Grand Traverse Herald, July 16, 1896

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 16, 1896


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


.T&ATEB8X cmr. OK&MD m^v:


Improifod Varma.
yiliajto Proparty for Bata..


26c Per Ponod.

JiffVti': S S.TS?S3S““'

Rose & Son,

Bnsmess OaidB.

feOOlA QVBRBa l:

Waod-s Ciidrtiii IMer.






Bewtte BwUdlng. Froat St.


^■^;O.P: Carver

Real Estate
- ... Insurance,










-i ■■


Pire Dries aid Pateit Mediciifr
riav hA MlM AiticlM.


■iLrsr.rrr jssr

«K aaxi^ A ArcaALTY of

ailctiie. Ri-safIII,


kATtwl.-Bbpru.ntA nn
ttrfaanb-kwWn--------------------- ---Bkb*U.W«>T>Ukl

IBLl. IlRDta...



pnoMPT. CAaKFui.


rnrer,r < <rr, Y* J

.............. .. ..--

Front St. House,

'*^l‘’do'^* haifTike yoof bring left
alone ati long, for I Bay not be l«c(i
before 5." eaid Ted
‘ ‘'
"Cuuein Milly
r ••
if I aakrd her:
"Yea, and bring hrr baby, who woold
(Y like
hinder my wurh >«<l1y.. I
y. Ted,
bablea when Tm tiuej. *<m> i
you dear* old frlloif:
about me-^ahall Iw a
■•Well, hy-by. 111. .
I'il be loiinr as
^VokBeme; -ni
te doort


Caanall, Ucalef aai fapalai.

brother dr|iartnl
I bw
dmenalaiTa andidiut the .tnwt iliMir
‘AlflTntnhd,<'Doaual .|Uirr -f tbo houer

TuAVEteE .City. - . Micihgak.

pay to Oiau and vUU:h..l
away busily at ».mr Ihlbga I. wae cun
pletjpg fora Imly whowaa kind ru.mgh
to praiei- my needlework, preferring it.
aa many otbora did. to machine ntitehed mrticirs
I'meBlIy I thoilght I henrd a slight
ilwdowo alAlrvlikr the opening of
window, but as all .rauiainrd .lui. t
d. I pci lld<wB Vomy imi
nd went om^tfmtKiuilly ■

U tWe ffirual srtbt
of Itmaid BOpIdk.
Rkk., who pklBU



Life.n^lth ami Beauty

yh9 Soeith Side Cre


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Befit Liver> In Northern Michigan.
Sodd Mid Sate Stable in lowaaetioB.

(S,M^at Qru* asaaMUMTHt


T^leplionc^ yq



said sayoBF wishJ. »-. SAl-fiTLCTT.

isc w of MUA


TeOMo^ S4.



9Mi tD M«>r> M> tbe ■

Ewamta ud OlidtIoiM.






Fnml Supplies.

The Clipp Bicycle
for boniness and pleasure coqibined. Gives
universal aatia£action. Cali and see iL Sold by


Gnad BapMs. MUt.




ersjrTXTirjs vx.cS?ar

„ 0.*j 1.10k

1-^ And .Lunch Booin!




«M ^wt«m ■now*,


*"-| think tbrydo. indeed,". I
' In
' uot(aal4Urd
ot(aal4Urd ailmirmtioB,
for Tt-il
wan a I'apital ta.irkiuiui, and bad Beed,
ed Ibe UiDkey. >.kiJJtully. > "I amaare


{1.00 and $1.50 Hotel


IqM SMJmst FHces.



Good Fits,
Good Goods,
Fair Prices,



by a ''pn.feitabdial^ a* the "U-.l .$ie, '
any way, lib.
l.-ri/.e.l by
tVithiB a lew
lUim ut cerry dranrr and buz i
the bull
,iih,, uid also lunird u
bt-daurad tali.-rr
lut be
^tly litter I..- iJa^ alyl all: ^llut
not yet die.-o»eeeA llie eecrel ol my
_______itrd; tbro sa bedid roirtaluaf. tbnaeyune iiuaginr tadmi
'.la.-I aal lb<
,d Ui lakeVirm Im-k to the .duH*
the trtnrti of bb mipl.ij'er. whb b pnorliule .. ..
ta..i>l.l oat by till IW Boreuw. b.-dr- nf fraroi
pMited tbyir^ried bracelet, da I aaktal mywlf: ••WbatwillU
hb ciwlomary niin.iauv'ar pnaifeafe."
luroad arooad while pmeenUi
aalu- j-ikiugiv rallrtl aemall. etnmg.
faU aearrh; and t.iukiog at t
ta|Uar« tut Kbh-b hr had tilled with
u.-haad key. padded ,made and ->uL
llallo. IMppeL how pale you an-:
lY going t» faint ate your O duut
lie Uiaor aw t.1 tniraea w.ta,
It. fur 1 shall uant yuu to talkdi>i
wyiBglUal.-vil dbpowil perwa. woold
bi- lew Uk.-ly U. .raaiiiinc- it. apd many
a >r»l hr ba-l alioul placiof rem.,UB4.T giTrpru a nuothful of tn-h air
ruum b pr.
,-freLan.l alanil im- bri
It to the window—Ihr window
nenuo wiUi a high mind. I
f.ut upin g..ld. 1^ tbt- Ilk.
to Uhicb that marning—upfaku-ued
>l-iwB Ibr op
iwnrthy, that br al- ••alrh and wiiuld hatr
part but hr wa. aarr.1 Ihr trouble,
wpy» lia.1 m.m- w.wk than hr vouh! g.-t
Uiev.m1 bring bnikru. .(Ul. k
Ihrougli. Mrwarerrj f«b.lofme-hi.
a ahal rawi- thr window, and. a.
ptnjr null* .-nppli-d ai.tcr—wiuild orerr
k would hatr it. caught fib rigbl
alUiw nit- >1 hit Uhl at my Brt.tlr,
aM abared erllh^m^ In eTi-ry^^p^iW.- __gera light brlwwn the upprr and
Biddle framea.
Tbr pain aud the ebiick mnal ba*p
^ag””^hr and T
lul, the
wiuduw Irainc bey p.a--ably.
We bern
and eery heavy one.' lie
a h.iwl. thro kickwi franlica kindly old ifidy illy
wbobad kBuwn nnr parrola long
in as nke a trap ns rofil)l have
fon; Ted or I luund
Utad fur au I'v.i 1
. hiagr.
etagr. '
Then be glanced at me. an.l the sight
HaTing (Hit awby the bwelrla'-picterulguuil
' ____ . „
Uehasiur" llial 1
iy, my brt.Uirr oral ,».-ked up thrn- or
four waU-hre br lia-l l«-»n bu«y erf.lng wsv{ mnn have tilleil bis nuni with rv~
mbme. Mnt-e Uiruugh hie own act I was
rendewed powerless to aesiat him.
hhop*tn ilri.lgepiiol which Ohnaliy e
whined, however
iliiyt.l tiiai. 1 traU-bi-d him pul.
\Vc rise ib eKiilain that you cannot .ifforil to l>6 arinojctl
■•OatiYyon help mrV"
it, lot tbr day wa» eery ..•111.
vetT a
aluw iu hb ■
with (lies when sticky or ]Hiisoii My l'a;>cr is sJld at prices but hr war. vety
ejlow creature ssf.
I thought hr , _ .rrlurtant to irate
within the means of all the |Kro|>M; .also l‘ar;s Grech,-Lomlon and
f.-red suub anguish as I knew ha must
me alonr, dor, thnugh
rh I tau»
wue a^•o.•rany
Purple, White Hdlebore, Md Insect J’owder.
be endunog. I used every effort Ui gel
active rtuiugb.
tree, but vainly, lie had tlril me um
.If my
fiiinly for that-- ilr tuok lu kicking
again and U«an tu swear burvibly
May I nrrer again boar sSch language
llroWB. our landlady, ha.1 gone out for as 1 wasTurced to listen to that aftisrI FARMS AND FAfCMINO LANDS

«. BOmUK. VnpiMar.


Carpet Cleaning,


Fire Insurance I






naus BiucTM « nm


ail jR jK * * jdt A ik ifc ate adi jfc 1*



n»onlb.'nAd then, peodbeiag amae cord
Rwaoc late tbe Mddte aad rodolhMp
fibrnbla pnekeL la m Blnatr or two 1 ouL ha b^ ased blu prirllege m oar bOb teaMcMawidowBBd «b bur
old friend and ben to gel throagh and tobsbhwUa Be oridoatly wdi rotestss It before cBBiagafatalta.
No >cted.for be rode hock tbat dvaad
RbIb u> tt« CUy.
doubt tbe tbief had romd ibe bonne u^sovmi yuo» kmc<r.-«ieih|rT4H«
k WMn wprp. Ir ^
Uu.1 an.
‘.•Sow, you___ ______
dneky. I wonIdaY
Ikkr • w«l «Uk a ntlir BkA.
bare Seiwed you so if you'd hud^
»t long hrion brip «
amsr to keep quiet t f
to br foogh to tbr tl'
Uheria. ia Africa, bas aeltbereloek
prison, w w-Sut ^u^Ti:
BOV tiBe-plMe of aa/•urti tharoeheaII wbo waihed I
ing ol time Is mA satiroly by tbe
bcdi way after all.
moesoinit and poniaaa of tbo uaa.
.«-•>«> kB*>kka*knr<
While spmklng that thr
dlpfont laohad ioleedud to rub my broU
fi A a. and uotaat C p.
cml h^ mnning hlueym
lym around
aniand onr
They uay tbe pour fellowY
the Btnetc. tbo ymr
ad disdain is. hit I Deter br right again; ampuiaUua any roaad. and at aocm U Is vunlaally ovurglance, and at that. menl a suspiekin ! br necessary, as eryalprlas is setting arod
ThrWaadsnof the IkmU Pa­
darted into my Bisd that be bad come
_ ___
------- - '■
U. all
1 can say iv I trsely foe- cific have DO clocha. but mam aenrtAt tw
* iw ma > ne<:
;witb the ob>et of stealing/oote of j gieu him■ few thr
the suff.
suffering, meatnl and aus time-marker of tbeir own.' TWy
s work—perhapa
^.......... ................ I bodily, brenomd me.
Uks Ihe kernels from tbe Bate of tbe
AB. tpr k^Ut of tkr ruj Inu tarfrj.
iris wbich IheBYnwr under my feet
foctnigbi. but cuwdlr tree and wash aad utrtag them
— Aongl.._____
__ ermtgally gotall right
thought there______
onlo thr ribof a paimW. The 0cut
firm ruuolee. to sate my bn.lber sB«b
sogb a Tod mys I am a brick, bat that amy br or top kernel iu Uea lighted.
has if I pmsibly could: ay. even tbough
'• ]his partiallly.
------------*............... ..
All of tbe kerusls are of tbouame
1 bad to endure tonure. 1 srunld mit
size and subutanie, and ismh wOl bum
aeLBy teeth hard and
this bpnr no one know, about >1 but aceetaiu uumber ol minutea, aad Ibea br Ban.
His wandering glancea y.«, Ted and myxlf.—Trve fhig.
xt Crete tbe Brut one below. l-b« roAW Ikr inr Uek. tartan-.
rererted to Be.
Una tie pieces of black cloth at n«DA Parrot m a Hard Plaos.
-Ook here, dear, if I Inosrm this
- along t
Uie suing to mark
cloth a bit and you Ukr breath, will
tbr divisions uf time.
yon speak V) me nWlyr Only doaY bright parrula. ooe guod one comes
-livtt of tilBgmr. in the
from Uir IndianapulU SeotiOrl.
abolher peculiar
yW tanl.Ata B.ta In UM-awn 4HJ..
This parrot belonged tu one of iiar- drrios is used, -fwo battles
rha’L“in“^ onm’s Uckel-aellera He had been pre B-wk and neek, and sand is pot ui one
a iiaiet street'
'•Tbm. oeoud til him by one of tbe cuvawwrs of ibsm. which pemrs itself late the
Burrcomloruble-c- looa- of tbe show, who was at ooe ti
ot'-'T one evmy half hour, wbea Ue
;b9RlB aiT revemed
Them U a
your bi_____
Ain ? bar- ,
to have a way uf ijuirting
-J nhook
look my
ay head,
bling Bub of ticket parrbi_______
tularly anpoteted keeimr
■H»h. hot
bol he
has. A
the wagon bfsayl^._--1kmY ^
e bouira and rods, anddic
iddic like fhai
lelXfcn w
It. will SA*e
-Han't crowd emb
other." --une
• plmsABt lur iiatimr. J
lob. of lime ud b
and each like
A Long Throw
Mcta.W-~»>nnk*AUk4«ta ■
The parnit. which was perched apoa
The New Y«k draBser was teaalaglint I only shook my head the
/.'Itid you
yok ever
errr xe
.<T such
nuch alBbbomalnbbom- tbr safe io Ibr wagiio just back uf La> gram-hilly on tbe bar talking.
Wr II kk.*n 1-nr-r.l UtaC- Sn*. I'B *>
- You may not telieee aw." be SAld.
anltfred the f*Uo». Wing op bir. giA Ul Iram the litUr specchcu
my maulh kgkie.
' I am afn-rdd I
a a pierciag squawk with
nhkll bAw to madia you apeak dirrctly.
them, much «• I.usbir's amssrmrot ground lo RMakhUt eemn^ aad threw
My Foouioca.
The parrot, which was quiU- a little a slime into thr Kenlacky riv«r, Ihra.
vagabbpd. broke loose from hrr fellers without moving my iecL Umagh J
My brotbcT pkT.- hU tj-nrii a Spkl pol­
1 threw anaad Cew over intii a origfaUir- turandI ay body slightly.
Saying tfaik. be-Vgan an eaainiiia.
ish kOtl U.rrf Tirar.1 Uie »Alu»We »rtistime sevea oilct down the
liwut tiv apartmeiiL^ta..ce^ing^
a »ppr..rlBirly belure pteelne '•

“■ iSTfiJi te





:EV -girA TtSTTA,

on Horses.





b(«r a Btrp. atealtby. but .lisUnclly
andiblr.outbe landing ouuidr, while
nnder the d
-------of: aoBe nor motiog.
' '
"l•erbapall^*..H^own baa eetonipd,'
arai tbr thought in ipy minB aa 1 aa
gazing at thr door: but then 1 tumr.
ar. lor the baadir waa
tamed aofUy. and aetmnge mas look­
.. ..
. young
a pallid.
greasy, leering fara. omaiueeled by a
tblrriah look iog twist of bairoomch
aide, while a limp cap of aemt-military
stock mklsbly ontbe side of
J noticed these details acehanioally
as i mt petrified with snrprisr and
IrigbL and I also noticed that his long,
diny neck was wiibout tie or collar, a
and I
tom than one nag.
This isdlThlBal. aHer darling a si
gtanee mend ihe mom. slipped la
locked the door, sayinr
............... : IY>psy-sr«p.y. don't be frigbtm not going to burl yon—not
a bit of it: ItBLyousce— Mtop tbatr
he growled; for as nr appranebnd me, 1
ncDvered ByaeJf a lltUe and gave a
good load
gnieh ■Ba.thougfat be had bis hand
By BoBlh. holding my chin and
nose in snch a manner tbat I nsariy
SBffocBted; then he gam me a shake.

Mjuawkiug b.
. -Dv. Ihry faun til t

tail fraUicrs IrfL and
wciv suikinif. necking and pluckingher right and left- llangiagim as Iwsi
................. ..
parrot was shrilly
servatning -VIIB at 4 time. genUemeBl
Ikin l crowd there: Take your lhac:
There's plenty move left:"

Ihterpolaevd a Jiarty who
had b
ilrammm-aloriea belorr.
-HI s a true bill.- laalated tbe aarrm'■It waa just seven allua frum where the first sluae strai* tbe water
Ul where the uemmd oae hit. aad I'm
not a litxlull plavrr eitfarr."
tcnsmie discumion Ue dmaer
up his hand aad swore In b
1. and then uplained
iplained Ualat
that at JackJaci
-znsly. thr 'Kenlocky
river swlags i -.mod a bend for seven
mileu and eu
te within
s-igbt feet o

Watehsa ths Wrong Man
le right or lefL thus amhU
troqblev id trareling saleamea u. throw of urven tnilru up or diiwu ll
1 Is-ing
obligril toi-sl
to i-sl their Be­ river, us ths case may be.
1 bis U the true state of Uf (Ban.
lch a rapid rale at the railiray n
.Vrw t-uft .viiu. '
c <if the ahoruins- of the
i for r- '
on In a hotel
......... ................. Ni-w York liccorder ri"
lad io oace to attead a
pirter noUsI the remarlssof tte-strum, borer which wus sufferlag froB ths
uicr as falluws;
teulhacbe.' aald Dr. R. L. lIsB^rey.a
-The aaiBSl .
"I badag-ssd rale about thaL" uaki Philadelphia dentist.
the trawling nmu. "bol one day I dis-1 was In great agooy. and when I pro
that, like evs.iy other rule. lt;ceedeil til ezamlne
amlae bis ounU heapc.pearrdtii realize
!p,isr til relirvu h
_____I went inU. tbs din___
or til Hip luhcb-roouter. as liic case Hist was alniusl human.
Bight U-. 1 kept niy eye on the ran- a rarity In one uf Ue back teeU.wbleb
duevor. and regulated my ai-Iioo by | was aUsi Imdiy uli'eralad at tbe roouM
bis. ff bruermad to b<- in a hurry. 1 tenipurarily rrllvved Ui-fate aad next
asted no tiiue.
If .be tuok things I morplug wentuiser faiB.agate,
awly. I did the saaa
, gave evidence of plrasura altey anWrll. the plan wnrke.1 Onrly for I proach. and I eoaclnard Alat I woulds
•me timr. llien one day lln-n- was I attempt u> fill the uuiUi instead of re........... ..................................
I folluwid.......................
till- conductor's
.. ................-........
I moving
.. it.
I pna-eedfsl
. eany
., n
leail as USBSI. Ilr waz pretty hungry, | ay plan, and when I was cutting away
andguor luBSelf viibihis dinner aaif Ur diseased portiiins ut the teoU Uu
he ha.r n-ilhlng
ling else In
in Uc
.... world. .lo blivar flinched no more than h atea
k alsiiil tVe had ts-en rating for wuald bars dons .under Us,clm_
I filled tbe tooU wllti a earnabj'ut flftreo minutes. I gui-ss. when
allatooiv It <a-<-uned til Be thul our eat oompoaitioo. and Ue aalmal had
-tea f-ir refreshmrau ' Bust noBwire trouble wltii lUaoaU.-ilz-

- af:
■ ■

'""h,s.zs rzi-c:

bail gone out. I noticed, but tbr
ductur wns still rstiog.
"V-iD take your own tiBe brre. don't
you-r mid I. Iraoiog Uroard him.
. -I do here.'heanswrreil
Uruaghoat Uc < iniry. '
I Isnghrd at his dry manner, and
tonk another bit uf ebrese as 1 asked
iw king, .-aplain. before westarl?
Keatauky. of whoa tbeaaUnrof -The
irt for wberer'
wal W'aablagUB " tells this story;
"Why I. Texarkauahr first dayUaraUputoe Us fait
swelled, and 1 mw
•Thul iral
do left ten ml.
Uluud trickle . sJuwjy
-.-And you?I?- said I.
... ----------- V.. —
ruum at lb-‘Ob, we change
down tin
lisle gazedI at him It
;y tiagere
having been forced In­
his dirty
ia the Wl
to the Ocah. Tbe pu-rving air srbicb
Alarm'Clock for Lovsra
rushrd in frurly througn the
"That's a pretty qaeslioa for a Kcatorkiaa te aak,~ was Ue reyjy. “It's
Unsiklyc the other errolng. aad
a suit uf Ken tacky tow. aad Uebyy
this tune thcclu-koi
ir step al-ore him surail s pretty
thipieee kept ticking uS ths momenl ...
It was late and Uesteert was de­
traBHuilly. as tbougn m assure me thu serted IWapi
said Oaritateto^
timcould not be horriod lotos quick apparralI ti.
' hums
er pace by any consldaimi
I the young max bad Ur
ter“eer!fVJSed agiln^hlatray.distrms.
red right hand of
young Woman
Imagine what two houi
bis own. wfa
hk left band
siluaUuB meant fur bulh ul usl
Eamlv Dobs
rerte keepbit
bunral 1 tbiDK the poor wreUb at
Amoog Ue earioslUca of tbe Hew
guarded Thr young man waa appar­
window fainted: buithc humble drag­ ently Lying te say gisid-nighl. and tbv
<wk pnatefftee is Us cisrk wboue bnriging ol hla body un his [«sir maimed yuung woman evidrotiy aisld not bear
essltlstedorlpber IllrgiUsor Batelands roused him diroctly. Trembling him. for she was bending her
teiligibUaddreusta. He bas bad twwaThey steed in Ust
■at alti- ty-flve yrara of expaftracc In tbo boiithr tears rolling down
d might newt, aad oos ol bk acbleveBeate k
why bad I refose.1 Tedmy cbevki
told as foUowrr
kind proi
Some time ago a foreign letter came
by thr gra/ dawn ol the aw
diroctfvl te -'l-atri.-k' Mabcawy. Firat
dsui'iittle babyr I letter a ro.
Tbat aomeUiag was rouad aad Hoaae la America." The letter me
of babim. all doing Ueir Wor
bright, aad itcamenntef the uizU. from Irelaad. aad. after tbe aaaal lathao—lirka. tbe ri^ temraed the Um
uuiry window,
it draeri
I swooord. and Irll, e
_ .... tbr letter arrinM.
ezpa laeaL ba ^uead It ia Ue
hands of a carrisri
earrim-; who
wbo was laalractod
on a string and was being lowered by tedcllrerllat Ue end of ------ Hter.
aa elderly woman. Wbea it daagled Tbe boose was a imlloru' buardlagss of a dull thud below, which over Ue pnrtiro, tbere was a sudden house, and. strabge Ss It may SMm.
to be a hDOck at Ue
bur-r-r-T-r-ing and Ur yyapg yaa aad Itatrick Nab.- ^ -- ' - 1 lay listeotDg. but
the young wnman parted laTaa orerre foaad to be a ^lanfre^SdO.
draft fee
slraiaed. hsrrsrr.
Tbr young maa
pen nezt. than taking any ii
aeiied Ur round aad bright objecL
things of this Ilfs, from wfak
which was still riaging. aad held '"
ed in a manner Id have
tare te tbe elscb-ic light.
Tbe ha
•tags of enlighteninterval 1 be ard sup. r
After an it
OB the alarm clock were elsspml
ding up U* sUira. aad a loud chmidnIgbL •• - • ' ■' ■— Tuice, whi.
our old fnead. Mr. Joy. the earpeaUr.
ss and dkopprared. Tbe
An Amrokaa who had spent macb ol
called out•sboiuud qaiekly. bat bk time aamag Ue ladiaas of hk coaa■■Hollua: Anybody at bomertbr ruung woman rras ap-stairu before .
. .. . ... .,rtag a etoik te
Coming to.our room door, be kne
ll finally rraebed Ueopn wl '
tbir next a gaacd. tbdn toroed the handli:, but
r.,.t lltn.nUr,
euoiwe'fMind It locked. Jta-ing unable
‘bear of all hk UrOUat axk. J yet tried lo gnmh. and
Sprtgnuy Old Lerm-.
ome laayticulale Dorou. but I
abe «U.
Two remar^blc ra^ w^ r
amid hardly bupe Use old man beard
- aa be wasaoosewhat drof.
mtefortne. ooe
mippusr be would gladly,
til. tbe
the retetaa
retetaa baptist
baptist |
xxaggutmted, rom such litrvirffe McCall,
bailed a priuoa as aa sAcape
odoabL: preaeber. wbea it was aulbenticall/.
a plight as be was ia. and t<
tbs traveler
■MOT at stated tbat Mr. McCalls ffrrat-ffvmad-.
be would, only be had no
>1 sba WM talkfatbev livcdte tbe ripe oldaffeof IT? ■ays. -whatU
that BooesL baeiag gooe off affali
eeafaalaa I
yrara Be was a bachelor at Km, and
a brary swooa.



1 beard Ue earpeatsT ffo down utalra term a Dothm te get marrinl. Ue ear" iidea aad was
aad hopes of relief died away la mr rkd eat bk
Three sons were born tohlOLi
llredtoeOTbk oldeMsoBoU «
Tbe iOTooefaeUe eeteatM aaban la
I be borne: ti>^
have ihaMwaJ aaoihte tredlUoa. - da
^ Ue <nwd w^ ulamim of-Ue
' 'boaeybee'
e'a teWtt
Shall I be alive by Uea? My _____
thatUkenaMrA longMd acblBff limbs were OB tbr radi of
pain: 1 lay aad sobbed mkerably. Hot
A sboal from Ue hack garden: _______________________ Ue llfa^)f kk
graat-aaclr. wbo was eac of Omwgla's
iuln bray bra- wexha >zt
"Wbat Uc diekrns k all Uk? "
piOTteercJtizeDa Tbk old
Again 1 heard th^ voiee ol Joy
lived lobe 1*0yuanoU. E .
getaglsafar .
It apprared that tbe earprot
r aad fiadiag i kV rabia. Id Ue nortbera_^
au eat a uqaare boU. Tbe
re were
WOT* all oaU
*^yoB do that agate IU pay you
wraed Ue bead of bk bad te tte
3tbc taek^Uc
yon muc fCiol' Thsm—she is go­ ___ weal aroaztd_______
aad slept that way in Ue warmei
back of Ue hoasc "to hare
to be ntee and qntet now.
_______________ Ihlaku that ia-aa
- irat wmUer. -Hk wife dM_____
Ua( window..............................
• Atdeterofgoodbnbaeter.l
•0 Tsan eld. aad far
ao< examay yean be lived
at______ __ ______
■ Site It m
tbs age of lithe cab aa eatM/aew •oO k too aaeb whiaulad hg the
aM^tae«h.aBdal tteageof ifaeae gtowU of the laramr treaa BatM
Mart a aew^ihard M » aair iteaa




^ I



Uybtoa rwBBaBBriay ai
■uiterd aBw daUkr akaL ha a taU tbe bBtpUnta adapted for yrece BaMmmc4 UtWIlMMrUt UHi
Bariny. It la belay more falyfaly rewhk*
OMBUr W kn a»aCfU^
•eadcd ibaaererBaedlr.
fcr Iknw yttn
Twe jtmn mgo k»
WM»UI prreeBl Ur Ux
twad>Uk Ui*
la ktoMaUto
—riliBlhadf aarIriBd
r lera) taoBer mearT tT printr
I'lM-L'aKad StoUsMMV«fclp. 1
Iwpt blB.Ia»b4»*«r»o<
(iM coaUiMd farce a( dceea

Bad rape»>«> i« the lectoUtsre briar
bM U la Ikr lepeWtas eou of »r

•r^t VB* Blade aamrkt Imc •
(Werml elreUna bMcrkea Hr. K
Hr.Theretaa.aad tbermllei

worM'c elltn- al our ibIbU tbat tkr and «et7 laiBrdkate rffrel woeld
to cwUrr lhr (aid of tbr euaatrr.
tea b now. Ib itniBd flrarce. KM.
. .OBii nl (old. K:XPUI.aiO of ellerr
and »<»■<««.<•■■ of papar. Tbr Kcit.'
bw.uw of (Old waaU epeedll; dtep
raold taka Iwantr (ran or
loeqlDKM.W.n(»(lln<r dollan
I oar BlBlal la t:
of UeaoBBti^woald be re
daBd oa aa arrraca of tea year* to the
aaleat citKn.O'Man. nu raat m
traetloB woeld be B»Bl dlBatrpe* b>

SSsMirStriS'.JSS-SSTtrOm^mtUrntmll^t^ ttr «rt^



LoaU ecaenatkiai

thare ‘


Heaa dbaffeeUea alaka lato iaal(B\a.

Had iKl week ref«ad to aador**
Meal (arMtoBd^ adailalalfaUoe
vo^ofMloUB. roarrearaaroHr
Oaeriaad «a> Ibo Ud of kb ran/ aoiT
tka aaJ; Baa wbo coald bod It to rletery. Ttrdar be baoodeBBadaad dr>ana red bf IbaMM fVtT- Ball^.
far baUar, Hd Ur. CtoTaUad ban
trilfa tbr ncoH of bb drat adBiablrmIt erlU be a Lira Uaaati Iba daaiorrata think Ike uriff
aat no Iran ia tka aonlar eaBKlrn
tkef are peaU; adatakea.
Had; tbe
tar Ika laal

tariC rtaak i* a* MlpWm:
rroar laad. that will retort
WehetdUaitariS daUnakaold be ____ .leroimtaye erf nltniyB to
wM fair pariini'i of rmew. Bach Wbat eaa ere yrow aetde from rieeee?
deilMtobeeo adJaaUd ae la
Wbat («n we eabaUtale ia lu ptaerT
rqaallT tbrearboat tbe eoaotij
•--*—-raria«or moRye hB barn laeatieoed B a laat rr~
■baald be ll»- lorv h k a plaat tbat will yen
Ueo. and ikat teaatlco_______________
(TOW no our Ilytatrat <roil: will do
to plow in aa a rertlHaec hr a
*^ deooanco b dblorbiac to bid- Bpriayerniw.
Bat klijaal wb
tbr rroaUbna l^mt to rBtore
Hon It cootola aU tke ele
HaRlahv biw, whlcB bar been
to plant yrowih? I
noA-lcyamlauae plaat ami

a^ ^hEbT**eanelrd
aader tke faire p»B of prrrtewUoo k.
we deriroa lu aapply of ailroyri
wholly froa tbe aril.
It will
likaa ba aren that if plowiny la rye we
ebea onr aoil.
drprirdJ Um
tbr yrrat J
lo thrlr Bata
Tbe pUtfona denoanre* tbe poUry ol other like |{1*BU rrtani a laryr part of
the party darlay the tori toar ynn la altruyrn Im tbe air to ti c eril ia the
tlB^r of pence.- Ibe pnylar of I'. S..obl|. form of ammonia and fr\ua mn Im
(atioB* la (old' at *ke oplloe of tbe banatabir ko'arnr.
holder; enlb for tee
our aaed and loaBy lulh. poor
otnney direct by Uir (o
ua;'wr un-l reaort to newthia-j
sandi the rertri«tioH o
that will keep op tbe fertaliiy and put
tbr ral^
to ahapeto reeirt a dreutu and proiIbIoo; deBoance* cirjl
nor fair cr>>|Bc '
tbr air
Tbia reql^m tbor. labor aed mrmry,
ly in
io atote
affaira in quell riou- Tipir and labor wr •■an yroerally romdtotnrtaaeea; (irea tardy and •nad.'lmt money are eaonoC
—~^er nuVblUna ot tbe at^oa ani wyall irouw aboat whal-k araatMl in
dicr* ot the Into *rar to the extent of the liar of fmilizrra to add ralne

WilllsB J. Bryaa, wbo waa aota
ed al Cbkafn. by tbr drBociata.
week, tao drle(atra refBlay to '
oondeauiUiy tbe c<
WB bora Uareb in, t«60 Heba
yer; bumr la Uacola. Tfrb.; k aa
lur: a boo of eaerllrat ckaracter.
rapidly M eltylble: •
waa elreted to luufiw la hnu, aad
B(Bla Id lar:.
fraa _
ardrol adroeale
From E H. Aliya.
free tndr and free allrer. la leM
r*jr tar Hrarilu.
tndidate lor Ibe I.'. a BOi
I would likcUte free allrer
bcatea by Job# M. TharalB.
wbo riaio to know Bore about tbe Bain.
Ur Biairled Mary HaM.
mactal qaealloa than tbe fntinet*.
of Perry. HI., io 1i>m. aad they hare
repabliBB plmlforarto noaWer I
three chlldreo
Artbar U. Hrwall.
.—Ife bare la rlmlatlOB. I .talierr.
prarideat b a Maine Baa. b r-l yrbrT
aliMt K>aM»i.ui!u ii allwr whlcE tbr
old. aad la aaaccaaafal banker.
Bd Ban and ahip bollder-

.me farma. nod to make farmiay a'aa<wr maat hare plenty of t.
.tarf with money MB do w«<
Hu you tliink the waul ot
ryaad the coBlitim of th-limra haa
had auythlni* to.downh the.d
1 Itomo”
-eruiaiv It baa. My


nu>rtyay»l iatlrUedneea. con
trnrto.1 yi
better, and -they capecUal to cancel
wbea due. Hut limi-a karc
lor tbr wiirac. farm pnatiicta haw fall
e« in pribr, a alrlayi-al money mai
la on., taira hlKh. intrreal ratoa ren
dilemma Hie
farmer finda hlmarlf uoabir-to pay hk
rbla-i ' .
You may aay. ■ U'bat taa ibiatodo
with nwioriny fertility
irrr Ibal It hB mucii toddwitb
it.' tVr^lll'aqppoac you do BM .
dollar land aunfo do noli. tViib
enl ■'ondilluna are you nol oldlyi->) to
1^1 Boiiie Wiau- liyariBftin ontrr
tbr debUir and civdlt sccounU
at tbr end of the year "
Hutii'.v Hint ahouhl y-i e Mm farm
•IpaHy to
rtaBt*cr aad lor laacs.

- Mr. Bobau aad Woiw^tloa
be liaited Htatea. Ibeae d
Hr. Uukan. tbr repoUkaa aoBlaee
1 not be made belter by aaj
for elce peeaidniL
b(ada:nadnlaa{iiaitkerDU naerre
with Ibe amtlBwat of hb party, wbkb tbat Bl(bl W paBeJHtbalrMary; aadepnaaiOB (a baai] coayraB pans nay Uw t
btbe aebtlBrol now of pretty Boefa
MKi BO elodar of laeloriaa aa4 bIIU;
il occBiml focrira Mtlou ,to take
the whole eoBDtry. thal wbat
■b aarfaltofldianaDi iobard U
ibea at aaftblaf more than bolUoa
ar«l Jual BOW Ir protrrUon I
. Ub
tire trada policy, not ibe
one laterBla ik»i i>nker«*. la replylay raloe?
. faner naaallaa that troaMai aa no<
IVooid the FBtom pr^lr be BtlaBed If a law waa pnaaed wbk b K»>‘'
that tbe (unrumral aboairi boy‘
A nWakaa idea pieralb toaoap
oHr. HobartBld:~
'«Mt Ibal tba repoUkaa ptaUorai
lamBraly coarlaeod tbat what we allrer at lla talllcw (aloe aad oulo it at
mtiuof 1C to 17 ikdoB that pot an
(hnataa to raUra tba •>».«»■<'<» ol need moat of al I to rrinore the bBlaew
panlyab that aRllato tbb ruandry I. end to tbe acbeme which lUrar fell.m»
dTrar aow ia dnalalkm. aa well aa
tba lerVtmUoo of a policy whirta, while
ffMbnaka. It 4om aothkar of- tbr
Hot anple rerenar tojaBl Ox are Byhllny for, to hare the (oreraltad.bBtdlreeUrtbaon«>llk. I3r<^
we of tbe .jareipBetiC wlU rr | Brat duaalr tuny ecau w<>rtl> of i»wi
tobeadded totkelrality vdau worth
dollarof aUeB.allrar aertideaUa and
a fart ibat .v»u .rfb-u titm*
.rf allrer?
Ow old I........ bank b to ba rrlabiad and
draire d lew bmJieia of clorer need. >n '
..___(ood «ra(Mla boaastddlara.____
Thirdly. If tbeae mra are ao aaaimia
HUup to your on-lmr>i. repaka oa
UiU can ooly eoBeiinder a Uriff wbi. b
will bold tbr ialrrob of oar owa pro
iUlnya. wind mill, or iuipnwwl alfKh
pla pB'xooool la our pnl itlcat and rua
«. why did tbeyt-iy,
btba danocrat party
• blod. and I fnlybt mid. criw
awrcUl ayalrma. Tbr oppaalir i»Ury -Htop. Ibiet." after NeBabr jobo
feaa locoeiraot tbaeonaBey
r anil of chttiiea. bat an* obliyrd
Vhidi duooararea A^^o eab-r
•aaa wbea he aerured tbe pamnye
•na.m.oao af cold traa tbrcb
nlllaaljw Mdlaai of tba eoaebT'
luauri.w. Iwt berbawyour ntuury

Wm l^ rtAuT

Yaa. and Mo.
It b aa lndb|>ataWo. tbnorb rarr
aartoua. tael tbat tba BKiat Molor

lUe. from abnad wbirb'w.
luvrat bo
aou '

aa oaa woold hare aapertad, a

tbf^'^cUin. ________________ _
Ike ability of tbr paople
«M«t tbeni,
ba policy 'whkk moil Bod Ita eblef
popalaritr elacwbrre tbaa asoor Aai

Ho. HIM tba MeKialar ProtaeUre
Ibrur an. la tarwn bare Imt
•RUK.tN ia tbr aBBoal ralar of
•vlr Uea aloek and rw.Kl.aTu la ibe
bBaaalralaaod tbalrfana orofa Aa
« of «l,m.Ul.4T3 la
w ol farm fmdocta b likely to


Y^ Oaaae lb|ared
Tba BbaalJi ftrmly belbra tbat tbe
Meoeatra oltbalraeaad aaraatr
■tU^i of ibe world** allrer at
Klato «f tbe Ualtad Hlatea are tbr

•iWbailoBetl. llbaotallrer BO
aaBriillliB tbe ocmatry wmala. It b
- MBetelIbB. TMtbwHlU* people
loald tbe policy ot
iHicaco laat week, prarmll. Ibe imi
blBctaltli.iiid thi aery beat iaterrat'
' •( dirar aa a pan of oar Booey aya;
IbaHaaALablooArBafrbod ot altaar ao* to rnba iu rowe ia BraBi
Tbara ara KUUoa* la IL
Whera wlU tba tllrar mn grt Ibe
Baaey Id raa tbelr eaitfpaica b a
IbB wbbh b aakrd by tBaay tboa(btBaaaywill brapaotbylbrdlrB-BloBa.wbokBDW prrfarlly WBlI ttaal tbe
awctBr ol tbe deBocBt* at tbe polla te
MaeaBbur aroald awaa tbr doabllKt »>

Praa Bilrar. 16 in 1.
VOBB k>rarloo« IwinlrleaB to tbe
«alB( ot 'ln^ allrer coinace. Kto
we print tbr riplaoatioe:
■Itmtanrla practW that in oaaeee
allrer abooM be beld B -worth a*
KhaaoBooaeeorrold. Iiaebeace
of (old. AiBBrIraB onia ataodard ol
bauu parte of pure (old
to lou of aUoy~wlU octa ia (old dollarrtla.ei. blxle>ea Mneratd allrer.
•taodird of. flneaear—
tbat la. ww pnrtaof parr allrer to lo»
alkiy.attbe rateoMl?', rrmina v
tbr dollar ilbe wrIfbK
alaadard allrer dollart—>
—wllteola fla iti
la alleee doHara..
allr^ eaa be bouffat la tbe BarkeU of
tow world kHtoy for Km.
'm be a pros I of (H. AC oe
tof KM. belay aboaiar'
a bolder of. allrer 'eeold
lake^lt to the Bint ib1 coIb It wHboot
Tdolte Tbe ad*.
rnlm of free oolaace faror a law that
will allow any bolder of allrer balUda
-Of. iaUcl.|rilVerof*By bind (aa tbr
tatter cna rmaftly be cartled tatu bnn>
lo hare tbe riirtit to lake tbr bbw to
Blat of tbr railed Statea and aonIt tato^lrer eoibfrerof ritoiye.
eruy lo are tbat If tbla were done
oald not be looy. wUb free coinare- before tbe ceualry woold be I
^ with aHreneolaa. aad tbr eery larye
prodl to Ibe c^ra of allrer mlof
woeld qakkly atari to work bIwbi
pnaeat bHe. to tbr iBBeaae adraatac

taralo tbr dwaoermt BBpaira luad.
Tbe Democrat PlaUonn.
aad tbr Hoataaa and Mrrada aiaert
Tbe deaoermt plalfcrm wac ndc
ara aapectad to do at laaat a* well. bya role of «sa to tol. Tbe a
Tbay <riU (ais tnaaf bIIUob by drB- plaak la fall to aa lollowa;
BBBt ricpiB, and wlU aoiba iBtb to
. .1>1B( that ..
________ _
lapaminoeBltoaHoUimal ti^biti
ataad tbrir abara oMba aapasB
we larlte attentloe to tbe fart tbat
, metaU ..
and that the ^nt
___ _____ __
BaUtatiaa made tbr aUree dollar
owlaryBBii and admitted wold
toftoe eriaare at aralio bnewt apoa
leer dollar ealt. We decJair that

• jA

' They Bad a Uoo.1 Tune
raverae l l^ waa well re|Wi.l
Id f<^an pr,wperity of the ,(rridillq™i . Waae.
aOa] eflurt la tbe way of prvpnea.

to aixtoea thuotapd riaitom. Of uA
ibre Ckdlllac nmlrltaled about
Bru kuadred and al»<wl erery Tillayr
Mr county coalrltaled io
piiqioftiM. ’Tbr Trarrrae tSty inerchanto and boaineae men bad eaterud
rtily, Into al! the detalU of rn>para
and tbr ytoat trade diaplay mndr
a iBtor* wbkhlBdiaatat lbair Intrreat aad ppniripBtloB. The day waa
' wltheTMta
to pleoc all aerU aad devrera of praplr
•d all were pleBed. Tbe ralkoada
ad erldcmuy aoi aaUeiKtrtl « I
tbrooy to haadir aad did aoi
' «aUI aboat (oar o'clock Uanday
alay. Tb^ bml eipeetod to reach
e aboat oDen'cloek. Ilowerertbla
Bolaahof ibeTrarcWiCity eelcbrntloa and thatereDl wit] probably
be known fur mnay cumiay yean
OQC ofibclaryratandntBt ----------Poartb of Jaly eelebraUona

d -Mix, HI1UI<.K
11*1 IMi», l>

AUA' axi» Exteuxally.

.S' 4<f fir/ Mirrrfrio i-errlitt ttf HO rfa.





.1 teylalato f.

My draire latoyir^l tbr ivaai>e« for
lor Ud>>i.d>li.Hi of m.iuc of
nr tarsa. and wr nllarr all-vle.1 mor.
Tk cnneludloy. Um let na plow io
aBch^yreen rcnpaa. will ra«»l adcoeaa
tally yruw mi oar tarma. clorrr aa a
Ural poealbillly and ryr aa neat bnt
and if we Bn afford I-dfi ao. eaprri
t with aomc Ilf the Dew planie like
l(a. tetohor lupim-. aad not ii^ u.
work mprr laad ttaa we caa cnillvalc

For Sale.


Nervous IVostrafion
CweA »y Dr. MUea' Nervtfe-

these are good
properties and centrally located.

and potaalr. Britof toupeaceca^^-Ttl

Nf2?y.fc,'" x.-s.srtiL.r.Ts,

^150 Lots in Oak Heights,

ra to tbe Blau ready not amjr aa-ABerkma. tat aaU'ABeri-: W dkd aaed tor paetare^and aeB dear
ante tab) (Old. How eaaaaAIttefaefaateaiedaalbellall- la order to (>ee tbe ataa^ room a
pom thb eoold laaU
roe bide llBtt away.
»T- nmiad to teaaBte BklahweaBr

I 'f ii' ■

T/te CjjcUnfs Nt'ccffnihf.

IcyamlnoB pUato. or plaato tbat
draw tbelr aaatenance laryeJy from tbr
air. each aa
lodliwn reauU. h abrn tbr faean k
alfalfa, etc., etc. There with plenty
•d. rhkaaalk'Caw.dllH'ber.K.
pdrebaae tbeB wilt put
f. Burfaee. t'iaa Km. IHch..«aa uHici
oar (arau la a euadijiuo to (row .ropa. aader date aC Feb. M
toaadxton df.maify aab: ataacca and k diffrroal in oar locally
om that fuand In another.
WctaTreeTecalbindaor aoir which
« wUI deeipaale aa aandy. loamy,',
clayey and peaty. ItiatbcBody and
yrnrel loam tbat moat demanda oar atItatloa.
It will be reBembrroJ that tbe prinreqoired

knowlcdceoe appromt of
-------------’ ■--- rcealted la
yean, tat la tbeae yeanof diaotb aad
,,_____ r la tbe I tee of ec
dBBBd the frB aad aarratrictad aola- BoditiM prndared by 0 r pe^c;
a«a ef ailrereeabaabof la of
beery iacrenae In tbr tan______ ______ midat of aeloterfasiaeand It ceama
tolofr>l^ Thb woold let la tbr aU- iiun aad ot all debta. pnbllc ata prl- lo be yeaernl o««r the alato; wbat tte
aar ad tU wbala world at-olalaly free.
ahail we reaort to B a anlatouite?
aBd(frtBBrapa.Aaia,MrriBaod tbe
■an plaat tbaf will
■oatb ABMriaaalalBlbrtraraad aa
Wenre aBaltomSyoppcaed totoono
wkkh taa iuclmd fayt tbe
lathe enrir
inyarnd while deartoy the land, aoaua
iMtaJItoni laaKritoah priky and lu
for BMce eboap alirrr, adteioa bB bnB(bi other natkiB la-

-----Krr. ..


The be^ reason in the world why.
some things scU so well is because they
are good. That is one reason for the
great sales of “BATTLE AX.”
But good quality is only half the story,
lire other hall istlK ^ze of a 5 cent piece.
It is as big alrao^ as a 10 cent piece of
other and poorer kinds..
Facts are facts. You can buy and see for
yourself. Five cents isn't mu^ to invest.

A Pomona Otwayu Paper.

tba ooeauy fraaUy adadt Ub. it b
BMiaB. tbaa. aad tbr (TaatBlfadly,
apeak of blBrialUaB m a fBtare


STOPl Yoh h>« rtm up AgAtoit a Good Thlny.*

I---- ------------- tcfttoia

^W'f ■
public eprakinc mawd
l^te’tao kutlBCf Pe Kike' Neu naan
Oare tiw my amrt uoald*. aad two at fW.


mprtydld.aad I haea yoa tolhaakibatl'
amabeelodayOa Btr by all dtuokB. Dr.Mlta-Book
B Ute aad Krrroa. ftedrei FKB by
miOl. lw.IUtaHriaaHta.BUwM.tud.





,3mi Wton U»«wlk at Ik* BMtia


^ fcl. Ia}wti>.

> hoTi
>d M aca tor aavOTml horn.
a«aa aa« partof aa gnterd
nrm MarMIvIMiaitaBd Haekimc faUiaad Maaar .Uawocrf ba»
i*naiiti>Bwnklaad*Bad Iknaue to
____ __________________ d lad. waa badBetotaaapaatodtolira.
' Joba Pbiinpa waa tkrew^------------------bMpHeadarbXkvatltadAia br a
ta^ at dfaakaa M raaBlac iato
hlB, aad waa laUllr lijr^rad.

Ford Boeaa at llraat fall troa

ban that Ua raeoaaf? la doaMel

Id as Iraa Blue See
kUlc Crack.
arc bare bees takes
Wm Waed. Uet)« near Addtaoa. wi
rldiaf hla blcTcle darlac a Uaad
atorai wbaa a bolt tbnw bis fra
M^baal; be waa aaaeaartoaa to aoa
At Baatoa Harbor. Bdward Tabbe. a
aaraeater. feU tweal; feet from a aoaf
deltocTae^aftofaooe aad U ia a

Tbehoaaebadbaraofrraak ToapUk afOiiard.bQraed0BBda« alcfal.
nto ia tbeaeeaad lann llre that Hr.
baa kaSered wMila a few
AlHoa M.are'aowlar
tbatrro* latbebedaf
Ibe KalaaBaoo
la U •
Hear abere ttadty.^^T^ objta la^


_________________________doUan.' .TW

be araat tbe aartaat aaid a fellow
............................... toftri—ph
cMe iato hb etere aad taid bo wae r>taf to rate for tree eilrer. tor tbea be
ahall eatarlaiB aa* other eeerr
aoaU ceknl«ton> Hirer dollan bw oae
repeUk of Uewaii
PriBFertore tor the Beetoe
the Aeuricaa^reeHci___________________
UUaeae, eehed la a ita eelebratloa
partctlt. Tfcaec
tonUj wbi^ farearpeBed

^la*?t.S^ref^todo tta jy.
-------- of the kind held there. A
Barked feetore off Um event waa Um
JcMBliliatk>a.afClalUatala. Btaaeh
parUriBaUoe of Bsnv aaUve lUt
1. 4be wtU-kaowa,
Ock. killed a paMUiar eaake faeratl;
aa> aad the ffeeeral Meadlf dto
wba bae beta
thalaHaaand|kreaaB4abal( faai la MiebIffbD :
dbplapcd bp Um aaUrev duriar
.1 Eata deriar
l«urU>. aad aix facta la ftrtfa.
Nw dririaff taet
the paet aia _
Iti tail waa a law-abata >■>
_______________ wbk
Tbrewaner Uorir arrived ffOB VoaeBeftbeberToroelbc
klar ttka Um ea of a lat«a ta
peon a pita booa to Bbter lak>
eow. atUMUBcAfUM----------------------- will prove
eoaaell at Plaekaep baa a ,
Jaae yUi "1^ti*mvir^y*tK"lVl‘' of
rarfM odlaaBw. aad aflar It KV* Ibecar. TlewlBf Um alaaffbter tbroivb with Bear CbkafD people, who cane life
the ffVfOl tklel
ia ikraa waaka, Alldna a arldfftafKiBaniUoBaa. top of aoBaallF dartaff the ta Bootbe.

M Bca at IS saat be la tbair
belieVfd to hr far below
w Um Bar
taatva-clodi.. Duriat Um wtawr half a bUc dbtaat.
tkbl wave wae elfffaly fvt Ini . .
lhatlMUatraUlbe7:SU^Chlcaco'a arw lalrt taaael. which and Bwepi laleaJ a divuncr of two and
Fara tblerea Is Berrieo e
■e eoBpheted re
' '
a half oiilMf alnpff f0» Bill
^:.u«>.uw catlcM a
IBta froB barae b; the w^._
TluiBvaaidv of berea' of land
eellan aad oan7 off barrela •
A poor .rS?,
Baaot.'iL Joseph. Ho., baa
tb.atberda,UMtodl-fo,.d faUea
pub, aL_______________
aad hill aad dreB eatUe In U
beir to a forteoeof fiite.iurleft llaateof
kelde. learlar tbelr kl
frrliiff feon faminr.
•ite. The;
Tkbp killed lb and rtpplaff It byjto oaele hi^ la the bt. Look torboobaeerideaoeof the
John Uontaffee » in priaon
'raad to'aaall aaakr- ■A ladF iBrber laa raeiiad a a
- .Kemlaa.1‘
ba vere
.............. wblcfashowed adbp
HIb Edith CoUlrala UteCirl of ibr be.
HrBlerbaB »ad~ jll a|«. a|
fifftau The W( eaake wae <
Sbeb ar-««-W" brlreBaeo _________ —................_ unir^-seur «»Br
and 10 lackeeia elfcaafertate
«^ha ta ^ «>K,uOUiaS ber whole daps a^ he euaoesly eoapiaioi
beinff IS ffrewt (ciic. and •l.vlared
JdiB U. FlaBer. ItTlBff
her batbe bad swallowed h;s I
m ..Idtoplow.
haad belBf killad la a'nJIwap wreck.
Caraue Cltj itcoofd. aad ae be pU>e
tbrrrv creek.
ykldotepaafoltowa; l.
^ aaclent ffoa berrel. old aad nu»eav
He. X. V.
l09r.Jlael. two iaebre Inoff. wb*
A Clikaffo A Kortbets IbrlBr traiii
tibe tboeffhl It looked too rood to brea r^aipped witb a filet lock
aa vn^ed at Weldbelis. la. lee?
sell tor ran, took it baek ia tfar bnoM
.1 petterei. and tbratoek ha» eaaad foood a tlo bUI Inowof the puck- teadrd Um wbcdr lenfftb of the barrel.
Kooie bnBaa faoace
so Indian nr- jnrod.
.Adriees from llaraaa state I
row bend were aleoaaearUieiS
prevails la tbe .spaalsb ar
cieBcnt YooBfar.of Hariactte.tVIn.
iMto Hondav aftonooa as affed and was about a pear affo wrah-bed.
luence of Uie terrible taivensr o'
.tobed. bj
• a
well known fanner llrlaff tar Skjbro be waa tBinf to catch.
tovra eaSM to tbc vUlaffc of tafirld to, paralnb troB blood pobooinc fullpw
ttinuted that fully forty p
Ibrp bare
bare bb ane dieeeed. br bnrlaff beea lowr^> A few ’dara affo hr aUffhlJ;
be caee* prove fatal.
Ia x
ped^offT le adfilliae to Utelr r.«alar tbrawa Iraa a horse br vrsa iWtar and
hart the parairnd am and died.
1. Linarc *m sim kWoodbarp. COnn;. baa withia iU liicWalter C
I BeBsettaad
bb If-pearMdrapairvd u(.
• a Ban who baa livid la oar 1
^^;?'toot lo^. and lua
old daochtor
lilaaebr were baadllM a ________
reolleriv ii
rorolrereoppoeed tobeBalciadefl: wbeo ^nlte deep, bat no tadboa or Is^ arIt the
llaoctdootolleweatoff. Ur. Heoeett'e tcr-iee wrtv aevered. aad fatal reaalta idrnt---------------------------------is a^ rurp *rri-io* all aloae
Icadta eveoto of the teat
fiaffer* were
badlj Btiifflcd.
The lit- ate BOt.fBred.



> irlrl iWBlrad aballet In the-ta.
TbelltUeoac-paartoMaonof Erneat
lie will prabaUp recover.
ftaBla. of Babhard. waapUpinraroand
a fire bellt oot la the pard................
pard to boil poB..
A tirasd Traverse ooestp Udp
tore (or plffv
wbee hboloUiB eauffbt
____; fire bad before
potout bad
i. wrlHea to her bv bei
to that be died
be waa In the fidd dariaff abe I bnrwd bb litUe body ao
bile froa bb lajoriea.
Bb (atber aad
OaeofthcB Waa writtoi'Wblle
were oet In the field at work at
nriH teUaia BtafiUwork asUmr
>r aad the eblld waa
left to the
K death evei7 nlaato.
Hearp laffbaB. Uie faaUn( care of aa Oldrr child.' HainaiE Bored
____A of IbtUe Creek. oo.Hoadap en­ from Detroit to Uabbard arvrral.pearl




the lowmt Bier
brlBfa but aueeala a barval.________
A Duwaiiat naa baa laeoatod a lai^ aalt-UMto Tbepaekaire bvalta
and to eaU for
b^ bMMT wbta Itb Halaed. adTa
poud* of fine alt.
In Itto tba
averafiv price raeelvod (or Hicblfan

ta.wW aowtaet a Wble ImUMU.

- P. S HllebsU.CBaef BaUla Ctafcb
a if and**
t oae nlffbt rceatlp.'lt____ _ _
ahtobaHasaanaaL. btotollfbllBd. Ua
■■raUboW~ U Um wael. It waa
______ iplete areh aad from M to to deMBsp Iniwlafi b<
ffiwalabelffbl. Theeolon werebauUfnl. bet aofier tta the dapUae raUbow. A llUle raU vraa tatUaff'-at the
« At Qrand BapUa. liiiaa Radren
tbevicUmofapeealUraoeldeBt T —
wUeh eoBtolaad dap BOOB. Be waa BBloadiac eoal at
the street allwap power boose, wba
A larte abaU of aona prehbutto aal- a brick dropped froB Um ddaaep. IW
■al waa dac sp la Bakeriowa awaap, feet above bb bod. aad atrackfalB la
Btntaaotap. Tbaakall b remark-

niima kaoclaafai
Hariad op aad a wranrtt ires »
tand thraniA kb tad. Uewaaks^
bUbpoatUoatoraa konr before be-

HM hMhaderbhariBff It. aad oanp
brow a Batch, afInto tba Uooatrep
~lie raaelt
• all


V* .***** >y

noaiUp tbrawa is traal________
aad both lafatrattnra^amredbetmeea Um kaaeand aeta The toft
, taKwraampal^.
The bop lin le a
TW. 4e ^



____ ... .. -B raeldeBBr Baterdap
ar nod waa toond Ivlaff oo the
d tad. UbthoBfbt ber naek
wm tabm. allhoaffb abe map ba*s
rvaak dwaet. acad U. wae taaled
oa a otiehtok ^t miln a^ of
Hnoadandap. Be Jaaped from a load

•i atnalll. tacladlaff Hr. U-_.





the atm of Um

lar^ ever kaon The eBreflp, ^ aarsperito
kelp to rather the crap baa cnawd
idbd> olbatbebtoheWtso tSr

Mltbi. j

rebabenij nop «ff!

r ordlaarp llae ia Ub ____
ere baa orchard PBrOterco w1
prodecloff rrsitthbpearenid to
aaffTvslansampae the Callforab t^TT'T..":------------articld. altboeffh no. q.lto nrlLffe.

bend to the.




. _________


KotwiUutnadlar the fart that the
Bsrkel price r'f'polatoB ll
.to fifteen eeaia per I
iffe ia that le«ion thb
li^to potato raliareb larffer

. Uod. aadtbei
aad throreaanauwrrrnBtUatJFi
removlnf tot
_ .
Afue aboat everr kind of
, to he muaiMeative erwn. rallwe
Thb prove
,,erv7 ‘bat thb erstwhile valuel
rrndt cuaiinff
* .u> iw.. atrered wab fi-.aeii
b bard and will

averaffe *1 pisuads
Um borfH-l. I_______
vaarh daBaffe. bet fft
awav froD Uir
Uie twet
Iwat what
dlslricU lA voidee
pbid of l« to'lSbaabeUlsrrp.Mtesi;
arffiCQllsral r


w amveCtiBBtottia

Iff WiU

‘Si CTb*^—

tered apeo the one bnadrefi aad forti­
eth dap of bee baW t'bpaidpna now
A Cornmna at wbo rroe
believe abe erill lire toreneaeher
her oflvpriDff baa foood an
BertaalafSudapa The hat b
pathlier in « Inrffe. bine
■tar Htcaataf. Hobtob. Ca.. baraed r.anllofaphFH(BlaB pbpalim] afmeUoB.
VrMaj alcbt witb all of tbla yaar’a
r. the tea-pcar-old eoe of K
edofa. TV tawaaheary: laeat--*of Kewapffo. vraadrowBod v
s Ihe^foakafioa river with .
eloe by and nllowa
f ocBpaBtaa. Tbr BnlortBta* oltaST^*
fm ^ ante bo* waded eat bepood bb depth DOihlBff to dUtnrt lier slumber. Hr b

ead a»)d BoVawkpad bb.^-----------‘
iooa were oaable \e reader' I
out of bis aiffbL
for the eaBr reaaoa.
At nut tiM k-ToaraU daafhtar at
d Hand Kapid* at r
.............. ...........................
Mr. aad Urt. Wm. HoClaed fell iato a
birth to .traafrtrtplrto.
ioodward * Urm. about-four bHb
are tri eoiurvxl, b*vr three irffs ia front,
wat of All
three rpm. and. to arrp mil tbc lriei'
tai bx the bwnli
'> all end id sort of triaod ar■eal-pralac.
io be rich la Um pr
Orta Omabee. a roaair aaa of tt kma metal.
__ . ___________ ive alto b
Tbe third epr b In the m
jaart wae drowsed at 'rroot creek. ____ .. taaloff aod Ana Arbor to
die of Um (orvbod and tbr idffht l>
OataaBoBeoeBtf. laatwrak. Hr tried amaped.
ffimd a* Uia| of the other twa 1
uavelinc rireaa nebednled t
U-vlia an- prrfrctip (••
>l Albion broke up in ’■------Uoarf laat ■ufi and fflnaap add tbe
The ta. Jebs KUafer. wbe laerattvfiacd. welltbrednir.
It died at Asa Arbor. aarredaeaBWI'ickiBff hueklrberrtoe would
f. and bnUll at Inrffe.
larffe. Not a
plekc* baa aeoured
owd the price. mild amia
I HclUlB. thliUi* utb'erwL..
of kerrim baaadra
1 thr pine DUior cMt of Uirre
_At WiBlolit. tba ar^ worm ta
•atod ,fi
Ad ep-tcMUte ben at the dlvldleff hnntrd for bin aB?l*tak. and then
arboit oatn a^ eOTwna. nt n '
line between tane and Kollo townirainff to Ur vilUffe
____ .. apreod
____ tbr
apd fieUa thraarboattha aMrUna
ahipa, Leaawee oouatp. baa adopted
id thr
rm. A pnwh of >1 nMB aeoared
■a with the paatn
Um- double ataadard of eoiaan sad
WM not ubUI
- I a paritp wiUoot Unilaff
liDff Um bop WM
nil riffbl eicept
dap and oe the tolUwiBff dap she Upa
rip of the cold.
loffflaa. Uefirad OM nil polk.
-------------------------- plackp whoolBB'aB
’ A Brown eoBBtp driver wbe had an 1b Ur privio of Anffellne brnnll. While
____ that
rtau _______
oa tbr baUluff iB Orpslnl lake fa
L farmor aaBod Plabta. sear Doff- Ida
ffol twpood
Mt. taad twalTB of Ifb atUd daad is taad tan oae lain a dltefi asd «ba brother and a litl
• NmnllcvraBost and
StafiTbarBlv aoraiaff. Saar Umb Unctied athlB. Tbeepclbi bad.tbc their depU.
brooffbt '>er brother In on her back.
araaaolt Ibk.U whiSwaa fonoda
I fflrl had sank Urce time*,
HmaUurolpariavra**roBaaheT that othera have a riffhi to and K'hee SB oldrr bop went to her ranDr. V. C Vaavba. dean of
theUrtawaresr she clutclird him mruuod the neck
-■------- --------1 <U the nal<
BO llffbUp that UiUi wrrr oarip
HIb tar Lee Forrer,
Mb* Small. aorlBff their
tbr veil aa ocm e( the uroward.
fiiHoa bi Mew Yorir eitp that wonld wUI BOOB taka thrveriaa
m of New York.
She danffcr. affainavraa out and broaffht
the fflrl Mfelp back.
b aboaUfalpoaaf lad
At OoBd Laden. Barn Ualbart. »- rradau of the b|ffb
>ol and a
saw .lake, in Fredon I*, b i
fMiraUwBof ABoaVklberla proal- daaffaur bf awollbp Bcretat, but
naureof itssl
MWt Mtm. waa draWBOd UaUrdap
sUp WillUm ElU drove hb
__________ ________ aUilBff la Ui
Uc Uke snd turned Umb I____
at. BaffOtbepoBdbbftopth.
p y picked hnekleberrie*. Cra^
Tbep have
r U >11 I
IU tooth ealobaliaa of B*aenUaa IliUaadaBd
what It i
lUta iMinia.bat so on. .. ta Uke to dridk and dlopp
Kefore KtU could atob the
vrillUfftobetaBTodda. It waa fonad aifht.
an wnnbtcMd to with (laat IpiBf bp Ibe raadaide abont loarteen otW bone it followed Ue track* of lU
at bp aa laaw«aa crowd. '
and oak out of Hrbt.
BllM Iraa Iowa, aad ao far po oae baa
boaabUto make it andeWtond anp- ____ Jed for Ue boraa wiU iwrntptwo-foot pola Usbed UffeUer. but.
Inc or apeak tor itsalf.




iT.r«S...._ ...


a.*^isltitwa Bif Um rf 1

iardeBia kard^%oU ea la BavaM. to

- ibarkbacew

paoMS have hero slrickre. Uea. .
Tberr will be a ffraad )ollificatioB at
nbrr of
Macbba. Hr., wbea tbefiral railroad
ba'lato town thb fall. There arv ordered thr rrectiua of arw buspiu
--- ada of pri^le. old aod ponnff. ■II aloBffU* trurhaaad will »rod
*md to 4
down there who bare arrer aero a lo bpaia fur
eoaoUre'and havh a vaffue Ida I'f
. llulffraa. yaij dtbnr placa in |
what a railroad tain look* Ilka.
CMtera t uba tnc (rrrr is raffiac wiU 4
virulence aad A I* spreadiu
Mr*. KnUeriBC <i. Uced.’
From UaU
)a*tdMal SblerTllle. W. V*
ofiy It is Mid tbv moruUtp UaU>ai
pan Bffo, ker'oalp pos.isniiin h
farm looked upon M worUlea . - — s'lstyperceol aail iv-k brcuouaff iimi
fouod on it. and when >br dle.1 i-ullto baryUedead^ Tbr brapiUls
*he WM worU upward of Sl.«Ai.i«>.
very day UAt Loffan. is., a lenriMe bad-end errased
ito du-r* wencotlbloa occurred tialardap evenin^on bruaffbt iff fraa
del ilio prori
Ue Cbioffu A NorUwi . .
L'nioB 1‘Bcific I'ioaeer eju-arsloa train
to tbe Nrw York lleral-l
juM palled oot to rel
when Xa Sr. fast (relffk
Ur ktpff aod uunistor of ma
taahnrpcurTe.and brforeeiltaer train
T.or eader Trieoupip. ha* asked tbe
bould stop, crashed V
■CTca people were killed ont^bt and Herald to ekfin-ss the «1*h of all
lireeks that Ur I'oit-sl Siatoa ffiivrrn
arrionslp iolu^.
mrulsead a ship -ay tbr >av Franci*.
CatUc aredyinffof stamUoa In all uo—toald Ur sUrriut- fuffitira. womdltatiao* oo thr raaffa of ArUuaa, ra and .-bilSrea .TNris- are Vi>p> at
tSi lack of feed brUff dae to failure of liuBiaaed T.‘s>i at I'olut I'UU Tbi
i™_ .. In the Ver-r wom/a are ,au wakraml by rsposuc*
... from FIsffBUfr. a
aad lack of Ibud that tbep eaa ru'.lieiff.
rd iaUe Skull Vail
alley rr anekir Urjr cbildrea. wbu arr d.i iaff
raaffna. whets Ue aaim
imal* aradyinr bp the bimdred*.. M. h-siuluodi "ssys
rasaod*. Id Ur Utter reffh* that ABirrieSBs arr tbe only peupie
i* reported to be eallrely whuwaanul b>- suspected of harlaff any
Ue loM will be aapreoedent- ulterior-iBiitires, Uerefuro the only
people wh.1. ran uadrrtakr this
It rte.lJliff
■ni;' It iu*y hr
vralina held at WMhinfftoa last week Jalousy aad di-*ffrremeal
cloned Moadny niffhl- Thcrr wrn- orrr alleil to mind that In 1
aa.l ehllSii ■•■nTblliarilcleffBlraogtsidi- the city. Farraffnt look off the as.ii
' liaff promiarnl miai.trrs of all
tirwa^ WM aeerrury of sb
iati^M and' fs,m ail 'couatrU v
atbe^ was rainy neerip all tfar
Mr. tlarrU. Ue
at limsiaolimi
«p:r -‘'boB «e
aod Ur B.Mlinff was oae of
Amerivaos naderuke
ever held- The cuavcallun ol
be held la ta Francisco it atbfactofp Itp wr dtin'l ask thr adrii-i- of auyimr
Deputy Jh-ouIuu
‘ “
on betaadc wlU Ue railroad*.
Ur must peculiar vb<»Uaff piraredyioff 01
ecord ucr-Brrrd in Xcw Y-wk rer of drath or


urUa aid.';

fur euiapanT shut falniscU by
talrd artridffi
only shut blmsrl
shop ffirl who was
pamlpff on her way to work
It is sup
pUBcd that Ue animal, while aoslnff in
vl. ff»l a artridffe la his
beffau to chew il.
Thicarlnilffr ezptodcd In bbioiiuU. Thr
, was dlicfarffnl fiew ai-ruai:
____ tram tba a*l,mars munU.
wkicied pemerl a msa's hrad and wynt
thruuffb UebsnouBsIceretif a badly
frlphteoed fflrl.

Fruit mad Fai
Manelisvtrr. ffn
dmlropesl Urffe
the TiclDil.F.

< hay

Several hundrad bops and fflrls fiad
cmpiopmenl in Ur harry imtulim in
tbc viciaily of Spring iMkr.

TUv Atlriaa emaainc (aetorirs—(our
I Urm—have affn-ed to curtail preducUoo toaboutbaitvl last *a*im>
-Aa army of ffn
is .dolBff
BBcb Aamaffr to
Mr*. Manraret Norton, of Mlrbiffan WabrW. Cass cu UBU.
City. la-1. havluuBdlB James lesrk- will br raiacd.
woud. of lUrlford. Mi.-h . a krutbrr
Dariaff Uc liinjr^tamfr
»miim (rait _
rra in Ur Immrdialc rifinitp of I'lduma
Tbc hnither I
save received aa averaffe c
Iter as deail. (hoa|
dap for ibrir abipBrnta
-iBff aeparated.
Uapiaff is about fipisbed
Fffort to solve tbe mystery
' .r. Hayisalh-ii
WlUin Up pMt Urrr dap* . _. Ueir rapeutive whcrabuuU. Dariaff
oo baff* and ffrasaboi'pen, an
years of Ueir sepaUli-D they
tleribBer fell from n cbvrrp tree and
urk in potato aad ffraio BHils. ^
-------------S.. ....
brake bb cotUr bone. I<rrop Wpeboff
Wild Icuaee and other aosioas.wecd*
. to Mirhifaa
WM bittem bp m ralUrannke and Harp
........... ................... j-raided. bat t... grow in sBch profusion (a Marvellur
Drnab fril from ao apple tree ud
doorpanlt Ual Uec-ommiHi conacil ha»
t arm. ‘ Edas’’firown ran n lettora were reloreeil M aaallaa (or. ordered Ue iwidenta to deatriip
Irue writtee bv boU -taUer
anil Urouffh
•ffh ber fool. Hr. Bulb
Bulberf* aad M Iruers
bofsa ran awap: wife. efaUA and hat­
'Ae ox-cyr daisy, which boUcrv
band were apart vriU. thr orrUffr aad ____ to moarn each otber mI i
Ameriao farmer*, i* no* sp’eadioff la
Tbii week Lockwood iosUtoted ai
le-BanaU of two pi
masy affncultural district* i» Austraer armreb: Fate dlrw-ted bim to 'il
OKffB wita tbrp wrrt takUff to
ia. brlDff iotrodnerd wiU kapsrrd. it
iffma air. when tbe ban>y reanU
ffracTBlIp known that WaabIrvlsr teufffal two farm* ia
________ oonntp. wlU UeiatoaUoaot
BiakUffhb home there. Thb dal waa
Tbe oUrr ira
_____ Tbe
___ ffTeat
vrrp a
falof hb
hralU mad
that affuc was prevalent ia Mlchlffan

and sold Ue farau. Tbe Sffue aeare
deprived MIcUffta of Uebooorof beiBff Ue boBe of ABrrtaa ffraiai
At Hlckaep. JasB ASIek. affed TS.
paaaed aaleilp awap at the home of bU
aba Tbaradar. while sUUaff ia a
_____ ____
Afdiek apto tSe tta of
theHrUtol atrrel bridpe, ovar*
bb doUx. WM hair wad beartj. aad
OM of the pkoean of UvUffstoa eeon- wbiU the atiral an ran. aod la a few
he old spider webanadd comtp, aotUinff ea a farm foer BlUa we^
of PMcaep, eearaUtp-five pom affo. basUble material made a wild IBTt of
'____ Three. bote
cOiapania respnodwbetobebaa
■Bd aaOMUe........................
M onlp aeiarmlblr pnUt to
aermoffira Uad
place WM aodrraaU. the
tallp plenffvd ia Uw river.
■U. hM ben rviBff
fire feet of watWi^ Cl
and tbfp«HU be
betsold Auff.
he pier soon bad the fiaaca
ttalSpBadta. . If ac
... tao Uta wVI be Bnb>A to_____
Luke, of Offdea. b the prood
atod aw aad prirato «aU after- pomeranl' of a prise bca. oae that
wanU. Ae nboee naBber of aerr* kaoeks aa .ineabator tlllp. hbe itole
are dar Iboatate andrathe swamp Uad away nad Bade her De*t in Ue fork*. *
n Urffe willow
................... ...
Um droBthU
the rroBod. Ue (oar prooff* maklnff-a
dtp that sail
lied well for a eeol. ’to
....... b aUitoinff. Not oolp b tbc tavp
frmUerep 'oadaBffarvd,’ bat praparip b Ub biffb sad dtp place she wrat to
Uirateaed bp toot fina. Nortboat settlar on l« effff*. aad a lew daps affo
afelp eame borne
home witb IS poadr ebiehebiekof Um dtp larasn have ffooe oot U afelv
toratoMtlbefira la the dtp firs- eaa Uonffh bow she aver ffot tbe Uulc
folks down to Ue ffroend Inm tbe
toflp pereb WiUoot brakl^. Ueir
dock. The amehe filUd tbc eastm aecb U n mpalerp.
gw^tbedtpawd aearip bUadsd the
For aaap re*-* tbe •■hoae-pard“
tbe Cbiemet * H«cU miae at fUlaan
tahoenffravriaraatilBOw iiamooBU
to abost rtkoon ton*, matlp la
______ , ________ a while ia batblac theis b nome andiaerp in it w
wUb aereral othea
He ww t-*--- hM raesrbeaBned. tiome Uau
erltb ecampa whUeerotafftbr |
aa <^<r wm mad* bp 'a rietrelt
:B> waadolaaddi
for th* wbole'Ulnff. bat U wm ref* .. .,
(tob FlUVaadaUc
BBd aawUeampBnpbM sold it lor
.bodp waeraeoveead after t
• to Hoff*lo panle*. It wOl
Bk* toeoftheUrffoldf Uke V
AlUfaa paopU wen liaafad to aa
eb>ettaan tUether dap wUeh will
vealtteaBore abtorealrriifiat of
the liaatF Uw U that elUaffa. A
arr lata iff th*Baup>, Hrl Foa
IMO a anas adtmhn 0<mb «mn ta

tab amdMtaltapsiiffikbai a

it possible at our present low cut prices, to re- z
duce our stock as we anticipated. Our object ^ ;
is to make room for need^ repairs in cpr z I
^ store. If yoii are in need of shoe we 'will be ^
pleased to mak$ you prices op good goods z
^ whether you purchase or not. 'W’e handle no ^
^ cheap, shoddy shoes, but -will make bottom Z
^ prices on good ones until after July 4th.


We are determined not to carry^ser any summer goods. ^60
Ken's Idght Weight Suits left-small lots, only a few sines In each lot.
which will, be closed at your own price, from 25 to 50 per cent leM
than, regular price. Great bargains in Children's and Boy's Bqjts.
Every Summer Suit in Hen’s, Boys' and Children's must be sold re-'
gardless of cost Great bargains in Hats. Caps, Pants and Furnishing
Oooda. Ton cannot afford to miss this opportunity to save money.


A Sootb Haven frail grower last .real•I oot aa acre of ffooarberrp boska
0 a MDilr curarr of bu {ana. and UU
.joran he Btarketod from them
eratra of berrie* at a art profit of I


crop of oeacha

Blip TMr knek U Uma-Why It A«ta
aM Ffilu. fififi Stir to Car* It
p. i. (-■ KM KV a ca. toMM. n.
trSZ^Hr I»rayra"f
The town of Kolirla. lb Ui pmrinre
of Oradiici. Bamia. wm boroed. Three
baadivd booam were datropvd SM

Popular Clothier, Hatter and Fumisber

Shoe Sale

Dn yoo know wbsi it l» to have a hack
U b never free from acta aad rtmslut
p da. * lofir bw±, a fate lack, so adiine
iisrk. U fact, s bark lh*l m*kt* your life
* iKirdat Whit b*ve you il-mr lot lit
Aod dm It ctiUkeep you thaa tbc haprriurvs tliai perfitTt boftbhriaffi toailr n’e
ka»a full well if *Dch b inuromdil
iVyhen wesay a sale we m*an tljat w-e are Koinc toscll goods advertised a^a BARGAIN,
■ rule for h will be * tdeadae pim
in ....
gowls lor a large orofit. but prefer
to. close—...
out eatire
doubt dcrire. Plater* meal
aoa*l dr\
do It. but;
uu. We don’t bcltcve
.... seasonalrk*
— ....
w- h

dtapor Id Ue sea every year.
oarTplBff down i;.oi*i bamaa brlac*
asd iavel«iBffal«ao(bbeol*IiMU.«na. . pwrtrf.‘h'ita
nnrsTy iron, n oom nrt
aoi wAitora'S.'
r*. Mi,....
______________________ „ the
.: fbim dtavderal kidarys.
nod a Baafarf of seciwt priaUag
a have bora seised. ~

isti^ck at a sacrifice-so as not to carry-any over.
i>vcr. We will make a Bfiecial t^.'o
fialc-'on Men's.
a««l Children's Tan Shoes, and al such prices that will tempt you in buyin«.



Look over this price list and see if it's not worth investigating;

■y h II a truly gral mrdirtn

' —

* »»*«'
ran Sboes.
now. -....... ^V.. iffo
L*dioo-Eueel* Calf Bboea. Tan. former price $2.75. now....... . l.ea

For tbe whole of Bffppt oa .-toUnUp
tbarv were tvparted tn- aew gum of
ebolera aad i:i daU*. several of I

------ f


124 Front Street.

''S loTn”SdrnroT.Triirp'rL4lS:

^ ^'^iU-bnwvteiiMtthc.eed.wmtoWDwbich LsgUes* Dark Tan Shoes, Lace, former price $2.50, now............................

Ladies' JoUette Tans, former price $i!b8, for.......
.......... ..
^Z’rei'ZSL'ZSii? MZSi r.lS?T sirs.
't; - Ladies’ T*n Oxfords, former price $1.60, now...................... 86 andkao
i'SiSS.La<Ues- ’Turned Tan Oxfords, all otylos, former price $1.76, noiri. 08c
_.nll poioto
of troope
trooffo at Aidanta WM >*<itad $ ffiot cxertiaa. Walking ra Ludies'fl'^e Freuch Eld Tuu Ozfords, foimer prico $2410, uow___
A raview
teview of
-Every yaenff Ji

________-*^ Mr. ».
wbobDOw laWMkl
fiia Tiaii


------------------ -r-a
get !pd^liKisses
Tan Oxfords, -t.msiaes to
12 to O2..
Mdlight tM.soU^worUi $1.76,now iio.
',SLS.iE’„13,Z;;BroltonlotOhUdron’eTan8hoo*,«i*oiOtd ll.wortb $l$e,now 78o


itatwratotoftaMeoMimH of good.-

Bale begiliB TO-DAY and prices WiU remain as they are nnta ftnthar



a«itWT> t RAVKRBE HEMW jiiirlo.: MoeWBUbMAbMaSyfL
WM eotad to
oa raeeltac the
1b* falkMac ballet of D
roada aad watka UU oat la the «mamm Uttt dMMmUe Chk^.pta^
Tbb willbeariMir MVnatotJnaaadnlBMtortnrappcri
to Ite
•ad rafiM to rtK rappori «
UckvCAvtla, To., tit

BalbneeT Baa.
BaSalo laqalrer.

IT to It.
oa Honbr
aadoe Tacaday llta !• eauw
Ho«a(ay tamed tbe baUaiT ter
UaaUm Hcnday. aad Bacpernaa
aooB Moaday aftor two dayi aad

W. p. Hanba to W. O. Cbapbril. I
4. Uk S. B/ U A Oo'am adi-«»L


Aktmt««t« .

•> •» -

‘**c-t «i3wSif3?otai5

4. KCOTTAifr.«»«-""»r

Ha** Ton SIMM D*I*«Mm?

•Mm to ftlMad tiM dlScrait o
■M bm *1««M. It wUl be Bn-t—iT
Ml *1 oMe to tba >
c Ml««UMde)e|talM
B to be bald
ialf M.
At thU e
dal^Maawm becbem k

dWemt ioaeaahlfB pUM* kak tU*
aMter op at ooeat S*arj to«eaahlp
- MMld b* tapraaeatad at lU* OMaty
. Tba eew law reqolraa
•aoTdtdafata aboan W
' lawaat a a»iorltr‘ ct a
dalM«t»>w »•* cbooa* •«

aatMittte taUTotcef Uw loaraablp.
Iba Baaaid> deaa aot like tbe law, a
H aboald be fraaUy B«liaed. aa
mta hardablp aad partMHW iajMtice
bat It b law aMI •
aatJI aaeb Uate aa It bm ba ebaaped by
An Etiaal Wow.
■Iba Datreit Kawa. eoauaaat
Hr. HoEialay-a autaoieat rt*aedii«


that oar
id be aa
aa aa; la
bw lu face be

h rdd. -mt



l^qnml with hla

ellar. after
yn haee ^Mmia^Vhat tbe dollar It
.**04aalla parebaalagaod debt-paylag
powertothedollarpaU to tbe gneeramat endltor.'- All on dollar* arr
wheawebaraeane to tree aad aailm■ItodndaageoraUTW. '
aaee tbapreaaat ayatan, which tbe

aaleaa.' 'Tbb ptaa
ly earrted oat lo naay eltln. aad wUl
rilboot doabt. proee eqaally me popo-

WMt. P
na.. kkioatof.
Key Wnt.
Key WnU P
U Crone. ITb.. tbnialcla.
Laaalag. Mlcb.. Joaraal.
LewbtoB. Hr., baa.
texlBgtoo.'Ky .. Uetald.
LoobeUle Coorier.Joaraal.

ledb) K.
aatiir It
brew Ctnaeeted wllb minlaaary work
aad pnaebtale both ladiao-aad EogIbh. aad caa be oadeiatood dbUarUy
by botb wblua aad ladlaoa.
Boted ladlaa preacher*
exprcudtobepreaeet at IhU

Tba aaaaal ladlaa .eaaip meeUag
will beheld at Kewadlatron Mcaday
Jely ynb to Hoaday. Jaly ^
a of tbe M. E cbo'irk a

-UoabTlIle Pool
Loabrllle Aaidlger.
Lowca Mtoa.. Tinea.
Maactaeater. K. 11.. UaloeHUwaakeh Joaraal.
Habile Begeeter.
' Harliiaa. Me.. Caknt.
laedpolb Tla

Mta to the work «( defradlag

Baaa HlU

Judglag froB the aew*m»r reportt
roB eitice wbrtc the Wn. Uwea Co
1. tbr ana*rneBl-lDrioe

Tbe llntlrr* haee ben playing
ateady ball for the pa>l few daya aad
haee doae thcmwlee* proad,^ Beery
•bar of tbe toaai U puUleg op a
flargmraa Tbelr work at bat it
ty iniproredaad tbegeaerml
tbedUnoad aad oat Id tbr told ^
that could br dcoircd.
haad. wbtrk wat badly burl in oae of
tbe gan>r« oa the Koarth. I* ararly
well, aad he b pUyiag oa flr»t aga4to the drligbt of the bate ball rraak^

eeMtogTwbe? the compaar open* au
at of^^tbrae nifku - ‘
r tragedy. Borneo


1 follow tbe taoraing *crelca.
pralte .ereiee of the II V. P. I', will br
led by Min Jn*ie Orator at
In tb
parior* of ebureb. Tbe |^Uc cordial
Ber, Tboa.V. Byrooe w}U lireaeh ia
MrSanara hall Nandgy. Jaly leih.
ling and ee«n^g lo su aad

Friilay eyeaiag caprricBcu mecliBg. TiJU
AU arc cordially inrltod.
1>e "dalieMay Marker toltUated by
tbe Woataa-* Cenrtory AaaodaUoe will
be held la tbe eanat ruon of tbe Markirday afleraooB. July
to flee o'clock.
It It
caraeatly deaired that each
Ibr AaaaeUUm. aad all ialcroated la
tbe good work will attoad Me "Hark-et.'' If aot to bay thb Uim. to gler
tbrir order for ae« -Market day."
There will beBoeoUelUag doee. but
titera win be a eoniattte at tbe -Mark­
et' to take yoor order aad aee that it it

A *M aaddeat oceorrad al Kdgr*
Tauaday which ha* coat a gloom
Tom t
Urn llyearoldcoaorHr.aadHm. i
C Aageil of itojrxdtaad grand*oe •

Aagall bad reUrwd to Drtoolt that

mint- Ue a
nod tb* family reUiraM to Dw
tfoU .yentorday oa their end ermad
Tbi* le tbe flr«t aeeidrat of that non
neadpte fron^eata
at Edgewood
- aoaicea wm fli.tol.oi. Tkh laaeeea
The «f»tor<o*tb¥-mgat part 1* eery
baltaee la tbe haade of tbe
ekallow for a long diatoaor oat. and
' oftbree ccnie.
the'plaee M ooQaiderrd ^ Ideal on

the eai*able week Anc by E. A Mc­
Coy aad T. J. Bnt. oa the wdldUag
a Tbolr eflorta
re did BBch to laMie

Tbo Wa-qaa-toB*.
Tbe aaaaal awaUag of tbe «o-(aotoa«d*l’«tokndattbe dab bow.
TaentoT emUg. C
Mamy eeai
•toetad praaldeav O, P. (hrww eka
X. a. «■ Caaalagban 00

Moa. o. V. a



We’ve done
the shirt waist business
of northern Michigan this spring and summer,'
and while our assortments are still large. Uie I
sizes; ranges of colors, etc., are broken consid- \
erably, so we make these SPECIAL VALUE
PBICE8 now.



^.adiQs Collars, Cuffs. Waist Fronts (pleats.)'
etc.—th? onl^' proper line of these goods in
i the city is HERE. Prices right.
Money-Baving values in all lines of Dry Ooods, Carpets and
Clothing, at


Travenie City. Miehigan.

Reliable Trading Center:


oa tin

ni^ Mr. Haatiage eeoald like loCaean
ta railroad boeda. while Mr. Balea
traan.lebaygan- A* It la ato prolnblcaa agrarneat MB be medwd tbe
•nplaewUl la^Blalbe
; oonniuee to b* aaed a*
Oae tbiag h ceelha aaxt oelebeat

Correct col<
colorings and patterns, perfect fitting,
up-to-date in every way.
and up-to-d

---- f-ii

ih Mr. Owea aad hi* Mipport. a
rc grown cBlbusiaeUc lo ^
•eenery mad coalnme*
company to atage 1
It h aotoftoa that
i* broagbl to Trarrm
aad beyond doubt tbe pi
ipreoiaUuD by.girin^
rrry lib
- *^oUowing Romeo^Tnd JuUel. Much
AdoaUnit Nothing and the brautiful
KaglUh comedy. Oaeid ciarrick, will be
lattor ha* nerer bmo
prodiK-ed. •nie
*ceo bare. II wi’l be pul —------------- ,
eeralag. preetdad by a one-act eurtaie
rawer called Bmlor. -l-tais plKU
writtoD for Mr. Owen and wi
plaj’-d here fur the tint time 01
atage -. ■i'be theme 1* aa epiimdr
titr of the eelrbratod Krench

re the
gut* Saaday cebool rally haee
drctdM to bold It la tU* city Aagoet
lUth. The Bdwola'to
eeea very eelbnalaaUe aad if all t
oat a* well a* they now pnMiae
there srill be between C.uuu aad A
you^ people aad efaildrea in line.
THr prceMiloB will term at Be*
man Wiae aad WaMiagtoa etr.
liar on Buardmaa to rn«L Froal
to Uahm. VbIob to Niatb and Math
the Caatrml aiAaol groaada where
great amm meetlag will be held, with

Down They Gp!
Sell them we will
If prices will do it

'"r.r"'"'” “““ sr.::


500 pairs

B51X-A.IT & SB-WAT.T,.


< ^



Hall ontoi* promptly BU<*1. Send J



Ladies’ Shoes





§ Every pair absolutely solid leather—the greatest j
bargain ever offered.


It pays to trade here and people are finding it out

ALFRED V. Friedrich;

$1.50 buys a nice Ladies' Shoe.
Friedrich Bros, old store.
. 8S cents biiys. a solid Misses Shoe.
$1.33 buys a good Men's- tress Sljee. SJ333333
95c buys a strong Men's Working^ho
■ $2.00 buys an "up-to-date" Ladies^ She
. $1.69 buys an “up-to-date" Man's Shoe. I
75 cents buys a Man's Canvas Shoe.
15, 20; 25, 30, 35,45, 50, 60, 75, 90c,i
I and^l .OO are the prices on our Children's and Misses Shoes,!

by cx«oagT«*uamh E. 1-.
VpMloaU. and pa**iMy addrwta
Oeenaor Bicb aad Sapt- of FMlte I
otraetioe ratUafUl- There will
t*ro haad* le the pmcuaiica. .At t


r. J. i
realaetod dlnetIn thrms*totimr all ihu Saaday ad . . .
la thucoaaty*hoaJdhMlhe rally la
rnlad aad-hagtatomaka p*apm


^ 500 pairs

Men^s Shoes

kfoXCUSTXrS'Z' &

--Yw*.yoa-nrtgUlda. -Itnaa
boareofwarktoiday.not bell
-Tboa yoa bet year life I doet waat
aftor a Uate a MUtorh waa made aad be
aayofll! IMhoaiahaUIcaaa
•ad tbh o-hriaa tbe popallata waat tor wa* toiai lying drowned in about four
had been al
pnaideat doe'l get aay of my rote* "
Tbe cxceaUec oonnIUee
Paartbof Jaly oeUbeaUea

Ladies Shirtwaists

ay* ceotcT* about Uiii
I graceune loec .tory of tbr Immurlal
poet aad wbra la*.orpret*d ay a tal. at
edarti*t.aa Wp
euAmbtedle i*.
aSunliaBUld pleaaureloaR lorer*
of tbr vlanic drama.
Dramatic critic* without aomber

vlaadard tine. .
Homing' aubiert. -Three kiadt of
religkm. ritual.'cee^ aad deed.**
Kerning aabj^ 'tVbyl am a
p Iaddition ot BuUer,, wbo
who bat
ba* brea
and will
rv.. ._r_____ ______ -•iaturday
•r.a.a Xelny.iwwor
wilnen Iki* prrfonuaaoe.
mala with tbe lipiUrr* Ull he b called
Meeting fnr eeunliip. II a B).'
company baring made ■ueb
back again.
He baa bno makiaga
Junior mrcUng ti»> p. m.
I week lliat a
fineTeputaCloB lo the Western I.
date wa> arrang^ tor tbr early half of
KndeaTaraieeUBg-lilt P- »n.
Thlt ^Mi toe llutlirr* three a* good
Ibi* wwk________ .
pitcher* A, aay lean In the uiau- c
I*iayer meetinto Wedaeaday cernlng
boaal. Tbe la«l garnet haee
r. King, wbotaaareoratly ratumed
.ailed lo elctory for the IlMtler.- The
Tiipie for .(hr Kndmeot airing: fn*m('
Bl'alif-waia. will momr hi* forai-,
oocof Natarday i* ancient hiktory now. -Hook* aad r^ing. Row togel good er practice.
■radJee. giriog kprrial .attonllua to
Itl*hardly arvmaiy to my that the therefrom " leader. tVinifr^ 1'raU. i all form* of cbruaic. pulmonary, tbi
tram kept op tbelr repaiaUoa
1VH.ic tor Junior meeUag. -Whal ’”^'***"'-'.
He W |
aad “died kicking." TbeganSe 1«ent
Wilmingtoa. Ilel., Beery Beeeiag.
iVetoreM.aadbowT l*ro»erb* ,
ao^Ula\y againel then that they had
. Yoakeia. N. V.. Uantto. .
torxercin their peculiarly
charge* reio
The aboTA Hat ia far fron oonplele.
As a antter of fact. Ibera ate la the bKlliaat talent in that direction antll
lay.' Oa
e. rravcmcfiiy. Mlcb.
tbe aeeenth Inaing. when a fairly dose Hnaday maraiag at Vilt a fore, feaat
eaUre eoaBtry low thaa a acor
drelaloa by the umpirr. Hr. Kehoe.
DemoctaUc yrarnaU of aay lafli
take the plaoe of the basplay
emaied them to let looar ti>r riaU of
tbelr wrath. They found, that .tbelr
re conlially iBvltod to attoad
Bon*.: MkT.-,. M lonl*.
fwapapera la tba lora- manager bad reorlend htanaaey.wblrb
goiag llet will adeonlr tbe ell
HcKlaley. bat the gnat na>ority ealte la. and Immediately left the dtamoatl.
Servler* are held ia tbr K. O. T. M.
la tbe graermi demaad that aaotber After the rrgnlalian Ume the ampinhall. So. US Knmt .trecl. •* follow*:
called tbr game, tbe acore atanding
acneratloe be held aad
to: la faTorot Ibr llmtlora
Iknrom NuBder-raoralng M-rvior at luiM. Sanwbo will be
aeatatlee otibegmland eecr-eadar- pitched a aaperb game, aad ,'reoeieed d*y erfauol follow* morning *^ee

heWy* Vtotlm
heard la heat of (he Bxatut oSo
Taeeday eeealar-Jaek. do yoa aadnatoad Oda l%to

“1 *• **««*'«*•

C A Daiga to Daalel Bootnag. lola
n. «1 aad «4. Uk i. Ikna A Aatoey a
Tbe eelebntod Page Peace Olaata addA«»oa
Daabl Bootaoag
/ to
U C- A Itaega. tl
inrtof wS o( aw'. >raw<«. ibe. ft
na. r II w, Igiag e of-Traeeew Ul
Uaaaab A Uy Co. to J. Vealah
U O. Puller, e iJ fret of lot ». U
Eti.ktw* coanty baa adopted a TraeerceCity-«l.«M>.
J. W. Cobto ei al to Jaatea Kogler.
that woald work mually a* Well
Uraad Traeenw. They hare por- eak of aw >4, See. It. t»; a. r luw-«|.
CArric U Banaer to Pred l>. tViaal*.
a-so.oiuilb: etoae ernabw aad
ee<* ot BWh. Sec.
A r »

iBdba camp neeUai ate Bet. John
Kewakeahik. Ucr.* Willbn I’etockry.
Ber. Joeepb l.ighlaky. Bee. Jotoph
ra la tbr
Brdblrd.aadaleooarforta»aad pree- w thirty ’yoBBg geallei
efab. larlodlag tbr flneat ail
anieersity. aad Hwlil be oae of tbe
peeled to be pcreeaL
br*t thing* rrer heard her*.
r-aeral larluUae U exteaded to
to participate ia thb old faehnceUag. A waall adBinkn fecQllueeaU-wid be charged
•peetato^ooSuoday.JaIyl.i. Inachwed 00 the geobadi* No pcraoa* Bep.n.a. X,
- tbe iaflueanol llijoof will be
All torek* a. u*oal at the UapUat
allowed 00 tbe groaada.
eburvb next Saaday. Saaday ecbeul

New York 8ua.
New York Tiawn '
Kaahellle. Traa,. Baaav.
New Haeea. Cc. Bt^atar.
Newark Saaday Call.
Philadeipkia BetionL.
Pblladeipbla Titon.
Proridcaca, B. 1.. Joaraal.
Petormbarg. Va. ladea-Apptal.
BIcbOtoaA Va. Tliara.
BiebnoAd HtaU.
Sak-m. Han.. Newa.
tUoux Fall*. S. D: Atpae-Lcader.

39e, 59c, 99c, $1.19


be glad to arall Ibea

OhaUatinofa Tlv
Ballaa. Tex.. Nra
IbeMpen. Iowa.
'KIbabetb. K. J.. UecalU.
batcn. t^.HBpreaa.
l^itebbaiT. HaM. Hall.
Oaleeatoo. Tex.. NeWa.
ilnlyoke. Man..'I'm 1‘ran.
llarUord. Cb. Tlaiea.


analag lalagrtty aad bonw nay coaed
peoay pUUtadta
tbe New*, bat
thine are nea wbo do’^aot *e«aa*ider
then. If‘•all ntr dollar* are aqaalia
, panbaMag aaT debt-paylag power
BOW.*' why Bead we -baage than for

AoUan which naay of tbe oonwrelal
’ , aatfaa* woald r^dlattT Tbe Detroit

rrBBJSB :^Rxcrs)8t


(totar^y order* will be lakM tor aay,ealTed baarty applaaae Iron U* aj-•ptEUI tblaradoalrrd. la additioa toltatoea.
1>. .Raettore weat to Haatatre yM
11 lerday. They woo by a at
Prloee will be maoaabU aad »t will,


Take them

ardByHa*bet."tioUee'ofwhkh b fle-,1. mtod.
BoanMa pUebed a ■••[ 4^^
„ Ww^
<d gam Taeaday. Hafiemaa baa ae-, vn». V '
ea la aaotber^al . Tba •Udba
eaoaea)* weery Urat ademta o
W. J. Minor to A. a. MUhic I
a MOW oeatral lomitheaeaei ap to.lS da. 1. .bat «a blk 4. Uakwood add-~«r.^
acaad eoohiar. tbaebltonwaatod
leMaaae to A. H Mlihr. tota
eeaCr oabwbtoher'.beloaclar
er'.betoacli* to
to• ««
.ooei 4»Ia
4iala ba.ooadaded
be woald Ut
■Moebtioo or-wA. b loelted to then o» eawy. They proeed theneelm
Bly lot
aad bay wbat they waat tor tbair to be a iae. fMWemaaly
M ot play,
e oa Hoaday
doaday ilaaer or leaeb. After aeit .aad tbelr r»d

J 118 Front Street

Wunberg Blook.

* Ttwerw Olt,, Mich.



Traverse City. lOchi^UL j

OBAOT TO*.T«am; HERAU, JTJI.T 1ft 1S96.
a. t. Umgam aad teOp. Mn. CS.
Mvnp wd an aad
W. P
Hta Fn^ a>d Maaln CMa »
k iMie Dahtoeh aad Mb liOda
art. or Onad BaidAt. aie tWUbc Min
Marla Balaa o( Biz Baado)|* atreal
Mta. B. f. ge^n haa eona <
taaeamato }oU her haabaad.
baa raantlp tokn the poaitiaa of
tfiaaar at the a^an. daat ba­
lm her dapartara aha wai rtna
roTplnnat tonwellaarprlae brtba

Tn nraUlcw dtj ogull
iHt vrsBlv aad erfuilMd \/f U*
ttevfW. W. BaiU.ktelrM>.*sdE.
Ma. P. Kmtta dM

a. *Ut». t—g»»iTf»er.t«iT-

iteeeMO< rmtuid Puk


vlU rttailw M is the put.

The refvler iteeUBf o( IhcW.C.'T.
V. leUI to beU Id the |w1on of the
Beptlet 4itoeh. Prldey ofMtonit. M
hair peat tere o'eloeh.
Mio. Harvep
Cortie will have eharfeof the lltorarp
, toihjeet. "Bodai Parity."
S B. du.TabaaWoairfattha Haaeu>
Urra aanplnoftha dmdad EoaBtoa
thlaUa tohaa fren aaar the ratato Im.
plannt Cob. boUdlas. n Fmi i
Kmr root lathdUraad Trateraa ra
rtoa ahoold be daatroped thh 7<
hare my to trooble haraaftar.

to Bczt noaUar of the loetltata.
lea paaeldeaita are aryed to be pimab
a C flamaoe. lor acarljr » fmn
hlfUr raapeelad raaldretof iDlaaiU
dM ^alta aaddcalj Hoadap at the
bmac<Uaaaai.Urea Bmadaia. at the
ace pf an. lie laam Ira aoea aad tw«
The faaanl araa beldal
n Ito the Waat lalaod caBatarr n Taeadap.
le.Tw'tiM om.iii
taaaofball oloped al/irawp the
flrat of the wMk toiweao Oraara aad
Oaa. ar. torth 4eH> toM>.
Beat Bay raaaltrd la acraat rirtotr for
C-A-BerBaa aaw ia» toUaa.
lonoer, the aoora briac 14 to a.
The loot Bar a<ae i^l aoilafr their
thlrot fur rareara the drat of neat

■■toy * ■UUaaa-Cawmlaa auw

Caiw. Tl>a BaiJ>wu alwara teat
aeetatod la thoacht with the Otr<d
Ttoretae. (or near jean Trararaa

ciiciibtioii this w«k 2,300 2:uizL““.‘i:''p,:i:L“'r;
theroaanaala theeltr. .Itarior
arm jmra that ha hn held ofire
u oSelatod at Ii: araddiBC».~bad
of thla BunbcroBlriciaror fire ban
hla koowladce beea dlmreed.

vaBhs. I.



iatoltiraat wli-----------------------------------------parioritr which ther hare hJir. -or
haraaftar bold their peace. i;hedaetocB
will wear BtoBBiaraBtfoma farehU
hr J- U- JohsaoB bb4 B. U. Boae d bn.

The pneraa lorladn the
baoaa aa iBtaar aaaalae. fair tt.
•e.iaatottealaaaiak la aiiaae
lona of the leadlBf wonra
la the atata la dab aad
p. D. aaarni.
aaeaUBf attnatebarra UrmBd. Wedara-

rk~~ Tr,Su.v™.

.MW.M«a.v d.,.lchuJa1r».wm be of ra.n.1
T«a fanne (Irmad Traaerto Bap aea
ilOB la iftlB atartlBf oat for ila aBDaa]
aasaer War of the raaorta. The drat


wBaatChaboTtah th«
of theyk. where Uhaha«7 ap-

AeBMd dor the a
Tfea htlah warh hjaat eenplitad n I
Ita hddltln to the Oaatnl aebool a
haOdhv aad arork VUl ha poahad oa i


Ida Meade left yaaterday for
■ htoptoae. lalharad at raaden la
toMdar trip la Uto hafWd. wMeb naaaara piaMp aaepa
They co la the meoeli
little Vlklac aad the party cmalau of
J- A. Hoatarar aad «oaa Barton aad
tlarTunihLn.farnaBr raara area- Bart, of t^fe dty. aad ProL ilranoa
. Um
thla <dlf «BtO with tba paat aad Dr. MUaer. of Uroad Baplda.
temjaarB.dladatnta lakaHoadar.
Preaaott aad bterraa. of liiaad
ad amanldlna- Ua waa broo^ hare Baplda. will aaaoapaay thca la aaoth-.
They wlU rkit the Cbaaaana |
a tad take a look <at
•r Uhiamw ecna^> Ml tram a knd oi
graia tWarday aad Dr. tMeaea. wto
«W tolled, fooad bln'eaCarUg with i
AWaalad aad (mtarad ana.

ifae. D-AicaAjlI, when n
work la behalf el dtoebarfed pria
la waif kaowB. .bod when lalka bare
OtoUeo totohaU JelyM. era eatlad Uat aonasar at tba time of the awatlaf
<to rrteky*miaf.ialy«4. Mae aot- of the atata poor eapariBieadaBti
la todays Haaauk
be loaf ranembarod by all who beard
tor. bn rataraad tbr emptied' ca
ant fall of trait fm km Int fall
bar -bone" at Detroit. Tba driirkm.
Uroad Traratoa frait woe fraaily ap-.
far hM aaaBty. aad h naklay aa aetlm predatod by the ana. aad aba
that If the eaw ahoald to ra­
ted maraad it woold to a aery
U 1. Bam. who laeaBtly moacd
aml^for her -beya."
torn <re« fNrteakey. weal back t
______It MU be reautobnwd. U
mah aftor bh yarAt. Ue Dam.
parted eallialy by TOtaatary ooelribeho wiU eaiep the BBriraled eailwna. TtaatoBaharabaaeroteniadto
to he teoad ah Oroad Traram
Hr*, i. D. BlUiafi. at Park ITaea.
wbera the ewaera asa vat than at aay

k laet weak, la z:tzs la


.v, .-.

to ham leal I
o wa H P. 9


We believe

S C aad S a B.. ef arUeh aha '


Thatraatonof all the aaylBna are
la jolat board imlia today at the
Udwtr aad J«ha. an three belar arall- Korthara MleUfaa nylan bero. Than
todofanBerm. Tbeeldeat. Fetdinad.
at the Jaly aiaaiiac the rate of
it emd for the eaoaloc
Atraocaa baalBen It nU to to Uebt
pear. Thie will to dc*a to-day aad
I neat toaaehn thla yadr, the onaty
haaa jnt M boay at eaar lareaeat at the neaUv
aalac. naralare Ikaataa. the aanbar
aad Tbaeton Cook. S '
Sapl. 1
toacblwTB Jaly let. The raeerda ahow
K. Bau
Baua. MUU. B^laf aad Oaboraa. of
. daat hn ao apaalal clai. to brief
the Mlchlfak nytan
the mai pepolarnnth la the yaar.
ttopt CbrhUaa fad Tmten t’iaun.
tto freatnt aaaber la thh iattaaer
"---------- " Idwlo. SUckaay aad Starbalaf laApriL There ware twalm iaBntera Hlehifaa nylon
iB Jaaeary. oeraa ia Fabraary,
at 1‘oatlar: Supt. Bell aad Tmleaa
a Mareh. twaaty-two la April,
■am la Hayaadtomtoea la Jaaa.
la nylan at .Nawbarry: Hapt.
Jaly aiartoODl well aad the pmpacta
aad Tmton Kabla. Rabaru.
faaormbit for a fabd aanbar bafom
Uaria. Hart. Coatawr aad Tboe. T.
Baba, of the Sorthara MleblfaBnyDraiao the twe lanlba wfabh Wn. lanaf thla plaoa. There are alao la
w Oo^«lch.<illabopUnirapie.
Cooftt hn apaat la tiraad Trarem
'aaUaaw coaBtin n Ssaday preeidc
miaaioBary hi hn iBaaBadad U aad Dr. B W. Jeake of Ur HUte II
Ibhlarafraatdealef nlaabla of CorracUoiia aad Oiaritiea. aad Dr.
Maalee. of Dalrdk IH. A. & ,
Bnidaa TlaltUf anay aeboole
Blmdy foratodbebnorfBSlnd tbir- Bowley. anhtaat kapX aad Dra How­
Haaday aeboole. all of which ell. Hpehr. Koyet and Kiakara. aekhtpbyaldaaa.
aad C L. Wbltaay:
L floQriehlBf coaditkm 'aad
frowlBc arery Hndey. They are lo­ atow^ of tba NorUrra aeylam.
The ladlea la Ue ^yara Hra Bkb.
cated la .the Black. Coertada. tlryaa.
Uaatoa, Craea Lake, Paknalae. Hall.
Bartlett. Blteknaa. KIcketan. Laat- blema. Mra Cbriiliaa. Hra. Kobla,
aor.Wmiamt aadKrittOBdlatriele. la Mta. Hart, Hra Canaar. Hra. Roberta.
erdar to arfaaUe than be wn oMIfad Mra Daria. Hra Batoa. Mra Whllary.
Thit 44T tolllaa. addrm U pnbllc HIn Hllla Ue'Hlaaaa Bawyar. thr
BMrUBfa aad trarri iCl nilea la the ■Inn Rotoria. Ue Hina Uata. Tbr
eaaatln. waiklDfafood deal of oUar tnriird faaata -are Boa. Parry
ilaoBah aad wife. Hra J. F. Kanrr,
of Cbleaco, Mr. II. I>. Ilarria at
Kreaa. K. U., Mr. aad Mra l^k

a fact

that no coBcem offim more geonne ti
■ than we-iki ,

that our line of

The Lantesi Assortment,
Best Qualities,
Ijitest Styles, ;
Lowest Prices.


- r'.

-----:—u; -for llkevalina.-

Summer Coats

And money back If you want
asauuaranteeuftiatisractiun. '

U’r. cort/tuf/r i/n/tr ati i/mprrli^i of our sloek.
.'^iuoui; tjfha4itiii(/s


Onr Iciclc.inwnt, CorscHs at. i.

........36 cts

Oiir Sumbier On»84.-s.<lc,at 76c,$l, 1.26
All our Wash (^><kIs stock at less than early season prices.

i' ‘ ^

^moo.Mr^aa^w whitoey MMiB tho most oomplote

Hin|MBra Trrfcnia aWlfac friaade
riprafor aad Hin Barllaad.
1 Haalitoe.
Min Kditb Bard rateraeolfroa
Sommer, ^tutfa.
lead yeklardty.
Mr. aod Mra »>ad CartH aad Hr.
11. T. litridaoe of lalaad wn a HcaAU> aUttor Tnrwlay.
Min Mabel White ieeatei
thtor aad eklldraa.
M. W. Undrrwood apaat
Bewayfo thla weritl
Mro. A. W. Pack bn f< e to Bay
View for ifer aunairr.
■re Cora aad Allle Watt harFraoe
Ui Alba for a abort rtafll
Bra. lialrrao bn beea yUlUef
Elk lUpIde foratrwdan.
BK»r S I'liod hn ratamed from
the MMithmi pan of Uir atata.
Kdltor Lorrkloe of the Beet Jordaa
hlerpr^ wn ia the city thie weak.
Mta J. C Carmo mad Min Jeaale
liolllraa of SB I'aal an-rUiUaf brra.
Hr«.J. C. Monrae bad family bam
waato Lbkende. Hlcb..for the

usortment we have
ever sbawn~lt ia com­


A iDl of Shirt Waists.'•Just in,--Uw»rhl

•Mlwwpricta anil sohl at low prices.. 19C and lip




happy Uma- The nrou wnu followa;
butter, ninim.
bare aad practa

A amp fanofprruyofirb wlU
nuriMj mra
mra" to
oi ymuir
^uablr Urm
eara aad rrilIdar the coedtioc ia ap alb
Anr UU weak. Thr part;
>rty lorladfa
mkry Hoaday la thr iatenaU of the Uk Min* llrien aad kato H
Hniwa. HURceortor.
el lloair. Krtrlle Beholder aad Uracr
fry Wood rataraad ffom OMrlaaoi^ aad Lula llaabrr.
by bar c
Tbe kiodrrfarm drpartmrat of
)f the
i-ormet Wood.
Coarrrcailoaal Buaday achool arludHr. aad Hra. C. D. Bproal tM Binria.
:U.. are the facau of Mr. aad Mra.
Praak Dean.
rick'a fTorr yraterday.
Dr. J. S HaeUa rataroad Batarday
Thefamillnofllald>erTyaa.lK. W.
ron a ikon aielt la the natbara part Hntlofi are ampiof aad oatohlof
Uhe. oor of the tort
Mba Uayle Oriawold hfk retaroed pickerel aad tnar lakea (a thr rcfioo.
ron a niotfa'a rhlt
There, U DO ^.dlWr crowd of firls I
W. O. Uoldra aad -little Min Mar­ dab.aodJoalkaV. ly U alrraya plaaram tom an Don Chdlilae for a tkort
k It (wk Ur form of a phmlc wlU
rhlt ttatardar.
Jacob BWiobetf of Bt. Ifaace bn
inaata a«» EHat
braa rlelUaf hh pamu Mr. aad >Mi
A towh aaria) aruhrld at Ur
Mr. aad Mra Wallace ban telarard of Mra Lroa H■lBliBfVKl yraterday
to Chkafoafteraabh with Hr. nd arniiDir. for Ur baoalt of Ur Wrut
.Side chaprl. .
Mra J. W. FlenlBg.
Tbr II. Y. P i: farr a Hilwaalim
Hr. aad Hra. K A. Hodra of Inaaiav hare faeaa ririUBf frteeda la Trar- aodalUiawaeklaUrlDlrrratapf chk
nr aty aad rldally.
tobabddat MMMin Florrerr Peek bn
Soolb Brad. lad . aftorarUl with Mr.
. lorilatlnoa barr beaa fawaed ,by i
•d Mra A. W Prek.
MURraKmIyBaBdlir«reM.efaa. b
l>ad harldane of Cbl
trade Hnatafur. Harum Saharta. Clara
>'0BBd. BmUa lleddra shd Clara Uatn
raeepttoe at Ua Hanaic parlor*


two mk» of n joUyia party n w(U t
fooaS la many a mlla. Tbna who ai
^ caaipm .are Mra '
Stolaud daafblrra.(arriraad
Hn Suoae aud Hin Myrtle. Uinn
Hamiraod Aaeir irtlau: aod &m. W.
T. Kawdafar. WiU lioblr aad fhn
UttollerFred UUby aad Minn
btanotodr to Uraadftarddt where aha Cedkt (Wiatt aad aad Etta O'Kaa^ apaot
will make brr hone iritb a ace. '
■one tinr Uerr Ul*
Hr. aad Hra Uoyd IMd of Knl





• -



Our SsTinss Departn

New Testimonials for the Plano Machines.

in bliM^k, blue and light
colora. The worsteds
and serges make de­ £
fcsirable office and bouse £
coats for any season of
the year.

kefOB ham bare apaadlof
with their mtoliraahcrr.
Joha U llarwlek of Chlrafo. who la
paadlaf aon* tint wrlNd Mhaioa.
wn la the dty ynterday.
Hr. aad Hra. H. A. HeCoyead daafh■r of CratarrlUa. la . arr'lha faaataof
M^aod Mra A. A McCoy.

MaatoatFlh Lake.
left the dmoerat
Heara S W. BaMefa. A. C. Oart« aad U. a. Craea. aad the MMea
aria. Bahhworth aad Oanett ai
t. H haw mlaly aafigad ia toah
indiicdha atkaal S T. P. U. i

^ *

prised of
erahlDf. flrcB by Ua
frana" of tba Hoodoo buyde club.
Ua yooBf ladia of Ue dnb. 1
boya prorrd Uamaelma to to n food
prvridara n Ur noat eaacliiic firl
could daira, aad rmrybody bad aimry

mrellof Ue tollowiac ofllorra jrrrr
’elrcted;'- Prea. W.
Prea-. Kranriiaira: Captalii, H A
Bcti: ilUtoriao. Ilrllir Tbackrri MeHn. J. Hpaacleaad Hra. K H.
cbaalc. Will Hoaltoa. Ulaok. old fold
lar bam ton aajoylaf a atalt la inaod aad atorirt were adupled aa rl ob cwUi^.
The club will mart at Ur liomr of W.
n. Boaod op I'a'loo alrrrt Brat WrdSeaday alffat at drZuo'rloek to maki
dab raa.
, '■ .

karr renprad to Tramrar City when
they W^nakr Ihrir boow far a tine.
Mn.'xe. U. PfriSar hn ratamd to
bar bone la Ohio aflta aa
aiail ariu her deoffater. Hra
Km. W. A. Frye. Hr. Lockhart aad
Booaa. of tUa
wn Bowlaad Uooflaa are attoadiif the
atate Bpwerth Lcafa* eoamtloa
Ladlaftoto ,
M^ Ida Lamb of Oaianba^ O..
aad Ada Inird of CtadanU ham reBocaa kaaw the tnnily walL Br apa- taraad homepfleraTUit aaith Mra U
tme the aewiqiapar ataietooet that
Mr. SewoU&B ana of atrict boalaan
prlaciplaa sad lalefTlty. la a nilUoa•Iro. aa aBappreaebaMe ma. asda- Oaaatleuof MUaa aad MraSS
aim. aad o «ar nnpla of the raatora.
I. Taaaa.
old-ltaa arlatomt. Harold M., with
Will Beadtall aad thi Hian Hyrtla
whom Hr. Bofoa wn noot.lailhaw. Baaaball. Kiltie Uernalar aad -Kluie
•polBWd dBrlBf Hr. CSatalaad'a Oattor bam rotarwed from a ridl wlU

A aTarsann diaaan la carrylaf eg
Aohoran la Mat Bay towaahlp. The
kmaa hna thalr appaUla, fat aa they
Mwl driak. aad dte U foar «r Im
k la- bat ha baa ataaa


tiaa ltMacawlU«M».hat ao« it

•raAT* bw mani kh tUnfU
raa Asbc to “Thrlorh ConMn."
Ewt-Bep. ud hto biMvtit theeedv
ora«dhr.Ia& Blaek.a.&.Ma»««>*d
JtoBt rorV. ud piupoiii tomhe
thlan Ueely
the eewf*.

Tn ofBeara of the Qtasd Tnaant
Vnatf Pkman- laaUlala are aakad b
rlha naatiarat Gtmarabal

tka hi


TurEBBE CiTT, Micb-Jane Sth, 1B96.

We are also seUiog



OeiiUriffied:—HhrinKforthepa«tyeAr«wU-mpUDd,thepurcbMeolAim>iriiMi m*ch.*
ine. I lav.- exhiqinrd nm-folly the different hiarbioa in nae.

.luoiw (‘bain Drive oarl.ine, and I <<oiiaeiilral to tfire it h trial on my farm.

Straw Hats,

ine waaaerop.tarool usdrew it aemni mda. cmUiiR a clean awoUi.
any naebine in u»-.

1 hare pur.-iiawul

niarbioe, a

beUere it ahead of

d it to, oU in nood of



Moner of oebooU of Grand Trarezw Ooua^.

Golf Caps,

To THE UAiniAK A- I.eiy MEOcarnLE Ca.
OenUemen:— Thinkinu yon fould be pleased to faeur bow Uie Plano Moebinea ore
atarting in oo oar territory we will give yajo tb<- raalts ‘of yeotawday's trial; Mr Qoiocy

everything in summer

Thacker, roprawentioi; the Piano

over and adjoated tbe Binder and Mower, and wa

oUrteal then np in the preontice of a crowd of opecUton, and they did their work to tbe fall
eaUsfactiun of erery l>ody.

ll waa fun to oee the Ixer Binder go into the giain (hoary

erei'o rye. on oolt. sandy graond) and lay off the bandlna in a way t^ fdoaoe the oldML


Tborker apcmed to know what tbe aachine wvaU do. auid bu anile oTmliofactioa brondea.
ed oa he aoM three morkinea on the opot, with prohaWy three more to iUlow.
here now for tbe Plano Maebines.


The way ia'

Toon Trnty,

Korth Unity. May SO, 1«I96.


Aftertbe ubch-

F«w iifbtiieto of d»»ft

an.] eoae wiUi wbb-b tbe knife can
ti >>e raiwvi
to poos orer obatrortiunu,



ImM IM HIM M • |gf Ml W

My ottMtAOU wu mliod to thd


Yon will find samples of these goods at the store of



MMpyiipi I

B HgRAM). JOLT 16,1896
_____ «■
1»* L»lM



_______ .'SS^eS.-TS

TharavTtll toacroaa Maliw brtd
la Cbrolrr BUMth wood*
It ^ ba


* dHi£!S ^Heth!Mte^ltte^

Md W«al^ telbfovHT al a
HIM tocktkatralafiMB tU* plM
Madv »o"t«CHr«. K»I«Hi -pf <MUlw I* «UUar
bn-fKtkwM. Uajr.
Hr. ud Hr*. Ctarilr 'Ealoa •
Kiada; at KUIkawbarf.
Trro car liauU nf taaket hattaaaa'kaw
leri tbta plaar l«» Trarwf* Otf.
Bnr Kouware aad I^ob Krowa ot
^llllaMbatr aiT werklac for Joba

jM.<Mlwd ct <M 1

Oa Jane the mb hml, tb
fi«.aw.ldMaMa(QBdb owa «bU- cata, lawiaB*^ HBe** olai-a. Halt
diw. Hary B. HewlH. wit* a( Bar. H
P. BralK. Hr* BawhlwMihed^cbbapHaoa. aad^Hvatv omm PUoa.
t. otHaU.*-------“

—-a parraqoMod. It te caafantaed
Mn.B.P. Plik«.«r
•*■: WM bora la Be
Kfcl—«ar Itit at ttc
tbte Btato aad aoUM with b— ponaU
aa afanatoVaaBaiM. Wayne eana- MUby J-O. JohMaaaad& B Walk
ty.wbMBbeWMfooryaan old.. 8ha
i( w «auw» wear
w«ai to MRted Bov. B. P. HewiU JoBMiw Jo.
Mr, Fred HUler. of Irrlac. HI., writ—
WM aoanrvd aad >o(bU tha
M. H aharch Jaaiaiy. 1*44. aad Im* that be had a fterere Kidney troaUr
-hrlMl worbiac chrlMlaB lor many y—. teith arrere pain* In
W*backaad ateo that hte bladder wm
> W. IL H. B. BMt with Hr* BWe
affr-ed. Ue tried many Bo—lied KMthe time ot her death Hr* aey ^r— bet witbont any cood r—ult.
t arwkli-t of the Lmdi-' Ate^lay—racp he brean the a—r*
KiMtrte Bluer* and luaad rrliel i
Thecherek at KewadI
............ -Ic nuen to rapeclally
worker, aad we ..........
adapted to —cd*ll Kklnryand l.lrvi
Voor uuif.poadral wai aot abw to bball ‘ate* htm*i >ted. bat wa fMl
oftea cir— aim—i is
fuae before.. Tbe
The tnabl—
“'TT^ aad
ert a eoapM Itet of the aSoer* bat
................................wUl prove oar .
tbe followtac te a few ot them:
oniTSOc. AtJ
Pre*-Mr* W. UMi#.
C. vCail * l>—c^<
Vk« Pr**-Mr* M. E.’Uc-aMr*.


(• ««tar


enarernaetrd. Bneybody i* eoidialfy lariled to oo—• aad help la the
rrarb of the Lord aad feaat oa the cDod
thlac* of tba krtardoa.
Rria( yoor
bwkrta well dliad; It will be a baabet



Bee.-Hr* J. W. Dkkema.
C3iaplBie-Hr* Wm. AaMoa..

Tbe UaelPsi
U Franete Alderman. Chicacn.
•aj*: "I rrcaM l»r. Kiaf'e New IH*Bertie, tha yoaac—t of *i* childm cordry a* aa Id—t Paaao— f— iteacb*.
ofMaofoSrer* Uet Saaday erraiacpMoa. Mich.. WM bora April M. I»el
■rdblldrvB'* Day________
Ur. UuwrII eradacted Ibe aervio
xfotd eoaaty. Ae family
um rharrh laat Hepday eVealar Unarll made It eery pUIa
• hv»lcii
they *baald
lo th* P-liB>BU\Bl '
Sae. All parla were well
HeHgrt-iaadahHdreo of WiU^^Aa Bag—tararyakk Witt
>f their
r to make a ■<
k. lo
arrapratHoadaywitb Hr. aad
lalk sub. there
)hi Friday r
for to
Mm. Mlataa Wlllaka* toUarto* wiO,
will be aa eal
abort bat palafal illi».
SbawMa 'y—r* — mure, and have never found
Northport Uepanmaat.
b—alllal cfrlol slnteea. betnc cope-:*aythinc oo brneOclal. or thnt ^re me
*J»y^ for' Ibe beaedl of ^Factor
JelT Udaily
to the little brulhee wbo .adi *prvd> rellefa* Dr. Kinc* New
___lly devoted to
M I* Baehaei Xebl U im Jowa vteitinc hM eo tacently Joiaed her.
Dteeov^.~ Try thte Id—11'uuch >rwiat thiloe laat
Mn- Ai
} On Saadny ev—Iny. Jo— «■.
rdy now. Trial botll— Kk- at S. K.
?iad at Oiweat.......
Ur* W. H. Stede of thUpla—b rte- Bortir. In oompany wiU (ilea Mane- Walt * and J. <i. Jab—uo-* D—c Store*
Hr. and Hr*. Bdd licrriartoa harr aeUre rraerallp , I f ^ bare flatebe
fleld. a boy thrar year* older than hlmitlnr relaUrm ia*Ke»wirk.
MW to LoBC Lake to ba foar aareral. tbelr raemffe. we abaB hare toipr pro
eelf. left bte borne abnut drat vdcloek
ly fair drop*
MteaCeUa Sterle left HoadaytoatSondaj Sseanioa to
MBd tbe leacben- laaUUic....................
tio.r cmsee of auaal. ore reporte
Hrv Tool llodfa* aad litUr daafbtar
tar bard and be kaeor thataeiU
Bawl -rUllrd Hr*. Holllraa oar dc; la aad a—r tbr villape. bat ao eerloi
—*r baa Arreloped. The lat—t vlelii
.K—tou oTBrar Imke fm rteltlac
lart.week aad tkea
tkaa drove
drare to Eapira.
U Hbe Carrie IMl, aad the Dr. repor
Iter Ml* P. B. WhitMB ‘
Hbtiw tba thlrtr'«nt aaalrati^ ot
Hr. Baric*, who world la the he^
ttalTTaddiaf. Aboat aaraatr^re nt _,m. war hadly hart lart
..acion left Snadar for llaBalo.
..BBoaledool BerUBC laat eerninc
te Id tbe 8r*t Hood—frst in
Hot they, la their ouadi m of vooth- I I'lhl'
tor tbe elllafe dlalrirt. J. O. CroUrr where be look a pwitioB oB the
_____ I —*BV
. *Bd .rnwt tu nok. it Ih.
fol atrenetb and love
Hrreral of the Crdv people weal «o aad Balph Cbae were eleclod leaete. er KewYorit.
h.A .•' e—nt of‘tbe y—r. Sucietk* fn» !>efortbree
year* aad «i. H. Hwaloatop t«
Bd Hylow xetarnrd last Tanday cboee tu pursne the eoome they
Haple City HaUmlay efchl to tbr daQQt troit.
trait. Ana Arbor. Sacinaw. Hay City.
fill raeaaey for two year* Nlarnwptba
e—t determined apoa and atari
atalatioD of the «Ud Bellow* aad
KBd i'T—verse
City, Hanistee, l.udlocluo.
—bool WM Toled far
eooinc yasr.
Sl a—epn.
J—eph. Ln rorte
i'orte, Ind..
1 warr* to i'Uaekecon,
Haekecon, r-i.
Bertha dUolbar*. a little flrl Of
i;. B Uampbrll aad wife and Mr*


•*y .1—
ararty l« year* otace. died laat llatar- lieu. Warner drore to 4lmena*nd back meet an ontiaiely
rrsterwol our te utiful
Hr. i-oaleUlokrt>dar i. •Uy ■so—lnr At Wertmlaater. Bear Sunday rvminc.
.. .Id* Orore at Reed*
Bicarsioo* here be— nr—need
lire IB «aUl Mrk'iaW 1. prealdeol of Kiacalry Ahr^ad aaSered for more
Albert Saoteir* of Krawiek wa* ll
______ ____
than two year* bad dcAtb waaakia.1
I altod htatea; Urea the era of prorpMday murninc alter * diliceBt aeareb hr
rvleaae. Vuaer*! arrvle— at Uw Uap- curat of bis brxrther Joo ^burn
Ifate place Snnday. ,
lutinc friend* aince mUnicht of 'the point*, nod n ln{cr nombrr
Ualebarrfaoe Soaday afleraoae----Ihr picnic.
war found —attend
. Tbaa all departed OiMhMr* Bmma'IVTTia ha* taken up her niebt be left hcHue.
darted by her paator. Her. Hr. Bj
iMldctt— with her Urutfa—. Her. UnrlCirioc evidence of'C»“a cmei*! c^ ulne i
bat. ol thU plai-e.
>i«>wDo>lot Bind
havior hadyikal prewoorlof
mind aad
aad “>wd. For tbu*e who do nut —i
incU III lA»lie. who te cierkinc ia
atteodlhepiroic. artelllot)—od
of a te—ve Btraccle fur,lilr with darkje*UOww*Mw4re<v
rlth iU m*
ateonl and the elomen)* a(alB*t
yee^at^lhte*'teee'*'*”* ’*•"‘‘•1' nea* al
Oiarlie Hiller wwai topira Tara
IL C- Hall ofCWearu. who liM beea
C b IHaAerhlla diorblo
cm CB
fOMt^ -WlU
, ,,|
Jolf’*1—re T—verse City at U;JU *
buyloC cherrte. here forwrer*! rre^k*
Willia^baiT Taraday.
UvieHoUm haeratanred troi bv
U a c»«el at the Wankaioo.
gaUeaBaBberof oarriUneai.
The ladi—' bearel encirty will
ea ibeearaiBloB.Snaday.
of TVaeataep^. vtaltU Itealm. te^T.-' And now. Bound trip rmlellf iw..................................
of aberri^
a ahlekenale capper Thuradaj e
WllUaaa left Saaday e
ioc at tbeWIteua cnltaceLaird, what wail I for, my h>^
Hr*, 'araver praorb. oa the
Pet—key for an oaUhr.
Thee." Bertir w** a faruril
UUs laa Iterrla of this place
,d‘*^to plaerall»»“'»and was always
Uoaday for SuUoa* Itey where
_._ ____ frier of ChlcaCP U alopUw., IhJlAvs.-*. U. F. A.
Ao Obedi-1 .....
cbnrcb tend Sundi
plac with Hr. Hbtct** aad faaiijr.
HI. Traa Deaa of Vatw viailed
HimVircInte iiacnoB returned laat
Hr. aad Hi* Cooley aad aoe. of Cad- frleatla U Iowa tbe drat of the week
OOer Ext—ordinary.
ThanulaT (rum Maniartte, wher *he
lllae.'arr TbllincUr. asd MraHlaalry.
of hi* teachen' aod *cb>*ilmat—
Tbere wer/ ito rvimsl
—tbrH. B.
M brea fur^r pa*l.*U moalh*
City Jloslnn- folirtrr
HlTM Caddie Herr^aad KUrl Willr ol hi* yoaac frirod* attendrd I
Peter (iitelaff returned lasLTurwUy
nnins to Ihrir last r—Unc place.; “<*■ Normal lacUlolc o(IrT* u.-'arll
laaia. of Maple City. vMted Hi. Btla
*—hi—coal for luu-werkcfn Ihn
urnidr from iUtllr Creek. Irberc he
rioK te—ullfnl lUiwer* upon bte .
Mlllre tfoaday
L'. I> Towbr left Mo^T to tr*rrA In bsk beea Iwlrinc inedi—11
casket *ud slociac. a* it wa* bein' Kncllrii. Normal or Comrarrcial for
Oar aebool rived Kriday with a pl<- Ibr iaterreU. of (he I^U I. Oa'* doarr
Btiydolla— Tb-e wbo d-irr U) Uk
Hill* Parnell, rfbo b*e beca tbr cur
liiwrred, a favorite sonc. one in whic
alcea tbeHUl. Theehildrra a<til.w- IncmllU.
advanUcrol thte offer niu»l do m br
Iwl IhrSatanUy pn-riuos bte rok
r Mr* M J llnslinrll for the pa
eau catbered aboat oae o-clodTAad
to— Sept. 1*1, !•»...
bf St. John* and CUra
bad joined with their* lo fOnciac.
dlnaer. After dinner Oie hbil<lr«b
ia UWa ^eri, IrfUfofbtriomcln IkOdinC 1
C. ft. Iha-arasr. I'rap.
re eoM pieera. Ibra iee rreaa and
■'‘When Be eomidh. wbco He rumeth.
t were eerved. Kreryone creniR)
Him ilracr- <>f Cb'iraco.
naveasB cm kctail Mtaan.
Ue*. who
to bare a coni Unr. Mi. Ib-lla rtbenk.
the IVbmkey aad
Tbur»da.r -........
triiayrrday have been rteltlac at Trarerar I'lty, re- Is.theird—lof
His loved nod ho. own.
er. Ic
left for her
........................ nnn Her.
Carlarard borne Tueaday.
••Be will calbef' hr will piUier.
Ur. HiiU and 0.*a ItenI
ebanr of Tr»rl!t*c Cily.
bavr been tolUpM BlrerforataouUac.
Ir ntibU place, im* bnen riut'n
Wfi the pore oo- allAh* Iwlchtone
raare hope Katorday.
lie— and frleadshere fur
/Hte loved and hte owe
Mr. Ldttaad family, wbo harr bren
think when
' Oh. Itertie. liltlr did
vtelUac BOBU of oer Doithera rcaurt*.
Mr. and Mr*
Mllful brawn eye*,
l.ukinR iuUiyoorte—ul
fd borne Taraday.
H,*L.Blalk«wba.«>«i--ft la«t Matnnlay
m —oc th* leader
ClteleniOL- as
Cha* HrLaocfalla and rhildrrn.
riruiU in Iterker i'lwk. Hale*,
........i.earor'.Mie brief .lay*
H. 7wirlar te tbe p
tr. li..*Ki<-**eUimrd Mumlay noon.
Fnak Keep^ H aatUbc >r* (ef
had |te—er1 inter rle—ily ycMi-<woald
Tlllr A lieinr barr been ratelnc and be Dumtirred amoac Uie “calherrd
laaeWtadla Klafa; A. H. I.—lir> 1>
cem*.- Uk— - kooie ter wrd.-' tVe —o'nra i.knKi
tiol tell «hy tbte w*. nermitled lo
whl^ mak— it two Bluri— bkA a
- ilricnwaa tbrCB—t of
take place, nor wb.l Ihoray path*
tb*«BO*toii«lntbtepartof Uie —i
m*oo laaiTawlaymiebt have bera hii tei tee».l in fatore
MiaaCor* Hdirr of Hahera attaaded
3—T* bad hr tired to manhrsol. teal of
------------------------------1. who tern noma..
Hi- Haade Babtatacar I. *lalUa«
Uti. Watlprmadr a baelarMtrlp Im
rrricm at tbk pU- baaday aMMsiacresidebl of thte pluv.oveapted tbr pal- • btenre are a—ured. that our II—voaly
baa iMb.. Hr* S.ITlairaU.
Trarerar City Iwl Friday.
jer will comfort aad saitaln with
Arlbar Mebell of U<
, Hte* Cora Walter te rteiUac frlrad*
abMiaC pr—M all Ibiec wJ
Matarday a^ banday al Uuonia
A Siwvjuc FaiKkir.
a( Trarerar City and Hear Imke.
Mr* li. I.. Halebiiuapr
Ur. aad Mr* Fr*d Tilloo of OikBCo
veral new 4telilA-ri— are beiac
r* Vtaitlac Mr. -nlloa'a pareataat tbb
led oa the peppermint «rlds al Drtrird before' Joatiee Kim-, week* Aiic. tth 1* the dau which
r. and Uir work of dlsliUiac the
y—terdey^ia which the plainlift. they wteh tu use, teat U te not fally devUI uumneaee la afew dajrs. CobC14er I—te* pet im a—s*« .
rldrd upon a* yeU
nae lo the
uido—tele fajury was done
thn largrly inaehool m—line held
S. N. .lienion. of T—rerae. arrieeJ
. rrwion devoted
r. and Hr*. A. B. Holdaa of
l—l nirht •. T- Peteiwm aad H- I.. Sooday ereainc oo tbr Crvacrat for a
■lac^aiT tlHtiac Irlmd^ aad relaUr— Ullar wei elected member* of tbe short visit with hte wifr and daochler. .
pporoiiat cnltore Ute a—<
board fort neyrwr*
wbo a- enmte »(the Wankarao.
lit briac tbe yield of oil fally op , to that
of laat y—r- ' -___________
The Mb-. Ua«le aad Hattie Seball
0.0 ja».of^iy^i>^»^^
All the boato tuocbiag~aTIteke
of Hname Cealre are vWUar relalirm
CoU USoedoa. of WaKbInctdh. D C.
mi Ub plae*
ha* been tbe c«—t^f fate daochter. igaa port* a— loaded to th« g
y A. F. BoBDaK aad liule *ob
Mr* ti C Itanvom. of thtoplac* Hr ...... . Irnit. and tbe ahIpalBc faciliUbe crop this year will be enU—ly
_____ dof BiaplrT rklted at tbr Half­
Willie Sa—hall. Myrtle Saaaball, left a d*y or so aco tor Korth Maaitou
iMdrqoate to baadle it Drowe— —y
Kittle Catler aad Kittle Garmalae of
way Boaae l.t week.
that it will be the larg—I in j—.
Traveme City, drore orer liere Uat
PrMricbofliraad ^ The UiC Four will pul oa a fa*t train
»«4. ara dryla* ap lor tb. ^ of
te> Isdianapoll* aacinaatl and Lootefriends vllie. thn* opealnc np a new marl
lUrr—Uac te a—r1y daldird ia thi*
.^wa^ofop i. barv-Ud. M bat
Ar—acvBvate are also bring madr
rElelVy. Bye hae broa badly oatea in NaUaaOeiloUer’.b-me.
May people of late.
liar to —ate— point*
HacklryA ' Doocla. an loadlaf taa
The annoal acbool mrelinc w
trk oa tbe ear* here.
the crop te a eery yood oae. Corn and in.the sete«lba>r»r Monday e
OBroy* re-eleeUd, Jan. Tlinma*
Wheat bad
id rye U
ta nearly all bai
polalo—.V lookinc well.
.ve Lbreeked aliaady.
William M Hlalr. ka <dd aad hichly B. Ckqip. Klne montbf wa* the Irncth
la^adaw da^^twlth I
roopected eltlxfa of tbte rillace and ot Umr decided apon for the foil
towBtbip. dird oa hi* farm r—idea— ocliool year.
-Hr. Bbd. Mr* Tbo^ Moalh. pf
Ibroe-foartb* of a bH» aortb of
Dr. V. Brook* Hr* Henioa and
riUare Thnmday Boraiac and . _ daochter Fannie. Mr* U. J. BusbneU.
1W l^lee’ AM Society
barird from the H. B lAarcb.of which Mi— Ixrttir and Kiln nashaell aad
he rra* a jarmber. Friday at t p m. Mina I'arnrll dra—to lb* licht bouse
Tnily a find ami )oi.l .aa ba* rone lo WedarMtey and eajoyed a picnic dla
hte nward.
arr al that place, retaraicc ia the
O, Wibtoa. of Lather, while viaitiac even lacat the reaiilraee of tha* Strabaa in
Mil* Sasie Banmhercar rel---------------—
tbte rillace. atoir tlU aaddofmrted for Wedarsday from bertflp to Ctelitorni*
tbe Burttae— r—ort* tu enteh hi
tUport of latertoeben eebool Bteel
Uoa. Hr wa*arT—t«doB the b
held Jaly mb'. likK: ,
A dollar paid for a ••Woodbnry" HUk
emd. an old r—Menlof Ibie place with
Ueetlac called toarder by Hodrralor
I Slerlltecr Biay Mee-bal^'c
vhnm she La* been sUylac diirinf her
> CO after him. briaclac bin down on ataencr.
enosia. Hte*
il tlHt te bcaotifU aad taf^ la wa- I them: alao a fall line bf
Voted by bAt for aew awiderabiir.
.twenee. aad
e ' ateo
' 'bvjirr
be IS:triralB iMt BicbL ~
Mamie Whitney, of Sooth Bred. iod.
1 Mayaanl war eboaea tor Ibter
>. find* B* dlo& ta mai&crbood. feat* aad Invalid*
SC he ws*• bruogbl
bruocht before
•r often we find-dmog
fiBd.*±oag ov Amerieaa
Amnac tbe awl—1« at the Wauka*
ail wbe— he waived examlnaUa
nlod byaecIamatloB lo rater
women that teoi^ for Ike patlluK
Mirror BoraiBf Capt Jaaua Hrras booad over' to Ihr elrcul
-Jrinc tbe aart week arr: Martha
voiev. the idol <3 Iheic wahiag beste.
rvarw the taatcb for tba for (eaober'e wac Carrird.
He aekaowlrdira the taking c
MeKras-w. Ida A. Itemborcer. Chi-fo:
Its Fr—t Atnrt.
’ Tbr DracgtelVeUd to ralw PTI more t— tbe p-rHte* B*tnr*] ii—iact, thte y—ibIm of
M*%ObbMa-tMd.altbowb '
Jolia Frntoo. Al'wr Johoetoa. Aim*
oory and hadepffit Kt of it
poar of paUiacaeedar wall oader the
Jofansteia. Clerrland; Hr* W—t and
•ebool ho—r aad each other rrpairioc
three child—n. B—n*uin. III.: B. it.
ae wa* aerded oo tba iaude aad o '
Hall. Ckl—C<>: S K Henioa. Trare—r
iaeMeatal parp—a*
riiy: Nathan II. lloH. itonerafl. Mich.; doteiotead (or '-Tile Feaple’* Me^
iieorce Krwmaa waealT—oe—e City
Uored aad —rrled that tbr dtelrtct
Advtecr." KUO p^t* ffdfniely Uh—
Hr. Bor**, ad Barplr* waa U town BBite with the Saaday eebool la par- la*t Frid.:^.
Mted. ivn^kte-irLd £laral ptet-VM^ay.
ebaeiac aa ortma for rue of day aad
Mt*8—U aad HaaterOaorae w—1
Mr* Orr. a TTpaar. a^. la vWilac Haaday aebnpl aad that wM dtetrlcL’e
T—verse CUy Friday.
ifrvd: Hi*. I.*B-Friedrich, kft* R—'We *ball not earerd SU.
p— Ibr HEasur-Wnu—


Mr* Jahaay W—Id aad two
m a portloa of laat waek at «







-• u-




A $1,000 House and Lot on
'Washington Street, in
Oak Park, for







SSUlrt tto ^ a^ U>






Mi* I. Batab od Tneeww Ct^ ba*
bw.rWUara>ew day*at Chaa Barptoeraare da
11—I df*l of damac*
Uoyd Boat wife kod baby here
laat Friday.
moved toT—vrverOty fora while: he
Joba Oaraa. of tS-pb* i
Wr will
Umapb tow* (Htardayoa bb way to them.
Tnrarer City, tetanlac baaday.
The Saaday aebaal —aU— btdd

.«tl*orLelaad.Hatardaraad baaday

^Jtaratan anj^ eattlac^r wbM
Sw^IrtZilbitaadlac tba cn '


**** Saturday



will be aa meetiaf at the
efaarrfa a—t Saaday moralac.
Uw qaarteriy meetlog of
aad will hr held at T—v—


clatye* of



.1__ I_____:j- ___

of aa______ _______________ .



. .

c boiU iq> hrt
aUmeau wb*d are thr —e
trnable. Dr. Fterec'* Favorile Fitacripli— Rgateim aad tramota *11 te prw'
prv ftusetio— of iiaamabniiii, iiinmiiii

Itix3.11 ~i ~re a-t

. rS

Herald, Office,

If* imit remodiil «caL aa isrigae.
rtiog t—ic aad aoviae wbicb —r

.L _



Ho-«MMC» oAtedl
—ad-eal aad krigtag.
grtUag' ^y U
— o pew —*r — bte farm jort
turn. Aaate Uardav aad two dillaorth of tho vUI^.
4im*baw<aavriaad. a. arrived Fri- afewday*
She will epead eeve—I wee
laat Sunday Be*. Samahi ’ A tew of tbe JUpte atv pwplr
Kr aad Hr*
.. .-Haim pr—I bed at iW
Oete tart (tetarday.
Frtead*- eharaboMor What the tarese— want aow.teagood
UMhIy Marahiacairme
Itwedo artgetoaeeo—ooriy
potadpM will .pat be a «wry larre-op.
Mllteaadwfe MCte^^^.wB—.Bi r*acw te goWtef tbe^toetel
i—ody —-«ta iFiMted M —art aaaw




Mr*^lm. r.1
ra-^H— H
DrfJ—yleaad lady, ot Soil—i* Hay.- lamMo for Omr— Friday eotuv taUag
Hod at Ur. Fralick-* lart Thursday.
lathrslgbtrof that place, pi—ielilar
pi—ched in Hr. Uovr- and retoralnc emthr Cm—atTis Hhc
Hr. RiUlttctem
•' place

atOvdar '
The ireddingof H'Wttenredraarthe
oAhte place lo tile Marti
J It Kewi
Fier. lookplarelatl
Jok place lathe Lotbrrau efaoreb
laat Widnradar
at t p.-m-iTbeeborch
rely b—atifally f—the
___ a Mamie Wblaaeey. of T—
oo—sloo in vremreB* and flnwe— and
O^teetetelng her aunt Mra TI
nbownd vecy'plalaly that Invlac band*
■ - been at work.
The bridecronrt
M— Flo— HowelL who wmm Ul M
Med by W. F. •
oar laat wriUng. b ^ to. br oat
aad Blond anil! the -......................
Banda (iarth*. ateter ot the bride.

Hr. amd
Jill, alt—Jahan, a miateter of tbe laat Saaday.
from Wiaeb-ter. lad . took

$300 may remain on time and
$300 in monthly payments as
agreed; or $300 on time and
$276 spot cash. ,


lie—*by h—mother, Ur. ChM*"In


$6 00

few woeda of
Of advl—
advl- a^m^ for
oc—eicaI aad pvrtonaed Useeerrm—J
.J which
which aaltrd them for Ilf* Beafter at tbr te—e
yooBC cnapir bare the o
maad beat wteb—of m
tricad* la thte place I- a krnff aad
happy life laceUier.
Hr. aad H—
Hartlaa— leaMeat OUraPter. wbera
1^ Hartiaa- teamployod by W. F.



X25 SVzhDXL-t S'bqseeib.





V g« Uttte a«M M


»*r cMTTTlar (h*

Utaie Man iaHi
piaM' aU
fmyU wbo Ibad
o • «UlM« »Uck aO Uo tlna.
>MKtoS««U.a( - Ue beeal aaar bp woaU walk tick*
Ucoa» Ue little bewM. OaaUnaail
cMka e< baaattfa] MB woald ba aon- ■UbewBaroiBpw.2^ Beklartedj


rtM fraa U« had «Ml tk« VM •» OM
the aalL HTMtlr .llulc
"T^a Uk»tb« ■nil.*'
_TW, telte.ihpak M»

M ^


lie wa. wbtotllnr paptp


most of U* wap to to
Ue oUor bopr-aad
- -Tht
■pht bone late ia
is Ur afteTTMau
canearealWoaWeUtbe UtUe benuekaapere. Bat tbe arriooo UoaWe mw
- a we tacaUnd^tbo boaae ertU
One ekUbad Uanb.
Ipaowd'dlehra. Cad Ue aaapbtp
tkte beadaebs.
ivele caa off wlU Uem joet ai laat ' flae wet pair of Uoea. .
Oar bic basket wiU a Mt little bar
bad to baroa I
let Inidcof it.>^.
at laat for Ue_____
M bow U ue plBca. bot
Oae kaotlp aeapeader.
aena dlabee cn»ld
TceealpwU- ‘
------- *
I an aacapoa w«atd ea}op joat aaeh
o be eaid Ual
aboMe. 'I^balldlBf eao ruoa laeb
UcAd. book* ac
Oapl aad Ue woode ^ field* will plee • hick br took wiU blm.
m. hssiv
poa all Ue material poa Bird for tor- Urm oe snaps ia Ue bollon ol Ue
aiwee. Searp pretu etoae poo-aed
will do fwas^ofUe walla, btqmp*
aad block* of wood will pie* *emt* for
Ue bic folks wbea U*p coon. Tbe
-------------wUI be happier it hare


Lranul his Mvdr IbAIm parj tu

•( to •

(knafk <k> U»MM 4*

-' -wMnneb«d.tb«Bnll Inc
________-I sato th* Mat ud

m)t9^ Un ftMty »lr u4 tt« bricfctMM at tke Devlt riMB «>s.
U«>Mte'elaA «hM>b«*UM
MM Umi ualfD m4 micb*
______ty of Uto MMStala oOee
nn tk. WcoMcbirhkihwMW
iSb naU oo W ibi w«*L Tb» abort

eamallrMehUd a


I m4 tw «w* timm *1
mmmtrwrrj'-A^0.f K J.

aa. MaMbodr. lb!
M*>. lanttiadM
I an Uiad at ovorflbiac.
AbsatadoMa boJ« aad clr>* «■
gatkorad la Iraat td a gmu. talklar
aboaltberoartbalJalr. TbiM wa*
ailann tar a nioala. Una Uaallfaban

lo ooeacr had Uaa*' tym Iwcdbo


tbM^i 1^ With a w
boaad of bw bean; bat ao. on ooai
acarrr. tbep proved to) be OMa.
Ilaae arpM tbe peap oa. that the
eacoealer nielli be
tar nen drew amrer________
crere eo nelBed la Ibelr wlelor earn
aad eollan that tbep
aareconirable. Kow tbep wen ctee to bta>.
aad br bad bepaa to. Iblai tbep were
pulap lu inee ue withtnl aoUciap bin,
• — -teuf tbeaeind the poop'e '
»« otberetepped eloee to.
eWdpfa aad eaid:
“Wr'll take tbe mall la .to-oipbt.

}anpad ap aad ertad.
“I bar* U'-Wbat to ur tbap all Mtod at
••Latb haraaplaato. Wa caa barr
lato e< tab. H wa aab't abaot dia■m »b>n. wa MB fB to. Mndy Olaa-"
^^^aL aaw that be wae'la tbe baaito
. ‘•Wall - ranarbad ana «d tha boyv of robbere. inilbe wae deteciahwu to
irotool tbe me.l, with hie lllr If -aeore
datatallr. “caa we bo la thtoT I
paaa waaaat bacaaM roagifto IbMcbv nep. Hr oould Me Uat bie eiMalina.
tboapb dcaperate. wae Ml
lor br had aoUcod that Ue
“Wbp. atmrMjdaciaa.'-aald Uaa. of tbrwiaa
ep^c lu bln «ne
ikk aad (rokea. aad wbea Ue ppaT
^t^rngklot U tor |CN
irew ap blebeadUe
ble beadUe oee wb
wbo ^eld
avMp alaa Bat wa
anhaear pUaa. bacnaaa tbaretooal/

“1 wtU brtac a bar at ntto** aald oaa
•JaMIba tbiaffr tbaj aU ertad


“And tba roat of poa aaa briac wbat

Uep werewalUiW<<wne.''betbimrbl.
■ If 1 eoald aalp free Ue poap We
• oavof Ueir reaob.*wbo bad demaaded Ue
nail bwaa loeeacch Ur elebrbfur.lL
ilaae barw Urre waa a repulvar Is a
pocket of Ur alelch. bet daiat aot
lOBcb It leal it akoabi be wreated Iron
bln. bat a plat
whip be bald lo______________ ._______
Uenloatioo IdU btonlad.. ttorclallp
he watebed Ur pMp'i captor till bb
face waaiaafaTorablepe^tioBi Ur
be catoed bla whip ae ff lu aipe bl
poap forward aad brcmpbl li dowa ia a
■wift. BtlapiBC eat aerun Ur r^brr'e
~riU a laarfBl oaU tbe -nai
rbip. 1
b Ue
ioo beh .d him. wlU a force
___debimi el aad fall^o>aat Ue wall
of rc^. Il Ua eane laeiaoi Ur

'^HaaoM.- mU Uaa, tawaUaf la oe
hM nolW aa aba nt la bar aaop diaw
taC •»-'->•>*•*<>>>( to bare a ptoato. aad I waata ehlebaa aad aont
ytoklMaadacnka an! aona lacaoaa.-'
• h^ir
“Wbp. oUtd. bow yam fr(rblaaad n<
rinli»lallbatbat.-tdbor nolber. ,____ i aad” Baas'ko^ bp tbr prrat
)oll that be fait that tbe alalpb Ind
“WaU,-aald Uaa
IhaeattoinlblataT Tbaratooslpl
Now Uto poap was flpinp oe,
•BOW at a rate Ual
bat would Moa brtu
....... - oat
of daaper.
. L was But was Us mart
Um WM tbo oalp ebUd. Hba had Urm
■ - Haas
- lelt
felt uDdur
aadur Ue arab

brewa o^aad brawa carta aad abr •ale?
poa*. Por
Ue Brat tint
tin* be
ana rwj poattjr. Kbc baaw iUa. bat
• aartow
aamiw pan II era*
■2. la Uls
dUMaaralBldKlraaL Sbr aal
aad dlfilcali uU to lure a tehiele
<m pvatqr, bat wbax cd that? It nlfbl
laen. llaM looked at tb* poop.
teMbMawap wbat a
Ueo, Urowlapoff bis coat, b* un«baaMolbalaC nta aboat H. Ji
tbaa ^ aapa cane, aad hwtaca I
bn papa aad mU:
•:'Jtow. papa, cap poa or M. cjolek,’
••y« or BD. qakh.'t capeatod bar {

maa to< bad n
ee.^ a Ue
taoce eras bis____ r______ -nwlinc
C il
ia hU head. lUar
wlU U* nail hap
rode to. iriUlD bni r dUlaacu ud
. “Ifow. papa." mU Uaa. “a
■■Ilrop that bapl"Tm. fa.-- aald her tatber.
Tbe rubber turned and came furiousnaaaatdaribcpallnot
r toward him. Baas Iraaed forward
ad fired bU rrcnlrur. Tbr thief Indi
step, slumbled and fell V. Ue
“Bow an wa c«lb( to fat tbcier'
prouad. the tap fplbf • hbort dlsl_..
MMoBcottbacIrtafren him. Haas craitod a morneot to
“Walk.” laid oao erf tba begra
be SBIT Ual Ue robbercould nut walk:
Uen be acramUed dowa. selred bto
“! Wocaalwalb. Lefo
price and eras off like Ur wind.
•MMato aad moat afala la aa boar
Ao boar later Ue little companp
aMI wUl taka it apdepa^ aad be that crowded Ue Ollert poloBlew was
sarpri-ad to Wa^Uerap cbeek^id^y
ty note
'•There am two men up lo Uc pan
wbo waa. .
“Ut nc BM.*' oaU Uaa.
“Waall tried to. rob
aad Ue other has a broken
bcaaebt tea OMto aad than ara tweira


Half WUted Mad
Pier of lu la UrUtefallof
lo Ue Marawra dielrtetof OaUito
a deer bant. ,<>ae of tbataembn era*
a bait witted poeu eamad Ned. wbo
■ ' edbfter oar lop camp.

w alphl we wore later Um o»a»l
._ ..•turaioc to Ue “absatr.'a Oa ar
rteUfTTwas fonod omptp Tbe ball
wilted bop 'erMcotlp^^^liDr trifbl-

aad tbabaaeanaariar Iben. Wbea
It lettbaatoatattbalrbeMeBtbep
aaU ttet wae the BisMt roactb of Ji

On Washineton Street.
in Oak Heights,

Carriages, Buggies, Gntters,Sleighs

For Sale at $600,

$ and $300 on
time if sold quick.


Cheap Homes





‘Farming Lands
finit.Ri»Msi MIUIS. L QmfUi


eard hi* storp. and aotwIUur jukes and of
>r stuck fi> it- ''
sborUp alter
llrr day
darlwrak. wr
iup tbr i.l.l hit wbra nar of
JamUr In tbr etlrrnw. nipt_________
wr bnk Into II and see If .Ned's besr
was still Urre.
. . .........................-.............
all looked
top.^nd we
saw Urrr
full sutod
bears Ipiap diadi
Id a bhp. lacl. one sbotfuirlv beli
Ue rye*-—lllnsimlol .t.-rritt.h.

Traverse ciry.

Sute St., near Daioa.
' ,8URB R£.WAB1>.


: '


s:iT •'”*

i —S' —•
e ruaalnp . ibr
.Ir.irli.i Murltnr.
. AmrtbrrmooMfit.aad
I Ur baVUrew d..wB
Tbs rmBte*
M ue Ur Boor. Hi*
epew were auniof from bl* baud. iSod
Wlirte ItaV II
be shook w.U eacitemral.
hr Kreflics d*..-.......... ..
It was a loot Utoe brf.wr we cmald
lluardlBCeacb druersp
paUrr wbat hr ioteaded U. sap. but
wr made out. after a lot of <|ar*llociiap. - Thep^pre tairiu* wiU damps."j said
that be feared toxoaUlor had happenml to ae aoil had puce out
“Trlllnp'ibr daisies puod-eipht.*' b> ap. ..
. - walked dosm Ur paU “Thrpjjw sparks from U.r skica.' said
Ue oppoeiie
ipposite dilswlioB
to Ual which
wrbadeomrln until opposite Ur idd
■ I tan SM Urm bnminp bripfai.'-|
uei- pit. where be had eree a brar. This
ore pit was well kauwa to) as- It bad
brrn sUrtrd. ami after rK.asatlop *
hole about Ur luw of Ur f.wadatio*
pumi it is only Ur mamma*.
otapnud sited bousr wstrr was rn
And Ur teby fiowm wshImI
treed, aad il was abandonrd.
' .drink."
—fMI.I Oiir.l.n.
c was onlp our .patbwas in w
rme wralU or want, cumr pood ur 111.
ui^^uwilUr to. ascan.l'anddn
Let poBop ap.l old as'rrpi tlirir part,
nd bow U-furr tbr awfsl will.
And bear it witb.aa hlHin.1 heart. '
Mr> codliaborer Uls III peXliap
tVbu miasrs O' who wins Ur pri/r.
lio. loM to conquer as pi.u can.
brsd and pswaan Ue lop and wasis.iii- «nl il you ta.ll or if poa rise.
inp -mt when be. onip a frw feel awsp. 'vHe earb. pray 4>ud. a praUrmaa. riphi brtweea Its rprs and BrrtLf
•■’'says BorninpdHorp.
•Tb, tear dropped, aafi hr aarrrls'
3 brtto'r with Ira*
pump'd tbr kbril out wbm hr hrmrd it “Hear what 11 mp bellifar* cbiml
scrsnibllnpun upaiu. tVbrn its Aad lilut and v'lak
apprursst MTU** osrr tbr lop. br smash­
rich. dQ-. and pmlly rollinp.
ed It oacr inter ripbl brtwrcti tbr ryes.
TimUrml luaiqly will. Niipar blaplr
snJt»Hwai.wd It tuaUIrd down into.
Ur plto TbU Umr br said br
A llUlrplri.whu isnJw enjopiap bor 1
Kim,! lto.ww.Ml. Ask. Bry^i.
hearer, ietradinp to look into lb
- • •xprrirarr ia lisiap la a t.luek. HnuloA, r^r.. and are well ualrrr.1 bj
wbro np came Ur boar apaln. an.!
dMCsiU<d il
s'lrtUT to. aaoUer . tokrs. HsfnianddinKdcK.
tlioc br firnl p.lul blaak Into Its brad.,
■ Tbis is a rrrp
Slnuiiwuto. finr cnii*. bralUip
a^'unsr more tbr tear soiled
Nrxt door i> faatenr.1 oa i
;otetc.*»d rhnn-lim. into-llipi-o’
ThcmraUl'BtraiO Urn br
much for him. and brputoetlor Ur

HIRES Rootbeer con.
Uins the best ho'bs, berries ; kor n.«ks. uaps.ctc., aii.irr*.

and BioU iutu«


tv. S. HOWARD,

rootteer makinf. Take no


Land commimiot

■__ .


nrtp ■her
bud ihrm ddli^aU^


ps lad.s« and
Two or thrrp weeks after Uep bspu
to b tiMom end il ass not l.inp brfnrr
Ur tori waaa mesa ol brlphl
Ur i%1u- a..w.-rs' At Uis I.ucp
much concerned
tbsl poteprosnd. t..r sl.r bad
Urm .1^ Hot bow ruuld
cwnld Uep
etert II Ur lll.•m)Ul• wrrr on tun of tbe
tea? Uufunnnatelp l.ucp*


lU DeUDs M (be Butsess AtMM tb

.r housriiaps far then, to «drrrli*^ Urir Basllne of ear
; riapsB


- New Pumlure Stow*.

^ :

IM u iw Premt BL. Tiastma «tp.-•


mmmmm } Conceded by all

That the I£nter]>rise Grocery is the I
J chca|»cst store in the city. We offer for this week only: |


^ l>lbs.UrBaBlBtrdKapar....»llBi
\ Hrsl flour prr bbl ..
f Pure itord prr !b....
.s burs JuokaoB Ikmp
« Mrs Kirk's .Smp.........
ArpuOl.iM Kter h - - - - -lulba Kolledltot^............
llrst butter Ciaekars pa
UommnB CrBckrrs prr It


luktap I'uwdsr. lu. ?u, ». 44k ttc j
.............l». ss. «. si



m Prcml Street, test, duor*

UuBiwr Bulled UbIs par plv. I
Huron ILdlrd Itots
ilmrsAmer. PamUpBonp...
CUar Imrk Itorb prr 1b.........
MasM Jata. all sisM 'oe bead. ]
extra Rabbrra aad tapa.

of SteUta^s Usaml Opcea Uomu.

O. PIERCE A CO.. Proprietor*. <

Orosdii’S Meat Market

w.a^>^. ‘)T;

AxmiiMto. •

• wiUcMbltobpt-BrrtBpeisellforBsbariUme. IdoBTukaip* -w
- acCBtrxtrafar ibrmrrtapsasUf pbotoiadM‘tc<«tB*a mat ^


Wfli. S. Axw.awn. I lirurral Manapri.
Um>> Kmumtsk.

1 WlU pipe poo oar doaan first-class l•botes of po^^ hakp ^



Sainel Antopn CS)’

How Loop Tralaed U* Poteio**.
Luep llsna on tlir west sidr ib a little
-ouw back of wbu-s Uerr is a itKiiny
l.ast sprtnp sl.r told bur laUrr
ihal she wanu-d to. Urea panlea all
pemnd was
of her own. ivia pin
itrd Iwr serdx
slaked off and l.ury ptonic
.Sbr dnln'l kuon uie.-h ab

sen la Ur amt ersrr* <%*. of
le hoaec ......... .. .
sprain or brutor, rut ur burn, Thumn*'
row. Ihr aaia aad
Rrlertrtr Oil piece almtet Ittsteal m. la aad oat at aap
' il is tbr ideal family linimsot.
It; bat tbe little pIrU wbo bum it.
wbo upaat auarip
____, . ererp
... boar of the
dap le orr about it.
it. were carufal w pc
mt at Ue doors: rUitoin
Uand oat
teamed that Ula .waaUe pedite aad
pmpor Ulap lo do If Ur IreUapaof:
UeUtUrowauru were aot hart.
woaid bare ae>oped Uls buaM.
_____ aid aot base aurarteccl melt Ur
fairies had aaad Uc Vmse at alphl.
Tbe eoaebn aad bed* were jaat larpe
emoapb tor Ue tairtn itI U^
Uep wemW
tark Ueir *11

wmlUof Ue 1.................
bteeaad anall aumn that
little piri* bad pUed an la IUeirwtika
aad cmrrted lato Ue wood* to a___
Thep were poltobad aad
bmatlfal: Uep had beea pickad up bw
cruec nofu beautiful Uaa
jn or pebbles tbsae little
pirls bad nem. The carpeu were pmre
non. Thefamltare waaallnade ed
twipaoeeurad WiU note.
Tbe taWes
eosered wlU team Uat
- -------------lopelber WlU pnaa
walls badaeadth* bene, far tbe pato
btetwam laid U row. aad nade'te
aalaUe akd iMhte walla
Tb# low.
haaplM kobckn of Ue plan —a.
Ue ■aaiW.
odhtof. asul
aad ^
Ue 1bird* a



io« imovT nmm.

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
Fruits of the Season.
J^st for .Ur s^r of aepumrat

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.

we'r* poinp to. brtnp all Irfnd* cd r



brad of [

•'Iruit " tVr simply iriah to prose
UatoereatJrr stodiis ripfat le

No old stele, orted ap.

left osrr stuff lo hr -palmwl off"
oa a leap safferiap {mblic.





But Uinp la arason dorsn t
|Wusr that Urtr Ml alM tbe



cbM^t -edlblec." la town- Try
unpinp all poor pruuerica of m


wiUUoMpou rerrised lust pear.

soxLtiA sia«.

OmFi O-rNDoex-.

1 have )U!

il a shipment of the


lliat the best place to buy anything in the line of Hard*,
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire. Barn Door Hangen. Paint,
Refrigerators; Ice Cream I'reecers. Gas(4ine Stov«L
Fishing Tackle, and in fact everything i|Ttbe hardware
line, is of W. J. Hobbs. Come and see me and 1 vUl
prove tbis-sutemoit.

146 Front Street.

Traverse City, Midi.

•rmi)>xs> H IS 1 rn Iwauc ■ rcm*».-w
r- wwS urerC •> wav to SACtotor, to MWi

s*=r.xa.^« ‘i^^STto- c^£
—- iwH' w mr sirmsiw rcsmi

issiai w


I Not the

Largest and Beat

warn two laipr atoan'^criU *0

d oat. Uoaph U wooU base beea
eabter to base stepped oser It.
Waad-beaMOrMlaaeato. aeatll^ happpdapawnapaaaad lethal heas*:
Tbe rooam srure eha^ad almost rserp
It wasUat Untmade ItacmfM
lap. We caUrfjea^d^^bat M were


Residence Pit^



S.S.S. After * bad ukre tour hotUes, I
bepas to art Iwtler, and when 1. bad
fial^ mpbleea botUe*. I wa* cured sbiBwsi wilboot s
blemish, and I base tub no returu of IV in as. •> IS u-wr. X. |. .M--..
tbe disease. S.S.S.msed me fsoB a life
olmiserp.'' B.S.S. (jraamOM forrly
aay.'caiw of blood
:e* car stele lo sor tltelrplaptfainps.
nil cu,
oa tfaedifease
rlipips aad Iwlls aad


ad btnawap. Wheabebadecne the
ebrto weaU aet let the bepe r> ewap
ecato beeaMO Ibep ww. atiaU the
«anp wesM eane barti. Atlerdlaaer
•my fmikai ap wbat wae left of tbe
«Mdi aad wu dowa to rat. While
tkep watetalUa
>talUi«l(r aad Mca uraban droee ap «

ifrt'u at


»Bcb a Tuanp bouse br lisrs la. '
mib a plaw. roof usrrbmd:
And sorb lots and luUof plctum
AU his cblldrra. so br

-........ it-.. IS

deafer ol paandlaf tafwa prettp Ind.
WbM IheTfotthiadMe tbep all weal
la balhiac aadbad a nerrp tine.
Wbea tbep rot tired of batblac the
toepa waat to> plap ball aad the rtrta
fat diaaer. WbUe tbep ware retUac
•bier* bndy .a tocaace kwAlac -aa
appntwi. He WM dirtp anl bto epM
waraabarp; hie balrcraa leap aad haac
M hto apoL Tbe pirte' Brat Iboocbt
. aaa call the bcTo. bat
tbep w« ear - dolpc that ler tbe
>UtoCbVMelahaBd.aad cader-

oreekbf tbe areM

I wa* OBsSlV to 1^ asp delid
food. Uybair
ybairwAs comia^ out rapi"
_____ -jslaaborribU
was Iasi
fix. I bad I
sartoos trestmeats. and srasnearly

At U* Photoprapbae-a.
book at that maa la Ue comer:
Srems u> me he dors act queer:
Trtilp. 1 d tar AUrsd to deaU CBom
If mp mamaia Were aot been.

ratiap ridr craa also mtoMBp. *o we
penamrd be bad tabea It f^r.iirotecUoB. tie eUrted to. pel aopper. wbro
cl.we bp ranp out Oir sharp crack ol a
rifir. ia a few arcnDda aauUrr creek,
and dflrr a abort paokr a Uird oaee Ma^br be don't mm
Mr prai.prd our puBi. aad preparrd lo

coal^'l asb'^him te explain Ue
‘^ra Haas baateacd borne, bot Ur queer o.sduet of b<7^pardru.
fay at kla safe arrlral was tampurad bp Bwt mrrt llir pctot.lrm brrarlf.
a nncTow that fell apoa Us llUle proup.
M muruiup sbr went
Tka taUer bad beea prowlap rapidfp
baaarboaMatM aaadpoaall a
•. brat osrr Ur poL
wcaae since mominp. aad all knew and burlrd
led thrbbnaoms
in U
that ecep sous lltU* Haas mast be Ur
■aatncralapatabarp oaoea o'dodt
jpjmrt^M whlcb^tb. Whole famll.
n* iraiaW her nnmly ^Mts
the ton droeaap la Iraat at tbeticaa IIMie sipfa of enotmt and
ban toaaabia wbm twrtea aafM boja
d for hi*
Kurtaaatelp her praadfatber rrlumaad cirto wwa waluar.
braeerp and a poalUm In tba I alted od tbr nrxtdaplBtlnirU'rcaciir Ue
MW it aonlar the cM. caa la
Mate* mall merloe ia which aerrter br bloes.imi..aed Lucy look a mile Icmod
haaaa tot cat badkata. eonba aad braababout^w piunta prow.—Jiflr.'lcd.
dapTal&Zfb Us^ht'wli^
aa. toiaoto aad batblac aaln.
A liltlr fuuryenrw.ld child o.
bteth^aadMtbewntoaadtbe b* bers lank place moca“^ — *—----------apo.—CAleapo Record.
brrU ia a rtor|Hi
ranbtad awap aad haface ibrj baaw It
Asraklap once -in Ue mkldl
A House I S*w~Bmlt.
nipht. say. the
' «bar woM ia kbo wooda. ProUp com
nmUrraakrd blm ir be knew where be
*kap cBnoMapiaaewbofa there wao .
te ••T.mrv.r I do,-he replied. "I m
a pawdaaaaaaidoaadthobarM tb. eras bant cm Ue eboreofa beaa " '
Ur top drawer.'
Uke. la a thick proec of plae K
ad the bapa Tbep palled
a^ awlMa eat aad pal than ap at the


■ *UlS

caMMaanthTtarthMof oarli^

«* baaed tba Uattentotonan aap an.

Price while they last $W.OO. Get >x»ur orders in
early if you want one. Descriptive circular on appli­
. 1.SI SMla Street.

. tipj

Bedronn Slits, PuIin' Fnitin; Eueh,

Tm\-crac Otr. MteUpan.



obtained by advortisinM 55-gg^'^JS
your wnntoin thoBonOa

J. nt<«BLT,


.^nn gRAviM WBBUJk julyw ia»e


Bal „
11 !•

A Molbai'* Otr-


-liar* i a «rkb Ual la ooldaoMT
u boar la a battor-l -»W. Kal ^ loaAattbrebI
«lav cn ika da arltfc •wo*i«aaoa--'<»«lil«***<»
flrld (roia lb* da;
A,ra whkb MBT wo-oa ban
^ tka
• forti
DM. ai I llaa. wU
_... b»T fnco
iMa. Wraltbt- w- —V Ua-a «
lyUm. q.oalaa*aH»»at. Itaai
k 4a«ca UUaoa of IwUaaa. aad Ua
M^r folhoa wW looak all ■'»■*■

"da br



.uaow I'd writo fOraaolber^eya
(tome baaaUfal tboophU—U I aod


ABhountBor MIKE


ock .
ly ooaatrwrvUba barrrl
thr paotU brrrrr wad
thSn iaaiTeB^' Imr'to C^^od to tbr bia

lib. and
' orrrhrad pi impard tbntapb
praro of tbr applr trrr

^____ .


ala Oiaaaawill aaafW Uc p«rp<w
■■nrb-T aloac lalU Ite (land lalMdnd. Vur. altboarh
n -------- 1 -- papm. Tba adltof^ Biaj bn door la a* oat-booar. and «
4^ wM «ap(M ai tW UaM of oar tba B»lB bnaar br orolbpM (rooi Ibr
rarafta of ibr broV ibr oooh laaBt
tMla flia. iaviaMr*«o(*>«aP>
pmaaao(Ua»a)l a<ll bna-ortoAaad
f a *a«7 —.............
aaralMM br eookrd witblbr rhlp
ato aMiW broochl la IWli.
aod amall irfuar of «<M alwara fuai^
irtUraae br
abtwl ___
Oarraai aad Ita Uaaa.
I. frylnf or broUlmrqnlrklj dooa.
Ibr hralaa qolrkly dira arrar
n fordia»ar«n
fordiaorrcan li
br prrparrd In

b alorklaaa to
Ji kiua to
'•■yWith riotyab

CharUe and
barirl. Umopfa nhlrb


bammock li



Nai^lbataaarWworhrdalarrb* l.~ V.m int baanrorlM,! to «n,l iio-wolrr- ibatar- alw.B. «, po..l f«
ffnil iHlwolrr- J
. will adjou tbrnurirr in ;>
i Thl* my oompUlat wbrn I jal an
• proorr afforded by I *
tilCMrrtUir ptoUrt
Kram my aanoymorr I aakad for wot;
;nc<k off
ol tbr barrel boopr aod yoor '
Cnirlly rraa
wrarrmy taaka. Ab. karr yuo wA
Uopcaallarbi-d'at tbr >
I atrala my rara for tovfa or >ra|- Wlll.wlap Ibr ban-nK. k: fn.m «l.nit |
lurlf a
Ibr aoao romr ant la brautr book* faalrnr.1 on Uir 6r< tninkron,
Uir lawo, or b.iwiiil & piaioa pat and [
old farbkm-l
farhkm igg milk ---------------------------------------- Ikaatbalof aaold
ItroMmr of Ibr acbf la my dallrd tbr bourr. upm tbr laUrr.
L wbrrr Ibr larka,
■ aoarrd;
_______ ______o.-haU
rler jTOW-h^
Iw madr.

• lotlunocy
aod rmmrb of aoo>r adlUIrtr dbdi My
pir, homriy drrirr.
beBlarayr Irfl friMB dlnnrr lopraeladr
•CtoTctoaranl ibe ■-•nter will, br found
tfy Kotbarb Soap.
tbc aoMrlly
araemlly of kladllnir a err
firr foraupI
. Ia.t when In arepar. k-wak brrrira, prarhra. aod aomr Vbra Uir UnBbrawaar tbair aiaptop.
knd Iba wild brrr l.wra tbr el.irrr;
utbrrlniluatr Iwat ralre with
¥hrn tbr plnry if Ibr anomA hdea.
m. wilboot conklac. I
. and Irarr* thr brarraa pair:
tyfiro abnrr Ibe bill aad Boaatalna mod dnt. ar tbi- art
miily rhadra of IwUipbl borer.
wh'kh i^alrr bat..................
Kn the lawn Ih
kW tbU rraaua rnaaU. .bakrd Aod the dktonnla of Ibr dayUma far
only meirraaBli
baaaa aod bmp Udlrd paddinpa will br
laOBu- faripbl rfaiwry irdor. and Iw fittod
arMcd. Wbra » la oaarmory to Utr
'wilba Japaorw ruKli plllon. or cirraPr,. -tmarll^^l^^y-,^^^^^^
lar ®rt..abi.-b fan l«' pnrehaard lor
othrr arllelra <if fowl may br «a>k<
winda uicMep koftly ton uratfc. IhcI for thrpiar'a wr liarp __
aad iroalap doar wtailr Ibr bmvaa
MTtot from rlrrpiair lluwrn> Iwiap;
^ area unr rlaluwatoly .tororabil.
Imbtr brmd arr baklap
tmiDUrl a Tirid vrllor. and tbr;
IVbrn tbr prrwiw rry b«rU>rr plaial^ Wkra TOO arr door wllb a flrr. hi
h bml brm atn-tohnl urrr In crini ; •
Irrly by brook aod Hi
“• gw^ widKaadwIlllB Uaa |4ra- lop pal la Bu mnrr f aal than will ripl
Tben*?l^ Timr tliro'ld «mp that my^ aoTw.iai, eoplird
ty flabb aa arilcir. eluaa Uir damp.
toother nard to atop.
Dial bunp fnim
parkopi of all Ua —
Itound my arrb I frri tbr prmaarr '

' '
llpnl U> br rau-n la Ibr hitrb>-«.
bar Bn^rr
Bntrere w----------------------------warm aad alrmlor.
a IfUlr Uiar brforr Mioh toUap Aula alrrplap drrama and wnklap ■ i
for Dm aloTc to cool off. 'Aa oil atotr.
bare frit il many Umra.
If abr aaa afford II, uabral •rlap .l■l«taawkrBt<r old I Itatoard to that |
Uaa. ao4 Imparta W ll 1^ ptroMil «» bmm to Uir boaarkrrprr.
ably, aad rofar.--------•“
_na^t tbr radracp of tbr rf





Jnd j.

s=idrtl *




aoofialap Ihr haal well to Ita work.
Tha family aVald riar rarly. for
arly la thr mom lap aad lair la Uir
ay U Ibr brat llmr for work or play.
rhlldtvn i..
la Ibr
boBM or
a rhtIdn-D
ahade throupk Ibr kottoal part of Ibr
N«ll> A,
daa. An aftor-dlnaar airrla i« crarc
tial to tbr wril lirlnp of pruwa op folk
a> well a> to chlldrro.
A hammock la
r. awl
aad hoarrar
hoa rrar bera foaod la a a ahadj placr, a book and an ra»y cbair
vUd ataU cm lha rocky hanha of the
‘wtraw of oocthara Vcrmiml.
Tba bUek oarmat la tar laaa
roablon aprrwd andar tbr
...In Uwdiair yprd
mm op the whole maltor. Ur
bowaaw. U of praol aadlriaal ralaa
awaaodaatotbreat. aad a prapatalk
romaaal borne. whrUrrQna city
ptml L..
■airy, will an macb aaTNobr
•Mb from lb*
ie Hibrria
tokfopb racaUcm; ►hr will iWrn
aad mlaad
«eo aonoal waa ealUrawd.

bran tbnitw load aod <ialrkly '
-Aad my b
YonU la mi
Jrr^mr and iHaw aw "'ar apala
Kartb U fatrrr. life la rwrrtor—ayr.
aad brayra lUrlf arrmr orarw
Iht to faaiy to that ar mIboiraa I' I:
lurpottoD al
- V'hn-'wr.'



ird that I imt^hi my na'krr.
d .ia a warm ’ w<

Thr wall iw. knap
Tlw Brr wa-T'oW
I Uaakrd U»d I bad rn.-ii a narrn.
na a too-lolocir nBaatkitarinry tHp will
Away triMn tbr ^dd and the abirm
pmaacT^parfBrrd imr
rIafoM kod rmdT'maclr rloUlar it Tbr rnpprr war rrmdy and wsiliop;
I'd'told imt thr Ubir f.w Ibrrr.
will rraa par. if dralrrd. for Ur toon
dryinpol rn.Utop.aad l.w wNOr liUlr And drawn up tbr rhalrafn Urir plarra
Kof'Robert and Kranlr and mr
rirlkmalNi (bat woold olhrrwiar br
Ucmpht rxtranpnM—and all Uia
with a prrator al.ow of n«nuo Uaa at
' Ur ■■aarlnp' of Rirbanl. to,

that mlpht hare been expmdrd

%a iliwia wbro eartanUai
tk^toaMaaiH^ ''

Thwr taaodalaUrriWTaiira^
--------whao tha maraary b al,i
■aad Iba faaMoat blad o
majUmiaM,. Ibrr
a kbrb taa
k'or a whUr qaial oomtort will
an aMIpbl to tba aya. aa wall aa aonl brid paramooBt to all work not nru-t
iMaad rotwablBCto tba Jadwl taato.
■ nrertoa/y or ocmpralal.
And In
TbatoUowlapSolpeaemBbr rona
ralnp imUrr Uanimprlnp tha rrlak
MBdad w both ■nrtad aad voa*:—

..-.■■TbtS’STbto'uk hro»y


•yatom. drmrlnp nad dirUap laacmrd■rrmab fcrjcU Baal be patb- A.------- ..a -----------------

And woadrtod whpt madr t

i^aani aug>doUrirTm^i


I tobi down my atiriap and erM^''Aad aOmrhow. to-day l>r brr^ Ulnk-

erroUoB aa truly palaod aalf n
iui/Ol.n.l.X.—O.. ■

I'lbr'^n'r nearly orcr. roo are.)
V not 1. bat Itolmt aad llroaie
tVho'ra wailiDirandwntobtap.fur tad
—Jtrrt k'r7iMT.rth

'•■da la damp or ekmdy wm
(Waliy Tamara all laaraa and ii
la a aloar
<M (rdl. waabaadplan
bw. aoaaoad aad art wlUila a brtUa of rtopa. If Ua dtaprricn a
iSiaif waur. H<dl oaUl tbr trait mnallnaroUar

~A Itotlar (rota Boaoa To-Mlpat-*

oaanaaatbmar baaal bap wroap ‘
aaatmr to all danmlrr eaooaa.
toMwMtiT. Uoaotwiamortbrc
Tbr wry prrtUrat and almblrat
mm lad hard, aa the Jeb>
Jabr wifi
y if
Toado; bolaaiieo
bolaaiiBiob. |m aUutalaa aamiw atrip of piDr *
anch aa hi rommoaly pul into Ur 1(
of lioltobd fdtodaa (to Ufnr atrip.


br paUrrrd.
> a’^urarlalB'llawl Tbry coat two cw thrrr rrata Ea<-h. and
wbrrr abadn.
toaWbad a-.........plarr
bdida. aad OBik
.aad cartotoa
. paaa la i
«Ur to
•otaWy to poaalblr uaUI dlmolrad. and
at Ua •rotboUtoprrmore Ur heUIr
A .paoa of half aa iach
bom Ur tra. UarrUrbawtoor ptowi- atedatooplt.
Ucmld br IrD bare at cto'b rad. and
oa la a pan of hot
'ilaplr nallu. nor atmeb rad.
ilBpwbra U
iroiipb iato thr wiadow-framr
llbadrorm wlU prelapoorrdto.
aalb aboald-Bolbr drirrn np to
wlU Ua Thr aal
llttlr frre. ao
villta</aaaCTaod t^ wlU bmrler
yoparoreolMobaUtop. Yoa can apiw Ibat U^ may br raally ramor.
AbrUma omn. lor waablup Ur r
WM of tbryallfareaUap wlU
bm or aaoiaoo, by addlap a Ubtoq
lal oadi of eiaumoo. edaaar aod ■
tM to tmpa. to Ur jalar wbaepa. . ..
oo to boil. fMorr addtop Uo anpar



proplr br. mloplra amoap.
iparUap b> mrrl wiU Ibr fraU
noma ooe who karw bim
f Irttrra,
lU a pmyrr for ooe only, to briny
ipa Ur orwa of my borne asd my
tr ^rai ol tbr tmnqartfrrU i
muric bar that reel
ak mr away fniin my moorlnpa.
ooward Idrlftinadream
I TbQtopb a myrllral maur of totim aad
wakraat Iwt IndrIIpbl
find Uml my prmyrr kaa brra
wrrrd. . I'rr a Irtler from koo
Ibr rrry namrkledofa Irtkrr, will
-baraoir kimi of look >0 rack I'-■rrotr mr wbra I ww brr lorer
Aod il teema I ran tor Ur old orckan
and a IilUr bine bonaet afliBt
Ob Ur liillowa .of blomumiap el>

I brr a hnylafa poem that
T and rourbnw b>«iiB
I wbrrr
two llvin flow oat latooar.'
wril adapted to aaltaoy And In my own band
bB baad
band that U towlar
and wbti
Ihtolat, rotorrd. Horn. brd Ueklor And UrTr'a ptofamrnfrloTTr
aad paUlM IloU am Ur tout maleri
my Irttor from kucar lo Bl^bL
ala fiv
Elat cdTiaapar aad a labMpmofnl
to to tocrirr.
.. . Jnal a wrrWlof womanly prertiap,
ooah of etaaamao. cloroa aad allude*
a badprt of brwa aad poud-liyprrraUand dark arr
BaU Ur oarraalaaa boon Uaa add
Thal'aair lladt'rrtohrr.ietoraaaraa
Ur ourndtora;
0^. *to«Br aM aplaaa. aad boU ao
Uaa all of Ur
aad tbr aky
orrr II all nuOft tbr wiatfal. wrr
ITIU brr Hualnl baby toirr bevpinp
Oto plat «d earrwila. the polka of fall blcHiar wabl adornrd whh
moUrr: 'WIpht
• to tbr to.
___ooTCT WlU a m
o thail and'
I pity Urmanwhaarrar
I who DTI
cSSTaCKfarr tHm^ w “
towhittoofUm<« I^ad 1
what a laldato
It b
To ana a ptodamilr no Ur far* of fab
wife aad Ua rbildma of bkk.
layUraaaomnrbanof Urpaato
. If yoa will, all toiU-a triampU
' —e
adpr. aad ilm
hat trifle mr ao wiU dalipbl.
It laarr otr my wife aad my wa* oar
wlU wbito ^
afad ay 4rttor from bootr to-alpfat.
baka la mUer qnlrii oara. OBtolly BBUimmnl. bat tb«T b a
wrolU of Bar rmbroWrry oltoa lariafa«d apa the wide ooltoru aad caffa. aad
' Awanled TbaaaptotedenrTaatjalaradd oar nctoodiap down tbr frool to formUiCboat Uudora-World'aFalr.
Mad td pTaanlaM aopar aad a plat
•b matrrtol for Ur falotoraad trooawblcb amalbhoyr wear drorrrm Ur
.UUdr ol Ur ouUrrn. for tbr IllUr


: tftr,.TsrKissds.sfta.;



STnlar. Vatin frmrraad wbaa paii^ frotoa. odd Ibr whitea of Urea *11-


f : bripbtrard wiU cr

h Tmi-'-*-


feow. Addlbra^v.atahlapUrkrt ! ■< re,TaraMmp b ac
-Ik eatokMlIy to ada wlU Ur froli. «*•?» ^ «■»“- »>^b "P «



------- ________ _ -""T—

«alaad loanbieVlal. thaaolOBabaadaol- bair. or wlU erpda A whirbb aokrxbaad Eilaroat. Oo^ aad tmkr U j»u«j Jc todormtlap by avUtop



.pSJfilSSfSriSiiS'- SSE'S’lS.'S’





ApmCnpcOawnefTwtwPowdw Urn

- i; 5 tz\ ;v







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