Grand Traverse Herald, June 19, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 19, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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soils, a knuw Wce ot which
arch of white, ^rnmnded hy ftreen
In the mind the ftatementhfarmer should hav«'.
fnliaKe doited here and there with
I‘mr. £^eii Mumhild, was the
clustors of snowballs. From the
ITofeKKor A. R. Potts, as the alfalfa
sp«nki‘r Inlnidueed*^ He Is the----ter of the arch hunx a lame while
expert for the Xlirhigan Agricultural
suiu-rvlsor for Mlellifeaw-Jur Tcderal
wecIclinR Ih'II and on each ride Were
college, told of the kind ot
smsller Itells.
farm maiiaccment. and a iiiiin tlior
that alfalfa should receive In this sec­
After Ihe few brief words which
ouuhly |K»>tod in this line of work, lie
tion. in several cases he went into
made them husband and w:ife
too siHiki' of the < o-oI>erall'. c siilrit ho
the Held and tested' (be soil and mo.le
they received hearty eonffratalaamoni; the luislreKs i
suggestions for the handling of grow- AFTER ATTEMPT TO BLOW SAFE
log crops.
larnciiVJert .iml Kisvwed that
The farm management agent for
jireiHly dceorated with nrecn.
ih-y wattled to aid all In,their power
Northwestern kHchlgan. J. F. Zimmer,
lante while bell was Kusi<ended from
thh reyhin one of the m
explained bow he is iocated in this
the eeillnE Just nitove where the bridal
|irii(liii-llte. Mis knnw'ledce id the
WfcHon to help the farm-rs and Ih
liariy sat and Ja|ian<we lanterns
ur.s-s of Ihis ‘coitnly and re/tjon
their command. His office Is in the
:c-rt*d here and there Five a pleasim;
IKiBtoBtro building at Manisiee.
SPIRIT OF CO-OPERATION WIL-L showed ilint he had made .mor
■ffeei. One feature of the weddinn MEETINGS ALONG THE ROUTE
SIU.V of this seeihm than had
The Hon. James C. MrUughlln. wlm
. ACCOMPLISH things'.
supiMT was the hiine weddlns eake
d ihoM- who had live.l here nearly
Is now our reiiresenlatlve Ih congress,
which orrupled a lahle hy Itself, from
in his several Ulks. told of lie work
all their lites.- It was the orcanize
of the federal depanmeni of agricul­
.Meeting Wa« One of Be«t 6*er Held
work that luuimiit the Krente?
Oemenstratlons Were Made In Fields ture. and bow this dcionmem is. try­
in imssInF from the tent
9f Committee of TwentyOne—.
results and with sut h an clement had;
Where Crop is Crying—Trip
The hrlde-w«rc« a kowti of while
ing to help the.^ fanners. Mr. Mc- Robbers Escaped When Pursuit Was
Crtat Good Scenu in
l.iovenient like the oiie under
YeMerday Was In Buck- , Vigor by Those
Taken Up tpd Eludsd Posss
rhiffoB over niesKallne with lrimmloF;c
'.aiighlin. to a very Urge dt-grtse. 1-'
eonshlenulon eould only result In ihe
in Charge.
ley Section.
Who Had Them BurrouMstf
of point Inro and citrried a lK>c|net of
rns|>ossihte. for Ihe grret agricultural
sailsf.ic-tor>- way. lie told of life
idnk roses, while the mahl of bonnr
awakening now going un In Ml.-hlgonAtoD<la>’
llip iimsl rr|>r<^ jtreai yields ecme from this
'The Inttuduciton of. alfalfa
As a din-cl result of his efforts there
BMK-iiiic that ilii- tViBimlUoo rettlon. He spoke of what Cmnd Travevery i.inn In Cnind Traver.-<> county, rorried while rarnntcons.are i»lay flfli-en -federal agrtculiurlsin
haA tjuld. The nislit
^luniy had done and how'
moans an iuircxiwe in wrdiUh of
Tlte-Firia were fiumeroas and beau­
Springflcld. m.. June 18—Two banat work in this state. Others will ti«
■'As eartn. but a K»<>d nuinhcr ran eoiihl l>c made a'grander xiimiy. l*e«s IHiu." said
II. Alien, vice tiful. ineludlns allver, cut Rlass. llaen
Thursday. June 1?.
placed in the field in the early future. dim who early today held np ths Dia­
lor sopix-r for ihr.v frit that tl!/-.'- wore, pie a)wg}s hy siii-eesilon and
of^he Ohio Allalfa. .issoclalUin, i.
8:30—Leave State ^nk.
and china.
The work of the Western Michigan mond spccUl on the lUlnols Central
In for a ti^at from tlio otmouiu omoii*.; Mils Roillnc together meant n-uiiirt'tl
isiiiess ni.-iis iiu-etiiiR .Monday niulil.
9:00—Sirmley acheolhouse.
Oiii-of town FiieMs were Mrs. Kraiz
bureau was explained by ten miles south of here and mads sev­
Itet tuuS b«-OD ir.nile and llu-y nc-- .iiir..esr. Tin- s|ieaker itald Ihal
.Mr. Allen u-ns a Icatikcr itefore In of .kluskoFou. Mrs. M. A. Furtls'and
10:p0—East Bay town hall.
Its f»cr«-iary. John I. Gibson. The a|>- eral unsuccessful altcmpu to blow tbe
not iliKjippnlntrd.
awfully hard to I>e had III a cood cnnrltiK an nlfaUa ytrower. 11c know Mrs. Sarah fox of Rlk Rapids. Mrs.
10:30—Green’s atcre. Acme.
plo inKiKs-tiun camiiaign which L to l*e ^>sxpress safe, escaped from a posse ot
It was an alfalfn Adeline all rient. comiBunity.and aw fully hard to lie roihI how to flciire and In' knows whui liR
ilenn Wood nn.j son of Six I.ake*.
was called aiicntloD several hundred police officers, deputy
• l«t tlip intoj-muiion Uioi wa?: niv. n In a hud commuiiitv, hut tlie'peoph-- iiroF stand (ot. Ileiknows' aUalta Wr. and Mrs. A. A. Mcnermoti ana
- Dinner,
and many of those attending the sheriffs and ciiizens who apparentty
to the n>inii!!n; lira:. luJ out'inln herc seemed lo
nwfully cood in
Ik doiliK on the farms of-Ohio and Miss .Mirie of Traverse City. Mr. and
1:00—Sates (nstpffkc.
nipctlngs were given iabi-ls, also co|>- bad them surrounded.
other jfDu very liitiTf--ili.- liner
Kootl tommunily The siH-akef told what ir Is dnina on the farms of oiIht Mrs. H. I» Ilohhs of Monroe iVnter.
2:0fr—McKinley school.
les of the hnreau's illostreted maga­
Tbe safe was STecked. bat the In­
TIjr rjiivlul 40mmil(ee who I'laonrd of the wonderful crojis that wore pro tdirts of- V.ichiKaii. lie* ftirlhormore MIks IJIas Havticon of Grawn. Mrs
3:00—sicny Beach sehooL
zine. "Westem Michigan, Fruit With ner strung box. containing 128.000.
for tills alfalfa . nm|iali:ii i-4'i\alii'g-''iiad dueed In tills eouniy and slated that knows wiial II udll aeconiiduh wluri .Grofe'Tlalmnnd,
4:00—Mapletoq store."
Mrs Mary E. MeKerFlavor.” •
was undisinrbed. After floggiiig tbe
been bii^v. It u Mated fop the this reclon stood first, in a rroal many there ,Is line or more acres on ........ ^■ her-of Iceland and Ml»s Mae Prlniiip
Through the foretboMht of 0. H, Al­ train wEb «i««,lpBtera. and ordering
fltjit time ever known here alfalfa :iiim;s and eould aid the whole state farm In ihiF and the sun-oundinR
of Katkaxka.
(From Wedne.sday's Record Eagle.l len it was iNMclUo to give small imck the passengers ^IT -nmailn in their
was uitrd la the table deenralions. and to lie first Ih many more and the
The liritle and Krooni left next n
The alfalfs campaign Ih s sucreMs. ages of alfalfa v-ed to Ihose-lnterest- berths.,the robbers lelsnrsly attempted
it was by no nean< a liad idea. Itou- he.iny raannrrlln which the husJnesF
The olfnlfa td.ini is slow
iuK .inild a shower of riee for at
In Iho growing of this valuable to blow the strong box. Fsllli^ they
, <iuoti Here on oai-li table and n s|irax
II when nnei> esla'dlshed It sends (ended weddinn trip, They will-visit The lirsi trip ye.-jeiUar setilrd any crop.
had taken part In this showofl
re-couplod the loeomotlve to the exOf K tu earli iilaie and the briithi that th.'f were more then wlllipj; to Its hulls deep Into the earth'' aud Irand Rapids. MuskcFOn, Chicago doubt there may liave,becn In the nu.tToday s and tomorrow's meetings press car and ran toward Springfield,
The four autos covcied fony
Ri.-e:i Mulnst the. whlto-uaperj- wai. aid in H4s ersat work. We were with­ billies U|i flentenls that are very help and various tioinu in Ohio. '
win. if such a thing is i>o<'<ili|e. be bet­ making several additional attempu to
a veiy idcaslas slain. To aoin<
They will !«• at home a* Rarkcr
out han^ieaji In raisinc jmiaiocs, chi rter than iboro of nie first day. First. crack the safe enroute. When ponoU
Wert of the diy.
alfalfa plant is a soli balWer. Whe-rew Creek to their- friends after July 1.
a euri'ielty. for it is not BU|>]>osed that ries end abides.
held, a total aiietKlsnrc of Sbl se- Ihe promoTers' of the campaign have grew too warm they abandoned the
all liUKinesR men are familiar with thU
CfHi. K, Steele who had beca’ln Ca a-s other crops exitart fertilUy from
the advafilage df the citwriencc gain­ train in tbe Springfield outskirts ana
product «,nd it was tiie general ti>|iic llfornta for the post sixteen year* the top Mil. the alfalfa crop enrUlur
ed the first day. and. oecoitf!. there fied.
of itaversalliin. Tlien' ate ao'man; told of his Toroior ex|>erlenee while this soil.
will lie one more sMker. namely. Dr.
Five Hundred Oollare Secured.

The oame speaker called stientiotj
of the btiKlnee* men who an- comlnc livlns there and the work that he had
Rben Mumford. whoNs a (orecrol man.
Chicago. June 18.—Five hundred
to lie fruit ^wers and farm owners setin In the for west. Ho was lisicoed lo Hie (art thai duriDR the fow day.'^
and the leader tn Mic'bican of lh<- f<il- dollars was aecnrhd ny tbe Springfield
BUrted on Secena Day.
he bad-been In Traverse City Jie had
ihat all were anxious Jo-know more lo with a ure.1t oT aif.-npon.
eral farm extension work.
robbers, aernniing to sn oClelal
This morning the camistJgneTf left
sc-en many ioads of feed on thesireet».
of this murh-ulked-aliDut plain that
Tw^ Ii*~i,alfaira growerm' accom announcement today by the llUDOii
Hon. J. • C. Mrljiualilln.'cimEresrfor the second .lay's trip, which takes
omrd that Hie farm was the pUe.
wiU tome day hare eueh n iirnmlimit
pan'^> *-si»akcrs yesterday to an Central officials. A reward of a tbouen front the ninth district was tiic
Hat Ample Roem ta Care For Spirit­ ■ hem to Buckley and back,
pl^ln thontarkdis of Uili; reside.
rocanlloe' local eondl sand dollars U otuni fey the optnre
Xf BpexLcr. Ho told ot the nctive
pnted th.1t Ihe hie tneetiug of the en­
ual and Social Activities
H it noHilns slmuld d.-nve Hu- fariu
ih?» • micse were M'HUam Heim
r llie surlier J. \V I'strliln was
and eoDricUon of each of the rabbera.
in that Ud been imt itimn him by that ha» any feitilcc;nr vabic; ihui
tire cnmiuLlgn will be at UuckhT lust
of City.
and William Grant.
eiiioen ihalrman and iits <1< vi-r Intro, the l«sitloll that he held Willie
Half of this sum win be pakl by tbe
today. .'Tnere an.- already
onlv i>roducts that are in iheir iiic.:;i
of Iho seven alfalfa railroad and halt by tbe American Exdun ion of the sevyrut spe-ikcr- madimisirtaiii inm^ilt- condensed form sli'U’Id h- stud.
Sunday, .tune s; will mark a very alfalfa riclds In this >>«ction. but the clubs fr^ed are:
■ comiony. It was offldsUy
tee:, Tbal hroiikhl hlni iu chee Xoueh
Incase ol a hulf a million )j»f Imimrtant ei'ent In the history of farmers are anxious i,. know more
Greillcktllle. John ramiilK-lI; Heiro- ruled that there was IIS.OOO In the
T-Iie first to lie railed 'Ui-onl was C. with the afa^itliiiral interests of the
dollars In the wcsilth of llie eounly Traverse flty krMhndism It will be aJsnit Ihe phiiiT. ihat li may be En'W'o forth dihiclct. William Uelm/onh:
inner ssfe.
«. Allen. vtcepresUUnt of the Olibi reiinliy of boUi III.- hoilli and south.
iiieanB leofc' prns|ieri:y for ca-h iu the ilolna away of tbe old First Meth­ 0 a liwrc extensive w.ili-.
Keswick. Mamis Ford; Solon.'fi. U
Alfalfa ar-sorbiiion who had «omc her.- n had been his cood loritti
Tomorrow -s tri|i will -U- to tbe
habitant. Fo lei one and nil hru>-n odist Church society and the dediroCate: louiner district. Bruest lout
to h'nd his aid In thin camnaisn ibal' able to nld In Hm> seeurinn of suffl- ■ he day when there will iw alfalla on
tlon of the New t'entral Methodist ca:-i. the rest, am! the northeasL The tier: ls>l>c lake. Janier Shearer; I.oiic
has idaned out .m enthusiastically.
elent apiTopriatioitji to carry
In two sectiuna
every farm. I.ei us pn.-li ibronrh the; K|>isco(ial church. Thc-re has probably trip will really
Tree. James Harri.s.
He first romiiUmented the roamll- Uidii-stiles in u- more syxtcmutic man- present nlf.iUa ratiiitalcn with all our
been no building erect^ lo the hl.v
tee of T-eniyjtne on the sidendid n«^ ard nlhiw the covernmcnl to send nilchl. Ix-l u.c- l-nd.our tunro] suji|«irt
lory of Traverse; City that ocruidecf day from their work can panIrltWe
rplrtt tf _«vo)s-ratlon tlim he had M-eti
ex|M-rts to succest the 1»est ways by aHondiiift-as many c.f tl-i- mc-eilnss
•e prominent place in the moral either the furemou run t<i Kart lia;
l>ei«t-en H-e hutinfsi men and the oi mectlou any of Hie serious pro!
: IKiRsible.
and social proRrdes of the city than ami XVilllamsIiujg or the afternoon ruu
larmer and the ftn-ai ini-iesi that lo lems that confronted the f.'.rmer
tig- I’.nioHula. It might I>e
Alfalfa. Short Stepr.
this is drvtlnedMo do. This is In­
lal tteuido bad taken In lliit mniriaj
The s]>eawer told of sonv- of his ei
The two c.VIcicV alfatU tm-eliiiR deed a great church bulldiiiF and Is
Similar Iqfirs have l>een siiPt^ssfully l«erlenres In niDdiieilnu sereral eon ThtirMlav aflcriino^lU l>e cl Ihe Mc­
In iho southern half of Michigan Han
Lansing Taxed to <
eroded with the single purpose of
Hu- Grand Traverse iHtniB.xula,
carried out all over the Innd and inor< palRJts nhmu the Hues t.f the invseni Kinley KchcKilhouse .on tjte fJr.iiid
wTvlng the .public. First as a church
funhennore ihai this M-ctlun U si Iih
-intere.-:* had hoen nianifiwied iu ihh one and the' siirreiui that had Traverse peninsula. Imi live tulb*
All Csses on Call tn Traverse City
carry on Its clhicnl training. Sec­ pry best Just now.
(omiiis fora-e for I'ne farm Ih.m efer come from eat^i. He was henxto aid from Ihd center of Hu- city. There Is
Monday Afi
ond as on auditorium to provide a
History of FI(^ Day.
• hiJ.ire.
“Amerira is feedlnK
alfalfa Held across the road (rcuti
all he rould.
June 30th.
clean well tentilaied room with a
Tliere arc nany lot<Te>t;ng events
World, and ITnrle i>am U lotjkina about
the schoolhouse aii<I the mecsllni; will
dimmer, the fxleral^rm
lunslng. Mich., Jum 17.-Nrerl>
sealing caiocHy of. l.:no which i»Ul lo reroi-d in glviiig ihe hisiory of the
now to make two blatles of rmss or
the nature of a field demnastia
i nt expert, was the Inst sgieaker
of coert business outside 20.000 xisltors were expected lo tunserve not only for the lecture
cn en .feed Know wTiere befon- liier*'
aid that It would he his priri tictn. Kvrr> ts-dy In Traverse I'ily who i-our^s but will asiixl to making Tra' first day of the-remialgn. Tbe'^at­ cf his Circuit. Frederick W. Msyue Rlng by tonigjit In connection with the
tendance at the several sto|.s was ai
It to the acboolhou.-c hy auto,
wa:t bi:i oTux Uermany iievr^ . hips le;;e to olfer suunestioDs in uy w.r.
will be nnaUc to iwtd an adjourned annual suie cncampBiunt of the Mlchor hy walbliu: should do so. H.nt erne <Tiy the roDvealion city of the (oIIowh;
oiiirbie her own borders any nrlirh' Hint Hie farmers wl-hed and while he
session of ibe circuit conn In Trav­
G. A. R. Every Inbound train to­
Third, for banquet purposes it
Grellickvllle. II: llclmforUi's. IS;
that ha( any fertilitlne elemenis. We
do miK-b talklne would aid they may leant nlmui ihic ^llalfa win nil a long felt need: having all
erse tTty next Monday. Tbe court day unloaded liundreds of veterans.
K«-in»lck. *:■: Solon. ?t>; l.nutner's, 20;
. are :a>i iearnlne how to iirodure ev- In tlie dHTc-renl flemoBS^tlons that plant that means-Rie.iier auiicullurr
will convene on Monday. June both, at heir (aiiimcs and (rieflda Ry early
long lAke. 41: Lone Tree school, 24.
;ij-rily for us of the Ortnd'Trai-, the modern convenlcnres and
Hhertlhiutt puFSibIc from the «/riI and wi-ft. i(. (k* made at the various stoi«
afieroooD nil hotels In the dty were
Ing capacity of over 5r«>. FouHh as Total. 201.
r> Rion.
draw we mitil learn how to rridiiri- that the toiiritre luifiy. wqiitd make.
cases will bo on calk Ail Jurors of Jammed and tbe local committee In
nnaslum with a basket
tvilium Helmforth's (arm the
Ih <a>-t niiratier of iirodurts Hint are
the rvguUr panel are directed to be In charge of Hh- enearnpmem dRocteJ
sitra fdllofred and
r^m and shower baths and alt the romialgners wore Ireaied to buter
Klv. n in the world. The crtiund iie.-d« many i|u)-s(ii>ns pern asked
tho Incoming soldiers to tbe homes of
linftihcniaUB that go to make up a milk, ai Keswiqk it> a fine dinner, at
as ton* h r« ii!mlshlnB as a liuinun 'be- sl»eakrr;In exidasntioB of the above chaue local cliiac-DS. who have offered lo
well equipped V. M. C. A.
Stephen l.«utiier's to lemonade, anti
Ins Fertility In the will ran c^.me illtc-reslcd I
of date. H seems that Juilge kUyae bouse the veiereni during their Tree schoolhouso lo lee
The old rhoreh served Us purpose
had previoDSly agreed to hold a term day suy here..
from mislns alfalfa for it ran lie subject.
as a church with Us limited seailag cream and cake.
>urt In Kozmet county (or Judge
u rd a. I r,rtlil*er and boss and eat
The formal program of the eocampThe Bevt
caiiacity and Its lll-rentllated rooms,
Sessions, who Is sick. At the time menl wUl sUrt (ontgtil at tbe Masonic
Ml- ran le r»Ir«l on this for.-rae
The first meetlng'ol the day. Orelhut it was not the chnrch
the first adjooinmem was taken In temple with a ''children's camp fire.”
ih>-ai>er li.nn lii'any other raantier
Traverse City and fell far short of llckvllle. w-aa the shortest find
Traverse cuy. Judge Msyno did not
For tomorrow is scbedsled the big
and that-means money in the noe^
mn-llnR the requirements of the age. liiformal. and the last meeting. Lone know that Ihe Emmet conuly court
freinre of the cncamprasnt--Ihc pa­
of The farmer.- Sir. Allen is sin enJjZaAners Anxious to Have Party Visit Over One Hundred Cases are Being Tlio chun-h tlxal will serve aright thc
wa? the k'ogcst
fixed (or June 23rd. berre the con­ rade—as well as the opening of the
lertainhie rpenker and was full of
Reponed Daily by Army
luvipie of the present day must do a
flicting dates and consequent adjouni- ronventlons of the anUliaty organisahis subJ"Ct aud hU KUKTesiloas^were
Oflieero. .
very broad work, not alone the line speaker, and there were Ore fo Ihuni.
to June 30th in this county.
tbe W. R. C. and the
timely Slid well ^eertred.
There «c-re Ihtee cars tlu.l left oi
of moral training, but along tbe so­ had opponnmty- to tell his onUre
IJidlet of tbe O. A. R.
Tl:e Iieit «iH>akfr, Prof. A. R. Polls. •c ulfallB c-ainpiici-n
siory. All ;thc speakers siake at ali
Thnrsday's sessions will be given
Salonika. June IT.—A violent epi­ cial. educational nnd athletic as welt. the (lUccs Viiit Solon ■ and Stephenwas «:.»• V, bn -wa^^ow:
startlnr for i:r;,w„. iiurkley and nil
This Now Institutional qhureh Is
rer entirely to bnsinoM and to tbe
ler of iboi'y pretionV and also from Inlervc-nini: imints. Those who were demic of ehol.-ra has hrnk<-n oi:
for Just this service. Its Istntncr's. The road from Ponefa
election of officers.
Ilie Ij« M at he Js the Micbl*an A;;rl- In Ihe nariy wc-re A. V. fvixirich drtv- the llulEarfan army ennipi In Mace­
primeges are not confined to the Solon was so sandy that bm one i
enltuiul roll..-,, expert and has made Tng his. own car and Hon. J C. Mc^ donia. Over one htiiicir-d .caacs
mads the trip, tbe other cars beUtg dls- Traverse Bay Hlvs Honored Mrs.
Callie Thacker
thb mailer life *iudy. He loo. simke l^inctitln. ,1. r. Zimmer. Kiank Fri.c-d- beiui: reiKirted dally. It was Inarnc-d
luiiched to the n>-xt stop br
the general puhlir. The non
The ladles of Tiarerse Bay Hire No.
•or the
of Rrttopelber- ricb jud Ijvin J. Itakc-r. The seexmd today. .Many draihs Have resulted
satlsfactnry route. One car skipped
church going man may enjoy tlie read­
from jho plague.
T1 U O. T. M. had
Best! that h>- saw front the reauUn of
the limner stop to make
driven hy Mco.'Juirkey had C. H.
ing rooms and nihlcflc features with
Tuesday afternoon, ft.
'time because of poor roads.
the rommliiet. of Twentr-fToe. Thh Allen. Ebon Mumfnrd and llornstbe same freedom as tbe strictest
being the TOth birthday ot Xlrs. CainAll hu-. one meeting, tb'
was so tiron.iiinri-d he sald'that be
T&e last car driven hy Prank
Church members.
ruallsed li as
a^ i„. haj arrived Lahvn hod Pmf. A. II .Polls. Johi
Soion. began within a few mlnstes ol Thacker was a charter member of tbe
sebeduh-d lime. Several alfalfa Seldt Tracker was a charter member of tbe
la the eliy. lie bad nl^o heard of M
Kelloec and Gilbert
PmtyNuptial Eve
along the route trsvelwl were inspeet- hive and served u commander for 13
iHTforc eomlm: |t was a treat to tU- Shilson. There was a. Inrce amoni
cd. William Helmfortb was fontid to years. Mrs. Thayer has a record ot Claim That Man Waa Diacha<9Sd for
len to hb- erim.shion
soiU and the printed,matter and wycral sacks
CircuUtIng Pstitioa for
be the biggest slfolfs grower, he hav­ oevpr haring been absent from s ses­
n U‘ pnidiieed latalnj; pnrknr.ea of alfalfa that was
Waskly Pay.
li^Rs of the New Crop Ended Sale of Old Prod- ing twenty-fire scree and idanninf tor sion except (or illnesa. Such faithhil
and Ihe manner of aidinr the various lo he distributed lo the farmers wim
season oeeurre-d at sunsci, t^bdaeaday,
and effident work* is
a still large acreage. His olfaUt
*»Uf U> Kive In the etiltivsilor mort wished to make a study
nod Lest...of
June lllb. ai the home of Mr. and
Kansas City. Ainc 18.—To save found by the experts to be In tbe best elated by both the oOcen and mem­
ipa. Alfalfa row supply it ■ The'Interewi la IncTeasine in all
scores of cars of last yoor’s potatoes of concIlHon and mot: ready lo cut
bra. This (act bos glrsa Traverse
Dairolt. Jone I
more of the elesie.iis
pljiii food dlreetions and many arc now anxious
There were three photgraphers on Bay hive an enviable npBtaUoo
ployes of the StndEhsker CoTporaUoa.
Mian any oHier means so easily ob­ to know bow |o groa- the produ-t. w'hen iheir only daughter. Miss Cal' from rotting In tlu' railway yards here
manufactnrers of automobUsa. atrnek
tainable. If the fruit men wioild pay There arc a numiter of requests lor sle. W.11 united In rjarrlane lo Fhnip l>ecaui-« of the glut In the inarkCl the yesterday's Journey and views were Ibe slahmiy of tbe ordeT
Arthur Ray. While the one hundred Housew ives' iengire of Kahsas City to­ secured at most of the reecUnsi and
A shoR and very
claiming that one pi tbsir mmtpro­
aerieiiltnftil the party to come to various ft
Kuesis were gntbcrinF on the lawn, day ojHrned negotiations with the rell- ■of sereral of the alfalfa flelda ’ The gram of readings was glvsi and Us ber had been discharged far etretaatimit of tho .qnnotloo they would
and Five demonstrations of the «uw
hciior resnUs. Mnny fruit m< n do of alfalfa. Many who bnve been some­ .Mr. and ktrs. Robert Clow of Williams, road to obtain 29 cars ot the product rlctnref will be on exhibition Satur- most pleasing Csct was tbs presenting Ing a peiltl
burg, aectmimnic^ by their danghter. (or sale to coDKomers
of the tfareq hanks tn this to Mrs. Thadter hy Great Depoty Corn­ InMead of aeml-montbly. The bm pa­
l»ot consider how closely allied the what skepHcnl are now converted
.Miss Gladys »hF a duM. Then fol­ buihoL
Uerested In (be campaign
ier Jennie K. Watm of Frank- raded from tbe branch plant to tbe
two are. 'Famers ean sojr vrieji /or the faet that It U a<Rood thlajr
lowed the wedding march, and the
of bushels of pood old po­
urged to visit one of tbe banks
of the fnlly paid np i^d age main factory, where aboot 1» jolnad
Urn onAard* wlitcb arts a> a ferti­ have a portion of their farm wiUi
bridal pair, preceded by Rer. IHImn tatoes offered at 10 to 20 cenu a bosh- and admire the sr<>nes.
claim. Refieahmenuwbre served «Bd the strikers General klanager Oonn
lizer, and will KTOW until the cround crop that needs so little rare after
ilenedUi of WiliiamxbnrK. and attend jel in carload lots hare bone begging
Valuable Charts Uatsi;
Mrs. Tback* was prsaenled with a iKsntd a formal s
freeze, and Iheo can be jdiyed tinder it Is once (trowine and Ihe ground that ed by Mis* Rose l‘oIlet ai maid of
In the last (ew-^ys since growers
The large charts used by C. II
large birthday cake, wbkh
W. W. aglutors for tho present narem
for the iiCMertnir of the potato yield they do not wish to use In the erou honor, and Morley L. Tulford of Jackw'lio hehl thrm (or belter |«lei.-3 foun'd Icn In tllusirating his talk on alfalfa and paaaed to the company. A da- among the omptoyea. No attSBpt was
Mr. Pcrtls went Into Rfcatl detail andirotatlon. ss'this has never been eonbest man, eiiuTKed from the thenrclvee In conipctUlton with on In­ were a valuable featnre and helped llghtfsl nodal time was apent ior the made to Involvs th esaptayss of other
dOKribod the aaalysit of the dlSer- aldcrad In that c;Jr«r at aU.
bouse and took tlMIr places under an flux of MW poutnss.
matertolly In making clear and fizlbi balantn ttf tbs aftemooB.





















Gttai tmeneHerald ZZL^A‘Zr“u;.rZ
It tliEbtUt hit tatUe* aMm. Tbit coo«JltlOB h du**lo the tMt that Sew
Tofk U aUll ha
«ithh pantoan
spirit as it was a gen­
eration ago end the mae who elU In
high party places mnst obey (be cornids of the bosses or else Uke the
Mayor Gayi
ORAIN—TraverM City Mming Ca
Prices corrected everr day.
proved himself to be greater than Ms
party and now it remains to be
whether the Independent eleme:
the city srin take up bU cause and
heck bid for re-eleeeloa. Practleelly
the eame condition t'-to . confronting
Governor SuUer. who on arOunt of
GftAIN~HanMh A Lay CO.
bU strong flgbt for e direct primary
Prices eorrectod every day.
law baa gained tbe enmity of e Ian-,
wing of hUspaxty whUh ftlll adhcre
to tbe dark age methods ol Tarnman.'CRAIN.
Rye ...................................................... -Me
Hall. Wiib tbe loss or T>einocreii’;
eweaeo. June iT.-Wheat.-fflttr
Rrtcea eorrectod ev«ty gay.
support Roosevelt and bis larty are
coming to the asslatancc ol Sulaer In Torn. e:c. Onta II^c.
tala effort to put tbrough a meaaui
that wljl mean the death kpbU of the
partisan machines to the state. It' Is
BOV a fight between the progreeslvo
ot all partlea and the standpatters who cannot bear to
people get a hold upon the offices
which they have held down so kmg
by uneatJonable methods Tbe ma- Onlona .............................. i.BOe to Me
Chinee In tbe eUCe are atrongly en­
trenched. but for the good of the
people of the commonwealth It U hop­ ^'re-butter.......................«c
ed that Oorernor Sulaer end hit su|iporters will
to rout the old gang and give the ix><vple tbe rigbu which have been dented
them for to many year*.

foreign and Xfioai Markets

; ^ TT»T»raa t-Tiy.


nocAU) Ain> rasodRD CO.
OfiO. O. EATBS, ManaKlnc EdI
W. A. GIBSON, Editor.

SMIThd U weood-clm mattor
Mtfhh I, IMS. at the poatoSIro at
ITM Cl^, MIcb., Older the Act of

Offtaa, lii VraiA «. SoUiPhoMaZS


Um pM>»le nnd a smt deal of
pteaaere la tooklos npon the dark
'aite at cverr'^tBatlon that derelopa

^ b^Scotfe BmuUion wB
. pnmpdyrefimlkcaUaDd

*JlBe bnl as e real bartaeax by.liielf
Improve tke.Meck.
tf yonr stock It to jioor •ondiibro.
end using the commonest of buslscss
will •
prtndples In tbe woriang out of llic doernot iSrivc or look well.
|iaj- you to yet n- 2i-ct po.kaer "t
There Is no foodatnS In the pa* iuo:>-.
U Is all 'mcdtloe, every InrjvUli-i.t.
U-lng ebovea tor Ita beneficial . Fc-i
from the octagonal basin In tbe Jaxdln on the »i.,ma<+. Wood and boteis.
The BulwaJ in pTOves right from tindos Tnlleriea. Pirla. They were cn start an-l
rw-orers fl.-vb. sin).
exemplary couple: the male died ot Its and a t-riLhi glossy coaL J'llve 2.*.
rbeumatlam and hU widow of griet
• la. S-^oliI I.; all dru;:r1xia.

k ivl^7OT*trca|^(»

nn at thfe previous winter prunoml they .are ftmr and ono-balf
to ala feet bigli. from u-n to fwelvc
Inrhes should be cut off the t<ip of
each to throw out isKrals lsiJr>
hranefaea.) Tbe cut ot ten Inches
tore Is nccessar} to get sirnn:
and npright branches from ihr buds
below Uie ent.A tr^ is made, aa a man Is made.
I Its Infancy. Unleas the yonng
trees aiv correctly pruned from tbr
very rirst, .Ibey siddotn make wellabaped trees. On tbe other hand, a
badly Btnrted acton <«n be molded InI a fine tree.

Right in a Sense, '
tWauU having bee» made to tbs
Thg soman wbo boasts UmA ahebu
coDdlilona- of a certain mortcage dtithe beat of husbands U not wboUy to ed January 21.'r ' -----be believed although she may have tha
('ox and
beat of one.
Traverse riiy. Mkh.. to Agnea Plcroo
Pl«ce. which mortgage la reTo owners, lossessors or ccuplci l«rdrt in the oftir-e of the Register of
of land or any iieraOB or pert., nrt r>^8 for Grand Traverae connty.
or •-orjicration hiving rhnrgc ef ary Mirii, In Uber is pf mortgage on page
3ffS. and upon which there la cialmed
laniis in this itale;
to be due at the date hereof tbe so’m
la hereby given that all noxidiw «.f one l.uiidr-t i.nd ..igM u,;,i
dollar- (ft'is Tci. .and no suit-or rrow<-eds growing on any land in the ceedJag
.-.t I
• towDShip of Grant, county of Grand
recor. r i:
Traverso. or within the limit.; of nny to
montage c.
iilxliway |•as;:lDg by or throngli such fore
by virtue i,i th,
lands must l>e cut down and d<-iroyed
on or before tbe flrat day of July. A. toJned in said m«n
•ite in such case rwsd...
sad ptcrlde-l.
I).. nineteen hundred and thirteen.
Notir- ir iK-reliv
ikai m Mondsv.
. elt-n
Fallur-- to compl) with this noth
of Juiy.
i9is. at tea
bn or iM-fore the date mcinioticd t the 14ih dayt 'of
within ii-n days tha-rcafter shall mat o'clock in the forenoon, of that day.
there will t-e.aold at public aacUoa
> falling-liable
to the highest bidder at the front door
of the court boose tn Traverse Flty.
dilional levy of ten per
sii'b roM. to lie levied and collecte-I Crahil Traverae
the place where
against the intyjerty In the
Ics hid oud rol­ lourt for said <
l>re:nl-e* describ--l in m-.J i. .«Vi-:i;.lect.-d.
thereof aa mar be neces­
Iiai<-d June
sary to pay the amount due thereon
U h
with seven per cent IntereK and all
legal coma, together with ftriccn d«dlars attoriK'v let- ito-.IiI-! tor tn.-n-ti.,
Tbe premises d'-SfriW in "aid, r-nrigage end to he «old ere described aa
that parcel of Und alloattvd in Grand
Traverae county, Mich, bewlnning at
Dcfanlt having been made In th< a point tn rods north of the aonifar
rondliioas of a (-ertaln mortgage maito

looallr. aod the etrid
thoaa receive who an utIdc to brtog
a^ belter coadlUoiia wbea ther
approach .thia (loonr daaa putt minr
a worthr project to the h*d aad hamA report from Engidhd is to the etpare the npwth of the community.
r<<ct that there will be a heavy fa'iHng
™«n no Mee notbinx sood In
off In tbe fruit crop owing to a suj(t a hthdraBce to a cltj- for
mortality among honey tiees. In
he W a Wngorer from the dark e«ea
! scciloos the farm Ubon-rs are
aad fiaa M pUoe le the actlTltlea of a
said to be carrying jiollea from tree to
Knwtax aad piogreetlre commaaltrIretf using balls of cotton to enrry loOn the other band there It another
s purpose. This bringF'to mini
c^^who block the vbeele o'f derelclearly the Imponanre^ the liee in
br dlicooblenancint every
the economy of the orrbard and urge.t
I'te vbtA they cannot eee
niore sclentlMe stnoy of
J prdBl. and by eo doing wield
Some eaceilent rceulU nre going
sahjpct Tl»e fact stares ua in the
>n ^oenee which to detrimental to
fneo that you ran visit whole field in erse City, Ml.hlgan. to Nab' H. To- twelve In town twemy-aerm» north of
■4m ‘aty,*t'Iar*e. There to aUIl
range eleven west thence
certain counties m a bright day. and derwnod of the slate of New York north ten rode thence east fortytiel
tkird. hlement which thertobee I-. I now under way in this county, betight
hardly find'a bec on tbe honey [tow
aU Kood Ideal must be orto- eauae tt shows the farmers that those
rods, thence south ten rods, thence
laatetl by them and ttke do intelhat in from tbe city arc willing to pass
tbe west to place ofAGNES
anytl^ac that doet not bear their pri- along to them any Information which
county .of Grand Traverse and State
of Michigan on the elgliteeni]i day of:.
rate trademark. Iheae throe claaen they believe will prove of benefit to
February, ipoi. in IJbcr 4.'. of Morito be found in aU commnniilee both classes. There la no desire
Insect and Install a<'few hives or
funis Johnson of River i'alls. Wls..lln the pigs life If he Is not i
the pun or tb^ butlness men who are
tftlnesa addrm
that‘have not thorouchly eanghi
has Invented a h»g feed trough wllh|atulHed. .Always have the pigs e
I Sikh..
the date of tills notice the aura of
'iSdrtt of the tlmee and tbetr pretence barking tbe Campaign to force the
think of weaning sfHis do bring scallcrisg results, bnt thousand one hundred thlrt'-two
adjustable feeders; keeps tbe hogi|go»d liefore
I April !4. May 1. A S. M. 2
Wka like a wet bUnket upon more farmers to grow the crop, the origin­
<anmit be n-lied upon to do the work t«-en(y.t«o one-hundredths dollars and;
Ih. 5C. July », K 17.
from Inteflering. and ont *bf the them,
manta tor the seneral uplift of the al intmttloa btdng merely to show
the thousands of tree*, vtridi
attorney (m- ot thirty-five dollars
jehuianity. One of the eeaentlal ele- those Who hare bad no expeiienee In
filling up our aurrounding eonntics. provided
yvided fur'in
said■ mortiagp, liesldcs
It ■ Iho observation of ezperienred
««(..- taxes ic«-i.-(,ape(e-i uj«-u\iuiiuu , auu
^toeiitt of CBOd clttoenahip to a wlUInc- growing the crop aqmc of the iKMori
At tbe rereui Ifa-e coovcntlon
hog men tlml tbe little pigs take
having lieen made in th­
'hase to tend a band to any meritorione bllltles lU (Tiltivatloo bolds.(n aloVe
Id Traverse City, tbo direct relation' also default
ins of a ce-rtaln mortgage made
Here is a recipe for a warm bed for! noariabment from the dam about
prtoM that win improve ioduttrial for them. Progreas Is alva^a m^e
between bees and a fruit crop
h) said Joseph Wlllii-lm, Jr., snd Mary
mile pigs to winter; vis: Take a bar- Ury two hours and the feeder of very
aad BatodptLl condltiona. Thto to an by an Inler^asge of ideas, and tinclonfly shown. The writer oakp<1 J. M'Jlbelm. ills wife, to sold Mary 1;.
CndorwoiKl. dated the fourteenth day
axiom of pbUoeo^r that to not readi­ expcrlcBce of thojcampalgners yester­
ttncMions of the oSin-rs nliout
April. A. I>. ]f>n, and rerorded in
ly onderetood by tb^ propboie ol day goes to prove that the farmers ore old t«w.sack arross the mouth, fut'afti
iirofits iM-r hive or cnlonr.'and brought of
tlie office of the register of deeds for
a small hole in' It and put It In tbe experiments led him to the
Ktoosh but'to thorougbly understood willing to meet them halt way In tbe
the experiences of the members. the County of Grand Traverse afore­
that young pigs shnnlii be fed at least
by thoce wbo have their
I good profit could be shown in said OB the fourteenth day of April.
four times dally, given a little less
of mortgages on page
Bound aad their bearte aad minde who cannot *ee ihelr.way clear, to
handling them there would he the )!«oi. in LllM-r
If the brood sow has not been given each Hme Uiau they will readily eat
4M. on which mortgage there Is
Ken to coevtctlon and the call of the grow the crop, while there are others
claimed to be doc at the date of this
who wilt nnd that ft vni prove of the proper feed and care that will! up dean. If pigs are very yonng and
Btoft of derelepment. Socceet
The common testimony vraa a profli Botlre the sum of fixe lundred forty.;
enable her to farrow elrbug plga it is orphans until four weeks old should
one-huudredths |
acddered In nay line by looking on
of from 1800 to Itn.oo per colony In
likely too late to remedy that for t^xc^bc^fed * and 10 a. m.. 1. 4, 7 and iu
fore they should 1
the bright eUe of things, for the opti- ing their land up to a r*' ‘^cre
season, and there was no great dif­ d'dlara and sii attorney fee of fifteen!
•Wigfi. hirili of 1
lapring lliier. But see that afac hu a dollars provided for in said mortgage.*
inlet le the one whb been the call of it will be able to grow roUin£^'Ii£tps
at law
As they grow and increase In age
pen to herself ten day s before the^iga
mJ. Yoi
the nge nad aaea the poee^imUee n atler a few years growth of alfalfa.
and size conalderablc coarse food such
are expected. Lou of coarse
t tbe wo:ks of
n^m amreanafa. There to no fleM It Is . always tbe ones who se«
The time la certainly ripe for some moneys aeciircd by atid mortgages or
has proved desmtetive to lltUe piga as legume hay lalfalfa or clover), rape
either of them or any part thereof;
ter tha prophet ot gloom In thto mit- value of a new Idea first who
or roots, and (wo feeds a day should ne to test out the beg question tn and whereas the said mongkgee has
farrowing, so arrange to have
Mt c< toct world, for the acUridee the beneflu end IbU applies partinithen «ufDce. since coarse food rettaains a thorough manner especially as to been obliged to pay the taxes oo the
niher shallow nest.
are carried on by the ones wbo can larty to growing alfalfa The crop
their value in the orchard.
property hereinafter described for the
longer In tbe dlgeeUve tract '
reed the fntwre aad work with a willnot make fortunes for all tarmOf course we can say there ia pirn- years IPII and 1913, aiaonntlng to Ui'-;
Feed the little orphan pig about i
sum of three hundred thirty-two and
s|rtrit toward bringing to pass betbut It will help a Inrgc percentThere are different mclhoda of pr«- ' of fruit anyway, and there is nci sixty-six one-bundredtha dollara. and
y two hours in. the day and every
a^e for the tocaUty in which
of those located on tight lands
four hours at night. Tbe milk fed venting bogs rooting up tbe aod. Na- use tiothering about H. but a farmer which sum hli been paid by atid
and makb, them much better off should be sweet, warm, cienn and rich. tnre has provided tbe hog with the don't apply this argument to gros ing
reasonable amount Is planted for Tlie sow's milk romains more ereatn propensity- and power to root in the ■•ntatocs or corn.
mortgages and tn each of them. wLltii
feeding purposea It will imiie
Anfi remember wc are not n»
added to the smounii above stated
than cow's milk. When piggy geu old ground for a ^nrpose. It enables the
end that Is sought hr
the old days growing I'niit as a side makes a total of throe ibnnaand nine
la 'SHBc throngh the country It is those who own light Unds whicb ron- enough to crork^roro he wHl get along hog to eerure rooU and worms that
and sixty-eight one-tanndredtha dollars
thing to see a well kept not at tbe present Ume be nsed in very well on skim-mtik. but nol be­ his system needs and demands, nnleas
due at the date of this notice. Now.
Spraying pays. Spray
they- are supplied with a anbetllrte.
therefore, by vlrtoe of tbe power
orchard, aad }«*t acroee the fence profiubly growing rouUo^ crops, hy fore. We never made a snccees of
your fruit trees this yearof mie ranlalned In said mort­
rnlaing <he pet pig until we were Tbe hog (hat geU digested tanksge
SSbtBer that to grown np to weeds building up'ibe soil end at the
gages and in each of them and, „aod get your pay in an
does not need worms, and loeee this
Bad gran and the hrenehee filled Ume paying good reluros on the time careful In tbe feeding.
Biatnte In aneb rase made
foz Istoata aa4 ChildnoL
appetite and great dcalre to
rovided notice la hereby given ^buBdant crop of perfect
with worm beeu and fungus. The and labor ai<eni In eecoifUig a seeding.
which (he bog deprived ot Unkage or
Start the young pig to eating
poorly kept orchard Is a menace
Tboso who take up lu culture should
ugusL I9!3. at t I o'clock In the
other Bimliar feeds bankera for.
the one that to caretuUy looked after be very careful in accorlng seed that aoon as yon can aad give him plenty
Let us figure with you
After a rain tbe worms surt up and
of range. There is not much danger
aa to aJQ othen to toe rleini- ia true alfalfa for a wrong start with
on your spraying needs.
the ground is In splendid condition for
‘ka.j man who to fortunate inferior seed will not only discourage of overfeeding a young pig If he baa
plenty ot room to travel, but tf abet the old sow- or other twigi to rip up
Ume aod
tooagb to peeeeBt aa orchard in thU tbe grower, but put tbe crop in dis­
nice sod and make a bad appearance
Grand Traverse, and State of Mlchk
up in a close pen don't feed bim
ALVIN H. GRUBER. Funeral Director
repute in tbe enUr^
I that being tbe place where tbe
aa well na damaging It badly. To preand Embalmer, 3i: South 1'nlon St. rircttlt Court for tbe said Cooniy of
fwep H to Bhape. tor It to not only
Mneb inferior need in being palmed
Ibls occurtng we are forced
Hra. Nellie Pratt. asslnanL Cits, Grand Traverae U held) tbe pretnises
aource of pront to him to do eo. but off upon beginners,and too
$1.00 rebate for return
pbone YTS. We irrat )-ou aa we deacribed in eaid tnortgagea. or ao
Weaning time la an Important part ring our bogi.
Moonragee otbere to kMp theirs In Uon cannot be used :n this regard.
would wiefi to be treated.
of barrel.
much thereof aa may be neceasan' to
propel condition. The spread of the Buy from a reliable dealer who not
pay tbe amount dne . on said mort­
$4.50 per one-halfbarthat eatorpUtor ead other ineecU and' guarantee the ffuallty end stand back
gagee or both of them and the taxes
rel. (25 gallons)
above mentlooed with
lleeaeee eonid be curbed and finally ot bis warrant.
_____ . . for atoroa*
interest and all legal
75c rebate for return,
mndlcatad if the fruit growers would
nerves. rlrculeCion. lameneso. etc. with the altorney fees of tUlny-flve
lYof. Hubbard, Steinberg Ulk. Clu. and fifteen dollars, reepectively, ns
of coritainer.
five the attatlon to their trees that
may 13-Smo*
provided by law and as covenanted
their value desenrei. but It will uke
Smaller quantities
for in said mnrtgagea and caeb of;
a campalga of edneatlon before ell
down 10 quarts.
them, the prciniaea being deacribed
will b« made to realize lbe"Tmport Welsh Heme Rvit Sill Has Radical
follows: Premise* aitnated in
Arsenate ol l^nd
aaee of each action. A well keprvr-:
y of Traverae i
lu any quantity. Price
ehard ia a better toveetment than a!
WANTED—Dean acreage. Free seed Grand Traverae and (
according to quantity.
London. June 17.—The' uonien-of
bank, but tberi are many who have
fnislsbed on tbe first thirty acri-s
IrlaiOD ot tbe vil­
not come to a reaMaaUoo ot what an Wales soon will get the vote, if tbe
Bine Vitriol
The horticulturist urges regular and
lage. BOW clly. of Traverae City, ac­
A cultivated orchard offers less
meb ll-tt
by Welsh Radical mcmaaeet they hi^ on their fema aad
cording to the recorded plat thereof.
By tbe pound or by
syatemallc pruning of the orchard «-hancc tor harmful inaecia than one
Dated at Traverse City, klicblgan.
aetfect their trebe nntu to a few bera in (he bouse of oominons. provid­
WANTIOi—Competent and
experi­ May
L^ us fill
yeara Ume they have nothing left but ing for home rule in that in-lii<i|iallty Just as omphailcally as the entomolo­
enced girl for general houte work.
PUnl enough cherry trees so there
your spraying order.
should become a lav. arcorditig (o' a<l- gist nrgea thorough spraying. Heavy
Flrat class wages.
Mrt. L. F.
a hare Reid where an on^rd
Tllue, 447 Websler ti. may 1-tf
Ootriobal It takes conatent and In­ V ocalcs of the meaettre wbo Imlay 1m- pruning of old trees does not usually will atm be enough fnilt after tbe
birds have taken their share.
an active campaign in the InterAttorneys for Mortgagee. '
telligent work to keep np an orchard
become neceeoary when each aeason
■ainera Addreaa: Traverae City.
ot their |M't firojecl. The meas-.
Plan to set out at least a few trees
to the maximam predeedng point The
Traverse CHy.
a further extension of after planting, moderate, careful prun­ every aprlng.
AaJeHty ot the frvH growere
ly 13 23 29 June 5 12 19 2C Joly Z
' I to be tree nad aegleet nothing tbe policy of autonomous borne gov- In extreme eases where earlier prenBy tbe “Ka-oiar- method I can rw
Initiated lu tbe Irish home,
t will
Ing haa been mwtected. and tbe time
without palm end without the use of
toetr trees. On the other hand there rule, bin and followa closeb' tlic lino
when a serions peat Infecta fiotaab and a IKUe stobic manure.
of (he Scottish hotne rule hill recently,
drugs to produce onconerionsness.
to 'aadther elaae who think that all
There are four dlallnci reasons tor ■Peotae of nerrous tempetament aod
under dlsruMlon In the bouse of rotn- the orchard, else the apraylag In bll
they have to do to to net out
with week hearts wtli apnrerlate ibt
moDs. AoeoMIng to the terms of the
trees and unUre unaided will do the
method tof palnleee exiruc
back for the purpose of causing the
Welsh home rule bill there Is to be a trol this pest.
PM 0gm
Tliis 2’i/II. T. Casolinc Engine combince
leet The reauU’ of thto practice can
ichea to grow out directly below- Uon.
Many striking exampM of this re■ingto chamber parliament In Wales,
beseem on every band by taking a
g]) tbe {Tooti |KiinU of the best constmctioti.
the imperlil parlb-| Ution between prnnlng,And spraying tbe cot: second, cutting back for posi­ 20L208 Wilhelm Btoek. with Dr. Holts
trip into the eonatry. it to hoped that
worth. Traverae Ctty. Mtehlgim.
m.enl. for whose eighty uemWis w-o- were observed to erebards where the tion: third, cnttlng back for strength:
Fur iiili-riiii'ttoDt work of all kinds, Rich u
the Ume wOI noon eome when ell fnSt
men may vbte nndcr the same condi- leaf-roller haa been doing so much fourth, cnttlng back to tndnee fruit
operatinff ocnlrifogal pnmjw. uw riga, elec­
treat will be.kept op In proper ahape
o check cxccsaive growth. The^
tk>nt as
Tbe apportionment Is damage of late yeara. Where trees
tric pcncnitnr*. epray pompk, etc., it ii onaad even the treee along the road and
fliwt three pruntogt have to do with
hare been aRowed to grow
totouh patches wlU be kept tree :
cxccllrtl. Hit and miss goTenor really regkO.tMO
lahabftama. Twemy-thro.y) normal belgbt and the npper branches ;tho shape and.on'.y perform their pur-|
the tweets aad fengna that l) a
WeUh tnemhlfa wfll be seut
have not been reached with the spray, poee when done in tbe winter. The
tdatc* the load. It outclaases them aU on
■toat menace to an abnadant aad imperial parilaineM 'ob a basis of one
they hive lost a mnch higher per- fourth is a mU-summer or Jater prun­
regolation. Heavy c>-Iinder proridea for
prodacave.fnU ctop.
tnember to every IMAM inhabitants centagk of their foliage from the at­ ing. OntUng back for branches U
st-Tcral roborinpt. Drop-fwgod crank shaft.
laatead et M.OM Of at present.
tack ©fW Urrae than branches low­ the most Important for the reasom.
AU working parts accaratcly machined to ^
er down where spraying could be more aa by Ita practioe tbe tree's atatnre
tbomandth of an inch and positiroly interand
beareaaOy done. This same condition hai
fUactae Gaynor of New Tork baa the
<5L Phone 48». Bell 130.
|dete ready to nn.
Apitoktoa of being e man without ao0w QHfWPeM Powean fw tUAra. a very often been observed where codl­
ing moth was the |>eet sprayed fot To build a heavy, stiwtantlti skeleton
Every engine fol
1^ jthtr to back him np to hto work,

Instead of leaf-ioRer. It muat bold work should be tbe primary object
ay to aal torn np tor r«leclk» when
' Ito term of attoe axplran. While be
eerond r third year's growth, ohly
wbetber it fe«ds on tbe bark, fruit
Traverse Clly, Ifleh.
haa bean mayor be bu dared to es^
HoKier Cooled
the main braachee or leaden betog
fbUege. U It ia M til ^rtienL
t«i pwp HTMEt th carrylag OD tba

AlliHi Cmpiifii







Wail’s Drag Store

PRIC E 'n>e Litfle Wonder





euiD niATBSB Emus uxo •aoirtm bA7 zaolx, tboisdit. ima u, i9u








DIE snu Dffaflis HIS dure


Aceitfam Oceurrvd Near Kal
r Train Roahed
Into WmE Train Standing
On a SMIne

KaUmaioa'' Jnne-18.—One man
kaiad. ttirae win die and
aevnre iajartea today whon a north'
bound Lake Shore paaaetiRpr
c.aabcd Into a work train on a aldlns
juat north ot here. E^neor littenc'
yntl of Elkhart. Ind.. wna lostaoU}
killecL The Injured were ruahed »o
Ualamazoo boapliala.
Conductor Cook of tlio
train, receivod a frartured akutl whan
be waa hurled Ibrousb tba duor ot
car ai d tt^y die.
The Injured arc; Condurtor Codk.
ntglneer of wwk traln._ oanio un­
known. Ice broken and Internal InJurlea; Mra. IVum Iluoticy. Sherwood.
Xleb.; Bradley > Puller, Cleveland;
William Wadel. addrons unknown
Mra. Rebecca WdaU. CJevcUnd; \V. 8.
Godfrey. Grand Raplda; O. Van
Coerdy, Cleveland; Mra. Karl ITaltj■ well. Cleveland: Mrs, II. Arthur,
Cleveland: tlirfs Younc. Kalaznasoo.

Ouetes Taft's Report and Says That
Medical Profession Will Yet
Acknovriedgs That His
Claims arc True.
New York, Jane iT^rlT. Priedmanti.
whoJo arrival hero In'^dmwp^ with
R puriiortcd cure for tubcn.-ulosis, auu
siirred up the wildest disrussiuD
medical circle*, sailed today for
many. At the pier he gave out a siaivctent declaring that Ills time here r
Weil Hk) nhort lojouvc hi* rlailu.^.
The rcjiorl nia-lv oli palltiii* ire
ed b> him Id New York prove* notiiIng. Crlcdraann declared. bcimiA<' tin v
Itwcatlyaied after the jiatleniA
had tvcMverl only one iro.Tinieiit.
“MaTy mravaimm and euRReiaii'l
lalinfi have l»een lni|ruied tn me wtrt< h
never made," said I-'rlodtnanu. "Tlicclaim* I make for nty remedy are e.
talned in cv-ITealdcnt Taft's report
the senate. 1 rc|K-ai these rlalui* aud
hate no doubt that in a abort la-rioil
the medical fratcTnlty will aeknuwledge Ibcm.”

Now For The Big Clothing Event
Beginning Saturday, June 21sL
^ Several Hundred Suits secured from prominent Eastern
Clothes makers. Didn’t need the suils, but prices were so
thing Event in every sense of the word. Take the 2 groups
at $7.95 and $9,45 for examples. About 300 men’s thoroly
up-to-date suits in these 3 groups alone! Wonderfully low
prices tempted us to over-buy, hence these July prices in June.


At $7.95 are Hen’s and Young Men’s Suits in Cheviots,
Caesimeres and Mixtures, Plenty ol Blae Sernes arc inelndedl
Norfolk Models; aU sizes.

The Suits at $9 45 offer choice of Swagger Norfolk models
lot the young fellows; sack suits in Soil Roll English models as well as the regulat, more consetvaUv'
styles. The fabrics are pore wool; silk sewed tbruout; thoroughly well tailored.
SUITS WORTH 16..«>0 to $27 at
f 18.65, $14.90. tt6.S>. and S19.S0
They eocne
tu lineal worated*. serBca. catvainmic* ami Scotrhc*.

Beet Sugar Irrtcrests Made Specialty
of Having Threatening tetters
Written by Constituents of
Unatog. Hkb.. Jane 18.—Nearly
New Rcprcseritativefc
foor tboosand vederans of the dvll
war today, marebed In the' aBBual
Washincton, June 18.—Sugar pnw
Parade of the mnd cmanipincni of to'.ien iDlerrkIs inude a fluai di’aiwrtbe UicblCBo G. A. K.. Jt was tbe Ur
cITorl today to rate from i-ubtlr
feature of tbe oneampnem and vl>' cviK>-iire si-cliuU-of their lepublleaii
Hon were crowded Into tbv rlty from eumiialEii lilleni. <'a>;n*erTor Ihc »trtevery corner of the aUtc to witaea*


TTevtoat to the parade, tbe old aoldlern reecKad tbclr official velomte
to lAUlng by Mayor Raner wlio de­
livered an addrea.s at the public exetdaea ax the MaKonic ferajdie. DeSpliUne re
aponded for itm aoldler*.
The anmul couvemluD of auxiliary
orders opened tfal* momlDE at tbe
- state house,’ the ladfi-* of ihc^G. A. R.
meeting In tbe *enaU- clinmbor and
tbe W. R. C. In Rin»rcscatativc hall.
Commaaderln chief
Beans and Dei»arttncni Oommaadcr
Splllane and staff will be
a recaption in the parlors of tho Hotel
'Denny tbU cvcBlng by the W. R. C..
following which win occur the (i. A.
K. eamp fire. Governor Fcrri* will
-be one of tbe spenken.


Otteman Long on I
Moet In Handing Owt Real

I'arli_ June !«--Eai1le Vedriiu*.
brother of the famous airman Jules
Vi-drloe*. today renrived his Olsry
for hi* son tccs as alf swot for Tur-'
key In the Ralkan war. dtniag irtileh
be was a donen fatm Urn objoct of
Ibn allle*' lung range guna lie was
several Hmi.* nc^r dtsatli. Once be
was sIlxIiMf woiiaSSd wbes be flew
over a HslniHan i«Uery. Ilia work
was a greet aid in many InaUnoes to
tbe Turha Tl.o iwy ho got for Ills
three or four mouths' work today was
joal WOO.
“TTic Turk* are poor pay,” aald
Vedrines today, “and lH nerer wo^k
for Umm again. They agreed to pay
me 810,000 but when the time came
»re me a promIre of |<oo. RewHy.
I’m lucky to get the Wup.
tbe epmander of the *coiit cruiser
Hamldlch; tbe only Turk ship that did
anything during (be war. l* an Amurlean and that they have promised him
a fortune,lor bU great work. 1 hoi>e
be makcs.tbe Ttjrks—what you call It
—c>wgh op. better than I did. tir'd
bettor take a Up, os you say, from
me. and mU Iuo port with bU frans
loaded and tarn over hit romi
after be
been paid orerythlng
wvw^ing due



oppuruinltlc* in fliio blue

Suit* that wc-rr IntomltHl to acll ai liG.:>o to.



II Judgiitcni and acnac of value will do tbe rest!

" 39c 0



A small lot of men's
suits, formerly $8 95. $12
and $12.50.
Medium andlight jpol


M..I A


log of the >onv*|>ODdonbv seir.ed li»
the (vmimUiee at the be« sugar prodn-Trs' besdniiaticrs here.
hours df executive sessioii. however,
the rominlitee voted to continue *tu
reaibthc b-in r*.
tine of iIm- tcirgrsips read wsv snii
. F. A. fJillerple. Garden tliy. Kan
*a*. and algneO by C. l'. Hamlin, fm
chairman of tbe executive com
iiiitlr*! rll the l>ey>l itigar prodiinTs'
wK-lalion. w-a* a.n foilow'*: “Write me
furiv nlKtol your new eongre>>*uiaD and
how lie ean'lipit Ic reached. Have a«
many Irticr.s sent as iiosslbl*. I.eiUnlen Thit 1* Granted They Threaten
ter* tp jour new congressman Trots
to Demand ElghPHour Day and
*nb; tauUal dcmoc.rals arc very dcsiraCall .Out the Other




—Steaa for regular built men; for Ull, allm ihm; for
aimit men; nuKieh. <v)lorx and paiirm* for men of
ci.-ry build and tawc. A aplrndld abowtng of
MOPI-X^; buElneea null* and S and S^iicce

— In Jualicc to ytturBclf-SJie TIHL'iK sriTS-;Your

Camp nre Will Be Held Tbia Even­
ing With Speakers of Note

2-buUon. 3-button and

Suits that were 813.50, $ig, S16.50 &S20 go at SQ45



Suits that were $12, $12.50 and S15 go at $795



Wagon Drivers Threaten




-.ilpcinunil. June IP—Tbe lee wa­ ATTORNEY FOR COAL BARONS
gon driver* ami bcl|HTK of rtita city
tonight voted' to go on Miike iMjgInnine tomorrow. The striki-m claim
that lilt y will l-nve too men In their
rwuk* and that the wtrike will pmrtically paial.vxe the dellveo' of.Ice.'
Tltc men are asking an Increase In
wage* and other cuncesslons whirh SENATOR MARTINE SCORED AN
the iec maker* and deUve'ry coippanle*
have refused tn 'gram.
Both atdea have agrn-d that hociu
lal* and ’eharita^le inatliutlons shall
FOut Part That There Wem
l«e supplied. The Hty MfieialB are
No Scuvage Facimics in the
preparing to take a band In the strike
DUtrict Affected by the
if It becomes very serious.



CharieMon. Jun<
verital controversy between Senator
oihera Joining hourly, tbe police today
Martlne, of New Jeraey and ileueml
prepared for aeriuiis trouble. Minor
C. f. Waits,.eounari for U^e West Vir­
dlKurik-ra were ataried today after the
ginia coat operwior*. during ywhlcli
atrlker* claimed (uounted jvollce bad
bitter peraonalliles were indulged in
charged into a xmms meoting of strlkmarked today's scaaion.of tbe senate
plant 1 of .tlio Studebakcr <v>rAlpena. Mich.. Jute IS.—The Al­ xtrlkr. Senator Martlne examined
puraihm. Itnvld Kinlimait. an I. W. W.
pena police depanmept opened war to- phyriclan rngnrdjng aanllary condlorgMtAzer. was arrested.
Pari*. June i;. A niourur’ banlliouannd gtrlkens participalod day os aulomohUo and inotorcjcle!**"'”'
iH and rcvcpiion, il.wati anuouiK t*!
Tbe pollm Perce waa In-,*’'^
In ‘B big parade tliia tn'irnlng. Strike
t<*la>. U iM-ing iilaimedtIn honor of Lders are^d lb.t enuX^rt o U.^
In the entire dl.sthe American romiii'imlun mis t'liirliig
Kuroiic InveMlgatlug the various
locL "I demand that-you cease (bis
'Tvdii *>.'tem*. Till! coiiiiiiiHbion exbrowbeaUng of witnesses." be yelled.
nrociu, ol th,«
h.™ do.I— '■'»»
■ ■*>’
I<ect!. to realh Paris about June 19.
DM Itl. .uumcm.
ID. poll™ d™ ttoi .ho "The tari that y'ou are a senator gives
A <tiniiuliie>- eorii|io!(«.s| of nily-onc
)on no riijlii to be the osar."
Sirtk, ™ dccHTOl lod.j- H.l udKd» ™'“
>**» SWwiUU
of the n.nvt proislmni men lu F.'dh'xMartlne moried shariily and (be
till, denund fur woelUy p«- WM dWroiwded
.....................arrange .. wel
two engaged In a bluer diatoRue. Tkc
roi^ which will sunars la eordlalliy apeedily gnmted. they would denaad
coal operators today brought forth tt^veight-hour day nlao, and call out
Wy yet given the Americans In cllles
witnesses to glvg denial to the
they have i<revknisly vHIted. Tla- every auto worker in Uetroll.
xorland on December IS. IS-'.S. and charge that operators were responsible
commltb'e U headed hy bononiry inxswith a voo' nad death thronxh for tite iwlgnot (orror in tho nine dis­
Id-nls. Ilie*e lieing Ktleniie t'lemonlcl.
Ui^ Interrcnticm by otber
Jennie Miller waa bom at Cyi- an aeeldent near Traveme City. Mich­ tricts
minister of agrlcuhui'e: Geontr Pal
a pivvented a
1st right
Mantlne. Midi.. August 2. 18uA In igan. June 13. 19IS. n-arbtng (he age
lain, governor of the Itank of Fniii<«,
between Mnnlne nnd Quinn Mbrton'.
Deremlier of the year lisT7 die was of 09 years and alx monUt*:
and Myron T. Herrick, rmted 8iaic*
who was
ualtTCl In marriage to John HeICcricb united In marriage wtth His* Kath­
ambassador to France. Others s-rving
erine Feller, March 1. 1878. Thla later examined. In the midst ot dis­
tho eomniliice.are Senator Vlscr, of Old MUsIub. whore she tiad resid­
order lire committee adjourned.
farmer nilnlsier of agiicalltire. ij«,» ed for ilic last :G years. To Uidr union was blessed with three children,
one son and two daugbttr*. May IT.
lirostdent of the NaUonsl Federation UiiloD five children were bom. WU1882, he was married a sseond Unw
of Co-o|ieralive Agrfeuhiiral lioaii*: liata of Semitic. Washington; Frank of
Jules Ilcnard. regent of thu Bank of Traverse rUy; 'Mr*. Minnie Rokcx of to Miss Ilosina Krapt to which onioa
France; Fernand Uuvld. former min- Grand Rapid*; Earl and Mlsi Blanch were bom aeven cliildreci. five
dangbtera. Both wive* and
istw'of n^eoUur^."aiTd jrri^bleni ol i***®
‘^fl with
a big cxkoporative farm loan bank. AH
husband to mourn her departnre. two aona precooded bhn la deatbMr. Btralt came to America about
the other member* of the reception!®*'®
I'roU'crA one In
HlnncapolU, Juno )8.-Prank KinroJnmIllee are 'elibcr presidents or
**“> .“n®
ManUtoe and 38 years ago residing at Una. Ohia
vice presIdenU of «M>i*ratlve nird
‘n Travome^City. She and after a few yearn moved to licm. lakL fireman, waa killed, and seven
departed thU life at h«ir bdm at Old Indiana, and from there to Tmvene others badly hurt U a fire which dor almllar InUltaUon.
•troyedvthe tUOJMKi North high ndtool
en days ot InvssUgsUon here Mission on the evening of June 12. City. Mlrtilgaa and vielblly.
He was a member of the Bvangell- today. Tbe firemen were eanght ona will leave on July 8 1918..aged CG years, ten montbi and
der UUUg walls.
for liondon. Where more eeterialu- 10 days. The luDcml sorvlce* wwe cal cbnrrti.

WE FfflBUR nilEO

Fonr sons mad four daaghtera and
immt and IntfstigatloD twalia the held Dom-the home Sunday mnming
Ameriian* will
conie'd,*®** o'clock. Rev. Oeo.
tiiomlKrto. The
___ __________
....C. Tliomp_____ , , seven
. _ _grandrUMdren
to France after vlalUng iUly.
offlclaUng. The beautiful Bowers,rolaUvea arn left to tnonm his dogar}, Austria, UenRur dad Runrta. at !uid Urge nttmber of friends from; parture. Funeral serrloen wore hOM
an of which places they wW hsve tiedr and ^ bespoke ot tbe mruen U IWesday moralag nt the Bvnnselkid
been recMred
officUl* *hJch ahdxwis held. Bortnl was at ekoreh, P. R. PX*ly dWrfnHitg Tbn
reeMrei by tbe blghen

niurmm vw dtOBkvwl.

Dleoevety VnimMe to Brtenon,
A Oermas chamUt recenUy dlsoOF
nred That the extract ot the akin of
red radtstaea U aJeObol U men aemritlve te adds nnd nlkhUa thnn Htmnn.
tiBwilu. or nny of *the
■MBr M8d inAMetM

For the Work-Home.
Therebondre.!* of ilillc thlugu
U.lch dlake for the welfare of
working. Imrae-UtUe tblaga which any
ciilvcr i-an do II be takes an inlcresl
in fats team and wbicb common scase
rimuld Iiarh him to N- right. Gi«v
the hard-wurked horses ever}- nitenlion po**ihle. aud they will amply re­
lay .'Oil lor the Aouble—Horse IVorld.
Tile bi-*l policy Is to be Uud to the
horse. Kcnicmbcr that be Is a dumb
animal. IVic'S-cxiicct as much under­
standing from him as jvni exi«ci of
men.’ Remember that of all tho ani­
mals which aid man. the horse is tbe
osefuL Give him credit lor thalDon"( think him mean, for nnlit-j
made so by man. be seJdom is. Don't
IitinUh him for ever)- wrong he doea.
lor pDsoibly (hey are not so Intended.
ptil yourself la his place, and
don't torget-thai be Is a sUve.
tie kind (o him, nnd see for your­
self if your srork doe* not proi'ccil
moiv smootlib'than.ever belore. Fol­
low the Golden Rule and (real your
horse as you would wish' him to treat
you If your iwaltlons were reversed.
Investigate for once and you rill
iii'vcr say again that kindness docMi't
—Indian Farmer.
Saturday night or Sunday fronting Ic
a good time to give (b« homes a bran
nui*Ii. This will put them in sbaiic
for Monday ntomlng. when the
week's work begins.
Hay is a pood feed for bonea
dou'i li) to make them live allogetber
liny. It Is mtnMIpatlng. Kalance
the milon with something (bat will
act as a loxaUvc.
A Kiliition of six percent of copper
aulphnip. used as a spray. Is exceUen'i
to elesm the water trough,
the green reum. the minute thrend-Hkc
It has been Renerallr obaerred that
wire aereeas serve iwtber to keep
file* in- a suble than to .keep them
Stock ;
Ing the win.
■low. and then nailing laths or strips
-oed. six or eight Inches apnrt.
across (be oiienlDg of the windowframe on the oyulde. Then at the
top of each frame on the Inside a cur
tala ol some cheap burlap or gvnny
sack Is tartced. the height nnd arldth
ot the frame. The atrip* of wood pre­
vent (be curtain from blowing out­
ward. nnd tber^we. sa' tbe curtain
moves to and fro. it is blown tnu
Tbe Inserts By toward tbe opealac.
nnd ns tho cMln drops back tt <BF

C|S« «h» Ml «1» Jk Ih» BMW «

may be nppUed to tbe stable door.
The door may be removed and a skeiotoD door, Stt<^ wUh crosspieces, put
Owners who have tried tbt* metbod
claim that In a bbori Ume after the
horaes bare been lakes Into the bam.
there will scarcely be heard the'stamp
of a boor or tbe swish of-a tall.

weighing 1600 pounds. The risks are
too great to use llgbtar marea. .
Gel lYof. James Law's books on vet­
erinary science nnd atudlea. Tbe
books can be ordered at publlaher'a .
prices. There Is a great deal to be
iMOiad In tbU way-«nd many ani­
mals saved.^
Hre-proof sublee are now brtag
bum. Overfaesd tbe a
l^tbe apaCM AIM in WUh
oindcra and lime. wUb as Iron door, so
that fire win Bot peBStrate to the
apace rtiove.
<oDs now eat away the
tlch canso ranting. They
gl>e the horse a narcotte whkh t
him qnlet while the (
place. . The scar U aU^
The horse should have • lick oT aatt
whenever it Is wanted.


PROPan dawse iseTT
Uveaterti Wars
• and TN
Killed and Tel
graph Wire* Am Down hi

Storm's Track.
Cleveland. June 17.-8*v*^ ttws*
*0(1' tboosands of dolUrs wwth ml
liroprrty damage was the toll Of BB
elecirlcai storm -which ww^ <3tao
from the northwest to the gonthMM
corner early today.- At Toledo win
man wna killed V Ughtnlng and B
woman seriously injured. Ctae WM
killed and tour hurt at Mnrloa. Oepn
tbe exteoLot amtd tfm-

Band doaan and
ffnph wlfwg





Kingsley Department
CoiidBCtcd by Miss Jessie Bowdeiu
The people of Kingsley end the $
eowtty ere ell Intereeted in thi* Depertment.
We ehidl be ^ed to beve individnele, cbvrchee,
the Orenfc, freternel epdeUes end ell other orgesieetiont bend in itemt of newt, pereoneb,
niiBonncement* of meeting^ notices of enterUlnBunte, business chenges, public improremente
done or eontemplete^ eeles of reel estete
in town or country, end eny other items of generel interest. ■ Send ell items to ISiu Jessie
Bowden, who has charge of the Department.—
Editor Herald.
KIiunl«y. June It—Mr» Ppntoli. dauKbicr l.mlle. were Traverae tlly
tin. Effle HroveMn •!»] Mn. S. Sor- viaiiore Wetlneaday.
esMii vrrr amoiis Tnvrrsc I'Uy vi»Hell »lerrm «a« a Klosalcy ei^Ilcr
Hon WedDCMUy.
Row BowdoD •a» a Kiocsic)' vlotior
Mr. and Mra. Kll Ilowcll wer<- vUliWedoesJav atloriwoo.
on- Of Mr. and Mra.. Peter Mmli. 8r,
Ulw Mary .Croiiktiitc went to Sit:n- Sunday.
nit niy W<<diinH)a>. wbm.alir
Joliu llowden waa a Klnnalry entlpecta to do aooir acmlBR before iviuni- or one day laal week.
ing to her home.
-Mra. tledrce Weldoer of Sitmnilt
Hr. and Mrr. Ell ilowcll «t SunV leti Tucaday (or a tdirti In Canada. Her
nil Oty vUiiod Traverec City *thr clauebter. I-oulse. of .Manlou. will acfliwt or tbc week. They brotMbi their «-urii|iaoy licr.
KienddauEhtar. Irene, hone wliii tbeui
-Mra. J- A. .MrCarthy la eoiiflued to
to upend the auninier.
.her ImhI with an nti.tch of rbeunuiijMii.
Tbe May friends of Mlw nanb. - l»r. C.vrsi>n haa cone to Uay city for
who tauithl the second jirinjSry ro
a ten day»‘ varntlon. lie will visit
here last »1nter, are auriniwii
Ann Arlior sn<l IX'troit before riturnbear of her marriage. John .Miiriiby Inp.
of Elmwood ii tbe hai*iiy man.
Mr*. A. II. Hackman left Thursday
o ,Mr. an
for Ilntchoster and olhej intiii!! for
an evended vjsii with reUlhea.

eld. June 'll. a ftirl.
Hr*. Hcnn' Kieacr of NVatervlici
Frank .M.vdiaon and'aon Georc of
MIcb.. U vlKlilnp lier te.reno-. Mr.«acd Trs»er»c ry> are In the vlllaec niakMri. Peter MutU. Sr.
Ina reiuilr* to the John McCarthy resThe Ice (rer>m Mttini held at Fiini- 1detlc<-..
■U City lart ^rf<lay cvenln;: «aa very
hati MiM>re letiimed to hi* home In
• well attended.
(iwo*H<i. Monday afur ri«ndlnE »ev.
' Jeraie !to*d<
e::il wiih hU niirle, Ciaudf
wHb her faOier
.I'lhn and Marlin Itrown. l•o<:I of
N. J. Wyckoir of Suiniall riiy went
SB Trarerae City Tuc-.v.'oy. wlHrc
Ja'kMtn. Were the ruesi* of Mr.i. E.
purchased a liorae and Imay' .' wlij'ti' II, Chaiifiv.
he drove iHinii- tn'th<* a(tert»>oii. KbI nairouly eKca|M>d .v'Tioiis
Seely Cronkbitc tvaii a Sntni.iit City Injury Thursday moiiilni;. While takoe'ler Monday- •
l:i'e eatc >d hi* t.-am one of tlieiii klehC arlea Wood reiurtMd to hb Inine <•.1 him. Iiui he was far potninli away
M Summit City Tucada> «v«-nlni; II lf*i that h' did nrit cel the full l<iric
. haa been working in tlic ifH>er i>ml: ur the Ido*. One af tho feel
{ him In the lireatu .and the othc^ (
Mrw. Fee.-Mr^. XclHe Stnrrr =r. flh< >houldir.

Fife Lake Department
Condocted by Mlts Mae Dewey.
We want to make this Department of the
greatest possible ralne to all concerned and ta
this end request that all items of personal and
general interest be sent to Miss Dewey to be
incorporated in tbc Department. Wc especially
ask that churches, fraternal societies and the
Orange furnish items of interest in their respec­
tive organisation^ Mews of, social events and
entertainments, im'provements being made or con­
templated. and bnsineu changes and transfers in
real estate in town and- country are especially
acceptable. The above applies not only to tbe
village of Fife Lake, bnt to tbe surrounding
country.—Editor Her^d.
nit I-Akc. JuiK- IT.—<•! lldri’i'ii Di.y
escrrliK;i were held st the .M. E.
church OB Snods}. Juue JTdh. luvocatloii WBk
b> 'Kev. lhil:v-r. 71i>'
pruRiam, ronkltilr.K of'reciiatiuiik,
erclMw'and cloi^oe by tiu; dltlcrvui
cU.sev was a d<.'cidc<f kuo-i-sK ia
way, esi>«c!aU}' ti e lUlulmw cxurisf
With 8 soBR and the oxci'-ix-oi luur of
She little lot* wa* Riiwri; ari'ri.'iUivd
by tbe audience.
RevKal aorviecs will tomme^ on
Toekdar etenbis. June Iti. si Hit M.
E. church.

1*. T. I’ctenwD liua Just iKirchaMjd
new car.
Armor Frulick retum<;d Monday
from Grabd Uuidil.-', much iiujiruved
In hcallh.,
David M'eltb raiiic over from Travorwo City vn Filday to atay with Ills
tarl HatlenBcId wait lo PHtaburR.
l-a, Friday. ^
M'ln. CreRo and I. II. Bonncll re­
lumed from Tiwrcrae t’iiy Wednes­
Mra. Ja*. TcarlionC* liouM.'hiild
Mr*. H. I-. IxTlur ii-hiiikhI fruui
Rood* were nhlpiml lo Grand llaidila
^CadifUc Saturday.
T!iur*>. where they will make tbelr
MIm Noia llcrrle rctiiimiJ If.jni IV fiiiim- lioiiic.
toakey Saturday. '
tv. W. Ilrower and'daURhtcr. Ml*a
Geo. Kimball left hen; Suaday
S'lna. Ic-(i hero tVedm-aday for Hlllbdale.
Kimball, cnrouie fur IVuna> It.-iula,
A. C. Hodc-B went lo Cnmd Rapid*
He will attend the ar*«iiibiy of v.t- tVediiradav.
•ran* at GrdtyaliiTft while Uitiu.
Kcnm-ih lailbir waa bouRlit a new
MarlOB Clark' caiiu- honw from motor boat.
Mr*. (>. A. Clark of Cadillac la i
Lodi Friday.
The ilehln Euil.n.lcletT clulr"wd^l (fuf-yt of Mr*. Hoary Tabbcrer.
meet Wednewda)-, June :<hh. with\Mi[^-Lpfenl* «■*»« went lo CedHlac «.«
' BUIlman.
SIJb^ tJcrtnirte Rlakr went .to Trav
Haak llromtncryfamlly liii'c mov.
cr-f CH> Tuo*4ay, relurnlnR Fti.lay.
bark from Si>etuJ
r 1). n. Middle.Marie llodEva was here from
eomo'a hoore
Itoar.lmaD between ‘ tralna
Utw. A. I. Cram
.'laudlqcr. Thnnulay.
Leah, of Maateloua.
nickimoD and R. C. iitidgeHater, Mrw. P. H. rk>riii>iUnire home for Sunday from
Ed Lei»n and family of Hodte werr I*.dl. •
Sir. Hcnael haa wold bl>’ bonae and
' Cneata of A, J. SnidtrS faiuilj- B.tndav.
WBl Clide baa been plvinj? the baud lot (n Sonlh Fife Idike to Mr*. E. 1»
•taad a new c«at of iialnt. ‘
nraaLo Herd* of. Kalkafka le etnO. C. Cbarrh retnracd from TraVploved II* meat enner at Peter Nall•rwe I'Hy Wedueaday.
Mrw.'K. I>. M'pbb came over (rou
Clarit drove to Traverao City
Traverae City avuin Tuwrtay.
and Imck no iHisinoa* Thuraday.
Eosebe Quack< i|)ni*ii li {.aiwiliii:
Alla Itohenv t« enienalnine
(he bcKH at Walton llila wt«k
her brother. Wm. Provo*t. of CallforMni. J, V. Wrlsh! of Cjidlllar la la
apendlns a week with her •drier, Mr*.
StiM ;Jnda reteronn of CadttUr wa*
V. II. Roaac.
yhc- Kueat of Slni- Tl. name* a few
. Several of the townamca anloed lo day* the hrat of the week.
Kalkaaka Monday evelaas to attend
Tbe Cbrinlha Werkm' Bible elaea


and will oempy their cottage at the
point for the aumnicr.
Xtr. and Mrs. Sweet and children of
Minneapolis. Minn, arc hero for the
Bummer In tbdr cottage on Ray Shore.
Mr. and Mrs. dames Kebl and
Jra drove to Ratos last week In their


ins at tho hBmc of W. \V. Uruwer In
honor of Sira. Jaa. Teacbout. Retreahme'ut* of Icc cream and cake wort:
served and tbc class preaentod Mr*.
Toachout with a Ulblc,
Mr*. Frank CAralher* went lo Mauton Saturday to viaii ber alwter. Sits.
C. narllBK.
U. E. Hodaea ami family and Mr*. 3.
8. Hodjtei! drove lo Traverae City tn
tbelr cwr Thursday, murutns Friday.
Mra. A. T. nreed waa la Traverse
City a couple of days last we- k.
Harry l«uka way bowk Sunday from
SHu noiile Anderson of.Traverse
citv visited her *randniothcr here
On SIODday, June • flth. the Keep
Sweet and Oarce nn-l Grit clasHe* held
a picnic on tbc bank* of tbc lake
honor of Mias -Marloa Toicboai. a'nd
Tuesday cvcnlna the same rli
Rave a farewell party at tbc liomi- of
MorrlH Louck* (or Mis* Edna Teachout. I.IeI^ refreshmenta wcie kervcii
and a cenernl pood time enjoyed on
Imllt orraslon*.
Tho Miiue* Kdim, Marion and Itiitb
and Master Ihiu] Toaihbuj left here
WrdnetulRV to at*l( at Walloon Lsiki
and Alanaon.
MIni Kiiima Hodjees and *i«ier. liessic loft the flrsi of the week for a two
weeks'«i*lt lo*tna.
An nnimal aocial w-ns held In Hu
CTlirk sihoothoiiM- laM wtu-k, tl.c pro
cee<la to Ro for a new- iKMk case. A
Rcneral Rood time wn* enjoyed by all.
Chas. Dean nnd tittle sou Elmer <>f
Kalkaska were her<- calllnR on old
friend* and nclsblKir* Suinrdav and
Miss Xlarmii Dlrkiyen 'ish txrepied
a pnaiiion In tbc |v>Kiufllce at South
Mr*. (Tarcnce Fuller and two chil
•Iren of Cadlllar are vlalllDB her aunt.
Mr*. R. r.-liridReman.
Mr. and .Mr*. J. Codil relumed
Uediuwday from a few-days'visit with
hi* dnuRhtcr. Mr*. E.'Green, of Tmvwe City..
.Mr*. Geo. Klmlwll left ,bere Iasi
Tiii-*<lay (or an exiende,! visit lu Wilts
Ilarre. Pa., sioppliii; at Flint and De­
troit on ber way.
.Mrs, Ancii* Cani|ibell.- with Mrs.
FrancU Thompson of lluekby.
In Ilo'ni- City Wivliu-Mlay to visit
their abler. .Mrs. Ib-rtUa t'.tmpbell,
Mr. and
ilirouRh from fliwnd UapHs last Tu.ilay. >lr. IMell relumed me cei
dii.v. XIr*. Hedcll renialnlnR for
Wick's vMt with b'-r iiaruil*. Mr. ar
Tilrs' V, Goff.
r«e Qmen Eether and KnlEbls •
Honor classes held a farcw-ell picnic
oil the lianks of tlio lake for .Ma»tei
Paul Teai hout.
Mr. and Mrs. A. ,11. IV.beit}. Ji
have moved to IllN-n. where Mr- Hnlu-riy will take i-hanr of Ills fallier*
store. Mr. Itohrrtv n-<-elve<l 111* boi,oniblr dlMbnrse from the 1*. 8. navi
June 1st. after bt-tnE in the service
four yiwTS. duriUR whb-li lime he vi«
lied KuEbind nn-l manv nibcr idai-ei*
Me arrived here tbc (Hi of June (rum
Havana. Cutia.
At H'm- reRiilar meeilUE of Arbuiii,ll.-lu-kah lodKc No. bT. on Tueeday
eveninc -the followinB ofllo-r* were
j-lorted: Noble Erand. Mrs. Carrie
Fairer; vice nmnd. Xlr**. Hntlle Gieeii
srcrrlary-. Mrs. Fxlllh Domiell; Ireanurcr. Mis* lx;da llrowcr: delcRutes to
llelK-kah prwnd lodfie. Mrs. JJlanehc
llry-aw: alternate, ihw. Pbenc Carulbcr»; U, D. P.. Mr*. Ada Gibbs.
I.«v|na. N. Harris, danabter of Xlr.
and Ur*. Herniaiiy Harris, was bom
AuRUst 16, IsiiC, at llraiit. Eric Co..
New York. On Jan. S-f. I^M, she was
united In niarrlase lo Kuos II. Headley; at Ib-thel. Ten -years later they
raoveil to AlleRan roumy .and from
there lu File lAke aliottl Pve years
aEo.- She was ti metiihcr of the Churrh
of Chrlit. and for many monilut has
Ix-en k iMilrnt auffrror. pansInR away
June X. I!*I3. el her home In FlU- t.aike.
She leaves a husband and a large clr<-le or friend*. Services were held
Jrom the home on June lOih at II a.
Rev. A. W. Raker oiriclaiinR. Rrv.
Mr. .McQuay offerlnR prayer. Interlent took place In the Fife bake ccui
Sunday aervlces at the XI. E. chureb
June 32. PJIJ: PreachinR at HiiSO.a.
m. Sunday iKhiMl at 11:43 a. m. E|>w-orth league at 6.S0 p. ia.

Ctdar Aim
Cedar Ron, Juno 17.—Tho ball boya
pUyod wlib Uendon Sunday at Bendon
Bad camo out ahead. Tbcy are doing
b)*ta Coeman and tdifldren v1*Ited
Xtr. aud Mra. Eddie Chase of liOrg
Lake' over Snnday.
Cedar Run wm celebrate tbe Fourth
In fme Uvi*.
Work baa IssRun on tbe bill here
this week, which waa much needed.
Arthur -Neal of Traverse City came
out on the ez'rurafon Sunday aad spent
tbe day with hi* outer. Mra^O. Skiver i
and family and bU little abn. who ia
making bla home with tbOn.
Mr. and Mrw. Mike Norris and fam-'
Ib- vuiud Mr. and Mrs. Floy Powell
mad Mra. Mot »«P>iaM

TelU Hgw LydU E-Pinkham’i
VegetaUe Compound mado
HW a WeU Woman.
Chippewa Falla, Wis.-"I have al­
ways had grdat coefidence tn Lydia E.
rinkham'a Vegeuble Compound a* 1
found it very good
for OHcanie troubles
and recommend it
bwfaly.. 1 bad di»blacement. back­
ache and pains
when standing on


The Kind You Have Always Bought

In Use For Over 30 Years

Prov-idmec, It l.-i-"! cannot speak
too highly of I-ydia E. Piukham’s Veg­
etable Compound as it ha* done w-under* for me and I would r>ot be without
1 had organic displacement and
Aydia E. Rnkham'* VrgeUble Compound. It helped me and I am in the
bvwt of bcHth at pivet-nL I work in a
factory all day long besides doing
publish my name and I speak of your
Vegetable Compound to many of my
fririMU." —Mrw. AnniL Lawson, 136
Lippitt Sb. Frovideace. K.L

AhpU dtu

on CIIITord drove nut from Traverse
liy Siinil.vy to visit licr mother, Mrs.
Itai-hcl KeuilliElon.
John O.,lawyer and'David Harvey
of Ohio Btarted home Monday. Tlitf>
will atop at MariiMi. CoWman and wvcral other plaiea Ix-lore returning
boiiic. 'They rl*lte<l their'*l*ter. Ollie
Raker, of Kaosun a few- day* last
-Ilff<^._8klver. R.vsl) and Sleplien
I'lke nnd Carl Knhn have reiui-ued
home lifter aUendiiiK IiIeIi nchool In
Trnv»-rj.c city.
Dersle Grifnih and wm*, Wtlliur and i:<-oiKe. vlslHsJ Xlr*. Harly
lt;4ker. Mrs. Will Sutllcr uiid XTra.
IlMiry Wares ot Kn**<m a fifw da>*
She <-X;a'i-ik to atari tor
T‘ilu. .Mich., wifjii. to Join her
liund, who is wot king ilierii.
Mr. and Xirs. Evercii, Crain and
dauRhler Itulli vl*ii<>d Grutidnui HarS<mdu> afternoon.
il*s-F'ay M(-Coualia of Traverse
on the exeurslun Sun-

June Hi.—Mis* X'rwnris
.MeIxoD left Thiirwlay for u leww«vk*'
visit at Cadillie nnd niivei.
Xlls* May l.cslli' nrrivod Thuraday
a|>ciid tlx- vumtik-r with her lather
ill thi'lr >011*1:1'. JiaV View.
.Mis. Jane Parker. Mi*. Ih-erwtxid
and dauElitiT arc iK-i-upyiiiR the Net>11 cviiaEc for the anmincr.
Mr. and Mr*. Stanley 'HawklDS of
Fraukfort arc visiting Xlra. Hawkins'
parent*. Mr. and Xlrs. Henry Seoti.
P. tVurahurg feiftni the day in Trav■se (Tty.
Miss Ida Rudd. Monniu. AlU-ri and
Ida Steele left Saturday for Detroit In
Xtr. Steele's auto. They will visit
friends In Grand Rapids And attend
the <-ommoD('cmeiit cxcri'ises at
M- A. C. at lanelng. where Eugene
Steele Is niieiiding rolIcKc.
Xlr. and Mrs. S. W. l*orter relumed
home last week from Dctrvrll. lAnaing
and Grand Raidda. They attended tho
hlay (estivni .11 Ann Arbor.
XHss Xlarjorlc Campltcll returned to
Omena this moming alter apesdlng a
few daya In lowra.
Xlr. and Mrw. Calvin Corosloek Bi>cnl
uesdnytln Traverse City.
W. Thom** Is remodeling tho up­
stairs part of his sloro building, tnakIng ton large rooms which will bo
under tbe aupervlslDn of Xlr. and Mrs.
Roy Steele, In ennaoctlon with tbelr
lestaurant on the first floor.
Mr. Carroll 1* spending a few days
in Waslilngton. I>. C.
J. M. Carroll and family of St. I.^inls
arrived Tuesday In their special car


Noribpvri will eclebratc July Fourth
with tbe following prognim; A hull
same between Nort'hport teams at li a.
^AWVyN.VVSN.VSN.WV.VWS.-VVW'wVWW-v.prize of »3: followed by Industrial
parade at 10:S0 a. m. At 1 p.
will U-gin; bicycle race, boyal
|K-riu>ii:il sujiervisiuii for ot i-r .‘i'll vi-ars. Allmy no oiin
under I-'- years of ape; sack race for
to vl.-.-.-ive X'MI III Hti->. (■oirii*.-rf4-i(,s liirilalloiis :i,ul
hoys under 16; foot liioe for boys bo-;
tween In and 13; potatoes
boys: whDcllmm»w rare. After which
a l«ll game bctW'ccn Traverae City
VaatoTin it n liiirinh'sH Kiilistitiiti- for Cii'ior oil. I’ortw
Moose Indepcfidents and Nurthport In­
R-, l)ri»i*H oti.l
liiiil .Sootliiiit;
.Soiitliiiig h.imps.
h.vmps. It <-..m«iiiK
<-i>iiD«iiiN iieiilier
dependents. This promiaos to Ih- a
. Opium. .xiori>l>mo iior
... .................
|t <lerotii.-rNor
very inierestlDg game, as both sides
rdro.vs Morm-cuul iilhiv.-r l'i-v<-rislijies<i. I'or iiion- tli:in
(lilrlv .v.-iirs it lm-4 »h-. ii in coiisDiut u,-..- f,.r tin- r« H«-f of
■irtinp; followed by a tub race,
Jonstlp-.lion.rioHil.-nev-. Willi! 4'.>ll.-,aU
Tnmprizea. 13. 63. $1. D. II. Rurkhead.
tilc-Hsiml HUirrlm-rt, It r.triihui-i tin-stoiiiii.-li IH.v)i-l-s
who made snveral balloon asct-nsloni
at Reed* I.ftke laat aummer, will nuike
asceiistnn and parachute drop here
after the game. Tlii* Is 'to l>o the
main nitraciion Of tbe day.
I Bears the SigRAiure-of
A band of 14 pieces has been
mred fnmi Ctnlar and will render
good miisle throughooi the day.
been made
where dinner and supper
the town hall, aerved by the
lAcIles' Aid of the M. K cJiurch. Hour
itiR will be enjo.vcd ia the lower hall.
Jiiivc endeavored tvi put
n good program without Ihifire works, owing to the danger of
leil fur slei-i-inj: nuaners. One uf thi- joriy not imih-r.-tamUti''
h»h-i , hoiWiiiK lav-s the urranceineiit* strnyed a«uy- nnd'
Xlull servlte w in begin June 23rd for niriM-U driHu to the nm.d and aOditious
e.-ul<l not be loiail.-d nntU ai-arly two
the North|)ori Point sorwlco.
U.iiir* nftcr Hioy wine cead.v to - r>'- ,
E. GordoucT and son of Tolrlo
rilmotier. We.^tivtt eh :iri.-d w-|l!i tu!i! to Trav>-j*e CiiJ.
;ire enjoying their - coUagv
■> of .slabs on Sttliirdi:;.-.
.imong t’vC visitors wltb (o-jk tq. the
fishing l;mt week, were Tlie Cameron
I ruthers of Tiavcr*w-Clty nnd Hono*.
wlr» lame, with an uulomobHe and
Allyn. Jiine 13.—in the front yard ti tUK and stajid a few cays. ' .
Maple niy. June IC.—rblldrcn’* of the-farm of II }{staud- .i I There arc nnincroDs ilres in the
Day was observed at lltc Cjmcregailoiiroe A hich was pbiiH d.-l.i .-'.n' w<ka1:. around iioe. hut tJicy are doat r hurrh Sunday, there being u good !>■ day. ,I*or yi^rs a ci-bniy of Mm-t- ir.g BO d.iian^ as yn. ' .
<-i-ewd In ullendame.
blrds havi- come to iu-»t in H., They —A larty from R«mon HarlKir have
Mr*. Rlooni eairie lo.vIGf her aon arc now- (ci-«ilii>: Jiiilr young, ati-1 ro ne, lo Ibh for p lew ,<iayc. Tli- y
( has. and .family last week.
whenever c team g-aw lo -;ihiw Ir. the wvTv l«;ie two years a';o.
The Misses Ethel and Uzrie R.vker fields eicn to a half mile, fi-eisi the
t cMi*s Wiantdia Rare ka.< RObe "•
and Pearl ThornlterE aitended -the house alight near Ihcm ami fulhnv
lndi;:ba to {lay ludcfiuil-.-ly. . .
<nm,men<-ement exercises at Traverig; along in.-ihe furrow-;- idrUne uiI llMiritr
has xjluo from
I ■H r hrki Frida)- evefflng.
Worms within a few fet t
'he driv­ Kenpick} Ui vork with hi-; l-rothoinWord was recrive-1 Uiis ni'>rning of ers,
the death Of Mr*. Vcr.nurd's moiucr.
•Vnotl.t.- i-ary <-«:iristinc of Br>Mrs. J. T. Hannah nnd iririy cuaMl*. AVeh-h. of Grass jAke. llanimt. Mr, and'Mi.. 11.
Dr. Fral(6k and family ure onteruin- Xlr. and Mr*, (oo. llatf .ami Mr. and :lMii.g vh Jlr. Mr.ynanl. emdsler-of
ih.- F;-(nJ>«fkO) l^asUiigs and
Ine his two sister*. UieTMIsscs NcUlc
Mrs. Kenyon cmic li-.hiofr Tm-«day.
ami Clinrloiie Frallek.
Mr*. Fiiiz has returned after
exUiiiri-d visit .with ber daughter in
the southern part of ilie statu. ' HeS{
daughter came with ber for a
Hev. Phillips and wife go to MlUer's
or they will cut your prof­
HPI on<-c lu (WO weeks l» huld
its. Your hens can’t lay
v-res, /
and your chicks 1X111 not
Mr. and Mrs. R. Fisher vislied (heir
I'iiugbter at Omena last wet4>.
hveind grow when tor­
Xlr*. Clav(-ii>- I* eiitenaiiiinK rclatured with- lice. Insure
lives (nun l.udlngton.
absolute freedom from
Mr. nnd Mrs. DrH l.g-wls of l^ast
these i>est£ by using
Kasson visited at F. Toitln* Sunday.
. Mrs. tUiss. Rlooin went to laidlngton
ji<Q> Powdered
today on a visit.
Lice Killer
Co'-. Vennard weM to Gras* lAkc
1 BMeud he funer^ of hie motherill Uw.

^ What is CASTORIA

Imedieine, but I *
In fine health now. If 1 ever have those
troobicre oRain 1 will take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vcffctable Compound." ^ Mrs.
Eo. f^XRON. K16 High bk, Chippewa
Falls, Wiseonrin.


Children Cry for Fletcher’s

* Kill the Lice

JHIIsIdt Qnn
Hillside Grove. June IT—Xlrs. Harry
Whelan visited friends in Traverse
City over Sunday.
MUk UIIIhd Gearing left last week
for Alina, where she' baa a position
for the simimerT
XllR* (^ara Mann, who U Vorklng
for Mrs. Adam Strieker, spent Suiiday
I her home near Ftnit-h.
Wni. lADcn of Traverse City was
tuking pictures In the nclghhorhoul
lari week.
Miss Ruby Judd called on Mra. ('.
FT. XlsHorr Mooday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cos rlsHcd Sun
day at Frances (Tees'.Master Harvey Sachlclbea. who has
been very sick with tbe moaslcs, 1*
some better.
Xtra. Alfred Ilerkner and children
apent Sunday with her parents. XI i.
and Mrs. F'ewbis.
A numticr from tills ticigbborlmorl j
went bass flalilnE M'cdncsday. All .n
port fine cniches-

l-ljni.z.l i, Uiy Mere.
;.-ican Drug Co..

General Law Priteticc. Incluritna Collection*
41« StM, tmi iMbat. Trmram Oty
Wer« B. Connlnc
MhU N.Connlnc

A Fine Summer Tonic
Keep it on icc anl it makes a j^casanl hot Weallwr bevemge.

Olon Haven. June 16.—Geo. P. Raker
and wife arrived from Chicasii yester­
day and opened their cotUgc. The
Oasis. (»r the summer. They made
the trip fii their car.
XfUs Allei Day left Friday (or Chi
caxo and 8f^Mary'a Notre Dame, luil
The nbninl man (
oerer i-hstigiBa. Takeoar sdriMvbrn yuu lo attend the eommhnremeat oxerhave s eoacb or s cold and try XBca's Csafb tsea In which h^r alster. Miss Evu.
Unm. There b nothisg more eoothiDg, partldpates.
tiothlngtbaSwiilbrmggreatcrreUfd. Rod.
The barge Unrktey took a lanti
tains DO harmltd IngredlraU. Peed for
masy yean- liiUi -.Ml-dBCtien aad niccni. cargo of hardwood lumber last wock.
S6o.. Wle. and 61.00 UHtlea.
W. O. lAvance drove D. H. Day's
tr .to Traverse City Saturday in the
absence nf the chauffeur, U W. psanialee. who is taking a vacation.
David Day has rriurned home from
Traverse.City for the aummer.
Simda}- school trss reorganized last
having been fftscontlnued dur-j
•as AotM tr«ii St« or
ligt tbe winter and spring montha
Token in H«( Wa'ter
M'm. Walker and family of Traverae,
City wVre In town with thMr While
ISteamer on Saturday.
{ Extensive Improvements are being
made by & 6. Barite at bin iMort!»d*


ygiurtA. A.



Invaluable as a builder of new tissue, in cases
of debility from overwork or nervous strain ; an un­
surpassed liquid food for convalescents and for
workers of every kind.; used regularly, it -conserves
the strength, making the system productive of tbe
greatest amount of vitality.
Pabsl Malt 25c botUe
Malt Nutrine 25c b otire
Dlgeslo 10c bollle
Wyclh's Mall 35c bottle
Make OUR Drag Slore .YOUR Drag Store.





On >x>nr
f>^»u "
llirloii unit t» Ik-ii' lo Hu},
luvwitlOil- ltu> f.irlort in hmnn Ciln In-fnm U
• K

W. J. CbaKC * aaw



The ChildrcD'a Day at Cloar Uiwk

Some of IliP farnicht arc rlobblng


locniHT anil Kct a caricud ol carbon-








Mis, Ira Mac Adam* loU Saturday

fil.-nds at Travcr*c




Hr. BHjl Mr*. l\ W. lluncrVc the




io this tlrlnlty



AVIilte aod



Tbe mile >'<m Of Me. and Mr*. A. M.'
Iw-nuty pin



out of




MI-k l.nias IXivJsoti of Grawu. al-

. ieinli--t

I he

liniiimniid liny


Inst WOilin'Hda.v.

made- ilint ar<- ciiJiV-nbU- ami


. SnakcA. In



sli'k ib-l


Fir.- Cra.k- ’

Ji-hi-,0. laiw

lli-¥ ihai'aif



hrother. S. If. l^iw.u-r. ami olhe rrel-

the hist fi'H

days from an

Tile hall same lu re Sumlai l«-iwc-ii
t*M*r linn and Hi-iu:.iii
w-uie of

of henrl troiihlc.





Its cut

] I.........and will Ih- tom dow n and lunru-l


in a


a ilanVc aud

lee cream Mii-m-r Saturday 111(51^. \\

iruiii Cluiiii'voiv. white she
li-ar! darccious.

Utvk with her dauKhie,,.V(u

C.vlar 1!

F. H

City Book Store

wima n-*ori to

A V 'Nr cniwii I* eV|*i-ct«al al


alfaKri Ipi-el lo.iy ul one o’clock at
While'? -il.ite 111


\V e would
not be lead­
ers if we
did not
offer better
for the same
price or equaJiy good mcr-'
chandise at
lower prices.



Jack Ml.-*er lK;^worfci«K Tor Tb.
Word wan received lhal Mr. I'olc of
Tniv.rsf Cilr t* Very ill.


K'""! ‘liJilii-b supply


Hrady reciark'-d l.i lin-<l‘-fcndan;; "If
you stop anno.vfni: Mr*. F.-riuin-. mlsfoU'JDu will ant follow )our fdotstepu.’'



Sttiac. and. roBlIy, the book* I have

mer that "111* Tim" aaved the aword
thniata of bla aaluUtory.
“When I aaw the Butne of Uberty
*lt‘a fuimy bow abme of my draaaea
wain." the orator proclaimed,
•ugeeat ccnaln
my lavender cbi
of Tluri-d Alive.'
when I came borne
. '■ Joiccd. Dut It
got tbrough with while waiUng (or





Blnda me of the aad end ot ‘Anna
“Ob. U tbai my dreaa? I thought
mine wi* a llgbier ehade at blue. I
Uilnk thin dsrk blue oakee my eyea
looked kind of waabed out Dot never
mlad; I can war a Jabot next to my
race and that wlU relieve the strong

bad made with her.
Tcry glad to eee yon." abe

bla ancient enemy. It atlrrcd blm to
bstUe. and be eontloned. fiaablng detlanoo to the back rowa where tbe

that your visit ■

It be aor

McAlpln clan held a rival fort
^Hut I find. alai. that while I hare
been gone from you Apathy baa come

“Tea." be replied. 1 'umat go to
once to—to report ’
am Borry. too. becaaae 1 would like
to—to renew old accuxlDlanec. I came
here flrat, even before I fulfilled
1 r«r
duty to the government bccaui
waa charged with a meaaage frdm my

Democracy of
"No. don't make It
* the Nincleenlb."
nay be old faahlonod, but 1 do like
lu an inatant old Jobe waa on hit
dress that I can walk In end alt down
(c«L With hla arm upraised be comIn. ihourh I know Ifa tbf atyk- now to
crying do'
have your drosses made ao that xm
speaker. “I tell you, TimI'RJ

last meaaw*
given on bla deathbed."
' Yes.'' was all abo aald, .and I

*^I l^vi^^^frieod whose new anrlne ^

“ -j-*- -«.■ •" “»
Bhe simply
simply can't
can't Ukn a step wltbou*
boldlDR it Dp.
She aaya she does't,

oncer panaed a

“ you have.____________

ao she might ns w.-H ait tUll. 1 Uilnk
pcrfi-ct- gwso
cloihet. or. rathvr. they are like ab<«s>.
•a tl
the othL-ra follow.
and where one goea

cenerally Agreed That It la

d glanced at her

The lientenant took a racket of pa­
pers from his breast pockK.
"George asked me to give tbaee paerf thej
TM-rs to you." he eald. "and aa hla
I friend—and—and—youra. ! undertook
with blm when

plan, song Ja the flrwt etep'
and-you know-ihla cot^
edacaUca- all the met art- tymnixt* T*d«Hlp it a very cloke He.
He end-

• «»t 10 t, ,o ou ^Mhloooa tL.t ooo


looL, liko a
,nd. of coumi,
tbU 1, an ou, dr™, to bow up la e™


I ea„'i oalk la U oullr.

;„j „u|„,d W „o.o, Ot,« —“r -W -H-! I*



.fmi.loat onjornfot. a, —1' ..... ‘*'T --“'"I
“i?„„picit faitranioo. -a o., -I-W ho lo... ao ratbal w^a«or

„d loiproo, b, toot: a.,, o

................... .............................. .. ..............'•


r long to aUckrpln* Into Uicm j „un,c»ted In the way of eong.
1|iat<i-adof JnaUatolbelrclotho*?Tbat.
other advantages for the . excite- 'aand times beiter-^l^-tte man who
wouid glTo them aoBcthlng to be tna-j
ay about,
l often wonder that we i
don’l hear of shocking crime* com-

of activity apontancou*
arise 'married her. that her husband
this pracUce; for. In aecaatom- died *ltb the wme of Mother wp^n
,ijo children to write the tone*

asked him

mll^ In fUilftg «»ra»
madffe^.'d I ,bcy .re to u^or In musical char»e-j
modUli a. So far aa I know, no woman I
serve*, agali

have selected music as tbe element of I
our teaefafW; (or level road* run oet!
fitim xb^c toward every Mda

Preservation of tbe asbea of tho
departed or tho scattering of them to
the (our winds long has been the cna-

pride ourselves
on carrying «f/vatice styles. Our new
selection of Stetsons for
Spring i'^ now on view—
1‘ri.T l>Iocks in,Soft and
Stiff hats — tlu’ latest
t«)uelies of style, and the
soiiiul qnaliiy that is asstieiated with theiSVc/sow
name by smartly ilressktl
men evcrj’whcre. ('.ome
see iliein today.


i6m of
She Walked to the Window.
tut 4
J t
baa remained f
London man to offer an tuRcnlousplan (or (he burning words wU^ ahoaM
(bat ha* provided him with a ret for a iiore come from bar dying baabanfa
finet-r ring from the remain* of fals Upa, hut which had wdled np lor anwife. After (he cremation be carried other wnaian.
tbe ashea to a <*emlst and the Iron■was vxtracted.
He cow wean this
set in hU ring aa
average peraon
wear* a diiraond
Thearount of titon
in a human body, acting to Ibe
EUtument of a well-known analytical

Dent Meke It Too Hcbbly.

I and dreeamakera.
they are novi
R-aUx, ihouph. they biXU give one
such delicious enapenae that one
doemt mind the waiUng.
"H'lkv tbe collar a little Ugbter,
^aa*« 1 like my coltaru very tight
and very high, for my neck D ao long.
Yee. yoB may make the akirt two
Inches from the floor; thafa one^hlng
I wont do. and that U clean up Chi­
cago Streets with my dreeaeo. It real­
ly mak<« me HI to boar women rave
about luinitation aod hygiene, and go
Into fits BbOHt mlvobee In unwrapped
broad. wWleJall the Ume they are de­
fying the ndee ot health aod gatherLlerobea a*, sight with,
Ing up all the
their kme akina
"No. I'm not a bit tlrr^ thank ytu.
I kn-iw that some women alsraya g-«
taint when they oro being fitted, but
"Perhape this D because my booh
son of fortiflta me for a fitting
But t
know I shall never wear this drrws
without thinking of that nphappy hero.
I do hope that be wlU turn owl well, to
that .1
may hare eome ple*aant
thoegbls ^ut my gown while I'm
"Cih. yea. Tm a«ro the dreaa wGI
in oot well. Sind you needn't, mind
tf It U « wee bit bobbly—Juat cnoagb

Only ubout two weeks bethe . Foutlh July—


«ai try aad send the
night? WeU. good moralng.
-Oh. I maatn-t forget my poor Xlnfhasgar.’"—Chicago Dally Nawg.
Making Cettan Qaeda.
Mora than a mlUioa peraone are anplorad In tbe toxtUe plUa ol Oreat

Don't wait too long.
Ara Yew an Averapaf
Tbe blood of nn
wulgba twenty pounda.



va•— -"^a—• Tu*-—
en out oul^y tor roen tor new

J^flaf^Rbel^ ?e****^sald,

ter of graint-and It vartc* much a^ *«vely. taking ber band tn bla. "your
cording to tbe atate of health. Anemic
George'# Upa
peopK' have very ellcht traces of Iron

.^.^i ber

ivtaU. that my last

III Ihelr bodies, but lo normal persons iboughl waaV her^nd that aha waa
there Is cnoogh to provide a ammll'^^0 onD woman In the world for me.":
Tbe woman paled under bev spleae
did aelf-coDtnd aad the tears
Into ber eyea. 8be tunad'and walked
This Wide. Wide WeHd.
to ibo window and tor a kwg Usm
"It's awful bow easy some folk# get___________________________
toked Into tbe atresL
weighted down with a new expert-1
“jjr*. MoffaL" be aald. "I must g&
• began the i
,»er of Tyo-lHytT^iopTcalabaManbocc. Goodbrook In the Hill*, with a algnlficant
gUnC* at "Dooaey" Fraacr'a bowed
form tn the Concord wagon at the
door. “That’a what bast him over
like that.
“Ycr.." after a glance of Interroga­
tion from tho onQ listener who was
realQ Ilatcalng. "he began to bow over
Boon’s he realised tbe tire of this
globe of oun. Yon see. tram osc of
the nortbern counties up 'bore berie
Booaey went all tbe way to the atate
capital. W-ben be came back, be
looked aolcmn with tbe wpight O'
what de'd garne'red.
" T tell ye what.' be says to at right
here, acarcely apeakin' above a whle-



were steady at they looked into his.
"I-hll." she said, “you lied to ma
Just now. Oh. you men are woodat*
ful In your loyalty and devq^osi. 1
know aU ahonl George and hla niotlona with the Gordon woman. 1 know
that be died with ber name on hU
Upa and not mina No matter bow—
I know It.
I do not blaine you tor
to p*oDing about It. You thought t
tact hla memory and auvamepato.


booor you for IL
"But. Phil, there U another He that
waa toldr-for a different purpoae. Ha
—George, my husband, your friend—
Itod to me to steal me from you. He

somehow It seems to brace mo np.

wearing It

{ ■

u^.i, always bad." be aald to
-bui iti, umo the iraih U .
1 cannot—I wlU i
both the Uvlng and the dead—, ^ve and
. _

chemist. Is at best very small—a mat- j

part In 'Oaybangw' when you e*»e
In. It waa where the hero suddenly
learns that the giri he's engaged to
boa Jn*t mnmod another man. and I
aiB craty lo ki-ow why abe did IL Dut
^bly 1 t lU bo as long tn fladlnc
... at I wUl tn getting this dreea I
have learned that ihoro are two dawn

to allow me to take decent atepa.


girlhood days that the young oOeeowas startled at the «e»«ii e»,«wp. uma

lo conceive the hl|^ value of mensor-I
a(K>n and arttbmotic
much sooner I
than In any other way.
Among all
Imaginable things, accordingly, we.

SHIRTS. “BARKFR " Kali linen)


her band and threw bock her bead la
ao characteristic of be^

Then It waa that be beard tbe coatemptuoue snort of old John McAlpla.

' the art of pcnmanQflp
uuisKlp a
eooncr than
you wonld expect: add as all tbU. Id
the long run. Is to be effected by
copying prcclte meaturemenU and
necurately settled number*, they eotbe




and be waa admitted at once.
UoSat came to him atmoat as soon aa
ho reached the parlor. She held oot

has ever met with fokl jilay wb.-a she
ehararlcr* In th" utterance
went for a fltUng. it •
of ihvir owu v-olce; and borides tbi*.
. I to subjoin the Tcrt b(4ow tbe notes.
Thlp Rtalnds me oT my book. 11
forced to practice band, ear
had Jurt got to an awfully exciting J
whejwaa they aeqnlrs




Darker felt all the eihUaratlon
heroltm. Ho waa just home from the
Pblllpplaea and bU mind waa burden­
ed with a meaaage from a dead com- .
rade to hU wife—and that wife Bark­
er's old and lost sweetheart.
Hla {elegram had propared the vay

Ring Sattirtg From Wife’s Ashea.

urn-Wear this spe­
cial nuit.


al admirer*, and It

"Well. 1 think you have go' thet
skirt a little bit too foil. One doesn't


W'c arc leaders l>ec.m-< \vu arc the only
t-turv ill towTi that
t ail sell you Style*
lilii'. You too will
iH-aJi-.uliTii) all that


tb? liilfa*i (Ire­
land) ■utninoiu court a * fiw days
aso. In which tin- cuinplulnant
namul'Fonun-. Sir Andrew Newtan



Cole H 1

tins ,




is the Rush Season


As he bolted from the ferry aad
flang himaelf into tbe cab. Ueutenaat

care, for her abeea are «, tight that' WONDERFUL VALUE DF MUSIC
thorc'a no comfort In walklnipJn thf-Tn,!

ilore Whlieloid.

Iwxii farii/'s Sidiim ami I'nl;,: Uau

1 I

Ic.i^erw because
hrilcr clothes for lews
nc.vL TheysrethefcInd
Hull mdu^rtk-ular about
their pcfwonal appearance
ran wear with pride. All-.
wno>. viytishly cut. faithIvvily bulsbed.


Mis. Il.ifi'l t'aMTinit l*.vhlilna (

We are Agents lor the lollowlng :

■niMSMSe mkw «b*

UL. , LO.L

iiKiiher. Mrs. CharU-> WeUf. tor a li

iRirRulii -

.Mm*. \U,-h.

We foht want again lo remind yon-—



Mi-K; llt-uiy iliri of ilai'ld

Cill> Im a lew -lays.

Ml,* Is-ilh- (ivaiiliK li-ll MuBd;i;.'Tor
Tin- 'latl raiiie In ri-

Mr and; Mrs .John Aiiitslim-hlec al



r.'. Anns-and ^Ms* Miiiuie Ix-ui.
No, S.Jiine IT. -The ai-d left hen- June b fur the Neahia-

Utiw-T* ar.- wl>hiiiK Yir rain.


• maxi eri’iiwl -was ill aileudanei-.
Mrs ITItiur Crain h-iiirni'd Taesil-.iii

Traierr.- Clly.

ihc *

ivmiIu t

IN lo r lir favor oi

Ml*. O. I‘. Jlanli Inft Saturday for UunThc IwM-hall nine


CIS and wanv oitu-r m-r.l-

vcy of U«l>. «>.. aw hiTo vHIHiic
llielr mother. Mr*. Jam- Harvey, iitui

ja vl U w'iili her d.vuRlilcr.

the M

Uu-l lo Vbli hi* father and niolhcr.
Mr*. Alice Uiieiii Ih

Cxhir Hull. Jiiiii- i".


Mr.'-, fhai. Katon Ji3* Jn-i-n on tli-pWfccUy harm!.*s.

Mb.* Ijiiira Ilauiioii wa.. ll•1llle it-r

< linn h ot Acme. I* Roms ba.i. lo Kdk

C«dar Run


WHilte reliifneit Tii-nda:

alive* at Ann Arbor mid In IlllnoU-

lin\-<-lty .flrt-wiiikn nie m-w.

wllhi'o idculc

Mr. KHcy. ihe mlnlKlrr

nlnlii fmm an i-ilcnih-d visit with rel- >-er of JA .Ii-nahu;*, t».. and Hade Har

The Aciiic SI liDol cloH-d Ifisr Krliby

•tn> ihlH wi-ck.

rmnihiB llum-e* car Tor avlrfle now

«o aol) this 'year


“No t «<*.. .vnt i,Mn ..itinr
®ras rrtnruod to
No, I baeo oot been waiua* WTi-j' Nj««o,niw
At l«a»e It ba* not ^„«n»ed; ™a trip around the world, he
y book wrlita mo. and


.Mr*. Kj^r* Withey.

liere In- cxi*.il* to work..


Aeim-. Ulch.. June II.—Mi*. M>itlc
Joined, ('III-? Icy I* hoiiii- vUtUnR her inollici-.

Mrs. 'UciUotnlno

oimi Saiiuilay

Mr.-. F, K

Ikiilri llarvey'apl.-nt

w'ilh Ills *l»ler. Mr*. Marry Haker. ot


-«1le Cardner left today for Lana- daiiaer Monday inondnK.



hut AaclMrt Rival Cculd Not Lot


bfMly «a* iircomiutnlt-d fniiii Detroit

White Uiat Kwalluwed a

{•mUil ]ioM(«son< of a o<-» Iivi,|i
; ;;.-r Fi-id.


Ml.?* .trariun ll'uywoo-l 1* v.-orkln.-. fo;




For the rlilldrou arc- « tiat

Cleid !>(Mhl ba* moved on Id* farm.

Truverw' fliy Mr. and Mrs. 'A. J.

«1ib Miitivc* at Tratcrac Ctty .la*l{



by Ills brother (IwirBc and wife end


Mb, linzcl Hitiiii H|N-oi a few day*



and the crct-llnn 1* valcbcd with In­ KsKiHin. J. O. I-iw«er »ik'IH Sunday
wllli them.
The huUdlnK
Mm. Alridi- vlriied Mrs. H. F. AllIll'll' in KcctimiA-rcudy to set 'uit'lhminan. Siimby.
Kratulatloh{* any ctl'-ndcd
Uoy I'ayne ImiSi lu lli.- ci. m -ion to
yoiiJiK rouidc.
Manl*lw Juiu- 1*1.'
►'rank W. Ferris va* buried In Soloi

prlit-x diitlriK vur
- <-l0f«>K
M«u. ;-.t uukkly.
iiiak-T. Ill nil ;hllc MMcn: runf
............................ ...
• yiem^^Hlll^l ft |ltip»l. NoMli.-ni
iTiihM lit, ImrBC, loFair
■II Mui-li- tiiiii-^,-.
>nmi rinvi. n,H-ii roobih- and a nuilorcyrlc one day last
June It' 11

•for a i-omilt- of


ciimlni; from Ced.-.r

ale of Him- rur narh-ulluial jiurixiaca.


IN THE nrnNG room

Klincr Ctaln.

mill to do uwlut; "lor fanuer*.

lo Ml'i! Cora Conn ol Ijikc Ann.

Im ttii «•

Ik-ssle Grlflltli and Iwo sum- vbttc.l
Mr:.. Olllc. Duker ol Kaxaoii Tuesday

Adam Ta^r and crew of im-u liotc nlKht.
Marioir Uwml*

house. BomeUilOf;




to 3.




rei ulie'd 1a a vivTuo lor iVdnr Itnn,

Btaried oat with tbelr punabk- saw

Wm. K. Slaital vas mairloil the nth

nocfct oftrn *101). but lUcr •cMom


dewn Mondaj- momliiR for rci«lr*.

i-utiai: on Frtday.

■•to|> vith ifei- btodi at any one toour.
Clocks and watobra an- datd to atop
. «tu'u tlii-ir oakon die, but «ucb caaca
arc acaree.


dance at Provcmcal the lOib.

(Omilnuci] (rotu t'ajtc Pbur.)

About T(mi(4ee«*.


llip tlnuihcr-llayne

Why a« Few Good Beeka.
Tbe reason why ao few ^ood books
re written Is that ao few pec^ that
can write know anything, lo generaL
an author baa always lived In a room,
has read books, baa enltlcatad scfaooe.
la acgoalated with tbe style aad aentlmenta of tbe beat auibora. but be u

ti(d about you and. heaven help a^
1 IwlK-ved bla lytug tongiie and amr*
bed him. I knew he bad lied betore
we bad bees married a month, and be
knew that 1 knew tt.
I could not
undo tbe past, but 1 coald not help
hating aad despMiiig blat-and be
knew H and be loved tbe - Oordob

out M tbe way off employing his own | Me tbe Bring beU It h
eyea and ear*. ' Ha has nothing to)
“to it too laur ba naked. boMlaC
bwr and nothing to sea. Hla Ufa la n '
bla a
Tbe color came to bar toaa to n
ertaaon ftood an*^ tenrs waned to
Mara Anclaat
*Tbey any that chess to tte eUagt
game." ramatked the <Md Fogy.
"Poker to older ibaa cbeaa." anld tbn
Wise Guy.
"How do yon kDowr Mknd tba OU
"Didn't Monb draw to pain m tbe
Ark and fSt n tun beoaer rapHad

DaUy Thaw
Wipe oot tba past, b
' nnd lira to n glorlou i

bar ayaa aa aba awayad toward bla
and be gatoered bar toto bla «m«
Pratty sooB aba laoked ip wttb b
ngutob twinkle to bar ayb
-An yon not atosld yM wIB mIm
fomr tislnr abo Mkad.
He rioppad to gntHr toD tai tb*

^ I


not nftnld ot uyUtog-bov,*
ba aald.
fCmwrtgbt to Da&r toofy Pub. Oad

Leak to Your Owb Fawarb
Wtoda and wavta ai* ntosy*

. rjkGB su:

Man of Dfvpa Able to Uni


BpitbA' -Boob" Hca ^en Ovt

Kbit*. N. T, Jttt. n, 1*0—,
Zmr Old D»d; V* t4Te •iw.y.
ton nek »«tuii7 nod fri«ndt kboat
mmklns (tot l tkoaiht I Vould t«a
yw ko»- K
JlB'a •
Ton roJlBL H« «M one or tto
ton Is <ke «td ft«t bock at Tale.
Tou kao»' «• were both on'the aloe«B tor old KU. aed It made it ao ead
JoUy that «bw 1 cot It tor ccMtk
tore he atoald c*t it for tralaer. too.
At flm I Itkod Kdtth toeaaae abe
^aa Jla'a.alatar. I took ber to tklbe*
aad tried to ctea' ker a nod Ui
1‘mtr aooa. I^cot to Hkc her tor ber
otrn aaka. aad ttea fiaall; n bapIKncMl-cs‘.i- after I had made a ibooaand fool* of mnolf.
Yog aea. alooa Aim aad I were atoh
tooaa. I got to kaev Bditb prattr
»all. aad we became giaat frleadi
If it hadn't been tor the rla*. it
Blsbt aercr bare bappaaad. n wat
a beery BcTptlaa acanib. with
enteod aetUac. It vai a particular
thine la the trat. aad you kaoit you
conldaH let a (trt wear It anien you
were ragased. A acarab W
to bHac hick, aad mlae eertalnl: ....
Oae Btcbi I bad cone back bone
Aen Uking Edltb to a rereptloa. 1
itaMto down at aty baad and
that my ring waa.goM boi
tie fltiEOf. It ttiMM me cod ‘ld"^b
Not that the ring iraa valuable. Okly a
fellow bitea to low aavihlag like
that. 1 could aot aoc aay way that 1
eeald poeaibly have lout H. After 1
had hoated eveo-where I gave It n
I waa out of town for a week or t
tot the aen tlaio I aaw KdUh. y.
caa Imagine what 1 felt when I n
By ring CO her Anger. It knocked lu.
Am with nrprlw. At Arat I couldn't
' think of any way that ehc conld have
gotten It. nntlf at Iwt H came to mo.
that tbe-tilgbt of the reception ahe
had naked me to bold biT naC tor a
moaent Uy ring muat have rllpiHal
oB In It then, and the Best day'ahc
probaWj- found IL
It waa the fact that ahe wore It
that gave me courage to apeak at
la»t!* Aa long ai (he waa Jlm'a deter.
1 knew that aho 'maat know what it
Beam (or a girl to wear (hat ring,
«nd eo I WM la a fool'a heaven ot
It waa good weathor for elelchlnF
ud ao I took Edith oni the Aral
chance I got Nothing aeemed
coiBc righi to bring up the aub
until aho look her glove oB. lor aome
roaaon or other. It happened to be
Ofi the hand that bad the ring tie. 1
looked at It and aald;
*'Tou know what that ring in<«na,
don't you. Edith? "
Bto looked rather aarpilMd.
•W coo ret.”
V.'e were way o« to the eonalrr
and 1 gaem my happlncaa went to my
head and made me aU kinde of n
presumptuous fool. She pulled her
hand away with a ]crk. Th<. dr had
brought the color to her lnre.~bul li
was not the air which made r. deepen.
8be did not aay a word, tut just
looked at me.
“But the ring—" ! stammered,
"iniat baa the ring got to Jo
: with—"
~n'by. yoB know wb^t It neana.
and I thought you undorstood"
Abe suin-d at me Incrodnluualy.
“Jack, what do you mean? 1 don't
OMtoratasd at all."
U was my turn to atara at bor.
- “Why, didn't you Bad my ring In
year moS?"
“Vour ring la my muin How
ahonld It come therer
“I loA my ring the night .of the reemion. and w hen ! paw yon with
that o«. I thought you bad fonud It.
Toor wearing It gave me hope tor
aomethlDg ] had never dared/ream
of- You muat know tbht 1—"
Ediib looked at toe a moment and
then sbe Uugbed.
*Tbls ring? It ban alwaya had a
^(aaelBailon tor no. I have tried to
panuade Jim to let me wrar it and
~ ho nrv<T wonid. So when 1 found It
OS bis dreaaer last bight I appropriat­
ed 11."
Then all of a aod«m It
ae w-hat a fool I'd been. I mighthave knowB It was Jim's, hut I was
so ready la my eooccli to think It
was mine that I never atoppod to coaaidar anything else. .
"I don't sDppoM there's anythin t
oaa aay. 1 am sorry to have made'a
fool of mysuK and have apolled every
thoagbt of all the
o thl
thlnga 1 might aay.
and didii'L
\ •
.It must &sve hMo the ootuage ot
daspalr that made ae aak;
And then It happened. 1 could hard­
ly believe that Edith could care for a
fellow like me.
Bat. Dad. bere-a where f oooie to
thajoko of the thing. The next tiao
I had on my evenlng^oai. It wu cold
and 1 dog ny hands deep Into ray
pp^te tu keep then warm Down
la a comer 1 felt woiaMblng cold anf
hard. I Atoed ti out. and what do
yog think? That lucky old scarab
rlgfl II tod slipped off In mr pocket
gad. been there all the lime.
Bbt I'U choke off this yan. Bend
•a your ooogratalatloBi. Md.

Tours as ever.
iOopTristt by Dally toory Puu. Cc-j

.Old Doctor-Mr. Ootrocka
•oM and I'm looUng (or & sai




Cnemlaa-Are Wlltbig
Orant That toe Dellar Has a

By A.r. BONN BY.


1 to Fact.

4 story makes Its appearance fat
Par^ which wlU probably Interest
Mies IVarlle Pattvrahall tbonghttolthose wrbo have tried to dec! '
ty Buffed out the wavt-s of hair on the
right tide ot ber b<^ and turned
tora' haodwritlac, toth on
.(irescripcloBa. It ooncema a gentle­ gut ibe effect.
man who had snSeeed from ebroate
"Do you like this awoet tlxu
gout tor aome time end Anally went style on me?" ahe Inquired of the
:o a doctor who appeared to und«»- sienogn-pbur from acrose the ball.
stand the caae eo well that he es- “Tbo brld<- wore hers this way. a<>d
peeled a cure, ‘nic patient In the I tlHHight i d try It.. Ik) >ou know It'a
vtiing ic
ascesa of his emtltudc. wrote to the
medico. a#1ng him to dltratr. In due
been wUb
course thv reply catac. but In such the WlUiam Pye Arm so long t^ It
ondcclpherahlc taadwrftteg. that the affccte me Jpst as much ai though the
recipivat could not make head nor Pyes Wore relstions'
tall of It Was the doctor coming, or
"V.'hat WiiUam Pye. 8r, has been
was be not?
thriugb ain.v be Ar»t got that teleThi> houwkeeper. need to the donht- gram .1% enough to BnUb a man faaU
ful callgraptty of tradeamen's bills, hit agr. T!iu worst of it to that I
was cnlltHl in to assist but could bohure be 1s discovering that aU hfs
make nothing of the letter. Ae bad emoiloB was unnecewsary.
a bright Idea, however. “I must go dlctntlag 10 me when the
shopplnK today." ahe aald. “and 1 wUl and he }urt stored at the slip of pa­
lake the letter to n chemIM. who will per and lamed hrilotrope. ‘Me son!
bo uii-d,to doctor's WTitInc* Ylie he siuticred, 'Wlllii—he’s marrli-d:
Idra was’adoriod, and the houstdieep“'lAit tow of the ctjprus? I asked,
• took It to the chemlat.
real sympathetic.
“Can you make ibu ont pleaacr
“ 1—1 believe ao.' he aald. kind of
ahe asked the apothecary.
wtid. -WIUIc says she is a beautifal
“Certainly. Taadaiae," he repHoC ‘^rl and has given np ber atage careec
Ad disappeared F«h the letter.
In Are miouice be returned—with.

Who Invrnied the boob? tVhat la a i
boob?' Is be going to be one of (he Id- j MoUIr Chspiun stood to the doormortals M is be aJ
imug nguro.
ing the Irttcra sad telegrams over and the present erase for vhal w*
u for un intaut, t > be loB in the dlsUnl wings ' FhrrU." she crlid. "canae 1 west rld- luukasly. "It too t aa theuch wbe bad may vetignste cocmprchcnslvely aa
eared.' be repuaKd, dully. cpenlug occult rticarch Is no new thtog. But
1 tog with "Mr. McIntyre.- •
f lime
cior:ag th« small drawers, oup by It cannot t« denied thaL apart frem
Wh -n you call a man a boob, you ) "> don't Just (rvisi tfaeae tendertcB
seem to imply iswotnoway that youd-> '’ho come b-rowslrg around la aura one. lie was searching for a photo- the merely auiKrrAeUi side, which
gra^to that aho bad kept on her desk. ntu.rany lasetoaies tbe rapiy-headed,
not uiu-rly desiiis.^ him- There la a ' clothaa." he relied.
—a lik-nms taken to her o^ly girp the frivolous, or the Ighorunt. Oioro
comrad'-slUp, an luUmacy. about too I “Jualoua. ain't yon?" aho Jeered,
; arc aspects of occuliitm which mako .
word that doian't apply tootbi rtertna. ] "So. hot jealous," ho said, low aad bood. im g before be bad met her.
As he felt cluinsiA shout among a very deep appeal to tbe more totriYou can call a man a b -ib. for iu- quiri-m:*-. "cnly. 1 love you—"
spiritual among , na,
•tance, when you wouldn't call him an } " 'I love you. 1 lore you.' “ the ibe papt ra a letter leU ouL 4to start- lectusl and
ass or n foci.
| mocked. “1 don’t b- lU-ve you love a ed to replace It. hut caught s>sht ot Whether-this be a good sten or aoC
And yet a boob Is, an outcast. Ho; thing on earth, oxoept yourarit and his ova name in the fnmUtar writing It Is aot our Inten'lun to inquire; hot
and paused. He opened It with tnm- , It it curious to note tbe grounds upoo
Munda apart from iba common run. i that brute of a pony yon ride." '
| which Its bitterest opponents base
lie Is a coiiibinaitoa of siupidny aud ] "Of course i luve Nig." be aald, "aad bllng tngers.
• I c-ld ths beat I «mid.“ be asM. tbelr objections to occultism to geoutt-T Ihconyruiiy wTih si.y stni-dards to do you."
which are entitled to our respect.
| She stared unwtoklngly at the dla- stowi.v to hiBsrif. "1 couldCl brip eral. We need not trouble about th©
fuperiw or matter-of-fact peraoas
Hut 111 the boob to reality all this? i tani mounulns. Still. 1 love you betCan it be raid, Indet-d. thet the boob ter than anything etae to the world, BrsL I thought it wonid como with ! »*»<'. without the sllshtcwt toqulry.
lime. God! tew hard U haa beett, ^ ««»e •* »“<* “auporstitlotu.- for no
txiai: ? la be not more or Ivaa a menial Mollic. I~“
how bitter bard'" lie paased bit ■»»<„, : man has a right to sikxt nt another's
condition on tho part of the perwoa
-Jim Nomaa told me the same thing
nenous hand wearily acrota his cob ‘ hellefa. unltas be ran prove Ibat other
who calls him a boob? Wbmi. tor Jn- only yesterday.
orlcss taco. "At liFSt. ahe never ' to be wnmg. But the real cnsBloa of
l-arrel U-fi her abruptly.
anspocced. nor cared. : occult arienre are tho« who. folly
I’reaently. as she worked, a voles Oiner
he raid, bitterly, “gha , odtnitttag the t*Jectlve tcUliy of oc­
only telling w-bat you thick abuot from a m-or-by window startled her.
as as Indifferent aa-as 1 was."
I ooU experleoces. hold that tow are
'May 1 come In. Mias MolUer It
"i wonder If she kr.c -ra now-." h* , wcc««rl1y evil and harmful In th^ *
That Is the reason .why we are of aald.
hreaibed. “I wonder if whe knows— se’-res. On ihla point, qraln. w*
H- (iflolpn dial th- word boob will
'Why. Mr. Mclntyra. whare did yog
ohouM *«« <*« I® espresa an opInKm.
not lest. It doesn't ctsr.d for a dvAnliv I comr from?"
to undcraiand anything. I oacd to
* rrtn*rkablr fart
humun objecu It Is mure at. attitude
"Bame old place." lacoalcallr.
wonder how anyone could frel so Mlso-many
wi.r« u,.r ,1V, vp omvv... of Dird un t£e part of the person
C'-»crations been looked
as mn...,.
.tie uuo
v- open
m,.- -uum OTCT H,
^.1 win „„ .
, ,5..
Ibow I felt and she toughed. Bald sotxfatlHons and-^ wives' tales
i» BV, mjc. pio.,. wnn Oipboai,-. k.^.^Aiv wh.i. m,, a,k, tb,
"Same old thing—BO 1
I needt-d
thing to lone me up.
^ acknowledged by so
he Mid pontrtr
. ’ on »CTount of no, on, Hke Mr, WUthe
Pcrhaiu. fio was right. I>uihsps I am .«»“>• totcingent and thtoktoA JndivMTit hOQbrtoepof. It Is Slid. roiWTd- JI,,,.
GOT A WRONG IMPRESSION "Your hoiwc?" Ignortag bM
a more.d chep. I'cor Holvn:" he '«>» us « lea« resting upon
cigbi-d ss to pored over the leitcr to I®""'totioB of fact Who could have
Minister Aeaklng Matorisl for'Sermon
Will, 1 rode tbe psny. of wurac.
_ «anicd. ,predicted such s Uemendous reversal
Made Mletoke In Aoperfldai
he Uughrd. "aa 1 am much too lacy to , "ijm,,- k*
of opinloo cooceretog there matetrt
walk. However. ! did uot^mo ‘o
make ^ nnictSS^ hJw^ flfiy years ago?-L«d«i Globu
bos accldtnt
jXou'vc Kol IntoV TYicn he grabs hta
A r'-focm wave to progivaa. A
' tot and hustk-s home to hruak the
noted diriuo. wishing to ret lucal color
'-Wam to see dad- cluttortog the art—anJ 1
1 “Of conrae we were all craay to get (or his next Sunday's acaihing attack
xrxvd arms aboet your chaw •
_ ____/wm.m
vu«. look a trip tliruui-h ibe ai^
Aptoto Baatot Weaving le Beecming:» glitapse of her when they blew to
“Saw him on the way over."
^ and
Thinps EMeriy Man Ovengreyated dialriCL He kad gone oulv
A Loot Art. Due to Modem
.'twr blocks whi-u he came upon a kitm
-Hes doon—
' 'tain. U-areat. no man was vrer lov.d :
hich read "No Further I's-u
cofi^jiaVtog^wilh Ntopi. No. Mob
1 ^
A^hc basket Weaving to a dying
llotxUtod bi-yond iTyreMion. he
ari. Kuecumblnc to the nnequal ittrugcluJt-d that this was all the taaturlal
1 “1 wnui Tmsn
if vmI ... tr.*.
living Is tbo toztecas of khe
against the nblqultons tint>ai1 and
ho ui-Cllv< aud he went home to
Avo.gallon oil can. the quaint and
-and you will bf—ihai'i ^ve always
-She’s .too la*y to
his aennun on the utter d<«redsU'ui
beautiful Indian basket is rapidlv dis­
: a society (hat wcuid threw n
appearing It to woven now only Tor
on If.i- ruhbi.’h bcafi.
•ale to Hrarists and collectors, and as
At the ciiv.c of hU d. Dunclutlan the
the demand from tbd-or sonro-s aV
next SctiCi-v, wh<-ti bo was n-ct-lvtog
waya esewdt the supply the qualUv
the auigratAaileiis'dr his parishoners.
frt- nd came up to him and said:
• 1-- 1 he... iv.t ■•inUi wr-'r... t,
niD. Every week day to the
"That was a fine aerniou you pri-ach*-d.
the “main chaneo.” spend
only >uu dilu'f eee onu tbi;ig when
months over one haiket that If* may
I =oI. oor..„o k..,: I. boro. ,.io
you rerd yvur sign"
:riea the st::B home heraelf. That’a
bold water without leaklnK. -Now' Hra 1 W'iti- and I writhe under tho ,
“I saw »-v ..-j thine there was on It."
.ore than y«or wife does. Ill bat"
makes liitlr difference In the market
too minister rv-i'llcd. with some asSaid tbe yooager man:
price whether the basket will hold
lie «rt with h i
"Docs your wife do ber owa haoBaanything or aerro any oscful porpoac,
'Hut not wbai was .above It." hu
or wholher the docoratlons have any
‘trlciul rnUghtenod him as ho went off
•2VO. we koep a gW."
algnlAcancc or not
' ^
lUgiit over it you thould have n-uj
"Has your wife got a boiMOlal off
Fhclng bravely against the modent
I At last be cUml^d Uc heavy, dark .
he sign: "IncuLuiort Made Uerv."
children ro care for—
tendency to commerctaltoe UkIt hum
‘stairway ro the room above to face ,
>ble celling stand a few snetcr.t


.-M.,., ro.

damca—perbnpii a dosen in alt
Apacbeland—whose memory goes hack
Tiumy and amhldone of the r-dmiu

"I’M Let You Off Pmeen Minatsa.”
k of tiie affair In a way U-cau;
Jr I'ye^divuied letters to we i
as »o broke up he bad to talk
iBubody. He always rpokc of lllU
s though 11111 were tlH!>d4.<ar departed
iid ho seemed to have forgotten iho
path irill had burned clear arroas Chio when he suppusi d to be ecty,
business In the office.

uaually boside aome stream where (he
wlllow-s grow, and the baskets pro­
duced by them are fnlly equal to the
older work.
Tbeso Uskets command the highrvt
prtTiw and are eagertv sought after by
f ^rlo
L When ttiU band ot veaor- |
able wi-avera psss out the genuine
basket of tho anHent days will be bat well. Just a little boylata Trlvollty.
i-lca Katt.-rahall. .IVrtecUy natural!'
A taeiDOry indeed..
•- 'Yew. air.' J agrees. 'Mr. WlUl^
was sure a great frivulcr!'
Rahf Raht Rahl
‘ "And to throw away all his prosHarold's father Is a college Baa l>ecty: he Vijit on.. 'To tie himsvK
and Harold hac come to undVratay
(Juun for life to as empty head, a
spite the (net that be to only wls. h-uz f
tltot hit (allivr regards fa cotlogv
• at far suixrior to the arerage
I (ather'a bean, bliss I'utlermortal. Hut Harold's faiho- doesn't
Ukc dogs, and has on numerous oers^ ,haf I agreed, almoet cryslont fro.wnod upon his smat son *
^ j^^ly acitotdeslre to own a pup.
One dsy ro- ,j,„
cently a neighbor called Harold ovec

FlrrAy’s Srere^ Diuovtred.
\r the nrufly and thi- glowv-ortr.
rrejtotv thrlr licht wtihoul jwlllng
iIicmMlv.-s tn Are was a invstviy unry re-<Mftly. l-ul I'relonsor H.iI liiM-l Ihil-ols of l.yoii uulviTdtv.
hut U?.-n rtudylpg lUe pr-. U
lem. and at tlie rouRri-as of the 5L>o-i’lcal korhiv ht ^ be described
Ills M'lnlU.u of 11. •
Acccrdlcg (0 him this vhospborcsceocp Is cauM <1 by
which he calls ' lurlfi-ra-.c" aiid "lurlferlne." Neilhefol ihi-s*- aUmc U cf
fvctlvc, nor will they produce Hslit
vhi n ciisililned. except when they are
i Cl niaei v iili datur.
Hrofi-rjor Ka|>li3el-T>ubois succeeded
In Iwilattog
■ting th
tbcM two substances and
g them foy aevoral mouths la
ticss wUhnt^

dt tt rioratIgB.

Bomethino New to Janitor.
“I ha«f firud tl.u vlexaur boy. b««
I shall take him 'back—a tenant
rhould have tixv-n turned out." aald
the janitor of a large aparimtffu boui-o
to n woman whu tiad complalued the
.day before Hint she bad ro wall an
luallv long (liuu to be token to
•Uib BUiry apartmetit. 'Whl'-'
Were watting Oscar was workinc
a mechanical piano tn Mra. Hlank'a
b.'<lv.d at vlgbl. but um biraseif.
•5'C..M>d morning. Miss Kattershall.' apartment." said the janitor, "so that
- hu said, briskllUc. not nolkiug bowr (he Hlaofca could pracMce one of tbe
new dances* I have had all sorts of
complaints, from no hot water to too
m-jck noire, bet this core sUnds alone.
Never thcugbt that the Tango-Hunnyo T
;had stood vacant for months, lust as Turkuy would give us any trouble."
It to a thoroughbred coMega ^p.

Mlitotrele of the Bilkana.
In Bervla and Moaleneccp alike
many blind, lame, or erlpplej min­
strels eke out a comfortable existence
in traveling from town to town with
the ancient one-stringed lute and sing­
ing to the pcosanU the doada Of tbelr
fathers and the andent glory of
Bento. From tho fourteenth century
to tbo present day every national hero
has been Immortaltoed to verse-by
hnmhlc veraiBcrs. The anibors ot this
wealth of epic poetry must forever remain gnknowa, but the veraea themeelvea have bean preaarvad. BM to
tbe books or upon paper, but lA ibe
ot tbe people.
. Hto wming TrlboMe*
"Jodga. we are getting op a UtUs
book to be made op tor tbe most part
ary testlmorlali from dlstlofutobed-cMltens who honor us by cai^
tying'ihclr llfc-tosnrasce to oor com­
pany. We Bball be very gtod to have
one from you.i Would you mind taliisi .mo to a few words how you came
to Insure with ut?"
"Not at all. sir. Toor agent waa
bounding me nnsriy to death. For air
weeks he had made my life a burdea.
1 gave him ay ap^eaUoa for Itfe tosnrsnee Jn« to gat rti of him"

tbe next and than some.- Mr. Dye.
Br^ was lust as overcome as the rasl
of as and si>vnt ihro«H|uartors ot hU
tlmo suring at Hill, who wore a heavy
business frown and took only Atiedn
tmuaios for lunch.
"Wu wcBo all eunned with MtonIshmcnt UU one day the bslde dropped
to. 1 bad expcctod a tengiild bloudv
In a moleskin coat who would nqui-si
abmo oue to breathe for brr—but not
Mrs. JiUl. 6be was about as big M a
mtoato and pnKty ws a peach.
'Winiam.' she svt to her husband.
•ni let you ciff.Aftccn ntoutos before
for tea. But if you leave any work
unftntohed you've got U get down
estUer tomorrow morning to catch
and sort of tkklod
come tr you aay so!'
“All of us Mt paralned. sUrtog at
the door through wbmh rhe had led
him. Then we all heaved an understiodtog sigh. 1 wish you could hajr
aeea WUllew Pye, Sr.'s, taoe as I'
caught a gUmpae of It )us< then—I
never kneY what a real bearaclt grin
was heforH haBt*tl"-Chlcago Dally

Ka Was ti
nie professional |
his way into tbe olBoe ot the big milHonairc-and to his most poUshod manocr said:
“Pardon me. air, but I have been
taking some moving pictures of life
your cotntry estato, and thought
yog might be toterealod tq view tho
Alms to our studio."
"Is thst a fact?" yked the milHonatre. "And did you catch my men
i work?"
"Yea. indeod. Bad* » wbolg fUa of
"WcU.^ ropUed tho rnmionalre.
our camera Is cleverer than 1 td&—
c never been able to-"
Ac Fm> Labth
A well taow-n artlii tolls of an
amnaing ccdloqgy to an art gallerr
wher* two young wcman were
viewing a copy of-MUlefn "Oleanra."
One of the young wouien was car­
ried away by bur uthusiuaB. "How
bonufliul! How w-oodettol! Wbat
ebo exrialmed. "Abete aU. bow
Then after u puM she nald: ‘Bat
what are thow people dotogT Drewlear to rend the OUe, she sru en­
lightened. "Oh. 'now,' she added. "I
aeel OleanliM aQlct. How troadUD
How bBBUfult*

» M. Ur. m-MO r?"

"Vr r'?- rj:, tifS , '“i- “

™e case

•-f""’ "• -r

,»,.rM ..ub hr.5.

I SI, i;r.i;''L.r.,iribn.. >. i -4”,
>«1 .I- -ts» b-r O.. -Oft r«.

der the c;rmmrtane« 1 don't see that
leaning la at i
» ««W UU h« Just ooct and
,1,^ ign-j
of a wornlie. I came to a
tbo w indow aad try lag to take bur
“ •■‘>0 »s«d to smile „ g, yours, even If she doeanY get
.before!- He hurled hU face In the iown town very nftaa."
She tAncd on him to blind, nnrea- , «h«!.cs at her side at the re^coOeettoa. i -yoa noednY get croas abort ft." »»
aouallc fury.
| • Hf rvmcml.c-pd that she ,on«J tbe elderiv man.
"You Just want to see me." ^e
hveo pokMSccd of a horror of | -j-a not croaa." oaM .the yoanger
stone-d. "Wxll, look at me.-with ‘>'^'■‘*1 w>'*'
H''l cilstant. Ho qiq "Only 1 dooY like to hear woovour Wg. green eyi-s.'Chase Mclmyre.
a*™'"- Pvrclngly. ea libeled."
and what do ywu see? Think I'm a ,
“ *•*
----(ocl* >
{blc-llke es the faces be bad a.._
Eyes of Night Prowicra.
-li-b.. b... I
“"I” =!•>-*" " IU*
Many creatures are nocismbuHats.
you to talk SO to me—
Seme have ©yea spcctally edaikcd t
"Jim Noman says—"
Helen," be cried, "come
“Hr says.“ csrac a rnarlli.g voice
“‘“a- ‘'‘‘‘W; >
»1**J'* ’*’* ««'J»‘03s of tbe nlgl»L among
from behind Mcln'yr*. "that yer a
you-alwsys. I dldnt know, them rau, night birds ard nigtt tmt- •
trviag to At y« irv^ © Child.'open your eye. to me!" Mis 'tgrAJro. In the eyre of tlgm anmmli
onto Othir DcoMe'a cattle"
• ^oc* '’cot grey wHh the effort of bU ^a~ebds of tbe optic nerve are «•
rtiio otmr peoples cattu.
«raiatog. atrivtog vided Into about iro.Ofo.tnwcyliadricMnlotyre had timied at tbe ffrut
souud of the man's voice to find hit®- against death, the conqueror hlmaelf. ' ** «hcra and «0.»00 conical Abera. Aes"ir looking'tolo the munle ot a pls- Ite prayed by aU he held sacred. «y : »tdtog to Voa Krtes. the conical
his mother's memory. By his heUef ' Ohen perce|ye dart ertos. Many anl- -In love, by the prayers of tbe k»g- 1
c‘««rly to tbe dark because
goDc dead, and bolding ber two coM
eyes cylindrical and conical
hands to his own. be chafed and ' Bhers are ualformly imcrmtogled.
-Jim Noman.
follows the road, howscreamed.
ly. calliag to her, pleading with bar. '"r dart the night; the owl sees
McIntyre throat- the
Ui« Igin aside, an begging her to come back.
jdark things better tban be area light
M of chivalry which
llcb S:
saved bis I
Tbo ps.«i/>i.e.s warmth of tala ap- |t^Higs; therefore. It U probahto that for Ills enemy AiH the Instant
poal sonened the cold atlUaera ot her
cyltodrteal fibers of his -optic
moved, and while tbo bullet missed Angara They aeemod tio him to be
either more inimeroM Of
hta htarl. It ahattcred hit arm. -There
‘more powerful than the ecoleal flhaca.
w as another spun of fame and smoke, growing pllanL
—ilanwris Weekly.
aad tbe girl bid her taco to ber
I. that ahe might not see. Thun
' Anethre Brand.
she board s ateady voice.
penl ot soul to aouL
He anddenty p« his hMd la hM
“Now yon bit the trail. Jim Noman,Then slowly, wrarily, nnwilltoglr,
and drew oot throe
and looked up to aee the man bolding aa of aoma Alld wahtog from a ale^
his mangled hand, which be gated at of deep exbaustton. tbe cold, whito , brohea eigare.
Then be looked at bis best <M vltB
to horror, with Faml standtag by.
forgivtog amlla
smokt- atlll curilng from the mutslo lids lifted and ths tamUlar sy*s <, fo-tvlnr
loo^ into hit oa-n, though faintly l
” King AWoaaoa." be airily
of his gun.
na from a long dtsuaoe. Tbe ahadow !
>01*.^ doUaia a
BatidaginAthe wounded arm aa beet of a emlle partod the gray Ups—ths
Who cares r'
he could. Krrell stoned to get hU Ups ot death.
see them." said the gtrt.
horse to gt>for tbe doctor, thirty milsa
"Ton are going to live!" hs ertsd.
She fnspscied the fragmeau ciosa-,
■way. When he returned (or a Aaal loodiy. “Tog are going to Uve—for
word with hit palioDt he found MoIUe me" He telt her cold, cold tec* ly.
qtdetly aanepaesd.
Just ouuide the door, weeping plt- against his own bet cbesk. He brard
“that’s ths kind peps alwaya beys
lerLv. .
her sigh—a k>og sigh of rapture that when bo’s runctog tor oaoel 1 taov
"I did not think yon eared so much
tbe odor, rive dollars a tboaaaad.
for him. Mollle,” be said, "or I'd have
Somebody bas fooled you. Oeorge."
hit the trail long ago."
In ths Uttlo study below tbe sickSbe was a wise girl and she dM art
He Slopped when he saw McIn­ room--the room of rcsprrectlog—a ■mile.
tyre's fcce over tbe glH'i shoulder, a few bonra Inter Atherton again fum­
pain to cTpry feature,
bled about his wife's desk ter the lit­
always gave you eredlt ter hav­ tle photo.- Again hto awkward hands
. Tfia ^wod Farants.
ing h little horse.aense. Charley," he tumbled the
of tbs drawvra
We have aMcowwd why ths par.
said, "rra hurt to mere wa.ra than le reckless confosion. bet st Isrt they snu of tbe Smart Child are tocUnod
one. old man." he saM. hU Ups twttoh- closed on tbe trraanrod ptetore. Tssn to be ondolr prood of iu - sehlersIcg. "hut take her. and may God bless of joy. the great tears that rtoc cut asnu. It to clear shongb that tbsff
you both."
of the deepest, (sellng of a atrong (eel that their •uperior Bsatallty Is
Whrti McIntyre recovered from a j tnan'e heart, fell thickly, unrestrained- rrflcctsd to the child's acceBplIsha deadly swoon. MoUle'a face era
I ly. on tho chlld-llke face of the wosaa menu. And as all children are smart
hie pillow, which was wet with
who had been hto wife tor tour Mbs. children we have a reason why aU patw
lUaerable ysarp.
, srts are proad pmato aad why iMy
"l—[—tried to to tore yon.
tCepyvigbt. by Daly Btery Pub. OoO ' prater thalr own mtosiahla proffuay to
--------------------------iCboae of othar psopla.
ley. yon
—and I'm only fit to be a
wife anyway, you know.“
"tm. Mollle. 1 knowi" be aald. taratog Us (aos to the waB.
---------Mtos Picklaa<4o Tve beard. It's tag.-Waa^litJ9nZ±^
(Cnpytlgnv by Dutty fitavy Puh. Ca) I


; 'w


We Extend Credit to All Without Extra Charges
Our plan ol lumlshing homes on credit is very simple and most liberal. We originated this easy way to pay
plan over twenty years ago and it has proved to be a big success. By our way you do not have to use your ready
cash or draw irom the bank in order to lumish your home, neither do you need to deprive yourselt oi a beauUiully lurnlshed home. You can buy lust what you want and pay a little out oi your salary when your draw it. You
never miss the money when you pay this way and you can use the lurnlture all the time you are paying ior it.
0<ir Big June Sale is now in Gill swing and we are showing hundreds of big values you had ought to see and compare our prices with others. We do
not c*aifn to sell th: lowest price goods on the market, for the/ are the most expensive kind in the long run, but we do claim and are here t > prove that no
concern in existence can under price us where quality is the same.

II yon cannot eonvcnlenlly tome to our
store, matt ns yonr ortler. We gnaranlee yon
prompt allentton and sattslacUon with sit
mall orders.

This is evidence that we are turning
out extraordidary values in Floor Cover­
ings. This year’s output of Carpets. Rugs
and Linoleums is larger than in previous
years. Our prices are lower and our as­
sortment better, if there is anything you
need in the way of a floor covering we
want your opinion on our large and com­
plete line.
Ingrain Carpets, per yard up
horn............................ ...
Brussels Carpets, per yard up
' 9x12 Axminster RugSi extra ^94 *7C
good quality.......................
8.2 in. X 10 6 in. Axminster 9*10 *7/7
Rugs, extra good quality .
Remnenl of Carpets and Unolenms
at HaU Friec.

I.. .

Hiis Handsome Steel Range
(Exactly like cut)
I9 made by Cribben'& Sexton Co. of Chicago. 111., and
is guaranteed in every way. The body is made of steel.
and the fire box liniog«
and top are extra heavy
quulity.gruy iron. It burns
either wood or coal, has
high waiming closet and
a heavy galvanized reser­
voir. It is well worth $30.
Our June Sale Price is on­



Run.Your Arm la As
‘1^ Far As You Like
puu open the'
■•Standard Examine.
tion Clasp** and investigate the in- ]
tenor of "Standard” Cotton Felt Mat- i
tresses for ycu.-sclf. You will fihd noth- j
ing but the purest and Lest qualitj' of hc- i
Icdtcd cotton felt. Euik hyer by layer,
this cotton felt never becomes hard or J
lumpy and retains all its elasticity and |
buoyancy. Non-absorbent,“Standard”
Mattresses are healthful and sanitary.

Taken Here and Tliere Throaota Our Slock.

50 lb. comb Mattress—30 per cent felted cotton. 1q
per cent jute, 60 per cent fine grade of special cut ex­
celsior; has same grade tick you get on a $25 mattress.
June Sale Price only


Odd Wood Bed that we have sold the dressers and
commodes too. at 50c on the dollar.

We have.aboiit 100 Window Shades that are slight­
ly damaged. Regular 23c. 35c and 4Sc. Shade Sale
Price 10c and 15c.

Ihese Mattresses are made under the Ohio law,
obliging the makers to label mattresses as to what they
are made of, and so yoi^are suw of getiiag just what you
pay for.




ery part base of 5c or over.'
Th“fe coupons apply toward

a Beantiiul French
China Set of illuminat^>d

They con isl of berry

sets, fish



game sris,

and- afe-_ ;the

most handsome di.h'ss manu­

And a few cents saved on each one
will amount to several dollars in the

Alwin fio-Cart, guaranteed by the makers
for 2 seasons ................... .........................
Princes Dresser, 3Bx38 Frei^ch plate mirror, fidd
June Sale Price......... J.......................... 9AX*i9

About 2 dozen slightly damaged Bed Springs, regu­
lar $225 values. Sale price $1.00.

. We give coupons with ev­


June Sale Specials

Big Mattress Special



Takes the drudgery out
of the kitchen work, makes
the food more wholesome
and delicious, saves fourflfths of the fuel bill. Write
for our illustrated and de­
scriptive catalogue sent
free on request.

t)il Cook Stoves, Gasoline
Cook Stoves, One and Two
Burner Ovens, Refriger­
ators,-Lawn Mowers, Garden
Hose, Hammocks, Can­
vas Cots, Porch Swings, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn
and many other things that are really a
necessity during hot wealher. Come
in our store and get just what you need
and pay for it later if you wish. We
have hundieds of things you need, but
haven’t time or newspiper space t > teil
you about them.
Our prices you’ll find are really lower on
house-furoRbings every day in the year than
mpny other dealers’ Big Sale Prices. We under.
buy—that is the reason we undersell.

Only One-Motion
Bed Made
Bed <Rx47 iBcbM), with 18-tb, felted ootue
•Table mettrev. Verycautfortablc. You do
aUwsphoteteriiig. Pieotyoftoomfor
rui wear a‘^Sie.^0 t.
f. fonuahed witbont oee.
All atrtes-iow pricee.


120 East Froiit

Your ReUaUe
a. W. SLATER Homrinmi^

f TAGS Eionr

fiome Cheer
an. Utbd Bates WillUim, E()itor.

ert.i.,but Un«ler ahell of pk cru»L nu
wni In ihc ■Bgar. BUrriaf wirfdljrun- Kemove mil *ced« Ironi the <Ulc» snU canned tonialoee: have ready tm eeuat
with ripe uncooked berriei »eH aweclU1 It U divaolved. ’ rakln« and ml* fruit and nun »ell. qnaniltj- of bread crumb. Airan*e In
eaed and cover wlih a Ihlrk coatlnc
Dip joor ■laaw'a llrei Ihto hot walar. Run all thronah a food clio|.|)er, utin« layen. In baklnx dlah wuii two ublcof eweetcaed whipped crqam. very watch tbe HquU careluUy. aiM a> aooa the fine cutter. Then pack cloMly la spoons oj bauw. a little sucar If liked
rllahlly BavoreH with vanilla or al- as It beslns to bob cake It Irom the tin cans or jars, cover closely, and salt and jwpper. --Bake ohe hour for
mond. This Is delicious.
Are ao<l All tbe classes.
keep In a cool place. When wanted, fresh tomatoes half hom
------------------------- Be carefnl to nelect only firm Inill. dip tbe can In hot water and the con- ones.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ M overrlite fruit »lU never make a teaU will tdip out cwallv. cut in slices
lhirallo|>ed Klih—Drali
d plt k
♦ Bnn klly.
place between thin slices of bread.


Th.wir I. to„rov«i tojiui,k.i.». y d.iwo„.


6», bad some ^ipcrtenoc t
nllb thb
an MI us about IL
This sprlns the stores are showins
new material called klmona pllssc
hicb is cerulnly bcABtlfnl In Itself
and nt-e.U no irouins- It Is the same
thins u seeisiHker einsham only
Oner, aid the tiiriiw*. are only about


On the menu ai fashlouablr'hotels
on Jalee added to that of the fruit. cmtln* the nm fruit mixture in enbes brcaklns Intb amtJl lortlon*. Aiier- it «HI keen lt» minr .nd liw>kdaJntv
dlfferent comitote* of rice dre freIf after alt or eijrht hour*, the Jelly and dipplhs them In melted swev-t nate Uyers offish with crack.-r and preuv after ua^hine » win ^
One W«h the InSnlta
four hour*-. Kwnovo frw quently seen scrve.1 as a sw.-el entree
U not as firm as you wish It to be, set
chocolate. t-runiba add aalf and i-pi-er to taste, sumeihine w.nh uhii.
One with the InflnUc. sUaj. In tutfe. "toW «o chilled s,.rrluR disli aud'cai or to take the place or a dessert. A the riA.m In the ntn. with hits of
------------^-----------molKten with v«k and bake.

The ero.«. are eseeW tor...Hannony sweet a. a bird-sons In Juae. blsh »lih w’pcti'd stiB*l>crrieH. Itt
jbem 10 keep out
Bsenoped Com-Aliemate layers koned wear Thm- are a wWa ra.Never a doublln* lliousUt. never a tnciiilM-r. that tbe whip I. obtained of tbem all. Wash one cupful of rice.
le 4u.t and InsecU.
t FOR VOUR ENTERTAINMENT. ♦ of .-auoed com ».r f.-e..hl wilb irackcr' riely of s
from thin cream by the urc of a whip cover with cold water, and let. stand
CookInK Jelly down over tbs fire •♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ crumbs, buiier amiseasonins. . Add'im.ialn »
Always a sense of the FhtbctbooJ
several hours.
uiMi one-half
darkens li. while ibU sun cwklns Nothin*: is prettier than n dune tea. milk for fre.-ih corn aud bake half fiviii It
A Nov.-l Cake PIlHns—Oai CTipfel cupfuls of Isiillns wap In the to|> of doe* ii
derwear. ami makes ’
of etrawlierrlcK. the while of 'be OKk a double Imlier. and add one teaspoon- ,
nent of roaes fUllnK ihe air.
Wi:h the
Peace like a river** flow, ami ««I one cupfnl of susar. H .ve the ful of salt- Add yrtdually the dralut-d
tea |ass thin, dainty saiidwK hc-s. and
The,‘Very Beet" Shortcake.
qualiiv -when buyina It. a- ih<oaio], .
bt'rries as dry as iioasihic.
tlrrinn whb a sliver fork to ♦ -TESTED STRAWBERRY REC- ♦ snlMl n^ts. kinffcd olives or bits of
Sift toKctbcr three cupfuls of Jloiir. sometimes wears shazy.
Ploodlns the soul with Iw hcawily tosether twenty luinntes. S ve as pn-veni a.lherlae tb -the boiler. Doll «
♦ crystallized itinzer. aecordlnc to 'tha ihree ruundinc teuk|ionniuls of bakin*;
Not Ion? aeo a friend of min.
. wn a* possible.
five mlntiie*. rover, idsce oivr the tip- ♦E***^#^^*#^***#^ vailctitys of sandwM»es sorv.d.
'fwwd.-r, ami onv-llilrd of a leasimonful ed to put her bahv Into romisrs t^t
PWlh upward satins, unlwiinmeled. aeOranRcd Strawb. rr1cs-Ml*- c cuk dcr ion of the double boiler, and
Candled Sttnuberrles -Weigh berT.inislo and liotseradUh Kawdwlth- of rail, says th- |?tdleh Worl.J. Mix was so busy sh-*a» able to uot onlv
f”l of iwiwdered susar Urbllv Ihiumth steam
until the rice has ahsorlM-d the rics. aliomlnconc jound of Rrnnulainl m,—lluiier thin Oiewk of bread, lay a ihlo oni-half cupful <rf l.uiier one made and that s-as of pink :k-t(Itupins wHb boldness the treasures one quart of line.
Bier; then add milk, and-sicam until au«ir to .-ach iiound of Irull, Ibit ciWp leilu.-e leaf on lower .-li.-e, thru ond tub the mixture until It tMcomes s.irker tinKhani lli'i slw saW It dhlnT
berrlen. squeeze over thet
____ ________________
The whole ( suitar in a isircclaln-ilmsl kettle. nU-i pla,v very thin sllcea of firm loma- nie.<onHlmm-> of commeal. Add matter, tor .he wa„h.;i li while he
f r « f w ri r
^-npful of boiliak water and toes on top. epread a liiil- prciktrod mdualH. while mlxlnc with the Qn- took his nap ahd dn.^j it by tl.r
Love all-eofoldins in u
'o ">in minute*, but must defu-ml on the aae «lr until su»u- Is dlsaolve.1. Kkim hotserodiKh on ca. h sH.-e, ro»-r with Rcr tip*, suriciei.i sw.n-. milk to form and when he went i- 1k-<1 at nlsht she
Pity Mt-reachlaic a brother t6,peei:
h . S-™ I. . .tolo.
„ni..rW;.ial..,h..»o«lBMIl„,W .to 1, r™Ao. II,. 1,111.5
»<l.l .,«1,., kll,,,, 1„,I ...1 .1|.„r l,„ .,l, . .k.„.l, ™n . i..,..!,
I, ...llj h.„- ...hnl 11 .15,1. ...1 ll ... ilrf, .
Couraxe uudaantef.
r.-H'ln'H.l.'.a..i, ......lM.j. .i„.b«rTi™. O.VCT... ...I, ih. to Trti. ll... ~1... ov.«l. to c.i .IW ...I u. I.M
.11 ,1„-11..,, 111. ItolTto ,i™. Tl... i, .
4oIl urennoiis life
UolBft the 4lRht .to to,1.5^.,.,i..u.,;,,1
d pan. I nm coIuk to .try this mai< rial l«»r
III sofu-ned dreases and romt>crs.—Kx-han>;<-. '
the berries on disb.-s.
le over the other.
e the eye.-, and stand in Ihe sut
Rake fur alwut iw.-niy minutes in a Patchwark Parties Popular in.London
nd w ith a small round (hem in as the sun coes dow n, if they
hot oven.
If you want to be really ni>-iodaie'
... h..,.1.5 ..„r.l .1 .hl„ .to.,

ihc cenierH. To 'team- arc not .pilie dry put rtieui out lh«Itemuxe thb top layer and ' rc tura you must "patch." Society !x always
, Heat vlwiromJy until the mixitire U ^ ^ee add tv.........
- --"**
i» and
table- next day. -ci_____
They may
then •l« ............
mlnuirs eacer to welcoiitc Kometlihi*: new in
very liBlit and foamy. Add to the ...oonful* of « near, one and oiie-lialf with cruniilatcd sucar and i>ut away dh-c of bread on and rut InP
to allow tbe soft part* In cnuit over, tb-.wa.v of aniuseiuesi. and *i* latest
TlanRular pieces.
Uaten .yolks of the crb* bant a cui. i„uhsi«onfuls of batter, a f-w craius foi^lsccplDS
will ensure SRain>4 soaklnR up craxe is the idlchwoik jiarty. .ai* a
iqneapiile Sandwiches—Cut plnca|i
sucar and i
- tul
of I
D eCK -yolks aJlRhily
sirawWrry Ic Cream, simple at kI pie into thin
item from l-ondox
-tin os the Had
r rich milk.
a tioulile
. juice that way hftw cood-One pint of milk, one pint
iirang-- a layer ol
For the benefit of !hor:>e who are as
now shn^l In■"
Iioiler until the
taru will .oat a sP- 1^*!^“n
' slices of plueapid.-. .-ream, one cupful of,eniHh.-U simw- to fine silver*. suRar sUrIiUj"d b.-rrict
be lower one. sift yd uninitiated a few ■Words win eiiiove from the lire.
■ "And 1 love to think God's jsreai- llh
s comiwle. and aininRc lu-rrles. fiecar to lastV Mix Incredf- In cold pla.-c over nUbL O.. if
how this m« and failikinabie !
.. ileI flavor with half « leasisxm of almeti* pinca|.plc a
,o«n In the lllusliaiiuii. i-am aad fieere.
r whlpiml cream around game Is played. Each campeiiior—
fired, tenve the sl.ccs whole. pUiv L^.j.jneapplr
IneoRipleieness. 1 or lemon exirari. „1 let ret very cold.
* Flowa around t
d sides: then heap the top the more the meiTier—Is jiruvlded
.Make a pineal*
istrawberry. Blseult—Make donah as
alices of buttered bread and *****
* 'Hound our re>
Mrawberrie* and ,.ip .-roam by miftenlnii a tsblesiwou r„I‘i.UeHti
ftuil It win hnid.
with an oiitlioe sketch and a gummed
rulifnis of Dour, four cut Into triangle*.
^or Id'
1 serve at once, Tlu. strawl-rTW j„,
Crush ezira Wrrles. hdilitig sugar Mieel of pajwr on which gre prime-i a
level tea»|>oonfute of baking i-owdef.
(linger and Wulnul Sandwl.-he»—Heshould not Im pi - ■ —’ .horiLv
ltd* •lIsHulvitii:
two labhuinoafnla of buiter. three- tween thin slice* of buttere-l br.-ad lay ami bmier which Ita* b.-en melted: number of colored patches, which,
are i<> i»of the liquid lakri
d pan of hot water to k.->-p jusi when rut out and affixed to tbe ouiquarters of a rupfuj of water. Make w,, „f ,.reserved ginger and cte.pi«-d
• SirawlH-iries-Allow one
lapple and hcaii-d to the bi.ilins
' Hue' sketch, wlU imodnce a comiaete
a soft dough. Roll Hr.hily on ffmired wnlniii*. using a IIHte of Hie syrup warm. &tv<- from ImwI
t milk In cum-- to blood
Add on. fourth cii|. of turrar
--------1------------ —
colored patchwork idcture, and which ‘
iKjard to oneEuarter tm-h in thi. kncs.1. ihe gloRW te pul up lu. Cut Into thin
Lack of ibe iniiRc. ilu n
1C Juice tij a lem.m. Set the
i Strawberry. Raagfattry. Blackberry resenihio* a PosMBipreBsloulst maa- )
iwnr it into X deep'dish. add sm-ar tOi Jufee Dto a i«n of crushed ice. an.l Cut Into squares. Kit In gr.-aiHWl niuf- iiiiceg.
mi with terrlea. s|«-iuhhDream Randwlches-Rub'one cupful,
sw.y-ien: an, flavor with leiiion or al. to thicken, fold in one ^itb V
Allow one |«uml of sugar io oBc
Armed with a pair of sclssoro. (be
xr. fold over eml* nnd lake of slewed i.runes lOA f^le
mend. The. 1 Mir liRhily In <>uc Jun- .-IIP of tloiil-l.- cream b<-ai
k. l laMet <11 isnlve.1 in a labic*|«M>nful glass liaiioe dishoti If iMisslblc. and In hot bv een fifteen to twenty mliratei
*A Daily Word.
,hin slices of buttered bread; ^the sugar and let it suad over iilghr^*- *“'»'>> »* l<os».ble and slick* (hem
of cold wat' r or three-foiirlfas tabh- place a. slice’ in each dish, with the tb-ne will strawberry hard sauce.
•Monday—"Know ye not i
»<'' ouHInc piciure la wliai he or
Rtrawbe ry Msrd 8auc«—Ope third (o* rbopiKXI sralnuls may be .addid.
-ennei. MCI It away IC
c.-nicr and around the
the temple of God. and tha ibe Kpirh ilioun of Hi
morning boll It for fifieeu to twent- *he considers to lie Ibeir praiwr pohL
of a cupfi I of buiter. one cufiml of j-m each Into four little squares.
eool. beiSK carefii
ter it. .lust U- C.IRO in miteheaj.k. Cut one sll.e of
of Go.1 dwcltith in you?"
minutes. Seal up In glas* jirs.
«•«•"- The result te hnrmoulouv anteHot

fore it I* to be served till
he riseapplc Into diamond* or tilTuesday—-The l-mple of God U
To Serve Strawberries.
Hv or grotesque, aceordlug to the
with aliemaie siKxtuHil*
- j'uukei , ingl.-s. and u»e. with a.few .andied of v-aniliv Sirawlierrles siifflrleni to hrc.xil moderately thin, trim InP
holy, which temple ye are."
Try this way of strawix-i- *klil of the compeOtor.
color a delicate |dnk. Cnw tbe bui■ lightly, spread with
and jiliced and suRun-d
berrie«. rherrie*. to decerate ihe dt*b.-s.
Wednewhiy—"Him that *o»'ere^Mh
------------------------lerrwitd sugar gradually, add vanilte
Heap whIpiH-d
well flavored firm preserve, cut ries: Wash. idck. and rhill the berip. aud »:
Pineapple Surprise—I'otd a pineap­
win 1 make a pillar In the temple of
Candied Sweet Potatoes,
and berries.
irtaURlca. place In flat Hu and He*, drain lb<-m well, tben'an hour t>cL- fine dM-rrie» roll.-d i
ple. then slice nnd cut it into small
my God."

fore serving'time slice a .oedle** orCaiiBIcd .sdhs^^iayofs are a dellSirswberiy
rulM-*. Put It Into a sau.-o|ian wiih
Thursday—'The lztr.1 1* Ir His holy
aoge as thin as insstble. cutting clous dteh. To
bolt four
one ciiprnl of granulated suga'r aiid of butter, one cupful of xiigur. two. iiniil a
Temple, let all the earth keep sllem-c
through rind and all. and arrange the terse-swoei |«utoe*. and when roM
n hot Hale
srry Daintier.
one cupful of water Stir until Ihe eggs, olitsbair cupliil of milk, one and other *l
before Him."
slice* in layers with Ihe ' tierrles. peel and slice them Into a ]«p. Add
three-quarter eupfute of flour, ,lhre< rrrvl wi
FVIday—"My Son, IwHJ me a bouse
Strawberry 'aKe-tl'se any layer siiRgr te dissolved and cook unjjl the
H-ant trasixmnfulg of luiklDB imw-der.
Hacon and Lettuce Fandw lobes—Cut 'Pprtnkllng each layer llbeially with a teaapoonful of buiter and half a leawherein 1 may dwell."

vwko retill-c that te ve/> light and d.-H- vjnip in guile thick. >*ui ihn-c cii|v
Keep very roM. In helpiuc. spoonful of powdered cinnamon, half a
Itakc In -ilire.- lav.-rs. and pul fute of milk Into a double boiler, ami. I'ream Ihc butter, add sugar gradu- from thin rlk-e* of bread, toast '
Saturday- "Sacrifice and offerlBK *■*'
of orange
at. the bottom
of earful '<•
of sugaV and «»>«eit** »e«a ,
A------. V, .V
irewbrrric* and wIiIihn-I .-ream
when scalding hot. beat the yolks of ally and egg* well beaten. Mix and on one side only and keep warm. Fry ' — "
thou would*! not. but a Iswly hast Ihoi
sift flour and-baking jnwdcr; add al- thin sll. e* of ha<t>n until crisp, ?tew
Plate. If-tfie nenicc I* Individ- barely to--over Hje potaioew. A drop
tween the layer* and on top ,
*ii crrk until light, then pour the
.lib milk lu imi kilkiur.. buii.r lb. to .lU. ol lb. l.tod. lajI"'.'"
»“««• --'-• "to »'« ol l.mub
mv b. .dto 11 d»
Sirawl-erry Sandwiches--(hit the milk over them. Mix well an-I return
houfe (wlU-d
ll.b.- lb l«i.,.r..l imll.lduu ,1b,. 8...,. . I.,,,,., to, bbd
to .ll.„ o, lb.
>«"■'“ "'f
^b. .tolly lie.
lUk. tb, „bt,.,. in, i, „■
bread Into round or nbloug MleA. id the double bollcT.'silr and rook untbe bousA of pra;
b.... b,,,to ..d ...1 Ini. itl..kto. "■
‘J- >"'•
Make It a* thin and UMy lu api«ir- til thick, pour tbe .uslard Into a bowl .to «„.I.Trr
Strawiterry Raue(--One-thlrd of a .Fried Kgg SandwichesxHn-iare os *
‘‘sqnisite west (o the frulL

—----anco as |kj**lhle. Uutier the bread and chill on Ire. then add the i-Inewm
Thlnss te Sc flamembered.
ruiifbl uf bull... t.Hihlr.1, of ■ ..ii. dli.. i«l .In.., th.n lay a iMtut. to!
ill... m.y(l. uto. boi It 1,
Tto TimbFnittl CkM.
well. Make a iihste of 4iow derod suR-^ pic and syrup. Fm-ze qulie stiff. iia<i:
Remember' that a smlb* lioi
1.1 ot bom™. Ob. ™,.lol „I toto ..J k ™..,oll, Ito .u on too.
* to-i-tok. by yo.r
heart rmnikol be forced.- but it t
lion.,'. ,,.5... .bll. or Ob. .55. .11..;
.I.h to ..d
-Ok-.. Tb" -l™,. -bleb «11 tto, ll. ntclp,. -Vlll. 1, I. .1111, w»
ov.r ihe liri-ad. It te delirious w-rv.-d park In lee an.l salt, la-l It stand for
•dd todoally. ,11... ..road .Ito ol to.i on ib.i aad ■»" T I’o' "™
<»' Mtolaa blllaa:
1 Ihe but
•^niemlier that you caunui fmr* lor lunches, esjiecijiiv wix^’i Hie evTur aeveral hours Boll onc--hair cupful of ' ***'
uoHI Miff, nnd straw- lay sirlp* of fried imeon across. Either
scheme te pink and the rlblKiiis ibai sugar with oneqnniier gniiiful of wa- I****'
yourself Into eondltioni
te-rrie* Ik-at until berries are nmsh- of these Irncon *andwlche* wav »x«
The Useful AH-Bummer Rhubarb.
ind bear tboroughly. addinR butter
You most carefully aa.l
Ihe rhufhu- half
half size
size of
of an
a egg and one fourth cup
liff froHw*'^
housewives cultivate the
Strawberry Saracen—Toast some the whlt.-r of ih,
qolciiy culUvaie these condiiions as
Rirawbenr Pud-JInR-One or waiercre** arv nho will, hot sandacqualnunee e ily loug enoush four. Rtir the minure Into o
you would lender plauis. They Rittv.- very Hitn sllees of stale bread, bi^tler then add the Tupuml heat until cviM
_ .. «.iprlns Plc. and then «we*t milk that te almost bnlling liol
Iplul of suisar. two cRcr. one and one- wlches.
for * f.«^'
m rve. turn out quK^v
acordhtg to absoli c law. and anyoue generously, and line the bottom and When read;
stlrHu; coiteuiitly. to
* of Iteklng iiowder,
ho knows the law. can raM them If
of « dteh with ih.-m. Kill wl'iu Into aHreproofr dteh Cover with She
Some Severy Escallepa.
•'“* »>«aTlt-s. says Table Talk. « thick «usthrd. FUvor wlili orange
two cupfuls of flolll
' te pxHcnt and eareful.
stiawbeirle*. luickud aud h.-aiied a* weringtte. and bro'
'or luncheon and hot rapper dtehes Hut rhubarb te Jn*i as Rood In summer »nJ sjiread betweea layer*, adding
sweet milk, two cupfuls of te-rrles.
Demember that you rannot gain lull as the dteh will lioM. slftli.g sugar hot oven. Serves
•re te nothing more samf.vlng Hun or fall, panleulsrly if it te rui occa chopped nnU. crystallsed cinger. msFleam two hours and scivo with
happiness by any unnatural mean*. Idenilfully ill through and «vc them.
oKcallop. and many and savory are kloh-H.v. am! a rhiilurh shortca'se or Ins. and eltton.
Strawberry Muec.
A Good Sponge Cake,
You must let your Iboughls dwell u|* then set the dteh,In a mod.-rai
‘ vartailons possible to the re*our--e- » rhubniL ui-loca make* at) »FCOa*louAl
Another Tuui Fnitll Cake—Two
Rirawte-rry Sweel (l.-kle*—To each
ollewing recipe Is one ef the
on thing* that iiroduee liappimw* aad (or about half-an hour. ThI-i i*
bouncwife. The followltie. while
dessert In Auguct or S- i* caps sugar./ine-halt'cui> butter, one
>-r. and It* only drawback te seven |ioimd* of fruit., weighed after
cold '“‘I* cv-r.
keep them away from things that pro- delh lou# dessert, servwl v. i
BO well known as others, will he temUr. It iswnost friendly, however, cup milk, four <-op. Cboi. whites of
hulling, add thiee and one-luilf ixrand*
duee gloom. Look alwa.v* for tbe *Hh rlih.^HiIck cream,
to thefamily •» combinlnR It* larincss with the live eggs, (our Icvrt tcasinons baking
of brown sugar, one and one-halt found happy
bright side o( every proiKisltlon. anad
Sliawl>ers> Trifle -rut hirgi- raa. eggs are <-hcap Just iiyw. and
Hnu . Ider vinegar, one ounce of tneny:
overaweei beny Jams and makes a de- poader. HtridelnloJ.ourfiafts.lMVjla**' •‘loufl* vwhe with ll.v crispy ci
you will find it.
herrle* In halve*, lay them In
wlwite i^loven. one ounce of stick clnnaE«-allo|ie<l Eggs—Cut -fmir cold
raspberry. Ing one lan plain. To ooc pa« add
igarami should never Im> TrosKu], *o Hi.-r<- :
Remember that you rannot force dteh. siirlnkle over with tlni
moa. Plaec berrl.-s and sph-es In al- hniled iHiiatoe* and six hard ImjIIcI rtrawberry. , blackberry, ploeapnle, one-half ru|. chopivxl English utUnuU.
other people or their children to be flavor with lemon Juice;
teruBte layers In a alnni Jar.
Roll eggs Into slicss. Put a layer of |siia-peach nr (lear.
Tlie rhubarb ia ns-> to anoiber onc-half cn|i rbo|>od raisins
good. You must set a good examptc ounces of ai«mg<’ cake cnimli* and ''**■sugar and vlm*sr together for Ihrw to»-s In a buttered baking dish, spriu- *»>'
cheap In ft* later searou and cliron. and to the third |on one(or them If you wish tbem to Iraprovc. a few spilt blanehed almomte. Vovw
minutes and iiour over berries while kle with Ball and '|>epi*cr. th.-n cover *“d may often U. bad merely fof tbe baU cup fresh grated coeoanot a«t
Remember that you caiiuol (dree with whipped cream and -lecvralc ulili crrs; te
hot. I-ei them aland twenty-four with a layer of «g*. rr|«ailng until MklnSthe grated rind of a l.mon or part of
ntll llKht
yourself Into a splrituai reollzatlon: Hl>c sirawhefrhw.
troth, h
hours. Drain and again boll the liqiior all are used, Ponr ov.-r a aaure made
Ooe-ihird more jam of a really ta-C>i^«nge. Hakr each portion la a
you must seek sidritual Ihlugs in the / Rirawberry and MnrKhmallou IV*- add one
and pour over Ihe berries while-hot. of .four tahlesiioons butter, in uhVh proved flavor way Iw made with lUtV »>cr tin. and when linked and cxdd
lieacc and quletneei of your own soul. *ert—Cut some ri|ie strawberries In minutes r<ild In the grate-l rind and
l.ct them stand another twenty-four has been cooked two slice* of .onion extra cost. For strawlarry Jam take t'"t together with white Irlng. Have
Remember that God was Dpt In the halves, and marshmallow* into two or Juice of ilf a Icninn-or use the Juice
hour*. Then ptece henies and liquor for three mlDUtes: pdn ilircv table- three fort* strawberri.-s and one »ke
bottom teyer of tbe cake plain,
teniMwii, but In the still smal^volcc.
three piecos each. For lialf a pint of and ball I tcasiKKM of vanilla. Ilaei.
over tbe fire and let boll slowly for spoon* flour; half leaBissui CtU, aad part rhubarb. For -aspbero iam take fke nexi laser that containing the raisiibcr that,sincerity and *lead- whipping cream have about a enptul one cup flonr In sh-ve and sift Into
fwur on Rrad- two part* rasplwrry and one part rhu •'»*
citron, the next the nut layer.
thirty minutes. l*ack
.Into small Jars. «lr until blended: then ......
fastnesa of purpose count lor mere each of fruit and marshmsHows. Beat the boaien yolks and sugar a lari of
cover and stort- away nnlll needed.
usHy two cup. of acal-h-<l milk. Cover barb. For bte- kberry Jam take three
* c <vicoani layer on lof..
than great ability in atiMuing *u<-ceas U|i tbe cream, fold In three table- Ihc flour, adding at tbe sani^ time a
Strawberry Cake (deliciousi—One- lop with buiiered cracker cnimh- and fiaris beirics and two tarts rhubarb,
al<»g any line.
aiioonfute of sugar, half a leasiioonful part of tbe egg whites. Fold together
quarter cupful Of butler, one cupful of bake until done.
For |>earh or pedr lake two tarts
Remember that "in quietne** aad of vanilte eztrtct and Ihe frulu Serve and' then add more flour and egg
ni (WO ounces iM cooked ms'-sroDi
rugar, two eggs, one-half cupful of
Escalloivd Clih-ken -l*ut a layer of fruit to one imn rhnhorb. For p!ui- ,
eoDIMence shall be your atrongth."- M a dessert, thoroughly chilled. In wblteo, and continue until the cup of
> siurt plt'ccs, beat ft In half a
milt, one and two-thirds cupfuls of mincod chicken (or turkey) in a but- apple Uke one iian luaeaiiplc b
dainty glasses, with or without wafers, flour and whiles liave all been Incoriwcu|>ful of white sauce, add tffo oii-wr«
-----------------------Four Bgrawbeery Plea.
rated, bat do not stir nor beat more,.
Good Things With Strawberries.
Strawiterry' Pfe—IJne a deep pie- than enougb to get thoroughly mixed.
.. Ih.- tauicsiioonful of grated ebeese, wnaioubmter. add sugar grailually. eggs will nwlslcn with chicken gravy thinned barb li r-. „ito. Ihm. «.«. >1-^ to or
to toito to 1-.,.^
Birawberry Bavarian Crrjam-R<«ik pteie wiui rirh i«»te. an.l bake. Flit Itekfc in a deefi bar |«in or In -tul«txatrn, and milk. Add flonr mixed with water, reiwatlng until dish te full fruit to be used and
two Ublospoontnls of granulated gete- with nice r1i.e berries using Heniy pan. lUve a good body to the beat of
. Mix well a^ spread on a plate to
and sifted with baking powder, itek.- If Do gravy use milk, with a lliHc any other Jam. using sugar fiouud ft
tjne In one-fourth of a cupful of cold sugar; ih<-n moke a meringue of the oven, but only modi-rately hot. so that
cool. Mix !l up Into small rroqueltes.
In n thin sheet In dripping pan.
Cut Hour and butler over each layer. This (»un-l.
water, aad dissolve in one-iMrd of s «:hJie* of two «-ggs beaten stiff with cake can rise'well before browning,
brush them over with a beaten eg^
in balvee, Spread vne-half with straw- Is more satisfy lag than naiads and
In canning berries or fnUi cooked
cupful of boiling water: then add Me a uWrsiwon of augar. rover the plc The pas might be covered with |iai>or
roll In fine bread crumbs and Dy te
berry rdllng. Put over other half and quicker than crnquoties.
in the jar* In a boiler or »tfamei
cupful of atrawberTv a.vruM.'»-<«w »4th It and brown sHgbUy.
»hen first put In oven so that- the
. plenty of smoking hot faL Drain ai d
cover with strawberry frusHug.
Bscalloi<ed Oolou*—8n*f onions and making tbe syrup to lie iwHired over
graina of salt, and sugar to thrte. K—'gjrawbciry Crram Ple-lJne a ptele cake will not bake toe soon on the
Strawbern- Filling—One-half cupful parboil In salted water. Dn-in. spread tbe fruit with rhubarb Jaice and yon
not sweet enough. When Ibe^htraw- wUh |«ste rolled very thin, fill with top. This cake has no Iteklng powder
berry mixture bygini to thicken, fold strawberries, adding sugsr'to sweet- nor other Ugblening substance.. This of sugar, two and one-half tablespoon- a layer la a buUerf«l dteh; cover will have added Ravor and rlcbneaa.
Harmlta or Drop Cookies.
full of dour, onequarter cupful of thickly with bread or cracker crambs.
-----------------------in the whip frbD one pint o! thin en. and bake quickly. Bmi half a cake te line for s.-rvlng with berriea
Two eggs. OM and one-hslf ctiplulx
To Save irening.
cream, and torn Into the mold.
pim of thick, swe*-! cream to a foam. It needs no froetlag. The sorre* of strawberry Juice, on<‘-ha]f tablespoon- hulter. s^ and peiiper: rciicst aud
of brown sugar, one-half of a cupful of
fol of lemon Juice, ©oe egg. allghtly hake. This te a p^lcularjy dainty
R'hen warm weather cornea everySirawbenr azysse-Wasli.. drain a<ld the beaten yolk* of two eggs, and aucceaa te in the slow, even baking.
butter or lard. Me cupful of .■aisiiu.
lieatrn. one teasfioooful of butler. Mix onion dish, and will be much ixlished oae longs to wear thin, dalmy dre«and hull one quart of strawberries, a Rule sugar, |iour over tbe Hr. aad
I each or doves, niitIngredtenis in order glren. Cook ten by tbe lovera of Ibis sumileni ve^
but ihoughte of the long hoars with
‘and’Ttei^ii^o^ ^’swntel
Sprinkle with one cup sugar and let serve very cold,
Btraxvberry Jelljc.
ites te double boiler, stirring coo- table.
n^t Iton
Iron atoto
soon .Istoaton
damjwn tonA-«
one's tolthflSl.
entbnxl- .(iMnUtoi m'
stand one hour: mash and put through
Pul th<- berries Into a stone jar and
siantly. Cool before iiw-adliig.—
EscaUoped Cabbage—Shred eabhase asm. When I was a little gtrt d r»Flow MMrt te
a sieve, add one and one-tourfh ubl«v- .straw-berrlea oi
1 t
'' 'f,
fine and pnrbolL Drain, lay in a but- member my mother once bad *
spoonfuls granulated gelallne aosked berry, and fill
plepUte. Put on gn They should be a mUe under ripe.
tered dteh and «v.-r with a thick sucker drea. that needed nD irenlng.
la two tablMpaonfala cold water
-jpper crest, making II rather thick.
Cover the lop of the Jar and let the
Ltmehran EsMwtchaa
. while «,uce. lepratln* until dish 1. \v2te one onc^ in a while saw smt- before baking.


tr.r,.r”.r:'.7.;; ■. -r

ytromd the
SdUor's ffdble

K -

lag water. Set bowl eontatelni
ture In |ian of Ire water and atli
m'Ixture begins to thicken. s<rapteg Cook
(ram bottom and .Idas of bowl. Fold ,o two beaten v-gg whites one uble- all tbe Jnlre.
.y, . ,
-----------large aoda erackera PUea sprinkle with grated cheeae and crackin the whl|> fium one quart of thin sixmnful of augni
.1 Af ______
‘ x. one-t^f tea- Meaanre Uti.jDlee. and to each plot te a warm ovnn J« brawn lighUs er dost. Repeat udtll dteh Is full:
eream. fill a melon mold with mix
«>»« »»•»'*
ffrant^lcd angar.
Serve warm or cold. have ready a capful of tomato eaue^
overtlowteg the mold, fwhkh prn
mllk. Cook three Umra, Turn the Juice Into a po?^ln Iteed
Another wayt’"*ake one and on.- pour over th. rice. d« wRL butter.
aaU water' tram enierlngl. avtjusi
per crust and dust with powdered kMtle. and stand over a-^riak flee.
half pounds of mixed nut mea». a* jiepper and aalL and Uke
ef, park In rodi aalt 'and flnHy lunrRoll the Jnlre raiddly aad eralteii- many tends oa proeurabte. tmodialf
ee—Slice raw
rnahod tea. nalag nqital ports, and^ Homa a
• rich, ODaly ter Jmtt twenty mteuifo. tlM ponpd eMh at Iga, daiaa aU ntetas. natoea te Mka mm pUL or

*Ylod lore Iha waHd." ha hnatbaE,
Bad tha fleah aank (ram him. Daathtt waa but the brMkteg of
who makes tbe chlUrtn’s ctei he* of tt.
’ U teOM I '
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