Grand Traverse Herald, December 23, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 23, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







Illy I'nlted frega )




with two t


three, or perhapa r

You may he oflered

Ham II


Vlrnna. IK’I. "0.—The .Viislrlan jiav.


Hi admini-tratinn today ordiTi-d


nuT and



linrhor iiii|>rovetnrnt work

In-(hat virioU>

mimhi r of

Major luiduc Icju:i-s

a almilar party line con­



Thii i» what the Citiien'a Tetephene
company i* offering at Ita "equal ten Traffic Department



Hit By Retrenchment Plan, tfiy
Make Twenty Per Cent

You are under no obligation to



There It no action of the

Father of Measure Intredueed'in .
Congress—Work for'Poctoffice Committee.

ettary or proper.

Illy fBlIcd ITniK.l


ha* been fully considered.


The city commission it r>«w active

bosiress interests aroused

hpofl thii subject in your bcNsH. W*JI
you help?

of acilon In order ihi- I'ub-

get fair treatment.

If you do


lo ll'c help us. we shall all be made to ac­
tip to ihr fean-h^-^ under *hlrh they cept whatever service the telephone
aeniimcnt was company see* fit to put on u
public meeting will be

wait and act vvlh lit,—all acting

quate aorAioe and an arbitraiy rait« In

gather for mutual benefit?

coremlitce waa api>olmod

to oHiline

Tiiass meeting will be held Best week
to put the d,etalU Id active effect.



pive a reasonable or local exciiae for
ed to do so In order that the |k.-o|dc


the, eiart


which the raise Is based.



the amount of

ifxlucllon. . but.

(he lun


In emoiint Af husim-sn, or ai<i>rtivi.
The iraffi.' di




wllk lessen the elTlcienes of the ser­
vice In|>ortl«m If the numlier of





unjust tpeattnent


With Panic Well Under Way. Present
Syctem Has Become Unbearable
—Renewed Attack Made
Upon Tampico.



V.-ia rrur. 1Vi-. Ili’-Tli.- ••hinilialii.n
o? Ilii.-ilii i‘\

JaiiUiiiy 1. u Hu-

will av.-n


tiiiam lal wr«t-l, of M.-xl. <1


That Now Fvrnish Govern-

t.i lav

is expecthi soon

ment Craft

<ny rnited press.|

individual wire they are (old that thl-y

phone insulled.



ownership of ti'Jt-j'hnnrr and (■ 1eur.-i|.:

Parts, IX. IR.—The h'ron.rti povcrti

extn tor the service .and have a desk

session oi conpre.-K

As the desk jihonc U

taken Under consldnraiion the advisahlllty of hiilldlm; its own aeranlanc-<.

the bouse noibtnit Is Bslned hj such a

Fierce npivoKltlon lo the plan will un­ measure as

M<vii>e lead-

adiniit^ today that plans’i-oniemplailnp the


of su< h











a rial,

h.-li n-





aero-' has



Sluilylnp a povemiijciil c^wn-

-rship plan w ill I... ma-lo public mn.

Offl ials of the rorfl|iaoy If they are

ie Itidi.-aletl that poveriitiietii ownerJust as w.-ll lie tnanuthere in their entirety It shill Is still far off heioiise ihc v.ilua.
l5 iHdi.i.vl out. csjuvallj sln.i- th« itov- linn of pro|4>rties wcmld |.. a la-k <nernmeiit H'eejricailons for aemplane* lallitic years <»( work

ho- wtillnff to be fair with the ikmide

comiH-I |■nl<-|f■'allv- a sintle typcvif hi-

Th" r^tnffcny has been ^U lnp i«»r

Idane and a sliisle type of monoplane

M-rvi.. for several years and the fact

for Its use.

that ney demand more money for in-

furnish these aeroplanes to ilio

eDiciriit service at




The MllreBt sre


Li'-llnB the nxvvemeei and there will

-oroe l>ad sessions ahead for ihe




'hliies <ould









re>oluii.>n waa adopted at

Inc ana wjli meet with the approval of
all who sfaud for fairness and jnstPe:


putting telephone aubaeribera on party
We condemn the

raieing of rated in connection there­

.• fn


tihlBE doesn't

cl I'r.-s- )

"j.» ifiutiiiiiaied


make « liTv with


French and Ihc art has j'i« roccivi-d


We believe aueb action la ii- a BCVCIC blow here.
A luduitncDt
It i* taken agaJnet the plain
has jast Irecn n-ndcred fon iuE a land­
prevlaion* ef law and of the comlord to -pay damBEcs ami
pany'a frarefise.
elty-tric hIeiik niniovcd from his pretn
We appeal to all patrana and aubIses tho case Im>Ihe. hroiishl hy liSs
oeribeea to any ’pitone ayatem nM to
own tenents
The around fliKir ten
enttr into any preaent eonUact for


aerviee for telephone -or

for future

Scott. Is to

lu- iindi-n.xken hy a siicnllflr .•j,|ied1



followlBi; aidx-al



kubst-fibers In the cK.v :

To the Subscrlbeea


the CHlxen'a

y and to tha CH-:
iaen* ef TraverM City:





jloxurJou^y furbish^ ni^rtmeniHf »> that
il.fif ‘or h>
Vii.. >oung
...i.nv wife,
m-ir.. who
m-Un lav
la.- ''
mieonwcioi.s <m ih.- iK-d


She told of

Aeeiden* to Army OiHgIble Brought

a lerrihle struggle iH-iween Ring and .

About This Verdict From

One man sus-


1-Aier Mr*




(B,- I'Dlirt Pro..,) •

no time



Paris. IX,

-".-There can be


ownership of the air according to an






>tilp of th- ti-l.-giaph >.v'l.-ni.
to his lokliH.u .on

ownerTlll^ Jic










Homt-. IX

-xl h-cifclatmti




I tilted ITeSk )

derlsipn of the court

appeal* rendered today




-4t I.AmoUe—Breull; near Compiegne,
aeroent.Bayard, company-bnUt a

Teh I>rrs|.t-lil Is'l lo aid



,'iuriai. s
a v-(jiii|.ieKDe
Compiegne spennBBTB.
8pettiia4rf...'pnrPOricha*ed a tract' of land In froarof tbe

is—"11 Besto del Car- entrance to the hangar sad tried to


Italian daily

which sell It (o the airship company which

has Wi. c.Diiuctlng an InvestUatlon refused to buy It on account .of tbe
iniu'the ivaBon* for

Ihe decreasing alleged exorbitant price asM.


Ptiiuiarity of whiskers and why those owner built about hi* ppop^ a 60who stin

wear tlica

ptr*l« tn the foot board fence topped with IMoM

evil, tMav announced Us findings ,\s iron spiket, covering the ground In-

}vtai k

I'liit.-fl Pr.-M
elm i.viay siui(.-d 'at
If. I.:irn il.e trade





«ide with barted-wlree and sbmTpen-

In acrdaiire with
klnc, It would lu- a crime for Knclaod turn.-r
uHcri. irailtilou whif’i
cxi.h.f rs of other

.-verv sell nf th.- laiu-e learn

counirii— to map o'lt for ii>." today
Mild Slackhnu’.c. who (li-clares tlmi In

been told !■> phii-i.'lan* that phiskers
One of the fTeaent-Dtyard army
sore dirigibles came Jo grief on the splkeo,
master prevent
the Ho- throat and klndn-d . v Us. jwenty per and in a suit which followed Coquerel
require* cent atv workmen engaged In dpsty wa* ordered to remove tbe obetacle*


lo l.•av•■• u for

ira.Ie. the futiii.- i-iniH-rtir of the tin

nriHtert a



occu|iationK, tliithe




protecting aod i>ar for Ihe damage done there■ainbus!|- by
the Court of Appeals today op.

Ing " the wuvla>ing all germ* and par-

held this decision.

ticli'.< of dirt that seek to slip by; the

says that Ihe donor is ereatly inier- Ivlleve th.xl It ran only l« done satHccordln* to the plans pro-

-niiih Triidi-*.

The difand wishes to lend financial as well )•OBPd by Mr. Btarkliousc.
mural supl>ort tn the caiiipaiBn. ficiimos am serious, hut they can Ih-








With a slout ship, hullt


thSD the varieties crown here.


a Is Small But It Wa* Only Hotel
in Little Village ef


(By rntted Press I

fine liiin<Ir<-d hoxes of fanry West­
ern .MIriiigaii npplcs and 5u lioxes of
ftni- imtatoes have liecn on exhiblUon
post wWk B( the I'niverslt}- of Il­
linois whom the annual meeting of the


Horiiculuirai 'society

nijit. Dec. 22.—Fire early today In

lulling together nothing can stop tbe

During Ihf past (cw weeks the
chants of Traverse Cii>

have coi

'development, not only ot tbe city, but

sively proved that the |h-oii1p of the

all of ti^yefTDundlng conntry.

Grand Tiaverw- region can save both

get together vpiriL wlH move moun­

iliuc and rtom-y by trading at home.

tain* when once In motion, and as this

Ikp'bI Mo.’ks are’ as complele as can


movement has already been etarted tn

•be found In clib-s many times the aUe

several directions Itswould be nothing

of Traverse Ciiy and the service given

short of a

Is liotti promiit niid cffUk-nl. Traverse

everything |x>es1blc should be done In

City Is tin- locb-al trading center of

order to scceiente lu progress In tbe '

the region and the |H«oide a* a rule future
are coming to recognize this fact. The


stop IL and

So tar as is known nobody

in the region w ill go hungry on Christ-

has been held.

The fruit growen at city U easy to reach an.l (bis year the mss this yesr, for nsthre has been lavcoding this meeting •were Imih pleas­ railroad c-ohi|«inles have gone out of itib w ith her bounties daring tbe paet^
ed and surprised to see the Michigan jhHr way In order lo provide mean* season. l.ocaI liencvolences have been '
display. The aiiple* attracted partlcD- of iran*iKirtatlon for those who do systemaitxed to such an extent that
Bttenlioii and called for much
tlieir fradlng here. Thl* cooiveration an the needy have been properly list­
nation oa to ibi- character of the show* that the officials recognise the ed and tbe moans pfovtded for mak­
country In which they grew. lU
Its toll and its

(By I’niti-d Press,1

/(By trnlted Press.)
CHMo< Iowa. IX.


ested In what Is heinc a> (-nmpllslied

rliles win produce more abundantly

l«Un> desire united actluu on the part
I-ro ipUaie action be taken they base

cHl th.-lotlmtSoiii. The slate IndicaitHl l|l||ninAD
Koup'-iis esM- on .irruwirtfe- nANUIlf Al


fm. ... .r.i,i..d ,.i,d



him h> sheq. nl Villa i-angfubr. where he H
KAI.AM.\Z<X)-For picking pocketd
Ill-can taking lessons under (be n-cainliig -t" per epni an- aliout equal­
during the county fklr last Septem­
The i-x- dlr.-i-tinii of an "nnllnarv" matter lur- ly divided iH»ulxn those who Imag­
Is Interested in Getting Hungar. jo'irnl-y I0 the hnutli IHJlo
of iJam/lr
The crown prince, ine lliat whiskers are beautiful aud ber. William Clark of Toledo waa
jetit of the coaMHlie ajelie iif King
iant Located en Farms in
lo serve from six months
■Kilward YU I-aliii U .-il li-uVl I .luu nillt-s. ali.vr leariiliiB tli<- trade himself will
raiiso they are too poor or bi-cause to two vear* and a half tn Jackaoo
The luiiHirtance of th.- cxiu-dilion
is peisonally tca-h it 10 Ills eldest
. b
When u Uiiv. Ihn crown prlu-e leam•ii)Phasi«-d
XtarkThe WeslertT MIchiEnii lievehipnu'nl
w-ond earvio;
Tin- kalsi-r* brothig
biircaa l.s In rr-c'-lpl of a letter and lani. the noted cocniphcr who
Prion- Henry. I> an expert mech
check frotu.lir. .4r|>ad M. Harotliy of solb-ltinc funds for the- entcr|irisc.
Tin- sons n( lYinC.. I-Ycdcrconnection
of iniclun.
hicaEo. both cnminE nnsoltcllcd, niid
ik l^lHihl. ihf kaisers roiitln. fnes a Icsilnionlal of ihe work of *ic. Graliain ljuid with KIiie Edward VII
Mitly took
api-ibnilce exainlniVelopnicDt which Is b- lqE done fur loind as one of the grl-ut remainlni:
thin jiart of the sjale. '''The leltcr jmlar ai hb-vem-nts." he said,, "and I lion In the i-ahin.'i niakinc and lork-

with the .hope that some of these va

bf the people, an.l In order that no


found thiit i" IX lent of ilAfni bave-ed spike*.

• When

bulldInE autlinrirlnE

Tbe ConiUitUee In charpe of Ihb eom-

|v-ued the


Ik ajtno-.'i .su^pemlH and'tlTieuiala till- ‘

I- l’r.->li|.'iii WiIm.ii «‘Vpi.'Ss>'<l him

•■ireirii nf land naineil afti-r a llritUb

especially for ice navlRaUon. trained,
him people of lIuDEarlan exlrartinn frotr.
alile. and resojuie navlcaiors. and
to advertise a la
fpivt the csQWdcd rtly upon the open fields,
We favor the appointment of a coi^
favnnthic seasons, there Is the pro-floor teSGnta tlirrcupnn took acUuo Ircliev^ that there they will have
fnittee of our townspeople to fully Im
heiiur npiiortunlty to rnalire th«r peel of another gmai addition lo our
Tho I’arls jiewVpapcrs am cumpIaTn
vcstlgate this matter; to call a public
The doctor is also knnwledpe of Anlart-tlca. "
iuE because tlic “Uoulovards ar<- Bet full pns.HibillUcs,
meeting at an early date, and that con­
titu; lo be as hidpous as the qlectric
ceit action be taken to pretact the
slffn-Ughted streets
American imported 1^ different varli-ties
Mgfiu of our eitixens and «ur c«mcrapes from Ilunnry

here, new currency ntKe* lo be 40 per cent:

.restauram_ii^ oleht or nwre than twelve re-

IHH-I.-1 hy Ihc ivdice lli-d.

<Bv fnli.-d Pros- .





two •ktraiigc ■irientals.

Trust Laws.

lliiii that will Mart tievt year undi r
the h-adi-r«Mp of J


t'aplJ .Srolt just

ef the Citicen'a Talaphene company.In
lines as unjustr and aa a aeridua re­

Better Results

a' |H-/s<>nal wish cxpa>'se<l to

Retotved. That wa regard the action f

duction in aervloc-

Wilson Believes That

iuiMU.-s* lu.-ii

nn'l' r/akTBir^lu- work hi- i.- fulflilinc

follow ine
the Ttuvf.


iH-vonie a

antUriiM la»> v.ithoui tin- threat nf

in I!*"; hy Uii- kite Cal’l

eral reserve Ik>sr9. The mlnlmuin otp
1-.- Mrs. Alice Slug.' t,»i
yritlonal banks Is t^e

fhlcago. IX

who leii her home on a Mmsouri fsnn fi.onq.nnii. the gold reserve liehlnd the

cvtd.m..‘ and might ask th.-Mcaih

.•mphatl'aUj liilav when asked

u^ of new federal reserve notes aa
reserves by memlier banksK secretarya^
<if agrlculture.removed froftiI the
the fed.
fed­ V

iBy rnltc.1 I’rcsH.t

IH-naltiV Slug's lx>il) *as found


aTevi«-d the iiuhllc lo a iv»lni alien




jection of (he provision iiemilttlng the

Sc|t^ilN-r ri- .Business in t'hinaiowu.

V1IT Come From Aiding Bus*-'

Explored By

the Outcome.

kei-jH-r. w im was sialdied to death on

nets to Conform to Anti-


-urrenev bill aarred to by the conference are: The-eliniination of the guar
aiitee of liank deposits provisloff; re­

w, nt on iiiai today lor the murder «>f-approval of Ihe iirovislon for 'aot leaa


Great Expanse In Antarctic Will Be

Tho priB'iiial conipromises on the

the Chinese—Tragedy Was

Charl.-> King, a



Tho formal report is ei-

PM-ted t<> reacfe'lxith houscsttate this

to Become Mission Worker Among

u. rejaineil


equip- jhe conmitlee which for six m»nili'




Mrs. Alice Sing Left Missouri Farm

hilii to r.-MEti on t!i- L-round that

Furthermore, s.-cordim.' doubtedly lie inpde by -iirivale con- The projiKP win be suhtnlued
tltv Vmu-d I’rvsR )
to the francM«c under whl'-h ihe.i-otu- cernB now siiriplyina aho. war depart, rtemncraiic eauriiv for <on»lderatipi!
l.iin-Inti. Ik-.-, "f.--T1irnuKli ‘-xploraFirst Aaslsiact Piistma-ter t.ienerul tliin and niapplnc ef Klnp
jiaiiy Is oiM-ratlnir they have no h-cal went aortal ma'i-hines.
The covemnii-nt already iMMsesnes
said today that Mie re]iort of VII l_-uid in 111"' .\iiarrltc. discovered
Tisbt to eharae Sis.
Hie city commission f« eoinu 10 see

democrat^ had framed a bill to their



cra-h of nil the liaiiks i- bicvitahh- if


lived up to or they will know the rea­ ,plane

inv them fron>»conterenee* until the

(H>-| Jinne


lines may he authuflr.-d hy the pr.-s-

It was annniinced toJlay. has

more of a nuisance ilian a iK.nefU In

that the terms of the fn»nchl-i- are



(_ihi. .K-tloo of the majority in eiclnd-




tn.v l*iiiH'i IT<-- >

On the

will have to par four dollars a year

phiPii.. and



fqr Ih.. lakinc i.v. r .m January, t,
IPI.'.. Ih.- .-oniitry's f.-l.-i.liono iltiiat

due that l.usln.-!.' iii.'ii of the i-aidtal

Houaa Leaders Admit Prospect of Ac­
tion. But Taking Over Com­
panies' Property Would be
Long Process.

other hand, when peoi’le demand^ an

,,, ^

ol.jou to a suspension of the rule requirinc-tbat the (ODfefence report lay

-He a.-Kc d I

Ihc .

5i,vrt.-l loaay xvi’li tin- teh.-ls nnatl.

Plan It Bitterly Opposed By Six Firme


i.m Ilf burltK-sK .IIM-D m Mcm.o

thni ■3'H.eJK-wcd nttnek


today i
iiablican.i Indltated that they

CUV.-ruin..jit Ilf the entire tel.- ‘

a.liuy with ih.iHe I'. r- wey.- iilaiihiiio.


a i«ny Hue

Instead of an tadlvldual wire.


and roiiilnu.. tli.- operation Ihen-aficr:

111- r.mam* In office,

where they formsriy paid $K. and that

I.<-W'iK of

l.-iuii.-l frvini a scniinOirial i-oiin-




U«. that ihey'wlll have to imy 111
they ain also be pul


Officials n-fu-.d

Many sub-

errilKTs have been wervod with


Which They Were Excluded From
Confyenee Until After Bill
' Waa Drafted.

t.i . oiiEr.-.-a hill w 111. h would provide CLAIMED SHE KILLED WEALTHY

.-iiid. throuphoul the n-|»il>!l.-.

far the ctmiiiaDy has not been al>{e to
their action, hut they *41 Ik- request­




«be details of e worklDff plan and a


l>.-iriiii<-iit will be the bnrde'.i hit it

that .fubsrrihcra are not pottlns ade­


timlcly ICO |HT cent.

jresent and consider the whole
way la deemod the boat lo tnaol tho subject.
present contract
exletlnc crlals. It U an awurod laot good to January 1. 1914.
Will you




that till- |H>-in(1|<-c I'oinniiitec prcscsit


would bo Id |.n>|>nrlion wall Oi.- htss-


than the pooiJc are wllUnp to l>ear. A



Uc and .-omiK-l Ihr .om|.an>

ananluioin In fa^or of lakine u|> tho



By standing together

are* o]>emttni:.

the face of tiila ronditloii




crai'h lm>iln<-S!i was souphl today*In a

til of the <<iiii|iaiivV
would hi-, laid off (■■


<iun<.rrlii|i (if ihn l■•lr]•)l<)D<■ aud teqe-


We atk you not

of any kind until thii whole matter

ime of makinc a I'rotrM asaii>>: ih-'
phonr lotniiany aod «o d. vl?.*. a lliu-




make any present arrarigement or d<



w.-lc!i. It


plan, nor any of theae plane, m

be Protected.

raldnc of rairr by tho i



Representative Lewis of Maryfand i

I»>fnr(?-d ITeSH.i

state railway cemmliaien which maki

»ai- held for ih.- j'nr


Ij. would dcniollKh a droadnsucht.

e take up any one of these

OtMral ProtM Wtll M M«de Ag«inn

•rios of


'laim.'cl lhai otic she'll, sirlkfnc fair

eept any party line telephone or

Laat rvenlDp n rp|>io*oiiiaiiM' w":


win throw hlKh i«>-icr shoUii


$16 per year.

vice and equal price to all."

—Right* el Public Muet


line at |14 per year en a one year con­

tract. with a de»k phene eatention. at

Plan Being Fellowed by Cpmpany

K r.


fdr ■>■<• sooth ' tonichl.

tract. er a aocalled individual phei



III., ii.-w ruaHt (irf<-D«y fonKhatloti a

'lllr-. . ncirjda. to taki. charpo of tin*

tuch a party

tract, er a eimllar phene on a party


In imiK-.-d liiimi'dlatH}

line phene at yeur reaidence at
rtf» ef S12 per year en a five year cen-

(»> rnlled Prr«r >

-The War dr-'


Uidiii- of thy onclnrer


importance of Traverse City as a com­ ing the cbriitmas* season what It real­
mercial renler and the amount of hus-

marketing crops.

All this Inforaa- Ineaa that has been done in conse­
:ion was fumlehM through the me­ quence of this far-sighted policy has

ly should be

By 'helping aomebody

else-tbe la.Ilri^ual help* blmself and
In doing ao j^pa a wealth of aatlstaCb

le klanchestAT bouse, the only hotel dium of the Western Michigan Devel­ verified their belX. Cxipefailon up­ tlon that makes life worth liTlng.
You are fte douM aware that the man I. e.
!>9 the house this afternoon
In. Clio, forced 22 guesU to face Ihe opment bureau, and in consequence, on the part of the people, rwllroada Tbe greatest ssiistac^
Cititen's Telephone ceiypany has be- second Iowa Walrlrt died in the hos­
fused to accept the senate draft of cold blasts of the street
in their many llUnola people now have a def- and other interest* Is needed to build world brings to those who Inhabit K
•un Ha work in eur
ef putting Ha pital today of typhoid fever,
irrency hill.
This means
the nl^bt clothe*.
The huUdlnc was de- Inlte knowledge of. a country, wbteb up the region lo tbe point it dseerves apring* from tbe coBKkmanMs that
-telephone aerviee en Arty line*, par- operated upon yesterday in a flqal
fonnerly was kn^m to them only
account of location, and the proin
tieuiarty among ml^ea.
for other* as weU as tor tbemaelTea.
Uielr belongings. The loss U soatU.
man* that you t*«ll ba put on a wrlrt aerrlos bla aecoBd term.
Pepper. Democrat, of thW/ tt ashlaffton. IX. ^n.—By a vpie of

grearire nature ot tbf people.


the preductfon of that vblch wo calllerve City .at S:3(> p. m. that la being
moibodB for relievinic tbe u
/ The Dairy Man Says
,1 Her has more milk and better cream prosperity.
|run this veek. will after Dec Utli be
in the lar*o cHIpb of the counir)-.

.Blocb be l>ecan ubIok HARVBLL'S
^ I Cblcago tber^ arc bo man)- idle n 'ICONDITION POWDER. It keei>8 bla
.. U fortunnte for the Mlthlgan
Wednesdays and Siattirto iupport thr i.soivei even In mt j
>vV V A 5
that they are creating a eondlt
tnlld rllmilp. Tbo Mtnnllon turn l-e-; '
Oranger* that it has been vltbln their
come BO de»po«le-ibai ■t>col>l b
pov.T to draft for their aervice so’ ®'‘8. 8. Smith left this
i*lonB of the IwUlaturo ««,• l)olnK ta
able a mao as their present master; ““"■"'ne for Hillsdale vhere they vlll
and II Is the acme of “good luck" that -I''-"'! the holiday seaioc vlH, "
ed of for ilio purnoBo of rollovlnit t
HEaiALD AND RECORD CO ' situation In Bonn- manner that a* > ot
they have tbe funds to command his Smith's mother.
arlniiB catises. The great
and Mrs.
Waller of
has not •feet'* evolved. Tlilx
foil time. With so much in their favtile
incUvity la cities during the summer
i rrowdlni; Ib the result of the oplnlnii'
■ tbe outlook for the future Is indeed aiarlevolx. wlui lia've'beoD to the
anxmociha attracts many laborers of all petralor.
illlng triends for several days.
j that baB Wn <-urrent In tbe o^t s
’ a rose-colorcd hne.
nailonalliica who
:to inornlng -for Northpori.
’middle vest that the raolflo c
re Vork’ during ‘ots
” ****
The Grange has lM>g argued that

1 vandal is caught tbe only regret vlll
where they »ni ippnd Chririmas. r
190S, wThp'' PMmiri™*’ati« l»nd ot
and honey and th.
Ln'bo that rapltal'imnishmcnt cannot be the voice of every member should
Mra. M. Daily of Lake Ann, was In
I'loyment season riosos they
Tr«Tene City. Mich., under the Act of Jobs aod money arc avaliNs everybe heard and counted and for ' this
le city Saturday shopping.
Congress of March :. 1ST9.
jbody wiio goea there. Fhr the luiBt
to thi-lr OVD devices vlifa v. 1- little!'
•nlhctl~ pcr, eat itioro.
reason, if for no other, the pli
Frans Smith of Rapid city, wu.ln
money and no facilities for securing’

............................ ...........
’three daya tbe vest has been havinK
IvUcr. nud liii;'ly puis yt>u in
ileniOD ot officers by as i
the closa of people vlio .finve
the city a short time Saturdsy.
any kind of winter work. Another |l|^^ lUfTfyf
Omea, 123 Front »t Both Phonea 23.' Its troubles as a result of the boom.
complete vote as can be obt^ned.
iiraUli, enurago and plenty *
___I ing that haa been going on for sevi ral
'Mra. A, Wtlson.teft thia morning
business grit. .
should be encouraged. At .tbe
iyfAfB nnd the great iodueements that
ing the summer is acaltered from mgion the rural mall carrleni will not
time safeguards should be devised so for Saginaw, where she will remain
yew d«d«ir iom not Usp Km.
but when 4 freezes receive an increase In ulary the
Om mr .................. Il Sd in advance ; have bt^r, held out by the land comtamo in stock write us and ire v>n
that politics will not- over balance for s<-vera! dajs,
to montha .......... '....7$c In advance p<u,je, |o those vho had money
up they reiurn to the cities where
r. The government
ana ye* are supplied.
and Mrs. L. F. Mikescll and
.............. I
to b«. 11.0 oninte itro.o. onJ
the ehances for vamiih and something deatly adopting l*ie cori«rallon Idea
There are,a number of advantages child left IhU inornltiR for different
.------- ^----------------- ! Irrigated lands that ai'|>eared no
to eat are more alluring \haB they that it is more work Instead of
In Souihern -Vichican. where
Send for Ftee fiooklek
^mpling upon paper.
are In the countiy. The Influx of wages that the workingmec should In having hut one Grange paper. It they nil(|spend the holidays
to to be exiiected that an official paper
foTotgoers Is Btill another factor
“^as proven that people hav© to aork
Th* Acre Marquette ra.Iread ptrt-on
Will voice the policies of the adminIt.
of ol the ClUtoo.' Teloi.l...o 'f
IstrnlJoD. It will bo' rcgretled. ' how- tira eoschos to. care for fhe heavy
h«mk the eombine hy the
employed'-during the
to the on, b.o-0 a.»iioO to;'‘“ «
«'Vcr. it the paper becomes a tool for bolidky tiwvel thto morning
The women l.aVe h.-en
riiildren in the copper country. 01 self glorincaUonin the hands of those
railroads and ditching which line
. fatea imd service and '
office: or if U becomes an Instrunciivlty cannot be followed out during at least rfioae beloDglng to tbe wtrlk
The Irrigated lands Tmve ,
Jett in view a committee has ^n
Ing miners* will not receive a visit menl forijhc continued-re-election of
» up to early ex|>ectatlanB
lio have toilh Uom-all
appointed to outline a campaign of
;p. SI. A. M A. M P. M,
from Santa rUiua Hits year. This
Its managers It-Is needle:
KitndB-of fanners in those
■lieve file situation T**'''rush of workmen and all other
••Trav. tllj'..; 2:(K< 7:00, 9;2o 4:J«
procedure which wilt be put Into im­
an Instance where the innocent have that there Is no danger of an .abuse
■-SOlon ......... 2:S7, 7:20 S;4S <;$$
I* Just hanging on »iih •
^lery >
a cold weath’. r.comea':'*’"^ «"
“'•"“I ’■‘*'P
mediate operation. The company be,<*cdur Clty.f 2:;.o’ “ Iiinwi lalHir conditions durlnc the to suffer for the mlstokea of Iheii of pnwvr on tbe t«n of those now
- Usving that they have a strangle bold
winter and it will be a hard problem elders. It Is not* known how the op­ -h.irced with the task of promoting
take a change for the better, but -Uiat mutiuiaciuref' tl>.
apon the city have arbitrarily raised
fw Hie Inlior biin-au heads of tin erators would fo.-l If the same condi­ Hie bests interests of tho order.
their rates, contrary to tbe provisions golden age to still In the distance. ,|i t to lorced
tions were being faced by their chil-an hardly expect tfi get as read­
I,ake Ann.................................. ....
In this connection it to to be noticed boMei s of the
ran at b-a. stales to solve. If they arrive ot any
of the fmoebUe under which they
able a paper from official sources as
Ptotte River........
110:171 4:5$
BoVilloft at all...^It is the old proto, dren.
that tbe people who atold In Mlchl- double lliclr money ami then
aremperatlng nod nre also endeavor­
Honor ..................
Il0:49 «:46
from an editor who is nol bound by
lem of congestion of population In
gan are enjoying prosperity that Ik enough are rolca^ to supidy Uic
Empire Jet...........
U:» 7:10
ing to force their residence i>stronB
tbe traditions of sodcU' to
above the average, and that there mediate demand of the pubfic-. Ily
to accept party lines.. The party
are fewer bread lines than In any fusing to buy eggs while the tirice re- of people to'work in tbe couniiy.
Tbe chief of jsiliee ^ M ritlshurg
. Une is A delusion and snare, for
12: tC 8:M
•k the ■ There seems to be a lure in tbe while rtolms that the safen' place for wo­
other section of the country. Export- mains u the high water
eriime such conditions exist tbe pa­
the past wlU be missed by many,
release lights that cannot he overcome
once has proven that It i« nlwnys storage iin-n are vum|>rlled
men to carry their money Is in y»«ir lurplace. however, will bo elaboratlofto
loteriocben .
Ib:26) S:«7
tron gets DO adeasate service on meihem at a lower pri.-c which allows , some peojde no matter whether they stocking. It is evident Hint the
safer to stick to* a good thing
11:00] 5:3S
ebuttt of d|hers using tbe line s'ben
of Ike principles on wbleh^ll sund
home than to sell out In order to ol- litem a handsome margin for ihclr la- .have a dollar In their pockets or .not. ikirt and tango have not yet made
ft to wantA the most by a certain
united. Furthermore Hie constriK-llonlow a Aeeiing promlac of fortun In -bor and storage rental, 'should con- . There to just as much a problc -j in heir ai.p^arance in the smoky cl
subsertbdr. The IntroducUon of tiie
at educational feature of the'Grange
some less favored'-^^aiion. Jhe re­ gresB lass a tow limiting tlih Iftnc that , the dlsIrihutloD of tabor as in the dls. party line plan also IncreAes the
can be greatly enlarged.
main in Michigan slng^lms been eggk andwthey materials can be hc|d trihutlon of products and these |ietiP.M.
cost of the telephone to the subscrib­
The Flint session was a great meet
WoltoD ..
proven by’the test of lime to tie an- iu stoiage a great service wi|.I>c rrn- ;Odlcal work famines will ocrur in ibc
ing. The foresight apd wtodom of those
er lust as/many, times as there are
Rowley ..
dcri-d Hie js.o|.|i'. fur then it will be country Just as long os this condition
axlom instead ot a catch phrase.
Sigma ...
houses upon tbe line. Where four
Imiiossible to hold vegs a sufficient to in- vogue, it to a tiuesHon of great
soon begin to -be apimrenL
are using the Une each subscriber Is.
----------------letiktli of time in s|ioil their food val- gravity and demands Hie nllenlhm
M P. M.
Grangers will eventually rejoice
paying at the rate of $14 quarter’
Il:3Rt6iafi;ue and the sio»k in the eouniry will <,f the l«.st MOnomiins in Uie nation,
e of what was accomplished.
Onekawa Jrtn...'
instead of $14 per year as at present KllUUIlg llieXlCO
be kept moving at a luiec that will
may also be necessary to change
Manistee ............i
\J^ fi;nO'
of a telepboBe la a subscriber's house
benelu the consumer and still work .human natfre a whole lot before the
Trains arrive at Travcre/'^CttT !i:62
ITopcrty o«-|iers.l
with tbd individual Uiie. The placing
The.pixscDt to tt<c phycbologicnl
0:10 a. m- r.:3r. p. m. and £:»•
no bardship on the ones who hav.rcach-d.
! against tbe hardovt
to an Implied contract ui<bn the part of
J.: F. JENKS. Agrot
time for the Crangera of Michigan to
[ that they tiave ev. ' faert. for m hlTlieno lieen aide to comer the mar-1
the company to furnish that subscrih
congratulate Ihemselvea. The meet­
koi and rea|. an untuel-iteil rc-vard.
■ .

' mniter- whether the dre siipiorti
, er with adequate service, and this can­
ing of the State Crange which recent­
(> people In general would he vrlli- 'nf||i IX. f'tutA
the federals of r«-l>el»'tliey are going
not be done where the same-line has
to Irtiy whalcver Price Hu- niaHifl
ly closed to FTint was a crediuble af­
to^ave all Ihev own eonflscaled for
to be used by several people. For
It is tviden! that the baftic that lia. fair In a nunil*r of ways. Th.
HkkpC^, AmJ^\TIOSaM
the piin>osc . of carry ing on the war eallcd for if they knew ilml the li
this reason alone the compap-v break«
ket was flee and was not Is-lng nia
iH-vn waging between tho factions in
jhe order can point to
Dr. Aey MeOarry, ' inMructor at
its contfaa wph its pAtons and
Ulate<l In the advantace of a cert
iTilcagU over j.ubllr school affairs vviH -Beeilng with o f.-ellng Of pride. There Hi'e I'nlverslty of Michigan, to spend­ IvB reM Uk.-kiirerel —mdlre'-BSk
BUods u forfeit the franrWte. Trou­ r-erty Of dtotHvsltPm m fl-.M and the few. \Vh.n grinds on II overage pur- result In good _______ .... was an abundance of. harniony
ing the holiday vacation at his home
exorbitant price 'iwKyause it ,danl> shows the w
ble of Ibis kind Is to l>e.reeiVu''d; bu> wsr will he continued until, then.. 1
fraternal spirit. Furtl|grinorc s»-v«ral hci^
nothing of ya-ue icn In the sincken
the rights of the t>enple must be pro•w and lmi>onam_ steps were taken,
- tected a^ evef>- effort will be made men"*m th
'Tv 'iJln Au ' t
in storage mHllons of doren eggs ;of this l .sfy d.-jumdem u|«In m.liiirs
,,,, und^„hied,v tend t/ -''^Jdias Giroys Lahym, wdio is attend­
ing jhv M. A. f, Ik hQmr“for the
. to bring about ^ peaceahl- settlement rv Vnis wlmTa? taken melr^ ml
strencllien the ord.-r in 11.4 sUtc. ap^ week holiday vacatiefa.
irwdoon. soeh v<md"ffsi
,t-makes a great difference scl.o<d affairs. The imhltc sjhools
of the diiriculty, and if tbe rampanv by kills, who has taken their
___ .-b. F".-d for iwumkiBlBl
to cause It to In.-reasc In nunibor
eny and turned over

Victor Merrieon of ll. A. C~ arrived
r. J. CHEN'inr * ix>. pi
ihly of
ihofsw^or the
y are reap- should be kf|R its fur awuy from |ioU- and in usefulness.
will ^ Itoteti to reksoD anether tark
A4d bw Drsrat>1>. »ri»r »e,
, -raliie to earry on his eause. No* Hi" irfayKTh^ppo, ,.h,-n t'
Satbrday'to spoffd tbcNwo wreck
ib> as i«sslble4n order lb secure the
tWk» BaU t ftoUr PUto lor ow
arlll be taken to bring the eompany
; report eomes fron! Mexico City
y to lh».
cation at bis home here'.
results tliat are ioH-nded. Tbto is a|
to time. This raise in rates and guar­
as a surprise, but ^agreeabl.
effect that Huerta vvill )(ee{> 1
Julius Martinek is her* to spend
duly Jliat the |.ubll, owes to the ris- ’
antee of Inefficient senlrc to
During recent y oars tbe annua)
in the w ar by means of reprisals
the holiday vacation from
ing guneraHon. and Hie efflcicDcy of '
price tbe company is paying the pul>mi.«-tiDg has been viewed largely
; thd property • nf rUlzens. If the
Uc for the long period of Ineonven
very e, to tbe due the sysieni will de|-vnd uikiu the* free-,
^ etfiiggle eontlnups for any- crenl
Howard Griffith, wfho is attending, to list your proi>erty to have it
lence they went thmugli while . th<
ronrse of tiniv the govurnmeui will d'oin from eoiitaniliutinc Influences the
stakes have been personal
^ length of. time It l.s evident that the <v>ii.e mio iK>st.e»>i<>u o( Hie tc-higraph that it enjoys. Doth sides
advertiKt-d and ready (or the spring
the f- Of M . It home for the
company was Installing improvement!
qiKemem In conne.-Hon with 'Grange
marnoi. Get oifr proposition in
final end will gee a country devastiil- and
week vacation.
syblvli.b ol the vuuulry. question have been |.laying isdlllcs
In tbe load plant It Is the kind J»f
wliicb the total cost If sail- to made
In ihejiast the welfare of
ra such a degrer- that it- will l.e lor tlyvs sale 10 say tiiat a najorliy ol and while tho controversy has been >imi<s

Harry Holliday and Or«n Sayre ar­
graUtbde tbe corporation extends
to but
iinal.le to recuperate for many years the
rived Saturday from Olivet to spend
Ol Hie natiou favor such a Chin, »h .b, |„ h... b.d Ih "tW "»
the people whenever the chance
With- a third party in the field the sUp. iH-o-ause ol H« arbitrary nietbods ,h, b,.l in ,V
the fao(iilay vacation at their homes
given. For a year ther'e'wa^piactl; elvll war bM- fair to become worse purciied-bV these vt)Hil«i.lv8 anil Hie .hTiS rehool.. The . hhk. .In. ol .h.
tally no service given patronB by the
; than at any t-lmc and the onteome ii
Ralph Cook It apend^hg the hofiday
service they arc rendering at „hho..,.„m,bnn.dl>,,ore»l,lono-.-''' >V-““™> « ““
Citizens company, but*the public bore
. .nd vacaiton. allowed by'lbe V. of M.
^ heing

Intereat by the
Fobtiuasier aeiien.l c„a In o.;i„ to .core thl. ,mhl,h„ ; bren ,reU ton .o
with the bMdIcar. thinking that the!
11 1. noreccr. In i.k. Ih. .chool.
. m .re th. ' Wr n,.' bui .neb eedt- his home- here.’ .............. .
Hiirleson in bis annual rcimtl'rccoma..„
'"'H j...-''™..™

olng thi
Nrerl,, n»b. bre no. breb u nroUIlc ot b.mnol have vei<r happy results « ' **■ mends aovernmeni ownership and all Urel, o.l o.
Miss Josephine Grelliek. wrhe Is at­
company while they were having trou­
□unt of the nnlure of the |>eap1i '
tending si'liool at Roanoke,
jianlv-» iu eoiigr.-bb are loukltigJSllh fu- ■■by In lire rennin, ren ireilly 4o .Ire ;nn.l mnli. a, mUW be .l.bed
ble in changing over the system. Aft
Uenrerall/-lnB .-flret ihat irellil., ba. { It E« iruel, cnrenraclnc to ha
hero for the holiday vacation.
„.™.ruv.v! wlthW.VV.- ; would be next to .
“> vor ujsu.the ptou. Such a eotldilloD
er bearing tbia Inconvenience
Henry Hull of Olivet, and Gerald'
long tbe neonto ‘’ringyalmut stable conditions where
»t ouco, for it
ODt a mtmnur for
are awakening to this fact and arc;«hought and energy to the betterment Hull of the Howf MlltiarJ- school, an
the facHuns are Imliu-d with such siu lake a long time to uak.
thought that when the lines
animosity toward each othhr add sueli essary appraiseuit-nl flf the jiroiHrty providing for nnn-parilsan elections jof the farmer wh»-to worthy of i
s|>cndlng tbe holiday vacation at tbcii
again in working order that H
j general hatred for forelsnerti In gen- gpo eondu.i ibo
There for niemhera of Hm> board of educa-[atteoHon. It 1s for the Slate Grange home h'ere. •
would be given decent wervlce
Intm-entlon would mean The j* „
,imt w^| have to he Hon and j.tocliig the time of ele<Hon to consider the lroi>orUat questions of
Thee. Laeen pasted through the
least at the legal rate. The dear peo- >ral,
.keeping of a standing army In Mexi- .K,|iHvzed ■mi of the sioeti and Other In Hie snmmer when there to no dan- the day In
city this morning on hi* way to Man­
pie however had another guess <
ileriiiR the arrive at njmlnt of view, or attitude, istee to spend U# hoUday vacation
of iHilitlcal liifliK...
. „
«n eoriKiraiion , munam.Ing
for as soon
as the company ofcotilest. When the mIiooIb are weak- that <-an bo consistently hold by the from hiK studies at''Aima.
n«.U Itoibl .hi, .h . n«ll.n.
™«- .
......... - h .......... .
h"! .".k etied the whole nation to the sufferer
aud women who make our farm
F. F. Matwh and wHe. who have Both pbonea.
733 E Front St
s, "re ,■ mu. rnmer
s- ik...
... Ihsooner su<-h danger to ellml- lands priKliice that which
hartne iMmaR fmm rVn.,iii.i. ,1 <k.(
«'Xl>en»lve un-«iv. r Almost every city In the !*““*
been vlsIUtig yi-Jlh friends and rela­
beller it will he* for
tlouously need. The last session of
tives In the cily for the past
■C,} people
re.,... of
o, the
,h. city
d., were
w.r, easy
re., w
.5". '".V.
™«"U> »
.V« ! public 111 general.
the stale organizatlen did well In de­
deal with Ihev devised the nreseni
•'»lx‘ndHure of money, tele......
eompanles ihai are o|
daj-s, b-ft this morning for their MON'evT-O LOA^on good and trail
voting generouBly of Its time
improved farms. H. <*, Davto. tU
home .It itay City,
dering on big quesHooK.
Bute Bonk Bldg, Travera# Oty. .
I a ,K>^
Mra. Gee. Bowerfind left yesurMlcb.
aprtl 2Mf
Among the specific things done at
ling Ui/ to
day for ber home at htancelona. aftIt to evident that the' Inieratat' FTint that call for applause
geltli a Commer.-e Comnitoslon hit
’ a sbpn time in the city.
fvloe ftxmi aquarrly on the head when.they issued voUng of a d«ont salary to ihe mas>
of the powers. No matter fair /hake l„ telephone service
Ledn Reybal of Fetaakey Is visiting
eridant from present indications that
the placing of more of the
^ from what ancle the sItuaUon Is Hio ludeiwndcnt cotniiaa.v. Tbe prtn- the statement that the managers of
with frieods in the city for. a short
tho owner of the hand to is potdUon
v iewea it is a liad mess .and the sol.i- cli.?l l>ooe of eomcntlon here to the railroads are to blame for a majorijy fleers under the primary voting sys­ time.
to land os the company in «ffectl<
tem. and the decision Id favor of bat
’ Hon to
now jost as far distant ns It
P«rty line Bysicm. which ofmoans
Mist Martha Lutah has returned t<
style. In thto action tho‘company
pveral mghths ago. -111", only Instead of liaving one telephone on a in authority do not attend to theii me Grange iwper.
!r home at Charlevoix, after a fe>'
ia not only brenking tbe franchise
•Hie Grange is big enough, rich,
s from
logical way'! It apjicars a present line Uiero, are often i
days’ visit here with friends and rclbusiness and leave too much for theli
under which ft to operating in the
the different factions flsIiPll
which wakes U a difficult men under them to do'without the nec­
city, hut to pqpvlng to be an ingrate*
out unyi they have exhausted
all *“htter for a person to gel any kind of essary experience or training. When quire the individual services of
&am C«toA of Benzonia. waa In the
the moat deaplcable type. The peo­ their resdurces and then
able man and to i»r him aufflclently
for the servhe. nnd yet the charges are the accidents occur the managers
city with the liollday shopjiers Satple are meek and long suffering, but
I'nlted.Rules and oll.or i.aiions io
»'■ ‘hf-'
‘<““'*'1001 out of the trouble by making some __ that he may represent the order urda.v
there are times when they throw off
make the attempt t« build n nation
Howard Vader. who Is attending the
employe the goal and, continue with
their Ifthargy and strike back with out of what -remaliiK of the people
to geiffito from the one lino tliolr wsys of cos<r-!^nd good salary. aod inspire sixty thousand peoph Chicago Technical college ‘Is home
telling effect. Tbe people of Traverse and their proiK-ny.
ist rank above the average and 1
live Hiilcs as mu.-h as
There will h*ve to be a change to
for the holiday vacation.
aip are no* la this temper end If the,

they were uuder the fornicr method
to to be successful must be relieved
for —
fts ..
fn- mpeny
—^ has any regard —
without any additional outlay. The tbe methods of dealing with tbe man­ from Ihe worry of having to scuirv- C. D. MaUby of Baliairc. was In thi
city on business for a short time Sal
tare financialwelfacs
cosoessions Q|ngtB8B 1T€86BI
fnncHnn ofa telephone Is cotfvcnlcm-e. agers In case of wredt* and It to a for -food and lodging. Tbe ealary
wUl be made at om to relieve tbf <
but when a subscriber has to wait un- certainty tliat If the 'managers who lotrs the master to none loo large, urday.
W. H. Scott is home to spend the
Umaioa and prevent nny ttatstlcHI some other subscriber gels through are directly rrsponilble for . fatal nor is It unreasonable to ask that he
with his famlty.
measures which are anre to'be token
*« uiking lu-forc he can use bis lelogive his best' tboaght and ability
Wheeler of Omena.
in order to protoct tbe rtoftto of the
the larger niics of the pj,o„, „
to be a convenience fleet dter their misdeeds in the quiet
tho Interesu of the people
“'«» « and becomes a nuisance. To add f. of a penitentiary there would be less have asked him to lead them, it Is a among the holiday people who were
In (he city Saturday.
;.,™«iu lb, prlre ol
i„„b, o, lb. Pre- lives lost throughout tbe countr)'great responsibility to be at tbe head
-----------------------re . irelal .HUb I. „„rre.U«a lb N,.
,b„„ u u
Mra. Mary RIehtor of Wsat -T<
of such an institution as tbe Crange.
atroet has some very nice chickens
Wptf nirrrrrnnri.i

i-re rellrel
„ „ ,b.
and It to a magnificent opportunity
and Mme miscreant stole four
'off. This reduction iu price the wee gAacriber may talk each one lieing
Saginaw can JdsHy boast of the for burn ing forward the
Mrs. Nellie Pratt. aaMstanL Ctta.
, Bepmts from the Pacific migl in- men who waged Ihe llgjii give to the |,rtvj|egpd to use the telephone all
eanesi man on earth, for the actions, processes by which the farmer, be- them Saturdsy nlghk Seveaal peo^
phone 875. We treat yoa as «•
dicsta that the sUtes on ihat sec- people as a rbrisnuas jvrcsenl and It -dav if be .booses while the other*
jile will be deprived Of their Christ­
unknown there conform
would wtoh to be treated.
of the adoption ot higher Inteltkm are experiencing a bad condition to i
> arccpiahle .me ai that. The ^n tbe line have to wait or else de- Blrlcjly tp this specIflcaHon . Tbe city' lectual. -roral and industrial sUnd- mas dinners.
•acb 3V-U
with tbouiands of meo and women nghi has,lvre, rre.™ <|„. lire
,rereo,»ll,. II has for some time been planning up^
Roe* of Charievoto, «na in
ards. to going to be a targe factor In
mars than there are Jobs lor. During high |>rlee of t*gs exaelcd by Hie «
. ... ............................
tbe city Saturday for the day.
s refiiKat on the |ian of the ronia municipal rhristma* tree for thg.
tbe summer there baa been an Influi age men, to sirhtly artlfl.lal and will
riswgnui- HmVTghiV >r Hie In bcnelU of the poor children of th<
Curtis Fowler of Old Mission, Is In Teeth Extracted Abi
of people who believed that on____________________________________ dividual suliserllier tliat makes public
the city for the day.
town and senircd for tho use o
ooant of the coming Panama-Fadflc
A. J. Otto of Pro.
ownersliii, loek attractive to the peo­ Eania Claus a splendid slxty-fooi
_ . * .“Ka-oior' Mb
Any man who to Ued up In a donple. and there is a general demand for Christmas tree wblrt was being held
k»oi with cramps in the bo*«ls the city Saturday and remained over more those aching teeth abs
wttbMt pain, and wUhont the
action by tbe government along this I. .reres. rer ,h.
Tk. «k.r
<5,2T"*. Sunday, returning this
di^ to produce aaMraadousneea.
sspertenc* a groat boom apd thsk'
ChUdrtt. '
E. H. Bagley of OM MtoaMn. waa Ttoople'of nerroua tompeAmebt ami
night some lowslown vandal came ,„,ck relief. Tet he can gto what
then would be more Jobs than peo- 7^
y_ *i__ ».__
tbe dty Satwday and returned ....................
- ^lati tka
alone and cut off and carried away be wanta tor 25 eu. by tending to the
me to Oil thfto It to evlfient that, *■ » I«lini AIIIP MfCU
In the afteraoon.
ten fe« of the top of the tree, thereby
— .■ 4A
It IS t
IV., mre
U.M ol OU.
The offielato of the Grand Rapids
Heads of tbe labor departments of ruining
it for the F^rpow "refor re.fc,I
Indiana raUroad
aefarsl atatas met In Chicago
intended. The businet. men]S«i lidTxte^ pai^ Prlw SS
that the ipedai traia la*Tlik( ltar<
weak 2or the poipoae of tevleisf harp aSered » nwvd |n lalenu^'cu. 0^by, aU «nissi|U,
that r«i)Bot find “y-'j.
Gri^ TrhteTse HeraWllthin*thetoeltlea
do «nd bavo no tnonoy loft . \ '




. ?t^'Ltt,r.bV;,rr o2!«-

No Ouistoas



Old FasUoaed



(grange (Jinger

dig ffevs in Sr'Kj

Catarrb Caimgt Be CSred


PubUc OwBership

Now Is Tbe Time



Wai pay Cbe highest prices I
for Ginseng and Golden Seal

r IHar" Ht-nj


lesieDt Hned

Hess Man

s:,riL:;.:;,CASTOR IA

Ukiir PnMeB




TTie ability to/dlsc
go1 at tbe all df the Great Bor has
been held to bb the test of the limit
of hnmaa rUion nnalditd by
glasa Very rarely b tbe eye of i
power as to see tbe aatellitee
Jupiter, thongb there are on record
two or three instances, tbe third
aatelllte being tbe meet distinct

to all and oiir sincere thanks to /everyone who
has helped to make this Christmais season by lat
the largest we have ever had.
A word to those who read this in time—we’re splendidly ready
, for the eleventh hourr-ush.


Store close all-day Thursday, Christmas Day.
Tickets good all next year.

m Market Drayton. Sbropablre. Eng­
land. tb* otbcr day. when the ’'dirty pemiiiting tbe t
telr." on# of the Ust fatrt of Uia
B detennl
rear, waa proclaimed. Clad In Uietr
ivlog it baa been argued
robca of offloa tbe eonrt offlctala nature must have bestowed beards on
vanded tb« atreeii and the olSetal men for tbe purpose of being worn,
•la taster read tbe proclamation. and that, as Tertulllan affirmed. It was
Vhid redoeeted "all rogues, raga- "blaspbemy against tbe face to reject
feonda. cut-paraee and Idle sod dUor- It altogether."
derly perwma immadlalely to quit tba
No Need to Be Polite.
How Could He Know*
"King Leer U a great cberacter.”
remarked tbe fHcod "Tee." an­
swered tbe actor: "1 suppose you re­
member my performance laet eoa•00?" "S’o. I must confess I bate
never seen yon in tbe part. ” "In*
AMd!" waa tbe iv]6lnder In a tone
of gentle enrpriee. "Tben. bow on
sartb did yon know K was a great

8 given
>ne day
asked for
nsual. but omitted the --please." Tbe
clerk gently reminded him, but was
Interrupted by tbe foIlooloK response;
"Don't- have to eay please today: got
• penny."

Palriy Warned.
Believe Tobeece Could Be Releed.
ki a certain parish in ibe north of
Experienced men belk-ve that in tbs
■nitbweetem eutee. and peihaps elee- England the folloalng notice was
vbere in America. Turkish tobacco posted on (be church gates: "A trips
supper a-lll be held on {Utntday ev»
am be raised successfully, sod It U
king. On Sunday an address will be
tbovbl that It might be «ortb whUa
given by Rev.---- 1. Subject. 'A Night
t» enconrsge tbe Indasir}-. While
of Agony."'
'•Btuble eoU and climate naturally are
tbe prime reqnlaltes.'a greet deal de­
pend! upon a tborougb knowledge of
Quite Anot>ier Pair of fihoes.
tbe prd^ methods of planting.
Head 0^ Shoe EstabUebmentiBg and bandUng tbe tobacco.
"Bought 'em here two days ago. and
gone like that ma'am! I can't explain
U unless—unless you walked
Remarkable Record.
Three generations of a family tbfr." (Lady absenu.) "Ab. you ee«
we only make for carriage people!"
aemed WelUnd have coiflributed '
peeru’ eerrlce at a farm near Got
oiag. Surrey, England.' Willium WellaAd. aged al«y-nlne. has worked for Killed by Wild Animals and Snalcea.
Many pereoni are killcQ by animala
fi> yean. Hie father did <K> yean'
•erriee. ud bU two sons have done every year In India. In Bengal alone
during tbe paei yeer IS pereona were
nad 24 yeaxin
killed by wUd elepbanu. 117 by tiger*.
CS by leopards. U by 'ueare. 4 by
•mart touth.
aietofy Prof—"Why are tbe Middle wolves. 4 by hyenas, and 701 by other
Ages known ae tbe Oaiit Agetr- Wise wild animala. or In all 4DS penons'
Froeb—"BocMse there wen eo many were killed by wild animals. Snakee
were responsible for 4.4TI deetba.

Our Premium

BdocaUon U tbe whole effect of eaTlronment. Tbo Individual Is In some
way affected by everything w-itb
which be comet In contact, from tbe
first moment of life • untU tbe end.
teaching le therefore a (actor in
evolution. It Is a meant of carrying
on ib<
tbe development of the Individual,
lian I
yet Incomplete: It is likely
tbM all bis best exercise* still lie be­
fore him. Ho must be ready for w-bat
U to come.

Werid'e Oldeet Tune.
Wbat U tbe oldeet tune In
world? At tbe batUo of Lelprig, About
lUV years ago. wher* Napoleon
beaten. Bonaparte walked abont softly
wbleUlng tbe tunc of ’Hsll brook e'en
va-t-en gnerre " It Is a very old tune,
and baa many words put to it It le
tbe tune that bas acquired "We won't
go borne to morning." and "For be'a
a Jolly good fellow."

The Begging
g Bueineee.
A woman who bas
e Just
published a
B India taller a long residence
Plowsrw That Yield Boap.
tnerei says she bas no pity for beg­
* English countryfolk, on occatioo, gars. as they are nearly all well off.
•till find enbetltutcs for soap among and "DO nailve'ever rclusee a beggar,
tbe wild flowers of the hedgerow. and a physical disability Is a source
Tbe beet of these te the soapwort. of Income, for begging Is a profeeeloa
which conialne a mucilaginous Juice not looked down upon In-indla.'.'
vrtileh lathers freely, hut almost equal­
ly good fbr washing purposes are the
The Morning After.
com cockle, (be wild lychnis, ibe
Oueei (Of the previous evening’s
dcerlet pimpernel, and tbe familiar
bachelor pany)—"I eay. old man.
clove Tbe fruit of (he horse chest­ what'e (be matter wub your pictures
nut. also, has ahponlne qualities, and tbls morning?" Fwtlve Host—"Can t
la largrly used in place of soap in
mnke it out. old cbspple. I put them
rtrra: districts on tbe conilncnL
all straight after you fellows leit
U.> nivht ■■

Cultivate Craclouanesa
Nothing add* more'io tbe rtaan
Him to Cirto.
lUe than gi;pciousD^ts. Rough bluntGirl* linen to this: It le nice to
nest Is never a valuable possession. go riding in e motor car with b good
People w-bo are unattractive are
looking young man whom your par­
essmlng. conceited. Insolent, l
ents believe-to be a perfect gentleborn. They Inelst on having tbelr r»-t: bui don't you forgot that elec­
own way and never make conceealona tric hpadltgbta are not a enfflcleot su^
etUute for « chaperon.—Oalveeton
Before putting away for use on
table, keep potatoes In tub of boiling
water for hve minutes. Pour water
off and by poutoea on boards, one
hyer deep. In a dry place. Handle

Real graclonsnees le a virtue i
cbed^ not a virtue assumed. We have
to go back to St. Paul's epbUee to be
reminded that charity, wblch is really
love. uneeUbbueea and which "sufteretb long and Is kind." "vaontetb
not itself. Is not puffed up." U at tbe
root of all courtesy and graelousDSee
It needs constant practice. It has to
be willed often In look, or word, or
act w-ben the incltnatlon b against
l\ but If practiced taltbfoUy it tOoeeons In tbe life.

and containing human bones and a
silver coin witb a Latin InscripUoa
entitled: Edward. King of Engbnd.
Lord of Ireland. (Edward L of Eng­
land) waa nneartbed by workmen In
8L Peter's lane. Leicester. Eng'bDd, a
few days ago.


Christmas Suggestions
Pocket Knives. Shears. Scissors, Razors. Safety
Razors, Sleds Skis. CbafTing Dishes. Baking Dishes.
Tea and Coffee Pots. Percolators, Bread Mixers, Car­
ving Sets, Air RUIes, Carpenter Tools, etc.
We have an extra good assortment of 23c and
50c knives.


Dog Brought Murder to Light.
A dorfldetectlve caused tbe arrest
of Fedor Kborescbko, charged at Bla*
godate. near Odessa! Huseta. with tbe

The “Best” Flour

dally fur three w-ocie tbe same spotIn a garden where, bowling dismally,'
It scrwicbed up the soli until tbo dead
body of tbe missing man was dlsoov.

It would make a good*Christmas gift
and the wife or mother would have it
to use for the next baking. Get tbe
habit of using it. Yoyr grocer has it.

No Need of Arithmetic,
i; a man bad Iffd bene end each ben
was bring an egg a day. and It coil
twe cenu per day for the keep of each
ben. and eggs were banging seven
cenu each, bow much money would—
but w bat's the use, not one of the
bbmed bens' b laying!—LoweU

The Hannah & Lay Ch.
The Old Established Millers

ync Perfect Nall.
The perfect nail ought to be white
and naturally poliitied: transpurent
wlibout being too thin: slightly pink
and not brittle; length to the end* of
the Ungera Such arc the nails
those |>u*»esstDg reflneni-nt. correct
nat'-iral taste and tact.
Rmnanee at Fifty.
‘Tooth Isn’t overruling. alUwugb It
b eo much richer than It knows. No
doubt, too. If a man bas tbe InsUnct
for romance In blm at all. be b rf rojbsdUc at fifty at be was at 4wcntyfive. and perhaps less cynical, know­
ing the values better. Robinson Crueoe.went to sea again at elxty-two."—
"Mr. Wbybrew-'s Princese," by Howard
C. Rowe.
Lost Horsepower.
According to a conservative- eetlmate, lo an ocean,steamer of 100 feet
beanj. Sio (i-ci length, and. let us say.
ei'.oi'O horsepower, no less than 70
ji< r vent of the horsepow er, or about
IJ ftOO. would be consumed In^overcomIng head wind resistance wbt-n tbo
tbip WB* eieamlDg at n knots agaliiM
A «5-mlle csle-

Lengtngjoe. the Old Oaya.
*■00 you think the conniry b pros­
"Tee," replied Senetor
«lbly •
Sorghum. "But wbat'e tbe good of
u have
having a whole lot of wealth when gagemenk ring yeL have yonr Marie
nobody dares apend any of It for —T don't know, dear. Wbo'a tbd
votes or Influence?"

280l>s.of good salt in nice, clean barrels for $1.15
is a reasonable price. This salt is good for kitchenuse
as >ell -as for otherz-'Tmrposes. Chunk rock salt
placed iu front of sto^k allows them to take salt
wheWver they wish k. Other salt, we have, is
Packers, used for salting meatsand freezing ice-cream.
Crushed rock salt is used for the same purpose. This
comes in 56 Ib. sacks, which makes itahandy amount
for you to buy. for sailing small quantities of meat.
We have ordinary sizes of sack sak'at 5-10-20c. We
have everything in salt.
Sal Vet is a compound of right proportion of salt,
charcoal and medicine to stimulate wormy animals.
Sal Vet is Mid under a guarantee that your money
will be given back if not satisfied.
At tbe comer of Front and Cass.


! Grocer I

For Christmas.

^J. 10. WItiken. Jnc.



, Traverae, City-, Best Store

Jknnounce ^heir Annual
Snd of Si^erything \Sale
^Starting tSaturdag. December 27th
/ intis is one of the three big sales we run each gear.
Seergthing mat is left otter, everything in broken lots
and odds and ends will be placed on sale at prices
that will tnove them quicklg.

Sverg department Represented
ffh 'ts is your chance to get Coats; Suits, Hugs, press
(foods, fiats, fiosiery. Underwear. Ste.

^ede Starts Saturdag. d^eember 27th

if Y<>u Job the Fint National’s Christmas Sav­
ings Cub. Which Starts Dec. 29. 1913
It coftg nothug to join. Ton can't lose a penny.
Yon liaTe everything to gain.
In case you ^iscontinar payments you will receive
the full amount you have paid when the Club closes—
about Docembor J.5, IJlld—when the fund will be disburned and evorj'body belonging will get their money
6 eenta itarti yon, 2 eenU stirti yon. 1 cent startt
yon, or ymi can n-versc pnyraeiits—wh« n
$2.60 start! yon. $L00 starts yon, 50 cenU starts yon.
Payments must be made every WMk, or may be
made in advance.
Eveiybody is wdemne to join.

Uoder Control of U. S. Treasury.

Parson'e Soft Job.
"There is e (rfevalent Idea among
the criminal classes that the clergy
have nothing whatever to do:" Tba
auihomy for this sutement 1* th«
archdetcoo of Loodon. who baa three
large prison* lo hU arebdeaeonry. An '
old w-oman once esJd (b a Jail chapl^n: "I wish you could find « Job
for my old man. He is not up to
much, and cannot do anything, but be
Houecr for Ghost
Three bouses for a ghost were re­ wants a soft JoU !iLc yours!"cent])- bum at RansooQ. Burmah. In­ Olobe.
dia. Tbe houses were four-storied
ones made of paper brjI cardboard.
Something the Publlo Mleaea.
They were built in the course of a
“They w ere picked up In the op«v
Bight to serve as a resting-place tor tea." says the Times. "Just after thelf
the eoul of e Cblnai^.
vessel, the schooner Marjorie Brai^
which bad sprung aleak, waa abont to
elnk." That's the' trouble with an no*'Wbr Is thet little man down there UlDstraied paper- The public la de­
In tbe center of the hall always mov­ prived of seeing a picture of a ttubI
ing to adjourn?': "I don't know, but Just after U U abont to elnk.—New
be looks to me like one who might Tork Mall,r.'_^____________
WAht to explain to bis wtfe and have
.It over with as soon as possible "
The "Black Patform.”
It was a preaidenUal candidate who
began bis speech from a raUrobd car
Tee Peinfttl.
8L Peter—"AwfuUr good of yon to by saying that be edbedsUy enjoyed
ti, feiiow-clUiena from the
come! Walk right In and I'll Intro­
duce you to the company." Bashful "black paUorm."
rtem an observation made at Green­
wich it bas been proved that
"new" comet dlseoveiwd bjr ai
genilne astronomer Is Westphal's comeL which returns ever}- 61 years. The
faithful mUei beset: The homing 1
stlnet In
ae oSmeU la wondertuLPunch.

Net Eirtire'y fiatiafled.
A Namaba county farmer who took
hit moiherln-law to town and left
her there had a bard Uree convlDClng
her that he forgot to bring her baek:
Attd abe didn't feel much better abont
It when be did convince her.—JUnaae
City Star.

Bettor Csriy.
"Tour aalary lant enongh to anpport my daughter." "I'm glad yo«>a
come to that cooeinalan to «arty. alr."
—Boston TranaeripL

“So yon got marrMT And yoa
earning but US a.nuiu*." "Certato
ly; I oooldn't live on that'

Children Taught to (
The IMke^Jp Plaeea
More than UAM aAool chfldrwn
"Did yon efw help pvt a pnaUa
taaght to avlffl by tba Londes c«Ui«rr "No; my wtta alwaja aneoBBtr «o«kU laat year.
aaoWea haraaU aloDa'-jBdga.



, "Wb;. « bor that m* doMs't wut
iMdy beut," soivered Nurse Rlslr
•confBllr. She tbouttat for • tone
vbllc After tbe doctor hAd eone. At
lut she vent nofUf to Jolinny’* bed
and hniit tbe football from tbe
bead. Tbe lltUe bor'e eyea ver«
cioMd and be vae alecplne oonadlr.
Tbe Uttie btiplen feet made tlnr
BBonntalu under tbe bedclotbeo.
Nurae Blair turned near quickly.
Momlns came; tbe vard awoke.
SbooU and cijea of dcllgbt were
beard. Tbe day nuraea went from
bed to bed, unwrapping pack^ea.
Nurae Blair bad tone to her room,
but atae did not lie down. Bbe came
back. Or«d but resolute, a bidf hour
bMore rlalUnt tine, and wint to
Jobnnr's alda. He waa playing wltb
tbe ball, bouncing It upon tbe ahecte.
It bad fallen down alx timea. and
each time the nurae neareit bad pick­
ed it np again and returned IL
"Jobnny." aald Nurse Hlalr. *Tonr
fnanima will be bare In a few mlnuiM



•nMected Trains ef Theught ^u«ht te
niee Above Reader’# Varsloe
ef Atftber.

or the Chagrin and RanvefM
Cbt for Ouraalves la Due to

Ten talk about rsading SbakMpw
using btm as au crpreatlon for
hlgbaai Intellect, nnd you wonder that
any common person should be so p*«aa to luppesa his thought
can rise abore tbe text which Bee
fort- him. Hut think
cl lid's reading of Bhakespaare Is one
ilm Is I
tion point of each wind differs from
that of every other. But 1 think It la
M true for tbe small mind, which
only take up a little, aa for tbe groat
one. which takes up much, that the
siiRgested traiiit of thought and feel­
ing ought always lo rise above—nut
the author, but tbe reader’s loenial.
version of tbe author, whoever he may
(Oevrrtgbt. by W. ^3. CbaDman.l
1 thlak noct readers of Shakespeare
n'O bate, alx Teddy
"Yea. ma'am." anawered Johnny.
sumetlnies find Ihsmaelrea thrown Into
bears, three balloone
"Johnny, what are you going to do eutu-d uiehUI rondltiona like those
alx boxes of lead aolwiib that footbaU?" aaked Norse produced by music. Then they may
dltas." tbe bead nurse Blair.
coonted. "And a fooi-{ Jobnny knew Immediately. Tm drop the book, to past at once Into
the region of thought without words.
Who wants tbe
.We may liappen
1. aud
Id prol
probably are. u
"Johnny Ward." an- . "Johnny, when your mamma cornea
la some particular
rtanoo to aup
Bwered Nurae Blair, ^e will tee It and it will make ber .................
half crying ar.d half
,i,p„ of a . pheri- of aplrl
it cry to think of the time when ber no,
little boy waa strong and well. Yon'
IblHiles where re. dull aa we
pitiful. Mia.
make her cry. do you. „ow. mav s.n m va clfclew round the
-of earthly tnuiliCDwn ber p«i
"Nfl. ma'am." anawerad Johnny.
dam and looki
"Tben. Johnny." said Nurae Blair.



SSL, ^

, >'■' "«"“>■









Wall! la there anything In
world ao hard te do? And la there
toyiblng eo neceeaary to leam? Host
of the chagrin and tomoree wa get for
ourselves to due to impaUance. It «e
BOAR NEEDS GOOD ATTENTION bad waited the clouds would have
passed. If we bad waited tbe fatal
Pasture Net Only Saves Peed But Will word would not have been spoken. If
Also Prove Excellent Conditioner
we had waited love would have lurued
Dont Overfeed.
To wait does not mean to be Idle or
The boar needs pasture as well M ludeclilve. It means, time
du ilie utbur hogs or the other stock. ion! (Vhat Is impossible now may be
I’astuir will not only save feed but easy at all o'clock. About four-flftha
will also be a good coudlliober
If of any tuvvess Is the Ingredient
you keep a boar lii a small pea. It to time. To know when, to fully aa TinelvvujB muddy or dusty and then If ha ponani aa lo^oow bow.
Is poorly fed In this pen be eaxmot do
Walt tor the boy te grow! What
.Copvriaw. UU.)
blr bml. aud the pigs will be adiMp you cannut lead him to at. ten bo will
IX the stores along
On the other baud, the come to at twenty.
Hate street were gay
boar oon br fed too much, but the
Tbe best things In tbs world grow.
with Christmas decor*
trouble Is ubually that be diK*sn't gel They mature and ripen. You ran build
sUoB. Even the win­
a bouae in a few days, but It takes a
dow of Bcarrin's curio often tbougM that the boar Is
yean to be complete: and a uaa
shop bravely flannted
*lfn|«ly a bill of lipense and tbal he Is____ __________
brillUot holly
does tint nerd much feed tturiibelngl The higher the grade of your
tbr cose, be Is fed a little Just because thought and feeling, the morw you
EdwlD Lnoder panshe ninst be kept alive but this feed n>-ed lo learn to wait. In edition.
thU window
Is the soaoUest atnoatit that can br I lo* governmeut nod In religion eepeand stood (or a long
glven and the batkdiest feed nearly f cially we have to nckon with what
time apparently lost te*i a few rare of corn. Hr ; Kmerwon calls 'The flow maturing of
needs something stronger than nar the human mind."
corn It way cost a little more, but
I read soraewbere the whimey say- Rllgree broceleu displayed there. ...
villi prove money well spent.
The Ing of a wise woman, that
wi be routed hlniselt with on effort
At his en­
fvs-d should be rich In proteldi. which {thive things that amused her;
Tbe and opened the door.
would rail for short*, tankage,
oil flrst was climbing trees lo
kbske trance, old Scsrvln. the dealer, come
imlllDgly forward rubbing hit wrink­
meal, row-peas, clover, alfalfa and such ' down the fruit, which If
led hands
NEW KIND OF SPEED FIEND feeds, according to Roy roleman In'would fall b.» and of Itself, the
' What may I do for you'thls after*
the h'anners' Review. When f.-d on Pod
BOlnK « wnc ««
mur’ he iusvely asked, while hie
vuch'a ration he can prodnee larger, wl.o lu a f«w years would all die
tbe head nurse aaki-d and rti n Vnroe
litter* and strooger pig# than when, tirally. and tbe third wa* that men shrewd, beedy eyes noted every deull
cnslomer's uU. weU-dreeMd
poorly fed.
I *hould run after women, when, If tbe
h^handtov^r^i^t^nr er^ »-«nm*'«tn." aald Johnny, gulping.
The vouBg boar should not be fed *>‘'0 would wait, the wom8n would figure.
sarouw Bg
ocr '**•. And juat then the visitors came In.
should like to look at
A few aroks ago a man who “was too heavily U he Is overfed u will run after ihi m.—Dr. Kranl Crons
I Nurte Blair had taken the ball, but j
a ChristUred of motoriug" sold his machine to make him go down In the f>>et. It will |
"Lefe ask Dr. Keith." the ansrrerrJ.
she bad no time to conceal It before I , guileless friend.
mos prusettt for a lady," Londn
#der 'onand that solved tbe dUBeulfy for tbe
the mUr uoiuan In black bad come
briskly, but a keen dhserver
Yraierday the
hated adverse criticism swered,
;he te-dside. and abe' the man from whom be I 1 bought
would have noticed that bis cbeerfulJohnoy Ward waa eight years old
a prlK' pig into s prize boar. Hut If
and had been la tbe hospital
he has not been overdone us s pig he *«‘er Retorts to CHtie'e Opinion With oese was forced, and te his eyap. was
- look of -utter weariness.
hla faoe. and In -the tone of <me who
Marly five weeks, ever aiuco be
I- Co dev elop into a ^<K>d. ^
"Certsloly, certainly, right over
hits determiacd to do a dlaagrceable sound boar.
knocked down by the baker’o wsgoa
"I've brougl
here." said Searvln. leading the way
duty, and
i^ile playing upon tbe street al
aald Mrs. Ward, bolding out tbe box
"l.ook here. Jack." be began, "you'ro
in front of the hoapjtal entrance,
The Jate Prank Worthing, the w»il- to a cose where eome qpolnt necklaces
waa quite hrlpleai below tbe waist, of bricks and tbe im-ebantcal toy. a friend of mine, and 1—1 don’t want SHOE HAS REMOVABLE CALKS known actor, was the subjoct of a ro- were displayed. “ThU amcthysi
te tnakg any attacks on your
bad .would always ha so. aald
c> nt dUeusston at Ibe Pen and Pencil
acliy Hut you told me that you bad
eiuMn PbiladclpblB. A dromatJe crit­
but tbe could never remember what been arrested rlx timei In that autoic aaJd
U was. for the young widow bad Uk- ;;:^blirrou'sold *me‘
-\Urihlng. though a superb
an both
Iwith ber
Kaa bands
har..!. In
In here
kapa and
.a.« ....
"Now. I've tried my beet, and I
bated adverse crltlcl
looking at her In such a way aa to
can't set her up to Bvv mllea an hour.
be always called It To i
make falsehood Impossible.
Would you mind telling me bow you invented has calks (hst are esvily adV'T>e rnthUm of mine be retorted
'.Nurae." sbe said. "J wanl-to aak happened to be arresti-d*"
plM-ed and that lull out of the
<> . Winter night at the MaJeeUc. with
you eontotblag
Will he ever walk
The purc haser had no smell amount when iiearl) worn out The calks haie a I'.eorge Ws^hingtuo story.
again r
, . '
sarcasm in hla voice by this time. proggs that are a Irille too large fer
lie said I reminded him te my critNutM Blair was silent. They might but hi. friend', answer esme rMd- the opening in the shoe, os shown h wl remarks of s Scot named Baundhave been alone la the ward, ao jj,.
in Ibe lllusiratloii. and haU' to l>o ers
clo«lr aid Ih. bum or uout™i1uo
..ruml.l, - ..Id tb. m.u ubu bud driven in. i>ays tbe J'upular'Mi'Chao' 'Baundetw,' said an American, 'did
brfd, U.™ lb E..b ... ,1.1, bur
Ics As the thread ol tbe calk tte:»s jotTrver read the history of America?'
'• Awevl. I ranna say I her,' 8i
ers replied
rtb' WO. 0. ...r,
-- Then ni lend you the book.'
siandr' The widow gruped the;
. --------------------------the American
I'd like you to rood
nuree'e bands tightly aa though cling-'
Frem the Blue Bled.
about George Wasbiiigten.'
log to her aa her last hope In Ute.! In Maeu-rilnck's "Blue Bird" tittle
"What about him?' Baunders in­
"Tell me." she pleadi-d.
-i Tyliyl goes to some far-off heavenly
quired coldly.
•Never—unleae a miracle happen^" place to learn that love abides with
" 'George Washington.' aald
anaw'eri-d Nurse Hlalr. and the worn- bits at home. There be meets Mother
American, 'was c^ebroted In history
os the boy who couldn’t UR a Ue'
"Could be no'M aal4 Saunders.
'Man. there's no rauckis te boast
sboot In that He couldna Ue. y* say*
Removable Calks In Shoe.
Noo we BcvC's baa a higher sundatd
_ .
Tbe widow knelt down. but. tbe and to learn, once and for all. bow to down. tb> spring action of ih- prong o varoclty. We can Ue. but w#
woofchildlah whisper waa iond eaoagb to see me when >uu see me down below
to v>eakene<| and It flasHy falls out
reach the nurse's ears
I ... Do you uuderaiand. Tyltyl. <.r hecomee so louse ibsl It may bo
"I mustn't tell you what my Christ- dear* .' . . Yon believe yourself in picked oiii eatily. I. aviiig the upeuing
When Rslenets Wei Piety.
miia pr^nt la. because It will make hcatven; but heaven la wherever you
ibv * IntATihin of s I
In the days of tl.c Puritan# tbe
you cry."
j and I klas each mlier. . . . There
ittn-ks were not unknown aa-a penally
The widow placed her armss round nre not two motb^s.
a have no
for luokliw too healthy Ruddiness of
hla neck and presaed tila face to here. other. . , . Every child bat only PREPARE STOCK FOR MARKET l ~™P'"‘on was s crliM when a gaunt
• "Mamma, t want to abow you aomo- one; and It Is alwaya tbe same one
I viaage was regarded as an outward
«IVe Brought Him Thto
tfatng I've kept for a Chrlelmaa pres­ and alwaya the most beauilfui; hot
Spread Open the
you have to know her and to know Eaperlenee Hat Bhewn That There la ■
ent for. you. Bit uj
More Growth the First Year Than |
’*>' ^»riT eighteenth century.
how to look.
look. Look!"
Second—Keep PwahlAo
Then 11 was they would bos the ontlqse ■eUteg that U eo
I scarcely let s round faced man go
much te vogue. ”
enaee had got well before. So be aald ] paaali.g by. atopp^. looked.' and aaLander gravely touched the ellver
nnthinv to
td> the
fh* pretty
r.t.otr* young
vnnnv n,n.KM'
_ .__ .
The Ml
in preparing stock (or the market. besven II he bad but a Itttla blood In
mother turned an atutnde of ___._
The art of
•!ed te tm> much stress cannot he laid upon his cheek* hit condition was account- links tod tboaghiic.'My affair with
who came day after day. wlatful and pride- Hie rather Ured face broke
Horguerlie U what Aunt Collins wonld
lu greatest
rapid developml'm of the Hiilmal Expatient and alwaya hopeful. Of lata into a smile.
coll -between grass sod hoy.' It U
|H*rtancc baa shown that lu ; ropvrtioa very honeti man of sangutee compl
she bad begun to suspect that her
"Do that again. Johnny."' cried oerolegUaJ
If be chanced to come nigh an of post the condy-snd-Oower etoge; bnt
only boy. her stay that was to be In Nuroe Ultir. "Look, doctor, lookr bMt ivnords of 'Uutudss up to date to the lood^coDSumvd by young aak'
have bet a made Vl Mount Weather. tnalR, there'to more growth the tint flcial tcslor* boose, night be set I a bos hardly arrived at jewels—"
ber later widowhood, would never He's wiggling hU tees!"
Thexi aloud he said No. I bod te
the second, sud mor- the' tbe M<vks. only for looking fresh on a
leave the buUdlng save In a wheeled
"Yea. ma'am," aald JiAnny proud­ Va . and Lladeubs^g. Oertnasy
froRiy morning" Few of ttf* January mind something dlSei^nt—« book per­
chair. But abe kept her fear*
ly. "Thai's why J wanted a football.
self, and nobody had had the heart There, mamma, you're crylag after level, the laltep only 110, a -ircum- each itHreasInr year the Itinvax m feces to he seen In a London streeL
Ah. the very thing!" Scorvte dived
te teU her.
Into a dusty corner and brought forth
teg down this penalty.
compadag the rv^ds made In the the uinouDt of food coasumed. cc
And Johnny wanted a football for
a forelgn lookiog vetume. whose brown
1*0 plaeea 'thg'following Uat of the lueiitly h I* vwy essential that
hlsgChriitmas present!
binding woe curiously Inlaid
highest flights, recently puMlahed by
I'uiig anlmah) be kept thrifty
"«'ell." said Dr. KcUh gruffly, "why
1th pearl.
E>r. Asamann, give* the alUtede sbov5 :rowlng; eopeclally to thi* true v>lib
ahouldn't be have one If he wants It*
F!r Joseph Books was the man who
' Early English poems, after tbe
the ground, not above sea level
ull ciilinal* Intended lor market. This tovented the once faslllar phrase
Isn't there enough money to buy a
d nleeol style, and bond lllumteatWllUe Is a
Mount Weather. 6.740 meters; S Tifiieeii li. the prnducHoii of baby beef, "Botany Say" He was tbe botanist
football* Why, Ml buy him one my­
ou: / v.hich is one of the most p'roiltuble altscbed te the expedition of Captain ed." the dealer spread open the book
self. «’bat sort should be have? hiesaed with aunu and unclea. Tbwe deaberg, meters; I. Mou;
every opportunity to give him v,' C619 meters: 4. Mou
OU-j businesoca to' engage In A quick Cook, tbe "Autirollan Columbus"
What are they made of?. It's a long
•erv.’'.. grvwth, and an eurlv maturity, returns Landing at this boy. close to the pres­
time since I was a boy myatif." he pretfenla. Last Cbrlatmsa he rteeived I Weather: 6.4S4 meters:.6.
■reotf "Yes. I believe tbU to unique
BO many toys that hU parenu.Instead I «.380 merera: 6. Mount Weather. gJ7»
•et pi
adttod. Is eelf-excaee.
ent city of Sydney, ba found such on snd costly enough to please even tbe
"Why, they're made of plgakln. of giving him toys, told him he could j metera
abundance of strange plants and flow- fastidious Marguerite." hto thin Upe
farmer, in preparing bis stock
aren't they, doctor?" anawered the carry out one of bU cherished plans {
era that be aesocisM the word curved te a cynical smile. “I'll tabs

nsne. "But you don't understand.
"botany " with It tor all titne Per a
Importance of pushing bis stock tong time Botany Bay and Anstrolia It." be remarked wltb the brevity of
How can we let him have a footbaU more thioga now than yon can break

from the time they are born unlU were synonymous te England. Sydney tbe average masculine shopper when
and let hU mother see him with U. In a year"
e finds oomethlng wbich ftrigea hto
-OI.. ...
iUd w.m. «u,
' “ placed ou the market ' Kvary
and him lying there eo halpless* It
has spread out to the bisieric bay, incy.
should ace a gate in weight along tha
would be Inhuman, doctor '
travel by
As be threw Awn a bill he wm an­
lines of profit, yet
"Hum! fU take tbe matter ondiT
wo* Sirr Joeepb
Banks noyed to see bow hto bonA shook.
this crowding should not be overduna. S’bu ma<*
cosatoeratlon." the doctor answerod.
, iroo and other "Burning the ^dle si both enA bos
But a few minutes Ister he wsa askAustralia
a known te setonee.
•ffecCr be ttoogfat. and os he
I" ""'V
ln« tbe bgsd Interne. “Where would Und. J«ir
j Richardson appeared not te noUee how>-ver. the feed ratloM are properiy
left the ebop, added: "This mixing of
"Oh. no!" cried WlUla
you go to boy s footbslir He put
I > tbe rompttment, but when all tbe made, looking toward Ju»t enough aud
hosteesa and society to the pass that
down the address In hla aMmorsn- manage to break that
kin*. 1 suppose admutonts wtU be the
too little, or to much, good rvsulia
your mwnvi J «e‘to7v~^ company were atsemWod. sddreaaod
dstt book, snd the intente looked At won’t breakt vnnr
!xt resort."
“» taring tomethlng
-W.^ “Blr. 1about
0.1.* :o>,
to know as well os she knew that sha
may be expected In the end.
btm In wonder, for football snd Dr. a seaaoB tl^
He recoUed lost Cbrtotmse at hto
had email feet the wobm who bed
Charles Orandlson' "
offered to lend rubbaro to a friend,
"Well, here's the footl
tball. I
be asld that evening,
nlng in
(Yheoever be (bougfat of ber
meneo Mg I don't rappooe you eon keep
ward, U was cirii
oow, it was wltb a »en»e of remoree.
tlooed.'—Prom Arvlae'a Cyriopedia et
them on."
(be children were sapposo
The Great Meaning.
"Oh. 1 guess 1 cna.’ oold the ffriend They hod been very warm friends, tat
from ancklUig. better examine
asleep. Here and there
sudden advancement te busiserenely. "I have big feet, too"
pU*' teeth. Yon may find them
dfowaUy unclosed to eee If Baote
LJft op your eyes to the groat meahhad necessluied more eommodlSince then the woman wltb small
sharp as to wound tbe sow's te
CUua bad really oeac. but etoep was
*Bd dare to think of
luMouDdlDgs. be bad seen Uttie of
as to cause her groat palo and aunoy- feet hat refused te see ber friend,
atrtmger than expecuUon. and Nurse '®“*’
na something so dlvtooHe bad really not meant to oegeven when she brought the rubbero
' Blair would see to it that no glfu ^ pr*«lotta that It li woAhy of being
anee. Th.- necdle-ilke points of
leet tbe old frienA when he began te
went to the aleeplaae. Dr. Keith held “ offering to God. Count It aa a priv,„u
pig's teeth may ba pinched off with
Into society and moke new
oat the paper-wrapped globs.
Tbs ***** ** *“•** YO" offering as oon„ j,.
aireatfy eoltoct- a pair of plncberw
ones, tat uneonsclonsly he bod drifted
darfc bad blown It ap for him. and. P»«* “ P««lble. keeping nothing
fund to
way from (he little circle on Fleet
not thinking of having it deflated ***»• “1 «« go out te the pleaA
Mr*. Scropplngton—A clergyman re- root
agate, be bad carried It Um for half
“* ff"0*» of your life, barteg
auv,*e,wciever ’ idro-what te•rtves K or 110 for raartrlng n con"Tbe shehby old place eeemta tor
block, TI r~ tkM I. b«t V~ »•» bon, m, uib U> ««»■
oB.oo,and feeling right (here is
pie. and by and by a lawyer it peU B>ore like home than my new qnaiten
for him not te have it, g|»o It te *W•• *»■ Pom into our bumaaClUxen—Proe Undaxc free' eaaoltea when It will make nioro pork
IlOO for getUhg a divorce for them— ever will."' he
be muttered, and a reoltoaj^eoneetoA Olv. bt. . TBigg ^«,.Broota.
food vunniiied ihu from ten veaka
Mr. Scropplngton—Well, it’s worth tkm
) te him that U waa Alios
te six months of age.
J tratad StuBay IfaBUteA
that much mere, itet It*—Pnn^



wltb bar symptlbeUc voice and restful
Way* who had moA It seem so. No
matter how iir^ ohe might ta with
her day te tbe tchoolrooni. she was
always ready to rejoice or sympethite.
' I'll send her some roses-T-tfae finest
1 ran find," he declared with a sudden
rush of remoraeful tenderneea He en­
tered a flower ebop and bought a huge
bunch of velvety American Besutlea
"Stud (bem to this oddreoA" be told
tbe dealer and gave him a card.
Next door *.as tbe estobltohmeot of
on expensive furrier^ and a LAnder
passed tbe window, be saw Marguerite
Fenton looking at a set of brown lynx.
The rich tones wool well with biT,
brown eyes and u*ny hair. As she
stood there with tbe oofi fan about;
her. she reminded him of tome bof-l
baric priuceos. Ever since he bod first'
reel ber at a dinner given at the home
of tbe seulor member of tbe firm.
Lander bad been greatly (otclnated.
and felt (bat ber beauty and postttoo
fitted In with bli ambitious dreams.
Yet. strangely enough. toAr her beau­
ty did not make Its usual appeal to
him that mingled with her stenooe
grace, woe, also oomethlng of feline
cruelty. "•
"Those fur* probably cost more then
my month's salary." be mutierwl “Her
Inutiable craving for luxury wonld
fasten Itself, vampire like, on the life
blood Of the man who morrtee ber!"
He strode do*n the otreei, feeling
that the crowded ran.wonld stifle him.
and tonglng for tbe sense of physical
mbtloD and the etlngteg olr ogotesi
hU face.; When.he reached hto rooms
he found on the table on Inritottou
from Mrs. Dons, s prosntesnt society
bosieso. terltteg him u attend a din­
ner she was glrlng that nlgfaL
"That doesn't St te srith the toad of
work I must gel thtongb with bstora
office boar* tenomw.~ WsorUy h*
laid a poekog* of bnslaaM papers on
tbe uhle snd rested hto read in hto .
bonds, ‘"^’hot dess It oU oao«n» te—
what doss life amount to?" ho q«eo>.
ttoned deepondsnUy. "Tbeoe people
who invite ms A tat really core for
me. It to merely becouaa 1 flU te and
moke an agreeable dinner gneot. pnd.
t realteod that hto prwent mood

"I'd like to chsek the wbol* thing
and go bock, if only 1 could have a
talk with Alice te the old sroy. I'd feel
myself agate." He.sat np with new
energy, "1 wonAf if she’d Jet me

ber roles hto heart began to ponnd
boyishly. She was sertaely grsAtew.
yet be detected a note of sorprtoe as
he asked permtotlqu to eolL Then the
spoke of the roses, and added :
"1 cant begin to deoertta my dMight
over that qualut old Bngltoh bdok. It
flUed a long-felt wont (or tho poisoe
Blon of a real flrsi edltton." Mechan­
ically be responded, qnestkmteg him­
self the while; "Wbot book* Wd I
tnske a mistake and send Miss Feoten's Chrtotmos gift te Altee? te
my dogged wearteess 1 most have glvgg the Aoler the wrong oddroM." He
thought of Morgnerite-B demsnd of the
beet os her doe, end s sense of Imptoh
Joy swept over him el the mtotoke
which had defeated tbe nsnal order.
He ceql n meesenger boy with a
» Mrs. Dsae c
for the dinner, then drereed and hur­
ried to the todgteg howe on Jleet
-Shntfk. sA^'-.i^'re-, A stranger
these .Ays, Mr. TAnflmg." nmnrksd
tbe mold who opened tho Aor. An
she went nAtelre te coll Miss bleooon her round Irish face remltaed him

OS a feverish dream.
When Alice eclen
bring with her on s
s of OSrealty and peace.- Eagerly be rase,
then sank he^ on the eofs. hto tees
went white end everything bhnred be­
fore him.
"^'hat to It, Edwin, ore yon tUr Bbe
cried, te her alarm tbe old name
slipped out UDCoosciously.
He passed hto bond over hto eyes te
B dosed (mohlon. "No—it to notbteg."
be muttered. Then. eonesUyv "1 am
tired—we^ with life ts 11 to- It te
you only I wont. Alice, you. alone te
Ute wide world that I love, to (here
nny taper*
Hla roles sank almost to a srhtopw;
and tor oM teat* moment there was
eUence lo the llcUc room. Then, by way
of ouawer. Ae drew tb* poor, tired
face against ber breast with a gaoture of ineffable tendenest.
Is that moDcuL lanfler felt »»«■♦ to
hto weary quesUoategs os te whol was
worth while, the answer was not ma­
terial euceeee. bat love which meoM
Ufe te'lta falteoM.

Ob Cbristnuts eve. at midnight, c
try people te tagtend believe that the
Christ child /VTtoltB ths sorth. BomoUmc*. therefore. It ttare to a slcfc
child te tbe house, th* mother will
take the UtUe one te (he Aor. Just be­
fore mldnlghL and wA tW Ute bo«r
strtkA If the chDd rraovwB. ft to ba­
the Bata of Bethtohem hA
ehUd sickens ud dies. oU to w*a tor
the mother heart to comforted by th*
tbooght that the little om wes caQed
by tbe Christ child to be hto -p)» '

-- te haaW


"You »«r* thit loneliest utd ir—
torn of bomsD belnits. * itrest
«i>d ms orpbsa. All your llf« you bad
had •Toryttioc you «sm«d. escepi
the tbius you wanted most of all—winCOM and dlstntereited lore. Your
father and mother had died before you
eoold remember them, and you had
bOMi left to the eare of n cold uncle
aud aunt, who thousbi (hat they bad 1 She »a» such a little thing, and W
done their enUro duty towards you by '«►«» «o
U»ny bead at the
seeing that yon wert. properly fed.; caprices of ea^
clothed and educat<;d. and Implanting u'f
fn yon a diamist of crery human be- ■ nothing waa fur
ing who came about yon.
"You nerer knew the ]oy that oiberirenii minds than
rlrla bad of being liked for them-1 li'r
aelrea. When suitors came you
j *•***“,‘"® lord of
told they were fortune hunters Pfc-|San Jose ralley
pie. In speaking of you. never praUed j
r |ask his hard-work­
you for any charm of your ow n. or
grace, or accomplUbment. They al- ing
ways aaid that you were rich, and you Iholr
Just Why CatnllIf they knew
their words hurt, or how it must seem la'a glowing,
(Capmeht. By Dally fHory J>vt. Co l
to a gtri to come to believe ihsi there black eyci should
T waa Cbrlaunaa ere. was nothing about her that could win fiuah with team
and Alice MalUand love—that ahe must buy it with the Instead of abloe
with delight tba
money she hated.
rtooaly f..-uh-a t«.w
• PlnaUr you began to realire that dlrinatlon of the
doir, putting tba flee your whole nature was being warped sUr readers, and
^-..ishinc touched on the by your cnvlronmeut. that your aeui she never to1dgifta abe «a« to be'The marriage of
atow'dh the bwtow.
(he '
She Ued the Uat bit
meant the liberty
of - Boarlet
rlhten j,er hired compauloa lo a IKtIe gulct of the parents.
•bent • Jewel boi p,^
,-euld rccognlte The big hacen• with
plain lltUe cotton dado had sworn
He was a
preclalOB. tncked a
poobs who would have it.
bit of holly tinder the bow. and pmhed tiaskM before the rich Mlaa Maitland good man
It away from bar with impatient wear-, snubbed and Ignored you, but there would keep hit
^ man who saw the woman's heart
pi-elado who was to
■Ther^" aba. aaclalmed. «urwrlM u„<ier the shabby gown. and|tbe worotb* ba^ of packages that UUared the.
brain under the common bat. and perform the ceremony bad ^llad to
able and the copab: -there, thank b^ loved you. and asked you to be his congratulate. He told her any maiden
goodness, that's danel I've done my
,ball be very poor." he in the province would be righUy proud
duty by my family and remembered
..,p, j have my way yet to make to win the love of de Oomara. and
avety one that Is likely to rem^Oibcr;
u,e world but. please God. we shall left her quite dutiful.
me. and I haxa worn myself to a fnit- .j^bt the battle out shoulder to shoulThe wedding war n One S^lr. Lmikale. and bretigla on pa.-ecls trying to
log like some glorious bin of
flnd'thlsgs for people who already,
-Tou remember." went on her Heart, tropic
have everything there is. Lat me aee. | -how . with your head upon his breast beside
•he contlntsed. taking np the packages ,
bis arms around you.'you plar.n.-d
fiom the Alajuola nioumaln gab
one by one and chaiAlag them off with out the future—the little house, with risen formed a fair proportion of the
a sfflila that waa half sad. and hall, ,ho rose above^e door, the dear little guests.- and their smart unlfhrros
OaloalI economies, the sirugsles. mid the llnal blended artistically In the sparkling
"Let me soe-here Is a silk smoking .ufcoas. and you drank deep'wf lbs cup panorama under the ehandeliera.
Jacket for I'ncle Joseph, that be will of joy tor vou knew life bad made you
The perfume of rare flowera. the
never wear, and the SAvrea copa that ^ich at last, for you were loved fof laugnorous melodies of Castllo and
Annt Jdaod coyly
•ly hinted-would
hint ' be t-- yourself alone—loved as a woman the subtle magiivilEm of bright eyes
would be when a strong man tn-mblus that ninshone tliclr own dtamood-s
at her touch, and his smile grows soft chased the g^ad hours away.
and tender onl>- (or you. Then, at last
It's the btrth of love." murtaored
came the time when you bad to tell the adoring husband; "It's a good,
him that yon w ere none other ibau tbs omen, aweethrart."
rich Miss MalUand—"And he went white as death while
he listened, and said that bad .he They bad reached the far end of the
I knovrn U he'.would never have asV.r-d lawn, where de Goman stopped an!
*■ yon to be hla wife. " im-rrupti-d I’ride raised his hand to the slardecked
"Hut it was then too late," iriomph hejivt-ns
anily cried her IK-art: "be loved you
"May thy
and nothing—not iiwney, nor position
Quicker timn the stealthy nrllon of
_ tiger two dark-eyed tn.-ii ram- out
coniiuurd nrr Heart.l of the shadows and. leaping upon the
"and your woridy wise uncle and nuni haceiidailo. gaeg-d him nnd bouml his
eatied him a funune hunter, aod said i.uud*. xiiep ns swiftly nnd as irdsehat be was going
lessly theyjgently picked up ramilla
your money. You did t jt b« lle
ar.r genii)' pasted her across the
but. by and by. as y
hedge, where n sinister crew of dark
ibe old life, with Us
figures awaited, like vampires -of ahe
and seinshness. and dlsb- llef In all (hal tramps.
Is high and tnie. the old distrust begai
The music and the dance went on:
to creep up and poison life again "
the (Urs glowed out of the dark
"He should Jhive trusted your love.* canopy aqd now and iheq Cartage dlssaid Pride; "he should have knows eharg-v^n eulumn of white, hot (Isme.
, that yoc were merely playing."
Tben a disooyrry was made by a pair
"His life." aatd her Heart, asdiy of promenaders The atricken hacen■ "had not Uught him how to iriay It dado was released and the mlllury
had all b^en bard, bitter s- rlousness gentlemen mounte.) in hot haste.
and sp when be saw you smiling in'.C
"T'en thousand pesos for the brigand
^ this other man's eyes with the counter
felt of the look you bad worn whec55o Cried
I your bead lay npon hla breast, be as be climbed- IrA the aaddle'on his
Aought tluit you were faithless nn<l great black stallion and led the way
•»! Dant Believe I Have ForgatUn
yon—yoti who had
Vnder the tropic heavens. Arough
Afiybedv 1 Lava " *
much—had come down cut of youi the perfumed foliage. InA the wild
high estate to rob him of the little be mountains rode the rescuers. Aree•MepUble reminder of the blessed had. and lo make life worthless."
hundrvd airong.
•aaaon to her; the airing of pearls that
“Then." said Prldd. desperately, 'b*
As Ae ascent grew deeper Ae party
Dg back yonr promise In deployed. De Gi-mara and Ills retinue
Adda baa been openly admiring (or came and fl'uni
■tostba. and a check (or Jack for his your (ace and told you that he was keeping straight ahead, turned sudden-'
_» Urka—OSS's relatives aren't ashamed to have loved ao poor a Iv Into a rosdwiv cut Into the side of
basbfol aboQt letting one know what thing."
the mountain. Across the abyss was
they want, an^ that Is a comfpil, at
"Ixive does not go at any man's bid Moreno and bis -fantastic crowd of
--y rate, at Chrtstoaa
ding " sighed her Heart: "you saw him ouUaw s lined up as If walling. Camilla
“Then, am-nm-um, a gold bSngfe'rer the
other day. He lookedill.II and worn
D the saddle in front of her cap1 poor,
will be Christ
be Comaru. wlA a cry of rage,
o the Jeweler's to.appra
s day—
raised his carbine. The bandit held
and a tortoise shell and
ottriiA feather.
up bis right bs-vd.
sen up
fan for Bally Stlrion; she’ll be atire t
•'.«5»nor d" Gomnra." he said. “It
•end me aometinng. though she hates' her free of great and exceeding Joy.
would be a pity to slaucbtrr a hundred
"Think. I can think of noiUing b<tl good men wIioN two will suffice."
m*-. the UtUe cat, and
my love!" she cried.
hroazea for dear old
I nolll
,The haceodado understood.
The next morning Mlaa Maitland
. .
11 put
•'So be It.- he returned; '>00 on
arose early, and spent much time at that side and I on this till one shall
overcrowded bouse of hera I’m sure
' don't know, asd—oh. thlsga for the her desk printing a large placard In die."
aervwsta. aad gteihs and eteblnga for bold and unmistakable leitcra. Thlr
Moreno dismounted and gently as­
tha men who have bMs alee to me— done, she dotined a almplc little gray sisted Camilla to alight He Indicated
and—er—1 dosY believe I have forgot­ gown, much affected by her the sum­ h sate place for her A aland and
mer before, and over thla she Arew a walked dowa the road bordering the
ten aeyhodyf.lgva. or^bo holda
long cloak. An .icnir Uter she directed chasm on his.side. It was agreed Aat
her astonished coachman to drive her a captain In the punning party should
to a certain building on one of wboee
count. The bandit stepped boldly out
upper floors • straggling yeung lawyer In Ae center of the road.
den ruab Of tom. buried her face In was, at the moment, engaged In d»
No one c-mld tell ]usi how It hap­
vourlng with bts eye Ae photograph
her anas on tte Ub*e.
pened. or when, but at the last count
of a comely young woman As sba
"Yes," she aurmurad brokenly
the two carbines spoke slmuluneously
berw>.lf. -'there U om that I have tor- reached hla once doer Mias Malt- and CamllU sank at Ae feet of the
Botten. snd he U the one In al (ba land's courage jisvered and sank, but, brigand chief with a bullet In her
taking a deaA grip upon it. she hun
World that T have rrthembered
breaat. De Oomara'a right arm was
and to whom j would give all If I riedir passed the office boy. and before perforated hr the hall from Ae'ene­
she knew It waa In bis presence.
dared. ' and then aba aat atm.
my's deflected weapon. With a atrange
"Alice!" he cried, gtartlog ta~ hla
"Why do ynit not tend btm aome lib
crj. Moreno stooped aSd lifted Ae
tlo trifle, jurt a inken that yon have feet; but she did not watt for him to stricken girt. Then he looked across
BOt forgotten the old dayar nggaatad apeak.
the grrre.
"Tom." ahe said, hurriedly. '1—I—
her bean.
"A (race, gentlemen." he aaid; "Ae
I have comn to bring you a M(ile
"JCaver." said Pride.
Chriatmas present." and wlA that aha' lady's hit. "Win Seno'r da Gomara
*%ven casual aogiialntaTtcaa
please come over? My man wlD gfnlde
atonge gifts at Christmas." urged hm- dropped (be enveloping cloak aside, him and protect him."
and pinned upon her breast 'iaa
Baart. speciously. Moreno walked down the narrow
"He would east my gift back at my large placard with Ac Inacriptloe:
cliff roadway and Aen dlaappaared in
feet.” aald Pride.
rode ahanly
“Christmas.- aaid bar Haart, *ia''tba
the hacendado entered a few
Bare of peace on earth aad good wO!
mlnutea later be saw the brigand on
towards men U la a time when old
bia kneaa beatde the. cot. Ae dying
viwga should be forgotiea. when old
giri'a anna around hla neck. Her eyes
Ansda gboald be healed, wbao brokaa
were lootdac AA hU a1A paAetIc
ties should be mended, and haarta mtrangad should ha reunited. Why do
B not kiss aod make up. ar children
•Tt s BO hart A
give poor Camilla, who never ceased
-What!“ cried Pride, ‘'ahd be flouted for a man. so I Just Aonght t d bring , ,

And sluing by Aa
cosy hearth.
I Uaiened A Ctls ;

years or m.
ovar many
laadB ba4


A roamar A and fra.
’U-hen I was but a boy.“ be aal^
-There dwelt not far from bare
A woman young A widowhood—
Her name sraa Helen Vera.
"One chird Ae bad—a lltUe.boy—
I acarcely need A My
He ' a her only earAly Joy.
comfort night and day.

Oh. wi-ary, weary was the day
Thy faAor went to aea!'
"One day be to his moAer aaid—
'I long so much to be
A ullor, as my father sraa.
And sail Ae wide, wide aea.'
"Sbe gave consent, nlAougb her heart
Was bound ep In her son—
Tt tuy be better for os boA—
O Lord. Thy will be dona
" You won't forgt'i me. my dear boy.
When far awsy, 1 know.
So with my blcasAg knd my pnyan,
Go. my own Willie, go.'
"Ten tong, long yean tban.rolledaway.
And aoreiy Helen pined:
No letter from her eon bad-come.
No new-a of any kind."

— ELL.“ Mid Jolla
AlUaon. when - bar
husband bad gone
np stairs, after
lotaing a package
opon Ae library
Able. "I wonder
what Ala Ur
Sba did not pa^
mil- her enrtomty
remain tong unMtUfled.
"Per foodneaa
Bake," ahe ajaenlated to benelf.
with Aa package
nodone. "If be
haant gone and bought a wbolf year's
pjtly of neckties! And I waa going
let him neckties (or CbrUtmaaThat'a Jnst Ae man of IL 1 don't see
why he couldn't hare waited a little
while. Let me aee. I suppose III have
A get him a Ah or aomeAlng tike
tbaL DOW."
It wan on Ae following evening that
Frederick Amson-euddenly turned A
hla wife, after dinner, saying:
"Ob. JulieL 1 want A show yoo a
fob that I bought 'or myself today. It's
just the thing I've been wanting for a
long timc."
Jullcl'a enAualaam over it waa much
forced, as ber husband might easily
have eeen. and perhaps did sea. After
Aey had dropprt the ^hject she hap­
pened A glance at his orarfpln and a
new Joy sprang up wUbId her. She
would get him A acarfpln for Christmas. tor his old one was raAer out of
style and never bad becQ an expensive
one. anyway.
“By the way. dear.' said Allison Ae
next evening. "I bought aometlilng to­
day that I'd like A have yon look aL"
Of courae. H waa a acartpln. Juliet
knew It would be Ae nmment she saw
Ae tieaue paper package which be
flabed out of bis vest pockcL She pre­
tended. with a brave bean. A think It


Here Thoinaa poked Ae fire, and
The flames leap high and clear—
"Now 1 roust shift ihc scene." be said. If be bad only permitted her A hare
Ae cbance"And tell of Willie Vere;
At Ae office Alllsen had Aid Ae
"When tl'Illle Aft his moAcr's home
Jle shipped on board the 'Tyne.'
And nil went happily and well
Until they crossed the Una
the shape of Cbrislmat preaenu for
Then on them hurat a Artous atonn him, and It waa wlA great MUstaction
that he reported day after day how bo
That fiv-rccr grew each day.
waa progressing.
Until uprin a lonely Isle
CbrlsUnas was only a week away
The ship was cast away.
and Juliet lay awake a long time
"And when the raging storm drew off. Aat night irying to Aink what present
she could get for bur husband. There
Its work of 'havoc done,
were the new books, but be had In­
Of all the crew hut one survlvad,
formed ber Aat be didn't went books.
Aod Willie waa Aat one.
They had all Ac standard woi4s In the
"Por two long years be strained ^s library, and he never read any of the
modern novels. Ah, a happy Aougbt
Across the wide, wide wave.
came to her. Som»
Hut never caiuo a friendly ship
where she bad
To succor or A Mva.
aacn a metal box
In which
cigars ? C
could be kept '
Was Bbell-flsb from the shore.
And sea-birds' eggs, and leaves, and aod moist.
would get a box
of that kind tor
The fesAery palm-trees bore.
Frederick, dear old
‘The long Alrd year drew near Ha fellow. It happen­
ed. however, that
Frederick came
And It was Christ (has Day.
home the next eve­
Poor Willie Mt upon Ae shore—
ning WlA a metal
His thoughts were far away.
cigar bos and ^
"A band to on bia shoulder laid.
enough cigan, as “
A loud voice greeu bis ear—
he cheerfully in‘WbsL mate! who
tonned her. a last him aU wAUe.
Then it was that Ae Iron entered Ju­
Aougbl A find //
liet AlllsoB's soul. She decided to give
A human being l((
up Ae Idea of making ber buabaod a
Cfarisunas present that would be in
any wise disilDctIra. She would mere­
“ 'Don't cry. nw
ly get him a pair of gloves and perman. but come
bsfw a few handkcreblefa Hardly had
on board,
she adopted this resolution, however,
Oelsy your Aanka
before be turned A her Mylng
and fuss.
"I happened to be In Wliben _
We're sailing (or
this afternoon A get aome ahina, and
a land of geld,
I Aeught 1 might as well lay lo a sup­
‘So come along
ply of gloves, handkerchiefs and ■
.with ua.'"
pendera. They'll probably be sent Here Thomaa''
poked (be Ore. and aaid:
“Again shift time and scene—
Tls Christmas Eve s
The wind blows wild aod keen.

"I'm so glad." replied JulieL "Ton
need gloves and baodkercblefa. too. Of
courae. I don't know ao much about
your Bueiicnders. and 1 suppose you
bought aU Ae half-bone you'll—"
"Yee, 1 forgot A mention AaL I got
a doaea pair.”
luddera al the eArm;
"And yon have all Ae cuff hutAna
laAb la lifted, at (be door
and studa and aneb Alnga that you
lere aunda a manly form.
need, haven't yonr
-'J've been a wanderer.* spoke Aa
"Enough A last me a llfatlma.*
81a want hack A her chair and sat
*On many a tar-off ahore;
tor a long Uma casing at Aa flames
-I've traveled twenty tbouMnd milaa
which flickered around Aa gas log,
To look on borne once more.
Tba dally paper wu lyAg on Aa Able
at ber elbow, and ber glance at lengA
"She rose up slowly from ber chair,
fell upon some large bUek letAra
Her lips no words expressed;
which preaently resolved tbeoaalvea
She flung ber ama around bis neck
InA words. Then she read Ala adverAnd asrooned upon'hla braasL"
UaameDt: .
Hero Thomas poked the fire, aad
Hla face A bide Ae teala
That filled bia eyea. -whene'er be Aid
The elory of the Verea
And Aen he said wlA AembUni
“No words can All Aa Joy
Of Helen whan she looked again
Upon her iongtott boy.

bM mifm bandad him a aman ptush
*Tbara. dear, la a aat «( tblsa that
yoa probably dJdni tbAk of wbao yoa
rare buying oreryAlag yon tbonght I
.tlgbt poualbly wunt A give you tor u
“Old William Vara, whom I knew wrti preMDL Yon don't naad them yoL bat
yon probaWy will aome-day. and I
Mai often aaid A me—
Aoaght It woald ba aloa A gat Aon
'Wbane'w I read my moAer'a gift
BOW. aaelnc Aat they ware otead at
I I took wiA ma A aea.
a bargain.1 feel I nevar can torgaL
He openad tba case, looked at Ao
set of laaA it oosAlned and aaid:
"Too were very tired of t

Ktbe uwny tresses and wUspared aome- Or ever eaaaa A taader tbanha
"LaA go A braakfasL I want A
•mjiQr life. wlA its monotonoa
Bpt be at^pad
^ bawd.
To God Aa Lord abova."
WA IBA aomathlnc."•f taatpM gayag'." vaat on bar Haatt. -bar moeA wlA klaaaa.
•yes amlled; Aen closed torew.
*Tbey left tba poor and bumble oot
That bad BDCb aorrowa saaai.
And dwell AgeAar In one home
Down by old Haaeldean. '



first time In many
days Ae air was
clear of snow, hot
Ae dull congested
cloud hanging low
overhead, seemed
ouly gorging it­
self (or a fresh
out bunt
As Rogen wuit-'
ed. Ae last Areed
of daylight wav­
ered dimly acroas
the barren and
spun itself out in
the swiftly encroaAlDg darknesa. At the algnal. ha turned
abrapUy back A
A Ae room and made Aa door secure
behind him. He struck a light and
stood furreylng Ae small, bozllke
aparUnent with weary, unreconciled
eyes Instead of making him forget.
Ae five ycara' exile each day and
hour a link forged into a chain of deIlberaA destiny—seemed hut A bind
him more keenly, more liravoeably, A
the pasL

bis thin, axpreatlve face. But they
passed as quickly as they nme, and
Rogers lifted hla bead wlA a utartled.
alert movement as a vague, but anlaWiakabla -Mund struck on hi*
trained car;, a muffled cry of dlstreta.
In a moment It repeated Itself, sharp
and buman and despairing. H«
Jumped to hla feeL bnrried A Ae
door and flung tt vrlde open.
There wu a gust of blUnc air and
a blinding whip of sleet la hla.area,
like the sting from thonaanda of Uny
He stooped and touched Aa prt»trato figure wiA gentle basda. but
there was no response, snd gstbering
the uneonsclona man In bis arms, be
•tagtetod back AA the ubln. As
carefully as a woman mlfht have
done, he pUced bim on taU own rode
pHIcL and piled the fire high wiA
treeh fuel, the coals breaking Instant­
ly InA a biasing bAte. “Then he pro­
cured a flask of brandy and forced a
tow drops of It between- Aa alck
man's tceA. He swallowed It spaanodieally. and In a Uttle while Aere
sere signs of life.
. nogetajefi bis chafr and came np
hlor'idth a reasauring amlle.
"FmI any better now*" be
•'Rngera." be Mid. Tve bin Idol
log an over creation (or you
■njud l-vi
found vou .at laaL'
"Loi^lng for—mer
“For yon. yet. I am a dying man.
Look at me and yoo can see that"
"Consumption." be went on. top­
ping bis chest WlA one weak band;
-the doctors Aid me I couldn't last a
month "
"My dear fellow.- be proteoted.
Tm afraid—"
• No, no. no. I'm not I know what
you'd My I am In full
all my teoaes-. Would to God I waa
not!" he pnt In fervently.
"Years ago." be pursued, after a
brief pause. "I found out that '
my wife—loved you She never eared
for me. and she's yours by all Ae
laws of heaven.
He paused a moment out of sheer
weakaeta. and wiped Ae cold dropt
from his mouth aod forehead. When
be had controUed bImsA auadenUy.
he went on;
"I loved her^-God. -I worafatped ber.
but I knew It was you ahe cared (or,
and not me It did not take me a
week A rullae my mlfltoke. And
Rogers—" Hlf voloa t^ke
trailed off to a whisper. There
long, shuddering sigh, and Ae dying
man's lids qulv^d auddenly
Rogers Mt tor a moment as Aoogb
turned to atone; bia face was as
white aa the anew Aat btaaed againat
the windowi; bis eyes bright and
atortled. But nddenly bis fenturat
ebasged. Ugbttned and flaeangflngeru
touched AeE w(A •'ripple of silent
TA momenL nod A* dyAg man
opened bA «yea ngaln—Oey were
quite raUonal now. He looked up appeallnjtlr Into Rog«rs’ face end groped
outside Ae cover wlA cold, trambllng
Rogers cangbt tbem nddenly A bia
arm, strong grasp, and faA bead
dropped forwart on hA braaoL
A mAute paaeed. twn. Arne. Aa
hoar went by; than anoAar. and
nelAer sUrred- At midnight Ae dis­
tant sound of a bell atarUed Rogen
from hla reverie. He loohed np swiftly. and bent to catch the sound of Ae
otberia beart-bMto
But the Uat great enemy bad oome.
UiAisvalfy VeraatiA Mine.
MotatAns among mines ere not nannmon. Many that began as progeen of one kind of ore have A tb«
conrae of time tmed Into aaoAer
kind. The HlghUnd Boy mlira el
BAgbnm. Dtob. A • rweat and otriklog axampla. It began aa a geld
tnAa. A whlA cloM It waa cd no
great aceonnL Than It baeame a rich
and profitobla copper mAe, 1A prrtonnaaca aa neb makAg It tomona.
It A BO tosger mudh good as n copper
mAe. bat latriy It has baooma a flrut-

ctoM toad mtae ringtiKiAlni
MAlBg JoaniO.

r COURSE tb«a
was seaw.-newly
fallen — what
be wiAont Aat?

above the bousetopa looking down
from a deep bine
Bky. and. of course.
It was nothing bat bnatle and bnaUe.
A most places, and all Ae neceatary
hullabaloo Aat makes Chriatmas Ae
adorable holiday that It It—but—and
here ts where tpy story cornea to.
On a quiet stjeet, whore Ae bettor
claaa of bouses stood, a trifle away
from Aa aboppAg dlatrict aad tba .
street car lines, a UtUe (ace was
pressed agaAst Ae wAdow-paae. and
two large tears stole Xlowo over a
happy see
season, but Ellubcth Roefcarby
felt sadly
1Iy at a loss and out of placa
aa she stood A ber bAck velvet aad
lace In ber grandmoAer's huge draw*
Ag-room. She had everfaeart Ae par­
lor-mold and Ae upper bonaemld,
A a whispered converutloa.
The poor darlAL" Nora. Ae housemaid, bad aaid. The poor dariint!
Aad A It ChriatniaB Ae HtUe oae'o
after havin'* Nerer a bit of K! Don’t
ye balieve It! Oh. Ae poor lamb!
that BOlema and atUI-Uka A ber blMk
■Think of Cook's Ruby rigged out
like Aat!" Mid Ellen.. "Do you Alak
she'd stand tt for a minute? Not on
your life: She'^be down under A*
be trt'^g Eer moAer for goodies.wb& she got tired of that! But Ala
pale-faced mite, she's passed from one
ealenUtAg rcAUve A saotber. 1
rt got a speck of trip left
A her. Do you know what Ruhy'4
do? Bbe'd ran away!" and £Uc»
laughed outright at Ae AougbL
It waa hern that EUxabeA had oUpped Into Ae wAdow rcccaa. ber pnlaes
If COBk-a RtUe giri could ran away
why ahouldnt ahe?
EUai^ bad not known It conld
be so aold when one got oot InA An
night; but the atan bad a triesdly
twinkle, and the rbop-windowa looked
forgot the cold aa ahe went eagerly
from' one gay collection of toys w anoAer. an felt Ae compaalonAlp of
UtUe girls who gaaed quite aa engerty
SB she at Aa Cbrlstmaa dolU bold­
ing outstretched anna A the paaBeraby.
"Mn Aey—are Aey to ariir Ao
•aked timidly, of a UtUe girl who
held bw baby sAter by Ae band and
ntomp^ her feet to keep them warm.
“Bakes aUre. yaa!“ said Aa Otbar.
A astonlshmenL “Ain't that one wlA
Ae black curia too cute for any“Could we go A and—and bay UT*
asked EllubA earaeaUy.
' 'CourM we oottld. U wa bad tha
"Coma I
and. grasping ber It
ion by the band, ahe plunged Ato tba
store. The doll wlA Ae blB(A
curia!" she stammered. "May I boy
It for AA UtUe glrir '
"Bure," Mid the Mleaipan. '
EUxabeA flabed a doUar bin oat of
ber mUe chaA purae aad watAod
curiooaly as Ae
lifted Ae
doll tenderly A her
arms and walked
ouL torgetUng. A
ber delAbt to ny
“thank you." and Ae
baby aUter toddled
Out A Ae street
agaA EUaabeA mw
two small boyi wlA
Aelr taoee glued to
Ae'window of Ae
naxt shop, wbeA aUcka of candy lay '
A faacAatAg rows,
and eboeoUtes and gna-drapa ware!
bMped A pyraraida. wlA traya o(<
fndge and aolaMsa candy A betwaan.;
She Stopped, and. wIUmbi any bawi
Itotion AA Ume, gave them'ea^ ai
Her ChaA purae waa empty n^.j
abe stood, a fortora IltUe figure A bar'
ermlae and velvet, on the oornar of
the crowded etreeL
She bad raealned Aua tor some ttoj
Ue time when Ae beard a qotok etopi
behAdbar and abe was qntokly grasp­
ed by. artng but kindly buds and!
swung on to Aq steps.
“Bo-bo!" aaid a big man, who bad.
come up Ae atresL TUa Mlutraa
EltaabeA Roefe«»y! What ara yoa np;
to. Betsy Janer
“CDtAto Bob!" gaspad Blaabath.
“Yaa. 'Cooala Bob,’ and now. 'err
yonr trail.- llttto •tour!'*
“I—I ran away." faltetar BIUabaA.
"Well, come along A and ni totradace yon to Ae eemsAa." aaid Conatoi
Bob. cbeortuny. ud Aee HI -pbcM
‘am up and tell Aem Aat It's oO^
tars to bava yoa."
And EMvaharh anoggled bar Sagara
bappUy Ata bar kto oouria’a baado aa
------------------------------ toto a asw Btto

Advartage^ Bring ThaagM a WN.
One RupUfiaUen.
Always an Tap.
You Said BomeUilflB. Bol
The One Caeaptiun.
Tbe BriMteto advanUgo I kaog ti
WUUa-"Paw. why waa Adam arm
-A-srtmaB never ioaes her temper—
Aa anatev can stoig a lovo aEuA; being tbongbt a wH by Ae warifl to. '
> chaperon u abflijt Aa o^,. ..
A bnaffla on Aa and of a ajiek U
Atad firutr- Paw—'To give him a
iCa one thing aha keeps forever wb-hs^
wtA a woman, bat It ukaa a console t^ It gives oaa Aa «RaMar.trae«ga
aha can always pnt her band oa.lL— pretty aora algn At Ae Aan Vrh« who gets'mineta credit for neglactloi chanA A aay ■omethlng, mj »m-‘
her bug}a«^-^isyi» .Globe.
ISir to b^ oBf gS.«fiaiEt SKef ptoytoi Aa tooL"-.4iwtois PMto ;
p»Ai It I»a lOBt big

Moi nx



• WhiBlle) and thr nail, ball (Rall.l
PomMl. MIrh.. R. F. D. No. t. ,“lf tbai Chrtatnia!. T^ay (all
hl« am.
!>©c. i:., 1913. rp<yn Friday. kno» all
• iered atoodi and dew-.-nded ii'ndi
Tlitit ainirr aearoD flioll be eauy,
or of the darkarna to rerorer the |>reca IIUlo Rlrl rfevcn year* old. I Save, ereat wlnda aloft aliall n»;
♦ loua Toya, ioy« (Tojto. tic."
an in the third *rado. I atud ..............................................
.. Khali ^
read- The siimm.-r nlao
be dry.

warm rlothea to n hrotht-r atrucelltit
to earn a ti.ire litioc. or to a sun
alone In a faroff clt>
The (awl
renta were larktni; to larry ilM>se
evidences of tetnlernesa to ilieir eaaer
I deal
or disa|>i»intmem. misery, and i>oasIhle raoilly esirangeraem.
This fact came to a tood man'a
thoiigbirul n-rognilioD one dav. and
t.'d acorea of
ev|H-<iiinl homes He w.v.s not rich'

» |.lac. to leave hta parreM. I ihlBh.
t acr.-e that It Is a muib
handl.r •1a<e lhan a irt-c.' slie add<d.
wlnki-d back the icara. and
wn io look loirrestcd.
Wherc ll you
him, Aunt HeleoT'

, «
flBiaa and I
oftho ♦«#**««4***«*««*A*
nuinben. and languaRo, Wh'at < hlld that dav
«•».« ...
or ,1,0 .1. o„, Hlr.^ „.„a
. r.M ,od |,„„oo. 1
ood rlrl, .b.ll f ol L
♦ Narald Yount FWka I >MI»
4 aoa who acta aa loader. The (un Ilea
***'‘* rhorua. are .writtea w|lj write more neat time.
♦ Club:
. a the (act that.________
latead of_ folkiwinit
Ihh.l. I ■an Ret word to him In
. ^
I win try (lover to wony or «
dlreetloQ o( the leader. .....
Oladya Runteaa.
Chrtotmaa on Shipboard.
•'plied,'Aunt Helen with
« fret about overythlns.

« anppoaed to do the eaan opiKvite.
To the traveler at sea. far from the
Spin the Platter.
Indeed you and yoor alstera ahall be
I will try to bo M happy ae I ♦ Wj,en the leader .wilt out • Mlailetoe.
sSelect a pie tin phite which will re. membeni o( the Sunshine Club, fhrutand the pleasant Tule
o' 'oorbc; you kida will have
* can and makt evoiybody happy ♦ let po," the jdayeni are to hold on
well when twirled lightly in the mas time la a nice lime to Join.
* Christmas <rlehmtlon at sea*
rtocklnga." began
♦ uefi
• far M I can.
• tight, when he aayr, -umiy.
girl In turn twlrla

la In every way novel and unique
I will try to b# levins, helpful ^ tlghu" they ahould let ro. Hny
[ and kind to •
r and to ^ ablner obeying the direettona
. - ___
I lo**capea forfeiL reclie a single line
Dee. is. isi3
the ship la t.elnR Turniahhe rush.wl to th.- Post **'**“'’
^ ovary llvint thing.
^ raSeeio the mlsuke b, a forfeit at the
celebrated "Nlghi Hefore Dear Prealdeni—
cd u|.. the docks are scrupulously
-Neither trees i...r Morklngs will
^ „Jf I over fail In tr^ ta da ^ end of the game. Uoya and gtrla who Christmas " The Snoahlner beginJ am a little girl nine yeara old. I bob-otonwl. « touch of fresh palm la
cities ^Ivod large quantities 6»m« Haus find to mi In this house
required to apell
“ir *»'"*’
»'>•■ first line, the am in the fourth grade. 1 study arltl.- P**' «"
4>"* «‘'cre. braaaes are
this Chrlstmae.' said Aunt Helen, "hut

* Chriaimaa backward, to draw a id.- "uc'-^^lng player tne fe.ond line, metic. and apelllnR. language and read- l■®"*hed up more brlghily than ever.
Christmas pack""**•
"‘O '’“'c W
**"''r «>c" blind- "’r »‘‘'rd child the third line Anyone Ing. We have
about twenivsl* »"<' •'I'* ™“'Jr spick, and span •« ngc, ,ai| „r dellverv far inrk of post •'*tid In the surprise Ive |.laone.l."
folded, or to draw « anow acene In •'ho.falls to k.-ep ihe plate tn motion schotars. t have o llrtle brother I'^Paration for ibe holiday. After
"Oh. Auntie, wi.a. U ii?" pleaded
the.olr uaing the forefinger aa a penreclllng hla or her line la aub- (our momiia old. Pleaae send me a ‘■rrnkfaat on Cbrtstmas mornlnR. all
' OrgofiUod Oecambdr S 1H
«rd luul button.
»ro piped on d.-ck. and the ^
-A secret"- Aunt Helen lowered
Pr^dant—NIao Clam N. Bates.

Another good apinnlng game -U
captain giveg the ladi a little ChMst- .
her volcd to a myaierious whisper.
>lnrt.,yiab pmaldent—Mm. Mabel
Chrlctmaa Preoants
played M.slug the same platei in Ihla
Audric Burgess. , n>«*> <alk. nnd onlers extra rjtlons • -w-hat would It
V l>ostThe secret occupied the <hildrcn’a
Bataa WlHian^
This Is a variation of liie old favmeiulM-r of the company r«Do you like logo to scltnol. Audrle?
odors are w.fied aft. aod all
,U'the belated holiday' pres- thoughfa so fully for the
taoend Vica Peaaldant—Mm. Imna orite. -Twenty Questions." not too dl/- ■*'''■«* •
appro|.rlal.- to lire sea- I wonder how long a vacation you •l'W“l>*«‘
'‘helled bemuse It Is pn.,weeka that the tree which th.-y ha-1
Pemaroy Bhielda.
^ flculi for the .voungeat nor yet so sIm'•'•‘-o"”-* Toys, one Holly, have for Chrlaouaa. .
understood that on ihia day of all
^ beoen accustomed to look foiuard io'
Bunahiaa Omndmothae—Mm. A. U pie ■■ io call for the scorn of the Jarg.
The plau»

days the cook la Rolng to do hlmaelf ..nan ,, ptir-'e w-hb mentioned
with so muehjd^ajure. was hardly
erSunbeama, To play H each one si‘‘"“I" "1X^mpcli. Mieli,. H F. D. No. •.
»f the ves«-l has rercnily ' -\v..|i after a ittuse "I
-----------------------Iceu mentally something which could

Doc. K,. l>j|.3.
»*» «*me port, a kwkI
unsiatuiwsl Christ- ^
Wumbar of member; belonging Dae. ‘x* Pl'M "* « holiday gift. Wlien all
«>nswmiy ivar .Presldc-nt-:l«uliry b.-is h. - n taken almard. „
. ,,
„ . Xut a very fortungie one tor the Ihir1. Wia. B.924.
»*»'* chosen, the .luertlonlng begins
It formi am a liltle girl eight .reara old »'“1
""'I roasted ehlckens will
’i.p -m ,*ve
' hlMrcn. Anm Helen had found

Wliai la my gift like? la It Iron
‘rownlng dish of the feast, howI the Cradle l» H «f wood? et cetera. Answen, Is spun. Tkh leader HK n twirls the rending, spelling and numitera and
plate, calls out Ihe rielllloua name of langiiaRct ]>leaau send me a card and
■'I'lum duff." that feai
are only made hy yes and no.
Roll, Dac. 1. 191S, S.1E7.
other: but on i
some other pla^r who Is lo raith It, button.,
wonderful concocllon whhh is never
The Reindeer.
This la a Jolly romplnc game. •
Clara Rurge-ss.
Gmnt MIloa and Rea
I catch the plate before It falls he dr
( (|,|nk I shall have n. call you one
Who rut years has ahswered all reBellalro. M>«>h. R. F. D. No. i- Names play It one Runslilner is chosen
act as 6anu Clstia. and all the rest she must i»y a forfeit. The l--r«on of my sm-clal Stinshlners hcvausc our
aent by Lerenae Palmer.
Loa... M,
a.,- .h. r,,.,..,
After itinner
of the players l>ecome reindeer with
Oladya, Audrie. Clara, .and ^nna'
ai>propriate names, Imsht-r. Dancer.
Burgeaa, Pompeii, Mich., R. F. D. No.
sit up for a re's- hours, there
lellc feats, raci-s. muteets of varimis

' '___________>•
Prancer. Vlien. Comet. Cupid. Donl>om|»ell, Midi.. It. F. D. .No 5.
were many whiepefed confcrencea In.....................
lu- .....
first given
The Christmas Invalid.
Dec. I.V 191::. kinds. nnU other sports make aimuefollowed by a pattering t>
Dellalre. .Mich...R. F. U. No. 3. Iloa 59 Dear Presldent-SUNSHINE POEMS. •
j-rosi. Brownie.‘BaogJCing. etc,
Dec. 11. W13
1 am a lliile girl seven years old. I Z Z
looklMt ,»«.]. - -Chriotmat Carol.
are ordernl on Ihi* sfir-r deeU in wU. ..................................... ..
.. ._
ifier deck to wli- Chrlatmas time In which there
Claus depot *0 •
am In Ihr fourth grade. I stu'lv readThe earth bya grown old with iU burneceseao In fining each Is.v or
I received
- analoue hearts. Perhaps-the special
Dwight was as i
card and button aU lag. ariihmeilc. apelling and lanc-e.. neas ihe js-rformanre.
aa the
den of care.
,.„h ,
1 Iiave two names (or the Sun- n,.»ae send
In the evening It la not unusual for stress is over, and the dear little in- ••kids,- although he dldn tlUie to say
Biwwva la
Is Z . he
' ■ —................
........ which
.— ---------------------------“ wd and button.
But at Chrlatmaa U always
•iwa. a >» should
should be on
one h-Ks than the number ahlne
shine »aob
saub They are (Irani Miles
the passe,igerK to invite the saflont valid is able to sit u,, in bed-.nd Join so. and took ,«ins to gly hi.parcels In

r;.r.^;;,sr:r=™ n..«,i ::r:"irL:z'r


rv. 153..T r r

........... ..


,,'1,'” r,,,::


" “"f. I!™ ‘r ””u

»“>• »»>-n they were not around,
coneert, al,.-r which refreahmeuia to annise. If-a tree fumlahes
PaiUi and Aunt Helen had beu seen .
are h'-ned.
luch excitement D to'do up packages more than once in their way to the
Mention must not W omitted of the In the form of fishes and lei hlta myaterloua spot. ,Pai* pretehdod be
on the air.
,on to srhool todav and the bovs aak•■Captain's Dinner." which la served Angle for them from time lo lime, didn't hear ibe delighted «fggtee that
Whea the song of angels is-----paper nut
mied for the cd mo where 1 go, U, and when
soon after sundown, and at which the casting hla line over a acreen which came fix>m behind iloora and from
. ribbon If 1, ls desired, as in a pre. told them they said they wanted or
best the ship affords la placed before hides the parcels. Somebody can at- dark enmera; and the ^ day before
It i» coming,OldEarth, it Isgomlng ^edlpg game. To begin the fun, the
Your loving Sunahlner.
The Christmas Party.
the chief officers and the passengers. Ueh a gift to hla .book aa often aa Chriatmaa Aunt Helen «ame wo near
I'layen, oecupy the ranged chairs. e\.
t/orenao Palmer
------------------------ may npisar advUable A simpler ix-lnR caught there by lietiny that ahe'
On thegnownake.which cover thy cent Sanu, who pro.c-eds around them
Tell the boys that I am ' ever so
The Best GIfL
^ have the parkoges tidd u,i "'aa obllge-I to hide undtf a table.
^ holding one end of each long ril.boh'
ghyl «> aend the buttons, and hoiie
■Remember that a happy amlle and
•‘'h ribl«na extendlnR over
Aum Helen had told the ehlldren
The fmrt of the Chrtat-chlld f.H gonUe
.'spreeslon, - If It won'........ Chris,ms,
a glad word are the Chrlatma. nrea“•>'
«mecn to the bed and H>ai Santa Clans-would dlstrlbutik hla
and white.
out ther names of the different rein•
ent. that make pap. aiHl mamma han“•«
<'‘'1»tmaa morning In mamAnd the voice of the Chri.t-chHd lell. deer, one
>ne by one. lu-ing
lu-lng careful not
i;.e,o,d Mich It F D No "
bjucat staled periods—say', every time *"** room; bo. bfight atul early, there
Ml with dbllght
-Mich. It, K D. No e _ I r-aHy must have a pari, "
to ol«ene
olraerve anv
any K,HK-l.„
s|HK-|al order
___________ /the clock strikes the hour,^
*■■■ » »=''■'“>
'*>at direction.
At that moment guacker bimself.
iL. cwM,..
Not Infrequently It fij^pena that
Penny and Dot were JoR as they
■wnic rimning in 10 warm hU l<iea.
and takes hold of the rlhbona
Ortgin ef the ChriRmaa Tme. \ several children In onV class at a
tumbled out of bed. Four pairs
wonder If you know bow murh I
he bad l-H'n sliding ou ibn l.v***“
loudly for adAn old legend makes Raint WlnXpublic scliool will he sWk'as ChristA- .We ..a .ed .he lee.le .he """"
'»P"> mJO.V reading Ih,' HeraJd
Each Fri -„t. -4en....v lle.-r
fred Hi- inventor of the ciirlsimas mas Day draws near. Utose who are ™*Ha®«-. A gnitf voice taurely SanU
... _ .. . to have a party
tree Winfred was one of/Ahe early well may easily make the holiday one
■■sc.iirst of all to see guacker-" asked hh
That role* of the ChrlsKhlld sliall ,-„ked -Sinta suddenly l^.gJns'tb run,
ha* wrllP
missionaries to Nor«iy;>l,o helped long ,0 Ik- remembered by their alT
n. I have Jus, fiuM...d
-Oh, .oratmyl (Ifanny- tVhen
rl.'s In this weeks i« And the little duck dan.-ed up 'Ud from their pag ici.-n, Scandinavians aent mates by putting forth a little
And to ^«y blind wanderer open the over footstools and other obscrurtiona. ,K-r aloud to i
l.. lirf>. These iK-o lK>ok* with verses and .-hon stories.
suppressed giggles they obeyp!e had l.c.-n taught to worship trees teacher in Pennsylvania First of all.
Of a bops ihkt he dared not dream of deer n
An hour later they were seated at
” as If iliey were living cods.
she got for each pupil a liny eve
-I. of course,
continue tn hold for December, Cp w e have had , ,
Ihe ribbon, and keep , r with their but very little
‘"•“'••I “M"
xlcrtis.k to >1,...
show- w.
Mr green tree, rtlrt''u5.
which was set up lli'".
snow i
bad Justone mns,,o,I.J., .hra ,1,1. .wi„f„a ,„„i.n..,k
i. 1.
„.| Mr
II, were put wn.o™i .1 tMr
With h sunshine of welcome for all. leader. After a few mi
i-nverls that ,k,
the ohjecl-i flower-pot. Next, the pupils
ents. having siei^h fide all
It seemsso
w.-r.' ro.
not r-.a,.
gods, I..K to w„k
work one aflemoon to provUe
provide ar......................
i- wor»h.;.
I"k ->.■
ed _ri'>smav-'
The feet of the humblerf tnay^w-hlk
out. mi,.'"
n.Trnd“no snor'
— and nothing hut trtys. So on tides to'1>c hung on the tree Some
•hen Chri,i»,«K K‘<la the fleW
ribbons.-and drops Injn a clialr. Pla«.
. fi_,.k
hi,Hs ihU .fi..r
Where the feet of the Holiest have
.re expected to dollov soli, l.ui n„.n and il.ev looked like . simiii
................................ l-|»-".-M . CT...! pi,..,, „r tod ertberd ud I.CIP,
when Santa ClaoB was
"as the chairs are one short ofeourse doud of white leaves riiillerlne al nut
'* Christmas Day. ’ o crowd <
w>.inen and children them together with w-orated; oUiers
IfS wk.®

i-nv. ,.„v .r«

■ “■

II Join tl»i Sunahlne CIul




Z"'.__ .rzr.,.r„’ri,r,i,r.,z'''

:,T'^;ir" ™



Vhe chr.KMns. mlracl. chat followed made halt, of ' cheesecloth.' stuffed
ThU. this IS the marvel to mortals re- o„s Sunshiner tfalls to secure ,
?hei Ire srmairoT ,he™^^ . It.,
By-and by the m^'iwal sounded,
and liefomes .Sanu Claus for the next ut*dy
d«-s.'11I.-.1 hy ;,n ancient hlBtorinn: with cotton and sewed with yam.
and then the line, headed by Dwlghl.
When the silvery irurapeu of Christ- nen-r round
Dowser, and the four htile I'lvniouiiiH
th.' hrh:ln i.hidc ctreh-d around book# with serves and short stories.
again stoppe.1 at mammas door. This
mas have pealed. .
.We came lo C,.ylord five years ago
Tshltha. and Winfred
..... *■"' ,""•
PW"-l»olto or c.toto»,d .Idd., „„ u,,
That mankind are the children of
/yhe Chrinmae Pack
ood flew ,rom tho deeiwnlnR ga«h Still otheri made ^olls of wieboard by Sanu Clau# hlmielC
wliirfini and crei>e paper, aod the remainder
• •D)D- game f,'l^w.,/uk”ra'rnMime“^^^^^
'^r ludy of the tree.
“Merry biriaimas!" ahonted the
-Philip. Brooks, Is a „,ce one to have Each- Suncome t „ke U go do^n o„
>■— .............

cut out tdivtr aurs and red bells for children. In a breath,
shln.-r simuld 1- given Ihe name of ,he firs, floor at schritl a«i! w-.tcb the
Mrs Plymouth will
the o«k from lu (oundatlom
ornaments. When all tbc work was
sanu Haus bobbed his head with a
The Babe in the Manger.
some toy .l,l,.l. ,s ,0 be earrid earlh. .hlldren Just before the hollda-"
lower, croan- done the Mule trees were moat at- grin and ushered them In.
Once a liille ilaby lay
wards on ChrUimas Kve In the park eager expecting (aces and su
"Oh. mV' exclaimed Be«nv i
it split a-undcr In f^mr piece*, iracilve. and on Chrtsimn* Eve they
Cradled on the fragrant hay.
1*1 iK-hind It e*--' -I-•i-«—-■ I—
of Santa Cla..,. (th.,r. name, are Wt p, „nes tlT We can aU ats te.i'wW [Z
,7 'T
were dcih'ered by th» children.
Long ago on rbrisimaa.
Christmas in th# Tropica.
"‘Tacky 1 •
Stranger bed a babe oc er found.
. Engine. Skates i
r»rl.i»,», I, told, murh »t to A... 'l™
* ™0' "l»
• P""-”*-*
Wandering cattle stood around,
the whole building
ItollA thouAh It I. hard tor a vl.ltor
^Sg ago on Christmas.
perhaps), reads a rton-Uiai conulos
Our oehoot lets o>ut (or the two next day by a very im|>onani giiack.
, 10 p.t loto ,1.. ro.l ChrUt™ .plrlt
all the names given out. and Into weeks vacation.* ne:
xt Friday. The
riiristma* Day .amr almo-t Ixefore
By the shining vUlon Uughi.
which the dlfferem name* have been trees In the vi
grade nwms
Sbepberda (or the Chriai-clilld soughL cleverly woven. Whenever a name I* ,,, presented o
afternoon. I U
Long ago on Chiisimas:
read iJie Sunis am 06 w| it W (n the twelfth grade this
four lltll^ PlyrmHilhK. llicir moth- * II sign of endless life for its leave* •"*’ I'lwomlnR shrubs in Ihh—alri.
Guided In a starlit way.
:lolhe^llnc. Benny’* sharpeyea
be« licsto.ed must echo, that Is rehut-five of us tojtraduale, whrte : : .IT,:'
of -mer­
-following lh.m proudly.
are preen
See how It poimi and alFthe ac---------Wise men came their gifts to iiay.
l>eat It. If mentioned once by the other yekrs there has been such large
ili*eovcred that It was the clotbee-Une.
I couldn't keep them home. Mr* U|>ward toward heaven this le< ry ou.t-of'door life and enoyrnwi to although it was thickly twined wUh
Long ago on Christmas.
lesddr It must b>i echoed twice; twice class
timken hy the leader It la echoed onec enrolled In the" hluh
v- f*"'*''”,
''•"it know yuu-ralled the ,rei- of ilie rhrlst.htld
evergret-n Hanging m-on It were the
All busine** cornea to a staDdsUll. l>rceenu. which Uic <hildren from
And today Ibe whole glad <anh
and everything Is given up lo merry- time to time during , the i>asl two
Praises (}od lor that OilKTb birth.
Biaklog and geaenil enjoyment For weeks ha<t left at li-e "Sanu Claus
Long ago on Christmas;
the young people the festival betrina
For the LHe, the Truth.-the Way
>w i- uitvhlni they did
I-Uci. Ihe rfiferee.
' "“Jk About a mllo wnj,
Grandma Do.k a
the night befoft-, when the pine and took'"
Came to bless the earth that day.
• wen the different names to acliool now as it I* too far lo walk
fir trees arc act up. gaily decorated
-xeo times l•HI•'
Long ago on Christmas.
■■ Denny
r woven might bcRln oouu-wliai aft-'from home I sUy
A Happy. Unselfish Th^ght.
and lighted ^llh tapers, and fairly
K that party i
------Emily Poulason.
this plan.
• Youth's ComiiaDlon lella ih
. dressed
loaded down with gifts. Around thla
Beity> eyes aaushe caughl
,------------------------'On Christmas Eve. Santa. -Vo
Wo had a , l„l Thotoand
PRE8IOENT6 had been hard at work all vear
I day lo atlcnd the h^annen' Instliule. beamlfullv
passed around. Hw-iglu had made for her at the ManVISIT.
bis celebrated Toy* (All echo Tovs A'rine Jiu“>® ““‘e «>•
P~p!" ‘■appy In amall
ue1 Training .-^chooL while Dwight
Merry Chriatmaa! Merry Chriatmaa. toyai, pUnned to
prepare a
o particularnartlcular- 1t*
.wrt«-,.i.__ ®
month*, w bo kept things In a eon*unt **.'>—people from whom be would
o prepare
q agrteullL...
Oh. the good
receive tlmiika—rather that
sj>ii-d a camera near li. which bet his
ly splendid i-ack. l/xoklng alsyul'hlm
Are seniora
J old to write I
ChriRmaa R the Parmalec'a.
And right in the center'of the table he identifict with and famed for hi*
hean^iif. a regular uttoo.
Of all the happy Sunshine daya in U hla work*ho|. he saw ^ong oiber Sunshine iiage
"It wuii't M-om a bli like CbrUtmas
hlach giri/wos fasiene.1 to this eve
. TtoT
li'tomiJ, Ih. I«.l. thtoA. A noli atoi. inaiTir A 'bu'i ton'i'rei
* ''''' "'''
green Hue i.y a sprig of holly.
II seem* that during Uie rush, of
Hto,,aar Pto.ia.,.. .UV.. .h.™M ,B.,1
„a PtoAto. .FtoXa.
i 7„, “
"-T.‘ I”";"
"» "
-.Now, children, I vrlll procee.J 1
did Squirrel 'offered to "
crack all the nuts
Christmas season.- a very con- •
' know. dear, ii will seem odd. but
V. .M
... ol .to.
Chrl...• Rlnei
.,Z “tor.
0. he could do it M> much quicker f’derable tiumlier of |>ackaRes'arrive >*''**“l*
arfanre something take dowii 9n> CbrlRmas washtnc.-'^tototo...^
ma, da:
day! How ^e wishes that she To,. (Top, topi, a IVvpgua- ,«pgun
The IliUe lake, part'„f wMeh-la on !f
• ‘•hlldrcn will en- anuoum-ed Sanu CUua. whoae eyes
at our postofflrea on which either no ...... . ...................
■i«ht help make all yoor Chriatmaa (fopgunt.
Skate* (Skate.:, Rcatea). our _______
farm, t, _____
frozen over and S are' T. anyone else.
as much as you would a tree." re- twinkled suanlcloaslr like Aunt Hei.. was a tired but happy Quaeker W»«**e aiampa have been placed. -- Joy “*
xrlsbea come tnw!
manr other Toya
T«v« tToya toysl. In
t. going
. .
and mapy
try akatTng
scooping to kias the en *
too few have been used
Too will be too fell of Christmas the very bottom of bU uck be placed tion., There are m .. It during vaea- tjtai Grandma Duck put to bed that
liltle fabe.
hllla near here nigni.
chriatmaa came ev “wi Inaunces these • package# do
Amid shouu of laughter the woA
fun and frolle to wool a long talk to- a charming Dollhouae (liollbouse dollcoasting In the winter ,,,
„ghed .leeplly as she
h«'« upon ihem'the addrcM of
‘ »‘“>“'do« ‘hlnk youd ex|.eci a proceeded, until nothing «aa left but
day, and ao In -plo« of a visit she houael. Next in order tame a tin U(ne aa lhey <fo' ...................
other places'
twked him in
^ •«*. with mamma alck u,*aulrw." ,he line, which Sanu Oau. woond ‘
la going to tell yon bow
play some Trumpet iTrumpel trumpet), e Drum
I have'qnUe
consequentl,. Instead ^roke
in twelve-year-oW Dwight, who round the merry group, declortu that
have quite a'^J
a few pUmrihla
plants thii win- waeo mm in.
sew Chriatmaa games.
drum (Drum), a C,.mc game (C,.me) ter: they grow nicelv but iSly
had entered the’
in Mason to he must have a -'reeP of sotM kind.
Holly and MleUetoc.
and many exquisite Toy, Toye U ln,bIo.R,m. I muR cW nowT n ^
.. rtf
n Ji
hear lleuoya Un,
Ument. Denny remained and children were handler than an.'-Tbit game U played with green and
thing else.
(Toya.) The was then l.ftedjnto
there won t 1. rl:: Tm"; ^Ur^tooelTL^Sly “ur^: .o-ru^s;
“ —
red ribhona which ahould be aa many the sleigh, in leaped the ggod
“o* *' Sanu Claus know where to
«,mma enjiyed the sport, too. and
to number as
os the Sunsblnen. who
wbo pUy.
play, and away went Ihe reindeer. Cnin
Hoping that each ft.,a.M-to*-. .. ^
neerly everytlilnc
Jl does not take
imagination -pui-ibe-thlogB?" he faltered.
said that It was not ao bad to be alck
Bed and green paper wu*lln may be fortunately the cord which tied Ihe mav be filled with ,h.
*“ •Pl«^'“-Maud D. picture the many Ilule
• I guess be-ll find a i>laee. you silly." at ajjlatmas time after slL when--:
c« toto Rrip. «.d -uRtd laateed^** hope eack betwm. „q,„,e„ed and ah .pint of
dl.ap)K.imment that theae
Thg acorn in bis broiher s voice was Santa CJaus was willing to make the
■peace and good will.
ptay the game eecb Sunbeam holdg. Jgaed several of the ToyafToy. loyal
-. unclaimed psekagee Initiate, too much for iwor Benny, shd bis eyes cloOioS^e do for a CWaimawtree
___ ___
* remain.
Old chrietmae Propheclee.
oee end of a alngle ribbon: the reds to fall to earth
as _
the elel^sped
. Ilule gin ho. put her happleat ffued w|,h .«ra.
Then, bealdes thU, wime^Tere
Itoto, U. Ttoil,,.- to. to»,r to. o.toto.raofto»"Atoo.,';;::;;i7to
.Voto,.i..,.,,™'Zto “!*!!;.
?»««>'■ IMo. l-rto, .^.tobrtoto,
-oB.tovT>,ita.- to ,ro.toA . Chrttoto.. m. b.toi..
*tolRletoea** Toother ends are col- the Doll doll (Doll*. Ihe Popgun pot* ahiner. and aueh a letter aa v.u.,1. t AndT^n^r^ 7*^
■**"* *”■ ThU win never Jo.' 'exclal^ Aunt lo beauUfy the landscape perhapa^toJ
listed to the hapd of some older per- rm (PopgunJ? the WiUlle whUUe eeruifily a delight iToi nlL
Ru^ilLT>'^ «iwr woman has Hrfen. brightly: “HI promWa you ibat many yeare to eoma-Helcn M. Rich\
r •
to oi niL
.. •unred or kblvered in order to send Santo Ctaos nhaU a«faro to bant tor gWooii.


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>-77; ■»


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