Grand Traverse Herald, March 04, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 04, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Covers the
Grand Trav­
erse Rei^oB.





Died Suddenly Sunday Morning From

FOR S78,000

Pawed Away at Sen’a Homa in Carfield Township.


[) for the
Word has'boon rocoU-ed by TravMrs. rharw IHiiley. aced TS }ear«.
'dit-d sbortl> after nom W'-dbeeday
orso City (rieod* of (bo death of Mra.
denly at IiIb bomr.; Slaii- stn-^-t.
Moo liurutorford. daachler of 'Mr. and
Ibo lione of her son. Georse LIT-IXC OAtdAOE DONE TO MEX­
Suixtay trimioR abe.ut K Sn, .Mr.
Mr*. Jo*. Blokoly of Control
IHpIc.v la Carfield towa*lii|>.
'infH.^-a» aiMormily In as Bood
olth oliOm Rlie madp her home diirwhom *ho had made bo{ hormhealth aa ever when be left the Heeini; ihp iio*t yoor or two. Mr*. HunduriiK tbe |ai*t few yrar*.' Ur*. Dipxrd.KjiBle office Staturday iiIbIii. bin
Koriord woa ot one dree a roaldont
eff (bis city and bore she nudo mony
litiiihle. A l<hy^l<!an wa* railed and
frlond*. She hod been »lck for a
wiiiU-r t-lin had failed rai.iilly,' Five
>nrke<l over him for three hmir.^ hut
loni: time and death enme jeMerday.
cliilciren rurvive. two son*. George
Irvon, and three daughters, Mn>. PEW THOUSAND PESOS WILL RE­
relief to patient euffcrini;. Ito«idc9 ENTIRE DAY DEVOTED TO M'S'tn no avail, and death ramt- In ihr
I itiomluA
tbe parenta Mrs. Hungerford lea'rra
Joreidiine fjigiebtn. Mrs. Ollv.- Milks
I Mr. Green had been an ompioye of
aUter. Mr*. James SUArkland of
and Mrs. Rose GrUSn all of whom
live around here.
of Amoricon Womanhood thli rliy, and a llltle non. Gerald.
yiineral aeTrire* were beld.fmm Weather Man Has Issued Fereei ^ past irn or twelve years. He wai
Funeral wrM.«-a were lidd from steal and Cenersu Btructuras SofLiability Inaurance Will Be Carried
j lll•■(•hanlr and st-emed to l>c able
That Looks Favorable for Crest
the BUkely borne In Central Uke.
the Dipley home JYIdav afieni'ton
While Work of Wreehiog the
II .BK..
tatoe UU.*
any fmjl
j«*lll<>n about the inarhlnery
and burial took place there.
Event On Schedule for
o'ilnek. Rev. Ddajaa t'oi-bUn «ifBoardman Building >s in
lend of the hhu«l!ies* that wa<> a*>-lBneil
I Mm. He w
)-<an> old and liail
I. March
Seren ib(>u, iWn a resli
resident of Traverse City (he
d In the degreatiT part n( hi* life. Hesidea tl>e
maod for trote* for aomen In the moat
The utU'iiUun of l!x- buard of r-}ilw ife and three Kniall vhitdren. one sD
elataraie auffrate dMUonstrailon in
'ity of Mexico. Feb. 37.—OU BpaDter, Mrs. NV J, Chase of Solon. Hir- <a(luii at Ui»ir n«-vilng Ix-H Friday
tbe^rld'a taistory . SuB.'aseito liter,
>Vijblngt«n. March r,—-Kalr lowaa largely taken op wilb the uiaviisu-ti urcbitc-tnre that has defied nearly
REV. A. BENTAUt VISITED MICHlally captured the csidul today. Tbey
nlKbi and Comnrruw uioriang:
four n-nturiea of earthquakes again
Fiiuerar servii’-it . were held front shilr of imijecl* m (Oimei-llun r.-iih
all bnt orervbadowed the inaugural
probably unsetth-d wcsiber In tbe
'ihs prrrre9 Its value. Close sTsmiss.
(he hou-e' Tiiewtay aftemoon at two (be lehulldlng of Iho Iluarilmau av(~
cmanwnlea tomorrow. From all parta
-'aiot biilidiug. A u'.iiiii-er a>f:
'b-n of th* damage done during tbo
O'clock. Rev. Demas Corhiln offlrlatStudy of Situation in Twonty-thr^
of tbe couBtry and from distant lands,
•.bureau's li
<d terrific (annonadlng Vbows
r-JiriiiuiiUalians from un-'-ilieiix were,
Counties Gave Him Inaisht
every conceivable blaas ot women
•\oed today.
iettii and xfvrrrd to Ibv oo-iinillii-c nnlTh
of Settlers Have Beea that even the Wosl modem guns do
Into the Induatry
Tepresented—«vcry type, every proornelais Mhl there "pnaaibly:oake great headway against tba
lulViluS* at’d gemiods. Th-- iii «t
feashm, every age—from Baby Harvey
wouldn’t be mJn or snow—but jusi
heavy atone walls that unify moat ol
ixMlaiil i;>aiii-r Ulilcb was lal.eii up liy
W. Wiley. Jr., aon of tbe former chief
Rev. A. Bcntall reached Traverse
"untetiled.’' Four yoars ago today F
b" promiuetit bnildings In tbe Mexl<K .ird nishi was (l«- adi’pii.>-i
chemist, and being early educated in City Friday afternoon afier a Bvr
tbe weather bureau forecasted
-XR capital. Mu<h greater damage
rcsuluiU-n providing for Ibt bumlequal suffrage by bis parenu. to Mis* weeks' trip ibrougbYbe fruit serUonb
good weather for'Iho fourtb. ond
iu(; ol lUe vil, fo^SLs.eiri I.-, t^.- uev-l
Presldi-ni r> H Day of the Westem BUS done the modern edlBce*. wha*a
H. M. Young, tbo elgbiy-scven-yoar-old of Mk-hlgan. and parUcuUrly Westem
one of the wiirwt hllr.sards In Ais
in :-:.uUdi.m and x-m-iriiig ll..- *.-b.a.l Miehigaii Hev.-iopun-tit bureau and ihlii walls barely turned rifie balk.
pioneer In the equal rlRtats movement. MIchlgar
1J:<1<- rcul damage waa dose tbe
tofy arrived that day.
L-il'iiisiis of lU eitj. ,Tcu- rtToluuna! Direetor I. F. rWkelt rea. bed Trav
It was tbe overwhelming culmina­
While nn't|ie nnd he visltwl S3
*;l! Ih- sui-i. ctu-d to lliv voiin. at til-,
City late ' Uiur**L.y aflr-rn'.-ta .V-Gi'iual fklaee, w-tleb was tbe target
tion of a flfty-five-year battle for bal- different vuunties and nave Cl addressUiriii;. cl^tlun:
fr<-m Grand Uapids. t-.hetc the} had .'or the heaviest guns Gen. Fdix DIat
lou in (be I'niiPd Stnies. It was both
uptm fRilt giowlDi; topics. He Jiiet
in Ills |K>sseaalon. The gruter
. Mar^b S -A few cood Arrests Cime as 6limas to Repgrted
Mils f.-v vXITT. l.->hor siihi;;ittM Iven f'lr n mc-r-iii-g of Ih ex«o-ive
a protest against the diiinfranrhise- all the priuripal .faniiers' institute
of this maasito edtSee.. which
Robbery which Occurred Sun­
hji*. then wt«ek. waJfPreahlent Taft'*
1y th.- j:uiil.«> .1 Gic mho-Js were (oaimltlee of the bureau *hl-!i meelment and a vivid, dlgnlBed, elaborate worker* and Icarnv'd from ibcm .the
day Morn'ng.
pr-waH-d a face CT5 feet long to the
program oti hi* final day . ns chief
demand (or equal rights a: Iho poU». various plans tbut huva proved sue
dlrret fire of rebel tattorfea. was
executive. The preshl'
A cmun.«tf.-:.U.a, was'nad which ad-'
rt-preseuutlvo* uf the tu-veral
There were three distinct features cessful Id different parts of the slate.
during tbe Umn ot Coltod. It
tho Wtallo House dtuluR iU<- iNiUre
hxri ;lu- eoatigliu of Gii- s.-liu.d ti-ri-i
-]>ortittluD (ouipank-s doing buslto tbe demonatrailon—tbe larade, a At many of thernicetlnin attended be
hssriw^ edded to to more rwosnt
Knriy Punday morning -SherilT G .It lix- W-uJy nnimal s» ;.* tr> make'
da.v and held a ci.nlerpn<»
tl'l* part of the stale.. The
aerica of Ubleaox on tbe treasury de­
led up idea* fre-m the farmers tlia’ cabinet tor tbe fiosl considt
-Mh-n Smllb aud Deputy Sheriff Win. ll ot the x.-me .turatiui as ih>v*o ofjtransporiatlon men exi-rr*«-d th-m ea^r but the original plana were
partment Slept, and, tonight, a series
be utilised pn>(ltal>Iv in tWiimolitiR
remaining oSWHal duties, laft dhln'i Smith raided the IlUnatoti l';iik it.--' JO,- public M.1W..U ,
|*<Hv,-* as vonderlully surprhed with -lesely (ollow'ed. The walls have an
of^iaes meetings:
tbe interests of the Nortbpoft eertJon.
cioved the hnnsM Slid arrested
Kniph Hastings app.-ar^ before lire
acmmpllsbed nverage ihicknee* of ten feeL The
That today's demoiistradon was dls- Before returning home, he vlaKcd retire until 3 o'clock Ibis moruinB
la fist and offered a poor targeL
then be signed a thtiusand three itersons. who were found there,loaid and explainid the ciiuJum's Hr- by the bureau in the way of derele;Unclly for and by sropien was tbe bey- South Water atreet, Chicago, a^ went
the lime. The raid tame a* the|biHly biw ri^julreai'-nU and q-4'ded ni|^ PreMdeni Day had on head Great kiells and boavy oanaon balk
pieeea of null, photographs snd 3ih<
DOte (oreeS hame tOgU observer*. Tbe from rDoimifihin house to
expended ibrir might In vain against
Women evlncod that their* was no bouse lbs. be tnUhi diacover Dome of rotnmlaaiona of army aiiU navy ofS- result of a rob"bcry whhb v.a* rep^Tt- rales on wT<-ckl«ig work sath as Is
Ich showed that in the this long gray pile of Atteohewn rodL
the sheriff. Ra!|di Monlarck- al­ Lci:-g esinrd
orbood of 3.0HO settler* bad Splintered alone and a fraat coat of
pan of tbe Inanguial ceremonies.
ntethMs employed. He alao ris
leging that tbitty.nve dolbirs had biiililing. The Inwcnt possllle rule for,
Ready for Big Evwt
Complete dlrorce—aa a theme and ited Indianapolis and I'toked over tinInto t|,e Western SHchlgan d'isi found their way Into every nook
thlK -Isss «' work i«
ikt Il'ti
Idea—from tho inaugural was empha- field there f.d- the selling of fruits
pgum. Manli 3.—Waalilngiim Iw-en .tali'-ti 'ri>m him at tlie re;a'rt b>
country eitKe the l•urea>l l«-2an wtu-k
e xhot-lonured structure, and
Rol-crt A. .ynderron. The proin'leiaUed:
four years au-*. lie bL'.o 1-ad infor
He. with f. K llassett. s<m-biry of todii*- la in rcadio>-as for tottiom.w'v
pruJ-.-cUies entered through win­
of the boiiM-. a nugre*.* who ga<<-' great. I'.-n'raeii.i Moitrt st.-.led th it mallnn regarding sixteen Idg orchard
Flower ot Amaricanthe State Hurtl'uUural Scclety, wc-re inauguration of l•M■s)lh-nl Wilson, tU dow* nnd ekyllgbis. but a few'~t^lK-‘ii wi.ulit ti.ver ll— luiun' payroll lor
on* that have been started in wnd p«-soe will cover the cost of'obJoined in the. celebtailoa. Society tbe two speakers nimn the marketin?. first ehtef exci-utlve that the deiu<* 1»-r iiiiinf. as' Klh-annie Ik-wnard, c mmtwrt giving ivruciihm for eo daya
teadera is hundreda from all dties of fruit at the State Itound-l'p of
■iti-ratlug from th,- palace all algna of
U- I'nier?.: ItUo with the Travelers
trudged nopllly beside bumble honse- Farmers' Instiluua hell In l.-trthliis In 16 yean. Ib Ji-saUona-of d- niiK-ruts ImiiM- and wlio gave her nnmo a- ln*u:»nm t'unpsuy wg# carried.
telling the story «f xwd bunding It. the rccen; siraBfde.
wlvres. Actreaies, opera aingera and this week.
and thinisands of ollur v-ltiluTB ar<. Gertrude l.rncb alias Trixiu Nltes.
l-ess damgge was done tbe mnnlciMeniW Greilirk hraught up th- this region nisde-n favorable impres­
profeaslonat women whose names anRev. Bentsll fetla that hr has U-a:n- pouring Into ihei capital, and th- and Aii<b-r:on were hruught to the matter of ii new idiino for the Elin- sion on these at the meeijng.
pul palace, which form* another bouhkBows In every country Joined wlib
From the aksuranres made by t.He darv- of the palace square, or ZooUa
I moie 90 this trip around tbe ala:' strecta and tartel* are crowded wr.U rlty .and placed in the' oownly Jail. wo;t<l school. Til* i«her buildings in
Senators, congreamen than he would have learned bad be
igeru. Streets and buildings are
the <ltv hare purehaseil pianos i-v tran*|K>rtatlon men there are reason* Hut down 16 de Septiembre streM.
tile time but were in no way giving focials and raising mon-ty l^lfor lieliering that thf bureau will re- whi<h leads' frvnn the Eoealo toward
and leaders of civic and polltiral life spent (lie wiiole winter at the agricul­ decanted until tiardly anMliing ex­
mixed up In tbe affair and wen- eocmof tbe nation tnarcb^ with tbe wo­ tural college..and no has returned it. cept flags and bunting Is visible.
„.! reive generous flnan^al support from tl.e riudadola. the arsenal which ahMother ways, with some help from the
The place ha* been bitard. Fifty doll-irs was approprlgtcl!^*’ ««ninion farriers for the work to -red the dougtliy rebela the loss is
Xortbjort with the Idea u{ -4iu(Un;
All the mass of plana, worked oat
Fennsylvania avroue. from the rap- the Xorlhport r<i:hHi on the map a* r. In detail by a nmali army of crHiiiuli- iDder tbo Mirvcillniire of tbe authori­ for the flrwt niynw-nl
a new pismt *•*“ prosecuted tlie coming summer and much greater. TW* la ihe departilol to tbe White House was aeclhins
gri/wtrs (vHniry In a way i;i (■■<«. anKjng whom tbe labors art; dV ties for some time bv-t au» - of the boM- lor the klmtri^d building.
The bureau hope* to start a
kterc disieiel and the big French
with denaely packed hunianity, Grand- which it ha* never beeti thero U-fore. vidod, are rtimpleic. and all that Is
of their <>p.-ra(i<-n* and the no
Till- l•na^<rndJ(•ll^ll■d to^ March fi-w- new line* of 'W-ork sr.d 1' seem* dry gcods Luuses. with Ibslr easily ,
ataada erected for hie Inauguration He is also planning Upon wrilitig a
almost eertain that this can be doao. ilBi-4ng--d slocks, vwero not in a poolneeded,ia p.-x>iiiiiouf wcnlber. In torieiy wlileh they achieved by re
oermoontea tomoirow were Jamined series of aritcl-w np-in hortii<ill<i-al all the leading fcatiin-s of (he day's eenily sending out invitation* lo thesrape lou from fire and ftyKUhJeels that tho lav-ianau (-ounty ecronKinlea the etiquoliu and iifoe* opening of lltr- |iark.
Inr debris. Kiurieya* Ot «>*•« •«>«■
Flagt, ponnanta. bnitona, baurihlll.-. eerilnn of Weniom Miebigan may have dents esialiHshed in pwvloua y.-ars
On e-implalnl of Sheriff Smith llrUyid in il.e bulldi&gs and at the
poster! and bonoera of myriad color*,
pnimioenl plare In Lbc bortieuUural will lie followed. Tbo program mav three offenders apivujred lierore Judg lUk of ikeir Jive# extinguliOmd tho
eomblned with tbe costumt-* of
l.ierattire of th- day.
hearini :
fire* tnat often fuUowed the path tt
be auffimartzvd aa followa:
Pat Bewc* Making RMord li
marchers, irvo *Tho Avenue:' a kaleiahrti.
At 10:SU o'eh^ tomorrow morning Two eeparste rluirges. that of sellln.:' DEPARTMENT FOUGHT STUBBORN
doacoplc appaamace. Tons of

Beveral of the V.rgeal Cirsvan hard­
ntembera of the congresilonal eommil- liquor wliboul llet-nko and r»f runnin:
frage llteraUiro wore dtwirlbuied.
ware sloro* ar> iorated in tbU dtawlll wait upon Mr. Wilson at Ui<trlrc -vbieh wa* rwept by tbe direct
Sborebam Huicl to caeort bim to the s^lnsi the women. TJiMr examina­
Trav.rM- <H> 1* tMsoming noted far
Wbila House. A almilar party will tion has been set for March Is. until Story Tba: Roll of Money Watt Lest and wide a* a good n«ds vv-mcr and qn- b,iw..c'> th-< Cibdadela aad the
I.,iUce. The Gcrn-an* control Um hardWILL RUN FOR-SUPREME COURT wait upon ttad vice pr»ldeot-elMi. which Ume they will be held on two
Net Given CredAncc By
(w-ople wishing so get Mess uion road
suffrage nwakoru at atreot comers.
apimrw-arerbuiiaew of the republic, and
who la alao stopping i
building iiroblcm* now turn this'way
Tbe rlty waa In gaU attire not only
RH«( of the atom In this aectioh Of
on (ho fir« charge aad five
Tbo Incoming pn-sident
to looking fiH- mtwns to salislv their
tor tho wonvea. but for tbe Inaugural
eHy do a wholeaaJe a* wet] as a
Idem will be grecteA by ^Yi-eident hundred each on thit latter. Andirwarns. A irt-ont exaniide of (his Is
tmrade. Buildlags were ablasa w'ltl
MiiiiboTU fin- bioke out EtnaletsU Imsica*. MIIUods of dedUra'
son who was charged with the th,-n
color. Intertwiaed with tbe guidons
thirty-five dollars from lUlph day morning in ibi- residence at 113;- road Imllillng now going on In Keu: • Orth of good* wsT« alored In thew
and penaanta tor Wilaon and Marabalt
Honugue demanded an examlnailna IN-nlusuia street occupied by Tony i-outily., As will 1>e remembered, this hooac*. but the adfure of the stocks
Tbo preeldenl-elect will have aa
■Vyscocliil and did daniagn to the
I rever-ied any great k»*.
special guard of honor ta. Kssi which has been act for Monday Mar< h
(ouiiiv VLtfd a year since to Issue
American owned tures are scat­
». UDIII which time'bo Is held on five amount of ul*>ui five buadred dol­ Iwnds In iIh- sum of S«tw.«oe fur the
lars. Ttu- road* wen- in bad conll- piiriH-se of Ing-roviog their highway* tered through the bosiiieaa tUstrtcL
hundred dollars bail.
Otimii. March I.—I'lion special
tlon aud bclore the fire department an-l work was begun last summer. The rnd suffered al<-rp with th* (Ahtfs.
quest of Goveraur Ferris. Judge Al­ slmJUr esrort consisting of the Cul­
louid cover the bmg xpn tbo blase actual work of ronstrudlon Is under but tbe grsatest loa* la all caMt
fred Muriibv, of ivetroli. today aeeejrt- ver bUck bor*c troop ftwn lodianu
bulldluu. which tar (be
had mined u gnod etarl^and a strong the direct auia-rvisloQ of Patrick
ed ibo numlnailon ror<Justii-e of thi- Prmldent Taft, the president-elect and
wind blowing from the luiy dn>ve the Howee. a. former resitlant of this city. moat pan arc owned by Mexlean*.
snpn-ine eouii tendered hy the del
Senators Crane of .MasaachusetU
PraciJeally all of the Important
fire through the house and made U In *|>eaklDg of the Kent county work
entlni state central e>
a-icoti of Georgia wlH occupy the Orel
' id ono to fight. The blsae w«s ihn Gland Rapids ITbs# In a rerrm is l-nildli-ga elected ciortng the last dec­
tag the relusal of Judge Yaple of M«m- carriage. With the vice prcsldeni-clcc:
ade have steel frame, which support
Ined largely to the aipiK-r and
le gives ex|irea-doD to the (ollowlng:
don to juake the race. Murphy's name will ride Senator Uverman Of .Vonh
concTete. brick or stone wall*. Thee*
pans of the bouse. Wyaeo.bll carried
’TTu- work of transforming an at
was meq'tiobed fur the nomination at CaroUna and RopreeehUUve Rucker;
to the
hundrt-d doHars Insurance on the losi Imitassable roadway Into whsi
the igmalng couvrnllon. i>ut Detroit
.A nfty foot gasoline boat which fumlturo and (be buiKUug was tuUy wlU tv on.-- of the finest stripk for gen­ rniilerj fir« »>•» tbe steel work was
With the renewed activiUes ot the Mends aseerted that would of MiMOuri.'
little damaged, whk* ■will make tho
is being constructed at the TnverJ insured.
Balkan army a call baa been sent out DM accept.
eral irafflc In tbe county. If the ctpcctCity Iron Works for John Plaak. to A, story to the effect that a poeJiet sHon* of tbe bulldeia are rrallxed. 1* work cd repair much Iras than (t
for voluoteem and three young men
be used in carrying psaeangera and book- conUinlttg sl>out - two hundfed well vm-ler way. The I*anie1l road Is wocid appear from the present d»
ot lUa city wb'o lived as boys wltbln
tbe mail Jwlween t\,x laUad nod dollars tra# burnfd was not given raid to lie one o^tbe best
a few tnileo of each other In ttaalraiaCharlevoix As raplaty bearing
tire eoumry of Greece will respond.
mi"-'- ••••• ' —
the auiboriUea.'
loor roadway in (be dUtri<-l. There
pleiioB and is now read} to receive
Pedro Bavbtki*. % Sparu. wbo waa
gnok mntainlej; thirty d^Urs was
slreieh of eight mllof- to be Im­
the outer planking. The craft will found on tbe door but It U aaid that proved under the plan as uutliond by
. at oo* time no officer in tbe Grecian
be a fifty footer with cabin and
army. Gfmrge VbrgUs and Goorge
the larger sum of noacy was in
the good roads oummisslouer* aad
There Wiere Teare of Regrot In HI* aenger aeeomodaUona forward and bureau wbJeh was burned. Tba moa
Katia. both ot TripoUg lelt Monday
pre*,-nt time three miles of the
Eyas As He BM Them
freight space aft She will be equip­ whleh was rcoovered was in a lower strip have bcea completed.
aftwnoon where they vjlil Join a num­
ped with a IS horse power Wolverine drawer of the same berean and a* it
ber ef other retnilit from Ulehlgan
•Tho WoA has been under the dP
Beginakg Saturday (he apeeUl de­
motor with whleh she should be aUe
and Jotne) to New York t^nthcr.
la good coadliiun net even wet H’t su|>ervUion o-' My. DoweA in
waa extended to
Way, Little 'Girl la Lacking
to develop pltmty of speed. Owing to there Is not rourb ImiiortaDoe auaeff exi^rienecl road builder Mr. Bowes livery
Wat*aHi and Y’orgisa have worked fw
(be lack of harbor on Fox Itlaad the ed to the other story.
eome lime at tbe Paris Sugar Bowl
aetsAa hia own engineer in most io- tbe parcel post system. Tbk aMans
be the first ciitaen of tbe repubUe' boat-will have to be kept' on
sad Kalis at tbe Bite bllUrd {•ariors
Because of tbe suit It had gained stanees and tbe question ot shifting that au> pared mailed under the new
deUvery stamp
bade bis final farewell lo hia towns­ 'shore and a novel attachment
and an are well luown here
before the fire department arrived tbe old roadway to avoid a big cut or
The men wilt gall from New York
Flint March 1.- i*crfecOy nurtiul people today. There were bonert been arranged for facIMtailiig
and as there was no one la thb house tho necessity of a large fill r«sU up­ affixed will be delivered as «rempUy
of regret'la tbe eyes of tlie noxi moving of her. By use of a drffm snd at tbe lime H U not known bow the on hi* Judgment. Just now there. Is a aa a ipectat delivery letter. TkU will
and laad at Athena. Prom there they in oveiy Mber rvapeet, a bahy withxn advantage lo many flrma WM
lull In the work, but the wewiber hi*
. win be assigned toHlieir c.
evea wra 'lotn lo Mr. and Mr*. prealdeoi as be listened lo the cheep worm gear In the craft ItaeU ‘the boat fire arlginated.
the main for thlpplng periahabla
been very favorable and has made It
wlU be drawn Into or out of tbe water
sad be rwsbed to tbe frost, with John Fpeektn. BlmlUr
ing and •onga.
REED riTli'—Reed City, has been postIUe for Ut«,^eontiDaatlon of tbe goods such as Oavem aad prodoea.
under her own power. A plank
preUMy an chaaee of returning
medical hlf ory. nay *J>e doetnig
good* wtu be deBvraed a* eooo
ibelr home tor arena short visit.
The child's cv-eUda are perfectly CHICAGO—Mrs. Louisa Undioff, way will be oonstnieted with trucks selected as one of the potni^o Mlchl road building opmtAMi. Juai as mn
at the postoBIee where .
gan In wbith to lasiitute free mail as weather condltlot^s wfU permit it is
They are ooafldeM of their ability lo lonned. as are the soduu. Physidant tbe woman who was recently convict­ *0 that U will snake Uniting
whip tba Turk* aad are anxiooa to can aaalgn do cause (or the abeence ed or eUying her eon In order to col­ pamtJrelr wasy vEbere heretofore It deUvery. taJdag effect Manb 1. Chaa. Mr. Bowes' InteotSoD to start the work they are sent instead of beAng kept
(here Ml night er nnUl the asst nr
get into aeilrc eereJee for ihHr roua- of eyaballs. The baby U a girl and lect his Inturanea. was today aentem has meant dhe expeadUnr* o( mnch Jatalg has haen appotatad dty ear- ag^ wHb a gang of fitly
«IK deUvery, a« k nftgk (be om.
thinr MUB.
ttefsUMWMl tobor.
««Glarg ^ nbo ««. llTSv


ofnciAiBusiREsscLUREoup XuT-Jx.rx’n :r.:" misi

vote this spriab








mod roao boilber







wp,S jma a m

Gnud TraverM HtrM

ItiK-nls nficr tlu-lr work J»-don*. The elates. .0} unaklng vice arid disease

t weigt»d and m«u.|8«ritoeomo.P,**WT..tano.->

ileis «r Michigan are o! average la- llu' euhyeit of InveelimtioD and the
lllgence. aod 'while they have b.^


ire awakentnc to
. .. lY»v

<AT»>s, MkMfl.f Mltor

mlllkitiK aaved in money to the

fact that they are the real maatei


sUoatWu and. are entitled






every year that are now wrantonasted .III uifOUlit of the general

■•Ucrd •«
uiMIrr Hmprh
ttPLMIkr to-U>nn'iiH>«'>>r,rClt>,]|l>-l
BaSntbrAcluiOnicrra ni »UiTbi.l««

.A pithlir ofliclal.who Is apathy prevailing in regard to the
not WIHIOK to Iiertunii Ills dutiea It siibjeet- S.-venil nlietupis have been
such a lu'miher that they will stand In
i> by legislator* to

Offto^ m rront 8L Both Phohe* 29.

si>iwtton,ln the IlgliU is no man for the


liosltluu. and the sooner be is mlt*

the protertioD hf Ihe gcoeral

gated in'Ihe pOUlicnl scrap heap tb<

^iil the inaudlin sentiment lo the pub­

U‘it.T It will l«e for ihoae whotii he

lic and the fact





Wdiil-i lutorfere





In Ibe atr all
the Miuner, iho«- b.-n!gbc<d members


of the l.-glflatnre who hre opiwtsed

A KTCht detl <ia be irarnod


pnigrr-i's wake np to the thie nu

passage of inea*ure* hiokinK towatd-

people in renrd to retorm by Ktudv

he lor Iheni aud for the itrople of t)io

VVltat Michigan necls iiiosi ti

ing tbe propoaed lecKlation now bo

day is lu-iier senlc- and less ,s,iiii,-

tore tbr dllTeri-nl elaic leeii'lalort->

aud Che Mioiier K is aecured. the wool

While bai fr* uf Ibo railli-al lueaKuiv er Ihe iNs.pI- will be saiisOed and get
Will piobablj- be paaeMl tlioir lnirwlu<
, the people of the-oouniry are (blui.iBg about, aod or the po^r.lUe
«venc«o 4f ibelr wl>bea ronilnue to b.
tgaored br the polUlcIiuw who hav.




prontabV tiadc


PricOB corrected every day.


The l.ixh prices paid for the fancy, Potatoes ............................................................... t*
package.-' is well shown 4ti ihe guuk.-r j Butler

.................. ...

« Mopping to think iliut *0 can1 Ha>. Per t<m; btJed
.-muds of the »ame Hiliiq foriBU»*
GRAm->HanfiM A Lay Ota.

you a lot of Ibinuing

this price, it only ^keu in

-tandard that the taler, and givw. you targer and ...........
Morals aud d.-ccnr> jcolored irnli besides

I»b« or the land.

Ir Is a


d. nt sl'4juh! an emergenev, arire.
cU«m>* ihe> Imv,
bgitimaP Wilson nnd Mr. yiarshnll are In
The people me the bovereten feet ae<^^ upon all imisirtani u-ie*.
power In tlii' r<mfiir.> If they rhuose tloTis ail'! She cb>*' r their reia:
during the cniQinc lour yeatw the
to take ndrantaxe of their ^a-on-

cater a little to the

Gon'Hli-riji;^... ih<-lr


tioaal rU^t*. l.rul

»p to the preeeut

the iiblitlelans who

Wheat .......................................1...............Ke*bc



and inrreavii:- ihe'l-ou-rty of ihj*


There Is


hand in the fnited .‘Jiairs and t|«- hal
tbe-othi-r. alto|ether de<>en<liug


the aldlity of the parties affe.-t«Hl t
take adianiacf ..f their opponrinitir
On the other hand If ihe b« in!i-r<«i


There mm.;

good 10 order tlmt the lines

aod pm off many years the eonlliri

eiuuie<-t fruiu one
to another,
that I* bound ti> come ntidcr present thereby giving a .-outiniiows streieh
On the oiber hand If lii
he tiaviding puhlJc. aud ibU con.
I>e«pl« reaiixe tbelf v.-al imwer

ditioD can

will «mi|>el the iMunage of leglslaHoi

when the .xildiiilssioncrs ofthe ad

that will be tor ibeir interests there
tlclaos and




ng eoupiies are in acfjal lonch
with one aumh-r.

their owners the righn

granted by.natnre «nd


At this meellD:



I'tvlwsed ruttli
for theTi. v. shore line mad which i


U idaniwd t.i build Iron, the south lim


iltan. north to








and this county ha< Wii ib<


ovicai.-d an.l



makes thi, .iiy th.' locieil j.iace for


and public




routes ironi Ibe soinbcwn jiart o


Mats |«ss through Travers.- rii



ng aud l:sd betn ptt out 9! one .of
he auiusoeiuDt ptacafi.' They finally
wandered mio the liltU.- office on t^c
aioii and ruaie


whi'h was uiihi(k.-d. and it was here
that Chief* Johnson and
Hid them,


noth were vatfca

to tbe cause of good

re.aH enacted fci-.

roads in ihi« s«-. tiou of the sute..

iiK that can'll^coooflbesut

i desire i>n Hi.-

pan of il

cuuiniitt.^ lu

place the
sary to tuake ti.ei.r ois-iatirv



that It will U- altitfisf iiu|s>.-aiUle to
gee-rid of a man who >► one., tl.vted
to o«ha in ra>a ile intnei to I*, dere
Ucl In bis dol.r,

Tbi-s- nn«Mi!.> are

bHiislaiurv* of ibe different
drawn tor tiie purpose of
Impioving condliioD<v of the


wihich nre moden.-d aloag

return oven aamaJl per coni U> the pub­

aive to tbe public will, but If Ihi-wlt- lic OB Ihe Invsiment. Too much *1alining menilwrv at
tbe .on.mttiec leniiua l> tn lng paid to Mirfare matplarn.' the 4.» or '•O |.cr cent cUuse in



our vhwr*.' wbirfa

shall be able, to furnlsli tin Hte stock
aud varieli^* wanted at short uutlcalto early


tin- kcaHon wb<-;i

farmers have Hu- time to plant.


She has Iwen

Piiititmao Moss was

-tjme««^ hl9m ftv hta ap-

Hi.- y.wlerday's price sJernvd tb.

i.s> little is being done to


There were a


There wiuc

'eight, and ffu







The mail bad been gone


Olfii'er Neumann received


duilng Ibe night, tbe first


them being one from lllington Park,
which he turned over lo-rthc whcrllT
e nl-o wa* iwlled upon to care for
farmei's team which bad been left

dow-B XTrebie Rargy. wbo-U aenuied of
the theft of a pot ki


ne lime Sunday morning.

All of



therein Jokenlthe proper

s had been taken



ba*« le wan-er to (hek eo»|h7, the ntUoM forgnuaest and prlcH
vine, Mkh.


Thcfo are man.v

farmers who have bald au a<rc or



was hiisk




le vouHnuedMcnd) cold ba* mad,
the Hraod markets hriuer*an>i




demand is good in all |tu-s f>.:

a SA cent*.






The tartners yesterday were Burner
u and the mills had their bauds fui:
Tht-re, Were


Is very




weak, as It always 1* s

M-a.-on of Che year and tbe'pricv

were * fairly
had all

they ctwld do and the ahlpmcni. ont
weregood. Some beans were received
and aeviffnl tarmer* were U for their
..eawn's supply of flour and feed.

OnJy.n few Kmds of potaloen were!chaa*e the price of SS4'.3lc.


(From mday * Berert-Eagle.)
The Chtcagu market received

Thirty-nine care*. V
«Sr. wl»h Nichlsan ic In Ihe leaf
Just a* aoon aa


firet brUi

but finally ^mained firm al 18^ 19c. tome* la the w«*thcr the Omud Kap
The. butter prices arc a.trifle beiter.'fda market will bo faR of UI*. Thcr
rioalng ate SZfl3ic.

catta at the different faymers in the

*' ■
of sale c
e utadc apd
and IM- ruluic
.tXrSTEE-Toay ^y. *>ki.
'd.d, notice r. berebr stvun Hmt
bad never known a si. k ■day in^tur on FVidav. th'
o'clock tn tho tonlife, uV-sti »• “
of “ strokroT
.'liall sell at public ancllou
aimplexy at hi* t>rotlur-In-taW*'‘‘hi*
the ilgh.-st bl'lder. at the noril.
OakliHI near here.
He wa* Mr
front d-K>r of the (\rrri iibusc In tb<wlitle talking to bis.retalive and dithf dltv of Traverse CHy ilhxi being the
Idarv wbeie Ibe Cirruit Umn lor the
iustamly- l!uj-w*U wiia 50 year* &1d.
said founiy
of Grand Treverte to
Mhli. !hc I'reiulse.- .lesfrtbed ia said
DiuruaKe or as tuueb thereof ha may

Tccifc EztneM AbM»Mc>
Ijr WItkM Pmlm


•reived yesterday. The price remalnajmarket quieL with recel
in same.
of two cars and 31'

lull It mokv* an cx'-ulk-ut rniei

'lUkgt 311'.. which laid luoili^BSVwasrn Hie iweniy-foiTrih day of
ed by
I. duly assigned
Alice Wood to Itbse Wood I'enhailegau an.l w! Lh asaiguuieDt was duly
rccirdcd In liie Regtalcr of lv-cd»' oiC.v ct G:a/.'; T:avcr« fr-unty gfon->gj.i on Lie t«cnt,!-fMlh day of Junuary, luic. In LiM-r .'-I of mortgages on
mw: iliT. on will. Ti luongagc there to
. taiu-cU lo U due aL the d.xtc of Ibis
1;.>:I.-C Ibe Mim of F1«e Hundred SixtyFour au-( IT-'!!"’ Ixifta,. and aitortK-y
I« of Flft.xo IWlUrv, provide.] lor In'
■id iimrigaxti aud no cult or prociuidyta al law having bc.-n InMltutod ta
•cover the u:ut»y* scMjtcd by aabl ,
munnagw or any jari tbervo/.

mertage. with seven per rent
jicrvri. and ail legal coxu. together
By the “Ka-oUr“ method I ra_
lib allorney fef aforewaid a* <ovBwve iboBs actilor teeth absolutely enanted (or therein. The preaUos dewltboat mvln. and wltbotti the ti»«dff irribed In said luorigagc am as fol•Irng* to moduce uacousciousni
(FVom Monday. Becord-aslij
A* tanil. situated in (he City of Trevr-MS ATly. County of Grand-Traverse
Hrmnea* In the Chicago market
.mil jStalr of Mk'blgas. vlx: lax Pourv,n.g sbiurdav m,d rb.uwh tb,
itt-u oC Block Two of Uiodricb's .Addi'celpts „f .-gs. were S.Ml eases. sUi;
llon’io Hie City of Treverbe City, ac'
the price* were kichlgber
Marke- 506-SPS Wifai^ lUock, with Vt. Hold# tordlae to ite recorded |4ai thereof.
-orih.' Inverse City; VlchUgn.'
Itatad F'ei>. 4<li. t!>13.
a,.m finn at the advance pf butter
nnd the S.OiS tub. did no.'
toes received.'

HuHer. :Tc and

The mills

well to go iD'o this business too-hca<

of Grand TYa'-c
an, on ike^.d tenth day

There were several loads of |*>la

Potato«. 4UC . bushel.


Tl.e M ap near

has dro|i|ud :■ cents.

{5.65 a barrel for lanc.v is the ficicc



Hendon and Kingsley.

App^ in the Grand KapMs market
liciaght right, but ihu cold Inierfere*.



wheat from Norihiuirt. ttullons itay

leads. 4dc and 4kr.

good demand if they

!i would not fa

Ihe matter when the represcotatl'

Tiie vexetaMe

S:<s In tbe bank.

Iffico » 111 remaiaa one cent M> Hu- provided tbero arc children in Htg
Mlchigan sluv-k al 4U atul L h'loc. ft would he well to look Info'


with a receipt of


aud th>- reoulls will be sbowu by- thi

lead fo

Only 40 can o( are ao many uold^er ordem faiiin-

create rafegunrds for the piibll.
• conients were recovered wlib the potaiues were received and tbe Ic for this change. Potatoes are in good
epHon of a iw«iiv dollar money
eC tbe statute looks. Ten or twenty baaljfa. wbirfa afierall is (faejeal paralead that Mlcblgac stork baa bad for dsmaod. bnt ibe ohipaenu will b
Issue before Ibe people of the
•. which Uargy dM-tares he ae<
per cent la high enough Cor any ul
the Ivt few weeks stW remains.
| small «n acrouat of the Ivenes* o
klimons of dhdlar*
them and If theM- flgiiaN nre Milled i irnited States,
. He appear*!* before Judge Umi(»r
The Grand Rapids commission hare the seanoo
Eggs are now iSftaOc
being expended every year to take today, waived examlnalion
BPOB the, p«-opli. Will be natUBed and
new babh. railing the weather man batter. S5$Kr: potaloen, 3Se4»c.
willing to.ahida by the reM'It. If on ehargeoribeanfortuDaies whose lives bound over to ctrcull ^onn on' J5M' the firet thing each. day.
This wlU: The loral mllU were busy Ml d-.
Uc other hand the poIiUciana try tu
bad. which he has not yei furnished
the effect of rontrolliag aS prices Satarday with exchange grist, and ihiprotect themaelve* by

ried on regilarly.

$1. 5« for his half acre, while anulbvr



- tbe bllU they had nmih Mtcr in- U-n

tim Mil* and idnrtoff

teb 4. 11. IS. 55. a

IXerauIi bevinc Ms
■ la the
rail-ills of curumbers. I' b sonietbina
eoiid !kjus vf a r4i+ain mortgage ti
that should be dohe by tho^ whu by Johr
John F. iiBd. n and l.#oarB ilad.-o.
own farms that have .bildren. fur af if ini-eie- City . Michigan.
Moid. mad. the fourth day '
er the picking begin* it must be car­

It was nhuum
case* -over las: aiuntioQ ghcD to
year by son. ■ wl.o signed con­


price P seWe-lUilf cvul. Pcm.-lbivv
cars of iwi^ioes Were rcc.dved and IM


me* of eggs and the price flucinatod^

Nnomi K<-nar. It I- alleged that be
took tbe purse from tbe Kurekn cafi


CesfaUy done on light land*

price did net change as It may toraor-


lod be was unable to locgie blm.


GKOROF. \\r C1.-RT18.
!''H!ri . ^uainiistiouer. Grand
ekllciiiK for 1 oic|italoa*l.
Ineu addrcfs.
Ttaverae City.

ucubin* that can be

tracts that one man



Kgg* arc Sfic and i2r

luuie lime when tbe officer arrl'


ISufler eame u, !j-eel>. i.»t

f jioultry


Hiottgh Hte Kales were g'gtd nnd the

.Sum# fi^rsoni.

liciting has met

ReceljUs *>• eggs welt-

were four

called to ibe fused 00 acount of tbe condition and
the sale was slew.
<wrs of pota

ad seen a nvan coming from Hp-

iu the city,

the reprcweniaUve who baa been ace

iluilcr vaJoe» luve ut,i

for the we«^ T.K»|


fTorida came la. some bad oo be re

in the rewr of the Coumd rmideuie on

Imvf U-.-U in the . ity looking after I'Macieoi'v rha; Is ucuessary to '
salting fallen

X-'TSi caacw, nuking the total re-eipt.

eat suta talcj- in the eveniag to cap
ire a- (blckcu thief.

opy of this order tic
each week for fix
I Grgnd
newrpaper priaU-d
iiinty. or a tni-.v

Fred .\. Silk and William .V Uari'-i::

l.gMan' th.-rr whs a good diu' at -th.

quaitcr ct at.


roiB, parsle.v. tiepiierk

and threo^ dollars eusi or ta
givMi a • haoce to raise the money

ibe pruf^r lines while others are be- nnblMketed on the street.
nhd Ihe |>ale of reason and
Ye*icrttay afternoon Chief of Police
senre. Large appropruaion*
ybnaon ami Patrolman
dog riot and-maAf of them *

most effective wheu they
noefa a uiaiuu'i that they at.- repon-



iway with.

the union are flooded with


M..M>n and Iflxun line, bat ,1 cm

pha*i/v.-s the cryms. need i.f a nc'v

nd spring ebiekena advanved half a


s not known be*' many fowls be got

prove to be bulwarks of liheny god
trolled by


will pcciloiau- well. Uctc whirl, wcir
taken from good nurseries north -f

the taller >ol.l at au advance ol ene

{1.5119 rase* were rereived, tbe

lisl wa. ocO-uciHl to |nv leu d
bttedn diys In Jjiii.



klk-hlan rotors want the iuliiaii\c.

This u<>t ouly sup

}«>rts our eonicotion that any

engo mariu-ts for butter aud eggs, and

prices are from Ibc to-2{(x

llier.- will be no Jealous feeling

law In su.h a manner ibat they wiU


iProm Tharwlay's Record Eagle.)

ir tsmiiry

Ueuger loid a fiat-

i^4> Dts'tcr. DO mailer wbirfa rant.
bu( wailed unill
ci>Qi|dcii-d lirst.‘’aud as what beneflu ily rvtbnted home about an hour later
fity |lM-nefiu the entire re- li^ore BuHfying cither tbvju or

reterenduiii and

glows ihi-ro in I'CHcr suited 10 com-

fre, ly at CV .

il>|s-ared betoTe .fudge 1'
lor this ntornlUK on a drunk and i

conatUucuu have clearly majiped bur

tiieeiing cannot help giving a


Local Markets


i<re.-l In th* .arly luirt of Ibe evei

Comnietic-d s.-i.-ral years ago. whirl


astray fn>m the


< liangrd. bDt cxiras in creamerw* sol-,

TJicy vauced eoiuc.ri'U.-mviii on H-

IVoctl- leader in the work ever since It wai

r<'lert.ndhci heldbig the meetings that hs'
o)>)e.i tbe »,i>iemaUr di
aod recall into effect, and when
. plan
lioth of tbe itroiosed
do there will be iHttc Hianc-e fur iegis


as they think the -nek

(Prom Saturday’s Secord-Baglo.)

caused by IMward Keag^lf
ithy Ik-Kc~-. hsiHi of whom were It

Me dollars niiil two dollar* to'ir a



siiervtal orrb.inl-'


RTATK OF MICHIGAN—In the Ciruit Couu for Grand Tniverac Coamy.
a ChanciTV.
JnnnuT 1^ 19IS.
kiver-s complaini
Taliow ..................................................................fie
'.ver. defendanl.
No. 1 bone hidea........11.60 **« np
aj'iwsring from affidavit of abovo
cd camptaiiiaDi on
file In the
e enriUe<l cauae that the defendFrank \V, (il..ver. was a rrsideut
Miukrnu .................................................. 164MM
or this stale in the fall of PHI and to
.......... T5eS»9
the be'sl of hci know’edac an-: helief
..40c«|{Si Min resides ip and is an inhabitant of
Skunks ...................
Mink, dark...........
..i:.M9<A0 )!i:sMale. iiut ,hal process for his afe
Mink. i«ta........... .
..I100»j6-'!b l’ -:u*nce heMn Issued out of-and tinv'icr the sol yf this vxiurt cannot ii«
■■erstmally served U|un him fay rearoo
.{tOOfjIS.OO "f his'etaUnui-d almenfe from his last
roi. red..................
Ftox. gray..............
60ce$2.0: kiiowB place of residence. On moHon
of Uiv.II II. Gaee. solicitor for tho
Prices appir only on prlma slock.
eomi'lalustil. It !- ordered tliat the
alspe named Jefendapt cause hta a|s
peaixuxe l.. bo #n>er<!d In Ibi* cause


Flruiness again* jH-rvaded the till
. e

(hieago. Marcb 9.—<1

thv police fal^c: ixirn. 5i-\c; u*u

tunity to niisnndervund tlie, dtrecUou taney

atates are mosidering passing laws


Itacitlc I'teM



HUea .......................................

hi'lnglna in 5.<>iw ufifile trees from the


Buckwheat, per 100 lbs... .li.lOfH-H
Prices oorrected as mwket varte*


Iluslueiis addrvaa, Trnvc
fl.Tff Mich.
tan SI. SS. teb 4-. If. JS. S

lus ^..................

and hiyaed and a tboruueb eulUvat

good dibiaiice.



orderly charge.

cally all of the





deny the xlgn»«( (be times or Ap'pur. good- rtiB'Is iiiovemeni Is still )o Its In
in which they are iMdn'Ine.


kept OH ti

Ttie nrsl

Ihe atlenltuu of

ant pro*i*eet Top the money kings jn'. of the 'Slate ah»ig the ahore of loikc
the country, hot. there I* nu chance t"


srisf nii:is aiul the fatuicrs c^e 11

i*«s. Pfceiuu.- ll.eie

la* Ihc M-K.easenl of a dtwtUfhanc



Slates cxmsiiuitWn to ihe i>eople them
TfaiR may nut be a u-ry pP-as'

lor 915IMSI.

fnau UUD! dirpctiUDS'and s>uuc froa;


:iug calls uud Ukiuyi cm
of offenders.

bie all Oi.r the'l.

hi taking from ohe hands of the poll


thtdr .\>->'peiatiutt great



for nil- |K>lkc depsniuci

hi MKiUties in loueli with each «<t
advances in the woik will be


lo (ivcrhaiit. hut wbhli w


(t->om .Monuwy's Kc.urd^litagi.-1

ng th- leadeis of the uioveniem


u first class sha|«y Including e
Jimb* large and small were removed


m.-iih wilt result lu

! s*;

would cost

liutds ol polatue* aid that price

be a *vstem to ibi- .'costrurtioa of

the- p<''<;.h


nuirtal lue,


iv. 15:» liighor.

to foposlgbt they

will appease


leiitabors iuslslcd

Maruh 2.—t'aul- receipts,


can anrreed is biihieuiiig their areMi
will make enn'»~



iBuckwbmt. per 1M Ik*..,................... tUt
IAIN—Traverse City MltHng Cta

'•cviins. IJ.'Ntu. active. t»-.'.!t.l4*; yV

which t* srhediilej )c

and l'>

i>riea Y"* bear of Uie

|•'«atoes' w-re not-.-.Q-i.

B-tivc. sti-^y. »S>!lS.

i-ned I'v lln-

Vlgh e«.ft tif trtmmi


-aciivc. ri5r. hiufac. *S.«,*v‘

Drunks. OiUurbsrs

The diMri.i


anca Is lubl- lo swing way i

sions that


l-wple to guide.

msEua BOMS

orv liard to <1

haul.'dont g.-l frighl.

VVlIIiams Uros. ISckM Co , «f HelxoU.

ter It will 1e. fure Ihe itatios ‘pho-

bartered tbeir rlgii'K Tor cold of .
Interests. Ibe;v>y Ivirtnilini: the rights

Com ........................................................................ bde

l» or JO aciv's of

If you ha'



•l/«11ny they iiav.- hc-o rho**n t>


Prices corrected erory day.

bag msuad ot a lox

II atro euabiei

changv*. will oci-ur under Ihe admin,


-they have deleltaled Hieii

foi.Kgga ..................................

Everyone.|ia)e ten «vin*

Now U the Umo to U-ha ..rebards.

lu this rouDlry hnvr iM-eh sai rificed you lo get at your trees belter wbi-ii
istralion of l*re*ldeni Woodrow Wll- for the »
'f Hie dollar, and th.
He will endi-avur to Mahllsh
ihc p.'oplo are carrying
tact that the peopb- of ibe Pniiod
closer relalloRs between the Ivglsla
burden of taxation that is ont of all
Why don't some enu-rpriaing tarmei
Staten aie aoi aeiufted with e»i»iinf
tile aud ..xe<-uli>e branches of Ihe l>r«i>o:iion ;« what <1 should be in n
sl« i>wue 40 or Ml acres on the Hay
coodltlob*. and It !■ mill more e> iden;
governne-m and
•bort* divide il op Into r. and lu nert
Upa the tiaie ha'
president sit in the cabinet coiinctU. Ideiu'^ along tfie lines of hl.ghcr clvlliol* lo be bold us reaoii faimsT Al
when tbe> know what i
11.1th of Uicse ebaiige* If pul
Mural cooditinns are slan all niial have gviod water fnnilagr. The
1C the.- 4, ..ot re.x-ivc li they will'
feci cannot help but work for the »n over the vinnir.v and Traverse ritr
kaow the reason why.
era) good, .t i>rr<l>I:M c.' the t.'niled Is -dallv sitSering
Ihe same
f of the ltilere>.,«:
Id ibo
Siau-s id nolhiug atier all but
miu’-Ic <vh ,n-<yiuiit of the Jaxttv of the
the polltira:
nioD American eltl.-en. and Is 901 eu- peoid.. al targe who bHlcve that If a
eution of the titl.-d ellh.T by Ulrih or hi* |ibsHion tocomlition happens to'be so. It ia Inbig tniats' b> Hie Boiernmem. wlii!i- hoM hin.self aloof from congress dm
Take away that !«re lo.-k fnun
evltah> and. .annot be avoided by
nnprodartive or rrai taneible resultleg the lime lltat he 1> in ofllce. It’ leglsixHon or o'hi-rwlse- \ thorough fitmi yard by planting a lew wa
haa opened tbe •->«» \)f the j^plr holdiug closer lelaliun* with .ongrec
and chestnut trees. They set ti
BW^ Is needed in Hils direcHoti
and given them a clear >i>‘« of the he omes in more dii-eeC-touch with
ft Hit firm well, arc good siiade 1
and Hm sooner it .-oin.** the sooner
manner in 'which they ar.* -brim: the l>eo|de and thereby enhances the
and nirnlsh
ihe bnrdvn will l« IlfU'd from, the
{leered to fallen the pi'Chitlmiki
Don't plant ibeni tiv^r ;io S fedt I
efTiei.-my of his admlnistmtion. Oi
taxpa'iT- and ihc unfortunate* roIb^ who already have an ahuudsniv the i.iher hand tlx-re is u» reason wh;
if you want gooil results.
dured to the mlnlmntn
More than
aod to apare An the tiuiional s<nrm- th.- vii'e pnsident should not be con
idle Ulk Is nwded In ihi«i movement
ment ha« taik-d in a large iiicumi:
.kiu'i insiM .
widered a l*nrt iif the ex.-euiivc moral t,«Hcrm.ffii. for the only r.a:
to secure relief for the general pul*- of the:tiaiiun MUd -il 'in tlie i-nuncili
brand of cohl storage t.tant .for thl1 which any p'-rman'nl good can b
lie from the bunlelK^ Imimsed by pred of th.' caliliix in onl.s^ to Iw^^nu-da
town. hut thg long suffering ]uh.|>Ii
.-.-.unplishcd is by crtkjn. and ihl
atoo' wealili. the people tire lumin.'t miller With the iwlieie*
Wish to lile their claim now for the
riiou camiot be wraimcnced any toi
to Ibeir own Mate legisUlbres lo hop. lueui. wluch .leafh <|r
one-'mau-piivau-ouu'.rsbip brand, the
H'tl if tlx- rare is to be *nv.-d fron
of ending erreitive meibuds oX Ufum may make him the head within bis
Imunlclpol-ownerslitp-arilul'-. .-r u out
isesMs Hat
the galling yoke from tbi-ir shouldvr^ tiypin of offhv. In o'lr ■•piniOD the of
|Mdc-c-of;i>uralion dirc t ftom the CM.I
«'st maniiond abd woman­
niSnTheir desires are Mug volred
*Suirai;i- truM. Hive Us .-olltelhlns
hood. Ix-t the people awake 'o the
. many bill* ral'icg for Male r>-g<datiuu Imlred toe
taucible to Mart Hie hall rolling and
sHuatlri:) H-n ciiifronts th.-m anA
11 >' ini|K>rtan i 1 liai ih<
or big Imsinex. aod even If :he Or
turn their effort* toward bringing
sired legUlalion i* not iios.<cd it <11 man who uils thU rosltien should tw
niem rv-torius IhiA will he iHUh cfJtave a tfendeiK-y to
the liitere«i' V.rsed in aiH the details of goi'
fcciiv.' and permanent.
anffklenily to b-ad them u> tun meni and thereby U- pre|iat\-d at
about In the opposiie dirretiun :ini lime to as'-niiie Che duties of preel
the makliiK and wtJori^iiieot .»h-th.

........................... .

Oat* paper bpx holdini: 14 lbs. Cretmery butter

who liaC'ihr future wolfare of Ihe


..115*1 SIC

Of oource wg- have Hay, loose ....

vcn.hd’t sviin.-standard -y-um Of Onion*
FARM P|lOOUCe»8emn| Prtam
giadiug uud parkiug.

heamijmo.'v deserving aspirants lor lilt-royal

iliat will allow Hie-rising RCDeraiiim


hist year, ] Potatoes

•bailee to get even isitl of Ibis Strasr.'Per to*

Is t serious prohU-a'and every elHten l«>nor» nlUcbed.

Atvonling lo Tciwrts coming fixio:

>-T.\TK OF itlniUJAN-lB the rdrult
f,-r l.(.aLa*c County.
I. Ohauccry. •
•• January 11. 19t£
l-ji"i'a V? ttafallK-. i'(i!ii|daiiiam, vs.
i-d. rick ly,
IV, Ual-lki,
Uablki, di-t.-rdanL
affidavit 'on ll'e
ll>e'above ••niillp.l ,
Oisi tbe
fendau- aU,-.e
n tvavi-lenl
Ibis Hjte. bui
s lo;
-M1.U I
s«ul of IM-. court nannoi be personaliy *•I rn-d
vii-on him h» rtawiii <if
tiu.-d ul>»en- f from hfs la-l
ace of lesidenre. On nioli- n
1 H. Hacc. soHlelor fur the
xnt. it i, ordered that said d.Frederick W, Hablke. causvi
arsm-e to M- .nfeied In Hri*
mnae wfHiin three 1
hereof and that 11 '-uin of ihtaorbc publisliA (.n.e M oiih week
six wi-eks iT »ie"-r.i<m In the
Hraiiil Traverse Ilv-rnW, a iiews-f<a|K-r
printed aji.l publ'sbv.! iu H.!* eonuiv.
:!d d<-r< i:dant s< b-ari iwetitv
-iWTlImd hrr>-in
fur his
. -ITITIS. •
lit Conrt Loii-mflslon’er. Craud
Trnverae Onuty . Mleh

UlVKLf. Ii tlAGK;


ration should have some band in ibl-JSggs ......................

iward hiinctng about couditions Remember ibat a govul irfiiimi



, of those 111 advised,‘•ufwl'v-s .and


.As this Is nearly :.M».ip.arl«id' thi*^Butter .................

ind the tbhll blU'also ‘»ut <riuh." whi. Jj we hav.. w:.-aricd

spired sour.'ci


Ihl! uBil aliBo.'i as man.'

rolturo on

iDi'clioice mombcrshl)u> in “Tlie Ihiwnbud

target of

* F.iwtiymns (*r c

Turke^-B. dreMod .

We van sell >011 on long time -a-veral



Ducks, (tressed

About I.MUMS*, box

Ilefore giving up fruit

tskro Istmulty and
d >u1 B>CMS sariaeer.isl., free

'Oeffse. dressed ....



pie at iM-arl sbouid lend their inflii-

tias givea an exr^eai id> u a» lo wba


don't know why.


ing of this fer-Iingi Ihe Mler ii '
Uw rc«l, srotlnpoi or the, Amt rl.jn

the “T.arden .if the

W<- eaiCi s

tip nny longer.

li-m. pioase call at our olfH-.- whci-

bt ing

r.etly ,m U>

1 OhlrkcM, dressed .
\\> 'nil'l nai Ihil Ihl. mowlcfu) give It quick.
l^e Hegion is tuarki4 on the map

profit of certain Interests Ims killed plgs-in-lhirurcliard.slylt-uKutlivaU o n
lUauipt In lu lofaciry. Kven th< and the iio!c-lhe»-duwu cnit.plag syIs

............. be| ’“V ’

Umbi ............................
BrieeP ..............................

Olasner hill, which is now before the

................. • “

iCUvea .
jOnw. .


There is |ut>greaahc

•,'lhs -DU. a( I'ylK WigDKBI) DO' lOKa it
r^. „• ciTAiraa (lat


On tbe'nihardiand tbeM pn-


least ctmrf.-oui coosldemilon on the
|.art of thosi- wtioi


rnvKj l-H*i%?Tinks<o*lhlh*tbsts*re.

(ranilBg of leglelatlon along that line

IiuudwiDked In the |«ksi. much lo ibair great gnod could be aeeomidlehed




r rAGE T\ro

04 farm products Express mprsmeaU shipmenu out were good. Theke wen
car lou. any grade:
the only thing that pat Bfe into nsverel shipments In .of wbeu froo
A. C Davis. Coopeiathe male*. Bgga were 19^;5«; tmtter. the nearby towng. There were nevwaJ
frti «-i3f


Art- only purchaaed once. There­
fore t.>>ey slKiuld be sf moderw
desigu. bum of mtai dnrahl.
c:-ateruls and artistically finUhed. Von wlU1 find only such
tbe Works of
Traverse CRy. klitta.
1 bay Si.
Both Phemes^

, Altoreeys for Assignee.
Treverse City. Miebigu.
fob Ik,
njr 4. II. IS, 55. apr 1. S.
li, 55. Ss. may «. 13 '

Pardee Bnslness
Exebande .
410 atata Bank Midtaf
Trwvseat CHy. Micta

Stocks mUuOatrnmat,
Fmrm MC iMt
Laote 9MO tMmam
OlyPiopsrty, .
A total eou of $55 for advartltaas
and sale of any ot ihese psuFsiltaa,
CaU. or send for onr propo
feh U-tfHv


Plwty or
dii*c«Mi «i«rclM
V*ri«r. and not bMTj fwdUw ot
•nd cood. nuuiilow food »r« t<n> tie- •»>' <«• r<^. •»«« » prodaee be«
Ion -lilcl. on of pmi.IT li»p<.m.n
. ,____,
_coU economicnlly U to kr*p op a tI»in m«a*tn* .be *««nI «n«t. The
,«««*« to ilnirt..
farmer *ho nieeJj dIrecU the One and coint. «.ll not piopertr develop ni-nadmtnUten tb« otber wlH find that out eserriaa. They abooM be allowed
hla anxiecr aa to the otttcoiDe vttb to ran and Jnmp to tbeir bcaru' c«bMa brood naren nay be craaUy dt- teoL Iba roogtaer and harder tbe paamlnlafaed. Tbr under eaereialnc and taro tbe better it develcpa atrong'fega
wer feedinC'Ot netvy dtnti marea dar- t»d bealtby boofn l<et tbom oat In
Inc tbeir period of precnaaor ia a winter whenever the weaUer U St.—
mltiake often nmde tbroa^ a ada- C. J. Grirflns; Wiacooain.
guMed aenae ol kindnaaa and a da-1
> • •
rlre to do tbe.bett poaalble thing for Tbe mtnagemtU of the nuir* ii
the taar* and foal.
«nitc aa iraporuiit to anrcwfol coll
Bai^ the work and the feed ehonldynlalng aa It the seteciion of the i
be under tbe walchfal eye of the atae- and tba aire. Eserciao ifaroogbon
ter. An tM adage aaya that the eye Period of pregnancy, with no tong
of the nnater fatteoa hla cattle. Tbia Immediately prior to fbaling. Iceepa
nl^t alao menu that tba aame watrii- the mare ia tone and prwventa bef
io) eye aaaarea auoeaaa with tbe man- iram becotrlog excaaaiviy faL Oeoer. agment of the pregnant nmre.—D. •). ally imrturttion la made much more
Thompaoii. Indiana.
leaay. with aubaaquratly a more rapid
rerovery. with little chance of erll
The riah azpertmeat aUtlon found after elfecta on the n
that KOO-pound horaea at hard worS
Many valuable botnet are apolled by
could be malnutned in eootiiUon
=2.S poanda ot alfalfa bay per day.| Improper or barab trantmaiK in train­
ing. A man.who to Incapable ot anend when «c real td pounda
flclaai for the aame boraee. Sec. F. O. dertaandlng ib^ d'apoaitiott ot botnet
of training
Coborn ot Kanaaa aaya: “Tbe idm
that alfalfa hay U not tollable for
horaea haa been proved err
thouaandi of fansera. tean
It it bad policy to train a colt unlireryinea: many uae no other hay.
If there la any troohle It cornea fryun leaa be >• in lh» beat of apirlta. The
feeding more than la needed. With brato win be morn active, therefore
acceaa to unllieli^ quontiiiea horaea tfae'diapoaltion eaaler to cnatrol. On
the othtf hand, if you train a colt
may Infore themaelvea by eating
mneh. From 10 to £0 pounda of ai- while be ia thin in Ileata. in poor
lalfa hay per day. with a amall'quan­ aplrila and on 11^1 food, aa ioim- men
tity of grain, wli; htep work horaea do. be wfll'iMt take notlve of objects,
in inrifiy conditioa at a aaviog of 20 and when on good feed later, be U
to Ml* In coal of maintenance.'
not wtil trained. Have them In good
tpirtls. give plenty of. feed, and uae
Clo«r it a vetT good hay for colta leak whip.—W. B. Corner. Venuoot.
and horaea. eapccially ia liiiicg fer
Inquiry Into the practleea of a large
Btarkel. Many would not feed clover
to horaea. but 1 bclleie tbeir objertloq nuniber of practical colt raitera. tarmcornea from bereey. and prejudice and ein who each year raise one to thi
not from actual experieoee. I find colta. ahowa that tbe great majority
« clover tu'perior to timothy. It la rich of tbe-n believe atrongly that tbe mai
in protein and nlperal matter, two ele- rbould not be allowed any period of
mer.ta necataary to tba' atrongaat and Inactivity befori foaling. They as­
beat Cevriopment of a colL Cheap sert that they have mneb better reraaghnge. with oata. irtcat bran and aulu where iho Jteep the marc
n HUlr corn in addition to tbe tlorer. light work right up to tbe clitlral
ITOdocea exceilont reauita.

8w1m chard li a variety of beet ia
whicn tbe leaf aialk and midrib have
been developed inatead of tbe root. It
It often called ailver beet, leaf beet
or sea kale beet. Swiu chard it
ot our beat potberhe. although litUe
known, aa ti it a raib^ new vegetable,
hut Where introduced It finds ready
acceptance, both tor lu leaves and
lu white or tinted tender lesvet are
pr^ared for tbe table like apina
and the aialka and nUdiriba may
cooked like celery or boiled and served
slmUsr to asparagus, being especislly
palatable when eaten on toast. Some­
times tbe plants are blanched by ty­
ing up the bunch of foliage.
Arrange to keep aometfallng growing
and all the apac« utllMsed in tbe garden-Barly sugar coni may be followed
hy late poutoea and a aeCond aucceaaion of com planted where tbe early
leitore. oniona and radiabaa came o8.
If one keeps a few chlekens on s
lied area cabbage drilled ia tbe
lows wim maturo aufficlaniiy for win-

Tbe aeedbed tor itto need not be
prepared deeply. Tbe crop docs beK
in n rather Arm wed bed, with nn inch
two of loose soil on top. Do
•ow oau on tond that Us verr rich,
tor there wUll be an excraaive grawih
uf aiem caused by the nttrogen pres­
ent. and tbe crap kill fall down.
A field ibat to to he planted to oata
sboutd be plowed In the (all if possi­
ble. If the land baa not been plowed.
Ii wui be beat, in most
pare the at^bed by disking, as tbe
ground does not have time to get well
eeiiled. if It is plowed ia tba aprttng.
But disk the sou well, and it wUI usu­
ally uke revera’. dlsklngs to put tbe
toad in good condlUon. Oau to a abaJlow rooted crap, akg as tba roots do

How Paris Helps toaw>.
Tka fact that tbe rwulpu of Itoito
ttantatk hsTa mars than donUed to
tka tost twenty yenn Is a good thing
for the Paris poor, alaca avarr h«r«
of a tbentar ticket la Paris has to pny
• tan per eant tax (or the
Bount of whl
a 31400.000.
The Causa of P

to tbf country. Mr. Mayra porlad Defender some time ago (or

YThUe in aerrice rams are naunlly
grained heariiy and After this pertod
is over the gTkin ration rbould ba
gradually reduced. It to well lo feed
a little grain over winter, but all grali
should be cut off aa soon as ibey get
paunre. One pooud of grain and
or three poanda of roots each with
good hay la a good daily ration.
Silage is a much relished ■ubaUtnu
(or roou. -Haagris are Injurious
the rama If fed (or long periods. This
aame trauMa we do not find with

Rama should not be wUb tbe rest
of tbe flock over winter, but ahonld
have aeparate qnartera A their own.
They will not then prava a nuisance
to tbe rwt of the flock and wlU be
» qtdet.
r the period of a
lee K aereral rama era lo ba kept
together they will fight aavmgely when
flrst broo^i together and will often
aerioasly If not tolally Injure «
other. I find that if put In very aa
qnartera at firm they cannot ln.«
each other and wm noon stop fightiac.

Ewes which have been well fed over
winter win nrrire at tombtog time to
Hring condmoD and wUI drop a
. percentage of large, well devdeped lamb*. Thera tomba will get a
uood surt. as tbeir mothers win have
good mint flow. The wool from an
underfed ewe to Inferior In weight and
quality to that of her well cared tor
sister. Sheep win live and thrive on
very IHUe food. Forthto renaon many
tarmera try to winter tbeir sheep «n
•JmoK nothlBg.g><'. J. Grifflng, Do^
-County. Wtocoaaln.

ranged kidneys are the cause of rbeonutlsm. Get your atomacb. liver, kid­
neys and boweU in healthy condition
by tshlng Electric Bitters, and you
will not be tranbled snth the pains of
riu-umaiiam. Cknilet B. Allen, a
ptlnclpnl. of Sylvanla, Oa, wbo BufferTbe nUalts
Michigan to i
tism. liver and stomach trouble and
thousand nena each year u the e«ti- Bisrased kMneya. writm: -AS
mated lucraasc. and from tbe luxoftant wi
remedy cured me c
Ing andihe popuUrity of this legume your rheumatic pains epme from etomwith Hlchlean ttimers. the area will ach. liver and kidney troubles. Elec­
Iwcnme even greater as time passes. tric Bitters wilt give you prompt re­
•wee are Improperly fed during
lief. 5oc and 31.00. Recommended IqIn mary keriiooa of tbe gUlc the soil nU drngglsu of Traveraa CHy.
Winter, tomtdng Ume finds them weak

Tbe Impression seenu to prevail
that tbe mineral dements required
meet (be demamis of the growing nniand with a abort milk flow. They
found'to auBIrieni
not to a Lt condition to take np ti-e
trials of motherhood. Tbeir tomb* ar­ abundance to tbe ordinary grains and
rive weak and aumted.'aod often find (ee<ls grown upon the (arm. but'this
Forster, a Oerdisowned by ibetr mother,
msB phyaiologtst. first proved (hat ani­
ge ratloo to not enough
nonrtoh a pregnant awa and develop mals can lire bat a few days on food
I that Is practically free from mineral
her uubora offspring, but It should
mailer; ID
to tact
(art an animai
animal whi
will live
h., ^ip. s
1 metier:
|if suppUed with mineral-free food to
'‘".abundance. Tbraogb tbeir peculiar at
tributes tlm-mtodul etocnenis matu
““ tain a very imponant retoikm to prac­
tically all (be vital proreaaea. and en­
. A few pounds of aitoge daHy Is ter Into tbe compoaltlon of every Usgreatly rellabed and provides mach- sae and fluid of tbe body. Ume. pbow
ueeded bulk and ^rtobmem. doye' pborus. Ii^n sad aulpbnr are need to
hay aad mou also provide a very good ibe eaaeBtial structurea of tbe body,
and tbe control of both voluntary and
Involnnury mnaclea la accomplished
The feeding of preguat ewes dor- through the proportion of Ume. magIng the winter U n matter of muc^t^ealum. sodium and potnaaium aalu
Imponnoce. Tltey moat have a dm acting npon Um.
that wOl
wm Matfmi
M (gtfmntote tbrir appeUt4
aad promoteAheir health that th«
Occastonsliy dairymei
bon tomb wtu be
eve dalrym^—w(B Join na nsaoctodevolved. Aa soon aa fall prature (lon, and ibM heennee they think
begina to fall it ritonld be aupple- their ebvs are not going to show up
nented by grain and mat^age ao that favorably with tbora of their neigh­
(he ewe win not kae fleeh. Bwee. be- bors will drop out not knowing Kbat
tbeir anlmato would have done on s
(ncw bring bred,
healthy, otrong eodnitlon. Weak, run­ year's test. Such false pride should
down ewea aboold never be bred. It not stand to a man's way. (or be will
be atm more humiliated when his
^ys bKler to eei: them.
Duofc corn abould not be fed.
be fed to good edvanuge tn

Are Veu Cenetlpirtmir
If so. gK a box of Dr. King’s New
Ufe Pina. Uke them regntoriy and
ymir tranble will qutekiy
They win stimulate tbe '
aad getI rid
___ JOB from your eysiem. They will
eurriy gK lou well again. 25c at all
draggUu of Traversa CP
Mr. TOdtoy ts Ida
panag sen. ri>*rily. *ay (numr always
•filppid me when 1 bahnvwd ae heflir
ae yes an firing.*’ “WelL’’'nrawerefi
Bobby, thooghtfally. “I hope m never
hm to tan my Rttle boy that.''
Beet Knewm Cough Remedy.
For forty-three yenrs Ur. King'
New DiBCovery has • been known
tbrongbont tbe world as tbe most relUMe cough remmly. Over throe mllUon botUee were used last year. lau’t
(bir proofT It wlU get rid of your
cough, or we Mill refund your money.
J. J. Owens, of Allendale. 8. C, wrliea
the way ^ndnds of efthera have
twenty yean, t
remedy tor rdagbs and colds that
I have ever used." For eongbs or
colds and all throat and lung IrooUeo.
' - ano eeraL Me and gl.W at aU

(tou of T^tane Ctty.

uy be keeping fewer cows. toe. and
eonaequently has more time to ride to
tbe erenlag.'


Smoktog should be dona slowly,
should ocrupy four to six weeks, a lit­
tle every day. and with little beat.'
Slow riDoklug gives a.delkate flavor.
After (he smoking to ^aisbed wrap
k piece In paper, iw to an
washed flour sack and hang to n dry No Tima Allowed «s Examine BUM
That Cerry An Agtrofiate •(
gTWAOOOOfi: fieealene Will
In feeding pigs atlll nursed by tbe
dam they abould have access to
iwn where there to skim milk in
wfatefa are stirred mIddUngx, bran and
ground oats. Such a food to nourisbmas^-aad bene (oratng and
stomach ^eximndlng. Tbe siomacb
should be enlarged, so as to be refedy
to Uke to and digest large quantities
of rich food when older. Tbe feeder
who doea not have tbe Ulm milk can
use water and oilcake maal. When
tad (be pigs sbbnid be kept growIn spring ^d anmmar (bey
should bare green food, rye and eloa-tih ground oau and
Facd wheat
eflhu- soaked with
water Or ground. Keep the sto
and bowels to baalthy coadltlon and
(hern wlU be no disease.


sceins to b already inocuUted an
that good stands ran be oMained
withot't trcaiins the seed.
Alfalfa will succeed on nmny soils,
Sheep do oert need n rloae warm
ranging from sandy lands to the heav­ house but thrive Vest In a good tight
ier types- The crop will grow best on shed open three feet bigl^ u
a deep, fertile loam, well supplied aoutb. A yard s'bere they vAn
saaemlal. ^eep arc Wry delwlib the .mineral element ot plant
>oat eating and do not like
fodU. for Ibis crop la a rank feeder in
elementa. eapeciaily lime
Unualty in tbe same place. I
AltMla will
like to pUce their feed upon tbe cleto
wheie th-i aKl la wet mutA of tba'snow. each day having the place
lime, or where ibeva la ndd. If youjehanged. Bed with losig straw and
wUh to guiw the crap on n field -of do not nllow them to lie In------this klud. improve the aotl by toying
tile drama, end the applicniion of lime.

may alao be utlUised for
U is well to plant tmmpkln and
•quash with aome of the com. Fola
twans win work In here and not ^infcr p^pe, «lU..Uoii H.IPU IMr.
If PI.PM b, p.t
f to covered must be well t
nangoea aud pc-ppera do wen if
plao-d In the hare apacea among the the food ntceasary for the devekipmnt of the p^nt is to be obtained.'
Tomatoes need air and plenty of ft.
although the ordinary guide hooks
never mention ihst ilmpor^t fact.
So the aoivieur msy (eUew every rule
as to soli, dlatanc apart and (ertlU,ser
(or his tomato plants and then gK
■naatlsfattory (raiu beeauae
p^U are too near a wall of
sunk that c-ut off the needed veiiilUaUon. If be avoids that dlfflcult.v be
may neglect to cut out soruc oT the
too luxuriant leaf grcrwih of the plant
and the fruit will come m a po--:end, ainoiherfd tn lu own foliage.

be be can make a specialty of custom
Tba bog will drink too little watOr
batching for neighbors nod the eoua- Id the winter time if aome way la not
try ‘thereabout, and yet not have a devised to coax him to drink coplusly.
single chicken on his own place.
Warming the water and mixing with a
little mill feed, meat meel. unkage or
There are many good laying rations grooad oora Is an excellent way ‘to
feet wide and 20 feet long.
and good feeding methods must be get a maximum of water Into the pig'*
■Hie machlMs are built In sectiona
led for beet resulik. M*hUe there stomach.' I believe that ti is practicalof 300 egga each, and aa your business
jnany good rations, no hard and
3pos>-ll>le to get a bog to drink
grows, additional sectiona can te at- fak rule can be given, for cllmaie. much water In tbe winter tlmV.
uebed without disturbing itae rest of c^i^tlons. bousing. foo<lA etc., vary
Do sot spare tbe bedding. I have
the equipment. They are
ao mt(ch. A flock that has been lay­
oluervi-d In rouailess instances that
hot water'prinrlple and are fired with ing
cold. Inorly i>eddeil bouaSi were torgecoal. One ton of coal will run tbe thin
Miwnslble for onprofitable galna.
macblne aa mitire season.
com menl is Indicated. A free
The bog suSera as much from the eohl
Six hatches can be ukea off during fiock needs lets food and less baef
of winter as ha doea from tbe beat of
tbe spring monibs. or a total of 12.000 aerapa tha^ a yarded flock. Good
mer. Being tbio coated, be Is not
eggs. You can receive all tbe war judgmaot to needed at all llmea.
able to Stand much cold wentber
from 1 to 3 cents per egg tor custom
ualeea very fat. It takas feed to sopbatc hing, according to ^ locality.
young lodlas Runnert
ply tbIa extra energy to warm tbe bog
are early Inched I prefer tbe .vearkept In a cold bouse. Shelter Is cheep­
This Is a good laying ration: Three llngs or ol^ ones^ (or fall and eariy
er than feed.—John Jl. Ervard. Iowa
pant bran, one and ona-balf to t
winter laym when prices for egga
Experimeet Sutlon.
parts mlddllnga. one and one-half
are high. Both young and oM will
two pans com meal, one pan alfalfa, lay heavily la tbe at^ng monihR wbea
McKee Bros., of Woodford county.
one^marter to onetblrd pan. or aomei duck egga command spe<isl prices.
have purchased of E. S.
times more, ot beef scraps, oue^uar- One New Forit commission .dealer
ter part of coarwe sand or chick grit writes me that last Easier be re- Mayes, ot tbe msme state, tbe Duroc
and a Iluie tail. It Is well to add a celred as high as 40 to 45 cents per sire. Defender, for nearly $7,5M. Tbe
little charcoal occaalonally and o)-ster doxan for duck eggs ud that prices deni Included a few other bora, but
shell, grit and charcoal are to be kept range the blgheat the Utter pnrt of practically- the ratlre 37400 was paid
(or Itofender.
before tbam consuntly.'
.March and all ot April.
Tbis to (be torgrat price paid for
The minimum amount of boet acrap
hog far many yean fa Kentucky, If
and com meal are to be fed when get­
Someona back In tbe dark
ting the egg flow aiartcd. If the Ane elded that eggs while being saved for
vbtie middlings are used less Is need­ batching ought to be turned daU.v.
ed than of -standard" middlings, as Since that time the advice has bees
tbe mash must not be sticky like copied many times, both plain and
dough. Feed at regular hours all that with trimmings. Aa a matter of (act
will be eaten quickly and clann; ma^ eggs that are being saved for batch­
at noon also to .varded ducks.'wlib ing arc better Ik nktie. Don't
com or corn and wbeai for the night them at nil. Tbe more na egg Is haoratlona, all they will quiriciy clean up. died the less h U likely to yield good
—Mrs. -Andrew Brooks, Cayuga Co.. reealta. Simply pUee yonr hatching
N. V.
eggs In n box or basket In n cool,
clean-nlred room and let them
There Is scarcely a town or Tillage ODtll ready to sM them. After Incu­
Pedigreed beef cattle were totr»
where the thrifty, careful countryman bation la, wed aiartad. say S3 to 43
dared Into Michigan at early dates,
or woman cannot make n clear profit hours after placing them In the incu­
Devons to 1M0. Ebonhorns to 1343.
of from 3500 upward each
bator. tbe eggs will need turning twlre
careful attention to poultry keeping m day. RoUing them around ia per­ Galloways to 1854. Herefords in 1834
and Aberdeens Angus to 1384.
under the advanced method here oot- haps a belter term than turning, for
I. (bongb numerous at one Ume.
liB«d. Many a man who has
that is what should be 'done. After
es of the farmer for tbo flrst week or ten days the rolling have practically disappeared. Tbe pro­
duction of beef fleurlsbed to MScblgan
■ihU busineas has made good in spile sreund may be done ofioner than
almost up to (be 90 s, when (be abun­
of the fact ibst he has bad jo pn
(Wire In twenty-four hours with good
special buildings for tbe purpose.
results. If the eggs are under n ben dant cheap productiODs ot tbe west be­
came a serious compMitIre (actor
If one does not care to keep a flock you won't have to worry about It. tor
of 300 fowls tlayersi tor eggs from she will do all tbe egg rolling necea- from which (te tudustry has not fully
recovered, taring the Interv-mJ which
which to hatch haby chirks for sale.' atry.
transition from beef
dairy production during (he tost two
derades there ov-curred an IndiscrlmInair admixlurc of^e blood of both
the beef aud daffy breeds which pro­
duced a larli of iinlformlty to rauform-

Waablngton. D. C MarcB 3.—To Jam
hUlB. of seven hnafired allBon fioL
ton. ui'ilng the'oext 2* houra. usa
(be Urit facing oongrsee tofiaj. A
tououa scMioa nil day. all night,
and probably right np to noon tamorrow to the tnutive program. TBe
opriaiion mensores ' nwsMlng aoti(Mi were: LegUtotivc. exeenttve. Ju­
diciary. navy, posiofflte. agriratairal.
Indian. District Columbia puMM build­
ing general deflcleney aad enadry
civil Mil.
The passage of mil except the fnbtl::
buRdtogs nenaores to certain. Daring tbe Sunday afternoon aad erenttg
lion by unpredicted action eoagre^ passed the rivers and harbors
mrasore. carrying over forty-sevea

million doltofh.


Rea Case Will Be First •• Martk
Tbe following c
s have bOM afided to the c
I was about 350. so (be cost
Steffes vs. Fay Onasby, trespass on
of (be present outfit complete
tbe ram.
ready, to opersie was about 3500.
DeUa T. Minot vs. WIDtom C. Mlaw.
A cow-testing nesoctotlon io Michi­
John E. Oles vi. Guy Tlppen, atgan during tbe years 190C09 toclnaive.
increased (be average number
In tbe case of AUce P. Murphy TU.
pounds of milk per cow from 5302
3423. The average incraaee in buiter William H. Herbert, the Jury ^
(at per cow was 41 per cent. In this greed aad this will he bnught up flsr
associaiion by a careful study of feeds
The COM of the People vs. Joseph
and feedtog. as well as the ellmii
of tbe '-boarder'- cow and the snbstUn- B. Rex to which the Juh- dlaagraed at
tlon ot luofit-maklng cows, the inofito the tost tern of court will be the lint
come up that ihll oceapy the
were doubled.
---------- of the new Proaecutlag XtOae of tbe raoK Interentog
of the cow-testing woi* has been tbe torney. Oeo. O. Coveto
It may he of InteraR to aD thM*
surprising sbowtog of todlvUnal anlwho are drawn to serve as reguMr
mslB. Cows supposed by tbrir
era to be nmemg tbrir beat have Jurora at any term of rircult court
that they are n« to dtocnas with say
proved on a twelve-month tfst not
be profii-makers. ThU is eepectolly oae or form aay oplalen on any —*•
true of (Ws which to the flush of feed that to stated on (he riltmilir They
are to keep their minds dear and roare large milkers, but which oft
shorten tbeir supply early or prove
(rain from going to aay pubile plncn
be low to butter tot. Still more Si
of meeting where such “'-'■rlnn
prising has been the proof that aoi
might take place. Serious trooMe
cows of good ct^formatioti are by might result U cure Is not
demonsiraifoB not profltable to the, these msueru.
fiixty Venn Age
As a result of seven yetri eiperisentlng'ai tbe Pennsyiranto sutlon
he coDclaeion was reached that an stomach. todlgesUon and i
open shed, boarded np close on throe
ed for the same perpoue. Why*
aides and kept well bedded
.times. Is more efficient for fattening ----nee they never Mfl to «lve the
deeired results and they fin It
steers than (be baseinent of
and comfonawy bw
During (be winter of 1*09-10 the cat­ doae t^« at night makes you fari
tle fed Id an open abed tnfcda more fine, brlgbt and cheerful nest morarapid gains, attained n higher finloh.
sold fer. 15 cents more n bnndred
pounds end reinrned 11.3 cents
WANTEO-By April 1. man and'wU.
on my farm near Old Mimlon; k(or each bosbel of corn than similar
perlenoB with fruit i
eteers fed to barns. They alao required
honest, ebaolatety
less labor In feeding, and more straw
careful with (earn.
used In bedding. Results of preTloua work show that catUe which
mar 4-H
fed in groups of ten or twelve «
with mnpte rowif at mincer
troughs, made mere sattotoeuxy gains
than riraltor rattle |ied In suncbloes.
Whitewater Township.
In shed feeding tbe opeolng'ahonld be
Grand Traverse ConWy.Jdtdk.
(e the south, and sides and rori ahonld
Febrnary 21st. 1912.
--------- . » filed wtth
be tight, permiutog no drafia.
the towaablp board of tbe township «T
P-bliewater. signed by st lesK twentyAn Cellpaa.
For quick and cenaln action REN- five froehriders of the township, pctl<CS PAIN-KILUNC MAGIC OID
- -......... ....... —--------- ihtp s propo*
ecllpaes any and all remedies ever of­ eitlM
to bond the township In tbe sttM
fered to the public. It drives away
pain. Jusi the thing (or cramps, colic. of Twenty-four Tbouesnd DriMig
________ (324.0001 for the purpose of gravely
building etoar roods.
Jolau. sores and bruises,
A long record
-d of t
years to
for tbe better
laud Sto
cooHrvctlon ssd Improvement of th»
offer of Its
to (bis towMhfp. so as t»
lief of Internal or external pain. Price highways
merit state reward.
26 cenu. Sold bv_all druggists.
Resolved. That tba qnariJon of vot­
ing to bond the township of Whitewater to tbe sum of Twentv-foer Tho»
•and ttoUars (324.0000) fSr the p«-

MOklag inacbtoee are n enccees. We
have obutoed splendid rasutu with
eqalptneBt aad I baUeva It to oae
of tbo hem toreatinents we ever
e.- Thle la what J. H. Murray.
Oregon. Mo., said when he was asked
his opinion of . these mgeUnes.
Murray owns two thousand acres of
Bari fer SUn BIssMsa.
tone tond In that aeKlon. and Unea dairy fanning with fruit grow- Arnica Salve, aad nothing U b
for barns or brutoea. SoMbes___
He Uvea on tbe dairy tsm. eonalK- heels. John Deye. of Otodwto. Mich..
ing of 153 acres, and equipped with ell aaya. after aaffering twelve ycerv
-J> ekto allmeot and spending 3400
modern nppUanoee. The mQklng mafipetera' bUls. B«ck]ea*e Arnica
ea—made hy the ttamless C«m- Sriva cured him. It-wlU help yon.
coosUts ot two nnlu. to other Only 25c. ReesoDmenfied by nU drnggtou of Traverse Citj'.
words, two cows iraa be milked at
time. Mr. Murrey expects to buy
more unit, as tbe operator can take ELMER OBTER. Aimtieneor 20 tmtu
rare of throe and thus tocraara the
•xpermce. cSpeclnl attention given
to (arm sales
eaparity. Tbara anUs cast 31M each;
________________ Give me n trial.
the gnaotine engine wWrii rnnttohes
once at 141 E FMnt St. CtUsea'a
Ibe power to operate thmn costa IKO
520. Traverae CUy. Mich.
more nod tbe expense of InaUlUfig the
■nr 4-tan*



for bKter conetrncttoa aad tmurorm
meet of tbe highways to WUuwster .
township, ao ns to merit etoto reward,
be submitted to a vote of the electotUi
Of tbe towMhlp of Whitewater at Ow general election to he held on 4ha a«venth day of April. 1913, aad tbe rotw
upon such proposklea ehsB be by bal­
lot. sad such ballot sball be to tbe WMwtng form:
Fbr the laaaing of tovroehm hoa^
to improve the highway#—Ten. •
For the tosntog of township hoad»
***^M.*^W. Merrill. Bwetwim.
Hugo om. CMr*.
Prank c Buck, Jasttae of the
- • anr4,U.U.2^affr J

"Pittsimrflh Peffect” Fence
Dig Detp into the Dehrih hirm of What
€0»d How, the Fence yoa Bay i$ Made

WsMem Unlen Telesraph Cs.
There are many dmea ihsl Ibe
s'xady erovili of ihe i liy It loti tlicbl
' ni onlew the Tacts are annoaneed
with tm(u|.pi and drum sDd the mil
proRiicrity l« covered up and the genpral -public go about tbelt^^slBCM
..r the crliica; i.uea aaylug
things thu! they know nothiog alwiit
the making atntements that aie far
fmm the real truth. Traverae City
growa Biemdily in mnny waya and
ilieae are known to but few tmleaa
the people are broaglit- face to faee
W'lib the re<t:l:*.

The latmq in tb* Cute cabfe Mtnr
that cut Im ueat Ib the Spanilb
language and the rutee have been re­
duced afraoit huH.
know «4)tt qmlity of nuteria] manui
PoMBl Teltfiraph Co.
torcn pnt into their feocea, nor how
they make theoi.
The Poaul Telegraph haa alM bad
Yoor tnonty (qes for the fence >-ou
uatpilal Increaae In the Uat yeai
^-o,,|e. u.e local manager
buy. Why don't you find out what
■re aettint for vour money?
ha. his bands full, fthia office handler
mostly commercial mailer an'd so It
Tto don't buy cows or farm niochinery
l« importam that proper care be
Every Rod GuM-antoed
taken of the work. Some Important
aew bulneta will be carried on
through the lorul office that will
bring more atteatlon to Traverse City
If yta an
ta alW. FMdM. vriM

■ Lan In the past. Tbe company rec
ferFItB:<wo«<Mr*UlAIOy:. leisRone every day in the year by the 4».niri-8 the Cact (hat this is (he trade
<iul(<t working of ati offl'v- that
cemer nivd ao ei^t arc being made
Pittsburgh Sted Co.
Ihe moat IraportAnL and It It should
bueraeaa ihi. way and
he duiK^awu.v with would Im( Ihe greatr more money will be
evt calamliv that could liat>l>en to uny put Into riroulatlon.
Travarwe- City Peatofflee.
Tbp We»t<.m Cnloa Telegraph com­
One factor Ibai In the barometer
pany la one of the l,uvi<wt <jlri<-e. and of bn.ioeea for Traverse City la tbe
♦VW O ♦'ilimculiy In KetilOK (litoiiltb ili<- ilriri*. aut caUnI and dreased Ihe wound and Hra-jRCBt amoum of work that la car.- IMMtoffice reeelptx. .No matter -what
♦ South Xlillou it badl)' ki n. e.1 «f a ■I la hois-d ihpt nothlKR aerioua will' yipj <,n there baa c;.u-ed the comi«n> one -may aay, the poatoffice mnat do
j^rir err.

«*J I'W- oui tbe develop. Walter tlrelllvk; aberllr or,,„
gra.-<p any businea. and it (« a anee Indication
laveUnau <«uuty. U h. re worklug <*n ji,v<>rable'opiairiimtly io’“eutorite^m of the amount of bnineaa that 1. car­
Oebom. Feb. M.-WllHam
*nJ road*.
j ,^1,^ ,.^7^
(„, reaeei! work. The ried on here that few people realize
Wm. Ack«-rBij)i and lios>*s iUnaler *Se case.
Joteph Paj ment of O.born were Travare' hauiltii; iTtalors to Kaidd City
erne City callers latl week t*riday.
JJtlle llUdagarde Blllmar enlpr-^company tlittiuch their kx-al .maaater noleiia they have oc<-8alon tu actually
Milled about a doren of her life. j.>ank tJamer naw a place and made eee the figures. The table that tx
John Kama and fainily and Mirnr for Harry fnltner.
frteodar Toeaday afleniotm at a birth- the oeceaiary armiiK.-menls io get givefi xhowx that there haa been a
Xckem;an was licnte for
Fhrram aad dauKhier aitendt'^ the
iwrlv. liefrealiuveiilB were served.lthe moat dralr-jhle Ineaiion In the eonitnued and xteady Increase slare
fe« ^days la.i week vLBlilm; hia |ai>
|ila> at thiiplre. Saturday evenini:.
Ihe llllle tola all spent an etiJoy-JcUy on ll» ground floor and ahoiU
Rinre Pommaater .Prle-rirb
«r. Caiea of Soton. and Ward Mil­ enta.
i.(ita of trirtii are bolpt caurht able anemoun. Ultle MIsa Hfld: " middlo vf -April will move Into tbe entered the office there has been ibe
ler of Kalamaioo. mere tbe pucta of
garde waa lour years old.
c-iiKT >lei» of the Smi'h * Price {■e^tal saving, deparimcni. Uie parcel
Mr- and Mrs W. H. Ueeman Tuesday tliruuhli i!'t! ice on Tort* lake. —
Mrs. 4w M<-mlakal of Ma|.le Cliy nVw brick tniildlnf; .m fYont rirert.
.Mrs. W. Parka 1. entrrlaliilii* her
poxt. different changes In the rural
brother,- IWii* lloltenbeck and wife, vlalted frietida and retailrea here Mon­
They have been laying rent alnee route, all of which haVe meant added
Joseph Payment »ad w ife are keep- also her broUicr. Iluwanl llolleBhwk day.
the firm of Novell i>e*r to hoM It. increase of sales of sumps. These
IllfC house
PaxneBt pt
ehlWtrn for tbe dav.
•V J. llichardooo returpMl Friday Mlien thix is le.vdy tor the pubic it ffgiires that are given are Just the
Osborn 4or a few weeks before
MUa M. Rh'ketl has tettSTnad -taome from ubon vUlta at Trarera* City will i>p the finect flngle offiro in this sales of sumps petals cards and
Inv in their house ai Osborn Corners. fium Itatdd City, wberofeie waa-BHrsregion. Tbe office win be thoroueb- stamped envelopes, which shows that
1(1 C«tral Uke.
H . Mrs. W. H. and Mrs. Kosa lieeemun
There was a 'dance at Baraesi ly iit> In date in • ven' way. the fuml- the smalf'sale of a single one cent
and daugbicr of Osborn, were t-ImpSre
John Hester Is hauHriB wood t«1^ nokrv'K Sainrday evening.
will be the hc»i than can be pro- slump baa lu weight in the vasf
vlstiora Wednesda>.
UapMs at liiu he on JCU lake.
Mrs. Welch eoteruined her menher. cnrnl and fully In keeplDt with all amount of business transacted. In
O. Keever of Osborn was a Cedar
..... Tnetday
left last
the lair.-i city offices -of Ibe Com- Ihe money order department they
cA«- Mondat. He Seems to be the
iMtrtt. wh.^ be exiurets* ) r--' Mrs. Wolfe, i.f SnIoB. a couple of da; a lULn.v. All the rnrnitiin- was ordered
have Issued IS.isio money orders dnrlaei week.
bustler in this vii-inltj as be Is 0.11
,i,e ,.-m of the nlnlcr.
several monihi ago fmm the faviory Ing tbe last year and cashed
Hnn-v- Ko* of Tmverse City enter-'
nearly eveo day whether If is siomiy
ju-nln Cinib ka. Ueeu in Kalama
and wilt be white pine with
r.>A foreign orders have been
or sunsMne.
1 700 all uim. v earing tor a sl- k luoih- laini-d the people with lUOtitiE
‘ jidrcli tri. iRibi'i^. There w-||| Is- 3 loir I sent. Tbe total amount of money
here Friday evenlog. Oulng
Urs. Martin rioran is able tu do
a-*u-«-l. when »T' crileni the building with | that has past-cd chrougli the office
her aork at this sriiits. nn'ill-' got ,i;e tad iiyus of liU Irroiber's the had M»rm there were bat (cw |llic (Urioniers eounur. Tlu-re willlait branches I. over ICOO.UOO. It 1.
, ness of tso weeks
' • •
111.1 Ike VWe.. ..
Raj Blacker of L«ke Junction, w.-i.' Tksr.' U to lie anmher lurtiH. meet- '"ill' A«,"S“'.M »lr.-rh,...rl'”otiie.- vonvepient fumiiure forjilie year would be Hecember on
a caller at .Mktn.oo d: Sons' iniH tf.i; of the famiera. at Kvw.idlu on- Skilrii viidied Cedar Wonda here >-'ri-i^^‘'
s walLlag-, »wm. The eustoroor.' count of tbe great business carried
Monday at Olco Lake.
;Wedn'Wd^'>. the rcth. tu talk ov.-r day.
irle|>liiiiie iMMHh will Ih- to one comer. 3 with tbe' sending of rtarisimas
Keever of Rmplrc loaded a car
Our rural tamed haa not missied a pJaiw of; li;--- and irjiMng turKacli department wilt be fully nguip-- gifts, but it shows that
Uip so far this wlnu-r. and we have tlier iirogr.-.s for helping lljc farm, r for Joe Ziwnicanan'horT Monday.
ped with tiic la'rsi apparaiiUi and
I.ittl-- i>-«tff,^iitli bR» been quite
had some hard snow storms and liic- ac! (ni!t srrower.
rJi k with i>(ii-tiiunnla the p.tst w.-^. each section will-Im> >.eparaled hyll«, while January waa It.tdT.:;:.
nam <kl. .
Od d attend^' the annual tLi's >!-rtlt>onr ami the entire room j this there were but IJdb that was
Miss Marie Wlg^ns and Mrs. Mjm♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
so with that
Beemafi were Oviatt visitors Tvesda;- ♦ ^
♦ B.iv-tigg of Ibe rural and <11* nvail'
<2rrii-r: rjf th- (imnd Traver*- n-gint' har« a full view of Jbe whole offbo left out there was a derided IncreBae.

I ■'■si;.--. fVh.
->:r. and Mtw. HoebTravi-rae tHy 'Saturday of last •and ..-e ai: 111.-iiwtruni.'iits in a.aion. Perhaps it la not fully undonuood.
j in-icad i.f »Uc h.Hi--ri.-r ns at .pr.-ent i iliai the rank of tbe office is decided
4 ratilr. ilr. and .Mrs, .V-.. KisheTsky week.
► niid Sir. and M-s. .1. P. V!a>k attendticf.rfe Mason r.«.-ci«<-d n«'ws Mon­ - larg.- dynamo will he oacd that willji.y the goverament by ihe money reSouth VllTcn. Feb. r.',,-Mi.s Ik.r- <-.i ;he play 'The IJtbt Ktemai"
day of ilu- euUdrn death of his fath'-r lie plliced in ihi- l^senient where will cvtpis and ihe more that the merothy Watson. Hm' 10301101/01 th<- ici-'Trav.-rae cityTuesday evening,
Hart. Mich. Ife left for lh:il place also be .u>re<l alt ih<^ auroi'i. auppllee cbanis ran boy sump, add stamped
man' deiartroRm. was unable to lea.-li ‘ .1. ‘J. Sbimak has roidhied fitrni a Monday Owing to iilitesa. of the office. The calde that now has lenvelopes tbe bigber clasa Trav
last «e<k ow'lne to a av-verc attar* u(.lstsin>«s trip
Mrs. Maaon was usabK- to ariv)ni|>ar.y foun<«n wires will be enlarged to Cliy will become and necesaarlty an
lake care of twenty and will be run added Increase wBl not only be added
i Aa b result of a i|lo<m s<rap flank him.
Mias Martha Bingler IS Piling Mlf^ Taf.-laky. bart<-ad»-r Is nursing .a vrr;.The Iter, and Mrs. Bowen left Tu.-s- from iIk- Pore Mar<in<-tte depot down to th<- pnrtmaster's aaliry but every­
«’3K. .trtt-t and emer the hnllding one In the employ of the office. There
W'alaoit'a place this week, tcacbln? sort* head and nb<k. >Vhl)c tnliig to jy mnrtUDg fr>T Caraomillr. Mich,
jhe iiflmary,grade.
jrestni- <.r<|.-r he eamc in rontaei wijhi Mr. rsraon's father being wrioBsly II! from the roar. There are also three are a number of merchants who will
sets of tetiihonc wires ibal will be
We had a new mall rarrier on yes- a 'jnrk-knife in. the hands of Frank They will hr gnni- a month.
terday who had never b<>en on Ihc'FBhe of iaadnre. and rc'-civ.-d a hml
Miss Anna Klah-fsky Is vlsHlnc lispd. The office m>w has five •
route before and be eiiierteneed great | <01 behind his rlghi car. The do< inr. MTS. r..-0'ge Kish.-rsky for a few daya plovecs nnd more will be added
the iieed. re<»u!re.
This office handle* over «.orto tele­
grams ea<h month, since the adot (he day. higlit and raWe te'- want to boost Traverse CHy. here
(be increase has been marked. U one of the best chances to do no
The euriipany i. making additional Some firms hsve their printing done
cliance. tor the lieiiefli of tbe public omside and mailed from .here when
coDiinnalLv tiiat bring added revenue. the local flras can do ju:i as good
iork and cheaper in many rase
lino and money to that
Onelnf the fuiictluna ol Iheliratitr
10 *walrh legi.lallon ond see Ikui
the welfare of the farmers Is protect.
E. J. GARROW of Cadillacs noted
Tbe National grange lip. a Icgiras a first-class horseman, with 20
Iclivc rommlitee wblrti keeiw within
years’ experience, will open a
ri-ach of the <«|>ltol while oilfvrcBs
|. in semdon and urges itiu adoption
ofsH hm. that will belter the k
lural/BihabUaat and opikvs«
liills that will make bis row a banh-r
bnild the city.
lor Adtrtph Hammcl oi CUcago, UL
tu hoc. The aule gmiice h».
i-vtumlllec ut IJinslng walehlng II
Tbe said company is one of the oldest and most re­
• leglslatore and each stibordlo.0 1911 iBcludve;
grunge'Is suppoacd to have
liable firms of today, their abiljty not excelled.

without fun invettifatkm. Too test
your Sfcds.
Test thefance before you boy and know
what yourmo^fygoe* for. Oornewcatafoguc. sent fre^, tells how to test fence.
Wedon’t care how many differem makes
offence you test, yuu'll find “PHtsbutgb
Perfect," as made today, is best of alL


Industrtal Progress Shown by Deecriptioi^s oT Worit
Finished During the Past Year.




Horses! Horses!


Grange Ginger



Sale Stable at 209 State St,

Now meet us face to face and get a square deal. The
reputation of this firm is well known throughout Hie
state and satisfaction guaranteed. Now don’t forget
our number—2(l& State SL» arid before buying see

- US
For we will nor^anly save you money, but value.
It will pay y^ to investigate our stock.

Easy Payments from six months to
three years.

‘rbe Horses will easily make the payments*

See Us Before BoFlog

committee to a«lsi liqni the nation:il
and sutc commlttoes^y harkliii
their caftimlgns with pttrsonal h-itcn*
be congressmen and irglslainr*.
TIjp gmngers prcijvosc to got a sgiiarc
deal from the-law-makers if anybody
Next w.-ok will be grange w<m-V:
The Grand Traverse Cotinty grange
is schedrBed IO meet at 8ummli nt*.
Thursday and Friday and Uic Grand
Tracer.^ subordinate to meet In Tmv
CH) on Satorda}'. On Wedms
day and Thursday Ihe Benzie County
grunge will be In session at Benzunia.
....... Tisula grange also meeu at
.Mission •Dcsi Saturday.
There is bouic Ulk of a grange rulfor Grand Traverse and Ig-elanau
cwtinlic. but !i. yel «■> plans liavc
Ivecn mad'.. The gue.<tlon wj» c----.1 the meetings
be held this
week and will then be < ol as
best intereaU of thu order see*

Slijan's Ltniment is aqut^
and rdiable remedy for bmencs. in horses and other farm


.... ...... ..

is a quick and safe remedy
r hof; cholera.


-I twwr-1 O-T, nmmrvhabaail.a
farmer) ..r thsi h- W ik-tst Vi*l a
UaUMmt in a c.1k.n of .k-r*. dii-rasr-,

Ksvakssn Hsjlv h'svs.
AtAllIVealoe.. aSe., Sae. A StJa.

General Sales Manager.
Tbreequarters mile
loeAialf mile to sebodl.



aervousnese-it W-Casentialiya
food—a cooccnirated. nouriab'
ing. curative food to reatore the
healthy action of body ceDo,
foitif>' the blood, ahazpen the
a^etile, make alreogtb.
be^tb. energy and vigor.
As pure as milk, it is rea^y
ilated — _________ ___ ,
organ and every titsue. H»y■dans everywhere recoBw
mend Scoff's EmalskmttUx
absolnte confidence ie ita
beneficial results. Don't wait
—stait new, bvt iBsist oa


Sigma .



—Sirs. Hayes was s
Traverse City jailer .Monday.
Mrs Heim says her motber H mach
Van On-wer it hoarding with Mrs.
Florence, and nofug 10 schooL
Mary William^ visited Mrs. WlUia
last week.
Jama Crandall expeets to start bis
Bblugle mill Io a short time.
Henry Helm is drawing sMagle

FR^MAN &00,
732 £. FmB 9l fioA Pheam.

Bear In IVftnd
It takes the right kind of floor
to make GOOD pies and cakes.

“Tasty Pastry Floor”
Will be ready for the market
in a few weeks. We won't let
you forget it. Your grocer
will have it for you.



Field Fence
Now Is a good time to be looking up your field fence and get It
home «• slelghA We aell Ibe famous "Royai " F««a. Tbe -noyal'
Is one of the strongest and moR durable fences on Ibe market. It U
made of h*vi. bard steel wire, tbe strongaat and b««t possible to
prodaeo for *fei^Dg

pvpoaea. The upright, or stay, wires are map

!y woniid aroaadUhe borisdnltl wires in a manner precluding the
posslbiliiy of side slip.

The whole fabric Is thus made solid af-.

fording tbe rauilmum bpldlng .mwer of Ue steel wire. We also bare
the -Royal- FonUry Field Pence. Just the thing for yards.
Come in and aee tbe "Royal" Fence.


wer or an iron safe
is a constant invitation to the
And an easy mark for devasut*
ing fire.

C—d r« Sesbs a-d A


•re actaally weak, nm*
down—they are slowly
deteriorating—they need
strength and 'nouruhment
for bMy and brain.
Scott’eEi '


wtlboM II la .17 neUe.-—

ratico M It,. dlMiM. Oe». hrwew


....... ........

NEP vUlo


MapMon. Feb. Si.—Born to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Frank Warren of Archie, inst
Thuradar, n aon.
Mr* JobD Hoffmaa U tai Trayerae
City taking-Are of Mrs. Mike Lardie.
who is very nick.
Non and I.a«b Warren are oa the
sick list.
Mtw. Roy lurdle spent a few days
in Traverse City last wsek.
The JIspMon basketball team play­
ed the Archie basketball tcdfe: The
score was 4-k In favor of Mapleton.
Will Hoffman, who la attending the
Needham Bnsinesa college, apeat a
lew doya at bene teat iraek.

Never has a mt^em safe deposit
vault failed to answer to the sever­
est test, and the first National
Bank vaults are of the type that no
fire. or burglarious attadi can
Have you everySeen them?' You
are welcome to inspect the equip­
ment any business day.

Under Control of U. S. Treasury.

waukee Klecwie ^road, and |
. Altivka. former mann-er nf
• The So'jiheni Iteiik of ToroBio. »nd
>ui»i inm of A, f. Fjost A Co.

Im a cliATRe or bavlac cons(ilrcd to dfThe IndlcUBeDtb were rctnrned
Os'ome, Ow.»-n ,L. Franelo
CHARCES WILL 6e AIRED IN REO-|rraod the Halted KUicb Roventnc-ni. m.
,r.,d Jury Irerc ..o
1 of IQ.Oiid *.tw of cual hiCd*. valued •uu ,U,. U.UU.U.
--------l*t »Ifl.W«o.OOO. The cMcs. «h»t-h hmvi- »W II,r U.™ Indlriud «,.dJucr,u',
«.n-pli.r, ... Imu..
Nine M«fi CooBwrtd te Swlndte Coy. tv ndias «evcr»l >e«rs. erv known ■M . B„wrd.
r«.d.ur lur| ”
•™’"0 the Indictment and Frost. Itall.
lUvcr iAIaskn) coal A. C. Fro« and eompany; inerre G.j"
land AAaic.-..
llu. l.. IIMCO.
*“ '■*"
'""I- »i-"
The |>riD<-l|iaI dofendaiil U A. C. u,.r „I .lu r,««
‘T ""
S|„k.u. G«»,r . ,Tb..^.l,k». otlbottnd. il.. udlrl.
rimartr: HI.. Mnrch 2.—Nine men. KroBt, (unm-r i>rvAident ul ihu Alakk*
f.»rmi r railiond presidort, Korthem railmu.l. framer president
,Ti.iTik.-r?. limkcrs and flmincliTK. ^Ire and prunKi[er uf the- (TjIiuro and Mil­




8tm, Ai Rervairts Oo, Old.
Mrs. Heath snlfltsl audibly ahec.
her sister happened lo tccnlion, u^th
considerable awe. a cenatn lu-icbbor.
-‘baiByr’' the guirrlcd woman (xclaliaed. "MTiy Dairy should apeak of her
ielp a# -old fatollv s»rvants' I ‘
••net why abooldn't .he.
If she wanu to?" inqolred the i.lst.-r.
’’i'.eraale the one she's had Ipnyest la
her eooh. and so she's lUyod six
months:"—ToBlhi CoaraaLch.

if tests me successful

chane. and final entries and locatioi}«
lunderihc coal land lua-s. There arc

Powerful Trade Magnets
Tbe altracOvraess of (he values In Ibis “ad" Is beyond dlspale. The price economy is unquestionable. Read carcinlly Ibis
list o| special oUerlngs. We’ve chosen |nsl Ibe goods that are
seasonable, and every Hern Is a bargain In the Irnest sense ol the
word. Come and make comparisons.


F'or \len and Boys
Save Received Marchfug Orders
One lot of Buys' Sclioul Suits. $2.50
V and $3 values.
This week at....................
Boys’ All Wool Worsted Suits. Odd
sizes. Value to $8.50.
M no
To close at..............................
Boys’Overcoats.Valuesupto$4'd |*A
To close at $2.48*
Men's Overcoats, splendid $8.50 value.
On sale tftis week

Dry Goods Departmenf
Buy these items and you get the‘right
goods at less thaa the usual price.
Ladies Wooi Union Suits. %U Afff
, AH qualities at.................^ Wl
Everitt Dress Ginghams. lOr,
value. Good styles at yard■

Fleeced Flannelettes. Choice
12^.cpaueri yard..................vC
MenyFine Overcoats. $12 and $13.50
7 AO 75c Fleeced Blankets. Very
s.iedal bargains at pair........OvV
This week at........ .................I-5FO
Men’s Fine Worsted Suits. Well made Other Blanket values that are,.d
. and perfectly httitij*. Regular 7 MO
unusual at pair........98c and
SIZ values. Oo sale nt....... i
All Wooi Diagonal Serge. 50 inches
wide. In navy blue only. . OQm
Its Just Like Findme Money to specially priced at yard... . 0«fC

Buy 'Cloaks Now.
The Savings are so penerous. that you
simply can't bc’p buying if you
^ peed a Coat.

W. B.‘Nuform Corsets. A remarkable
W. B. Nuform value. Made along
straight and modish lines, low bust,
and long hips. Hose supporters at­
tached. Don't fail to examine QQa
this woderful. value. Our price vOV

$100W. 6. Reduso Corsets Made of
and Children's Coats.
specially durable materials to with­
Ladies antTMis-ses Cloth Coals. O CQ
stand tear or break. A regular ffA
FormerirWling to$7.50.NowW*O«F
$3 Corset. Special this w^ at.
Ladies aiKfMisses Cloth Coals. M MS
Values tp $10. Going for . .
Coats that sold formerly at $1350io

and 7.48

Last Call on Rubbers
at Reduced Prices

Any Cloth <Mat in
the house, only ................. J.Xa5F«I The present greatly reiluced prices in
Values lonuerly $22.50 to $27.50. Rubber Fcotwear will continue
Ladies Plii^h Coats: values $1.5 to $:10.
Go at $9^9, S12 29 and $17 9$
for only a limited time.
LiUle Tots Coats for $1 39 & S3 69
Girls' Coals. 6 to M. on sale .it—
'^Anticipate your needs now, and
$1.29 lo <4.79 \ alucs to $9.50.
save money.
' New Spring Coats and Suits
_________Arriving Dally.

Troveree aiy, auch.


Blankets and Comforters
Aggortmeuts arc still eood, bat Wc
wenJd advise early leleotian:

Black and gray sets Aat were'|7:60, now
at ............................................SfM B1 -nkets that were 50c a pair,-now at.S&
BlMk Coney SeU that wen $10.00, now Blankets that were $1J10 s pair, nsw ttc
........................................................... '■■■-■'■.............. $6.60
Bkcketi that were S1.28 a pair, now 96c
Bi-skeU that were $2.00 s pair, sow $1.48
BJaslxts that were $2.56 a pair, now $1.79
Blankets that were $6.00 s pair, now K60
Cornforters that were $1.25, now at . 98c
tt'lr. «p l. M<S! CoafoitWE that were $1.76, now at. .$1.39
Oomfortere that were $2.50, now at. .$1.89


Waabinston, Feb.’ut
i-uiitiol uucl ailminirlraliuti of Tbe j
TYk-dmag luberculusiii treauaent. li
Candle Set Fire lo Ether Fumgg Dor- ■ he cDliiiiv pitivc* Buecesxtnl wua ad
bifl PrcparaUOfi for Opera­
voceleci Kidav b>- Sciiiitor '"ro.ol
okiahunw. "If the value- of l-Yk-dmanii
tion in Hoopital
gr.iabllHhed hj lewix. thn treat
t Mioiili U‘ pluc-ed h>- (be euvc-rii
With ilct-p Borrow boaig ol frlviida
III Tiwunu! fliy will mT-ive thi- ui-wa tnuul at ihe dlKpo^al of everp aufu-rer.
- «ald Core. Core
(<k (be doxlh of Sir*. Mur> W. Kins*
Hiqr, r.Ob FIflii btni-i. which m-i-urre'l HiiulilDI ray whether be would ailvo119 St. Man'i' Ili.ipItuI Ll Oiau<] Ka;>- 1 ale till- (lurchase of ihe t-Yli diuuim's
|tda Into Kaiuniay aOeinuun. Seven I^t-nl r’shK. He auid lliat ik-Uik
14oeha ajco Mra. Kiniistcy went i» r*i:<d await 'h- n--uU ol the cuiern[ !<nrii;)iH.*, T«-iiti.. w-hcre ahe oxpc«-l'’<l
j III erx-nd the Willie:. .Rh<> bud uol bet-ii
-in the iioet of heullh for goiile few
ii-iat. ahd upni^ advice of b«r
! rih'siriun l oiiieniiHl l» bavloa a Uishi'
I xpi’rullitii. Il wax for (big elie («hii
I lu Krand llajilda. aud an a»Hi
I <vb>: ghle exiH’cU’d lo reluruFROM ALASKA.
j :.oiiu. here.
' , ■
I In (neiiaratloD far the op
which w-e 111 <e-,tir on SeturJa) morii:riK. nura. a made (be nereuar;- pre Will Testify in Ccigbralgd Coa) Land
Fraud Caaea in Federal
’lbi!ii:<rii-* OB Fi-hisv n'.siiu-when thCourt.
]-jtieii‘ retired fm the
dolnR they h?d need baudaxea sa'
|„, Uarrh 1 -After luiviiraiisl wliii ether on her body. lea»n; ih. px.i eimtalfilns four «n,f* of
:lie aiiealhelie at the fool of the bcl
by rail M
a nm.ll lable. It geema that thSIhh-^
'Iitlit III the loom waa pik.r and
seward. Alabka. i-« lii
•>r ilK- UTiiYcs prra-ured a candl*Jci,|i.aTO to IcstSfj at the trial n( (he
whkh, loyether will the heal.iS gi-iuo.MabVaa'eoal land fra'al
:mw|.h,n- of Ihe room, umlouhtedlj
upgigs, Alucrt r Frost and
-.inge.1 the ienltirai and exnloston nf' tber*. The euac I- whedul.-d f.-ihe pan of ether, llaiini: Uie ethei- irui liefure Judge Landii. In the fod-^rnked bahdac>’s a.ivs* - ter. ihe|eral «cmn Monday. Albert C. F.o>i.
liume* w.-n- not lonp in n>r<;iJlnf f».iht- prlncli«l defendant, k the loni:er
ihe ln.t I'lid m-|>t U|Mm Mr*. Kii;yeley.!pre«ideiit of tbe Alaaluiu N<>ilberu
s.’ie w.ii. itiitlitTiny hurtud. but iiiitRaiiroad and lormer |jrx-sldeal and
I mil Sai-irday afteruoou .lad :««teJ||.rDa]nier of lUv Cbleaco and WliwauMMiiitarjitvil.v eah>- .-,nd evoolhtu.'jkee Klectrie road. The etchi co-dotei-uied fti her favor for reeijverj.|f-iidanls inclmli- men reuldlM in CblVlw-ui 3 i.MovIf her condUU-D took n eago. Spokane and Toronto.
lor til- uor»i and ebe dii-d »ho:
There arv- two eount^ in the in!y iift’-r o'vloelL
diitntOBt. which wt* drawn under
JIrs. Ktii*»ley was
-sear* of bb>’ what D known aa (he conaplrary atatwldow of the
Ihe Uie
bile C. W.
The t-harec is eonxpiracy lo dl:od the widow
who tiiiil nbuui iwo .v,-ar*!l'“'"'
J'aUed Stoten ifoieriinK'iit
a of V—.
coal Und.s. lalueil
:.pi>. Stie W.-IK a wiiiua
*i.*aBi"(;,— ............ —...
uhii-n ** SIii.iaxMHNi The land U aiiuaied c
v.iih that Bweei pilrron
’.rad’i l.iT u typioal ••dcareat <»ld toil). '|'‘"‘ •*"**>
„i ioiub]-. kiiui dlapuaiiiou and one
*"(“ t'biekalcK.n to Kltuubo *..* ulwajB ready lo help Uio*->'''"«“ 1*“^
■II... <..iiie li: her to i.essl. Ucr mu-l""’
rlw- "«"• "coie
I’aiu.v wuB woriii and true and having Creek. The alleged eonapiravy wdt
in-Kun in Chicago on .kpril 1. H'lis.
Hiedliero ucQ} yejvr* there are
wlie ean ;,'Mlf) t<> her kiltoneu anJ The penalt) provided for Uic offense
IV,U rhengh tow-aKrinory a. that of
»10.W or impriaontnent
for two y ears on aU ooiraU.
a tine frtend.
T wo ehlidmi. Judmn W. Klnealey
iind Mrs. CIMic Mnckey of This cil.v.
III. virc. e The bidy\ aroompanled hy
Mra. ll'i.-key, who w.ia with her iwrthj-'r. iiirlved
Rundai. and -fonerwl
'<r<l'-e* weie Md Tuesday inoraIng at ;• o'doc^ from Ihe rhureh
I’mniii-ulaie ronceptK»n, Father Sliceiiau orbetattoK.

that were $20.00 to $35.00, now at $12.50,, $14.50 and $18.60
that were $10.00 to $16.00, are now
$6.40, $8.40 and $9.80
that were $6.50 to $35.00, are now
$2.96, $4.60, $6.10, $8.40, $9.80, $11, $14.60
that were $2.50 to $10.00, are now’
$1.0. $3.45 and $4.90

Ba>'s Wtafttr Cm^b

We grind our feed nut of the cleaneiit oats and
corn that we can buy. Your stock should have good
feed if you wish it to be healthy. Don't be satiahed
with second and third rate stuff. It
pay you to
get the best. You will find our
There is a difference in feeds and our patrons have
found that out. If you have never made a purchase
here, favor us witli a trial order. Tlie price varies
with the market fluctuations, but we make .the best
price posMblc. At this writing feed is $1.25 per 100

We have i^rt of acar of Sepd Oats in. so you
can gel price and sample now.
Don't forget that we have garden and field
seeds for you at ihe
Corner Front and Cara Street.


Qolle the Oasslcst Tfalags in New Lece Trlmmlags JMst Opened
DitpUyed on Satorday afternoon for-the grit time, they canted nmeh enthusiaim amons the many ladiat that canffat
eight of them. Tbe assortment embraces Oriental, Vanue, MAcramc, Baby liiab, and Filet odees, bands, aUovm, etc., both
in gets and iudividnal pettenu. Also thire are some very pretty narrow edfiDgi. The pricea are extremdy low for goods
of this class. ,^e wonid lite you to call and see this display.
lIcB'srjir Caps
at iDore than

Ojr Ttila Meant Remedy Ceulif . S
Plaeed in -Handa of Everx Suf­
ferer From thd White
Pl.9«. ,


Tbe Colder il Gels, the More You'll Appreclale our
Ladles* For Sets


InitirisonincQt. fgr two ;

Tilts is tbe ^e&ond anil Final WeekiDi oar Great Wloter Ctearlng Sale. '

Clearing"Sale Prices

y of Sha
Fkakesimarr. who was one of tba
world's pr.-ni.-st pfcllosophera. ,a««posts tha tboiipLt t^t i||<-re aio dcprecf. In the maceT of false state­
ments wUr-n hr Dromirchda to the Ihjared or offended person « rholee txv
tween three nplips: •'The lletort
Coorteofs: The Ue nrcvmstan'ial;
and the Me Direct - a:.i1 he adds.
•■Your IF ia the only peacemiikor;
much virtue In If."

with hir lioedhuds,
worth 50c, DOW at •
19c and 39c

Quegn Victoria DHetted Tobacco.
The numbi r cf smoking rooms now
dlMrlbutod ovur Windaor
would coBSidrrablF astonish Qoeen
Victoria craiW rhe b« ace (hem. H«r
late nuOesty could never bring herself
(o do Diore than tolcrafe tbs weed la
any farm. aaU tbe amoking room «aa
always nlegaied to a Wiry distant
pan of her various residences. Nor
were the gnesis permitted to solacs
tberesclres with s . qelri smoke in
thiHr own apaHmenta. as on Abelr aarivBl they were spsdaUy sranud not
Step to Your Own Dnitii. ’
Why ahjuld we be la each iletpe^
ate haste to sneoeed. Md In sack
not keep pace with his cempaalonA
perhaps it is because he bears i
ferent drummer.
Let bim step to
the music wblcb he hears, however
measured or far away. It U not inporUnl that be should mature as
as an apple tree or an oak. Bhall be
tern bis spring Into eumm
tpraad OfMd PlagiN.
In (he daya of Klag Cbarlea n. aewg
traveled alowly in England and befnre-lbe people s.' Cornwall knew
about die terrible plague In Londoa
tbera came to Bodmin Idoeraat trad­
ers with pack mules Uden witb Mlk
aad satin gowns, rich robra. ptaaed
bats and cxpsnlve Ucm. wbkdi were
offered for sale at rtdlcak>w pdosa.
The coontryside rnalied to pntAbbS,
and (be mertAanta. baring dlepesed ol
all tbeir stock, depaited. Theh within
a day or two tbe porchason were at­
tacked by a strenge elckaesA and died,
by acorea Tbe.gandy ctotbea
been etrlpped from tbe bodiw ot
tbooe wbo M died et plagae l«Low.
Men Wbe Sueeeed.
7^ seen wbom 1 bare seen saoceed
best In life tutre always beea choertol and bopsful men, wbe vent abont
tbeir boslnm wiib a smUe on their
faces, and took the chaages
ebancea of tbls life Hka^rasB. ftelBC
nMgh aad aaebtb aUks as It cuwe-


One Quarter off on Tailored
and Wool Waists
This is a splendid opportunity for careful
shoppers to get unusual value ia waists.
More Thin 100 Waists in This Sale.
And the lot comprise an especially good as­
sortment of Tailored Waists, in all sizes and
ranging in price from $1.25 lo $3.00.
Look over our early showing of New Waists
and Middy Blouses.
. ^

Neva Goods From Oar
Coat Department
There are some entirely new styles in Coats
this year that you will certainly be interested in
seeing and knowing about. In particular, there
is one 40 inch Evening Coat with the kimona
sleeve effect made of Blue Brocad^ Eponge,
lioed with white brocaded Satin, and .trimmed
with heavy white corded silk. Us one of the
very newest things which you ought to see.

Side of Cambric
Don't let the oppor­
tunity pass without
getting your share of
this 15c .Cambric we
are selling for 11c yd.
It is a real bargain.

f,S0 Corsets 98c
We are selling a
special lot of $1.50
American Lady Cor­
sets for 98c. The as­
sortment of sizes U
still unbroken, but at
tbe rate they are sell­
ing they will not lust
long. Don't delay.

Shamrock Linen
At *1.75 a yd. we
have an exceptionally
fine pie<£ of Damask.
It was pvtchased oo a
low market and should
we buy it again would
make it a $2 a yard
retailer. Ask to see it.

Toilet Good
This is d very com­
plete department and
one you ought to be­
come acquainted witb.
Complete liaes of cold
creams, talcums,
toilet water, hair
bru' hee. etc,

English Cheviot,
20c yd.
This li the beet po»sible cloth you can
for children's
dresses, boys' suits,
ladies' bouse dresses,
etc. Absolutely fast
color—32 in. wide.

Mail Orders •
Have you ever tried oar mail order departill ttake especial pains to give you
meat ? We will
satisfaction. Send for samples of anything y^

I Vf. Milliken, Inc
TRAYEtSE arrs best stou.


.-I in®

iw iFUen or pooUl* do M fOmt bmm to
tewv »bM liter Xeule. PIwm m»4 W cord oad WUI clone, hopiac this wlU dad the niM ptetore hocka or toya to help
Helen. Her eddrew ta: Miu HHen 8. nre tbroogh wearlnf then. Red U ballon with bIm. end 1 *111 sire then Ptcaldent and all the Suaphlnera wWL while away hU Ume.
Korerik, Oaena, Mkdt..R. F. D. No. 1. tbeir toTOrtU color, end >uet beeeuee to her. I hove two aliten nod two
A Sanablaer,
Nothin* but''two liule. ahabhy
Box ai.
the buttana are that ahade they adore brothm
Mr little eUter Jeassette
rooms, a fot of ody brick walU. and
The'potin. "A Pteaeant SnUe." waa then. Ther (the chlMreol are much it iwentr montba old, and U ao ewe.
the rain and tbe mud that aptaahed.
rent by Helen, and ibe veraea aboot contort to an, M they oCten make the She ptara ttMeond^oaeW: wKh oa.
aplasbed. aplaabed as thencb it were
■utaeand ttal^atlona of tha ♦
®oy In the Harveel Field." daya brijthter with their merry laujch- and when the elephoae rloga abe
I bare one kttten
laraldVMiMrolka Sonahlna *
failure makes us blue:
wrae from our First Mce Preetdent ur and cAUdlah (toe. It amutea me says
tbU week.
' .
-r«etlr to watch then plar. and pro- naned .Tlcer. and alao a dock which 1
^ The dlmplea of
tend they are bis tolka. I am poains claim for mr own. Papa haa uken
sood for me and yon.
I salll try never te worry or ♦
for it la
Now we wHl have thesecond chap- “ a.teadter now and Maria It my po- the tmper for over nine roan, and
1 tbo^ht 1 would w^a. I have

4. U pays a blither
fret aheut enjrthln*.
neror lent—
leoiter of The Story of Mera." wrtllMi
She can read quite weU and U Hkea H real well I win Ooee for tbla
* ' ♦ It’a avrtb a mltlion dollara and it ^ oar new Snnabine AunUe:
to «'r>te *
worda. Her atml- time, bopins to aoo my letter In priw.
no^ and apeUfoE We have .

doeao't coat a ceW.
Doar Children—
>*• ■««« to plcaae her nnd abe U real
Aa ever,
aa far ea I can.
Important event occurred when
whenever she leama a new
Velma Deerinf.
‘“i® Ws quarters tor tbe
I aritl try U be levin*, hel^ul ^ ^
e»ny—ion can >»eva waa about four yeare old. and *ord. Next fall the will commence
I feel that Alice a alater It a real

and kind to averybody and to
Beth tmo years of ace- Theirr—■
ctM for tbis rime.
o*ce more left aloM with tbe petterwrinkle up with cheer

4 avery Dviap thing.
a have CD♦ A bandred uAca before you can Mr. end Mrs. Uvnton, wanted the gtrli'Several letters and pretty
poetaU know that all the 8
yoor Snasblner.
rein and hie own dreary tbougtate.
4 . If I over fall In trying te do -4
aqueese out a sogg}- tear.
portralis taken together at tbU age. It hare helped to keep tbe dark clouds )»>'«d yourletter. ^
UoD Wads
So the day w6r* oa. Two o'dock
4 tfieee things, I wrlll T-ry, try S It ripples out. moreover, to theheart- was a new process, and a rare thing eway since my Ihst visit. I Wways
It to IntetMUng to see tbe big toads had been rang from Trinity Church,
♦ again.♦
I in those days, write the i
Bmplre. Ulcb.
t on a slip of paper.
of logs SO by. Can you always tell
Mickey waa almost ready to cry.
string that will tog.
‘ reb. I«. JgU. tbe trees by tbe bar*?
And alwai-s ieares an echo that la nnd they had to sit a long lime to get bnt I foot tbe last slip, ao 1 wOl write
Once more be crept lieUeaaly dowa
very like a ho*.
an Impreaakin, Meva had a bUek silk tbe names down }un ai I ^member
tbe dllapldeted stairs, end peered out
d wbat .waist that was raUed a garabaldl. them. Mra. Hltcbeock of Lansing
U has been such a long time alnee WUUamsburE Mich. R. F. D. No. 1. of Ihe open ball dMr to the wci. dlsOrganised Oecembar g, tSM^
(probably nsraed such In honor of n sent font heautlfn? views and an In- > wrote you that I tboadit I woeM
F»b. 24. 19IE . mat aUwet.
PraaWCfit—MIm Clara Bates.
Uked very lereetlng letter. tetUng about her trip write. Our taacber’s name la Clayton Dmr Prealdeat—
A baker's wagon came aronad the
much, ao she was drilghied when kirs. down aontb. Mrs. W. L. Jenne's let- M'yse. I am In tbe (Uth reader.
doesn't cost a cent.
Plcaae aead me a card aod button, comm-, and gave Mickey'a mind a
WMr It witb ber ter waa a loving one. and wltb It came studies are reading. aritbincUc. lan- ai I wish to become a Sunshiner. I .rSought that interested him eeme—Contributed by Helen 8. Kovarlk. Uynton told ber
pbld skin.
a lovely Christmas bo^et. Mrs. guage. apelllng and penmantUp. I go am eleven years old and am In Urn what, but could hardly be said to conPomeroy SMdda.
Wbeo they arrived at the picture Mllle Darla sent one of the most beau- to acbool orery day. For pets 1 bare fourth grade. My aiudles are reudlag. sole him vary mach. aedu that tbe
Sonahlne Srandinether—Mrs. A. L.
gallery, as it was called, ihe man was tlfui Chrtsunai ends fmaglnabie. Lula two kittens. Doodles and Teddy, a pet erilhmetle, geography. Miyaiotogy. hot Imn*. tempting cekSs aad fresh
8o many Umea the new members much pleased to see them and spoke Tlmllck'e card said. "Wishing yoo a dog named Dude, and a pet oqlt language and spelling.
bread were all dellverad lo some one
Yonra very tnfly.
aorots the strsM.
~~Z —.K.-' ____ _
J’®'*'' PresMem. "What Is Sun- very kindly, as he arrangW them, bni veo' merry Christmas." and with li named Usudie. She Is so cotel Erery
shine?' What does H really mcaa?" Beth wonM not sl« silll a minute. The came-a pretty handketclrier. Falthhil time 1 see her out playlag.l «Ve bar
Edward Cox.
He was still waiebing tbe toker

_______ .
And then your President j>uu her man rang a bell and promised her lots E. E. C. wrote several leneni. and a slice of apple, and she looks for U.
It U ever m nice to hfive yoo for a with toagfog em. when a man and a
you will write little i^’cbrh tad^i down tbe
NiMiase «t Mmss es th. Cm<iu
»«'* *•>»• “"■‘'J«ood things If she would onlv keep »«>i seversl nice cards. Others who too. I will be ao glad wbeo aprtns SunsUaer. and I
the sun shines oni quiet, but Beth kicked and cried so w«>te were Clara Gee. Helen Sroboda. eomee again, and the Sowara art all again to tbe SunsUne psge.
street from Hi
"iTli 11 III i
Roll March 1. ItIA A0C8.
of doom you feel glad and cheerful, that they bad to wail for ber picture Maxel Knight. Eralena Barrett. EdMh
bloom. We have four boraes, noe
— ■" '
Tbe Uen bad a hand orssa slung
don't you? The light seems a happy till she was older.
« Johumm of Buckley. Edith Johnson of colt, six cows, elx yesiltaca. t«a
over, hls sboulder, and there was a
thing. When the dark clouds appear.
.i™„, h.ts
r«P Nebraska, Janet Bates, Emma WeU- calves, and have sold gva bead of catAdvtoa to 0»9 Owasta.
qMeT looUng lamp in Us coat that
Velma Oeering. Bmplre. tileh:
hou«. then
Mte S^d swU It LTimd It
Koutarek and Sunshine tie. besMea. last month. W havoaereo
The toltowln* "Dmi'u" wUl prore made Mickey's ayes dance, for hs mw
. you ,oag for the sun and lu bright,bttlu^“Ia i

‘ bripful to anyone «ho Is ao fortnnate tn a moment that It was a moakey.
R. r. D. No.
letter on the
M to be tbe poeaessM of that moat
a hand-orgaa man awitb a monkey!
•Margaret McKmiaU.

-------------------Empire. Mich. the nys of light beat
1- to obey tbe. Simsblne faithful of anImaU—a dog:
Just imaglae what aa Imiunii fund
from the.rionds.
ber picture .though she
*«>"» *»•,,
®«Name sent by Velma Deerlng.
and tbe little
Don't give a noble, good-tempered of amueemeoi such e craatoiw mnat
. not'forget to mention that l‘>*^/
dance up and j|* ^ot have them on. So her picture
Bertha - Plant. Burdlckrllle. Mich.
doim as the sunshine eni
true Sunshiner.
dog a name thet suggests tbe very op- be to tbe lUtle «aee tn the crawded.
' still bears these tokens of tbe man's two £ beams called to see me New
Name sent by ManUa Bnmgardner.
ened room! Your ihongbu
They were HaitJe and Clara
peslte of bla nuure.dirty streets of tbe city. Why. all of
Irene McTs*gan. 8ontb Boardi
I do feel that yon are e tme SuDon't follow tbe Acutes of a tool- na go wild over u moakey. aad we
Mich. R. F. D. No.’ !•- Name aent by
^ *»•
* beam, and that makea me very happy. lab taabtou which decrees (hit a dog have lou of ether things U amuse aa.
*“* WIU hear of nuny daring irtcU that
your fa« ahlne.-.
clipped as to resemble a Itoo. looks
uickey forgot the rain, tbe mud and
Our PreaWent waou aamea of shutattractlva.
ue ababby rooms, aad Just feasted Ue
So, when you are full of rbeer It 4w
p,pb ftowers. and there
lim. m I ennioae one. Prank is bedPl»* Laka. »»«>«- R- P. O. No. 1.
Don't try to tbratt frtondsblp upon eyas on ihel monkey. And wben tbo
Bos <S. Fob. II. Ills.
Just as though somewhere the tun w^s n^y binds of them growing beside ridden and eannot walk as
a dog by force. Speak ktndly to him. man passed Ue bonae. and saw tbe
I u Frank
^ Burtl^UU
*• **” the fence and along the waTk. One legs U shrunkea. Hls adi-------------------but let him uke tbe inItUUve Is msk- doer Mwn on IbriU^y. end Ue front
Midi. Names sent by MantU Bui
Ing^forUer advances.
hall looking so drT end coxy, what
Don't threw away a doga plat^t of does be do hut come over and aak
help them and make them happy, loo. ^
ber little hands were badly years old. 1 hope the SaDshUten wlU
*«>•*« to tebool at Cedar Cr«ek
Mildred Cbriatlaiisen. age foor
and, that is why we say we try u
„ ,pre».| ,o her face. The write to tbU lluU fellow, aa be mnat »<*«•»
1 am la tbe -toorth dlnoer^alfflply becanae be doea not eat* Mkbcy If be qnd bla Ituto girl and the
yean: Amll
It abarply on time, aad then faU dto- moakey can oome la out of Ue rain?
B. B d: no. ].
>'»■» '•
Whet does MIekey do? Takes the
I grade. Our .teacher's namn U Hiaa sowed an hour later to find him noeX..«« ... ta HM. 8. Km.Ht

lug tbe nelghbera'aah heaps in search m*B and Ue moakey and Ue . little
- makes them fed gUd. yoo know, so a ,,be would lose ber prelO' blue eyee. will bring this to a close.
gjrl end tbe hendorgas all npataJn Ik
'Sansbidy iienon Is always welcome
In spite of all they could do Beth « one and all much success In this new
Dost keep a dog on a chain If it can hls room, brings two broken chain lor
Richard Clark.
The LttHe Boy In the Hannst Field.
eyes swelled shut, and Meva knes- y«sr of oura. and remala eternally
How pleased I am to bear tram be avoided. U It to aeceasary becanae Uem to sit oa, and acu u boapluMo
Out In the Selds ,ln tbe mhlsummer
‘ke nlcc« things about that her little sister »a* very alck. yours, with lore.
you. Rkhard! I like to boesma ao- of an la tsdlnallon to be quarru^me *ad poBu aa Ueugb be were a lotd
Sunshine, (ouy Sunsbiee). Is that you That Snnday was the tongest day she
A sbui-ln Sunshine«lrl.
or to stray aw|y. see Uat the chain It entertaining an emperor,
qualated wHb tbe new SoBabloera.
The reaper! were busy binding the
*®ng had ever known, for all tbe family
HelM S. Kovarlk.
tong ooottgb u Ulow Urn u get needAn emperor! Poota! Wbat U aa
The happy, cbeerfnl, lev- -were at heme, caring lor petb and
Vonr lettera alwaya make os want
ful exercise.
emperor compared U a band organ

- BurditAviDe. Mlcb.
And tbe farmer looked srllh an am- ^ kupcfol boy or girl unronscjously fanning ber. Bui.anally the little gtrl to be real Snnalhoerm. Helen,
Dan't eolraet even tbe most Uielll- man wub a tsonkw?
Fob. 20. Uli.
bnu eye
makes all those ground bim feci the began to improve, and recovered w|tb•
gent aad eosselenttou dog wiu a
Mfokey-a vlldeW dreama of bItoe bad
And so our Sunshine out any disfigurement. How they all goath Boardman. MWu R. F. D. No.
At the “thunder caps" In tbe sreatem “
As I have Dot written lu a long tima, task Uat oCen too great a tempU' nevor eonjarwl np'suU a thing aa bav^
spreads and grows brighter and laiolcad wbmi she got well and waa
Feb, IE I»i:
1 will try. I have anme namaa for tbo tba. and then whip Urn. aboald ho ug a real live monkey sttUng In Ut
"An hands must wot* now with' a brighter, wherever we may be.
able to run about again! Mr. Unton
room as cool aa Ice.
will." said be:
U Isn't aiwdys easy to be a Sun- aearubad for the plant, nd deriroyed
, ,boa*bi I would answer yonr lot- Suaahlne Cl> . aad Cradle BoU wbMi
Don't be eparing of expreeriona of ^ am Uere he dM elt on the man'a
■e lollows: Bertha PlanL
seeT'bere's a storm a.brewing np there. I seiner, a* your President knows from It.
ivr. My
wMij atudlea
viuiiica are
aie arUbmetIc.
luuuiww,^. geogewe
aSeettoa toward your dog.
eboalder. pad Urn nma nmlled at
peiuonal experience. But fll through
1 MlM U would be a good idan If rlphy. Unguage and apelHng. I enjoy
Don’t allow year dog. however mocb Miduy. and tbe BWe girltooked a^
life you will find, boys and gIrU. that tiU Safi things that poison tbe inlud b^ng a
~~ may aead the cards
mber of tbe Sunsblne Club. ‘age *three. You
and buttons to c I. and 1 wrlll givo yon care for him. to become nuerty at him. aatll be tott eoaspletelr bewB.
Them the brl^t-faced boy al^UI In- 'be things tnoU worth having are coidtf. b* •> e*sH>' destroyed. I love There U a girt In my room wbo would ....................
edfieb UfouM over-lndulgeace. and doted by tbe ai^cbe of tood forIbose we mnai work for. And the one to tbink of yoo all aa good children, like to Join. Her name U Irene Me‘® **'e cblh^ My aWar baa nsarp all your aUoatton. Tbe humane mge uai had bOCeUea him.
tber'a side
* thought, to bo gannlne and In keepinc
To help bind tbe^ ahoBvas moat .pa. Who la brave enough to be a Sunshiner cbopslng tbe right, and ready for .Taggart. WHIl >wn please send me a
By and by'all thro# began to be
when ckmds
clottda of
of unhappiness
noble deeds
deeds every
day .
card and ballon for ber?
***®'*' »“ bas ^t eoma ho^ 8be mu our moUo. sbouM emUace “every more eociable. Meater Jaeko mnat
Uontly tried:
nnbappincsk are
are alt
alt noble
liked It there. Aa my letter la k
Bnt be eonid not manage tbe wot* shoot la the onewho has learned tbe
You see chtblren si
• bave
Bring creature."
hare a drink, asd Mickey U oUy too
,*t *11.
real secret of sucess. In work or play, alcknoss and mlafortuno that calls for
Phoebe Fox.
happy u fetch M, and tbo man actnalFrom
Irene ^1 bare ber SunsUne
once uicu a thne there wa. a little Sonahlne. and how glad we are to
F^r tbooe wrUlln* hands were too
To These Who Hasp Pete.
Mickey uEe Jocko U Ua arms. '
weak and small.
boy. a real little boy. whom your hava inch I large list of Sunshinerw piedge card and botton. la abe to your
If yon keep say peu temembar to *gd Jocko vakf trtands wlU him at
I know yon are glad to bars yoor
> brighten Ihe sad hours for gntde?.
-f ant do this." Mid thebravo IKUc President knew.
When he was only today
sister homo oboe more, t aa |lad
five years old he fell and bredte bis thorn!
not forget u food aad keep clean any
-n,** the Ottto gM. who hasn't vonthat abe bad a nloa vialL
"So rU glvo H'qp and do srbal I an. hip. For weeksand weeks tbe tiny
Tbs other day Ihard a child in'lng
animal yoo keep la a cage, or better ,ored lo say very maeb as yet beglna'
chap had to lie Id bed with a havy to iiroaoona my name, and It seemM
Feb. 14. 191E
' '
■till refuse lo keep any aalmel or bird « talk Bomy''ta vary broken Bngltob.
“Tbe own arc tbiraty and far from weight atuefaed to hls leg,*nd bla dUflculL Bo lo save any of you sua
Traverao Oty. Mich.. R. F. O. No. E la a cage. It Is most selfiab to keep *** she aod Mtokay propose a game
the spring: , *
body held in a i>lBsier cast a that be trouble 111 write-U the way II sounds.
^ot wrtttast to the Sun™»- **■
say pet merely to bear it sing or be- qf hlrtti ani iiok. la which—wonder of
It ^ give them alift."Iltought be auMn'l mov* in imln. and draw bU "Kloec."
*j,lne page for along time 1 will now "oarnaMent
cause It amuses you to watch lu vaU wondersl-tbs metikey Joins, sod <eU
hip out of idsce.lie lay still a long
From your loving
of doing a.lam
1b»v«* not wrltla for a long Ume. eadeavors to escape. Remember how Mickey wild mU deUgbl by befog
A paU nt that deSr. cold a-aler that that be wore the hair from the back
Aunt Chloe.
and *® ' “®"**t I wald do ao. 1 «o to you toU when Ufoeas koepe yoo coa- -u,- *** coeeulfog Us head eo MlekSows *
of hls heaE moving It to and fro on
- ' ■
all the Sunshloera the tame. Isn't •®*»®>
day. I am In tba toarib Saed. perbapn U one room, and then ^ *** Teme (Uat was Us UlUe
Down tbe monntaln aldo where tbe hls pillow. And be was such a Mule
this awfully Ud weather? 1 bave te
teacbor-a name la Mfm Nel- yon mu nndetuunE In a anmU way. ghia- b*^*) can hide tbemedvea wHbsweet fern ^wa"
boy. But do vouNhlnk be cried anC Omena. Mich., R F. D. No. 1. Box 31. ** to school and U U pretty cold **•
a^t a bird, taken from a cooatry ^ hls seNng.
And soon be waa dipping hUmUecu). complained? .Sot be! That dmr child
Feb. S4. 1*IE
aomrUmeo. bnt 1 don't have to go, ariUimeUc.) penmanship.
hedge or wood, mnst feel Bke when
ww tbv got Ured of hldoandgaograpfa/and
aiNdllng. I like tbeqt caged and kept in a dnU roeu. koMy.
In tbs aoasy plae^ where It bubbled nsed to ret>eat to blnstif. for hoors at Dear I
le suggested havquite a mile.
Teresa's faUer playx on the or.
----------------....— have vanUbed Into mg Ihe PresMeni'a pletare at the bead **'■ I have tommy pin ^card and Ud robbed Of all that aboald make Ha g*g
a Ume. "Grin
Grin and
Many weeks
uiem. and TwasE Mickey and
bear It!" And everybody wbd aaw eternity slice my Iasi coniributtoa to of tbe Sunshine pane. I tblak It would
nnotbar oaa. 1 UCc haalUy and happy.
jq^ho JUn h*"d« asd have a marry
And the. Joy of doing nometblng te him lpve,i him for bis braverj' and our charming clrde. and during all be rery nice. 1 wonder bow Helen

cheer, and tried to be brave and cheer- that Ume 1 have been an Interested Kovarlk la. I hope abe la beUer since rrom
PlaytMoBS far Cola.

Round aod roond Ugy ga. koeplag
Shone oa bit foce as he came tbrongh ful ihemsclves when they thought of reader of tbo dear old page, and at- »he came from tbe hospItaL I trill
Harrtqt Kaannfiy.
Cate aa wMI as kttuoa enjoy ifiay- q,** ^
jquj- tana, and when they
tbe wood.
tbeir own troubles. And after tong ways enjoy JU coatenu beyond imagi- close for tbU time, hoping to see tbU
Are you aad Georgia W»4t lb tba
and should be enoonraged -to
through wuh that, Jodto perlecma
•tiod Mesa tbe boy!" every'man crlwl weeks lasesd tbo lltUe fellow grew osUon. The many splendid mlaslrei j* ,,riot
•*“* rude at school? Wbl<* of |W* “boep young." A cork, wad of paper. ,rtcka for them.
well and strong again, and could ruh from varioas part* of our eoormoos
As ever, a Snnshlaer.
studies do yon Bite beet?
1 by a atriag. a
©b. I ran t begin to leO you aU the
As be pHsed the pure, cold water and play Just like other ebUdren. Bat globe are always more then foil of
. . Loraine Daria

tofaeb'or catnip, give entertainment jqUr uingi they did—bow Ue band
ovoo body who knew about bIm was Interest, and tbe bMuUfol atortes are
Year lettera ere always. wMoome. Trawerae City,' Mkh.. R. F. D. No. 8. better than a moving picture show,
q^^q ,*** told Uem ako aterfee
Twas suatalalng power—tiicy bound helped by bis courage and tbe Sun- nal betptul. as they give ns good ex- Loralne. Why not send a postal
about brigands wlU Iwg aUlettoa.
tbs grain
shine In Us befirt.
emples. aod ones which I hope we greeting to Helen.
Dear President—
A Covmid.
bow Teresa sang sweat UaBaa songs.
' Jnsi In time to save It from dreecbThis week te the SunehIne page we will ell try end follow In tbe more.

I gn to school now. My atndlea art
“Tbe greateat coward to be -who |K,ir Mickey
up and down tbe
have a leuer from a ebut-ln Sonsblspr
It gjraa me a great deal Of pieasnra> Traverse tniy. Mkh.-, R. F. D. No. S. reading. ariUmetle,
fog rain.
traata wiu cruelty a belplem iHbg reom wtu a brwmaUek over bto
who Is one of tbe bravest end ennniesi to know that so many of dbe grownfob. IE im- mpby bnd i
I am Jb tba thing."
abMider. and aan* Ua “Mulligan
Tben tbe taUer nald tbal.nlgbL wiU Mbsqns your Pretident has ever upe an becoming foterewed in onr orer Prealdent—
foarU grade. I em nine yewe oM.

Guards." bow finally. wbBa they were
e smile.
'known. Helen Kovarik was uken to QuE and I bope Uey wiu contlooe u
| haven't wrltunfor e longtime.
They ace hauling togs by our bouee.
Tbo OsMea Rule.
wajoyfog Uueee)yw <® the ntmosL
R*hOe tbe moUer Uttened wlU pride Ann Arbor Iqpt fall, and Ue doefon do no. A band of merry ebUdren are There uNou of snow here. I.go U and U fo fun lo weteh thijs. I ba*0
Tbe Golden Rule apidleB to our coa- Mra. Ffone^ came home from waeb* 8 the wUle.
there told ber that Uey could not always delighted to have some grown- school. I am Use yean old. and am my card and button yeL 1 Mvo a sU dart towards aatomlsaa well aS to- tng out and was Igtrodneod to tba
-My boy. yon belpe.1 harvest Ue^d nuke her weJL Her limbs are entirely up Uke an Intereet tn tbeir welfare, u Ue foorU grade. My consln. Ben- ter five years
oM. It the
^ oW ward man.
mas. Ue little girt and tbe mMkoy.
of wheat.
helpless, she ^cannot sit up alone, or and we Bunablnen are also Uke Uem. IM Woodrow. U at our bouse today, enoifoh ptease seed bv a card and
-----------------------aad bow she made Uem auy to eapBrfogfog waWT wben we were parched use ber right arm. All Ue loag daja, for we. too. are made happy whenever She Is going U star nntll Sunday baitoa 1 mil ctoae tor thisUm *0
per! Bko the UadMarud liWiwoman
mu baaL
and all Uo tong nighu. nbe has to Us a grown-up Join* our “big army of menlng.' I am gofog lo school today, gnod-bya
ttaei ebe eras!
Rmaamber Urough life, my dear IltUe in bed. Read ber lytter. Sunbeams. Sunbeams." I am doubly sure that we i Uka to go to school. My school
From your Saaabtnor,
How H did nfo!
Phew? u ukee my branU ajrar to
and see bow checn- It to Not ons nro all glad to greet onr new Sunshine Ibaefaer Is Mias Morton. 1 have toot
Gaergto Wgda.
Sidaab! epiaab! eplaab! KoUta* but tall M aoU a good Uma. Just aa H al-X
— God only Wdt ux to do wbat we can." word of complaint baa Me nUered. but “Ahntla.*' aad I bope she wilt vtoit us my bntion. Will y«a ptoase send me
Wbaa your little alsur can uIm Mr rats ood Mod from early fo tbe momtook Mldugr^ tanaU away to
—<tomrtbated by tbe First Vice Preal- laxtead ahs gives nt Ue name of a real often. I m-onder it we conido’t aaoUer one? As my latur U getting name -fo tbe pledge card abe wU] be lag nmu lau at night Every guuor
Itiue abut-fo boy to whom we may bars a "Sanabiae Uncto" also. Would toag I will eiaae far Uto Ume. .
old ea^ngb te Join tbe SunsUne Odb. lathe dingy etroKwaa a gurgllnE tar- iAte*^fa tbe uvenfog U cleared oB.
send a ray of Sunshine. Hdeo nays R am be tun it we Rdsbi b*ve one?
Your Snpasbfoer.

bid braoE only wiuoat tbe troea. peband bar taUar bal to go
A PieaaaM Bmlli.
that eomeUmes wben she is all atone Wbat haa. become of our “SunatalM
Ruby SL Cora.
Codar, Mkb.
Mas and treat that nmmlly Bo aloM .vA.‘ Mleksy wgs aerry tbat tt
Tbe Utng Uat goes tbe fsrtbest to- and cannot sleep li is ImposslMe to OnUteotbar" aad Vico PreUdent?
Where doee yeor omaria live? I
Itob ll. inE wtu a real brook.
wasa't ralnJw. for then tbay woaM
ward maUng llfo'worU while.
keep the team bacE buL ebe addE Tbeir nice lettera are mleaed fo our know yoo must barsbeea glad to see Dear Prealdeal—
Uttle MkUay nnaegan dM aot like
to May foapar.
That coeu tbs toast aad does the “U u a pooridea to tell one's troublea, cotamE
^I tbengbt I would write a few Bnoa
It gt aU. fo fart, be aterays saBerad
ifoMann Onif promtoad to eoma
moaL li Jnat a ptoaaani smile.
*o i wont write any more of mine." . Tbo PraMdent wanu to know wbat

to tbe SanUtne Hab agnlg. We Mra tigm a aavare attack of that damdtnl
aad Mfofi JaUa,
Tbe enllc t^ babSles from a heart All .that was In a penonal Istur u we would like to bare fo Uo page. I
Bsplra. Mlcb.
bad vory aURny weather bero MUty. malady kaowa as tbe bloca. eUao M *o M Mt reaaMifit
that jpvM Ha fallow oMa.
jour PreeldenL aad not meant for tbe Ufok a "Qaeetlon Box" would be quite

Feb. lE 1»1E R has been aaomng a little avarr raiaad. tor tba' ababby rooms be and
Aarnr. ba alwaya saro that that
WOl drire away the clouds of gloom Sunshine page. However, your Pros!- uaeUto M H would give os tbe prlN- Doer PresIdenU.
day. and tbo wtbd woald rtoe up ao bto mother oifcupted were net very relay day was tbo-JoUtoei day of-bto
aod coax tbe tun again.
deal Ulnki that Helen’s life is so toll tasu of aabtag qnesttons at all tlmaa.
\ would like lo Join tba SunUlao saddoaly and Mow so MrE. Ws have aaen^ fo tba bast waaUer. and on ufe-KtoUM SayE
U’s foil of woitE and goodnaaa. loo. of tbe real Snasbloe that we beltove
J bava two ttey trteeds who want Club. Will you Mwwe send am a card baea stadyfog agricuttan fo'XlMil atanay days, wbaa ba coaM art go
» ..sti'..:—.
WlU maaly klodoaai btoatu. uat It will do ns all good to know tbeir name* oarolled on tbe Cradle and button? I gn to acboM evory day We Mve agrtcoHnro oap moraimraad aut aad play toapdrec wlU tba bojE
Wbat traa bean tba mart traH to
It'a worita a million Bellara. and U about ber.
RoO. They are MUdrM and AmU wbaa t am weU. Oa Valentlae's day reading tbe mmt morateg. Y^^vo -Mtch oa" wsgoBs. or enjoy tbe perdoesn't coat a cadt.
' Helen aaggeots a qaaetton box for CbrtotlSMon. Tbe first mentioned to we bad a box at aebeoL • We bad ao read all Ihioafili “Saawbaaad.” and topttoa ot btfoa by tnmbting aronad marint? Th* g
waa Adam
At what f‘
tbe Snnabine page, and If yen wish U. four year* old aad the latter to two. maeb fan. 1 m foartaaa vatoatlaaa I bow we aro toaraiag carte Mrts wT same tempomry aaad-pBs-oa saU
Than to no room for aadnam wbeo we ue PruaMeat wiu bo glad to add oae Tba eatda can be seat to ma.
am aigbt yean aid wad la the toarib H agafo. Wa dM aot Mart to b«*a dwe aa tbaaa tbs rooms woro really ban? A lU
Why I
eoe a ebaery omBo^
to Ue otbM dopartamata fo SaasWae.
My Uuto aloeo aod BsMaw aUll grada.. I bope fa paee fot* tbo fifth roadlag oatll afUr CtrtMM ute SBaadamMa.
TMrw waaat gay attic wtU oB i
h always baa tM aamo RDOd lack— Hatoa atoa asks dor tba words .o( ti|a hava tbeto badgm aad tbay prise tbab grads Uto yaar. 1 have auUealmau ttoo. I roosvtod ama tefifttM tte*


o. J. ,,


aerta of elitofiMoaii^y *• te-.

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