Grand Traverse Herald, August 19, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 19, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



©tutomie Mmdth

Covers tbe
,Grand Trav­
erse Region.

tsavzkse bay baolb.





lore Corcospendencs Win Hslp Local


Fermere Can Do Muoh to Adveniee


The new- ruling In tho parcel pnal
Traverse Clly ('vnimaDd--ry No 44.
'I^ere I* a law romiielllng the high­
"< til Itiln ch'<-i-t Tlp'ir.‘il.-iy, A
knlchts T'-mplar, held a poi I>i<4i siipway comiiilRRlotierH to i uc the w'eyds
GIVEN ilong the road fldra «. a distance of
dale |iu<kageM cun ht- seni that weigh PROROGATION
Priilai uighi smi ih- rcKtiUr IuinI
o so jHiiinds; and Ihe Itx-al iind
t mccilog afterward. (Iraod Com­
Mxteea feet ThU Is being doira only
Arst r.oflps are both Included lo the
mander HIscock ha-i l>sued an order
fey tiistaiiC'S. Th.- offlcWr baa'
me terrll'iry.
for all commaadi-rlrs to twld field
the power to cut those weeds In front
Traverav City atiinds a splendid
days this mr. Those held last year
of places and charge the
hani-e of being In the Aral class
were so tirect-osful. Xfie comma
the owner, There are many Injurious
11» iRion. U the kuIcs «.f postage Ktamps
les are divided Inio Kff"Mie_ior ton
weed* that should U> dosirey d
ibd postcards .-an be Increased fI.ROO
ence. Manistee has been selected
people will come l,o ihU
during Ih6 next eleven months that
SALDON OOtigE AWAY WITH IN lor the meeting place fur this iisri
glun, fur those who arc afflicted with
lie di-tie. Bhrmid this in- the •ase
lie state in Scplcinlti-r, the c
hay fever will not go where tbe-w
Itien the stliirlea will be increased
date w ill be announced in a few tlays.
Weeds grow. The many pood roads
butomatually and
(he iDcreaoed
who have been ordered to
that are being made and the tli
This Measure Will Become a Law Af|.
While the Idea is Theoreticq^ly Cor amininls going to the various '
AcUM W VUlRfft Covncl^ IB Uptct: In klanittee are the lommand
who are coming this way with their Crest SUrt Fire Had Mads It Imp
er Being Passed Once More By
ployes Will lie over J:/KI0. which
recL He eelieves That It Would
Bible for Firemen «o Save
DMlgl»e InvelvM Somg Vary
from Petoskey, nig Rapids. l.Aidl&gauiomublies notlra the ctesn kept
the Commons. Lords
oiiie would necehsarily be spent in
Not Work Out- In
Structure—Damage .to
lon. Muskegon. Traverse City and
IntarManf Legal Mnta In
roads which sen-o to advertise the
. Read Heavy.
LlRwor Quattlon
Manl«toe. P*-rmlaalon has been grant­
country with direct returns. A farmer
the nii^rhants. This only meann lhal
ed to drill In fatigue unlforra “in the
w ho own* ten acre* along a road
each person ehsll write a fc
lodge roofbs or on the fctrcei. Trav­
not spend a day'g time to better
Icllcrs II w<-ek nud iictid curds
l^ondoD. Aug. la.—Deep regret for
Denver. Colo.. Aug. 16—If such
An explosion aused by leakage in a
Ab iRterestlDC ^ecialos ban -jusT erse City commandcry voted to
bdvantage than lo uw^ his team
the recent Ralkgn war and ho|>e (or
bMB EM by Jndee UaiTie In the case tend in full force and drilling will be law as that recently passed In Wls- ■frleml*.
rut his weeds. The results will re­ gasoline engine fired tbe coal dock. In
tlM- i>erma»cy of pea«* wa* the key
I'oitsiin (urliiddlng the marriage of disl‘ere Maiquetie yards Sunday^
rommenced at once
of Oeorge O. ('oTell. proaecuU&s
turn to biro In romi>ound ratio.
nuu- of tbe prorugatliin speech read
e-sHrMl pt-rNiris snd conipe
and resulie.1 in painful injury and se­
toraey. relator acalbst the council of
b) the l»rd (.'hanceiior today, ndrious bums to C^. Sutton, an ^mhstc-rlUzalion of defectives hqd uiw'uys
tbe rfllage of Fife l^ke. et. aJ
Juurning the llritlkb parlIRment until nr the rallrMd. The blaze surihty-ii eiiftii'ced lliree-foiirlhs (if ihu
Adjournraent wa* tnkefl
ed eaily la.-t evenitifl in the room in
world's rrealest ceiiiuKeK Would never
One Ulller Hobba baa been keepluR
after a year and a half ol almoRt
whicb the engine was need. -Loose
have been born; This was ihe opinion
• aaloon in the rillace for iw
tinuous work. Thu chief legltlaiion
coal dual and dry timben qnlckly isthree yean, and Ofed bis appliraiioo, PUBCHAflERS WILL FAIL TO CET expressed today by Hr. 1‘aull S liuotFIVE
SEND uiled and the flamce spread aimoat Inaccomplished bv theCommons wa
-rcury of the Colorado
tbe iireseot year «ltb Ibe roubrll
to tbe upper portions ot the

the Miebicaa BondInR B Surety Co
Eirurture Hefore Sutton was able to
.tteiiii-nt of Surgeon CenernI Dlue, lo Children Are Kept Gff Streets artd bill wUUb was voted down by tlie
aa surety upon bla bond. The statute
Ixrd*. With Its third pasBago/ny the Lecturers’ Conference Conducted By leave tne building bU clothes were
Givsn Lessons In the Proper
prorldea that when a maioriiy o{ Uiei Incident S.howa Folly ef Sending »ffh:tw.||.c surgeon detUred that tbla
Mra. Jennie Buell Will Be
alHaze and It was only by tearing bU
(TommooR. however, tlie mwaiure
country must stem the propogatlon of
Wlihed electors of any tuansbip.
Money Out of Town for "
Attractive Feature.
gwnents aimoat competely off that
automatlinlly beiome a law For the
defectives and that the \Vlsr-<m>.-iii law
village or cKy equal lo a ttia)urUy
be Ml
is the eorfert anawer. Ur liunicr dothird time In three years woman sufof tbe votea east for Roiernor ai
A phase ol echoul work which lias
The PIvc-County Grange rally
-lares that love will laugh at lawa
frugc failed uf enactment. The rloxlast general election, shall file a
probably been overlooked by many
Traverae City. Wednesday. August tbe lire deiianipeni and a box was
There Is no- profit In buying gnpds, Just as he baa laughed at. locksmiths
Inp sewslun a as marked by the usual
UuD protesiing against the acceptance
parenu. and one which bi perhapr
37, promlsq* to be a bigger affair than pulled, which registered tbe alarm al
Acv^^nt'S of klutely (ornLalKy.
of the bonds offered by any iudlvidual. wbicii can be purebasej at home.from Following Is Dr. Iltmter's Maiemenl
important as slmcist any other. Is that
was first planned for. The offlcen of headquarters bnt faded to register at
out of town firms. At least a number
B/ Dr. Pauli S. Hunter .
caring for the youDgrters during
the Bute Grange derided at the elev­ tbe water works and blow the whleUe.
I Written, for the I'nilod Press.l
gage in the sale of Intoxtcaiing liquors of persona who had the mall ordei
the summer tuoinhs. The plan which
enth hour to here a lecturers' con- When the deiianmeni arrlvod tbe esTheoretically 1 am bearvily in favor has bedBTnaugurated this ye*r by
at retail, it aball be unlawfurfor e#b and bargain seeking msnlB Imve found
ferenre in connection with, tbv rally lire wuiks wera blazing and Chief
of prohibiting the marriage of all -L Durgan. physiral In the
lownablp to accept such bonds. This out as much latel). and they ace
of the Fomona Murray ot'Mnce dtndto' ».CMenU
statute referring to surely company endeavoring lo regain' tbe money
and a omen who cannot show a, pieal schools, iTiui of unIdc the scbiKil
Crop Shortage Will Help'^Grand Trav and subordinate granges tor Antrim. alarm.
which they haye Invested in f
I hill of health, but it doen
gruunda fur a pUy ground, has
Kalkaska. Berntle. I^eelanan and Grand
It was.only a abort time tintd tbe
clothing bantalns. Two young men Work out Id practice. The strongest
Surb a protest wae BLpd by the
great kurreas ko far. Such good
Traverse counties have been officially lower portions bad burned away
qnlred number of eleMor*. It ap have been, canvassing (he cllv. with pareiilk bring forth puny children: tbe n-sultk have lA-en derived, in fai-:
to be in attendance. TbU enough to drop tbe huge bln which la
peered that there were tk aignaturea attractive eamples and descriptlonsof most msral produce Immoral oBsprlsl;. ■ list the work will be extended to
feature of the rallv- will add mater­ anpported above tbe track and which
to Ibe peUtioB aed that no question custom made rain coats and aults. Tbe old Joke«about (he "ciioister's take la all pans of the cily and make
ially to Tbe crowd that will bo upon last night oontalbed' IMI tong of coal.
le KImwood avenue and Oak
was raised as to (orty-Ave of them They took orders, received pan pay­ ton" Is founded cm history.
A plan Is being This made flghtlng tbaffre more duhU annual trip through the resorts oT
On (he other band uuiiy
Hark gr-mnds as well as the <>ntral.
being upon the poll list ot tbe village ment and gave the purchaiwd an order
than ever, if anything, aa (be
nurthern .Michigan and tnrideatafly worked oat m that the lecturers will
he delivery of the goods Tli»'y weskesi fathers and nv-thc-rs. while
The general plan Is !■> luivc a safe
and ha'^ing voted, it appeared in evlluoklug after buhiues*. Ills (Inn bu'k have a hetdquartera where they can debris walled In Ibe burning coal and
Place f<T the children tn -go. where
aente that It electors ot the village
ir IciTk only, and In an interview gather and dlscnits the various prob­ made It aimoat InaroesaJble. A lordToted for goversor at the election last Yesterday Chief of Police Caretm re­ drunkenness. Innanltv. perve-rah-n iiiicl they may g. i »ome valuable phyei.-al
lems that are giving t^m trouble. motive was finally uae<] to clear the
fall, and that there were 48 signers ceived a letii-r from a Chicago brok­ all the traits Ftirgeon Cc-uc-rwl nine (raining uujjer (he guldaiKi- of ul> e\
1 KiKiil vear lor (he farmer and This headquarter* will V In charge track and to partly clear up tbe
would Ice cllniiluited h> law. also pf^t InstTiiftor. and a( the same iltmto tbe petition ot protest Ahose nnines erage firm HUlIng lhal these men
trull grower were the very heat
of Mrs. Jennie Ituell ot the State wreck wblch eurrounied tbe coel A
were on tbe>iU llct of the village, rented an office from them, .to which pass on Ihe "dlvltie kpark" lliat has eajoy tbeniRelvei enough to make the
tut look for uBiiRiia':.- high t..ii'e-<, Orange. A representative of the Mich­ force of men was also set to work to
Ibelr mall was addressed, and tbM so J.lilted the i>aih of^progress since idea aitriKtlve to them
Tar (hr but all iin>du<-ta will bring a gouvl
and In regard lo 45 of them
igan StA< llbrao' will also be at oi«n up the smouldering heap and al­
lue began.
aa they knew they would iie'uuahlit'enlrnl griiuiide only have t>een used proAl lo aU
dence was offered that ibelr names
to (ell bow good low (be firemen to get at tbe dm.
till the orders which Jhey wenId tacL genius, nine times out of
Durgsn ha* been there dally, and
were^properlr open the poll list,
.Mr Hind ha* been In the south (or Iiooks can t>e had from tbe sute li­ TTiree streania ot water were kept
n.'ll ver.v closely sllW wnli III
1 :>(> tu 6ii youngsletk have (akeii
that tbe requlaite number was held by contracting. They stated that a i
l>U«iog on the coal ontll 7 o’clock
brary at a very small expense.
ad^an|a^e of the plnvground dally. A
Ifae Judge to have signed the petition
Monday a. m. and one stream b being
eiiness. There arc- vc-ry few of our l4rgo~NSii(l box Is *e( aside for iIm laiof* are alwavk ibe secooil pUuilng.
of protest.
liUyed upon It yet. although It Is
and this 'ear they arv> water} and so
Tbe salesmen hive promised to greatest poets, imislriatis. imlnlcrs. aiiMiiaJler cUIldren. Clean wand is
At the same meeting nt which the
the Are b'totally extln^lshant giuij. Those In the souihwesi
peUUoa of proieat was filed 4ber^ was clear the matter up and In the mean­ Ihnrs and other artisiH who wcic not priiv lijcil jiiid berc thev can build
ed. By qottlng fo the heart of tbe
b-InK burned up by the terrlBc
affllc-ted w'lth some wc-akm-o. wblch canies and rom-iruci sand figures lo
another peUUon also tied comprising
boaL Olid M there will be no crup S. P. Dean Passed Away at His HoMe Are at once most of tbe ' coal wai
iheir heans content.
a majority of the electors of the vil­ here.
•aveil. not more than ten or twMve '
Sunday Night
Wagner. Dean Swift and ChsMci; Uunltk juid cnique't are enjoyed by This will ^ke a licH.-r demand lor
lage as shown by the last suie elec­
ton* being hiinied. Tbe buUdlng,howIjimb were Insane: Keats and Hobart children of all age*. For the older the MIMiigan iwiaio The (mil qnes
pver. U wrecked.
tion favoring the ncccptance
will lie practically ihe same. If
,l> IVsn died ui his home Sunday
Ixiiils Stevenson died of Inherited bo>s basetiall la the popular sport.
O' company bond, and on this second
In order to got water onto the
'sis: Coleridge and Detjuliic Muring u day front 4)i ui .'’■u different the graw'er will be careful In his son night after a year’s illness. Mr. Dean
-peUUoo were (he names of efght .f
names it was neceeaarr to' eirett^
were opium bends: Hupc was a dwarf 1k»r will toke iHirt In the game They
the signers of the first naapd peiilliu.
roiumand a goo.1 price for everything.
children, his wife baring died long lines of hose, aa there was not
snd lierberi Spencer an Invalid: lid
taught the niles. how to hit. how
:nd It was* claimed by (he atiorncy,
I Is up 10 hlmdn ri'e the-closest three mimths axo. The children ore ample>'In tbe yanta. Tb<i
gar Allen Hoe was mentally unbal.iluh a;.(t huw' to play the gum'
for the reepondente that those nvu<c3
aileMlon Itglhe dcUll Slid the fMultS as follows: H j. Dean of Traverse mains which roo Into that nelgbboranrod and an Inveterate user oFdrugs Btid srcepl
defeat'or victory In u
should bare been deducted from <ti
ill be very iimAlable lo him.
now in Texas: Mrs. Anna Ryan hood are rnmlt. and for that reason
names on the first tnentloricd petitio: Trip Through Orchards On'the Psnin- and drink: (ccildsniltb^as c.-illed the H|H>rtsnianllkc manner. These gativck
the Crand Traverse region the and Mrs'. lUancb Baldwin, also of there was but liitb pressure after
'Inspired Idiot:" KoKseau and Oscar have now become so |•opulil^ that
suls Will Bs 0ns of LoadIn, which ense' there wooid not he aj
Wilde were moral and nienlnl perverts new schedule, which W'lll ghe the • rot's In many casee would only be Traverse (Tty; Herbert Hean of Oak­ water ba-l been obtained. Two Unea
ing Features
fhleni namee left upon the petitici
which had been strung were cut off.
of Ihe Ipwesi order. Shakc-spearo was hlldern In all parts of ihe city a about half, but a half c-top In this sec­ land. Oal : Mrs Tcna Daw of Angell.
of protest, but there was evidence
In order to gl' e the other Uses water
tion I* equal to a full crop In other
Tbe eommittoG ..ui afTaDgemeoBt. (or highly Immoral in that' be had
chance 10 jtarilMp.Tie. will m- put Into loi-allMe*. and it>e qualliy, as far as Robert Dean of Hudson. N. Y.; Isjnle enmii^rtV'do effJoIeDt work.
kUos that thU last named petition was
cinulaieu ai a date prior to tbe An: the i-oniliig ■•osiDiBetTrii' convention
Hinds could Judge, would be right, I'rank Doan, who live at home.
The wrecked strocture was built
necessary tcv refe r to flyron and UobThe Playground ai . ihe Central diid command good pripes. fully carryloeoiiuned petition. Sod the Judge hel I ihul/wlll be beW In the rll}..Auguat
Tbe funeral win be held from tbe directly over the main line track and
I'ud iiHih. met this morning t« ert Burns, (or their drunkenness and school W'lll be open every morning
>i>at any names tlist might be upon
>ui Ihe ktatemem that Ibis region home TVedneSday at 2 ocluck. Inier- a crew was st once ael to work to
Ihe open Immorality of Byron are too Mondays. Wednesdays and Thursdays
l- tii ]>eiltit>as should not be Ocfluucd
the romluR center of fruit and
wltl take place at the Yuba complete the dediructlon of Ihe build­
v eil known.
the grounds at the Osk Hark building agriculture In all lines.
the petblon of protest 1 S<‘ rc be onupied by the bualncBs of (be
ing>o that the Hack could be cleared
It is me Uiai all these ills entne will be open In the afternoon, and
l»io' J,raved In bU petJUciD ihi: a wth convenllun. - Friday
Mr. Hind roiil-l see vast linprove(or traffic. The exact lots has not
'•e takcD to Neahuwaata lor a dor*n through herpdiiy, but aluag with Tueedsv. IViday ond Ralurday Mr.
or iiikiidsmus be Issued by tbe circuit
enl In Ihe rare ol tlie iiotalo Acid*
been determined, but It b fully cov­
come that thing wblch has com­ Murgun will l>e at Klnjw'oi.d.
'-•on directing the council to meet
and ihc different orchards dial be vlsered hy Insurance carried by tbe Pere
ouukmiI.iIo at ifiso a. m.. going down pelled ererr advancement In the world:
Ad vacate Its proceedings accepting
of llteraluft. art. science and inventhe liquor bond (or tbe present year. the west side of the peiiin»ula. After
ns question of why great talent
Qrangera Have Adopted Timely Topic
The bond having bM accepted by dinner each delegates will be given a
Fer flaUirday.
ilK- Ullage round! and the county basket of frviii tbsi win be provided ti'ldom accompanies pbvslcsU baalUi
baa never been answered.
trfesunr having issued Ucenee or red by the dull growers on the peninsula
"Farm Credits." 1s the subject that
Tbe pr^nt agitation over rugeoles
sample of the famous fruit with
card to Mr Molibs, they were also
I not new, It began In Sparta I>elore
is to be discussed at tbe meeting of
asked to ki,.,* r«us« why the writ of Paver that grows in the orchards
through which they will pass. The le lime of ChrisL when, in order to
Grand Traverse Grange to be held WILLIAM AlelTdVl
msndamuA should not be allowed.
Bebool disirteta which do not main
return trip will^be b> the middle road, atuln physical perfection as a race, Uln a legal high school inusi i>a.v tui­
Saturday afternoon next. It haa been
Tbe court ordered the writ of
Cairo. Egyirt. Aug JS,—.\* a relax­
dainuk to Issue as prayed (or by the
tion tor the eighth grade graduate*
WIrM Ha Waa
babies were exi>osed on tbe mountain -who arc raaldentk of such dlsIricTs ation from Ibe cares of hla duties as (Isrmera of some of the European While RspkIHng
prosecuting attoniey in the case. ajuL tiful araneiT from both ways.
Bhoc'kad, Burned and Huflod '
ne'ladles who win a< i-onipany the tops to tile er receive strength from
the coundl lo be required to meet nd
any high school in the stale of Rntifh scent-general of Egypt, Lord countries are able to get capiul on
to the Ground
Tsraie tbeir action, thus doing tway delegates will br enterulned by auto tbe goda None bnt the strongest Michigan. IT proi>er appllratlon Is Kitchener ha* taken up snake bunt much more favorable terms than are
were allowed to marry. This system made, Heretofore, the choice of Ibe
A few dayf ago wheo u was i e- the farmers of America. Therefore
with the saloon In the TiUage of Pfle and motorboat rides while the, men
wnilam Anum. an amplora of tbe
oft at their meetings Tlie rtei4>saary: produced tbe gnalest physical gtanu bigb ecbool was conffned to one of the poned that a tWelve-foot cobra had It Is proposed to consider the sgbjert
Lake during the pr/sent year.
Some very Interegtlng legal »-w.—
points funds are being raised by popular cvf history .-the most perfect animals of three nearest, bui the recent legit been seen nea/ tbe Gezlra Sporting and see If somctblng cannot be ao municipal ligbt plonL met witb an ac­
cident Monday while at work on
were Involved i tbv case, and K Is sgbacrtpUoD lo that It may be widely all time, but mentally the race became
amended the acL removing tbe club's grandstand the nitlve police cojnpllibed in a co-dperatlve way.
(Continued on page two)
the line* at KeystoBe.-which barely '
limitation. Tbe amount of tuition esu and keeivera weer ordered to kill IL
probable that It may
uken to the (ilstrlboted and no one feet li a burescaped proving fatal. Ho was work­
ThU haa come to be one of
exceed ISO ]>er year (or each pu­ They made one attempt but fled be­
supreme court for review,
ing on some constrocUon work, and
pil unless tbe peoi>U- at the annual fore bis snakesblp. Lord Kitchener
J<An W. Patebtn of Traverse City (he big ways to advertise this region,
tbe Um« ol the aeddoat was on a
tnoeUng vote lo pay ntorc.
heard of it'and sent for a snake
and riaade ft. Sievens of I>eiroU ap­ and tbe reaulu are very pronounced.
In malnulDM legal high rbaroer, On the promise that tbe (a- Nitrate Kittg Cave Steward Ten Cent polo 22 feet in height dlroctly under
peared lor (he relator, and Harm C. A further fact may be noted that a
tbe high tenaloD wlree wblt^ oonduet
soldler would pcraonally attend
Ollberi of Traverie City and Ernest postmaner comes more in contact Selglum -Is Celebrnifng Mothen* Day school, tbe graded dUtrict must em­
currant to tbe city. Since be wee
Over Nation.
ploy at iMst (WO teachers giving, to the snake when It abonld appear.
Smith Of Kalkaaka appeared fer tbe
offlclal and he can be mad« the means
tbeir entire lime to the ninth, temb. Ibe Dsttre began his whlstllDC. Boon, tbe nitrate ting of Chile, who has de­ working on bamlesa U^t wlree be
of favoraUe publicity that will bring
BroFsela. Aug. 19.—Following Amer eleventh and twelfth grades. Graded to tbe horror of the bystanders, not clared Jobn D. Rockefellet a pauper wore no glovso. and In roiaebing out
came la cootoct with tbe feed wire.
WARM 8PRIN08. Va.-FoUowlOi the widest rasulU. Traverse City is lea's example. Itelgium lodaj' ede- districts employing one teacher uT one reptile, hot six. crawled from un­ In eomparlaon with bImseU, i
a Uiitering lHaeee Rear Admiral Silas fortOASte in being cboeen aa tbe coo- braied Mothers- day. M. Van Kuyck, give her entire time to the ninth and der tbe Blond. Tbe mtUvet prompUy whelmed a eteward on the I'nlted Tbe reeult waa severe bane on hb
great body of one of tbe sberiffa of Antwerp, te (be tenlb grades do not have to pay tuh bolted, bnt Lord Rltcbenar. witb fmir Fruit steamer Paetoree by the size of arms and bamb. and falltng iTOiq tbe
rascy. retired, a veteran of the dvlt venUM polDt for
pole be.-straek on bb baclL Altbongh
fatber of (be scheme in Belgium, and llon until their students pass die of his aides, waded In with stout cud­
war. hla home here yesterday. boogtM. '
As this wUI come at a time when the dale of August 1C was set (h tbU tenth grede. Other dlii(rlcU cannot gels. snd after on azclUnc flgbt dlsThe eteward bad picked up tbe ni­ tbe Injuries are not aetba now. bew*
IMore befog retired he n-ss aommaad(be local hotels will be almost Ailed, fllofldom psndlni an Intenyttional mr (ulUon for pupils sbove-tbe eighth ■•stebod tb»SBSk«a. Kitchener was so trate king's wallet and. ninning after ever at-prMent it b dttfleult to d»
.-er4n-chief of the Pacific fleet
tarmlne bow eerious they may ptotb. It will be gecssaary for some private agroemeBt as to a date that will be grade to any other adbools except tbe pleased with the afternoon's sport him. bowed low and bandiM over
etbook. Opening IL Senor Oeslo
hones' U he opened for aleeplng
menUnned aboTe. U Is Illegal for that be has p
observed thixMgbout (be world. A speDULITTH. Mliut-ne etrOdafl em
Mdaitona AU who have eitia
snake charmer on bU staff and has palled out a dollar .bill, tbw'changed
oraamaM aMroprlate to the oe- dUirtcts Co pay
rorsBs for Tharsday night will please enalob was «ora 1« all coat lapels to- lagea. preparatorl, ad^lSaD or otbbr •pent many “planaanf afteinoona his mind And. taking a dime from bU dock workers today voted to call the
etrlke olL
pockeL handed U to tbe auward.
BoUfy Deo. B. Abacus.
bnntl&g oobma.
dV. /.




















• too Reward. filOO.
that there I* no better place to do bus- snd leave*, and then the fanmr has hen viewed from all angles and yet
begin his work all o'er'ogaln Ir it Is after all one of tbe cbeai>esl
in any line than the state of
itrurtlLR SOB.I- new man who nn tilings In the world In the estimation
Mlcbiaan.-and from the number of pile- for-a lob. Tlil-i iranslent belp
of unucrupulous persons. Jt ma.v
who are now coming bark and essimt the eBtcleiirv of ihc a teem fooll*h to demand sneb stringent
PsbUtkM TuMlan tad Ttundar* at buying farms In tbetr old'home aUte- plant and out* down the profit* in ragnlaUons In regard to the preparo(he aam* iirenpnlon. Wiihin the next ttoa of food prodneli. but when it I*
it Is aridant that the ap«-cul*U<
TirnMna^. Mtehtcao. br
years the beip iiroblem *111 be a coosMerel that by (hi* method many
Wbt* ha* exploded tb the west and
llxe'iseue In this pan of t!u
the one* who went there with
-pldemic and countless single NEW YOUK POLICE CANNOT LO­
mo. Q. BATES. UauKlDK Editor.
. cm acioiint of the great Increase deaths are obviated, tbe first cost is
great expH-taiUm* have f»iied to land
W. A. QIB80N, Editor.
__.furtut uT MtUuauto.
the eovoted' prize, yiicbigan I* par
pothlnk in comnarlson with the ulll
of new
Ueularty free from drouth and other
saving from an economic point
rwai-'Hsi..' K.n.n« Piu. rot roiuup*u«. _______ M Mooad.claM mattar
MaiM 1, IMS. at iba poatoBica at lilsadvanUKoK that mar the prospects Into beating- In order ic> take can'w. These precauUoBS become
orchards and harvest the fruit.
TrotarM C^. Ulcb.. noder Uia Act of of other toialllies. and Ibl* fc:
vital a* (he world advances, be­
OoMoiB ot Marck A 1»‘>
that stand* at>ove all other Urge anxcunl ot help must be e
cause bohi enlmaJs and vegeiahie*
ployed, ami If ihle help U not av.
characierli-tir* as a recomraendatl
Bub^t to more disease* ibi
able (he orchards will suffer and the
OmoA IB Frmt St Beth Phenaa 23 of sreat value. The rainfall here
Accredited Books Must Be Bought for
Im.* (o the region frbm ihU canoe will formerly, and without some rigid s<
riy dlstrlbiited, and while t
tern of BUiierviston of food produt

winters are Jon* they ar* a part
he death rate would be greatly Inbasis
Om rear............ i....fl.SP la adraecc the plsn that nature has worked out
Grand Rapids Also Report* That No
> longer will sc-buoi distrw-t and
luilon iiuiBl Ice found tor thU prob­
8li mtM-,................ 7fre In adranca order to provide bouniiftil er»p^
Eaperts Who nave Oppoaed Him
Sign* of Frost *r* Vet in Sight
i*hl|. board, I... .-iMs (., tm ibb
IVee BOBtlw.............. 40o to adraoce
lem and the sooner it is found the clety becomiw inore highly ontanized
Claim Hs Wall Return to Hi
'—Scores of Proatratlo^
thU resion In particular it is possible
e* of Ihulr hbrarlCT at random.
heller will t>e the coiidlUons la ilu the human system becomes more
to raise such a diveralty of crop* th;
ccptnble to disease and infection and
BeginnlBK with Aucuit 14. the boards '
Joying Freadom
failure on the i«rt of any man wii
if certain pn-cautionary measurera are
r,- (irohihiWHl from uslnc public
Betroil. Aug 18.—Right deaths from
Tbare vill be aotblas sained lor ordinaryiahllilr and, buttle U practi­
not taken the n-sult* would be exceed­
loney to purchan- tihrary hooka eiNew York. Aug. 18.—Tbough Harry beat, two drowDings anil a siore of
ingly detrimental to the people in gen­
cejlt from a list to tie issued hy The
the oauae ot honaaty and decency It cally an impossIbllltV- The man who
Kendall Thaw wo* roponed as being
iraiton* was the over Sunday loll
ensase In the^lfini Udustry I AcordiuK U' the report sent abroad eral. Certified proOucU are
soperinlendent of (itihllc Invtractkm
TatDtnany aucreedt In eclUns
can flud the opportunity
common and there are certain seen In maiiv cllie*, towns and vil­ of the beet here. The mercury cllmb^ and tbe state librarian which Is be­
maaalp oI Co*tmor Eulier. r.en If the lime here, while on the other hand ibv
lages of New England, artording
to 9T and early today wai htgli In the
ing compiled BOW und will soon W
airooE liability that the pri.v of iK-cf firms.who pride tbemselvt-s up on the
fOTemor la proven sulUy beyond tin
ind Meadlly TUlng
With fi<
:es received by the poilre. i
wbo wants to enter general farm­
4o double the prcsei
rcAdy for distrihulloo. Ihc li«t will
abadow of a doubt. beAuae no matte ing can secure a farm almost any
of ftianford White, who made (lead from yesteplavs beat. Grand
'ha aa extensive one made up4>f the
during the winter nionihs. it Is their factories, and UiU fact U made
bov treat the offeoifa eomtnlueea' place and raise any kind ot crop chat
his melodramatic escape from Maliea- lisiilda al*o pre|«red (or another
rlulmed that there will be n. great their strongest paint in geUlng their
best l)Ook* for such libraries.
by Solaer arc. tbOM of the odp« «ho
chemsas- Acccsslblllly of good shortage on account ef the drouth products before (ho purchasing pub- wan asylum for the crlmlDai Insane scorcher today. Tlie mercury.
Many books are fuund In school
Ml all the morning, with
today was iitterb H-st to thoae seekare irylns to deprive him of hi* of­ markets U another advantage tliat Is
cBscntlal in all
that lias ptevalled In several of the
and towBsbip libraries wbUb are nn*
fice have commltteed‘bo many more not to be overlooked, a (actor wbirb
ing bim. Aiitboritlea bold (hat Harry l>rospoct ot relief.
itie raiaibg etales in the middb ■things, but c-«p<-clilly so In the mat­
' only w onhleaa but eometlmes harmTbaw made fur some point on lomg
and greater oBanae*. and oven crime*, is always one of the moat ImportanU
^t. and west on account of wbat Ihi ter p{ food preiiarailon. and tbe next
tal end so tbo most valuajDle equl(>that vrbat would naturally be sained becauso there is on profit in laUlns (armor* hate been i-oiupelled to sell few years will spell the doom of the Island auund and boarded a yacht for
t a community poMibBeB becomes
for the ca«»a of honaaly U lodt be- crops unless they can U- dlsiioscd of thflr stock IH order to prevent th^i bid tnsaniury (ariories where the KuroiH-. Anuther likely <(u* to re­
s drtrtmenL Educators today are a.
cause of the repuuUon and action* of at iiTicei (hat are advantageous. TUs from starving to death during the *Tn- product* used upon the table are pre­ ported from inttsfleld. Maaa^ where
twit to declaring that a well seMrred
police s.-ild they wer* posl'
the accuser*. With the record be­ whole situation In a nutshell I* that er month;. With this great
pared for general cuhsumpliun.
Bhrary conulnlng plenty of
w stayed at the l.o-nox Hotel last
hind the Tammany orsanUatlon ihei
if a man is looking lor a safe pis-c lo. ipcll III*- t-oTB Cl op ha* been cut down
story books for ^ .children In the
night and si-roted out of town in
1* little to be eapefted In the way.' invest hi* money in (arm land, w here o slniosi nuihing In wnany sections,
yonnger grade* aaperially. ta -fc most
high jvowcfed auto •arty today.
better sovemment. and any aiteoin the cllmstc- Is right, mintall sufllcleot aud if the rattle ure to bo kept and
eaeentlal featnre of a good acbooL
Vt’herevcr Thaw 1*^ today, hp
that U made by the leaders lo'oust the and markets near at hniid. the best latied it will be net-eaaary for the
llunior* of war with Mexico hav probably traveling leisurely, aa be
present sovemor will be looked ui-on IhloR for him to do U to park up t
farmers to import com at a high price mied the rnlted Stales marine corim
BENTO.N HARROR—An«ir writing ’
knew he was aate when be cruosMl
by the peoidc as ^n eflort, not to bring traps and come to We-^iem Mlclitc;
(or feed, wliitli would remove all the
a complete blstory of bl* life. Henrvlearly Us full cuiiacity, uud In
the Connectlcui suie line.
to paa* belter suvommenl. l>ut to pay where nature offers lilm a welcome' prom and In many of thw state* make
in> real (rouble with the kIbIc
................................. aeitc R. Ochso. a sign palmer, awallowed
At Ia-dox lost night a man came to BnlUsr
op a grudge they bold asalnst Gov- that eannot be approached In any the raising of cattle a real lui
aod died soon nfter. Tlie
public the uavy oSlciala nt-sert that the hbtel and reglttrred as “Br. Hold- Egg* .....................
amor Solser for hi* refusal to dm
other i*art of the world.
There is no doubt that this aitustlon the recruiting offices woulfl ha'
cause for hi# suicide was not given
If New York.” He engaged room* Hay. |12
collar that the orsanUatlon had *e-will be taken advantage of by (b< be iloM-d on account of there bc<nc
Straw, perton
_ In bis laat note.
laetad for him to wear durlo* hi* In
great pai king house* to shove np the
-(or further eidisinieuta. li
chauffeur” appeared affi registered Onions ..................................Me to S5e
_____ _
It Is evldc-nt lliat SuUer
A Newly Married Ceupic
price of meat* to the highest point lime* pf peace ilte army and wivy. hii
FARM PRODUCE—BoiTtitg Price*.
IS -I', H. lAwl*. of Sew Y-ork.'
.. asuaUy rery hapi.y. bm tbe rrIn iv-sard to the co^dH
bat not been as circumspect in bic be- j r... ,
known ?n year*, ilierehv depriving the nlifh only a humdrum cxiMeme to th

as recognized by several as Thaw. Potatoes ...............................................*1 •Yerse Ik tbe case with people wbo
bavtor as'be should have been, but' of ihr
poorer class of people of the small eiilisuil man. but av noon a* there Is
Creamery better................................. 3:
' Rve rheUmatUm. lame hack, lore
V IndU-ale that In many lu- imoiint that they ednsume and. force
wlkan It cornea to having bim ouetod ih.- e.
luscles. cram|>s in (be bowels, dyeahead in s foreign country the
Dairy butter.............................. ......2
Vv win Ih- n shonace In (be tbidn down to a diet of com meal and life lake* ou a new a»|)ect and those ytebt yesterday at South Norwalk,
eatery, sick ttoniach. These latter
by the leader* of a man like Boss
Conn. w as exploded today w hen Rob­ Eggs ....................................................... 22c can have their misery relieved by
Murphy wb?** actions have always a; pie and i-i-a-h yield itiat will cut a potato^ like the peaaants of Europe. of the yoanger generation who n
ualDg UENNiru PAJN-KILUNG UACert V'ow-ler.
of the yacht Ducks, dreasad ...................................II
d In the polUical fiHd. large (isnre in the general market One serious feature of the rise In the excltenvent hasten to enlist In tbe
le* OIL. It ta a most efficient remedy
Katbnias II. appeared and stated be Hay. balled........................................... II
the good elameni in the movement is prices. W hlic prices xre eaiiected ’jO price of'lM-ef is that all ether meats rlne_con». The maiine* are laway*
both intrrnal and rxienigl palnStraw ....................................*...............II
as using his yacht yealerday
Inaist on having (he eeouioe. Price
Blnlmlsed to the last degree.' the be good (here Is no indlcatlun that sill rise In propottl.m. The n
the first to see actual fighting in time* knew nothing of Thaw* escape.
GRAIN—Traverae Cttytatltlns Ca.
poHUcwl meihofi* of tbg Tammany or- iPey win be any loo high.
has such a grip upon the sliuation ot trouble, and thI* fact lends an ei
Prices eorrsetad ovary day.
Iiistri.t Aiiorney Vhltman and oUignttUalloD have been under fire (ot in (his Male. One ln:|iortani b-sson hai a* soon ns one kind ol meat rises cbantment to the service in trouUh
HONEY TO LOAN^-good and waU
.cr legal llghta unonimoUKly agree thi Wheat....................................................6
that in
many years, but the great poUUcal ma­ titat iia* Wu brought out
les that is entirely larking I
Improved term*. H. C. Davto. 312
ill others take a corresponding Jump
Thaw can t be extradicted and tbere- Oora ...........................................
Bute Bank Bldg, Traverse City,
chine that tma been built u;>eD (be the on lards where the ptoi-er si-ray- In the Qiarfcol. (bereby depriving the times of l«eaee. Tbe average citite
fure It Immune from arrest anywhere Eya
aorll ttdf
- apoila system ha* proven so attract- ing ha* been done and good cultita- poorer ctasnes of meat ot any;, kind of tbe I'niled Slates does' not tak
wtrhciif (be borders of Now. York. Wbite nary baans........................... Il-U
(Ion bag been cirrriea on there ia uu
kindly to (he army and navy in iliuet
It* to that class of voter* who east
during ibp reign o' falgb price*.
WANTEl>-Cem.peteot and
Red Kidney beans.....................
Ik-: -lit'- (hi* the general alarm
evevUe:^ crop, while In tbe urfbard.s
their halloU (or revenue only, that
R ran be ascertained from the ot qnicl. hut as wood as an emergency
•need girl fgr general bosM w
Backwbrat. per m lbs. .fil.OftVILlt
hi* apprehetirlun sent to ail p<
that ba*e l>eea lelt In a large iura*u-e
Plral claoa wag*aBn- L.
ise* where men are uemauded foi
merely tempoiary defeat* have been
affeiifd by the drouth there
GRAIN—Hnnanh A Lay Ca.
dcpariiiients throughout the country,
to care lor iheuiselios there li> a
TItna, 447 Webster gL any 1
-live fighiiog there I* never a short
net with when condlUon* became ao
win l>e a great decrease to ihi
has uot been reacinded.
small crop of an inieriur qualiw. This
to ID the rei-ruUlng vn-vh-e
crop und a corresponding diminishing
had that a change had tb l>c made
Th* most likely clue today w%* that ; Wheat...................................................
goes to show that the luan ■!» goes
,ifi the beef supply, but lb will not be (act explains the reason' w hy other na­ le man who a|>ent (he night In l/onox Corn
for the sake of appearances If noth­
> into the fruit buslntsi must make up
of such magnitude that It will warrant tion; are always rwdy to sidestep hold had been Mcntifled as Thaw Bye
ing more. One of the reason* that reuke care of bis tree* to
trouble wllli Ihl* country. When
raising the price to any such degre^
tom moTemanu to often (all 1* bePrices corrected
weakened when it was learned
the best of bli ability and knowle-lgc.
forty or fifty cents yier pound, k the fighting splnt of a ualloD lie* dor­
ante those-who are opposed to stn- in order to secure a pwfliable crote
Resa ..................................................... IHe
mant for a long term of year* and (list I>r \t. B HoM.-n of New York,
Mre reform get to the^ front and
.4 to 7c WANTED—Bean acreage. Free aeod
in an ordinary year. AO'Orrbard will be interesting to note to what then (lares np it bode* ill (or SDy na­
me under wbii-b tbe coraivanloi
turalabed os -4bo «rat thlny acre*
degree tbe beef mtst will work this
na^pnlate the political wiresin such
Uring thing and uuii be gi
sspposed Thaw registered. Is on Cows ............................................... 2 to 4c
oontneted. Travers# CUr Caning
manner that wbst 1* aiipposed to be (he l>ei>l of care In order tu secure re- sboriage gome for their own benefit tion that may be looking Tor trouble
neb 11-tf
the detriment of tbe peopli In that direction, in the Eurai>ean
nrlctary for decency and right, sulis (or tbe owner, the old idea (hat
lim was yesterday from Saraio. Sbeep ..............
ALVIN K GRUBER. Funsral Oiraetor
who have to have the product fa countries where military service Is
prove* to be merely a enrface Indica­ all (bat had to be done wa* tp *ei c
ga. oDiv TO mile* from Lenox. Tha' I Chicken*, Uve .
Vnloo 8L
tion and not a thing of the heart
md (ben wait lor tbem to n
mra. Nellie Pratt. sustaUnL Ultz.
(actor that loses much of Rs potent -Bcaped In a Ehmkard twr. The car Oeeae. diseased
Reform In order to S« anywhere must turc at an age where they v^ll b<v>i
pboue STL We tiwM >eu ns wn
Ttabeyit dressed ...............................18c
force, the men flgbilng merelv os a iR>'<l by (he roes at Lenox was
be directed along right line* and back­ <roi> has been explodi-l in a very ^
matter of form, and not from any mer SlBger l>r Holdeo of New York.
mch 204f
ed by those whose hearts andltotereaU islylug manner by those who have I
Pricee corrected as market Tarta*.
•enae of duty and pride, a* do tbe
The faul <
are la the work. Sincerity of pur­ lowed the«e tactic*. Tbe men w
Mary Thaw. TbaWs mother, Hides
overbalance the brati HlUena of It is proba­
pose and real Interest and belief In
IP. .M.'A. M-'A. M P. M.
making money out of their
has been exemplified in the condui ble that there will be no war witK stated this afternoon that she had re- Calf ..
Lr.Trar. City.. 2:»1 7:00 9:5u 4-uO
the cause are the winning polou fn chards are the ones wbo are siu-adln;:
1)1 Anibaisailor WUion since the cot Mexico, hut If there 1* the old figlit- -elved a letter from her son dated
Ar.Solon ......... 2:2T; T:5u| 9:4b «:=5
any effort that U made (or the pul> their time aniouK.(he trees au.l dt-ing
iroversy l-twin-n the filled State; ing spirit that Was first develoiied Hanhury. Conn. He said be expected No. 1 bora* bide* .......... IL80 and np
Cedar City. 2:85 '
lie good, and back of that 1* tlie sUU
lat Is iMssIble to kill (be insect
during the revolution and again maul
rest liefore going to Eimburst. I’a. Wool ...................................... IS to l(c
and Mexico began. Wilno^eemi
more important need of having the
and ward off (bo diseases which
Provamont ]
rested Itself during the war of IM:' Harold Rarimm. the Uatteawean gatelove tbe sound of hts uwn voice
Il0:02 4;:c
Cedar Run..
backing and confidence* of tbc peo­ the trecs^are suh>eet to in all parti
Do You Knew
whom Thaw ^oved aside when
see bis official leakings In print This: id Bgalo In 18<n and im win again
!t0:ll 4:4t
lAke Ann...
That ir you have been feeling btae
of (he country. It Is just as essential
ple at large In the movement
line to the front In a manner that
mania has l>ecomo ao aente that he
scaped was today held at Pougb aud cross all ds> you <an rid yourself
PUtto Rlvw
political machine can ever accomplish
iltlvBie a Imii orchard as li
III surprise itome of the European keei>sle on a warrant charging brib- of the i-utd.'n !•> laking one or two ol
only Bsoslled his own goveruto till a field of com or other crop,
any genuine reform in poliilcs
Empire dct..
itlons who hare bee® priding them- •ry snd negllgeoce.
ut cast uwrieu* rcOection u|>od
Pll.l£ before golita to bed. They c
anything- of a constnictlvc nature tor and the more time ami attention gP
tbe foreign dei>arUMnt of England, selv-ea ui)on the splendid warlike l«sis
Make Oaric PradMUd
biliousness, siouiai h disorder and
the people, because there Is behind the trees tbe greater will be the n> conduct whb b cannot be passed over their armies and navies have been
New York. Aug. 18—"It la certain regular l^wt-is and make you (
ims from them. Nature wUl n^
erery move they make Uie old spoils
ny nation Vtlien a man is sent orgaolxed.
hat Thaw wUl return to all the habit* fresh, vigormiz and cheerful. Price
10:24; 4:87
Idea that after all la the paramount out for a n>an unassisted, und the
.-.J^^tertochen .
CIS Sold by all dnigglsta
foreign conniry to represent the
Cl which be was addicted before bU
'1I:00‘ 5:25
t^iwmlsh ...
force that Inaplres them to action. greater the ' assistance given
interests of uit own nation be Is ex­
Incarceration.■■ aatd Dr. (toarlee Mao11:23 5:U
DF7TROIT—John Naylon. a promloand ........
Any movement for the bpnefit of the ■treater will tbe fortune
pected to he very clrcuui*i>ect In what
DoBald, wbo teotlfted. aa state expert It local buslneos man. has been ap­
ati'fartlon gained ^m the efpeople must come from tbe peotJe
he »*>* and doe*, and is not exported
witDess. In (be Thaw habeas corpus pointed third arbitrator tn the De­
Growing rrviU Is a business lust
tbemselnas and hare behind it the
(Continued from Page One )
to confide the secret* of state to
iroc(«dlngt today.
troit United RailVay* employe*' wage
ich as ninnins a store and It re­
moral Mcklng ol those who yeally i.erfi-d; lliclr brain* went to seed.
etcry DcW*|)a|>er rdm-apoadent who
*rbere U Do doubt that Tbaw will dispute. The first faoaiing by the
lleve la what th^y advocate and will quires lust as much energy, ami bust chances to ask him In regard to any; They produced no really grwat
etura to tbe uae ot drink, drug* and
sund behind Ihe 'efforu to put It inio ness exi>^coec to secure the desired phase of official business. Polltlcai and dtsilDguisbed themselvca only in o'moral perveraloo. He U Incxirsbly bitration board w ill be held n
actnal practice after the reforms have rcaulta It la up to (he power
dlffereBce* obould cut no figure In W'ur and fuata of slrengtb.
A. M P, M.
ognl/e these prinrl|des>aod put them
been ad<Hrted.
diplomacy, tbe sukes at l*ue belug
If the plans of tbe eugenics enihusIU:3S' 4:10
Into effect during, the growing seaSUFFERED ECZEMA FIFTY YEARS
s same when one political party Ir igsta were carried out in tbe os* mat­
In;i4 4:t6r
Onekama Jets
|I2:1S, 4:40
power as when the other holds the ter of. prohibiting marriage Of perSeems a long time to endore tbe
Train* arrii at Trarerae City 0:52
rein* of government. Ambasaador
awful burning. Ucblng. tmarttag. skiowbo driuk. Cu per cent of ail the
. m.. lO'.SO a. m.. 5:S.*> p m. and 4:40
To tbc majority of people there U
Wilson has been given eveo' oi>Por- Xmerlcwn jieople would be old maids
reala great enchantment about disunt
tunlgy by (he present admlnlstrstlou and baclielora It U ertdest fren Ibis
also. that DR. HOBSON'S
Ttwre Is Bcaroely a farmer in tbe
lands that cannot be dispelled nntil
to make good, but he Una lieen (ourd how lung K will be before su4> •
ZEMA OINTMENT hM proven a per­
they have vlaited them and tried to udon who wouM not employ a man wanting at critical Umea. and (he
fect cure.
be'ximes generaL
r BO during tbe spring, summer a
ly WllkMlP^
make their fortunes. As a rule t^ose
D. L Keivney writes: "i ci
longer he is lelt lu office the more
And If the nation does gM a
By the "Ka-olzr" toatbod 1 can ra>i zuSielently ex(iress my thanks
who leave home for the mon- alluring (Ul If It were posMbk. to do so, N
Ian -Spread to AdJUning Rm<llabk- he becomes to Ulk along for­ ODipelliDg every man
wlthsUndUkg the tact ibat ticlp
>n (or vviur Dr HobMO's Eczema Otnl- ntov* itbeae aching taeth nhaoiutoly
S|>ots of earth are sadly
daneaa: Eight Flramaa Over*
bidden lines. It is unfortuaate that pnidure a physleian B certlDcate.
ent. U has cured my tetter, wblct without pain, and wtihoM th* os* •:
wanted on tbe tsnna and In tbe
In the end, and with that tK^bad
eome by the Smefca
the incident occurred at this stage of
has troubled me for over fifty yeara drags to pipd(tco nniMniciouMraa
accomplish the desired rebeen contented to euy where they' -dbards tber* 1* only a limited su|>ply the Mexican imbroglio, hut now that suiu. for doctor's certificates
Puople of Dsrrnua tamparament and
to be had and this suiiply grow* smallwith -weak bearu wU] npproclata tbe
were raised Initead of tping
Chicago. ^Aug. 18.—Pira today de SC Louis. Mo.
each seas-m. The claim- has oltcu U has become ao larident th* people •heap tbeae days Any couple intent
'-KmoUC method ot |■tato^i oxtraotala tbe Imposi^te In strange lands.
will be aatlsfled. no matter what imn •non getting married could gel fifty atroyed Tb<^ plant at tb* Uldlsnd Ui
liocn mad* that the great Increaae
Tbe Inro of the ^est baa ruined coui
PBOBIA. in.—Tbe carpenters' and
labor saving nisclitnery would In the ishttreni l« meted out to lb* diploniat certlficales In a day despite their sute m4 on-^fomptny with aa apptmrtleas people during ibc past few years.
Wllhalm Block. wUb Dr. HoUolA loos ot 8S00.0O0. and spread -to bricktoyer*' unions ta this city have 204-208
couruc of time make It iTn|o>i>ible (oi who could not keep bia mouth closed ot health, if they had the^price.
wortb. Travoraa City. Mtahtaia
Who had-thej- bd«D contented-to
Oul.v by (raining young'’men li ..
noort" realdencn and bnlldtaga. Tbe refunad to Join with Ua 4.000 strik­
workingman to secure a Job lor when the omentency demand*
at boo* might have bad comforUble
ntembers of th* BtOMlng Trades
full and complete knowledge ot the blase suricd from an exploslcm
lore or money. Thi* theory has -faUfortunes laid np tor a rainy day. Tb* od to wo:^ out In any iwri of tbc
Coaoell who wataed out Tneaday
rin ruzrmitted against the next gener- S.asp pkJlon* of oa Btabt ar< '
t'aMdlan Kortbsresi has claimed an- eouniry. for instead of labor becoming
mornlnfi. ty ing np conatouettoa Jobs in­
rtlott by marning dlseaaed perao-u. weta o'-'rco«ae by si a ke.
otb» numberiesa
boat who
volving nearly 13,000.000.
can tbe race be atrengtheoed. Law*
.drug on the uurkel tbore la i
Alt ever the country there la
(ortun* fn tffe glittering advertlse- greater deuabd (or vorkccai of all
contrary to tha fundamenUl inatlcls
CHICAGO—Henry Piiann. aa aged
mrau tber bad pUosd before tbem. kinds than at any time In the history
always have been violated and always watchman, yasterday abot and killed
to demand cleanllBeas and enre in th*
There bowerer always
will be. Tbe Instinct Pi have strong, Mrw. Lulu CUmle aod then committed
of the country. - The Urmeri ai
Are they feverish, reatlera. nervooz.
whan tbe glamor and enchantmeat Mrder pVMaed I nlho matter of * promraitoh of the food whl^ nltl- bealthv children most be cultlvued. suicide ta the Imck yard of a neigb- Irriubl*. dizzy or eonsUpa
tbay conUnually pick tbeir
waara away and tbe people wbo bar* cvrlag help than any other class of laiely reechet their Ubtew. The old Merrioge wlH then occur only between bor:* borne on tbe west aide.' T
foUowad (h* tnU Into Uaa* fands of •snploycra. and what mca they arc Me* that anything pat op ta h pretty men i.u.1 women capable of becoming small children aiood by and watched grtad their teeth? lUve they cramp­
ing pain*, irregular and ravenous appneksRc
premia* find that they aiw laeing able to aecprw only sUy a short time.
ran-i<L of tbe right kind of children. tbaabooitag
pMItet Theoe are all sign* of worm*.
harder work than they wosld have SB a'rale, which makes their ampler to fast passing away, and in Its ptaee
Worm* not only canaa your child suf­
BOOTH BLAT HARBOR. Maine.— fering. but Blunt lu mind and growth.
mat with ta tbeir oM bomea, wlU Mt n ent a great deal of a Ituntry. The U bMag Ihtrodaced the Mra'
Tha Beat Pain Killer.
GlT# "Ktoknimo B’orxn KiUef ■ -ordor
conaf«ir ef tbe
farmer wbo hires a man wbo & a
It killB and temorei tbe wt
Th* tM* of immigration-li now sot- I«raager..baa to teach hla aev
provM your child's appetita, .
packad with the aaate scnpnlons care. aeald. or other Injury ot tbe skin will fira whl^ daatrayed tbe f
tlfig hack from tbaiso wwtm •MomI plo>e fab matboda and where to
atomneh. Urer and bovela. Tbo
tnupediately remove all pain. E. E.
largo annuner hotel fin 1
dona and (bos* who wrent than
to esed on tbe farm. Itoto preeanUoa ta Many tastaaee* CbanberlalB of Clinton. Me- nay*
mlthy, as natnra
ntnra tata
tataodbafias'el mok^ easy nonay '
Yhto takes teMidsrable Uao and the hddk <0 the coot of the prodoeL hot robs cuts and other Injnrtm of tbeir ta Booth Bay harbor'ywteifiay. T
jUf or br mall,
mall. rsc2Scterdora.
toM^ aMhrsid ia tb^ »aaNk tar Vtaneii are that evea before th* mau
' - "lECO
COMfar ta oseeaa ot tbe taltto! don't mxiMt" wm 4o good ^ yog.
GeaH* la vhM to atart Uw b^ of hu leariM M^aM to haensii of roti
Only Ste. at bU draggtoU of Traveree
ton ia osunntod nl
Rotoha lUe to Talaabte
Tils* to hto snpl^ ko pscki sp


Grawf Tnuer$e Herald Ine**


-------- ■7E4£k"£S'.“o.'Sil






HIgli Beef Prices


Alter, ExcHeBeat

Xfiud Uariut*

Nature Teaches Lesssa


EMonc uw IS Mmsiso

farting iMomto


Is Scarce

Tcdk BzIraeM AkMiBle-

OR. w. a xxirnuL

For Pare Feed


—PoiB«- priCM ,Sc to
____ .T prieet «c to
—Ponnor prlcoo up
IP 15P. Rtime
man piin...........
—Fonnor prices U|i
to lie. Rum0j
Dia«* prin............. yC

Begins Sat, Aug. 23
WalcU Thnnday's Herald lor mUaUed ABnoBocdnenlt

—Former nrlces up
to $1 *.0, Rumnuure prii-e , ,.
—Ponuer iiricea- op
10 11.50. Rum- fr/\_
luaee pHce .... 5 VC


- —Ponner price, uu
to It ••<>. nu
maae prlee


- KUrmcr iirim up



■t 8 a. mj Articles and garments that formerly sold up to $15.00 will be included.
For easy selection they'll be arranged jn
13c lots according to prices.
33cirjr';„r: 1.69
;.;r„2r,..i9c: U?iT':...23ci. w.,. .... 27c „

—Ponner prices up
to .'■Oc, Runrt_
mapc prloe...........VC
—Ponuer prices up
man P^e

— Fortner pHces
u> $1.00. Hub- I «7
man price----- . I / C

— Former prices up
10 13.00. Rum- I
niiute price ... 1

rlr..!, up

- Konn.-r prices up;

—Former iirtcer ui'

—PorJiier j.rlc<.»


Our Semi- Annual Clearance Sale
—Thi< week is bringing forth more and stronger sale offerings than any previous week of the sale! Values
heretofore unreached will be climaxed! Every purchase brings you profit and helps us clean stocks for fall.'
Our one dominating purpose is to get rid of the goods! You'll realize that now more than ever as the clear­
ance sale progreses.

jg^ ^ Extraordinary Values

New Premiums
Among them are Hall
Mirrors, Bread Mixers, new
Silverware premiums, etc.


Denver Physician Gives Information That Will Deter
Would-Be Suicides from Taking the Drug.
. Dmiv.r, Colo., Aut. is—-i hliould er».ai'h sith full knowkdee of. Iik npproaililnc end.
h li'an enoneouB oidiilou Ihal
death by. bi< liioi ld.< la palnlus..- >ald
Dr Van Mater today. "Vloh-nl ixrinx
follow tbe spn-adlni; of the i«lKon
ibromth the ayiu.-m. It la a eorroxlte
irally It I
ktiQ»n anildoie aft
er the juileon has hail a tnir stari. es
cept alhitmen—usually the white ol an
CM.—which Mirrbunds and hold» in
Bctl«e the iKilson U It Is cIvcB nmn
enouEh aii«i it the quamliy of the
poison taken t« not loo larce.
Tiu- reaitpu tlisi tfier»' la no mcana
of ropinc with thU terrible iwlson after it has left the stomach Is that thn
mcrcun' dlasolvea and pe rmeates the
ayateoi so rapl.Ilv. Jo action It Is very
mnrh like arsciik- hot far more jiaiu

adria. anjone s«klnK a floEi-r tinm n
pats to tb. Groat Boond (o leave
^blcblorido of narcory alone I can
ctiiKeiTe of no Bore liorrlble dcaib
Ibas from the effccit of hIcMoride*'
Dr. L M. Van Mater.
Drav-r pb.vaieiBD tod.) IsEiTed
wanilnjc tn
•aoold lie EulHdee”
tbrongb tbe I’nlied FroM.' In dolni;
ao be admitted (hat ibe Inereaee In
Ibo number of perabo* laklns Ihlii
Beana of ending their lives, is chine
Bedkal men all .over the muniry
Bocb concern. The uae of blchlorldcE
aald Dr, Van-Mater, baa alamilnsly
Inereaaed foilowJnp: the death of G.
Sanders Walker, millionaire banker of
Macon. Ga.. who look iho poison by
ttiiuke and n>ed for several days aTt-

•Tooth Brushes
Sale price

in Boys’ Clothes— Both
< Wash Suits and Wool Suits
-Steel Knives Free with
Boys' Suits.

fill. The effi-et of iiiifi-mlol bichloride
Is much-similar in some re«[ie<-is to
the effe> Is .f an ov.-hIkm- of calomel
In some cases ibe teeUi are, loosened
the siiffirer undelTees vl.ileni imrotysma of iinln. voniiilni: spelis and
"How the Idea got abroad Uial
l.l( hloride of merenry; |>olsonlnR waa
painless Ik hard to say 1/ oue or
two men have ainieaily home tite
BORutsh that does not nu-an tha:
others ran do likewise. A (lerson who
ean stand .th.' KTrible pains of hi. h
lorlde of mereury itoisoninc- stoically
cannot have human feelinK'^-"

Box Sent Preaigent By Parcel PmI
, Rout*.
Washlnslnn. Aup. I-l.—l-ostmasler
General Uurlewon today inauguruiH
new- ruftulations cbaoRlng the |iarcel i«*Kt rates and weiKht limit hy
tnullinK President Wilson a l>i>x of (inc


Isadles* Vests
Sale price '

•P'ortihs. if yoii believe in practicing a
dJrinf^heTonSaUon of oJ?

Sensational Price Reduction Sale
Ffwh. clean. iJesirable merchandiae that you can use now and this fall at
pn^ reduction that will appeal directly to you. Pay you to profit by these
unaerpneed offerings.

Ready-to-Wear IGarmenls

Two grand values in
l..,iii,..Ijice and Enibrnldeiy trliiiiii.Hl
long musllii
sklrta; every garmeut a w...„
derful bargain:
sale price
(iiolce styles of uBeta and I
sallDe waists.
r.'-C; thia



""'3 00

2.29 ''r:“'s"F

I'Alt.i' style* of white voUe and
iiA'lsle walala witb long or ehr>rt
»i..e\,.., value* up to I
f.: »i'; sale

W.m.en s WMI- Drc-SBCS. ^oTlh up lo'lK.'rC; beaiilllul
A r\m
-Wlyles, sale prl... ............................................ ,..............................

Gvnrgla |•cacbes. The bo^ which
weight 1* pound*, with a posugc
chalge of 13 cents, w** delivered at
the While bouse early In the day.
With U came a noie in wblc htbc
postmaster genaml oatd;
"This Ik an illustration of the op.
■•oriunlty which has been opened to
Iho farmer, iho horticulturist the
maaufaciiiror and (u every eltUrn of
tho itiuniry who will avail birotcif of
this valuable adjunct of tbn postal ser­
vice In the promotion of the e
tocr<-e and hap|iln'-*s of our people.
The new regulBilun. which became
ctr<-cUyi_loday. rat---w the maximi
weight of |.arcel |80*l ]ia<-kages from
li to ;n iKMindk and makes ceruiln
cliBOge* In the rates.

68 Pairs ol Men's Low Shoes
Plenty of styles and lace aud button,
values up to $3.
0<4 | A
Sale price, pair ..............0i*XaF



Wash Goods

Prtees Col Deep and Bard
These Thr^. Prices* 2Sc, 50c, 75e Just a few left.
For choice of all Straw Hau,
Per yarJ. ............. ......
values up to $3.

...... 8c


18.. 20c an. 2Sc WASH GOODS





..... ............... 1.15

61.30 WanwrUiorteo, k»s double
sbrt,.low bit^ ddit book sad
(•or Strong hose somorieri



Qobe Dept Store


Sunlay School Workara Mat at Sunv
mit CHy

The couaty Sunday school cooveail'in was held ai Sudmili City Aug
n-15. 1M.1.
Til begin wiili tue o^agalea were
mci at train with a long procesRion
of *S. S. pupils from Summit. They
let] the way to the church, where cor
dial greeting*, beautiful Bowers and
(M-rfrct wraiher made tbe Welcome all
tliBL could be desired. Oue hundred
twenty three person* sat down t6
tables that groaned wlib the weight
Ol good thing* apoD them.
At 2 p 01. Kev. JoDos opened tbe
wtih devotional cxercl
Private Launches Not CofApeilcd
There wan no dlsconni in H. Speer's
Equip Beats With Lift
welcTimc addreaa. lo Ihe ab*ence of
Prt servers.
Rev Chase, A. M. Wlllobee of Og.
den*hurg responded to Che addCMS of
Instead of music from Summit City
log btHT In Its lodge rooms at a
S. 8. wc were favored with a Umg
iseioilans Is violating any law
[ qiTcMelT that will have to lie settled procratu of reciialioa* and aongs from
end Mau-bett acbools, u fob
/•y local pwer.utlng aitomeys. At
jjtomry licnenil hVlto- s was asked by |0W>'
Reritatlon by six girls: "Kelshaz
a Cadillac clilxen whether the Cx
xar'a Feast." llesKle Wood; "HalMr
i lar lodge of Elks had a right to s-ue
beer kt social sess'lons and Fellow* of.I.lfe." Btliel Adsll. kolo, Amoe Bo­
gart; rciliallnii. Elds Crapo; recltareferred the matter back Ui the prosiv
Hon. Nora Sargeant; song, Ulancbc
■ ruling altnrney
if W<-x(ord (xiuoiy
l*>lan<l. motber* sings. Edna Adsll
were dry instead of wet H l« probable
■Mothers." Ruth Woodward: -The
jiUst Fellows would have given t
Gambler's Wife." Mr*. G. Storrs: reci­
tation. Mabel rhurcii: duett. I.«n*
In hnollicr opinion'Attorney General.
Rox. Amow Bogart: recHaiioo.-Uean
F'-ilows held that It'was not necessary'
Spe<*r: recitation. Ivy Bogart.
for ilie owner of a private launch,
Ijick of space prevents more >
which Is not used to carry |>a»sengcrs
ment than to say that each number
for hire, to equip hi* boat with life showed careful preparallon.
.prewervera. AU I oats carrying
M. Estes in his grtw-isenger* lor hire sre required uudet Inga spoke ol our splendid welconi
tbe law to Insull life preservers.
Ing. of the need for more work lor
! Secretary of State Martlodale asked' the (hil'd.
ihe attorney general whether It was
Then followed the appplnttneni of
ne<i-*«»rv for an Interstate railroad committees on nomlnailona. res«lumaintaining an office in l>etroil to tlon* and finance.
Uike out a foreign eorporallon lleeste
J, Helm was announced here
Fellows Informed the Boen tary of ■nd spoke In e conctnclng manner nf
state that Uila was a matter that Uie value of adult HMde cjsaa organlshould ba Uken up by the tnlcrwute xatton. He aald. "The -lambs (ullos
commerce eoamtssloo.
he sheep," eo we need s roll ol
fathers and mnthera in the S. S that
the children may not get away rnmi
God. The 8. S. it responsible for
S(i% of the church nienibersblp. Slop
(be leakage at Uie "teen" age and
thus Increase tbe power of the church.
Every ctaorcb member should be lo
Glvaa Craat Advantao* l» Local M*r> 8. 8. Slid every one giveo work. Then
with "Others " for our motto much
chant Over City Mali Ordar
bo and Is being done. This de­
velop* latent talenu. leadership and
knowledge of CIble and Christian
General Burieaoo'a much
r. Esiee, In evening devoCloosls.
chnnges In tbe parcel pnat regulatioos
became effective today Hereafter the read II Tim. 3 chapter. He spoke ol
lliiilt of weight of parcels for delltery the value of men's tnlaslonary move1. "Do wrhat God aay s and don't
In Ihe first and second postal sone*
talk bark."- We "talk bark" when we
will be
launds. instead of II.
has been tbe caM alnce the tBaagura* make ezeuaee tor not doing Christian
tion of the system. Moreover, from aervice.
r. Cleveland, 8. 8. mlaaloanrr
exceeding four ounces Is to be five from Cadtllar. spoke of chlldreo as
for the first pound and one cant Oods finest flowers He said In part;
you think of them? How much
irb afidlUonal pound or fraction:
1-on 'think of them nnd of your
One other ebsi i;e which cannot
made oae of until cooler weather
neighbor's children? Y^MUig people
God's greatest asset. They are
that fresh meats and other i>erishabl«
qrilcles. when Inclosed and wrapped
In Sunday eebool because.wc
as prescribed, may be mailed
have not done our part. Boys don't
flees In both first and second xones. cbma because ere have nothing for
HeretofMW tbey were mailable only for them. Teachers don't prepare,
In one sooa. If tbe changes result Is don't ucriflee. The & B, tbe church
ttaa proflU espactod. PtaUnaster Bur­ and tbe home nre eaeb renpotmlble
leson Intends to redpe* rate* and In- lOT lb* boy's welfare, but of these
cieaae the walgbt Uatlt mu f«ar.
*h* bone In the groatant Isctor. Fkm-



Misses* BsttOB sad Lace Shoes
Not a pair in this lot that sold for less
than SI.50 and some were
$2 and 2 25. Sale priee. pair.vX

i'hlcmgo, Aug ,H.—Tbe vital result
of the rei-ord breaking dnragbi in
Kansas. Oklahoma and tbe southwest
became apparent today when a
rescniative of one of the largest pack­
ing bouse* in tbe ooutry predicted
that tbe retail price of beet will go
to unheard of prices this wloter.
"to cenu a pound for choice cuts
seems a certainty and 45 cents a prob
ability, and 5« cenu a poaslblllty,"
declared the packer, who requested
that bU name be withheld. The
kflling drought deprived the cattle
raising sccUons of feed for their
stock. Tom must be shipped la
great cxficnse Into the territory which
uornially ex|iorts com. For t«-n days
there has beco a steady Hsh of
tic to the big market*. ~ A great cattle
shortage wiibin a few months I*
certainty, stock men declare. With
will <«im' a startling Jump In prices.

Rev, Harvey. Traverse aiy; supt.
rural school wort to be riected after
the blessing u asked at the uble? a campaign yet to be condneted
Jewus Christ enn save a soul no mat- ibnMghout county. Supt. borne depL,
ur bow degraded. Th«t U partly our Mra. C. B. Dye. Traverse City: dele­
work. Are we belplng. Jesus spent gate* to attic conventhm. Mrs B.
time with tbe woman at tbe well, but
we say. ‘Sbe's past aavtne. or not
worth saving.’ We don't look nTter
Last but Es: .east came the addraw
them when we get them In 8. 8.
by Rev Pohly on the topic. 'Tbe Holy
Aftamoen SanMOn
Spicfl to 8. 8. M'ork." Reading asJ. B. Barney, reading from John IS. ■ponndipg from Acts 1 and L he
conducted a most precious service. proved that «ur failure* come he^
It was a benediction to bear his enuae of lack of I'hrisi'a splrlL "If
mcioul counsels, to know Sacb a life, any man has hot the aplrtt of Cbrtat
so long devoted to CbrUt. '
he Is none of bis." lie t<'d of Cod's
Mr*. J. L.'Gibbs of Glay&eld. In.a sacrifice and bow the presence of
short but tbonghtful paper, showed Christ makes us willing to sacrifice
fur otbera $>w know of (bis spirit.
ibe'vslue of careful preparniion
Uitle excuses keep us (ram cbiirch .
the pan of the teacher.
Mr. Beadle of Traverse ably fol­ and dutlea. CoDsecralian la Deeded
fveo'where. We stop loo eoon to
lowed. ip this discussion.
CbriBilan experience. WV need the
Mis* tergeant here favored <«ltb
final (leaaslng and baptism with pow­
er to work. 1‘Togreaa expected by
Rev. Irving of Traverse City gave
masterly address on prayer. We r God. Everywhere we find our dally
more attention thnn
gret tJist lack of space prevenu ibis cares- receive
does onr rellgloas life. It should be
sermon from being given In tulL
"We have many dlscouragemenu, the reverse. -Need a willlngneat to be
uur renource? If ye abide In me and anything or to do anything for words abide in you. ye abAll ask Have you received tbe Holy Gbott
what ye will, and It shall be done'i tloce ye believed r* A blessed altar
service rloeed ibl* uplifting address.
unto you. Everything. depends
Tbe resolution committee raportad.
prayer. Praying souls become proResbiulioDB were accepted on foUowvallUig saints"
A wiiiiderful expositlob of Eph. 3. ing subjects:
I. The value of primary work In
IT-yc, bere followed. It would be
well for everyone who read* this to 8. 8.
3.' The neceasKy of Sabbath dbtake (he Bible and look of these
words of 1‘auL Truly we who Us- rrvance.
popelaraaraaatened. "sat together In' heavenly
menu that wean the eoul freoP
Kev. Irving again aald. In part; prayer. Bible study-and a fort., for
"When we wish a^. preacher do we Christian service.
Lastly came remembranega of the
ask. Tan he presebT or do* we ask.
Tan he pray?' Our last resort should bospuallty ao abundant In SiimmU
be our first Tbe pivot of piety rests City, and also concerning tba fatfpftil
un prayer. AU missionary work was work of Mr*. Bowden nnd to Martha
proceeded by prayer. Money raising Barney, (be laUer having aerred
should be preceded by rnjer. Con­ many years a* secretary In n moat
cnpable manner.
versions are alwayn preceded
prayer. Better aermuhs will be pre­ -^Bo to C. H. Eatee and wife, who
ceded by prayer. Man is powerless: for 25 years and oftai at great aacribut God. omnlpolani. Cioact work fitCj^ have directed tbe organltatloa
work of OUT county.
with God la St tbe bottom of even
gieat work. In Wesley's Uma no
•laming, caird playing or horse rac1-ig ChristUn would hare bean tolar:ted. .Vow the church fears to di»cililine because of a lack of^prsyer.
He favored early tnonsing prayer. We
ulk too much ud pray. too liuie."
Would that each might iiave b
ihii Inspiring nddross.
The financial report abowed II3C.36
raised. IHsburaementa $112.95;
snee on band. $2a..4l. Two townshipa.
Whitewater and Peol|^ula. pay In advalue, and help m'ucb In tbe work
by so doing.
It was decided that on tbe first
Sunday of Sopteffibec all 8. 8.
M having paid pledges, wen
lake an offering for co^ty work and
send to A. M. Wlllobee. Ogdentborg.
Money It needed at once to defray
ubilgatloa* to state «nd county work.
No officer rocelve* salary or feea.
Ii was derided that members pay
tioii for state work and $*5 for county
A "bouBC.’lo bouse aorns" Is at
ice to bd begun 0. H. Estes and
lowoship supts being committee for
planning this work.
Alter music by Mis* Gibbs' class
le (vnvetition adjourned for dinner.
AfUrnoen Saeslen
Well filled rooms again atiested In­
terest In tbe bUBlnds session. Offltwrn
19H are as followa: Prealdeot
emerltis. C. H Eates; president. Prof,
('oad, Traverse CltN: vice president,
Lynn. Wllhamsbarg: secretary.
R Johnson. Traverse <Hy;
surer. A. M
Wlllobee. Ogdensburg; Bupt : missions. Mr. Coruell
hupt purliy. J. Kilpatrick. Traverse
"liy; BUpt eleni. work. Mis. Kdgsr
Kelth< supt. temperance. Rev. Pohly,
Traverse City: lupi. teacher tralbing.

Few Flrepraef Demlellee Tlwre,
More than haU the dwtiUngs ta Na«
Booth WaJaa ar* buUt of wood.
SAGINAW-TrdbaUsg'g}^ fashion
with hli wife and mne«al|y. George
Williams was arrested here, charged
with cniHty to nbie of the «ori pntiquaiod appearing bones ever seen
In this city. He was released after
foor of tbe most decTepit of tbe boteea
bad beett'kUled.
BATTLfi CRBbn—Tbe tweaty-lbird
annual reonlon of tbe Calboon 'coun­
ty battalion of tbe civil war rrterana
was Keld bere Thursday wUb mwa
than IMJ of tbe old Wbnim to attaadDelegatlon* from many Cal­
houn county towns were present

Farm Wanted
We have a buyer for from SO to M
ncrea of land wiib water froeiage,
with gooit building*,.. that will be BUllabli for rstslng fruit a d poultry. F
r "tnUnd b
. H- he can lit
gcnxl value. In «a*e of sale o
mlKBlon will be $25. See or write ns '
Travera* City. BUehifaik

_______ n-u

To Non-Rasidenu and Patrone of the
Traverse City Beheola
The retort having lieen circuUled
that nun-rcBldrnts are not to be re­
ceived In Ibe Traver*e City wbool*.
«e wlnh to announce that I* not the
ca»>- 8iudeDt> will be admitted to the
high whool or grade* on the same
icrn<*--**N condinou* as in fa
vesrk. The school villl o|>eo 8e|1>lem. I. TVLER. Soin.

It I* not noeaasary to r*cemmond good ooCdo to you. Tho exporicnco Of fanner* ha* tsugM them that good seed is th* only thing w*
plant, and that la whet we era selHng. Oat yew aoad of tw end you
will get what you ahewld hav*.
Timothy. Mammoth and Medium Clever B**d Juat In. W* gri
gSJO per buehal for Timothy, bast eoad on Ih* markat, Clovar Soad
price 1# uneritlad et preeont Get .our prte*. AKelfo. 60 Ibo. to th*
buMial. M.45., Winter or Hslry VaUh. lOe pac^pound. any tlm* from
new until October 1 it p good time to eow it. Orehmd Oraa* 63J0
par bushel. Thar* may be change* In price befora wa can notify eywIn order that you got a gcod erbp wa auggeat that you eoneldac
fortiltoar an all yooc crop*. Moat ovtvyono voho ha* used fortllixec
says it Is a good Invootment. Use it on Winter Whaot tMs year.
You can got year euppir at tho. eoroar of Front and Ctm Miwata.


&occr i



Hits Grace ElliBon Sees Nothiog to Scoff at About Way
Women Turkey Are Treated in the Harem.



Survivors of Lets Wars Plan Oreat

Nation Wide Campaign Will Be Launched in BoSalo
During Week of Augtist 25.


DciBvcr. Colo . AoK- II.—Analnma"X -y
—■ ■■
Mstemeni iU-rted aa lo hetnOB aird sight. Saeof New York. Ir
"Thortiton. I wont Uke-'BO' for as
,11 the orKanluilions wlio*e
h»dn't » »lule •oul to ih« world wtn
tile founn iclal atteniion alao wrlR ba paid to the
The bonie reeised suancely blc and
abroad durloc giving the deulled pkiis
ru dtapoM^ u> Npport «f ovee raw •apty to Edna as ahe sat in her bou­ snawer tbit time. You can stay ov»
tnteruaduuul congress o sebued hy- pp-Llcm of toatlng a«bo<8 children to
... a..
doir. her head
adopted with pivftt In EncUnd. waa (•liailr aid her! 8aeh a thlojc could
learn If they are menully ftt to atglencburled
her u,.. .15 I .... ii™, cur a.a,b,uo.m«CTt a, It. — m.
jhe ratlwr fUrtliic declaratlnn today joi happen la Turkey.' which w« think
The untei.t Jie«-d of school reform I'nd regular classes or whether ibay
haoda, trylBK to tera. and—"
,lmi«oriaut plan proposed today when
Mlw Oraoe EHIaon. weU-known to benicbted. A man rupiwru all fe­
will be one ol the principal topics ..>ould l« pui In special elasaca for
fraap the condl•t certainly cant refuse eurh ah the Array of the I'UlIpplnes and the
writer, who baa juai returned male rclaUvcB. If neceaaar} , aa well
•..a-k*ard children. Among other eubdl«cus(w>u
tlona of her po­ InrinK Indnccmenta." linphted Thorn- Veterans of the sv»ee‘:i. Service oiwm
rrcira a protracted vlall In and about ) hia wivea.
sition — s younf ton. "and 1 trust. Mr. Darnley. I ,-d llicir annual reuulons. Five faun- proBram ut Ituffaki. AUeotlon will Jecta which will Ik- dlarussed wU1 be
School fhll■1 rlaited a number of harema In
be called u. the prcvallln-: had r-mdl-;
wbo bad luai in“It ta far bcttcr.“ ahe aald today, Turkey, and ! aee no reaaon to pity
SchooU." "8ei Hfyonr boeNUlliT aod the pood nature
lamillea are in atu-ndance. Uons lu the pul.l..- schools of man'1‘‘f'"-" "0«»
otl«ated proceedlea.llng dries—condlllont which it lait^'me." The ('..ndltlon of School
“to have fov women aupponed and the women lAre. They are intelll°* ”T
a™, at .h.
I. ™a. declared b> Hr Su.rvy lend lo show 1 Muui.ea.- '•Children as Carrla« of IMaiBcs
prateeted than to hare one well eared
vorce. There bad
thal tax psjera are row compellatl u.
" "School l.uodiea.' and "Hshtfor and three eent oul to airoKsle of'each other. No woman In Turkey
1. ..
sbeeo BO sceBe
und the \etcmt.« nt rhe
one, and dellphie In openlnK doors,
and atarre ander preaent conditlona If driven to the ativeta tor lark of
1,«> om i.ioncj ut a cr.-ai loss on their ‘'s
or aeandal. The wide when a friend knorka.” replied j ror>-ii;ii Service la ■•oroposed
! bellere In one of two couraea. rood and abeltcr. It abe leada an Irtrouble bed come the elder man. Uking down the tale- diets who saw iwrvk-e In'any forelar pc'illc school iiiveatment. tu this <ot
Either put na In harema or Rive na iCKular life ahe doea U of her own
r.enloo n :my sje.-akers will point ou • .MEMPHIS. Tenn—When 0‘e sirn^
freedoB ahd etjuatUy with men. Eokaod quIeUy. Her
the hndiOEs made b> the niedlval It turn on which they were Workinc. !;■This you. Madw*
Rico Tlie reunions will close \\>dhusband. Walter
land rondemn polynmy without atop- en Ita conaclence. The Turk la klud
M't'-'<'rs 111 thilr te,|,pcilve con miirlng the MlssUaippl rinr bridge,
iiesilay with the olectloo of otflo-r^.
and elilralroua to women. Moreover,
Landon. had conplDC to ronalder Ita acIrantASce
New Yoik. Auc. U.-An igrresaU
fell vesterday. .(our workmen were.
frooied her one beard me speakk of him. I have pa^
womanhood, while on the other haind he la conalatenL He looka upon them
nuiloii wide cain|>algn ’o impnne the
I. They were plunged tfV’ feet lo
evecins with a se­ ausded him to remain over and pay
ahe tnma women adrift In the world aa Uie weaker aea and be makca himhealth uui! effitleocy of .•••.Witl.OOu pubdeath. Only one of t' o vIctlBW
rious face and the na a visit. Tea, bell come home with
and eloeea to them all the profeaslona
Ur school
ilitidren in {lie t'nlted ' ii\;cd'ih'Memphis.
astonlablnr dee- me tonlKhi." Alter the transaction
ut he b
and tradea ahe can. In other'worda,
States will be launched at Ruffalo dur-l
— —. —
— ■■
laratioD that her Of some business which bad brouKht
Event Was Recall^ by
all responsibility from them
D and cares
the EnKllahman .won't auppon i
CDOBlB. UUly Jer Boitor Thornion. the aon of an old Pleasant
HAVKA-Uta, IB ml. tor
Davit Family
rtiew one female, and he won't help for them to the heat of bis sblllty.
waa OB ah college friend of Mr Darnley'a. to the’
,B K.B.«.Br.m.B,l B,.a. UK1.V ...
M,. rB.rl« S.ri«Bl..
city, they took a anbnrbaa train to.
others to auppon tbemaelvea. Onlv
i„ .
the iaiter'a country home.
| r i
of East Ninth street ■n,OB..u A. Slor.,- ot .B. CBllre. j^i-liot
him froni
todar I met a woman of S-i. the old woman la Infertor. hut he does not I
Ari-tirdliiC to statlatl
•The bouse looks rather forbid- r^.,„rnct ttmurday iilsbi from lllllacal hoiplUl lo a serious copdliton.
offer Boneral protKtloB to her weak their honeehold. and that ehe waa to
nmtd dauphter of • eouniry parson,
iho wbkb r»r. Stun-,1 re-v!ved today, aev-l but it U thouBhl be will recover. •
bestow less time and aUeotlon npon dlnf." Observed Mr Darnley. w th^
aeml-lntalld. unfitted for work. 81
Jealousy la aald lo have bees her
onnlveraary of bU >tr.
summer.. 1« prem buotiuoo
a* tv..i_ . fvilng tn !!■ auiii rommon iroubb^s i.a'
-'«*hy. Walter.'' pretested Edna, girls detest lights In
atralo, deciived teeth, obstruct! ns motive.
lernoon and ovepinK of each day. A
and whollj' amaied. "PH- some they are back In the lardes. ri-m. Ur. a
oo .I. Porob ~.d I or 8101.1... AI,„.o »oo,t. -bub ™
laree ial.eriia.-le with scatlnt^ .apa.lty | |y and i have beco brought up like 81, do..

^■••l^l at the home of their dausbter, ileft-iiive hearing nervous dis
Uke Many Other Woman.
of 7»o to S<H1 poeplc will lie erected i brother and elater. and bad never W1U gather them upMrs. Uexlp—‘Tliat romutic ' Miss
Rogers beard a light footfall bo-, Mrs W. E. Hallet. lu Hillsdale. Mr
HOlIncM People Will Be Here Ten for thoiie moellnK*. Kev \V. A. Ven- been separated until be went west a hind him Then Yw-o soft arms on- .liaMa is no* in Ills snrd year, while ■cses as well nr plnsba! UeforniP'.-r Pasee mj b there is a secret rennecied
dersoll and Rev, John E. Hall, both
T««ra ago. I couldn't get up t^
IV-lcc«ll-s win bi- a-.tfJ
circled his m-rk. a velvety cheek was |.„
i, ;■).
. ,
> . ^ i- with her birth." Miss Pleklew-' So I've'

of Ohio.
and noted evatigellals. |■
•i;y »«««
It's the date"-rNew Y'oilt
Mid against hi. own. and a boautlfnl
rtxiMit- heard.
the psfenu of. .h-.-.
three sous
log all public sthool I hlldren to be Globe.
The Tnbemaile Mlchlcan UoHncaa win apeak durlns the ten days. Otherj
e not brother and alaier. 1 voice murmured tenderly
and lliree dsughu-rs. all of wb-mi arc
•TVhat made you so Ute. deatr
and I tell you frankly It maddens ma
Camp MeetlnK Aaaoriatlon will hold pastors w ill assist in the nicetinga.
living and were present at the cele-j
see him appropriate you as s mat­
Roger Ml like a man dated, brailon.
Its third annual meetlnK at the
ter of course, and I will not permit stunned by tbe touch of lipa and
ner of I'nion and Tenth-airwu,
Mr, nnd Mrs Davis were former
tf drive with him as frequently cheek. After a ibrobblug silence be
Klnnlnc Thuraday. Aunei SI. and
i-esldenis of Clrand Traverse county,
as you d
hair whispered:
continue for ten daja. over Sunday.
having settled here in IKCr,. at Acme,
followed, but
T beg your pardon!"
AuKvat ni,
There was a horrified excIaroatloB. where for eight yeara Mr, Dat ls was
Thia proves to be n Rreai Koapel
swift withdrawal of arms, and the I'OFtmaster and an active and Infeast to those wbo w4ll attend. Sen
night on a business trip, and ie his eound of vanishing skins.
;UueiiiiaI citlscn. He was a member
Made irom snnnyripe wheal
vires will be held In the momiiiK, ufWlnBli>eg, Aug. Ifi.—The worst el-t- Abtnnee Edna made her plana quietly
In a dlstani pari of the bouse be of the coiiiotlsHlon wbirit-urganUed
trlcal storm In years shot over Mani­
Grown In Grand Traverse Reulon
beard echoes of miribtui laughter. ,u«. n,ird township In this county, and
toba early today, doing liuniYri'ds of
Presently Darnley came out of the ..p v,,g , p„,pni factor in the deturn. "I think It advisable that we
tbousando dollars la damage ihrough
i tvlopment of that awtlon of the
This Is a guaranteed flonr that gives
aeparete. Not on 'Bllly'a account, •J®!***out the province. Tbe damage lo not bvK-auee be la anything to me. but
-An.r pro-.lBg
tub, l.r, A.BB! I, FBb,«.t_v.
tbe best sattslacllon
riiretred grain cannot be t'-llniat'-d.
for IniaiiU and Children.
because of your stand In this mauer."
you dealre a separation," he lunebeon for ua. Come In and meet
resided Mu<c.
Mid In a low. etrwnge voice, ' you nhall
M Cinars StU il.
1 o6r ••
In tbe dining-room Roger was preIS was a little startled and plquM
ae^^to tbe three girls. In vain he
by tis ready acquiescence.
y.ri7.«-' ••nr'K~ing'«'’s-..w
•There la one point." he Mid. “you lookNl lute the roguish faces seeking i
nn- such p.-rlcrl plllk no
haee overlooked. I cannot be aepa- some tell-Ule token. Hut nol a sign ,
of confusion or enllghicBmcnt did he.iiotoc slmiild be wiilLmii ilii-tti.' No
rated altogether from Ulllin."
i i-ctHT n-siilainr for Use liver mid ‘kjw“Ualter! As If I would put a faatb“1 must tell you a KBod Joke. Thofn-l''!^. Kv.-i. pill m.arahieed. Tr> tbe-m.
iliUers For Fifty Yws
• between yon twro. Sbe shall onme
"The girls
• »' »"II dnigglMx of Traverse
ton." laughed 1 intley.
> you as often as yon desire."
our father 1 was ‘ “•
The next day be moved Into dipart- supposed U wns vo>
oieuu. and Edna's aunt came to her.
“Indeed' And was I also supposed
It was the time of year when neariy
Abo. 9, 191S.
erery one waa out of town, and iba lo be my fsther when I Mt out on the
few who came to the bouae suppoeed porch lust now?" he asked, mean­
Walter to be absent on one of hla fre- ingly.
There was a trio of Ihoghlog voices
quoDt business trips.
As sbe sat alone In her boudoir, and knowing glances
"No. Ton were thought to be me."
pondering over the estrangement, she
Darnley. "See If you <sn
beard the patter Of little steps In th^
Uans^id Bonds................................ $ 900,611.39
hall, and the lifted ber bead e*peet- gueaa which one made the embarU. S. Bonds and due from U. S. Treas 105,000,00
tnilv I.llliac bad been spending tbe ressing error "
day wtib her fatber.
'"Tbere ts but one way Ie which I
Banking House. Furniture and Tix"Oh. mamma!" exclaimed tbe little can decide that matter.” replied Rog­
girl, excitedly. 1 had such a lovely er. rravelyCash and'Due from Banks.................
We all went on the river In a
••How-r' demanded the trio.
big boat—and—"
__ 3 must close my eyes, aod each
Total .............................................. *1,273.831.09
"Wbo went with your asked BdnA one of you can In turn come up be­
hind he and-repeat the error! Then.
This sale includes notioni’ of ail kinds, remnants of all kinds aod^a wm'Tspa aod his trtesd.*
I might deride.
plele line of toilet articles. The items are inexpensive and *e of the kind
"Wbat frlendf"
This was posltlTelr and laughing­
"A new friend. Jeasle.*
you are constantly in need ot
ly declined. After a merry ev.-nlng,
Capital and Surplus............................ $ 136.051.11
"LUIIan." ahe Mid. angrily. “donY Roger retired, ifnable to decide which
ref menlioa that Jeasle's haoe to me of these beautiful young women h»
Bank Note CirculaUon :.................... 100.000.00
again ~
thought the most charming The next
"Jessie was lovely to me! I like day and evening found him still un­
Jesslr'decided, and also lo the dark as to
There are eight great big tables of notions priced from Ic t<^28c, and
8o the Intriguing Jeasle was winning .who bad besto*-ed upon him tbe fleet­
the list includes notions of every description.
her child's affections as well at her ing embrace.
Crowfh In Deports
husband's. She decided that ehe would
On the third evening of bis vIsU.
allow the child to go lo her father Marie Loveridge. a niece
Aagnst, 1910. 97ll.0M.0e
agatn She spent a miserable night. Daniley's. arrived to |»y a visit. She
When the summons' came for Lillian WM A type aliogeibef different fr»ra
Aaonst. 1911, - $800,000.00
again tbe next morning. Edna, who
This sale includes remnants of all kinds—dress goods, silks, wash goods,
lovtid her child pasalonaiely. had not cousins.
percales, toweling, etc.; but the one particular thing we want to call your
the heart to refuse UlUsn'a pleading.
Ry one or two aktilful moves.
aiienlion to is table linen remnants. You will 6nd here every kind of linen
Towards dosk as the was beginning Roger drew her apart from the gay
to be anxious at Ullltn'a prolonged crowd and sought a secluded retreat
remnant you may desire and at prices that stimulate quick buying. A Dig
absence. Doctor Rrandon. an old is tit* rose garden,
range oi patterns to choose from.
friend, was anoauneod.
“Do you know." he said, swuutBM).
“Why. doctor." sbe cried, delighted­ “I bad a very strengo experience tbe
ly, “1 dIdnY know you bad returned.
Am night of my arrival here."
•That was before 1 cume." remind“I came bom# a few days ago and
bave been trying to call, but have •d Marie.
"Ur. Darnley left me on the porch
been prevented. -Are you qnite waur
while he went In search of bis fam­
be aaked
*Y)h. yes, very wuR. I want you to ily. and while I waned there alone In
United States Depository
aiay until Ltlllan comes. 8be bas tbe darkness. I fell two soft
about my neck, a cheek laid against
grown so—"
"I came to tell you about Ltlllan. I mine, ind a light Uss. and the most
bave Just come tron»-^ier fatber'a beautiful voice I ever beard
Sbe It sllgbUy lU—oo. dooY bn ■What made you so late, dear?' »*b«n
slsrmsd. Ifs a very aUght disorder, t spoke, she fled. Uarie. from the
but tbe weather has changed so aud- Orel moment I Mw you. I knew it
denly. I thought It prudent for her to must have been you wbo came to
Pgrsonalljf eonductgd by Madam* Snd*rs. th*
remain Indoora for a day or two. Sbe there In the darkneus ud teugbt me
w«/f-known Sngilsh hair d*sign*r.
want! you—In fact, wonY stay tonight what love might be!"
"nut." she Mid. her voice
without yon. May I uke ym back
bling. "you know I did not come un­
Many women have taken advantage of securing the desi^ hafr
with moT My cariiage la here,"
"Doctor Brendan.'' ahe exelalmud. til two days Uter."
goods during this tale, which consists of hundreds trf dollars worth
“I know. Hut atlll It waa yon—In a
"Un't yon first nsme Jesse?"
,of beautiful switches in every shade imaginable.
j , v •
“Why. yus." be replied tn surprise. dream, perhaps, but. Marls, will you
not make the drMm come One? Can
Every discriminating woman in Traverse City m ne^ <a hau
A washing machine that will
yon not love me?"
^ goods should avail herself of the opportunity this^e affords, and ob­
wash your clothes clean, easy
With a little, glad laugh,
*Tes; the child eeked me whet my
tain the .expert advice and service of Madame Enders. whose wide
told her 'Jesse.' and tamed to him. and be Md ber In
and quidt buy a
she proeeieded to call me that to my bla armsexperience and ability in matching the shade and texmre of hajr,
"Roger.” Mie eald,' pruMntIr.
delight and ber tatberia distreua"
stamps every purchase made as a guarantee of satisfaction.
>ndered at tbe rediant faea op- came a day before yonr arrival, and
llftod. Aa they cume Into WUter'a stole out that ntgbt. tblnktng
meet Uncle Will and reproaeh bla
epartmeota sbe beard
This is the beet washer
“Weltar." sbe said, yearningly, “1
made. We sell it on 30 Days
know, how, kow you fait about nUUke. I run In and told the glria,
As a special feature of this sale Madame Ethers will dre« the
and begged them to keep ny eecret.
hair free of charge with every purchase in the ba>r goods department
Ffee Trial. Then if you like it
Deur." be waM wban ibe «u r»- They were lovely not to betray raa^
leased from bis ambruM. •YrOl you bat avery Ume I was alone with -yon.
buy it. If you don't like it bring
1 was conscibne of what | had 4<me-“
it back. Remember it costs
"So waa 1. Marie." be npAlaA.
"Darting, I navur beffu theat 1
amply' coadnY."
dOTright byOeflr Mterr Puh- OnJ
you nothing to'try this won.





'Tasty Pastry” Flour



ni KM YNUni Alvap Ba0t


The Hannah & Lay Co.

Condensed Statement

Notions and Remnants
/hundreds of bargains in All Kinds
of Ifotions and J^emnants
Sight babies of ifotions

Jable J^inen J^mnants

August, 1912, $1,005,000.00

August, 1913, ^ $1,037,779^00

Special Sale and demonstra­
tion of Cfenuine french
and german fair




“1904 AukNuatic”

derftll tnprhtn*


kiK Trude

free fair dressing

^gegrrahtt by OallL^lior Pu4_SaJ

C. 0. D.
-I fuel
1MtaBainr«Mre (or
Btesaage tor ^
yeung mas. "md ft collaet." advised
oetrea. ead gtand Masdy.-SurbMI tbe preoleal trie&d.-BuSalo Bxpi

J. la. laauken. Jnc.
Traverae aty'« Best Stots-









;EaHy PaMuri Has 8

Co»a that are turn^ Into *-trIr
GOOD ROAD _______
paiture ar>- b«-ti^aiad grcail)
____ ________________ — _ !IM«1 aa mucii ha) and •lla*.' as ih« r
Nurir fTWUm ttM ky MIfftnMr orrut^aaor Q
. HunphiTf of tb»- Cunt'S*- of a«riiltor*- oflhf fnlveraltj of WiBcioals.
gl»*-a the folloHlnK advlc to dalrj'-

Tbla incf-aa*' In producUuti U
pansMt lu «ork «aa more than' cn-ator wbore6bav and ailaK*- ar<- t«4
treble, nitat baa



feed. Wh.'n cows ar.- -w-Hlibeld
panmoDf la contalbod la as addrraa from srau until It b'-cumea Very good
b) 'A. R. Loah. a^lasi hlshaay en- Ibey may refuse hay and allase. but
glDwr. t*fore a r4caot n^ins of Iha ordinarily It U believed lo bo the beet
I plan to aupplcme-nt early aprUis ha»"OiiHng tbo past year." aald
turv^wllb hay and allago In such quanUtah, -the work of the ■taireastooer'a titles as raltb- will oal
l^aes In
oOce haa more than trebled, tboosb live wolcht *hlch oornr durinc the
the amaU force and limited approprtasprlns pastun- soason have lo b<' made
tloa haa erwatir resthcied Ua uaefol- up later, sod usually at iho esponse of
nees. R'hUe all requeau have received
produriion and (be Intetvau of ^be
attenttoB. the work In many cases baa cwiier
bees delayed owlss to the sruai d<Ituiins a period of nine years It
taand for aervlcea. ilul in no caae has tx-en not*-d (hat on llir everace
have lowaablp or county ofhcials de
► T IM-r
of the l-OWS of till' uulvrr
tided to do without tbe eostneer pro­
rliy dairy herd derreased In body
vided by stale rather than wait until
w'-iBhi duiios Ihe (wo wii-ks followtheir work could receive bia aiieutiou
ujn ibo time they were turned to paaIhirlnc the year Inspectioni and re­
tijre The amount of abrlsika«o fpports have been made on loo miles.ot
rl'-d aerurdtni; to wbat the cowa wore
- reads and >T6 bridaea
-This Is a luminary of ihe ensloeer^ fed In addition to lauiture Ibirlns two
rvapoctlve years when hny aud mlaev
lac work done by this offler durfus the Were not fed lu addilloii lu pasture a
marked av.raee shrlnkair.- It. welsbt
of M and SI pounds was obeerv.-d

Necessary to Keep Up EamJng
Capacity of Hcna.

tlva aa Old Treatment of Placing
Under Barrel, but They
Don't Hurt Fevels.
Just as long as (be broody hen Is
permlued to sit In lh<- uvM asd k->-p
bcrsvlf warm she will pi-rsUt in kil­
ling. 8o lung [18 biT .body Is Id a
state of contlilcrabli- heat she loMincUvely flgbu lo remain on ibo
It to nature trying to bUp the htm
carry out ihv purpose for which she
.was Created
Thera are some weeks In the year
when It seems lo me that every hen
on the pla* Is lolng to sil Tur­
keys. geese, ebb-kens. d-jcks and
guineas follow ilie same lutiilnrlise
lines at aboui
liter distraction of the i>ouljri kteper and the great dropping off m egg
pruduciioD. They simply muct
'hrok)'D up" or (he whole pmIKs of
(be poultry sheds will slump down (0
nothing through the broody summer
I once shut the bona up In the dark­
est .sylace I could find and k<'pt
there (or two or thre*- days, ("cdinj
them little or notlilng. says a wHtcr In

Plaaa and s|e, lft.«Hrin. ler drait.aav work under oonslrurtlun
mans and sp.-t-iaaaUons ter faini
til* drmlnmse
CuBSulilna and auprrvu4rw eiisl•fleef I.. hlahw-ay .iMoVlv OB
tieasllna a «-aJue ef ..
naam ol arUtrallun ef Ptidae lass
«n amltb oouatr. In«-eix-tns
brtdaw w-ra in
MUltM-11 re>UB(>. lovulvllic
lniVeotlo of brldcv work la Nor-

Farmar Cannot Afford to Ignoi
am Davtcst That Tend to
reasa Amount of Labor.
Th«' dairyman cannot afford lo Ig^ _ •tiori' tbat which will lighten Ills labor
In any way. ills suble ran be i-vcr
eoDvenleotly arrang*-d and still he
i-.vcoy has enough to do aays the Independ
l-'krnier The truck pr«ai'nu-d to
-—.this cut Is very tmixly and will aave
I much labor It is made of good lum-

'In the eampaifn for «ood roads.;
apaakerw have been fumlabed tor 406'
mwilBCB, addreaalax a total of
peraona: two food roads iralas have
beaa eoaeJudad; Th.000 bulletins.
' trwcta. or other pubUeatlons have been
distributed: and every coiuiLy and
township board In the state baa re­
ceived an Oder of aasistance In Ita
local problems
-We are spendlof more money than
•var before on o«r hlfbways. and
wbUa there la a crest waste dua to
Bisaanasement and lack -of proper
anperrUlon. w e are (eUlnc a marked
Improrp^nl In our roads.
"Zhtrlitc the past year the towi
apent tor road and culvert .ork 13.
2IHM6. There was alto tpenl In SOS
countiaa S691.I1I for county roads and
In It oonnUcB S401.676 for bridges. In
thaaa S3 oonsUes it was fouad Uatt
thU year the bridge eapendluires In­
creased S5.7 per cent over the aver­
age for (he past three years lu the
remaining 83 counties. If an Increase
of ten per cent. Ui cipeodltures la
assumed the amotmt apent on county
bridges would he about |7Tk.4S4 Tbe
total amount of fttnda spent on (be
blgbway In l»U was about S4.»78.«»6. f
There will be approllmately t34M.'Vu
Of highway fubda available tor ikU.
A review of the year gives a decid­
ed optimistic outlook for future progres*
-Good Roads' baa become a
buus*'bold topic In Kansas. No other
»ub}i-ci la receiving the attention or
of better
highways. More progress has beei
mad*- than In any prerlmia Tear.
Probably more hat bekb aeccmpllahed
during the past two yaara than In (he
preMooa SO yeara Kanaas has been^
state \t hai we most need before^this
aaaoclaUuL ati
'' no
cl^ea in the present road lav.
reEskin that will give a more bustnaaslike system of admlolatratlon: a
aute highway department that can
give more asslatance: provlalona (or
: and an automobile taa for
road purpoaea."
AHaKa as Perk Makar.
At tbe Kansas egperimeot aUUon
Mo pounds of pork were made from
one too of alfalfa hay. and T70 poudt
from an acre of alfalfa pasture. At
the Nebraska station bog rattans eoh-'
aiating of onv-toimh alfalfa bay
showed tbe alfalfa hay worth lUvclgbt la corn meal aiM aupertor to
the aane weight of brie Tbe Iowa
-'htatlon made pig pork u |3A4 per 100
pemnda and realised Thj, cents par i
bushel foe oom: with alfalfa and com.
pork coat 8S-H per ibu pounds, and
core retnriiod 86.6 cenu per bushel—
a dttferebee of S3 i-S per cent in tsr
Nor of attalfa.
a for Grepsa
Place a tw«
each buach «f grapaa when the fruit
6a the alaa of gmaU shot- This protCeets (he grapaa trum Inaact and bird
injury, and thaarna extra choice das'
am Pastea tha laouth of the bag
aloae aboat eA^ atam with a pta. ar
■ire. or string.

A Handy Bam.
b*r and the only iron about It la tbe
handle at each end by wbich to draw
or push It. aud tbe straps which are
screwed agaiust the ends, en^e tbi• lids of the atle outside t^| wh>-els

Many Unaeientlfie Dal>
Oh His Eyes and Ow
Rather Than Record.
many cows in herds
of tbe American larmcr that do not
pay for their uAii k<-ep. much leas
yielding a pra&t. but the unacleniUic
dairyman who relies alooe ou bis eyes
and own judgment rwlber than on rec­
ords .nf yii'ld and thoome. ko<-iis uo
uiilU III' ha* hi* eyes opened by ihe
progress o( his neighbor, who may
bS>> julbi-d a cow-testing association.
Illustrative of*tbe dlBerence'ln.
erage cows In a herd,
may bV cited the record of (be.pork
or eow lestiag assvciatloos In opera
lion III Ihe state of Iowa since im
Th.' b.-si CO* of the 68S tesl^ re­
turned a prolll ol lloe.TT. while Ihe
poorest cow showed a loss of 118.44
The average proBl from tbe beat eow
In each of tbe 46 herds testpd was
fiS.04. snd from the poorest cow U)
each herd. $16 ca. From Hie data pre­
sented It has b«.n estmiaind that ten
years to a ciiw-iesuug association
ought to bring all (he cows up lu near­
ly Ik'i pounds of butter fai per year

Presns In Cendlllcn.
Silage plays a ven important rola
la the most economical and efficient
ration for young, growing dairy ani­
mals. ataus a recent bulletin from tbe
Jowa station. Tt bas a very bene­
ficial effect upon the system In keep.
Ing the digestive organs In the best
In attaining this last olTect it to mataitally aided by alfalfa or clover hay
UliOD these reeds are given U to not
neceasah' to feed very much.grain to
the animals-aftpr tbe end of^he drat
year. A good winter ration (or year­
ling dairy helfera Is corn silage, fif­
teen to twenty pooDds. alfalfa or
ciover bay. eight to ten pounds grain
mixture ooBSlstlBg
equal pans
care, oats aud bran, two pounds.

81al coop for broody hens. Suspend
It to It will swing easily. This swing­
ing motion creates a current of air
Which cools the fevered condition of.
a broody hen.
(he T^rm. rrogrets. II was effective
all right, but it ^Bjurr-d the bens' lay-'
Ing powers, and general thriniDraa to
be starred ter a few daya
I'uulng them In Ihe darkness Is al­
ways very eOvciUc. I sUll carry
th^ psrt of the treatment,, but 1 h<
;klng lb
abandoned the plan of sUcl
under barrel!, boxes aud
entllated places since 1 smulbcn-d
r of my best hens to dttatb
1 am nalng an inexpensive act of
coops DOW' (or (lie purpose of dla*
counglng the broody ben. The coups
are not ao lmtu<>lUlely effecUti- as
the old, under the bam-l or hox
trutment, but they do hot Iniiire
tbe bens aa much ua under the old
They get more air in the new way,
and by putiiug them la a dark side
room Of the poultry Jiouae they are
rather twaUy bluffed. Tbe coops coet
but a Tew ccnia each, as they are
made of lumber picked up about tbe
place and from light pine luibs us< d
by BlMtenra,
These coops have slatted bottoms
so the bens cannot drop down and
brqod themselves warm ahile con­
fined. iiy taking tbese coops, plac­
ing them inside a darkem d shed and
lifting them off Uie ground a K-w
iucbca, even the most determined old
sitter vUl soon give it up aa a bad

* Many Egg*
They Will Lay.
Th« gnlBeas are good layers. bni
owing to tbetr skUl in hiding ibeli
Dcsts and Uielr hsbH of cbaogtng thclto
nwt if It to disturbed, it to hard to
aay bow many- eggs they will lay. fio*>
ilbly 60'to 100 Guineas are Jncllned
o be moQogamoBS. tbat to. to bava
ml one mate, but a male will maU
with two . female*.
Poor batches
usually result If more femalee are
placed with a male
Young guineas sre fed like young
turkeys, with curds, br^d aud milk or
boiled eggs and bread crumbs tb*
first veek. aivsys mixing once a day
with sand, and lor every meal making
one-third of the meal green - food,
chopped onion or dandelion top*.
Finely chopped lettuee is good when
plenUtul. Valeas (bey bare a good
a they should have animal food foy
me lime, but If they have plowed
fields lo roam over this to not neceasayy. When (bey are large enough
■ be given free range (bey srlU pick
p most of their living, but ahonld
Iwaye be fed at nlgbL to give them
(be'habli of returning home.
Oreding of Egg*.
Rggs may be graded on the maifcet
•T atse. eolor. cliajUlnesB. freedom
from cracks and the actual condlUn
•r the egg eonieai. This later factor
Is of great Importiuioa. partleatexly
during the later ctmraor moatha.




I had been engaged In tbe practice
sfTas- for a period longer (ban I care
lo stale before I made aa much ao a

Many Rtasens Why It Has Been Hard
to Advance CIvilixation In the
Conge Free Biat*.
Here I* an Insunce of bow slsveir.
is carried on In the Ootigor W* bad
lo our tichool a boy named t'hiwabe.
On* day mt^senger* arrived with tbe
news that rbiwahe's father was
another man woonded, and tbat bis
mother and ber ehlldres bad been
taken slaves. In th* cours.- of tbe
next r*w days we got tbe dej:ails. A
tub-chief Dsmed Stmabmga bsd owed
a slave for some years to another subchief. At last, being wearied of conBtanl diDDiDg. and poeslbly fea^og an
attack, he had made a night raid on
this small vlli^ killed one man.
wDund-d another badly, and had
selxcd 'all (he women and children aud
everything of value in the village, and
marched off. In telllr.g the story thenatlvee r*p«-at*'d asseried that Samateh'g* bad *sd no prevlou* trouble
with nilvhlivs father, and ibey
Istigliod heartily as If It weie rather a
good Joke or. the dead man tbat be
bad b*.-.'n thus lurelrMl.
In a year's lira* »ev-ral arch mur­
ders wer*- i*-rp.-i’aled In our viclolty.
Kvery man c*rrti>d a imn if he ven­
tured out of bis village- Razembe
ridded hlms. If of a troublesome advereary by shooting him down In cold
blood. -Thai Is tbe way of our (atbers." be said proudly. And. naturalb'. he reHented th* Inteiferenre of
a KuropeAO guverumvui.—CbrltUas

But. DOW. 1 bad been fortunate
Much Has Already Base Planted ee rnough to «t-cure tbe appointment of
Bown and balance Will BsB Util­
municipal court Judge.
ised Later In. Seaaon.
This had been my Drat day of offleo.
and there had not beep a single case
Th*. rolled 8tat«-s department of for U1A1. U looked as if my expiiriagrirullura to using this y.-ur on the ence as a private practitioner was to
national (orasto over l«-n tons of Iree be repeated in my offilal caphclty.
sevd Mosi of this seed has alraady Even the law-breakers and lltlgsnU
b*-eii planled-or sown. The rest will shunned me.
be utilised later In ihe ecason, as fav­
1 wsB arovsrd from my meditations
orable reiiditlock are presentld
by (be aound of (ooiBicps.
It takea a great many tree se*-ds to
In a few moments a man'e 'figure
make leu Ions. Jack pine, the most
appeared in the open doorway. He was
luporlant inH- for. planiuig in tbe
unmistakably from the country.
.Nebraska ssitd bills by Ibe (or«-st
A clumsy, ungainly man. apparent­
ser-lce, will averuge someiblug like ly about forty-five yeara of age. be
i;;i.oiii' to the pound.
advanced toward my desk
uf Washing.on yellow puie (hr tree stesliby. nervous atep. Tbe fellow
most esteutlvely pleniifd Uirouglio-^
bad a bunted look. .
-Ihe uatloluU furtssts as a whole. IU.UUU
"Say. mister.~ be said, in a whis­ w lU make a puuiid.
per. "whst will you charge to get me
Altogether (he U.'0 tuns of s«M'd to be jB?"
usL-d this year reprurui (HThaps 3UU
•Off whair I asked.
Dillllun iilugle s(.H-d.
••W.-U. I don't want lo tell, but !'
If rtery single seed could bo de- •up|«*e 1 shall have to: It's all over
P*'ndcil uiKjD to produce a youug tree town. I’leasc doni let them take me
Bulubli- for ptontJng. th.- resuli >.uuld
Jail, miller."
be a supply of nursery slock sufficient to "What's
thp trouble? XVbat bava
lo plant IW'.OIHI acre* of land, but tio you done? " 1 asked tbe fellow. "HuL
such r.«ull can be look.d for because I may to we'll warn you. before you
miiio 8e.-ds do iiol germlnaie.
go auf further," I added, rcmemberlu!:
Uusl OL th.- s.-edH w 111 be sown, my new appoiotmeoL ' "(hai 1 am a
elih.r broadcast or In stn-d spots or judge, aa v.t-II as a lawyer."
plain, d vllli a coni planter. dir.-elly
"Y'ou a Judge." the JokeJ exclaimed.
leg o
Iti ill.- plac- where the trees art- lo In a tune of horror. "Oh. gosh I'v.’
ef the Range of Vision of C^*
run right Into tbe arms of tbo law.
Eyed Man.
Rt.n whi-n nursery stock Is raised when 1 was trying my best to t'seape.
a llU ral allowgne.- ninni Ih- made for I’lease. sir. don't send ms to JaU,"
A Front Row merchant In Memphis.
loss. Ill the first pisce a considerable the feUow Wbined.
Tenn, who sells coUim on commlspa rcuLug.' of the seeds will In.- fouud
"If you ar.' In ii.«l of prof*»slonal wluD. also carries a general assoftment
(0 be liift nlle.
idvlc. I think you had better go to of such goods os bis country cut
Of those which germltiaie. tnany snoib.-r law oOlc-, and not (ell me era require. This merchant is
will di<- b*'for.- (hey leat.- th'' nursery anything about your troubles." t aald.
cross—yed that a customer cannot tell
b.-ds and many inori- win to- lost in
where he Is lookTug
A negro from a cotton plantation
If from a iKiund of western yellow
cam* to bring some cotton to tell and
pine wed Uiat coii' Indl
uui, I oon i want lo go to
ai t ,,uj.
aupplles of various kind*,
vidual *. id*. t.'-'i"' thr.-.' year-old all. Judge. I dida't think the^.ionld ; while (be merchant was getting v
transplants an- avatlable- tor Ueld hold It agaiun me ill these yeara. I ,1,^. jujhIs tbe negro Stood by tl
planting. Ihe departuji-ut of agrlrul- haven i b. eii ID the niy in thirty ' rounter. and to him It a*-emed thi
yuare, and It youH only let me go ||,«.'while man bad one eye looking
this tlm. , HI promiae never to come ,j
,he front and th* oiher toward
pack of U>e store. He was su
"Now. see here, my ^an." I saM ,|.at the merchant was not looking
sharply, for the fellow was becoming Wm. so he look up a pair of socks and
leftlous, "If you have anyiblng to aay ,tu(fed them Into hto pockets,
to me I will listen to It. and treat (
,pcka hack.'
conlid- titlsily, so (ar as | can. Either
owner said.
trouble*, or go and tell
I ain't got OOM of foot kocks,'
them lo some other lawyer,'
said (be darky.
•No •• said the man. deeperately.
using the unllBury oak brack.-t and
"Yes. you have got ’em." aald the
glass Insulaior. writes J O .Mtoliousv "111 Mke s clean breast of it to you. merchant. "I aaw yoa pot them in
lu Klirm and Home The .-aslest judge. Vou see. mister, wbeo 1 wmt a your pocket"
and .way (o attach wires Is boy—thlrt> yeara agc^l came to tbe
"Mister, to you lookin' at no BOwr
illustiut.-d her. with T.vke a porce­ rlty one day. in my (stber'e eWilgb; inquired tbe darky..
lain house ktixb of the orditjsry 3il- and while the
doing hto business. 1 played
Incli site, pluee (be point of a screw
"Den here's your
driver In the hole, aud with a sinarl nboul the stable where he p'Jt up his. .
blow you will split tbe Insulator In hone. There was a lot qt snow on
lb* ground, and some of t» city boy*
IWO piveea as shown at a
riac- th.’ piece* logeth.-r. wiih the b«gan calllrtg me a btyseed, and pelt­
--------------- ----------- -------Hue wire m the hol.' uf IIH' spifi ing m* with snowball*. I didn't like
as al b. and
and wrap It w,ih (wo* It—not so much (be inowballlAg as are of fine physique, haefisoms
tbelr calling me a hiya-ed. So I ><'*••
^ ‘kern TbelrMre#* con
of sLall wir
small ridge
*hl*d bark at them. \V*U. Just as I !
kalter*. rawhld* shoes,
was ihi%.«ing a good bard ball al one • »<*'■>•« J»'ket heavily braided with
of the boy*, a policeman cam* round ;
“"I •
(he cornir, and it knocked off bis bat. ! black ellk around tbe edge, and the
I fcUritd and ran as bard as I could, i crown of the same color at the Jackt never stopped HU I got to my (ath *L bearing the prince's Initials la
Btry 1 S^rrlan letters, H. L'
er'i (arm aw ay out In (b* counti
e all I
wom^A are parilcufairtr good
ten mill's from ber*.
that night, expecting that ibiy would ' looking, wear dark skirts, beantlfolly
be coming lor me: sod I're been expeeling them ever since. Hut, a* I ,
had pol heard Of It In alt this* years, “f*
Forbidden to
,t plucked up courage and cam* In !
European bats, they
today, thinking it had all'blown over
“ vxaclly elmllar cap
nut I sre that I was mistaken. Tbey're
««’•“ J*
after me "
I embcoiderad Instead ^f bearing th.
-mat’a.ko. ro. ttl.k iher tr.' 7”!,
N. Lurtt In
tb«i Tucson CUUcn.
I asked the fellow.
"Tbere's nolle.:* atl over the city,"
“O, Henry" Maw-®lded Genius.
tbe msn whined.
Had not Sidney Porter, better known
"Ifbsi kind of notice#?" I asked.
Fastening Wirea
"I haven't seen anything of them,"
by bis pea name. "O. Henry." decided
a plcc- (.f line wire long enough to p>
"Why. one say*. 'BUI be­ on a literary career, be i
aruiind lr*'8 several times, aud after ware. and another, *DU1 posters will wun fame as a canoonist.
wrapping (be trunk, using a few sla be prosecuted!
a poriralt painter, having
pl.-s If D«-.ded. bind the wire over the
-M-hafi yoi
in tbat dirvcilon- It to related
" I askel a
hAob as St c
light s med to bri-ak In
* In all of him tbat when be worked for Ui
i!y spliutog tbp knob you do not ibto nonsimslcsl tragedy
uncle as a clerk, a very toportanl-oclne*sl to cut tb.' line w4ra. and (bus
‘■J^)*tera," the man replied, “tvil-' 4ng greti.-man<ame in one day and orcan quickly replace a broken or pulled Ilsm Poster*. But they generally call dured some things whi
off bracket or prevent the line touch mo BUI—nm Posters."
*{ charged- He aasumed tbat tbe young
lug a tree or other obstacle that gives
'Ah. I sec." I said, with a sigh of . "clerk" knew blm. and Port.
troubl.- after line to built Perfect In­ relief.
admit bimself unknown by be­
knd you V
tile Ibis
sulation and stability of (be line are
traying ibai be could not wni« tbe
eiibout an
"Well, this to a case, 1 am afraid, customer's name. So instead he made
that cant be settled with a-fine," 1 a list of the articles sold and at Use
rising and confronting tbe rll- tup Jolted a draw lug of the gentUman
laln. who shrank from me, and cow- which enabled tbo uncle to IdentUy
(be purchaser.
*red near the door.
There Is No Effective Cure Kn
"You won't send me to Jail, JudgcT
and Practical‘Wisdom Require
he pU adetL
Pen Picture.
Care I
-Ko, we'll s ettle It without th*L" I
"Riddle." aay* tbe PenaaeoU News,
aald. “Just turn round ~
"is a steel Javelin, silver mounted: i
What Is the cause o< blackberTT
Aa Mr. Potters turned his back
silk pennant oo a lance: a bogle call,
Lit and to there any cure lor It :
me. I gave blm a good, hearty kick,
The cure (or It to like tbo mad that sent him clear through tbe door a thootlngstar: a problem in mstbe
matles: a sew deck of Am cards: i
dog cuN—"clip Ihe node off with a way.
mandolin sobs: a casUe on a hill: i
sharp ax elgUl Inches back of tbe
(hat all?" he asked, with a bn prinoe of Enritanla: he to a yachi
muiale "
colic smile.
lovely Uses approachlag Iceland;
lo other words dig and destroy
"Yra. that's aD—for Uw presenL' a hlM-power rifle: a cavalry charge;
thr affected bushes and If they ar* I roplled. "But 1^ yon ever com%
numerous belter dvwtroy the whole netr this office affaln. Ill'give yon a a lake in the Alps " We do not know
this geutleman. but it to perfectl;
good deal more thhn thaL Now—ekeIf not convenient to bare them, dsddle. Rill Posters, tod g« back on clear that be most ^ cohsiderabh
eiUxen.—Coinmbla State.
bury them a foot deep.
the farm, where you belong."
There la no effectlee cure known,
(Ooprrigat by Doity Btory Pah. Oo.)
Shark's Menu Extenslv*.
and practical wisdom requires grwat
A Uger shark, captured lo Key Weet
care in prevention.
harbor. Is reported lo have eoBUlned
Tbit rust Is a funguous diseaae.
In iu stomaoh a cow’s bead, dreoreed
eery contagloas.
If we could ex­
and muss Uie lower Jawa the reneplain the cause of II. we could alM> game. Here I paid my money
explain the cause of s thousand a gome, and the game la called on bral column of a shoop. tbs acutes of
6(her diseases affecting plant and account of darknesA with' th* ooore a greeu turtte. the bonso and featheri
of two birds, and a M ef tin cans and
aniinM life. About the bftoi we can nothing to oothlng.
saawoed. Us Jswa measured 1 toot 4
do to to guard against these enemie*.
laebea. stiolght acroaa. But why call|
and take preveoUve meaatsras.
dved-a grret game.
tl a tiger shart? Goat shark or os­
-Tes: bat 1 think
trich shark would be more 1& keapT**n4 for Spraying.
Spray apple and pliim Ueea hefera
hr. buds expand

• ilerc's tbe v*n' thing 1 am locking
lor. UI; 'Lonely gentleman Uvlng
B tbe city; forty yean old; no
bsd hsbiu: dark
bair ud eyes;
wants to
lady , blonde pre­
ferred ; must be
pretty: object,
friendship and at.fecUon; wlU ex­
change photographs. Address.
II L K, Tribune
Ing to answer
thGi. UI: I
be tbe
pretty blonde
lady "
•You will never
do IL MoTlie; It
would be scandaloaa.
You. a
married woman.


"I don't car* U
1 aa: I can't stay
cooped up bore
all summer with­
out having n lit- ^
tie fun- I have
hrenbere a whole
month DOW. and haven't had^OB* a^
-Yes. Motile, but this U t*0 daageroos to bo tunny, it Jack ovar
beaia of IL be will he An^ ^ongk
to divorce you. and 1 wxiuldnt hlanw
him If he did. You knoV ho haa .h
"Poon: Jack is a lAmb; I am not
a bit afraid of Jauk: he U so tame;
Just like a canary bird fed on tamp
sugar I know he would be showed
and such a thing would neruf ogHr
bis dear, old heed, bat 1 am going .t»
do It anyway."
Lll sighed: "Well. Modlc. rememhM
i do nut approve of this thing at alL
Whose idcturc will you eend? JtoC
your own. of ooorte."
"I.F&0 get one oomesrbere. 'I want
one of a braunral poong gM. t Ttat
on* Is your room, the ooe'Amy Brows
gave yon will do; can 1 have It?"
"Yea, 1 suppose, bat I do wish yns
would fflrmup thtocntxracbeme.Mo^
Sober, itetd. tnlet Jack Bates. Bn*
log It ImpebaRift to4i«a*d his boslnean
in tbe city fiad weht-ihhl ^Mng and
pretty vrUff^ut tn her stiter, xiho Btwd
alone In m^qulei IHOc villag*.
Mollle answered the adrettlsamnaj
of tbe nnknown B L. X. and anx­
iously awaited results, which came te
a tew,day* in the abaue of an answer.
Tbe cormpondencd pragreMcd repidly. He praised her aycK hinted thal
life would be more wwth Urlng with
her by hto side, and urged ber to aaM
him in the city ooon.
Mollle Bates, daring ot aplrit. low
log adventnn more than anything
.ise in the world. pntatMd to mpfl
him eomeUme. but did wt um •
Uls letters wen worm,
Ikf. »ffk
lag. He had adraacod i
r M ID
call ber pet namea
Mollle had had more anste—Ml
iban *be ever imagined poMlhte il
tbat quleL out-of-the-war place.
"L do wish Jack wouldn't write'nes
lettere on a typewriter; tt alwnn
trem* like a busli.eM letten Thkro'n
DO aentlment In (his kind of a tetter.
It's been so long sine* I bare seen hk
writing. I would never reeognUa tl, 1




I peace," answered UI

I to time and p'aee, abe agreed to
meet the nnknown a L. K. at tbe
Allendsyle cafe at 11. She decided tn •
go Into the city oa tbe tntererhan.
Her ear ires ■ few mlnntea lata
"Will be be walOng." she wondered
"Really. Uila I* ehual to a tchoolgW
romance: and dear, old Jack, would liii
■hocked at me or any other woman
doing sne^ a drredful thing.*'
hastened to tbe trystlng place. All
th* way to (be ettr she had baon up
ing to picture wbat he would look Uks
and wbat be would say. Ha was l»
wear a white camaUcB oa the right
lapel ot hu eooL and abe hod agreed
to wear a plok one on ber left shqu^
der. How ridicclou* it all eoetpH
and what an advefitpre tt wea, toa
Bbe walked wiU ber head «p gad
• firm step: only « moment now and
*be would reach the cafe door. 8h0
wdjssted hvreil, pul ooe hand buck
to tb* meeting piaee of wgist oBd
sklrL gave a hitch here, a poll tharo,
drew a deep breath, opaaod tha dger
and walked Into the room.
"Wh-r. hello. Mollle, whgt 'hM
brongbt you to tbe dty tedayT' gn»
lotuly asked Jack, looking etredOy at
tha pink carnathM on ber Mouldv. n came—I come to so* yoo. Jack."
stammered MoBte. binhtag.n
Bhe WH caly gate e< om thteg; .
Mfely pinned to th« right lapel ol
Jack-a coat—dear, dlgalflod, Mdgtek
charming Jack—vaa a vtUte «BiB«'.

tton. .
(CBgyrighfc by Pony gwry fttei OaJ

Hare LaoM.
"What orar become et that moiaBB •
who was maiTted on a becr "ShaiB ;
now gjrtag her tlma to g OOMAb '
agninat gsmhlbig.--Jadga



; 1»A0S BIX



lay tor tbe bUnklug and walling fur aeolber bug
» ».) Ibclr HtUo dr»j».
ea. with (.n to com* that way.
► ruotn«il 00 Ue roMiIfi
ant remarka
Ho la said to bsTO an ear lor tnuslc.
► rye opeo.
In ibelr tired throata Not ibal 1 and to do sotne slnglnr In the warm
blame tbe poor rbspaT'
spHns erenlncb. but we do not count
But as 1 came do*n tbe eharmlnc
*•«> 'hi*, nor do wo br*« much
«r*U of flruEos toward tbe D>wer. ■>>«» his Rood looks. HU skin U i.ol
• f«)r> •ill-o'-tfao-wUt>. or n mlschlrv- I lighted upon a «raj. of chivalry left smooili. nor bis cotuplealon fair, but
ou« Bred). dancloR bore aud tbore in the dniUgln* world. , A sluoolli- f»r '^e*' usetolnoa* be U about Miv
coated brown mongrel about ibe sise bwt kind of lUe stock we have o-.
‘ho flowot*.
of a aettor was walling outalde a o'lr-fann; and If iMvple want to keep
brailera ahop. In tbe roed. hla niaaier ‘heir Eanlens free from buga the beat
tboi ttw Itiilo flaahUEhi (bat Jaooi being wlibln. He looked young and Ihliig they can do U to gel on fiiendlv
i-orrio* in bor ban<l and ofiona and sturdy; hU hungry, yet humorous .terms with (he little loada.-Our
dark eyr. fuU of life, Caught mine.' He
beart-fuiiabjoe. It or caro to do ao wat attached by hl» broad chest band
*0 tuay make tbo dark i>lA<-oe briabi to.a cert twenty times bU site, piled
dans'a Doll,
« i(h tbo radUnro of our aliinlno. Juat with vegetables. Ills office was to
■•*»“ had been hiklug into the
as Jaiiol ib ablo to Bash iior llphi draw it by runninR along iK-ncaih It.
for ever so toug.
throuKh (bo soft dark.
which Btrsii was fnsleited to the shaft
•' “» treasures There were
pushed by the peddler A sort
«> tnany beautiful thing, (hat she
Your President has been bo ideased
lever was thus afronled to the man. »rar<-el« «»ild believe they were real,
lately boeaueo sbo roeotred a letter
and the weight was well distributed, ‘’he ibougbi that sbe surely was look­
from Mabot Holland of Maple <'■<>
ing right into Saula Claus' factory.
-’Hello!” said I. genially., to so
onrioelni: nioni^v (roni Ibo Siiashlno
Theie Were big dolls, with tranks
Club of that I'laro. Tbo «'lul> had to genial a dog.' "He. moo vicui'”
full of dnwses. hats and shoea One
disband ou’lna (o the (ac lUut aoiii.Although niy Frentdi was lost on
of tiA meniboraauorod nu^ay. but tbo him. hi* Flemish was not lotu on me: was sealed In a chair leading a twok.
was stepidtig Intel her own
*"piQn.* .........................
*'*“*'•’ ‘he
that lioJ Iwen (or Jk^ wagged bis huitoh Of a (all carriage, drawn by (wu black horses.
Sunshine to
twice.*thrice. Using me defO<er'wlih
uho was ill. C«li you IniaEltir uhrio that direct glance one sees In so Then there were bab.v dolls wearing
your rrosldriii s*ni ItT To our Suti- many gooil dugs and good men Of long txliiie dresses and (t>ai8 sad cun­
ning Utile cal's with liluo livWf. One
shine ttlrl. IKIon Kovartkl And Holon ru*irm> I put out 111) trni at once, nils
has wrltton sueh a ht{i|.y letter to the ping him RFiiily, Just behind bt* baby doll Vaa In to carriage, w hich a
was wheeling; another lay
Preeldont ai-ktioulelalnc ' the lo»ln« broad, absurd esr*. This.gate him nurse
crib and anthat abe utit Iniy a huge saiisfacHoD. If I were to Judge
thought. <
wa* seated In a high chair with
p enabli-d by Hie aniualng yay in which he "
a rattle in Us hand.
the givers.
trrewed his hlflily ac<|uleaca>nt h^-l °
Into my band. It took but an jnsuni
One-of the Detroit Sunboam*.'but a and I started on. But be inovhd as Vas a big; round table' tw>t for a doll'i
former resident ol Traverse City, call- quickly as I did. and struck me with Christ maa dinner Jt was covered

• of tiM ^
Voting Folk* tuAOttlM ^
I t^JI try Mvor to worry ot •
, ♦
can and moko ovorybody tappy 4
M for ao I coib
.. b.
^ and kind to ovoiybody and to ^
« ovary livias thing.

If I ov«r faU in tryluB «
« theoo thinpa, I wlU -Try. ^ ♦

Pfooidertt—Mlaa Clara Bateo.
Pirn Vico Praoldsnt—Mrs. Mabel
BotM Wllllama.
tacend Vice Preaidsnt—Mra. Irene
Pemerey Bhisida.
t.n.hln. Of.i.d»s.h..-l«r» A. L.

girls whom she kojie. Uad s room full
of stl kind* of toys and doRi of all
nations-so mauy. Indeed, that they
did not know what to do with them.
EUlne walked on with her mother,
but evrh among all the new toys she
saw In the store she was trying to Im­
agine bo* h .ould lie possible for an
other, girl never to have owned a
doll. "Elaine, - *al.l her moUier sud­
denly. "h.iw would you like to be (he
one to give that llyle gtri the Brsi
doll she has r>er hadT'
Klaloe was a klnd-beaned child,
who would have beeb vary mucU
sweeter If ahe had not Wn litollrd
by having too much, so she was very
glad to buy the poor kIH a doll
' U-I's ge( her a great big one. not
(hat-Hon III little one she hked.” was
her eager answer.
"There isn't one dT>ll In the store
she wonid love to' bare nearly as
much OB the one she Ihluka so^auii
lul. It rests
cents. IXi you waul'
tdrbuy It and give It to her?'

Meanwhile jane .wa* still taking a
gooil-Digbl look at her treasure In -'ilence amf wliji Inngiiig Suddenly. a.<
she waa alroiii to tu.ii away she saw a
Haleswonian reach i-ul her’ hand to
waid No
A* sbe lookr-d her
heart stovpe.1 l>eailiut for a inument.
What had happened? "Tbe Mulci'i
ono" was gone
Number «f namee on
Khc really .-ould not believe It. She
Roil Jpne 1, 1>1S.
knew she never could own her. Vit
at least it «;is a Comfoil U> sec her tn
the window and to kuow thai she
Bernle« Qlllen. Helen liillen. Freda
could come to Ond her there every
Johnson and KUa Poling. Van ll'en.
day an-l feast her e.vea ou K. And
now- she. was cone!"
Ohio, K F. 1). So. 1C. .Sanies sent b.v M on your IVesident rei'enily hloy
Marie Omoger bss written several unmistakable, it Mid '.More'
Chloe Eegnor.
As she atocsl thioklng alioul 11 all.
-tear little l.-iters to tbe SiinsBtne tlian any Oliver.
celery and a sleaJniiiK plum pudding. Elaine cante out wiih her mother. One
Iguile Cahill .Moyer. Crewn,'Mlcb.
nuch.preliy dishes. IKile glaase*. oT her liuii-ls was snuggled warmly In
and be laughed, too,' and threw hl.i
,Nanie sent by Helen.A. Moyer.
napklna. knives aud fork* li was set a beautiful fur milfl and In (he other
weight BKalnsI the |«t as If It were
Ruth Emma Pankop. age one luoDtb.
Just like any Christmas Ubie. even to she canied a dull Jane iMked at
South Doarilman. Mtih. Name sent
A iihotograph itosial haa. arived tife noai hletaed thing In life to him. the flowers In (be center How Iiappy her. ahe held (he 'Hltiest one.”
from Bertha .Peterson'and her little Evidently tiiiies were hani and work all the .lollies looked.
by Alhtrt Pwikop.
Without a iiionieDt's healtatlOD Jane
■iTother lUi;. Pretty iwisial* hate also wae pressing, and maau-r was no senAmong all these wondi'rlul toys, Went up to iHr and aald: "1 am so
eome from Waneeta Kyker of Rich­ tliiieniaUKt. and aurii besilBi- episodes
way in the ourner of the window, wae glad you got her. thcagh-ni be awtol
A Garden.
land. X J , Adg Wheat of Kingsley. were no pan of the foreign l•ea8lll■'R
to fiiid her place empty tomoia liny mile of a doll in a calico dress.
The woild Is a great fair garden
Bti.l liter Ho«sa of iTarkUke,
r , .dally round I tuimwl to go on iiiy
raw when I come I ku/w you couldn't
wa.v.—I really-liad an engagement, Her tmir was not nod and curly and help loving her , .Mair I hold ber Just
JUl rich with flower* »»>'she i-otild not om n and - lose her eye#.
Oud guards li with bU hedge of lu\e.
one ii'ioute?"
again the sain- la>|>eilou* ihiust hc Bbe wore no hat. Around Iter arm
• Hrauii. Mich.
And )(eeps It day by day.
"She Is yours to keep." said Elaine.
was a lltllo red string with
Aug. I. IM3 liad use<l before—keen e< tire. a-»i as
trliien the Jane looked at ber (or a noment with
I'luah. and Iniimaiely ronversaiioDalTbe children dear are the flowers
IVar President—
iium)>er '
•wide oltened eye*
.That bliioni In tbe garden fair; ,
t am a little girl nine year* old. and
"You can t Watt lhal the lltllest
everything In the
. didn't
They btonsom with radiant beauty .
as I have never written to the 8un- like. My word!
window, hut whentvor sbe looked at one Is for roe—that she ran go home
And with a |<erfume rare.
alihie Club I (houghi I would like to meet you I'efori
wrUe a little letter I go to school
Juil sf. really struck by the engmg» e beautitul she would and stay wiUi me”
the corner where linkYes. she a all vours.'and I hope you
Tbe stoilce are the bless^ b^sMdp
wbrn^ere is sthool. but we are iia>- log liuiununity of tbe creature. Pwas
and would say to
have a very- M^rv ChrtatiMs." an­
That i»iut then petaU bright.
Ing vaariion now- In two week* on- golog to tarews him a third time, the
swered EUlne warmly.
ASTtlle tears are refreshing showers.
achttoi begins again. My mamma has young petidler stepped out of the slMp
lov> I y ou bMU of all.
That fair by da) and night.
lust been'readlns Helen KovaHk's lei- In the flash ol a inometit iny friend most like me. Those rPh dail'
Jane* cold IKile hand reached out
ter.and I tiwl ao soiry for her. 1 have In the muulo wheeJed about, shot the couldri't l>e happy Ir my iwor bouse I to take (be doll, and abe looked up
Frowns are the weeds that often grow-, a Uitle nephew. Igmie Calvin Moyer, ;ull length of hi* leather. _>nd stiff Ion-, you the xery Ih-.-.i of all. even if tnui hnalne's face with ao espreaslon
'But should not hate a plaie.
which meam niore thank you's than
wlio^e name i would like to. hate put ened >fi iiosltion under the curt All y ou are the l!ttk-«t one '
It w;as getting v.-ry dark, most of BI» she co'dd say. "The llulest one"
l^et us grow In God s- riM garden,
0-1 the Cradle Roll. I hope to see this eternity was put irrevocabiy between
us. No Juggler ever ma-te a quicker the rhIMren bad gone home: but Jane
t'nder bU tender grace
in print.
change. 1 took In at a Elance'tl.c atlll atood'at the window
An auto,
A happy liltlc uirl got ln\o the au­
Your loving Bunshlner,
conmn-man's honest face, a stolid mobile Mopi-ed at the toy shop door tomobile with her mother and as they
Helen K. Moyer.
and a lady wiib a* Ntik- girl about drove home they nw Jane running
W*hen Helen Kovarik reads your let­ one. hut not unkind. ''
t ^
a 8ur.shli« Verae.
'He l» a Dice one," said I.
s.l* years of age got out The little through tlie ('hristnuts erowd hugging
ter she will (eel happy because of
'G'bett Cod makes a lovely lUlng.
He answered comprebensively. 'He girl's name wus Plalne. and sho wa» close to her .-old, little body, under
your loving thought.
Tbe fairest and.ivtuidetcaL
works well. '
Just as old as Jane Bite and her her thin shawl, her heart's desire—
He makes it imie. don't you know,
mother * to look in at the win ihe lltilcsi one”—Ruth Helen lUvls,
Soulb/^rdl^. Mich
For little things ate'sweetest.
- Aug. c; IStlX. never IKteU a lash nor luraed a hair. dow. and Elaine looke.l qulesly at one
UlUe birds and little flower*.
hut a e*i.crt In dog* ‘h‘‘«
. Utile diamonds, lime iwarU:
Dear President—
«•' ““‘O
Tite Boy Who Held On.
^Biit tbe dearest things,on earth
1 have another Hitle sister and you could not but l.e glad to recopilie m
•*>“ “'<* ®‘*‘
The boys In tbe iiclghliorhood like<l
‘' don i like one thing In this w.nAre the little M's and girls”
can put fier name on the Cradle Roll (hat he was bt no mesns sfrald of hi*
to go Into Mr. Ame*' eorksbop He
—Exchange. If you wish. Sbe. will be one mooib
likely U> be making something
old the iCth day of August. *o I don't cle of hfi llUle Imdy tense snd>leri. ■» “»>se
queer but dellgliirul. and very often
PRESIDENT'S ,hink she is loo old for the Cradle the graven
of duty. iLdeed, (hem has real hair and their dresse.
ih) aren't a bit nice I don't see anythlcK he let you hel|i. He (old you rtraltgr.
-TRoll. Her name Is fiuih Enima' l*au- the' iDU-rvat wa> so short ho'could
interesting things, too. aboui bis
WTiat shall^we talk about this love­ ko|i. A while ago I wiule ttm that hardly be said p stand S.arve wt* here I'd rare to have, mamma.'
Jane heani what EUlne said and '-amplng-nui in Hie great *oo>I«. and
ly summer day. boys and girls? Theie may be I would come to Traverse tliy
be hamlle bar before
finger laid
across (he ocean, and
kuie It could not be pbssit^e that W* lounieys
Is ao much Sunshine even wliere that on my bicy cle, but now 1 gueas I will be .had turned the corner on a trot. feit *'
sere when he was a boy
out one thing in that beau- bow things
your PrealdeDl (eels It Isn t hard to have to give It ii|>. I had a contlnu No'more unsoMieriy fooling (or hiii'
cared alioul. flnmetin>e>. if you sere there wtu-ii
>>e a maenber of tbe Sunshine Club, ous iwlu In my right side so i went He had deUched his aoul front plea*
It was time (or tin- i-tald gray liorec
sod keep tbe rules
to Cadillac to see a doctor and .the ure and (ro«u me as Alexander might Surely hnaUie could
to go to the walertuR trough, he
Now we UBderslaijd what onr kind doctor ssid my ap|>endi\ was inflamed' have done It.
She woulil.sbow her something she would life JOU U|«.n It* hack, and tell
of Stinihine r.-ally means, (or we see and wdl^ut doulu I'd have to umlenco
A* I laased bIuiik. 1 felt In me (he
the results of the really-true sun ami an operwUoii. so you see I can't ride
must tiave ml*nml. She ran iiji to vou to lake It to water All the boys
shot k of a brst-clsMi iboral
In no
put* on their best behavior at Mr
IIS friendly bean<-< How iM«uti(ul the a bl. ycle any ninre this year. I can't
Elaine, took'her hand and aaUl:
crisis of my
provided tliai I au:
"Uh. HI shov. you one I know you Ames' Sol one of them would have
flowers or suinn>er are and how glad- do niu< h t
given time en'oj^ lor reflection, am
Ir the’great green tree* itrelch ihelr |,„ure til r I w-ork a while In (he
would like to have: you haven'l seen liked that splendid man to ihink he
I likely to forget that tytliiele** hu.-larms up higher and higher each year (oienuon Dd then when 1 get tired
the IliHrsi One' me show it to war nut )iollle or kind.
ueas dog of Uniges. ITobably I sha'l
One day Hoh and i>ed and T.-ddy
Into the light' How merry the hlrdt | ,,„k
you. Come. It Is 'way over here in
then work a jvhllc In the live' mu(h longer than ho
Hut as
went Into (he shop Mr. Ames was in
are a* they lUt about and alng (heir afternoon, Well. It 1* abotii lime (or
the corner "
long as I Ihe something of him will
little aongs: And what good times
Elaine loolted at Jane a moment In the back of It at the other doorway
mall rarrlt-r. so I will have to
that his own character,
aomethlii*. an.l they sal down
we all ha
in the pleanaot
hti thin drees, ragged shawl end lorn
MO* close.
and human homage to IL shall praltm
eboea and was Just going Id say. to wait. Pn-seiilly Ihev hekrd Mm
f remain.
hint together.—loHilae Imogen Gulnsy.
But the out-door world with all Its
"Thank you. I do not want to see It." say. "Y^ere. that's hrokftt. and (
All*rt renkop.
In Y'outb's Comianlon.
happiness Is Just one |*ri/4>f our lives
when her mother sal-!, ''IXj show 11 to haven't another alioui the place."
We all hojie you will _soon l>e w-«ll.
Then he came to the lioys, drawing
after all. Thve is the world of our AII>eM. and are glad that you wrote
Our Bug Catchara.
mind*, tile place where wc ihink and to ibi- Sunshine Hul'.
Jane was breathless wHh excite-' a strlns in hi* hand. "Hov-fc" he said.
feel. And (hat Is where we must eaih
ment She knew she could not have "Ipmusi *o lip to the store lor a lltilv
where we try to raise frails, awl flow- "S^.” so she would show it to some rod that I n.-.-d Will you (Hlows hold
make our own hrart-suAshliie If We
Van M'eri. Ohio. U. F 1) No. 10
era. and PMA and beaus, and lettuce, other girl who could. Elaine, ber this string* Kmi it taut like tbit.
are going to lie truly glad Haven't
Aug la, I!<l3.
and cucumber*, and such like. But mother and Jane went to oqe the Yon can Ukc turns If one fellow
■>on had friends come to nlsy with
Mr I’residem —'
we have one trouble:'there are lots ' Calico., Dolly." ami when I^naine oaw geu tired, another can take It: but 1>e
Ipu who were so full of fun and
I am living tn Van M'ert now. or
of lllUe bugs aud wonna that teem to It aho glanced up Into her mother's sure and keep it up like this. Think
imp.. Mi.1
.or. h.|.|.v .11
ll^e our provlatons aa well aa ,we do. fate with a look (bat meanL "Isn't you ran do it?"
■C'- \Vb ... H.inK on nn oil l.o.c. ud
"Yea. sir." chorused the lioys.
rhink It I. ■ III., ll.v. and lhal are always on hatal to take Ibal a common little thing?"
Ik. lo.i I.ri ol Ik,, .ko I.
, „„ their inrtlon. .^ntl In fact (hey aomcMr. Ames imi the sirfng Into Ted's
EUlne's mother had been watching 1HI..II1.II. .kodo«m i.ulli II |„ ,„„o„
i bon. Ik.. h..o I times seem (p want to take the whole the sirauge little girl rJoaely and now hand, and hurried away. It was not
iklkk. «,noilm.. B. .onon. .nd wko
Well, what Is to I* done in auch a- said to her. ' Rhe Is a lovely dolly, but very long until the strains of the band
I. n.,1.. lb .mil. ..d "irT. i;j.ini..
.„| .,|„ to ib, b.n.hU. raae? I will tell you what to do. We let us go Into Ihe store and see oomc were borne down from the corner. A
big picnic was going out to the Uke
. lb, Ob. -ho I. . ml 8ud;kSbijiid, n„|, Tbo .r. » lolk...; Ik»- have aeverai llttie bug catcher*, ru- other pretty things”
t.n.n lb. boirt.ub.blb. Ibio III.
„bb.„ p.,0. j„b„«,i..„d El.. rtout creature*—In color and shape
"I should like to." said Jane, "but that day. and they were marching to
ni .A
Poling, mease send each of them a they look almoat like a lump of earth, it Is getting dirit and I have to go (be oirMt car with the hand before
Ho. l ou, «,Ud.»i .l.ho. Ih.1 you
.bd Ir.iioii. I .111 <1.. ib«u In and one would hardly know them home soon to get papa's supper ready. them. The band utters an almost IrS«»or. o#ul.| .11 eonio |„
,„1. 1 .III do. b«o„ m, l.i- from the clods among which; they 1 ran only stay a few nlnntes more resisilMe call to the amnll bo), nod
these lovely guttuiter days! She would
travel about. The cblldren see them and 1 want to viand here and look at to many larger Boys aa welL
"lA's tie the ktring around (hi*
,a. you ribSi.oui Ikto b.r
about (he fields or highways, and the JltUe doll I loro *o much." •
Where Janets hammock I* swung unt'hloe Ecnor
wherever (bey find one they apMdIly
Klalne and her mother went Into chair,” suggested Fred, while the oth­
d.r Ibo truo.. ^d .b,r, Jiuro,. or.
Tdl b. bioro .bout tb. Obb, oil pieJt him up and invite him to make the otore and as aooo as they hod left er two pranced with Impatience.
U..1.0, I. |d.„d, ,ud lb, looi .b.r.
.Ill nmk. . v.,, 1, bis home In our garden: and ao. (hoy Jane, the Hula girt -who didn’t *ee
••Yea. " aald Ted. ’That wonid do
Ja»H playa I* pitched on the lawh lerestlng letter
have their dwelilnga tn boles eud ror anything ahe cared for." aald to ber Just as well, and well he back before
Perhaps y«i would help Janet gather '
'_______ __
ner* about the yard.
moUar: "Mamma, did you ever aeo he geU here."
the blossoms In the gsrden If you SUNSHINE HUMANE SOCIErV.
‘-Ob. but we Mtld we'd bold IL” obThe llltle fellovr* have a queer vr*y •Dch a horrid, ordinary doll as that
rame eariy enough! Of oouree lha
Th« B.uslneot Dog.
of catching bugs. They have a long, little girl thought I would like to JecOd Bob. "Maybe aomeihl&g will
Utile friends wjio come to aee" tilUe
It was a warm day. and a moxxllng sticky looffue. tbduffh where they have? Waant, It ugly?"
happen if we go. "I.«t'a taka turn*
Jaw t are fiutmhlnera. and ao (be order warn In loit*. to make things kee|> It Is a myntery, es it seems to be
"U t* Bot as pretty as the French fnd go and see the bond." limes are all aanehlny Umee, worae; and the towcura of all the dogs longer than lu owner. Periiapa tbey doRs. bot 11 If boauiiful to that llttl*
"Turns nothing." obouted Fred. "It
‘®®la Flandere.wera flapplDg at tbe point tok« a reef in II. oa tbe sailors say. gtrl because she has neTsr owned a would b# oot of aigbt before one of ns
Janet has inasy thincs to make a of Ula extra and unwelcome Mt of and ao atow- it away. But when one doll.” said her motbor.
raoU got beck. I’m going.”
Rnnahlne girl ha|>py. hot perhMM the hancM. They plodded oloog- elngly oMbem gets near a lltrif bog he alu
And Fred end Ted were off. Bob
"Is ther* any girl to the world who
toy she earet tor most of mil U a tiny or In spans, or la ihraea. as tbSy are and looks at him. and ^Inks in a kind bos never owned a-siaglo dolly, Boao- aliooat put down the otriag iwloe. end
. oiectric (lasb-llgfai (Just Ufce' ber bred to do. noHelng aothtne. not
once he tried tvriMlQg It around the
of toleiitn *ay. 'till all at once bis aar exclalmod Elaine.
but ft sagged and be caught it
AiwUe-s biff ooe) that. olM woa vhM BockiBg
Iff egta la tbe doorvoya. They
~Yei. a creel many vrho bare noaor
^ 1 beslM la tolL An Jooot 8lu
ap hgaln. The bond mntic Mared
1 didiigaad. ooe ood olL le n- tORgae worn oat and In again, mod the hod a don of their own,"
obpat on tiptoe from ooe port of tbe aaot
nolo* looked potBled. TU* wo* a loodly at tbe earner and then died
• wHb foao. bog M OBHOg the mUMBgl And then
•or UtUa CriooS aitt «Mdas obd MW (hoocbt.flor her. AH the little nvny. It %na naan .tlae oiUr that.


.1 ■ I.

Ibal Mr. Ainea taue Wk. He looked dipped 4{ul tbe Btooee and aaU. "Since
ms ifTie bad burrie<l. and
you like the gauyuaU better than tbe
Dob he smlletl. "Ah," be said, "here
conifleld. (ahe the Monea now (or.
U Ihe boy tha' Md on. Would yon
mind bolding Jost a minute longer till ouj: dinner "
The boys were very nwtry and went
I get (hi* rod In place?'
Bob held It a minute longer, and do' n to the lownbouse anylaf, "Aa
then Mr kmes railed him to tee. The oui mothers treal ua (his way. let us
airing •-onnecteil with the door of awhere ■* shall new trooWe them
pen lull ol downy chicks.
more." TUey begaa » dance-If you Wd let RO the strlnff before
le *ay It wae a feather tUace—and
I had the faslenlng comi'lete. tbe dew
It round and round the townhouae.
would have fallen dow-n. and /he
chicks would have been all a(>oui the .praying to the spirits to help (beia.
.vard, and what then?'
' At last their mothers were afraid
The cait would have got 'hem.' ^nieitung was wrong and went oW to
“d Md

These are very special chicks, worth
a great deal of money, and I wouldu i
have liked to Wse them But now 1 m
golne to give three of them to rau If
you will promise to learn to take care
ol them. If you promi^ I'know you
will do It '•
Hob bluslicd with pleasvire wmi
hi- would lie to have tbe chicks.
n. glad. Hon. you ve iMrned to
like that Is handy to have-altout.
iKipe you I) come over h.-re often, and
I'm guinc to lake you with me-soinetliues when I go to the woods "
.. .
Hob, eyes grew brighter yet and
«, .icly ,o .h., Ur.
Ames war saying that l.e never forgot
II. though Mme of It was rather hatd
to uodetsiaud.
-The onls (elIow•^ that -Jt«ke good
at anytWliK.' Mr Amee went on. are
the ones who hold, on. .Hie failures
are the fellow, that let go tbe llrM
lime the band played And the fel­
lows who learn i- bold o
are as y^ui* a., you. have ,be best
c-hance of all Don ( lorgei that. Bob'"
-No. sir. I won't.".said


King Brace in tne Barn.
Marian and Flossie Uved In a
fry where the ,n,.w
so deep m^wlnter that put In the counir;- the femes
are all covered, and In low-n the roadway often stand, six feet above
sidewalk, which Is ke,H shoveled out
Sometinies. after a big; storm, they
couid not get out at ajC-tfll a place
had «>een shoveled for ihew, and their
brothers. Will .and Walter, often bad
to put on their anow-sboea to go tn to

still dancing around the townboose.

w.tu.ed tbey noticed that
«*nk. and that,
ey ran to
bigher In the
a too Utc.
Bet their rhlldrerr. I
for tbcw were already above tbe raid
of the townbouse—alt I
.. w.
with the gataynsti pole, but be kinitk
ttfe'gtounj w-iih such force that be tuto U and tbe earth eb»ed over
Tbe other MX circled hlgtfey and
higher nnlll they went -up to tbe oky.
where we see them now as tbe
“Meadies." wlileh the Cherokee. sUB
Anlisutaa-ITbe Boyal. The penwhose' boy bOd tone Into the
^^^^y moralng and every
eveninfi to cry overdbe spot until the
woa damp with ber teora. At
sptontej up
^^ew day by day -nniU It becaale
Ull tree that we now rail the
IHne." sod tbe Jdn^ la qf tbe aame
nature as the slant and holds In ilralt
bright .m««.
____________■ •
Bays oral Girto. 'Uoten.
FartDe.r Vim.«nt nays:
You would like to do somethlnc to
help, now wouldn't you? Every live

_ that
_ way.
boy _
aud girl feeU
^ ^
f^lk. happy but bring Joy to your own
What are tbey?
One is to keep Ju i a« healthy ms
you con When It H raid, try not to
get your feet wet Don’t eat loot,
brtttb your teeth, drink plenty of wa­
ter,. olowly. Breathe away down in

.Vo. -indeed. Excepting in tbe very
‘“ »“"‘^*’****
worn storms, the, were out every
But raoe. In tbe cheeks gre nothliw
.lay and puyed for bourm
by the side of rose, to the heart U
When Ibe snow was bard they ranld ^
allde. and wfara It waamyft they help“-I
ed tbe bov*' to build snow forts and
men. and molded «ow pudding* and “<«• “rtgl-l than for^ ytm folks
Iced cake*
' ***
‘‘••■IT- Bmile* mAe people love
Hut What thev liked best of all .ns
>=«» «»*
oot ttko
to climb ou thereof of (be big h.ra foor to one who Is Mway. bright and
and take flying Waps Into the eoft bed
ol snow beneath. Aloiber. w.tchtog
And then, you ran help everTbody
them fro mthe window, used to coll by b«tog true and bone« and raraeet
them her soow-dropa, (or they wore In all yoo do. Ob, this old world ftWy
dark green bUnket roits with white long* for more boy* and giris who
•osbe* and hoods.
-have good. pure, cirao bean*. Be
Bui It was only wben-ihe snow was above tricks of any kind that bun «hpiled very high that they could do era. Look every one aquaJely In the
tbly'or get on the barn roof at all; eye. be trank, and tbea ^ never wOl
•o‘>oii may be sure that Marlair and have to rohiptaln that ttere U nothing
F1<i|ale were never sorry- wbeo the you con do. Y'oo are making yuur own
big storms came
place. Too may ^ver have a alngla
It lia|i|>ene<l one year that the snow dollar given, you that you do nor cam:
did not come till much later than but what of that? Y'ou |fe earning
usual, and winter was nearly over be- aoesMbtog that if worth millions ot
fote It had piled high enough against dollar*, and that is the love of all who
the Urti t<? make It safe to try and know yoo.
, ,
climb u|.
Ftoally. kelp by torinc. That's tbe >
At lt*ls lisy rams when
best way of all If you have good,
thought it might be jiomilble. and the kind, loving bean* you win moke all
nierrv littlemaids trolled off to tbe the world belter, you will be better bam.
youreelf. and you will win (be very
liut the roof was Mill so for above brat there U in life
them that even Marian, who wa» the
----------—---------Uller. did not get Up till she bad tried
How W* Ctrl* Helped,
a great many times; while poor £t—sA llttto girl in our neighborhood feU
no»l. iotU 1X.I m>sui. II u .It
K-t -«»“«
«,n.o inrf lo II.II b.r
to. II .b. tobiJ ,»
Ib. btoblul lor •
Without tutvyess. ami at last she gave few months she roigbi be cured; otbup and. climbing lo the top of the erwiae ahe would be a cripple Ihe reel sloping rool. aat proudly down, while of her life
■oor n<wsle. powdered with snow
Her parents were very poor, and
from head to fooL and winking hard could no. think of sending her. ^e
to keep the tears ou. of her eyes. M the nelxhbor*. feeling sorry lor
stood sadly looking up at her from the the little one. aurted a subeertpUon
snow heap
Jus. at tbU moment mother, who
Some momh. before eeveral of ne
hsd h«i.ti mairhlua them. Was colled had taken part 1 a little enterulbwblch
away, and when she rame back
window five minutes later, both (be ranclering Italian family; and we je­
llied to rijiteai It for Maggie's beoeOt
Utile girls were on the roof
Ijilu. the largeeu *oa the father,
"How did you gel Up at lasir she
Mid 10 Floesle when, tired of romiv ind In an old suit of her brother # Ae
quite laenly. Beesle. draoeed
tog. the little
IMlir girls
*«■«* finally
U»bS>l* came M..
- -_
told notoi, -I into tod lEri to •" bi'i biu.
«ib . totoi
h/r head and holding n doD for
and trtevl ]uoi like King Brace of Scotland, but I rauldn't get up, and then haH).
mother. Dot, to a
I though. I would no. give It up. bot long Jacket and dreae. token from tbe
u« tri- once more
• 80 I looked up ei Marian: and aald. ‘hlugn looked quite comical. Lulu".
The aplder'up there defied despair, brother pm the handle of a coffee plU
•he coaquerad. *bv should do. I? aod on a-box: this oaswerHl lor on-or^
I gave mv ver, bra. Jum,. snd next .»a
«g doll -ax the a^key.
Btoute I was on tbe bora: and. moth- Aftor draeMng to our l,nck yard wc
stortM out
er. I am ven glad''you told
We etoppod to from of everr botuo.
story about King -Bruce
and nltor w* bod eung Dot would go
nfoutS with ber tin cup for the peiP
Cherok^ blyths.
nleo. Braryone Ungbed to eee na. nnd
tonit ago. when the world wt» new when wo lotd whnt we were working
tbero were seven boys who urod to for ther would pny na quite weR. Otto
spend all tbHr time down by tbe town lady raid ahe liked our organ be^
bouae ptayliig the -'gataynstr gome, than e real one. heraiMe ll -as quleC
rolling a atone wheel along ibe^ One day a lady who vent to oee
ground and alldhw n curved stick eft- Maggie at the hospital told the doctor
er It to ȣrtke it. Their mother* nboqi our performonc*: he peat word
•colded. but It did no good, eo one that he would Uke to eee ft blBeelE
day they eoDecled some gataynatl
He came In bis earrlog*. and when
Btonw and boiled them to the pot be-onw our taeupe he Ungbed tuttU be
vrltb Ibe em for dinner. When the cried. He enid we tooked Jon Uke nn


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