Grand Traverse Herald, July 09, 1896

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 09, 1896


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




K cx>uNT7, mcaioAM. jui.t^ 0. laee.
lets psIM kb* vsrtor sbsAta 4si*« W*n »UI cwtt es*.’ mli At____
sksta tMi itast mp m kbsh raota. -TUab beir ha« abe hta wen tbst
wta^ XAtj iirmmi kbskssklkts et|pltad*b»k. A wnasi wlfh aoboiT


y. m4^.T=tS3=r-A-,
Moo^ *e IaOso


on Horses.

TT-w*s sirrntirmr:^ s'^orzjs^s

l»^rov^ Farm*.
ym«p* PropOTtjr tor ^1*.

TUiTieMt ciry;

i PMiaJ ■( n ta «1I.—Hfik. M4k»r
u Bkk. II bM.r »aa Mif.

A :



Real Estate

Rose dt Son,

BMidle BkOMInn. Fi»M it.



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Fire Insurance 1




ruemn. ouKrui.
,oou«reou« ATTcarioa


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r>lr»iiMir tS.

OenMrnwt u« 0


kN VrtaWf W.


L L liliR’S

▲nd^unch Boom!




W.IK.1 U.O-



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' PUMT ui







*E ■&» A H-KSU.TT W

ISMS niiiit. -


' We rise to explain that you cannot afford to be anno^-^d
with flies when sticky- or iwiwtn Hy I' sold at
within the means of all the |K-oji)e:;aUu Paris (.ireen. 1.
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1B6 near nBur.

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wkiu. aadOuunai.


e. SOsnOB, riepriitcir.


^arrcyorand Civil EoRlneei
^ &£M*t'i2^BrihSsr

Good Fits.
Good Goods,
Fair Prices.

Fiqenl Sopplies.
t«|Kt SiMfc. Uwist PriCK.

Cntnilr UuHl III fipalu.
OmA eu* btf Ooaitedu IribtsMt




la (h* BlMarUat
fit Oraad ftapida.
' Hlelb. wto paiDto
' your' pDttrsU aad
tUa il t»U of........

Llfe.Heslih snd Beaaty




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wf4 call BBd tap
joa wlU. .aaipt*.

TIib Clipper BlqclB
for busing and pleasure combined. Gives
Liniversal satisfaction. Cali and see iL Sold by





psuyht m* Uwypr.- abpwld.

lid-Well. A^
tat l»aid’'WeU
'^-*'1-007 wool I xiokia* brtathlp-#; loto a chair.
” '-llrix-'x your recrlpl. Hlw Amrlia. bed
bare hiaa, I'm aoie.
-Ue'II out
not look alisr."wk|
at ...
Amaada. BOW ni tak* my mosey asd Uaekyss,
-ao Uerex aoaxp
loaxp retuxluy
him before
am) Martha iJ.ifdilot de-Y-oar mosey;- »*id Amaada. "Wby,
xpiaw him oe thr ti w uf tbp par
kurcly. yoa took iL Mr.. MeMartry "
HeMde*. we re Ulia b • old Wbp'ni
-1 laU It OB Ue table al yosr «1baxyol to |ip<__________ce'. tape of II
bow.-x^ Amelia
I •'
hr likra yirU uf le bekL
-Wby. i woaldoT bare carried Hoff'
-ni tell ma thaL" xaid His. Bepkar: lipfore I r*PP yoa the imprra-'Mr* Me-

Xad-Bodaa* In ua Boatbwi
Jam« Criebloa Mnywao. ka kebam
Arrfaltactural purlscerinrlaa braaeb on draamy mtali.....................................
of Up ffeaUc art of Bakiar mod ' pie* Uc«toryofUe p
•a Ue laad wbrre Uc adobe boutaa
grow, la Ibe land of aunablnr wbem Up parly-atacad able_____
a raluyday toxoraretbat il to.marxad Uoo. Ptaoiaad ttat ba wooU
with a red eroxx. the aatire euatraeioc bold tally lay bsM <d It aad a
riddle of Ua world. Hael^
waate* BO time finrinr
Ur atrmffU of material. Ue eruablof 'bimaelf labto aagycbairla bkotafy.
limit ol tatalar columaxaadUp wind. WlU wriuaff aawrklast bead, bdim
per aquarp ta>t of alptatkm.
->Mor?dUr His Oewey: ItwstrpaJ- ^to~^'puckrt.^'tpl^la ihr tammi
out purroter blur prlaU of
ly aadeYboulrb
1 alwayx Uoafflit xbe of he* drrok. xbr took off ber ritak aad
IbStoaLariaad Us M,
waa eery aMe. Uou(h ma thoBpbw " |
IL Hrsowbllp, Amelia Marched plaax. rrow xpctkis. and rlcpatkw
toly be kaew ast i4nA
Mat wbat am Uuurbt rcamioed oa-itartalf asd Amaada loukrdall orpr Up dor* br wblUlp
rota* at haddll ta befall^ am
polat tab* tom
tbld. for at Ihix owisrat Uy mat
r orntrartur'a bid.
•aseisaa Oa
llrfr la at Ur yale. tapped uoue <
That psa yoo bae* dose wlU it
ximply mil. hto troaaer* ap absae
prexpsted a letter,
____ McMimry axbcd at laxL
bi. kaep*. «ic* down la a fsaored ditch
maoda clamwd at Iv am)
-r*a doop aotblnff.'* AawUa rets
uaUI ta atnkea tba dota mad. ebametats tbaaaerta of Ua sBlanaBs
aame oT xmsp Irffal Mtm
-Mrs MeHar«7. yoa harp k
prialad on Up left basd apper us
Umr br to randy to taria
Up moacy oa Ue raid or left iiat t


' 'X.-;S«x.1v.'S3vS?S2!.


IjilMjlM til* M*m. mli mX



lat Mr*. Matapp Upald aat ire . Ui*. 1 old )ady.
_>p crammed tbr letter ialo berpoekrt I thair





TraVersk Cm-. • MiciiiCAN. »fctba^U.^WUkorJiS‘hPdi;u.d‘oi!i"^^^



misouth Side Oreenhouee


« tlbTMMOttT.aO.



sari-'""-" I--.™.,..,

$1.00 aoiU1.50 Hotel


Carpet Cleaning,

CAiin»T«^*Ktw oawPLAYiwa


ir;:r‘rttt?^ i!:-d?;:‘e“'cm‘’.:‘

ta riMi «rm-



‘^ lIlaaMUydMXbttB -M*
-lad from iha bsUaat «< Ita mia
Whkhakirtadtbatuad Tb^alaadlh
or. aa wa tay. tataavarik wHh waMr.
aalU HwtaofaaUS.aluuaBtadMam

. .. tal!r^Ui«al

m r KIU.WI


St Gnl. I Mas ke
l-Bi »ar*U wQI

:RESTAURANT n.T'jr.iri*'",*,..


---- ----------

* I^Vtasn

*^aaa. Ba Is«AS.TU Mabd kbak
p waa laokiac apoa kws Maxkata
H^UjC^aartaJ^ Is dtaarMa*



l^eii E^fafe Bielian^,





TmvUK CiTV, '

'ie.~ rrplled bt**l


kbreUas terlte;
la *»ury
Tbp liiUptta^waaTPcTtdBlB, bul^wv^^^^'tJd'^ktap^ tat'bu^
bad^dipdtbpr*,aBdUipa kbpyr bardly
TbPB*aa<dtbP lota nrad lutdlr.
"A wnudaa fruwi lay °a tha froaad.
' -« boyr tbpy aboaU Ip.1 witbiml Mb AwpUa poalpd Botkta otp^i * TkU trsat* WBk tUadwUh th*-VMba
' Pd.*'btar ppwardtolbp -boapat dadpr ol a roll wad wUad with bay. aad oaa iV Iba
nf tkii tdlla. ppohabtyr loal tiptwm ber axw fot iBlo Up tiswp aad Uawpad
Kr MtYktak.ta.«.n.ktakYta..
I Tbra kittinlr dowB UirPtbrr oa a boatraod Lawypr tbitk-a olBc*, bya' Up wbd doWB wiU bit bar* fcak. at
;ckiau ciwrtvd loaner tbry brrau to lady IB k plaid vloak.
Bui •UNIkl Ik.UAH'U.S’. >k<U
r«ad Aa kb*; did ta. tbp piprpMioe
lira. McMai^ rraeated Uh. 1‘alr ,
' rr»» truta.. hSio Wta ita
uf Ibpir laoc* alvwl; cbaacpd
TbPP lipnplaloBwtadlPidpd. (iotaPialdlbp
bptraa to utlrr lilUp "Ota- and ••Aba ' ' -|b BBkl. lb all thp waakiiv '
aa ibp; cawp to tbr biHhMD <rf tbp '
rottPB iub> tbp diabwai
Up •riUtbPusppradfaaorUphaaa.aad
- dropped tb* Ipllpp US ftfp; utbPivUiat Mta. MpMarkry had UAiiirUDcUp(r%wttrawU*b^ba
«ta^l,taiuYuDrS> ■
Iiwt tbpot, utbpra atill. oa pibuap prx.p
P»p earrlpdUpbrwkwoaPkUpatUftfwd
iorlyabp bpld mortfacpa. or wbo had aadalsod II______
. bpptl -aedd out- by brr. madp tbp
-Tbr sextbrleb
rpBtarka atawt tbp plaid pinak and
affaitat Ue Amt o)
mikPr'a baart that AmpUa I'ppry bad
.. bad drrai
iiB. Ilut. dear tar' wpooirbl laadc.
Elaally tbp coart boaap w
wide lose and tWeh na aa scffltaiy
ualrd la pruridpepti. , l*a "aa pmkpd osp day to liatp« u> tbp paap
brlck—^iaf iBtbpaaa. Da* uf the
a nebtpoua
,nd ma a CbratUa Amelia
' Jpaa HcHart
HcHartry me* told mr that Ue faridca wnaM ta
r os* La tbp Bibir
_ .„.t khr bad ready to lay la Uree or tuar ^ya, aad
yoaaf. and sow I an old. paid UiP laiwr ibe uaio of ••.T.ou. tbr Ibat they aa* U* mad of whkh tba
Karp 1 appb tbp rlyktoma latlpr dpctarlBC Uallbou(b tbr moepy twu-ka are mad* for Ue plakUW.
r bia ubildrru brf*;laf lin *il ' fca* laid opoo Up tabip. pliw to b*r
-Tb* wall* of aa adobe boM* an
.1-waulqtaUiMrJu.l riehu plboB. khp bart-spppp touched itrery Ulpk. kaweUmc* two or Urao
I wiebt bapc txkea Itupaad
lept. am) ta tbr ordinary ota ilaty
oixatuDrU I’rlrr,
r«lteo.' Ur taM: -bat aerpralacp
adobe bouae, which la ebaractarlaMe A
ta vur lipi
lippu. auold ItaPY aa aaji
— bora did t can
that reffiiMi. they are built ap parMIy
- :Sdr I
aaMl Amalia.
-As 3 bua
Wbpa I
• ID^. 1 , juat atawi loot^ to pay pMsy la my |pocket
a wbea 1 WfSttt
tbr u rt^airr
X- ami our yourspy
)oump^'* Ui
bpamaTBUM^wWoB tba wsiU, aad
Aatplia ewopp that xbc ■•^
-rkkx aer baDl ap Wral wlU Ua
miybt buy ualubbpu abiip wr 1
laiit thr moOpyalHra HcHurtry'irl
Up tasma batwrea Ua llmbtrs
«D : bbp pK-knl up tbp Ipllrr aad buH xbr could not arow that tbr ww
r Ue adffp of Up raftar* «x|Saad.
j tbpy apslra taJkliiir brr pick it ap. aod Amaada bad out
w Ikdi' is the plkld u
P roof ha. a allrhl alaav and to
BCSID," pei4>lr who
of adobe brlckx. Wbes It ralsk
IbwWr hfuiu and kb r)prk xworr tbr trater avsk* iatu Ur roof bcichs
Dsirybnie ssad Ui tajr.
-'I «uod>^ m- Bwrr irueiey waadooe by Up Mime*
that lirx M.Murtr) CBBXe lotoltae of- but due. not breia to drip dosa tats
ifckl >tar roai kUwt k«> lusch tor .-" '
. buwrrur.'ninld UVc '^kLipa Id r-srrpl. aad Mm. U.vkrr-» Siw la a yreat harry to prl the aaeiwbe room, below anUl Ur rsla to pp«r.
Ukkl Uir Udy m fH
{Haul «sa mulbpr la patticular. wobdrrrd ywatly wr.v paper, aad nwript. aod wid;
bpo Ur family msrea oaL astU Ua.
ariry., ihiIhi- rU-liral »■____
eotaaji se wbateDul,l tkke'Him'AmplU aad Ml-*,, • Theepk my moaey Irlaff nsdy f.w m«- later n Uimicb wlU iudripffiaff.
Die IVrry X table.
Ii'x more Uaa I
iBlrjr that
ruoolur al
lirr rgooUir
T ww ax adobe bsaaa la
eulifbtpa Uieir srlyhluipk a> to Ue
' rxppctevl. aud 1 xWmId bar* halnl wbiub wa. taUi la Ue iMb ewatary,
iiairtoil.. with
klirsyk bad I
u wtat I'd hatr bad ludo '
Uurteaei-N kbe farlii on anal of th* oal- ob> aed'ahprcforeui Upirdeparturp
I tar a. I coaU aar, Ua walla
rpry uap xympaUiced with the l*er*.
iMirB at i .....................................
lyrlDf ianua.aad Ibal. rkAa>ak. wa.
^ MruBff ami cpuf ta a«y boow
rys but orittaruf Ibeoi eueld xwvsr arvasd Ibrrp.
ata bad u urn tb« plaid riuak
that x)>r touched Urm.meT.
rnt.v wiutrri. ho \bal
Wall, arc built si atowA piMtarad
It UD tbr table naar her wax But pKiuff
vbildrvD tarrrv in Ihu babll of cwlliukr wyktory dcu^aed, Tbpy treri' p«i
th adobe crmral. >11 may k« can U.
her; aad Uurtir it wa. dw-ided
'■rta I'lald;’' abd. iudaud. ly la bia'b kfunu. middid aii)l *i
dxsch walla are atpotoff sad aaUff. I
UB all Ibrr lupt- Mim Amelia
Mrv HrHartry bad Ibe ricbl lo
ppota 11 that comtry had haU aa
auaw irruira up folk al
- - •
tiipreliwr Ue a>orlf(aee. wliicb
— ..
tab rales, falls taL'hkwffs Us *dsba
utaB would aflar a Umt emUa
■ Howotlrb doaa.Uir plaid Udy.
vttfailp Him
that, bat Ibpy ka« ou____
ta Tpry
dipre. Aioaudar ' Aatrlik I'mt; aahrd ol
Iiit their palp, piaaed a blue leil about the
lira the uhUTkliad lakea off
>e boa
traYpliay atapn. Iixkpd up a larifp art of Mikx Amelia, who wiBkdrusaed
paekafe of bapk eotpu aad iripd yu iu tear*. Hr .smith turned hi* atlea
Ibrir mur pltv. abU-b
llirir BPK boaupta. Aamada aakl
lioo b> bixclieol. wbo had fiwad her r that ralaCali does BM bmoaU to
aUr to pay ..B
■ I kuppiap lbey,4k>tbi
plaid i-ltak too mnih for her am) bad
arxH-alaad tell at .
iBff U> dimprxiiBl ibpui
. ...
cniuYwl It
Tbr rariueal had fallen deW.. Obiy about ubop
diUia fur thr l»r. aad trr'd bpttrr Xet i> Up lliur It wax aa lotrlralp Ibiac.
It to aatlmatoH that aa adota I
I lib aippvex. capex, xlrspa aod I know
yiicai down abd ua.hUicm.
lU bat
, about •luo a rmim. but U«1
urday aad sr li bate banl work b> xet nut wbat. ami tawebow. la y>U-blb( it maaaioBx built ol Uto malarial a
ibew doar. by
The lair irpea. up. Hr. smith leYerxed Hand laid it ruat not lew Uaa ffiOAlMO ta oowattaN
to mi- a* iC I li«k .
bloitday siaiB. aad .if ixiarur we arr but
, . .
isdoK but I w lliai plaiil
Mbra Up "Ampricata" aeUlsd la |liw '
bappraf*!. abook Hpxkxl Utah. Arisws Hm
PUIDlbr »l' ll»P l“tl‘ hOUiPlllu.-* I Wiab VoioK W break Up tabtiaU '
Thru, arraynl ia Urir •rrapperx.
wildly, b-piuf Ui xelUe It. and xud- Up lower part <d ItoUfoPBla. I
1 ujold dir fatlipr tbau .
Bo tumuk-b
frook-b thp
o>|yaxmall boy. wbo bad komrbow pwpted Ue Waelwa ooaditlea _______
iLuul Up trvulUc that faku cot Ui Auiamla aad .Aiseiia pxpluptxl cupburrUd hiintair iu. xhrirkril:
hat mxuldmil daV
Hou'ti I•wrdkaa0 paainra, wvul update Ibe
itry aad ballt Ueir boBMkof ‘^sba
aad doaa lubi Up i-rllar. iud (iu
-l.rl.m totbr BHiarv ”
1 il tayy oil tbkt im-nfiade if 1 !
—t-Akxiw HnxfTd,
Thuarlaearrat xtarted
A ffvj bill
^Tuom that if IvaoT xki- :bli|', barlar piled plateu aad bowU.
*• l)luf »l Mr* McMartry'aftaL In
•idht; all Ju.l
'IMom ltmp. That u, all riKbti
Ju»t ii'up^
: I'upu, taacera auil pitchera oa UbUa.
oey, and IfTp
If *p ■ e^
eta^ a^ wiudoa
ualil \U
.sa't lay It. Vby Uic lUlle place hu. ' klh-fara lookeil Ukr a pbiaa abup. they .xniri uflivialu had fonoe.1 aUHilUat
lady ami her lawyer, wbo waxoe kh
kpiwx pickiaff upa raxt ifoaoUty of »kh paia from tamr prmoaa .Tb«y am ta
vxuiaiiiatad that UemiaSalwaya (wa^
Aad kbe ai«%y> ;.*> away wyiaR. Amabda. •udduoly.
-tkoraiae a wim hank uotrx. ail opw aud rrlxp aod iu carrea. But aluaf aValffht HsW. A'
ffnwa. Ibat fell myxlprluualy w a
-Makp an effort, make an .iff.*
xbowrr of manna apua Ur ix>an-raom feaUemaa Uarelliv la KorU OarallM
it ta 1'tate’b’llo
AwelSk’^oWted. aad tarSfkl
-wb Jua....................................
llltalralea U* polat by a typlaal'
^hat I «
■ 'T«o Uoaxand flee hundred dsUar*.- rrrwtiua wlU a saUra.
“ re'k the plaid doak cosiag," alie
cuulny BOW.
he aiaaled al latL
will. '
While Mr*. MeMartry lorr off brr
wife.- uid
>rU lYtrnliaa clay-aalcr. 1 Uuaffbl
climkaait ffaair it from brraxUoUAb
..vrUe klWh- Amairda
poald aU bim samUoa. tail saoach
it. umch were deadly. xbricklBff;
• Vf*; I ftPPer ihcNiybl
> look* dpo-at’
d dirart ruoaffh to fena (raw him a
-There'xa niLiffUr fanaff.ADd
cMurtry plaid at tbr
pattoffi'-biUedoirV l^jau putof
Amelia. -ni iroaml fel it made a pu.'kal uf iixelf asd me a
Ui'bu la a mlaule. aad yoa'pr beea
iuy. Miily. aad a [vrtaa'k auap aud pyre, i Ihr nioai:;.
will ffpt rpd if Uii-y-cry. You euetr la I ItbpiBB upalairai
'oulila.N have door il on porpraw for a
altera wbllP. Vou UBuw wlial a ffm- ffbit Mra McMurUy hittluc ou a rhair
alpy place Ihia h. au.l if Mr*. !l«-kpp i la Up kitchea.
"> rcckoa you moat tad oae of pan
wax U> wy to her mother That *br
•Ye*. " Ur latter
looked la Up riffkt ptoop.youVi eocae biHSe. and I 1
BollllBff L_,.-----------Tbiato Uediraet road to ffbytdta
inp ami hare a little
d UlUr HMo*Vcrry>. Ci
tlllp, 1 Mppaaer'
I hate to do wbal tirnrb. looked down cp>« Ur tanar,
* Amelb had beea' ulirdusif; lear*. imr troeWta. ' I
-You'll ta putty apt for to ffil Uar,
and 1 (cpta Slater Amrl'm dom, too."
, .y the old Ikdy would tel! tbr arxi I'ye Rot lodo."
••Ye*.-wiil Amrlia. lalnUy. -Yw. pf yoa kaep fuio' atr^ht akaad ~
-Y«. I 01 really aoPry foryoa." wid
prr*oa timl vailed.
"U> you tall mack wood la VAyatUt'k that rip la Up cloak taclaff Ibat-a
So Aairi'iB ru npalairi. <0 tiaUr her AiaellB. bpciaainir u> wipe a dUb
pye* aad tuakp heraeir tidy,
^to^hyar J^JMaUU
■1 ninpokp you feel 11 ]x.M-riou*. aad
Hita Amabdy. with brr moaU' full of
,|xl uf Die rroup ta H
pio*. took Uieniuxlio tlcbu Up had Juat bare dime your bewl’.'' *be iiald.
‘ beta affumf pries assfout of Ur gtm^clrmk. s;
-1 doa'l taeiB to mind raueb.- aakl
bppn prraxiDfr from the cJoUeu.bono'.
itaPdlaff. m£i laMhst
' I dus t look wor­
d pat it oo ax xbr walked' howir Amrlh laarbioff.
» acia asl ta mheb.IcUem,
■cB Ur fnAt polrr. ta that kbp Wta ' ried, do Ir"
><sa,laspinJ -.Now, Ne)y. doo't t*aap." wld VWU of .mall. Oat Iriflrx. Ue aerumi
raoir. aad luy out:

JAmauSa Aad Am-lla Urrw her yrral laluin. prutably. of wr,
r yoaRPtVinpbBlorUp buyyT. tewri oepT brr arm aad dipped her wbkb Hr* McMurliy hml BollatoUcl "bha'ttay a* il'dota. mFIdf' Moat;
xhrr.aod 1 rma Ui let you iii bund ,la»o her pocket aaddrew oala rip ta tbr faviair ioxleml '
How well you look. Uuw arp Ue pUI), .ffrMirollot tank ootea.
'h Ui'ffbiaircT rd. wbo waited toi
eaxna to
drro, mod your muUrf.aad Mr Udek-: • -Yoa
wp tc no reaww
to trot;
trot; «
•ta yoa 1___________ _______
.jr plaid i-lo*b Bmae
ke IIU apprmraace.
pay yoa to-day.
Weep had air
a" tVhat a touching tariicju b
. g wood maaUy.'
It waited Ip. Pals
and It.juxt coTota wbal we o
"^U't partiekkr. Bemy Mkr to
xmarfficd hto cltebl I
' "UtapiqpdappropriitPtoUpreepinti -Well. Em aafflad aayou are.-*a«l tack door, sad Uc H
frtawd. If yoa worn e^M
low Uwcxm lleweyba* ■ufferpd." re-1 Mr*. McMurtry a» Amelia ixiubled out ^pdUe raosalatatto
yos la a eoart of Uw to r>** foer

Hr, ibp tmmpyaml............................
laid It im tbP tahlP pt
Him Amaada who told erery upiaioB. you woald daelam *poa ysar
Ibat he oarhl U. hr 'ehrar- her alhow.' -Aod|ni nm orpr to Law­
_... Uatabai____
dayUal Hr. MeMartry bad uaU. wnald yoa gful-bat the aad eeeal Wkxta fPppoV-LTerSmiU'kaBd yet Ur paper* aad reponada of fraoa oak arc bsatlcr Uaa a
-UixMv^d wife, wau lit; 4Bpr>*d lY-ipt*. TVkp car*. MuxeAmeUa. take f Iivippa them the mortcafp and rrbandred soamto of dry pUe? I am
Him Amaada. wiUiiiy Ual Aoiella 1 carp; you »r dropped four aolex .« Ue (lU^ to inaefa Ur rpoopered moopy.
WriUara task
<m Ur aakyaet of wsud.
■Shpaavr *bp»we»ilto ber*plf to do wriUara
would Bol pall xobmaydraw^iaoul Ja ' Omw- Vou-pr real benroak, afra l you>
wh) Amanda, -and I rurnaabeto
Ibe room oeerfaraA. *ber» kbr Wk. : >u km 1. You kec wp are all ko pl«aM<d.
hi. iboqrfa biater Amalia fell proad lormsliOB U rrffard . .
maklac ber toihrl. or kealtle ftfrpr Uel I klKiuld bap* hated to do wbat I d
lie rare ma ose qaleb ffksga.aad
>at ■!.ttoofiouftpa.
’harp bad to.-,
t* fur the plaid cloak, eeprybodr bad
-Hix i««od wife? Ilk. third,- wid : Up dime, eallidy back that Up woalo
rasffnr. you kU
■tt Up rardener bum that to tiadPT
Mrx. b.xkar. lryiDyb>bpdpmat«. -Mk [ be hack at imcr wlU IbP recpipL
down la year book, wbea yoa fflt to
kayx—you koow mu will harp - heri The two yonaif wompB wpmt oe bpioppthp HcHurVy bosta^aad wbas
iu fumter owner oace more appwred
.. Wfi Xlw-XBUI
- - - - ,- - - - - - iau«rb-*bn
kta'x BUI a
a iaiB'wlPrxl
iBiB'wtPr'x I waxhlay
waxl.lay U.the...............
ulle xbr wore a new oater ffarata. Mpaam xh* ww him I m taxkrix. Upybiaff ax they worked.
wal^ a yprtaff."-Nc<ersid..

Iiukil .
rr to ta -Thp I'lald Lady.--tawbrUer
TW tita tad !•.«' ta tav ktad.
II lirMta Ik.^
(T.ta Ital
t»l>Sg.>^«U lAwitaU Ik. ItaG.

O. P.Carver^

3Kc Per Pound.



ll^iw «• srv Ita brla «> MkW

s^ssviiir*'' *
Woori's CiiiHioi Powier.

ipwitMa « cw<a


• rirblyM.'

n>*> ■>• wtm mr> iM 4MM lUkkMlIM a* tka »MH •■•. mV>m •>•■'
•akf^ u»«Jac. mt-. hit iW m—i ii»-


Stall sp..'~MkU.iikr ...MS'

S'o(aBUItfch«n.des*d>dAitallai*r r~*B-*plDlb^
th* piAUkSB hrtac ss hu*r. | •■W*ll. 1 doal »bi-k tk* weald ■


■- ■■ i „

-Cab pilbrn'of yoa


e brlrktoMOdr
mw. "The ckyo ■BSdsrwbieb Ur
bricb to made■

ealiar toUearMplalMsf New Bex
Cairf Whp« b I
,XIM dtaided?■ UakUaeombtiU
-WpU, Irl-Bjooh affolo.- wld Mrs iro. Ariaooa. .Vetada. asd that belt of
Mrs' Bed
la to tamed sat
••Yea.- aaid Mrs
MeMartry. "We were all laa) sei.
ikally. fWe waat It to opea Monday
Wp are ffslar to ba» a 1 abO m
p chlaa. lifted taspot
odor MraltaB
New Sitflaad kilchrs Asd I'm ffslor FaotaU
abodt beCffUff loasxof ebiaacuia aad i ud*. emptied baakeW. taroed cnam
wseew asd platea aad PTefyUlbff .'iao •<>*»* dowo—Amelia la ber rrM
ABdweUuarbtyoawsaidlctBabkP«,Lul wtbU eosUBaallydartaniictbatl



-Wei) IPlpoabare eecirUi^ bat I
IP beat diaoer aad urn eet.'

all ap tatoer they are waatad.' .
m Mrs Itooker berame profata la
cs nad Mtaa-Umalla mmiiaff la.
waanaUiaayUairfal.U* HMata


At last aiffbt fell and U* plaid cloak !UosastUstaosaotriw wbm* tb*oobde

ladies I aheold bau to do wbat ITI
baeptodoK you doa'l.' saa pariiaf
-l-moBirabatarTtod Hoff triU bee.
aadiballceaaba kasara aba did.-told
^^t^deattaff Ual Maly.- Am
tald. »sV tartoh. tos Uwaa

^ bk aea^llB taffiv dswTk

Amoatook. Ms. womaa. Whs
a taWtaUl U Uattaornty, otf ta


toWMaknorariUto taad
aaadotaboaaatonaol: k
Kaaem wbo wgta tor
rarm. ItaUltawsllaa^ ta '
lUardfiabaarataUg ,
tta’ iidri.^ b^'Vtafl' ..-.___
U^kilBydrlad artl^ It dow M
cram bto and R alasda tor acas
A MawtaraaaAtlrnwiadU
Saw Mtitoee waa Boeh totoe '
Ua 'dabs bawii Ibr w«sbi


MM* 04V wm AMMTthlv k
>. M< tu* MM Mr Mr r*«nk of

or*r*MC*iao—try. arrtiiar«?*- “A Utl* Wm a* H. a H. B. Maarht
1. IM teaMla B*oi. aar a* Bk
RaytM ^a« «aa* U oa lb* C A W> M-

TM Brodac PnMoad
Bey^ Itead w«* alM o> A«ty fro. a* by two Beau Iran WUIlan Baitaar s
•arty Moralaf, aad all day toa a* la- factory. Thr tnt
filj —‘-*-iiT-t---------------*■* - *-■' -*
' tmt Viitt* IMH M M MfO M •piriaf •tralB* of .d*?t oM k*
FHtv S coMr M fM thraogt by Mm- Ura aaaaeroftMda mM atWaM lydoenalad dka^ef Malr aad

la MM.
«rtUi U* Mir ol a* aunttoa arjtU ;aa>r«a* nowd
•MA. fnn which aa thay panod
aat araafv^ akaUMM TMry, arr
e Baaf Meadar aartaio rods, riafs.
ao bruar kaad* Im tM MaU tkaa aoaa
■ ■rtaaaatad o« at* QaaMoa ^ arlr
aasoarealn of tMday.
1. H. Wlaata dMriayod.a lead of
hmlosk bark, ltd rteh. browa.
TVr aforu tMfaa via a
pact plica firlaf aa artMle lodAol
• a B. vbM ar raliaoBy
took' ^aea. It war the bcM ptaa- oMor not to M looked lor la ao
load «pma

, alou coataara krpt rTny<aoa
, roaroflMvkartraoiarlMriaBlarlo
. A« aad of a* pmtuaafaia. Tbr 4v lanl^- aad bore tM nouo,-llaelr
dam walnonn TM dalraUca Ar^.'
mat atraM k
J. Fameh bad, bla dallnty' trafoa
uaDdbaaUv. aWy tarrlad oat.
fsy with tM aallenl eolan. aad fol
vHb aaBlUr arohaa at aaeb aid*.
lowlBf ww a snail boys'baaeMllalar.
. arrd aia foldaa prala aad MaUaf.
nllad "fake's Hlaffrcrs.* la natty bbI. IMoaaoa UBloaalraMwHilvilarlB
foma of fny trlnned with rad.
•hapa, taatily IrlmMd wia
A wbilo fleet oeeapied by a
•ad baatlar aad oatllaad
bakmelnl la aaowy while rr
laactk wta lad. wlilu aad Mat Meaaed J. U. Kller's Vleau Hakofy aad (hr
! ai aaiaw lucc. lao i aaiM.
daMat lirka froii K. D. CaaipWI
whole oalSt li^ad food aaoach
A Amm. MkiaraMriklar ptMorr
acaaaa ltb«aaM<bfk. Oa tkr arch
.rKtrepreaanled. duoaf
.vara a* woda. -Waloonw a HoaU
■rrajtnau ritar.
tUda." Tba aird araoa mat atraat
_____ e while piaao box daeorit
WM a aaBl-drela of rad. wklta aad
red aad biM.
Waa via a* i*
Kraary A dirffres had two Boats, oa
thr flnt of which
av - ThkarckwMbriHlaaOy llrkl•d wia akltr laapa 1n>M tk* BoaidMB Klrar 6>-. a* affect


UOB^ was reprraealad fay a dny piled
bifb with baled hay aad atraw.
A wafoB tiled with Mery boxca fare
ne idea of tM rarird ablpplnf basimnrrtedoa.byitanonA India.
tVIlMla'Hnn.tM Hoatb Hide dry
nds aad taraWilar dralres. bad a
haadaoow flint, dteplaylaf w>
pretty Uiafi ia tMlr alodi.
TM Tiarene City PWral Co'a wafo
fall of bloseonlBc pUals. aad the Boa
rr trlnned banen 00 the hon<
aboard at a fiance the pntty thlafa I
ta IvHiDd at tMir fTeraboBies.
. Aadecaoa t’o, with their Boa
bantlaf triaiated rip showed
their skUI to lifhlrn the flnon otaslly
LUchsd to the aadertakinf bosieras
A larr* flnatshowrd la delAll the op
olatrriaf work of Thonaa A Barnes,
to addltioa to their annad bead store.
TM srell packed iMl ol tnskeU fron
the Hichlfaa banket faetivy noataiard
INibBsbelaad ■.<>■> oar aad oae-half
.piartMakeliHaad taadehfa<M ■ -

' Ao Innaaar ff.iat drawn by alar
bones neutoed a mialaturr Oral
Wood IHah fartory in toll opersUoa.
Btraiaf OBt ahoanada of tiny oral
flood dbhea iMt were dlatrlboted
the crowd. Tlib Boat also cs
■ Elk I
loy elowDome next, dririnp a
k'ollowlaf eras a floe dlsaadtMseOoad Boated piapo Maes.


latbera.. plasterers attd paper hsapetk
Joke Span's foentaln oil wapoo
iU Ueki ms well deonrated aad o^r of the eity bnwy at work, coastrseiiap
pretty pspwls. This was drswti by

iriaaad via Ua pat'ioi>« «>>«
baatlar aM Bari aad a* Mr dl^Uy
wladawi took oe all a* r-yaow
’ an of tba ralakow. Tba aide ai

T» aaij. SAicaa.
TM larfrat crowds took to tM two
Mil ramra Umt oeer packed th^prud
euad and hlrae'bers and orerflobed U>
tM "sUBdlar rtmm cnly-i.
e Maablew Colu hroapbl aloap
eeTcrhl haadred rooters wrbose doeus
ItM Trarersr City routers and
mikb sport for Ute rest of
eiuwd. .TM nam
lap os,Urey were slon .
are was not a alaplc ronaway flsrbut tl made aU tbr term ho (pr Ute

The Hostlers pot to enpoph home
TM praad parade waa aboat ‘two
das to t|>e m.«einp fairw to f.mnd .aa
illca io leapth.
orphsli's home (>>r the Colta. bitUnp
Trarerae City has shown her aUUty
Uoiao for Bre. threw id tMmda •
to care fur a Uf crowd.
ninp. tbr foortb, when Tiebal
Usprerman broopbl Uuwoselrtpln nd
AH tbtopi cuaUdered the weather
•>m took HrKcoUr. Knapp aad
ts Just about ripht alter pH.
l-arks aloap with him Hull also
drared bimwK u> the home cruwd I7
his fsuioo* halls orer the kcoee.
in iMsc«t>tuland tnird ioniop*.' A
.Uir”r><urth<ilra>.« wa* pill in the
A Boer b>l<o( fl.iats waa aerer m
by the OnTto and bri.l ibe llastlers
I to oar niD.oniy seren ioplaps Hiebipae tbaa ttow* in line HaUrday^.
briap ployed.
Ilsprrmoo pitched o
splendid pame f,w the iloulcro aa.l
eeired pUt' rrlped suppbrl. only one
r.J^>Dp oixired apainst the
The Uoi-kleberry pisiae wer* dee.
is aa ^fol. Ml Satarday wbUc Tmt took la tM t

o ^ple
rr sewlBp coaeblan at which wpre
I their
aeated two naskm soppoied to br
HMWtwsl.Wasiaeea. oi.Ssa
earlety of thiapsfor
naklBf tlia wheels pe anraad.nerril} B^ mshinptbe
lwws..HMleri t. nsertOr* h<ls. Tletw'd.
b anted amunil the UmIui.. Tsubawbli. Hacnee t. KiwioO*.
ere displayed by the Hlaper Co.
lloiaerea||Hiill J. TWwU, Hoilki^Ha*Aad the iwu follow lap floaU aitnei
:tiest ll.stlA le the liariwjjnuehattenUaa. as tbe rekolt of B.
mwdee. *)ld'h)lrl-s.'''«lmles 1. Hsws'i!e
d a Ut i:uf tirand Trarenr
H. (autpla's infeattlly. Ihi lire Brat a represented
Hscesraw* s. VhU. «. |i
tw to many nf' Uir
larye aad excarrltoply dirty e
..lirlwr. Wlikrtrs Ihoreimw. TMwU

.KK-: v—:r ttiffillr'i

wia aaeb otbM-ta
. aad Meaty of dnlra.
IM liMlaMallMaatofrtiltan waa
aattfaadRapldalC<raatarmn New*
Boya'Bokd- TMy aiHradwa tM C. A
W. H. aooB trala frlday %md la i^u
aflMrariareloadiaUrraorowd raaWaf at IM atatiaa to wa1
TMra warr for^of tba brirkt tarwl Mired Haora.................................
UUla falloaa. raariar.............................
yaara la af«. aad IMlr bappr taen aad
Mra atay look tM towa by Mom, TMy
. wara a ebaryr of W. H. Tanor. naa' arar of tM BrtMlQr >*raM
IM asdiallly with wbldi Ikay
’ rrartad cAaraotoriiod tba wboU eol<~
■ krallaa. Aa a bataH Trarana aty
y aad ladirMaally ostaaMaa
■a to bar raaata. oar aad
. all. aad a. dar waa left aadoe* that

A haaUop ramp o
boap oa a Mae while aa Irale female la
a dilapidated ealleo pown aad anaed tuty." -with trrws. M teat, lire deer.
wiUrabeoan orerlooked the labors of buBtinp dnps. and a ruerry rampiop
party. Tbrfl.«l a as plaaand and the
dtaipn ably rarriM out by Haofard
J. W. TrarisA .Son oiadeahaaileoaMfollowed by bb own irito and fenilinr


« waa wbabtoUnwsd.
led arcrluble bit
the deep preea rronds. sklaaof foxn
abd coeets swuaf U> the brerxr. s bant,
rwheld bytbr leasha bayinp boaod.
Adas Tbrar.
wbllr foUowlapoe Mbiad were wren
baelenla bateksklo cintbrs. rifles on
orpiMaata. LUa
Ueir abotiliWua. aad Icsdiap boundre
, toar esab bonr ware erowdad aad
while two snail boys followed basriap
aUkod-a rood place lor rlewlar
a Mnaer with the dr-riee "Wher '
which •altad M tol- poes we fo too." A aeoond B^t
what ^uilar la the flrsi aanof Be
IMdayoraalar with IM^ drill by lowi:
BowlBrraoa.eaa.hall alla-<
this to M nndee the ansyiicee nf tbr
AM ■aaaah Uflaa. TMrcaicoc
la tM emyaay aad MrbtOMMrf Ik* beat (mle I'arBielaa. Tlaie. fiK nleatra.
by V. a
Arfllad Maa wan aateelM (or tba ooia.
poUlkn. TMOtyOpnaMll. with a
. aapMity of'lUO. waa erowdad. aad
larre float.
Maadlar »«»■ waaata pna^aat. TM
Julios Campbell of tb^ Sooth
: nato ea tM nala Boor wara anapT '
sad J. A. HoaUpor of m^l's
by iM Mwabm of MaPkaraaa Port
lo tbelr two Boate wbdt prelly
A. *. a^ IM W. B. C. Aflar a ab
can M worked apwtof b^^<«ra« af palrlatle a>Mk I7 the
rrarr and plittend la tbeoanthiae with
•M* Aaad.
L. Bobam. ai^oa
sblaioc Ua and potlsbrfl braes aai<
anMw of tM bml U. A. tL. nade
MiafaddraM.aaarmalaUaf tM boy>
Krerybody looked With pleaaed ioter.
oa tMeSoMleatooadmoaof the
eat at tM next flae display, which WS».
paay aad IM krlrbt prtapeeta before
Korira. on aiijc
made by the Vnlphan Hai
tboa. TM drill loUowliw akowad
"A-U-Iwu.' iobkp btoek
leUen oa a rrbite franad set rrery
bedy a-wMderiaf Ull a cloar lasprc
Uonsolred tbr mystery oUbe Utaleao
rerwykady laopbedntolatore nw mill wiU s ponl sised
luf aader the eaw belsp rtpirmiisly



art la opefatioa. Up penpelllap powc
brtafaftam MM la forpeuns yeliu
bloomers, sealed oa a bkryele and msl
lap the "wbeeUfo roaad " st a pmt
rate: aad
sapposed to"heop
A bic oil imn TiporoBsly applUd to tM
noUee poaer kept It raooirip nslly.
AbofsloMol woodlotM rooph
lowed, aod aaolher of maple Buoriap
pMisbad ahd bowled.
A liUlr rip. bot stoealap in iU.
fetrt. was s fml yrtlow mortar bearihe BOOK- ofs. £. Wail, drawn by
htirse. At lalerrals there
iM apper wipe a little red-rapped
“Broirolr- who was eery cate aad
alap as thr fsshtoa of brflwoiss is.
the Moada which had hear
HUlsoa A llmxins bsd a Up aad
Lain- ta Ike raaaiar HUfabwi^
Onad wnffltadbyaaeof tM larfm an Mary aaM dark all iMnoralarbaran to lirktrn the wlad ekiflcd trda
aadlMBw aear«aikarad tkara. wk
teat to Bortk\ad ikra to the n<wtb>V.daBnpnd.Mkaaf-TMH.
aa/ all Uw rack of Mach f<«baah* by W. M. Harv nabtad by local
TbnrteH's dclyrer; wapno lo tesUre
By rMdayairbtlM crowd of rWton ward aad to roH ap lain Bncy aUn atUr« fell Into llae Best.
Jao. l-rt>MrtrarTM on fabbif dray
MdrrowaaolarrethatltwwWd 10
which tM aaallrht broke.
owirtar aad ptastewlap mawrialf.
lake lu pUoe. dlrbkm aflar dirbloB.
tVewso. the Weak BidCpraCrr.
rack la Ito appropiatc apol, rmly to
rary predty addiUoB to tM fMrrral dbploy.
TMaa who rreat to alaep Friday fall lata tide wboa the rrord si
Hutkm Apea( Homy, od tM Oraad
airbtMplBrtorMarondraat baton
K^idsA lafliaaa R R.. was
tManMioraeatotUMroarUi, had
aibie foe- the neat attewrUoa. A Up
plan radoly brobaa. lor aa the hoar
boxenrdrarra by toor M*ms aoB arof aaldalrkl atraek. wkat liulr sen.
raapedrta the latest apMdste style.
bUaarofallaaoethwekaabaaalor aa appoialod tine, wbn
ban or two raaiabad 1a IM Matter, waarireaaad the police cleared Ibe witki/eraUbale. parte*, etc., aad labrrred sireaU of petetriam aad erhl-Xonb Land Umiiad.'- Atnll
nnb and haaf «d wbbUaa. Mb. pan
aad IM Kerrsbuys liaad bant la. the pally drauraled doors and windows
aad rtaat eiacMn wUeh all palrkrtic
iart>Mar raasw. As they led tbr appe^ed Uarmra lo loop rubber
rnat pande tM forty litUe fellows bbole, with rod and Uohle. sbowinp
the ParnlUm City
tM taro* la wbieb Uecelete
I'nf line- b held by oportoa
alaM aap la the nkrareril of all Maereers. la
tM nonlar thrnars br«ia to drlrc la ray aailurau. Maded by taeir dJnlab- C W. Morrv'nnUto^
Iron IM aoaatry. oonlac fron niln Ure draw najur aad their dark akiaaed at tM roar wiadow. for wbeaeeer there

aA. aad tfoa. Perry Uaaaak, mf. ^
w wboM tM conpaay la aamrd.
> a tew wMI cboaca word* peoMted
Ir. Tarbaok With aa ali«aal cold
■•Ml. TbH baaalifal mdal wbicb
laaMcaatad aoMaah atuattae for the
•MMaweehalalM window of P. A.
ari'a }ewelry atara. waa the rift ol J.
r. Hanna. pnaUaal of tM lUaaata
IBn Hr. Baeaea baa always takea
net lalaraM la Ike coMpaay aad M*
an aatlrlar In Ua afforta for
TM Mat race
w was the omM eRltlec
wad a onnpUla
of all. the BraV
la« the tape only a wheel apart.
. .
WK «ktat>'r*KAt>B.
by Baa. H. C Dark, nayor af the alty.




dlspUy of^acy bolldinp materials, inrludiap d»>ra, rich plate and decora
^re plon windows
■loborate hanllnp oeeac.
trera. ete.. and rltwr
■0 profasiuo. aod
pretty pirl la bW'kskio hiiatiap parb.
Showed Ue aamr
; J. W. Hlafer's haadsome
yrapop foil of larBllon


; W. J.' HobM' familiar fny borril
Uraeumed oat in patri.iUr colors aod
drew a poity trimiaed wapiia sSrerUs.
mp his liarilwarr slorr.
: !• Kyolkos two new MUrefy.
^uos marie ■
far^e for tbe flist lime, all JLrtiqmerl
Sp with flaps aod buntlap.
ArmsAl'oIr made a flee display, of
II kinds of I
i.oir larpe flraK
TM lismilbw L'bH^inpt'o.fs dbplay
spoke wlUi an ocn-crtain soood. »n a
r pyramid pUtform were U small
Uali' lUhr Rah'
llsmiltoa: IlamUlunl lUh: Rah! Kab;
llamiltonl Uamlltoa: Hip: ilipt HurW'ilbclm. BartakA O>.
mdeto nl
display with Uwir two la
drlirery wapoDs.
I J. flb-lnberp ms<^ a proUy shbwiop
dritk three pally raparUimed borsaa
WiU) Ull pink plomn. led by Uirar
•ten Ic loup lln'rm doelorl.
; Thr sboetbnlwasraeelhebome
H«ll.;r Uoose's famous old womi
Boat all by itself aod a mrtudileallrdnltcutl.mlolttoaented tbr shoe store of Krank KneilMeh.
A A. ivtmyl made an elsbnrale
and opi<|aedlst>Uy. Tbelr fi rst sb^ad a furpe In full opemUon aad a f»tbe
if bnsrny armed men boxy mahinf
i laatnar liren. also Btadea fine^howiop. The front of their flrwl
^ a modern ohuc store wiUi
^•Inp sued fay clerks, whilr In the rear
iras no old (nabloaed eobblrr's shop Id
irorklof order.
I The dispUj nsde by tM Riley
(tweers Horble t'oapxny was'noM li
its arroopemeet. sUnriiip B’lnHisj

>lrueS.si1.lla<*rwh...,aitleaaM.>. U
pis)s kasof) .Wllheluil-fleans I’nplre.
Trsrt Hel-bs.
The Hustlers were onreewhat rripplfd lo the •flernouo paate. as Ht-Keotie pot a terrible blow oa hi* ripht
haod lA tbr murninp' ^me. iu' '
t^ lionrs. and thrrirriop him ont
ranniop fur tbr rest of tM day.
pame.- althnapb tM rwnre was larpe,
was eo cUm- that it krpt Uiiop to ferrr brat. Tbp llosUi-ra p<il runs to start will), but ofter l^t
l.oiflbl.mi srtUed d..wn ond piirhid .
steady pome. Hr wss liit bsrti. bu
the ball], were easy marks ronilop dawi
with mnub rrpolsrJty ialo waiUnp
bsiMis. Hr did oot sonceed io >trikinp
oot.n llosUar. Mwe^rr.
Kunnuu strock .ml three, but
piuod.-d rinite badly up Ui the
when be steadied down and held Ute
■-..IU dop-B to one raa fur the rest .>f
IM Hosllera did
■ eipecuill.
preUyw-.Irkia tbr ■
piDOiop Uiroron-was In In n miast
llieiu Tbcn Ikroiain ma.1, a liw-t
hit. ond adranerd b> t. while Tuny
iml Uite I'art* was aln-mly CBopbt
odU IbinroiB «nOr»d rm lUpK-rman'
laft-single.. Wilfarim duplkated Happerwan's stimwc. anil Hall p»t t«iw Oa
faolis. flMnpall U.r Iwws. WiUl
men out. nod TM bos.'* full. A.loms
rame lo bat. Aoiid Uir rliecrs ol Ibe
errowd. be mailF a two bapper Uiat
a le-aoty. briofinp in lluppmuao
WilMIm. TTir se-ure sloid 13 to M aod
errrybady went wild. Ti.bald
to Mt aod lu-el the boll loin tM piU-her's hatiilx. closinp the gamr. bot bis
rreord had. teen so piMl


. .

rsuae of Ure more window displor*
showed mnrta inpeauily. mod ware ss
pretty no pIrtBrea.

The CydiM's Necettnify.
MU IslJkU.H'Mrs.MnuIMt .
M-MM l:N. l-llsl'ISIlH. ID
ni;. T niTi tx Al.b ps«k
AXb IS i'i.AHaATUrflfl.

! TM HereanUIr UxBod tbr iljiiki.1
-did B rood thinp for tM crpwj^-ta (oralshiitp freeic* wotAr duriof thei«-



prei'tote tlie el^lleat and prompt aa-

to-UAI-l-kUs. KIK l.lR
nsML. I'lNl.K i.tniu.T
i-o. xca-Y-mt:.

,aisUnre.rendered ^y all tbr Mb-eom-

Sr-H* by mtilf «rt rrcflfit of SO H*.
The ruoninp little Xooate dram- •
major of ihr KIk Rapids band. wiU> bis
suit of erimwman.l white, waa nere of
Ike altral-tions uf Uic day,





able rlmrprjrf |-r->r. U'asjwn they hare band. Some of them era almcntbabie*
They will and aoarare orer sixtaeia -yeara old.
A ipore orderly crowd of SS.uxi peo­ aUaiaed great piMlIi-leary.
l_wmyx tre wVlaimr eisitnrv In Traeerw bat tMy aerer forpcl their maaaers
ple oerer paUrerad In any city to the
wbllr pettinp all tM tan the** isfoislate. Kntriwr arrest waa made dorinp
Tbey were tM pato of IM wbola
UieroUec d^ fur draakeneas <
The enOtmittero are prood of tM faet
orderly ouadoct.
that Uie grand psiade ru-ircd uff ot two
belurc Ur appuiatcsl Umr.
TM bute-l* aad n
a did Ua
K^kasko may well be proud of h
there wax not a kllcb or de- i blpgtwt buoinai
ilpb grade of ex
lay in tM loop colamn from bcffiaolop, and so omplr wera tM nmmutoodnUoai
jand ooiwrfvllMfocIliUratkU erwy
.1®"” was orrrrd wilbio a rraoaaablo
O tn be proud of;
j ___.__...
__- ■■-------- ».. _
the day that eeerybody furpare him.
her oxeellenl bond.
The enxopbooel^ ^
Erary one to larllod to'
bntntifnl display of fireworks
The HosUm eollei-lire% and, norel and enjoy- ^
,jUm.t wMUa,
ffW-a « X.
ally pul up two ni.f pmmra. aad erary- gtrea at the aartoM gronado Kriday
bile tM high grade music olayercainp fur Uie amaxeUDCnt of tM pa- ad bribe bead aMwacloef BUeathm
budy wu satistlrd. Tbeenrama
Uxala aad lo the rnjoyi•meolof a g
tlie afteiiiooo pame is as follows:
i aad faithtol xtody.
Hand to toad (a Ha
praiae of IM Mad treabmat mat with
Tbr Itorto Llpfat Uonrds *
doriaf Uair rWt ta IM
Mro~lrniis.HiiPtirr>v Hsslueel. nr
The exerqUre ooeainittee to ondcr ob-, haroy by Ue gift of as olepmat flap
hss>-..Mir-irml. Sserltrekits eotks.
tMy Btraek
Ipatioo. lo H. Bontapuc (or hU kind from Hoa. U. C. Hark, aftor whom Ue :,),« town Uer fo
■psm till.. «tll>>lie. AdsiM4 Kiwn.. <J>
' the town iMy foan------------------- ------------Kreeete. H.ior rwos TwssU : Hnll. <i
wuiin conatracUnp'iM grand stand
waaoamad. TMy ra^ed it, ond open brarta. ond UU. one of IM
>«. i>ee.«l hells. Hkcde.. 1 flerplW I
•f aad

praodly lo the pnieemloa ond iade-o j »''i «>*■(*“«* many of Urm bare rear
helb uPLuielheua :.
fine sfao. lop io thHr MloaitA of Lira., j "lii^^l,




The X.udx Urt liaJ^Uraatoard d
lop Ur dayarllleil dowphearlly a
o'rln-k oB.I o fine kpray of rain filled '

ered ai-.-iip tM sbipinp rirer -hanknnd
on Ue wids-pinbwa otelisUslrert
listen tu the bond rgneert aad -wateb
Ibe fiiewurMiHiUe oppradte Mok of
the rleer. Fnuto 7 ruhtll » o'ebs-k
graad_«oaerrtjBjs pirea .by the fire
I ailthlops.
lops. WHWt apprv
bands, namheeiar UipU-cme lathe
I IbeM.ewuf
meaoUme Ue raia ceaiwd. while tM
The Uem
raioBla.Wnd U
biack cloadi made a perfect .tockBp thiny-fuBr
mbm of Trarerae
prouod furUe OreworkA. aafl earlier
lebt. NO *71. I
Uaa .
larire number of arhnul chil.lrea
amr arxt io line, briro full of pslnot. clear night. Ue display ttopaa wiU
tM rmttUop roll of Uc repirt of a
joat. and ripvrunsly sraktop
caDBuo at tM water's r<lpr.
me tM Hoys BM^ loakinp for a loop hour aad mure rockets
aad buatas shot beareniYxtd. Irmrinp
'than erer In tbeit new an
luaptraiUof fire Mhlod and »
Of dark preen, with white triamiap.
down showers of golden raia. and
Trorerse City's elBcieol fire dr-partmrnl dwnapbt up the rrar.- graded by borpUng xiaraof silrer. red and wbito
aad bine, into Ue wiadiop rirer bebra. fiery orrpsols writhed along the
0 City;
IprnuDd. lieagal lipfau made ruddy

%lwayx ia I
eicl Uig.-tMe io aoy si
Jumloy mailed Cora.)
re than tM rcpalar No msitor bow detiM-ly omked was IM l« “Hk. <11. can. toe.
■ Uroop. eery e
Baooa flt Orand Ba^fla. .
Urycoald (or
atohra of Ue Uraad
Uaolds Hririnp Qab. ax now raeordmd.
promkr a wrira
xerbu <4 raorh.
raerh. 'which
which toaflyi
.solid anm >4 uraxawbedr. are worU gul^ toocBs .
All day loop

spretolUra m aoCood-naUml fanuianliy fiiMh
leced by t^ie eesi i tary'ai
Kay ■HI I'ill-A. aod from l.'akm aUret to li.,snJiaaa aeenue. <iei
MObb’ Wt CM*.
.. MW
Frant. with many linudreds iil prnple

Heart Disease Cured
By Dr,

tM town.


TM BaMwwn piaa>«nfl aftoriM RMMb( IM^


ilnadrrds suyed . to the city orer
.-ionday. and ail the ool puiap trains
wmv crowded Hcmday muraiof.


ed op Ue (acra of Ur V
made Ue great rlre-le aroaad ■
^fkruNisi. TMacamrUe SoaU
TMaelpiaera were small Ml flae and
l4dr Hoar Co -No i. tweire la aombar.
eery pretty. One. of Ue ''CaU on Ue
> any fan frdnf on M to aaaof tM M)d Hoab A Ladder track Xu. S. falWall.' wax faany as well, aa twa flory
^wrd by tW Donk A Ladder Co.
lap Isadem.
frliaea wiU fartoUiof for andraappRs'
Tfak oaaclndrd Ue flnret parade erer
H. Adsley sproeary wapoa piled toll
ated tails, made draperate fight wiU
MK Wayna lad. BtMm aa Hoc.l
to SurUrra Bieblfa. If aot la
of pood Uiafo aearfelllalo liae fol.
T «M aHMod fa* tony year, elth bean
I Aierwaala. At last.
lowed by J. a: JaefcaoB's coot louklap
lUleaad eaPwsd aoicia xcoey- Iked
after a paoxa. a braatiful ■■Uaod-alpbtX
Ammunx MORI]
4ee wafuo with He toad of trosan
Iraranpoat of Ur darham ia free
fTM (ollowtap explaaat
.ar Irtton and Ue sbera was ore
J. W. MIUIbM'ebif float wraa'food tollare ol Ue afteranoo
and Ue FoorU of Jnly <4 lOH wna
peelmea of uir new poater otv*. tah- aieinbnrp-x Urand. which bad b.«a
Alndly offered fn* for Ue oncaaioa by
li« tM torn of • bUI beard
reltb pralars afleewtUmt tM pnpalar Hr. .Stelabeer- to from ty Baple. aad
One tetuxer Ui Reart Cora ■Soppra aU
with fay MBacra<aad aadar IM
EscoBtiea-Tbaa T. Bateo. J.' B
atewe. It WM tM work of
bran UDBbM aad Us Banorsurc Kerrtra
lac apltadon of "Old Puatar Barrsdl.
TM o«l* Iblap which tatlrd to
HillibraandR W. HaMiafi had pra•datralx
lUaty Mcyslr ridanaana aestlaer•ge of Ue wbeto Ulaf.
fUnaak A Lay Merc. Co. made a off aceewdiap to tM profram was Ute
eff.rad. Baedtoiday. Krai ranen Mf load of meUnf to Mra baeaMU totMttraad
flewr. adiarUalBf tM friat mUL pra- (1^^ HowfMkUe tiwaaoHpinaloadefl by a small boy aad d<« sart, eoe-1 ly loSenleB toMrelM moeUaf take
Ba^W O. r.
•floByrlth flahTMM.

tji " • •

(> Tobacco Tlralrr* say, that '
j; “BATTLE AX” is a "scorcher”
® because it sdls so fast Tobacco |
i Cbewers say, It b ii:,"§ooicher” be-!
\ cause 5 cents’ worth goes so far. It's |
i as good as can be made regardless of 1
I cost. The 5 cent pece is almost as |
I large as the otherfeDows' 10 cent piece, i

»«a OMMI smib< srtlk pl'ranntt (he sifirt of Ue (flradr.. and the
eb>u.U fled.

. Before tMn was rarrie
aroaad ia erary dlnokn.
800a the
. of liraad Bapida aad
BtM train arrlrad fma HaaMn. IM
nrth aad tM aoath. oowdM to tM larve aad kaadsmae lulled tiuies Bay.
has ao off
' daanwlthaarerrtMicrs.aadtbekoala
•Me ta. Mdlar tbMr ^aota to tba Jaal -Oarty.- walked baside
l^lahauire. A eareiace <aaw amt la
. TMartirala kept ap till aooa.j'
-------------------------------------- paehad with a •“'kwn aaated iM nayor of Tnr
happy, ffood aatarad ovwd. The Hsa-1“If aad iM apraheraof tMday.
wan Ibe eeUtaaa of
aiaenpaabd by baadnda of prtrata|U>* tl. A. B.. tM HaoUtae Uffbl
I---------she Uaaaah ’
(bdUlM Mad Mr Aeon aad e

I Pl-UC^



B mlttaeB denrrxr prapl credit
Icr Ueir w •■rk
'■'hr'whole exletwmlioa
.df wiUtMp.-------------------------------and instead .4 Ulnpxhelnp bfl.MKHltoy-weee either Jmrp «•
time nr a lilUe abend r,f Urne ^1 Ue,

rt-tv to


'-.e. ■■

£ •5s

•S nsrrra in r.
W.MUSC flee
"Oar eery own' Roys' Hand, ia tMir ' '* ‘
tea. IB wtr -itedwed ratraof tore oa all ratIrwM /
Ueadminrd Mle^tarattlrand Raptoa
•fall ototf.iis.boU lor Ueir deHgbtdc and tM flae apprvaaoe tMy
-nwy M4e' earned an eneiaUe
repaiatiaa. aad will always M wal­
la .pnbUe estotaf*-

Ualf Rate
TO Bay View.

U.'Whole affairto that ao Jar a. to
ra Bay
Bay \
'fbc gr«
great a
kmranUwe ——----------------------------------lew. . TM
sranWy mraUag. sriU Ur fl
-inaxrat. m-4c aad tootorra Um
onay «»^y; tb» flumm- L'sleaBBpacked eriU enrrlagea
foot, and gtont erachem

dortaf Ueu

» fotog

TM prlac drill by Ue Haaaak Rifl-s
Friday Becning waa aa pretty a xperl■ of military work a* caa
many a loag mile, and oomparM
toewnMy Witt Ua work of tM old
—-treopa. They liiirii a pUoe la
■tola miUUa and IMy era going to


o^iiiPfttwiaiBBK HERATj.rjTjLTei awe.
-Sta. issrsiri tt


baOttoMdafa doga

3 jjlaan ara «o*«W wHh

TatbaBwarakfa. tha Va^ aad a«r
ailafiba CHrofTrawnaOlf;
q* tb« fana •< P. a faaty. Mar
__ .14HUS—Wa. roar aaa
JabkatfatoB. to a faun a*^ tow
fafa^lfa —rij
^ CfalBi bb4 AcBoaaU ka«a
foUawiag efalBM aad faeiag fcaad

OM MM* hw ht htM M iMt.
(■<Uboncou9 tktiMMcabaap*MdMtML nMUMollT kcat^r^


. 'WM«Twai«odea tb.rtwfaMTw>-

k wall kBuira an*
• -• fatally
towfar of Adffaa. «•• RTobaMr
fajand byfaUfar froaa ladinlloa-

rMtoa Iba hd^ata w wril aa aay


tba two yaar ala aoa of
aaa fall iato a tab of
•tod dtod fiyw tba af-

,r£:.cii5s ¥.SSr?~r;

fcaowa lanbn deatorof Ifaat Tfa'

Pasfken. a

----------- ad fabtobad-----(ar. Baandtoaaaaaraatbaai
«aa SO yaan oU.

A Vklow bar atteokad KorauB
WlUiaaa arad Tt. ahoat fire Bllaa
- atofHt-Johw UawaaaobBlfa that bto reeonry to doablfaL
Uawy OcBaor. of

' * ‘te^anhary tow kaM wUb fralt.

which Ifa yield bna
Tbc Ooppar rierr ladfaw. fa Alaaka expretaUiBt andjfa
an rapcaied to br oa tba war-path.
t^ tfa berry h ahrank fapnderaUpoalhe d«toth of awo^ arfafar
-aBc to Bot yai diralffa. Vale to to re­
coin STMI.m.
rrtoifa poople c
«r lad.
MOCK canltary coouai


At HatUaOraek ImacT tertoe.agad
laewter of BaM-a aBiaUto


a atf, a Mrfaoa. If aot fatal, itaorllfa. Oat., h
----- rUd, by
. Ancparatloa
tfa aSBc afHlB BariardL who'**!
SatflfMM. Itfa waa
thiawB froa Ue Tfa itBatar Kawaaoaia Mara eolathiDwa
I I . — MrarBe __
Uoul Mara
Jataraal fajarfa* which aay off Ulnahlan during a aure.
rad aad aeeealywlgbt I1*b were
___________ d Cefaatradftill down
afaft a«. S of the Palaa fame la Haae■■ aai laadad aoaanly aaoaga dot-i
•a ea ae faiaaw who were befag bototafl apMoafaiow. Tbe dWafae waa bnUaaber ahaftaad baabaaa wreck
«MMw San. aad yn ao one WM edcB
anof. Tfa dtopateb'adda tfa
M to feared M people ware drowned.
Ifawaeaa otPUl Bogaar.of H«aIiwmuy. a aUMe t
wBaonrslIed Honda


ji txti.'T.yr'”'
dtoaowM. flfa biBBi afaU
one tfa dtgWM

' *^.

MBttow of .wfaa. Alt her ehlldna ra_____
aad wao
fanfa riew In
wM hap«faBaada)p«Moalyar>iiT. faat.
a befag carrfad tiddly bi
at the tin
1.01 Portaga. wmadrir- alUtade whmi naming
UgA ant-Usder
w fa tfa kareat
fleld traoaboatt.OODfciet. toot
there era*
wfaa tfa BBckJae bwaae
alga of any kamaa being wiUI
bin 1
> alfaaptad to kick a faoadle <mx
---------1 Blr eeeael.
Many bar*
a aarrtor. Tfa aafalae waa fa at
thoaght It to be Andrar-* explurm oa
Band Ifaaeadle woat thmagb I
thair eeareh for Ue aorU pole.
Tfa Hoag Hoe« Telagtapb ha* pnbUed Um turtling Ulegram U*t Uoa^
UHifa|M^pled ^ ■I* fa* faUmaled to Japan that she
wilhdraw from Pornunna
I tfa faBB
thto be true or aoL U toarotfaci UatllMtla haa mamed
straag fleat aod lon.fa a BBall cIboL He waa
. aurea of war aatci bat had beea aaSoeafad. rial. Ba*afa<aeapraetoallodod to Ur•aattoally In tfa Japanene prem a* a

afapabltahma kmgarU
kcadlagof "U ttPWUea)
.. .. . .

fa flaawla

fa follow*:

Ilobha. !■»,*„
■ kndrieh. Hredlrk. Sm.u .'ook. Ky
aelha. Card!
' '
lie. Jabran.
aod tHmaiB.
Nays. none.
Taavrioa rirr. Mit-fi .JnlyAU
fa* **


b u?Hte
Tbr torgcel l<wd of hay aeea In Ionia
>r woe time was dnwn from Ue Adgate farm for'Hinier ttnell. of Ionia,
eayathe Scbtinel. Tbe Adgawa nfo*•d SK to a bra f.w Ue,bay. fat Anally
oeaprunitood msticnby oflrring Mr.
ttnell -a luadV forfi:. tVbeo Uto bad
. Campbell A
WB wcigbfd the gnee ur.-igLt wan Joet
and light SoduL
H.U9U p-ninde. Tbc wbgun wrlgh-d
' A A *Vtert,l.w, tearing the net bay weight O.Tuu.
J-ol|ee Tl
In •■Iher w.irdr Mr Knell gof Uree
and a.-Trn Kondred pound. f<>rSI{


Cooacil of


We the uailervicnec. fa.r kle-rn F.
aer ter Ifa Ia>l It rear., aad le-llere a
lerUj k-mwaUe la all bualae— Iran.
aaU «Baelall) aUe tacfaTioai ear

lac OimUr u^e. Ur oom ai

Mored by Aldrrman Kmltb that Ue
rraolnllon be adopted aod pawied.
motion wa.'t»rT>ed liythe fnlyea and nay role:
i ‘
\ Yea*»-Ab!ermrn
t‘.oodrich. Ureiliek, ttmiU. took. Kywl-'
-ka. Ifardiel Jabran* and Uarriiom.
Uepitrt nf ittierd of .1‘nbll.-Work* of
sidewalk* onnktroi-ted. abd idiart-esble
agalakt prlratc pnqirrty. tra* prenmtThe following mointion ikoffefa.)
Trslemili. Ill.'l.
■Eenoleed by
tar b- anil the
same krr*br to onlrcetlI leeiiA iiffan and
eai'h [arvfl of r
. ._. _..
rll.-d, &d in Ue rrepecHve
» a* foll.tW;

dfay. that's tw

Ba*ai> or Pt BUT Wiinxa,
- Jxo T. Ui.*iM:a. Chairmaa.
W- Rimian. Orrh.
On moUm dniy carried mid reeaaw
mendatfae rrn* adopted.
Mored by Alderman Uoodrich . that
>e matter of grarellag Rose *treet be l«ee>o«l U«r»..
referred to tfa eommIUeo <m ttUeeU
and Kidewalfa wiU power to art
,. .. MoUoa imreied,

p*£sk .T»'is,.S2j«r:;,.r
■'•■Uewi Mkeepwlkelol

it possible at oiir present low out prices, to re^ ~
duce our stock as we anticipated. Our object ’
is to make room for needed repairs in our 3
store. If you are in need of shoe we 'wiUbe ^
_ pleased to make you prices on good goods 3
^ whether you pu|-chase or not. 'We handle no ^
£: cheap,j shoddy shoes, but will make bottom 3
prices on good ones until after July 4th.


• faaaadte^ddla aaSa^P^
fecaan fa a taw hoars.


Nay*- oofa
Kep«:i of lYty Maraball.
To ,Ue Honorable. Ur Mayor aad City
CanncilorUe City of Ttnrerw City:
UiixTisiuKX-I berewiU wnbmit reon of arrrkta made by me daring Ur
oioatbofjane 1<WU
JonrlTU. fan Kilpatrick, age si.
■iU, disorderly, twenlr day* in jail.
Jpoe SiU. Hike Tugan age tl.I. Iriidi.



kbJI.pWt I,

in jail
CMBcUi PrmweAlasm
Bagolar meetingof Oty rfanaeil bald
In Coondl mom Jsly c, iiV.

imrneaa. <irook aad diiordri^'
layainfalr HanoaL

. carried, mid reperi wm soerpicd
rr for Jaqc

■MB. Uobb*. Parker, t'roadricb. IlrelIM wa* rran am
lick, Hmltb. Cook. Kyielka. Lardia.
maa labran*. dni
Jabrnoanad Uarrlaoa. itayor Daria
Mlimlea of Iwi regular mraling aad «d aad plaerd ca
Sfalemrot and
of t|BeUI s-eeung held Jane SR. YM
nblic Works
wera read and approved
TnarKfaL CiTi-. Micb . Jnoe I. IRPO
To the Honorable M. mber* of the City
Connell of Trareme City:
flaBTUiuRX-Tbe anderslgaed dtiaanaof rra*er>e l iiy bgthMy peHtioe
poor honontble l»ly to canae the aide >
walk to be eaimdert Irom Hnioa street
the ihieili idde of Klerenth
far a* Piae atemto ae
peUthMo-r. will rrer pray. tit.
I’KTan 'tins:
l.K Mnnn
clao It Hurt
,CB Ha-x.
Oa** niaiiWKpt
A. CauPKi
M l-AlXk
Pan. JPixi

« of Aide*-



Alderman KmlU.dnly Uwkfiw'Mi^'rnMsraai rri.uiiteM.
w*k referred to com
I aod •idewalka
c. tbe Mayor aod City
Cminrll of the
br Clly
City of TraTorm City
Id rrkpeeilulli pelitHin yoor

cuastracied bero*- the •! A W H. Ry.
at .Ue eueacr of (irore aad Uraat
airarU la. Oak Heot'iu AddiUoa to
Trareme Oly la tfa present coqdakm It to almost impmedble for children
to gel to aehool ill winter and I
reaktontn to gnt Utheaulo •tree
Wllllain B faM
JiibB K. Kkider

John Hitefafak
A. Ulorekt
___ tialltffbcr
Kdward ttmiU
WniTee Hniri*
B. J. Plemiag
B. W Hatch
^orfa^by Aldre^B 'Jahrea* Uat
the petition br tvtmed to comalttre
oa alreefa'and aldawalkt. Motloa
earned .
Beport ot aommiuw
ibmittingdrali of aaordiaanoo fixiM
tbe *alarie* of oertala City
. and. on motion of
>t AUermaa
Jahdqly carried, Waa adopted
Report of CummiUcei <m Fir* afa
faier. •
O tfa OoMcabto. k

S.V:, -

; c-.-'r'

gal Bex P



X^'siMSlt hke* <; |<rtTT B*k


Encbaedall of *^d drevrlptim* of
al rauirbriog in tUecityof Trnxer*e
aty. Michi^n. adding herein ^■c*tml and rnf<-rrrd to nn-unliag to Ur
recorded pinu Uerepf.
ttakl rcaulutiun wn* adopted and
pamed by yre aad aay eote aa ftjloi
IB Hobla.
Hobla.- lark
Uoodrich. Orcllifk, Smith, ■Cook, Ky
•clka. Lardim Jabrani. and Uarrtooe.
Moved by Alderman Jabraa* Ibatl
traoafrr from Uc eaeUqgeat
S3.7«« :-i to Ur credit of Ue «
city food, a* follows:
PrTnUag faad..




Mored by AUermaa Jakren'
l^rep-wt fa aevpied aad ordered


Of Hoard of Pablie Worba
dsly t, law
To Ua Hoambln. tfa Mayor
taaeil of Ue Qly
ol Tre*.


^ roll, mme favlag faM dnly a
amland by uandJoaed awreat:
exxKhat.mtmT rvxp

Ik Carry atMAlMaflelplms right
-At Lmt the Fight i* Orer.
t/>kw a.
.. ____________ at 86 ttook
•kArenur. tberrUk-nreof.*
1 Rol.
bfaLBod In aa Intcrrirw iritb him bwniel.i
mil Ifa fnllowlng fart* Mr l{ot<blm tell,
of bto wlle'a cxprfkitM* la • -.'~r that
canla (oarkrloa with hi* wenU. 11*
my*. •• 1 *m *orTy my wile to not at bmae
tbi* P. M.. bui no oar knew* better Una
I bow abr ha* auSrred durioc pa*t ycara
F-ir iwealy rear* ifa bw fare alhk^
with Ifa ratioa* Pirm* of kidaey cnoi
nUlatasd aa calargnarei cf tfa Uret
Kfa wmiifieBcre&Brd to far fad Ire inner
than two wc*k* *i arilaw tafferiag iiatoW
agiinj-. Kfar kw do
I bare paki >‘U>' to
alaor aa much a* t*<l'' 06, dm laeafar rr
lief wa* wiIt *uch Uu *be wcaikl/he able
tobraRwad for a epetl Bamc/ilmeaiRi
frh tbe rympium* of aao^ attm-^i

kitoeytaad bqdL IbardlyW
indurad melogetabcaor fireo'i Kklnry
laorad of mmdlBc for tfa fuMIr
Garilcid Are
8U ntraata. 10 toi Pill*,
phyiidtoa: bnwerer. I rut waar aad Ur
amamnired Ifair use. It wa* « curprUlo o* boU to lee ibdr wxkm: the aiurfc
' 1 eff. aad Ue oanUaiied taklac


hat been U yean, the paia la thetack and
« Udseys hare.eatirely gone

Si'asttftiK; r..**!:

Doaab____ , ..
A ^ ^x*

to^ moUoDWanearrind by Ue MMS^^AIdarmaa
_________a SmIU
Smli «t—■ the'
fa* MiTb nVi ■'*mantg an fat aa*Uk? poUtfaa
tor lidewMk ea Ue aorU fade Ym^'aMot^’°BfakD. Paikar.
sn aahkaga
apma m OmfaM
■ttU atraatfremCfab atrMt la DIH- UaD^hjyikh. flmUh. Onok Ky^
rtMatreai, fa gtaamd and afaewfak


■sHiiSS”-"- - • -. VL

■i'l Ifff

'Tbk m-iuoa <ea*.earriod by ere and
Day eolras folhi.*:
Vaa*. AWerewo , Hobb*. Parker,
(toudr-ch. UreilA. KiaiU. Cook. Ky
-dka. tmrdic.and Jsfaraaa'

- Odb oo Fire and Water.
Jaly •.!*>•.
Mored by Aldermaa Uaodrieh that
the “

any eota
tre*. AM.rB*«. Bobka. Parker.
Ooodrtoh. Urenick. ttmiU. Cook. KyBlka. Imrdw aad Jakram.


lol Me I, ISe-1 *. ll*Bnah.4ay 4'fato
I.4.K.. l»MaL.loelia,lMWnH:<ard
WdllUB. Ik*

■' i si '

--------------- lof »lsafah
I PfaiKor K\*xix*
Kigned <A. W. J*aaar*

liipp ma fare pal fa aa appaar---------«nmn al Lee to dminv nU
empa that Ifa oat worm and wire

WV do hereby eenlfy that Ue fora-

I*! I.ketr.tuj^toe'wili'

aad Water to whom was referend
of Ifa fax Fire El



I effect.


That. aaUe enainru f.w
f (««lal pmeeedinga.or tbe .ci
bare expired Uraald cuinliog be____
aflerOnoe in nor paper only, and that
tbe work br auantrd to tbc loweal
h bidder
On motion of Alderman IfaUrlrb.
oly eatrlcd.gaid rrwilatiuo waa laid
n tbe Uble.
Be it reaolred by the Uiuncil of -I rarrme Cily. that In esiendlag Ue Use*
npAnUr •cceral tax roll* of Ue clly

-rich, limliek. ttrnlU. Cook, Kykcliu [mrdie. aadJabrnua.'

Ve uffer^lwf U^UM Ik.ll

parehaae ol


to laodan
road Coe pany
Mnred by Al
n-odrlcb that'
Uereao'B'km I
. rd aad pa
Tbe mntloB waa carried
by yea

khall limit laid taxw to oar‘■“y
itum of Ue
the , . Tty to be affivlcd by *ui-h
tax: pr.. I'lnl Uai tbi- reifakitioa *hall
not fa w
r apply w
Ue inwr
Inteieet aad einkiog f< Id ^ herelofore ordered to be raltml
at year.

ecu of aerh

rrlatioo* extoUng be- S'£



rtM hara^ Sited and detmmfaad aa
Ihc SonnmMr <*c Mag<r obri tfa]
of Ue City >.tWudI
Jo^ of RecaedertoOnwrt. Pbar Baa4.f iMr roy „t TVnrrrw flip. ^rfaUMlan-peryear.
of TranneL..^.___ ae foMaidcwi
' r and to hereby ordefad
lerpd eon
x-^We. tbe Haanl of Pnb
Dirartor of the Poor. <fae Baadrad
iltfati hi dayik
on Ue
Ue W<■orkv _____ ____
_ aad
,________ .w....------------BorUai
nf Stkte etrret ■framlit
It a
B A<
. .
-----i that Baaaah armnr be'graenlfa


f fa^ ****•.>?•/■
Ifam Kfag*
laBBwafand lalanfal te)^ which diggieg la tfa y^. ^ foaad a'lin
fatal. Tnalbanwanbad- boa eoatafalag a large aaoont *
ey. ttlaea that tl
. It St.nw bar
beeo fOBBd la t
aa plaoiea. often
; Baanb lor tfcakat ataaaaer Otioon barird fa faoae •
. Hto will glTt*
tfa lot to bto li
her gaatdiaa to clalatfag the burled
eOiQ. Hto otherralaUeBalaoUy claim
faaSaBBar woaU
oald fa
be tonad.
to Ue Bomey. and Ue legal fraternity
to> trying to decide who really____
really to the
waer. As Hr. Uarrey owaed aboot
At flagfaaw. ThoBaa Babeoel(, wbe
■ of faod. and Bid bef.we kc
feaa faw allghaly Aeraagad. weal

ffom bar aad Jaapid lalo the riew.
^ ofaldnacb Ua h. had


At llarl frelt-growen an bney
taiAt their fruit. In e*err nrcfaaril
aged H. >■
men go
r- thmagb
------- •- aad pwk off a lave

At lleleaa. Boat, tfa Cbeycnaa lad- part of Ue growing rnqi. tearing fata
ow bare daaaed tbair war pafat aad email percentage on Ue Urra- Tbc
Sjrr? to
frail men bare all found tbto meUwl
______ _________,. Seeeral Uuonaa, erea where trull la aeaecc
ifaTenlb eacairy fare brw orderei ivbeerrrr
traits, eapnelally
froa Uort Ctoater to Ur ilheyrani
W. J. Pankt.K
apricila. nertarlnei
agency at Itoae lieer, CUter ooaoty

:asg In rlnrlen.
Il (a •
Com oa Claim* and Aemiunta.
Jaii'ly IN pick off all but
A eklliLaenrioaUy fa bto war. bae
a twi
•rig a foot- long.
•img. It
to bM, Uree
beaeukwu tfa boaeof Ue Veiled
not br more than Iwb peacbw.
Mored >by Alderman Co^ Unl^Ue
(IbariUea orgufaation. Wllkabarre. nr three ptnma ig apriooU There will report
> fe.t.,U..
be nccepled aad claim* paid a* ....................
l-a He to I yean old aad weigha only hr an imBKar frail crop in
rcfamOicaded. The motion waa cairllus pnnnda. lito bead to tfa alte of i Htohlgaa Uia scar.

BlHb aajrlaa Taafaay analar. wbito
■ toWtoSkfagaa tbatnek. HtlaarB bneefall. aad a W-ocot piece woald
oorer oae hand. Tbr lltUe frJIow
Mia AagaiM flnUa of Mi. OaBeea. ataada SJ lachea bigb. Hr to Ur coo
fay tfn fa a faMlag bad with W dawbaad KJfatbeU Lobg. Ur baa
tba foothwid.
Tho bto faealUca. Whoa fa iraa bora bto
BUber waa 71 yaan of age aad bto
aiaSwa^S^arfaaaly fajoriag I
bbA Tba carpet waa tiafaad *1
art iiamy.
oae- of tfa oldrel

,n. eilfaeaa
of Hendricka
•ragoafaBdef fall Ian y^ay aighl. 4an_ before^to


by yea

An Ordfaanoc SxlfarUe •
•ad UakHuweBBBdn
oertafa dty ogfaeia: BeUiw_
nlarmeeilivthe Ooafall of Trarme utj:
B of BMandot Pnbik

••‘ba-Ln^ Jahrane and OarHana




Bd say vote aa tolfawa:

lat-aaiB n-X)
A. w. Bickerd. Jgne ml
Mai • Winnie.
— •
u P>Carter. tnd qsar...........
rtkx DKi-r rrpn.

it to tose eatcBi I
pUon of U* aUte. aa
Tinportaal Batter 1

j^t^^'otoaB^ of tfa'wbl^'l^


AtICaatotaaSnaad watardma^._
(baotwkof tbaKr* Ywk abna atore
SalttoanaMod abwtfa.oao HaWiday

oanal^Oty oSceri


They wen Baklaf Ueir way to . .
mown waa rwwleed tbe other day. and Ja
Vork cly. brlag abated by Ifa po blt& •errrni fanac are being opened ap.
aad are la bopra that whes they rearb
Hay harreal fa CnlhooD eoanty &
Kaw York t^ will be pot aWrd a
luutcDiDpleted. Theqnnllty to good
enaal biM for Uemaay, wfarr they bile Ur qaaatity eaweda that of fan Ifamg*
year. F'hrat bar*Bt to nearly flnli
In a few caaea
oaaea thraab.M
thraab.|ig hSa bora

At Adriaa. Jbbb Downgk. agnl /fit,
At Ullwaahfa. Wto.. Aaielfa Ctorrow.
a wall kaowa ooatiwlor aad------aged la. waa laaVaatly killed Toieday
Sail fitoB a atap-faddar. Hr
alwrnoae by faliiag out of aaecood
aiory wladow at Soln Dane Cuoreel
Jefenoa aUMl aad Ugdae anaor
AtBlanto'HtoaCarrfa Bdwaffa fan
BeeefaB. Texaa. boaau of a rcaldeav
who to. perfa|ia, the uAaat penoo Hrfag fa ifa Unt«d Hlatra. if aotfa the
irld. ttbe to Mar* Marka. wlorod.
- «B* hadlr barwd.
d waa bora la liip Wcat ladie. fa
pa W. A. IfaBMn. of_________
■•• taenUy batnad daiarday by
Jack Tarser, aa aetogeaarfaB. who
haa bare Barrted flee tUara. aad to tfa
UMat^ldM'iM ...
ler of forty-ala cUiano.
rs. waa. Bai
___ .arillr. Va.. t
watfaB CM.
llrlar at rtod OD ttafarday at J<
-------------------------- by ilghtalag PW KelUe Vaa UebW off Uarlaa ooaiil)


aathorfaedto InraMtgkWMto
' leBt-cf a S-lBot


wn>udiM4r7laa4. 8e*«ral pwma
ha«* bei^tMr
M^tMr br than
tk«». bn e«l7 «ar
tmxj ara.^ni^|^b^^^|^^w
fan iwltA «D far. tb* TteUd)
Uttfa rrad Oil) If, tt Owo.
■ W Ub« Md in fafa faU •bn* of
•a ■hen fa OalfaOBa «oaa tjr
kiw. dariar Ufa. bat tbc ekuea
dratroo »bat to left of
hawnifafitntbMaUbnor* far
ifaltoM. .... ...
Ifaf when mp. Thtototbe
ThtoUtbe tntUiac
Vfatoa. bwidpf pr
<^*eot}^are raan that tbay bare
AW^IUderd. oOce a
wM •dslabtMod wUU b* aat fa Ibe
are oaay Ihreab<WM cbalr bn om IlUfa ra. *be to
a«*ted. ^teahln.
t-sfanao rcau
Mn. Jtaato MlkAati. of tUrrtobBit.
til to yt boabato to tba acre do aot Tnewfa-Bay fUgi. priatlar
Fa., waeted to rtoil r«Ulim fa Heooa- ■fed
ri^dKi baabeto. Tbc Heaafaa fly aad
UaBahade'tUaprln. Tbebnrrllt- ml are the waaca.
tfa iroana dnlinad to bo* dowa to a
oWfal obataola
obattola llkr that, and
aad mad* tbr As aakaowD aaaaethlog bw rallied
>oarec7 ea foot. Mkiac )aal a r«ar for. > the raaetto ,of tfa tvwe* aroond
the >fanM7* hBd ooe alcht tlacidac rart. Tbr faiB^lag auaeka tfa
•sador a tiao with too eibn eomiat top pm. wbleh fare bnw faring tbfafo . D. Campbell A 'ttoaa. hyd­
tkaa tb« blae (kr. Aaaooa at bn *r1- fair own way for ceeeral daea. nfa. rant mul SoAqaar..........j«u
iltotfafs by th
■XTBaerT AKii uiSifarPxb
a Allegan eonnty ntnn fannto
Trfaene City ttiatr I ■aak. iat.
ibinr to catch grafaboppen nad
A father aad an chtidrwarrind .
ayne On
I fall cwobp be gnUtcred la
Whlt*_ KfM
• a plUfal
fa bnd faerateda maehlar indtopoae
___ _____ waifa tba .
of th«m.nfter be bwl BpCnredlM.
reloaM fa Bwt Ht. Loato
alw*. The father aaw Ua
r aod aaoeradotfa vettlec the
» all aafr fa theeeUar. bn br*
be Botber eoetd ba waraed the, tanaing. Many dtochnrged falh*<*
waa atnek and oo«pt«ely ifa-. ban fooad ngnealtare ifair only to- Al
I, kllllv the woBtaa loataatly. cape from atareatlaa. Tfa flnt bay Hi


SfaOswMU Babnfa H. D. (AmWI
ptfafaUun far the |— fan of Ui
WatarWorkspfanl latfaaBrfi


tfaB «rrwi^ Jy. wmid.r

sr.iKr»xar-r^ s^^.iJi73r-«raia‘5?tas;

■ J5rs,“jer.ia;aK'.-


aa Oalaa aad



.Po*b « OAwy;

___ «f,^ix'ai?2i''


woald ■ an* kavr face able to fa^Uto

We are determined not to,cany over any summer good*. 160
Men's Light Weight Suits left—small tots, only a few sixes in eadb lot
which wiU bo closed at your own piSiorirom S5 to 60 per cent lea*
than regular price. Great bargains in CbUdren's and Boy'o Suit*.
Every Summer Suit in Meu’o, Boys' and Children's must be sold re­
gardless of <»st. Great bargains in HaU, Cape. PanU and FurntolBnx
Goods. Yaii cannot afford to mles this opportunity to save money.


T. *T- -HOST, 1. S—t k.S—.)

184 Front Street.

Popular Clothier, Hatter and Porntoher


Boston Store.
AVc bare at last nmved the balance of the Bell's stock to beadquarten. In bringieg
the two stocks toifcther it orcrcrowds ns to snch extent that wc are <rf>liged to sacrifice
first-class. BCbitonablc merchandise for less then mannfaetDrer's first ootL Wc can afford
to do this as wc hare made a siuli fortane on the Bell stock, and will give joa at least.
the retailers profits on .-the balance,
Ladies we beg to call yonr attention to tbe fact that yen cannot afford to aaut
tqjporiu'nilj-. Yon are cordially invited to inspect the bargain's whether jroa '
pnrchattc or not aod coorinoc jofirselres that it is at tbe Boston Store wfae^ir^oa get
'ennicc bargains in dry goods of all descriptions. We prefer that yon sbonld call in fjr
yrices as our bargains to nnmerous to put into print We find oofeelrefl overcrowded
1 unr shoe depaitmept especially in sommer footwear. We are walring a special nlort
> rednee stodt hence price knocked in the head.

PHh for mle fa sU dml-


caUed at I p. B.
At aipt... ™
Oa Hcadapaa
adap, Jdrlt
ftear to do lit
Bf Maaa to tiro at tba ead of tba It. the P. A'r. H. aw. of^i;cteaw
at Baad.p'al 1 p^ at.
pl«p..TW«MtewllfVI callbd
teaetb lAalar- Urea Uafraraab aotUad
W. aad oearpow k
dora to Flap ball, aad raoeirad aeparb
botdiaf tba niBU dowa to

I drmBaa that hare for ao kep baid tba

' a"s^::;2:^‘i:Xs5:‘irfa

foraUlaalv*. la Iba aUtb
tba UwU«a aoBod oaa aad la (ba
head pl^ad. afalait Akab
-W. 3. Cobka at ml te B. F. Priak. par.
aletb tbrpbeOQ^ttetoarBaB.tflaf
aakHa Bee te aad »J.TS«..8*Wtba Mere. «biU Ibe veaad ata
of batUt elearad awap tbap ooaawd ap
Tomf wild aad tbr Weacben palled.
eoaaaadYaaad Uateodte to
JaaatH. Bali
rphia. L PellU tba tratb Bobodp Beared, la tba
Hrlrbto add^
' faror of tba boBa tea to
ete^lb WUbalB oBa la aad WahA
for tba nil
B(i: forUiBpafwyetein
r to XaUoaal
llaat doable pUp. Kaapp to WilhelB to
iMa aad lorraUaaat Co.
b. li
lota Sv aad
Wk ;. Wilbatfa add-BI.
Knapp, retlrad tba aide aad tba ao
Bar- Tboa-'f. BfraBWillpr^ la
A»e'l» H talbrop te J. K.
te tba twelftb tba Uottten r
tb* tear i«U dalaraUa at laivr fro*
■bat oat aad tba Plieta aaearadad
ute tbedalacaUB froi
tor&f. aioalaf oaa of tba hardBt
atetk dUtrieu. Tbo
Mvbtsaaiaatbap hararrar.plapad.
[!-■— ud lb* teaUac WM blUrr la
MkM tbc «oU la
vaatUb wta raebad la (be Mlcfalraa
-a^tbaailter atra <•) weraanated bf
' aaateaf»MtoiM. ttenater WhiU-, of;
OaUfarala. waa aada parmaoaoi «bairMB. TbbaoniiaribaeaaBlUaraa
ptettena aad rtaolaUoea bla ataalM.

Hacb Uttirrat waa BaaifBlod to fm-

te taaeoBw aaodrtp
a aodrtp eraav The tVm
tfwea ecBpaapUa
aad tbap earrp orar te.Oiu w
■Maerp aod oaateBra for their arreemt
iprodectiooB Tbe Mat cale k aow la
:pmrriw> albd* ..BieF aad the prirca
ter tbr eacarrtaral of Jalp 1C. 17 aad
I»aad7t, I!, are te c^Bla.

Ladies Shirt Waists


Sfeiuber^’? G)dij6 Oferd j^oll?a. ‘

JULY 16.-17- AND 18 .


<Aluch Ado About Nothing
David Garrick

A. lb. haacb^ d'ToSIt
Hr. Hart dkpUpad te parlactioa tba

Uieka pdioot two at boow bp preltp
work bp Kaapp aad AdOBa aad tba
CeoMwaadelapad aaoUerflfteaa miautea wblla rearpbodp kicked apala.

. with tba twtatad boBp of tba po . ..
tataaate. Half tOBaa wUb lora.iealaad drora Ua crowd
1 bp a boB.'
.•mtf aad r<!kf. ba Brad botto brii
la to Ue alrhU-U.
traabla to all oritb whoa ba cbb.
aw faoca llmiu ererr Barked,
BBtaek IbapeBOBallipor Hr. Hart
la Ua aiaU after two Baa ware oat
waaaaUralpakaurfaad la Iba dtetaater
Tibald aad Hacrarmaa aaoie bqBe oa
» bp M«oreler. - Wbea
w te fcat Walcb \tTtU
>aet Urew .Ua hall oror
Aa U UkBoada Hra. J. B. Hartla
Uerraad ataad. Haibaare. Ua bip
tooh eraep paa bpaUrm. Alwapa
Brat boae awe wlU Ue bip kaaa eoke
tororitewltb Tkare

aad bip bare tcUona. p*aped 'dlrtp aad
who bare aallBlted faith la bar
tried te ataal Ue ball bat eraa eallad
Mlltteeuebeeacellad aaptblacaba baa
dowa aad Ur baud pUprd oa.
orardoae-bafoea. cirlac the pan wilb
Waltia pot te Bratoaaciowe d«ekloa.
a tdelltp traa to lUa
Btaaaeoad wbllr aeerpbodp kicked. ,
Tba paTterCMbariBa.Ua aemnT,
ri to Uird.oo Kaapph aiaple aad
wUaof tba Ooranter. waa Boat a^
DBeoaaalmllar oaa,bp,Parkv after '
tahaa bp Mka Lottie Harlload. MIb
which UrUIrd Baa weat oat aad the '
HarUoad baaalwmpi takaa aoabivite pmateoaded. Tbe a<
parla bafoe. bat aba prorad la Ute dlfAaatt aad cad ebaeaater that aba k fa|.
Ip Btlad lor IbBa
' M.,a llatea •
cnatabHitp. aarepiacoat tbaebawtar of tba powarfaU craftp aad aaapkieaa roreew of Kadaa wiu perfeeUM
- a f. i ,


Balerad bp teae wobm aad tba lot
edeaa. Badolpbo bade dlHcaltlaak.
'batP.C UDbaetprerad biBHlfaqaal
to lhk.aa haalwapi bteteall oUar

** *^**


aMp tabaa bp.
ttatobeor. (HpIteU aad J»k Vader.
pad Hi^ Lbb THaaaad H. B. Bol-


... n.. ‘" ® F™"*

Ladies Collars, Cuffs. Waist Fronts (pleats.)
etc.—the'only proper line of these gootls in
the city is HERE. Prices right.
Money-saving values In all lines of Dry Ooods. Oarpets'and
Clotliiug. at

Rciiahlc Trailinit Cenler.

Traverstf City. Michigan.

^ Picture Frames to order
J Picture Frames made to order
% Picture Frames made to order
New lot of Picture Moulding
New lot of Picture Moulding «
New lot of Picture Moulding «
^ ____



the grasshoppers'must go. 1

in the very latest style and
4esigns of Fine Footwear.

lAr^OOBBCtgo«ad HM

: r :=s=suiz ■■EE=^^



Il pay* te trade nrfU <N aad paopto pn BaAlaff M OOL

§ Friedrich Broa old store.

Traverse City. Mich iga '

[ flohr in its class, is our “BEST.” Try it

waafraoted bpasvefdad

a-e-Mr.i-1-i..—1» . ^

of northern Michigan this spring and summer,
and while ou^ assortments are stiU large, the'
sizM. i^anges of colors, etc., are broken considerably, so we make.these SPECIAL VALUE

To M.V.

lop. Hh.Hpeara.aad HMHtelabeer
khd a racp peattp teeaa la tba awcBd
•■twbkh tbep eaertod eat la a Boat

bMte »Maf hlBfet aaS wp. .....teto). I

We’ve done
the shirt waist business

I To save the crops

: We sell the best $2.06 line of Shoes in the city.
"We are showing many new and nobliy lasts,
i We give you value rroeiv^ in our $2.50 Shoe. S
I We show the Jliarges^ Lii^ of Tans in the ysity. *
We refiind money if goods are not as represented. A
Y ?V V r < We Dress all Tan Shoes Free, bought of us at the !
i i'l ! ■ ■


Correct colorings and patterns, perfect htting,
and up-to-date in every way.

|Wi;. -Wm., OWen'

. Romeo Und Juliet

kaorked iaaeailble. Wblla Ueaaatom
arp kick traa polar 00 aa te whclber
be waa oat be rrrired aefirirellp
teallwbo bear It tba terrible Urterae
■teal tiaeoad. Adaiaa pot bk kaaa oa
edtbadplaffladlateaatbr BaBorp of
faalla aad br pad WilhelB beU a«^
which drtaae Iba aafrater Bad aad Ba□ a wBd pitefa bp Walt*,
la tba laat ball l-arka Bade Ua etn
TW Haacfabacfa k a-baarp pkea to
(dbk^iapa hot Bp wap oet
ba aadartekaa bp aBateoia. bat tbap

39c, 59c, 99c, $1.19

Cbbp Uoadar Etourid^ Jalp

tba prrcadiap
that WalkliB waa fplaf to plteK for
tba iiaitlan.
Watblaa baa alarapa
baea a prlBa farorita IB the Itoaaa
Citp. aad It waa a fraat diaaprulat- -raacUac at t«:U aad T;tebp the pa»,f ae... Be,T -.■« X. B .0 tv-n.
araal that ba eould not ba aadarrd fia-'
OW Battlars' Pleale.
itaatep aritool at tba clc^ of the
tba a^paoB. flr eaaia peatardap aa
W bold at BardldiTlIla Aoraai
afaclal faror to tba team, and waa(ii'
parfact oratloB wbaa ba appeared
Walter Rrnwo el alte Uarrie Reraen>bmA aad dacidad.'l
fa babad Bot la tba imrloB od tba ebueeh will k
ka. awli oT oa
Ner t. T'li X. R u W
bold tba pleak Aafaat Ir^jat ibe
a waaks. ba bp Mia Hard. NobiaeV -Fraee latl.
ptoM aa iaat pear. fbU U Uve foartb
rooaa e«n praoa plraa.- JuhoH:SS-«. ,
aaaaalfatboriBrofoldBaiUata. Laal
Tbe publk an aordkllp iarlted.
■pa. Kaapp.
jtar tbarrwara l»«o paofAe aad U
after tba Urat far faalte. fara biB perjmr Mte (air te aaM*d lba» aaaiber.
feat aappoet. altboucb ba bad orrar
Tba aaeeeaa aUaadlBf thia pkaic
Babkatb acbuol. ICtta-B-caocbt with blm bale
UAar ExtraoMlaarp.
daa to Iba loaaltee. Loeatad aa It
HaoUar for poeoblp. 11 a. npemctk«o»e. .
Tbr Trarenr Citr
ea tba abora of Ulaa Laba tba cmada
Jaalormertlarcxiup. |^.
WllbalB alarted tba ball with a two
and Kormal ItuliUit.
^ule .oSan te ^
.ara abated I7 aatora'a (ollara. tbara
■Adaarvir Baellnr
p. aa
IT li»-w,-ek^ U
•erar Otar Iba ta<|ea. aad bootHT'
bala( tetaofrooaiaBhcaltoaaof
Kraalac wOTahlp. 7:»u p. m.
KnplHb. N-.___
wbUa Hall aad AdaBa wee« balaf pat
baat plaoaa for a larya (atbarta(. ,
ip: Bflp dollara Tbo who drain- te takr
oat at drat. TMiald fot aafe to firet
adaaalapr of Ui. offer iuaat do ao br-.
Old aad roaac ara teiltad to ba 1m«
aad alld toaeeond. tratUap la bp a frae....
aa that dar. aad aaarp oU arular U
Topic (or ua Ftedearer meetlap:
C. B. Ih. aKaavi.ihvp
- >I part of a aacuad. wbUc Fllat
i¥fmod to bare a abort tfaaeb nadj
•EaUtolaaa to Chriatiba llanrerBaa aaet a bifb ball
• The Stria lllix-h cloUmp ia n-poted
tor tba ootaaioe.
Tba eoBBittar
to rirbt Cald aad tba aide rcKnd wltfa laa^ar. Hh. Mprtie Hlantea
te br Ua brat Uiloa Wdr aad-. ap-lolhavbt n baat aet
Topic for Jaalur Bcwtiiip. '^-Dow
dateaipleaoa ihctnarkat. Fall aiplra
arta tbara aUlba
au> wa abow oar aaal (or Cbriat'" will br oa ruhibltioe at ilamilteo'e
Wakb rot hUbaaaoa balk. IllooB^■Ibiei bara ea that-da^.
Satardap aad Hoodap. -T.ilp iiu aaS
Leader. ArUor ZlBowmaa..
lartoa'rot te Cftt oa aa arror, aad
fear epaaeb raadf tor oBtalalr. foe
■VOB brecoMlallptoTlted to attead I3U. ^rdara takro (or (all driiaerp.
Walcb waa pal oet at oaeoad bp a kail
trUl ba ealM Bfoe for a apeaeb:
bear aeraieea. ^
Balded bj II II teWilbalot.
AdaB MaUlacerol Maple Cllr la a|^
aafa aJarle. A klpb ball bp
petalad Banbal oMbe dtp.
WaUkaentererpbudpepa4a^ ItoaThaataaBrrewaedbfn. n. Uep of
BcT. Peter Carrier of oberltooaiaw
ahae tbas laaaied a ball oat >te Ue
Otaa HaaaaaadreaakPbbarof Olee
ritp win preach Haadap Boralap. .
Wikldla .of tlie dUBOod. where It waa
After arm ba
ladapacbool at Jl:«l a B V. P
qaicklj reaorered bp tjaule.jbat la
oatT tba watantfUIaa Lake. Thaar
H. a K. at d:ll la b. Tbr creoiap
tbapMAn ttaia HIooBiartea Bad "
Beettopat T:i» will be a t'. B. rallp
Coreter aeored. That raded'tba
Tba iiarnbB arill b«te after-- dla-.
meettop. aad tbr praptam will laelndF
aar^beoahaadtotakeall I* Tbare
opecUI maaie.and abort tolka.
Nobodp aeored la tba Brat ball of tbr
•U be tbabBlofaterlevaad Beak
lor C. E. Beetlnpa haae been
ibdarb Koapp cot wlibia
Aariaf tba
dlacoaUrtoed •luriap Ua warm weaUrr.
lootof boBa-wben ba waapatoat br
Adas to Buka tba dap oaa of pleaaan
Tbrp will bepto apato SrpL laL
preup doable plap. :j*Brk. waa* tk
canBuB nr maicT iwnarnn-j.

Jnaa BBje.-llae'T.
.STK/MIWKI i-n./,r«,:o-,..a JHo.dprr
Aeraieea an- bald to tba R. O. T. H.
KiBBaa Badaaaeore (or Flial. be- ball. Ka tSt'Fnmtatm-L aa folluwa:
U la addoa that Tiaacaaa Cltp paoKundaT BornlapMrrkr ait 10:30. .Saalaaa Walrh kni-ckcd the kaU'i
ftatara aaekatnal la the tbaalrieal
HacrrrBaa'a band at Brat, aaadlar it
llaa aa tbep aa)<7ad oe Kridap aad BalFriJapeTeaiapexparieAcaBeatiap.Mo
ardap oaaalaca. For aeraral irdaka tba
teBarp trick «Boa la ea McCorater*. o'clock.
aeb^ted poanp aetor,' W. b. Hart.
All are eotdkilp iarilcd.
atrfke. ,
' had baea drilllar aoBa of tba foreBOB
Tba UIrd waa a cipher (or tba UoMVMTTKnaamaiu
aaaloar aetore of the dtp la Victor
)ara. while Fllat rot la
a., w.r aeteofca. teMor.
■■cob ateiBf tnredp, Tbo Beaobbp Ua Hoatlala: That oral Ibe lari
Nuadap aebbol at u.aoa b.
faaeb. aad. wblla aetldpaUna ran kl^.
aeurr tbep Bada. iboacb if'binffinr
1‘reacbtopaerTieeat IU:s»a-ta. 4
tbanallBtioe wta ahead olall expaaaad alMliar en*ld do IL tbrp'wokid
Cbriatiaa Badaaaor piaper meatiap
bara bad Iba raBC.
Thursday l-:venin)i, Jul,v Kith, ‘
la Ue foarU Watkiaa aad Kaapp
Pnoebtop bp Ue paetor at t:M
■eorad. Vnia naklar aaoU
AB^ialiBriteUoolapii a tealL
B KoBoo aad Jallet, flree la
ao haaa bila.
eeataaabp Mlat Clara Ctea aad
Mobodp acorod la Iba fifth, a iaottp
n«p iBpartod te it all the
FrI d y IvveainR. Jtily I7th;
doobla plap bp Wattle. Kaapp and
•arte torrer of the aoaUera
Ik. llaeirraof India will qieak
UacrarBaa pettiar oet' two mad.
Sl..l,,.,.p,wr.-a faoH^. anmadp.
wbaea the aeata U laid. The part of
wbUe ilkka waa ebaaad bhiw.«i>- third to Ua MaUodiat ebaroh neat Suadap
• dallot waa eaoaadiorlpweU taka
snratop aad perUf. eaeotBp. alao.
ad baa>a (erawbUeaad
Dr. Daalela baa baea a mlBiaaarp ia
•L At oaaainiat kicked.
Uatrldeoatraattetbla BBBbai
Satuixlay FvcnitiB. July I7th.
Tba ehb waa Barked bj elpbara aad that coaaUf for ataap peara with
the radlatioB -Ubb.- bp Hr. Hart, la
Biabop Tbobara aad U dow at Bap
Tlir famoaeolrt Kopliah ( bp Thianaa Rnbrrtaoa.
eawfaop eeatoBa Tba nd aterp ut tba
WaUiaa aoerad la tba alctfa. rrl-Uar View aad boa been aeearad for' Beat
tanfWa dteth of taiB waa told la ao
Brat oo tba fdtehcr'i fcmble. atealiar
*lrWi a wap tiBt Uw braalb of Ite
aaooad aad .-oBlar te->a wblla a.r^p-,
aaNertbaraeald ba bit. aad raerpaBa
bodp saffed aod tba Fllat pitebar aad Hat. B.C. rarMoua. P.M
- wasted to warp wUb tba eowfatv lore*
•tabar plapad Ua kabp act
. tobtabaartbraakaadBlaarp.
la the aeraatb Uadlrtlrat worfa of bald to
Craalfl^ap of tbaUladlaton eraa
Ua whole roBo eraa pul ap.
Beat HaadBT. bepiBniap oa Ckurdap I
^ktroacaaP Iblaf raa^ plrao
Friccrii ffir this IiniiaRcmcnt '2S. :IR and Rfk.
BadaaaarrainrleaDdwa. paabed off
« It la ao woBdar that Mr. lUrt’a
SrateolU beplaerdonaalrpt UaafHH.-F. '
of Bfri bp Walcb. wbo had au buataeBi
ftoBl rapotatloa la Farb afad Keer
UeiT. wiu aaeb force that ba wae
Torfa laau upoa tab.
Altboapfa I'l it


JL.T TBraBM T»»r<-rKa.

nJSteSrrt BoSte aid'jS^ted. ^

Eraalaraabjeot. -Itelinoa.P,»Ht.
Harp K H.rrt. te
S, IImw »V i ‘'-« ^1-»

lo«\ of ae«4.fSec :,,'T.JTK, B*W-j -•-*
Kewp ea# welaoB. to tbaaa Beat- •*»<•
, j ifnrawani ar.««l fiuiaraBd .tplC M ihriaerter teKart/n Colria. a', labacll tbia (all po te Hamiitee-a aad
tteck of lot te. Adalt-aadd- ............
4e tbr lllrlo lllnrl.,..nlti..» rabilili.B
A. H Carrk te Kale l-atTk. . ■, of loth?'*'
I. bU S. U 1. A
All arrricaa aa aMal’aeat Boadap.


fake them

Wurjburg Blocll.

Tra«.ru Oit,, Mich.

a. aa. ,«.-^es«®«*e««««®9««««a®®»»®s*a«T»a

Hannah & Lay Co. j


W. 8. brt fitverf to lto« Tvh
_!eader. BekMplMMdwfUTrer•w av eed the ker <e<Drt. ttat te li

■ a(llr.a><Mn.r«^Vlorto>,ef
Dm« * OirraKT tlr* dsMa
Art B»mr hw tti fNMt ud wm

• lev of tha Mart* with


Tn I>vkrrMM^v-~fnatM
• Wv >si«d to cnde
walk pet to. Md


»t «»o«« _ ---------Dr. L

gryjM gj.


naadkeiBlaad vtiraip to a^lap. ad tbaatora. Tb^ bare
adopted tba paIrteUc colan ef
white aad Una. A alIfU dlOenltp
oav tba tort tbat at Brat U Into '
if tbara araald aot ba anoefb oA
M« a* iMpiR. weal te pread BM* toarenadw.a<
«a( nawote;


Uirp bcfan to tep mceav tactlca.‘ataw
paara. AltbalUo. oea freit proirar lap taen offtha haaea. kavklaf the toll
la this rarioe tbleead a trw. laariac out of tbeir banda. aad bnlldvief In
a^tflrt oat of verp Bfly. aed tbaa
poaalbia wnp. At one time tkrp,
had to prop tba bcaaebm latv to hfrp
o kickinf ceeh o(bv and pratlp
tbemfraB breaUer.: The pleaia ware
kicked tbamvirmurrr tba feov
aed the plaid waa Baa tba

Tm prta. le tlw .Utbeaplaa ppleda an eBOoeaead . followa. Phr
tba Mt laraeiou fl.t. ti to iBbaft
' 4. W. Bam* hw heefht the raai- IVtvtpl aed 4aa. Herebla. wbodspttad
4ia. jeipiitp of a. Cenla oe Hlala "tha imajv tbaHtoo-omep.^- Pw
Ato«a(.|iad vQl at«M>areBuidal lltA tba faBBlear^iepela eotema. pair bicycle peeta.’awarded ta Will Kraalr.
- W. Raff, who bad tba taoaral maoeeieBt of tba parade, and hla
haU M tha Ubiwp i
le aaalnaeu davrra tb< tbaeka

CircMlatioii this week 2,300

ladka of tba <

•d Popetor Putot fv Teaa>ed*e>opada ^aek aad

aritb tba loepeot.
at oriplaAl thief of tba kind
m In tba data. Proa tba Brat
Boat. ceotaialBf tbe Itrdnnk Babd.
aed tba. taklef part anal bare
open a fr.t d.1 of Um aed tiuAfht

*l|plef ebeat UIrtp one. e dap. 8a
Mka Ploaaa. Millar hw fiMe to De­
Ill I tba Baeaur offka aritb a
troit fv a aklV
pvtktoarlj larfa aad dalWo. tontall
Mn. L. Cbarmrt of Ckdlllae k riaittoc
rteedi ia tba dtp.
A mmau. Traaana ^Ip edittoe of
Uafinr Priadridk of brand Sepkk k
iBrOraad Ba^ Baaeief Pr*aa.flf- here fv tba aemswr.
tof ateoB Ulnalntad aaoeaat at tba
a L. Edwerda b. bean epradlaf

Ai-ma Brnmu. ooa of tba bopa at
thaBaahatPnetoip.fot hkrifhtbaad
toaedMto <meof tba maeble. aad
tnaairad a bad cat aenm tbraa kaeohton that irlll omha them atlS tv tba
tma. I. Ftono. of’tkmlb MaalUm.
ohiM aritb food nam ttot be Ha.
|e<ma of the Mat tortile apote in tba
Dali«d Btotea. Ia proof be
Boeaur ducTp braaeh. aritb ripe



July is the month to close out stocks of summer emxls.
Hanufacture^ too* are offering special inducemeuts.
We accept sueh as are suitable for our trade and can thereby
offer special inducements to you.
Oou*t fail to look us over.




oelebration is over

Hr*. P. A. UedUp aad milhar aad
■la OuTle Uadleperrired jialMilii
kmt>v-whe hw pat
Lledlap tootbvMIroWfll reVia.
AiplaflC h«
Bale lU, anaav aad ip. Uadl^ wni toiled to Bad aap mawrtol Iv tba e<frleede wltb «hom ike Bnuu> >ciiM •taplo{*oenple<tfiT*^’ M'-»•of hk taleau-feearal manafor.
Mead bwl
dedlep k azpeelai eext waek.
A. K. AJirardat SoUa. Bap w. le tramp, mtroa. commte
It da. eat rale TwpafUB Uk
-tba dtp patlardap on hk wap la Wpaa- walkinfbaaam;UM chief paab aad off
bet wbee it do. It Mk. up tv ddue. whan be wUI oaka an enanded abd ee aamban ara aooa to to darted.
Two alarr. that were mf Tieit
■■Oieiape-- Alwatd la waU Iba dab k aolod tv tha food tim. K
toble elood berrk flaedad tb« itrvU known tbrooftont LaoUnaw eonatp Mj<VA aed k va of tba popalar dato
Frtdap aed tareed the peUera Into rlrId to the nadeit of the HnAU> of tba dtp.
ipvv w. aeecnnQ. c e c.
panled bpbnedre^at Uap toeda that
W. K Jh^ of Chlearo. adliv and
•Iba raotlatoan of tba tfoaee Cup
.ad od reioa atr.t a
pebllabarof tba Korthwaatern Umber- Blcpele dttb aejopad a nn to EdpaUwrrvof tk« Uanma&la Co.'i
maa. one of tba Imdlnf paom la that wood Wat olfbL Tbap ara baeomief
la a llmlyaiiaavell tba tvtof lha ilea ia tba I'nitod Mtatia. epeet aaaaral expan le d^Dfukhief brtwaaa
oada late of apart tar dapi le tba clip tbla weak. Uebaaa
and Aood. Irrd read, aad tbair
aottafaat Barbv PMet batk aoda- dapa of trick ridinf will aooa to a
r. H. PaiTc of tba Noath (ftdr (pee- Ilfhied with'Trararna Otp'tbat hale tblafoflbapwL 1%a dab BOW anm.
tblnklnf atronflp of inaeatlef bare.
tore aaarlT kk> mambara. naw near,
haa.briari tba Heaaui a lai^aad
belnf raeatuad at aaeip maetlaf.
-art paaa. ia all
The btartM^m <v FUst '
a. u. d
' tba dalkate ihad. kaawe to that fre11^
Tba Hood, bara a. omda a rapnlv
: peat dowv. Othan to wl
tbk wvk. bat expect to bare a
oBtoa k ladabtad era P. H. JawatL tar
•Wboll frt ramtad
e.r futnre.
I bIvk-eape,Ue Brat of
to momirr and with oga roica tbap
AOd Kluiv enua. tv'
wared, '-Pllat:' It wonld be too Tba Kieb'ifaa Wojaaaa Pra. AaaooUtioe.
ebarrivof tba Hmuaoreecp aartal/.
to dka^lnt them, aad tbap da­
The profram b. )nkt baaa raedaad
aolanra aad fair that ooa Hula twlp
re all Ibrp ara fatUaf on aaarp aide
fv tba aixth aaeoai
inoal Buwtlnf of tbk
oootoiaad a ateatv of tbirkrae
wilboniaep aevpUoo. tbap ai
! told in Trtcarna Clip
t varaaUaiBaalT erowJ-tbat
Jnlp M. u and XI.
Aa namaal latorck tba dtp aad tbap pel n|
Fbi-tt rataan a. adataad bp a freit
M token In ikk maatinf bp
p«wv of loBf eapadaav to Itek to dlrllmt fame that waa aav lau bare.
>na w it ww in tbk pla. that
tbribiaeiocof tbair plea tram dnr- Tbap an chronic kickara. aed kick la
I' inp tba eoauar weak. Tba tram arc ■anaon aadoniaf waaon. Y.tardap. the aaaodalioD. wbicb bw alaca f^n
oaartadaa witkfrdit aed will ba reiaad tbap fot an in tba babiL of kkWef tbat • -■-TOBaoltbate.1 Important le Ibc
!. bald lu maatinf of orfaoi.lioe
tbap kicked batwwn lanlafa. and came
praltp Dciir kickinf when a daekloe in ICki. . It nnmbrra aaiapf iu mam
re tba tram 1o Ibk rarloa
: la tbamsa caadiUon aad tbov that wie madaintfael^faav. When toep beri aoma of tba Mnlact woman in
foand that that did not do aap food tba atata. inaop of whom ara axpvtrd
frera not prnparip earad fv <

ii i “



The great

Hr.ead MredCdfr. Beektopot
tee eed Ktana Anertee Teaep eed

^peetVTeral dape ta thieltptbelMI
J. W. Sletv. iwiortpeeW hp Ui
rathv. J. a Stotv ed kk brei^

aotrrtlU. OvtoftbepavD
iBfiapMit tonvonof ik« u

' taiaaM.WJTi WynatoJiJi


>. at-A'C
Tha Oananh A Up BkyVn clkb k
kvtabtof aad eaak.
amn to Tti mmua ie.laf tbap
rffl Mka Ibrtr rafntor raa. prabaUp

Bprmfna Pratt baa been apredlef
few dapa leUraadRapida.
Mra. A. of Chicafokridtief
PaUr Uoadmn end tomi
amHp. ^
Mra. 4. B. Oonnolle of Moetnal.
Mto KIU Stelebeif k apand
abort time at tba eertbara raaort
Ml. Lpdia Boedreea left tbk
laftorititbv brother la Chabopfaa.
Mralrlah k
f Hra. 8. P.
Saoaal aad 'Uka Seoral of Wocwter.'O.
4ap Cooh of BeSalo. N. Y.. epeet p
abort Uma' bare rialltof frieede Iwt

bare. WbU. In Traaarv atp tba am<r
dation will be tbefnmtn of tba I.
A. w fv a> tbair m.Uafa are ovx
rd. and tbk .aoeiatpand tba Wow
Oob and H^icml.Utrrarp Onb
flra them a ravption aa wUl be
bp tba profram.
Fartbv aoU. will
tofft^n of tbe maallafi a Uula later.
Tbe prociaional profram k w Id

The caoerrt f iraa bp th
Pram Kawabop.-fluid, of U
Ida. at tbr Urand Huedap oa.
of tbr mtM anjopabla
ite of tbe aaaaoe. aad waa frerted
bp a larfe aed aotkaaiwli a
In tbair eooerrt plasm tba II
low^ aome of whom Iw>U Ilka mrra

sell. Manyol o,ur custoiners
Ihdl lidve bei^in lliti habit at
• buying the dollar: grade Save
■taken these instead Ifyouhave
never-worn a summer corset
you can hardly q^reriate the
comfort afforded 35 cents will
give you ihe'experienceand we
guarantee full vdlue for your
money. The finest'coi^el stock
in northern Michigan




§ A lot of=tt-.
^ Shirt Waists


li-Lv a. WKt>s*Be*v»i«i!>.iHo,a:»ii

mlfbt to cuerted bp maop aa older
xlBfIa. aembera all .raralcM
beartp anoorm. Tba cornel adcc
WEbnimuav Kvaieiaii.r-ai
bp VTIHIa iBfrll and tbme on tbe
iboair bp Ardinr Tbomaa
mneh an>opad. Willie l>balpa ia n net:
nral orator aad recricad two caeorna.
Willia Kraina aad
dram" wva tocvliaa. aad bad
UUIa Willie
' cerp diarnll and prcUp aaoln
tkma with bia dram mi>v-a baton.
Uao. Wakb baa a aerp awaat aopraao
dv aad hk aambera ware frraU; aa..
.*«-■ nwrafTIt b hoped tbat-tbe bopa will ckit
Tnaaraa Clip afaiawriae dap la tba oanTvda Bwk, l'.lr..,ivui w.rktnli.
not far dUtael fpure.
Uarpanf A'ctaatuel
Tha dvtoraof tha dtp. le aoa.
anltetkMi savablad, hcrobp liMa
lI^BfB to Gia lawpan to p^o.
einnof tbair cnamat nop Uma
------------jjol for Ua latter, fv a fante
of bare ball. Tbap feel eoaBdant,of
tbair abllltp to -ao them up" in a vlaaUftc maoov. altboafh thrp trnat
tbap will not to too ent np If tbe fsmei


It is...




cause they are not



loud or

flashy, but eveiyone can

§ received since llle founh will be
g'„„„ed d. $125. The 'sdine
S qouds sold freely at $J 73eqrly
J in the season. If you prefer lb
•)-.make up the material, we would
% call your attention to a line of (s warp printed silks at 4Qc also
new goods just ip and prl^d
at 85 cents In May. fl few of
tlje wash silks left at 2ICT-very
cooj and comfortable. Choice
styles in wash goods «and good
assortments at all prices, ' •


glance they ^are stylish—l
well made-^ijteel in every 1

Will l>e on e*hi-j

Satur^y and



New Testimonials for the Plano Machines, i

deventh and .thirteenth—or- glZ
ders taken for fall delivcn’—it:





worn i g-

them you will come again-i-if,J
>t)-ou'ought toscethem—ttlj
will repay the ihins—wc ;
sole agents here—



laaoa win ba flapw
tbr dmd akoU. Ko extra cUrfa
fvfaaodxirmaadrlilaretona. Aiiberal aappip of xinfibvk will ba kept
hand to to Injected hppodermi.Up. w


. Bo*. K. L. BirTTcartnj>.orUBalBf.
^ kwfiiaaial toarfa of tka Stele
Tba liwparaara Ikriud totifntba
Mn. W. Poaeda^Mua Clara Pooed
fcrwmn’leetlWteaarai mwt with tka
f..llWlnf rnim which kara bean ^
»f Grand B^idi ara rialtlaf Hrv C; W.
’ ■■iiri af the OraadTrarar. eoeatp
aerlbrd bp tto U O k.
' ■ •
toetltate Balardaj. Jnip llth. at
i_. Tkrfamc <v raUv iaolni
Mka Bella J^toAa bw foea to
dadnpoolmiut baflabhadtto
to. atOtaa^Ball.toUpentlba vxt
Praekfort to qkU tbe anmaterwilh
*W *MOrai Liu-ran*T-).i,
dap tbr fame ktofna.
•otoi*ff- ________
Tiii'Kmdav cvKNixi<,-m
S. If tba aborr tocomm impoulbla
Own. to tba t
l>hil. Track at liraad Ra|dto hu
'l**P. a. K- KuM
n tba aeormnt of daruon*. the fame
been rklUBf bk paraate, tlr. and Mra
ill ead when tba aoon
•Mdapwweot. laiBtop attoaded w 4. W. Ttock. ■
ttwweldotbvwtee tore
Bea. aad Mra B.P, U(lk of BlkBapplapera. axv|A tbr balMnaa.
wkowaMepaate avpdallphtfal dap Idt wmw ia tta dtp Moadap. Hra Ullk will to allowed to wmr
•edaaiapod the eaond oemoart ftato foiaf oatoDnlnik.
wlllbapiphlbitedoabp the heed.
'E.W.Ofdlkkaad Bilap Bwaan
atteadlaf .the naUaeal oeaetotioa of
I. Atoaemaa udJont-Seldara will be
Bkaat Ciadei
allowed baakata to catch tbr ball ia.
B. a Uwk a^ wife of BIk n.r»A» hot In DO own k Aba dxc to exeaed that
toli pev. ealp two altiea. Bap OHp aad
para la tba dtpMoadapoa tbair trap
of tea ordinarp mvkat bwkat.
iaf U at Strinto-ifk Uraad.
Bo adItopevlaf. rapertw laipaavowdaa
to Detroit and U^ap.
wfll not. to allowed
mkaloa will toebarfrd. aad- All ai
Itom atp. At md> at the thrae
Mra Pabl left oa Moedap tor <MHcateb ^ la tbair moalh v fo to alcep teTited, TTia mMrarmmtiBf.lrtar. MU. Itk aatlMtod thatthara
forala. Utr hactoad will ramala fa
dnriaf tec faote.
riteraaoa will to held ia tb^ Mafv a abort time Icofv.
A Aaric-worm oil will to-prorided
Mra Al. SieboU aad daafbtv
fv all plapar* after ter faM to -ilm4mb oeewrad lathe preat emh of Oraad Bapidi ara cWUnf bv parei
bv-npaUff Jointe.
pmvto. aw the Famlh. aed that than ptr. aad Hra 4ba. aariaad.
7. YkHonarara
alMamUtoo-x^t 8^
to. aetoraaaraaawep. wax larralp
to Imap at a .fr dktenv w tepr iJld.
«aa to lha eBtoteat work of tha amnhal of tha Eatea BapMa achoola. k apead^
wnot proklUted.
Md hk aU. aad to tho ahiaf of pell. IV kk le tba dtp.
Hra. W. F. Onatlae . CadlQae bw
MB akltlBf bv nrotbv, Mra R.
If pon bapprntoaea
»rap. and etbv raUUa. hara
■eariBf a taadfe with tea mpnik 1«Hra 4aa Wimm- aad ehUdraa wlU
&*-dopM telak iaramaI l.ce tbk weak fv Chkofo. wharo
.aat that It rdte tohkafr; ittecoip
aalfBthatkrkBfnll Badfed marnbv
>rMraH. BUntea kai
attofMraraadaaadbaUdtaf walka
a Uialdoa of Cm- of tea vw-BorTowart-anh....................
la aad Hhm Kalbtriac BcawotCkl- UUtp fv
oalp tolar tt
TWW.CT. U.wlU kiridai
aad Hra 4. Stdabvf ham baea bat la tolBfprondbftba
la tka partara of (be BapBat
toialaf Mra M.Haclaaaad call- eleb e>paeu W .mka waaklp-v weakrrtdap afteracaa at half pi
di. aad Mra Chat, bariwna
Ip-niai aa tec whdata o^ tbair friaodt.
•klaak. Tba dda«atea will ffra rw
parte M the mau eeaewtloa. Hra
Pm aad Traaa.—B. C. Bil
Hi. LoalaaClark ratarnad toOtaad
Vaaria wOl bam etoita e( the pad
Rapid* Uoadap after a abort rtalt with
8ac^-L 8waera
Hr. aad Hra P. Bavtltea aad
let LMek-Dr. 4 A Umo
Tka fCMt totVMlfamol Y. P. A C.
Dr. and HraAO. Sawpv imm raB. aaomarti. kbalaf bald al Waahtoftek ibte .waak.
Afaoel loan
tormad fro.
waddiBf trip aad ara Mate-hailnd at tha Iwt mi.llaf of tSa
dab baeawa faahadjaat peratoaid
ii Fifth'
whml. hw to k alraadp
mdp fllaf appllHra 4am Martaa of Bpdt Park,
vdv far ite aw,
r ni..arr1radat Park Plov tha toatof
. lha waah'te hv mniit;
•Wh ^VnHfOMiBHUte



rrfally ihediffeTfnt mwhinK iu-uw.

4oe wax art up. two of ux divw it m-veral mdx,



Up a'


D wax callMl to th«

«>■ t
a clew awath. For lightaaw of dnft

and eaae with which tlie huife <«n lx-raiiMx! to paiP over ohatmetioM, I bpiieve it ahead of
any machine tin uae.


1 bare pDrc^uaH«i a mvliine, and rMCommend it to all in need of a


Bxiooer of aefaoolx of GraiKt TravtTw Ooan^.

Tothb H*!iK*n dTLiiy MeRcaktiu: Co.,


.GeoUeinen:— Thinking you wonld be |deaxed*lo bear bow the Fhtno MartifAtr an

. . hmh

■Urting in on onr territory we will giY® r» lli'

MnUamlUBlOf, . IIMII


aurtfd them ap in the preaenew of a crowd of apertator*. and they did thrir work to tbe tall


It wax fun to aee Ihb Lever Binder go into the grain fbaavy X

green rye. on aoh. xamly ground) and lay off the bnndlea in a way to pleaae the oldeai


Thacker Beamed to know what the machine wonld da and bia amile of axHafxrtloa .broadenad ax he aoU three mvhinea on tbe apot, with probably three moee to follow.
^qienad here now fv the Plano Macbinex.

“Ota vay-ix

Toarx Trnly,

North Unity. May so, 109S.

Yon will 6od samples of these good* at the Btore of



yawtofday’x trial; MfQnmey

Thacker, fwprewfnting the Plano t'o.. came over and adjnxtedthe Bintier and Mowak, and ww
Mtlebetioaid every body.

OarSarings DepartmcBt

grjjc-y: c-'7 ..i

Oantlerorti:—Having for the pwl y.wr contemiiiakd the pnrrhaM of ■ mowinff maeb-




Tb*vr««Citt, llidB,JoBf6ai,lTO. t ,'

IDthe Haksab A-Lit ME*c*\Th.c Co..







■VKB8E HERAIJP, 3VtlL9, 1896
_^Wteie BeatoaibaaffiwOBa- etaHab Is W be adytaraed aalil


Th^a^ qasrtlX aasUa?%ll is
waiba wnneaad-teacklar Ella. held at WIKlsaabaiT in Sept.
MhT-n»^..SJBatiiy. Cac'y.
Urals. WOlisa sad Josephlae B-rarriana nae froa Fox Islaad FrMsy.
Aaotner Ploo ear Gooa.
Mr. D O. PidawasbanatAhemaa.
I ta pariall to aseartala the
Uiobfield Co . uraa.. Uareb is. ista
« ol the eeeanaaea. sad ica the
IHedJalyl. ins. Ue ana oflea heard


W« •!« RtUI iMriat alM rtfw.

had' **
Whea tbe bead
- C
- D. 1N*1.
had abished the aelodr
took his etaadoa the frost «reb sad
euaii aeaa
area ehn_
Hr. Tmme ■.matof hb ,falad«r la
>Utijr7 of
oMthe affflr: that the;
llMwlM«t«aUa.aBdiacaulBf t»4a)’ tbe bUtorr
tor Hr. BllloU.


___ waI*'5rabStEIi?l.

-a. «icM
• cd ber­

saaBer St 1___,______________
UoM SfO sad b S raesl U the Wi

Mia I.DtUr kmie.
»le. a
wbn has bees rlsItiair Hr. aad Mrs C. U. Krbl for tbe
past two weeks, retorard
vsdsy,Ur. r. Bmtes wasspassesferoe tbe
(J Pease, to which
CoIbbiWs KrbUy fa Trasrm City.
■ last aiwlair.
Hr. Osrrla He also risited IHd Hkwloc sad other
d the people few their sp- resorts, rrUralar tn-dsy.
-bleb tbe taad pUjed
Jean Xrhl s^ Uer. W. R. Ilnrlbot
w oBrlsl Uaated f
•eft nrly Uk. aomlnr '

r.S'sa.r' KT'^S’u-.


sflrrwMds iskea to the Am
aad naaiued Uerr _
Booths; after harlac tbe best iwf o
be wriirbed oaiy rj poaods. Be was
............................ kaipht's hcspllsl sad
rtanaioed then six laaeiUs
in IS<» br was aarrlrd to Hrv H. .
. Jobosos St Waterbary. Oran . Immei
ntrb SUninp for Mirbi|rsn. nrriTinp
,Tra*rT«e City, which was Ibro skuust
a wildrrafra. on hot. <„ l•.>, Ibe'dsy
that piesidrol lirsnl was elerled tor
Bnl tiaras presldrolasdr his bouse on a fsnr sbooh
.two sad crar-hsif tsilrs sTraUwrst of
the city nrsr the Co's .irriatd sad reIhr
Bsinrd tberr six yrsTs.
Kn«n Urrr
br m.wnl to Ump Lake w b< re tans crer
'~~e liTi'O hispenusnrnt home,


!%t T^hat B«t nrj thick.
Hr. EUlntthaisbcanlM------------BlUIlle. led.. Hr. 0t>«riu.
hot westber eo>^lBC the
Hte Ate CdSsM H wall seals.
Hi> Baills Mriebsr bw lAa Maalas. bslnr ItfceM of boer l^e sad Oshiair sad plcklv herrirs.
MTV 8 llrnUmsaddsaffktrrFsaole.
M arete^rwrt al Ibalr wheat.
Hr. l-aeedled IsM----------------^------The repreaeatatlee of theOrasd Ksp- rbo bare ben at the Wi
he past frw'wsrkv sprt
iar. foae^I .»^T
Ids Harold woe la tewa rrteerdsjr. ■
ad lisbdsy si thrir l■••Br
Hba Lory KratviHer sad Hro. ^ee
iroiepto Uisplser
trunroberryiarto-dsy: they are bftsr

I bU.-lnaps.
Mr. and Mrs. A^ie llattera of Chnr' Hlai
• Berths
ttpear. of Haaalt Oty jerniswer■r UrmrwBof
rhea they a
.. ...................................
Urir boiUrr
sad an of the tbe charrh ^they Were a>et
adlar s few. teys la lows, tbe <ieo lluUsn. and
*' ’ wife
*'* ’*
' Sauinlsy
of Mrs Tbonloo.
the bodes Tbe fasersl wn coo■SB hsB 'fab foms os
dseted by saderuker Aadenoa of
'elinrsad msklaflm Kunday aorolnr for home.
The latfw, Aid «ci«T ffakr un lee
Nawpeaesad •
----------social on H K lliH's lawn Tnrwpiece.
Tbe body wee esiried
10 the Un of far
dsy rrenlDp which was well pstMnltsd.
--------•-ysnd Isid turret by the
onrlh St I____^ _____
, as is rrrry rBlrrlsiomrBt. sitp(»-r or wv
------- ----------tired bat happy. They re­
soother tlaadsy aiyhL
rial rirrn by UislowlAr TbrrreripU
ports pood time.
smounu-d hi urrr (II dollars.
Hra. K. A. Badsbaarb fran Cbha(o
—HbATlaiidU Bril doeea her
> rWUiV her sisler. Hrs. John White.
The y.. I-.
1'. S C..E. held a special bnslHrWIlJV
IhU work la tbe Hndpe district, sad
•Unp last Moadsy rernlnp and
A.C Kllser. the ststiaa wreav is
will sttesd the Isdaslrislscbml at Bir
lrr.,W H. Ilurlbutssdrlrpstr
tahlaf aesestioh. Jewbs U oSleistiBr
The ralB oa the tbM was aach Bsplds for s few weeks.
the Asshinpton emvenUon from
aeeded. .
■ sndalai Oainis i I SslU.fl. Hay
This artehberbeod wae
rfane who attaaded tbe celehralb
Irtirs. who srakl
aealadlB TTarersr Gty oa tbe Poorth
Tisrrrae City the Poartb report
•Irpsle's rxprnm.
rTsiosretnJsrrd sod late patatnesdu
aadthaeaoetof thoee not there bad a ffood
3d Uaecenerally.
• ' .im SAM
aol ret• thrir
tops sisrre .ll*
the rmuod.
Mrssn. I'hss Tillry.
ffaaWatdawImaKWrpl^. AllraD. McLoorhaadHr-aad Hrs Will
tv. Wilson. W II bitrt-lr.
Owiar to a chaare lo ifar tlar
HcLoarfa of ilreearille spent the Ker. Mr. Harr*.
L. Buss.

H »' Hoxsir. ■
FoorJfa with W. Cos soff other relsUra
I tbs lUpIbt Bsr.l..m sad II B. loll wmt V. <l
.1 Dock Uk< '
Bundny to hear t
Kciebdreb err
liphts ere oat rer<
Kr«s»ar.',J«bn.l .rf
day emlop.
Habal tiiMa taWtasd
sbir foreon. botepro prtirrsliy . ...
of Hr kind.
tibwoetb Hoeday.
Ha.. Rills,
lUoir St ber boir musNvl oTpsniTStioo
rell. Nome pirns will here to pet fsllirr's.
When she
here If Itpetr rips
Inra f.-r ber home is •Irsa.l Uspids
OrU Jooa. of All.
she sod tbr Baby will be prestly ala
nr beads wlU old i
-. ..
__ - -irauo'.
rd, csprclslly Ue taby will br o>i.svd. K'rstrn.
•~aUy. He Uat
II. Mr. an I Hra
last Kridsy rreoliir. Joly Id. Cbss Hr aad Mrv A. llsrUrll.
d aoa WlUie
WlUi. a
Hfa. Uwn « aod
II. II. lirutU Mr. and Mrv
drv On.
On Ilsrthr
.<’npo broBBbt lih beet rlrl, Ubs
r and fraadcaolhar
surer attended t
A rood ehsre of tl>«
Ooseir Wall, to town os lapurtaol bus- and FA llnenanrer
•■era of- th.1.11
hsrr left tlw fields sad roor Ui tbe loess
Mr. aad MrsCrapi.wlU lie at IntloD of ofli.rra
Hr. sad Has OsDoe aad tearhier. «onde sod tbewoWU ere sllya-&llb. hoar lotbelr friends In I'sradlss Isiac Hay Inst W.rln.wtlsy
UitUe spaat tbe Poarlb with Ibair p^ thea~U is bdped-tbsnsterfll po.
sod anch bsppinew to them.
Uoltr s Isirebrnwd apeot
Hfs. V. Ttolor. aoa sad te««bter. St Dork laks Jl namber .
Knrh tnrniber res.l n pwul enp.rd
Wililsaad Ateis. aspatt to start for
Ilsrslay. Tbr Iskr
■ Traaeat Tseaday.
.. . nixby wasaCedat! rbdfir last ibcir fsenrite author. whi.-h was [Mr
anted in book f .ra. U<«l w lUi tlu'cliih
C U. Haaks sad Hte teeah Ollsi tiOieb.
lo the biwteM ns a M.uieliir. Al
wan BSilad Ui asarrfaca last Kritey.
YooBf Hr N'elaoa. ararnWwn, b>
Issprtidlaff bk rmralioe ibe boneliMl.a "f the pAumiu a m-e
.Tbs brideaai^ sod rnsaastaao were tearb' SOOM of tbr older fsrrnrrs bnw
ii.ra was made Uiaiij-ramlinAI the Ural
Htai Usoche Korhsad HUteUuoley. rrow eora. Hr has tbr bedi pirn to
Monday In OeUils-r. w bk-h nm-llnp will
Bar. Mr. CoehUa oBdated.
be sees betwres tbr Ceolnaad ^rbe held St U.C home of Mrs. cr. M.

............................. -'?«J

_. .._____

her mad she ay. It aeed ber life- Mr.
Tbov Epperv 13v FTalte aleeat tea
Franetaco. suffered Imn n drrwdfal
csdd. appruachiap t'easmaptioa, Wwd
aiUKral rrarall eereythlnp else. Ueo
Israpht OCK- bottle of Ur. KtoT. Kew
Uhnwery and in two weeks was
Hr Is nntam}Iy Unakfnl. It Is
that pnree Ue wouderfal eAeacy of
this Bedleine la
Ouupb. and Cotdv :
. Ounrbs
Trial bwties at 8- ft Waif, ami J.!
Johnum's l>rnr sum. Rrpilarriir:


Oar mill aes art harisr a raesUde

Mr. dad Hrs (ViaM sad dmaphter
laohatrtpto Trseerse Oly last waek.
ntaralar os bslartey.
K.-C. Uoltealdt
rkiitura from Mllwaukr
tlaedea staff is aaim
thta anna, bet It tael^
__ aarh Braird
aa ihoBfh it wne tetef ia
bees ontBrored 0 the way of
'isB to-day. Tbr
Jobs Itesster
ae^ for whleb we an traly tbsak Orastcr wilt be
to Ur psWicos
Nstorday 'of Uia
IWtry BaeeeU sod Aipks sod iSpwb
laana aelebiaUd the Konrtb by tsklDd
atriaio-mreTBe City sad Utriac Is tioaof
thesirbts. They report s gooi tlac
liraadpa Alwa^expmts to lean
Wedacetey of Uis wrrk fa Wyand.ittr
lo speed the Maarr wlU bis soo in
tbsi plaee.
■mWCim ii.lieii.
J.l, A
Plae ihowa liaodey alrhtnil parts of Ue c
Pbcaan an vary baar la harraat tbU lastiuir. They i
plcasaat addition to oar riUaice;
................K. pablh- lestallsUoa
Him unis Priak b rtalUi« at Blk
was mark rsjayed
ed by all. tlml
tlmt rn
h due lo thoar Is ekarpr of Ubies and
Tbr pl« 'KMortmlU"
Tme officers in-


r.'ri; Sr,


fa'. n.—o: A llrnM.

Tbe yoaar pe^e of this plan who
apnt the foartb at Trarerse City al
report a Jolly tioa altboarb they leak
T. aad Hra. Laatar Uabtaell. -who
a beat rlaUlar at this place for
a %imt, lean thie week for tbelr
a Is Myrtle, fbaada.-

V. U-—Q. W. Ilrnjsaln.
Trs^—Jneob Buffi.
,Hec^l>r K. J. Kralick.
W, —Irrin UrMptoD.
C.-J. hiury.
I. P.-W. H. Wnkrffrld.
Chnalnln—J CkdLsm
Il7N. P.-Mmreos tin
<s8.N.P.- - -


L/H.S.--C. 1. Ilnytnn.
V. th-t^rad Lather.
V. U.~dkns faelnopj

Mltiaie Rial bte Ue aaasln.
D.di. Niekenoa Icwt a row Ital week.
Mia Loin IViaet&omb Is^tUair betm aehad claaad last Frl-

. of Traesne Oty. bae
ber ehia, Hra. Ooaba.

Uia BUal ttehell of Weafotd has
^MHsAanO-Baffedyaod Unry He­


Mr. aad Hra. Taylor, of Haatoc.callat Hr. Hioae-s Inst Tseaday; Uey.wen
oo Ueir way to Bellalrc. .
Barrae Nickanaa. of Tiarrrar.X9ty.

.Oaaof tbesaddnl tblafa that enr
BbWiJ la oar coBmaaby wae the
dfwwalar of Ualle Aaaaana. Ur
. jaaafBM so* of Uaorre aad Bally

wrot t» TrBTrrsr City Moo
B>ld Ilixby dnirr tn .lal
day lul wrek for Kdd Itrn
Hra K- Bixby drore to T
last Tuesday,. r
rduraiaff W.




n*>*;sM*. |uu'u>c 'i. .'j.itm-k.

fbteqrt Hfr few thr rersot. whe keeps is


Mr. UUUof ladiann preached
horch last Knndny
Hra. Ilsrrry had bW aaurkler. Hra.'.
Kannr Barkr. atleaded efaunh at Kuri
dlekrlllr last Suntey.
A few of theehlldren art at'Mrs.
Hiiwril'sToraday afteraooa aad speat
the tlar In pnllinK Uffy.
t)a1te a number of our rlOxetHi
tih'yrir nrad rare,
t prim,
taaffed Ue Kourth nt Trnrerar C
P; wlniirr-lllrlt lit
Tkry nil report n mod Ume.'' foot' m.'. under III Veai
priie. (1.
/ ,
tiiry’u^ lonpcoouph lo nt tip
8ark moe. om- prise. (I; winner
—I'eU l-rirkrtU
Hen's fiMl
priR^ n. wi,
Mia Mibals Marita, who baa bees nrr—A llarll
borne at winnorw-i'.'te i'ri^'u and TteT Cta
Werfoed Moa^ last.
Rots'nace: Utpritoffl: ^winner—A'
I) Hcottand
bare .....
•rtJoheI-haaed a aelf-t
R. Burire,
nare: 1st price. SS; wlanerbound to all In apite at \he
latpriie. (I;- waner.Tb^ Literary elnb will kieet
John telb.ran.
BaUrtey eeenlnpst UeiioBwof
F'at in.'n's n re:.oatywixp. (I; wit
Riale Hanley. The elub will pir
ler—C. A Ni'l
itarMumeDl in Ur near fnUrc.
l'« race; 1st prlxe. (!; winne
Hrv Flora llowrll was uken sick
f. Uaumlwriler.
last Thnraday
ert^inp and baa been
:mdies'•bi.-y.-le rose: 1st. prise, t:.
mnflned lo ber bed alpos Ueo. 1
nner^Miss Winnie Urnlon.
Krallek Myaabe has
Slow horse i ir; prise. (It wlntwr—
The aairaannal elertioD of officers John rallxiun..
of Ue Y. I’. 8
R was held al lh>
the rai^ were orer the crowd
ebsreb last Friday reeniap. Tbr folas well nspleswd tn find
Inwlnp are names of Ue oHcen elect- ...___rope walker, tybo had U.-n
ndrertlsed nn I'nif. F. Townlunan. the
i>ra.-Hra. KItjra Howell.
well known fairah Su-I.LIns of this
Vke IW jW-T. TrempU.
plane w budirl
See'y-1V. J''<o.tu
exerrlse* at U. _
Treat.—Iraon Ilixby.
nlsiyl fire c'l'hrak.
Fire works were vrat up friun UmTbe ph-ale
lie held
brid at
al 8ebo.ll
8ebo.!l I.ake
OurU/Waa prrallr esjiiyed br U«w Kbo..l bouse hill In the ereiUqp. after
n itamT
in the town
bo AHcudetl it Thd w.ralluw beinp
rr Ur autebea of .ny Hand
w> cool made it a little atflcasant, but
arten-Uelrus they all had a pood time
wiU beat ridinp ami oUer amoapme«U. and lasU but not least, was a
bonnUfol dinner which was tereed to


.... . :4',

Hra. Hoariefa. who las.beni rliuUnir
err for Ur past tew wnkm, hu rrtnraed to her boae.anr Barr. 8
_______ s
»’ UrT Heatb'i
- cbaite.
Bertie wae lond by all wbo
, m
- »'n»k Hixby
■ feaew Ua aad wUl be aach alaad by
toand a lamb so badly manpled by dap
Utteatey ecbool clam. The tsally Aoffast. who will rraala la Ur Boot
Uat it bad to br killed. All owprra of
dap will do well U. haik after them as
Hr. Rlshy wys If be finds any more
tronMiep his sheep or , eairay
Wit^t Ueowna there wUI be tronBaritlrberrla an rips.
ble as be has been ,boUe^ all tbe
OM Box IseoUlae rye for B. A. appinpwlUtd.
Wheat harnat hae beraa.
Ibaial Haabora bae pordmeed a
Krad NiehenMB ta workiar for Jla
Oarpealor. Bee. i. <>. Neaber.o
Him BUM Hebeli b etaiUop at II. ■ Hbw Fas Berrlo weal to Trae,

clariarsdaollaetPrltey '
City to^y.
ft J.'stebblns tofftrinp to re-aodH
Hr-Oekm raised the traoie forlita
ILtralle aadea baalBoatrtoto
. ILtralle
Mr ud Mr. Deyo etaiUd W. Day.of
Trarene «ty bat Friday.
Wtexlord last Tbnraday.
Bd. Bylow A'ft '
Hrvtilltwn Adams,
•aia. of Moaror Cenra. etailod at Hrv Hbrar'a
8lo ' last
Thnradr. aad Hrv CW Holts of Lelaad
' lek wae well
c aiy at the
Harry falrkorane basretemed from qraat.Ue KourU la Uis pfa.*.
f^^ds boi^t^. where be has bees





him t”-sUl.ful“nU^.

All ssni iiuiwra.iC niK.fsnsn.cIkv,

esnnot si-rsk
Mfdicinrs .F.wyrsTM

s<h iToBb*'.' ir"s.

cine V. « ry tad I
cr.ulil rwe III the

1C dUrrli..!,
ciuU pi-i a.'
a<' n.lP
b.lp lill'l
lill l
Ihr U-- -..f f... Ph-ni s Cnnii-rand
l:«< .it Sihsn \V..d. on. hsil .l..»ro,'. Ii n.) nir. I luw nl-.. uken I>r.
ii..'. . |.se.iiili. I'tiiwriiniun |ui Icmsta

I have a larKc anti wdl assorted line of
^ lhc.w nt»ods at loweit prices.

TrnnkK. VraveliHn BaRs.

nd TouHstp floods. These Roods are the
I best and at prices moderate.

A few ladies’ and gent’s

I Obtmt rrat aa4 Out ItiwU.

iTravarM City. MlehigM..


Do you

have any use

g .1


for Paris Green?
If you do. we have it in roo.1 new Iurs. it is finely \
uroiind. so you will have no trotdjie with clogginR your
lifters.— Use our Paris Green lo kill potato bugs and j
grasshopiiers. it is genuine, unadulterated parisgreen.

{We also
have salt.-Our salt has not lost its favor, therefore it is fit ta use
for any purpose for which salt is used. We afe selling
the salt ver>' cheap. We would like to give you prices
on this or «i anj-thing else in our line.


Corner Front and Cass Sts.. Iraverse City. \

For Sale.




■;B*'W'Kn;wkuij f’-


A I'nlas Sunday v'b.ral pi*nle was 'i.'i’titl'’_ _■_________ !__


; p. m a me,-i
Inff w
hy Mrs. K •>< f-wUn- port
.Tawateip SamtaT
I h was dODi'ah.l the (ulbrwinff uRih>n; Ilran A bra. mraraoMn. 1. rer. OMT «r
oera were dniT riri-tod:
• I’naidrnt-il
Offdeaaborff H ft 8 S.
. .


Fine Renidence and big lot
IfouRc and hit on Washington street,-----Another house and lot on Washington streEt/..
Another bouse and lot on Washington street...

Bargain if Mld^^autk
aa qui

All these are good
properties and centrally located.


..... .

laawtel pkmk rtraa

A good house and lot in Oak Park, WaBbingttm Btreeet. y.......
Two vacant lots <» Wel^ter street; Wdi located: 66x1^
si«. If sold in May,eadi.......... J..................................... .................


150 Lots in Oak Heights,
Jhe handsome^ suburb^rTravery CHy.^rauging in price from SBO to
acres in Mayfield towfufaip. ne^r Monroe Centv.^L hard tuni
clearing. A bargain if sold quick. $400 of porcluBe price ataj


For any of Uie above Mpply to






___ ______

Fly Nets

$ and Lap Dusters

.raScUwrr..rre.C,nn..^^Asg.^ ]



barb, aad wila at Italf piMS.






Get your ordan in

Descriptive circular on appH-

S ISl Stole Struct.







UaeS.tkMi tliasoN. cl^ce.

.„;s A ;

. E’ti.'y: .....

J enriy if j-ou want one.

Vslu ;


day achi..tsof thrtown.hi
■township, t
WiU Ue pre»i.
ailee Kns^c
first ruenlvr mn-tinff af ike I'enhi-1
____L_____ i_.>Tuwpablp8aDdsy .S.baul AraracU-ipuR
ft ft
thra will be (I'-’d at Urlcnsburff charvb
■d wife last Tuesday at
telon Saturday. July II. at 3:10 p.m.
Hrv Wa. Beantitof HarUnriL^l
ifto.. All arc iaeiled Vtatteod as Batten
taUe pratof ber stater. "
U ft t important t,. Sund^ i«h.>.I workum.
ra will be discBsrad. . Come aad let as
qasiterly meetlaf
Mra (iilaoreofrbiapnneeuplUue make cran thr banoar township 'wyraaprpit la Ue Caqtl eboRh last Handay
^sre was a dance «t
- -■
aly 3rd.
’‘’’"’j’VrAKi.aso HortiTv
Bobday Sebeel AkaociaQoa
gala awamberotUe Cedar per
to TWreeee City to celebe»3i
larlerlj'mrotiBffof Ue Will- _^___^_
8. A ABswiathm sraa brid at
haha. pastor of the I
Mia Bmaa lijrdeaav ^Betotery. terkrr frrrk Jane fTlh.
Jama West sod family hare aw
♦ \Mlo)cSOmC.^
Ue FoartM WiU ber pareata la,
■to Ue boaee where Jotaa Bortaoa I
sally aaed toller.
Ba>*U enaiar. Ue will laeUra <mt
Ihw4p1e ehatrh
w band boys tear wet la nm
Hra «B. narria and taro lltAe rirta
A ffrnrral rood tTmc waa hm1 aod
woa^JtoarU, wbieh are eery
Mamie and K.lli. went to Kuamit City
Was Bad^eaperialty prnfitaUr. by the
aa^^ The aeeailty of ebrisUaaUliar for Mess and Uunrhls cirro by tomr of
•Unae who think.— asaaelnii.ra
0 is.hewrtlly
an clerk
Intrrrwt nml .treofftk and I
Ue prdoftbe
Urra KIcbels of Mrara. Hiek. who placlnff
aofWa. Uorrin« UrSuodsyscbnolaofUe
UrSuodsyscbnolaofU dtarta andtwndeeo
^IneaaMe. wasaffoeat pt tbr fhwter Uoou for. triel os a plane ararrr prefertirm Ucs
aerrra) dpyv tefl taal Friday
■Mkv (rate white as SM ibbald fail U
lid not oaderatand Ue



) Price while ihey last $1*.00.



Jobhit were (riteu risllors oae day last



i. Xn.ini^.'
...lull, on IVankaxisyU.
dirrel. ....ulh
M.iin and
Jbemv u. Mnitli's w hrr.-thc f..)|..wing
^ M^i.'-Slra^m
—Sriecthm by O
Qi.- band
aUon-R.-.. S. Si
u«ld -lly till' clioir.
athiu~4l. C. lUb
irka-Mra tiilm.irc
Sp.Hs'h- U-v' 1'. K.'NVhitmao.
c-llv the choir.
ripec-h-iSer. Mr. Unrlbut.
HdsIc Hr IheVboir.
IKnmr wnr then paruhen of after
|eh reerr one «>r>J..yiHl nn hour
friends nud ty
whom erery «>u.' >ewm
nlu. flml
'Hir ^'es briran It? oeloeh a. fol


I ridiiiR Sadditjs to close out at cost.

Tbr Kourth was celchrated
^ fa.wthjnrt'ar K'has not Uwi. f.w
aany years. As lafpe.aethwd'ar
- -' Uvn Mwemble.! in this plac.'
pan Ui palher early In'the m.wniot;
watch tbe Strerl^rsile. whirh rrpr
•.■oU-d nearly i-reH' r-H-ietr
t town by ilIr'N. C
kwm4*.lat the firit of 3rdI slr.'ei,

] \


Old people wh<i*m|^r
rcfrahite tbe biprls and kidney. .......
find Ue true remedy ia FUeetrir HItterv
-edieine dura not aUinalnte
cootalDs DO whiskey nor .Aber intoxleast, but acts ns n tunic nml alteraUee.'
wbl^ b rs^-isily n.
It nets mildly on Ue sU.mmb and bownddinc .trenfUi nml fci.inp k«e to
nns. Uereb. nidinF NsU
Mr l-spe has been a preal sufferer Ue perl.
of Ue fom-lkras .
fur the past few yea . will, what
Kleetricll m IS an axiwlli'nl appelix
found to braes
And proplri Had .
rellel to him afterrndnriuplwns
.. . It just exactly what Ury need,
t intense kaderinp.
Us fifty eeuu p>'r Is.ttlent J. tl Jol
Icaeps a wile and■ three
SMO., two of nnj h. ft Waifs Hruy 8
wiHim reside lu the Me west in Wyomirp and ore resides avlrmp l.wke.
. ftseaa at Oraad Bapite.
The tonefsl war cnnd.irted -nader
Tiehru will be sold nt reduced rates
th.' a.ispires-d the li. A. K Tbe see
aronad trip, July T.
.. »
sort in. ffood
wnaprvs'hed by Jonathao ilodp.
■ toralDff uDill JnlyfU. ein. tl. B. A I.
AfU-r l;.'> per.pir paid their last
Tbe dates and sperislUr. as uI'cU hr was laid u. rest Id ■war
loaticed by Ur secretary nrr as followa;
al l-ake. July SnI.

......... fe-U...

Id. who bad
> oa orw rroaad. has s fair yield
be teeisqalla well


Mrs Ph^^JSJSr^ J.a._
a Isdi. was (akea prlsoao- si the batUe of Cold Usrbur sad rrasiaed ia CitT, HU was told by her doclon she
AaderWMiTlile prtsoa. six auallu sad had C.a>saBpUao ate that there was
bot two boulfw of Hr.

■ ’t£at.^;'srx.'5-!r

teW el



TrarsrwOUir.Miotaiffsn ,

aHAiro TSATiBiiiBiaEmij)/JOLT 9, i»98.

wbm wa beard tta jdaaa ;Wba
MatiB Sai^raia. as took pt^ia^ What Aid ftj^?
«a(UaMUvi«M. aa4 be-



Isoaad MCTtoUatriawdi
loa thrU^l^ be. •awal


be mU. ■'aadlfasawIUlM bm tare
(be Mcy. IwtlTlearcyea Ibk book
Mor J.Mtbw » >w«Vi^ H«a

Altbo^ tbao

'5s;:2S2»^BX.««ud. aieSss

"UaraieUeaMeryi hacfi^
away la aaeh
iMfal lad waav a<
book bebiad.
Tta kind yoato «
laed toe eolBBS. .
. .


aa eal
ealecai. faliowad by
Mca. Vaafbaa
(baa the aisch
aisch daapiead
____________ ______
JsBst Wbealar.
Balaa-a ebssbs were bUxlar, ae the
yna to
"Lei BT ^wodaaa
aito Wheel


nlwIaS.’u* ** *



r aa a frrat deneaey. often ___ ____ -r—trail nr aplerd. Aod hifti bcfan h. aad
lordaaad ladi—wore
tired. TberaoccrcOB
_____ ata. 1a b mid toat
tost Fredrrirk
U.e when abe tad takra
Great bad u
—pel toe lanam of

Tbe clouda may real for the prewat.
Aad sorrow oDdara that are foae.

tbe shop of toe pboUfrapbrr. tat I
aifbu broQfht bla rare, dcllffati
i.--------- ^ wearied ed iryinf oat
a aad Wrreu of toe worlds
Wlt|i toe aU of bb laife
But toe 1
et. be dieeorerod two
- ‘
fore ton were eeea I7 say of the pro"If Ul
trlU taro
ae- Bdre
toe m—t oSeoWirraaee'M calrrtb llrr
E. P. erase. Hoakiib. X. Y.
?« la
llo wa*^ieritod by tiie p^eaidre la
Vaederblll Iirairrreity
nirmity to fi>
ft. tbltbrr
Aa aataUlap apeeiSe for cholera a>oraad see whet be cutJd do with toeic
oa. olitaera.iatBBlBiD. dlarrh.iu and
ria-tab-teleerope. la toe wane of
II Ibhar other daofrrnaa dbrwiea tBidrnttotbeaaiaaH-raraBoa. if found
■ Ur.^ Kowlrr'a Extract of Wild Strawberr;-.

ttot ipyUitoy ^WM oa loot.

•itoJaaelT iloer ooald abr.
■wto^nle. kflikMTcel* ■
badfisBed? balberraTarte
---------- .-------- Lbc d€»f MtJ 4dib1> aleptad by l^ll Cbrdea'e ae<^
*M Iwd tm called lato Mrrto
Ualv. we-rr tolar
!« Ihao <»c^ »Bd U> crows all. Mtaa to alv that old letter fawe ~
l!^a wa* already seaud at
' Oars Mawyar. aaaallr tfca aoai 4l
ae th re waa BO cbaaoe to apaak
aari sad wsU-b«faa*aj boy la Ihs a.
'~E^ oac tacBMd Mbe haTlaf tbe
merrbat kind at a Itae. bat eearral of
tor firti bldawy
aery BBOOBtana'
aacoBifortaWr feela oi aU. Beftirs elcalat abe aa
aoad thal Ibe eealan woold bolds
BisaeUiW larooB Lattor acbool. Altbeatb tbrotoarehadtold I
I. kbaa w lb> sacral of all '
/•>r Jacet. yrt soar had farca
tab aak dJeardn^. sod ae all
■pukra a^aet brr. Haley bad
lfked"ilrlea Yaucbaa. raer ail *to*
I eltoa Irteada. and aow aid of tost
laow tbry Bade.
Id Pbll.
last aoBBHT aetoBlsbcd the world hr
rsatbaa. ibe mosl
'•Ob.aBrreaoatb. J waaBt tolakiar
eatellile of .Japl— fitUi
lleoorariBf the
Use tirta
Irta had
bad Ibees III for wbal I did."
Hr Inrealed e aew. Batbod of
_______________Ksad was Bolyat a
"1 kaow wbal ro>
tbiahlac ta^Vi■frapbiof toe aebol.-la toe MUky
Uirea are aot___ ,________
eaeacb lor sebooL
yoa. bai l\,y. aad ba* abowa aa orlfiaaltty ap- ton are area tn>1>Srtaredrr
nfitardse. wbo waaelaaepraddeel.
blDf rroiu la bb work la alellsr bo.f profanity. ---------------------tasatM tbs ebair aad tbaei^ oo the
ioalant relief I01
4^ Best rlfaresBly la a rala altea|d
I Uaiay. aiuldealy.
h tePrafraaor E. H
at aa bare bren hia aebierraenu la
tartable to—to" (here
■WeU.'utao.. I eae aae It le.
im*'’ Iter trieinpha'froca biai Is
atady of the' bmreaa^—
yoB oarht not to bar* dooe.
^Pfaru—e ww e LfaU. —- eitel (or •
. Two Tiny Pneada.
oiurbl to bare mtd yoo woalda'tbav* *
tblac to do with say e^ elata-ap t
. Robert Lnob SterraaoB. wbnee
la little cljIMreo lore, lired lor
^^tmoUam CM Bade and a
faeT' iT* «'d dtme that yoa d'harr a while In toe tiandwirb Ulaada. Ur'.
mad. aadtbat-aall tbe food it'd Kter.-aaod uaed to lie 00 S eooeh an»e. sod ^play a Saf—fleL After^a

J7»v— --------- -



W Betas, la which cake
' • * sf tta


taBi talkita a* Bsab at toe otherm.
''Uta Marta.'*
•*l weald like to Bata a n„

_ ^ that' w» larlie Jaaet Wberler
to tbet^." A tawwal Baraiar^Bf
. aroB.
"t kaow tae'a

•, will f...............................

Wtara'dM abe Uae. asyWayT'
-Dawe MUl Laae."
-WeU, 1 my larlte bar." mkl oar of


abor* hb bead, aptmreatif beIt woald beta bcaa food eaoarb /qr
be lore.! amlc. ttbea he tad
Be. I aboald tare cooled of. aad the baprartal aeaniber of tlateasad fuand
^rU would tare fires io. aad't ahi
■ hr lauaic and the ^ayer both weltar* reepreW yoa boyierer oo a
foitied fain. he raoe clnae eevnirh to
JUr fterraann to l<* petted ' After a
■•Hold oa. Daisy."
Urn* be woald come out no tor ahelf
:aabouId—1 iboald tare Ikoeftl Jt- and acraicb or wlilae toauract altcatkB. At Uat hr bcoufbt Ida wife, and
Iwto breaaar Mr. Btrrrtnoo'a frleoala
itad nw aeaalbW. aad
faeaaaae they lored taoaic.—SflfanK'
are Byaait. I wool
A Pretty OOwa.
All toetonp wiodowe la Iowa are full
fell, truly. DakT. 1 aa...
UfaUk aWcolto&aod.pblBrhan and
• aaj^^my taelnim to fo aroand
- wool.
Hal Bonr of them ahowa a frnwa an pay
' wm yoar boalaaeB to ataad op for
Aatoroae Hrm. llumaiiBf Ibnl wean
owB priariplea. aad yoa dlda'I.
laj-ery saBe fsehlos her ^dtorr wore.
Phil, "nal l-wall-a boy doeaa't't a aeSB ur a pucker or pore:
lo—n't fade >L toe laio doeaa't

|-■Bareshp-ll betladof
Tbaa Brlea, with tbe food K
aad yoa kaow yuaraelt. beloaffd to bSr. mme to the n
Alias, we-U tarn a totter
"lAo bellrre It" abe mid. "I
w k
bar. ata aba'll aara- kac
at bemaae I was an dl
yoa. aad—bottoero. Uab»'. we'll forCtadaa loetad at Daley wilbeal
poa'll like
IL J^t b lorely. aad yoa'll

“ :

•“iTv'tiiSK^-toU^'Wb. -tmlr
ad oa b^rbbUI>etaaBlde tbe t|Ib«a.
^ M «e this yartleaUr
yartteta sl(fat It
IS eat like a baaeoe lifbt. for Mn.
gtmm btaWa let late the lecret
ally la to*
r tm-




lU" of folk tad lower tare!
By tbe aader wa Id's fmt deerl
____ , toeea. tala, wml


WUl yoa vkkf« "htaafbB* ta mta

- wltora?b lUbyCarrlBfelael] toraabortUBa. Idoatetal^ >
■ a coat extra fur tor c^lrlaca as tor photos dua't east bs a amt .
) —tor taase payr (or them lo adrrrtfar tbrir Bm Has of mr
' rlafia.

Prio— taafe froB It M ap.

. *


; ;r".S

- Xew Famlturr Store.

Mlffi i]


ItaUnad toaapfetrd IhroupA Center
O^not.iro Wrat or Sou'to anUl yoa|._____________________ ____
lrai?wbst Mii-liiiBn offers
B belter with lem |
. Ash. Heetai.
HenkKk. etc., aad rr well walcTTd by
takra. rirersaaiibr
Htroar aoila. Bar craps. bealOiy ellate.acboabpud ehaR;4i(s. ialcllireot
Per Hmika. Maps.




I?s lo m PnBt SL. Tmrrrar Qlf.

n the city. Wc offer for this weelff onljr:

Hakim’ 1‘owdrr, 10, m. M. 40. fie j

K*M doorprr bbl ....
I'are tanl per lb ....
>taarsJaektoB»iap .
u bars Kirk'aJkBp ...
Arfi. til—s Htaerb ....
b.lba ilolledtIaU ...

•JaacarltaUsd ttata p—|dtf. lOr (
ilnroq Kolledllato
ic (
1 ban ABrr. PfaBlIySam- ■
Clear back Perk per ib.........
Mama Jan. all alsm as haaA
eslra Rebben aad tafia






O. PIERCE A CO.. Proprietor*. J
-m m m mm a

Brosch’s Meat Market

HIRES Rootbeer eootAina Hbt best IterU, berries
and roots nature makes for
foo^eer making. Take no

: ,.:J

July II. IBM.
u rre-ews—>>.es»—s( tan •Sere—1

Choicest Meats, Poultiif and Game.

||$ainiiel Anderson Co.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausagas Etc.




S*. .BZibeOS.

M ireM b.esua.. Oe|W.


|U -Malk i( IbeM
•k-arra: Uaaarrr


l—dy A—iataat


Fruits of the Season.

^That the be^ place to-buy anything in the Hoe of Hard­
ware. Nailt. Barh^ Wire, B^ni Door Hangera. PaiBL
Kefrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers. Gasoline Storei.
l-’ishing Taclde. and in fact ev^thing in the hardware
line, is of SV. J. Hobbs. Come andaee me and I will
provx th» statement.


Jmtlor ibr sake el arromesi

146 Ffont_Street

wc-fafolarlotaiafallkiads of

••fruiv* We siotply wish to prwrr

-- ------------


toat oaneallro stock Is Hfbt la

s 1*. —s t— w is—. A a

Xo old aCalr. oried ap.

aa a loar aafterlac pabllr.
Bat belaf la amarn AatmT
prorr ttat tbrir aol alse tta

Trave« Ci^. Uich.


Ssl s—Csr tr tSr CVesn frei to
.roro.<i>..eto ■fill w.sites.


Not the
Largest and Best

ehmfoat-rdlU--ia towB. Try
taylaeall your fwierrfaa et as


I will fire yoa oae dosaa fl-t-elaB Pbotm of yoar baby ‘

That the Enterprise Gfxtcery is the d

»i.'r__ _



j cheapest «oi

Kotaidy kaowa tat BOtbrr.
^%iy. bow la.lbe werldf
hear tbe boat door opea.Ilasd raama why. Wt



‘cLslts a

bny« waa brord to TMaaric. "That ....
laf Aowa of HaUy'a waa a food tfclhf
Jaaet. too. abeb kind of aarprblaf at
abe aCBBa to hl^ ao marb a< -- IdellchtedatlhelrappmrBOce. a
rt aeeBS to thlak to—v'e an
Dabyl U'e/ir—lty J—rpAlur
■ all rri.'krr cafes astd brouebt Into I
JB. Ill Our Handup .tfirniia—.
HaruBs sod .dher Isrpe rities. wbrrr |
they are aold by tbe ereales.
afo toe Cutan ladbe uaedd
I story of ealerpUla
larJaataow. tatbf—q.
Thr stranseal tbiaif alioal tbr earajn
oatlbf laaeeta will' eoae .creep orer oar
. aaUial book wbL-b prows aear in
d. by Wbleh be ran be attached to.
aorUrinp wilhoal lejury to toe iaseet.
r^lta^f' yoa bll kaow about toe
They are faateard to tbe waist*.
1 mterpillan at Hyerra. flouBora mod brIUjuf dreasra. aad la
rrbicb fora aaeh aa ieleraatlaf study toe ermlar they ttak Drariy aa-hrirfatj
laaaturatleta. aad aboal wbbb-arlrl
ptfBd wbo has beea wlaleriaf oa toe “The'taii ladies make rr^t>peu of
Urlera wrifea BBS. It aecBe tbfy the emaio. aad t-d tt^ r^lar(y
are Boet csiioa . .
for Mats, la shape tike
aea.wfclchhaaf ----------__________ by toe Jewellers
attaebrd to taracrieta. iratrbftalaa.
etc., aad are toe bimt— of lour or fire
— t^ haadrta Miietoer fol- eaeii>s.
krwlaf so eloaely
Ia taarery Um— they w—e -aU tta
(ht that was prrmlttsd la tta llule
to fei^Maebed. toe ottan ata bapele—ir leal, aad wandah alalemly aboat
tooklaf lor blB. My trfead telle ae
Bow BSay roala la tbe little paati
tost tae owae taw each a cbala. aad
To be Bsadml Tor oa* nr tor other.
toe Imder falllDV orer a wall, tta otoarm e-aad talpiMa. aad. after asaklaf
for blat. Saally all laablrd orar tta
wall toa. tat taaed oa afaia wbee
» to wont torowb toe
toeydoaad bla. eostlaalaf ttair pro-

altattta c.__ .

StAtc St.. ncAT ITflion.

!®iSS Ull^i iuuuuiuuuuuuuuuiuuif:
mmimm {Conceded by all

Cuban Pirody
Amw thr ooBee niantalioos and
...........................................inirr liiib1la«
Ay. althflolrfa foar
luira lu aiae they appror laitrealeBB- 1
eracas a.»m ae tl.e rainy 1 raane seta la. I

r «•




ri—Ina as If aoUtlna had oeearrsd to
l^de of rae boat dr Ita otorw.
dbaalto toSB."-j^ed.
Bow Baa^loaTm far tta I

- .-at It.
wars toaaad^ bar rya^

i;rSr i.'iK-'Xi'

luraly^lsia 4a> ufroptea


TbattsM tor tta aarprta party mar
^■^oU stoady akta. with a Umk saet
wiad hlewlac. aad towards attrroooa
al%btahewatarBsrtla. wbkh «llad



ssjTS;.ir?^r':2s:r... .


14lb X>aT 01 July. A D-^etHJ.

iihr:as BEWASD.


•WheaU tUak abe woald act qaaer
_ ywa firia treat bar llba ttav" laid
Oaea. "day. aew. Itolayl yoed brttar


' A Rcdl BioOU RonCayr

w SwiSTto^oS*whit


tal? ftt,*b^^‘lBtoB.
laow tier olam baa always bwea Bare
Uta akIadolclab,aad tote mw firi
aamm la Uat aobody kaowa ewd tae
My to wall aaotab. tai abe d
befaaw- Aadabr k»ha-well-yrt




"Hr. 1‘naUmt. t dost, arm wllb
And UVtwltbe Uiaf wbethrr rhlfly
........................a at alL
We'--------^Wed*w!^m ta belai '^*atau _______
__________It later be taW
F^rrt BL and U won't Wear out.
bb bead for her plats.
will last aalonr aaabe lima, nr
■fara. IH Be bold that a alaate.
WtaZtobmUme aad apoUed It all.
—I'-MIhr' O'lHmnk.e^
with bar. '
*n>elBdlaBaof toe PtolBrcoaat tare
mas. tatll taea to to is tta clasa*'
it joo y
a Irvead of tbe orlrlo of birds aad wby
"Wa Bltbtnqamt
BltblraqaBd tbs
tb-•beard tomtony aeelle la toe boupfae of treratallhmiBitatroBadof
pall hm m tbe troaadof laeUfibUlty."
Itoby raabed oat ta tta ball, aad
Wben tbe (irmt Spirit Brat etoad up­
■• -•-•aid ttaMddsal
miaed Uelee by bar aleare. "liUeaae as toe Bueatalna to we tor new rarita
"Abd&Ba^aaetbcrtUta-” >«»■- aa." mid Kelea, qalelly. "I Bast pa­
he had cr—led. wb'erwrer he touched
ad Daley, "bow weaU that firi look la th# mke aow.
toe irreea lasd a tree would frraw up.
Hr was pleawd st thb aad smiled, and
Aheatoe ten—were rlnlbed la beautl—waP aoeUy-cara for ttal kisd of
thl rardare.
All cummer tor trees
w. tat tor firtl cold of aotamo
tret tor leaera b> yura ffold and red
"I dUat my aartblta. <—
____toeotodir. Acth.-ylell froai the
"Wall, toerel Utosttai'ltc
trees their creator felt tost they were
ST&^wtwtUai 4^t (ato t£
Lm fair u> lUe. so kb case reeewed life,
etarmad strala l<« Hb • aMbto^
bad each became a wiorrd bird
itat soar-I mod aunr few >oy.
roWa came from the ird-sulaed mh.
” ItaBpl ttsBpI a
• Well." mU eba. "I <
thrcardiilhl bin) fro—the maple aad
tbiat t
tbe the willow deekrd
"Tea tars all beard tta qaeathB.
oap. aad
vilow Lied. Thr Emtrl]( trAaa
wkdeb wa will daeUe by a rtaaf n' "
latfbt It ____ > became yarrows aad larks, and
. And II1 aboald talk
aad I—I wereirlren cwlo-ter rolm.-to compeaIt aay bet
f.M- Ihrir plain ndnra. Siace then
rUber, a^£Tl fet orer Iv
esnd birds bare btaoBfredluretber.
p. and Xell. yoe
—;irfr..u yy.T Pm-

• "toaapiairtar
psHtlaa to tbe boys
".Yea aelaairyoa tboatat 1 wees
etltoto." abceald plalatlrdy. "tiaa't
yaa Bse bow 1 laal aluai IL"Oh. wa aae how yoa feel.- mid



an ae toa roof
the Stan. Ue M
sewed baa^. tor Uto of a larfer tqiy
«adeilaael-.«-i^_a_t^_al fISB. iBto which be Sited an cye-pleoe.
to Pfalladelpbla foraaob>M
By aad by be obtaiud e f ta
iaob flam wbleb. aa^

^•U?iS?.^rUc -suer:

lastramio t^^bTwoSrbVefaltofally


oaod la her slad
_______ ewitbedto Bake ea toe ptaao.
Wa took^^ W do
dra. sad abe
1 ata did Bot
lem oadaratta
Kararda} tbr I »ta day of (b
. of
.1 m
m. We were eaeui- ttat
crmlafwhea torkaobofttadotowaa eppcaiad le la '
iwr w m.ww car, oau |
rouird; we Icoked Into toe kaU. and retawdistaa<
toere wm PaBoa her blad l«(v rat- aad aolwttota.____ _ „
Uiaf toe kaeb. Wbea we opcard tor tbe facet pbyeiciaas, it >
door eta
<» tta piaaoutool. urad aad flow latadlT.' tate
aad toco oato Uw keybmid of tb* £)ce ia bar bretaL TtadoctorB
^iaao. aad slowly tcartaad beta aadJ

A Birthday for tta Potato.
Tbarr b talk la Baflaod of tariaf a
Irtoday party for tor pMto. It b
tun yesra taace tta Srat potato
imt Jon
----------- — froB Ibb roaatrr
aaaa aajtblaf wMek so lllcd bis with
___________ Jtoeaitae
Be deterBlaed toleara all
Baleiffa pluM aom
ttal V coB<<> •boat tbe woadWa'of tor
bmreae. He be|M toeweeforto to read ____________ Bretybody roU poi
erwjr^^ be eoald oblala rcdatlaf
Dowadaya. aad yet for arorlt U»
toe plant waa oely a earioaity.

to wee itrwii dsab.

lU ri—nt. «Ma *• lwv« ■•
« w n’A/.(»r<rkr.

01 the fipeasL


-toU amaaa aad eeBpaer ear bilU

—s*e—ikUsaeTic iSwSts^'s—I U— **
a—ar——M carry ■■■ vrIrSi iSas ewer

srito thoaeyoB raerlr—1 lose year.

eUSS^to—* —r" t— —w^—aSM rmmw simre w

8oTa.«^ eiAm.


OmIs. Qjooes?.

Btdmn Slits, Pulor Fnattin,- Sisds,




mtnAtin. jdly a. m96


■KL JL ■. C. aiATB. K4


ilBftouiTEnr nntE

■ Dol'^erllar ««)1 to^.
I why 1 coaaiitno.
w>«w hj»

I had um
irtoht 'era
Ahd pueokto hora for


ol*> had aoma cdraaela.
Aad aacared aliaooda Mo: •
- wbrti i «aat wUh TMuay Wall«
aUeh ot floe tola.

Bcewdlar to Uir olir <>( IM dWi Md
Ibssadll; o< tlMlnill. Cowc»r«l»lBotil waa earefol with each.oea ■
If ,tur drtdg'^^l^^lttt
Too taacb of ooBe I a>a.
___ /to ilW toTtatat tofwp*. BoMOOt br that paeoy baa,
ItokeforWfAobaor tin tokii«
toe o*M Uw nppOT^ m«rt **y >» ll*bt_______-riWl.C«|. .plU- rW7 <*»•.
ly corered wlUi powdered rofmr.
HiacDohlra oft b<
Md I »0Uw > tat*» «•><»*« «* “J
They're iwwer left aw reelieckod.
Wb*. Ikt brlrtit
Kor pick tea—throe or
di^ sow Md tbe
•hlso ia^

roaUa'I a
The •oda-water
two : M.e il
iBto whUh II anrt
Cuaua wholly from tt

____ ia»UMda.taadr<“**‘*‘«
wlrfarabowaaoplataly that the boo
wilt taria la a Imrty lodroa all •
•ad ha ^h aad
ora »oto..
Balor. the Ukla» dowaot ttor-a
takiar opo* oarpot# thoro are bi
Hfciartthaioaa b* doa* aad aarliar
^ raaoB Ikaa ti bM to do the I

s laat Jaly. toacradBallair
4> do- hiUr tl
a aa Ohio billy a^e aa tollawr;
1 troho toes
_____ _ antawkward.'iaPateraU
i.ia Pater aU loorei ‘tlirta.
iataanaal affaira. U rirm them weo- plosaa, . , . .
„{Zl while ther a^ esalU aad It led toallow yoat
r^Iy h ae a>e>etoi>ce to<toc soibrr ia work, kak-' all the '.wrad. aseap
toeeod.allWph«bralWa.T»Wledae- *.•« bcbOBw


to air toe heary winter 1
- waah aay that aeoda lu
.Tbea Uw
haary doaUara>»*hU MB ha eloaaed
aod pat away tor iha aa»»
bjaire fros
■aaoh aaeh pattoriac w<rt doaa.
. 'Mhto ao MB<h tioie aad la anch
iNbiiAii «iiKba>
fort wbaa all la order,
I’alaM the
Itrot tadprthertoe yolka
r three eysa.thea aUr In
Miaaa la bala« roaarally rOM)

eanaot be a«|«ire.l too yonnr-*-*- I**-


auwedt^erri'f-, rorerlnR w^to"db>orh
o ball Uil tbe cu'|B. I'hrw- tbrafin a

i OhndrenOiyfbrntolMi'ilOarieria.

with ^fprntrn
. _ .
tnib tliqriugbly u'llh
.orfujT liglitl.i .
a ibaael.. run the•' whole
t of ;t.i

• -

lo <->>nliiiar to
mu alN-w aVh
imp nr toraUh.
.CTram berautoofa
lUnnot altotiil to il
I that inn
r tbe nnito U.U . Ven W.m It
nrhere. i&y

—TrlMO H kUrvt.lrKJf.«.

And .till ber-md your bouwhold dul'ie.
reerhing. .
o many ttanil

nc^s it...

nldth' and .tylea: line and


ton, an wKb b
Ldob r part,
ilabr madra nueilier
rec-lpe fnr ginger caki
- -------- 'eara, wa. kaowa to
■li^leaBdl »ftl.fuloa*rf.wcbll1. Tbew cc
I cltanly written, an
•ad Bold them for fire ceeU a piece
■oaay moUwr. slip were glad ' - ■
,l aaeh a good, touted recipe.
Uw chlld^B. ahe made Ibr
le lUolf andr-nt II iato tbr akapeaof
imaU. bird.. haU aod au OB. s-UIng
them two firr oar rent, and il
amazing bow quickly the pennle. a
ted Ihtodnllan. aod bow much of
choreb.Uw wa. able U, help build. •
. A coy of Ulr liUle matool of a reel
ne !> gfeeo below, aa.1. withnol doulA.
it will BOl only be aaerl hir tbU ume
good parpniw by other*, bat It will
foond to be ja.l .ueb a reedpe a. mot
eo oftao d~lre for tbclr chllUrep.
Oae-balf ap lard.




lUu. the old WOT d - gnod algb't.-\

Hire pmsito of s
• hope Uir mind’. I t.riziBdyra.
And ttonpl.-. fire i
lat time, when day aad
igle ami meet a. nor,
t» paaw in tbeir reA*



lie I*i1

Fine Mcrehant TailorinR.
t pi.'.-i* .d ..ep.K’iallt •i.igac.'
l.n-vih' b}' luiier.'.

They aim ie(rrc I >hi^>
UK. Itmn ^’tyi^bruto.
At Ue gaUw of the wtUi
IndigrUimaiKlT..'ItiilyraiinR. Apr.
Then the world weiii. tom
wlrald'. wand,
ket remnly
liuciuss N.uwe. lV<s.i.
Andalwre.amand, below.
TzUr In Hu- tWih.t'iolcd T.«>;tw
U a glory that aerer a painter', bond 4
I'AtolBlhrS.le.TMK1'UJ UVm. They
Waagtren .kill toBVipr.
IUgoUlclhrll.wa.. l-ncOy Vigctzlile.
All nature wem. In wear a lunllr
HcoraUi that witoklng .pell.
And faaqie. bright imr mind, brgolle
That tongue nr pea Bay Irik



Smul FHl. '
•muB Dom.
•muH ^ioe.

.filirric,. *r "iW.


Stc you gt-"! Carters /
Aiik for OtrtCTS.
Insist and demand ,
Carter s Little Liver Pills.

Inporledtiul DonsUc Vwleii

Te.ierm-i ii>rMii‘li.'


u'w ..nriiue le.'ien ..

it »■

■■ *



.> .'1 2i.6 S'x'dixt StJTeot.


VS.1S. kSW....VS


The Red Cross


ia the .lU dir. n..I In to nii tto
riileld. td’lh. KnigbU. Sinr %.niwill liod it <e tbr U-e td
Johaaoo'* BcHAdoaBaPlaaler.
wbirii criwi all ihe
B-'btod daUrar* thui ran to pie di I
!• lra)iitiK.oi.«,i.r nl le^irrkt. di

Potted Chicken






Shan omttmat. .c iiiiinento




Xt Plssaanu Owouo. SftCi-


|^n«w. Bay City. Detroit, Bow.
^U. Aafa Arbor. ToMo and

*jf> lToiuSir« t.

Traverse City, MicJligan

pointaEaFt and Booth. fl<
jconnecUons at Copemiah with

r forntohed by the ]w.u>riet.K
tohmenUBndare laid tolde



Beale the Sor^. .

Afrioadormraha.anew'derlce to
tar lued wbefi klndllDg a. fire.
Cihe^ AAri^Uonal OnU.
take, a hrtrir, aad. after farienlnr a
. Conch Cntbira
>UMl wtrvamand It furabandle. kuI "Sararii
Unkra ronhhm of fine'while elotb. itlnanold'---------•--------- •----------------------aiztreo ioebm eqaare and fill II eery j
fall—not bard—with white oitton-bat-;
with a niffle fire ioebra
fie to doable. I'ot the
Takr a pleuc
i|oarc o._
of the
_ ______________
_______ _____
■in. aad aroead It pat a .Ingir ra«i
lunr and a half inebra deep.,with a wen .taricd toe brick to Ufta^oel and!
bam half aa lack, hem-.tltohed.- agaie planed to toe yar to become euak-*
. half lad
■ foe fotereaM..
diwpaftortbe arm to temrd.
cqner of fbi. rntmUn irrrcr. work



We dlda't latoad to .by after Tar.
day. bat Ur. Uyen woald aal Itolea
ear otwilag array befrwe Tbarwlay
__________ llhT" ThT^ldV'to ihe'lw'ret
•eeniv do we -iwaaiaed all throogh pea blnanom muri Batch In .bade toe
and oo^ed tbe e«BBlaaUoea.lnc
f'hiaa .Uk. I'ul thto maallB picer orer
toceariii.iD and fa>M> Hto plane at
eacboomer with nnonplenf .tilchca.
tbonaghly.' Tbera .
dooe rrlto rery flnr torr^. Tfato makB
a brootlfel cnibioa.
ladtoa aboat rigbtcca or alnetoM ycara
For a Irm ezoeimirr rodilna. oae fine
old. TVy looked to alorly aad were Mena In.Md of China allk. The mn»
aA wall drenaed aa noruiroi pnpiU. ■ to mnri be rery tola totbaltoeptok
"I ahoto tbraogb -.VtoCylThere were AM eandlad thto year.
armor |b> pbyUclaal- 'lt yoe get
They are mack crampad far room aad
my way. ilucior. aay Um*. I wkh
kopr to baUdeooa. It to cvtalaly a
JOB woold era and are my wife.
•aaectooalwllbagMdeDrpanf trah- aay. toeato-tfeelle- rrelf Hky«totonero Mr Hyare to ao fktlMriy la maa- "Wket are imme of her aymptoco.?"
ratowaM toe po^ aad rery MitoB- “ awe-' tVell. t don't kanw; toh
■Ding after abo'd Bilked tor earn
UmUc aboat hto work.
and <wl toe .tab and gel breaktaat fnr
I aa Bare H toe frtaada of mteioa. toe bamU. and rraabed the dtohea and
eitoU etoU toatatoool tooy wool
baill a fire ander toe aoft eimp kettle
in toe latM and done » few ,'

’ aafiall toe ainrelBi weU aeadariad

West Jllichigan

iDg fill, tbe air
TbatrweiB>U>pr.>(mw rrat

u weary brarto. buwrd dowo with

____ Jr.!irS„

ad for Uw A. H. A. Bhool whieb Mr
Arlbar Hyare foaoded fire or Hi yeen
tea The priaary dtp
• lower part of tbe
the efaareh.
bet the
' «ab tobool bBlIdiagtooaahlgh hill
b tbe wxKxk. (tblek mbdU Ural la a
braUfal apot. Herr we were
oordlally ncoirod by Ur. aod
HyeiD. lorely people. Tbeir bdou to
la the belldieg.aadaU the boo^ to

Pel. “

I'oat of iiaiiit this
Veuir luiusc shouM havr a ti<
— r,|iiiiij;.
i. i
0 1.11 m
... ..o,
mixctl .jiaiiil. or may
s|>riiit:. IIVrliai>s
■ ^ Ixi tliat toil want Icail aiuf oil. hiiliiT way we <
I'liaraiilct.- favoraliU’ tonns anil favorafilt- n-siilni. \Vr
daitii tliai no mixtal j>aim is U-Ut-r lhan IfoyifHls.
,\s for k-a«l ami «nl wv Iniv niutiini; lull llio Jirstj'raiU-.
tjitf ns a call fur color t.iri'fs aiui iirict-s.

A Heiplag B>
bat eleeea yeor. of agr.
practically deBoaaUoUd her d<->ire

bartoad <1^ TaaoBtoo. elaty thme
toUto fros here. Htoe tiroCT. the
That an dhwurd dnUi know
teaeher bare, woat with se. alao ber
a that tangled woof of «
Wether. Wo left hse before Ikbr a.
ae. B*d reaehed there a little before
The twll lg)it afterglow,
_M*l praed Uiroarh a beaaWroI
flach life will hare JU afterglow.
try-uW and ralaa. aOtoeUBea bicli
And in that hogr wi dread.
When tbtwe who mofUy iximr and go
eltfcakeec aa tbroa iBaarJa. one qalte
Shall wbUprr "He l.dcmd.’’
.of oBlIeors
Uay tbe light of kindly acUoa. ooor
We Btartod to fo op tbe plaDDele ot
lllamlae awm'iy'
aU. womabooraodthair r>i>« Br
And chttke Uw path ut nor lari ua
Oae ieeal Icp.pnonfdl baking
It to three Ihoamd feet abate the era
With Immortality.
aotla dbsdred In bot wator.
fTikrnm flcpnd.
aad Sfuea haadrad aboee the elllare.
Floor aufUciral to make a .tiff
Pbrtof UU In Tenaeaeeeand part la
An iDazpanetea Playnnoae.
Vtollato. I DOW Uw place, or mp.
iBUnvto Women'.
ij. GoWBGo
. There at;e great pwaiblllUea 'la
The Beunv*.
wWe Uw federA kept the rebel.
are be- cloaet nnder a warictaod for tbe liUlr
ry.«t.ll D.adBkor
froB eeealnr lato TeaaeBee
Tbe wall,
can be adorned with
[ihuwltoyiug uora. 'fbe
inter, itgra without
bled auunn
{Aririma. tard. and colored pletnree of
We trabed Hbr top at laetpade
sdor»arrnlway> to
fariikm plaiea for Uic UttlegwI'kVaby‘•!?'''
•aUtopaUbyUwrraad alrbl we
homr. while o rery MBall *um of muobelow. Tbs^e-loee^ plasn oo top c^' Weeureajrofl

• -a'u4 It wiU toy ublB,
and great hoaldari do the edge. There
glrc deliglii. and
. , _...........
to a reek ton or twalrafedla '
tor aad eisty feet or lo ia beigbv. growBcummoB and yet you mnri wear; wl” be a. .aroc ot.-ndlra pl«a<mre for
itallaeawia. A darb e.dcw doe. not of atormr daya
Btaadl^ all by ilaelf. railed IW naOB-'wkiUierearebrride.,' «llb p.rUUoa. nf paateboard wl
eb. We were loth to Irate tkeOeaaU- falepetbot Saally etorted dowa tinUde of Uw Boeataia. led by tHr. tl
Ureaume toUwryr. Inaiir tSeanlaialI toy. Ito.tock
Dol one ot them
I etpennier. they can be cut fruin
hcory eunl.
coni, to Uw ma-' are t.«.e»p.Serge, with AM beery
Agneullural papera. pa.tod ob tarJAwra. galag to Uw ^bt eftea to aeoid torial ol all'othet* to wbl
board, and tnniiidird at tbe lack with
a fall. I dhlat allow ayeelf to took preferrare fnr
adrtoeaMmuHbelntb. Altorlbtoeume a atrip ol .tbr tome to make them
ahead eery tpr toe fear
tbr cloaely wuren, bcary flaaaala
abaUtogooa. bet b bait aa boar got
UagalhaSbArraroogh I
Haykaeka. rielgha. ponga. bUchbalr.lhc.nUi
to tba drire. tbe I
and either lleerirtla eloth or l»ar^ ezpcra wq^
la ri'rmmw the girl, who
to ktokaL



For Men; Women,
Boys 'aiYd Cjrls.

'.All over Ihl. wl.le tati,1.

Tu a wlleblng Uaw wbea the .

A.X" to B'T.^


And Uw cattle homeward go.
Accra the awadowa. di-ey wet.
la Uir iwiligtal afterglirw.
•herry jeire or ewb-el creaai aiay be Aliarib fall. .Wfc all the land
inedtoa dcralar.


lalareal to car n^dero.
I rotaraad tcHby horn atrip to COS'




doak a ropful Of SMbed tapi>i>s In
twice iU hoik of Cold water for eereral
hoot., toed elmiaer alowly Id d pint of
water till clw. 'Tbea etir In e rnptal There I. tree a aoag
of euard cberrtea. aDd iwerMri to
- - -n a blieh aad eel He the akIB aboee or <
with hweetb-rraM. There to peer a wsg
awaytocuul: ■

Mae. J. C. Hbiaona.

baadad Uwadltoref Uito departowol.
fras HlB Sybil Cbapla. well kaowa to
BBay Traeeeao City paople. Hhe to
■^llar Ber. Hr. aad -Hr*. Ureeae ia
tbdr stotoon work b UorMa. Keo
tadiy. We fire eoBe ertr*elB fros
tbto leUw whidi we an Dore erf II be ol

told.ta. h
toll,.wing 01

1 a <VJ' el"'l' * I'"'*** ■'
theanrisT 1. lipMly ■-■leted wi
tbe was.
Whentlir fl'.ir rerjihre.
Iwrlcaiwrl the wav I. wmehed-.iff.
trar. Bay blow aad tbe frelt. may geUierwith tbe du.1 xr.lirt th.l nay
- oill-loUi i.

bare gathaml.
Uie aaloiBB Irnere drop o3s> and

bane kaew. flat tbe beat wv^
Iwa roas. JaM the bed p\^
arae. wbetoertbeeella^oratUc. aad 1., Uiat we Bast Iw child like la epIrH
aray paper we pick up to bli of si<-rl- liefbjro we caa uaderetand Uw depth.
of iu great— —
Istt UaUoad help, lor tol. Uaw ol It to aeaeeeasTy forartotell



Aehildwh.-e qaeallAoa are not si
awered lo He parenU wniVitoer tar
to nthrra'wHib arv wlllinr to rratify il
uf tor lark wM« UW dsire I.W ko-.a ledpi-, lait wh.> perhap
a#e aaakle l.« dMlhjfaMi hetaee
Aad the euor n( the throah
what iaruod fbjrai^ild loko..aaf>
what i.
bW e.w !« « HI 1—' iU- »□
ealaral Mia<^p|il'ilitrand learn b
bluebird trilU ia tba
opoa life'.i. ablffll. a[iirillr«b
bir rori.ebiiy Werae. boa-.
than not an.wrrinr
Aad ID aed oot wbeo tba ea'
an-wrrinr a
a ehi ridh-ul-theni. ' N.iUi
MDd.acbilil w> diwpiy a. fiihlioi:
TbcawaltowaaretwifiMriac o

Hilr toreUier and dtta'|dBlof fk»r
I IwUeTeltleaamacb and two trapmsIuU of kakinr ».«•
BkkiniMt iDtoaMrft doayli with
llarinc Imltered
------------------------ Id**''
eardrop Into rabihalitUr dbWpkfbW

tote keep doaa. aad a tired, orerwofkadwoBaa raa't do j-lkse to her
'badly aad her base aad laa'taoos
fortoble paraoa to lire with oltoer
BoBBieteaDiBC ie'bard -vk eren with
plao^ of help, for Uw booaeWIte moM
. ororwa rrerytUap aad bare Uw care
edaU. Atoarhoaaewe hare diroaed
bora two day. oaeh week tor^fh
flthattoaU webaeaUBoer etreartb
to Ao Witooal ealem help.
Serpf lady

|y|O^Ere. Do youJI^~;^

wbara ay(

.doothaHaea la hartaf U all la
I baow hyospenara STdrfppbg. » then iddrd, *wlU. ot
,od tw.. boop-.lThrr* to erer o oong
Ukm^ that oae satl take papar baar allrtataprloklli
'•o aad palatera wbaa toey cao pel Inr tabWapofn
d cberrlca. dralv There to orer a s
Takr a plot of
Iheaia^ Make toe Boat of them. Hot biffUir jdlbw. dredKe tbeni wilb fl sr, _.
OTM ia aaeh ora do try aad bare a aad *Ur
Tbea torn --------- iaura HbUemI pad- la tie srdnlgbtbbckor. Uw oiUiby
>k fiw three boor, in
dinir Bold,
wait n*B>«^7b •»'
««»»*■ *»>• n kenlr of
illlng walei
Tbe rolrln plpra wbea tbe aoo to berp
Deal lake a cold Mie froa toe hHebee
Dot.topbolliag. 1
■ ■ Uw cricket .-Mreop*
bfeaueeabre.Makar toe top of too door harrol; aod
algbt Uinrugb.


II £:s““ 1


Hwo a aa
toeo k»> yoor■a.^.’
a«4H»i'.. tweo
tortoBOle eoatar. aod >a all toe
ioira ^ou bare eeer rwie.rM :
baoda.vl trpal U»er ha* beep ao
that baa-«eroaed yis fnm ttw deto r«e.
Ik-ya. If
II {^^^p^oaUsP“
out into the work! b.^oi.-e to

_ do uie‘tJi<B«henb-lf ihan O'
ahow aaother b-w. Thla lax ex.-oiahaadbSr sorb to aiake ae;S»t.'. idle,
of aoolbleewa-icty
aabahdy s
atierad ia iu ef,
asl aboalbl tbe Sbitoer while her liUle
ooeeaiabedinhloptolearamll toiara.


.“.s'sr. Irby'S;.,.

•u.eaa helookad orer aad etraad.
aadUehrIrktairy daya arr Juat rirhi

ahaeoaU doa't ezpan yoor haehaad to
doaeaad keepfood aataeed. loryoo
waald aal be yoortoW. A little lor*tooofkt wUI prepare for each tlawa.
aad astro kaklof aad eooklnf dooe
wfl] beaaohabalp.
Ahoreall. doq'i
tty todo tooBBchU oaeday: brttor
. bs laacer aheat n thaa work oaa-aMlf
Bkhaad bo a Boato or eo foUlaf orer

rtiiiin !i



p.t . I.J.r of pftup cb.rH.- » l«-b |
if mnr. i. thb-lu—. ub
b"Wl-1 Tbrn f. .w





Sale & B(kiiig‘StaMe.i?^"""..

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•uieat . 'Hur Mwk WMI o' p,


Zppl.Kou'O'lblnl eroar

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loanounnrosiit iioisis.

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kpBeCfw*CBa«tTotwlWte. S


40 nan «■ stahma


■ra aw alwarr rra> lo to
ofTOOT Uimr oo4 '.iw itom tor bWU^A- >-«r HAFT
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aA4ilHwa' rratoemem

It’s Here

in Travemc City that yon can
buy the atHive handaomv double

’■"Tl."."; $16. $18,.$25

Orders for Job Printing left at the


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