Grand Traverse Herald, January 23, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 23, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and *Travar80







flev. Cir«IFne Bartlrtt Crana Haada
Woman Ctargy


Kalaniazon, Jan. 81.—Rev. CaroMnc
Uanleit Craiir. Uio (oremuet anffrariat
of Ult-iilKU). will load the at-i'iton of
vonion t'Irt«y in tbo antfraglal {*«
WaablORtnn on ili^ch 1.



DoMM. Jmn. :i.—K<«line botween
Canada , and tibiElanif today la ’ very
timflar to aliat tlie feeiinc waa Amtaoen KngUnd and the lUrteon AtncriMa certoulea In J*;&. and will uUimalely rvault In Uie freedom of Can­
ada. aciurdlnc to Henry Uouraaaa, a
proniiutmt Canadian poUUdan.
-Canada ia oootrlbnllng to Croat
Sriuln." Uouraaaa oaid In an Inter­
view. '.'but la under no obligation to
her and baa no rciireaenUtlon In Bngilab aSalra. It la the aame aute of
aSaIra as existed with the thirti
raloDlea. We don't desire to aeoe
bnt wish to undergo natural derelot>ment under the uadouaUst Idea Inaiead of under imperlallatn.''

Several Subjwto Were Diieusaed Seventy-five Guests WHneeied
Which are V1U1 to Int^
Event, Which Was Simple in
eats of the City.' '
Comparison With Marriage
of Brothers and Sisters.
The second regular mcritng for the
club year oT tbc Travciac Ciiy Kedcrailon of Women's Club« was held yes­ .New York. Jun. 2“-im.n Mill-'i
terday d^ieruoon ID the Hty library, Gould, known Ihrougtmul tin- world as
with all of tbo clubs, but one, repre- Americas' run-iiioi^l woman philanIhropixt. nud nm-lv J, Shi-iuu-d. u»-b.laenjed.
The meeting was o]ieni-d by the ant to tin: pr«-i.idenl of il<e Mir-wuri
prealilent. Mrs. J. C. Morgan, and aft- A’acMlc rallryad, were iiiunli-d at the
ed (be n-|M>tltiun of tho Lord's ITayer. Urldc's bonie. i.yndliiirBl-<iti-lhe-HudM>n.
abort bualDcas Kcsslon was hold. The today. Wliile Ho- ued-llug wat siuiidi•-iiui|iarisa'ii with tliuw of IK-r
roinutea of the Jnst regular and of the
a and nieces; the rUh syttliig of
December board meeting wer.> rea.l
and arrepIcHl. Tbcrecommendallon of tabled loaded , w ilb liuilllieds of }-rrs
it Mt iit i^^ratc. Tbe
the board in reaurd to using IJ.oo to
furnish Easter cheer for tho inmates servii-e was read by Rev^»anlt-J llusM'll. |•astor of (he IrUngton Hresbyof the ronnty Inflnuary was adoi>t<'d.
At ifaia time Mias ].ou McManus tertan tlmrch. The bride was alleiidUcauilfully rendered a vo<«l seli-rtlon ed by her ale'ees. lleb-n and Margani.
Seveiily-Bvc guests, all inemlM-rs of
entitled. "When wj Were .Nulling.'
Thefrepon of the State K««dcrnlh>n the bride and l>rid<-grooiii's.fatiiilU-s or
at Saginaw was given bj the dtjegale. Intinialu frU-nils, were iire^o-nt. Ihili, sDillax,'rus<-s and carnations
Mra. J. C. Morgan. Mrs. Morgan's re(he flowers, used In Hie decora­
jiort wan coneiae and eoniprelienslve.
and the 'rlub U mneh Indebi.-d to-her tions. The liride was given aWay t>y
for the oonsclentioua manner In w'hich her brother George, immediately aft­
er the ceremony the larly assembled
•be acrompAsUed this diffic ult task.
The^ treasurer. Mrs. M. S. R.-indi-rs, In the dialog room, where the wedding
reiKirtcMl a balance of 112.71 1n the brMkfsst was M-rved, GIft.-t gutiiben-d
far Into the liundrc-dfi. and their value
Mrs. Wm. Lore, chairman of the cor- Is eslinUted at half a million. They
recfloDS and charlUes rtonimittee, re­ enma from all qiianers of the globe.
ported that they had remeoi1>«>red the Mrs. RusmoII Sage- gave ibe bride a
old people at the eounly inflrman' at tio.omi dUfawud Ur I-Iii.
tmmedlaU'ty after tbc i-eremony the
Chrlstniaa time with box<«a of candy;,
tobarco kO’d little trinkets, and bad bridegroom aalil. ".My wife and I wilt
other work planned fur the near fii-‘ remain at Lyndbursi (orihe first week
ir honeymoon, ami aRer 'that we
Mrs. Alw-ay of the Political .Study may take a Hip, hut hove-uo definite
fMCue. who has been eorres)>ondlDg ptans."
with the IT. of M. autbbVltles In regnrd to the rnlverslty Exten'klon
conriea. reiwrted that Traverse C((y
was able to secure three B|>cakurs
These si-eaVcra could be- secored at no
'Whatever, the clnb fumlsfaing the
place of tneellng and the audience
only. After, some JlacuaJon It was de
Tided .(0 take charge of the lecture
entitled, ITho roramlsslon Form of Har BMy Will Ba Removed From
'Neglected Grave and BuHed
. .
Oovernmeol." with the Idea of Icavlnc
in Austin.
It given tcofore our charter election.

Lansing. Jon. 2J.—Governor Ferris
issued a |ii'u<lauation Kcttlng a.'ilde
SuDday. Februhry k as "Fkigenics
Ihiy .'" "On .lliui date let every lu
I4ii>ilc man and woman of the state
giro tbvir bcKt thought and eariM o
lunyers to Hie welfnit- of Miniins
eruilons.'' aaid Uio! ptiKlamatiu




Report From Guadalajara, One Hun­
dred Miles Oiaunt Says Dis­
comfort is Great at
That Otaunce.



Iloync City. Mb-h.. Jan.
IL r. Steffui of IfkiM Jordan died cuddi.-nly last evening of apoplexy at Uic SECRETARY FISHER APPEARED
liuKsi-l bouse In that city. Ho was
iHicken on the Klr.-vt Runday night,
un on account of the fjplly homo be­
ing quoiBUtiiK-d. Ik: Was taken to Ihc
ItiisM-l hunsc.. Auothiu- vlroko ibis
evening piuved faUii. Mr. Rteffns dy­
ing williiu fiVv nilnilUgs lie knve
a w ife and-tliri'e cliiUri^lfe wax tlic ADMITTED HE WOULD PROFIT BY
first mayor of Hast Joida^which wi
iucorjiorab'd'np a city last cpring.



Fisher Ousted Chiefs Fr«m Tribal
Council Because of Paeullar
Oealing with Uncle Sam
Oil Company

Washington. Jan. 21.creury of
II.L-JtiUrior Fisher defcni d bis adUoa
in cam-ulling the (vncle Sam Ull Cbmlany loaacs of Oeago Indiae lands in
Oklahoma bi fon: tbe house Indian affairi (viuniJueev
r. J. lo-nhy. attorney for the Osage
chiefs ousted from, the IrlUl council
FiiJier was quixxed. Leahy ad.•od he would profit by the lesaea
r> that .(bo lands are being held for
iltrimt-M by the various OH com>iai;!es He ndmlued hia relatlonahlp
:o t.'iuigv rlile'fs by marriage.
Fisher declared aereral chiefs were
He Cave Hit Reaaona far Allowing tti n-.iio'ed under ihargea of bribery In
Tennessee Company to Be Ab• Ill-lion w'lih l.«afay.
•orbed’by United Slaiea
aakw-^dpHted that oil promoters
Steel Corporation
r:id :.n^.rncys wrote the reaolotlena
favering tl-c fncle Sam and other oO
b ices adepud by tbe tribal countdl.
New York, Jun. 2:'.—When the gov- many of w horn cannot read or write.
-nujcnt suit to dissolvo the aiucl
truat was rosumc-d letuiKirarily it was
ed to U>c Ouikok*,
whin- KiHwevi-n a«aiu n-iKated Ids
for aiiovtlitg the: ubKorpiion
reuneaw-e. Coal E Iron Com- Boardman Lake is Playground of tAie
j.any by tho trust

Mexico City. Jan. 21.—tUillma v.,l
III.I U 111 violent eniptiub and tin- i-i
habliunts of Mvc-rul (owns aiu tl.vlng. ROOSEVELT REPEATS TENNESSEE
i'l.uwi-ni of lava, sand niid'ash<-s i-ovihe sarnililnllliK i-iiiiutry for inihs.
A n-iiort fivm Guadalajara, loii mile
distant, said that aslii-. and x:>s •aus>-d
l .liscomfon even there.


V —
flciignaCcn of PaVCIman Jeseph
Speer Was Accepted By Aidcmic
Without Comment. No Ap­
pointment Was Made.


At Ibe regular nn-cting held
Innt nielit |■r••|^n^lH.lns vm-m- made f>-r
ran-ving out ihepuMic in.prov*m-.-.iis Fniit Exhibit Will Eyes e(. Cus­
tomers To Advantage of '
whleh bave Uhu uiiih-r way f'>r ihc
( year, but whieji -huxe U-ru lieHl
(fir varhiua reasons. Ar^v-Kstnenl
rolls have boc-n iirO'ured on the
Tliat tveatem • .Michigan is- iK-Irjt
I'ront street and Kcvenih »ire»-i pav­
ing jobs, and on all tht' H-wci.i on a-lvritiMsi In the ea^ lu.sde clear
vest and south sides of the city hy. Hie following- from lltc I'iitsburg
and February 1“ was *»it fi>r the dati- Fgst cf the j'-'ib Inst.
The governmenl was represbiited by
of revjewring Uie^xdls i\nd hearing olr
-To Induce the' Inndlcag man (o re­
Skating on Boordman I.ake. wUh
jei-thins froAi the taxfuiyerv who ore. turn to Ihc manh-sa land" the Weal- Jacob ItU'ksun and Heury K. Cultoo.
coal spring atmosphera to help make
aff'.-cled. Thci^ Iniprovenir-nH will
n Mlriiigan IVveki'pmen'. bumvu ha* in Iria ntory Hooecvclt vovered sut> it seem more unreo^: la the experience
add gn-nll> to the liaHs of-tli- ell)
n-ifu-:i-ii*atlve in I’lttxbmx. who st.-imlallv 111'- oa.-ue grvMind as he did l>eiug enjoytsl py lovers ot tbe sport.
llieludeil and have l.mj; been Wamt-l -x< will oivii an exhi'jll cf ftx-I when exonduud boforo tbc Stanley
Tbe ice is fine, ainootb. and with
( eltlicns sit large.
. .
nils 111 llr Fydeial KtreeL Ba>'li aft- X«>tliuiit(cv.
enough of the lake frocen so that
Koowvcdt never looked In better
A |M-t)(lon for an arc light at tb<iii'ua and evoolng u:i ilhi*trat>'d lec­
there is plenty of apace for sailing.'
riirner of O-ak and tVext Ninth street> ture will be given and the visitors liimlth. He ao-noi to have ^ned Ibis, combined with tbe balmy atj> weight since he quit hit vlgurous
was iiresenicd nnd n-ferred to th«- ill'liav.- an <.pponuiiit> to eat
moBpb'-re. brings out the skaters in
IfghUng committee for their aiiiuu. ><r (!•).■ bent app.lcr grown In the couo- anipalgn movoment^
Itoowvidt vigorously defended h!a flocks. A warning Ama been Issued
An apptbati'in for a firrisiU to evin- Tl-y the raUroad officlala to the effect
action in permitting the iruat to
stnict a atorago room in the rear of
It Would Prohibit Mining and Manufai
-In MU-hlgan fherc are le.nOft.Ofin
that Otters should be more careful
his pn.perty at SuT East Frtit rtreel ne* of good land unculiirated. Kail- M>rb the n'oijneasue .eompony. "TImj whfvi npproarbvng the lake and should
turlng Cof^oraHon's From Hold­
was rev-eived from !b-rl Ward, and rend facilities are gi>od and the rain­ limrs were panicky." said Uoosevolt.
ing Stock Jn Comrty'n Car­
cToaa tbe tracks in tbo yarda
granted by the council:
rier Companica.
fall there Bverases r.' In< hot per year. l eal infarmation. I luu still partly con- where Uic trrffic Is heavy. This prac­
Tho attempt to enac t an-ordinance Crop* are abundant
tice Is a darvgercus one nod unjes*
of excellent
eomiK'lliiig (be coal deah-ig of Ihe quality. The hiiri-affwhlvh Is com­ vine-d that wlinl 1 did was I'leiessa.-y.'
hleklnwwi. for the governme^. tried
Waahington. Jan SI.—Rriiresenlac ity to weigh coal sold to customers posed of H-preserlaHVCT from Iweniy
to allow.that li(KW>-veii was untaiuilihr
the eiiy oh Hie tilyjccales received •mumieg in N<nihw;ei<tern Michigan,
Ore'sianfey ai-iitti- J before the houae
with Hie extent of steel trust domina­
Inientaie comntene cominilK e today
iiuletirs by an ophiioa from Ciiv maintained at the c-xpenao of the
tion at the- llm.'. but Oie <x,lonelAvo,.;j
to or«e the ai>pnival of the bill 1^^lch
.ktlorney GIH ert which Blated that •■ounties nml by ic-lvate «u1»<rlptlon.
bave noney It and a.-iid if he bad
A comniuhinatlon from the forestry
Vropoaea to prohibit mlniiii; and nianusuch an nnliiiaiK-o would .'be distwim- ^obn I (libsun. keiTetary of the buIt. Valle.':. Ga. Jnn. SJ.-The giri
known the mist dmiinaivd the nteell
larturing eorporaOoii^lr.mi owning an committee of the SUte Fedmtlon apd
arrived In I'iHr-'uirg yesterday xlfjiiiem it wouldn't have wade any
who made llic fiii-t Texas flag, wlien inatory and would not lie legal unlesuc ^
Ihtereat Ui a ooamon carri- r. This bit imrludi-d all nitnmudlll<(s Uiab are and I* stopping at the K»>M Pitt Hotel
state was an Independent repuhdifferelK-c
in his aetioo.
the Aral tnmtm Brewing out of the
sold hy widglil In the city.
lub women to the.systematic i (fort of
UUnley ateel Inteatlgatlon.
The rcslgnalinn of 2o;ce)i!i Secor as Meaday m«mlnc anil to i-ontinue it
Chasing a rat with a cheese knife,
*Tba oomnodtlien clause of the In certain forrei to attack and bring Into near Iutc. Arrangem'ents buve been
iiptll Snlerday night. In addition (b
yard sUcka. butcher knives and Cloba
made by a <-<im:nlssioner “■»< ''>■
the conservation of
teiiiato commeiee law la a joU and
Hie Jectnre .-vhd sarapjes of apples. Mr.^
nl nil kinds was the amusing and
tJovertior robiulli of Texas1 f.)/ the and accepted by the counelT. £ecor
sliam and Isn't worth the pap.*r ,wrH .tianal forests was read by the s«-cre^
feature extra added nttracUon at Uie
removal of the rc-malns to Austin, signed nt Hu> leuuest of Cliief of I’o- Gibwvn will luvsent to earh Visitor
resoluten on." maid Staaley to the ietnnU
lltx> Johiison. who found him guilty of a tspage |llu«ireted book, wbleb pr« this moving. The big
lions'll tfie GenenR Federation and where they will bp fcceived with all
conduit unbocomiug un uSieer.
(••How made Ilia appearance boldly in
rnnts tbe i>isslbUiiies of that aecilon
instrueled the secretary to mall n cop.v honor.
Hear apace In the store, and aeem• d the conntirMias Joanna Troniman. in is:c.
of them signed byNhe president and
Ingly all tho emptoyea in the store,
"A large per cent -of the Irish polS;
On aroiint of tlic short courses
secrelary'of the City Federation to our (ben a girl of 1K. fashioned the U>u>from the boss down, together with
t.~-a'a«w u*od Is Fiusburg. Mr. Gib­ the Michigan .kgrirultunil college
'congressman at Washington, also to Star flag which is still the state em­
county ofCdaJa. aU saw tha rtason
en-lonie (lie iietillon to Governor Fer­ blem of Texas. The present M-asion
igan, and ho claims for th^ -as he Hired for tbe short course wliicb was iior at once. They soon formed a rat
GRAND RAPIDS COUNCIL DECIDED ris Issm-d by the Stale Federation.
the Texas legislature Is expected to
Paaaed Away Last NIgM, Following jdw-s for tho Mhthlgan-aiiplee. that
to be given at Uio High school. FeV killing brigade and after a chase about
The secretary of the Fcde^tlon will appropriate funds lor Hi© removal of
Short Illness:
be j.leased to receive the names of all the body and Uto errs-Hon of a mumi
'i:i-y are (he i>e«t In Ihe'Country. At ruary J8 To 22. Therefore, tho tirar the i-nUro building they succeeded in
iliis exhibit, which Is the first
of tbo cour«« bos been changed until pulling the 'rat to death.
Plan to Sell Fuel at Doller Laos Per personh liileroKtcd in this great work
L over tho grave in the 6tato cem­
The reatrti may prove a cruelly Co
It woe moved and carried that tho etery at Austin, where rest the re­
iKdd in Pittbburg. tho bureau
Ton Than Local Ooalara
Ihe week-of March I9tb to mb JinMra. Llmle llardyr'^dS West Sev­ show 27 vmrjt-ties of apples and 10 clnslve. 1 dlnceroly bo|ve this will be atiinvals charge and nn InresUgatloB
members, as mothers, endorse
Chaisa mains of many famous Texans.
enth street, died laM night foRowIng a vurjetlea of IriiOi potatoes.
mothers’ |>oii>-iop bill now before the
.sailsfacUiry to all who deelre to at­
days'-Iliuesx which had confined
"Fbllowinff the week bere. Mr. Gib­ tend.
Grand Raplda, Jan. SI.—The conncil leglslalure and that the aerretary be
to tbe bed.-and endi-d her suffer- son will tour. Ohio,- IndUma nnd lUln
TVe will give a one week's ctfursc
In a flgfat acainat the high -coat of Instructed to Inform our representalug
giving a numlicr of illustrated r ten lectures. O. IC White wlH
living \etad to eaUbllah municipal
ter of this desire.
fore Chrimmas. Mrs. Hardy w-ai
Already tho work of the give five lecture* opo® practical
coal yorda The city expecu to
The attention of the chib wgt also How Landlord Barber Showed HU Me­ wtiman of great caiublllty .and for bureau has borne Irtilt In the Increaa- fruit growing. Either R. L. Nye or Aaa Rldmrd Taken to Grand AUplda
able to dellvar fuel at^ll leaa per
chanical Ablllly
some years paxt. she had . operated line number of young men who have Ihof. Jeffery will give five Iccturea
than the local daalera'^ art'now charg- ealled to the Glassner bill and to the
'report of (lie -atate boat'd of health
private hospltak'taking siwctol cases
,nfl„ced to return to the work upon aoila. Tbo dkact progynm wlU Bather,
of the the physicians of the elt> have'ihought ,,,
Asa Rickard, a iSyearmld boy.' was '
with regard to the segregation of Ims nnoouDccd later.
Hapida Tuesday hr n ^
Tho statement has Ween made that
veir upon bolng an amateur Bahermau tion they requlrctl and whleh
United Sutra marthai cdiarged' with '
hieh she so
The program for the
«n-nUiv«ed aectlott."
ihe giving of this course 1* a veiled
having-forged a nasna to a poetof^
eUfcIrnHy gave.
la a mother
In charge of the educational commit­ of groat prowcwi. and thU year in
attemiit to get the Grand Traverse
money order. A brother of Rickard's
der to be at the head of the procer to all who eame to her. Her symiwlhy
Needham Ceila^ WSll R^prcaantad tee. Mrs. li. A. Miiaselman chairman.
county peopik tied up to a County
confined in tfie county JaR at the
The flrat-pap»-r was bj- Mrs, Hector, sloin he construeicl a fancy dab boUB-> was warm and true and there are
ia Baaktttall.
School of A^ulture. I wish
e time, he being there on a seduc­
many who can testify to her kindness
librarian at Oak Park, and was entf- to be used on the lake tl^s wii
correct thia. AVO have tMtbing wbat- tion charge.
when the ice became tblrk euougl
and who will cherish her memory as
With Fred ColUor as coach the Ued "The vahie of liVrarlea and veadex^ to do ^th n County School of
It la alie^ that young Rldmrd took
hold him up. Tho house was finished ibat of a sincere friend.
Needham BuBlDera rollege have put Ing nwms In our srtiooT bulldtngs."
Agrii-ullinC' Tlie law which provides a money order which earn* through
Mrs. Hector spoke of Ihc factor for with great secN-cy and tbe last thing
Ml'S. Hardy passed through many JIO FRILLS WILL BE TOLERATED
a aecoDd team In thei field which la
for tbe e*tabll:-hment of such a acbool the malls for his slater and endorsed
good that this branc}! library had been he did waa to bang tbe door. Tbit hardsblia in her life, but she nhi('av-s
composed entirely of students who
pnlta It into the bands of tho rolcr* It with her name. He took It to' tbe
to hbth young and old of that com- being done he waa ready to show hit retained that noble spirit whldYniade
are attending the srfaool. Carl An
with the immediate control of the posiofflce. where they refused to cash
lunlty: bow the^ children would re-' 'prowesa as a earpanter and invitedtbe hardest burden seem light bocavise
deraoB haa ten eboaen to <-ai>taln ibe
party of Inilmale friends to view the of her ojitliulsm and erer re*dy 4lll- Will Not Even Have Private Car to srbool in the care of tbe Award of It and from there be took it to George
turn the books after tbe-school
vquad and A. J. Goat wlll^rt as man­
Boiverrlsora. We are not promoting kiariln. flagman on the Per* Mar­
CarrrHlm to Wash­
les'Jlts of his handicraft. His reputa­ Ingness to help all who came to her In
ahm was over and ferelve new
ager. There ia jileniy of good ma­
such a school and suspicion of this quette. who cashed the order for liim.
carry home to their iwrents: their tion as an artimn. however, received trouble.
terial among the atudente and Coach gradual InatiwcUoD In reference wortc.
kind is entirely unrounded.
HU sister stated that she bad aeVer
•eriovs aelhack when ho tried
IJuIc Dickson was born in Canada.
Collier will hava plenty of men from
Tbe course that we offer is abac} the order and had not endorsed
Trenton, Jan,- St.—President-elect
nml how their love for adventure and ipen the door to thow his vlalton the Or-loher 2U isr,5. She came to Michi­
■whom to pick a winning team. Those lodUna was gratified by the atorles of (osy arrangement of the Inside of (he gan with her parents \a IKCC and lor Wilson will probably conUnue as gov­ lately free, the-expense being taken
■nve writing of both Rickard's
who look most likely for poaltloni eolonlal daya. Bhe spoke of the gener- structure and feund that Inaiuad of the iiait twrnt^ears'had made her ernor until March I, when be las'
of by the local High acbool and name which he had written
n the first team now are John Barr. oaity of those who had ^ntrlbuted placing Uie hinges on In tbe regulation home In Traverae Clly. She became
hU alater'a. waa very atanOar and
Wa'ahlngtoD to enter lb* Whit* (be Michigan Agricultural tollegb.
t, V, .

----- 'lOSHy or uoae woo oau ooDinoniea
o especially dcelrous of hav­ enapickKi was aronaed almost nt.oon
Wm. McKinley. Roy latbcr. BlmerUe magaslnea and bo* much pleasure way h* hiid acrewed «ne-on each ah! the wife of Frank llarOy, who dle>l jllouse. He ex|«cia to traiRd in tlie
Johnson and Carl Anderson, l^cr'
arrived from the boantlfnl lllus- of the door, which heid U aa fast is aliout three yeara ago- She loaves regular way as an ordinary cmten. ac- ing >-oung men between the ages of upon examlDatlon of the order. He
' Buchan. Harold Hill and Stanley
by the children, alao of their thou^ it had been natlod togctbc.-. two sons. Ellery and WilUam. and t companiod only by hla wHe and three twenty and forty yeara auend this '■aa.airoeted by Chief of Police JohnKauehnerkabteh are also likely can-j ,.,*,8,,,*
tho political cartoons of Since then hr has bebn busily engaged one daughter. Miss Catherine Hardy, daughlera. "f'don't expnet to go to
and token to the oounty )ML
tfidain for poaltiona and tho sulm wrilljuie
which she had clipped frav tn buying Uic d0uw nnd trying to ex­ besMni two brother*.
where be was held nwaAUng the ar­
I Washington unUl March. 1,‘'said ViV
Instructor In A^cnlUra,
rival of the United SUUsoCBoar. Ike
prelmUy ho lAiAan from among
Uha dally pnpara asd pUoad In a box. plain kov he happened to make tbo
Tbe fundral arraiigemanu hsT* not-son. "and I will not have a private
IkBVcn* GUy BlgS MhooL









.m pnl«w









ttew ia a Jot of impo« Tooa'hroda^ta'Cciiiii »ld'(k»W'hwA-aieilWbufoftt*ffp»e«. ww

Grand TTaversff'^HejrsId

Bij Elagle

Twice* week

«ki.. ,„i i. o„.,„ ..v«v hoM.. .PF.h.nd .h.




site'pg ^

[€h^ |.rtmpnl fonv of lh^idr->«rtiBeet. th^^irfow* it h adrfcrtiVto gff••• luoth, of .Orart RapWi: Mn. Frank■ 8»det*itieAnBtiatUitA**>«<wtdw|ada
or Krarmlfia. LnmteKo. BbniMCiaB. ate.
Uie^w romniissjcmfr^ ohaniT to try out Itw theorj* in roKanI to 'Greenbna and dauebten. AJbe
' TatdroUi *1.00; i^nUrMieSSc.-. Aten
a fon^ t.f B»Rista«lK who wHI fovrr thr xtat** liko a blanket, with |l-«na. of Ionia; Mr. and Mr*. G. F.
<'r «lir^ bf i

Mrs. R. A. Duikrc and dauRbter. Ha­
ul, ot &i. Johna. .Mr. and Mrs. Curtis
. .Prertdairt'
TBCW. T. BA1TO....
are 20c and 22c. Tba hanam market will tM.- al home lo their friends in ^
has never been eo kitr in years. 11.00 Traverse City alter April 10. IVIJ.—
0$iu M. BATES..
and fl.6o add the <i^hy is good. The' Lansing Journal.
pouHrr market hi'qiriet
The petato markM was aomewbat
fMm'i cull MET
livelier veaterdar. Mere farmers
*• CrMiR, AMtaui, «
In and the roads are gcttliig In better • cConUnaed from tMge One.)
shape and so the loUs are larger and Her preoent amblOon U lo secure
..fl.M la Advaacs
ea f/wn OraM
QraM Trever**
Trevor** Herald cf ly. Borne bay and wood was brought*' ...I
. »i. <h..n
ai raiigetbeo arcorittag a.
t iV.. sal..
....Uc la AdvtJ
Thirty Veart Afle.
Ject. Tbuse <-S|iecUVy niealloued were
••WashluKloa Crossing the IVIaware."
2. IMS; at tho pettoBlea at 1
Perry on Uko Rrk-." "The Spllrt of
•Me Ctty. Mich, aular tha Act ot Coafrat* ot March t, J«n.
lUttsIrallng special incldcBta
Anna Unvla was born at boscastei
own tviuntry.
Mrtp-'ln the liiutbr)' of b
icl'lercd auiiieohat wkh tbe^ ataa* Ing and the reporud ■
CrcuUtioii tl» week Z950
mall latftvrinR al Traveroc Cliy. The aieuii had an opward teodeney on the «•“ «<> arrange the v«’‘‘'he old ;Uhh>. Nor. 42. 1824. died at Cedar
uis» the walls where their Run. Mh-h.. Jana 12. 1!*I3. aged
RIk RapHo carrier waa oMlKetf to egg market, the prte«« heiap boosted
years, 2 months. 1 day. 8b« waa the
sboTpl his way tbroarb for sonic dls- Ic .a doaen. . 'ntwe' were S,C7« cases rouai e>-ea may become (amU|Br with
™s seems a mother, of seven ritlldrea. Are of
laaee and camerin with on U>U Tlic received; •trlctly freMi. 22c and 24c;,thew
ambition as the iKWmuice wbc4u ureredod her In death. One
■Kmplrc coi-riw broke a road for nine
average Amertcaa child when SOD. nHsop Bhisb^. and a daughter.
mile*, liut arrl-.ei! only about tie butler were onloaded. the price tor,®*
Mrs, Benie Eagerysnrvlve to riiertah
9V«tKnl Timber Control
l" «« *• *m^l|n6.
bcurs late. Ibe Frankfort carrier prline was S6c. The U'rgert receipts "
Durgan, dlivchiT of tdiyslcal her mpRiory. SheVavee. begldes
Commiasioiicr of (^HirstiniiR Luther Cotiant. .Jr, ealhi the
time hut Kot tbroudO'- •if poialoes were reported for yester­ training In Ihe aehouls. fololwed. Ukand daughter, ten groadcUl
;enti0n of the )>eopV
Jieopli- of the fliUiHl Stati-s lo the faet^hat tliejwlilW the Nortbiwrt carrier, who day; 122 cara; Mlabtgas. 4kc and Me: ing lor hU BUhJet-t. 'The Value of Play and three groat gnmdehlldea. beside*
should have been In Monday did wt
boats of friends lo moorn her ddtth.
■omoimt'ot a«iuliiiK tii..l...r »1 ra|iitl}y
r.|„,n,v (liniiniiihiiiK
Jin,ir,i»l,i„K niu!
.lul tiie
a.™ .„|i W,.l„ fv™i«
The arwnd Rapida egg market la and Playgrounds.”
was a devoted mother, devoted
<dMoai1ily inmxnsinp. nml in view of lliis AoTulilion U is time that Ti,e old Mission carrier not »iurk lirnj and the indU-atluns are that it
her home and children. Sbe srill
In the very young child who )>laya whbthe nation Ink** aethm In pri'Vent mnrkeii eoneenlration of the|but tuck liiit mull thrmch imn ot the will remain ro on account of the cold
*l>uon by'waving it In the air.
net only be misted In Ui© borne, but
wmiber. Alh-gan *md l^ke Odeasa
’timber influstry. whieb has iieon ciiseoTererl hy inrestigntioiiN iirtnie «ay on a Uuinl *l.«d
Ly cve^ one.
are Uie two Mg market* near there laundiiig the u'ble. Fallowing i
child through tbu different sugea of
by hit Ooinmissioti' It>* Weans of fi-deral limii pniiits lo raili^oaik
4 'rome lime and the ttaady price I* 24c. The lo­ pUy until (bo boy rearbeu tbo bai'
. F. Oriirin I
the ih-sirfilil/' tiinlsT l.unlKlif llie north anil %v.-st have fallen into
sgo that to the flrsl child bora I cal'luarkel this tnomiiig was 22c and barlau ntage. which is Illustrated by
A Coed Horseman ,
Ic. I'otaioes are 4Sc.
hands «if private trtvners whoI have »ni
fuither i.nteivst than H'«‘,p<.msrood suburb*, of shldi he is il
rjkc,;*a fine animal aud a floe horse
The local grain markeU are a lit­ liis play Indian, harking
Itarvcsiini: of iho first ert^. htnl if this jirtn-lle.- is allntiW to eon-Lrigitvil iinuiricior, he w^ld d.-ed
slmiild Im" w.-lt cared for. i* the
tle stronger, hilt the roads b-ln^ sllll bsi k to the aborlgihes. At this age subkx where the beat bonies are kept
ari.A first .1.11.
ihlld bora wn* the littfnne it will nbt Id- lonp WftJre all the limlicr of llie'eoiintry is*t<A.
Lad the farmers are not ready lo haul
you will Dearly always find a package
doui's. Very few- things a boy can do Of HAKVKU.'S fONIMTlON POW
•mule, (or eoi
ei II,. lie daiighler of the tale Mrs. Charles large loads. Two
WHitrit1le4 hylhiK elaxs of pistple an<i no provisjons tmitie.for
E. \MncL. ih(> mother dying a few
aervlhR the supply or of plaiitinp any inor.-'fi>r the. iwe of f*hir<'
• aiue In hy iwii and oBly a few by exrirpl skate' withunt ri-i^uoT. If be HER. It Is a purely moliHi ' P«rwfouiL
•wL and
ai.d H
I k effi-el on Hi©
•h.ys afterwards, and lo baby Annie
plaril Id the stro-i d( ball he Is driven
team. Uiougb the euaiom work
peiiemthint. I'raeiieally n«» return has Ihs-ii r»-eriv<sl hy the pov- Rnuibeth Winch, Mr., Gvimn
KtCKk bi lo isirirythe blood, regulate
good and the tnlPa were busy. TWe off; If lie eoasu he is In •uinc one's the bu»<l*. iBiprovo the
Sr K|H
Kirirns and
emntejif for Atetw* lantis whieh are beinp n^loitr-d for pnvate
the lot a» promlai'd.
Injuring runxoae's lawn.—the mal4> th© euai Hmouib and ' gluKsy.
ehIpmeDia out wet« good, the deznnnJ
artd the tendency ot the. poVi-rimient Kiitl eOnfimi’eiJ lo lake hitid»i
iie<4 «r pla^groundK was omphaalaod. Price rr. n L ix-r larlmge. Bold by all
being hiwvlerkhan usual. Very little
frtim ttie piiWie donmin and pareel it out to private ownerK at n
dotng in tbc potato market. Prices arc
the Inking of boards to make tobog­
vi-ry sniiill Rfftin^ per ner.'. The Imsic priiielple of the ntitioiial Crain of <iarflefO*as married to J. the same.
gan elides, show tbc natural exulx-rH. Sampllaer of CievelaDd. O, Uri
- Deiwruneui of the Inu-rJor.
forval polic.v k the retention of the fee title to the land ami the
aaee of youth—not cTlmlnal lastlnets. r. S. l.aDd Office at ManjuMle. MlcdilFriday. Mr. Satmillner is a member
Prices corrected evtsj day.
aa'ie fniin time to time of the tijiiher only. Hy this plan the pov of the'wholesale Jewelo' tlrm of Sam
This shows that play should be supergain
January 9, 1913.
viscii. Boys are net anxious for cor­
miraeirt is aWe to seeiir.- for the public the full market vnhie of puner. Adler t Co. Mr*
StCera.............................1............. 8 to to
Noilce U hereby giren that John
rection. In playing gamex. their de­
th** fimlier at-the time of eiittiiip. Hiul lit the same linm to ntaiii is ihe dsughter of one of the oldest Calves
Bopry pf Traverse City, kllchlgan. who
sire is to win fc-gardlees of what Is on .May 22. 1906. made bameiUBai
the land iWelf for nforx'SJrnlion or nny oilier iLse timt may be and mo« resi>ected resideits
Cows ............... ...................2(k to *4
fair. Tbc>- uiuat bo.taught to play- trv No". 11982, Serial No. 0I24I. __
Lamb* ...................;........... ................... *e
«r.' .till
in.J.- 1'. Krt I......I .if
T^v.™, ..d ib.n- ar. .
fair. to respect property rlkbU. to S. E. «4 of S W. H andja W. H of
' ‘
. I
I triund* of the famll.v who will Join Sheep
public UiuU. nml in all/1nsliin<'cw.keei. at ienst ilie f.-e to tin- I
»,*nes-ior ino
otx-y the rales and regard the prim-l- S. E. Vi. SniloD 2e. TowYahip 27 K..
‘ ' ,!in kind wisbes-for ihc happiness of Ctalekens. dressed
Kang© lu VV.. illcblnn meridian, has
ples of right. Any boy Who learns ni>4 notice of biieniloD u> amke five
prt.Ved tn be^ly ttfe plan of desipiiiop iiidividnals 1.>
I and vrosiurky
vrosiierliy of
of the
the young
young <eoupU. Geese, dressed
of larp.' tr.nets by bnyinp up the titles from the individiwl settl.'mljir «p,i jjr*. SsmpUner left for their Dncka. drened ...........................;...Ile these lessons on the playground will
play fair with fait bustoeea aasocUies
and other unUerhainl srlu-iues. h is nee..«uii-y that thV povernment home In Cleveland on Monday
Turke}*, dreeaed
In after years. ' Mr. Uurgan bronght
becuiiie more parlietilar in-the luntter of Telerfsinp the title tojtng.
ont this thought elTi'cUvely. and he
puhlie lands, imd in all inslunc.-x keep ut least tlielitle lo tin- laniil'
* *
Claimant names aa wRosas** .
FARM pm>OUCt.*wyli>* Frias. ; to lx- eaeouraged ia M elferts
George VanderHp. of Traverse City,
our boy* honest with each (Aher.
„«a 1h. tin-b... -»
" Pr(pes eorreeied every day- hican. R. No. 4: Oeoricc Alcock. of
The last lalk was by Soperintendetit
Poutoea ...........
tiiniit lie fotloirra tmt if th'e forests are to be pri-serv.-d.
the,rear of Malcolm Winnie's
iVOeld. klicblgan: Henrj- J. Porten.
Uutter ....................................................86c Tyler on social center work,
-. Traverse

City, Michigan. H. No; 4;

iiory residence on Stale rtreet, and
Eg*» ...................................................... 8T.y ler ai«ke of the growth of this work Theodore Rogers, of Mayfield. MlriilEneoaficina SftitiUon
lUy. loose...................... ....ft? to til from Its beglnsicg In Rochester. New
rraW* delay In eeftlBg the water onto
Present i-oiulllioiis in (he Klnle lepishitun- lire very enenurnpinp.i),,. tinHding as the eopa to the hy- Straw, per Ion
Onlona ...............
...6*©a5e stn now taking the lead In this work
Janie. 23. 30. feb 6. IS. 80
to that «lasa of cilir.cns who beliey-e ihnl this body tnj* created for,drams were froxeo on and the Ju
and emidoyjng a soelnl center aecreFARM PROOUCE-SelllAg Frteo.
the purpose of, oiraelinp irpistntion Ihut willbe of i-i'bI benefit tnIhefHaelf wras In bad sha;>e. the exlreme
lary who organize* each school dis­
Prices eorrected every day.
m-nmil rnWif. I.wtiteiuMH <l..v..rii..r
S|.,.»k..r ('.irri.. Eii.vol"".!
“ '•» fW
.1- Poutoea ................................................Me trict as a social center,
T«ctt Exiraeicfl AftMh
Mr. Tyler aiwke of the 222&.ODO in­
britfr v8U(rht file apirit of Ike litiic* and are anxious thnl salisfiictorvl *''**,^ **' ''1* **'*'" **™*' **"*
*5*. Butter .................................
■ IrninhiK headway., and but for tke'' Creamery butter.................................8*r vested In arboot property In this city,
By Ihh -Ki^ilay” nisaod 1 -ran rc^
Towk shall be pnweil and ihnt the w..rk be disposed of in the nuKt
no wind «t/the
used for only four and one-half hour* move those apblng teeth *taol>t«ly
es|H-ditious manner possibl". These ftn>preKsive1en<I/'rs an* backed^time, the eonflagraiiun cilrht have
.fig*lor five days each of .IS weeks: iBat without polo, and without the nae of
Hay. per ton. baled ....
?mgs to produce uacopseteusneaa.
hy the'progrcAive memlierK of nil three parties ib Inith the hnus-.lieen more aertoos than It was. A Straw.................
....*14 this seemed a small retm for the
People of nervous lemperament.asd
amouDt Invested; of the number
mill senate, and with this eondition jirevnilinp the ehunees are
®* »•'« »** »n»Hy
with weak hearts w-jll appreciate
GRAIN—riarnuh A-boy Co.
boy* and girU4fl'thls city unfamiliar KaxiUr" method ot palfileaa exi
Prick* roriected evefy day.
the present session will prove t» lie the most pmlneihe of any held
*'■- hydrant, comer of
tVheat ............................
>» ..... .
haw h....i..™,
a ;X" .S
,r«Z Cora
continuation eebooh. where these boj's
................ .................
lock, wl
<‘ertniu lartum pettnip lopether in Mther boily and metutinp wlfnt n, g rery short tii
and gills could receive a new outlMk
worth. Traverse City, I
hills shall he (ihfised and whieh shall lie lost by the wayside. aiidlMir was (onnoed .0 this portloe of Rjo .........................................
Me on life; where the boys might receive
the manner in whieh the vole, of the Mute was splil up at ti:i- ln«t 'be balidJng. but « far ar th* lost Ba^wheat, per IM Iks............... «1.H leehniral training to be tested ister
In thc'sbep: where the girt who Udli
•* conreroed. the ent^Mlon poesio
prteslo snow
show iru:
Ihii n is np to the pnsenl li-pishittm' to prii-.*® **'’•
all tUy Jn the toctory might listen
ORAM—Ttwwem OKy IRlHlit« O*.
diiee piHul resTilts or else Inke tie- emiseciuenei-s when next rleetioiil*^'^ sinieim-o tnl^ht about ^ »etT
WUIPay mghesl
the music, reieivc the com|ianlonHltl|>
Prices eorrected every diay.
day rolls around. The memloTs «s a whole h*ve raupht the spirit.|,,
j,' irruwwJd the Wheat........ ............ ................ M to Ke of her friends in a ixhufprtable. liglilcd
' Prices far
amt'with propriKsive leudership there will lie radleal elmnp<>N modi- fjr„ caught from the siovo -tn the Coro ..................................................... ;Me room Instead ot on the street or the
in the lavra of llii' Hlule. AVhal is most
led ar>- p<mhI wnrki^ile rear room or euminef kl^hen as It 0*U ...........................
Me city park: where she might be taught
btws that ran be enfoi>-ed wlirn iieet-ssarv. Inws wbi.h are iiol per-.j»«» here first dlacovereU. A good Rye ....................
White navy beans ...............fl.7&9fJ0 plain gurmenu for herself.
tliruiii!h,«lii.i; 111.- ,.ir,..Klor c.i. iin ... 0«.. in
AttcDlloD was also eafled to the
Red JtldOey beaat
732 £. pMwiSL BtAIWt.
when he is bfonptit mtn eoiirt. (Vn-fully drawn and
lit that we might use otir school
houses In this cHy aa s meWllng place
hieaanr<« will prove of proat iMiiefil uibi eiiible the pe.iple to tf'l 'niurh *iiori of »2.ioo.

lOiftUKaiHl KaUGG
Cmth SBm Btor*

, PiMIttM Towdu Md Thondair at T

Ecfipes froip The




Nish Cut
We have a tew pair
ol eadi lot of the
best hijih cuts in the
store le^ We want
to clttn them all
up and to do this
have cut the prices
ftomonetotwodoitars a pair. If you
are interested in
high cut shoes now’s
your dianA.

b5ISi3^^xIcu'1*iIU bale of

Notice is hereby givlsn that b>- vir­
tue of a writ of ©xecMisa Usue.! out
of and uodar the neal of the arvolt
Court,, for th<- County of Grand Trav­
erse,-. State of Mlrlilgaff. dated the
seventeentlT day of AprU. A. D.. 1912,
to me dlCRcted and dellwred. In fiwor
of Aatoa W. llorutk against the
goc^s and chatb'U, laadi and tene­
ments of Mlrlael y'cGfcrry. 1 dM. On
the tweMy^ouith day of December,
-'A^JJ,. 1212. levy upon aad take aU the
-risht. tUle and interest ot nld
Michael MfGarrj in and to the fol­
lowing ffeiC-rfbc.1 real *%uic. situated
lo the cguni) of Grand Traverse and
Stale of Michigan,
All that certain piece or pat
land vltimted In th© towaablp of
county of Grand Traverse and.sute of
Michigan, known and deecribed . (be
sooth fai^ of Ui© Dortheast quarterrof
west cootsiolng elgbty acres more or
leas, all of which I shall expoae for
j»le”« trabllc anclion to nhd highest
hMder. as the law directs, wt the north
front door of the court bouse In the
city of Traverse City Ithai being Urn
building in Which the dretrtt coart for
nid ccutBly ot Uraad Tnveraev stale
of Michigan, is held), on Fridv. the
twenty-elgbtb day of Febntsir. A. U,
1912. at ten o'clock in the forenoon.
Sheriff of Grand TravcTM County,
Atiorneys for Anton W. Bartak.
Dated Det. 36th A. D.. iGl*.
Jan 14, 21. 28. feb 4, 11, IS. 28


where we could diteots the tyimwlssKm form of goremuent which the
ritlr-enti mmt decide ofion tn

rid of Mume.4>f the objei-liuiiiiiile proeliei's, that are nindi- lepuj.
IcfUit teehnieally. under the law. Tliis eimdiliuu has lH>eii soiiplu for
A long time and the favorable symplotns llml are bi'ing showfi an
far this seasinn are exMinlinfrly pleakinp to the piiipli- who arb in
favor of helterlnws dud hiirtier ideals in the enfidtivt of state atrairs.

No. 1 horse bides............ gl.C0and ap

Helme Has Good Uet


Buffalo, Jan.- '22.u-Ca(tlo. recsipu.
State llali^' iml ,Tf«i«i romniiwioiier ^.Tnnies W. IMine « de
leniiiiM-il t<i uuikc l.i* «]e|tarlment effix-tive. if kik-Ii a ihinp lii-x ■0; fairly active, ricOdy. |8.6fl8.7.'.,
iCalves. aeilve. ftrm. |«,12. Sheep*, rewithili lli^ pale «>f |m»<i>>iiily. Witli liiiM •ikji el In view lie
jcripta. 2.000, neUre. 25 higher, $M0f;
eausi-<] :i law to In- intrudm-i-d in the stale wiiate wliieli will nllc
allow ,».<£; iio. 2. g2i;>g.60. Hugs, receipts.
Trim to employ nn arriiy v>f women to n»ufit (ilm in frrretiiiK out dix. :S.tru). stuad). gs«r&l0; eioslng. gaff'
lioni'Kl denlerx inrilie Ktale. tliuJi inanrkiE tWir puhlgliracTit. Amsird- 8.IU.
ing to the ifp«*spnt law the tfepurlnumt is miTv' able to I'mptoy foiif
ii>s;dvtorK ainl aH arrettn nmat 1»e made ujnni eoniplaint of one of

Bknigts ...
Mink, dark ...
Mink, pale ...
Weasel, white.
Pox, red..........
Fox. gray ....
^Ply o&lyaa ptltoi

It was found, «pon Inquhr. that two.
Boardman and ElmwooO.-bai} already
made arraagemeoU for aeeUngs.




Lf. iNtiip jmwia


The “Chloffde Xccutnulator" elifmiiales the jold
aQaoyingneoessUy ofrunn'mg youren|ihe at night
end obviates the danger of breakdown at vital mo.
mente-^t makes your light instently available and
alwuvs dependable.
Our interesting book. “Light Your Country Home
by Electiicily,’' will be mailed you. Write for R copy.
Foi* SAte

ihwp iosiMs-ton. a private elUaen. altlioiiEh ealehiiiff a dealer
Chl<ago. W 22!-Oraln; Wheat,
AO' aet nf spllini; adiiittTatM itoimIh, having no atandinfr in court a2c; CM. C2)ke; oats. C4>4«.
Oareratny OeMrred at BrW*’* Hemd
All of the irtat<' insptxdbnt nfc well known to the ones who deal in
............. iifUnd^
^tpufiiius (foods, wliieh make* il a difllt-uU tndibrr. tfi eattili firtyone
in the act of violating the law. for 'when'one of the atafe higpectora
A very pretty waOdlng took place'
■Win toWn4hc /act bceomea known al once amt nolkidy will Iinml
Wedneadaj- arterbofRi «t 4 p'cloek at
lint ^ly dcTeetIve artirleg during their stay. I'lider the amended
Hie home of Mr. gn« Mrs. AQfcitr HbMtta. SI? South Syotmore Sttoet, *hsn
Iflw it k the plan of.Mr. Holme t<> appoint Ihc lij^den of Ihc verrious
(Prom Tueaday's Uecord-Eagie-l
’.'lda«grr,.«a* oMted
Hpuacwivefc’ Ijcaguea in Ihc difTcmont cities «ii
The egg reccipu conUnue laige.^ hr turrriafce
nlar}-. thus making it |io«iible fw them to d^lcrt law vi»datAra and 4.700 cases MtoiDg In and tbo prices Traverse Oliy. T%e ^riatlhg clergrbebig
h»T»* them jiroBnapted 1>>' sw*-«ririg <«t fh'e' warmnis theniRclvcs.
rikn was Rer. Ifortal Oady WRsea of
In tliB w^y tliere will he an nrtny of women conRtanlly helping out oelved and the'warm weather. Strict­ the First Presbyterian eburih. while
ly fresh
20c and 22c. while th.
'l»*a WfaiMe. of tenia,
The ketfnlar (date 1nsp<x-lors. makhig it 'imposaible fur a
eoi toalkmad
riffg^bearar. The bride
dealer to know when he i* liable to l»e ndught selling adaltfTated- toes rsmota at the tow price theffrir
kowfted to 1*1* Mp« Ult-wnd she-eargoodg. Th>-re h a groat deal uf merit in this plan Mid 'll Ts to ho ritere ore epoei whea more BHtoer’iff -««•
fMff aAMe
oAMe Vabet. FkAowlBg fto asrhbpril the Jegialatnre will make it posalMe for3fr. IWme to egrr^' AOtoaailed aod some get IL W <F9<
rieb. rWicheeii was aewed -by iGe
FlSl'L^flUfli’w!%. ■ Rock*1It ffutVhfring W* admtftktnilitFn. ane refresliirig thing almul the there rseeh-ed and primi Micblgsn _____ Kotli BenedlcL AHee Ofeeaboe
Stock and-eggs far fialc - ^
are 47e aad «0&
IM Habri DMtoe.' ttttotote triendk of
per' 15; for stock describe yosr
.Artittde of Mr. Helme ia that he is Imrkiug'for •■fficimicy
eon. Wlammata. 4«<;aad sot
stonu; K-'B. tarkey egg* 2Sc *ai*i.
dofmitoaent, and if given a free rein liy the autc legislaturt' he will Tbd bM nods tt^d Grand Rap
Boaktog..erder* (ar aprtaff MMfy.
EbveulMtMT-MMIL iRtorfhey
Fsp «boic* toms tor Mle. - dasas
• that hare nerer before btiM'dresfned df tijr forma Iffa Riflkee that marKia Mow.
will moke an (wtohEbd trip tftn
P. BsfAek, Bonth Manlt^A^
ltli tg«Be^EMepti»d fMtaifft]MM oavaaM «t 4M ta Me. b«e»

L/xal Markets




I Both phones aoTeScL*^




w m.

4. JjV. JAqK^^.. SMT.


\^emakeit. We guarantee it.
23c and 5.0c bettita'Tiy one.



Mtkim nianiK^TO w.n amp.teatow bay



ij, JAK. ». 1«S

it iilEi YOUNG MEN’S
RefltijarPrices on 9II Mcn*s
Mcii*s Suits and O^i^oats


THE GflpiYEST CLOtili^jB SLAU^TER in the history of our
busine^ tiiithing roserV^cl. every suit &nd overcoat, including
the famous’^^cbb^ci^,” Hand TaRored, Guaranteed Cioflies,
, «ijl tte Uan’A aban aliiiecu
Ld. No matter what Ibe snlt
P«a’t watt ipr a better ebaace. It wHI not come.

V marked, fast •t.’^ off ene*ttaM

VVlTOt One-tTiIr^ Off Means lo You
Any $25.00 Suit or Overcoat. ies< one-third will cost you
Any $22150 Suit or Overcoat,less qi)e-third will cost you
Any |19 95 Sojt or Qvefc(»l,'ie»one-third willcost you '
Any $16.98 Suit or Overccat, less one-lhird will cost you
Any $ 14.95 Suit or Overcrat, Im one-third will cost you
" $1295 Suit or Ovfrcoat, less one-third will cost you
* 8.98 Suit or OverpoaJ, ess one-third will cost you
i. 6.98 Suit or Overcoat, ess one-ihitd will cost you

l^sv q^iblng
In ^ Unfoadina Sale
Lowest Pilcet of the Year. Fit tbe Bey Oui Now.
OTer.ti'ts'imwl be
ileseJ oiii uoT.. All new Ftylo!,.
lael'idinR ^■hibeillIl3. with conVeUlble collars.

.11 ,ize. up

OwKt »i CkiU»j>-. Suiu.



One lot pf ChUdyea’s 9uik$
wiUi Knickerbocker pants.
Former prices were $5,50
to $7.50. Uoloadlng

X ......


Men’s $1 and $1.50 Ucri Brand. Silver Men’s wann bladt Fur Cape in this
Brand and B. FranJLlin Drees AQjm
great Unloading Sale
j[ 39
Shirts, Unloading Sale Price. OtfC



IVmile and (Sinulium Vjiists
f<.r boys. r.ruV-ly «.Id ut; biiialJ
I n.
Qluadinc bub- i.ric.- ....QC

l ul.iadiDg Stile price........................................

lien's .-For





I...I 4-.M1
1 iilamling SiiU' priev........................................



-- \


Wi.tid, 1.1.1.-I

S.I ivaim fine viet kid hIi.ks,' lure «r button,
heavy and light aob-s: values up lo $1.25; in


.Men'a l-biick)e Arctica

.M.ji'. n.ll \,.,,|,lh .Irivii,, Ovreoat., I»U UictJ»kin Im.Jj


..............i... .'9.95

bn-lot, iwen's high cut Felt Shoes.
A'ilh leather ^es
ami sfacei>lined. I'nlordiug
4 A*9

«^>K-|.riee........... ....I#5r7
One lot men's and woniwra but­
ton Gailom. cbildV small size

“i......... 25c.
Wright 's Sho<‘ I’ac, ouc yon eu
detpeud on; I'uloadQQ
ing Sale price............ .2»vO

Entift' slock io be cIo?»h1 at once; oil dcsibb
soliS and fur. ribbon and ih>ui|h>ii iriouncd;

biiiatl; ^.00 Hud ei.r;0
“'a.rrs ut 94c
and .


j::;.............. us
Y,„A.- Jr,™

l-Vt flairs nii’tt's silk Tiii'il ami
jiiilim-ri kill glovis, ui'iwitly


M'oiueii’M plaiu toe F<dt Shoes; leather foxed


M.-iisall W....1 (.• «i
kiml; fril



’One case, W docen, Hen'i ritto* Liiwd Vnien Soft* in nU
■iies; these gnrmenU are alwaye eold at $1.00 and $1.26
per sni$; for gnick disposal we offer yon the
------Unloading Sale price, per igit.................................

One bit iiieus.benvy weiglit Whiter I’ante. good
styles; 1 nloadiug Sale price ............................. .......... V

150 )iair Indii-s'
:md $}.5fJ
Dress Shoew. all this season’s
$3.00 aud $3.50;
Jiiakr: uo obi stock. AU sizes;
, black and tau; I'nA OA
l..aJii,j Sat,. i.r|ce...

leather foxed, flamiel lining; an ideal winter Udi.-s; Suede.Shoea, «o<alyc
shoe; rniimdiiig Sab$3.50 and $4.00 vejues;
........................i------I'nloading Sale pri^ .......... ...... A*

(Only tyiTKmtr ttra ciwtemer.)




One big lot of Men sUress

L’lV \\\«,i Klamii-1 Shirts, all colors and sizes, brok- ii lots,
th.-fi.Ilow’iug j.rk-i-*:
LolJ-^.tKt I.U.1 41.2.-.StHrts;
Viiltwdiiig Sail- i.n.r ......................................

Is.t ;{-32.n0 nml *2..V» Sliirta;


.Meti'.s (irsl uiiuliiy rulied edge
diii-k llurniis. to wiar with
riiioadiiig 5vil.


Udii-s’ and warm
Shm« at pric<‘s th^ yog
eanmit nwist.
SIiiH-s, in gun uicUl and ]~-> pair ia<Ues’. dress
pateiil eult. iiieludiiig the famous "Ucgijnt
Shoes, plain or cap' toe..
SImh'. Ib-re iaa Kiiap for tUc luau who
i(l |fatcnt
aiifl gun
$:<.00 to $:(.o0 for hia footwear.
\rn)'fi pavH $d.(
metal; over?- pair worth
I'liloading Sale
our I'nioading Sale


;l.ot 2-41.:.0 iiml ♦1.7:> Stiirts;
rnl.padii.g SalL*


OUE SHOE DEP^nCEMX is brim full of liargiiins fur every meinlier .if the family. ,\ll odd lots,
broken kir.<-s ami disemilimicd lim-a of Slim-a. Slipjietw tuni Rubbers at the QBEATEST SAVIHGti, ST^
UuaU.iiuK.Jiat, uicefuUy. ibcii conui.tuulsfmk up for till'year.

Odd Lpte, brdffin a^rtments and «lso all nebular wicter stocks at Becord
foeaklng Bednctloiis, Fill your needs from this list and put money back
ID your pocket


100 Bi^s' Suits, sizes 3 to 17
vgfft; a|i thlsseaton’smake
—not one sold for less than
$3.00 and some for $3.50.
1 Q9
Sgle price ...’...........

f 9.35
S 8.64
5 4.66

Unloading: sale of Shoes

Wonderful Savings For You
In Our Men’s and Boys’ Yurnlsfalngs

AImiui Juit Hulls Hulk; Imikc-a,
lots, to r-iosi' lit l<;ss-tlian cost;
Kitiirsiput^-Kiifl AAa


AH$2.50Ov««mte ..L69
All $3.00 Overcoats ..2-1$
AU $4.00 Overcoat*.. 2 69
All $6.00 and $6.50
Overcoats........... $2.95


^leii'a Flannel and'«i>nic Jeiiicy Ovmhirts;
. OA^
11.) ebna- out Bl........................ ,,........... .......................................d”C

Mflb'« 411 Wool Uederwaar. Mnall broken lots.
^ |«^ular SI and $1.23 values.
Men's fine Union Suits in wool and silk and

... ....2.48

T..I. U.I.I.. lull Jf, .11 )uH.d» «f R..wirr Fool.
1 .....1 •>-i....-i<it



alip|.ers ve jold frynj $1.00, t«4 $1.75, in %

"--^^“‘“.“.6%, 89c, 1.19

Vonien'a all aolid vici kid abocs,
$2.00 and $2.25 values;' Unloading Sale
price .


BED SCHOQL BP.D8B gHCm fur boyi. youtiu and
iiUlc g< iiU, .\ ahoc with a rcpnuUon: built for the hardeat
kind of Wear. The line has liccn dhicontiiined. therefone wo
will lugke a sacrifice on the lot.
$2.50 Bed School House Shoes...................... ........................ |L89
$2.00 aod -$L73 Shoes............................... .....................^............. |LS9


.iK immimmm
mm i

««■ '• * I


LENSATIONAL REDUCTIONS on all discontinued and odd lots of H^useTurnishings.

on all rejcular-----------------------------snoods. Some --------—
stocks are too heavy, some
-- ----------------- - values
—---------------B------,3VFiii>. die
are ii&ai
nearly mi
all sHjiu.
sold. We
rrj; lausi
must have
nave a
perfectly balanced stock. All too heavy lines are sacrificed. All depleted lines are slauifhtered. Our policv. “Undersell All ”
wM BCTer before bfoujtht M forcibly to the troot a> at thie UNPRECEDENTED UNLOADING SALE OF HIGH GRADE TOltNITURE. Our Easy Payment plan faelpa you to
lUAifb your home And enjoy the use of youp furniture ^hile paylag for it*
' ^ enipia ne pe you to

Unloading Sale of Stoves \ Ranges
NO.S7159. Not^oRan^ie. M nickel, No. $7049. Moore’s, Air-tight Oak
large 20x20 in. oven; with rbservoir
Heater, 18 in. size, for wood or soft
and warming closet. Gnites for
coal. Slotted fire pot for burning
both coal and wood. A $55 9Q.50
soft coal. Used a few weeks. A
Range in this sale at............
$30 Move in the
No. S7274. Same as above, except ’ Unloading sale at....................
full nickel: 18x20 in oven.
To close at........................ ..w3
No. $7215. $60 Acorn Base Burner No. 37034. Hot Blast, smoke con­
for hard coal; 16 in. fire pot; a)l
suming. soft coal stove. 16 in. size,
loose nickel; fully guaran'an $18 stove.
teed. Unloading sale price..
To close .at............................. IC

of New
Granite Ware
6 qL Milk Pans
Pails, JfetUesp
Stewpaasp etc.,^lc.

A few articles that have been taken back on uo-paid
leases will be sold at extremely low price. Gime earfy for
these goods—they raove quickly.
One- Screen. 4 Panels, Burlap filled,
sold r< gularly at $3 75; filling some
faded. Unloading Sale
Price....................................... /OC
No. 20SO. nv^^SUd Oak Olnloo Chairs with InU Rost back,
No. 29028. Dne pair Rope Poitiers, neat deslgau Regnlarly sold
regular price $3. Will close
at $12 for 6, used bn| a short
lime, will close out tor .

No. 29098. One pair Rope Portiere in
heavy red chenille. Large enough
for a Gfoot oiiening. This pair sold for
$6 50. Used but a short time J
Will close for.

No. 40241.' Parlor 1'able. Genuine No. 40451.
Mahogany Parlor No. 40039. Parlor Stand. A beauty
Quartered Oak. polished top. 20x26
Stand, 24 inch, ronnd shape
in quarter sawed Oak and polished,
inch. French legs; good
4 Q/
fop, heavy tamed legs. $5
stjuare legs. 18 x 18 inch square
value at $7.50, sale price.. .^*70
No. 40G23. OnX Dining Table, ex- No.32$9«. «xS2BnuseIsRag.
$7.50 value. Un- ‘107
No. 40091. Parlor Table, 24 in. round
tends to (i feet Very good design Floral pattern In green and
loading sale price...............
' 1
top. genuine mahogany, polished;
I. This has been
■ with 4i4inch legs.SIighily used but in
' some.
No. 40034. Same as above.
french legs; $8 value
^ Q
square lop........................^*7 i
, good shape &ldfor$I6. « nX tor M7
Unloading sale price-------- 7 v
20 inch round top............

... 2.9T


Ho. S37M-Large hi^rta back 1
aoat; 83.00 valne;


Prices Cot to the Quick for Rapid Selling
Four, $6x72 In., Heavy Axnllnster Rags, floral patterns that regularly
sell for $6.00. Unloading Sale Price .......................................................
.V... T>J(J7-9xl2 AXMINSTEB
Nil. 3L*J40_axl2 AXUIN8TEE
EDO; v.-r>- pr.ll
EDO; IVjsian duniguj rt-pular
grudi-; iu i-i'iKL-.........2.9sv9
iricD $27; I'lilnadSale prioc .

viib #oUd wood

*^uithtT.-a onk roi-kir;
ct.itir.irtal.Kwork fhair. worth
9 07
UnloiKiiiip Sale i.ri.M- ..............................................................2,9 i
No. aaOSv-Mmitm Uofk. r. w.-atht ml wik frain.-. K|.rin« m :U
aiitl ha<-k. ui.l...lM.r.Nl with imiUtUon Si«u.i.U l.-aih.-r; m-1U



—High liHfk, will-- iKiifh ann TtifktT, with koIIiI
k-T fi.rt■addle meat; a vt-ry. c-mmI n--kcnmfortalile; gitUini vuk liuiiih;
$8.00 chair for............ ....................
No^'arJOSsl^lO-UO ji.irkt-r. K.-i»uii>^iiN'h'e<l quartoro.1 oak;

(Cover sligblly faded.)

with what others ask. then you will see why
we do the Jteci Hmiiitss


eaeh.................................... ......................9sVO

close for .-............

No'1219. a $16 bed for $11.75. Heavy Vemis Martin
with brass trimming. Full value 4 4 17c r^ular pric^-rgreat bargain at........

, 25c

A Clean-ap In Wall Paper

................. dO. / 9

Yo, d966—PLAIN TOP COUCH, «ph..|
Cfia.M.- J.-ath-T; .-llii for $12;
riilnadiiig Sail- prre.................
Rt»VL'! I
Klnic tiiiD, hair lill.Hl. uptioihli'ni'
l-«'lh»r; VI-O’ uiaiisivo «*ak frame
« $:{(i.O0 value fur <mly



L.>, i_r. rt.lls Gill PaiK-r; sold at 25c roU;
the lot for.......... ............................. ..................................^ f A/
Ixt 2—C mils striped IknI riwm paper, sold at 20c
mil; the lot for............ ...............j................................
Lul 3-10 rolls dining
paper in j«]. w ith IS-inch Iwrdcr;
regular price 18c roll;
the lot for ............................................. ................................... ^OOC



Ha 1685—FUIAi' SIZE IEOH BED—Green
i>ineh ixists
{Hists uyd 7 fillers,
cjunie], hits Jt^fineh
making h.v-tv di
ilurahle bed;
a fine $C.OO grade for

Na, 8244 Is a $30 adlostable end .oak Irame
» sIHvan. Chase leather ophol<97 Off
'Mered. Unloading Sale price .. .X/*9u

in ritgniiu Carpi-t Ml
l-.iig; ill this sail16c Hlid .....................

3 Special Numbers—Oiber.9 equally good await yon

.......... :........... 9.98
_. Compare These Prices on Beds




Unparalleled Couch Offerings

—G-nniiti- iiialmgany parlor rockvr, a beautiful <lc-

Ha 3098—OEEEN
BED—«0 imh<-s high, with brass vns.-s,
IVi-iiK'h posts; sold for $C;
Unloading .Sale pnr$
Ho. 1315—Iron Bed in white with brass fillloR. lli'iiieh gontinuuus posts;, regular
price $14.00:'





No. 88il2-A $10.00 Conch, 6 inch
Oak frame: apholslered In green
vclonr; Unloading Sale 4

Tluit will <-;iitse v.)u lu pureha-M- fur uext spring, if vou duii't

f. eaeh



HA BUGS, :«)xC0 in.-h Orkntid
pattiTiis, ngufar

..'"g 95

iLTie^pn*.... 9.98
Lace Curtain Values

Unloading Sale of Small and Room Size Rugs

Wonderful Rocker Values


Of <Wa Ware,
Covered Spgars,
Cake Plates, Cops &
Ssneers, Spoon
Trays, etc., etc.
Get in quick on these.

No. 40201-BXTEH8IOH TABLE, with 44x
44-inch tup; liaa 5 4-inch logs, extends to
ti feet: rt-gular price $15; has been used
. a short lime; Unloading ,
Sale price ...................................... , 0»57U
No. 40622-^TENSIOH TABLE, 44-ine<i
8«iu«re‘top, b-ft. extension. 5 5-jneh plain
oak legs; solil for $16.75, but hiij iK-en
useii very little;
Q Oft
will close for ,................... .............<7.570

No. 40218—EZTENSiOH TABLE, roubd
lop. with llbineh iK.Joftal. nun-dividing;,
lop extends to 6 fe-'t; gennirte quartered
oak. polished; a rJO tabU^ "
to cl«.
. *t.....................................
^0. dOm-EXTEHSIOHl ' design, with French i*ga;.l
Rich, ill genuine qualtcH^
oak, has U-ineh rim on t^;
table. Ko]<l for $28. neviTboen
used; Unloading Sale price '

Oak frame^acreen. 3 pancU filled with ^ko I No. 1200:1 Mahogany Momc
serpentine door and mirror
top; a $20.00 valne.for '

48c I



No. 4102$. GCBileaMB’s ChlUorobe, qnartared
. aad ptHIahed oak. Baa large wardrobe
wllh toar eUdlBg sail haagers; six draws
eBclosed wilhdsor.a$4$vaIae. 40 AA
Unloadlag Sale prlee..................... AW.OW
Foar oak Eaales for picturea,
■ to closfe each....... ....................................

-V ;;



2 More Great Bargain Weeks

120 East Front

We have decided to make a thorough job of it while painting and decor­
ating our stme, and are going to re-paint and decorate our fiist and third Boon
LOWEST NOTCH ds well as the second, so we need eyety foot cf floor space that we can possibly
get. If you have not got any of our prc-invent ry and room-making ■^sale bar­
gains, be sure and come in during the next two weeb. This sale vyill go down
in the Mercantile History of Traverse City, as being the lowest cut-price sde
ever inaugurated by us, or any other concern in the state.

Library Tables
Ameriran «|UHrlertNl oak libniry table. tWx22-ineh
top. 2',--ineh s.purv leR. Inrtfe drawiT, sale price..$4.08
Ameriran <(uartered onk library table. '42x24-im-b
top. 4-ineh h-R. polish finish ..................................................$7.75
42x24-ineli Hhrary table.-<*itlier luahogany. weathi-ret!
orti. a. finish, dull or !»li*he<i, aule price................. $855

The House-wile’s Friend wife «c inotluT wants u kiU'heii ral'inet. ami
lieiv is yiMtr tTminv to p-t luT ruir. A rimmI. woirmaiic
labim-t. IiHrthv<HMl top. tiolHs (iO (hiuikIk of tlour. has lanro
iiiixiiiR Ih.htiI; sab- pri<-c ...................................................... 93A5
Otliors lA $5.50, $7.50, $8.60 ami up t:> $33.1^.

Others at $10, $12, $125l^nd up to $21.

Dining Tables
' The time of your life to p-t that new extensron table.
42 inch -top, square ix-d.-stal, heavy massive feet, polish
finish diniDR tabh- «mle price............ ..............................$7.76
Other* at $10. $12 and $1&
rriees cut on every table in the store.



sritI in
you can

havi',a imtid>er of tbem. t'ouie in and get first
We alsi) have wveral nigyjbjtl have been daniour show window or in
p uiuple
room that,
buy at less than cost.


Sewing Machines

imt-pb-i-e iliiuior wt in two r-olimt: n-jnilar $I2A0
value, sale pri<-e
^Ye have {\ lot of rahls ami emU in iHhIu-s that wiwill sell at almost any priee. Koijr or Jive sets that-are
Standards flo- world over. Why j>ay an BRent
short otip or two joeivs that niv RoiuR at half |irice duriiii: or.JtiO for a m-witiR mueliine wb«-«i you eap Ret as k«sk1
this sale.
a machine as then- is on the market fiw $25.00?
We have others at $12 $18 ami t32. '.

ilMSBETifl 'M !Uii

Tii-y are too valuabh- to In!'i-.itei-| your IsHiks. Tillhouse
to bust and
strewn ahmil the room
rlaiiiatte. t»f ecuirw- you .■auuot .lhelp il if yotir lomkeaHe
is full .w at. ol<] atyle. ».Ii.| eas«-.
erlk.-. Iti-tter R'-I rirl of «mh
euo ami start a new one that will always a'-eotmiicKlate
olir laxikx sviliKKit beiiiR either tiai larve or t<M> small—
e that RTtrWM with your library and alwaya fits. They
at io> tiiore tliaii the-ctimmon kiml.

Big Dresser
Uressi-r like «tit..lSK2<lilieh Fr»-tieh plat.- mirror.
•AmerieiHi oak
finisfa. well made. wotkI
kimlw. only ................ $6.05

Keneh wringers, sale priiv- up fr»>iii ................. ..........$450

Cio'hes Bar and Ironing

Quick Meal
Steel Ranges^

Solid oak prim-i-Hs dr.'s.sTin- best ranRe i-xperieiiee has ever produced. They
lKx-«» •F'reneh plate an- better because they am- heavy.eriouRb to l>e Rood,
mirrtrr. -full s.Tp
and InstinR. The stretiRllienwl |*arts are the
front, poiiah liiibth aale
.$17.76 ones where the most wi-iiT is. ^ The walls are asitestos
Imi-d. They are math- of st-el. consispn'iitly they
atrnng and^t-aiimit t-raek.


The only at'*ve matle where tin- bark fiiiea, walla and
all inside flues arc porcelain enamel and are abaolntely
fit:...; .. . *• --------$1356 rust proof.

N»rtbem Mich­
igan's Original
Home Forolsber

We have Ist-n heaib|uarters fur this line of rikkU
and will save yon fnrni Id to 2t»'^ on anvibing yon need.
Tub UTiiiRi-rs. salj |»riee up from ....................................$2.26

Send in a mail onler for one. of thrse massive, 1h-butiful upholstered rockers: Koeki-r just like cut. geouiue
rhase leather uphotsteriiiR. tow tHhsl. heavy hard wood
platfonn. donbb- ^il riM-kvr spriiiRs. will last a life time
sale price ................... ....... .............................. ^................$10.76


Globe Wernicke Book Cases


Wrlugers,Tubs, Boilers aud
Washing Machines

Iron Beds
Fifty styles of iron Isnl* tc» Seh*et from ranpiiiR in
prise fnim a gcMs],-.|ull size hed. auy color, at $1.40 up to
a heavy.2‘<: inch post brass bed for.............. ....' $^50

We'are showiiiR several uea' wfinUes iu ironing
boanls that you ought l*v
't'iothes barsH like rut 90e;
OOei otihers at SOc and 76c.
Inming boards up from 176c.

Center Tables

Bed with brass lop rail, heavj- angle-iron at. both
Big valu'Ni in pari> tahlte.l
head sud foot sale price...................V.............................$356 Table likR /cut, 24.ineh Amencan %-oak top, French shape. |
leg. polish finish, sale... .$156 1
Ifi-ineb table, just the thing
to set a fern or plant on, sale
price ............................................. 79c
Pedestals-14 off. We have
We hayc-about aixt}' pair- of sample b|auWta that
a-wdiibcr of ped«*stals left over
we are goio$ to dose out at this sale aod raugiag~ii) price'
from the holidaj-s that we will
price from,^ per pair up to Ibi: beat all wool blankeU.
sell for ti6 2.3c on the dollar.
$1.93 buys a good, largc.-woolknsp blaukct that you
ordluarily have to paj' $356 for.




Your Reliable,


oBiBD lUTBBU mun MD TMmn m cmu. tbrhmt, i». ». u»

Fife Uke P^WrfiSWnt


uwMummm, uuBihBii,
W« iball te clad to h>
Md «n elh«r «r.
th« Onmn>I, ifnawnal
I iB itMu fl( Bcm, pcnoBSli,
I KMttBfi, aptteM ef «nt«rtBfai• cbMifM, pnUk iBpcovmiDti
0Mt««|iUt4 s4« of ml MtaU
tBttr, And Any oClwr ifeiidi e( du.
•nl iBterMt. I«Dd sll H«mi to IDn Xdu WaU.
(^vf* ot tbt


real -Mtete 1b town and coiatoy aiv laparitlly
■- Tb* abor«

*• a not oaly
oaly' to
to> (ha tsmuAf

Tb« ConilBS Unilly ot Woitord
IUto mevOi <m ti>e Coy (arin •ovtboaM ol SamnU.
UUIe Joe PolUnS l» on the «kk list
tbit week. .
p;' >
UlUe Oorotbee Speer is abeeet
fi«B tram eriwol .beiu sick with the
Joe Loate remelu abont tbe Hino.
The Misse* Cota eiid Edna Wall ot
TrArerse City were here to attemt tbe
feaeral ot ibeir cootia, John TayJor.
Joe and OeorRe Matlison ot Travetae .CUy were {uestt of tbeir uoele,
Oeene JJadltoe.
Wednesday and
Tbvrada.r. Tbe boya retumol Thnraday, taklnc a nice atrfns ot rabbita
wttb tbein.
Ellen MndJaon, wbo hns been alck:
b Mnpraved. ao ibe rctanted
lUpids Saturday to reanine her dnijea
to tbe aduMl tbere.
)lba Hainle Clark Wit liiurMlay tor
Cadillac to have her
T eyes' treated. One
A- eyea has developed
n tbat It It teared the will loae
iu ai^
The lilstea Barth and Derxer
Ulned tbe rnemben ot tbe yonwe
Cartby k


e Tuesday a

litin. J. A. McCarthy Jett Monday top
Bis' RapMa. where abe wOI eMt her
Botbar tor a tew days.
ProL Clark attended a tpocUl prlatirr school lecture la Traverse City
. Tbe Uisacs Forbush and lUrtr
apeni Sainrday. In Traverse Cli>v
Mrs. Mary Doneth ot CopemUb is
tbe cueat of her son, T. U Doaetb.
here thb week.
Mrs. Ralph Case and MIsa Ivab BoSart; spent Monday In Cadillac.
C. P. Weaver made a buthtess trip
to CAdlliar last Tfaursday.
Ur. and Mrs. Fdsin Chautty we
Traverse City rtsltors Seturday.
Ur. ami Mra. N. Sorenbon spent
Mondny in CadKIae.
'Cart Moody Went to CadiUnc Wed­
Ralpb Case wna In Traverse City
l.nisi* Morris made a bublaest trip
tn Detroit the first of tbe week.
Howard Daan. I>. U ^alsn -and
Freak Hopktna werr In Traverse City
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caae were
SncMt of Sirs. Case's brother, Albert
Koeblner. at Bbckman, Sunday.
Tbe basketball tfrte save a recep­
tion tor Mrs. Ernest Storrs at the Boreasen bqme last Tueaday cvcnlnK- Rofreahmeata were Sen-ed and 'a very
enieyaMc time spent by the party.
Mrs. Storrs was presMted with
- bea^Utnl rorker.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert t,aBaron made a
b^neas trip to Treversc CUy

iUgtered to HegJth hr
E. l>i»khBm’A VefetBble
Own StoiT.
Westwood. lld.-"I am a fmer'i
srife ttd do BwA of my own week wbA
t am able. 1 had
Urrihlo boaiM
mod '•ritb my


nesday. -They shipped tbeir boueebeid
Koode Thnraday and wlU so to Utdlnalon tbe tore part ot next weeL wherA
they will Mke their ^uiurA boipe.
Un. Edwin Cbautty wp a caller InTnveree CUy Wedaeeday.
Winnie Pierce''a bow
today. It .wu oaly aUaIttly da
a the blaxe ,was soon eninfni
A pair of twin dauchtere ^ere born'
to Hr. and Mn. WDlliia' Rltey today.
We are pickiok paQsiee here from
ir ^rdena. tbe Ural time'we bare
Id ibal In years.
Jan. K.

MAPLE errv.
LlUle MIsa Frances Vennart. who
tias been very.alck tbe pasi'week, M
recoverlns niceb'Mka J«u»e!c CluS went to^reveree
City Saturday.
J. F. Toujan has been on tbe sick,
list a nnnber of day^ btlnk enable to
drive on tbe route two days.
Rev. Pbilipe went to i^ton Frida)tur&ed Monday.
R. Fisher Is siUIeriaK wltb tbe
Mrs. II. S. Doe ot Omena epent Sun­
day here m lth bar parents.
' B'm. AnHdbn. i(L. h on tbe' stcLIUL
Jan. SI.

E. R. Smith le belplaf a. V. Uoiwa
haul tedder today.
.Mr. Skiver went to Traverse City
Mre. Fiib went to Klnsaley today.
Walhee Flsb went to Snmmlt Clty
Baltifday nIShl.
Mrs. Tyler visited Mrs. Hicks last
Mn. Cos la muiA belter at tbU writf.
Mrs. Tale risUed at Ciarjr Bameon'a
Tbe accident which happened to Mr.
Tayloi's aon while huBilDg last Sun­
day ought to be a. waning lo young
men ot this locality.
Ixe Hornsby, county school commls■loner. visited tbe acbool toft Thurs­
day and also look dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. O. V. Holmes.
and Mrs.Oldbam ot Hodge call­
ed on Mrs. Fish last Tbursda'y.
George McManus attended tbe tar»
ers' Ineiilutc at Kingsley thf U.tb.
Jlr. and Mrv Tyler spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. OMbam.
Mrs. Wniker. wbo has been sick,
is not mneb better. Mrs. Walker Is at
Mre. Pilcher's home east of Hodges.
Jan. TO.

' Mias l^Ule Clark went to <CadStoe
on Tueedaj'.
deputy sheiH!
Miss Edith Brldgeman reti^
her eeboot near MayOeld Tuesday.
Jas. l.yie was s Csdiltoe oeller pn
Frfd Thorne ot .Traverse City was.
out to soe bis nwiber on SundayA. Itolberg has been lU with tbe
grtpiw lor a tew daya.
Minor Blddlecome was beme tttte
Spencer a tew days the past week.
D. L. Magam was la Csdiltoe Tuew
Mrs. Emms Wsy ot Mecosta is vtoItlng her daughter. Mrs. C. B. Osborn.
Jobs apd. ISark lUmbaH ot Detroit
are -Siting ibeIr'I'arenta for a few
dayr. ^ ’
Mr. and tlra Will Gilmore reiumfd
f.'riday' from a short visit si Cadlltoe.
Mrs. A T. Brockway of Boyne CUy
is spendiu F fei^ days with her ntooe.
Mrs, p.'.aC Osbof®.
Mesdames Henry Taberer and Jas.
giraban. Jr., visited Nn. H. C. Gore
Trgv-crse Cliy on Wedposday.
Charley LaBsr Is hpme tram De­
troit on a couple of weeks'-racaUon.
George Weaver hae l^p seriously
III ibe past week'snd U under tbe csre
of s.pbyslclsqkiiss Gertrude ^rnstelne bes been
shsqnt (rom s^ool a tew daya on aoeonm of rniicsa.
Mra. Headley is Improving and Is
>w able to b« about tbe bouse.
Lltlto Ellen Blddlecome was veo'
sick the past we^ wltb a aeVei;c cold.
Mr. and Mrs. A. GiWnman ot Cadlllse aye bore tor a few days* vlsH
s'itb retoUves. t^rot. W. G. Willard and wife are
II with togrlMwFrank CaroUiers and tamiry and
tbe workman moved back from WaL
(on on Satnrday.
Harvle Loucks left tor Charlevoix
Satbrday. where be baa aexntred a poeltlon la a bank.
Mrs. T. J. Strahan returned borne
Thursday evening alter vIslUiig rela­
tives at Flint and Cadillac for a
couple of weekaMr. and Mrs. Ed Mills and i
Ralph went to Klngsle;{ Saturday
Btiend tbo funeral of Mr. BofotMarion Clark, who split hU fcmt
open with an axe a couple of weeks
ago. Is getllng along remarttobly well.
W.'A.l Clark a^ fafajly of Cnlon
... .----------m w{ih J—I—
have au
been very^ 01
work past, bring conAned to
Ibalr-boda ter Uva-dagA,

r_, Me, andjUrf. Tom Af4fU0e wf>f t
from Cadtllac lo aUend Ibc funeral of
Jay Aldridge on Monday.
.^ic; and Mra. Dave Benson
dghghler. Dorothy, ot Ri
rivq,] Mrs
rarants. !Mr. and Ml
^he L O. O. F. lodge Installed tbe
fOl)o«ri(« officers Jsn. 8th. l*H
m; vice grand,
rj. A. O.
Hodges: finan^l secretary. Geo.
EtnllH freaqurer, P. T. Peterson,
* Tbe*On^ Wstal
offleers Jaa. llto. 119J2: .Master. Tj.
Baker: c^erseer., A. K. Sllvernali:
treasurer. W. A. Fuller: secretary,
Georgia Carotbers; steward. Joe Baitenfteld.
Mrs. Jsmew Apderson of Conoellsvfllc. Ps.. died early on Monday morn­
ing. Jsn. SOth, at the borne of her hus­
band's brother. Jake Anderson, to Un­
ion. where she with her bnsben'd hsv|i'
been rlslilng tbe post month. She was
gpiwrently in uiusJ'good hoqltb unU|
within sboiil ah hour before her
death. Thov bad Intended rriumlsg
borne In a few daya. Her reipatns will
te taken bonw on the SSnd.
. OMtoacy.
4ty Driber* Aldridge wse born In
Springfield township on D^.-mber 1,.
1SS8. and died on ianuary 18. 1913, at
the home of bis brother In Sriith
Just four yfars .ago while hanitog
Iqgi at South Boardman '
Ibrown from bla toad by
train and received tnterui
from which he. Ifas
suferer. Patleht. and rfaeerf^ ^
kept up hopes of recoven' nntll
e his death. He Is survl’veld
by me brother. Abridge E. AtdrlSge.
and two Bisters. Mrs. Mary Raffeny
and Mise Flora ^Idrldge.
Funeral eervkos were conducted
Rev. A. W: Baker at tbe M. E. rhm
on Monday. Jan. JOth. at 1:M p. m. Iw
torment wbb made to Springfield eem'eetery.
Cbureh Servloaa.
Prayer mooting every Wednesday
erentog W Ibe M. E. church at 7:20.
Su^y services for Jan. SC. I913:
Sabbath acbooral 11:46 a. m. at U.
E. rfaurcb. T. J. Inman ft tbe present

day. Jan. 19. Mrs. Alto Dbberfy having
previously retimed.
Preaching at the Presbyterian
church at 3 p. m. by Rev. Long of
ftiwortb l5iFfn« bt
p. m. at the
M. R. chnreh.- fMlaslonaryl. ToplA
'Present Day Condlttomi In Arric^~
Isa. 18-1-7.
Preorhlng Immoliately after by
Bev. A. W, Bakw, iwator.
, Jan. 2L.

Tbe Kasson Center Otnnge met at
the residence ot John Buegsegser
lary 18ib with an uansually. gpo^
sdance. The following new)y eloctattendii c court at Honor ihto-w.
ifficers were insUUed at tbe pre­
OrlolJ Pray went to0 Traverse CUy Jurors.
vious meeting by 8. T. Ball: Mssier,
Ij>wU Huellmaotri and Uoyd Bai
8. T. Ball: overseer, Wm. Sauler; lec­ Monday.
turer. Mfs. Wro. Ssuler: stowud.
Mrs. E. T. Pray visited at her aoa'a. will take eomc beef cattle lo Mr. ll
Charles FrtU: aaalstant steward. Nor­ Gilbert Pray. BaUirday and Sunday. - fer on ■niesday.
C. E. VAkc drove over to* Lake Anb
man Newman: tody assistani steward.
Jo^b s'bark of South Boantoun la
Mrs. Norman Newman; cbsplaln. Mrs. isiUng bis aUter-ln-tow. Mrs. Jeffe^ tost Wednesday on buslBctHMarvin; treasurer.George Axfell; soc- on Undticy.
vetary. Oscar Barth;
ding a few
Andrew Ihirbwnfcs ia appndli
Worthy Ruegsegger; Ceres. Mrs. U t.
day In Traverse Cll^.
Hal):'Pomona. Mra. Charles Frits:
Flora. Mrs. 6acsv Barth: orgaatot.'
Pearl Rnegargger. The Grange BAM Yrgvefse a»- spent Saturday'to 1
an all-day aesMofi. In the (orenoos toimir.
----------------- ------a.
tvro Joined by Inltlallon and three by,
demit. At the noon hour all. pgrtook .auter-a. Mrs. Bdm Boiaaere. '
Haten Pray baa been skk a few
of a dinner prepared by (bq aiaters.
Miper Fbrrant .and daughter of Em-. day-B with lagrlppe.
Tbe Helping Haad society will. i_ .
Idra rlalted and assMted la the InriaV
wl(b Mrs'. Carrie Prv
Mre. Rabecua ?ray U db Ike aidk
N. V. Allen was bcipae from bis new
tdrm a couple ot days laH week.
Mrs. Wtniami is gnltVsiek. Itovlni
Jan. :i.
received a bad tall some time ago. Ail
hope tor a speedy recovery.
The faraweU party In honor of Mrs.;
Howard Coleman and ntopter are


Briomon Coldmrn.
County Treasurer Hoasie and hia
:ettogoi>ber are two protid people to­
day. Ther »rc w^lng tbeh friendi
wbohaitocn along to aee tbo fine new
tjjtowilter desk that arrived this
monitng. TbI* was ofderhd at the laa
MMlou of the board of auj
and,ft made to fit the long carriagei
lypywritera that ere used to tbe dltforeni ofOcea.

tbit morning when. bo knocked bis
ri^t band against a beef which he
wat skinning. Tbe knife allpped and
went through tbe band Jutt Inside
tbe thumb, and tbe index finger was
badly cut. He will be unable to work
for a few days.
OiU of the tMtfirft Vf fMa farpiera*
Inatltoie to be brid at tbe eosrt Boose
the last of tbe week will be tbe lanten> ■««« Tlewt of a number of Grand
Traverse farma and orebardt. Many
of tBeae views are In colors and are
of apwlal interest becaoM they give
one a good general Idea of tbe rqaourrea of tbla.wtonderfu).(^nd Travenie eonntry. Tbe views wifi be abowm.
Tbnradar evening.
fjineral Sfr^cet for
rere'befd from tbe tamRy home at
o‘<^. ibe.Oera^'tji'tSSfCn'paSor



- these men
_ On tbe corgi^ or in tbe midtbe street, tjljfctog very'earncetentirely r^li^oui of the snrybs.m^ rest aaanred tbat
B?en an^ , each one
baring tbb "bedt sfriln of birds In the
InU.' Tos see tMy aye getting
for tbe big poultn- atbw that begins
Jatuiar}; S8fb iP toe Munson building
on Proni slreot.
Tht Tnvanc CUy

stfliti Hi.Cogtwhim

at tbe home of Robert Barttcy and
were treaty to an oyster supper by
Mr. and Mre- James Harris. After
the supper wbiob was tborougbly «ajoyed by alL tbo bulunee of the even*
ins was devoted to music and socialgoad time.
On# sf thsK strsagest aeemon. Cvse
rewbed Itegiyvfapajaty was deilvred.Tuesday^SJ*^ by Rev. o. C
‘ebtlooff at the BvangriiCBj church
revival meeting on tbe subject. 'A
Royal Cbange." Tbe audience was
IHwund thronghoot tbe sermon

tost night
a aueat the Knlghto of Pythias was
oewi This wai cwducted
ebbduried *. . .
EUapum. gr^d kqper of rmoM
lodge oiriul state.
«•! hr
of tbe Grand
a/-. ..... ..
L uniform
a more
Tbe object it
of conterrlog • tbe degrera
sod enabling tbe offloere to becoim
mors (a|unar sAcb tbe
' ‘Cbt*
jrecoeded'by s flab auijSfc under
rharge of Cbe^ Guy Chase, and
an hour spent in ptoytor erihbage.
Tbere were oyer .forty presenL
aps ^dleoine.
regular t^ing of
bWness; Men's saeoctoflon held tost nighl
In tbe council rooms tbe following delegs^a were appototed to attend the
nnn^l state meeUng (bat will bA
brid in Flint. Febraary 16-n; George B^LIKVED PORTE WILL AGREE
Blue. Howard Colea. Crc. E. Aralovs,
Frsiik King. A. W. Bartah.' Otto Kysrika. Jos. Sleder. J. H. StoUberg,
FradtcHamllten. A. F. Fyiedridt a»d Thia to the View ef otpl^u Who
F. ^Btrdial. wbb goes by virtue of
Arw In tsdrii wrtli Mnlhnn
bla office as secretary of tbs local



tre was also appointed to neniaate
Igrndou. Jan. 22. —
offic^ fpr Ibe coming year and “ touch with tbe Balkan sHaaUou re­
report at
scat moetlng.
gain reports from Partq Vienna and
taatinoplc that Turkey baa deMarie Craw plantsd EOOO fingeriing
blacl Uas ill tfie BoIiSiB&n r(ver titi
mor^K betwe« ckis and . Bgkti M-MeMto foTbcaata. ILtobrilevcd
lAni Uk> soeh action, but
tU«^ These catne' fram tl^ .t. 8.
flsb batebery to Wisconsin. It is tbe Bd oMri*! advidea have tim aecnrod
Uto national aMembly baa
infeiitlon of the locai flsbetteh to taSre
make Dbatdban Uke an Ideal-IWiniff
gron^d and It can be done ao wltb a
lltUo 'careful attention. This la a
sport tbat attracts summer phopltl
from all parU of the codntn' ^
to have such a idaco wUbln ibe oontines of the city wotOd be one Of tbd
Surulay evaMng.
bigg^t features tbat tbe city cboJd
offer tbe tourists.
Tbg lisTtn cbftcert tbat is to
Chaa. Kah|y. arrseted a few dayi
. grten ' to ^letoberg’s Oritod Sun^y
ago by Sheriff Smith ebargod witti Vreslw will be one ^ Utg ftoert connilB< . bad
• • tits
•• <
- •------ -- -been oAred
— - to the
Nerllnger this todblc ViVen of Tikverse CHF to some
e was bound over to tba
of circuit -court on .a twa
U.r^b «
veiT beet local muMcal taint
hundred dollar bond.
. Kill appear to aolo wo|k and tbo
. nM. beiiia) C^iin has reeMvbilfTBtttre cecbestra numbers are sqr«
word fro'ttl Rev. J. H. Com. (ff In­ to please. VTtae oliject is a worthy
dianapolis, liid.. sriio was t£e iS« iiiie. It-being to aid one of tbe sirir
pastor and betiM oi^ra tbo Con: l^bcibera. Tbe U^a tbat are in
gregktld^l efaufeb to this city tbat tW bania of tbe various mabben are
be Will be present at tbe Jubilee an- bring sold very rapidly abd -tbe todlnlveraary Febroary 2nd. It will «• of catlona are tbat tbere will be a crowdintent to know that Mr.-Crgm la aUH
hale and brarty and has bpen in ac­
tive twstorate work. Tbsrg are
number of poople who bare Sspt
ctoae touch with Mr. Cram -and srtU
be vetT pleated to Know that bb'wlft
e fibre ai this tlmw
J. ^S«





b2uSi fteSr* were^tsparibtB hall and
.‘'^^Sr^^tbe dining


lim mb at (be
ever ao mneb fito slDce tbe days ot

10 cento for sample

Traverse City.

and terms to
«.A PnbUatdng


spending some time in Travene CUy
1 a visit..
D. H. Day . Is bsoUng Jogs from tbe
Deerlag place.
Matoer has tbe Job cA entting
Ue tlm^r on tbe tOif» ba|l fort.».
^ eome on Geo. BarjUi's PAperty.
Frank Ponock and erite hafe a w
Jan. 20.

pacAreehwwonanl^Mra. Jon

Ma^ Bonnell .of Bfodon Is
gnesi' tor a few days tif Mr. and h
U A. Bennett.
Mesdames I. C...
_«u wm Cadttiu <

bf^ school and spgraduate of
eeglaeqrtog depa^iflent ot
yereiu- o/ MichfsUL At tbs' prei
lime be It eooneetod with tbe I
irraal Portland qement CospAty
Chicago agd Plttobnrg aa a dvll
The AuAie M'aae'nto InsktllafioS thA
aa postponed frotn December will be
bald on Tbora<|ay.-JaB. 30. to wbl
aU ^aaona and thdr taiBUtos M
was lesi^ todsy for San UtcigK,
vlled. Invitations for (£e same .s
.Jiff.. wberq
Wb«-, be
- will remain lor the
be laaveO to a tew days.
.. ....
ti-W-k... .^,1
belj^ ot
tbe _-k„
'wf^er.'• ^clwiet
the ebat^ In'^lmale wiirVeWore bit

Wm. Betts ot Bensoala
on boshiees Batnraay.
Grandma Felghncr - had a alight
stroke of paiplyslt Thursday,'
Eniaat Curtis and Percy Harris
eat north Tuesday to work'Id the
lumber wa^s.
Wm. Sbertuau 1s oa tbe aidt list.
Cbts. bntqr «r Beasonla .spent
Sunday a( Ma bona here..
Mr: and Mrs. OMnw «iuM» *m.
Iluddlnfion and Chartee>X>«oer

Bbe leaves Wedaee^y for'Nla^

OOIXOB XU^ SfJa»SlIr*iSi» UJ ■W;
^8s:j ■

•ble to sjt up^ Mar, bretber. FWp^
Touou. aid ^JfA drora ov^from
Mapip City Snmtoy ^ agq her, snd
Mr. ami Mre. Temple FWisi of Pbnsi

gseeta of Uri abd Mrs. SItos Gray on
Sunday. •
Mrs. Orpba Bates and
Laura Bates helped Mrw t^yd Bdt^
tie out some comforubies tost ■Wed­
Tbe children to and around Lake
Ann atp baviBS tbe ol^eken pox.
Hr. and Mra. Willie Lake drove
oyer to Inland' ftwday.'
Eddie Imke irant to Travom CHF
HIn Rood ot Imke Ana lost a valo•A H0M7 Gne grg

SZTE& IJtBOl BLAIKRI sad fktn wdi|b»:
........ ...........


uixm; iratttin pui, u................. ...XfWiJ


......... .......... • —
nix UDU oMOOBna. rthuin,Mi,w




to *lio, sn am ........................... ........

*°tl to


DAT, SAM. n, ltl£

4i« Hid tM teMb'dlwM btr Um

«rMid«M of tbo A(4 McMr for tb«
MUteUk 7*^ or bor Iff*. alM.«o
OOte DrfMi* tt fbooTom fii« MtM bonsb^
C<%r O l^ine. M»bo. vm TttlUot liow «D|ttac bOdU for tM etarch.
Vr.'GnilM tia tao*Ui* ttai «r* Donne wooW pMti,,1
« «*»-«
Oaf cm more-UiM Me to Mraeir
huk Oiere
-p(ob«blf 'taOb HTi fte U4(m alM Mrved t deticidu*
'Mture bome tbeto.
, '•
!{QneIl of MtreW dUferwil kittda'of
Mr. and' Mra 01e.or.and tbe mJ'****and
Th^ ^
be, tatted to b« approOrbU, -Wollb,' HoitJdaV and Ja*la»'**®^
vent to Kfniciler Thv
flnrald Otbtaa -and bride returned
to jatrad .tbo.iBdlOB*- Md-CocM^<■t
Suaday after a awntb'a tUU in
Mr*. Danala.. It beta, tbrtr anireai home
BeeUn.,'alae Ura. DnBae*B bBtbday. tbo aontb. itaroM arraag ouHo a

r mmsi

. f, * r^rtf -dtMfr** t,' • y-‘*T M

♦ d ♦ ♦ C# ♦ • ♦

OB bto maf friwde 'br'k<«teat Mondar. tba thlrUtttb, t>a(nK bti blrtbaar TO Min
LMb Bard of RorMa. HU friend*
war* lAennhi. to Boet bia «l tbo
train Monday oreata. and c<re (bets
' freeptfar bat I .ueaa HaroM flioticbt
of fbat. BO tmne Soaday noob.
' L>e« VanidOld and vlfc and Pete
Mobl add tri^e fit Kloaalcy verc vliitt.
in. at Wbyne Maalptid'a Sunday.
, M™. OiKinte Spaaldiaa of TmrerBe
;C1ty. TiBited oVer Sunday amonc
friends here returaln. bone MonMy. WMKiatbtAdll^ abltad
Mr. and Mra. George Periiar- went


et i. i»w

ft ftaaj

CWBbin^B fwilS
tSMfiW mnEkSE BMtau) j ^thforliK)
F/tSM A«H» FiaastBE \


This unparalleled offer holds good for a limited Ume.
Upon payment of $1.00 and baA snbsciiptions due us (If any) we will send the Twice-a-Week Pmnd
Traverse Herald (,104 copied) anil thd Twice-a-Honth Farm at^ Fireside (2d cc^^es) both fof one tdar.
Tbe Grand Traverse Herald will be advanced in price to $1.90 a year, but if you take advantage of thip
offer you can hbve H another ydkr at lheold prick X$l a year) arid^et the Farm and Firesideone year FREE.
As has been our custom for many years, every subscriber has been mailed a statement ofhis account
so he will know just wbetf his subscription expires and how mnch is due (ff Sity) ou back subscripiiuii.
' ' '
' filUBSCRlISEiRS - '
Send Sl.00 and set both papers one full ytmr In advance.

Farm andfir


If you Live po the jFarnj
You will ftod something on every page of ".Fann and Fireside" to help you.
But even ifyoo do live in town yoii will 6nd this big, brighU cheeroful.
us^ul nSivspaper dr the farm mighty interesting.
We are doing the moSt amazing things on farms nowadays, and "Farm
Fireaide" teUs all about it.
"Farm and Fireside” fpr thirty-five years has been'the NaUonal Farm
Paper, comes twice a month. 24 copies a year. 32 pages 11x16 inches, four
ctdumns. Illustrated.
RadaadFao«adi<tf FioniCow

n ntlBH
xfUB* ua
... an
Then an pealft proStt, Itat' tbaN
f abo •Bormoaa
poohzT ioMea. Tbe ^ervBce ii chiefly is
i ..know-faaw. Ton
SMabr d*
can raiae ponlttr—4f rba kaOW hSw. The pWltiy
fietteaTiad saafa
.of Para
and P&eaide
ia ahoet tlb labA pMbtieat‘bi
faatun eff iU kliid exiaUd
pxinud ttywfaebe.
iSTwhatt. Ae
Aa forettak
foMMit axptrta
Show bow a baa Umt oorta-a dSkaF ft W tb Ib*«» ean be ittdt
to lav from tbraoto fin daQart' wenb of agp; abo, bow yos
«(jp for a y«ar, ai fMb aa ttWy dw tbay won bUA
it it» Powbma wfll yo«


RDO«B» BO oy ww WHvarBiiBi, wm

___ coatrMa artMea W Pam sM Pbedde.
Tbd BreMe isn't aeslcieud tt this ffafion^ Para Mewfe.
(be ihtiiier. Have yon erW
paper. Taka the» depaitMnrdf
. , ......................
AMA prtoand
fartoand by ofo <who malra
tern the r«l tew AME
eodlMt a donaette
.rite, wbo.h
wbo.hid lavahtioa and the reconroea
tbe famf bi each
eeeh tanTo.---------benzol Para And
foe food
eeeka of the form giveoBeBl ndte te prdpeilnf
---------- --tSrni*,
AMekma feed->aAd they
(hV mget praetkal, yea
oaaflndonywfaen.. .■

The beat mcB ia the ceoatry, in t&a eolleret, m tbe faraa,
B Uke Dr. A 8. Alekaadbr. David Boffmaa, Prof, paa Dray
of AU&Wtaa aad Prof. TrawbiUffe of IfiSMui. Ml what they
knbw In a way yon ^ nkflentaad la fh»n and nreAde. And
yon want to know, ia view of the prkea'Sf meat aad, batter
and aflk. vdwtber yon an aeUia( ot big^.
Uterest is espedally
Hen's when the
.eadsed market pecM.
atnay. Para and Piredde baa
markrt fBoUtioBS. Jt
wiats faeU by apedaOiat ia tke whole afrienltarai and stock
IM, who show odiat condittoni make the frioas, and why, aad
prices are likely to be. Whether yon are sellinf
tdboeeo, eora, cotton or^bofs, or bnytaf theee thlnfs m any
fora, the market pagea have a vital algniflcaaoe. .
Jodson 0. Wdufer AU in WaahllgW or ralhff be keeps
hwUing abott the eh^tai, keepbgtei^-aye on/any artlvthe aoA, wd
that aCeeU
- * the
- faramr
' -T and
i the ^oeto ef tt»
Mtk-wkaaa mlM
I. ha wvlloa aboot H.

to pretty mnch

port of

Tttt ii Mai II«, M HWIft fl *, »»*• BT~ Bto r»*

'.U naA
r« . mat m» Kppi« WM itiaM. m aaui tmab U w««.»Wl. !*«, r«i mB
.ritofc. A. gimw M WMa.,
libiowt wftti Pam

W. ulii JWtK-Tl^ui

Grand lyayorac Jferaid

TlH-flraud TraiefM HeroM ^«i«abli»h*>d in
by lion; Morgui Bates. Lieut. Oovomor of Miehton. and pnWi**ed
for nearly .V) ypara by Tboa. T- Betie. Tl»e Greet Home I'aper of tbe Grand Travene Rugioa oontaininyneigbboriioOd loi^l
Trawrae C.^v local new* aoil u|>-lo-t)Hsmiimte market reiuntaj "Home (.Aeer'’ and "Sunahtiie'’'depaKaeeWt «adofled bv .Mrs. Mfbel BaU* Wiliiama and <’U« Italea-^UepartaenU entwiiR>d •» doeely aboot Uie bearta aad hotoes of
(he fahiHfM of tbe Gnfna Trerane re«imi fbr threw generotioDB. bihI new ftsaturea of jfenera! iotereat to be
the year.
We aitn'tn make tbia paper, that ia oldoat in Michigan north of Grand Rapids,—tbe aewaiest and noet progrpM.ivC'in
;er«l. and right do----------- '
. .
Many itnproveniei
voted to the m-edt
•orate ,,n«,
|irTe«i for al
Mfa. Mabel Rate* ’
. a Snd Mian Clara Bate* wW mr the eoming year,
prumiaing Mtmetliiug eapeHailr
nertaitr good for tberr
frlenda fntitfue
______ the
Home Cheer and Runshine Departments
SuliacrilH'early in order to Brit mtt* aI Angle iaaoe...dnd F
hi ord«d to _
!«.«* ot 0«r gw.t



t^cToTOav an-3l)«uUful W. J. Cbaba
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PHekfTfRrtffceK Wt^T'tr
CCDAtt errv N£W».
♦[had ^rge of the aervleea. -Nearer.^and non eonulbuUn. IlC^iW)
• ♦♦^♦♦♦♦d dd'd ♦♦ ♦ dlMy Ood >o Thee.- “Sometime. Some-jpurpote, al«o the mill wa« shut down
- Cedar niy.' An.
b»%.''itabr}tln>a Well Underetaod“ axtd “BaaoU-[wbOe tbe proeaaMon paawd. «
BtUana baa her not^a Vh. Rettta of ful' bde of - Soaevhere.** were' sung | with nr Friday wia an ideal aprin.
eadanaa • SdtaBaeder. Camp-‘ear—btoe‘ rty.vhnu bare, snow neltTrarerse City riaShig ber.
Dame and Ctorisaa Jobniton.
,r.„d jjoe In* like
lirs. THficy P(Tk? trJsilrd Trav.
The Roan offWaga were Atny
fv«n,-raoiHn« mtil c o'clock in the
fliy Saturday.
jafternoou a ebange of «* degrees'la
Nirs. Kraak KIrt (ntertahied a
Mr. and Mrs. O. F, Sawe returned |i«inpera(ofe. gvewing colder Uter la
fiieads Friday ev>n'>is in' bonor of
Mra George lievaJli-y of Eoit Jor-, borne taxt week frora tbe soutbem^
Mr. and Mr*, l^evalley bare pari of the elate, where (bey have, A
wedding proces-lon passed
8|«nt tbe' bast Bdolh.
through Solon this pornlng on tbelr
been bore tbe po*t weet v'lBltlng
A nuaber 'ot tbe young people enfradore cbarcb. where MisS
atitd*. They l.>(i Tor boAe Sattifday
Joyed a very pleasant evening at
prances Tor(m. end Juba Winowlakl
1,,^, made one.
Mias FloreBe* Ki-lterhcBiae of Port roller link Saturday night.
Rev.lUirdge ocrafded tbe pnlptt A from Solon fri(-nds.
Qceida wan (be nmt of Irene Mur^
tbo CoaBregnOonal church Snuday l
phr U»i- week. ,
Mlai >'tOM Bellltiger of Ma^ CKr.
M the gueat of Mr. and Mm. Mason
at Grand »H>'
rer Suaduy.
Moatne Conier, .Jan. SO,—The fob
The Royal Neigtraora at their U*t wedcs ago.). is improved b
loWtw V1tk»ra have been elected In
neeUn* Irwulled |he ffUlowla*
t Friday and ;tbe'1ll(i'Bl^>(«Aje!«U<I(’nineeta. Iiwabor* IMhl helM tbe Att.
Saturday In Traverse City.
hfoni^: vlct^prcMBent, Mrs. H. L.
sUIBtac (rfflcer.
«crrtnry. Miw. Jennie SpangOracle—Floreate Meartien.
day* with hla parenU last week, re- |,.r; treasurer. Mrs. J. Wagner. The.
Past Oricle-Josephioe McQueer.
tnnied to Big RapMa. where be la at- snelety pleoaanGy sar^rM their
Vice OraHi^-On Pmktatber.
tiAdlttg echaol Honda:
president. Mra. M. Monroe last Fri­
tawBcHor^tSiy eacert.
Mrs. J. Rams left lart week for day. Sbo was prtbented with a beanReceiver—Rihel tTorfc.
Traverse Oitr. where ah* wks a
ttfal bc«k ef poems. ,
Reorder—NeIHe BeTelliriner
by tbe llneas of her ristcr.
tanMe Sentloet—inicate Inti.
There will be a n«ktle social at
Prank Moore left last week (or tbe the Ladles' Aid Un nest Thursday
fhlUicle Kintinel—Mary Deltelky.
Boutbern part of Micfalgan and Ohio,
Manual—Mramia Odul.
evening. January Srd. A general
A»L Hanball-Maada VAelr.
■upper will be berved.
seb arrived botne from
ManaReni—>'h>rk and MrQaeer.
Mrs PMd Davit
Alan Muoday. called by tbe RIttess of
Onanist—Hands vuek.
niece from W illiamsburg a few days
After Installattos n fiSe supper was Ms fstber*
last week.
>1. r. EsIsmsD speot'a few days In
served, to whicli (be husbabd* and
For (be remainder <d the winter tba
rovdmonf last week, it is reported
rainiile« were tnvUed.
(Jrnnac ir.wllngs wIR be brtd In tba
joe Klunnerman of Tmet-ive <;ny. lb*( Mr. Sabnasa wlfl ectaWtsfa
afternoon uo each second and fourth
biidnch drug store there.
wa* here on btmiDeM Mcisiay
Mr«r H. Xslrman taerht tbe gnmJack Kulterla of Traverse Olty. will
Mrs J. D. Rex Is on the sick list
loads ear of beef brtw Wednes­ *r/ department a few daya last
F. i.. KeTdertwuse will leave Tneaweek, daring the absenra of Misi
day. and J. r. VlBtt: wm load
day for BIxby. South Dakota, on A
Jeo PJmnierBBB Tuesday.
business trip.
Zerold rufver wlrlM skating In tH Mrs. Kininerly and Mrs. Cbarter
There was a good aUendance At
river Mobdny. brake thronglr and f<-ll etfleruned a numbhr of yeang pen- the Farmers' lasti(/iie Tue*^.
pie at tbe KimueAy borne n Friday
into the water. A* iber* were
Mr. and Mrs. James Blmia were.
great Humber of sksles on tbe river erening in hofior of Marjorie Calbonn. Traverse City callers Saturday.
as soon pulled out. and on bla Progressive pedro was tbe main
Hiss Ktbel Monroe is at Maaton.
tore Of thoVenlng. after which |i0p
Way borne to get dry.
Skstlng on the river li good, and corn and assorted fudges were

_________ '; V ; '

Grand friawvse Hiivald;


as a result t>oth old and youtg am
est enjoying this Mstlme.
Hr*. Melville emitb is entertalnlag
ber motber and a sUtor (bis week,
Tbe band dance Saturday evening
In tbe Odd Fellows- baR was well
pstronUed. About fift}' couple* e«Jo>ed the music aad tbe dance.. Lunch
was served In the dtnlng
tbe Mesdamca E. Calvwr. tf. A. Cnlver. Dago. Rickard and Vlaek. TbeVo
have been two tbe betid
lately. Joe Sbalda, playing tbe flute,
and Fred Dago se dnunmer.


Jbtt.'' ?J.—Ladles' Aid
• “ SEfTRER. •
with Mra. Anns Kelfrich.
Muter. Jkn: Zl.-^edrffe Droa
Lalu'Htuler of Bewera Har­
Afberta, Is visiting his nephew Brvet
bor. Is vUliisg friends at Lrtand.
Mary. Seth and W- C.-TompUns. an
Mr. and Mrs. Helme are enlerialnhare
farnaces to put tn tbelr
Ing their aunt of Traverse City.
0>aa ROcy was in Traverse City bouse*.
Mra. Linie Tompkins, who was aoon bnslnes* Saturday.
Hr. VlUit twoght a horse Satur very sick, is able to set up. and Is oa
tbe road (o recovery.
Albert Cooper Is able to get out,
Jarae* HUer moved to Oraewn Mm>
after a severe sttaek of pneumonU. „
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦dddddddd day.
Mias Mtradeitack. who has been
Mra. Hayes was In Traverse City
nursing Fercy Ayera.
♦ddddAdddddddddd Satnrday.
Graver Hller Is moving to Long Traverse City last Monday. Mr. Ayera
Mapleton.-Jan. Sl.-^Kr*. Miller of
on tbe gain again.
lake today.
Ixng Lnke. spent a AW days
Mr. aDd(Mrs. Oeo. Jamteaon have
Jsmee Hiler and Melvin Millls were
week with hM^ sister. Ibe. John Warbeen auBerlhg with tbe grip.
buslw. 8r.
Tbe Lady Meceabeea held tbelr InMrs. Prankiin Smilb. wbe baa bew
Tbe Beltner peopto are Rraamlng stkllatloo at tbelr ball last Friday
sick, is on tbe gain. BlgbL They Inrtted tbe sir knlgbta
Emerson OoOrnw. Joseph Krouim. of the Wedding beUa
Mra Satoma nsvalor called <» Mrs. to visit Ihein and enjoy a good time.
who spent a few days tn Chicago,
After tbe ceremonies were over Mrs.
Millls Monday. - '
have returned.
!elU Jol
Mr. BggH was a Traverse City call­
Mrs. John Warren. Sr., spent a few
■ented Mrs.
Kora Elmaii. retiring
‘ •
days last, week trltb ber aon PrankJ'er Saturday-'
rammander. with a set of solid sUvar
Ira Warren wrote a letter t<
wbe ia 01 wftb gppendicitia.
brather RIntm.' staUag that be had Ua spwhs With-bet'initial ml .A'
dddddddddddddddd started hone after aboot a year ti^ chirken pie sapper was served In tbe
the Rocky Moomalns ahd was'sbtp- dlnfttg roam, after whicb daneli^
♦ ddddd^^d dddddddd Wrecke4 and on'^ ocMPt fear taoura aad cards were enjoyed eratU a lata
boor. The {oDowlng officera were In­
WiniamaW*. Jan. M.-s-Urw. Wfll wRb only a sman piuk whicb
stalled: Past Comander. Nora Elman;
Fray of Traverse City, vUtied here picked np from tbe ' wreckage.
wa» picked ap by a life uving crew Omuaander. Minnie Roahmore: Lient.
the laltM port of last week.
cemander. Edith Leigb'ton; record
Edgar Hill retamed last week from and bMogbt to shore and placed W
Mary l^.toney; fliOBee
bU trip to Harbor Spriogt, Boyne Bo*pltgl wbere he remained tor t*
miviiaa Kow be thinks be wUI wilt kwper. Mary stfveat; cbhplaln. Bra
Ctiy and PeOfton.
CramptOB? eantesmt.'Mary Hoberg;
until 'spring before be comes home.
vnillam King U very IIL
(Mdle WIicax; sen­
Chase Bandera was la Traverse CRT
Mrs. George Sanford and Mra. Jaltinel, MiUred Franklin:'picket. Brie
dle Goddard came frem -Bellalre Sat- Satnrday.
Cramptoag pUablat. Mary Bwaney.
■rday for a vtsR -witta Mrg. Charlea


Age^BOB. Mra. Sanford fetumed to dddddddddddddddd
* ecOAR 'K f. B. NO.'f
Bensire the same blgH. hat Mrt.
OoMard wffl remain for n short Ume; 'd ♦ d d*d ♦ d d d d d'd d ♦ ♦«»
Cedaf K. P. O, -Nb. *. Jan. iO.-Rmbefore gotng A Chicago and the west.
have been laid aside for wheett.' Nett MeeUng WNi ha Held ftandny
Tbe CStb gamrteriy etrareiitlati ot
Mr. and Mr*. LeVsIley ot EA*t JdrAnne nnd Wbttewater Stinday debool
aasoclattoa wUI be held at 'WtRlaaw. dan made a flyteg trip here last week
The, Grand Travsree Oonaty FdBIburg, Saturday. FVbraary 1. I9U. with to visit reUUvm. while tbe mlU waA leal stndy league wiu bold la Ant
irtuMUes of tbe today school for being repaliwd at that place, cauacd meeting Satmdiy aftemnm. Jan. 08.
l»13 as a theme. AVbe prograu baa by flra.
Z O'clock. In tbo diractora’ room at
Mlm NellA WeecoU was nnable to
been prepared with dome dstra n
the Hannah A'Lay Mercantile eottand It U hoped that a goodly crowd teach acbool on noonm of alckae*s pany'a ctare.' A very Interrsttng pim
.Thnraday and Friday In KD. *3. hot
wm be In attendance.
gram baa been prepared ns doUows:
DnvM SdirA who has been' vary ai«M ibeesn this uonRng.
-Bevtrion of Oar Etaetkm ZAwa”—
Mr*. Ketson SehUlM la no better at
t. eotavalesctng nicety.
Mrs. Wm. Qraat.
Mrs. Msrr B. Crisp ot Bates, bes thU writing.
“Method of Proeedere WRk Aammd
Mr. and Mra Vlack and Mr. aad
been vislUng friends here Ike pest
mania'—Un. O. G. CevelL
Mra. add. OAver ottaadw tM» Bhcrir
XompeasatiMi Imwi-Mts. John B.
at the Qrnod«v«»na Oty Tndh-^
Mra Wa.Wnlstanley. who baa been
• EORTHPOirr.^
BugestlcAs lor futara gregrama wlli
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦AdAdddddA vety •IcA ww wm glad to report
be M»ea at this meettag.-mta all wo­
KortBport,' i/at. 2l.-.}ompk ChriA- on the gaAj
men of Grand TkAvane oeiurtyaae «or>.
to. Bowens and wUe of Cedar.' diatlr tavliod to attmtd My aad aB
lanson lift last week foi' Sldnaw In
(he Upper Pealnsala. where be wflf
open dp a barber Shop.
Mra J. W. DIekerman attended
Frederick Lelgard left last week for
FTaaktort. wbeie be win be'eaipAy- grknse In Traverse City Satnrdgy.
John TagW la Imptbvfia ibl* flac
ed on one M the ear (errya.
by working on
Cbaa. JMw. carrier «( the mra(
Firata OutlleWsr May Sami MM
JkOtary 11. V loads ot log* were
roam No. 1. ia enJoylngj^Mo wo«l»*
vacattoB in Grand BapMs.
WmT nOoaded In Chara** mRl yard. Log^
Voice U canrlag the uU daring Us warn-going fast, while the aleifhihC «L Loala. Mo.. Jaa. »■—MatltBfflan
CbraariBS. known (n tbe baaabaQ
Earnie Antoine. se«md ann of Mra. worM an Max Ouv. tbh star mftMrs. SteSens spent last wehk riattmma Antoine, died at tbelr b
lag bef dnogbtor at
«r the Pttnbarg uAm. traa
into TWirsday momlac at t o’clock,
today to
bavtag been afUag. sinra Crristauo
tbe U'O. T. M. ■. iodae'AWdnp ev<
rn at tm efty. Tba .patiple i
ms. At tbe Mom
. of te
e. serrice
• ahart tlma Kk whllo Cmwy to 1
I be-bad n- telapaa
le tbeidocirai seminair »
M «nr manika -tbg mtiui


*• '


witb paralysis at bU-beme a tew Batarday at tba-toi-dbavok.''tatar-«t«h - mof.
wsdka ago. passed away earty W«d-toat In Sslow esmstery by-Ae aids tt rtage. U takmt
ay mordto Fraaral hefrteta to gather, trim died Ihfee yetan ago meaa tkat
tota tbd ' Hgtewk kbto |ln toraary. Tbe «M -dtotto <db^a«d(

••»<> l«« CreMM.
' tb« i«:-.Dd«a«>r nliture. Add. (be rake. wKb a epooa oa bauerod |«per. rtan-a tanrilr Hria* in a anal) iowt,; . tea,p««(al of ctorea one teaapoopUot»e Cheer b» oHcn *oadrr«I OavorinK. of which (here abould 1-- a
The Uex.caa. aeaaoo aU »«aU aod l.ut the «me plan coaU U followed io (ol of duaiwa and one coptol of^
why Ice creain and ioea aboald be con- little
Be meal aaarei with three priaelpal coo- the eity. In June I purchaae butler la I
tbu U tb. wla-r. Tb, lKt U. tb.j. H.« jrar >bObU p«b«I I, lo .bd

Tb. blbob.l oI



lb.r l»r poibcL


1 bi, .boul nit>- bobbd. Cbbtbl ot «.r bjnlb'ixic. W U .


the country,' where nine out of ten.'lf tot any loe
_ .
««»«w >“ tolUUnf their dlabea. one may aub- U June batter to the laat If the iara
no^ ninety-nine out' of a hundred Pack the 'cream mixture
t>>« •‘•‘o** <«»“•
It* -«roft*er eonsin. are inrerted in a targe one filled with
borne* have no *utnin«r lee aupply, moold. and after oorerlns It ^th garlic: or one may aolve the dlBleiilty •irong aalt water Ego are bought la
winter U the only timd when thli In- white paper put on the tin co»er. Quite eaitly by purebaatng any go<^ September at about twenty cent* a
expensive delicacy can be made, naing a little melted fat over (he Join- chip powder, which conUlns all the re- doren. They keen nerf#«iv for mi, «r
Broken Icicles make excellent packing ing of tbc cover and the mould Itielf, QVirwi condiments.
seven months In liquid glass whhdi
and with many forms of froxen det- andtasten over this aaibe Joint a band
Hot Tamales-Ooe cupful of tort, uny druggUt can supply.
eerts amice cream freeier Is not uaed. of etoth. It to Important to take all threepounds beef, alx onlona.
A tin pall with a close flttloK cover, this care to prevent the allghteat eug- pods
and a large pall or even a tub. are gestioB-or salt water from getting Into iic t
hundredof pounds. This bare us four
«H tbe ulenilto necessarv for frectliig tbe mpnW. Now cover well with more salt to taste Boll the beef Inthree e.lton.
motmse or paKalt. or even Ices and -U and lee and eet to a cold ptoce. n«n, of wat^
to SI. of
JTof whto^^^
Ice cream, .bough the two totter re- comring the tub with a piece of carenough water to mtften to^ »
tom iSs^
Mr. .tlrrtd. .t Hr«.
p.1 dr U.d/,«. A1 «r.h,, ,ld.e Urrd lb.,
.i, d;ulobTbr|«.lp

' . *^n Some Way er OitMr the Urd Will aald t be Ood a first law; but aUll incnicsiea the (act that even cleanliness
Is k ricliety house, ‘midagarden of and order are.fttbst‘rvlent to love .and
comfort, those two malDspringa of tbe
That tesriabed unbind«red-4psegM true' home. It lumlabea wholesome
tfaair seeds.
and dainty fare at regular interrato.
Where the cobweb, excluded .be aweet that the most precious human poaseslight of mom,
Sion, health of.body, may be preeerved
ecurc at . u.d..! oon..
..I Idl,. I.
lo,- .dd thd. .«.are,..
quence. hmiih W
Bhe tooked at the fatdee. In. the mt- actence.your peil away to a snowbank. .The
eaten fioor.
-Good housekeeping la hone mak- totter acts a* a warm park, and tbe
Prem i
Did you .
And tbe mgs. not too <d«nn. that her tog. It combines order and neatness mousse win never (recae as It should,
little ones wore.
with comfort, generous living with Broken Ice and salt
e e».cntlaU In many things yoV can do-with, can of
Then smoutbed her tom wrapper and; health, the gratlficsUon of individual Quick frcexlng.
peacefully algbed:
taste* with UDselDshnesa and ftnpar-^ American lee Cream—Scald on*
.My friend paused a mtfment to her
-In some nwy or other tbe Lord will tlailly. It avoids ottentoilon and ex- quart of milk. Beat three whole eggs wrestle with a refractory Jar and
of augar and sUr raised ' -----merry,
^ It createe Matwphere with one-half
------i*iuBd-------------------------------------- questioning eyes to
to which the strong and noble traits slowly Into the hot milk, ailrrlni con- ^nlnc.
ner hnaband sat out by tbe door to develop, and the weak and Ignoble ,,.Btiy until the mixture coats a
~WeU-no I cannot .ay that 1 have"
•s to the higher life spoon. When cold, add the fiavoring
my h

have ^
— —m .-r.-r. -I• -----. of the bousebold as............................r
n*, and freeie.
ways been aware that tomatoes were
tpibledly UU.
Cornstarch rustord-Por each quart among the most ueceaaary adjuncts to
:blB (I
meadows adorm
uaks.— two rounding ..w..r.
s or the year: but 1 cannot say that I have
And the gras* in bis field was outf to that Intern- comaurch wet with two
ooo- ever made a business of counting up

™: r“ "


• iheJr nnllmUed- |>0Mibimiei.

.“"..“I"•“i -""" ‘■“"'“m”-"'"Z!Z,

wsaa no ladt,
Mke« the nmi. to^ e^n way. of all
And tall coat was Just ready t fall given material, reduces waste i
, preaches by wholesome e
from bis back.

But b« calmly observ^ when tbeae ample the gospel of good IIvIda makes
facts ha deaertod:'
' *«f cleonltoess a valurt friend toatead
... ...
.-In some -way or other tbe Lord will of'*" Idol
the family health
^b:-., _____ _
Wivorother-Mmsvbe but
v^ the Cl i^iSrh^nDto^
war or other. « nmy be, but
l^u.Cld ~
and comfort for all the
the household."
Tbe lx>rt. although patient and tong which
"> call
only that hoo.. .. fh.. h.K
to ondure.
Can scarce be expected W suil-teed Itotlon of (he splirt of home and which
seeks lovlnelv therefore to l>e Worihv
tba man
. -o h . irS«c^I«^ rou«kelni?eto
Who has not t!
, «Hen..e end .n-.n It I. . .etent*
he can:
And altbongb He
c_,„ w ,w. 1.-J
derlv- it Is an
art because ittf results
derlf: it to an an because Ul^sult.



^ ST'*'

the meat la done, grind It fine with a
food cbopi*r. Mix thoroughly ' the
ground meat. tort, onlont and condlinenu.t Sift about one quart of commm* •«»> make It into a stifi moth
If ,—-------you ckn obtain
----- cold
----- water.
-------- -.
*"toh the Umsles
ot tbe bnak wtih scissore and trim the
“ » spoontol of the

‘Ufe to to"***^ *


»‘»ut two inches
J® •“'*•' ««*“>* ‘h«
** n«es»ry.

add to l^ other mlxtmw and hake
la in
“1 T

torS'l. t^^^

—r™ =iiP«

su^ cured and had smoked The coA
of ^klng UaS^e cent i»r
pound, ^r ha^ald bacon
e to
ulne cents per pound, while
aarket It ranges f^ eighteen to
t»nu per‘towuti.
iter^nd. We atoo
a‘-twenty-four cent!
have a little lah pork for a boiled dto»•*
‘•hed bean*. When we p«--- • - i
chased tbe •--------bog.
- we fried
----------c of the
lenderloto and other pieces, and put
them to a stone Jar wtcb «
b meM-.
e have
fresh pork whenever desired.
We bav* other fresh meats, and
thanks w'my firelesa cooker and a

».. u,. »».™su«»„r^^;b;


^ bowl and mix tborougbly with one cutrful of sagnr; add
one-tbirt euptul of aweet milk, onehalf tea.m»(ni

a of aato one roundit* («»apoonful of baking powder and Hour
roll out well. Cut tow
rounds or sqoaree and hake In a bot
oven until a dAlcate brown.
DoughnnU—One cupful of ngar,
onohalf teuspoonlul of sulmec. one
teaspoonful of salt, haM cupful of ooor
cream, one and onohalf cupful sweet
milk, two tableapoonfato of melted

„ ,o,toto,t ^1; stir until it (hickent;
Ny friend had M tost mnmKTed her
cheaper cuts aatislsctorlly. We ‘ai«) and one and one-half teaspoonful of
than beat la the yolk, of two eggs. task, and as she iMvired the bright red
•**«'•' have chicken. In April we bought baktiig powder: add flour uniU dough
After It is cool add the desired flavor- coateots lulo a h»w| she went on to *>®“f*- to® longer tbc better, uatil the three broodiag ben* and they did so can be Mslly bandied- cut and fry In
musb to thoroughly .weUed and dark well that wo bad cbickens to fry by smoking bot tot; drato «m papar. and
-If ,hai I. (be mse. perhaps you
‘toat. It require, but a small plot sugar when cold.
J®»o- ttod of t«o lemoD. »ould like to hear a burried r«lial of
»®r such a number of chick• l«ound and a ,„mo Of my-way. and means.-Of jug.
By buying all the feed, our chickTbe above recipes are fraa tbe
Q«rter of augar to . quart of water;
,-„h .
en. cost u. ten cent, per pound. Our Ladle. World. Home Cheer’, adltor
*• *»*- “d « «rt ver> fond of baked macaroni

beigbbor. paid twenty cenU at the suggests from her own experience
^oll fiv. mihui^ alraln; .n^ cheese, but Je^le aotneUmes gets
assoc-latA dulcea and tamalea market
that still further eoonomy can be prac
«®®^of it,'uud when .he does. 1 add *‘to town life. But afar on the lonAy
. demand
______ ________
_ some
. ticed by EubatlUiUng
of tbe newto o
Aftef the holiday
Bleed lemons and one orange. Strain ifac contents of half a Jar of tomatoes hillside the ehepfaerd Is cooking bto goose may be bought reasonably. This «r cottoa oil preparations for batter.
) tblckneaset of i
10 the layer*, ai 1‘prepare tbem. and
"wp*" *nd a sidey dish It to.
Is a moat economical meat becaoise of I'be faror to Justa* good and no one
b*®*® “'®
J®*»1® declare, that it ba. sin entirely
Bopa-Put three UblospooBfnl. of tbe tot whicb to excelleni tor cooking. wllKk®®* toedlSmence. while tbe
II wai
“**' **
‘“to «lnger
Ic* dlfiereni Uatc. Then I often scallop“»elted bscon grease In a frying pan. Tb* tot atone to worth tbe price of tbe hufur'^l
w be cut right In two.
h>- uddlng a teaspoonful of extract of tomatoes. A friend was dining her? and when bot add chopped onion; let blrt u compared with tbe |>rice of
Breaerved tne
,he noer
cVl^'r nay.
-------------------------- —
SDO asKeo me
wbst t •“ 'fryTor
iry »or a
lew moments, then add other animal fata.
chopped very floe, or toio mint had done

- ------------------------VwUble

.“nr,y:r- rr zzzi zzzizjizzjiz'z .r^rr;..r.r ir. ^ -—- p«—. ,T.'zs rHHHSr-■«■■» -—- -

I,««..k«w« .. la. ,C|,„,

P.rt«. d..nlln». ..d
--------- -----------------------------------------Pl~t-1 "«.»«■ «.b Mbdod., ud komrort.
of giving to the inmaim of the borne
wlih tb. tdlk.
. DB to « Inmalu ot the bom.
Who tackle llte Uvely nnd cheer it- »«-««hy ho-lles through the preparano lacsie me oraveiy nno cneer It......................
hnade tbe tonmer
i»d I ,UU.l b. U to

Ab/sr.k i. ..k. «b. ukBb


neceaaary. ’
r-u., _________
^ b
«“* “l"“l
augar and ®“*
one tableepoonful
tablaepboafni of
of butler
K»d»*lly on* cupf«l ot
*»eet milk, yeasure flfire cupfuls
»-i. -r
flour, add two teaapoonfiiU of baking

^ ^ ^
------------- -- ----------- ---------------- ---------A sherbet differs from water Ice In wuh rx>Ued cracker, grated cheese and
„ b,.,,, coDstanUy ,an.
while tomato in place of mararoht.
*• tonicd
Then, there I. aometking very slmor
.tolr. Tb. «»t ,
* “"“I *^® *''**‘^*‘*
[. u,,.
.rothj. end the .Mood otcht: thi* t. jottied bnmd. buttered
rather eoara«r*lned.
and treauW to ai sprinkling of grated
Pcepare., cheese and covered with canned to-

r and let boll until tbe rice is done.
Would you Uke to try the ilexlean-a
bread, the "tortmasr It abends like
something to wear, but It to noL
Tortlllas-Boak whole com In lye
made from ashes, over nlgbt ss
to nidkiiiE -hot. hotnlak. Potiroff |b«
day- Tbe Mexican jromen
water next
a ;t day.
grind tbU aoftened mass betwe«-«ro

uae. It adds t
taste of fried ®^
®“* ®“‘®“- ^®*^
ioo«to. gravies and so/onh. My hn» ^rm Into croqnedes: roUln egg and
band buys kerosene for tbe stove nnd
crumbs, fry brown aod serve
gasoline and lubricating oil tor tbe au- hoL gxmtohed with paraleV(omoblie In lame onantitJes savlnr
Bean Balls and Macamnl->U.h
fmm three to twelve cents per gaUon.
•***<• I*®*" “
Tbirw ■>.. of wktooiotilDd do not '
'^“® »*y* ®» ®o«>»oml*lng do not
®«- ®«toalf
denial of anything worth while:
•®®*®“‘“* ^ •“‘®:
,bey A^ sImpVe. thrifty wiys of rediV *®™ ‘"to
‘“to beaten egg

ztzz n-- ■"trs rzrz:; zzzz:. ““

Than with those wbo ao-aolemnly ait
_ housekeeuioc is riesniv snd
. ^kVkb.
. hAalthful almnllcltv In food and fur^
• robe and a
'^care’fullv arraneed bv
And^tociv chant .. thev drift with (ft*ce snd good senw that th^ to
tbe tide,
.to ^
‘In aome way
oamr the Urd will
*'*** ** ""^
s of the bousebAd.*'
—MortiMr C. Browm

***®*‘' mtoWes. Add two eupfols of .-R^vy to very nice. Cold fish may be small quantity to taken, as in making nnd one-half cupfuls of flour, one teaLenUto and Rice—One cup tontlto
®“»‘to“rth of a cuplul of ,u,i* very appetltlng warmed up in a yeast rolU. and patted out flat In the spoonful each of aoda, pulverised (bean, or dried peas may be substl*“®“
dressing. Why, If 1 Uve a can l«alms of tbe handa ThU ibln flat clove*, cinnamon and notmeg. Cream tuted). one-quarter cup rice: wash
““ *'**”•'
tomatoes In the bou«. I can get up cake and theb cooked quickly, without one cunful of nigar with one cupful ot nnd drop Into boUlng aalted water:
• ven- presentable dinner out of grease of any kind, on a hot. hard, flat butter, add tbe flour and one cnpful-of cover and coolf steadily wUbont stlrto one pail of rock salt, thus Insuring ~aps'of atewit'anribing. wbile wlt’li Mrfsee'fyonV griddle) atrfturnrtHke *wr'mliraiten>at'^: ad’d"^'™^
ring for one hoar. Serve hot. Cook• *“»•“>. «“®
«»'*«■«. Serve
of cheese added to my .took a Utter cake. Tbe Mexteaiu put no ral.ln. with oneUlf cupfA of i«r mg in double boiler er In flrAeA cookIn gtoases on fancy idatea covered of leftovers my possiWIttiei are'almost salt In this bread, but you will hardly and b««t ibomughly. baking in a mod- «r prevents danger of taming pa.
with dollies, and gamtob with candled limUlew."
relish It that way.
emte oven
Stuffed Bell PeBpers-Cut ts^ off
orange peel.
chill 8ance-Tw;elw peeled ripe toBread Cake-Take a plat of bread •»* Urge bell pepper* (the green kind.
Lsuirtry Hints
Even ir one doe* i
have an ice empty larder and resolved tp profit by matoes. foor ripe sweet pepper*, two apoage. add onebalf cupful granulated not red) and remove needs; stsff with
iilieD dealring to bluacb clothing
• When our duty's task Is wrougbtk;^'
.............. sugar, four tableapoonfato of butter cooked rice and tomato: put tbe top*
quickly, wet tbj article, rub It over cream freexer abe can fnmUh a froxen one of my .friend.- suggestions. Eye- medium onions,
• in unison with God's great tbongbt. ■
brow, went up and glanoea were ex- salt two
milk, of tbe peppers bsck on and bake In
sugar, one and one-ball pint of Inkewi
with sodp and idace In tbe sun with­ dessert* m tbe form of a
• Tbe near and future blend In one. •
Proten Souffle CUce—Beat the yolks changed at sight of the unusual dish Ublespooi
ibree cupful* one-bait cupful d.-ied enrranu er date*, roasting pen tbrewquanm of an bonr,
out rinsing out the soap. Repeat uatil
• And whatsoe’er to willed. Is floe. •
grated nutmeg: or ““tH lender, basting treqaauUy.
sulclently bleachodjr Then rinse and of four eggs sHghtlj. and add two- which graced tbe center of tbe Ubie. of vinegar. Chop all

—Whittier. •
"Wbat is Itr questioned ewh. when, three rbopiHd chill
iteppera. andboU
« well
uUx tbc
together: add sufficient Uft-over meals. lenUto, beans or b
dry again. The soap to a wonderful thirds of a cupful of augar. the grated
rind of one lemon, one ublespoonful
^„e<L one and-one-hslf Hour*. Bottle It air- flour p make a tbln dough. L«t rite sn>nl may be nsed tor stuffing.—Ohio
helptight, t sene with cold mesu.
BBtll It has doubled Its origlaai bulk. Farmer.
c----------------------------D a floured board
and dtogy looking. Treat them In this
manner and they will become white In a double boil-r until tbe mixture j„„ occurred to me that my friend cheese, cut fine: a lump of butler tbe and roll out an Inch In tUckness. Bob ^«'I»W" PI* WMhoM Cream or Egga.
^h® whole aemt is in the «o^ug:
again; Place them in a kettle and thickens. stltTing constantly.^ then had not christened It. -All I can tell alxe of an English wnhint: one ^ ter a baking Ua large enough u bold
!s of milk, a pinch jol the rolled oW dongb and At It Into (be
“ Prtperty don*, tbe reanlt la rich
aalt. one teaspoonful of any good cbUI tin; cover and let U rise nnlU doable ••
and «» of a golden bro»Ti
powder, and one-half teaspoonful of its ortglnsl slu. and when ready lo *‘“®- . “ >^®“ “•* tbj common Held
mustard. PUco tbe butter in a chafing place In (he oven brash the top with »«“>«*».
« possible, on* ot a
s and allow the water to com,
Be., twwhlrt. of a cui^ It
.. very much
.utov.. n
**'“ powder; stir cold water snd bake In a modmtely
gradually to a boi*
»II- ___ ^
‘ > AA
• - ----------------------y®“
ed.lheproce«may b*vetoberemi. !**
Rutbr asked the bead ot the boost- tbe boiling mas. until It to tbbrougtaly bot oven: when done have a.thln past* *®^,
Rinse in tepU water then in
“‘«“re boM as (be last sllee of toast was miked; add tbe aalL then ibVrt^. made Of eorntaareh and hot watir:
Sploe. par* and cut into loch pieee*.
ton Um
^ ^ •‘‘ShUr Wu® *« ®f •“<! ts!ag in the “«» sprinkle with macaroon dwt. Mae- transferred to hi* plato. Then, before sOrrlng briskly untfl tbe cheese Is br6*b tbe top with Ibto: sprinkle thicka very lille water in a k*^ fill
aroon dust may be obulned by rolling , had. went on melted; add the mUk sJo-ty. Alrrtng ly with either dried poppy or c«.ny
Some year* ago Good Housekeeping
-----------------------"imsal. eonslanUy, and last of all aM tbe egg. seeds and return to tb* oven a tow *“ sumcieDt juloe to formed to pre.. say
tay that
that If
If II had
had any
any more
To--------.-------wavh s woolen
sweater make a macaroons which have been Iborough- to
offered prises for the best answei
Teot ecoTchlng eaally. As toon as it to
ly dried in the oven, than putUng them bUlUes" in my bead It wouldI V—
be toa Biito
BUr iintii
untU i>
It ktotoito.
begins •#.
to tohitoi,—>
tbiekn. <Kton
then nnmtoatto
this question, and Home Che*r give. ‘»“®
‘“O* '“O
through a strainer. Bel casei In a tin, jood plan to trot them right atoag.— serve quickly on oyet^lee, er ^tn
Tea (tokee-Qn* quart of fldftr. ,a,o-®**®f»P**-•taring
wyme of the be« repltoe. kim-ln* they
pan ®^
or “»><•
mold with •
a Ugbi-flitln,
Ugbi-fluing cover. E^e"
cupfuto of sugar toM and oasrhaU B up from the bottom ocecelonalty »
will be of Intereet to all loaderx. Tbe
‘“•‘®*»nn water eevtxchauge.
Pack mold In ull and ice nnd let
_________ Mexican Macaroni—Boll until tender Ublcenoonful* of butter four tea- Pf®T«*‘t scorching. When namiy don*
flr« three given below were awarded
of baking powder. Sitt (be “ *“•
constant sdnring.
Mexican DiMw* fsr CeM Days. ‘ one-half box' of macaroni: put a h
tbe prixei In tb* conteet.
Delirious Cate Fnrfali—This dessert
Do you like a daah of romance In in a baking d’toh: add to tbto in alter- flour, sugar and baking powder to«*«tton* to cook and lUr until It
garment and hkng where it wlU dry
Uyera a can of tomatoes and tour tether In tb* bowl. Work the butler f'**’®*.*”® *“• »««* of tbe kettJ*.
slowlv and evenly. It will retain lU ‘’®«
' iur cookery? It heightens on*-* apIt to tbli drying down proows which
; to ibe art ot
tn K
.to«t ,
KtototoV I
’ w '"®?®
®‘ “
't-l “»• onion* fried brown In fresh tort or tbrongh Md ihrongh. and
making the bow reWfuk cbe^uL jried this way. it ,he water to hart. ““»•
•Unwhern. the parfalt Ukl^ der other skies, amid strange fralts g«ter: aeaaon with aah and cbUI pei^ dough whb aweet milk'to a eonrirtBcb
, „ - . —- - — ---.------- *^7'’*'*
r—.—— —--------- Per;. |to/Hi
(ue top
utp iuv
^m*vm t»a
m molded.
A— laid
— on the
“?toHk,21 “ ! «r “*• • t®W®«n«>nful cf berax to each
pour uTei
over the
the yuicv
Juice vi
of the’eacy which
When about to remove U from
Ing to heart, mind
toEitorf and body «•>
in -a
thick cream, very cold; add to It bait log their lip* over the same delicacy tomatoes and tbe fat la which tbe on- pnatry board and rolled half an Inch
*‘®®* *tlr in tor gn ordinary p
•onaUe. common tense wgy; giving a
a pound of powdered sugar, add a glU that one now ^ys. say. a Texan In too* were fried: bake gulckiy.
thick. Ptavor with' nnlmeg. vanllls
* t®“P«»“(“‘ of salt, a t-----variety of carefully tfoOMn. well-cook- ' A New Way of Serving Balmen.
tban reU
• toMmnful of bro— •
®‘ “>»<* e®««®:
thoroughly; stand tbe Ohio Parmer.
’‘toll knee- A
_ ___ ______
_ to
.. tosto;
■■ When
Mexlenn D*Ue*cy*-Beai
an earthor V
ed food, and Btoking deuUs ot menu
___ ______
_ to
_ fall
_ __
_ on “*• <«'» «“ • P*“ of cracked Ice. and dee,i
. lies tbe winter anew,
.. . . nnd the
..........t.t —______________
___ ____________
d|,h over a i^grau
Bra. and melt out thinly
on a floured
board,_ ...___
cut into
Blend with (he pumpkin a table-'
and aervlce either simple or luxuri- coned Mimon for an emergeacy dta‘ «Hh-* wire egg beater beat to a froth, winter -winds are wearily algblng," let in u . niece of butter tbe sUe Of an IRU* cakes and bake In a quit* oven.
1 n—A

I___ ... A...
a __ _____ ■
A .
. .
ous'. according i a the family iDOome."
ner, ...
It Is worth while to try this w*y. Wkl.
This ..Ill
will ..V.
take about
live minutes. Put _______________________________
ua think of eunny
Mexico, ___
regale .
Add a until onion, minced flna,
flweel Milk Cake-One cupful of
ft>r •*«* Pto. UUn
"Good bouaekeepiag to tbe ‘gift o’ which to sometime* called salmon tur- “i® mbrtu'-^ ‘oto a mould. |Hit on the ourtelve* on lu highly seasoned dtob- on*4ial( teaspoontal of aalt. a daab of sugar and onwhalf cupful of butler
*® U*® <®a*tot*ney to
Ood- by which some women transform
jj h, both hearty and appetJUng.
«•''«' “>* J®'“* **“' * P>®» ®‘ <*- What will you have flrott A bit
a houa# Into a home. It to fnore than Prepare a rich erdam sauce, doubling
l»P®f: P««k li In coarse salt of sweet? Behold tbe dale* man. He nUared naraler. inu.
..x ,-^v
................................... — quantity
______ _ of
.. bnliw
—av. usually
--- ---------r---------------— turalBg
xurnlBf them as enoa
neon of flow, on* enpfnl
onpfnl of ratolna.
ratelna. on*
om* leatea- uwoerai* ovem -rnea* who bav# tried
®* ‘**®
®( ®®®l‘’ tbe
»»W® («*■ ^*®
tbe fpuniaio
eggs, one by one.
iv. more than tbe care of silver,
ih,nie. sage, etc., a* (or Or It may be packed In the fre*er plays at tbe end of tbe street Iwiriing „ u,ey
,eC .nd being catefoi not spoonful cr*m of tartar snd one-hslf
“>««««. “ww P®tnni to *cv and
china, hardwood floors or brlcw-brac. dressing, or put lo s teaspoonful of •“<* •®f*®d
a clgarelle between his finger*. ^Dul- ^ break the yolk* Serve very hot in teaspoonfol of soda, both sined with



,k k.v

.r.kr4’i',r r"lr‘^^"{fr"r4r -


;T?“ 7.77

'■ l«»urr .PIC, Tb.p «... th. M.

*W«' K.rtU,-Tbr«, c.pM, oT

to that- subtle
by which or- uim VI a,Duuereo
withaaiail- »«“«“. 0“® C0P(“‘
, sometblag
vwk.». granuUted sugar,
dor. cleaallness. beauty aod comfort
flaked and freed from banes..-*"®-***** cupful water, white# of two
at* made to reign rimultaneonsly in Cover with a layet^of tbe creain aaue*. «*»». vanlUa for flgtering. It Is oee^
„A , . .
"■•■b.u Bumitu
should iw
be lUBuc
made uunu
quite uiica;
thick; aial- —« —'
t® ™« —(*>® —»
• *®“K G“>®
,._a —
*>®By fort boosekeeplag \ mean all (*rnaie with aalmon and cream sauce ‘o™ the dish will be needed, as four
tot »*>*c“. I^ned aod carried Into
j^e dlib to full. Sprinkle tbc top h®“™' freexlng will be required to CM
•Sect by tb* bom* inaken, alms to so thickly «iih fine crumbs, dot with but- *1 “f*- Bogin by boiling the sugar
-Qonunl thx physteaL direct tbe
ter and hake. This Is dellclons and
»»‘®f together witboni stirring,
lal and InSnenea the-spiritual life of hearty enough (
j^err lumber of the teusehold. Uui course of tbe dinner.
cold water will harden sllghUr. nnd.
be or she may reach tbe bigbuet pot________ ______
when .rolled between Ibe thumb and
atUe plsne of usefnlneaa and happP
Checelst* Sponge Caka.
flagsr. wui form a aofi baU. When
B has been renrited Uke tbe
■ “Good housskseplng to ossentlaUy enp bolter melted with onohalf cake xyrap (com the Are and pour II gradgood home making; the making of ehocoUl*. two egga. onebalf «op aour nally ovw tha whites of tb* eggs,
tbe borne that npUfta the character, milk, onebalf teaspcoafnl aoda — - beaten

— ........
While you are pouring
xhnl tasebe* that material and moral cups floor, one enp boiling bot water the ayrap beat all tbe tlma. Set tb*
cleanlineas which to akin to godUnea*. added tost tliUg. Add flavoring and mixture away u> eooL Beat tbe cream
and IbstUU that tore of order which to hake U a leaf.
to a stiff troth and stir U UghUj taU

h. irl« U,. »H. np.


sical voice. Dulce
a.u.w means
umos aweet;
sweet; peiwtoiias means a mixture. Before him
•oytofl I" I
be bears s tray perhaps six larbei
Tbe following experlenM of a small*
<*eep. --.i-.
kept In place «./
by •
a au«|/
strap Hi*.
over WWS Woman..,,glVsn lU lb
hit shoulders. Tbe dnlee* are cakes Wortd. may not appeal to
of sngar nearly five inebea In dlamtb flre «p>- yet there are paru of It that
eter. and half an inch thidt. white 'pUenMs to every one of ns. Not nil
with cocoaaut or d*t1{ wHb pecan wpnld e*ra for InsUnee. to sabetot
They are madd as foHows: - largely on |
t a wlntsr.
Pecan Dnlce—Two enp* of white 1
sogar and one cup of water. Stir this qnestion. however,
thick wRh pecans, or ethsr nvsIlnMo The writw rays; '
nut meat*, or cocosnoL Some po^4o gfcnwny with mo
prefur to add tb* nuu
«»« s m^ riothlng after tb* sesaoi^ epMtep
finer flavor to obtained by cooking are over with, and food supptlen In
them as lopg na pomlhUBoll the Urge qimntRka
«ad at tneh tlaua as
mtotarc unill It hair* Crogi a spoon, to give material redaetioM la price.
then uke It from tbe Are. beat it until tnt me toll ol my practknl economy lb
tt bMlna go m«ar, thw Innn IMS tbe bayinff food sngpllaa.
k fhpri-

tb, »»r:—b.11 t«.p«»W««. ot
eia»a««- and etovet.

. ,...:rTT.,_


Pour- into a

a. .
One cupful of mlnnte Uplocn cooked
slowly la OM pint of bot water nntll
Add baiter the ato* of an
CHd-rbsbhwed Scotch ri«k—Mix
o“»4uaftar oC a teupooafni of
tbrewqnartws - of a cupM' ot
bntUr and s
tbroo woU
hands; add a UtOe salt and on* pound'.
^ syrap and
xaw' * k

of sifted flour, nslac tb# bands to mix.
. .
: and bake u
Whsn bR are ti
1.9. au. B.I. I. .
modssatsoTsnnntu thse^toaflsUcats brown. Bemove (ram the oven
and 1st it ttand s few taiautea. than
ett into sgnarea and tun the m npaids down.
Fgrmerto Cake—Cream ingithsrrmi
baU n cnpful of bntUr and on* captnt
n( aaflar; add a plnA S( apll, wsteK

'*“® • "•««# «“
II not. then pnt aside nn"* ’*™“

Us* S
Wbsn mahlag waists ot
chin*, or other aoft allks. plaS* a atrip
r wrapping paper un­
der tb* alik while sUtchIng on M maebfoa the sITk wm not pi
the tbtiad wffl net Mk.

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