Grand Traverse Herald, June 24, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 24, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Cmn Ok ,
Craiid Travo
cne Kcgta.



DM RenMeM of Wllllamaborg





Waller M. fialrd died at hit hone
Wheeling. W. Va- June 21.—The
ta WRUamebuts Thursday after an
liresence of Goverour Maun, of VIrlllncn of xeternl moaUs. Mr. UalrU
Klnia. among the princl^ F|icaken BIX HUNDRED FARMERS HEARD
Cl years old and baa lived iu
today, wbleb was i-ek-hraied as -State
lianitbnrg for tbe mm SC years.
ot West VIrgtala's semi-reuen~ r
Ills first wile. CornelU Btory Baird,
ntal week,
nas taken as final Indkadied nine years ago. Jbere were seven
IlM tbal
all bluersess vxIvtlDg be­
ctandren of thU ualoB. alx of whom
tween (be peofile of Ue two coiomon-'
aurvlTc bis death. He afterward mar­
wealths as a resoH of Uc division of
ried Mrs Hattie Newstead. who with
'ef Virginia ouring^bc'clvfl
ooo eon. Melvin Isaac, tour jnuw of .The Central MetbodUt Fpbcapal dedicatory eermon. He». George Hlb comblnatloB of color, one feels lilted wv, ba* been' obliterated. Secretary
oit. ti. U.. ot Day aty. wbo preached oBt of one's self and at peace with of State WllUam J. Bryan will t>c tbe
age. also aunive. Tbe children
tl>e sermon of the evening and Rev. Ue world.
UerrlU ^ Ilalrd. *tN'aller M. Ualrxl,
central figure at thekcereoioniet
-----boU of wmiamsuwri; Tboinns 8. ablp ot God. f>vor KT.ouo -raised In J. W. Miller, the oldest MeUodlst pas­
tbU aPernnon. Many notablev fruui
*' Exact wW» OwcrM »IiowI«b Com- nalrd. Cheater Halrd.‘bMfa-o( Dmrolt: forty, mlaufea. Tho most magniflcWit tor lu UU IWglOD.
The anditorium ta tbe prtncl|«l ob­ Washington -came here tulay on a
Was Carried Out By Ueal M«n
Tbo services were carried oat as ject of toterest. The main portion special tikin. They Incluiled many of
partaofi WltA P^m Prom AP
Mrs. Nortnne Ralrd loons of Ovhl. church to northern Michigan o|>cnf<i
Who Are Interested ta the
fxMa aaE Otlnr Ctoro Orowa
Mlchlgio. and Ben «. Baird of Tr»vhas a Bcatlnk capacity of COO and the tho Virginia and Wert Vi^uta mem.
General Oavriopwiant nf
lime realUed. Fifteen hundn-d i>co Ih.-n Ubbop Quayle ta bu quaint, char- pows arc so arrangod that one can bera of congress and cx-Seaator Hetry
00 tho Famo.
me aty.
The funenl services were bHd Pie alP aeaied at one time at tw<
actcristic pleasing manner talked to alt at case and sbould ooe have to Cassaway Davta.
Budiqnce for over ao hour wbleb k-avc. there ta no need of dUturblng
from tbe borne Saturday afternoon at (erent serriccs and no one dlscom
An Ideal day. a happy. >oyea
was far tog short.
Inlenaent took place
Poor cart, earrrlos ao
Uow who are seated. Tbe dark
Tbe Alfalfa camimign clMnd wtU
of ebureb iwople overflonlng with
In the cemetery at WllUanitburg.
He said ta part that wc all bare woodwork of tbe pewa shows oot
a XB4 loa4od vltb (be Ij
flonrtah Tburaday evening at fi:S0
aatisfactlon, receiving ctmcraiulatluns loads to carry lo our hearts and on sharply, agalont Ue polished t«rdor itae ap^en and Htenilure for dl»o'clock after three days of suenaonn
all sides. All ibis hapiX'Dcd Bun■lioutders, but wo arc ne.vcr load- wood noon. In tbe two galktlea on
tribntloa umd« the Ursora, aped
srofk. Over 150 miles were travetad:
out of tbe <4(7 Wc
fioU Ue north and eonth side of the
21 mmings held. Includl^ twe even­
tory of Urtbodl.'m not only In TravTIitMte wIk> have uo buidcns are no eburefa arc four rows of seals arrang­
(ho aecoBd aad i
ing meetings; and better than CM
Cliy but for Ihla. wbuli- norih good.
ed no that catch person eaa have a
Aitalla coBimisB tour. Tbe u)p wai
arsons were told the story of aUaltal'
God doesn't put caUmKy on us. we good view of the whole boose. There Hard Fer Gome of Them to Get Acregion. A day dreamer drtaras. they
a repetttioa. latofar
Tbe campaign wbleb was p«i «•
an- broad atalei bark of Uc lop row
aad oumUt; of nectlnei wat eooeemod
by the buslneM men of Traverse CUy
<R Uuu of the preceedtac dar. it Up­
where sixty addiUmal tkalra eaa be
H.‘railoa WlU - Uc Western
nnd then filth to carry Ucm to fruit­ brainy, stuie-ndous man.
ped a dtffoRBt eoontiT- to be tore, and
MiebUan DerolopmeDt burenn was a
ion. but faith wltliont works b dead.
Don't be a buuemy bobbing around
drew audincaa from dlffereot
Tbc cost half of Ue'audlioriui^ la 'There are four or Qre county big sac<-css. Tbe suggestloB Uat-we
ea or ranneta. but the eeneral feeaaK He Uket the Spin shewn By tin Pm- It baa. been proven concluslrely that here and there. Its a thing of b^- •eparatod from tbe main room by' prisoners w bo Jost at prvei-nl would have such a campaign was made «t .
ple In Work of OevelopIhirc b no dead UmUe in ibU region ty, but It don't acrtmiplUh anything beary hanging doors that arc moved be wUltag to swap Jobe with almost
la taror of alAi/a aecma U bare
meeting of Ue Committee of Twen­
by tbe magnlflcont edifice that waa lk> rather like the steady plodding notaclesaly on Ue roUen tweoty feet
me. They are tbe men who have
been the aaoK aM to hav
ty-One about a monU since. A nnb
thrown oiwn to tbe publli yesic-nlay. mule wbo mdenily pulls tbe load'aod ebovc, Tbta will be (he Sunday reuelved labor sentences and who are
tbe lour bf oobm time, lu
committee wiU Dr. E. B. Minor as
Which will be nn cvcrlastluK nmnu- never talks back. The lift of tlic lusd sthool room and Ue general reception putting ta Uelr time on tbe baadle
the ttmaken. InateaB of teaebtag tbe
cfaalrman was appointed to attend to
Hon. J. C. McLan^lln, who was
tat ot wbgt man wlU supremo falU Is the music ot Uc world.
fsnaer what
u. were rathor.
>m and place for ihc wee^ prayer cod of a shovel. loadtag' wagons and Uc delalta and tbta eommlitee. work­
Hb fellowman and bb Creator, wbo
The burdened ones are Uc swiictcst acetlngs. and all meeting of a eo- doing similar office work on tbo Scvi
aaked to po Into tbe field ahd pre- ooe of Ute apeakeiw la tbe alfalfa cam­
ing WlU the DereiopmeDt barnan.
ctal celVC. when, a smaller room !■ enu street paving. There arc four of coDducu-d Uc <nm|»lgn. wtakb. wHbaertbe a rwaedf lor teme porttoo of paign that bat been no successfully
'.Mfcerk tatirt of a barmoBloni ahsJc. them working mere today. A special
the aol] opoa wbich a pood etand carried on here for Ue paU three
qnestb'Q, has been of great value
l^qTbe chairs are all movable, tt'ben guard bas been appointed to see that
rbold be obtained, or u> tell them dajs. said Id no Interview Friday
(be agrli-nltnral interests and Us
(Be vn><<-e room It opened It wlU set they don't loaf, aad to keep. Uem general pnw(K-rtty ot Grand Traierne
, whr tbe crop of latt rear tailed un- that - be wax agreeably surprised
with the iWton. He knew that It
IJ&o but WlU the extra ctaatrs that from wandering too far away.
d«r certain OMdiUcM. That tbe
and Ix-clanau counties.
was good from tho reporU that he bad
There are two of the laborers «poi
ran be brought ta There can be room
falfa KTPWln* taorenMnt It
Alfalfa Gaining ta Favor.
made for l.OOO. as (here were twice whom Uta sort of work grinds es
ti rerr plalolj' erldcnl, aad It b be-; board and so when be received an In-:
A few of llioae abo attended Ue
Iveetcrday and earb one In comfort. pectall) the gentlemen bobues wbo
cauae of a reaMiatlno of ,(bb,(art. rltation to aid In tbe camiialga fie
inccilugs are MKceasfully growing nl- .
ThU will be Ideal tor large'gat^ertaga. were picked op a lew Gays
and becaaae tber bare atreadr cone made an extra oEort to bo present, es-'
NelUier has done any hard work lor (sUa. muiy nr^noL- l-fata was proved
lecture courses, canvealions
to tbe roocloiton that aaoner or later pecially from the f«rt that In the;
long time and when (be qultltag by Uc ^cstidl»4t|||^jtara.aBM A
tba7 aoM tall In line and pUnt tone new redUtrleUng Grand TTaverac j
fca of those who stayed away from
emity b to be under hU Jarisdlrtlon.
Tbe decoratkicu wMw designed by wbtatle blew ta.<*( nlgbt tbe lala
of (bb aorl'^^mr^. tbit the t
the meetings are bsvtag'somM wKb
hardly move tbelr bands, so sUB
band and the
era are taralbf Oilt aad cooperaUnt He staled that ibe tarmei^ were the
alfaira; sume aba slayad nwav are
most progressive and Uoy left noth-!
Uo very best. *rbe dome ta one of they from Ue unnsual exercise.
beartlb^lh the mrii who ai<
Aside from the amount of money making dismal I.J1 ■: -v and a greet
Ue most arlirtic plerre of wvkmanteni'tlng U enllsbten them upob the Ing uadoee tn got'ai Ue real facts ead|
many have not irlod Ue gtowtag ot
when Uey bad U opportunity
ship- Tt ta beautiful ta Ua aimpHcliy. this working hf prtaooera will
kwrn todk advantage of It The fniU
terring boU fv llshl and for beauty. aunuslly there ta iboUer and slmort Ibis plant: wbich aboaid cover one or
Preprataa Were Samt.
equ^ly valuable benetu. When these more acres on every firm ta tbe
With tbe exception of tbal alrcn Induxlry was way beyoud kb great
New OrpsiL
eat cxpecutlon. It was really. *io be
who have been put at harl labor Grand Traverse regtan. If as a
Tbe organ which ta bnllt Into Ue
at tbe Rat I tebool the I
were nnrb tbe aane. When the can In a very few years Ue best In tbe
-ear of the church ta fcea<ced ta fumed once get free Uere ta not doubt Uat result of the carntnilffB Jort eJosed
vak similar to Ue net of tbo wood they will shake ui^ust of Traverse 1.000 acres are glvea over to attatfa.
ran arrlred at Rennie h wax alreadjr eouniry snd wonid more tbaa lontrlbannual Incmne will be taerenand
I wk and ta divided Into (Wo banka of City from their fecial once. Further­
Uu hbd ax there were onlf neren ute Its share to Uc rcoord. The good
pipe* on cither sMc of Ue rev of Ue more Uey will iMUs tbe word along by 850.000. for alfalfa prcdacM wsnlU
famert oat it wax declM U icive roads were Ue ftaeat he had seen and
Uc rate ot 850 an acre a year, tt
tbe men who
The New fifiS.OOO Churcb Ediflct That Was Dedicatod Stwiday.
church: The organ was made by Ue and when a hobo leants that a cer­
them onir the more Impbrunt tacti
Dr. Cbcn Mumlord said after
I Wangrio-Weiebardt Co., of MBwau- tain place bas a. work shop atUebod
ax concloeir ax Axulble and dlti>enxe
seeing some of our (arms and nrwup pan of tbe epexkert. wbo were hearty cooperation of tho bustaeCx
alnxere. God doesn't make us do thel^®^
foremott organ firms , to tbe tree boarding bouse they wUl
chords. He said (hat we need morn
men with the farmeni ‘ Uroogb the
harried on to a)art tbe meeting
heavy things. Hv lets us do lliem.l'®.
country. It u eqnlp(>^ enUrc- steer clear of Uat place forever oftfertimy for car orrfaards. we need
of Twenty-One and the
Ue next ttop.
l*ui up and keep up the rainbows.
with electric action and ta tasUntIt bas been tbe ambition
more livestock to (uratab the tertOlty.
Leartag bore at l:SO yesterday aplendld work of the .Weslcrn Michi­ faithful MnUodtatJ that somo time, "Wliefi tbo burdcoed ones come to yoo.| aneouf in Its responpe. There are
and we need Ue altaUa lor food Cor
Btorniag the ran went directly U Ue gan Development bureau appeaU
they would have a home that wunta point U(!U to tbe ratalaw. be the rain­ IS stops, 12 rouiriers and 1073 speak
tbe Uv<-s(ock. He nrgnd ns to com­
DUna neboo! boote for Ue flret meet- him and showed that (be peopi
ii-inbersUlm bow of happloess to Iboui. Tlte fuss-; Ing iilpes. Tbe organ on the left ta
vlng mei
bine dairying' wiU our trait giwwtag. Here aboW eighteen Tanaen Uls-'seetlon of Ue state were bound and be a crt-lU (u the commuuUy.
cr m-ver bean tbe load. The stager, entirely under weaiis of expresshm of
Ing that we may be mnte certald nt
(bo organtau Um Idpes being enclooed
gaUered la tbe grasa on tbe xbady to be In Uo front ranks, taking ad­
When tb« modern Moses
docs, and be makes it ilglit.
exceptional succesa.
1 a box with vrnetion blind shatters
able of the ecbool and iixlciK-d tn
amooi Ue people and iKd.ntcd Uem
The Stoiy of the LB^ Day.
tbe talk, roeairad eeed xatnplet. and prove Ue eondltkins and oo receive
hicb can be opened or closed at tbe
Uc IVuDitacd Land, many
nil the time telling of the glorious
a great benefit and attract the attenTbe history ot tbe Ja«t day of Uw
were glres IttWMnra wbleb
loU to .SCO tbruA bis cyeo, but be. time be bad flghUng for Ills king and win of Ue organist, by means Of one
Traverne CHy Bpeakeru Enfivmed campaign was not so very dlilercal
dellbly aUmpnd “alfalfa*' rrorn trnot Uon of tbe entlro country- He intend­ coatlnuod his courageous work and bis country. He Is continually recall­ ot Ue most XBodsm elocUloal ii
from that of tbe other' days. The
to back.
UiiTc were those who wlsbod ing the time when he lifted the com- lions (or Ue organ.
way Oratory.
weather was not of tto nanny kind
While Ue laal tpeaken were xUll fruit seeaon and poiribly when tbe that It might be. and Uen
The wind ta supplied by a blower,
lany to vlrtory. He ta rejoicing ta
tl>at bad prevailed for the Oral two
talking at Don. the leadoS men\ad cberrlei were In Ueir primi
dawning ut the new day. Rev. W. W. his part of the Imrden. The gospel ta anollter new taveoUon. which removes
Kfuwlck, Juno 21.—The KeswM days. There bad beM • Uownr dnr.
■Uni-d Ue oxMtlai
McKeo. saw wiu i>ru|ihetlc' eye the
proposition ot
tag Ue plgbt and sbownrs cxMtlnnad
was tbe next ntop
poaslblUlh-s aad bad fatib that hU the ages and we are tbe ones wbo are wind being generated by a elrcutar fan
in Uc town ban. all day with a (sir degree o( regular.
Thirty taen taUrwied tn tbe rmlx- would watch for-tbe big things that followers woifid bo enllgbtcucd.
make It more so aud easier for which forces Ue air Into the fenders. A fine program was carried out. and
Iiy, Towards Uc latter part ot Ue
tag of alfalfa gathtrad ta froat of Ue
Uey were. It would read like fiiGon the people lo gef in under Ue burden Instead ot having draw stops,
god Ubm had by tbe many wbo at­ afternoon the weather settled downorgan
store at Grawn to meet tbe lao.cb
all Uu various idaus and con- and stag. Fbr over an hour and a half
tended. An abundance of music
iqip a steady rain. As tbe crops were
Ulind of AIUIM ^tol aad ItxUaed
fercniws toU m detail, ft is enough Uik wonderful man held, the closest enabtea the organist to change
skdTy^ ntrd of motatme Ue rata
-to siwakere of aUu wMe repotaUon
U aay that Ue workers IncroaBed attention and then ta Ue manner Uat regtatralloa mocb more qaickly and
band both before tbe |>rogram began was welcome and U« tarmen were to
talk upon a sublea sUlch cooce
Uelr faith and well bare Uvy
ta only of tho good bishop, be salU enrely. Tbe tone ta anusnally bs
and at sniublc Umeu Urougbout Ue
cheerfBl frame of Bind. They will­
tbe farmer aad bis land.
Uat the church was ready to be turn- ful and as a whole Uc instrument ta entire evening.
ingly left (heir fields tn attend the
as modern aad compiete as cam
Larpe Oatb*r4ng at Buckley.
No time or rocans lias been stared
to tbe people aad It should be
ted of Ice cream aad cake aad mcoUngs. kiftwlng Uat the rata m
Blwyn Owen Ue oiganta^ tnm
Tbe neeltag tt Bobklet *Ux tba
to make this Ue foer of any pUnllv -paid fv. It was a »(2.0W proposttiou,
n as Uera were dtapoaod of the doing Uelr crops morn good tk«i
largest of Ua oatln trip. Bom aixchurch home ta tbo country. The and I3J.000 was already Uken rare of; MDwaukeo demonstrated the beauty
(bey possibly could Tbe speakers EMty«re farmere oeaopted Ue space In
largest clUes in the land cannta boast 120.00 by Ue selllBg ot bonds and of the tones aad combtaatkms ot tbe
not mind Ue sbowera. and alUoeg’t
front of Ue 8mlU atore when Uf Injarr He Received on Haatf He Baye of a betiv edifice, nor can one be JIS.OOO by previous subscriptloas. organ aad showed a perfect under- charge and called upn Ubse
to take part Tbe formal address of (be rtmds (iOed wtU water as Ue
* speakerx took db tbe d
la Responsible ta His
found' that ta morn i-omplete ta every Now they wanted $28.0«o U Just forty standlas of Its poMlbUiUea He prnrUe evening was made by Hon. Frank day progreaaed every appoInlBMat' ^
falfg. Tbe men bpn seemed ospaelalAetlens.
detaU. When Uc orders were given minutes and Btabop Quayle ptaced bta cd blmseif a real musician besMes
Hamilton wbo told of pioneer daya was kept and at no plow was Un '
ly InteresK-d In the suhiect a&d Ittag
out lor (bo materials It waa iovarl- walcb ta (he bands of J. W*. Patchln. an tntcllieest organist.
ntter Un pregram imd bnm eoBplatnd
Tbta organ ta a gift ot R 8. HuIL and of pkwoer roads Uroogb Lee­ bead car more than ua mtantes .be- ..
Jerry McDonnel. a mIddie aged man ably! ''Get (be beat" and II bas been who had been called la the plaaorm.
(Continued on page (our.)
Chen tbe spiiltan ware held Uere wbo has been engag<-d In lomberlng done ta (very cast
Among Uoae who took na(t ta the mn- lanau county. He foUewed wUb In­
A. J. Maynard took charge of the snbformation
regarding the preaept need
nnswerlng Ue fiawtlou and nnlrlng and farm wot* ta uii vldnliy for a
Tber day was g perfect June day BCripUoas and Ue ushorw and min­ alcal program or Ue detflcntlon _
of better highways and ex|>lainod bow
the probbas wtUeb were put to Umd number of Tears, was locked up ft> aod all nature xtaUed.
The Great isters went among (be aodlenoa. ft I Mrs. K. E. Degan of Grand Raplda.
these could be obtained. R. K. Elsby Ue Men who expect 1
Chief <d PoUee Canon Tbnrwda.v
Creator In Ifta Infinite majMty looked
t™i .uhL ul u,.
■»«“ '-n-nj u-xa » U« cUr wonh of Grand Traverse Grange
the raising of (be |
snapidon of having been Impllgatcd dffVB on the sconV of ct
Ua generoas donors were .callod oot and bad ckargo of tbe mualo «f Ue
Tbe picnic dlnasr which bad bwn In eoveral crimes of a serious nature. wvk of.Hls faithful fullowera. From and regtatMwd. At Just Ibe moraeat church. TTw eolo Uat she gave yes­ upokd briefly of Ue work
•rranged for at Uackley was cat bat The'specific case for which McDon- the motnent of Uia oin-nlng preludo it was anBooneed Ust In that forty terday was rendered ta Ue^ame grange and urgn! that UU Institution INSURANCE COM
on aooont tf tbs InaMllty of Un boR was wanted was that of lasuHing by Bwya Owens, on iho beautiful pipe minutes .3SGA40 bad been donated. It nsanner that had endeared her to (be bo need to Its fullest as it ta tbe last
Meee of maebtaery In existence (or
lannnrs to .|Mt away for so loBg a a little girl OB Uo streeta a
n. to Uc closing words of Bishop was a record that bos never be«s (Bnrrh people in Ue |»sL U added girtag expreulM to (be desires of
time dnftag tbe ifesent busy seaaoo. sdghts aga It is alleged that Ub U Quayle tt the morning scnice, each known ta Ue btatory of ratatag ebureb materially
tally to ti
Ue snecees o( Ue
Uoso wbo live In Ue rnral aeetJons.
From Bankltr (bo special left ta- not Uc first offense ot that nature of
bey and tbo v*t audience of Uc funds and when It ta considered that. vfcco.
Its Made In Order te Take
A number of
Raanlo aoheoL
arhlch McDonneU bas been goUty.
r frictids «emed fairly on tbe WlU tut very few exnpUons all this
/ w
CMrfft et DipnrtmXi m *
rending! were givea. A boxing match
—Nlng of, Ue
was met. , Tho
He appeared In Judge 'Birdaall s mount ot ' Tranfingaratkni. realtatag
came from Ue "
July L
last melting was bald at tbe Rananm cowrt this morning, bat after exam-' only partly.Uat Ue dreams of a Ufe- selves. At tbe erantag services Rtab- part of Ue UnrU. There are
tarn wbore about ruteen men trota laaUoa no charge wax preferred tlme bad been aeompltahed. As tbe op Qua.vle statn] that there was Jnst lyone bnndred of them ta aU Ue dlfthat nnetioB of Us country wete gir- M^st him and be was oomm!
T( mtloo tAss gathering Uc boose «aw thing to do aod that was to see lemt aUee and all fit In
H4C RAPIDB-The Prqrt>ytsrlas
Saltoaw, Jnae M.Wehs t. Wtaon a chfioco of bnarteg a aeAenUfle iad to the oounty |all, where. he
ruieff WlU tbe music ak am only If Uere were not sonte la the aodl- Ua Fropnr -ptMaa Tbasa-’ are aB Uta place and Taba have extern
>lp abo after July - eiU be aUte
tnoUae on Ue sahAect as well as be­
await examination as to bis na» be dttae nnder Ue touck of an artist.
who were not present at Ue statned gtaaa wWh tbe soft colors Uat a call to Rev. H. W. Cbambertai
tasurance cemmtaaioaer today aaing given a prwcueal
Aty by a eommlsston appointed by Ue
Tbta bcnutifalHclft of 11. 8. HnU will morning aervlces and I1A38 was no fonn Ue eemi^idctitre of
Davlsburg. It to believed Ue call nounced bta appotalments as (Mtawsr
ot Ue waadem of tbe crop by look­ protMte Judge. Several years ago a' bl appreciated more aad more as raised making a total ot (27.378. leav­
will be^ceeptod.
that (Mwealle Wnogboot U<
a ot Chsrtotte. ta made
ing over Ue Ulrty acre neid wblOi limb (ell OB McBonneQ’s bead, and times goes on..
ing bat a few hundred dollars to be Tbe most knanttfid of aU ta the large
bead of Ue fire :
Mr. Raimom kae nad upon which Ulr. wbUa ta eourt be admitted that Uere
On Ue pulpit plaUoriD were Ue made up and UU vHlI be done dBring one Uat ta ta Ue crater of tbe cbolr
setting Henry WMt; Tom C
tf acres bo hfie more than doubled were tlmee when be was aaatally de­ pastor Rev. W. W. McKee. Rer. W. 'le week.
kitt and repraraata Chrtat ta OeUMSbater, of Sactaxw, I* appototed cblat
bis profiu by tbe use of alfslfa.
ranged for daya it ta during UeM F. Kcndrtek.,district superiDtendenl:
When one stands In Ue great aodt•- Itlsra^agBtqoentaptacaof his Brst baccalanrcate address here tasaraace examiner; Oiailea WOItam.
Bpeakers ware Experts.
periods, be deciares that be does Rev. W. J. Coates, pastor of Ue As- torlnm and gates on the eompieied
Uc gtaar vork as there ta ta Uta evening to 8«> June gradnaleB of 9noH Bta; Marie, aod Chortai tta, Tbexoan wbo yeeterday talkad upon Uings wblct be woatd not do whan bnry M. K. ctareb; Bishop
bop William A b&ndlwtftk of Ue mechanic and afttaaa. the nuta. The anlortat
and a targe naaembtade ^ other atad- rand, ot FUaL an appethUd axam(CoaUpned «a pAge fovr.}
ta bis normal state.
QoayJe, of St Paul, wbo
opr^edtbe weharcwroaghitbeBioat barBoaloas
{OBatta;^ on page imar.)
eau aod towoniutapta.


Twan-OHE heuiks Hai






*•_________ -





Herald public


poaloffice ^

Omea, in froK *t. Botli Phati« M

and 1!doing thlnv for the general up­
lift at the name time. It la Imposaible for a town or community to do
nothing and pracren at the 1
time. Aetion to neeeeaary and thto ac­
tion moat be planned and carried out
along JnteUlgent Unea. It waa ph
note the Intereat taken in the
campaign by the farmers slong the
route, as they seemed anxious to
learn more abonl the ellalU crop and
give their experiencea In growing it
their farms. This apUlt
shown in all hut a few places, where
the farmers have sol awakened
the fact that U to possible lo learn
something, but these Instances of bold­
ing back on the part of the fsrmera
few that they do not deserre
attention. The general run of farm­
ers are an exceeditt^y progreaal'
class ^d it to bwmuae of their wlUtngnesa to learn rdo^e about the
points of their bn^ness-ttu the re­
gion ranks so high In the eatlmntlon
of the outalde world. It to up to the
Grand Traverae farmers to make the
region the beat In the state, at
to certain that they have both
d the ahl
their advance]imeCt w
three years to

aWy in the efty Ubraty. v^are a collectloB of memenloo of the early days
aheuld ha
taa <collected and preeerved tor
the beni
neflt of future gcneraUoaa. TM
ler thto to done the heller; h will
be. for time to constantly - ------ '—
many prteolaao mUea which are
lo the garrets and torgouen places In
the private houses of the city. Bvery
county should have a pioneer colletOen. for Its vglue tnereasee with tha
years and Its atndy to always a aource
of prvbt to both young and old.

las LarieneM

Be eecaped with alight Injurtes aad
waa able to reaume work tbe mxi
Mrs. Saynond Plymondon was
Traverw City vlAar Tkaradgy.
Plana are being made
roanb tone, it u eipectad thto'
kwkeal. wr fie targe crowd srin aval] tnetaaatoaa
ORAIN—HaoMb A Lay on.
of the oppoffanlty to come here aa
rlooa eoTTectad every dey.
ly attractlona wUl
It being the Orat G
years that thto town
»ra that thto town haa celetooted.
Mrs. Jake Ilahj:
about 20 young ladtof at her home
OB Batqrday In honor ot Brae Un
guar, wboee marriage to to take place
June »rd. Tbe parlore and dining
lacerated with f«
•now balls. After spending -the aftC^kfcaag, Mn ■......
...lle erooop ID games and aoctol ranrerse
elaborate sapper waa aerved. Mtos
Llaguar was tbe recjplc^ of wtany
beauUful pi
About 7S enjoyed (be excuraloo to
Poaeh on Sunday tosL Tbe band
ptoyed several aelectlotw on the boat
and also after arriving at Pooch,
basket picnic was enjoyed.

f’onign and Xfioal Marksts

=i giipl

IRM BROOUCh kdltot Prtd

Tbe formal opealnrwt the new Central Methodist eherch mmaa much to
only Traverse City, but lo the hnregten- It gives wn opportunity
for the torger opporlunlUee la church
work that are demanded of the deDoulnaiions if they are to properly
flu -the position ID the oommunUy that
their imimnance demands. The church
It to a BoUceable fact that there
Is no Icmser a one day in the week In; are saar problema conaecfed with
stUutlonr hut a live eoctal canter
nitt cravlBK ^ aemaad ecmataiit
where iMC|>le can gather durlag the
asd^adraacemeot m the part
other days and evenings and jilan aid
9^ cha srowen, aad that eome local!work for the general betterment of
civic It well as reMgious eondlUi
ttok which were naiad for helaa the
Tbc need of tbe church of today to
•rant cantara tn tte paat are (aat loamore virility and a closer touch with
• lag ibetr grip on the clalia
Cedar City. June ».-Mtoe Praneto
aanat ol the Browera-themaelTee who
the |>cople whom It ,to
F. U. Urown of Toronto. Ont, Mra
hencliu Tbe
an aol adranciai aa taat ai the inC. KaU ot Uurllngtoa. Mich* and Mra Heretek to spendlBg a few days with
no longer airictiy adhered to and the
daatiy to dotag. Thera
J. Seebrlght at home. Tha funsral Mra George Ktohalahy.
church that most nearly cotnea to flUMr. and Mra Frank Klrt enUftalnttoaa cmiM Ihio prominence now
waa held Tuaeday noon frora the rssltng tbe common need alll be the
that were anheard Of a few y.eara ^
Rev. Koon offlctotlng. Tha ed Mr. and Hre, Neddo of LMsnd.
to prosper through tbc adoption'of
and on account of the proKrveilve
There to one duty wbteb tb^ Grange funeral waa la charge of MaasTs. WfL Sunday.
In community building there
Bature ef tboee enmed In the bual- many factors to be rerknoMl with b> nKMiem methods. Kellgion has a can perform, and ought to. It to that •on and BaraanL Interment at OakMr. aad Mra Vura Van Wle have
aaaa Mg ntpldlr taking their plaoM tboee in charge of tbs work. Tfae^ broader scope today than it had a few of getUng abroad a oorrect point wood cemetery tn Traverae City.
raid tbelr home to Cedar. Joe Uvonyears ago and as a consequence
la the Untight to the excluaMi of
of view re^rding the place of the
Mr. and Mrs. Lwwton of Grand Bap- ture being (he pnrehaaer and expect
In striving to bring about
to demanded of It as an Institution. acrtcuUural-conegM In our rural lUe. Ida. wbo have trau rvlaltlac O.
tha older aecUona whtdi have 'not conditions that the location of
to leave SatufAay HMnrtng for tbelr
rMpoaded to the eaU of the Umea. city will not permit of. or to attempt There Is a large educatlonhl field that Tbeee InaUtutkma ere logically
Reynolds’ family tor the put
ftalnre home at Ml PlraaaaL .
It la a fact that the graateet eucoeai 10 bring In any Industry that -would niD'bc filled by the church that to In servant of tbe agrirulurtou of
weeks rotlimed home Mondav.
Mra Jim Rouaeau has bera apradi
• to being achleaed where the grower* have to fte maintained by artlflcto! direct tine with the teaching of re­ country, they exist for the benefit of
Mra. Ella PblUlpa and Mrs. Joe ing the peat week with bar stator.'
ligion. BcHgion in Its .truest
art pablic gplrited enoogb to
means. Some localities are particular­ service and the church that can give our farmers. Tbelr true purpose to to Btcklw and daagbtar wen gneets at Mfa HIckeraon at Traverse City.
hta* fw mutual benefit and ecK
Mtos Ubusa Bvoboda has been sick
ly adapted to the eeubUsbrnent
tbe most service to the communliy is •olve their problema. Tbc Orange
tlTt marketing, for the time
C. Kata ot Rartlngton. MtdL. ar­ wHh tbe measles but to not able to
aosM when the marketing end of the others, must buUd theiri^boprs upon the one that will be looked up to, not can aaalst the officers of tbs InaUlo- rived Tueeday, called Mra by
be out sigata.
^nly by rellgtoug people, but alto by tlona to see the light and to do their
hn^eaa to the mon impoitant. and the agricultural resources of the sec­
death of Mrs. CrasdaB.
Mtoa Olive Ricker of Maple City.
those wlto do not follow In the footduty.
whan thla la neglected the IndosUy tion. The northern jmrt of the sutc
Mrs. Veit and d^tar Mbs Boao Is here aert log for some ot the Cedar
steps-of tbe Master. Senlee consista
ta the locallt}- la boond to aufler. to not essentlady a manutacturing
■ For belter than fifty years the
^oompanlad by Mrs. C. A. Clark rw- ladim.
in helping tbe ones who need It
Thara to a great advantage gained ceater and any attempt to make It
Ben Bellinger of Traverae CItr. haa
not along the line of charity, but of pie ot Ulchlgan have been paying turned to Elk Baptda Friday.
throng a aaaodatlon that looks after such before conditions are favorable
uplift. The .church that to virile and large sums la taxes -fur tbe support .Sunley Jonra apent tha week end bought the livery barn hers, and took
both the burlng and eeUlng .end of to merely spending good money in a imciical enoagh to pick up tbosv.wbo of Its agriruliurml college, aad tboae tn Kingsley with friends.
Tueeday. Ben to a jolly
tha (ndl buitneas. which on be readl- visionary propocltloii. Any
The Mtoaee WUda Batey and Mar­ good fellow aad we botw he will make
hare'faUen by the wayside and place wbo have been tbe beoetlciarie
I7 aaen by the rapid atrides that the try to not capaWe of being made a them u|ion tbelr feet is tbe one that
garet Mclnloah attended tha graduat­ a raooaee of tbe buaii
Morthport aoetlon to thklng ^award manufacturing locality after ifae lum­ comes nearest lo futfliling the plan
ing exerctora In Traverae City aad
BUly Culver spent a cMpIs «( days
the front In thto regton. The people ber days have paacd until the trana- formulated over two
have flilod the shelves ot (be college were guoeU ot Mtoe Beth Snekea.
thto week at Traverae aiy.
there bare no better'fruit land than porutlott faetimra and natural re- ago for the guidance of ihrise who Ubrar>- by well wiluea and bandaomeMice Carrie Ottlager of DalrnlL
Mra Wm. Cameron ot Ceotral i-a»t««.
other dtotrleu have, but ther poeacka
rcea are developed. Tbc mainstay mean to be real factors la the world ly UlHstrated bnUetlaa In tbe mea^ was a guest ot 'Mrs. Batey Tueeday. vtoltod Mrs. VU«k here Hoaday.
what la atm more dealrmble than 1
Belyy Kata to very 111 with pnem
Cedar City has orgaalxed an ladeIt 1a a fine thing to have a graad time a few tarmers who hava been
northwestern Michigan
land UaeU, nnd that to the abllltj'
next'few years will be the touU and church, hot graad resulu must come teoacioua of purpose have
psndant base baU team, tbe foltewtag
eomblne end puU together for mutual agricultural tnduatriea. but the time from that church If It fiUs lU-lfieM In In getUag the braeflt of thla atorsAup
betog tha manogemenL Manager, John
profit They have dtocovered the fol­ to coming when factories In large a |iro]>ef manner along the line of knowledge. Tbe puisuli of adeoce
Tudmr: treasurer. J. C Vlack; eecrely of tiwating to tuck to find n mar­ nnmb^ «1U be attracted to ihli ter- progrens and uplift work. A seten- the writing ot monographs are both
tary, doyae CMver; eaptatog J. J.
ket for their fruit, and hare united rttorj- on account of the great water day cbutTb to the Ideal one. for a hen worthy ot eacouracemaot. hat an ag­
8bon^ They are ready
Almira. Jane lA—John Bs^ from
mr the pnrpoee of not only finding power that to now going to.Vaste In It to run on this line it becomes
ricultural collage supported by public
dates for games with any amateur
Detroit was at lake Ann last Wedaea.
« wUer matkac but lor the purp
illy every section. The trwnsthto vlctoUy. Comap
of retaining that market by grading porutlon toicillilei are not what they monly regarded aa a civic asset by the
eoee wUl be attended lo by the
and packing their fruit in a proper: should be. and until they are increas­ general imbllc. The downtown loca: Murw the c«Alege teadera JuM how tbay
retary, Cloyse Cn^er.
Ms jronngcet eon. srim hH been Tory
We find no lault with tbo way
amaaer. Th work that la being ufcen ed and freight rates brought down
(Ion ol tbe new building gives It a
Mra Bd Culver and daughter MayV
«p by the Veatem Ulchlgan Develop- an equiUble basto raanurac^uring In- markable ad^wntage in becoming a irpentloM spend their profits Ikat ok.
Bia rsturaed Friday moratog (ram an
Mra Helen Thompeon went gear to
to tbelr own bralnees. However, w#
ateat bureau along market Itnea If duatries will be working'^und6r a n-Bl Uetor in tbe life of tbe dty.
extended visit with relativea at ToteMoBor Setorday on bsalneaa.
adopted by the fruit growing tnterwill prevent any 'rxa- fa close to tbc center of all kinds of do not brttore that ft to
do. Ohio. GarreR, Ind., and DetrolL
Earl Gray lost a .valnaMa cow taut
4hta na it ahoald. offem a solution era] Inflnx of large «dd going plants. activity aad lu e|>tendld arrangement healthy for the farmera of
Mr. and Mra J. C. Tlaek drove to
to be dependeot upm the big
Of the problem for thoee aecUont
Is an n matter of growth and for taking care of all events . large
Central Laka Banday to their cw.
^r. and Mra-'Lara RockweQ of
tkms for their actentlfic
where the growera are unable
at the country develops Industrial In- and small, will egiaent Its poi>uiari^
Mtoa Myrtle
tecether on a eommon good for their stllutlons will be auraried bei
i-re In with tbe psotde. Just such
them as far as Basfpon. They reantnal benefit by providing a prop­ proportion to the needs of the /ocall- has been needed for a longg tlme.4nd fornted got^ernmeiit abould. aa far aa Mra Bart Gray tost week.
tuned'In the eventog.
Is Ilne^bai peealbte. provide the educaUoa
The ball game betwese AByn aad
er Inapectlon aervloe mad /umtohing
There to nothing to be gained by now that the desire In this
George Maaon and Joe Bbonek start­
a dtottagntohlng label for the pachagea itfering bonuses to planu to locate been fulfilled new actlvlUei can be aary to secure (be maximum of proe- fiendoa played at Chrier'a Siding, ed lor MoBtroee Wednesday aAe
taken over by tbe city and etorried to i>eri(y and happli
i^hnday resulted In a score o( 8 to U
that paaa muster. The adoption . here, for stable lostltutiona that
in Mr. Maaoa-s ear. Mra Mawm wbo
So tbe Grange, which to the farm­ to t%vor of tbe Allyn team.
a successful culmination. There are
thto plan by the growera of WesteVn worth while are not looking after
the past two weeks haa been visit
ers' loetltotion for gtvtng exprvseton
In lb* Central church
The Allyn team will pUy with tbs
Michigan wfll mean thouianda of del- locations unless they have been burn­
capable of developing tbe work which
rural public oidnion. should nrge Cedar Ru boya. June 82. at Cedar tog relaUvea at Montrose will return
lera la their poeketa that are
ed out or need a larger field for
wtU ttaeoL
has been outlined and with tbe sup­
I agricultnral
loet on account of the lark <
jianalon. The best method of making
aae tbelr efforta la behalf of
vm Stagel and Mtoa Cbm Caae
Btandard pack and label which aunda the region -prosperoua to to develop port that they can naturally draw
Punber- i«e married last Wedneaday.
for something in the onialde markets. the Industries that are already here them tn ihetr effona to achieve n- practleaJ extension work.
them fimra joy and bappi
It to neeeeaary tor the fruit growere and «-ait for condiilonae to change •ulis. tbelr anecesa along these lines more, the Grange caa profitably (
osmbers tO call npoo the colleges Ikropgfa life.
to make progrcM In tbelr bualneaa before making an attempt to bring In to already assured. When
South MOtoo, JuM 18.—Mtos HanMrs. Henry Caae to verr Mck.
nnd Ibefe to no better way In wfakb others of whose history and tiobslblU- from any standpoint the opening of tor practical aad concrete advloe. Let
ah JoUy ot 6ou(h Brordasaa. to vtolt<:
Bpra to Mr. and Mrs. Ctaarley Spell- ing her atotor. Mra Amll BaeU ter •
to advance than by adopting approved Ucs practically nothing to known.
the future of Traverse City. It will
That the.cwilege to ant doing ila lan. a danghter.on June lOtb.
methoda along the market! _
few weeks.
provide tbe members with opportuni­ tuU work Is' proved by (he fact that
MarehaU Lewto* sister la bera on
which to the aecm of anereas to the
Mr. aad Mra A. L.
ties tor being leaders In the.arork of ibree large private corporatlou are A. vtolt from Albe.
warn and In erery other section where
dared a recepUoa to Rev. A. ColUng
building up the city along moral and doing charity work In Michigan loda>'.
C. E Laka to vtottrag wnh his gnndfrslt growfog U done upon a commer­
bride ton Tburaday eventog
Nest week the people of TVaverac civic lines and by tbelr example othTbe InleraaUonal HarveMer .Co., hu ara. Msrriel M. Lake, for a few daya.
cial baaia. It may be bard for iK>ne City will be called upon to enteruin
which waa a dallghttal event
will be prompted to accompany a crew of field men going to the
to break away from the old ideas, but the oW aettlera of the Grand TnivRobert WUaon and Mrs. Oran Wil­ largely attended. Rev. John Pnmoir
them la tbelr Jourtey toward a better, farmers aith Information regarding
nalea U to.4oas the old M«ea wlU
regloc. and all due prcperatlon
ot Kewadto In bis bam>r ms«n
! amUtlon and greater Traversa tha growing ot aUalta: the National
break the growers who are attempt­ to being made for the great event on
with about 70 pounds of butter.
bshalf of those present preeatUad
Kertlltoer Asaoclatloa. through tU
ing to eoatisne along lines that bare
Mias Fern O’Brten waa the gseet Collins with a beantlfal sHver berry
Occashma like this
agronomtoL Heurr O. Bell, to aandlng of Mra Ira Bara Sonday.
ptoven a taUnrd wherever they have mean a great deal to the region repre­
•poon which aha detlghttally aeknowlInto tbe atate attractive and eaaily
b«w trM ouL The growers must sented by the assoctolfcn. for It glvea
Tbers WlU be a aaighborkood
«ed. Dainty refraehmswa were •«
understood boUeUaa bearng npon the nlc on tbe Fourth of July, htod In
get together and ntlck together it
rising generaUon a chance lo
1 aad «H*en)oped a happy tlnw.
Northwestern Michigan bai
they are to realtoe the profit that the
(be grove on tbe Prod Wltooa place.'
the live* atarted out on the right track to make:
Lento Hlckto haa been on the sick
duality o< their fruit warranU and and deeds of those who made poaslUe this region what It abould be by ^ Roebuck A Co., of Chicago, have aet
tor a few days. .
million doltora to be used In
enpply the demand there it for It to the ronditlOBa of the present, and In­
Mra M. Rtcknt to Improving bea
itlc development. The exhibits of (arm extenaloB woik. Part of that
the ma^eta of the nation.
spires them to better lives In the fu- products that are being matnulaed all
Ttolting wttb hto broUtor Niek bouse by dddtog a new perch.
money to coming into Michigan.
There Is too great a tendency over th* aertton gives strangers an
and wife over eunday. ns they latead
to move lo Traverae dty from Lake
ai the ptWat time to minimise the opportunity to see with their own eyes
Hto Only CNsnee ter Feaea.
work of former gvneratkma. which to just what the. country to capable, of
“A maloooteaL'' maeed the mnn
Once more Trevene City haa abown a great mistake that should be rectiOrawn.
Mr. and Mrs. WllUs Laka drove ov-' tbe bend of the table, "to t mas w
raising In the line ot dlreralled crops
-the people of the region that it to Art before It la too tote. Igteal his­
er to Inland eunday to see Mr.; ood to never eattolted with tato lot The
and friilt. Thera Is acarrety a stran­
pomible to carry out an egtenalve tory should he taught In the public
ger who comes here who does not vlelt, Crandall, there hu gone from Graww Mra Atwood take end ether reU^ only ooe that ooald brt^ peace to hto
campaign wlihgai any outside nssts-' acbools In a comprotaeni ‘
iMMUoss spirit to the temOy loL"
Of its oldest and meet napected Uvee.
a bank at least once during tbelr sUy.
tanee la the planning. The, alfalfa BO that every child ma
no matter how short tbe time they ore clttoeoa. 61m wu sridely known and
Ulcere aad hUa Troubte.
tour waa put jinder way by local mlltor with the btotory
liy esteemed for her kladly ways
here. When they see specimens of'
If you are asfering with any old,
talent end all the deiaito carried
town and region as be to with tho different products told out before
with rich and poor which wu attaeb
midM or fever aorcA ulcers, bolto.
without o«iitatde help,
eessme or other akto troablaa. get a
ry of the natloe and the la attractlvs style (bey are at once Im- ed to by the greet miBibcrs wbo atProvetnoeL tuae' lA—EM Eglnr. ot
wah the only
t Beektew'a Arnica Salve aad you
only Vtuidilera In the deal worid. The prominence that this reprresed with the tact tbnt they are not traded her funeral yraUnUy. The Ptotowell. pnsaed throogh town an
(et reUef promptly. Mra Broco
aad-they had no hand In tbe general gion enjoys t present would not be
merely 16 a resort region, but a kXal- weelth of floral tributra showed how Thuraday.
of Birmingham. Ala., suffered
working out of the Idea. TbU to only possible had t not been for tbe
from SB ugly ulewr (or aine menths
!U' wh^e bonest toll receives a just many hearts wtahed to give esptraJacob Uahaeaherg to applying
OtaoTof tha many suceaasrut campalgna work and si rrificc-a Of tbe pioneers
Arnica Salve csrod ber
reward. Hearing about crops and op- alOB to their sense ot lose. Blara
new mt ot. paint to hto hardware
help you. Only
that hare bean conceived and de- who taste iM
portunhlea U one thing, but when the her death om and another hare borne
mded by sU dr
raloped by home people, and thla lag hut pine forests and Indian tiwlla
hony to tbs fact that they never
reanlta are placed before tbelr eyes
aUttty to think up
Janet Monler. wbo (ms been ntthoA-.
From Uiia almost Inlpuesible begin­ tell tbelr own story tbe best possible heard her ray an tmktnd word about
pat It aanaa MoceasfuUy to the rea- ning. they accoaipllabed tmuIis that
tog eebool at Travaiw City, ta'sg
results of sdverttolng are obtalo^.
anyooe which wUI he a bisrapd mem<
aoo UmK %avorse Qty la kept in were remarkable and tbe perpetua­
lag tha summer with ioi pafenta.
A mnn teM tala dadgtalar that U atae
dtoiilay of fruit, graiba ead vegetables ory to cherish. Hra airanera was
aaeh big letters on tbe map of West­ tion of the memory of these advance
A torga number of gnaate have ar­ ■mod te eoek be wenM 0*s b
iatercsis pTerybody. simply
padenUr a^d eabrntoalvely borne end
on Michigan. In these days of rush guards of cirilluiioa and the w«-k
rived at the Fountain Point hoSsL
orpriM. A* tearned the art, an.
ibey are actually used by tbe genetkl the InevluUe end was faced with
aad fierce competltton it to necesaary they arcompllahed under such great
garpriaed ^er by dtortmnlng Ihe aarrH. Znlasan of Nortl«>ort. wma
public. The anrall exhlbiu are prw eelm courage which mast have been
to.«gt«at-af Che common rot in o«er
mlUea should be one ot the otv ferahle td large ones, for they can be borne of a atitmg faith ta the Immor- town Wednesday U tha'fstorema of ant
ta-aohleva cesults. and Traverse CUy Jerti qf tbe present generation. H to
apnad over a greater t^tory end taUty of the aouL She taavoi
OM Friends nre tf»e Beet
to ifenUarty fortanale In having aev.
A party of gMUemae '.trwB Grand
desirable tn live in tbe past.-but thereby be eeen by more^people By:
-jcaaae they bave Mood Om tett
arat'pablic aplrited clttoens- who by hoping tbe htolory of tbe past keeping tbe fact that th'to to one of
Rapids are en}oyU« n ffatotog trip aad are ksowa U ha tree. DR. HERRtCiCS SDOAR-OGATED PIUM Uv
motulTi the value of
things cleari.v In
______ and women feM_______ takra.
leasons can be learned
noet iirodnetlvo regton la tha
ive moro
than yenu totka, Mrs. Wtoeherk retaraed from Trav. been naed by mpro ihaa thrro gSMP
aad -wh« hava tha abUlty to-carry and greater resulu accompitobed by country oonstanUr before the travel- of g^ Uwive
thdto U> a mneeeaafnl anding. It to the workarg of tha preasnt. than tf iBf pebllc results ate bound to fotaow. _________ t he___________
enn which will sot caesa
tra* that a few hare U carry the they were not taatliar with what hai
are to tbto day tha mnln depss^soea
g^wetaea aad vtoUtog tristada there.
Klnra New Lite Pllto are
loaA bat tbor «ra wUUng ao toag as hM snfiered and done by ihoae who
'JJpka Koten bad tha ntMoytaM «o
will become permaneK lesideBta good (or the aged, ter they .
rasqUa are' accoapltohad which wlU have gone before. Thera should be aad real workers along the Uns ot gen- ly and Maily. Price "
from the aeaSold white petotlng
Pries 1$
- - by aU drvislB ef-Trs'
•onto ptoc* proTldod (a the dty. pr


Beedtaf Ike CaO

i- ^



• do., katod*. e

■ Dr. Johaeoa wae cm to coagmiF
with a genttomaa who
i^tolB Dean Berkeler'a strange po•B^-Shal aothtoi eitota hwipsP
«*vadtaysomsBia4- Wheathegsw- •
UsjM wse gatag away Dr. Johaeon
aald to him: -Praj. air, don't teava
m; (or we may. perhaps, forget to
ttto^ yon and than you wUI^ara

JtoM Children Have Worms.

• iiZ

most common of all rblWr—'*
•worma PeeHsh. 1»lt.___
fretful ehildirn. who loss and s
their teeth, with bad breath and colIrky palua. have all t
having, worms and sbould b* given
KlekaiMw Worm Killer, a pk-asatii
candy losenge. which eipeto worw.
regulates the bowels, tone* up the sys­
tem. aad makes children well and
haH>y. Klcfca'iioo l^orm Killer to
gstarmnteed. All drugglsu. or by regU.
Price Ste. Kll.k^^uo Indton Medicine
Co., rhlladelphla and 8c Louis.

srs'.T;.:“;s t

MONCV TB LQAN 00 goeff nnd wsO

U. C Daria, gu



BMg. twono t

___________.__ I VMh DnloD fL
Mra NeOte PrktL adstotonL Cite,
pbone 87S. We treat you as ws
wttold wtoh to be treated.
mch MKf
Vapor Baiba
______ tomeoess. etc.
ProC Hubbard, Steinberg Btk. Cite.
mar IMoo*
WANTEO-Cook at T, W. C. A: h

WANTED—Dean amage. Tree eced
funilAed on tbo first thirty aerro
rottnetoA J'nv«sa City Casing
mch JUf
WAITTED—Compeuot and
ezperlenoed girl for general booee work.
First Maae wages
Mra L. F.
Tltaa, 447 Webeter st may I-tf
jP. M,LAM.A. M.P.M.





A m, 10:W A


Makbig aShew

total lUags

Are only porebsaad onoA Tlure(ero they sbould be of awdera
dmlgA built ot most duraUe
matertoto and arttotlrany
tobed. Ton w^
nr And
* ■ otdy Mck
at tba works
iC W.

w.rtV. nmn. tai)>.JfkVlKiE


CIL Phone 181. BeU 190.

Thm Are'Wicas. trees bordering It
that that out the sunlight and keep
off the wind ao that tu surface shall
remain the oonlatmKy of putty the
longMt poMlMe time. 4t la a bone of
coptenUon for neighborhood rows over
who shall be "road-boaa" an

The one hiirolni! gumtion wWch bu
been ea;:erl>- dlxniHed lor . months
I»Kl i> how we ean l»*t tnsrkec
iroii In the abwnpo of a teood ki_trr- asMwIaiion vhiHi ronid lift thia

rertest nonsense and that the demand
tor well graded atock Is eonslant. per.
■Isteni and ever present. This
staut demand cannot be snuffed
and denied^ simply becauae you ROt
poor returtfi ist tltn*^ from .voor
L ShlpijtuR stuff to a
r.«»«or<-ei> as to {n^idlns. site and -____ ________ 1 taaKamlSeDa^aBd,
lap* at
ol packacaa .and the markcU Blmplc, and yoir oaalit to know It. If
.. aball
the weather is too hot or the market
in api>l*K os^ipclallf
avoid, the mUtakes ofr
-................. tn
(rowers many ihoii)ou Bometlmes ■*^ln. but tl
sands of doUan.
-es are always on the side of
,Itn« the crop before the pickintf’ loss, or a lanial lots. This arinimcnt
>D U sood jKJlifT. |irovlrtei{ you atipliea mainly to cherries, idums,
kooi> rontrol of the Rra^i : of tho
-bes and early npides. in fact merst
Inili. . Uiit whatever
- .10. -- --.'xcei’t winter apples,
and not sarrtflee them early on ths
previous article we dcal^ w
theory that ihore may be a hoaxy
|K.ach .•iiicslion. and In our n
rrop aii.I a gvior demand.
shall toll the expcrtcoce of one of our
S>'VeraI days ano we had a heated best orchard nn n In making
tk Ms
amtUDcnt with one of our iroWerv market ^or fall and winter apples. He
who^tniended stoutly that It d not sold all his own fruit and some of his
t all, thfl r had neUhbora' and rccHved »tOu and
tried ■ •
I4-.0 per barrel f. o. h. Traverse City.
He aaid he could liave sold two ear._._.e<l ubie allies
loods besides, and at these prjees,
CO ll Ti'ycr barrel for fall .delivery. provided be couM hare found th«i
Nowr. thb^a Just the kind of ulk
w-hleh hurts tbla whole fruit s.tilon. enuld
experienrr la the key to the whole bi>the apple gucwl
pie situation and proves eonriusixel.
and out of season that _ _______ that craded frtilt sells at a bandw>m.misbt easily pet the Impiesslon ttisi pfoDt and in a season when this sec­
even Rood apples were out of style tion wav full nnd ninnlna over with
and not uaod any more.
Rood. ba>t and Indlffenmt fruit |«cked
. Any •.'ociUc man knows this
on the "orrhard tn" tbeor)'

not trying to solve tht eonntry road
problem, but I am endeavoring to call
to It.
Tbe country road problem
deep and complirauid ftv one
solve, it will tvgutre ibv beet and
most eonaervaUve brains In the state
to settle upon some plan that will
make tbe eonniO' road what U
taUsnded forj-a hlRhway for traffib
with tbe least rosaible rvslslvBce.
Agltote .good roads brutbern. Keep
the matter before the public. Doa't
lot np t^tll Bomothing deanltc apd
proper la1 done
to give the Kate of

Many Fannet* Do Not Unier.g stand Scientific Tenns,
There Has Nef Been Given Definite
Information. Which Would. Com­
mand Confldenee of People
Interested in Dsirylnp.
flly t. t,. RARrKKri.t
We atu Inclined to the opinion that
many farmera hare not Riven as close
study to the problem of feeding dairy
cows as they should, for two reasons.
First many of them do not -fully
mployed^ by
-sutnd the
■re has not
Rivi-n which would coamand the con. «dm>ce of the tarmore.
- All clftssee of foods are divided Into


Mixing Feed to Balance e Rat
The Proper Prepertiena Should
Weighed and Mixetf- Together
Large Quantiliae. Then Fed to the
Cowe—Ueually One Pound of Crain
iPThree Pounde Of Milk Given.
are" lobhidM all the coarse portlona
of a ration. aacB aa hay. atorer. fod­
der. corn silage. nxiU. eU. wUIo the
term •concenuotoa- eml
grains and mill prodoeta. In teed■tuffs (here are three greape of anbeianres. which muR be cooeMered la
fncmulatlnR a ration to
re-.iilrp. These arc know ^
carbohydratca anrf tat
■Pr<i:iln' ia tbh'nami
of tuau-risla containing sltrogen, and
Boineuoi'-s eallod the dtragetiaaa
RToop, In oppoalUon to the caibohydnites. fat and ash. <Wblch
The funcUon of prhteln la to fornl‘!i materials for the formation at
b-an fie»h. Ulood. tendool. nerree.
hair, horns, wt^npd the casein and

rmirylng affords the qnickeat means
of buldllng np the farm, as thnru Is
practically no aoll exhaustion when
butterfat constltutea the oMy dairy
product sold.
A ton of butterfat 'worth about
ITOO at pment market values, take*
leM than 60 per cent, of plant food
from the farm, while a ton of wheat.
oaU. alfalfa, or clover hay. worth
from tIS to »30, win take from the
farm plant food worth about «8 for
aach tooD aold.
!. If the tamer expects to
maintain the productivity of hts fai_.
*-B should give careful aitcnUon to
'•PeeMJIy the dairy
Good Milken Bpoliad. ,
Many an otherwlM. splendid___
ha* beon apotled by a milker who
palled and hauled her all over the
stable every time he milked her.
Pnt your
Into yonr milking and
t your heart ia a good

Suits worth $16 50 to $27 at SI«.M to
—At $7.95 are Norfolks and new 2 and 3
° button models; blue serges and foncies.


Excels in AbilHy to Be Pushed for
Rapid Growth,
treed Ranks About With Plymeuth
Reeks m Layera, but la Mora Act­
ive and Has Lets Tanderwy
to Ov«rfat*»Bsa.

of. and bow the care-taking expenara *hould be met And aUU the
rauniy road Bltunber* on *-^ never
------geta^ mneh above the
-• bud except In
dry aummera or very cold wtutera,
when tbe traffic cu skat along on Ue
ice, says the Nortbwratern Stockman
-«nd farmer. The connUy road 1* ao or­
phan and DBoany a friendless orphan.
COUNTRY ROAD IS ACCURSED Like the Arkansas house. It can't bw
axed while it U raining, and when It
doca'l rain there is no need for fix­
ing IL It U a public dcznalB wbera
poll taxes may he worked at leisure,
and with the IraK possible efforts by
Frerybody takes a whack at the the party (hat Is aegregating himacU
country road. The automoblUsu that from ao much of hi* valuable time
cnndl<' their machinee over U euree for the good pf the commonwealth.
The farmer that hauls Ita surface la marred here by a bole
hla lornl to market over It swear* a dug by an unruly plow, there by seven
BMoellent Farm Type.
Mae streak over Its bumps ahd chucb
>perfnU of din damped in the mldMe* and eronden .Fhy pomenodyj die of It JuK prt«.l0^5lltl»i t



UEUFOKD CORDS, etc, etc.

— inCH GRADE WASH DRESSES A^D REni>CEI>l At S2.9S and SLftS are pretty White'
lletlford Cord Drew IlTesae* that were
$r. to t8.:.u are
SX9S and MAS; Ratine praaae* were $>•^•6 and $10
e aummer styles.

Silk and Qiallie Dresses at Excq>donal Savings
Groupe 1, $10y.50|Group 2, $12 g.5B|GrDUp3, $15|2.56
big xelecilon of rlever new Kyle* for mldRummer wear. Inrluded
nU, lies
Silk Hesaallne*. Pongee, etc.
-NEW I'AUTV DRESSES AT MO. M2A0 and Si^ worth MS t



tl 25 aodljM Waists at

Bleaehcd CMfoa at

high and low nerks: lung and niton nleeven.

—-Cabot Drand;** one of
bleached cotton* made,
special ihU week.

-^Sex-eral hundred yards of the
inrutt wanted summer wash fabrics;
pretty silk atripc*. etc, Ulg variety of llglii
nnd medium *liades.

and 15c .Underwear


-^learldg a big lot of I.«dles' Sum­
mer Vesta in iJcovelest style*: good
size range. A aperial unde:
idcrwcar value.

Wash Dressesal 75c &

Wash Goods al
12M: & 15c values
Colored Lawns. oDimities
and Batistes. 1 lot at 10c

they ahnuld be crodJtod with a alight
The Rhode Island Red breed
atfUuesAbe latest addition lo the Btt
■ popular American breed* of chlckI. ThI* variegy differ* from
Jority of breed* In claiming
tbemsclvcs an origin bated aolely on


De pi. Store

Hot Weather
KcsMinable offerincs
. just the housefuroUhlncs
will ncf-d for the siitnmer
motiniv. Only a small men­
tion is niatle here, but you
wiM find our selec'loti very
coTiiplele. with PRICES THE

Very romplcle line to se­
lect fronu A g"o«l refrizi-rator
wiih cn-lli. Ice chsTTliiT. ndJuKiablo racks, cast liras*
lock and hinges

Steel Conebes
All metal angle Iron frame,
opens for bed or couch: com­
plete with cotton M Qfi
rosilrcsi to fit for . “••FO

For tho porch or lawn.
AH metal gold bronze frame
wldi drop angle Iron* and slat
fabric spring, has tufted mat­
tress and l>ark
wind shield ...............'<•90
New Perfection Oil Cook
Stove: pcrfoctly sale; no
smoke, no odor-.

2-bumer........ $7 50
Porch Fornttore
The moK BBtiafactory porch
fnrnitore irr.'s.
.Na €21—I«rgp am rocker
with roll anr. cai! high hack.

of sottae. arm chair and jyM'


House Drmtt
—Moatly square necks with
aliort aleerea:' nrarly allsizes.

sac Hoslla Un


Boya' SHp-ons al

util an* 15e Embroieries

—Tlioroughly good triple texlnre
coau: all aeamd' cemented; sizes
up lo 14. A Bpieudid yain-coat vi

lery Edging* and inacrtlons
9 lncb(>a wide: very speciaL

While Gooda at

Silk and Challle Dresses


—Flaxon*. India Unona. Ramie
tioth. While Walstlngs. Dlmlilea.
Imwns. etc, etc. Ail a| Ut'Z off.
wanted while wash Ipbrl

$10 Dreasea
»i $9.50;. $ir.
eat models.

Men's 5»c Silk Socks at


- Several hundred yds. JuK placed
on sale. \ variety of patterns on
llghi. medium and dark grounds.

UmH en E0MOne good mother -hen can brood
twenty clicks and even more ^tk
ease, while she cannot aocceasfnUy
cover more than thirtraa, Thu* It Is
wril to set two bens at the same time
and give one tbe chicks from the two
hatchings. The other ben esn thu
cover iblrfeen eggs again and raise
her own UtUe tsnrily when thera

Grit in the RsUaii.
f A hen esaoot dlguK her food inv>
criy without plenty of grit In her £-----«eep
pty of it always on where she
have frra aeeca to It. fra, ao grtt.
BO dlgeraion: no dlgeatlon. m> _
ao eggs, ao gvIdeaSi tnm the 4ltn»
Om of tbe •rnhnras


Ilf black, tai
and white In all ladle
alzes. and also 49c for 76c allk hose.


Cause of Gapes.
GapM are ca\med by a worm-Hke
parasite that ^inee attached to the
lining of tbe windpipe. Wet and fil­
thy grounds are a prolific canoe, laoUte the infected birds and spade np
the yard with slacked Ume'once a
week. Reraore the paraeltra from the
windpipe with a feather dipped In
Pot a little turpentine or
camphor In tbe drinking wntw.


Lawns, SpedK al ya^ AC

5«e.SllkHose at

They arc partly of Asiatic blood,
but in their selection, whicb oztenda
over a period of fifty years, attention
has been paid to rapid grovth and
egg prodoctlnn. so that the bned to­
day more nearly reramblea the Leg­
horns than does either the Plymouth
Rock or Wyandotte.
One fundaicenul difference stlU «xIKS that ihow* the AsUUc origin of
the ted chicken, they being persUtra^
Tbe Rhode Uland Reds do not
Ihemscivcs with ecrtaloty
as to ahsde of color or style of comb,
but In practical jwlnu tb«r may be
cooBidcred'a distinct and wMl-raubllshod breed.
In the eastern part of the United
States are many farms keeping from

- bens and
devoted exclusively to tbe production
Of poultry and eggs for tbe market
Tho use of any breed on such farms
should be good witness of Its utility.
Tho UbuUilon of the breed* used on
neh plants as are shown to Ibo
writer give* the following rnaulu'.'
Wbite Wyandotte* occupy flr*t
place, being nsed on aboct twice as
many pUnU as any other one breed.
Blngle^mh White I.egborn*. Darred
Plymouth Rocks and Wh.lic Plymeaih
Rocks follow next In order. Rhode
Xaland Reds. Ught Rrahmas. DnS
Wyandottea. Ruff Flymonth Roeka,
Drown Leghorn* and Black Mlnorcns
are the other breeds In nse. Icgborna. Mlaorcaa and Rhode Island
Reds are naed on the egg fama,
light Urabmas and Plymouth Rocks
on the roaster and enpon planta.
while the broiler and combination


—Go»na In regular and Empire Kyles;
drawers In several styles: all alzes;
trimmed with luffle or lace.


Coach Hammocks

does not know enongb to fix It ■
the V
TUI atay fixed. Tbe ieglatatbr lounge*
tn the leather chair* In the state
Capitol and deliver* profound dlaAs layers the Wyandoftra aeem to
oounea on it and iu use* and abueea.
rank about with the Plymouth Rocks,
and the best way to fix it and keep it
but belBg Bomewbnl more active abd
fixed. The board of auperrlaor* i
Md look wise and-Ulk ' tbelr brads

9.85 I "1^L^=?7.5« 1

$16i0 FW Coals flial were $29, S21S0 and $25

ler Dresses

25c Ttsswe Ctoghama at

Construction of Drag.

for Summer and early Fall wear.

tfic. S1.3». tiJO and SlA»: Gingham*. '
DiwUle*. Lawn*. Percalea. Chambray*, S<
er*. etc, etc. Hound and •qnare neck*. with At
short nieevra. Self trimmed and oontrastlng
cffceti or Uce an dcmbroldery trimmed.

Aalde From Leveling Ground Imptw
Used for Transport-

Fanner, tn winter It can be nillUed
ebclter potatoes or otb’v vegetaWee
hkve been
hauled _np, and
set np atantlng It forms
tection for the bed of a brood sow.
To make tbe drag take a section of
tog 6 or e feet lung and split until tho
sections are 2 or 244 Incbe* wide.
albumen of milk- For the tormatloa Ia* these eectiona aide by aide and
of those materlAbb. proi'.'in la alao- 00 top at eith^ end nail a 2 by >
Intely indlspenaabla.' It la Important
to remember that ho anbaUnce free
ConKruct Market Roads.
from nltroRon can.'be eonverte
Ohio ia about to embark on tbe
for protein. It la. therefore, notee- atructloo of what It calls a tyatem of
market roads which la to cover the
aary f<u- an animal to receive a t
Uln amount of protein in order - enUre autc. it llgures that by tbe
maintain existence, grow or produce penditure of $:;.l>0(i,00{l to JSAM.bOO
a year for tea years U will be able
brim; the system to complHlor. If It
“Carbohydralea" are made oi
•cveral eabatances. nauaTIy divtdnd does eo. it will have to be luekler or
Into two RToopei namely, nltrocen. wiser than New York slaU- has been.
free extracts, I:
General Road Work.
gums. etc., and crude flber. Coarse
Tho sUte statute on ronda reads
fodder* contain larg* amonnu of
crude flbrr. while Brain and mill that all general road work should be
atuSf coataJn little fiber, bat are rich done btdween the first of April and tbe
flmt Of Oaober.
In starch nnd suRar.
Carbohydrates are either stored op
Weeds Interiere.
In lliy body as fat. or arc burned In
the system to> prodnee beat and eaTbe sptU-Jog drag wiu n.-ver make
good ro*di while overgrown with
> In the fence corner.
hi“—or the malerlal dissolved
from a feeding stuff by ether, and for
Problem Solved.
this reason often destenated as -ether
exlracf—Includes the fata, wax and
The earth will doubUem
RToen' colorinis matter of plants The used ie rural communltlc-a for many
fat of food la either atored up In the yea-*, because of its low flr« cost.
body or bnrucd'to furnish heat and The ever-recurrlnR problem of npk«-p
As a heat-producer, a pound on such a road can be eoived^ very
of fat la worth ai-moch aa 22 pounds laiKvIy by the use .of the apUt^og
of carbohydralw.

Careful Atteiitten Shmild Be Given'
to/Llve Stock te MalnUla Produetiveneee of Farm. "

now, offers a really wonderful chance^to se­
cure your Fourth-of-July clothed at an
actual, bonaflde saving!
Men’a^Suits ^hat J .95|Men's Smts
g _4g




TheGreat Sale of Men’s Suits Ladies’ Coats, Seasmi’s Best Values
Every good fabrip in the popular models
^Itobntinues all tbia week, and coming

a minim

1 find a field dnuc a naeful tool. AsIdk from leveling the ground it can be'
used for carrying etumps .and stones,
wrltoa C. C. UarabaU of llelhci
Spring Tenn.. tn the Mtaaourl Velley



Saturday at whicb poeters were oeied<-d. By the nse of lets freak advertis­
ing and the nze of more atraight adPublicity PUns Laid
vcrtlKupit Is hoped U ^ « better job
. «turoay.
, lhan a year ago on an appropriation
■n.. nmdns ClnM Trav—c™ I „„
il»a tlut M lul R.
fair D te be well advertised. That fact' suits arc wli(t the present officials bbwas tiettlcd at a meeting of the'ill- taincd by the following of the mrat
rertors of the assoriatlon held lost approved boKnes* metiio^.

The World Has Moved Some

‘BESX” Eloup
was first manufactured ; buUt was the BEST then
and is ^e BEST now. The quality remains the same.
The quantity has increased and the sales grown. Did
YOU order a sack yesterday ? Do it today.

The Hannah & Lay Co.
Millers lor Fifty Years

Crates and IBaskets
Sixteen-qaart cr^es at 14 cents each and bask­
ets at factory prices. In baskets we sell the bushels
with side handles and covers,, if wanted; <me-haK
bnshela, both bale and rade handla; the full measare bushels; wide band bushels; wide band one and
one-halfhtnjtels; 5 cent market baskets; four, six and
eigbt^und peadi ba^ets; lunch baskets fnmi 15
centsito 25 cents eabh; clothes bpskets from^O cents
to $1 each; oak bushel baskets at 35 cents each. So
don't suffer from the ueed of baskets. Get what you
want at tbe comer Fitut and Cass streets.

Fruit Jars
If you need some fruit jars we can fqrnish you
with the common Mason jars or the Seal Fast In
pints, quarts and one-half gallonai These are the
kind tlmt seal fast simply by prying down on the
glass top with a lever
is attached to tbe can.
At the comer of Fn«t and Gass streets.


mi IS nuntttL
(C«attaa«d iratai p«a eo&)
U« nWaet et dlCallK ww« aot i
vte were met*tr r«petUa» ihe’baU*.
Uft.BtCUr wUh wiiwh evcrrooe 1»
They Ulkod from «ctua1
u« pracUctl experieacX|k the growtag of tlM crap, sa well m tron a
•etaotinc Maa4poinL The tvo mb
who noIlT>zpo«B4ad npos the wb}Mt tor which (he tour U beinc
^ toaed. wore Prof, mtu of M. A. c.
«o4 C. H. Altea, bb elfalfB eipertTrom
Martoa. Ohio.
WUh theee
howorar, were other ep^era^who
Ulkcd apoB thlagB doaely coBa^teO
aai harlD^ to go with (be produaion
ol alfalfa.
Hr. HuBforg. of Abb Arbor, who
baa charge of tbr field work In elate
agrtealtare apoke briefly of the
thtaca the oopanaioBt waa trying to
aceoapUab and the help U waa wllltag
to Aire to the ramers Id aoMog bti
prablew and helplog to Incroaa
. ylaid par acre.
c. U. AOea treated the aobieet of
alfalfa fraa a ataadpolBt which alloweaj of DO diipue, HU rbarta.
which by the way were forraed from
oaperUoeata ' corering -yean

year whlA he OlhehrUe woufd bsVe
war* eoaplMe and eoarlae- loat whUa waUlag in bm U tea crop
going to |<R)ve a proAtabI eone.
teg. Be abewad tea eaaet dtVeraaee ns
The fact (bat the soil Is sonr docs
la ptorUa between alfalfa and other K peerwt It* ever being use
cropa, tee aanner la which tt wonld .jlfa. The lime lo sweeiga
tecrease the value of t^ farm, itt to near at hand. Nearly all the twamja
through this section are uaderlald
rUToneaa'aa a producer whea fed imh marl. The swamp at the
to the atoek and tee e
........................... In
qoantiUee of
high grade marl.
raaaon of the nunerou tfcitif. It e-ni^ vot qo
It to the white Imw'dery earth. rurdo tor the betterstent
can he found In _____
ly every swamp
In 1-eeIanau and
e»«r------------------------------Congresaman htclanghlln. who U Grand Traverse countlse. This marl
now. aa a raanlt of (hr redtstrlrllng. should go on farm lands by tee wagon
the repreecntatlrc of Orand Traverse land. 1C caonot do any harm, and
coonty __________nth dUlrkl. «|»ke of where the grouod is sour It will im­
the federal workk along agrlculitjnil prove croiis. iiarti'-aUrly alfalfa, sev­
ttnee. the effort tthe aoTeroment waa eral bnndred per Cent. Mapl Is neltur
making to brlfi the fanner, and the than burned Ume or rocu lime; furrcaaoci (be nation and the rlty man 'therniore. t( I* chca|>er. for it cat
ba/f for the haoUDg, as It to abuni

aniT' to a faithful facsimile of tte nrigInal painting. Tbhi <
a gift of Mr.

and Mte H. 8. HuU.



north Bide. TbU baa -two abower
batei. lavatory, and panUary AtiaUt«
cupa. Rrerythlng In bote of tease
rooms are of the rmr laiaat style and
Vere Insuned by -l^-a / Mercer
company, as wgs MT the pltUnblng of
the church. They also made
steam table In the ki^ben.
, There are lockers (o be put in cm
^ north able of the basement for
ihe Mnyi and J6« as Koon as the deteand can be supplied there afil be
p set Of then pot In on the

The •Cbincal-h-Vnew id«a. It At
Bst the rail with open standard*, a^
a addfUoa ba« a curved table on tee
Inside to hold the ctenmnnlbn enps.
nntfl the entire cangcegaUim bas-par,
Uken and they can be eoveM at te«
elpte of tee service and removed aft­
erward. In this' way there it no eonfnslon and a targer nnmber can M
served with no loss of time. The pul­
Hesting Want./"
pit to s beautiful piece of work and , This to a* complete is any that
One Evanlng Mestlnt.
In full 'keeping.
ibe other H«1injtns tver Ins^led and ba* been arAnother foatare of yesterday's t
fur^ture. This and the commnnieiin.^god for the easy handling of
tiatgn wo an evening meeting at
taWe were gWU of Miss Laurette F*K
-J|oal and all the necessary care of a
irnace. The coal to unloaded In tee
farmer* from (he i .
cre<l after supper and lnsp<The iMilpii ptatfonn to covered with,' ^r of the church- through
alfalfa charts and heard the ttor;
beantlhil ralrat carpet |n (he aoir |ole and dum|>ed into a funnel t
the proAtablenens of growing
Bhadea of broite' test harmootoe wUhT |in (bst lias au opening directly
I( wz
was reported ai the Ruchley meet' The wurrouadtaga. This carpel U nUo (he door of the fonuce. AU the flreIng that C. II. Hell, of Ucsick. had In all tee alalea and adds to much to kan has to do to to open the small
sold 100 liuabels of lUralfa seed and the dignity of the luretohlngs.
4oor In the chute anA shovel toto (be
that 100 bushels more had been ship-'
fnrnsee door which to only
pod In. This mean* that alfalfa grow-:
The basemeot has received a* rniidi
Ing to well started in tee Mesiek
attcaUoo as any part of tee edlftoe
for the Mstsoa tent there arc so mamr’ etcrxDQsasts that are scattered aboat
uses 11 will be put to. When the ea- the church Indicate the temperaiure
room to thrown Into one greet And when It reaches a certain d
audUoriom It can seat coo at Ubies tee doors of tee funme* aro cither
Eighth Gradars EntHicd
High oehooi

help and with tell, splendid home this
he en ho
weed for different purposes has the
The ^ial wnckeW Jfz. Oweps at
duster system, and these' are all
- pIpeergsmaaEri^d^ cto^
erad with a prepnrad netting ao that
n nsed fOr baaketbaP or Ipdoa/ ball enjoyed hy everyeaa,,
, e.
At the elose
Bishop Quayle ^e« nU the oSkrtol
board and (ba prealdWs of .(he vv*
church ergantoattoma to tea
chancol and dMiurad tee ekvite ever
to them and read tee farmal esrw moalca.
Who Lid the Work.
Those Who were Instrummted la
mnklag the church the hMMlfnl MIA
lag that H to nra;
Pastor. Rev. WBhar W. HtKnp.
DulMlag commitiee. W. O. Herhnrt.
At. S. Hull, W. N. KellQg. G««rga W.
Urdle. James to. PhtUlpa.
Finance committee. Bowiaad OoMlena. A. J. Majnard. E. P. Allen. W.
B. Herbert. George Downs. L D/
Bebbs. U Soaeoe, Cilaton D. KeHay,
O. A. HblUday.
Arekftect'W. E. N.H—t» at OetralL
• •■icU-,'-'Coatraetor George ’^Luimr.
The painting was dona by Saltt *
The electric tight lUtazM «tsa la
suUed by tee Boardmaa River Wtmtrie Ught and Power coamany.
The R. J. Mercer ifc Co. looked aftor
tee ptamblng and made tee auam
Tha ledtea ar.tbe vmrltms aoetettee
fnniiMted Uw -rest room and the ledies’, room and Uded materially U
raising fu
funds to snpply Urn kltchea

n me- seressiiy oi goon reaua.
Pnif. PdUs wbb (ho man who rrally
lid (bo fsnuors what to do to raise
IfalCa BUcxWsrult}. hon- to treat ibtr
il and what to do with the i>rad
cr barveatod. lie la a prarti
■mer himself as well aa having
I Angora' ends all the knowlei
which grleaco hat contributed lowi__
successful farmlne He deowmstratod

‘ '
ho^- to test their suil
try alkaline element.
HUE |«per or marlatlc
add. and told thorn what prooprtlons
- 'ItiH^tono ahonld be adde.1 r
were acid and laoked tho
ssary to noulrallie It. Aft«
there will be .no danger of iajartng
tho farmers wore given a c
of qnosttonlng him. and to aay tboy
took advantage of thlg chance would
Qas to nacd U the kitchen for the
be iiultlug It mildly.
ranges and the.steam Ubie nod thto
J. F. Zlmmor, federal agrtri'iUnral
Waa Installed by the Traverse aty
assisum. with headquarters at Mantnoo. and the nuin who will have
Oas company.
charge of tills lerrliroy. s|ukc brioAv
Following I
names (*f the
Eunday Whool.
at each meeting, offeHng bU servieea
BBd Inviting the fartiiors to consult srhnlan tlironfteoul the county whn
On all Sunday*, uulesa for specUl
him upon any snblect which waa botb- suererafully paasod the eighth grade
oeraakns the Urge sliding doors wfl]
eHug them. A b iter addreteod to eumlaatluas a£d are therefore onUlled
be closed op test .as soon aa the with
him at any time will bring an ansr (Ucr o.>y high acfaool In the aute
and if noecssary he will <ocne to i
church to dismissed the. school can
farm and invcKtigate fob himself,
asivmble in tee east room of the
Thefe were twenty eeeea aaloe ud
Fife Loke
ho Is unable to dlngnnsolhe alltng.
teurte which hns a arating cajiaclly eight tvrlagee la traat of the etaarch
all apratni cvpert from Washiogton will
Albert Hodges. Monto Uiuka. Allene
rota, bnrna bralaea and eralda RKh brought here.
the ground floor of 260. Here all yesterday mqrnlag. ..
the openlK services of the school
Thera were over ope bnnilrad hsMaS
J. I. aibton. aocmary of the develthe beat thing to uae. ReUerea (he opmoni
bureau, summed up the uikt
will be ilbndovtod. As soon as teeaa In tha eudicogts at bote Uw 'ssrvtoaa.
pain, redueee awelUng. Is a perfect of tee me
ola a fr» word* at the cloie
the claaaes wOl armmble In Taken as a whole they enjoyed the
antlcet4ir and beela rapMly.' Effect­ of each ineotli.hv.d:»ulbutod
circulars Opal llaUlday. Ralph lllcka. Roy Few
ive alao when taken for Cholera Mor- and booLlela oa atlalfa growing,
as mocfc as tha alper ones.
ex- teas. Paul Boskej'. Albert Weleln. Rus­
but. Cramp* and njaentery. Prlre bibUed the now 8unn.> rli« lalwl which
neaih. These arc so arrmnged that
As far as possible alt te^work and
ti eta. Sold by nil drugglita.
sell Mang. EfAe Koan. Jeasie Brewu.
will go uimn the select apple* from
roller partitians can be towered and the fuiitohlag were-<dl*ar .Anna by
this eoction and tianed the organita- tva Hulett. Jeaae Starr. Ida Beck,
fourteen rooms for separate cUascs local people or came, tenaa^ local
llor of the alfalfa clulw.
Bertha Sparling. Cari
formed seating from tweniy-flve to cooccrua
Five Clube Organized.
Dewey Weaver Elsie NIckenion. RriUh
thirty each. El^en move rooms can
.After caoh mooiing alfalfa cliil>» Hsrkman. Mary Arlt. norenee Sitn
George Dowaa wU be' the offletol
woig organized. AM thit I* nero«i
be formed in the basemenL A per- core uker of the diarte. Be 4e a
Alban Zenner. Rather (’unplaglor a clttbthe agreomont of
SOD can pass from
to the other I practical carpeatar and
meo to sow at least one acre to
bam. Frank Saylor. Ada 1-ey.
In the spare ^ fronL and racb class.the many derartmeota that wUl
talfa. Exiiorts from ihe state <-oUeg«
Old Mlsaien
Ooe of the creatett baaken of d from tho department will oonv
ran bo dtomtosed without lnteirupUng| under hto care,
Morton TVescou.'Leslie Oore. Brare. with no espenso to the tanarrs
the etbera. A poatofflce has been I The Qtmen GUy Plara) 'Cas
repi their care wblls hero, and wUl lee DeOtaw. Ralph Lardle. TIni
perieaoe and ofaeerratlaiu in
Installed on the grpund floor operated ] firnlshcd the flewera for (he ae
the plaoUag, the ireainient Tompklna. Vivian Helferlch. Almon
of the magadBiL Here u an ob- suiiervlse
■ImtIar to the one that hu been in'veeterday which coniribtMed so week '
of the soil and will give the fanuers a DeGtws. Roy L. Cbaae. riiffurd Fouch.
gimtioa that rtngi out like a fire start which nearly nlwayi guaranU'o*
oiientloa tn the fVmgrpgaUonal Sun- to the artistic arteemsMats of the
^ to the frogtymoniliig of gpeo- a nurcetslul crop. The men selefted Tom Valley. Cladya'll.trtey, Ila War­
school for acrcrol years. Three sre Pkl^hnd Platform.
aa eecreurlea of tho various clube. ner. Cecil H. Lafayette.
the only two In the countr)-. The
There are' several «
wbre as follow*? Honn dlwrlct. Wm.
“I have Men a bmeh of
pnrlrh worker waichcs the boxes and before the weok^ ^ get^.Jon ft
Kratochvll: Urawn.
Aldrich; ilockflllBree walk Into nasy a wldow’e loy. U C. Cornell; Ronnie. Will -N'vl- Ida CanffeW. Myrte Baldwin. Dnlrte
when there are several papers she
home and eteal her Uttie toheri- aon; lUneom. J. H. Ituell; Sabin club.
to the home to ascertain the
It was a blmtirnl al^( to Mt to th*
Horton. Calls Horton. Mary Powell.
toaeek Z hare aeen them take the
reason and have Ihe scbolara returned audience for the eveotac.sarrkea and
Day of Can
Oeo. Gouner, Herscbel'Thomaa, Harmoney of orphaki withont the The LaU
alfalfa men are 1 teeir 1
The menbenhtp Is nearly watch the eettiag stm Atm tero^ ■
oW Horton. Willie Grundy.
and each paHon can see and bear the nutmnaUcally opened or ctooed as
campaign for this county. They
the wtadows and than have tea ataeCram Center
apeekera. «o'matter at whtoh enA-of the ^*e requires. Thv rare turer 4<W srlte an average sttsndance
to.lay Id the Ane faraliW sotiioii
me nghta gradnaliy tamed «a stew,
examine* these at Ume* and all be 3S&
who had wmkad a lifetime to gave the southc^tst. the east and tho norib- Amy Snyder. Helen Sobealar. Lena >e room that ublc may be placed.
Evening Servicss.
erf Traverse Cliy. The iwtni* Wlncbcemb, Belle Strong. Glenn Buring up this and teat pan of the house
Thto ran be used for ba*keil«l1 and has to do to If they register below
a modact cmnpetence. * * * It east
being made are Utrmkm- acboolbou
until Uw full glory of the aeeae was
Indoor ball, and other athletic aport*. normal to go to the furnace and reb pgriiMi* natnral that widowa. East Bay town halL Weens atero
large an audience aa
In view.
When the Urge room to not needed prealsb the coal.
and ehildren. and old men ahonld Acme. Williamsburg ball. CrUp * sit.^
Many had aot been able to attend the
The grosnd was first hMua fW
Ventilation System.
fall Tictimi to the 'romance of flg- at Bates. McKinley schoolhouso. Stony Melvin Bewald. Marie Arnold. How- there are sliding doors that will en­
earlier araetlng Ktohop Qnsyle took tee new church oa May A this and
Beach schoolhouse. I.*rdles store a; ard Arnold. Metta Whiu«D. Hazel Ba­
area.’ ”
'lapleion. A Ane abowor early this con. Ida WhIiaoD. Irak Arnold, Hattie able emails fpotei In he mada There
the ehnrch wqs turaad eear te tha oA
The banker tuee the word "per- wrnlng netUod the dust so that trav.
provisions for eln-en of lhc*c. A* tem,land U one of the most complete
ficlal boasd June >0, IPU.
hapa” to qualify, and we are glad eling U the U-st. Three of the war Ashmore.
soon as possible a reading room wilt in (Re worlA The air as it to receiv­
the morning nearly |;.000. The apeakOne feature of the new chnreh Is
iker* are hurrying over the road so
be doet. It ticklat oar pride if it as to
iUshed. The room* will l« ed from outdoors through Isticed winthe Pore Marquette train
of the evening was Rev. George
- , that there Is- .. belt Then are many
CIsrIbfd Green. Gerrude Idrhty. Gcr- o|>en each week day and night
dowg comas into the big boxes and la
chaltangea onr honetty to believe south catch
at :>
I. to make c
wfii Hh« this toevailsh.
that the "romance of flgttree" llOlBtmCDlB.
The floor Is polished hardwood.
Then were a aamb«r of ^ garWmiamaborg
Pound Sour Soil.
apraadi iu net for women, ddlThere ha* always bx-en a crying de­
I's Mtoalonsr}’ eoovmioa andjOsa who came tram the
The most slgnlAcant feature ofd ye*.
Myrtle Pox. Benina l-euson. Garnet mand for a suitable place to care tor aent,throngh tubes to the fsns that
dren and old men. Bnt list«n to ;crday'g
trip was th.- Held wo :. Soil Oianey. Opal Stafford. Gladys Pray.
Chief Poit Office liupeetor Dick- tests were tnado. and la one______
n large number at banquets and many are hl>erated by a Urge motor and
an: "SeventyAeren million dol- prominent Garflet.l townahip farmer Mildred Gardner. Selena R. Moore.
would hare been given bad there sent^to all pprto' of the church. ThU
lira wag the imoont the ‘eaay was saved fully lion Id Um«-. lal>or and Ruby Grady. Verabell Fox. Mary been n place as large as this, liar-' coohtair eAii be sent through
He wai- Intending to sow thlrmaria' of-thb ngntry doled out seed. acres
in mind (he official board ho'im In three mlnut^ Uiaa.
to alfalfa. The fsokci
^Traveraa City
riially the motor 1* In motion
to get-rich-qnidc thievee laet year,,
with tee euggpstions qf ten ladles’ orInto hi* AeM and e*at.._aed tb
Clarahelle Dunn. Nellie Gallagher. ganlxatlon*. ha* arranged one of lh<* wl.110
audiences are gathering,
and theaefraadnlent'tovettmenb' soli and found It entirely unAt
will conttone to ezift ai long ai a
loM oomplete kMchans^ercr pUnned thei^shut off. WTicn the eongregatini
eerttto clan of toveetora atrive
rlsed to King the hymns, the motor
for a nl^Bar hulMifig. There are
r. therefore, has been saved Ihe McKinley,
TVrey llousding, Gale
withont knowledge or experience seed that would have been used, he
gai lanjl^ one %f then (he very I* a work again, and in ihb way
to make their little capital earn has been *a\ed the labor of sowing Gleason, Marjory Peart. Hilda Zim­ latest model that to made. The ether Uief*<nmd of the motor to net
merman. Rosa tfarkins. Lulu Harkins.
more than the legal rate of inter- the seed, and be has been sa'
Was one that baa hwn In use and tioa hea« and dc^-s not disturb t
Vera Touker. PHa May Cooper. Oakel
been set up and will
used a* ocea- No fatter how »arm It may be outitced Cezama Remedy.
Miller. Bernhw Miller. Eva Irtah. Al­
Ton WMj know to a moral cor. The foosunt
Itching, burning, red- fred Manineau, Jacob Miller, aavllla aloD requires, “^ere ,lp s complete slderthe Inxerior ran be kept at Just
tatoty the man who b not chattog eat. rash and disagreeable efi
steam table with eight compartments tho^bt'coolness to make It comMelaoD. )Iabel Sunqueet. Ruth Shane.
the “remanee of fignrea" into the cicma. tetter, nail rheum, ltd
fortnMe at all times.
IPS sad vegetahleA sad
Mabel Monroe. Mary Bleln. Blanche
tronbled water of SPECULA. ad Irrl..................
Kubeah. Hiarlaa' Rnkoa. Orla North. Pisces for rossts. The ^ keeps
nOE: They are the men and
these hot at all time* and meals can
women with their eavtoga to aome
be prepared seraqBI hours in advance.
111., aays; “1 bad eczema twenty-Ave, Helm. William Ransom. tU/Aus(ln.
■troog hnk. like
A tins coffee urn Is situated next to installed I all the larger boUdIngK
years and had tried everything. All
tho table. The ladles bavo provided in (bo ell
ntned: Wlten 4 found Dr. Kobaon's
Keirma OlntmeDi 1 found a cure"
There i
a complett set of sllvejwaro to take
Thu ointment Is the formula of a i
care of 600 with all-jhn naperj' Oecoswhere they an eantog the retain alclan and has l>een In uaa for yeai
, (ConUnned from page
snry. The china-cloaeto are arrang­ two in the galleries. The cleaner to
an exiterlment. That Is why
that mfety (Betatet, and the prin­
hltld schedule. All of the speakers ed for jonvcnicDce and (be large sen - attached to these tubes that ar«t built
cipal and totereet tbeire to COM*
did not get,to all of tee moeilngs. but lug teblq to built *o that the* ladle* In the wall* and *el In motion,
this was 4 rpal advantage because Jn waiting do not have to imss into,the dust and dirt to (atbered np U
those wbo^w siMiak tens had ad<y the kitchen at all. everything
to carried by these tnltoa to the Mg
«maie Ume to preMSt their Meat. be reached from th# dining room side reuiner in the furnace room where
« 9M fM tt. t. Church.
Thursday# schednlo was tee sUffast and many stop* are tens aared.
h to sifted automatically and the
of (be entire campaign. It Moiatned
160 arts of knives, forks
and I finer dust to carried to tubes tn the were nnxloiu to Itotetf aMn. and (owns, some for tho day. elhera who
eight slope kgalnst seven for the
werp-thc gift of Mrtj. H, Ouea In the chimney and token up none were disappointed. It was a'
fce the fnU wtmk, fimae
moat atrenuooB day. Furthermore Us, & HnU.
with (h«< smoke and out of the build­ heart to heart talk that held the audi­
mileage waa the equal' of that of nnr
Ladler Room.
ing The targer particle* are rolled ence's closest attention. He said that, or tee memhen hsrve tovttot'teetr
or the previous days.
. Onthe aonth side of tec dining r
Into balls and can be Uken out at the God « tec Blbla wt* a human ««*«»
ttv •Ui tep^.
Spaakera Wera the Same.
U one section set aside for the
I the l>o(tom of the retainer and put god. and tetowaa ao for be bad-other gathratega of tha asiihsatfta
The j>praken for the last day were of the ladles that ran be used tor:lnu the furnace and buraefi. There rracbed dowjl^to June day to Uw Thera were May nrh* walkii to motee same as those lor the SMond. In anmll aedal gatherings, meetings o( i to not n toast chance for a partield of roaei and parted them wtth peacns'eral milea l« attomd toNb> ths aaraddition there were oU
tee differed boards and the like,
'dnat to be left In the fooma and tee ef light to moke them fresher for! rices.
in gelUng ‘-alfnlfa on every term.*- to tnralshed wlUi oozy chairs, sad has duster will be a thing nnknown to'thto thto occasion. The world was mde
Several gnasesam faa*to- Mt to
SnpL Ia. L. Tyler repraaentod the «dnBtamber of fine rugs ba the floor bulMIdg. This sjtolcm was Inaulled for man. He t^en weal oa in hto ouhMafptSoaa tram ■fTWmmt Datonft.
teUonal Interests of Tnveras City. and aevcral targe mirrors are hung oa and to the gift of J. O. Crouer.
charaetertotic way and deoerlbed tec Ojand Bipfdk oad
Loon J. Baker represented tee Trav. Uw walto. This to easUy reached from
six days of the world's nmkli
with a Coe
d Air Bpraynr and aaa« time and money. One
City Slate bank oi thto day as Uw stolfway. '
The electric Rghtlng has been arIn Us hrightasss. tee moantaJna' Then wee* n aotohm sd>travaUac
he did on both of the pr
Raat Roam.
ranged for decorative effect and for: to (heir makaty.. and orighL tee'men to the awdtaac* Ma. asat ap
easier than three teen with the hand aprayert and he will also
l^t Natlonaj bank was represented
There to next to this a room dealg- aenfice. Three are K ligbo tn tea «ean la its sumltaitty, but man wa*
leas .material We have the Acme Quality and the •>ulo" Rprayera.
by IU president John Beadle and by
>t*d as the rest room, It to also tee dome and there Is a dontdo
made to the image of God. The build-1 lh|e to tee tormmto maaf-eatoptal*
The Acme Is made of heavy matarlal well soldered and tested to 60
Howard Musaalman: and tee Rec- chlld'a rooSL ThU I* appropriate!? Above tee organ ML - The .elnatM togs of the ages were Urlag teonghto. J lastttiiUoaa] chan* to Rsetoera MMpound prMsure fnlly guaranteed. Il to flnlahed In alnmlnnm
twd-Baglc by R. H. Btoworth.
with a iMtber hlvan. a (hat are placed at tha amat araQabts nw.preaeat adiftoe etands ter tee lean and aa tha ptoM am-patfaeiRd
paint and eBameted enda The Auto Is a atrong terrloeable sprayer
The Wg meetings of the dty srere nnmber of easy rocksm.'seiraral mir- plaeea give a splendid snbdoad UghL blghent character. The efanrek aboald many new teotaraa wOl ka pat 1^
tl^f never gives any bMbnr. We quaraatoe both, at thane waynrs
those Of wnitombnrt and at Maple- ran on tee walto and all the n
The wiring was done hy A Hosting* preate every hour of tee day to ev-|o|wratiaa tor the hsaWK of the eUr
to give perfect saisirarllon. Come In and sea thorn, every •pnyi^
The first was in the vfllage ball articles for such, a room. '..This was | firm but the fimnwa ware aUJorntoh. <eryeae. and tee apeahw ttU be waa|aad the raglea to csncM. Thto wBl
tested by use before we send It out
and tee second In front of Peter Lnr- rnnilabod wtih ths fnhds tM were ed and ti|sUUed by ths Boardmaa ••o gUd to know that thto church was' be one of Uw g
«a's stora. Although these i
raiaai when the baby phow wks «lven Rlrar Electric uph* and Powm com- 1
MMdy fell of rain during the
Mat wlatar.
jpany. who alas ktadly dosatad tee eonld oome and play and pray. Thara hare many oimmtoatttH *ivaa Mm
meeting those tn attendaaoe ga
. Toilet Jtooma
use of (he electricity that- was aeed are the rough ^cea everywhere and af taktog advaataga of . tlw new
oloaeat of sUealton end by teelr quesThis^is one of tec features of the during the constraettoa of Uw bnUd-1u to tee ehureb's work lo aid to.tiw'ohnrch. H vfH gtv* thorn apMsto.
r-'—'-x that they were arewuy
Jana proved
greatir ouofcn. The ladim- loUet rooms-are Ing. The w'lrtog la the basementto •moofhlag and the laemben are gtv- drop to A an timm af tho to^ and
aid4 of tha
—........ -V----------------—... of lendiag teato|av«atos.

sraaiad ti tbs alfaKa quesUtm.
'on ilw i
it|arraagsd —
to -•—•
•& tho epportuBlty


Hie Romance of
^ Figures

tbk cn^atte te teUtiif of hit



in caTuii.E. noiti khutb

Spray Your


mi oKfi vn RMim




WAlda Wawtagin af Paabmila la i
Luaby Lad.



Om NifM Will •• «|Nfrt In Trivm*
City an« M<wWtf» M Party
wm Ri« Pr*^y

WaMo Koatacot. ot tba Paalantla,
*in CO-to tba mcbl^ State (air aa
a caaat of that
ba paaaad »6.« par oaat lb both tba
aadaatwariDc twenty t
oat by tba (air ataoclaUbb Bai
year thU la done, and Uit year Homi
WUlobaa, of .tba Panlamla, waa tba
iDcby yonne maa Tbora are m
tbUca that are aotowortby. eoaeenilag tba Penlnaula yonne people. Tbay
balte*a tn wlnnlns pritaa aad co attar
ytblnc that U annonnoad. Last
tan tb^ took ®7 per ea^l ot tba caah
prUat for tba beat com croam,
Eooda roada eaaay and Itaa pannanaMp'aaaar. Now comet this addition
al honor. What tbaaa yoang people
bare done otbara can do nod It la up
to the real of tba townthipa to protba prUa-wlnnlnc boya and cilia.



Fire Friday comidately destroyed
la stock of goods of tbe U-Bot 8Utars. 152 Bast Front stradt and |At
W. J. Hobbs. Aa meat man out of
boslnaaa for a ttma. Tba alarm was
tnraod to at 10: lO aad tha lira do-'
nani made n rarord run and soon
as of bosa pUylug
h bsd gained considerable
headway beforo discovered. Tba orlgIn of tbe fire
*e is a mystery, but It wax
tlrat Been from (be rear of tbo mllllnary atore. There were Beverml wbo'
noticed tbe flames almost a( the nami
and rosbad to the btooc. Chief
Murray has a complete knowladgi* of
tbaa# buildings which tre In such
expoaed situation and the water was
played on tba bulldlnn from tbe moat
Tbs iron roof of tbo bulldini;
Pied by tbe LaBot eiatata handicap­
ped tbo firemen and allowod
Gamas to spread to tbe roof of As
Hobbs mint'market aad that prerentrd tba firemen from getting tbe fire
completely under control for . ec
tlpe. Chief Murray directed bis
tentlon to kecplog the Games (
Gned rto
two bupdlnsa and
showed (be excellent srork of (ho Gre
laddies to not allowing Ae Game
reach Aa American Express i
pany's building to tbe west snd tba
Menegsrl fruit slora on Ao cast.
It waa the uplKtr rooms over Aa fruit
store occupied by Fred Bcbell were
damager by water. TbU is one uf
Ae worst pUces In Ao city for fire
and Aa fact that tbara was no wind
at all and Aa aptoadM (ire Gghtlng
ability of Ao local department that
Trnvena City was oavad a eonflagrabegin to Hpan. This ta Itartf will (Ion second to none to Ae bUtory of
ta a big treaL
tba city.
"Programs . fcalculatad to allmulata
W. J. Hobbe hUtod tbto moralng
road Improremoat campaigns will ba
carried out at (be aranlng meetings Ast tbara waa very UUIe damage
nl Mnskegon. ManUlaa aad Trmrersa. done to hla stock at Aa maata were
all to Aa big Ice box. but from (he
City. It will ba a mistake for an(‘
condUion of tbe building and Ae great
body wlA an auto not to traral wlA
lUUaa of water that were
for one or more daya
thrown to Ae building some loss will
DeUlled schedulaa will be sent to Aa
come from this, which la fully cov­
nawopapars in Aa countiea Aroogb
ered by Insurance. He was able to
wblA tba special goes that arerybody
for buainesa thU morning i-veu
nay partldpata la Aa spacIsL «t least
Apugh ba WM handicapped by (ha
to As axifst of seeing tba. parade
POM by."
Tba compteU stork of Aa LeBot
Blatera waa utterly raloed. Mlllluory
goods ara aa easily destroyed by
water aad smoke os by fire.

jnMng rqute

The paoopect of a Urge crap
(ralta and T««aUblaa In Mtdilgan dur­
ing tba coming aeaaon will
tba buoy booaawlte to get tba empty
cana from down cellar and refill tbam
yrltb Mtebtgan'i chotoaat praducU.
Kara are a few MaU for aoeeeaafnl
caaalng. Docompoettion and tennentatlon of fnilt and.*
la canaad by cartala genua or bac­
teria. The prooaat
cannlag la almply tba dMtrnctJon of tbaaa gerau by
beaL fa cannlag. tba empty eaaa.
ooTera and rabbera ahould ba tboronghly aurlltaad by Ibe
of boUlag water, then tba fruit or
eegaiablee aboald ba placed therein
.and tboron^y cooked or ataamed lo
destroy nay ganna la the fruit prod­
uct aad tbaa bmeUeally oealed to
pravent tba anua&ca of any live
germa. Sotae baetarU are more ten-actona of life tbaa otbaaa aa>d tb^ la
panlcularty ao wUb aem aad peao.
.YegaUblea of. tbia rtmraeter tbould
be cotAad for at leant four b<^ to
Inaara tba extarmlaaOM of all bae>' teiia that nlgbt caoaa '‘worblag’' in
Bealdaa beat there ara amUla du
aad cbamlraU that win Caotroy tbapa
aeraaa. Tbaa ara plaaad «|RBl
market and aotd
pounda. Tba Boat wMaly 'Aanwa Id
Bold under tba nama-#( ‘■Mra.
Canning Compound’ MaaWacturWt
• IT
» Compoond ca^NM^I.
An ounoa paM>S^ «•<
ten canu. An analyois W EiM eoBpoond by AU department shows It
toConsIst or bertc eatd PS per aaat;
salt 4 1-2 par aant. snd batoodte ot
aoda one^half at one par cant The
use ot boric acM. Aa prttialpal Ingredlent of tbU compound, ta toad
producu. to abeolulely prohibited bj!
‘ - ■ovaraiaant and all auta
I baeaosa It to lajarloos
to heal A. lu Me. Is not aacMaary
area In Aa cansilBg of com. U«g
oonUnued beat will dratroy any germ
arltboot Aa use-at AemIcaU. Howav-.
ar. H any ot tbe Udica wish to asa'
-Mrs. Prteah Oompou^" dn«-t baf
h (or ILfO per pouad/whaa yon can
make a pound fW IT ewu as foGows:
Go to aay drag «tare\|bd gat IS
ouncaa of bortc pdd. price IS canto:
oea-teurA of baRsoats of sods, price
two cento, wd mix boA wlA aa
ounce of eomman salt and you wilt
have a.poand of Mta. Canning Oomponod. PraaervAUres to food sttilts
are abaolptrty nnaacaasary. The bast
canalag compa&las to tbe country
do not use Asm. WlA a good goaUly of fruit and vegaUMas and plenty
of beat no drag preaarvaUvsa are nsoaaaary. Xtont •ataalm your food
' atoffa
Rtata OaiiT and Food CommusioMr.


Tha loos will probably by
FOR wHb H.600 Insurance.
A Gra tg,-tbU disTiict and aspcHal)y at AU
called out on
They Were Rataaaad AfUr Promising crowd wbo watched Ae GiRmen until
to gatUa As Menton
tba last call of ‘fire out’ was given.
TrauMa Lour.
Many paopW. coming from Ae most
dliUnt jiarts of the clly. Tbe most
Bliariff G. AM RmUh received a Gaiterlttg comment were beard on sll
^Ira from Manton Batonlar warning Mdro (or Ae manner to which Chief
him of the approaA ot a couple of Murray and bis able aaslstanta ban­
spMd flands and aaklab that If poaaldied Alt firs. Tbe only accident was
bla be atop Aam barn and bold them.,
when the chief bad bis band badly
an Aa sberiS at Mantoa wnatod Aam
cut by broken glass. Ho would not
iot speeding Arougb that vlUaga TtM
leave Ms post to have the bond treat­
ear waa daocHbad as a white roadaltr.
ed unUl Ae fire
and aV Aa number and daacilpuun
control when be bad U properly dresswas little
Tbonaands of gallons of water
to nabbing the man hats. Chief
of Polloa Carson also raeotvad Ae da- were Arown on the buildings and Aa
^PUM and nbrni abont tan o'rloek Greiaan bad to fairly awlm when Aar
Aa m«t drora Into Aa dty Ibay at 'ware working to tbo Hobbs market.
once foand Aeowelvot coafroatml ty The bnlldlngs were owned by W. M.
As ebJat. They ware held SttUI a Btogbsm of this city and Dr. H. B.
wire was received from Mantcm. In- Garner, of'DaUolL. and were partialstractlBg tba officers bare u allow
(be mea to complete tbi-lr trip to
Maatolag. upM their iiramtoa to aeiUa wbea Aey ratnrnad.
The men stoned out from Grand
BapMa Ratorday morning aad ara Damy Kelly Mads Hurrtsd Trip to
Ptonnlag on spandinf aoma time to
(he norAan pmlntuto. When A«
charge upon which they ware wanled
Danny Kelly, a Waxtord county
Wat msmionad. tbar explained Aai charge, wbo has given tba poilca a
(bey nton have come tbrougfa Maaton great deal ot trouble on acoooat of Wa
witbaut natleiag It and bad not re­ gbUlA to abaoA llqoor and evade
duced apaad bneauaa of the fact that work, was ablpped tu Csdfilac yeaterAar were unaware that they bad left day upon orders from tbe poor comitry pika and were riding to
•( that oonaiy. Wbaa CMer
city MIMA ;'
of Police Carson went to (he Jail yeatarfiay after bu ebarga. Danny was
shaving, nad insisted on finishing his
Job. bot as there was barely time to
wMeb io make tbe naJa tbe cblat tnGllimto RalaiM Wrangisd Thravghowl aiatad that Immediate action
eaaarr. ao' Danny wiped off Ae toUer
and WlA erne Mdo of bla (aoc ahavad
aad An other supporttog a liberal
BprtagGaM. 1U., June M.-Tba IIH- grawA of alfalfa be was burned to
note togtoUfure -adjourned at sunrlsa tbe depot and put oboard bis unto. Ou
today afler a aaastoo notable (or the
of All uncentleawnly treats .<officerr tthat Ala
dodal aad
r told As
Tba paaaage ol waa poaUivaly tba tost time that ha
a Mil granilv rotas t
wpidd arar set his foot on Tn^rrac
Iba most important leg
City aolLvAlcb promlae It Is bopbd be
gwoLof tba'eaaalob.
wlU Ua?.



Your Sunday go to Matin’
clothes may be most ready to put on
for every-day wear.
Why don’tyoa take our advice
and bay

Laak of Wittd Wm All That Prevented
One of Meat SaHoua FIrae
In tba Nlatary of

na W«t Mlditm PUe AM>cta^
(iM baU • maatiac «t Pai« Placa
abtb Pnutk HaalMsA. t^atnma of U»a
aiacmira oomaltwa. MwlnBas.- and
Klchmrd M. HoSMa of
raurr. «ltb a H. Day M Olaa Harea
aad iMia L G|bM at Ttwrenm City
toamban ot tba coantttaa. Tbla wai
I Bcbadala at
raa rrota 8L joa/tb Bmaaat caaaty.
Tha toorlac party will laava bl ioa
Toaaday noralas. Jaly Bih. apaad tba
flaat oiebt la MoMt^oa; sanad alsbt
la Maatatae; tbM ai^t to TiaToraa
City; toanb alsbt to CbarleroU or OaUHad Plana for tha Great AutaPatoabay, rWorotax ea Saiarday to
mablla Trip Ara Maw
Maalataa. maklac roar fall dayo. eoltii'
Raing Made
orar tba traak llaaa aa doalcnatad by
tba raeaat act of tba
DIatlacnUbad nan wni acoonpaay
"Not oab' ta tba Waat Michigan
tba party. Tba movamant artti attraet Pika an ooaurad fact but (be
a larca nambar ot paopla Many wHI parity apaclal which la to go orar
taka tba antlra Yba. otbara only portba pika tba aacood weak ta July
tloiia ot K.
praiqlaaa to ba a big (aaturn.” said
Tba aebadnla la Marly eoaplata
Ur. Wiutam DeKlelna of Grand liaraad from appeoraaca It wlQ be tba
an. tba praaldaat of tba Ptka Aaaodaa tor good roada
Uon. thto Dwrnlng.
that baa aran been pui on In Mlibi*Tba Inapactloo trtp begins w|tH
Sc ioaepta Monday
TiwTaraa Oty paopte will ba treated
with dMUnctlon la that the party arllt tng, July 7. Tba toilowinc moraine
wa will aun on 'the northward Jour­
raacala bora over night 'Hia Tra<r-'
araa City Oaod Roada aaaocUUon wUi, ney. reachlni Moakeean (nr Toeaday
■ with the help ot tba dtUant. we ba- nlftat: Manlatae tor
Uava. extend to iba ataltora aoeb boa- and Trarnraa City lor Thursday nIgfaL
pltallly aa Travaraa City la aolad tor Friday morning wa begin tha final
' on oecaakwa at tMa kind. Tba aata^ daab Into Antrim.. Chailarolx snd Bmtalnmeot tor the party will ba cun- mat oouoUaa. and expect to get back
to Maulstaa by Saturday night
aldorad at an Mrty daU.
tba trip north from Manistee to TVararaa City wa will go by Aa way of
Arcadia. rrankfoK. Empire, Glen
liaran, Laland, Nonbport Omana and
Suttona Bay. Ti^la wlU taka os Arou^
TIoialy Advka Warn Ry Food Cook



*’The gome price the world over**
Buy them carefully—as you should buy Sunday clothes.
Examine the all-wool fabrics. They arc not only stylish,
but they are guaranteed not to shrink.
Examine the
linings—high-grade alpaca.
Ejamine the workmanship, you can see the hand-tailoriiig in the collar, in the coat front, around the armholes.
Inside the coat you will find the grade of haircloth and
ttnvas that is used in high-priced clothes. Both have been
thoroughly water-shrunk—a high-grade clothes feature.
Come in and let the mirror decide for you. But take our word
for it that STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17 are just as high-grade in
inside values as high-clasa in outside apjx-arancc. They are worthy
of your selection for Sunday's as well as Monday's use..
and fabrics in newest spring effects.


i QoaU^tten’sWear.

Traverse City, ftllch.

Save Money! Join the Crowds that are Profiting ^ Our

Of Men’s and Boys’ Qothlng.
nnder way. It started wilb scores of pleased eusfomers In aHradance/
there is no let np to the buying interest and raHmsiasm.
This is the most extraordinary sacrifice of Clothing we have ever made, and no thrifty person can af­
ford to miss it. It involves our enlir^Clolhing stock. Every man's suit, every boy’s suit, and every pair of
pants is included. Nothing reserved. The reduced prices are the talk of the town and surrounding territory
fo;’ jniles around. Clothing and furnishings are selling at tbe most phenomenally low prices ever quoted.
/ M^derful bargains like the following are keeping interest and buying at fever heat.




A live d<0iar bill lor year
choice ol Men's and
Yonng Men’s Suils.
Begnlar *7A0 and tS.SO
sails. And seme sails in
Ibis lor arc worth every
CCBl ol SIS.

TheselU&gof new and

Wash Goods

at speddly reduced prices is
appealing to scores of
12^4c and 15c
Walh Fabrics
Dainty patterns of plain and
print^ dimities. &mcy
[awns and tissue ginglawi
hame. A table full of
these popular wadi goods,
on tale at. yard ...... 10c


2kand3»e Wash

For regnUr t*.M and np
io $11.98 soils.
Here Is a saving worth
while, and yon chooac
Irom good dark pallcrna
In dcolrabte slylcs.

An Example
ol Price Cnttlno
The sails In this lot were
ortglnalty $16.48 and $18,
and mnlerlnlSp qnollly &
workmenfifhip are nnsnrpessed.
^Htmd taUored
thronghont, perfect In fit.
Think ol the saving.

THIS SALE—A Great Pabttc Event With
a Real Canoe.
We are forced to reduce our large stocks.
That's the real reason for this Sale. You'll
surely attend if money saving plays any part in
your buyi^e^nomy^
Children's Suits that
cost more than this to manufotgure.
Ihese are this season's stylet and were^ormeriy
$3.75 and $4 48.
ftSLftS ForBeyo*SSMaBdi$48Snllo,
mtMper made from strietiy all pure wool fab­
rics, in either light or dark colors. Every suit
carefully tailored, the product of one of the beet
toys' suit manufacturers in the county.
Blue Serge Suite for toys, ages up to
For this Public
Public Sale.TT!..7.....

$13 50


jm nU N ttl UnR Pftcis Tilfc.

ise par pair (or man’s all sHk heaa,
all cplers, ragulsr SSe grads.
6c pair far inan'a HgM weigM (gat
She ^ far man-a ligh( and dark
color work shirts. , V
Ske boys manY'76c.iiwalto M)lgh(
shirts, cut full sUs.
’ t
Me (or man’s pores knK nnlen airtta.
all sJxss; ksap cool Alt awnmar. Trjr •
fie for maifa-gsed atreag nuipaiW
era. Ifie ffUsIHy.
Ac for men's 2Sc and 36e suspasdera; oattable far draaa wear or hara
Sc saoh far manY I5e whlls handkarehiefa.
tu buys manY t(« and f(.» fancy
drsnt shlrtsi adds and ands ef Uan
ihd Silver brnnda.
»fie for boya’ kntekar panta. ragvtor
ne and 7Se grades: extra good «*Mr>
li}! far vacation days,

#4.0$VU to $19.95.
of a lot of $25 Suits for
A very attractive showing of
Men. including the well known,
plain and fancy weaves of
suitings, tissue ginghams, fully guaranteed Kirechbautt Clothes.
Seco silks, etc. Your
choice of this splendid
per yard




I selU UT to b« an itappy ^
tA> mW make evarybedr k
■a far a*



r«» Mr*r- be Wked.
■W»e Ihe iigmp uatll the lut. unUI
thoM equlrrele eet m little etroafer. m
they *»B noo} eoraewhere e^r
It wee *o decided.
the oU gardener undertook to fo« Jh* onrtiTel

IvjtAVBtoUkeUicblsan. 1 idukd
quite • aunber or llowon tb« other
<l*y. 1 Uke Uowen. «on t you? A litUr bird U building her nest In e vine
tbet grow* on our porch. W* wetcta
>«f bring UlUe plecw at a time. I


s of letsThe teeter wee eltwedy hl*h. ttle
wUl nimko U t Qoed. ud the wlad
drive* like e-j^ofTKm^.
»'bep aid'^iy Of
rtonn t»d

tlmee her eyu wooM wetider to the
lieck wall* .each eMo. bohlnd whicb
wore whlepcrlas, ewlsblBe boIm thatmade her leel creepy.
-|t'» only the water In the ’parah

niiTB, iirrvonuK lev uie movina oi me nave loot mv iMittnn wm
-i— - . iv>>k
__________-t.____®**® wlahed abe eould
day i_
wouldn't be ao kmeaome.
♦ UnUI yon really might thtok TwouM
»" moleat-the aend me aimthcr one. and I wiU try ad a aba#L -eying. Take care of the ,k.,, .... ,v„

very tWn;
aqulnd*. AA •'temporary
••temporary roof'
keepItIt Oood-bye.

______ thing **« the maUer-Ith
™ do,.
♦ BuL atrange to retale, ll grew more »»“
From yonr friend.
dCd «. .hdl k™,. I.,hc,.^

‘‘rtghi and gny.
. *»PpyMarion Kennedy.
The bridge was not long, bat span- 'oowdlng upon ber ba<k.'

r!in! J

retaUve. think -iwaa a red

. ._i.e
A Surprtaed her with half of her comX
pany face on.
♦ ♦«♦♦•*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•
—Central Presbyterian.




‘ !T

scd.h..c 11.™
... ... n»
Orpantaad Oaeambtr S. tSM.
Preaidefit—MMa Clara Batea.
First Vic* Pranldem—Mr*. Mabal
Snta* William*.
din—hu.™. H..kM ™
.du™.«d Id.
Sacend Vice Fr**ld«r«-Mra. Irena
br_.drs...l,l.._,rl..d._»™., to,;. .
„ _______ _ '.T
Famerey Shtalda.
. ,
She w*» iDtroduceo. nrai oi att to
w*rner. i liked her very much. 'She t
the tabby grandma ret named Chloc.
« llhn-»*a^. •‘a.. »* a drer
»kn1 to ua I am In the tonnb Lr^w


But aomeher thn».
her throa..J.,

Sbo ^rwl
ned n deep, narrow gorge ibtoui.b ndt turn her bead, and itept up.ber
which ran a rapid stream. It wa> seornfol aeU-ecoldlDg. while the leer*
swollen no* to a raging torrent. ta«h- ,„d down ber cbeeka.
Ing and beating the abuunenu wlUi
She reaebad the gaunt Iran* of the.
■ ireaUe. Here the must crawl—fathar
had said ao. How Mack and boUotulea* It looked beneeib, though ahe ,
u «,»» .1,1, S. .^.T.™"h?.°: wS
’ knew the water was shallow, but U
and she would Uke to join the Oood that at Umes dashed over hi
' moaned In n gbosUy fafbion!
Club. Her name la foet

Jt*" 1°




Traverse riiy.

^frlfrLL’ ."rrrErH
u, I., k,d .h. »kd. bdicv.... •

ir n .
tie wlL

■ ,

L^Ta^litTvirto rcb7» run.'bh'TSnoXdg'ra^i.h.nfi': St

ptank; but her lllUe laake-bellevo
laugh was abrIII and shaky. Then at a
BUddoD guBl of wind the small, trem­
bling band knocked over the tanlern,
and it fell, like a abooUne aur. to die

.tod u.d; .to
ly such meal* he Aad taken In. Ills
life: then think of btauilUonswf retaUvea, and Uie meals they had ea)ea
In tbeir lives! after tbai remember
that In tbclr pollywog elate toads
eteor hot myriads of larvae frodi -tag-

age? -So wonder abe la gray!" yir
•>»« '"“W »«vc to get a lot of
ftpm your Bunrtilo^
,^0 auUon. Wb, did I let
Provident reclaimed when she *4* I*o*l-c*rd*. She Is trying to tuake a
of nsmaa «n the Cradle tMd about It. The graadma puav la collection ol them,
>l^t f.n I, maat bJ to itve
yo« '^'th'.rteTiviere.' Mie cried. ^0"
Lot n* try"•and '
the sofUwt clialr. and the
remember the lltlle eoualn with you!' I know
Roll JuM 1, laid, a,iaa.
iw you have -----.. .. T
aanlng the grenl moagulto peal, and
,4.. •“*“«

•uut you couldn't foresee llila!'’ She
tormtoi ,.Uto l.y ... .re, ... .Mr. Wl»»
1- • ."I'm.. "1. .lu !h.
pulled him back a llitk. ahuddertns
Too ma^ imaSlae tbe vast quahUty of
tor ura .he nito the toutoboU bllh hto.
to..- * H.i'c ..
Mto, E."lSl^“'to.‘'Bto.L L. I W«'iil.T'-8to"hU'. rtori.’»tor"
^aple .Clly. Mich.
-Wh.i ■h.ii «. itoV" *... ..ritoal -Thto **’'•
darkness seeming to prcM 1,,,.^ destroyed.
Porte. Teaas.
• kut your President never an* her lo»e *®r lo««Khat shall we dor he cried. The ^cr down. "Hut I've got to go on.”
, . ,
May ST. 1919.
Bine-thirty la always heavy—It will go
deaperallon and creW
‘ *“’* «»omeetle*ted and colontaed
Mariena HogerboMe, South Board' U. iwrliaiw because she wa* loo'|»llie
. „„,IT,hr U-U the
rtfn ilicb. Name sent by Mary Van- «> lontct her comiiuny maohcra wl^
■J going Ml write a few Unas to ■tow n w ith UK load. The
a Biranscr in the place.
... touhl.., n.b. I to., toto Itoto.
•" la-i-to. ... tola; tlto. ato
Wflma B. MIkuta. Maple City.'Mich,.
Another Interesting mclulier of this
SuuBbioe Cinh. "nie) are MaraUrted up and ran In a wlW ponied !
>r the St
B. r. D..N0. 1. Name a*mt by Helen ?«»Uy '• the pare cat named Sophia. l>»r Pre-ldcntrebbageEckerdt.
”*• “*«ne «»s given nlm quite by nita* am n lllUc girl
slipped and caught her loot under a
bouse, age seven years: they arc
bean-t>ecttoa— KcMartoto, .to hJ.rlto Mr .... .. ... . kUl... ato t. n. 1™" ™..lto ... Wi.t.J. i». B«.ItoM
rail next n tie. and was held a pQs,
ixkd as he rubs his
_____ _________....
_# her
u... airugslea, and
--A dovm iney i
MaHe I'liy.
Mich. ?"»<» to answer lo any other. A great
W'. My friend, Mrs. Mctlos- ^ bouons ami I shall give them to . ••Something -muw be done for you oner
in apltv of
throat with one •■hamr he w inks bis
Names sent by Mabel Eckerdt.
M* hrown and white fellow nc ta. * «W.
the glrU. Our school Is out no*. 1 Owt- then we-^ see about the train.” acrenmed la terror. But Celug a sen- off eye and is ready lor more.-Our
Anihoay Krotipa. Marlon Kreupi. d®"khty lighter, if npicannea arc to
«» oeeii letting me read the Sun^
ghe ran back to the house, bringing, sible child she soon discovered that
Dumb Animals.
{.acme Kroure and Mask Kroppn. Old Tto believed, but most loving and al- ahIne.reBe. I am veo latcraal^ In ,
^ Bower garden and have some »*“> Margie’* help, bedding to reptaoo did no good. aud. quieting hen.clf. she
MJaston. Mich. Name* aent by Daisy ferttonate to all humans and to his « and would like to Join the Uuh. My
oomor, »>>■ ‘"PPed garmcnis. Jlo could help found tliat by unbuttoning her shoe
- .
fnt retallven. Sojibia always puf« home b al bylvan Beach. In la lone. ^
bloom yet.
very litUe. bnt ihcy
ahe oouM
her fool,
,v., The
...V lilacs
....V will
to... himself
- mauaged
—____ 'draw
- - out
Queer Onek*.
fiasel StrelL Tommy 'sireit. Mar- hi^thanks when you jwt him.
Te*a*. My father
the Itark
y,* out now; the Mayflowers arc Bi drag him to a amall ahed. bis work shoe ebe could not toosen. and leaving
Tltr tjneje.,family Meed la tbe or»ret Strait and truepian Rasbo.
mamma cat. a
I*®*'' •* l*"® Beach. Sylvan
office, close by. ^
It she went on llnipiug and crlnglitg chard: so
conk and bens:
Traverse Chy. Wkb.. H. F. D. No. f. tnahese: a ^lender, gentle, ptalntlve Beach Is a resort for lourisi*
^ good-bye.
**» •“ •
®^ anriety, pc- on ibo rough clndera. that cut tbe Ut- but they were ao 'bu*y with Ibeir own
Nanas amt by ManeUa E. Rasbo. ' '>B**
*l‘**‘® overoome with tbe
Ptacos all over the ITnItod Bute*.
iwatlag: "Some one miuil go to tbe tie foot. Sbe had to real oltca no*, affair* that they paid but Bute atteo-----------------------burden of rwlaing a family of obsireis *® rou *oe k la a very busy U«n« here.
nation. O. If Dick wo.ild c«nue!"
and fell ao atone In Uw big. black tton lo the ducks, that were'busy. too.
erooa klUi-ns.- Pussy Is b«*y all day Thta la a very pretty place to sac
j that you have written
“"■® ‘’■hool ««!•«-•
^®« *®ri«L but al tasi aura twinkled and did not care. BeaWes. they bad
ttonrede Mae Rasbo. Trafeipe City, long fuialng over her l>*ble*. or lean -hen the aoutheni flowers arc all In
SuusUtnc remeniber you toW him If It stormed brightly far ahead, and she knew they a aocret. for. one day Mr*. Dock hnd
Mtrtto R. F. D. No. 4 Name aent by Ing op anintt Sophia, her hvad tqck- bloom. The <ta|ie Jasmine and iw*>• «»»><> •«*J' over.” He groaned na were the lights of the atattou. and found a tmall hollo* In lb*' ground
Manetu E. Rasbo.
cd under bla iwnlgn chin. ,*
noltas are nil in full bloom now.
before tong.
•«“•- "**®*
“"■! I*®
tome- glowed with gla>inesa
’ / near the trunk'of one of tbe oWast
• Verve E Skfllett and TbpmasJamcs
But the twins! Oh. Sunshincia. Please aend luf a Siinahlnc button.
bow: iwrhnpa I—"
Then. O. dreadful! she heard aoroc- ■Pl'*«
»here the grass was UH.
Kennedy. Maple ClD. MIeb. Name* your President Juat wtahed you all
Boardmsa. .Mich.
''• ®«® P"-“ MntTla hrohe In.
thing coming after her with swift feet o*® '*>ew
“o®* htackberry
sent by Marion Kennady.
might see them! They hadn't any
Mary t. PQIeger.
nwihcr shook her head uncerrenting br^tb. and acroamed briers, and there abe decldod to make
names, ao she Iroroedlaiely clirlstene-l
1 an« greatly pleased to have a Textalnly. and ber father reclalmctl: ”0. ,„in. «ud tan Vpd ran Ull ahe bad •

them Tweedledum -and Twevdiedee. •*
* ‘“*™***«' "• **"■
fer tbe Oral time lo ih.r
>®« ®"ly w®''! K®. Ktril*" Hat you no more atreneth. and dropped in a
First ibe Uned It all atnoodOy with
Owtsid* and Intida Waather.
for you couldn'l And a hdlr'r dlffet- Club.
Stuishln* Club, I received the rerd ®™ »® H«l®- nn-l •»
a®®® ba.verr mue. mtAOlng heap, and did not know Ue long gi***, and than Inald* that
Ja tbe morning. When our eye* pop ance In their nppeatance. Dum nud
and i'In and I thank you Wr them. I «'*'*■ •®'l •” ‘^ai tong trestle over
until be picked ner up with a abe put a layer ofaofi. downy featb^
opem egriy. wary a»ly.
ftoe are the Image of their fond pare.
OM Ml“*®®. Mich.
will be ten year* old the 2ind of June. t*>® -wam|i:bnt If you only could go!" boyish about.
cn that abe pulled trow her own
And we creep and peep to watch the
and fubsy, round and roily, pretty
Mn? —. 1913.
tbe fourth grade. My
“1 <*»• > »*»-" Margie dci-tarcd.
»jnjoBt eihauet-gl and hreasi. Here she had laid her egga.
. to ..
and ptavful. Whenever your Preal- Drer President
brother 1* four years old. and my Jit- *»nivel>. ■■»»®l®'coyespaold.*nd",7"
|^j^a'^_n^ln-ber.'»®'>**»»“»‘®8®»i*““If he a hiding, and a cloudy sky n-glow- 4*91 wanted to aak about them aha
This ta the Bret lime llial I bw«e-^j^ sister li three month:, old Our Wg. and I'm-r^l'm not much afraid
L-adinj: when be could no tougcr
When abe wished to Icare to gel
ertng, grim and surly.
„,4 -where are the Twi-odU-s#' And wrtuen to tbe Sunihlne
’ ^hool Iqt out the 23rd'of May. A »f ‘he dark! Anyhow 1 won't he toth^u-nlng to leave her
»®«1 n»0
® »tU® «ercl*c.-4or It
Ha* no Btreamlbg -gold^ heatnlng ^j,en what a frolic they would alUtave. hope all the w || c-o4y my
„ buUdiiig It* neat ona our back »llht.
»taht. Mother U
rrech tbe
the sutlon. Dick •»
U Ureamne
Ureawne sluing s>
so ton*.-Mie would
to always loo dUiy to caSs'be must reach
- - of.............
m, mtl*
- friend,
jnds would
auy “7:,.,^.“
^0*1 of tbe
.hi wav.
the Toatber*
Toatbera o
over tbe «ga. and
' TVby. then, ligbtlltaa a fentber
qult<* forgot that sbe was a Oniwn-uii They are black. I like to feed them.
™ j ..
> Join the Suhahlnc
Her to-i,s *s«
the i.toi...
baby . 1*11
HI .,*p«
start right away ."
,»R«.ngcr» of the nine thirty , ‘her
hept »»«n.
Mast oar spirits dnace together.
when they- tumbled about her tap or TTiey cat from my- hand. 1 am nine .
e Is Marlon Hogerhelde. Will yoa
"l‘'a the only Uilng lo do. Helen."
h,d jum grrlyed. aireamed out tn>m curious eyes.
years edd and am In the Brat grade. please send ntc a card and pin for he algbed. "Sbe U active, and baa
And our faces mnat be eunty all day bit her lingers In wild delight.
aiaiton’folks ret and
O®® *«»®icr morelng U»cre
Iloa't you Wlsb you could see Mrs. I alt with Lucllto liOucks.
been over tbe track till ahe knows cv- jj^aiae the children uniU Dick tiled to
excliemenl la the old orchard,
her? Sign It In ray
Fbr as fr«*b aa Highland heather
Itay * ret falroly? They woald all
Your loring Sunshlner.
ery- fool of tbe way, Uule daughter. ,^1^^ declaring It was Margie did lU
Tb® ®W cock khfl h®®» -Mopped to
Your Bunsblner,
We ran ntake tbe IhsMe wcalher
like to know you. your Prealdert Is
Minnie Kroupa.
you will have to go. and rtarl at once.'
..y^u both did It, and bravely, too!" I®®**.
‘he IllUe chicken* reme —"
Mary Vannatten.
When the outalde neema to be *0 cure,
First letters' are always nice, for
see tbe
, ning from every dtraCUon
There I- a IHUe«wren that sings ao SUric 1 tbe track.
su|>eriDiei>dem. who
very wrong.

then we really bogln lo get acquaint aweetly In ray yard. 1 like to hear the irerito ra(efuliy. and -don't be afraid ,boar«l. and swinging them Into his •Ishl. tor .Mra Duck
The other day. when your PrealdMt ed with each other,
very .proudly, with eleven smalt
lovely- bird at
« don't you?
special rer be pressed Into their
ito^to hands
to..™. along
> Bit If with lb* c
was working huslly at her drek. In the
you. watching over yon.”
the "lertlmonlaU
of Atsuxtotw
from doekltof.
ronnlng by her side, onth
m«i» tto
The happy Mrda are Binging,
Herald office, who shoulJ come Into
“"'Did Mission. Mich.
......... To'loto toll ot to.o, wlih H»r M*to
n. mhi. 0.1. toato Ihom,
Fit* lAka Mich.
And Ihe trees Kt* budding in the the room but our Sunshine,loombcJ.
May 52, 1913.
jj,[ir^‘ui3>*w*r. her smioi foPB soon lost U the
‘Tuh^'Vhe dt^or'whlak^
«J'®» •nd bright orange-red
glad, warn llffbt;
Mr. M. B. Holley, And tfala ta the Dear PrcMdeatPrealdenl—
b „„ ,n ,hort order and great exai- pantded them all about the orchard.
ABd the arbntns ta pceidng from Us sunshiny ainry that he uHd yi.ur Presonr a.-hool wdll Iw mil Ihe alxlh of
, ,n„„ght It was time lo Vrite a^fa.
“ »«»
n>Bta U> tb« statloa. jort And that ta tbe way Ihe nine»uch good Umes aa they bad all the
_ They never seemed lo
And the lace of day ta fresb
be Urdd. The cHd cock and ben* and
wish you could so. too. For my iwta
yeorw old
in the- fourth lance alone Jp the darhoefS. Antlcty
Bweer and bright—
Seven bal>y squirrel*, the aole |ios- 1 (uyg four cbickens and we have five
yy (g^her'a 1name la* Mias Clutched at the hreria ot tlta paiwnta.
Our Friend, ths Toad.
tbe llUle chick* and the roblna lo Ibe
TVby. then, why net all together
„f ,ho*e that..................................
... plga
mile "Stasy" mile
two lltiie relvus. Wt
onr actwfl ta out now. 1 Chough they tried 1 cheer 4ach other
Many |wopIe view with dl-gost and trees went lo Jicd a* aoon as It was
Make our face* matcl. the weather- Knott uscl to |d*y with and rer* tor went picking flower*
went |o VtoCaar ttorwaa.
»»v me 00 a
—• >.—vs,iui« ivMato. totovw™..-,
—• — -i»'
Fresh and a.went and bright and „„
-waller tot.' Imtoortali-ed by and *e got a tot ot them.
• lleloo farm. For iwla I have a borsu *m1 a
Mra. Halley endeavored to bandage coated liltle creature with hta dtatasd- wings Ad sleirt UH daylight, bnt Uio
aunny all day- tong?
• dock family Juat squatted In the grua
Eugene neld. tbe |«o*L aie drtaylos Kovarlk's letter in the rei«cr aad-1 p,,
borae'a rt"»- U Dutch, and Tto
broken limb—It was badly chruusb- ed stomach and squi,
For a- fragrant as the heather
the •rectloa of a rtoirrh In Chicago, liked to read It very well. M'c all
name la Tiger- I have two »d and swullem
form, yet their averstoo ta totally nnder (be trees.
U thq Chaming outalde weather.
_ .............
ground will not ><; cleared lor the wl.b It you oould come and vlalt u*
"> ®>® ■■ rerrlul aa I can he. dear.” withont rcaaon. Tbe tred ta not vanOne beautiful, bright
And the Inalde canoot be ao very d,ujch bulldlnr until
squlriwla this auimner. The trcoa with white
Youra. lovingly.
as-he. groaned.
omous or barmtul. selUiar can be be Bight tbe llUle boy who bad tbe care
have grown big oaough to take rero of and |dnk
Dorothy Perrigo.
“O- *• •* »®t that! Helen U so '.It-, utterly ugly with bta Mngutarly elokr of tbem faked, and Umught be b*^
—Jeaala M. Anderm. in St. Melwtas. tbemselvea.
have a tot of fun idayisg gainea Is
Are the rabblU named? TbeY make O®- *o lliilc!—alone :n the siorw and and brilltant eyea. An old supersti- a sttang* noUe outdoor*-,\*iid
•Tbe historic Waller hnnie. buUl lu school. 1 have four names tor tbe cunnlffg peu.
darkness. I* it imealbto tbe will get tton says, “the toad baa a Jewel lo aofUy to U»e window, be looked Into
The Compaoj' ^•®«war time by U. Waller. Sr™ at ftuuhlae rege- They as: Anthony

through aafcly r'
, bta head." If be baa. It must be tbe the oivhard. where ae saw a very
O^ on a Ume. In •
Pl®«- Sheridan read and Airdrie place. Is to Krouiw. age ten; Marton Kroupa. age Trevme City Mich R P D No. 4.
»ni iway that ahe may. M tbo gleam of tbe Jewel that ftaabaa funny alght. All the ducki were
used a queer liuto sir] with n com- ue moved to the rear of the "WaJlar aevoa; ItoUclIle Kroupa. age seven:
Bo* 109 June 5 1919
doean'i (all. The wind ta not blow- ihroogh bta eye# and Ugbta up bis oth- marchU* In proeeasloa. the Ug Aeks
reof face:
toL’! ao that tbe church can Im bulli Mary Kronre. age elgbt. Will yon
prealdem—I ibooifht I would *W ““«* now—"
erwtae unnltractlve wunienanoe.
at (be bead and all tbe UtUe itorkltagi
And no one outside of the lamlly ^ u,*
ptoare send (he card* and button to
Stmahlne Club, as (btre
It would bto* ber from tbe
However this may be. the toad ta a b®M»d In Indian 01*. Uke a M of
___ ■ . - Behind Ibe bouse, until last Mou- meT 1 will close With bret wishe* to was no lotlar la tbe Sunablne rek® Bro'*®-" he Interroptod. "I think of Jewri In hlmaell from an ocoaomlc children ptajlng at aoldleru. And
Of her eveiTday -Inec. r sM>P«ed^ 4,^, ,hcre wa* an oak tiomp more aU the Sunahloera.
^ ^^y ataier who 1‘ *11 «»>« »I«d®- 0. why did we let'her point of view. The farmer hu no roond and round they weal, and la.
bad two
aged than tbe bouse itself and ttaa.11 remain, aa over, your Una Sun- ^ ^ome ilnoe 1 wrote before. Her ffo!”
beUer friend or ally In bl* wsHare nad Out of tb* Miadowar aB U» Ume
TN change abe ooold mako^ith
Ing. rtoe-oovered. about twelve foet aWaer,
,, Oertnide Mac Itaaho. WIU
A‘ ®'Kht o'etork they were sunotaed against Injurion* Inamis. Tbe toad qoarklng very aefUy. and bowing ^
. drous o^rity.
Xus iDierior
____ et^copraged
_ _ by the anesperteJ ar- comes forth mosUr at nlgbL wbea
_ _ Utriy i® the, r«it and 4efL a* Uucka
high. The
Interior 01
at inc.oaK
tbc.onk was too
Daisy Kronpa,^0 rlenfe put itor name on the and
Never once did tbo

rlEEH iP^
T, . ^ ^


WBPWe In order to move the boos*. It
Dear Presidentpeared that the oak was au|>portlng
1 am ao glad aprlng haa come, every- ip* h,ve
Ibe vines, but itata proved not the tart. ’ thing
go iicetlr and greon. TUc

0^ Sunshine lettere. to the B. and.
bridge-lbay think Dakota-tand they hre very abundtnL
«f all mtniw. and will U«l 1« *afe. ' 1 had a Ume of it In tbe oad t noUee
nropew“ **•? ■ D«>Sla^ DMH —*►
propew(ew. t never bava., Inleb- lected.
Now (
I careaUon plnka-

Tbe two litUe E

li^ ***'


BBo^ Me grimy
half of a iraut.

The^ber ran away and ha. nut

St, !!l rtl°*hal^. tolV“"‘t *
nddt? '*'*"*“*
21re*l2ln‘7 J* rem*e
snuae. Bay. Mtcb.
' "Tea, air." ajul “f wUL" be replied, ratoctant spectator of tbe taai *ad Mother washes aqrenl , dtab** and
teaMrack and irfod to follow, bnt oould not gun fast June. We are gotog ^ have a ptonlo.
Way 1*. 1913, "Do®’‘»®rry any mdre. ' Marglell be Uagody to the Uvea of some of tbeae pou tbeib In the «fiMntag baakcL and

together and

Lro ;L:iTe ^^b"of“^^.r 1 “r^r‘,;7uri0Mto June, we


atoepdon I knoa Jf I pamod or not 1 wlU . hg»* ,om* llttla cbiekena. I have four nUrtlag. till she was tanathloM and about the depth that tbe ptowMar* 1
stump with clM lor Ibta time.
plgeona ^ read
KoTarlk*i obUlwI to rest: then‘she trtod to hold takes, sad there they aw alieod to ]
. these eqnlrreta In IL" laid one of.
and --------a.
.ta-ri,. it ---------------of tf.e
From your tovlng
toviBS Bnnahtoer.
-------------<*bereelf at S'walk. ' Flor I 6*nT run two by tbe Uow." They begin to wipe i*|ddly.
,a very nto*.
Tbe oaBpr no m»ner h.4 h.rrtod workmen.
Cbra Kroupa.
every Mt oF>ttM way-,.”
when ______
examtotng tbe contents of tbdr each with on* main objeei la vtaw,
rtaM‘‘<ire a spot ot Kgbt stomaeba 1 have been anrpriaed at that abe wtJl not wipe ber own “vow
•nmT m4o bar room tbi. alri <ud to JS'l. w‘•
“ •*““»
' ' Ifetoen K«®®*eL
Her taaltob'Mhde'
Than upDobor room Ibla girt Art) to rod eltbar. .aid another.
pte^ won't you?
We all enjoy oar^.hl» girl, ‘hkt tmT^ nith her. and made her tbe amonot they wnld bold. , I have .ail dodawi” they are «>»etlM
an aged taod^
ggg viU Uko'^ let- 4^^
tba-“Walking in tbe Ught- also noted tbo prevatenoe of tojorton* torood to wipe tbetr own ”vow and
. And, after g nlgbt apant to soIsbb re- scare gard.
Maple City. Mich.
tor. too.
Vymn-only the darknaaa aemned to ilpectos of toaect*. aneh as taol-boetto*. dadaiw." which It 1* the polat of the
Clarendon avenne. was atandlBg by.
May 22. 19U.
-----------------------feltow and awaltow ap tbe track be- ontwornu. grub*, end their tarrae.
game to avoid. Of ooorve. U tb^opOn tbe four of fantarea Ibat won't He know* every foot of tbe Walt«^ tlMr Proaldept—
' lOnd berr Sbo waaaH going to be ^ lew days ago as another vtoUm p6neBt'wi|w*g«vewand-dbcltn'’diw
... (he haUta of'sU
■“ -•*

I weal to HmiHr*
tat* and
tbe dumb
Itatrire and took tbe asasEarinn of the Nlne-tblrty.
tboonb. not
paasM undm
und« tbe plow. I took reInk tag the gam*, anoibsr 1* cteaan. Tb*
The- barinff
ahuM. tbeoeb.
-very. maM afraid, pasaM
M cam* down to fanaklML and lanaau ot tbe place,
I taat week. I bad
---------------n am -etreM tbta will damage the anyhow! She would took M>r •<
.to note the eootenu of iU atomacb. ebUdran oftre cbooaa (be mb* art!valhod to ber place.
“Cbn'l jran do aomeibliiK else for 1 Ume wblle 1 wag there. It ta not rerr bitflt*.'' Mr. BaOey looked out anx- ifgbt In which sbe walked. Bnt at Thta constated of four targe cutworm*, cle. which make* a Uvedr game.
Thai shew oa ber eomrenr lace alt

”We *an't mov,

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