota

c;;x25i“er«-2i wns. s
K 1
-..U Mt M sn-M
hr tba lasillatura.
Na ebkkw (mm Saw K. AM. tv at tba
of lottery ticAaw.
^ ^ stoy^ ti^ S*e. R. AM. IT •( taa
f. ta. Tbn%MUBr* ahAll b« swdtt

' B^ tA EviiTto Pdaowl by tbs Uc-

rSb'^u’Wt.sii 5

th* bouat la which K orisiSAtod. wbleb

rwcoulderalioB, if (wo-tbirfU Pt (bO

and ta. AH. <»■> day*. Burrdaya exoMfoA. Utsr It bu
•ad aa Im- bs*n qreaent^ to blsk. H AsU bO*




.h.- k.l.U.u.- onu'. H-to. MM pr.n.M'
------ .

? "S. -rs 'S^ "■ •5’
specui acMiOB of tbd Irfia-

Utare oo uy other ubjectx (bu (bua
cxprasaly Hated
In tbe cuvoraorU
proctamatMo or aubmlttad by opeclul
Nn blU ahall be altered or,
amended oa IW peaosce tbrouch elthee
8oc. n. TM
houae ao as to chaofe tu orlxinal x-ur- power to diimpp
IlM ot uy Mil
This la a aev aaetioa. It araa laarrted t* ■

Efi m7 -KUSS.'T.S-gSSJ'El' .if- i-" " r-"S.’SSlSVdS eL-Sfld-w:
mesa* murk craM>r pdbBmy la Imudatit*: oetlbed for the

Wio M‘.i

<««•«• at aOtar Cte
ttms la tbaa preelM vbeiaSy, over the
— exaruti
..:arutive veto.
Tb* larrctaDx Mettse U •
' ***‘0Bl
4 toll IS p4*.4d ll U to- >

•-!-?-w_-"sr 1.""S52.”2-5:I


iKS-."ii.'jsjrsss„.ri ^

•a i

wraSto' M AM IM to

eiprra*lr auiad (a (he xaveraar-* i.iei lauii

TiM vsrdi

.-S 3*

'.J CtS-ri.-!:
rrs2 ss: rxr-ii

be a JudlcUl...................
.Ul ac« abaU taho oCect
UBtU approv**! by a I...........................
majortty q( ito
U Ma ^tidcx ll
ve aanveo.
Vto faawwaa B ’•• enttraty krv matUa
diuam ta vtoh a vhataaam* kwta*al>«v >«-

:o each houae.

. .D.'tad^ m


&tto^-H“.kSr*tf^a‘{s fi“u awSK

Sec. n. Every b.ll • * • ahiM be
read Ihrto tluic In e»cb houa* before Ihu ascuao. B Is apiPdatad. wfll wnmi
(h* BmI uaaa;r rhereof
.Vo bill
• • • xhsn become • !•« w thout i.he
roncarrrorc of a maJoHiy of st: il,e
member* atoctcd I-. eoeli !> :ue« <»n the
(liiSi psaac- Of s:l Idiu (-1- >o(r
fr rhstl
-rej oa


1SIUI hsni.1 to-i
.ksll to L. Hll lire •
riD4 la <e.



4*r:s.-:^‘a.;‘;n;iiTler:rr ••

the army or

•ad whether k <

ua*. by wU«U%.MBa fas
1 tbe end c
roconudeyad. U
.. amrCMd br twoelMPte
I oaiae U | 1^.
tte members
. .rrs cleMad U tbst toMB.
r Uwtaiatun MAT Ol^B^IE KrrECT TO ACTS
tNO AJ*PROPRIATJON« AND ACTS «»«»«» of I»*b UouSb MHjrSTrSto
FOB miD^ hr y^ asd naya «»d tbs Bwaa .

1 {^SSi % ^fl£*JrtTta”
fUc. 1* The pre*ldeBI of the aen.,.

bsront In lb* «o«H>le
blm1«r of November
•octlOB 1. In all riectlooa. every i
Insllloled fo* Iheir equal bMtdl.
Ilfa'VDKKD TEN. and ->n (he Tuewlsv
tly and protscllotv
, iBbabltaSt of (hU atale. belup a cli
.u.v-nlm* the tint M.nday of XovtinHi* aertlea ta a*w
' ef tto United Slaiea: evxry luale
bar .if eiery aa.«ad year U.rcrafler
tor. I Tb# people
HCbl habitant roetdiap Ip tbit alate on
peaceably lu aaaeii
' for cwMty-pMHh day of Jua*. eicbi
(he coaiDioo pood. I o loairucl
_ _ ' . * tblHy-Bve:
e\-*ry male iiil
reseniailvea and lo peiiii
le OB
oa tto Brat
r lesta- luat rmldUic Ihi* Hale
The lenstatutT
*f sat ITlbe' sre esined. Thu■ pra*laisD it
latur* fi.r redre*a of pHei
day of January. aipti<
as loacto aareasary — BieaalBx aa* sSral
the flral
Na <h.n«* freo «•* H. AH
II *r Iho »v*rr mate mhabiiai •f forvipi. birth af IkU smtl** I* Mk to
wise aacksBCsd Sas Wr-dneadsy -NETCEV
the suir two tor I. AH IV at I e errarnt reaKuatlaa.
r i'EvSy’Vraon abaU to ai lib- !iJL
prior to
Bee. 4 At the •ration :n toneteea
We.ltMwday la Jsna
iBary la every se>
<»od *«^ht
Jffh».dryo‘f N“.«b . ciptileeu hui:dred tblHeei
nrt at no ulher y
(ate* uf hit «wu
a.a,ty-four. and lavli^ dreUred _.ivarter. (hr lerUUi
mesa as provided la thta
Ot^^ 10 ^
rmiiTaet* the aenslorUI dtalrirt* and
•ad Hiall udjuuiu wfT
o-h Hnie MM ahall be d<
or aupport of ai
place of
I Iasi uamed d
•UiOii* the
........... _
1 _
wnrabip. o
'! InhabUkUi
cordinx to the number of irtbabltanta twelve o'clPrb i
tBXM or olhtr raiei
of tfir t'u
O'lnx •» thr batta for aueb apportlOBTbls IS a rertsn
c B aad ta
any mlnlMer nf thr
•r of say ir
meii the Isttt prvcedisc
prei^iac I'nti'
I'alted Stals^
>a tad rartp
rellploa. No money i
If state. Each i
•ted or dravn from
B>ak*e as rtoapr
and the divtak
thr baneNt uf .Dy.irllrloa* oeci or ou- ,|7^ to «ie at anv
uttac Id A B
of each bouaa
pieaentatlvr dbtrdcts b
aha'J cenwItUK
oriar iiy-one Ita ^1 of lupervtaoi.. __
under. : ia:l aot br altered
..jte to
1 jourti
day !c day «nd M?r’>W.
ihip or ward In.
r thereafter.
poor. Tbe civlj aiK
and politlckl
poMiical rrW..
sasua 4to i F*! tbe attradance of absrat mcml
r twenty day*
prIvllspM and eupm lea of/bo p—
•f rapra- Ib aucb aatL under aarb pc
Hoe Provided
ahaU to diBlatabed
.—............. FBlarfod OB
a reaova, t Uf*
each tioimr uiay pm
That in I a* of a r. laaurroctloi, or lecount of bta relipiuua toller.
N« --ha^i frw ^ A
qualiSt eleciortn Ito artual
No rkiMT rram •era. W. M as*


■e tmofvetna (to p
•m. M. Tha I
MMu* «kM -Mooul.m* wavee veasaa
woSDca aikl chlUrea SbAy -WdMPlofwd.
Tto «srr«alBA srailsa Ua bM-STA U
(Bwne* la Ik- reviNos ter (to vaaoak that
••• **i»eaaed a* «•
•* *ba




•'shTa sa^erablr si n
•nil Hae* ao SHALL
PRBS'-RIBED BT LAW. divide Ibe
Into repretoBtatlve dlatruia equal lo
(he number of rspreaentaileea to which
runty la roilllrd by law.and abaM
.. to flled In the ofene of tbe pecrelrryof state and clerk of svohcuunty
adeacripHon of such repreaeataiive dlsirlcio ipeclfyliix the number of ea.'h
llalrirt and |•■pulstluu ibrreuf atecordtnx lo the UM prei-edmx enumeralloa

BMC. n. No Uw atikU ombMM_____
tbas OB* objecL which ohall bo exprbaaed la Ita Utle. No Uw abail bo
txrtaed. alleied or amendad by
once to ila tlile ooiy: but lb* set
rwa.of lha
d or amudad shal
ad publUbed
t Mall
' ' lake eS< t or ba in


Tto o»uiil* ahall roMlM of
> Drmber*. Senator* abill to



lira. vl tvs yean TLr suir at Nr* Tvrli ponam chaase u amda itor^ -Voder libs a law* In
pays tnssa hundred «slUrt per 4*193 rrr
M trrtu of ev* y-tr Tto stil* af Wises sals |
UM to*a w
L prevffiw RB tWUn iB
ray* atf haedrrd dsllsrs p>r aanm far a
>r tba •*« I
Irmi el Ivo ysin. sa* tto lUls *f lUlmii
>• « *hall BM hanoma * taw.
pnw*BlMo~'af*Ue MB
•ataty eaa to xlvaa Imi
office of tbe
sraskuii. Tlir stem ol (VtorvOsMys a art
4>sai of art. a daltara. asd tb- stat* af <bll______
9 TO. aft
the adf*^'**
lorala a per 4l*a at elcti dstlara. vklLi dtmxbed u- Mev tbaa* |
Ito ttatr sf ladtaes par* * p.r dlrai of an
toltara. Bt autlacr l( vas .watasied tkal
. utf Om mb.
MlrMiaa stoald par tvelte haiidrs* dallar*
•ar tars -A maysHtr of Uls CsBeeadOB.
cl'ZL No biU ahaJI be puaosd or be-! ,
toveesr. fUi that elxM bandred daltara Isr



r i-1

Atm marBMvMt

Bm ». Tb* tastaUtuM ohM BOt MiouB enact.*'
No etoa#s tram toe. O. AH. IT s* Ito

j^er'fc.oVr.T.'Jr.T'AiSr *rs; js;

P*WM af lbs UUI lOBH. ta Its diserr
ardar tto otpease of mm appeal mm
10 thirty-two. Inclusive.
tored from one
msut af eaSHHI** la be bmn* by tto
. whlcl
..Icb abail cIUMOa one aenator.
Sea. M. Ke peraou sUall to tmprta- each of
uiity abaU be divided lu Ihe form­
ObPd (or d*bt arlplup out of. or foundM No
•tl a eootrwcl. rxpreaa or Implied, ra- ation of SENATORIAL. DISTRICTS
< ia
case* of fraud or breach of USLEISS eueb oouBty abaU to «quleopt
tobly MtItM to taro » merv aenator*.
tn»L ar of luoney* rolircird
by public
Ne rbaa«* trsm tse. L Art IV sf Iks
oOeaN or in any profeoalooal e
presrki ceastHatlso raiMlN u ladlesird ia
meut. Mo peraon ahall to Impi------capiuta. tks tanasr «sr*a P*Ib< -aeaais dUUMa. aacept"
.-'Sec. a TlM'houaa of repraoenlaitvea
abaU conalst of out Ic*a Ibau aUty-four
Bae. B. Traaaoa apatoM (h.
nor mute .than owe hundred ----------------members
ahall eonalal only In Irvyir
RaprcaeutktJve* ■hotl to
— .^._on
(or two
atat of couvenanl shd co.HlriuU.
to dlvid< d m lb* formatloo at a rep.,
dtatrlrt. When any lownabip
(lllea It
uiorc than one rep(Ken
cb lown*hl|i nr < Ity
*hS!"e*e-*-i by xeneesl
tl (Ickdi
repieaefitativaa to arfalch 11 Is --a.
Had. Each county, arlth such -.rrrlbe Aiurhed
lUrhed tbei
tberelu. ahall
•eparale tepreaei
• ■
• Hu of repreaentatitle-

r» Tha kwP
by low for tndelrn

SsTra'*it ^pmlTn'ikM VuT*-----------------

perann toioaplnp to oim
hall exrrclte tb* fowera
Jsrr. Mbieb may constat of leaa lh»r department.
Iwlnrtlce (O koother. exce|rt
twAM MB la_____court*
atl court*____
pel of -record, properly to
d of Ihe naiure of U>e ac­
lars fAitrAilyr provi
provided ia Ihu
he conlHiot»-l wMIl Hie
AH. Ill Of Ih* pr**1nat him: lo hi
puloory P--------_s for abtainlnp
^ _ TO
ia W^vor:
L*«iSUtiV* ItopATtB
TOUBtB^oM rei?6ku”whh
; Tl
.K Ay:.
TO HAVE «1!CU REAINJNLI—...........
a senatj and heuM < reprvST8TAKCE AS MAT BE NEfUbWAItV
•I tb*

saatMl IT orinadharlnttoltsi
Sfvlsp tto* aid OM comfoH.
sou dbuirto coavicMd of tra



Hillona for libels
m la evidence to
Is *w *. a
Jury: and. It It ahall appedr i
do* lUc asm
tbal tb* matter ebarped aa
on* B true aad uu* publtabwl wiui
pood Bouvea and for ^JusUSable end*
bb* ACetMBD abail to acqullled. pam lava ts pr


Sarses* ja u 4Hea: ta* pcacta* <C «am-

-i- dTS.TSSd-f.tVST I

Sac. 4. Bvery
apMk. writ* and MblMb 1
ClM y,



th* htUtatafV bom aeretaa aa aasHra pM-

SJm*' .





(u.): oiptoitmw

^ “• *'* '■
Ilty Tto lapBlator* la rMuJrud |..

» No soldUr. sessisn «

Ikfced In aay eolUtary or na
wllbln tb* PTATB.
No rhses* lr«M «o*. 1. Art '



I leptsiaiui
Jpto* ooalrol
Bl eof a mi



Sac. 11. Th* prlMUf* 4
hobos* corpus abail not
ubIm* In CBM of Mbelllo- .

‘‘mTmoada fraoi AH fl af tba praoaat aas-

atuotoltM** to IM aonlrol of a mshirltY

». Art

- 4L Atd.


• « tb* anseni i

MvWoB Is Mitcer diitiiwui


Lie. M from the corMwor anl aeoat*.
>• elected. AUsurb n(
StSB-tPMW to
.jraar BBch oi
_____ _________
b* vMd. No meaiber et lb* tscUUtitr*
•ball be latemied directly or tadlrectly In any conirari with the Mat* or
•ny county
county thn
lhrre>.f. suihuiisrd by any
law passed duriac
be bl abieta^. 8Sr
year them;.
. . -baaae tram 8*c. U. ah IV etceM tSt


SMIOI ••aolBtM «smM Cot Ik*

anhr dcTlatlns
vtkwal la rbar.
astoa tiT M*a
It bSJ bMlI I
IS have nattm
............ fbaradcr lb hr
... . iba iMWaiBi* a* puUu
«4f dMibbl trsai liBtc la Um.
wrtp.neaaalaad aad rallr apMMiad hr Um convMiioa Uial

ted a SWbei
cf the Ksttislu e atsll ircrlre aay «lvi;
appMatmeat wUhi* this eUte or to Ihi

BCal before tbe cuuunencciarm and
aflrr tbe tnwaaUvn thereof. They
abail nui to aublect 10 aiu cl* i1 pr.Kmu
doribc (to e«ue period. They shall aot ink sf tk* mcMers arsasat t^aSiy alaan
to qiMtlaard ta aay other plsee (ur a smaller aamWr ikaa aas-tRk sf tto msmany stpeccb In eUber house
bsTs strei.4 This ebaai* vss dtclaiid by a
____ ____ _____ suitor in aay court of
TbM ■aatS»s Sw. 7. Art iV af Ue praasei
iferB-Wordi prlatod la CAPITALS tbia Btal* absll bar* lb* rirtt to proMresatUaUso *v as u limit U* prtvilrs( fruo
dtdead bis ault. Ath*r la bis
arM le^aessioM el^^^^t^arv aad ^
ta tb* r«*bioe IndIcat* tb* laaertloo ot
SMt. i;. la oil ekclluns by ailbar
~* *wMon or by aa attornry
B*w Bwtl«r. The ua* of Stan, tboa
boooe or lo Joint cuaveuUoa tbe voM
• • • bidlcatw tb* cnlastoo of word*
•hall be ptveu viva voce. Alt vuov ob
■t. aad mahm ae athtr ckaa«<
*BaniB*d la th* pr*B*al caastliaUoa. aomlBBtioua to tbe aerate ahaU to
en by- y
yesa and uaya and publtabad
Sac. U. Tb* flcbl of trial by Jury
Sec.». Tto c-.-mpebsatlon of tbe mao>hitojv
atisu ntnalA but abail be dcMocd to be
tos of the lesialalure ihMI be elcht
waived la all dvU coom unlea* dehundred dullarv (or th* regular *«aBio&.
oandai by as* of lb* partie* la suck ertea*** t* wawii
tVbea caaiTeo*d In extra ataulin. ilteirl
................ Tto doom of Mcb bouoe tbal
eompenaalloB ohaU be dve doliara pei I
to opcu oaleao tbe public welfare rto
ta^i^tbe ^o^%aa day (ur the drM twenty days aad noth-, quires Becrecy. Neither
•boose ab^

In* tburvoficr. Mcmten ahall to cuUuliboul Ihe consedi of tba other, adlo pameo, aner acqalltal
tlfd lu leD urpta per Bile and ao unyre
Jouro fbr more than tfarve daya. aor to
.«*na. a^ be tH*d for tbe
Iris* a pabSe atimy ar torraw- for on* round iHp lo each recular and
9 ^tarc
Ptarc Ihu a
wbtee tb* Is«u1b(Men a. AN pnaoB* abaU. before
r laaata JaaUca af thta pew BpeMal eeaaloB of tb* lectoisiure by tto any ollM
___ y lh«. to la M______
be baUabU by aunneai
ly rarofMaed.
tuuany traveled rouu. Bach msuibet
eba»x»_ fram toe. IS. A*. I
at tta
tor la nil (oaea. ox. •ball to ruUtled to oa* copy of Uw
POIV UwMoa. felony or braach of lawn. Joomals and documenu of tb*:
Sto. n. ai: kctalalloD «balt to by talB
■hall to pHvIlepad from ar- kSlMutuTu of which fa* U a meutor.
ktid smy orislbat* In Mttor beta* of
». AH VI .1 lb.
I hh atteodano* at elcelim but Moll Mt lOcMv*. at tb* npettaa lha
luroint tfOM tbo of tto stat*. booka pevrapopera or per• ly rsv* as Mtaua;
gewg'v* ^
not ^
quiaitu of tb* oSc* sot exproMy aata slttor haam M na
baasad m preespi ta*Wa tb* psopi* of tb* Mat* cT lllehthortxcd by tbia coaMiutiuu.
iMh. craisfal to Aimisbir Ood for tb* IS^M ‘M*‘iafUctaLVlh*r*’shaU wU- arm*!..
esrtUNbtoaMoMof fr«•4oa^ and «r-------- -- —
. No el*«or than to obilpad to af Itac. i;. AH. U* *1 Iks preaeki —
*lr.nd to sM-ur* the** bl
Ha duty oo the day of eleutlOB. (Isa All dIsUBcUoa kstvasa lbs <
aalalsbod lo oBrarlva* ana oar tostatHiBf of war or c ubiic daoper. llso V* apoer aa* lever psalaevls
iiab thb coaitjj do ardalu and ssUbUab
toe. Id. Mo peeson *ball be eotw.ellM or to attead
Is abiWaki*. tto coaduisa vbPk
t aa a suUor o
ia uy eMtalnal eoae to be a wunrei neaa
JSSradto M ^SlBx*uls^sUta*eaBHM frM
apalDM htomeH. nor to deprived of life
Ns ebaas* I
Ik* aarlkera pertloB of Iks atale. It vu lbs
Utorty or proporty. wKtiout dur pioc

Sr tT'i.nrssj:

II 1« faaUsrad
t sills aovara*

afT t

N* Chsssv mw See


expelled a sn^Mid tl
6*. L AK. IV ef'«• •**•

K* Mease

1&. n» p*r*onV hot0*s. papm>
aacaMow* of ev*r> paraoa (ball

aad siUaao.
any pMc«V
ttaloc* *baU

ta in •**«* aaA irciter*
Of the OofMtttutkMt or the 9t«to

_______ *Sd.
«(«Md«eUM aad

■ea of hU b'lRc Marleyvd b lb*
u* of th* I.' Sta.cB or of Ihta ataba
net while *cs*s*d la the aavIpBUaB od
ch* water* of tbO atatc or a( Ua
Uaitod State* or of the hivh seas. Bar
wblleastudtAt AT say I.VdTlTLTinM
of learolDc. s»r abllv krpt at aa> aliusbowse or other asylum at public *apeaae. nor while coaOuci la any pabIR
piUoo. except Ibat hooorably dlsebarsed aoMiers. aeaiuen and Msrlaas
who have served » tb* BtUtary ar
naval (otca* *< tb* Uaiud Stalw or of
thb BUU aad who tmM*
•stehtUbed by Ibis stat* m*T aaa raaldcBC* wb*r* awch bo^ u



the nieoilict* • I'ci-d fo rm-h houae c
(be lc*i*lature ahall be rcqulrlte t,
•very bill approprlallnx Ibe fubll
mouey or proprHy for local or pr>vau
^?’'hum* froB) Sec. B. Art IV ef tto
Sec. ti.
Fuel, aiattosery. btanka.
prlatlnx and bind nx for the use of the
state than be fun-ahed under evotr.
or coDtiartt wli: the iowem bidder
bldina Who ahi 11 xlv* adequal
ance (her
ocHb* by law the manner In which
_____ .-..wl.iic ohail be eaecvied and tbo
accounts reudered ibercfor. *nd ahall
prohlbrt all ebarce* tor cooMructlv*
bor. It sbAlI aot rem-ind aor aliee such
•r fTleaa* th* pcfsons taklatr the m
name or his or their
.. .JB (be
tbe r
TOrfOHBABre of any of
vurwtlm from
ooodttlofw of tbe contract.
masher et db* UtlsUiur* nee officer '
Ibe Hale MsB br Intmitod diruetly
.Wdtrectly IR any aoeb ceulruct



rtoee- ibers baa toea a aecam reebaa* to
Mir evtomatloc tto pover la seta (wm

2SS”ir-gVi.*2Jfy..2 a;
tb* reaelta Is to utocwX from iMi? MiS

alaal** viifc' tontoTt a^^
^ Sec. tl. Any bin
bill paaaod
paaM by tto
•■o 4«->...iV(qS by tbo---------->tlv‘i>:rlailon Wlla.
by tb* tacUlatoia f
■3, and no bill an
kppnrwd by w mu-

toe. ». AtL LAWS SNAOm> AT
ANT BESIIinef OP TBfi LBOKLAwrar pnn-ffied ta (Ha cootlltutUu. abail
rtratwr lit CWB officer* and dOUrmlne
lha ruira of Ka proce-dlrn. bwt shall
AFTER mE PINAL ADFOORNmk adopt uy niic Hiai w.ti prooesi a
metunly of tbe members frocs dUuteM.
In* a eoramitle* from i*“ •—~----------MANNER AS SHALL BB FROTOK)
r'decat.lon ef any-meaau
B Of too
... _ BT LAW, Tb* •
---------------------•halt JU«|e X the qualtflcalKiM.
., oKMiey shall ba appropriated for tba auch* ludktol
.lki.1 d«
.. mUM *.

S' U-

„ ,M. - -

a m*mb*r. Tbe rauona for abeb «x- < aaeore* s_mm*
publon absll be entered mpoB lha Jopr-I 5J?Si.
UAL 'With ttf asma* at ffio m^lnx*
too. B. *be


n—iMt .lun On b.*I Xh. M. AH. tv H (to

*d fo* by



n iuu»*y».4UMc «.Mai.

bae A Tba tspramt toon to»y 9^

t««rT 91 Mau. *»• la
ac t»T«Mr. !an<a« o'
. -laan e( ta* onat*. «ao
ji a •««•* aoaatortai dutnti
nkrr rauaa hr UK Mbmiuuu M lo
r «»Kinat tM oualt of OB* al l«B .11. if.--.rtf'll. “*«. ...i. -T
___ acrt lajL
o' bbU uauwoc
Mlary ariacithad By laa. aSd teal all p-ra.
8*c. Jt.
Ilootofiaat tovcraor
peeeaMif* *ad laecaie -clleHed by Me'atoll
ba paia lata Ua alair uaaaata. Ohbh
aSaea*. R M btllreed. all! r-aali ■■ e aab


•m. it. ah. T
Utolloa *>*•(* la aor-


court. I.VC'LlfDl^ ALL^'cASm OF
. ________ twornorihall
bo proaMcAt «t lb* aonaio. but ahoU arllh a mm-ia* ata'ttmtal of thr facia
and roaaoBS for the dectomoa. end
hava ao vou.
H Soe. It. an V ■' IBa
H bAslsard by tb* Juallcta cvHjpm*ai <Mwt!ioi>oa lialta U* 4«<K< o' lU
ia* Thrraia. Any Justice dto.tns trooi a dtelalon shall ctv* the
Ritts for «i»-h diiieal la
.. oTllinjr uiidry Ma eiBiuturr All aiacb
e Oe.k
' r toor a*** a* at (be rvpeMe ehsll br tiled In the office
*•« aacUlBM a* a pnal«m^oirt^au^^a to<^<a
« (be obol* I* tabM avar »r la ceplieK Udire
eocb Tsu la wtUoiM elect *a
a* Ue laal *ota U Ue teaate
SSaJita^el* uTVSlc.*^
. — JlataC ba««T*r. tbai Ut pneOta*
i>eMdi^iUs»u MS ihe'cuerio'pBhiicoikbu c««ns
..r. A The State rha.'l be divided
tnie Judirta] rliewlia la eoeb of ohk-h
Iber* ahall hr dti-led one circuit Juddc

- .... ... ... _


I ■«<* datlaa aa mi
ilr. Tba oAea of
i^ata laad attca
mim ac* (aaa« U tba



t ORISr OMUitv* pom,

.‘i x*


aad' naval
tcrasa to aaaaota

--------- ----------------- pecciva no tor* „
parqulanea arhatavrr tor iha prrtona- any dottos couacicd »Uh tbt
It ritail not be coaptttoi tor
ro to lac
the salaries

tna bas. A AH V at
MBIStM far Ue pw/
_________ t by aiaaMb M tbt SUK. and

aaeh Sariotaa* ol the toorte 9t awrr« a* eodltera ta Ih* eirewn eaauR K

• - rei era

doMm praelded

lauM rilir.r lu^rr from preridtos wbeo
.-Mada or aeistbMe at tinh ]wfs** ar* l:t|.
taltot Udr (laiara. ar wbrii vrejndlra «e
escn-meat It prtraleal to thr toralily o<
CMBtr of a )a&- > iraidtoe*. vbi h alsio*
Phere slrhi aaiurally hr *appo>'*l w leDaese* the alti’udr nr • re*id-ol |v^- mote
ar torn. It. also, fre-a toe ludc* Imm ao>'
Usmtatloo to eatacr la the eealeauon
panr piittllu. aod reaioafS the Judalary
tor aa peaaJHr Itoia aay aaapl-lon tbai t
adiBinKUaUua e( 1^ law K in any ')..ti
Rcc 9 c>ln ull Jii'lip'S shi'.ll he <-lcc|.
V first U.niJuyili Apt).. niiM'te.
rtd eh-vep. till! every aiaih s«aRer. They ahall hold cC;i- t
m of six y<;ara and uaRI ibelr au
(S are el'.-elerl and ouallfled. Th'
ly oih<
Judicial office Ov It.C , Ibe IvHD f<
whlcb they ar* i !ccttd and Cor oi

Buia'to^ oOkc aad eiidiur sraer^'vl? ^
telaly toaal Ue epprobatloa al Ua moel coa- year Ihciwaticr__
Sec. to Ai
- tba ptaarat eaoatMvtKro W1U
with n

vottsc tbcreoA
-Bk ». ah X of the prosoai i
pceettea ihai aay coapto may
ratoa hr tax sae theamad dolUr* lor ihr
lnri'lK tpeeldtd >a U* aba<e seetiaa. Tbr

- d> waaa*d.d to^etoB
authority 10 reqalr* rloo Is tataru lor the n:


Tbe board od aupcrvlnor* cl
_tnlspd county may orc»nto<
and i.'O.NS->1.1 DATE lownahii* undei

A CIrrolt evurtii shal

____ ____ ______mil pmhlblUd by Ini
hall br prescribed b/7aw.
lud appeltal* WriodlcMnn bom all li
ThU artUo- lakes Ud place od Pe*. IL
artor rour’a *04 trtbunstoaiiu'l h a
.rt. X el the praomt coestMume. The pre-IMea* of that eecttoo relidte u hlch«ar*
ervlaorv conirol of-the same
aod hnties were rilBlaaiee a* belox >o«
ihari al»n havn power to Uaue writ*
ered lo toe 10. wblle Ibe werd "ron^'dxu'
bebcas corpui. maudaBiiu. tn)u:e-tli
wa* added a* coolernat * power toumi see
■luo warranto and veitioran aril
«<aory Is U* oxpeiteoc* ol oortlwre (««0Ue*
hear end iJi’ietanlne the tame; and
Itau* aurh other •rila na miy be n~-.
eap.iry lo rarry Irl i (dect their ord'r*.
with •ui'h
Judmonito an-1 decp-ct and «he Ihem shall bo a body corporwt
ftonersi coBlrnt oaer Infeiloe r«urit end power* aod ImmuRltirs ax boll b- pR................»w.
by lew. All eoRii aad pro-ei-dtribune!* wilMn their r-apectlv* Jurli.;oxhA-> shall bdlellaito. and in all such other • oa-r
I matter* ••^•’e sBprrnie court,al^


'to W


Im baas III iiuy tar the sners
daaoM* la pH'ei* praenr* to an.. ___
M tomaalt Itoilas raeoei yaora U* *<et*
baa baaa eaUad apao to aaptad Ur«e aim
M Uaa9 to U* ratealloa at prl**t* ceeeeal
to SMISI to tba esoduel at ispamai auie


ASS ,.z**^****"


S?S*^ .» .Ibaj^toty. M 1^1 a* —-

era laa a aary aooai aaallBcai la the
I to tam a«*r la the lestoUtare
a al SelBc aB aatoHaa tor euie
• '.......................I aoaujRtd hr
raear. rtai the
rhat Ur ada^


a^'chaoer*fH>to*'»t*. A Art VI of U>
laxa'BI rcaaillKtiiH eaerpt far thV r'litina"
o' InproTibs Ibc Mtraeniljty.
11 Tb" clerk of e.a.-h eouhiy ord fer Judicial rOH-oae* shall be
of thr cirvoit couit for am-h
Tbe Judtes of Ihe ifriuir
may fill *oy vacancy h- ihe ofif i-ouuiy .-lerk or vrnsr-cu-.lne aiuilhln thi ir reffV 'liv. iirrltiiJIc.
hut abkll not eserclee shy -Abcr
po*-er of appwlntoirait t. publlr .office
Till* acetlo.* r-vlreo paRloaa ol Sec* to
aad If. AR VI St Ue'praerot caoniiuiloe
allBoal ehaasiac Ibe.i «ffrci
Sec. IS Each of the Jud«.-e c< the
rtpeuit . art* ahap receive a fciliiry
lu a-ldUina M :br
d from Ibe state tre.aury
9*B vli lit Ju'ike may receive fnnu
. In uhWh br refularK huldr
urt rU'-h addl'Sma' raUry n» n.nv be
termfr-u from, time lo ttaie by th*
-nl cf oumvl-oni of tha r-Lofy.
ony (Ou:.ry uiicir »Beh ad.'
Inrv to trvr.ted It shall b< raid at th<
-_aie mte to ^ circuit Jud(rs re»ulatly hrJdJok cMftt thcrehi.
Ttla S'cltoa ptoTldi* for ISe meeihly pay.
pWM of the foKrl.a m )«er.» loaiiwd «
e-JaMcriy paymrot a> pra*id-d la to-; a.
Art. VI ol U- pe«o»ol coaoti'utloo TB. protalar trsattui heardi U aapemaart pcaet
a par addliwnpl aalary Ir arcefao-c to le^t
oi.dicie:,* •aKlIap la many eoucti.* ia tti
laie. aad olailtor rwacnoaa abict maai
*ctaoar::y aria* (roa itme !c uae.


Serlioo 1. The Indiclal poo tr shell be
oaoltd “In ooe lupreme court. clrvuH
cesinA probata (ouha luatloea of :ti.naaco AND Bl'CH OTHER COt'ItTS
Ttw Iddld partMe. to capiteto. eteeiea Bee.
1. AH VI ot tha praaaol caaaUiatlea w Uut
addilMoal caorta Bey ha erastod by th* IrelUaiorv. Tt* twa-thUdi aat* oill. It K he.
tieeed. saaH aselaal tha erasOM at ueaaeaaaary caane

Mat of OB
Rtotlcaai. t

;ba alMc.rvBotor bteonlel
apatac elaciKm: aad not mar* tbns
taro |u*U««a shall r> out of oflke at iht
Miae lltot Tht term of uflice a-Sn^ be
M Art. Tt at tha
t Poor trrma at th*
_____ ab*n be held anaoeUy ei i
time* and plates aa may be dea.susitd

Bee. U tb eaib mnty orimnci-l for
udlcial pwoecK. ihcto’ ahal' be a pro­
late court. Tbe Jurltdicflon. pn«-on
:Pd dutir* of such marta onj «*f tbe
JudkCf l•■.-•^*of shall be prvacrlhvl by
IN ALLCASE' “ ................... ............
sf Ue


bed by tow. CItlea
htaan haSa

aach rapmeautioB
'Pmeauttan tn ihd ‘boards
_____ torn oC tb* eauattoa
■bey are aitualtd aa may be provided
*^K**aetleo cemblnes Pee* * eat T «
• reatr
AH X of ua prMaal eeeatlioltao wshoai
l^rtjC^IWv* Cbaa«*. oacapt ta tmarae* the paraaaaln<y
all lata
' c. A Tba kslaUlur* -...ay by fvBpowat t
toar roofer upoa the birarda of *«■
^rviarrs of tba arvrral eotinbos oart
cadando a Id oihar orMlnoi and r
MOtorr* of a Joeal. tosUlativr and addial I
and to htor A' ' —
rharwctcr. wot lacoo-'tote*]
. U abaU
la ah_____
oiber <
tbe provlBloB* of tbto conatitiKMa
havo BppeUat* yurtodletloB only.
itoptocbaaeu KaeSaam freoi Aae. A AH. VI at tba yam
ival from ^
. A*^S^ Botoomt eooH shall by
ml rutoa taUblMu modMy bad
^^'tiuMs* toma Saa. A Art. Tt ol tha

sr.r srtL^uss5sn:X2r,s

___ ^ for t_- ______
Mtll tba dlaabttuy
U Rovemor abalJ be am
- Tbt bead of •


A Tba bewds
Btodl-pirt bat

-------------- --


m*r by tr
era: tow eonftr upnn 01 Sanired lo*.
shl(« PBCh power* of a l< e*l. IcktoiiU
and a^mlblalrnllve chai jctci. rici '
conatalent with thr pro .’.ciomt -.vf II
coiwtitulion. an it maj •
ThI* K a aabdieiM:.'! ol the pctoi I ,0
ferrvd troceolly opou
Sec. 11 There *kail be
a-onhlp ch-rb. one c m
hl«hw*>". ■^r toun.hip
ttenaurer. no: to exceed four ourntablee and one "venteer of hUthwaj. fur
earh Mirbway dteirict, whCM- power*
aod duiieo shall b- preacrib-d l-y law.
No rbaat* it made froB to". 1. An. Xt
ar Ibe preaeal coo.I'Uik b. eacpi ih- offire

any pwbfiV u:il*i> franc
subject to revoi-nUto.

e Which to
tbe will Ot

.... propiwliloe
lb* affiniiaiive
a majortly 0 the tlaeior* ot
thereoo at a rr«.

-...... x“:51iV»on.

Tbto aertloa to e oea ciie. It Oscar-* pabBe«y la th* sraollE* or fraaehtor* hr wwaUipa. aod to deoistn-d ;o .srefully mawn-m
the jtokir of towariliips aheti p^ns.fraa.
Cltidi and Vffladta
Stc. a. The h-(ialalire aball t rovid*
by a croaeral lew for the Inoorpiwai.on
of cities. 1 d by a scticful law f.
0 of »ma«raa; such a
tour year tssm of oBre has bees ua«a BBl
ot ibu aecUoo aad puted Ui to-- U.
Sec. It. Judres of proba-r >nall be
eK-t-’d to the countie* lo which tbey
>ide. aod shall hold offi.-* Lr foer
irs and uotil thtor succeasora aru
cud art quahfied. They ahall bo
elected OD tbe Tuewlay aocceedlu* the
Monday of November, ntneteea
re. and evary four yea.-*
- -H>G_
Uksa the piac* of 8se H n4
PSR at Sac U ed Art. n a( Us p-------

sr3L£“.i«!ra: fis:
dffice. oe.dOrofM

roct aa Impeach^ffit.

:sL““?k,r2s:Sd.“ £r m Tra

•ban pmoawl to try «•
Rac! A
tided by

the ebtof JusUoe


ssrt: :uirvj:;s~".,’sr,„-':'^

lb* preoeht coiiHituooo.
Bee. 11. No novlreble' etreato ed
ttate.ahall be elthcv brUlard or dam
without permtoskoo BTumed by
board of tupcrvlmyre of the couaty__
der the provtotooa ot law. WUR'H
No such law afaalt rr--. udr the >'111'
from Impfbvlnc thr naviiiauou i-if any
such stream, oor preJudlM th* ricn »f
lo th* tree navisotion
No ehaa«e to met* fr
eC th* prearet eoeaUf

L TW taaqm
tlvea ahallII have the ai

tZ % to iSi’SfiMTXtVoo*

valaatloa to raUr •ufflHeai moacy le nr*
?Tnih* iBd°r*yfi li^tr
1 state tbe koveraor. and tr I. Aay couety :^fb,
- 11 hold A may ^>prui>riate money
Other cc
dor tbe eoBstyurtlob aad ntoUtenanca
or aaalatabce of pdblle and cbaritabic
ra‘V. 'ik-y, „ «.
boppitato aanatorlA or other lasuti
lions for'tba
for^tb* troaUncbt of pel. _
'eriac from coaiaslona
_____ _ _. ur Infect'
Htiour 5T=^STi.SL“
Nrc n. The Irklatwure 1
•acs. Baeb county may
r'-actloe of
. ___
- aa InArtoarr for tba care
parsoni In cech oexantosid coaaiy wbo
poH of It* Indweat poor aed
- '
bate, and a"
exccedint those or a Jud-te of 1.
cull court at chambers
Ns ebsacs tr«m Bk U. Aft. VI a< tha
prsssBt cootiiuiuaa.
Mia“te".to“pr=iiH"u^;S'('£r*f«’ ^ .Vec. B. The style of an proewn shall
PM^i* ls
ta mcM the stodera cnadtUoor de­
be: “III Ihe .Name of tbe People of the
_______ for U» 1
Suta of Mlcblkan.'N. Cksio* tr*a> Sae. K. Art. Tt ad tbs

Thar* w*a a atreat tMtlmeat tar
a fsHb
Si'dHOtad la Ibe dwk* cl
sadar tbia tv*iaM addiua
Miss are y^ad *t«a hM. i

taw abaa tHH tmpoae any UabtlUy uftm
Sec. It To dvil eaaea. JuaUno od tbo
r vilUhe. bat *hall be aeto the aoioani ad «■* hUtoSfaS *
and concurraM' furtadteffiato-eho
taUar tha term* 1
aoMuat of ihrac huadred dottoak which
may be incvsbard <0 Sv* htobfctd doL
Mrw with aacb dxewim aad iwsirto
■Imll m no case extend foe 9.
tioas as may be pceWdad hr law. They
Had than twenty ycon-tpuai
shad also have aueh crtelaal Jorisdicd the wale of such uUJity
turn and pnform a«rb daUta m ahi
too OB •
V prearribsd by LAW.
-Se eAaaSf tram Sae. It. AH. TI «t lbs
.. -------.------ rihbl or etartlve
francMar. to toaa Ha crrdK. nor t.
aexa. le\T or collaet any tax or aa
toHit tor other -tbaa a pahiir pur.___ Khali any city or vUta«e acquire
Nee. n. Tbe ruprvme coart and tha any public utltily or (rant aoy pohRc
cIrcDll and probate oouns sf sacb Otil ly franchise which to bot aubjact
couruy shall be rourta ad rword. and to reTu-wiloo at tbe win ef the rtty .»
vliUre. urlsM such proposfttoa shall
k AH. VI
have flrrt mcfvetl tha affirmative
« tor tba p
of tbre—iKths of the alectara of
Fee. U. JuaOees of tte soiiiimi court,
cirrtjit Judxet abd Janiitas ad tbs pss
shal) ba ooascfTaior* od (be pra
ar* haviBk t)>e q«alHk..«tIuM ct m»to
withJo tbtdr rekpactlve Jurtodle*H>nn
vl7:l»r» a^be vnii^
No «bsw from See. to. an VI ol 1

- sostotllauaa. eusst tor Us purw f etSs* oad~tl!iiw'i hare tK>*c«r^
« Us
Wbeoever a Judf* absU re­
move beyond tbs luuite of tb* Jurtsdiclioo for whlcb be wax alactrd. or a Juxt>c* of the peace from the townxhip In Tbe prevmms be*............................................
vbkb be was elected, or by a cbaocv *>SMd Is msst Ibe m
aoatrtpal affair*.
ir*. u eaUostac
la tbs boundansa of aueb townahip
lioa that able* k
shall be placed wllbcut lbs aatne "
Shall ba deemed to have vacated


M pre
Sec. lA Tbe buaiirtf «f a
•BT ePUBIy may ta amy ooe year ...,
a tax of one-tenth of one mill os tba
aaauMd valuation of aatd couaiy foe
the roaanrticilen or rvpAtr ad pubUo
bmidinca cr b.ridvm. or may borroi•BO equal sum (or aweb parpowra; am
lo any county w^te ibr aaacuaed vA
ualloB (a has Ibaa tco toblion doilati
dbc board may levy a lax or borro'
for such pmwoaai to the awMont al oa
thousand dollar*; but
ahall be raised lor i

coatalos U* IteateaaU ■araraar'
lo ^ Uulle* «( preUtlac aftm.
rtill Jndye in any Jndlclal Orcuit.. A
clreoU couH ahall be held at Uoat tour
ora la each year la evei-j eouuiy 0
oOea ahail ctxutltou a‘boart*M
nlaed for Judicial purpoaeA Eai
____ audltaaa. Tbay ^alJ eumlaa and
colt judee eholl bold court la tL.
aiUiut a!i dalua acaiiut iba atata not
unly or couatlea wlthla Ibe circuit
MWirlaa-««ov^M for by aa«>aral la«
ohleb be to eWted. aad tn other rlr-Tbay ahaB coaailtvte a boaiA of aiat< . _1U aa may be provided by law. Tbe
«naaater« to drlertalDe the raaull » Icstolalure may by las’ arrauie the
ill atacvtoM for Kovemar. Iiauti-Baiit various drcuUs lalo Judicial ditlrtcta.
Koaaraor. atata offlcara and atKh Mbar aiA provtdr for tbe uanaer of hdldias
oflUara aa akaU by U* ba r«fan«d to i-ourta ibeaelA Clrculla and distrirte
ibcB. Tbay Mil art aa a ataia baani may be created, altered cr dlaconttoued
aachaau au] a board at C«ad aoa- by It*’, but na each alleratlon or dlaTbay ah^ «rrtm^wb coaMnuauct aball have tbe vtlrct to teto'Vr a Judse from office,
mu eertlaa eamhtoo Stea A t
.H. VI
VI ot
ot Ue
Ue preatel caeMin
ot tba MaM )aad aOea to aboMabad. aa- AH
Bar. U..K0 county ahall Incur any
ell pteviABBt ta
• Sf*
- t «« ler
ler tbe .
olbar atata oAL«r ahall be dtaacmiad usMd
ihemn are osKirS
ledcbledneap which ahall tncrwoae Ua
O law aa a Mrubar of tba' aavcral
total debt ^roM tbreoper oeiu of iw
faoarda santlODad is tbto aacUaa.
arcTquto^ to“^b?!d'l5r
to o mlalea at Sec 4 W Art. TID of tsiee, la eaeh year, to erery Go«
o aceUui K deoicned hy the aa*
caateed tor ladirKi i>areo>e*
It -toUI driM - to mahr Store reriwld*ilM'Naufnm^Ui» la addliloa Uu IrcKlatsre K STSSKd peoar
Oar pro»l»l*>n le dec tf. Art. IV
la a tttu board « cacbeeN ta eaaWiM' thr eireuiu laro Vtdiclal dlttrirt*
arioacre tW oiaUDB of ara and provide tbe BieBOer of Juddioc eean la
lA No cuuDlx I
tech dl<iri-i> It atat th* oplaloii o< Ur ne.
bthed ehsll be rremoVrd until t^ plac*
(TOIlea lAil (h* ladicUry would »• ttiesnh
ch it to p..........
lOMHIea ol Ibc paMK aarck* danaad U.
•ha’i be dcsifaated by Iwttotbltde
Bee. tL tba covaraor aad altorsaa
(be board ed tiA'crviann od the co
aanaral ahatt aacb riMalv* aa asouil Ol alier bolAw use 'Um^ aT'-'^rt
. and a aajnrlty od the elector* v
salary ot Ore tbouaand doUara. "
thereon shaU have voted tn fhv<
! atata. ataie tiaaaui_____
wli'tha^to B^lt'rh**^'/ ^ the profpoacd locaiinn, lo inch manner
t tba aute laed ofBco si
I least eer tern el eoari la each ol (h> aa shall be prercrlbcd by law.
1 shall rarti rtcalv* «
(her <lrealn ■■ Ue dlvriei TUs utethed
Ko rkaac* u made trooi See A art. I



Sf^Pj^S^Thal sSSTmimp
r*^. ■"-''.y”">*,**

of OThtm abali prrtsrm aorb doUeo aed to. An.
rporrp* sorb'uUiy ai
whleh It____ _________
to Ua lattawM I
perfhed by U»; and all
Ire* a* haaTdt ?sa
SRd l^mr roilri-M bj^^ riSSi* aJwH «SEir£
r itoHi.--..^
ba tdhied over bv him to ibt aiair

_______ _________ or at(

S252T toSSSdiSL
Ida them tomn ffic. B. Am vt a* tto

ff'fi sSusrii'; '.istiisw:

— .. —-----1 tuio. tbt ugencTART .

ha Rnoemied by U«. A )«Mka atacM He ntUllF. Uffitfii

iL't:2 jTffiSidfl.-':

la fra

tv.' pnj.i.iax. HU-* sad e(Ua«m.
r th' pnastu eMiatItMua Bill rs-


osy^tol^ Us

Atfmu TiTi
Local OoTortMt

^ ^__ _ ,1^*^

•ci»rdriw*te tbe dvSaoce. IcTp^fSa
ehall be oaavictad wUboai tbe couenr.
reace «t tw«-tbM of (he mambaen
etoeted. Jad«menl in ease of taffiiathuenl ffhad not enemy fuMbar (ham rq-

of mtri. ,k*rU

rneoa^ tor ‘tbt*^«R

ta aaaaion. ta sxamtaa Uts flta Maffi.
BcetiOb L Each arKdoload eountv
Use aad hdmtaistrmtkm at aw pAtto
■hall be a body corpursie. with aucb
power* and liBiuuullies as ahall be *to acw msd*pS^ to tv'r«"rt’uiit'hfUto flffiop and (h* acu of av P«S aifUff.
lubltobed by tow. Alt auiu and proffisMet^ apt^olto^ta 9^mm tiuta
oeedion by or
‘ couKy shall
Ua prvfeat _____
Sec. t. No or«ai.nlaed coaaty shall ba
lUiooa Tn- rtsM
reduced by Ih" ■
coui.tie* lo lexx •
r CdUw
aa surveyed by
>r law I majortty of
alectoc* votlnt on tbe question in each
county to be aSccisd thereby ahall ao
dedd". Wben aoy city has attalaed a
populaUon of one bundled thouaaod
InhabKants. tbe leclslalure may orcanise tt Into a wparate county without
refemree lo c-ocraphaml extent. If a
i^''tnir*Mrnr^ umit* la
majority ot tbe elector* of such tity
end of thr rcoulhder Of tbe county le
which such city may be elluaied votInk on ih*>qUv»llon shall each det.rmlris In rxvor of orpanum* said ci
im • a *ei«r*l.' oout.iy.
pr.*"l'*»bris‘'‘us limiu'
.Vo rfcst.(" Is" hw to* X. AH. X
Ik" pr*"iit (VBs'.uiiioa. rsc K lor the pi.


hx-e kstvn- b-romiat sllclkle to ar(saU* as
a eooatr Irma tssetp to vos buadred Ueatoad, ood olso by roqulrlas Ue sAnoxUvo
rets or botk rity
U< remxJodn of Iho
eouBtr. siwutoly. oa U> prapmuoo IMteod
of Us couely o* s whole Tks eeoooo for
Us inerrsst of rroiUV ...... ............. "
ran** of us ssesrol toi

eSur„“.Ts.“.5ft3sr“ " “•

Sec. A Any officer ohviad hr b oauhty. rdty. vUlac*. towosMp orachoM dtatrtrl ouy ba removed taom affioa ta
9^ he^pmkn^rt I? toU^^

au a




lb* prtBkary *_____±e

talerest fund upder preasiu
coaOnaa to eooiribatv '
aad aO ta;



I ^ cwilea. DISTRICTS n^


UMcUy r '

eootrr>) of any blfitwara srithla their
'at omtid" a lat(r cu:
Sae. A The hwtotatof* ahall
Umlta for atKffi purpoae*. Th* tocttlaStc. 3 There ahal
tdre may also by keneral tow pseacribe by law for an aonoal tax t
i^liy In each onctii tl county a sher- thr powers and dutisa of board* of su- wnh ether reaDune* to pay t
ouoiy Iri^urv-i ^vimr. In rwtolion to htohwxy*. mated expeoaas of tb* atata
tbe lotareoi on any sti
of deed*
brffim arf^^eu^rto; may ptvvtde
■ • • whose dll
poo-R* uh-U be pree-cibad by
^^appoioisd or *litbd"^!e^*^ch
buer-J -<r supervtoov* lO an.
laty p.»w*r* and .lutie* a* may be pnweibed
may unite Ibc offkcs
bylaw, andmaychabffeand ab.dlxh the
and rexlMcr of devd*
■offlci- or
..wer* aod dutle. ot lownahip com.

(’S- srs

rto’ pneioi copaiiiuiioo. rirept ter
the par-

^lilBs ^”^8rd» -Md «i^«'lT*r*m’»l^uThe aherifl.
ccunty Ireaxufcr. Judetresisier of deeds ahall h
fro. P

ATSLIill Z’-.'T.Z(“•£;*£.
• ubiii.ttliut :h.- queatP.n ..f.adoptloc a
evunty Of dl-iriot rood syateni tu tha
ele.'tof* of th" couLtieo or pr.ipoasd

>uniy clerk,
c robais and Astricl until approred by a majoiily
Ir (iScee r Ih" eirctnra (bsTenf rotlox oti aueb
ucil.u. Tbr lax ntirsd fur road purA AH.' X a( .■asK -hat: *« exceed tn
ir-c dollat* Upon eaih
id no ocher e.Nlar* ■ - ■ ■ -•f holdinc
fh^n four
Tb" InecalBt sn-tinn aisk-« .son ttapST-

fhe rJ|.r:ff sti
ahall lK-*!r. '
of ihvrifl I
Ui iin> piT.od of «ix year
to- riquirej bv law 10 rvor.
.tv ftoic to time, and
:t Klvme aueh recuMIy. bit -00.*
b" <j*T'Uie-l vst-ael
Th" <
t.rvrr be 'vapoLSibl" for hit a
S,. c*:,r«i >• casd" (Tea toe S.


tool ebaora la toe n. An IV of Us pr-eroi .oosiiiutlea Tks piu-wioa for soballof sdsptl^
'•oorly nwd
.. , . jppli-d____
pil'd -o dis.u n-.i xos-rtH-d by -oatiiy t.«".
it u
t;-*.d .» U ir-slly ir Ik- iBI-rnR ot tb*

pro... tb- rsbiir hickway*.
..U.O l.a»* tl wilb U" s
‘''f(ec'^''TtK^"’ktodaiure ehatl
BIT to My «Vib«r Ibsy amsrr <0
iBiy or di.tnn rood sysi'W oad
eral law provide for the anr
rmsoosMe rrwirlcUso opoa Ui
»r a bnaid of Jury
sacoM of m. " r UOI .*"k eoiuHy rao ra.
but o
I law to
Vod Uersfor -> aay i>or yrof. Tbs dahsM
NTOOte .i|'
iny .-ounty ui.i
Vmw IB.- lymi-r* bas keoe
. majority m ;l
prs of Ihe couoi
■ctlTie th- r-.m ehatl on d
Tbis •• -I.SI. ni ar*
C>r"(... —
too ooany II
sre ao* >"l""tr4 b> a "emaiislea la
the lia.i of
3f Ibo lir*"- -llira aad arterwl of Ihof -B" .1st.Tb" ferr«olo* ru.i.ioa two dolla.'w
to dsolia.d -.0 eeeolrs tks paaoat' of s r-k- aeo Ueosaat detlar* salasUoa. sad si
•rai laa wBrreky .ay -caaty way osaft ttsril uo lbs Isxi.lxtur- to "BsiiX" sad al
M Jto pro<l"H>ei wlUoul ksla< rsouliod lo
- - - sod dviin-af tiisoakip cos.___
O.ssmor* al tuxBosy. Tbr Ur*s
S--.- T A botrd of, SUpervisora. con- p.-T csol nail oa couiy ud'bi.dneao esaIOC of "ne D'lm ea.-h ‘iiKanixed uiO"d >0 lb" oM McOoo mnstoi «o"k*
r.ahlr. Khali be sotabh-h-d In eq,-h stcew I" ptx." It lo a o.-w orouos («.
tounty. with such powers as shall be s> IBI. onKlr. sad arak* Us rmtn-*>m


taw* Shan emit thrir rate ev txxattaa
for mu.Jclpal purpoaea. and raotrlR
Ibutr power* of borrow tax money abd
cootractihc debt*.
Sec. n. Under such c*oer*l Jaw*.tb*
elector* cd ewch c:ty and vllUfs "Woii
>d aolhorl
horliy to ftmoe,
rod it* charter, aad.


■uhrty .
ihority, to pass al! Uw* and erdlnorce*
reto:Lc to Its niuolclpnl concertm. subJt'ci to the coqstituiluo aad ct-Oeral
las* of this KUtc.
.Sec. a. ,(• crtT or vlliake Buy- ac­
quire. can. isiabllsh and malntau.
c-ther wf.hla or wittrout It* corrwcot"
kmlta. pariu,'vardx. cruM-tvrw*.
hnspliuto. hlmxbouma and all w-orkt
;htcfa Involve Ibe publK health or
Sec. a. Subject to the provistor* of
lua coBscliuibm. any city or viUxc*
may acquire, own and o,er«ie. either
within or witboot Rs ctwporwie lUnitx.
ublK utiUilc* for sntplylnc water,
rht. tiaat. powwr aad uenoporutlon
r tbe muUcipailiy Aod the tshat/lranU
seiwof; atod map atoo sell and deUvar
water, beat, power aod U«hi wittuot
iu cocTorate Umtta to aa amow i not

ssjr -----------------


except on pfffiperTypaFlaCdpeciAe tmta
and taxes ol.aii b* IcdM on sacb pM(pany XX shall be preaeribod by taw;
FTWvddod, Tha* tba taMtafate M jvide BT LAW a aSlotm rale
tatbm for sacb preparty as MkaU
Maotd hy a stale board of eaee—
d tb* rat* of ta '


» to th* avciaw* 1

fftnt*. county, lowwihip. acbuui
^^Jo^Uajps^bxm aw II, Sri. Xto M^

*te'VlSe‘toci*l.:ors may b^ tadff
tepaw apecMc tua.s. which dhhl ka
amform apc« Us cuaiw. upo* toklA
Sac. A Tb* HrslUnre any providw
by law fur the uasrmmmt .t iu irwa
e toiriatoture afaaU not eo- caMi ralut' b> a ataie board of aKa.-*r any road (aid ouc by aon. OF ivuii'H ‘ms Ocfvbkn.jK
of hliftiwwya. or buy BUALL BE EX-OPmcTO A MEMirecC ALLET 1 I l-UBLIC DR<X.'SID
in .OT city or vi acs «• In aay yeuofd- A^ TII^pSoKrTT* BY^HOh!
ad town ptvl.
>r puBlk- meoad.
- SA No pereun, partnerakp.
oferatin;g ant VMrla.xni .u- coriocatius operaUBfi a pub­ r:xi-iu«i.
l-.N SfTATIoN OR DKFOT. TSAHEis utility akall have the rictat u ihri JdITTINa
ME-iSA.lKs* BT TCUiuw uf ine hicbwsya. atrarta al!t->* .w ! I')V»NB on TKLyiGKAFH. LUAButh-r pubHc ptoee* of any city, villac" ING OAiL-t. OI'EHATI.NO BBFRIO«■ l..wi:xhJp for w-trew. pole*. pij««. EKATOIt '.AR-^. FAM rnBaHT
ira- kx ur cundulu. ailhou: (he c<H)s. at LI.NEb OR oTHI-m I'Adt LUfB AMD
duly vottxiUaisd autburitfes
.-ity. villac" or township. 4>..'« 10 I.N A.VV MA.N.S'EH Ufvy.N RAJL■aci ■ local himlnui ihMeio wl:s- KOADri. UR ENOAGED IK AK1T
out Brat oMaliuac a fraacOias tm-r.-fur OTHEK
frou" am* tdiy. vUlapa or luori-h'j..
The ncht tX all eiftoa. vilixr-. "t'J NEM8. aod for the IffCy Sad coltootMw
lownxhipa to tbe rasnoaab.s .'.-uir-M uf
tBlilr airoau. atlsy* aad pu!>-!. 1 - ••
lx hereby raaerved to aueh cities, vU-


?rc '£


2 ° toto-d To.
wa* loorrtrd to pi*.-" a

fj-jrass ssfLTS



.. . - __________ wiutlo
aacb Umtu as may be pfOertbed br
iHHeta at tha Pam
tow r PtovMcd. That tba rJkbt to own
Bee. IL Tbsrr aba:i be efccicd tneoA or opertot* uansportatloe (acilitica abaU
orceutosd township not to exceed taut bm anend to any cny or vBloce of
r pe*.*, esteb «
ahall ttohl a DdBr* far, four y
•ntU hw so.
■’”*«» a city or vtlto«e t- rttship they ahhU ba

mS:i tadtkSiStaita^tM Pto%

■*- as T mm^* qaaltoraiM* u*




tlactly otale
franebia* or Unaas uhall u. wuek ti




BfoMas 1. PttTBte property adurtl oad
to Ukra bp tto niiUc nor bp aap lorMwUon for laiUIr war. wltbout THB
fUBT DETWMINED A.NO /rST --------------- .-b prraon u eUctafi.
Ibortoar brine feat made
qrgcywd in gfo manorr aa ahall to
Sec. •*. Tto le«blatm may ptoetto
to Uw the caaan to wWrh any afore
JlTbH.’jnr'M'tto iiiS'ViaSwbnm* foe nbaB to daiad vaanax nad foe nm»M tUlfoS vacanclaA wtot* no pro-t fo fou omtautMiam

etoMtotol toerto am am feond bUbd.__________
to tto eaMiea reanlWnn Tto fir* ekniM

t-rsr n? xrzjssjiir'^’rsi

nto tto n»a«<to n_^rr«>^. at
torffi prrMf4 n__._., ^

toe. 1 Tttm MtoU to

tontfi offomalttlnK «
........ .....bow Ito
•(* Hfiki pann. 1.
. . ._

s5Sr-4sr-^45is7sr;i: K

Boettan l. Corperatlosa mar to
*too*t3o SCtoMn^ctf^ toSS!
naStr reorral lawn, ton ahall
n ttoetorp abnB ocow la tto oClre at fotmrd
ntnrt it Mall to fittod to appototmeat not to eroatad. KCkB 6HAU. AST

\a“?Ls; pt^^toS

Kr • •

OR tnnBAF'nni p

od by tto h
a ot OR O

iMM to oaaaWat* tto bodp oorvnrau OB niANCHlSSB
mown a> *Tto Rr«rau of tto L'ol- and all rl^U. pri\__------ -------(otoOrrod by nafo town omy to an ...
T. An. XUI of (to 0d.alMtod. rvealrd OR AlSaoOATBD.
Sac. A^Vto nceata of tto uotvoreiijr
(O POtX&B*. TIH »A»il a> «AfB aa mcasaarr. circi a
prtoUral of for nalvrtatt}'. Ito
«Mt or tto nnlrrrMt) . and tto rurriIt or pBbllr lanr«eth>B ahall I
Of BfoclB ■imbrre of the board of t
conta. vitli ib« pHvilerc of apraMne
Snl not or votlus. Thr pfroidrot nbjU
proaldr at tto uMtlaso of ibr board
and to ibe prinolto' rxrruUvr ofil.-rr
of tto aalwr«lty._ Tbe board of
__________ at all ospoodllurra ftoa
foi^ m>ml •upFr\-iI. An. XIII at Uu
preatattoanlleiMa. rs<^ M Inirorr Um
pbtaaHitcr and aato tto ■eomotroam «


« • MMi (MWniM.

MMMd. «»«p( • • • for Mc* 4»M
a^M^proBlr MUtetU*) to Ui* eaw

a; ts--*-s5““"S?^ isss!
s!»r.“srsar- ajK-jX“.s
sras" ■“ "*

Boc. & Tbe tiatr board or odurailon
ahall 1‘nnaltt of tour orntora. U,i
Bini Hondap la AprlL rUaotmi bi
bundred olnr. and at racb eurrrrdlnc
iX b^
rnntal epclsc Mertkie, Itorr eh.ill
Ported oar mrtnbrr of turb board
d who
stoU bold hS efoeo tor alx ycara froB
the firat day of Jiflp folloainc tala cl«c>
CSSuC OR*PW^T», torpwatfoa. tioo. Tto acale board of rdocation
tofc 1 ^ xir «f «to
atato normal co!k*» aud thr alatr noi^
«al actoola. and for duUre or aaid
board afaall to prrKTlbrd bp k>v.
No rbootr (roai arc. t. An. Kill ol tto
to, Mr b* taUntoed tn Ibr ■tor' *
gr to-M-,.-to*UM to eon
£S^t &
u>4 Is l■■r•lrr tto akreor^Ito^toM^lW to*. X AH. xrr. nw •BTlax rircllaa.
fUltrwier le Ito •arrnnl^drtii at
rtoto tMtrMtUo It DtottML tol hp tto (iroViM «Ui» altoB not to k pwtr rWtoa of Sr. I a( thif anMo to U nwdt
tto tattototoa to AM nrk of
Soe. 7. Tbrrr ahall to rlrrlFd m tto
totoWtoi ItotovtotoeDt, nor Micncr In
nattotos an oar aucn verb, csot^ to fint Monday in April aintorra hnndrrd
. Oh tototovoMoot «C to abtliiK la tto ntnr. a atatr board of acrlrullurr to
.................... .
or. tto MbMc vofon oanalM of alx laaBbrta. two of whom
xkall bold tv dOto for two yratra. two
dor tear >-aara aad twe
t awry mcular bieoiUal aprlac eloto
ST nUt .«TATS AM to tto
• «r KmM to Ito Biate of
two m<
mu toe. I. AH. to atx
-« thaa rirrud
- itaall b.
F known aa -Thr


*^touutkei u^tS*
ail~ it to tto taunttoa M
m iiiniM niw euto Uoto. aM Awtttoto
to In torn paiMOM. tov to eUltoto



la U make It a aao-mnlaao baud aa erar
aa map to aad aacara lu ptraaoraec
toe. A Tbe atatr board at axrii-oUurr
•ball aa ofiri
of I


wbo ahaU to <
Ito board wttb Ibr prlvUofr of apeaklax but not or vottox. Mr al "
tide at tto arrtlxBx at Ibr to
to tto priaHpal rxecuUrr oOo
ctdlM*. Tto board ahall have tto ftro-------- .....
eoBrsc. and tto
ronind of all axririiitura]
toll prrforit
------ iitt at atnt* bowt oo depealte' -- coUat tuada:
M may to prrarntol
Mlfoto itoai to nil pabUahto •





Bre »T Tto
ahall eonllDar
a ayatrm ot piinuiry aeboola. wbrrrbp
rrrry aehool dtatrict In the ixatr atoll
prorMe for tto rdo-nllnn of Iti paplb
witbont cbaixe for tultton: aftd all Inatroetion In aneb ocboola sbal) to eond in Ibr BnMith Itncunxr.
any arbool
aebool dlatrtrl
dlrtitrl ahall nrylm
nrylret to
malmaln a aebool within Ita boidrra aa
.irracrlbrd by law for at traat five
• aaeh year, or to provldr for
ion or -U
lu put..............
papaa In another
CUIrkrt or dMrtcta for an oqtul period,
k BbaU be doprivrd tor the rnaalox
/oar at Ua proportloa of tto primary
Kboot intcidwl (nad.
fob aarUac oaran Saaa < aad A Art. rm



s EsnsA'S Jl-itEiirTWTs

mate teboM laircoat taad aad at all foadi


tba Inrrnu tom ibrra to firr awatka u
U prondr ter tba brtiar adacatbo at "

of AM. XV «r tto prromt MMUnttaa and
ooalu Ibr third MOUeer «T aaM amiaa.
•hich b a# tollooi
-fiat tto irctdalarr
map. hy a two-tairfo rata at tto itotatora
adartad to aoak tooar. rrtoto a alMir booh

Ei«.‘srSs,--^.~'5S _'s.T,i:
tto asd cf tto^rat arairnr* aa fwarlalto w
■adr In nee. XL^a^ VUI. wtonOr nuaMPO) cCmaratlaBr mar traito. adoM aad
aaaod ttaatr rhartara. aakto'i la (aarral
Ian. Tto werda la ratoula ladirau tto la-

laiarr to «wam carpwota prtTilama kp a»^

ctal act aad U aawod lu poor' at atoaad.
tea rerparata «raau ta Ian brratalcira or
^*1 Tto term -irorroraUcn- aa
ttotd in tbid artkie ahall to codotrued
to kneluAa all aaaopiailooa and tolot
Mork companira - Ir-vlBdr anp of tto
powrm or privltoxrw of corporatlona
not poditaxrd bp ludK-lduala or parinmhlpA All corporatltna ahall have
thr n«bt to anr abd to aahjrct to be
aurd lu all coarte In Otar caatw aa luil-

°toaSS£T£ ..4. tr«a Sac It af An. XV
af tto artoiat aoaatliatlae. aaetpt tor tto
pnrpasr at iMriMax Ito phraarelacp.
Soe. I. No cocroratioD alull br rrrMed tor a lonarr period thaa Ibirip
puAra. enorpt tor niiuilclpal, twilioad.
PURPOSHS. on 00na>OUAT10N8
BF-SEVOiaBMT. HOCUL OH FRATERNJkL PURPOSES: bat ^r leclrlaiurw may
protldr by crhrrwl
lawa. applkablr to any corpot-.iH
for one or mom exteualona cT the n
M awch corporatiOBa, while aach t . _
la runatne. not kxcrrdlnx thirty prara
for noeh rxtenaion. on tto ronaert of
not Iraa than two-thlrdB of tto capital
ateefc of Iba eorvoratloa; and bp like

____ •I -■
cOTTKirale rrxKsanixation for a further prriwl. no; excradlns Ualftp ycara. of aneb corpora«i- rmirt'd bp Mmtlona whoar trraia Irive
lialion. «> t
capital aiork.
«eur<fknba a
of tor. to. Art. XV at
loo. ll taker Maak read
tto prmrst n
araOBBi a« of tbe Hat or ewfooeatlesa
laed^tor moi^itoo iwrtp


Tkerr b bo xaod rR»
-B ef rrUaloua asd i

Be<*. A Tbc^ockhoMcm of rerrp corperntton and Joint sioe^ axaociAtloo
aball to ladlridDalir lUblr for all Ubor
prrfert^ for auch oorporatioe

£5.4!"'. ffisr

See. 1 The kslalaiorr ahall paaa uo
law rrnrwlr^'or extrndlnx any •pccisi
act of Incorporailon hrrrtoforr xranted.
fob la a rrruiao of tor. t of Art. XV of
^^praarei traautnUBa. abiek (m^l»i.d
al Ibr Bcaakwa aiartrd to earb Maaa. etrrpt

3 ,t
................. ............. --Ip _______ ___ __
'laa er exlaadlks oI tor apodal act id
See. 7. The leiitalattJt* may. from
time to tliar. paaa Uws raubliahinf;
rraaoDablr naxifnum rater of cbarxra
for Ibr tranaportnUon of paaaeiix. ra
and frelcbt oa different rallroid* lu
-----------------------------FOB ■
______________ __________
LAW. end aball prabtblt ruuolfo
UwcU totweta
luuh ralliTMid

oeciliic or tMrrurctlnc ttnaa

«« Ap£to pnbllc rrroi^ nod

Sm. n. Tbr irstalai____atiall malntaiD
____ ^r of Blnaa. tto
tto unlvrrxltr. for oollecr
..__________ coiirar. aatatr acrlcalliiral
______collrtr and aarh aiale
ll IhMIl
aebooki and other odaealloiial
■>• Uw.
aa may to
aba a^R

in It maaaiBUlB Um

mar be stsotod by tto United Statca
to tto atatr to advrattemal purpoara

fob chABxm toe 1 at AM. XIX.0 i.__

10 doWaU pOMr to aaubbab raw far ib*
Wbafotetatlea of propartp bp railroad aad


rs7.»ssE as»Tjrt.a'.i,“i .
BES^taa-i r
" " ................—,t:

SS^irSH "a‘"i£"i4?iiv!rsr


boMor or «to
AbnU toto •
to to eUclUto
profit nndnr




intf «r

_.loet of hedra. '
itele. and Uie Intarrat
ocerds from tto aato
foctdC aball be .. .
to tto auppon of tto nimaiT acboida.
Re chew tom War. t. An. XHI at Iba

s"s; iiv,


It ^MBtmTtMa. *I
imiirtolex iba pkrMa1 law'fwoTidtaw for



H. atan hav« a*fi.

------ -------------

1 the mancrer prcorrlbed by U* . bu
neceooMy ter Ih
of ell damasa

In every coat
road and the i

a letauae to ika

iffifEsTsS't. 11. AM. xm at Ika
artLX’ ^•.5r2r"uXT;to‘?5S.

ere af tbe ateu at a faoeral ebeaea a
foaaoTfd bp a anaParitr af tba eetaa

*“SSt U. Tto iMifUtnra ofuQ prorldr
bp Uw for tbr fWiabUahineot of at knat
one UbraiT In rwrb raX'asd dtp;
ud coltotrd tn
and aO Bnoa r-----the aarctal

u RoUty tto reawIrrOMCI tt a two-lhHda
-retr c/ each boaae tofurr arp lock ceaerai
Un aball to adapted, ametord « rtesabd.
for lascwaab "aack law* atoll aw awbsrUa
tbr imvr d bank ecus <n pa^ crtdU te
aWrutele aa meory- abroeaui dr pravlrtooi
ef fire. A AH. XV ef tbs prvMut esewits.

ss pSibST :2disrh*i5-j;

!SS-STe.“e£SSS.J'.r.,K‘ 5S ?i


wilt aSotd apoortna
la W man. aa4 ff
I. a matottp ^

.■a.'S£S.'Vs;.' 1? iTKsi

of I-........... ................................. ...

for Um debca. rbUcuiona
•nraitet b«r hUAbaml and may to dobeqnealhrd b> b<

Tto riwMiira-


•ay to macarded Uw MXt apea tatWr tunelaaitoo ato wanrvr tbooSkL Ln>aa te we
ar* tod<r a cerrrwB-wi at lt*e laa *m
ef aum- tba wirdw at praaemaa (to t<i
btuty <4 ovr tvatawnnal laev ear mw



each aixivemn

foerrafter tad at »i»ch other tunee a.
Biap to provided J»!^ta^.

xgiW *■ '

•arp la meM Ibe oeedt aad yrawth
It la deeiaad oaawUal
BlabeM vrliaie cf tbe ealeendtp
iBdieMtal. or prlt
hare yoeer la tbwa
or purpoeff. Thia prmrtaWi pLa-ee is tbe
baadi ol the resenia Ibe neertaary pnwrr le
protect the Mau Bad the BBlTeralty fram

nor map be pror houae of reprt■e abaU be acreed
to by iwo-tbk
ed to each b

rcatsaallca or oitorwhw. ot anp deleI vcc.r.-> ahall to filled bp
(■V I be sov.-raor of a
Ildom of tbe tame dUtrtet.
arpolni i
ofoeeiK. emplopcs siTi ato
ru<iant* <
to fix tb
of Ita

aad tb' Miadoan of roulirnsc la-B powrr
apBB ibe raccBU of the BBIrcrailp la aan-

Tto fottowinx ATtirir upon thr aul
Jact of ex>nn|>1lonA reoioitia unchanee
trnm the fu»i four avcuuu* of ArOcI
XVI of the |•r»went <-onamutk.ii. excel
Phnneva In |«iraanrie>cp demed oece
aarp to make more oerl/iln Ita pre
Section 6 of oald anl«.- i
lo • M i»<eUaneoiio
vlalona. Seclioo R, Article XVI.-

Rretloa L The pcraoaal pr«t>ertp of
every rrAbleiit of thla atato, i.. onaut
of auch pr«H»-ftp only «a aliill to deal#^nXi- ejcnipl. l tc
naled bp la
la thaa five lion
the nmouBt
dred dollATP tram ante
other final proieaa of any cour:
Sec. t Bvarp iHMoeatrad of not
ceedlu fonp
«f ^ ' and

and It*
1 oocuifed b>- ail) i
te. not exce.vUiiB It

aisnera ate peinktered elmor* of the
rvapectlve townohlpr ani eltler in
Which they fvaide. nud ahall forthwith
Of atau-. A I pelii;oha for a
fllad with l ie eecratary af


If a maj.irlty Df the eleclore queilI fled to vole for nroitort of the lesUI Ulurr votlns Ih rauD shall rmitfp^nd


' See J, Officer*
mHitu *
ele<-fe.l or ai-:«ilut<-d and be ,
B^bed hy*Uw.™”'*"' **
isipro.laa ciK''pbr*i.olr«T,

to nquireJ

' piam ta thr aaalE vblcb a CSB-

ioa aball »•
I purraaat m whak Ibis cuureaUaa la
Mcnbkd M to (to powar at tba RsisUlur*
<«atw. ar liaK la aar war. tba. aruoa
IBUDB ptearett a qinausb 1 frarr daOM

:s'.r.T5i; sx:

arpame anrndairBlr sabodylBC diailan la­
sers whleb. viOB adeptlsB by tto psmir.
may beeoois a /isK at rseh lastruawat. This
>.<uca 11 rjrsldtied le provids a OMlbed lar
-.vkmlltlm *t—ul ausations curb i.resraUux
vital 'fob's atout eWeb Ihser mixbi b*
■ rvsl c^irt of ocnaleti te a vela of tto
.li.tars, sewriir sud opan from tbs la-

80HHDU1,B '
foat BO IncunveBlewe atay___
Vom (be rrhanxee In th* constltutioQ at
U’.'a state, am^in order lo carry tba

1. The ,--iunioi, law and tbo
wr i«w la force, not repute
Ita roindituilon, ahall rv-matn
(■UiutlonProvMl.-dnti: thej .i|iire bp Ihclr own
iDduieut pnx'svd u,.1. or are alleraU or'irprAled
the sfldiuauvu vole
than uiio-lhlrd of thefoalTto nTT b
;* Bebedtot et
blxheat number of vote
BSid election for any oflice. In case
-rdr "by tbs Miatelurr.
aiu-rcalivr propo«e<l anieridmenta oo
•«. X All writs, octloB* canora at
thr aamr auhiect are mibiiiiited at (hr
■oa. prueecutlotia wad rl«bu of to.
aamr rtev-m ii. the tola shall to for on*
: <utl». aiol of bodie* corporade.
or acw«t *H‘h
-h- rr.H' and *!l charier* of In
proposed anieuJu., tits ajt a whole, if
............... .
r-IMI hot tiatv bed*
t.r one proposed
-•cf-.— '.rfeltej „r be,-<„„e »Ub)e-t
i-r-d majority ef
:..rr -:ure aball continue, and aU
vnd lOtiinBi meb
RploiiiU. loformatloop er uidletproposed amsnrttnenlo. 1i ahsU toeomt
Vthlrb whall hase been made.
s part of thr constitution. If the t-itsl
.1 or found, or srtil.-h may hereafter
affirmative vie
ro-h alieriMiiv*
or fnan 1 for ua> in.-nv
propoeed smenOnieuu » the rvquirvC
onimPtrd before -.the ado;majotlty of aJ the voim f-r *nd tpm cf ihia ronotitotloD. may to protxair-si them, but ao <w-e is-opoeed ocejed up a o* X no chaaxr had taken
aiuendmrnt n-c«ivee auch niijortt). l-:>cc.
Tiu- oeveral coorte *ha:|
Him ;lie propo"'! aarrehnent srhlch I.Liw with tbe bame p-wera .,nd }urt.
rreelvre foe laixral eumtier of affln.i- ■lictlon. both at law and in i-ui
h-retofore, wctll otberwlae

-a s

SactMa I. The lermi of ofocr <f oil
cIccUvr atale ifficera and of MI judset
of enurtx of rtvorJ rhall bestn i.n ll;.i
Bnl dap of January next sqpe'ejinx
thetr Mrclton, exi-epi a* oih.rwlre pnacribed la thu rvnr:iiuricin
The tenna
r ot oil i-ounty officer* rhall tofirM d.->> of Jaiiuvrp B*xt
rcUoR, except aa
ithervrtoe pmKvlbed bp Uw.


or :i»i iha:i
lion Itr any

Sec. A Nniber (he teslaUlwre NOR
-NT MUSIOIFAL AUTH-ilim- ahall
srant or authorize .
to any publn- lua.* r.
cooiractte iifler tbe
evndered or tbe e.,n r»ct eOlrreJ ima.
SaUrii* of puUiv
dfieera, EXCEPT
ClKCCrTeJUJPGJhl. shall aoi to lAert-vAod. DOT abaU in
fWlarp of asp
public officer be d-ert Acd. afitr alectioB or aiipolBlinem-

tos'. IL Bvtvp pnuea aB(ltMVfi.aida
for members of Ibe UoAlatur* fiafor
■ he eXJBtInx <v>BaU(BtiOB aid Uw* toax
S.He oh aaU wdoplinn or rcjectttm Bad

eontitnlB* the na _ ____ __
for effike foe won]* 'Ademtla« of Uw
Revised CosMtHnUoa ( ) Ted." "Afote
llon of tbe RsvUod Coda-----' No ~ All vutao ca
teiunwd ad cvovld
__ ___
elevlWw at state ofoevru. SbawM Ifo
rerlsed conotjiuuoo ao s^mlitad m.
teira araru votra ra us tavor foaa al
to rate
CWA< anlnat
- w
it. It foall'ra* tiks
prvme Uw of tbe atota oa aad adHt
the r---------------------------------first dap of Janiurr.
dreJ alae. oxcepi aa ‘
'Ue K


part of I
That tor * .

•ho. t ............................... ..............
to averae to bearins am,*, ahall h
cusHl Iberefrutu up>n rm h
aa ahall to prrrcrib--; b> la­
ser. Z. ~
by hi ...
xl:is, eqU'W
diBcipIlsInx the m liiia In ruch
a* It ahall deem •

lien to br beM oa tbe
the firut Mteiday of Nevv______ __
fen hundred r«ht
R ahwB be
duty Of^be aecretarp of atata to II
w-th teve Botler at sueb aubadaalafi Id
the ahertSa of tbr several cotMUfo, ffH
It ehoTI also br -for dwty «C the aactte
tarp vf slate and wit (sfoor aMteff toqutrad to irtvr or puMlab way Mlta fo
recard lo aakl electlow, to ^v* MtUu
as prorsled bp Iww is rase of aa eUc*
tmn fur xoserenr. foat foto coowlXutisB
w >11 to duty submltlvd to tbe eUctofl
at sold
TkM oMnnw (okto ibr ptorr cf fite. H M
(to srvaral fetadtee -rnwhUK aiKMiT





Ate. M. foia OtemnutlaB foaB fo
aabmmed to the peo|4r far foelr ‘
Hon or rejenloti at tat


al the tlfip'•e-. 1 The t>o<nr*vod of o family,
after Ito death of Ike owner thereof,
dir.iMUov. cf Ibr
than be axrtspt from the papiaent c(
l.s a majority
hit debt! ia all raata durins tba mi.lo led- TJie l.*noMlp of hU rhiUren.
ab-nli eo
Sec. «. If the owner of a huniealead
leavins a widow bnl no children.
aamr oubject.
It bowratead aball to •exempi. andi j,.m«liti:ur« rhall
rntered on thv
. ___ I of each bouse, with thr pvas
e to her benefit durlns i
me of I and ,*y, caj,, i ibcreoa.
Hut iki
widowhood. uBiese rh
t section may to pioter of a homralead in her
ner herein prcn.'rlbt-d.

tto uMtiM roc.___
Sec i. Member*

wwoeta. >ou>pa!a

fodlctal paipca
--------- \ abaU
a part of auch cutwtp. oo far aa teewrds riectlaaa tor xfo parpasa «f rote


proceaa from
be oafotfiad by that ofooer b for lesUtalned. but lafore 1
»T^'’"lhe*-eoa '^■iullp ■•btalmn.
oru iuch
Ilenailon of «U(
I, h m-irtsase or other alienation
________ .Jicreof.
if - lor any d by nri :esi than the icquifod
luCh land bp tbe.ownor
.n. ehxtl
ehxn not to valid ,vtth- toalsw of penlU-.n' - he rhall amo
lure of hta wKe to the
Ihc proi-we.i .llll-'l-ImeBt <0 tto

Seellon l.JTte bi;1
posed of air ablcN
beiweea Ihe axea of •ixhiee
five-peara, rxoepi »uv
^pled bp thr Uwa
Strlea ot of thla ':a1.

ltoisrri«'i’”.i dUtHto?to^

iJ^toeSr •'iS'iwrt'rtoUw m wSJSt

Any ------terriiorr atlacM te
that map be anacbed lo aap coMtpIfir

txvdinsr. fJaeh deb-teie ahall recelvr
ttknn the
aubmiltcd to the elector* at for hi*
doll .
tto 1. _ tpHns or awtuetn rlactlon Band
then br
tberewni r. lA the UsmUture Aball di- ahall
foe followiac oeettaaa of foe ■
foe h-rlalalare.
I. If a BOderily of eUciof* map
•reaaed b> Uw, ,N
to voti; for mrmber* of ito eowotllutloD
te aOMdiMit 1
e Vvtinx tbeteon aball ratify AUrh
cot-vefiUofi ahaU
out applloaUoB to exli
tto < let
t-.>r oppi
aainr •
unleaA bp the aretr.: -f a ata- acleos ofoerwtoo botad:
■ all the dtlcsa:<* elected to
Ibe < -------------the yea* and nap* bemap alBo be pra- . _ -nlered on tto Journal. .Aaj proto thla conati uilon bp petition poaed cenBt*atMa or amewmeaia uoder (Uc. A Art. V. of foo rovMam.
qualined elw- ci* of thla etiic. adopted by auch crmvcaNoB Aball to
An. IV. •ec.'U. Alldwfoc foelfold> propeaed as endmdri ahaU to aubtniiied to tto qualified el.mon ki UiMv
tar tbe paynMM fo
ctora* unleaa tto the manner provided by auch convri- pom axelooa«rovUe
nailable aaaiter rsetfrod 1#
«utul»-r of petlli
a tk( refur eba'I Hon on the lint Monday in April folexixid twenty pper cent of the lota] lowlnx Ihe final adjournment cf the ta.
(uterval ef
number of rlecloi.
-loro votins
for aeceviarp ........—--- hut, la
e tblBabaotste.
at leato alnctp . . a aball am Intrrvvwr
of Alftle at the precedes elec:
tar. A Prwidlw font adr
auch officer. All petKIon* ahAll runlaln betwera auch final adjourameni aad
BcaciiiB te a dwal abaU b*
eleniun. then It foal!
the fall text of anp propoBed amend, the date of a«K-b eb
ihv next seoeral elec BUqiiallflaB
mem. losvtber with anp exUllrc pro- to au’.'K
pon Ihe approval cf aneb esmliatona of Ito eoMtltutlon which wouU turn.
to altered or abrocatrd tberebp. Sue! atifoli. ) or aBMbdmrata by a tDoJorkp
irt^Sem Ik Otrto«
qualified aiectora Todws thereim ty ■
pe(dlR>na aball to alxned at tbe racwUi
" c
. - exvl-Inalve power
remitrntion or elecitoa pUcep at a reswer to Bx c
eel os tto fit*; day of Janaary
uUr refcunration or electloo coder tbe
rmdered for
C Ibe approval tbcrecL
‘the afhrVait tbereef. who
all varify tbr
Aistuna and cef


vlted dollar*, rh-.n t

See. 1. Art XVni

ta'sedeTte tSm!*tm!ot‘c7rteMl^^cnml

toe, t. Tto Tval and priaoiml eauie
............. -Auan. acquiwd before otarrlBce. and all prepeny to which ahe
map afterwanla become esliiled hy
Sift. STwaL InbaHiance er devfoe ahall

See. A.Tha ottotwey sasfoai ot Ofo
atsie xbaB swepaee aad repott M.foa
IfoMfotora ri tbr CBmaarweafoaM uf foe
momx eaaotea awck rltefowa fo fotMM*

S5.”*.‘2-‘*.*nrt-ssK -


SMI ■ Ml fHWTbaiie aad ncuwmt a
MSSaa afobt it yrrtMiiad dmRwtd b a.rva j
a tiMAirwte ar BB}a«( wryow
la awa aa

tlon lUibli be aubmitird to tto elecior*
qualified to voir fur meuibrrt uf tbe
lewiaUiun. la f*»e b aia>,r.i> of mi h
ehcior* voUas at ruch election ah. II
■de>-i4r ;n favor of a coaventton fnr
ru-h purpnar. at the wrxi blenaial
boreaRer become bona fide rewidenia of alarms --leetioo the ebetora of each amtbia ante. Miafi enjop tbe aaaie ri^a atonal diftrtrt of the aiaie at then t>rIn reapect to
SBOixed aball elect three iricwitea
of Um prroeBi <eaaucetUK> bp anJtUnx <be and inberttar...
f prapmy a
The dekwalcr Ao vlecied aball ouavtew
ar« arBicore «kkk la titUy loaend It Ser. bora eltixena.
at tbe lUte i*Uio. on tbe flrat Tue*.
1 ol Ibla anlrle. Tbe tarj it llwlfd v> at>
day In .-kj tember next MKcet^lns aneb
rlectlon, ami air'll continue ibeir a*e•c. 10. Ni
•Inna unin tbr bUAfoeae of the rnavenj land
Und for
ayncullura! purpoMw »«r
lioa ahnil to cem^ird. A majnrtty cf
a loascr period than twelve year., -etbe d>-icaatea viecced ahall ronr’ltvir a
quorum f ,r li-r traaaAciiea of buaiiiaaa.
The ahall cboaoe Its Own
ooieerr. dclecialai' the raise uf Ita procereiirx* and Judx* of ebr qualllkea.
^^1^. e^lectlona and retam ot itr mem. (be .amm.
be firm deti-rislDrd bp a Jury of
wx rrectoldera or by. not Ivoa <baa
three comiulaiitaoera. and ou h aaaani.
locetbrr with the rxpeaae of froceedIttce. rball be paid bp the pereon or

live and Ji'i-<aL
for tonklnc wrptwa-a or and all oSceri
I anfo officerv aa may by Uw to
------- - ja bualuraa tbrrrat. ahall
ted. thalL before they rnirr on
adopted, amended or repealed rxIS. Tto 1
capt hr a Vote ot iwo-lbirdi ot the tbe diuite* or ihoir reapectivr offieeA
iiid nibacri
nibacribe the followtnx oath
,___ At; BiU e.
memtora rleered to each buuar of tbi
propriaird, or 11
•I do roletnrip rwc-ar
IwteUlure. Such Uwa Ahall not au- or aihrmation
tto Bale of tto ai
where aurh b
CBortto thr Urur of bank notca or pa­ (or affirm) ihst I tin: support ll.e ,-oaaoM. and
atllinlon of for Uiiltrd Stai-a and tbe
per credit to ctreuatr a* ntone)'.
cotmittoUoq of tht* AUte. oaj that I
foil aartlaa la aahalltated for ~

alad or appropriated to aucb XX* of Iba pliacul roattiuiiMi. <
will h.llhfolly dUcharse foe duito vf
Ih* ffllee of...............................................
^ tar tto Bupport and fnalnlr- hi MIowa: 'Wa amiral baakin.
t for asrtcntiuroJ e«tle«e.
accerdiuc to thr brat of mp

^_____ __ ___are amliied Is Ibe rr«latt« at raid atrOao Tbr woedi la <o*Uala

gwiinfio^ toU an for firto UoMat

coaaiatwiiawi" is'ardw u eanfara arlib
•xiatina reed Uea af iBr b
Ll Private
randa map be ojcn»

prMiNo^af'nw ameoamral Vnb ttow* pw-

in tto
ssifoSi** *•
Sec. 7. The iecialatute map entabUab

courta of ooBClliaUon with auch powere
^ and dwtMs aa aball to preaerthed by


propriaird by thr aUlc for llkr purPCRA obatl to and roomtn a trrpciu.-i!
dock, property nr fran*
food, tto laurem nnd income oC which, onmm with any other railroad corporatoenher with tto rrnU of all aueb Son ownlns b parrltrl or contprtito
lande aa may mnnln unaolA aball to Bar: and locoo cur aball anp con,
InvloUbiy appropriaicA aad annirallp ation lakr nUcr rxctri upun a:
applied .Ifl (hr apedfic otOrcU <K Ito foxte da>-r pubic DOtied to all a
8oc. M. AI
aball faU m

of mefo pet party, or by


poUtto by a CMH at recc
be pteacribed by Uw: Pn
thr forewDlifo proMakiB a
conairuad *» apply to te
edmoiUolaaiert or hfotawapi

SSSutatoe **^ ** ‘^ ^
Sec. S. No cocpiratlon aliall bold any dweUiaS
lenanewa to be
rrM eatatr • • • for a lonxrr period Iberrcf and not Intruded In any
foaa ten yean, rxerfo aurh real rail ' pUl. city or vlllaxv; or Inalrad th«T.
aa atoi; be nctoally occupied by ac .. of. at thr option of ihe-owner, ani
ooporai^ In the exrrclae of lu frau- tn an) rlty. Tillaxe or recorded town
- paru of .Iota aa ahall he
toTkaaca W madr ton tor. U at Art XV plal 0
at tba eeaana ceBatnuum. »>cm ta eait equal t rreto, aand the dwellinx hnuar

axalnat other cooipamlca ow
nto i»All to todfom for nil «u__

Bee. t When irteate property M
taken for tbe uoe or tooeSt of (be pnbtoe" l^Tto iiwa. pwbUc revorto ato
Ii<r. foe neceaaliT for oaliix auch prate tto wrnten indMal and mmaUUee vro.
ertp aad the >nm eampaaaatloa to to eoedUto ot tSTatmla ahall be coeulwct.
made tbcretiw. ewe
by tto

(to eiaimt OvkheK; '. mrwiwA
It u teamUy i iiaiiiid tbai tto rtoet at
ama feertalm M to tbr mbs iilii to a

'.vru IXM re<iuire.l rwijoi
,1c. .,-A*t foereotl I! at

foe lectata-

nut k-.e provtawioa o
. 1. All proi>iiwO arurm
onamuilw. aubmlued to

/iiU :o

Ihall b- publlabrd la full
Whleh *irIniW
foerrby. and

aa* of t
r altera.

be prlnu-d lu full on a ballot or ballolJ
to'iuratr from thr ballot cnntaUims Uw
aaiue* of nominee* for public office.
^ at BBeediax tbr raaMliutlas tre­
nded by toe 1, Art XX *f tbe eiutlox
*<li*tMM> (toe. I at U>t anidsi asd tbeaa
*»Q tsiured (be ibiusut* awfood si omeedBra( by lbs pee^ sKbwK ikr propmsd

ffs:r.^e*^£S ss:rMr'“.iSJs

H brr'mw (to dstyof i»r arer*«ial^ note
upon Bliud at rsch petiuon la hi* efVe. ir
certify tbr *a»< lo (to lt«,Hal«r* al Ib*
.o—ier of tto toll MxuHr ............
•f naie moat. ala*, isbma tea


Z fS-SK;

. rhaasr* la pbrssesiuar
Re t All
III fiiw*. taxee. piulliv*. forfefure* aud eschsula.
ccruiii*^ to lha
atxte or any munlrlpal
drr Ihe esbRlpf censtii iihfoupd lawa.
such uutiK’lpal oorporwtloa under Ihlr
•ebrda'Krttote^ la|^r ito pbrow^on'
to' , t AH recote'lanrH'*, booda, ole
:e or exrculed before foe adO|
r J."
or*^h*^a5S;«^'-t™‘|o'“ Bp Biuti:i{-jl
ral CUTe' lo any pul'..- -iicrr or
public tosly, or shl,.■ map V (
-x*>'U-rd unde 'si
> of thla state or to ary
ru- I ubl-c budy aball n
aud tahd. and
d riKh'.e a
upon the
d may be prow uted or p
r. And ail mt • and n
shall te .
and penal
a* Ihouvli no rb
had taken pur-, intil <sb<rwlAe providad I., 1"*'.
.Sa tblESr (TSB S-C 4 af tto nriasat totodak vserpi le ohrse >taxp
I. civil ate* BiMKarp.
i> offics or Bppolatwfoiit.
to huM tbeir retmrlve
resiocd by ro:npet*T.t


U^haa srertM wbsrsby Iks laaxaad*. orwpe
br arrwunusd and discwmrd by a dsfibwaUTF body asd Ita lerma amds ta karaouits wiik stbsr ptenalma ta Ito eaMBta-

bw. a. jui ooKers rsocteu unoer uw

An XIV. flee, t Prorldtac fite b
siakinx Rind of at lean ttlM* a PM. .
U-danliix la foe year UU. to fo dfo
plied to foo exturuUMam ef foeataia
Art. XV. Bsc. L AU that pnnifo #
eUmtoated which pactoUs foo IfoMte
lure to OMta d dthBl* hoBk With
brwhchm.Art. XV. Saa. L UaklM tha omaom
aad oitekhaldtea of baidSifo eaeptite
Uona which JMe baak hotte te fidhte
rredllt or eirctiUtt wa mohte IndMte
ally UabU'fte dobta. etc. By Sac t M
An. XII of foe rovistsh. foo Uffiffi ^
hunk aotfo^te
S**“* ** idafoUtt
**aT*^V. Bte a’ ProTtdlah far fod
rmtrp of ali WUi or aotte IfomU ar
put ia clrraUikK as asoacy.
Arc XV. Boc A MbklV fod hM
te ^ b^ prefSTTad BfiUharo
A ProTtdIw tadt I
------------- tew BfokdP
AH. XV. S«^.
be xiveo of swy BMdiCdUah
trrsUon nf tbe cBartte ef ai
tlon. Br«.
1 of Arc JCll of I rarttSm
prohlUu tbe xrwotldc te apodal (Rite
lora lo eorporathnw.
Arc XIX. Bee. L PwMI^ tiMt Ctestain «««;•


rt. XIX. Bsc. A Prwvtdifotara
l ait-sra'y for the diNrkt eutai
Bee. 4.


and dwtrici attofsey.
eiiuiienaaUoB lo (nnnt
la lure from sorb lomiory.
Arc XIX. Sec C Prstetfolw fop
time for elsvtkm aad foo tehrate of
(otv* In said dlstnct.
Arc XIX Soe. T- r
for o 44(Irtoo t
per cent 1
(to I'ppci


Art XIX Bee. A Pemlttiac foe lo*laUmra to temnse foe iocetkra te foo
tout' RnaoQ from Jacksah te tba Up|vr Renlnaola.
Art. XIX See. 1 RtlaUra lo oawodIrst Ihe apeeiwi chartera tan exWU^
■if nilnuvx oonoratUim.
Sekclule, lie.-, s ProvHta* for foo
el.-Twii te rovivute add lleutrnan; fov
• ■31-n- to serve dtier foe Uim ot foo

r-r;rs-„i.£: ssr^ ~

t*-he.lnk. Bee. 7. Coattaalnc ta ofoeo
(tie metnbte* te for lesWUtarr te JMl
until foetr aacccoaoifi wra oioctod wM
Bchedolc fite. A ftoMstoWI-^ oowhtr
11 JwbuajT L XffiA
BTol rontihuiite I
at la tba dSKthM___
OBlU^^tbe UrialBUiw
Sebedate. Ber. ». Provtdin foal tba

clerks of foe tatprrme Court shati aaplre oo Jwaaarp I. IbSA
itahedoH. Bee. lA ProsMla* tar taa
trwfer te ewaaoB cm Januwrp L UU.

JxiAtliK (•netllutlon aad lau* oa tbe
Ttetadar after the first Motsdap of BchsduU. Sac. 11. £oatioamp tbe Jhtiurpmi iBlrsdrd by It. aad U waa drMrd NotembsT. ainettea tavadred el«hu ^Irtioa aad posrrrs te Ibe .Pifobli
- e oa ABd after foe ftm Courts. Courts te Jawtieoa of foe Pohfo
a huadred olae. •ad tho Police Gout Of Deutet. mm
ofoervtao^rovldad by Uw.
SrhafolT Sec. IA CoattehlMr fod «<• '
• tso ot Oltlf Sffolte hhUI foe «qlaa

atimtioa may harr toysnd tbr nsardMi

---s:' sjissnr.-«-r aj'ss

I • IP Hm uh WbKk ba
T«w.n. JbktwKA»*tfr
—-—■ u lU »•« mMi
• te tlM pnrrliiOM «C


11 ». U
tt. B*- OiR Hf a^Mial MMdat ar tlw Rmp*
' madan of tbc c«b>
Om paopW for tbMr

teard c< Oertoe^^ Chte*^

AprU TO.' lMid.
To the CantofOntalTrarme Ooa»> To the HoporabteAhe Board ot S«p«
' ra. Oraad Traverse OoBBty;
tlamea At- a fseent^maeUac
of MU oontT, rMpoetmUj fMOMt _____ Btate Board of Oonsctloaa and
Uwt a ap^
the Boat4 ChBfMea report of a vlalt to the
OraM 1
lapparton. It U
te OOP

•- **■ * * JdSliM
• "?!?"•
and pah*

B. O. L«dd. Pnlftaala towa^p.
F. W. Carrar, lat ward. ettr.
8. r .........................

that new eloaeta and bath tnbi ^nld
be provided, and alao cteaav bed- gag that pHaoBerv b<
general deanteA
By order ot the Board.
Yoora i
John P. t
Moved by Hr. Ladd and ■


gronade and bolldlnga.


But nu 1
U. HaAllo. Blair U

fialldi HIcha. Fife 1
^ X. ^otd. Vakm_ towneolp.
____ Tedmaii. Pandlae totniaUp.
^ q.
o! Knb^.
LoDf toke (omhlp.
eiltm, Wbltewam loiruUp.
M. Hannoiid. Qarfleld towuhtp.
after their
iiaUi MbL. K. Oierelaad. Sth ward, eitjr.
a ia •*«. I
B. a CMbbt. Mariald lownahlp.
WadBcadar. AprU U, im—t p. m.
Board met to parMpee of the call
of the (9erk, made
with the loi«colBc redveat la
IB wrliln
fiMTd eaUed to order hr
RoU on; all

Mr^Muon appeared before i
Board relaUve to the Mmmonicae
iking regneet tor i

ChartUea wae preaeated aad read:
Board ot ComoUou 1 ChartUea.
AprU 10. IPOd.
Hr. F. a Harvla.
Sapt of Poor.
Traverae atr, Mich.
ported hr Mr. Dean that Mr. Dartow
Dear Blf^At a reOeet meetinc ot
ct ai Umporarr dialrma.
the .Slate Board of Correctiooe mad
ChartUea CommUaloaer: Clapperton
Mr. narrow took the chair.
MoTod hr Mr. Ladd aad aappertad report^ havlnp vielted the preniaei
naed tor a conntr howe la Traverae
Citpr and the board caraeetir recommeade the efocUon of a conatr hou»e
on the Uad recenU; porebaaed for
that porpooe.
Br order ot the Board.
appoint two tPeta
Chair appelated u aaeh
Maaan. Baaprd aad-niMi.
The ballot raaaltod A l,_____
rotea bainc caat of which Biunher
Moved hr Mr. Cleveland and eapa C. narrow rae(liwd ...^ereo
Mr. Bdwln Black two. Mr.
W. pOTtad te Mr. Aaderaon that the
Board take ^ reeeu aalil 1;S0 p. m.

terrtaorn la pamphlet term to be
OeaflMnsiti I have now beep ta tbe
iwarded tbc BaamU at the rate ot eaaptay cf ttte coaaty tear aad cm
Me per page tor toor haadrsd co
ban years- Dartag UOa rime I have
K. miMB.
not boea away from the butdiag - 84
Bight enspt ca aeoocat ot maw
r. X. MAMLMf.
and have aew had a vaeatiem.
U ytmr hoaoreble body feel Utat
te Mr^
yon can do so. I wosid appreciate ll
ed and adopted by yea aad nay vote, •Brestly if provtoloo eon be made *
ireeent voUag yee.
a tea days vaeaUoa tor myself
_JI or Mark Craw tor meale tnra- lowing the ■wpring boBaedeanlngiehod Jnvcnllce waa preaeated to the and before the work os the lawn b«Board te Mr. Ctevelaad - not being gins.
O. K. A
Very rsspectfnUy yoma.
Ob motloB ot Mr. Hamlta eupportJaa. Marvin.
Moved by Mr. Carver and suppor* '
Cd te Hr. Haraha the derh wav ...
thortud to CLK me aamc.
ed by Mr. Oeveland Chat the reguect
Oe motlaa’ot Mr. Carver icpported cd Ute Janitor be granted aad be be
by Mr. Deaa thd Board took a reeeu given a ten days vacatloa wtu. pay.
saUI C:M tomorrow raoralng
carried by yea and nay vote, all
present voting ye*.
Moved by Hr. HamAn aad support
e. c. HARROW,
Cbairmaa. ed by Mr. Qevelsnd that Ute setloo
« toe
tbe noaru
Board retauve
relaUve to postage and
leeplng In order tbe va
vault ta RegtoClera.
Batarday. AprU IS. 1»08—8:30 a. er of Deed* offiee be rresdaded.
Carried by yea and iaay vote, all
Board, called to order by Cbairmaa. ^ ^ wUag ye* with esRpuon of
Roll call: all member* preieat.
Moved by Hr. SUtes and auppot
Mlaotee of yesterday'* proceeding*
read aad approve d.
by Mr. Tedtnan that the ntatter
Moved by Mr. Dean and enpported laid over nnUI tbe next meeUag of
by Hr. B
Black that the eommlitee oa the Board.
gronmls i
bUn. Hammond. Ander­• IM
to .prepar
son. Oibb*.. TedBtsa. Ladd. Dan
- suitable place tor i
of coal.
fiaSord. Btites—8.
by yea and aay vote.


III ot
-and ••janitor work
2e Board
1 by hiHr. aeveland.
- by
ly Ml
Mr. Saltord and «opponed by Mr. Udd that the bill be allowed, with tbe eaceptilion ot the lieu
for Janitor work—83^00.
Moved u an amendment by Mr.
8Ut«o and supported by Mr. Udd
that the moUon be amended hr *tna-:
-wiib the CKcepUon
Janitor work—83.«.“
mendment carried by yea and nay
!. ail voting yes with the exeepUon ot Mr. Carver.
MoUon a* ameoded eartlcc by yea
and nay vote, all preeent voUng ye*.
Moved by Mr. Dean
Chat In the future the
by^r. BUM......................................
of Deed* pay bU nwn post­
age aad keep in order vault used in
___________bis office.
BUI of Dr. Swsnton—...,00—tor
» tbe Board by Mr. Cleveland

I. D. BW


C W. Boov. H. u.. I
Oval Wood Oak Oa.

.« »


M i8
27 a


•• •

F. D. Marvin. posUgi
Schoolcraft A Nelson, snpplles. quae.
Hites COS
coie. gnar ...
ruiver. inspevtran or jaii..............
3. W Kllllker. imam offleer. servlre*
ibieday Bros. A €&.. eappMes—Trems ..
l-ne Sdwards-Hlnc Co.. SBM>Hea—Reg. of Dee
Tbe Bdwards-Htne Co.. soppUM—Probate Jn4
Johnson Drag Oo, dragi. Inmates Jail..........
Frank Holdsworth.
M, D, coroner fee* ,. ..
M. D,
_ Bwanion. H. D.., nsed. services—goar
F. W. WUeoB, postage, expteaa. etc. .
F. II. Heads, drugi—quar.........................
Oeo- W. Curito. Justice fee* . .................
Morion declared lost.
W. R Moon. M. D. med. attendance at Jail
On morion of Hr. Ladd supported (•>130 Mrs A. Green, care of cMld.....................
<!I131 B. J Hlergon.
Uvery, qoar...

Roll call; all members present.
Mr. H. A. Loagwonhy appeared be­
fore tbe Board relative to a poor
tsnn. Storing that he t
to present to them the
purcbmalng tbe Ksrasdell form ot
ty acres, which has an ottihard of
1.000 apple trees, etc., for the sum ofj
113,000. and taking In payment to­
ward tbe purchase price the tvet>—
acre* now owned by tbe coonty at
tbc mte of |100 per acre.
The Clerk preaented Uie matter of
the purchase of a flag to be floated
each dsy front tbe flsg staff in the
court yard. Slating that ll seemed poilieuUrly appropriate that the Bag
should belflostod from all public
buildings. ;
On motfciD of Mr. Cleveland sup­
ported by'Hr. Hicks tbe committee
on grounds and butldlngs were anthoriied to purchase a auKsbie flag,
by yea and nay vole, all voting ye*.
Tbe commltiee on claims and sccouQto tubmilted the following re­

•d by Hr. Hamlin,
red to the committee 3 claims and
hr Mr.. noaa
that tha'dafbraal balThe following comminilcaUoD from
lot be> dadarad
tbrmal, aad Mr. nar­
the Janitor «u presented and read:
BoD call:
row ba doclarM tha oBaalaei
Tha inapectora of jail auhmttted re- Traverse City. Mich . April 18, 'OS.
AUee of the Board tor Chairman.
pon of Inapeetlon
'-ll Fctmtar;. To the Honorable- Board of aupervltOarrtad.
ars of lou in OoUnc BeaM Heeart
raUttra to harlac the
Bute of HIcbiBao, County of Grand Traverse.
ceptad and placed on ale.
Traverse City, April L8. IPOfi.
the Honorable, the said Board of Bupervlsors;
Moved hr Mr. Hanha and snpportMorad hr Mr. noaa aad aepported
eommIUee on Clalmi and Accounts would respectfully subndt
hr Mr. Ladd that the matter'ha ro d te Mr. Oibba that the Cbairmaa
recommend that the several
latarred to tha Freaecattac Attoraer,
'te a all‘iDooIbi costnet 'With Mi*. smunu scheduled herein t>e allowed. Also, that the Clerk of thU Board
he to report to thia Board.
Craw oa ume termi aa praaent mb- be allowed to draw order* on tbe County Treasurer tor tbe same.
loveojOommmdeattea •^ ftma WBbar t.
fi 51
IFataea, Oen.Mcr.otUM Barew ot Oea.
E \Aj.. supplies—Treas, .................
8 00
Brldce and Bolldlng lakpectJon. rela-. Carried hr r«a and nar vou.' all
ersrd, blank*..................................w
2 88
2 86
reoest voUnp res.
<u* Co . supplies—probate Judge.
21 00
23 00
Moved hr Mr. Baltord and annoort-anrine...............................
1 00
I 00
Moved te' Mr. Cleveland and anp- «d hr Mr. Black Urnt the
. ________n Drua Co., drug*.
n 05
n 05
_ buildings
balldlBst be
perted te Mr. Hleke that the --------- ^A^^nda and
investigate toe advlsabUlty ot
7 School 1
------ tea he laid Oh the b
S 60
porebasing a suitable typewriter tor
I___ Canted.
S 00
38 00
d A 1
the TrMsorer'i otllec and report to
10 Bdwards-HIne ... ...
8 SO
the Board.
!Z »*«■
11 Richmond'A Baekns Oo.. supplies—Reg. of Deed*.
28 00
U 00
n 00
27 60
Moved by Mr. Dean aad snpport- 12 Mark Crow .meals—Juveniles ...
8 00
I 00
sd te Mr. HosRe. that the Board 13 W. H. Well*, deputy sheriff fee*................................
6 00
6 00
adjoura naUl $;S0 o'clock tomorrow 14 West'PnbllaMng Co. supplies—clerk................ .
10 00
10 00
moralag tor comadUee work, and to 18 Peter Olson, bounty on two lyni ...............................
49 00
40 00
Cive SB opportunity for a meeUng ot 16 Edgar B. Chase, burial of soldier ...............................
ported te
17 J. H. BhuUs. suppUi-b—t*-p clerk*.......... .t.............
18 00
18 00
the City Board ot Health.
Bua appeut the uaaal ataadlac
18 H. E. Tumbtill, supplies—guar '
4 2S
4 26
15 School A Offlee Supply Co . su
9 3S
8 36
15 00
Chairman. 20 WInlleld Co.. *uppH«— clerk .
18 00
Mr. Bamvfll of Ohlcaio appeaihd
3 00
21 Cltotor Pnbltohloi
3 00
bMore the Board ralaUve to ameae ROUBT B. WALTER.
22 Wlofleld Co., -tup.
3 10
3 10
ownera at lott fwaed hr
Friday. AprU 17. A. D. 1808—8:10
othere la Oatlnc Beach
24 H. B. Qanier M. D.. elimination of Insane .. .,
6 00
6 00
1 SO
> followed.
2« 3 M. McCormick, supplies, quarantine.................
28 36
29 36
Roll call; oil member* present.
40 M
40 M
Minutes ot yesterday's proceedings 27 Geo. A. Steams, burial of soldier .........................
28 Ceo. W. Curtli. 3. P., drawing Jun , CIr. Ct...........
1 60
1 50
read and approved.
40 00
40 00
On morion of Hr. Ladd lapponed 28 F. D. Marvin, burial of soldier ................................
Mve the Chatman aiLop
10 46
10 46
by Mr. Hammood the Board took a 50 Paradise Twp.. money e*pd.. qusranline cases
' ' ODBUDlttMa
40 00
40 OU
recess nnOl 1:30 p. m. for committee 51 Oeo. A- Stcarris. burial of soldier .
Tbe Berfling Co. lAj
2 25
28 65
P, E Brown. Co. 7^*.. t stage. Express.
23 (6
1:10 o'cloek. p. m.
. sheriff
u ..
42 27
42 27
^rd called to order by Chslnkan. M C. E. Taylor, services a* ........
35 Arthur B. Penrod, nursing—quarantine ...
16 00
16 00
all member* preseat.
in, M. D.. exam, of Insane .
U 00
16 00
J. B Harrin,
« on craund* * and
Ian, M D.. exam, of insanr
insane .
6 00
5 00
37 W. H. Boylan,
bolldlDgs submitted tbe fotlowisg
38 'J. H Wilhelm. M. D.. exam, of Insane
6 00
5 00
Utroagb ikelr Cbslrtnan.
to 00
39 O. E Chase. M. D.. exam, of Insane ...
10 00
wHh exoepUoB ot Mr. Tedmaa.
10 00
40 3. W. Gauntleti. U. D.. exam, of Ibsaoe
10 00
Mlantea ot reaterdar'a proceedlnfa
41 W. E. Moon, M. D.. exam of Insane ..
5 00
6 00
read aad approved.
6 00
4* 0- A. HolUday. M. D-. exam, of Insane .
5 00
The Chalnnaa naamd the tollowtnc
to 00
10 00
F. P. Uwton. M D
. . exam, of Insane .
tetninmeea. dellalac their diiUea.
1. of Insane .
6 00
5 00
ad buildings, to whom was
P. Holdsworth. M. r
6 00
5 00
referred tbe
le matter of providing a
5 00
5 00
for the County Troasurer's
tXAce, wocld respeettally report that 4? 3 B. Martin. M. O.; exam
ahall be to examlae the aecoenta of we hare bad under consideration the
Indusirltl ^bool .. ..........
Ibe.Covatr aerfc and ot the Coontr advtsabiUty otpurchasteg same, and 48 Sara T. Chase. N- D.. exa
- irbr and aetUe with the lauer. jaeommend that s lUmdard maeblne
idustrial School................
r -reMmiaeBd to the Board the be perebased tor the Treaenrerit of­ 49 Frank Holdsworth M D. e
amoDDi of tazai to be aaaeaaed.
6 00
6 00
-^)eaa. Black. Ricka.
10 07
10 07
Wb would further recommend
I be to eumlBO this Ume that two doten blanket* be
26 13
26 13
U. OrUSt, supplies—q
lat roUi ot tbo purchmaed for tbe Jail, also that leak 52 Green luke Twp., money expd. in qnsr eaeei
87 30
37 30
report npop the egoaUa- in root over the Comtoiisloaer'* ot- 53 L K. Ctevetsnd, exp. and per diem—Stole As:
27 a
27 63
Bee dm repaired.
pervlsor* ....................................................................
6 IS
< 15
AM ot wbicfa to rwpectfnlly lubnUt- 64 C? M. Hathaway, drugs—quarantine .............
1 41
I 47
SS Oeo. Oratop. rupplle*. quarantine................
9 50

««*fi>llr r*.
acalaat tha Conalr.
- uf • aule
11 00
57 F P Lawton. H. D.. mediral seriire*. qusr
58 Edwin Black, exp. and per diem—Stole Asan
Bafford. wboae doUea it ahall he
27 62
pemsors ..........
apportion Ute amocat of tasea to
■s—quarantine .
3 80
59 L R. Srickney,
Moved by Mr. Cleveland and su
aaaeaaed « roMnuMnded hr t
4 03
... meals, quaranllne .
00 Little Tavern.
ported by Mr. Cbsmploo that' tbe r
4 33
Berger supplies—Reg of Deeds
' -d_
Oetratt. Mleh.
6 53
Fred R, Walker, posiage. express, etc...............
MATMAM «. BOTMTOX, neana. to t
• eltr.
Mr aaren. HkC).
16 on
Ellen M. Bonner, nursing—quirsnUne .............
Jronodt and
BuUdtnca- Haraha
4 50
W, E Moon. M. D.. med attendance at Jail .
Carver, BUtea. who ahall have the
6 00
J, W. HllHker. servtoe* as conoty agent..........
Carried by yea and nay vote,
Ceaetni anperTtelOD ot the Ooentr
9 25
B. 3. Morgan, livery for shertfl...........................
enwnda aad balldlnca. and to re­ present voUng ye*.
2 50
B. 3. Morgan, ambulance........................................
Moved by Mr. Doan and supported
port theicdn to thla iloard. •
36 43
Elgin C. Lewi*, supplles-qoarsntlne ... ....
Countr Poor—Champion. BaBord. by Mr. SaSord that the committee on
6 50
W. H. BoyUn. M. D.. med atiendance—qusr.
KctMih. to whom ahall be referred mead* and butldlngs eecure a roes738 27
738 27
Cha*. e. Johnson, aberiff bill.................................
at! maUera relaUnc to the manace- lag chair and coocb Td such other
16 50
J. 8- Brown, caskets—quarsnlloe.......................
meat et the Coonty 'poor, and report funiluire a* they deem necessary
H. Seegmlller A Sons, supplies, quarantine ...
the ladle*- walling room and t:
thereon to thit Board.
A. B. Hackman. siippHes. quarantine .. ----- .
they put cards oa tbe doors, destgTowna—Hammond. Anderaoa.
naUng the varten* office* and rooms
ver. wboae daUea H ahall be
ipplles, quaranili
H. Beegmlller A Sons, suppll
Ca^ed by yea and nay vote,
pprt Bpea Ul pedUona tor the <
16 00
16 00
Oscar SimpsoB. services as under sberlt
pt^t voting ye*.
lag of benadaiiw or the organb
7 36
7 36
» Drug Co., dr
Tbe eommlitee on prlaUac aobmltor «ew lowaa.
40 00
40 00
Prtntlag—BUtea. Ladd.
HmaHa. ttd the following report tbrooeb their 78 E C. Van DeWslker. M. D.. eonsuHatlon—quar
6 .0
wboae dnUea It ahaQ be to provide (telrmaa. Mr. RUies:
7 60
80 G. Arthur Hollldsy. M. D.. med ' service*—qoar
for the pobtlc pHnUag of the eooaly
4 76
To tbe Honorable Board of SopervU- ti E -B. Taylor Coal Co., wood and coal. quar. .
aad all matten pertaining thereto
1 00
82 B- J. Morgan. livery ...............................................
88 Prank Holdsworth, H D-. med. service*—gnsr.
Oeollcmes:—Your eoauntUee
Knbeah. Houie. wboae dailea U ahall
84 City Sews Co., suppll**—eierk and register .
be te report apon all matten perutn- prteUag beg leave to report as
6 00
#5 8. c. Darrov
A Bon. i
lows: We bare called at the Her
17 60
17 80
otBcc aad bgte ofBee and arrao]
If 60
16 60
tor tbe aoiaty prinbag at the toili
8 00
8 80
tag ntea; 76e per toUo for puWtoh8 00
S 00
, The toltowlBg gocuntnicaUom from tefc one half to the Herald and one
Beam ifOonMtkma and batr to the taigle: aad the prlaUng ot
4 70
I prurahed and vwad:
the proceedings of the Board of 8u-



•Referred to lupts. i
iCIty bill.



M 08
8 88
21 U
8 40
128 n
18 00
t 78


4 66
16 34
2 88
» U
16 82




Moved by Mr. Dean and supported Dean. Haraha.
by Mr. Bafford that the report be ac­ 8Ute*-lt
cepted, and adopted with tbe excep­
Naya-Oibbo. 1
tion of Mil No.
The «
Hlcka. I_______________ ____
Kubesb. Ladd. Oarvte,



Bute ot Mtehlgaa. 4^ty ot Oraad Tr*verse, as.
> the HMwraMe Board of Svpervteors of Oraad Travorse Oounty.MkhteM.
Oentlemen—Wto.. your ^aUttee on flaaace ways and
tity tbe following tm be the pay roU for this •makm aad r
ibe Clei^ be anttaoimed to drawr order*
c '
on tbe
Treaavw tor

Nome of Baparvtbor.

6411 U 641 68 U 66

ibn J

- ^







On motion of Mr. nick* supported
Brile Beans to vtoltVte M Wa. Okby Mr. «ine* the aame wa*i acc.-|H- rlron'a thto week.
ed and adopted by yea and nay vote,
Monet Underteat and loil aeoto*
all present voUng ye»—18.
ary flablng In the Ml^btMtoand thto
Moved by Mr. Clevelaiid and avpported by Mr. Bafford that the matter
of tbc advlsabilliy of a Board of
County Auditor* be referred to the Dllnulsv.
committee oa Finance Way* and
I to Travetie
Means, to report at the next session
of the Board.
nnetb Whl
HJBuUe of the day* proceeding*
. Ibe tick Bat
read and
Mr*. Gilbert Pray mode a trip to
t Mr. Ladd I
raverse City Frid^.
by Mr. Hoxale (he Board adjourned
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Biowm vltotei
sine die.
8. C. DARROW. • at O. C. Piay'a Snndoy.
Charlie and James Hauwhd ■Adh *
trip to Tiaveia* City owe day tail..,ROBERT E WALTER.
Some Irosl here ibis morning, hut
n«i enou^ to do any damage
Geo. Jarn-il loti a good horae laal
week and It is worae for him aa be I*
Orloff Pray to laid np with eec*
in poor benllh ihls spring
Tbe l.adlt-s' Aid society sold Ice
Jane i.
eream *1 EMrl Wiiirlg's last Wednea} >T.ning,
Mr. and Mr*. MrTII Helm of BensonMr*. Cornell* Briggs, wboae maldvtalled friends and relallvea Tbnra- I name was Abbott, was born la
OakUnd county. Mleh.. OcL 16. 1848.
tier. Ht
. 21
and died n ir Monroe
I9tiS, aged Cl yean. 7 month* and T
) Uulldtoga
Sitter BriSW «a* eonrerted
Calitn Carpenter, our R, F. D. man.
r<-puru a good catch of flahr oo
iM-etiration day.
Mrs. Chan Kenny went to indlana
Isrt week for a vlalt.
Rcbod closed at Hendon wlthenlerlalniuent Friday. Robert Sqge tr

s?*Meiter^tw*ir*m *T? »wr*

Uker Anderson
A 8 Pray made a (rip to Elk Rap
lit Saturday.
A great many trlends gathered at
the home of Mr* Orloff Pray to help
her celebrate her birthday, which
ed sod
' Warren Pray
0 Traverae City
Weston Worden made a trip to Elk
Rapid* Satorday.
Little Pearl Badley Is better al this
r. and Mr*. Umkln ore tb*
gnest* of Mr. and Mrs.
Mabel and Almon Degroai are oa
e tick Dll.
Wallace Kenny visited Miss Onto
Undaey Sanday.
CHfldrd Pray, who ho* bees
on the gain.

In chstRL Btotor
well kMVR la tte
ty. that many com to pay
reaperi- Appropriate hyaw

T^e flora) _________
were beautihil. a bos «f Bower* botag
furnished by the LaAtea’ Aid oodetr
the First M. E «h«eb « Trav« City, of which aha was a mem-

to them. Chortes Brina. of (
who srith the hwhoad aad ti
ahd a daivhior by 8 fonner htMteAd,
to left to moora, who have the aywpathy of many Crtend* The rimilii
laterred ta tho TnvecM CRff .

E W. Wood.

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