Grand Traverse Herald, September 23, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 23, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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UMEir eiRi










Through Cor

Parle. Bept. 20.—Mothera-ln-law had
(By United Press.)
their turn here today when a formal
Sept. 19—The rapid
court ori^r was handed down, as CAREER OP FRICBT A MAZE OP growth of Internatlonsl Intercouree Is CASHIER McHUGil'CHARGEO WITH
usinD funds.
promised, disallowing the elslm
Indlcatod by sutlstics prepared by the
physician for 8700 medical servloaa.
and published
Tbe physician asked 87<i0 from the eadsy. showing the during the present
Ule Of bis mothef-ln-lsw. The court's
yeer no fewer than 135 Interaall
order was that physlclaoe should treat
congresses will have been held. Tbe
motht-ra-in-Isw free of charge.
are distributed as follows
Britain IS. france 12. Holland
Austro-Hungary 9. Switxerland
luly 7. United Slates 6, oUer coun­
Claimed That Moftey Wes Used to
tries 17.
Believed thel He Turned to'Hle Own
Help Friend In Bueinaee end
Use Money Ceileeted fr«m Perishfor Stock Gambling
oners As Empty Envslepes
Wsr* Found.
UoniHM or Ufo.
Cadillac. SepL :
Pkria, Sepl. 2P -Gen. Fills Dlnr.
ot the CadUlac Stgte
who has Just returned here from iltarNew York, 6^. 18.—Sensation fol­
bank, wjs arrested today by Sheriff'
IBr UBlted PreoA.)
rlu, said tqda}' that be had seen Qi>>
lowed sensation today in tbe Inquiry
Cbenlberlaln on a charge of embeiCUcRio, SopL JO.—Bli mooibe of
dirpatcb from Uextoo City In
Inio the enreer of Hans fichmidt. .the
xling bank funds totalling 815.000.
Pnrta newspapers announiing that he
n cost dlnittn RDd • IomEf struRself-confessed slayer of Anna Aumuel- RANDOLPH HARVEY OF KALAMA­
Discovery of tbe shortage was made
had been summoned beck to Mexico
Cio tor «iUtoBc« In t comer bed­
ler. and bis erstwhile friends and
yesterday by Bank Examiners Van'.
City bytGeneral Huerta, bat that this,
room. wiUiout friends or reUdras.
possible accomplice. Dr. Braeet
Camp and Demafe. who were here <
was all he knew- about I'uc mailer.
WRs ODOttCta for Seims Peterson,
regular Inspection trip.
Thus far. be said, he had received
l»-7eor«ld (IrL vIm died esrly todsy
Most sensaUonal of all the day's
McHugh Is alleged to have admit­
order of recall and would remain to He Seye That If District Atternsy developments was tbe report from
from sss ssptarrisdOD.
ted the defalcaUons and aaid he used
T>ie Rtrl esmed |8 sYreek end In
AtebaSenburg. the home town
the money to help g friend In bnsl. Out of Him Dlaappelntfnent
In readiness to start at a momeui’t
note found In her room she bsd Item
Schmidt, that bis friend and constant
neas and in stock gambling.
, '
Will RssulL
Isod her expenditures ss follows
correepondent. Rev. Josef Helm.
Menls. fS.lS: room rent, 82 JO! - csi
am a soldier and am alwavE pre­
Catholic priesL bad ended hie life
(By United Press. 1
fare. 60e; tsuadrr. fl.oo; clothee.-Tc
pared to go anywher-y at any time Ig.
Hoeeebberg yesterday by cutting bU
New York. Sept 20.—Hatting
obedience to my superiors when
toui, 88.M. A -doctor who Attended
throat with a raxor. No reason was
fessed the murder of Anns Aumuetler
the d>ini Riri said 8>e askM her why
ordered." esid General Dlsx. '
gives for the scL
I of Strikers Crowded Inte Region Aaaeeletion Located Next t
Asked It President HuerU wriild and that he planned to slay many
she took Her Ufe. She didn't answer
Discovery was made by tbe police
Calumet Today te Hear Reply
for awhile he said, and then ask^ Holdup Occurred on Lonsly, Road support bis candidacy for rblcl exec­ otbera who would be "better off dead, today of m third flat hlre4_by SebmIdL
of'Dperatora te propesale
jse of illnm or Inrirmities," and
utive of -Mexico. General Diag replied
the doctor, “Did rou erer MVe
The thirty members of the G. A. R.
Nssr Brysci, Ohio—Eantfita
St 2562 Eighth avenue, tdt the evident
of Gevernmem. .
that (Jeneral Huerta would have no that he had also planned coonUrfelt- purpose of concealing himself after
monthe on SO cent dinners?"
and the Relief Corps who atteaded the
Were Using Large Gray
Interest In tbe eieciion beyond seeing Ing. Hans Schmidt, assiatut prtesl of the killing of Anna Aumuller, In two
Car Per Work.
annual reunion of the Soldlece' and
it properly carried out He seemed St. Joseph churrh. astounded officials suit eases left there by the man what
Vainmet. Sept. 19.—Sbot^wn from Ssllon' nasoclation that waa held at
the Tombs today when he Indicated
confident, however, of the- success of
he rented the flat of BepL 5. three amn^b early'today. Private Randolph Bellalre for the last three days hsve
t.SM he might make a fight -against
Toledo. Sept. 18.—After pursuing his candidacy, for .which he declared
days after the killing, were found a Harvey of Company A.. Second Regi­ retnrned home. This was one ot.,th^
workthree daring automobile bandiu sev­
pair of trousers and a vest matching ment of Kalamaxoo, was taken to the Mggeet attended of any . xseetlng' of
day, be protested against formalitii
eral miles. Sheriff Wineland of WII- Ew.,c
tbe coat found lo tbe Bradhuiat ave- mlliury hospital, perhaps fatally laie years. The vinssv entertained
General Dlsx said 'he left his uncle, and delays, and said .he was willing
sll tbe crowd free ot < Large and the
Uams county, was shot twire -fn Use
flaL where the crime 'was <
The bul^t pierced his
former President Pi>r0rk> Dins, si to die at any time.
Sedslla. Ho.. BepL 19.-Tbat
bead,and serionaly wounded In
muted; also a pholograpb of Schmidt right arm and passed Into his body at delegates were auimed to tha vaSchmidt showed a complete change
*8,000 blacksmiths of the Illinois Con­ volver duel with one of tbe trio. The Bisrritx In god health and rigor for
wearing a beard. It has been taken the right side, where surgeons dare ri^ bomea. The food supply was
mtetly donated by tbe farmers In tha>
tra! and Harrtmas lines, who hare man who shot tbe sheriff was cap­
In Germany. A moustache and goatee not attempt to remove It. The shoot­
' been out os « Mtlkc for two ream, tured later by a farmers' poise.- He only thing that troubled.the ex-presl- trict Attorikey Whitman attempted
ing occurred Just before dawn bul tbe
It was anaaimeusly decided to erme
gave ^is name as Robert Duffey of dent eras ificresslng deafness. He said get any thing out of him he "would be in the eult ease.
win ask the rdads to oompromlse.
military men who scoured tbe n^
I Traverae CRy next year.
y by Vice-Preeidem Buffalo. The abooUng of the sheriff his unclg would return to Mexico up against a stone wall."
of the suit cases was an
1tory were unable
The following oSloers were elected:
Boy L. Horn, of the Tlnton. who said followed a dartnk robber}' on a lonely some time after calm hail been re­
embroidery hoop, eoms erothet nee­ find a trace.of the person who did the
•«-*. W. Dun. Traveiae
be Intended to Introdnce resoluAbni road near Dn an. Ohio, early toda>'.
dles and
ShooUng. Strikers gathered 7n Calu- city.
ing that he would not re entdr tbe poto that end to be voted on by blick- Tbtwe young mrn. aril dressed, riding
shin. patheUc erideoca of Anna Auby tbe thousands today, awaiting
Senior ^xAce. Bi
mtcsl arena.
•mltbs all orer the country. Similar in a big gray car. held up an auto
muUer'i thought ol tbar'baby to which the reply of the mine operators to the lieavitL Dellalre.
During his «iay In Europe. General Big Majority Givsn Met
touring lAriy of three men and two
ranoluUons wem presented to the
sV expected soon to give birth. Sev­ proposals of arbitration submitted by
Junior vice •
snder-Mr. Rogten and robfted them of Jewelry ; Felix Dial explained that be had
rentbrn of blackemiths held here
eral arUclea of femltta attire were also John MoffltL representeOve of tbe De­ era, Cenfral Lake.
never recovered from the rigors of his
nnd money.
partment of lAbor.
Chsplaln—Rev. Henry Ore
three months' Iniprltonment in an^unBandits Want Through Detroit.
tBy United Prees.)
Detroit. Sept. IB.—Three nuLo ban-, derground ^1 in the old Hpsnish
Washinron. Sept! 38-The bouse resulted 4n tbe finding of some 200 enGeo. A. Sieerns acted as a
dlls, whom the police believe partici­ priaon in Vera Crux afU-r his unsne- Ibis afternoon passed tbe administra­
velopee marked with amounU from
during tbe entire convention.
pated In the Bryan, Ohio, holdup, ccssful attempt lo foment a revolu­ tion currency bljl. 28< to 91.
whirled through Detroit early lodsy tion In October of last year.
at s terriflr speed, rxrbanging'shots
8l Joseph's and converted to his own Ae R«nlt ef Railroad Wroefc

with local polkemen who were watch'
One ol the Important aecreu ot •
Tbe atatement waa also made
PranedK Ing for them. As far ss eonld be
success in buslnces is to be sble •
that be had robhad a vUIUng clergy­
teemed none Were wounded.
to sdspt one's tbe changee *
Tbe machine wts last seen beading Looks Like an Electric Lighted
which are conatanily taking placo •
suspected of taking 1400 from last
(By United Preae.)
toward ML Clemens. The policei flyer
in tbe Commercial world In time *
Esster's coUectioD. A wallat belong­
Grasse. Franca. Sept 18.—Thirtywas ordered on tbe traU of dhe fugi­
to pro&L instead of loM by tha •
ing to the prlist who had bees rob­ nine persons are reported UUed and
tives but was distanced. Police In alT
Bydner. K. 8. W.. Sept 19.—A
Change. Buslneee today la dita^ •
bed was found In Schmidt's room to- 30 eerloosly injured In a railway
ettire and villages In tbe t-iclniir were ■peclee of fish haring the ahpeennee
ent today than it was a dacBde ■
asked to wetch for tbe bandits.
wrwsk. early today pear .Nice. Four­
of an electrically lighted ferry-boat
ago. and one of tbe factore which ■
teen of tbe dead are aaid to
has been secured in the Orest Au­
have been instnunenlal In the ■
stralian Bight, at a depth of 350
change is tbe extenalon of .the ■
**mall order bi^ineee throughout *
This ciirious flab which has fiftythe country. In many eiUas of tha •
site tbe merelMnu have *
Cents Per Capita te
PINKERTON MEN Be'lIEVC ROB- Feathere Cannqt he Bold in Mminary
side of. its body, which itself shlnee
■ read tbe slgnb of the tlmw aright •.
Ewell RMier PwnE.
like a mirror, has been nsioed
and entered tbe field themselvw *
Tuder. ' It was hauled up by
* and are succeufully ,combating *
Knlamnxoo, geiA 18.—A weMily nsPRobabie Men Belong te Oeng Wbe
trawler ^deavor. and has been plac­
■ tbe eaUlogue bouses in the largu *
t of fire cents each upon the
Tbe Ust legislsuire passed a Uw
Have Robbed Jewelry Bteree In
ciUea. The govmment has msda •
Z.vaW.oOO members of the American Editors PrORi All Ovsr Westsm M^h- ed In the museum here.
providing for the protection and for­
Other Peru of the
thU condition possible by reduc- •
More than llK) other new varieties
PirierBilon of Labor, the funds re­
bidding tbe sale of the idumee and
igan WIJI Ba Hsrs During
tog the parcel post rate and to- •
were obtained, all the specimens inceived to be paid to the Michigan
feathers of the Birds known as the
creasing tbe weight of packagu ■
striking copper mlnere, was tuped la
bshltlng tbeiiSi submarine depths be­
snowy befbn and Anierlean egrfet. In
that can he sent throng the *
ing more or lees lutrUnous.
a resolution passed today by the
tectives from tbe Chicago bureau of order that those who deal In this class
maUi. HiU change has giveo ths •
Michigan Federation of Labor,
of goods and those who have been In
Pinkerton's National agency
The coming conrentlon of tbe West
UtUs feUowB an equal aad even *
drr the proposed
the city assisting the police in their tbe habit of wearing them may know
better tiuotce with tbe large •
1100,1)00 weekly would be aralUble Hichlgas Press club that wUl ooovene
tbe provisions of the new law It Is leeffort to capture the two murderers of
bouu. wHh the leeult that they *
for strike beoeflta. Michigan Fsdeib- In this city Thursday nnd .JVidsy.
for their benefit;
hoslneM that they *
-tlon officers profeanad to Miere that
Section I. Tbe spedw of birds
who were shot deed In the J. J. Thom­
never had before and mt Uw came *
the nsilonsl federstltm w^d order bc^. Tbe detegntes will arrive Thurs­
scienUflcally described as ths egretU
son jewelry store Tbvradsy ntgbL
time are bettering their local *
day a^eraoon and the big program
the assCTsmenL candtdlsslma. commonly known as the Defendh Will be Made en Orountfe
rests which will clear up the Identity
will be that night in tbe council
trade. Country prople have formed •
Thet OffkUl Cennot be Tried
American egreL shsU he abeolBtMy
of the robbers are belog hourly ex­
tbe haMt of d>uytog by mall and •
rooms In the State Bank bufldlsffprotected in tbe staU of Mlchl|an.
for Acta Befere Taklns
cannot ba broken of tbe practle*. *
The greet work of the ooBrenUOn BTONt MABON CARRIED OUT HIB pected.
Oath of Office.
and the kilUng of said birds and the
* eo the ^nly way In which their *
Oharles B. Vaeth. assUUnt superin­
wlU be all day Friday.
purclmse and sale ot tbe plumee or
tendent of tbe Chicago bureau of the feathers of arid birds Is hfsreby tor- (By J<Ad Edwin Ne'rin. United Press
As the Grand Traverw Raglon fair
In DrEer te Ears Innees
In Grand Rapids hidden in this sUte.
wiu be in seulon at that Rme the del­
from Arrest.
SUS CorrespondenL)
en do and adopting tha maU or- *
consullaegates will be enendad the courtesies
SeeUon 2. Any p«aoa violating any
Albany. Sept. 20.—The pbyakal conder Idaa In connection with hjs •
tlon with Superintendent of Police of the provislone of this Act ahaO he diUon of WllUam Sulser. Impeached
of the fair by the officers and viU
(By United Preae.)
baBiDeea. It U bard for aonie mei^
Carr and ‘Chief of DetecUvea
Berne. Sept 18.-D«-laribg that Uw have a chance to see some or the fine
deemed guilty of a rnlsdeemanor, and governor ot New Tork, Is can
chantB to grasp this Idea, bat tba *
Smith, communicated deulla of the on oonvIcUon thereof shnll be pun- great worry today. Ha le probably
EeMred to prerent the arrest of tone- prodnets that this region Is so famons

esu peoMe. two well-known Eldltnn
Uhed by a fine of not lees than ten
>rer 'a complete breekdown than
will have to adopt the nefiera *
bandits named Bandeuo and Gallo, have offered their ears lor tbe pleasordered more detectives here at once. dollar* and not mora -than fifty dol- ever before In bis hw political ca• method, or el^ content them- •
bare written to the Olomale dl Eld- nre of the guests. Tbe followlag wiu Manlse Was Blown te Bita, 0ns They will arrive todey.
laia and the eoeta of proeecntlon. and
Ills physlcisns deny that he U ■ selree wlih what trada -------- "
More than 3S suspecu have been In default of payment thereof aball seriously Hi. but there Is moch wary
e tbe mur­ be girra Thursday night:
Daughter Killed, and Two Berioue
their way through tbe old titan- •
derers of VsTSller Serge, estate agent
Address of Welcome—Mayor Jnotaken in custody since the sfaooUng. be confined In the eounty jaU nnUl among hU frienda BnlserU counsel
ly Hirri—Other* in Adjoin­
nets. There U nothing to be •
to Prince TmbIs. who was round dead G. Straub.
but MU were given their freedom last neb fine end cosu have been paid; feared today the governor vonld come
ing Room Eeeaped.
• gklned 1^ eltUng down and eo» -«
on n toeriy road near CaltaniieRb.
RgapoDse—Hon. Perry F. Powera.
nlghL Four young men from Cham­ provided, that nch
Into tbe Impeat^menl court before the ‘ tfemalng a {dan by which othera •
Bldly. recently.
Serge, who was pferideot of the Press club.
Blccmlngton, 8ep(. 19.—Hoping to paign. Ill, were detained in Kalama- not exceed thirty daya.
end of tbe case and i
Tha only way te •
known to have been in
Address—“Dereloptag WesMi
wipe out bU enUre tunily. Mack soo the greater part of tbe day, whUe
chief figure in bis own trial.
Section S. All praaeraUona under come
Bet bnilDeee 1s by adopUng the •
s large aum of ra^ey. which be had Hlchlgu." D. H. Day. president of Ham. an Inaane stooe mason, loaded the two men taken U custody
this act ehallT be
If be ^ U wlU be against tbe
methods ot sooceesfol heoaea aad •
collected for mnuis. had been robbed. the Wcatem Michigan Development hlmseir-down with dynamite early to- Uha Odgasa early yesterday morning one year, fro^ tha Uma nch oSeoee
proteals ot hU chtef counsel.
fighting them with their own *
The mnrderera. ^Ueir letter added
day and crept Into the room where hli by Deuettves McDonald and Doyle,
There was no eesstoo today, bat his
weapon. Whea this U dOM the
warning -to (cerWi landowners In
Addreae—“Cost AccotaUng.' Fred three deuebUrs lay aleeping
and an armed pogse of thaL. village
auoraeyi ramalned In close eoosuluchanoee an even and the beat
Sirily not to warn the police when W. Gage. Battle Creek, president lighted the-fase. He was blows to were kept in eelle at headqnsrtera
(rfaiBVA—What appearad to be Uon. They have one tadutlcallly
man wins. This U a taw of hud- •
"o&fartnnaie malefactors" ask for Michigan Coet coagreee.
btu; bis dsoghter. Mauds, aged 4. was tinUl iau last nifbL Many other sns- enow that eovered the etreeu ot Be^ left upon which they huae h^ aiu$
BUB that has provu oat tinco •
small pecuniary aid. Bnndezso and
dress-"La*d of Pmlt and Port killed: Blaabetk. aged «. probably ta- pldous chandtera weta rotuided up nay to tbe depth «< two In^ee dtolag that la whether an offldpl cu he
oommerclnUsm began, sad w^ •
CsUo today are stOl at taige although
■ John I. Gibson, secretary of the caHy Injured, and Fannie, aged IS. s» during the day. but aU ancceded In
storm proved te he a ehowar of tried for “high
win bs just u potent to ths f» •
aerenl s«nads'«f
Michigan :
riensly but. HU wSe and two eem satisfying tha pedioe of. their Inno- *«ite buuerfllea. par^Dsed by tha ora" eommitied mior to bls taklng his
tors u It hM bssa to ths pest

bare scoured their usual haunts.
• •••••*eeee«
In an adjoining room were ffnlajured.lcence nnd w«a treed.
Mth of office.
Paris, Sept ::u.~Wben Kins Coo■tantine of Greece, arrives here' to
•MAU. MLARY AND NO PRIKND9 morrow as expected, he won't be met
srith brass bands and a kiss on the
cheek, fo to speak. Paris hadn't bv
an>- means fontoUen today what Con­
stantine told Iterlfn durinR bis recent
Tlslt there. The Greecinn monarch
declared that German Instruction was
rmpoosible for the wonderful success
LEFT ITEMIZED ACCOUNT OP HER of the Greek troops in the Balkan
matter of fart, FVench of­
ficers excluslveir have tancht
Bines Arrival in France. Dial Has
Greeks practically all they knew about
Bsen In Poor Heami.. Dus te
Wx Moiitm OR T«««nty Ctm IMmioro modem tactlce. Therefore the Paris
His Imprisonmsnt In
ToMc Hot Courat*. Li«*d in
grouch on C<
Vara Crus.































Cnmd Trmer$t Hmdd
PttbSilwd TvMter* *ad Ttandva at
: Taiarta citr. Miait»n. tr

OK). O. BATB8, klanajrliic Editor.
W. A. 0IB80K. Editor.

kicb'., oiidar tbe Act of
Ob—Ml U Uarah t. 1S?8.

omaa, m Prwit M. Bath Phanaa tS

lUdai a Martyr

cttura ntAvsut azuiu> amd tuvmt bat Kaou. tuisdat, biptimbis 33, i>i>. 1
plovef. This practice is toUlly for'
eton to the latent of the national roto
KtluitloD and afalnn the tows pf 4he
BUtca..bni op account of the |K>IUIi-at
lonuanc* of the coritoration the practl<-e to allowed, to contioua without
cnyhlng. sreatly to the detriment of
the people and the wclferc of constltoted Kovernnient There to no reason
why punmen should be lminrte<l fiom
cities by coritomlkins and then s«om
in as deputies duriuc strikes, for ilivse
men are tow breakers InKiesil of
peacemakers and their iireHence nlways means bloodshed that to needleia. They are looking for trouble
and if it does not appesr they will
make II. so that they can have a
chance to ahoot somebodv in order
show their employers that they are
making good on thedr Jobs and keep­
ing up their repuutloDi as bad men.
Every strike shoubt be bandied by the
local officers, and If they are not able
to meet Ibe situation then the state
troopa are at their service. Dm what
to the use of having a police system
and state troopa If the m-mpanics af­
fected by a strike are allowed to liu
port professional thugs snd i>lace guns
fir their hands right under the nosee
of both the legal officers and state
troops as well. Regular peace officers
do not seek to kill their fellow men In
limes of riot, and when such an event
hapitens It it generally due to the ac­
tions of the rioters themselves. On
the other hand ataU trooiw neyer klU
except in srtf defenre, wn-h Is sel­
dom neAsaary. but on the other hand
the .profeaslonal gu^n who are su|v
piled to corporations at to much per
bMd are out looking for trouble and
scarcely ever fall 10 produce It during
the progress of a strike. There Is
sommhlng lacking In a system of gov­
ernment that allows men of this stnjw
10 be hired to protect private prop­
erty. ami the lime will come when the
people will demand that industrial dlffmencee between employer.and ein-'
ploye he settled by the recognised guthorilies and that the gunmen he kept
outxif the game entirely. Even' gunvho Is Imported during a strike
sho M be arrested and given a long
Prison «entence and after
amples have been made of liiln class
of undesirables it to aefe to'assume
thst corporations in tronUe will iesrii
to rely upon legal methods to settle
the differences they hsve with their

It to an aaay matter in tbe United
Stataa to make a bero out of a comAoapiaee or even defective Individual
whM a arBiem of peraacutlon to raaortad to by ttioae who are po«lni as
the tepreeenUUves of law and
tice. The Thaw case preaeats an
ample of , this fact that to worthy of
atodjr by all who are (nterected
guMtlou of this uture.' There la lltUe It raythln* in the career of Thaw
to adorira or re*pert, and If he had
been allowed to go the way that
oUMWa have who have committed
crimes like he did be would have been
lo— ainoe fot*otten. bnt the cards of
fata WMC atackad asaliut him by Attoraay JanM «ba was a bosom
friend of Stanford White and took
upon himself, at the expense of the
■ttto of New York, the arork of barratata* Thaw at every turn of the
tow's oonrae. Not beinc able
net his victim after |wo attempts he
aoeeaeded In- setUnc him incarcerated
In Matieawan as a luaaUc and oppos­
ed evarp. eBort with asccess that was
made to ratoaac him by process
law. After many attempts to Kain bU
freedom tbrouth letal methods Thaw
finally took the law lato hU own
bands and escaped from the Instlttiiion
sod made bU way to Canada, where
Jeiwfl followed and «U' but succeed­
ed In having him returned to the
asylnm M aa' gecn^ patienL The
Canadian officials were, howexer. too
sharp .tor Jarome and tamed bis In­
tended victim kww srhen he was not
looking into the state of Vemont.
from where be made hU wtf in rec­
The eours of the city of^ Alj>ena
ord time to the auto of New Hamp­ voted Wednesday on the <juMilon of
shire whm he was again amsted revtslag their city charter and
wKhout a' warrant and held unUI proposition was carried by a majorlty
Jerome coaid MStoi put the la* In mo- of twenty-four vatu. leM than onerre bnls possession.
tion to secyre
In the
ouellfled electors turni-d
due OQurM of time Thaw fell Into the
register their opinbands of the fedemi go^nment',^ „p„n the questtot nt issue. ThU
•tv, b, U
ol Alpm. 1.
b as it shows the Uck of in­
terest people Uke tn the affairs that
it to np to Jerome to prove that Tiiaw directly cosoera them in municipal
is anne and capable of conspiring to aeUvlties. it to however the expereecape from Matteawan. a situation Pace of many-other cities In the suie
which Jerome Is unable to meet upon when like questions have come be­
legal grounds. The.retontless manner fore the t>cople for an expression of
tn which Jerome has toUowod Thaw opinion. At the'last election held In
amacka too much oi persecution to Traverse City for the purpose of elect­
me« the approval of red blooded ing a member of the board of educa­
Americans and the result to that he tion. a body which has the
■ " “
to BOW regarded as a bero without any of fifty-one per cent of the taxes levTbd
of Ibe attribntes of herotom. People in the city within their power, there
In this eonstry *agt to see Justice
hundred and foriy
dene ctm-s criminal, and object cast out of a pbsslble ^ree tbi
when attarners ovemtep the bonnds a condition which U hard Ip believe
of propriety in prosecuting n case, could extol In a progressive city.
nis has been the effect of the Thaw Itoru from other cities In the stole
‘See. which owing to the high bend­ show that bnt a small 'majority of the
ed methods pnrsaed by Jerome hns people turn out
enlisted for Thaw the sympethy of a which vltolly concern them. This to
great majority of the people of the an unhealthy symptom and sboujd be
oouatry In bto behalf, altbongh they remedied by people taking more of an
neither admire him. or oogtdone bit iDteresi In public affairs and turning
actions In the past. Thaw will nltl- out to the polls to register their
matsir regain hto freedom and when votes for or against any tosue that
.. he doet he will have Jerome to tbabk comes up for settlement. The worn
for hto atnte because he overetepped feature pcrbapa.of the slUistion is
the bonnds of propriety and exposed
that the ones wlio abow no Interest
his legal ignorance by bU blind de­ in public qnestiona and stay at home
sire to get even with the man who on elects day are the fint to rai^
alow hto friend There are
their TOieds in protest whenever anyfeatnree pf the ease; one that the thing goes wrong with the boards
people of the United States have to
have IV tkanseons details dished up
to them every day in the newspapers,
elections, but the habit of t
and the other that tbq people of the
against condlHons that the individual
Mate of New York wUl have to pay
who protests euuid have toelped to
the bills Ineurred by Jerome in trying
remedy if he had done hit duty as a
to setUe a persona) score whUe act­
clilxrn when the oec^on offered
ing m a public oncbiJ.
makes him ridiniloua ia the comm
ty where he resides. Conditions
public affairs art Just what the peo­
ple of a dft* make them.-either
An elemast has
eeglect to vote, or else by votlag for
iV couatn and eapfclaUy la the cit■ome inferior candidate because be
iM. which, if not wipad .out by the
happens to belong to Ue same party
stfOBg arm of the tow. wUl prove a
or beoauee the voter faUt to look into
•erioM BMBace to the national web
hto record at aa affictol or cltixen.
fara. ThU eleskeat to oonimsed of
When the tree etatus of things
lbs gBamaa whs are ready to kUl xrlth
investigated in reiatlon to pnbUc af­
or wltkoot provocation, and who on
fairs U can be seen that after
aocoBM of the stealthy
whlsA they do their sKirk.are bard U there U a great deal of merit to the
that has been made at vareaptare «ad eoovlct. The maa who
carriee a »u has no place to the looa times to make It compntooir for
Vaitad SutsB waieaa Iqt be *n officer enrolled voters to attend tke polls oa
of the tow, and Just as long aathe tow eleetioa day. Boch a plaa would wit
aliows a Biaa lo cany a cm tkare only bring out the full vote of Ike
immunity, bat it wonld do atrgy with
w81 ka the cBstomarr aumber of mur.
grant deal of oomplatoipg one now
dsrs BBd taa* Uku ia wbiedi the toBoeMt nffer m ••U as tka oaas ea- hears when aoate elective offtoer. <w
SMsi la ths oonflIcL The gunman to eet of offlrers taU to oome np to the
adard that some critical person has
an easBtr «( hpetoty aad - aboald be
treated as sart dad
la bto own mind, and yet tolled to
neud ou to tkooe who are caaglu to bring to pass hy say effort of hto
Ctiy admiatotratioas will be
s the pBwdloe by othen. Anolfeor Csctor that to 4
mar* affeeUve whm mere Mople bethe aeaauy to the
latsffseted in seleeang good
tor the pototloBB arlthln their

Nefleet sIDsly

rc^grtorofUM to ^e plrt in

NiUtiul Meaiee

1 to ^Hp*toa srttk thsdr •»; sm. aad Bot

tkoB. It wflt ho

Whtn YeU areHoubThd

With cramps, cholera tnorhus, rheuuatlsu or pleurisy. >ou iieert a boitie
OH* it gives relief. It to a powerful
pale-kiner. ttoaes rlieuniaiism. Muralgla. sprains and all Inlemal and ex(ental aches and pains- Price So eta
(>er bottle, bold by all flrugglsto.
noticed that good clttoens go to
potto on election day and after
flriato have been elected they stand
behind them as long as-.they are In
office, providi^ they try to do tbclr
dul.v -and do the beat they rau for the
intarests of the people. The good
citiren seldom eomplaina kbout
flcliiU or condlttODs which he
made jidsHilde. hut goes about in a
sym'emsllc manner to (irocurc better
onm when the. first opportunity of­
fers itself for a'cliange. When clOes
hove more good ctUsens they will poll
larger vote on election day
elect better officials to carry out tbelr
will daring their term'of office.

School Cirdens'“
One of lbs greatest factors In bringig agriculture into piomineiice with
the rising generation to ihruugb the
medium of school ^rdens which have
proved BO successful la the city this
summer. When the children become
intprested in a subject i^y are bound
produce results that oven snrpaaa
those achieved by their elden. and
the beet time to start them on the
right road is while they'are In '
public schools; Ideas ibsl are re­
ceived byailie rblidren of school age.
bound to develop as lime pa
ami as the chief asset of this region
to the soil there cannot be too much
time hevoied by the schools in
plsntlng in the youthful mind a desire
to ruUivaie the ground and bring
forth abundant and suiwrlor croi>s of
garden produce. There are too
good ganteneni at the present time,
but the supply ran be greatly inrreaaed through tite scboole and the

Wf ceviB«Bitr -Who hr* trthtg Tb do
this for ^ sake of keeping up api>earauceu and morlng fB'soeirty. Tba
reeult of this policy 1a thaVeDOner or
later a oraab must come aad^e 'bualoeas mew who bava beeg eair}*lhg
them will lose, wbtoh of coarse means
those who do pay tbelr bftls wiU
have to make up for the loss from this
source This to one o< the evils of
the credit business.* for there to al­
ways a lost of this kind to be reek
oned with which must be prorided for
In the prieee that are charged those
who do the paying and Itve irilhin*
tbelr iBCotnee. -It to well and good for
a family to live well If (hey can i
ford It. hut it to nothing more than
hollow mockery for thoaa who cannot
afford to have lunriea to indulge in
them and run the'rick of going to the
wall aupome future time. The charge
made by the Kngllsb and Americans
Uve loo feat flads proof tn tba «very.
day life of the .people of almost evcommunity, and It to evident that
the eoonomlo coadiUon of tbs natioa
will never be upon a real suble basis
antU Uese to n change in the direoUon of ItviBg as Ue people can parsari- not as they prefer to. or are led
to by extravagancies of tbelr ni

Ts Help ffowea

A 'MesMlM kVbMait
Aiwavfc has a dear coiiiplealoBMany more souien would be bMUlifuI
if they could only gel rid of sallawnes*. pimplea and blotches. These are
symiKouiB Of a torpid
•• liver
and Ike
light remedy for a tjad liver I
HBHRlfK'8 SrtJAR.t'OATEn f
'liiey pul the liver In order. sveeuB
tbe breath and clear the skin of oallowness and bleiiiishes, Besides they
make you feel l-rlglit and cheerful
CIS per box. i<o1d by all


In Michigan and will be'wattbed with
Much lulcrest by those who sre inter­
ested in making belter men out o(
those who have strayed from the path
of rectitude and landed behind prlsoB

Rsbe IbeSalsry
An ambassadorshiii to the courts of
Europe and other countries carries
with it social duties of aa Mpeaslve
nature which cannot be met from tbe
salary that to paid .by the United
States. As a result the positions
only open to rich men. or those whose
private Incomes are sufficient
make up the deficiency between the
salary anj) Ue aeiaal expenses that
are Incurred in upholding tke dignity
of tbe position, t.’nder tJiU system
tbe country has to run a.chance of se­
curing efftcient men tor tbe positions
which really demand the highest type
of cittoenshlp and knowledge of state­
craft. 'So far the nation has been
lucky in Kecuring men who have been
a credit to tbe country, but as a busi
aess proposition the aatories paid
these high Krsde oBictolt are apt tn
keeping with United Blatos business
ethics and custom. In other words It
he to

s for wanting tbe aUte preparing for the fair they have an
to spend god money for uacartaln re-| extra quantity of vniloM vegetables
I. It to evident that there should' that Uiey are now disposing of localbe a tow upon tbe sutute books tbal
would aaabte tbe sute to Uke a more
satisfactory .part in tbe setUement of
Ubor disputoa. Ifke the one la pro­ FARM PRODUCK—Suytng Prices.
gress in the northern part of the aute,
but there aie tew who feel that now
Is tbe proper time to enact suck legto
latlon. U the leiJelature were ron
vened lor the purpoee of. passing a
tow at this time there would be the
danger that always arises from hasty
actlon and the chances would be
bright for tbe peo^ getting a law
that they would be unable to use aftwas enacted. Tbe time lo pro­
vide for emergencies of tbU kind is
before they happen, and not after the
trouble commences. lawmakers should
be wise enough to provide fm- future
contingencies In thU direction and
place within the power of the proper
officials means for brlnglDg labor dis­
putes to a climax before they reach
stage where tbe whole state baa
suffer from the arrogance of one
both of the parties concerned in tbe
controversy. Tbe people of Michigan
would tike to see tbe cx^tper mlne'Oix
e^iors brought up with a qulcJt turn
and made to act like real American
clUxens. but they feel that nothing
would be gained by calling a special
aesAoh of tbe atato aoloBa to provide
a means for doing tbe work'*at this to,
time. If a summary tow were passed
at this Ume it would tend u make Buritwhsak per IW lbs V.V.V.V.VkJS
Prices corraeud arerr day.
yrs of the operators who are re­
garded as trranu by all fair minded
people. It will be up to- the next
leglstoture to provide a proper law
for compelling the partita to strlkea to
Arbitrate, but such a law should
be enacted at a time like this when
practically everybody is prejudiced la,
Horae bldta.........................tlMandup
tbelr feelings and opinions elUier in
one way or another.


............. ••••


Secretary Houston of tbe United
Slates detwrtment of agricuRnre baa
token up the task of aatoting the wo­
men who live on farms to lighten
tbelr hardens, aad as a starter itas
prepared to send out 80,000 letters
the farmers' wives asking for suggesUoas as to how the d«i*«ment can
be of service in ibis dlrerilon. This
wise move, and if carried
worth, for by so doing the standard
tbe right direction will prove of great of efficiency it raised and the results
benefit to tbe women of tbe country are what is expected of a competent
who have to bear the heaviest bur­ man. U an ambassadorship to worth
dens of farm work. Those , who are anything to the United States it is
fanillUr with the duties of farm wo­
worth enougli to be sustained In prop­
men are aware of tbe fact that while
er slyle at the public expense. The
tbe work of tbe farmer slacka up at
people do not wont their highest of­
limes, during off seasons‘and rainy
fices lowered lo the plane of mendlopens in the falL These exhibits weather, there to never any let up to
canry, therefore they will be willing
have the same, e.ffect with the chil­ the work that the women have to do.
to pay what the position demands in
dren that a county fair has with their They work from tbe time they get up
order to be maintained in the proper
IiarenU. U |>ruDKites rivalry In rais­ tn the mornlilg until they go lo bed at
ing cro]>s and Imiwru information nlgbt. and then tbelr duitea are not style fitting a countr/ of the flrri
that will be of resi benefit to all who always flnUhed. Too little 'attention class. A public servant should be paid
•(From Saturday's Re^^-Bigle.)
view the results of the season's work. has been paid to this phase of farm enough to enable Mm to live in they
Very lltUe activity In the market
AH that |<eople know has to l<e learn­ tUe and it to certain that the depart­ manner required by hto position, for Vesierday. - Tbe fannm in this
ed from esiwrieiice and from the ex- ment can be of great eerrice in pro­ he will then 1>e in a position to give ^Inlty are not putting all' farms Into
l>erlenee of others, and the proper posing methods tor lightening the bur­ bto entire time to the work and not potatoes and so have many Unt-s lo
time to begin Iba experience to while dens of farm women thranghout the have to look to aide lines or his pri­ take care of and bring the potatoes
the mind Is devrioplng. (or Impres- country if work is placed upon a sys­ vate fortune to keep Mm kolng while when they have the time in this way
sloDB received In youth are more per­ tematic basis* The country women he Is serving the nallotif It to poor the acUvlty to very small compared
manent than those that come in later are the mainstay of tbe nation and economy to pay meagre salaries to what it used to be when tbe price
help that can be given them that high offlciito. If It cosU giO.OOO for
years. If a child to taught to rotoe
got to tbe 60c mark, aa It haa been
gooil garden croiw the chances, are will lighten their burdens will return a diplomat to maintain himself la a
for the last tew days
that he will l>e inclined lo go farther like bread upon the waters In the fu­ foreign capital there to no economy in
Some of the fiiAet Green Mountain
In the. work and become a farmer. ture. It to strange that Ihto.ldpa has p^Ing him a salary of tIT.SOO. for ev­
grapes were brought into market to­
The more farmers the country* has the not been worked o« by the govern­ erybody knows that be cannot live on
ment before, but by tbe negilgenco of that amount and'the posltkm to oor- day. The quaUty to csoellent and they
better win condlUons be,
reepondtngly cheapened by tbe piac- found a~ready sale. While tbe apMe
classes have to be supported from the the officlali in charge of this
crop is not large this year ao
products of the soil, and as the urban Imponanl factor lo country life the Uce. An ambasaadorsMp to chiefly
population Increase the farmers wlU natioa to the real sufferer. It to to be a position of dlgnlty/and as such tbe those wbo are packing are getting
hsve lo Increase In order to keep the hoped that the women to whom the, incumbent should be remunerated ac­ fairly good prices for the fancy
eqntllbrinm between demand and sup­ letters aw sent will respond tn tbe cordingly.
ply thst to the basis of pros|>e;^ty In proper spirit and forntoh daU that
will be of real value to the depart
(From Monday's Record-Eagle.)
every nqtten.
Saturday was tbe busy day tor the
difflcqliies that be has (o contend with ment in formulating plans that will
The agitation for a special aeaaion tarmen at homekud so there way
the farmer is the beet off of any class prove of real value to the women who
of^tbe legUlatuiv to pass tows for tbe very mile doing in the potato line,
in the country, for he to always suiO
ting rewards.
pdrpose of settling tbe strike la the only sic loads being weighed. The
good living If he to Industrioaa.
copiwr regions haa dwindled down u price sUll remains at Me. Some very
and has a better ebanee to lay up
for the futnie than
a tine point where It to advoealed by fine vegetablee whep sold to the local
in the city who faces expmae at
the farmers aie
The state of Michigan baa inaugu­ o^y a few tabor agiutoi* wbo have stores and as some
every Hint and is unable to
rated a complete schMi system with­
ners qs the farmer esn do to bto line in the prison walls at Jackson, which
of bijainees. The city garden Is capa­ la expected to not only Imprpve the
ble of prodnclng a great deal of food ooaditlona within tbe prison, but to
that to of value to a family during the give the
and the chIMrea ai- work a chance to better make tbeld
ways have a ehaaoe to show wrby araryip ibe world after they have been
they can do In (he line of gardening, released. The work to under the di­
owing lo the fact that their pars^ls rection of tile rnirerslty of Michigan.
are genetaUy ieq busy with other «n. Agricultural college and Ypsllanll Nor­
ties to.give any atteatlon to this line mal, and a full four year high achool
of work. The school garden has oome course will be offered those who have
to stay and it to capable of beeomNig passed the‘eighth grade, while an'el^
a great factor In the lives of the ^tl- mentary course U provided for those
dren who are started in the work
who enter the institution without
an early age.
practically any education. Statistics
show that niae-lentbs of those wtao
sent to prison have been no far­
Multtm tn^ HCCt
ther than the eighth grade in the pub■hoolB. and it to beUeved that by
oonilnulng their education they can be
problems the common people have to made useful members of society,
face is how to make their
has alio been proven tbal one of the
meet tbelr expeadUaret aad leave most potent reaaosis why mes r«any hind of a^oblus after all their
from prison reiura to ways of
bills have been paid. TTnleas economic crime, to that because of tbelr defi­
wndiUona change the people will cient educational eaulpm^t they luive
ibaaMelves have to make a change In
bard time landing any perms:
their aundard of living In order to employment, and during the time they
make ends meek Custom in this are idle they reeume their old hahiu
country has brought abont a oondl- and get into troabU before they have
UoB where people with a small tn- onjoyed tbelr freedom any length of
'come try to live la the same st)*le as; Ume. By educating them while
ththe who have plenty and to spare. Uig their Ume it to beUeved the perIf you are looking for a beaUng
Tue result of this coadiUon to that eontage of those who fli^ their way
stove that wUl bold tre all nl^ and
the majority are eomlitg to live at a -back Xfill be reduced to the minimum
. will kMp your house ntoe aad eram
faster pace than they can stud, with and society will be much
—«ne t^t wlU burs any kind of fuel.
Us result Ust in ■a short Ume Uey by the Tenure. The prtooa«r wUl have
lO' Coil's OriglMl H« Mast. This
are-down and out flnanclBlIy without to pass an examinaUon upon eighth
heating' wonder »U1 burn aoti oaal.
any hope of ever bettering their forl- grade anbjecu before he can enter the
wood, heed oMl. ooke. la taot an)
high achool. and after be has obuined
n to evident that
kind of teel you may wish to wse.
poasible to live at a two tbonsaad hto eighth grade diploma be srlU be
wltlwut diwt. din or smoke, ond with
giren bto choice of complKlog the
dolltf gait upon a tatorr
perfect aatistactlon.
UouMDd, yet there are people la eving op apecUI connea In agricuitei^
We guarantee Oole'e Hot BUat to
Oe You I
llteratnre, commercial or vocgUoaal
bold firs SS hoars with eoft caal and'
Ko matter bow chronic year eoogb work. This educational plan’to
we guarantee It to -May air tight as
• how severe your thnoat or luag ail­
aa i t to paod.
ment is. Dr. King's New Dlswverr
win surely help you; it may save your
life. Btllhnaa Green, of SistoehiU
C<rf. Writes: "Two doctors said 1 had
eoasumprion tod eould Mt live two
years. I used I>r. King's New Dtocovery.and am alive add well,- Tgar
BMMy tofanded it It talU to beasSt
yoB. The best home remedy for
^ha. extida. throat aad Isag trwabtoa.
Price 80c and 11.00 . Guaranteed Iff
all dniggisu of Traversa City. .


JLoed iAark$t»

BfW*s TUs?
SBT «ew «f Catarrh ShaS aMaS Sa'taM bv
BSa'.OstarvhOarw^^.C..ctata.* taeaedwelansd. havekaewa F.J. Chaa-

WaiAue. Cisaaw* Hanna,
WlwiMl* Droasww. T<Jta».C>.
■aSW Ca Mrrb C« > • k taksa lltanially■ ae«ro


Pardee Bssiness Exebuge
state Bank Building.

Traverse aiy. Mleb.
^ Get their lUt of properties
with owner's addresses, or
proposition to sell your
Farm or Buoloeso .
at cost of $25.


b>M Needed

Sdnel IsrrlsM

Tasty Pastry Fl^ur
has been tried and proved by hundreds
of housewives. Take their rerommendtions. Order a sack with your next
groceries. All grocers sell iu

The Hannah
& Lay Co.
sFor Fifty Years



Are only purchased once. Therefore they should be of modern
design, built of most durable
materials and artistically flnlahed. You will find only such
at the works of
Trawee City. Mich,
m Bay 8L
Both Pbonea
ALVIN H. ORUBER. Fwitarwl Director
and Embahner. <11 South Unton BL
Mrs. NeUte Pratt., aealttanL Cits,
pbone 176. We treat you as wa
WWW wish to be

ly WllhMiPnta
ho ‘Saotor' method I eon tomove thoee aching teeth absolntoly
without paih. and without the use of
drags to prince nneoneclouaneea. *
People of nerrons temperament and
wttfe .weak hearu will appreclat* the
*'Kpotar method of pataloM extras

DR. w. o. xnrroN,

•OMM Wilhelm Blodt. with Dr. BeUo• City, y..........
P. M.IA. M.

Bmplro Jet...........



Frank Trude


bum iaan. They diaappeared Into a
Btore arioa* the street and a few aecondt later emerged Id Kent alley on
Crescent atreoL They slackened their
pace Si they crossed tbe street In the
direction of the Dierdorv etgar store
aad then ran again, south on Kent
avenua and through tbe courtbouM al­
ley to Ottawa araane.
criMe committed in center of
waa hurried to ButtarGRAND RAPIDS.
wonh boapUal, and there in a cohei
hut manner told of the boldup. wMch
may alao coat him his life. Townsend
waa at bis work In the rear when tbe
beddnp men entered. HU first knowl­
edge of tbe robbery waa when Thomp­
son and Smith were forced at the
point of a gun Into tbe little room
with him. The other robber searched
I So Sudden That through the trays for the diamonds,
taking a number of them and rifling
Na One Mada.Anempt to Stu
tbe cub drawer. Then the command
Gunmen As They Ruahed *
Through Streets.
open the safe from the ooe
wrho had been woi^tng at the front
Cesnd Rapids. Sopt. 19.—X two end of the store. He turned
Uiouaand doUara reward was oSared Thomson and ordered him' to open
safe. Tbomson'e reply
today for the approhonalon of the two
show of fight, and be tackled the man
boldup men -who enWed
Thompson jewelry, atom last Blgbt who had boen holding the leveled
and murdered two clerks, and faully gun. Smith grabbed the other man,
wounded another and eaeaped with and then Townsend came to the help
SS.ODO inloot. The robbery and abooi- of Thomson. Getting into close quarwlth the two employes, tbe one
Irr took place oa the dty'a main tborrobber pulled Ms gun and opened
ougbfan- while
store. Tbe dead art J. N. Thompaon. fire. ebooUng both Townsend
aaleeman. and Edward Smltb. col­ Thomaon. At tbe same Inatant the
lector. Paul Towoaend. a diamond bullet was fired by the second robber,
setter le in a rriUcal condition today srho aaat a bullet ihrongh the heart of
Smith, with whom be had been grap­
In the hospital.
So sudden and so quickly was tbe pling.
tragedy enacted that but few gave:
chase for tbe men. who dashed out of
PlTTSBllRGH. Pa—A crowd of
tbe store and across the street. Bev- tbouaands (led up tratlc when Wadiswho hurried to the doors Uw Puvoric, an Arrosirong-for-tnayor
were alinoat knocked down by tbe enthusiast, imshed a pea two blocks
murderers, one a heavy aet aad abort with a toothpick because Armstrong
man and tbe other a UII and straight lost In the primaries.



People Aom fat and near are proSting by
The beat bargains of the Fall season are
visitors. Scorn of pleased customers have
age of tfae saving prices that prevail this
own best interests and profit by this
MatcUeuVakt Going
W e«k. yard .................................................

Hosiery and Undtruear


Curuiri Mualin. Fknry sirliHv li
rarta. For Fair Week at. yard

Man's Wool Socks. A inedliim weight caabmere In
Mack and caniel'a hair. A bargain t
Priced for Fair Week at. jNUr........


Vard Wide PaecalM. 8tao<lard qoalKy Pull 3f. Inches
»Me (tood dark paiuma Worth
Fricad for Pair Week at. >ard


7m Big Silk Bargauu
200 yarda of Fancy Figured Foulard Sllka. fornierly tfcc. Good for »al»i« an.l areas
•a. On aale Pair Week at. yard. '
■Sc yard wide Black Taffeta. All pure silk. The
loweat prtce ever quo^ for a 36-lnrh
aUk of equal quality. Think of It. .>ard

' Fair Wetk Sait Bargains
Man'a All Wool Weratcd Suits. Well tailored. Ks
c-elleoi pflUernr In the late sivler ll.i.iM)
value, and the fair Week ptl..- U only,. 7.70
Mm'a WIntv Weight Suita. W.ll made,
uid on Bale at onit..................


i usual Stir kind: si«clal i

Save Money on Shoes
Women's Cun Matal Shoes, huiion
styles.. These ate shoes
onimeud Worth M.&u; our price, pair

' 1.69

i: 00 bUnkei For Pair Week al. |«i
Australian Plaid Blankets. IM pairs of beauilfullv
•Wowl FlnUhed Plaid Blanket.. K/tra welirtii and
»Ue Blankets of this kind sell at t:»o ^ ^5


All Wool PlaM felankcta- f'l'O talue. i
dwlr.............. .................................. ..................





For those leaky rools on your bam. clucken coop,
pig pen. porchee or stables. Don’t delay repairing
them while the weather is so you can do it comfort­
ably as there will be bad weather soon. •
We have in stock several kinds of roofing tHiich
runs in price from 80c to $2.60 per roll with enough
nails and cement to lay it There » enough roofing
in each roll to cover 100 square feet, so it is very
easy to figure out how much you will. need.
Tar Felt is a light roofing which sells by the
pound and 16 iMunds vHl cover 100 square feet of
surface. This will cost you about 60c per square and
by giving it a coat of paint, it Will last three or four
We have the point.
-' We would appredate your Call at the comer of
Front and Cass Street.
.NEW YORK-Reselling through the
window of an "L" car while the train
halted at the Forty-tlxtb street ataUon a thtef snatched Jewelry worth
1100 from the lap of Mias Uufc

brought Ilia record for wild goose
hunting up to 13 by overseeing the
engagements of four efaUdren of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Wildgoose. Nine
others are married.


a of Ladies' Coal
■ta In al
Myles, a icUtli j.rlii‘.l for Pair w,vk I

Premlum* Free.

Tall Styles for Men.

5.89, 9.95. 22.45
D Serges,
e CTolba, «l

OatlDO Ftaanels. Fifty pieces of
the very best Outiniis. Light and
dark patterns. Firm quality. Large
showing of choice patterns. A real
bargain for Fair Week that will send
hundreds of yards into the homes of
Traverse City and surrounding coun­
try. On sale at. yard

8 cts.


Safest Laxattve ter Women.
Nearly every woman nedt a good
^ntlve. lir. Kin
• I New
‘Life Pilli
good because they are prompt,
aafj^ aM do not cause pain. Mrs .M.
O. Dunlap of Ismdill. Tenn.. says; "Dr.
Kings New Ufe I11U hel|>ed h*
troubles greaUy." Gel a box loda’
Rome, Sept. It —For the first
25c. Rccontmrndea by all dru^
since the war with Turkey for the con­ Price.
gists of Travers
quest of Tripoli and Cyrenaica, luly
today gave out the official statement
o,f tu toul losaea in killed and wound­
ed. The number killed In battla U
placed at J.t22: died of dUeaae,
2.Hot: wounded .In Uttle. 1.220: re- Knighto Templar Preparing for FleM
Inmed home on account of Ulnesa.

Tba KlSa’ team slipped one nvf-r on
(he Old Timers at Wm. Murrel'v
abooUag »Uerr last nlgbt. by latung
a one-polnl decision In the mairb
«iii< b was #shoot«ff for ibe (le of
last weok. By taking the couuat tba
Van Gordon outSt annexed two
games, it being agreed that the tie
matHi go to tbe winners MurreirB
learn has now won three aad ioai two. W.»Zl. The gubllcatlOD of the state
kiU? being one match to the good.
ifienc just before the October elec­
tions li exi>ected to ofIsK any dlsaatlafsctlon arouaed by the belief that
Wmaot Ugla.
the government waa keeping back
Itoe M no lo«a tn a hahr-e err. the toUl losses because of npelr re­
a wemaa'a aalla or a BaanUftl saaported enormity.

Benedictine Monk Is in United States to Secure Funds
For Carrying Out the Work.
'By I'aited Preaa.)
Rome Kept 19.—Annoaneement was
Blade today at tba Vatleaa that tbe
Bight Ki-i Abbot Gaaquet..BBpreme
9>cad of tne menasiie order of the
foglUh Itrr.HBclinm, and who la idready IB the I'uUtMl Sutea ^ a
>a* just been lostrvcted with a apedal
mission there t,j Pofu* Pius. 1
boi»d #bt Father fjaaquel will be eble
te secure eomriUuatlont In America
that win tnafie posaiWe the complete
revlaloo of (he l.iMr which the farboMe Church now has under wwj.
The preperibf of a rented text of
the Mble that would stand the teat of
all modem criticism and rn«arrb has
,be«i Me of the greateaf gml.ltlons of
Pope Plea from the moment be wu
aducted pope ten >mr» airo TTie
amount of BMey which ti wa. fore
seen would bo entailed made n impoaaible for his boUiuwa to Mdertake
the work util In igo; and ijbw with -a
K^y part of It completed, ha
luring the necessity of Xarinx
ahsbdon Ft tmleas ghnerous fubscripnon. are forthebming.
Tbe actual work of the rerlslon was
Ihtrusced by Pope Plus la i*07
to the ryrdar at the Benedictines. The
Berk has alaea beta camlad ateadlly


Week price, pair .

Special Showtag oi Ladles’ Suits
and Coala lor Fair Week

Dept Store
Traverse aty* Mich.

Were Baatan by Om Point in Shoot­
ing Ce'ntaeL




Blanket Bargains


Women’s 25c Cathmere Hose. Ribbed top. Some oF
Iheve storkiiijiB allow allsbt fm|>erfec| O_
tiuns. Priced for Fair Week at. |«lr___

for Fair W«iek
Boya' Ooublo Waor Suita We Ktiarantee aaiisfarUen to every purchaser of these' suits.
You can boy due this ut^ek for .............. m.VO


out Fair Week Sale.
here for Fair Week
already taken advant­
week. Gmsult your
trading event.



Owliig to the fa.i tbM the
bulk (if original bIMIral manni
and early

preserved In
they cannot be
taken the work preaentod decided ObaUciea. These wVe taler largely
overcome by haring pbolograpba tak­
en of all apeh manuacripu and thlu
permit tbe moat minute ezarnlutlon
of all exiRllDg test* and early Mbileal
manuarriiits Over ::nh volumea
Including those of
the famova biblical manuscripts In the
MlleeUon of tbe Isle J. P. Morgan,
hare already been forwarded to Rome.
The-next step of noting all the dif.
fereneea in these texti and
them was/to be carried on fayBeaedlcUpe^onks in the monastery
of Ban Callato. just onUlde the walls
of Rome but for tbe moment flnaBCial
dIBIrulUea have fosaed a temporary
■ameat of tb^work. In this
emergency. poA Plus has autborlxed
Fhlber OaaqtielRn hU present trip
Inaitect the Bmadictlu monaateriea
In the railed fltatea. to make u eeapecta) appeal for funds which will
pt-railt Ihe ftnlshlng of the work.
When the new Latin text U complet­
ed It will be the flrat full revlaion
that bM bees nada tinea' Ifitt



Members of Traverse City Commandery No. 41. Knighu Templar, are
holding weekly drills each Thursday
night In preparitlon for their paiili-tPaUon in the big Knights Templar
Field Day to be held at Manistee.
Tuesday.. October Till. Thla event
which is of peculiar aignitiranee to
Western Michigan Masonry will have
rdpreaenuilon of tbe Sir
Knighu from Traverse C«y. Peteskey. nig Rapids. Ludlngtoii.' Muske­
gon. Pentwater and Manistee. Mcnlierr of the local commandery win go
^wn on tho monlng train *nd re­
turn on a special after the ceremonlea
and the Wg reception In the evenini;
The wives of many of the
members will accompany tbexn
special amagemenu are being made
for their enterUinmeoL The field
day consUU of a big '.Lrade. drills i>v
dlSerent cor.imanderiee
perk. Eminent Sir Knight Harrj T.
lereon of Menomli^ Grand Sword
Bearer of the Grand Ci
Michlsin will be the marshall of the
dsy. Jos. V, Mrtstosh, of the local
commando r
been appointod

Visitors to the Grand Traverse Fair
—Ytiull fiml this store fairly '^full t«i tiverflowinR” with emuplele stocki of-new full and win.
ler llll•r<•hunt^i^a•. Gfiiuine. gfood vbIuck that will make it profitable for ,vW to do your fall buy­
ing at Sieinberg’s. For toslance:'



(h.11,,... i)..„ou.i..



—Attractive dreancs for school



girlh; Scrgc.s and other good

Serges, rte.
that were tone black and brown Boueles; fabcics: Kplcndid atylea and
^6..V) to
in one group, ape- i imveltyblavk and white atrijiea. colons; valiicB to $10 in Ihc
rial at 8S.95.
1 dc.. etv._________________ ' .
group at $5.66.
-12',cSTK\'KN"K .\I,L UN'ESrS'llLKACIIED l KAf*II: Fair Week Special.

.vard ................................

—$1.2o and $!.r>0 HANDBAGS in aeal
and imitatiuK'walma; German Sil
—K1M07WS in ercpcK. challiea and flannelcites;
to $2.M values, at $1.95. ^§0
$1.45, $1.15 SBd..



-WOMK.N S -jr^rLISLE HOSE in black, lun
and while, allkIj'i-h.
*6 OjS
the pair................................................................. iefC

20,32and35c0tirtaia8cri]iu, Aibbeai worth t« 25c at 4c,
at. yard.
------ * 15c.
7c, 9c aad ISc yard.
—A aiM'i ial sale of several hun­ —.Satin Taffeta and Mcaaaline
dred yards, affording remark­ Ribbons in a big range of col­
able harcaimi. Choice plain and on* and widths. Prices average
colored border effects: at' 15c from 1-3 to d-2 below regular
-2i. DRE.SS (tfKJDS at 13c; 2-tonc .Whip?onit in gray., blue, brown and re*l;

—Serfientine Crepes in solid
colon, pink, bine old rose. etc.;
also fancy Crepes in a variety
of patterns, imperial at 15c.

—5(I-1XCIJ CLARENDON SflTING.S; a spl^did ^oth for girls’ dresses and* ^00

SlN(’ircl«DCRtn’S ;■ splc
spiendid qilal

—>4 INCH ALL WOOL SERGE; sponged and
shrunk; extra goml .{uality in every
go<Mi fall shade; yard..
—Yard—isids Perctlsa, Pair
w^k ipacial. 9e..
—^v.’ral hundrod yards 3CanChester Penales in a big varieiy of light and dark colors;
regularly IS'l-c yard.

18c Orm BpMiial for Fair
Weak( at 16e yai^

That Steinbergs can
'69c and
do sell good clothes

brown, navy,
^y. 'wine and black;
for Fair W.v*k. yard

—60c to $1 Bilk Hoaa at 27e,

44c, 79c pair.

dW valaea, 60c ________
—Ladiea' Silk Hose in black, —Medium weight cottonVibwhite and Ians at verj- uHuaual bed; ankle lengths, high and
savings. At 27c are oOc hand low noeJis; long and short
sleeves; all aiaa.

Aa Except

I Sweater Coats* ^ to $8.»

—Rope Stitch. Shaker Kn't ami every other weave that's new! Shawl
collars. Byron collafa aad novelty ocllar style*. Every wanted color,
ineladlng Cardlnala. Maroons. Oxfords. Tpbacoo Browns, etc., etc.
Sweaters for all the family et remarkably low price*.

free with our

for less money is being con­
vincingly proven every day.
It's true that we have to
sell. a greater number ofgarments at our special
prices. But every sale is
an ever-working ad for our
”P6rsonel service" Men’s
Department—helps ns to
make new and better sat­
isfied friends every day.

An Interesting Showing of the New Coats, Saits,
Dresses and Waists tor Fall
—COATS at $8.50 I—SUITS at $15 —DRESSES a t
$10. $12.50. $15 $20. $25. and up $6 50. $10. $12.50,
and up to $85.
| to $35.
$15 and op.

—^The last word in style—thoroughly good Shirts and Blouses
fabrics and tailoring—all are combined in our fall show­ Just Unpacked.
ing at prices most attractively low.
for tMr
h namb«
w—----- —. —'
— Ineroaoing I.......
.——— svery ooaooa. And
If* for «ho almpto roasen that thoy moaaurt "VALUE- by the proportion of
qualHy to pricol

Band SUth (1.2S
—l^adlee’ and Mtaaea' new

Babies need a perfect akin covering
cause them not or.D
ring, but hinder ibelr
. ...
iNTMENT can be relied
d upon for rot of aufferll
eniptloDB ha’
le their. II
Table. "Our baby
waa afflicted with breaking out of tbe
akin all over the fae« and aealr
tors and akin apeclalUu fal
help. We tried Dr. Hobson's Bcxema
OIntm t and were overjoyed to
baby . mpletely cured before one bet
was iMd," write* Mrs. Strubler.
buque. Iowa. Alt drngglsU. or
8L Lotus, Mo. FhOsdetphls, Pa.

- -


- - - - - ngor-alripo Effocto.Nov*. . . . . . .

. _

Volonrg, Matolaaoo Votoura. Two-Tonod Huahe*. oic, etc.

of tho oalt oklru a
oqaally big range o

jvoltioo. oic.. ote. Smari Couway Jii^ou.
; clavor draped effoeta. And ta Fall Pranaei, an
lowoat and meat charging fall atylea are ready.

fflk 9drti il $2.5*
—Clever siylae la brown,
nary and black m*«Baliee:
veiT aperial value

SOk SUrb it $2.75
SOk Hwwi at a$5


In choice of navy, cadet and



MairooB '



J.—,Tho W. 0. T. I’,
t CmCAOO—A bkbr wm bora lo
Mm. Rruc* Uerrkk vhllo oho «m Id her* U tnlDC to decide whether.a
• Mb kdId« booM rros b«r buibud'a aantav wif* caufM a tufe to drink
or vbetber a driakiag Bian cauaet a
wonaa to na«.
BRIDOrrON. N. J —Whea bona
MdU tuw of SI MMBmdm ualned
Mr DDd lira. Roacoa Riley tbe rroom
bad tbam all arrested—aliboufb they
war# bU beat frleada

NE:^' YORK—Upon tbe death of
Ura. Gatberln* Keller, who left an
eatate^ valued at Sll.lll. It develot>ed
■he had aaved the amount out of the
tl weekly earnltuta ot her oiece.

PI^ItfROH, Pa.-rharlei \nth>a
nai clesnlns a revolver on tbe Orat
floor HIb wife WB» .lurtln* on the
aecond. The revolver went -oB. the
bullet i>enelratln« tbe celling and kOIed her.

way and from noon until doting time
at night tblnga wlU be moving.
Tbe program for Wodneaday will
be aa follova:
12:00—Stock ^arada oa tba
1:00—Copeland eonpaay la frea
perfonnanM la troat Of
Mia# Tiffin of FHa .Lake, %»aa a
guest at tfio home of Mlsa Clapdla plMIbHfNQ TOUCKM ABE 8EINQ grand atand.
2:00 to n:ao-Horae racea. motorPtMersen for the week end.
r?rie racea. apeclal race aad band
1:00 to CrOO-TopaUnd atiractlona.
band concaru anW apedal attractlona.
EvrniBK, 7:00 i© 9:00—Band coaGOOD RACES SCHEDULED LA^T certa:
7:30-ropeland'free attractlona.
K:00—Midway attractions and danc­
lent/ of IEntertainmeM Has Been
b:2u—Copeland free thowa.
Supplied for Every Day artd
Evening. Big Program Prepared for Wadneaday.

[BOYS’ surre
Standard Qualifies
Marked as below to aose out Quick

$3.00 SUITS $1.95 !!!

3.50 SUITS


4 00 SUITS


4.50 SUITS


5-.00 SUITS


6.00 SUITS


7 00 SUITS




8.50 SUITS

6.45 @

10.00 SUITS


11.00 SUITS








»vp*\!HgFtwC/*»ww ■ iPM

during the f'air ls)eek
Make Jhis %Store t/our
A hw attractive and useful sptcialties to be found in this store
daring Fair Week
lOoot Jfap £knkel 4/.SS


Rest Room
and Free
Ob^k Room


This lylunket is full <lr>ul>l>' bnl kIzc and is apecially ]iriced
for fair week. It is an iill eotton blanket witb the wool Sniih.
Contes in both j;rey and tan.

t/.ZS Skirt for 9Sc
This akirt is the r<|nal of those prieesl mneh hiffh'er and is
a good value. Made of good r|iiality sateen jijid eau he procored iu any desirM shade. For fair week only at 98e.

Children’s Mustin growers
, Splendid values iu ehildreu’a iiiukIIu draweraat lU. 15 aud
2oc. Tucked and yiubruidery ruffles.

of Corsets

During fair week we willI put Ion sale a I (Hid lot of coracta
uimsuntly good
■peeially pri<
prieed at 8Sc to $3.i•IKI.' ’I
valura in thu
thi« lot.

d/ Corded Oeket for 69c
This oomea iu all Ihe popular shades, is 24 inehet wide
and is a veiw' kochI cloth. IJurii^ fair week at Ikle yard.

Top ooteh eomlort
in coats and they are
priced to ailtt^your

Z.000 yards Outing flannel 9c d yard
This outiiiK hanii'-l at 9e yard is eertaiuly uimsual value.
Comes ill. |<itiks, blues and preys.

d/.d9 Stattk^Messaline at 69c a yard


See our splendid line
of new fcUl suits at
prices tantfiog from

$12.50 to

This piece is
inehes wide and a pond value at $1.39 a
yard. During fair week it will hi' sold at 98e yard.

^/w JWc PaScoob at an udracItM prlM

Jifillinery \0pening
You an coidially invUaii to wa thi» newdapart'meat with itt attractive diiplay of new till hate.
(Ready-to-Waar Departineat)

( Kidnsya.
PATTratSON. N. J.—K-hlle Edward
Don't SnBer longer with weak kidneya Ton can get prompt relief by Henklng was putting on his neektto
Ths September term of the circuit .taking Electric Bliters, that wonder­ In one part of his bungalow. hU pat
court for Grand Traverse county will ful remedy praised by women every­ eat 'and dog tousbt m another, opmt
convene oa Monday. September *9 a where. 8UR with a botUe (oday.-yoa an oil store and sot the bouse afira.
win soon feel like a new woman with
1:30 In the afternoon.
There ar ambition to work, without fear of HenUnt was reenmd.
forty-flrr rases on the calendar a l«ln. Mr. John Doling of *San Francisco. writes: Uratltude for the won­
CHICAGO-TWO robbwu . held np
follows: criminal. C: Isi^ue of fact 11
Issue of law. •; chancery. 10: chan­ derful effect of Electric Bitters Joseph Kauffman and after Mareblnc
prompts me to write. It cured my
cery pro confeaee. IS.
wife when all else failed." Good for his clotbre "frog-walked" him. Two
detecUves captured the robbers'and
Criminal Cases.
at Kauffmans requrel 'frog-wnUod"
The People vs Creorge Reset, rape;
George G Covell. Farm C. Gilbert
Ihem to the sUUon.
The Peolde t«. Robdrt A. Anderson,
laiteny from the iwrson; George. G. Covell. Panu C. Gilbert.
The People v» Arthur LaFayette.
cruelty to animals. GeeTge G. Covell,'
Tbe People vs. William Henry Ed­
wards. rape ; George O. Covell.
On# evening ^T^ng AD»
Tbe People ra Andy Oarer, larceny;
Owr* of the Dental Department of the
George O. Covell.
Unireralty ef MinneseU. deood tlis
The People 'v-s. A«a Rlcknrd, larceny
deer of his iron eafa upon oomo popore
from the person: George G- Covell.
bearing the records of years ef r*Iteue of WKt—Jury fcaec*.
aearc^ end went home satisfied that
Tbe Farmers' Handy Wiagon Co. vs.
no harm could co^ to thoo# trenmireaDerld B. Newcomb, nwompslt; Cmof priooloao valuo.
Bine A Connlnd. J. J. Tweddle.
That night Mtliaid Hall bornad.
Thomas J. Waitf vs. Ernest
The Iron safe wraa "a house af cards*
Minor, case: J.'J. Tweddle. Bowen.
In that fire, and Oaan Owre’a papara
Douglass, tonaos and Barbour, Pnm
wore doatreya*.
C. Gilbert.
In tho Cqoitabia fire many **lfw
Henry Hammer and tiMa Hammer
prooT’ eafoo xrent down to rein, and
! Henry Knapp, aasunpalt; Parm C.
wore wipad out wMt ttiMr
Gilbert Fred H. PraU.
Robert H. Evans vs. WilUam, WsrTha aafa daposH vauha in tha mmo
rr. repleiln appeal; Oennlne A Conbwilding wore preof againai tba flarea
nine. Underwood A Umlor.
nil thair
Albert Kynetl va. WHlIam W. Thirlgontants cam# throbgh tmhannad.
by. log lien atUehmeat: J. J. TwedWouMnY it ba worth tha amaH •»
41*. Amu r. Nerllsger.
mml sum which a aofe dapoalt ban
' Wesley Wares vs. Joseph Chase.
W this bank cacta to know nbaoltaly
ireepaU; J. J. Tweddle. Farm C- COthat owtain panoMi affacta of yowre,
bert. /
stared- In tha medorn vnutts of this
CbaHes P- Robens ra. Wylie .Coop­
bank, are abootutoly refs from harm of
erage Co . trespass on the rase: AmO
F. Nerltnger. Farm C. Gilbert
md that nobody but youreoir. or
Isaue ef Fact-Nee Jury,
jeaale Fbnst vs. Richard J. Mer*
POOP preporty mithorixdd rapreoaitt*.
Uva. can ovor hare secaao to thanrf
cer. trespass on the case: Donbara A
Dnabam. AaiU F. KerUnger.
a ire* te' **T **
Lena Barrett ra. Batata of WUltaa
U. WrtgtL dseaaaed. probate appeal;
John W. Patehln. Pnrm C. Ollben.
. .. .nBBdff Cwdwl<dtMdP.».fMB—»y
Frank Sbumsky vs. Agnes Pierre.

DeaniOwre’s Honse ol

d/ Slack MassaUne 69c
'nin is our re^lar
•inality. Uond for waista, dresses and ptilictiaU. Fur fair week ouly at €9c yard.




From ibe Lowest to tbe mgbest Prices

Bk- ,T.—jBe

principal defendant: Fred H. Pratt!

/. J. Twaddle.
Tbe Olfford Electrtc Maanfacturlni; A. U. GRAY GIVCB BOME FlkST
Co, Tt. The Leland light and Power
Co., aaaaniptll; Covell A. Cress. Ab­
bott A AbbotL
Hepea That United Btatee Will Take
laave of Law.
Action and Bring About
Tbe Tribune Co., a corporation vs.
Tbe Western Michigan Development
bureau, a corporation, motion for new
"Numerous and nnsuthentlc reitorla.
trial: Oonnine A Connlna. Farm C.
plenty of press agent work and exagGilbert
.by p^M
Joseph Forton va. The City of Trav- who know llule or nothing of the real
eraa City. Michigan, demurrar; John fWs. have made tbe Mextean sltoaW. Patcbln. Covell & Cross.
tIoD much worbe than it really la to
tbe average United States citizen.*' So
Oenervia Young va. John
J. Twaddle.
~ —--------....says
A. U. Oray.-for (hirty-tive yean
al. foreclosure; Covell A. Croey^ reeident of this county and wbo ti
John J. Tweddle.
at present vialtlng here uoUl It win*
John A. Wood TS. lAVera B. Wood, he possible for him t return to hU
t al. Injunction: John J. Tweddle. home in Vera Crux county. Mertco.
According to Mr. Gray, the sctoal
Covell a Cross.
fighting In Mexico is a small Item.
First .NaUonnI Hank' vs. LaVera B.
Tbe government Itself Is all to the bad
Wood, assumpsit: Curtis D. Alway.
and he believes that It would be n
Biblbltora and laborerH .were busy ..LOCAL FIRM INSTALLING ME-. Cuvell A Crou.
gfwat thing for Mexico If the VnUed
. tbe fair gruundH Monday and TuetSICK WATER WORKS'
CK-orge W. Steward va Traverae
States would step in and take eootrol
duy preparing for tbe blggeat show
City suie Bank, et *1, settling <*»»
of the country. He met and talked
of tbe klpd.that hna ever been held
s|>|«al: Covell A Cms. Parm C.
with Lind, and his opinion' of thM
In Northern Michigan. All of tbe
representative of the* United Sutee la
buUdlnga ar* crowded. Every avail­ Patent Trench Digger la Used fel^PutEdwin H. Pox vs. Annile FOx. set­
ting Down Mains That Saves
not by any means flattering. An elefr
able apace has been takeu and appUtlement of decrete, Amll F. Nertinger,
ttoo win be held next monUi which
cants have been turned away. The
John J. Tweddle.
may help tbe situation aomewhat-bnt
lighting B.vHteni has been iirartlrally
Hendges vs.
lusV hi preeent everything Is la •'
Inatalli'd. Some of the live stock Is
The Traverae City Iron Works baa ll.ndgea. divorce. Amll F. Nertinger hoitelesB muddle and there aeenu t*
already at the grounds and by to­
Fr.-d H. Pratt
graceful way out. At present
morrow nlglii .-v.-ryihitiK will be in
Kiuma K. Dell rs. John A. DeU, setreadlni<as for lli>- rurtaln raising pro­ water works system at Meeic*. This tlemem of decree: Parm C. Gilbert. Mexican money Is worth about on*was awarded In competition with
third ot its face value. K’hen 'Mr.
Gray left that country for the UnlteS
Ther.- will be horse races, Wednea other large concerns and speaks well
William L Denbreck vs. SUrgle M.
day, Thursday and Friday, motorcycle tor the local company. Tbif will mean Denbrock. divorce; Farm C. Gilbert. Sutes. he received only thUty-alz
cenu on the dollar for the enrreney'
racea on W-dneaday and Thursday the entire equipment of the ayatem. (Hilly A Pbrd. John W. Patchtn,
which be exchanged.
and bicycle ra<-»-B for the closing pro­ (.ay lng the water mains, erecting the
Eva R. Gratopp vs. Frederick A.
Aa far u fighting iUelf U oonearngram. Word was received tlOa moru- power building and InsUllIng' the Gratopp. divorce: John W. Patehln.
ed. Mr. Gray sUtes that the countrr
Ibg that a shurpshnoter retJ^entlng plant. The contract price la
Connfne A Connine,
besieged by brigands and buahIs
the Winchester, people would give
free eablbliions in Trent of the grand This firm have just completed a ing, eettletoent iof decree; John W. whackers rather than by the eonniettng armies ot the revolution. WiUUn
aUnd. Band coocerts and special S13.P00 water works system at St. Patehln. Parm C. OUbert.
a mile of hU home, he wltaeased.;
features will fill up the IntermtfBions Louts. Mich. They Installed a water
Chancery Pro Confesse.
works system st Brownsville
soldiers kill a pair of home thieves at
and speetatora will find
Charles F. Thomas vs, Michael W.
one Hue and kill hod wouQd sevonl
both in progi-Am and exhtblU ev­ IH'.OOO, The electric light system
Empire has been
band of fonrteen men wbo bad
ery day of the fair.
Gilbert ''
be^ UklDg advantage of the latMnal
Tbe Copeland company-lyt acrobats for the last six months. This was
Robert H. Evans fPa Sarah Jane
wrin give freu exhtbltiona afternuun done by the local ooncern. They hbve Evans, motion to M aside default: turmoil to do a littia raiding for their
benefit GuertUa 'warefare fa
and evening. hVom all Indleaiions
Parm C^ Gllltert. Lo<\« A Brow n.'
common but actual flfbtiog is rare. Mr.
the midway will be the llvlleat kind pect lo secure ln the very near tutuV.
Fred A. Scharman vs. George Downof an aitraetlan rendezvous. Shows Alt the business of these jobs goeg g. et al. bill to quit title; John W. iCray will return lo Mexico as aoon aa
He like, the climate. bbS
lot every deerriptlon. shooting ga!l»rPatehln and W. P. Crotser.
the productiveness of the soli and b*
' IPS. vaudeville, bowery dances and the mechanical and IronyWork is made
Edith W. Parker vs. Warren bar­ la now living in hopes that tba Untted
eiii Msure j
To f*''!**®*®
^^FFlng Of thO
lasy Ollier
amiisemenU will
ker. divorce: J. J. Tweddle.
ir"Sk”of momrar"!!.'!,'' .“l “i.^ tn-n-l.™ HI. flrm t.. on. ol lb. mo.t I’carl Mathews vs. Willism F. Slates will Uke control of the caa*
dlfeera lb.i
that I.
try or that some other way will b*
.................. Ibe
bv lb. uai-, of . Utvlri.dale rilleh Iton
b....Mathews, divorce; J. J. Tweddle.
devised to settle the troubleI
obiireb, l»od “
"b *
Krancee Hloom vs. Joseph Bloom,
»1ll b. ,l,™
'«« »««■ “'M .1 lb. r.1. of
divorce: J. J. Tweddle.
,b«or. lb, „„h, on,oln, .1 lb. »,« '"™>Anna Jerret vs. James C. Jerrett
and laying It In a pile on tbe top of
• he ground This does not include the divorce: J. J. Tweddle.
Chester Rraonan rs. Uaigaret tonnnan,
divorre; Connine A Connine.
the Jlrst oiieraGon it digs the hole
Grace Wright vs. Fred A. Wright, PRBSIOEIVT;- EXPECTS
low-ring the tnyhine automatically
Aiitl then the shoe attachment I* put divorce: Connine A Connine.
Maggie Stiles vs. Eben EtUes.
on when the forward movenieot
made. There are many new idea* that
Tbomas Y. Kimball va. Florence E. House Sftd Senate Have Practleanp
are put In operation by thU Arm to
Settled All the Dis­
litis line of work and a large force of Kimball, divorre: L H. Gage.
puted Points.
Emma t. Dablke va. Predariok W.
Diea are constantly employed.
Dablke. divorce: L H. Gage.
Wasbingum. Sept 22.—PreeldaBt
Maggie O. Adama vs. Edwin 8.
Wilson hopea to alsn tbe now urtT
Adams, divorce; L. H. Gage.
bin Thursday. This tact was lonnad
Maude Schmideknecht. va. George
today, following a conference becwnas
Schmidesecht dKorce; U H. Gage.
the preuident aad membera of ISA
Bert Winiamr^Ts. Lena WllUams.
finance committee. The house n»ff
divorce; L H. Gage.
Laura yida Anson vs. Charley An­
tied all contrevMtod poinU in tbo
Court Will Begin en Monday. Septem- son, divorce; Covell A CroH.
Bar 29. Leng Session in


A Lot of Fan and Winter Suite.

$2.50 SUITS $1.85


J. 10, Mitliken
Traverse City’s Best Store.




Grand Traverse Fair, September 23-24-25-26, 1913

J. W. SLATER The Original Home Furnisher
Make My Store Your Headquarters wtiile in Traverse City, Fair Week.
Bring Your Lunch, We Will Furnish You a Table and Chairs to use.
Brmg the Babies and do not bother to bring your Qo-Carts or Baby Carriages as we will
Furnish you one FREE OF CHARGE to use during Fair Week.

Souvenir Free for Everyone Calling at My Oitice Fair Week!
When You Think of

Every Home Needs a Good Sewing Machine
Jist think of a machine with every .practical improvement
and advantage: A1 quality through andThrougb. the best of every­
thing at a price within the reach of all. "
We scoured the country to find the best quality machine at a
. popular price and we found it in the New Royal ma<|e by the mak­
ers of the world’s best sewing roHchines. We bought all that Vc
could get of them (not many) at a big reduction and will sell this
famous machine to you fair week for

Think of J. W. SLATER


Universal Ranges have won a world wide
reputation for theriiselves for being the
most artistic in design, longest lived, great­
est fuel economizer and most
converrient range,on earth; yet
ip spite of their superiority they
are’ sold at no higher^ price
than ordinary ranges.





Come in. and we will tell you about
it* points of superiority: the new. up*
to-date style, its wonderful appear­
ance. the white ground porcelain oven
doors, the new controlliag damper
system, its sanitary construction, its
great fuel saving features, it* wonder­
ful quick cooking and baking, its ever
lasting material and fine workman­
ship and' many other features that
other ranges do not possest.

Buys This

Banner Sleet
< Range
The best medium priced range on
eailh. We have sold this wonderful
steel range for over .twenty years and
can conscientiously say that there is no
belter stove made for the money and
you- are asked to pay more, a great
m«ny times for inferior ranges.



Canvassers will sell this machine for $60 00

$7.25 Fair Week
And Fair Week onlv, we will sell this beauti­
ful American Quartered Oak Dresser which is vrell
made, Eood size.'iuid has an 18x20 Beveled E^dge
Piste Mirror.' (Has wood kfi^ in plpce of brass
pulls as showri\in cut).
$4.65 Cemmode to match Dresser, Fair Week only............. 14 6$
$6.25 Wood Bed, good well made, perfect match to dresser $6.25



Just think of it. Fair Week you can buy this complete three-piece
Bed Room Suite consisting of Dresser, Commode and Bed for only
$18 15. We are showing an exceptionally large line of Chiffoniers
and Combination Dressers.


One dollar and seventy-five cents will buy a good, full size Iron
Bed, one that you can use any kind of springs on.

Brass Beds
We are making an extra good sUbwing of Verois Martin and Brass
Beds, one that you should see, and remember you get the same
liberal discount on them that you do on everything else in our
mammoth stock Fair Week.


Beautiful Pedestal
Library Table

was made''in Tfavieise City and we fitc
going to sell it to some one. Fair Week, for
S11.7S. The real value of this table
is $16.00.

We aie showing an exceptionally large line of library chairs and rockers in
weathered oak, early Engli^ and golden oak; both in wood and upholstered

Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums
to go miles to see and remember, special prices on them all Fair Week.

The Joy of a W^II Cooked Meal
Does Not Depend On the Artistic
Dining Room, But Upon Your
Kitchen Range.

E. Front

Bed Blankets, Pillows and Comforters^™”^S,'l^;
supply. Fair Week and save from iOX to 20%. We are showing practically evervthiog that is'
manufactured in the blanket line, ranging in price from 4Sc to $12.00.
Bay your Granllewarc. Tlawar^ Alomlnaoiware and Earthenware at J. W.
Slate*r8. If you have never priced it then you have no idea of what a lot of money lou can
save. We sell everything in home furnishings from a tea strainer up.
■ ^





19A0K nz

^ -

♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦^ ten^ worklBC putUsc 1b wtet «m
-■ _ _ . ^ _ „ -,
♦ wy OMTlr • prmy*r.
•ortbtT-tf ^_lt


t Hor*M VowB^^h* twMbtm 1
I wiu trv aausT M ■sfrr ar ♦
* iJt
" J

* tolitu ~to toJrtltotoSIi/ I

i'l lirttoTb. Mtoi. tolftol J


. n.
r. Kc.. r K . K**
hba ot what he no other, want to be brare and patient,
And I made up my mind that. Just as
»w«y the weery faoora Id whJ<at ebe
.... wind
.In and laln aeemed to «he baa always thought
aat. day In and day out. In a large E*nh. sun.
for others,
rw, , .v
*“ amlllng on his etforu. and in I'm going to think foe her, and not
"“J *
.!» l.~P.r tlm. H.,r„
a.Hv.r. I«W » fcr «,»» mi l ™ «.« It to


bnrd-fougbt battlea won. Beamed to t«> *>“>

nUi. . Uto. M on ra— .M, lo-




A. L. Should^ a heavv monagage that
i^Tcari to get paid off

-Three >ears and more seri t hart
such fine crops 1 had to build another
barn to help take i-are of them. And
r 1, 191V Mffl.
one day I went to town to aell and
get ready lo pay off a Wg Installment
Number of namoa on the Cradts ol the mortgage. The
boys wanted
I ue ooys
Roil •aptambar t. 191S. 9.14K.
but they have famand had to havJ
Hies ot their
at evenlns
' their due. And that
evening before
Little Baptiste.
.1 got ...............................
home there came _
a-big storm.
I know where you came from, UtUe Awful, it was! Aod first thing they
knew s stroke of lightning set the big
Twto oui ol Ito. bis .hit. .ur
tom .tin,. Th.r.
a ebor, toy
TIui Slot, ood rock, lo ih, oi»l u.d iso sorklot to.o, ood Ilr.t thloi
.h.y .hooso. of.,to „ roo to th.
Where the little atar-cradlcs are:
neighbors for help. Hut your grandAad, oh. the time you bare deftly

Or.r .0. sorb, ib.o


ooof, or

Tou're made of the angels' dreams,
Jlnd your eyes aro^ari of the skyat least
They're aplked with Ita etarry
And o« of ciood ypor tialrvas spun.
One night In your Bouth tmpasaioo, ^
Aad out of a tbonght of drt coming
' The red of yonr mouth ^ fashioned. •
1 know how i^ou came hero. HiUe
Fl4»m the midst' of the great atar
fktr'l have learned from th* kind old
At the church of the good Saint
That you woi* a prayer your mother
(When "she was to lonely. •maybeV.
Aad back from the PonsJs of God
you strayed,
Her dear little eur^'ea Dais'!
—Ella B. Arthur
New Orleans
____ _____
- A.I
Give love, and loVe to your life win
A euengib in your ntmoat need;
Have fUth. aad a aeore of hearta wUi
..d deed
Their faith in your word ud deed.
Olv. S.lh. -1 reiir tm sill b. P.M
(o kind,
A smile that Is Just as sweet.-<-S»^ted.
T^t Harvey FtucK.
Harvey felt thm a great d«! c
what makes life dear ud beautiful
. hU come to a. end for him when hi.



-„ow i. n that this is left for you.
. boy. to dor
‘ ■“PW." «>W Harvey, with
• «»«•.
eWryone else hat
and,nobody thongbt
ol it."
<*«>«•»'• “mP another tufn.
"There is a hosptlal. of which 1 have
partial charge, close to' my bouse,
^Ve'll bring her there, and it will be
strange If we dqn i help her. No.
about U. With .be stuff there I. in

Ll„„„ Tto mr.torH.

aad wonders of plant and animal
life were to him an open book.
One of the quaintest notljins that
c*ae from Linnaeus w.. the idea of
g a floral clock. For he bad
observed that certain flowcra open
early In the morolng; and that In fairly regular successions tbe sun kissed
petals of all waiting blossome open
one after another up unUI high noon.
Toward Ovenlng the night blooming
flowers awaken one by one and begin
thoir long, dark vigil through tbe


*'“* «lculkUohs- his eysa. as he ®*“«l*o d«y
day that It would seem
'‘thin tight of his garden, tak“rt Harvey bad his own way In the „ jf flowers actually told the hour of
*" lhe\djolnlng acre.
of working for her a year be- the day.
a curious thing,
mind's eye the malorw
• ^®***’' ®'“'“ ®“y
you said t
corn was blotted
hour« of tbe
......... <—-. the
— plaoa
----- ,
>. . ... v
• m.
't every mvu
luc day.
long rows
low-growing J®*«ritaiid^
Bo the world over many' bountsU
- by —.•
**•'« *h^ glowing fruit which would
have devised similar clocks, each o !
him his bvari's de- ^olb^t. for It's the Harvey pluck you
g to tbe geographical
So much expense. SO muchli proflt
"But even tbe Harvey pluck ought
s he ibai be did not
)t to have lo carrj- two burdens."
A cJoca something like thU Bilfbt
1 drove of cows ctiming down
•1 boo. you do. i m,to tb.t I .m b. d.rU.d, EUrly lo jb. morolo,.'
*’”* towards wbic h he was wklkbofdco." b. told, ".od It souldo i sbll. OKitUl. .1111 tdoco. lb. «krd.o
M>1 «mil they bsS com. to il,.

tbot cUtob.., o klod of toorolo. jlory.
™ ""
you are."—Sidney Dayre, In The Boy's opens iu buds Many nowere'''era
‘to'",, bloom dld,b.
wide awake with fully expanded oorol^
las before
before tbe
tbe first
flrtt rays
rava of
of the.
the. aun
mmodoo arose. The
touch them. At four the wild i

Altogether, though *e may elgh
orer our sum. now. r>e ought to be
sincerely thankful that
have to do them In tba days of
Columbus or Doetblus.-.-^ectad.
--------1-------------- -Flower Ouaationa.
1. l^^>at flower can give oa forgetfulnesa?
---------------i. What Is the national plant ot
N»t»'e has her o»n lullaby song for
3. What of Wales?
What of Ireland?
quleUng weary, resileas brains. At
sunset the robins sing tbelr eveningWTiat of Qermany
aongs: ibeo crickets and katydids conWbat of Italy?
tlmie the soothing chorus. Frequent..................—v .—.
ly. evea the winds and the waves the fact that Ove ts tbe favortte ntnoocem to blend together in calm and her of Nature.
ismc-eful bymnt'as night comes on.
*. Name some plants that abow
How many delightful aongs have
by Katnre. been wrliien to sing to tbe babies at
*• ,*■>>« "‘'rsve little flower caresicepy-ume. How rixany lullabies base *«»
wunteih her.goldr
been sung that were never wrtiten:
>•>- ^bat 1.'your state nowar?

for some.ime* even the best of babies
---- -------------------win refuse to l>o quieted by any reguThe Wild Flowwea.
lar. proper luliaby I remember onca.
"mnwer'' says these flowers bora
wi^-n i aeemtd io sing our baby's
Grow wOd. and course she knows;
eyeh wider open with "Husb. my^l 'nnk" ill go home right away..
*“'• “SiPeP- haby. sleep,'',1 be“Cut" say. now Just suppose—
— chantlag. “Tlie
»ur big
uig dog
wa says
»>> "bowiajto­ That If I stepped on some of them.
wow. bow-wow. The little dog says
They gr-o-w-l-ed “wiv
ki! yl! The big dog 'says bow-wowwow-wow. And the nttie dog says kl. And "growed" so wild, they Jumped
Tills foolish llHle sentencf. that
»« mo1 rhyme, worked like a
Then maybe tbey would bite!
<‘.0 bol m.oy Um.s.
f'rb.n. th. bU doit ood tb« llttl. tor
Id a cemeterr a little white stone
totom-l Orloc,.. H,b) to dnutol.r'
* , marked tbe grave of a dear little girl
other, he.side human babies who cn- •!« «a the atone were chiseled these
*o sleep? W^e have all words; "A ebUd of whom her pla»-

sleep and wake up flax welcome the new day. The hour “P- «>
Potrlng: moil beautiful epitaphs carved npoa a
lojo., „d Z^"0?.^'': •oiler;: tour:.”m u.. .........
. .00
. .„
and go „.
of ...
six I. ..........
struck by
the spotted cal'.
« ** •
'“ich all of M®p«“ •" •I'
tb. nor, .iurbily lo.rr tboo lb. rut, 00 ib. tr.lo ud
oil ot ,0., .or mtd tb, slllo, b.rb.; »r.o by “•
s.ll 10 lb. ulo. lunloo bork.u, sod
„ „„
. „,u„„
,„„,to.olo.. to. .m.ll bllodstod. sod
T"' »«■«. •'«. to
. ■o„ai. p.n,,
ooulos ommood., too. ,111 Isistoo
„„ b,.||.vios tb.t dlu.i.r ... boiblos. ood ul oor loorh oodn ibe b, bsskstsd.; .Ishl by mooy s.o“ ™ddI.Hloso tlio..
S.ltot . oomber of sbldi
Many mother birds quiet tbeir little do n have too characteristic ahapea,
--S tou.irito'S’JitirVtoZTto:"
lAck of breath tJans and speedwella At nine
a vigurus steer leap*-d the fence, tak- prevented a greaterr outpouring of modest oxalls v>d a certain marlgoia
iwuttr. a brood bm wrap them in several tbicksesaea of
damage. If It had got headway, ft
_ upt<er <
for the two eager little unfold. The later hours of tbe morn- ‘>®^* “®‘
paper, and Ue securely. 'All theaa
[>uple of tbe
would '.' swept out every bulMIng on
, cry oT’dlsmay.'lUrv^ boy. ha.r long looked forwa'rd
the ing are sounded b> Oie ttately tulip at
ber packages should: be numbered and
the place.
fence, striving with ynuai Sunday school excurelen.
ten and___________
by certain____
at eleven.
she slugs a sleepy "Bur-r-r" placed on a tabla Thoae taking parr *
“W;ell. she'd put herself Into IL ghouu aod sticks to keep back the ’^^''Ves, dear. If it la a clear day. So
a qneer name
Jack-go-to-bed-atresUess chick hu stopped in the game may handle them as mneb
What with tbe hard work and the foe. But the ll.le was too strong. One go to sleep pow. like good boys, and noon. Is given to the goat's beard, for
creeping and gone lo as Uiey please, but
course cannot
wet. she went down with rheumatism, after another made It. wa» ovembe tomorrow mill come all lAe aooner"
ju^ ^t the lime Ibis yiipiitoi- Jack
break the paper. Each one Is given
and that's how she's been ever slaca. demolished
and within
a ..

' ' into
a numbered paper on which In writes
........ ......
.......... .....
little head, snuggled
down what he thinks the coo^slad
Pluck? Well! But ife too bad to age minutes Htrvey saw his aummer'e pillows, and soon dreams of tbe promProm noon unUI four few If any .
* Gaud Lnaaon.
her ao. and she always so lively and work, his cherlehed hopes, trampled feed Joys were dancing through tbelr flowers open. As the aun sinks toward
A boy was sluing on the rtepe of article to be. \t>en,the llsti are read.
ambitious before."
under the enimaU'feet.
minds, a bi]e mother busied herself In
western borison.and as twlUgbt M>d'uae. He had a broom in one hand the parcels are opened, and tl 1s quite
Harvey went oftener to bis grandThe driver came along; with a few the klicben, rilling boxes with empinmst flowero manifest tan tn.'“<l •
brqad and butter funny to see how far from the r^Qr
mother after this. How he pilled her words of regret and an opinion that Ing things for the morroWa-ulncbeon; ,-iin»uon to nod. or close.
other. While bfwu eating be eome of the goeasera are.
lor the longing in her eyes to- be' do- the fences bordering on a highway for an early start was to hd made, and
’j.„ow the pretty four.
* PO®r HtGe dok not far from
------------------------Ing—doing! Bei-ause he felt it in him- ought to lie kept up well, iu which there would be no time In the mornThis dainty fbiwer Is at hom'k
*** called out \p him. "Come
•«». he knew that H must be In h>r.
Harvey did not attempt to dispnte Ing for flxlng "goodies." Everything
/ frt^„g,_a charming hoatesA***™> P®®’’ f**’®*'" Seeing the boy "Too can never tell when you do ah
to-.. ^tototototo.*; <to' ..totototo
"How can you bear to sit here all him.
wrapped carefully ih wax paper _f^l“ftouV uotiraeven each'dw
FIrai Itoto.itoto w_ *
The u...
boy v.,.t
the Urn*, grandmolherr he asked
He wept lo tho house. Hts grand- before It went into Its box. eo all
blooming Bowers to open ®®‘ *®
* P'*®^ ®^ *''*
her ope dsy. "Why. if I had to— mother was sluing there reading a would be fresh and ready for the .
c-td,ny At six w later the
**®® stretched out hit But with every act you are sowing
why. 1 Just couldn't! I'd BaVe to tie magailne he had Iwiight her with his sharp appetUea. .
twilight *'****
myself down. I shoiild be fairly fierce flr« earnings, and met hit ac(-ount of
Before the alarm dark had a chance
^ released-* signal of ’’** *“•'*
Though Us harvest you cannot see.
to be up and doing something- And th.. blow which had come to him with to bum out Its warning the next day
nretlv noetarml moth
yE*ch kindly act is an acorn dropped
yon ao—plucky! '
®yes full of Bynu*thy. Imt atlH of «wo white-dad llgurea appeared at faroncealed within
^ Feotleman who was looking -from
1“ 0®<fs producUve soil;
Grandmother smiled as her bright braveness—"the Harvey eyea." her tker and mother's door, and two roeihrouab the day
* window on the other sUe of tbe Though you can not know; yet the
tree will grow.
eyes dwelt on the boy's doubled up eon ln-law someitraes called them.
ful Iliile faces ahowed that something'
honcysucCle too now oponslU
®^^^ *‘‘*® ®*
And shelter the brows «*»■» toll"
'.Nothing Un? " she asked.
had gone amlsa.
petals. Between eight and nine var"Doat you think." she said quleUy.
"Nqjhlng at all. " he «Ud. with a
"Ifs raining Just awful!"
*7 undTorcactl Imd The~l^U ^®®^'
®°^ ‘®
*® ®®“*
'thiU it takes Just as much pluck to P®®^
•» »
"There's not ^‘The water's |»uring down the V..I“
,,m. It.
M, ®^®>'' Ot t“® same ume noioiog a six* Helpful Boy.
pence between his finger and thumb. My little la^^th roey fact.
hold myself sluing here as h awild »
‘hat a dosen sir^t like a river! ^
need for anything I could do. or any- **** ®*
•“JmaU have ground
.#____ t______ .t.ito
school will
flowers eonftnue to open until tlemaiL
-.i.i Just
in it.
n«n placA
lta own
thing you could do?"
go another day. and we will have a midnight. Thus night as well as ds-y i
the boy. anilittg. Just at that DoYour mittens pot away;
“Oh. more—more!" cried Harvey,
Plenty more summers to come, ideiilc Imloora Instead:"

»‘>u*n«l secrets. Exto got so severe a rap ot the For mother has so much to do,
with an added reallxation of all U

"How ?" from two pairs of Itpa at change.
knuckles, from a cane which the genA mother dear U she:
®ust mean. He gently stroked the dear. Voa re young. Life la-’klnd to
tlemu had behind him. that be roar* Just show her what ; t helpful one
poor.,belp1ess bands, murmuring, "Oh. tbe yooog."
He had enough la pav for the rent
"Walt tUl after breakfast, then we
BomeboUya Mother.
ed with pain. -»Ttat did you do that
A liUie boy can be. .
"Where'a the letter?" "WheiP. be rorT' said he. ^ng a long face ud
■said. "I comeUmea think ,1haL inresolved » secure for es and alU and you'll see what a good wmlngr' "Did yon gel it? "
robbing bis hand. "1 didn't uk yon , . ( Aw Maks You Weepy.
aeltleJ Ume we will have!"
r^r tbe
th^ sixpence."
.wtwsTire- "fVliat
"tfhnf did
did you
vnu /1 Udi^per
U^Mper Is one who sleeps. _
^, , .
to_ .to'
his grandmother. Then be aelUei
Tpese were
were some
some of
of the
the remarks
remarU for
.t-a »I 1—1«, a., y- to
coming from a crowd of village boya hurt that dog for Just now?" asked JalMpar is that In which the sleeper
small things, the Lord let me hunch-lt
; with the opening of
worked allessLud two glowing mUc faceswere
who surrounded ud be^n lo Jeer at
Uie gentleman. 'iMe
all up in one thing in the Ume
' most night and day
to put
In hisvogMen seenat the breakfast table.The an old woman, poorly clad, who came
for the bread an^ butler. As you
need. Looking at it so. you know. I
' etables and eirswlierrles. There *aa meat was dispatched with as much down the atepa of the poat-offlce with served Mm. t have served you. Now. »i,Ue
sleeps runs. Thereforai,
must be willing to sit sUll."
flrerbroduce to the earlier guesu at Then, armed with toteresUag-looldng
H a pause, with a boy s InsUncT that
procession Wed into the
the symwhy he ~u^i would not be
„assed you (be tatter part ot last nuiaery. '
«ani «o ^p on al school ,u„apr." said a doctor, who waa one
-N’ow. let's make up the excortlon
ud I don' see how I can^
.Hose with whom Harvey haA.«lt."

Regularly every day she went there well as boys --------------------....
for Uie letter that never came from
------------------------her son. She had lived in the Milage
when Arithmetic was New.
only n year, ud thoughUess people
Tlie first arithmeUe ever printed has
oo* began to call her half-witted, ud lately l^n on exhiblUon In New York,

cr the sleeper carries the sleeper
over the sleeper under toe sleeper un­
til the sleeper which carries tbe sleep'' 'lumM';* uie sleeDer'and'waW
the .reTper to toe SsrlJat^Sl

„ ,ka only bad one in Imadna- British Museum doe. not poaaea. ' a ttere 1. ^o-longcr any alee^ sleepof eourae. long before thU
.b.bby lliU. ri.» book ,U prtotM
detefnlned there were arithmetics In rounscripL
I the "fun out of her" they and one of them, made In 1„5,
i:75. was
Jim aa
at you
you now play without the
could. They tugged at her shawl; they also exhibited, with ita diagrams dain- music Ud do not think what uUa
stooped before her and looked op la lily Ulumlnstad In colors on vellum.
you strike, though oitce yon {Aefeo
There are some queer things ahonl them out by slow and patient toll, u
her face, r
HeiplesaJy, she looked about for these early- arithmeUcs. How cu a If you begin of set purpose, you wffl
your keep while you finish out your ^
to •<»»
there -a. none till boy do snms without using tbe figure leant toe l.w qf kladneu in ntter*
year's schooUng. You're a good-mixed M® had laid before him the choice of
-But I've got my fuoe-strong now,"
Finally the rug was reached, ud ,
o V,,
.Hih™so perfectly that It wOl be aeeloT. and ini ^ time for you then to working on the farm or floding some- he Uughed, "ud 1 see my way "Orchard Uke!" emii-t «« the «»e. *
»*kw«rd fellow came 0. for Instance. Tel In the arithmedown toe steps Uke a young cyclone, tiro of 111 A. D., though the rest of ond nature to yon. aad make aiore
be earning yonr own living. Youll thing to do in th© nearby town.
itraiglit tbrou^ 'hlgb school."
ose. ® music In your life thu all tbe aongi
Returning from school one dsy In
Dr. d©* cam© for short stays every
"Come, we must get our boau." said
have bad enough study by that time,
voice hu ever suag.
following mother, so I
"1—was In hopes 1 could keep on a t early spring, he stopped at'sight of summer, ud
It was Jim Gordon, "the new boy waa kuwn la India tong before.) Ibe
something new going on ^n <
> Harvey's graduation talked with him. was produced, and i fine lleK of boau
school." faltered Harvey.
from the t*tkwooda."
beekwoods." whose
whose "inno“Inao- children
children who
who did
did enms
sums in
in Europe
Burue thet^
J"® ^
"I like a bov with the kind of u- noon apwaiwd on the-leke.
A Wise King.
R.-11. there s plenty to be do. < in
ervv vou show' h* ««id ••You told
c®nt face" bed made the other, think got along without IL becUse they bad-^'A king, before be aMmnded the
»1I lhl»T' .Jh asked of a IDO you
you were
were noi
noi going
going on
on for
for more
more broiber
broiher In
In that
that one."
»>* had ne
tbe j.
to; ,.but it cerUialy was awkward throne. deeUred
he would de' V
.1. He
' stood„ by
you can hafe your home with
"See Harold trying to help his papa ®‘" *®““'
Anerward, erbody shall say I turned my wUe'e eis- man who appeared to be overseeing education, but 1 think you are the kind
eome excavaUons.
to make for the best there is. Have row®"*'
Aa artthmeUc dating from 1191. the erybody waa aurpriaed that he treUed
ler'i boy out—but lhat's all I can do.
"A summer hotel to bg bnUt hero.” you ever thought ol ctrfleger
“Now I wish we could go la bathmother? Are yon the tong- year before Columbus sailed, sbowa them with great kladaeas. Some oC.
ud I don't ape bow you cu clothe
wu the uswar.
"Only u something I might leuh ing."
the tint example to wUch tong divi- bto friends retnindad him of what he
yourself ud buy books."
years hence."
“Here are yoor
knits. Put*' “*''®" ~
Owklng sion. to ita modern fonn. to success- bad said, “And have I not destroyea
Grudmothcr had listened while
"They look for ib done ud . filled
Then the doctor unfolded his plu. them on." In a Jiffy they wwro havmother, fully worked ouL Columbus probably my uemtear be asked, “i have
this was being said, and her bright
by July nrsL"
lived in a city to which the beat tog a gtortoas rwlm to tbe bathtub «“•
do tong divl^ to eave hls changed thm into my friends."
eyes turned oa Harvey as she qntetly
A bright thought flasbed through advutages could be had.
would lake, aplaablng to tbelr hearts' oon^
t®'““w to me till life, except to the oW "galley" form.
--------- ---------------- .
Harvey's brain. '
" take Harvey Into bto home, giving him tenL'
somebody eomes! Am I the only whi<h was a compUcated and colosaa*
MM Up.
"If he’s got (he Harvey pluck, hell
"If there are boarders they will such light office work as would ra--My. but I'm hungry!" '
has a mother?"
prooeaa. to which the division was If yon ud I aad ewe sad eye
gat u aduoattoa aom^ow. ft be'a set
WUl fresh vmtetables. ud ihey'il pajv able him to kep hlmaclf going. Har"So am I. it must be moot lunch
The boys for very shame moved done by scraldilng out
And yew aad aye <dear m*,l
hls mlad on to"
well for them."
vhy listened, bto tare glowing at time."
sallut young OorIt was not until 1545. In u arithme- R’ere all to ba apeUed n aad i.
Harvey had not before felt much toHe selected a snuy slope on the thought of all It might mean to him.
'-Well, this cutting table wQl be the
F®nt with the old womu to ber Uc pobUshed at Nuremberg, that cube
How^ai^ up we would be.
teram to hls mothar-a moihar. She
to let U to But he ebook his head.
table undw the tiwM llalph. you may •»“*root waa workod out and printed. As
*“ »
'5* lady—not u •'bid.
ktodaeee, air. ud it get out tha luach boxes; and. Archie.
Carefully be guarded aad tsoded for algebra, whet a student to thoee •Ither, when ycMhame to oonald^ her
wUh my Brat would be bapptoees to me to take ad-' please ft time wooden plates and ^®<' fBI ‘‘somebody" came—a tall, early days attempted to solve a probK^"^ aallora acroMii. auiUier?"
eloaelr. but ao bent ud heF®d nad -progta." be promised.,
vantage or it. but there's eomethlBC 1 peper napUns. 'These drinking cops welMreesed. flM-iooklog sea captain, lem he had surt hudlcapt ihat one Mima a Ude boy who w»a nadlag
twisted with rheumatism that It «osW
The village atorekeeper 1« him have set myself to do first After that are fer tbe milk, but be eurb to held »h© bad been 111 for montba, during wuders bow he ever aoeompltohed a'atory of the sea. “Why do
-'-n diCIntt to coaaeet with her uy have seeds on the same teM. ud la ^ might hope for JL'
thma by tba tope or they wfll col- vhieh time bis letters had gone aaythtog. ‘Theas were no plus and ukr eald the mother. "Beeaua."
Mea of plM^
_ waa worit^ I know what It 1a that yon lapse." How quickly those sand- aktray. ,
podh warped dne
eourae of time
v mtona al«a. ao aiu of equality, no explalaed tha boy. “this <Aa*nDor tat
haadt could fdo aotfatog to help pans mg pi. grpond. ud with every hour of have l0 dor
sandwicbM dUappeared. ud the UUle
to the vlUage was at tbe symboto. anch as "x" ud "y," for ex- the book aat down on bit etaoat!’’
hU uncle's farm. Specially as tc
»®® ‘ >®®
“e ukii wls^
,bai tbJ boy «-ruged, -o that a line excursion
dully, "that
very -arm welcome avlaiied
avtaiied him
that perhaps a way migbt
might be was'led
,ed on to teU of his efforU* ud train In
in two secUons
secUon. swas eoon ready;
Utoto. bltboitob bM»<l,. totobl to b. bp.»M ,hM > -“I It •"
Atolj Imirtto, bell, .ud mw rdl.
raally unkind.
ehe said, that you cu
- so you had to lose last year. Too ud toots, ifmade ita merry, wjy
The family conslsH«d of grown open your cwn wayV'
bad! Was there no one to step In down the side ot the nursery..
folks, two of three small ehUdren ud
Jler glance was Inspiring, but for
give you a hud? "
"Just look at that field of blaeka grandmother.
•o®® time-Hartey. with his beet
Harvey shook bis bead. It never eyed Susans!"
“There's plenty to do for all here.^ thinking, could not see uy way. Jbe entered into the famUy calculations to
"isn't that a lovely river!"
said.hts uncle. "Yon'ro welcome to winter flew on. ud with the coming'
expect enyihtag not to beachleved by
And Imaglhailon

• >v


-Mother, mother! mother! It would
place, it was hard for two little boya h.»e killed me it anything had hapto decide whether the real < the pened to you before 1 found you!"
• make-believe- pteulc bad been
And those who saw the answering
mora fun.—Selected.
lova-ligbi in tbe old woman's face
------------------------found tbeD own tears coming, and
more than one boy turned away and
Moto itoi
„ aotoW
tenderly of his own
- two
■— In the there
n or
llred in far away Sweden a mao. mother —Selecied.

»1« ... to .1. me SO. .to

Over tbe baunls-of lovert.

, koo^sbto

Dr, Lae I*-'- -

hU tom n»n totot, uyto,:

J and kind to ovorybady and U « domHahla wIlL ftaaoing was the
* compaoy with it
4 avaty living thing.

. . . .
y®“ **
of straw.

If I aver fall In trying M do ♦ reading matter came raialv to tbe
“*'* '*** *’'**' ““
things. I wlU Try. try ♦
_ ____
Die profits."

“Harvey pjnek it was." aaid her
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ aon-tn-law one .vanlng. as with Harvev he was drivlne horn tmm m.r.
k« "But for tbe same plock we 11
Tve got the work hero." and bo
held up his bands. " and if I keep on
oUoM—Mra. Matosf
poorhouse by now.
FIrat Vlea
Vam .a. I .AAV to.
i.ito, .n “ ' •*
«be real of the
.. ■.
_____ triing to buy out faihefi farm when
FroMdanl-Mro. Iran, jn g^
Pan. '

*X?OTtalBlr. I teT* » fnadmotter etMt, vltb-lciBg. «sd th» BpplM bb4 tutlon
t bo roBlIy would prooilDg HBkBDwn qoBDUtloo. Sr«l^
who 1* dbabM. H« ltt«—w>d 'it bin«u* Bud pMtcbM!
POBcboo! o
O bow
bow good
good ootne. Jim Oorton hoU auppoitod thing wu wrlUOB oot and Tory (•»
ought to be • bright life, by all obe-e <he>- all taotodi Alter the fwut came tbe trembling old woman till she wai ctrald grasp the obecure algebialc
bean (o
been epolled by gamea and a romp, thentbe retora
caught up In the arms of her son.
IL 1‘ae
watched her
lor years now— trip was made, and when,a week or
who cried, brokenly:
of mathemaUca


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