Grand Traverse Herald, October 01, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 01, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Covers the
-foand Trav­
erse Regloa.





Albanlant Copiir* 8trone»'e1d( After
Sovpr* Flehtlng^




Vienna. Sepi. 3P —According to re(Hy miled PrSiS)
porta received here the AlbaiitanH tap
CLAIM ■ftOKCM BOOKS HAD WEN tured Jakova onl.v after heavy fight
Paris. 8e«t. 3I>.—Pierre Bcbamcl
Hoy. aged lOfi. who three times shook
Ing. Priarend. a tew mtica to the
the greet Napoleon, (oday
south. Is aiirroundeil by Albanians
went to court unstumded to prese hta
anJ Its fall is hourly cx|>e«ted. The
iult for $1,000 damages agalnai hU
Servian garrison there conaiau of
landlord. Roy alleges that the damp
D.OtHi wen,
and Insanitary condtiions of the prem.
News from Valaoiia on the Adriatic
sea. autpi tint the AtbnnUins have Bix Inches of Rainfall Is Reported at Ises on wBIrh he lives have "Impair­ TO SHOW THAT CAMPAIGN MON
Jackaon and No Indications
ed hU otherwise cxceBent health."
captured Ochrida after n Oerce
That the Woather Will
Tbe'aged man'ideclares to bU pctfiion
Clear Up.
that he "has up to the present time Account Ns. SCO Waa Taeltiy AdrnHted by Broker to Have Been
'never been 111 or sickly in his life.
» Show Tlwt Plrm Leonod Oov.
Carried in Pert fer
or Forty Thoyoand Dolloro
Mt Bocowbor. Facto Brousht
(By Itoleed Prem:
(By rniied Tresa.l
Albany. Oit. i.—Following sensa
New Orleans. Sept. :10.—Flood
tionsl dcveloi'ments. tbe Impescbi
dltiens in eouibwesi l-oulslana
managers this nfternoon rested their
iBy Vnlted Prooo.)
hqurly growiug worse. The estimated
case against William Sulxer. governor
Albany. SoM- 30.—A chorea that
losB ut crops as rejurted will exceed
of New York. Their last affort
tho hooka of the hrokerMo firm of
ten mtlliojQ doUard. All railroad trat
HarrU B k'uHer wore Inantpulaiad
MRS LECKWOLD ACCUSED WITH Jevi>i«al to showing tiut Sulser _
fir is feus|>en<lr-1.
speculated with raouey be.faS^ to
cOTor a dobt of StO.Ml o«od that ^onSLAYING CHILDREN.
Cotton picking Suspended.
atx-ount for to Jils sworn
earn by Oovemor Wimam SuUer.
Jackson. Jdfaa.. Sept. So—Six toch
carat«igti coniribuildtas.
Dacomber 30. latL «aa made loda)- at
oa of iwinfall within 4k hours forced
FVom John Gray, of the brokerage
- tba ^Bolter iiDpoarhmeBt irtal. N. B.
of cotton picking
firm of Fuller A Gray, they secured
rnllor of the firm.^ who had been
over the state and much of tills staple
thst Fredc»*rk Colwell's
nndar eaaminaUon all day tertlfyiiut GUNMEN LAID OPEN SCALP OF has been beaten Into tho gruuml and
No. 5I>>, csrrltd by the firm
aa to SuUera atock mantpulatlona.
ruined. It is impossible to eMiniate OOODFRY NORMAN ALLEGED TO
part at least, was that of
WMB forrod to Identify the ftrm'a ftock
ihu lots.
u-r. Gray reluciandv admitted that
bJotUT. roaflini; ••Uwned W. 8. KKI boring . Conflict
Brwloero Attempted to Break Up
Colwell told IHm the transaction in
C. C. C.. 200, SmelUng. 100.8. P.
Parado>-Her Condition ia
Big Four stock reprckenied tff account
MD.Nl money loasM.*'
Sariooa Today.
No. r.OV was made for the governor.
ttlien tht proaociitloB oEered the
and Obeyed Order to Ext
blotter In etldeace the dt-fenae
(Byl nitcd rress.t
Family. Beth Art New
•trongly objected, but waa OTerrnled.
Calumet, Sept. 30.—Striking copper
s Jail. .
FuUer admitted on the stand thnt
miners tn Keweenaw county today
he considered Sultar's account purely
tarolug back aeveial car- Would Favor Tourist Clast and Not
a apoculatl'o mar*lo account.
loada of armed guards lapsed In a
Ba of Any H«dp to General
(B> rnited-Press,1
special train from New York city.:
Minneapolis. Oct. 1.—Chargml with
Apme. The train beariiiK the
ilic murder of his daugbffr Mtfia. and
gwamen waa halted by piles of
netroit. Sept 3<l.—HeprraenUtlve I) sus|>ected of slaying five other chil­
Wandered Away From Asylum Sunday
the track. Cuardi opened fire
W. Shackleford. <hairman of the house dren. Mrs Ida l/eckwold, aged 62.
Himself WKh '
Btrlkera, and their fire, waa returned, roads committee, told the National
>th4r of eight cblldrec. U today
POSTO^ICE but no one was Injured. For the tint
('•ood Roads ^ngn-as today that Uie held In the county Jail. Goudfry .NurWAS BEGUN TODAY.
Hme In many weeks (here was serious achetuc for ^^trwns conilnental high
lusn, said to be the ' man to the
.J. 6. Fradsen of Stanton, an toiMte
rioting lotlay. The scalp of a wi
way advocated by ibe organUaiion
Many CNlnooa Bains Mada that WIJI strike sympathlxer waa laiH ojien by a Md American Auinraobile anoclalion case." It also tfnder arrest. According of tbe Traveru City State hoepital
the police. Ml*, li. V. L«ckwold con- wandeiwl away (ram the t^ttdtfoe
Add to Convenlanea of
billy of a Waddell detective when was a "fancy plan for the privileged
Sunday night and searching parties
guards engaged In a fight with pa classes ’ Shackleford declared
her husband with fly
out toiled to locate him and It
radera. Her condition is serloua
favor of a general rYi;id Improvement killuf-. VioU died, tbe other will prdb- was believed that lie had left Ihe city
Tba addlUon to tho ixwtoBice build­
iJkn to include the whole < ountiy and abl] recover. 'The* woman says she L*vt evening his body was located un*
ing la completed wllh the exception of
benefit farmers rather than the becime infatuated with the man who der an apple tree to the Orchard of
iBtorlor work and docoratlona. and the
improvement of limited road mileage demanded that she kill bf» children. U inum Youker. wcet of the city, and
I remodeling of the old building and
for the use of the -wurist claSN" who The bodice of five children wbo died frqm Appearances he had been dead
I tho moTlnn of the fixture* wUl aurt
wanted to motor about.
suddenly store 1«07 will l>e exhumed for some time. On examination It
' today. The poaunaater's office will
Tor examination.
was found that he had takeu bis bukived directly acroas to the weat
> Definite SUtement aa'te Lose of
tenders off and bnng himself to
Mde of the building and behind It will
.Life Has Yet Been
limb of the tr«e and after he was dead
bis weight broke Ibe ipipraTlsed rope.
flee and windows. The lobby
tbe body (alt tg the wrth. .The
nnlog etralnht bark
(By irnited Prcii*.i
lK>dy wa» located through a horse
, through the building and Uking up
(By i’nlled Frees
cmington, Oni. Sept. 30.—Follow­
which was pasturing to a field next
the apace at preaonl occupied by the
Berlin. Sept, ao—The'old theory
ing a collision with the steamer Joe
the orchard. Instead of coning with
dropa and atamp windowu. The old
Morrow In a dense fog off here early that faming comniuntiics are more
the rest of the horses wh^ i«llcd.
poaunaater'a office wlU bo given over
tl than oittea received another
remained near tbe tree and
today the big wooden steamer Cttr of
to tho registry and money order deshock
Ixfhdon la reported sunk in Lake Erie.
tinned to whinny as though something
nartmenu. allowing tbeae dirlilons
(hat fifty-nine per Reated Well During the Nighr end was wrong, nd upon tovesUgatlon tbe
•No definite Infomutton was received
more room for filling and cnaea. and
of the children born in the kingCongeoUon of Lungs Grootly
body was found. Tbe body will be
here eaFy this afternoon aa to the ex­
giving thorn oosier occeea • to the
tent of the loss of life, if any. L^am-. doin of Saxony last yetr were illogiii•hiliiK«d to Stanton (or burial. FTadi
vault. The drop# and ieckboxee u Ingtun life savers put out at noon to mato. The greatAr m'rcentage qf the
was 38 years of age and had been a
well M some of the windows will face search (or the wreck. A grewi bole. births were in farming districts, the
trusty at the Institution.
ibe new lobby on the aides while di­
(By Itolted Prees.V
torn In the Morrow's side as -a parents being farm Uborers. Next
rectly in front of the entrance and
Ann. Arbor. Oct 1.—The condlUoa
result of the crash. She was Iminedl- In order came lawyers, phy sicians,
the end of the new lobby will be the ttely beached under Point Pele.
sute employes, preacbera. army of­ of Dr. Angell. wbo since Sunday has
paruU post and sump windows
ficers and qcbool teaebera as parents «en aerioualy III with pneumonia and
Bk^gbia have been placod ao wa 'to
of iltegltlffiate rhildreh. The report lesa trouble, is considerably improv­ Mimouri Is Conducting StoSs Wide
give ample light In the main paru of
published today shows tJiat in tbe ed today. He reeled well throughout
the bonding. The present vestibule
rive years from I9<n; to 1810. :s.*73 the night and tjie congewted oOnditions
will be lengtbonod to the first wwlt
IBy Cnlted Press.)
children were legUimailxed ia Saxony of bis lungs bad qleared to a certain
pillars tn tho lobby. Aa soon as the
Columbia. Mo.. Bepc SO.—Mistouri
through the suhspoaenl marriage of
moving has boen eompleted the Ullng
la today engaged In tbe role' of totheir parents.
in the lobby wilt bo flnlahed. Lock of
atnirtor in poultry fanntog. State
Mrs. Mildred Allison RexroaL the
spare liaa hatdlenppod the poatoflice
authorities are teaching the farmers
who was murdered
empleye, for some time and it is
the best way of raisin- poultry, es­
pect<4] that the addition will olimln- in Chlcaio FFriday night and her body
pecially by lerubation. By means of
thrown on-the FRgln. Joliet and East­
at ihir (actor, (or a time, at loaaL
the toeritable moving pictures which
ern talifoad track, formerly llv^ at
are being shown In all sections of the
Wllllamsbutg. Slu-.hxs two sisters an<i' /
state where poultry nlatog it eas*(e^
two brothers living there now. Prank
Actual Opening of This Gigantic Work to. the state b teaching every detail
One of the strong features of the
and Max Pinero. Mrs. Felix-Miller and
Taxpayers of WIUlaBiaton townPerformed By Cononol
from the gathering of tho eggs to
Mra. Agnes Hro*n. Mrs. Rexroatwgs
» ship. Ingham ronnty.^^wlll veto to
placing them to
tnenbatora. care
well known in that kx allty'. When she County Teachers' association to be
* bond for I2.<r0p forSr^dgo and
of the eggi during the lacubaUon
met her death she was on her way held in this city F'rlday and Saturdsy
• highway improvement
period and on down to care of the
(By United Fross.l
Wheaton to give dancing leesous of nest week, is an Illustrated lecture
Aaron Canal Zone. Oct. i.—Perhaps chick at hatching time and until It has
She was seep to leave the train with entlUed. "Rural Education In Grand
* The Isiue of 41«.0fte Boston
grown to a toll sited chicly The
mate companion at Wayne at T:2S. Traverse County." This lecture will with a* little ceremony as would at* townobip. Ionia connty, bridg*
the court bouse Friday evening end tbe trial of a new aewer-ptpe, the farmers of the state have shown great
id an hour later her body was found
* bohda. were sold o^pr the counter
Panama canal, one of tbe blggeot ac- Interest to the moving picture eerise.
under the wheels of a freiglij train. and will be by County School ComLee HomsUy. HU lecture BomplUhmenu to the worid’a history. A lecturer Is la chacSB and ready to
Tho attempt to obliterate the evidence
shortly'to be openetL CoL George answer ail questtona tMT the toraen
I.ake nty a good roads boo 8opf.-* Of -snurder Vere unsuccessful, for wui be Ulustrwted wlUt lantern slide
may ask at tbe conclntion of tbe to1 • 2» brought cut 125 men end 43 • cruahed as the body was. there was views of Grand Traverse school build­ W. Goethala. chief engineer directing
ttfoetlve picture sbow.'BVerr place at
* -teama, and a mile and a bait of • atlll marked the trace of a bullet pass. ings and scenes sutiable for illustrat­ this gigantic task will turn out of bed.
roach for the telephone, and order a which tbe •tostracUona have been
* road irfM tnsaformed from oordo- • Jng through the left cheek and out at ing physical geography work.
There will also be slides llluatratlng •mall steamer eent tbrongh the canal given eo tor the farmers have been
* ray to aa up-to-date roail.
* the rlgkt temple. A gold btacelet with
Colon to the City of Panama, or enthnslaatic to their commendation of
the inoertpUon "W li A to U A 1-6-13" the difficulty under which some pupils
tbe system.
Camden toaraabip. Hitladalo' served materially to Identify the body. have to labor In getting an edneat^n. 1co versa, on a trial trip.
No ceremony worthy of the name
Xt the Saturday mornlag aegalon
* county, win void Not. 10, to bond ' The sheriff and a score of detoetlres
• for MO.OM (or good roads.
there wUl be talks by S. M. Perry of will mark the actual openlnlng of this
inkpsugatlag the msttar.
rg. B. H. Wilcox, of Old ipoch-makfng. ocean-4»«ceao hl^way.
kloaroe. Norwich ^d Wilcox '
ROSTROV. Russtn-The tearing of Mission, and Mrs. A W. Pwk Of this Ircamed of since the time, centuries
towaabips. New&ygo rounty. will ' the tracks by brigands has resulted city. The association meoUng will ago, when Balboa first erossod the
Preeidetrt wilaen.
* Yolo Oct 1. to bond to build a ' if the wreck of a passenger triln be­ close wjlh a round table at which isthmus. Of couree there will be tbe
* trunk llao Idghway Uirongh the
lt Baku and Batumu. Six cart questions of special importance wlU 'Inal opening to 1»1S. whee tbe Untied
Btatee government wUl tovHa the am
' Uiwnshlpa.
deotroved and 40 persons were be considered.
1.—Preet^ent WDlions of tbe worid to participate to a
killed and a hundred injured.
WASHINGTONL-gcriet^ ItonieU grand celebration, but tbe opening eon today Dominated i9 Mlchtgnn poM•
Berrlaa coaatr baa dUpoaed of '
• tTb.ooM of tta good roada bohda.
BATTIK CREEK—laro'‘Hastings, ordered, beginning today. enUsted which CoL Ooethals. with his disre­ maatera wbteh wtU i
In navy be required to remain to gard of B«GUment and bis sdngle -atm aU tbe undecided pattonage esaea to
• JC. K. Warren of Tbreo Oaks. lak- ' aged 43. a boUennakor, waa tostantly
• tog M0.OO0. and tbo CommerrU]
kUled IsM night when he fell a dis­ trahing eehools at dUcrolkw of com. of getting things done, will have. wUl the stata. Among than were: Bk Sap
• Kmtloaal bsak tH «t Joseph |20.- ' tance of SO feet down a cireular stai^ maadant (onr months inataad of thiwo. b* a uule private' pajty all hh own. ^a. & 8. Notale: Onyiord. U. A. Hop
• «oo.
to OHM eases as lohg as
and abont which the world may know rls; Peloskey.' KL L. Boee; Hwriaon.
way at hb boarding boose. His neck
wnhtoff uatU sltor tt is orer..
wu brokaa.
WQUaat Harper.






Switxerland Hae Outdone the United

(By I'nilod Press )
Berne. Switserlend. Sept. 30.—The
iltUe Swiss Republic now marches at REFUGEES ARE CR06S1NG INTERNATIONAL BORDER.
the head of tbe world's divorce
columns, havtog captured the "blue
ribbon" of divorce eutlstics from the
VnItvd Bute*, which has thereby
fallen into second place. According
to figures published here today by tbe
government, there were 43 divorces
to every 10,OOu population, to SwHser-'
land to the last twelve months as
against 42 to every 10.000 4n tbe
United SUtes. Switzerland Is the Victorioua Mar^ of Federal Troops
Carries Them Through Former ^
"Reno of Euroi>e."
Btronghoide of the Mexican
InaurgeM Fences.


imj. miiED r


















(By United Press.)
Bugle Pass, Tex.. Oct. 1.—With fed­
eral troops threatening Pledras Ne­
gros, the rebel capital, refugee* to­
day continued to pour acroas the in-~
lernftlonal border. As a result there .
is a reign of terror to tbe vicinity of
Sabins^ causod by tbe rlctorioat > ,
ibward march of Huerta's tro^ M
and the retreat of lbs rebels who are ^
pillaging the country. News of the f*l
evaensUon of Sabinas is egpected ^


Harry Hines Who Was Ortvlng MaFINE DISPLAY MADE AT STATE' i.
chitte Was Unable to Step in
Time to Prevent the

While reiurntog from school yester­
day afterpoon. little Marjorie PUch.
ntne-year-old daughter of ^Mr. and
Mr*. Henry lllch. 249
streeL was struck down by sn automobUa on the &sat ^blb street
bridge and instantly ktlt^ Tbe ear
driven by Harry Hines and
cording to spectators, was moving
slowl; and the accident was unavoid­
able. The llttto K*i-> bad started to
cross the bridie and stepped out
from behind a loaded wood wagon
- rv^ntof the machine. Alter
lacing picked up she gasped moment­
arily for bi^th, relaxed and died. The
body was placed An Hlne's car and
taken at once to the borne No news
of tbe faUlity had preceded tbe car
and the suddeneas of the shock may
prove serious to the mother who went
almost frantic with grief at tbe sight
which her chlld s
In company with two little pleymate*, the victim of the aecldmit wae
on her way from school last night.
M'hen oa the Blghlh street bridge
they had waitr^ for a wagon loaded
with wood, and going west, to pass
them betofe attempting to cross to
the south side of the streeL Passing
behind the wagon they were unable to
the car which was coming east
and the PUch girl., who happened to
be in the lead stepped from behind
to be struck down by the
heavy machine. It is thought that
he fender hit her on ' the tempi*,
knocking her down and stunning her.
after which the wheel passed over
chest. 'The head and upper por­
tions of the body were badly brtlsed
and blood was atreamtog from sose
and ear* when the body was picked
A thorough Investigation has been
made by tbe authorities and Hines
was not held (or tbe accident. Tbe
ras going on the right hand side
of the street and the Rttle glri step­
ped directly in treat of it. froktog
futile in an effort to step tbe
machine before striking her. This U
he second total automobile acident to
happen in the city and the ftiwt to
which the Vl«im was not an occupant
of the car.
The family is grief atrtekea over
their toss, ^ide tbe motber and
father the glri is sm-rtved by on* litUe sister.
A coroner's Jury was
this morning and a preTin
nation was gone through wfib. Tbe
girl's body was examined and tbe
ground where tbe accident occurred
waa kwked over. A ' demonsiratten
of tbe lAgth of time nsceeeiry to stop
moving at varying speeds was
given and the results were compered
wHh the distance Hines went after ap­
plying toe brMkcs to bis matotoe. The
entire affair wiU be
igated and the Jury will be called
gether. probably some time next week.
of toe fatal-

Priu Winning Vsgstablae From the
Grand Travsfws Region Fair.
Shewn With AddltioM.

the lobby lidded with all the blue ribbon vegetsblas from the Grand Trarerse Region fair. *
from tbe farmer* to this vicinity. Tbe
displdy has been arruved with an era
to tbe -artistic. Aroiutd tbe UR« of
the office cages is a row dt small
pumpktos and at different point* to
ly of the laraer varietls*. The table* are covered with
green bnrtap that act off the bright
color* of the v*getob)c* to the be«
advantage. Green mrioaa. red pep­
per*. white and yellow ■qnaahea. gold­
en colored pumpkins, the dark red egg
plant, beside sweet snd Irish potatoes,
.turnip*, cauliflower*.
•1 wurtxeU and rabbage*. There is a equaih from tbe
farm of W. P. Kenney that is five feet
four in^^ to ctrcumference. Ther*
varieties of cern, seven of PpUtoe*. six of cabbage* and (onr of on­
ions. Those wbo have c
this dtoplay are Jane* Hilbert. TravCity Bute hospital. B. J. Morgan
(arm. Wllbelmlna Croai. W. P. Kenney.
J. E. Stover. W. B. Tenker. Hu^
Dunn. H. J. Tbles and C. U. BneR
This Is tbe secoed Ume thst the
bank hae made this show and It givea.
vlsitora to the city a chance to see
tbe prodnets of tbe farms that they '
wonid not otherwise know abonL
Many of tbe farmers a^ speclaUxing
along certain lines ^d thus giving a
diversity to the erop yield. The bank*
of Travers* City have set tn BMion
progressive jlep thst will bring tbe
blggeet reMifti to the whole reglok
and many of tbe banks to northwestMichlgan are following out this
plan. This abow will remain on ex­
hibition ter several weeks and wlU be
added to as other prodnets are brought
in. Every one is invited to inspect
this’show as it is a wonderful oducatten. showing wbat can be grougi on
tba farms to this regloa.


(By United Press.)
Rome. t^cL l.—All quaetka of fo^
Ptus' complete recovery seemed set­
tled when his re««d (or the pa«t
month was mad* public todar. AL
prersd to be the
bottsst BMto of the past Romaa *
mer, HH HoltoeM during the month
received the record breaking number
of pUgrtmages- Tbwe cam* from Ita­
ly, Fraime. Sloilr. Alsnoo:Lorrato*.
Brasil and toe United State* bmn
of them nnmbertog i
7 be also Teestved over
tjm of the psrticlpa«a to the gsmes
UXCOIJf, Nebl-^'orth Platte ra- of to* FeMrated OilhoUe AthletAc
cieue* of Italy. Tbe raeMring af thn
rlnuge* wu to sddltlen to all «<.
eff land in Grant and MePberaon coen-

tlM, opcaed tot settleaeat todpj.

hH ttsaal weft and prtn





GmJ Ttmtu Htrald for rcnderluE the hl|he«t kind of a







vice In tbia direction.

RaMdy Fmu4

to Grand Rapids to 'visit friends ^
Since the fair the leas of another
wau-h has been reported to Chief ot
Corson and one haa been
found on ibe grounds. The one found,
however, does not correspond lo the
descrivtlon ot the one which ta tielng
looked (or and as yet the owner Itas
not claimed IL
Garfield Madlaen and Frank Ehren,berger. who left the city Friday with­
out learing any word as to their in­
tended desttaaUon. have been located
ta DetrolL
L. W. AkScy ef Harbor Springe, ta
In the city (or a abort Ume on busl-

enable the Rovenunent to compile and
I'ubllah the fiRurer before they be­
come ao Btaie that they are of no
practical beoem. It takes a
Amount of money to mslntsla the
aus buren. and under preaflat condltiom tba people are not Rettlne the
wortt of their money In any reapect
it U evident that PMlon mill be Uken
by conArees to put the bureau upon a
baaia where reaulta rmn .be obtained
m-itblD ibe pro|>er time limit and the
fiAures Riven tbe public mrhile they
can be used to ib« proper adVantate.

E. Ellle ef the Northern Cenatrnctlon comtmsy. of MHwgakee. ta
in the rtiy (or a few day* in conoectIOD with the work on the new postoffice building.
E. N. Verak of Central Lake ta vtatUng with friends in the ell>' tor a fewday*.
Jaa. T. Lathrep and wife. Who have
been visiting with retatlvee ta the
city for tbe past two weeks, left this
morning for their borne at Roaooke.

NOM of tb« o
e luja^
The funeral eervlcto ef little MarJorit Pilch, who was Ullrt ta the antomoblle acebtant. will he held from
the home at 249 East Tenth atreet
lomonow aftenioon at ::3u. Rev.
Denia* CocbliD offtetaUng.

(From Tuesday’s Record-Eagle.)
After toinA t« ler «h^ Weme for
tbe crlmee coamllted In Grand Ri^
Fein will be held this week at but­
the doer of Chief at Hellc«
tons Bey and fitaipire and Tbompsonbe city offlclala hare Uken the
vlUe. Travene City day will be ob­
Doafnoaa Cannot bo CuroO
rlEbt Ui'k and ordered the depart
served at Buttons Ray Thursday and
re^rmiolzed according to the
special excnralon will be run from
at Ideal that Carr ha* In that dirertlon
thta place to carry persons wbo de­
ntcndsnt Melliek of Petoaksy
The chief reanon for the outbreak of
Tr»»«m City, meh, under Uie Act
sire to attend (be I-eetanau show.
arrived today to take charge of the
Couen ot Uercli 2. it7t.
c rime In the city durliiK the part few
D. O. Lemson of Detroit, le in the
construction work at the postofflce.
months is due' to the fact that too
cit}' for a few day* on busli
In«antwer to an inquiry sent by
rr*nt M. Both Phoiwe » much politics waa mixed into the jioDr. Rcaa Engslman of Manietee. is
Chl«f of Police Careon. it was learn­
llce department, and now that it ha«
There are too many people In the
ed today that FVed Weathers, the
been decided to eliminate Ibla
world who work bard and sever get spending a few dajs with Mrs. J.
The grading work al the M. A N. man for whom the authorities had
One Tiir........ ...........11-60 In adrutce ment and leave the chief to ko ahead anywhere as a rnuU of Uieir efforta.
Mies Elinore Huffman left thia B. depot.' which Is nearing completion, been eearcblng tor tome time and wbo
Ban-aasszwrti Uam.
he aees fit Indlcalea that the crime simply because they tail to Seep up
JIJ inolri ................. 75c in edTnIice
, 40e in »dT*nc« mare will rapidly re^e to the city with the times in their methods ot do- morning for ^plre. to ipend a week ha* made a remarkable improvement ta confined ta a Galesburg.. 111., hospi­
freight train
No police department was ever efi'ilii-jlng business. In order to'succeed It with Esther Burgees, before retnrn aud drivers find tbe freight bouses tal. lost a leg under
dent when used for the purpose of is necessary to take advantage of e
and aide (lacks much more accessible.
Mta* Unrgesa wlU acoompeny Tbe tractor and dump carts loaned pened but It is premimed that Weathpaying political debts and keeping the ery new Idea that comes the way ot
hUas dluffmaD.
rldlBg the bumpers and fell
by the Manner County Hlghwny com­
Por aeveral years tboae mlm undets vote in line for a certain clique. Tbe tbe one who Is striving for
A marriage ItosMe was issued to mission have aided murit in making onto tbe (raelc. His condlUou is
stand the fruit bualneaa have been first and only duty that a police de­ and the reward* will be in proportion
urdnA upon the fromers In.lhla re- partment Is expected to perform U to to the manner In which be makes the Theodore Forion and Mayme Shane, posalble a speed)’ conclusion of the serious that it will be Imposaiblr
move him for some time.
Kion tbe necessity of |>ioi>erly psding keep order In tbe community, and it ideas couqt in the' buslneM In qrhlch
8Utc Bank Btilldiiii'.
A suit waa commenced this morn­
Frank Sedler rtturned toMy from
It is lllugical for
snd pseklOA their producla. it has Is certain that orde? cannot be kept he is engaged
Mr. and Mrs. Walter. E. Hastings,
been repeatedly sbomn thsl auch s when disorder prevails In the lanks business man to expect to succeed ing by WlUlum HopUni against
who have been vUiting at Central Charlevoix, after driving a 1914 Buick
method psya to auch sn extent that of the men who comiiosed the force,
Uke for seveml weeks, visited (or a
(ict their JKt "f i>r>iM‘rtii*«
F. C. Lewie of MiAnespolis, who has
saving system* in bis buktness. Edward Darrow.
tbe amount realised from in orchard every unslneas must have a comfew days at the home of Theresa Pmwith owncrh'nihlrfSKO!.. or pruj>>lra. Barbara Holden ef Elk Rap
can readily be doubled It the omppr ■■etent man at the bcod In order to be;
ame philosophy applies to tbe
tbetr way to South Lyons, benn'in tbe city for aeveral da.vs on
ositioii to kfll your
business, left today tor Lansrng, where
.pays the proiwr attention to Rtom-UiA a success, and the same principle ap­ farmer who -^o order to get results ta. was in tbe city yesterday.
where they will reside.
Men w. F. btrack of Acme, spent
he will visit (or a -sbert Ume before
must keep posted upon the findings of
his crop at men as packing. This plies to municiial departments,
Mr. and Mrs. J.
Foueh and ton,
returning to hta home.
year applet thft have been iiTOperiy when a department hqs to be at
exi>erts and pul them Inio'aci^l the day in the city.
at «OKl of ^-'t. IJiiynr Jiiid hell­
Mrs. Darby and daughter Vida, ef Harry, left this piomlng fc
According to information received
raised and lacked' under the su|wr- mercy pf a number of men who are practice upon hls-farm. This tart'ta
er may deal ilin-et if thi v jin*Diego,
from the mechanician, who repaired
vUlon of the development bu
tooklng out for their own |>ers(mal emphasized by tbe altUude of fani^ Kalkaska; was In the city yesterday
The Rev. a U T»
a business.
iWther Jos. Bauer's cai(a(ier the aeclpie intpecilon aenlfe have brouRbi ends instead pf the public Interest, it
in different, stales who <
The members of Traverse City through the city today on his wa)’ dent which occurred teat Sunda.'-. the
)uat aa much asaln^ln tbe open mar­ is only reasonable that trouble and present time eJamoring for
from Old-Mission to Orawa. where be
ket as fruit packed and marheied In Inefficiency will result. One
axle of the ear was not broken, but
perts to take charge of cxiuntles and
will be lAstor of the M. E. church.
MONEY TO LOAN on good %Bd weU
the old manner. Tbe reason mhy
pin which held the front wheel to U
wtA has weU. defined and practical di^t the work of the farm. A few tiic k supper at six o’clock attended by
K- improved farms. H. C. Davis. 8!J
sixty i>eo|>l<-. and after a short
klnd of irsii commands a hl*her price Ideas in regard^ the conduct of hia years ago farmers lookM with susaxle snapped off. Tbe accident hap­
- Lie Bank Bldg, Traverae City.'
(From Wednesday’s Record-Eagle-)
is becaose U. aunds for aomethlnR, department can be relied upon to do plcioo upon these agricultural expens social time euiilurred the third degree
pened when Father Bauer auempted
apiil. 2btt
and baa a’repuution amons tmters good work and by adopting tbU sys­ and would not even attend the denout The bar did not turn
Mrs. Pat Stowe left this morning for
The huntingf aeaaon tor partridge,
who know good apples when they see tem for the future (Irand Rapids has onatratlons they gave in the orchards
tunie iMil waa simply let down when
them. A barrel or box of applea taken a decided step in advance of and fields. Noif tbe conditions hare spruce ben and woodcock open* to­
Mra. R. O. Oavleen ef «1$ Weal
• which bears the "Sunnyrlpe" label haa the old method under which their |>o- changed and the farmers are clam­ morrow and remains open until Nor.
Hwwrabl- lUard aTAuprrvlM
Eleventh street iefr thta morning on a
a dlartoct appearance which attracts lice department has been working In oring for more of these men who have
• Cuunly <d W^urd. MU-tUgsii.
Alley bfflith ot Leland returned te two months’ vtelt with friends and relthe buyer’m ho knomra that fruit lacked tbe past few years.
made a life study of agriculture and
at Chicago. Elkhart, Ind.. and
under the bureau aupervUlon la rifht
know bow to get 4he results from the his borne there today after a short Grand Rapids.
and .rftat^r
and has the proper credenllala. There
Nl*I.-'«t MUtiisu 'wHh'u* i.rU.c-(j«l «fllAs soon as the farmers saw that lime in the city on buriness.
The circuit court waa occupied all irm SI thr' Oiy «f Csdtiuc. Wrxi‘,fd
a H. Bemam of Chicago, who has
is a whole lot of virtue In an estabthese men were not theorists, but ev.
vesterdav and this morning with the Cuunlr. Ulctilsan. bt-rrby petition* yuar
Ilahed brand, and tbe sooner the
perts who knew their business and been visiting witn friends in the city rase of the People v*. William Henry hunontbk body lor suthuvlty and
arfor several days, left ibis morning for
frovers of this part ot .Michigan come
ulilug servlrc show that out could answer any quitUon asked them Petoskey, where be wtll be for a short Edwards. Judge Mayne gave
Count} of Wrxiurd for Uvr puri.we, at
to recognize this fact tbd sooner they
tbqir aliluilc changed, and from skep­
Ibe locatlMi. Of the beigbt and
rbarge to tbe Jury at 10:30 a. m
tkiu* h-miiart,r larotiuiml.
mill begin to reap the rewsrdt for of five hundred recruits examined It tics they became believers and then lime before returning to his home.
A. F. Nerllngcr of OetroH it in tbe
I'urv«»»I'UrzKiar of ............... ..._
Simon Schawb of Prevemont has re­
their tabor. There is no valid reason has been found that they are much in­ enthusiasts In the occu|«lion they
(be sold dam* is lu regutatr, cuiilrul und
ty (or a few days on business.
utlUsr Uie iluv of said mrean (or power
why a grower should continue to sell
Marriage licensee heve beenlecuto
short tUiie In the city on bi’Rtness.
ihy •botjki
hla applet In a nondescript, manner those who enlisted in ,1876. Thwe
tsio.ii'in*. fwid dams will be con,
stnieled at--nearly as may be al ngbt
deetgn. buttt of moat durable
L O. Cowell and wife of Charlev
for from « to »:.26 per barrel, when figures show that only 33 per
angles wlih the *iriaw>C'-and the polnii
materiata and arttatlrally itaare rated as strong
-e the several bins wlQ c-rtwii tbe
•e vtaltlng with friends In the city P. D. No 1. anJ Edith l,ewli of^rme
-arlth proper grading, packing and oflahed. You will figd ooly guCb
ID Will Ik Wluan the limit of the
township, and Clalmorne H. Cain of
>r a few days.
flctal inap^lon be can realise 64.!io present time, while In is;; thefe were
hereaftlr mated. to-wSt:
Voras Iwis: On fee Norlba
Henry Snow of Bayne City latt tp Tahoka. Texas,, and Susannah X. Ry- ter
for the aaSse amount of fruit, and u7 per cent listed in this class. There
INWLI of the ^tliwetit i
Travorto City. Mich.
day for Ann Arbor after a'sbort visit luer of Traverse City.
WHl and the MuUiwasi Quart-. ____ ,.
while some of the growers have al­ is however another factor to be reck­
John A. Lorangsr of Vsaaar is> in <g the Norntsem Qtartvr
121 Bay S',
Both PhoMS.
ready seen tbe light there are still a oned with in this connecUol'and that
the city on business. He will remain Twenty-Three ‘S) North. Banse Twelve
jCocof Uarhtu
H. B. P.
majority who cling to the old idea is that the men who are enlisting at
(From Tue«tar's Becord-pagle.l
construction at tbe postofflce. leave* (or a few days.
aick Pain: On the Southeast Guar.
that an apple Is an apule. no matter the present time possess great^
D. G. Shorter hes returned from a
i«E<«> of (he Southwest Quarter ALVIN H. GRUBER. Funeral Dirtotw
Klglii loa-ls of
iwiaioes w<
today for Oklahoma, where he will
bow tt la graded or paicked. It is the brain |K>wer than did thrmen who en­
‘.I'lif Section Two <2i, and the
and Embalmcr, 312 South t'nloD 8t
h Half iN'tk) «< the Nonbwem
take charge of a Wg government con­ three weeks’ trip. He went to Chatmlsalon of the progressive growers listed in 1S73. One of tbe best ree Weighed yesterday Tbe price
Mr*. -Nellie Pratt. anU-tant.
ter (NtVt.. of 8.-ruoa Ele.en/^IU.
struction Job. SiiK. Melilck of Petc*- tahooga. Tenn.. to attend the naUonal
pboae 875. We treat you as «i
to get this Idea out of the heads of
tlxat a man <aii have is main* ai eu. cents. There were s
encampment o( the O. A. R.. and vis­
would wish to be treated.
tbe orcbardlsu and subatltuie in its that be has the ability to think, and eral loads of bay. oats. lee. coke azui key will succeed bim here and srill
ivom Or. tne Bam Half cB
ited other places of Interest ta the '^'hmnan
meb »4t
place the great truth that apples must a thinking man in the army must ac­
fifty barrels of apples were shipped and here.
have Abmetbing to dUtingulsh them cording to all laws of nature prove
Twenty-Pour <:4> North. Range I
of old comradee whom be bad
t'hlrago markets this morning,
Tccih Eztraelc4 AkMtale
from common ^des If they are to superior soldier to the one who has
Dr. Jos. Slepika Of buttons Bay
bucu"'’ Dam; On tbe North
seen sinre the war.
<NS) of the N<Kthea«t Quar*ee <
Dr Wifbo«l Fata
bring tbe beat prices when offered tor to de#lnd enUrely upon bis brute ■isting of Wealthy, Wotl River and In the city on business yesterday.
Miu Myrtit Veuk«r left this morn- of Section TJ.lrty-Two <11..
By the "Ka-otar" method I «
Father Baue^f St Francis church
sale. The adoption 'of tbIA method of strength. One of the causes of weak­ .Mezander tarietles. These were all
-• •"
tag for Pontiac, where she will remalo
move Uipce aching teeth abaolutelj
packing and tabeilng would mean ness in tbe European armies, is due strictly number one stock and will net id a narrow escape from serious
Hyatir Uoin; On tite Southwest Quar­ Without tottk 4^ Whhoat the use
ter tStt'’, I of the ttn.jtheaet Quartei
thoniands of dolta'rs to tbe growers of to the fart that tbe men have not the the grower on an avenge of $3.25 a Jury when his'car turned turtir on
and the Sooth Half (SH> of tr
Mrs. Kifb Mettor and daugtitei
Ftast hay shore road. Ao axle l)roke
the Cnand Traverse region alone ability to do any thinking for theta- barrel.
Soutbwe.t Quarter iKVVC> of -S,-.1|.
the W«>t
W - I4alf iVV-Li of with weak hearts will apprectait
and , tbe car skMdM iuto some sand Mta* Ada. left thta morning (or Lud- Thirteen (ill:
every year. Tbe good worit haa be« selves and have to rely upon tiielr of­
Uir Northeast
least Quarter

<NCV> and the
(Fnm Wednesday's Record-Eagle.
the Ride of the road, rauring the IngtoB. where they will vUtl with
f INS' of the Northwest QuarStarted. BOW let It proceed and make ficers to do the thinking for then,
Only five loads of potsdoee were car to tip. No one in tbe car was In­ friends:
. money for the growers.
.... Totrnahip Twenty-Four CO North.
tly the fflicleiKy
Range Ele.en <lt« West.
weighed yeetentay. tbe price remaJn- jured.
206-20$ WUhelm Block, with Dr. Holto
fowign armlee is greatly handicapped
Nnrtheaat Quar­
worth. Traverse City. Mlchigaa.
A. Thompaofi of Lsnsing has ra- Grand Rapids and Chicago today. She ter iNE>4) f* Sertloh Eighteen il'l,
in this manner. One of tbe rea.«ooa Uig al 50c for tbe hewl grade,
1*4) North.
tnrned to bis boma after a s‘>ort Ume will be absent several weeks rlslUng T.iwn«hli.
why tbe Jsianese have made such
■^Sfetei-^I^^n*' On*ihe NoTthwe*! Quarless because the grower was not care­ In the city
T (NlV'.l nf Se.-11'KI Nine c») and the
Mra. George Muechott. who hM been ..orth»e«t
Many cities in the United States are record as soldiers ta bdeanse they ful when loading. .Most of those
John O. Blakcaisa. who has bean in
Quarter iNtVV,' of the Southwest QuartervtSWS' of Section Sine
having a survey made of their ilepart- have the ability to think while fight­ brought were the Potei
tbe city for the past few weei'*. leli 'visiting retatlvee In tbe city, returned <*'.
Township'^tmty-Four tJ4> North.
ments in order to Ond out where tbey ing. and through this qualification Ohio*. There were some of the late this mornlQB (or Manlsiec, where he to her home ta Gr^d Rapifis last
Walion Dam ' ,On the Northwem Quar­
imlly Stand, and to discover the they have been able to defeat the ar- Kurais bnl these must be fuUj^ ripe. will be for a few days *»ero;-c return nlgbt.
ter 'NW'V of the Southwem Quarter
Mlto Elliott, vidie hes been epending
the Southwest C ‘
BUength or weakness of (he systenrimies wblck arc- composed of a class Two rarloada of 300 barreU of apples tag to bis home at Graml Rapid*.
Whereas default has bees made i
thweel Quartei
they are operaUng under. The object who have never been taught to think were shipped this morning.
the payment of the money secured h
Edward Downey of. Kalsmacoo ta the summer at Park Place, returned to Hl^of *vrt^ ......... i»). Totrn*h!p 1 North. Range Nine
a mortgage dated the 20tb day
her borne In Chicago .vetterday afterof tbe city survey is to find the leaka -for themselves, even -w^n their
visiting with friends’ta (he c'ty for
May. A. D, 19H. executed I
In tbn depamnents and plug them up personal safely Is 'concerned.' UTica FARM PRMUCE—Buying Prices. few days.
•tght The dam* will be not
lord H. Campbell and wife.
than the gppruxlinale height herel
looked at from -all angles it ta bard
N. E. Degsn ef Grand RapMb is in mentioned,
before the resottrees of the city
County Commiaaionam Frank Hammmsurtng from tbe p
David’B. CAmpbelL tingle, and WaJ
Potatoes ................................................ 50figure where the United States
the city (or a few days on buateesa.
drained to such a low ebb that K will
ipbell sad
tace G. Campbell
a»d wife. lAnn, a
Butter ..............
22©26 llton, John Rouse. David Bwalnston.
Grand Traverse county.
be hard to replenish them. There is
8. E. Hepkifw ef Interiochen spent
Mayor Jno. G. Straub, gtraei Commis­
Martha HathewA
a great demand for better service In if the brains pf tbe common soldiers
the day in tbe city on buataesa.
tlmTRM.tN mxf. FIXTT tern r>et.
Hay. loose....................................m©$17 sioner John ioitman and City ComCampbeU,
ptaC«. which
tive and capable of tMoking out
BL'CKI.EV DAM. FIFTT (JOl feelmunicipal affairs and tbe people who
Miee Lillian Welia left last night fer
rs JoK. Sleder. J. O. Crotser
mortgage was recorded ta Uw '
S^aw. per toa .......................... i,...$10
MY8TIC DAM. SIXTY <«»1 fret.
are famlUar with 'the system of gov­ problems that are not even 'grasped
Chicago, where she will remain (or
ta the ..
ty or Grand Traverse ta Uber 67
ernment in vogue in the cities have b>- tbe soldiers of some of the other
some time.
^"baX^ dam. THfBTT-FTVB <1!
Prices. tag for Del roil lo atteod the Amerlcau
Mortgages, on page 232. on the
come to U>e conclusion that it is first nations who boast of their nHlltsry l^,
C. C'. Robbtao. wife and daughter,
Road Comfresti. Frank Hamilton ha*
day of May. A. D,
19iL M 2:
neceaaary to organize government prowess. Brains are tbe greatest of’
left Ibis morning for a five weeks’
a paiier on the "Weri MlcMgan Pik.
o'clock p. m.
Creamery butter
Devriptldn. The dama wfl! r«(i*l*t of
batlness as private buaineei U organ­ human asset* and wilt generally carry
And whereas the amount claimed
for I'rldny afu-rnoon. This 1* the only trip to CaUfornta.
Dairy butter ...
a masonry portion entwtnjrtrd of »tone
ized. before the same kind of service
ihroulih where mere physical
Uttle MIse
or r-oncrelv or a part of both, and ron- be due on said mortgage at the data;
.Mlchigaif |«i«r on tbe procram aud
Eggs ....................
ne.'ied wlRi the tank* by earth woiic of thta noUce ta life sum of four ba»^
can be exiwcfed that private bneiness sirengtJi would dismally fall.
Grrliecauae of tbe g^i Lad the state
masonry portion dred and se«eni,r-five and 98-JOO 4(4{S
Ducks, dressed .
g^ The time is shon coming when
maine, entertainsfi Jlfteen of her little win comsln spin woya or waste gate* tara of principal %nd Interest and UtSt
ha-rtiw a rrons nrrilonal art* of at least
Hay. baled................................... $170$1> has made ta thta line the
the old pork barrel methods must be
friends at ber home. 120 Bonn
fnrtber sum of one hundred sad tea.
Four Hundred Eighty (4»ni sqoihe feet.
Hay. looM ............................................$1! of arrangenienu chose 51r. Hamilton
»IU he constrticted al each dam and 9-100 dollars, taxes paid oa tba
discarded and busindsi system Insti­
toenue, yesterday ta ■ honor of her a There
accon^ lo th, mortgage premises and interest tbera.
Straw ..........
tuted la all Buniclialltles in order to
tonrtb birthday. Ice cream and rake, specineauons of the Mlchtgan Ah Com- on. and the farther sum of fifteea dota
According to tbe report of the inQRAIN—TULveree City Milling Co. is national in ita arope and will be
get,a maximum of work done at
It ta also pnmosed lo construct st each tara a* attoroex's fee. stipntaled (or
one of tbe best schools of instrticUon were served and a happy time enjoyedvestlgattag' commlUac appointed by
Prices corrected every day.
minimum coat, which is the object
ta said znortgMe and the wh<^
congress to inquire into the progress RTieat. CO lb. teat ............................... g?i for ail interested in building and mata- by all the little folks. She received abd* lo» '*8«*^chute w^beconstrected amount cialmed to be nnpaM ef aatt.
sought in all private enterprises Tbe
with star wall* of stone or concrete, nnd
tuny gifts.
made upon tbe thirteenth census. It Com ........................................................7$. talning better roads.
mortgage is the sum of six huadiad.;
old idea that public money sbould
0?V'V" "ta>™cOBtro4
- one and 7-1M doltara. and aa
has beep found (bat there ta a great Rve ......................................................... 58.
of watef and peerall entrance to faJltf _ or proceedings having beMi la-,
never go as far ns private funds is
deal of the work that has not been Oats..........................................................44. Grand Rapids on a'fcw days' bustases
stltnied at taw to recover tbe debt.
fast passing away, and in Us stea^ Is
Cards have Jimt been receivto anand by .Vbe time it is tt White navy beana........................... $1.65 trip.
remaining secured by said BWCfebeing Inriituied bualness IdeM '
C. H. Estea' ef B«ea ta in the city aouncing the marriage of-Mra R«*ta *^er*°wlS“tae^n?lock*, log riiule. . gage or any part thereof, hereby tha
will be practically worthleas for
Red kidney beans ........................... $J.75
ns for the psaaage of boats.
demand a dollar's worth of service for
Oartand of thta city ot John R. Bates
. or timber other than tboae aho' power of sale contained in said MMtau
tlsUcal purpoaaa. CompUIng and pub- Buckwheat, per 100 iba...................$1.25 today on bualneai
^aa become operative.
Dr. A. C. Montenegro of New York
Itahtag the United States census has
ORAIM—Hannah A Lay Co.
No* therefore notice ta hereby gl^
iOBsing of tbe old wat^ regime and
in DetrolL end Mr. and 5trs. Bates
ty. wbo has been here
be somewhat 61 a Joke, (or by
Prices corrected ereiT day.
J that by virtae of said power oK
the BubetituHoD In its pta<« of modem
Ume. returned to hta home thta roorn- will be at borne lo their friends at
sale and in puranoace of the statntt|
the time the vojumes .are issued (or Wheat, 40 lb. teat.........................
business methods in oondueting cliy
Beoond avenne. Detr^l, after Octo­
ta such case made and provided. ttoS
Com .......................................................
aoeh iiiiiiilmliiii ta granted.
aSalrs. It is n healthy symptom and dtatributlon tbe n^t census Is nearly
morttoC* «ul he fotoclosed by W:
Mlto Lillian S. HJity. whd has been ber 1st.
Borii pemlaidoB xo he oe> condltl^
Rye. 66 lb. test .......................•..........
• of the------------------------ --- ------that notMto thnwln slml be construed
one which should be fostered by every due and people are left aareral yearv
ta the city for some Ume. lotnnied to
Oats .................................................
ea. at public auction to the higbeto , '
ritUen who beltevee that cities can be behind tba tMea with the official avher home la New York City thta mornbidder at the front door of the eowtji
grsBt only aa they-are officered by ef­
ee of the conslTUrtlon of house in the city of Traverae atjr.,
Plicae corrected every bay.
ficient men. Manegement of cillee 1* great and comprahentlve that it lakes
ta saU county of Grand Traverae to
E. ft btaver hu retorasd to hie Su“
Johnson ef Allsgan ta
...... -ounty o»
$He Mito Gladys
tbe sixth day at October next, at tto
becoming a profession which requires loo much time to complete the work Moo ..............
home at (tadniac after a abort timd
eorpnrailoo Ihetrin.
of .Miss Hazel Knapp.
o’elaek in the forenoon of thaWdto
..................... 4 to 7e tbe0.guest
AD of which Is reeaw-tfoDy s
tbe maximum of busing ability upon ta the proper mannig'. and it seems,Bteem
K. White ef tbe horttatritural towhlto told premtato are descrihedf
the pert of tbe one wtm takes up this
Bimdy Brief, who haa been witb the
saJd. atohgage aa foOnwA to-arlt:
partment of tbs Michigan Agricultural
line of work. One school has alreed:
The Berth fractioaal half of tto
coUege will give s demoiutratJon at Kanaaa City and St Looto Ame
Mrthwaet traeUoaal qaaries- of 8to
been established lo educate men al<mg when Started that radical change* j Hides
the Morgan orchard on Thnraday aft- baaeball ctnbe this season, returned te
tkm Seven of Town Tweaty-elx. n '
this line and la tbe near future tbche vrlU have to be made ta tbe ayetem of, Calf
bis home here test night and vlU re­
ernoon at 2 o'clock.
Reage Sevto WoeL sad ^
compiling and publishing the figures. H«ae Udaa
will -be other lnaatntiona.4o take
nortbaaat quarter of &e ncrttoagl
Mlto Gertruda McMkhecI hto gene main for tbe winter.
the work, becaose there ta an-4«fre The Ume allowed (of tbe field worit is
quarter of Bectloe TwMve. ta Tem
Hrm W. LIngrand. who hto been vie“ rty-elx. narth * "------ "
Novelty far the Invalid^ Chair.
fiemsBd tor mrn who are (rained none too long and the^^umemtors
ittag in tbe city (or eome Ume.
L la tha caul
A amst inexpensive hut charming
have to hustle to complete their work
•1^ tbe Uoe of municipal
thta amraing for Grand Rapids, where;
nest As
peoide become more in- in Ume. b«t right here the hnsUtag ttay aet for toTalld’a tray ta a gtaas
the 1^1 be for a few days before reiJSi ^^$^ ^ ’oi July. A. q
■comblnaUon creamer, auger and bat­
toOlgeBt they viU demand a higher eeaaec and the drag boctas with the
Ito Xs&sts ssl'ChliinB.
tnrnlto to her borne at Indlaui
ter dtab. The lllUe'crystal ra^.U
Caaphtt) hto„Matlito»..
grade ef fiiga to handle their
teen Gray ef botan ta in the city
covered by the hnlier plate (a* a Ud),
necessity In many branch- ta turn fits ever the rrnemnr.
bSalrs. They will not be wUUng to
for a short time on ^Inen.
Coved A.Oeto'if^
«a or huifinMa. and tor the genemt ao that an thrw'may be fitted erne
Cnmt themselves to sleet th«e
F. I. Oougtato has returaad te Ms
Attorners tor MortMea.
Jnlr l« 17 24 31 ABC 7 14 :
pagnlar vets, b« win go Into tbe Bood it te toped that ao»e ptan will into the other ui taho but little apnen
home at Cbortevolz after a abort Ttstt ■'WEBTBSN 1
4 U it $6 Oet A *toeraMiF Ud Ttaasww■btol BMO Iw tto
OrtoebJb the Msrfvtanttot will «s the tray.
is tbe city.


Gettiiig Akesd


Pardee BtulnessExchaage





ffhe Markets


Legal Notices


Tm Far Behind





Pife Lake Department

tincle. Jacob SeegmlUer.
Mrs. V. G. QuBckenbush of Manton. was a ftuest of her son Etiseoe
and wife Sunday.
Mr. and sTra. Holpb Uo^ moved
to Walton. Thursday.

Conducted by Mlu Mae Dewey.
several moicired ovear
Clarence Fuller motored from Cadil­
lac. Sunda: and spent the day with
Mr and Mrs. R. C. UridKcman.
Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Baker and
children went to Peioskey. Thursday
retumlni: Saturday.
Fred Shartuan Is buylnj; apples aud
shlppinit them to tbe l^i'per I'enlnaulA
Miss Mae l>ewey was in ('adlHac.
Wednesday and Thursday on busi-

W« wuit to make tHia Oepartmest of the
Sreatmt poolble vala« to all conoenied and to
thia «Bd requat that all itema of pottonal and
saseral interest lA sent to Idits Dewey to be
incorporated in the Department. We especially
ask tbft chvches, fraternal aocieties and tbe
Qran^ fnrniab itema of interest in their respeetiTO organiaatiotts. News of social events and
entertainments, improvements iMing made or con.
templated, and bnsinesa changes and transfers in
real estate in town and conntry are especially
acceptable. The above applies not only to the
Tllla^ of Fife Lake, bnt to the ntrronnding
country.—Bdltor Herald.
Klft- J*ke. BepJ. .ID.-Rev, A. P.
Krake* te» (.eco auUned to tlif Wf.' no>d and tllorae. Weu^j^Tueaday
Omertilje. to see ■Mrsl’^'^FIatider-*
Uikv chure for Uip cuqiIdk year. .
Ruv. A. W. tUker ha* au BHoint.' father. Geo. (TankllD. who . Is
men at HlverJa^ ’
Mr*. R. lawrn l.’ft >'r«av for Kivria.
Mr* JuHiio Pill* of .lackaon. ar.
Ohio, vhere sl'e will speml lUc win­ lived Wednesday to vish her . i>aTter. Mrs. E. 'il. Foster accotutwoled ents. Mr. and -Mr*. (!. O. tlaser.
her to HenioQ Harbor, where sh*‘ will
The OpiKirlualiy clasa met at Rev.
r.naiD durlnf the wloter
X. W. Baker’s oo Tueaday .•vetiluB.
Mrs. Akom KalKbi aod^dRUsblor S.-t'tetuber :s. and enjoyed a
MUs Haxel. retomed Tliuraday to lurk supper.
their home at William*. Minn,
Hr. h. E. .Hllli wa* In Cadllla?
Mf». FAnoy TLoniitaoB. who ha*-. I.rofei
iifesslonal t>u£loe>ia Thursday. .
Ik<'0 fsrioB for her «il<re Mrs. II.
Flnc^ ha* reHirDcd_ Co her lioiii*- in
iwn Friday and Saturday.

Burl Bancroft of Oadlllac. has l*een
Mr*. E. Miil» rclurcMl Thtiraifay here on business this week.
from Cadlllar. wlier** she «a« rated by ■Joe Myers returued from .Xeme on
the lllne»K of her duuphter. Mr#..A ^lurday.
Jake ADdefBOD and^famlly aud Mrs.
Bom to Mr Biid Mrs. Henry Hnixe«ei[, drove
meld. Pridav. ,-„on. ,
' l„ Travoree t’liy. Thurwdav.
Bearwood llltiou of Trout Ijike, I*, p h. Bemstelne rnurned from fhl
rieltine hi* pother. Mr*. Ulltou:
„n Sunday, ar.-onipanled by hi*
Miss Edna Tiffany went to Orand ^.n Indaw. l--o Pfeffer.
Raidds. Moirfay
and Mrs. 'v. A
Kd Bruuiels and Rena CaroiliAw Henry farotlers taoiored from <'adilwen- married tn Ka!kas?:i Falurdiki. lar. itainrday
«'lilf 1^' in Traverse llty on
Henry Foster of TravorKe't'lty. was
Jary ibi# we^k.
au over $iioday nuevt .if - Mr. anil
•Jll"’- Kate Wolfe t<»8 In Trt.verwe Mrs James Eldrtdae.
City this week.

Th).. Ml#-*e< Kims' and ''ura F.iler
W. E. Rlci^ard* left Wednesdi.y «a* ri'tum-J U> ItieJr iioiu.' ill Toledo.
a busloess trip to i'^ditlac Aad other Meoday
if'-Mrs. I. Ar n.‘tii;elt and *011 Rob. n.
Mr*. E. C. Brow'n.was ’a bUKltieMi visited Mr*. UeLiietfs mother. Mrs.
s-aller at Cadillac Thursday.|a. V. Gleason near TratVrso City
^Burttholder of South lloardmac. from Wednesday to Saturday, bliiis
■wfi^In town ThurstUj.
jl„g Maater O.orden home with her.
• Mr. abd Mrs. Will lilimore hnw | TUuk l>-4dy has" reliinieri trod.Novell l-Bik from Manton. and he will Brotheis. where'he has teen vlsitlns.
inaalat his father ip the iwiato busl-j -Mrs. J. Fnli» went tu Summit. Wed ^DoMlay to Btfena Hii- funeral of 1;.t

The 0|.|K>rtunlty class will hold
their nioetlnK with • Mr*. Uluuelie
Bryant on Tuesday eveninc.
Chureh aervices.
Sunday serMees'for Oitoher oth.
■ ,
Sunday scheol at 11:15
Eunsbine Prayer l>and at
Kpwonh^-apue at C;::o
PrcachlnK at T:»i p. n by Rev. A.
P. Keakes.

Monro* C*ntv
Monroe Center. MIeh . Sept. 29.—
Quite a Kooa many from this neUbhorhood aiu-mhd the fair at Traverse
CMf-lust week.
There was no Hebool Thursday
that tearher aud scholars could auend
the fair.
The debate at Granse last Tuesday
eieniiii:. • Resolved that a youni: inai]
cao sun In business without-espital.
pud succeed a# well
his father. was .decided In favor of the afflmative.^ Tbe lecturer ftavc out some In
tereatlUK loiilcB for the “next uieetlnB
Mr. nnd Mr# Willis Wichtman of
Buckley, aud Mr, aud Mr# Frink
Wtahunan of Owoaao. viallrul friends
at the renter Sunday.
Miss Marguerite Spsitslcr risUed
friends at Travers- Tiiv list w«H>k.
.Mrs. Monrt^ and Mr. and -Mi» CCopcland and family attended
fair at Buckley. Saturday.
Mr*. EdU Chamiel has been tuakine
some Improvements on her liouse. :
Mr and Mrs. HnilJ Wynkoop, aor
Ratph and dauEliter IVdly. of Tnt\
else OilVv itere .S'W'ts at W. H,
Hrown&ffli'a Sunday.
Mrs. H. E. Cowle# is on the alck

Men’s and Young
Men’s Norfolks
and Reefers


Made in heavy Mackinaw Cloth,
plain and fancy colors. 'These sold
well last year and the call for them
thus far this yeeu has been such as to
warrant us in putting in a splendid

' variety.

(Ladies Buy Them)
They are t|ie most comfortable coat
a man ever put on. Many of the col­
ors ate striking, but the louder the
color the greatar the demand.
Plain Blue, Gray, Red and all com­
binations of Plaids. Prices $5, $6,
$7.50, $8 to $14.

Hanulton Clo. Co.
N. B. We also have th«e in
Boys’ sizes at cmrespondingly
low prices.

M. Harentves wa, callad tp GalMburi^ Friday by tbe death «( bla
Archie Staart. the R. T. D. carrier
«Ubea to thank all thoae who kindly
remembered him on bU blrtfad^.'September 23rd.

N'oribport. Sept.
Bantett aud Erie. Humpach have
Koue to Atm Arbor to attesd tbe uni­
Mr. and Mr*. 8. J. I^e and daugblers. Marion and Harriet, returned
to EraMlbo. Friday, after harlnK
spent fhe sumcier liere.
MIm Pearl l>reineaux left Tuesday
for Add Arbor, where she will attend
the university.
Mr. and Mrs. Cstick spent Saturdav tn Traverse City.
(l pleaaaot erenlax wu apent by
10 Rebekaba lodge last Friday
honor of their saniyoraary. The Odd
Fewtlos and wives were invited,
prograai was rendered after 'which a
supper was served.
Mrs. Anna RoaencTans and
I. SH-. returned Tuesday evening.from
three weeks' visit with reUUvea at
Reed City.
W. H Steele arrived home Satur­
day evening from Detroit.
Mrs. l>vd Price left Tuesday for
Roger City, where she wm join her
Mrs. August Bherman and ehUdm
left Wednesday for Chicago and St.
lAUit for a vUfl with relatives, before retornlng to her borne In Uallaa.
.-Mr. and Mr*. H. Hall. Mr. and Mrs.
J. 8(beiriDBidcr. Mrs. Jas. Kebl and
Iza. attended the fair In Traverse
City on Tliursday.
Miss Beaver ^ Grand Rapid*.
>ent a couple days in town
The girl# of S. H. 8. have oryanUed
basket ball team
‘Mis* .lennie Stibbits entertained
several of her little jrirl friends this
evfmtog in honor of her ninth blrthly.
.X farewell iian: was given In honor
of .Vrs- Retford and family at
home Tin Mondav 'evening.
Retford and children left Saturday for
HelroU. where she will Join Mr. Ret­
ford. who ha* sjient the iiaai year
there and will make their future
home there.
Ml«» CCTa . Kehl left Thursday
morning ^or Ypsilanti to attend tbe
Bute normal.
Mr*. Herrou ami c>;ildr*-n left for
their hnm* la XVasliington. I) c.
Tilt- XX'oman's clui> will hold their
first meeting Tuesday aflernoou. Octo­
ber 7th, in tholr club rooms.
Jolin Javkson of Oklahoma, Is vIrUing his relative*.
Mr*. XXHl Currier and 'daughter
ClirlKtlne. lefi Saturday far Chicago,
after aiK-niilcg tbe summer here.
.S^. and Mrs. I- I. Steadman spent
couple of dsy* In XVilllamEbi
with friend*, reluming on Friday.
Mr. and .'Irs. J. Bowies motored
Traverse city on Saturday They
were a<TT>mpanii-d by Mr. and Mrs.
Bom to !Mr. and Mr*. Clarence
■krken.I. a tgirl, off Saturday.
Air*. Btet
Stevena and daugbier*
Thursday for their homo in l^aurence,
Konsa*. after having.spent the auiotn ifaair cottage m tbe bay
Royal Bigelow left Monday
l.anklng. where he will attend tbe M.
A. C
Ralph Kelson left. Saturday
LaDHing to attend Ibf M. A. C.
3!r*. Myrta Johnston and Katherine
left for their homo in DeUrrtt on Wedneeday. after having sjient a week
with relatives.
Mr and Mr*. Stltos and family left
Wednesday for Flint, wliere they will
make their boiqf this coming year.
Mr*. A. John left Monday for Grand
Miss May
left Friday
Kvanston. after haring apenl
summer here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kehl and cbildren and 3Ir. and Mrs. James Kehl
ira. with friends enjoyed a
few days’ outing in their cottage at
the Point, returning bone this mom■g.

Mrs. N. C. Morgan spent tbe day la
Mr. D. M. Power* of Pontiac, spent
Sunday tn town.
Mias Marie SUtea left' Monday for
CharieroJx for a few weeks' rlalt
with frienda.

/Itodge, Bept 2».—D. Hicks of Niles.
Mich., spent Saturday and Sunday
with his broGier. Ralph Hicka. "
Mr. and Mr*. Harry Dowen vUited
bet aUier, Mr^ Eugene Foeter. Sun­
Ralph Pierce left today for
Pleasant where he will attend achod.
• A. O. Mealey U jading bit potato
vacation tn this ririnity.
Mr*. Wm. Prindle U on the gain.
Mr*. C. 3. BenBcU la on the alck
Dr. HcKoskle visited over Saaday
M Ray Baaorotl’a.


Kingsley Department


The people of Ktegtky and tbe ntnvaadinf
eonotry are an iotenatod in thit Departmaat.
We shall be glad to have individnala, obnrdwa,
tbe Orange, fratenial aocieties and aU other or.
ganixationa band in Hema of newi, peraonala,
annonneementa of meetinga, notieea of entertain,
menta, bnainen changes, pnblic improrementa
being: done or contemplate^ tales of real estate
in town or country, and any other itema of gen.
eral interest. Send all items to Miai.Jessie
Bowden, wbo baa charge of the Department.—
Editor Herald.
Klngaley. Oct. l —Adam
Seegnilller. wife and daughter of Walkertan, Canada, vltlli-d relative* here
last week.
Adam Morf'and wife of Traverse
City. Henry Soecminei adfl
Abbie of Cadillac. John Fofibl
wife of Flint, and Charte*.*Wary and
Anna Seegmlller of IketroB.
out of town relatives In attendance.
Jacob Seegmlller.’a funeral.
Herb Fee and bride from Marquette,
were callers la Kl^gMley last week.
The IllUe son of XValter SUM.'kfKb
is iH-riousI.v ill.
Mrs. ixia Ackerman It very alck.
Mrs. Jane Holliday is OMlsUng at
Howard Dunn'*.
Clyde Uverholt of Traverse City,
as a guest over Sunday of Lane Fen­
la* Jessie Bowden, who has been
asslatlng at D. Fenton’s during the
summer. Is now in Jonesviilo.
Ranee Glddl* has moved the slirule
hery from In front of bis home
Blair Kireei and resodded his lawn.
This Improvement with the ahlnlhs
new coat of paint given ^s bouse,
has made of hi* home one of the
pretUeat in the village. ~
Another marked IniprovemenI just
out of (own. Is the new coat of i«atni
given to tbe large farm bouse of E. A.
Xlckerscin JuM witt of town Mr. ,\lck
Tsou's home now wlili ciie ya^just
full enough of targe forest .trees Is
very beautiful.
I.,e«f kill i# almost ready to
Into his new home recently' purrhaseij
Clark street Thla 1* the John
I'alhorin property, end,4s a splendid
location lor a home. Mr. Rial
made improvementii on tbe interior
this fall, end next year «1II .make
some thanges on the oiilblde
Howard Dnnn’s new bonf* is rajiidly
nearing comidetloq. This is a Kment
brick ven-*er frame construction and
will be a beautiful home.
Emery- Nickerson is also bnildlng
«w dwelling house on hi* farm *e
1 mile* west and north of tow-n. Tills
a nest frame building on the site
of tbe home burned two years ago.
new- kitchen Is being added
the home of l,eslie Freeman on t
B. Stinson farm.
XVn. Arnold has Jast completed
beautiful new- addition to his bouse
his fann east of KIngvh y The
mats building ha* been remodeled
and (he whole building cement veneerporches liave been added and the
Interior finished in modem style.
■ Rev. Joseph-Cole and wife arrlvct
/his week from Thompsonvllle. M
Cok- is the new Methodist apiKiintee
Rev. Hr. Jones and wife g« i
Pontiac. MIrhigau. They have made
many friends here during lb'
Schooi is progressing Bnelj with
the targest enrollment ever made
The high school enrolls twenty-eight
pupils, twenty-one o( them are lutlonAll th- teachers are Ypsilanti
graduates and (wo of them. MBs
Williams and Miss Rogers, have
apeclalized la prtroaiy- work. Some
ition is being paid 'to aibletirs.
The ninth and tenth grades are
have an athletic meet soon on i
school grounds Patrons are especial1/invitedTo attend this meet
Sirs. Cora Earl, the nurse in attendice on Perry Manlgold. left f«r
home In Trai erse City last Friday.
Miss Helen Skiver is back at her
work in the Ciliten's office, after a
week't visit at home.
Mm. Claud Moore ffod-brotber. J
Hafer, were called home Sunday on
account of the serious Illness of their
mother. They returned Tuesday re­
porting the mother much better
Ralph Case accompanied his son
Carl to Ann Arbor.
Mrs. Matte Norton and two dangbter«, are visiting Mrs. Norton’s moth­
er. Mrs, 8- J. Parker.
Chas. Weaver it making a tn day
businna trip in North Platte. Neb.
Mra. Spade of Cbarlevoli. is a guest
of Mrs. P. BogaA of Maichett.
Catherine. PauRhauaen of the Trav.
erse City SUte' hospital, r was
goen of Mrs. Kate Matchetl
Ulaa Grace Pence to aaalriing
clerk in tbe'MorrU atore.'
Mrs. J. A. McCarthy and two chlldren are rislUng bar namta tn Big
Carl Case alarted Sunday for. Ann
Arbor. He will taka the complete
course. .
Bey Caae. wife and little daughter,
from Athena, are vWtlBg reUUve*
god frlendi In Kingsley ^d MayfleW.

iiHrnsS^nf ta*« It

tor raarwelt. nrf tfw OLif * Uw est at ——f
, -Oar Cm baby is .
ftnuii^iuej bsaltli/sad
«e sttnbate U41 tw
*uis tothe timely Bse
of your CoapoBad."-^
Mr*. Fan> Yoaaxw,
, - rows my life aad
mybsliy'sgood heslth
K. F. D.. No. 2. Troy.
' - I have thrse riiik
dren and Vwk yooeC.jnipou.i.!ew-htlme-—Mrn.JuBsUuwaKO,
■I hav*
. .ybi^ai
v-a erefya
j’baby.Ua'PmkUs----------—Ur*.Loci* PmeaBa,
T2 Maoros SC. OacW
-We are at last
bl««ed with a sweet
little baby giri”-Uis.
G.A. Lxreaooaa.
Maotegnt. La.
-I have oosef tha

ThI* U Roy'* first visit home
three >var»
He I* geUiug To 1*
very succeHKful farmei'.

Ueltner. S.-pt. 2fi,-Mr.'
Florence of Crandallville. visited Mr,
and Mr*. Minis one day last week.GrandmsL Utiuport will retur^ to.'
her home' in Gnnd Rapid* Thursday,
after spending a few weeks with ber
daughter. Mrs. Bertha Heim.
Gootiwn. lOlSKetb
Mr and Mr*. Huff of Kingsley,
Bi., Wilmingtea. SAL
went to XVilllamsburg. Monday-to visit
Mr. and Mrs, Grady.
happimt mas alive todAy.”—Mn. Ci.#«a XVIlliam M-heat went to New York
l)iaBa*xa.39rMarOstate last week to aee' his ' Arolber,
U81. lisDsla. K.T.
who I* very ni,
-Now I bare a nice
Mrs Una Hager caUed on Mrs.
Mini* last week.
The Ijtdles- aid will meet with Mrs.
Yoeinan ihl* week.
Mrs. Florence and Mrs MilUs call­
bahr dangfawt now.*'
— Mrs. A. A. r.iLni,
ed oa Mr*. TowuKon oile day last
DewUtrilU, N.Y.,
week. •
" I hare a Ug, fst.
Hr. Minis is Mill pUklAg racum_ jalthy bor.“—Un.A.
A., E.P.D.
yo.I,Bs1llawa,Ohia. '
Mrs. Williams wa* risitlng he#
daughter in Ttaverae City, one day
L IMm was a TraverjL-City at Louie Curty 's'
‘ Miss X’era Alward of Traverse .City,
whp ;s te^hlng the WUIamabTirc
Echool, rlsiied Sunday at E. a Win­
Mr. and 'Mr*. Robert Morrlm of
Hillsfde Grove. .«ipt. na.—Nearly
everybody' in i1-;k neighborhood at­ Rapid City, arc visiting relaUvaa In
tended He- i.iiT !«jt -=i-eek at Traveree thonelghborbood.
XV, F. M. S. meeu Thursday
Miss .Xdelltie Mallory ha.* been afierpoon-with .Mr#. Uiwell Soots.
Our neighborbood was well repre­
*;irnding tin- laM i»o weeks at
sented at (be Grand Trarme fair last
i '
. Ml*a Marie Smiley rUlied in Trav­ week. Some aitcnOIng the entire'
fsir aud others just driving
for tbe
erse nty last week.
The llillsi^ Grove school closed day.
Sc.hcx); (-losert Thursday at noon to
last Thiiraday to give the clilliWea a
chance to go to the fair.
Miss Mary SmUey spent Sunday at Miss Duffy



Ml*. Fred Akers mtertalned her «lstiT last week fmm. Traverse city.

Elk Lake. Sept. 29 —Clair Morrison
vl-ilting at John Morrison’a
John Dean, wife and daughter Nina,
drove to Rapid City Satu^y. ratnmIng Sunday
Grandma Tktan is quite
ill at the home of her daughter. Mra.
Geotge Way.
Mrs. JilalUon Highland and daugbUr
Marie, and Mr*. Archie Bond with
children, spent Satnrtay and Sunday

Wllllamaburg. Sept. 29.—S. R. Gaia
made a short buntness trip to tbe 800
last wee’K.
Bd Morrison arrived Saturday night
from ..Detroit ftir a visit at the M. W.
Merrill home.
Work on the new i. O. O. F. hall
and electric light, plant is being rap­
idly .pushed.
Mrs Halihouse of Bellalre. Is visit-'
ing with Mr#, t harie* Agerson this
(Continued on page fmir.)

lasnK Year CaiiBlag w«h

Sure and ecolory and convenient <
norolcBl. li saves worry, time and money. Absolutely prevenu t
ned corn, fruit or vegeubles from souring or »i>ofllDg.
1 package lOe. 3 packages 25e.
7 paeVage* 50c. 15 package* $1.00.






The Electric Storage
The ’’Choride AcC-nmalator”

need do Is to run your engine for a few hoor*

ed period.


Wm. tJacRsoik

Travcrac city, Hlch.


__________ »—”***'*!??





(Contlnutd from Page Three.)
The turt eyor hat the rimd torvey•a and grade tuket driven* oat
the road from John Gody't com


Wm. J. May and Simon PIcwelUng
vtaited et tlie fcharioa Eaton home laat
Friday and Saturday on their way
home to BclUlre from" the Grand
Traverse fair.
Mr. and Mr*. Felix Mltlor and Mr*.
Bdlth C*reon of Chicago, who have
been visiting here, were coHed to Chi­
cago toflay by the mnrder of Mr*.
MlUer’* and Mr*. Onroon-s *l«ter In
that elty.
Hugo Will ha* bad a new riilmnev
City May Seize Werita and Run it Un. bttUt on bis store building. Charlie
I Courts Settle Oueation. Climax
Smitb 1* doing the work.
to Municipal Ovvncrahip


mapU Citif

. Htns B. . Schmidt. aulstaDi iin< . t
coBfMted to the boniMe slmyicg of
•toiT to the police, told 6f how ho murdered bis victim while she slepY. dlimembered the bod}', packed the pieces In bundlos aad dropr»-d them from
the Port Lee ferry boat lAst February Schmidt obiulned a license, per­
formed his owD^marriage ceremony and set up bourekeeptns Is the Bronx,
vhere be murder^ the •ODutn Sepieiuber 2.



The railroads of the rnlu>d States
use about lM>.f*00.<>r>o w ooden ties each

(By Knlicd Press.)
Chicago. Oct 1.—Confronted by ulOruaium. from Oio Chicago Reduction
company thaj unless the city agrees
buy Us plant at the oomi>any‘s
terms before midnight toolghL
plant will be chased and garbage al­
lowed to remain In the streets. Chb
cago today faced a' crisis Jo the gar­
bage situation, and a possible epidem­
ic of disease.
Led by Alderman
I'baHea Merriam several, conncllmon
tods)- detnandid that the city aeltc the
HeducUon compan>'s i>lant and operit ontll the matter is threshed out
in the court*. Attorneys for the corny
pau> said they would obtain a restrain­
ing order, .preventing the seinre of
the planL Several coupcil meetings
called for tonight to consider the

Maple City, Sept. 27.—Mia* Jennie
CldS of Albion, vlaiiod her parent*
last week.
Mis* Frances Pernek of laadore. U
working for Mr*, Dr. Pralick.
Mr*. .Joe Ninukei and children hare
been vlsUIng at tbe home of Mrs. ‘
John FTfl*.
Henry Di'Wlng of Chicago.- passed
through town last' Wednesday on tila
ay lo visit his parents.
Ur. and Mr*. Hnrrbon .Houghton of
Traverse City, visited reintivea here
last week.
Mrs. Chat. Ar kerman and cMIdron
of Glen Knven. spent Sunday wrfth
Mrs. Ackerman's parentt. Mr. and
Mrs J, Treraain.
There was a surjiriae party alven
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fix at the
homo of their daoghter Mr*. T.
he present crisis reralta from the. Hebert Ism Monday evening They
campaign for municipal ownership ^ went to tbelr home lo Empire Wednes­
the plant.

Ren Wilton Pasaeo Away at Orawn
La« NighL

CVJrrnght Hurt P- liafTncr a xnrx

In buying clothes you should consider style, quality of goods and
go to the house whae reputation has stood the test of time. We do- so must you. Hart, Schafner & Marx line is one we endorse as hav­
ing stood the test. The young men and middle aged men can buy
Kason. Sepu 2*.—MU* Helen Cole­ these goods from us with the positive assurance that they and ourselves
man called on MUg Jeule Newman
last week.
stand behind them./^


Mr. and Mr*. Geo. "A. Peck are
In Traverse (Tty.
L. T. Ball will fill his -*lk> tomor»w.
Norman Ngaman ia threshing to­
Mr*. Lucy Coleman Darga of Traveoe City, is visiting her mpther. Mr*. ««« CtU' n busincKS
luac Newmarcb lost
kllnnie Coleman and family for a few
horse last week.
Mr. and Mr*. Willie '
Wm. -lioeire of-Traverse Cll»'. visit­
ed his
................................ ■
its'’ neUhborbuod
lives in this
Sunday aftday and Sunday.
Roy Nephew and'C^s. Peck drove
to Ovtatt Ia*i Sunday evening.
J.^T. Oevers, the Rat^r, Was Only
(By cnited ftnsA)
Almond Iturr of Ovlatt. worked for
one in Building Who Mad*
At least
Kar^ Peck cutting buckwheat with
bis rea|«r last week.
sevro bnndi^' dndlgent confederal*
veterans today drew tber first pen­
sions under the law passed by the lost
Rymer-Cain Nuptial* Took Plaee'Thl*
iKy United Piesa)
jCang JCa)t«
Missouri general assembly appro;
Morning. .
New Haven. Ky.. Oct 1.—nve n
Ix>ng hake. Sept ?<—Mr*. Walter
bers ofthe family of J. T. Devera lost Ing >30.000. Twelve hundred appUtw
Dundy Brief, who returned yestw- Page Is quite sick.
their ltve« Ih a fire that today destroy­ Uons were received. AdJuUnt GeoMl
day after playing the'season with the
Mr. kud Mrs. FTed Wheelock and
A pretty hnnie we-ldlng took s>lacc ed the Louisville and NnsbvHIe hotel O'Mesra approving 700 with ■
St. ix>uls Browns and the Kansas City •on Charlie, from Dlrtrict Na 4. visit- this moiuing at k:43 at 32ir WMt here, and for a time threatened the more still under advisement, awaiting
club of (be AnierKSh association, will ed their uncle, tr E Duryea last 8un-< Ninth street, when Miss Susaimab A. entire town. Devers owned tbe hotel. proof of service. The pension nto b|
dollar* per month. Ages of thi
probably return to Kansas City
Hyoier. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ There wcro'Tm-guests there at the
ederote veteran* range from M
year. He. with two other of the
Mr, and Mrs
Roily Cole fronf ard Rvnicr. *a* mafne-l to Claiborne time of the fl^. Devers was the only
Mij I•nlu•d Press.)
Brown player*, was traded outfight to south of town, are catling on friend* H. Caine, of Taboka. Texas. The <ere- member of
family who escaped. to *S yeoi;^ with most of tb«n
Confederate* bonotably dlsebarr
Ijinsing. 0<1. I.—Tly re wrr»
.Kansas City for Walker.
In IhU vicinity t^y,
He Jumped from • second story win­
fatal accidents in Mirhlxoii during. li«n*f<wred early enough in the acaMr. and Mr*. Bart Jennings from of the immediate relatives b> Rev. W. dow Just K'on
building collapsed. ed are eligible to lu benetlta. An
many were never discharged bot pa­
Sc-iilcmber, aiording lo tlie f-ciiort of aon to make every city
Trover** City, visited al Will Pierce-* A. Kiev. The bride was dalntlly
roled at the close of the war. tteto
the industrial Acridcul boaid made ciailon circuit, and expresses bfmself last Snnday.
i gosued In white volte and was i
parole records are taken a* boala fit
today, rlftcen of the deaths occurwell pleased with the claa* of ball
Mr*. J. SI. Rltiott and her daughter
penstona The pensions win be p*Ml
od In Detroit .
played there. Most of tbe tMiqs^ Mr*. 8. M. Hiebardapn. vUtlM at
the A. A. organisation are rompoaed Bernard Richardson's In Traverse City morning Iroln for their future home In
It Spend Term in ths h
of youngster* on their
Taboka. where Mr. Caiu is the county
over Sunday.
IT* of the major b
Mr. McIntyre from Traverse City I* Judge. They will stop enroulc at
of tbe most admirable training doing the carpenter work on B. ^ erol places for sightseeing.
camps to be found in
in the circuit court tbe case of the
ilu^ea's house.
ball. Bundy says that anyone who
People V*. Asa Reckard, tbe Jury
Mr. and Mra McRalu |nd two
play American Ass
1 ball daughters ideta and Vera from P:xtlerbrought in a tcrdict ot guilty and BLEW SAFE IN ARKANSAB AND
<*n play *lih the lopnotchet*. pro­
judge sentenced Reckard to loula
Bon. N. J.. are visiting at Elswurth
vided that be 1* asccr.dlng rather than
oni oo«sto six year* at hard labor.
Halstead's Mr*.' McBaln U Hr. Hal­
sliding There 1* every chance of tbe
After taking the b*« part of two
stead's sister.
Foi; Infants and Children.
kaclier receiving another proa.,,
wm l»b H-Bb Ibclb*.
Mr. and- Mr.'. Carl COx and *on Alva,
moUoa after a little seasoning with
ing gAOOO In PeeUI Fwndm
liani Henry Edwards was given
tbe Kansas (Tty club and bis chances and Mr. «and Mr*. Zorn Oox and
Jury Gils morning and they brought
thter Edlili, drove over to Bate*
are probably, better right now- than
in e verdict of not guilty.
thev Acre while be was with Stovall's loet Saturday and ^Mit Sunday with
(By united Prona)
hester Brannan wes granted e di­
am: Nv*- Will Bast,
LltUe Rock. Ark- OcL l.-^bar
vorce from -Margaret Bronnkn,
r. and Mr*. C. Ankerson and Mr.
mounted bandits loday'tdev tlie an>e
and Mrs. James Htkula' and daughter
in the First State bonk Of Dardenell.
Wlltan. visited friends near £n
and'escaped sfler looting the b
over Sunday.
Tbe bonk oSlcisls refuse to etote the
Mr. Sogge's new house is almost
token but probably it will
New Plan Ueed In OMe State
completed. It is a two atory building,
rea^ several thonaosd dollen. In­
quite modern and vpto-date. loonted
cluding ».000 In pontal (ttnds.
Since the Wynkoop houseoi) Wash-:
(By United Press.)
Ington *tTMt has been opened to sev­ and will add a good deal to the appear­
Columhu. Ohio. Oct 1.—Today was
eral of the grades of tbe Boardman ance ot the city.
pay-day" for convicts in the Ohio
avenue kchool. many of the older redSute penltentlery and the slate re­
denu have been indulging in remin­
formatory. Banning .today inmates
* HeM bF4be Vegl ReL
iscence*. The house was originally
of tbeto two Inttltutions wilt have
one of the three little school buildings
EgM Paradise. SepL 30.—Mr. and
'steady income" of from one to five
that Stood on the big lot now occupl^ Mrs. Donald Mlllks'drove out In the
I an hoar, according to the char­
by tbe Wynkoop block and-bonaes ad­ Birmley district last Monds>-. after a
of tbe VoglTomny
jacent. More than thirty year* ago load of peaches.
of tbe prisoner. Ninety per cent of have Wn bolding a toaiUr rennkiB
rail* resounded to the voice* of
Hr. and Mra Howard Cleland spent
the prtsonere- ''Incomes" wiU be tnrn- tor tbe pest tow days. U was held at
small Mholar* and the tmmtl of litUe Sundsy at Mr Anatetta'
nd over to their fsmUlee or pereont tbe home of Mig. 8. It. Rlw.
feet marching to daea At the Ume
Howard Cleland has recently pup
dependent upon them for their lup eighth street. Tberc were present
the Boardman avenue ncbool was built chnaed the t«onard Milks' fsrsL
five tons and two dMghters. Prnn'k
tbe lot was sold and the ecbool bouse*
John Sparling from M^n. Is In
VogI and wife of Garrison. Mont: Iton
remodeled Into dwelling*. But
the nHghborbood visiting frioads and
MilUons of OellM
Vod K»d wue of MnnWns. MKA;
igaln the famniar eight U' being wit- relgUven.
Are cleared every year by the pool- George and wfto « Travtoen City: Ar­
neseed of Rcbolars wending their way
H(SUS Tsbberer and family spent
Dy rmiswe of the United States. A thur of Bo(!ktor< DU and Jnko ot
"the old ecbool'bODse.*'/and eaat Sunday at tbe boms of Calvin Sportlarge factor In the production of this
•Ide grown-up* nre reealling the day* l*Khuge prom la HARVEaX'S CONDI­ ntat; Mra. HnleU ud Mra. Atdngwv
wh^ they too. learned tbe three R'a
TION POWDESL It keeps laflns hen* both of Tnvane City.
Mbs Groce Tompklas visited her.
A btt fttoM was Mfv«< mMnrdny
In good condition, mskeeyonag chicks
In the ume building.
pbople ml Odd Kfistoi) ever Sunday.
rapidly, words on d^eeM and dnda group pfetnra taken of Ihe'gntbArthur Sparling will soon hove the
Horace Worth Vongh bos succeeded keeps ths comb bright and red. Bqunl- •ring.
SAN FRANCISCO—Wells-Fargo Bi- new addition to bis bouse compli
hnator Norris Sheppard a* congre** b- as good for otoek. It is the favorite
preae compmny compelled by State
Mr. and Mr*. Howard tlewmarch
lU from the First Texas district. He c<
powder with breeders of
Railroad , oommlaslon to put Into ef­
1 relative* from Baxter, on ho* held many public oBce* ud re- bliloodeii horses. Price 2$ cts. per packfect new reie^ culling annual nr- Sudsy.
' Crom.tbe snur
S(M by nil droggisu.
r H fony(«x yemh tfKL
Wesley SpArtta);
edlWi to tnfVaxeeu. 8L JaaM*. Mich- sepL g»4t

lac.J^neh.. Is refwrt.'d to be the
The Seplcinl-cr i.-rw cif cl'n uit <oiirt
foremostt city In
I the codiuq- for varied oiwnitl with a,full ilocket y^terday
imd close utiUtailon of forest prodas deci'led Chat only the criminal
tried this week and that the
Jury iriaJs o'n Iho civil cases.A*«^
More than one-fourthall. the nest .Monday.
aheep In the eleven stateir nearest tbo
The <ase of the People vs. William
Pacific roast are graced oft the nation­ Henry TMwards. the party pleaded
al fopesis.
guilty through his uttoroev, . J. Tweddle. . Tbe^tioDal forests cootaine water
In the case of the P<>oiile vs, Andy
ppwers with an aCRrepate eatlmated fiarev. (iarcy pleaded not piillty.
capacity of 12.iHi*i.i»00 horse-power,
in the case of the People vs.
available for um upd
{tickerd. the defendant appeared end
the aecretary of agric
tileadod not guilty and not having any
aTiomey mw funds the court appoint­
Much of the pUlnj;. wharf niitierlal. ed J. J. Twe<Idle to act for him and
fhd lock pates of the Panama canal that case is now occnp.ving the atten­
are made of greenbeart. aald to be tion of tJiD court.
the most durable wood known for
' these purpose*, which come.s snaiiUy
from British Quianc.

(Special to The Kecord-Bagle.)
drawn, Ocl I.—Ben tt'llson, the IHyear-old son of Cbaa. Wilson, died at
the home of his father last night of J»tlammation of the bowels. An opera­
tion was deemed necessary but he did
not recover from it. Tbe body w ill be
tent to Kalkaska for intermeni. Tbe
young n)pu had only been sick a few
day*. Mr. Wilson la tbe undertaker
at this place and had lived here for
ybe last year and tbe young man bad
itiade many friends among the real<ldnu.

Hamilton Clothing: Co.

FIVE LOST LIVES Paswiis for oanfaBUTES




The Western Forestry and Tons.-rvatton aesodatioD will I>n1d its annual
conference about I)cc<'iu}>cr 13., This
year It will meet at \’ancouv<T. n. C-.
and will give{n consideration t.->
the problem of fon-st fire prevention
and coctroL

f'ksper Brannt-r installed as nv
Went of Stanford I'nlversUy.





The Kind Yoir Have
Always Bought
Bears the.
. of




Thirty Years

. Cow




' ;

V • :











Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 8 and 9
SALE Ten piece set «f‘‘Wea-Solid Oak Rocker





Ever” Aluminum
Cooking Utensils




Xravepsc City


,"r- - .



♦ enp of walnut meaU. Pnip the grapea. ♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ something larger, and now bms a home oaoaaaaaaaaas
♦ remove eeeda. and cook skint unUl ♦
♦ of lu own.

/fame Cheer




. Un. Uab«l Bate* WiUiuu. Editor.


Honey rake-.ynenu.n of honey.

Lift’s Play.
Tis BUaa««. my muten. passing
strange lifts pity!
I all serene apart.
And waieh nysrit enact tM role
- With gay ur aching beertFor 1 am I—the I that plays a abadov
' The setting. sbado%v loo.
And M the actors all. that pass
TbektoT^ scenery through.


And when 1U orcr?!. aole'audledee,
Wntch them ^t out the ItghL
. The curtain drops, and. musing onJt

Two souls met in Ood'e free spscee-^
Met and passed with'words of cheer.
What matter If each other's fsces
They find no more in. Now . and
- Soul knows soul, and a|de by side
• They :^et -anall walk.—eternity It
wide—Mr*. M. •£. C. Bates.

The .only way to make besven
on earth Is for ceeb one of us to
mska It 1^ our own beans. Don't
let's ve* ourstdtes about other's
aboncomlngs till we hat e set ourselves'rtRhL '-Mr*. SI. E. r Bates.



Around the
Sdilor's Jdbk
WItbWtbe last week word has come
to Home Cheer from half a doten’different aources espreasing pieaiure in
^he re-prim of selecUons from the pen
of iu former editor, who has been
called to a Itr^r work Because of
these appreciations. Home Cheer uses
In lu 'columns today- further extracts
E. C.
••One of the greatest helps In life
is to le.™ the art of forgetting.
There ere' so many things wee should
not only be the happier but the bottei
Things that
ban. 0.105.' tbal treu thto.. that tortUto,
DO htoUloa but ibla, ill
tboiiabi I. a potooi (oto, to ab.j.to5,
0,1 ooly lb- too,,- bui ii ooitr’iir,
Back of everything tpaterial Is the
controlling gmwer of thought, it Is
this that builds as a house Is bulll
brick by brick. Nothing that man
ever made or did. but was first in Ills
thogghL and the making was shai>ed
thereby. So all thought of evil builds
evil. Envy, bate, jealous), discourage, H ll i,ulM.ra K. emi.toy, Uol
»o 00, foreel? v™, 00. cao fono a
habit Ol loraotOoff .0 that " laat oil
harartitoc tbonabu «n b,
ly tbiowo off. U omy .lowly
told bardl.-'to llrai. boi II mm«. Say,
1 will boi ibtok ol ibia tblbd. I will
forget it.' and affirm this eameetly

.... ............._J

dust and to dust absll return, thank
God* When this mortal falls off. then
we are simply free from its misty
folds, that have bid the clear.Vision,
have muffled (be wise Voirt-."
The Sakad Peuto.
Many persoos consider (hat bak­
ing is the most wholesome and pal­
atable war of cooklog the poiato.
but all dp not know that the baked
tuber may be warmed over success­
fully; in fact, we consider that baked
poutoea are (be best for creamiog.
because of the peculiarly fine flaVor.
in the first place If we remember
our planw rubbing the raw potato
with lard .before baking tlie )>otsto
will not have a thick, hard jierllng
to be removed when cool, because
the skin will be soft and thin.
and chop, then warm In thin cream,
pr milk and lump of butler, cooking
until creamy, then season to taste.
They may also be fried with a little
onion, frying the onion first to a
light brown. If one is a linie shun
In the uuuntity of cold potatoes for
frying, cut bread Into small dice and
fry with the -spuils." and if the ml«ture seems too dry add a little boiling
water. ^
t have even rc Br^u-d baked |>otaloes, whole: If they- 1«»e-not been
baked too bard at llrst and are left
in the oven only just long enough to
hem through when l>eInR . warmed
ever, tbese can not be dISUogulsbed
from frohly baked imiatoes.
When removing . bak«-d poutoes
from the oven, pierce with fork to
allow the steam to escai)e: UjIh pre­
vents them from being sogO’.
Give the Child an Allowance.
Bxperienci- confirms the oidnlon
that sllnwing the children a stated
“«>uni oi spending money and. sa
ih^y Kvow older, money for their enHre expenditure, tends to form IndePandenee of character, just sense of
values, self-r.-s|.ect sod keen business
Halng a mother of six. says a writer
'n a recent msgstlDc. I awoke ty the
fact that n serious |)ro!il.-in was
fronting me. My method of allowlnt
the ebndreo to come to me 4or every
'■•*»>** spendlhrifiB. with Do sense
real money value.
The problem was solved by givlni

’‘“1. • Hrtot aeiboai ol oi«i,y n"»
To create interest, ono a week we
had our -lliihiopss Hour." when books
° r. mlsUkes
‘“S‘™ctlon in
Soon there began to be rivalr}'. in
> the neatest account book.
'“■■"“a. "to tb« ,i.t,ro toaoi
"> “
■“> ““J"
■W'tol«a. b,b"loa oanorton.- lo

•-rti.r. I l,i lb™ ooff.r
ol ibrtr 0.0 mli,
“''‘“a odvl„,»l,o.,i oiwodloa
only when consulted.

.^.rabdovor. It will H»o .Up aw.j.
In ooo..,..™.., tb.y
d„,topid too P«c liiu oomiw I. It. OWO '”5 wW lorrthooahi, ol ,boiImmedlau: toward- The ar«t toooMe
•'"«"»»■ ood lio.loto.-llk,,
to. w. dbok wtoii 10 loradL II I. e-y
- '"ob I too.i .111 be ol
Zodb ooto to, dtolto 1. .11005- aod “"“'b
When one once lesms tbe happiness
------------- ----------- '
of IL the deelre will el'ways' be there
Wsshins Lace.
"It is well to impress our minds
There is a great deal of m>-stery
over and over w-itli the (set that our made over the washing of laco. As
bodily conditions are largely under our u matter of fact, the result depends
menu! control. To be laatlenU to be more u[s»n the drying tlian the washloving (fOd-ward and msA-w-ard. and log. Make mlM’suds of
above all lo be. in all stress and. and a good while soap. I^et the lace
strslc-. cheery and hoi>erul. is to bring remain Jn -It a few minutes, then
to ourselves conditions which will In- squnexe'iv In the hand like a sponge,
sure happiness and success. Uk« at- Repeat this through successive soapy
tracts like. To dwell on aod brood wsurs until the lace is cleaned end
over (-%1l IS to bring evil near To see the weter that is squeezed out of it
only good is to bring the good lo our- Is not soiled. Rinse It through two or
selves. To be cheery and bright la three clear waters, and Into the last
la bring cheer and brightness to all drop one small Inrop ol gum arable—
’ around us. and lo ourselves that tbe proportion must be very small—
which was done with an effort wllf say. gum arable the size, of a pea to a
soon be the'atmosphere which 'we pint of water—sad allow It to dissolve,
breathe. How can we do this, do you Lay the lace, face down, on a board
asiy? By a sorence inist itt the Lev- covered with flaonel. and pull It genting Inulligenc* which Is behind all. I>; Into shape. I-jty s cloth over iU and
and an o|.«nlng of the doors of the press till nearly dry : then lift It from
soul to the great spiritual stmosphepe the flannel pick out a smooth any
whldt surrounds us. Knowing, more- edges that may ne«l ft, and. when It la
over, that the Msaier's words. 'Ask quite dry. lay it One the flannel sgsln.
nnd ye shall receive.'.mean just what with the cloth over H. and press^
they nay. A elncere desire (or -the smooth,
light will Burely bring It to os.
------------------------"Jf there Is one thing Home Cheer
tied Cabbsas Fickle,
preaches, and re-presches'. and menas
Select n good sited red enbbmge,
to keep on preaching while there Is a wash It and remove the. hard core,
bit of It lo eslstMiee. It is this: Life chop It rather coarse aod sprinkle
is o( the soul and not of the body, over it two Ublespoonfuls of aall: heat
The sooner we learn that -we. now. -Two quarts of vinegar, one. cupful of
today, are sptrtU u much es we ever’ browo sugar, two UblrepoonfuU *each
shall be. tbe sooner Is tbe t^enniun of whole cloves, stick ctnAe^on and
oomlng. Llre/vuL not In. ’'Ont Into white mustard seed; when boiling hot
the great fr«s world where Ood Is, add the chopped cabbage, let ft come
and 1-ove is-;^ two are boo^d to a boll; remove from the Ore and
where .the reA ^an and woman^aust place in a stone jar. This pickle Is
«ve. not In the material wgsU that easily mads and wUl kaap (or seratal

Ms asly «ur hoOlas, vhftA are tat wgaka.


. .







W ------ ----


-------------- ---------------------------------

sods dissolved in two UhlespoonfUls cloves. onediaK ounce allspice,
Of sweet milk. one^foUrth of a teaounce telery seed, one
spoonful df
in water. Mrii th. Lo.., .nd ddi I,

.UU >•..»><.> iwi Iiuudva- camo
»trlii' enramer
3p for
for workin,.
working girls'
summer Ht.t
rest. '
The followli
splendid ulk hy Three village improvement societies
“any sprinkle fried apples
the Rifted. Writer. M.rlon Harland, hsk formed In different tocwlitles and all »tth sugar mat before rsrvlng. Xa«
II.H, >.A..n >.nn.4A.r

and molted butter and the alum- Add unions In water over nWiL thou
flour just as .von would-for a bread d„|„ \i|» aunr snlcM flour and
sponge, and let It rise In a warm place ,„meric togetheJ with a ihle vinenight. In the morning take on
,o It will not by lumpy. Boll
a kneading board and work thorough- noi,r.
ly. adding flour enough to make a______________i_
very stiff dough. Roll about two
Inches thick, and cut In farcy shspea.
Tht Story of MusaantouchIL
I-ay' the little cakes on butten-d tins.
The following sweet llttls story was
-------------. .....---------Awake." a
apart., as
they t


H-l.l. .1...


=rjr. iir. ”rz,r

has been by liere today. I do wonder
where she Is going? "
I was spending a lew days In a little
country town and the remark I have
]usi quoted was made by my landlady,
th* corner where 1 had setUed
myself -w-Hb “>
my book, 1 could see,
when I lifted my eyes, a luvely prosHome
—- iw-ci of hill and forest; from her place

•» ll"*' «“"‘ow she could command a
view of the village street. With the
twelve unconcern which marks those not rman' Pvvlolly given to reading, she commeoted upon any posting which took

itlff cnougli. IVcorate
... —
w ith halve.1 almonds, sod bak.r in «

hot oveu uoill light browu. To moke Kro'-a-ui* readers willenjoy It.
these cakes glossy brush them after,V) 'the lime .the baby was
they are hakt-d with a beaten e& luUmonths old she liad learn.ql
M -lUi lb, um. .n,„,ni .1 ...,1
iTeam. if you care for flavorlDg,
cardamon. These
and t usually hake them for Chris.:
Zi stoe. wd ebl

never forgot Uie pain of the big bllsler
MandelBChnllten. (Almond llara.l;- that came on the delicate flesli: and
Ono pound of brown eiigar. lour oggs.
knew the moon aud the stars and
one-half cup of butler, cup of the trees.
About this Ume she heard a long

pnnnd of ttoor. .,ro j,„l
W.poobl.1. or Itoklbk po.a.r. rdlk.
u,d tbon’roli lb, dobkb Inio . I0.I
kboni on, .n,h bin.,. „d b.k, in .
lone i«b. «l„n ™id out to
bko,.' To btoneb in, ktoiond., pour
bolllnb -ki,r ov,r ibom. .nd lb.
.bin, kill com, off i-kklly. bul b, lure
lb, biito
dr, boroi, kddlni: ibcto
loih, dounb
oouMi.,b, l.r-Hol, .Holland Prrt.
M )~Thre.-quarters of a pound of
flour. one-bUBfier ot a ,g>und of butter. iwo-flfibs of a pound of Biigar.-rtio
eggs, and one-half wincglassful of rose
water. From this dough form small
preuels To make them glossy linish
with one besteo egg, before they are
baked. U.en Imke to dven These
are very good and will keep fresh for
a long time.

dn^ non.


•l»ODtul or ,roo.,l .Imi.n.oo, on, i,..
...oblol or im>.mO , lo.m, on, pl,c "
o, chipol.., kbou, ronr Innb,.

■* ------•••••• ■•••*' -»-*v

getUng their weddloa <loihee readv.

always pleased to
* worklnu girls’ club This started
«»0'vste their inter. ,, » ,or,aJ club and de%clo*.ed into
one-hsir esi h, contributing timely and helpful
society as well. orgaaliUiR a —1'-- --i- soda to the » to

-orklw for'bdiwr’ ™»dlVtou.”'l,;',;■ ui,. m"u.r«7'.i'i“««d""n



ui «aru oi morais.
»» >oa wish to keep a joncake grid*
“on*, but these will die hot (or late comers.- slip It Into
serve as a sample of wEsl may be the oven aud close the door. Wien lha
done In imoll placen wlthbot outside griddle la seededit will be hot -M
Influetire. where .earnest women did ready for use
the cm thing and nisde a success of
To remove the bitter uste from
It- Oossip may not have been ellm- cranber^ea Just before Uklog
toed from hny of these towns and the fire add a pinch of baklog
villages, hut it hat' been wonderfullj Then skim off the gr.-en t. uln and pul
leaseoed. “"d
and the new Interests Intro- through a sieve aud they are ready for
duced by these orgaolutlous are use.
bound to grow gnd to choke scandal
OftMillm-s,the odor of litU will
mongeriug sooper. or later. Try one hidr to the forks. To thin
of them aud see. And If others ofwaeb the forks ftot In hot water and'
>ou ran r.-poM similar efforu for the/u„.n rub them over with a small pleca
hel,. of the rest of us. will you not do offbutter. Wabh again and no odor
8o and let i print them here where will rema

Imporum^ and that 1 would
" **'
Tomato Chuuey—Slice ten ponnda
,® • '*■
M toroaio.-s into an earthenware dish,
'**'**'"’■ '
Sprinkle «-acU layer of slices with
interest In bumabiiy in general
and let them remain over night.

A good -way to freshen vegeuhles
which have become wilt^ u in let
them sund in a pan of cold wate
which the juice of a lemon has bean
added, for an hour. This is especially
*ood for lettuce, spinach, celery and

''’*® a prew-rring
A simple comrivanca (or holding the
wo i-o ,o«u „r vIohi.,, (-'o poool. i.ln. b-n i. ,b, klttb.o I. . Ho roo>pn,b«ir.;d b> m, comp.nlon look
nikko ibl. ,U1I mo„ oonkon« ....niton kod »H,n,„trt nio
„ „„„

“< "» »”•'"» of olov,.. b.H k u-.boont.l or rM or tbo tnnn.l, .bon, tb. ,»d or kb,
. ,,nui.r or ko oono, or rin- r-rdl eoi.»i tbron.b, uid .bkkpon lb,
»•«■» k«d i«o t,k.poobl«l. ol -bol. Mp. ol ,b, »oi,b. I. ibLil, tb.
'br”»-d .bl,,
i,„,n kb, ton-Uo, r,to.
“*”1" '"to tonmn.., dr.o,r.
i.„ai, , p„k„ „„
b-u,k „a be
todt ..d .to..,, then, wltb
T,«-b lb, Ilitl. on. tobl. tokon.r.
“M -"«« «.l. Hnto.ntou.hli,
took b.!«-ll to to o.o noon, I did not ,b, vtoogur. .opkr, onion., iu««mtos. ..
. “L ,? ilZooZ
U Uvel to ih,-«.toK to.rt.ln. To, „tod. bo.,.,r. 1 ut -town .nd
in,, to.o kito.. J.r.
-So^bibi iZi mob . Z
»*>, mom.nt baby net ib, -hwl kolnk. ibongbi axalo. a. t had otl.n ihoujihi ,0,
-m, wroalocs nusi be oW diii-n
■Mu».,niou,hli' .... memto. In t.r b.-ro„, 00 ih, „rc>.l.bc or pok.lp In
car It IH-ol to tb, tall jar ihai Hood .mall lo-n,.
and Ill-bred ppraona than m.nn.r. at
... a
Tomato Fritters—Cut peeled toma- table. Eating In.'company Is not mare*'■' ■"•'I””'!'
“-toaddar a. ,o„ ,„to nll,«, ar-»a -ilh pepp,r 1, tor aratirioatlo. ot appoilt,. I, to
itU.e room s"Uvxe<t
.brt.k-ol -siaaaeatoucmt
Ha« one
oa. synonym
ayaanym for
lor 'tgosslp;
r,,|- -tatUla.„r,.l nia., -boppod «tokrf 1. «.». aon a r-»tlval a.d Hiould
“P •'®*’
*» another. When we ai
on one side, and cover with an- ba so regarded.
Uie jar.
di*i*08ed w'e ar*« prone to dUcrimlnslice of tomato. For the batter.
broomtaadla and
In the comer o£ the parlor there ate l>elweeo them and
look upon t«ik, u
was a glass globe half-filled wHttfRosslp ks kindly and as opposed to mHk.^a plnch^of Mit. o" e labto
*»P Uie hole over a nail in the wall to
water. In the globe lived three gold- the harsh.-r terms. Vet the line se^
oUv* oil. then sift in one cup- *“*
flsli- Bi^y was vary found of climbing sratlog them In'almoat Imperceptible
fjour Mix well till smooth and
an^ inverted
Into a chair to see the liny goldllsh *ad easily crossed-fthe more
Allowcto stand jn a cool place
the cn»t tor
dart serosa the pretty lake -But when- becs'iM- jileaslng reports of our nel^- for one hour then atUTmo teaspoon----then, while baking K
ever she put her fingers Into th.- globe I'ort' condua are far less iniereetl^g
^ Dip
tlhg fui of baking powdeA
r It anoUaar ple-plste. The UtKarlsrulisr Zwalbark.- (Twice Bak­ > touch one of the iireiiy creaiura-s. than aiaienunu spiced with aomellil‘in\ sUc« of tomsto, placeV^bem gently In
cnisi from slipping
\s frying
fryii Tbssket, and fry. In smoking
ed.)—One pint 01 milk seren ounces ' [ielKMjy srreamed. ••Mussentouchli." a trifle more sianllug.
the Bides of the pie.
ol sugar, one-half pound of butter, two
This went on tUl baby was two
j>oej this soimn severe? Think‘hot (at t a golden cpior. Drain <
pftuttds of' fine pastry- flour, oae-bslf >■««”• “''1- There was no word she* about It (or a minute. If Jlrs. Drown while paper, dish nnd garnish with
. ------------------------teaispoonful of cinnamon, and two »>'’*"1 so often a.* the long queer word, tells you that Mrs. ^Vg husband fried parsley. Serve hot.
To Polish ths Stevs.
yeast cakes. Make a sponge from Mussqntouchll- MUsreniouclilt was Is a good, sober, hard working man.
Tomatoes on Toast—Peel some fresh
An easy way to keep a cooking
half of tbe milk and half of the Hour; oven where-In the shining book* on alway s regular In bis home coraiug. tomatoes—If they are very large, one stove clren Is first to apply »«"<«
beat and mHk luke warm and add the the parlor l8bl«>; in the flower-beds; and of steady habit*, you are nstur- for each person will be sufficient. ^ kind of good blacking and then rub,
yusi cakes, and let this rise till It •“ooK the roses: even in mammas ally glad to bear soch good reports of vide each tomato into thirds or quar- while the stove is-Wsum. not hoLwitb
fails. Then add the sugar, the rest of work-basket the strange thing lived. . him. hut you aie rot thrilled. Com- ters. and fry them butter, a piece of newspaper, or soft cloth, on
the irtik. flour, spice and butter. Work
“P “
‘he effect iTpon you of this sutc- turning them as they brown. When which U a very small dab of unxalted
like bread
Mussentouchlt ment with a story from her lips of neariy done dust with salt aud impper Rrease. lard U besL -Wipe off all the
pans. Let ‘‘5-® ^‘*5' haby found herself by the how Mr. Black cornea home two or gad sUl a lllllc flour over them-a lard; enough will adhere In the pores
rise aialn and
bake a golden «**»•
all alone. The family were three ulghu out- of the week in a trifle more than a heaping Ublespoon- of Iron to serve as a preswr^lre of
Nezi day cut In slices. husV. and lor a few minutes forgot *uie of llerre intoxlcsUon. or that he ful to four'iomatoes. Finally, add a rust-and .ur-M tha, bUekIng. The
and toast in ihe oven. 1 make four i^e little prying restless darUng. This never falls lo .mil oh a neighbor's pret- cupful of cream or rich milk, and stm- stove thus Irwlga^cwill fw a long
small loaves from this amount. It is a
chance, fp went the chubby ,y »jr,. «hen her hubhand Is oul of the ner until the gratT thickens. Serve Ume, only need to be Hshtly wiped
very tempHng dl*b to serve to Invs““f “»c ckblv that stood nesrtlie way. or that he neglecu hU own wife on slices of toasted bread.
off wltb newspaper or cloth, without
lids with s cup of hot milk. K«ep the RoWthih globe. Poised uo the rouod- and pays attenUon to some charming
Tomatoes and Peppers—Tomatoes •
of the blacking. '
bllces in'a dry place, or they will becushion baby stood reaching, she Kin; i>,n t you know that ydu crave
pep)<era make a dainty combinaA convenient stove poUsber. and
come tough. If necessary. crUp them
balance and fell, dragglngthe details of faU shortcoming* as you nevespeciallv-lf one does not ob- <»e ‘hat saves the flngere, esh be
in the oven before serving.
. *lobe to the floor. There was a scream, er would of the quiet round of dbmes^te tas^e of the peppers To “«»•*’>• ^"f’niag tightly around a
nuttermUk Bread—Put four cups of ■
**“' mamma was on tir happiness?

prepare them, stew the tomatoes as "“‘U b™sh shspiM like a shoe brush,
silted flour Id a basin. Add one-fourth
***oL Baby was picked up, kissed
C^rry the Idea a lUlle further Put usual, no* forgetting to introduce a
Ihlckneasea of soft cloth: an
teaspoonfol of salL one teaapoonful
scolded. She bad been more yourself in the place of the one who little sugar as well as the butter and
knit-wear cotton uaderehlrt la
of sugar, one teaspoonful of soda, two frlRbtened than hurt, Sb *he soon slop- Bup,,„e, ih^
,hjmi how much
vvhen the ^h green peppers
ihing. (asteDing U tightly, and
teaspoonfulB of cream of urUr. n^e
around at sisattention you command when have been washed- and seeded. «hop t***® •PPHlng. on the part that cover*
egg well beaten, and buttermilk ter,-who was gathering up the broken you'can Rive a sWiklnR story of acme jpem fine and add to the tomatoes the brtsles a lllUe lard. Hub with tWa
enqy^ to muke the consistency of
"I ««”» • Wiled old Muasen- ju,|p oremrence and you will appro- when the latter arc about half cooked.
applying the blacking. The lard
bisc-uii douRli. Knead ligluly. shape touchii this time." she saldc shaking
jj,p temptation besetting all of Fjnish cooking,-for bv that Urns the
tl>e blacking combine on the cloth
loip a loaf, place In a buttered tin.
and walking off.
make the most of any small peppers, too, will be done. Season to
» touch with s brush so prepared
and hake In u hut-oven for iblrty-fivc
Ro-sslp hat comes our way. msie end serve.
»BI h« all that is needed to keep tbe
even If we have to approach perUously
Tomato Sauce-SlUe glx small ripe
French Sponge Cake—Two eggs? ^
Breakfast Oishe*.
near to scandal to achive this
tlon. The brush will retain lu i
lomatMs and fiy them In a saucepan
two cups ol sugar, one cup of milk.
Griddle Cakes—Take
When w-e wonder'upoii this we tin- withJfwo ounces of raw ham or }ia- (ulresa for many days without reaevthree'ceps of flour, two level Jtoa- one cup puffed rice. one-hafT cup dorsland why gossip. utUlngt scanal.
con. cut Into small pieces, and one
The brush may be kept conveniently
spoonfuls of baking powder, one-half eradled milk, one and one-half enpa of dsl—give it whatever name you please heaping tablespoonful of butter. Next
In some recepucle'like an old lard
teaspooofni o? vtnnllla. SiUr all In- flour, three teaspoons baking powder, —flourishes In villages and small
sliced carrot, one slice
grt^lenis together, and bake
salt, one cup-milk, towns The dw-eiier In the big city 00^00 "onV taVlref"andT blldc of
* ***
o touch np the srere
quarters of an hour.
one eeg,
egg, yolk
yolk and
and while
while beaten
beaten sen
sen- has distractions
dUtrsrtlons which call her atten,
will permit o

to—to ■
; ...l.toto,,.
without Otoltl.
BollloR (bn, hands.
Feaiher Cake—Beat together One arately. Pour scalded
milk over tlon from tbe affair* of her next door and cook veiygemiy for half an hour
cup of sugar aud three eggs Add but- ,.uffed rice. Sift flour, baking powder neighbors.
or longer; aRow to beat thoroughly,
'ter the size of an egg. one cup of ,„d salt together, add to rtee. Then
The fine thing about living in a
■•Great-Crandma's PresssdChlek
remove any scum, strain the sauce,
flour. two level leaspoontuls of baking add remaindec of milk and ogg yolk, city is that, something Is happening
s«*aoB to issle
* dozen pigs' feet and two Old
powder, eight tablespoonfnis of milk best thoroughly, lastly cut and fold In all tbe time." said a .voung man to
fowls—to make a gallon measure.
or water, and Davor with either one- the siHTy beaten white. Cook on a me Ac other day. --Yesterday I sawe "T #«».
Clean the pigs' left carefully, and
quarter of.a tesapbonful of grated nut- well greased hot griddle.
a thief chased by a big crowd and
Cho^Iate Cooktea.
clean, and cut up the chickens. Stewmeg or the grated pool of one lemon.
f>ied Mush—Make the mush in the three policemen; last night I went to
of a cop.
.eparate ketUes. with just eneu^
ThU is very good'.
usual wav, except that it is not nee- a big fire; this morning there was an
gradually add one cupWhen nearly cooked.
Pickled Pears-rTon pounds of pesrs. ei*ary to' cook It so Jong . Have a automobile colllsloa near me and a
^,^1, wj^, a tahleepoonful -of
(our pounds of while sugar, one idni tablnsnonnrnl each nf lard and butter horse ran sway. Something Ib doing
ublespoonfuls of
,hem slew down until the
of vinegar, and one ounce of cloves smoking hot In a sklUeL UP. the every minute. "
^ choeoUte. two ublespoonfuls «<LviUr la' nearly all boiled away and
tied In a muslin cloth. Cook the pears hot mush to thd sklUet by spo<»nfnU This Is felt hy women as well as by *“**''
ublespoonMls of
drops from the bouee.
unUI you can pierce them with a tooth- and nation It ooL It fries quickly men. They mky not find the thrill
keulei. remove bones
pick, then seal in jars while boiling and Is sweeter and cri»P«fexperienced by my young/riend in
and gristle, chop the meat coarsDy,
0 the first mixture. Add
and aessoD with salt and pepper to
hot. \Chen paring Uie fruit 1 drop allowed to get cold and then fried, fires and smasb-ups and thlef-uklngs.
I beaten eggs, onestuarter of a
taste. Strain tbe liquor In the kettlee'
them Into B pBlI of cold water so that it i* delirious when serred wlUt fried but there are other absorption*: shopspoonful ®*
of salL ®“«
one lea^niui
teaspoonf' 01
turn brown before cook- chicken.
PlnR- dry goods disnia.vs. coacerta In, "P®®"™*
^ ^ff ths fat (llqww should
Uiey win
cupfnl of seeded

the #yru|., acald and aklm. and pour
over the fruit again. Continue thU.
profiss every three days, until you
have scalded It three times, after
which ibe plums will, be fit tor use.
I wio the small dark plums, at the
German prune varieiy.
Grape Oonaerve—Three ‘pit^ of
eeeded grapes, eight cupe of
half pound of aeoded ratelns.’julee ot

two onneea,





«i'*to'rike.^II«’to*riL. IS"* certs, and movingpicturea.'’w^h are
and bake in hot oren.
aomeUtlng more than mere amuseMush In Southern •. Style—MTten mi-nt
making themush sUr In sausage mesL
Here are some of tbe things 1 myAfter It geU eold slice and try.
self have seen done by women In
Rice Cakes—One , quart of sweet small places;
milk, one egg. one cupful of cold
A library sUrted. ThU was done
boiled rice. Floor to thioken the bat- hr a te^er whose health had foroed
ter. Fty on hot griddle and s«we hot lwe4o Uture to a UtUeloouptry-home,
with syrup. The rice takas the plane and srtio secured ^ns of the traveling
of baking-powder. Thee# cakes are Ubrartee and kept ft la her own sluing

plat of water, oae mon deUcton*.

rrowed pans In a moderate

honrs.-when It will be cold and soUA.
yielding deUcious. thin slices,

Mock Oyster CrequrtUa .
Boll salsify In salted wat«- unlll
A New idealender; cool and peel; then chop
Those who enjoy popcorn ehOBid
and mU with a thick cream sauce, try holding the eorn under tbe w^
the formnla tor which has been given faucet far a taw eeooade-^d aee s*tet
in this page many Um^- When fine Mg white keiueU rreuft whM
cold form Into small ctoquettes; egg. It is popped. It se< B 10 do sway' encrwnh and bake on gtueeed pass la a tlrely with the han

room. U eerrod aa a aaclew for medanu orea uatU Mow*.

Mad la popcon.

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