Grand Traverse Herald, September 11, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 11, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Busy Handling


Tbe aalUng suUoa U busy receiv­ STARTLING CHARGE WAS MADE
ing the contract pickles. 80 far over
2.&00 -bushels sre in the brine, snd
while tbe weather eondlUons bsve
been moeb against the successful
growing of cucumbers, tbe results sre
sstlafsctory and the work will be con­
The coming year more
ACTION WILL RR9SASLY AVERT acreage will be secured and greater EVENT REPORT WAS LNFAVOR
ments will be made Tbe price
being paid d present is TSc s bushel
of 9O pounds, for the bpst bIm and
number of tbo growers ire. reatlstag
Scheme Evldetitly Wm te Urge Frenee
ftowHWiR OINro to .Makt Roro<«that it Is a good thing
tion for Dm>W Of Japo Which
to Take Steps te Poree Uncle
OecwrroS OwrinsAAo FlshtSsm to ReeegnUe Huerts
iOS at Hwkins.

nueoY m a msTun

Pekin. Sept, f.—Tho Ctlneee eovaSitatkM In i^«a la connection «ltb
tbo klUlsx of aovenl Japcittoce durins
the Batins at Nanklnc. and. dealrlnc
to «"«*«■ ropantlon. baa IBctrucied tbe
ChiiMoo cbarso d-aSaln at Tokio
axproM regrou to tbe JapaneM forelgn office. Tbo Chincoe foreign otflee bere baa alreadj' expreeaed resreta to tbe -Sapaneee lesaUon.
Tbe ceMral In command at SanklBc baa acat a meaaage of vmpathr
to tbe Japaneae general and baa orfeted to eompenaate tbe fanlliee ot
tbo victima. Tbe <newlr appointed
Oilnoae minlater of Tokio baa bean
ordered to-Nanking to conduct a full
Three «eeka ago. fearing tbe poaslbUlty of nntoward Inrldonti. the tl>laeae government urged the Japaneae
tegaUon to withdrew lu naUonals
from Nanking, and only a few daya
’igter tbe Japaneae leireUon noUfled
the Cblneae tortign office that elghi
Japaneae ^ieere who had served tb«
aontbarn gone had been returned to

Alban Ooldehburs AppareMly Firod
j Duilding WhHa Llghtiae Kitchen
Oaa Ranga
Bridgeport, ni. Sept. 9.—Albert
OedSenburg. bla wife and fonr cblldMB. were bnrnpd to death in a fire
Mn. Goldenburg apparenUy fired
tbe bouse In attempting to light a gas
reagd% the kitchen. Ooldenburg was
a poapef for an Ohio oU company.



Turn Others Sariavalp iiUured When

(By UmUgS Preas.i
Settle CreA BaSL 9.—Two persons
were fatally isjored and two seriously
hurt today wBm Barte Snyder ktet
obnirol of hM Wf touring car and It
capsued Into a SiSBpoaL Snyder and
Nelson Tobla cwuot Uve. physicians
decUre. J{. B. WOaon and George
Murphy were ruMSued UFa kospltal,
seriously buK. bat are egpected to
recover. AU were oceopaau of tbe



strong Advsriising Fortwro Ftam

for Coning FRir.
Tbe question Is being agitated of
aaklag s great ••made la Traveree
Oty" etblblt of all tbe nasutactured
aniclec for tbe Grand Traverve Regtoa
fair. Very few people are aware off
tbe great number of articles that are
a in tbe city
dispUy would be a great edneatloiL
A small esblblt was made at one ««**■>
two years ago that was a great serpriM to all who saw At, and to have U
at this time when there would be a
crowd would advert^ the clty s oulpuf la tbe best mannlr a comnut'
toe tram tbe fair oBlelsls will oanvsa
tbe amtter at once and see that tbis
U carried oat as It A suitablo place will be provided' on tbe
grounds aafl ft mv be tbst a perma­
nent exbfbit con be surted that
would attreet aUonUon of the thou­
sands of people who pass through the
diy In tbe eenrae of tbe year and
would attract many to tbUacity by
reaMs of tbesoods amde bare and the
peaMbUiUsa tor the iacraaslag of the

NO. 73.













Confessed Oynsmiter Finds Rscraa.
tien in Fancy Work.

Word has been received of a earious
Los AngMea. Cal.. Sept. 10.—Twent)'
arcldeut which happened to klre. F. D
belts froif the aklns ot 20 rattleNcv. of Port George, B. €... Canada on
anakes in a month U the rererd of CANADIAN AUTHORmSS TURN
August 22nd.' ^^hlte looking for a REFU8LICAN ELECTED IN THIRD OrUe McManlgal. confeesed’ dyna­
plaything for her llitle boy she
miter, who ocTupleaa "suite of cells'
chanced' upon some dynamite caps,
ih Uie county JsU. McMsnigal under
and snppceed they were ferrules tor s
to(A the niaoufsciure ot snake belts
Rdhlng rod. In some way she exploded
when the fssbloniDg of picture frames
the cap. tbe copper penetrating her
from dgar boxM palled upon him.
hand and It was oereasary to ampu.
^He has been in Jail since the spring
late four fingera Mrs. Key was s
of 1911. Three indictments s|Md HE IMMEDIATELY HIRED AUTO
former resident of Treverue City sud
against the former alC of the McNam­
has many friends in thb place.
ara brothers.

(PsHs Corrsependent of t)is United
ParU. Sept. 9.—Thst the Huerts
govenuneai In Mexico bss spent
MOO.OOO for tbe IneerUon of "news1^ French newspapers of a nature
f.rienay to the United BUtes, U the
cofltmuton of Conitltattonallsia here
Aocordlag to the
paid ‘'news" articles were Inserted tor
the pnrpose of cresting In France an
anti-American eentlment which would Fund Was to Be Used By Peatmasttc
OanSrsI for Improvement of ttie
lead tbe French government to ukc
Prebabla That Senator Selleveo H
Money Order Depertment ef
diplomatic atepH to bring about the
Can secure Changea In Maaoure
United Statea
rec^iUon of the Huerta regime b>
That Will Make it Accept*
tbe Uilfted Sutes.
aMd to Prcgrecalvea
Admitting that the oonetltutlonalUt
fWritten for the United Pceea)
Junto exaggerated. It U generally unWssbiagMo, Bept. 10.—Aecepunce
Wechlpgton. Sept. 10.—How far deretood that Paris newspsi>ers have Sy congress of a bequest of 92.900
Senator LAVoItettee U to Influence been "aean" by the Mexican diplomat made under one of the most unique
tbe Hnal character ot tbe Wlleon- Un­ Ic representatives here to such an ex­ snd unusual eondlUons la tbe governderwood Uriff bill in the conference tent thst sptl-Huerto news has dlssp
it'e history. Is a problem facing
in view of bla having voted for tbe beared from tbe columns of most of congress and the post office departaeaaure In the senate was tbe gues* them. Whatever tbe cause. In spite
eni today.
Uon oagarly dlecuaaed at the capUol
That the poetal money order system
today. The bill passed last algbt. C3 existing between tbe slater republloa, be oiricIsUr and -legally recogalred as
general pnbUc
to J7. UPoUettee. alone of tbe Rethe "Child" and legatee of a decaased
pnblfran senators roted for tbe bill. seemlnglr. nre strangely and perstst- government official has been solemn­
colleagues believed be staked his enily mialnfomed as to the Americas ly recommended to congress by Third
whole pollUcal future on his ability, attitude pad frankly hostile things a^ Asslstonl Postmaster .General Dock
while tbe blD U In conference to make being aatd.
ery. For eleven years the bequest
William Jennings Bryan, peace- sdit acceptable to Progressive Repubbas been avallabla Now the post of­
vocate to such an extent that he was
Uesn voters.
fice department reeommends that
recently ridlealed in the French press. money be ;
. and used as
_ now accused bere of warlike intentrust fund In secordanee with the will
UoDs and trying to hide bis wnons
of the donor.
under a pile of olive branches. Presi­
Dr. c. F. McDonald, formerly of Bosdent Woodrow WUeon b accused ot
toib the "father of the money order
betreyjng American interests through system, Is the governmrat's benefseta dcalre for mlUtory Intervention in
He died In 1902. leaving 92.000 to
Mexico. Bays one Important paper
Uncle Sam for Ute extension and bMwith more Uian a niilllon cirrelsUon:
teraient of the federal service.
eleven years lawyers of the deFor
Prosecution Claims She Was Present
States has always been violently
par^^en^ ]asUee..the post office deWhen Her Chinees Husband
Ik. has always fought PMmect and congress bsve been un­
Was Killed.
with the utmost energy all Idea of In­ able to decide what te do with tte
to the affairs of neighbor­ rioney. A treasury draft for the legsing alalas. And when Mr. -Wlleon was
has lain idle In the office of the
Chicago. Sept. 9.—Alice Bing, form­ elected the world gut tbe Impression
er. Kansas City miasionary, was today that this poller of prudent reserve was chief clerk of the pqsl office department since thst Ume.. Now it U pro^
formally ebargod with the murder of to be more than ever in force, es­
posed thst congress formally psM
her Chinese husband. .Hiarles Bing a pecially when It became known that
iltby rosuurant owner, who was
to be bb Minister of
backed to death In bed Wedneedsy. Foreign Affaire. Well, what ba« hap­
by the testator,
Inspector Beer,derlsred that when the pened? The rtnt two acta commit­
Dr. McDonald's wlU. provided:
girl Is brought tnto court this after­ ted by Mr. Bryan have been to pro­
(Contlnuod on page two.)
noon he will present erldeoce to show pose a protectorate over Mcefagua
that she was In the bedroom while and to pursue a policy In regard to
her husband was struggllog with his Mexico which leads straight to war "
slayer, and that she at least fare him
Aaotber aawspaper. also of targe
no assItUnee.
reulatlM. decUres It . has "aotblng
to say asalnsi President Huerta's at­
titude In regard to Mr. Und. "and
sphoMa Mexico for bm- anti-American
stand on tbe ground tlmt "the behav­
ior of Urn American government Is ex­ Property Wae Gold far Ta>
ceedingly siagalsr to say the least"
From Levy.
A third article says, "the future
'tuU of trouble." pnd that the least
Detroit Mich.. Sept. 9.—Tbs sole
One ef tha largeai dwls ‘la rsaert to be opecud Is the failure of tbe
properiy was made yesterday when "plan onokad up at W’asblngton." survivor of Kel She Go Wsy. big
Archie lUller sold 32 loU of Ketie What tWs plan U the newspaper did chief of Uia Cheboygan Indians back
Id 1S4A toddy ajmsared before Ji
Ho-keaa to Mn. Ella H. Smith. not stoto bnt the tofermioe
These are situated Just north ot Bast drawn was ttiat Prerident Wilson and Clsnaee W. Sessions In tbe federal
BUbtb street and east of tbe East Becretary of Bute Bryan are ploUlna court bare to plead bit right to II 1-2
Bay read. These wUl be sold to par­ war asalnst Mexico with the ulUmate seres of toad In Cheboygan. HIcb..
deeded to tbo Cheboygan Indians by
ties who wish to erect retort coltagee. Intention of gobbling tbe eonn^.
TUs location has received more at\S1tb one or two .not^e examplea PreuMent PoIA Opposing Ute red­
hava tcdlo#ed skin’s coatontton. John W. McGinn
tantloa tbU year than any Ume before.
There are a number of fine cottages tha toad et thore mentioned. But- snd tha heln of A L. Agat all of
Cbeboygan. aatered tbrir claim to the
Sm and during tbe coming year according to i
many more will be erected. Mr. lUt- well aa tta Maican OonaUtuttonallsU land bafMe tbe oourt They claimed
ler has alio sold two lou to Mrs, WU- h«w-tbe Bigger In tbe -woodpUe to to have come Into posseastoe of the
neatbmsa. and Mn. Ads BMckea. that a big loan, whirii would have property, a tot at a time, when It
both ot Dayton. Ohio. There Is uo given French eaplUltots a better hoM taken from the Indians and sold to
finer beach in this pan of tbe sUte in Mextoo-whlch country baa appeal­ tohtte men beeaUM of mpald toxea.
Attorneys for the Indian, wbe now
ed to ttam tlnee tong before
and tbe indtoatloas are that a
work wilt be done in the near fature tragedy off MaklmDIaB—baa been held seeks to recover podiCHlon of
this as aUmetire as any In np by tha govaremau bere until tbe land, argued thst Inasmuch as
this regieb. Tlte city owns a pai^ at aUuaUon calms down. FOr thto. eapi- governor of Michigan was
guardian of the Indians at the time
this place (hat with a little auentlon- tollsia blpma tbe United BUtes.
the property was dreded. and that
lid be made Into a fine breathiag
place for tha rtsltore who are eemA. A. IbnUom 'Or Lansing, to to «tch sncceed
UtAes. the land
Jag to Traverse aiy each year.
Ute city tor a tew days- He was at­
gaily was exempt from taxes.
tracted to tbe city by tbe
Bboold the Indian be victorious to
The 28U> aaaual re-onlon of tb* that bad beta seat out aad be esme
the cure, it to believed Urnt the staU
Aairlm County Soldiers end Ballors' to toTirtlgata. He U well
aeeoctaUon win«st Betlaiie M with at) ha. bM aaen aad tbe todiea- wfM he ordered to buy the property
Tuceday. Wedaeoday and Thuriday. Uooa are that be wQ] torau bere to from Its present owners In'open ami^
k« aad preaeu It to tte
tbe sear ffutore.
ember K, 17 and lU



Demoerato Loot In DIMriet While Bull
Meow Veto Wee Vary Smell
Mainly Because Funae
were Lacking.

Augusts, Ms, SepL 9.—PoUUclans
today are attempting to measure tne
national signlticanoe of the special
election In the third Maine district,
where John Peters. Republican, was
elected to congrees to
Ute Forest Goodwin. WUson's plurslKy over Roosevelt in tbe third dis­
trict was 1.45C. with the
over 7.000 behind. Reures from yes­
terday's election show a t^emoermue
loss of 190 a Republican gain of
ly AOOO. and a loss by tbe Progreselves
almost equal to the Republican gain.
WlUiaa Pattangall attributed his
defeat to "party treachery" and de­
nied that tbe reeuH was a rdboke to
ntkm. Tba de­
feated Pregreeslve candidate. .Mr. !«*•
rence declined to oommeot on tbe resulL but Halbert P. Gardner,
ber of the Progressive from Maine,
"Lack of fnnds bam^red the Pro­
gressive working onmnhmilon and
prevented proper publicity."



Lotrer Claaese Are Being Urges By
Maana of Handbills to Join
Foderala and Repel Invadere
from United States.

El Paso. Texas. Bept. 10.—Mastean
federal governors and commaadei

between the United, Sutos a^. Hezlas they possibly can.
General Alvkdor Mercado of the aUte
of Cblbuahna has announced that
7.000 federal troops are now advanc­
ing on Chihuahua trem the sooth, bav.
Ug been order to tbe bordm- ataU
by General Huerta. He exidaloa that
the purpose of this movement Is to
snrpMs the
Bnt in the bandbUis which are be­
ing distributed among the poorer
classee and are being sent to the
rebel towns, tbe governor el Chlhnabne U urging aU patriotic Mmieasa
to eaUst In tbe federal ranks to repM
tba Invaders f»m tbs nocUi. Tbe tofonaaUon Is given to tbess bnltotlns
that the troops are reslly comUs to
drive back tbe ''grtogoM" and that aU
rebels sboQld eolist now to protect the
This Is tsviag ha effect ttpeo the
naUves. aad tbe aatA-feeUag to the
ate ccattoues to crow stronger.
Howsrd Cooper, an Ammlean MIht>er to Juarex. Monday sras MB to
tbe totdge and told to leave the
try. never to return. - Another Aasr>
Iren was slapped while on tbe ktmts
of tSe border toWn.
In the meaMme Oenspal Phscto»
Vnia remains to the poslUas to strike
a telUng blow to tbs' Fedantt whato
be wishes, for ba to eoff In a

to Stop aUirSto
emsBta out of Jams to Cblbnahua
dtr and to inpolse any effort to op­
erate trains 00 any road rntuKte^ W
m the harder ahd the tots
Hs la wall armed with eight rasaOM
aod a oar of anotodn copi
from Oensral Pallg Totrasaa at
Aadraa reoantly. and hq, has S
tretos of ucDTlstons srhlch wars




Later Rspdrt Seya Hs Was Arrested
in Cotetireek. New HempMilre

(By United Prea.;
Colebtook, N. H.. SepL 10.—After
be moxl terrifying deportstlon on rec­
ord. Hsrry Tbsw, who was rushed
setosB tbe internaUonsl borda by
Csssdlsn Immigration otOcihls. was
arrested tbit afternoon and is bring
held tor New York autborittos.
Tbsw crossed Vermont to an aoto.
CONSTABLES ARE BUSY RUNNING crossed the Q»necttout rlvar at '
Beseber Falls snd came down through
Stewsnsown to Colebrook. Seva
miles out of Suwsristown. Tbsw met '
Sheriff Drew and Attorney Berwd
Wo^n Whose Addrere Was ^und in Jacobs. «'ho made toe amsL iWw
sKirdsred Woman's Puree to Un­
offered no resistance.
able to Fui-niah Any Ught
Daring tbe day's wild flight Thaw
on IdentHy.
covered approximately 79 mliea.
Coatleook. Sept 10.—AceoatoHtoing a sudden coop. Harry Thaw was
Windsor. Out.. Sept, lo.—The
stoblee are seeking to unungle the vs- bustled out of tbe detention room at
rlous clues in tbe deepest murder mys­ toe rpHroad station today, and sgaAnst
rlolant proteeu was nished
tery In the history of this connin',

Utelr lint efforu being directed .to­ acroas toe border to VermreL Tib
Thaw yelled.'
ward learning tbe Identity ot the per- being
Me baUered and half nude ’Help" and screaming protests, snd
body was discovered last night in a flgbting his captors, be was placed
corafleld seven miles from here.. Cor­ Into an aatomoblle and driven sway.
oner DIen. after examining the body Tbe action was ts]^ on s wamne
today saM the sromao bad been beai- lasned by toAYtrliflsSirar luilbii
Sn to death after being criminally at­
Canadian Aetlon UnuAHtil;'
tacked. The body Is that of a woman
Averill. vt., Bept. 10.—Harry K.
of about 40.* The clothing foand near, Tbsw Is at Urge again. CaundinB
tbe body Is of good quality and on Immigration offlcUIs. nfter deportiag
her shoes was tbe mark, Temi>eet. him from Cnnads. crosstog the InterLorain. O.”

national border at ei|kt o’dode a. m.
The name sod addrOss off Mrs. K 3. set Tbsw free. No officen were pres­
Roy, Windsor,, was found on a paper ent to arrest him. He bind an auto­
in tbe woman's puree. When inter­ mobile and set out toward Canada or
viewed by the police today Mn. Roy Beseber HsUs evldenUy trying to get
said the woman came toW bouse
get back into Canada aad remain to
few days ago. asked tor, k. cup of tea hiding.
and after tbUtng Mn. Roy she wi
Tbe autooritleB simply took him
traubto disappeared. Bbe gave no cross tbs border sad let bla go.
name. Mrs. Roy nIA
without paying say sttentiOB what baeame ot him.
H. D. Spanldlng. praprlator ot 'the
ImkMide Ian here, said the Canadlaa
officMs told Thaw to got out of thrir
und then drove uway. .
POST SEASON GAMES WILL START Thaw aad one companion hired an
sutomoMle at the Inn npd drove
away. While waiting for tbs machton.
Thaw was surrounded by townspeo­
ple wbo were greatly exottod.
and Evans May Gs Usad
Thaw Captured Afaia
Colebrook. N. H.. SepL ID.—Harry R.
hy Le<^
Thaw whs captored htoe this afterGrand Rapids. SepL lO.—At a conhere last night betweeo
Manager Sdwsrd McKennan of tbe
Battle Crrek club and Connie LewU
of the Manistee etob. final arrange­
ments were made for tbe post teas on
sries Storting here next Tuesday.
'Sdnesday at Muskreon. Thursday at MICH^tof^ YIELD LAMOEST IN
Tiiveree City and Friday and Satur­
day at Manistee. Wlmh four games
have be& won tbe eertoe ends. Tbs
Bixth and eerenth gamaa wlU be ar­
ranged after Urn first sre played. LodProipett far the Fagsere
togun may get one.
This Year.
Both teams present pianty of playm tor approval and arttolee of agree­
ment were signed to Uks the plaoes
Oread Rapids. MielL. SiSI lO.-Praot three players sold to major lesgue dMUons tost the bean ptiU to MtebAtShms, MeKeman is allowed to draw saa in lUI would tatal naarty
three stare from other teams of his SAMJldO batorie-2.OS9.OSS bushrie
associsUen aad Lewis to play Brans more toan last year’s crop and 29 per
and Holmquist of Traveree City If cent better than the beet emp known
necessary. Harry Parent and Bull —were henrd here', today «ben toe
Gron were agreed on as umpires.
Mldilsan Baaa Jobben' etoBcUthm
Tbe repert thst ths ssries was off opened their annual eouTsMcm- AS
mas branded by both managers ss sb- agreed that .^oapecu -for an naunat
eolutely false and wlthotit foondaUon. yield were promlring.
there being mi hitch ot any kind to
President Fred WeACb, ef Owooso.
the arrasgements. Tbs entire re- esUed toe eonveution to order this
cetpu will go tbe pAayers.
afternoon and after the eoHomazr ad­
dress of wricome by Gnad RapUs
mayor. & H. Cbapri. of Balding, m■ponted.' President Weldi foUowod
with Us shuns) addreag. ‘The uoaoi
reports were toes submitted nd
krthur Vsn Ambnrg. of Oraad SapIds. talked on en» eOR^ttAoM in
lOrthwastara MleUssn.
w, j^. (By United Prssa.)
Amoag too Bpeakere os today's
'Put-te-^. SepL 10.—Tbe lait two
days of the Yelebrmtton of Commai
real were Commlsslooar ef tasm^i
PenyY Great Lakes .vlctocy over toe nee John T. Wtetolp and Pnff .
Brttlab. etorted today wbee toe toae- J. Sbowmtto off toe M. A. C Pat
oM (lagsblp toe Ifftogara enlsred Shoesmlth trid of rpnaraOlas
PuMn-Bay today. Tba beat has at­ DAesoess to Mleblgnn*
Tbo ooaveatkm win osS tomttooW
tended o^lMttoos at a doses ports
with the aoaaal alactieG «( oCleaflD
almu to* tobo.






■ : MoiiTlro f


Gm^ Tratm iktaU Teaek Ink TmIs

people employed In the factonee
they have a splendid beginning to

One wAy in which the ntralWbools work upon and by lending a little th.
could be STsatly Incrnased in eOfeleJ nancUt aMManee to thoee tifeo are
cy would be by eonrlaelni the tend- wOIing to expend their actlvttlen fee^
MUiM Tu*«ais ud TtkundftTB it an of the necessity of tAchlns tbs tor reeolu ee«M be ohtetaed then by
TnrwM City. UMOtta. by
loealseosraphyoflhseottBtyln which bringing la
located. To this that nobody knows anything, ahont
should also be added aU other fac\,s and paying it a high price to eome.
OBO. O. B&TB8. MisaflBC BdlU
W. A. 0IB80K. BdStor.
Uiat would bo of Interest and benefit Traverse City is a real manntectu
to tbe pupils in after Ufa It U
city, for oo^tonrth of ^e population
Mlite«a u smobAcImi
fact that the averase school pupil In Is at preeent-employed in tectories and
this county knows more aboul, the the number is tocreaalag instand tff
Anason river than he dees tbs Boaro.
Dishing. With these facta in
tnan. yet the Uttar rlvar runs throosh view the need of a grand exhibit of
‘hU own county and has for yean bean home made prodnets et the ooalng
^ US PrMrt M. Both Ph»iM a one of the most potent factors in the
fair I* eppareat to all who are In favor
development of ihU resUn. Tbe av- ot- belpliig the people to secure the
TCflMS .
riedge ebont lo<«l rondltleas that
In BdTBBM erase school pupil can toll mors about
In BdTmBC* the products and resoarcee of Bnslano every true citlxen should possess.
In BdnsM than about Grand Traversa county
ruised. The aim of the
achotds should be to taaoh tbs pupils
Tbe conteoUon that ateel cars would
(be s'lsnincanse of Uiinss with which
uave many It^es that are oow sacri­
Omb Eu|*m D»«Mport of tbr X'ui- they corns in dally nonUct. Just
ficed lu railroad accidents where tbe
▼anky of tlHaoie advocate* the eUnt:- tnneb as to have them posted about
trains are composed tff the old style
nation ot many of tiie ua^eas anb- tbs dolnsd in forsisn lands. Tbs
wooden codebes has been proven cor­
)eeu unitbi in Ibe public acbotria and teathlns of outside subjects to tbs
rect by tbe wreck on the Pennsyl­
tbe mbaUtaUon ot atudlea alom v<Ka- clnsion of boas affairs tends to breed
vania latlroad yeaierdsy, when an aililoBal line* itet will be a beip to atu- discontent In tbe yonthful mind which
ste^i train was -^rown Into a ditch
deal* ID alter l>t«- It U a (aet tbai cannot be offset in Utsr years,
while going at tbe rote of sixty miles
Ibe acbool courae* are loo crowded masnlfylns tba sdvantasee of far auray
sn hour. Ooly fifteen i>eople were in­
with atudie*. iaan>' .ot which will -Unds the pnpll is led to believe that
aeW be «d any practical value to the he is very iinfoitunate in beius forcad jured 111 this wreck and no one
kllM. Had the can been of wood
atodeal after he seta out Into ilu to live in sutdi nn unramanUc spot
construciloo the Wallingford wreck
worid to earo hi* own irv-iac- Aaotber as bis borne town and the lonsins
on the .Sew Haven road would have
trouble is that the vocatiotial studies visit other lands whicb is developed
been repeated and at lepat a score of
that are uusbt only slvc the studeot In tiled schools bears fruit In alter
live* would have beeo lost. Coming
a snaatleHns of tbe aubject that la not
life, with the resutt.tiuU the wmi
at tbis time'when the merits «t the
ot rwl value wben be comeb to earn
ty losses many of iboe^ who
two mefttods of car constrortion
bis own way.. 6ne of the remedies
educated In tbs local schools. The' at Issue the Penns.vlvanla wreck sheds
that will hare to be applied by the cd
schools are designed to Improve the light that is very much needed. It Is
ncator* 91 tbe cauntr>- Is to reduce
minds of the children and make them DOW certalB that it U up to 4he rullthe anmber of elective stndlei
into good cltiiens. but It Is
roads ot the country to equip with
schools and. pot 1 their places mere
in order to protect the lives
will be worth to make loyal dtisens out ot people
who do not know- whnt advantpite* of those who travel upon their line*.
whOe le \b« on» who take them,
there art« In their own locality, but On the other hand until such a time
.vocational coarses .will have It
broadened and practical mechanics are well i<osled about localities icome* when all tbe rdads take this ac­
farther away. In order to keep the tion tlie traveling public in order to
futurb generations at home the schools be on tbe sefe side will have
will have to be placed in ch^e of the will have to adopt the plan of teach- chooM Ibe routes that are running
mannal tralulBS counes. while in thi Ing the growing children all about the steel cars Recent wrecks have pt^tved
schools where they have nacblre, products of the region where they live (he efficacy of steel cars as life savera
shops And foundries more pracilrai and by comparison prove to them Ujat on^dilferem occasions, but this latest
work w|L have to be done under the'.theiv 1* nothlns to be solns wreck gives tbe public SB object lexother pan of the connti
conntry t Bon^iyton a disputed point that will
I of men who i • (wpablt
settle it In their minds In a very satof being foremen of shop* In real fac­ make a home and fortnnd. It Is'tin
the schools woke Up to this fact and Isfi^ory manner. U U the old story
tories. Tbs probla of tbe'futi
of havtag to keep up with the Umsa in
to matas sd09ation more * practical,
to render the eervlce ibat Is exwhich cannot be done aa,'tl» system tesebing into practice the better It
Is at present organised, it is well will be for the region in tiie days ]>ected Of common cerriers. The well
equipped roads .will be the one* to get
enouitii to tssch s boy to sake fancy that are to
the business tn the future, lor the peo­
piem of furnltuie in tkn manual
ple will not be willing to oeedl<
training work. .but when bs goes out
rish their lives on trains that are not
into the world to make bis own w*y
l>ro)ierl} constructed and equipped.
hs will find that what he has learned




Theory Provea

in idbrii SMei

Shew Hewe Prednett

in this line wHl have but little mar­
ket if the industrial ana. What atanuld
be uugbt In this course Is real carpeatir that will enable tbe Vtndeni to

Thm is a movement on foot t(


ti will consist of all the-products
n Traverse City. These T«*o DIesnse* Are Working.Havoc In
I" ""O taat


r«ffr u,. oat • 1-atMloo ual coaottoet
U in a proper manner. In this lice2 building and nothing else, would
tbe Ishpeming schools Save aArSd the^ shown In (be same eabibk. The obproblem in a manner that te briaging Ject ot this move Is to acquaint the
people of tbe city hnd region with ibe
reauits. fw the xuanual training
•lents are taught to build real-struc­ Imiiortance of tbe cUy as a maoutscture* and the Improvements and new turlng center and give an Impetus to
conruifiptlon of borne made
buildings belonging to the school sys
l«tt ot that city are made by the stu­ goods. There Ubut 'S*^ell |>erccnldents of this course. This U making age aC the reatdenu of tbe city and
ding country who know what
edneaUon practical by basing it
a real pracUpal fonodaUon.
goods are mdde in the dty and the

Tbe fumer* of Michigan arc faring
one of tbe greatest problems they
encountered In tbe bean diseases
ihet are ruining tbe crop In practical­
ly every county. In order tfeat the
growers may know bow- U>e
eases act the State AgricnUirral col­
lege bad prepared the followlnx bulle­
tin which gives the sympioms*of the
disease* and Ibe only known means
counteraot them. ’ The bulletin is at
Bean {Hseassa et Michigan.
There are two serious disease* of
beans In Michigan—beau anthracn^
end feean blight. Bean anlhracnose to
cau^ by a parmstUe fungua whose
srieotiflc name to coUclotrlchum llndemuthianum. It Is found on proctical'y
all patto of the bean planl and causes
blotch^, more or tote circular. UfUtily about tbe site of one's thumb
upon the leaves. On the stcan
canker*, sometimes extending
and Into the ground are
caused by this pest. On tbe imds typ­
ical areas are prodneed. Reo or macolored spots appear on tbe pods
and -these enlarge In a day or so until
they are about the sUe of a bean. In
general these spots are circular but
two or mor* may it n together to make
a kldaevAhaped -‘aore." .These spots
hi|Ve B sunken center and toon this
sunken center -becomes yellow with
masses of spores. These spore* do
net blew about as do most spores becense they ere .sticky and ury dbwn
to a crust but with rata or heavy dew
these spores aonk loose and are brush­
ed about by tbe swaytag idanls. or
transported by Insecu and tbe Infec­
tion to soon spread eo tbst no pod en
capes. Cultivation of field* lm**odiaiely after s rain or early In tbe morn­
ing 1* to be avoided. The growth of
fungus to not restricted to the
pod* feut tbe threed* ot the pest grow
Into the seedh bcoeeth the fungus
SDo). examine a badly spotted pod
and yon will find the seed* beneath
the pod are all discolored. This diecdloratlon shows a dangerous - condi­
tion In tbe seed.
Be^ aiigM.
A very serious disease of 1>eaas in
this state to caused by the bacterial
organism. baetUns pbaseoll. Tbe Mtnek of this germ 1* much like that
of tbe anthracDoee with the exception
that the npots are not so Urge'nor eo
retnlar and t^ color In the advanced

importance of the Industries to the
community. It all tbe different Unds
of goods made at home were gsibThere is only one way to sneoeed in ered Into one greet exhibit at such a
any Und-of buslnett in this day amt time BS the region« fUr it would
ace and that is by henptng is nmtlon bring before the people the true rela­
all tbe time and palling toward tbe tions of the Industrie* to tbe . geohigher and bettor tbinga ot bte. The erU public, and prove to the satis­
‘•one great reaMO that tbe Grand Trav- faction of all that this Is after all one
erae region it printed in aueh Urge of the great industrial centcra of the
letters npon the map of the sUte is state. Those who are advocating the
that it is Inbabitod by a cUae of peo­ seopring of more industries for the
city In most Instances are not able to
ple. ibeAoaJeefty of whom are
stanti}' l^lhr for seme new method }ell what linen are already manufac­
tured here, how many people are
of nttri^lng the auention. of
world to this particnlar locality. Tbe ployed in ibe tectortee, or give
work of development ha* long since detailed Information about the
passed tbe fad stage and baa become dustiial strength of the city. I
a 4xod habit that oannot be ahakcu exhibit of thU'psture were path
fifi. and there is Marcely a day that and tbe fair it would
paases witfio^ seeing some new pUn open the eyes of some of those who
of pebllclty devised somewhere in tbe are dissatisfied w
inwedUto vicinity, of Grand Trnverre dltlooB and wake them up to the fact
bay. Xt*he« pne good thing U^brougbt that in reality there are Just
out In one oection people from some many, and even more people
otbar ’locality wUI not rest in peace ployed in the factories in Trsvers*
nnril they have developed another City as there are in any other town
. Idea of Mpeitor exerilence. The whole of the eame site anywhere In
f this re^n re- state. Tbe dissatisfied ^oo Is in­
j: of wit* among variably one who Is not familiar with
tbs live wire element that is bouob local coodltlons from tike inside, but
to bring forth aotte Wonderful retuiu take* hit cue from whit
In fbe fvuire. The Creatbr gavi
else wbo Is also antemlUar with the
pin-brains to nse. and when they are real facts tells him, and by conataqftmnd lor the purpooe oC benefiting ty wbikiog In the dark and dealing
eretybody within (he dUtrkt tbe
out tnfomatloB eausea a general dis­
who own them ore tulftlUng tbe plan content through ;he community
to the letter. Grand Trorone is th* among that cUakwho never take the
borne of original ideas in conunnnlty tnrable to invedlgate the real condi­
ndvnrtlsing and that work that has
tions. After ihis-exhlblt Is once ooihogn done in the past and which U
ierted It would be one of the best aobetng planned tpr the fntnre ahow
vertistag aunts known to gather U
why the attention of tbe wbole coun­
together after tbe tetr la
try is turiMd in this direction, expect
place it in uome building down town
log .some new idea to crop out and
where it would be poesfble for peo­
takg form at any time. Tbe.people
ple to TlaJt It and exblbit
bea know tkat it Is
itiaogera who may chance to visit the
progress without'motion. w«u dlrectnd And to the point and fflth this Tlty during the year. If tbe people
kn«rl*df«.(hey never Uil to makrttU really knew the extent of the mannIwg( ot every opportunity .that pro- tectnrtng Industrie* of TrAv^rse dty
•SOU itself along tbe line of ercou- they would conelnde that, after all
the rMl center of this there la no reason to eompialn of the
> ^mvement is In Treversc general conditions that prevail in this
av nnd theVesolt is that everybody line There are a grent many etable
ffrMte In PooRryday. nnd
^eovie trfed -make money out of
tt Mtiac to the lenders here to keep
r^kfihk ducke and other fowls
SJ! dig motion nnd make it pneslbla nnotber tect that la worth
aMk.blfbiy of the ooLnOltloolag and
fgn nil to adfj- «»• beneftts that are
mKtng qunllUee of llARTELfS
It mnkea
hrangbt nbovt by the agttatien for the year aronnd in nlmoet ^ery ta- omsiTlON POWIHER.
yemag rhlckeaa thrive, keeps away
So ter nobody 'has Ptanoe, and what is more they
outpni ns lUeeeae nnd Increaaes the rieid of
Mppoialed with wbst feu
The 'auceeasful imultry role
It to gas* In tbU’wsetion of tbe
all nae tt. JTIce rs et*. i


ittds f* ffe^y Cf w«mwihr-npltf!. •(>; If 4bWT to ggyoK Wbo-wnnu

8«U by all dnifgtou.

iWflll flits
For Sixteen Yemn. Reiterea
hem** Vegetable

■tagee to not so deep a red as i* pro­
duced by bean anthracnose. In gen­
eral tbe pods and the leaves are spot­
ted wHb amber blouhet.
CwitrolPrerWhettel hsn shown that It to
postabta to avoid absolutely bean
aatbrocBoee. To do this tbo tenner
mai recognise the disease and nrteet
poda for seed which are absolutely
free from epou. These pods i
be thrashed apart from the general
an^ aneb seed tboold be kept ta
tightly sealed Jan and planted ta
clean ground at some distance from
tbe Infectod field*. It seleetiM to
earetul these seeds will give planU
entirely free from anthrocaote. U It
is not poutble to secure seeds eaongh
for the entire field, the sHected seed
may be planted ta a separote patch
and be need aa a aource of seed
supply tor the following yea^. There
to DO general control measure
bean blight since it to much more dif­
ficult to find pods absolutely free
from bllghl germa
Bprayiug with bordeaux mixture as
found by Prof. Halsted Is said to have
n beneficial effect on the crop. lu
value for cAhtrolUng been anthnenose has been questioned by Wh«
With the lack of experimental vvld^ce It cannot be Mid wbetber It to
beet to spray or not.

Research aeelsUnt In plant

f'olumbns, O., Sept *.—That many,
not all ot the 21 Itvss lost In the
recent New Haven wreck at Walling­
ford. Conn.. woM needlessly sscrtflred
tbe use of old wooden eonebe*. was
practienUy provvo today tn the wreck
of Pennsylvanta flyer No. 31. .Sew
York to St. lAuto. aa all-steel train.
’ New Madison. Ohio, this after­
noon. necordlug to Pennsylvania oCl
rials hero. Fifteen persons were in­
jured. none teUlly. according to reporu recelred bore. The eaime of the
wreck to unknown. The train, one of
the flneet ^ the road, via probably
traveling AO miles an hour when de­
railed. .The tact that no Uvea were
lost tt accorded by General ManJuier
McCarty directly to the use ot all
steel Ofpehes.
The Injured were removed to Rich­
mond and Indlaaapolia. Reports
that all eoacbe* except one left the
raiU and piled up along side tbe track.

(Continued from pngn one)
•The earn of gtOOO to the *«reUry
of tbe treaeury for the service ot the
poet office deportment to be used by
the postmaator general In suck way
ms he may deem expedient for the Imement of the postal money order
system of the United Buies."
a. i
Tbe wiu was duly probatedd and t
92.000 turned over to the treasury de­
partment by the admintotretor of Dr.
McDonald’s estate. Legal sharps ot
the government road ponderons toi

I.—”! was tnnUorriswB. V<
bM with pataa and irracBlaritie* for
sixtoeD years, and
wns Itrin, week and
aarrotm When t
woeld lie down it
weald eesoi es if I


'down oat
into some dark bole,
land the window ear-

•esnt BS if imnethiiic wao rdng to bappen. My Uood was poW. my dre^
tfoo was ao bed 1 weald be Iteeadcad
pereoo at timr
I had famsle inak• sore and 1
Mm badly, my

”1 took Lydia E. Ptakham’s V^ietnb)e Cetnpou^ and need the Sanative
Wash and they certainly did weodm
forme. My trooblea dkmppMred and I
am able to work haxd every dsy. ”—Mn.
W. P. SawTBuRlvtxVMW Fhzm. ’*
town. Vennont.
ABOthCT Cam,
Gifford. Iowa.-*'lwaetreabMwHfe
female weaknees, also witii dtopla»
I had very severe and steady
so pain ta back and t
very thin and tired bB the time. leoonMoeed takii« LyiSa E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compoond and 1 am cored of
taeae trooblek I cannot pr^ your


American wo
U tt rumored that
part of tbe t
•oan win be spun o(
linen by tbe s
n of tae
sooth, ta wboan opUft an the Wftaon
tadie* have shown mneb InteresL -■

New Law

Give* ttriiote

Ooltar to

A number of questions bav« brisan
B connection with the ner Isve (or
(he hnnRera. as Act No. 108 of ta*
Pnbtie Acta of 1»13 iwovlde for the
Uerase le* of om dollar. The county
clerk has collected that smoont oad
toned over to -(to state 76c. retain­
ing the 2Sc tor the sffIdsviL which is
ahoetotoly necessary and the clerleal
The letter that tollawe etatos
that the (uU dolUr shall be tnraed >
over to tae vtatc. which means that
tbs slUarit fee taall be in nddUlon to
Bbner B. White,
County CHerk.
Door Sir;
"As you soggesL there sre c«tata.
expressions ta Sections 4 sad 5 that
to imply that the County CIcTk
Shan receive emne tee or feeb Cor the
tasnaiice ot Ucenses end the tahtag et
affidavits ta oonnection therewith. I
history ot tfata
measure and find taat a* ftrat Introd.tioed. section 6 contained a riause
speritetag that tbe County Clerk
should retain ten per cent of the
amoont eoUeeted by him as his fees
for service* performed thereunder.
The section wu. however, amended
during its passage and this clause was
stricken oat while the laqgnsge re­
ferred to by yon in sections 4 and 5
was not changed to conform with tbe
Ddment thn* made.* •••••!( is
the opinion of this depamseot there­
fore that all of tae mMeys taken ta
by (he County Clerk for licenses most
be turned over to the County Tress- ,
to-be by him disposed of v
reeled by th* gtatole.
Respectfully yours. '
A. B. Dongbetty.
Deputy Attorney General.

The money order could not be accepted
jby Uncle Sam. altlyugb tbe money
-was already in tbe treasury sobjeft
the draft given tbe post office de­ His-Love for Trees'tSsTe Travtre*
City Her Me«i Beautipartment. Sncceeding admlntotnlul Stre^
tions puuled with tbe lagncy.
could not touch IL
Jn l»0«. Former Senntor. W. Marray Bernhard McDennou passed away
early this morning at the home of hl3
(Prom Tuesday's Becord-Haglc.l
Bolve the problem by.,«ttompttag to daughter. Mrs. W. B. GUlett. on tVgst
Potatoes are coibtng in slow though
have the released by the goverm- Front strecL Although Mr. McDerthe price weoi to 60c this moralng.
it and turned over to a dtoUnl rel­ mou was nearly elghty-slx years old
Apples sre being shipped ta good
ative of Dr. McDmmU. wbo waa an be has been In perfect bealth and bar
quantities seven! cartoads have been
employe of tbe post office at Boston. lived quietly for the last two yeers
sent out^n the laat 'two days. Tbe
The fsderol Iswyero got busy again with Mrs. GIlletL Throe weeks ago
quality of these were good. The grad­
nnd derided th^ this could not be in going up stalra hr allpped and fril.'
ing and packing to belqg more care­
they held that while tbe gov- fracturing his hip. He had not leri
fully looked after and the growers
arnmem eooM not accept or nse the bis bed since and slept most ot tbe
are pairing more attention to Ihto
legacy, in tbe abecnce of iegtolatloD time and for th* past three day* has
matter. Peaches are being shipped
been In a chlldUke sleep and the
.. «Mt- fank RulMln,.
by oonmess neither could it give the meat
of hu paasing tt not known.
mall quantities'and soon will be
money to McDonali's relative.
In great demand.
not euffered a particle all this
IVaverac dRy, SOch.
Fbr seven years the matter waa held time.
ta abeyance, with the 92.000 awaiting
■Berner McDermott, the tree man.’
Get their Itet of properties
(Prom Wednesday's Record-Eagle.) dtoposltloo. The knotty proWem w*s a* be has been called (or mora taaa
The imtato market Is quiet, though a legacy officlaUy "taberltod" by tbe forty years, was a personage tbst with owner's addresses, or
the price is steady at 50c. There were
proposition to seii yonr
every city eboulg own with bono
ter General Dockery 'one has done more for the besot!
only a few, load* brought in yeetei
day. A|>i>les are coming in ta larger recently transmitted to doi^reas. of Traverse City than be has. Of aii
quantities and tbe pyic* is regulsted through Postmaator General Burleson the tbonssnds ot tree* tbst line tbe
by the quality of the fruit. Peachi an/ Secretary of the Treasury Mc- streets and make them the admira­ atcMtoft25.
are somewhat more plentirul and tbe Adoo. a letter recommending that tion of ail who coie to the city, there
to ac- tt hardly one that'has not had hU perprices are good. Ibere were i
with atook and tools on. to
fine gropes brongbt ta and sold tt
ospt and use tbe beqneek Docken"* aonal attention. Many and many a acres,
rent.on ahares. Address. 344 &
retail markets this morning. These letter, stripped ot tu oSIctol
time he has been known to care for
FttaUln St.. Grand Bapidt. Mkh.. ,
are the finest that have been shown tape.' teems with human tetereet He trees UUng water to them, and trim­
'faetn Wt fsr.
ming this ami that on*. Just becanse
"Dr. McDonald waa the tether ot the
had neglectod it and be did
«aer^ south H. southeast
e 18. FKe Lake township. 5 miles
It of Kingsley; good land, ail clearsnpertatondent He founded the ays- street In the olden days could only be
; nice boUdtaga. ITke 81.600.09,
torn ta the United Stales end made it told ^ the trees that bad been aet ■BnOdlngs
alone worth I2.000.00. 40
before some ot the kws had atreo, soutfewest
the life work, devoting
% of southeast %i
Mctiton 10. Aone township. 5 miles
he watched tbe growth of this creature by wben trees were needed. Jest n eut of Traverse Cny: ricarsd. good
land. Price 8200- See M. W. Under­
of invention nntil It came to be tbe hint to Berner McDermott wk>uM wood.
Traverse Cur. writ* P. Ruabring the one wanted and no one ask­ •ML HoSatt Blk„ Detroit, and do U
FARM FRODUCE-RFlIIng Rrk««. greatest and most succeastal system
et Us kind ta the worid. and It ee*ms ed where they came from. He always
aept 4-44
na^ril enongh that hla pride ta that knew. It wee a common eight to toe
TO LOAN on good aafi well
ea* assomed tbe attltnde of e per- him with a Idnd of trees on bis back MONEY
Davtt, 9U
ant toward a favwlte ehOd. tTewed going down tbe street and soon :
ta tbis light th* bequest by which place n-ould be beautified. He u
be endeavored to secure oenttaoed Im­
provement of the service when hit tboee wbo-were good to his Ums.
tareeetag mind could no longer dUtot Mr. McDermott «as born in Athlbns.
(he poUriM anil safegnsrd the inter­ County Roecommoo, irelsnd. in Fhhests of tiw system, is ensUy under- roary, 19SS. and cam* to this oonotry
at the age of seven and landed where
Blood, and seent to impoae opca
Cntlcago now stands, and for a nnnv
riment u a treat the dnty
of years bis only playground
tag all reastatable efforta to fulfUl ber
tae yard* i Fort Dearborn .and bl*
playnttte* ^were tbe few riiUdren of
(he soldier* and the iitUe Indian
(he bequest valid and the tide of the boys. He moved to TraTerae Cllr
United Statee pertecC There (we. ta (brty-one year* ago (bis summer and
to enable the dwtmem to has been away but a few months lu
ORAtoj—Haiwmh ff Uy Co.
Are only_____________________
nnUse the (aetator’s wish and thns aU taat time. He lesres an aged widfere they ebonld be et modern
■err day.
honor his mamory ,by aSorU to ad- pw. lirtag with his daughter. Mra.
design, bum of most dnrahle
vanoa the interesta o< the eerrlce, Betta Parmalae. There are tare* taOmaterials and artteticolly fibfaked. Ton will find only anta
that the whole matter t droa. Mre. Parmale*. Mra. W. 8. OHat the works e#
afikh referred to coegreee with a ree- lett end Mra. C. B. Taylor, and taroe
otomtodatloa taat iu formal mnetiaa
Marjorie and Donald
bs given to noMPtnace of tbo gitu OiUatt and CttH Parmalea. Tbe
m Mair 8L~
affd taw the aasoont of the begneat he fanerel Berr(ce* wUl 'be Friday aftereimdneaUy set aside and expended noon at 9:90 from the home of Mr*.
the antaority and direction of W. 8. (Hnetn, m We*t Front etreet.
Htae« Ets.
titeialMion of throe penona to be ap- Rev. Dema* CocbHn offlriattag.
Mn. Metito Pra
■Wo treat you as w«
2|^.ad to tbe poetmasiar gNseral
e tbs treateE
proold wtafe to

Jh» Uhrktb

terdee Badsen Exehofle



wiurMiE imnssEiui


with him. and tt wpnld bo tho mbs
with aO tho married men If their
vtvee were not cneMaatty on tfen
watch to see that they only eat Ik*
tfetece that agree with them.—r
Gulf Betwnon. by P. T. lt««mn}W


ay ta* ’Tartar” method I ebb t*noT* thoee aehtag teeth aheoPta^
wttaoot fata, add wltaent the ga* eC
Wilson, aeeobd dMghtor of the prosK
deoL whose mairtoge to f^ptt B.
Seyr* et New Tork, ta the WhKe
Hone* on Narambor 95 wOi be ta* aoDR. W. O. XJKTOM.
otal evoat the bsmoh. has declared
m-9«9 Wnbclm Btack. with Dr. HoUafor -aa
worth, Ttaverw Ciiy. MltalM.
aean OMda et Americba goods by

^DRAHD nmasE bi&ald m nAfna bat bacos. T8tnttt>AT, ssmiim a iai9.

rm rma

Mr. nod Mra. J. R. Cannon of Oak
Kaason town ball Saturday evening.
Ptek. nu have returnad home after
Sadie PMk of thb place b alaytaf
Uw vtaUT.
apwdliig their vacatia at Cwlat Wexford ad Interlochen this week. with her abler at the present writing.
n^ R D«y ud futllr of oi«B Springs lodge.
He Intends to add largelv to bb hard
Oea J. Barth and dangftter Alice,
A number of tbe young people
Haien. motored into town yesterday
of young cattte th^
went to Traverse Cfty today.
aatl spent tbe day to visiting tbe'snr- Jo)ed a dancing paru at the C. 8. L.
Mr. ad Mrs. WUI Mltcbell ad Mrs.
Wm. SatUer is ruling hb silo toToued^ r^ru. returning home hy S. 8. last Friday eveningPhlUp Mitchell utended tbe fair at day.
Convention.- from ti to 2 o'rivk way <ff TTaTerae City.
Roily Jeuupp called on K H MeetGrwnd Rapids last week.
Tuesday, eervlng a sumptuous dinner.
A dgaclag party was mneh enjoyed
Mrs. Lbric Camplwll ud son of «r Friday.
Mrs. John Btrahan'of SprtngfieM. by a large crowd of young people to
Ann Arbor ad Mi« Cummings
was given a birthday aurpHse party
th« .lewD hall on Friday evalng.
HUlaide Grove. Sepl9.-Jaa Smiley Qevebnd. returned to ibelr respect­
last ‘Tuesday by her old Wends, who
and Mra. John Scbefftoelder ad h'Vank Kubeab. have been bnl
ive homes on Monday, after
took refresbmenis and spent the day. furnished tbe moslc.
new siloa and are now bM? SHlng weeks' visit with the familv of Potter
Hodge. Sept. g.-Mr. >lortoa from
Mrs. Strahan was presented wli
The Mbsea Elsb ad Ultra Rj-a
TraverM CiD'. vbiled at 'bb tom
eral useful gifts by her goests
e enjoytog a new pbno.
Mrs. Shblda has w a house guest Sundaj-.
Ed Corbett bad the mbfortnne
Mr. and Mra. A. T. Breed left here
JtlRS Helen Maaaa left >esterday tor loae a hnrse bst week.
Mrs, A. E Clartc of Bay City.
Mr. B^et has returned from CWMonday for Hillsdale, where they will Kansas City..after haring epat the
Tht people of Qafiler end the tereasdinf
Mir. W. Coi made a business trip to rmgo. where be baa been the past fottr
The dance at Fred Akers' Satnrday.
visit Mr. Breed's sbler. Mrs. Geo. lummer with her parents.
_ ell i&tcrerted in thli De
ktiy are
IntwHochen on Friday.
evening was well attended.
years and ^ live on hb fara the
Meyers, stopping on their way at Big
We dudl be tied to hare indiridoalB, ohmxb^
Mr*. Wm. Green ad children csoe
Ben Alallory. Miss Haael WlHber.The tamUy of Vln Pease spent the coming year.
iUpIds to Bce their daughter. MM. rer from FPi Isbnd Tbnradar.
the Graate, fraternal eooietiei and all other orRobert SacbOeben and Mist Addin'* week end at Duck Lake. Many of the
Mrs. Nahum Avert from Wahb.
HatUe Leachmsn.
tairiiatteM hand in itema of newt, pereonali,
where they hav* hew spending tbe .Mallor}' spent Sunday at C E. .Mt!- resorter* at that i«lnt have gone Bask. Canada, returned to TraveiM
Miss Marlon i.Kheraon sl»nt I
aanoottoeaeata of meetinn, notioee ot entertain,
lory'swith the opening o( the school year. aty. last week to are tor bar
contract Sa’irday >o teach Ui,- prim­
aenti, budneei chaacee, pnblie '
Mbs MatUds* PremMnx has gone
Mrt. AIfre.1 Herkner and children
Mr and Mra. O'AIeaUy and daugh­ mdlber. Mre. Smith, ud vblted tbb
ary room in Sot th
bdnf done or contemplated, ealee of real eetete
I Traverse Cll.v. where
rent Sunday with Mrs. Ilerkner's par- ter spent. Saturday and Sunday with vicinity Saturday aad Sunday.
Mrs. WUIIsin Oi-bom b iJ-vIni tbe teachabb year.
in town or oonnti7, and anj other itemi of twjis. Air and Mre. FCwlns.
friends to Traverse City,
Wayne Knight from WUlbrns, MialeUdlng recmtly laeated l.v .Mrs M,
etal intereet
Bend all items to Ifiss Jessie
A crowd of young people caiM
Mbs Clara Wurxbiirg arrived Tues­
Mr*. Shields ad Mrs. CUrk visited ne«>u nturned to hb home Satnrday.
Crant repah-ec uhm fitted up for her day from Grad Rapids tor a visit In auiomohlles from Traverse City
Bowden, who has eham of the Department.—
A.^ Stone s family at Hannah
:cr a Week'* visit with hb rebtivee '
millinery etoct.
editor Herald.
with her parents.
to attend the dance at Mr. Akers' Sat­ Sunday.
■ d friend*.
Sunday Servieea.
bibs Emma Bordeaux left Friday urday evening.
Rosa Clark-U again at home.
l>. C. Sparling vulied. at the bom*
Smiday yc.-vkes for Sepiemb-:
Kinsslev. Sept. S.—Utas ThereM
of C- J. Bennett Sunday.
Itoeney was a busUrna caller Inland Willard u^nburR of DetroX
Mrs. Debolse. wb« has bea risitlns
Preaching at t'. :u a. m.
for Chbagn, where she will spend the,
• '•dlUac Friday.
Were guests ot Will Wui
at the home Of Mrs. Wm. WalM. her
Sunday school « n;<3 a. u
aiopiiing with .Mrs. Wyrick's sister.
daughter, for tbe past few weeks, raHoro, Thundar, SeptamSer 4th. to first of the week.
Epworth League at C:30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mathews left Mrs. Jaa. Smiley.
-\\-\jllamsburg. Sept, g.—The
lunied to her home at St. Joba
S'T. and Hra. Hoverd Dnnn, a boy
.Mrs. Geo Careon and daughtcT
M. nee* made a hnslaeaa trip to creaiA social held last Wednesday
Tuesday for a plsaure trip to Grand
Mbh.. today accompuied by her atm.
Miaa Vida SbuUer of Traretee Cicr. Ann Arbor, have boeo visiting Dr. A.
Rapids. Detroit and other point*.
evening at the home of Mre. Hattie
Mrs. Bert Worden retunied to St
was the ttneai of-LeaUe Tremaine and n, Carson a few days thb week.
i.oute Strieker is fitllna hi* silo.
Mathews will risit Chicago, be­
Hoisle. was a eiiUre success butn Iguace last week, after rislUtig her
Miss Carson left Monday- for Traverse
• Ift* last week.
fore reiiinilng,
mother. Mr*. T Avery,
City, where she will su^ln take ut>
Airs, Paul storke of Traverse Clt>
bring cleared toward the paetbr'a salContinued on page four
her duties as tcacbei of hlngllsb in of Detroit, apeni a few days la
enjeved an aulo iri|> bat week to But­
last week on business.
tbe high school.
Cedar Run. Sept.
Mrs. A.
Graco Will arrived from Carroll.
James Dame left Wednesday for Ev­ ins Bay. Proremont^ud l.ebttd.
Dave Swalnston was called
Q. M Dame sjieni the day to Le^ Wynkoop ad son Tom, have returned Monday night for a two weeks' visit
nra. Frank Andereon of CaJillue.
anston. after having spini the
<from Canada.
*■»» the saect of her sUter, Mrs. Will Giand Rapids'Thursday by a telegram
at the home of .Mr and Mr». Hugo
announcing the'sertous Illness of btv
Rufus Gill and Edwin WHson spent
Mrs O. G, Sherter Is talking
WiirtburK last week.
Charles John ha* resigned hto |obrolher.

api-udlng the wintif here with ihelr
<^rl Brown left Monday for Trav­
•Mrs. Ben Storey b entertaining her
sKlon on the rural mall route, to tak- Wednesday to Trivcrse City.
Mr and Mrs. Oscar Lebnd of Trar- Jeffect October let.
.Mr*. Drown rriurned to ber home in aon Prak. Mr. Shuter will go eouth gmndmotber. Mr*. Reynolds of' Buerse City, where he will mneaf
s<-hool the cnraliic year.
Ibail- Mllllken Jpem
Tuesday in
Mrs. Lonb Storrs at Summit Cltvpd
Traverse City,
Brace Herald has moved into the
Mbs Cora Wail ot Old Mbalon is
Mr*. N Thomas and Mr*..W. Bra- keeping up riielr meetings even- two Barker hmise-^recaUy purchased
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lahu anil chil­ ing spent a couple of weeks with his
vbitinf! ber.a>int. Mrs. O. R. Snyder
an gave a miscelinneeuB shower at week* and they are doing good They
dren drove op In their car from home In Rapid City. S. D.. after hav­
il^Btorer. ud mil
nil Dtogi^
and other relailvea till' week.
Traverse City. Sunday to >ipend the ing apeni a coutde weeks with hla tbe home of .Mr*. W. J. Thomas iir^*»**i • Pic social
; Shortrr'a hall ha moved into tbe bouseL- racat^^
Pauline Kirkemm lefi for Beliner
honor of MU* ElvesU Ttomas
6th. with a fine progrrm Mr. Hr
day with the formers mother. Mrs. brolher. William Voice and famlly
Hoped ThM t
Sunday, where she wilt* begin her
and a fine time. Tbe proceeds we: i
K. .Merritt.
Mlaa ^uel Estop returned
.Mr, and Mm. George Rice of Grand- day evening.
urned SMuw
school duties os teacher.
Mrs R. F. Pio.vd It oonfinH to hey.*® Alary Henson and her hrothor, day from\a ihre.* weeks' visit at
Mrs. Kingsbury and daaghier ot villi. Ohio, arrii-ed Saturday to spend
Mlaa AUreda'Ramsey of Traverse
jUave Jenkins, who lost their home bv Northpon and Traverse city.
Summit City, left last Tuesday for a few weeks In their cottage Mrs home by illne^
ritv. was the guest of her abler. Mrs.
WUmoi Bradley i* spending a few’«>v.
the aouthem |>art of the autc to Rice win f^merly Mbs Parson,
l"'a. u
«... V
Born. Thursday. September 4. to Mr.
tValtar Lang the nr»i of the week.
to Mackinaw.
j^^Siepha Pike has gone to Deirol>to and Mr*. Leemsn Seeley, a girl
tpend a few weAs with relatives.
markettog there Is ccstinual progrees.
Anist who has spent the' summers
Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Irish and daughMbs Bruhaier has returned to hepjWk
CotumMa agMr. Puiver of Summit City, attend­ here for several yean.
Blacb SUtes b atlendtog tbe i»r- Almom all No. 1 BriOsh CoInmtMa
home to Grand Rap^, after spend-j Itoy Pai ne worked for Cari Kohn mal acTool at Traveta City.
' ter stient Sunday at the home of C. R. ed tbe postmasters' convention which
pies ai« uw wrapped, It la to bn
The Dorothy K. made her Im reg­
Uutf small Indepadat shlpg
was held at Traverse City last week. ular ttlp to Northpori Point yeaierThe work on the new cemat flume
parent*. Mr, and Mr*. Krebe.
- Mbpes Anna Dahlgren, Inez Linten
Mr. and Mm. E • J. Ilennett
and wheel bouse at the dam b being
Ad* Burken is working for Air*. pushed forward liapldly now. We are the advuiage of this practice; eo that
and Alargaret Dohlender went to Trav. ts'o daughtera. Ora and .Mm Cyrilj Mr and Mis. 1. S. Rice Of Chicago,
ibi* season nil our beM frnlt wlU ge
Henry Klmone of Almira.
else City. Sunday, where the? will TyleC
tier and baby of Chicago, arrived'are visiting Mra. Rice's parents. Mr.
to the markets wrapped la paper. 9fan>faMn
Alary Harvey ad sons Arnold ud tore long.
auepd high school.
bst week. They will make their and Mrs. 8. A. Keys.
Tbe advatagre of wrapping ar* ag
Ltonal. returned from Kaston today,
W. T. Wall and wife, who have fnnre home -at Holmes Sidldg.
S. R. Gain has sold hb horee le follows:
Robert Budd spent
Glen Havehr'Setn. g.—Steve Mid- where they have been'vlaUlng their
L Wrepring give*, a more flabhe*
Been spending their vacation with rel-jl^ler expects to Job them bter.
Charlie WhIUord.
Grandvlllc. Ohio.
daugh of EaM Empire was In town aunt, Oille Raker for a week. They
apporence to
paehg(e. It. pi*■tires here and at Traverse City, re-j .Hr. and Mrs. Ed Moz e|>ent'8unday
Mr. and .Mm, X Thomaa spent Sunday with hi* automobile. He was
are now vbiting their Grudin Har­
turned to their Itome In Bay City, [with tbe latter's parenu
u operetkm for appendlcttb loot Sun­ a readier sal* ud a steady
Summit Thursday in Traverse City.
day. and Is doing nicely at preeaL
W H. Steele returned home Wed- Tboinpeon. parents.of Mrs. W. I), la
Mrs. Sam Meyers and daughter
Mis* Aniuda Heffklns was tl
- ------ nesday from Grand Jbplds. where he
2. Wmpptog Improve* tbe ke*plag
Ruth of Mlshanaka. Ind.. have netumonallty, prevenUng dbeaM sprvadiag
_______ attended the fair.
-Spalding Friedrich of Traverse Cft.v ed to their home, after vltfttog her gneti of Mrs. Charles Agenon a eo
pie of days last week, on ifer way from
•Mbs Knott, who has been speno- and Malcolm Wadrep of Mi. Pleasant
mother. Mrs. Harvey, alto her Sugb
3. The paper serree a a ensbioo.
Bellaire back to her work ^ college.
Ing the summer with Joy Carmon rc. «en> gue*is of the .MIsm-s Dav last ter. Mrs. Blaine Alanb of Meslck.
ad so protongtag
Mr. and Mre: a e. Scbfleld enter
tuned to her home la Marietta. Ohio. Friday..
the life and improving tb»ai
a merry crowd at, a corn rout
, Mrs. Rhodes left Thursday for the
Andy Park* and wife and Mr Ni4. Wrapping makes ac eloUe bnl
torn Monday evening on the shore of firm pack, much leas Uabb to ahltl.
'"Snoi^' lalands. where she will sptnd ban and family of Indiana are vblithe pond. The affair waa-mueb en­ ud much quicker to put up.
tog at the home of Gut Long.
Wa wmat to buJc* Oil Dophitmect of tb«
Mabel, Sept. 9.—Mra. Chas. Lam- joyed by -all.
5. It protecu the fruK from ebangna
' Mr*. Cunr aad grandson. Tom. left
Alb* Haael Bennett ba* gone to Legrtstest pouible nine to all coneernod
Wn b spending a few daya with b^
absorbs aurptos
John Stiles ha* returned'-trom a
Thursday for their homo In 8l Louis, lud, w^ere she will teach school.
tUi end.nqOMt Uiat all itomi of penoaal and
•bter. Mra. Mary Undsey.
trip to Detroit ud Jonesrille.
after having spent the aummer here.
Lawrence Hunter has taken the po­
fMtral iatoreft be toat to Min Dewer
lewey 1to be
The cost of psper for v
. of Traverse
- -Miss R*u Wdolsey has returned to sition In the store vacated by Paul
1 in the Departmeot. We etpecially
weight of fnrit
City, attended Mr. Fielding Wataon'r
.Mnrgsriu. CoCwhere she b employ­ Cerndi
I chnrchet, fratenil sodetiee aad the
which tbe paper dlsplaeen. 8gpertfuneml bst Thursday.
eoced packers do ns quick or qnleka
'^hraafe fnntiib itenu of- istereet In their respeeMrs E. t... Pray spent a few days
vacation with her parem*. Mr and tertalned by^Mr. ud Mrs. Will Lout
work wrapping tbu wlthoitt IL Tbaro
tbe orsanimioBa Kewt of eodal eweate aad
Kasson. Sept ?-^orn to Mr, ud b very little foundation tor n^ objaoSeturday evening. Dancing and a at Williamsburg Ust
Mra. B, Woolley.
oatertalaaeats, tmprorementi beiaf made or ooaL. H. Pray and wife ajietit Sunday Mr*. Fred Bohlk. a fine boy. Septem­ tlon to wmpptog. sare that them to
Mrs. Deustcr of Sutton* Bay. spent poi-luck'ltippel- were enjoyed,
toatplated, aad biudBeu chaacee aad franifen in
at T. Hray's.
a knack in it. wblob somn poehber
real eetate la towa aad conatry are eepedally
Paul Brown ud Man I^y drove to; Geo, Peck aid^Mr. and Mre. David ere seem uuble to grasp.
ktertown, N. Y. are guasU of
acceptable. The above,appliee not oaly to tbe
Traverse City Saturday, rriurnlng Peck were hurt quite badly to a run­
Mbs Bertha Barth left for ‘EvanK- Wm. Ilennett and tomlly.
TUlace of Fife Lake. Wt to the nuroandiac
Critien, Take Netien. '
away last week. Mrs. Peck sustalnD. H. Day and tomlly motored Sunday.
oonatryc-Bditor Henld.
in last we<-k. where she will spend
Ofat writer* cuttogly ertUrised bf
■Mre. Lida Boyd vbfted at Treverse
I a broken arm.
around ibe horn on Sundav, calling
tbe winter.
•mall writers—of «bom Dr. Parr ■♦gatCity over Sunday.
Will Sheetac called on Benjamin
Mra. H. Ryan and children spent friends at Kortbport. Omena end
Fife Uke. SepL S.—Mrs. Stolfel of bakery and lunch
be happy to say. that they bare proI and moved
Johnson lut week.
Saturday and Sunday in Travemv Traverse City eoroute.
i.j,-cago. who taaa been resorting to out Monday.
tnndUy without obsenrlty—pdreplea.Miss Alarle Andresaa Of Gla Ar­
Jessie Newman was the gne«t ot ,lty witbont prolixity—dr
tiifoi tor the summer, retimisd home
M. Higlow Is In Arlington. NV City,
Mrs. Cclman's young iieople Sunday out gUre—tersaes* without bsrrehMiss Sarah Southerland ha* gone to bor left on the Manbtee on Wedne.<
braska. attending to bb annual fruit
wtthout MibUetrtbe Soo. where she n-fU teach the en>
^Plck Wells of rBeaumooL Texas, ar. buBlne**
the winter. She accompanied Mrs. cool weather ba* followed the shower
host d
School begu Iwt week with Mar­
cd Friday to Tbtt lib paronia.
Mrs. Dora Brown and children of suing yew.
id a gr«at number ot othsr thlag*
on Sunday which wok of'material' garet Colemu as teacber.
jK*. E Dante* left Tueedkr on a bu*Mr* Wm. Welb.
Osseo, ere guests of the Richard
benefit to fall crops but may retard
Grange meeting was held In the without a great number eC other

Mrs L. 8. Walter was at Mersey «n Croker faraily.
thlngs.-Sydimy' Smitb
Miss Emma Hanson spent a few
l•>>-iRe•« Saturday.
Mr*. Henry Foster went to Alden.
us in Traverse Clt}- last week with
Mi>s Lottie Gardlaor of Traverse Friday on a business trip.
■ 'V ri'iicd friends In'tosrn tbs past
R.'C. nridgemao returned from, friend*.
Willard WuTTburg left Wedtieaday
Grand Rapids. Sunday.' Mrs; Bridgetor Detrott, alter having B|»-ni a cou­
mao stopped off at Cadllbc,
Mr. gnd Mrs. oicn Weaver and ch'l^d ple of days with his parents.
Allsg Julb Barnes, who has been
returned to their home 1a Grand Rap­
vbiting her grendmothef. Mr*. Alarcb
ids. Monday.
Rev. and Air* Jlakcr are cnteruln- Barnes, returned Monday to her borne
r. and ilra. .Brown anh two chll- tng bis sister. Mrs, Russel and two In Grand Rapida.
Mbs. Gladys Dame left yesterday
oren1 ol *lncidiana. are vbiting Mra. ebUdren from Kani
rister, Mrs. Chas. Bonawiu.
H. .Bonne and daughter bdn* for Lonslng. after having spent her
.Mr and Mr*. T m. Osborn tetnrnod Ruth, returned from Saginaw. Thurs- vacation with' her parents.
bcglnniug of iho beasoo—no "I.
. _ time
for them! And U's^n Kood dal the ame way with the
Mr*. Byron Woolsey b to Aim Arhigh school Mia* a* well as their older sister* ud Iriends propnrlng
from Grand Rapids. Ssurday.
for boardiuE school t
Tbe ndrantages of choosing arly are self-evident.
Mrs. Will Trego was piwtented-with
W. H. Dewc) of Cadillac, arrived bor for
Albs Mildred Stonffer left yester­
ST. invalid chair Mmtday bom her Tneaday to visit hi* m«ber. Mr*.
Onr .houiuK ol the new fall garments is nitrectlng much attention.
Caslins Dewey and famfly.
—WaderfnI opDr. I). E. Hill* was a cripple for
Mr. and Mrs. Dent Blue and son having spent 'the pa«t throe wcMm.
portsilUen to
a lew days, the result of euiUng hb^ Leon, and wife motored to South the guest of BenUh DaaeFrmcb H. Leslb. who has Just ar­
fmd oo some glass while In bathing.
■ave'on thb na­
Mr. and Mrs. J. Codd returned FriMrs. R D. Wcblr and son David, of
me r's protUem
dav from Grand Rapid*.
Traverse Ctt'". were In town over Sun. ■pat tbe past two years u ml**ionary gave a very Interesting lecture
Tbe ensilage niiter is bnsy In
t'nioa at pioseni.
The Hlssea Cora and Elms Fales of
Ur. Atwell b visiting hi* abler. Toledo. Ohio, are guests of their National cburcl).
—Wash Orosnn at
Rose and Third streeta are being re­
Airs. Jske Rader.
7»e, We. S1.X9, StSS.
nnrte. John FWe# and wife.
Mr. Vanalrkb Of Ro^ommon. Is
—The SnlU are In BHeU that bring ont every new style point. Cut­
SEW end S4BSDebt Blue. G E. Hodges and L. E. paired.
Mr. Imke. who ho* bon employed
fTTslUng bb aon at tbe Fe^ ReMrre Gaea motored to Traverse C«y, Tues­
dreasen that were
away Cata. 36 to 4S tochea Ipng; clever new featnrae In oollara end
«ear Walton.
$1.23 to $12.
bncka Some ot tbe aatnrbU ar* Pebble Sponges. Broadet, Vrioure;
Alaister Joe Andereon of Boardman.
Serges. Novelty Woolens. etc„ etc. Smart 'eklrt faahlona. amne tfeetRichards returned from
visited bb grandmother. Mrs. . Ella Treverse City. Saturday.
Ivniy draped.
F<«.lj9>wMor—suit sad Wool
White over Snaday.
Mrs. 'R'eMey Woodtor and Mven
—The Drosses are to the aeef ubarmtog of tbe Autumn etylen and eoP,
Droao^ were |7.U
Haolt and daughter. Gerald- children., reenraed to their borne' to
oringa ’ Plato ud fucy Wool RaUnes. KpongM, Bedford Corda. Met- to $10. SotoS atSSM
Ine leturoed to their'Tome In L«nt- Detroit, Friday, after spading
alenasA Bilk PbpUas. Am Serges, bautlfnl Silks, etc., etc.
iDK. Friday.
summer vaoaUon with Mra Woodtor's
Mrs. Frank Dell retunud to her pan-Dta Mr. end Mrs. Ed Newell
Mvau- In CMcsgo bat Wednesday; aft.
Mr and Mra. Erie Well* aad three
Gmt showtog ot
'tm- visiting Mrs. BUe White
children of Beamont. Texas, went to
moony tack If
Mr and Mra. J. 8. Hodges a
Upper Peninsula. Sunday, not nntisfled. 'Write. pbOM or call tor
from Gfnnd Rapids, Batuzdey. where they will vblt Mfs. Well's peo- Free Booklets aaA Onanatee S
Carl ('ampb^ went to CsdUbe pb before retiming borne.
N«d iMtItsle Go.
irdey. rethralac agate Sunday
Mrs. A. Dolberx entertetoed several
SIS Bthto Bt.. Trarnrsn Ctt*. (
Mra. at. Crut haa cteed ou her or hw lady frieadi at a "Orwdma
Tl BhnMoB Avu. Grand BipMo../




Kins^sley Departnrent
Condncica by mm Jetalc ^wdCB.

Fife Lake Department
Conducted by Miw Mae Dewey.


Cox's Conan

More and More Stonning New Styles
in Coats, Snits & Dresses; see window

'/ CeaU at ti.eo. tw. M.IO, tU uf to UO
Jaito at tieJO, tto. tU and up to
Pnsots at te.eo. tie. tlt.eo. tU and up



Sweater Coals

•!. -

t ' C’*.-



iwn IB UtieolMhlr*. BncluA. U»j 11. ISM.
Aft^ ut UlMM ot M««a
»MMd vns »t bU bOM u MbImI.
8*pu«b«r 2. ISIS. W«d 0 7«W«,
3 months and two dars.
Ha was marrtsd J11I7 37. IMS to
Bara Lamtoa. To this nntoa alas
cMldran vara ^om. thraa dyins In
taacr. rtammond tba roangeat son
at the aga of 49.
Ha la aunlvad by a widow, a brolh«r. Jarvis Watson, taro aona. tsraa
dAjg^thrs. tan graadchlldran and one
grwt grandchUl
a to tnU coantiT A Ihe age
of twaatr Vaars. and since then i
sided neair Mabel. He waa v^ a
(avofaMr known throughool the
nimitr br both young and old.
The family extend tbelr heartfelt
thanks to fiiendi and neighbors who
an kindly assisted them durlnc the
ninaas and death of tbelr husband and

Flmt Uaa of Tcbacoe,
The dgar has a long hlstorr.'
nny have been used in cignr
tern before it wen burned In plpea.
nlBed at aanff or taken as a 'quid.'’
but on this point tbare la no praof.
Two of tba anUora under Columbaa on
tbe drat voyage reported that tbay
bad aaen naUraa ot tbe new-toond
world with firebrands In tbatr montba
and with amoks Uanlng trom tbalr

Taka Phetsa of
It* la aald that tbe Bank of F^nnee
bna an InrlaiWe etndte in n gnUerr b»
kind the cnahlera. so tb0 nt n given

Legal Notices
cull Court for the County of Grand
. Tmverae. In Cbanoerr. '
ide Bate}-, coaplalnant. va.
lord K. E
BnU pending In the C............. ..
for tbe CoiAtr of Grand Traverse in
Chancery, at Traverse <^y. on ihe
31K tey of July. A. U.. 1913.
------------------1 It spp
>pearlng from af.
fldavit 00 file, tbnt the ddfendnai. Wll
ford K. Batey. u not a rodent oMl
lah Colni
Fred H. Pratt. complalnffiVa soUdtor,
It la Ordered that tbe aaM defendanL
WUford E. Batey. cause'hls appear^
ance to be entered herein, wlihln four
cause his answer to the complain­
ant's bill of complaint U> be filed, and
a copy thereof to be .servpd .on said
complainant's solicitor, within fifteen
days after' service on him f a copy
ind notli
be taken as contotsed by the said n
And it Is further
lered, that v
Jtt twenty days Uh
otlce of IhU order to be
me Her




-gage baa become operatlrc.
hereby glv"
- e Bouce U h
cn that by vlrtne of' aald
d power of
sale aad In porauanee
of tha
the atatuM
in such cate mads and
prorldad._ the
■Bid mortgage wilt be forackwad
foreckmad by a_
aale of__the ,_____«a
premfaes therein dencribdeecrib-

in said county of Grand -TravOTaa da
be sixth day of
t October next. «t
.. hi the foranooa of that day.
which aald premlaei are desoibed la
f as follows, to-wlt:
TTie nocU tracUooal• half of tbe
northwest fractional quarter ot Sec­
tion fieveasot Town Twenty-six.
•six. north
'esL aad tba
Bofthaiat «aarUr of the nortbeaM
qnartnr of SncUoa Twalve, In Town
r-alx. »orU ot
of Range
Baue T
n tha coBBly of Grand
_____4 StBM of kfkdrifan. •
Datnd'tha fith day of July. A. IL,
Mnrtkn Cnapbalk inajlMttyA
- CoveM ft Craaa,

» and fresbueaa of a
bouquet can be retained (or skany
dsys If tbe foUowinc plan Is ob^
aerved: Arrange tbe stems loosely
Id s glass of water, plsce tbe glass

around tbe glass nesrly foil of
water, then InTsrt a large glass bowl
or fruit Jar over (be flowers, (UUng
It evenly upon rbe dish, writes Kenire
The dtreet nffect that cbanglog bad RsdeliSe of Isuirel. H.I.. In the Po|v
roads lato goed roads has upon land ulsr Mechanics. The water will rlM
vain# aad the general economic' wel­ Inside and ouUide. thus, forming an
fare ot a ocmmunliy Is sboara la
: of AgrieuHurt CellMla
OMa ghewiitg Land Valuta In-

to daU
in tba oountry.
gatbared. whore good roads replace
bad ones, the values ot farm laada
bordering ot tbe roada Increase to
SDcb an extent that tbe cMt of road
la oquAUsed. if not
seeded. The geontml land value#, as
well as fana ralnet. Show marked advancea, (oUovtog tbe Improvement of
Among tbe Uluatrntloni died by tba
depiRment are tbe foUowtng;
In Lee eonaiy^ Virginia, a farmer
owned IW ncrda -baiween Ben Hur
aad Jooasrtlle, which be offered to
aeU tor SIAM, la IMS this rand waa
improved, aad although the farmer
foaght the improvement, he
refuaed |3,000 (or hU (arm. Along
this taraa road a tract ot ISS aerea
waa auppoaed to have been told (or
SS.000. The pnrehnaer refused the
eontracL however, and
thraateaed to aae him.
After tha
rofid Improvement, and* without any
Unpravemeat upon the land, the aaase
farm waa sold to the original pur­
chaser for M.OOO.
In Jackaon coonty, Alabama, the

Reliable Nurgeriee hheuld FuiwM
~'inta at Lower Frieda Than fiama
Goods Through AgonL
/By H <• THC)WI>«1X.)
When posbihle to do so purcbsRO
trees dtrectl}’ from the nearest rellafirm. The
such nurseries should furnish good

sentlal. There is probably no sub­
ject In which tbe progressive (srmer
that of
I him with bis
market over which be may be able to
haul greatest possible load. Good
roads. Uke all other good things,
expensive to build and of too much
vnlue to be neglected.
Tbe making of good roads la one-of
the moat Important duties ot
Amelcan people aad tbelr prompt
r^ialr and carefnl maintenance
oasentlal. Ttaere la prababty no
Ject In which the
deeply latnraated than tl
of having raada oonnecUng him wl
„„ markeU ovar which be may
, —

Tima Se Or*g..a Rand.
If tha trmfte U very light, a
Ime tp dng the road is Immed:
sRer a rala. However, for ordinary
traOc, the bwt Ume to drag la '
tbe mud wlU sot sUM to tbe drag I
•will slide along tbe edge, the di
kaklng a slice of earth eC the hi
sMoea and ftUtac Ihn aantt dnpt

Wlfa'e Wertb
Many a aalf-aade bsb tt too MMt
ta admit that bit wife waa tha afch^

InlernnI Pain.
HeaU Bnilsea, drnwa
ttie Aohe trom tM er
Rheumstte Iduaelea.
Takea in HM Water
Steps Cramps. CaHa,

The honest agent whose <

Has Oops to Now York to Avoid
Tomptatlon But Will Return

Coaltcook, ^Pt. 9.—Following kla
aequltul on a “prany ante" charge,
William Travers Jerome today U
motoring toward New Tork. He wlli
return to MontMsl Mouda}'. when the
Thaw habeas corpus writ comet be­
fore the king'# bench. Judge Mulv.
who heard the case against Jerome,
the charge on the ground
that : 5 lair waa violated.

Allyn. MIeh.. SepL fi.-rJcaae Ulricft.
who la a brother of M Ulrich U MM
bout to return to Leeds N. OakoU.
Where be it anperintmident of
W. T. Sbutt attMdad tha Mtr at
Grand Raplda.
B. T. Krepps was iajarod quite bad­
ly last week.
H. B. Pratt was takas quite tick
f»- days ago.
D. c. Tbompeon la Making a good
sized addition to bit bouae.
Tbe bean harvest keepa many buay.
They are of finest quality.
The schodk near Thompson's Com­
ers is prialdorf orer by MUs Comfor
of Prankfon. -while Miss StnaR ia
teaching la tha No. 3 district of In-


Moisture Rlalnq From the Watar Will
reearve the Fleweiu Within fer
Long Time.
alr-tigbt rrceptaclr for the contenU.
Tbe molslure cooUuually produced Inolde of the bowl envelop# the flowers
lug length of time..
Whatever ms) be tbe resoon, many
orchards hsve responded rapidly
the common practice m
the apace between (be trees under
constant cultivation, uinally using a
cover crop, or to break up the end
every few years.

Have no dnaliags with the unreli­ FALL PUNTING IS ADVISED
able tree peddler, who U dbrasd In
the Hand deceiving the people with
expggernted plcturee. who buys up
for Quick EsUbliehment 0
cull stock sod mixed lots of eeedlings
Root Syautn.
not InfrequenUy effected wUb dlseasee
and Insect 'pests, who represents such
i(‘ ibal the tree Is ca{r
goods to be some new end superior
ng to the call (or qtick
milt, and who sells his stock st
sevflntl tlmei tbe price our beet
nurserymen snk for fint-clsss treet.
Buy trees that have brec Inspected that the available plant food, which Is
st'ored and carried over in a stable con­
dition III the room. Is parUy used In
the BUtupiB to meet the demand Tor a
age before you accept It. ■
Tress one year old from bud or new root system or for Uie besitng of
graft are usually the proper age to wooudv. .
plaaL but some »luw growing sorts
ObFi-rrnlioDB made on sp'ring trammay be (WO years old before planUng. planted trues showed ihst they do not
ruder no circumstances Mould iraaa quickly begin to make new roots In
over two years old be planted (or spring. They are ont In ful^ leaf and
they receive a greater check In trans­ apparently making good
planting tlisii younger trees and do above ground before any root growth
not make s« goed growth. They are could be detected below groqnd. It
more likely to bo broken In digging seeeied as if the iwsdUy nvallable
and packing and the cost of transpor­ stored food tn the trees was carried to
tation Is greater. Yoang trees can be tbe growing polnu above ground and
pruned and trained to suit tbe Ideals uiillxed to make new growth there
of the grower better than older tree* more resdily than It was carried to the
for they will not have large branches wounds of tbe roots, to make calluses
or to make now roots. Root growth
on them.
did not begin in spiiag tranapisoted
trees until tbe soU' got quite wsnB
somewhat late In tbe season. In fact.
Few See Things as They. Are.
't growth beloijy ground did not ^sThe mass of mankind will nevar
"I form abundantly until ^ilse,
hare any ardent seal (or^eelng things
as they are: very Inadequate
tdequate Ideas
will always satisfy them. On these
Uken up each month during the^UL.
laadequate Ideas will always repose,
showed those trsnspUnled^
and must repoee, the general practice
autumn bad much larger
of tbe world. That is as muoh as
than thoee transplanted In spring.
saying that wboevar seta himself to
transplanted during the fall of
see things as they are will find blm-

An atta
revolver by a French - Inventor
which the weapon Jn the hands of a
la as deadly as In thoas Of
aaa of IMC gives the value ot aU (arm
lands tn Jackson county at M.M per a dead-aura shot. A amall aad powei^
(nl electric lamp Is mounted on
acre. Tbe eeUlng value at that Ui
was trom M to |lfi per sore. Tbe cen- weapon In such a manner that a drsob of l»10 pUces the value of all ele of light li projected upon the tar­
farm lands In Jackson county nt t».7« get and tbe bullet will strike the cen­
per ncre. and the aalUng prtce Is now ter of the ring. This psrticalsr locaU marked by a dark spoL and
US to gS5 per aora. Actusl figures of
rand Mar this spot being placed over tbe heart
of an adversary and tbe trigger pull­
It are sbowa.
huUet cannot faU Is lu deadly aetf one ot a very small dreW; but
At the raada In no way affect %o\l
It U only by this amall elrcls ream
tntety doing lu own work that ade­
quate ideas will eror get current at
crease In tha ooat of hnuUng pradeee
Waa It a Hlntf
market or shipping points. Parma
They had been talking as thay
..8 now regarded as plants for the walked. She had remarked pathet•tain Removsr.
baatneea of (artnlng. aad any redue- lisUy: -Ob. It must be terrible to
It is somotimes difficult
UoB In tbelr profits through nnnecea.
man to be rejected by a woman!
paper free from grease
se stains.
aartly heavy costs (or hauling on bad
-Indeed It must.'
roada naturally reduces their capItaUsThen, after a while, with aympatbeUc
atlon Into values. With reduced cosU
I, abe ex'elalmed:
"It the consistency of cream Is spread
tor hauling profits are
that I oould ever hava over them and allowed to remain ovc
the heart to do tt.~ And there eai
night. In the morclng It should I
a alienee between them as he thought removed with a clean bnub or cloth.
Ital value.
The autoraobUe, also, baa begun t»
be an important factor In
rural valuea where good roads are In­
ImmlgraUon U particnl^y marked
■ are favorable;
where road
la (act the figuraa of tbe department
seem to IndlcaU that good roads IndlrecUy Increase the demand (or rural

Duty of Peopla
Tbe maUng ot good roads Is one ot
the most' Imponsnt duties of the
AmerlcM people and their prompt

ta.aasns abe.n

cnllura. The dspartmani has Just Issu^ a statement on (ha aghjeot.
baaed upon
gatherwi by Ue oSce of public rands,
which U making a apMtal atudy ot the

and c
thatt such
therein at least once In
for .six Weeks in
.......... that
she cause a copy of this order to be
terve-l on saidd DOD-resIdenl
defendant, at least twenty days befoi
tbe time
e above preecrihed I(or his a;
by.^the relation between Aemand nnd
Circuit Court ComcUasioner.
CoB4>1alnant's Soricitor.
Auto and Coed Roads.
ang 7. 14. 21, 28, aepi 4. 11, 18
The auto bas come to stay and there
no nse flgbUng ngalnst It or trying
(o penalise the owners for destroying
Whereat detaalt baa been made In
iiry roads. There Is no Mubl thst
the payment of the money tecnrad by
a mortgage dated the. 20th day ot . suto will wear out a dirt road
May. A. P.. 1911. executed by Wll- quicker than a team carrying 3.M0
Urd H. Campbell and wife. E^leUa, pounds, aad while the latter are pe­
Pnvfd R. Campbell, single, as4 Wt
Wal- nalised to some states, sU efforts t
lace G. Campbell and wife, laura. 1
give tbe same medicloe to the ownei
of Grand TVaverne eonnty. Mlehtga
of snios have failed. Tbe only remedy
to Martha Mathewa.
Is to build roads that wiU stand
wear and tear of heavy wagoas. antoi
of tbe Register of Deeds in the coun- and anything else and then take
ty'of Grand Traverse In Liber 67 of penalty off everything.
o'clock p. m.
Apd whereas tbe amooat claimed to
t due on aald mortgage at tbe date
of this notice la tbe earn of
.. (our
. . bun.
dred and aeventy-llve aad 98-100 dotlara
of principal and interest
If and
farther sum of one hundred and ten
and 0-lM d«dlara. taxaa paid on ^e
amd tntereat U
on. and the further nm of flfiet
I mortgage and tha whole
amount claimod to be Unpaid of said
mortgage la the oom of six hundred
and cne and 7-100 dollara. and no
»U or pn
I having IMD
en in.
oUtnted at law to recover
! debt
now remaining secured by aald ihort-


wohmges. Tshsourei
• stunrtorseddsndti
ma. fUeisnothmg
is nothing iion
DotblngthstwiUbringgresterietiet. Con.
tsins bo hsnafnl ingredirnU. Used for
msay yean with nMkfsetioo sad - —
86e., 60c.sndgl.00bomes. '

Frafranee and Fraajineaa ef Beuqwi
May Be ReUlnad for Days by
fnerciaa ot Cava.

Worth of KBowledBA
There musf be a best way to build
a house and a best way to trala a
child I because there Is always a best
and a worst In everything In all the
world): and the immeasurable value
of s well-trained child should be quite
sufficient Induhement to determine
motben and fathers to master
matter at any coat.

The biq Work of the World is Done in



Page Three.)

Odgenaburg. Sept. 7.—Mra. Beetle
Hrady was called here last week liy
the serious illnesa of her etater. Mra.
Lucia Shipley.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. SWaney attended
the Grand Rapids fair'laat week.
Jack Swaney and Beet Herbert left
last Sainrday for Southern niinola
park apples
Geo. Swaney loat a valuable cow last
MIm Revs Carpenter Is apeading a
few weeka whh her brother Joteph at
Perry Pouch's barn was struck by
lightning last w^k and destroyed by
The next Ladles' Aid society will
meet with Mrs. Nora Elman. Wedneeday afternoon. September 17.
Mra. Joe Dickerman of Boloo. spent
Sunday with Golden's last woes.
Henry Dobo. Jr., was brought home
last Tuesday from the hoaplul. where
he has been since July Fourth with
-ty phoid fever.
Mrs. Lucia Shipely,
Pelyf^wi IS so very
eirk. Is better
on the road
to recovery. Miss
M perry of Traverse
City. Is nnralDg
Miss Beatrice Degraw, who is at­
tending school in Traverse City, spent
Siindny with her folks at Mspleton.

Oobora. Sept. 1.—It has been rtwy
hot and dry for the past two weeks.
Farmers are wishing for rain no they
can aow tbelr fall grain.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boeman of Os­
born. called on relatives at Glen laka
John Kants anil wife and James
Rafferty and wife were Traverae CRy
visitors Sunday. .
Mra. Bdgar Betier .and chUdna
were the guesU of Mi*. Becker's par-enu Sunday at the home of Mr. and.
Mra. Frank AymenL Se.
Frank Vantoe of Ihat Bmplr*. was
an Osborn vUitor Monday at the
Paul Varaoe bomeataad.
Mrs. WiU KeMerbouae and ton Bar
of Port Oneida, visited with the form­
er's pareho at Oabora. Saturday and
Roland Kelderhouse returned to bis
home at Port Oaeida Sunday, after
an abaence of (our weeks, working (or
his grand parenu at Oebora. He wll!
10 high school at Trarerae City
thU winter.
Mr. Charlbt King and wife of Em­
pire. were Oabora canert Sunday '
Mr. and Mra Roderick Doha ot GIm
Haven, were called to the home ot
their daughter, Mrs. Fred Fostine.'
Friday, by the aerioui Ulaeas of their
Infant child.

It Removes
Drink Crave
The Neal Drink Habit troatoent U the modern method of troatmeat for drink habit. It is safe and sura, la com pot od of haraless
vegetable medicines. admlnUtercd internally^typodarale InJecUons
are never used—and removes tbe craving nnd necessity for drink
In three days Ita action la as simple aa It la tafa It ellmtnuea
all alcohol from the ayatem aad nautraUste ita fictional effect
upon the body tlasuea When this la aecompUahad ^ craving
. and neceasity for drink is remorod. Yon drinking men aO drink loo
much and need the Neal Treatment
Cali; <pbone or write
348 Sute Straet, Trsveree City, or 71 Sheideo Ava, Grand Raplda

^ Made ,tithe Worlds Gredicst Ovcrdli Factories -


Sixteen Yeftfs SupremacyMore than 1,650,000
men bought a pair of
“Heaillights” during the
past 12 ^months—but— r;
We will not be satisfied
untilvwe sell you a^pair.
If we can induce you to buy one suit of “Head-


lights," you will never afterwards be satisfied
with any odwr make.'

Wfty sot boy one of the tnqrpMilre Brownie Kodaks new
whilg Uie anmffler-teaaon la on


get Uie benefit of taklag
yow own pfeturoa. Hero la a
good one
Ho. SA arawnlo, SSSe
Takes pietiirea Slii4l4- rUma
(C aapoaura)-2fe aaeh. Easy
to bandlo-^nexpeaalTo to nm.
Let at shew yen.

Travoac CHjr

Tbe LItte Wonder
Wear a Pair 30 Days
Your Money Bft«dt if Not Satisfiwtory
To all ovetaD wearers we make diis offen
Coriv» (o our tfore, buy ft sut of “Headlight"
Overalls (price $1.00 per garment). Woftr
thein 30 days. If you do not find them '
die most comfortohle, convenient and
generally aatisfactory overalls you have ever
had on, bring them back and get your
money. The manufactuxos ataad bdund us m



We Carry the “HeadUght” Overalls
Try a Pair

Hamilton C15. Co.

This 21/4 a P. (
all the good poiots ot Oie beat eonstmetion.
For intermittent work of all kin^, sneh; as
opersting centrifogsl pan^ saw rigs, eloetrie geocratora, opny PBaapa, ete., it is anaxceUed. Hit and mim govenar resUy refuUtea the load, ft ontdssa I tAem ilf<m
pegnlation. Hfesvy eylioder providea
[ several reboringi Drop-forged erank abaft.
All woi^ing^parti sesvately maebined to a
I tboauBdd of sn ineb and posifivdy intarchangesble. Shipped eomplete ready to ran.
£very engine rally goarsnteed.





Complete Your Homefumislimg Now!
Most Young Folks, when they start housekeeping, do not cnmpletelv furnish
their homes, but leave some things to be bous'ht later.

Have you eveiything for your home that It really needs to make it complete
and beautiful? Look around in every rooth; see what is needed. The beauty
of many a room is sometimes marred by the lack of just one piece of furni­
ture, or by having something in it which doesn’t harmbnize with the^st 'of
the furnishings. Why not make the furnishings of your home all that they
Should be?
We have a big, beautiful stock of modern h^b furnishings of
every kind and~ouf prices are as low as can be made by any firm anywhere.
When You Think of


100 Sets Guernsey Earthware
lO-Plece Set “GUERNSEY" EARTHENW\R£ lO-EHece Set

Think of J.W. 5LATER

Universal Ranges have won a world wide
reputation for themselves for beir^ the
most artistic in design, longest liv^d, great-.
iiaI «»mnAnm7«»r
est Tfuel
economizer 'a
'and most
convenient range on earth; yet
in spite of their superiority they
are sold at no higher price
than ordinary ranges.


Come in, and we will tell you about
its poiota orsuperiority; the new, upto-date style, its wonderful appear­
ance, the white ground porcelain oven
doors, the hew contralllDg damper
system, its sanitary construction, its
great fuel saving features, its wonder­
ful quick cooking and baking, its ever
lasting material and fine workman­
ship and many other features that
other ranges do not possess.

Buys nils

Ranner Steel
%» I


WhUe they

WhUe they

Guernsey Earthenware is recommended by physicians; they are sanitary; and food prepared
in them is pure and sweet Guernsey Earthenware is guaranteed not to peel qEBay year Rogs, Car-

Some Mo I
cloae-ODi paticrns tn. |

[T~yr Tfll

1^ pen, Bod Unolenmo
early and get the first

both Roga and Carpels

A Big Advance Stiowning
Of Fall Rogs. Carpets and Linoleums. We have just unpacked a big fall shipment of Rugs,
CarpetsI and
niiu Linoleums
A.1UU1CUUIB. Never
ivcvci before
uciuic have
uavc we
vie had
uau such
ouv.u a
a beautiful assortment of good depend­
tor ^verings. They are all new and fresh from the most reliable mills in America; yon
able floor
^ are Sureb ofgetting the newest and prettiest patterns and colorings.
fine Ingrain Carpets* per yard. S5c to Me
Room size IngralhI Rags. 9xlS* 9S.T5 to tiO.M
Room slzeFlber Rugs, tS.S9 to 919.99
Brassels Rags, 9x12 98.79 to 921.09
Velvet Rogs* 9x12 9l2.So to I48.00
■ to go at % price.
Wc hsvc a aamber ol renuants In both carpel* and Ua

Bed Blankets* Pillows and Comfoatables
Keep warm this winter; come in and make your selection of bed bianksu. pillows, comfort­
ables. in fact everything in the bedding Jine We have got just what you want, ^e honestly
believe we are showing the best assorunent and biggest values in blankets shown anywhere in
■ Traverse City, they consist of all sizes in colors of while, grey, tan, pink and blue and red with
striped borders to match, ranging iu prices from a good cotton blanket at 4$c lo the very fiaest
wool blanket at $12.09. Wc are showing a good Uae of new Navafo robes and babyblankets.

Sanitary Mattresses

The best medium priced range on
earth. We have sold this Wonderful
sted range for over twenty years and
can conscientiously say that there is up
better stove made for the money and
you are asked to pay more, a great
many times for inferior fringes.

M lb* Uckn*M I* c«u4mI by diMplns upoa • poor, cheap malirwa,
uel then Ibey' 4o wu mv* romfon, or good w«er eliher. l^ yva
want one of thead good matlreaaea. w« wooW like to have you
come in and eee our Urge aaeortineni of different graded. We
Uke imde la ahovlng them wbetber you buy or a«. for we iBlow
they are goc4. clean mattteaeea. and are worth every oe« we d«k
for them. We are ahowiag good felled cotton msttregaea Owa
gft.2$ up (o a t>ure white Sea laiaad no lafted felted coltoii maitreu. the hlgheei grade rotten matirena made, at W&flO,



The Joy of a Well Cooked Meal
Does Not Depend On the Artistic
Dinine Room. But Upon Your
Kitchen Ran^e.


Only One-Motion
Bed Made

All ttyla»->ew priCM.







♦ ♦♦«•♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


’Ti ~ 17" aa j
won M ynWt O

. ♦

Swanirtf Brlnpa AH Hama.
Tita Bondnff no ahlMO br^ffht ate
TboT^Bwool bcooMa blow:)
Br whom patba.-ao»a bate. aoBO
ttora.To work tba elOldten p>.
•mb «teP tbalr Mta-ta watan bloa.
8o»a twa tba rich brown wrtl;
TteM -wauc tba woodland abadow.


MMpra o( TamlUa ud uoth«r oa»half cup of tew. BM MKte tkw>
ouchir and- tkn attr la asratalD' t»o
saaajMwua of-bakias
at swidi powter
powow aad
maa tbo
beaua wbtMa of-tbo etca. Bate la
^ara ill Botermuir oak-k a*aa.
FUUag mr Caraaiol Cakat-TWca OM

fnnM'ma; uka tb« p]»ca o( awb.
Now Waya With Tomataaa.
Fw m«)i om User bum
cnaa- Tonaie Jaar «‘ltb Cueombw—Tak« ,
bncad about w»ry thrw »a«. or have______ . _. .
a iMalorcMnoat
isaiuiHOMnoBi oi wMe>BiasB«a leoce
• - - ate a balf of rtpa tonSlo*. .♦
oad ate* naul aott eno^ to
Cho*aottoth taau tha oaak tlad ***'»®* • »**’'« taafept tbo okla aod
t»n to a caniral mute with abw or
of ontop. In tboaa daya of tba aaaollM ate

HOBO Cbaor U d.Ufhtte' to lire to ^
!te a‘*J^of‘^ir*Hii*'t^l'*^ *”
atte ate pric*.
lU mdor. thl. wos* tba tecipaa of
tf 2Suw “
tba aJ* eateb that w>n <ba prtaaa In Ijr witbout atimag uUl tba ayrop wBI <owb iho atate a MtUo aay tnun tba, S
•" "JT
«»« *«»• tk* ^ «»«
vara piaiM>«»«/ •***^. •”
tbo racant CboUnf Bcbool oonlaat
; watar: aUr nniU tba caialtM la dto- alactrlc plant, c
.trowt baw 1. to hat-a aR atrangtb.
Etel^ate^Otend'rtetei^ Hava ratey baatan to a .tiff froth tba
rt^und. temawbai largar taw will
Pour Into a Hm b^^ate available for ponar it t
BoL aa ibla klnfdom la a aplrttjial „ ,.
ot two etf>: atir In cradnaUy tlaach .loKle bead, of lauoce. baalda>, 'aal on iea to bardeo. Wban ready i Ughtan
and abonan oMay a tote, ai^a
ktosdom, to n >i U ba la accord with
t^praai aplrttnal itnteom wtleb an- '*''*«
*® **®*
**’’ “ *“«•“*•
_. . „„ —
c-loaa. all. WU U what maana. Thy
one loMPOon of YanlUa ate two taa. p,„ of tba atrawbarry bad hw-d in ”*** ®“ *
on lattucy Tha po or koMratad wiu ite ^
klnteoB cobo to aartb a. It U In
naadad aU tbalr aklU a. .ppow of caraBai ar«p. Plac. ba.iS ’**’**^
ibar “I**"!:
and ponr T
ovar .tbam ^interaaw tu BOii. wtll BafartnUy
bteten • • And lu telln< fore. 1. lo»a bott.te.epar. and coote to dwid. «(r
on top.
Bateualaa or French ^
drawlnr ^ff
tba woman, domalp. It wfll
-paaoa on aartb and food wlU to <>»
“«“« <Wm1 Sytep-Put oaadtalf cap of
man. If tbaoa ware indaad our nilinK t*-*
'Tbev *«ro poTamad by ,„uiolat.d Bticr In an iron or prantta
"®‘ praf.rrad tba tomato ially Bay
rt. .tha aawinp macblna. waahip« aaforces how aoon would all t«nbla
««»•• •Pl'earanca. tteiwh and ^poapan. «lr conUntsonaly orar Ih. «bw ten^ate .*^r Md^r. d
'* '***
cbloa ate the churn.
«.«. Tharaiwonld ba no teom for l«l*- The foUowlnp reclpea will tall
„ui tba aoter ftrat tefteoa. tb« ^1^11
they Upon
OBtor ete be .,
a If they
under cbaaaa<lotta. ^
labor, aueb as tba alartrk: flat Iron
aod Biaasle and the toaster, baatda
lay otbars If tba pnrw is date

I aaottkb- The outlay for a aaall .cae
‘ ^ *«>»• of vina»ar. a full taaiiBoMui «
f"*'*’ ““ * irMPOOM" of •“i- «M,t power to fomteb llicbt and pow-

By dorsa fina otbars toil.


krtemant froBite Bra. throw 10 tha
TbWttffb. tey'a da^lni boora.
ottr outer aalvaa. and ruloa that rl^ht Mr». Oaa. Fata. 4M W. Elavanth *t. watar. «lr rapidly and allow It to boll
I until you ba\a a i
Tkia oM arltb weary fooutapa ffoas. Ir and wall, what i
Cbooolaia Cate One and o
Bottle and put away
Ttet. Uacars •midst (be flowara,
wui bar
btatar, three eggs, tbree-founba of a amount la oufflelant for throe eakpa.
cup of nillk. on# and ' tbraaBlghtba
BW when tha wn btelnd tba bills
^11 From a Can of Coni.
Has dropped bU golden crown.
Ih'bon wa boua^iUaa open a can of enpa of flour, three and ona-balf level
'of baking powder, three
SnowteH Uyar Cake.
Ate teiky gloom tba vnllarfllU.
corn, pour tba cont^nrtnip'a ketila.
Bnch laya kia iMirtfon down.
wlthlndu ear.
cook for a few mlnuta. and aeacon _late, pinch of salt.
iMowaan Uyw
uiyar Cake—Two
tjwe—two cops of
.i,.,. nave been previously
halfa s
things that every
Sy terfoM near, from wUb salt pepper, butler and a little etli all IngrBileiil. togeiber In or- su^. one^ialf cup of teti-r. whites „ left to free eunablne. Blmfiarly.
m to ilTomy^bv
farcream or ullk. we prove to be cooka denglven. breaking the cega Hfto the of four egga. one cup of aweet Bilk.
l.Ijf te'wnte m to uuanUty by ^
^ ^ waablng
over dwarf
dlrectlMis on the bo^ aa dlff^eui ,
Tte wwry laborers come:
tmaglnaUoo and no to“«>
®®*» *® * *‘*'!?__***!‘.mm-treea. or fasiaate ov...T hn»*h.
machine, a bread miaer. a carpet
tengbp .-rf
M makes vary somewhat. Pour
large flat pan. and Ice wttb the follow- powdv, three cvpa of Boor, ono-bab
Behind ate left all carea that are,— gannlty, mays - Dora B. Hatoaa.
Ing frosting:
tsMPOonful of vanilla.
All tneea turn toward borne.
family likes fritters for breakfast
Frosting for Chdcglato
The Fntber-a beuM. with welcome do not know that they are guile so cup granulated sugar, and a acant belf Layer Caka-One pound of powdered ”*,j
wd‘cb!^! “to m^framrj Mv^Ltof dt«.tol
witb*M Imi “*te tha
we have evgr
aad w. '
.b „ br, bbpru, ..
BbU U,1 ,b. ..„b„ .».r. ,.b. „b,„poob.,u. of .....a
.T. Uant light ”
safe .and
sum to make right contletIbreada. Beal tour egg whites vary
Bwtote Opte wide lu gates.
uaat'. bill they are
poultry bo-utee-tbus you to.ure more „rr^:te Xc“^Ttb TXpp*.:; S toJ^cSmlTdo'^not^nteTS^
Ate wearied bnto or wearlpd fort
. . ' ^
____ *
aUS and dry . adding'the eyrup grad- ency tor apreadtog. one b
light aod better leninsUon.
allcea of small -red tomatoes. This tog oftener than once a stontb after
A peaoefnl reat awalta
*““• ually to the whites
whliaa Spread
Spread <oiTtbe vmillla extract.
hinged on make wlU serve about -eight persons, end la
them with delight. Ike always eat
(,y*r the frositog apraad a This cake is also pretty baked to a Such frames stoutly^__
rcgulato the flame. Then,
there are gaaoUne irons tbat gre a
How-swtet to tktek. whate>r tbe day. »•«“
maple eyrup. 1 make ityu
melted unsweetened cboce loaf, .using an angel food Un for the '
ju«v^ e^^m ro
by using halt a cun oT corn, a cupful
base and a smaller tin for a second
Florenttoe Tomaioea-Wipe si* r
great loprcvement on running back
Howe'er we go
and a bait of milk, pinch pf salt for
tayer pUced on top. and foated with *®®* *®“‘ , "
cut a slice from and forth between stove and IroningOr slow or tan hours illpsiway:
■eacooing. law two cupfuls of flour
white boiled frosUng.
!^‘be stem eoJ^f
scoop out board. For hot weaUmr cooking there
The nitetfall brings all home
Bift two level teaspoonfule of baking
>k. r«lde."sp;inkUteSrd; with
WArIrInw MSnllM
wiut oil
wVto ulltelt. ar..
are ibapfaMltperf;;iy"forking
to nin
powder aud atir to lightly with'thv Mre. W. Blnoham. 204 8. Oivltien St.
UsM for Cheese Cloth.
Tbe twHlikt fydsa. tbe shadows fall.
1 and milk.. I beat ooe egg tbor- Two cupe granulated eugar, onerhalf
stand twenty mtouteL Finely chop than wood or coal etovea and ao mnek
For many- y ears tbe boua^ld of
Tbe Iky grows tar and daap.
h:^. T.Z .T
te S
^c^^torta^e* a;;; te^^tactory on by ana. eMh's children all ougb|y and tbe van toet thing told It
into tbe batter and flavor with kail a
cheeMcJoth to lu store room, and be‘ «^^Thetn to
^ *>“«•' ““
Hare lain them down to ileep.




.-.r.r.;:i,rr.rr. ir.


la slumber sweet, to dreamitea rest,

Around tho
SiBloi's Jabk



—3“H“ SS'H-S— £~

premre sugar tor cake by idacliig .keeper,—espeuauy one
comfort ate well- j»reaua
tomnoee reei. sou
“• wnoae nome n J*®
.!. ...E.TS.'.r'..!!!!;
■>'““» T.«uo—P«l.
»d «jiui,
dUl.: gi^re
„„ eeoi
u. ,K »4. Ih» b».
nioldlng board aod rolling w ith roll •» the country. It U valuable In tbe
tomatoes, cut to halves crossalse. ajid ,
..«M,upowa,r«! Ulolioi. U.
d.W. ...

UU«. ...i n. ..-Ooollueitbcy
the following
narhsns ten minniM Then poultry bouse, the orchard ate the
mo Miouni oi ouei
mw with .the
aauce: ; Mix .hree
to the oven, but If you most have a
They ont; know they feal soft sleep
mn through hind
hand floor sifter.
** *®>V*“*“* enrprtetog.
Oer tlite eyelids come.- *

tableepoonfuU of crated
«rated borseraduh i^^go oven, try to afford both if poevinegar, ^ble. Really, the oil aaved on i
0-sr eyes that no more ache hr weep,
butter and sugar; add milk An —
article on uaes
_v. w
^ ®®®

summer, where (
Ate Bight baa brought them home.
,»auia extract; then ted flour cbeeserkith was publlsbed In the
JlL!! , ®®^*®“^‘*‘®^ •‘*“®®®®^il of salt and . . u ms
—Mrs. u: E. e. Wr.
^ cornstarch whkh have been sift- TBmh s Companion some yesu ago.
b»s only, the large oven, will pay for
:-----through bind flour sifter eeverol which le betewUh copied to part.
Z *®®" UbleepoonfuU bf heavy cream the .,^1 ^ WO‘
' r • • - * * r • ' '
gn, ^ w,Mh,r. and lastly
Covering things either food. mUk
efZ . n heaten nnUI sUB.
Have p»eity^-Of *»i little toole ate
• "We abonid sleep to paaCA each •
Whites of eus which have or cooked fruit, while they cool. la. a
°'®*® ■*‘®“®‘® °»mpo«^AUhottW
ihkl make work
• BighL ate wake to hopeful work •
yerfecUy eUff. The last problem more or leas iroubleaoms. ThJuiero h Zn!lot dZSietZa Probably no other regetabV Is served
knives of vartoos aixed
• each day.' lor if Ood Is with us •
»dd baking powder wb'lch ba. Solid coveis give a bad taste and a
orcuiauon aua ^ ^
gigerent ways aa the todifferent purposes, a scUaors )nat
•-what can be agafnat ui!"-Mrs. •
rtfted with a leaapoonfiri of flour worse smeU; .wlre-gaute covets aro ■
_________ .
»ato. It U not geaermUy knowa tbat
^^ed fndu and nuts, g
. E. c. Batot:

purpo '
---i tor that purpose, likely to rust from the condeaatog of
«r*“ * “ makes an excellent
docble-bladed, ebowitog knife, wttb teg^he In a_______
1. being care, vapor; loose clutbe aag Just when and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦..♦♦♦ "compoU.’or a»eet stew. The unripe j^doos wooden chtePUig bowl; egg-^'
fm oot to'brown, ae beautty of-the where they'should not. The remedy la ♦
♦ tomatoes are stewed In sugar. Bke
egktealefs: plenty of
j, g, whiieoeee.
cheeeeclolh coveru To make them, ♦ m____ ♦ pnmes or apricoia. until they becoBA ,p(„a,. jncludlng om or two partJeupuHag for White Mountain I.styet cut roonde. ovals or euuares of the ♦/
^ ,s i j ♦ •®'®®* ®®'* ‘*®^'
*“****®^ * tarty targe and stool ones for stirring
Cake—Juice of one lemon, one dee- cloth, an Inch blner than the things ♦
Jfaft/ftfpW ♦ preparing them, to reoommeteed to
beallug targe maaoea; two double
^rupooBful of butler, yolks of four they are to cover, with a further two- ♦
♦ U»se who grow iteir own frtth. which boUsM of dUtertiig atoeo; eteamefu.
one scant cupful of granulated dneh allowance for the hem. Sew to- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ottdn taJto to ripte fully before frott.
ettatoeca^and odateer with bi^
,„^r. Stir all together and cook in side tbe hem a heavy clothee-bne /srieeted for Home Cheer bv Nettie
Ramektoe-Cut tome rtpe
.^d other Uttie affairs that are
eogy* boiler unUl thick. Cool and vlro. ahaping U to the cover, and Pearson. Truverse Oiy).
tomatoes of medium slu to half. ^ «iw»y* to be aoea at boese fuintatWo love those who are loving, those
_— walnut
------- joining the euds firmly. ..
—. haug
^ben add one cup of
U' will
U;ider Soalte Oteere.
mj^ *** d pUc^^^on
*"* *^’^**‘
“•wke bring cheer and courSge Into our
cup of ralilna over the edges of the vessel > be Out she swung from her moprtaga.
Bleve to drain for about half as hour. ooe
‘‘ **
*®'*- ®
cut very One. If the filling eeemi too covered, weigh
_ _
Uvea, whose wisdom goes band to
f tbe
harbor bar;
a Ubiespoon of aoft-brcadcniiube printed recipee. it to necesean to bavo
band with wnder laughter. And a.*h
, ,nu, u,md of tome sort
and keep it taut, and yet
^a toe moon was slowly riatog
Into a. small saucepan, pour to ^
a OM wea the former editor of Home
ellber milk or boiling water.
the escape of beat ate vapor.
She faded from right afar.
lei it
Cheer. Her great heart was ever
Wd you ever oook corn and pots- between tayere.
Tbe covers can b« scalded datty If gnd we traced heV gleaning canvas •no^ milk to cover, and “V‘^
1 «se a medltm Stood, white lined,
ready with lie boundleee sioro of aym- Aoea together? They are really- very FrosUng for White MounUto U)er they are to consuni u*e; they dir jj, ihe twinkling evening eur.
^ gently,.eUrrtngrreq^uy
• eaamri wash hMin for a -mixtog
patoy and her instant emUe flashed teod. To a can of corn uae three cup- Cake—One cup of XXXX sugar, white' quickly und toe wire does not n»it.
a.i *"
bowl' to making cakes aad puddings.
Its aunehtoe Into the lives of all those
of eoW ta»lled pdlatoee that have of one egg. ooe ieas|«onful of lemon About once a monlb they shouW he
^ .
P““‘ ‘®'o * b*»ta. te-i a tntueapopn
^ it to so much lighter and eari^ to
with whom she came In contact *
been diced. Turn both into a frying exuact SUr all together. Froel cake boned for ha’if an hour, after wetting **®®* ^®** “*®
butter and toe yriks o^wa: ^ handle tbaa' the ordinary earthen
lieteitoiLTMro »7 e C.Batos P« !» which there are two tabta- twice to toritre emoothne». Make the them thoroughly in white «Ab-.«d.
Nor wither her crulee would he;
beating one Into to. Ingro^
__ . l»wl ate epoona and wbiska aeehi to
to Home Cheer were never Idle wordi. iPoonfu'* of malted butter. Salt and fliet frosting rather thin, and the sec- To make a breadand-cake-cooler.
____ ______________________ ______
flt to it better to toe brotlng prooeas.
but were written from ihe depths of pepper to taeta. Pour to a cupful of ote tTOeUng somewhat thicker.
tack wlde^teahed chlcken wire flrmiy „ “
!?!.Thai remtode me of WMMthtog etoa;
sm wtth
when (be besting o( a
her owa experience, and her phllod- «ood rich milk-cream to better still-.
celery salt, pepper ate a itttls grated ;
opby of cheer was no mero theory. •"'I f^ob »ong enough for auffletant
toebe* deep. hZ SUTch^ To beppeMdouimaem
A,... .
tlree OM >dAdd
a pinch -A
oc —1.
aalt to *htbe
becamie the
spoon ot
but was livte out to piaetloe to her otoPOrstW to take Place to make the
White Cake.
cjoth douMe 'toe sUe of toe bov
whit, of the egg. and wbtok them to a whisk used to not tbe right shape "
owe home.
coDienu Just creamy, Hatf a taaq,,. N^^m. 412 W. Twelfth 8c Spread halt Ihe sheet on the adro. lay' So konto, cm off from ntsorinsi
very sUff^roth. kTU the hollow pleoea ’flt toe hand, or to awkward and. unShe alwaya believed that tbe little ■PMaful of onion Juice added with the ij^'hlte Cake—Two cupe of sagar. on It the hot bread or cake, and cover Go drifting Into tbe night,
of tomato at esptelUoaaly as poasible ,wtaMy.
tolnge were whai eotmtad. "Any of “H
P*IW makes a very good owchnif cop of butter, one cup of wito the other half. The loaf will not Oarknaae before aad around toem.
with the cheese mixture. Plaee them
aa wonld be glad to do some gresl Maaontog.
mree enpe of rifted floor, turn soggy .and tdammy; It will be «lto scarce a^gllmmer of light;
t once on a Well-batterte tin ate , One may not be able to afford tbo
good that would shsM the dteUnlei
Tw* Rice Futetots.
tbraa small taaspoonfuto of baking crisp outside aod light within.
They an acting uoder "sealed ordert."___ ____________
or toe faapptoesa. of many.” she ote Baked lOce-Over apSt of boiled powder, whttea of four egga.
In very hot wwatoer a kitchen, to- And sailing by .faith, not right.
is evenly browned. whl^'4S?
rigbUy aalcettime wrote. "If we were only rich, rice |wur an equal quantity of very
Put augur through the food grinder deed any room, may be senalbly coolshould take shoot a quarter of ito
” “*®*®
___ _________
___ed. our
-s aay, wa would-do tons or ao. Bit hot milk,
and allow___
mixture to_____
so aa to_ make
It flne. Cream bolter te by
putting cheeaecloto-. filled .....
(be line...of .....
^our. Half the above quantity
“* may be greatly taatMod

toe fact to. we are rich in all 'true root. Then sUr to half a tables^- and sugar, add milk, then flour and Mreena to toe wlndowe. and spraying Through good and evD
* ***^
evQ repoK.
m anffictant If only six «««ii poRlote *»<• «“
fa) ot mritte batter, three eggs well baking powder. Lastly add beaten the cloth repeatedly with cold water. They shall ride toe etorms out safely, of tomato wet* to be fllled
spoonr. i always try tbam to aos^
"A cheery -Good .Mom»6g‘ to those beaten separately, ate a scant tea- whites ot tbs eggi. 81ft floor and Tbo air airatoing through le not mere- p, 0,0 passage long or short.
lAmaioea With Cheeae-Btaneb tbe they Bi my band, ate are Mttber^
wbon we meet and paaa; a kiss drop- spoonful of sail. Beat Intimately to- baking powder together several times, ly tooled, but freebente. For such
toe ship that carries God's orders tomatoee skin them and pi«~r to a
®®'' *®®
Pte nnasked 011 a child's face: a i»- gather, and then add grtenally flour Flavor to suit the taste.
ueee choose the veo' thinnest cloth. A- shall anchor at taet In port.
well-buttered flroproof dtob.' Mix one
®®®®® **
Uent Itotenliig to mme ate eour. Story enough to rilghOy tkicken-a gill wtll

ctoto-mite frame to flt above a tow.
om dew
of trouble: a genUe Tm sorry when m about tha proper amount. Bake In '
ered sash helps to venUtate a eleeptag
• „rtapoonful of curry powder or paste «■ ®“^
, taJall we have to glv^-a . hot oven for thirty mtoutee and
Anool Food.
room, and at the eame lime pretocU

tabtaepoonrid of rod
hnndrte llule things like these, will. ,*rve while wenfl.
Mrs A. Hubka. 122 Unton 8t.
toe .sleeper from sharp drafts.
” ®"^
Boll ti on tor .taht “*-* •®®* *®“’‘
If we think to give toem. leave n Pudding With Batolns-lnto
Batolns—Into a Angel Food—Whttea of nine tam to ^tect meton, squash aad cumtoutee. aesMn the' tomtoee. and **®
iraU of happfneee behind ue aa we go double boiler put a haK cupful each of egga or tM
tmall ones, om ate
enrober vines from Inseeta. make To tbo toll __
ate the ta»k we have to do, -»*w the prepared sauce over them. who use tbe Are shovel lor a dM*
through toe day. which no gift of rice aad raieins. ponr over then i tourth cupe of granulated euMr. one tnunee fifteen Incbea equal* and ®»* aVomi sail aecorriy' and "^oly •prinkta with grated cheeee and Am pan and maabte their potatoes with a
» money could beetow. To have quart ot treab milk ate add a salt- cup of flour, a scant teaapoontul of (e
tncbei deep, tacki ccheeewetoUF^
tewed crumbs and a Uule melted but- fork. Then, do not scrimp on pis Ana
't«oa; I've
kao*n of other
the world toe hppirier that we have spoonful of aalt. Allow thta to boil eroam of tartar, a pinch of salt added oror tbo upper clde. and set them In
ptortaiiata Ulea"
tor. and bake to s hot oven for twenty and
who baked one pfo at a time,
lived to ft (bti day. that It onr great- gently for an hour aad a half, then to too eggsbefore whipping: fltyor to pi,ca a frame to, oach ptantte bia.
minutaa. 8«ve to a ring of plain women
beenuae of tadt of ttoe ate om eet of
aat privilege
'ted the wall-beaten yolks ot three suit taeta.
- Just as the sate bogtoa poeplng rp.
teUte rtoc.
a time bocanM they thought
“it is weU to iril toe jaqty ove^ •gn. « eupful of sugar ate vanllta or Sift.' mosaure and sot nalds sugar why or wherefore no roan knows, but
Broiled Tomatoes—Cut
utraiwgant te bay tiromMs of pom
ste over that o«r lives 4.ra tacaslr lemon flavor to toe taste. Pour- into and flour; whip egg* to a foam. AdT
sucking Ineecta wUl not live to or ''W
**ta atorme thtt thretaeMd
«l.h toe
the «°>> 1yet toeir war was moat costly
nador our own control. 'Lite ta what a pudding dlab aad bake W^a mode^ cream of tartar ate-whlp until very «teer them, so toe vines get a atari.
®mon a well-buttwwd hroitar with
we omke If M aa old. old'^adage. It ate oven Ull firm, then^oover with u stiff. Add sugar and beat to- whiten Moreover, they grow qiUckerate more K’aj broke o(»s my hHd:
«nh roll ate
aBMpeodsa^ toe point from which nwringue made Irom toe whites of the (Alwajw om a spoon to mix cake mtely. SomeUmea It Is well to i»t Hm haff toe paint 1 vo w^ tor.
p»w>er. ate Droll wtthont tnrntog over ”**'® *^?®
wo begin. ,'To work from toa mate- egg., brawn ll|*tly to to* oven 4nd vrith). Then add flavoring a^ boat toe framee on oven eartler-toey ke^
. . a moderote Are twenty mtodtaa. or till s»r teUHte of iboir time ate etrenffto.
rial, tbe ph^l, it to ns« tbe wrong set awiy to oooL
again. laaUy add flonr. and foM It uie earih moist and to boattof raiu Mt half the *qds that drtlUd by.
on a hot dlab and Tbe "soonomtaa" eome people pro>
end of tbe
We. oaibelves. are
-------------------IjghUy throngb to. mixture. Put at «ve It from packing. «cb CM or, .U ~.«1 ““ f*. l« u» .lom.
not bodies, but souli. Tbe body ta
once In a moderate ovmi. It win bake
uie. coW apriage. or thOM ot
U>e dangers evm cama
only an ooter coverini eonstanUy fall- This le a favorite Turkish dish. Piw- to tvasaty to forty minutes.harsh, drying wlMn tbe fromee are » fancied J could im.
to thick rilewe. covered with oUve o!L
iBff out of rotor like an oM garmeot Kart teuri moaauros Of boned chicken.

eepMtaUy belpfuL Thka oero to hni*
and tMa broltad. wrfltag fiWQueoGy. porisMe ate wa have sKowa tbat pem
pta to an effort to be rovto*. eomeaad aomt day Id drop off onurely. 'So ham or veal foat and wMtwd rice.FIFTH PRIZE.
m toe plants by ilfitog the boxes dur- ,
The Comfortod.
wtth iha-lhatortol world. It te but a Ssaaon to taste with salL pepper, on- *
Caramel Cake.
tor the warmest eunahto^ ate prop Out of my grief I made a ley. of thin brand ate butter and apnte Umee -Save at tbe tplgot. bnt wpsto
tool.chwL We—'a Individual ion and cayenne. Scald grope leaves Mto. Oee. H. Cress. 826 toxth ttreek ping them balT np for several boara. Out ot my taars a aens.
them with tomato palp, eroitinliif at the boaghota."
I that llvaa toride tbe body--le toe nniU they are wall wuted. On a^ Caramel Cake—Beal onobalt cap of when the rinea aro too Mg (or lh«B. Slaea sorrow u so hart to bear
wiSk a mue mMUrd.' pepper, paprika
*F»» •»
“ *• 8l*ea to baedta laaf roll a little of the meat ate rice, butler to-a cream, add gradually one (hey may be safely removed a^d the Ate Hie Is overlong.
and aalt; press another elloe of bread
FaMta Otean to Jiffto
aU natare'a -toroM. Bach one etands making smaU oval balta. 'Stow to iMt ate aMhalt cups of enter, the yolks pi*nw thinned out.
and taetteriupon them, removing the
to this toMT ktogdom a king, a queen, enough wutsr to keep them from of two eggs ate om cop of water;Cbeeaeoloth (Uled framm laU «««r'Ap<> PMce I call the Joy I
cruet: cut Into neat Bngers ate serve. la nearly etoy etroet to J Her* ta where to^ power begins. 'He brawntog.. Btantood lettooe or cte-adfi two cups ol floor.and beat con-'ih, gjass temper the snntone temto
FOntIveMee ls,toc e
Care ^ for oomfng day.

•w.. v.|. Y»
e could not aak for a be>ue.bcMkfasL
Com cakes with creamed chicken
is sa famous ManUnd
Han'lud dlab.
dlih. and If
eaten to one to be remembered..
To make Uieae cakes take a ten of
corn, two cupluls of milk, a UWespoonful of meltod .butler, salt to taste
and floor enough to make a thick bat.
ter. 81ft with the flour three level
toaapoonful, of baking powder and
lusrbefors trying add two well beaten
eggs., folding them to very lightly.
Thu batter shonid be thick enough so
tbat'ihe cakes will not run when put
on the griddle, which, should . be
greased Just enough to keep them
from aUeWng. tree to oach cak»,one
tableapoonful of baiter. These will
have to be fried rather elowly. otherwise they wllj not be thoroughly done.
When ready for the table they should
be at leaai an Inch thick ubd fried a
delleaia brown
bMh eldte There
wrved on the ptatur
‘‘•‘'*^'“® •®‘*
P«®P*« “»•
“ • »“bsUujie for toe imtauea

“• !-.r;r.r r'i.r'T'Js.

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