Grand Traverse Herald, November 13, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 13, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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SCORES MD graidhuverse


AIL nm lutE mm

UMkl« to CttM Rmcm
t«i TMtii of WnvO WM«h CooUfMOtf for V9**r Mouro

«Br Cott«4 1*r«o».)
Dotrait. Sot. M —With troob'drUila
of Ur havoc «n»(bt on tb« Orrot
Uk«o br tbo voru Kovrmber otom
on rrcord ilowly ootnln« In over
(Tlpplod triwmoli and telcpbono • Tmi
U vra* brliMrd todb)' that Morex had
prhobod U ohlptirrcka on Ukr» Suprrtor. Micbican and Huron
Prraona at»ard tbo uDldnnUOrd re«* a«> which yoMorday wax reported on
the roelw on Maniteo laUnd. Uke Su­
perior. w hich la pouodlnK Mdlr and In
daiutor of brehklna up. artr-beUeved to
u. dootnod to doath. Steamrra wbkh
laadt. tuulr attompta ai rwacue report­
ed today that the deeju of the atrand
ed veaael ware awmab. with maoten
or tbe crew laalMd In the rlMna. Sev.
rral are heileeed to be dead from ex
l«ture to Ue &0-mIIe blUaard wnich
baa rased for W hour*.
A r^rt from tbe Boo ibla.i&omlne
aaid (he Tomlinaoh Une atedver
Jam** K. Dariteon had wtuik o« Oroa
rap Point. TO»a w«rr »ent to (hefcene.
Prom o(har parta of iba eU(e eotne,
reporU of further dUaaiera on (be
tahea. !t !■ beAleved that It wlll be
tttr.y daya before the exact nunfber
who periahed can he leorned. Dama«e tO.UtfMtn towns will be much
smtrr than ortstnally ectlmated.
•IJbcka and boathouaea by hundreds
were wnahad n«|T and acorea of amnll
hoau were tank at thelf moertass '
Many Vaaaela on Racks.
fhOoir.ct. Sov. n—N'earlt evenataaner whi<ti reponod today to va­
rious wirniraa atathwa aloes lAke Su^aelor told of paaalng tbrengh doattas wrerkaso and affthtlnc nnidentlSod veaaela on the roefca. Hope for
the Mfety of the liteamer SiBwa Iadaeu and two wsoden oonaorta which
left Ulr Pond Pnday. was pracriealljahandoned loday. Tbe three veaael*
carried mwa or U Ben.
Port Huron. !#oe. II.—The ateniBer
found aeatins bottom up in lAke Hu­
ron this aftenonn waa ideetifled by 1nral veeaal aen aa the t:. A. & riark. a
Cxvioet ataai freighter, owned by Cap­
tain John SJlichoa ot Cleveland. The
identlfleatlen wm not poalilve. Tbe
nark carried a new of Sd men under
DuSalo. Nor. 11.—Tbe United Sutes
lightship Ko. tZ. autloned at Point
Ahino. lAke Kite, Is believed sunk
with her eiww of elgbi men w^ckaa<- was ptefead up to day. The' perhoocel of the crew Inrioded Hugh WllUatna. oaptnla. of Manistee. MIrh; M
Jvnrcn. M*maa. Mnskeson.
CHICAGO—*«ba’B going up In
smoke: let her bum.- chanted 'the
r.w duh -of John Manhall High
s-i-no;. while ntroen hauled with
a blaze in the hnUdlBg. Tbe fire was
I'Ut out with trlfUng loss.

Aa a reauU of his v»lt to the apple
ahow here. Congreaxenan McLauablln
has ordered nine boxes of afBorted
winter applea. which will be ahlpped
hiB brother. Prof Andrew C. HeUnshllo! of Chicaso 1'aLveralty. The
(onxreaainan has been aearchlns. for
some time, for fruit of suitable alxe.
color and onallty aent to ChlcnM and really Hive the peorde Uere
an Idea of what MIchlRan enn do -In
the horticultural line. He found it
In Traverse City, with every neceaaarj quaUflration. flavor, colerins
and appearance, and he U conHdent
that he has a Mg aurprlse In store
for hla brother, who U accustomed
larnoly to tbe use of western fruit.
Pour sundant winter varieties weie
a«d.ecied. They will be carefull.v
packed and ahlpped. b« they are
by any means exceptional apples.
They are merely n>|ireaeouUre of
run of rim grade japidea which
crown In the tltwfel._Xm\rtwe



(' .t vvoodio xah-* manage
:ilie Bean Spraj Pump compan.v, of
FREIGHTER LIES ON TOP OF San .low. ('aillornla. aud Cleveland.
. came to Traverv* Cliy-on Invtiatioo of one of bis friendk to
tbf apple show now being held by the
Traverw CHT. State Unk Mr. Woodlev has been In everv fruit section of
Hie l'nited State*, with the exception
of a few, twrt* of New York, and is
BARGE PLYMOUTH LOST WIT^ IhoroiiKhb conversant •tih -the west
and soulhwotern exhibit*.
On )>eing asked what he thought Of
the exhibit, he said
"1 have never
United States Marshall Keenan el seen an exbllbt of belter quality aplUe* In all my iraveU and I firmly beManwninaa Is Am^ng Theae
thnt within u very (ew yeara
Lost Whan the Rarse
ilM- Grand Traverse region will be (be
Want Down.
banner fruit and apple section of
MirhUtSD. II not cube l'nited States,
both in qvullty and quamlt)
Itly fnlteU Prens.'
-‘I expect to M>end considerable time
•nominee. Nov. if.-The tun Mar­
in tbl* virinlii ihi* winter, aa I real­
tin which reached here tUU momlnR
ise that >ou have the *oll sad climate
after a 24 hour baUln with the Worm,
lot fruit Talking and I can *ce from
reported the loss with all on bwird'or
Hd* wonderful exhibit that the fruit
Its consort, the barKc PlymuuUi.
grower* of this rcgloa. are now alive
Seven men lu-rlahed wben nbe went
le mo-leni m-ihod* of caring for
Uow-n. C'ausht In the . cnlc near
their orchards.
OuU Island.
Lake MicMjmn, the
tow line batwe<>n tus and barge part­
ed and the barge daahed against the
tug alnklng within ten minutes.
lk>put)' L'nited Butea. Mnnhnll
Keenan of Menominee. U among the
Two Ve«ela on Bottom.
HetrolL Nov. 12.- Thn rnn-nliun
frelgljler Wexford, of the M'eetrrn STORM CUT OFF ALk OU'fsiOE
nahip Co. of Toronto, ilea on
thF bottom of Uke Huron, right
mllna north of Noith Huron, reetlng
upon tbe wreck of tne Kegtna. a Ca­
nadian paekage nehmer in TO feet
of water. * This became tbe firm U
lief of lake men today. Practically
all «her vessris. ^tiered -hy the
at terrific storm iq recent blalorytbe lakes, are ncc4>uated for. That
ihe*t.Blfe Huron wrerit rveulied from
roinsion of the two ships I* deC.rty Faces Cartoua GwsBar BhavtW
cLarvd by Chpt. Rrid of the ReW
Thaw. Sat «v and Melt Deep
king ebmpnn) , wbo kae crulxed
Snow Under WMcfs the
about the eoen* for two^duys.
Town Is Buried.
IHvers left Purx Huron this alter
noon oh (he tug S|<ort to aUeirpt to
posltirely Idenlify (he wroek. The
I lly I'shcjl i»reas >
Keamer W. t:. l*nh>ck. yriiorted
agrnuud at the entraaee of SI. <1alr 'Clerriaad- Nov. 12 - With local
Hats canal, passed tbe Boo early to­ traffic and roniuunication with the
day Half a scorr 01 vetnieU are xlUl ouulde world, only l•Brllr restored,
the rock* In various nari* of the rieieland today faced a xertou* food
lakes, bm none ore lM>llevcd to U in famine. Tbe attnallon may be r<vdlate danger llescue tdiliw lo llevrd (ooorrok, tut until then over
most cage* are standing bv.
^ hall the riiy will b<> (orred to live
shon rations. The ksow (all
»ed Ibis morning and car service
waa roeumed but wire* threugbout
the city are still down. Therw U
great dancer of a bcilow flood
Aboiilfl a siiddeb thaw sun. Schools
throiigbodt tbe city are cloned.




Milk Supply ta Be Short That Only
Babies are Being Supplied—
Oamege Will Heath the
Million Mark.

• liv L'uUcd Prcesi
CWvUnd. Sov. n—AlibougU the
:lod.has abated noiffewbat, roudi'ktns
arc llltlu Iteiier betv toda)- Snow U
sUU falling and local traffic ot
kinds u.fjrd up. Itailroada have
ire* and trains are barely crawling
into (be Hiv. uhilr- somn road* hsv
The tood rupplv is nearly ezhausicd
in the n-sldence eediien. grocers being
unable w nmke drilverlee. The ndlk
euppl} is wo low that only milk (or
bsbkvi Is being dlgpeosed Bnow- in
Uto down t6wn atreets It banked six
feet high. OuglneaB Is paralixed end
damage w-lll be riofe to a mllUoti


Orehard win tw CareTO STRAIDED STEANBIS PraWbetM-Hls
fully-tnspacted by Bureau
• Hy mtted Press.'
WaahlngtOD, Nov. 11—The revenue
cutler Tu-vearora wan ordered today
from Milwaukee to aid the atrai
sicame; on .yianlton island. Tbe
enue lUitcT Mortttw at Hetrolt -was or­
dered to Uke Iftimti lo aid vewselj*
SAr.ts'Atv-Buie biaurance com
mlHSioner John T Wtnahtp has left
York, where he will attend
an executive xummlttee meeting
the naitooil ftfe Insurance coramlssioners snd the nstional rommlttee
on unllorm mutual fin- legislation.

There ur.- lew people or org^taa- weaknew*ek snd lose out lo the b
tlona that ever rise *0 their full op- of life. Mlkat U true of (he individual
la equally true of the 'organitattou
portuniUea In the world, atmply be­
which instead of going ahead at ao
opportune time with some'beneOcial
es by which they are hedged about project gives way lo the erekker indlWaiting for a Uvorable opportunity la vMualB which comi<oee It, thereby losone of the greatest drawlAehs that! iag an oppoRunlty to accompitab real
baa to be contended with, and while good and become a leader in comthe inaction prevails the opportunity mnniiy thought and action. Heeulis in
Is too often Idet or grasiwd by otben. any line come from strength and de­
Too xnany people believe that they cision. and the Individual or organltacannot do an}-thlng out ot the ordi-. Uon that fails to Uke advantffge of
present themnary hecatiao It would take too much what. opportuDliles
effort, and nlao because'they have no •elves Ik filling short of the functions
oBc to ehow them tbe way. Thlf-ir whichlheff were crested to fill In the
•vlirre the Rtuman factor Is uilnimlned lerutfty Inhere they are working
iind mighty results tost. Man In ^- only w-ar to g« ahead In any IlnVls
i-r lo BdflU bbi mls^n on earth ftt n to take advantage of sltaatiana as (hey
i-roper manner mad be able to UUte arise and by consistent and Inlelltnew trails as welt as to follow old geot artloii reach the goal that has
ones. The man wM gan eurt eoae- hewn net In the dlstaBce. Inaction
iblng In an nnbeard of direction be­ never win victories, for they ip
comes a taader of bm« and a power In aerred for the ones who can rechgth* <oBnnnnltr 'Wba(e be Urea. Too nise an opportunliv and make their
B>eny nen sarrepdrr to their Inherent dreams realltlea.

B. W. M.-laiOkh. one bt ibe Wvkt-n .MiebIgBD Hevriainnetit bureau's
expert apple racken.. L* at 0»»v^tchie farm at Glen Haven in*tHHiIng the apices which have ,l<w>n grown
by 15. H. IWy. prcsideul of the W.-et
Michigan Ucvelopmem buroaii.
the current year vir. iiaj 't orchards
young nod arc Just beginning to
bear and the frufl that they are pro­
ducing Is of extra qviallty. He 1* tak­
ing the utmost i>ato* in'the handling
of the fruit and Is having It imcked so
that it w-Hl comply with the L'nited
States aiandard and with the Sunnyripe rules He la liariDg.tbc fruit In­
spected and the tVestera Mlcblgnn
lK->elopmeni bureau* 6utinyrii<e la­
bel* placed uiKM all the barrels that
will grade as extra gt^l. Mr Hay is
a great believer In the- Inspection *> »•
and be is confident that It will
help mmterlally to get better price* for
the fruit which the western Michigan
orchards will produce In tbe Fear* to
come. Iasi yrar a amall Btsrt was
made in the matter qt inspecUon and
this year the fruit from a number of
orchards' bk* been passed upon by tbe
bnrcaa. and In these cases better
Prieei- have been secured than other­
wise would have been the case



<Bv I'nUed Press.)
Home. Nor. 11.—Pope Pius todav'
appointed PStber Edward Kotnwski of
Grand Rapids as anxHiary hiabo]< of

CHAMPAIGN. ni.-'-Caba. flowers
and Unto mi}8le wore haired at the
nm bil Unlversltr of lUlaoU dance
Of the yrar—but the ‘alli skin was

^Tttmfoct vfolailon of iukuI tep*uuon*. many rural route patrons In•4*t upon placing loose change, for
stamps or parcel i<ost charges. In mall
boxes. According to (be ruling, car:lera should leave mooey, when not
properly wrapped or placed In aa en­
velope; In the boxe*. Aside from tbe
legal point of view, there is Ibe dif
acuity which Is caused the carrier
when he I. forced to pick up loose
money, and the loss of lime aceniing
trom such a practice. This In itaeU
should be sufficl.-m to make the pa. careful in the (uture-t^ have the
money securely wrapped or enveloped
1 one compact package
Another thing which will ^r I'm
phasls at Ihli season of the' year is
tbo fact tlisi. in order to have mall
delivered or collected.'rural patrons
keep *• clear road to the mall
lioxew Tbe carrier U not required to
leave his vehicle and where the road
in such condition as to make the
lox in^^aible he way drive on withstopping for either rollectlott

New York. Nov. 12.-Sirickrt with
paialyalt in a'bark pew in the
ChURh of 8L Jriin the Baptist. SM
VYeat Thirtieth street the edifice
tabled only by the dim Ughta (mn
the alur. a woman knelt for 14 hours
1 a attange penance.
She was Mlsa lUnnah Moraa. SO
years oM. a teamstieaa of mT West
■mnleth street. Removed to her
borne today, she said she Intended
remain npon her knee* until cured.

<By I'nlicd f*rc»8 1
Naples. Italy. Sov 12-—Tbo Italian
govcrnmoni today ouidld Itself In th*
reception accord^ to Rsqr Admiral 'HINESE PREBIOENT MUST RE- '
Badger. commander-in-cblH of tbe dl-VIVE. TEA TRADE.
vision of the Atlantic fleet which la
vtslling lullan pons The admiral's
flagship. Wyoming. dn>pped anchor
today In tbe itay of Napies, followan exchange of salutes. Officer*
from the royal navy ImmedUtely
boarded tbe Wyoming to pay their
official respects to R»ar Admiral
Radger. who soon afrer returned the
call, accompanied by bis lull stafT. Campaign of Edneatiati Will Ba
Believed That Watenray Will he Every minute of today was uken up
Sttrttd For Pwrpoae of TaaeNwith an elaborate program of enter- Ready for Raaasgc'ei Oaap Draft
ing Modern Mathoda M
t^m^ts and receptions in honor o:
Vaesals Som« Tima
Growing and Martceting.
the American naval, conunandertnNan Spring.
ebief and bla officers. The crew ot
WkkhirgioD. -Nov, 12.—Setreury the flagship as w-ell as the officers
>liy Veiled Fraas.i
Uarrtsoa returned to hla desk today add crews • of tbe American BaUle^
Reklnx. .Nov. 12.—Sow that Vw
(rotu hi* flni trip to the Panama ea- Milps Arkansas and Florida, w'hlch Shlh Kal bos been Mected a fuU See

have been In port since November S; year term as presidMt of tbe rmbThe defenses constitute a marvel­ were entertained ashore by Italian lie. he and his cabinet expect ui.
ous feat in englneqrins." taW Mr. Gar­ navaf officials and creas. Tbe Wyo­ build up tiu- country, and <«c Of the
rison "The works are now in reodi- ming leaves early tomorrow-.
first problems to call thMr ausltoa
Ns for the installation of the uor-<
wlU be the steady decline of tiw na­
rr and tv-lncb guns '
tion s tea trade In recant yearn, ac­
He explained uht guns to be mounv
cording to an
I at tbe Atlantic snd PnclOc termi­
bfee today. Tbe departSMl of agri­
nals will luve a range of 10 or 12
culture baa begun aa invesUgation
mOes. adequate to protect either Miraalong this line, and some aunllng
Ron-s or Gatun lock*.
Ucu in imrard to the natioa's tea
The first step toward developing the
bualnras already ^nv* ^Mn diaeloaed.
naval defense of tbe canal wns taken
In ms. aa far hac* aa accame
(odB) by the dUpstch of Bee spbrna- ADMINISTRATION SEEKING MAN
staUaUca go. the Em­
rine boat* from Gviantanatno 10 CriatoFOR THE EMERGENCY.
pire of China was tbe greateat tea
producing country in the worM. In
Secrctan- Garrison said today that
that XMT It exponed 28».0<7.MM
wbllerho pealilve date could be fixed
pounds of tea. liut in 1M2 (be
(or tblk ceremony, be ibought that
figures had dropped *0 ■iOO.ttOjKiti
Cokuiel Goethali would succeed in
l>oaBds. Tbe annual export at prnv.
clearing the war through Rie CorarChe slide by Februan'1^ and that ii ■FOI^ LOCJCAL SUCCESStM»--TO eat to ebout what H was In IWrT. .
In sharp contraat to this has bhen
certainly would Iw ponalble to pa**
the strong and staady Invasied .of
deep draft vet*p|s tbreagb (he next
If pVia>enal Prwidant Cati^ Sc India and Ceyion Into China's tea
monopoly. In JSM. when China ship
Bccreury Garrison and t'olonei Goepad trom her shores nearly 200.MO.(hal* cave some attention to pinna tor
00 pound* of tea. India's exports
the converalon of a.portion of-the
were only iv>.gog.obO pounds. In iMf.
present employes Into a forct^io oj>cr
however, when ChlBS'a apona had
ate the canal
<tiy rnitad Fress.i
are engaged In
weiK-gr «■ '
Washington. Nov.
12.—Another dwindM to SM,39nPffe muds. les. a reduction by mnay thhflaaada sarious attempt m *ecnr« an agree^ dto'iCnad
to 2l«.«ll.OOO pounds.
that which was (ormeriy at work mem betwei-p the warring Uexfnut In other words, ta IS years China
tbe ranal. A permanent working
(actiooB ia In progress. It was learn­ tea expons dropped Pd per cenL
force will be drawn frafi this nnmlver
while India's rose over IDS per cf«t.
ed today that laivoy Und Is sounding
Huena'a Uesitenanta to Team- the In the tame .period Ceylon's export*
•8 of ca^ldates from whom > of oolong expanded frea 4SJMO.OOO
provislona] president could 'be se­ to 1«&.000.0M. Jam. aa sreil. baa
Uam to
lected to rocceed HimU.
who, _ _
would be acceptable to the Carraw hold her own market.''Ifi'UBfi the
PLAN OF CAMPAfON OUTLINED iactioo. If one ean be agreed upon tea experts of this Dutch eotony were
in ISq
negotiations (or • truce and (or a
general conKtltoiional election will they were».0()0 pounds.. Pmobe tnwiiuted This 4 now the chief *a Natal and Freneh ladoChina are
also eomlng up steadUr as ua pro­
Four Tbouaand Daiegatea Praaan^t plan of the WUson administration.
Official clrries today reported 'no ducers.
Rewaing Road Meeiriff In
AnGquated methods of prodadAon
riisiute" in (he situation.
St. LMla
baa bMa an imperum tnetor in (he
deriitte of the ccmatiy's tea eapertatloea The rank and flle of natiro
tea growers today uro the same
<ny I'nIM Presb.l
letboda that were thought all right
St l-ouis. Nov 11,—Ileterrolned to
thlny. forty sad fifty yaara aaa.
bring before congress the necessity
NeverthriMS. the priaetpal canae of
of building croes country highways
A disastrou* fire visited Kaleva inanltien ot a once flourishing Uand to Impress upon the various suce last night when five buildings were
legislatures (he neceulty of lateral conanmed. Flame* were flrat dU*ov- doatry was ever the cruel ladlffOTroads conneoting with the general cred in tbe postoffice, whieh U also ence of the Manriiu burcaucrata. The
lowly tea- raUer. the humble tea
federal cross roads, four thousand
general ato^aod frtan there spread
rates today attended ibe second I a salootC two small store* and merchant in n te« isolated poru was
nothing to them, gnd they cared Utday 's »«BSlOD ot the six day conven­
dwelling.- As (here U no means to Ua^^wbether the entire tea uade died,
tion of (he railed Sutes Good fight fire except s bucket brigade,
and with it the grower*! so leag
Roads association
progress could not be checked oo
is understood (be Missouri gov­ count of the high wind (hat was as offlctoU. high and lew. got thMr
ernor intend* to rig up his moving blowing A small amount of Inssi reguUr -squeeze" from taxes, tew
other palm grea.xing perquiaitey.
picture machine and show the dele,
'wra» carried by the several That time has past Today Peking
gates inn bow- Missouri tur^ out firm*.
has alert rcptHiUcan. officials on the
hundreds of miles of goods roads In
Job. The next step ia to atndy the
tbe two -'Good Roafs Davs" last fall.
OWOSSO—Mr. and Mr* w
The l'nited SUlM Good Roads^ s* Uaylsn of this clt/ wrut to -Ann Ar- modern tea ratolag methods employ­
ed in India. Ceylon and elsewhere,
sorialton wu organized at Rln^g10 vb-lt a relative and wbefi they and this will be dene e* soon as
ham last summer and I* a conso
arrived they learned she liad been funds an made avaitoMe.
tion of more than 4C other road dead three weeks.
bnildlng erganiutlons.. That* arc
eighty-two road ImproveffleDt organ­
izations In the sutas and it Is hoped
that before ibe convention adjmms
Ml will consolidate with the L'nited
Sutes asaociatipn. The aeaooiatiM
baa been Incorporated in Mlaw^l
and tbe fight for better roada will
One of (be moat complele failures he retualns a soria) nonantfty and
be waged from 8t. Loult. the perma­
in Ibe world to tbe man who Is satis­ stumMlng Mo^ to ot|era wRinBe path­
nent b^quarters. Thomas U Caofied with tflmseir. Hit case to a way he eacuftbert. Miaatiatiction
was elected managing editor of
hepeieas one and there Is little wuh their eondttlon to thn greateat
the aasodatioa nt DlrmliRiham and
chKxce (or him as long as be re­ force in movlag pedi^e to do things
h Is believ ed that he will eaatlnne
in the world (hat will grove of bene­
to direct the affaire of the federation. tains this state of mind. Progrew
fit to themselves and lo otben, for
John H. Bankhead. Lnlted SUtea to made becauM iBdIvtduato. are not
nan really beneflta MtoseH wtthter from Alabama Is prastoeht ramtent with tbe way things are
dotng a good turn to aomebody
and J. A. Rountree of Birmingham,
to bring to pass a more satisfactory else in the course of hto aetWty. It
atnral that {people who are ta
coaditlon they are led to aroompltoh
work that Is worth while. The aatto- thMr right mind should roallte thMr
man Is a defldent man. inas­ own shortcomings, for Giere to not
much that be cannot see hi* short- a day pass* that people do not sen
lings and lives content with hU where* (hey are laeffldept or tfek1 egotism as a solace and com- ing in fome particular wag. In ilpanloif. The aaitofled Baa Is tbe vtcUb of aa abnormal state of mind
I By Tilted Prets.)
ed by nadtw preesure of the per­ IndivIdnaU derelop the beat that to
Sov' 12—The Jnpt
cruiser Idzumo' was ordefied today to sonal ego-upon tbe spot where tbe la them and oome nearer the lata«'
prooeed with all speed toIlkexicaD wa- brain ought to be. and iihtU this ileo of tbe Creator when he placed
tara. Tbe admtoilt.v refused to give preasore to relieved by chowlng up them In the world to become -pmM
Clous weaken Instead of aoNf Aatto
any information ns to th« ndaaloe n^ In hto true Iteht at some i«iti<
crtol* hla roadltlon to
and fled draoea. '
on which the reatel was nenL











MAEST PAKB mi mcaiCAN Nom OF Olbwo* >AHI»9^E8T<

(Smnh ©tutome Mmilk





Ufo •avtn .UoiAl* to IjToM RMeue
h( Tootk of Mtmr« WMcti Cootlraotf for gtghtjr Hooro
00 Uakn-

«Br L’otWd Prm».\
DHPoJi. >*0T. U.-Wth freoh drulU
of tfco hovoc wron«bl o« the Oi»«t
lAkM br lb* worn Norombor oiomi
oa roobrd slowl>- comloK In'ever tbe
crippled te)e«T«i>b nod telepboae «lre«
li won believed
ibnt noorea hnd
pertabod to ■blpm-reckii oa Ukm buperler. Micbisna nod Huron
IVnoos aboard tbe uoldeotl&ed veaoal »bjcb veacardar was n-ported on
4be redu ba Manlteo island. Uko Rupotior, a bleb l.x poandlna badly and Id
danger of breoklng up. are beUerod
u, dooiDod to'deatb. Staaners wblrh
tuuie attompu at iwaoue repon\4 toda)- (bat the decks of tbe strand
ed vessel were "awash, wlib membm
of the crea Usbed In tbe rlgglog. Seversl are bellefed to be dead trom ex
(•osufe to the M-mlle bllzxa^ which
has raged for M bours.
A report froa: tbe Boo tbU mernl&e
said tbe TonllaOM line ateomer
Janes E. Havidoan bad bonk off Gres^
cap Point. Tugs were sent to the
Pram other parts pr tbe state cone
repofta of further dUaaiers on the
takes. It Is believed that It will be
aac} da>'s before the exact number
«bo perUbed can be leaned. . Dan-;
age to.hUcP^pm tosrus win be macb:
^ter than orlglnaUr estimated,
rfcrka and bnathooeea by ‘

were washed aWay and scorep of small
boats were sunk at their moorings
Meor Vneaeis or RecAa
Calpinct. Sov. II—N'early ever>etoamer which reported today to va­
rious wireleu Stations along lake Su­
perior told of passing tbraugh float­
ing wreckage and sfghilnR nnldcntlAed VYeaels on the. rocka Hope for
tbe safety of the steamer Simon'lanmell and tan wooden consorts which
Ml Uly 1‘ond raday. was .practleally
ahaodened heday. Tbe ifaree vessels
corrted C1TWS or M men.
Port Huron. !fov. ti —The i^eamer
' found floating bottom up In lake Ifuran this afteraeon was ideoUfled by leral veeael xam aa tbe kl A. & Clark, a
I.V'-foot ataot freighter, owned by Cap­
tain John MltcbeU of Cleveland. Tbe
sailoA was not positive. Tbe
Hark carrM a crew of $0 men under
Cai>t. John Low.
.DuSalo, Kor. 11.—Tbe United Sutra
Ugfatshlp Ko. C2. Mationed at Point
Ablno. Ufce Erie. Is believed sunk
with her e»ew of eight men. Wreckeg- was pteked up to day . Tbe pe^
hooBcl of tbe crew Inriuded Hugh WTI
lUms. tspraln. of Mdninee. Mich: M
Jensen, seaman. Mnskegon.

As B result of bis visit to the apple
abow here. OongresHtnsB MclaugbllD
has ordered nine bokbs of assorted
winter apples, which will be shipped
bis brother. Prof .tadrew C. McUiigblln! of Chicago tyveralty. ‘Die
rongrassraan has been scdrctrtng. ^
• time, for fruli of suitable site,
oolpr and quality to be sent to Cblcngo and really give tbe pec«rte three
an idea of whal Michigan ran do-in
the horticultural line. He found it
In Traverse ni>. with ever?' neees
sary quaUflrailon. flavor, coloring
and appearanee. and he Is confident
that be has s big surprise
for his biwber. who U nccostomed
iai«»ly to the use of western fnilt.
Pour uandard winter varleiira were
selected. They will be carefully
packed and shipped, bnt they are not
by any means exceptional apples.
They are merely re)>reeenutivr of
run of first grade apideo which
ore grown In the Urand Travel


United Btatee Marahall Keenan of
Msneminee is Among These
Lest When the Barge
Went Oewn.

(Ry United PrrsR.
iora. Nov. 12.-The iw Mar­
tin wWeb rracliod here lUls.moralhg
after « J-i hour batlln with the storm,
reported Jhe lost wiifi ell on board of
lU consort, (be barge I'lymiMitb.
Seven men |H>rished wbro she went
bown. C'augbt in. 1lio gile near
Gull Island.
UiJtw Michigan, thr
tow' line betwefn tug and barge port­
ed naff the barge danbnd ngoinst lhe
tug sinking within ten' minutes,
liepuiy United SUira Marshall
eenan of Menominee. Is smong tbe
T«ee Veraels on Mom.
HetroiL S'ov
I2.'Ttafl Can-vdiau
freighter Wexford, of the Wratern
Co. of Toronto.' lies -on
the bottom or Uke Huron, eight
miliw north of N'ortb Huron. rcaUng
ipoD the wm-k of tne Heglna.
nadtan package steamer la Td feet
of water. This became the firm l>ellef of Uke men today. Practlrally
all Other veeseia. srattored by tKe
Milk Suppir •* •« -Abort That Obly moat terrific storm In recent bbiion'
aebleo are Being Buppliedon tbe Iskes. sje accounted for. That
Oemoge WIK Reeeb tbe
■ he l.ake Hiirmr wreck reenlied from
Million Mark.
a comsien of the t«n ships Is de
eiarad by Capt. Reid Of the R^
ly. w-to has cruliMl
• Uy t'nUcd Press 1
kbout (he enene for two d.%ys
CleevUnd. Nov. II—Alibougti the
Hirers left Pins Huron thU alter
lad has abated non^ewhai. condi'iwns noon tih the tug 8pon to ati«mpt to
re lltUe iielter here today Snow is Voslllrelyjuenilfy tbe wreck. The
stm falling and local traSle of all -wtramer w. G. lH.k«-k, rei«ned
hinds Is fled up. Kallroads hate no agnmnd at the entrance of Ri. ilair
wires and iralus are barolr crawling Hats eanal^ lapsed tbe Poo «arl) to­
Into tbe city, while some roads have day. Half a •■cofT of vesnelk are slUl
no tralna
tbe rocks In various pari" of Hie
Tbe Inod rui>pty is nearly etiiauste^ lakes, bm none are helleved to l>e in
D the residence section, grocers being
Kbl[v< in
inable' to make dellrerlea. Tbe ndlk
'sjtfw ktandine bv.
supply is M low that only milk tor
bpbk-s is being dtepensed Snow in
the dowT town BUwts is banked sit
feet btffb Quidneas is paralysed and
daniage will he clore to m million dnl-



and <iouihwe-.i.Tn exhlblin.
On brlBg asked what he thought o(
the exhibit, he Kal.l: -I have never
exhilbt of belter quality apjiiei in aU my trat elii and I firmly l>elleve that within ii very few yeart
the Grand Traverve region will be Ibe
banner fruit and ai>f>le seeiioo ol
Mirhigan. II not of the United *Staira.
both in iiuajliy and quainii).
'I exprv-t to s|>end
in Ibis virinlt} this winter, aa 1 reallie that you liavc-the eoll and climate
lor frtili rnlhlng and I can >«ec from
tbiH wonderful exIilbU that tbe
crawem of tbix region are now alive
the modern n-.. 'hods of caring for
their orchards.


Believed That Waurway Will be
Ready fdr pMaage of Deep Draft
Vaatels Boma Time
Nest Bprieg.
Woxbingion. Nov 12.—Sevretsn'
GarrlODn raturaed to bAs doak today
from^ls Aral trip to the Panama caThc defenses conatUut^a marvelit feat Id engineering." snld Mr. Gar-.
risoD "The works are now In readi
uass lor tbe inauUaUon of tbe mortars and tv-inch guns."
He explained tabt guns to be mountI at the Atlantic and Paclflc i(kfDinwU will bare a range of 10 ra 12
miles, adequate to proieci either HlraAores or Galun locks.
Tbe hrst step toward developing the
naval defenss of the ranol was taken
today by the dUpsteta of five gufamarim- boats from Gtiantanatno to Criato-

Secretary Garrison aaid today that
while no poslUve date could be Axed
for tbia ceremoor. he.Vbought that
Cokmel GoMhala would aacceed in
clearing tbe why Uirtmglf the Curarrhs.alide by February't. and that At
ceriAlnb would Iw iiotsible lo pass
deep draft vessels threagta tbe next
Secreiary Garrison and Colonel Go^
thals tave some attention to j^ans (or
the oonveralan of a. portion of the
prvsent employes Into a force to oper
C.tty Fsesa Esneus Congsc BhouW ate the canal About 3S.MC .emplayes
Thaw Bet th and Melt Deep
' engaged In ^e work-gr <Bo «tB-'
Snow under Whlcfw (he
IS. a rednetlon^ many thbur/
Town la Buried. .
(hat which waa formerly M 1


force w|U be drawn from this n
<n> UnKcd Press >
^tlevv-liuHl, -Vov. 12.- With local
trufflo and cnoiinunleaUoo with the
ouuide world, only iwrily restored.
ClevelaiTd today faced n
^inc- Tbe sttnation may be r>- PLAN OF CAMPAIGN OUTLINED
geved lomorroa, but tialH (bra over
hall the city wU| he forced to live
shiwt rations. _The snow (all
ceased this morning and car scnlce
w-as rranmed but wires throimhoul
Rewsing Rood Meeting i
the city are atlll down. Ther» is
SL Louia
great dancer of a t-crioas flood
slioiilrt a sudden thaw stait. Gchnols
D. H. BAY WILL USE 8UNNYRIPE Ibrtmchoul the city are closed
<Ry United Prrai.)
St 10.U1S, Sov. U,-Determined
Praffbet Of His Orcha«ff.Wlii m Care­
bring before congress tbe necraaity
fully Inapdeted by iSurcau
of hnlldlng cross country highways
and to Impress npon the various stale
legisUturcs the necosslty of iMcn!
B. W. .M.-lntraii. one ol <be WV.troads ranncctlng with tbe general
era .Mtchlgan TVveloiHaent bureau's
In distinct violalion of iiosUl regu- fedora) cross roads, four thousand
expert apple packers. Is at Oswelalions. many rural rbme patrons in- delegated today attended tbe second,
gatchle farm at Gkii Haven insiHH-isin upon placing loose change, for day's seaxion of the six day eoeven-^
Ing the apples whlrb have been grown
stamps or parcel post charges. In mall tion of the Uhlted Stales R«od
b>- n. H. Hay. presldeut of the W.-nboxes. According to the ruling, ear Roads association.
Michigan Uevdopmem bureau,
riecs shoulil leave money, when net
It Is. undeuwtood (be Missouri govtbe current yeai Ur. Haj'f orchards
properly wrapped or placed In an en■nor intends to rig up his moving
youtig and arc just beginning to
vclopej in the boxes. Aside from the picture machine and shof tbe delebear and the fruit that they are piv
legal point of view , there Is the dif- gates lust bow Missouri
during is ol extra quality. Hr Is takAcuity which ts caused the carrier hundreds of miles of goods roads in
Ink the utmost poini In the handling
when be 1* forced lo pick up loose tbe two "Good Roads Davs" last fall.
of ibe fruit nnd is having It lacked so
money, and the loss of time accnilng Tbe United Sutra Good Roads nsthat It will comply with the Unlied
tram such a practice. This In Itself sociatlon w-as organlted at IHrmlngSutra Mandard and wlih the Sunny-,
should be suffli-iim to make the pj- bam last summer and b. a conaoUds
ripe rules He lx having tbe fruit loirens careful in the future to have the lion of more than le other read
and tbe 'Western Mirhigan
money securely wrapped or envcle(>ed
building organizations. Thor* arc
IK-«elepmeni bureau's Sui:n>-rli>e la­
compact packagr.
eighty .(wo road Improvement organ
bels pUeed upon all the harrels that
Another thing which will brar em­
Ixatlons la the sutes and It is hoped
will grade as extra gmd. Mr Itey is
phasis at this season of the year Is
that before the convention adjtnras
a great believer in (be intpeciton s>sthe fact tliat. In order to have mall
ond be Is confldent that it will
all will consolidate with the United
dellveretl or collected, rural patrons
to get belter prices forSutra association. Tbe asaoeiatloo
krap a clear road to tbe mail
the fruit which the wewern Michigan
has been InoorkKWated In Mlmoari
Itoxea The carrier U not required to
orchards-will produce in tbe Tears to
nnd tbe Ugfayfor beUer nmds wUl
iMve hU vehicle and where tbe road
come, last year a small start was
waged from 8t. Loula. tho perma­
is In such condition as to m^e the
made in the matter of Inspeeiion and
box ii^ccesslble he may drive M with­ nent headquarteri. Thomas L. Can­
this yrar the' fruit from a number of
out stopping for either collection or non was elected rasnaglnf editor of
orchards hks been passed upon by the
the assodatlon
bnrrat. and la those easra better
it U bellored that he will coaUnue
prices have been secured than other­
direct the affglrs of the federation.
wise wo«ld have boM the rase
John H. Bankhead. Uoltod SUtes
tor from Alabama U proaAnent
and J. A. Rountree of' Binnlngbam.



• Jiy I’nlted Press.'
M'a»hlngton, Kov. 11.—Tbe revemib
cutipr Tu-vearora was ordered today
trom Milwaukee to aid the ,‘branded
steamer on yjanlton Island. The rev­
enue »uiior Monow at HemiH was or­
dered 10 lake Hnran to aid >ess>-h>

SARIXAW—Sutc Inpirance ComCHfCAGG-'’Bbe’a going up in iluioner John T Wlpshlp has left
smoke; let her k«rn.~ chanted •the for NPw- York, where he wiM attend
executive committee' meeting of
nw <iub of John Marahall High
while flreoiec balded with tbe national fire iosuraiice eommlsa biBso in the building. Tbe fire was aionerii and the natlona] committee
unltorm ntulual fire legislation.
:<ui out with trming loss.

' 4oi.X
tlons that e\er rira to their full op
periuniiles in the «grld, simply -beennse they surrender to tbe sranknessee by which they are bedgml about
Waiting for a lavorahle opportunHy is
one of the grhajrat drawbacks that
baa to be contended with, and while
the inaeuoo prevpll^ the optBrtuBliy
Is rao often lost nr gfaa|>ed by otbersToe inauy people believe that tbrr
cannot do njuihlng out of the ordi­
nary boeauae ft spnld take too much
effort and alao because they have no
one to siww them the way. This U
where the Ionian fa«or Is mlaimUed
and mighty molts lost. Man In
-i-r lb futlUl bh mlsskm on rartta In a
i>rai>er maanra must be able to bUxe
new trails at well aa lo follow old
ones. Tbe man who can tun rameiblng In an anbeard of dlraction hecomes a laaderoc man and a pewar^n
y wharr be Urea.
many mm sanvader to tbeir inherent


.\ M oodio . >jil<-» manager of
Hejn Sprai Pump company, ol
Son los.-, r»mornla. aud Cleveland.
Ohio, came to Traverse City on
viiBiion of one of his friends to
the apiilc show nows being held by the
Trsv.TM- City Suic bank. Mr. Woodle> has been In every fruit section of
the United Slates, with tbe exreikiott

weaknesees and love uui D the battle
of life. What Is true of llie individual
is equally true of tbe 'organUaiion.
which instead oi gulug abend si an
-opportune Utiie with some beneflcial
prelect gives wray to tbe weaker indlrlduals which comiKoe It. thereby los­
ing an opportunity to accomplish rcdl
good -and became a leader in commnnliy thought and acOon'. Braulis
any line-come tram strength and de>
elaioa. and the individual or organixation tbai fails to uke advanuge of
what opportunltlH
present theniselves U falling short of tbe functions
wbicb tbeg were crested to All In
lorallty Viere they arc working. The
«mly wwy to get ahead In any line Is*
to ta^ adi-aninge of attMtlcBs as they
arAe and by cpneWent and Inieillewt artioo rrarh tbe gnal that has
been net In Ih^ dMnnee. Inaction
novor- win vlrtorlra. for they nre reserred for the onra who can reeflgnlse nn (^tpomialiv and make tbeir
dreams rrailties.



tey United Preas.i
Home. .S'ov. 11.—Pope Piue today
appointed Father Edward KotOT-akl of
Grand fUpIdi as auxiliary bTabop

CHAMPAIGN. III.—Cabs, flowers
and Unto music were barred at the
ant biff Unirrraity of IDinoU dance
of tbs >«ar^hut tbe'slit akin w as


New York. Nov. 12.—Strickeii with
paralysla In a back pew is the
rbureb of RL John tbe BapUaL »Ki
W«M Thirtieth atreeL ' the edlfloe
I^Ebtod only by the dim lights from
(be slur, a sroman knelt for If hours
in a strange penance.
She was MIm lUnnab Moran. oO
yean old. a aaamstrew of Ml Went
lailrtleth suert. Removed to her
hone today, she said sbe Intended >
remain upon her knees until cured.

(By United Preral
Tokto. Nov. 13.—Tbe JkiwnoM
cruiser tdzngM was ordered todny to
proceed with aR speed to^exlcnn wntara. Ttoe admiralty retaaed to iHTe
oa to the tnlaaSoB npon which the reatel was

'By United lYcas '
Naples. Ittly. Nov. 12.—The Italian
Mvernm<-n( today outdid, lieelf In tbe
'reeepiidn 'accorded 10 Rear Admiral
Badger, rammandenln-cblef of t^ di­
vision of the AUamJo nret which Is
TiilUng lullan ports The admirM'*
flagship. Wyoming, dropped anchor
today in the Bay of Naples, follow.
tug an exchange of saJutra. Offtecra
from the royal navy immedlately
bnarded the tAToming to pay tbeir
official rrapects to Rrar Admiral
Radger, who soon after returned the
call, accompanied by hlii full staff.
Every minute of today was ukee up
Willi an elaborate program of enterneats and receptions in honor ol
the -tmerican naval
chW and bis officers. -. Tbe
tbe flagship as well aa the officers
and crews of the Ameriran Haulcshlps Arkansas and 1*tor1da. which
have been In (tort since November f.
re enri^talned artorc by Julian
navsftiffbials and crewa. ‘rBjJVv&
mins IHve* early lonjorrowf""'^




Campaign of EdueatlM Will Be
Bttitad For PurpoN of ToaoNing M^ern Mrahoda Of .
Growing and Mfarimlng.

Illy UnUed Prass.i '
Peking, Nqv. 1:.—Now that Yuan
Sbih Kat has toera eicctad a foil five *
year term aa prratdam oT tho rapnbItc. he and his cabinet expect to
iHilld up the counUTcand oae C( the first probleua to call their atUBHob
will be the steady decUna of tho-natlon's lea trade In rocant yean, aicording
here today. Tbe t
rnltut* has begnn aa AnremAgatlon
almg this line, and some atanUag
(acu In regard to tbe natAoo's tea
bnal^ras already have baen d
In ISM. as far back as accurate
goverameat statlsUca to. tho Bmplre of China w-as the gnateut tra'
country In the world. In
that yew It exported m.0E7.«K>
pouada of tea. Uut la 1»91 tbe
ngurra bad droliped to 300.tfl0.000
(■ouada. Tdf' aSaSSUflairat' at pres­
ent to about what It wis'to IflO?.
In sharp ctootrast to this has beeo
tbe siroog sad strad.* Invnaloa at
India and Ceylon lalo China's tra
mooopoly. In isit. when China ship
curad Who Is AmpUbla to Hverpod from her shores aaart)- flOO.ftOO.U and Carranxa* Partlaans
no pounds of ton. India’s expetts
Elaetlons Will Be hcM.
were only fV'.Offl.OVO pounds. In IflST.
haweeer. when Chinas ogporu had
(lly Uoitad P^.
Washington. Kov. ^2.—Another dalndlad to SW;S39MB'Vagads. In­
had rlaea to tU.SH.OOO Pounds.
serious attempt to secd^ an agree­
ment beiwei-D the warring Mexican In other words, ts IS yrara China
factions is in progress. It was learn- tra exports dropped M per eaoi.
«d today that Envoy'.Und U sounding while India's raee over 100 per erart.
Hiinru's Urateaanu to leara^ the In the same period Ceyloa's exports
nanra of candidates from whom S; Of oolong expanded (roB 4flJM>0A«
previdonal prraident could be se­ to 162.000.000. Java, ea weU. has
lected to aueceed Huerta, and who; taken adv-antage of Chlaa'a taUnre to
would be aeeepuble to the Carranxs hold her own malteL la 1R#« the
faction. H^o can be agreed upon tra.eJtporta of this Dutch ooloar were
11.200.000 pouadt.'Wheraas In 1007
for a trace and
general eonitlinUonal elcctloo will they were 36/>Oti.OOO pouada. .Fatmobe ifistiiuted This 4 now the chief aa Natal and Preach IndcsChina are
plan of tbe WUson admlnlstralloe. also coming up 'ateadUy as tea pro­
Official circles toda) reported "no ducers.
Aatiqnated m«hods of' p
change" in the situation
has been aa impottaat fneter la the
deritae of the roantry’s .tea exporta­
tions The rank aad flle of native
tea groweni today use the seam
methods that were thought aU right
thirty, fort)' aad flftr yaara aga.
Nevertbeleos. the griaeipsl canae of
diustrous nre visited Kaleva
Inanition of 1
Inst night when five bnlldlags were dustry was ever the cruel tadlSer'nsmes were (Irwi discov­ eace^-Bie Maarlw bnrrancnta. Tbe
ered in (be postofflce. which to also lowl)^ira' raU^, .the humble tea
general atore and from there spread merchant In a few laolated ports was
I a s&looo. two small stores and nothing to them, aad they cared lUdwelling. As (here to no means to
UerwlM-thcr the entire ten trade died,
fight (Ire except a bucket brigade, iu end with It the growras, so long
progress could net be checked oo ac- as offlclala. high and low. got (hair
of the high wind that wai regular "aqueeze" from taxes, fees
blowing. A small amount of inanr- aad other palm gre
ance was carried hy the aevcral That time has past Today Peking





OWOSSO—Mr. and Mrs. W. , I'.
Uayian of this dly went to Ann Ar­
ia vtoit a rolaUvc and whed they
arrived they Iraraed she liad been
dead three weoka

job. The next step fa to atndy t
modern tea raisiag mstbeds empleTed in Indio. CeylM nad elaowbere.
aad this will be dCM as aooo as
funds are made irallabto.

One of the most compleie failures
In tbe world to the man who to aaUafled with hlmaeir. Hto ease U a
hepeleu one and there to UtGe
chtace for him aa tong aa be
this state of mind. ' Progress
to made beranse indlrlduala ara ooi
Mtent with the way things are
going for them, and In iheU efforw
to bring to peas a more aaitotaetary
coadiiloo they are led
work that to worth while. The aattoned man Is a deRrieot man. laaamuch that be cannot see hto shortoomtags and lives content with bto
own egoUatn aa a- a^aee aad <
paaloif. The lotlsfled man is tbe ricof no abnormal state of mind
caased by uadtM (wraatire of . tbe pereg*-upon the spot where the
brain ought to be. aad until this
pressure to relieved by Aowtag np
to hto true lUht at some paiBcnlar
crisis hto (tmdItloB to hop«^

he remains s social aoaeatfty and
BiumbUng Mock to o(|era wlfloa# path­
way he encaftbera. DIssattateetloa
with their coodttlon la tha gibatMt
force in taovlag peqtlt tn te IBlaga
in the world that will prort Of beaetbemselvcu and In othara. (or
BO man raally beaenta himietf whbdolng a good tnra to oemebody
etoe' in the coarse of bto MtMty. It
to aatunl that people who ate tn
tbeir right mind ahooM rqalMe their
for then to net
day passes that people do not see
wherr'tbey are IneffMeat or lack­
ing In some particnlnr wag. Is kitempttng to ccrrect the
and task# thernsrirra more eOiaeM
indlriduato devekv ffhe he« that to
la them and oome aeanr the iattniloo of tbe Craetor when be |4aeed
them in the worU to become amW
tiaut woAera iostcod of mK iatto
fled drooee.


‘ PiAlMlNl TMadkTB U4 Thundm at
Tnnm city, MlfAlgm, by

t M NCOBd«Uaa matter
M««b I, 1»M. »t the powamw at
TiftWW City. UkA.. oadar tba Act of

Offlaa. Itt Front •*. loth W»«a a

ni~~o»..... .

Om of the KToat drawback* to
community profrea* is the fart that
the Batire* will oonUnue to walk
over yoldcD opportUDltle* without
reooCBUint Ihrtn nnUt aomc
ft V»9Pt»» alone and tells tbrn of
they are miasiox by not
doraloplng soma lodleenous industry.
BiXht har» In the Grand Travwoe reckm ara opportunities ijin* dormant
that only roquirw a little buslne**
aoumeo to be brouefat into full flow­
er. In the first jdaee there are too
many fruR growers who are content
to take what is oSarad them for tbe
product of thalr orAards. whan by
IliUa cxerclae of bBSlnasa judgfB^
and aalatman^lp they <ould realize
doable the amount on their croi>.
Strangdn who ctnne here seldomt^faU
to rooognita thla fart and cafi the
' attaotioa of the people to ihU fart,
but although their advice it good and
could be turuad to profit if is
otuo lei go unheeded and wales arc
made in the aafiie old manner
■ name old markets. Careful grading
and packing is the greatest arillnK
:fotoa <» the market today and while
tba srestem growers are reaping
harvan aloog tbU .Une with inferior
and tnatriaaa fruit, the one* in this
rmciM who grow the fine«( apple* In
tba worid ara not heading the call of
' the public and are-losing thous:
of dollars arary year by their inacikih in this Una. Tba ««at is the
logica] markat for tba G.nind Trav
ersa apple, and with tbe advanuge
that this Biala has over the weet<
country In the matter of freight
ntaa U would only bo a quesUon
of a few years' time when the westare product could be driven out ot
the osatarn marttei. if a systematic
'campaign was condurted to place
tba Michigan apple In tbe cities
where there Is an unllmltN deouuid
folr iWa kind of fruit. Those who
base bad tbe foresight to break into
new markeu and have bMn honest
with tbeir enstomers have eslablliibed a trade that u egtremely valuable,
bat the great bulk of the fruit raised
in this pan of tbe sUle is being
aM at too low a figure to bring
pr^er return to the growers. The
production *f n fndi crop in this
regloB Is now an easy matter, and
now that this pan of the work has
been learned the neki step U along
*e. Une of dlstrtbuUM. the finding
and holding permanently markets
that are exacting and therefore
proOuble. This pan of the work
win have to be dPne by oiganlzlng
the grewen. who if once united
oould in the course of a few year*
force all praaent eompatltloQ into
tba faMfcground. The market
awaittag. ara the growers equal to
dm opponnnlty that Is offered then
m this direction?

Alter Faeb
Prooldent Wlkwn has decided
Qiake an lovestlgaUoB through tbe
bureau of corporations into tbe re^
^ta that have foUowad tbe indlwcitminau mm busting eami>algn
that has baOB canied on in this
country during the pant eight years.
He Vanta to know whether the suits
that have bean in tba federal courts
hare really accompllsbed apy good,
aad if they have how It haa been
done sad srbu effect they reaU;
had in dlaaolTlng the truau
wgra affected. Bines tbe crusade be­
gan there hare been IM trusts that
hare been hauled Into^coun by the
goverement <and fony suits
p^lng. If the preaeeutioBw.' Iiave
proved of benefit to the people they
will be eonUnuad. but' if u tangible
saaulta hare bean obtained the prewIdant balleroa that it U
apaod tba public money la thU diraclion. Tbe Inyestigntions srill be con­
ducted nioeg buBineas lines and not
upon a partiaaa basU.' it Is desired
to find whether or not prices have
been lowered or rained by (he auits.
aad whalhw romblnatlona are really
the detrlmeet to Ue peepie that
they have been pictured and ar*-art<
I prices- np<
ally aettlim their
their iwoduu regi________________
ss'of the U
of aupply iaa demaaA ThU ecUoo
appaera logical and if carriad out
abed a great deal of
light upon the eoooomie queetlona
of the day. Prealdent WlUon beiwven that there U no use in spend­
ing the moMy of the people nioeg

number of a doceu and Ihe table bad
be enlarged to care for the *elf In­
vited pi<-»i*. yir> .Vfiiche' w** fully
equal to the oceasloii and the
guest* vemalned afterward *pendlng
very enjoyable evening.
A gang ef men is out repairing the
image done along the right of way
ef the Northport and Suioi& ilsy
brunch of the <; K. £ 1 railroad.
.None of the wasbouts reached to the
i and It will not be necewKary to
l«sae* fpom bwto and flood in the suspend traffic while the repair work.
I’nlted Stales ceeehed, appalling 1* going on.
figures every year jind yet tbe les
Fhilip Stoops ef Elk ,ftapidB R. F.
sons taught by the elements go unD. No, 1. though hc.J* 7.?. Is not too
h<<eded by people who live In dan­
Old to go hunting and yesterday ai>
gerous pltK-es and are engaged in
reared aa young a* any of the huntrisky occupdilons
With the inven­
-s when be secured hia dew license.
tion of wlreles* telegraphy and other
Oeer lieenaes were itaued yesterideas for the safeguarding of human
ly to Mrs. Harry Hin«-*. Mr* FTwnk
life and |)roi.eny there oppiart
Meitner and Mr*. Agnns Nnuniaii,
Iwlcal reoeoa for so many ilisusier*
who will accompany some of tbe
the lake*, and nolhidg bnt a
hunters on their trl|. in the I'pjH-r
► on the part of v.-**el owner* to
n high freight rate* can
C. W. Wedge ef Grand Rapida. is in
ascribed as the for taking
the cllj to secure space for a display
unnecessary risk* A little loss
<ff spraying romi>ounds to be exhi»>ot time In' making ^Vir destination
Ited at the time of the Sute Jion
In order u> avert ninnlng into n hurcultural soclAy-s convention lo ilii
rieane would be ^e well spent by
city .December S. 3 and 4.
the vessels when •'a comparison
J. 'Burg* of Wortbpott. was in t{tc
Trainmen In the east have been made of the losses that are sustain­
city yesterday lor a short time
awarded a raise of seven per cei
ed every season nfler general navi­
their wagea by the arbltraUon board gation has b«^ <-losed
William Meren of Kalkaska, came
which haa had tlie question up tor
to the city for a short buslaes* irit
settlement for some time. .M first
it was thought that all the trainmen
Water* of Manten. was in thi
on the eosiern roads would go
With the advent of ibe CbrlMnia*
strike, but rruson flnall} pret-iiiled season enm/v the usual admonition* city yesterday on a business trip.
.. V. ^pron of Prenkfort. wai
and all (be road* affected agre<shop c-Acly and do some good >
snImiU the difference between i
those who are In need. These are among the'-business callers yeaterdav
J. Piomondon ef Frevtment
and their meis'.^ the board of arbi­
o good-suggestions, for the
■ to tbe city yesterday and re
tration Thia tritard-Aoes not cover serragee of the former dpe*. i
all that was asked by the employes, with the congestion in the slores iiinied In the aitcrnoon
Vincent Skdwrowaki of Manten.
which wns about double what the Gn- during the last few day* lM>fore the
agreement rati* for.. This lud: great holiday while the latter helps a- in the cliv vesterday for the
dent hfaows (hat It Is proflUble to (ftoao who are moat In need of aa- fiasMart*n Hoyt of Prenkfort. was
submit difference* between raplial Klatance from thnae who have and
among tie. bu'.lnc,..- men who were
and labor to a board <ff arbitration,
spare In ev.-ry town in tbe <
111 the i-ily y<-sterday
for it not only saves timing tii the tneii, try (hero are raniillea that are
Prank Vetruba left last night for
t to til*' etnplc^'ers a* well. Had serving ot h<-lp nt this lime of the
Chicago, where he will be lor ;i
strike on all the ^stern r
year, when ' king winter rrtgn*
iMvn tailed when the trouble anise preiue and poke* into (he rrark* and day* on business.
T. G. B«rgham and wife ef Grend
last kumm<-r nilltlons of dollars crevicw of tbe houses of the poor.
would have /been lort >>y the train­ With ihe eonsumly inirea.'-ioa <v)st llapldK, wbo have been visiting
men. railroads and business inter- of living and the failure of couuuon rriends and relatives in (he city
post few davK. left this morrilAg
■-sta of the .country. While the rag>-s 10 advance In iwoporilon.
men did not get all they a.skej for. field U widening in UiU direction for.' Solon, where the: w ill visit f?tr
short time before n- urning to their
they hare tbe satlslartlpn of know­ every year, fliristinaa oi'Cils
ing that they won their case and are way to the lllieraliy Inclined in a way home. ■
Wm. Rennie of B^|py, is In
In better condition than tliey wonltl ijiat no other orcasion offers, for it
common teaching tiiat at this lime < l(y today on buslaehc
hate been had they gone on'fctr1k<Job. Pester has returned to
and been out of work tor several of tho yenivood will whmild 1m* exerylsths and prnl«bly lost oui'ln the ad toward jnen and glfta can l*e made home at Mesick, after a short
In Die city on busiueas.
long run. .Arbitration a-. a< uicthod Which might be declined at
The shore fine between the wl'P*
of seuUng labor dlBlcnltle. Is l.ound other lime. Tbof,' who have whotild
rooted with ire for a dlslsnre of
to be finally adopted in this coubtry^ make It a point to see iliai thoae
aa it is the only Kane ittAbod of ad- who are larking In the comfort* of lorty ItH't from. Ihe._ w-ater's edge
.wln-re the spray durlin ih>- storm
are supplied with them at
JuMing irpublew that nff-ct the rela
and froze. All of the docks
tiocs between emi>!oyer and employ­
ed. It will bo hard for some of Uic of the people are moving along a |res.4nliled sknllng rinks more than
more arbitrary corpnrations to come higher plane -than at «*ier seayons. niiylhltig <dEA this' morDing
E. Kcime left this morning for
to Utis basis, but the demands of llic Right here In Traverwe Otiy are
time* are such Uiat the people will fmnUie* thai are In dire dlsirve^s dur­ his homo at Tusttn, after seviTal
soon refuse to tolerate big strikes, ing.the <old winter-months and they (lays vts||.w|ih friends ia the rity
not only n«-edy. but deserving -Chat. W. Ooyle and *on Fred, who
w'hlcb not only impoyoriih the ones
who go out. i'lil bring unnecessari' u well and they furnish,an ami-le Iiave been MsiUng wiili frlenrtn and
relatives In tbe city tor the past
pTlvatloQs upon tboee wlio can least field for litose who are Incllnwl
right thing by thplr fellows week*, left this morning fm tfeir
afford Such a condition. As Uie coun­
come across with « substantial re- iKime. at IndianapoU*
try grow'd la Intelllgenre and wealth
•mbntnee of the n*c«mliies of
Viebahn of ManeeJona. u
there will be evolved meUiods of
the city on businena
s. As long os the world-'ealsis
ada-stlng differences that arise
Mias Edith' Crable. who haa been
tween capital and labw without der the present eystem there will l>e
wlUi frleuds here for Keveral
thawing any of the machinery
business out org>‘ar. - ArhltralJon Js choice, but from misfortune and j>res- days. left.this morning for her home
of the economic system.
the most prertical meUidd that has
It these are- helped it is a source
Henry Harrell left today for Lans­
B.S yet. been devised and wiu-come
Into general use within the nest few of great aatiKtarUoti to tbe opes who ing. where he ha* nccepied a position
means of life and comfoit
I the Reo Motor company.
years. Arbitrary methods on elUier
It is but a short [time
. I. Edman and P. Barren, who
side must be dropped as a ina\ter of their way
II been in the city for a' few days
neo-sslty. and good linslness and the from now until Chri.suna* arrives,
business, left thi-. morning
it' b-hooves Ibos,- ' who are Iib<‘rally
Interests of both parties' will InmrilDcd
home at Chicago
sersed by the chadee.
plans for giving -to those who btand
L_ J. Willis returned last night
in need of assistance from unavoid­ from Baldwin, where h* has been
able causes. It is a work (hat wifi (or the last few days on biudness
assist Uui needy and bel]> Uiniy'^Bb ' S. M. Wclahe returned to hia heme
Mvery- fall there occurs >a lohg give to 1')^ more useful lives/ln the
MelUire this morning, after
list of shipwrecks on the Great Ukes cpmmuniiy.
short visit in Ihe city.
as a result of defying nature in her
C. Rutherford left this mernirvg
own lair. No matter bow many dlsl-anslng. whepe be W-III l.e
aaten occur one year there
several day's on business
ways an equal number of owners or
Chsa Steare. who has been at
raosiers whoraire willing to uk
Stale bospltsl tor Uie past
same chances the non fall,
From Wednesday's Record Kagle.) inooUis died la*t night and the
the same odds against them
eral was held tliis morning from
J. H. CeboR of Daliaa. Teaaa. wdto Andenvnn Vndertaklng rooms. 1
about ^the same number comi
The government weather lias lieen the guest of Harvey .Avery tVmas Cod'illn officiaUng. A brotherfor
bureau la suppowed to send out wan
in-law, Janies Shaft, of Perry. Mich,
ings in titpe so that all vessels ra first to havOk cutter ride thla n
was in attendance. Interment was
run into harbor before a heavy storm Itig. ktr. Gebott in converoailon yes­ in Oakwood.
break*, but Iwwauae of the fault of terday had said' that he'bad not had
Mr. and Mrs. H. Montague ef Alma,
aomeiiody. plans miscarry somewhere
are the guest* of Mr. and Mrs. O.
and many a good ship''t* piled upon and to Afford 'him that pleasure .Mr. Carver, kfr. Montague rotuns
the rocks or sand and la lAXirb'd a Avery hitched up this morning and night while Mrs. Montague will re­
took his delighted guest over the main (or a few days.
(rtal loaa. From Unf number of rt
suerts where th«re wa* siiBIclont
sell that are wrecked annually
G^ A. Mason of Cedar, was 'in
seemi that there is great need of
city yesterday on business.
Prof. Leon B. Caruntr. tnstrvcter
change In the mnhods of lake navi­
S. E. Blackwood, who has been
gation In order to hai-e the great loss of agriculture in the High «(;boo1. visiting relaUves at Iceland fo:
had bis Class In the Traverse City- few days, passed through the city
of life 8* well as the mUliops
State bank (or two hours this morn­ this morning on bis way to Grand
property that is yearly wiped
There Is no more dangetoua wate
ing studying the dlfferem varieties Rapids and Kalamazoo.
the world -than the lakes, and ytwr of apples now on display. ThU
Prod A. Anderson ef Cadillac, was
in and out tb^ have i>rov-gn thdlr semester the class is studying dis­ among the business wen in the elty
eases and varteUea of fruit aad the yesterday.
ability to thwart tbe bett plans
(heir navigwiora and pile pieir ships . show has afforded tlicm a
Tho following hunters secured deer
In broken fragmenu upon the shores, mpnortunity lo study direct from the licensee yesterday; Men RIkey. Tony
in spite ot these leesons the wrveks fruit itself.
Rakowsky. of Traversn City; Alex
eonilnno to occur wiUffregularity and
Ward B. Conninc is at Gesyling at- SadieL n. F D- No. Z: J, C. Morribo effort seemn to be made to adopt tcmding thb Crawford county cJrcnlt Kon. Duncan Moirisou and Alez Morinrt.
meaaures to prevent the lotaes. Man
liMm. all of Env Rapids R F. D. No.
ia mlgbUy in many, fields of <-nHra. N. A. Boulton ef Newfidd. N.
Phlll|> Stoops. BIk Rapids R. F. I>.
deavor. bnt when It
.. U visiting her parent*. Mr. and
ber own
Mrs. Charim UmpHcht. HC Stale
.* aa a child. Wind, wave
azkd lighUIng have nev^ been con­
Mre. Claire Muekey ef Fifth street
quered and perhaps never will, and invited two of her young lady' friends
Tor iBfuUd sad OUUnB.
long aa they continue to hold do- to take anpper with ber aa it was loo
minion over the people it U tbe prop­ stormy for them to go bams eo the
er iblag for thoee who are liable to
ibcrw ot (he TwenUeUi CenUry
.Boars tbe
flcstruMloo to respect their posrerw
I macluded it was pin the Ume, aiffBOturoof
and arrange their work accordingly. to happen in and so they did to the

particular 'line (hat dore not
bring teck a benefit If roro|>etUion
haa reelly been restored oa a result
of the null* that have been tried la
the Tedpral eourtt. the goveremenl
w-anu to know the facts aad.will art
acconUngly. If on the ihher hand
the pranecuUons have bean In realtly persecutions and not of material
benefit to the public tlen the en­
deavors on the pan of the govern­
ment should be directed along s dif­
ferent line that will prove of artuat
benefit to the imbllv. This plan is
entirely logical and will meet wliii
the approval of tbe people. ^%st is
wanted Is relief from tbe presKure
of high prices and there Is no ua
trying -lo bring this event about by
directing the eneigie* of the government in the wrong channels to brliu;
rasnlts. This Invcstljtation is tlroely
and based upon the right lines to in­
terest the public whicli is looking
for light on qbestlons of national
moment. It U tbe right move at the
right lime and come* from the-right
source' to achieve tangible results.

MillionB ef Ooliars
Are cleared ever.' year b> the iioulV raiaers of tbe I'nitad.State*. .\
Urge factor lo the inodiicUon of il^
huge profit Is HAHVKI.I.S fONOlTION POlVDI-ai. It keciw Tajiug
hea* lo good couditloii. makes young
chicks grow rapl'll.v. wards off disease
aad keejn the comb bright and red.
ICtiually a* goo>l for MO<-k. It l^ the
(nvnrile roBdltionlng jniwdet
breeders of blooded horses. I’rli^- !.>
^ I«T i<«ckage. Sold 1» all di

ArMtraUra Pays


Takiog dunces




No I: Hertyert Hswfjbv. Wlllloins.
tig.- K. I. Chsmiiton. oid Mission,
fiheisca Fey ef Manimec. is in -the
ly s* a e-epresentative of the Man­
istee County Ravings bank to get
ivointcrs from the apple *how In the
State bank, so that Ul* institution
may carry on a similar exhibition
The firsf snow plow* of the aea>n were on tbe street* yesterday
afternoob clearing the drifts that
W ere almost imjiassable in . certain
A. A. Crubci- and Mrs. Will Scott
left today tor Denton Harbor to at­
tend the Sute Sunday Schobl coo
rention that eonveoes there thi*
Week. They go a* the represenutive* of (he Congregational school
The High achoel football-team is
using the roller rink f6r a practtce
field, until the Twelfth xlreet grounds
re again in condition lor play.
B. Garier ef Sault Ste. Marie, who
has bren tn tho city for le-verwl days
on business, left this morning for
bis home..
Reports received today from Man.
Istec* nre to the effect that Im-ol
damage there' by ih*- htorm was about
as heavy as (bat lnflli-ie»l here Reveral buildings were moved or tipped.
number, of signs carried away and
numaruus window* were blowg in.
Tho* Henaway and wife, who hare
been visiting with rvlntivc* in tlie
cjtv for the |,aBt few days; left this
morning tor their home at WTilie
Street Cemmisaiener Lutman hat
had hU 'snow plow* and street
scrai'per* out yesterday and today
clearing Bp the drin* left in
rirrt t* und on the sldewBlk« by the
recent siohii.
' •'

failing 10 sreiire what he want,
ed. is in (be city endt-avorinc tn makr
eoirritiun for that exhibit.
H. Arnta and wife have return­
ed from Grand Rapids, where thry
hav^ been for the i>a*t lew day*.
F. F. Friene. who ha* been visit­
ing with friend* in the «-ity fofew days, left this morning for bi>
borne at Manisiee.
C. P. Brinkcr ef Mitchell, wne hat
been In the city for severfi day* oq
buslnea* left thU morning for Man­
istee. wlieic he will be for a tdiort
lime before retiirelng'to his home.
The*Wencrn Union i« stringing
new cable down Caas •>trcet to lUelr
-jfficn which will peplaee the one now
I I'nion street.

Ralph i: IV^nVoop.

of Traverse

. Haro'd Titus, who haa, bean apandilic th- m:iiui'<-i ,.iu the city h-tt IlM
iiiEhi for Detroit and Neh' ^'brk lor a
sliori visd .-in.! ;rotr there be will g.,
West to siM-ud the winter.
J. L. Newberry of Peteakey «*ss
thi- .it' '.-.iKKlay on a busincs* trip.
Mrs. O. E.. Brow nand Mita Harris
of Non'iport aic In the city for tbe
W. O. Trapp of Elk '^pidt w»P in '
the rrty OB li'iSlties-; yesterday.
M. Hahner of Elk Rapids it in the
ill. today to virj.vviib triends.

^gal Notices. |

■STATE OF MiriilCAN. tlie ThlrMr. aM Mr*. Clyde A. Ew/itzer.
who iiave been In Oaa>a>Potl« for a penih Judicial ('it. nil o'! Michigan—
'ountv oi I'liarlcroiv.
(ew days, called ther«' by the i-eriout
in th.» inatier ol apjadiiiing the
Illness of Ml* Switzer'* mother, have llliM-s jor hdKiu* tcrtii!; u( f'ourl In
\i.1 I'ircutf for lUv ivu aad
rrtutned to their home here.
Gee. EastJcy'left this morning for •I.".
Tbe mne.-; rorhul.iinx term* of Court
Moyne Falls, where he wilt l>e for a in the severnt comi'le* .-onipilslng (bo
short time on business.
Tlilrtcpiith Juilirial Ciiciiit of MicbiMr*. Arthur Tonneson of Kingsley, 4mn. lor the yeais I!'U uni ini5. are
w-ho liBv been vWUlag with friends hereby fixed and sipixilnti-il as4ollows:
Antrim County.
here for a short time left this morn­
The Icunh .Monday In F.-bruarv.
ing for tJrntKl Rapiy*. where she
The second .Moadav in May.
The Hc.-onJ Monday in AugURt
will visit for a few da>*
Tho seconv Monday in Octolwr.
E. H. Fuller left this morning for
ChaHevoiK County.
Cadillac un business
The first .Monday in Fehruarv.
Tho fourth Monday in May.
Jaa Byrem cf Howard City, It here
Monday In August.
■r * short lime on business
Tilt- fiist MoQuay m Deceniber.
C. M. Beer* i* rcmedciing.hi* heme
Leelanau County.
on Ruth street. An nddlUoa fs be­
The tl.ird Tues.lay in February,
T»i<- first Tuesday in May.
ing built at the rear of tW houne.
The first Tuesday in Augifl.
roof is tielng iwrtly rebuilt and a
The third Tuesday m October.
plant Is lieing Insulled '
Grand Traveree County. ' '
D. W. Gunnison returned laK night, 'Uto fiiKt Monday in Marcli
from Heed City, where he h*» been' The at^und Monday In June.
The la*l .Monday m S,-p(cuiber.
for some time un husines*.
The thIM Mon.lay m I>eceinber.
R. i* Keaney.. a former resident ef
Dated at Oi'aiiovolx, Michigan. Orto(From Thursday's Recard-Eagle.)
this city, now-of Chicago, is vlsiUng ber IMh. .1913,
Mrs. Chat. Monuguo left for ber with friends here for a few days.
Jodge of the Thirteenth Jndlyine In the upper peninsula yeaterHarry dackaen rcturnad to his hema Circuit
iat Circuit of Mlihlgao..
day. after undeigging a sncceastul 0|r short visit In the city.
, 20. nov C. 13, 20. •:
ciatlon at the Day Hank hosplul,
The front windows ef Mrs. Hender­
Mr. and Mre. Henry Wi*ehn«w«ki of son's store oa East Eighth street were
Filth street were surprised laal even­ blown out by the terrific storm of Suning when u number of their friend* •lay and Monday.
came in to spend tbe evening in
Mra. Samuel.Holmes ef East Eighth
menilitmmo of their tllver anniver­ street, who underwent an operation
sary. Mr. and Mr*. Wlschnewskl re­ (or appencllrltls. is,slowly recovering
ceived many piesents and also a num­ at her home.
ber of iVlegrama from iwiple in dD•os. Keefe of EaH Eighth etreet is
ferenr suiet sending them eongratuU- ,Mowly recovering from his long siege
or illness.
Oe*rnos« Cannot Sw Curod
Mre. Frenklyn H. 8m«h. whe/haq. -Net in the hlstery''Srtha city have
l«-cn in Detroit visiting at the home the reeldences on tne ««ai side been
ot her daughter, returned last eve^g, so well occupied as ^ pr««ent. Knt li­
arroDipanted by her Utile grandsoo.X
ly an cm|>ty house red be found In
The announcement haa Just boon r» (bat section.
fiannit yon hamn rsmbUnc oocad^? Imoar
celved of the Celebration of tbe golden
The Schiegel meat market on South
wedding anniversary- ofDr. and Mrs. rnion street haa been reopened
S G. liurkbewd of bd* Angeles. Calif. 1. ijiiz. .a resident of this clly. H
Dr. Ilurkhead wiil be remembered as is a practical meal man and will cot
superintendent of schools of this duct n aanilary shop.
place, prm-edlng Prof. T. T. Grown,
Misses Oussie Walker and Uxxii
A miacelalncou* shower was giren l-aCure left yesterday for OetroU.
lor .Miss Ruih,C.lffonl at her home at where (hey wilt visit for the next two
Cdf West Fitint. street last eveoing- months
Tbere were about (biny friends pres
Mrs. Wiil UFort ef 917 Wadsworth
ent, and wben later in Jhe evening tbe sire4l is vlalUng ber Pfreats. Mr. and
friends were told that tbe shower was Mrs. Joeepti Piett of fUsi Haa<l.
really jciven for Mrs. E. Bartholomew
After visiting varieia places in Wil­
they were greatly surprise<l. The wed­ liamsburg. Ceoirel lake. Bliswortb,
State Bank Bnildlnf.
ding had taken place in the afternoon. Ea»li«ort and Uellalre. ReV. A. A. Wall
Mr*. Martholomew was the recipient <i( Old Mission returned to this city
of many presents. They will be at Saturday last. He returned to Cen­
Oct tlieir list of propertied
liome to their many friends at COJ tral (Jike (bis afientooD. Where be will
with owners’ addrewin. or propAV.*Kt Front BtrecL
take jiart In ^e proceedings of the
oeition to soil your
Miaa Sadie Bunce ef Wiiliktnaburg Cheboygan Assortatlon of Churches.
Is vIslilDg her grandmother.' Mr*. HoiMarriage licenses were iaaoed to
He Andrus of Oak street
Irving H. lioch and Veda R. Bowhial.
fit coot of F2.'.. Bnyer aad fieJl' Forty Knights ef Pythlaa and their both of Traveiwe City, and Druce A.
er may direct if they pre­
wlve.s enjoyed an oyster suppssi last
.. rs of Kingsley and t.ydia A. Jones
higbt ai'fi o'clock, sfcrvod by Sam o( South Coardtean

Bowers HaiiiOr prices
—ZSe lor elder apples,
paring apples SSe. Bsm
pbones-aiz. SSS. BeU
67. Canning Co.
oct 28-tf





Farrow Afterwards cards wert
dulge.1 in for an hour, when Ihe lodge
met and transai-ted regular work.
The ladies of the Order of Eastern
Riar gave a dancing party (
ceuj'le laar night In tbe Masonic lodge
ts. Music was furnished by ihrco
piece* of the Theater orchestra. Pnnch
and ware-* were served during the
Mrs. Fred Berlin and daughter ef
East Eighth atrm left yesterday for
few week's visit among relatives and
(rtend* at Northport.
William HoKSie and .aen .of Rest
street left today for a week's vscaiiOD
at Itaiev.
Mr*. Cypthla Sturdevant of Grand
Ledge, wbo ha* been visiting her
danghter. Mrs. L 1-. Tyb-r of Sixth
street, returned home this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Tewne ef Elk
Rapids, are vieiUng Mr. and .Mrs.
Frank rarver for severe! day*.
Per several years Jehn N. Cewrtade of East Bay. haa made it a point
collect a large load of farm pro­
duce from the rueidenta ot the to
ship which be has seot ,lo tbe
Phan home in Grebd Rapids which
U conducted by the Slaiers of (Thart
ty. He bronght in a Urge load today
which he shipped to the Insmution.
Mre. William, Leyden and Mre.
Mode Rich, who have been vUlUng
with friends in Detroit for the panseveral weeks, returned home
A. E. Copping ef Bayshere, wi
the city yesterday for a short time
t bualnest.
William Carr ef Prement It In ths
city for a short Ume oa busbew.
Mrs. C. E. Quick, who haa beci
Canada for aeveral week*, rrtnrried
last night
Mr. F. P. Wiilisma, who haa been,
out o^tho cit}- for some time will
rMurft tonight. ,
J. E. Oibeen, eopeoMitting tM Gee.
'. Bwtgert cooropy. haa 'i
Ihreogh Korn eouaty after apgte*
foe a diaplar that iMs firm wfli pM
OB dnriag the CUeaco Uatf Shew,

Huntera’ lieenMa wore ireuad this
morning to 4pliua I»ulcipher. Elk Rap-


/ 9he Markets

Will pay tbe highest prices
for GlnBeog and Golden Seal.
Doth phooB*.



E. Front 8L

aOt, Traveree Oty.

FARM FRODUCe-BoylPs Pritm.

strew ........................................

Are only pnrebaaed onoe. Tlmrematerials and artisUcaUr finlabed. Yon win find only ouch
Bt tbe worka of

Corn ......................

ALVIN H. GRUBER, Funeral DirMi
and tmbalmer, 31t BpoU UhloB
Mrs. N^ia Pratt. aegiateM, «
phone «TE. We tr««t - you aa
wo4dd wlab to tw treated.


DCk.rhM P.r lM lbi..tlJE to ,I.3S
IhrlMi r
ly Wlftetf Pate
Bt tho -Ka-oiar* method I can re.,1c *0 ■ore tbow artilBg taotb abaolBtaly
without pain, and without tho ore o?
-• to produce mseenadooBDeea.


a «tU apprHifif 'ti
d or palnlM’oitra



(U, VuiUri PruMi i
Milwauliiv. Nov. t:.—Till llvfx
tbr (oil of tile flrki day o( (be Jeer
huutliu: M>uirf>n lu WUcoiuId. .UUhr
KOD and Nebrntkn.
twnx ri-ceived brrr today Seven buuiOTB uervv drowned wbeu a «kltr eai^aited'lii SoKliiaw bu>. oR Sebewlu.
Tbp other deotbi were nyb tni|!edip!>.


and Otad ftallora
OrleeiTXahoea Moor Ktttla Point
DaatH Totl of Sto>m
(By l.'nlte,l I'rprt.l
thxidiiPh. Ont-. Nov. i:.'-WieckaSe
(oand on the ahores of Ukv- Huron
. near here loda} IndiPate disastoi to
(-nnada'ii ni-wett uad larjsesi sraiu
boat, the Jamos Curntthers. owned b)
the 6i. Uawreure £ 1‘hUaKO Savinatlon eompacy. - Slip rarrled u rrp« u(
r; niea. Tbc v>rt>ekaKe luclu<lni life­
boats and iiarik of the .ves'x'l'a upikt
work!. There *sa alto a, life belt of
the Vmted States fralsh'ier Rndwin
Holmea atu seven.bodies bearioi; lliilireWTVer* marhed -ChorleeS l*ri<-<-'
near Kettle Point


r Perna Will 6e Aahed to Retarn Troops in Mimng

CalHiuet. Mich. Nov. i: -Kearini;
that thiverjior Kcm* will order.the
cavalry fiirres Irtxee Irom lioi)Clilan'
oouniy BDd elalnlnj; that they arc
needed liefe now as much oa they
ever wefe^Diaaaxert of llie wines In
lluushtun connty i>roVabI.v will it-«jni-»t the Kovemor this »«»k to leav’e
th- foil mounted force here until the
Wrsu-m Kederalten of .Miners can be
(drv-ed to wlttadrwr from the dlairlct.
A's raividly at neniben of the mount­
ed form.have been retired they have
been hired, if they would enlli-t. by
the ininlBi; companies lu work
mounted deputies and about e"
the malitismen ar« now ao employed
by the Cahipvet £ Herla Mlnine com
pany. wiiirfa alao has a number of
, (ornier reeular imv-alnnieB and a
troop or eotfboyp actlne as nitoe
cuards and mounted patrols.

Snowfall la Alao Lishtcr Hare Thai
1 Other-Sectiona of Weaura
Traveree t'it> kevnio to luve b<-t-n
(he lavured m|>uI durini; the re<'«nl
stonii which ewejn Hie lake front and
unit- aralu (he vilizena way COUKMrulate tlieruiclvei ufioti the fact
th(Ho.a-<'sidence in a rexioo tliat la
(■■luneTed h.v u larae body or water
jirolerinl frt ni the loiia anei-ii of the
lake winds and the* terTlffle cold of
the inland vitie'. Ke)M>rtK from other
in||lcale that. 'alUiout eace|>e-Vas done tban
(nm. more dnmade
lovurred here,
eounl} line loail west of the city
• an- drill.- across the road
vhlih make traffic almost iuitMuai^le
Prom one in two or thr\-e- feet of
fell in uimost ever? other
Hon'of the KUle.,and .vet here thoie
liarriy enouab to uiak'e more tiau
■w resin'Ctable drifts after-the
eutttvfall bed been aec-aiuujaied to
feim these drifts. Cadlllni Mauls
I'V, iVlosh'ev and vuher lake ports
Were harder hit than was the Hrand
proof, that while Trav«i>e Viiy Is
neither Ploridn nur Alaska ti
iiinnj tidvantakes. in climate at
nlllrh neither of tbes.- places




1^-lantl. Nov. 11 —The war«-iioii>" on
till- .Nortbem MlchlOB Transpouailon
cloek'here is almost
a result of the worst stom that has
•is n, known In year*. The dock
leei im wUb a forty loot I, and
as It runs out Into the lake withmii
uuv protection It received the ytll
force of tbc storm. Tliia dock is nimleen feet altove (be waiec. bni
. that Ilid not lireveot the giant vi-aves
froth Washing completely over it The
wtci u. or two dare had been whiirplog
rhe U'-.f lino waves that nothtag rpold
•vithatar-rt and ihrs.splles early began
. to give VI4V, and the
and sttontfy built, was
^ forred into ihe water. Kortunately
iBcro were only.a few barrels Of aj>-



He Wa* Struck on Head <



llsboru. NifV. I". - Kred ttvemaii and
fainilv are iiioving In the James Kalftv liuuse fdj the w-inter
Miner W. rarnint of The Viairles
ns on Ktiipire <-alln> •m

Ml*.. i;*t»ige Kflgler and son <if H*
>rn were *h>liik some shoppinu-of
KaiTsnfa l oiuerr l-Vidav foieuobn
Mr and Mis George Cook ol (h
bum ca(l-'d on r.-iailves ui Oiiuti Ki
v'lis Bii'i' reiurm-d ti> her home at
Ul-i. Haven laid weei; alter a u.-ek's
Oshorn with her daughler-iu
Charity Brice, who is k<w|s
.iDC house lor Frank T'ayiiu-i]i
Ml and .Mu. John Katns of (tsliviii
Cliv callers las' "'i k
Thuisilnv doing some shopiduu
George Gilbert and Warieu GlllHrl
gf tV«-*i Kursiiii were Kmplie ealbrk



Nelson Auktrson has rciuinvd home
RuiiF the i•t'llln*ulH. wheie he , lias
ix*-n wnrklugJoi hi* brotber-in-law.
- I'biiina CarPMlii and little
daughter*Vera visited al Ihclr nurle'*.
K iZ l>uvyeu. last JsiiodBy .
I new |ia*lo.-s. Iter
Mereilith and vrlie. are ntcelv acttle-l
Ihe (parsonage
rhey have la-en
i-romiiiehi wprkei* tti the 'Friends
chiirrh hi'vaiiou* parts o< the 1'Tilled
Btiiti-x. uud the loing luske cliurch
fortunate in *e<-(irlnK their *•. fi.r tbe coming y ear. All ore 1
I to attend the t-ervn-es.' both
nicmlng and evcnliic •
.Mr* «. .M Fllioit anil her daughier
Mr*. A -I. RfchardMin. niiived to 'frav
cTi- last.wetk. the Inner having
sold her luifii to K C GilWr
Friends at Uil* Idare vylll li.. mier
ested to know that Mi* Stella Ham
mond. a lomicr |>a«or heri'r'ha* lakeu
I'P the win-;, hi .Manton for the i-oinliu:
. artcr tell 'ears spent in

r iiiid Mis iCor.i HuldcUiaii liuvc
etMiOCk In their own house alter
hav ing *i>eni the summer ■! tbp Camfi
William J. Bowman mnmaued sui »K-I1 resun.
vide Ibis monilDK at nine o'clock at
Mrs Wallet I'age.-who- has b>-<-n
hlfc home at l’<n; .North Oak street, by very sieg lor -ome lime .* slightly
lakirig -ten grain* of atrychnlne. dying improved
In terrible agunv two and a half boyrs
atlerward. Hespondeiicy is (he only
uKtu given for bi* art. Mr. Bowman
us Ixs-n In the employ of A M'. Rick
11elui*-r. Nov
11. -Mrs
rd lor the i«st aik yeara and a half
Hetm was in 'rmversc I'liv" Batotrla:
nd Tel: the oSiee this mcrmlng
•Mr Warri-n moved ii> Grawn lai
:M’. going dlrerili^home and to ..
rtjoin. whi le bd swallowed the deadly
William Hrim Jiad Unpoison A physician was hastily suni'
iioned. 'I19 rendered alt Ihe aid possi­ del^ .Friday.
Mr Townaon will nmv
y Giawi
ble. »nit whrti it Is considered that 11
twentieth uf -a grain U a dose, the this week
unt lakeii was enough to Eill a
The l.odies' A^of Beltber and
dnreu men Tlic coroner vtas callitl Keystone wet wRh'jJrs M<Garry.
Wednesday Ust A good'Jlnner wa*
us statt-d. Mr UownRnwaba
served and then they bad devollunal
scivlo-s ied by Mrs, Uenlia Helm
'Three hunters stopped with
•V the hlo« Ihal be received at that Heltu Sunday for dlnnor
time He liad lived In TtiVorse City
>lra. Avery of Bellalre, visited
several year* before entering the mend* and netghlairs in Heitner Ust
en-pToy of Mr. tUckerd and the utiuoM week
Confidence has always been idav«.l In
Henry Helm took a load
him and be has filled many Imiiortani toew to Bllgbta last week.
IKMltlOD* with tbi* flnr,. It wis stated
Mr Minis took-a load of iwuions
that Mr Itowman inirrldiwd iho pol
Tsaverse City one day last w.-ek
several day* ago. naVIne that he
-Mr Rice moved last-week to Trav.
was going to use it to ItUT sonic lai er^ CJiy
and nutlilng was (hiiu'ghi ol the occai
Una or tbe Gleaner brothers took
'Dde. Then- is left a wife and ibier
supper with Mr. -HeAw Friday night.
children. Frank, twelve; Ileasle..
was in. Traverse fity
and kVatter. eight yeais of age.
one day last werlt
Fred Stephenson waa ^ Traver*c
nty caller one day last wot-k
J I'avltcfa wa* In T.rav^aw,-. fliv
one day'Usl v/Wk.
Herbert M'heaT wa* -a Travel
I'liy caller last week. ’
< liy rnlted IVr*w>
Mr Toton look a load of buckwheat
M'aahlngton. U. C.. -Nov li.-8«-reto Travers.- City last week
,n Bryan IndiCaieil UUs a^radon
Bonnie Rial is workiBg In the
that Henry >1 Prindall of Heorla. HI,
mill south of Grawn
sroiUd >>e named amlgT<isaddr to Kits-


<Uy treated IT.-s» ,
Beaton lUrbtiryMicli. Not V~-To
tltacuis progags^ds for enrburaglag
mmnbwaUp and rCeomiuend liuutgca
.10 the preaeot ^em of table, in­
struction, the Michigan Kule Biu|.
day School aaaoclstlon. met here
day In aaaua! coavenOon. -.hNery
<-ity. tow« and hamlet of tbe sta
laM three day^.
<tn>t<>niioa win
last three



Fast lUy.
KilttB'd and l.ovma I’hllllioi arc a!
undiun lliv Blrmley school.
Will Ficvensuii n- Kasl. Duv calh
1 l> Martlnemi Smi.'uy
Nellie t'oaitudc of .Vtiiii- wu* j
Jest br I’h-llp bush <>u Sunday.
Glen Kook hn* l<ecii worklUF l<’r li
liocli lev the |>as' few weeks
Harry UouiMina is working lor I'
Delia .Mnitim-uii ha* guue bark t<
Film alter visiting her iiareiit^
F. Birkler drove lO Acme with bl

.Uliilia. Nov. Il.-Mrs tia U.-ar
suited Tor Indiana Iasi Kriduv to vlalt
her daughter and oilier relatives.
Wmiain Bates ol UrislOL liid . »a»
bore a few days last week vUitIng bis
Kd lake went to Traverse I II.' last
TImiiMtay on huxiuess.
Waller Ijke Is slaving wHb
K. 1 l.ak<:. wiio l> i<o1 much Im­
proved In healili
Geofge Ijke has retumetl from Ibe
north and U suylng at Will l.ake>.
-Mn. Roben Wiisuu sia-nt till- day
Ian Frldo> with her .laiigliter. Mrs.'
.MUs I'lniubel Martinuau was a lail
Roy Case"
cr In Traverse City one day this week.
Marie Bate., daughter el rarl
<h-utrlce Trenialii. who 'lias lieeii
Bates, who has In-eii III. Is uimih h-l
orklng loi t Thomas tor the |>asl
i-w ntonlhs, returned liomr last week
Mr>. hTuin laike aixl Mis VluU
Therc*'w^II I'c nil cnn-rtainniciit ni
laike drove to .Mr Clark's ou bust -Ginitgc hall Salnvdii' lilghi. .Nov. SG:
lei^s lust Tue«da>
good piugmiii ha* been pte|iared.
Rufus Hates mlli-d op' uelgJibois
.Mrs Uov Cast- 'alhsl on the »l«k
lust KriduT artemoon /
Siiltons ^Ilav. Nov. Ilf —Miss Isa
K.l Ijike l>as oiwned a Krocer> siore
‘II HeiR.'rsoii I-- SIM-Udilig a few

Imiig iJike. Nov.

Ne* York. Nov. - 1! •Th'eodore
Koosevtdt has been apjvcaled ti
Anne lUirell. colored, of In­
dian Neck. Vn.. for aid for her t
ly of nine rtiUdren. Her letter will
U- forworded to him In South AmerShe writes. 'fircumMa
I- Inn lu I
provide’for m.' cine imbles
tviini: tbi'v and a lialf >ears
Seventeen miinths attei-wsids 1 gave
birth to U-iiibtr. .M> husband is a
The Grant t'onlrr Grange lias a tKK>r farmer agd not able to hire
.Uual lu Kiu.-e for Its members In eon help- ■
Mctkn with tbc reteula'r nieeltnK to.
be held Thursday night of this week.
■ It has bey'll arranged that the M>atem Michigan Uevelopmem bureau and
the couuty school commisstoner give
tbH part of tile aiate Md the r-ouniy
school euUiUilKslooer will present
‘ slides on ibe general subln-t oi school
lie has a numbei of views
Operand Traverse schools which will
l« na«d in this part of the evening's
eRtertaltnnent. The tVestem Michi­
gan lecture will be given MVJneslay
evening of ne»t week at iaV*- Ann as


aenf to lonU to aerte (rofi one
. 'larli.-M. .Not 7—School eubJiuenced
fivo year*, and M'liUaro Seyrw to Mar- Moeday- after a three weeks' vacatiOB
quMtw tor two and oo^bair to 1
Abthony Rnab- purehosed a new
y«ara for rubbing (am bouse*. .
borne U*t weak ^ F. WcAtlteit of

days,in Omens
Th. dancing paily held at Loraui. s
ball Friday nigbl was largely alleud1 and all reiHirtc-d a good lime'
.Mis* Dhinch Siciuii‘1 Hpem a few
ly* last week in Traverse t'lly
The Indeiiendeni basketlioll U-nm
js beeu orgaulr.ed and aie |‘in.tlj
lug ctcry Tuesday ami Friday night
wys wild an- laterestfsl • anaak.-d tu icpurt.
Mr and Mr* tVadell of iMroK.
•p.-m Sunday in biwn
Tbi- (Ire deiuiiimem was cbll.-.i
Miuiday- to the home of I. «. '
The house Wi-s all in riame-i
when the fire de|mrtmcni nrr
hui U did not l-tke luhg (u suIhIuc
liielii. The loe* was partlv loven-.l
hy ■ insuraiiie
I'aift Mork anemled lh« mcetir.r
' the school director* of Gnind
Travr’-se ami Leelanau coiintU-v a
Traverse (Tlv la*l Weduesday
Mr* W <' Wall I* vlalilng tc
daugbl.-r.- Mir

Itudolph Hiiauh aii.l Mi*s Iin-ij
ivU'lrocl weic united In inlirriaec «
the rtt Mii-lim-l's iliurcli Tiieschi'
Novemle-r lltli
.Mr- J H King
m-iilon Mari'*
viKtiing at tin- Siition* Hay hote
.t'iiaric* .Uorri* arid .Miss Clara
&kcrle were married at the St
Michael s Chur. h. M'odaesday. No<
are coining In fasi and :i
g.-id price is t>clng paid.
The first numle-r id ‘th.- leciiir.c«ur*«'. which toiik pla.*j last Satnr
IV night was well alteiid.-d iiiul nU
(-r.- very niuth* ideas.-.!
-------School Neut.
Suiueriiii.'lid. nl Watkins U aguln
s'liucd aft.T M-vcrtil ilk"' a'-s.-ii.l.ecause of illoes*
Thomas Jcd.iutmi eui.-r.-d U,.- mm'.;
grade last Monday
Bennie Smehicr .w-a- absent fn.
tin- tenth grad.- Friday
Th.‘ teachers met with the
board for their-iimnllily iiiMdlng lii-i
Tliurailay cv.-nlng at the lionu- cf
Mr I’aiil M«trk
The boys <>f Gie basketball tenin
now appear in new Spaulding's suit-,
of Kiafixin and white
Kfft- Johnson of the el.-vcntli a
as absent aeveral day* last w.-ei
cause of Illness
t'orpenter n-prcseuUiu Gtnii w
visited till- High sclumi
Tbe Latin .-las* is siudylag
Gust Itutll of the U-nth grade, ba*
tK-.-n absent sevehil day s.
J.ndw'lg i.arson,or th.- tenth grad-*
has been abaeui KCieral .lay*
J O lluticaii was a Higli -.-himl
Islter Inst Monday
.\ oew set of asrlcutiuml Imok*
ha* been added U> the library
The Old Southland Sextette folcr
ed Jubilee slngerK will appear tit the
Ojiera house unier the auspice* of
tbe High schmil op
oft Wodnesda
Nov.«iber WUt
Carl Olson entered the

Join the Globe Department Store’s

Christmas Contest
and cast your votes tor the person you would like
to have win one of the Eighc Valuable
Prizes to be given away.
Whom will

Vote for

We are going to give away Eight Prizes to men aod women, and ’ to boys
and girls in Traverse City and surrounding country ^fid towns. Anyone is
welcome to enter the contest.

Prizes Aggregate $15S.OO in Value
Two Prizes lor Women
Two Prizes for Men
Two Prizes for Girls
Two Prizes lor Boys

Here is the List
First Prize ior Women—A $45 Bed Davenport made from genuine
fumed oak and upholstered with genuine Spanish leather. A one-niotion Daven­
port that can be instantly connected with a full sized bed. Rich and massive in
const ruction and appearance. This is a Davenport any home would be proud
to possess.
Second Prize for Women—A $15 Mahogany Writing Desk with ^v.
eled mirror anti large drawer. Highly polished.
First Prize for Men—A $35 Single Harness, all hand made of fiaest
materials. The workmanship could not be better. Full Nickle trimmed.
Second Prize for Men—A$15 Double Barrel Stevens Shot Gun.
First Prize lor Gtris—A^BeautifuI $15 Dressed Doll. Full life size. Ele^
gantly dressed in silk. 'A flbll that will deligl^e heart of any girl. Second Prize lor Girls—A Large $lobressed Doll. An attractive Doll,
richly dressed.
nrsf Prize for Boyfe-An Elegant $15 Gold Watch. Fully guaranteed.
Hunting case. A watch to be proud of.
Second Prize for Boys—A $5 Camera and Out^t. Sure to please any
boy who likes picturtis.

The Christmas Contest staris Friday, Nov. 14th,
and closes Wednesday night, Dec. 24th,
when prizes will be awarded lo eonleslaals reeclvlog
Ihe highest namber at votes.
Read Ibis eitplanaUon ol the Chrislmas Conlesl. Kre Ur*haOIaB:
eeg./ini-vg Fr.aay. November 14(h. we w.M one vote with eoch lOe pwreha^ ton vetea lami every
dollar otrenaae a'nd^ae on.' On the voting coupon* yoo receive with every purehakc there i* ,a epacc left
blank io write in the name of the peraen you would like to eee wm a price in eur Chrietma* Contect.
There are Eight m ali-a* Heted above-and they will be awarded te the eight peraene raec
ing the higheet number, of votec.
Contect will be conoueied wv
participate m the eonteat in p/iy
‘ You can help your
fave'rite win by raqweMing ethers te make the.r purchases here; I
'.selves by making a pertonai caiivat* among their friends and aaklag tb
Get etarted in the contest early—An eerly start Kelw.wonderfully.
Any one. young or eld. .■ eligible te enter the contA for the Women's and
.res for Bey* and Cirli are limited to beys and girl* tinder 12 yoart of age.

Globe Dept Store’s
Christmas Contest
$100.00 Purchase




Priaea. but the

This is a sample
of the votiog cou­
pons giveu with
every purchdhe.

Get au early start. Cut out tliis ksmpte coupon shown above. It entitles
holder to 1.000 votes as a starter in our Xmas Contest. But the ballot can be
used but once to the credit of the same person.

Globe Dept. Store

Couldn't Fool Him.
The fanner bad bought a pair d|
•boet in dbe city sbop "Now. can't
I sell you a pair of oboe trees'"
gested the clerk
"Ucu i git fresh
.wlGi me. sonny:" replird the farmer,
bristling up; i don't believe sboeg
kin be raised on trees any mor'n 1 be­
lieve rubber* grow on rubber tr.*
oyatera on oyaier plants, b'gosbv

Traverse City. Mich.

lot thr au:s ponrcrp'ii uffsirs. but fall
I'd IO throw any Hghl on If* 'Ion'
Jinan ro*.
'ly i«rMilial r*iN>n»r6 worr about
jJI.WKi a monili." asM ihe wlinr.*
TVI1 bow you a|K-ni itiat rum. h.KEPT NO BOOKS
* Akked.
I *|ieBi fu much chat t uv'rr kept
1 accouci o' ii I never kept book*.
Paraanal Eapanaea Wera Sc Lang And denro'ert all in> .•anirlp-l cherk*
That Only an E«lmatc
Wa* Poasibie.


Right Sort ef 'Scboelmarm.
“Too tnueb syiupaUiy Is initplaced."
•ays the Atchlaon Globe. 'An Atchl•es man lately egpretsed concern be­
cause a youug lady ocliool teacher bad
as maBy at forty little tmpHs In ber
room to diacipUue and worry over.
-Why. I wouldn't pkrt'witb a single
one.' was ber indlgnaiii ajtswer. and
her eyes were actaslli tearful."


Kalamacoo. No«. U' -On ibr odvlre
of hi* aitorney*, Virtor I., 1‘alir.ei. nee{‘.\GINAW—Freslflebi Jeiiticr
rcltry of the SU.hlgau Boggy comMorse Of Sagibaw of tbe-Mlrhlsan pony, drtiiert llenolt Tni« eemiiany
Bee Keepan' association, has called ImerilgatbrJ |«eniii**i«i io see hi*
tbe fortv-elghi
be held in Detroit. Deeemimr I
honrai bankruiu jnll'idual throufil
au-b an 1o#;K-.-tion. eaiilalned Attoh
KOMVTI.l'd—(oluuibrs G
loiurs. iiey .lolui A. MiK.H-vgr, n i>ri-*euting
aged »o. a rt^tdefit. of - tfils village 16 bank* that ba>e suffered tbrongta
who reMred from faflDlog last Mu-lug. Iba roRare of the boggy eompany.
; Palncr wa* caUad oBkio to tbe
died of baart disease, after an
•land today in tbe resumed tiaarlBirs
am of about on boor.

ttashlngtoD. Nov. 12--»Tna1 in■tnieiions were tclegrapbed tonight
by AcUag rommandant Kmrry of the
rotenne cotter aerrlcc.. to CapUlif
Woodb-jry . In coumiand of the north
era rtiRtrtrt at Scalll®. regkrdlng A
lief to be onm Tbe laUabltonu of
Kodiak Island. Alaska, irbera an epldemk of mwisla* baa Baraloped. Cap-

Uin Wbpdbao

dlmctod to

operate with tbe Red Cross and (a
put aboard i’jp cutter Tabema madl>ai and otlrnr KtippUaa Uie Rod Croak
win funiiab at SeatUe. Tbe Tahotaa
«1tt ateom north a* soon as posalblc.
More than lOO raaee of measleaJiase
developed or Kodiak and aelgbhoclog Island* and ibere have been iiev.
•■raJ .lenths-

Washington. Nov. i:.—lo'estigatloa
of a iKuDut trust nmoag bnyets oper­
ating in Virstnla was-began today by
the deparunent of Justice. Acoardtog
to renrosentarton* niade to AStoraay i
General JlcReynoldB by promlBent rdb-.
klenu of North Caroliaa. peMM boy* have forced price* 4
per <^t in a abort tise. Tb*.
same men infonsed tbe departBMi
tba aUasM trust. Bade over 200 pw
ooDt pPoBt last yiar.



Jhe (franci Jraverse Region
C«ApU«d «Mh wMk br « atirfl
tht dlfMttwi «r Miw CUf« N.


ttwir l(mnedi«te vicinity with }

(Jrand traverse County
Habroek i>hlt>ped 902 bushels
of c ran berries to Cbica«o Thursday.
Rose wmianis spent Sunday with
her pa>enls. Mr. and _Mn. I.. \Vi|.
.Ia-Ro; Masani of Fife Ijike was al
Walum on business Tbursdby.
Mose Ctdiins was ai Fif«s UBce
Saturday on business.
Wimtuns frutu Alanson. has


The ditch oo the Leach road
nearly- completed.
Geonte Fish and son Otto are d^I Mr Nl'choTs
riv barn.
Mr. Allen has moved > Mr. RolcruoB'a place
Albert Thoyer Is on the Jiii> a
Traverse City
Cbrl Thayer H going to school lo
Traverse City.
George PIsb had a Held of corn.
vme of which wbs eleven feet high,
brs were eleven or' iw-rive Inches
long and three to fottf bushels per

Mr Nicbola is building a line new
barn on hie (arm wliicti I* nortb
tbe Courtade school house.
Usfllelt, .Sov, II—The tuany frienda
Mis* Bernice Miller, who has b<
, Xov. 11.-D. H. McMuHep
of Iva Kue were Very much dlsap- w-orklng in Traverse OUy, Is at home
am wUb apwit 8*uo^ «nd^ Soaday
■■olnted lost Saturday berakse they
at Old Mln^
could noi have tbclr »rty on account
Edgar fsylor Is attending hlgli
saw. Lanon .was unable to auand
ot the storm
schoffi lo Traverve flly,
aebool la« week on accouni Of HIMr. and Mrs. Unusti> visited at the
Miss Merle Marlin is spending a
home ol Mr. and Mrs F'lansburgb Sun- short time in i>elroU rlaitlng rrlaA buseb I
day avealng tn Archie:
been the guesl of Kev. (' Slieiiard
Mrs. t'. . Jubitsou vlslletk at li)e
Miss Ueairlce Tremaln. who has
BSte OarrtaOB apent the week end
•r a few days
FlaBaburshybowe Sunday.
been working at Mr. Tlwmas’. has
In Archie.
Hurley Gilbert has been risltin.(
Miss IVarl and Primkte Marhey gone to Traverse City
Marvarwt and Isabel WUson and
: the home of H. Smith's.
Isiied at tbe home of Ed Hopkins
Fonon, who lias been MsilAllwrta McManus were unable to re­
Sunday services for November Iti, Sunday.
ing .^latlve* iu this no.iifaboihood.
ran tn school unUI Monday on ac- l?13.
Walt Pease mid family vUite.1
kill go to bis borne lo Detroit soon.
cdunt of the terrible alonn. .
Sunday school «i IicPu a ui
the home of Mr,Suck Sunday.
►•rank Hey of Darker Creek,
Mr. and Mn. Burr UcUaous s|M-ut
Henry Snyder made a bualnessiitrlp Is vUliiDg-at the home Of ber par­
ITcaiolng at T:S0 p ni by the Rev.
and Sunday with their C. Shepard, pastor.
to Traveiwe City SaUirdav.
ent*. Mr. and Mrs. Louts Courtade
lumta. Hr. and Mrs. A. J. McManus.
C. Jobnsuu hut guii<‘ to Mauister to
Geofge Ver Snyder, who has
Mark Gleaaon and sons Van and
lieen MsiUng Mr and Mrs
Gale returned from their buntiiiK trip
The school-has two new m bolarn. Miller, has returned to her borne In
France's U Pierce. Teacher
With a soodly amount of tnme.
Albm Flansburgh and ^rthur Walker. the I'l
Helen and GoEdoo* Stuart on their
Born. .Nov 1. to Mr and Mra. W
Though there were three weeks
way to t'bteaKO spent a da^- with the
HoiMna. an eight pound' beyv. named vacation for pouto digging several
MlMoa McManup and Maraaret and
• ' Of iba pupils are Out yet in school
laabelle ihiisnc.
Vln Peaoe and wile were iu Trav
PTed Strait has bought affine ut
Mrs. debater Everaduu and Eiuaia
erac fliy Prtday on business
McManus were callers In the prlmar)Mrs Onutby silent Tbaraday eieu
Roy Grubb has iu>i finished thresh,
. of Stony Beach Mbool Christopher and Walter' Helfertch Ing at .Mrs Ervertmrt's.
log beans in tbit neighborhoo-l
■ gone to Itetruit to work for the
one day laR week.
William .Macki-y of Manlslee Is Ge.
Angus Fonon exiiects to go
Baaale Whltuker>-dpem. Ssiui^ winter
liit.E hU bioiher. Prank Mdekvy.
to Traverse City lo s|e-n'l
.lo-. C«ri>eiiter MUeiided the Teachand ^nda>
home of W. r
.virs Henry Snyder It working for
•s asscKiatioD at Ann Arbor.
Mr. Hoiikins
>!r?- Mary Khi<- fruui Manistee. i«
l.eoa Helferich taught jit Mapleuin
Ri Hoi.klns and Kvert Priest took
pSTewiidou Is liaHui: bik tond
tlHltlna friends and fMailvei. here
clcsAd by Anderson and hU crew of for Allss Bnekenburv s'couple days sixteen btfgs to Kingsley on .Monday
Xli* Ed Cox is very 111
Hurley and PloelU Ixjekard are
LitUe Leiha' llarrctl liad
Hornsb} and Mr otwvll made
ime belle:
"riiT Sbamrock rlub was cmertalntd
throat operated upon last Satuiday
businoM call at ivchool Tuesday
lurdt^erenln at-the home of
A new gaaollnv engine and
tnd drinkand b doing nicely.
Heesie Corbett. Toacb.-r
'^ars^t and laabelle Wilson. The
Mrs Rasho is sUII quite III
erenlv was spent in tdayinp .cards
Jack Wfa>>eler Is ytMGog friends
Refreshtnenu of sweet 0der.- pop- tbe school house
iloiner Ootv returetl to ills home at
Dctnrit '
oorn. douKhouCs and applet were
Traverse City Wedncsda> aXu-r visitPilends of Perry lloy ntpo, gave bitu
sorcedsurprise parly- In honor of his tlilring
■ ttrqni i'entcr. .Vo» H).—Mr. and
The party,given b> the A. I C.s
A very pluasanl
Hazel ICoulek s|K>nt iur vacation Mrs Svec are entertaining relatives
was wMl attended and eiery'ony <-q.
evening w-as apent at cards.* and sn
with her cousin. Vivian I'lerrt
from New York.
Joyed a good time.
oyster suppof was servl<d at .
Mrs Kdwin-WilMui visiteddicr
' iin. Charles ll'ontague. who Is at Traverse <’it>.
Honter M'lUobor- leii .Satuiday
and -Vlrs. Geo. Harrefr.j>f night. Mr. Iloynton'* complete
Bayhank hosplui is improrins.
l<riM- greatly dekghu-d (he
A nataher of people srare' entw- IgUiainK. where lie will Uke a cuu^e' Traverse City. last week Saturday
at the AKriculiural itilleW
vir and Mrs 'Sh l«vit and Mr a
talsed by Peter Sunqulst at his
. Henry Van Holt of Oneca. la vUli- Virs, lohn Hall of Hurkl^ drove
bMOe. Sunday afternoon and <
ing falH daughter. Mrs Milton Gbre.
Travecse riiv \V,-.|nesday -of last
Uoyd Grubb Is In the neighborhood . Eugecf! Rutsell has ;i right to
proud of Ills potato rroi> - Two'and
(Jeo Hri'^oilp is-rcimrUMl III
digging potatoes.
Rfc« Jchcel Phtricl
The i>r1tnary language elaases
Ctelea Durga Is putting* the ce- one-Quarior acres yielded 7SJ bushels.
Ihe T31 buahil# coming from studying about th.- habits of the In■MK hasmnent under the bouse of
Jibe .School Dislntv. No' H
Jnhd. McIntosh.
.Aobnol o|H-i)«d .Vionduy oiler l.avliiK
KoIanJ KotK-rthun M.ellc.1 |h« s
t^ed Uiem has imen cleared for
varation fur is>taio dtr.
.•own Frldsy.
about t.o veart. ,
Eta Mcaianas. Teacber.
Mrs C. Coj«land.was a Traverse glng Three new pui'lls wen- enrolled
The Boys' Corn club of this dirRaymond. Wayne and tiarence Disci
^ .
inct gave a pie soclai and entertain- City caller Saiuritay
John Treerc and William Wbi^at
T^frs. Jlrlkoric an<l eon Ji>bn have
iDcmt Frldg) night
The proceeds
went to Traver».e City Wednesday
were Sfi.I''. Grace Gore gave a reel- returned , from Chliago.
atteiM) a mcHIng or ihe s.hcol
UUqn; Viola'Jamieson a recitation. ■ Roc Uoralnrhci spent SuRday with
,Has«l.Am.*s and .Marguerite ICoulok .\lr atri M.h Edwin WH*on
The 4a4i.~. Aid met »itli -Mrs
Smllh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Inst^mentri trios; Zem.
H Wheat Wednesday. A cMckcn *
Smith wraa uniu-d In marriage Satur^
H i' .\ ilorabarher. Tearhcr.
wt-vcl. after whUh the ladles tied
day cvMilng. November ] to Itolpli
1 th.. - Phi
--.cmr quilt*
Bdrigs by Rev. Clarence Shepard.
Mr. Brown and Mr. {.add weiw-ihe
Eiuorx- Ktcc and family mo'.-tl
Mlu Vera Vanaucken baa been the liidgew of the corn They dlvlde<l
Traverx' City last week
gneM of Mra. H. D. Crane.
the prizes Into two lists,
. On account of the storm Sunday
I'ourtad.' C'orm-r>.
L r. tlasklna id vlslUng friend* in boys under fourteen, years of age and
Mla»e* Alla ami IMns lloman. who there were no church cervices here
town utla
and those over. Tbe tays under
Hiram Warn and fatnlly move.j
hare been vhltlng ol Suitons lUy.
Uoyd WiniamB returned to Grand
fmiruren. Russell Gore rei-rivcd first
Giawn last week, where he will <ak<hCVe rMurm-d to
Rapids. Wednesday. .
prize of 13; Clarence Kroupe.
ebam of tbe cider and feed mill
Edward Prouty baa ktbnglit..
9 Miaa Alloe Boyd of Summit City. prize of «3; and Is-slie Ji
Mni. Kentutier was a Trsverw fit
WM the guMt of Mrs: L WlUtams third prize of S2. The boys over four- ‘am or colt*.
Hugh ITouty drew a load of imta caller Iasi Thursday.
Homer Wlllobee received
George N'..*Iic« o
>es to a friend In Traverse /iiM^
C. H. Seou of TravMwe City,
first prize of 13 Leslie Gore, second O- Olcson
SundBv w'.:'. Jlr an'
Kl .
in town Tuesday.
prize of >3; and'Csrl Stevens, third
h.„ i...
n- >'"■ » "
The MClM at tbe M^ton school prize of 12
tsioes iu Traverse Hty tbU week.
bouse last Saturday evening was
Frank Cbristopher of Kingsley
Henry JvnneUe Is doing the fall
siKcesa In every way.
visiting at Cbtiatopber'r‘.
work oo till- Ur Moon pUce.
' Genie Stampfler was home from
Tbe bo.vfi and girls at school bate
Mrs f. C.. Prouty has gone
Traverse CIU' over Sundey.
been enjoying playing basket bsll
Ulngbam to visit friends.
WUl Jolly bat been vUIUng
for a time
Mrs. B. SUtes Is very til.
broihcr ObeVley for a few days.
Yuba. Not. U.-Thc following pu
M’arren Thomas spent
Sunday pUs were neither absent nor urdy
W H.Ward tbe Agent lor Hanjob:OGDB.N8BURG SCHOOL. '
Belfowa Co. was at Walton on buti- .Josis Brackonbury. Teacher ■With Herbert and Clarence Prouty. during tbe month of October: Inice
Alu Homan I* soon to etart for Nesceomb. Irene Newi^mb. Elda Wll
aeaa Tbnniday .
Continental. Ohio, wheie she
. Tbe Wsiton school have purchased
*on. Amy V^llson. Calvlo Thompson.
spend tbe wka«r.
suppiemeataryr readers.
Melvin ThompeOB. Robert *rhomp
Edwartl Prouty- 1* pVrparing
BorUey GUbm ristled ilchool .M'ed
non. I;arr>- Doyd\ Prank PhlHlpt.
make a trip to Ana Arbor aoon.
Miriam Safler. Margaret Morrison.
Hugh Prouty w-*s In Traverse city Lucy- imicher. Elenqr Duicher. Asa
Roy HUton from Petoak^.
Duteber. Gladys East. Alice
moved Into the bowse recently <
Deitner' Nov ll —Mr.' Wales and last week on ivuslnews
Mias Lutlna Workman, who taught Smith. Pauline Moraman. Ida Beonet
pled by R. Re^k '
family expect to odcupy their newthe founade school last year,
. Mn. O. .M'lniema Wp* at Trav
home by the last of .ttti week.
and Evelyn Hrsnett.
Services at tbe school bouse Sun- teaching in Glaagow. Moauna.
•Cliy Priday. '
Mq. Geo Dean vUlted at
Edward Prouty and w-Re «-«
. T. 8. Saylor from Kla^ley. was in da> evening were iKOtponed
home of her son at Hatcbe* rrosalng
town between trains FrtW.
couqt ot the storm.
a few day* last week.
Mr. M’orkmon U plowiDg on .Mr.
Among a hunting larty who lett
Oaode Joll^ and Pearl BmiUi from - Mrs. Harvey and cbRdren fr
Springfield, vuited friends In town jlalrc visited friends at Beitner. last Kmniing s place.
Monday for ihe Cpper ' PealnsuU
S. I.. Kellar Is working for Roy wbre; Abe Love. Alec Mon
I w eek.
Mrs J. XWnnou and chlldien luve
PWtp Sloops. Ed' Carllle and UnoClaten Stiles has moved to East
■ been vistUng friends and relatives Gain’s M'ednesday.
Beanor McGafry and Erneot Heim Bay for Ihe wUter
BfWth JawIs west to Traverae
, M Mbrilla.
Mr and Mrs. Salem hare moved Qlty lag! Thunday.
O. A-^DabcocA was at TraverM- returned to ttarir school dntlra
to Traverse City, where they
Traverse City Sunday.
The 1-adie*' Aid of the Prasby-terCity OB bustnes* Saturday.
las church met at tbe home of Mrs.
Mrs O. WRIIams and daughter
Mr Allen 1ia* renrad the Carlisle Evevu Swiei- last Thuraday
Mn. u Judkins were tbe gueeu of last Monday.
Oil* Townsend and fokilly expect to place and will more next week.
Eli Nadi and Sieve Soulhblnl with
Mra. E..^umpf1er of SpringQetd Wedoiove to Crawn thl* we^
Mr. Ruaa«ll baa rented the Hewitt tbeir wive* have -left, for the tmthMr. Vinton i-alled at the-school
place for three yean and Is doing' ern woods to find work. They have
D. TbrMIs w£s at nfe l.ake «
•ome plowing.
taken tbeir traps with them and InThe first grade dramatized the'story
FraneU Fonon and N’elsoo Edge- lend to go trapping. •
John Knos I* VlslUng ’^nJr-fn
comb are busking oohi
School was rloaed Monday on
'tow® before leaving for^^Sontbem Of ' Tlie Utile Red Hen” Wt week.
The sixth grade haa heen learning
Mr. Oleson was out from Traverae rant of tba weather. .
llicUgan. j
{'{ty Sunday to spend tbe der at hi*
Webster 'B'llaon and Hope PhUlips
Mia* Bald Stampfler is visiting Whittier'* ‘Barefoot Boy."
- -•
were In Traverse City last Thurs­
rolaUves aLKewsaba. wisoonaln.
Mrs. FVed Baonon is planing
Artbur’WOttama. 6oL Smitb Mar- month were: Ven* Hayea. Ruth
SUnley liewi* had the mlsfonune
erilw Qmltneld and Thomas M’ll- KggU. Franri* Slocum. Eva Heim. jp te Cadillac.
Little Blen Cwtrude has. bad su
to lOM a pad of. his ear tn a foolMama Mft tor Bbana Uw tint of tbe Leah Helm. Coral Blackman and Be*,
ale Sanders.
a severe Ume with the tooUiac
game last week.
week lor a hniag trip.
that afae ba* lieen oU of school fori
DUA WiBBle was la Iowa the first
Edith PapBon. Teacher.
a WMk.
or ^ walk on baalaaat.
PamUm Nkkamn. Tnriier.



(Jrant Cinttr

Cowtadf ConMn


from W'm. Kniocbrll I

• (lay Ust

• May-ftrld, Nov. 11.—Tbe siringle
mill belonging to Harry Gray burned
the ground Tburaday night Tl»e
origin of the (Ire Is not known.
August Giu after a long Illness
poased away at Ills home this mornIng. November 11. Hli son Wil­
liam Is expected home from -Olivet
where he la attending school.
daughteV, Mrs. E SlioMtIe has arriv­
ed from Jennings
Frank Fletcher altH Charles Welch
have gone to the northern pan
Michigan to work this winter
Among the Travente City callers
last week- w-ere: .Mrs. Frank-Sayers,
Marian Gibbs. Mrs. J 1.. Gibbs',
t^ennle Gray and Fred Tabberer and
Mrs ftank Sayers eniertalned the
l-adies' Aid sorWty Thursday ofterwhlch proved to be one of the
.best attended meetings of the seaTue hostesh furnUhed w<»-k.
illanche -Wright. Teacher.

Srtt ^utrkt

Lone Tri-e, .Nov., JJ.—G»o«ge Fritz,
i-'rank Hyde'and Jake Stover li-n
Saturday. November «. lor the Vl'l*#
I’enlnivule uo a hunUng tril>.
Hugh F Duell left Moqda.v. Nv/.uber
fur l..aiiiv|ug where he kPI
lake up the .iiort course gDcu at '
lb.- Mleuigun Agricultural collegeHUU
XIr. and X<r« ^atues I'larris visited
Mr. and Mr^ E I. u*«om Ust Smt-

Ray Holl Is liauliug lvalues to
iwn Uls week.
Mias Bertha Set-or spent TLuwday
with h«-r sister. Mrs. P. H. lUnseiu
Samuel Oreeno and daughter Mabel
of Traverse City, are visiting the
former's brother. Will Greeno. They
expect to be here \ we«d( Air two.
Philip Secor is V shredding his
father'* corn iliU wAjk.
R Sexrs Went through
Xlr and Mrx. F O Ransom spent
Ibis nelgbborbood.O^Dcsday.
Sunday with Iraulv NeUon and fami­
Hciiry- Wllko$r cal^^t M. SIcGir- ly of SaWt.
n’s Thursday evening '
I'en^ Ramom -Jad v.ife. wbu are
Wu. Kr^iochvll attended a meetiiic xpendiag tbclr iHjiii.jmwun at /ixing
of the school offliw of Grand Trav­ luike, Ka*<; a bunting parv to a few
erae and Leelanau counties. B'ednes- of their friends Ism Thursday.
da> of last week
F U. Hanooiu ao'l «vo Elijah went
Minnie Potrafka ha^ returned from
I Long lake'^Kuzdj- tu help In tbe
Kalkaska whew she has been visiting fci-arcb lor ‘John'Sir.Catr, tatniliarly
friends and relatives-for ibe
known o-v ''Cnck-Joiui h.- 'ull tbe re,’lew- w-eeks. A friend from Kal
Mirtvrs of tiist lucuihy .
relumed with her and they
Tho work of Urockway !,n i* ,,rospending a few <Uy‘* at Gi* home of re^ng rapidly. There w-.r,- 5 large
the former.
number of tiam* at work tlu-ra last
Gus 1‘oirunui has gone north, deer v><-ek. it will piolQbly, Ih- fiaiabed
vv-vek or ten days will
Miss -Anna Smllli. w-bo has been
gitai help ,io Hie (araerc wo-i
viMOng at Charievoii. mnrndd FTi of tbe lily
Kailin. Nu'. II -The loHowitu; Is
•After 8]>endfiig a f<‘w weeks
Xloihera' dub of 1-one Tree'
>e monthly reiKirt of Sv-bool No.
here with lier |>aretats. Mr. and Mra. Th-nriri will tnwf Wedneeday. N»v. '
Grant (or October ^
F. Smith. Bhe wUI go to MOwaiikee
the home of Mr^. Geoige
Number of days taught. Ik;
Wis.. where she haa a ivoaUlon
Fritz All tuoifa>Ts are invited .
b.-r leaving school. 3; cambtw" ebiiui^ In a. .hospital.
Howard Klngduii.' whose Itome i*
leribg srbbol. 2. number girls en­
Anhur North and J ■plover
^e. U suying at Mr. Banrolled. 23, numiH-r boys enroIbG. II.
Saturday for the Cpper Peninsula. 'som's,^ going U> HIgn school with his .
Tout enrollment. 3H Aggregate at­
They expect to bag some "btg gams coufia. WtllUm Ransom. ♦ * '
tendance. jl7U.; Average
before they return
iHtle Bandera of Traverse City.
37 plus
IVrcrotoge >
Tbe dance that was to bxve been at ;!■ working on Brockway hi:i and
Wm Those neither lardy .Aioi
Silver Inn; Satontay night, was pori- boarding at Mr Ranaom'a.
sent during September and OciofOned cm account, of the bad -WASther.
F D. Ransom left Uondw. .Novens.
t-er w-enRosie Gelement. Ant
There were fnuny vacant anal* at her. 10. for; ManlstLue. I'ppcr ivninS'ee. John Svee,. I.oul* Sve. az
school Monday ovHng to the unpleas- mUs oa a bcaiioc tri.-i
l.y Uhl Svee
ji weather
Tju»e in tbe Primary room win.
Mrs. Mike Italcesrak /r*rceiv«4 wi te neither abs<-ai or tardy durinr'
Harold Hill. Tesehe
w-urd Monday that ber dautbtef -of ihi- woaiii of October, were; Isopbene
Traverae City »o* very' HI
Pike,.. Curtl-. Pike
Warren .
Ervin Korh. Tlio Vrok*- bis arm Chance.
receoily. Is able to have 'the nrm
-Vii-kle. Nov lb—Ml. Emua War of tbe sling tto*-.
-n and cblldieu went to Traverse
The team of H WllkW while il-«
Cm Saturday to sjiCDd Sunday wito un the street in Traverae Clij. »si
Warren's sister. .Mrs. Edge- •irttay. becamo Irlgbiened a a tkass'.ng
amBoioblle and tipped the buggy
!ll»P. Not H'.—John W«bcr h*« •,
Mrs Asa Curtis^was a gUeil
fl^er No st^icius damage occurred,
one hunUng m ti-.e ui.-.wr peo^stda. .
Mrs Henry LiFayeiie. Fridw
X however
vir». .tictvin ManvIJK- !.as lecover^
Mr. and Mr* t*has ''arroll w4re
lini. NaomP and
Id Ci^ri krator'..
■ubj hi.- ilinct-e. I

tn Traverse City Friday .
'll spent Sunday
■Jobu f-ai-^ and tolbily ami- Xlis. J.
Charlie Lyon lias been sulterlns Xlriianr'*.
Schmickal were in town Thuraday.'
with polsoB ivy the post w-pek ano .\Vm. Dunn-and his'sUter
School ha* i^uti again in dihtrin ha> beon unable to attend school
and brother iyeo spent Tfauhaday at
three several day.
ytbe Kansom cottage with Mrs. R. I
la-niiraioner Horn*!--- vlnil-G oor
Alb<Ti J^rson ao|L t>«<ai
l.;on RaniHini■"
^.c^ool Friday aHcrnoon.
made u trill to Traverse City Saf.trHUW.klm St*HUUI..
. Work has b«rau on, tbe rew roa'J
Altna^^osh. Teach<^
north of Pierre's corner
Mra Ar-hie llacbao visited . be
Xiis* Anna Fh-tcker returwl BatVmother. .Mrs Roberi Garland Friday
Ua;. having sjient throi- w-i-ks wliJi
'The imi'ils ^ Archie school have
li.-riMrem» at Froctand.
taken a .ubsrriptltra among (be pro
I!l_klR SCHIXlf.
|i|e uf tbe divtriit and purchastG
Guoton District. Nov. U.-Mrs
Anna Fletcher. Teochrr.
line nem- oigtn
I’aul'^Neme.- attended Jbe school dlM(¥ Charles Olson and Mrs. Clif­ r.-clors Rtecting b«-M vn Tra'crao
ford Shafer vUit^ at tbe home of ;Clty last Wednendaj ,
Mrs. .1.'O. Lyon fTlday.
Minx Maud Franke. a loiaiei
Svmmit Chy. R F. O. No. 1. No.
Tlie lUptlst UdlCb Aid woclet ■ IsUed M-bool one day Ii'm week.
io:~Gu« Barrait returned Soslav
held Uielr mueiibg at the home c
The following named pupil- wciel
from Rocbcwier. xiian., where he
K-T Hoagfelt Thursday’ afternoon. not atiseni or urdy during iho mnnth
w lih his wife, who -Is. to oper­
Fred Garland was in Tra'crse City of srbtwl - ending Novcm'«r 7C.Iated upon

Gladys Mahn. (i;aura -XlahiHai.-l
There will )>c chun-b at Uls<Kuian
.\ugu»t Neb-en visited _ *1 I*r»-d Hahn. Ruth Mahn. Marion Egz •. Lot
school November'23.
Gai land's Sunday
ulhy -EgglL- Dudle Coop-.’. LeoU
WUI Church made a busioeds trip
/Hear Nelson mado a trip to Trlt Drake and Violet lhake
to Traverao City Saturday.
else City Satnnlay.
Gcs> Uouglas'-.U hauling hay tn
Revival sen lets* win he <y>nijftued
CttariL-v Camdl aqd little son Irav.TSe City ?
this w-eck at the M*tchoti rtni'cli.
Robert were caQcrs at Fred Gar­
Ml&s Clara AlICo das gone to Rig
Mr. and MA. Dave Hammer aqd
lands Tuesday evening.
Kaiitdb to attend the Fi-rris InsUtute.
family, and. Mr. and- Xfrv
Miss Bernice Hrewer has pne to
Mstchett ppeai Sunday at the bonte
Ha«’1 M Angell. Teacher. Monroe C'eatefT
Ol Mr and Mr>. Ed RawHnx'
Ransom and bis btqlber
l,eon Harratt. who ba* t-eeii quite -.
Charles have gone to the Cpper-PecIII. Is much lipproved.
ibaula tor a tbrtM- uceki' bunt
Nattoan Weeiu- is auendlng the
South Mabel. Noy. 10 —Mra Oiover
Eva Boon. Teacher.
Htmmond inxde :i trip to Traverse Needfiam Uualcess ccdlege.
ConGIlUed Ob psg^ -five
City Saturday
Xire Mtkr Boyd and daughter high srtaool lor a few dira on ac
coimt ot a lame knee, the muR from
»ere visitors at ecbool recently
Ora Brown and family have aov
Marjorie Gbering and VIolei Druk.
cd to XVillUmsburg for tbe winter
Mr. Barnet and lamlly are making re on the sick Ust.
Miss LeniWa Allen apew Satnrdav
preparaiioPs to move to Traverse
t borne.
City lo live Ihls.winiei,
A goodly* number of. Udies attend,
Elizabrtb E Evans. Teacber.
ed Abe aid society, held at Rev


‘ :




Jiluntf e^K.sJ?. P. Ho7t-


BcoedIrt'H home last FridayScbool *os closed Monday- on ac
count of Uie severe storm.
Cbas Hammo&d bad tbe mlsfor.
_____ __ purse containing _
large sum or moii% and a check. Tbe
pone was fonod by Master Kenneth
Watson and returned to the, owner.
Ruth Button has.bewi netthri- urdv
nor ahseot during the dlrst two
moniha of school
The Swasiika. club «a* eniertalned
by- Mra. HoTlIe Watson, at the last
Bertha Orcotl. Teacher.

Howard UUfrtct.
FelU Ebare TlalM Mrs. Wta. Kralocbvil, Taeaday.
Arthur North is painting;
The otrtcer* of tbe Howard school
placed « new dMk and
other r«>alriRg at the school house.
Jobrrf^cUIr is atlll taiaslng.
Mr. and Mrs. ’ Prank Krau
made a buslorss trip to Traverae City
M,r. and Mrs. P. II. Ransom, who
n-cenlly married, are apeoeing
few days at the RaaM>m cottage

■ Kin3^.H.F.D. Ho.!
Kingsley. R F D. No I. Oct. 11.—
Dan- Pahl. John Weber and others leH
for the upper penintuU last week, e^'
l>ec(lng' to get their share ol deer.
Mr*. Peter Weber was a Traverse
City caller Saturday
XIat Vlndres transacted bntlnee* in
Kingsley TueiGay.
Mias LoulM Bower and Joe Bter-I
mactier were callers at tbe Bart bonte
last Sunday.
Uitle Clcota Weber is reporied
some better.
John YonngUs is «e the sick lUt. j
Mr*. Unden. who ^ been Tiaiitng
among relative* for some time, return-,
hpr borne to Grand Ita:ptds on
Peter Ble
Blecoacber ts able to be
ai^ again
Urn. John Coattade to tmprovtag In
The percentage of atlendanee in
school U low on aecoont of the enow
Nora Mckeraoo received the highest
mark In «nn)ber*.
Agnes Oounade to tbe chamidon
•peller to the upper grades, and I'la
NIekeraoa U chaaptoa speOer In ti
lowav gradea
Myrtle WyekoC, ’Teoch*r.

:*B a marhed imrecent, ysers in
foea* and remedies foe animals.'
-- we give wpseirj ettentlei
this line of poods and therefore
when you need anything for
your otoek

and delivery will be premptly
made- Dent watt until your
stock i* ail nw down 'by bad
weather, ate—but alway* keep
oome good otoek food and r
edies on hahd. We hattflc

•Ynd romodioa. buy them fre­
quently and In cenSoquoneo
have them in goad fraah condi­





weighing eight and one-half pounds. (
Wcalns at tba B rod rick hame
JXuim CtfUtr
Mrs. Joe Hartman has been vtsUlng
BlrnaT ^ITan drove to Wecfwd
at E. Y. Undemac's for a few days.
Monrae C«Biar. .Nov. n.-^Jaly fourLONG LAKE SCHOOL DIST. NO. f,
narry BrodHet la. bnaklag com
taao ware at e<-bMl klonday «n aP
Edna T. Wiloox, Grammar Room
for Tony MIchaL
const ot tba atorm.
^r. and Mrs R A. Cdwtaa and
1-bo Mlasaaa Carrie' Bernitw and
Grace Katna U>uk dinner at tbo Kr- Oilro HrodeHrk «nd Mra. Edith] Carnott borne Sunday.
lar Wary auterufnod Tliuroday avenMru. Win Hamilton of Wl
« at tbo home of Mra. Annie Ctny.
to Lriiis E. Pinkham's
visited her parent* Thursday and^FrlWilbur Forwart .aayton Forward
Elk Lake. .Nov. 11 —Marjott* Daw'
and Bltnay Wart were cailars at vUlled from Saturday till Tuesday at
H. E. CowlM and wife left hld^ >bn Broderick's Sonday.
tbe home of Mart" DeCranoax.
Cedar R*(Wa Iowa.1 was always
JraHTM CAjf. ft. f. S>>
morning for Ann Arbor, whore. M^: Mrs. John Broderitk aatT -John
rtwnk Sourw made a buslaem trip
tired nnd weak nnd my housework was
Cowles Will enter tbo bospltal for Markell. wte have been vUllIng In to Traverse Cig- Saturday.
adrag- IwosirregMIsB Irene Beer was a kueU at tbe
the southern pan of the etate are
olar, bad cramps ao
Travaraa Oty. 11. F. D. No. T.—Ha^
R. A. Cowles and wife and A. Ky- expected home Saturday.
home of Jobe Morrlsoa from Friday
bad xhai 1 would
' tty Tremalna. who la workios la tha nett made busHuBs trips to Traverse ' John Broderick and aon Jlairy were till Saturday .
barn to lie down, al­
M upper paoloaina. apani aettaal day* CTl> Ust week.
so a distressed feoJV lonM

TrwlD Rawlings and family spent
ing in lower part of
AcryicM l«b« to hk
Anbuiheti'dtSeraMprii? | Ldwranca Dana raluroed to tiU ing for Saginaw, where her daughter. Sunday afternoon, at Joe Mlebel's.
visited at the Munro braibera o»er
C. i«tod.’'bHUtoBt;
lea to do the aai«
aamc wk.'
mrk. w..-,. i_ Detroit. vi.«naav
«f*»F iiait.
vlaltMrs. Carrol, la ae^usly IIL
•tote' '
Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. H. Munro ten Friday for Ben
he'^ -Uie
John Treeoruind wife wore callers their sixteenth wedding'dnnivefsary
'* Traoalce over Suodai.
had ersatde inflomI IJord P«^ and couiln. Dudlo, at the Cow les home Wda}- evening.
xoola to accompai)}' bla brother on a
matim. '
Cralo, ieft Jlonday tor Lanalmt. abere
Sarah E bioddard epent Friday, Marion RawIUgt again won Ihe hunting trip.
•‘Lj-dm E. Pink■ heavy timber.
they alU work dutina the alnter.
George Munro's baby baa been quite
evening Md SaturUay. at Traverse ,tar for apelllog in the third grade
bam’i Vcgetible
«nd ntUike Jeorn' eM eU
OslDg to the severe storm Saturday.City.

last week. Clara Schneider w*. the sick tbe pan week, but 1* beuer at Cotnpotmd and Blood Pitrtfer bar*
Untera. tt cu'l pe tipped
. ToC'-. -«'-iSu.M
tbe present writing.
nlg^bt, the Orange ^ was aw cbej Bvert Kynelt. Ewald Noack and winner In the second grada
helped me wonderfully. 1 don’t have
? Joee* “ tunu" thk 'htih'
Mrs Pielln lieffmnn. non Georgs those paiM any more and I am sU right
k&o.*s which wos-Tiopod. l^wever. Henry TjtcU were Traverae CTiy cnU-| Korlnte Michel baa been absent
Hitdie i«wer bcht on— <
six dolalrs was cleared to go towards ers Saiurda)'.
' from acbool for aeveral days on
end mother. Mrs. Cornwall, mo^ to now. There are a great *mny WOOMS
•ithogt avnateii, by__ , ,
buying a koroseno stove.
Travers* CUy iaV Thursday.
here who take your retnede* and 1 bare
(MrlUns a littic wtre tpd t^t
.count of an ulcerated .tooth. *
Claire Merrlsoo and wUe left Wed ua ether* what they have done
Glvn Faton and Tonv Rakowskl callers st-the'school Ust week.
I The famUy of-htrs. B*m. Sogu'bave
have gone doer hunting. ,
H. L Hobbs and wlfo and Mlsa received a truer from her nUting no^y for FllnL shore they will make me."-«ra. Chas. McKdwok. 101* N.
Sth St W., Cedar B^nda, Iowa.
On account of the bad wvntber the Stoddard.look dinner at- the DavU
their future home.
Women who are enffetiag from these
- Mrs. Frank Beer went to Traverse
(hitreming ill* peculiar to their aei
City Wednesday, returning Tburaday
| received a slight Injury. U nUe to be
-Mr. Vinton, was in thU vldnlgr «fe
Landing of (be Pilgrims." The srr>
.Mias MnrgArrt klllbert was out of nt school agaU.
dor mat week
I Vef^uble CcopOBod to restere Oeir
acbool last week on nccouni of Ul-' Mm. J tVagner nnd dnnghtnr. Mm. 'end nod thli^d grades are studying
A choir has been organUed at the \ beiitb.
portions of •■Hlasratha."
... ___ __
Isimsa. wem Tmvetwe City caUers
takr$t.DOefar>l. '
I Mr. and Mra.. trvln Rawiiags and
Oiris Mllbm but left bn n hnnrtnf fWday.
Mbs Belle Gee 1* woritlng for Mrs
children. Morion Z6ma and Oerald
United Statekwbo have ^ bmftted
_Y Such a plant eeitS'Onch trip. Although he was m tbe wreck | Fljtnk Cnnls and famUy
■Wm. Anderson.
were the guekts of Mrs. Annie Gray
_ len than
tbao a aster or heating near Walton Junction be escaped
raned witha-tth,’mAVM*
In Traverae
moved to
Mlrc Velma Gee. tV'altet Gee and by thU fomooB old remedy, wtaieb waa
She hai areiylem Ueht
fffoduced from roots and berta ovar »
syvtem It u aa paimaneni
in every mom n b«^ houec.
t serious Injories.
sold bis farm to David Rogers Of Sum- Friday evening.
Noah McLain spent Sunday eveslng at yean ago by a woman to rriieve wo­
A finny was given Satnrday even- tbe home ot Emin Cooper ot winisma
and her hcfct ritturei^ are
cuake ymtr heote modem. |
man's •ufferiog. If you are dek aod need
T^'uiTdiv ' '•
Jerome Renmer burg.
*u<^ a medicine, why dcm’l yon try hT
aad bror.ze.
Mb' Nellie Hnll Is vuiilng mead*
Mtiafonarr aocletr met with .Mrs.

l»w:;;.;*a.I«™'al«e«afan«' 1 **
to the dittrieia they s
If yaa want spcrial alrlce write i»
nnd reUHves nl Neasen Cny.
j Renmer.
Jame* Dean Tfaursd*} of last week.
Xydia E. Plnkham Xadidne Oa.{««*ae^ylene^^fJhat
"---------- ‘-----------------------IMciti
foatlal) I^mMaaa. Yaw-lettcrwiU
Mra Mnry Monroe U tWUng bar!
Fornwrd haa boon drawing
I tap — jiut like
Seheel Notes.
he npen^ r^ ud^ijuirared^b)^
raagei inbigc>ucs.|.
niece. Mr*. Wynkoop. at Travorae.*»«»»««
Nina Dean was absent a (ew ds>i
The aeaiylraa.atoeltv

I Frank RebOoe enrolled at the UM week on acceunt of slrkneas.
Vnion. No'. 11.—Mias Cbloe Dow«n CUy. '
feeds tbit range
-Wm. Cof went to Traverae CUy nml .Oray bebool, Tuesday,
These who won certificates
It.worUag at C L NoweU's Ibis
and thelightron
enmn home'with a One new foam. Mr.! UlUaa Storck. who U euylng with award for perfect atteedvnee for the
the Jooes- ptace
In your diatmt week.
Cox has taken a lumbbrtng Job of her grandmother to atfond the C-Uh- month or October are Flora Gee. Map
we are tepecsantU. C. Hager was a bnstaess caller
Me»sr«. Austin Baynion. Wilbur
Ru'^ley A Douglas.

iolle acbool. •pentSatilrdayand'Sun- forte Daw- nnd Zola Tv.toII
,«d by •
In Kalknska Tueeday.
Hawlo'. Herb Hawley, MaU Bacon
r airborne.
Floyd Penoe of Kingsley la 'UUlng
Marie and Douflas DeCranaa* were and WilUani Selkirk leB bere Monday
M^. IMarshall Carotbers made a
Kalkaska Thursday.
to spend a few- days at Seney banting
Edith V. Carter, Teacher. thresher*. ^
Tbe school ls bn*)- preparing tbnir
Mr. and Mm. Homce FUndnrs nnd
He filU.tlte Ugbt machine with umON
Thankagiriag program, which rUl bo
Tbe nlBTfigrade hav^^ust completed
CARBIDE and plain aater. once a biMtth. SWW.nthSt.. TRAVERSECITY. WCH children returned to thvl'' home SatMbs Minnie 2lck rpeM Bunds}' and
givon Nov. J«
Monday as the r>e«t of
HTVillc. Mich.
, Thb POmt Ligtitirng fioof pvea Jooei
Mra Harsh Is on the alck U»t '
Sarah K Stoddard. Teacher.
Mm. Csflina JJewev moved back to
:iheiaf»ttaft.iinonpiarti'all.ghtandtt>ek. OXWELD ACETYLENE Ca
a reauii of tbo aevera 'gaow
• Long Lake. Nov. ll.—Mrs. Ed
far! avstLUe for;.- home tty.
nrt Uke tWs week ,
norm Monday there were but aUfoen
Chase baa returned from a two
R. C. Bridgaman and bioiber. Ira
pupil* present oat of an onrollmecit
week»: vlalt with reUUve* at Lever­ an*e of the severe weatb«-.
Oridgrman. went to Aides Tburaday
Mian Dtigev. teache; of the ii.imar?' of fifty.
ing and Periston.
B bi/sloAs.
r.f«. Nov. ii.-SlUu. Pi.
Mrr'WMtiemore waa at Bale* ManCbas Qllot leliirned Ifom Traverse
. '.r,
day toying Pton* tor a new furnaoa
CHj Wedneaday
nous lllnvas. .
MIm Harel • Aldrich epe«t Satur­ and Myrtle Fox.
lot tb^hurch.
Joxxeph Battcnfleld and daughter.
-John auutecky Is again auSertng
day and Sunday with her sUfor. Mrs.
Mane. 'Kited at tbe home of Mine/
Lloyd Crisp Is aomcwbat iBprovedwith an attack «t appeDdIcllia..
£lk-n E. Maui,>on. T-'seher.
W. N. Jarman In Traverse City.
CroHiera tVednesday.
In bealtb.
Mrs. Colonel Youngs has bad a very
VV*m. fuiey nnd wUe
about to
D. H Blddlecome Is verj III.
Miss Mina Welia called on Ifbm
painful felon on ber rigbi band.
more' to Traverae City.
Msrvm Clsadenen returned from
Mars Oreeo Sunday.
Mrs. WIUU Rbodee. Sr., la ImpravTrav-rse City Saturday.
Mra. Helon Case has acrid ber
Mr*. Bncketl and. son Harry '%htMrs l.^n May.and daughter. MarlEWS OF 6KUD TXmm BEMOl
Bate*. Nov. if.—The com abredilora ed at tbe borne of ,Mr. and Mra. VrB«U» Mil. .h. hiu b«. .lU, b«-u.U,.
{(.'ontiji-ji d fri'in r»u:e Tt^v l
were working for Kd FPx th^ ton«r, itpinn Ssedar^^^
brother In Detroit, rewrned homo lati!
Mte Stck-i tr..i
K. ^llory left illac tfednekday.
part ot tbe week.
WHlUm Ashmore
ic>dax T.m a buttlliit; trip up noru.
C. I... Newell and Chas. KllloU left,
Mra. Egermayer ol Chicago la il.ltPn^f- Th" f«o“» «ere ap*jr». Judd Whitnon and Mra. Ralph and son Bari went to
JC«I9 JCatii'Palricr J/a. 2
Mr« CofnHd and granddaughter, Raturday moruing for the upper pealug at her daugbter'h. Mrs. John Mlk- P~Prt*«el> decorated and a supper Bates vhilu-d school one ttay thh nrday. They'e*i>e« Hall fron Tntvcrto Cig-. il»- fneuU.
their future home.
Mrs. I4PD Enu and'cMldren were.
Low L.1. l,„m„ N.
So.. I.., Iti-d at Jtmth roltleld-. over Son-MIm Carrie Bacon went u> Tkswtrse
Mae Knight !ef| IVednesday
and enrdh were the
Mr*. Hoifo w,-gt to Traverse CUy
South Unardmatucallera Friday,
->lno Elllo, .od Mr. .RIrUM.oo
for Rocbesicr, N. Y-. for a vlili at her f'wforeB of the evening and sU report- Saturda} on huslness.
CUy Tuesday on burines*. .
E. L* Durj^a ha.s a 'new
Mrs F. A. Schannen was a caller toother'a.
S... »o.«i » ,T„.,r«. or,
.ed a merry time.
Mrs,WelUepeiiiFr1d%k ondBaiuiClass No. 4 of tbo Rate* Sunday
In Cnlon Thursday.
Mrs Eliza Cox la tivlior aUb !«wor sBHollDy ••nglna.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ilatel made a' Tom Skiver has purchaaod a day in
C. L. Newell reto'rned from Traverse business trip to ThompaonvUle last ^ream separator.
Work baa >wra cosunmrad *:^it
relaUros In Indtona.
B«riha RIehl hai raised U
Mtoa Marie Arnold spont Sunday earaesUy Invited to attend.
Loon 8cV. wan
Mniio. t -IV4»rl Kimball and Vet RoberObn of
S. K. Vanderboof and Willard haabela of sugar beets from one alK- afternoon at the home ot Mias Etu.
home of bls aJaier. Mre. M. Jl. Kon- eluding Orockaay -mil and it it at
Fremont are visaing Q C. Hager for .Marab.direciora of dlstrlcfo No'. : and
of an acre, rome eholeo pne* Getka.
Mt»s Norma Turnbull. Taacher.
By IhU a-eek. Mr. Broil rtma from pitted to be flsitlipd Iblt tall.
few day*.
Raymond riertf is on llih tick
Blanchard an<i ih pn bit aay to I<i5
3. leapectlvel)'. attended the directors' !
-----------Mrs. J. B.. Banoon and daughter.
homo In AUtw. MlcblBan
mceUng at Tra
Edna Sebrttuarhora b ttaj^ wilb Mina, went to CadllUc Prldsy.
Mrs. Colonel Young and dsughior
Mr*. Kllrnttry aod -Mrs. Krnhyj
\-rrr.a SUrtor.
-Destrlee »pe«| a few da)-e Uai week
Hirer, .‘'rank Hager. Tlirodore Inman
aith her moiber. Mra. Peter Lagulre.
.\tbouta Cbampne.' . Toaebar. and John lamas lelt Friday (or Sn- of llaiu, River.
gela. r. P.. on a hunting trip..
commisslotier, Mr.
.Mra Anna Campbell and son Claylied at' both Green Uke
« ret'irned fron; Belleriew, 0-. M'ed. mat Tburaday.
Kparhos I'binn. So'. 41.—Tliotc ifekd*'.
Dill haa Nrid' hhi large work
uetklier ta.-d> nor abstvi laai mnotb
Born to Mr. sod Mrs. Jnllua PUU. bow to -Jamea Riley of Interlooben.
are the follonlnc; Unn NeJw>o.
Saturday. Nov. k. a daughter.
.»3ho valley from Jlir PcoiOkuia x i
Newiuarcb, Ibatly Sparling. EdwarJ
fine work team.
Siorllng. Uiorge Bparllng. Ellubatb
Wm. McDaniels received a fine
Siarliug. Jestte Siaritng. Homer Baaa-etch dog from bl* daughter. Mrs.
ade from OtlachlUas, Boaelea*
ty AnstatL Stan
ivni Conley of Saginaw.
vtlaoB. lca« Wil
Caraeols aod heavy Scotch MIxtarea, foroMriy priced at
Prank Edenek was e Travefwe Oty
I ‘ ----------------visitor Saturday.
Dt'id K
intertoebeo. Nov ll.—Mrs. Anna
Elwyn DeFreeae of -WjrUe rtalfod
n»vc4 to Tratarta Clir for the com PaddSo spent Wednesday afternoon at
friend* here Monday-,- ..........■ -rere rpush It alaiiva t grave log yeai
Jiaan calling on Triends.
.Miles DcFreece has been bhUdag
I.t it may t.ol Intitcate or«
I-eonard Milks and familv . have
Mrs T. RUey caHed-on her aon Fred Bowen dig potatoes.
niovtvl to Kingtiai
here tost Tburaday.
Joseph Zdenek. Sr. plasfored Mr
.k Kiuith. atio Ih imimte uetro
The McCloud and SaxtOn Trapping Sbepberd's bouse lan'week.
tar lor Ixrd 4 Kuehiu-li of rhicagi club arv having excellent success ciieT.tlon.
Henry SWdler spent Sunday with
. Tt... ,tr ...f mucu. from th. b bnmr on bb lank for a tiion vkli
trapping muaknta.
bis (smily at ThenpsonvUle.
lUli t'kitcrtB to raturo to Cbl
MlBh Deaale Padden was a Ttst-etne
Mrs- Btchard' Hamner'a l^er died
cago t^Kb bim to ti-aod the w-folyr.
City callw Frida}-.
after a long and sertons Ulness
How ard Claland rx|«cu W- move
Mrv Holbrook and Mtos Droob <*»- Of gangrene. Jbe funcanl was held
aooB OB ib^old Leonard Milka I'larc
I at Mr. Uopktna- wbllo on their way Sunday from the home. Burial look
rhleh fcc r
to Traverse City Friday evening.
{riace In the Mourn Hope cemeteryh aapacis to sn>ve
.'IjTon Ciinnl
Bob Gilbert was nt Traverse Cliy
Joe DiU bes jrarehUMd a Briring
I place tba codling Saturday.
«. aht to be e-.irfted aa toon at pot- back on bl« <
borse from hia latber. 1. DUl.rt't.le.
Mr. TRlapaugh waa at Traverae City
Frieod* In ibto vicinity were pleased
Friday on 'bnalneaa.
to bear that Merrill Hammond was
(iracB Tompkins. Tsacber.
Shirley lUmllton and Edna Lewis fortunate to necurlng the eliOi euii at
were in-the city Saturday.
Hamtiton'a Clotbing store Saturday.
Mrs. Anna f'adden spent the after­
At the show bcM Id Beadon. Mra.
noon at Traverae Oty os tetnrday.
"For ir-enty-thie* V'rri I was a
John Slarrow received the price for
oonttar.t tuft-rtf' rhronie ea*
Marjory,and Freddie Albert* were being the moat popular lady. Loelto
North Mabel. Nor ll —Report of
tarrh. 1 had a *evt.. mPery and tba sdiool for second month: Total In Traverae City Saturday catling on
McCain as the moat popular teby and
btrrJng In tlia top r-f ir.y head. There
Urn Charbarneou aa haring tbe
tea* alin.xi a btutuiual drrtpplo* of number anroUad. N>: tout numbsr el their grandmother
Wm. Brooks, lather-of Mra. R. Ham- largest feel.
murt.* ititci tnr tbrt«u which eaumd tiayb uuglit, ll>: average dally attend,
tnciuetit expactoraiiM".. ,?!y entire ance. IC: percaniagc
ner. was baried here Sunda.v, Nov. ».
_ ttioally b~catrt»" Involved.
Mlsa GladVs Norton of Traverse
Margaret Anderson. Teeeher.
ttnd t-jy ecrfIdUlcitt grew v.orra. I had
pn ineantant cough iind fr-.|Uep.t tl-, nor-aba^nt during the month are Mei- City visited the rammaf room Ian
lai*» of blllooH colic, ffmo which It Mn Devitos. Harold Stevert. HertnW week.
tt—tned I roulil not recover. Mr Slcvart. Bertha Slevart, Ilo Pray.dltrMadge Pei^ngton was at Traverse
ic.n-cb aho tmezm*- daotted. cauilng
OR}* Ssturdar,
glc (%aney and Lena Button
eJeeming altackt of Benorrnaect.
Gray District Kov. IS.—Mias CarThe Aid-wicleg meeu tbla w-eok
The Saaatika club met with Mrs.
~I iriid many remedies. vrMch sav*
rh Brodrick was s Buckley caller
' o;-:' esmpenry relle£^r no relief at Iloitie Waiaon Iasi Thuraday. They with Mrs. Frank SkiUlter.
ui!' I at tail tried I*i^una. and Itf report a good lime. ^
Mr. and MrA W. NelsoB Ipwt the Friday.
Hr. and Mrs. Prank CUric Of Ta­
day Tncaday dlib Mr. Hopkins and
Mra. Albert Rleveri reiBrnad
CrningemMil. After using
coma. TVaiblonoo. Mr*. Ai^ Gray
(fiand Rapfda thb ae^ lesrlng tier Umlly.
T aa< antirely eorod"I tooci rhiwrfully recommmd tbs iiiQiher much Inpruved.
Ada Nelson 'Islied the luintarr and John Clark and' fomOy sprat
Wednroday evening with Mr. aod
•w t.r Peruns ta say one tlrellarly
Mrs. Wallace Klnne} snd -Mrs, It.' Tuesday
Mra. irria Rhwllnga.
Wor^ spent Issi TueMla* with
Bsopis whs ohjaal «a nguM msdl*
Angus OrtfUh
Mra. Zada'llgrr, Tetebei^^.
g «to*s can imw
TAfoth Mrs. Tnunan lAtore.

After DarK .
Easy for Jones;

l^reu Wordpn aprat Ust Baturdar
lb Tmvbfw CIg .
.Mrs. Morao. who baa been vla1iio»
• bar alaiar. Mra. Coi. munird to bar
bo8M In Caaada last Baturdar- .
A Jana crowd attaadod a meaUna
of tba Barker Creak LadUe’ Aid aoeirtr. wJiich met Wt the parweava last
Alina Uraltbaupt. Taacbar.





«» _..

*1 nJ^


..Coat Sale..


Commencing nex£ Saturday, the-isth

ly 90 that oar oat-el-tom castoOMrs toey
chance ns thoac ta the dty.
have the
One koatfred


Group 1

Group 2


/iTorlft ftfabri

AH sfSBCB from oirls*
IS to wotoca*s M



The^g Store


Hannati & Lay Merc. Co.




nvepc aiY’s Greatal Slnvc Storr

The Price Paid for aHM
Goal Base Burner

.. The..

Imperial Universal

Has more direct radiating auzface. more hot w circulating
capacity than any other base burner made, and'we positively
guarantee it to heat mere space with less fnel than any other
base Lmnet.

Doe* not indicau whether it is a cheap or nn expensive stovt
That point is determined entirely by the quantity of fuel
will consume to get the required amount of heat. Nor does the
^ of fire pot in a base burner indicate iu heating capacity.
When yon bum a given amount of coal it generates a certain amcunl of heat regardless of wliat stove the coal is burned
ja, but the question cf heating capacity and fuel economy of a
stove depends entirely on v. bat becomes of tbe beat thus eeaerated.
The principle of all hard coal base burners fs to radiate
heat into the room
means of. its heat fines' and'hot air circu
lating fluei, and that is the pihu.jtf. vssi difference hi..base
burners—the stove that his the mest dliect radipling rurface
and hot air circulating capacity is the nicil powerful heater
and the most economical in fuel and the cheapest stovp to buy.
as the base, burner that does not radiate the largest possible
percentage of beat generated from th« fuel uii- in a veir short
time waste enough ccal to pn;, for the test base burner made.


. - amount
. ------ of
depends on the disusce it
must fravd after leaving the combustion chamber before it
, can escape Wough the chimney; that is why we claim that the
Imperial Universal has more dirset radiating surface than any
other J^c bum*.


The two large hot air circulalii4 flues do not come in contacc with the main back of the stove, there being cueJialf inch
space between outer plate of hot air orculatiag flues and the
main back of stove, which gives the Imperial-OfiWersal two
distinct advantages—the hcl air cireutoling fines are surrounded on all tides by intense h«t from the heat flues, which
greatly warm floors and a uniform heat throughout the room;
also with this construction the Imperial Universal does not
get the hot air circulatioD at the expense of direct radiating
surface (as is the case in other base homers), as every inch of
surface of tbe main back is direct radiating surface.


The Home of the Quick Meal Range
Q^ck Meal Ranges arc eopied by many, but equaled by none. They arc buUt by STEEL RANGE MAKERS, and In
a faeto|7 equipped espeeiaily for working sheet steel. We want you to examine the walls of this range. They
arc 1^11 lined with asbestos and steel which is porcelain enameled so as to retain all the heat and prevent all
rustlpg and waste of heat Quick Meals are made in all sizes and vylth
with reservoir attached on either right
riiriit or left
side, as desired, or without reservoir —.............. —


Most perfect combination mve
made. The famont Utility fire pot
tioed in thu otove^ made with
■eU-clea^ng cored air fltwe ex­
tending the full bei^t of the gn
pot. These air fines take tte air
from the ash pit section and this
air most pass through these fines
tending the full height of the fire
pot and in doing so become in­
tensely heated befm it is dis­
charged over the fire. This super­
heated air mingling .with the
'smoke and combustible gasee aris­
ing from a soft coal.^ entirely
consumes them and gives 4h*-tieer
the beenflt of all the heat units
contain^ therein, wifich in the or­
dinary-4tove escapes through the
chimnejc therefore saving yon
about 40'! of your fad bill.


Here is a Little
It has been conceded for years
that soft cofU would make tbe
cheapen fuel,obtainable wen it
not for the smoke and dust. With
these objections evefcome there
is no argnuAnt agwintt our Hot
Blast Air Tight Soft Coal Burner.
It is absolutely smokelen and
dustless Tbe Jacket is heavy cold
rolled steel
eel fastened to tbe base
by a method that will etay ti^^il;
double hea%7 cest fire pot: perfet.
control of draft and gneranfeed to
hold fire forty-eigbt hours and
malntafti an even temperatore.

Omc In aad see this
Wonder Koal Bara^.

Buys the besi medlDm
priced range on market
Body is made of extra fine qnajity, uniform color American BlueSteel, ihoTonghly braced and dose*
:Jy. riveted. The flues are lined
wiQi asbestos mill-board. which is
protected by steel strips, forming
a triple waU, prevents radiaUon (tf
beat and protects Outer body from
Oven is made of Wood's patent
leveled steel flanged and closely
riveted to body of range.'- Oven
bottom is strengthened with two
-caet strips-riveted to same, and to
further prevent ovdn bottom from
warping it is bolted Jbrougb the
flue strips to the Sue bottom. Flue
bottom is lined with heavy aebestos mill-board, retaining the
heat in tbe fines and oven hnd pre­
venting the scorching of the floor.
This stove ;s made in three


The Acme of Cast
. Stove Making
An all cat! range m the form of a
steel range, plain desigix amoeth cast­
ings anC tmeeth mirrer-llhe nickel
catting* are made from a correct
ixture cf the highett gradea of carefui'r selected pig Iron, oeient'ficaiiy
blended, inaurlng gtrength. uniformity
and amcethncaa of caatings: ha* drop
even doc., vifring bilanead, when open
It flush with bettoin of even: ha*
whKc porcelain even doer. Flr« pot it '
prrperly proportioned and adapted for
ary fuel: ha* doable fire wall and It
g-iarant«ed to last a lifetime. Ash pan
•c large and deep, with plenty of apoce
between It and gratae, allowing a free '
Girculptien of air to prevent melting
of grate* and fir pet trimmlnga.
Thi* ■( the ttove that waa ison^imented *e highly during our Move
demonatration lait September.

A stove built for pco}fle wbo
want sa sk-ti^ hestsr. but mcmthing a little better sad nicer than
the ordinary sir-^t beater, and
want a stove with an ash pan.
Tbit stove it made with cast top
and bottom, casvhnlnga to protect
tbe steel body, aah |dt section with
bailed atii pan. draw roister
wood grate, machine faced screw
register damper, large one-piece
feed door and smoke dirtain,
cocking hole in main top.

Air Tlblit Stoves From


Ai^ideal medium priced combi­
nation coal and wood stove. Tbe
body of this .stove is made of
Wood's Oak Body Steel, flanged
at top and bottom and set uf deep
grooves in the top of flro pot over
which is bolted the ouUide deflector ring, forming an absolutely
tight joint. Ibe steel body will
not warp uv bndtle from fire pot.
This stove nqiges in price

Wc hare a number of used
ftovM that we have taken as part
psyaent on new ones that m be
bop|4U-at .about ball thair real



want in Miandl«h i<«
u a/eonple ni rl
a-'t. (or « I luitteil from Xlendon nrd o»her polnla.
I -V siiijiMee |«rt} .»as Riven <•} a
xiah Hlih (rid frirnde.
wife ' lieve'.tiuhiliei <>i Isdiw of ihr Heoc l.flli lodP'l.«>ooai'd . .'ritlk' at:
I a addition
I make tills'Tuesday •"• niuK in honor oi .'lr»
uioxrd Into luno ao'l
. their
Conducted by Misf Mae Dewey.
ttiMr fulure lintaea.

Tbe Missouri was In port'WedneeThere Imve been llif iimwI Dum­
taking OB t lame load of potaia a aorlal loe* Frelalii truffle, witb the .NorthW« went to make thli DeportmeBt of tbe
ber of ealea thi» lull of renua. larin' AftiT at) i-veBinE «
Th* p«opl« of Klnciley ud the enmumdiiid
. «uhm-. ahwli arts lirouem i.' ein MirhlRan companv has bcili very
gmteft pouible trtltw to all etneemed and to.
toole Mid lireeKK-k
In eter.x <-aae
ilie'ladU-K tama aervi'd. Cmers »-rr EO^ Ibis -season. Caasetucer traffic
counttj an ah iatanatyl in thia Dapaatmaht.
thla cad
d reqtMfft
reqtMat that all items of pmonal and
the eaitlr art- b<-Iil wry hfKh.
general interegt be sent to Mist Dewey to i
was Bood.-ewiM'elally durinE the 1*11011
irOU 'VaanjcMnE .sbl|iped aDotlirr laid for t«'etiiy.^E)il.
We ihall ba glad U> hm iadiaidult, chiirchea,
Mrs. l-a-na MtCuvre of Travers.' aeasou.
Incorporated in tbe “
Department ”*
We especially
the Onjiga, fntanial aodatiaa and all tithar or.
ask that cborches, fraternal eocietiee and tbe
Several fiirraers have lost turkey* Oily .-arrived Haturda:- eveniUR lo at ' ^ni to Mr, and .'Irs. Walti-r
I hand in Itama of aews, personal,
Orange fnmiib iteaw of interest in thw tespeethis fall by hunter:. One fioek lias temi (he funnrai of Iwr liule nei'he*'. l4^kje. Nov. r.ili. a boj.
umooneaDenU of meeting, aotioM of oBtorteis.
tire oiganintioni. News of social events and
The arbolars in Mrs. 1- L. SlenJiieen decimnta'd from forty'to .sl\. lUymotiJ l.aekle.
XVn;. WiUlavnson »* regoveHns from man's Rundav ticnool class Imve or'
monta, badseM diaaget. public
s being made or contt'tn It SrheH one of our rural
canized n aewinK aoclety and will
I changes and tramfers in
beiag done or cMitmplatod. uIm of nal e«Ut«
mall taniert. mas mtirrird Inst wt—K a severe aitnrk of tmeuinouta.
.The Ijidiis Ai.l •>( the ('oDEreE.V meet Saliiidnv ..t Mr- Rosemrans’
real eatate in town and oonntry are especially
IQ TraveKe: fUy ui Mi»» l.v.ll.i
in town or eonntry, ud uy other itans of gen­
not only to the
eral intereat.—Editor Herald.
villa^ of Fife Lake, bnt to tbe inrrenndiBg
Krnesf I*piver w.i*, nr Rmi-ire' l:i*t I loved their niitiual .hicken pio sIi|>|mv Ills brothers Inst week.
The 1... O. T. M. an.l their husbands
eoantry-'-Zditor Herald.
' ill ihr iiarlor* Thursday eu iiliai;.
■Klniwipy. Xov. !•—Mr.'and Ui«. iiMUUiii; Mr- .liousnt Hiion ror a
Itrof. and .Mrs. Arebei are ocriipylns enjoyed a HUpiier after (he usual w**
Will Ma<mr«.WB- u diH-k mil xiriinr
tmtiro Oietll* viKliwi \u. (SWdJs- jar
ih«. fiusiaf) residanre. Mr tiuslaff and ■slon Friday evenina.
Flic l.akc. iiirh. XoV. ir—Tiui
In Traxwse I'iiy.
ni. « r.™.a I..I
nr, <!iaa„| TIO.
,hr n.KW
ioli. Oscar, ettwci to «[wod the' aln.Ur. IlrnwTi and family bitIvhI In-t qaaraniiac for ararlct lever has been
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Wlleiiii of Tra\ook hin Kua altmir and did-a U((l»' rhurc* last Simdav tnonitoE
ter III Ta.mi'a. Ploriila.
week and are oreapylDE the M- Uak- nmoved from the..Win. HivMkway
lUntlDa;: Mllkeld has itotie to Amherst. non restden.-e
voiy lnter«-«tlnK
Uane's UiKL viH-k.
yrn. lor a short vNli «itb relative
Ileanie liurkhead U vlaitInR frb-nd*
pvan McKweV^dUUc. vlaliM JiU of Traverse CUy, i
an esrplUm.
Odd’Kellous have beeuii tlimr
Flank Chllsdn of Mani^lona was
iiod Mrs, IVtrln WtUtaBioon of la the Miithera |.an of the state. W.
n>4r. Claude Moor«>'Uit ir<H-k.'
dlblf rendinc t
' usual M'dsl
Cloud airlveil tbia ovmlnit i
It Kiiapi- iH luklne rharKe of the R bcie on biwtaesa RaturJay.'.
"Rlohard Xtanhall acnl laniHy have
The Riilutnon Smith fanifiy have
It iiharniacy.
novd-d to Cedar for the wlntci:
■ jiaslor.
Mrs J. tiradley and dauehier, lx>r-- ruovci' into the Peterson bulldinK opCUude Moom and HiUf
.A. Urei- fiiimber of the yoaiiij
John Sihone if Vblh'’n~
WlK»*lle I’ t; IVteraon’s.
r. Kendricks, distrlit dU)ier' TBlne ar.' visltinc friwds lli Ohki
tstus aiwBirSuaday and Monday la friends of, Miss nolty UolIldny nave house .
Mrs, Rubens .md g-MIdren have nJoe .Mvg'tR rejarned VV‘idn<-s!av

I “era mriirin-jmrtj ‘.last Saturday
John Swainston iimi hi* sienr. \V1 ii„t, .e.upied il«. imll-it In the M B tura.-d to their home in the West.
Mr. nnd Mrs S Cridier of .Arkport,.Mu-li-and tania-* «eie on- Ue have tu.njed im.. .the ItarUman ’|,ur.h Suudav mori.iiiR
The Epworib leacUe Mid Cbrixllso
Ur* ' .A. Ik.llicra made a Imsir.e.w
Xtiiu Mattie Ut.iuirar wa« 'uoni in
v'MC York. a>e Buesta of Dr. nnd Mrs.'inj.-j and .n eveelten. lumdieon aus^hmse
llavmond. .The m.-vearsild
Biideavur h.-ld a union servire In the (rip to I'a.illlac Kaiurda}
txiialr coiiuty. Ohio, -one 1st. IMS,
hownaon. The four
W. U. kle.
e. jwa* instantly ('oatrreKational church Sunday evenI. Morris was Horn KHyMev AVbeii fqur year* old she wUh her paroe Cnater Tueaday
Miss Roiwrs lias, stnned ii class of
Rom to Mr. and Mrs. ».«-ster Wheat., Fri.lay afternoon
on While nlaylDB in the
The topic was 'Temiq-rance." W.-lDeiduy leqw'i-pn irains.
cut* move.I tp Allecaa county. .Mkh.
dm. Tip Uroa-nsoh,'
ainclnc traininn in her room, the *ee Nnvemt>er Mli.
bm iiyanl. ^heif tbe inooi boloBEinK
IVrcv I. IVny led'ibe service,
Miss Mary Of.'iH»i'!i Ihia:'.! site wns untied to inarriaKe at (he age
'ilie ebiekes eupper iriven to the opd primary
If*. Docnit and daiml
.IBlilJ*! l-.a :
XIr 1.acklc lM<amc fHcbtoiied and rau.
a l•hll (irlffiii ri-tunied Monday
ar a biii.'ibe*s lall.'i' in ('>'*n of t'l to E 7.. of JiloomiOEdale.
Utndny acbool by the lUpUatf 'Wt
Thq lenvhena are de-.ima- of da-json Ra> were TnniTbirse f^ty
("itv <-all<T.'
ov.-r^iiu. VNiaeial Hervi.ew were held from a vi-it vilih friends at *■£»*”*
Vail Huien coumy To this union were
Tldny. evenltis., «-ds a decided au«-- voting, tw.o or three hours weekly Thursday «ml Frldav.
at ihv li.iiiie RutiJa) aliemoou. Rev. J.|ltni>id* and ('a.lillac.
. .
f«in ihrt*> .-bildien. two of v.h<im died
epa. - Over one'hondred, were pn»*. to aewiiic .lasses lor Kiri*, but, so | Cbesley Itoase bus movsi (..'itn-k HurJi:.-offi.iatliik, rhe reiuatns were
I'lia*. PntmBn ha* >»eu transferred I
ill .iiifanrv- She wa.' a mi-muerof the
ilifj- have not devised an equally
hiid II. r.-*i ill the Xorthport .......... as fireman on a run betwreq Tiavtlie winter
The subject at tbe.YoiuiR people's'lmf>ortnnt class for tmys alotiR manl.ccnBh iwi\. a Kincsley iiiiih !«ti«*i>l Jeiy.

|erwe fit:, and Walton: He has moved! <1in«. Klliott and .ClltXoii Xewy I»i»clpl.>' cimrrh. In whi.h she watt
te^HB las) Sunday eveninc was udrtraiainB lines
student, is home this w.s* v.liU
A larsr auuh-uce enjoyed the bs'- Ida family to Tiav.Ti.i'Citv. -uhi-re'he liave i»n.- imiitiuR in the upper pen- lu.)iii;<*l Till V lame tn.Flfe Lake Eelera* V. ar* «Bit and have wince resided
Cbriatian Home Ufr." ably led ' by
The Kev. .Mr. A'ob-s wall ed to May- bad case of'tonsillii.s.
aiien ^y .Ml. BakM- of the I-v «ll' re*W.liurala
h.'ie, H-r heal-!. h«* been faillaE f«r
Irm E. J, Casq There'wa* special field Sunday ^enliiK to.Wliver a
Mr* Amo* Uo\ and .Mis* Vern ........ lav-lure course Friday evenioE
IVri lUue wa* la CBdllU’ on bimi*ome tin*-. An+ »1;- i-aas.-d away on
inslc and the musiral assistance iriv-'aefOb b. t tilKtaaee of tUr&<-4uli»*: 'Shoots were Traveiee Citv .aller* Jir-4ie towb hall
I.ess a coii|t1e of day* last week
Sunday. .Nov
it l". at * oeI(K-k a. m.
' -Tbe ij.tivv- Aid of the M E. r-hurrSi
a by.^tss Uilf'irwln and'mIs* Reid' Tht* .mnicular s^iinday evenins «a«" hist Ssiurdnv and Stinduy.
Mat cam E Maud ./,:,^ridce Allridse. Sr. qf Sfru'h
the see 01 '-T t ear*. 4 months and 9
tot i.i (he ho'tue of .Mr*. Amstida account of *bow d.-.i;u and «««*•«! iv»rdman wa-In town Tbur*da', '
Ut waa therouciiK'^ en^y.-d. Tbe one of the midest with hlBh rutting!
8l.e i* survi.M '•>. bt-r hu^
Harnes Pridiu i veninB.
ubieci nett Siinilay eyenInB will be wind that «e have ever known for
! service* w»rc Klveti lai-I week, w-as|. ......
. '
’I Mr* ElLv Wl.lti- was the Buc-«t of !«m1. Utte dsiichur. Mr*. l.»ra £.'
B the'temperance iiii.ftion led -bv this stiason of the y.ttr.
Mr« Ethel .Oilben and children are boru In latudeti t>t.-tba<-h. (iermany.
UituiB trlendh at Pcllsion.
| Vov ;-6ih. 1»«, In ivTi *be ram.- to Mr. .lohn Abbott at South Hoardiiuin JlieUar-i.'. Of -Marion, two • Ister*. .Mrs.
Tm. 1.. A\'H«on. Jr Hev. J. nobett*,.' .Aardn I'my it In Mantst.-e i.vr
Is>desa Klrvciih of Maiilun and Mra.'
w RaPtlM «ute sei-reury. will medical iraatroeoi.
The Masop* Will hold a ■•ommutba"“J “'od win. h.-r cousin*i
N'oriliiKir. Nov lo-Mt- Will W.ln Traverse Tflls Morey r-f l.ake Vle-»-. aad two
reach' in the RaptSei church nett j E. A. Smith, w ho has been worklae SOD tetumed Wcuaesday . v.-BinK from .ion Tui«lav eveninc. Nov. luh. v-on « Ho-hester. .N. V. -Hirne veara laur I
fevi rtuy* vi»|t i.roUier*, I--aac and Horace lAordiear
anday laorataB •
| In Chlcaao for the pan vear. U hoiM Pellstoli. where she visligsl livr'daUKh- ferrinc tlM- third docree
|she marrii-d Jacob ABuller. then a^j ^.e
of MhUiaii
Jim Ikiys and wife of Summit Citr. for u short time
ter. -Mr* lou Cami'iiell.
Ihi.h liouBhey retun.e.1 to W
\ Mr* A. AV: Sinclair retttrr.ed from
Finerul *erv'ici-* were Indd St th*
where they
they re)
r» hack from OreBon. Mr. Daya has
Mrs. A. It. sUUnson and ilauidiiei
T^tv-erse Citl Satunlav aiie.
‘• 'liurclivill.-.
httrci.v ill.-, -here
Ur. and .'tr*. Mai -l.-ft
’I r. clicnh on Wedintiilay. Nov. 12.
side.! lor five >ears. apd in UA1 came
eea west two or i.hree times, btit Rhea, 'were xrei-k i-n-l vlriturs
las’ week tor (llo'KVrtev. .VIbks . r.'i.ef.*
H r Hare
»pv R. A. P. Reakr-' oBlclstlnE. The
— — ; to N'orthpot I..V'I-.ivre they look up th.-ir ,
Mlevea that MIohlBan is Rood enouRh-Traverse Cip-.
[lliey will spend the wir'e;
horn 10 Mr’remalax wefe taken to Traverse City
Will SkSW 4Aa* frism aslril»m residein-g- on a farm north of the vll ' .Mrs JallD* PtiK
j The ladifw bav*- asain onuni
-Ml*, llyron Wool-tcy hs.s
on Satnrdas,. Nov, !for interment in Oakwood remetery.
^ snd-where they have since lived
Peter Mtiih. Sr., is very sick anin. their basketball t««m:
heme^om Ann Art-or. Mien, im- ___^.-1
sppyvs* _WllllH«IW
.Mrr bolter war the mother <vt
Albert lIodRe YUKl Rose William*
Tutbey* aad ducks an- lielig; Bhi.-s pr»y«-d in health
I*. H niddlpeome Is rritlenlly ill nt
' nfe l.ake. were piests of Mrs. ped. lO rarlot*. AV> Mieve our barn
Mr* O.'K nator retutnisl Tiien-lav
hi* .home
lice Royd- of Sutumit Citv. . la«f yards will l>e murli quieter after this' from a luontb'a visit with her mother.
WRl'^d fhirw-ood JWtOBt hsToryhare
j week
Ml' Fuller,
While rii:i*.ii. Ml. fi.
"id ER'-re, Mich., f-vr the
heMlStm* •
Miss DeldiOR Of Traverse City. i«
ll, Hnye-.. w,;e and f-v.i rluliiren
.V !.• N-.r! olt h;,...reS
, OrawD, .Nov, It—The l.adie« Aid
e reftirred
reAirred' aoelnV of Mi.- M. E church wlH m«t
,, .
Sira. A IR Ollmore

Fife Lake Department

Kingsley Department


ptaonrs—aiz." S38» Bell
67. Camilag Co.
' oct 28-tf

Our Bc^s’ Department is
Ond lat Boys' Suits, excellent
known far and wide
, values a! $3 to $7, will
Hamilton Clothing. Company clcKe from $1 95 to $495
Big Lot
Gray GJor
Regular 50c
Only 28(5
Eaclij Take


»op Mr*

-M home -;u C.-rnumv. and her w4"eUt4™rc»dlHac
.**'tb Mrs. C. A. Clark AA'ednesdaj.
husban.l. suivlve be.
Tiore to’Mr. and Mrs, Guy riariver.l M»- Sebright has had a comcmt
/“ on Sunday. Nov, Sth. a daiiahlw.
Itenala Hilton Is ’joder <ho care of
If pbyaician.
^ L TliompsoB was called
M- C C
Mr. Headley is quite ii:
• to Mi^on Friday to attend tba


™ ■ v-

c-»PV.n, I. 1., n.m, w»rfor
«« IV,,™.

-M «». H.dry,H.„,.,
Flint Widd.'
nUht for
^ their Visit in Ohio Tuesday eveninc
vuit With frleuda and reuuvea hero
Rj,.j,„dg ^f
aa.t at Itarker ('reek.
Martoa were called here .Moadav hv
Allred A'aa Luven
auddec death of Mrs. Hichagd-v'
si*>DL Sunday with bis ai«er.
mother. JIr». E. Tibl.Jt*. on Sutfdav:
A\ iltwr Rule*. ^
I Chas. Edget went to-Colds-aver ct
' I .J.r. '•rank Stafford and ^wo <MI- Thursday to brioR hU dauEhier. Mrs.
S laday Harry lAliiimore. home with him.


caller Saturday,
'eil was cailed to Elk Rapids
Saturday by iirf nines* of a frlendRo«er* of Summit CHy. has
moved to his
aqi)U of Orawn.
Earl ReyncriK ifrtKp?k«..^n^rer»e
City Friday on 'uusiness
Air*, ('has. -Knimm and .daugbUr
Ullle. w.-re TraverHt City nllnra <

AAsrren has moved ftom his
farm to Gniwn.
Prank Karris has moreth to Trarerse City for the winter. •
Ura. SeUle Hill of Traverae aty,
visited her sister. Mrs. Curry last

AA’JII Decker of South Itoardmnn was
ora Hrf.Bi..bis moved his family , bnsincs* call, r in -nwn Pridav he>-^
k —.« .
pan of >W.
the C-—*
Fred Avery
house 'tween train*
jwlti, l-eeman Sedej.
j Mr*. Alla noherty wa*horue Sat1 Mr*, tilean Wood and small son ui^aj- from her school ru Ho'-nes Sidof RU lake*, arrived Friday night {ns.
lit witii
wilt, rher pareni*. Mr aad^ Mr* C C. mnean of Schoolcraft.
Mr*. F. U. Vintc
‘Mich- I* visiilnE her daughter.
daughter Mrs.
O. E. iini*
j Mra, UU Morey of Lake
View; Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ciddia of I
aad Mrs, 7. AA'. Elaworth aad son. ley. were gu.ei* of Mra. S. GlddlB
, Norman, and Id-wia Woro of Mamon. jla»i sreek.
).v—MtS Ami
TlbbiK. are pie-.t*J c. AA'. Barnard apeat the week end
Maply nty.
don of Comma. U viaiiing hla moth- “
Jwkb hU dau^lera. Mra. Abo San** I Joe Place of Fraaltfoit was thejdera ,nd Mra. C. AVUaon. laavlag



Line of
Boys’ Pants
50c Up.

Mi» X.111.

« c, K..-

last Firdsy
,| Claud Nall of Graa.l Rapid* was the
. Mr. and Mr*. Joe Phillips have re- cueat of his latfier-lD law. Moses Wserurbed from r. two weeks' vlfli in ner. at the CUy hotel over Sundav.
Mesdame* A. Dolbcr^ and Marahall
to Carotbera were In Kalkaska on t iisfTraverse CUy Saturday.
nes* Thiiradat
Mr. and Mra. Erntvri Hopkin* have
Miss Rena Hsskliis
' home o
returned fronj»a visit in Ohio.
Sunday from Shsroi^
Mrs. R. Fisher w-enl to L. KenJohn Codd ha* houebt the driving
nedF* yeaterday to wHeome a new horwo he sold to Dert Haskic Tail
niece, who ban Jnst arrived.
Miss Romy Hatter and brother. 1***
lie, aro attending the Fife Uke High
The wind and iinow atorm on RanNtai-el. Vbv- ii..—.Mrs, Cora Hanp day
__ did coMkhTsble damage to windn»ui n.9.. irti, .» .Tn,«K. cii, .•um*
-li,. B4ia corncTios in taw V-tetnUy.
^ In ptaco or the rerniar preaching
Mon Pray started for the Vpper service* U/t Snaday. a rwulDg temPenlnsuls Friday on a buDUag trip, peraaco meeting was held at the it
Blib Cliase weqi to Traverao City e. chnrch at I0;3ti a. m. by the follow!
ling local speakers:
M«Wa. J. 8
Wmiaiti*. Hodgea. Dr. D. E. HIIU. and Af, AV.
burg for Um winter.
Ab Ilolamier ha* moved 0 Grand
The Bern* Guild will bold another
TUpIdsPoUnck supper for tbe membera at
Mps. Rioopa of Elk Kaidd* R. P. I).. Mr*. I.* A. Denneit'a on Friday even­
i* vlsiiiag at her dauiriUer. Mrs. Pr­ ing. Nov. I4tb.
ut noUmter'a.
Church service* for Sunday. Nov.
ifni. HortU. Watson catertalned 16, 191.?; Buaday school at lliC. a.
the RtraUaka club Tliareday.
m.: Sunshiae Prayer band at T. p m.:
Tbe Halplag Hand met with Mrs. Epworth league at 6:3d p. m.: preachSbennaa last week, i
qnllted a;ing at T:.t0 p. m. by Pa«tor 8. A, P.
quilt for Mra. BendlcL



Buys Overcoats from $4 to $ 10 Boys’ Underwear at 33c to
Children’s Overcoats
42.26 to $8
Heavy Jumbo Sweaters


the corner.
Mr. and Mr*. G. E. Alderirb were
Traverae City callera Saturday.
Mr. and .Mrs. Ncjibew df Trav-erwe fity. are Rtiesu of Mra. Melvin
MjK.s Minnie Johnson spent - the
Week end at BIb Kapids with frlemda.
Kaaford I.angworthy met with a tu-riouM accident breaking his leg
while at work Monday.
A. J. RoundJDK. who ha* be«a to
Northpon. ^buying iMrtatOes. aritved
home MShdag.
Mr. aa^ ilra. WUllama of Trari
«rae Ciu’. were sneeta at O. A. Joha- ,
soc’B Suaday.
A. H. Jouca traaaacied baalBtsa ia
Traverse City Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. Hark and daaghtnr
-Adolioe were Travorse CUy calten
R. Gilbert of laterlochen was A
Grawn caller Sgtarday.
Mias iirooka spent the week end
ia-Traverae City with frif«dw.
H. Harr went to Traverse
City Monday oa busine*.*.
Mias Dulcle AVilU^. who la ailendlng high scbwl at Traverae City,
speol the week enid with hor par.
The Ora^n^MilUnE company cideff
mill will run Tnesday and Fridaj'.



■ ' FAAK AlfillT



r thtne. O Pownr DhiM.
To thask Thao for theae gtfta


^ XftAVSilB BAY ZA9LS, T|tUUOAY, NOVBKBU 13, 1013.


uonsb Ml*. »«*•
tot*rbe»ai*<l»'»«*ciMnlad«dl> oBew brtad, sad w tbr crurt Bm.. Tbra
W *lw«n bn«i«d tW lb*' amr ■
mhmIm «___
• one *» he iried to remomlKT wh»t be dn ih# «-bol«- eloerly for t»o hour* in
UftBps. ab«_bMtat
. .

bMn » nbw the door with her eua
Breek nMuoni Into heK-inch or
hrlde»roum catae not. and etiar • sUr the crvmU oecnsloaelly. Dry the
toanry nraneee In the (m« of 4hU inch Icacihn. Cut brlicht plRiei of rtt>- ,^11# people beno to ehlspw to erunib* without browaini: them. To
fn.e who.
wh« la
I. i.V feeble rolce becsed bone, eUk. flunetor paper Wto eanll ibeir nrlKbbon. and the brtde ran three plnte of erumbi. neMured be
_---------------- ------------- .— weather tn come by the
Tre r<w
fw a« few BO- elPClei an lach In diameter, or Into »»„. up to ter room to as agony of fore drying, add one leaapoonful of
o rre
for TRankaglrU' I call thte—roads mania.
Uch anuaraa. Rub the point of a ,6*** »ad f«Mr.
tail, one uM^nmonfui of ndno^l
^ ^
^ ^
"May you get warm! Why certain.
the anndpap^r oh
, telegran came:
parsley, one ublcapoonful of drkd

tha winds seta -a the Ora sputter*
wuur^ Sf.SSlir^-.«nS
long wo„
koow Td ba

' Uis
lu. momlQ’. ‘iwon't b.
wa gat a fluiry. n I do
mr hauu that WndU. ihooghu that ^



-a.U. .


■„i.miL p....ia,»,
tbaak'ea." thing*—macaroni, cuttings, needle and
.a™. 0»rt-e,,-

rt.t n'.rs,

■*®*Itta ThankaglrU- U> hava aoow and
Dot when shan I attala (p this— , I'm alias glad to aaa It anowy
Mr*. Stanlay raiuraad to her oookT« thank Tbae for tha things I aUs'‘ Chrlatmas. tor you kaow *a
Ug and tbera was no sound U tbe tbe material with which to. make a
kitchen but tbe Uekitu: of the dock
young fancy's aariy glaam.
As a Tarlalion l^t the children
She paused ■
tbe buuing of a beUtad hausaTbe draaped-of Joya, that atUl
Stnnlar gave an ImpaUani sni*** the window.
“Yas, I know tha aayin- but Itll
..h.-. about the aga ay Dan would ... or U,... beru M.~. .... ...
W«,J» „, i™,



****^ * »‘***^ •
thaili fit him
in the yard on CtHsfjaa. day. 1-re


;; 7. Vl'.T

** «..urio*. half . teaapoanfal of bUck m p«*tfine iaper mid pot away la
us™ .Jm .ii.. «

..rfoani, . i».w«.rui or un. b...
. fayegue.
one-clybih of a
o. . .a.p«..lul

the caupc of the delay must bv made
^In to the goaelpu.
she Ued a





medium Mtc. blanched ai»..nd^
almomU ,n


vr ^ct- —i—jtt;

Had I. tna. abarad tha Jaya 1 aa^
Would thara hafa baw a bearaa far lag Btae peAaps
perhaps bad
bad bran
bran T
a Uttla
hasty in bar reply, “a thing like that
c..« 7 b... «. Tb, b~»»
doe* male a person think more of
Kucr ti'lnp* 1 suppose.-". Had i ioasv*(**d a!*t i -i.'Id dear*
--tv-bat do >ou cai'aa
Mv cec:ci: ;.-fviie. --.icr.b'.^t J.llss.
• p.'ilf-r-‘iV cd Mr» Swan. -1
. >vr*,lUJi' .-.
. Kb-iC *
BUtrosc 'oall have M>-:iebodr here
m.Vt.- . " .11 miss.
Somwlm.s tjvro coooi in. hoar of
vwBn .T '
tp l!etolr.S.
lletolr.S. paltt
Pa<u w
..A '’.'-V- :V*t
uhove ..‘i Kill
i-f* rt.i.'-. . oewaro, upw’ard

TotUv Home -Cheer pr«u moi
w»ted rertpe* culled tram ii« Mk
to® Bteie t'i>derikUoo Cood Uook.
Winter ruddlnu—Oae cup oC date
tmnore eionea) one cup of raleln
«e cop of fl«. one eop of nnta ax
one glaae of tan p<lly. MU tho

» •« U ... UKU..a « laporu..
‘ °
..a „„
... .u...... L« .«.d
the to soften the crumbs whUe thiwe cups

leaapoonful dorr*. C-mm <
butter and gradually beat I-. . _
___ ;u Duu—are grouoo «ue. ivr»er\c ,
* _
with a pasteboard disk or square. Let be’t a-coniln'. shore- Howdy, Mh. Be»»: „„„ uble«i>ooolul of the gioupd nuu-®'
»*«'l choo
the child have tbe plecM of Paste- Yo' rbUlun's enuugfaty panrt. Our wedii,e seuee. and mix the rest Into
Stated. Thee add ihf taeatr
board Oiat are often thrown away as din's gwlne ter take place In de o,,, crwml*. Wben tbe whole l» well **'*'*
ihrec-quaners cu

Thtoggh nthara- fortanaa. nat
And Ucwingi aaan that are
ABd aerar wtil ba, thU aue




““ '*'•«» ^ eranberries. Klo ;rt mabr d.-Bm,er a Ptrfoiated tin sbeeL h« tbe
So eld Tibbie ’♦“t
went op and down loaf upon it, and set
»et to cook in
in a
®' uny
drug every street ai>aurlii# the weddfeg tatber slow oven- Bake one hour and
String these with i
■ gums that all thlvs were smooth in a balf. basting often with butter melt...
t^» String prrtu buttons with a shank, the course of this love atory. Then ed In hot water. Serve on a hot platir^p wore.
uaeleas. L'slng a strong disk as a she went homo and Hong heraaiT down ter. Servo tho auce in a separate
•Her*, she uld. “you go fn
pattern'be can trace eeveral out on
on tbe step wearily.
Opening the door Into a anal] bed- the pasteboard and aflerward cut thrm
-Did you tell the folks why John people.
next ton
kitchen, “and pot ©bi with bluW-end selaeors. Tbe bolu didn't come. Aunt Tlbr uked the litSouce for Km Loaf—ilelt ibree
»'»«>■. «« »- T>".
^nd far baiwr than the <


» >“•

■«> b. «.J. ..Ib . U. bH.....,..!.,

,.U..»o...U .. ...... ^ . b.. ...

i: ,

the lour egga. Bake in large ub
***‘" P*®' *“ moderate men for os
*»“ froetlng.—U K. W.. Lanslpg.
, ...
f-V _
Oanberry Coneorre-;Take
P«m«l« of tranberrlse washed an
This will serve Wtoout
a dotenc
grinder. Five pounds of sugar.'fU
oranges swded and ground, two an
do.,!. «(
in* and cook as thick as jam. P«
Into Jelly glaaira and when cold <w
or with
"bbbb parafflne.-**Hn.
paraffine.—Mrs. Belle
Hill, AtMon.
• White Fl»h a U Haitlnl—Cni a
three oniona and a UtUe garlic, tw
taMoapoons aalt, pepper, two to
toavea. epHnUe with aag* and roe
ma/,. rook with buttor nnU] brewt
then add thr^eqoartora can of tomt
toes, toreeciuanen cep olive oto to
boU up. put fish In thie and coo
unto half dona then lura and w
uie other side—Mra Oeorgto Lloyi
Veal Bird._0»«
vJi ««

•>. thoyll keep you wannet stout needle. Enoeurag* toe chiia to
-Wull. 1 should say not"- Tbe bUck let pan. Aou a teatpoonful oI chopi>el
in\lT eir.,
tlm»‘ho*.-rags yon ve got on."
:.rc| are l.U own maierlaJ. Th.-re Is brows bent down dlsdalnful.b'. “Ooee onion and half a sour apple tot In thin
''’•‘h * elmple t«i very eloQUMt aeltlng
- — V of
». greeter,. tuponance
. — b-vi b^wv bVb
for bb#V
tbe -^W
-yo‘ Ibb^-Vb
spect oev
dat *I'ae
eo fb"4UV
gwlne veu
tiil bfSb
4*t 4*j/
my VIbS.
blu. Then
J oeu suo
add' V"0
t»o rounding
, .
"thank yon.- the tramp vanished to child to loam than to be Industrtoua. Ill' miss was gwlne mabry a mao dat epoonfuls of flour, and cobk to a clear
.^r sf)op]T s
»ca WOh tne. ^arn In i few monieou comfotg- Fkjr anotfaf r occupatlun • Mb and toor- tow down sa' good fob' oulfin dat be brown. Add a pieii of ibllh and a cup
of wood Cirt fratu her a^ly clad and looking really happy.
oughly dry melon, squash, and pump- didn't Usb two aultaob clothester I.D of hot wai«- in w hlch the glaie from
Jmi expect to do any
..yob-,. gitfan me eauae to ealp- kinaeada. Rub off to* toln mambrane backr
the baking-pan has been melted. ,SUr
diSeroai fr.toi any other Tburaday-brat# Thaaksilvag day. aarm,-' k* and make a hole ta tk* middle or near
“Why. Aunt Tib:
What do you onUl boiling. Then add too tabtoTV- ;iistk -.It-.. idKtio tolngr I tUta
‘ *'**>• *®^ «eW gratefully. -Js toare anytoiag au n.d. aa fancy dictate*. Some may moan?apoonfui of chopped nut-mrau. toft for v.Vntw.vrth HUglcaoS.
‘‘® r®** >®«*''>«»eforyoubeforalgooBf'
be perforated in both ptacea. String
"Wax 1 mean? Did'n’yo' yer# wlf toe purpose, one uWeepoooful of torn_______________
* *f*'
“P®" ‘®
"Tee." aald Mr* Stanley abcuptly.f these oeeds with medtum-sUed colored yob own c«bs dat be couldn't cooie on Juice, and halt a tenspoonBil of
becauM. tbe Fro ,Went i-,ju sit right where you was and get gtoaa beada-rounJ or cyllndriuil
case be done bab bis waab out on de aalt.
.................. ba* appuln'cd that day to cslebrai* enm torough and have a go^ meal
With fine pink etHng make a chain Une, Kumphr I neber t'ou^t a 111' gal
—^-------------------■ For toe toaakfJlaw* of life • Til celebrate by bfsn' clean I guess- of victual* before you eun on. Tkln'i by lying In st Inch lengibs ahoe peg* I done brung up ud trow fauheelf
•we rest upon tho tibfalllng order • I haven’t no klnfollcs to come end qntie Thanksgiving day but I guess a of wood, (dtlipr naiunU colored 'or way -on any such pore w'lie trash as
of toe univerwo. toe Aitoanglag- none to visit. *o whafe the u^ '
dinner wont come amies if 'tls only putoe bright wUh dyee. This win tt- dat!'-Chicago Journal.
u the fruit of a'Want of
isw of nature, to# stabllhy’ of •
“Oh! ' murmured Jlrw. Swan, dls Wcdncslay Instead of Thursday"
iere« a boy If you aujycest that be is
.• Ood.
moots. "I dWn'i mean to hurt yonr creature comloni to reaks him thank- waked peaa elto wtrea^or riicks to «
,/ ♦ of sometolrty ferrets loaves -............................, ong ano i o. went
ferlln's. Mis Stanley, if we. was ful before h*- went on bir way, for n-.toc skeleton fornliuro too child may P

.. sboneiommcd. unitorm nnd pointed fonr rahlesDoowafoi •- ■
goln- to bo hum
ourselves I'd sure Mr*. Buntoy by kindly questioning p:old Hoy ball* of clay and subsiliuu♦ Ji/sfttllnifdtUffJuMtaaV • On the immense Ls> India oerwer iim.
ask you .0 join u. but weto ajl drew from him Ms e.ory and by her them for pet« IVhen rarofuUy dried ♦
4 Sln^lonrtto toS clfin^
goto' to my son Blnatoan-s to lln- mterest aad.motoerly edvice halped to.- frame arjeto. will fold tegetoer ♦
long r^w* and trained
^ tLc^liTb^ 5 m«
ner-him ai;d, 1.1* wife# allu* been «be young man who was a iratap,only a long lima When It is not poaalWf
pepper. and the small bha of moi
poles. In Ibis tonicuiar it bear* |(gt fKnn triaatog tha t*f *- Cbo
to our l.Odsc, but ihU year they laiiF through HI fortune and not from Idle- to premre wire* or sUrk*. of courw
a atriklBg reeembUaoe to a hop field, nae. stir together aoread aemo '«
as how It wasn't quite falr-for us not b*^®- The gift of pies and coektoa lootoclcks are tissbto espccialir whon
One of tbe gresiaei thlnss to ihU
in lu first year, me mixture on each « toe obloa
to come to toeir bouse sometime* 'n hsked for Nancy Blake was divided to vaclous lengths are on ^nd.
?fov*iBber U toe “thankful month.- anyway to* baby U kind o' dellcaie *dd to ib* subetMtlal Inncb sbs pot ball* of ratoed hrwd dough are aome- to -The Farmer's Wife." and It U
most prolific from lu fourth lo _/1U
tootbpitoa. spriskie lightly w1t
when toe busy bomemaker U torough ^nd Mary wns afraid to bring her *0 «F
the boy and aner he bad gone time* used to plaes of day or pats. In strangs fact, but to
wiik to# iummer ruab and whirl, far in’toe cold—toe's my first and ***• **••'*
''*’‘*1 to
wha tha faU plckltog and prawrYlH only gnadebUd
------------ - -- ------- Is flaUbed. whan to* busy days of n't have 'em uke any riaka with
•*’e»l'>* rarrylng toe
tcusccleanlng a-c over, and toe win- her for nothin' to tola world "
carefully wrapped to.a newapapor.
the whole,1s baked when complied,
ter gannenu for all-too ttmUy are
“How old'e your aonT' abnipHy In^ •‘*® ®“'‘^
package to put

houec Is reduced to a syeberdee begin to.tun red. They
made and ready for wear.
qntred M«. Stanley, "He'e Just ^
* Piotere horaer..
,*0^ „ ,hai eery task ba* Its own ^
pMca* Of «na« cait Toond. aa you baV'
Of coufM there I. much to do to thirty." replied ‘ Sira. Swan with
*'**•*• ***
<to> ®0d time, o^y a certain number great pUttera to dry to to* eun's
Rei^ a^piekA place ei
able to baadle ronnd-polnted sciseora. of hour, eecb «toy «m be neeewary.
every day. tVbat house mother ever pride 'If my Ben had lived he'd a
a of a alow toast, pour over them tbe grev?. am
-Do all toe good yon
provide a pair, with qnantllles or *eoi- leaving
; extra time IP be used a*
^hla treatment caiiae* the outer
found an Idle momact: But toe time been totny. too." said sir*. Stanley,
peit one thin allco of lemon cm each
In all too wnys yon
or«d pletnivs to cuioni. Then. If them desired. There should be n aysiem
to shrivel and turn black, Willie
of aztni U over, and she may busy tuning swifUy aw-ay and begtonlttg
Serve Immedtotriy.—Mm. ‘Sarah H
To all the people you
> handy man available, get the which
ch deuti w tool toe p,p,^t „ ^tbered from the
herself with toe routto* work and to {oM her -trontog-toeet. "May be
AfiQ just as hmg as you can.'
nearest canmuter to make a eeredn different rooms, window*, silver, etc.. '
dlsUnc- ‘Durand, nint.
sun have "time to hrtetbe."
if he'd lived; I'd bad something to
-IVell. t gueaa that wa* meant for
frame for os* and uck ebadp shell be cleaned 00 cenalo day*, the n.. k-,._ ,w ,ho fornmr Is ground. *>•<»«<«>• Baf Salad—Poor eg|i
Jt Is a good thing to conadouiily glv* thanks for. 100,“ she went oa.

*•_. .c.
me.-’ she said, carefully omoething
,»ii. No,..b«.
0. -N„ I■. „
i-a i,.« ,-rST '■7"'..;“
r„i. 7w iim,r t'~m ’rtie;"":;;' >»««r- «•
-----llv. I.
CM !«■ ■. r». Vt II S» l tewTl'." iJk ^
T.".t.»T m.O ,.p W .1,b to ,„kto ...r to,
"»« «U. . Pl«. « l-«U*t
giving. W.
toe floor, dtye. and If a beuaekeeper wlU sit moved. Uecauae of this

tom'w'’ldaaiton naa^o^neax^ at
hry^t and abe wtoW her
where I cu een It give Um a bottle, or, better still, a (di»-n and think over, ud decide upon ^turtiy of the berry-an" the sbwir^ epoonful of vinegar, oee-baif cup o

Around the
Sdilor's Jdble

Vto Kto.. ,ii.>ikvtoi' ntir
eounttog, not
not our
our "anreton.*anretoe. but
but too
things that did not happen!
In toU counctlon Home Cheer
'* dsslree to prtol a little- story froa

tor., wjkr. Him

••tVtoii ~ «hto_____

Ml* Btuley.
T feel
fel for
for you.
you. Ml.
Indeed. But you have this to
*oie yon-bo’* safe-now. n if
Used be might a a diave been a

lo II * up lo my uaBo s* It Is. And
II do
do v.ry near .h*
Mie murmured
murmured to
.« herself
conall tbe good you can—"
-Te,^ j-a truly toukful I found
-------------com- that \ 1

10 equeexe HI. ud you may go your rled ouiln her borne, ft she will write
... piark The strongeet ineciea cream after It has been whipped, one
'“t ®®‘*‘'“* ‘®- oTbllrk ™ to khoT «
bMf pound d nutarau chopped. n<
boura will eUp«. ere iho chami of .erlere with He being carried out. she
’ Ue ^l toe ^r! *
C« Into small dlce.cuttlng ud toe J..y of pasting will will find that life to not so difficult
, reddish gray ex- H***®® M- Laaphere. Chesantoc.
hav* tmeo loot
saved torou*
*od a verv
ven- dark interior
Interior. An
AnChe*** B*U*-«rat*
pound «a
- - to—..
uier mil, lor io«- ume mmvvw
v«iuu*u larlor and
UaJJi—sirate ooe pouaa

toT.^rr.u.,“ "iJ' i“’k";„“:p?,ut:,r S'".r;r
•he could see her visitor's brews vmlle on her face .to dream of Ben.
I By Centreried.
plaM shawl paaslag through toe gate
-If I'd only beu leeky enough to nnd on pant toe barn across toe field
have bad nsother name!- mused Pn- where stood Ber own bouse.


to added to. tbe outfit.____
j murh
b«Aiei. And. by the way. those colors
are made harmtoes ter these embn'o
anlsis, ao If toe brush should find IIS
way into the little mooto no serious
consequences follow ,
. T. itM i a:.-. „ur.. ; .o.i'd ji,.. ,r fM
! l.rucn’t coL ’That':, a fun- M produced,
The Scrapbook Habit.
c m. ;,va.c ;.i .. Tjli.ratoi-woruy d,
i< r,
rhe suddenly -cxclaiined JM"! M-cd-Irrel.-vant again.
Cu'tivaie la childiwt itm .ersp-book
Than'k-s. sinjj. •Tinx’-Sgivm' hr Contraries! «»h food^JUx^ for ftohea'to eM. well as in toeir M-t^oorvks. to Iwih ot
r ,,-i; ... ci.l.- !’i:’do i>'
r-e. W-faxthavo I
habit. Mueb valusMc information will
lo v.;;to-:tT LOO ay; r ai. ., fcsi most to to- iii«--kful for nm posse*
•>h'»»-Sikoe* -for boraes to be nore.1 .hereby to t:olj mind*, a*
which they ean turn to efier veara.
cr.-r ud no kin:o!k^ to qv ,0-except .u’* I’m mlgl.ty thanVul I don't "*
Kid gleres-ftulo doesn't hold.
Old ledger*. om-of-,tote fcnool I oola.
evco;:J c.uKiu Line tVrkini. and
to t- laid up rriif. a broken
H'.e lii« .o.ifrr .a»uf
twould m>e hip like poor Nucy Blake over Bahrbuggy-Boggyforbab, torid. or catalogues of flo*v« er nuch.aery.
Tver-, ni: toe VrUrr 'n
eggs money toere!" ehe said aallhe saw the

... . - .w ib.
« -inu. 1 ac wWl, I'm l»U>'
*“• «•-»
.0 UhAlt, Hoist;,0 o nmi..„. m mem ni mmie ler ep p bmeS M tbUmi. “•


’to, .z...,,N:“r
found it rould be dene-and *0 In all
-----------------------______i. ..
. to .......
It we_ will
think U out.
Moearani Croquette*.
first' nckaowledglng that burry is HI
a cup of mscaconk broken
bred; and doing ihlag* uy bow-ahy.
w*y-i, weakness of, but If
halMnclw lengths, cook to rapidly
boiling salted water unUl tender.
w« wish to make the meet of our iwenDrain and rinse In cold water, then
ty.four boors a day. wo must rysteradrain again and do' by aprcedlng on a
atUe our daily life.
When one compare* the mtcmaiic cloth Make a aauce of two ublerauttoc of a business office where spoonfuls or melted butter, three ubio
spoocroto of flour, one-founb a uamany people are employed, with
dash ot paprika,
homes where netotng to done when it
.. • •
« .__»*,«„ .h>
i. nn. ®®^ ® ‘‘“f
welj seasoned

rei?toMsbId 5ntli \fter disagreeable
lm‘.^Mn«-where m-^dilTr^

10 tt«« tom/ IT „ pmmlmM., A u,.„ ot
eep be UtiuumeS wPb i.ktem of ibe .bow • pilbUil Uck ol Uul eebUiT

with peetle until stnooih. roll In
the aUe of a wak
roll to crack®“‘‘®
crumbk fry to _ deep fat untU
brown.-Mn.. Rose Evers. Kalamasoo.
Eecalloped Paranlpe—Boll the par*“'»« ‘“'‘f'' ^
medium »l*e^ »v<l pepper, Prato
steam dry.
paranlp* very fine. Put a layer of
hakis. dUh dn..
parsnip* m baking cun, «UM oreriae
Uavored atock. Add the mararogkJlJW
wackw enuale. ^
of ffrated rheeW *«to Uyer of par«lpA unto baking

I- "71,
“’■J" “

;7 1
"" *!!" 7

IbSl. e.«m,u. pre.MiT ,o be, -M.,be .be .op-. b.v. . Tenl" .,7f!*
of the poems, as these arc repiodured screranoe, that makes for order .
' a momcEi 'to
tu Thtnkagfvto- dinner* this year.^
cold water or milk, then roll ln4lft*d
' MOk eart-wA cart to haul afik la.
to book eauioMM. or in tM> adrortle system to tbe day's work.
irootog w'lto sucli
Filled with -tob
«b...v____ _
_ ____.

K». _
.m. hfetd crumbs. pTv in deep fat. Serre
Kot a
cart, to .1 _.I -.
the tod oolunma of the tasgaxinex.
' vigor M
tow I that eh* 4aMe Mr*. Stanley quH* forgot her gtootny
toiled to bear a ri> at tbe baric feelings and sctuslly hummed a. litKUten—iJsmall cat
A Clock Race.
routine should be carefully thought
-----------------------kitchen door, and staned slolenHy tie song aa she deftly reled and trimRunning a race with the clock to a om. and strteily mlUcred io. or else '
C*"®» Mannatoda
ae a voioe behind her said:
med farr ple-mist. crimping it antoBTeet belpTo eet^ng children to drew, it might as well not be. If the fleet
"Ound Bornto- Mto- Stanley-I tlrally around the edges and martkn<^ imt
“r-o yrdTd;
^Ttoe prtnIT Z
®®d undrens^tfapU,. Tell tho child ^hedMe doralotunto tender, ndd four pomid. of nt^.
knock^^t seesn. as o you didst ^
» ®««“- teat It by fo aee If he «nn« be entirely-dreawto qutremenu. try again, and with |»d U*® *~®® Had and juice of als lorn. .......................• . .Pt*«tog
laidof of
insist upon rear mind c^
c__ *-«. i®» «*»««• wonh of shelled *1: Won.
: ed and flouredff
.. no.. I didn’t
. . .....................................If the straws brtnUe out and bend; raoche* acenain ptoee. and see bow tog fo the rvwcue ot vour hodr.whlch
«“®from 30 to

be^'; pTe::.Tu.7r.m

MU» Take a chair Ura. flwaa nad pushed the Pie into



Bew tuttaon ef Dial, eiaUi.*

Tea." aasyted Mra. Swan, ua- dinner 'n gel «ome slip# ef ber ge- help to waaktog dtobea.
Ptoaiag and fttowlag hack ber am- ranlua; the promtoed me aome uaed as a -•erateber- and
pie shawl as ^ spoke.
quite a spell ago. What's that 1 Jure l£e finest china.

A wnnht^rthe road dctMaed the

"r; s-r

ierStoSed b^T whloh

~ >"■»" •“““ —

rJ:r.rbT^s^b“J: .-..b

------------------ -

Z. JT,




Hartford. Pmaldeot M. 8. P. W. C...
Toasted Baadwicbes—Cut slice* ..of


aUgbtly and spraad wlto
chce^ Prae* tbe two aidra ftnn^
“®*^ ^®
eert before . qutok tlxA Bead‘to
uWo .wrapped to napkto.-Clar* K,
Bate.. Trav«e City.

I. ooe cup of finely et>opp*4 bard
bqUed eggs, one teaapoon of mustard,
pepper to Unt*. Mix tbe above

b„»b-«».. ibu.....bu«

It m be tote to attMd lito own wedding. The bold that Us tt* iystematlied rouUnc »« »««g If. Rtose to dean water tolto nod. ftoun.
win sot to- marriage of the idettlekt girl % Tex- an unknown experiesc* Try It, and ■*'! »h«« dry clap and rub to remove bread crumb* an<
arkana bad been r»«-«vaa on a big And om tbe truth.
butter and Uke oi

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