Grand Traverse Herald, October 28, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 28, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




1S $l4,l5M0i

(Bt CfiUed Praaa.)
Waabloftoa. Oa. 25—Praaldaot
WUton iah Watblavton today
PblladalpbU abd blobUa. Ala. t
acbadulad (or a tinfla ttn'eob at Mcb
place. Tba prealdeot will apeak
PtalUdelptaU to&lfbt 00 tba oecasloa
of tba openiBs ot tba matoraO t'onirraaa Halt. Laavl&x Phlladalpbla toW. W; DBAN tKALER OF WCIOHT*
toofrow be wlU'arrIve In Mbbtle. Octo­
ber *7. to addreaa ibe Sbutbem Com­
•eard WMI Ewdaavr to Havo Cltr Aftar Hard BtruBpla MItItIa Euocaadad mercial Coturreat oo rural credlta. He
«tU be back Id Waa^loKtoo. October
Watar Malm EMandod to Fair
la BaparatlnB Cambatanta—Wi
S9. havlog decllsed all InrluUona
Orownda far Eonar Fhw
man aa Wall at Man InJirrad In Frasat.
Tba board ot anparrtaora ItatOMd
(By rolled Preat.l
Toatardar aad tbit norninx to iba raCalumev Oct.
Serlout rloUDX
porta of a nombcr ot iba
Tbe committee oo eQnallrlnt tbe \-al- broke out afreab Id tbe Kad Jacket
■atkw ot tbe Mveral towneblpt re­ dlttrlct coilper airlka aoM today vbea
ported aod tbe report «at pataed by
a tierce battle in tbe atreeta foltbe board. Tbe toUtl rbti eetau lo tbe
cantr a. auB^ed u llt.0TJ.653. and
* «' pathe penonal property aa r—r^ la
*“*• Fuarda and imported
makinc • toul of
I aex. aod oomeu aa well aa meo were
W. W. Dwi -u ■.!«..< •. ««nti
H-TOlv-r- -4
•■Uer of weUhta aod meeaurea.
kalv« flatbed lo tbe beiile aod before
Tbe matter of tbe ropUl of tbe
mllltlameo could reetore orconn hooae to tbe (mard of educetloa for tbe uae of ee^eral rooma waa '
**>-1 ble*dln«. Tbrm mine
repotted aod a reeolutloo *aa paaaed
fa which It waa .tated Ibat the matter
*****«^ >“
had been mianodentood aod tbe board
aootber lo the back. After
wiabto* to deal ^rly aod eauarely •
«n>«le the milUla dlaperaed
with tbe ecpool board aod that there
fourteen arreeie were Faarad That Arran of Oiax Would
PlufiBa tha Nation Into Another
may be 00 frtctloo it waa moved that
locludln* two
Revolution. Election Will
aU bUU aod debts for that purpoa*
-,«» H»o report^ at
So Ferea.
be eaneelled.
{ Allooex and Rumbleto» o. 8ii arreeu


Tbe annua] acbool officers' meeting
for Grand Treverae
counties will be held tn tbe court
house on_November 5, Tbe aeaalona
wUt open at 9:30 in the forenoon and
continue through tbe day. The work
will be conducted by G M OtweU, aaof pubHc inctloD. Every ecbool diatrict In tbe
couoUee la urpected to be repreeented. Tbe time wiu be devoted to
tbe dlacuaai^o of tbe Dew ecbool lawa
and other, ecbool maiten of Intereat
One o'lflcer from each dlilrtct will be
entitled to iravelioR ctpeoae and
dollara per day while atteodlox the



Tbe app^opriaUoo for tbe Wealero,
Mlcblfan Developmeat bureau waa*



r^.HEW law effective

The oouty poor bouae conunltue |
reported that in 19i: there were IK AUTO OWNEw-s MUST PAY FOR
^tonalea and thia laat year lhere*were
■|p. Aa tbe year ruoi from Jnu
^jHoe tbe ftfurea were to that date, but
Part ot Money Reeeivod tor Fem
at tbe prmedt time there are 34. Tbe
Will Co Te Support of
. amonot that baa been ap>;Bi to '.he
6eed Reeda
'can of tb« ,bo«oe. whlcb doea not In­
clude the orpcLmee tor repairs on tbe
Aceordlns to loatruettona aeat out
buildloica or f#r furbiture purebaaed.
by (be aecreiary of aute to automo­
U 111.932.47.
It uaa moved that the cooi'mitie^on bile bwoera. tbe rexlatrattoo feet, for
Ileenae ountbera. will this
BTonada aod
ai", mU,T«U-'» W* -eca^ia U. >b.
u» w„„ aua »tbu .arwa.1 Ba »*" «'
pr««Uo. „„ b. ».«. lb. bulUib,.

OB tho Ulr rouoda
I “*•'
Aft*; tbe tneroooo aeaaloD wa.
over the board received (he •*" “““ “
eipeodlluro for
tba owr.eiu <
tbe Initial aod ooly



turn Tialud tbe ecbool tn the o,k “**
than it ha. Imeo
Park buUdInx
A oew atfi of atml flliox «.<, were
»«• «» ">«3 W
orderod for the offleee of the rexUter,®“‘
, .
_j a__
_ I____...
II All ownera pajinx their
ooenty ......
aod December
The appropriation for the conniy
raad commlaaioo w.a fixed at »ik.- wUl receive llceoee plate, oo
liH-e Jaonary 1. Tbe Ui will
eeeeed at the rate of fifty' cenia per
boraopower. for tbe eeoedh. tbe rate
to be ooe-balf that amount aRer 8e^
tember 1. 1914. lo xaa motor, tbe
boraepouer will be cotn puled by equarInx the dtanieier ot the erlfoder.. mt/J{Uptylax hr tho nombcr of cyilodera
(By UBlted Pre..,>
Attkd. Ohio. Oct. 24.—Five jesxby two nod one-half The
men early today locked a doien re»l manufaeiurera' rating muat aim be
dfou In their bomee. cut all electric
» •*»n rexlsiratlon appllra
and telepbone vlrea and then blew
*■> »oem aod electric driten
They eemped ^bbidev. tbe maobTacturera' rating
I will be atrepted. Tbe former ileenae
Ifee'wBH three dollar, for alt care rel>rtiog Uwk home
of hormpower.
CHICAGOa copy of "September Morn.' - When]
1.1. .11. m u.rm.1. «th Him .1..' '■n'TBBl.KG. P.._ErCT,- .mplo,.
tlB. O.K- to U» i»ll« ud
ti™»do.k ud


1. .« tldM » tor dl«rdT.,

"'“T"* ■"'»"<'»»

000 fund for the Braddock Oeoeral
- boeplul rai.ed lo eight day...

lorlei the lure of
Belds. to which t
lay pcauered abow aa drawn people
and apUal from the oommoBlUea
Where everybody wllUng to work
were aaawed of e good living and to
epare. People will walk over aplcmdid
opporttinKiei at hooie and tnveat to
aome aUartog aefaeme promoted by
•mne preea aceet with a vivid ImagiaaOon aad tree floe of UaguagtJa
the hope Of maklog eaay mooey or of
xetUog aomathlng for nothing Thia
humaB ralhag draiu many commnnlUea of moMT thu^beuld be inreoted
at home lo lacidifiate enterpriMw, aad
(treatea •tagwdofis.wbere proapertty
khould he tbe nillai? factor. If the
muo^ lavaated la wlldrat ncbeaea
. lo otbar Btate. aad couBtriea were
init to weilt at borne. U would bring
about a new e^ that would beoefii
erarybody. Money aant away reinmi and the cowtuliy cnanot help

being depreaaed by- the (low «r caplthat the-people bive yet‘to learn U
ml from iu border. One leeaoe
that they cannot hava OMoey aad
good Umea at home a. long aa they
peraUt ia aeodlng It away for Inveett In (ar away (leW. There are
more gold mtnee In the (lelda of
jd Tralhrue than in the weat and
Mexico, beaidea which the retunu
certain if Ibe people would only
Ulnga In their proper light It
ia aa ecoDomIc law that if good tlmea
dealrod the moaey must he nphot
where it ie made aad not eeiit away
to other aecUoa*. ibereby throwing
out of equilibrium the maetalnery of
Uatlon aad induatry. - It
ey that la made in ihfa ration,
wa. put back into local enterprt.ea
the whole territory weald teem with
busineu and the horn of plenty would
apnad Ua oootnu with such Uvlkb-that thm would bp mere thaa
ODOO^ for everybody, pad. to aparp.


ship of Court Heuee Mrw. C. C.
Maes Waa ChoMe by
the Beard.

The diSeroDL committees oj the
board of supervitora to whom the va­
(By United Prtee.l
rious tnatiera ha'e been refertwd are
7pra Cnu. Oct. 23 —Uoneral Felix reporting as fact as their work is fin
Dias at tbe home ot bla brother-in-Uw lahed. Tbe lenlior question w-as uken
today faoed a difficult aliuaUoD. Aa Qtrc of yeaierday and out of the eight
gaueaal la tbe Mexicen army be waa applications that of Mra. C. C. Mare
under order, from -his cemmaader waa acccpird and tbe contract signed
Hui-rta to proceed to Havana. He 8bc- will hate what aid la necessary,
eaadUate for the pmideocy and she paying (or tbe aame
to go to Havana before Sunday tbe
There are so many legal qutetlons
election would eliminate him as the that are conauntly arising that It ts
BLB ooaaUtotloD provides a pree- necewtary (o call tbe aid of the prose­
Ideat mu|l be do Mexican aotl when cuting attorney and be was ordered
by the board to ^ within call during
To rafuae to obey would make Dial 'le remainder of tbe aeeaiODs
liable to arreet and conn manlal for
Tbe'w hole board and tbe members
ordination. To go would coat ot the city rommiMlon visited the G.
him hia ebaneo for tbe preeidency. Up R A I. property and Investigated tbe
to thii afternoon DUx had refused to railroad bridge and the styeet croeaFront street where the paring
leave aod knowing the temper of
Huerta some feared that In bla rpge' win be done and other ebangee that
rontvmplaied. They win report
over being thwarted In hU plana be
might order Diaz a arrest and court- at a later seealon.
The contrari waa signed between
Thia undoubtedly would
tbe board and Df. Swanton as county
plunge tbe coostry Into aaother
physician fo'r the coming year.
At 3 o'cloca a party of twelve of
tbe builnene men of tbe city. Includ­
ing momben of the city eon
Plaited tbe board of euperriaora and
Ibe matter of the appropriation for
tbe Weelern Michigan DevMopment
bureau work for tbe coming year was
made (be aubleci of the hour. Each
of tba ri.Uors was beard in the Int^Ces^f that organlzadon. Tbe <UfJerent phases of the wmic were treettion Bureeua.
ad and the effective work was fully
John f Warbrilton of Crawforda- demonstrated to the supervisors.
vlUe. IndlPoa. who naa been in tbe Among those who eddreesed the meet


city for (he peat few days oo buslneo*.
returned to bis home tbie morning In
an interview be stated that be bad
here to cloae up e deal In abich
be purchaaed of Mra. J. I. r.ibns «t
Mayfield J.tkO scree la and around
Mayfield lie baa been contni; to tbla
pdrt of the state for the past twelve
rears in bU work tn dealing in real
eatate. but be baa ttCl- bad much
until the laat three yepra. which
he atlrtbulea dlrecUy to tbe work of
tbe Western Michigan Development
bureau, aad in the laat two years to
the loformatioB bureau that was carriud OB by ib« Board ot Trade,
said that tbe Information bureau wa.
one of tbe beet tblBga that tbe cltr
bad ever done and waa very aorry
that It waa not conUnned. All the
hotdinm that be has in Michigan are
In Grand Traverse county and la the
last tra yeara he has handled U.627
Mr. Watliritioa rUlna that through
the work of the
be baa be«n able lo intereet more peo­
ple and that be can truthfally teU bla
eUrnU the exact locations of the prop
erty and be has never dtaappot
any. He said that ten yenra ago be
saw the wonderful poaelblUtJee of food
production ot this region and foretold
this lafiuz ot farm ownera and be
anrprlaed at the great fruit (arms
r under enlUvation. He said that
Trmveipp City baa the greatest fntnre
of any aty -in tba RpUjand ia aiding
all ha CPB In IU onulde publlcitv.
San Fritnciaco, Ocl 25.—A aevere
earthqnake shock visited Ban FtuCisco anriy today. N'o damage la re­
ported. but pereona who went throuai
tbe 'Ms quake'.aavml yepra aco
were ppMr atrtrtwo.

nates, C. F. Hunter, L F. TIlua. Jaa
HcAlllater. 3. O Crouer. Jos. Sleder.
B. Holley. R. H Haworth. Lee
Hornibr and Frank Hamilton.


At the last meeting of the S'onbport vlUage council a revolution
paaaed thanking Fire Chief Murray of
thia city for bla aid In deatgnlnr and
>n of fire ap­
paratus. which baa been inttailed at
that place.
Some time ago the village purch
large cfaeiqlcal wagon from Trav.
se City, but It waa found that the
borwe drawn vehicle was too cumi
aome for use In the smaller place.
desired to convert It Into two
smaller hand carta which could be
used on tbe walks and which would be
at tbe service of tbe fire
at any time. Ctalef Murray was asked
to design the apparatus and under his
auperriilon Caldwell A Loudon tuned
a pair of very attractive and effi­
cient chemicals. They were on exhi­
bition at the region fair here, before
being sent to NorthporL Tbe Tillage
officials are highly pleAsed with the
result of (be reronatructiM nnd they
commend Mr. Murray la warm twxna
tor the manner in which be carried
out tbatr plans aud met their requiremenu.


(Uy United Press.)
Oct. 23.—President
'4vllson ledsy iuued his first T^nksglvlng . proclamation.
Tbursdav, Nov. 2T. aa Tbankaglvisg




Believed te Be Little Hope ef ReachAction in Regard to Morro CoaUo le
ins Men in Oalleriee BeTora
Special Attention Will be Given Reads
Regarded oe Part .'of Plan Out­
It'la Too Lata to Bava
Along Grand Traveroe
lined by Borne Foeoign
Their Lives.
Rural Routoa.
I By United Press.)
Dawson. V, .M.. Oct. 2J.-That Bre
ha.'lirekeD out In the Stage Canon
coal mine So. 2 in which over 280
miners were entombed bf tbe expio
slon late yesterday, was tbe report
circulated today, but there la no oonfirmsUon aa the mine offldab are re­
fuging to talk. Twenty-tbreo miners
were rescued alive and eix corpeea
recovered. It Is estimated that
360 men are still entombed. There la
little hope of reecnlng them.
General Manaieer O'Brien is pei
ally directing tbe roacaera who are

Pitiful ecenee are enseted at tbe
line entrance wbere hundreds of wo­
men and children await word from
their husband* and fathara.
According to Major Klanoy.
cause (or the explotie^ has been
ledraed. and It is believed It will not
be know-D until tbe mlnm Who are
entombed half a mile from the en­
trance have been rescued and tell
their ato^>^ Se far none of tbe men
rescued had been able to approach
tbe alrahaft or any of tbe workings
within the mine whlcb would hare
proved i means of exit through an­
other abaft, and the tact that none
of the entombdO miners haVe been
able to make their way out of tbe
mine leads to the belief that all have
been cut erff from everr means of exiL
Tbe air supply within the mine is
now the chief concern of tbe reocuen.
who believe they will be able to reech
tbe Interior of tbe mine by tomorrow
nigbt at tbe latest.


Tba (ollowlug order wga received
(By United Ptms.i
by tbp local iiosiotnce yesterday in
Vera rrut* Oct. 24.—The Ward^
tbe Daily Bulletin (bat Is Issued:
liner Morro Caatle. with Mra. John
' roeimaatera of all elassea are ben- Und aboard, cleared today for Hai^
and Kew York, (ollowlug vlgoroua pro;
tests of Und on her detention by the
atate and county suiboritiea In tbe «n- Mexican autborttJes.
d<^vor to improve (be coL|dUion of
United Stttee Pretoeta Oiax.
theV^ubllc roeda. Tbe department's
Vera Crux. Oct 34.—Ganernl FoHx
aitentlob has been attracted to procfor preeldenL whom
lamalloos that have been Issued from
General Hueru wanu out of the way.
time to time by tbe governors of
today was quartered in the United
States designating certain days as States consulate under American pro­
*Oood Roads Uaya.' and postmasters,
tection. DUX was Uken from the
boi^ of hit brother-ls-law by Dulled
ties of tbe national governmeot. are
Sutee Onaul Canada aad Special EMcted to manifest as artlve qn in­
voy Lind. They wotw gpeeupanled hr
terest In this movement as U consUtone marine, and though Mexican oollae. Dias with
bla American eacorta Was not inter­
'Daniel C. Rojier,
fered with.
"Plrti AaeUupi P. M, General
In oonnectlon with this It may be
American steainslilp.'Tmh'l
Poatmaater rrieancn
Friedrich baa
ssaicu that
cuai rosunaaier

deUlned today bT
been very active along ibeae line.
au“«iuu UnTLS
are tn excellent condition. There is .
always need lor Improvement and partheee roads in this section. There are
more petrons served by tbejural deIlver1e« than ever before, and wherIs found that others can be
perved arrangemer.ta '.are made aa
soon as poeilble.

eommander but was Informed
veaael was held bounae ahe bid

Crux legielature fleeing to Havana.
As the Morro Caatle attempted to
leave port ahe was stopped by the
Mexican gunboat Zaragoza. Some peri«ns here professed to beUove that
tbe Morro Cattle affair would furnlah
ground for intervenUon by the United
Before tbe veeael cleared the poUoe

DIEO IR SEITEMBER'r.'l,'‘~““.'r?i‘r."“J!;:
I Uonal coBgreesman off the ship. TbeO'

'in >«


month of S^ember 5.2«9 Urtha and |
S.3»fl death* were reported lo Sucre-1
un- of state Martlndalc. There w.a j
increase of 159 deaths and a-dem.,—.
ITS births last month
compared to reporu for August. Can­
Mexico, even though be rec^ved a ma­
cer caused 16> deatha tuberculi
jority of the votea cast In Sunday's
various forma^ claimed IK3 and election.
190 deotia were due to violence.'
LONDON—The bUbop of Kensing­
PEORIA. lll.-The aiomach of
ton denounced a skit put on by Oeby
ben Uanafleld^ wealthy Princeton Dalys, as Indecent and (he lonl dtam(III.) man. who died under myster­ berltto ordered it toned down, which
ious circumtuncea. was sent to Cor­ caused the S. R. O. sign at tha Palace
oner Befcert by parcel post


I By United Free* I
Washington. Oo. 2.'..—Friends and
relaUves today ahowerod congratuUtlons upo^ Mrs Balva l.g»ekwood. vet­
eran champion ef equal suffrage for
women, on tbe event of her ^gtothird birthday
Mrs. Lockwood ia
kindly little woman 1s enc ot the most
premlnont figures at the natlMal.
caplid. She U tie (Irai womaa who
waa granted the privilege of practic­
ing before the United SUtea Supreme
t. Years ago. Mra. Lockwood,
alone and unaided, (ought her peae
through tie oourts aad won her right
and the right of other women to pracAdvertlelag I* Just a* vaaeDUal
Is he will always ator. look and listen.
beforo tie hlgfaeat court In tie
community as to buslaess growth, The average man ia aeaklng to battse
laad. Mrs. Lockwood mlro holds tie
every dolUr that is invested
bis nnancUl and aoeUl tondiUon aad
dUtiBctioB Of balag the only m«
the news of regtonal re- the locality (hat offer* the bert adof her aex ever to be a eaadidate (or
aourcM cornea back many fold to the vaatagea is the one that atrsota*hlm
Ident of tie United SUtea.
people who pot up the ialUal fund. and hU friends. Tbe growth of the
Some years ago tbU pblloaophywaa Grand Traverse region U due to Ue
doubted, but IU truth I* now unfolded fact that the truth has been toM
ehout it in positive terms, and every
Weitern Michigan In such Urge let­ dollar that has ^n spent In derrtopters that even the most near sighted ment work has been put to use sabeie
ran reed its portent without glasses It did the most good. Tbe amount
In order to bring people to any dis­ used hw-fieen small when tbe raanita
I By United Press
9. OcL 23—Exercising the trict It U necessary to let the srorld are figured up. but no well seOafled
firet veto of bis edmlnlatratloii. Presl- know why they ahould ««me and what are tbe ones who hare auppUed Ue
dent unison t^y seat a message te they can expect after errtving upon funds that they are aastous te <
congrest diaaj^ovlnx of the rein- the ground. In order to be aeon yon tinue the work along the same llaea
autemeat of^Adolim Unger, of Ohio. mat let your light shine in ah ' lu’thai have been foUowed in the peat,
.oleemeas. in order to be heerd yon Tbe resources of thU rogloa are anWert Pc4nl.
Bttst epeak in a voice that cannot bonoded and If the d
London. Oct 23.—A Pekin diapetefa tall to catch tbe ear of the public. U ctmUnued it is certain that within
in thr Dally Telecraph
- . says the Cbl- whether they are lUteslng or non
few yeara there win ba an
has decld^ to open ne- The greatest talker of modem Umes influx of srtiler* of anU magnitude
gotUUona with the five power groap u money, which whMi Jodlekmtlr that all tbe unoccupM Mnda will be
for a saw teen of ttOO.OW.OBD. Thto used speaks in sndi aa IntetasUnc lakaa up and tha pin* ftvmp wfil ha
M to be oMd for Ipdnatrial imfiMea^iray that.:^no matter bow busy a mas nothing bnl a memery.






Gnmd TrmeneHaeld
PiMlik«d Twiflu’m «•« Tbarater*
TnTWM cur. UMOgui.'br


OBO. O. BATES. MttbWtU Editor.
W. A. QIBSON, Editor.
_______ _ ___________
MmcA X IMS, St tb« postoffiee st
Tt«t«m at7. MIclu Uder tbs Act of
OoBfMS of Msnb S. 1171.
cAnes, 121 Prwrt tt. Beth Pheoee 23

, .flAO io sdrsnee
.. Tie la sdnscft
.. 40e tB sdrsneo

SecU Caters '
It WM s wise liiwf that
Federstioa of Wonra’i CIuU tnsde
St tbelr Istt me«ln|t vhea they
sdoptod n rcBoluUoD fsvoriug tin
opeolnf; of the school h JildiaitB of thi
city for social cooter work sod the
outllnlB* of s prottrsm of work io this
dIrectloD for llie slntir These bulldIncs bare jlresdy been placed si the
disposal of the irtihllc for as maii.r
erhoioBS Io the month as desired, but
no practiral more has heretofore bhen
made in the direction of takine ad­
vantage of the offer. Tliere ure
many problems faclne the |>eoi>Ie ol
Traverse City ibst ought to be talked
over by the citizens In acnerat. If
these meeiinn acre held and the
subjecu jiroperly outlined •!>> some­
one «'lio is famsUar vith the details
there aopid lie less «lld talk on the
streets and more aenulnr knoaledpe
dlspensod In regard to civic questions
The civle social center la the modem
otitirrowth of the old N>» Enplnnd
town meotln* whkh was the most
offtcieBt method ol-.dealinc ailh pub­
lic affairs that was ever devised. In
the days of the old Ome town meeting
titr people really understood Uk- prel.
Ie«s of the limes and did. not have
to rely upon street rumor for their
infonnation. The Atnet4can iieuple
like to-disruss public affslrs, but un­
der the present s>stem they have no
place to sather for sueh idiscuasious
eaeept on the street corners and
other uDdeiirable places This delect
of the systedt would be completely
remedied by the esubllbhment.of th
social center where everybody would
be welcome .1* come and listen
Ibo talks and enter into {he dlicusalona that follow. The addition of
tbe oocial center plan would be tbi
meoBO of telngtag to«etbvr tbe local
faetioBa. wbleb am facUons merely
because there baa'been no place
icatber add form iilans for sotting
setbfr upon common ground
women of tbe city bare done a greai
deal in tbe direction'of ol\-if
provemeot. but their work win
ceire the cap sheaf'if they pet this
social center movement under way
thla winter. It la a cause worth all
the edfort that it will uke to set the
wort In motion, and after It is once
put BPOD it* feel the. whole cUt
xommeod the action of tbe ones who
are intnimental In brinsing tbe good
work to a successful culmination. The
people are waiting for the prog
to begltj. so no time shouKr be lost
in getting together a llii of topics for
discuasioa and ihe'spcakcrs who will
present the fuDtfameotal facts ibst
are needed in order to furnish a
telligcm bssU for tly work.

It is i-videin that there Is sometlilDg
It uf joint with the times when men
brains and talent cannot make
lough in their clioui-ii professions to
keep soul and body together
professor in a Chicago college has had
give up teaching and go to selling
peaouU and iwpcorn In order Co msk.enough to live ution. while recently
several others ha'
In institutions of le»rning In order to
r some ‘business occupation tlist
paid living wages. Recently il
Ion was treated to the spectacle
. leslAnt of the . I'nited Stales wbi
»as compelled
^eavlng-ihe high
.true whi.ii he had held with credit
o t.lmsrlf and honor to the nation to
ixepi a |K>siiioD carrying tbe salary
p.T year. This Is all th.'
nore ridIrulouK when the work which
if look up i-i teaching <lie young
lien of the nation In the higher
iralirhes o( jurisprudence. If th'
ire, i>( an ''V-presidept uf this
ry qre not worth more tfian $S;
ear'to su •-J'Kstlonal InsiUulion
there is cenalnlv someitiliig radically
-ong with the educational system
hat IS true in the •■dncational field
ennatly |>onlnenl in religious lllfcs,
where men of actual and rtH-ugnlzed
tWlltv have to Atnigglc along upon
slarics of lirtio per year or less The
Wo must iniiKyrtant position'^.In-the
orld ur- filled by the teacher and
preacher, and yet In spite of - OUr
1'oaMe.l civilization ihe maj{riiy of
th^ engaged iu these lines of work
srif (-ompelled to a<-cpt salaries tifat
would bo secured by a common labor­
er. Some day the world will wake up
to Ibe Imivortancc of rewarding her
talent^ people in accordance with
the trie value of their cervices, and
lor thi benefit of the coming gem-racions it Is hoiW that this lime is not
far (llslanl. There is no logical rea­
son’ for holding the rewards of
chose with brains down to the level
of those who have none to sp.-ak of
and desire nothing In this tine. If
iho laborer. Is really worthy of bis il l-s time tho |>eople were wak­
ing up to the fact that eorapeieni
preadhers and teachers should he
I'ald' enough to enable them to live
decent manner and to s|iare. Tliis
is a Knbjm that demands,the atten­
tion of the tbinkigg peoi>1e ot-the
country yibo bav« any consideration
for the future welfare of Uicir chil­
dren. Xo matter in what occupation
individual is engaged he should
be paid according to his'ussfuincss
and eflicienev.

Practical Ediuatim

Veterans Pasabig

There is a tendency all over
country toward making ,the public
schools more efficient by' demanding
better instruction and remodeling the
eouraes. so as to put them upon- i
basis where they will l.elter fit Ihi
individual pnpils to fill useful places
in Uie world after they hate complet­
ed tbair school work. Tl.e present
day <-ondlilons are moie m uve
fads* in edneation than in the
haaic principles, and It i> to get bark
to the^natural methods that the .
gtea of boards of education are being
bent at the present time Sorb
radlcai cbsnge cennot be made io
year, hot will have to be a process
guided by tbe beet edoealore In ihf
conBiry wbp are - already Jevl^lng
plans for the- overhauling of
school system. In connection with
the etrengthenmg of the ^de work
in the pnblle hcbools is being urged
tbs esublishment of
schools, where those who lisvv
to leave school too early, or w»r
■ kaow more after taking up the bur­
den of world aeilviiifqi may umtluue


In the I'olted Stales within
the next decade, and changes will
made In that time that will turn
present syatem completely over i
make it a practical system Instead
or a fashionable divenlou for the
children of school age. The tenden­
cy If toward the three R's and voca­
tion work which after all always ha'
|l>ecn and always will be the greatesl
need of the ludiridual who exp<
to hatB to pet out into the world
earn lila own living. The fad studies
may be pleasant for the childrei
while In school, but they do not g<‘
them anytblDf when they hare to K<
out and meet competition face f
face and cam a llvelUiood. It is tie
practlc-al lines that bring in the do!
lars io the days following the com
pietioo of tlie school eourae and by
all means they should J>e ttrongl:
emphasized io every school currllulum.

Soneadni Hn»g

figures prove the folly of cenala peo­
ple w-lio are aJw^s' anxious for the
nation to rush Into «ar regardless
of the justice of the esu.-e. Tbe Jingo
in politics has been the roost expeni
ive luxury that the nation lias ever
had. and tor the benefit of those who
have to pay (be uses in the future
It Is hotH-d that this claas will dimin­
ish so rapidly that they will not
the necessary Influence to plungi
itv Inti, another wor.

England Again
John Hull has at last eoueluded that
Mueru In hU stripe of-man and lias
given him recognition In an official
way. This attitude Is not relished
attly by the United 8tst« at
presefit time any more than It would
be by nay other nultoo In the san
Jtnatlcm. In this instanc-<- Ae sail
as In all others where the lirltlsh ha<
bad dealings It U evident iliat the el
of Justice or fairness does oInto the |•oslliou taken by the
Rnglisb guvernuent 'in this can
iu many others John Ru^l lias a
ed land, and from time lnmiemo:-lal
Kocland fms be^n V l«od grabbing
nation. ofl«-n going out of the way
take a hand In some broil where there
clmnee lo-^tcld a little more ter
rllory to her dotnuiii. Kngland rares
iiuihlng lor Iliiena or the M-xP-an
but lliero are commercial
IKmunltle* in that country that look
very alluring lo the Kriiish in oddilion
the reraoio posslbilily of seeurlng
foolhold upon the land. There
however nothing to bo (eared in the
attitude^ taken by any foreign nation
in the Mexican situation, for the trou­
ble Is a local one and must be settled
by the United States If al all \\
it gt-is down to business England
tile other nations will not find il
renient to take a band In the solniioii
of the trouble, especially if the United
Stiitex backs up and.shows Its tH'lli
to tbe paper invaders. John Dull is
consistent In but one way. and that
is the manner in which be has always
looked' out for number one In ciei y
controversy that has arisen iu differ­
ent pans of the world. Sometimes
he earries bis point and again
docs not. but being in the game (dT
whatever come hla way be Is willing
to Jake a chance on everything hopii
lhai now- and then something w
chance to drop in his basket tlian can
l>c used (or die aggmndlxemou
the King-


Heport.s from the goverumei
;lon office show that at the beglnilng of the present fiscal year about
one-rifth of those who took part
nr ore still upon the |>enIhiring the war then
engage<l In the-servl.e of the north
Indlriduals. and on July 1.
of this year there were sllll left of
that Bimjlier 4«*.ST9. During the part
ear there was a deerewM- of :4,884
-ivii war pensioners, while- the net
OSS on tbe .entire pension roll
4".HM, which leaves «;n.2t>ii pensionof all cUssea now cm the rolls.
There are still U4: surrtvors of tbe
Uexiran war on the listsVl.'*«fi
rarlons Indian warn and W widows
of the war of 1SI2 whcflire still drawing pensions. The lost survivor ol
last war w|U, England died eight
years ago. These fignrea go to show
tbe great expense that a war is. not
only to the generation In which
urs i.m even IrtyodU the fifth gen­
eration that folkj»cs The war of 181;
fought one hnndted years ago
and vet there are'ms. widows of that'
alruggle who dre still drawing
The eaUhlishmeni of tbes<' schools sions. which fact is due to the
la Iba ciUee would result iu develop­ laws which penniited of a veteran;
ing the laboring classes la a manner mamiBg a young girt on his daotb
that wMild be panlcnlarly plpaslng
order that she tAghl draw a
BiBsarticu is now regarded as a pension from the govemmani. So exMSMBRy. aad is the ioture it wW. iwnstre dM this pUa become tbal
Ba*o to be enniBsed berBBS the Hverwl years ago'a Us was enacted
Msl eiAoot fmt to preperiy reaflT prohibiting Ujls practice, ^pd as a
tboee who hare had to laapa aebotri raeult It Is figured that the pension
emriy la orBad tt make a Urlac. It Itat of tbe civil war will' not last as
will aiM tutfjan or thoM who hare Uog as the one from tormar stnigMglseted
gUe. Tbe attouat of moBey expendthatr aeboed^m
asd aa«Ma ttett to •d In the United BUias for pensloos
aam m odacoitoa afttr they ten and for ttalaialoiat the amy and
OBBa to raatiae tha rant ralM of awB satry aaonu to sere ttea U agpoadg» aaaat. IHluHfih la cbb|p« tpwUd Ur aU other purpoees. TheM.

woi* and tbe board tbould receive in thU dbetrtte extends from
the united aitpport of the rommuntty northern border of the United Rtaies
In carrying out tbei'r plans for broad­
ai>e llqg®. Tbe oeeasloD
ening tbe educational taorlion
formulaticK this doctrine .was
ramored iDterrentlon of the Holy Al­
liance to aid Spain In the recoaqueat
of her American colonies. President
Monroe believed that such a !«llcy
Ibidem Wilson win soon nn
entered Into by the allied |>owera of
Bounce the Monroe Doctrine tv tb<
Europe woiifd be dangerous to
benefit of the foreign nations that are
.' und safety of the United States
DOW bent upon sticking their noses
into tho .Mexicsn sltualloD.
Tho and hi- therefore declared that, "we
European powers will be told In plslu I'ould not view any iDierventlon (or
Utignage thst the United Sutea will he purpose of oppressing the South
AmiricAi states, or cDDtrolllng In any
brook no Interference , from outside
ihclr destiny,
sources, and will not re^gnlzv
government upon the western hem­ EuroH-an power in -any other light
tlian as the manlfesiailou of at
isphere that Is not founded upon
rtituilonal law opd order.' The United friedly dl*l>osltloo toward the United
States list always stood upon this States." This sutement, together with
> known lioatllity of England to thi
ground Id tbe past and U In no motal to
asion caused tbe powers to drop
recede from the position at the pres
ent time, -(rhe bungle laade by tbe the project and uji to (he present
uatlun in Europe, except Prattee
Bunypean powers In the Utikan trouI shown any dIsposlUon to Interfere
blc has proved their Inefficiency
tbU side of Uie Atlantic, and th.
ineeitng any crisis In a foreign c
iry and as tbU side of the AUaiiUe experience of tbe French in itexico,
when this country was nearly Involv­
is looked after by UncU Sam he
lose little Ume In aaaertlng his righu ed in war with fbal nation after the
lo Ibe matter. The people of tb« civil war was an>-thlng but encourag­
United States are behind the admin ing In tbe w-ay of conquest. Tbe
istratlt^D in this Usue. and any move Uniu-d Slates wilt continue to stand
firm upon the ground outlinc-d In
that is made in defense of tho rl
declaration -by rresldi-ni Monroe, and
qf ilfls nation on this side of
I'-r will be approved by the people If necewarj- the theory will be backed
up by the force of arms. Other na.
large. This is a pcareful nal
. must keep their hands off
but there are limes when If It neces­
sary to rlso.up In our might and as- Mexico and the forthcoming docUrathe rights that have been the UoD by I'resldrat Wilson will be firm­
hiTluge of the nation ^rom the iwsl. ly based upon tbe ancient claims set
Foreign nations must keep out of the forth in tile original auteuent.

Msiroe Poctrtae

Mexican embrogllo for that qu.^stion
i be seitled by tbe United SUtes
alone as her Interests ore paramount
In thU |>art of tbe world.

Making a Man

Miea Amelia Pollock of Central
lake was In tbe city Saturday (or the
Mlaa Mai^ret Borgoron of Suttone
Bay was among tbe visHors in the city
Mra. Andrtw Healey of Kevwadin
si>ent Saturday In tbe ciiy on bosittees.
Mra. 8. H. Beach. Mrs. F. R. Wip
llalDE. Sr.. Mrs- F. R. WlllUms. Jr.
and Mra. Fred Smith of Elk Rapids
drove over in .Mrs. Smith's car to
spend the day.
Thera is one traveling man in the
city who knows more than he did
shout joining orders, for be U -now a
full fledged member of Traverse City
Council of the U. C. T. The ceremony
look place Saturday night and the can­
didate was Informed of the various
and devious wanderings that the trav­
eling man has to travel, and .then to
reward him, as It were, with a penerouH order wlu-n ope lean eipccu
It. an oyster supper was served and
he was Uie imrai of honor. Twentyfive members were present and an
Iznpramptu program was given ofteh
Dr. A. J. Snyder of Grand Rapids.
Is lo the city for a short time on busi­
E. W. Butler has ^Id his barter
business ou East Front strec t Ip John
Tennant, formerly of Tcunaut and
Jaw Howard has returned to his
borne at Bcllaire. after a short time
111 tho city on business.
A find of a luther biR book containg ten dullars In cum-ocy was raI«ortcd to the jiollco today. When
llm book was opened however. It was
found tbal it contained a unlverul
coupon marked ten and whlrh bore resemUasce to the gi'Dui'ne article. The
finder was allowed to retain tbe book
and lu contents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Ashton arrived
In the city today from Detroit.
Mra. A. M. Chappelle of Leland.
was in the city yesterday for the day,
She left for Chicago thla morning.
Marriage lieeneee have been issued
to Theron U. .Morgan and DelU Gil.
left, and Vencel Ludka and Row 31:
knla. Mine Nettle Hill epent the week end
at her home In Vuba.
^.^rie Kehl and daughter, Miw
Grace, of N’orthport. drove down I
ihetr car Satnrday f«a''ia'abort trip.
E. H. Brown it asMsting the West­
ern MJeUgan De\ek>d)peDt bureau In
liroparing some fruit for a new glass
jar exhibit.
Mra. John Marshall and Miss Davis
if Old Mission were in tbe city Satur­
day for a short Gme.
Mite Dorothy Wotoon of RapM City
as in the city Saturday on bush
Vi vUlUng friends.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Shorter left yeoterlay for Cedar Run. where the:
make their home for tbe winter.
Mra. J. W. Andrae of OetroH is the
guesi'’of Mrs. Clara Morkey of Fifth

Pardee Business Exchange
State Baok Bnildiag.

t'",t riicir- lisi 'f j'ropi-rtivs
Vvill. oWU.Ts'iulJ: ^<-s. ur projs-

at C.VSL of .v-2-'.;
ep may el.-jil

lUiy.-r j.ivl sellif i'l.-y j)r<-


Will pay the hifiheet prices
for Ginseng and Golden Seal.
FREiaiANN ft CO.
Both phones.

T37 E Fr»n| Si.

WANTED—Pupil iiorses to train In
KP:q'>: General Hospital. ManUtsF
litlfh. For parilcuUn. w-rlte Ur.
• Janies A. King. Manistee. kllchiKan.

Tresidem HutcMus. uf the Unlver
sity of .Michigan bandi-d oifi somt
MONEV TO LOAN on good Bad sraQ
improrod farmt. n. C. Davli. 212
groat advice to the studenu In iheli
Suto Bank Bldg, Tnvsno City.
;lon last I>lday afternoon
aprtl aul
wlion he said: "Men who want
the <-lly la atiy fAverned by the old stand out as dliUnct and influential
" ' rd system, w ith a mayor in
forces arc. as a rvilc. men who
session of tbe veto ivower wliich
something worth wbiU- outside
used on Tuesday by Mayor Marx their 1-cgular employment, (or their
with telling effect upon Ills own po-elopment or. for the public
(uture. Tbe council bad )iatt- good, and who do things without re­
ordioanee prohibiting
gard to the immodiste efforts upon
of liquor lo the public dance halls iff.
r prlvaio Inten-eU." IMucators
Uie inunidpalilc ai the request of
coming to aee that it Ukes
majorlt; of the respecuble cltuc
than a college coury to make a
of th.* city, which ordinance w
in the true meaning of tho tonn. a^
iptly vetoed by the nnfyor on the
order to broken the mind H' is
grounds that It would deprive certain
•ossarj- to come in lonch w\th
Are oBly purchased once There­
itlonalilles of (heir beer, which force* outside the academic world.
fore they should be of modern
design, hulli of most durable
Would not be a right mv'e. Ignoring Scholarship is one of the necesahJes
materials aut] artistically finntircly the (act that th
tiiaking. hut It is not the whole
Imbed. 1'on will Sod only such
itrls get llielr dow-nward
thing. ConUrt with tho ouUlde world
St the works of
•car in these beer halU, Not satlsof the grcauqi factors in the
ied with this veto the council took
inieni of force and cl
After a great deal of deliberation the measure up and passed It over tho for it broadens the vision and brInM
e Uoard of Kdocatlon and Superin­ hoad of Mayor Marx by a vote of !7
the truly manly qualities, without
three more than tbe necessary
tendent Tyler have drafted tentative
ch the best student In threqulrenienls Tor a new high school two thirds majority. The people of proves a failure and otuimos a real
and Embalmer. 312 South I
building that will be of the right pro- Detroit are now saiuried with the dctrliuont to society. The education
Mrs. NrilU Pratt. asMsi
phone S7L We trast ;
l>ortlon». properly equipped for carry action of the council and very hostile of tbe future will be along broad lines
Ing for the educatlobal Interests of toward their mayor, who had not the
blch will lay particuUr suess upon
the city. The plan la to put the pub­ intelligence or discretion to read the tbe necessity of mingling with
lic schools uiHin a dlffer.'nt basis trend of public thought. The veto lo order to be ^le to arcompllsh
Teeth Extrweved Ahmlwitis the worst enemy of repre- things In after ll/^r. If education it
than at present b.v'msklng it possible
ly.Wllbovt Fata *
Women Who Get DUxy.
I child to secure an education that eenlaiivc government, and yet In
accomplish the work cut out for it
By the ‘Ka-oUr*' method I can re­
Every woman who is tronbled with
rlticH where It is still in vogue
will be of praeUcal benefit in making
the future it must include an
fainting and dizzy spells, backache, move thoce aching teeth absololriy
I living ulier their school days are the people pride UH-inselves upon the demanding of men and movements. headache, weakness, debimy, consti­ without pain, and wltbmst the nse of
or kidney troubles shoold use drags to produce uneonadonaness.
•nded. .It is proposed to esubllsh a fact that the people really rule, a
much as science or classics. pation
People of nervous temperament and
Pflertrlc Bitters. They give relief
complete commercial course that will :laim that Is In no way proven i>y Educators are urging development when
with weak braru will npprectete ths.-DOtblng efee will, improv,
be as efficient as the Insirurtion given ihe actual facts. The i«oi>!e who along (his Hue and the real
health, adding strength and -vigor "Ka-oUr" metboji of paUleas extras
in the Wn commercial <oll.-ges in the ore really in (ouch with the limes do of cducaiiuii will depend upon the from (he flrsi dose. Mr*. I.aura Gaines tlon.
country, so that when a young man
believe In placing oiien tempta-, manner In which their appeals are ac­ of Avoca. lA. aay-s: ''Four doctors
had given me up and my children . . 306-201 WUbelffl Block, with Dr. 1Hold*woman graduates from this deB In' the path of the young, but cepted by the student body In the col­ all my friends were looking for me to
worth. Traverae C<tr. Ulchlcai
ivantnent (bey v-|I| be able m directly while poAseued of the veto power
and ,i>nlverslies of the country.
wholesale house has
II businesp office and take oarr corrupt or 111 advised mayor can u
The mas of broad mind and experi­ Electric Bitters. \l did so. and they WANTED—lATge
system of books
' plans of tJie law abiding ele- ence is the one who succeeds, and this
25 years uf age to travel in tuie
try them, ’'he and irnG, Recom­
education will also l>e emphasized
.( his city and not only bring broadening process must be begun In mended by all druggists oC Traverse
of Michigan. Experience not necessarj- hut must furnish good ref­
ailS'^aritltles provided for liirnlag out disgrace upon himself. hul-u|«n (he InsUtutione of learning lo order to
erences regarding character. Steady
praeiiral mechanles. Inatoad of pupils entire population of the town,
compass the ground that Is laid out
PMiUon: good chance for promo- w1lh a amstlering of bow to eonstruet of the things that appeals to the peo- In modiTc day demands.
tlon: 86f> a month and expenses
icy article* that are of no cummer- jJe in the comuifcsioD form of governand S tier cent extra (vimmtulon
00 sales. Give names of at leaat
il value. Special stress will alw^ ttfi Is the (act that tbe siayor Is
3 references. Address Sales Man­
Uid upon an agrleultural . ourKc/tUat shorn of .this
lajwer and
ager Bancroft. 59 Beverly SL. Bos­
whep completed will protlde tb^ stu- cannot override the wishes of the
ton. Mass.
ocL :i-23-2t*
dent .with the neceesary knowledge to other memliers of tbe commission
Xoeat Uarluti
go out upon a farm or Into an orchard
of the general public. Under th
rFioai .Mondaj's Record-Eagle)
ind make a success of Ills chosen
old ward bysfem Ibe people are go'
The funeral services of the late Mra. FARM PROOUCe-atiyiPg Frieda.
i-upalion. The proposed plan Is
erned by one man power and nothing
ellminUie the purely academic fea­ short of overwheming public seati- L. Koscoe were held from the home. Poutoes .......
tures of education so far as possible, mem can mske It Into representative 708 Wadsworth street, this afteniooD Duner............................................. SSCTftc
nsM and Machine Shop of Wm.
Eggs ............ ’....................... .........
:3y, Rev, W. W. .McKee offb
and sul>ftltute la their places wbi government. The people bf Detroit
Jackson, we will conzJnus to
maintain ths high standard of
will prove practiral in after life. This have, at last learned a leseon that
that has rnarkad
willow a radical departure from pre- should l.e vafuahle In framing
Mr. Jackson's success for ths
iobenson. Rowland Uonglsae and OaloBS ................................................»i4s
wen^ay Ideas in thla serUon of th. new barter Tor which they are i
past quartsr of a century, hav­
I. Wblitemore. Interment w
but it ia.4be demand of th. clamoring. .
ing been connected wKh him
many years.
times aad an issue ttmt will hare t.
At the annual election of off
Onlry butter ....
sooner or later. It will cos
Creamerr bntter
s' Frida* afternoon. Miss Mill
tbe city something to esUbllsh this
(Sooeeoaora to Wm. Jsclmea.)
hat the Mexican uouble has Trade Of Traverse City was elected
system, but after It it in force
. .tneti*town will have something of which reached a point where the United tri-Bturer of the Girls' Social club, one Hay. beUd..........
Kay. tooee ........
they can feel justly proud and wbleh Rules will be justified io makigg
will bring then actual resnlu. This firm stand in the matter. PresMett
I'. M. A. M.A. kL'P. M
GRAIN—Traveraa City Milling Ce.
SfSd, 4
work will not be' gone In a hap­ AVllsoo will make a suiement setUng
Word hat^bsen raeelvod «f the
Pricee corrected every day.
3v2T 7:38 »;48 4:35
hazard way by the bo«d of education, forth the position of this -nation In re­
Cedar City '
but they will seetir^ jbe services,of
Bodus .
on expert to plan the work and place affirming the Monroe doctrine
that <-l(> He was a nephew of F. H. Rye ..........................................................Uc
Cedar Hon. ,
.10:82 4:46
It upon an actual worlring basis
warning tbe nations of Rurope to keep
Pratt of this city.
Oats ........................................................4(k
Uke .kan.-.!0:11[ 4:54
tltat the people wlH know- exactly
their own side of the ocean. The
PUtie River.. --i
.4l8:I7| 4:62
Mrs. Whsisn and
White navy beans........................... R.85
what they arc going fh grt lur ihel Monroe do<'trlne which has been wide­
U0:4»' 6:4$
of Empire, who were in tbe city for
money before It Is appropriated. Tra. ly discussed every few- .vears is a plaid
few day s, returned to (bat pUce Sat­ Buckwheat, per 100 to
City baa been tosging behind In sutemeot of the poslfion of tbe Unit­
nrday afteraoan.
GRAIN—HawBMi A lay Ce.
educational work and the Urn.
ed SUtes in reference to the repub­
tl2:10' 8:00
Mra. CaoMua Hall of East Tatrth
Ptloia eon^oad every day.
cOne when sometfaing w-UI havr
lics of Mexico. Cantral and Sooth
JA-.M-I ,
street is vUHIng ber molber in Pe- WbeeL 80 lb. teat...............................
iDterioi^ .
jl0:28 S;«T
In order to hold aad Increase America and boa been strictly adber- tosksy.
Corn ......................................................
Ctttemiib ...
• in-oo: 6:»
the prestige of the commnn1t.v along
fur nearly a bnndred years.
Mrr Brainrd «f Riehmoitt, Va.. Rye. 58 lb. test ..................................
' ntzSi 6:83
the line of Ibstniction. It is a good While it existed in . (ragmenury (onn
wim bas been speadlng tbe auaner in Date........................................................
ever since the Americu revolution. tbe city, left tbis morning (or Medina. ButdewbeaL par 100 Iba. .81.25 is 81-38
'-at not put into definite form
Prtees eenedtad ewy day.
til December 2. 18J.1 by President
Mra. MoOarry of Emglra .
eteera ...................................... 8 is 8H«
Monroe, who In bis ihesasge to con­ tbrongh tbe city today. Bbe will meet Oe*a.......................................... I W *<
. '12:
gress stated eipUcltly that America ber slittff, Mrs. Ed Alborg, of Frank­ Hobi ...........
i l:»S
was for Americana, tbe people of fort. at^bompaonviUe. aad go on to Aoeg..................................llo8«
- For
««ii4 ChOdrab
lA. M.'P. M.
this country were not to interfere in RiBadelpbte. w^en a brother win: Uuata ....................................... W
111:28 i;W
'Kbrwnlk .
’ll:44' 4:^8
European polUloa and .European na­ join the patty, srbo will then leara for
;i2:ie^ 8:80
tions were m< to be allowed to eater a visit of oereral’ montba in Iredaad. aim......
..V..I8B .
into any controversies on tUi sMe None of tbe party have bMB in tbelr CBM.............
of the water. Tbe teirliery included naUve Und for over thirty yearn.

A aty Menace

New Hlgli School



Jhe Markets



Moiree Bseblse^


Tarlmck & Sekniges


; 5;^

‘ 'to:S
I V-S:





(Dr Vnlted Pi«M.>
IndlanapoUs. OcL 24.—Mra. Charles
•OAROMAN RIVER PLANT !• «H. Warren Palrbanka. wUe of the former
vice prealdeat ot the mited Sutfcs
died today. Bbe was stricken with
pneombnla a week ago and from
outset there was slight hope ul her

One cf Pofty Mm and Sixtaan Taama
ar» New Buay With Cenatruetlen







By Lackinp'.Himactr in Btsel Vault
U^r PreMxt ef Oelng AfWr
*15,000 Deetanded by
AnosK nt« bUc tUnjcv that are beinjt
the Robbers.
daoe for «l» beneflt of TntTeme nty
aad thU rviton are the Improvemrats
»nd provlalena for aaeraebclea that
tB> I'nlted Prew.aiv usder coutructloe b.v tho DoanSChicago. Oct. 2C.—Two masked
maii River Electric Ligbi and (\>wer
bers held up the AddiMn (ill i State
roapaor at tbo dam of tbe lower pow­
bank. 20 miles Bortb,.of Chicago, to­
er booaa. lA sew apUlwaj la bedn*
day. aod tat^I> woud'M lidwatd Rodbnllt that will take care of all ibe aureraund. snsniani cashier, and e*caped
nlos water to tbe river berwoeo the
a autoitoblle after secuiitic only
upper aod lower dant. Wbile Uuabout 1100. Cashier Thaywsrd I'lslier.
epUlwaj- la aaSicttail for Ute preeeot
II be PaveraMe and who was threatened with ^ih-tinlefw
secda. it waa demoosttated duritut tbe
flS.OOO. outwitted the rob­
Oe His Stdding ■ Federal Seiapriog raloa of last rear tbat .there
bers by stepping inside tbe vault
dltfo Inatrweted to Voto
Bight «08ie a tltoe when greater rcpretext tbat be was going after tbe
ter Kim.
nooreea weald be seceaaaiT to care
money, then locking tbe heavy steel
lor each an amoont of water as' acdoor behind him. Rodermund nppeuita>- l-fUied I*re« >
cuiauiated at that time.
Hokteo CU>. Oct :y—UeOi>ile tlen- ed Just as fisher entered the vault.
Tbe contpasv took a lunj; look
was nhot josi ix-low (he h««n '
ahead and. nsder plaaa that were fur- <-ral Huerts's repeated denials that
MiJent* had
Uiabed by the I'argo Eagineerlng eom- is a candidate for |>r«ei
paay 4kf Jackson, kllrb.. active work
wa. coBi^ced aercnl months ago. |
TU reanit is that one of'the bl«ei.i
rounled. hi* name api.eaiv a« a
pimes « esftnemng aklt! in this .ec- j r-eoldentlal candidate on tbe oBlclal
ttoa la under way. and when com Ullou.
Btai.ouet. mlnCATCHES VICTIMS.
of war. tor rtce preeidmt.
pleted win rare for any amoont of waDIspaicheo from Juarex said that all
tar that may form above the dam.
Tbe excavation Is fifty feei^^asi of federal troops had been commanded After Being Swindled People Coma
to Police Department fdr
tbe preeent spUlwa, and has neoeesl | «»dktsior.
tated the removal of a vast amount at}
earth. Tbe opealag it 60 feet ,-iUe.; Nktlonal IJemocmtic. Kellt l>lai and
s-omplalntH were lodged
28 feel deep and «K> feetlong. as the.''®^'Be<julna: Ciertcal. Gamboa and
water leave* tbe power house it meets' Uaacoo: Uberal. Calero a I Magnon. s1tb Chief or Police Carson this
fbe waste water from the prcecoi spillRepublican, fliente and En morning by indlgnaui citUens who
'1slm<)d thsl thev had U-.-n defraudway and torma a aort ot back water
a picture enlarging stunt. It
which intemipu tbe free flowage. In I Washington. Oct ::.-Prcsl ient WllBowers Barber pricea
the hew excavailoo a cut Is made
*• etpected to issue an. veems that a few weeks ago a aiSlcIt
-tSc for cider apples,
across tbe earth that torms tbe bend
announcement of th* pcllcj. or offered to take smaU picturro. t>not t&e rtver. asd-abonens the digtaBce
-'lexico. but for tbe wa**t- |large them, and furnish
fully ooedblrd to where tA waste wa- *‘™ Itcmlsphere- !i will reaffirm the fram;. worth more than
le lota
iphoDcae^lz S38* BeU
icr meeU the river again
I Monroe doctrine au.l wni a>s.-rt un- price charsv«d. lor a smu ageregratins
Tbi earth that wss-renk)vod
c*»ntfy rcM-rve-. al>ont three dollars. ThU moroliut Wind and Rs.n Had No Ef­
oct 28-tf
fect Upon the Enthuaiasm
been scattered over a large area in
‘'Xercise excliisUviy
andiher agent delivered the pk-tiires
of People.
the vallej . in making this excavation
P*"*"-* *•«>“« ">r «Mer nations Tbe fr^.-^WBs there, and beside this
eomrtderaWe dimculty wav encounter*)
extra premmin of a l<)uouiD pm
• By United PresrV.
cd becanae ol the various formations |
a gold watch was given, all for tbe
Mobile. Ala. Oct. 27.-->lobl3a gave
of soil which w«s found to be in
m agreed upon. The patrons claim,
Frimident .Wilnon hto *arm««t eelstrata alcernatlBg ' fins with
however, that the frames are
come sino- his election today, From
« a*
«lar depoatt wo bard tbat tbe
worth more than fifty rents at a
orkmen had to use,picks: then came
estimate, aod some of them re the moment he stepped from Bt« pri­
SravH. then more sand. In one gdace
fused the pictures
When payment vate car into an suiomobilc hto ap­
there was a formatioa of pest V) feet
Thursday afterntxin thi- principal was refused t!»e ag-ot suted that be pearance was a signal for a «iid out­
SQuare and eight feet deep and »o
would keett the small j'icmre 'from burst >e1to, born tonUog and band
Mobz the route denso
bard that it could be sawed and uaed
led a very practical leuon ic whlrii the enlargement had K-<-n tak- I'lsylng
tbroafu of ,-vcr’le packed the streets
lor fuel.
.civics by visiting the supervisors in
1 until a seulem'-nt was effected.
tl» fraduio.
.b- .Kll..y l"!ob,o,.u.«r„i«l.,b»ab».„..teb.
Chltf of l*oli«-e Carson has several and the cbiilinv *tn<l and''b
swept m from the My did not damir
i«ow u.. .mu™ ua 1. Oi
times within the past two months i«ly lbbb»
~*a o»c.n. U.ITOibl-b .na
h.a,.n.W. ViiamiabUr ta sued Icings against dealing with en ibetr eoihuiilasm.
d with tWi!Istfd inch iron rods
Observe tbe Board of Supervisors in unknown or unreliable solicitors. He
fitaoed An bo’b rerpendicutar and horirecovered iwiv of^ the small pictures
their jwgular routine work.
xoflUl poaitloBs. To make U even
At tbe close of tbe oenlon the this fflomlog. but the people who
.more aecure, 6xt inch tongue and
Bupervtsors went In a body to the were taken in on the gams have no
-groove sheet piling, alxteen feet long,
County Normal and inspected that loto hlame but themselvew and it U
has been driven down all around this
dueaUonahle as to whether they
foundatioa. with a spile driver. Two
The purpoee of the county normal tbe gfcents ate lu the wrong.
big steel Taintor gates., made convex.
wiU be bung with the convex ei<t« Jac and lu methods were explained in
L.■ Tyler
ing up stream. These are both eight shortv addresses by Supc L.
feet by i*««>-flve feet, and - wni,*^
M>«_P*W>'e. ihV prlnclfai of
vwing on elbow iolms and ran he op- tbe school, practical demonstradonL
< rated In foor mlnuiee time. The««, of the ■aork were given by thf
were m«8b by the Cadtllac Msrbioai denu in some short drills ti^ oral COPPER STRIKE BENEFITS UPPER
imetlc and Mpelltag. after
rompany. of Cadillac. Mich.
All tbe work as far as possible is the nnnntl students served refresh­
done with indivMaai etoculc motors ments to the risUora present. The soihelr appreciation
which are nsed I operaitng the
by tendering a rising vote of thanks Uaion Miners Throsm Out ol Work
e.river. tor the screening of tbe gra' By Opsrstera Are Tektng to
the faralty and studeau of tbe
an] tbe rasnent mixer. As iherr
number of live streams in the dif-'"®™*!
school, and expressed their
■ ereni strata It is necessary to hilave 1 pleasore in the splendid work which
Growth «f Cifr and Edbeational Pre­
a ceotrlfngal pfimp eonsiaotJ} at worit tbe county oorrual is doing.
(By United l*rees.
♦••■err hour of the tsreoiy-four to keep
foe Providing New High
lAasing. Mlrti.. Oct. 2;.-Tbe strike
'tb- bouom of the excevation as free
Bohool BuildlhB.
of I6,a«0 copper miners in .Sdnbern
iram water as possible. In some case*
Michigan to proving an Important
’hr workmen bad to be In water up
in order to have aoseihing to guide
factor In the devetopmeot of agrlcu?Thiir waists. Tbere are relays of
them in planning a new high schoed
ture tn tbe upper rvcolnsula. accord­
.-Twm . he are In this pamping station
I By I'nlted Press.)
buUding Saperinteadent Tyler with
' Oay and night. C. H- Smith of Eaton
ing to infonnatlon given jnit by tbe
New York. Oci 2-7.-. .\d Wolcast.
the help of the board ot education pre­
Rapids ik the rtfremaa of a gang of
exteBaion work dopanmrat of tbe
foimer lightweight ciampion. may
pared a tentative plan ontlintag
tony men aod there are sixteen teams
Michigan Agrtcnitural college here.
matched for a p.round bout here with
needs of the city lo edacatloBSl ItBca
with thr-lr drivers.who are hauling
Hundreds of union miners. thro*n
the winner of tb.- Riirhl.v^’rota right,
and wbat kind ef a bunding win be
mavei from the company's gravel pit
out nf emplo.vment u a result of the
Wolgaat telegr&pbiri Billy Glbsoa that'
needed to house the vartoos depart
that to located at the u»er 6aBL
strike, are planning to purchase farm
ments There to nothing final about
Is expected that with pleasant weather
land in the undcvelw^ cooniyy of
this plan, hot It merriy give* tbe peo­
this work will be eompH«ff hr
auffered a broken rib as report'
ple an Idea of tte eondlUosu they are
f'lddle of November.
ig as a means of^Btlng a llvhut was ready to right within thi
facing and what will be required
3Cany of tbe mlnersJtve already
weeks. Both michie and Cross said
place the city open an equal basis
purchased land and
they were wUllng lo meet Wcdga.t
with the othar cUlas of the same slxe
that tbonsands of scree, at present
throoghout tbe atatc. Before any
untessBted. will he worked next year
definite plans are made tbe ground
by miners. >
wilt be thoroughly gone over by an
Many of the men thus Effected
expert in school buUding eonstnctloo
<Bv I'nlted Pleas 1
e foreigners aod meat all ot them
in order that tbe people may be given
are ignorant on queaUoes of farm
Parts. OcL 21.—T^o rmied SUte*
an accurate aatimatc of the actnal
has talM tbe l-ad ov.-r Prance In
igamaoL bnt the agricnltitral col­
New York, Ocl 23.—The grand jury lege antberiUes are preparing to as­ needs and the nmount of money
tbe aotomobtle trade between the
will require to coustruct and equip
1*0 countries, accordlns to siattoUro today returned an IndicimcoL charg­ sist them la all possible ways.
the building, in order to get the pnbOSlciaUy given out today. Leading ing Harry K. Than' wKh rousplragy.
IIc to thinking along this line the
extraditable offemr. Tbe Infflcidealers fear that tbe lead in a permaZANGSXtLLE. O.-Peeved over a
following data is given:
ijraione. Dorlag the ntoi six moniha ment was a falankrt one. c)iarcing half-hour's wall tor a street car
meet with old Coool thla year JYaace sent *147.50? fom Prisoner* In addition to Thaw while hnrrylag home to hto daagbtrtl buOAliM by cmrMor* cm two
worth ol autos to the Inlted states with £«pplraey to aid Thaw's escape ter's wedding. Rev. a. E.
hrom Matteasran.
anil (ho United Suue shipped
Aarted an argumsat with tbe -eonUqctotag piaot of old Ontral build>r and was arraated.
Prance *33UO0 worth, r l>uring llii2
lag to fnraiah steam.
Prance exported to Ue Vnited Rule*
A mild, gentle and effecUve laxaUve
Frevisiona Tor fan system of ventl-K7:.:3i worth of can. importing is wbat people demand when suSerUtfiu and heat and hamhUty coatroL
from constipation. Thousands
in tbrMiBaahlps.oBly h^>oo worth.
AaaemUy study room. 600 iadlriffnal
r by Dr. King's New Life P11U.
Ttrat (or the six monlha ending with
Hugh TaUman. of 8aa Ante
■*ui»e the United Btates led lYanre writes: They are. beyond queation.
.300 opara chairs, sky Ugta
by about *185.000. While the enUtc be beet pUls my wife and I have
main 1
year of 1*12 France led the Vnlted kV-AM —
Ubrary room. convenlcBl to assem­
Ruim by about «*hjipo.
of Traverpe City.
bly room, 20x35.



{almld ba U rsMtstfos neon ft addl-

rea;i> for 1
. member ofniie futniiy c-onirwcu a cold
ITALIAN ELECTION PUTS DAMP- or a cough. Prompt use will step the
sickness. S. A Sud. of Man*ua.
detwods upon IW. King's New Dti<
Five Million Moiw Will Vote This
II'-- ir. tiiC world. Two C-c bcji'lc*
Year Becauee «f New Sufurod me of poeamonU.' Tbcuiands
feepe Law.
of other tamllles have beee equally
i»cBefitcd and depend entirely vpoa
King's New- l)lscuv«ry to cure
(By I'nlted Press.)
their coughs, eoidt. throat and luag
Rome. OCL is.—All indusulal life troubles Bvecy dOM belpa. Price Uie
in Italy Is praeUrally at a standsU)! and ILM at all dntgtfsta ot Traverse
today in praparutlon for tomorrowa
sal elecuonn to Beat 508 meSBThe
Gymnaatuffi below aaaembl;
wblib is being attached to these U separate UUia and .locker rooms for
to the fact iliat it wOi be Italy's >>oys and girts.
first election under unlvefaal suffrage.; Pomestic Scienee—Cooking laU i
Pf the S.Oou.Ouo elector, who will'go aiory, 30x2«; serving' room. 12x^.■;
tbe polLs tomorrow. :.000.0(n) will Hewing room. 20x26:^ fitting room,
the rinri Unic to exercise the 18x20. (adjaont to sewing room); g»rlghi of euffrage which they succeeded eral lunch room. 12x36.
last year in wroatl&c from the governCommwcial
meot It to .largely for the Instruc-1 laboratory. 40x60. cot by double glass
tlon and ttnlng up of these by the pariitioa to form typewriting room,
various poIlUcai parties that tbe work 12x40.
of practically all kind has today been | Agrteidturo and horOeulture—Inispended. All^ongh the aoclaltoto eluding btological sciencM and phyv*-'
e expected 10 make Immense gains cal geograpbr. Four rooms coaraci-}
tomorrow's Voting it to generally 1> arranged. Oa;> lecture .room ws-.i |
conc«di>d that the eontlouatlun In demonstration table, seats compactly i
l>ower of OlolWU'e party is assured, placed, each tier raised above those
GloIlUl'H platform for the contlDut- is fronL 24x36. Three labor^ortca.
tlon of hto policy of tbo. past few.24x30.
years, looks more to the agfranOUe'j Physlra and cbemtotry—One lectnre'
meot of Italy as a European power.'room as described above with dem-:
oxetnpllffud in Clolutl's successful onstrttlon table, raised srats. small
selling of Tripoli and OTanncla.than venUlaiion hood, cases for apparatus
in behalf , in front, etc-. 24x36. ,
of the people at Urge. The social-i One phynical laboratory. 21x50.
lets, how.-ver. who already baresom,>| One cbMhleal labonion'. .‘4xi".
25 eeau in parliament are expected. Two small-r.oc'K ru»:nk ',«-tw<vr:
to double or triple that number. They Ute«e two rooms or eaeil} ati«-rih>
they helped by the fact ttOt only that 'o each of them, a small balance and
the great bulk of tbe 5.000.000 new library room acceoslble from each
voters come from the ranks of the laboratory, total floor space about
working classes, but also by the foot 26x84. This group of rooms abouid be
that from the moment two rears ago compactly arranged for economy of
t:ia( universal suffrage seemed a>>Bur- treebing foroe. Stock rooms tna> be
ed they h^ Conducted a never re- arranged one above the other by
means or mezxaainc floor if o-lling
laxiPc propaganda.


67. Cannino Co.

abont 20x80: two with moTaWe partf
It to suggested that the special
lions affording an auxilary assetab^i activities be on the first floor. ThU
room i
fitted up as an cnergenry Iseitides the domestic sriene*' suite,

*B with toilet and Uvaiory. the labaratortes. ate. Tbe 12 reritasndm'a offtee located oa don rooms, as tar as space will perOCL should be placed on the seocad
Ooor so that they mny be used m
mnecticn with the assembly room,
PHndpai's office, two rtms and
th'us reducim; tbe amount of travel to
dloseta, on aame floor as'assembly
InUr-um. The plan stgould be o
room ^ acraas the baU from It -if
developed that additkwx may be maue
posaibic. :0xJ0.
at-either and without destroying tbe
Building equipped with synchronlred archUecturai effect or the general
cfflcleucr of the plant preriouvly
•leciric fire gimga.
The figurea gliee as sltM of rooir.s
are approximadone snblect to some
Wired- for Ughu In

Horses Horses Horses

A e*r cf heavy Hor*«* from 1500 lb*, lo ITOO Ib*., all
ycnui^ BBd m«i!y oara.
Priew rifht aad paymests to suit thB pordpuBr.
Wb aoBt BzpBCt bU the bathw**, bot w« «xp«et B ihan
of the pBtnnage.
Every bone ^hanuitMd to be ai repretented. Ob tale
Oct 2&th, at Add^ HABunel '* Ban, 209 State St,. Trarem
City, Michi^BB.


GflURn lOflliAL SniDERTS







It’s, either a

or an

or both
in demand these days.
We’re always equipped, ready
slyiw custoiEere a great
variety of wearables.
Our lines of

are as usual attractive..
These illustrations show twn popu­
lar ftyles of H. S. & M.’s goods,
sold only by us in Traverre Gty.

Clothing Co.

will pay StelwcMcr

47. CaaalaoCo.


aB*n> TSAvnoz

bbuid axd

Why You Should Hhve PMMISEB TO UBir UW
a Savings Accoui|t
first: You may be incapacitated at any time and
unable to earn your own living. If uckneea. acci­
dent or other trouble comes you must have assist­
ance f^m some source. .

^Tiig PoUar Is Your Best Friend
Second: Money iit the Bank enables you to take
advantage of Golden Opportunities whenever they
arise. Should Opportunity knock at your door but
once it would be a sad misfortune not to be prepared.

Get Ready lor the Unexpected
Open Your AcconnI at the


The Farmers*


I'rom »!.'> !<•
•-H1I !>■' vuv.) )>y tismir Oolc't OrgilBftl
Hot Blait Stoves. This ri n! storr l.nrui. ilu- aruokt-.
auoi, duM a^d gii* of «.'ii
win b i- \va»Utl up th-- < hini»i*y liy ioai:y Ao-cnlli-d
ciml ntovi-%
<’olt?’s Ui.t Blo«i itinki*s W s«fT i-oiil vqual
and ii iiiaki-^ iwii dalltiiN worth ••{ uo>>.| |{ivr an miK'h bf«t
as W Worth ill oilur stovi-s.
K*on heat day
uisthl with |urf-. t . 1. Bnliii'-s*
Fir.* nrvrr oui. A liat lull of si.ft h.hI will ki'j> liiv
till iiijtlii.
roiiH' III an.I
ilus wiirid«'rfiil


Listen To Tliis:
It will pay yoa to feed Unicom to miHdng cows, at $1.76
per bnndred and $1,65 is 500 ponnd h>U. ba^ incladed. This
cow feed is a far more asd better milk prodneer than anything
on the maritel. One trial will convince you.

It will pay yon to feed Calf Meal at a cost of from 3^ to
4c per pound, according to the amount purchased. Oqe pound
•makes a gallon of gruel and is as beneScial to the calf as a
gallon of whole milk. This gruel wiD cost you, will say. 40c,
and yon sell the gaUon of milk fur 20c. This is a good saving
and there is an all around satisfaction.
Get a booklet on Unicom and Calf Heal 'at our store,
which more fully explains these articles.
Have you tried Sal-Vet? It it a composition of salt, char­
coal with proper me^cine to exterminate worms in animgli of
all kinds. It stimulate* the appetite and aids digestion. For
sale at the comer of Prom and Cass Streets.




Pic Crust
to be Crispy
mnsl bcnwlc from

tben it will be made
wllb Ibat parUcnlar crlspt evcryc Hikes.
Oider a sack I
1 four Grower.

Hannah & Lay Co.
___ lUtawtornitjr Years
Advertise Your Wants In
le Herald and Get Results

Oettlnfl TouMhar ot ►•epie Will Mean
End of LswleBbnoM That Ha*
Boon floportad in Vlllaua
of LdU.
LeUnJ. UUh., Oci 27—Ai S oelocK
Saiurduv cTODltiB a neetlas of tbo
Walter T. Boat club and cl^Uena »ma
<aUod lo tbe club rooma U> bMr tbe
report of tbe club's comsillteM upoo
liquor vlolatlona and roan proceed.
inss and lor dlacuaslob of law «d
lorcenieBi. Tbe iTimnUiee nede a.
lull re|<ori and fUed several aOldavi'k
Khowibi: vk>lation.< durliiic' tbe |icu>t
HeMOB. ,«■ alao save a cemideic sutelueet of ibe pUo .Of rrobatloD which
luut l•e«c iiroiio^ed br Circuit JudCc
Maine at a recent term of court in rt
iBilou to liquor violations and slated'
liiai tbe Hame -«a» not approved u>
the conimliiee and ihat itu-* two
ebantee then prod tun bad been coo
tinueU over lertu wahoui am oUur
acliub itelus taken.
Then lolloudns thl* occumsl one of
the moi.| diuinatli- aeeoi-i ever .witiieesed anywhere. Iltn*. Anderson
and Uert Brown, the accUK«d uloun
men. \ppcured vulunuril) iieforv the
lue-iinE and deelre.1 lo tnnke a con
r«a»iuo. .Mr AuJerwQ spoke firwt. Ilu
aad bi» w Ifo lutd b«^n axeted logMber
In the Iiivetiui. He left her )dde and
Hii-pped lip to the pn-sWeafa chair
uml wllb iremtiliUK lips and la MrsMt
-.ones. Bald:
lAdlee and iK-ntlemen: 1 tbank
you for tlie rluibC* U> come Iwfore
this i-Iuii I wish lo confess to you.
my nelxhlKym. that I have ovcrsiepiied
Ihe uw 1 admit it 1 am »ort> for
It. I am MITT}- all this hat hapi«eoe«.
1 am sorry for others who have been
hart, and am sorry lor tuy won lam.
ily. I ask you all to give me one
more chance. I will say 1 am guilty
<K ibe chante now held agaiBst me in
The ricrull enuii I will plead Kutltr
lo that when ii come* up nett Feb
roary aiid take whti the court give*
I )iRV>> met the ct>uiiiiilt..>e of
ibi- cUjIi und have promised io''obey
the law. 1 Will oUy the law at my
saloon as (ar as 1 know tl Hive me
iht. one more chance and 1 will jirovc
to you that i wiU do right 1 feel that
y-ou have done rijibl in looking up tbit
matter and getiiug proofs. It has I
my fault, lut 1 have had cuough !
pTcdge you I will watch my saloon
yon will not oee<! aby oRicer to watch

TSAVxm bat baou.


OCTOBBK 28, 1813.

Tbe ^ $easooabIe |loney-Si|i4Ba Evfnt ol tbe Y«ar ^

Every departmeDt in the store is now olforiog record balgahu for this event We can quote only a few items
here, but if you'll come to the store yon II soe imndreds of others Juet as good and better.
TUs sale la soiely yowr one Ug sgsartiiwity io gel Ike gases raw waal bow, at prices
lor mmal&iMe vriocglylag.

MacUoims and Spart Caab

lOe New Coats

House Dresses

Vftlm-,.. t.. «2..^»i'.iin<l $ir..lW.
This iqilrudid collcclifui of new Fall
iiiid Winter t'ojilK l•nll>pnl•<•s the acason's
most appriivfd stylcq; in fancy limicli-s.
rhinrhilias. etc.
Don't i>ve|-Jook
iittHi vrontjerful
values, (.hi sale at

.The fatuous Electric hriiitd hoase
dresw-N. Ijirjii-st and h-sf shnvviiiR ev.-r
riie-t.-i-lld for style and thtiiig
Uiuililics. -Made from standard Pcrcule*
111 |>leaHUig lu'.tteruB. I’lenly of rcpilar
dil.ib drevi » ill this lot Pnv>cd for tfuick
M-Itinp at



Spon Coats ainl .Xfnekinaws are in
RTi-At tleinand. .Mai-kinaws are shown io
)N>|iular ehei-ks and ]>taids. The same gar­
ments that Were
arc .anrkcil tlnwa '
in (irice to r«du'^ stoek
Sr*' these . vei-[.tioini! \ainc» now offervd at


\Vc hat • added to our mderwrar Slock a line of GLOBE
TAILOR MADE UNION SUITS. For Men. Women, itoyi and
(iirto. Made hy the Cvlobe KnUllnc Co. These are ttaa best
made I’nion Suita In America For vsiar. rinlah and perfect
fitting qualities they have no equal .Moderately priced at

WOMEfTB OREU SHOES' put on «Ue to close om g| g
sacfince Yon will find in dtu lot shoes we sold up to SS-'TS.
CoMUtisg of Ton AuMlas Calf >bnUon and Loco. Comblnotioa
Black Velvet Bmton Shoes. Gun Metal in.high and low
Kid in both high and low top. high nnd-lov bMU. IfiO pntoa
sold np to K.X divided Into four lots.

9SC, 91.29, 91.48. 9L98 9t26

tLSt, n.<», SLU. tut

$13.50 and tlS.OO Snappy Suits and
Ovetcoata all go'at ..... .............

Csraesl Coals

You'll be more than
pleased with the qnolity
of those ga’inenta. A
coat worth J7.50. Black


Suits are 'made of all wool sarges and fancy worsisOs Norfolk
si.vles If you wont them (yvereonu are made with tbe new abawl
collnra. belted back, all woU material, choice Pall pattertn. workman­
ship guamniced You save |3 50 to *5 o*- on a garment at tbto

Globe Dept Store
Traverse City

Women's outing towns
in all dzes and in a var­
ied showing td good pat­

D. H. S. C P.
Funeral scrvicos wiu be held Tues­
This Is not a fraternal society- day aliemoon at Z o'clock from tbe
These letters nand for one uf the
greatest beipe In the moriJ. 1>R Blrmley M. E. ebureb Interment sill
lo Uakaood
They relieve bllionsness. tired feeling.
Upallon and all dlworders of the
motnach and boweU. Dlt, HERRICK'S
(By United Press )
PtLt.S have ie*-i. in use for over six^''Brooklyn. Oct. ?7.—Countesg
?7.—Countest Coi
Coriyears and
Mleeted .prMldent of I
■^V. C- T. V.. of tbd"t^ld
tbf’'IP®rld at toda
lommou good. He made i»r> points
especialU plain. First, that the n«. n



who ha»p lonfekved and promised to He Also Hinted Thgf>angm* Canal
WMiU End-^UI PofWign
do right Kbonlli he met and aided hy
all citlient and in the same fair spirit
and conOdeeica. Second, that all offenders abould be made to know that
Juatice will not overlook further mis­
■ By United Press
deed. and that those who break the
Mobile, Oef. 37 —'The I'nlted States
Uw will l>e punished regardlesi of will never seek another foot of terri­
who or vfhal they are They will he tory by conquesL and she must
pursued, overtaken and. If guUly. be mat no other-nation' does it on tbU
given the stern force and penalty due bemispbere" Tbit fUi declaration
them He paid a high tribute to the
Americ4n policy made here
Club ah^ the wple of the comragntiy
ihlt afternoon by President tVRaon
for bringing i5out this result in tbe
before the Soothem
preoant oases and urged all to schnd
congress. Wilson also hinted at the
locelbsr ior. tbe common benefit and
completion of tbe Panama canal a*
advancemoni of tbe village in Ibe fu­
“the emancipation from foreign con­
ture. 6. E. BlucKwood. C. E. Wilder.
trol of tbe Latln-American riatet
Urw. Luther Conont. Mrw. Mary Brooks
and othsrt also spoke along vimllar
lines., lerland bat never been fo stir­
red and Us people so aroused. Better
daye and bsCier Uiings ai« sure to

These may not he bis enact word*,
but they are in substance what be
Mr. Brown then spoke lo some
tent aioag the same iine. He aaid: “1
am willing to plead gum>""at tbe cir­
cuit 'court as soon sa 1 can and am
ready to pay my Cue. 1 wiu not break
the law from now on I admit 1 have
been guilty to some estent In the imai.
I accept tbe name aaAtr. Anderson has
Following this a few n-marka were
made by the president and by; i
others and then tbe tollowlng nraolBijon* Were adopted;
-Whereas. Mr. iUns Anderson nnd
Ben Brown have rolBotarlly come be­
fore this club and imbllcly acknowl­
edged they were guilty of ceruin vio­
lations of the liquor laws of thi^'^CRW'
Deatti came at tbe close of Sundny
and having each her* pubUrU prom,
tsed to plead guilty to the cbi^e now attemoon lo .virs. Sarah J BeKh at
pending in tbe’cirruii coun of her home in Garfield township. Mr*
tanan county against them and having Betih bad been In poor health for a
also pledged themselves to strictly ob­ long Uine.* trat during tbe past year
had suffered more than utoal At
serve the law- In the future;
••Kesolved. That It Is the sense of this titnea when it teemed as though si
dob that if said promise and pledge o< hovered nearer death tluin life, still
each Is fnlUtfully carried out then we cheorful atnmapbere pervaded her
do not favor any further proeeruUons home and she n«-ver allowed those
on tbe cddencc |>rooured up to thla about hrr-to fully realise her suBerIng. Ouriog all her lUooa* Mrs. Belib
date: and
*-Resotve4.4rhat tbe alHdaviU bere- rocelved the devoted core and sttenlofore procured be bdd by Uie dub Uoa of her dorter. Ulsa NelUe
Bubleci to funber uso In the future if BelUt. who was tier constant rompan
clrcumsiancea absll require or Justify Ion. ktotber and daughter lived alone
on the farm and they r««eived all who
ibetr use.
■•Boaolved. That the doings of the come Into tbelr home with a waliwmc
that wot the eseence ot gracious hos­
committee appointed on Septembe
IP13. be and hereby are fully approved pitality'.
Barab J Knnii was bom January 19.
and romioended and the coatnlttec is
ISIS, in Coanty Down. Ireland, and
now dlacbnrced."
IJpon a rising vote being taken the came to America in 1555. locaUag In
same was carried unanimonaly. Alao PItttburgb. Pa. On the alstb day ,of
all Don-nembera present aignittcd May. ten years Uicr. she became the
bride of James Belih. and In the yi
their approval by rttlng.
rbllowlng this a abort address w«a lS5« together they came to Traverse
glrett by Pami C, Gilbert, legal ad­ Cny. Michigan. Fbur children were
viser of the dub. His talk was along bem to tbem. Mlu Kellie Beitb. Mrs.
tbe line of a due regard for tbe law Rdna EmeraoD of Sabin. Mrs. Bessie
and Us eBtorcement. He made an NertlDger. wife of John NerlInger of
earnest appeal to all peraona. men and Ihlt city, and Mist Maggie, w^ died
women, boys and girta. lo give l.«laiid aereral years ago. A stepdaughter.
sudi a public eonacience that lu good Mra. Charles Emerson of Oar
order wlU 'be entoreed and lu good tosmstalp. and acveral groadchU
intallon made known. He urged ell also survive. Mr. Belth died Mar.17.
ring our vUlase to tho wane bigb 1561
Mrs. Beitb was a devoted Chrtottan.
standard that we , would wish our
and for many years wns a member of
hoiBes to maintain.
Hn nafd that the beet and In fact tbe nrat Congregaflontl church. She
10 «ame« worker for any Bood
tbe ooty anra gnaranty that tbe lav,
wiU he enforced to pubhe kentiment
propc<(y .«ipBBt«d and dinemt That trite asd ^ 4cv«ir tailed to meteod a
. lag bond to all vh* eome to her
meoa 'each person Joins with r
in Ibetr hour PC OBuMe.
nelghhon to favor tad aecom^h tl


A very quiet home weddlnf; was held
Saturday nigbt at the borne of Ur and
Mm Jemee M. Glllett. SOt South Elm­
wood aveoue, when tbelr daughter,
Della, was Halted in marriage to Tberon B Jlorgan in the presence o( the
members of the family and a few of
llie most Intimate friends. The house
was de<x>raled with autumn leave
ranged most aniAlirally Kev Demos
Cochlin fierformed tbe ceremony. The
refreshments were In charae of of
Mrs. George UitteOeld. and served byDorothy Gillrit. GUdyt Banrdelsy,
Irene Lather and Agnlla GrelUck. Mr.
and Mrs. .Morgan left immedlatoly
^wedding trip to he gyme two weeks.
They wrlll be atlwmc to their frieBda
November I5ili In their new home
Elmwood avenue


(By Untied Preee.)
Sew York. Oct t7.-John C. Hemmeu. famous big gam* hunter and
explorer, today to eniomo to Africa
where b« wUl bead a party of tonr
while men and 300 naUvea in a bust
throogh sections of the Dark CooUneat that bare never before been
travereed by drUted m
of Hemmont's ‘'boat"' will be that
with very few excoptions the abootlng
of big game wUI be done by
inateod of with gnaa. Much of the
iraiUng of tee gome will be with
English "lurchers-—dogs (bat hunt in
tbe doth .as weU as la the dayli^i
W. W. W. Roberts of Brooklyn. George
Outram, who ^Idee royal buntats la
Africa, and ABeo Block, soldier ot
fortnne oad l^er 'of tbe Duke of
Connaught's Pony, wfli be
ef Hemment's party -

Tbe work of grading tbe east cad ot
tbe Brockway hill is aow, beiag pushIt Is difficult for ootoe goteg west
to pass over this port of tbe road;
coming toward the cliy (bore to no
The rood vu what wag known as the
"Company's orchart and SInyter farm"
or the road ronilnulag west from the
watering trough to the Barney farm.
tbenee'Souih to tbe Lone Tree schoolhouse. either are poeeable for all kinds
of vebleles

ctooM to of all
lac. ingtoatly.
Ointment to .
beal aetemo. roiBM. rtngwdm. tetter
and other anto^tlr erwpOeBt. Beaeam Olotaeat to a Bocto*^ piaattipUon. not OB eaperlmeaL All draggtota or by maJL Wc. PtelBer Cbet%
leal Co.. PhnaMpUa-oad 9L Lonte

be tbe boaee of raeolattens that eria
have the Orange of the entire state
bade of then.
The polltidona at least noBj- of
then, want to know An doOnlto tnrna
just what tho grah^MtetosU’Dik
way of iNtelatto* «teM Indldol teThe praam day poIHKb!
moaocera. like oB of thete kind, are
dedrons of dotec eonethtag In a
Mendly way. so long eg the Mnc con
be doge without damage to tbe poBtlfiaai’ motlgp or pffw«r. Now la
tha time fdr-flHt irtahm to bagtn to
fomnlote the demkade wtkh are to
M node upon tbeae who next a»
will b*> making tor rapport in
aoninattaE petltlcoa and at primary
eleettoas. .The coming Btnte Croaga
wfU be the loK befcre tbe Cieetioalff
new leftolotnrw and tho election ot
!w county nn4 atoto offleers. 7%*
preeeat to the tine to take oettra
steps directed toward getting tbe
-rales Iff the game- loodilied to be­
half of a bettor “deal- tar the mgricaltnrtot
The Grange ct oar many tostltotlene eom« tbe nearest to betag a
pore deasoeracy. Tbe vote of the
hnnhloBt natebsr coonts the same m
that ot the nmet aggrenive. PortMrmore the sisters have the seme vetteg
rtohu as the hiwhera. Tha nsJoettp
, rales obd rales wfll ease ter iimn
era fewer botoimcs and omater teU*
ances to aid the prefetelooal *to ptep
e.- Tben the Oraaso to hot
tttUe hampered with preeedeote' and
uadliieoa The ra« majority tff peoh.
lens that come brfore' the order sro
cooBldered apoa thrir nortta and
acted upon accordlagly. TVrwIsirab.
ahty len of on weibeoff- sbMlIliij
la the grange than to any other ora^tettoatioe ot oqual magffttade. im
Orange to suffictoeUy demoertele m
that the emphasteto to loll epOR the

ROMB-Saxooy has no need to ....
prese 'the btssrre priaoesa" s
liuea by the exKbosra Pilnoees
Uulee Tbe piece, not erra ssAnc
tolled utterly to lu prealer.

.By United
WasMn^nt OcL Z7.—A dtOnlte
In detail the attUiide
ot the United SUtot toward the rev­
olution-torn repiMIc of Mexks. whleb
will be the mwt imporuni utteraaee
ht the present administration
This to tbe time of th* year.fpr the
Mexican queoUan. It was'deelared to­
(Jraagers to be passing reoolntiaas.
day. will be shortly
lowing the ao«aUed elecUons held in ne Natloaal Orange meets la Novem­
end the Bute Grange to Decem­
the ■toter-nailM yeeterdoy.
ber. Ualeas tlm members of tbe orAecldeirts Will Hnppen.
give exprcoslon to thter wtobes
And whoa they do you should be throogh the aabordtoato graagee.the
prepared with a bottle of REIWE'8 national and aute bodies ^
PAfN-KlLUNC MAGIC OIL, a heal­ know what poolUon to take upon
ing remedy tor cuts, wounds, sprains. Mrs QUMtlms of the day. |t to the
t. lame back and daty of rrery Oroaffer to lOAlgan
atlff j^h.
to be St the next few meetings of
[p qoUe,
dysMterr and olck his enbordlasM sad to ^elp tame
It to- a clwB, pleagwR Rod tePotottera to be tarwaided by the
s to the oontog eteto
offeolre remdy. price n .ete. %tUl.

by on dmggltta

Cenma aito IteMiip C

It to .s hsaSrihdRMjra ^





If it bad ool l>««n for ibe Unmo-t j|
niM anIvlt.T and ecaaHcaa «dti
work carried on by the noa-uiliUDi
saSrase aocSotict tn the Unitad Klocdom. 1 4.dle«-r Utah oqr. iBOTemeiil
would hare been ruined, at any rale
for a CFueratloB or more, by mllltanc)'. Out we perElsteetly aik why
the reroluilottaty riot and deatructloo
of a few women ehould be held lo
JosUfy (be political dUfrancbteenieDi
of the women of the world. If a rukof this kind bad been Applied le men.
not a sioRle man In any iiart of the
alobc would today be entitled to the
eierclse of the parlUmenUrj- fraoebise. Wh.r apply to wonten an DOWNWARD TREND NOTED
eareKlousl}' unjust method of eicluFEW UN6I.
#h>c. whieii men have never dreamed
of appropriating to themselves.


-cure-aU* for the high c6at of Urlsg.
it b one of the imi>onani factors, but f-h
only in that degree win It make UvIng cheaper. After being In effect
Ed Bmith left ysnterday aflarnoen
alncc October S. Mr. Common People
loday Isn't noticing that the Conner for Chicago on a abort bustnesa trip.
Harry Monroe went to Chicapo yes­
giWry or family clothing store has
terday lo be gone several days.
cut prices because of the now UHff.
Mr. and Mr*. E. H. Pewera of SulHere's the reason:
urns Ba> drove down In their car
Not until wboleaale and retail deal- [ibe day.
era dispose of sipcki on Uelr shelvea
Mlss Millie Marshall and Mrs. a. O.
today and manufacturers make up Bagiev of Old Mission passed through
(and purchasera consumet their the city this morning on ibetr way to
slocks of taw materiala. aU bought Alma. Mlcb..%wherc they will be the
when tariff duties were higher, will guesu of Mr. and Mrs. H. Montagne
U be possible for Ur. I'lUinate Con- for « few days.
fumer to secure any tariff-cut prices.
MIsa EdMh Brooks, who has been
lAter on. as (he bemocrala tell fu vlBliIng friends for several days, left
foreign products will arrive and be tor Chicago this morning.
sold cheaper under reduced duties, or
The BrewmUrW MiiUent company ar­
NSW Law Will Rsqulrs Tims ta Get prices of American producu must be
rived lo the city this morning from
Iftte Worki^ Order Before Any-.
cot to meet foreign cotnpetItloD. Charlevoix, where they played SaturPeeltive 'Benefits Are Actual­
actual, threatened and potenitnJ. Re­ day night.
ly Looked For.
publicans as vebereenUy Insist Ihst
S. E. Blackwood «f the Redpath Lyany price reduction will bo absorb­
ceum burcsui passed through tbe clu
ed'by the manufactorer. wholesaler.
this morning from LeUnd. where he
or reUller, or all three, before the has been spending several days.
(Staff OorresiMndent of the United goods get acress the counter to the
Mrs. F. H. Pratt left for Oweaao this
. .consumer. Anywa.v. 10 the "Innocent morning to be gone several dayjs.
J. W. Travis .and daughUr, Mias
—.. Retailers, wholesalers and manutariff law'cheapen the noui o< 11^
Cora, left tbit morning for Grand Haphv h««. m..rhs stJ feciurers now have stocks which mutt Ids. where they will remain wltb rela­
to uie7 I
_____ __ ,
be sold without material loas If^sswbeh may 1 expect to feel the nttect
tives for aomo time.
Ible before they buy or make {ew- na.
Frank Alverd left this morning for
of the new mtesrSvery citizen la ask­
tertal at poaalbly iwdoced prices. They Baglnaw- on a bualncM trip.
ing these queeiloDs today. And the
will not well lower until they buy low- -4.' W. Noble went to Chicage thi
answer which the JMi|icw>tlr tariff
er—If they can help IL UnUl they
experts give Is;
morning tote abaent several days'on
voluntarily aell lower, or do so be­
Hoot figure on any. great anioinst cause of foreign competition, tbe business
Veneol Ludka of Alpena is In thb
of tariff saving this winter.
American consumer through the new, cliy vlsiling his relatives for
There is p mighty sUu chance, they Uriff law. Is not going to hit a body days.
K«y. that Mr. UUAaate Consumer h> blow to Mr. H. Cost O'Llvlng Within
The Northern Michigan staamer IP
going to get bis winter overcoat, his a year, DemocraU declare, prices will IlDols left here Saturday night with
suit of clothes, or bis shoes ainy be generaily lower. Spring-togs and more than a capacity load of potatoes
cbeaper this winter. .Next spring. Mr Easter bonnets for I9H moy be cheap­ and elder, picked up at tbe bay ports.
LKlmxte Conaumer. 0roo may "get er. Dosrnward trends In clothing ml- In order to take on the load at Bntin" on some of tbo tariff aavlpga ready are repotted.
tons Bar and Nortbport five hundred
—msybe. Reduced tariffs will not make
Estimated tariff taxes on Imports sacks of poutoes were put in the so­
tblng^ many of them, npprcciably next year are IZTO.OOn.-wti. kfi.oiKi.OOO rtlU hall of the steamer.
chraper for several moDthE. Demo- less than laat year. This Is the indi­
Mrs. H. Lenman, who has been vis­
crau and*^Rcpablloans aUlW are unan- rect tax or "Uriff tribute" paid by iting with friends and relativea in tbe
Imous on ais poinL Foodstuff price*
The saving for each of 95.- city for tbe past few days, left tbU
may be cheaper—jome of them—wiik- 000.000 people would afford on lu face morning fw^ her home at Baldwin.
la a few mont^ lirlefly summarixed, only 43 cents annuaUy. But graaler
JesL Culp of MetiMee returned to
here Is the best Jodgemeat of men In gross national savings are expected. bU borne there this morning'after a
Washington who framed and fought Also, Democrats believe foreign com­ short visit with friends here.
P. Wahte left this morning far
the new law:
petition as w^ as home oompeUUon.
i>emocrau predict and hope the win force down, by mllllona of dollars, Manls^wbere be will be for a few
actual, tangible. dallars«nd-cenix4e. retail prices o( Amerlcim products Jays,te buMness.
MeCrew of Benton N^r ie
ilef may' result from tbe tariff revisloa for gooib worth millions, formerly
downward within a lew months—not duluble, DOW come Into Arnica vuiirttf with frionds here forla few
days. \
before. They admit the legislation tree.
RAuction of manufacturing
T. A.’ Laeaberrr of Grand Rapids
Is a sin
simon-pure 'experiment "
costs through free-listing- machinery.
who has been la tbe rtiv lor Um past
lUbllrsns generally predict and Democrats contend will penult manu­ week on business, left lids morning
profess to believe that little. If any. facturers 10 sell i-lieaper.
for Ml
where be fiU te for a
ooiiceablt deerrasos In retail prices
short time before returning lo his
wtll result.
Miss Alena Gill of Central Lake was home.
Bear carefull}- in mind, the Demo- the guest ut Mrs. W. i. UeKay over
Wm. Vandegrift of Chicage ia In the
erafs say. that tbe new law h not a | Sunday.
c^iy' on burtnesB.




TraVerse aty State Bank
Condensed Statement
To.tbeCamouBsioner of the Bankidg Department
October 21.1913.
Bond. ....

.$1,788.477 26
. 125,000 00
. 896,850 23

Capital Stock, paid in........$200.000.o6
Snrplus and Profits......... . . 128.146.81—$ 32314681
Reserved for Taxes and Interest.
D^oalts : Commercial
$2,310,630 15



Everything Was Quitft Sunday li
lean CaplUU tie Demonslnrtl

lUy I'nlted {Teas.)
Mexico City, Ocu 2T.—Ketums today
fiom the Sunday vlection showed that
leu than
votes w«re cabt la the
federal JUtrict. including Merico City
whore there are Sv.Ouv vote>^ l>eOmCERS
spKo this meager tote It was expeclA. Tracy Lay.
'ed the congressional candidates, with
the approval of General Uuerta. would
R. Floyd Clinch
deelsre tbeuselve* elected. Their flm
Hatry C. Davis.
Bci. it is saiA w tll be to declare y ea
A. J. Maynard.
lerday's prcslder.tlal election told be­
A. J. Haviland.
cause the total Vote cast was not aufG. B. ICilboume
ticlent to lugke Q eonsiliuiionBl malorliy -for any candidate. Then they arc
exi>ecUug ilucnn win reivsin presldent ad interlni until atibthei Hevtlon
A. Tracy Lay.
R. Floyd Clinch.
(»n be hold, which will be when
Harry C. Davis.
Elsie R. Hannah.
Hurna see» fii. Mexico fliy
W. W. Smith,
C. F. Zapf.
tjulel^r y^terdiy than nn the average
Sunday and mounted patrols had lit­
A. J. Maynard.
tle to do. in some prominent places
few votes w ere «ast nil day and In out­
lying districts Ibe vote was even light
Ibe rivll service.- etc. The enormous or. .Along the nonheni border only
-progreA of tbo women's movement federal soldiers voted.
Reitims this aftorroon show that
has been uDoiained by crime, or vio­
2.000 votes were cast In the slate of
lence of any hind.
! Vera Cm*. Of these Huerta received
Moreover, in those countries and
1.500 and DIa* 200. The re«
states where full parllamehUry sufscattering.
e has been won U has been won
MANY ENGLISH WOMEN DEPRE­ a* tile result of j>eaceral proiiaganda.
I need only meation; the countries





NMfilrif to So Oaifiee and Much Lest
By Raakhurwt Prapagafida Who
DMregard Lmw ii

women. New Eealand. Australia. Nor.
way. >'lnland. un sUtas la the United
States and the territory of Alaakn. In
not one of theee has the womea'a-vic­
tory been achieved by violence. Wp-‘
men's suffrage has pasaed Its preUalnary stages la Denmark. Sweden.
Iceland, and a govenimeot
bill to which women's .suffrage may
W added by amendmeuL has recent­
ly been menUooed lo the queen’s
speech lo opening a new Parliaisent
In Holland. In none of ibede coun­
tries has there been the least trace
o' organUed or unorganised vtoleoc*
on tbe i«n of the advocates of the

Fake Electlen Will Net Mtip
" Causa With tha Americah

«By United Press »
Washington. Oct. 27.—Thix gov.-mmeni will not swept tbe result of
LewdA Oet. TTI-The sensouoaal
Mexican elrctton and iheje will be no
actlvltlea of the miUtast suSracettes
recogniUoo of Hueits and no remgniin rmnt months have sened to obtkio ot a mlnoriiy rongreas. Whether
srure to a eoaalderablc degr.-e the
tbe prealdent's proposed official anao»d. snbatasUal. and really eSecUve
nouBoeaeot re^fflmUng the Monroe
eMTipeign work being done |n Encdoctrine will be made public depends
In Great Britain we bave a large on deveiopmenu tbU week.
land by the large and growing arin>
Doneallluat advocates of votes | number of suffrage societiea. repreiM. In view of Mrs. Pank- sentjng policies, parties, religious perhurst's visit to America, and in or­ susBioDs. i>rofestloas. and industry,
der that American men as well as and money all of these .violence as a
women may have an opportunity U> method of propaganda' has
nuke Intelligent comparison beiwifen monopolized l>> two aorietles In Eng
policies, mothoda and aims of tb« Isnd and on* lo.lreiand. Tbe NationU la Interesting to note a few comtwo anugonisUc campa. Mrs. Union, which haa developed from partsena that show tbe relative popucent G Fawcett, leader of the non-1 small beginning nearly half a om- laUon and atundance at the Omd
cilltur.u. ha* prepared tor the United lury ago Is not only the Urgest of all Travwse Region fair aiid-thai of the
Press the foUowlng nrtAcle:
J these organtzaiiODs but one ^ the West Michigan SUte fair' at Grand
By .Mrs. MllUceot OajTgtt Fawwtl.democraUr inatituUons in tba Rapids.
Untied Kingdom. Bvery aoclety la
LL D, iPrealdem of tbe NaOonal
The popnlalioD of Cr^ Traverse
i-ntilled to send
lo praporUnion of WoBM'a Shffncn
oonnty is 23.781: Benzie. lo.PSS: An­
llon to Its membership. Afte Oanml trim. 1C.E92: Leelanau, 10.608; Wex­
The NaUonal Uoloa Of- Woman'a Council which meeU twice a rmr *» ford, J0.7CT: lOlkaska. E097. with a
Baffrage SocleUee la the largeaL the dedde Queetlone of policy and to elect total of 88.068. The comUes that
Okiesl. end ax w« bHleve: tbe beat or­ officers of tbe onion.
are nearest Kent county and from
ganised suffrage aoriet): in the tTa'Ued
Our methods of work are eatli
lUrely which the fair draws iu.people arc
ACingdom. u is non-party In diataeter oonsOOiUonal.' We endeavor > edu- as follows: Kent county. 159,U6;
In the aeose that it wetoomea among cate tbe country to sj-mpalby with Ionia. 16.951; Muakeson. 40.5T7; Ol
lu members s>upathUer»> with aU our cause by holding meeth«a.. can­ uwa. 43.301: Newaygo. 19.230: Alle­
pfloucal parties or wltb n^. ft ia. vassing. conducUng i>reBi campaigns, gan. 39.8li; this makes
and alwgys has been strict la lu and orsanlrlng courses of edncatlonal 309.016. Traversee City has a popnlamethods of work The BooAllUaBt lectorsa. Side b) side wRh our edu- tlon or JMJ5. andd the big day thare
character of the National Union Is a catfonal ctmpalgn we carry on tbe po­ were In attendance IS.OOO. Grand
matter not only ot expedieney bat litical side of our work. Our endeavor Rapids has a popoUtion of ll2.5n
Aleo of principle.
fs to transfom tbe sy mpathy of (
- their Dir day was 23,000.
We heUevb that the best method dJ roim !BU> polllt»I pre«nr. «.nM
four tliUM Ur. popuUUoo lo
promotiac the anoceax oi our cause on Individual members of parltaiMt. the dlstrlcL and nine times in the
U to appeal to what Is the highest and on parties. In order to maintain City the attendance 'was only 8.000
and beet in man.---------------------------.-and
and nor to what H
incfwaae a majority in the House 8.000 mm.
to iri^aa hU sympsthy. hts-ef ConuBons Chat Is coamUiM per~ws«e. bis Muse of justice and maaeofl'y to the principle of wbmen's
NEW TORK-Some mctleal Joker
his «o«mg^ npd not hu. terror and:suffn«e and that wm be dependahW U amualag hlmsalf at the exp^ of
«11 U» 1«
a. m.
Tlr. UU.I wilUu. H.
to ItotoUii, .Jr...
-J-—------ ----------- V----- ----.
women's vfetoHes Of'Uic tn«i
___ ___
_ _ _
mrg have been woi on these lines.'annually snfiieHblng memtaNu. dls- feuts *nq-‘morie" ©peiit^ Bevaral
have by p«aw|l meani. by'trlbuud amow our 419 socletJca. In bundled appear at McCue's home
edocatins. hr appeals to experience'addition to these w# have an aaxhtaryjdally.sad eanmn aensc. broken hewn the of
—___ ' '
____ _______
"Pri^ of Wom« Suffrara- 30,OOoj CHJCAOO-Serpnty-thmp bMliea of
hri their acx Oom higher;atronf-a *o«e mated out - an|snpp6eed cha
.m«a ov rfed•imOoB. tbe pretmetona. nuulripel adaputlM of the Americaa i.lxn ofjmi
of! ml cmelMa. went feS- |0 rent, a i
. emplorBiMi injenrolllBfi aympathtters.
File at an'aiKUon aala.




Aahtey Brlttan of Flint who has
been vialcing her for some time, left
this iiiorning for his home’.


The new lobby at the penemce has
been opened and the addlUoo ii being
used by the emjiloyet. The added
room makes It noch more coDveoiciit
for both patrons and clerks.
.The stcatner Fannie M. Rose ia
hrlnidzig. large loads ol vgilaa from
powers Harter daily for shipment
this city to the aouthern mar'
Fred J. Baddock has rwturned to hit
Ihome at Marquette after a sbon time
here on uaslnesa.
V. Reedtr left this morning for his
1home at Cheboygan, after a short visit
heio with friends.
V. Reeder left this morning for his
1home at Cbebuygan. aftej; a short visit
1hero with friends.
MIm Helen Ootk of Battle Crack it
vvisiting -lierc with friends for a few
Albert 4^rtade of East Bay was
very pleasanti.' surprised Saturday
,evanlng when a Urge number of Ms
friends called to help bim celebrate his
1birthday. A teuatlful suppm- was
1dbrved and a good Ume enjoyed by aU.
Chariaa Larson has returned to bU
home after undergoing an operation
ftor appeniUcItla at the Baj- Bank boepiul. He Is recovering rapidly'.
Mr. and Mrw. Gee. T. Bend have roturned after spending Sunday wUh
Mr. and .Mrs. Robm Lackey of Old
the Ban Greet Players were in the
city over Sunday on thHr way to fill
la Wisconsin. Mias
Grace Halsey MlUa. Uiadlng woman
with tha company tor the past tbrw
veers, spent her hours here with Miss
Clan N. Bales.
E. B. Cobb, agad 87 yaara. disd
October 25tb, at the hpme of his
daaghiat, Ma. A. Tresaalaa. four
miles south and west of the cUy. He
leaves fonr chUdras, Mn. A, Tremaine. Mra. John Manllou. Ed Oobb
of Cedar and Oias. Cote of Empire.
Funeral senlegs were held at A. H.
Gniher'a chapal at two o'clodc this
Intannent -was' at Oalj^ooA cemetery.
A verr enjoyable tkna was apart
8»t“rday evenlsE when tbe Uissea
“BbU “d LeBot entertained Mlaa
Molr of West Ninth streeL
6. E. Ueteld. who has been visiting
with relaUves in the dty Cor the past .
few d^a;8efl this morning for his
boide al Mt. PleasanL
C. A. Pruitt of Grand Rapi^ pasild
ihroute tha city today on bis wi^ to
Peto*ey. where be wUl te for- a
short line on basinet ;

v.\m;ahlk ubemiums vor pbrsokali:sb.




—Ihvti't iiiisK tills Kjilenditi Kail Tradinc Opportu_.titv:
Kv. II if ymi WKKK hen- Saturday. Mnndai- or Tuittday—
i-oi-f- Air.AlN this >rts-k! You'll s.-e many m-tv i>fFcrinp>
tealur.-il. Ni-w. <|e|H-ii(lBljl>' Kail and Winter .Appari-kthat
i-v.-ryjiti.- n, m-*st iiil«-fi*sled in righi innv! j’rirt-av that
pmvj.le M-»n-s Ilf actual worth-while eeononiii-s. .Merely
as an imlex tve meiilion the following few items:


Tliat win make tbe IliUe ones
hsiipy—ttolls. Sleds. Doll Cut­
ters. mnos. Footballs. Coast■-TS. Baby Cutters, etc., etc.
I'lriy tickets and more will se­
cure a premium

—Dinner Seta. Guaranteed Sil­
verware. Oak Rockers. Bread
Mixers, etc.; Peltleoals. Sait
Clocka. etc., etc. Onev ticket
with a SOc purchaae. —

Fan Coats at 112.50, $15 & $16.50

Men’s and Boy’s ObflUtaio and FasJsUngs

-LADIFtoS' M1S.SE.S' AXi) Jl-’.VIOR COATS in Rtrikinffly

-.MEN S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS AND OVEBCOATS AT 20 TO dii U< I*ER CENT SAVINGS. Overe<MUs 10 bjaek and lOi the moat popular fancy fnbriia.
with pl. iMy of ChiuehillaK. Suits iu Blue Serge and tbe
iateat fall labrres and coloriDga. Wonderful values in
Suith and Overcoat* at $19.60, H6A0, $13.66 and............$10.90
—.'I'-n X and \ oung Men’s Orawoal*. nizes 32 to 38. were
$30.00 to $35.00, at $4.60. $6.60 aod.................................... $9.60
BOYS NEW WI.VTER OVEB3^. 5. 15, le, J7 only. Sun
COATS (or all ages: Chis-

^e^uidive modcU offered at t*t>' attractive prices.


fubricN such aa'ferNiaD ('loth»>. Matela»>e8. Iloudes. Chindiillas. Kur F'ahries. I’luah. Cauensian and N'j.velty ('oatinip>. Many are riohl.v ailk Uiu-d. C»ats worth ifl'i. $lh
and #20 ill this sale at $1S,M. $16hlld......................................$16A0
for ladlea. mlsaes and Jun­
iors; Were tlO to 115, Is
this sale at..................' 87.90

830.00. 822AC and 879-00:
>.1111 others SB low as 9640
........ 9E50

Tallwed $irits at |115t,

8tid $2(.M

Silk-lined (.'ulaway Coau iu iwu and iLrcc-hution models.
Boiur with dove-tailed haekn. Plain Skirts "t DrajKtl ef­
fects. .Materials -iuckde floe Jacquards. Matelaaies.
Epouges, Cheviot Serffes. Whipcorfls. etc.; Aminal Fall
SBlb 130, $16.fe0..
NEW DRESSES. popuUr ma­
terials aad colorings In tbe
lateai siasbed and draped
modelB: special values at
8ia 8740 and...................89.00

of auxactlve -mw modela la- '
eluded: worth 83-95 to $6 at
8V89. 8E9Saad...................8tS0

LADIES' uxKW snrs. in

—Siieclal at. yard.. ...,4Vie
qoallGee aad wide widths:
hlg aksortiheni of UgbL me­
dium snd dark colors, at
yard. 75c. 18e and......... 15c
impnlar colors; special for
this sale, yart....................... 19c
.\E:W 3GIN. DRESS 00008 at
90e yard. A wonderful ahowIng of tbe popular weaves and



savy. at. each. 60c. 46c. 7


........... ^


^(«rC^8llom 8^

to 81

E.\CETOONAl/ ■ VALUffl' te


$2.;4 and 83.50. .
Hie pnee ......................... $1.79BOVS'NORFOLK SUITS with
3 pair panu. newest fal)
models; extra special vaTues, 84.86
Steel Knives FREE with Boys'

cblllas and ail other popular
fabrics; for the Fall Sale at
8745, 83.89, 8445, 8840. 8?4(
medium and bMvy weighty
extra special values
•ale au pair..

Exira SjReieill Silrleater Coal Valiite
women and miadea, in the popular colorTsuch ffs OrfonL
Wine. Navy. etc. Shawl and Byron Collare. In the .\nnual FhU Salent $TJO.$6.00, $6.(i0 sad................................ $8.96
i£Sv*Std®Xr- kteta:
»• choice in ibUxSe.'^0

for nwn. womw and chil­
dren: a comjdete ghowlag
up to 8840 and as tow as. .90e
MENY FLEECED L'NIWRWEAR—Soft white sanlUry fleece: all alsec: taU


.KjSV Tte. Ite wd _60c

WOOI^’f ______________
ERS—Fine qnalittea. in all
slxe^ Bale price, garmest. .tfic



•BoriG^ ana cowra.. extra
■teCtaT valnee. $140. 78c.

son aad..........................Mt
ton and wool ribbed: .tel
weigbu and atytee: worth
8148 to 84.M. te thte-aale-'
at 8340. 8240, 8iJ0,aMte^
•ad boys, in all tha.poiiStr.
xpertal vaiteft-v


. /lauis

' on UM. Otei'a and teya' de-

... .



fflukiip nk'rtmt b9iu> ms n&vttB sat SAats tombat, oomsib m, lait.

Y*M9 F*lto StnoMn* ♦

t wttl try M»*r U w*fry *r ^
# dm •bn* awqrtMfim

i wHI try to to at M*py 0* I ^
* aaaAadJMto eeorybedy tomy *
♦ aefm-aelearw
I wHltry to to laying. Iwlpral X
X ond Wto to etorytody and to X

I every diving tMn*
H ( ever fall in trying to *n *
I will *Try,


And w* hop* Sly Boi^ ottid tban;
«dtoly abalterto. at laal. from U*
ooM and the storm.
*i»lrm. tried.
better youll
--------/ ^
8o that when Vi
you abould worC U
you're tempted to play.
Tou may fear to to awred as "Wa*
Sly Boots, some day!

toeeidtM Mis* Ctore H. •■tea.
Ptm Vice PtoeMento-Mes. klafael
■nee Wlinema
teoend Vic* Rretodefit-Mim Iron*
Pomeroy thlaMB.

Thto week your President to not
giang to give you a eerious talk. I.
tael, she Unt going to ulk toi you
at all! Tou are u have a pi«* of
Sonahlne storlea. full of frolic ad

“Oirti! iiHir tb»
MOB M ah* oonld rtooTw
far«aifa aftar faar faorry to OT*rttto
tfa* (TMp who war* walktag aloaa a
plaaaant *tre«. .-what do rou think

don't know. of. coutm. Toll aa.“ «nu»«.la and carafally nolda wtot taktnc out the ottor d**da. to took
uirouali the counUea* bol*. and out of a vmm) .i, toch^^it d*^
chim*d two or three rotaM.
**eh of lh*B aatka. Then h* uket iheio to th* klB(.
<»aa,, oy wfajch the iponce u per- To *<iual thi* a man would hare to
“W*U. you know I lu back for my a look at the aky. to see whether It U
' Tear* aftar, when to underaiood foraied ihiwifh and tbrouib.
jump out of a well from ti deirtb of
book, and when 1 got It I atartad ont tolr or ratotoc or anowtoc and to aee wtot the paper meant, be cUimed tbe
Tbe sponge. Uke all antnaU that to* fm
(he froot way. Mias Baker and Hr. wtot mk of clouds may to Mltinc property, and bla deacen'danu aUll live la tbe eee. nnds Us food to ^
And equaU.v tuange things are ^
Clark* were talkln« to the hall, and about. Accordtoc to tb* weather live bn It to tbe old town.
I beard ».m Baker «y. -I'm Ju« dto bureau there are aevBi dl««at kind.
"Bo you .m Jack wa. not an bonnet
'tTl "TVen\no«‘‘
oouraged! 1 wonder if Mmeone else of clouda. ud it to finpoitant that lad. although may people might
water are constantly flowing by the nnture once tried ibe growing force of
could not do better with my claaaT" the obaerrer abould see whal pertico- think that be might as well bare bad spottge-partlcles. they have ooly to a squaab. When In waa cIgbtMn daya
And 1 wouldn't go past them for any- tor kind to torertog around, for each tb* property as King Henry. But appropriate io themselves the food- ol* and measured i*cnty-sevan lochthing, m I came back ai aoftly as J kind meant eome specUl tort of rlgkt 1s rlgbL J am sure you will
mauer contained to them.
ee In ctreumfereore. he fixed a- sort
could and ran ont the other way: and. weather or some parUeolar atale of member tbit hUtory of 'UtUe Ja<Hi
A sponge bsa. therefore, been com- of hsmess around It. wUh a long lever
glfb. wbauver abould we do It Htm the atmoepfaere. ft-faen be has nnlib- Hfarner.' and that he was nM a good
pared by one writer to ‘‘a kind of attached. Tbe power-of tbe aduuh
Bakar wouldn't teach os any mwwr* *d hto obaerratlon ad noted all the boy at all.~—Baptist Boys and Oirli.
sub-aqueous city, where the people wss measured by tbe weight It lifted.
Violet's bine eyes opened wide at tto todieatlooi. be lalegrapto hU report'
All About ■penoM.
"• anaged shout tto etreeu and tto weight being flxed to the Tever.
asked the questloa.
to WathlngtOA
wtobtogton It llM U> M • n..! ...a, u> U»
""'I “•f «“■ •I™

a..:■» -»■ -y.u.~.r;.u.v“• -*■»

perhaps a lltUe bit of wisdom tucked
*» fan««! Tto rery first one ot
all shall to a Hsllowe'en story, ehos« from another paper, tbe name of
which waa not given. Thto la tbe
m. Iltu. loiu I.U b.a . M.niini
eTUlU. H.ii...»,
„ »ucn

*d about." said Jdey OfknL the youngeat setotor.
"Well. 1 know.* aald yiolet; 'Ifk
the way^weT* beta btaarlng tolaly.
> ftal nahamed ofUnyself.
tod!saidI Grace Bell.
"We toven't learned our Golden
Texu. nor studm our les«m. nor
"U would be drodtol If Mlsa Bator
f»ve us up." said Busie Gray. "She's
the tost
bMt teator
teacher we
we ever
ever had.
had «I ton't
do t
»Hr »-■». 1».I1 emuo, up K U
U,, -uUP,

drank to greatbreaths of th*
’ been
been with
with tto
tto othm
others as
ss they
they ru
October farecs*.
through the etreeu with their JakUKened awUto toth*partridge o’-Unterss. ad be bad been In all
tto fun. m the rest thought. However.
WWl* be looked for tto stgas that .( eight o'clock, when tto Uule wanthewlntta was coming.
derM. came home, tirta out Jamls
wa. not with them.
. this providgnt seulrrB th» pruu did not tto* long to ftnd him.

koodT said little Hay.
"Of eoniae It would’"exetalmed
Oraee. who wu the eldret. "ad. to.
ftrUt I've thought • of*<«Mblng.
Ufs he a «^ety to help Mis. Btaer
taeourag* her. W. won't'neta
Mr officers, nor anything Nk* that.
to kelp Mto.

- '................................................. rni.

. NomfaerermemfaefatotonglnsOeto.
her 1. IMA MM.
Noiaber of ame* on th* Crtol*
r*H-onsfa*r 1. toll AMO.
---------- !------------•UNtHINC POCMI.

anA BnaaMaa>lna.


Th. TU w.„ .f m. Tu nuliuU. reo o„„
bun nor. mou u 0.0 M. I mum. '
• I 8it Lunmu u. nun
juu-urf "i -ooto it u wo.u .ntoo™,
BP the tree*. ^ mil. Ii«., ™ m.M H. b.0
Jib. oS u, b.


. . .»«..;.i;: H.nVmmuiu.-m.

buiiu Huiuu

At mmrto. eafa morning: a« tba bMugnt hi. tom. safe «d Mund. We'.* been Isay wuiy." mid one.

. Now 8ly Boou was Itoteotog. ud
laughed to
•" fals sleeve;
-Ton may take all you ou. fafad «m
plenty Toull leave!
i. to- m.. I b... W ol otbmlto.

«d. He would tov. cried tod It not
been IDT
for Vnele
Jim, woo
who UBseq
tossed mm
incie uim,
high io the air a a wrtcome, and
enw. -Did you ever hear how the
b.b, •poMPb, ,ot lo«I-

•ad» oft.»hlch«»*topb*e«f«ld*« «d to ••w. Mt fa* dlA aat Um U toad *w betor* ti »m dUcor««) i» own totttfa. T« toow Uk* auur
tfau all ito otbar alo* pnt tegotW. aaldc
B* wa* afaiwwd Moocfa to far wfaat m*ana tto ^rtlcla* to tto n qu atx f**t toU vonld tova ta^n
M *Ufat o-clock la tto BornlogTtBd k&ew tfaot •* fa* waa earTTio* it to Interlw^ of tto Baas ofatalnad tb«lr o dittaoc. of iJoo tml Th. - —
at «lffat o'clock to tto *?*ntto of *»- tto klo« ft wia of *ao* oa*. So to food.
„n,imi-iTT of ao iscfa
*it day tb* otoartw at *acfa on* of wck*d It to hla tockn. pocket tor saf*
ti wa* nnally a*c*rtato*d that In to lenath. yet to hto b**n bmh lo uk*

along." But wtot ft lifted alxly- pounds. On the nine*
a wul^
>«>Wng at thm a. they ‘*''*** (>'« conaunt flow of water'to teenth day It lifted S.OOO pounds.
^ T'--------------***^’ »d.
may ma- .In thalp aaiiipai ataia
. . wn.iid
—' ua.
— you —■
the spongc Por s lowt
The *e*d Of tb* globc turnip I*


be much more likely to con-

•»> «>•


pourm la toon

klncdom of Ilv.
K »*• j««od out that th#
to tto
^ «>(■*«• For spongcs^lto ptonu •Ponge-partlcle. which line the smsll**'^»"*^ ^
telegraph-room It to
er extemsl openings of the spongetos
mve aboui^m place to pm. Tb«
“ave atuebed to them little
where predictlona are made, ad Oiere
O'er* are
are some
some kinds
ktoda which
which are »'braUng balri or clllA
benched and moanted upon a stalk
^bes* llitls hairs pnjeft out Into
b“<lto lo the ^
by their «n««t
pvti from tto differaot staftona. other
•••> '"™C.
men In tbe room mark what be retae eemblace would
______ weight, because there are may other th. .poBjn. Curr.DU thu. b.Iu Ian»
01 III. .blob b... in. .UI. ”■ '".onl. m. OOI.UI comnu.
T,L1 Z
.^uoT ^ which emerge through tbe larger ex. _____
. --- -------,-ifn.i.
eiw t«al opeBlngs. talk* Car* of thete__________
snlmala Rut
But ereti
even »h.ii
when ihev
°m.f '.tou
’■n~ i-nmo opooion
mfLlS ibo
. b.m m.,m for m. omomllou
omw ■■o.h.l.ot pom.^ “
smaller ones
oo. Indeed Ull tbe ^roecop* was >»"•-"
d„«,vered that their true nature wa.
Ut m w take a sponge of tom^!**** _\‘’”**^ .
eomlne U. It to aimSbcTlto« Ue
1« ws. then found that sponges to*e
*b» *»*>-« «>< «>* epongealrnsL
It cossiaU of a material very cloeely
tu nature, and tbeee
n that Uvea
tomy flbrea are toterUeed ud Intor^ bM
k^^ wova In such a way as to leave between their bundles many boles ud
caala All these bolM ad canals

few months tbl* seed will be enlarged
by th. Mil ad the air into t7.000.to0
UmM lu original bulk, snd thU In ad.
dlUon to a bunch of leaves. It faa
been found fay eiperloent that a \a>
nip teed wDl. under fair conditions.
tocreo. lU own weight.flfteB, time.
In • nluut.. Turulp. .tuwiM.ln p~t
«™nn ■»-.
,„un » i„^
Uim. th. wd<ht ot
tn«r uU. lo . Ur.
-------------- --------'■
Where th# PHi# Go.
who. noouo. o, oH m. pioor 1.
00. ol m. o, Lo.«inoM
Harper's Bexar assaree
na that u old genUatnu In tendon
ha. mdved to
By a series of etperimenu eoedoeted to hi. back garden, to b« Utacorered that plaa go the way of all fleeb.
and are realved Into dosL Halrplss.
wUch be watched for one hundred
ad flfty-toor day*.
the tad of that time, having beta reMlved Into a (errout oxide, a brown-

n-.-rr r.“rc=

«"• atoent today. We must UU 3
-ontoi^ HtU^^^ure Itoeld.
tood-matter tor
Bright pin. took nearly edgfatota
u that they will help,
to wonderful
woederful because
bemuse. whH.
bu **** si>oa«wimr«m~.
otv. *
vu«»■«•* nn ■ Inura*^- thmiivti ^
ih. to
It^ ha
"W coostutiy mtaths to dtos-rear; pedtoked etetf
oeedles nedrly two years and a half:
' This wonderful list of ihlnge to do >,.,,2 “ *
the veo simplest stmetu^u?. y« Qowlng.
ptos had but Uule endumee:
to help Hiss Baker stowed plalalv
Tat ^
able i^perfo^Ttll t^eesenllal btalP»«lo*ot i.
«».» mu m, ^1. b... ,UT -.11
mi> Jb. uitotoXiib tb. .pobg.

mg » p
B..b« m
Ato ™m»' P.P, imto. «.UT N2br^ '’t“''pm“.f °b'5lJT’ ~ ~""V.«.tii~nB..b«m
u I
uuiii msi Duoasy to

rSbrmi:“mr„^.“i.''j= irrm.ruv;rm.^T-

nksUng before the flee. Uncle Jim. Gay they
But Ughttoot be called tor btagtova with Jamie In b^ anne. WM the ^^^tt^Snaday.


'■ "

.. i...



That was n
‘ telegraph
the following
bulletin: kave a v;;got;d toea’rthrar:::
r of an Amoeba under the microAM faniTled away, to tto'erett Cbe«-.
"One day." be eaW. "Old Mammy
Then they told Jennie nnd Maud of JSriii'toUtT'dloi^in
An“d a“.^^n7buiata^rtoto
»•« toopplng.. She.had a th. new Mdety. and rwmtoded each foor hour. - A^ur^ enoab by *•> C «»»»« not only « to tbe ant If Jack rroBi faM bean large fanslly ud they were much to other through the week of ibelr promM'bBd
Par^cHTtoe almi! but
her way while M,e bought^, ud toe. They might tove called ihir ^
the materiel'6f which Its body to

urnugb m- u«cb

»b.b. bu. p»H, .P.U

l»iii.°r. ™ «iu touu.

Bskarmed. aM the coder
k^ a pmeea caned aecrtaton. Hito tj*-‘ket the parilctoe tove almost a good u
the poser if chBigla* the food i^ei
Tvm Ways at One*.
^to their eubetuce Into th. horny
"I knew ev«T word of that rodta«»terial of which the- skeleton to ^
-k®” Each particle tbu. mautsetur*1°^

r. Myrtle, so I
Wouldn't worry any more."
ipoeed of
on oouBt:
lor g mkmm.v 'poeenm to to buying a fine naae ud do nothing.
Howard to Bt Kieboiaa
some of the other bodUy tnnctloos (pd >• <
It atop thtaktog <d ft." Myrtle
WKh high winds to tollow!" Heapread aoeh things.
You should have seta Mtoa Baker's
which tbe higher uimsls parfera. It Ume. ud to othere sUlceoua. or c
eigbed. "I wake up In tbe nlgbt aM
th* glad oews.
"Aftar a whlle'Baby 'Poeenm got facwtbe next Sunday, after the woliLittle Jack Hen
to able to move .boot ud to swal- Poeed of flint.
remembta how fidgety Ibe stototer's
AM that nlgbt half of equlrteldom
loet to tto crowd. You see Mammy
leaned lesron had beta recitedby
-l jwto Jack Horner ut In the comer,
lo* food, aad yet bu ao organs ofwife
lo- looked. AM of
slept to Ita shoe*!
Toeaum bad tied him up in her poke the w*U.btaaved das*. It was plain eating bU Christina pie; be put to hto cmnolloo. and no mouth.
flower-bakeC which iMk*
mond wfatopered umetfatog to tb*
boaneL for afetj—but ahe bad lost u be eeen that she *m "encoang. thumb and pulled out a plum aad
These stnage fau are'accompltob- goW«
lady who tat „„
next to faer. ^
Do you
montofs thereafter thv the bonneL Tfaea there *a_a time, ed." a May bad said. 6h* did not aald 'What a good boy am 1.' read ,ed In this
: when It wtobe* to
The beta .pongee are obialnwlfrma
eearcbed on their knee*.
Bverybedy started lo hunt for Baby refer to their provlou. caraieesnea big t>r«ber Fred to Jamie, who was change lu place It pushes out one side the Medltertuea Sea. The West to^
AM pleksd whore they would from 'Poaum. much a we startM out to and toattenUon. but she wlA to the sbut-ln on eeronnt' of tore throai.
of lu body into a ctobehaped proloa- G«a epoeges a>e of a Infertor grade.
“■-------------------------find Jamie a few minute, ago. The gUddeet tone. "ClrU. you have helped
"Who wa Jack Horner. Fred? gallon, ud then by a kind of flowliig being roarsef Tbe epongeru. u
„„ abtad." aaU
, and gatherM; until |
. ile eoolded a great me much today. 1 hav. enjoyed cvefT ft*hat kind of a pie wu It. aad how motion moves lu whole body toward tko*« wko gather them are called, go .
DOM rematsod.
deal about BUy 'Po^om alwajto get- minuie of tbe bmir."
Mg a plum did Jack get?" begu It. |i cu thniei out any aide of Hs out to .mail boau provided with poles. it_" Mmle IlifUta
■nve tbou that were werthleea. ting loet. but hd helped to toot Just- But after school mUe May did th. Jamla. when he bad ftnlsbed thto form to thto way, ad so move in ay grapnels and a watergtoas.
wormwaien. or etalnoA
the earns. They, looked all through most enoonraglng thing of aU.
dlrecUon. Tben w» may ay that it water-glaa to merely a tobewitha p-rt<^ im woew^ over
the cailoo stone ad the |
"Thuk you. Mtoo Baker, for tbe
"I'm L__»______________
I don't know,__but there to able to taange ay part of lu struc- Piece of common wlndow^toa M to

Wbta at length eUly Bly Boots, gait* etoree. aad they looked all over the nice leeMn today." she whtoperod: oomu mother; perbapa .he eu iHI ture Into whst, for the momsoL serra the bottom lu use to to eaaU* toe '
"Good toad, ebild!’ exclaimed Ant
gay ud exquisite.
wooit. ud op to the trees."
“1 liked It ever m mucA aad
you." said Fred, with, relief, u hto the office of a loot. In tbs ume w*y spcpgefu to see more clearly tbe hot- ,
be s dark world If
Hetoned to tbe Crag, from ■ far
'X'p toe trea!" old Jamie.
lo try to remember."
mother came In with ber darning U is able to foiin for luelf a moutA M*i of the sea- By placing It to tbe .
wan '
Southern vlatt
"Yea." replied Cncle Jim. "yon , Mto* Baker kissed May lot^ngiy.
It doe* tbl* by simply mtalng sn opeo- water, with the gtsu Just beldw tbe
Re fond the tree, brown, aad tb* know 'poeeum.s cu hang by their ."It to m good to have you tell me
And sure enougA mother did know tog In that part of Iu body near which surface, th* vibraUoa caused by the
^oked up surprised. Aunt
forut gniu bare.
taJU 'most uywhere. After awhile ihto. If you thought It." she aald- a mry inteft-silng story about "Uule tbe particle of food happen to He. waves are overcome, and they are aUe
pointed through the window at' t haogtog comebody hapened to look under- Morning 8Uc
•vek Horoer" sod the wonderful rl« and tben flowing around ft nnUl It to see quite plainly to a doth of
gnarled apple tree to' vbta*
the counter In ue of ibe stores.

"I beard the etoO' years ago." she 1a completely Inclosed to the body-eab- thirty or forty feet. When Sponge*
robtos nested year after
There. eUll afely tied up In the poke
Mr. Weetoer »st"i
they are tom ,
bega. -Jack Hnnsr lived s long, sunce. The |
. are thus <
I hu been i
Be. gifte to a pate, be raked-to the boueL wa Bay 'Powum. fat "Evening red ud uoroleg gray
toug Ume age. to the ucleni town pared to thrutlng
marble Into a loose by gh* grapnel* ud placed to
noUc#." **M Aat JaM.
• W. W„.
A. .U.

koleep- Some one had ccuna' along *«« the traveler on hi* way:
«ff Otostonbury. to Somerublre. a lump of dougA
boet At
thto Ume Ak___
they l._I.
look "the
apple tree.
^ huntad tronnd. to the wind, on ud’ ^ven the bonnet a kick ud BTeela* grqy ud momlog red
town M old lu history cu be traced
Having thus noticed Mme of tbe Mmewbat Uke lumps of jelly. After Mretebe* toward the gate just bow.
bis tnea:
Msbed to onder the couter. - Baby Brings down rsln uppn his hoaA"
back to tbe days of the Romxu. In characters of the Amoeba, we are to a auSIdent quutlty ha been collect .
momlog iC* eomeubero etoe.
»Bt nothing be got but a cold! AnA 'Poaum wa not hurt al all- Bvery
thto town' there wax s beautiful old t beter sltusUon to u'nderstad what ed. th^ are thrown together tote U
^ shadows reoehtog
ue wa fasPPT then except th* poltetSuch wa-tho way to which -our abbey, where tor may years people a sponge to. When the sponge of or- Inclosed space mad* la shallow water
way* St once. If they dU. there
Lay awake half tb* nlgbt with a pain ma He took out the poke bonnet grudparonu foretold the weather. If called monks spent years of pruier dlnary use is first taken out of the ud allowed to remran wUl the ul
be much eonsblne left to tb*
to hto tooth!
ad held Baby 'Pnasum - up by the n wu noticed that the oM Ubby wash- and pratoa.
water. It is rovered all over. Inside mats are dead- Tbe ow then go to
all be covered «p by
taU ud abook him ^k ad tortA ed bereMf by rubbing ber paw over
"Jack worked In the kltchro of the and ouulde. with a Mft. ielU-Uke with bare feet ud tread upon Ike
So amidst the great anowstorm which Thu Mammy ' Poaunr cam* running her ear or that the tree-toad* trilled Ubey. running ertuds here ad there snbsunce. which constitutes the true sponge* until tbe "fleeh- 1* proiy:: Th*^ «** an Improeslr#
nged on the morrow
up ad stopped that shaktog to short their mournful Ilule songs or th* for the cook, and a bright little chap "sponge-flrih."
well sqveesed out Tbe *h*lewu ',j,„;;^gQ, j,oe broke ber egis toto
a* had etlber to slarvA or to. beg. er order.
ftrenie* fluted low among the flowers be wa aald to be. wtih rod bead.
Now. if * bit of thto ielly-Uko mu- are then picked op. ud after having
yUlow bowl, and Myrtle staled
to bdfTow!
-'I cannot bs botbsrod with lost and the vine*, the oM folks shook frerfUed foe. and pal* blue eye*. Not ter be placed under the aJeroaeoe.At btao thorougbly wabed and cleaed. ,, y,, ^p], ipei.
M# tbOB^ of wlae lighttoot now taOdren all the Ume.' said tbs pelics- thetr heads ad spoke of t«to; or If a very hudsome faoy. I UtoA
wUi be found to be madAup of a large ad such are intended for finer pur-,j.,
w>Bgb tn let the mlM
wog in his neK
nko. who bappsoed |e be a tlerc* grudmotber's feet ataed tbe little
"There came trouMeeome times at number of partkle*. each of which PO*e* bleached with bydraehlorle add.
^ mtis on «Mi.f that have goao
AM own^ that bla way wu tbe looktog gray squirrel. 'You must take folka grew very sorry—not bsease the sbbey. for King Henry the Blgbtb U slmost exactly Uke a Amoeba. Bo are sent sway to market
vroog" Aunt Jaas coMtened. ~aM
satsst aM best
better ear* ot >w dilldrco. Msmmy grudmotber had a psln. but beesuse had sut to tbe abbot a demad for cloa to tbe r
, It meat bad weather oo the morrow, all tbe wealth Ud title deeds to tbe sponge-flab wu first examined with the Spongllla. It abounds everywhere
aaxloaa aboM what to comftbey MiBdiy ba stumbled «
"TIow cu I
when 1 have u
Btrietly speaktog. our weather bo- property to be delirered to him. But tbe mtcreeoope, It wa thought to con- in temperature region*.
Itrtog In (p^ gm *b«a yM flM you're werthreoih tb* snow.
muyT" asked poor Mammy 'Pouom. reu to made up of t groat maybnlld- bow ud by whom could the precious slat of a vat number of Amoeba ss- streams sad pMds suacbed to scA pyip^ about tbtogs post ad fntore.
AM hard *M he fooM H to
■ 'Fnt a pocket to your coat.' saM (ng sca^rwd aU over the United imreeto be stat? In those day* there soctoied ttcether. aad spongu wen merged atlcte ud stona. They have „. yop to call a halt- .Nobody
tbe ■qulnw' PoUcemu T am ser- Butaa. ud tbe one at Wuhlngum to were ao raUwaj
where to go!
therefon. for a Ume regsided as c . beta known to ftod their wsy Into ,
IOb fiatbor wu dragged, very i
> prised that you have not thought of the central autkin Lhat govern aM
"At tost Brother AmbiOM. one of
Mwer-plpes. aad to one lastonce (to
mat h»p|>iitii coM aitataws two
It befbra.’
' direcu tbe emaller oaa aM to wbleb the monks, proposed that they tend
Bst from the fact that all the Baltimore a few years ago) (ber ®c- wijx *( qoco.—Olrt's OompanioA
AM two big. frosta1 tssrs
tears crawlod
"’So sm I.' said Mammy 'Poaum. they erad to their dally reports; for Jata Horner, aad oonoeal the deeds to sponge-parUcla are held together by cumulated to such guaUttos a to
Bahy RHge Pet.
It to a Oa* idaa.’
It to by getting repdru from all tbe a Urge pie. Juk could not rood a a common skeleton (tb* skcletoo be- obstruct the flow of the weur ud
BioBg Gb«a Id* Boee..
"Ever alaee that day Mbmmy 'Poe- different 'seeUoo* of tbe country thet IIda aM would have oo Ida what tog the spongs V.
of va
.au.., uw
.. ------------aM Bake
a -their
----------------removal---------------------neeaiiry. The
Tbe wlfi cC .Uto GpfcW of North
Hto teeth Islrly ebattecM. with coM
COM same have bM pockets to carry tbelr Uncle Bam * weatbertaakers are Ule tbe pie ccotatoed.
ccotalaed. So Juk *u
ant more apeclally from the (act thet tbe structure of the BpongUU Is the am* Bonieo bu • stmgs pit The Govta___AM-a X MnlakAiS
Via. _______ w. .A.,______ A.-..____
—__________ r____ __ _________ _______________ .A_
aM with fear,
cbUdrco in—uA"
flntobed Udcie Jim.
to mUe tbelr predietloas. 'Tbero
are for aM *u eoon gtren tbe pie sM eponge-perticla ar* divided Into a* that of the marine epongee.—Gold- enior's boea la near^ Jkngle. aM
WhBe be waked forLighttoot to'rto* "If m dooY bettere u story. Jwt ipo towns ud cHtos to tbs United storted oo bis war to London town, groups which differ from aM sre de- «n Daysfrom it strayed s baby rhlnocorea.
ud appesr;
uk tbs first Msmmy Vossum you Stata where then ere obeervstloa At first he joggM slong very merrily, pendent upon one another, the whole
------------------Captorsd u a curloMy. be at oaes
V«li] the/latcfa Oftad. aM ligktfnoi Imppu to awet and sm wbat sbe etaUons. kavug th* same tostnusaU hot after awhile he bMU to be very mass: of panicla taken together to
Beme wenderfei LHB* Thing*.
beema tame aM reftmed to return
pe^kd am.
-j ^ aM npparnta ns the Waabtogton bn- hungry. nM oat tongtag gtoacm at nowJn^rded a eoneututtag a ntogle
^e to a certain little, fly that wu to to naUr* wild*. Hs coosuma sixAM MkSd what thie kMCftIng aad
'------rsa. Now. the obarrers' at these tb* td* be wu carrying. As It wu spobcealmal.
observed to ran tbra toeba and teen gnarto of milk a day. aM oa tto
' fnm «u Bbost '
IW stotloo* do not spend their Urn* made for a fctog be-knew It mot be
Yet endb of tkea panicla posaess- makn. to'detog It. ««« stepe-*U M diet tbrlru aM grows tat He.mlglitA
EneewraStog th* Taohar.
waHlng for spiders to crawl ow ot good. He put kto new down tosmeU a a ktod ot IMlvMoaUty. ftnek one onebaU a aaooM of time.To equal
b* mtotaken for n guar eon of bog
"rm mnrrlM?* ertsd aiy Boob^vw*t Karr wu oxcltod aboW
tbelr botos or looking nt tbe eky to of u. eM ntos! be put to bto tbnmb to capable of a oertato amonnt of to- (kto. to proponioB to bissUe. a mu were it n« tor tb* bma to the n
that wucMar. Her Meeks sw wfastber It to red orgray to tbs aM pnOsd ow-wi a plum, but a dapendieet movernsnu sM uek pro^ »«uM bars to nin mi tbe' rate of of^to taco. Re to devoted to to bUsfiisbad aM ber eya ware vary wventog. They
look attbelr ther- piece of paiebmsu covered with writ- cares and dlgaat* tto own food, tost
twenty mlto* a mlnnto. *nm aM MIews her aboat Uk* a
•ton lag. YonoMlmsflnebowdtoappotol- u Amoebae do. These fact* were
The common fla Hap* m uma deg.

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