Grand Traverse Herald, September 30, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 30, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Novel Ohiblt Is on Oi^y In Pitts­




New Haven Syatetn Operated by In-


There is an epidemic of typhoid fe­
(»y I'nIW PreM.)
ver ai the Traverse City State lios
PlUsburK, ps . SriiL ST—Not al
Washington. Sept. 25.—"Msn fail­
Pital snd the atate health departm^t
MD.Itary proiiOi>ltion at all. but out of
ure" all along tbe line, from officials
has sent Dr. Slemmons of Grand Hs|>
pure curiosity a htwt of Pittsburg (oik
and directors of the New Haven rail­
ids here to trace nut the causes ol
visited the Ohsmber of Commerce to­
road down to its trainmen, is held by
(h^lsease. He is at present conduct
the iutersutK commerce
day and gated In awe upon a r»ke of
Ing his InvesHgatlona. but has not
common yellow eoap—(he soft, gooey
I have been the cause of tbe Welfound out the source of the trouble.
kind-valued at 12.300. li isn't a big
r 2. in wbivb
It has so far l>een ascertained that the
bUBJECre PERTAINING TO CRAFT cake, considering the value placdd
21 were klljed and S3 injured. In
water aupply Is pure and the food
typort/rtiade public fMuy ihe.cnr WOMAN
upon it- It mlgiit serve a thrifty famnil right, ao search Is i>elng made
Ravacee ef Cholera and Look of Sani­ mtssldn blames the <-rewe r^T^iY
yesr or an smbltinus Chinese After Gettif^ Money Robbers Board- ether directions. «o far there ha'^e
tary Reguiatiene Was Heavy
I-een seven cases in all reporii-d. all
wrecfced'lraine forr lapses an4sc-or<
isandrymsD a month. . The cake of
od Detached Engine and Made
Mombsro of Club Wiil Return Horst,
Drain tlpon Reaeurcos of
offlce'ta and directors for rineff
of those afflicted liaving come down
soap has been carved, gouged
. ThHIling Escape—Posses
in January to Elect Offlcsro
Little Nation.
witb the disease at tbe same ifmo and
Ssarching for Thieves.
scraped to present a verj' accurate
and OMlds Upon Plans
new cases are r.-i«jrted. The
bird's eye relief of the city,
tor Future.
denness of the outbreak surprised (he
for advertising pnrp
Ry foiled Press.)
hoNpiial authorities and they an
shows everything but the smoke.
rested in LessneperL
bandits held up an Ala)iams Creot termliied lo find out where the'dU1 who are la altendRuvhareet. Sept. 27.—RoumanU'e
Southern itassenger train early to<ia>
ance at tbe coBctotion of tbe Wostere
vlctorloui army In the "war" wlUi Bul­
(By United Fress.)
. Hicbigan Press dub recelvod a geogaria is returning and the troops are
esca|>ed with |llK>,t)ui) siier dynamit­
Kokomo. Isd.. SepL 27.—Burled in a
Din^ uplift Thursday- llimuKU the probeing fvcnl to their bomeo. The "war"
ing the express sale and rltllng the
hastily dug grave In a cornfield on .
cram tbat was gU^ la tbe city com­
—llterafiy jumping on a «aUon when
mail vara. acyor.Uog to irslnnieu who
Clyde Wljkinson's farm ne«- here, the
mission rooms. President Perry
Ir is down—which resulted in the tak­ TESTIMONY AT 8UL2ER TRIAL
arrived here. As th- train pulled into
body of Wilklnson'a wife. Mra. Anna
Powers of Cadlllse. lalled the ir
ing of several hundred square miles
Blbbville. Engineer lianiels was con­
Wilkinson, aged 28. witb tbe skUl
lac to order ahd briefly staled ’
of Bulgarian territory and adding
fronted by a masked batidH. who
crushed, was unearthed today.
alms and objecu of the orgsnizsilon.
thrust a revolver in bis (ace. Another
Wilkinson ^s arvi^M in r
He then called upon Mayor Joha G.
"w-ar" but not a deathless rt>ne.
robber grabbed the doors of the bag­
charged ^tb' tb'd'-in^f^. and
Btraab to officially welcome the rlsU
Rouguknia ran against a foe It had
gage and mall cars, while a third
brought here. The decompose coeora to tbe cUy.. The mayor was in
not fired on—cholera and typhoid. An
forced Klrenish Johnson to cut the
dldoD of the body Indicated that the
fettle and delivered a short adofficial
baggage a^d mail cars from the n-si
woman was murdered on August 29.'
West that was btiMllnE with good
of dead from cboliira at 8(7 but re­ ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT ARE
of the train, li^ the meantime three
when she ass last seen alive. WUpoints tbrougbouL He dwelt ui*oa the
turning soldtcra and officers declare
mail clerks were forced from their car
klnson advertised bis poasaasions (or
. tuDctlons of the V>ress and gave aa out­
that it exceeds 5.000. Many of the
the point of a gun by one bandit.
aals and aObr the auctiou two weeks
line nf tbe ways in whldi it has been MEN
bis 'two young
a greft factor ia buildiag up the na­
Is danger of the cholera epreadlng
train crew the others dynsmlted the
Mos. Family trouble U believed to
tion. Mayor Straub was followed by
throoghout Jtoumanla. In that event
safffln Ihe express ami mail carcSeUbe tbe motive for the crime Mra. Wil­
Ur. Powers who paid a fine tribute
will pay dearly for the
wo heatA sacks filled with mon­
kinson hsd left her husband and start­
Traverse City, and the po«.ltion she
rkory taken from Bulgaria whem the
1 br
ed to work in Kokomo. She returned
County is Divided into Distrieta Which ey and a package containing regls*;
occupies as tbe leader in all move­
latter cou|| not help Itself.
tered mall, the bandits hoarded the de­
to tbe farm on August 29. but was
Ars in Chaege of Co'nsul Charged
ments for the betterraem
' "
Recalllag tbe American-Spanlsh war
tached engine, oitened the throttle and Great Ineraase In Amount ef Uvenever seen alive again.
With Job of Raising
Grand Traverse region.
dlsappenre<U-ln the darkness. When
(By UttHed Pr«M)
Wilkinson confeased to the murder
■tock and Other Eshiblu Makee . and its confuBion on the American
. ll^Vmlor was called upon
thg engine raced through Tui
side, serious charges are made against
Albany. Bepl. 25.—The entire story this afternoon. He said he inred his
Awarding of Prixea a Lagive bis Ideas upon the subject and be
an hour later It was running wild,
(be wsr department of otter incapacity of tbe collection and expenditure of wife to tbe farm and when she refused
berloua Proceaa.
gave an exrcncot ulk upon the
(By United Prcss.l
w'lih no one in the driver's se.
in dealing wKh tbe commissary and nearly $100,000 on behalf of Governor to live with him again be knocked her
flnence the press had exerted in the
Detroit. Mich.. SepL 25.—How
Posses are scouring the entlro dis­
Thpusaods from all parte of the MDltary departments of the army WlllUm Suiter will be made public. down, kicked her in the head and
development of Western Michigan. He raise ten million dollars by Jnly
nor* section
saw the displays at tbe sent to Bulgaria. The qudsilon is The high court p( imiwachmeni today while she was still living be crowded
took the ground that the editors of 18H to pay for the consinktion of
If tbe camualltles from disease threw open thj^^dbors to all ol the evl- her My into a bole and buried her.
Gnfed Traverse Region fair. The
. the country have within their*, powier traDs-conrinenuJ highway from A
ttber man could not have been bet­ alone ia a war of a week In which not dence (.«IIecl«d by the imi>eachment
Jo taake and nnmake politicians, snd- lantlc to Paclflr. is the prrtblem co
ter and the people took advantage of a shot was fired, has been 5.000 from managers. By a uaemlmous vote il
"the same potfisr applies to the mat-' framing Emory VC. ClaHc, president
the fact and crowded - the grounds. cholera alone, ntaay buadisB frem was decided that tbe limitations of the
Ing of any section of the <-ountry.
of the nrsf National iUuk of Detroit,
Tbe work of insuHIng all the exhibits tyhiiold and no small numb« from articles of impeachment were no bar
Following this talk President D. H. and trea-surer of the i.lnraln Highway
dyaenter};, what would have been the
to such evidence. Tbe questioo
was over and the Judges were early
x'-'Say of tbe bureau began bis remarks association, tbe organization handling
their ardous work of deciding who deatbtoll had Bulgaria been In a posi­ arose when Morris Tekulsky, former M. A. C. STUDENTS ARE' ENTER^
by saying ihal lf It had not been for the the road movement. Clark baa underpresident of tbe New York ReUJJ
blue ribbon wlnnerd. The tion to fighL
press the development buresn would Uken to raise the aecessary funds by Warkihgman Has to Pay High Prices;
Dealere' asaocl^on. w
occotask this year is harder than ever be­
not be the (actor that it is today in that date.
Already approxlmately
- for the Ncceesaries of
cause of the great Increase In entries. pation was thqge days wlthonl food regarding his contribution to Sulier. Flan of Rev. Stsenma lo I
the upbuilding of this section of Mich- $3.000,(ino has been turned In or sub­
Plenty of Help fer tha
More Intercn has begn manifest In sfter crossing the Danube Into Bul­ The defense lawyera objected to
tgan. As It Is the bureau since lu scribed.
garia. The C^ommitaary department question on the grounds that an
founding has had the solid support
broke down completely. The three tempt was being made to write new
"The response by the large business
<Ry United Ptvss t
neersury that several new building*
of over 123 newspapers that are lo­ and financial interests to tbe recent ap­
Washington. Sept. 2«.—How
Eaat Lottsing. Mich., SepL 2T.—
be erected before the next fair. There
cated within the twenty counties that peal of the Lincoln Highway assocla- high coat of living climbs is evidenced
them turned out to be spoUeS, wormy lengtbr argumenL but finally Judge Housewives of East Lansing have
was something doing all day that
ooo^se Ks jurisdiction. These ps- tl6n (or funds has been most gratis- by the figures isttied today by the
and unfit for consumption. The hungry Cullen ruled that the impeachment found a aolntloD of tha sarrant prob­
amuacd the throng. The t'^pbell
must not be held down to the narrow
pen are all boosters and never lose ing.' nark Told tbe'United Press to bureau
ireau of labor statistics. They ahoshow- Concert band gave concerts in differ­ soldiers stormed tbe orchards and ate
lem—eoR^.men. StudenU eager to
aa opponuDliy to say a good word day. "Dur pledges at this date ;oial ed a Jump In prices of food (or the
unripe (rulL Dysentery and other In­ llralis of a criminal indictment,
work th^r way throngh have entered
ent parts of the grounds and the free
testinal troubles put a large portion was sustained by ao unanimous
for the disirlcL They do not confine upwards of five million dollars. Many workingman's table which averaged
into the domestic serviee with a will.
exMblUon of the Copelands attracted i
their efforts to developing ihejr own' of tbe leading manufacturing inter- from 19 to 122 per cent In ten years.
the army out of business. Not
Some are making beds, aome sweeping
good sized audience. This
peeling this snd being unprepared, the
sna, but always speak ^ eats have pledged us a sum equal lo 1 A marked increase over 1912 Is also
floors, some waahiag dlshee. and Rev.
pany of acrobats have a number of
hospital departmehi broke down com­
tbe section In general ip their s-rlie- per cent of thrtr gross yearly income, shown. Tbe sutlsties were gathered
Steenma. pastor of the
acU that were loudly applauded
pletely and was unable to take care
upa. He said that the object of tbe but usually a Hied amount is stated. from neigborbood stores In IndusIng People's church. U receiving much
when' they appeared. These free
bntwau Is lo develop this territoo' into The largest contribution wm for trial cities and were taken on April Bhow-s will be given four times each even of a small proportion of the sick. Sunnyrtpe Ubel Insurea Good and iwnlse for dlscovertnf this new aveThis resulted In many ODoeceasarr
a iluntry that Is beyond comparison MM.tViti. There have been quite a 15 last
ae for stndent energy.
day. The horse races were good, the
deatha. Acrarding lo reporU ia the
witb any other region, and so far the number ranging from $SO,0*>0 to lir.o.Rev. Steenma a tew days ago an­
Midway was crowded all tbe time.
One of the most Intereellng exhib­ nounced bis plan to aid young men In
an Paper*. It la believed that
work has been successful beyond the
Teddy bears, snooky Ookurud. vases
when tbe truth Is known—if It Is ever its of the. pomological display st the working their ways throngh coUeRe?
dreams of the most enthusiastic
"Althougb the route of the highway
>nd fancy- work In tbe hands of the
made known—Boumanla paid for tbe fair is a box of Wealthy applek from
booster. During the past four yean has recently been announced, tbe
people showed that they all hqd re­ lerrltorv uken from Bulgaria with not tbe farm of L. O. Vaught from (be and after bis announcement he adver­
there have been brought Into West­ ual work of construction will got be
tised. Later be was anovred finder
ef the fair. Many totfk leas than 10.000 lives lost on the Held west aide of tbe Peninsula and Is a
ern Mlcblgsn as a direct result of the started, so far q» tbe association is Valuable Timepieea Olaappeared
with appUcatiofis. Housewives '
adventage of the number of eating
that Is incomprtence and fine sample of tbe moet approved a little skeptical at (JlrsL but the dis­
adveriiRleg that has been done over concerned, until a sum aggregating
booths and remained on the ground* Inefficiency.
method of packing applea. This week trust is wearing-off now and the fn. S.fiiH) famiUes. according lo the million dollars has been secured. Our
The first lose during'fair week
As a marke of recognition. U.OOO fifty barrels of these were sold by the ture of tbe college »"«" as a '•maid'’
actual figures on file In tlte, bureau of­ forces sre iww at work raising this
reported to (be police came yesterdsy to gather for the "open till midnight' Jews who served In the "war" may be Waatern Michigan Developntent bu- seems assured.
fices. and this does Rot include all Amount. ,-Each staU through which
when D. H. Day of Glen Ha'en asked feature was an Innovation and every­ granted citlzdnsblp. There are tbe Battle Ci
Who have come to make their homes" the highway w III pass has a cbleY con;he aid of the authorities In locating one wanted to see bow beautiful tbe (KK Jews in Roumanla. Although Tbe apples are being lnt|>ected by Hie
JACKSON-Edward McCloskey aged
,8ul. whose duty it U to supervise tbk- * valuable wstch which be had wither grounds looked when Itlominated
they must serve in the army and pay bureau's expert. B. W. McIntosh and 45 years, and John CoIUns. aged 55.
The bureau baa not confined it*' collection of funds in hU territory.
lost or been relieved of
night. It needed just thU unusual Uzea. they are not citizens and have the SunnyTlpe label placed on each
are said to be dying as a result of
effons to developing tge fruit Indus- Through the sale of cerUfIcatas. atgrounds.
lighting to add tbe finishing tonch to few of the rights of citUena
They were sold for $1.50 j»r bar,-el, being stniric by a Michigan Central
.^ry at'jne but has incltfded all agri- eompanled by membership cards, we
many of the merchants displays.
b. Trave’we City,
freight train nt laalle. Their rig was
cuU-iral pursuits. AU'^e work that are confident of baring the amount
watch in a tronser'a pocket on i
The display of blooded stock shown
hsf> bi-en done was accomtllshed upon* raised by July 1. 19U. The cootrlbuand when he first missed it be was of by tbe progressive farmers demon­
a mere piiu&ce that has been raised Uons are. to a great extenL voluntary, the belief that it bad dropped out
strates that this region Is among tbs
tCotiiiuned oo. Page Three )
and therefore the rinaacial end of (be When no trace of it was found, how best for that purpose and if a cer­
undertaking is being conducted, with aver, ba decided that it was possible tain breed Is wanted and the fanner
out great expense.
tbat someone bad helped tbemaelves
he can raise the standard
"We hope to see a graat many more to the Umeplece. He reported to Clilef along All lines and the Grand Traverse
automobile manufacturers come for­ Caraon at once, but as be himself did region can be just as noted for its high
Ceriflict B<
t Whites end Blasks
ward with subsianllal subscriptions not know just when or how ft had grade cattle as It is for Its frniL Tbe
to Ba $
ted by BeparatJiig
;The fsrmera. who win bencm more been lost there was little (or tbe po­ Ransom farm ^ave Holstelns and Jer­
than any other class from the pro­ lice to wolit on. Several suipecU
seys that are a credit to any one. The
(By United Prets.)
The eeUbUsbment at a Burean of
posed hlghwaj-. have shown a keen In- searched and questioned last night, klaynard farm show Grade Dnrfaams,
Plano, lU., SepL 26.—Dlatmat of the Marfceta in the Dopartmeat of Agricul­
Sept. 26—A race
but nothing was learned which will
' terest in the project and many
does the Nicholas farm. These are «regatloB ordinance was paaaed by rural credit system being advocated ture. and a real rural credit eyutam
them along the route hare offered help the police in the aearcb. The prize winners anywhere. Bert KIIunless it conforms absolutely lo the which wlB completely dlwce Walt
watch was a very valuable onc.^fklr. mer's Durbams and the registered Jer­ tbe city council late today. Mayor currency measure advocated by Preastreet from lU domlaaoee of flDooees .
James H. Preston bad left tbe city ball
Day plMlng bis loss at $250.
seys from James Harris attract atten­ and the document was taken to his ideot Wilson In the Owens-Olass in the Untfed States
tion. The Bhinis farms and the Mil- residence where he affixed bis signa­ measure, was cxpraased here today by most Important subjects i
len are displaying Grade Jerseya
tbe eongr^ Spea^rs today de­
ture to IL This Is said to be the first
Canning plant in Full Operation
time a mayor of Baltimore has aigned Congrees which U hoMlag lu Thirty- manded that eoagreee gtoe tSem a
Provided For Ruraf Carrisra in New
This Is one^pf the attractions and Is any ordinance ouuide the dty boll. third annual oonventloB here. Tbe rural credit eretem whlcB wfll realtr
adjourns this afienioon. This relieve them of i
Miner Xrrsstsd Who Secured the Ex- owned by W. L Tbomajs. of the Pen- Tbe measure hsa tbe following UU«:
Insnia It is called the hotel canning
"An ordinance to prevent conflict year's convenUon has bew tbe largest half of thrir present intmeet bordes
ontflL Mr. Thomas Ust year found and lll-feellsg between the white and attended aad most important In the which amouBU today to nearly $600.(By United Press.)
000.000 annuafly. The t
Toklo. SepL 4 —A plot to assasl that he could not market all bU ap­ colored races In Baltimore clEy. and ta history of the organisation. Govi
Washington. SepL 25.—Mqre pay for
sister of foreign ples and so purchased this plant and preserve the public peace and promots Dunne, of nilnoU, headed a delegatioo Wall street of the money mSrfeeC de­
rural mail carriers because of IneseasalTalra. Baron -Nobnaki Mekino. nml used all the second grade apples from the general welfare by making rea­ of 1.000 farmers commissioned from clared speakers, has be» |he eele
ed woiit connected with tbe parcel dy^mlta the foreign office, has been bis orchard. In this way be not only
sonable prorialons requiring the use that state. (HUo.sent eight hundred cause of Ugh rural credtto uOiA ther
post Is prided In a bill Introduced unearthed by iho police. A miner who saved his apples but created a new
of separate hlooka for ruldence by farmers headed by Governor Ckix. dalmed srin be reduced to neetosl Md
today by Repreaentative Woodruff of
He has brbite and colored people reapectlve- Governor Clark, of Iowa
atolen explosives for ibis purpose market for canned gSoiM.
only if the
ten women employed in paring.coring
has been arrested.
fire hnndred from the Uawkeye State.
’ measutb to mate a
and quartering the applea The cook­
Maryland is represented by 200 fartnPAfUS—"Homielda by Impnideoca"
VIENNA—The people of Styria^ ing is done over an oil atove and the
mueh over era; Wisconsin by 600; Minnesota by
Another Impotant suWedt eoaaidU the rtianta lodged against an actress Austria, ars nigbUy terrorized by
patent canning outfU doea all the reel the in-treatment of her hnalmad that 400. and Indiana, Mtoaourt. Trass- ered today was ImprovmnMt U rural
la wboee house Pierrette fleury. pro­ pack ef wolVsa. several hyenas am
of the work. Tbe apples are pnt up her'tear dneta dried up aad had to be MlBBourt and Southern States are rep^
Us. Dr. B. P. CUatoa. U. B. 0(«»Perry F. Powara, FraaJdsnt ef Waatarn fessional beanty, died front eseeasive
Itonm and bar cubs, which esaped in gallon eana Mr. Thomas states renwved, Mrs. Matilda A. Pape to ao- raeeafed by many hundteds of farm- misUoBW of Bdfieatlen was the prtadMichigan prpaa Club.
use fA ether nsd epiain.
from a menagerie.
(Omtisued^n Page Five.)
Ing (or dlTom.
pel speaker ea this topla.

















They also Want System to Con&nn lo Proviaioaa of New
Owens-GIaas Currency Measure.






Bpell BO that anybody bnt an eit>en iprat Sunday with toddle Sours.
large niimlier of people
When You are Doubled Up
With craniiis. cholera morbns. rheu­ In hieroglyphics ran decipher their
Duncan Morrisoa made a business
lianglng about the cllies with app.armatism or pleurisy, jou need a bottle
ontly nothing to 3o. It Is a safe guess of RENNES rAl.N-KII.I,lN(J MAGIC meaning. As sll business in this
trip to Traverse City one day .last
that when men are seen loafing about OIIct It gives relief. It is a powerful try Is conducted in the Oiglbh week.
laiwuage it is reononable to sappoee
town all day that they are engaged
Nearly every^ in_ the nelghB^rthat tbe ritlldron sboold be taught bood is planning to spend at least one
PoMWmA TiNMm ndi navdAf* at
In eome torepmablo business at nlgbt
Trareru Olr. VtcliliaB. by
along llnra that will provide them day at the fair tbb week in Traverse
In order to secure a living. The man
with ae complote a knowledge of the
Prank Sours went today and
are here. The oountn' editor It one’pry and am alive and well." Your who win not work Is generally credit­
of the real assets of the nation, for;iiioney refunded if ft falls to benctU ed to the hobo class, and Is not es- which never reach a market. ’I'Mm Is mother tongue as possible. They •;ill stay all the week- He Is su|ierQBO. O. BATES. Uai
. GIBSON, BdJior.
b. I. m blo»r iccb «.b ,b. ™,n,o« |
intendent of the horse department.
peeled to wear go<id clothes and put due to careless handling of the wp should be tanght tbe principles
run of i>eo|>le than any other class of l>hce hi>c and JI.Ou . Cttalwnteed. by up a front in soc!cl.v. If on the other while growing and still more ao In properly expressing themselves upon
Mabel Egbert left Thursday for a
Bwood-clan natler bualneas man. He is always oi
harvesting. Another element that en­ tbe written psge. and when they have few days' visit at her home in .Nonh
all aruggUis. of Ttaversi City.
hand a man who Is known If have
alert for the hapiienlugs of his ----—
—--------about -well dressed ters into Uiis groat wute Is the lack expressed themselves It should be in Milton.
munitr. and at the same time he is in *od the result of their work U' that and-doing nothing It Is reasonable to of faclUties on the farms for working sneh ^onn thst U can be eoally read
the flrat to interest himself in any up- ‘hey are enriched by the public cred- supiwse Uiat be is working's side line up the Inferior grades of fruit and and Interpreted by any who chance
ward movement that may chatic'c to ulliy. while their vleUms afe damagi-d of some kind that Is not within the vegetables which under the present to rood their prodnctloBB. U Is not
m rront St BoUt PiwnM » take shape. If he is the rlRi i hind In many tngtanoes beyond repair,
law. It Is an easy matter for detect­ plan are allowed to either rot on the reasonable to suppose that every child
Grawa. Sept :t,-Mrs.
A. Clark
of an editor he Is the .leader of-large percentage of Ihe people have ives to keep track of this clast and ground or are fed tc the animals, can be made into a wriUr but they
thought In hit rommnnliy'. and never Ian' Idea that there is something the I by having them under thglr notice
tliey do not contain the ele­ can be Unght la aneh a manner that and daughters -are vbiting
Clark's mother. Mrs. Veil of Elk Rapmisses an opportunity to call the aVjmaller with them and they afe
Ont raar........................................ Jl.fii laaSraace
all times can better prevent them ments that will ratten the stork they they can express themselves in an in- li,,
Sis montha
........... tSe la adTaac* tentkin of his readers to wavs in salififled until they secure some kind
Tbraa laanUn............. «c la adtrancA which Iniprovenienia c*n be made In^of dope to lake which Is recommendE. M. KooD'aitoni1<-d the M. E con­
some'^rae in order to recoup their lay In transit of products froi
ly to teach children languages when
his home town. In these times themed as an Infallible remedy for all the treasury. Every
farm to the city market results in they are stran^rs to Gie basic prln- ference at Balilt- Qreek and has been
gppolmed to the Bendon charge.
eonntp' editor musi stand for some-, ills that flesh is heir to. The prev
great waste, through rot in hot weath­ cifries of their own tongue. BngHsb
Miss Ethel Crandall of Keystone, b
thing In his coinmuniiy and work dayicienre of raw food cranks and othcr!|Zt"Vu^^ tlm« anr^whe^ver'anv er and freeslng in winter. Better should be taught In a praci
amt night
nicht lor
fnr the best things in civic fake dieticians
dletlclaos has led I'ncle
I'nrle 6am
fiam to
tni .
visiting D. E. Craatlall and family.
'lime is committed it is generally one transportation fttcIlitiM will be neces- ner and after the pupil la well goundAccording to tbo outlmateu of the and social life. It Is a dniy an editor
take up the work of ferreting out the
veatber'borpati the amonat of damase owes his readers to provide them with gulliy ones and putting them out of of ihU gang who did the work. The ary In the future in order to eliminate ed In his native Ungnage it b time te
problem of the future will be to get this waste and save it for general use. take up the others according to hb
SoM to ratlroadi. wtre conipantes. a paper that will be
esFoniial In business for the public good. It U the
rid of this kind of parasites and eith­ So much for tlTls end of the business, Inclination. Bngibh stt^iea are pro­
farai properly and profpeeilve crops their homes.
that will he Intention of the department of agri- er. force them to engage in honest but there Is another sonree of waste
vided in ' the curriculum
ia ibe sutee of Ohio and IndUna by merely taken
order to do the ed-|f„iu,re to analy«,e these different toll, or else move out of town. There lliat has''not been considered and very
schools, but this b no IndieaUon thst
tbe hoods Uat aprlaa »UJ auKwat lo ttor a good U
The country editor foods that are oRerod to the cicdulous
has been paid
this it if faUiliing the mission expected of
♦IC.OOO.oon. Tbeae flpnirea do not In-. must inject nriginsl Ideas In his pa imbllc, then give their Ingredletfts is BO place in this country for the
elod«- the damage to property in the per if he mal es it a winner, for the with an official sUtement of their professional Idler and as long «s he leakage until the presenf time, when it by thoee who outlined tbe courae Of
study. M'hst tbe people at laige
-«4Uea that -acre Innadaied. which people can gel all the ether kind of merits as remedies snd embody them
«CI probably be aa eanaJ If not gwat- reading matter In the larger city pa- in s siiecial imbllcatlon which will be mlted and the law abiding element tions along all lines where it b betjev- pept .from the pnblle acbMl system
er amottav A loan trf Ibla maKnltwde jwrs. The country newsi*ai>er flndslBiy<.n , »jde clrculstlon. It Is hoped of Ihe community will be unsafe. All ed that a possible nviDg ran be made. Is results, bnt a brief in](es(lgation
This Is In Uie household where It ta into'what the children are really learneanaot help baslm: a detrlmeBUl ef­ no comjietUion from the large dailies'Uris metliod to get the people out jiersons -who have been known
commit crimes are registered In the figured that (he waste In meat prod-'in,; leads ae to the belief that the.
fect upon the whole eonalry. and the and w*k!les. for they ia.-k the Wj,1p* of l.ujiog somethipg that
rogues gallery in every police dethat are bought for table nse|aebqols
falling far short of com
saddest part of the whole matter la sonal elemeni and>cal touch, that Is ^
that a great deal of tbU destruction the dlsilngnishing tnoAST ,he local „ hcforo\hey know the real standing liartment in the country. Now In or­ amounu to at least fifteen per cent. | moo efficiency In the branches
der to carry the work stlH further This b doe to two reasons, the care-Jstudy that win proce of real benefit
could bare bedn obviated had the
small dsHy. The "rW of of the ones who have the r
Ihe country liai'er is lltulted. and fori sale. The hardest Job the governmei the nest step will be to regist<>r all ieasneat of help and tbe high ^ona to the child In after yeara. The
people have as to what (hey shall eat, schools (oday need more attention to
the Idler. In the country In the
I be workeil I
en In the flooded district In years gone this reason 1
' I has bad in the past few years U I way. and by mo doing a record of regardlesE of whether their Income practical education and lera devotion
, SUWBukXiiildiiic.
by; Th^ amount of money represented intensive manner In or.lcr to Produce
will fUnd for the luitirtes or not. By _ to the frills and lace work that b now
them win be avalUble. so that
^ this loas would bare been several the best results. Every body in . small
.nd ch.rl.un. who sec easy
police forces of the dliea can keep curbing this houschould waste at least In vogue and which hampers
times more than snfncient to have town like, to see their name In Printthree millions more people could be actual progress of the students.
Gi-t thfir list of propvrlii'.s
diked ai^ cleaned out the rivers that and It is the duly of the editor to sre
^jcertl.lng their
them busy, or moving so fast that fi>d by the same amount that b now
with owners'addri'SKt's, or prop,,,,
overflowed la*t spring, a work that .hat this condition is made .0 come to
they will not have time to commit confined to tbe use of the smaller
usilion to KclI your
was begun afte^ the damage bad been pass once a month at leasl.
good in this direction. One fraud anf. depredaUons.
numb^ of people. UTten considering
the Increase in general inieldone, the coat of which will also have cotint
follows another in the enuntry ao fast
tbe high coat of living this problem
to be added to the amount that was Kgence it takes a belter man to stir- that It keeiM the government officUls
—_------^ of waste is one of tbe most important
at cost of ♦2.'x. IJnyer and sellestimated as coveHng the total loss. ces*.fully conduct a country newspaper more than busy In running them^to PSIUUBS CUUU
factors to be reckoned with, and
er may deal direct if they pre­
When the returns are allln U will be toclav thsn it did twenty-years
earth before they kill off too many of,'
fer. .
some method is devised to educate tbe
Aa the Tanama canal nears
found that at least half a Wlllon dot- lam the man who takes up Ibis wor>
(heir patients who pin their faith to
I’ell as
pletlon England is becoming more people along the more economical
lars worth of property was destroyed , mu i' a‘e a goo.! education
I the fake remedies that are offered in
restless ovet the question of a water­
by the floods which could have been »
stock ..f
ro.n,trj ..llior l> .
■“"> “
way between the two oceans w%ch demand in many locallUes. If all Chat 'T^he movement of potatoes Is very WANTED-Somp good hardwood land,
prevented for all time b'y the expendfarmer raises on-hb farm with the small for the past few ^a>rar-Tbe price
she could control and wiUv'tbts end
Itnro of a fraction of that amount, bad li Is simply up to him to make the*
near tosrn. cleared, work to be dime,
of hlB opiwrtUDltles.
In view the English press Is taking exception of what he devotes to his b 35 cents. Those wife are bringing
the work been ^one a few years ago
now or next spring for dn.e or two
learned pains to point nut to Co>umbia that own use could be utilixed and the pre^ them In show that tbeylare very care­
There is a great deal i
when the first symptoms of a heavy
years' cr<4>. -A. Roeenthai. Traverse
- Mon
be taken on the oonsumpUon ful in the-grading and fV this n
there is no reason why Uiat ‘ little
flood were In preapecL Lad( of prep­
City. MIcb.
not only by strangers, but by the local South Ameriran nation should not end of the line, the unfed mllHons Wre b very' lltUe question of
aration bn the part of the people for
people as well. The exhlblu
could be supplied with substantbl quality. Some good quality of hay b
calamities of this nature is Me of the
prodject is backed by safficlent foreign
most fraUM tonrees of -1#m. The the intent of the -Mann white slave
to pay 62.0(Ki or more down, ran
is would not be soarfn'g as Uiey al-e tbe average.
law which has been coasirueiTto cover 0>c ones who sec' them with the real capital. In thU way It Is hoped to
time to fix a leaky dike, or add to Its
give plenty of Ume on balance and
the present time. It b time for tbe
only as
another trans
beightb Ig during the season when the
. sell a fine 80 acre (arm itear Kings­
econoniisu to gel busy in an auempt

water is low. for by so doing It win
ley «i(h the best of sol] and im­
teach the |>eople how to use in an
, dominate and thereby handicap the
There were seventeen kteds of p»
have time to season and thereby be side. Some argue that (be intent of Industrial region as well. U *8
provements. Tblb is a snap which
Panama canal which will be contrail- economical manner the materials with tatoee weighed Saturday, the average
‘able to resin any attack the^ water the law is not to the pcrsoTisl ^'“F
should be takes advantage of quick.
i»,l„ or mn
womni .hiMi"" •'! e-™
1-nt th,
..urf, whh'h they supply their Ubles and price being 30 cents. Tbe quality was
may make upon It in times of freshets.
when this lesson has bean aaUsfactori- good In all cases. A number-of toadq^ Imm^i^^ possession. -eFbr further

Tbs floo^ ffnb7*Unas alone ^
parileuiara aMresa “Clovcrcreft’’
of (arr^ producu were also weighed.
\ toll on vcssela which pass through the ly taught there will be noticed a
Ohio and tributary rlrem, latt.«priDg merriy be applied when women are ^
care The HeraW.
sept. :S-2t
that ‘have been turned out
dertul change In the- conditions Four cm of apples were- shipped by
‘ during
had the effect of waking op. not only taken fro® atate to autc for
the country. It means tbe freight and forty bush'eb of peacdies
Tbe progressive element of this beretofore been contended that the
The law'went wlththe people who r«eide-iD that section,
T0145A14 -oa cood and weU
coQBly and regioo have for a long Columbia route is a feasible one
saving of mtllfODs tiythe producer and and forty-lire baskets of grapes by exquenion
Oavia, 212
but the naHonal government a.< well
lime been telling the story of abund­ (his suggestion shows the tend
tbe saving of life In tbe cities where
8tate Bank Bldg, Traverse City,
to the necessity of providing beiten men in ralifornia fell nnder its opera­
ant cmpii and active Industrial lire,
anril 224f
wages arc low and the cost of living
protecUon to tbs sections that lie be­ tion and werA convicted and sentenc-| and now the proof of their elalms b on the part of Great Britain to get
beyond tite bounds of reason.
PARM PROOUCE-«uylPg Prieoa.
low the level of the river. U will ed to serve time in prison for their of-^ set before the people in tlie Nirm of even with the United Sutee
.Potaioea ............................................;.30c
Uke mlUlons to build the proper pro­ fense. Now that some of the prom­ ethlldis U the fair. There has been charging toll oa foreign shlpptas
Butter ..............................................22025
tective walls, but it will be money inent peojde tihanctsllv hsve been af­ a raarveionx change in this part of when the Panama route is fonnall.v
...................A.............. ...........
aell Invested In tbe end and will pay fected by the law agitation has surted the sute during tbe past deegde. and 0|K*ned. Heretofore the EnglUh have
Hay. loose....................................1160117
limit I’s nppUcaiion In a manrter
ohjecu-d to this payment u|>on highlarge dividends to tbe ones who live
It is evident that the silo b’ one of
Straw, per ton .................
that would enable men of this'class to the majority of the people have l>een
in the threatened districts.
escape their Just deserts. Most of the more than willing lo keep up with the
can poeseas. It not only anpplies hb
federal Judges believe that tbe Isw phocession of progresa. and many of motive behind their protest. It will stock with food that never becomes FARM PROOUO^—•elitiig Priess.
as applied at present is within the inbe remembered that foreign capital stale, but (t makca hb (odder go a Potatoes.................?............................. 70Creamery batter . .>........................... 30
fent of tbe measure, and unless too movement for better things. Tfn and genius tried for many years
great deal farther and also eliminates
In hto address before the members
eat financial and poiltical^pressure years ago It would have been
build the Penenu cansl but slgnally the element of waste wbtdi b one Dairy butter ........................................20
Eggs ........................................................24i
of the Western Michigan Press club
brought to beer to prevent lu prop­
- failed In the attempt and after the
last nl^t President D. H. Day. of the er enforcement it Is evident that" It a large exhibit of the producU of the United sutee took over the project of the greatest bandiraps wi
Ducks, dressed ................................... 11<
the farmer has to contend. Farmers
Development bureau, atrucic- tbe right
Hay, baled..........................
6- There­
he changed' lb order to pro- soil and workriiops. bnt today tbe only it was found that the work that had are coming to see thfa li
fore they should be of modem
lead when he stated that the results
Hay, loora ....^............................... >1!
certain class of wealthy ii'cea- difficulty that has been mot with by been donq by the best experts
point and are building silos In greater Straw ...................................
hunt of most dnnble
of the development of the fruK indus- crates wim beltave that the nation!‘*>*
M *be queatim £raiire. and Europe as well, amount­
materials and srtiitirally BnUT In this part of the sute which has shouia l«. raled by licence. Instead of,®' •‘'^'^ng sufficient aimec in wh^h ed to practically nothing.' NSliec it numbers than at any time in the his­
ORAIfe—Troverra Cl^ Mlllliig' Ce.
Isbed. Y'ou will find only such
tory of the region. During the past
been accomplished In the past four law and decencr. The Mann act« InPrioii corrected every WProi-erly house the ApUya ^n- comes to putting through a high
at tbe works of
years would be In a 'Uigf mrasuro lAmreted at present Is doing a gfeatl®“'"'caparltyJon grade piece of engineering the United four yeara there have been 3.»0 new tVhe^ 60 lb. teat............................... 87<
siloe coDstnicted lit Western Michigan Cora ...................................................78<
Travnne Ctor. Mich.
lost unless a better market Is secured work throughout the country In pro-j“'''
»'»'* '®
Stales is the nation that can be de­ which Is a. showing that (be district
221 Bay 8L
^tb Phonsa.
for the products of the orchards. The tectlDg young girls, and as long as It
to, take raw of tbe rsbibils pended upon lo carry It to coipplemay
ohly way Id which this can be dohe meets Ihe need of the titi«>s Ihe peo- “‘“f
offered. The merchants, ilon In far shorter time than
of a stlo b found in tbe fact that White navT beans.......................... 61.65
Is by the growers adopting a standard pie will not insist so mud. upon the
manufacturers s^ the other nation poslbly could. Tbe
and Embhlmer, Sit South Union 8L
plenty of fodder can be secured for Red kMoey beans ...........................|1.7S
pack and label for their fruit which real intent of the'm-aeure It will not
ediftatlonal pletlon of the Panama canal
Mrs. Nellie FYaiL oeslstant. Otz.
stock in the sections that are not well Buckwheat, pee 100 Iba..................11.25
will enable them to guarantee their stand the proper legal te.“t it is
®' ■ region fair, and tbe fact fnrnlsh the clinching' argumen
phone rrs. We treat you ta wa
adapted to the growing of forage
GRAIN^oamii «. Cay Co.
produn and hold the market after it
up to the next cimgreps to amend tlial tie ezhihiu have doubled from
rices eorreeted every day.
has once been secured. The system it so that «t ran be applied in the fu­ year to year It proof that the
adopted by the bureau has been tried ture as it has been in the |>ast. The has become a permanent fixture every reasonhble to ,auppo8e that England acreage of forage crops ran be made Wheat, 60 lb. teat...............................
OtH this year and the results have measuiy-as now interpreted is'produc­ fall. By attending the fair the rity or any other nation will try to fi­ to go* farther than under‘any other Cora .........-r........................ ;................
Tttelh Extraeic« AtoMc
system that has as yet been discov. Rye. 56 lb. test ...................................
ly WllkMrt Fata
been vv?' gratifying to the ones who ing the deslo'd results and that is all people ran learn-^liat is going
nance any project to build a compet­ ered. Western Michigan is destined
Oau .......................................................
By the "Ka-oUr" method I can rahave had the bureau expert ins|>ect the people want. The intent of the
country, while
ing canal. Tbe United Sutee has become a great ds^rj' and stock cot
move those aching teeth absolutely
Buckwheat, per 160 lbs ................I:
and endorse their park. The
measure evidemh was to protrot the
the right of way In the matter and
wltbonl pain, and without the asa o2
and no other element will help
who have adopted the method 'lisv-e glris and not the wealthy offspring i
t**®*® win malnuln it regardleas of rumor,
jlrngs to produce nnoonsclousneas.
to bring about this desirable condition Hoo ............
realized double upon their aiipie crop. of .eruln fimllK-.« who never see the *"'*
Jbople of nervmn temperament and
or competition that may he devriopmuch as tbe building of silos upon Bteeri ...........
..4 to 7c with weak hearts will ap(weclate the
• which Is miincient to reedmmend the
Of tbe individual hping hedged
ed in the future.
every farm la the district. Methods In
-..2 to 6c “KaKdar” method of patolsaa ourao
plan to MI thinklng'orehardlKis In the about bv any kind of Uw For thel’*®'’***
farming change the aame at
region. Market conditions are siKb In
ntion the Man ac, should

other business and the (armw who Hides ............
266-206 Wllbelffl Ble^ with Dr. HoUfe
tbe cities that there Is no l^gcr a de. be enforced in such a maimer as toi^
keeps in touch with Ibe modem Meat Calf...............
mand for the kind of apples that have Include all kinds of momr^apscs that*
One of the many causes of the high b the one who will prafK aa tbe years Boras bMra .
bees sold in the past, and unless the It has been applied to In the past
M. * N. E. TIME CARa
cost of living can be directly traced gd by. A silo on every farm will
growers adapt their methods to tbe
It Is now believed t(
that there will be a much gi
to the waste that occurs from
l^.Trav.Ctty.. 2:00
'4 60
new conditions they wilt find that
noipIcBl lo prevent dlsMse and other time a product li raised until it Is fin­ profit In farming than there ts at pres­
I 2:27|
, Ihelr orchards will not yield a profit
■Many people wfio run contraiy 10; things that work to the detriment of ally consnmed. Much of this waste ent through the prevention of waste
Cedar City.' 2:55
And under tbe operation of the new
nature In trying toYegulatc their dlctj'**®
li due to the rnsb and burry which and the systemblBg of tbe business.
Provemont | 2:27
Sulser bill and the aUle laws goi
ir (n nire snin^ enal nr- fancled'®''
^ I
“"cured a foothold. Is one of the craracterlstics of modern The more silos there are tbe greater las. Ira Bare and Mfke Doyle have
Cedar Run...........
Ing the packing and sale of fruit they
their!''^*8 system Is followod by (he medl- bailoess, and which aends both ma­ will be the prosperity, and when tbe finbbed fllllng tbelr tUoe ulng the
lake Abb.............
wDI Boon be entirely without a t
machine owned by Prank Reynold!.
Ptotte RItot.........
ill odrleed sriion. which jn many
®® w®" terial and men to the acrap heap former is prosperoos all other'
■ ket of any kind. Apple. In order
Gray baa parriignad
a bran
Honor ...................
cases either resului in ,«rmsmenl in**''>«
“>■' '*'« «''•
long before their time. If t
bring wtet they are worth In
Enaplra M...........
buller and was working In tbe neigh­
Jury or death. So romman have the I'»
»"« ' was not so mneh anxiety tq get things
open market most be graded and pack, experts In dietetics become throtishout
be eUled that done on the farm a raving of at least
cd ri^t. for the cmatoasers in
B. a Dow was here tbb woek look­
the country that (be United Slates
devised ten per cent conid be Reeled from
cities ore aware of the laws (hat are government has decided to take up tbe '''"'Yby a great deal of the crime, that
ing np tbe wood bustneos. He reports
that source. When It comes to
In effect and Insist upon getti^gt^ matter and try to protewt the people
it as uncertain when the furnace at
committed at present can be kedng there te onodter waste that If
llriK) 6:B
flmtt when they make a purchase The with weak stomachs from thWselves.I'’®"*' ■**>'
Work in tbe pabUc aeboob
BIk Rapids wUl atari.
«> »tvni slm properly bandied would feed mltlkms.
fruit growers M Western Michigan The great majority of these- self styled
Beveral attonded the Travorae coun­

’®«®® *»' Pr®'«*«ns According to sutlstlcs there U near­ been arranged otong lines that lose
hare the maan^ offered them for ae. experts hsve no knowledge of the'****®**®
dlsUni ly a one-fifth loas on farm prodocts sight of th^ fundamentals, and In tbeli ty Hair (ram AUyn.
caring the higbwt prieee tor their
place, li
------- -.............. Bveiybody is busy with «aH work
fBFo kBd women lo the cjtles
products, and tkthey are real busii
jwho have not rtaibic means of support
not of prdcUcat beneflt to tbe stndrat sad most oil bare more than they con
' siae they wiU
advantage of the
will he canstantly nnder the eye of the
dafest LaKstive
In after life. One of the high ert
oppoftanlty and make Western Michi­
oonimitted by modem edurators b the
Mrs. Orta Dtogmoa of WlUIamsbarg.
laxative. Dr. King's
New Mfe Vfflls'
gan temous the coontry over et the are
relegating of tbe Bngibh
Tialted at James Dean's a port of.laat
Igr iBfluti oaa ChOdna.
good becanse they are promirt..
they wlll -not b*
home of good troU and hoaeot pack­ aafe. and do not rauw^ pain. Mrs.
^ commit
crimes and
a back seat In the average high school week.
------------- ------------- make tbeU
ing. It U not only to their flnoncur C. Dunlap of Leadlll, Tehn.. aays-; “Dr. escape as they do at tbe proaeal time.
T. J. Corw retonrad. to .Traverse
curTtculuB). Tbe effect of tbb plan b
fntereeu to'tlo tUg but tha rtpntn- Ktog-s New Ufe PHU helped tier At. present there Is a great demand
to torn ont grodnotra (ram tbe public City today, after ageodlag a week «■
troobles greaUy." Get a box today.
lYoias arvtva at l^vorot C6ty 6:S2
tkM of the r^^n tfeponds npoa fholr Prira. »e. Raconmended by all drag- for workbra thnll lines of In^stry and
seboob who can noitber write an in­ tbe farm.
. tn.. 16:30 a. m.. 6:26 p m. and 6:66
prilon in this mttXm.
them b no reason why Utore should
gists of Tnvorw City.
telligent article, ponctuote properly
Cb^oUe kioare of ttortt HUtoo. , ra.
Ds You Fear cosiumptlonT ,
No matter how chronic your courSi
, uc bow severe your throat or Iuiie uilToJsy and tomorrow tae ne»aiwi>er;^pj,j ,, 1,^
men Of western Michigan are guesu wm sarel.v help .von: It may save your
of the dty and a aeries of enterialn-;life. Stillman Green, of Malachite,
ments bare been preiiaredlfor them
writes; “Two doctors said 1 bad

CraaJ Traverse Herald Ihe , Country


Poor EcoBoay

H«Ws This?


Pardee Bosiness Exchange

ffhe Markeb



Osrnions Miler

An Edocator

Bdps the Fanner

leal KeyaBte




Need PreveaUw

FsDowliil Fads





work. Mr. Day loek ocraaion to point
out the Breat need of cold storacf
plants throughout the district In or.
der that the growers will bo able
Intense suffering, but binder their
hold their crop for better prices f
OINTMENT can be relied npon for
not hare to sell at a time wben*l
lief and permanent cure of suffer
market Is flood^ with fruit from all babies whose skin eruptions hi
aecUotts of (he country. In dosing his made their life miserable. “Our hi .
was afflicted with breaking out of the
mummified 80Die« OF INFANTS
irks he called attention to
skin ■
e and- scalp.
display that a Canadian development tors a
ilallfts failed
company had at the region fair and help.
. ,
aald that he thought that It wa
poor way of advertUIng Western Mich. bshy completely cured before one boi
was used," writea Mrs. Strubler. Im
buque. Iowa. AU drugglsta.
E. B. Rett of Crand Rapids, spoke
briefly.' calling Ihe attention of
FOUND delegates to the Importance of
arounVtheir necks.
poultry' industry in this section of
state. Poultry and fruit go hand In
Imnd and one cannot Ih> made a
Hmm Had Been Occupied By Family siicceas without the other.
'Michigan and a closer cooperation
far Seventeen Yean But Their
H. B. Cook of Chlca»o. who reprethe papers of tlie region covered by
Whereabeuta Are Now
senu the Wesieru K^apaper Vnlon.
the Western MichlEau lyeveiopinent
was present and stat^that his flmi
bureau. Many pointh were brought
was ready iit all times to help In the
regarding the good of such work
work of developing the region and
Mid it wan suggested tlint those who
(ny 0oJ»d Ptcm.)
would l>e glsd U> receive any material
)>ay dues In the oue organltatlon shal
Centrol fhy. Colo., Sept. 2C.—The
along this line tliat would bdp the
have all the privileges of the other. At
dried up bodies o| three IntanU wer«' good work along.
the meeting of the Press aanortatlon
louod io the Barret of a a home
Pred W. Gage of lUtHe Creek, was
that will be held in Gran^,
niack Hawk today., The family which he lea
lending atirailloii of the evening
reoted the bouae for 17 years raeatt^ • Itli IiMs Illustrated lecture u|k>& the Week those matters will be brought
U|> and discussed.
•two.Tears airo- .Last April ti w
snhjecl of a cost system for printing
Another meeting of the Press club
ed by- Joseph WaUers. lalu. r. XVhllr offices. Mr. (iase Is (he owner of n
will 1)0 held In Traverse City,
repalrl&B the root in (lie carTfi. he
priollng tilam In Battle Creek,
suiDbled over a bundle of beddlntr. ahil has made a careful study of (he election of officers was postponed
til the next meeting of the ort^nlu
wlilch when unrolled,
problem he Is.handling. and what he
•hich will be at the time of the
mumniltted body of an apparently sBld shuuld beSdopted by.}fvery print­
Bcw hem infant. Two oUier handles ing office in Ihe counlry'. fte.lffd-not annual meeting of the Western Michi­
contained bodies of two more Infants. believe in a printer doing work for gan IX-velbpmeiR bureau January 2S.
The suggestion was made ibat there
Around their neol^ wVre sirandn of nothing and In order to help them to
cloth which'ai
e apparently used i help llle^^selve^ out of the old nit he be several meetings held during the
(hat Traverse City Ih- the
atrangle then.
outlined a cost system that is in prarp<-rmuDem headquarters for them. The
llrob ojwnMon in the t>est paying
I Iasi hour of the session was turned
open forum for the dlsciissioii
lecture was of Interest to hiem-j^j
the dally problems that iiave
bers of the craft who want to do bus-l°
(Continued from pajte one.)
H by the weekly publisher, each
Im-ss upon a bu-lness basis.
Veseni taking an active part.
by various tnetlicxls. and the entire
The prograpi of the evening
Among those In attendance
amount espfnded thus far dm-s
closed with n'ahort llhislrated Icstiire|
eqiul on, Aide we>rei*rl»llon mede' k«.
by Swretar, Jphn fI. Gibson *.»«
o( •1..,'
•bnip. °...
Um ...urn d„nlop,n».l DevM.,.mnm b.rr.. n,„„ 'V„i,rn I .r. *''..



He also sjiole' of the no* fruit in- fers to old settlers as well as
secretary of the organisation; R. E,
BpeetJon seivbe that has been started ones. On accniiot of the lateness of
Rouse. "Ot-spaich.'' Marlon;
by the bureau ond gave illustrations; the hour this feiituie was made brief
McDowell. ••Tlmea> Tusiln; Perry F.
to show whore Its adoption by tin-i In order that the ii<'legates might find
Powers. "The News." Cadillac, and
growejw has resulted greatly to tliolr I their lodgings ami prepare for the
president of the organltatlon: O. K.
prom. Ho believes (bat the arduous duties of the program of toHawkins. "Herald," Mancolona; E. B.
probiom of Ihe future that will have’ day.
Klott. Grand Rapids, iircsldent of (he
to be solved is that of marketing (ho I The morning session was given over
M'eslorn Michigan Prefis asso.-latton
products of the o'c hards upon a pront- j to a dlacitsslon of the powible oonsolln. U.^bletL "Ol-lUb " of Rapid City.
able basis, and Dial the beat method of I daiion of the two preta associations
FYed W. fsagp. Battle Cro.ok. president
securing this desired ronumon
condliion is
Is lor
for ij lor
for both
the tt'estem
Michigan rreaa
ooifi tne
M estern Micnigau
c- n
the grow
,1,. ^nv...r„
Oook, t'hicago. reprosontlng tbo West­
aenlce that tin- bureau offers tboiii at aKsocUilon cover the same field and
a^figut a below the actual cost of the arc wurkit^ for the same puris«os. ern Xowspaiicr fniou; C. K. Churchill
and F. O Tinkham. of the Potoskey
“News:,. D. H. Day. Glen llav'cn. presIdojii of the Wi-storn Michigan De­
velopment bureau; John I. Gibson.
Traverse Clty.-secretary of the West­
ern Michigan Development hurenu
H Klhworth. r, .1. Bbner, C. G. Gee.
W. A. Gibson. Geo. G, Uatos.and.,M, U


“Wash Day

CLOTHES BASKETS—Three sizes in splint, smal] 65c,
medium 75c, Urge, 90c. Three sizes in willow, small Sli5,
meZnrn S1.25, large SIBO. '
LUNCH BASKETS 15. 20, 25c.
Pive tiiea Galvanized Tubs al 70, 90, 95c, $1.00. $1.26.
Clothes Wringers, Clothes Pins, Soiy>s, Soap Powders, etc.
To make wash day easy get one of our wash machines.
We have a good assortment of wash boilers. The copper bot­
tom ones with strongly riveted handles and one-piece cover
heavily returned, sell at $2.00, $2.10, $2.50 and $3.50.
Wind np wash day vqth a i-rand sweep. Get one of our
brooms at 25. 30, 35. 40. 50, 60c. Thees brooms are worth
more mi»ey. .Broom com fields dried up last summer so
brooms must go up soon. Gel your supply bclore the raise at
the comer of Front end Cass streets.


If you are looking for u heathig.
stove that will hold tiip uM iiiKlit aJi l
wlU keep your house til<e aud warm
—one that will bmn any kind of fuel,
irr Cole's Original Hot Blast. This
boating wonder wlil burn soft coal,
wood, hard coal, i-oke. In fart any
Kind of fuel yon may wish to use.
• without dust, dirt or smoke, ami with
W«i guarantee Cole's Hot Mast to
hold^Ore 36 hours with soft coal and
we guarantee U to slay sir Ughi as
long at It U used.



ail the Disorder.
An umisuai roi-ord has boon hting
ur during the i>sni wwK. h» that dur.
mg Hie entire ihr.-e days jf the fair
ni-t b single ■•ersen has l>e<'n nrraigr
0.1 In |<oIlee court, no eomuhi'niii of
di-iuibanfes of any .'o>ri have rcaeheil
llio iwlli'e depanmepi n'.d only
loss has l>eeii>reglstereil —that of P. H. which was rleun-n ii|> wiicn the
missing watch was feub.l lest night.
Naturally fheie have (leen a few
drunks on Ihe street, mosily out of
town IH.TSODS who came h<-e during
fslr w wk. but tone of iheiii have been
mad and there hss oeen a total ibseni'o of flghiinc or n lisv .ings
Uiilsirlera wlio have ati -mled the
fair, say that the ground and iraffir
..Jhe Ih
ay talc l
Slate- Every mle laM down liy-H.e
auihnrilies has been fullv liyel ui
and In s|ilte of the fact lhat the fair
Just concluded has been '.ho biggest
>r held In noriherti Michigan It will
down in the records as the suioolhest lunolng and quietest.
The one incident which came Dear
causing a genuine disturbance oc­
curred yesterdsy aflernoun after the
fair bad practically broken up. As in­
mate of the suie bospiul and a boy
became mixed up in a squabble
some whisky and the authorities '
forced to take a hand In the fray. Aa
(his liai>peiied coincident with
closing W.the show, however. U Is
safe to aa> that there was no liouble
of any sort during the fair.



PrU# Boa of Wealthy Variety Brooch;
A box of Wealthy spiAes vhlrb were
exhibited et the Grand Trarerae Reglaii fair by I.. A. Vaught of the
Insula sold after (he event was ever
for tS-.'iO. This shows what the grow^
ers can realise by properly rooking
and greding their fralt. This box of
apples wlU be shlpiied to MonUna.
rhere the people arv«M In the habit
of eeeuring fruit that has a real ap­
ple llaror.

LKtle Ed Was
Money In the
Free-fofvAII EvenL Defeat­
ing Field.
The clastic event of the fair, w^
racing program, the free-for-all.
taken by t.lltle Bd yesterday from a
Held of three horses. laidy Sphinx
heli>ed heraelf lo second money by go­
ing strong after the first beet, when
she was given a bad start and refused
to make a race. W. O. B. took a
ond In the oiwner. hut after that flnIsbed third regularly. The event went
fuur rounds, lady Sphinx uinettl
the do|>e by coming under ahead
the third and going .Ibe Davenport
horse a i>retiy race In the final. The
last three rounds of the frae-for-lal
furnished about the clastiesl sport of
the entire threbolay blU.
In the 2:2) l>ace Gcrmatne
everythln'k bis way and had no trouble
in taking the money in straight heats.
Ladli Peeler. Who was a favorlle beof her good showing Wednes­
day. iaii.le<l in second place regularly,
always luatiagiog to get across ahead
of Gritty, but being unable to beat
(he Waud time!
Jimmy Goff again took the half mile,
running event in two beau.
- Pretty Races In Classic.
Tliere was no race In-Ihe first heat
of the freefor-all. on account of (he
l^dy Sphinx, was given.
Vogle refusing to push his drive
against the odds. Idttle Bd ami W. O.
B. took find and second places. The
nags got away togi-Oier In the second,
however, and for Ihe first half all
three were biinched and going
good cli|><- On the last lap W. O. B.
wns dUtancetl and Utile JSd and
Sphinx came down (be atretch to
geiher. Davenport's liorae golug under
the wire a scant winner after a neck
and neck finish. The third and fourth
heals furnished Ihe.besl allrarilons of
the week. In (he third. I.ady Sphinx
after accepting Usvenpori's pacc-Ao
the (bird quarter, spurted, and Hie
came down the stretch together,
with W. O. B. trailing. When they
w'cnt under (tie wire there was so' litHe 'dlfferenie that from any other
place but dliectly over the wire
looked like a draw Tha heat was
giveu to
Sphinx, who nosed
der Jiut ahead of the favorite. In the
last round W. O. B. was drawn and
I-dttie Ed and loiily .Sphinx faced It
for the two top iKisItlont. The
bunched ail the way around and
made another sensational finish. UiHe
Ed gctting.-flrst and thereby taking
'bt monc>‘.
2:2S to Harry Waud.
Harry Waud. with Germaine drlvIng. went straight heats tb first mon
ey In the 2:25 pace. lotdy Peefer. a
tarortte in the event, found the going
the heavy track' and was un­
able to pull out of second place
York, with Grimy, .trailed In each
heat. In nearly eevry heat there
pretty race between Pratt and GernuitiM- up to tbe stretch, when Hi
Wainl would draw away for the flnThe best time tor the event
made In the first and third
No surprises were sprung in the
lumping event. Jimmy Goff taking (be
half mile run in two beats from Joe
Bower, the time being tomcwliat slowDitraubat of Thursday, when be
p4t In
Uttle Ed .............................. I I 2 1
lAdy sphinx................ •........ n 2 i :
W, O. 1)..
....................2 2 5
Time—2:18>14. 2:U4.2:l9»a.:;lS>4
2:2S Pace.
Harry Waud ............................... '.1
I 1
Ijtdy Peeler ................................. 2 2 :
Gritty ............................................. 2 Z
-2::4«4, 2:26)^. 2:21)4.
One-Half Mila Run.
Jlmmj Goff.........................................1 1
Joe Bower...........................................2 2
Time—::.?. ::.3:
Starter—Wm. Rennie. Jndgea—Wm.
Meart. Cook. Ulllis. Timers—Williams.

Te Pull Wagons Frem Gannett G

To test out iu aew equipraeat
Manistee County Highway Commtailon
allowed (he Manistee and Northeastern railroad (be use of six of-their
tomatic road wagons and a tractor,
be used In tbe fUllns work around
the local depot and freight houaea.
powerful tractor haula the dump wa­
rn the Gannett pit, three. i
time a-d leave* tbe emptica there
whtie banling the gravel back and
spreading IL ao that there Is ao w
of time in transporutJon. Each cart
bolds five yards of gravel, thus fifteen
vards are taken c a trip. Tbe wagons
afe taken in caravan, regular coupilags being nsed. s*i that (he trarter it
tree to back or maDsuver at will in
Placlag them. Under tbU «rstem tbe
work prwresMs rapidly and has many
sdvBDtagee over tbe horse drawn
ebtele method. Tbe road to tbe
north of tbe depot and tt tbe south
e freight bouses are being put in
eKceltOBt ^pb. '

You have aome Ilf* and fire Intur.



Shock Wao 8o Sever* That He Was
Unable to Stand Operation. Lad
Old Not Knew Gun
Was Cocked.
(From Monday's Kccurd-Bagle.)
Leon E Antony, the eloien-year-old
son of Florence Antony, of Keystone,
died last nlghffrom the effects of
shot received yesterday arternoou.
The young man was out hunting near
Ills home using a irfaut gun tligt he has
owned for a number of years Ht
alaiidlug with (he gun on bis rlglM
foot with tltp barrel down and did
not reallie that the gun was cocked.
His attention was called to some ob­
ject and the gun was discharged
ertng the second lof and shattering
the bones-of the other toes,
screams brought some of the folks,
from the home where he was carried.
A physician was baatity summoned
who gave all the attention possible
but (he boy could not stand the shock
and died al 7:2i> p, m. Tbe funeral
servtceK win be held from the
Fronds church tomorrow morning at
a. m. This Is the first bunting
laUHiy of the >oar.


Specimen SRewt Colerlng'That le Re­
markable Even for Thie
Favored Region.



Perhspe a wll|, eom* <
ence of a very private nature, eeme
deeds, mortgagee bends, stock -cortificates, ccrtincate* of depeelt—
Maybe aome Jewelry not in use, heir.
looms and koepsake*—
But where are theyT Under lock
and keyT
Just stop and think, “how secure
are they from fire.-burglara or prying
Think a moment how eerioualy Inconyenieneed you would be if any of ,
ye^r private papers should be lost or
Your fire inauranes pmicies. for
instance; Of courwe, you arc inet car*. .
leas enough to keep them ‘in your
homoBut BuppM they should be destroyed or lost?
Wiser to keep your policies where
they ara absolutely safe, le it notf
Drop in and let uS show you the
security which our Safety Deposit
Boxes offer you at a trifling eosL

UBd«r Coatrol «l Tkc U. S..Tt«MBry

Half The Game
Is the qaallty ol the floor
mod there Is nothing like

Housewives who hove nsed II fw
yearssayso. II mokes bread that
Is lighter, U|^ quality betlera tbe
taste swedfCT than many other
brands. OMer n sack from yonr

& Lay Co.
Millers ol this Region

Tlie prixe winning exhibit of apple*
and i>ears from Uie U. J. Morgan
chard which attracted so much
tentlon-at the fair last week, has been
placed on display In the^lobby of thcFlrsi .National bank Tlilny-flve varie­
ties of apples and eight of pears are h
the collection, and make* up tbos'
kinds which are most faml^r to (hi
purchaser of Grand Travers^ fruit and
which' are found to be especUlly
adapted to profitable growth In th-.»
One thing esiiedally
about this diaplsv Is tbe remarkable
coloring of tbe fruit this season. It D
(or ahead of where It was a year
and Indlcat^ 0-at local grown apple*
and pears will attra<^ more favorabh
attention from the casual observer
of such wares than they ever have
done before. This splendid color de­
velopment Is due largely to the canthe bc-aritiK trees have received anii
partly to the season. Takep slralglit
through fruit from the Morxan farm 1
looke<l on ns a standard of Grand Tra\ •
erse growth The property has had
the best of care from Us Infancy and
the resuhs are now In obvious evl
dence. F\)r this reason, this will be ef
Itecullar interest tq those interested In
A series of photographs from
(Vestern Michigan Development bureau
lelllng the Btorj- or good roads in this
section !• also on display, which
significance because of plans iio'
Never baa a fair been bold that gave Traverse City Ihot they never knew
ing laid for many miles of improved such universal satisfarllon. The
There U need tor o boUdlng set
highways to be put through the coun­ ious committees hTd done their dutj- apart for the display of the "mod* In
try adjacent to Traverse City.
Traverse CUy'* producu. Tbe ezpena*
in each nartleular cose and not
i-iogle thing hod been overlooked (or would be compensated for br the odthe care of thOipeopIo. Rest rooms dlUonsI odverUtlng that would ooBse
to this whole region and tbe added
were everj'W'here. and the
tnarkoglc thing was tbit tn all this money.'putzAnto circulation from hav­
crowd and all the numberless vehicles ing Eu<% B bulldiu erected. Tbe fair
the ^lunlly nervous horses and offteUls are very optlmlsUc over the
results ao for, and the pleosont
the great number of
hurry that has to be done lo handle wMther today dregr many more to the
people, there was not a single acci­ grounds who have not bod the oppor
dent reported, nor was there a sick (unity of going before.
Good Raetng Fregram.
person seen anywbere. In this It la a
The second day's racing progroio
record that (be fair aosoblsUon need
dragged on account of tbe Inability of
be proud of. The weather man
good until Ute In the aflersoon and the drivers In the 2:14 class to g^
away together sn-l Ibe uonanal length'
(be big rush that w-os made for
of the bin. which ioclude>l. beside tbe
gates as soon as the rain come
l>acing eevnta. a two and a half
well handled which speaks well -for
mile motorcycle race and two holfFICIENT MANNER.
the cool beadedneos o( the offlclaU
mllo running bead,. After tbe getwho had to handle the moss of peo­
ihe entrants in all the classee
ple who wanted to escape tbe down­
put up pretty races and with the ex­
Largaot Number of People en Grounds pour.
ception of t^ slowness In otaatlng n
That Ever Attended a Fair
The large number of strangers, who
clsssy fiei^ormance was presented. ^ '
North of Grand Rapid# the
ere present showed the drawing
Uttle Ed. with Daveopon drtvlw.
Figuras Show.
power of the attractions that hod been took tbe 2:14 in straight beau, olprovided. Tbe fruit and
Ibongh Lady Sphinx, a favorite In tbe
All records for) attendano* at
hiblu told In tbe plainest language
erenU poshed him bard. W. O, B.
Northern Mtchig^ fair were ahattered what a paradise this region is. ondtbe Gmnalne entr}-. did not come ng
Thursday, when) better thpa fifteen
greatest - surprise
to expecutlons; the beet be «** afl*
tbousaad people passed through the chance callers. Thousands of pieces to do being s pair of fonnks and A
gate* at the Grand Traverse Region of fltersiure wore given sway and third. Minnie Online was going hod.
(air. All day a coaUnuons stream of carried home for future referenoe. bet succeeded In beetlng W. O. B. got
busses, autoe-and auto truckf wended There were a number of late.exhlbll- for third none')
their way to the grounds and even
wbo possibly did not get In the
In the 2:SS peer Cox ioMt ffrat nOB: *
than the supply of vehicle*
general descriptAon, bnt their goods ey with Dresdnaugttt. Goldenweod wee
«Iy anffteient to accommo
and most favorably withdrawn on account of tejarr sn4
..-rented ^ and many ore Swore only three horse* were In. BOly 8.
of the (Set that Ihlsgs ore oMde Is
(CosUaaed os Fe(o rtre.)

On account of Hebrew Hoi-,
idays this store will be
closed all day Thursday and
Friday, Oct. 2nd and 3rd.
Open Saturday as '^ual.

GMe Dept Store



.<Kun> xuvnu bziald akd Tunsn bat XAaLB,fTDzgDAT, sipmiBXB9o, uis.
has delivered a five passenger tour-, aprayera, drills, plows and all tbe
been rtetUng In the city (or the past
bun n««r Torah Loke to meet bU U In the city for the day.
BtTMtgthan Weak Kldnaya.
DonT Buffer louger trltb weak kid- Ing Krit car to Peter Blchler Rvlng ’ machinery that la^Beeeaary tor tbe
•OB, who vlU Tlilt with htm for •ome
Mrs. E. J. Cbbb and two cMIdran few days, left this nonitng for Char­
eys. Yon can get prompt rMM by southeast of the riUr.
I farm.
from Conaaanga. Teun.. are rldtlitg at levoix, wbark 'they wUl vlttt for a
John echlagol, who haa boon In tha]
Caldwril A Laudon
the home of Wm. Hoffan. 440 Tenth short Ume before returning to their
dty for several daya. rOTumod to hte aho* two of their new patebted fire
home at Chicago.
IT of Front and Union atrMt •troet. for aeevral weeks.
extlngntekeys: One that they have •
R. c. Feueh of Cadillac, ratumed-te
are doing a good act by forcing all
WlHiam Harrington la at hte horn*
(From Thurtdnjr’i Roeord-Btsle.)
ambition to work, without fear oi
R. M. Dandeli wwtt to Thompeon- recesUy made for the fire department
auto drivara to keep strictly to the hero for a few days after being In his home there this morning after pain. >lr. John Doling
Ming of Ban rVnn- rllle and Cadillac this morning on a at .Sortbport. Tbera are many new
Thera era torn* few ctertca In th*
attending the fair here.
elBco. wrltea: "OratUnde
itUnde tor Un
the wonrlgM In making that turn. ~
MlnneeoU buying potatoes.
«tty thu eunot bit • belloon. TbU
short bulnees trip.
rideas embraced in this and l^la a new
ttmM today that comer has became
A number af Travaraa City paopla derfnl effect of Bectrtc Bitter*
Mrs. Angua McCell waa etilad to
•ormlsK i toy belloen belongloc to
prompts me to write. It cured my
has been laauedldrparture (or this Arm to manutacDetroit tbli morning by tbe •ertont made up auto partlaa and 4r«t to at-, wife when all else (ailed." Good (or
ehtkl beeeme lodsed on Ue root of a ooBgaated by the unuraal
to Paul S. Bare o( Benrie couAy and tu«drtvteg and the crowd that was in Ua Ulnaaa of her aon-to-law. kt. C. Loop. tend the Buckley fair today.
hntldl&s and la trrfng to dUlodte It
Eari Irtab
tlgesUon or bUiousnesa Price SOc Fere O'Brien ot Cedar Run.
The Waatero MIcMgan Oavalepmant
Otto Oena of Qlen Arbor and Harold
tbeae aame clerka i»ed an air rub. dty.
d 31.0U. at all drtiggteU pf Trarerae
C. L. Afwow laft this morfting (or has a Holland furnace that be to the
Mra. A. A. Dannia and har alatar, DumbriUe of thia city left yaeterday to buraan baa a Bne display of over 200
but even with the united effort* of
Washington. D. C.. In the InteToate J a*«at (or. This It In dWaaent aUea
Mlaa VlisInU Phelps left this mon- resume tbeir work at the’ ^tate Nor­ photos of tha trull and farm tends at
•li of them they could not mako a
Wood Brea, of LinoalA Nsbraaka.
lag for Grand Rapids to remain aomc mal college at Tpstlanti.
Th firat Junior Dancing Club party of the Traverae City Refrigerator
tha (air that te being held at Bucklmhole la the ballcMn. It *tUl U aecure
Mra. Qroee WItoman baa returned yeaierday and today. ^Tha fine weath­ ot the season was held at Horst’a oompanr. Ha wM bo gone aevaral have two of their tlloa on exhibition,
.la lU elevated poeiUoa.
jTber have a patent Mnge doOT sad
Malea and Clarlbal Wllhalm from Saginaw, where ahe vlsUed er has made It possible to have the academy test nlkbL Music was turn- weeks.
H. J. C. Collett, who ha* been man.
Tha Baptambar term af tha draait I
ahovrtag tbe many faatnraa that
left this morning to resume their friends.
largest crowd that waa ever gathered labed by a (our piece Theatre orches«<er of the Charlotte bawiball team,
w« ooonia this nfteraoae with a
patented. Tbera te ateo »
sstudies 1
A baby girt waa born to Mr. and la that town.
ii la the atr.for a few day*.
Mlaa Susla Rannle left for Vpaltami Mra. rmll Coa of Barker Creek this
R. W. Bancroft, who has been in very large calendar. Judge F. W. «9*lUge cutter operated by a gMoUna
Prank J. Maiklar left this mamlag
The eeeond floor of the State Sank
this morning, arbera the will eater
for Grand Rapids and Chicago on boa- the city (or tbe past (ew days on bns- Mavne presMtec.
and the upper conidora
Ths Nava Bnglna
Tho Mieses Oaa and Zeda Bibring- ■eta.
nlras, left this morning tor Manistee,
Mias MaiBMbt Camaton laft this
ffnemted «ltb the Rlaa* Jar exhibit the Normal schooL
Mr. andWra. Oaerge Weatovor, Mfa. ton left this morning ^'for I.«Iand,
* Lanstng. M repreaanted by J.
Mlaa Mary Whlmiery left thla morA- where be wfll spend several days bo- morning for Ann Arbor, where ahe o(
and the abeave* of Rralai that belons
where they will be the imesU of their tng lor Rtebmond. Va.. where she win tore returning to bte home at Bad Axe. will reantne hir work as seereUry of 'Granger, wbo fans thaaa engines In dUto the We*tem Mlfhl«an Development Henry Aldrich of Cadillac, drove
to epaad several' days In the sister. Mrs. Roy Feaiie. for a few days. TMome har studies at Barlbam o«lkppotntmant Commluea o( the ferant sit^
MIse Lillian Spencer of Grand Rapbureau, on aoouat' of the anotia] eonH. J. C. Collett left this noon for lega. She was accompanied by har Ids. U vtslilUg with friends In tbe clty QDirerslty.
Agrieuliural and Horticultural Halla
veatlon of the We*t Mlcblghn Pre»a city during the fair.
Mr. and Mra. Wilber Hannah of Charioitt. after opending a few da>-o mother who win spend aeTOTal months (or a few daya.
Mr. nfU Mra. M. W. Jsraa^w toft have a show-that moves the {past of
dub vbicb meet* hero today and 'towith friends In the city.
Catea. are vlaltan in the city.
for Chicago. wber^Mr. this ragloa for fruit asd vafatablra.
E. W. Wait has raturned from Grand
Carl Segge ef Alden. is visiting at
David Biabar ef this dty, who has Rapids, where he spent several days Jernegsn will resume hte arork as Tbe firat that oa* tees te tha eoUocr. P. WriBht left thie memlnQ for
today from a trip throngh the east
profesaor of history In the University tlon of fruit from the prehard o(
bean in Is Imprortng slowly.
I buatoesa
Bif Rapid!, where he wfll give the II- the beiM of hla aunt, Mrs. J. DempMr. and Mre. Henry Hall and family
•ey. 936 Randolph atreet.
Mr. and Mra. Ed Sagsnderf of Bel of Chicago. They have been vtoltlttg Charles Montague on the Panlnsutn.
On the evening af Friday, Beptaiisluatraled lerture. ••Weeteni h" '
of N’orthport. spent the day In the ber 29th a number of men connected ding are visiting at the home of Mr Mrs. Jernegan's parenta.
and There are piles of apple*, pears, paariithe land of fruit and fortune" before
bs Juliet of Ok lAke. are city visiting friends
A. P. Camertki.
jas. plums and grepea of all tbe varlawith Grace ehureb, met at t><e rectory and Mrs. C. E. Heuset of West Elev
s gathering at Chippewa Lake. Prom
Mr. and Mra. James Kohl and son and organteed a church club to
The board of dtroctora of ths Wa-. ties grown in this region. Tbe grower
enth street.
there he will go to Premont. Joining visiting In the city for several daya
Mlaa Beaaia Mason ef Erik Rnpida sac of Northport. are guesta at fhe knosrn as the Men's Club of Grace
Yha Meoae baseball team- left this qnetong riub are ptennlim on aoma
John I. Olbson. »o<;retary of the Weathome of C. M. Bell.
Church wfib the following offieeri: afternoon In aulos for Buckley-. Fbere very- extensive repairs some of which
«m Ulchlgati Development bureau, •a In the city yesterday on busli
MIee Louise Pratt
Mias Elisa Gr^y -from WllllsmeKeble D. Lewis, president; Curtis D. (hey will play thaf team. Tomorrow will be commenced at ooce and tbe Mr. Hontagm has done can te dupli­
who la rerrylBC on a campaign of edbalance wiU be undertaken in tbe cated by hundreds In, this region If
burg Bpent the day In the city Wednea and Lillie Marahsll of Old MUslon. Alway. vlroprealdeat; Rev. A. Wor- they irill play at Buttons Bay.
oratloh In that locality.
returned to their home last evi
Rev. Edson F. Van* and >ridA w(he early spring and wUI make .this tbe*tbey would only take tbs time. The
rr-8lade. secretary.
. Over 3,900 paid ndmIeeleM %o the day on business.
Mrs. Spinengan and daughter of Sat- after Bpendlng the day In the city with
The Traverse City State bank
havi- been visiting at tbe borne of rint-st riub bouse In ;^is part of tbe Momn orchanU have a display that
fair ground* Ihle morning la a record
duru ariteUcally arranged and keeps up
placing In position the display of vege­ -bis molfaer. Mrs. P. P. Vans, at 112 •late.
for forenoon attendance. Polly double
Mra H. C- Psttlnglll ef Oviatt, waa tables that was made at the Grand West Front street, left today for bis
Spauldittg Friedrich left yaatarday the reputation estabUsbed for the anthat number will be preeent thU aft- IM the fair
(or Ann Arbor, where be ariii raanme perior fruit that (bey are -nlslng. Tbe
Mr. aid MTO Blackman Of Elk Rap­ a visitor In tho city yesterday.
Traverse Region fair by-the Traverse p« appolntaient at Shennai
^r. arm Mrs. F. E. White ef Wll- City Stele hospital and ibis has been
his studies at the unlvorstty.
Bingle plate display of fruit te
Prank Dalton at Laland,
F. F. Wright will be in Freneirt end ids, visited In tha.«dty yesterday.-rellamaburg. spent tbe dw- in the riiy augmented by manj- of the other bine through the city yesteTOay
Mlaa Nina Williams ratumsd to largest ever shown and one haa te
vlrinity- for the next few day* taking turning last evening.
Mlaa Charlotte FrMick and Mro.1. A. yesterday- attending the fair.
ribbon exhibits at tbe fair. There will way to Mt. PleaaaoL where he will YpsllanU yesterday, aftra spradlng study each variety to •«* how product­
photOa lor. the forthcomiag i*fue of
Frank Shorter of Cadar Run. was be displayed at the aame time some continue his work in tbe Weatern spending tbe summer vacation at har ive the trora are and what care haa
the MW Weciern Ulchlgan Develop­ Irwin of Coi>emUb. spent ibe day In
In tbe city yeaicrday on bualneas.
home here and will resume her atud- been given them. Thore are a num­
the city with frlenda.
of tbe glass Jars exhibit of the West- State Normalment boreau-a 1314 booklet.
W. T. Bhutte of Allyn Station. «
Ned UurkM and Fred Merrlott of
ber o( visitors from ether etdra who
Michigan Development burtnu.
Mlw Ella Dachany ef Elk Rapids, ies at the normal schori.
Mr. and Mre. A. E. Sliwldr left jraein
the city yesterday .attending the This win give an opportunity I
Of. Roy MeCarrg haa ratgrrwd ta
Elk Rapids, are spending aeveral days
terday tor Toledo.
left today for Ml Pleasant, where
Ann Arbor to reauma his work aa in­ see thia Grand Travers* ^rulL They
those to see who did not see these
Will Starr of Oak Fark, III., la apand- In the city attending the fair.
she will enter tbe Stele Nor^aL
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rinehart aird Mr. jthe fair and the hundreds of visitors
structor on the anatomy department •re tektng note* of the rarleftra and
Mra. Darby and
ihg hli vacatidti to the dty.
of the U. of M.
the different grower* for future bus!Mra. Clarance Ratnala leavea tomor­ Vida and Frieda Darby of Kalkaska, and Mra. O. E. Hawley of I.udlngton. who win be In the etty during
(From Monday's Record-Eagle.)
drove throngh by anto to attend ^e ‘xt few weeks.
The barga A. C. Pierce Is at tha
Borne claim that no fair In tbe
row for the Manlton lelandt to visit re visiting friends lo the city.
Dr. Lawton and sen Latham, who
Hannah A Lay Merc. Co.’a dock with atate baa bad auch trait and they ear
her parenu. -Mr. and hfra. E. Boud- -Mlaa Smalley of AWen Is in the city Grand Traverse County fair.
The Weotern Michigan Dmralopmant have been Tteiting at tbeir
Tony Prashil, who ha* sp^ oaveral bureau wfll send t{> the Thompsoncargo of lumber.
le guest of friends.
the same thing oonearalng the vegelAwion. Michigan, ara expected
O. O- Bridgra haa raturviwl to hla uble dteptef.
Mlaa May TempUna ef 440 SlAh
Mra. Babcock of Kalkaska, spent the days at South Lyons on business, re­ vllle fair that will be held In that
this evening.
street vialted over Sunday at Old Ula- day in the dty yesterday with friends. turned home test nlgbu
October 1. 3 and 3. some of their glara
Travaraa City State MoapRni
Mira Louira Hal* left this mom- home at Latend. after a abort Uma In
James Oavanport. kaepiar ef light jar exhibit of tbe fruits grown In this
the city on business.
_ (air all by Uaalf and If
W. C. Ashley returned here' yeetersmall
tng (or Cambridge. Maaa. where she
bouse at Old Mission Point, spent the region and also a number of tbe pho­
Bterting today all places of mail M.c.w were room and the coUgetlon
E. W. Wait and wife left. yeaWrday day from a business trip to Man!
will enter as a aenior tn Dr. Ban'
for Grand Rapld»..wbere Mn Walt waa
Mr. and Mrs. Oeoibe Zigler of Oe- day in the city attending the fair.
tographs of the orchard and farm gant’s School Si PbyaKml, EdiKteUw. mu-r Mid, d. Uro«b U,. l—l „„„ ^
HatoB Bhortsr of Old Misaien, la a views that they own.
called for grand Jury. Sira. Wall wUl iroit. are spending several days in thg
pmudllc .III
II --'•T'u.iiuw 11 .oiW mi lUtitth.
on the Harrard Ctempus.
visit relatlvea there.
city the guest* of friends and rcla- visitor In the city today.
Will Starr of Chicago, ia in the riW
» mi lit .
.wa, .111 t. >"t- .wwiui Ha,. ToWa. Ui, HrJata
Mrs. C. Daniels of Elk Rapida,
Mlaa Waloh entertained the Board- Uvos.
r a few daya calling on hte friends.
..WM u m. ^watnail u
«,» I, «, pmMlaa l-'rancea. who have bran filing
nan Avenue teacbera la'sc evening A
Mrs. Btolia M. Champitcy, who has
Mlaa Irena Getty and alathr of Kal- visiting friends in tlie city (or several
'diM aimetWiK dio-r-nt- Th, W«i«a
lih reiatlves near the city to^ the 'ttmin'pot-lnck aupper was aerved.
L. P. n.y a p.lah,y. mtin^l t,
been visiUng friendk in tbe city for
kaska. are vlsllors In the «lty during *U>-s.
past week, left thU moroing (or their hte home tbere this morning, after a ,
Mr. and Mra. J. Mukle ef. Central the past two weeks returned
Mr. and Mra. E. I_ Edw^s return­ lair week. tomatoes, egg plant, osaga melons.
home at Boyne iStUs.
ed ycaterday to Ludln|non after visit­ . Oel.Naah ef Maple City, la a^n^ng lake, are spentllug several days lo home tn Detroit last evening.
few day-*' visit with' friend* and rel- sweet poUtoea, gourde, eaullflowers.
Mr. and Mra. L> Palmatecr and ran Rtlvet In tbe city.
the city.
ing friends in the city.
Miaa Margurite Fauchsr of Elk Rap­
several da>s In llie city on bustoesa.
pumpkins. The fruit te eqnaUy aa
Mra. Keble O. Lewis gave a thimble
Miaa Nettie Wuraburg, who
E. T. Aahmond ef BaglMW, te In good and has apples, pear*, peaches,
ids, te a guest al the home of Mrs. Earl of Weal Tenth street, have returoad from
pany yesterday afternoon In honor of
•peat some time In the city visiting John Quigley for the -seek end.
tbe city on bustoesa.
(From FVIday a RecopdFagle.)
plum*, grape*. Next to this U tha
Mrs. Ida M. BaUey of Grand Rapids,
Miss Bertha Shlsr has iwbirtted general exhibit and this oemrisu ot aO
Btanley Snyder left Thursday morn­ friends and relatives returned
J. B. OMker of 8chomber» it th
who dellgfatfully entertained the gneata ing' for Grand Rapids, -where he will hooie In Grand Rapids today.
visited (be atate fair at Detroit while from Bait Jordan. aftOT apendlng the
the city on business.
product* that grow tn thla prolUlc ra­
wltbra number of readings. Tbe-bouae spend a few days before leaving for
Mrs. a G. Muaehott ef Orartd Rap­
week end at her home there.
C. D Whiteen of Acme, wa« in the •way.
gloa. Tbe strangers Unger In this
was beauitfnlly decorated with fall Ann Arbor to enter the university.
ids. is in the city to apend aeveral city yesterdsy on business.
-Jea Marlin left todv f*r hte home section as mneh as they do anywhere
Mr. aitd Mra. D.
M. D. Bryant Is in DstroU for a few
Miaa Jennie Clough la spending aav- Hatches Crossing, returned Saturday
and their words ot anrprtee are heard
days on bualoesa.
' Mrs. ChaA O'Neil ef OetroiL te-a eral daya with her paraats tn Maple
om a vacation trip to Ft. Wayne. dty on buainraa
on all aWea ■n»e biggest of eveirUU^
day from Denver. Colo. She waa ac­
K. C. Martin and wife ef Peteaksy, gUMl at the home of her parenu, Mr. City.
Mrs. Anna Dalton of Leland. ia ths
Js whnt tte grower haa aucceeded In
companied by -her young grandson, are In the dty for a short visit with and Mrs. Frank Ehrenberger. 807 SevRalph H. Haalett returned to hla guest for a (jCw days at the home of
ecUecllniCl.vde Overholt. Mra. II. L. Sullivan friends before leaving for DetnlL enth street
borne lo Jackson, after agendlag her sister. Mr*. C. O Carver.
Good Bcheat Display.
and baby of San Diego. Cal., and Mr. .where they will make their home.
Mias Collin of Empira. la visiting In acune Ume In tha dty.
Miss Olga Jahnw>n and Mra. VaL
The different sehoote of the city
and Mrs. klerie Crotaer and child are.
(ConUnnad from page tma)
Wm. Votrwba left Thureday for Ann the city during Ulr week.
Mrs. Bart Ellis and cMMran ef Pa< mcr of Manistee, spent Sunday with
(^wera from
guests at the Crotser home.
that this spring be sold all the goods have on dteptey
John Marshall and daaghtar of Old looker, are gueeta of reteUrea in tha friends in the city.
Arbor to -resume bU studies at the- IT.
the garden* of tbe ohUdren and ahow
D. H. Day and party of aovon drove
Mission, apent yesterday In the city city.
Miss Evelyn Williams of Manistpe- be canoed lari (alL This year be wlU
of M.
oyer from Glen Haven to attend the
go Into tga wOTk more extenstvely. wbat these young people can do jtnd
H. H. Verne ef Bellaire, is In the attending the fair.
Miaa Clemantina
s]>cnt Sunday with friend; here.
to prodnod .
fair. 3Ir. Doy Is on the program of the city on business.
but only naing the fruit from hte own
F..a Fairtewther ef tha F, and O.; Eighth atreaL leaves Monday to tpeid
Jeha Bernard hat opcnsd a
the beat for the fair are at the aamo
Michigan Press club which
Asa Bernett who hga beon vioiting store, left yesterday (or St. Tbomat. the wlDter with her nelce. Miss Ber­ electric shoe shop In the ningham placed. .This te aometblng that others
Ume learning to beandfy their own
meets this evening In the council I with relatlvea near the city for tho
could do as well and save gtif
died lharo bf Ike death of tha Holdswortb or PortUnd. Oregop. Irullding on Front stre<-t.
homaa nnd surroundlnga. It tea great
his mother.
Mary Kellogg and mr*at Mira Flor Installed all new machinery (or ihe or doltera worth of fnilL
piece of ednentlon.
T^a Horae Bara.
Frank Haydan left yaatarday for ence Clark, left this marntng (or Ann rat>ld- repair of shoes. These
Clapp A Ben
a dUtnrbance-of any kind reported to
Is niled imd a anmber of tho en­
Wm. S- Hunt returned te hla home Ann Arbor to reanma his addles «t Arbor, where Mias Kellog will con­ cMnes are all operated by electrtclLv
have a dte^y ot tbeir “Big Dmidythe police, nor ^en a drunk, locked
; Cadillac Thorsday morning, after
tinue her studies In tbe L’nivenlty and are tbe mom up-todate that are
up. and Chief (Parson anticipates a a abort time to the dtj- on busineee.
duarters. it te tbe plan to double the bread of which they are making A
School of Mnald.
with this te Uw diaptor
very quiet fair week considering the
(From ^turday's Record-Eagle.)
Mrs. Oataa and dau^ar of Honor,
J. w. Janka. agent at tha M. A N. rixe of this building another year,
of “OoM coin” butter that to mnda
crow-d which la In the city. Traffic lac Tburadsy morning with a party to
Mias Bertha Dake of ChadevoU, te
-e In (he dty today
B. depot, bellevea is beautifying tbat would have been done this year
by the Trav^ CTty Crsamary.
cops have been alaUoned on the cor­
rlslilng friends In the city for a few
M. D. Pack, wIfa and doubter of property. Beside filling In the yards ‘Jure teen time.
attend the fair.
Tbe Onnadlan government haa aa
ners to see that drivers of passenger
The Pouftry Eshlbit
^ Dale, are In the city today on busi­ with several hundred yards of gravel,
Mrs. Fred AIntwerth and family, days.
exhibit of gratae and are glriag away
carrying vehicles do not mix up on who have been epending the summer
Out of town persona wT>o,'ara~HSra
he will rcaerve that pari Just west If larger than the officiate planned
literature frem the northweat rafloii.
the turns and to sec that they observe in tho cit}-. h>rt Wednesday nigtit for for the fair say that the /raffle and
Mm. Ada Kilmer loft yoaterday for of the p^e'nger depot for flower ind the sDperitttendenC have had tn
The display of honey in the comb,
tha regulatlona ,
ground regulations are tlie best to CalUornte. where she will spend the beds and shniba so that when the do a lot of arranging to g^ all tn
their home In ClnclnnaU. the ^ined honey and the bee* wax
W. V. Graan ef Eiet Jordan. Is In
The Grand Traverse Auto company Iv found In any city o( the state and winter. She will risll in Flint and passengers alight they wlU be greeted Dosidon. There were many late axtbe city for a abort time on business. has delivered three Ford cars to John that tbe (air here was run off in the Grand tapida before leaving for tbe with a sight of a mlnature park, with hlbltors and there wDl'te nearly one ahowa that t£e bae burinami can te
a sseeeaa and a number of tha
Jaa Aniaon and C. T. Bkww ef Ish- Ott of Buttons Bay. and one to G. W. quietest and most systematic manner est.
green grass and flowering plants. hundred coops before the (Inal
(armen are adding thia industry to
-pemtsg are in the city on business
o( any of the county shows.
KItchro of Old Mission.
Miaa Ada Velter. who 1iat beei
This space will he 40x«0. Tbe bus It Is as targe a display as was made
Ruth Van Maren, th* threc-yaar-old
Ring with friends In tbe dty for aev- stand will be moved te tbe north.
Ths traffic ruls which Chief ef Po­
6. 8. Hadley has a (la* exhibit of
daughter of Ur. and Mrs. Isaac Van lice Carson te enforclog during
their home at Harbor Beach, after eral days. IKt -this morning for her
Cards have bean rgaaivsd announc­ the poultry there are pens ot rahblU,
tetea -shoea Ml hte own handiwork.
Karen, of 1013 Boutb Union street, week te working out to the sattatac- visiting (or a few days wUh relatives. home at Saginaw.
ing the wadding Of Robert Loudon, of guinea pigs, doves. Belgtem ham.
The CMWren’a Oapartmont
-died this morning at one o'clock after tlbi) of both officers and drivers,
R. J. McDonald ef Muskegon, tha
Starting ncct week It 1a probable' Ban Dtego. CalKornla. to BraesUne F. ducks, geeae. turkaya and de»
a week’s llluro*. The retnalns will be taking State atreet trf the grounds and High Chief Ranger of the Independent that there will be two Korthen VIcb- Daliell. of Peoria. ,IU. Mr. Loudon Birthday Celebration in CatUs Barn. has many mere artielea than It erar
taken to Holland Friday, after a short Front street back there te no holding Order of Forestera, waa in the city fgin lAuponation oompanr boats* has been employed in Peoria (or aevOno ul the novel attncUona wOl te had and there 1s hardly room for it
be wen displayed, so that aU of
prayer service at the home
Tburaday-oo business connected with making this port. Potatoes a« com­ eral years and now will make hte the blrtl^y eolebration of -Krmhat't
up of traffic and vehicles are able
tfeloek. latemenl will take place at make the trip In much shorter time tbe local orgaiilzutlcm.
Suhas." the year old abort hon boll dta artlries that these yoogv poomencing to come into the bay ports home In San Dlago.
pte have made cas be poen.
M. W. Jsmsgan and wifa of Ohleaga, and It -win be necessary to add ths
than as though they wme running at
Oaa. J. Ayrnaa. praaMent af tha calf that tetonga to Oeoiga Zimmer­
rnney work. pitBttngs. wMot «MMlaa Grwoa Hari of Mgnlatea.
random. Mcyele lidera ebonld also- re tbe gueats ot Mr and Mra. A. F. extra boat In order to care ior the
to Oaaaumera company, at man. Thla was tha calf tbat
ors. pe^ sketebaa. buret wood work,
guest at the home of Miss Edith Parr remetaber that they are to use
Cameron until Monday, when they traffic.
Chicago, retted home teat Mght, bora <a Bepumber 33 lam yaar-w^
for several weeks.
the WUhlgas Agricultural ooUaga ex­ clothing tbM they have maAa, ehaln
north side of Pnnt street either going will return so that Mr. Jeroegan cun
T. E- Wimame has returned to hla after spending eevaral days tn
David Coleman af Bagihaw. is visit­ r coming from iBe groonds.
hibit waa hare.
Mr. Wmitewu and tablea. that can te uaad. Ttere
resume bis work in tbe Univeraliy of home at Ghlcago. after a abort time In rity.
la a flying machine tbat look* aa
ing at the home of Robert J.' Price for .C. M. Tainley left Thirraday morn­ Chicago. They have rocehtly returned the city ou bualneaa.
Lawrence Fopp* laft taday to bo- bought the calf and ratead It and now
thou^ltcouldar.twobaogalowB that
•ome Ume.
Wm. Moara iwturnad te hte hams at gtn Ma atodte* «R tbo fltoma Military it tips the acalea nf4090 pounds. Mr.
ing for Bay City and Saginaw on busi- from a trip to Europe.
merman maksa a apaclalty of tbe are‘models (or the bast arehMam to
The dub known ks the Pot Laefc
Mr. and Mrs. Bam Bealoy of Elk Boyne PUte thla morning, after start- coRnge at Oermaatown. PaMS.
Dinner dob held one ef lu poUnck
•bon horn bread and baa aaveral foUow. These ara all daaa hr hand
Mra. Ed Bonwara left 4nday
Walter Smith of Grayling, la visit­ Rapids, were visitors in for Ing the rsMs here during fair week.
by some of the boys daly twain years
dinners this noon at tbe State Bank ing with friends In the city for a
others on exhRdUon- ’
Traverse City Day at the fair.
Chaa Camrthera of Wllllameton, Grand Rapida and Spring LdMi;
building la the offices of the HnmMlty days.
B. N. MeMe
Mrs. E. w. Hateh ef CraoeeM, North Ind.. u in tbe dty for a (ew daya
•he will Ttelt trteoda for aavenl
The Record-Bada haa a Mat oa the
te thowlBg hte new iMeeTat
RegulaUng Co.. Mlaa ChaodU Peterson
ifiry Laaaman has returned te hla Manitou Island. U in tbe city for the business.
grounds and throagh. t(i eMwAatioa
acting as boateaa. Tha oaual good home at L*natng. after a short Ttelt In day.
BM Brodor'e team ef Alt Btara
Mra. Cara Cart wad oaMd ta Orawn tergtng photo* dnE cmt pteturea hi
Mt perfect manner and by an an- department ia dimaMjUi
dinner was sarsed aftw which Mrs. tha city.
Mra M. K. Palg^oft Friday svanlng trtened up In the aeeoBd game of the this morning On prnirtaatinil w«
•noon handrada of gttaa oogMa which
Plemmlng carrew presented the young
tlrely nSw rapid proeaaa.
tor Milwaukee
Egle. Wisconsin, aariee with lonte by winning 2 to 1.
Borne miacraant threw a
Among tha axhlWtero wha ha
to appreciated by the gnit aamhar of
ladlee with a handsome five pound dteplay of tbeir prodocla at the fair for an extended ruiL
William Jaekaen
Cy Oolllaa. former Reaorter twlrier •tone thrantb om oTtlia oraaai
box of cand;
baa sevuna ot hte gaaoUna anglnaa In vialtora.
Dr. Lawrton and ten Latham are did the aervlttg for the SUra. i
windows ot the FburtoMth Btra
are George B. Send, who te showing
Frvit Diaaaate

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Heug^ who have some of the latest stylea In |
actioa. Mr. Jackson te tha ploeeer
•ending several daya at LAwton* Kencb. Manistee product worked
E. <*urch yratertay.Aa'lntcroBUng dtepiBr la that pre­
been the guests of Mj- and Mr*. W. O. graphs and the different kinds of Michigan. TiatUng Or. Lawton's moth, the rubber for the IndapeodeBte.
Tha Northern Furnltura oampony la this work and te U coosu
Holden for the past week, returned to mounts, and the Traverse City Iron r.
proving on tha dlffaront atylea Tbera pared by L. B. OatAaer, liPtnwtor
A. K. MOwbta laft thl^ morning for
tbalr home-la Jackson thu morning. Worka, who have some of their slelgh- John Bury af Lotand, p
A Beautiful Woman
M of thaaa nt^bad to. the
Ms home at Bay Mew. after attendAlways has a clear eraipM
shows the dWOTMt EMaaaaa MM
Henry Anderson of-KewadIn. wro runnera. beavy term bobs and tarn Friday, tftar apendlng aaveral days lag the (air bare.
Many more women would be baaatlfal vritkih attraett the cloaeat attention
In tho city today on bosineat And to and city wagons.
If they could only gat rid of sallowataand tbe fair.
frem all the traft growers and abowa an te botUea Md aftaMiad » thaft
A daughter vMa born to Mr. and U their home at Grayling, after apend-' neaa. pimples and blotches. TTiesc
the erewda at the depots waling
bow raphUy this work can be done ara tha twmadlaa that have prona
Mr. agd Mrs. Ralph'White of Wil- (or tbe outgoing trklns packed aU the Mrs. Richard A. lAumooI 'Thursday at lag sevaral days In the city with' symptoms ot n torpid liver nhd
-The Mloblrigit remedy lor a bad liver te DR. and what a saving of applaa The
llamaharg. are In tbe city to attend waiting rooms and extra coaches had their borne on Dr. Flemmtaig Cartow's friends and rolaUvas.
HURICK'B BUOARjriOATED PiUA.Uw rolatlag to the grading o( the gan Agrieultura) oollege ateg haa
. tha fair and truaact bualneaa.
(arm oo tbe Want Bay Aore.
to U arranged for last night
Job A. KlngMay of Albion, wha has Tiey put the liver tn order, sweetee
.Mipa'iyrfuerito JdmaMi of Sagi­
H. H. Nommlno of Mt PtaaronL 1a ban spending thq. summer at Mnckl- tbe breath and clear the skis of anl- aptde mMua the uaa of sneh a machine othars tbat ara on exhlbttiM wtu
Mra. Ed Oierum of LoRey, Mich., la
tewnara and blemtehra. BeMdea tbar
naw. te the guest ef Mrs. O. A. Jarrla a guest at tha heme at Mra. Sari Bte- in tha city (OT a short time on bstl- Bbc island, te rtelUng wtth fr
Ite advMtnge of aaf so proCpr Bomr time.
baa tu Btate •»•«.
hare tor a ftnr dayn hafera rdtarnlng maka you feel height and ekaarfM.
Price 29 cte per box. BoW by alli have a big display of wind mOte, fleldjtect
Mui WeMera egma dmm firm Wa
Mra. A. M. BaUingar ef Nl^ City
Wm. Mabignd diid
««Ra Agro 10 tab bOTBA


FAIR snom UE cum

“ T.""




tfPlE SHiniBIT
Bin Himdrod Barrals Laadod Today
for Chicago. '

SERIOUSLY ILL store apses Wednesday 6. P. M., Rcmaiiiiiio Closed Bmrsday and

81a- handred harrels of apiiles were
loaded this afternoon at the M. A N.
E. yards by the Davies Bhlprlng cc
IMy. These will leave on the 8
a. m. train tomorrow and they will be
In Chicago Monday meming
o'clock. This shipping.Arm Is sending
out from three to six cars each day
from this polot. The growers are tak­
ing advant^ of this .^ervlce. which
is the beet that has cv^hjteen given
UVTIMATE AOOPTIQN iS FORE­ (bis region. Tbe value is that the (mil
reaches tbe market In tbe quickest
time and when the customers are on
tbe Chicago market waiting (or the
OenelvAcy CaUMd by I
Michigan rniU.
Patlent !a Coaaeieus and Talks With
Fr«m ImpMta M Mad* Up by
Hte Family—Physicians Expect,
Lavylnp Tat Upon
Crisis Within Next Twenty
Larga lnoomoa(.
four Hours. .


(By Voltcd Pr«ta.1

Istaaded to roduce tho
living: . .
Prtnfipo] necesBiiiea t life u«
froo Uated.
Oudea on all linurlea bboMed.
ne&cit mad« by vbol««a]e fr««
luting to bo mad^ up on inromM
nbovo K.OOO. 13.00 for unniarrted.
Ne» rates eSectiro the monent
I the measnre.
* oxcept on sugar and wool.
■ The aenaie made 676 amend■ moms to (be house draft In con* fereoce. but {bo senate rereded on '
.• K.11 «of these.
•* The
Tb house .vjelded on dST, Com- '
•. promise effected on 9T. Disagree-'
* meat rejibrted on one.
Washington. Sept. I* —The ' lotiSawalM eonterebce Veiion on the Wil•on-Vnderwood-Slminons uriff bill
vbs presented to the bouse at noon,
after adoption by the democratic and
minority conferees.
Ibc confereos reported only
disagreement, that of Using specnlatlre deals in cotton futures. Thsi
the report will be adoifted and the
rates recommandcil by the conferees
become law was a foregone cencludloa. The principal changes were ce­
ment. asphalt and limestone pot on
the free list. Ptg iron. rctai> Iron and

dipot In Town



They are Making Tov
Berdeh and interests of Citiaens
. of United BUtea are Suffaring Heavily.


Fashion’s Last Word in NtW Coatr, Suits and
Dresses Coming in From N. Y. Cih Every Day/
EVKK .\I.\UK KOU THIS STORK. S.-.-ur«l liy our Mr. . IL Su-iBlu-rtt while .m n r.i-ent m»-i-ial Imyitix irip to .New York i’ily. The snmrtest styli- i<li-as for fall am! winter, the majority
of thi-ui ut KiH-ciuUy iulen-stinif i>rieea.

The Dresses at $12.50, $ISM,
$18.00, $20.00 and $25.00

versiiy of Michigan, today is at the
lK>lm of driub at hla home here. Dr.
Affgell Bullen'<l a r*-vcre aturk o'
hear .loubie yesterdu} and induy hh
I physicians held out little hui>e of
; cover}. He is m years of age.
- Pneumonia which develo|>ed toda]'
gr.«tly cuniplicaled his caav. I>r. J. 8
Itreaky, w ho Is -iu charge of-the case,
said that only one qf Dr. Angell's
lungs was affected by this disease
ilir iuttieut Is housciouH and talks fr<y
qurniJy with Ms family-and i-liyslclans
lint he has great diffihultv in breath
ing. Physicians look lor a crisis With­
in 31 hours.: .

—f'levi-r-netv I)nip<-(1. Slusht-tl and Suiihiirsl tiiodeU: i-tTV-ctively s--lf or triimned in couirastiiig eoloniiirs.
- .\1.\TEUI.\I,S IXrU'nK CI^:rF>d<fT,K MAT.KLASSK.




A I'ijr raiiX’’

20 per cent



fajl Khades.

Fal Coals \ Tailored Saits
tBAO. $10. $12.50 up to B3S.

$1S. $1CJ0. $18 up to BU.

—Hractii-Mlly every n*-w
in :i truly woiKh-rfiil wlo-iotil of tillfabrics and ■■cilorintts. Tid- coals
in hit', cozy effects. jHi|mlar r«»Hgl‘ fahrje*. Kff«-livcl.v ii.-w
lirajMiiK ideas are hmuxtit out in some of tin- suits.


in-n mill



(ireat elolhi-s vahii*s al



—'uiiiilar <iuuliti<*s an- i
ally |.rii-iyi #1.) l« $25.
— It 's really woiuierfnl h«w
jtrit^-d will main- huainesa
grow*; W.-'n- frank to say
we're^ lenrtieil this to our
I»rom in »>ur lai-n s dejd..
—.K Ktoek of Kail Suita and
Overcoats without
dhutpIs.iutmetits in any way.

Ladies^ Uaioti Sails at
SOc and S9c

Oatiag Flanaeit; Wonderfid Assnti^ttU
and Values, 6c, 8c, lOc, IWac

— M-sliniii Weight, eoU'iu rild»'<l;
Hlikh- letik’llis.'liigll aud low ueeks;'
long and sljort aleeves; nil aizes.

—An almost limiib-w varii-lv of patlems to seb-ct from. Light.
and darki^luni and plain white and ercaiii.

New Flaueleneg

Battnbe HmmIb

nse. #L«;. up to
fall and
wiitier wi-iffhts in cMloti ribbed;
fleece lined; Wool and rib-

At 10c. 12</irc aad 15c.
—Very attractive yaluea
every price; a wlde«l
ide'^hbicc c
imiteint and cnloringi

Cbaica at yard. 25c.
—The Ideal fabric for a warm,
cozy robe. Splendid quaUiy la
pleasing iiaitems.

ladies' 2-nece Usderweir
25e, 50c, «. $1.25 Ginsent

ITarin Blankets Far Cool Aahmn Nights
6§c, €9e, 7Se, 98c, $125, $150, $1.65

—Ki-'cee-l aiul ribl>.-d uiitlerw<-ar
/—Jiirjiiuin-.lmle flat Wool.

—.Staekfc and Ktaeks of; all six.-* from the single b<-d lo
xira^large sizi«. Tana, grays hu<I idain white wjth hordent triM&ed
triiRtfled iin various color eombiiialiigta.

.-LADIES'rxiON SKITS at S.'.e

ChUdreB^ FaU Cndenvear

at $1.25. B1.S0.
$1.75. B2J5 and up.
—I.ots of peoi>le i>refer them
ta tbe blankett. The values are
extra good at the above prices.

—I'MON SKITS at .'sic. (i:>e. T.'.e
and*l.«K), All sizes;Kbild_ren's l!
|iieee tllld'-rwear Ut lUe, 'iic. X.’fe;
4t>c ainl
k'arm--nt. Doth wool
ami ibs-ee lllu-d.

Wool Blaitketa at B4J0. $EM
$100 and r-SO.
and white. I
aucl white, red and white ia
solid colors and trimmed.

lolasb’ WiMl Vesb il 25e
and 5oc
—Splendid •jdalilies nt tbeae twe
liricfs. in all sixes.


The Barney Co. Special Suit Sale
TW^Wcek cyash
OcL 3 and 4
or as long as the assortmerit lasts we offer a jot Suit and Coat
of ^h -grade, plain-


in the most desired new
weaves and shades at
discount from the regular
reasonable price of

CHARMEr/K.- (■Rhn»E-I)K-<Tliyr-

The New FsD SaHs ud

the bank by those who were not fortu­ ing tbe-tace all around. Whiling a___
nate enough to see them at the fair. a co^ drire in the third aa4 hrnoglA
bis horse In after trailing throng tha
first half. Tba final iouR toned oot
to be a pretty neck and neck rnce be­
tween Dreadnaugbt nnd BlUy 8. The
IVbmng horse seemed to have the ad­
(Continued from Page Throe.)
vantage in B|>eed. hot a break on thb
When Final Figures Have Been Caat
flnlahed a bid third In tbe fliat and stretch dropped him to second placg.
Up. Sucprlsirg Rceulu
aecond beata. but took a fliat and aec- Dreadnaugbt taking tbe rnce.
Will be Found.
ond. respectively, la the final two. and
Jimmy Qoff Gets JoniR.
came off second beat In tbe race. OerJimmy Goff had litUe trouble tn
Thai the ,GranJ TiaWerse Region
mafne drove the first hents, but Whit­ Ing a pair or straight beata In the haV
fair held this >*-ar has been the big­
ing took the bike nfter the opMier and mile running race from Joe Bowee.
gest slid best ever held In northern
flnlahed.' Lady Btcana look three sec­ The Jumpers went in good time in «hg
Michigan Is e\ iili-uci-il by the allondonds and a third, but was boatee out last heat, flat Si; The older bona
ance, gxbibUlnn ami conoesslon re>for second mmey by WblUng.
look the ontalde in both heats, bat' had
enongb extra speed to distance tha
In each round of the tastar clnee. oolL although each time they easa
tattle Ed. with Davenport np. came anund t^ the wire nack and naq|L =
from behind on the laatUp (or n first
Rebey Tehee Motorbika Race. ^
In tbe opener illnnle Online ted to
Robey and Coplan staged a two and
the third quarter, when both UtUe Ed
-half mne motqrc}-clc race. Be^
OAd Lady Sphinx paaeed tbe pole were mounted on Excelaior macbtaica.
horse and came under the wire Tor but from the start Robey went ahead
close first and second. W. O. B. got and dUtanced Coplan aU the way. Tha
away bad and atayed to the bad. being time waa 3:52.
nnable to spurt on the streich. The - Sammary:
time for tbla and tbe taet heal was
,3:14 Raca.
nret heat-4iute Bd (Oai
The remaining beau went the
Lady Sidibix (Voglel. MHmla Onlhm
If Reglen Will ba Ea- way. Minute Online alsrays getting (Ztbber). W. O. B. (Omataie). TImi
good atarta In the (but half bat olomp- 2;]l>4.
lug In tlme^tn s
IIaw Lady
I.arir 8ph!lui
RnMas and
t-UUte Bd. Lad»
UtQe Ed the srire. Tbaae two boraea Sphinx. W. O. B, MInnte OoUm. TimB
race, in each boat
Tbe aecond Grand Traverse Region
boat—UtUs Bi Ladr UUmi
api>le ahow wUl be bhld In tbe lobby
of the Traverse City State bank, be- Davenport everr UiM. In tbe tUrd Minnie Online. W. o. B. Tima. t:«SlA
S:M Rasa
glnalng the week of Nov. I and con­ beet Little Bd went the taet quarter
first Heat—Dtesdaaaiht (Ou^
tinue tor soote thne. AnanffanieBU In 30H aeconda.
WhHing Sprung
Udy Bteanif (CnUerl. BUly 8 (Oe^
were oonifieted yeeterday and there
Oq these dates we will show
‘nte 2:35 srent (our bMU. Dread- mame). Time. 2;S3H>*
aro bittdreda of fnU growma who
,, in the store a manofecturer's
wiu aid In advertising thia (rnit re­ aanght taking the first two and then
a bad third, but coming
gion. The dlaplaye at the talr have, ftntahtng
-----------------------------------. back Steams. Bills 8 (Whl&ng. Tima. 2:$$;
.is . line of the inost recent cieaThird haat-BlUy 8. Lady 8taar«
gilen many an incentive to produce Md taking the beet and rnce la the
tions in winter wear.
their beet at that lime. Tbe ahow that fiaaL Whiting sprung a eurprlae with •raadnanghL Time. 2:34)$: .
Fonrth beAt-DreadnaagM. Bllty 4
was held Uai year gitractod hon-.BUly 8 by taking a first nnd dose
A special order opportunity
dreds and from thnl many have bo aecond tn the teat two roonde, after lAdy Btearaa. Time. 2:tt.
in either suit or oo&L
come orchard owners wbo.never real- his horse had ahown nothing in the
Rwiaiiig Raca, Half Mila.
Ued what could be done if IhU sec- firet two.
Flrse baatWlmmy CoC Jse maent.
Your presence is requested.
tion of the atate.
| la the drat heat Lady Btcana took note. :58.
The annual vegetable ahow that (bU the lead at tbe>tart and held It tt> tbe
Second bbat-^immy QpS, Jea Bai^
bank baa rarried on tn the pnat wili third quarter, when Cox paaeed and
be duplicated this year and will be- finlahed two lengths ahead. BUy 8
Hotsrqyele Raea, 3Vi Wltea.
gin Monday morning of nen week, broke freqoentty nnd weet wild nQ the
ExoMater (Robey). RxriMcr (C^
Nearly all of tbe blue ribbon dteptaya way. In U» second Dreadoaaghl again laa). Time. 3:&L
bave been secured, and esn be eean at came nsfiv the wire ahead. Ojg mak-' Btartar-Wta. Meara at Beyae VhlH


Latest FaU Suits


~i..\SsE |{Kl)Ki»RtiS. ETV


Eagle Pass. Texl. Sept K>.—More
than 500 51exlcans were killed In a
three days' battle between consiitutlonalists and O.voo federals. near
Charles P. Buck Tetls of Conditlone
blenas. according «o infornation re­
in the Drouth Stricken District
ceived today. The rctH-l* were dein weet.
feat«l and ake rciiorie<l Oeelnc towacd
the border, .destroying the downs cnChas. P IlHCk. formerly manager of
route. American interests suffered the Traverse Cii> Publicity bureau,
writes to a City friends as
"Do you know of any good Neribern 6ples this seaaon, e«ra good in
fact? I can place five or six barrels
of good Btxick. as the barrel 1 got for
B> Chicago friend last (all ba.wyjwnduty was renMved from rattle, sheep
Od his afi3' his friend's ey<^« to our
and other food aoimals. wheat and its
Northern Michigan fruit.
produdh. and tbe bouse duties- oti
• I have had cxcepilonal opporUnloats, butter, beets, curranta chocolate
and cocoa were cm. Wool rates were Two Trunks Brought From Europe ties to watch the land developRi<-nt
work in Texas and the Pan Handle
Tbe following
generally <
i Many Dutiable Ooeda
and to study tlic methods of the dw
additions to the free list were made;
Bey Officials.
vclopntent jompanles, the on>ortunlSugar machinery, school text b^ki
Hes the coupiry affords and the clast
and untold moving picture films.
(By t'nlUHl Press.)
New Yortt, Sept.
Mrs. Prank B, of people It attracts. N'otwiihstandWiburg. wife of
flnclnnatl million- Ing the dry season In the southwest
is Burprislns to see the tenacity
alre. was indicted by a Pederal Grand
Jury today on a chargO.of smuggling. and pluck with which the.-new aetilers. hang wito their land, and tha
E. H. Brown Finds Many are Buying Site entered a temporary plea of not
upfimUm wllli which the)- face a new
guilt}' before Judge Hough.
Fruit Farms.
When Mra. AV^burg arrived from season. The railroads Bevolupuient
nnd-instrmtional work is a r<.-v<-latton.
B. II. Brown, official demonstrator Europe, with t*to trunks she deriared
With much of this I, have perforce
of the Western Michigan Develop- they eonuined onl}- 850i> worth of
The trunks .were bei-n actively associatod. The R<K-k
mont hvrean. ,has retorned froiii sev­ dutiable goods.
Island and Santa' Ke roads have very
eral days spent at Ironton. East Jor­ selxed and the indictment declarea
completely equIpiH-d and organized
dan smd Boyne City, where be held they contained goods worth 05,000.
buH-aua or departments which are
sevml demonstrations that were at­
continually siriviug and moat effi­
tended by hundreds of farmers, bank"
ciently. wo. to introduce new methers and bnsinens men. There are a
crops and otherwise Increase
number of business peoifle who are'
the crop reliability and agricultural
becoming interested tn fruit raising
and are parchaatng small orchards and Former Grand Traveeoe Man Taken l>rosperiiy.of what was'once a part of
Away Buddenly.
the "Great American Desert." .1 shall
then obtaining all Information p^sibe vMy glad to hear as folly as may
bie from various aourbea (or the sue-'
lie, of .vour work this, season, and of
cessful care of the trees. I). 8. PayBuffalo. K. V.. Sept. 29«-Oeorge Its results. J have been so very fiilly
^ of Charlevoix bad charge of (hi.
tonrs. Saturday Mr. Brown was on Adclit>ert Wheat, aged 63. brother of occnpled VhU year with my work here
the faixn of Tbeo Van Ashcroft, of Herbert Wheat of Traverse t.'lty. that is has been Impoaslble to
• 'hlcago. who has purchased-a forty- died suddenly last night ht his home keep In that cloae touch with af­
Central igike and is' in Yatesvllle, »w- York. He is sur- fairs In Western .MirlilgaQ that I realarte farm
uslng modern methods In the care of ''«ved by four daughters, two sisters 1} abouid liavc most desired
Iniertnem will
Mr. flurtk is located In Topeka. Kan­
. bii-l
ts .and is selling silos.

TfEAVEmse ci*rv

Friday, October 2nd and 3rd, Account (rf Hebrew Holidays



PAU ms

The Barney
Co. ammodB
•' _

ord*. While the exact statistics have
yet been flguretl out. •
mate iilacee the marks In every de-,
lartmeni tar Inadrehoe of Iboeeniade
laat year Thursday's crowd was «he
biggest which tias exer attended a
abow 0/ the kind north of Grand Kai> and was lire greatest gathering
of the sort In Traverse nt|. The
celpia from the grandstand this )ear
were almost double those of aay i>vevioot year. More coni-esstons were
grantcl than ever before, more pre
mtum money was paid out and the
exhibitions were fur and away the
beet, both ia quanilty and quality,
that have ever been shown here. It
is estimated that there were more
than fifteen Xbousand people
grounds Thnraday. although II will be
lirpoasihle to get the exact number of
paid adnibiBlons for some lime, o
count of the sqason tJckeu and
inns which muM be counted with the
regular ^t« aAmiasions.



The Barney Co.

1 '

je .

QKAHD nuvnn BntAID Ain> XKAVian BAT UQXJE, TVZ8SAT, Sipnifm 30. IMS.



' ^

"A Mb* waa drawn Is tbe dm. *nd
wltb hi* front pawa exactly on the
line tbe rabbit croorbed down read;
to aurt, while jual behind him the
enall made ready tor the rare. Then
> that the other anlmala aaw
why U V a that tbe anall i a witling
Mam*d*Ve!mrV»SlIa'*«l»^^ 1 -Now don’t you cry." and Sonny Dan “> >rtve the rabbit the advantage of a
Tbiww down hU marblea and topa. l«i*lh-a turt. for no aooner waa the
I «HH try Mver te worry or ♦ ■ •■'•w grandpa aaya. and I m aure he rabblfa ull, down anr the ^und
and be was' liatenlng'nervoualy and
ffot abetA anythlns.
attentively for tbe frag to croak than
I wtll try to be aa happy a* I
the anall fattened bimaelf to the rab­
bit’. ulL And when the signal to
no far M I eaiu
etan waa given and the rabbit sprang
■ In tbe heart «tf a a«ed
away-the snail, all unknown to the
aM^nd to everybody and to «
Burled deep, ao deep. . .
rabbit, went with him.
ovary living thing. \
« A dear lUtie pUnl
"For a little disunce the rabbit ran
If I over fall In trying th do «
Lay faat asleep.
as fast as he could and then glancing
thoee thinte. I will Try. try f
over his shoulder* and not seeing the
. * Awake, aaid the aunshtne.


dlltn *"But*’*the
fhe rabbUk tiSl fH* pun w« n«




of the raindrop, bright.
Organitad December A 1Mt.
Rrealdent—Mile Claro Batea.
lltile plant beard
Ftrwt Vleo Preeldent-Mra. ttabcl
^nd aroae to *ee
•atae WlllUma.
thi. wonderful
Sooend Vice PreMdant-^iW Irene . BeauUfUl world might be.
Pomeroy SMelda.
v 'A. U
J“«* RBbbifa Story.

"Well. " said Mister Pox when Jark
Number rt memimra Motigiag Sbp. R»bblt caihe again to the houae on
tombtr 1, 191A 9.881. .
‘>>e other
day about your visits to me and the

Hbdib....— .b. <b.d. rb"i»;:Trr:d"r.:^;rt

m. Urn. a. '
lb. VM lb,
rwi. i h.v, dob. bll W,' tblklbk bbd
job bbv, 001 bod lb ,«CTi yooroell
In the least to apply the wisdom 1
The earning Man.
uught you. Now. laxlness Is a very
1 know the dearest lltlJe boy.
bad habit and 1 do not to aaWith rtlnglng curls of brown.
courage U In any of my puplto. conThe upturned Ui>s for me to kiss
1 b... . Ploo lor uol., ,bo,
Keep many a heartache down.
ill reverse
reverse matters.’’
Two litUe banda oft smeared wltb dirt, will
"And what do you intend for me to
Two eyes of brightest blue.
And what
" asked Jack Rabbit. <1
Two tiny dimples in bis cheeks,
that he was not to hear anotbar of
Perbapa you know him. too!
■Mister Fox's fine stortea.
I know the dearest UtUe boy.
“I *"> i»‘“« “>
Who qoesUona strange will ask;
raid MUter Pox. - and! am
To answer them as best I may
solng to sU and listen to you as psu
Is sUll a happy taak.
have been listening to me. ”
HU sailor cap was bought’ to match
“It U not fair." raid Jark Rabbit.
HU suit of navy blue;
to take me so by surprise and make
Tboae stubby shoes were once quite me tell a story to ao wise a beast aa
"Nevertheleas. that is tba plan.’
Parbaps yon know him. too!'
said Mister Fox. "and as soon ra you
IWI September 1, idiA A14&.


U I kMw ft boi thftl wu law want ta r>- Well. ! will cloa« now.
Prom Tour Suuablner
To bold ail the ffowna 1 »e«.
Clara Crapo.
I ahoutd Ilka to satber ttaem/everr
What a nice long letter you have
wtltienr I am not lonely thla week!
Prom nnmery. acbool and rtreet.
Urawa. Mich,
Then bolding ahd folding, fd pnek
Sepu'lS. 1913.
them la. Dear Pre.ldent And tumtng the
I have not written to you and tbe
I'd biro a giant to drop tbe box
SnuMoen In a look time, but don't
Into the deptha of the nea.
think I have forgotten you. becauM
I have not. I have been working a
1 have two bloeiiomr on my momlot this .nmmer. and now school has
Ing glory planta. Saturday afternoon
paseed the fourth grade
my slater and I road horseback. Our
last spring and am now In the fin'b
school begins tbe 29th^f '
grada Uy studies are reading, spell'*'•> have five paw iww trees and tlx
Ing. panreanthlp. geography, artth«>• *««*f has an orange
Mr and Unguage. 1 have one pel.
« a^nrapefrult tree alxteen Inetaea
and It la a cat. It is black and it

broete. ae Iber were round to be *«rr fact, for t hare never eeen anr*
atroaaer and port- laatln*."
tilng that looked like iooli.“
- My knife 1, made of eieel. I.n-| IV
• N.^mhrlee*
you irt
Mr. Beldenr naked the boy aa be them.' said hi* mother, "and one of
watched tbe eharpeoina |.rooe«
tbeae daya you wIU have a full art.
. ver. *ood knife it 1* •«"> *«'
**> •»*« out In your
too." replied he -All the best knives Hfeworh. Kbsterer It may be."
althoQifU a good' Frank looked aatonlahed at hU
»»By cheap one. are Made of iron, mother', words uotU .abe explained
Table-knives are uaually partly of fuiihcr. "Every man does not earn
steel'apd partly of Iron. I suppose bis iivtng by handicraft. Cnn’t you
you wouldn’t careto haveme tell you think of one who eana amney wlthhow knive. aremade " inquired the out having a set of toola for the
knife«barpei>er. as be glanced up at taandN^’
Ernest, with a twinkle in bis eyes.
"w4. ” said Prank, “there’s WIU
"O. Indeed t wotfld." waa t^e ready Pranklln. He's a bookkeeper: be doee
not need anything but a pen.”
"Well. I 11 begin with Ubte-knives.
"Are you MreT” questiooed bla
nol being a Chinaman. I consider mother. "If \MU y>anhlln had never
them quite Important." began the old studied ihe' u

'll la quite **"”'* *
““ '*■ '
"^he blades ar.- made first
d»«lerent from the rid.walk. in Trav'
vef enmniete.
crte. We us^ to live there on West
* «®P^Uon about the heated to a white beat and iheq bam’
commandmenu. The ope that baa „ered out Into shape on an anvil, by
n,. ,.o„
workmen, one with a heavy and
My mother nsed to belong to
and easily until he came in tight of
Sunday school about every Sunday.
,pi,h . ughi hamarcr. This 1.
where the anlmala were waiting at the Sunshine (Inb. too. My brother
M, ouDuaj
sml.r scouui
»l»ol called loreln.
. 1. .1
used to belong alto Here is another - Ifk. UI .0- ^
forging lb.
ibe blU-.
As «cb


dr‘n« W«T to ^t the Mtne'peom called:

1 like itr. My sister Pearl wenfback
to school Monday. She is sixteen
years old. She goes^to Lnnsing.
A loving Sunsblner,
Rosma Cjirtlss.
If yon receive the prise for the composition be aure and let ns know.

snail loo badly, sb 1 am going to, sit
Working Together,
down and wait for him.’ and down A million little eunbeam*
he sat liy tbe roadside in ibe shade of
Can make a pleasant day;
a tTM.
A million little raindrop*
"Hut the minute he sat down the
frighten them away,
snail letting go of his tall started aa


.—i-i-- ....k ____
KhAiiM Bit rirvwn bii*
Tb, __
b„k vker .i._
bbo„U .li do.b .bd CTy 1Aowb.r,
Or..., Ml,b..
I” '.•J»"!'•
V, do bbbl^Id
"."o'loo. »<
U,o .ooU ooo
lo ooeb o op.ll of w«lbor
D™, ProildOotheard a great uproar from
^ **•'
***• ®'‘"'
»“* “d The sun must shine In Woe ekles.
,hlners because I have not written in
blackbird announce at the
b* *
. long lime. We have four little kit“>P
hi* volce;’The anall win. the I nUl
• h*PP2
tens, three cat*, and one kUteit. Our
E-.o .h.o b, could oo, b.
Oo ...r, II,lie
„,j, „d .b.
‘"at the anall had really beaUn
...»»• no teeth. 1 am in the fifth grade
him. end to ihl* dai.'becauae none of Thank you ever ao much for the ihls vear. I am ten years old. My
Hollbrook. 1

know how it waa accompllahed." <*re of the card ra it won’t get lost.
VMrh I. nrettv <«od evidence"

^hlch U pretty good evlde^^^
Mr. Fox. “that
Prom a little Sunsblner.
family needed wisdom more than
you did."
"Yes." aaid Jack Rabbit, "w* have
eapecially inImproved as the family grew older. ,cresting Irttw and I know all the
aad^ I think that all of ua now real^
Ue that doing is ranch better than
boaaUng. and that a race U never
Omena Mich R. P D No
I untU tbp nnlsb.". Box 31.

the arlthtnetir. gad had never taken
gpelUng book, where would be bla
toot* for earning ifHeen hundMd dob'
lars a year—which U five doUara a
day. Instead of three?'
Prank u.
saw U
it In
in nu nnin.iit.
moment ud.


■ ^<’11. moUr-

t^e bar becomes loo shon to hold in „. I guess | esn afford «,
the hsnd, it Is held, in a |>alr of tongs school, even when I don’t want to. if
„ntii u is gji used up. Rnlfe-bladea j can get a'set of looU in that way
,^1- hammered out on a flat anvil; which will earn me as nach money
but. raxor-bUdes. which ye holkTwed as WTil Franklin’s.—Advocate.
om on the sides, are madd-on a round-----------------------faivd anvU. After the »
In Autumn.
made It is fastened to aa Iron bar by
Tte autumn is a busy time lor ...d
-aBtb„u„, ih.m both ™d hm >bd h..,j,. ^o^ H.
and ciay homes must be put In order
eooi. oo. pb«». Tbl., non oT
for Uie winter, and their store-house
'* «klllng welding"
must be filled srith food enough to
..j-d iikB b.-*t
know. a!>out the
,pring-Ume. This winter
jgckkniv.-s. ” ventured Eraett. frarfood Is kept in their hom«. which
ttat the knlf- would be finished :r“.
* „der“ wsteV
o.„„ ,0,, p,,
water, far below the ice; so you see
to him.
entrance to their queer huts or homea
"All right, my boy. I’d feel the y under water. Dama sometimea ,
same way. loo," said the obliging |hr«g hundred yards In length.

^ravIrse Cliv ^ir Bitter IdOtOe U In the
,*"'1 P«“’ bdllt whenever the water in not deep
erse City. My slater.!x)tUe U In the knife blade* are
are forged
forged from
from the
the end
end enough to <..<t
suit the
tbe heaver’s
beaver’s needs.
first grade. Her teachers name »• «,f a rod of east sie<l. with a light jbe beaver is a builder, but some
After the birds'are rtrally tailors. Tbe weaver.
enough more of the wrd reallv sew# with hU ' bUl.
O«®0-hre from J*"
stepl is cut off to make the joint- j^rge leave# inieriaeed wUh strong
part. ” oipenlng the blade and
fiber# form a secure and safe
>f la nice to bear fTM
tbowlng the boy the part-referTed to. casement for the nest, and all’ aorU
«oy dear. I hope you will write oit^n.
in a i»lr of of vegetable material—grass, twigs,
^ >
tongs and heated agalL when the joint nber-anythlng that U pUable and
Cedar. Mich , - forged- This nlcR or nail-hole, weavable are uaed In the making of
®*P*here In the side U stamped with a thi* delicate bird home. Inaectt too
Dear President—
chisel while hot After forging, knife- gr* i,n*y in the fall. The aaod waap
1 know the dearest litUa W#y.
* •*“]*
Xeaaaa CKy. Mich.
A# t
srrmeH'-to theSnnblades are sumped with the makrt’s
U-ho plays so hart all daP.

Rapt 17. 1918. ,
shine Clnbfor s JongAMme. Ithought ntitut. and. then tempered by heaU'ng auch wonderful aeuae aa the beaver
When twUlght cornea ha leaves bis
"What shall I leU hlmr thought
M U Belle Ave.
I would write and* help fill the mail them red-hot amJ cooling them quick- „ the weaver bird. This sand waap
Jack Rabbit. And then all at once
HlghUnd Park. Detroit
going to school again'. Our \
box Bkaln. I do not go to school this j,- by dii>plng them Info water. Pej^ j, gn expert in sand digging, and can
For Draamland’a happy *ay.
there occurred to him a atory that
Sept. 18. 1913. fescher's name is Miss Bennett, and
so I haven’t any favorite atudiea knive, «nd oUier pocket-kalvea i«as burrow dosra a long dUttoce- Small
Climbs into arms that bold him close his grandmother used to tell
like her very much- For pets
Dear Presidentip mention. It has been very cold through a great many hand* before *pidera and other tiny Insects that
about the rabbit that thought be was ------ ----------- .Against ^a heart that’s true,
lately and Jack Frost ha# started they are finished, for besides the «>me near are Paralysed by the Sting
much smarter than he really was
Ha is my 'all in all today.— *
■■“" *"
”* M. -ork. My ,l«-r H.I.o
I blad.. tin.
,h. .prlo... U, Ulo „ ,t,
ol k.
and how a snail took the conceit ail I »«Ud .ni. lonlkhi. Ao. I »o.l
Perhaps you know him. too!
day* over at my cousin iron plates on the side*, the part* of food
out of him.
fair. Yesterday was Chlldran-# Day oW _horaea The old horara’ namt-a Agnes’ two week* ago. We bad a the handle, and the rivet*, the making pbotographed while it was at work.
Odd Mesa this oearcat little b^y.
"The only story I think of." b«an ^
^ mamma and I
MBud* »Bd Prince.

• iHief
of each of. which Is % #p«l*l trade. tl sta* foimd.4Uling up a ttny hole Ui
J.ok BAbblt, ■ U .0. U..1 [ h.T.
, „„
Who grows from day to day;
*11 tbe parts are ready, they ,be ^nd VtiAapd'. 'Her work was
And inay he have the strength to boar known ever since 1 was a little fellow pies, oh! such big nice oora! Then
■ ago and was glad to hear from her. go to the flnUhFr. who put# the knife beautifully planned fromtbe beglnand whli h concerns one of my
The hardships oo life's way.
the rrae# were so beautiful. Then
Ton are a faithful Bunsblner. and j hope ahe will write to theSonshlne together.—but now your knife U fin- nliig’ and faithfully carried ouL step
May he have wisdom and the srtll
we went through the agricultural 1 always look for your nice lltUe let- Club soon again a* her letters are al- ished. and it wlU whllUe every bit as by stop, in a manner that waa astonTo always dare and do:
“That ou^t
______ _ _______
and aaw______
such ___
nicp veg'e- i
Fnyfc w fhU of Sunahlue. As my let- well as a new one." raid Mr. Belden. uihlng to behold. First, afte Brought
I know be never .means to fall.—
said Mister Fox, "for if it i» old it tables and thing*. On opr way
ter i* getUng long and I cannot think
be handed the knife to Ernest.
g quality of %ie rand to the spot and.
Perhaps you know him, too!
ought to be good, and if It is about school exhiblta I went fishing and
Port Lauderdale. Fla
•“ • will close.
"i am sure o» that." raid the boy. of course, this occasioned many trips
—Bernard A. Pitman, one of
caught a lltUe gold-fish which had, a
prom a Sunahin? Girl.
-for you’ve sharpened knives for me to and fro. When al last tbe filling
number on that drew a prite. The
Ubusaa Svoboda. before." Tben. handing the knife- was level with the ground, tbe clever
Tkm Heart of the Hi
•■Well, a long time ago there was a .cbool exhihlis were very fine, but
j f^jved yoor
e^rhap* Helen will see this letter sharpener hU fee. and politely thank- uiue workman jrteked up a very itoT
Her tore 4 all freckled—this girl rabbit who wa* very vain and
! must tell you what I raw then.
^ and grant your wish.
ing him for tl» IpformatJon about pebble and uaed it a*
a hammer.
whoro I know,
aubject of bis vanity was tb# apeed First 1 noticed two little conning
knlvea. be left 0|b shop.—Selected.
pounding the earth with It nnUl the
And her nose ha» a tilt In the air; *t which he could run. In spite of bouses fornlshed as nice as any
send a card and button to my cousin?
------------------------ground was quite bard and level. <M>d
And not even her mother, with moth- uie swifioea* of some of the other house with dolU in a* house-keeper*.
^ ^
^ ^ cousin.
Her name Is Dorcas Crosrell. and ahe __
Paying for His Teela
baa given animals and bird# and iaor-Iove blind.
animals he boasted that he-i»uld run uuie porches with swings, and the i,;"
''Oear PrealdentCaa uuihfully ray she is fair;
f.Mer than any of them, but when cunnlngesl little fern on the porch. ’

Unvriene 'thst will
Our school stsrted tbe second of
-»er hair i^e color that tgay be eaU- they announced ihemselve. as ready ybere were many nice drawnings and ^
the S^Wen-ber.
»'«•«* fowB*! oiber work of the school children, jo-b
Hniw« In Mav ocbolars in school, say leacners .
And straight aa a ruler hang* «,me excuse for not running. One w« aaw the exhibit of grain from
------- ---rv... .u. *«
day; hU fool would be Ume and an- Canada that was so nice. Then-'S5-^“*
From a Florida Sunahlner,
Her eyes are pale blue, and her fore- other day It wa* too wann. aad an- mw tbe lUUest man and womaa in
Rose Davidson.
ing frlends^i# in vogue at
bead la low— .
was no good course the whole wild world; ihewomadwaa
1 will gladly send your cousin a “nr, orthography, arithmetic, geog“1 suppose you do get Or»d of it which to very easily gotten up and
Though It never ie drtwn In » over which to rar<\ no that, despite twenU-two and she
“”I!L . ^ cart and button, nnd am happy to
i’»>y«»o'og>. grammar and cMl
bis boasting, he never bad defeated Inches tall. Tbe man was tblrty-two
any of the other animal*, because he and was about twenty-five inches tall.
Hersister# are graceful andbonny had never had the courage to artually t saw an allgator. And they gave
1 few beans la
young things.
run with Ui. m.'.
me a glass i>en as a souvenir and I
summit City.'M— r^p^t *'»yT.raZ'.fCc >
And her brother tohandsomeand
"One day. however, a snail lying
mw them make the blown
- In the gras* heart the rabbit boast- things.' Then we went through a big
And all of them think in their inner- h»g of-bg. speed, and listening until building and raw so many things in
I read In the paper you were lone­
• most hearts,
be wa* angry at the ralo statements there, raw them mske. taffy candy
That tbeir sister {# truly a eight
which ihe rahbll made, the anall made end batting candy that looked Just some for a 'letter so J thought I
I am
Bui the soul of ihto girl Is n boentiful bold to chsHenge Uie rabbit to n like cotton batting but didn't ta*te xould write.
rac^ with him.
like It! I raw an airship.
sailed school. My teacher'* name 1*| Miss
tntwratlng to know what •*<!
And her voice is as sweet
awert as a
-The rabbit sneered at the snail, .round just like a birA
would Eva Boot. She U a dandy teacher,
Sunsblnera are doing
money. Why can’t I? 1 don’t
of the room iu a alanUng poalUen.
Who could Bcarcely crawj a tool in make my letter too long to tell you I. em In ..
the sixth
. grade end doing
fccrgu"^r‘on“ .'rrlvar U°|i^nted
And her goodness of heart and her
hour, and raid; To race with you everything 1 raw but 1 had such a »ell. We have eenb away for new
good. I wUh I could earn money,’bean-bag made
srtodoo of mind
would be no race at all. since I would good Ume 1 wish more of the H. Y. F. book*. I sent for six. they are the
"You are earning money." answer^ eratonna
Mora Than Hia Money’s Worth.
Are seen In kind arUona and worti
»„ive at the flnlsli birore you had
Sanablnera could have been there,EUonrwader.
Conns rerised physl-eonjayon sharpen my
knife. Mr
Tbe game cooslsts In throwing the
crossed the starting line.urn. So now I will rlose.
ology. Reod'a word book. KlmbaU’s
if* .tout a# dull as a hoe ■'

Aad the mother has ever a fond: wort
Do not be .0 aura." raid the snail.
“Your ’lorini

......... -----------Sun.hlner
aaid &ne«
ra hrefite^tte ***« 1““^
and smile
'for when I am aroused L mlghL
Floy M. Ottinger. gHwraphy
0 do this, and the c
For thU child of her dally delight.
deed, surprise you with my speed.
all the
the Funbeam.
Funbeams will
will B^thmeUc.
l am #ures an
■“«* « odd Jobs to earn the UtUe “
t**®® ““ who counts tbe highest number of
VZZir *
" r
•» feel as thought they too had rlslied {
“ «»•
that be needed.
Ijeet^ler six round., dalm. a prtoe
— " I wUl show yteu that I am
4,1, ^fter having read your
•o“* ***“•
’"Tea. my boy." paa tbe answer in
HI* mother answered bis comical
the same color aad kind as his
tie yrt. I have a bantam, four
Sood- equaUy confident berause I srill agree
a pleasant tobe.- "and FIl aoon have look with a merry tough. "It isn't
jq ,hese prise bags all sorts rt
ntgbt .
galneaa and one little kfttaa.
to give you a start bf your length and
sharp that you’ll have to handle “ your pocket yet but It will
- gitu may b
And. oh. they would mira. and mtoa Uic only eoneeraloo 1 ask from you to'
nanm is Chub. It is awfully a
it with care." Then, running fais »ome day. You cant cam money
,j, „pea them antll the playhave been tahlog music lessons this finger along tbe edge of the blade, he Mthout tools, and you cant gel tool*
Then the

—1,1 —****^
^ aame
Fort lAuderdale. Fla..
wn .si
uuug ue eoge or Uie
'••mout uioi*. suu jou cma *b.
^ |g- jj orer. men
ue company
cuwiwur gather
ld r. 5ri witrol t!il,Trf f.^or

Sept 9. 1913. wmmer. > ^I1 t^a for a wbUe ihU
^ ^
Prod, Ashton.
argand a table and open the
For the girl with no beaqty of face or crouch ftot os the ground raid not Dear Prerident“
«noch better thanT.harp-«igmi <«r neighbors «»n. begin, work ttr ^ «,d, thoee who have draw. «no
of form
rise np until the word
atari, has
ubi— VA.<-.Biir-. i.i. Kingsley to school.
aj^ae to whittle with, don’t yon thlok day as a Journej-mea carpenter.
prises may cballeage the winner*, and
la Biost truly the heart of the home! been given/
an alone. Ky grandpa U coming
"I wiah I were a carpenter aad ,g m single combat win away some of
—Rmma A. Lmtc. In Visitor,
-The oiAr animal* did not know
from Harbor Springs to see my sU“iVhy. what do yon mean. iXr.
could earn three dollars 1 day." raid the prises.
you please tell me her address? Iter and me. We are
--------- ---------------______
what plan the snail had in
I bis head.
No one ever tried to whittle with Frank.
PREStOENTS but they all agreed tfast hU propoelwater melon and
Why Nett ’
“But think how he has worked a*
fan, I wtah we could get *ome to
" turn was a fair one and toe)Med that
' apprentice for lew than three dolSchool
I Kitow.
yon if yon like ft We bad a Sunday
Our Second Vice Fresldept has aeat tbe rabbit should run tbe nira.
T never tried ft ” was the laughing tors, some of tbe Ume for almost example of a swd whew ^ word
^ acbool picnio this fall. We hare
in two cnni^g UtUe veraes and a
" 'I am certain to win.'’ ihonght the H I knew the box where smiles
—s s.-B . laiiB Hins I
"W *® “>« “oet ancient Umea. nouilng; and think of the scores, and ’kin’ makes ft
Sunahlue au^- for our page this rabbit, ‘so why should I not accept kept
snake a
a piece
niece and
and Beasle
Brrrri- Box
Box nnd
and 1i
tbarp-edged stones almost hundreds
dollar* that be Iw"
- .
........... of for‘“^l#
week, mid V
Pm>-P«tond that tbe challenge.’ and after' a few »lnite matter bow tort* the ke^r.
a piece
and Bemde
tl^Tml" to'J'
wlto '"Boy:
“Ptonat «r. tombkto— Uttto
abe U-reading them to ua.
me.’ consideration he agreed to the Or strong the bolt I would try no a«ig a King, it was "L was Dream^
!«»»» ^
'J hls^gther



,-r-■■ -tYbo has planned U go tor n ride,
L«oked gio^r oat at the dripping
tree* ''
Tbnragb the tears aha was tryinff
to bide.


- .,s

T.':: ^.rAP..,,j;- r


ao that the other animal* haring............
the sun by running ncrora loUeouId
Fd aentt^ tbe smUee to play,
also see tha finish. Tbe btoekbM Thnt chlldren’e fneee mi^t
was eboMd to be Uie judge at Uie
them that
antlbMany nnd mnny a Say.

acme pewiee and aU kinds of regetables. We are haring n nice time
I pomp.”

. i . ....

• V.



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