Grand Traverse Herald, May 27, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 27, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Cover* (be
CmO Travcnc Dcgioa.

Tlie angtnger and fireman sttKk to
their posu like heroes and went dosm
with the wreck. The engioe made
one complete turn as It went dosm
and the Hender followed landing bot­
tom aide up. The baggage car was
drawn over tbe edge of the embank­
ment. and the smoker was kept frai
following only by the coupling. Those
in the smoker were thrown In all dlrecUoD and one men had bU head
pushed way through a window
a scratch. The car
door htd to be Iflled up to allow tbe
passengers lo crawl ouL As fast
l>ossible they rendered all tbe asalstante to the frightened people. Those
In the rear roach only received
shaking,np and a bad scare. En­
gineer Hajes looked to the aid of
the Fireman Swan wbo was tbe most
severely Injure, receiving "n terrible
and internal injuries.
lo try to learn the political aSlUat
wu Riven all aid postlblc until tbe
of each prospective Juryman.
Koosevelt and most of the lutrty pIiysleiaDs arrived from Traverse
with bln are quartered at the hone City. Moil Clerk Nicliola was badly
of George Shiras. son of former Jus­ bruised and came lo tbe city op the
relief train and was cart^ for by the
tice bnlras of the United Stales
preme ecn»H«. About SOO greeted the local doctors. Raggageman RlHterd
aaya that be was saved from almost
colonel at the sution.
Newett arrived at noon to direct hi- instant death by the arrangement of
the trunkh and tbe scenery of “The
Price" company who were 'on board,
Tbe long rolls of curtains held hack
tbe tpmks that otherwise- would bare
ushed hit life iut.
Tbe trainmaster being on the train
UP'SMALU 80V SUN­ liastened across to the home of Karrteon Sikwr and telephooed to Kings­
ley. Traverse City and Walton for iirt
and quickly as iioMlble aid was
Unleaa Red is Returned Some Inter­ from these places. Mr. Swan
esting OevelepmcnU are UUto the hospital at Cadillac where
ble to Follow.
he was cared for. The reporu this
loralng were that he was very badThe meanest man In ihc Gran-t I.v injured but would Rve. The other
Traverse region has been dUcotored. trainmen were brought to tbe city.
or at least he will be rradily i.lonilBed
A-omo^of the traveling men on 1
in the near future b.* the^ian whom trata. while waiting for the speefai
he imperaonsied In earning out bis took occatlOD to Investigate
holi!u|i of a small lioy west of the city iracks and they make a statement
jcsteida;-. O. Frsnke. .whn lives that they counted 3tis ties back from
alioiit two miles from the div. has up­
wreck and found that there were
on his farm a jiond well flocked wl'h
54 new ties tliat were down with no
fish, andcertalti i>ersonN'froni the clt>
splka la them at all. ten old tie* had
are allowed to fish there provldlug
one spike in each.
they 51II at the bouse nail ask |>erm<»There were l«o new fUb plates that
Sunday a tuelie-year-old bo;
named Momerhh. who Ihes in Fern had BO bolts and there were fire ties
wood, went ou' to the irand and at>em under (be rear coach that had no sup­
some linic Gs. ing wlih a new rod port. ‘fbe roadmaster was on
which he had Ut>oreil bard to secure train and took note of Uie eoiidltlon
ivlus up hlk money a Am.-t!l of the track after the wreck orcured.


Efltv Hnett Also Hss lirp Amnnl of TosHmoiiy to Proio
TM Ho Wis JosBfloil Hi Hikl0£ Die Stiteinoiit He DM
ii n$ Poper-OrtM LitltvUo WM Be AIM BoM Sides
ky Mp FMpH Before WHom tHe Trial WIH Be GoodM!ted~EI^-sii Voolniiiifli Held lo ReaMoess.
«Br Eoeene Mcaean. SUIT cotT»
pODdMl or rnlt«d l*r«iA.)
- Msrqueite. Mich., May SO.—Theo­
dore Sooeevelt came to Marquette to> ncht ^e rharse that he ts a
HU eiilt
• ^Inti Geot«e Xewett. editor of the
Iran Ore comevto trial Id the clrrait
court at two o'rlork thU aftersoon.
HU attomera say that The^
tacking not Newett alone bat JbroijaH
faim. all wbo have .whispered tiie aibry
ihat Newell printed—t!iai-“Roo*eveU
gets drunk and -that not Infrequently.
. and all bU Inilmates know It.'’
It was on ibU paraemph in the edltiirUJ that Colonel Roosevelt based
tte Ut>el suit which went to trial
day. The editorial In qnc^'on t
printed In the Usue of October
1»IS. In addlUoD to today's rlvil aethw. criminal action based on the
as me edltorUl, U pendlns against
Newett la the Justice court here.
Two days after the piibUeatlon of
Ue MRorUL irtillc Roosevelt was Id
t.'hicnito preparing to go to Mltwaok«-e. a copy of the Iron Ore was put in
RooAcjl's bands. He ImmedUtelj'
nave tnstrurtiona to his Uwyers
Irtn a civil suit for libel. Henry M.
WalUre. tbe Detroit procresslve was
pUred In charge of the action of the
ex-president atalast the- Hlt^Uan
editor. James H. round reiiresented
Colooei Roosevelt in court today.
Tbe wrenlni of the day of which
Roosevelt was shown the editorial
Jie want to Milwaulioe where he was
- shot by a Innattc. John Schradk. The
amount at a tiuir. After he had Gnformer president's
ttV [mortWc nUDs or .ho
0„ .O.V...O0
October 2S.
the creek. Hw had Jurt settled dos u


t made to the court. I

but the |>etltio£ declared Koosevelt'
would wave all claim to damages for
any ol the alU«ad*llbel contained in
t In that iian.
graph which charged the former pres­
ident with Intampennce.
Editor Newett and bU Uwyer, WlllUm r. Beldlng. of lakpeming.’again
o of fight
Ins the suit to tbe Usu In NewetU
gnawer to tbe spR be pleaded Justlfication. He declared bU charges
-made In good faith and without ma­
lice and under clrcumstaaeea creating
the qualified prirllese. to wit. that at
the time alleged, when the plaintiff
was eaudldaie for the Office of presi­
dent of the Untied Stales. hU public
conduct and bis fitness for such of­
fice were properly tubjort lo dlscnstion as matters of common Interest,
and tbit at the Ume alleged In TB»
declaratioD. It was-.widely and cur­
rently reported that the plalnUff sraa
then and bad bW for a kmg Ume
a man of iotemperme bablts." Newett
derlsred he had
“from sources
be deemed relUble^ »ttiat the state­
ments made In tbe editorial were true.
The substance of tbe affldavlu oti
which bulk of Neweti's rase will reel
became known today through doetimenu themselves are under teal. The
greaur |>art of the evidence .was col­
lected In Ohio along the route of Rooo;
eveVt'B campaign tri|. last fall.
Tbe affMavlU charge that In Atbeni,
Bellefonialna. Jackson, Crbana. Martlss-Ferry. Rooaevek wa« asslAed to
tbe ptatfora by an attendant at each
elbow wtth a third iMthind and con­
ducted blBseir In a “manner to
wltnaases to believe was nilder the
* of liquor,“ Affldavlu Uken
by Rooaevelt's attmeya say Uiat forcr PreaMent Taft who was touring
Ohio tbe name time, was also assist­
ed to the pUKorm by attendants.
They seek to show it is enstomsry
to *apfon dignUnrles to the roatnim.
EIgbty-ah vanirwfMo are held tn
readiness for the trial. Jodge FIsnnisaa has indiested ha wlU


along and wanted to know what ho was
doing and further sUted that he w'as
Mr. Franke and that he did nokallow
f)|h!ng on his farm. Tbe boy did not
knOiv the diRerenre and ww scan-!
at the manner In which the ttian went
at him. The strang-r then walked up
and look the Gsbing urkle away from
the lad and walked off with iL.'tlecroIng this an easy way In which to segood fishing ontfli. l.ater the
I a nefibew of .Mr. Frankc and
told him liow liU UDcleoad eonOscaleJ
his oiitGi. Tbe nephew; Informed the
Ud that It was not Mr. Franke. be­
cause he wat- asleep at home at the
time. Tbe l->ys then went to tbe house
and told Mr. Frankp what had oc
eurred and he Immediately took eicepllon to being lni>emonated In that
manner hy antnebody else under those
ctreumsunces. Mr. Frankc recured a

Fell One Hundred Feet When Motteplene Turned Turtle. But
Will Reeever

Mltmola, N. Y,. May “C,-Ceorge
Hamilton, aged 36 years, of Reno.
Net., nau one of tbe most remarkable
aactpea from death lo 1
accident today even.seen on tbe avislion Oeld here. Hamilton waa tr;ing
hew type of monoplane, the;
f-smrvork of Khlch Is built of Imo:
When about 100 feet in Uie air tbe
turned turtle without an
Instance warning and craabed to tbe
groand before a large number ol apec(ators. Hamilton, wbo was pinned un­
der tbe debris, was picked up In a
and taken to (he Nasbospital. where it was found he
w'at dlsaiqiearlng down the road had a bad ocalp wound, a deep' cat 00
and . IdenUfled him and he promises the (bln and cbe« and
lie probably will retovar.
that there will be something d&ing la
the near fiij^re unlttss the man returns
tbe rod to tbe boy who had aacrlHced
ao mnch to obuin (be Coveted anicvle.


It Was Made After Wreck
Occorad on O- R. A I. at
Hoimaa tiding.
Eye wlineases wbo were In tbe
wrMk on the G. R. A I. Wednesday af
the point-'half a mile from Holmes
Slfclng.' My that It was one of tbo
wont they have seen and It waa
wonder i^t tbd train crew were n
all Mlled. The wreck oenired at
bend In the rosd and a fill with
ten fool embankment on either aide.
Tbe engineer though on the lookout
did not see the bad place in
make a full su>(l. b« Go appUed tbe
leigeocy brakM and. tbe ,
y that they thegght^ey had MAda

Memorial day is again drawing near
and McPherson'Poet No. !>i. G. A. R.
eonlially Invite all lodges, aocletlm
ciUzeoi and school children to lorllcipate In the exercises by attending the
We have prepared an excellent pro­
gram and aeciffed the services of
excepOonally good epeaker.­
gram Is not merely (or the oldCMldlen*
but lor the public as well and we are
aoxloos to have a Urge attendance.
The imaks of the Clvfl war veterana
re rapidly growjng tmaller and with
1 a very few years our lives will be
but i memory. We are anxlons. there­
fore, that the pobUc Join with u
the exerctaev on this day, contrlbt
tn Its saeceta by a large aUendance fp
order that K^tnay stand ont as cm
the beat Mamorlal days- we have e
C-9. Johami^ Gommaado

Oevciopmoftt BorcM Cotloetlon PlocoD
In SavifiQt Bank.


Tbe Wealera .Michigan Develop
Dnreau moved its large coIleclIoD of
fruits and grains in glass and Us col­ WESTERN MICHIGAN
lection of pbougrapbs of n'cEieni
Michigan farms and orchards to Man
istee yesterday, where they w<-re sei
«p in the Manistee County sSvlngs
bsnk and formed an exhibit for the
purpose of demonstrating to the peo­
ple of tbe HsDlstee secHon of (Vest
Michigan, that the producta of GREAT ACnviTV BEING SHOWN
this T^gloD are extra fine. A Urge
table was built by the bank which
Isas set In the center of iu lobby dh
rectly back of ihe main entrance, here Campaigns Are Being Carried Out In
All Ceutttiea Traversed By Prothe Jars w«re set so that all who en­
ter the bank will see (he display. Tlir
posed Indiana to Mackinac
photographs are. bung about the aides
Graval Road.,
of the counUng room wherever op­
portunity offers.
Tho people of I.eelaaao county arc
'ast waking up to the imporunce of
doing something In (he way of road
l.uiWIng, If they are to continue to
have ae important a place mnn the
raad map as their natural reeources
and beautiful country vffcrrants. Sev
era] of the townships 'have already
ouUined roiad eamitalgnt and the people in tbe other towosblps are studyOlsUngeished Educate
Ing the enbject for the purpose of
uled to Give *
det(fminlng what egn be dune.
'ew weeks since tbe (ax-paiere
Kraplre township voted to Issue )x>ods
Ann—ATbor. May SC.—Michigan's that tbe highways of that township
first atate coeference of Charities and might be improved In acordasce with
speemeatlons and^double sute
Corrections will open tonight at Bar­
bour gymnaflum.Univeniliy of Mlcbi reward sectired on as many miles of
gmn. Tbe meeting will be purely edu the township roads as could
catlonal. and during tbe fonr days eluded at part of the West Michigan
seailone many of tbg vital problems l.«ke Shore highway.
The tax-pav-crs of Glen Arbor town­
■•ertalnlng to charlubW. corrective
and reformatory woik will be discuu ship will vote upon a bonding prop(»ed. it i« not the |>lan of tbe conter- 4ltlon In the early future. LaM year
le leaders to make auggesiona or the ux-payers of LeeUnau township
decided /o bond themeelres In tbe
the sute or to a«y community
of tSO.noo and tbe work of Im­
proving the main roads in tbe town­
Delegates from every secUon
k(lch|gqK.ara-exported to attend The ship is. already under wafc U. tww
real woik wf Hie conference—the remains for tbe people of Tlerclaad.
study of conditions and thed sicns Centerville. Leland. Sutlont Bay and
alOD-of remedies—will not start until Elmwood inw-nships lo evolve plans
whereby their principal highways may
Tonighi's program calls for address be made more passable. This county
s by Governor Ferris., t’n-sldeni because of Us long shore Una,
Bmerltns James R. Atucell. of the uni beautiful Inland Ukce. Its Ulaads, and
versily. Mayor -H. 1., MacKende. of Its iront streams, can easily be made
one or the most lni|iortani resort sec­
Ann Arbor, and President H,
Hutchins, of the nnlverslty. wbo is tions In the sute. But In order that
Ibis may be dome In the shorieat «>osalso president of tlje contereu^
slble time, it Is necessary that Ihe
road ways be made straight, ftnn and
hard, that they may he easily trav­
Will Act During June Ter
In this connection It la InterasUng
cuK Court
to note that most of the countjea from
the Indiana auu'line to the ftraiu
The list of Jurdrt drawn (or the of klaekjnac. along the sltorcs of Lake
June' term of tbe circuit court which' Mktilgan. have made provUlon during
convenes on June 9 is as follows:
the past two yeara for highway cam­
Acme townshlp-^Joyd Tracker, Elk paigns. Berrien county at the ver>;
Rapids, U J<o. 1.
southern end of tbe aute banded this
spring for 6SOO.gtfo for Imiwoved ronda
Crawn. R. No. 1; George Wales, Tra' Otuwa county people bonded them­
City. No. 7.
selves in the BUB of $600,000 last year.
East Bay lowoshlp-tvimam Brell.
MnakegOD. Oceaaa. Maran and Man­
Traverse City, No. 4; John teach.
istee cotintiea are under the covnty
Traverse City. No. 4.
road syatem, Enrihennore, Mason
Fife 1-ake towDshit>—Isaac Bonnell.
county Ux-parera decided to bond
Fife Lake; William Crego, Fite Uke.
last year for .#105,000. Several of thg
Carbeld township—Joa. Thomas.
townablps lo Beoxie county including
Traverse City. -No. 4; f. 8. Blue, TravCrysul Lake and
erap City. No. 4.
Grant (ownship—John Rlgcer. Buck- sned bonds in various amottnts rasfe
ley. No. 1* Wm. Porter, Nessen Ctu.i ing from ten to
lara and the highway •
No. 1.
townsblp-Wlllard have been making tbe ImprovemnnU.
Marab. Rendon. No. 4; C. I. Martin, Grand Travene county ts nader the
vnaty rand system as la alao Char­
levoix and Emmet countlea. Banks
township of Antrim county, whlrii
Smith. township borders the shore of Lake
Nlehigan. a few weeks since, decided
Buckley. No. 1.
Paradise township—David Manlgold. to Isavje bonds In the sum of 620.000
to Improve lu highwnya With nil
I campa^ nnder considerPealnsula township—JamM KUIatloB and In niwss of rnstlratlon It
mnry. Jr.. T. C. No. 1.
-Fted A. Stbannan. is qnite certUn thnl tbe north and
aoutb trunk Upe (or Western MleblWhitewater township—J. W\ Corry, gan win be reniHy In the early future.
nk Rapids.
In fact ft will be fairly weU along
Traverse CMy-^Urry W. Rotmd. toward completion befora sw>f fllea.
358 Boardman Are.; Wm. H. Nash. 356
80. Spruce: Cbas. E. Hale. «01 6tb
Frank P. Wright. BSO Cass; T. T. Sco­
field. 1155 Penli



Planted By



The Fly Casting club Saturday r«^
celved IU cans of wqll tytul pike fry
eacb can containing about 40.u>Hi. TIil
Gah win be pUnted In I-adk. Board
and Silver lakes'. They are m
here from tbe state hatchf-ry.
Last year tbe Fly Casting cinh s
unable to get any pike on account
the freexlng of the waters from shtcb
they are usually sevnred. Tbe
slgnmcDt of 7CO.OOO which will be
planted this year Is an espe< laity large
This club has always lieen ac
live in planUng and .preserving the
■traams and lakes In this neighbor Plans Arc Under Way to Baevre Help
to Harvest Fnilt and Other
hood and they deserve much credit for
Products Grown la ThM
(he work tbey have done so far.






Detroit. Mich.. M« 36.In auves of the AaHtlgsmat^ AatoUaUon of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers
of the West­
ay. May sc.—Germany ern Bar Iron atnoHntlon In Detroit
Is thrcatMe^ with an c
of physklaaa aedgrdlag to Rgnma
lade imtdlF today by the antborltlea.' teen large ndibtg
Tbe Bgnrea annoeaeed todey
were repraasataC
praparad hy Dr. Prinring. tbe famooa
German medical sutistlctan. aftdr an
DULOT’^Mlnn.^Boau now on tlin
InveeUgadon laatlng aeveral mooths. martmt for early loadlBg<«i this point
Dr. PriiulDg-s eutaoient shows there win probably be forced lo accept a
BOV 33.657 phyuldaas Is Oer- rate of 1 oaata oh
I that 13.SM are wndyiag from Dolnth (o BiiBato. this flgora lurvBuslMSt la



Apgn^laauly se^ phy- Ini

Mar. Jt


Every Line of Wer4c Will Be Thor
•ughly Taught By Competent
The plans that have been suggested
(or tbe different cunrses of study in
the proposed new college wGI call
full instruction In hprifcnlture
agriculture, college iwrparaion'.
mal work. domeaUc science and home
economics, rommoiclal work vihirh
will include stenography, book-keeping
and boaiiiess. teU-graphy. architecture,
civil and mechanical eaxinecring and
physical culture.
In each of the several branches Inatrtmors of the -hlgbest ability wUl
be employed. Ever;' line of work that
can be of benefit to the studenu will
be carefully taken career, making it
as (borongh a school k« there Is In
tbU i>art of tbe state. wUch would
y call pupils from all sections
there are none of (hit cli
between Big KapMs and Marquette
the territory has hundreds that would
be attracted to the school.
Tbe friends and retaiiveg at these
!W stude^-woQld be added to tbe
trading ewmnnlty that we already
have which wonM mean much to the
business interests nf the dLv.

Ail Phases of '^arm Werlc Will Be
Bhoij^n In th« Ceurae of

Ames. Iowa. May 54.-mans were
for the esubllshment
next fall of n course of InatrucUon
by moving pictures for Iowa farmern.
It will be the first time that movies
have been pot to this ose. Throughtbe summer pietnres are
taken of the spraying of orchards, lab­
oratory work, stock Judging, work
vriib the forge and In the carpenter
shops of various Inatltutlou and the
roofing of houses and outhouses. All
these pietnres wUl be shown UinMghthe- slate. Federal officials win
watch the system and lu results
rioeety to leant If It would be adrUto Institute BimlUr coofses
throughout tae rural districts of the

PraaMent Day Has Aimeuneed Hit

PresMeet D. H. Day of tbe Western
Michigan Development borcas has aneouDced bis appointments for the ex­
ecutive committee and tbene appednttbe prastdenL .Tloeprestdent and treasurer, of the bnreau,
eomprlae the commlttne which will at­
tend to tbb active management of the
ncUvltles of tho bureau for tbe cnilng year.
The completed committee Is as fol­
D. H. Day, presManL Glen Haren.
A. e. White, Tlee^ttesidesL Grand
Rapids, MI(di.
B. R. Heudel, treamner, Manistse.
D. 8. Faylon. Charievolx. Mich.
A. U Oenel. Harbor Springs. Mich.
W. K. Vmlor. Traverae aty, Midi.
Joseph Gerber. -Freaiont. Mich.
A. MItebelL N. * M. B. B. ^
- ------------------Manlatne. Mich,

The annual meeUng Wednenday of
tbs Western Mfchlgao Development
Hu read was (eatnred with a nnm^ of
the most optlmlatie addresaes of the
year. President Day. whHe he <
elected president (or the fourth t
ascutlve term, suied that be '
never In favor Of such a procendiag.
Li: as the directors showed (hat they
wailTed him be wu williog to keep
In the baraera and posh with the
He laid particular sireaa on tbe
new market Idea. These markeu moot
be found Md enlarged. There are
number of ways that the (roll can
be dispose^, of,, la cold storage, evap­
orator plsjita. cannRis dairies and
the like He said: “Don't always de­
pend on some one else, go oat and
make some yonraetf. Tbe growers
should take care oT what we base,
there are S.'rO.OOO trees that have been
In the last few years In Lee­
lanau ronnty alone and these moat
have as outlet as toon at in bearing.
It requires steady plngglng lo keep
In the game. Don't lose any that you
have and get all you coa."
Geo. R. Perry of the Elk Bapida
said that the .North MirtUgnn Preaa club would support the hoIn everr way. Manton Dame
.N'orthpon has snggeated that the laquesUofl during the fnilt picking
oh can be soived by havlog young
people's varatioD lonra. as they might
be called. The young people could
be brought Into thU regkw and they
can tent out and do tha-ptcklng aad
at the same Ume have an outing, earn
money and get splendid time- .
rise. The cherry neaaon comra BnL
then tbene same peopla conid
cucumbers nntll tbe peaches were
ripe and then go on to the npplea.
making a continuous neeson. Thara
ao many trees that will be la
bearing this summer that some plan
Mr. McKloley of Grant wanted to
tve the value of the farm experts
fully tested. Some of theee are to
IgriBe Vicinity of Newaygo and
other dUtrIcu will follow suit
E. R. Harris of Ellsworth said that
Backs towoahip had Jnst voted 150,000
tor good roadar
President Day called 00 Robert IX
Graham, lo m-hom be referred as one
endneotly qualified to apeak at aacB
meeting, by reason of hk laag enw
oectlon with tbe stste fair aad state
board of agriculture, and bacanap be '
nas a pracUcal farmer ead trait
Mr. Graham said that altar UstoaIng to the V
which the preailtent had glvaa him.
he was at loH Just what to ray. Bring
onnected wHh tbe boalaeoe of agrtCDltnre. both In a practical and them
retlcal wey. end being dniy Intsmrisd
r tbe development of Mlritlgno. and
ecpedally that part of ft embracing
the territory of the Wastora Mlehlgan Development Bnraan. and at
which Grand Rapids was the gauway
and metropoUa. he had a
close watch oo the work of the
bureau during tbe pant tour ytora. As
result he„was free to aty that tha
Western Michigan ItovetopBmit bareau has done more for Weatem
Michigan la the <
time It bus bean at work than aO
the other agencies combined..
Mr. Greham referred to the peritSoa
B bed token on the qoesUaa of light
wll lands at the Urns the barean wm
first started. 'While he
Bome mlstokae bad bemi made at that
he said that we mast dOftrimlalU beiwsM poor aad good land Jaak
u we do between certain kjads of
people. It was not ^iiBBssary to maks
uy apology (or Western yichlMk. or
or the state as e whole, thara to.
tnough good uad wlthpot expleutot
ttndnly tbe.poor kind. Ha saM ttiat
tbe burean sras working along fha
right llnea and was a
mlia which would be Bora appenad
Mr. Qraham s


rm MiiiBWti

jl jL;

of tha ojlirtM (hat^ '



England and Prenee. The lat­
fvMnvTM HswmU
and ootislr vttbln hli JaHadlp-ltben) at the lUK is order toWe the
i rw«r»e iicr«l« tlon feellat frteodlr to .the caaee trees and fruit cror Bclenitfle nielbter iacludes Oerrsaay. Anetria. Italy.
(hanptoned by die bureau that has ode mast bo tised ta tbaonAaida iad
It was polaied out tlmt when PtmImade him ouch a tower of etre&xth II takes coDstsat study on the part of
dent Polacnre was prCTler of France
tn the reunclli. sot onir of the ba­ the grower to bead oB any danger that
he was* entreated with the uprk of
MMSM Taaeien a« fMtsean SI Tnvthreatees hie trees. ^Tbe tlate hat
remenUng tbe friendship beCweea Rusematr.lfteMaae.b7
the bettermfct of the entlre'atate. His paaMd when the ‘orehardlst eaa trast <
'sia and France, gotag to St. Peter«work has been so roasplewma to iu to nature fa secure a crap. He nnst
- (Prom Koaday's RoMrd-Haglo.)
Ihurg on that minim. Becaure of hb
resalu that he has been honored tor Msist natore in t
fiuBale. Uar' St.-rattle. rMefpU.
The price o( potatoes stil
ee of the terms ot the aUlance
e fourth tern with the presidency of If be esperta reeults, and thla aaals-h 3.2S0. heavy, alow, WJSfSAb. (Uvm. to remain steady at fiOc and the larger U la aeld he was orged to go' to Bagthe horeno. It ...
.is ______
a aafe _________
bredlrtloa tanre mustt be of ah tnlelilgent and
firm, |6fi U. ........
reOdpta. dty markets are la the sanie condi- Is^d to disenss tbe taller before
........... ...........................
that he will contlnne in the office as Veil defined kind In order to secure it.OOS. active. « 7.f«; .NaS^PUi. tlon. Thcr>! w.-re 2.M*ii bushelr re France sends dIplomaU to fonaslly
omce. m FreM lit Beth Pherne 2S. long at
u be can be Induced to accept,a
arcept|a maximum crop
mp that
thM will grade well
Hnga. recel
recelpta. IT.AOO, active, 10 hlgfa- reived by the diffeteai buyers Kstur- confer vUb IbglUh offlelab of state,
tbe lAalllon.
*'“>«'■ ofOciala of wheo leudy.fof the market. If thla sr. »9&#.
day. Tlirre are some who are holding Tbe main Issue la «««a
the bureau have lee.rned_ to look to cnierplllsr and his nuineieas prpgeny
for higher pricre. but Ibis Is such a strenglAte that clause in tbe llllanc*
....... ..............tUOteAdmiaw hlm for advice upon every duestlon at'are to be kept om ot the orchtrds'tho
larorable price that most of tte grow erwaUes relating to cloeer cooperation Woman Charged with Ct
ere are oniQsding rather than take the ^
eyenl ouc
Issue and he has Invariably beea’fruit growers win have to get bnsy at
FOrdy Caee.
.h.... ot . dt..|.. Ti» n.
Ui, .iiu...
'found to be In the right every tlnw'onee. and for the next few days wage TOc: MicUgaa, CSdfUc.
Bleffton. InO.. May 3
good oa (he oaislfc, and the grocers t

he has made a move In (ennertlon a hard fight against tbe threatened Inwith complldty in the murder of Sam­
are buying all they ran get hold of '
^wltb hl8 office. Western Michigan vaaion by destroying the cause of the
uel T. Purdy, a wealthy (artam. over
Tbe (irlces are from IS to I" reals.
There is a prevalUos sentiment can well be proud of D. H. Day aod|trouble while the nests are. Mill fU'
thlrago. May.SC.—Grain: Wheal. 420 doxrn wen- sold Saturday and C7
yeer ago. Mrs. Cora Lee went oa
throat^ui- the eoantir that the old the good reshlls that bare followedjtaH and tbe worms (no young to mlSSlir; core. fiUA(c; oats. Hike.
trial here today. Tbe womau'a hus­
poandii of buiu-r.
baSieshlp Ore|on..,.whieb made so his efforts to keep Western Michigan grnie. The way hai^teen pointed out
band, who shot and killed Purdy, dl.-d
Tbe local grist milU were very busy
fliDch of the historr of the Spsnlah- on the map of the country in brgc'ind it Is now up to tbe growers <
all day.
U jail throe mootbs ago. The suio
be aedn fcfim the um> the prrerrlbed remedlea In a vigAaertcan war, be siren an honorable' d.arartere that c
aanotinced tfidav It will try to prove
I psrts of the world.
omua and effective i
oW ace niher 'than be shot tp pieces
that Mrs. loe Ibspired the murder Vr
for a nsral target, as bis been the
(Prom Friday s,Reoord-Eagif.)
FARM PRODUCB-4tlHng Prices.
lauating her husbaad and arousing
custom Id the past with the superan­
Tbs prices weal up and down all FoUloes ...................................Me to SOc
him to jealoos frrazr by telilng him
day yeatorday on tbs cUy nuSkeC Cretmere butter .................................Sle
nuated Ycasele ol the United Statee
“tbe was throw ing herself at Panly
nnrr.'jt is euggasted that the reoSecreury ot (be .Navy Daniels has
who wouldn't itave'her."
arable craft be turned over to the stirred up a hornets neat by anaouni'- the .pNu flag at Calargy. Canada. Bst- lag 3(ic a buahel during
........................... -................. I8(720c
_ tbe day.
. Tbe
aUte whooa name the vessel bears to ing bis discovery that tbe United unlay by Arthur Pelky will In all prob- loral prtceg eeewawed beek and lorih. Hay, haliad

Kingsbe preserved u a relic* of the sllrrlng Sutec la paying aboot double for tbe obllity end the nghitng game so far one load bring 70H cents, thsa U 8tn*
and Holmes Siding; alee buildBars of W8. TbMw le a great deal armor plate that U used upon .tbe as Canada U concertied. and with the dropped heck
I 80c. where It re-!
DEATH or McCarty caused by
ot meett- ta,Xht> ibcgeatloa, and more veraeU ot war that are being built baa that many uUtes of the anion malned firm. That M the price thu'
GRAIN—Mannsh * LapCa.
pnctlcal good wonM be arromplished for the government. He aleo suggests have pUoed on (be game it has also morelag. There were U ioeda weigh-; i*rtect eorrecled eeetT «ey.
br aucb acUoa tban would by uatng that in the future (t would be a good seen Its beat days In this conntryed. the gnt 'eat amouat la maatha.
New Mase Pvt on Fight by Autopey
the reeset for a urget to be ahot at plan to secure
aecure the needed
Ml armor la evident from the reports of t
Tbe cltlM f Telephone has Jnet inHeW-by Or. H. H. Mosher—In
la practice by the more modern rruftj through competitive bids or else have
Mailed a fM' Motion booth In tbe
of the nary. Ona trouble *witb thU^il mode by the government, ^ry
as e clean- boxing contest, but weigh otfioek which will be a great
eared girl for general house work,
nation it that petrtotlsm is on the.loyal American ciiixen will agree with that Pelky bad been trained by Tom­ coorealenee for thoae wbo make thla
nrat rtoas wages.
Mrs. U F.
wane and very little is being done tojthe secretary- In this regard, for It Is my IturtiB who was promoting the building their
Thus. 447 'Webster eL may l-tf
tench the rising generation the prop-< a n^torlouB fart that In the i^st the fight to knock out McCarty^ as soon
Calgary. Hay SC.—WarranU were
The Hove haa beea blacked and
«r clemenu of thle time honored|MBier,pbue business hse been mon- as possible by say jasaos that pre­ Weighmaaten Jobbett aaya be U gojag
Issued today for the arrest of Tom­ WANTED—PosMoh as t
hotel. AdnplrlL It has been so long since ihls^Hced by certain firms ihiii bsd
sented Uaeir. and be made good his to have a eleaa bonae. Tbe
my Biiraa who promoted Raturday'S
drera MUs Elsie M. Kelson. Darsngngad in a reel war that aland In with (be powers that be and Intenflon with fatal effect before half sioaen atate that ta wlmt every new
fight la which Luther McCarthy was
ra^ Mick. R. No. 1.
' tbe patriotic aplrii, which Is i
landed the contracts by this means
17-t mo*
dosen blows had beea struck. The man says who goes into office, hot
WlllUm McCatney. McCar­
.asUon rather then in tbe compeUtire way. boxiag'game when eonducted along
aealial to the weltare j
thy'* manager and Refesee Smith of
Jobbett says that he Is "dlffafeDt."
WANTED:—Bran acreage. Free seed
baa been neglected to a amea tabic The result has been that the gorere- ctesn and ^enttfle linen Is a cr«dChlcw. ‘The efaargla ft
Eggs were up and down yesierday
dolUr ment has paid aertral prirra and re- lUhle sport, hut when It la
The worship, of
stood win be eammiclly
eoairaethd:-'XfavMhO-Oty GaaUg
..................... cane pricee are from ISc to 17c.
has takea place of veaentlan of the celved in many Instaneee an Inferior by such men as Bum who bss killMllTbrre were 395 dozen received nii|l
meb li-tf
hero, aad thU habit Is becoming ao'grade of.plnte for the ahipa. Secre- an epponent la tbe prise ring him5C pounds of batter.
ralgary. Alberta. May 26.—Tommy HEDROPATHIC TREATMENTfi—8alt
flnnly grounded In Amertcmn cbarac-jtary Daniels'thinks the time has self. It becomee a coateat of bruUllty
Buras' prize fight arena, where l-uiher
Valor Baths, etc., (or dtoipach,
ter that it is'time that something was come when this oondfllon should be
McCarty reeelve.1 a faul blow from
nertes. clrcnUtion. Umeaeaa. etc.
that no decent man ran tolerate,
(From Salurday'a Record-Eagle.)
done to bring back to the minds ofjehanged. and It is a safe guess that
Arthur Pelkey Saturday, ta a heap of
la inea ef Baras stripe wbo have
The farmer* made goml use of their
tbe Amertraa people (be custom or bis
rui|y ibU moratag. following
ruined the boxing sport all over the lime yesterday la brluglag in 44 loads
boaortng mca sad vessels that bave|tbe cduntry with tbe exception of (he
which started Um night. The fire Is ALVIN H. GRUBER. Ftmsral OIreotor
country, for they have
of spade, the price having gone lo
rendered signal service to .the nation Parties who are directly conrerned In
and Embalmer. 312 South Union 8L
tbougbt to ba tbe work of enraged ciisricDtiric part of ring work and sub- COr. The outside market U all brok­
Id Omes of perlL There Is too litile^lhc rakeoff that Is secured by padding
Mrs. Neill© PratL asalMant. CMa.
Izena. A formal liuiaest Into MrCany's
^tuted In its idsce mere brute en. by reason of the abort of (be sup­
pboae 675
We treat you as wa
honor paid to the United Sutes colorsjihe prices. Fbr a great many years
death was begun-ioday. It was learned
strength which has no place la the ply of old potatoes and the new one*
would wbh to be trested.
. da these,hustling times, and often up-jthe naval -department has been soft
that Dr. H. H. Mo^i
squared circle. ITie prise flgbUng not being ready for the market. The
meb S»4t
oa tbe 1^1 holidays, there Is scarccyl picking for tbe armor plate truat.
(be autopsy. wni''iesUfy that death
buslnrsa Is ao lonffer allowed in Mi^ wtldnest spread in all dtrectlon*.
a flag to be aeen ^tlng from the which conducted Ua piratical trade
MONEY TO LOAN on good and waU
laed by a broken or
tbougb It closed firm at 73c. which —- ............................................. —
tmprovod farms, a. C DavU. SU
hailBlags ud flfg ataSu throu^out'without any molestation from govern- lean and it la for tbe same reason
that H was pnt under tbe ban^ by
Srnto Bank BMg. Travarso City,
the countr}'.
Even Memorial bay.ltuent eources. Now (bat tlie people
Traverse City.
WI.1U ~T, b.. .......................IIJ< apiul cord abd benwrrliage of the
aartl 83«
which waa aet aalde for the purpose’of.have been put wise to Ihrtr game'the Covernor Ferris. Ids evident that
Tbe local market went to C5c for
Vcolratlng the principles of patrlotiam lndlratlona are that 'In the future Canada will prohibit further exhiblspecials when a car waa to be filled,
aad revering the memories and works'there will have to be a change in the
of those wbo sacrlDoed iheir lives Inlprlcea they are obUiniag for tbrtr jin the futurr-. which will leave hot
Roderick T. Gray was born In the
Many of the farmers who broiiglit
township of Hay. In Canada. May lo,
behair of the nation, baa been turned'armor, or elne tbe government will
In lotatoes went home with heavy
1838. ^nd died in -Norfolk, Va, May
Ibto an ocraalon of gayeiy and atble-jhave to enter (be tnaaufarturlng'busiloads of feed, flour aad seeda. In this
tlc conteata, and as a result the toun- ussa. If the plate was manufaetdred
With hU pareata.
war araking the grist mllU almort'
try as a wbtde has lost much by the ky the government there would be a
Mri. Roderick Gray, be came to Trav.
work over Ume.
ene t'lty. then a mere hamlet. In
change. More pairloiltm is needed In'u’rofiX poaalblllty of aecurlng a flnt
There were S2T dozen eggs and isr.
implainta are coming from all sec­
AuguM. 1660. Not many of (be realthis country, and one of the duties bf class article, which baa not been
lounda of butter left with the grocers.
tions of the si.xie (bis spring i
deau of that day are living, and but
the present geaeratton is loyevlve thcjtained since the trust has nmtroUed
few of the companlona of bit achool
count of a shortage of farm help and
opMt and give vent to It upon every.the nary department First class
daya still reside here.
UDicBs the atringenry i* renored be­
HU c
oeeaalon which baa u patriotic algnl-j«naterlal should be the only kind that
fore the fruH pteklag seusoa opeai
flcaace. and to tearl. the children (be koet Into the naval veaaela of this
what h<
history of the evenu la the past which j country Vany srandaU have dcvel- there will be e laiKr amount of lbs
uae of and be iierame an expert eetlcrop that will prove to lie a total iosa.
iped in the paet In tbe navy depart'Htmgbt about this naUooal feeling np«x
roater of aundlng timber aad his adMany
/ears cemented Jfxrut, bu( as they were hushed up (be
curing needed kaslMance, but i
many ot tbe gi
, the bends between the people of tbe;P«w3Plc forgot about Ihei
fereut parts of the country.
they have not In an'y degree anpidied
• watloB aad made poaolble the grest- time and went on paying tribute to
Ftir many years he waa employed
tbe need In (he sraaon when help la
Bllas aad prosperity which this c-oun- the armor trust for furnishing -an in­
Waablngtoa. D. C.. May 38.—Sec­ tormined in advaare. It U ptanaed; by the G. R. A I. railroad rompaay and
of th...................
ferior article at an exofblUet price. It
* try now enioyi.
to conUaue tho plaaUngs long enough
•- hoped that this rereui puMIcIly tbe -people .prerer to remain la tbe retary of Commerce Redfleld haa apune time he lumbered
citiet and eke out a sranty exli
plan recommmded by tbe tdUier to esUbllsh a
rosewood and ouhogany on tbe Amsmval veeddls at a re- Inatoad of going out into the country Commiaatoner of Fisheries. whirV if ny or to demonstraU Uio tnUUty of tOD riuer In Brazil for a lumber firm
tbe scheme.
where there Is an abandtAce of
m. and be eMimated timber u:
, The Western Michigan Dcvelop- duced cost.
win be of great praeUral
Ry way of reciprocity, e
plnymem. fresh air ands wholes
for tbe aante eompaar. Fbr
»inaa Is ready to take up the'
heaefU to the roonUT aad of especial
t attempt Is to he’, (he past 13 yrars ha has been eonfood. This idea is oao Uiat la bard to
' work for another year ef mAklag thla
Trains arrive u'-iravera^
nerted with the Foeburgh Lomber Co.
beaont to New England and Ufa Pa­ made to lalroduce oa# or two
nvcrcoBM*. on acrount of (bo firm hoW
0 aectlon f the aUte the leader io ag
Va HU experiences were
cific coast atatos.
of Pacinc salmon on the New EngUad varied end thrilliag. aad hU boaraty
There Is a idagne of wornm stiar).- It has takea upon the mind of
* fiealtnral and hortlculturel lines. Dur
spirp ' tag tbe thrwe years that the bureau lag (he urrliardv la (Ills vicinlis au.l
Eagisad rlveri,precludes tho poS•bown hy tbe aatlves. but foreign- be conferred on tbe I'actflc states aad
'hau bew la operation a great deal Immediate artloa will have to Im>
rity and aym
BxMtot AkMM»w
taken In or>l<-r to atop their ravages ore wbo com,* to there shores to make a Uige territory coatiguons iberaio sibility of reoMahtlshtag tbe Urge na­
1 «r. good has
i the aafortn
Is the iDtroductioe and aoMlmatizatlea tive salmoB IberelB. hot there Is a flirted always foaad la hUa a Mead
fortunes are W to
- thM has been largely due to the splen
VF-tbe ‘VfroUr* mMhod I can raof (he'eaHern lobMer. This project prospect ot iBlroduclng small speciM
of need.
*dM executive ability of President D
m^d tboao aehiag tooU akoolataly
result that the Amertoan bora
pnia. aad uwithout the m» of
H. Day. wbo never leta on opportua tbeoe secure place* they breed tl.eir
wak leakage ot tbe hearL eaased bg ■Uhoal pain,
young, which win be ready to emi­ people are crowded out of employment tons timos for many yean, but tho tho aea aad would not be affected y over-exeriloa.
Ity pass to Improve the eandiilon
efforts have nm been anstalned. the ofanractloai and the grenUy chaaged
He u eurvlved by a wife aad one
* the tanDurs of this region, and to 1« grate Into iho foliage In about s week. in the mills and shops by the foreign­
the people of the outside world know
which for Bome years nave praeticaay
of tbe great opportuolUes that lie destroy (he |>eau U lo bum tlo wagee m acoon'nt of their lower stand­ and the net resalt has besa nilnesu with torchee. for the itolson* ard of tiring. The oonnlry today Is Ir BOW propoeed to ntiUio for thU prohlbltod natoral apawalag of t^a
' wtthia tfasir reach.' Mr. Day U <
................. Or.l
that hate been tried work too alow
tbe place to go <a soeklag opportuel- purpose the female iobaure whleb AUantlc mIidod. Tbe ealmoe UM wOl
^«f:the few men wt»o are wimng
thia city. HU roralna were Uld to
. put la their time sad money wIthoiR be of any Fpc-cUl benefit In getting rid tiee to make a decent living, bnt it is have served ibelr purpose at the New be used are exoellent food fish idAi rvrt m a branUful oM comaiery la
of them. Ao expert from the agricul­ hard to coarisoe the city bred pe^ BtigUnd
oxpecutlon of any other rewa^i than
No.-^ik Vtural
fer the nature species. Many miUloe
of the troth of this stateseat. Tbe
''thM which wui/natun
ination of the nosta and will prtweribe oouniry U alu becoming more ad-, hearing females, and to make aererml
rs can M neat to the New Bagland
Far the Wmk and Harvew.
* by all la the ^eral proapeiity of
(he proper ireatmont for ecadlcailag
Tired ouL -weak nervoot men l .
tehertesTfor Ucab^ttog and ft boo
the eountry afire It has been devanoed In ideas than the citiei. 'be­ carload shipments each srasoa. dsthem in the least possible time. The
tbe nanal ootpat of ttoqt edi woawa woaM fool amWtloak «aerg«eelopod. He lo^ Western Michigan
cause the people there have bo
e, full of life aad artrays have a good
presence of tbe worms U one ot t’i>'
be curtailed.
Aad la wlUiag to do aanbtng la bit
lime and'tarlinatloa to think
Apetlie. if they Would do tbe asnsIbU
king for beaUb—Uke Eloctric Bltpower to make it a sore desirable greatest menaces that has coniruiil- themselves aad hare awre .(
C(] the Irult grower for many reasons
era. Nothing bettor for the stomach.WDonairy in which to lira. He also has
chance to. pat their tdees into actual
Ivor or kidneys. Thooflaads say they
and the situation must be met prompt
the rare facoHy of Insplrtng others
c^ieretlon. The farmer of tbe present
owe tbslr lives (0 thU
V In order lo rid the orchard* of the
^■assist In tbe work, and through
»dy. Mra. O. RhUievaniL of Ves-|
day .has as many of tbe taxurtes of
J Center. N. T.. says: “I regard
tUa system of «o4>peratioa It has
life as the dty.dahnMUat. tor
isctrtc atten as one ofdbe greatest
<boeu possible
invention haa changed the eaUra way
nightt Temptar Five
of gifti. I rah neror forget what U
Adrilers Into the northweatren part" of
of doing hutlnses oa tho farm. Farhi
has done for ms.' OM a botUo you^
•trong Jn York.
WILL M OiSCUMKO flY FRCtl- calf And set what a difference it will
dbo Mato and to eetahUsh industries
bouses have JuM as many coavoDauke In year health. Only Me aad
The vlali of Prof.'R. H. Pettit, of iences as tbe city bouM and with UmT
«hat are alraady the commereUl
ti.OO. Reeommmded by all druggisu
■tfastay of the sute. This work of the Michigan Agricultural college to freer life that the farmer leads It Is
Traverse City.
Tork. Pa.. May 38.-^ve Uioaiaad
-Aevolopmeat hat been obMrncted In Traverse City yraierday was followed' a desirabls oecopatiM from every
ABOhy ways which have been overcome by good resulu. for be not oab' IdenU- angle. The oouatry Is tbef source of Kai^u Templar, beaded hy thirty- It Is Desire ef ReUra to Make Triple, CAMLLAC-Mra. D. r. Dlgglns bat
by diligeBt worii and careful plansupply for the city aad phea there five handa paraded Mala etreM la
teen roMerted pnaUant of the CadBlgff The
JOS worn
work oi
of air.
Mr. Day
usy ta
la the tDrateumg me aesiracuon
destraction or
of the U a ecArdiy la the oooatry the dty full regalU today whoa tho aaBoal
illBc board of education. She
iMureete of WeMern MIctxigSB ranaotl/n't. orchard^, hut pointod out ,the reeldeat is the first ta fool the
doaor. a yaar ago. of the |tM.OOO hlgl
of the order opepwd. The
rated la dollars and rents, for proper methods for ridding the region of the oondltlon. With the Ulk that
oeboal balMlBg.
city waa decked srtUt fUia la honor
'ka has aucraedod In laying plana of (be pests.1 At tbe proseat time haa been going tbe rooads of
Parts. Hay 36.—StrengUnBlag «f
irbieh ^-BOt roach their cllmaz for they are more numerous In lbs wood­ P^Mt and in pubUe moetiags 1
of the risUara -erhe are heee from
MWal ^89 to come. He hra'al- ed traru adjoining the orchards thsa (be trend of popoiaUon taming to th«
af etates. Tlie mayor and! the Triple EUtente and other egoally
importaat iBUraattoaa) matters
been ruedy t«,Jend hit efforts In the orchards proper, but when the
ady for ortdK throat aad laag traabUa.
try tte flguffra do not bear oat other etty offleUU reviewed -today's
kai laflaoneu to every project which time of migration comes, which will
the ooait at boMT la he dUewsed between King George V.< ------- ta feel aura tlu ' ' ‘------olaim; Ir la hoped that the peo­
talking abont
tflhr carwfu! IhveMlgatloa had tho l>e In s few days, the fruit trees drill;
ple will e^ come to eee Uie neod Center Square. Th*.« eoaiaave will
................................. 10. X-------France when tbe Utter vUiU
WffuanM «t being a good thing ^ Its overrun and stripped of their fol­
Isat tbrough Wednesday.
1 I
of turning ta the coaatty for e
British monarch in Loadon .on Jane
ttil' uaetioa of the state. His work iage. By destroying the nest la the
________ U I
ing and when UM mlgnUJoB becotarae
33. aeoordlng to sutoi
long mediciae 1 t
beea ImpanlaL every county woods the worms ran bo
goaeral the proMem el the high coet
enred my wife of a
offleUUy hero tdday.
Mffteg a Bwttburahlp la tbe bureau and tbe fruit trees saved, but actlun
of living
bave beea Mrgdy eolv. when you're
Itataff fflTaa aa e«nal opportunity with it necessary at thU time if the prop­
ta goverameat life are ^aceradltod wiOf
ofM^" Th<
thU ozpUaaUoB of Ura proMdaBt's vUother eouaty. No eoctlonal aal- er results are to be
bare bean allowed to do- rlsll of tbe tent raiorplllar has em­
ft to King George. It baa loag beta
PANAMA—A grodp'of' American
fm ^dg the use he hae beea phasized the fact that Uie frail grower congreaamea arrived here thia
tU oplBloa tirat the
mild, thereof and effective la aM was not aa Mreag aa alllaaee
ftbead of tbe bureaa. and It baa muM be constantly on guard agalrat lag. They wm begla'an iBioeO
iUluw u
Me Uld JIAO antmM
^T^ box. Price » eta. Sou
Ui abUlty la fcaeptag tmj in- ajl kinds of orchard >eau aad taka (he rerei I
TrtptaAmaaeaL The lormar iaefadra

Bswi TUsr








AHer Retails


mm mm nm










Government WU Attempt to lotroduix Lobater on Pa
cific Coast and Salmon on the Atlantic.




Destiwy Ike Won^


Ry Win ram


C%»pna ^*d MUs”N«drb**^ 4



CiL Phone 481., BrU ISO.
TMFraat St.
Traverse aty. Mich.






. -rnvn

jiwsrni' rc-



McCarty Starto tha Mixing.
MeCarty alarted ibc actual mlxinit
with a wild swtoR at Pelkey'. bead.
Which inUiicdhy M-veral Inrhea. They
clinc hed and on the breakaway Peikev
fot In (be Aral blow, .an ujiercui to
.MiTariya )aw. MrCany tollowed
wiOi a awiDKlA right that Just tuisscl
PdliO-s ear. aiS-toUow«i tbh at­
JAMES OEMERUE KlkLCO SWEET- tempt With a hard blow to bla heavier
tl vaa following th
tliai l*clkey,‘
— — .uncover MeB.. .»■
Carty'ic guard.
|>bin(ccl a driving blow
Just under .McTanj s heart lhat amt
him reeling III the roll
la.uod from the worbl'a rhatniilon as
kly sank to the groiiud.
Falla on
n Pace:
Pa«« : Counted Out.
II a half standing position
-M. rily U> |.w*s miixi.-r
...... htilisfv nnv "liw” ntnii ..t- uny liv,- atc.nj hts right mid fell on bU CABINET MEMBERS WILL LIVE
faee. directly lurned
imlT Btrctrhlng hk- nrius out. HI.
Mas* UM Appeal ana Then Uaatf R
iiionih went o|*n and be breathed in
vpiver to Settle Their Trouble.
Hon gaaiai.
—Oemerl. Died Two
A* ho Iny there Referee Kd Smith Secretary Bryan Is Only One Who Has
Hour. Uter.
r Chleago ran over and
Elaberato Hotiae. Which le Nee>r rel
-very .luy! Tin- v.-ry In-si ki,„l „f n„ ndv.-rtixe-to.-nt «„v
eaaary to Entertain Dlpwas evident, and be yelli-d.
KloH' call hiivt!—
Eilr. I'd, May IS.—With a revolver •Khrtil. ors
nine: he's out V •
lomatle Cerpa
-ctaepoa Id ope baad ,nd a wwj.llnt
Mcfuriv did not sUr. and It
rlne in the other. Jacob Ih-mnlo aa;i ilnw ncil no aeeond.. pEli lals. and siw>c•“Waablnpon. May 2.1.—The ■ juAilIc
fonnd iapiy today moiully »o.iud.<l latonc lb!ci he was badiv bun.- Tho
iirml.'rx; ink t-. H|.r. n.l th,ii. vvs ..f Hi.- vv.rili iitid rml .t.-ctcniy
announoetneni by Vice Preeldenf Marwhich lead been .veiling
while tu-arl^ Jay the dead l>o.|> o.' crowd,
III Imyini' Sl.-iid»iT|{ Clulh.-* ■'
PeUok's vlriorj. Iievanie allenl.
xhnll and aeverul uablnet
ilarie Janes, whom he lov^. infaiu
Whlk- this wa» going on the croud (bat they don't Inteud to |«y toore
atud alth the yoons voiuau. Ueuierh beesme a mob. Some rushed< for the
than Ijoini a year rental for tbelr
had climbed a porch ihisi Into hn
secured the ui>|H-r hand and roaTAvd homes.- today brought dow n
room, allot her and (l.en^nt a but ontur.
th.- J-.-.r,. fh.ll,.-. ilmi ,.r,. ,.n-,-.l fl.'. ,.„h fli;
« wall of crlileUm from Washington­
let Into hi. ova brain. He died two
Miially ihe iirostraK- form «f ,\ic.
hoora'later. Uemerllcs filendci said fany was carried troiii the arenii and ian*. Who deelareil that It was lui|ionlaid on the grasa.' I>eath came In a slble for the deniocraUc nandaril
that hUae Jaiuea had pronUhed
tuiloriul clcilhi-x I I'Itt- st-rg.-K
...t-.r— mill
.....1 ,1.
few minutes,, tUr. Sli
i.t-w.-M .•,.l.,i-ii,;., f..r
Nttrjuiiciiig It bearers to do the right «u>rt ot cntci
nwrry ttcmorle. but Inal ulsbt nfuaecl
fdUs ii. vv J aii.l .{-liiiii..ti ........
Wi.rlh ^Ii:..xi t ^Itv ••rdiiinrilv.
(ainlng in such boiiiea.
him. AtJ odock this ujbhilB he
Not Examined Before Tight'
-About gi.ShO a year Is iiiv maxiBnppoaed' to have fionc lo her roc
Dr. J. 11. Hindi, one of the dCHtora
In aitnidanre. stated-that MrCariv mivn for rent." said Vice Presldctii
•ad. made a tlnnl nmwoL
was not examined by a i>hy*lelan lu>- Marshall. “Cm not rriilrlslrlng aii>
fore entering ilie ring, no It «
body; but winie I'm lu Wa*lilngbin, i
ciiR to staled the real lause of dt”u!.
—BOYS' SUITS AT $$.«: worth
Uih ud to live on my salary, l want n
liougbi. however, that M.Cartk
have bad a weak bean and lhat hopie suitable to my wife and myseir.
* t^BlNrHiTS
■ **"!'“ *” "'Slillee and soft collar $4.50, $5 and $8. .. Norfolks and
the exrllemeat was the cause of Ha nud I'll find one wiihiu my meaus. "

breasted models: blue serges
alviick way. .
at $1.
SI. $1.80
Sl.oO and
and $2.65
^! afv
Sevretary of>ar Wll»on. who
ery, /./collars,
etc., etc.
FVom a Dumber of other aoiirces It
and mixtures.
—Derbies and Soft Hpts In new
1* b-anied thoi Met'any reallv had a living at a hotel, echoed the vlee |ire*
' Priced right in our Annual
savings in boys' suits at
heariik The Mcltenieiil. coupled l-lent'ii aenllments. and declared tliai
and bow-back styles.
1 Sale.
‘rlcul sti-uln of.the first fS.'iiNi .would be Ills annual limit for
$1.95, $2.85, $5.40 and $7.50.
■lick, inust have <
house ronial, when he w-ts al>oui find­
—Boys' Shirts and
—Boys’ Belts at 25c
ing a home ibis tall. Secretary of the
Blouses, special as­
choice of black and
Navy Haniel* said lhat any eabfnit
sortment at 25c.
official could iliul the home he wanie-i
tans. '
price ihai would mu plmb hi*
•-alary. "If he wasn't getting a home
First Matinee Win Be Held Next
for display."
. Sunday
"Ii> following Jeffersonian pilncl— FREE —
Graduation and Commun­
The Traverse niy lirfving-Oub Idew. and Jiving qiiipily and comfort
ably a cabinet officer ran live within
Save the Tickets.
««r Waa an Almost Unknown will held a seiiiv of inatliipeo- this
ion Outfits.
PigMar and Was Net Looked
Bunimer on the Sundays when the hi* lueana In the capital.' he derlsied.
^ucrciaiy of SUie llryi
JJpon at a Oangereua
baseball team Is away from home, the
Opponam. ,
J a house that i«*is eonsl lciablv
Aral one to be held next Sundgy afver IJ.UPO a yesr. liii: be ha-y to do
Calgaiy. Alta, »Uy *t.-I.uthcr Mc­ ternocn at the fair grounda. The oih- " oi ctalwrate eniorialnlng of dipio
dates will be June 2b. Jul* It. 2n'
the north.aoil (1ii- twe line* tu Vi-ra ed. Thu f
Carty. Iiea>ywe!ghi cliauipiou of >u..
iini. b<iw»-\c-r. In alais. Ill* manner of living. Iiowrvcr.
die of the w.-ek. followed by nosetllcd
wurld. ^a kaockrd ojii and
kllld by jud .lugiihi :m. For next Sunday the
, -Jlled
Crur. onr of wlilcli I. owfiwJ by llril*o building iiji lu army, many of tbo
hasdKTS veiy utiOKieuiailour, add he
Arthur Pelkey this aflej■mijbn. A blow lojlowlng enirlei have iKven
ccodii ions' at the close.
tfh ca|>IUtlUt*..
twoTk. .Met'anv
Is sening a new fasblon lor enieruiliire<cnuli*
priw.mT* uml!
"There *
I thirty-two minute* alter It was the half and mile eveuiH:
Much concern la felt regarding Ibe
menis with “aiupe Juice diplomac y
there an- nuw moto men under arms
Halt mile—Harry Waxd. Robert L..
<if un*easobable w^ra weather over
*liualion Bi Ttmitl.ti. wblth I*
A •toxi-n real estate dralcrs
The ^Ihortllea have iiUced Peikev Molly It. Cleiiwuod and T. W.
any' txiilloD of the coumo'- l*wcr
rr-nlt-r «f a diMrtti qu.u- thichl.v i«.|w In Mexli-o tlian ever liefore.f
euanfmou* In fixing ’the pro|H-r
under arietii oharsed wiib n icnstaiiKliIn
t■■mJRlalures wUl'cwniinue-for a day
The rebels arc moving In small mo­
ter. and other arre*!* an piobable
lal fiilee for a eablnel tuliilslei's tilated by Anu-iJtan oil drllh r*
The men entere.1 the ting at U’:tr. Fliiren.e Wood. Tom W. and Uread-‘hn„
Wusblmg^n. .vlav :g.—I'n-eltled or two lor the northciTi and easlem
farmom. It I* rrallted tho garrison bile Lands which for the imst week
home' ai from Ar..t«ft to Ii2.i>oo
p. m..-wi(h MeCarty ihr favoHie. IVi' n-uthi.
weather will o|ien Ihe eomtng week lionlonB Ilf Ibe country, followed by
Tan|ilco t« not able to du i
have Ucn active-Is the male* of Jalkey. ton i>outut* heavier, u noiidesrrliit
It U Jnicmdcd to make (hU oerles
thiin th' guard "'v cUv. Eight hiinfighter from New KincLitiil. wa* net
Iseo ,n:il UidaUo wh^re Iteretofore ■Missouri river, areording lo (be weath­
o’r interi-si to local botvemen
(bought to hate much <il ii rhaiu-e! Tor
Un-d tr.w.i.a writ- dl-jiatclK-d from
lliert have Iwen little trdubir. Thor er burcatrt weekly bulletin.
oil- tuiimce the men leim.-I acid .lau- and to provide races that will be well
here toJuj to lhat .lUtriii. but tliey
wonb going to see.
I, fec-ltcg each olb>-r c
have al*o ix-m-trated the federal 01*- . “There wiu bo showers Jitondav and
About TImaplaeaa.
nm»t iHinrtraic n region alive wiih
t.-ietsmall government force was Tutsduv in the gn-ai eenirai valley*
Clocks oflen atop, but they aeldom
rt-|uilfe,l a few m.lle* from the caidul and the lake region." Hu- biilloiln wab!. ato|> with Uie banda at any ono hour.
I rttn'l dUlrliis tutyit and rebels raided a ranch near San . In the eentral west generally fair, Clocks-and waichea are said to Mop
when ibelr owners die, bat such fnn
Uu nJ*'!
a»- rapidly Lelng fill­ -\ugvlo. a suburb. Weather should iircvali at*t>ui the tuld> sr«



\ ----- A



Values Better Than Ever for the Last Week of
The May Sale—
A Little in Front of the Next”—said Kipling,

MEN^S SUITS at $10.90 and $13.65^

They re making new friends for our live Men s

^For we depend more upon your satisfaction than

—The suits at 113.65 include very fine, strictly hand

*'■ i -correct furnishings. ne»



sl 1



We’ve Been Making Flour
for Fifty Years

That's a record good enough for any firm.
The quality gives us our steady customers.
PERHAPS you have not tried it. Call
any grocer and ask for

'Best Flour‘

mirn For rut, r«nt


Every fanner has reason to be thank­
ful for the prospect before him in the
- spring planting of com, potatoes, beans,
etc, The o;>ening spring weather brings
the necessity of buying corn, potato.
• aind bean.planters and.sprayers. There
. has been no year^ when the prospects
looked better and brighter fon farm pro­
ducts. Com, potatoes, beans and hay
••-wng good prices, notwithstanding the
^eat yield there was last year. This
year promises to be as good or better.
"Be cheerful over'the prospect.
- Get a booklet at P.K.’s, comer of
Front and Cass Street, and at the s^e
ume get your planters, sprayers, sifters

spraying materials here also.




The Globe Store Abounds in Bargains
Economy OlierlBOs In Seasonable Apparel and Fnrnlshlnos. Tbe Prices Tell Tbelr Own
story. Come and Share In Tbeac Economlea.

Militant Suffragettr Leader Had a«ti
Recuperating From Hunger Strike
She Conducted In Hollo­
way Jail.

Ixigilun. May 26.—Mr*. Kmmellnr
I’aiikhurai. militant suffragette loadai.
was today rearieated at Woking and
ordered back lo Holloway Jgll. /ivm
which she was recenily released on
"tlekoi of leave" .Mra. I>nnkhur»t was
■ted'at the borne of Mrs. Ethel
Smyth, where she bad been rctoijibratIng from bunger atriklog.


Men’s Clothing and Furnishings
Jersey Sweaters

Boys' Jersey Sweaters in Grey and Men's Poros Knit Union Suits. Equal
Maroon. A good one
to anything shown at $1.00.
for only......... ................... TvC
Our price.................................... 70e
Men's Jerspy - Sweaters: a popular Men’s B.V.D. Union Suits,knee length
style with buttons at front of neck.
and sleeveless.
The $1 kind.
Grey and Maroon colors
Priced here at..........................8Sc
extra value for
the Spring Suita in light colors
that we offer at ..................... $&08
One lot of* Boys' work Shirts, made
from light and dark Chambrays in Norfolk Suits for Hen that are tbe
stripes and plain colors.
equal of $12.50 Suits.
This week at.........................AOC
.Our price.................................89.7t
Men's Work Shirts, all sizes and good Other special Suit Values. Priced
patterns to choose from. .
for quick selling at 99.98,9t2.M,
On sale at
and n&OO.

Work Shirts

Economy News from

The DiV Goods
Ladles' Silk Usie Beol
Bose, Black, Tan
and Wblle.
A fine, light weight stocking
at. pair............................17c
Ladies’ umbrella shape lace
trimmed pants. The 25c
kind at. pair...................I9e
Ladies' Union Suits, unequaled
values at
24c, 49C and 74c
Ladles* Long Silk Gloves. We
show tbe long lengths at
69c. 79c and 98c pair
Made with double finger tips


Shoe Specials Entire Stock oi Ladles’, Misses’ and Junior


Ladies’ Gun Metal Oxfords,
new last, very
4 AC
stylish, at, pair....... XorfU
Ladies' White Pumps, two
straps, leather
heeU-at, pair
Ladies’ Tan Pumps, one strap,
Mostly Plaids and Cheeks.
All wool serges, diagonals, Bedford
an excellent style.- Spe­
Cords and Fancy Mixtures.
cially priced
Thrae are redular J10.00 and $1250
at, pair........
$13.50 to $16.50 values.

Small Rebel Oartds Ar. Active )n Savoral Stataa Raiding RanchM
and Defeating tha Oovammafrt Troapa.
Mcxico'CUy. May 26.—locregslog a(>
tlvUy of ib« rebola la cauatag tb«
ffroattot of aaxlpty; and tbe next
move uaiaat tbe gOvemment wiu
neaQ tbe iRolatloo of the capital. It
Is regarded at more than probable
that tbe rebels will rontlnue tbelr
tactirs of weakening tbe goveromeDt
by crippling the rwUroada and there
Is reesoo to believe that tbelr plaa:
Includes tbe IsoUUon of tbe city ffwi]:
by catling tbe two tmnk lines Just to

Coats, ai Pronounced Price ReducUons.

Coats at $4.97 Coats at $9.00


THE GLOBE Department Store

SlOK WIU Be Closed AU Day

Traverse Clly, Mich.

, PAGE Foba-''

farmers have eonfidaca. Bot that
it Is only a <iaeaUm oT bttocaUon.
' be precass U aeeeasartly alow.
B^tall aald that the fanners
oM enUrely to bUme lor the*
packtog. that a good de^l
Of this rffaeslity baa been done .by
tbe repreeentaUvea of the e
who have boa^ aad packed tke
apples In tbe orchacd. Hi* sasoeUUon has decided not to ship a aingle
package without its first betog fbor>
oughly tospeeted. A great diWaaltT
Is to gM the farmers to twn tbalr
'frail over and this t« aometbing that
it wju be ncceasary to teach tbsm.
Mr. Benull s^e at length os'(ha
•juostlon of farm credHs and was topbaUc to Btotlng thst aometbing
would have to be done to enable the '
farmer to bdnhw money more xeadlly
and at a cheaper rate of toleresL He
stated that he hlmeelf w-lsbed.lo
make a good many tmiworemeou on
hto farm but be had -not the money
to do so and could not afford to psy
the high rale of Interest charged lur
tbe loan of it


‘Vittsburfh Perfect" Fence
DON’T BE FOOLED by ^etght per Red cr Roil
There’*no“bunkem-aboutwdRht per pancl»,u-cariniih«ncuib-Src'v^liiT»e ^
roll when you buy "PitiBbutRh Perfect" | and nakim yau buy merx l-^c you
. bi«ntTitr
t^Titr it is constructed wirbout uainR rhould.
’Piusbun.h r *rtcct,’
*rt«t,’ the cr.;y
extra wire to make the fence-joints. The .encewith El -ciricdly WvMed Joints, is
extra weieht of the ioints*in all wrapped, a ooe-triecc fchne of onojualed sirggtth.
tlurabilhy «n.l
........ ---------------"Z wr
extrastrei^th,tmt actually werJ ensthese eliminate the j-xpensc of extra wire, and
bypmitt-"t'y flriicing
the put this money into «tra quality..

0^4 nuaranlMf!
aacKCK. rouLTRY a.* raswt yard CARDEN c.VBry Koa ouaramew
A*k r»OT deU«^“P»tt»b^J’«7t«" »nd

to fanUnhine


n YM WY ImaamM I-WW P«tow.

Pittsburgh Steel Co,

Investigation by Prof. Pettit ■ Resulted in Great Good to
Grand Traverse Fruit Growers.
Prof. R. H. Pettit, brad ot (be de-) rbereartcr it »ltl bi; « ra<><> of nxfatinc
parmrat of eeiomoloiu of tbe Mlrlil- them in ouliardz. vben- torches »il!
San Agrlcoltnral eoUeae. spost Piiday
do more or less damape' to tree*.
afteraoon ta and about Trayerae Cii}'
iBTC^itaiinR Uic caterpillar sliuaUon.' Work Doa- will ho far tunn- produrtlvo
which be found to b« all that rei^nt <»f *•““»*
press reports would have It and warn orchard pniporty In the pnircss'nf de­
od fruit growers of tills tectlon of the struction f:vr lcs->.
l*rofcsr«r Pettit.said:
'netVsiiiy cf ItnmcJiaie attion If the>
^ "The cat'Tpltlar tltat Is now aorkarlab to prevent danrtav to orchards.
Ins in tbe nrehards and adiaccni
Fanners who arc roinbattinc the
wouds. Is the iiii]ilc-lre« tent calcriillpesu In wooded tracts arc dolnx the
to.- a jiest that has been present In
■soft efficient work, according ' to
Professor Pcttil. After looklnj; over snutll nntnhera In the past. The pnusoal feature of Ibis Invasion U the
sraoad that sboaed fi'iUcal conditioDB
large munners in »;hlth the "wornu"
be aUted that immediate action Ik
appear. Ax haa l>cen, stated in no­
tices rcccnilj . printed'in your paper,
most readr to move. A fe«' warm
each nest 1: made by tiu.- mcmbcrK of
dars will brfnx them to maturity and
a slnRlc fanitl)'ihatehcd/rom a single
eRK-roas*. Thu ratendllarK make the
m-st their Itomc. . at leaiit for tbe
Backlea's Arnica I
nishts. until they Uccomo about two-,
dtseaac* of tbe skin, and also ihinls grown, after wbkli. they abaiffer bttrss. binlso. aad IniU. Kcdui cn doD the neft and stay out. crawllnc
InDamtnation. and U roiGbins and
beaUng.' J. T. Sosaainan. pubUstier of to a disisuce In search of food and
News, of Coer,'.,
us. N. C. write* that ebange. The fact that they do t-orae
one box bellied liU
hU scrioHs skiji
l-a«k hnlnc for the niciil Ome-durlng
after other remedies
•fK failed.
the curly jartK of their carecra. makes
RccommciiiJc-d by all drugIt impui'iant that any
Bltt*» of jravcrso

If you have a committee
meeting down town, we
will be pleased to have
you use our committee
room over the vault.
It is roomy and well
lighted and at your ser­
vice at aoy time during
banking hours.

Under Control of U. S. Treasury.

their dentnietion be taken U'toro they
too large. Tbe burning oti'
the nriils should bo donu during the
evening or «ariy mominx. while the
young ure at borne.
"It Ik II
e that iblx invasion
L‘s at such « busy season, hut
nnyUiing at all is to be done, it were
done soon, for the caleriilUars
wAi Ejfon be loo lante tb bom. It It
also 3^11 to destrwy as many as )io*sibic in A'rdcr to kizcn.lbv size of
nert year's croji.
TbU is Ibe first Umc tl
1’ellU hBK tiad a
dty to see
any Af the country near Travciffe City.
He ha* been here before, but never
;oi itilu orrtfUrd territory. He was
greally impressed with ibe brauly.
lliiimness and evident posaibUiUea
for greatopss as a fruit producing
center Uc rcturaod to Lansing last

flow’ »-i*ent
fdllliiK Averj of
. \onli;>on Ik vUlllog her Bister, Mi WJIbcfT Sittes.
•Id s
s enjoyed ami about
I- tjikCT in.
Hurt lin
Mrs King's boiise next the church.
Work lia* Inm'ii In-cuu oh the slat)
n-ward ros'l cM<-i:ding troi:i Nute
ware * corner n> <1aude Warn'-r * <-orplayer
. The l«cci
eddrcKS will be
delivi-red ai the ehureb next Stiiidav
. Rev. f
Saloon league «|>eaker »ill oreepy tbe
pnlpii In the e». iiing. tillni-ii ami MIzk Ia-iq
nos were marrle-l ln*l Saturday
Kc ;i;;lr<
'kuh the .voiing iwoide l
wi-tl mill favorably known here, whi
■ Lie grcKUii IS ul>era'nT at the
Tli;-rtli.;) have a loau and happy -life
tou.-iher Is the »t»h of their ii
tUn. Ulltan lialn rpent a couple or
d;>yr ai Ikirker t'rm-k tot week. ^li^F
raililK MiCee n-iurni-d'iwltb her tor a
I ti.'li.
On a Dark NlgM
I is very dlflriwsing Ip have
• In the fanillj j -aVc »*>h sn :
ia>-k of Cholera Morbus, CrampA Hn.A bottle of Itlf.SNK'S PAINKIMJNC MAGIC IMI. kept in
houKc luvc.-i a world of trouble,
titiirkl) th"«ks Hiarrtinea. r»-lleVeK
cramjis aii.l ease* iiaio Kfrit-tlve also
for . rheiiuiailMu. lame. hark, (.ivwinm.
nils or wouu Ik rrtce 25 cu. |ier botSold b
b> all
II draxKiKU.
• - •


( Cups ol the Famous

Bell CoKees and Red Dram Teas
Sold During ttie Year 1912

By The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.
ThlR BEOOEO. eaODOt- W oxerned 1)V any one in tile StaU- of Michifran. and
in itaelf m |ir<K>f that tl(^' 4;<>ods an* the Ix-kt that uioiicy <-an buy. You
are iiiviusl to call njK>ii Hit- llaiiitab 4 Ilay Merc. (\i. anil they will prove
to your'aatiiifHetion that theae teas 4pd eoffetw are the beat foryoor oae on
tbe table. The aboyr company has handled our full !ine fur/he paat thirtyf<mr yean, another evidence of the quBlily of Ihe gouda.
Yours nwpeetfnlly.

Pest Is Grpat Mraace to Ordiards in This Region—Fruit
Growihr Gives His Experience in Dsstroying Nests.

A fnilt grower witica that tbe for"Just ns aoon as tbey begin Uielr.
r f W iKt w&a! sanest b
est caterjililar 1^ a comlog menace to migrations we Intend to spray with
' Seoft’e EmuUion
young as well as old fmlt trees. Tbey tbe self-boiled tlme-snlpbur tnlxtnre.
haatawm yirtft.Wffrti
are migmtofy In liablu and aic very which U the DK^t adbeelve aad beat
r, witboat
near tbe aUe when they leave tbelr of all spray s for cherries snd pcsebnei-ta and at lirai go in columns, aom*. es. Do not use coal tar or Unglirfoot.
lluics In very large nomben.. Latar as they are Iniorloua We onee used
they scalier alngly ani{ afterward aiiin pine tar by pulling a cloth aroond the
cocoons and tnra Into a moth. His tree snd applying it on the doth, but
ekiiertence with tbe peats Is given as Ihc tar has to* be lenewed every few
days. Colton’ batting can be used
"We found alreaily enough of them with aome succe*s. Wben we have
(ronliaued trttm Page Ooe.)
on a cherry tree near tbe Jorcst to ’tbouands of (recs to protect It is an
diave.defoliau-d It in a day. We Bad
A iiarty of three yee- OB trait growing and he adrlaed the
orScen of the bnrean to pay mon
ns high’ as fifteen nest* In one wlldllenlsy destroyed man.v
cherry tree. Now is the time to Sgbl nrats adtoining tbe orchard and will aUdntlon to general laming, for
theni. Thoir neats are sear the
keep op the flghl nntti the tot matt is wUcb Westara Micblgaa U woU
si.le of the vroods. We used
destroyed. Their enemy is an Icueiu- adapted. New comers ahonld be -en­
sprayer asd sprayed the nests when nan fly. whirb depoalis Its egg In iU couraged to take up dalrrlng. which
they are at borne and set them on tire. body and the Urvaa destroys It. aa It wben conduclod ' properly, paid well
The dlffUuUy In ftgbtlBg them In the does In the graasbopper. Tbe fly Is jin’ Michigan, and there
orchard, especially on young trees, Is not sumeroiu enough to get in Its reaeon why Michigan sbonid not rank
that there la not enough foliage to work, and If we do not render all the [as high aa Wlaeonsln aa a dalryln*
l<olaoD all ^tag worms thst nmy attack assistance possible we wlU ksve them
for about three years.”
Ur. Graham touched on tbe quesUoa
of merkets and over-iiroducUon, Bay­
Elk Lake. May 2C—Mr*
o. Sr., left Saturday for a
ing that it bad been bU
that Um right kind of a snppir will IsU will
nanajly crastc a aofflclent demand for
acrompanled by
He tosuuecd the rase of Grand
Bellaire. visited
Will Give Those of Limited Means Good Opportuivty to Kaplda, where ^he large buycri came
Is bomo here D
from F'rlday natli
wlien there was a supply of fruit that
^ure an Education at But Little Cost.
made it worth their vblla to do so
M ra. Alex Campbell god son Robyn
Travoree CH> Isdng a city of over Tbe paj- offered in most idaees would At that time It vras nothing anosiral f Detroit U vlslUng friends and rfclal2,hou haa many opcn.ngs for studeats cover hoard and roomiug esiwnse.
... frail per day Irea to the'setoiborbood.
Mre- T- j.
of Traverse City
earn tbelr way. while a town of
As tbe Miidenm come in hoarding shipped from tbe'Urand Rapids mar- -- to speiid
____ Friday
a few daje
.^.OOfi or IcM with fewer factorle. snd ho„,es will need to be opened, and
her busttand on tbe farm.
Industries might be limited in this
one of tbe*« will call for slud«>'
Methods should be found for dlsMrs. Noland add two sMte from /
using from one to five studenti poMng.of the inferior grades of den have ranted T. 3. Caras* farm for
Ouring Ike past year K9 homes have each,
fruit. BDcb as were made possible by theMre
Mabel Ripley was ouSetly marapplied tor stiideni old. offering for
yonag men and women who do not
plants, canning factoriet
Monday. Mar IL to Will
such KcrvlecB board and rpom. Sixty- |,,»c the ready money for tuition or and cold storage planU.
^e^ny^f draeabush! ju. Jenny •«reeight of ibese aakeu for gtris anU 51 boarj wlH always And an opening to
iKjys. These do not Inetode those stores, offices or far loncg. where they
It U older ud ..It doiilrd.
that ai.pll.-d and seeure-l student aid «.||| be abfe to work days and atleml does not gM aa much bencllt ^roin Creenbuah.
from our local high acbook
night school, and ibua not onl)’ be the work of the burean os some other] Myrtle Fox. BerHne lathdteknd M1V
There have been 47 calls from able to earn their wav. but lay Jiy a psru of Weateni Michigan, yet. the
^ee took the
V sth grade ettamln*nsbufg last week. ^
KloivE and.offk-cz for atodeni aid for few rtollars aa tbey go along, .tlnsi people of tbe county and the vitlzns Uon to Wiliiami
evoiiiugs and Stlwrdats. Kubrieen of of the eouraes offered to ter sebeol of Grand Rapids are loyal to the bu­ Winnie and binie
ihcbc were lor girts and 83 for boys wlH be available at the night
:fat seaslonx
City 3i«liore Saturdi^ .
reau and wUling to help it akmg.
1 of 'Creawell
Mr. Graham asked permission 'to Is w-ortlng 'for Mrs. fowell Sours.
words with reference to
lAM Thursday Mrs. Wm A»*eto““
the attitude of tbe Michigan Agricol- an>l Mre. J<Min Dean entettstoed the
toral college to the development work ink lotkc and Tuba AM flocialea at
l.eland. May M.-Mr. and Mr*.
the Gleaner ball at AnxelL ' A misITovcmoDt. May 51.—The little nine l3elnx carried on In ttm state,
oellaneoas shotor was> glT«
xlven for Litra
I«>ils O. Kiel and son ^warii o( Lb- l•a■eball team jdayed at Suttoos Bay.
assured the dlreettws of the Weali
• ■ • U
the near
Dmd. wbo w-tn be married-to
troh are among the rdTst ot our sun­ tot Sunday.
MidiUan Development Buresn that future to Wesley Milks of K1
nier people. Tlicy arrlv^ FYltey and
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond natnondon the tonilty of tbe college U to bearty About 40 Uilles were present. A doore at tbelr.eolUKo on i«kc lA‘elati&u
InncT was served and a genIldous I._
•ympatby w-lUi Ibe bureau and Its eral
s|ien: Snnday visiting relatives
enjoyed by all
good time '
foi ibc summer.
work, and are willing u ^Ist in any present.
OUlE Pier.
Mra A. J. neU(T«f Fort Wayne,
After an Ulness of.aeveral years
av possible.
Max Ptamondon and famUy have
iiid.. t* here for v shr.r. time.
The college receives a large nom- William Curry died Ust Mnrdar night
moved Into tbe resident ot Naxam
Citr. He
Is bom
•Mr. and .Mrs. Miles Jordon
of letters of toaqiry about Michi­
> old r
(laughter Grace, who bare been
ill** Clara Krdl of Suilons Bay Is gan lands. Tbe facnliy has been in- hood, having moved to Traverse C .
guests at the home of Mr. and .Mrs.
a vsllaed (o reply to there latere
Ihp guest of -Mrs. Fn
fioo. Halmond for tbe imst seek, have
vittog the persons who wrote the..a -ed member of the church and Grange
-Mrs. X. J. I'lamondon U spending
here, was loved and reapectod by an
returned to their home at Crescent.
to come to Michigan and make a tbor- w-bo knew him. He leave* a widow,
ffw dlaj* with her mother at Cedar.
Mr*. Jniiies WvKc- nod daughter, of
ongh tovestigaijon before buying, and
snd three daugfatera to
Noel Contuiler eloB^ a very eucheld
Crcseeul uie In Lelatid lur a
ressful icnn ot seboot FYldny.
r they- thought of buying
The prirc of potatoes iia-- advanced
tbe people
JII«. Ik-rtta r.n,„i,dl U ro«a,M:u.
„ „„„ p„
.ra.ll. lOT,. oi..«ln.U.B wlUi .
ter. .tici.M w-bo would take tbe trouble to invesUgaie that made Ibe most sneoeaB.
].rs, nuniba r,
ful farmere.
Mr. Manchester, a civil engineer. Sunday,
Mr. Graham said he was glsd to ob­
w ith a cxew- of men. 1* making a sur.
Grandpa l*rauae ot Lcland is the
serve tbit tbe bureau has been eacv<y with a view of (fxiendtoff the M gues| of..Mr. and Hr*. Roy f'outurier.
eeasTut in ellmtoailat to a large
Aflyn. Mich.. May 23.—The trig tour­
& N. K railroad froth Provemont tc
Mrs. Will Hnvier wa*. a Traverse
the anvM chorus referred to to ing rar of Mre. Elsie Hannah with a
nty-Tl*Ui»r Friday and Saturday-.
the seermry's annual report and (•arty of fishermen and ladieo was ap
Seven pui.Us of St.' Mary s school at­
here Tharsday.
Mr*. Z. K Htoshav^ U In Traverse
which formerly wa* ao much to evk
Robert Smith has been loading out a
tended the eighth grade examination
City visiting licr st^ ami daughter.
d<me« in Western Mlehlgan. He bad

. wTheo ebtniK aad son of Chicago, which wa* held at l.elsnd tot wei-k.
II. sp.™,. Oi
• •'«"
few days ago by fira. has moved a
who lias born to ouy village a few
through town Saturday on his way to ”*
small building onto bis
days, have returned to tbelr home.
Mr. Graham told of tbe ehort courre
Inland lowusblp will build oeveral
£. .’.icKerener Epent the Chicago.
covrelng two yran which the Ml(^ miles -«r Mod for state reward this
week-end with Geo. cSatlng and fam­
ESIya to making tbe pro­
ton* Bay. where *be oxpecta to reily a( Kalkaska.
files tor them.
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Chandler and son toln thl* summer.
Mr. an-1 Mr*. Frank Grant are the HlR to Blltog it.
Ed bale-returned to ibeir home here
The (hair railed on Rev. A. Ben- horse and in falllDg cut bis Up «uHcpmnd iwrenlR of twins, a son and
from Florida, where they spent the
dauidrler. which
arrived Monday tall, who told of bis experiance wltb
w-lnle.A.potato rar Is betog loeded by Mr.
the Ncffthpon i-Yult Growers' Arenclamoraine.
of Honor.
Mn. C. lx IMytoD. who ha* s|>ent
He said tbal tbe price of IS Hinter
The itonber; of tbe Central band I
Mr. Hawley and wife of Travene
the winter to Grand {{siHds. has i
at Claik'a mill to fish
ctty are tenUng
ot Provemont have rto«cred thoi^*** ^
tnrued to her home bere..
for a few
Leelanau and plan to bold a Mcnlc all***- •*’*'■*' **'•
. .Myrva Stover has returned after
A 1.^ crowd i*l'*»W »*"• the use Of lb* Ubela and
two weeks' vacation at Barker Crock. Fbucb next Sunday. A large crowd la,
expected to Join them, weather perMt*. Manfor-I Brown of Crescent is
Whether yon be man ar womaa FOR
bis asaoclatlMi has found that they
the gne*t of Mrs. MrKer^er In the mltilng.
have been rabrgtng too tittle for tbe «Q] never do sBythtog la th» ««M
.coming week.
work of Inspecting and bare decided
Miss Ual*y Bryant has returned
to make a atrmlghi charge of five p« gnaUty «f tbe mind next to benor/^
Jamea Lane AUnl.
from a two w(-eks' vWt at Travi
It to the rmnre. Mr. BentaU atatCity.
that It cost a outs to pl<k and
Hton, May 20.-Moward
Mrs. M. E. IIIIIK and son Eari made
wife of Kcwadln visited pack a barrel uf applao. He said
a drive to Travi-ne Chj and Elk Rai»- thfdr parents.
re. Will that while K ta generaQr snppoaod
ids tot . week, bringing home a fine Park*, over Sunday.
to be dltfieult It ta not ImporelMe
Royd Chubb of
team of fai a boraea.
to gel farmere to act together and
prised his (alber and sister very i
market tbelr crops, it has been tala
s short
experience that such a thing is poeCharley Clark>f Kewadin has start­ BlMe with the right mas to take boh)
ed bis meal
grocery wagon
ot the work—a man in whom the
regular trips through tbb oountry.
D Traverse aiy one day
Ml»* Eva Riekett has gone to Travaty tor a visit with her mother.
Ing to rail
Mrs. M. Riekett.
bean* Iht*» seawm.
Mrs. Frank Wade aad Mre. OUra
Mr*. Towi
• la town ona day
Roberts were cnllen bn Mre. Joe
tot week.
Mrr Ore«n and her mother. )ln.' icUln to sec tbe new baby glri Ur
UennU. were visiting Mn. Towson
Mr. and Mre. Wm Parka were noilone day tot week.
tbe beck-breakbie time for the
A by telephone last night that thev
.Mr*. Bertha Helm bad tbe Gleaner
cleaidj bottic-wifr, h made easier
............................... Is glri born
agenu for dinner one day tot week.
by Ibe use of
Mrs. ilcGarry and daughter Mair
are sUying on the old homestead Mr-s Glen Parka.
Mrs. 'WUllam Wood is «ulto poorly
while the men are doing tbelr plant-.
’“ura. Robbins viiUeff^ k|r. aad Mrs.
Henry iieim tot RnMay. .
The JAdles' Aid wiU meet with Mn.
Egglo Jam fth. AJ] are tovttett.
Paint uves half the labor of boose deaaiag. Panted
wood-wprk to easier to clean thaa a^>ai|ttcd wood^rk. D
Riswh^ such. May SS—Slise CUra
Mt has gone to Fraveamt to
doesn’t colka as ranch dirt. Aod what dirt It decs dofiect eotnet
thik week.
off easier. Paint this year and you’d bate leas work next year.
mlU which baa beeB ottCenMIpatlon'Cared.
n§ Akaraw*»W/««» Famif/ feist in smaU saas raeres the Dr. King's New- Ufe mie «K0 re­
bondred end one demands tot a little paint aboat'tbe bouse..
cw t
lieve conotipatlea proortAiy and wet
Wine of tbe eighth graders of tbe
boweU to baaldr eamfiRiog
Dria qairWy. The gitb can -apjdy it. Can be senbbed.
Kaawick acbool took axa^togtkm at
Colot casds forths
Buttows Bay last waek.
Tbere wUl be a necktie ooeia] at
Kfow^k - dioolbowe
. -............ Ratnrdar
nvMBg. All are cordially tartted.
• • Coreatband

wR fviteb




House Cleaning











Nativa pt i



Marebieneaa ef Oraham Rules» Over
Naartjr MOO flabjspta an lata
af Arran.


Vafoabit CeittrtbatiMi ta Foatf
•apply of tte Paoprt.



; Scottish
What man In the street .hnoifii^
"Be ya agoto' to swear away tte cares anything about tulaacyf
"Ton certainly do look good U ma
marcbtooeas of Ofaham,
perceives tu. tet ns ssy. toe sllotrtoflc. this evening. Eleanor,' said tbe young
wife of..toe eldest son sad beir of
of sulphur ao analogy to . ia with a sigh of aatisUHioo as
IRs old mac'a votoe qanTarad and
-the daks or Montrose,
h was
practical lotcrest to
ink into a wbli
ho deposited hlz box of contecUonury
Lady Mary Hamilton tost the n
Tet these things have mute to do on the table and aank into a divan
"I'm goSn' to
ehloneas toberiled this little n
piled toe old woman with a waarr Brito our daUy bread, and may flgnra corner all with the same motion.
largely in toe Btatameat of some bak­
“Thaak ypu." aald the pretty fllri
Usmllton, whoee only child she smile. “He away himself ers' strike.
with great swoetneaa. For an Instant
waar As sole ownrr of this seagirt end kUled his hnrtter—my baby 1
Thus Prof. KaU of Amsterdam. U her eyes rested upon bim medhaaaw blra do It. and 4'm goto' to teU
ktogdOB. the
idying toe question of what 'teei
the truth and let him be ptmisbad."
and then ahe hurled ter bosh.
ly aad weU over loyal.tnbjecu num­
I coll valency, has been lovestU;:
In vestlgalbearings, flgerea emaalngly
"But Tom e your boy too. Mary—
"Albert," abe aald. "wbo Was tte
bering to all nearly 6.W0, says
" ‘How much do we owe yon, my
your oMeau" perstoted toe old man.
girl with whom you wera walking
Wide World.
lemlcsl remctlono.
fri^r 1 asked, aa be tnnied to go
"WTiat's he ever done toRhow It?"
Tbo island, which Is some nineteen crlrd toe woman fiercely. “He atrack fiYsb bread which most mt-n prize and down Mltelgau avenne Satniflay aftmiles long aad ten sod a half broad, mi—yet. struck me srito his own the stole bresd white only some dys-. ernooB—tbe afternoon yon tetspdioDed
"He beeittted. tbnfled Us feet end
with an tmea of a hundred and sixty- hand; not once, but iweoty Utnes. pepUcs tolerate ore simply modlOcs- that we cooldn't go to the matinee
after all. beepuse you had to workP
eight squsre uUi-s. has bad a ro- Aye. snd he struck you loo. NaL 1 tlons of tbe same sobstance.
"'Welt, partner, I don't want ter
"Who—me?" aald the yoo« wn
nwtiifo bUtory. Along tbs dlffs of seen him do It more'n ones. VVTiat parable with tbe
be too bard on you nna. betn' .ea
tbe south coast there are aernwl comfort has he ever been to us? medlfications of snlpbor. But what In rather succato tone*, altttag upyou’re sorter np 'gainst It HoWd «•
riebt with graat suddennsua. An exlarge caserns, one tvtog known
What pride have wp In him. wbat canaes toe change? Nothing but toe presslDu of almost aarprise bagan fo
teeo atrlfce yo«r
Ibe king's cave. Hera Robert to# hope for hla future? No. no. NaL we teange of tetnperaiura. if bread Is
"kd wUaUed.
show OP bis face.
Drnce Is aald to have hidden himself toigbt as well give np and eall our
at a high temperatnra tt remains
-Lend o' Goabenl* te
"Did yon think 1 was referring to
tor some time, while it wu from Brod­ lives a failure. He's teen a bad boy.
Or If it U 1
•We better etayed out In toe woods!
or tte president of
ick bio' tliat Bruce ulli-d to Car- and he's a bad man. and be's killed reduced to a very low temperature
“I'd dickered with fellows before
Mexico?" she Inquired, crusbtngty.
rick on hit ezik-duion for the
his own brother, nd I won’t do any­ and U kept there, toe chemical ebangend I msde np my mind to use a lit­
-Who,- IWBZB tte yopng znan with
covery of the crown. There tr<- many thin' to save him."
ps are so slow and slight as
tle diplomacy.
gn-nt indignation, "told yon sock a
interestlog ruins, too. cute as Loch­
-Rut be.was In ticker wbte be did negligible.
" tee here, friend.* I eald. *we ere
ridiculous story? 1 don't want to r»
ranza castle, one* toe roeld.-Dce of K." feuded the old man. "Too know
Il is
1 In Holland
end we bare only e
th^ Scou ktoga.-' Thcd then arc too Tom was not vary bad except when
utilize toU dlseoven- Ibroogb
money to get
cairns. slSD^iag stonea, and stoi
he was in llckrr. And be wasn't him- establishment of Urge storage -w
I be fair:
who don't trouble to be sura of Men•else. A few yaars a^ sevsral
il atone •eir when he did It. Aad he tc«U as
either hot or cold, la which re­ tlBcattons—~
coffins werefoundin ax*lrn'2UU foot sorry as anybody for It
serves of bread shall be accuffluUu-d
you're done for
"I've known you two yaars." broke
to clrcomfereuce. Broderick caatlu, toegalluwe! .Ah! Mary..not the gal- and kept perpetually fresh, for uss
doi^'t you think now—ea between i
toe pretiy glri "and I'm foleraMy
Ue owner's Tealdeace, is oq the site
as a gen­
and be slipped from bis choir
end men-toet 116 u jut e U
of an old and historic attocture. but onto his koees and sobbed before tter. eral strike of Laker* or a temporary sure of my own eyes, Albert!"
steep? Come. now. let's be fair.'
"Ob. then you saw me!"
It has been rebuilt within recent
"Wbsrs’s Pelerr demanded tte scarcity of supplies of grain. There
The Bken looked from Ed to me. u sence of tor town life. The twain had
kingly, lie put
mutually fallen in love. Iltt-raUy at first times to Scotch bsnw style- Situ­
Oman, drawing back her -si. rts. ooold scarcely be a better Ulustratlon np a protesting band as she opened
If puulad
ated upon the northwest ahore
her lio
drirlng at; and then took off bla bat alght their courtship thus far had Brodick -bay. lu postUon la an excep- which the man attempted to el-ng of the raUtioatelp between som
and scratched his
“dcnTbe hasty! U you will stop to
tng. she lender and receptive. Doth iloually Soeone. In J602, when cruis­ who never did a wrung to acybody,
and tbe moat famtlUr needs ol tbink. you'll remember that tire* bare
toe rain.
ing Id these waters. King fidwanl paid and who- always was bullied and
yday lUc.—New York Tribune.
7 gueu yon mosta mistook me.' proud of too otter.
been ruined on all aides of us Just
a vlsll to toe castle.
Tbb was tbclr first quarrel.
iickad -by Tom? 1 won'P save htm, i
said slowly. 7 said
because people have Jumped to coip
16 cents, but
Judged toe tetepboue girl, and Judgeo
tell yon 1 won't."
If btfi too much-'
ciasioss! You're too t
correctly. U gave ber a distinctLsbock
77ic day of the trial came, and the
know, to do anything like that!
prosecuUiig aturncy arose, calm, aod spilt Skirt Reveals Tasesfo of Pearls Jest think—"
enough, ana when I put it in his band when in answer to Charles Dudloy'b
and thanked him. be protested against greeting Fannie Mayme repUed In lc> Colored Girt. Unused to Railroad Gonfidmi. as he addressed the Jury.
7 suppozc that's all true." admitted
and toe Lika for the Ultra
Travel. Thought Accident MoraHere was an easy ease, and II prom­
toe mnnlfleenee of tbe
“Well. Mr. flmytoe.'
ised to te brief. He wobld get a
ly the Regular Mode.
was she. J
There was evident a]
qnick.coovictloD and the accompanyThe
young man regarded hdr with
Tte celebrated Udy of Banbnry
tte voice of Charles Dudley aa be roA wTiler relates too foUowtog Incl
Croaa apparently has set the (sfUIoq a beamlfnl exiiresslon of reproach.
di-ot; A few yearn after tbp war be
for some of toe ornaments of Ue He sighed ns be sliook bis head; "I
7—1 beg your pardon for dltturblng bad occasion to riilt illchroond with which wonld reflect great credit upon present time.
cant icU you bow dieappuinied I am."
you. Fannie—" .
bis family, and. living at the ttnio
bis office. The convirtloD was
Hells for use on (ho feel hare QOt
Net All PtairtsArc fluftablc, but There
• iliaa Klrton. if you please." came toe county of I'atricfc. 60 miles from because toe boy's mother was to go
been adopted, but the "Mock " on
May Be a OcnerMS flsleeSB intarmptlon. “
any railroad auiion. very few of the
] the si;ii>d to testify against him.
stocking is being sopefsedcil in Pans
"Yes, exactly. I mean Miss Kirtou darkles In that county bod eve
U bad been a brutal mnrdcr. tooEr—1 called yon up becansc I wanted a railroad train. A nurse waa
■ ho killing of Piter Harter by his
Tbe home wbkb Is without an out­
mate amends for aSythlng I tnsy esaarj- part of toe family- equlpog. l>rotoer Tom. As nearly as could be
The old map atartad allgbtly at side garden aboold by all means hare
invnis. which swing with toe movethe name. rMy aaiae'a Tom. too." a window garden. Trouble la frequent­ bare done or said last night wblcl; and be had secured ttelucrrlces of s round out be had been slabbed with- menu of toe wearer, and >tere seems
te aald, and the} wen aOent a long ly encountered to selecting plants stflt- may have teemed offensive. 1—1 was coal-black specimen about
fifiecTi aut wareing simply because he efpos- to bo DO reason why gdiden beUs
a trifle piqued at your attitude toward
time Then be aald:
should not be introduced. ^
able for toe adverse conditions foond that matter and—end—well, really, '
-Do you know whale the grpatoat
oknal. but was aa-verttable a Topsy Isngutee used to toe old mother.
The attention devoted to footwear la
did not mean to be rude or anyibing as ever "growed."
tbiog la toe world. UiUe glrir
It would be a good thing for the of ccurac toe direct result of the
'IVhal i*r
commuDiiy. moreover, tu get rid of skirt, white U narrower than
The party took the train
little Hgbt are toe most frequent
er answer came to toe aamc chill
Tom Harter. He always bad been a and has to te split to permit «iovefaults. The -first two may be reme- tones.
a broken rail threw tbe \rain of! bud egg. and a menace to all.
died by better veuUUtion and much
-There Is nothing whatever to ex- tbe track. Some of the cars made a ‘a»-abtdlng cltUens.
“Bat I m afraid Tom-a not—Tom spraying. Spread out clothe to proa dlattnctive sbue Is
plain or apologise for. I
revolution down an embankment and .“This case. gonUemen. U fortanaie- looked upon as a necesatiy.
) floor and spray toe plants Mr. Smytbe.
I think the less
plain that It wlU be necessary London Slondaiyi. particularly for eve­
Joat then a Uttle figure appeared frequently.
«t-r.- IcHlged on ilk Incline at an
a|iout our little difference of opinloij anpU- C-! ?r. d.-gn-c.-.. Great honsterna- to detain you but a few momenta. '
from behind an old ap^e tree. It
gartering Is be­
U there Is iDsuncient light planu toe betSsr tbr all CMcemed. 1 beg
wee Tom.
tlon. of course, ensued The men facL 1 toiak one wltnesa will deter­ ing affected teso
mast be chosen which wUl do well In
"Go eway. bad boy.’ ate called. ' toe shade. In dark rooms such you to exedse me, as 1 am very were aborning and the women and mine the entire matter. • Let Mary Parislennce.'
"Vlliy do yoe eend him away?"
dlfflPale pink, bine aad gold eveulnr
planu as toe palms, toe pandanus
Then both receivers dropped witli culiy our party scrambled oat of toe
-O. be wont go." the repUed with rettcbl. toe screw pine and New EngAs toe woman took her sMt In toe shoes

very decided cfaugs.'
wTtneas box an aliOMt ImperccpUble
coach OB toe steep incline of the
Und flat do well. The fan aad dale
This episode baucu-d the telephanc bankment. Finding no bones broken ■but heart-breaking moan came from las and have streamers of broad block
Tbe old man amtled aadly. "Borne palms require least care. Tbe rub­
velvet ribbon, studded with brillUnls,
.-flay, be may go away; be may go ber plant la etfellent. hot Is Inlnred
with the wife or llulc one, the writer, Ibe white lips of toe old man, whose which are crossed over the lascep and
away and never come back—oerer.”
who was surprised at toe plapid. nn- Bide she left. It cangbc ber ear. and wound around the leg of the wearer.
by dust, and abould be washed fra- any human being.
"Then ni have tbe new boy. qneaUy.
e of the nurse, she ttiroed her eyes upon him. At
ling a lattice pattern on a pole
Ths days went by and tbe town
' Uekr ahe cried, and was fanning
Among floweriag platu suluble lor began- to take notice of toe estrauge- who. holding the baby to her arms. she looked, hit drawn face-and terror- groundwork of silk.
to meet bim when toe old
her sight In
“loeWstrtally, Who Wat flter
A west end shoemaker, however,
Abe window garden are toe oUa. cy- raent- U bv-gan to te whispered Ijial looked upon tbe teens as u nothing stricken syeu faded
her bato.
daman. Chinese and English primgives it Ol his opljfloo that the idea
"1 want you to gira me aome- tpees. otalli. geraniums, heliotrope, Charles Dudley and Fannie Mayme
•'Mllly. were yon mute frightened?" the face of her young lover to forty U not likely to And mute favor In he breathed In tones that hinted of a
were seen together no mote. No
tblng.' be aald. ,"1 want yoa to gfre fnefaias and frbcslas.
"No. aah.'' she said. “1 thought II yean ago. She saw him betode bw England. -"We ar* naked for fewer stricken hcarL "Really. I can't 1
but Marlon Eleanor understood
» a spray of
always stopped that way."—Harper's at toe altar on that day of days when Ugkt colflh-d ahoeu." he declared. doughl that la you I bad found the
tng baakcia may be filled with vines
Malale held out toe withered blot- to add to toe altractlveneaa of tte matter at all and abe was mum as the Magazliic.
aU tbe intura was bright pnd all tte ‘En^tsh women have not as a whole one girl who uadexslood me. and
tradiUonal teurte mouse.
aom ate had been crushing in her
sky rose-colored.
very amall feeL so that anything whom 1 could trusL 1 did, 1
Dogs on Menus.
And out of toe mist came tte out- white tends to accentnate the size
"Aad your grandmar be went oa.
The note of black In dinner table lines of the cradle In white ate had U not Rkely to he popular."
hoidJBg ter by hla aids.
to do with IL" petaUled the pretty
decoratlcDS is toe dondnailng note of r^ked ber Ant-born—tte cradle Nat
some question as to hla downheariedgirl "Yon break aa engagement with
tte riebneas and poorness of words neas, Charles Dudley told of bis ea- this season's hospitality la Perlt. One bad built wito bis oa-n tehda.
me In order to keep one with anothat." ate aald
Tben tee beard as In a dream tte
finds In It dainty menus and i
In toe different countries. Japan la
girl and then tp- to make out
-Tluaa." repeated toe old man. and certainly richer to her words than trangement from Fhonie Mayme and cards, with a silbouetie of the fash amug voice to tte proeecutlng altar-,
broke Info the mbst Impassioned pro- lonaiile chow.
^ vioos that
you are tte Injured personl*
te T\«e aad alowly walked away.
England. Just for an example, we
"I’m not injured." tbe young man
Tbe yeara flew by. Again toe Oc- have more than nine words for toe tosUUons of love and despair and self- dog la Jetblack adorning the top. and
"Now. Mra Hariar. tell toe Jury
U has not been drawn before. A
told her. "I’m Jnst dlsUlnaioned. At
tobei nn fclaeed toe
obbo aod reUUonshIp to tbs
word "I." The emperor alone cans
Now It ao happened at the very mo ionable dinner and luncheon t.-iblea In prisoner and tbs vlcUm to tola brutal London clockmaker aald;
yonr lack of irusL you know."
himself “Chin." and aU hU sabjecu
“It U bucause mantelpieces are rare­
desffted. and the sun went down aad calLtoemseives "WataknshL" “WasbL" ment wbea this flood of Charles Dud-' Farb Just now. Another new Idea muffler, aad In your own words tell ly leveL If a clock meant for a man­
"I want to know wbo that girl waa."
ley's heart's blood broke loose. Marioi
the cesotota micMnstte breathed her "Ore.* -Uoku." "fleaaha:" "1
In table stationery is a menu oard if you saw toe deed eoBBltted and telpiece Is not pUced In on exactly aald toe pretty glri. deddedly. "and
wbat you meant by putting me off
It be­ gaahl." "Ware," “To." etc., according
which showa a delicately bedored stl. Just tew It happened."
It ts sura ‘
came dark aad the karreet
t© go with her: you needu-t teU ma,
bouette top of a couple dancigg
Tnrning tewlldersd eyes on the lawto tbe rircumstaacea. The oecoo
tel.-i*one girl, being u woman herself,
that Mte wo. to. couMn of
shore toe old apple tree.
fowtep, ttep tnrgey
turkey iroL ar
yar. toe court and toe jury, tte wo­
third person changea as mute at__
too head of toe firm and he had asked
On toe night air came toe sound flrwl person. *7.” aad all tte verbs ac­ bad a very clear Idea of a woman's
may hug. New Mens in nan
man gsve her name and address. pie regularly move i
or voices Uugbtng and chatting mer­ cordingly. When I started to learn point of Tl^w aad - she already had are to be noted in i
yon to eecort her to the nOroad sUTben gazing straight at her husband
■ a friendI of
rily; and tram tte shadow of toe did the English, first time. I asked my figured It onL Fannie Mayme would dainty gilt baskets fiUed with miala- throngfa luar-flUed eyes, tee said, alto he. in order to adjust iL

Avemoaiiy your ilStOT W ho ^lad Just CCIDO to towa
tree came the figure ol a taO. fair American tcacber. “Wbat aball 1 call have beoa glad of
torc artificial flower*—rooebods. vio­ perfect dellberaUoa nd empbaslt:
too clock's bandi are move
glri and a man. He was a strong- myself before the emperter He aald ft could come uhout to a manner
lets. May biousoma. or pr
“Tool and Pete ted some words mute that toe n
she would do tte pardoning and tte; In moss, vrtto a card I Mring 1
looking dtM and 'wore tflf c^lege
about some money and Pete got v"«ii Older mad tte clock refnaei era
man would te properly humbled.
"If. yoa take eway ell toe excnsec, yon
cap like OM used to tevlhif bit way.
aod said; "I'll fclU you. you low, Uck.
t from t
"Then what ahall 1 say before my
Instantly abe recognized ber oppor­
iw. there wonMnt be enything |p
They walked atrul^t to tte mlgao- ‘^Huisr
good-fcmotoln' blaggard; that's wbat
"Wetehes and traveling clocks
tunity and with Napoleonic rapidity
neit* and paused.
ni do.' and he struck him with
“Ah, Malale. MsWe!" be cried. sMs4laii Wants but LitO*.
chair ^d drove him back Into the cor­
-‘WTiat shall 1 tey before my man Mo tba converaatlon between Charles
I pent.* to be walking with ter when I
Ing herr band, "don't you—won't yte friends? And before my womda
••Plnas4t. mam." scid * tramp, ner. Tom was tryln' to defend him­
ly to«
Dudley and his friend.
i phoned yon I was worklagWTtt wtU1 mean more than /(hat. 1 know frtSBds?"
•rirould -yon be so kind as to let me! self, and he saw he was goto’ to get lied upon more than the o
When It scu over she cut out the bare a needle and tbreadr
j lag. because my canedeime la clear.
you care for me. I want your lore"
his head broke, ahd there was mur- maatelpleee clock."
friend and aaM sharply to Fknnie
end aU that' Hy (he way—wbat were
, “I'm sorry, so sorryv bet 1 don't
der to Pete's eydA and Tom raaeted
I yona doing
down town? Ton eald orer
lorb you. Dlek." •
toe door. '7 can let yon hav<
out for tte knife that was
"Hb* stmp^. but bow rude
Tbe**'# your number."
rpBone that yoa were gtong to stay
\ thTpl
For a moment tte "new b-ty" stood EngJlsh language.''—Toatalo Marktoo,
"Thankee, mum. Ndw. you'd oblige UbIo and struck at Pete. And It
A man seated to his own prtvato < aL-bome aad practice!"
There was a preliminary aktnalih of me very much If you'd let me have u killed him. And that was tel thera
moUonleaa Then, seeing toe nqires- to tba Atlaotic
carriage pfateed upon a track at the \
AuesUoas and aeswers before Faanle bit of cloth for a patte."
girt looked pink. "TT
slon in her ten, ha tnmad and
was to IL"
end of a railway train would proh-J
Mayme finally dlscovmd that she was
walked slowly away.
"Tea. here Is some." .
During tols testtmony toe prisooer ably te considered a btt of a crank ' she msranred.lK%y, I went by you la
■Fsrte Street Hawfcera.
ccnnected with Chariei Dudley and
, Bob's machtee. He dropped to ri^t
Tbe Ctrl plucked a sprig of migno"Thankee very mute, mum. ... _ and his father had leaped to toeir
•rte FoMsian camelot. or atreet
friend was ouL Than Fannie little dlffereat In color from ay sulL feeh tbe former with amssement de­ nnwadaya.. Yet U was quite m com- ■ after you phoned and toritad me to
nette and stood teraAg tt In bar band. teirktr. U In many respecta a more
Bon oeezirTence within the memory of ^
Bonctblng morad by the atune beach, taflaulous and certainly a more Im- Mayme said:
Purhape.-mum, you could spare picted on hU face, tte Utter with many peOMe etni living. The late
^ •StmwA
"Tott're'^a grant goose to talk that
and she turned tusard it aeuc^y pmJfcBi personage torn his London
le of your hnaband's tod eltobea lean starUng to ku eye*. whIU toe duke of Ifortiand always traveled to ,
sort ef thing Into a tMephone tor half
IcDowinf what,ngna b<te nag to ber
prosecuUng attorney sat back vtth that way between Welbete end Loo- > ^
■e. Tbe latest example of his tbe town to bear. It you have any­ (hat thU pauh w ill match."
‘ tVell. I declare! Tou-ra clever, my
into wide open, so tborougbly par­ don. And to Notes and Qnertea tho ^
. Ill is tte sale of old and raluc"Tomt" she cried, ruumug to tte lem ibare eertificiles to companies thing to eay to ma would It not be Hian.,aijd HI giro you nn old sulL- alyzed that- be never protested
Rev. Blr David Hunte^Blelr tells a foo promtoed 1
tench and kneeling before tte flark thsi^bare been liquidated or gone in­ wtse to come orer and teU It to me. Hera la one."
olxl sroman. te toe end to ter teati- Story of a geaUemoa he knew In his
You know
me like that! Tpn
"Titankee greatly, mum. t see it's n mony.. arose and stepped dbwn from youth who was wont to go tram Loo-1I him!
fo Bhnkruptey. "A fortune for two a«d gosaipy tbeae horrid telephme
. Deceiving
. .
At the sound of bit name tte oM uoBir is toeir cry. 'Two aoua toe
little lento, mum. but if you7l kindly tbe wltnen chair.
itai. ta
ta tu urn. tuhloii. I .•!“«** «
“■» u« TO ~
■an raised his eyes aad pinead kda M.*“ But ao tar. toe bonlerardirr is oparstora are anyway, and ttey ^ foraiah me with a aquara opal, nebby
She never looked at toe prisoaerj
that snin>y little Dodds glri nmr
tend on the girt s bend.
flU II out"
but walked atralghl to her husband
man tteUnsd to admire torir enterlalty to make tranUe
te ngrlatowA “my Unia prite than to- let himself be drasra misses an opportunity
and. tend in hand, thay walked from lu tu TOlulr, PUTOTO TOtU --“I TO »i41r TOtatit OU TO
U the can get people by the
• hla
meant by doing it?"
Woman Picks Up a Snake.
tte cMrt room.
a^ "apacnlatloB."BtationoTT to
wi drop^ aratn with
Both racaiwari
-Ibe glri bn^t Into taara. wbatter'
re Isn't anythta«_te explator
Mrs. Druailla Smith, an aged t
•7 am ate that tte eaaa he flU- florknme aad periL
two thuds and while Cbarisa Dudley an.
toMsted1 the
of disappototmeit ec« Joy. tee
j. llrin
pratty glri. a
liring at “
bad toe ex- Maaed," said toe pneaeuUng atforbaoteaed
ecarealy haav; .ntrtngs womaa’s
"And t wlU racommend a atnt^
that toe IflUtog STUI ermine ml^ again
‘Von went" aald the yoog man.
Iftake for an apron string,
woman's nature to every law stnbedn. Marion Eleanor atglMd aad aet- was ao unneriod thpt tee foil aad was desL"H'hy. tt-a aU right I know now."
poiw*iSS toT miik^for m^ea
to hie ^ with greM dl^iltr
tored toto tte eay to a wsUlng tole- tajured.
aald tte «U aaa. recalhag blaaalf grtp arrired.
a (Capyrigbt by Datly fltaCT Pte. CoJ
in Hong Kong end toe surronnding ^
«®tog now-and wbea yon am
fro* tte past„,-,I Iboughi it was my
Observing what ate tbengbt was an
dlstricu had until rocenlly been con*® “Ptoto what you meant by
"Mttbty ^ to aaa you feBowa."
"Now. wouldn't ^t Jar ytai! Clectri* UgM Rsfloetd^
Rule Halsle. -Wteru's TMar
apron, atring on tte flbor. tee picked
troned by toe Jepeaeee products. Chi- ^ «*««« you can send for me!
a uBalatmad cetbuatosttoaUr. abakTo jpiwet tte rays of on elactrlo nose nBnufsctum have,-however.
(Copyright hr Dally fluey Pah. Oa.)
"He's goae-te's goM away,"- aobIt up The -string" had a otod aad
,m Varna* atl mmtmwntf

actlif that ««yl
bed tot girl at Ms feet
the light down toe nafon of taiteraeettng
mmy feeling
- and she droned
Btraeta aa maaMled sfoel rafiaetor hag V.V
"Tterq. Uttla girt" te said taklag
aukc. white
to wriggla.
of White tte japueae profl-'
mBmured tte ycoag man a
teen iaveoted, coMlatlag of four aeml- net haa been «^«i»v drivea out at Mtonte later as he hastened down tte
tte BlgBooatta from ter band “ham
. parateiat. Joined with thalr amaHte tte mazteU'Of r*«»*TO» aad tte
back, bim cams back."
*tope. That
a narrow am
eonld. all right tf Tot'd Uaa Is fl glato ur«.the markourof canton ud tte Mlgh. ^.ta_chl^
fCspyrtsm by PeUy PUty Pub. OaJ
MtBod to dra» » trmrmBpe at p*delieoey from the tkdlag
Mttc •prawllnc 0T«r tbe wwt wkU.
It vu w (bouffa the dolntr flower
ted kei
! voolttc. Uid
MW opeslbx her been la .all iU pari­
ty to brr depaitbiK torer; It wu Ute
a farewell klM; H- waa ^ a eacMd
■caofTAa old man. ta wboaa daA. qatet
«r* »waa a ahada of kladly laeUachoir.
alowly «p ib« atreet.
caatlnc a ctaaee from ttiae to time.
abMt the old4abk>ned bouaea aa
ItkAidh la arartA of tamlltar aigaa
rWten be reached the enuablloc pD,lar at the cad of the eld waU
ipaaaad and breathed deeply the rare
^partaoe of the Ceding flower about
Ihlat, aU the wlte with hla auff
•ptaated flrmly cC the flagatona
little girl, acaree taUef than »
walklBc atl^ and aa dainty aa tbe
flower itodf, waa ataadlng by
wall, iihwklag a wltbered bloeaom
MW and ibea aad toeatag It aatde.
aa ahe UcteMd to the worda of her
Malale.'* te protoated. *yoQ
lea away.**
**Ihe new ^oy^ atroag- He gare
aa apple.* ate aald. and walked
Tbe tittle diap'a fa» waa of aerteta mold. wUb a beery brown lock
of bale banging.orer Ua forehead,
sad be aiade a doalot llgare In bU
teort lackel and MueArouaera reach­
ing ]uat to the to^ of hU float
teCkle-ahoee. He aald no moi
thniat hla haada Into hla pocketa
aad tnraed alowly to the boeae.
**1101010.'- called the old an.*
She came oulckly toward him and
oat down oc the atone bench-by hla
“How did yon know ay aaaer
ate naked.
"Maliie-a a „pretty name." te aald.
-My graadma'a naae waa Malale.
Bow did you •kaowT-1 board the boy aay it"
**Tbe boy*e naoe'a Torn — Tom
Mtdgley Mannlog.
Wbata your

Telling tnrtber of toe 1
trip made by blmeelf end Bd WlUon
thitwfb toe wOdf of Arkanaas, an
alluBlon to which appeared In tbU
eotemn Batnrday, aaya toe Kappae
City Tlmei, Harry Robey relatee in
tbe Macoa TI»nc••Demoelat.^ tbe fol­
lowing story. In whito a heri^bad gone sU or aereta mflea «et of

Arran, an 1

Many Indeed are tte sins of toe
telephone girl—and rightly eo. And
gmieral Indeed la toe recognition of
toeae etna by the public: But perhaps
telephone girit are aggrarated beyond
tbe lot o< otosr mottaM. aad toeir
good aeu are not always recognised'
as are those which deatiuy the peace
of mind of toe '
For iostance, if Usrlon ^eaner
Dodds, an operator at ten per week,
bad not bees full of charity and loro
for human Mnd. at least one ease of
true lore would bare miscarried and
at least two hearts would hare gone
over tte falls.
It bocame tbe duty of Marios Eleanor one day to conooct Charles Dudley
Smytbe aad Fannie MaynW Klrtoo oa
her witua. Ffom the lint Intonstloe
of Fannie MeymCa voice as ebe -answerod Charles DaBley'a Inquiry as
to her health toe operator realtied
was wrong. Tbe brlit
coDTeraatlon which it was her aad
privilege to hear confirmed her first
reaUsatlon. Charles Dudley
apology and reconcUiatton: Fannie:
Mayme was'all coldness and reaorre.
' “How meant* thought Marion Elea
Bor to teruelt.
Now tbe Alatlons of Charles Dudley
fltnytoe and Pannie Mayme Ktrton
were town gossip—more than




r."7^.r7i7T rr.~ * **y- ^ “ Wtlte wuung t© leU yo«


. i




' beitmiCK mB t«t Of qukkncM and tacmwy,
The last SuBshlae aame -for oar
play time this week Is called “ of
Mutton." Tbit Is a game of forfeitt.

♦The pUyers alt around a table, and

Rulet and ReoHlatlona of tha ;.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
'heir flata one u|K>n the other:
♦ Mi^S Y^^na Vika Zrilna 1 d«vor to loin hand* belore they are '*>•"
Jowerntost il.t is withdrawn

The roll waa Macaod. and the mothc*-.-hitherto a aby chsatore. became familiar In her deraottettatlons of gratltude. She followed the rescuer around.
rubbing her nose against him. saying
by thh act. almoit at dlnlnctly as If
she .Iiad uttered the words: "Thank
you. good master-thank yon:"

cr cTcnlng. That was a last year-* almanac. Tr)'a«aln a year Ifoni today."
Charlie was BreaUy cbarrlned.
There were bugs on bit cucumbers
that year, but not ao many as there
might have been, and be was eneouraged to believe there was aometbing
In Mr. Perkins' Idea.

way to Kate's stall, covered Jier be^:
and incceeded Ip leadln* b*f out of
the aUble, lust as Mr. Perkina anreared on the scene.
“Ctieaa i'll go on cow and give the
alarm." said Cbarlle. god forgetting, in
hit exeiiemeni. to ask iwrmUslon. he
u,K>n the mare". baCk and.

I will *r« •wear «a warn or ♦
♦ tbiul iiintilnn.

. as far as I
, ♦

"I* »“ 0PP0*>t* »M<*» of «*» I'ne- «"1
must join hands beyond tbe catcher.
The one lagged becomes catcher; bla
partner Joins the.prevlous catcher and
they uke their places as first couple
in the line. The catcher must not _

4 and kind to everybody and to #
♦ ovory living thing.

If I overfall In trying w do ♦
♦ thtoo things. I will Try. tiy ♦
♦ again.'’

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

------Wd Tfu etcr have a relay race?
That Is great fun. You must all stand
I" ‘*® or more lines at one end of
(he ground. The flrst one of each
line, carrying a lUg or handkerchlfrf.

Mr. Red Squirrel.
Mr. Hed Squirrel came home late
evening, and Mra, Re»l Squirrel
know why. • My
wanted t
ho sputtered. 'Td have been
home a long time ago. but just as I
came to the foot of our tree there was
oW >frs. Hen squatting among the

ramd again. Charlie borrowed his faelock. The clock »a.i
faithful, and at the proper time summoded him to bis taaii.
Cbarlle wgs aleepy. and he hardly
knew how he got himself dressed and
out Into the garden; but once there
ho went td planting with such energy
covered nearly
the whole garden with hU cucumber
) Kurvoy
hi. work,_ ...
Pausing n...........
... .. ....____
„|«prv«i that the cucimbera were

*lont the street, rousing tbe
«ltb bta cry: "Plre; Plrel Mr. Perkins Uon file?"
" In a surprisingly short «me a crowd
*>*'• assembled, iocludlhg volunteer
firemen with an ancient engine. Although tbe suble and ouibujldlngs
burned to tbe ground, the house,
•'«* »'ed. And this fact, together
»»b tbe re^te of bls-mare. and the
comfort that an .insurance policy can
^ord. caused Mr. Perkins to look op.. «!..

Omantaed Oecomber a. ItW.
Rroaidem-Mtaa Clhta Sotos.
Pieat Vico Prooidont-Mra. Mabol
g#^ Vioa’Proaidem-Mf*. iruita

ground, touches the fence or wall with
‘be flag, and runs hack, handing the
«*g to number two. and iwasing to the
rear ,or the line. Nu«uber*two surf
inimt^dlaiely. and u|«n


each band being withdrawn as quickly
as possible. The player who has callluyt endeavor to catch one
of hla cot
IS hj’ the hana.xMVlng.
This tei
le mj Jeg of «n«»on. lUmfal^
h«. p,j.g
ne paja a lorieit, ii^ne
the grass about her. I tried to exwho Is caught.
plain courteously, but she la not like
yo„ do one of three things?" . ■ ja,
then el -e. him lu-n
wouldn t listen to
She thought I bad come to

f“f-•«"* ™"’ ‘be cried; and ahe look- ,nd almost at the same Instant hugs
began to aPiK^ar. On'they came. thou.
‘bum. ana
and suen
such wicked lookPif« Vir^
lakn vitiT
MU/.>. u«- - ,o„
sauna of
oi incm.
<n> wm
were .11
all n.iM
Ui.lfed ,1..
up. raid.-.
I dldn t k.0.
Meanwime. lb.
the ,l.»
| ,bought T'would write yon a few **’*“V°
-------- ■
” '
■ ■■

I..L ..a n»rll, ...
noilce<t that they bad <-ome Up In such
hardly like to climb up ,
,, ,<> ,,.,11 ^ p.t,en, of vivid
t to Join the ,hHr tree, us our families
green, the wonla. "llairted June first
glad to lie a iKH.|,.on siieaklng terms since the ip.forc Sunilae
SunaWner. When I first Joined I did (|g|,t last Febntaiy . Uiit while I was
The hugs no iloubi
S' this, loo, (or
I know whether I conld be a But
muster op courage
arale the garden wall! It'almost
*|,er I wrote ^e other ,0 make one dash
dash for
for home,
home, risklug
Cliatlie sick
sick to
to look
look al
at ih.-m.
finally '‘C
he shut his eye.
eyes on
' v’
*"» *''' »*«•»'
Ceorge f>nner^ (leon Newell. Mollle
lellef 1 heard .Mrs. Men railing

“rr ,r.r.;: i-

OW ^In- ‘he rsc.
' ,
. Those at the bead of the line wbiist
..Number of membM belonging'May turn It is to nip nett must stand with
Number of hamaa on
Roll M.; 1. IthS, a.l2t.

** ***
*''• "®‘‘“* *>"**• f*®-•®'f“ o"- to «l“e- Aa
*®*" “ *he nfiith flat la placed cm the

The) cannot adiauce to nH-.-i the retha Cradle tumlnfi racei
If tbe lU. U drontwd the one dro^
If tbe flag U .droniwd the one drop-

with wblib their owoora
,o i-i,„


* *

l«T Of cbll
altould stand np. and
their wav,, of making them do this are
rartoua I onee found mv ownti.ri,
^ "er n .
T . i r
*«oken off.close to the ""kle. because, ahe eiidaloed. j»sts
that stood u|, bad.feet like that, and
she ibougbi the doll would sued up.
too: only li-wouMn t
. ,,
c #o^«ea
"“le of wood.
WPler-n.ache and other subsuncea.
s indestructlblcVeputatloo does n t prevent accidenl?, The
hospItaU 1 : (tiled with Indi-Mructl.k.

Twas tram|ia. fast enough, he
"o ever, few are be>on.l the
**• ®'®'’ "®“‘ *'®'
r^l-«irers. These gifted
>®“ *«"•’*”
‘® discover tbe Are.
„ mwenily Uo|*.

leu cose that 1. brought Into the ac
^Priiniber,.. you-know.
"°b. res. Did you ge| them pUnt......................
'So. sir. Coulda't stop to. on gc' int ol the fire"
•Well, that's too badi . You’ll have
‘® *•'*
But here

Jf -»®'“*‘blng
-wn'vtblng to
to ronsole
rousole yon." Mr.



bsWow such skillful ucatmnet thafin
• •^prislngly
surprisingly short time it
It is
Is as
a good

sometimes even st
thgo u was origlnall>. Thp cu
py these doll aurgeuus
border on tbq miraculous,
The boaplut officials told me that

*®®‘‘ ‘
bill from hi. u,* great need now w.'s. lor some
lK>cketl«ok and put it into Cbarfie-.
to find out how to make leas

oa“':^; hT‘ ““ “““
tTe« heo,.ned them again the anh
>®- - I-a arm. for doll, which wouiVS
sunshine poems.
fore continuing the race. An. om not hoping to hear from you.
,h..y came out of the grass-not nearsiieamlng lb through hU chamhave .brought, and It's break If lhd*doll was swung ronnd
touching the terminal wall
Portunata Fairiaa.
No napK-wahslgue-ltolhls nice let- ly «. ,t«.l, ..a their legs, mv dear, ns i.^r wlodoa. and tbe baoda of the 111‘
M-I ‘^ua<f by either one of Its limbs.
hark wd touch it belun- tlolahlng
Some fertnnate (alriea once J knew,
»«e frr. As soon as. the President learns our Uhles-an.l nesil-.! hecnaih her: „e alarm clock werp pointing r<«® »“>
As at preaent made, arm and leg
palace with walla crt,.racc.
Who lived in
the name of the writer cards and but- .nd when I thought It wua quite safe ,.roaehfu1ly at sli; He made no furaccepted the y,,at*
nndar this —» -t
It la well for eaep line
have (
be sent.
I tiptoed om froiu my hidink place. ,her otiemi.i at iilanilna cucumberm "'®“^>“'“f •®‘”® deliberation.; traatment.—Charles C. Johnson.
With a riof so high tbai. by night, the cat>ialn to see that rules an- observed.
Maple City, Mich., May S. I#13. t«-s. Mrs. Hen's eyes were closed. ,j„i season
dcH.lcd to put It by as a nen-egg Wf
' and there shoiiht be an umpire to de Dear President—
quite tlo«e«l. and she was quietly
the capital that be would need tater
TlM Firm Ride.
Came alfilng In Jbrough lu purple < lde which line wins.
U |a raining loda^ My papa and sleeidng. So I JuM gathered my 1lm1,q Charlie iwrfecily wldeawwke- this
•’*“ ®boM-u pursuit of market garDoyc and girls usually like" Morles
bw- '
A game called Jaiianese Tag la Ilk? slater and brother have gone (lahing. (ogeihcr an.l sprang clKin over her. ,j„,p
f,r, garden five minutes
about -first times." the first time
ordinary tag exrcjrt that a player who 1 hafe a bad cold so I had to stay at landing on the bark of,the tree with
the ana might be expected to
grandmother went to a larty when
80 tong were its halla. so va« and ,*
tnusi place nis left hand on home.- 1 have two dlsters and one i-lawa obiafretched; and she Juni|H-d rj„p The time was abort, but he had
engaged In that business.
she was a little girl, the flrat time
grown .........................
many cacnmiwrs -wide.
S '
the si«il toucheil. wlieiher It b«- his brother, Our school is out. .1 will nTTTh a rage as I whlxn-,1 li;.-, but 1! Iireparcd liU hlHs the" night

-. . has
liefoie. and
^ grandfather went to a big city: the
Ton couhi walk a week were you onoe pack, dhow or attWe. and In that |«- he nine years old In June, and am was too late. Amt If .vou ilstea.
’ |>rom. n»t ?v has liever .vet planted
and lie only had to uul In the seed.
^ Drat-dlme ilib^r ib« couctrr:
- .
“siMtoi' doVrCthi' «7l'hni, be
the first lime
was allowed to
You could ride a month t . ..a B|iai, relieved of hla iKwItlon only little coualns to Jain tbe Cradle Boll, scoldltig me down below there fer
pi, band into his jiockpt Surely
go hunting with his father. You re­
clous floors.
when Ite suciireds in tagging sosiK-one Morris Walter lUcbardson, and Ixiuls rhowi-rliig her with little pieces of ,ba, |j,,|p |nr|(,me of seeds ought to
•-----------------------member "first times,*' too—your first
And still not come to ii
farthest else,! Heverjl plaverv mav 1«-•it'" at Kossuth 111, hurdsoti. Send llteir cards liark as I »campcr.-,l tij-the trunk."
u. jiM-ie. IPit It • was not. It must
HoaprtaU far Oolls Only.
Ark. your first
- doora.
one IMne.
tii me. This Is aU. Please ienU me
. *
have ilropiurd out somewhere. Back
It Is an IMereslIng fact that the doll liarty dress, your first birtbda)' cake,
lU-w Is a cable with a funny name. ■ huttofi.
WaighlnB an Elephant.
Into the houa<- he rus'jed. sUnimlng
>>«««"«' »o imisjcunt a member of your first trip on a train or Iwal. TorUroad aialra led up: and •®^ *® “Chinese Chick.-n" This gatre is
Knjin your Sunshln.'.
An Indian writer relates an inter- doora and knocking caairs right and
boapllals day we are going to tell you of tbe
blffbpUywl With gmalltilockK of wood.
Italic Kennedp.
e.Mlng anec'doie couoernlug Bhiijee. left In the eagerness of his ararcli.
alllisown. These are not home-made boy who rode on tbe first train.though
K would Uke wbede days their heights' These
are placetLin one or nfcre rows

,he flrai ruling i.rlnc- of the Mahrat"Have yon (ell In all your iwckeU. hgsidttls. but lOacos where tbe wlence
1 short dUiance a|«t(. The i-lan-rs .South Boardman. illcb.. May II. 1913. las of Hlmlostan, whb Ilv.-<1 alwut the dedrr asked his mother, from her ®I rep**'" h®***" '“‘I sway, just as medwhether he Is firing yet. hut be
nraad ateiw led doan; some far betake turns in hnipiiiig oter tIii-m- to Dear President—
li<>Aiaslog of the sevente<-iith «eiuury. bedroom, when tbe cause of the op- I®** ■“<> aurgiail^denee rules lu hoaliving and well three years ago.
e .•tut ol the line and rciiirn. tiic k- 1 must write you a few words anin Dn one occasion n certain high alficlal loar hud been exjd^ned to her. I’l**** f®*"
i*^*®And he was lust full of stories, but
R*ber« only the bra'te would dare t
g them uj). Hr <1 lilo«-!: it toiih.vd lt> for I have not written In a ling made a 'ow that he wo'ild dlsiilbute Charlie had not. Now. with the iwckEvery large city now has several of the atory he ilked to tell best of all
(he fool, or the oihefYooi jiui down. Ume^ Hut 1 have been so iHorlied In to the iHxir me w.-ig-.u of bis own He- age in his hand, be dashed Into the these inslilutJona. many keeping a ^aa about tbe first train ride, and not
RMintalns to i.Iaah oa the fragrant
'lr®ni>«! In tath- w..rk that 1 have not bad time to pltant In slh.-t moiu-y.,ihe gieai garden, and Just as the orb of day number of experts busy the year onb" his first ride, but tbe first ride

erlng tiuni. the player go.-* to" the write very much. The atnall children diffletilt) tliui at (list presented liielf w-aa jws<piitg above the horizon, he round. Careful compatation by those any boy bad on a trsln. The lio)‘a
* *’
foot of the line. lioMung always on that cannot talk an- Improving. The w'bk the mode- of asiertalning wliat tucked Hie sofsls into the earth.
who know, shows that forty per cent ume was Steiibea. and if be is firing
the aanieloot should be avolde.1.
oldMt one. who la nine years oM. this was: and all the lMtrn«.l and
The cm tinilwra came U|> well, but of dolls are broken wtibln aix weeks
ninety-seven vmiw old. so
, The ground Is divldedshrdlu ulouio mn't say aa much as Uie lliiie girl el.-ver men of the rouri seemed to the hugs made eonipkne havoc with after Hhey leave the retail stores, ao yo„ ^ this all happened a long ttmc
Everytliing Joyooa and gw.-el and
"Gathering .who la five. But he aays more Uian have endeavored In vain to construct ihem.
that t^ need ol the hospitals Is plain,
Stei.hen llvtd In the country. He
bright. ■
j>ower to
“Oli. no. you can’t claim that you Thejint.-ilor of one of these lns«iu- worked all wummer t» a" farm hand.
1 .
Slicks?" The ground
.IbldeLl Into he did. My father stopited tbe Grand > ni!M-?ilne ol surricient
To chanii (hewensex of ea^ null SIS t.
______ .
_____ _______________________________ .1.. a_______ ...____
Hto equal
imrts. ...i,,.
with «a .....II
aiiiall ......I
"goal Travirte
Herald. I mlas the Sunaliiae »<lKh ‘he elei.hant. Al length. It U (otlowe.1 diiecilons."j^d Mr, Perkins. Hons for sick dolls is a curious (dace. 1,^ m thtTfall after the croi«s were
marked off ai the rear of each |«rt. In page the most now. About every «>ld
Sl>aji*e came forward and when Charlie re;«rted the failure of Doll-s In all suites of re|>alr,arc lying harvested he decided to go on a vacaPavements were
I tif green anil
hich six sticks ore |da<ed. I-htch Thursday I come in and lok for the suggested a j.lan which was simple, the exiwrioifnt to.him. "I eald Just about or are ranged stiffly against uon with the money he had earn.-d.
.. browf)
Id r
*'*® retches the enenij'a gtml Herald. IThai waa ihedav the paper nnd. yci Ingcnlnui In the hlgheki de- hclorc sutirlie—not at sunrise, H shelves and walls. Parts of dolls are He pm a Utile bundle of clothes on
And white: some sod
safely may <arr> one stlt k liark to hi" with the fiimshlne page reached us.) Bv®* He caused the unwl.-ldy aniiiul won't do to vary the least Utile mltc everywhere. From one recejiucle eye- ,b« end of a stick, imt the stick over
own goal, and 'may not be caugbl The reason he aiopped It was be- •« *><• conducted Into a fiat bottomed from iiafure's laws. If you want to auc- Iras heads frown, or at laatst they hts shoulder and atanad «ff"on a forty
Some siaooU] at glass, or set with
while earning It back. If «auaht be- causa he aald we took more papers ‘"“ri
having marke.1 on the eeed'"
seem to. Hqadless bodies rest In nn- niile walk from ProvWaoce to Albany,
fore rt-achlng tbe opiaslng ogal. he 'now than he could pay (or. Maybe I
‘he height |o whlrh the water
But Charlie b^n to have bla exi<ected aicu. I saw a beautiful s>*- York, in Albany he had an nnIn a auft mosaic of many t<
muBt reftialn a prisoner in the goal un- will come to Traverse City sometime ‘"caclircl. alter the elephant had weigh- doubts. During the i>e« year be bor- flaxen-haired creature, legless and for- de ,o after be reached that city he
til touched by one of htr own side; this summer If I can gel my bicycle
‘he la“*"r *«» takes out rowed variabs books ol^ an agricul- lorn, of whom her nurse said her III- pad a warm welcome and he was
"What s wonderful plae.-: perhap"
neither may be «-aught while rHiirn- .e**^ 1 will epme to Uke a ium-p at *“'1 Mone* atbstfiuied lu sufficleni tiirat naiure from the village library, tie girl mbther had pulled tbe poor taken to sea evarythlng of Inierefl
yon cry;
This quantity to load tbe boatto the same and although he learned much, and dpU's legs off because she wanted to (gr g whole week. But at the end of
>at if you-re told that It'e you '®*
* y®'"’
pUce'afld see you t
Then wbat
have got my B"®stones were thi-n taken to Indeed iiecame greatly Interested In see If they could be made to grow on g week he thought he ought to return
side while any nf its men a“t- prison- j, Sunday night and I have
and I - •
Are the fortuu.1. c.iHe. wh» walk -™- The game I* won by tbe side chorea all done £nd It It after nine ‘he sinles. and thur. to the amazement gar.lenlag. he found nothing about again.
home again, nnd rtart on hla lotkg
‘cerlaincd ‘h®
the ‘rue
true planting cucumbers before sunrise on
Are tne lonunate lames wno walk
o cioc^. ra i,»ve to write now or I ®f ‘>*®
»'*" «s®®“»ln®ft
6ra1i>ed dolls were i*nlcuUriy nu- wgig oat* more. HU unele wanted
a floora
Tbe princljial of tbe high merous In tbe
taoaplul 1 visited. On»^j)(oi to stay a while longer, h
write until *'®‘Bhi of lUe elri’hanu
June ii
Of Hba beautiful lUbice of
moiher-god uke a ride an tbe first train
/ games that are great dm. "AtHi Kair next Sunday. I am not going 40
dared that the idea was arrant non- while I was watching tha hoaplul bad ever been in America. Tbls train
—Selecke4. I" plsy<-d this way: P&Ven< stand in achoo! now. I have been plowing
work: Clasped light in Iwth the child's g^q engine waa a brand-new Inventwo or mure linea. single ille. plsyers lUioat all spring. Tbk fnilt
...... tree bloaWhen Mr Perkins kcard pt this he ebubby arms was a really beautlfnl tigo and. peoide ••<<* *‘ *ouId eithur
.bout ..o l-i .i.n. Th,
.11 tr>»D b-n.. W. won't
"I Wl »»■ H-o'» ■ '»' "• "■■'aSlng a Sang of Sumitiar.
wax creation, but absolutely bairleaa. mg away or blow up or Jump into a
Ibb... Ibo 1.11 b,,k..rt.vorho..l lo bb.o .orr Wbl' oborMo. W.ll, I
“■ ' aa ver}' wroth.
. Bing a wng of. siimmei,
but they are ao, just the a
For InIt?" he exclaimed. The hair waa in attendance, but in a .mcb before It had gone very far.
the tdayer behind. If the Iwll falls to will have to stop and go to
Sunshine, birds and flowers:
stance, we don't know why If we plant "Well, I'm willing to backmy Ideas. se|>arsle package. The ehlld explained course that made tbe boy more nnxthe g'loumi the one who WIs lo catch '
] am aa ever.
Here and then.- a low-bung cloud
euruntbers Just before sunrise on tbe You go ahead. Chariie. andplant Just to me that ibli.waa the lady of her (ggg ibm ever to ride on It. The
It mu« pick It up adil return to hi*
Albert Pankop.
Fllled with roofing showers.
fl®** «•■>' ®f •*"“«
* “•'I' •“<*. * B
’® *1'® >®“ A®'**' •>»“*«. *•“«
*>'^‘11® child— whole xute of New York went wild
jMMliion in the line, before throwli
Meadows, while with clover.
niwaya enjoy your letters. Aioeri.
aplece'tor every hug that had incautiously left her doll In the
that train. People Ulked of «tThe last one in the Ibfe runs to tho and wish you could come and
lUUtIde. roadside, too.
IJitle Charlie Brown had hitherto you ran find on the vines. You ask same room with her puppy while she tie else, and Its fame weift all over
front with the ball, takes his ids'-e ut '
Carpeted w-ph fresh green graat.
lUildSio attention lo a dlaetissioo be- .Mr. flrhoolmatter what be thinks of went out with her mother, and when the coantry. But no one waa more
the head of Ihe'lltie. and Itoglus over
IJitleriiild. for you.
tw'oen Ill's father and the neighbor who
(hat offer."
she came back, alas! tbe doll was baiqi)' or more excited than Stephen,
again. The line win* w-huae leader
hail “drojMie.1 In" (oFthe evontng. out
cnarpei cruelly
cruelty bald,
oain. and
aao its
iis hair
nair aeattered
miereu He
ne hung
bung about
about the
tne railroad
raiiroau yardi^by
ywnis^oy .
flrat gets barit lo the front.
fling a song of snmmex. '
did catch this
and Interest In the ex'|>erimeat. It aeemfd from one end of the room to the other, jpg pour, faml he learned that a mair
Tbe «<ond ball game 1* c.ll.-d “Clr.
Along ll/pShan^' railroad In hg
„”rm‘hU ^k'
Oui-of4oora all day.
to him that he was aura to win which- “Come In here about two weeks alter p,- the name of David Mathewa bad
Hillside, orchard, meadow. My>
cle Catch Ball." Ko.m a circle with «,mhe™ Indian, there I. a crossing--Aro rou gureatout^^^^^ Mi
Per- ever way it turned. On tbe whole. hU Cbristmas." aald one of the boapital tmllt the engine, and that another
Aix to eight feet l>etwe«« the players, where every morning a big.
siwiUed .^jg,*- peventured to ask
tt*hat a world for play!
Inclinations cow- rather favored the nurses, "and then you will see what man by the name of Jamae Ooold had
Toss the ball in one direction from dog awaits the passing of tbe tsst , ..ggfg,
Moraiags. gold w-fih
I'vo bugs, as Mr. Perkins was a prosperous children really do to doUs."
made the eoacfaee. Stephen-thaight .
Evenlagw. leaned w ith dewT^'___^>oni player to the next.-The Brat play- mall. Ilain or sMna. summer and wintime «nd again
and well able to |iay for a few
Generations ago the curlourlty of this engine and theta oc&^s very
Nlght-lliDe. silvered o’er with ^ra.
" *b® T«"»
»*» •‘®l“ ter. the dog Is on dull', and however
cucumlmrs planted before quarta of them
cblldreo had become traditional. U is wonderfuL but they would look queer
UtUa child, for you.
««•«" ‘"“^•7 •"'> .1‘Tv
ha«.»®v.r g^g^ae. flrat of June, that were as
Chariie was now fourteen year. old. that same -Inspiration which raused . .you now. There ware five coacbea
/ —Mary H. FUaner. o«® “> “>e Hrcle. It te then loosed jet given out. When It whiztes by. a
,j,g, ubleeloih; am] quiiV bevon.l the i«aslbllltv ol John Habberton’s Budge and Toddle ggd there were about eeventy-flve
proniUcuoiisly from one to auoibt-r .no blg-roll
01 |«i>er*
inrowD —
om -*
01 •*—
uic g.,,gg
gig„ggiqg •qm other hill* failure ^J such a simple matter as to pull a watch
to pleoea. be<muse they gg board, governors and senatora and
MtCfflOEN’TS " “• ®>"«>® «>® ®n® 'n
*^o mall cai
car: this the dog seizes amt then ,,,gntgd a little earlier or a lltilo later planilng a few seeds liefore sunrt*e.
wanted to see the wheels go round. A edliort and other great dUaltai^.
■'> ®»®h “- II h® is succeuful
off with It at once toward the
^elng fairly eaten'np."
Such, at least, would hara been hU good many children are ailU prone 10 .ga one little brlght-eyml country W
Buchaiappy lime aa you Sunbeams «hc on- toward whom U was aimed ntue atring of houses a mile
“I don't i<-e why that should be." Imliet aa he rose In tho oariy morning let tbe sawdust lifeblood Bow from the gj fifteen years of age! The t»Ip
are having, nowadays rdaylng In the t*^®* h'* H*®® >•* ri-®
down the Idke. He often has to ato;.
passing bodies of dolls where that proceu In at about eighteen iidlaa aa bour.
of June lit But as he v
beautffnl butdoora. It makes your
"Center Base" Is tiie tblnl ball (or r«t. as the bundle 1* both heavy
^gg.^ _____________
higbodj- ,ioe*. through the kitchen, —____
on hU way
„ to the ________
and that Beamed wonderful tiien.
President long to |dav with you. Ui's game. The pUyers form a ring: one and bulky; but he aland* guard over ,t
g„g g, ,he things that you Ju»t garden, he waa startled by a ruddy
Tho head nurse « ahe big New ,bough now you am fle from Kew
make4M>lleve that ahe can*
Ptajer siamls in the centre, holding Uve jmckage. and woe to the boy who h„.g ,g
^ ^ tact. And ns I was lUht that fla»bed through tbe eastern York dolls' hoaplial where I soui^it In- York to Chicago la tehtaen haws.
What shall w.- do firyiT IMd you the hall. He toc*es it lo aome player, would ieaslimb' try- to make way withuro»n. U’a the tame when
window. “Oh! Oh!" he cried, in dla- formation told me that years of exper- gome of the paaaa^ra were vary
ever try •'Fox and Fhri
This Ik who must catch It. lilace U In the cen- lu Old N’ebDcbadneaiar'a name doM j^gggg„g ,g tackle
tackle the
the nmoon and her may. “Has that old sun got ahead of lenoa bad uught her that the way hi afraid, but the boy, Btaphen enjoyed
the way to play It: Form a circle, the
of the cln-le. and at once ( hsse the not aplwar .upon Pncle Sam'* dlrec- ,doings."
no again?" .
which a child more than.six years old every minute of it. and the trip trom
one chosen ax "fox ' standing In the
who threw 11. The one who threw lory of rural carriers, and be gels no
charlle pared nothing for Ihe moon
Hurrying outdoora. he dlaeovered broke a doll indicated tbe bant of Its Albany to flehenaeudy waa not half
centre, and tbe "farmer'' sundlag out­
Of the oTTcle and trios lo *aUry whaiev.-r, yet none la more
him that his new meth! _. once ....................
.. She
_ . had
. developed
that the fight
was ........................
not the mind.
some rather long enough to anil him. There waa_
ride the circle. The farmer a-ea the return and touch the ball l>eIore being faithful or devotoil to duty than he.
od of getting ahead of the bugs might nuii’a. but came (earn a fire that wai Ingenious thebrlea. The difference be- j big dinner given In honor of tba
fox lo bla vineyard, and asyt. "What tagged.'' If he U tagged he rejoins the
that slgbL Btepbea did
bo worth trying. Tbe first <ff June breaking through the roof ml one of tween girl and hoy minds, as she j
are yon doing In my vjnejardr The rirrleC and tbe other pUyer Ihrowa
Grateful l^raa.
_________ _______
. outbulldlnga. . found
................... Shoukl tbe _..gotathat.hBlh(a.unsledld.»nd
be ________
pretty nepr
now. Charlie took
Mr. _____
It. waa lirteroating.
(ox answers. ‘Stealing grai«e«," Tha the ball. If be U not lagged Imfore
About a mouth
month ago a man who Uvea np an almanac ihat-sraa IIving on the
"Fire:' be shouted inatll.v. rannlng girt try to mni oot what made her doll .t the dinner th* praaldeat of tba .
fariner says. "I'll send m> .log after returalni to the ball he throsi again, at Virginia City. Nera^a. wa* asak- uble and found the data. "Negt Tuaa- at tha top of hla speed. "Pipe:** he aay "papa"
and the (ox aaya. "I don't caifl ' It you have tried all of iboae ran- cned by hi* mare. She came close td day. ’ ha aald to hlmaelf. -HI plant cu- aereamed. under Mr. Perkina' window, to a gentle aqueeze of tba breast, aha he aald that be hoped In time that
if roa da.** Then the fox run* In and ning games you must be tired, so here the house and whinnied. Then ahn cinnbera before sunrise.’ And this he "Wake np! Gel np! You’re all on would ffo after the faeia with a knife, people conld braakfaBt in VtJea. dine
out bMwaee (he children In the . Irele. are two flnht games In shlck you may iws-ed. Crack, crack! her boob went
fire!" on- a line wlthNhe pUce where the « Rocheatar. aqd eat supper with
the farmer following In exactly the sit lUll. 'Tleast. Bird snd Fish" la* a .against the boards of a fence. Tha
kiaetlng Mr. Perkina on WadneaThe fire wma making rapid beadwoy. fifth rib o'lght to be and midway the fralade at Lake Erie. Every one
tame traqk. If caught, the fax goes game 10 quicken the wlu. The play- owner of the animal knew that ahe <iay. Charlie said lo him. ’T planled-en- and had already spread to the sUble. trunk of the doll’* body.
Tbe first langbad. but more -wonderful thlnsa
lo his idace. and another le chosen; era sit around the room, one being In was vep- loielllgeDt. but be did not rumbert yeeterOaiy. lust
hoforo sun- Charlie thought of Kate, the
gray thing a boy would do In a case Uke than that can be done today. Steplten
If not caught, another farmer 1* the centre, cane In band. He points auspecf'thq real trouUe. He tried to rise, the same as you ssM."
mare that was to Mr. Parkins as tbe that, the nurse aald.
»» P"“ t**" hlmaelf—Wa whole name la Stephen
rhooen and tha fox may ha ^ fox the cane at one of Ihe pUyera, saying go to sVeP. but still tbe mare whin“Huh! That waani what I aald!" der apple of bla eye. a^ he raalixad that doU'e head off. Because of theoe smhh Pnbois raid three years nffo: '
"beast.- "hlrd." or/'fish." and than bB- nlad In an api>aallntr manner. •'Some- elarad Hie old geoHaman. “Onght to If ahe waa to be saved, no Ume must things the nurse claimed that the
«ko one really befiev'ed tnreUnk
“lAsl Pair Pass Is the name of an- gloa to count up to ten. t‘aieaa the thing must have happened to her colt." have walled tUI this moraing; flrat of
bo lott. girl’s IpatJnct waa more corrae* than «aau be what It la today, nn nmee
«hw Jolly came. The pUyara atand paraon polntarf at ran give the name ha said, at Ian. And. dratalng. ha Jupc. yon know,"
He ran to the auble door, which the boy's, sad not bsU so videos. It than I thao^t than that I would be
is twos, one behind tbe other. One. of soma animal of the kind required, want out Into the M. Tba mare ran
“Why, yaatorday ww the flrat of fonunataly waa not locked, opened It. appoAra. qjno. that In eight enaoa o« ufllhg aboot my first ride on the fir*
who U cnirber, stands tn front, with ho mnst uke the pUac of the one on on sheed of him. lookt^ back, now June." protasted CharUe. "I Ibokad it anddhaa shut It aflar him aa ha want of len vbara a doU la amaahad. the In- min to Amartcan boys and ^rls whan
bN hark to lhaotbera. and calU. "lAst Ihe floor. Aa no names can be repcoi- and than, to see If be waa (ollowing. np In tha aliiltMC."
- la. to prevent a draft.
Jury con ha traced to a boy.
I wna nhwty fonr years old. nearly a
_A«npla ontr whan tba last two (a tha ad daring the flame, (ha oMttsoner an- and finally aha cama to a "proapaet
•Oaoaa k mtttt bav* bean the ah
Ha fonnd a Mankat haaglng n«r
DoJM loaa their feet IW more often M tmlmT now.“-Plctora Lom


Hflfl nflflfflaB M tha frflfllflfli.M- lmfltoflNMflaifeBflMfl.n^tteU I - -........................


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