Grand Traverse Herald, June 10, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 10, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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r .1

who now lives' In California, and
r^iipc. He had for exhibition an al­
could not reach Michigan at this
falfa root Hut proved ronvlnflnaly
time, and Mra. \V. W. Smith of Buck­
(bat the plant «jnea deep' Into the
ley, also unahle lo'attend.
ttround for Ka food and molatun*.
The gucKta were Mrs. Jamex Dar­
Amons Hm many vh^ apoke upon tbia
rah of Rig Rapids. %tn B. j. Morgan.
aubje<t V4-n» I’eter Zlfixusraian. R.
tudd, Henry llroadbaicen. K. ‘'J.
Mrs. Fannie Sherman. Mrs. Ruth Kel­
ley. Mra. Dorn Crum. Miss riemectina
MullPD. M. J. Gllmurp. ChMlpr i,<Pirlii.
Holdaworth. Miss Julia Rarluw. An In. KlnRKlpy. Frank Unibb. From
llip u>uoy ramarko It waa r>ir (bat
lereating fact ia that five of the numonl) a fpw of our fampra Lave jrt
are of the same age. Hiree are
' difVovorpd tbp full aecrpt of alfalfa
maldeo ladlea. two are widows and
throe are pow married.
Tbe sub}p<T of lover uses was
Ao elaborate four-i-onrse dinner was
COOO INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP handled by K. O. laMid. vbo for many THIS REGION HAS BEEN PARTICU- served at six o'clock, before Ibe
.yvsrs vaa aaperrUor of f^eauU
guests were seated they joined in
townalilp and vaa rloaely mnorct^
singing. "Praise God. from Whom All
AMaifa Crowfns waa Leading Subjact niib the arinal vbrit of ’maklnic the Seirthem Peach Crop la Far Below Blessings Vlow."
Normel While Local Orcharda
Up for Oipeuaalen at Big
itaxi-F" He ursed that property be
Tbe dinner wus served by Miasea
Promiae at Leaat Half a
Meeting Held et OM
aeaeseed at lu tnie eaih value, beMargaret and Angelina Anderson.
'llevinK Hut In tbia «ay It U eaaier
The house was decorated with huge
' jto cel a wpiare deal between nan
iMwis of mars and at the table eorii
Sweet cbrfriea. tne larePat crop ev­ guest received a dainty favor of pur­
If there la aornoe In Grand Tnrr- and man. He also mentlpiied the ad«ne connty vbo tblnka Uie Hrango H vaiitacei of a more ronpleie aepara- er known.
ple- panales. The evening was one nevKnuF eherrlP*. 85 per tent crop.
OR Ute dei-llne, he abould read tbia re- Hon of l<k-al and aute taxea. and be
D 'l>e forgotten when old recoUeeI'earhea. 50 jior -rent Cfop.
port of tbe rerenkiy held rouiily nieri- ^avc It aa tla opinion that one of
HoDf were brought to mind and tbe
Karly applex. TO |ier cent-crop.
Inc'at Old Nlaalon. Tho UranRcr* the very beat vaya to reduce taxea
happy ai'huoldaya talked over.
aeaaion Wednesday and ia m redu>« tbe dependent rlaaa^by|
When Hie party broke np it area
Thnraday and It vaa proved by the the esiabitahnient of leteal. su< lalil aand yield.
with the fervent wish that the relarge atlendanee and tbe excellent moral rondlllona (hat will make lt]f The above la the lUt carerully pre- unlona might be roiitlnued IndvfluUeprogram carried otH that ilieaeMrang- eaaltT for people to do rlrtit than P*f«l estimate of the Grand Traverae
era are very much alive and that the wronp. The euai of
iliP fruit outlook for 1»12. It Is the
Thursday Mrs 11. J. Morgan cntcrorder on 11(6 whole Is crowioK.
|poor.' l•pentln|c Jalla and huaplula la' aiilt ol inquiries made by the First Na- UliH-d Mlsa Jennie Anderson and Mig.
Seven of tbe ten GranRes in the one of tbe chief reaaona tor high | HonnI bank In which a great numlicr Damh at Old Miasloti. making the
, eotuity were represented by membera taxea.' He .felt ante that much pov- ^ f fruit Rtowers were cunsulted and trip by Biiiomobile.
and In two rabea Hie
a were erty and much wrong doing could be | Hie-whole territory of the Grand Tmv
large. The qnarierly reporta ahuwed pievenied fay tbe adoption of higher erwe region
that there had been a gain of 1» In moral aiaodards. .
1 The bank liaa dlalrlbuy>d hundreds
total memterahlp alnr« the, flrejr .ofj Tha iarmer'a enemlea wrere duty|of post earda liearlng thia forcca.vl
iUimtuthout Hie eouniry and
pllea received It Is certain that tinbig marketa arc looking to this re­
gion and Western Mlrhlgnn In
Ix-land. Mich.. June 7.-Tbe
eralTor quantities of high grade fruit riage of Mias JcKstc Rva Koanian and
I this .year.
Albion l^lerle look place at
The froBU of early May did aontc Mary's c hurch at tYnvemont Tuesday
damage, but not nearly so much
morning at r. o'clock. The ccrci
was at fIrM feared, when wild re|>oMk was iM-rforiiied, by R.-., Faiht-i Kcuscof a total loss In cherries
man. The- bride was attended by the
culated. Of course, there Is Slways groom'’. hlNlcr, Mivs J^aephlue Curthe chanee Ibat partly matured fruit des, as maid of honor, Arcble Icc-drrie.
wilt drop, but ibU la a
brother of the groom, acting as
that cannot be foretold at this time.
The liriiii' w-ore a gown of while
tvhlle the sour cherry and iieach'
crop Is not full. It is certain that crepe de c hene and a white hat
Grand Traverse will produce more carried s lK>unuel of white rosea. ThimaM or'htjhOT'-w** gowned In a Woe
fruit this year tbao It en
fore Unless drouth, dl^e or Kionns and white silk mull and wore a white
hat and carried a tiooquel of white
do moTR damage. Ttiqnsands of
wni send their first proilmts to ___
Diiectly aftor Ihe ceremony Ibr
kel Ihit Bummi-r and autumn and iiys
w-Ut moje than offset and abo*:sgeln hrldal party drove in an auPi to Trav.
City, where a three-coiirae lunch
the proportionate crop.
was served ni ihi- home of Mrs.
Fannera with large orclinnls
sweet- chetTies will
umloubtedly Frank Hamtlion.- pho ia an aum.of
Ihe bride.
PeftliwuiaOra(taa Han,whartblgmeetlng waa held Wednesday and Thuraday. -clean np- Idg tnnncy. for Michigan
At |d;45 they left few Grand Rapids.
awoeta command good i)rlces on any
Detroit end various |•ollltK. to ne gom
Uardi. the number now oti'tlm
J 'tW rolls
lambasted and all but aimihllaied.jniarker.
for two weeks. Ileluruing will
being K*3. The reiioris, also allow ed
et nnolherl As a result of this volitnii^ work,
lime ihey
make their homeiat Hie ‘.Nicholas* for
that 43 ineoHngs had U-en held during trouixiDg <be e<|ual to the
First Naiintial bank has received
the aumnp-r.
the p.reMding quarter, and that pro- eelved on this
itoih Mr. and }1rs. t.ederle arc po|s
gmma bad been carried out «t 35 of exiiugutslied.
growing and markeilog orchard prod­
tilnr young iteopleol Iceland, Mrs. l.edthMR meetlna.
The big feature of the big meet- ucts. Onevaluahle-gBCt to the Michi­ erle Iwlng aaalsiant ibosimlstress bore
Tbe preseut value of the property lak was the Wedeeaday ev-enlng pro- gan grow^ bbtalned In this eorresof the several lubordliiate Granges
Thls was prepared b.v Mrs. M. potidence Is that the souibern i«acb
la S14A25. Of the ten grangt-s Uie
Gllntore. There was InKt^umental crop wll) IMT awoy beUiw normal and.
...I.. k..
largest gain In meniiiejwblp <H-curred music
while local peach ' trees will
by Kldn'snd
in klast Hay Grange, where a gain of
llalJons by Miss Lillian lardie. btlng out a lull quota of marketable
-nine was made.
Willobeo and Miss.l!i>ma Ijtdd. goods, the promise seems to he that
It was reported at Hits county
A play by the Ogdensburg school nndiPf*''^ *'>' *>c aanoal. Georgia and
ing that the liong Ukc aubonlinale
pantomime by Miss Hazel Harvey, jT''*>aa wlH only ship a^ui 30 per cent
Traveraa . City Rtaident Passed
la about 10 erect a hall upon-'its lot with aliig.lng by Kngene KusapU. Allj"f ‘he Peaches they did last year, is
Away at Battle Creek.
near Uic Long I-ake town ball. The of these features were so good that!one estimate. At other places it Is
building wUl be 30x50 feet in site, they were loiHlI) 1
trifle higher. Arkansas tioach crop
Mrs. Mary j. Trade, an old rodent
with a hoaement and ground floor.
The evening's progranl was rinsed will also lie light, while neither Colo- of this region, died suddenly at the
* The new- ball will he Hie seventb w-iih the illiiBiratcd lecture. "The rado or Utah will have maoy to ahlp.
home of her daughter in Uattle Crthk,
Grange hall In the county, the Granges UconoDiic Geography
Phy -tof the Grand His nortbw-cKt and Cal
f-Mday. June Cib. Mrs. Trude.aras
already havlog halls being Grand Traverse Sec tion of 'Wesu-rn Mlcbl- win bear heavily. 11 is eipectod. Mis
78 years .old and came to Michigan
Traverse. Elk lAke. Peninsula. East
H. Elsworth. assistant
iH and Illinois will also have many from Nebraska 40 years ago to make
Hay. Fife l«ke and Summit
secretary of the Weatern Michigan peaches I.oa year. It-wlll be re- ber home on a farm
A big iuid4Uimner Grange rally was Development Bureau. Over one hun­ memMerod the Dood of Tex-vs and
Six children survive her death. Mrs.
decided u|ion. nad o comnilllee ss- dred lauiern allde views of farm and
Jane .MoTKan of ValL 8. D.. Mrs. Mary
slgiM-d the task of making the Mine circhard scenes In this section were IKxir proflia from the fruit raised In
Brillbart and Mrs. Belie McKay, both
a surecss. The Granger! have hot shown. Tlie Grangers were the first this aecHon of Michigan.
Battle Creek., Frank. Eugene and
pulled o# any big ntunt since they In this region to begin a aystemaHc
EiUmatlne fnilt cropa la a dimcuU Winiam Trade of this city. The reenieitainod tbe State Grange
deydiopmeni of the resources of the imdertakiDg. but the First National
and )!<I0. and it neems to be the con. re^on. and It was a pleasure to the baa goM to great pains to make this malas were brought here today at
Funeral services were held
K'onlinued from page one.)
ibers at the mrwllng to see what a survey accurate and up to dale _ It
Sunday at the Uingbam church at iO
sc-nsus of opinion ^meug tbe
big gain had been made in'‘the Ust
bs appreciated by growers o'clock. Rev. I'ohly omctatlng. Inter­
of the order that ibe line has ar­ five years.
Dg.hont this section of the state.
ment look place at the Bingham c
rived for a renew^ of extra neUvItj-.
The Granges of tm^urToandlDg.contt-




mns vuiuBLE nioPBin





IU« are to be uked to help plho a
<elehrailoti that will remind tiie peo^
pie of the regloit that the Grange ia
one of the principal fnclora la lb«
’ Wonderful derelopment going on In
Jbe ttrunu Vraveiae regton.
Several Dew membera w'erc taken
Into the poanty Grange at the Old
Mlaalon meeting. Thif'eounty Grange
ia the mcanlzaUun that keeps tbe
various local Oranges stimulated to
tbe maaimmn degree of efnejeocy.
Among the taplt'a considered daring
the program sessions were "Xlfstfa,''
'•AgHrnItnral Scbt«l.- •The'Fsrmer’s
Worst Emb)-.- and
Recllaliana. tendings and songs
rontrlbuied by Scott Woodward. Mr*.
E. A. Evans. Mra. R, J. McMullen.
Mrs. ArriOa Gardner and fbaa.-,
Drake. Mrar J. D Mills contributed
Tbe alfalfa discusaion wan a mn«t
profitable one Urauae it wus by mdn
who are actually growing this rah
aalrle forage c-ro|>. Calvin Hpangler
of Monroe Center opened Ibe dlscnsnlon by rclailng his etperleni-es alnee
U BBdt hla Ant nowini -noma years


Only Immediate Relatives Present at
Ceremony. .
quiet wc-dding ocrurted
Thursday aliernoon at 2 o'clock at the
Church of the Immaculate Conception,
when John M. Murphy of Hmwood
nod Mias Emma Hanb of Nertbiion
ilted In marriage. Rev, Father
Sheehan offlrlatlng. Tbvy were aiiended by. Mias >fSrgaiet Moreland as
maid of honor and James Rokes act­
ed as U-st man. Only the Immc'lisAe
family were present owing to the
wni .death of the groom's niece, and
the wedding war a very quiet one
embroidered tnlle and carried cream
bride's rosea. Tbe maid of honor wore
gown of while embroidery­
ried while awanaonla.
After Ibe ceremony an elaborate
wedding supi«>r wa% nerved at tbe
l»me of Mr. and Mra. John A. Murphy
of .‘110 North Spnicr alreel.
Tlie happy eoople w;ll make their
home In Elmwood townablp. where
tbs groomds well kDOwn as a farmer.



Torch Lake Grounds Almost Ready
For Boys.
Central I.akev Mlch'_ June 7.—A
Elabaratc FouKCourae Dlnntr Waa
Urge force of men la at work at the
Scrvml the Eight Giwals
Hay-o-went-a-camp for boya at Torch'
Uke. InaMlIlBg new equipment
g«Ung everything In shape for tbe
Pertapt' one of ihe n
sod unumal' gatherings known here summer high school eonferenee. which
in some time was Ibe six o^cloek din­ win convene June 24 to July 4. Heavy'
ner Wednesday night In) honor of reglatraHona have been received from
Mrs James Darrah of DIf^Rapids nt I paita of tbe state,
fbe regular camp for boy* of 12 le
Ihe home of Miaa Jennie AndenoD
16 yean will be open for four periods
B Seventh atreet.
weeks each. O. F. Flpld ot
The gueaU were eight ladles who
Unlveraity of Mlaaourt has been
w««( to acbool logeUier aa giria,
a)6ng batween tho years of 1867 amt engaged oa camp director for tbe aninHe will be aaslated by a score
18*0. Bloce those da>-a tbe ecbool
glrla heve^/*been erattered in all parte of men of national repuuilon in boys'
of tbe coo^irr, but tbe Uee of frlead- work.
shlp defied Ume and nine year* ago
Van Die. aUte T.
they held their flrat reunion at,the hoys' aecreun'. whose headquonen
AndereOB cottage at Bast Day. This
at Ann Arbor says a few vkcanyear the ach
clea still exist and a limited ntniber
the remilon et Mlee Anderaoa*e of boys can be'a
at tbe
borne aacapt Mtea Jeaale Parmenier, regular cmap.

General AdopHen of Crop In Thia Ter­
ritory Would Mean Millions to
Farmers In Nest Few
!.oral ^ibtisiasu have sueeeeded In
making arrangements for an alfeUa
campaign through Uils county
parts of l>-elaoau and Antrim, the
lour to begin on June 17 and
Hnue for several days. Prof. Eben
Miimford of Ibe Mlelgan Agricultural
college has (>een secured and be will
tie aasisied by several oUje^ who
drratand the culture vif alfalfa. 1
el arrangements for the trip will be
------ .-cs at tbe meetlpg of Hie Com
mllee ol Twonly-One on June 16 and
next day the aiiiomoblles bearing Hic
Bpqakers and oihen Intcrcaii-d in the
campaign will -leave the city to gu ov
er the route, which will be outlined at
a later ^aie. An alfalfa to'ir
cently conducted thn^h Kei
iy and excellent resmts were obtain­
ed. This tour will be carried
along the astne line, speeches and
demonstrationa being made along the
route and literature and samples
seed dlatributed where R will do the
good. There is a great need of
alfalfa in this region and although It
la not as unknos-n crop by any means,
yet It'has not been adopted by tho
tarmi-ra to oa a great decree aa Us
importance demands. U is e«i>eo(a]|y
ly adapted tn the light lands in thi'
aecHon and Its volm- as a food for
rattle and .til kinds of stork would
moke its general Introduction Im this
cpunif alone wnrtii untold thousandi
Of dollars to the farmera and fruit
rrnwers. Doialls of this proposed
campaign ore being carefully worked
out and will be rca^- for announce
t within a few'days.


be securecl at a very moderate cx|>eD(j'
ilurc. ■ in view ol the laci()ihat H.-c
Boc-icty has so rec-c-utly Kutt'eu out of
debt It has not been deemed wise to
Immediately plunge In again. The
idxiis adopted w-Hl therefore conimc-iid
llieniKelves to Hiouglitlul ]e-o|de. sin* tIt lias lM-eu doU-raiined frem ilic vi-r>
suit that the work will not |>roeeed
any larihcr than the pledgc-s.warrant.
Already a cansldi-rnblo share of Hi*’ re­
quired amount hsa bc-eu secured in
sulistantial pledges su'd the aim is to
secure pledges for tbe liaiance aa the
work progresses, providing a sufficient
amouiil analoKi a iiosKlhle shrinkage,
HO that when the pledges wilt have
matured all expenditures wHi have Change in Wifid~-Waa All That Saved
been provided for.
Bbtineaa Section of Dty From
While economy has been -c-onsidt-ri-d'
Destruction. Grocery. Store
at all limes tbe wrchltec-iural WnaugeSuffered Loss.
ment lias also lieen kei*t In mind. Tbe
linlldlng will be raised five feet abov*Petoakey. Jjine 7.—Fetoskey''siifferthe grade, tbe tbiindaliuik to be laid ed one of the n^oit .severe blown In
up with blorked field stone and -pro- its history w hen a I2n,0frfi fire M nn- .
vldc-d w-|ib an abundsoce of window know n origin deni eyed tb6 .planing
to make (he basement light and airy mill plant of the W. L McManus comTbe loi aUmi the churcb and imrson- l*any earty today. The plant was
age will also be carclully graded
stored wlib finished lumber and there
gri-ally Improve the apiceatant-e ot vc-aj, no Insurance.
tUci corner. Tbe iieupic of the c-burcl:,
Slartin and Son's groi^ suffered
and oonitiiunUy have responded v«
n 82,p*’*» loss, half covered by InsurlltHrmlly for ibU work ond ou> e mo
MIC. The fire (or a time threatened
shown Iheir Inii-resl in the c.I.urvb.
■fhe husloewa secHon of Hie city but a



Short Campaign W.:il Be Carried to
the Farmers By the Campaignera
An alfalla cpiupaige is being plan­
ned for Grand TraijL-rse county. Only
a short campaign' is possible thia year
and U ia Important tu discover
- which netghhoiboodsrs.n be
lied with Hie best .j.respects of d**lns
gond. There Is no ^esHcin but what
the most of (he preigni alifalfa i
ers have nucli to leorn alioui thin lui(lortunt forage-c rep. Tho desire of the
ptoimiteis of ibe^rainpalgn is in give
(he giciwcrs a chance (o ask questions
and to learn. The alfalfa commiitee
wlnhes to secure ai once ibe nam
Hie faimcra who would like l» have
suggestians (hat will help
Ki-l. heller yh-lds per ocrc.
farinm veanting to get In touch with
the airair.i men will )itease write 01
phone Dr. K. II. Minor. Truu-rse C;lv.

Building Will be Raised ahd Base­
ment Added to Further
Church Activities.
With the liquldatlm of the mori
gage on Asl>ur.v churro last year and
the growing Inieera: in all lines ot
church work Hie need of greater facllIHes became ImtK-ntlvc. During il.c
lost tw-eni)- motiHia tbe Sunday acbool
has had a aicady growth until Ibe
tendance, which averaged 186 during
April and May. Hie largc-st la tbe his­
tory of the church, taxed the capecU)
of the present building. For a num­
ber of months tbe olflclal board bes
been quietly iwrlc-rllng plana for al­
tering the bulMIng so that U will meet
Ihe growing demand. Plans - have
I ccn prei«red b.v F. E. Moore, wlili-b
when compleled. will provide ft full
size liftscmcni. containing a number of
Sunday school class rooms, a kitchen
odious banquet hall and
social room. Tbe audtioriura will also
lie enlarged and tbe pulpit plaifom
moved 10 the north aide of Hie buildHardwood floors will bo placed
both In Ihe ^udltnrlum and bosetnont
and the intmor will be
The plans also provide for eqitlpplrg
the renovated building with an np-tce
date steam heating plant. The
Iran for placing the foundation under
the building has already been
Some of tbe mateiial Is already
tbe ground and it is exi>ec(ed that tlic
active work will begin early next week
with tho assurance that it win be edmpietc-d tbe last of August or the first
of September. Duriog tbe time that
tbe alterations are being made the
regular services of (bg church will be
oontlnued. In the event Ibat It 4s not
advisable to use the building finy of
the tinv tbe congregation will iimct In
the second prerlnct ball, the use of
Wblcb has
dered by tbe city.
These improTemenu. when complet­
ed. will more than double the capacUy
of the chRiTh Tor Sunday adiool pm^
poiea and also add very materially in
enabling an extension of tha aoclal
activities of the cburcU In fact the
edifice will answer ibo requirenonu
of the west aide communiiy tor many
yean to come. Even though tbe Ima will be ao extensive, andi
care has been exercised in laying (be
ptona Ibat Ibe lacraased facUJtiM wUl

shill In (he wind saved U. Tbe Grand
Kapids and Indiana railroad sufferod
conshlcrahle loss when several freight
cars were burned, and traffic del *1
tor two iioura
Tbe M.c.Manus comiuiny la exiiected
to rehuUfl. .
' .

Grand Parade Was Feature of the
Convention Held at
Port Huron.
Port Huron, ftiue 6.—Eugene L.
Hose fii pPloskey wws elected presl*lcm of Michigan Elks, defeating Sbiricy Stesart of tbia clu- by five voles.
l’•■losiie.v was granted the nett convenHoo. being gnopimscd in tbe race.
Poniiai- reglsterc*d a boost for the con­
vention In 1916. Grand Rapids pra«tirally clnchlnk tbe delegatioa for
The foUooing are HTe new- officers:
Presidem, Eugene L. Rose; first
'ice president. Sblrley. Stewart: a^
ond vp<e |irc*»ldent. Judge Z. L GranShaw : third vice president. W. L. An.
drews. Grand Haven: trfasteea. N. A.
Abel. Jackson, and I). B. IVten. Ben­
ton Harbor; secretary. George Boat(K-k. Grand Rapids: treasurer. Qiaa.
Mannen. Houghton.
Shirley Stewart Introduced a reaolffHnn which was adopted by a v
mous vote comidliiieiUing i-5dltor WU-.
llama of Detroit of the American BK
((^bta fight for a national home other
t^n the on^ aiJledford City. Ky.
The big larade was held at noon
yesterday with i.r.W of the antlered
fralernlly liwline. DetroiL Bay CKj.
Saginaw. Grand Rapids. Petoskey and
Pontiar were itariiculariy well repreBcmtecL
Ust night a big ball was held In the
ew temple of the local Elks which
was dedicated yesterday.

News of tbe death of I.evl IjiFont
•e of Rapid Cli.v. was receivcid Friday
morning by his son Dan LaF>im>'ee,i
of this city. Mr. LaFonisee was 90
years old, and welt known here, hav­
ing spent * greater part of bis life
In the city, serving for 25 years anight watch for the Hannah A l<a>
Merc, Co. store. He was better known
of (he
Captain luFontsee since be sailed tbe
Great laikes (or some 20 years bear
Ing the HUc of eapuln for a pester
part of that time.
Eight children sorrtv'c ‘ bis death.
Mrs. Rose Smith of Rapid City, with
whom he niadc Ms home. Itaii, La
Fonlseo. Alfred luFbntsee of Trav
Vermont VetAyana t Attend Battle
erse City. Jnllua I-aromsce of Grand
Rapids. Will LaFontsce. whereabouts
unknown, and three dauglitera. Almai
Rutloml, Vermont June S.—Arrange­
rta Voice of .Nortb Dakota, Jane Wil­
ments for transporting tbe c$rU war
son and Virtorine Gagnon, both ot
retcrana uf the Cre
Northpon. The funeral was held
tn the. groat anniverkary relebratkn
from the Sl kYancIs church, Saturday
of tbe battle of Oettysburg at that
at 8:30 a. m.
Place July 1 to 4, Were mode today
the oi>enlng acsitoa of tbe promlBInary meeting of the annoal cnca^'
which opens here tomorrow, to
last two days. Tomorrow's encampAway at Htr Moms Friday
w-HL be the 4Cih annual re^mlOB
Jerome B. Harvey, died .at fi:30 of the Department of Vermont. Grand
Friday night ni her home. 302 West Army of tbe Republic. Departaeat
NUea and Adjutant CdnEleventh sireel. of paralysis. .Mrs.
Harvey^ death aa a shock to eral Frank Kenrield. .of MorrisviUe
(be fanrily and to her many friends. will be lo charge ^ the re-uoton. Two
A large number -of relatives mourn hundred voierana are expected. A
'her iiassinB. ‘There ore tonr sisters score or more arrived here today.
brother, five chlKIren and
three grandchildren. Tbe sisters are
H. Aldrich of Detroit: Mrs.
Detroit: Wri. Leo
Mills. Aroiada: Mrs. Weillngtoii Har- ftflaoonaln Veterans Recall Daye .of
Civil War.
Fenion. and the brother. R. W.
btcFall. Caiwc. The childrn arc Mrs
.WlfcooBln. June
Tbe an­
Towen of Alleaton, Mich: Mra. Alex­
ander. of Icoa Angeles. Calft: Mra. F. nual Btau encampment of the Wleof the Grand Arand George and
Harvey of thU city. The grandchil­ my of tbe Republic opeaed here to­
dren are Vivian Harvey of Travcw day with eeveral thouaanda of age
City and I«oQ and Haxel ‘Towers, of bent veterans in the parade. A. P.
Ailenton. Mich. Mrs. ' Harvey was Jackson.' commander of the J. P.
Jackson Poet G. A. R.. acted aa oioeborn in IJeirolt In 1843 and
ried lo Mr. Harvey In 1865. tn Fenton. de-camp of
Mich. Tbe body was taken
fred B. Been, of tbe natlona! departmads.'Mich., for Iniermenl. that being
The re^nlOB wAU last- thno
the pUee vherp Ur. Hnrvey ip hwied. Maya.








G»>dr Trmerte HtrM

of living InigreatMt oenaees to tbe trees that ta^rale they are leeUng
ft>r a aoTt >db
T nature of known in this auie. 80 far the past:Where
peat Inhere they whl
wii not be put to any
all line* .and the atationary
wages it is evident that the higher the hat been preUy well kept down In tbelffr^t physical or mental strain and
orehart*. but of what avail Vill ihuiwhere wages are at the maximum,
l>rlccs of meat goes tbe more diRiciilt
work be if tbe tasects arc stowed to Borne of these men hawe famines
IA|E«DdThU«Mr« W 7^T- it wUi be for tbe poorer and moder­ bred ea they pl<*aae in tbe trees by,^«ch grow up IQ eoOM uaknoa-a nanately well off clawee to secure this
the roadside and In (be woods that ad-.Mr wi^boat the aaaistanca of tbe bead
a w
table necessity, it la also a fact that
of tbe boBse. and tbe world ^ways
<mo. O. BATBt, Muiaglsc Bdnor
as toon aa beef goes ap all other Join the orchards, a short delay lo
the work of destsoylag them will mean wonders, but never ascertsius. bow (be
V. A. CIIMON, Hdllor .
kinds of meats follow in Its wake,
untold damage in tbe future, and as growth is BccompUsbed. Tbe average
tliercliy making it Imiasalble for |icothe exiM-nse of gelling rid of them mao c mot live without working and
ple to substitute any other kind (or
itwaya wllllag to work whenever
Is atwi
now will l>e nominal it Is up to I1
the coveted red m^t. Many substi­
Job wbeu It'ta offered him is one •
' (M0f*> til Front Bt. BMh PhoriM £!• tutes have been offered to take tbe Iieople who ere Interested to make
sjiecdv movement In tbe dlrMhin of or not it it exactly to bis liking. Tbe
lilace of tbe high |>rlred naiuial ani­
liiirnlng the nests while Ibe caterpil­ Jobtoee. man wbo will not accept
....... fUO ts A4**aee mal product, but so far they have not lars are mill at home, for when they Job when It I soffered him ta
....... ArlaAdnam met with public favor, and unless
tbe greet social problems pisi will
once leave tbe nest it wfll become
....... Mis'Ad'
new animat is fnvenied by son
verlons propbsilton to deal frith the
bare to be solved in tbe future, but
genius It Is evlde^^Hhal^he'common
In the Aliage of the trees.
as yet tbe manner of the solution Is
run of iM'ople will have to bmme vegsUil in tbe distance. The man who
eurlans in order to secure the neccswill not work ta a tax both 00 toHely
Kev tbdt tbe grodoAiinK foakoii i« altles of life. The local butcher is
and lodusto- which haa to be borne
»l bdBd it misbt bd voll to iwlnt
caught in (he same net with the
Tlie camiMlgn (hat 1« being iml pn- l>y those who work. In Europe every

futhlAtnentol fdrti to those vbo sumcr. bemuse he has to |iav a fancy dcr way in this county In tbe interest workman ba* to carry a aoldier upon
price for wha^ he buys from the bis
•re obont to flnUb ibelr ncboul stud­
of altulfa hi a movement in tbe right his back, while In America tbe general
ies aod take up tbe work of the vorM. packing bouses and. these piirrhescA dlivcilon. and good results will fol­ body of loAiatrial woritera have
arc all rash deals, no natter what the
«r oncase in adrau^ed studies. The
credit of the dealer may be. Desides low if II is enrridd out along (bo lines carry tbta large army of men wbo
Brat thiPK that ebould be borne in
that are proi>osed. In order to secure render no service (or the eopport they
imyitig almost itfohibitive* prices (or
Bind (y tbe eraduates Is that It is i>»tho general a
lihelve. Many cities have tried out
his meat from the lucking houses the
•ontiai that they preserve aa'il coUP
is necessary to acquaint the farmers tbe plan of making every able bodied
local liuicher has to maintain a civ<nt
rate their indlrldualities. aotl
system and wall (nr the money oi wlih its meriiB in a thorough and-frac- resident work during busy times or
ooine merely' one of the crosd that
else leave the town, and tbe system
the product for which he has hS'l p
nakM up tbe bulk of tbe pc
already keen iiroven liy many «( tbe has worked out to good advantage,
|Hii up the lu-ice u{ion receipt. TR6:
The aMem tendency is toward the
leading agrlcAiIuirlstB In this section, general movement of this kind would
It is seen that the consumer and deal­
aboorptlon of the individual in. the
and the results they liave
be a productive way of deal­
er are taught l>etW"en the'rollers
masa. tbe redociwn of-pcrronatlty
have been so good tlial their exiierl- ing with this data of uudestrables
the trust machlno and both have
the commoDplacc. and tbe final levelenra is worth passing along to ail who are to be found In every com­
pay tribuio at a rate that is rulnou.t.
tec of the conmmnity to mediociliy.
munity In tbe country.
The scarcity of beef cattle In Uiia (iKue who would profit by planting
One of tbe crebt draThacks of wlciy
country and the elaboiaie system for substantial acreage. As (Ms campaign tbe fact that iieople croup lowill 4ms conducted under (he direcilon
raking in tbe coin that the meet li list
KOthar, and by doing ao tbe Individual
haa devch>|)cd is enough to make
ia merely kDown as belotuilnc to
A sweeping order has been issued
or.Ilnary man sit'up nights and tliidk in sludylpg and growing this produccertain gronji, and as a member o( thU
by tbe state board of bealtb of North
about-where he Is fmlag to get eve Mve croi> there U no question as
group cannot rise above the ccueral
the outcome of the tour. In order
Dakota which itrevenls diseased per­
a soup bone after a few more years
•rerage of the entire number. This
rol] around, it it a live question and make, farming iny it is necessary to sona from handling any kind of food mediocrity on tbe part of
keep the land up to the higbeel ataud- stuffs for the public in the stale. The
demands Intelligent alteutioa
indlrMuals is a serious condition,
ard of fertility, and exiM-rfence 1
order makes etuployers liable tu crim
luitt of the itcople.
them has always been a demand for
proien that alfalfa hu no sujicrlor
Inal proeerutton (or flotation of Ihe
laadera an^ there always will t>e
a soil builder, eipeclaliy upon land order by eni|itoylng iwraoDs wbo
long an tbe human race continues
that Is naturally light and subject
affected by either a <«atag1ous or in
inhabit tbe earth. There Is more need
fectiouH disease. The order also dedn>uth.diiring
The nivetUgaiion of tbe charges
of ioadors today than at any mike In ffliidc by President Wilson that tbeTo alfalia root lu-netrates tc
nrandi that etupke'crs rc-quIrc (mm
the-past. for. greater prtddoms liave
l>er«iBs whom they employ certificates
mniiiUiiied at tho national dcpiii. ensMliig the punt
to be solved with gmaier issues at eapiiol for the purpose of influencing moUiin-e from (he subsoil when any of health. This ta another pbao
stake, and lioiess the comtni; geneta
legUlatlon-in behalf of Mg businesa other kind of forage crop would i>er- the gvDeral movemenf that Is undur
Uoaa can develop men and women Is developini; some (seta that
ish. Not only are the cliances (or al- |ra>- tor fbe jiroteetion of imbllc health,
with matter minds It will be only a
toresUng to the common people of the falla living under adverse circum- and it I1 evident tliat it ta a Mep in
question of time when tlie met Vill
nation, who haVe been taught to l>e- sunces of (be best, but 11 coBtaiae an the right dlree\lon. Health deimri
be overcome by tiic insistent force*
amount e( nmrimeat that is mK found meniB all over (be country arv bend­
lieve that they are really
that are. baltUng for supremacy. It it
who ahape and control national Icgis- in any other crop that ran he growa ing their energies tow'srd rcnioMng
impoailble lo become a leader 'slihoin
lailon. It has been suspocted. that utan light Unil. It is also powlblc the causes of disease, but this work
a virile personality, and this chara«B of the senators on.fhc tariff to grow more than oiie crop a year, eannot be done as tong as those wbo
tcristlc cannot be develop^ iiy followbill has been guided along Ihe Uaes which is another decided advantage ia are affected with some dangerous molIng In the wake of the masse*. The
in which they aro personally nnd any rarinlng comniuuliy. Ali kinds of Siiy sre allowed to handle
one who expects to lead cannot fritter
ted Insteact of In tl:e »tock tako readily to alfalfa hay and uctw which readily take up tbe germa
away his time In sooial activities and
that come from the .tdllcli-J. Great
dirertinn that - will help the people tbe benefits derived from
other lldKweight atfairi. bi
of (hose obtained from any
care Is used la having inilts
make an honeat
make op bis tniad to devote lil* time
foragt' crop (hat is raised in this local- from flies, but at the preseol time
to hard work in perfecting himself
ity.aAs a rover crop in young orchards there .has been but little dot* toward
aluDg poIUcal bPIiefs ao nruch
jyoag a ceruln line, for It is only the
in'eventlng sick i<eoi>le from bitudll^
Me wbo is familiar with all the do- os personal interest.* The scnstora
proilucts which are ated upon inc11 the west are In favor of keeptaOa of a cerula work who >
table of clilzeni. North Dakota has
expect to beoonie a reel leader. I.«edtbe elcmenu that go toward buUdid? tifown tbe way to other states snd lo
erablp la tbe crvstaliltaiion of herd
op any kind of soil. Acre for aci
e tbe crusade will be­
The eastern senator wants a.'lilgh
work and common sense, oep
li* a ^ter money crop than
lt the country
la equal proportions a'Jih the ability rate maintained upon manufaetdrea
and takes none of the ele­
of being a mixer. With tbo-e element articles because himself and conMli- ment* ont of (be groond that are takeu
oombloed it is reasonable to expect
a good crop of timntby, which Is
resnltt in any field which the iudivld- line of industry. Tbe sohib wants e one of the most destructive crops that
on suger. while tbe north Is In
nal may choose to enter. The wot Id
raised so far as the land Is
with aU lu mediocrity la demandin'.: favor of high, prtftertlon on certain in­ concerned. The Crsnd Traverse
the bold, fearless Ibmker. e\cn though dustries that are located la that par- «k» is
i. destined to become one of Ihe
senhis Iboughls at first seein to l>e rcy«lesdin
ling dairy Kccttoni of (he state,
Had yip in the world of big busi- and as a gnol (odder crop 1* neceasar.v
Intlonan* and dancerous. The world
and with this condition prevail­ to the dairymen he can rt«p a much
vaata men an'l women who w ill stand
on the battle line of i<rogresi and ing k is reasonable to suppose that greater reward from hU herd by feed­
beckon pthers to follow ibem. Tii« they are not mlDg to forget their ow ing it uinn alfidfa; which has been
while theoretically working found by those who base tested
leadar must be virile and not afraid
to go where Others nesiU'e. for his for tbe intcreeta of tbe etates-w hich the erop to Ik- far superior to bay and
they represent. A maa'a g.vmpaihiea bran for stock feeding. Ily croiH*fng
•WB daring Is what Inspires others
generally with the interoits where with alfaira. land that has
action and results. It 1* Indeed np<
fortuute frr ibe individual who U ao be is fliianclally connected, and aa been valueless tor agricultural purdaflclaat lo iaiUative and'brain i<ow^r there are but a few pocB* men in the' l>oses can be made to be productive in
that be has to ape others in hi* Jour- aenate it Is a aafe guesa that the all lines of farm croi*. Tbe great dif­
-aey through the worKU for bo matter common people have ao interests in ficulty experleno-d on the very light
what hU inclinations ore nels alwya any lobby that is maJnialped within lands Is getting.a start from tbe seed,
with'ont the halts of coogreas.
tied down, waltfag for the aciloo of.
but modern methods are being InlroIbone upon whom be deiiends f«- ad­ long as millionaires are elected to the dured which makethU possible with a
senate the intereets <ff big bnslnesa Ilit|e extra Ubor. wbich la more than Claim Wat Made That Joint Stock
vice fa tnanting oui bis course,
Companlee are Not Uable Un­
tare demasda that each person be Ills will not be allowed to auBer. and tbe paid (or by the after rraulta 'WhcB
der InUntate Commerce
honest sair and not the anidclal prod- cause of the middle and .lower ch
looked at in Abe light of past expertLawa
act created by followtng others of in­ will have but few champluna in high
readily be seen thst (his
places. Tlie Interesla of the rich and ■•roimsod tour will mean a great deal
ferior grade. Tbe greatest demand
day is for people who can stand (or poop are exactly opposite, and the rec­ to this county and tbe sections of tbe
Washington. Jane S.—Reversing the
themiHves. think (or ihemMvce and ords of congress will show that It has neighboring counties which wlU l>c vis­
Uaxe new tiaiia into the activities of been the man wkb money and in ited before the Ui|> Is ended. AU |IOB- Ohio federal court, tbe supreme court
the future. It is better to stand alone fiuence who has taken home the plums Klble encouragement should be ^ven today held that the Adams Ezprew
can be criminally proaecuted
with original Ideas and strive (or high- that were voted by Hint august body, the camiaign hy tboee wbo have (be
^ ideal* and be caHed a crank, than N‘ow that the election of Unllod Inlereet* of the region at brart. for it tor vtoiatlon of Ihe tntentate commetee taws. Tbe Ohio eoort held thsf
to acceiK tbe habits and cus|«mu of States senators will be .done by the will pay back nmoy fold all the
tboee of Inferior -grade for the salf*- people k Is hoped that tbe otdlnary that is spent In bringing tbe aitentton becaoae tbe company ta a' ''Joint stock
Of standing in with aociety or a lorwho has BO big Interests to pro­ of farmers who are onfamillsr with assoctatlon” and not a corporation. It
ticular (action. Tbs great man of to­ to t will exercise bis Judjtmeni and the good points of tbo plsnt to (be ad- eoBid not be i>roBecuted. and that only
day ia be who u^n hit own taiilative send to (be upper bouse men who w ill visaUmty of giving it a trial ui>on tbelr the individual members could be heM.
Beesute tbe goveramrat couli* not
cam Btaad alone and think forward of really take a UlUe interest in hia wel­ Isnda
proceed In crlmiaal suits,against the
the generationsto come and plan fare.
Adsms Express Co. sa a eomiutny by
for better things tor them. Ue wUh
seewice of subpoenas 1
tte crowd in your irm(sUli
officers ail over the oounuy.
jfoor desire lo help others, but always
From all
Air along the econtry roads arc
brought sim in tbe fedenU district
ataad above the masses in your ideals,
tbe rompisint that help to aearea abd
court at aaeinutL A graai Jury Infor by doing (bis you can be*t belli found trees that are lo'reaied 'with
that it is a bard propoidUoo to get
dieted (he company lor aDeged overthem and at the aame time devriop large worm nesu, and unless they arc
bold JoU after they have ae- cbargcf on imckagee sent into Ohio.
•loHroyvl serious damage will
yonraelf. In brief, lie eomnbody
cored them, it ta claimed that (a Oil- Tbe iadietmeat waa dtamlesad on the
Srit, develop your |>eraona1ity. avoid
the' vicinity, but the ehmle tree* as
ground (bat Joint stook associations
tbe air of BU|x-r1oHty and push
are too laiy to work. This
are immune (ram criminal praeecu
ward, alone if need be. toward (he well. Now Is Ibe time to give- alien
. light of higher and better idoale for tion to the aiiuaUoo. for it wlU only is general and the remedy for it U Uoa, having no togal entity, and that
l>e a few days Jwtorv tbe worms begfu still lo tbe filsUBce. Every town haa only the members of the asaoelatloi
their mlgraUoui Into tbe foliage of a certain number of reeidenta wbo are liable. Uoet of tbe members live
rc«s in tbe neighborhood. If the are upM the streets in tM busy sm- la New York. FW offensaa ootaide erf
worms are lef^ to run (heir oodhie son. the same aa they ara ^uring Uraas New York, tbe goverament was prac­
It ia evideat to one who etudlM the wJthom proiwr atienilOB every tiwa
earce. and when tically aaable to secure service of aubBgures that the time will «uwn arrive along tbe roadxMe vlU be devastated (hey ara offered a Job at good wages
Voeaas. Evasion of many fedeaal liawhen real beef will be nn<- of tho durb:g the coailag summer, making
(bey always bare some excuse (or aot bUltles by the Joint stock orga^tton
ffaaloai loxuries in the country, un- sorry speclaAe to iboae who pass that going to work. They are always look- was charged by the department of Jus
tesa some method le touad wherel>y it
This regloB is tomad lar and Ipg for work but never stldc wtea 'Uee against tbe tempaar-can be sappliee in sumeient qubntliy near far lia great summer beauty aud they meet It (ace to face. Hov tb«r
llsB aoarcea outside thU country. The
precautloB aaonld be uken to live ta a ^blem. f<
Uleera sad fikla Truubto.
ea«»e rauae* ic insure the'centiauance of this condl- have mora money to apead than thoao
it you are eufferlng with any old.
a>a aiaet haa reduced laule to such lion. If the people wbo own tbe trees who are AMrapled have, and theta xaaaing or fever eorea. nicers. boils.
•41 eoueat that the visible supply'is
otbc skla troublee. get a
pot take enough interest to de­ tithes are not ae ababhy aa atgbt . .>ma or other
aptr oaatroUed by • few firms that are stroy the ne*u. tbe townsbiiw should be eipected. This ctaaa sf people am tel of BneUen's Arnica
riaecig allied in their builness rcU- take up the worti ami see that It is a tax upon aaetoty la amay ways, anff Will get relief promptly.
Bad can theretora keep the price done right. ThU is a aerioua slttu- yet ao plan baa as yet beaa devtaaff
«p to aimOHt a prohibitive point when iloa and demands immediate aciioii to solve the problem of tb«ta axis- and Baeklea's Araiea Baive cored her
(hex eea fit to do ao. Tbe auOorlty of ta ordar lo curb tbe advance of tbe
I. or (netill latd them tbs pda- to two we^.
nuu, lave uui. bnt ^lih tbe tent caterpillar wUeb u ooe of the ciplM of Indiuuial neefalaaaa Aa a.^TtavetM Oty




AU,aUa Ten-

ta*B Wieaae

A Greal Letsm



Aelira Needed

SeirtHy el Bed

• LlVfffiTOCK.
Bufftlo. June ti.~-Csltle-llccbli
400; aclire steady. |S,:of7R.tO. Cal'
—Active, steady. MriVs:.. Sheep—
Receipts. ri.niMi; active, steady, i'.iuet
7.M; .So. 3, |«.13. Hog*--R*relpfi.
IS.roO: active. S to lOr tower. $9«t
0.O3.<Io* gStrk.03.

FARM FROOUCE—Buying frtoea.


He Cause to Worry. .
“My bnubes are aU
teL■ttfaed tbe futnriet painter, “and I hart
no money to buy new oora“ -Never
mind." hie wUe rapUed. “Taka the

Chicago.'June 9.—Potatoes quoted
at 30(t33c. .Michigan stock gU«f3-V. PoUtoM ....
New poUiUMe T5«i 8.V.
Chirago. June
Cloning ca*li
grain; No.? red wheal. ItOl.o;; No.
8 yellow corn. 5R\teC9c. No. 3 white

Rare Work af Art Found.
A ataiue of Veast was hniad la a
eeilar at Naples a few days ago. The
ground floor of a hous ■ collapsed sud­
denly. reveallbg sa sneient cellar contaiabig a magnlAcunt statue of the
god dr IS. The etatoe Is of Parlaa mar
ble and belongs to (be best period e<

£ocg! Marluts
(hVom Sauirday'fc Record-Stagto.)
Tile potato has really got lo a naixlstlll. The iirices hava not <Ir.>pped
tor two day*. Tlie price I* s:>c.
There were more loads of lliextock
welched vMicrday tlian for a numU-r
of week*. These Inlmde S3 b^gs. 10
caive*. three raws and one horve.
Tbe egg question ba* nut been up
to the high mark for several days, hut
Hie butler has Itecn better, li."' dozen
eggs and I03 pounds of bj^ller.

(From Uondaprilacbra-eagle.)
Saturday was the Sliiailest day that
has t^D known at tbe city market,
and the price of potatoes remalnod at
S3 cents. Tbe prevailing low .priee of
tbe Chicago and New Y'l^ markets
bad Its effect on-lbe prie^ and tbe iadicationa are (hat (bey wlti go still
There were a number of toade of
ilvestoi k w'clghed.
Tbe egg market <was slow, only ls3
dozen being braugb* In. Tbe butter
nzaricet was not as good as it has been

(grange finger

ter esralGal^


Old Friti
Because thej
k1 tlif lest
and are know n to |>e ti
.. bsve .
>:i> PII.IJI
ed by more thao three g
ir relieving
It'lng 1bitlousness.- dlsoidered stomarh
•h and coUKtiiai..............
ct>BKtiiati«ii. Tbfv
0 (his day tbe main dei.en<leu<e
Mtsands u|Kin Ibousaads o( fatuilles tor keeping t>oi>i adults an.1 rblidren healthy nod vigorous. I’rlee ::3
a. Bold by al! dniggtsta.

....t to tc



Uaefal LMa.
AayOutatJaa splitt worktag klndty
is tu Uttto apbeiu. wbauver it may
ho. wUl find iu moral life too abort
tor lu Tint meau of »—A-tn-m —
Chaika Dkbeas.
Beet LaxaUve far the Aged,
lid men and women feel (be need
s taxaUve more than young (olka
it must be sate and harmless and
one wiikdi will not cause |ialD Ur.
Klngto Nvsrtito Pills are espectally
good (or tbe ajtad.-fiM .they act iirompily and easUy. Price g3c. Reeemmenltod by all druggists of Traverae
Vaiwr llatbs. etc. for stomaeb.
nerves, clrcolatloa. UmeDcss, eU.
Prof. Hubbard.-8lelnbrtg Bik. CHx.
may l^3nlo*

YANl^O-Bean acruaga. Free aete
foratobed on tbo first thirty acres
eoDtracted. Traverse CUy Csnliig
Tbe Grangers have defMded to haro
a raRy. it ta to be a big gathering
and one «*>«» will be exclusively for Police Work is at Yery Law Ebb oa WANTED—Competent and
expartGrangers and those wbo wight to be
AcoouM e( TMe Ceaencte girl for genuul boose woik.
Grangers, namely tbe people of tbe
First Clara wagea.
lira. L. P.
rural aeciiun. Tbe rally ta lo be tor
■ntus, 447 Webstar sL may 14f
the entire Grand Traveras region and
all Ibe Uraages ia this eeciton ara
ALYIN H. GRUBER, Fimaral OIrectar
WbPther tbe erimlaata. hoboes and'
be lavlted to participate.
, 312 Sooth rnton 8L
ptrfloe 'court vieUms in general
steering clesr of the riiy. or wbeiber
pbona 875 We treat you 1
would wish to be treatad.
exeenUve commlioa of tbe Pomona it Is4ue to tbe (set (bat tbe crooks
Grange was ctaargad with the task of have been finding it too arduone a
making tbe rally a success. Work has
already been started upon tbe cam­ task to get away with anything bera. MONBV TO LOAN OB good and «a0
baptovad torma H. C. Davla. SU
paign and resulu will be reported in tbe police have for one canoe or tbe
Btota Beak BMg, Traversa Oty,
the early future.
other bad an onusuaUy quiet time of
Tbe conceasue of opinion regarding n (<w tbe past two months. The
this rally ta that It sbonld be bM on tomarr Petty borglaries. some
the county fair grounds at Traverae
P. M.'X. M-1A. M.iP. J
City eome convenient date la July or drunks and dtaturhers whieb are
Anguet, nod that state or nattonal ally iHuvalent at tbta sesaon of tbe Lv.Trav. City .1 i-.OOi 7:00: 9;05 4:4
speakers, or both, be secured.lo fur- year have been missing. .No e^ls have ArBoton.......I 2:27] 7:20; 9;S 4:2
wisb InsplraGon.
been received for bouse breaking,
Tbd Grange is tbe largest snd most
powerful of the farmers' orgsnlzs- night dlstucbaaees or even window
tiona It hsa been galalag la mem- peeping.
Laka Ann -----benfaip and lo prestige lot tO ygara.
Tbe absence of drunks on tbe stiwet
FUtta River ...
it ta doing valuabto work today atong Is another pecnltar thing. The credit
aoclaL educational and legislative
lines, and It is capsbto of stOI greater (or this goes largeir to (be ratoon,
neefntness It ta constructed upon keeiwrs tbemaeieea. «Po have berti^such broad and genaraut lines that earefol about dtapenslng Uqoor and
unlimited ezpaoaioa ta poteble. To­ wbo as a nrfe hare stopped tbe drinkday It has over 800 members ta Grand
Traverse County alone, and slmost 80,- era before they berane suinetoBUy
000 members In tbe elate.' But it drunk to wsrrant their
should grow, and one of tbe objects
of Ibe proposed rally ta to sOmoUte
at year at tbta tints the poUcc
• axoeptimaUy busy.' The warm
weather brings awrc people out on
Tfiet Was Art.
Waitoa ....
'^ealtatie?'' repested the ertUe. tbe streets, and spring ta generally
Rowlqy ....
"wetl. 1 sboBid say be was raaltatic. looked upon as oae of the
Sigma ....
mes (or tbe officers, but tbta year ta
You Just ought to bars aan tbe esarayllng ...
A. ', ■.
decided excepttoo to (be rule.
ettemwt he craated la bis Mteto when
n;18j 8:19
Korwak ...
he draw the oerka la a fftoimr
Oaekama Jeto- ■
ha was paiaUof the other ffsy.*
TraiBa ^ve at Traverae City 16:#9
a m.. lOcS* a BU 8:88 p. m. and •;4B
J. P. JBKKa AgoaL
By the "Kactlar” matbcM I «aa ra p. m.
iDOTs tteee achlpg tartb ahaolutMy
wltbonl pain, and wtthoot the uo* of
drugs to ptudoee uacoaeetousaeee.
fmotlm of aereomt tempseameBt ate
vtth weak bcaita wUi apgnclaia the
"K»olar~ neUiod of palatow eztrae








Cit Fhone 481.


Mf GtefftMT

We believe that the Amerlcaa fla« to the meet hratarful and the
- meat oignlflcaat •( all «te
tt all the nattone of the earth. June
14, 1818, le the 1S8Ch hlrthhey of MV fla» The etary of tte Btara and
StHpra to the dory f>t a great and mighty paepla. It ^bMUra
■Hfe, liberty and the pursuit of hanM happtaesa.' the fundamenrii
etomanta or a great hiwUhiBfi. Let the ppopto of MtoMgaa. on
Bkwrday, Jaiw Mth, diiplay this caerad lathlaw aa all atato. muntoipaland aehMl hulldlaga; 4at Aamrteaa clUtaae readiml snrh asmutoee
ae svill encMwa^ our ywdli te Jpra ate twmmtt ew <tog
R aymteitiae.
Therefore I. Weodbridga N. Ferris, Oovmvwr of Mtohigmi. de ta' urge the <
Bahirday. the «
h of June. 1*18. ae Flag Day.
Given uadra pty hate ate the Oruet Beal of the Biate. «Me *
ty-Bret 4ay af 88^ hi4he year of a«r Lord aae theaaate alra hM
ate thirtsMi ate af the Coaimanw eaHh the eavaaty aoveatK

BeU I».

FamiAim a co.

7St FMI St.
Traverse CHy> Ulck.

matarlata and arttatjcsllj Am
labed. Too will fite etey aaeh
at tba works of
Travsna CBy, Mleh.
n\Bv BL






ir.r valuf* at lOe:
Colored laiwUK. UlmllieM uliJ
ni 11*1; uioie tftaojjiLajIf^fw
allogelhcr; |ir«<l)
41) .Kllkt-iriiiev.
yani for Mic Silk Stri|w
VollcH> ami "*'■ In. \Va>Ii Si1k^.



Convicted in

- New Klaxona. InilUi IJounf. I
Itamie tlloth, White "CraK
Insr. i aney Whil*

5prcW Valaa ^9$c; mem Mb.
—\v.\ist5 Axit mxyr.sES at sissi


*1.95, S2.50 au.l I2.9S: xuliK-s «p to »1.

TUBsmis FOBsuima


CIA!. AT »5c; *1 i.*.

Mcmp«r« of Turpentine Tniet Were


1909 tor Action

, . . Pimi
lainiiit. Fie . rte
exery wniHed while lahI U'-;; ofi'.

in Selling Government

Wd»hlns«on, Juno 8- Tlic sun cnic



tenccs of tbfto mci’Mi each.' civcn
two oCIcwi of the Amoficoo iinxal
dtores conipdo.v. or "turproUne tru»i“
of Savunah, Ga.

The court reveivea

tbc dedatoOB a« to all five oElim of

clanaed of the




tijaarely nieed.




The caw war


or with runie.


—98c tor tlte tS'A- and SS.mi
dreovcv; S3 for Uh'
p; » dreavea: $4 (or it^e |7.:«
li> tt<> .licA^ee
—^!Ze7•U|ltc> I' yearn. Vollev.
I'eiviaii laiwii-,'India l.lnons.
and Enilintidi-ied Elonm ititta.


—35e and 45t h)H8ET COVERS at
la embroidery or trimmed uitu
\'ul laxes.
••MAItrEIJ-\8KIHT-liR.k\VEnS. i^P< values at 50c;
5V xaluea at T?e.

—nptotlO (CM I -nplol2 5e»7S0 | —nplo tlS BASS
Coals nowafw | Coals now at •
1 Coals nowWts
•lu'.i.VK. Si*-ifclli kiTr. etc.. *'IC.

Newest Models in Wide Wales, Novelty Mixtures,
Popular Serges Etc.
, fJS.SO ^^^jkotwen$20j_^2J0_jn£J^..

Instances Noted When He Denied Re­
quests of These-Whe Had No
Idea ef the Neceaeity fer



At S2.95 and $3.95 i e (.r.-U)
While Ilcdfuid l ord Hn ssee.
lien ITeMrfa
Ihul «e-c
ic. JA.;,i. 4..
... X $3.95
$4.95: Railiie l»r< s*e- were gh.r* and tie $4.93 and $6.50. All are xeiy lai
ilu sum-

Silk and Challie Dresses at Less Than Regular


The defehd-

declared that the penal* pruvl-

along were ulierly void becaute the
law did poLdenne Uu trlni» |l>ohtl>lied and proalUed. TItey aaserted Uiai
* the law Mtcmpt«4 to rreate a (-rime,

Jai.l wide

liiii il . GlnK'i.iiii.''





- .S Blih-mli
e|>lei>c|j.l new :ii>MiniueUl Jiii>t |.Uiee.l uii
ilneciai. ainl Hk-nM- wtxlei,. .'.liltiao
'll it.' Ill a li;a ' i’ui> < ul |<ai
’ollarvi. Gi
eiTiK'atid 1


liii'lliiiii and .

— Ia>»


sivj, .


he's the tightest tightwad who ever







of people trying to tell him bow


si>ond the money and that makes


bard Inr him.

He told some of bis

troubles today.

—t'iiiiii.rie and Swiss Eniliroidmrs ii|i lo 5 inebts
whle in j-rellx INsUertiF.

xiilh iillr i.liee.-.

dark «x»lors.

bh'Hi'W'd lolliin.


handles every cent Uncle Sam apeiids.
There are conUnsally some thousamte

I2K mi I5c EmhnU.
eries at 9cper yari


And be bn't a

On the other hand,

As < balnnan of the powerful wayii end

IF«aai'$ Uaim Smlt 25c

Beys Wash SaisSOc, 75c, 98c to 1.50


two men In the world.


Ii-.' (or iiiidsunimer wear Inc luded are

!!•>’< Work Shirts

Uemeiei CtUom at
S'Acayard '


strangled the eagle on a silver dollar.

—pm/tl—SIOSTSO I —tntftZ—
Driaatt........ •
I tIZDraiei •(.

tiiicilxeb lliillxidiul iiiodelv. lUibiUiliS 1
Itmi'S.'i le. ell.
-\U- eaiiiiel tiK> ftioiiyt) u

aenieocea bad been Im-

poacd for llA violation.


spoads more money than any other

there are aone who will tell yooYhat

U*9t «vpr jircsented to the high court
in whlih


llx-e PltagenU of New ^York pfobebly

bpendthrift eiUier.

the donpany.


— Atwiil sr, to be eJored out
III il.e next fc* daxr —

Pretty Summer Dresses for Leaks’ and Misses

Ladies’ Gals ; Note These Quick Action Prices!

court todey tn e<4dc

Mima' & CUUm't
. While DRESStS

•t ie% tf.
Tk Jnt WhBtSdt

—WAljJTS .V.Mi m.OlSE.S ai HJ5:
I.awn». lMnillU-i>. Voll«*», -MeuerUeJ
\Vamlini:><. IliitiMe. etc. i-U.
Willi IliKll II. ... .. ................
CIV »'Uh Kohevplenv l^olluiv *>r IKlUlIi
nci'k With




IH)ST—All mail orders

gUun iironi)>t attenilun.

r*£Trr waists a«i blouses




ticket with

Hie June White Sate Otter The Most Tempting Opportunities to Economize




every TJic )itirchaael

but was not explicit and dt«ea n<^ up•day awake Digbta thinking up things

prUc buBlnoas men o( iiv iinihihiilonR

to slip over.

and iienalUe*. Tbr> aaid burineea men
cannot know wlial act* ard-Hlefita and
that the law fuml«hed no crUcrlon


The ■T'urpeallnc trust ” was indleti-d

the srs-oibl reailiug. and Instead ol Uie
usual loimufltic i-Uge.'

Prcliik-r A»-

In a

Khc officers were couvicted in

ing which the hone*' li«u>


This Judgement was affirmed by

gesilotis" whlih xvlll hr- «-ni Up To Ihc

Prcsidcat tL S. Nash, of the Naval

Upon Third Reading <1 Wifi Become

Btores Co„ was fined tJ.OOA and-sen-

Law, Although Lords

tenced «;three months in jail; S. P.

Rejected It


Sbotter. chairman of the boarf of. di­
rectors. was lined $d.O|ji> and aentencl,«ndon. June-y.—The liirh


Ident J. F. C. Myers wa* find

mlv bill vnivraO

and sentenced to three moDlll^ In Jail:

stage lodax- when the nuwsure lanjc

T^siirer George M. Bohrdnian was

up for itr second reudiug In the hnUM


$2,500 «nd Carl Mullet, manager Of totuDions umler the’proxuions of
of the compacy at JacksoavUlc. Fla~ iho iwrllanioni xctu«<i.
C. J

UeLoacb. sec­ a lull thrice lassed by .1

acU, which was Indli tcd.'-xi-qj^ nciOirr

Thd' bill wa-



the lords

acquitted nor conxicled by the jury. lour ituirnhs ago.
The measure which aels up uu Irish
The . verdict made no finding as to.


liarliamcni iu f»i.7>lin n- •leiil x»iih

no one dicanicd





-Vltiblo Evldenec.
One day a icacli*u- was havli
Brai-gra^e class in physiology
naked them If they km-w that therw
was a burning tiro in the body all of
thf lime
Ouc UiUe girl spoke up and
Mid: -'Yee'm. when It Is a Cold day
1 can' see Ihc smoke.'—.Xationa]

The licrial uflaiis. was iwssed I-) lh<Nava] Stores Co. had Offices at Sax-an- tnons on Jauuuvy lu 1>) a luajhilly oi
BBb. New York. PbHadc!i>hla. Ctilca- no. but rejw-ml n fonniclii later b>

Monthly. ________________________

Ixxils. Cincinnati. lAOulsrilie. ilie lords b> a majoriiy of
l.lbcial lailMir Xaitonalist iwiliiimi was
N. C.. tlrunswlck. Ga..
111 lull (orcH- today, and will bax
Tampa. Jacksonxllle and Fcrnandlna.
Vote down till opiat.'ilioQ iiim-n'liiiciits.
' Fla., and Mnblle and GlllpoH. Miss.
the bill .in onie- to coinpl.x
The goxcmtpcni charges the trust
the teriiia ol tbc parliuiiieiit ^jct.
with moDopolIrlng trade In turpentine,
gn ttirough lulls nrlgliiul I«ni!
‘Ru uresin and pine forest piodocta In
xyill he two da)t geucinl dclmtc
. Ooorgla, North and South Carolina.
CD. Sl


lly the .

IToLrpipUon Pi' .lipli.uuis- Coaimissluner UT llortisl..e

Daily Thought
Run away from gossip gs from k
perUIeocc. and Jn-cp in your aoula
great id<'ala to solace your aolltadc.-»

Known Elk


Really the Whale Thing.
Elk l.', Jm:«' ;• -'Tile c.l) vaAH one woman carca In her ertb sllo. k«-<l las( Iiiglil Iu lieay ••! ibe .le^Mh
(hlsm of another Is that abc looks w^
of lo-i-pU Ibitli-r, H was ku.ixiu Him
—Maijfl-' ster I'niuii


formerly occuiiled the buildings Utere.
wants them again."
Mrs. keilogg Just


•Being. Run Over by

The very

of getting a w»ner of a militoa for
other quarters.


He didn't get ft and

be wasn't thrown out.



havlneg lU.^ to buy steel (Ilea

•-Tossing Ibe Hoordiiun trestle to save to

keep ‘ xalnablF rwoorda"

(Hue and <lisiaiu« all but retsulied to quiry developed the



Frank Kellogg aud






•valuable records' were Uie examina­

wile, Sstab

tion papers of ever) one wbo has ever

Kellogg. u(u-upr«<] to cro-s tbc irct-

Fernwd^ ou the wot side,


iliey bad aalcly leach.d the oiiposiie
side a freight from the tioriji whis­
tled (nr (be trestle.




ilc troiU/the wcui side of the rixer to

•ervant ihati they aro credited with
Little Boba mother, (or Instance, w-ss (elUng a visitor bow
tertnl" another neighbor was In bis

And Holme* waa

going to be *thtx>WD out' to the hope Mr. and

Mrs. Kellogg be­

came frightened and aitcmtited to
(he ties, bi’f missed her looting

been In Uie scnlee from Janitors and
charwomen up.

My argument against

the appropriaUoD vm* that the best
thing that .wild happen wa* to have
the comnir^n’* Ille tJeaned out by

Uioae alleged



ords' burnod up at (be earliest opI>ortUDity.

There's Hole hope of that

bowexer, for the cooijnlsalon Is housed
her. put In hla little oar.
*'I dont^nd (ell. iw-lsiing her foot Lelweea
la a fireproof buDdiug.
In spite ot
think Sir Tato Is so awful boBsy,^,ht.
,d t*e.
suddenly. Ill-ally tone the shoe from her loot tbc wooden flies (he ‘valuable rec­
•Courwc he doc» a Hot of talking, but
ords' arc sUll intact. Also I might •
just In time to relcaac her foot aud
he never makas Mrs Tate do a thing
add that I'nclc Bam did not waste
throw her
the embankment.
she dosan i wanter. I've noticed that"

LalaKarim DuLa Hindu barberwfco
died recently at Ifecnit. had (or tbs
last thee yoare slept every night with




(bat in.ono.

ihaf they had rearhi-d the emlankIt waa the same way when ex-rreamcjit on the west side, for Mis. Kel- ident Taft's economy romtsalon cam*
Icigg wa» saved
as for $500,000 the drat year and
liTlses due to her full.

This Is only

\wo pet pythons colled up beside him

the lucvliaUe result of uxlng a rail­

to bis bed.

road tn-stle as a public thuioughTarc.

r.o.otxn iha second y^r to determine
R-wi hat ^course ft would take In effeeling

future geverement economy.

Florida. Alalwnm. Mlssi..slpp|. lAOutshi*

Goodness knows what they have want­

tta and elsewhere.

ed after they had spent $73.1>00 learn­

known as

These (iroducts arc


stores." ,<t

ed markets by raifous means, dixerted

sliipmenls, published

false qiiots-

' lionA (alsriy gauged tur|H.'ifiltH-.




comt-ctliors cm-

.ploycca and institute

ing what they wanted to do.”


charged that the ^miwny manipulat­



Final Cleanup of Ladles’ Suits
At a Reduction in Price Never Before Equaled
Ladles’ Suits at Sacrlllce Prices. Cost and Former Price Not Considered. The
Suits Must Go. The Low Prices Made WUl Dispose of Them Quickly.
Every suit In tbc hi>nsc Included In these three groups, und the msterlsls.trlmm(ngs und workmsnshlp are the iincsl
obtainable. Truly a wonderful eolleetlon ol high class suits at pronoiuccd price rednettuns.

No Woman or Miss Can Afford to Overlook These Supreme Values



The Selling of Suits Starts Promptly Wednesday at 9 a. m.
and contlnnes nnUI tbey are all sold. First ctiolec Is wortti sometblno* so come early.



Suffrapettes Oaslrc to Make Most Impieskua bhiect Leseen Craat
Bnuia Has Seen in a



I'cailUK graxc

••tilers. SoCliaiMl Vunl lods)' is tonsMthe greor

liincial which mili­






Miss Eisuy liaxison. tbc suffrgeoitc
who died ycuenis)

iioiu lujuilrt re­

ceived whjii'll* •H.-n.picd to throw
the kIngSi Ijorsa at the re. ciit derby.

bcsdntiancrs oi Ihc Wonicii's (w.

clal an-l Pollibal iinioti llic nilil'.anu:
planned the biggest



ever paw, not cxccpllng thc'lsK Kui,r
t-Mward'a. They said they would maUe
the death of Miss iiavivm lire meet
iTupPssslvp oblFit leuion C;r«ot llriulu
has had for a xearraUtm.

Tliiee atl w^l .Navy'Blue
Serge SiiiiK.
Two 313.’.i> all wool Mannisli M.Mwlrd atilt*.
all wool Tan
Suit, hailn lining.
Om- C’lM-ii lauc) tuu Serge
One $i:>.Uii all while Serge

N<ivfUv Suit.
black and white







• rliiB lhcj»dxlrui-.liiy uf'proUibltiug



xious Iu (baf be bud been manager i-l


Pared Away.


WA«. going lo

becauHr the War DepartraenL wblrt

tuinplDK htnis.l(..

Ada C. Sweet,

•■Good'*toornftfc-^"frp .got
335>i.<K-u quick.

h«-*-n in the groec-r) Imsluess alid iw •-

home life wjieo Rob. unnoticed beside

IMam. s»lo-r:p> .Rurahaclur.

Mtuca «ame dashing into my office.

ihrowB into the street to PlUsburg



Shortly after I took th*

job Hirertor Holme* of tbc Bureau of

Mr. Duller bad (or (he last leu ycarz

The e»ei* l-^^-spf tbc flirt t Oiiiuien.i-- tile KTOcery tleiuiillueiit of the SCIi.
Raidds Iron coliiiiany. He leaves b:coiuit.e
stdes bis wife. 4*0 dniighters. Mlah-.'S
Ilii'Uls it'ilesin-d.
iii.nnuJ training ••hiss will Ik- held
llxdcii and Josepbinc. both ot'xxncu
•tiBl.x augge: lions ni>pro'«-d,-hy the Tuesday nighi 4u iluf*H»g!egoare tu graduate Ibis week. MUs Helen'
lUAv'JiliU'Ut wiU Ik' wdI np. and as uo tloual < liiinh at
o‘< VK.*k. 'fi'ere wUl
cuujprxruu-s- Is likeix -to tie arrived at, be a <loss -of fUi«vn ip re<-.i\e di­ troiQ^l>« university at Ann Arbor,
she has iH-en
.studying lai.
the bill aliiio'i ecriaialy
|iass plomas ami Ihe.'ldcni V. T Gr..e.a .ii
through it- tli>':il rending In 'nitmi s( (he Ml. IMcasaui Normal school will guages, anil Miss Josvpuine, wbo will
iiionih'S tiixH. In lip ortgiual form, if.' glxe the adtliA.' 1)1 Ihc eXt lilUK- The li-uxe .Miua. ani^bad rei'cixod apiiotniiiit'Di to the wchonis at llarln>r S|irlng».
as l» generally •■\|«t-li-d. the lu-u.-e ul IiitluuUiK prugraici will be given
There Is a, Muses, and slater.
lord' rcjcei it ay-nin. ifuwil] l>u l>ubli< (srceuKliali.x iuvned.
Mrs. Thomas Marrioit.
rellilrudoo-d m-sl th:iic. iind will aul’roc«a.sioual-31iss UildeimT.le LowThe funeral scrvkes wIlTbc tomor­
LMUaiPwll) i>ef-uine law alter its Ihlid
row afici iiunii under cbarg<- of Uev.
tTjoni.s-lly Hu- xlase.

Transponation and TennlnaT Co., an­ tlunal affairs. wMb- n-iainlng f.’
other defendant. This was .pel up as beis at WfMHilriUFi
error by the company offii-ers.



Tucat of Ihc Gr.x&d Tnxertic

Itivoca' loll—

The American .Nsvsl Scores Co.. It- house of lord' may linve rcjcclo



retary. was •cquitied.

tlie coRiiiany. nor


|uis» ■ang-

IksI) <an tncoi|<orate ibeui as aiiieud-

rendered Bo opinion with iu dei-Nioiu

was fined $3.noo.


lords with*tlH- -hill, so that- the lattiT

the eonrt of appeals, which, bowexcr

cd to Jail (or.threc monlbs; Vire-pred-


'sogsuKIloU sUc." dui-



that the end was ao ^ear.

S|ui(h has »uli*lUi«ed & (•ailiabicUUty

In 1907 in the federal court at Savan-


he bad been Milleijng lo^ wiiuc time

IKlMi all





attBmpteo liveb of five










RsaMsnea, Aftor Which

black andI
white lancv »ulu.
One Il’I.riO
IIHVX blucfl

ShaMIfig Ocawrrad.


: llluc Serge _____
lOiH' f.'T.r-e Navy IMue
rhevlot Suit.

Tiffis-ri!!.,,. T.,'°

or^d Tun Sergn Fuita. U

one tKi.iM' laiicy mixed
•(Uttln lln««l B'llt.
AUi>c $rj l‘k iJl wool llabkct rji


One »:2.00 utof- aull of
line Wbir-»rd.
loiie $31 'Al Ian iioveUy. iw
One Balkan suit. *

Cord Suit, whh dmw A
cd akin.
Bglkan suit. ^
Two 124.50, all wool L
Whipcord autto.
iwueutsh Q
Worsted Suit.
One $23.W black and 0
Bedford ford .
ne $3:.5i> Rne
Serge BulL





nlgbis and a day of futile search (or
tbc maniac wbo attempted to kill Bve
persons ud

who bhiUUr assaulted

Cx-rus Levy to sight bt bar boa-

band whom be bad aarlously wounded,
Rheriff Chapman prepared tDdajr to o^
mite posses to surround th* country
aid him to the




mania c. besvUjwurmed. was last aeen
anierlng the woods near


Rarly this morning a stwe of antomo-

See Our lil^t Show Window for Somo of These Wonderfid Suit Values.
Salt Values ilnsiirThis Suit Event
passed. Come early
A Great Saving
tor First Choice.
Traverac aty, Mich.

GLOBE Dept. Store

Mies. Sited with men. batch argsad wilh
a rlBe nr shotgun, left the etty to re­
new (he search.

The maniac atoned

his aerie* of Crimea Saturday night.


whan ha robbed Rrnest TraSeaa’ re^'
dance at Richland,

later he ronfraat-

aO Levy sralking with hi* wife naar




I,evT In the bach, and tha^ In tiU
sight of the wounded husband, be aaaanlted Ura. I*ry.


lAT. HOttKI^ ws
from No. 1 were stpObg’ a cloaa
or 12 which sraduated from, the fth
grade at Cedar Thuraday eventu.
. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Cate spsnt^day at Btnplre.
Mr. and Mra. John Twv apent Sat­

•ytttsbMgh Perfecr Fence

urday and ^uadsi tlalUag g^tlTes Is
Ch.n. norrotijfh and f
tbroufh Sotae Saturday'


B«caoM the joints in “Pittaborxh
Perisct" an welded by eleahciiy, yw
can ^tdc it out first PQP. Esmineawcld
-theglvanitinB piled thicklyaround the
joint affords double protection here.
Heat a weld white hot, then try to
separate Ibe wires. Yea can't. Thiais
tbs^ permanent dependable


apent SuBday with their rranOpareats
^A^V*8eh»ab. who U doinf tM
atoae work «n the new reetdenre of
Bkwm Schaub. apent Soiulay wtlb M;

Wby Use A Risly Sqienifiir?
Tbe l»ll MoOcI lateilochfaig

^^ord.T»V^^oJold ac* of Mr.
and Mra- «d Drew, waa burled her^
PasT PUinoadoB ctoeed a very


A M. \
yduug learn, haa a
It aai

*‘Pitt6borRh PerfeeT iwU bsMcr. is
Ctronc in less time with less labor and
AS MADE TO-DAY from w owil
spedal Open Hiirth W^.V'is
UsU totter and gives more satisteion
than any other. Don’t spend your fence
money—invest it. Read our cataloKuc
invest^te. then


1 tnesUonlng en

____________ to tho tows.
- The hotel and oMtages at ronatain
A large amount nt worma' neali In Point are recMrlng a new coot of
hir vicinity and we fear trouble later paint and soon everything wlU be In
a tbe Bchaon.
rwadinrss for the gnesta.
Our cltlteni. enjoyed a few aelecUona playpd fay the Central band os
Sunday UaL
On Tueaday Mat about 20 ladles In
a very Plpnaani manner- reminded
Mrs. Joe Hoalor that It was ber blrtbvieea tor Mra. Ulanche I
AekyoerdwWftw-PittsfcuTxhPrrfrrt-aBdi-rninooWifqTfUsWnci-. Donui »Uow him to pcfia»jf
day and spent the erealng vHh ber.
yeeasieoffleotlKrfc-ireb JuMasaaed, Jf be deete't mH It. «ri(« w dkML
Games were Indulged In until a late
afternoon at Z o'clock,
J^^apd a pot luck supper waa enhad li'xl In ihl( conimt , . . ..
blnh 20 years ago and the esteem in
Jessie Rosaman and Albion
ahich ahe was held was abosrn by the
large aUendanre and the Dntnl oSep- darle of I-eland Were married nt St.
Ings. Mrs. Monnn died Saturday at Mnry'i church Tuesday
the home of ber {larenia, Mr. and Mra. Shortly after the ceremony they bonK
Miles Defraeae. Besides her father ^ the iralB ftw a tour of Deiroli
and oioiber aha leavet one brother Grand Rnpida and other souther
and a baby daughter lU days old. Hev.
^Boy IieMars and Prank Sbonek sr
Koona had charge of the w-rrlres
nt the present time occupying Cam
Barnard ft Wilton, undertakers
rneeda Rest. As they were abou
(irawn. tbe burial arrangenienta.
I ary dri.artnientto retire Saturday evening they
number of tmpnivcnients that i
leimeiIll was In Inland cemeieo'.
j ti> Tvttirn lu-rv >______ .___
8 of tbe Ore
W. |ienniB«n'>o. the dntgglA. wtw
being made.
thnl they
' Mrs. Klvwn Hill itnd rlilldren upcnt
Thr Kdgfwood Houae liaa been thor- rocenily lost hit store by fire. '
had not beaiUlad to socept the Invi­
Oabom, June t’.—Marl; npfrinR <>r ’-'liday uiid Saiiirda) In Trarerw
ouglili n-novaied and |iut in aliape
building uf cement partly u
tation Mtended thorn to hoM their
Icri ^Ir. mil relumed «li b tbetu. spcodl
Kan Kmplrr was an Oaboni caller
tbe aeaMin and will lie in charge
wilt be a iwo-atury bDlldlng with
n the aeeond Aoor.
Wedsoadat luortiln*.
Mrs Huicher, whii aill open the house
idisi WilUani Lapbam.
Sr., was call-' ■ Mrs. Wlllier Siltea la entcrtalnlhi; to the public on June 8.
iiitcimciieu novit ASBOClatloO
fnoada at Uaborn Monds) at* l^rr vratidinotber. Ura. \lrluiU. of Sil<ira>»lonc coliugc baa been renied have tone at work getting the hotel
grounds In shape for tbe opening.'ceptod he waa Introdiicod to tbe myatemoon.
for the Kcaaun and Hie ois upanu wUi
j terlea of the club, A lunch ronalatlng
Tboraas Deennn, Sr., nl Oabom
lie lii-re In a few days to remain all June ir..
The ac-bool* here close ihelf year! of m*n) good things waa enjoyed by
went 111 >iap!e City Monday momiiis
Ward Eaton is larrylng bU an
aher a hlr%d man and a hired girl
Thursday with s picnic in the school all. sa the lire Hub did not forget
a sling aa ihc result of a bad
'to bring enough-refrfsahtnents to last
for Mrs. Mart- Ueering.
A youag daughter arrired at tbe two days. At a Ute hour they de­
l.ottle Payne ot lAke Junction was «.-hlle wrestling, which tore the tenhome of Mr. a'nd Mra.'Mark Sewatead parted.
paned. Sbonek sitting
aittlof under ia free
:> guoatt I.of ber
. .grandpafesta Tuea* dojii loose froth Ills left elN.w.
the home of dnd UeMara behind the t«
y olght at tbe home
c cot Mr. and Mra.
Cednr. June S-Hardly warm enough
happy frame
ly on
n Sun
. falned the eUbth grade at aupi^ir last * fur K«,«r ixjrn weather but nearlv all
oige Au^
About ir. little frleoda of Irene
Mra. Wllda Maynard of Raran,
Mra. Neil' IMran and daugliW of, ^ht
Al^ of the young iadlea «u.- farmers here have it lu the grauniL
afternoon with
Osborn sere Travereo CKy vlalloralcoasfully pMsed their ......... ..................................................................
Frank Meachen la working at Cedar Mich., la vUIUng frleacU tn Inierlooh.
ber to assist la celebraUng her birth­
and are lery.Juhllam h
and t'iimiter is doing the farm work. en aud Wylie.
day. Oamea were Indulged la aniJI
School 'rloaed
ctoaed In I)UL
I>UL No. 3 Friday
C«il Brown aawed th* ____________
Mias nannabel Grundy of Trav<
Esther Oood and GsUier Whiu of
off lib. loft Imud the oiber day whilo Traverae City attended eraduating ex- niy is ai>eii«ar the week end wlU >hout four o'clock, when n few snap
after a nine mnnibs' term,
ol'o'a were Uken of l‘
tlranduia Oilbert la uol much better working at larjienter work.
Vc(J..eB at I'edur, guests of Mr*. T. R. Mias Etta SneR.i
after which retreslirae__
' at thia wriilng.
White and family..
to the occasion were^rved.
A line new bell calls the people to
woirlilp. Bi the Ucrmun 7.ian church.
There waa a large number at Solon
iMqewood. June 3—-Hill Toil is cemetery I>n-oration Day, paying trlbrtvtreW^.* 'jnn^' t.—»fra. Mary
' WtUlamsburs. June 3.—Mra. Frank uin-ncd for the siiuiuier by Mrj;
Jr»; Vam
Brooks and daughter. Mias Olive, who
Stafford and ISO children attended the devnn of Chimge.
have spent ilic winter lit Virginia, are , -South Milton. June 2.—Little Twila.
The D.vea of f'lmagn have oiK-ned
gradnailcip exercises here, retnrfilnc
I for hts houae flnl
here fur Uie .sumnier at ihelr homo, InteBl daughter of Mr. aod Mrs. Jor
I heir cottage for the Heaaoo.
Fridgy evening. June 6, there waa -Northlleld.'»el.AiD. u ven III wUh pneumonia
Miss .Agnes Abbott is In her <-otmlaslun meeting at the Evangelical
Miss ElUabetb M-llder 1a here for Or. Yorkea of Elk Rapids U tbe at
lage, -SiBilhneld." for the aomiiier.
lurcti. 'A speaker from outside.
the summer and la Ihe gueat of Mrs. tending phystflan.
Mr*. lUtile Bacon is In her (otage.
The Dotshborbood was-sboeked ti>
Mrs. Ailhur 1-auuier has been en­ Ridoira.
-BltieraHeet/' for the presont.
joying a visit from her brother aud
Master .njchBrt cappa of Chicago la bear of the auddeb death of Jamas
rway Is ready to eutertaln alstcrs uiid tlieir familiea
Old Mission. .
The Norway
Grover, ebo drop|>ed dead this morn­
Ucre for tfae en^ow,
Ihe summer.
Mias Marie Stltes haa the nicahlct. •people for ihe
Sir aud Mrs. Ceorge Siullh^re havMtaa Anna Sw'artt apent a part of ing while working 6r. the road for
loiiy Crofi. the
Road CooimisaloDer Del Fox. He
Mtaa Nora Hluicr UTt today for ber
ig Ihelr buiise puiuled.
last week In Travetwe City.
le o( Mr. and M
home at Dorr after eluting a very
Ijiiireiia Cliuse and Tommie White
Mrs. Wni. nalton la in Elk Rapids leaves a wife and two small children
auccestfnl year uf sehool lu the prini.Miss Mae Hnbhard has gone to
from District No. f. and Susie F
called there by the aarlous Ulncca of
Traverao CUy for a visit and take in
her father.
l^uls O. Kell of Detroit has re­ the senior excursion.
Claire Ackerman spent the week-end
turned to hit home for a short time
Miss Arllne Johnston has flnlabed with his parents here, returning to
her school year and gose to I*etoakoy Traverae OH.*' Monday.
Luke Duroseber. Er.. died Sundei
for the aumtner.
night at the home of hU daughter.
lUbarfo , spent a 1
se City, tbe guest
guetl of Mra'Adol|>h Duchaney. who has ten■Isrl.v care<l for him for many luonihs.
•r stater.
Mtaa Margaret Coleman la tho guest He was past Kb years of age.
Harry I’almcr had the nrtafortune to
of Mrs. John Hsrtlng and Songhtor
lose a valuable horse last Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. E. E. Cbandtor gro nt
Manistee lor a few weeks.
Mtas -ltalay Rryanl. who bM been
aplelon. June 3.—Tho funeral of
verv- ill at latckwoud boaplul. I'eioeMr. Taylor, who died is Grand Bapkc.v, la much bettor.
Mrs. Manford Brown, who hba been Ids. was hold Bunday from the horaefl
Atin-gurst of Mrs. MrKercher the paat of his daughter. Mrs. Jordan. Inter-M
utvk. retursed Co her heme at Crw- meni w*s made tn tbe Ugdenkburst II
^nt today. .
Jaerence Carroll has a crew •
t'ordoa brothers have opened a new
it-n at work on tbe road this week,
icai market.
and Mrs Butla and Miaa Neva
Mrs. nctaer haa retomed to Fort
arrived SaturUay and
Wayne for a afafin atny.
sjieod Ibe summer here.
Jawrence I'amtil and Mra. John
Warren Sr., spent Sunday with .Mia.


t-^ery itod Guaranteea

Gaaranleed Not To Ri^
The IM.'I niivdcl I'liitol Sial>-'i Si-ii;ir«t"r i- ilu- ONLY rn-am
Kiparalor willi a ItlOKEL SILVER, NON-RUBTIIIO skimuiiiiR ilcvii-v ami strictly gimraulcvHl.
Ilic iiickt-1 silver n<>n-nislini; skimiuinc «U-vjcr in I'nilcd
States Sv'iwrat'TK marks Ihc tfri-ati'sl iiu|ir<>v i-iiii-nt iti .(■ream
Kp{tar«l«<rs iti Ihc Hist Icn ycjini. Its ns.- in the 1'. S. is Hi-tnnlly
rt-volulioiiarj- ami jilavs-s ihc riiiDsI States SciuiraDirs years
aliciut of any other cf«-alii separator.
This ANTI-BUST nii-ki'l'silver skiiiiHiing
device e>vcs the riii|c<l Si>n<-s Seitamtor

Pittiburgti Sted Co.

Old Sgpamon Taken in Exebanj^.
(lid I'liitisl Sut-'s S. piiriilor> w ill b«‘tUtz'd-with Uiwbi uuuMiiuiuK th<- iiKn riistinff
tiickeil silver skiiniiiiiic device at cml.


Vermont Form Meclilne Co.
SoU b7


Qaeen aiy Implement Co, Tnverae CUy, Jacob
Hahnenbers. Provcmonl, I. a. Sogse. Snltona Bay, Antou U. Svoboda Cedar.


do a



Constantty Increasing

"Tasty Pastry” Flour

J-omt /Wltoi




K you go on buying your clothes by
the old Stamford of values you are doing
your pocket-book an injustice. Here
is a new deal in clothes that gives you
more for your money.

"7%e «ame price the world over”
rq>re«ent style and good taste combined with aU>wool fabrics,
hi^-grade worknianship, extra good dinings and trtmn^tgs.
The makers, who are the largest la tfa« world, have spedaUzed
64/years on men's clothing of me^um price. STYLEPLUS
facturing cost as a result of edentlBe mediods on a big ecale.
You get clothes of fine appearance, individuality in style. You
get wear, because STYLEPU^ is a suit carefully and hon^tly
frukir inside and out.
Why not make.a saving on your spring suit and be even better
Our assortment Is large in all styles and fabrics.
You caa’t buy STVLEPLUS in any other store in liova.
You can't buy their equal anywhere for the money.



Ute foot or ani .e u«} ur
have been vWUBg h«r paranu at UOs verv-f serious
sprain, A smln
than a break.. In all h|iraln«.
The reaortrrs arc expected at Foreol iiainfu)
biirna. braises and icaMa RESI.B>dge Bboat Ibe middle of tbe a
John Gallagher’s sew bars Is i
*tb» best (blag_ 0 use. Reliev
com plot ed.
, reduees awelliag. la a
l.evi Cos U quite a Ultle' hettv! (lUepuc and neau rapiaiy. Bnrciagain.
h also when taken for C-holera MorMra. Edna Coiwy of Rellaire Is vis'
log her Bister. Mis. WlU Newstsad.
Mr. and Mta. Arthur Laird of south
town visited Ibetr ptrenis at this
place last -Sunday.

Arthur Kltiuury Is potUfig, ufT s
The tamfly doctor look her hand 4o
Mrs. SacketVs brother Is here from tml her pulse, in a noineOt Gcaon
Indiana on a vMt. and haa about de- ■aid In a whisper. 'Ith no use to
< lded to buy a farm and locate here.
wrist, doctor, the path to aU «p
Mary MeOUl Is oeadlng seme Urns
at Old Mlsetoas vUh her aimer, Mrs.
Katie Rink.
Ousrantecd Iccsma Remedy.
Jos Ecsteine and Us m«n from lbs
The constant Hching. burning, red­
oes*. rash and dtoagreeaUe e|fects of
hetena. Utter, salt rheum. Itch. iiUet
haa bnaa
A few-lrol^iiy^c^^aB^ihe^to'^nU^clMtf
ay. hern -. V, .
^ •
'' ' ' ; and
^ smooth with
wSb Dr.
_ Hobson's Ktsema
J. M. EUlott to wy tick aggtn. ami Ofnunent. Mr.
r. J. IC. Erelasd. of BoQl
owing to his weak rondUlon there Is
"I had ecteroa twenty-•fltr
very little hopes of bis recovery.
Mrs. Haoalerd of. Traveree City,
----- -- . (ouod l>r. Hobn
few days with friends at this
lyma Ointment 1 fpund n cn
It weelt'f' i!,
This ointment to tho tonaula o< a i
alclan and has been la nag fbt ysai.
not an experiment. Thai to why we
can guaraltee It. AR <lrua£& or by
50c. PfelSer (%emleal
OKbom. J'ittis 4.—Charles Ucefautler Co.. Pbltkelpbia and 8t. Ignto.
of-Emplre J«m!tioe Is AdvIbr
(amUy to BonUckvUto. He will v
Off Cetor^ ■
(or D. H. Day this -summer.
Tksjtoaa -who isu evm^t'lttUo tram
Miss Susan Dorpn oT Detcolt to visUiBK with her paresta. Mr. and Mrs. Ho hasp him Carting btaa must hav*
Doran, at Oabors this week.
a a^^ of yrtlow.-Chlotfo BecocO
Paul Varttoe-and famib' have taored
lo-tihelr bWDS at Empire after an
sight mon^* stsjron their *
Host ChlMran Hav. Wo —
Many motlvsra think t)|ete ehUdraW
Mra Haas and
- huBd their store on t I liMraU
acho, oyrvouMMaL weakseos, costivewhen they are vtctlma of that
bf all children's allmanto—worma Peavtoh. Ol-ii


Ksarr SchaU) of -i^tWaty
Mtosos Emma and toaUer Sokaub

pent Sunday with' his‘pamta

The Best Pies, Cakes ud Cookies
We KiSOW because housewives say so, and that’s
enuugb. Order a sack from yo^ groc^.

The Hannah & Lay Co.
iflUcrs lor Fifty Years

The best compaoion you can have

while traveling is a bo<4 of travel­
ers' checks. Issued in deODinifiatious as small as ten dollars, cash­
able anywhere, they are indis­

I horse ladt week.

avement, June a—aOsabeth Ihippemn hu retonsd firdm Beared
Several from - here -atleadnd the
dance at Dertcer'a Saturday expning.

It's theflour^at makes
just what you expect—

1 oolns ot
____ ____________ -- glvea
XlckaMo Worm Killer, a plraaaal
candy toaeage. .which expela wonns.
reguJaus the boweU, toast ap tbs syv
tem. and makes children wcU and
Worm Killer to
happy. KloUpoo
-- ----Cohranteed. All druggists, or by
-...........................poo Indian Metl^ciul
tBd 9t Loala.

Under Control oT U; S- Trearary.

Cream of Wheat will cook in 15 minutes^nd
makes a delicious breakfast< A Z-nNiodl pack­
age sells at 15 cents.
.Toasted Wheat Flakes .oan. be eaten dry, with
milk or fruit They are great
hnd musde
one minute and more nutritious fhkin a pound of
beeL 15 cents a package.
PuQed Wheat tastps bestifUisbefmd^fkctwo
or three minutes before serving. It s^atnlcaa pkg.
PuSsd Ri«e can be served with sugar and eream,
but during June—the strawberry month—try mix­
ing the Puffed-Grains with berries. They taSte like
toasted nuts, and form a delightful blend.
a pkg.
Zwiaback—la^e packag^lS cettta.' '
Protoee is made fomn grain and i^uL'''It re­
sembles meat in appearance and taste. Sfic a pound.
You can get tbe above at the Comer of Front
end Case Street




be had aet hU bean on retseirlna
today by speakers at the coalgrence
aad bleaalac p«noBal>r the tbouaanda
of western governore who conveued
of jilliTlmt trom pracRrallr «twt
tea o'clock this tnoniing. In fieveral
IKtM country of tbe flobe. The
•r the patven read today tbe pretoat
adMInletraBob waa orged to ebasge
eat condlttOD of Hie HoHaeu
Uw governmFbt's l«Ucy gs followed In
fOndera tbl( fatlcnlna work i
the laac three admlnUtrations. When
1>- ImpMilble while
One nJgbt when Dickens had rotliad
tNeaeeStou opened It waa conOdently
‘This Conroy pnity eomes Into tbe
band the dortori tear that tbe dlaapINTIfltDATING
LITERA expected that resolirtloaa would be
mCFARATIONS BEING MADE TO polntment of the pope in not beloR SENDS
adopted taking the^ federoi govern'
able to reattre thia cbertabed ambi­
‘termtned to walk to'London, abont
tion of bia career may be even more
“Say bea titot green that When ha
miles away. He reaebad tbo
settlement, with some few exceptions.'
dancerpua. For the moment. It t«
cUmbe down off tba box of tbs atogo
*■ ^ morning and apCblef'exeaitires of sixteen Hscifle
hoped that tbU difficulty baa been
ba looU up an- down tbe alpeat atore* vu~ .t*«u—..^.oroimie
^st and Rocky
oTereome.f.Hereafter the pllcrlmt will
he gets off, TraW be'a goto' to Map refr«bments. ft-ben be bad flniabad
a *}ver.l*n. lb.
be lined op in tbe Vatican gardena
eoln be bad with bla.
seats when tile pretldeni of the con­
“Sura be-a groan, bat ba'a goodI amaneat

CELEBRATION OB CONSTANTINE aad Hla Helioeaa will paas by them in
t bad tm.“ aald tbe t m. ML
ference. Oovemor .Wasi. of Oregon,
SUE. rm ruanto' n bnacb of control
a cnrriaxe. citendlng the nauat bleeaYEAR SOURCE OF WORRY
ing at It and trying td twist it to aU
aula on stlnUn' Wniar
tng but dlaipenilng with the rlnR klaa- SIgnero of LetUra and Telegratna Bay called the eonrentlon to order. The
that nummar. an' 1 gives him njnb. 'dlioctions. rand 1 «bnU gh« tor An
They Were fferood to AoMe*
By Financial Intaraoto
Hdrala. Colondo. Idabo, KaittaN MinPope Ptua la DesiHoue of Being of Id tbe neMtlne. however. Cardinal
Behind Lebby
neaoU. Montana. Xebraakg. Nerada.
Pull Bervleo to the Chush
Merry del vlt U maktas all the ah
a PubUc InyeMlMtlon B
New Mexico. North Dakdta. Okiabomh,
Aa Long aa He *
ry tor^lbfL.dfiloitaheart to turn him away. I bears aboot his pocket jwMcta bad oxldlxad IL See­
Made by Court Into Jury
that matterb looked awkward, bn
Liveo •
Washington,* June 7.—A direct Dtagon. Bontb Dakota. Utah, WashlngMm every month tn Tompaen'a roporL ing
tiOD of tbe pontiriclal outhor^ty.
Bribing Story
and Wyoming.
He mya:
Should thla evemuntly l>ecome nerea- charge Uiat a powerful lobby la main-'
•rtie program for the three daya'
By Heifry Wood.
aary It li generally bolleved that the (alned by tbe sugar trust, with Waali
Doaton, June 7.—What wax chatne- here you must be loMa' yoor mind.'
Ington beaduuanera, was operallog sialon'ag announced by 1‘realdcui
t of tbe rnitod cbolct of Pope Piua would fall
one of the three cardinals. It might U»wughout the country with tbe as- West today iirorldea. for papers ami tcrited aa the moat nen ■atlonal epl- “ - • guaa. yon knew wot yon was 1?^“
doin'. He's n Ana obnp. an' a bard

of great dvlc bodlea Intlml- geoerml dlscusslos on the fodMl |«I- rode 111 the htotory of M
The man bad been vtoUmlaad
, Roue. June T.—ConrInooC tliat Pope l>e Merry dol Val. the .....................
1cy In relation to unappropriated lor- murts for a century, marked the cloae
Ploa X will never be able full) «> re- d .1.1-, r.rtld.1
whom iho'l"'"'
,o« .n„ ihi.
ent areas, the use of the public range, Of tbe Wood (Dtiamite
Boue bla dntloa, and fearin
rod. -dddilT
M. rlcr
gnow lalli on the mountain, an the
go to a cbemUCa
^i':to nccomidlsb true txww-natlon.
today ' Within IP seconds after cam. baa to be
a nmde before tbe a
Mule relapee may Ineapacltate him en- the adminlKtratlon of the affalTB of '
in « Ibe borne
die fuel nupply of the went, and kin­
Ioreman bad announced that the
llrrij. definite atepe are belna taken Ho .toOdod »oin.d or ll mtobi b. P''
<»o,o.Uto. uolo, by
tbe abopa had
Jury, after wrangling all night, had
at Ibe Vatiran today for tbe delegatlcm rortlo.l MoH rrrtm ol lb, Oon“tfa ^rd work tbla. fur atr^
The cbemlal ImmedlmMy r
found William Wood, head of the six­ wnpa dan'i appeM to the tow-br^
novaUM. to apUa of bU
of ble anihorliy to aome rardlnal
C..»on.o.Hob. bbO to .boml Tb..o«i.' U.1II.001. obkb »• by Colomdo. was on tbe program for
l»oi>er on “Our National ronservation ty mimoQ dollar “woolen irast." In­ none, so after It'a aU over I glvos tbe
appeaxanoe. aad tba caOaa boose
tlie most poaltlve ellUiod
ehoald an emergency ariae.
1*000 Plus bad eoiruated tbe rairytng
..tlafaciortly ooavlncod
la suppleueated by a vaal amount ITUey;" Ooveronr Hunt,, of Arliona. nocent of any cuhnecilon In tbe i.-ln boys a week to lowiu r^ga araud
That tho eondltkm of hla hbllooaa. out of all of tbe hlg rcUgioua rffomu
bad not
not been
been entertaining
entertaining n
.-'-docutueotary evidence. He de- will dirruss fcdoral eonirol of slate to plant djimmllc during the Law- tba boardin' house principle, nn Joe that be bad
contftiBoa emu. enough lo warrant poniincaie.
alut Governor Hi­ renre textile strike; ihut it found
tbla. -was admitted today at the Vati­
_____ ....
Ibe receipt of
.'Should, however, i
'**““**'“Mhundreds of wrllleii telegranis from ram Johnson of CpIllurnU. will s|ieak I>eniiis J. rolllns. s Csniyidge dog tbe oah>e of Cumodn'A
can. Pope Plus' own obedMae. -«nr w
tbr, b-^„r
“Buio or Nstlonal Control of Our fsiii-ter. guilty on two counts of the
tbe first lime In bia llfo, o(|ltac!i>aal“It aeem. a fellow nmned' Black WENT HURRIEDLY ON HIS WAY
esaary. there la no one at Borne but
'mllctiucnt. and Ihnt It had felled
orp located, be bad reealved peraunal Oil and Potash Deiioalta.*'
Jack Tetlow was pUyto' aU attlto both i
tlre orders for rtgioae given by Probelieves it would be for a vary short
atreu In the case of Frederick At ways from tbe middle tryto' to win tto'^ing Man Threw
letiera from aome «f the signers, say­
feaaor Marrblatova aad Dr. Amici la
time only as aucb a peeeasity. it I* ing the}' had been forced to sign tbe get the conferenre to nnanliuoualy ap­ Iraux. the wealthy mill supply
tbe widow, bnt ebe don't entbi
•lao interpreted as ample evidence
believed, would be gulckly fatal
nit-iKsgea by Ihreali from the lUuui- prove a public land fiollcy and submit Attorney Henry Hurlburt. one of the Final, when Joe arrtvee on the scene
that tbe pope hlmseU nnUaoa the aer1‘ope Plus, who has staled repeotodly
the national conference of' gov­ leadini lawyers In Ibe stole and per- abe passes btm Bp AllM be'a. a white
tonmaa of hla eondiUon. That
which makee him imagtoe Joe's I “Shall we sot enrry on this Agbt
lo hU inUmaUa that be* wooM ratber debtrd.^
ernors which la to be held at t'olorado aoul i-ouuael for Wood, was
liolineaa is stUl loo badly broken ^to
allenaUn' them aSeettona
Springs. Colo . August le.
’until we have mere man reduced to •
die than rwmgln In a coMllikm
feel. He called the court's ^tenthm.
Tbe witness refused to make public
pMVIt of anything hut Ibe semhlattcc
“Barry. Jed an’ Barney U oU down bemipoder aald tbe anCragetta ecnhich he eould not longer be of full Uu-Mi Dsiues or i-untenU of Ibe lefglory that was current connect to tbe aaloon. an' beiore we tnna to. tar.
of a reaumiitlOB of his duties M also service lii the church.
freely admitted. The doctors have
Joe an' I Ugbu onr pipes an' stralla j -Vfm abnlt But what ta a baolJuror Rhuiiiun. He cbaraclerlzed the down town. Aa we pass tba aaloon podc; anywayr spoke vp om e( tbe
be would pUoe Uem at Ibe diaposal
oaly allowed him to glance
•lory as a “damnable Uu.“ and de- tbe boys la to I takes It Into my fa
.the romwlttee. Only three
dsn enough topers to iircieDt tlie deniandcd that the court immediately in to drop In nn- try to get them to come j Tbe btoekmeckad bemlpode la b
tors lestified todai’—7%omaa, Oliver
prenalon of rplrltii which be woukL,
[bird about tbe slaa of a sparrow that
stilute a public InveailgaUoa. After to .bed an' Joe follows.
of l^•uDs.^ITfDla and Dupont of Dela­
anffer if keid eatlreiy from the exer“^'e ain't no more than entarad. Uvea to Madagascar. A friend oot
INstrlrt Altomey 1*01etoe of Ua duUea.
Grand Rapida Enteruining Weetem ware.
leter. Judge Trosby aald that tbe mat­ when a atobelded kid celled Ooggle there eest me a pair of them. Tbe
r Added to tbU already aerloitii con^
Eye George, stleka bla foot b<»waan mala bemipoda alone alts cm tba >e«d
ter would be tokea up la opetf
Jee'a legs as' tripe him up. This Oog-' of eggs and hatches the yotag and
ditloa. Vaiicai^iUsaiwrtea admit their
sxi Wednesday.
gie Eye George's eyes stick oot like a ’ takea care ft theft-'otfl' grown ap.“
fear of two other elemeau which may
•Crand Rapids, kflch.. June 9.—Mer­
AH through tbe night udill Z o'clock sbrimpa. but when Joe gets np. be tbe orator explained. : ” .
bave a nillcal eSm upon tlie pope’s chants and tbeir families from dotJury'stood 11 to I thure j>nts one of them beck nonnaL | “^’ouldn't that be lovMyr esetol»
heabh. The uoet. i^rioua of these la cos of tbe smallei ; cities and towns
for srquUtal. Juror Shuman bolding J9st oae lick, an' Oo«gle Eye ain't cd one of tbe nedlenea.
the rapidly approaeblag Roman
Of Weoiem’ Michigan are gntheriag
got no more fight In him than a efaeep. | “There are blrdt down to Sontk
The first and last
awr. which annually U fatal to ion<> liere today for ••merchanu' week."
tsaux wiva eight fur ocqulttal aud four but he don't need to do hla own fight-; America enlted groovebUlad srtoaaoda. and especially to the aaed annual lostitotion tn Grand Rapids!
for conviction. t'oUtna was voted In', fur right byer Black Jade takes , They build a large communal mM of
Sluca the l>eglnnltig by tbe mpea of This Is the Tlfib annual meeting of
bis band an' plays It far *<i«"
atlcki, and several femalas sit on tba
guilty on Ibe firai ballot.
“GetUa' np from Ibe table, wberelecga In company, ao that ibelr coo' tbe “prisoner to *lhe- Vatican*- aul- its kind.
be'a been denUn' atnd poker be walks reraatioo need not stop because <ff
to^c towards luly. which does not
The visiting merchants and tbc)to
Up to Joe.
batching. I'd like to bave a rota aa to
permit them to leave the Vatican whom they bHng with them will be
•Wot do yon monnr be snartod,


•ven to oarape tbe fatal summer tenqnetod by tbe local dealers and
•n bitting of my pvticalsf frtondr
mooUa of RdMU->a« M them have
Turks Stin Holding Out Against Grantitod to a slghi-aeelBg tour to the
“Joe didn't ear anything lost stood
died duHng IhU period of t{ie year.
aiDuaencnt places, iiarks and other
bla ground.
Aside from this' the Vatlcao'o cele- points of interest.
Folma Wars Settled by
TfeU. ni make yon talk!” sbonts
hratlon of CofffBIStms Taar fa anoth­
Tbe result of these gatherings has
BUck Jack, banlto' off an' knockin'
er aonrec of serious worr}- to the pon- been to cement trade reUlions be­
* m over n conpla ot i^alrs.
Joe picks himself up, brashes fats of the “wtittog master" ot the achooto
tlclca itRiysIctaDs. Thla had been tween t.raud Rapids and the smaller
of the last ceaury, for even to these
Clothes, an' faces Black Jack.
Pope Plus’ fondest undertaking, and towns of Wetu-ra Michigan.
1-ondon, June 7.—Tbe realgnntloa
“Tou're hot goto' to shoot mer daya Of typewrlttog the algnatafa
of the ^Igartan eabluoi la now oRlmust be handwritten. There seems
Oiks Black Jack, like be's alarmed.
emiiyarEtwwledced. Areordlag to the
be n sort cf stop-dash, coacettsd
“Tea.' aayg'Toe. T tblak I ahafi.'
Uideae Left to Their
knr. a newspaper. poMIshed at Sofia,
“*Kow yofi-re talkin' Uka a apert. bellM among the OMra ot type'maOwn Reeeuecee..
^ieh ix usually
ean reoogntas
even if yon nln't got tbe enr marks.'
rasisunon took place Ma>
•puBU Black Jack.
Tampico, .Mex, June 7.—Tbree bun- medlBtel}- tbe hewa wax rreeived in HIS ATTITUDE- PUTS bHNDRITY
■^Kb tbla be motions tbs crowd to
dred Americans. Itxoted In aoutbern Sofia of tbe slgnlBg fu lg>n<loa of ihe
gar off tbe firin' line. puUs his gon. nn' bis Bide there are lettsrs i _
unknown persons who have never
goes to tbe further end of the room.
Tatimuhias. repreBenilng IS families, draft'pchce treaty. Confirmation
“Joe, be pnlli a boll^ U be'e learaed to wrUe tbeir agam. TheAr
luive ilemanded In a long message to the reslgnatioD has cauiml anxiety
raked np aomewbetes. but keepa on hankers may posalbly recagntoo the
ITcsbleot WlIkOD, sent through ConEuI Belgrade and Athena, where,the feel
hlerogtnhlc. Bnt tt would ease aaiHa
•landin' In tbe eent^ of tbe room.
Miller hert-. to kno*', “once for aU.“ Ing la growing that Bulgaria Is lem
Ton picks tbe qnarrM. and yd« tera u (he aeer ot tbe type aisrhlas
wbetber they ran expect protectloi jNrixlng until b«r lorcee
enggeets the weapons. Now. Tm g^' would toan to write hto own nans
from ibelr borne governntent. since brought up against Greece and Servla
We Bto not all svaryhodfb
same the dlstaaea.* says Joe.
the} “do not desire to take m^sures If tbe resignation of *he tnlnlatry took
'Tl-ot'a tbe BSttar wttb tblar
place before Ibe Inierrlew on tbe Bui
for our own safety, wWoh would
Waahington. June 7.—Senate Demobarraas oar governtuent without giv­ Sartan fmiUer between tbe Hulsartan
‘Noebto’.' eaya Joe. ^ tbe s^I
and Servian memteie tbe agreement crata today cUlmed a atragetle point I attsBda when I'm a kid taacbes mam
“Wbst alto that manr aald tbs cuy
ing due notice of that Intel
had been accorded them by tbe Be- sets inaund of ahar^sbootto'. wbldi nliamsn
between them would be wfibnut
T made an appotatmead
deemed necessary '
tor CM o'cAock toiaunow.
tborliy and the proposed meeting besame ayateai ssems to have besn re­ with
Tbe mesaage of the
Ibe four Balkan premiss, aald made before the lobby Investigation versed where yon're brought np. Now and teASked me If I meant Amertcaa
traniniliied by wirelesH through Con­
U ought to be ebvtoas that 1
sul Miller to I’. & Consol Catuda at to have been set for qext Sunda)', eymmlttee by Senator Townsend, of If yoo will be 00 kind.' stye Joe, am not me Mag an appntatmeai to
Mlcbigaa. beesnae Townsend relter- bowth’ low, *ysa win step tble way.'
prolvabl)' will not take pUce.
Ve>a Crux, it says Ip part
New Toib for Madrid time."
“'Wot do -yon mennT stoama
Tbe Grerit delegutea auended the Intcd bis deelarailoo that be had no
“Having been left without any pro“Don't gruBbto.“ said a trtoMBlack
proof of any tariff “lobbying" by PrAl<T(H>n wbatever on Ibe part of butb pesee «onfer«Dcc today.
“That duestkai was s goarantes-dl
“ T mean.' aaya Joe. coot aa a ml
Turks ramalned stubborn and refused Idem WUeon. Tbe committee can tolto. That thu Mtatr to tots' to be good faith on bto part Every CroMl
shies In Ibe pending
arrlvnl from Latto eonatriea aakx t^i
therefore we tan only .look fur proler to agree to itie terms of tbe protocol. lake nowfflcial cagnlxanee of tbe mat­ binast to brsasL' .
tion from our own country. We must Tbe delegates, however, readied an ter. bnt by adopting the Walab renoftor a moment Blmto-Ja^ looks St wbeo be really wtobse to be prompt to
.tgamenu. LMt to hto onto
on.tbe foilowiBg polnu:
B pertnIlUng a recnll to any sen- Urn to sarpriss, tbea swaltows sereni
oorb for all If we
devices be would do as everybody
To gram lull amnesty to all eombat- tier aubpoeaaed for bhvlag been
tho same. lUving been sobjected
does St home and •
be donTsKMpt bekBOwa It'a fcto
Blights and a great varMy of Indignl- anis In Ihe Ute wsr for a perloJ of
skng sa boor or two torn,
Bnlab In tbe cow ooontry. aa’-Ukewtoe
lies and ktom abuse during tbe last three rears;*to allow Ottomans Urine
Amertcaa time Mgalfim right oa ton
placed the bardea of proof of no ea- ItT the mme If be does, tar svea a epoL aad hs’U be tbsra.few dais, the sliuallun lallH for tout In ADbexed terrltorlei to arrange
tvfisrfDot Ufce Joe caaT mlm at that
serious preiaratluns fur our personal OBlgrate If they ^alre to retain their eeedlncty tlekliah charge on tbe mlarange- Black Jmek to n bed mna. *
astcU^nd the defense of our fam Tarklsb nMloaallt)'. aud lo resume ortty.
aibra than oas aotefa la bto gan. bathe
iUes and our Interwu. Tberetore we pootol and telegrajvhlc
Artlng rhalrmas Reed, of tbe to- deaT dare faa bh biaad ce toe «tde
.ns oWmt almaaae An Odsttoos 4l
have assembled for-the parposc of tHHween Turkey and Bnlgarla.
declared today sUctoear Omts stoadto' there ta tbe bs “Atmaaaeb MattoaaL' which him
considering Im-si way. We claim
siddto St Qw room, even If bla boras beea tosned by tbe fVeoto i-------^
;ior Townsend bad made
ain't • out of the valveC He looks
pioiection necesrary now-, since after:
stoce ICM. II
statement of fact.
death ll wlU be of no uiimy,"
be bad formed aroaad at tbs ocowd. then seela' it ------ jed a good mi-_--------------^
atot ao nsa ba abovea bto gaa to bis IU career ot tU ytota. Oliftaalty tl
bis tmpreasions from
. .
pocket an- goes over sa* gets bto bat “AJmanMa BoyaL“ ft became TtopoKs aad generM batlef.“ Read said. As bn dom tbla TUmpsoa gives a htoa. ttoaai" to ITM. Tmpextol' to ABM,
**tts rather a aertout ebarge to make aa’ tboogb yea saa ass K barts hs sad-reverted to He orighmi msme toito
from bearaay.".'^
Bsesr taras.
yaera later. Stoce th« the OMs has
A qalet wedding t<u a
With tbti new angle to ’the allegel
<M!aek Jack Tattoir to a gambtor,*’ been nUerad tonr Dmm. Like asm
the borne of Mr. and Mi> W. h: Cork preeldemta! lobbying mddenly bnmghi
pnbGcatloBs.At this goQ. tbs
Of Band Labe, when their dangbtm- bts IbvbetlgalloB by Senator Town­
maaach NattonaT has grown batty
with advaadag years. Tbs tost Jay
Btbel May Cork became tbe send. Hoed .dedsred tbe committee “bat be leta a «
eoatotoed 4t sages, as e
brWe of Lavraoee J. Sbaldo of Cedar.
no present tntentkm of Inviting
UfiO pages to the eorrent tmam
(CosrrtcW. hr Oauy amry Pah. OaJ
o-ctoek tbe lAbwgrin wedding Wilson before <bem.
march was .played by MIm Twttobetl.
tbe ceremony wsapertonaed by Rev.
Bam, the chore man. retaraefi from
Prtoe under an aroh of ferns
tbe dty wllb a eearfpto ttet emtato- for TsUeyiand to make bto kseamd
spring nowars. MIh -Helen Blxby
ed a 'ato8ioBd“ ot no asaal site. K
t. When a bypoeboadtlse. ^
maU of bonar and danfie B.
was tbe pride of bto besit sad tbe
Cork, brother or the bride acted aa
eavy of bto vBtoBs cwmpatilMte He
beat man. Hm bridal gown was a
Maple whlta voile and a bongwt of
Taltoyrdad alm»ly aaswarnd. *Jft>
‘W^ULD wbtle bridal rotes was aarried. The
>maad of honor
Tea-wctoaa wte b^ lom bar tatotog to iu ndtoaea,
baad TaHeymd sk» addnto^ •'
ed SWISS and egrried a boagaet of
Its history.
IsMar s( eondaleaae to tw wtotoi-1
While carsaUons. Qnly ^ immetfl"Oh, aatomel*Adoption of Plan Would Give Setback ata relaUvas arttnaabed th4 earemony.
Jane 7.-DU«mieoded moBdr
la Into ttoa a year ton emmaa M
et Coneei•ftor whlMi a wadding luncheon wa
“Waa.“ told Baa. Tf t
• and bU faUore to gain
■arried agd^ and
>at<an Thet le WeHiing
'.MV. .Ud Mh. Sbaldo left
Out ttfeotlvaly.
for tbeir boms
nlrepdy pnpnred la Oedor. Tbe oot- lam Saga, a clerk ta tbe titoet office.
BT-towa guaats were Mrt. Oeorte U K the Union atailoa todaTsbort and
Balt Uka Cl^. utgb. June 6.-De- Talley of East Jordan, alster ot tbe Uned Jamm McNair, chief tlckK
mande for a tdiange in tbe pablk land brfda. and MIm Bato Blxby of Trav.-.StoaL and w»aded Rab* Pgaley,
I nfoym a man to by boitok Rtak ihdsto
.policy of tbe United Butga «eer made ersa city.
fMcNatrb chlaf Merh. Sage escaped.
! Ideuly that be toam a> pSftlh Iw




TRSOF 6»a BY maius












Is the most practical coro remedy on the mar­
ket. Ir will not make the corn disappear over ni^t,
but after a few applications


Easily removes the corn. It is a liquid and when
applied to the com forms a medicated protective cov­
ering while loosening the hardened'tissue.
We are very carefu^ in recommending any ar­
ticle in this store, but we do not hesitate to endorse
the entire Dike Household Remedy Line.
Remember we sell those famous Byni- Mawr
Cone lo OUR Orufl Store.



It will soon be time to took up your Haying
and Harvesting Tools, and we have a good
supply of these goods, such as Scythes,
Snatha Rakes. S^the Slones, Hay Forks,
Grain Cradles. Binder Twine, etc.
We have a Scythe made of tool steel and
warranted in every way, for $1. We have
the femous Carborundum "Scythe Stone, tor
lOe. WeAril the Schwab and Morga^ Grain
Come in and seexiur line of tools.



- -ksEBAd.*ii1t»naidto-

e to

*?Sri2&r^ihamto CMy I


lanto to ttta.~Wlida.

.NI|>iio felt a sirango ‘thrill o» he- to |wsg \Vi- bad a box aoc-wl In our busy hulc I<x-I auivo.oor bosda. We time abe noilvvd that Mlsa Spider waa dcod—oh. barb: 1 think I bear the
raised the bow. With leet a Mule arhool thi- thlid of May. There were climbed to the eavei again and found really dressed for a Joumey, for abe rumble of the Wlod-Coirent Filer
apart and bli lithe form erect be fourteen boxes that were sold for alt- (bat a fresb bole bad been made In wore a abort skli;i. leather leggings, a right now; Yos. yM. t do! At lost
clasped tbe leather grip of his bow teen dollaia and aeventvTllvc cents, the new boards. Again we covercu tiny cap. and abe was carrying some 'The Moment baa comcf Oh. t m ao
with bis left band, and Axed tbe notch «ly box was sold for one dollar and
hole very- securely, but tbe next gogglei to wear oo ber. many eyes, happy and excited I baldly know wbst
of the arrow against the cord. Then, irn <anta. There are twenty ecbolare iMrning tbere came as fcelore (he "Why. where ore yon going and' where to do! And Itaten, Mrs. Ledy-Bog!
♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ raising the bow. be drew the cord far In school today.
semK-h. scratch, acia'ck
la your wonderful Atr-Ship?" she XVhen I am raatly on my Jooiaey. I'm
From your Snnsbiner. .
Now we were leolly detenrired to
"I do not know Juat, where I am going to spin a Mule Basket of Silk
FeellDS that be wav ant wasted In back. Slowly and larefully be* sighted.
their aainea and s|>orti. the little In­
Me did not misa. There was tbe
. loHle Ktopii.
^.e who would wln-tbe squirrel teo- going.'’ Mias Spider replied, "but f am and ait In it and ride all the way In
dian bo} kein V.' blinoeU. Mr war lone- twang of the cord, a blur toward the
anio. or the tenants on the lower Bolog to make my A^-4»fi1p."perfwt comfort. It's my OboerraUon
b. and he Mt that hr did not d^erve lop of tbe pole, and (he wobderioi peoMaple CUy. MIcb.
floors. This time, we plaHered op
--Make li.'" echodd Mrs. I-ady-Bug.
of my Fbmily know liow
111 treaimeDi: but be wai brave, and pie saw- the arr
falUng In a grace

May 15, 1*13.' the hole.
and It looked very much as though «> «»>^ <»>e»e BaakeU. but I ^ H a
gave Bo sian.
Ipcusl trees and Hear PresidentOn the loiiowmg morning, our ualfh- she would never mend that bed tent my.»Pe<iFl Secret, and I'm .nof going
acrossetbe road! Behind tbe
am In the sixih and aeventh |>ora called to us. "Wbai noa bapreaed In her little Red Gown, for abe never
anybody «lae bnt Just you.
Ibe.lltlle thread was raiddiy.and sure- grades
and t
Hudiea are bislorv. on your roof? There are half a Moxen even tbought ot It In b. r astonishOb. the Wiad-Correet-FIier'la
ly trailing Its way up through the arithmetic,
Mirk ' or
phyalology. geogratdiy. squim-Ii chattering away, uji there, meni at to frlend'a atanttiag an- aln»« here! Good-bye,, door Mra.
graintnar and aUu-lling. I go to school end oneof them aeema very mtioh t!ls- -nouncement.,
lady-Bog. I m so aorry .-ahotit the
hickory be carefully carved an-l i<ol- quivering ring of lion!
Irhed a Ikiw. The stiiug wus of uuThen what a shout went up! Almost most every day and I nni Imvlng a lurbed. and v ry angry.’"
-Ye^- oald Mlsa Spider, laughing at ***'’
XVc put out ladder op for the third her surpriae. "1 am going to make «
bleached flak, braided and waxed. 64 'before Nliuw could lay down bis bow, Ft>°d time. I am Ibineen years uf age
artows Were of white pine, -aandiia- Miss True was hugging him. and- And our school let* out loinortow. We tin,,..
squirreU scattered at all myself, bnt you most never tell
|K-red unilj they were absolutely round could It be (lOssibleT—yes. naniik-and children have lots of fun 1 la.ving
ilipiaach. The |>laster w-as oe- anybody about It and I will tell you
Wind I'urrcni vnau-h op the
''Rcldle" and Hilly were all slapping Rames and in a llitic w-hllc we will be
and true.
I down to the ground, exactly how it la d<-ne. In fact. 1 win.
Threads of .Silk and In tbe
Sol onl.v on, but momlng him un the back-uii the uiue time. An ''urklni on tbe farm to earn a living. .Id
».,ulrreU began their e,en show too b^w it is done. Will
" vyc >ll»s Spider was to
and night, after his chorea were done. Instant later the flag roiw- was care- Our teacher's name Is Pearl Thorn.
,.omlse not to telir’
•““‘as »••>' Isuslilng with'
SlP|>o found amuaemetii in hurrjlng fully tilled up through (be ring py bury nad abe Is a good teacher.'Three w
•nded tbe laddf-r
again, and
-leliBbt and waving a .llandkeri-hW
'VVby. certainly. 1 will promlaa.*'
Off to the woods and>bmiiiiig at (roes means of the thread.
*>f *">' ••'booluvatcs look the edghth found, high np on the room, near ib<her friend in farewell! Mra. I.Ady.
said Mrs. Lady-Bug eogeriy. for abe *
and other targets. Me nevir aintod
Nliqio sioo.1 between Mlss.Jrue and «•'«■’« cakniinatlon I think only one chimney, that theshingles had been
Bug stood there and watched the wonwas very anxious now 10 see what
at living cruiures
Mr. lluDiIngtoo: PB<-b had a band on »>■) l«s«. though His rume U Adolph torn up.andthrown aside,anda bole
derful Alr-Sbij. until ihei^ was co'hher clever friend C'mld d
MiH e>-«- wn* true and hla baud his shoulder. Then, w hile Ibe "Sur KroPP o"d he' U n very good scholar, ma'.ie underneath t'lcm.
log to be-seen cf it b«t a Fairy
sieadv. and he lovol the iwanff'ol Ibv RpaiiglMl llannei - waa sung, NIpiw ^
y"‘' Plra»c •‘end me another butThen, rememl^rlng the agitation of Ijidy-Dug’s great wsaknesa was her ^Shadow of lA>-e outlined against tbe
L mine. Well, I
taut bawairing and the sufi ubisile »t allied the flag.
»"» “> i» "t.
I'pper X^rld she forgot everything
thlok 1 must close for this lime.
dawni-d u|ion ut that 'bh
tbe flying Hliafi.
Then she drew a deep sigh and
else when there w^s a rbanre to tee
Your SunshlnrT.
have been ahut up insbli
At a diatatiee of tweniy or thirty
-Many iwslal-v have come to the Sun­
ter. -a. ui .
something that
Interesting |
John Wtehem.
|d*atered u|i the hole. The
liaces he could liii the Uimk of-a amall shine page r«eml!. flarencc Newell *
sod and lonely and-a goud deal beShe e\en lost *
was too hani for squirrel teeth and
“ arouse ltree many. tlttie* in suecevslon.
ot Fife l.ake writes that he was the
wildemi. too. for she bad seen some
Maple CUT. Mich.. R. F- 11. So. I.
claws and the bole .mder the sUnglc.
“lai very nyotueAi la very atartiing things that da.v. ljut
As Ibe xlirliig terni Of tu-lKuil m-nred Siinlicaiii who forogi to sign hU luimc

May 1:.. HHS. did noi lead 10 ih.- little pHaoncr..
Its cod. plans were ma-lc tnr,t-')as Ibiy. to Hie niec.letler (iri.ntci a lew weehi
aoddenly abe noticed a beao of some••Very well, then." said Miss »™'r
llrnrr ,h.l,
A gn-at man,hi a d^iani city—a man ago. Almon HeGraw. of Traverve -Hear PfcHdiUt —
UtterAffwol •" Altnoat dot now, on»v
You may he surq-lhaf »« made
I>'**»*« i® have such anI interwho bad on<-e been a bov In iFc M'- riiy-.'R. F. n. No 1, has al«o sent a


R«gvlatlOM of tM
Htialrf young. Felk* tynohlno
t will try Mvor to worry or
frot obout onyth'ing.
I will tfy to bo M hoppy M I
eon ong moko ovorybody happy
no (or 00 I can.
I will tiy to bo loving, helpfyl
and UM to ovorybody and to
oviry IMng thing.
If I over fall In trying to do
thooo thlnga, I will “Try,, try



MIU CLArX tATE8, Editor.
Organiaod Docombor 8, 1«».

eata* Willlama.
Second Vico Prooldont—Mra. I
Pemoroy Shlolda

Number of m
' 1. ttlS.

Wlochini. Mo|>le i'lty,
-Xllcb.. K. F. U. So 1- .Name cent by
lU-atS Wlnrbrrti.
Warllg Kllolt. bV}.! FUntlera..
('.eorgenantiera, Cleon Sewril. .Molllr
llaeer'and Pearl tIcTadkan. Kite
Uko. MIcb. Natuea cent b) Clarenre
NelfcoB Walker, tlbrenfe'’ Walker.'
NrlUe Walker. UMrgie Walker. I*ran• It Auailn, Irena Auatin. Rebecra Auatin. WliHv Root. Rarab la>aoh. Eaunir
WhiHde. JlRimlr Ix>ni>ber.v. WetleBullerQeld. Malwl KiitlerAeld and Ut­
ter Parlt. I’oluiubtayille. MIrti.. K. F.
t> .No. I. Sanxw aeui b> XInu .Uabrl
I-Aioioe Fhrntwwih.. tiraiid Irfstce.
Mldli. Same vent by Mrt. EtU .M.
Mae UuMerflrM. ace two ap.l one
half yrtra. Culuntbliivine. MIrh.. K 1*
1). .No, I Same tent by Mra. Mabrl
The Flag Oooo By.
Matt off;
Along (be ttievi there comet
A bturr dr.liuaW. a ruffle ordiuma.
A ftath or color U-neotl>' Hit- akj:
liotf (rtf!
The Bag la Nn-tlna by'
Era flRhia aiid land Aslitt. {-Mm an
Pmight to make and rare the Stale;
Weary aian-heo and ainkinc alil|«:
Clieert of vhior.v on dylnit ili»:

Equal lutllee, rlghl. and law.
Btau-ly l»-iu>r and rv-verena two:
Rian nr n nation, great and atfong/
Toward her , f>e<>iile Itoiu foreign
Trlde and glory mid himor,-all
U«e Id the raluit to ataii.l or rail.

Along the Mrer-t ther*^ comet
A blare or busbt. a ruffle t>( diiima
And loyal heant aie lieatlng high:


ioltc—was lu give the school a beauti­
ful flag. A tall flag-pole was erecietl
In the yard of the schnolhuuae. For
two weeka .Miss True driflol the lioys
an.I gltia In pwirtotic »a|tge and reci­
- .
Strangely enough. Mlw» Trao over­
looked .NIpiw Id giving out the iwris
and Ibe Indian bd felt lonelier titan
ever On tbe imdniug of 1-Yau Hay
.NlPlio had a king reuibb- lu tbe woods.
Six limew. whbiiui a single miaa, be
hit a iiiaik ma-le In a tree thirty |iaci'>
qw-ay. I^en he hurried to sehuul. Me
nrrite.1 lust as the ctilldren wetp
l■laI•-hing across the yard.. He bid bis
l>m and ai'ruwH under ibe (eiiee. and
lulloweit the ellierx Into Ibe m-IiooI
house. The rtMini was flPt-d with ibe
inrcuts and friends of the pupilfi. and
alter the usual «|s-nlug cxeiilsrk.'ilie
long progi-aiu was carried out.
And last ii was over, and everybody
went out into ibe yard. Mr. Munihigtoo. the giver of The 11^. look b!»
]dac(- a< the loot of the tall ilag-i<ole.
with a beauiilnl flag across -his aim
Me was a good speaker, and tbe erow-d.
Iweame veiy still as h<- tuld the atii.y
ol the flag, and .of all that H «tu»d for
dn biMory. Me told liow- brave nicn
liad given theii' lives fur Ibe Hag; and
said that the country was looking to
il>e Iki.v-s of today to du their imri in
eheiisbiiig Ibe traJUkms of the flag by
nphuldiiig and piuUsHluK its htmoi.
The bean -of Mp|s> was siiaiig-lv
stirred when Mr. Uatiillinii said.
-'This Hag means eqnal rights tjir all.
Tbere arc no sUvea. and ihcie niUst
<«■ nlS oppression heneaib its lu!-ls—no
dlsliucUons ot cn-ed tft race or •-Olor."
TIu-ti be said, 'When we raise this
flag-" Hm he weili no lunher. nor
was Ihe »u|>erinieudent's carefully p-epared a|«eecl> ol axepunre ever dolivert-d
Mr. IRmilngton looKi-iT liHpleasly at
the flag, and then at tbe lop ol the
■•ole. Tlieie was utlSay to laise the
flag. Theie was a Urge ring at the
top of Hie |s>)e—a ring hanging luosely
fruiti a Maple, hut tne. light ru|ie atlulii.d-d to the flag was lying, neatly
colled, on the groundr the men wIki
liad set tbe |iole diad (orsuUen iliai
the lopo tmisi. b>- passeil tliioiigli the'
ling l>eroie the Hag-could l>e liauleil

liosial 10 the l*Tc.Tdent. MemorUI
Day cards haw srrlved fioin risrence f**"

' had a good time harierto knock dod-n the plaster. .No
audience, "now yoo Jn« watch
the. snow. The sooner was an'oiwirng made than out “f ‘‘f®**'?'- The very first thing 1

and nhe ran quickly toward
should ft be bat a long

—..'.r.r,';,”;,'.,’;*';;:,:,' r«r.;",rir'"it.-'s;

troll Sunbeoni. writes (bat alto will tw »v l‘hv« *' .Somellmes we would
have a-lctter lor Hu-.Sunshine flub be a® up to our heads Itithe snow. Theie
lore long.
are twenty-tw-o In our ecliwl. That Is
» ’
not very many for the big si-hoolbonse
‘A splendid letter has liecn re-s-iv-fJ^Sc have. I like my teacher very much.
trojii Mrs. Mabel Perrin of folumb.a- ^he Is ven kind to us Her name I*
ville. R. F. II. No. 1, Mr*. Ferrin says
Thornbury. At Cbrisimas we ail
that her lilile grandchildren wore had a preaew Irom her. We had nu
iheli hutloua 10 scliuoi. and now near- entetialnnieniihis yrar. Ihadtfidcce
ly all their mates earn to be Buti- '® ki>eak and a song to sine.. In the
shiners! Am-iher l.-uerlrpm n i-iownP*«> run sbet-|. lun. dogWc have
up, ,Mr*. Ella M. Iluicber. of Elk Rapids: R. P. l>. No. 1. risks that a I’radte '®“
I and other
Roll card he sent to Mae liulierfleld.
Kvain nud isiu
Ihiogs ' Mv brother. Edward Wlcherti.
would like to join the BiiiiKliim- club.
XVouid you please send him a card'
, mid butlou? I have lost mlnv. Would
All the letters this week «
you please send me anotheiT
(he school of
Yuur Buiiabluer.
of Maple City
ilenri Wichein.
iHIcis on your Fresi.leiit's desV llu
will api^ar In the page Just as toon 1
Mside City. Ml-h.
ibeir turn <x>mes. .
May i:.. tal
Dear PrcsldentMaple City.
Our .:cli.>..| will Ik-out in a day. but
May-1:.. I!<s:: I am not glad ilmi It 4. I wUb ibenHear ITealdcm—
wks school toi a louple of w-ceks yei
/I am going to achoul. M» siudlm 1 am In the lourtb grade. My stud
a*e history, arllhm.-tlo, physiology. les arc reading, aiiibmeilc. geograpb.r.
geography, grammar aud spelling. My taocuage pod si>elUiig
wlll Imvc
Icai-her'w name Is MUs IVarl Tboiu- 'Otaminallona In geography'ihl.................
bury: she N v.-ry -kind lu. us. Our ntwn. I will have 10 close ft
out kUy'lfitli. We bad itnv-.
an exanilnaiioii uml a liox social iu«Fium yonr Bun
3(d i.r May. so w-c wiui'i have anyiliiug
Glenn Mlnsker.
the last day. Well. I giieaq I mu. i
ckis«- for my Idler iq geiHng long.
.Maple City. Mich.
lYvini your l..v!i.g Bunshinrr.
Gladys s. Ktiwv.
I c-celv<sl your letter, but hav*
.Mam«- City. Mich.
mrlllcii in vim Iti «o long 1 g«l the
pniH-r Thursday- and read Helen KoDear Prealdi-nt—
varik's kmg Idler. My. bin It was
I go to « boot eveiy day. 1 like to
*„ry that she Isn 1 atty
go. I wish (bo school was never out |M.n,.r | anr In school' today' and {o
I wUh wo could go I.I school every „„nv.w will be the lost ilay. 1 am
day. Wc had Icia of sleigh H.ks on
had lots of fun. and
brother* wprk* lu Hingham .kuoiher
one work, on a boat, 1 am in the
fourth grade My little brother is In
(be fourth grade, too. There are tweniv-two scholat. in school I am nine
years old I nni In >ive cla*s>-s. i
reading rIasKes. one ariihraeiu- class,
one language class and one stN-niiig
claai. The big boys have lot* of fun.
They go down big Jumiw with skees. I
think somelimes it would break their
The girl* have sleigh*.
don't go down the big Jumiw with
them though. Sontellntea we have
skees. loo, but we do not go over Ibe
Juniia with them eltfaer.
Your friend.
Gayle JV‘A»k«-

n,e. It has ton rabiv iiwlay-. but tbe
shluteg now There are eleven
arhool tmlav. not countlug the
,^,..hfr. Pleaw. send me a card and
, ,„ve Uu-i mlue.. My litHe sistei would like to Join the Cradla
Roll. !*ieas.- send the card to me.
There will tie a big letter to you. beall tbe scholars are gulag to
write. I w-ili close now a* my letter
( gHiIng lonr. -

Mr. iiunilngtou was plainly diMurbonib llonneu. ( d and Miss True waa allmiM Ui tear*.
Mr Huntlugioa imr aside all Idea of'
finishing bU si-eech. "Wliat can we
The Flag.
We love ibe Reldi of iM-ndi^ grain: diiT ■ be said at last. In a piir'led tone.
' Nii'Po. standing uu the t-dge ot Hie
We love the orchard* fair.
Tile morning hymn, the vwrel n-lraln. crowd, liad tbuughi ul a viay to raise
The retirul evening iirfrerJ' Hie flax. Mias True s Flag lUy aboultl
And d«r to ba, alnee chlWbood-Jttia. nut l-e a failure.
Ugblly be ran to the |M-rplexisl
The land we ailll adore.^'
group at the foot of the |iole. "I cau
XMiilo everyf voice It clear to I'raltf
|iut the rope through"' tie rried.
The flag Aur faibera bore.
•Muw ran you do liT' awked Mr.
1 ™joy H-telPK tte BPb.blp. I«e.
Muniliigion. in Mirpriae. looking down
ppd PUP II.I.P Kp.,«b'. 1^ Wimk and valley low.
ni Ibe lad with tbe flashing eye* Miss
tToveinont, WU-h.
There are twenty-two scbolara
In our
It flutiera fair and free;
school. School^ Will be out
lleneatb Ha aliade we f r no loe
1 have only wriilenoncd to Ihe Sunol thb monih. I like
what do you mean?''
On land or aiirglng tea.
‘ I can do It with an arrowt" cried shine Club and that was about a year ,«,bool very much. We are writing
MHille ttralna of martial miiolc Ha
the Indian My • I tan tbooi an arrow Oga I tbought I would wrUe once
letter* for our Ungnape lesson,
f'rum plain to rocky shore.
Its colors woo the bending aklea,
If a little string.Is tied to (be arrow,
The flag our fathers bore.
-«e cau then draw up (be rope that
PRESIDENT'S :wlH pull op the flag. Tbn earnest, eager wonl* bad ImVISIT.
sn.1 iheythe! .“1 out.* h.cH ' Thev
» bare
Your Presl.lent has another ator>- presaed Ihe others. -4lr. Hnntlngtcm dsv and
i arltbmetli
tor your vUli lbl« week, beeatioe she and the tearbi-r wer# amlllng kindly,
chickens romlng out now.
Jh ao Inleremrd In the <dikenrasice of tbe groat man pot his band on Nlis lost my button but I still have tbe card.
Vernon Johnson.
Flag Hay. next Saturday. June Mtb. iio'k sbouWar. "If >©u can do IL” he Fteoae send me onoljlier button, os 1
This fun was written by ^obn Clalf said. "I win say that you are'Tht- beat would like to start/ writing agnluSUNSHINE HUMANE SOCIETY.
There are tweaty twb acholara beie toAtuerican in town "
Mlnm. and was iirtuied.ln the Y
r-omiianloD Head it
Ton mnt
will use
like lu
to uvai
hear uw..
bow •a ^i-p....
do not tblpk tbr little hidlan boy was cious bow and arrows, and from her a w-eek ago and they are flne, better
desk .'Ais True brougbi a spool ot than teat sumnmr. It Is almost recess, family tried to make their home una real American Htiten;
der tbe robf of our bouse, raj.- PtorSlppo was a halt breed Indian bov SI..UI thread. One end of Ibe thr^d so 1 must chme.
Your Bunshlner.
enee Rueaelt Cerould In -Dar-Dninb
who lived In a Sew FugUbd «llUge. was fastened to an arrow that Nlppo
Clara Bockatehler
Animate." Wc had heard constant ranau the vtorv goes. Ills mrents ba-l r-arefolly selected, and after'tbe (bread
( .
a,a, to and fro. unUl we were weary
moved from Oklahoma. Simio was was unwound from the spool, the oth­
wondering what birds or animate
brlgbt-eyad and alert, and so eager to er end w-ai tied to tbe flag rope. Then
Uty'u 1913 made the noloe XVe went up under
leam that he qulckr. won the heart of Nlppo took his idaev at the edge ol (ho
the eaves to tmi tbe ranoe. and dtehis teacher. Mias Trtie. Me. In lam, yard, about fifty feel from tbe fool of Dear PraoldentI wlU writ* a few lines to you for covered that a family of gray agulralmost worsbiiied her: and one day the iiole. Tbe people watched him
r grammar class, for t haven't writ- rate werp-heepteg houae there.
early In the sixlng term his loyalty U hreatblessly.
a to you for 00 long. 1 am flrieen
They were no noisy that we hoarded
The rlog (hat hung from the siaple
her made hits refuse to fols the other
boys In a prank that be knew would at the top of the pole was no amaller yean old and 'go to school nrarly np the bote where ibey bad gone In
greatly dlaiilesse to.
• mark thao tbe narka that ha bad every day. Our eebtuM .leU out the and. out. That nlght'^we settled down
Slpiio's love for bis teacher led often hit at that distance. Tbere was sliteenlh of this mostb. I nm goteg to Im a-teng and quiet sleep.
........ ...................... ......... ..........................................................................................
Not so! In (be early -ewnteg.
IltUy Blake. '-Reddy" 1‘arsons and no wind: that waa ttoeb to be tbouk- Aoke the eighth grade . examteallon
Tbarttey and Friday, but doat aipect scratch, ocnuch, ocritch. woat dte
Uannle lasaUt u any aneorlng thlnga. (vl tor^

What would yovi have' done then?
I J^'urrem of Air
Rnch devoibm aud i>ors4tehre. wlien
>»> 'he heat from the rays of
“How kina of dnor Mint Spider; '
the («'^e aeenicd boiieleai. de.<erv«0 a Tkther Bun's Bblnlng-Mirrur. I do ahe cried, and then she wasn't un.
reward-don't you think no?
because | bsve to use the warm
happy any longer. "I betlere I will
We reiaired the.bole in the rtx.f. *«r-C«fTetii t- help^nie in atarilng.
make a lot of llandkercbiefa out of i:
gnd the bole undor tbe eaw*. and Icf*
“Thrt- I turn-my bead In the dl- to (W.^hildrea." abe tbought. But
an oi-en dooruy ihrougb whUL lam• want, to go—so—and draw Then'
her mind abceit
iiies of .quinJls have peacTfully ronw »" "*T
together and aland on my doing this. "Xo.'I won't either." otae
and gone ever since.
.tippy-toes—so-and then 1 hold my 'decided. -Tor maybe It won’t wash and
Whenev.-r we have bcoi-d their >®F* A®*® "• atralgbl and stiff as then It will Just be wakted. I know
scrali-hUg and chaiiering above our Poss'hle. in ibla wav. Alter tbat„ 1 what I will do. I win make larebeads, we have Ml glad that we were
l-‘"J}-o"-a»d apln a few CurtaloB put of It for tbe Porlor-wln'haring our home with aecta worthy Thremli of^Silk-«y
y„u ^
1 will run right now and mraejust wall patiently for s >m mouietili
|[it|e tenant!
len^h of the Windows to see
-------------------- uuHI
you hear the Wind-Current Oler I'
If there la enough material for them.
coming toward u». It comes from far. ,
Oh. Goody! (kndy!"
Mra. Lady-Sug and the Airship.
far >way. b{ii it is going awfully fast.
And In the Joy of her plenmre *b ?
It was one of tbuse bright days
• hear It rumbling ,aclually forgot oboiit the onmeBdod
skies are very blue and along near eitpugb. I am going to
the -n,~d.
Threads ou,
out longer oc .b.. U.O
,te„ I. .
te, ,te
Sun Is sending tbe rays tnaF >Tarh up toward It. Otherwise ^
the elde of tbe old Fence-Poet os last
from hit Shining Mirrorstraight
«■•«' might be emugbt up by- the Blow­
could towoRl home! Uu..
down ever Ihe whole Country In a Freight Wind-Currents,
luckily, she remembered to Ukc tbe
flood of warm UgJit.
then travel along as fast os Mrs. Catlittle Red Ipaito Bag along with her!
IJitle Mrs. Lady-Bug had been crptllar ran creep. And I just hate
People's lloate
riinnU« across the lop of .an old that kind of traveling. I can tell yoa!
Fem-e-Poai when the hem of her Red
'®rj' P"hey crawling along Just
j, i^ve «be Busbes and Ipw Trees; be..
cau*hi on a' Splinter In the Fence-A'fleA. «»®hc of my Fnrolly would think
^ Marelaga of th# Flmssia.
gu|,p ,
|„ ^ 01 traveling by tbe Siow-Frelgfat XVlndailme tbere wns a loveShe was very m.ub dismayed, for
H's not considered elegant!
.be bad ton hurrying home to ber ,
It is a vwry exciting moment «
I and this would keep ber for me when 1 know that In a breath
One morning she went o«t to walk.
soDM- linj^ from them: lor you ^
see • »“>
1*’ •*«' caught up bodily

ii„rb^r" ,i,.t .buMi'i..


• I,, could,11 .poMiblv KO Horn. »i,b o' .W", ot Home, never H, relara. M
,b., dendtm ,e« in ber Oo.. m,d 'on mu.l ..mne me II I .bl.I . Illtl.
■II riebt doa n iber. .bore Wt .b.b tbni momebt ei,m«r


. opened ber llllle Ked
,.d look mil . spool ol Red
lid. sure, Tbloible-K,, ter
tot thimble,, for she had left to
iKjst cue ai home for f««r abe might
um Uve liiile Red lawtber Bag with
(be g«>d 'Thimble in It and so not
h,ve a bw one any more-and ihea


^',IX‘^b7, ,b mono
wunui bo nwlr Hui ibe man-

.ir.'i«iv.nn.... .i..„i„ ~ ::^*rm”«.‘,;!;'b^v‘!:r':br"‘.’

bre.lbledJl Ib.l .te tor«ot to a}
-"rO.Inl.-.- b.1 Ml- Spider ni«l.r"Odd
mid ev d«d ber lor ber
b>d .epi Pb .lib ber
"Of course, have
be verv brave
Afifl waiihrul. and ready In a Bash to
'« «® ®f *»>«• Ptwi the loatont tbe


Tbea who shoald

10 ^
T' .

> along bat

She oaswmd. Tomorrow

at to«r

running np the other aide of You see. they hare to be >0Bg enou^ *
,hr Kence-I'gai. I.ui ber old friend. »® overcome ihe weigtal of my body. *’alley ud nmlden hair ferns.
The bride leaned ^
on tb« arm «
spld.-K wh.. was a great traveler for If they ora too abort I would
,er be here In this same .pot after
and were married b>b) Jat-k-tn-tba-PuL
^he two friends gn-eted each H»o Flier-Current,hod imased me.
o,(,er quite affectionately and Mloa maybe sent aprawllng on the gnat
Her dress was x golden glow. Ttm
spider i»ld Mra. Udy-Uug how voTj- A®wn there with all my kivaiy Bilk
lavMider and tQ«M
|,gr Tlirrada In a dreadful tangle, and I
eon oasure you. 1 would dlallke that inne's^lar*.
preltj ___
Aliea abe told to mother cood-hy,
n ^ bad), .
very much indeed!
roa was a weeping brWe: tboa they
.-But you will wxo have « gJl mend"W-ell. you can now ace very plainly
walked down a Primrose path to the
ed again." wild Mlsa Bpider,'comfort- lb*i •» f» F®fng t® require no lUtle
train, and we hope thgy were happy
BbUi and courage Tor me to be able
all thyme.
'■Yes.-' sighed >tra. l.ady-Bug, 'T>ut <® calculate just (he rtght length for
I am very much worried to have bad tbone Threads opd Joat tbe right can- tii-atilns Clria «
It happen Just now, for 1 waa hurry- ®«»l to let go of the Fence-Post! yy, noi waR for mother to oay she
,. ». c-|,lUr« .Pb Ibl. B"i lb" 1»« p.n o' .11 H „
.ibte- When 1I UP
am PP,
ooce oa my Journey! My.
,Dme tatfp Look around
„ , e,
could only deecrjbe it to
uw- biu. sv *»«PRhave U'-bJVVSb
noticed W«b
that 9I*aiP.bV«
Splinter!. - — at my Family have deecrlbed It
braHiing up. tfdt is
out «o ">e^ But os yoo do not belong I time
_ to set tbe (able, or put tbe
of the luid iliiogs and I really woald the Splder-Famllt I really fear you toSedL It will help h» womlerfnUy
missed seeing you U I hod not fOBJd «« approctaie tbe wild, mad „
wralghtsS up ihla» wRhout
torn It. 1 suppose ’
W of that Jouney. Juat try to Im-__
That la quite tnie." aald Idlas
b®* it would be to soil acroaa T^V

players sit «»
Is »
a *>«»•
circle ahoot
Sboot the room.
Mra. Lady-Bug, I do wtoh you arere Buna Shining-Mirror, until.—well. I gacta pbyer---------' ah adjective bonot In auch a hurry to get-away, for caa'i even begin to tell yOn holt fit jUmiag with the letter A. Ftor cs*
I am about to do a very wondertal aod Lovely things and Hlareii 1 expect to ample#: *Tbe mlnlmer'a eat is omstaiUlng thing and I wonM be much o<e’ M'Hy. tome of my-Family bsve Mtious." Than the
B te itaod.
P>««n1 to have you etoy here sad eee evex wiled mllee away far put upot ^ mIntetarY rat te hanpUOna. TMI
"*® *P
a«0 *<*»«• otr*r
the letter C Is npod. The mintetar'a
The mHe_^wtnglady
OH -the lettcra ot
- looked up In a***® '® »;«»"
, _
, —- —
,■^pp■ —.
ourprlae. "Why. -bat were you going a great XX-hlie Wrd. that the People ^ alphabet have been a
U. do?" she asked, stopping to oe- of the Ipper Worid rail -a
^--------------teg for an Inmani.
which was flying heck ibto W-They
a flimiNHs
’Well, the tect Is thU te a Great enught on the most of ihte -aip* and
<Wh*o you have « rtbhon to Irm.
Day for me." {aid Mlsa Spider, al- so were brtmght oafeb back agate!’ girta do aot nab the Iron over .U;
moot te a wblapw, for she didn't
Hra. Imdy-Bog gasped. buL prorateg h down bard oa, owe
aront anybody else to hear her. ‘This ’Ob. Mtee Spider!" she cried, "are and. poll the ribbon throuih nadir
te the Day 1 start out oa my Great Ton not afraid to attempt ^ a dam jt. if M te a delicate oMorad ribbon.
Jouraey la my wondorinl Alr-Shlp fferoSa Journey
and I do not know whether 1 ahaU. ‘Tfo. Indeed!" teughled the linte r
eAer rettini or noc "
AdTeotnror. "I m not to the
— —**
. •Crtrioua me!" exctelmed Mra. afraid. Why.
naked a rialtar. *teTo yoa
. dear friend, tt te the Qrwal Day of my
Imdy-Bng. te tbe
-teg life! -Tbe Crest Purpose of my life, any little brothera i
and ahe tarm>t all abont to
time, white she stared sod I have looked fonraH to n over •-No.’routed woe ;
for quits
at her Dtead. And thoa for the flrat since 1 w*s hon! 'Afraldr No, te- “Tm an ths chUdioa

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