Grand Traverse Herald, September 16, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 16, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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LsBtlnc. 8«pL JI.—Sereatom fsts]
•eelilonu ta the U« ttr«« moathi roponod to tbo iodostrUI oeeidont EXPIRED ON STEAMSHIP BALTIC
board ocrunod to (be ralninc Industir
of tho upper penEn*nU.
The OBUre eo« to the eompsalos
becsuee'of the sccldeoU wa» Hl^ZS.
u sTerase of $:.4i:.52. Fifteen soeldenis that reeuUed faully on atean
electric roade netted the benefiOROUt«D» WILL K UOHTCO AND
curies tSS.nsi. or SS.TPl.SO each. 8orPbLICED.
CB fatal accidenu in the electric tndustiT cost the enploTers 917.TM.



• Taho COFO or IncrMSotf E
Mbits By Eapsnding In

lie Poaoing la Directly Duf i
Wound Received When Aosaetin
Tried to Kill Him Some
Tihree Veere Age.


PUN NEW HDSPITALDetroit Cenferenee Takeo Hold of Big
YpslUnii..Mtcb.. 8opL 12.—Rev.
n. AtieD.- district auperlntendent of
the Detroit Methodist conference,
sprung a surprise tn his report before
the fifty-eighth .^annual ronterenre to­
day when be proposed a Methodist
hos|iltal tq hd built in Detroit at a
cost of a quarter of a mlllloD dollars,
one^half of ito work to be for cbariiv
The proposal has the emlorsemcrt
ot-BIshop Burt and irill be preaenievi
to the conference eommllteo on benev­
olence and aeetus likely to'be adopled.

«rd Will Start Tor

Waablagton. Sept 12,-Many
qulrta hare been received by Post­
master General Burleson whether
milk may be forwarded by parcel
posL He annoupced today that the
department waa not prepared yet to
handb milk in ordinary cans,
hoped some day to be. «Uk or other
liquid at present may be forwarded TREASURY MAY WIGGLE
by post only In metal containers sealTHROUGH THE YEAR
mL4»lns» leakage and the contalnm
securely enclosed In wrapped par­
ages or boxes.
Auditor Oancral






leweOOo Pile Up Tbeir

Uvorpool. Spet, 12.—Whsn tbs holy
of Msyor Onynor of New York arrives
One of the moot import meetinss
Lansing. Mich, Sept 11—The heav­
hers ou ths Baltic It will be accorded
New York. Sept 11—As an Indlreei
iest state tax ever levied in -MIchlon
of the dlroctors of the Grand Trarersa
sisal honors. The lord mayor of Ltvresult of bis* attempted asaasslna
BsSiaa fair was held Fiidsy at
b what tbe people of the sUte win
erpnol today ordered a escort ot
three years ago. Mayor WillUm
be called upon to pay next December.
the fair crtnuds. All but two of tbe
mounted police to accompay the
Gsynor died at one o'clock yesterday
ontlro board belnc preaenl. At a prer
1 the liner Baltic, enrouie BOTI. BIDES OF THAW CASE AlVE kei from -the White Sur pier head to HOUSE AND SAWMILL ALONE RE­ The tout of that Uz has been figurod
out by Auditor General 0. B. Puller
I be town ball, where the body will reIona
aevoral taportant
to Europe. Word of tbe death being
at *8J199.S20.:«. -nib b ■13,137,212.61
noM aUl trans-shipped to the Luslehancaa voro ordered in the bulldlnes
received here today. HU secretary,
more than (faCCzx tor last year and
taub tomorrow, The body will He
and these are well under way. Tbe
made public the fol
ibont two mllibn dolalra mora. than '
suite at tbs town hall, aarroonded
Md catUe bam that was at tbe right
towing xnreless: ‘‘On board tbe Bal­
tbe blgbesi tax ever levied In tbb
of the street rannlnt from tbo entic. via Crookhaven—Father died Wed­
traooe to the race track has been ton
nesday at one o'clock. Death was
I'nleaa something unfoiraeen occurs
Gaynor Met Dath With a Smila.
down. The cattle barn that was ere^due hp heart ftJlure. Notify mother."
Queenstown. Ire.. 8e{>t. II.—Putting BUCKET • BRIGADE FOUOHT THE Mr. Fuller esU^iee the state will
ed iast year has been enUrged so that
(Signed) Ruftts Gaynor.
manage to Just about wiggle-through^
I at Queenstowu at dawn today only
It vlU contain tan new double stalls,
Mayor Oaynor's death not only
year without material defldt The
and DOW u as fine a bnilding as tbeto
stunned the city, but confused nn «Itreasury ndw has.
round sum.
sengers. the steamship Baltic, with
U In the sute. The horse bam will Cavalry Waa Appealed to When Oepi»- ready almoK bopeleaa political altuafl.A00.OO0, while it costa the state betbe body of tbe bu Mayor'WUllam J.
be enUrgod by bringing tbe front onti
ty Sheriffa Were Unable to Force
tloro Dnrios tbe last few weeks Thaw Has Refused to Accept Chanett Gaynor of New Y'ork aboard, steamed Nina (Homes, store, Depot an« Crate
n $100,000 and *500,000 a monU}
aa far aa tbe cattle b*ii and will be'
Crowd to Make Way for
Fa^oty Warn Up In Smo^.
Gaynor suffered gmt agony from tbe
to Escape, Preferring to Rest
lees than
vbltowaabed and pnl In the best eon-"
Fitobsbia Vinagt Wll
assMln'a bullet, which was lodged in
Will Not .
Hie Caee With New
four months remsin of thb yaar a»d
Rufus Uaj-nor. wornout by the shock
dltlon. A now oet of bog and awlno
Ba RabuilL
hft neck. He wns subject to fits of
Hampshire Csurts.
It U estimated that without any extraof bb father’s dath, wss asle^, with
otalU will ba built lust south of tbe
cough^. which exhansted him and
ordinnry expenses the stele vUl get
orders that be was not to be ;llscatUe bam and next to that will be
(Rr Vnited
weakene/blB heart. When notified of
by anil that will be about all.
lurbed unUI tbe boat reaebed ^cra sew ponUry house that will aceosr
Calnmet. .Sept. 13.—Stale twpr Ms re-nomlnatloo Wednesday. Sept
(F/ United- Press.)
The method of running the flnanrea
(By United Press.)
Bodata nearly double last year’s ex1th drawn sabers today rode down 3. at tbe most remarkable poliUeal
of the state do not In the least meet
Colebropk. Sept 13—By consent, the
Tbe Baiucs flags were at half mast
hlblL Bremhlng will be ramored , aob of copper etrlkers in Eighth gathering ever held in New York. fugitive from justice charge against
With thd' approval of the auditor gen­
and crepe was on the door of the
fmm thi. street
a clear run
Gaynor was too weak to speak. Aft­ Harry Thaw today waa continued by stateroom that had been converted in Hooper, a UUb aaulement 20 miles eral At the present Ume .the l«b; to Ibe race tracka._ Tbe midway wlU
»ornen. wereTmocked er hit acceptance speech was Vead for Justice of the Peace Carr until Thurs­ Into a mprtoary chapel. A few passen­ north of here, today foUovlng a fire Uture appropriates a certain sum tor
be directly east of the hortlcultnra.
^^d trampled upon by horses, him. Gaynor returned to his office day. at both attorneys for T'jaw and
gers astir told graphlcalF'of .Oaynor's which daatnyed the general store. a certain department or InsUtution.
and merehanta’ dUpUy haDs, giving a
were Injured, but none wr- wbero
be ^llapsed,
murmuring. New York slate agreed. It U undo- dMth. -'He smiled as though to depoL ertte tactory. freight house, The Institution uses thb. and then
mnch better^lKU and thus putting ,oualy, however. The rk»lng-<tartM iTm tira^ I’m-all tired out.'
stood that In tha Interim tho oatiiidi- triumph,
and nine homea The fire b beUered some mors, and puts ia.n dsOebney
all the atraoUOBR In one» nlac^
,(,1, doming when strikers and
lext bgbhtm. la add>The foilowing
lion of Thgxr will be nrgued before
n asleep dreaming • ptoaaant to have started from sparks from a
•“ «<«e wre o»ra amceHioss than women sympathizers from all over the nhroad wHb bU non. WUIUm J Gay- Coverner Felker.
passing train. Railway emplo^ and tion, at the Uw it U^raing .frwn tbe
laat year thU wUl ba tho blg»eot ar- copper country gathered hew for a
born in WblleAre
They estimate that three doys win
fannera, aldad by woman fought the
ray of amusjBTnta.ever collected,
*„oott^oon.stone. New Tork, of rolled Irish and elapse before he can render a dec!
New .York, SepL 12.—ArrangaBnu
but the well water
Arrangementt hare been made ao
^be occaalon lor the demonstration EnglUb aneestn- and for eight years
« U next to ImpoMibb to esUmatc
If this Is adverse they will ap- for the funeral of the Ute WilllnM soon gave out. Half hundred
that all rigs oomlag In wUl torn to was the continued r^sal of the mine
JusUca of the supreme court- He
Gaynor wll] be completed today
Bt once for a writ of habeas
sons were made bomeless. The loss what the depanments are apendtag
(OmtiBued on pace Thrae-l
operators to apee to any form of ar­ had twice decUned-to accept the Derooor where to is coining from until It
Argument on this .would likely members of hla famUy and Mayor b estimated at 312.000.
has all been spent.
bitration .desiUie repeated oCorU of
for gevereor -and- be postponed-fur another week. T«« Kline. WbethM- the funeral. wUl be
' onion miners
coQpramtse. Officials
would mean days of weary waiting nn- yublic resu entirely with tbe wMsw.
Of the Western Federation of Miners
leie .terouie could engineer some cou|i.
Tbe remains will arrive in Mew
detormlnad to make today's demo^>
wat aonoimced this afternoon Tbe rbief argument of his lawyers York Friday afternoon of next week
atration a great protest against this that- Mayor Gaynor’s body wHl
be that New York seeks bis It is expected,
ALL FEATURES PROVIDED FOR atutude of the oparaton.
uken aahore when the Haltlc arrives extradition on s charge of conspiracyGarnor's fortune was today aatl- Ragiori Fair O
Deputy aherlffs were powerless to
charge which they contend' Ne" mated at betwem. 11.000.000
Queenstown tomorrow morning and
TW Bn.
handle the crowds or kpep tbe streets will be placed aboard the Cedrre, Torkf^never purposes to try him o
•UOO.OOfl. OMTge McAneny, prcalopen for traffic. They appeiriod to which tails far New York tomorrow.; Tbey will contend that extradition In dent of tha Borengh of Manhattan,
It will Ba PeoafWa t« Seeura a Lib­ the mlUtU and the calrary responded:
such circumstances is a subterfuge waa today choaea by leadera of the
There b always oaa.hte day at
eral Bdticstlon By InspaetMg
and that there, are precedents to
When the strikers failed to heed the
Gaynor Independent league to
tain them in this.
Caae of New Vertt
mlHtary order that the sfreeta be
ceed Gsynor as their candidate for
Thaw himself. It Is understood, has mayor. cleared, the troopers urged tbeir
Traverse Region fair wOl be Thurarefurtd two offers to aid him in
A region fair lUtTthat to be held at horses into the crowds at full speed.
day. September 35. •you cannot be
hei-''Bfwlr' for liberty. Apparently
Traverae City this tall, has two func­
at the fair tor .she eaUra weak you
T^ PER CENT BELOW TEN-YEAR he iol more than enough liberty of
tions to perform. To be a success It
Kingston. K. T.. 0epL il.-Jutbo
surely will want'to be on band tor the
the) kind in his wild ride on Wednes
roust edqcato and it mutt onlertate.
big «by. that you may mingle with the Masbroock. Is rullsroa tha tiahrai
day vnd he {daces hls hope In the
Both these fancdona wUl be wall per- Municipal Emblem Will Ba Used In
crowds and meet your friends from ^le awaiting trial b dlveatad of
formed by the Grand Traverse Region
WARREN TILTON MET WITH SER­ the four corners of the region, for Joseph Robb, the New Tork bankar.
fair wben it la in toll awing Septem­
your friends wlU nil be there Inspect­ today held that WUUam Balter van
ber 23. 24. M mad 2C. The Urge
(By United Press.)
ing the fat pigs, aampllag the pink impeached by tbe IkgAibtura and
of Agriculture.
_and vsHed dispUg of exhibits will
Boston. Hass., Sept. Id.—Boston's
lemonsde. There win be lou of fun wbUe awaiting trial b dlvafaed « Booson’s Crops and Farm I
fornUb abundnnt material for <
quest for n city flag endsd today
at thb fair for those vwho like fun, exeoaUve power. The coert - hrid
Totally Dastroyod and Wora
WaahlQgUm. SepL 12—There will-be Haa Been Placed Over Qiwek
fnl comparatiro atndles and ^e free when the rdumbiis Day parade com­
and fine exliibiu for thuse who wish that Sulser bad no power to pardoa
Not Inaurod.
atlrarilona wlM funiUb the enteruln- mittee received draigns from a dozen small crops this harvest time, the de­
add to tbeir store of knowledge.
ment. No lira man or woman
artists who entered In the competUion partment of agriculture declared to­
well afford misalag tho big event to give the Hub a munldpal banner. day. Btatlatlca Indicated that the com-' For years the lltUe eWk near Benposits
A good rule to follow al tbe fair Is
t of the.winner U ex­
eon's on the Penlitela has been caus­ county line suffered a aerloui loss
to Inspect exhrttlta nnUI tired, then pect^ wlUin a few days and on Co­ waa 10.1 per cent lower than the 10
rday mewning when 'bb barn
year average. These figures were in­ ing tbe road commissioners no end of
panicipue in the amnsemeat feat
lumbus Dav Mayor "Honey” Flu.
trouble. When tbe ro&d waa built burned wltb all Its oontoou. Tbe
ontll retied and tbea go back to the Button's "singing mayor," will be In cluded In a new publication, the Inb- some thirty years ago all that seemed origin of tbe fire b unknown. U ftrst
class with municipal executives 'of
neceeaary was an unprotenUon log having been dbeovered In tho tippor
The entertainment featurea pro­ Phlladetohla. Cleveland. New Tort. which la designed to give the farmers
culvert As tbe surrounding country part of the atructure, and aa no one
vided for tbe Grand Tnivarne fair In­ Rochester. Sl LouU and San FraBclt- market news.
was denuded of lu forests the flood
In the bttUdlng at Uio UitS
clude both free and ^d attract!
cc. and will ride in the parade under
(ir uhited PTMt.)
the great crowds which iOBght ratlef
waters would come down in torrents could not have been aet on fire., the
Too can tah« your tholee, or better bis own colors.
Chicago SapL IS—The oubof- from the heat by agraoUng plunge In
and carry ths Tog culverta out Into barn contained tbe aeassn's ^ps
can see Uie whole ahow. Ton wiU
tha bay. Later a stone culvert was which together with the building Ore a door" movement has gripped Chica­ the water. Thb yaar other baachw
make no mistake If you-:begin nl tbe.
Trial CabU CempUtsd BIxty-Tvm built but fared lltUe better. In 1910 total lots as thero was no Inamnce goans and b here to stay; it must be were added, iaoludlng a ona-haU mOa
front gate and make tbe compleo
a Concrete arch six feat wide and ser- carried by tbe owner. Mr. Tlllon also dealth with upon a broader scale beach at Jackson park. Bat R waant
Yeara Ago.
rounds. Of couros If you adopt tbo
enough. The pUy-goera ot (teleago
«set high was constructed. last tost bis com shredder and other I. _
pi® yon abould arrange to aphna
than waa dreamed of ten years age. needed mow. Crowds of yowng tnUm
fall daring n cloud burst this arch looU which will seriously .haodloap
(By United Press.)
nt least two days on the grounds, that BGDY found today at PEUIAM
WbshtegtoB. Bept 13 —with tbe gL large and strong as It aeemed. was him In hls faU work and tbe work on according to the new board of park and old folks also, stood la Una onyon may do full justice to oveiTil
vartons Sundays and samsoons for '
ganUc navy wireless towers at A^ also carried away by tbe flood. Xam- the -farm next /ear. Nel^bors triad
Ilngton. Va., humming messages that porary bridge waa pnt up by the to pat out tha fire but when dlacorer Oovernor Dunne. Tbe commlaaloi
boars at a tiasa axraltlnc thMrchancaa
antwHinred a eomprritensive plan for a dip in the laka.
are picked out of the air th
Meaars O. J. and B. A. Benton, which ed H had such a start that thMr afot extending the Chicago park ayn•eilawad to Hdba Been Struck By a _ll^
The locker apace at Dlegraoy and
miles asray 'bTsblpt and —
wlrelaas ata- ha bsaa in naa unUl
tons vent tor nanght
tam—heralded as aliwady the beat in Jackson Part bathtaii: heartat. not
Train oh the Day Ha Diaap«
UOM on land, navy offlclala ann Uma.
t BaltlfiB ttatien Collaetod
the world—to cars for the hundreds year will be ahboat donUad. Tha
aclentlata today r
. .
r bridge bnUt by tha
of thouaands ot fiwah-atr tana in lfl4. baachaa vlU ba stiwtehad aareeal
slxty-iwo ystrs ago the ftrat tneceuJ ha ban eonatnictad ac­
Nine baaetMOl llelda in liaooln part hundrad feat ^Jlredffba vOl ineroaaa
ful cable va completed between Eng- cording to the plana of O. J. Benson,
■—/(BT united Preat.j
Tho praaint season hu been n good,Und and mace. The great tUUon nnd the wort perstmaUy snperviaed TsfvCaiit Rata Will ba Chargtd Dor* uatfl thb year were conaldared ade­ theaiseoftkbbeaqhaa. Onthaaontte '
Hvw--Vort. SepL U.—"Big 'Tim"
one for the piekU saltlBg bUUoo nt
quate to men tbe demands of all the sida of tha dty It b plaaaad to oara
at Arltagton already ha communlrat-1 by hint All maaon work baa baa
(ng Fair.
PcovamoBL Already to.oo bushels of Bnlllvan. formerly one of New Tork'^ ed direct wltb Ollbraltar, Eiffel tower, draa by Chrt^pher * Helfrldge of
youthful Ty Oobbaea and Waltor for
gafiy at new baadraa
l noted poUUcnl leadera who has
ocumbers are in tbe .^ks and tae'
to ba in raadlneaa early ik Jana. ?
nnd Cuba. The atatAon the Panlaula.
trandportatioa aarrtec Johnsons on the north aida of
eason U not yet closed. Although baea missing tnr nearly two weeks Is b In d^y .oommonlcation wUb the
loop distrlcL Tbe park aaparlnt
. OeUara, also, vlU ba aCsrdad hi(L
The bridge proper U of steel ad from TraverM
to the t
^/--twenty tanks were ororted at this sta­ dead. Hla body was found todny at lat two Brant loned placet.
year, leBCfiWag tP
relhforoed coareta. The erak bot­ Traverae Region\tair groupda
tion B>r tho pTOoant a«^b. thU nnm-. Fwbam Bay. He had been atruck by
tom U covered by a aroa of atoa baaa arranged for at n tare of tan their-use thb yaar. bowerer, so many the plan of the oommlasAim aaananwad
iln, tuppoaedly on the day be dis­
ber has boon found Inadequate ana
toda^. A now oowaa b tn ba laU te
HUNFOROVILLE. Ky.—After a ad caoaL making It Impoaalble for eenia for each way. This means that
extra tanks are to ba set np outside appeared.
Uneoln part at tho aama ttea ttiat
jury found him guilty a sMond time .the water to nndermla tbe maatve tbore vUl be no difficulty In goUlog
of the Urge building. The station b»
Hla body Ur In tbe morgue twelve of murdering BUss Rlehardaos. Wal-.stoa walb ad ana aaothar dta- back and forth for tha tb
tbe ban Baida aya mappad ooL Tto
longs to tho #murn W. Vaughn com- days pnUeoUttod. BnUivan was a tet' Oallova wa fined me cat ad aatar.
win attend tha big fair next week. will ba pat into ahape before'
that «?eB tha
pany of OotrMl and^ ona of oororat
iber of oongreas but never nttend- released.
Do not stay at home for tear of la- aprtog In IfU. BlmUar addlttora vm
a to Chicago's p
otatlons looatod tfarongh the Wratan.
aeaafcm- BocenUy he waa adjndg—I NEW TORK—UUJe
Porpara, adequAte bus service, for the fair as- be toade at Jackson part and
raady meatkmad may not h# aagluleat
Mlehigaa eoatry. Tha first mem­
Inoompetaat by the court SuIULONDON—Mm . Deachampa.
U aga 6. Uckled a mule "to hear K soelatloa haa passed upon the proptNl- braathlng centers in other oongw
but that any ovarflows wU ha takaa
bers received at the Provemonl eta- vaa waa Ibd ld(H of Ue -bowarr and years old. a
of tha Oomptea de langh," wa picked up ta ibe strwt Uon and determlaed the rate of taiw dlatrteU.
eaia of whan nddltteaal hlA tWda.
thro were taken In on tbe 2>th of lower east side, by reason of free Baligma F«BMa. pUys gait ad bvn sovaral raids ava yad-taksn home and instructed its poUcw force to aac
Two yeara nco, a dot
bathing baachaa and teU flMnaa ara
^ oe that tho mmoo U only about shoan, coal In wlnur and clam bakex tanb evait .lslr day ad taka other, after gihyelelaa had- badaged up
la ths dty get a aqsprt' baachaa. atrang along the lake shera. laid out for U13— Car they ara eonv
gtx weeks Md at tbo prooent tiara.
sad. picnics Ah aammar.
te «aie I
aiderlBc aaranl




------- ^ ^









Everybody is Seeking Outdoor Recr^^n in Every Phase
Known to Modem A^^ca.






>Aa>TWO .

Gmd Travme HtraU
UieUCEB. br

ATB8. MuwtBC Ed
1. GIBSON, ^tor.
•■t*r*d H Mco&A«Uu BEtUr
MarA t. ifN. »t th»'pono»c» u
.rtane— otr. Uieii.. uder tb* am of
ooMaH oi UMTtt i, im.
omo% m rr«Bt tt.


luereased Taxes

shoM a

perlly ta founded upon good rropa and
not upon any artiflrial condlUon which
produce bustneaa for a time and
then lag for want of suppoit. When
rropa are good In any aeellon Uiat loT-aHly Is bound to proapar, no matter
what the ouialde conditions may ba
the time. Retail business depends
iipon what the general public buys
wnd In what quantity. U crops
good and prices normal the peoi>le sill
have mouer to apend for 'necessities
of life and even luxurlei to a large
extent, but It crops are poor and
money It scarce all lines of business
suffer in proportion. If the people
have no money It cannot be exi>ected
that they will apend any. but If they
are plentifully supplied wlU the me­
dium -«f exchange all kinds of mer­
chandise sill move freely.and every­
body be benefltted In proportion. Dur­
ing the past summer there baa been
}nat about tbe right amount of rgln
keep the crope growing In a normal
nanner and as a result all kinds wf
farm products are abundaut In iHa
region. The fruit crop has also been
good and the prices realirod were
above tbe normal. Now comes the
bumper corn crop of the region and
apple crop that Is of fair proi>or
tion anil excellent^^qualtly. Taken In
all this ha* been allepod year for the
Grand Traverse region and.- If during
the coming fall and s-jnler the
chants do not enjoy a good trade It
will be their own fault, tor the money
will be in the hands cf t'. c ]>eople and
U win be up to the merchant t<
the i>eople know what he has to offer
in doe aesson and reap tbe reward
for his efforts.

.A Beautiful Woman
Always has a rU-ar cuuiidexloo.
Many more vtumeii would be beautiful
if they could only get rid of sallownew. pimples and blotclics. These are
symptoms of u- torpid jiver and the
right remedy tar a bad liver la DM.
They put the liver in order, iweeten
theI- bfeatl
breath an ' clear the skin of salpmishes. HesIdeK they
cnees U .
make you feel bright and cheerful,
I'rice j:. ts per Imx. Sold by all
of other farms In the region dllplayed
side by side and can uik with tbe
one* who did the work he ran learn
more about praetlcal farming In two
days than he can get out of books in
years of study. Tbe fair la tbe legitb
mate place for the exchange of Ideas
among farmers and when they meet
upon nny particular
topic relating to their bUKlness they
bound (0 profit it this spcelal di­
rection and alao->fecoiv« leads that
will help them In other lines of farm
work. The counly fair li just as val­
uable to the merchant 08 It Is to tbe
farm^. because a large amount of
his trade comes from the mirul dlo
trictsand by haling a'dlsplnc of his
wares at llic fair he oomes in actual
contact with hla customers and
strengthens the bonds that hold them
together* in a business way. Taken
from all angles the fair Is ah active
factor in every -counly and the more
atleaiinn that Is given tbe proposition
the greater will be tbe returns to
all who live In the region that is rep­
resented In tbe exhiblta.

Taxpa>-«ra In tbe oUtb of Jllcblnn
,vm bave to ralao over three inimbn
. 'doUnr* more to ran tbe suie coverniMDt than they did laat year, TrMcb
bteaaa that tbe bualneaa of running a
' great commonvealth la becotnlng
more expensive, tbe same as the eond«wt of city affalni. There are
wal reasons for this incraase. the
chief one being the great growth In
tbb popul^on of the sUte InstltntloBB and the advance In the price of
anpplies that are needed to maintain
them. ■ Another factor that enter* in­
to tbe figures Is the Increased numlier
of boarda and eommtaaloni that have
to .be eupported by^ tbe Uipayers.
Auditor .Oeneral Fhdler .rails attention
to a pertinent point In
One of the best methods of keeping
!h«; state iMtltutlons. which Instead
u|i with the times Is to occasionally
of keeping within their appropriations,
aiw allowed to overdraw theii' acroucts
Th* i>eople of Michigan owe SUtc go away from hom^and see what,Bthwith the sUte and at. the end of the Dalrv and flood Commissioner Helrue
y«ar piwnt a deficlei# hUl that
a debt of rratitude for the Way he^ia
Into the treaiury la an alarming.i
cleaning up on the dealers In the cit­ yet been proven iverfect In any line
aer. He reeoounenda that the stale ies who are selling their puMomerw of work. The best he can do la mere­
afiopt the budget syaiem and thereby impure food. By hla actions he Is ly strive to do what he can and Im­
bold each Iffstltuiidn within
nraking Iii« de|«rtment a real benefit prove as lime goes on by studying
atbount .that is raised for its use. This
be stale. Instead of a ppliikarar- and adopting new Idea* of proven
would lo a wa^ solve tbe problem, but
ai d elTicleuti/ proUfciIng the jiub- worib that olberw hove discovert^ and
wbuH not reduce tbe Waxes to tbe
be.nith. It needs a fearless man put Into practice. One-of the modern
tent'that some of the taxpayers would
I;i- bead of this department and method* of ke*|ni-g in, tonch with
progress I* bv tuean* of conventions
like to have them cut down. One thing
suie bas atich an official In
of the different occnpallona and craft*,
la certain, and that is tbst }he people persop of Mr. Heln.e. I'ndcr hi*
mnt make up their minds io pay tl>e ministration tbe big ones euffer just and in most Instances these meetings
bills a* tong as they deviand the at much as the little fellows, for the;, have proven very beneficial to those
changes' in the laws tbauxre made all look alike from his point of vicn. who attended. Different eonditions
every year. Every elaas^ peoide In. addition to watching the regular arise In different communities and In
want laws enacted for tbfir protof dealers Ibp deiwnnient will keep a order to meet them a person must he
tioo and benefit and comin^alons ap close wntch of the county fairs ilito tamlllar w-lih his own business and
pointed to carry them oUtjkfter they fall, which means that the venders of the needs of his j«tron* if he is to
are passed. This all takes money and quick lunches will have to keep wlth- make the most of his opportunities.
as the popuUtlon of the tiake -grows In tbe law in order to esca|>e i>rosecu- The inutual exchange of Ideas Is al­
and the ideas ol the people grow
tlon. Visitors to fairs wUI no louger ways bcneflrlal In any line of busi­
alands to reason that thescxiwnses see the huge sucks of bright red haoi- ness and In Ibis manner many a roan
wiU alio taioy.A Ategdy aai iwUt- burger on tbe "hot dog" stands tba' baa received Inspiration that enabled
ent growth. Til* g fine tbHffto have has heretofore greeted their eyes, but him to carry through plans that would
all the frill* In a government way. but it will have (he familiar brown ap­ have proven useless If he had merely
nmahody must foot the bills sad it Is pearance that goes with pure ground rolled u|ion bis own knowledge of tbe
safe to aaaume that this |ian ^Hl al­ meat.' These booths will also have to Bliuatlop to put them Into'" effect
ways Ull upon tbe ordinary tailpayer be kept In eteaner condition than usu­ There are hundreda of convenUons
who baa a bouse and lot and a little al and tbe griddle upon which the held every year throughout the
laid by for a rainy day . and not u|k.d tempting morseis are fried will have try and tbe Idea seems to l>e gaining
tbotr who have wealth that <an be to be given an occasional hath In or­ in force as time goes on. In order to
manipulated in such a manner as to der to pass muster. It Is bad enough improve, an individual- must learn
from others and there It no better
effectually etcajie the eye of tbe as- for i«ople lo eat food prepared
method of meeting those who win be
B«aor. People are today living as high these tUnds which are open i
in tbe wsd' of goremmeot as tb^ are therefore collector* of dust and other a help than at a convenUon wh^re
is tbeir personal methods. TheT are ronumlnailon that naUimJly follow:^ those In the same line of business are
demanding all the luxuries in gorrem- big crowds, but the danger is doubly galhored for the purpose of exchang­
^mrat the same as they are In their great when chemicals are used to pre­ ing Mens peruining to their own par­
everyday life and the agme
of serve the uea^^^tber food that
ticular craft As a rale tbe man who
payment most of courae apply. Ttei
remains away from inch meetinga Is
prepared at ffbcb phcea
la such a thing as people having t<
the one who becomes « bark number
much governrcent. and when this beeomee the eondlUon the expense ac­
br oUi.r. »bo b..« tb.
count la bound to mountpust as test; ' One of the ^eatest factors In »e- rH.. ,nl wlllto... lo loTbllroB
aa tbe wanU of tbe people li
curing and malflhining good roads in others who have plhyed tbo game In
in order to cut down the taxes It will couatry districta-is tbe raral mall
■nccessful manner. Success Id busi­
be necoaaary for people to adopt-fto Tice, for the government apeclfies that ness of any kind depends upon the
simple life In government, and at the la order to haw their mall delivered manner in which the one who Is Inpiufent time this does not appear fto farmers must 'keep the public high­ teresled post* himself in regard to
be a feasible pUn. Every class bf ways In good repair, and eee that new Ideas that are developed and bow
fwople In the elate want laws enact^ they are , properly plowed out after effectively be apldles them lo his
for their benefit and after they are heavy gi^w- storms. Mlien the patrons particular buslneat or craft
enacted the expense begins at once*lo of the rural route* fail to do this tbo
mount up into tbe large figures. When postmaster has the power .to order,|g
the uxpayer looks over his receipt the free delivery of mall discontinued
tbit w’lmer It will not be good taste on until the roads are placed in proper
hla pan to denounce tbe sute legis­ condition. This I* a wise provision,
lature tor raising bis taxes, for tbes> tor Ih, oon wbo ooloy > pri««e -"H-lfon ,o wcoro «o odmlnl..
men merely carried out tbe wishes of diooMbo.mioc.ocIro^otoolbtiiElii •"«“ bolldlo, mod •!» . bidldln,
tuiUble tar honalng a made In Trav­
their constituents In passing tbe laws
erse City display. Thete two stra^
and appropriatlonf that they did. Tile
inlty >
real remedy lies with the i>eople them-' have, and when they are kept In prop­ tnrea are grvatly needed at the preeaelvea woo have asked tor these ex- er condition there I* a general benefit ept time, but there la no possibility
praslve things in the wag of govern­ that I* shared by the entire popnia of obtaining them under the preaent
ment, and not.with the men who
tion of tbe county. The good road has conditions, in order to help
Beat to losing to carry out their come to May and tbe townships that fair aiuociatioD It Is proposed to -se­
wlabet. “nve growth of the stat«
have not seen fit t^ come under the cure ^he needed fund* by public subanother feature to be considered,
rotinty system mnst make up their a^ripttoo. and In order to maki
well as the increased cost of all kinds minds that they wilt have to keep ■uovement general and ge^ everybody
* of commodifies tbst are used by tbs their highways in proper condition if Id the county interested It has been
State Institutions It' Is also true that they are lo receive the beneOiS of free suggested that one ibonaand people
tbrongbont the county be asked to
the people are paying this year for mall delivery.
subscribe five dollare each to a fund
the economies of former adminlstru
1^ be used for the purpoee. 'Certifi­
Itona which were directed along tbe
cates of stock will be issued
' wrong line to VenefU the people In the
II I* a fact worth noting (bat, all tbe subscriber in order that he may have
long run. There Is a reason for every
■orocthing to sbow for his Inveatiiient
- thing and when the bets ate brought apace avalUble for exhibits
coming region fair will bo niled to Tbe subscription list will be open to
oU .lt Is aaay to see why the
farmer* at well a* people in (be clly,
Utea are so high tbU yeaFalid thaf overflowing and that the maoagefni
will have to prorlde extra Mm be­ and It is believed that it wlU be an
a lo the sttnadlaD.
fore the event petatily b^ms. Tbla easy matter to raise'the amount of
condition means that the people of money necessary for the work,
intended Ur make an exhibit of Trarthe county and
value of the fair as an advertising erae City products at the coming fair,
but a* tbere la ho apace available Cor
There are gbod tines alMd for medium, as well as an
Trwverao City and tbe Qrand.Trtv. faatnre. and are lending their aiwport
<^gthen Weak Kidneys.
ora# radoB. for tbe crops are abont to the enterprise. It U evident that
Dent SnVer leuser -with weak kMta ba SMt to market and tbe prices the fair bos eome to stay and a«' long neya. You cen get prompt relief by
as It Is patronised In-the way It baa taking Electric BlUers, that wonder^
tbst are promised will give an
patna to -Cl Unoa of buslnaaa. This, been during tbe past three yean It fal remedy praised by women every­
where. Stan with a bottle today, yen
cooaty tbla year wtU produce a $2,000.- will prove one of the greatest fac-ti
will soon reel like a new woman with
0«B crop rMd. which meana that fhla In the devetopment of thU section of amMUon to work, without 'fear of
anch proditto -wUl be marketea wltb- the state. There Is always a lot to be pain. Mr. John Doling of San FY*nta tka neu few moptha froB.thla Icoraed at a well conducted fair, fOT elaoo, writes: "OrBUtode for the wenderfnl effect of nectric Blitere
caaur alone. With this amot^pf It is at Bueh places «bt the progreac prompt* me to write, it cured -my
fUOMr la <«realatioa H atands to rea- of the TBriorn Ub« of eodeavor are wtte when all else failed." Good tor
(h«-«ver aa well. Nothing better for
BOO tkat WT<ry line of bostneaa will be shown to tfie beet advantage and
be nmde by tbe vtsttan. iadlgeetlon br bUloneneee. Price Me
baaattta* la a aubataattal am .
and f 1.00. et all draol^ of TrarereO
IQMarp kaa poem that all real proa- When a farmer ca» Me the pviaeta '^.


Better goafs

PBfcUc iBleroled


ihe purpose, the Idea bad to be aban­
doned. but In order Ibai the ■
condition shall not occur another year
ibpve plan was developed lo pro­
vide the needed bnlldlng and also an'
lOistraflon bulldinc which would,
contain an audliorfum that could be
used for all meetings held during the
fair week. The fair will 'be greatly
benefited If this project Is carried out.
for it will give room that Is ' very
mocb needed for carrying on the acie« of the association which «re
bound to Incraaae from year to year.
A good start has already been made
wKb -tbe project and with a little
work on tbe part of thoae who are In­
terested in making tbe fain in the fua sncceta It will be poMlble to
gather together tbe foods necessary
for constructing these two buildings.

Spread Tbew Ost

craiii]is, cholera jiiorbu*. rbeumatl*m or pleurisy, you need a IwtOe
OIU It gives rclU-f. It I* s powerful
paln-klller. Haso rheumaUstu. neuralper bottle. Bold by all drugglatB.
pari of tbe i>eople to build a more
ful kind of memorial than a pile of
bronze or stone, which while it serve*
the purpoee of perpetuating the mem
on- of the one In whose bon<w it was
erected aerve* no ueetal pt^mse .ill
jhe world. All truly great men were
vsotal to their felkiwB and It it
ilrely fitting that tbeir' memoi
ihonld be in a form that would be
uaetul to follDwleg generntlonB. .This
highway la tbe exemplification of this
Mtllltarian Rplrlt and ts a project that
should be encouraged and carried
apeedy completion.

One'ot the problems the country l*
facing today Is the proper dialrlbntlon
of the Immigrants who come bere in
flocks from Europe every year,
cording to statlstlea 6,000,000 jveople
came here from Europe In the past
six years and hardly any of them
upon farms. practl<;ally all of
theim herding Into tbe clllet where
Satnnlay was a very quiet day
they were employed in factories. the market., There being only twelve
Tilines and on rallroada in tbe eastern lu.-ids weighed In all including five of
and central atatce. thereby becoming potatoes. There were a few loads
of prmtucer*.
brought In at other scales. The price*
Ing.the last decade 26,300 came Into are atlll at 50 eenU. The frnlt still
existence in the New England aUtea.
continues to be tbe very finest that
while ir.,3t4 farms went out of busiis grown that U being sold to tbe lo­
Tbe result of thU kind of de­
cal dealers and many are baying tbat
velopment can readily be seen as the
have never been able tn get the best
country continues to grow In popula­
Apples, peaches, pear*,
tion. The great problem of tbe pres- quality.
ond future la to get the Imml- grapes and melons were sold Ibis
and the demand Is good.
It* to settle on farm* and uVe to'
raising produce to feed tbe millions There Is a number of good orders
In the ciilea. It is certain that food that have been received from
must be had for these people, and If growers for good quantities of fruit to
there la a decrease In the nomber of be shipped to private parties, they
farm* and. farmers tbrooghont the having been told of tbe supertority of
country It will not l>e a difficult mat- (he Grand Traverse fniit.
foretell the final result on the

Jhe Maiittta

nation in the jears to corned Tbe dis­
tribution of population Is Just as much
fault Jn this country aa the dlstri
builoQ of farm products, and remedies
will have to be found to rounteract
the present tendencies In order to eslabtish the permanence of the nation
majority of the Immigrants who
qome to these shores are farmers by
fiature and 'training, but when -they
arrive here tbe wages paid In the cit
lea look very alluring'to them, and in
stead of going out Into the country
they congregate In the great center*
of population and increase tbe competmon for jobs that mean practically
nothing when future prospects
I* evident that the
farms of the nation will have to prfdnee more foodstuffs in the future
then they have in tbe peat, but with
these comlltlons it U dlfflcnU lo
how It can be done to any great
tent. At tbe present time tbe farmbavlug their troubles lo se­
curing the nece»saiT help lo harvest
the crop* they raise, and every year
this trouble gro«s more acute. I'l
less some method is Tound to dive:
the tide of immigration from the cJt
lea to tbe country there will within
the next decade occur a shortage of
farm products that will mean great
hardship to tbe poorer claase* of pen
pie In the cities. People must eat, and
at tbe increase In wages is n<

'i. '.ijr,/&+(»<■»"»» “>

« I“
1> mHomU, oonln, condition that wlU prove a serious
menace to the future of the naUon.
Tbe great growth of the cities pf the
country ibouid not be considered
aaurce of pride to the i>eople who live
within the corporation, but should be
regarded as a condition that needs
immediate attention along line* that
will keep a beiler equilibrium between
rnxioctlon aijd consnmiHloD.

UsMli mghwsy
Thirteen states will be trarersed by
the new good road that will extend
from coast to coast. . tbe object et
which is to serve as a memorial to the
great president whoso name the.worfc
bMn. Tbe organisers of the mpvemeot believed tbat a highway of (hU
kind would be a more fitting tribute
to tbe martyred president than
shaft shaft or monameni. and acted
accordingly, with the result that the
project Is under way and will la the
course of a few- years become a groat
reality. ThU highway will be a prac­
tical' memorial and wUl be of benefit
to the general pu61tc and also aerve
to perpetuate tbe name of tbe man it
bears In a more lasUng way than any
other method possibly conM. Michi­
gan U not in tbe terrltorr traversed
by tbe read, tbe neighboring sta

er. There U already $10,000,000 in tight
tor the work, raised In the western
elates and before tbe -proJeM U fintidied H will take about tour time*
thU amount, which wtU be ralaed by
variona agencled In theoutes that
traversed br ih« road. Traffic over
road wbra cbflMiletdB wlU be (m
and wKhoot any rentrictlona Tbe

tor obtaining good road* tn oaeh of
the BtatM that are iravatMd, and (he
neera who are mapping out the
ronte will oooperata with the toeal organisatSmis In Boewtag the moot ap­
proved and iforable form et eonttnetion. Tbta nb* highway Is aa exam­
ple of the mere pneUcol spirit of the
age and ebows the tendency ea the

(Prom Ttauraday's Record-Eagle.)'
Not much doing with tbe tubeta
this morning. Ten load* were 'oronght
to the city yesurday. The pri<w U atlU
half a dollar. The local ma -keu are
being liberally supplied sriib apple*.
l>eacbes and grape* qf.the fan y vatietlet
(Prom Friday's RMord-Eagle.)
More activity was displayed yester­
day In the potato market . While the
price was firm at 51) cent* there was
a lltUe strife among Some of tbe buy­
er* to load a car and (he.prtces raised
for a few loads. This morning U U
at 50 cenu. One ^d of 105 bushels
was brought la. The avenge load
40 buihel*. Bom* fine apple*
peach** were hron^t in for local
(From Saturday's Reoord-Eule.)

nemlngs Built Up English Town;
.RochdalB England. Uid the foun­
dation «tflt$ presperlty In tbe reign
of Edw ard m.. w hen a body of Flem­
ish >«mlgR|tB .took ttp Their abode
(b«ft sod In^dnced their craft a*
clothiers. Aocbdale. In the time of
Queen Eliubcib. had become so tamoni for It* w-oolen msnufaclurers
PAVED STREETS IN 2000 6. C. that (ba "aulnager," tbe official ap­
pointed by tbe queen to measure all
Bsbylen, Carthage aiid Other AncUu woolen cloth made (or salp. bad to
appoint a sperial deputy there to keep
CItl** Took Much Inttfsst In
pace with its laanufactura and see
Building Good R«ada
that the crowa 4i;u not robbed of lU
When or whtwe th* flnt road was
built I* not knpwn. Herodotu* apeak*
of a great Egyptian road on which
King Cheep* employed 100.«0»
Two cyaistB were pueblng thRr
tor ten yeara Acoordlng to (be bt*- m^lne* up the Rde of tbe poo* ihdtorian, this rood wa* buUi of
other day when ibey encountered a
ire stone blocks tea feet deep, and native"Shall we be able to rWe
lined on both aides with -templet, msu- down tbe oUier ndv? ’ they asked him.
•oleums, portico* and putue*. Tbe • Tbere* been mor.- killed on thla!”
ttreeu qf Babyloo are sold to have vas the gruff answer
been paved as early aa 2000 Q. C,
and several well surfaced roads radi­
ated to neighboring cities. Carthage,
before lu fall, wa* the center of a ances and etraugcrs.endearur to learn
highly developed road syetem: The Bometblng from alL Be ewift to liear:
ancient Peruviana had a w-opdertul be cauUoua ot your tongue. leR yon
ayatea of national road* connectihg betray your ignorance.and perhaps of­
aU the priDclpol parts of 'ihelr
fend MHm who are present.-Isaao
Bridget were aldo built by (be
denta at a very early dale. The
How's TUs?
phraiee, at Uebylon, was crossed by
Slone bridge prior to 2000 U. C- and
It U known tkat the Chinese buUl
bridges os public work* a* early as
2900 U. C. tay* ttie Good Bp*«l» Tear
Tbe flnt definite and fully autheotic intarmatlon concerning the eyatem.Stic conatructloo and main
of permaneni roads come*
tram tbe Roman*. It li cenersUy
the Romans learned
the an of road building from
Caribagenlans. However, the <
etnicUon of their'great road was
perfect a* that of any of their later
Btet* Bank Building. \ _
' The lim of the great Roman roads
was^rom Rome to Capua, a distance
«M42 Italian mlleB, and was begnu by
Applus ClandTu*. ah^ 312 B. C
U wa* known a* thfT^pplan Way
or •■Queen of Roads." \ This road was
later exieoded to Drnddliium. a total
of 360 mile*, and was probably
'‘pleted by Julius Caeaar- About 220
B. C. the Flaminlan Way was built.
It created tbe Nar river on a stone
bridge which bad a central span -of
150 feel with a rise cf 100 Aei. When WANTEO-Farra. about 120 to 16Q
Rome reached the height of ber glory, • acre*, with stock auj] tool* on. to
share*. Addres*. 344 B.
under the reign of Auguatui. no le^
a St.. Graqa Rapids, Mich.
than 20 great mlUUry roods radiated
from the city. These road* extended
lo every part of the vaat empire, and
are estimated to have a total length
SO acre*, south %. southeast Vk.o*»
of 50.000 mllea.
Uon 18. Fife lAke Urirnabip, 5 mllM
Tbe-Roman eonstrurtlon
east of Kingsley; go^ land, all clear­
general extremely maaalVe. Tbe Ap- ed; nice -building*. Price $1.«00.M.
plan Way is said to have been In good Bulldiw ntope worth $2,000.00. 40
U M- an.ithMat
acre*. soillb'reAtwlA^^
repair 800 yeara after It was built. Rrn«.^Kniflh%var
On a carefully prepaiwd eubgrade sectiton 10. Acme^vOiiablp. 6 mllaa
were placed four snccetslve eouraee east .of TYaverae CHy ; cleared, good
of layer*, tbe rodn* or second coarse, land. Prioe $2oo. See M. W. Under­
wood. Traverse City: write-F. Rubthe nnclen* or third courae and
sell. MoSatt Blk., DRrolt. and do It
pavUsentum or wearing earface. The DOW.
wept 4-4t ■
top and bottom coaioe* consist
general of largest Rone*, while the MONEY TO LOAN on good and wall
improved (arms. H. C. Davts, 31$
two Intervening couioe were built of
StsU Bank Bldg, Traverae City,
smaller atone* or other astuble maurlal lalB In lime mortar.
With the tall of the Roman empire
tbe road* were neglected and grodoalky teU Into dacaLy:,*o that today but
mUe more than a trace remain* of
these splendid achlevemem


Pardee Boshieas Exchaage

-Traverse aty. lUch.
Get their list of properties
with owner’s addresses^ ot
proposition to sell your
Fal« or Business
at cost of $25.

More potatoes are coming 4ata the
city. Yeaterday wa* a falily busy
ds/ at the market and ibe private
Bcales were used in many case*. The
price renurtne at 50 cenfa
The grape crop Is tbe beet in t
veers and the growers are aelllng to
tbe local dealer* some of tbe flneet
grow-D. These are the Concord, Niag­ UMIT FOR TIRES AND LOADS
ara and Delaware variedee. Borne
good ahIpmenU are being made.
I of National Read*
Tbere are eome fine Bradshaw and
Board, Favor* Highway Cenveatlgn ef State Coi
egg plums in Me markel and theoaies
are good, in many eas«s tor tbe
. of
A meeting
o leading Rate highway
side markeu. ne beat quality of
oommURonen and the mannlactnren
vegeuble* can now be bought at the
of horse-drawn wagons and. motorlocal stores.
driven tracks. Is the suggestion at
Chairman George C. Diehl of the A.
A. A. NsUonal (Jood Roads board, to
conRder legIslaUon governing
PoUtoes ............ r......................
width of tir« and the weight
Butim- ....................................... ..ite2£
Eggi ...........................................
"Many stote* have enacted Uwa to
Hay. loose ....................................$1C0$17 rcgnlate the width of Urea, but there
Btrar. per ton ....................................lio ba* DOC been strict enforcemmit of
Onions ................................................$1.25 these reguteUeos." say* Chairman
FARM FROOUCB—SMHng Rrioe*. DlehL --Narrow tlret. eapedally da^
Potatoea ..................................................70< lag the wet season, (ora ruts In im­
Creamery butter -..................................25< proved rood*, and In many instance*
where the reeds are weak, break
Dairy bottor ........................................2$. tbroogh the sorface, causing rapid de-^
Egg* ........................................................2* Btruction at th* highway.
Ducks, dresiod ....................................IK
"One great difficulty In enforcing
Hay. batod ....................................$1T9$1$ yrtde-ttre ordioancea with borowdrawn
Hay. loose .................................... ....$H vehiciM has been that while lea* trac­
Straw .......................
$K tion U required with wide tire*,
slippery clay or hlUy rands. It M v
GRAIN—Travers* City Mming Co. diaeou In wet weather to manage a
Price* oorrected every day.
horse-drawn vehicle wHh wide Urea
R-heat. 60 Ib. teat............................. '.$7c owing to iu tendency to Skid
Corn ..........................
slide Into (he ditches.
"Edisl. U not greater damage, can
Rye .......................................................... 6dc
be done to the hliAw wKh Ure* of
OaU ............................
width on motor trucks.
Wbtta navy bOoB* ..........................$1A0
Bed Kidney beans ............. .....|1A0 There la no Rate where wlde-Ure ordlqaneea are drawn which relate to both
Buckwheat, per ioo tbs............. $1(71.20 horae-dra4rn*iand motordrlven ve­
GRAM—HatraMi A Lay Ca
hicles. or where a wtentifle attempt
has been made to prepare sneb ordlPriest oorrsetoa every day.
nance* or where
Wheat. 60 lb. ts*t............... .............
U bad.
con ........................ /............
'"R ta also entirely precUeable no4
Rye. 66 lb. test...................................
rwaonahle that the weight of loads
should he limited, aa the brldgea
Bnekwboat. per lOO Iba ............... $1.25 which fora an integral part of th#
highway, are not. In a great major­
PrtoM„cMt««ai oretT $ay.
Boftt .1.....................................$H0 ity of cose*. anAmenUy strong
Btoefff /................................ 4 to te carry weights which are becoming

Cows .1............. .'................... t to *e
Hides ..................
CRH ..................,..........................14c
HoTM UdM.....................$2.00 and DP

7«r Ifiluig bbA suite

Are only purchased once. Tbers(ore they tbonld be of modern
design, bnflt of moR durable
materials and artistically flntsbed. You will find only lucb
at the works of
TravRTM City. Mich.
$21 Boy 8L
Beth Pheaea.
ALVIN H. GRUBER. Funeral Dliwcter
and Embtlener, 812 SouOf Union 8L
Mra Nellie Pratt aaMrtanL CSt*.
^one 875. We treat yon a* w*
would wlM te be treateA^^ ^

By the -Kfolar- method I can r»
move ibM* aching teeth atwolutaly
without pain, and without the use oi
Img* to produce nneoiiaeloiup—
PeopI* of nervous
with weak hearte u
-Ka-otar" method o


$06-20$ Wilhelm Block. With Dr. HoUfiworth. Traverm OUy. Mtohlnn.

Autos in Nsw York.
TB* toU mOaigd made byoatomwl
Mlaa on Ned to** state roads In a
y*nr W Mtlmated at-4M.000.OM mUos.
Ifm tea King cned drag aBor aT«r7
M^ratn. PsialR-nr* la tb* nse ot
4Wi dsvlo* toMU better hl^waya.

tow hnkon pRUOpsaq wlB te •
^ bORp th* reR of Us ttib ttte

f-r. Swiffl.





Rain Mao Caml^ In Lower Laka^Rapioib


Waahlngton, 8epL 15.—Barly anA* tmnn froau In tbe lower Uke region, HORRIBLE COHFESSION MADE BY
the middle Atlantic atatea. New EngCATHOLIC -pRISS-r
Und dud tbe extreme northweat are
predicted by the weather bureau for
Tueedty. Tbe weekly forecast in pgrt




•The week win open with rains c
tJnuing in the aontnera auiea. and
tending Into the Ohio valley, the mid­ CONDITION OF FATHER BCHMIDT
FATE OF REFUOECE RCMAWS IN dle AlUnlic etntee end abont Tues­
day: noMttled. rainy weather will pre
vail’in central and northehn sections
east of the Mississippi river."
'Hla Face Shows Ooubte Peiwonality.
Autert, P*d«nl Coi
In Signed Confaaaion He Told
Wnh Smalt Amjr. la MUklng
All Details of the Terrible
Slew Pragraae «e the Ra>
Her ef TMT«ea.

Mexico ruy. Sept, lo.—One buodred
a number of wo­
men and ebUdran. rafasee* trom Torreon. are reported to bare falleo into
the band* of the rebels wbUe prot-eedlns over Und to SaltUld. Tbe
BUtboHtle* at Salllllo decline to Uke
the iwsponslbUtiy of aendins a. force
to ibelr reacne. fearinc. tber say, that
tbc rebels misht commit atr«
on the refusees. whkh would possibly
otherw lae be avoided.
The report eomea from an offIcUt
MuEee at Salillim btft bas not been
Ceoera! Troo' Anbert. a fedeml
comotander of 1.000 men. who Is probecdlnf! from tbe north to tbe relief
of Twreom pawed SalUHo yesterday.
Me is traveling over approximateL'tbe same route as tbe Amei^cans. and
it is reparded as possible that the reb­
els wUl disappear before bis advance.
He is. however, makioi; slow pragress.
Monnwbtie tbe fate of tbe refagees rtmains In doubt.
The Amerlcani are beaded by Dep­
uty Consul Gbneral 3. C. Allen of
Monterey, who went to Torreon to no­
tify American mldeots there ©f Pres­
ident Wiiaou'a exit warning.

Several Mootlw Will be Required by
Onipiala to Do tbe
Washington. Scpi. 15.—An inventory
oi all poatoBtee properly of the I'nlled States is about to be ondertakeiv
^•by tbe postoSice department. It will
marl: tbe first attempt vt that or any
other department of the tedeial gnveminent to obtain an accurate
ana of iu immensely valuable propeny.
That the inquiry will be a atupendoua taak la indicated by tbe fact that
. there are more than oS.oOO postoBiwa
nnd their many branebea. with muca
equipment consunilr In transit it.
railway mail property and mail bags,
fostmaators. j^lr clerks and railway
rtall cle^ Fill take the census. Sev­
eral months will be required.

Event Oeeurrod at Home of the Bridal
The wedding of Miss Veeu ?I.
V< hiunei? Of thU city and John. S.
' Cretlick. son of Walter Grelllck, -'oc‘ ufred Monday in their own home
on West Bay shore, which they have
»*-cn preparing for aeveral weeks past
H*;r, A. M. Harvey offleiaUng. The
• cry rooms were dainty in white bells
Mi.l saowdroi>s with ropea of ever;:'>rD tbrougboni the bonse. Bowfs of
•isUl.aK Bud asters flnUbed tbe deooraib.tiK The bride wore a becoming
^»<vn r>r white liniweave trimmed with
l>aiiil made lacd. and carried a ahower
l««Niuet of white bride’s rosea. Dt■ •-ciI.' following the ceremony a wed-ding breakfast was aerved to tbe Imi.-,f0t*te families of the bride and
Kriiopi and Rev. and Mrs.. Harvey.
Here the same color-acbeme waa car­
ried out in the dainty arrays of anewdiops ilt-d to tiny place cards of bljcb
t«rk Both bride and ctoom are memb.-re of the Prlende church and also
of the Welcome (lass of the Friends
Mr. nnd Mrs. (ireilick left this morn­
ing for noutbem Michigan, wboro they
wilt spend aeveral diya TtsUing
EAST ORANGE, N. J —Tnoma* A.
Edison wilt never take another vaea- tlon with his phystcisn s permission.
Hfa last on# of two weeks ao fatigued
him he U unable to coetfnue hit experimeeu. the doctor said.


GrM Caitar.
Self OeetrtieUott
. Timely IntervenUen by tbe neigh­
bors nnd Chief of Police X^nrsoo pnevented Hr*. Anna Dyer, i03t
Bghth street, from taking ber Bte
Monday Morning. She has been threat­
ening for some time to poison .her­
self nnd when this morning she went
to n nearby store, purchased a bottle
Of iaudannm and concealed it in ber
slocking, neighbors kept a .flose
watch of her. About noon she
cisred her intention of taking
poison nnd Qlef of Police Cnreon was
at once notified. He took the laudnnum from her and persuaded ber to
give up hex suicidal atl-------I--for the
time heULg at least.
It is thought thst despondency
caused by continual brooding over
the death of bsr husband
motive for h^r action.

New York, Sept. IS.—Sitting ralmly
in his cell In the Tombs, Hans
Schmidt priest of SL Jbaeph church,
who confessed that be muhlered >
Aumueller and cut up her body and
drank ber blood to (-onsummate a i
rlflce. lodaj- declined an offer of
attorney for his servit^ "Yon and
I don't understand this. God and
Abraliam only will be able to' clear
Father Schmidt AequMsd ef Fmud
the matter up.” said Scbmidl. When
Beeawte of Weak and UrtAttorney Aipboaae Koeble. an ol
seund Mind.
qualntance of Schmidt left the___
derer'a ceil today he said SchmIdL
(By t'niled Press.)
would receive with contemmenl
.MtiDlch. Sept. 15.—Hens Schmidt
punlabment* that would be lunictM who coniessed to tbe murder of a
upon him.
New Y'orh girl, was suspended from
New York. 8epL 1.—"I
Ibe Cntholic church by the BIsbop of
manded by my patron aaint St. 81^- Mnlni for fraudulent tmuRsctlons
betb of Hungary to offer aacrifice like wns acquitted by n court on the
the aacrince of Abraham. It must be ground tbat he wn« of weak and «ii
one of blood so I killed Anne Aumuel- Bound niSMl. He iheo disappeared.
ler. and drank aome of her blood.".
With thia remarkable statement from
tbe tips of Mans Schmidt, n Romnn
lest here, whose confe
of tbe most baffling
Lardie Home'Bcsne ef Pleasant Event
der mysteries in the history of the
city. The police and alientsU were
puzxled todgy over tbe mental makeMrs. George Lardie and Mrs. Frank
np of the man. Coroner Feinberg dcdnred today he bad never seen a Layhm enterulocd the Jolly Twelve
man whose face showed such dridenc- Birthday club Saturday afternoon in n
es of a double personality. "One side very unique way. The iovKations
the cuosu to tbe borne of
of Sebmldt'a face presents a aanctlfled Vppbaranee. while the left side Mrs. lATdle of Rssl Ninth street,
bas mark* of a devil." 'The prisoner where they removed their wraps and
today signed a complete eonfewlon. became setUvd for the afternoon,
He said the crime was committeed in some brioglttg out needle work. Hut
a flat he had rented for the girl when no sooner than they were seated, the
she was about to become n mother. Columbia auto truck drove .up and
He cut her throat while she slept, took the entire |>arty ont to the beauthen drugged tbe body to tba hath- litu] summer ootuge of Mrs. lArdie's
East Bay.
room-and disipembered it.
___ spent
Here t^y.
tbe afternoon in a
In the apartment, among other
things, the police found n marriage genera] soc'ui good time. At six the
license Issued in New- York last Feb­ hostess served a e
ruary and bearing the names of the later the guests bad the pleasure of
Uie beseb. At a Ist^r
priest and tbe murdered woman. This
license bad been used. According to hour the auto buss called for them
Sobmldt's cDOfsaaion be went through- Uking them to their various homes.
Tbe out of town guests were Mrs. J.
n marriage ceremony with tbe girl.
In this ceremony Schmidt was both H. Lockhart of Grand Rapids, who has
prleei and bridegroom: there were no been a guest ef Mrs. WUdman and
Mrs.'Abbott, also Mrs. A. P. Baton of
A gnyiy colored pillow -of unucual Jacksonville. FYa.. who is spending
pattern led to SchmldCs apprebenslon. the summer at Bast Bay.



Believed That He Will Criticlee the
Amchcan Administration end
Poaeibly Foment an
AntiForeign Oemonatratlon.

Sept. 15.—Osi^
Wqahlngton was watchUg Mexico
more carefully today than nt any time
in the last alx months. T<
• Day there and In the
tat it bas been marked by bitter mi-foreign demonstrations and officials
tear outrages against American^.
Tomorrow the Mexican congroas re■asaembled and President Huerta win
send a message outlining his policies.
Reports from Mexico City say it will
assail the acUons of the American adminlauwtion.


Beaidae Beinq College Head Elijah
Hanley Is Baptist Mlaaionary
of Note.

(By United Proas.i
dlanapolis. Sept U.-^llUh Han-,
ley. president of Pmoklin college, and
Baptist missionary of national prom­
inence. In a signed atatement. ad­
mitted today that he administered <k
whipping to hla aged father. The par­
ts seriously lU near Terre Haute
TbU (rillow. sulned with blood and
as a result Abuse of bis mother was
soUed with the filth of the river, was
his excuse. A Terre Haute grand
wrap|>ed aronnd a portion of the tor­
Jury is invsatlgatlng the aaaault.
so. Tbe PPl^ traced the pillow to fhe
manufacturer; tbe manufacturer trac­
ed it to Che dealer; Ibe dealer traced
n to Scbmidl. And the police, trac­
ing Schmidt nnd the girl, knew all
about both of them hours before they
arrealed him.
Schmidt '•rpM arrested by Inspector
FguroL in chgrge of tbe detective bu­
reau. The priest was dressed in full
asbingion. Sept. 15—The senate
clerical garb when the detective en­
today luuued the house resolution ap
tered bis rooms in tbe perish house
propriating to meet the ex­
of his church in Vent One Hundred
pense of bringing deauidte American
and Twenty-FIfllP street. The Inspect­
ciUxena out of Mexico.
or had produced a photograph of Miss
Aumueller and asked Schmidt if he
knew, the girl.
TYie priest, after a moment of hesiUUon. inquired whMfa«E..bla visitors
were police offIceTE. His actions in­
dicated was that he was expecting
. The work of dismembering tbe body
San Jose. Cal.. Sept. I.’..—The “big took time, and before It was complet­
dlppeif ‘ most fanilllar of all confleiUt- ed Sebmidt relumed to hit church
Uons, tbe one by wrblcb tbe north aUr
and proceeded with faU dntles as as­
Is located, is slowly falUng to pieces.
sistant priest When bis work at the
In S<>fl,AAU years the nreat oonflgurmtion
dburch waa done, be returned to the
will not exist, and. tn tact. ;t did-tiot
)oh of dismembering tbe body of the
exist 200.00A jeers ago.
girl wh» was about to bear him a
Such is the announcement by Pro­
child. The Catholic cierrj^ today de­
fessor Heber U. CurtU of tb«? I'nlvernounced Schmidt as on imposter.
Rlty of Calitomls, nsixonamer at Uck
oboerratory. Study of the motions ol
wgtatulatloiis ata extended from
Btara and comparison w iiii records tor
Solon friends to Hr. and Mm. James
ISO years prove thiR.
•‘StatB." professor Curds explalnf.. White of Crescent Dorothy Nell was
"have two motions—that In orbits and bom September 8th.
a path through tho aky. known at
proper motion. The proper motion of
the aura In the big dipper la not In
the enme direction. Five are going in SUve Traffic" at Clear Brook srtiool.
eine direction, two others in another." bouse. Monday evening.






1 Lusitania for His

(By United Press.)
UveriKwl. Sept. 13.*^Aner a brief
funeral service, the body of the late
WllUam Qaynor rested today in an es­
pecially consiracied mortuarj- chapel
lie steamship I.usltanls. The
aei will sail at 5:00 p. m. today. Rev.
Theodore Howard of .Sl Matthews
church, conducted the services, aft
the ritual of the Anglican cbnrch.

Ralph JoBsman. Defaulting CMhier.
Will be Arraignsd in Court
This Week.
(By United Press.)
Pontiac. Sept. i:..-B:mer Webster,
a local attorney and director of the
Pontiac Savings bank, wiu be namtd
as receiver of tbe wrecked E. Joesman
SUte bank at Clarkslon by Judge
Smith. H was learned today. Vepoeltera and creditors apimvcd his selee

Grant Center. Sept, IJ.—Grant townBblp is soSeriog from a drouth
presenL all the rain has gone around
for aeveral weeks. Com and potaioos
aro getUag prrity dry.
John Kennedy it out with, hla sflo
flller and wOl be kept pretty busy tor
Eru BennetL Bisaa Champion. OHv.
er and Bdd Broadway havn all got new
silos this year.
Ftank Clark and family have ar­
rived here from Waahlngton, where
be has ben for some time. He expecU
to spend tbe winter here with hi*
Mrs. F. Cleveland of Tmverao City,
came yesterday to visit her sister.
Mrs. J. N. Howard.
Mrs. Ray Johnson nnd Mrs. Floyd
Sheets have returned from Grand Rap­
ids. where tbe
the fair and visiting their brother snd
sister. Mr. snd Mrs. Guy Johnson.
Mrs. Mary Meogels has gone
Traverse City, to spend some time
with her brother. Harry Workmi
Geo. Herren of Traverse City, was
out to his farm again this week for a
few days.
Eddie McCombs was home a few
daj-s thU week trom Grand Rapids,
•here he cooks in tjic Soldiere' home.
Mrs. W. p. Cook has been quite sick
but 1b better again. Alfred Davis announces twin boys
: bis house, bora the September 8th.
Alfred can soon sit on the fence nnd
wstch bU boys farm it
Bora to Mr. and Mn. A1 Skinner,
son. September lOtb.
lYie doys got sfter W. Rersey’s
sheep .and klUed six nice ones.
The West Union Aid is eollching
old itspers. Anyone having the t
dispose of will please let the ladles
know, or bring them to the chnrcb
the day of the bee. which will be held
in tbe near future.

In ths dead letter office at Washing­
ton n force ef clerks Is engaged io
opening Isttcfb, which, for various
reasons, mnlnty Improper or careless
addrosslfig. fail to rsKh thoir intend-

which contain currency,
ef which H is impeesibis to t

draft Peet-offico and exprass order*
db not admit ef many endersemenu.
and the exchange on them costa tho
sender more than when d bank draft

payment on original stepped. No bond
is nccesssrV, as in the case of sqms
other forms of exchange.

to purchaee a Bank C

llaBcr Csmlidl •! Tfec U. S. ITcarary


I »4NGE5 I


Thme Steel Ranges a
to last and a
boiler, with doable steel ,body. soenred by exme bead rirata. driven
ooid by
not tbe Bat kind
n^eib rnmmnn ranges.

\ Jewel Ranges areqwicl(.bak«i
Cedar B. F. D. No J. Sept lO.-T.
I^Muse tbe'beat U evenly distribR. White baa hla silo nearly com­
omd srouod tbe oven, bakes on tbe
oven rack as well as cn the oven
Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward lu­
thier. a Bin. Seplember 7th.
and gone and' report a good yield Of
Come and get valuable .facts atx>ut Jewels
grain. esi>eclally oats.
Miss . Goldie Meachen commenced
stiiool in Cedar this mdriilng. where
she will attend this year.
Gordon Dlndley and Moses Cate.
wheeled out to the bomeot the later
Monday evening, returning
Ing to achool
in Traverse City Tuesday rimrning.
Frank Dugal. carrier on Route No. 1.
U having bis vacation and spending It
with relatives tn St Louis.
Traverse City fair September 23-28,
and Empire fair. October 2. 8, and 4.
nre being well advertised in this vldalt}-.
M. EUrabetb Cate retumed to Travrse City 'Monday morning, srbere
sbe will commence the pnrtic^ of
Mrs. Mapes of Cadillac, retumed
> her home Monday, after several
days- visit with Mrs. M. A. While UQ
fsmily snd other friends.
Joe Herman and family spent the
week end wim Henry Erickson and
family near Sebomberg.
James Nolan, a former resident of
Solon township, died at tbe borne of
bis daughter. Mrs. Hortob In Center­
ville. and was burled Tuesday morn­
Tbers was however this c
ing from the church In Isadore. Yfr.
if there vrere people who wished to
Nolan was a pioneer of the Leelanau
county, nnd his age was nearly »o.
go in other conveysnees and the own.
Joe Rugal of Big Rapids, is speno(Continued rrookpegt one)
era charged more, thst ths prices that
ing his vacation at home and calling
they were (diarging should be pdeted
the left where poet are provided.
old frienda.
In large figures on the rigs and If tbs
BUtomobUee will driVe dlrecUr through
people wished to pay tbe extra sums
Willlamaburg School News.
to the ball park and locate there.
that would be op to them.
School began September 2. with tbe
On account of the coagesUoo at ths
It was decided to have peman
following teachera: 8. M. Perry, pringates during the big 4lays. extra
cipal: Emily Loucks of Tcarerse City,
booths win be erceted on the outside
as Intermediate teacher, and Miss grounds will be thoroughly lighted for the Mle of tickeU. There will also
Kinney of .Mt. Pleasant as primary making It as attractive as during tbe be pln^-w*iere,tlckeu can be pur.
leaclier. Tbe high school departi
day. All tbe grounds and tbe exhibita chased down town. . to save time.
an enrollmeot of twenty-one
win be («>ened from seven In the There will be no one admitted through
pnplls. The non resident pupils In this
the gate* unless they have UckeU. a*
room are Irene Miller from District morning until mldnighL This will be no eaab will be Accepted. A Urge
No. 1. Arthur Stiles and Iva Arnold tbe first fair in northere Michigan
number of competent people will be
from DUirict No. 5. Lennle Bell from have evening enterUlnmenU and wUl at tbe gatea to uke care of the crowds
District So. 7. and Ida Whitson from draw Immense crowds. There have going and coming so tbat there wia
Bates. There are fire studenU in the been many people who have never be no confusion and no chanoe tor
tenth grade. There are thirty-five been able to atteod the fairs -because accidents. There will be no ^mhllng
pupiU in the Intemediete' room and they could not get out during the day of any kind allowed on the grounds.
thirty in tbe primary room.
Tbe advertising committee are set-'
Ume. and heretofore all the bnUdlngs
Several meetings have been held to have been closed at sis o’clock,
ively St work snd literature will be
discuss plans for a new schoolhouae'. this new arrangement thousands will sent In all direction* this week. Thera
I meeting held last Tuesday even­ be able to see tbe exhihiU and be are a number of tbe people who wU
ing a committae was appointed to re- amused by the aunetkms on the mid­ dUtrlbuie the hang^ and ths premtr
oeive bids for buUdIng a ecbool house. way. It was slso derided that the of­
lUU by autos each day nest week,
Floyd Pox, Archie Gardner and Al­ ficial rate for transportatloa to and the Indications are that this will be
bert Brusi were chosen as this com­ from the fata- groond* wOl bs tan esnu ths most mmgeasftil fair ever bMd hi .
each way.
this part of the sute.
» -

■ J-'

You Need a New Range



F’pank Xpude

Tasty Pastry Hour
haf been tried and proved by hundreds
of bousewivM. Take thdr recommendtions. O^r & sack with your ne^t
groceries. All grocers sell it.

The Hannah & Lay Co.
Mnicra For FUty Years


grand Traverse iOigion far

Traverse City,

September 23, 24, 25, 26

'FAOE row


ANotatole Galhertaflof New Goods
Every D epartmenl Is Brimlal ol Bright Fresh Blerchanalse
Sumner .and its wants have passed into history here. Its Fall now and
we want to tell you about the new season s goods. Every department bright­
ens with them. Carefully selected styles of apparel for Men. for Women, for
Boys and Girls; merchandise that you’ve been waiting for and are anxious to
see. You’ll fic d everything about the new goods pleasing and satisfactory,
and prices too are based on the Globe policy of saving you money.

The New Tailor-Made
Saits. Coats and SMrts

A List of ExeerUonai

There'* • lone and myie to the new
RarcncntB ihU bchroii that gives them
a distinctive chuvacier dilTereni from
the BtylcB of former seasons. We ran
only bint at a few of the moderately
priced Coats, Suits sjiil Skins.
Indies' and MIsbes full length CblncUllla’ CoaiB with large Mllar. Would
be good value at JT-iu. Our
Bpeclal i>rlce
Udles- Cat
.......... ...
large sUk frog*, aatin lined. largo
■bawl collar. A llii value.• A gkm
priced here at..................... BBeBO
lAdies- Drw' Skins.
ide froni
. ^ Whipcords and t
lew Matlease (Vh. S|>eciall>si>
•• priced at S2.4S.
S3.95. 94.9S.
S4.9S. «9:9S and upward.

Every, \Um s bargain in the strict­
est sense of the word.
fiiblesrhed Shcetliit.. yurd wide,
good 10.quality. E!:<.ri
lengths- On sple at. yaid.. /
Kli-er-ed rianneleiicK,
lall pattern*.




.... ....Isc

Lsidies' Sulu in a varied Khowlng
ofnewaivleb, «.95, $12.45. 914.95 and
up to $25.00.

Safest Laxative ter Woman.
Nearly every woman neds a good
laxative. Dr. King's New Ufe Fills
are go^ because they .are prompt,
safe, and do not cause pain. Mrs. 51;
C. Dunlap of LeadllL Tenn.. says-. "Ur.
King's New Ufe Flits bellied her
troehle* greatly." Get a boi today.
Price. :Sc, Reconimended by-all drug­
gists of Traverse City. .

V 79c

day from Gregory'* resort on Glen
bake, where she has been apending
Attkr Dedicated to Fortune.
the summer.
In the baths of a Roman fort at
A. y. Richardson returned home preapnt being excavated at -Bummer*
Monday, from vislu at Dturoli and aton, England, an alur ha* been nnearthed "Oedteated lo the Ooddoaa
other placea with relativea.
Fortune, by Caecillus N'epos. trtbune."
Elmer Blllman. cashier of the Ceaai The bath* serTed the purpose of a
State bank, is taking ‘hi* vacaUon. club, where the men would while away
Prank Sbonek of Suttona Bay. I* uk- their time by gambling, and the altar
-was no doubt dedicated by the Roman
ing hi* place while be I* absent.
There will be a dance In the |. O. uffleer after a particularly fortunate
coup. The hucriptlon on the alttr
Cedar City Newa. SeiA. io.—Miss O. F. ball Saturday night by (lie base Biay lead to
Myrtle Sweet Was hostess to a com­ -ball club.
pany of young people Saturday even­
ing Id honor of Miss
Bowins. here to spend a month with »ltt and
who left Monday morning to atleoa Mf*. 3. C. Vlack.
Slnpcr*a‘Marveletfs Memory.
Mrs. Cha*. Blllman are
It la said that Herr Btehmann
high school at Traverse City. Punch
and wafers were sen od. and a marsh- entertaining 5Jr; and Mrs. Charles learned the entire pan of tbs "Wan­
nallow i^ast was enioyet] . The. Sherman and children of Garreil. derer" in "Siegfried" In six hours;
and on one occasion when Herr
evening was spent In a very enjoyable Ind.-tbU week.
C. tnack has Just finished bulld- Kranas. who was to have Uken the
leading role lo Xavet Sebarwenka's
Mr. and Mra. Ellsworth Blllroan andUn* » laJ*® slaughter house on his ‘•Maiaswlnka." was suddenly Uken til.
fam near here.
chUdren of Kaleva. Mich-, were
Stebmann. who had never before seen
. Rev. and Mrs. Bowen and family the pan. masured it so coiuph tely
town Sunday.
* ■
tween tbe aftertioon rcbearsal and
Mr. and Sir*. F. Whaley of Traverse hare moved to Traverse City.
evening performance, that In both
City, spent last Veek'wlth Mr. and
from a ten day's trip to different words and music he was absolutely
Mrs. Jim Rouseau here.
School started here Tuwday morn­ parts of Michigan.
ing with the same tcarhers as last . Mias Shfa Sbeeteck and lady friend
of Bay City, was a visitor at her
term. F. A. Dago and May Paul
Mlaa Little Deperro of Provement. brnther. J^n Sbeeteck’s last week.


vtoKed relatives here one day last
Mr. and Mr* Lawrenoe Shalda and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kin attended a
danoa at Sbalda’s Wednesday nIgbL
Frank Crowe was a Kalkaska visit­
or one, day last'week.
Miss Anna Popa left Tuesday morn­
ing for Traverae City. She has
slUon In the family of Mr. and Mre.
Clayton Pettenglll of OrlalL was
a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Sweet’s Mon­
A party of ten In three automobUet
dtor* to Traversa City and saw "T,^*
Rosary" at the Gran^ Opera house
Wednesday ntgbL Those who attend­
ed were the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maeon^ Mr. and Mrs. W. Chase. Mr. and
Mm. F. M. Kill. Mr. and Mrs. M. ACulrec and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. VUck.
Frank Murphy and Miss Irena: rethrned Tuesday from vislu at Alilen
and. Kalkaska.
^T. and Mrs. P. A. Dago drove to
Port Oneida Thursday and attended
tbe funeral of Mra. T. Dago there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ^'ladc spent Sat­
urday and Sunday at Duck^Ake. the
gnesis of Mr. and Mra. Wm. Chase at
their camp there.
Mr. and Mra. Gso. Klabefsky'and
Mn. John Tucker were Traverse City
vWtora Thuraday.
Mn. B. J. Dlckennad and son War­
ren. vinited friends In Cedar Tn<
Mra. Ous HochratUe of llorend.
Mich., ts spending tbe bay fever aea■on with her brother and wife. Mr.
ahd Mrs. Cbas. HochraUIe here.
Mr. and Mrs. Tred Dago enterulned Mr. and Mra. Geo. Turner and Uus
Alice Tniner of Traverae City, Sun­
day. The day was spent In
DaBo't lanneb on Carp lAke. and with
a ptcalc dinner on tbe beach.
Mlaa Minnie Dnhl returned Sabir.


Do You Fear
ro niBtlcr ho*-r chronic your congh
how severe yourV throat
it or lung
ailui Is, Dr King's -New
■w Di*
lure^y help you: 4t may save your
Stillman (ircen. of
c(i^^um|•tiun and could not li>e two
year*. I iis«-d I'r King's New DifcovDltcovi-ry and am alive and well." Yuur
refundeil if It (ails lo*i>enurit
. .
riie boat home remedy for
roughs, colds, throatand lung trouble*.
Fnce eiic and $I Uu . Uuarantaed by
all druggists Ilf Traverse City.
Alvrsr* an Active Enemy.
Above sU ilritjgB. be on ybnr guard
against yo-or temprr. it Is an enemy
that will accompany you everywhere
to the.last beur of your life. If you
listen to it. It will frustrate all yonr
designs U will make you lose the
most Important opportunities, and
inspire you with the Inclinations au3
aversions of a child, to the prejudice
of your gravest interests. Temi
uuses the grcciest affairs
e de
fided by tbe most paltry reasons; U
obscures talent, pnraiyves every en­
ergy, and rendnrs Its victims unequal,
weak, vUe and ius-jpportable.—Fene-

Osboh), SepL 8.—Mr. and Mrs. Martin Doran were calling on friends at
Empire. Sunday.
Philip Payment and sister and
mother of Empire, ''visited with
friends and relatives at Ellr Rapids.
Sunday and returned home Monday
with their car.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beeman of lAke
JuueUoD. attended Gleaner meeting at
Empire. Saturday night.
Mrs. \V. H. Beeman and grandson
et Osborn, were Empire callers 5!ondar.
Mr. and Mra. Charles Beeman and
sons. .Mr. and Mra Sam BUhop and
family were 'Burdickvllio callers Sun­
The Infant son of Mr. and Mr*. Wocent peering died Friday. He was
only two days old. Tbe parents hare
tbe sympathy of all their friends in
their sad bereavement. Interment
in the Catholic cemetery at Empire.

Soutli Milton. Sept, id.—Every one
In South Milton Is harvesUng beans
and in most places they are a fine
Mra. Mill Parits was a very sick wo­
man for a few boBra yesterday, but Is
reported bettgr this morning.
Mr, and Mra. WTn. Ackerman and
Mra. Mahood 'and Mrs. Daredson are
going to drive to Elk Rapid* thla
evening to attend the Evangelical
meeting. Rev. Mahood is conducting
a two weeks’ meeUng there srith good
aaccest we bear.
Merrlt tanbb went to Traverae City
on a business trip the first of

-p«v u


Babies need a perfect akin covering. I writing at the home orMra SwamSkin eni^ons cause them not only .'out at Round Lake. '
tatense aSfferlng, but hinder their j
^wtk. OR. HOB80N-$ eczema!
OINTMEtfT can be relied upon lorre-'*R4 Mra, Hei^elt took dinner Bandar
Uef and pesmanent cure of suffering with Mra George Persoos at
babies whose skin eruptions have Bridge
Joe McLain has a c
BKin specu
trisd Or. F
pndiNre c
riet^ eoTCC
I nsed.” writes Mrs. StruWer, Dtt. Mrs. W. Wltod’s sad was taken quite
,AU dntgglstf, or byjaick thsrs and hM bean vary afek
l^ylslBCs tbca. bst latest reports says sbs
]ls laprovlBff*

I’s bean deviseth hU way."—Proverto XVI. 9.
And so yrou failed? The taaK waa greaL
Or H may be ymur strength waa amaUT
What'-profit now to rail at fatA.
' — -Or maKe ejocuses for xour fall?
Why firet or grieve of hunybled pride.
< - Or ^iide the chain of droumatanceT
The world ta long, the world is wide—
Go, gtvm yourself ahother chance.;
But others aufrered? Faith was lostT
Some aacrifice of other's trust?
And 3TOU. e dereUcL storm ioeaed,
Drift bacK to aaK them to be Just.
To oueU beneath the doubting frown.
To feel the stem accusing glance?
Have donel Set bacK. or sail or drown—
But give yourself another chance.
• faith to die.
Tom ts I
Tours ts the rtctim’ worth to Dvn
And from yourself you taKe or buy.
And to youraelf you eeU or give.
A oowerd he whose soul must cringe
Befbre the eyes that looK e^tanew
' Tbe shy still hdds Ha azure ttngef
Co. ghre youraelf another ehanoav '
And esK no odds of any man,
Savn from, youraalft for you alone
Know why your purpose or your plan
Was brought lo naught or-overthrown.
The battle goes to those who rise.
Whose bands dutch for 1
Whose dented shield the foe defieaUp, give yourself. another chancel


Tbe coffee hsd been unususll.v good
that morning and as Henry Sparks
rose from tbe
breakfast tabiopreparatory
UgbUng bit cigar
aUrtlog for
be said
ibe Office
"Elisa, you may
have the fall hat
yooN o been yesmiDg for.
the ten dolUr*.
but please. In msklBg your purchase remember
oiy prejudice
sgainBt birds In
EllES beamed.
-All right. Hen­
ry," she said: ' TU
go straight down
to Mme. Capote's
this morning. I
cab gel n besuty
lor ten doltan, D
know, and 1 won t
have a single song
bird on It"
' That night after
MraSparks sent the raatd of all work Into
ibt front bedroom to bring a box that
arrived ebortly before from Mme. Ca­
pote's. Mn' Sparka opened the box.
lifted the wonderful creation and said
tbe usual womanly thing:- "Isn't It a
dream r
Henry Sparka looked at the
quitilcally. There was not perhaps
expressed In hh face the admiration
and entire appraval that Mrs. Sparks
had hoped for.
••Heury." she said. "I know there U
a bird's bead or two and a lot of featben In It. but Mme. Capote told me that
they were all made-up thlnga. mostly
barnyard fowl*. This bead with the
slate-blue neck and /ust a touch of:
brown at tbe place where it was sep­
arated from
im toe
tbe breast,
oreuv, was the
lac umu
non domestic fowl tti Chinas
of a common
Now don'tt look that way. Everybody
Is wearing
ig fekthera.
fekthen. and I do^‘
don't aee
why I shouldn't wear them."
Henry Sparks rose from tbeNUble
and took tbe befeattaered hat oht of
bis wife's band and looked at': It
through bis glasses. "Thl*," be said,
pointing with bis flniter st the bird's
featbera. "is. as I uderstsnd Mme. Capote,
tbe bead of s common Chinese domestic fowl Eliza, when you wander
along by some tumbling sjream in tbe
springtime you will bear now and
then a rattlipg cry. It ts a bird's voice.
It It as much a port of the time and
place and of tbe wildness of It all as
are the trees, the stresin
April clouds overhedd. Wander along
the same atre-am In the taeut of sum­
mer and you bear tbe same rattling
cry. A bird form daebes by, then
■tope in 'midflight and bovera lightly;
over a pool beneath. 'Then there Is asonad of tbe plash of waters as a|
feathered form descands and plunges.:
There la a sensation of coolness In
tbe sound of that plunge that tempers'
the heat of the August day to the wa
farer. Perhaps yon have a legal rtgl
to wear ihia bird because It may have
been killed In New fork, where the
wise legislatora wi^drew from thli
creatnre the protection of the law. The
men who urged that It he exempt from
proiectioo were men «f tbe kind who
go Into the northern woods and drag
seines, dynamite sti-eamt and catch
and kin thousands of flab that they
may pick ont the big ones for the
market. The souls of those men are
In their pockets. This bird catches
a few small fish for the sustenance ol
Itself and Us young. It adds, when not
on a bonnet-.a living interest to every
waterside. EUza. your Chinese do­
mestic fowl Is ah American kingllBb-


I ‘Jhe BARNEY Co. \
^ Provided Attractive Pricings on Fall Apparel
For the Benefit of all


Visitors to the Traver^
Region Fair, ^epL 29-27




"Henry. Mme.—"
"EUxa. this bird that has been eat­
ing np tbe crops in India, thus causing
a famine In that country, whs hatched
in a nest In an tlllnols tree. Perhaps
you havjs the legsl right to wear IL
The wise legistaiora of lUlnols re^nUy added this bird to the game lUt.
so that It may be slaughtered and
made Into pies. The souls of tbe legtslStors were situated In their stomschs. This Bird has stood as an em­
blem of peMe since the world was. and
yet every pot and millinery hunter In
the land makes war upon It. You are
a good Episcopalian and you aomeUmes tdl me that there te notbtig
more beautifal than all that pertalna
-to tbe church and Us tSadiingt. Do
Trinitarian that you are. know
It was in the Bring form Of one
hese murdered Innocenu In your
side of the Baptist by tbe waters of
ZordSD? Slits, this Bsit Indian cropdestroying. surrstlen-producliig bl^
U sn IBinols moorning dove.
•'"DoubUees Mme. Capote told yoo
that this little bunch of feathers that
clasps tbe upturned brim of the hst
came from a bird harpF of some re­
mote r^n whose dSUy praeUce It la
to oany oiT and devour the sweet
bsbes of doting mothws. Well, these
feathers with these
soft gray dotted with darker color repIt all that Is Ml of a hermit
thni^h. Ia bird that sing* lU seraphic


It is t^ sots of this bird that
Bononghs sayb ssggestt a aareae r»
UfloDs beatitods."
"BsL Henry, Mme. Capote said-”
-Etta, there are a thousand Km
C^otea, aad most of them are li—■ ..
Bat Mra. Spaiks waa in tsara.

Ladles’ Suits, Coats, Dresses
and all Pars and Fnrnlsliiogs al special
price redactions, daring ibis spcclnl an­
nual trading event*
-Stock U now replete with a showing of the
season’Sfd^red modes.
Last iear the fair Week Sale prov^ the
biggest buying attraction of the season. We're
tiying to outdo it this year. You're welcome,
ladies, if you come simply '‘to look." But come
prepared to be tempted with style, beauty,
goodness and economy.
For the benefit ^ all lady residents of
the city, these

Fair Week Discounts Begin
thus avoiding much of tGe iDCoavgitience eod C
delay that will result fropi tbe extra btrsioess of ^
the following week.



1S7 E. Front SI.

'Traverae City, Hleh.


Fertilizer and AflrtcBlIiiral lime
M{. Farmer. Here ate two articles you .should have
in order to raise more and better crops and make
more money.
You should use Fertilizer because there is no bet­
ter investment. .For wheat from three to four hun­
dred pounds to tbe acre should be used. Fertilizer
is simply food for plants and should be placed where
the roots can get hold^o^ it It should not emne in
direct contact with the-seWs.'
The old country beats the United States two to
one in the amount raised per acre fust because they
use plenty of Fertilizer. Some* of their lands have
been cultivated over a thousand yean and nre bat­
ter today than ever on account of uang FertUi^.
P. K. has it Get yours there.
Use Agricultulai Lime on land that is sour.and get
better crops and more of fbem.
Get your Ume at the comer of Front and Cass Sts.
Spedal prices paid for good ^esh bimer and eg6$-

r-wseuui \
Stasp St SehesL
A BSW wrinkle In sehM) wort a
tram BL ruUi's I
' Tboee vtio laegliie that a crsstlo*
EsgUag^ .whers< Und rtildras
SK4t can. throogh the meAta of his
stosp la hammocks during Is
art esmM his fsettngq 4X the
ho«ra. The cdUldren eo tSTbred are
moment wM be Is moved, make the
(OBT or five yean old. the infants ot
‘ireatest mlHake. Ewothms. salt or
the school. Brery afternoon a aioa
' Joyful, can only be oxpreeeed rstrata in hammocks.tor tired chUdren M
specurely. so to speak. Wltkoot any
provided, and they may sleep betv
•pedal reesen for reJoNSag, I Stay be
or eesn during lessons. The lalaato
moved br the Same ukeeifU ersative
are cboouraged to rest hiisMi It la
'todbd.'-'aaC' vIm vsleA a Wort som-

Cevstleii amt Merf Ugg.
At sa.tferaUon «t IW AM St HA a tlrag rtttd ueti BM fotaln the h
Uto borissa la a UtOo mors thsa U!

glooaty oelots.—TschatkmkL




OtscomIHcd Bully Certainty Oavs Hi*
Advarwary What Might Be Call«d
Fair M>d Fruper WantlrTg.

nduetap.Falt Obllffod to Chari
*«««- for Pont. If Not #

They Jolted alonr for about .. .
bloeka after the man paid hi* rare;
then, vlth a mighty Jerk, the car came
to a dad nop. Wben It had atood
moUoalea* for orer half as hour (he
ilapaMM 8»rt»^ *rC#Hf*mi«prtv« dmn eoDcelved the brllUaiit Idea of
. Will SoMi Mail* CMiiaaet and • trytag to get uptown by means of
Ornamantal Madff*.
aom* other line, and be approached
the eondector In a fri
• By W. H- ORINBTEAn.)
and naked blm to glee
Jt uk«* a number of yean to ret back. The conductor did not re•^e irw* larse enongti to add to the apond In like fraternal epirlt.
beauty of a
or J**n. but tbia is
•^n-t do IC‘ he aald.
not the caat
areamnial bedie.
“Oh, now. aee here." the mao
Jaiianeae hkjtwrry or CaHTomla
you ki
_______ __gued. • TblB la not right,
___t. you
priw win Booi
•o«% iDake a compact' I ro«e
than two block* In your
hedfe and tbca«
hc«a It nodtlttg which wlU !old car. and It la barefaced robbery
add mor* to tii* ban Undbca^
to take I man'a money i
i UtUe
^ia laUtude tba **« of the year haa Jaunt like that'
And then wa* when the conductor,
i equal reaulta got io bla deadly work.
>rlng planting.
“1 ato’l cbargln- you for the ride."
There la one very Important
In.,-------- --thing; he aald. “Ain't yon Been alltin' her*
that abould be looked after when theI in the car for the lati half hour, and
are tea,
pnitii - alnt you willin' to pay for that? Ton
^ • a*d that la- the
-- --------The ground
ground ahoold
ah ' be prepared by can't go lb any place. In thta
_ n !5.
heavily .with without payin' rent, unf y5U_|i}lgbta*
well rotted manure, a atrip two feet well pay in a nice, comfortable rtreel
wide, then *e( th* plant* alx inebe* car aa any place elae"
W In tbia
tf U U to be a single | ..v»ll, Tm bleaaed," at
r» ..r*' .
land the Idea of paying
«•' « belt« *o novel and *o
■et the plant* eight luche* apart In thrilled him with such appriKdatlon
row* the same wtdOi so that the of favori received (hat be went awa'
^ta will mlas or tlg-zag. This will
even thinking of his nlcl
cofflPhet b^ge than the ^ agaln.-Chlcago Record-Herald.







really a


Thera Ar* Many Ways of Breaking
Up Broodineae Coop With Slab
ted Bmarn la Excellent.
Tbe end of the breeding aaason
seems to be tbe appointed time-for
hen* to gel broody. Karller In the
year when their aerrices would have
been most welcome great difficulty
was experienced in finding sufficient
to sit on tbe desired number of egg*.
August to tc» late foy the uilltrinK of
Ihelr broodlncsa, unlebs a few dock
egg* be Set under some of them. At
this thne, too. the scarcity of eggs
make* It the desire of utl poultry
keepers to break up their “broodla*"
and hare4hem toying again as aoua aa
'niera are many waya oflireaking
hen* of bmodiness. and (be rooro bar­
barous one* such aa tying the hen up
by one leg. fhrowlog cold water over
her. or making her stand In wau r
should be forgotten and practiced no
longer. The saine and better resuli*
can be obtained by more human meth­
Placing the ben In an ordinary coop,
with a slatted bottom, and suspi-ndlng
the coop from tbe ceill^ of tbe

three Inches above ibe ground This 1 '
will cause It to branch at the ground Al
Aim Should Be to Ertraet Best From
and form a compact growth wiiicb can
»OOk Without Having to
be pruned into shape the-following
Read It “Through."
winter and.aborteaed up during the
growing season so aa to make a p} ra~
The duty of Uking the reading of
aidal shape.
. the run of books, old and new. more
Wben a shoot is noticed tonnlng up seriously, and going ihroogb the
too high It should be pinched o«. whole with grim determination, resta
which will make U throw out biasohe* heavily on the coosclenc«s of many,
at (be bottom near (be ground
We do not here refer, aaya the .New
Theae bedgea. when properly cared York Time*, to reviewers, or the old
for after being put out rigbu sill turn Jokes about ibelr preaerving crlti.
a dog or cat so compact and dense impanialliy by not reading the wor
will be tbe growth. Tbia plan of of which they write no’lcee. The
treatment U tt»ore eepeaially fos the qneatlon I*, rather, of tboar who read
Callfontia privet
, for pleasure, or to amass information.
' Mutt It be woe to them if they
do net read each volume to tbe bitter
end? The best answer la to be bad
'New VePk Experiment Station Ha* from (be great readers. Macaulay
Four Orchard* in Different.
could dispose of half a dosen books
Part* ef tit* Empir* Btnt.
In hla cab on the way to tbe house of
! commons Naturally, he did not read
The New York esperimeM.slatfem them'•through'' Rot If there wa* anyhas four dwarf apple orchard* in dlf- thing In any oftbem that he wanted,
ferem part* of the sute, throe of his unerring eve bit upon the passage,
which were planted to lest (hecUlm* That was enough for him. He had
made for dwarf apple* Theae are aqueeted ont the juice, and
that dwarf tree* come In bearing be care about tbel pulp? Dr. Johnson
ewller than atandarda: that orchard had simllkr habit*. Adam Smith aald
operations are more easily j,erformMl, of him: "Johnnoa knew more books
and that the (mil U of hlgtaer color than any man:" yet. imroedUtely *Ttsnd better quality from dwarf iruo*. er reccrdfng ibU tribute, Boswell
The three orchards have been planted wrote of bis hero: ' He had a peculiar
five year*, giving ample opportunity facility In seUlng at once what was
to And out whether theae advantages valuable In any book, without submitare real In New York Tbe dwarf* ting It to tbe labor of penning It
do come In bearing aomewhai earlier from beginning to end'
than the sUzHiard*. but the difference
la not appreciable frorir a financial
.i, naunpoim.
Ot ih,

f::.‘b-b.';M rb“

KITO bbolb,


ibeir useful

r"bis r“';b"rr.,:“^,r.r,b;,'r

“ •“> - “■ __
„___ _____ ^ ................
p*>- excellent returns (or the slight
effort Involved
a llgbt ration for the Sow 1* deslrable for twentv-four hour* after
farrowing, and H should be of a eoolmg nature
Then gradually bring her up to
full mUon of nutritious fqpd that will
tend to produce a good'supply of
n,nit ,ar the young - pigs. Wheat
ehorie. middlings and some bran can
be used, and II *k)m milk is avtllable it can be used very ad^ntog*onsly with the feeds mentioned
pasturage Is not available at farrow
Ing time, alfalfa hay will do ven-well
a* a auballtut.aubatltuK- This feed U
U Vt-ry dcfclruhle, as It la relatively vlJicap aud

Co^ for Broody Hena.

the four corners bas been found eOW
cacioua. A gentle string whenever t-n'
tering the pen will soon make tbe
bird* destroos of Joining their more
busy companions. A little Kpsom
>ialU given In a mash and an abundant
-upply of green food should be gIvM.
All food* which have tUu sligbtiwt
tendency lo*-ird beat production, such
Take the bird to time. It Is prac­
tically ImpoBslble to break « bea
flTtar allowlug her to sU on n nest
hat In the ordinary course of nature
ben tint baa told perslsieotly all !

Chareeai and QuIcUlma Are Naturt’t
Ramady—Hew to Oat Mast LaMIhg Results.

Many of tho best
^ ---mmmmmm mm~m
Charcoal and quicklime are the best
itorle* come from the tomber campsknown puriflem. Tbe beat plan for
This bit of roughand-ready. history -- ------------------------------------- ‘-'-'-'"“""•ntllUlng charcoal In tho food closet
UNNECESSARY LOSS OF PIGS « m the cellar bin. wbe« fruits or
pbiladclpbla from the great West
regetabte* are kept la to sospgpd it
Hratich valley of the Susquehanna:
Lack of Proper -Attention at Farraw■■Paddi'/-tVood was the porter at the
will do. Make a number of i»g« suf­
Ing Win Prow* Quite Expensive
Olnrlcky bouse In my town.
ficiently large to'bold several torga
a mark for mischievous boys who
—««od Ration far Bow.
lumps of charcoal. Do not powder tbo
found that be would ebasa them if
charcoal, but fill the bags with the
properly balled.
He bad a board tualiy beMui
lumpg. and after they have had an oF
about, flv
long which be prom- lention at farrowfng time, ssys a'portunity to display their imarveloni
laed to t
hlB tormentnra, thus Washington stole bulletin. The tor-j Power to absorb all aort* of bad smells
adding to the spice of danger ...
log pen shoud be of only modep i r-ml muttlne**. and leave tjie atmoatbe sport '
alxe. Many of our most success- There pure and sweet, their bsefulnes*
"On* summer avaniug Paddy Wood
bog raisers use a pen not over 6 »'ll not be o\er. Remember that the
bench to front of the uvent
. 10 feel.'' A guard mil placed r,po»er of charcoal
iu pui)easy —- ■
f''®"' the floor and the same -H'tog
purposes is . .
. to
.. Its.
cigiance irora
from tbs
wall wjii-save
will-save tbe
__ the building.
- Paddy
. . I lank,
------- a uiBiaucme wan
lue freshness, and tbe rrwabeal.yg process
llv„ or . Bnt m,ny W,™.ih.. wo.U la restored by beating. At least once
or tuimr^ .htiklfi. unflerhl. bo cru.hed «fihout Uil. proi«nton.
a week take the charcoal bags down,
Ml, bov, lb «gbt H. .»nt« lb
„„„b, ol .in., l,^ 'empty them In a fire pot kept (or the
ib, r«a. tbmbIM tor bl. wood.locH ,b,
,„a,.|„bl.. .. «,m. of ib. purpose, aud heat tbe chanro^ very
pipe for auverul minute* and was u young pigs may borrow Into It and be I hot. Tbe freefaened lumps may then
louger time lighting it. Tbe woad- smothered by the sow lying on them. | *>« restored to the net bag* and serr*
a cavalier
i stock
t. was ..u
w affair
should be reduced j» new period of osefulneaa.
aU} emoked with the bowl turned gbou, one-half dhonly before farrowBoxes of lime and Jar* of plaster

"Paddy Woed deliberately
from the bench, picked up bU
and afQOte Paddy Plunk oo tbe Jaw,
knocking bis-pipe across tbe loL the
sparks (tom which described an arc
of l.rc like a rockeL
“tinrpr sad at the spaad mt Paddy
Wood'a response—he didn't exp.-ct it
by wire- and seeing bin disadvantage.
bo Storied to run. with Paddy Wood
trying to lift him off Lis feet with
every Jump.
A* S.-OU as be reached a safe distonce from bis pursuer, Paddy Plank
lurned around and uttered (bl* place
of defiance;
-hap» away from me! Rape away
from me! or you will have your
heart a blood on me band*:' '
' ------




Easy to Racegnice This as a Sample
af the Warii ef the Oraaded “Clevm
in private Life."
Smith was a constant worry to bl*
Dtend*._ They never knew when to
and when not to treat him seriously.
emce. as be fnakly admitted, be de^
Ufbted In pulttog other people’s leg*.
One day be and Brown met casually In tho street and stopped as
fi tends onen do to gossip for a
•iilg klaze—that fire at tbe factory
In Jobneou street last night, wasn't
it?-- ask-td Drown.
• Ye*,'' replU-d Smith; I went down
• have a look at It And. my word,
there were aeverwl mighty Aarriiw es­
capes there, toot"
"Escape*! ' cried Brown- excited­
- D'jt tbe morning paper said
> one to the buildtog."
Smith nodded.
'Ob.-- be said, “tbe
brought the rocapas down with them!
So-loiig, old chap!"

Uaeful In Ambulance er In I
Animal* on Beats—Dee* Net
gravaU Its injuries.'
-----Anyone who has ever^'watebed the
xuebe* of
“ Injured horse into it. knows what
■ man's size Job It le. An Indiana
man bas designed a sting that should
b- ®f Preat Bsalstotev la
and should also be useful In lift>»« borses aboard boats wben there..

f tree* U greater. There I*
h«Ppen* upon a atrango
BO dlfierenee in color, size or flavor
Mtof*! to refer to ONE HOT WEATHER TROUBLE
betwaan the tree* on dwarf and «and- **>« dlcOonan'. both for lu meaning
Ud stock* In theaa orchard*. DlaadprotfunclaUoo. The pronun- When Diarrhea First Makes It* Ap' —■' Brazil'* fhibbar.
datiOD of technical terms of an art or
------------ •- Msy Be Cheel '
/ A Urge part pf iba world's supply
science with which we are unfamiliar'
f Charcoal.
tr crude rubber comes from the repub­
fan often be learned in no other way.
lic of Jirazll. which has hitherto paid
Itnt when the dictionary la appealed
(Dy If. B. (fl'ECK.)
little attention to the mannfacture of
Diarrhea 1* one of tbe most com­ that comraooUy. Another day is com­
able Jodge, wben monsiroalUe*
mon hot-weather troubles to poultry ing. llrailt Is about to engage Inu-lll-'
filing for Horaaa.
ci-ninryold foaall* are exhumed from of all ages, and wben U makes Its
genii}’ to tbe manufacturu of rulbaf,
Us page* to be flaan)ed In the face* first appearanca. charcoal (roely
. fed- an enterprise which, to tbe course of
n® gaagwaj'e for tbem to walk,
of our friend*. It -1* time to recall ft* may check or control tbe disorder, Dl- . time, may affect the raann/actur? of Broad piece* of strong fabric form
true function of mere recorder.
arrhea may be due to food or drink- thn: usterisl In the United State* and neckbands, bn-astbands and breech­
If 'we should u*e our energies, spent ing w-ater being foul with dropping* Europe, by bringing iu sinew and for- bandii The first extends In front of
In this pleaagh^ but absurd revival of or.other filth; to («-eding Imporor
midable competitor.. L© Hreill Eco- “d between the (orelegs qf the anl-snUqoltlea. in occasionally noticing musty and moldy food; to overheat­ nomique of-Rio de Janeiro says that »*1- tbe sj^nd support! him
fironunclatlon* which, though com­ ing; to feeding to dusty, must) or
under favorable eonditlonr offered roar of tbe foreleg* and the
mon. slight reflection would prove to moldy Utter; to unclkao. quarter* and
by the government ttflnerie* of tiou- P**«es around bis JHndqusrters. Theae
be at least extremely careless, we
> overfcedln .. -------------! a-bouc (rubber) will be established band* all meet at the top and are at*
should appease the goddess of ortho­ food or feeding spelled meat; to eat- to a number of ktalM and (actorim for toebed to a pulley. Embraced in this
epy In a much more aaiisfactory mah- Ing poisoned substances or to Indlgew (he manufacture of rubber arttcha in harness a horse can be lilted gently
lion from any cause. The first thing the cftles of Manaos. Belem to Pfln. and easily into the ambulance without
to do when diarrhea makes
Recife and Babin. There srHl be spe- aggravating bU Injuri.-s.
Dead City of Asik
pcarance Is to find the cause and
clal exemptions to tbe way of duties
--------------------------Of the seven cities of Asla.'>erh*p*
IL Drinking from flllby pools upon articles Imported-for the carry-j'
Car# "bf the Celt,
Sardis has the most InieresUng and ro- to unclean runs after a sudden show- tog forward of this enterprita.
| It freqneatiy happens during tbe
mantle history, and yet. with all lu
. or drinking barnyard seepage Is
botteat weather of the summer toe
wealth, its famous raler*. lu wise
common causa of diarrhea In hot
colt's naval will become Inflsmed
oouuselors, -iu vlciortous armies. It weather.
fnnpd B Colts- ranging from a few day* to
was the greatest failure of them all.
Apple Picker Used an Fruit Farm.
It, >h0 /«.*
Hiree or more months old are eusThe richest man In the world. CroeIn toe folk of
,j,p mrabie. a variety of
A (reo about n feet from tbe groundiu*^ was king of SardU; Me wisest
man. Solon, was her gjiest. and yet.
le of tbe
thiough overconfidence and lack
, I
best preventives A mixture of one
for toe
wat-Hifulnesi, time and mgain It _
eom.ored .i>i .11 b„, a,
natives explalDod that It wa* put there -rolled to the ^ffe«ed^ tin*
lived. iba orchards In charge
«ui”i »» ln*i the dlslntegratbv un elepUant If seem* that when
affected part three
leg rock and soil from Its ow n cludri,
the elephants wade into the Lake
oerclsl l®®***'*^ by the winter rain*.
[i-ep all your bousea vtda open Ngam
orcharding In this suie. or It at alk hurled down by deatmctlve earth­
and nlgbi.
the hi
only sa filler*, or. barely possibly in quake*. hurled the city »0 feet deep
Don't crowd your blrda. Qlva (hem
Pretsetien From Pipe*.
tbe growing of one or two varietiaa.
all thn range yon can.
I Henit-rober that it takes as murb
as Mclnloab and Lady, which aaom to dead city, and U was burled by the
that your IltUo chicks havo It picks up Ita tormentor to its trunk, energy and feed to fight flies as It
do nther better than other vartetisa- forpe*.of nature.—The Chrlailan Her- plenty of shade and water.
doe* to grow a ralf. Then will it t
on dark siocka
Sol) tho rooster and buy an alarm and leaves It there.
pay to cut out toe flies by giving t
------- 1'-----------------\y clock. It's more uaofu] now. *
calve* access to a dark stable orah<
and also apply a little "fly dope?"
Bpofiftc to a Deep fiaa Animat.
Wheat and oaU are bettor hot
Plum Rstqbsrry.
Pariatf of RIgarout Fatting.
Yon msy real loured that they will
Many berry growem report fine proTbe
and lay
flesh twice a* fast
flu from growing black
errnoeni^ one Just a little grease on top of ^fek's 'of ngltig beat," oommemorates tbe from now on if they are afforded a
or black caps, at (uiliarly known. take a trip to tbe Mcdlterram
of thus protecting themselves
rested at the
Tkls variety to from Northern New
oould possibly do.
York and mature* lu entire crop to sponge ftfberias there.
Whan the sponge la token from tbe or alfalfa hay this summer (or tbe lay­ Wben (toaerved according t'
a sbpK period; It is an eariy sort,
raand* of the prophet It is ^ fast of 1
Mange In Harass.
with berries thlck-meaud and very wnter it resembles a piece of raw ers to otdd weather.
Mange In'horses is much more difThe cost of poiwhred stock la not oxtraordtoary rigor. No food or drink
firm.-* Tbe fruit la Urge and aiirao- mast. It to covered with a thick out­
tWe Readers, nnjjerstand that btock- er skin under which is a gioUnous' BO prohibitive but that ft may be bad of any kind is permitted to be teksn fleuh tp treat than scab to Ueep or
from daybreak uutll th* appeamnoe of common mange to cattle. Prefwntlon
cap* cannot be sat to tbe fall, as ar* ' nbstohoe cot unlike molasses, This by ail who raise poultry.
Don't forget to -spribklo Ume OD the stars al night TbI* abeUnonce of -lnfecUon with the disease 1* atfer
red vartetlsa. Stan them In tha ! is eatlad tbe milk of the sponge and
spring asd keep them pinched back ’• 1"*®^** drained out orberwlae de- drop boards, not too much, for It la' Is absolutely binding upon the faith- and more satisfactory. There Is no
ful, whether at borne or abroad, and best all-round trestment. even for lice
freely, as young canes do not gala '<»»po*Ul«m would eat In and make bard on tbe chickens' feet.
Tbs water reeaM now needs a Misl- only those whto are teriouily til are on atoek. The riaas'of stock, physical
more than two feat to height This “**
Next tbe apohg*
«1U hasp the bushes snug and oom- **
to a bath of Condy and aft. ter from tbs sun Ittstoad of a beater : escepted from Us provisions. These condition of the animab and season
Hie fast as soon afterward of the year ' determine the kind ad
pact and obvtol* staklog.
erward* coma* the prooeaa of scrOnc,
F of days, treatment i
summer than to -winter aa a drink,
1 ** POMlbls. (or a Uk« n
I cupping and.................

not fully secured unless these dlsinfroting and purifying absorbents
be placed In tbe beet form to bo effec­
tive and easfly handlo-i. In tho form
of a pad with the layers of lime or
plaster or a combination of each even­
ly distributed, their absorbent qnfiU>
tie* will be mere than doubled.


Tbe posslbUltles of banking as a
career,J^ women have been demon*
by FarroWiMtoDk
for. Women,
wKicta was toauipira
toauipirated t/^SSi\t i
yurs ago to London, and sjbich. mai
entirely by women, fcroved t
asful that It...............
It was recenny
to n^w and enlarged qnarters;
Tbe back's nccee*. to (be opinion
of Mr*. Kate Retlly. tbe manager. Is
largely due to the beany support it
bat) received from women.
“The eagerness with w{iich women
of all classes and from all parts of
tbe empire took up tbe Idea of an In*
stituUon devoted entirely to their
needs was in iuelf a proof that Tar-

Excerpt From Bpllrila Gives OoMlualen* Arrived at by Exparts «f
New Vor* fitotlen.
^e New York experiment sUUoa.
nfter p'xiended tovesUgailons covering
period Of five years, baa reaebad th*
that the milking AMito*
pracdcsl but b
the problem of labor on> itbe Qalrr
(arm. The investigations i
to Bulletla No. fi&6 by G. A amlih
and Dr. H. A Harding.
The following excerpt from tbe BuP
letin shows tbe eooctoilon of the New
York station men:
' '
chine. like any other machine, i
ly associated with' the
Jlly of
(be operator. During tbe
the mscblnea have been operalad by
six diffttrent men. all of whom have
done at least (airly wull. In this study
the attempt has been made to contrast
the machine and hand methods of
milking at their beet. roquasUonably
It (ahes-a higher grade man to oparata
a milking machine successfully than
lo hand milk a cow equally welL
There is every reason to think that
In the hands of careless oporatot* the
machine* will work injury to ibe cows,
but the same rcaulb la too often ob­
tained from ineffidem band milking.
“The most Important potol o* this
study covered tbe Influence of th*
machine on the flow of milk. Of thU
and luacblne method* upon the flow of
milk covers a period of over fetir
yeat* and Includes Tl lactation perloda
nfier ellmtoattng the questloaabto
dalA Tbe Influence of tbe mnehtoe
iqetbod upon the flow of milk wsa too
be measured even when tbe
aa fully
a* possible, it was probably rasponsiblo for less than one perxenL in the
Ion of the flow under the condlof the experiment. All of tbe
milked well with the marina
w^ thay were provided with proper
fltffng milk caps. Two cow* which
were failures as hand milker* were
MUCceMfuny milked with the macblnu."
The milking machine is an econo­
mic necessity. There may have bean
many faUurew. They were dee to
many ewsea. Aj- the machtoM ba-

-Tbe business transacted here is
the sai^ as that tranaacted by any famlllar vrith^toe^^M^UAtTu ^
oth. r Joint stock bank, and tl v fact
In.the operaUoa. theaa dlAthat all our staff condsta of women is cultlea VwHl be overcome.
good evidence that «»e sex
gifted than the other to accth'
racy and a head- for figures.
“A feature of ouw, establlshmant
here I* a rendezvous room for our
« and Found ef Qraat

The Braxillan
cio“ announcea that the' mlnlatar of
finance of tbe state of Parana has re­
ceived from the Brazil Railway coi


'.r ^i2s,u

Here is a simple, but most conven­
ient and effective method of taMwtog a cow's tall while milking. The
lihutrations pracUcaAy explain tham•elve*. writes F. W. Brows* of HOlaboro County. N. H.. to the Fanner
Home- A bent wfr* book Is

o™». -hi-h r n. “,j

wheat the latest modem mi
being imphrted Iberefor.
houses have been built for colonists,
far fourteen famillea have been
shed In tbem. The (azen'da
posaossea pedigree stock. Swiss bulls
of pure race having been Imported,
and Include* a dairy fitted with most
modbra appliance*, also from Bwltsarland, for making butter and ebaea*.
An agricultural expert is on the fa­
zenda for the purpose of Instructing
(he coloalsts. An artnngement has
been made for Jntroduclng colonists
from Holland, and already 100 pounds
of Dutch cheese are produced weekly,
flndtog n market to Curttyba, Ponto
Orosaa and Sao Paulo.
Turkish Women's Strong Point
Turkish women arc aald to have on*
accomplishment to which they excel
the wolnen of all other nallonallUea.
They know bow to alt Hester Don­
aldson Jenkins calls attention to the
fact that tbe Turkish verb to sit is

uv1ng a falralxed loop at Its lower
md. These should not hang Ipwar

than sU feet from toe barn floor. To
make toe fasiening. wind the end of
loop twice arou{d the call and draw
tbe .hook tbinugh It then catch th*
book into one of the loops ^

Hon. “\there are yoa Uvlngr' on* lug or undoing the fastening can be
gcu the reply, "l em cluing to Stem- Bccomplisbed
tosUntly. 1
Or. to the question. "Are you have made use of this device (or sev­
T" tthe answer

wlU bb “No. 1 eral year*, and bav* found R“w ffreak
am Bitting at homo." And when they convenleDce.
Bit they sit qnlotly. 'In the perfect
repose of a sleeping cat.” They don't
Creameris* and ths Dairy.
have to keep their hands busy. They
Tbe creameries have sounded ttn
crochet or knit
They 0nst Mt
kaell of the dairy, and th* sooner oar
dairymen nails* the fact the better
it will be. Tbe coDanmer is not to
be blemed^r preferrii^ factory bat(esston of arms. General Nogl was
ter. (or by so doing be li Oabla-'to
taken, while still a small boy. to see
secure an arilet* of onltom excelcriminal decapitated, and wa* re­
lenee. Dealers. sepeclsRy retaU gt«buked for shuddering st the speeucermen.
seldom meke « distinction to
Aftar Blghtfall, when sU was
favor of first dairy butteraukera. pay*
darkness end silent he was required
-"'j.-. w
go alone to th^ ,«i.i
bmial 0-u.i
ground 0,11“
and ,,

bring back the Cfl
head. Th* “
rve*. and
hb nerves,
tench him tofeernotb*
pounds of butter et dltferaat
Ing. living or dead.—Framfis E- LSapp, ,
'ttmee from ^ earn* store end- find
la the Atlantic.
(hem of unKom quality,
butter Is always rullabie. i
dairy arUcI* most go.


lug SO fraatlcnlly to be reoocnlaed 'bff
Fsstf Alan Naaesaify.
the ehalnniib'r
R U wrong to expect 'the new. fin
-T dont know hto name, but bn It jleM
a large profit simply beonnsn
^ Che is weU bred. She must bnv* ^
mtb OB nad «r* er th* breeding will uiwufi,
------- : to Mthtog.
• .





a dosm of than, and «ach bad a Mparate bouee or cate at one cod of the
Tber were baodaome and exceedingly well-behared catt. too: for when
»«ieU ga*e-bla new.pnpU i aauflalea nad RefHlatleAa ofthaj^cerof warm milk for ber bfoakfait.
HerwU Vmii« Falka fftinehlna I But If your worde will eause ua aor- the other* never offered to moleet her
*“ her enloyinenl of It. u Ill-bred caU
I wUI tfT never M teorrv or ♦
heep them till the last lomor- would eertalnb have done.
♦ ■
Ninette soon began to feel quite at

In a almtla larta cn«», and the reat of
bU nenacerie In anotber, aod bandied
them off to a lartc balldlnt In the
the Winter Clr
reaon of the amueenwoMorlnt people, old and young,
““rtoK the aeaaon.
Here Mr. Boned proimeed to exhibit
bla educated troupe, aod It. waa neceesary flret to aeeustou them to the
P**''* '’y means of private rehearsals.

rww'try to be M happy W I
•an and rngka evarybady hd|
•a> tar
far Ml
w I can.
I tvlll toy to be levin*, helpful
and kind to <
.........iiwi— *htML
If I ever fail In trying
these thIniA I will Try. try

Ae Ihelr rosster had anticipated, the
first time the caU were called out up- “I
^**c moat admired
on the great stage, with Its half-eli^le
ce'^hrated little pua* In Burope.
fooiligbta blazing In front, tliey wd ^
i ttolden Days. ,
paralyzed with fear. They hud- —Henry Tyrcll,
died toficiher In a corner, with ears
imld taol u>d .IW, I.l,htn.«l
W.ljUn, tl.. •.by,




'““l*'-<»Hed up a hand♦ “Whatever tl
weather 'nay
aomh young gray cat. and said: say* he.

'This U Gris-grU
Make ffie*ds
i’*e weather may ha.
^jh him. He*is abom your age. and
*' ■ “*• "*”**■
la leamlM rapidly, though he Is full
>■« *o»r.
niachlef “

.-uau„. u,. ....hlu ...rj-. '

Organised December ■, ItN.
. - -Clara
- fflrwt Vice Rraaldent-iMre. Mabel
EecMd Vice RreMdeirt-^dre. Irene
Itomerey EhlNda.
EunMilna Crudmother—Mra. A. U
------------------------Nnmbtr of members baienging Eaptambar 1, Ibll, bAII.
________ :_______
Numbar of namto on tha Cradle
Rail Eaptomber i. itlS. S.14S.

and a* Mr. BeneU dell^tedtr eaacht
Mlneite In bla aroM and klseed her.
the curtain came down amid load and
entboalaetlr armlanee.
- '
Ninette bad Mted the performance
and made her naetere foMone.
Ori«ri* waa not punlabed lor what
he bad done; but he evidently felt
great remorse, and for aeveral day*
afterward he led a »ober, orderly life,
Ninette became the queen of the

Homemade Whtettea.
The fara bor—and ttrl, too—can
have lota of fan with b
Uci. The eaaleei of tbeae to iqake te
uie pmnpWn-TlDe wbUUa Cut off
one of tbe larger leaf etema cloac to
the vine and then remove the leaf
from the %tem. With a eharp knife
make a ellt in tbe sU-m about an tneb
long on the flat side, cloae to tbe littie end. Scrape off the •tdekera- at

Keap ttralght Toward Ymir Omh
When the Emperor of Ruatla wished
to build a rallniad between I
portent bolnte In hi* dominion, be
took a map. and. with a rtner. drew
a etralght line between the terminals.
-Balld It there.- be aaid. Hl» enrtneer* Uughed in secret, for they
knew, wiwt
<na not. that to bulM
It on that line mould neceailUte gradIng cteep^hma. brldgt— -**• Hr»r« •

•”'* '*»“!*>.
tunneling high, i
]||), ogre, spread the alit aport a.little the emperor wts yigbi, after all. and
wuh the knife blade, and the whistle In the ead It would have been cheaper
“ **' *
line, even If
side near the lower end will pro- It did cost mo^^ jhe beginning,
dure several notes, when alternately
And so In life. The shortest dlscovered and oi^ned with tbe finger luce between two points is In a
pmigbt line. and. if we wish to attain
-------------------------»■< .......................................................................................................... .......................... .
.1,.^ .b...
A fine whittle may be made of a “uwaa. we «nu»t go Ktralght toward
•d several of tbe other cats by hams,
very, very nqw
’ with dismay and terror.
piece of willow or maple limb wb'en our'goal. We may have to level great
and put them through a scries of moai
be could not
dlfflculUes: w« may have to bridge
The Life and Adventurwa of Mlnetta.
else, in the middle of
•**“«! *® sympathize
yet Witt
with MJuy,ee. much
U.UCD acquainted ,et
dugeroua chasms; we may have to
Poor little Mlneite waa only als
with them, luhtead of being dlaap- feel
body ud that waa why he cried eo
ibe.bark with tie knife handle
through mounuinous ob«rucmonth* old when she was left alonv ' ^h;; tl,mbe,l ropcUddeie. lumped polnted.or angry,
unUl the former can be slipped . off.
*'Ut In ih.-end the .tralght read
and bomeleas In the great
through papered
heppa and *'“U
iron iiu*"
•'Never ........
mind, .../
my children, my
. of taruuBU
jwtwii-u uavt*
^ ■fvior
“He’s kind of homesick. I guea*,"
‘he auresi ud quickest. Mark
Parli. How she came to be shivering
burning cotton, ran In mOe
.. the bark,
------- enlarge
------ _
----------there in the doorway, one chilly
y,, backe of k cried, gaily. .r-Well come hero again Starr said. •'Course be erica! I cried tke notch ud flatten the top of tbe
goal “d keep strsighi at it, no
>l»«-h morning, without a friend.
^balr.. walked ui«n the tol« tomorrow, sod tomorrow sfier that; that Ume 1 was at my^grudfalbera
front of the notch. Replace “*««■ •'hat obstacles you may ebwithout even a breakfast, can only be
reversed goblets without and if wc dou t feel at home here aft- 'ihom my mother. Folks always cry the shell of bark and you have a iv^ counter-Exchugc.
conJwu^efiknocking over any. and jicrformgd a er a while, we’ll Juat move In and Uke when tliey re homealtk."
markably sweet-toned whlstlf. Smooth------------------ ^—
She was a dellcaie. pretty Utile „t,„,ber of other feats that nobody poiseasloo for good—fhat's what we ll
There were so muy beauUful bruch.i about half u Inch^ diamWh*t Do Yeu'SeeT
creature, with long silky hair and would ever have dreamed,a cat caps- do;-;
things about that new baby! Starr eier make the best whUtles-ExA Oermu writer tells of two little'
lAelltgeBl grey ej-os, which
And that wa* what actually did haunted the nursery all day long, to change.
-iris. They Imd been nlarlne toceiher
showed plainly that^e had known
Mineite crouched In a corner, and rome tp pans Mr. BoneM found U make sure of, not missing any of
wUl a home and good lr«lirag were waichcl Aese proceedings with won- eoovenienl to have a room fitted up thorn. He watched Nnrae Mary waah
much is known of Mlncite's
very Inslgnlfl- for bis cat academy In the dreus aod dress Ae baby every mornlpg. In
Te Make You Laugh.
-The garden b a sad place, mother."
family: They were not French, but
frightened when Mr. building, and Acre he s|.enl whole front of Ac open fire. That was the
"When 1 grow ufc'' aald a six-.vear
-^Tiy. my child?"
Dutch, and descended from Ae race
approached her.
days wlih them, unUI their ahyneea moat beautiful Alng of all! Soeh .

of Horen, famed for docility aod clevHe Biwke very gently, however, and wore off. and neither siSge. gaslights, round, dimply llitir elbows and knees! two>"*°"' '
fwl^rM u^ IL^
ernesa Probably this weo waif ban
Grb-grls out for a few sliiiide music, or anything else 'about the Such curly, curly little legs? aueh a *"
h««n overlooked and left behind in e„rclses. such as running in a circle. pUce had any further
lerrert for ^ft mof fuzz on the small, round "l>armtjMciryoJNrtidli water
one nf thote l-rtodlcal movings wblcn Allowing ,he lip of a lltUe whip.
head, that Nurse Msry Insisted was
^-house," compblned '>««>»'«*
U a beanwill occur tn the beat of regubted ,bjt.hnever used lor purpoaes of. As for Ae birds, mice and the rosU
hair! •
*1 sW^ 4a0b. but never mind."
punishment, but only as a iwlmer and they apiwared leas sensitive In AeEvery week they
weighed Ae new FT
it rains ao few
At any rate, here she w-as. adrift m
,oeki„y ,h.n the cab. an-l and every week he had gained
Ae dolls will be
«.»» "■
been al,
all a^und, aod cv,
Aewlde. wide wor.d AUbough here
All this dated |K»r Ninette, and g«ve but little trouble.
about half a pound. It surprised Storr
W hr. II've
ve been
ly six months old, abe was ‘"^5 “ the had not even the spirit to }ui>n>
The eventful evening , came-Ae ^ ,„Up
^im rather uncerThV aamn V.itle gig. upon striking erty thornbush has lovely roses growfair Judge of human nature, and knew
maatcr's band when be held evening of lUe Brsl,public exhibition
homesick Aeory.
her elbow, cried out. "O mamma. It
When you have a thing to do.
how to Uke care of herself quite ai ,j
, for ber ^
And Ae moAer wondered at Ae dlla few ,„oj,ea\nove
inches above the at Aecirmu.
Ae cirmu. The VlgbU
IlgbU were all “!^
-i awnt ^
half pounds when iI rounds down to ^he
Ae "«id'”of
end of mr
See Ittbrougb!
wel^a. most boy. or girl, of .ft gg,,
ference In Ae two chUdron.
aglow, the ^and
hand played
played inspiring
he reflected. T.rrr.
''MorcT. fAgers! '
Though perhaps It may teem hard.
y*®"All her frigbi and perplexlUcs were niuslc, and ^he gay public of Paris. ,
„ on-fai; an'
“»ii»w old are yon now. Cyrus?”
. . ,-------^_ -Who can read Dame Pckrtunb's curd!
She looked wistfully into the faces fgrgouen, howeier. when the calu full of expecUncy for the novel enter- nr-keeos a-eettln' fatter* Maybe Aal
a vliiior>. “I'm five.” aald tbe
SnccesB by easy things U marred.—
nf passurs-hy, and when one ai>pearcd were>fed. according to Ae Invariable ulnment. «-rowiled tbe ' baachra to ? ,
/ IftUe man but wlA iL-*eft disgustI *»-•* a boy I helped a neighSee It through;
to I* kindly dlsiH-scd. she gave a ewwm. after their performance: and overflowing.
-i’ »gald havelbeen six long
hoe a Held of corn. In Ae cornfalni interrogative little cry.
there Is no reast.n to believe that she
Mr. Boneti. clad in a dress suit,
, , . „„„ nouads and Starr waAago. only my mnioma Ikeepa me In
wwi In All
lK*hen you have a thing to do. ’
Ao old gentleman stopped ahu lay nwake that night worrying about walked to and fro a irlfic nervouslv.
nrouad indeed—ns proud Nuiwe qreaae**” '
bloom, and so tall and rank that only
See it Arough!
gazed at her symiiathetlcaUr. but* did her neglected education, as a foolish he wa* abooi to risk the gain or loss
welehed’fifteen ’ "Mother. I couldn't find a single here and there In spots could Ae
Begin at once the task today;
not eeem dlribscd to take her'along human being mlglil have done.
- . of a foriune upon the behavior of Minefce In the old hM's nest- if she laid •‘•^'‘s of corn be seen at aU; bnU W
Don't put off «(he coward's wayl.
with him. A boy ihrew a bit of «:•
The next morning she wa* In excel- ettc. Orls-grls and their comtwnlons.
uimseii. nc goi

she must have mis—laid
It" aal4 ^Sorons use of Ae enlUvator be­

fifteen i
There Is failure In delay.
ange |>eel at her. A little Ttlrl. Ac lent splrlu. and. alter fifteen or iwenOn their .!•« they did not apj^wr pencil and "reduced"^
tween the rows, and a lot of baekSee It through!
yean old.
and uAlng work, pulling Ae mustard
-Adelben P Caldwell
•>' “ •
“Ml'”- “>
Ihemsehes In the Jea«t
wa.*^n“ "^tovle ••
-Adelbert F. Oaldweil.
Minetle had token ref- -fim. over >lr. Boneti's eUspedbands, about the matter. They had never. »“» “O™ aplend^ Starr wm In^
bU been told be must not ask for any-yO'^u >»>•
»«>»««» «•«
use.- came along with a can cf mllu.
then over the w-bip. and finallywith all their arcomplixhmenis. learn- denominate numbers now. In
Alng to eat when rislUng. Soon aft^
^ ^T*.
Two Ways.
and iwured out a few drops-on thethrongh a wooden hoop.
ed to feel reiiwnsfbllRy.
rithmetlc, no be could do a little
er at a bouse where he had Invariably ^ riraring the enUre field, of a nnmSaid Bennyf - When 1 grow a man.
'stone steiw. These the hungry way When Mr. Duprez dropped In. a few
At the given signal, the engea were fibe Aal as ^y as anyAlng.
111 mlU Ae cows and split Aa wood:
ann Mr
"On. hundred V • eighty." he an- found «,«ethln, good on hstnd. he
of mrres. of weed, and showing
farer wa* gratefully Upping nii. when days Uter, to Inquire ahotit her pros- brought ujon the stage, and Mr.
111 take my moAer out to rida.

caused ber to res*, she was beglnulug to follow gi-ii ate|>|>rd forward
And do a mllUou tbiugs l•ehoa^l".
Ae fiuraery finally broke out "Aunt Jane. I'm

spindling, and.
spring ba'-k In sudden aUrm.
Oris-gris in a circle. There was one inirodnctory *i>eech lo the audience Then he hurried bsck
awfully AIrtty." "Are y«r "Yes. when I spoke to Ae farmar about ft
And thus Ulo minutes, one by ohe.
A luiM-Ulevous-loqklnk black dor.
remarkable fnniure about Mr Bo Then, at the sound of his nblaile. the to tell Nurse Marj^
Found Benny dreaming In tha S’ln.
who liad been enifflug along the railajaAni of instruction, to which cage doors were o|wned. and tbe cat-'
"The baby weighs^ i hundred V I'm ro tbirriy I cooW eat a dongb- »«•
Sahl Teddy, "1 will get some chips .
riumpbantly* nut"
_ that
lug* came to a sudden atop when Lc U “»k Mlneite a long time to grow marched out to Ac sound of the mu- eighty ounce*." ho *41d, triui
And then I'll bring tbe eggs In. too:
A lltUc girt who bad A* acarlet
pl*M.'*"-«*lfi l»a. “Ae
»..'Mli.«i,.,.au«Kll.,ror.ho-, W.
'-i.-l.. Urn.. 11IU.1 you
111 draw the iisby In her cart
mustard choked back Ae eora
eyes 'sparlillng aod hie tall wagging Important pan of the education she
The people aiiplsuded In dellAt a* that's the way you do it There's fever was told Aal ber akta would
And Aan Ae won't be.teasing yon.”
have to peel off. "But If It prol* off. «« •»«
fromjt: and
violently Rlth excitement
was aequlrliiA This wag the In^rodiic the handsome creatures made Ae tour ti^lve ounces In-------- *■
And thus the mfnnte*. one by one
1 r i*'
*" ' “Hnm processlor.
"Twelve! ■ exclaimed Nurse Mary what will bold me togeAcr?" ' abe *•»»
Slipped by—while Teddy's woA was
I Aongbt-ln my time asked.
strength of Ae sofl.
Mln^te“a"rchTher back, showei her
I''!''*•*. »® •«n>rlro!
into the school-ioom with the rals. In loft, but only to the watcUtul eye ;
—Selected, snow-white teeth, raised one dainty
Eee It ThroughWbw yon have e thing to do,
See n through;
lieave not half the work undone.
When a thing Is well begun.
Don't to other someAlng run,—
See tl Arough!











“Approach at your perilsometimes took a nibble at their food, in different directions over and undw
"Troy weight*" Nurse Mary looked stutters with hla'h^.”
•’^ *•*
above nor below.
This week your PrselJehl Is going
The blsck nose waa iwkcd Impudbo fa- a row of chair*. Half a dozen of the
over Ae new baby’^ ItlUe bald
"M«her." said Tfemy, sa be watch- H>«
^ ®
to give you a number ot baiipj little enily forward, wnd Instantly received m,,,, j^at they thought nothing tf moat advanced irlp|>c,l lightly over ^ . ,
gurprise itOl The score ed his little hroAer'squirming In tbe
•«> fag aa character U converaet to read Instead of uer bsual a dig which caused It* owner to utter
pj^nip on a puasy's back- the ioj» of a line of decauters aod ,
—ew Ull U batb-tob. "why U WBIIe like a piece «ereed; and Aen he won’t 'earonL —
talk. She Is sure Aey win loake you a yelp of l«ln and rage.
The-cata seemed to take H quite as a l**pe.l through flaming hooi*.
nr, all hla llUle gold-brown Of Bannel " "J do not know whyr
“y- »>« »«®'‘ f®™!*** »»«*
Uke tmlling.—and ot course wc
Mlneite darted Into Ae next grea. njB„gy g, «,urse.
^^•hlte GrU-gris was nimbly climbing ^
"Because be shrinks when he's wash- ‘h®*'* »<>«*> an.vthlng for Ae world:
all believe In smiles, don't we!
the dog after her. A baker's boy wiA
pen.lexed Mlneite sorely at a rope ladd. r. Mr. Boneil brought

„.i-i,i*" he cried, ad."
** noAlng but fodder, and

hla basket came running ncroea Ae
g^ ,hr»e Ume* she was out the white mice ami Ae canaries. .
Just to help n lltUe A some pleasant street to see the fight, and quite a litof crouching lo make a.jor/ilneUe's s|.eclal act.
onght to have gotten at thU sooner. I
way :
tie crowd of people collected as if by ,prlng ui»n one of the un.u.peeong
The sudlencc waited with breathle*.
Mercy, at
HoW-to Have Fraati Ribbona
was driven with work, bat thaix no
Just to add a.little to the beauty of magic.
„u,e creatures; but the watchful ^a*- interest. Orls-grls was perched upon
»-Mrt orroIt i/the small Alnga Aal conirtb- «»«»«■ Mf
used to say. 'Whab
Ao day;
''The dog had coraerad Ninette, and
gently stopped her. snd took g/eat bis ladder, and Ac other cato rested .,
-___ „h
most to a girl's neat appearance, *»«r’a wnth-doto' at aU's wuih doin'
Jnet to ease a pain, petchanca. or en- was Urking loudly; but discretion p^jg,
atkt her understand demurely npon their chairs at Ae ‘®“"
who baa great Intorest In *»U-' Of course, this U a core-flsld.
hance a Joy:
taught him to besitoie before making ,.^,1 ^he had been about to do was back of the s^ge
« the bsby. And St^ write,
„ dropped a fervent kiss into Ae little, girts, and nothing detrecU more from bot-Aere'a a mighty al^t ^
liule thing* like these are ofttm another close attack.
very, very wrong.
Buddcnly. Just a* Ninette wa*-pick- ^'^**‘^ *
”“V’ Se in
<",,?* ^L‘.n in wrinkled
"' *■
■” of oore"-Selecte<L

worth a day'* employ.
Matter* were I>ccoming dciperaie.
Then be would bring the little mice ing up one of her mile pets to walk
__ ^
wrtnkiMi ribbons'"
ribhan. If
tr N>e
Bhn wears
©ore. —SNected.
when n wcH-dfessed. dl.tlngul.bedand put them on the floor across ihe-stoge carrying It in her *•
One mar give a kindly word, one may looking gentleman—whom several b„*een Mlnelle and OrtagrU. Gris- mouth, a regular, even-day gray S 8. Visitor.
i, in nrrrnnnrT m f.Sn nm nf thrn.
aumIm .
necessary to toko care of Acm
gl«-e a smile;
of Ac speeuiora recognized a* Dupres g,)* puyfuiy pushed and cuffed them mouse ran oui from the wings.
Janet’s Way.
If ahe would like to keep Aem freah
n,* Mccess of this game depaeda
These*may brighten all 'he world for (be lenol-,slnger. and nicknamed "Ae
with bis soft paw, while they
Alt the rats saw him, and knew
fgjt U a smalLaetlonon the end dainty-looking. The ribbons wrlU gg the person who U chosen to panasa little whilego<llathcr of the cats"—etepped for- frisked around him with all the con- that bo was an Intruder. Waa it
----------- ------- ^
O. ir .1! ,1, toy. .01 .1.1. .oulO ao ,.M, oDlna:
,a,no, lo U„ .o.ia.
«.lo.i it. rtlo, ooO ..yol.lloo. ,o
“«'»"laioU,b. „o,loo.or. ud wto »o« t.
ttol. mil. ton.
-l«k b.r...K0li™.., Ull. tin l
„lo«i. aoo»r.ook ihl. l«o„n lo po.o™ otoo . ,l,«.SO kr.y noo., “ “o. -to 1. lo kloo,^ U do,, ool „ „ ,u.y
..ooUiod ,„,a.,ll«d .od e.i»bl, ot
With such an ane1 om hit. .mot on. of thom would fair"
non’t yoo o.. th. lltU. on. i,.,.., ,nd whote...
h.r •«.« who thu. unintwl ProvldwiM and a t-o“ldwds to al'e t-Pldo.M wwrln* mod wound c-r.rully orw n p,rt
_ Ae ques**'*
A araall toy rolltng-ptn is nice tloneer the game will be a sucoeaa.
a happy heart.
hasn't any chancer'
thouAt* or Instincts may have
dozen pussies? That was
Nancy Kerr was a new pup I
Thielwnlng thVdog with a kick, he ihe'lever di.rMylia™ to her Un7 tlon'^whftrwM pUiTi^ a’gUaiiag
P“n»oro- and can be bought without him U Is preuy mra to bg
T»>en. If all tlte boys and girls were approached-Mlnett© gently' aaslng. In *eboolmates. In time, she even learn- all. It was a critical uiomehl.
vacation. She waa a shy. for a -trifle. When the ribbons have dun wa uninteresting.
happy, don't you see
.quite another voice:
ed to carry them in her mouth, and
A large pan of the audience saw the timid maiden, dreading this, ber first become wrinkled Aey can be freshenw(;>-Wrep qp a number of pareaU In
What a hapi»>. hai*py place this great
"Come, little puts! -rifere's year .Ugwed them to sit upon her head, as provocation offered by the strgnge taste of school life, with i feeling Aat ed by dampening allghUy. on Ae *uch a way as to make It prattteally
wide world would be!
If Aey had been kliieaa
mouse, and wondered bow Ae cats was akin to pa‘®- The cirls Ml seemed
wrong aide, then lay them on a iBpos*Ible to pies* tbe Aarectar of
Try ft lltOe boy* and girls; do some
And wtthout more ado he picked up
After the earlier laerons had been would take It.
» oM a*d acMpossessed to this one. elean board and leave Aem to dry. la Aelr contents. Then provide aach
goo<l each day;
Mlnette. pressed ber warmly against Aoroughly learned. Jlinette'a progress
Mr. Boneti saw It. too. and could who thus far bad studies only under cleaning ribbon*, great can mnat be member of Ae company wlA a lUtle
Do rome kind- and helpful wortt In bis fiirAritumed coaL a'nd walked
very rapid.
only keep hi* eye* fixed encouragingly ber mother's tuition. So It wae with token to keep them from becoming bag containing a number of beans dr
; Ae greatest effort that alie managed creased, at tbe crassa are very hard kernela of diy- corn, fifty or a tinnsome pleasant way.
briskly aa-ay.
81111. the rrad of learning wa* at upon Mlneite.
.Murmuring caresslgzly A Mlneite. times far from being smooth. The soothing words ) tbe oAera on Ae Arough Ao first day. When school to remove, and Ae best way to clean dred. as you like. Tbeae are eupposand stroking ber bead, that projected wArda of command used by Mr. Bo- chairs behind him.
dosed In tbe aftcreqon. and she paaa- them U to lay Aem on a smooth,
to represent doUarw. ^en all la
You. who are the oldesL
,Yon. who are Ae Ulieet,
out of the boaoin of hli coat as be neti were lerribly difficult
acat to
In the twinkling of
aneye. howed outdoor* on ber way home, agronp
clean table and scrub wlA a amallrc*
Don't you iblak you ought to help
walked along (he Imulevard. he prea-,understand and keep In her narrow ever. A« Incorrlglhle Crts-grto brought of girls laughing light-heartedly in brush, or a piece of Ae ribbon dipped *od spirited bidding beglaa. Soma
Tbe yonngest and ibc smalleat?
ently stopped at a door and rang a mile bead.
mattm to a ellmax by makAg a front of her, brought a wUtful look to tn Ae cleaning fluid.. Black ribbon* p*ckets go for a song, while others for
bell. A pleaaani teeed yonng man an- For Instance, after Ae
word grand spring after the grey mouse.
Nancy’s face. Bright Janet Nay. turn- can be frMhened by aponging with egme unacconntoble reason, are run up
Too, who are the strongeet.
Bwered the summons, and Avited “Jump" had been acquired by long and
The little creature luraed and dartsuddealy round at Aat momeoL w'ell-atralned cold coffee or wlA equal tiH Aey Uke a good share ot Ae po^
Ton. who are the qnk-fceet.
Aem In.
patient repetition, the next word, ed toward Ae footlWitt. Ae cat cloneu. and wtA a sweeL winning parts of alwAol and sraier, and. If any chaser's capital. It U wNl to g»
Don't yon think you ought to beip
"Bnneii." aald Mlneite'* protector, -run." would drive It completely out ly purwulng.
«nlle In thedlre^on of Ae etreafer. stiffness Is desired, mb Ae ribbon eonsldei^lA Aought<to what yon p«
The weakest and Ae alAeut? "I ve brought you a new pupU. She ©f poor Mlnette *
memory. Then Plump! over Aey
wenL right
»iti, dissolved gum arable and water ig*ide these parcels, at the opening
' looks as though she might have some- “Come back" would be drilled Into her among the muslclant!.
The mouse -wen't you come and walk wlA oar aad leave It to dry. Short lengA* of certain uea will be Ae atgnsl for
Take a Mt of cheerful AlnklaEt^
^Alng in her. ao I thought I'd have you mind, only to wipe out Ae others, dtaappeered. Grto«rt*struck on the
^eU all laugh togdAer. of ribbon can be dried by drawing mujb-hUartty.
Add a portion of conienL
ixamlne her. Instead of uklng' her
But she was exceedingly anxloae to broad back ot a tat oboe player, start^ eh, girls?"
them smoothly over a marble-top table
And. WlA both, let lad endeavor.
home te my menagerie." V/
please ber kind master, and. more- ling him ro Aat he fell from hU chair. Tiii goaf,*"
Ae rrady repb'of or a ^e wlndow^^ne. when Aey
ReAenal Ckanlinaaa.
te.«. be blent:
-tThy. she's a genulnsjfnren!” «- over. wtAed te keep up wlA ber
The audience screamed wlA laugh^
„ ,ggamg. but wilt have
Personal cleanUnass
and aklU oom- claimed Boneft taking ber gently In friend. Gris^ris, who waa already ter. The cat* wet- *—• ■*““
Tbeae, with ^
should become a fixed haUt early A
na ^endly. now Aat Janet bad i ftM.
his aruw an^ looking Into ber big grey leeraing te ride upon Ae monkey's ger ot being demoralised by
broken X^e Ice for them.
Carol Ae for cleaning ribbon*, and It life. Do not be afraid of any work.
wui produfie « magic oU
eyes, "You did right, my friend. W batdt.
abocklng example of Orta-grte. and
And <o Nancy ft seemed as Aongh cleans readily, bnt Is lUble to leave benraw aneh It may aoU the bands.
I am deMr.
patience ..u
was wonder- Mr
Ur. BoneU was U»o.tJ.
atmoat Jn a»
fi tmund A»c
brtM her
kcr to
U sebotd.
Kbool. Unlera
Hr. Boneti'* »ii™»
OU .
uJ U.« —t -UU- b.t .rt.i, UmW. b. ,m uxi. b».

. b. b... .b..:r b.:
Ton givs (be more Aare sUU raualna
to give:
Cheer dies by hoarding, bnt wbw
given doA live.

ette. and disappeared before abe could
folAw him. as she showed eome AcIlnatAn to do. '
Her new master took her to a room
A Ae back part of tbe bonse. whkdi
appeared A be Ae abode of Ae most

g AteUl^Dt animals. Aey well
a tha^ extra
good performance
meant an extra good sUppar.
plenty ot it.
rt' Weeks aad months of Ab acboolAc passed, and Mlnette became MM
ex^ a* Ori^gri* or any of the oth.
«*. except two or three wbe old iht

r h::=

her' Joureey
proceedod calmly
» by
'Thank you. It was
wlA Ae white
r It la all
monte A her month, and another o I myself beck there; hot x
perobed on tbe top
-b- Tb. »b
wtA a half-frlghteaed. half- Y®**," Mid JaneL lAklng ber arm A
repreaAftil look A
A ter^irer
her bA gray eves.
®» Nancy,
K—'• wiA a friendly
------ “
th«i peroed qnleUy oa. a. If aoAAg Aat wa. quite marirtIW.. ««d which

I. «.,b„.b.. b.pb-.,
^ 0v# Asm to ear tearu today,

otto had ever aaan. Tbara were about

.One mornlag Mr. Bon^ pat bb cats




ed and pressed, they oome through tbe clean as aea« and water wtu i
process looking aa good a* new. Aft- Aem; Ae lalla too Aould ha k«R
er rinsing Ae rAbona. tmooA wlA clean aad trimmed. Never go to Ae
tt.b-.i..b,bMP.«I—. .rta
and. when partly dry. Iron an Ae amoralag." or you will forgH and te
aMs--with a
piece^of AA mue- It sdsewbere. TTie haft too sho^ te
^ ^wsw Ac ftw

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