Grand Traverse Herald, December 02, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 02, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Coven the
Grand Trav­
erse Region*


SL LoDl*. Not. *9.—After a Atunnblp by mail, In ehk-h earh bive IHSTEAMER SEMINOLE WAS WELL ter traveled E.OOO mlk«. requlrlOK a
month to'jvach ltn dcKiinailnn. Mian
Tlllle llackniplr. holr<Tt* to one of the
larceel .rouniry miaii-s In St. ciiarleti
rounty. dciKirt to Itrar.ll to marry
Her. Adolph TTor. a lAitheran tnit
nlotinry. She «lll he areomiianln
three yguns eoioen. who are also to
become bride* of itilinlonarlef at


«Amiiiunltioii Wm Stored In Coal
Bunkore and in Bcllen of Denker
Cnfltte WMch Waa Nat

New Yock. Nov.
Ten thousand
ttiands of rifle and revolver atami
tloo were seized by msatoms inspect,
drs this afternoon aboard tim aieaim-r
Seminole, lylnit at ber pier here The
Seminole it to sail tomorrow.
Hayti and San Domlniro.
The eonftscaied ammunitlnn
bidden in many dlEerenl i<arts of tlxvessel. The Seminole's officers said
they did not know of_ iw preaen.-e.
They placed'the, responslbllliy
TDeniben of the ship's (Tew.
Some of the asimunlUon. valued
all at
wits found under the coal
In the bankers, and some In the boil­
ers of the unnsed donkey enEioe* and
In rositlDC-covered venillatoca. In the
coal were disrovered eli automatic
revolvers of latest deslen, worth
»$•> each.
The customs authorities liecan %n
investlsatloo to find, the persons re­
sponsible for the shipment and
whom it was desisned. The amnittni.
tion was taken to New Jersey to be
deetroyed. and the revolvers to
customs houses


Weetsm Reserve University Hat Add­
ed Ceune in'Real Estate to

-Cleveland. O..
*ow is to turn a colIcBe man out
hU graduation equipped to make
living.'' said Dean MsUiews. secre­
tary of the Weetem Reserve I'nlveralty wbentnteonowe4.lodayio al.tlted Press correspondent tn reference
to the OPw- 'real estate" deparuiient
of the college—the first university
offering lasuvctlon In the real- es­
tate buntnees to Its Mudents. Not
only wtli the theory of real esute
selling—the old «ory of unearned In­
crement which accrties to the land
holder and other bookish angles of
the buNneM—be Unght but prartical re^esuie dealers will tell
sludenta bow to lead a prosi-ertlve
buyer Into a vacant lot and paint
Plciure to him Of the prospeeUve patwtial dwellings that are to surround
it—and aecure the
Atezander R.. Taylor, twice presldofii of the National Real Bsuie
Heah-rs assocUtlon wUl be one of the
leading Instructors.
' trend of college «dncaOon U to train
studenu to bmme aeonomlcally self,
sustaining apd that Is one reason;
why we are offering this course." said
Dean Maih--ws. "The eaUblUhmeat
of scbMls of lonmsllsm In nearly all
the unUersiiits and coUwes Is one
Instance <.f it. The Idea now Is to
turn a culleKe man out at bis grad.tiatloD enulin-ed tn make a living.
There Is money in the real aataie busInees; It serves a public need and
rollege man going law it 'would help
i>otb the real estate biislneas and the
college man too.''

(By L'nitod Press.)
Tanglar. Nov. 18.-Ariwrdlng
advleat iwalvod here. Mulay lUBd,
ex-suttan of Morocco, has l>een mar- Hod lor tho fortieth time while «
I'llgnmaga to Mecca. Wlille on tba
itbrope of Morocco, the'sultan had
.an average of seraa or olgbt w^
dings a year.


Territory for Several Blocks Was
Bhowerod With DebHa and Gevoral Other Buildings Were
Burned Dpwn.

(By Unlied^rress.)
Grand lUpIdi. Nov. l><i—Mor^ than
score of persons were lolured, noi
fatally, early today when an ezplosiuD of guniiDW'der and d^'itamlie
burning huildioK ai IHamond av.
and Pultun rtre<-l sliuwered debris
over the aurruundiiig territory fur
oral liloekr. Pin-iiien coninjllc-d lli<blaie after a hard light The duniagi
PolloWiiiK tlie •-vidnsloti the tlames
spread to adlolnitiu ImlldingK and de­
stroyed them. Imludlng a branch of
Grand Raldds - Savings l>aiik
Rallradt Are Having Hard Sledding
TIu-rp was alioul half a hundred m-o
1 Opposing Rights Of Commis­
pie lUIng in the second ston' of
sion to Fi* Their Rates
building anj In their rush (or safely
on Freight.
several women and ehlldren weivtrampled u;«n. wbllx MVeml fainti-<l
(By I'Blled I>ress,l
Washington. Dec. l—Kentucky's and were cariied out ’>y flreiiien.
maxImuH) freight rale law was tn efipproved today by the SupN-tn
court The .court r<--examiDi.-d “th
rlKht of stares U> allow a railwai
comrelHsipn to fU interstate rate*.
The KeDiucky rab- rase was the
last of the 4G »o-cail-d Tallioad rale
Gr^d Traverse Pomona Grange will
castvi- liefore the court. 44 of which hold'a meeting in this city on DeeeniaVre decided last June analnst the
I and 4. The following prugnun
rallroadR, bPKlnlnc with the rainous win be carried out:
Minnesota case.
Wodpeaday. Doe. 3. 1913.
framed the decisions In the former
cases which arose from Minhesou.
IMSi—Kleelion of officer*.
Arkansas. Mtasourl. Orepon and Wes^.
Vlrclnla. In all Uie rtshi of state i
'Thursday. Dae. 4.
railway commlsslonB to. remilalo InP;bh a. m.—Inatallstton.
lerslale rales, altboueh they inciN^r—^ fine program has been
-leiitallly affe’rted InleniUte raUis. pared, which will Im- announced I
imiil eoperess acted otherwise w»s time to time at the meetings.
ialn<^ by the cuurt. aulboiily of
railway eommisaluns tn recilate
Master. Calvin K|>angler: overseer,
their iniersUle' rates was squsrt-ly l-ow'rll Sours: lecturer, l-ei- Jlornsby;
raised-in Ih- K'-nlncky rase of today.' Slewsrd. Geo. Hubertson: asslslaiil
The Kentucky federal courts uiheld steward. Gee. Arnold: U A. stcwar-l.
the "Biates- right " dortiine !•- tlio Mrs Geo. Arnold: rhttilaln. K.Jl.'Ilur.
trial below.- The Slate HtllrcAd com­ rows; treasurer. i» H. McMullen; sec­
mission of Kentuiky wa» rreated un­ retary. Nellie K .<totir: ferCM. l-eiia
der tbi- "MK'hord Act." a slate laW; TcpiK-r; Hora. Mrs I'.-i.-r i'.lmni<-r
l•(lln.>nB, Mrs, S, Kingsley; i
passed in IWh. as-drawn l.y tnterstale;
('omtiiiasloner .Mid'hord. It k.-eiv-r, r. M Watson.
itale comiulssion power
iforre restliuilon of overcharges ' ap atrlcUy
li-:eraute traffic.
The test rase decided today mas
brought by the MuUvlile te f^sk’.llle Ualiroad. which flatly denied
-onsUluUonaiit.v of the M(. borl
an InierNirnce with interfile TEAMSTERS AND CHAUFFEURS
(UDimerce and tederal rate juriydie
tion. On AuB'Mt "I.
.the ruii.
road tniv-d to *r pin enforcemea'-dd
order of llie Keniucky eoimn -.•sioii
reducing rates on liquor •l-etween
l-onlsi ill)-, riivtngton and NewporL
Ky . aud sltteeo Kentucky cities.
RIOTINGThe rai-8 -Wer- declared to b- con.





flsraiory Tlx- railroad also particu
idayer Wallace Has issued ProcUmaiarly alleged
' tJon SUting That Police Will
clause of the MK'liord act denying
Shoot to Kill If Troublt
appeal of the iHlIroads from an order
la SUrted.
of the stab- commission to any other
(By United ITess.)
IndlanapolU. Dpc. 1.—Cartage and
dellverlet Of feed, groceries, .t-oal
and practically all merchandise -was
nut generally attempted today
result of the alrike of 3.<‘O0 nolon
teamsters and chauffeurs. In order
Mall mailer should.have all Christ­
be prepared for riirts'. the police
as seals or stickers on Ihe back of force was augmented by 5<Kl armed
the package or b-iier. Slaitn- wlilr deputies and Is prepared to assist tn
Jrkers on Ihe address side will ]}osi- moving non-union wagons. A iirorlamallvcl.v^not Ix! accepted when Dialled
tlon by Mayor Wallace warned the
foreign countries, and the same rule public that the police would "ahoot
should be observ<-d In malUitg to 0 kill" if mobs started rioting.
points tn the I'lilied Slates. Owing tn
Women lyrapathlzers dragged nonIhe rush wblrh will occur this year, laloD tnamaters off tliclr wagons In
due to parcel post, postal employes two insunees. The police used their
will have-no tlnio to return such pack clubs freely to cinar a path through
or letlere. wjUi ihe result dhai
Pour women and eight
they win never reach ihelri desUna- men werq nrrested.
Uou. Observe all the rules for mail­
ing If you wlab matler to go through
quickly and safely. On‘ Christinas
pnekogea. which are mailed early, tho
words. ".Not to Im opened until Christ:
tnss" mty be wriiien. Tinsel or glass
trimmed post cards will go to the dead
Memphis, Tenn- Nov. SS—Charles
letter office unless, enriosed *and
U. Wortham, who controlled the |>estumped in ihe proper manner.
prlrUegca at the Chicago World t'
Hcnlon. fair, la dead here. He waa born In
aged--n yenn. shot bimtelf in the Virginia and went to Mlaalaalppk
head with a amall calibre rifle ^ years age as a cotton picked. He
died InslanUr. Ill health made-him
St an eAate valued at 82.000,000.
deapoodenL A widow and five Chll- which he founded on bis savings while
picking coUon, aas-a hU family.



(Ity I'liltfd l•reaa->
Cairo. Nov. 29. —A strong
lent was stnrted In Kgyri today .Jor
the emancl]iatlno of Moslern wruiien
1'b<- b-adeni tn the reform are youi
KeM’tlaus who have sindied In'the
universiites of Kngland and oihur
i:iin>i»-a‘n countries and who consider
that the sccltisbin of the Moslem
men of Hgj 111 iH-hlnd • v.-Hs" lias" Ix-en
tho chief fanor In keeping them In
ilicir present^Bckword state.



Genaral Search Ordered
In Three-CiVaa

Washington. Nov. 29.—Efforts will
be made early In the new soskIoii of
congrewa (or a favoralile report from
the senab- Jiidjclary. couimtttee
Fourth battleship division
the Shnfroth ri-wdution, to l>egin the
terms of president, vice pr<-e>dc-Dl.
senators and rc^pn-M-Dtativos on
first Monday of January iinmedlstely
following election.’



This >^»t?Mako Thraa Dlviolona of
American Fleet That Are New
in the Vkinity ef
Very Cruz.

(By Ignited l>r«sa.)
(By rmted Press.)
Detroit. Nov^2K-Tlio polli-e
. Washington. Nov. 28,-Three addi­
Detroit, Toledo and Cleveland today
tional American balUeshlps trtU be
were asked tp scorch for Mra.^AII.-e
In Mexican waters by December 21.
Kessler, aged 22. of Cieveludt wlio
Theo' arc- the Connecticut. Konaaa
since Novehilier 21 has been roysand Ohio, comprising the fourth dL
terlotlsly ralsslng. On that day she
vision of the Atlantic flee;!. They
started from Hie homo of her lirotbi-r
are now- lo (be Mediterranean, but
UxiIh Browir in nev.-Iand. to visit indleations'Are.That Man Was Drown­ w'lll start forward Monday. The navy
another brother, Joseph Brown In
department positively denied this.
the Wiaeenain Side of
Ih-iroll. Tbx tJelrqlt brother Inform,
made gecessary by ibe change In
the Lake.
ed the ixillce today that he was con.
the Mexbon sItuaUon. The depart­
vld<-»-d that bis slsier had either been
ment insisted the move waa order­
murd.-rv-d -for the money which she
Honor. Dec;
Newman F. Arnold, ed merely ao the fourth dlrlaion
carried, or «m h--ld by Toledo white- while bunting near Hoaor yesterday could relieve the second divltlon
Officials Are Appointed at Wash­ slavera. The Uiree year old daughafternoon, found the body of a man on which will" be ordered home. A aimington Workmen Will Not Have
of Mrs. Kessler U also mUalog. the shore of I.Ake Michigan, a half lUr declaration was made when tbe
Chance to C>ntrel the
Mrs. Kessler Is duerllied at a alrlk- mile north of the Edgewater pier. third division waa ordered south six
island Elections.
ingly handsome brutu-lln and rela- Thx body was lying about 12 feet weeks ago oatenalbly to r^eve the
fear hpr beauty may have at­ from the water line, which would in- second dlvUlon but thd aeeond dirt
tracted the aucDiton of
Toledo dioiic that the liody had been wash­ Sion U still ate Vera Crux.
^(Dy t'nilea Press. I
slavers who arc now detaining her.
ed la during a storm of some severiilulii. Nov. 2y. —.A. strong effort
V made soon to have liarall s
Dr. ^monds. the coroner, waa
government changed from the terri­
nmedlately notified, and a Jup- was
torial to tha military commission
>d at ontv-. bringing
furm aciording to a movem<-nt start­
dirt of accidental death by drowning.
ed today. To all. oiitw.vrd ai>pear
The iK^MTln the morgue of G. C.
(By United Pitso.)
ances. It Is safe i«> say that the de­
LlennMi awaiting lu'-ldentlflra^.n.
Ames. Iowa. Nor. .^9.—With the
mand will Lav.- Ihe uoituimoux backThe Elk iJkko Grancera who heard
Tl^ man'A age might be a^^cre Thanksgiving holiday over. Ooveriior
lug of the rt-sldenu Of tho Islands
le lllustraled lecture In the Grange froni 22 to 25. He was a Ueclded Hodges and the Sute Board of AcriThat Is lo say, everyl-ody who Is hall Wednesday night, wera well blond\bsvlng very fair hair, dod had
culture, today renesrod thrir appeals
-<an}tHKi>" 111 Hawaii will l>e l>ack uf Pleaeed They wert- surprised Co see a irt ijf perfect natural teeth, very
for the farmers to bnra the srlnter
Ver> few iH<o|de in Hawaii, how- lews of th.-ir own .ouoty thrown white and' clean. A life preserver
quarters of tho chinch bug.tbe bugs to
i-vcl'.are "anj l-udy."
ipon thx screen and lo learn w^i a
on Tlie Ixxty. but there was
be included.
Tlie Islands are owned and con- large number of resources Ibejf
' on it to indicate Its origin. Tho
The lost two weeks of November
irolli-d by an et<-eedliigly small
of the state has to iu‘ rredlt. man had on tan shoes, dark trousers, and tbe first two weak* Of December
Hardly more than half a Illustrated lectures havo been given
blue underaweater. blue woolen were ^ aside by the state executive
dozen l.fg estates hold title to prartithis hall before, but never has shirt, .high collared blue sweater for a-^usade against the pe« and the
call) all tho land wblnii is worth such a fine showitig of pMures beenand also a corduroy sheep skin officials today called attention to the
holding Jltle to. The same Interests displayed' The
which lim-d coat The amis bad been with- fact that half of that time was goo*
all the shlpidng. Jobbing and
asked regarding' nsrletiltural drawn from the sleeves in an attempt, and yet many bugs lived. According
reiall buslix-ss of any great Im-i topics were i-romittlv and eorrecUy apparently, to keep worm.
experto, Kansas tuffered 83.000.000
l>ortan>-e. Through" their ownershli- answer.-d and tlx- offbers of the
In the man'a pocket were found
damage to her crops last year from
of ncarl)'' every means of living on Irange fi-e| that llii-y showed 'great
(ter from Racine. Wit., the Agna- ( hinch bugs olose. Tbe bugs hyborIslatidfi these same Interests, rep w|>dnm 111 arranging for this lec­ ir<- nf w hich had been torn off. and
In siubbWaad^tB^es pt. dead
P-senli-d by a niimerb-ally very snihll ture,
lore was no address; a deck
group, conlmt everyone else
cards, a two bladed jack-knife;
lives here. Whoever ol.Joits to their
cheap nickel watch, which had stop­
control is Blarved out In short order.
ped at 1:22: and fob wHb a I’onams
The big inten-sts have long wanted
hat ;>endaiit: and a package of fine
Kiich a form of government as |>recut lobacco. A shoe reiioirlng check
s In the I^lllpplnca. Their rcawas found, bearing the* name of P.
-for it I* very illmplc lyjiln An
C l^vrsxn. 12117 Main St , the number
insure good .crop
dreWB. former l olled Rutes district
of the ch-x-k is No. iTu. No city
altortley heo-, capressed It Cooclsely
given, how-ever.
n a recent inicrview in San FranHe had been a well 'buHl
Isco. cabled back to Honolulu and
broad should.-red and w elf proportion­
C»l»nle« Would Find
IxihiMied In the local pewsiain-ni
ed. was five feet, seven and one-half
Ampla Feed In Grand Tr«v"The change Will b<- a good thing
Inches tail. His general appearance
erue Region.
tor the business Interests
was that of a Scandinavian.
iKlandH." said Andr.-wa, ■'l.«-rauiie all
Every attempt Is being mode
the offices will be filled froni Wash­
find hla relallvas or friends.
•Northport. Dec. 1.—G. M. Dame,
ington and the objix ilonable cb-ctlons
representing (be Bougbey and Dome
w IM/ri«^pensed w ith." "The "ot>Montmorency cherry orchard, aaya
jcMionable clwllons' arc wlial the
(hat more bees ore needed tn tbe
big interests do hot like about the
Western Michigan country to loaure
te rritorial form of government. The Incraase
Over Last Year
the tollenixatlon of tbe fruit blo*Islands must have labor and there
soms. Thousands of trees have been
884.00OAIO0 Although Then
has been a scarcity of It ever since
set during the pest few yean and the
- Will Be Great inerMSe <n
Oriental Immigration was stopped.
number of colonies has been Increased
All DIceiKlona.
To offset It. workingmen have brought
en Important Cosea Are Especially but mue. The point his,now been
large numbers from Southern
reached, where the present bee po^
Assigned For Argument Before
Europe In recent yesra. This labor
lily I'niied Press )
U unable to render (he norBench.
Ing population has not yet been aerVico expected of It. and mora e^onlea
Washington. IVc 1 —k will
IoiihIv troublesome at the polls but
ore needed. Mr. Dame brileree that
ie billion one hundred and eight
(By fnlted IVeas.l
a second-growth of tljcm, native born minioD and • few odd thousand 4o1at least 50 new colonies should be
Waslilogtoc. rVc- 1—After a
and cnUtled tn vote, will be reach­
U> run the t'alted States govern- week's recess to prepare a "batch " established in hU immediate nelgbing the right age in the near future
borbood and several timea that nmnl under the Demorrailc regime of oplnlodi (be 1'. S. Supreme c
to become a menacq to the niling next year, according to depanmental
should be located wltbtn wbat la
■nvened today. Many Important
The native-born estimates submitted to wngreaa
decisions were expected today, poss­ properly known as tbe Korthpon sec­
have been a source of worry for aoide Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. ibly Including the long-waited "Inter tion Mr, Dame U aura that wbat U
l^nce the agitation ' tor
rqpjfftng the needa Of tbe NorthAlthough business will be li
mountain rate " and tbe "Kentucky
change Is the form of governnenl.
rqsier. next year's estimates
' cases. Ten Imi-ortant cases port territory, is also true regarding
only ihlrty.foiir million dolUrs c
era eai>eflal1y assigned (or argument sections of Western Michigan where
before the court beginning today. there have been beavy eettlnga Of
than w-ss sppro|>riated losL yoor.
The estimate for pensions colls tir These were advanced ahead of the fruit tree*. He insiders Ibe need
81«9.1sn.iKH). eleven million less than regular docket caU. Among them bf beet ao great, that he niggeats
tbe California fruit shippers' that coloniea be allowed to Increase
year. The Dei«rtment of Labor
asked for 84.763.000. over a million "Icing" case; to determine whether until oil the hollow trees tn the woods
niled. as well os a goodly num­
more than last year. Two battleships railroads havo a monopoly of refrig­
(Prom Monday't Reoord-Eogle.)
and eight torpedo boat' destroyers erating fruit cara. and the Kansas ber of hlvee
Henry- AeolHSCgcr. one of the orig­ woB the prasram offered by Secretory ••Gas case." to driermlne whether
inal pioneers of Antrim county died of the Nary Uonlela He asked tor
MS Public rtlliUes commission
Ills home In'Milton iownsbl|> this 870.000.000.
regulate rates of public service
morning at tho age of 73. He came
The Poxiaina canal called for twen­ corporation wtoee franchises ante­
to the region from Ssrttzerland forty ty-six million dollars, compered wlUi date tbe passage of tba public utlliyears ago and took up land on the twenty-one miUlon lost year. The
(By Cnltod Preaa)
shores of Torch I-ake which he said military
Grand Rapids. Nov.
reminded him of the lakes la bU na­ 8106/KIO.OOO. an Increase of elevOB U ah appeal of Yoabiro Nakojamo. a
Ktlnginsn.^ed 50. on* of the beat,
tive land. He was a leading factor nllUon. For river, harbor Iniprove- Japanese arrested In Colorado
known furniture men In tbe obuntiry.
to the development of this section of ments. Secretary of War Garrison alleged "white slavery." Tbe
died (his morning following on opera­
the country and was well known Iked for 841.000.006. Of tbU llllc testa the right of the governmen
the northern part of the M was for the Marquette. Hkh., deport alien "white alsTera" aflw tion for kidney trouble. He earned
stale. He loaves his wife and four harbor and 8280.^ for the Su lUry's they have resided in thii country tbe largest tunlturn • star* in tbe
three yeora.
River, Mick., P^ortb lock.
















GramS Truertr Hrrald

lAllve McKelUr of^prodneU be In
________ a hill to be an euv mark for the i>ed>llrr
which rUea the dme that artlclea mar who mar happen to be unsrrui>uloua
be k^ In Stor^ before bclni; enouRh lo take advamaxe of this tgplaced on the market and prescriblnc noraore. In tlie fiKurA it will beboov<
ibooe who S<41 proiluee from house to
house to have the grade u|i lo itaodPosAtble. provision Is also made for ard in. order lo avoid trouble which
the pmremion of poollnn and the may arUe If ilie goods prove to he' lo
forminn of combiner for lty> - pur­ ferlor or not up to repreReniation. The
pose .of ralsIOR food pricea Siweltic .poiato d>u)-cr Is a man w ho knows the
proler-t himrfwulatlons are laid down In rejtani
"f "'“ck and
to the holding of eggs, rshich ran "•'If. but (he average cJtUen whose ac
bo stored only three mondis and yet
•''® direr led lu other dlrecbe offered as a fresh arOcIc. It ia'"on* Is not an exiwrt In the produce
a well known fart that an egg begins
business .and has to dejiend
lo deteriorate after It has Wo In
‘be integrity of the man. f«.
cold storage thtv>e months and under **'“™ '‘e buys. In most Instance
proposed Isw If theyv are held
Jwndcsl upon lo dellv,
aKer this time they must bo marked
'« “>c siiyidard. hut
w ho are not so serupuas seconds ud sold at prices prevailInit for th« cl... of iiood.. ft t. erl.j‘“‘'"
"'■tirr of .rlllnc cod who
dept U.I w, will h.v, to pol'UllwwIll h> cwdloc ov.rrl.r Uw .pd
dope r.p.tdlp, the <old .totwwr nrob. |’■" "'“l
'•''I '■"'™ 1"
lem In order to prevent,the holding!”"
of perishable products for several^ ’
--------------months and even years nnd then of- Ained DSIfeS
fering them on the market as freshl Acc-ordlng to the official figures
goods. It Is not only the prlnriplej taken from the records of congr.**s
of the thing that Is Involved, but the most of the Mi.hlgan congre
protection.of the public health that Is were off flsblag wl..-n,the huui
“ ’* unhealthy to eat food rails wore made, and as this condlheld too tong In stor-'uon was general It has deVeloned
ma*,. lives have Wn Into a demafid that congressinen 1«*
,<*1 u this manner. The lime pre^ docked for U.e ilme-^hai O.ev are
for holding perishable prod- absent from th.dr duth-s In Washing-

who lost their lives none of them
were the wjves- of the two men who
were kllW. It Is n slgnUlrani fart
that men do not take their own
wlT<-a when they engage In the Joy
riding bnslnesa.

Mr*. Jamaa LIvaly has gona to Big ness, suid H,i- morning. Eveu when'
Rapids and Stanton to visit a sister IcNked U]> last night AUbougb visibly
and friends. Mrs. Uvely will be gone under ilw- inficHnee of liquor, b. ,r,anseveral wi-eki. poasJblySfntll afler tl>«
: to keep Ills bead ijear em.m-'i 10
not divulge bu name. Njle was re.
Ivan Montagus of Olivet la the leased this mumlng and allowed j.,
ffueat of his sister. Miss Bernice Mon- turn home.
ugue. fur a few days.
Mia, Carrie Bennett of Glen Haven
T^ 'Ufurty j-jars Katanio hit
<»a G. HATtCS. }
A 1- - tj kaotvn asa jvuiedy f->r
Don Hamaon left today for Petoa- *as lu th- -liy yeslerdny for a sl.c.rt
W. A. GIBSON. Eauor.
^at.nrrti of t'rc licsd. Uiroat.
key. where he will visit relailves.
lungs otHt.Kt.jrnseh. for coupiiS
Geo. F. Swjney or Old Mitaion
Mrs. A. H. tibb'ltts rHoenad to
audo;.lds. Kaurnu increases ine
^ .Batet«d
II iMona-ciMi mAurr
w ■■
Idnsing last night aAer a)H-udiug six m-nt Ih,. due j„ i,.p
apjri-^i C.0 rroai|.U^. ll^strengt hiUrcb >. IMS. At the poitoBicf^ it
weeks In the city with her daughter.
E. A. Fisher of Interiechen «*at
<l->om .Monday's l(e<t>rd Kagle.)
• aijr. Mich., under the Act of
vigor to the p.eri-o-as srstem. Kaiicong
tin- city tradcTK yesterday.
M of Mnrch S. UTS.
larr.j rii:il..-8 JUU fv.-l atrongef.
T. P. Allen was called to Horn
O. D. Sheldon of Copemiah came to
G. F. Bewdee has relumed to hla
Irr. riiiiorlr-ejvr. eat mnro,digest
home at Springfield. Ill. after a few liec.o ..-uie.cja, on bustnest.
lieu.rr. and tiiallj puu yep in
OfflM. 12S Front Bt. Beth PhonM 23
•esa of his father. S. K. Allen.
lire clnss of people who have
H. G. Saylor of Kingsley was a bus­
jys' visit with friends In the elty
hcaUlf. courage and plenty of
Mrw. Thoa. Kaelan and daughtar iness trader yeM,.rda>
Hariry Foote apent Thanksgiving at
business grit.
iss Margaret, who have beea visltH rom-dealar «0M wet keep KaOaorsAT
,g wlth-reUilvew in the city for the
Six Boatbi ...
iraeiB stock write tis and w« will
IMvst few days, left Ihls morning fur
Tbm BM»thA .
W. H. Klatt returned Saturday from
time card.
tbc-lr home ol Owoaso.
vlsU in Grand Itapids He U-ti to-la>
' M A. M.A-M.P. it.
Trav City.. J -- Ttuii.
Mrs. Rowland Oouglaaa. S24 Fifth Lv
for wmianutoD. MU-b.. where ho has
Ar.Si.l4i ......... 2 -’T T-r. V:ts--4:3i
Bead tar FmeBookM. xireot.
aceeided a itosltlon
f-dar rity.
dellghifu! manner aJ'k 4 o'c lock lum
Brown. 847 East Eighth atreet.
non yesienlay afienioon A threewho went tn the northern |•vI>lDKula
OeadlUoni’tn Mexico ire luA tbit
to Work a short lime ago. la ill with Mrs. K. E. Horst. She left this after­ course lunc-hebn wax served and the
it Ia enlr » qOMtlon of i Abort tlnto
• iJlKO Atm......
rhcimMlam and is In tbo hospital at noon for Kalkaska lo visit her rcla- nfiernocn s|*ni w iili nec-dleuork
Watte Klvc^.,
before tbo rexlme .of Hucru wflL ’
dx-eoraled the several lahle^.,
St. Ignacc.
down end out ii u liiae In Moiicin
Hv«w bi-fore Joining her <-om|«uy at
Kmplro jct!i”
he uceaxlon Was Mrx. Houglasx' birthTraverto City frienda have received Clilcago.
. pollUCA. But few luptwrten ar« left•
I ’. M.
announci-menia of the marrUge ol
the dlcUtor wboie loldlen have
E. P. Waterman went to Mayfield
t '
K-i-« _.w^ .^c
j ...... V
Alice li>ulse l/-avciiworth 10 tills Piortiliig on huslness,
The Grand Traverse Grangers
belu repeatedly defeated by the
Wnrren Oit. t>olh of Chicago.
lA. M.',
Mrs. Harry M: WaK returned to hei In their hall on Casa street tbts'aftreMa and the llnea pushed closer
They will ll»o at 1953 West |u| street, hoiiu- 111 Dilrult this tnoming. Sh. c-rnoon making plana for the quarter­
the capttaJ. With twrwhlrds of the
^hlraga John Warren Olt Is the w>d was aeriiiiiiianled hy her father, W. M ly meeting of the Porhrma or «
wnntry in ptma^on of the rebel
r John F. OtI and In Well known in Coddlnvioii.
Grange which mce& la this city

‘-'lOcnt the city, haring lB«-d here a f<-w years
John pampb4ll ef Cadillac la In th< Wednestfay aad Thursday of . text
lead hU broken armies Huerta. mu« Uie bill will probably be modined to that something bhouid In- done In
Buckley ,
week. This is the year for the elecly on huslniss for the day.
aMD bow to the Inerttable and adopt ,
extenP before It Is passed the order lo secure a‘ better attendance
F. M.
t Grand Traverse Auto company
Tho.MctrepoliUn Muskal company loo of offleera in the eonat;
Walton . .
the course that was laid out for him idea Is com-cl and some sort of leg- than has Wn rt*lstered at the 1^ has delivered 1914 Ford li.urltrg ears
irange and the prohabmtic* are that
Rowley ..
. by the
Sla^ eariy ,n the fall, uiatlon should be work«l out along few aess.ons .?d h^remeS,
ro! lo nine and llodgrs ol Fife Uke. J..lio
oulf from Kmi-lr--, where they give tiu-re win be a good atlendanee.
At present the dictator I. bolstering this line. l.eg1slaUon directed along „o.ed by Mann of Ih Snilselli of Siillons. Hr J. F. Sleplcka
! l
entertainment Saturday nlghif'to elnxx of nine lx r.ady tn m-hive
np hte eanse by means-of false re- the right lines c«n do a great deal linols would probable be the mhsi ef. .f Sullons Hay, C. Ilochradel of Ced^r.
A. M P, ii.
eago Tlu-y were booked for the itrucllon relitlve to the (pecreU
[ 6:«0
porta la regard to conditions at home ,o«-ard helping out the people *tfecUve that could he applied
The Heriiiaii. Ilardenhagen of Sullons lla>.
them |>enbisula for several weeks' he fifth degree.
Onekama Jetn...
'H:14 f-tis
and abroad, but as only about one are at^.resmt lmpos.-d ui«n by the ,H-op!e at large like to -2- __________ JaS Swe<-n«y of 01.1 M,
Manistee ............
:?:tO f.;.50
Harvey Wetherill. who hoa bttn
aaenients. hut they were <aoe<-lled
martsr of lbs people la that eoun cold s«>rnge .-ombineA and er,ngress «f their ropis.nutivei'In the eon ,W‘H*An.s of Maheeloua. im K
Trains arrive at Trarerae fliy
the strike and so re- Wtlng lo the rity f/,r (he past
m_ JO:tO a. m, r.rSC p: m and
try can iWAd. Urn newspapers that is expected to do Wmlblwr In this grwslohal re.ord when votes ,a>» re- ‘'“‘vy of Honor and f. It. Kchl of
vr-ived orders to lake up the oonbem days, left this momlDg for hU born.
J. F. JENKS. Agent
are furthering .htS Interesta are not direciloa lo the i
corded, and If they are not there they N«rth|iort.
bating mitfh effect upon the public
------naturally aro led to ask wbAl their
The Northern Michigan steamer llliThe cottages at Eaat Bay are beii
mind. As to wbfeh of the rebel leadlaid servants were dolni:-when th.-lr "p‘*. *>‘” '‘*“<1 here ibU morulng on In t
i„„, p. some reaats ao.l
ers will be t est qualified to estsh E-aa ■*__ A
nsmAs rail to appear. The eongrws way south. She will |.e the last l.lg
„.nK,ved. Some one will
llih order In the countrv Is not alwaja have excuaes lo offer for >«•-'
«««'‘h her.- this year
„oUhle. for these ev.iaces
Skolfcld and wMe. who have
known at present, for while (
Sir Alfred Ijiiri.T struck a respon- ’heir ahscn.e. hut that does not satisWHburand wHe of Charlevoix,
dogeiy autehed to tl.e future U.-n visitUig with Jrlends and relavnia hn* he»n s twer In Ih
she chord on th- other side Of the ’v the iw-op1e who sent them lo Waah■'»'«*
'Wtiug at .'Conhiwrt
Arnold, the infant on el Ml
tivex n.-ar the city for the |.ast few
he hs« S'- d‘«T-'HV-,«^nv eons'
border when he nnnounri>d whx: be inrton in look out for tlo ir inieresu.
1'“’“ f*'"
arc visitine Mi^ ftoberl Mervan. of 51.5 . Tenth 'dilavs left
le this morning for their home
thought to 1h> the keynote of Oai.a- The only method that has ever ptovbefore releili nn-ct, died Saturday afiemooiT and LtfsSum
bet 28-tf
«pni»policy at a Uiiquel lo HamilUta. cn saliHfarlorT In holding a Job Is lo '" Ihclr home,
Hie riincrut servile » IS held yesterTilton returned last nigH
len nc^d" Ontario, ...e
the other night,
night. He said ttiat ' e present when there is sonielhing
»be change ‘e eched- day afl-rncHin. Rev. 1
I'ohly offl- fr^i Benton
Harbor. wber« he has
.-ndsr wHh t^e #1^,resent Canada was n
going on. for the mao who Is no^on
o" “'*• «‘crc Maniieti.-. il .-.e . no clutmg Th.-body
waA Ukeo to Cale- beiti for

-eml -days oh buslnes,..
a»l It. . - • . •• ---pv together bj ^
^uHng a redueiloi
hlKh the ground lo watc h the interests of •'''‘’‘‘“g *''*'• f'"'" here to EH; llseids.
aCleniooa train, where
Wm..-CaCaace left this morning for
ao".e -r-h .' ..-rr I'-ej
building dread- Ids c-onstlluenU Is nalurally negh-el^ rarrled to 'h:.t rl.urial was this afternoon.
hto home at .Aliwna.' after a ahort
taught M-c ~ - t-«e, „r repuhllean noughts
He al.«o,• Uhe
Wiift Inc the task that he was sent to perMrs. Margaret j. Ackers, who has Isli with friends in the cli.v.
govem-ect n- s mnAs ,0 reallte what off from
all food prdou-ts <he
,nr.g• form.
»«>< n at ttie Traverse City SUto ,boabos-1 3^. Oilehriat of City, ii
llbwt.v rex'*, -cans I| Is k process
,hore w.v;Hibi
l-ap------------------------ I Lum Winnie of Elk Rapids i.aa re- ( lial tor some time, gbased away BatI- a short lime c^n business
that win txve many years to carry
offercl .1.. p.-ople who ar.- try
. _
lunied 10 bis home there-:.ftj.ri ch-M .ir.iu;.
The funeral st^vlcea ‘w
AHhup Hueat of Bagf^. who haa
oot. but lbs soAner the atari ts made
„ve during the i-res.-n: s-ra-of Wallt A Uiange
.visit With reUtlv..* ami .......... h.-'e ihcid m the aftemoon with Mary
illlng In Iheyity for some
the sooner w|l» the results be forth- high prtee->. Capsda has prohlc-nnc in
Hu.ln.t-s wen of the
of Wash-! ■*••- Markham hai moved into hia Faulkner offielatlDg, Interment
lime left this niomlnii^ for Chartecoming. When the present dtffleultv romnion the Cnl-e-l Siatc-s and
ingtog hav.-Ured of Hielr present
residence on the west bay-shore jOiiknood. Then- Is one daughter. Mrs. volx. where he will b.- for alcout a
la Anally settled more trouble will jt j* «,
u,e Interests of both toun
system of state, govc-rnment and
n.-w are
Uptm-is oneof the tlui-st and I'n.-I llny-ic-. who resides Jn Queen
week iM-fore returning lo bis home.
probably arisa over the disputes ,h,., to
remove all hxndleaiw In a ledesirous ofhaving the eomr—-’atru,ti-rc-.s lo iM-ifi!
Calvin Meant of Omens, la in the
found In Ihls vicinity.
«moog the reliel leaden wfo have g»i *a»
to the securing of food pro4
Itfea applfcylto state affaln.
I Mias Georgia Hans
fourteen •liy on business. .
fought long and well against
he urt» at a minimum Ggure. -ft is evl. mc-ni m*-eUne ot the Washington
"•* Ebner'year* „id Saturday »-dnil fourtK. T. Tuttle haa retumad to hia
rorcet of Huerta The elalmx of dept that something will h.-vve to be League of MuDlclpalHles a n-xoluHon
‘■’•on coniplcu a xml.wo; k young girl friends' helimd her celehome at Grand Raptda after aoveral
Vina win have logic —....................
done V the nations
in regard adopted
calling-for the eommlx- "P
|hrate, ' Th.- aftcrncron wax happily
lyx In the city on buxtnees.
Is them, and If their differences In high cost of living, and while the tariff Mod plan of government, or some
**’**“ returned to Olivet x,.eni In gam.-s ahd refrv-xhmenti
Frank BaseeH of Eav Claire. Wis.,
opinion rannot l-e compromised there on produ^s of this nature baa Wn modlfic-.iiiun nf the Wea. which will
siH-ndhie ihe ThnnL«xervi-d late in the aftemoon
vIxUlng with frieodx In-the clly
will be a freat llatrllity that another'removed hy the Vnited Suie, ib.-re Involve direct rc^,K.nxlblll|v. ctmtinhere
iTb. r,. were a nimiber of beautiful
BUt« Bosk BaOdiiig.
r a few days.
Moody «rugg'
Floyd Sanders
still other factors that ente r Into uoux aenlc-e of offb Ulx,
non lucrtlMiD
Sanders has
has retc
returned to the
ipfi ax tokens of the occasion
T. G. Johnson of Barker Creek to
•ett'e their T 'ailve •lalma to the the high prices that will have to he .-lectloiis. frequent leglslailV niecb ’*"**“
I Mr. and Mrw. C- W. Marahali. who in the .c ity for a short time on busipresidency Jhc het that «JTn> he attenffed to before living reaches a ingx and delllHrate eonxlderatlon of T'iSflti**:''I't hix home
I have l ..,.n vlhlting Mr.-and Mrs. J
Cot their list of properties
done at the present time is to watch normal level
F. '
F. KaufI and wife, who have beei
Holding products by proposed legislation, with ample op ' '
Miirehxll lor several days returnvrit^jftviuscj' adiiresseu, or prop­
Crover Lyle, who has been visiting
devetonmer-ts ard xee'what the final the eombliic-s U one of the causes of ikm-p
'or public hearings. This vUltlng W|ili rclalivc-s lu ibe city (or.^ lo ilmlr home fa Saginaw ibis
osition t‘o

lUi friends In' the rtty for the i.a-xl
the least few days, left tbl-> ui-ruliu
outroBe will be In that war falddeb exorhiiani price, and as soon as some tdan It
believed will prov
week left this morning for. hto home
method is evolved to solve this prob- , great Improvemi^nt over'ito“p,^“serti’‘”;
Dennie Winowvecki and hia a
at ('Bdltlac.
“> K-* hor.-c Miss .Martha, left this morning for
——•‘■ra «K)ther
seep win have
nave been
oeen taken
uuten eumberwome
cumberwome system
svstem with the large*
and sell­
of Lanaing, la in
•- at tadillac alter a shurt visit uiili
toward,tbel)enrtlt of the public. There leklslatlve todies and delay in'securUs Angeles, where they wIR resld. the city for a abort time on busi'nexs.
er may deal direct if they pre­
.frlendH here.
H. Baker and vrifa of Honor, am fer.
j V. M. Kaiiy. vrho haa been here for
r the food supply and «-as
draft a eonstl-l,
W.lbur Abbott returned to Qlive
An ifiTMtigatioo of the coodlGon
dting In the clh' with friends.
., ,
, —V lost week on l•u»ille^s. left this
email quantities after a muonal amend,
t.-r s|H-ndlng bis vacallon with hi;
ot the wrater In the Great Lakes baa
“ .■;» ".or«U.,
Dn Wednesday aftemoon a quiet
certain price haa been reached, and
wedding took-pure
‘ ‘"*1 Chaa Harris left this momlrq for
Ivpn Menugi,re. who hat been vliit- ,1^, W C. Bowins. TOT South I'nion
. u

I>eirolt and Chicago. wVr.-he will Ihing hlx wirier Mlsx Bernice Moniap.e Caswell
I’®*'-' ’ for about a week on bxalnt
luUcaUon O.
of v-ouaresman
Congreeaman luann
Mann 01
of ...
.^e altuatlon. It t.
^ , Mrs.
rod,r and Jtorl fchapman of Alden
O. A. Waine, wno
who n„
haa ocen
been v.*
out to what extent the waters have
Ity government, "l-t t^e „,«i-«,u, friends in the div f„r «,n.e
were united In ma^ge. The young
been polluted by the Indiscriminate |o«nd',
IkHjple want lx some pUa where the time, left this morning f..r h. r home ^
'>■ 'f~*hl®®«« '•« <-ou|.le left on the evelnng train for
su^lclal, will to more responsive « cmnu Kapida
I*'"* morning for St. 1-eleraburg. Fla.. Aider., where tbev will wake their fudunning of sewage Into these bodies ^uree
from any of the aide
tp^^ublle wUi and where rexsponsBoth phones.
. 732 E. Front Bt
water by the clUes that are loeatD- J- Mayne of Battle Creek, who
ture honm.
which hemofom have auceess- ..........................
•d along their banks and Into the
haa returned
u. S. Ottinger of Detroit la
ippealed lo the reformers. Stale I»op|e grow wiser In tho affairs
atreams that flow into them If the j^od
inesx. left this morning for Manwhere he spent w-veral city vUltlng friends for a few days,
torbiunvprlces U ,«,r mate- „ven>ment they come
eondition Is found to be such that the
„p„n ,|,irh tc Imild
here be will Im? for a short '**''•
O. E. Crandall ef Grawn was In the MONEY TO LOAN on good and waO
Immored farms. H. C. Darta, SIS
‘ order fj
fore returning to hfx home. I “ire Edith Ruebekam. a Travoraec-iiy laaT-night on business and republic health Is menaced the cltle, r^al m.-n and women, ao In
to weaknewx of the system under
Stole Bask Bldg, Traverse City.
tbo states are working and demAnd - Mr. and Mrs. Ciugnich and Mr. and '
who Is at present lumetH^bls morning.
apm 3US
nnectoo will be
ne ordered
omerog lo
to dispose
aiapose of
or couxervo
eonservo the
11.0 twee
face legislation
legiriannn wm
r— ,
Mias Amy BcuH, vriio haa baen the
tbair sewage In another manner ax hive to to enacted and cnforc~l
government that
soon as possible- The prevalence of which has for its ohjeei the iweven"'d productive of re- Bed W. F Kc-ndrick. r.-i \v.-xi
Eighth " and oth.-r amatuer produc- guest of Miss Jessie Emery ,for the
d the
_ .___
^___ _in ...
reason why the wroei. for Thankeglvlng and retumecr**®'’* *h‘vh she lx putting on In .Thanksgiving vacaUon, returned this
typhoid IIn
the Great
Great I-ake.
l-akaa reaH/M.
region Js .1____t
Uon of storing
times Suits. Thel
plan would not work out home this njomlug.
' ” I various cities atout the stale receiv-■ morning to Flint, to spend a day bethe cauee of ihU Investigation and of t.lentv and i.oldinr i>
in a slate as In a| Mra. Kluen of Ann Arbor, who has *'’* * nattering press notice Ur ihe'fore resuming her teaching at Higbas these lakes are IntersUte waters priees can be tossed up to an almost
any virtue In been visiting her sister, Miss Marc ‘*<-trolt Tribune yc-xierduy. She Is;land l*ark.
It U UP to the ffovemmeni to Uke prohibitive- lolnt before It la released.
•iiunu-d to'her home this des. rilK-d as the mo,t b.-autifiil young j Mias Margafbt Luxford and Mias
thf necessary steps to protect the -This Is the great problem with whI.Ti elgna It Is probable that within the Mummery, niumed
Michigan stage and her Jennie Hanson of Frankfort whealth -of the people io this district, tho leglsjatom of the world will have next five years several of the wiaicm morning.
It la not reasonable to suppose that to grapide^D the next few yearn aad elates will to working tinder this 1 Mra. Sylveatqr Labaria of Saxon, "‘'‘King and wiing is hlglily lauded ;thc rliy abopplng yealerday aad will
toon visiting friends
Wort was received hero .today aWt- return this afternoon.
it to a wile policy to dump axwage uion tl.cir sn.-eexa will deicend tbo
,_________ _
,“®>J relattvea In Uetroli and ML Clem- '“g
Tliomat Heines, aged SS.' Mr. and -Mra. Leal Frink of Bouth
into the same water that to used for future of the naiionx.
rns. to Ttoillng her daughter. Mrs. W. »<m of Ronianto Holmes, wax kill«-d MRlon were In the city yeeterday for
X and the prevalence
R68] Ullng
;nobsoD. of CU JJast Eighth street.
tin a railroad wreck In Grand Rai-lds a abort lime.
nf ip the eliJea that folh
Those rebel soldiers down In Mex-i ***’’ *"**
Eekatine of “xta'- The family lived here until, Mrs. F. R. Wiliiame. Br. Mrs. F. R.
this plan to deemed sufficient , <
only purcbaaad onoa. Tbere‘®'‘‘
they ■ "'‘'Warns. Jr.. Mrs. »ed.........................
Smith, Miss
deuce to warrant a thorough lovmilFarmers whoI sell frozen hr other- ICT> who atriicped oB the clothes of
Graiid Raiplds.
.Man' Morrtoon of E3k Rapids drove J^f ^
Katina of tha slutatlnn . The outcome
^«“derBl soldiers before they were ,
, ,
. .Mrs. Arthur Kllmurn-tif'tnovcd
: durable
M Ih. tor«ttotloh,rtll n.««
... ,uw7d
«.J« -h-cuI.C. «. th« ,h. Chnh.hl. .o.M
I"-U» .r-h
matertali and artistically flnlahed You will find only each
itoated slot ; the lakda.
IFrom Saturday a Reeord-B«lc.l j'Y'**-!’-., .
" the
" cltle,
I I.J- hulletf b«v. „ , to visit Jo* Kckstine. a btOihe tow passed by the tost leKialaiure, not ■be I
e works of
Born to Mr. and Mra. 8. W. Tflthem.
Baker ef Frankfort
of East Eighth atreeL a girt ^•ov. it
>«»‘*ft»ay for th.
e City. Alicb.
321 Bay 8L
Both Pboaaa






Bowers Harbor priews
—2Sc lor elder apples,
parlao apples Me. Both
phoaes-aiz. MS. Bell
67. Cannlag Co.

: f- B. •

CaUiTh Cannot Be Cnred'

s;; ssst-Ts'.i-j


Faidee Bsstaess Exchange






Will pay tl;e highest prices
for Ginseng and Golden Seat


Farmers liable

..... ..... .......


®“ conviction. A text rase was made nrfvtte

l^lar aafagaarded win the baaithof to a dO-Tust^wV^O-e rerreaoalthe rtote. affected be. M«.y
the atlon —t
ihat they were
-ere all rtghL Tbe
. of
ciaea that at presant dump their farmer was brought Into court and bad
aawag, hUo ih« uksa are making t« i-y Uck the lulce of the putatort
nm&ffamanto to erect sewage dla- and pul up 110 for coato In the ease.
Fowl. ptoBto and the action of tbe This tow was enaciad for the purpose
ffovemment will tend to haatoa.4bto ol'protecting tbe conaumer. who
J In
work which haa already brnm atortadr-aiany inatoncea has baen impoi^X ^p.

M ot
when buying pradnoe
kinds. As many of tbe pototoea that
ara told from bonae to faonae are of a
after tbe high qnaUty that wOl not paas muster upon
. Of living W(h a vena-«.
Iff Iht Voffuter UaMoB and

Attadi Prri|leB



Mra C H. Childa of Belli

In the
«J<vtog V| c," tor^lS)rt\!lf
the Uirae
three youn*
wqinen iineoA
W fm®- <>f
wi me
younc women
1 Mlaa Harira of Benden was among
the aboppera In the clly Saturday.
•’» ftawart
Mm. Hkkay ef Neasen City came lo
who to tied op Id a don- the city Saturday to do aome shoph'e knot with crampa In tthe bowels ping.
or crippled with the palba of rheum*^'
ind Mra Flemming Carrew left
ttom would-------.W-.
^|ch*^eMef.*“Trt"to «n
nkimlng for Jaclu
w here they
Ibe wants for 25 cu by. aendl.............
sending to' tbe
.. will remain for some time.
drugglat for
bolUe of REffCKE-S
Mias Essie Swsvariy. vrhe ie a mem­
PAIV-MLLLVC MAGIC piL .lt.^ a ber of the Metropollun Musica] comly for all ii
Price 2S
‘mirta* lhq.iistate.

the ffueat over Sunday of Prot aad

Tha funeral Of Gilbert Powlisen.l,.®**®®'^"
“I'" "*®mlng foi
who died Tuesday, was held yextor 1
®n • business trip of aev
day afternoon from the Churcdi ol
H. Brawn lift thfa maming fci
ChrlsL Rev Ohax W. Gardner of Kal­
Summit Clly. where be will deUver tbe
kaska officiated.
illualrated lecture. “Why Remain in
Alicblgan." before the grange this aft­
The Meanott Man In Town
_ to the one who to always cross, dtoBundy Brief and hia mother went to
agrec-nble. short and shan> In hto an­
swers. In nine cases out of ten H Is Big Rapids Ibis rooming to visit rela­
lioor fellow's faulL hto Uv.
tives for a few days.
and digesti
stlon' are out ot order and I
Mrs. J. Mctoing ef Frankfort was In
feels miser
the city yesterday, returning In tbe
lal condlLiklng
8U0AR- evening.
.1.8 for your liver, They
‘I refuae to tall my name nacauaa I
111 Heuu’S'o
-Itallze .vDur blood
ti't want my wife to know." That
to what a man.' who had been arestod
by Patrolman Wright for drankhB-



Teeth CxtnMlc« AhMlBtelyWIthMrtPhta
By ^ “Ka<dar’ maibod 1 can r»
move tboae aching teeth abaolulaly
without pain, and without tffe usa ef
drags to produce unronsclonsneM.
Paoida of nerroas umpMament aad .
with waah bearu will appiwctato the
'TCaalaT matbod ot pslnlaas «Ktn»
MSffM Wtttoim. Block. Wttk Dr. HoU»

vorth. ftBrng* OUr. MVthlffiB^



The Annual


Dolls by the hundreds! Dolls with flirting eyes, with sleeping eyes, kid body
dolls, cute little KeWpie dolls, etc. Wonderlully natural looking
eyes and facial expressions. Children are alike the world overplaythings are their greatest joy and there's nothing that quite
comes uy to a doll for a little girl. Bting the children to see all
these pretty dolls—then see the hundreds of other ptemiums for
the children on display in the basement.
S'ovoUy .Xiiliiiaf Til's lit e'iT>’ di-iu-riiillnii. mirh an llarkini: IViks. Oaln. Rli-.-Phaiiie. ihiii MiHiBi-. KSc. A <li«i-n ilin. r. ift kliMl- i.f Tc>>».
Minii; llial ri-vnlir wliili' ]i|n>ln):. iHliiTs •M.iUi'uury, Ttii-u tliiTc uri- the
pri'inluiiis tiir liiuni' ninl iH iMinal u.v: liiM-Um: rtinira.
I'lisps. Iltiilin-IluM, MiNtliiiats, Wnli-lirs. Ciinrnnli'iil Sil'i-riiari-, litiiin luari' S-l>. tlnll .Mir­
rors. lin-Hil MUem. Ktr- These ■•reiuliinis trie with I’f. 3'i, ti>. <;i< so, lun.
ir.o. nr more llekola.


fteaaiona WIU be-Held In Central Meth»din Church OurlflB the

Mr. and Mrs. Ixtren Taster will an tinaiMliorlreil <^>rre*iHindent. ‘and
are fYlday f*r l>»llarvme
in the
Tpi-er Penlnsiila, wbU-h wlll^- thi-lr re'1. This fart Jp do
honm In the future.
' who have eliarjre of the niattor.
SoiiUi Mtltun. Kov, IK.—Mr and
Mrs. rVwlit Hntnmon of Kalkaska,
look dinner with Mr. and Mrs. \V:ilk-r
Wilson ^Sunday.
Willie Kiiniibell of IVoyno- City, is
Allvn, Xov. 2«.—Geo. Fewliis hn.l
n vl.slior in our nelghbortiood.
the eml twn off liis Ihiimtp wlilh- he
Mrs. Will Parks Is quite sick. Her
was working on the All'll Cm liiisUler Mn. Kuet>en Haws of Nor).h
llo'emetit. He was towing n Ipad ol
MUton came yesterday to car; for
gravel up the hill and rnugW U.
Her. . •
yet certain wbrnhvr be
The mantugc of MUa Ceclle Good­ save the end or not.
man to -Mr. X.-Uon Vllequette »>1
The Imiiro'emetit of Allvn bill ■ Is
-Vortli Milton takes placo IhLs nftef> aboui.Yomp -t'd foi Hits t.<li. It
noun at the home «f her imreiit.', Mr.
ll'N-dt-d Inii-P'venieiil us ii
and Mrs. David Goodman.
Rtiuiinol'll-w found this iNiiut a i
Howard Paiks is moving his famlplace tci cross tliv river systent.
ly to the lloikfelh r farm In. South
.The corn ^shredder b<-i(gigiiic
. Earl .Ackerman of Traverse City, is Frank Iteynolds'was in ih.- uoighborex|>eeied honie to eat Thanksgiving hood the other day to, abred for Mr.
Fcptns hilt broke down.,
dinner with his |iaretiia.
V. Uts-d bus gone to C'asi'a
The lardles- Aid m.-t with Mrs. W.
euiiip ^0 ffork,
Wood yesKTdayi to flnUh n quilt.
Slatul liBH reiuniA] from Old
The lUw-Irlch man Itas pa^>7
through the neighl>or!i(>nd on bU fare-! ^Hs^la^ and vaiuh-is to buy a farm

• ^Ujfn

The first session of the ronvoniion
of the .Michigan State iiorlirultural
aocict.v will be hel.l tomorrow fore­
noon at 10 o'clock tind U open lu
esen'bod.v. There will, be an address
of welcome by Mayor Jno. 0. Straub.
. followed by two^addresres b.v K. O.
Laifd'of Old Mlasion and Prof ti. J
£ostace of M. A. C. Kach iiaiMT wiU
be followed by a geocml dlsrusAion
Tbe afternoon session wilt be at l;::e
and the evening at 7:3<^ Tbe speak
era at each session arc tbe best In tbe
land <m tbe different subjeyMs and
ever)' one will reeelve valiuthlo Infor­
mation by atleii-llnf;. Wclnesday cU:ht
at ftS’t will lie the Ills
which all can go who i«y the |>ri<-e of
tbe tlrkMs. Tbe secretary ^houId Iknotified early ao that sufficieni
State .\uioR)ot-lle
.may^be provided for all. The dls]ila>
a mil.- and-a half
George Harrington has
Of spraying machine will W In llie
r.'Uih of tlie station was Biinejed iat-t
Montague garage and the fruit dirplay Ciiuing his bruiher-ln-law. Mr.
week by E. lit Altyn.
in the Pratt building on mioit street. tine of Pennsylvania for
The last session will i>e Thurvdax aft­
ernoon at it'O.
^Xirn. to Mr. and Mrs. Edd Ilackl,
JConj £alst
.Vov. i».,h.a girl.

Mn. Upsall Cox oT Wllllams)<urr.
,’w-ho died Xoveuiber :-k liad a wHi
circle or friends and ariiuaihiaiic-s.
-Ueforo her death she left a luurliuig
little leicr to h'er friends wiUi
b'ructlolis that it Ibe prluu-d. Tlx- b-ttvr reada.i^s folio
' Ikiar ^Mida: «
of t!.i (ujiuesh
of iny hSrt I wis
itiAlik you
that you
; shown
■i'lringlnl^ Hln<-sa. 1 have esix-.-ialU
apiin-rlaied the beaaUful flow ers With
will' h 'fju have presented ni<*. I h:iv.n'l Ih t-n wliboui Uiem since I
slrk. and Uiey have been as armsful
of lore to me. Your many kind-dcs.aiid.thougbtful aerwices have litli*
I. ■ to trust Ood more and realize liis
<«ri (ul watcbfnlneas over bis 'j>euplc.
biFL-d, Fannie Cox.

and.,Mi> Joe llusKle this last wt-ek.

J*iUsid$ Qnu

Plaaaant for Auntie.
Th# amnnrrlud woman who shall be
the Bubjpct of this anecdote was fixing
bersPn up to gu out In the evenlnc.
A certain was going to calMor
her. and thouch the occasion
(•luix'wluii spulied by tbo fact that they
would havo to take her little niece
alcng. she neverthi-lusa took the usual
d eyes.
rare of her complexion, hair and
Fur the man was trembling >n the
v erge of a pro|<osal.
Tlx' trio—auntb'. nuntlc'a bean and
auntie's ' la.-ct^walked along
stti-.-l unill-th'-y come to one of tboae
all-nlgbl pholograidi gallyrlea. You
kOftw how aw tui a person looks, alaiidItig In the ghastly glanv of the mep
cury-tube light* that they put In the
windows of such placea? Well, tb. y
paused In that awful grecny-yallcn'
light. And the Hula nicco eald
auDilc'a beau.
*-Ooo-oob. look! Auntie Tooks' JnM



He Came When County Waa Young
and Hewed Farm Out
of Witda.
Sanford Thitlor. who |>osae<l away at
bis late home on hU farm In CarCel I
township. Salvirday afternoon, wbf
Ivotn In hYanklln county. New York.
Felituary J.'.. IkU-'and was one of tlxpioneers of the region, having ntovo-l
to Almira township in lS«t3. and after
living there for sjx years purrhased
Ills (iresi-ai home, where be has residiNl ever since. To give Mr. Fuller s
life hlsior}' would Ik- to desern>e lin­
early dcvelopliient of this region, for
he VIas Identified with eveO' forward
movenK-nl and’hls courageous |K-rsotialliy ovenamo every obsiacio and
ma<lc him a leader that many followe-l
with till- result ihui (arms grew u[> all
aroiiud this liiir<‘i>)J man. These earl'
dajs wer« thos «>f hardest In.-,
none were lm> stn-nubus tor Mr. F’Yil
ler. and he U-Hig of the progn-s-'lv
mind tunii-d the forests lr» the Ix-s
e and tlx- ground wo* made t
(iirih its Ik-si. Gradually hU posse'
simis Im-reasi'd and the' wild land
were trenarornie.1 Into proiuetlv
llel-ls. Mr. Fuller was marri.-d i
1-diz.ilK-th Hardman In ixftr. and there
are three daugliters all living. Mrs
Uolieri Itarm-y. Mrs GeorgO Gondttuin
and \ll« Sarah >'ullor. Mrs. iXill. r
died in January. DS4. Mr. Kulb-r
a great lover of siorls and each
son .-law' him dc<-p In.the wiM>ds n
the <k-er in the winter uiunlha nlxl
the gnmey trout In' the
months.,' For years lie has Iki-o
'advoeato of the good*roads movenieiii
and was one of the flrut to aBsist In
liiindliig the road between Travenx
rilv and Norlli|>ort In
Ho wa:
roeoctilziil us a leader of iniWh
thought and opinion and his efforts in
Ix-half of the eommuntiy have bc<ii
far-reaching and beneficial.
The funeral services will bo from
the late home, tomorrow afternoon at
o'c-lwk, standard time. Kov. I>eIml^
foehlln and Rev W. J. Coates offU-iitThe iN-arer* will b® W. \V
Smith. Chas Manville. AS'. C. Gannett,
.1. M. Glljelt. 1) K AA'ynkoop and AA'll
liam l^udon. Interment will l>o in

People With Money
Like to keep it where it is safe and earning
something. Certificates of deposit appeal to
such people as being very desirable. They pro­
vide an excellent short-time investment and are
payable on demand.


"Unicorn, Call Mefll and Sal Vet”
Upicom at $1.80 per faandr^d is a cheaper feed thao bran
or any other feed on tbe market. Yon get more profit by feed.-ing Unicom properly. Get a bdoklet at our store, or send for
one, which Ate will mail ydo. that explains feeding UnioxTi
properly. Yon see a cow that is capable of giving 80 pounds
of milk by proper feeding will not give but half the quantity
if fed improperly. You have to feed your, milking cows Avith
the ri^t kind of feed to get a profit. If you were running a
factory, you w^d have to supply it with the right kind of
material to get profits. .Try one bag of Unicom and.keep an
account of your milk and you will see that there is an increase
as tbe result of feeding but One bag.
If you have com, wheat, oats, buckwheat or beaus and
want to exchange for Unicom.. Calf Meal or Salt Vet, we are
here to do it. Or we will pay you cash.
We guarantee everything we sdL Try,iu at the comer
of Front and Cass streets.


—V Chanped the Subjeet
He Tiad plaster.-d his touched-vp
hair dov»n over his bald spot, and he
had assum'-d lh<- sort of smilo that
his femab- frt' iids called •'childish'
when he'waa In college. Hla ahoes
Were shined, and so was bla.
And then he called on tbe young lady.
“My oblect In calling on you this
ning. Gertrude." be began, and <
be coughed and added tn a trembling
voice. -1 you Gertrude, may
I not?"
''Sure you can." answered
the young girl. "I allow all of papa's
elderly friends to call mo Gertrude.
• The oldest of them even call me Gert.
laipg lAke. N.iv Ji>.—Mr. and Mrs. You may say *Gcrf If you wish
Will PxT..- smni Tbank^gi'lug wjtb AVbai. waa it you wo
.«b(>ot*" He coughed again, and then
relatives ai Traverse fit).
talked about how much
Mr. Sack.'it baa reiurn<->l Ixime was In (be aummor of 1S72.

is In- |>our
«:rove. Xov
—Th* healtli and exiN-ets to gu to TraverMRoad la Broad and Easy.
farimrg in lliisi vicinity are itupmv- Clij'-next W.wk to Ink.- trc^lmeM.
Tberv is no need of guide poiiu M
ing iliis ub u wenilier doing
.Mr, and Mrs. f. Ankersuii H|s-:it tbe road to ruin.
Thanksgiving with, th-dr .liuighti-r
Fiuk KulK-sh la i>ut>y puiUng
Jtrs. Osear I-bin on itx- IV-iitnsula.
<s mi-iit floor In hla new lairn. '
Mry MHiM'-lias r.-lanii-d timin-. ufl '
Mr. Sacbtlelwn and family er having speot thi- suiiimer with her
vMfsl jii John fox’s Sunday.
sister at Old Mission.
K. Mnllory and Alec Sucicelt
Mra. Eliza fox r.iiirnod home Fri­
turned l>klty from n two weeks' day from an extended v'lsli with
hunting trip.
relatives In Indiana.
I'raiik Uokos has reiiirn<-d from
pur tm.lx-r. Miss fliampney w.iil
PAhM PROOUCE-^uyti.9 PricMi
IndluiiB. bilngtng with him a
to Aline W.-dm-sduy to speud Thanks­
utitoc* ....................................
giving 'xlth biT luircnti.
I»tti- rii-<-«e Is In Travers* City
Mr. Walnriglit n-ceived a biter
W'orkjbg ut tlx- State hospital.
recently iropi Englnml. lelling .if tinTlie Boi.hU and Hlunche death of a relative, wbii-b was miitled
KuLehh and Adniiib Sl^ickef
fourteen j-cars ago.
Traverse flty Saturday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nink from Old
and w iiu to Dreamland.
MUsioD. Bpent a few days wiUi Tula.Mallory vjlstted In Traverse Uvea at ibis place -thia w<-ck.
City Snoday.

Ogd't.«'.iurr. Ttor. 2G.—The next
IVed Akers ia busy buzzing wood.
l.adie.-.' Aid Minfety will meet I>ee.
Mary 8aclulc-’-'n and IJIy Gearing
10. with -Mrs. Frank Smith of Maple- called at f*. E. Mallory^B Monday aft­
ton. '
Mrs. e-ii-tK i>?|Rhu« and
IVB Kulwsli Is slow!) gaining from
daufftiii-ra lii.nrude and Marlon left ber reecnt lllnesH. ,
GRAIN—TraverM City MIIItH|)
Monday for a it.rec weeka' tialt with
MKb mmore of Traverse City,
not the ripeai of the avasonsT Dt
relaUvet at Vanderbilt.
visited At Gcorgo Sachlicbcn'a ,|lun- the ptuud flowera bloaaom—tbe GoldMr*. A K Minor Jcfi. Monday
day. •
enrod. tbe Orebta. the DablU. and
apetid the winter with her danghlar
Mrs. James Smiley and Mona took Uloody Cardinal of the twamp lands?
Mints In CallfiirulB.
—D. 0. Mlirhetl___________
dinner at C. Mallory's Sonday.
Mias Marjorie Incrah^ and her
TtWBlc flay Is.aoine better bill'll
mother left Mon-tay for tiHr home In hiill confined at'the hospital at Trav­
Habeas corpus is s writ directed to
New Jeney. after rpondlug the i
is* City.
a person detaining another an.i com­
me^on hor fam hen-.
Adeline Mallory and Robert Sach manding htm to produce th.' body of
Tbe (irangors and ih-lr families tleben attended Uic play ’ 'Teni|>est the priaoner to do. aubmlt to and re­
will mjoy a iirogram and feast at and Sunahlne" at the QranA Wodoes- ceive whataoerer the court or judge
their hall at Old Mission Thanksgiv­ day evening.
Issuing the writ shall decree. It Is
applicable in all rases In which a pering day.
Orren Day has gone to Kalkaska
non In custody claims to be Illegally
Charlea Kroupa of nowera Harbor. bnalneaa.
deuined of wrongfully refused ball.
»hr. is glck wrlth typhr.hl fever w-aa
Mr. and Mrs. James Srelley made
Buckwheat, per 100 lbs. to|l.60
moved to.tbe new hospiul at Trav­
trip to Traverae City Saturdaj^
■fto another.
ers* City iMt Tuesday.
Mrs. Mallory left ' Turaday f<
Nellie Kroapa spent a few daya last lAidlngtoa to make an extended visit
Hew Lock.
w-ek with frlendi In Traverae City. .Kith friet)dB and rcUtivea.
Tiro tramps, arrested for vagraney.
Walter Elman of tefk, Haplds.
Pr«d^bertfM>i> and wife visUM at
S« free by Q. Porter, a constable.
vUlUag rriaUvea-and friends for a H. SaebUeben's one day last week. ' -*«»n8o tbe lock on the town jaU had
few d^ya.

1 Jlly Oearlag of Alma, is home -on become m rusty that he couldn't open
Some of theae floe da>-s Porter
Wm. prau of. Old Miialoti. will ontwo week*’ vacation.
srlU have a tpurder caae. then tbe town
_Jertain ibo Uarataall famlllet and Mr.
The Hillside Grove oorreapondenre will be compelled to buy a brand new
Md Mra. Loren Caalar\ '
pubiiahod Nov. SO, waa sent la by
Bg— tUM ..„...„....|XHud n

ffhe Markets






Michigan Pouto Graders* i
Waa Organized Here Last‘d
Decoration Day.


Gi-.»rg<- AA'. AA'clsti, puhltsher of lL<Fruit tu-lt, a farm pai>or Issued in
Grand Rapids lak.-.-. excopUqu to a
statement In the Record-Eagle sonu
lime ago to the effcel that there I:;
potato assnriutlon with . headepjar
rs In Traverse City that U w state
wide organization.' It was r'BupiKtfel
that tUe nx-ellng that was held In
<irand Rai'ids on Novemher Is, wa.~
tills orgunUallou. but it afterward
proved that U wa.-. an eQtlr<-ly diffe:
prujer for the benefit of th.
Grand Rapids territory and bad o.>
connection with the Mlcliigan FoUKi
Graders’ association that was organ
Ized in Travorse Clt> on May nci,
by growers and hu.'crs from tlx- ler-'
ritory from Grand Rapids north.' Ai
:hls meeting wlili'h was held on IK-.'- \
rallim Ikiy there were sixty-four p.present, several of tlx-i-i
P.'liig fiom firandRapids and tlxtowns in AA'estern Mlrhigan. S. I<
l.<irdk- of Traverse City Is se<-retary
ilzatlon. the object
whii-li Is to secure a more .uniform
syst.iii of grading tubers, to sect
1-etlcr B'-ed of unlforin ipialilv and
a campaign of cduraliun that
of bem-rU
the bviyer.
The Idea of a iKilaIn organization
la original In Traverse City, and the
Grand Rapids orgaulzatlon Is merely
copy of tlie parem association.
Service is Espeelslly Liked by Busi­
Is to be regretted that the second
ness Firms Beesuse of
sociatloD wu.< (ormed to <-omi>ete wUb
Quick DcUvery.
In the field, hut as there
isons tor the activity shown
Till- Inofeaiw' in |>arcol
at the other end of the Hue w-birh l<oKt K<-rviee lx Indlosted aomew hat
will come out In the couibe of time li.v tiH- prti|>ortionsie iD<-rva»o to the
evident that no permanent harm sale of llviM-eiit stamps, which are
come to the region. This la only usml largcD in mailing |«rkages to
le of tthe. numerous Instances that tlio firat anci second zones. Tbe local
>u{d be mentioned where the south­ ■>osto(rti-e (now . avrragoa belter than
ern end of AA’estefs Mrrhlgaa has fol­ a l.r-oo imintbl)- >alo of etaw|is of this
lowed the lead of Grand Traverser
along the line of development work.
e c<i|>eriaUy
The service is I
The Idras however have been orig­ valuable to manuftciurinff and wboi^
inated and put Into effect here first sale firms, wlfo can send their prod­
by the ones who are working for the ucts cheaper and more conveniently
Interests of (be agriniltural iodus- b»- that method than by exprees. Parirj'.
matter is delivered to any
luirl of a «It.v. or to rural rouie*. at no
cost. Exiircss deliver}- Is con­
fined to a certain downtown zone, and
when express packages are aent to
]>crBons residing In the countr>- the?
call at the office to secure them.
(By United Press.)
As an llluRU-atloD of the economy and
New York, Dec. 1.—In an extra edi­ convenience of the parcel post method
tion the New York Evening world to­ a local firm the other day sent some
day published a diapaicb from Mexico Iron fllUngs from here to Central
City sajlng timt Huerta la reported lAke. From the Central Lolie office It
as having left .Ih^ capital secretly was delivered aix miles out Into the
yeaicrday for-VerffXnu. There la no country, and the total coat ot driiveleven cents.confirmation.

An Idaal -Ohriatmas Preaent. aorakthvnfr*tot- will
leesen the wife'* laboF apd
be aure te please. A present
that will last s life tims.
Come in snd let us show
you the best constructed
range made.



WUI pay 40c fordder
windfalls SOe.


paring stock 70c. Bolli
phones—atz. $08, Bell
67. Canning Co.
oct 28-tif

z-fJjj-,, Vnityd Pre«i.)
Shclbj-vniu. Ind.. Dec. I.—Th elury
to try Dr. William Craig, charged
with the murder ol Dr. Helene Knabo,
was fompleted tlil^ morning. All are
farmers except one. E. P. Hjman, tbe
famous criminal lawyer, has been
hired to assist the prosecution. He

Nuf Bed.
Hettetw-lVhBt sort of ton Is New'
Yorfcr Bkeitet^-Jadge for yoorseU.
Two of tu burroughs are «aiDed atl>
er cocktails.'_Judge

For Ih&aU -ond Childm, ^ ■
Bears tbo



he the limit?" Tboy did oot employ
the tern Imlte ueuel mom. for (heir FRESH WHEY FOR YOUNG PIGS
admlredoo of youDf l>uke« .vu
boundlen. What they had Id mind Should .Be Fed i Combination With
»aa hla Uflolte capacity (or keeplns
Being Preferable
He oerer talked anleaM ho bad
Klid aheo he 1
(fly rnoK (3. r- iif»ii'nitv;y. wiaoonWn c-.iil-.=.. c.(

Agrl. uliiirr.I

The butler returned with Clacton's
•nrd and tbo
'Miss Carver's
not to. slr."
Siautoo smiled
"Very well,
Howe*." he eatd,
snlmly plcklug up
tsag.-ixluc and
setillhg buck com­
fortably. “ITl wait
until Miss Carvt-r
to In. And. by
tbo way. Howes."
be added aa tbo
bntler turned to
■■you'll favor
mo by conveying
that bit of toformallon to Miss
Ctrrer at once.'"
He fished to his
pocket and drew
a half dollar,
cb he flipped
to tho'liutlcr slth
meaning nod.
and Howe* departpd, (he ghost
of n grin showing
at tbe comers of bl
A fire burned on the bread hearth,
id as tho sUirs creaked tovieath the
portly Howes. Stanton piled on wood
nnd v.grkftd the bellows until ho bad ii
Rin.Til-tiizi-d conflagrailon roaring cheer­
fully. Hi- was Just liunglng up the bollows when the portieres were whisked
angrily aclde and Katherine Carver
stood before blm, a spot of rod burn­
ing III cither' cheek and hard Hues
(hO'Alng about ber (wetty mouib.
Hello!'’ said Stanton cbe<-rfully.
"Hack early, aroni yon? Clad 1 walt1."
"Welir sbe said sbortly, coming a
step nearer and giving an unploatant
tofli-ctlon to the word.
'■VciT well, thank yon." cald S'.
Impfiriurbabtr. "And yna*”
Mise Carver glrred ai him.
"Won't you sit down by my i.rc-?" hr
Mil on politely. "I had no end of
trouble to gtl It gotog."
"What have you come fort"
as!;ed frigidly.
Kiatiion looked tbougfatfolly Into tbo
UK- for a moment.
"i didn't come to rob the honae.'
fttld he. "nor to' eommit murder,
tbliik 1 must have enme te apologize.
"It Is too late." Mid she.
“Then ril come earlier lomrrrow.'
he rctorned. "May I usk what lhn<
tbe receipt of a|K>lorl«s ceases?"
"Il ceased' last evening at ten—«nd
ceasid forever." raid -Miss Carver.
••Oh. I say!" Stanton *i>r9test«>d.
“really, that's
"Ifa quite as fair as your n^arka
' last evening.'' she replied.
••Hpn<*^:iy. l*m l•.•»rr^." tuld Stanton.
"1 was br.side myself."
"So It would sectn," eho obaerved
"And when 1 call^ yon n heartless
IHrt and Iti- rest of it, 1 was Irrespon­
sible." Mi J be. "I take It all back oxeept—•• lie paused. ,
"Except «hnt?" she asked
"Well. Ill take It all back-no ex
cepitons. If j-ou aay so." be said meck-

F\ir pig fi.-dlKg W'tioy that Is frcab
from li«- facuiry or at leaat only
sllghlly feruii-ni.-d Is coualdered
worth about oDf-halr as much aa akim
nillk. It should be fitd la coiublnatlou
with grain, rorn and barley, meal bo
Ing. preferable.
Pod In this eoreblnatlon. oiperimenta Indicate that l.OOO. pounds of
w'bey bare a feedlog value equal to
lou pojinds of corn meal. Ordinary
whey has been found -S to 3u per
o-lil. more valuablu than whey'wblch
baa iK-i-ii separa
buitrr rm. One to two iwunds of
corn meal, however, ndd'-d io lf*0
pounds of a«i>aroto.l wln-y will comtH-naat.' fur tbo fat (bat bos tw-en
Uken out As It la dvuittfnl If sour
or stale lit to food any ant:
tnal. pains sbuuld be taken as* far as
possible to fvcd wbey In swoet condi­
tion only.
It ri-qnlres moro or leas whole and
akim milk ami the uimoai care
raise ealves on wliey. Afu-r calves
have been ra1sed''tu a mouth or
(ecu of the two U almost eKxjslt* i »rlf bed to be pried und blasted loose weeks only, ten to'fuurieen pounds of
Winter pruning tends to cb. <-k the and bo clearly regarded the operation fri-vh sw«-et whey f.-d dally with t!ie
best of bay and a choice grain nils
-growth of fruit buda, and encouragi-o' vrlth disfavor,
wood growth. Inciuding the forma. I Naicrall.r ho was fascinating to ture will grow calves, hut as a general
Uon of water sprouts. On l!-r- n;h-T ' glrla. becavae he gave them »o much rale not as succeufully as aklmmod
hand aumroer pruning promotes ihr to talk and wonder about. When he milk.
formation of fruit buda. and ehecka took one of
t >em to a party abe bad
wood growth. Sometimes the:
tb«A aene.'tdons of starting t
are very marked, but usually .are not ; (rip into
test \'.
conspicuous enough u> attract alien there alw.yi was the po'SslblUtf of
tlon of tbe grower.
making A)I>-r DnV.c-s talk.
Rape Field as Pasture.
There Is-^alwnrs much more t
Nobody has d<tie It yet, but while
to tbe winter to do tbe work—an there Is life there Is Iioih-. Tho effect
Alt old nnil such young ewes ns tbe
Important coualderalica
of Albr'B sIlHiK-e wrs to make other
oral farm. The men also usuall} do people talk, anil resolve as they would oan<T dvH-s nut ,clc »lr.- to ktH-p shquid
the pruning betl.-r. and tbe brash
9 chatter and unfold (heir best hr ciilli-d out to fallc-ii n abort lime
bi'fore th:- ram la turned lii with the
cu be disposed of more easily. Tlierc . secrets to him they aiwaj s did.
Is also time to palu^ over and can-| When be began taking Ethel AwV breeding rues. Th" cull she«-r can be
for tbs wounds caused by the pran-: Ing around more than nil the' other faiK-ni-d enrll'-r In (he'season by turn
(ng them Into a rape llol.l os pasture
log Hut In early summer the wc-unds ' glrla excltrisent ran high.,
> l:t.. s|>ecial
boal better. It Is much easier to de I "Suppore." said Ethel s best friend. bm If you put
food Is required,
r*-bn-»l ficicks
aame waste growth may
• ou—I’--‘d never be able D waste the ewee are often kept until (h> v dkTli. phynoluglcal effect on the tree words enough to lead
ad up to It! of old age. as ilK-lr l»>i>ba are vrrth
Bay also be much more-saiUfartury. wbai's be gedng
A girl simply more than they are. but In a grailvd
flock H does not iiay to keep
Howi-vf-r. It Is not so muck a ques- biia to be «i'n of eourti-dl
tlOD of when to prune In most of our
**I'm not worrying." said Ethel, a&d that do not have sound tnou'hs. An
amaller orchards aa It U the one of tossed her head, "lie's jusi a good old ewe la likely to prove uuEaltsIactory.
getting It done at all. While in many friend and doesot care a bit about
In selecting raniB the aim should be
cases summer pn
advantageous, yet
Hut It vras observed that ahe to sAlecl ibow- (bat ar<- strong In the
l•ofll18 to which the ewes are weak
get tbe orchatfl owner to first
blushed wfaen she uid it
the advantage of pruning even durPerhaps Ethel herself wondered.M
9 Idle winter period, b<-(ure be | had her best friend. She and Alter
got along famously tngi-iher bedkusa
she cooli] talk sir milcE an hour and
■he always took such a vivid Interest
life that sbe had plenty to-way. Not
that AUer malnuin<-d a sphiaxllke al­
ienee-—when she considered the mat­
ter It seemed that he always said
thiftgs to. the point. 8tllLasberb(«
Lovmst Llmba.
friend had pointed out a girl simply
has to be courted.
And the young man had waMcd no
Prixe-WInnIng Dorset.
time In pretty speeche*.
Hefore she realltod it Ethel Awling Kor Instance, cui-a that have an <»pen
-=Oh. ILdoern-t matter." she mused
coat and an- narrow breabted should Indifferently.
be br«-0 to rams iliat ar.- Mtrong on
really I
'No. I suppose not." be said. "Rtlll,
providw a device for picking fruit
those points. Ity this nu-iluKl a very
rr.-itly wiry. Wou't you sit down
uniform ll«K-k can be cstabllshc.l In 1 by tiK
lie fln- and henr my side Of Itr
mui A ob» U U, provu.
a very few >c-ar». It Is a good Idea
Has Oarver hesitated.
. Antb. b, .b»b. ol -btuh trat, >u .
.j,, ....
turn (he ram with the ewi-s In the
"Wont yon?" he pleaded.
I hoping that he did.
evening after he has been fed and
She came to the tire and look tt
■ Several others had told BtWsl that
chair be had drawn up for her.
they fared for her. and as she ro- being fed. A ram should l»- well fed.
"I*it»ceed." she said, still practlclDg
vlew-ed the manner In which they had Kran. oats, roots of v<-geinbl<-n, make an economy of words
' done ao none of the mAthods em­ a good ration, with ctuver aa rough•'KalberlDe." he said rlowly. “yon
ployed appealed to her as at all at­
know bow devout a uorahtper Tvo
tractive. To b© euro, they had been
iKH-n; ywi know ho-.-' pall, ntly I've
I graceful enough, clever enough, artl*waited and what—er—what -i
I tic enough, aud yet she had sent tbe HORSE IS A POOR REASONER Bgement you've, given
; young men all,away. How. she pain­
lerday when I heard of your engagefully wondered, could- silent Aller with the Eseeptlon of Sheep He ill m. nt to Cawtborae—"
the Weakest Mentally ot All
Dukes tell her of bis admlraHoa. sup­
"To whomT' she gasped, suddenly
__ Our Oemeatlc Animala
posing he should want to. so that It
would Impress her? Sbe disliked
■To Ctwthorae." be repeated,
The horse la a very poor rensoner.
very much tbe Idea of not being ImMentally It is the weakcat of all our heard It at the clnb."
Mlss Carver suddenly
■niy burst
domeatlc animals except the sheep.
Therefore, says a writer In I) toughing, Sbe covered b< face with
cneslderahly In loro with the silent
■mif hands
hand and went Into coovutolons
Eleld and I'arm, when once taugM
Frwlt Piekar.
of mcrrimqnt. Siaoton eUrod helptrick or allowed to do a certainja
^ To her self sbe Insisted that Jhe not want<-d It Is with deep dlflldjl
tba higbwt part of thb trep say bo
Aa not caro a bIL
T wish t might see It In that bothat (be horse can nnloaro onwccou:
plefcad aa well as on the lowest A
Most unexpectedly ohe evening. Just of mental weaJenewa.
Boroua vein." bo said gtoemlly.
farther object of the Inventor Is to
"Do you mean to tell me that tbo
A horse kicks his master to death
provide a device which can be tnaouaunouncemeot
of Mr. Cawihorne's onwhen turned upside down with foot
tacured cheaply for acsmpllahlng the
In stirrup, because In that pcwltlon gagement was reeponaible for your
ahovwnamed resnita.
the rest ofvhe conventional se*- the horse, does not know what his outburat last night r she asked be­
master Is, and enffert from Imaginary tween hysteric gigglea
Plan far Flower Bada.
“Yes," be aald. "I was angry then;
While tbe flower beds and bor^ toward Ethel a moment and thro fear. lie kicks the shafts of a buggy
t>-"' Ms legs are broken because he but today I’ve cone to offer apologies
aro In full leaf and flower Is the dne said; *7VI11 yon marry me, Ethel?”
Il look ■him exactly from tho thini does not know (hat (he shafts
and to add my congratulatlona. Ha
to make plans for neit aeasogfa gar­
den HUnnlng now at tbe end of tbe to the fifth step to say It. And Ethel, harmless and that h>- bImMlf Is doing has a -mlut of money. I hear."
after an Instant, heard betwelf aaying ■ he damage. Ijp runs away la tha
“Oh." she gasped, eoeratoed to
•eaaoB while the mistakes of color.
calmly from (he sixth step to the saddle or In the barneu becauso be Isnghter again. "It's too funny! Mr.
oIm and nature of plaou are before
your actual eyes, not Ue mind's eya seventh: “Yas. AUer." And then has not sense etinugb to know better. Cswthorne to engaged to Miss Cynthls
they w
.Cyntbls. Ifs the cnlWe
Place your plana on paper and order
elclQK-d to bp a horseman, say not mlnstloD of s romance that began be
for fall or tpriog delivery such deeds walk.
tore I was born."
long ago that a certain horse had
aad plaoU aa yon have decided upon.
said Stanton Mftly, bat
more smim than tbe average boy. We
fnnny way yon proposed to me!"
saw (he same horse ahortly aftee to tones of toflnlto relief.
Continue Inaaet War.
Ho picked up Ms hat and coat' At
Aller looked svrprlied. 1 dont wards nearly tare a buggy over tryEaep up tbe warfare ogalDSt the In(be
see why.” he aald. *i wanted to know tog t.
to get nwny from a piece of paper
■acts tor while the tall Inaaet does not
"Not going?" she asked.
■Otnetbing and what was there to do flntte
tteriag acrosa tbe road.
do so much damage In the (dli. it toys
"Ye*. I'm going to tbe club to suhot ask yen what 1
eggs which hatob In the spring. Again. knowT*
Bounee your engagement to me," he
If (he rose, tor Inauneo. U baraased
. Hogs Need Sunshina.
aald with an air of floallty.
by Insects now It will not make proper
The hog needs sunshine but there U
“I bavenl given my cotwat," ah*
growth and ripen (or next year’a
a limit to such a good thing. M’hen aald with reddened faoa.
blooming. Atoo wood formed Is Sep­
hogs have the chance to choose be­
Stanton ob'jekled.
Leet Ootr Ball.
tember that U wefl noarisbed will give
tween rhade and auiuhtoe you can
"^elL to respouse to your urgent
■ToiBBir went home one day with g
aplMdld rwMits next pear.
-rely on tfadr good Judgment.
toritatlon. I'm coming back to dine
alee new golf HaU.
wlib tbe family, and 1-U got It then."
*Xook at (be lost ball 1 fond m tba
Ost Trw Traa to Name.
aaUba. links, father." he aatd.
"Bat are you anre. Tommy," aald Kf.
Natural Gaa
Traddlea. 'that It was a lost baUr
Waft VlrglnU was tbe greatest pro-Oh, yea." aald the boy.. "I aaw tbe
dneer of nstural gas to 19K and Paa»
man and his caddy looking tor It"—
aytvaala ibe largaat-oongiiBsr.
London Optoton.

I found phlloKoph}- In hla mribod. but
Papular Subject for Individual Die- the avemae man has not the ein-nsth
a aa Practically Every Month
of mind to follow It out—be keeps up
a eonveraatJoaa] twitter becauro bo
hae a horror of alienee. It gvia on
The best time to'prune treat baa ai- bia oervea. All<-r Ihikua did not seem
waya been a popolar eubleet (or la- to posaeaa any orrk-M. At any rata,
Slrldual dlaputa. Practically every he did not nuUei^an eyetaah at arhola
'■wstb 4n-tbi- year has its advocates. Bireaka of aiillneu. The odd part
ThU (act Indlcaiea that there may bo ht It was that thla habit did not seem
someytru^ In tbo old looso-Juinted to shut him off brblod any remote
rale tfiXTibe time to prune la when; barrier—be bad the faculty of maklnc
the aaw It sharp. At any n|e. we bilnBcIf more Intimately one ct (hn
Bay tsfer that under certain ccndl-1 party by juat ilateoliic ibao did the
Uona. prvntniE may bo s3(<-ly done a( j oibere by reams of «abbIo.
. any il
tlma of the year. Howev. r. It* la
He never by any chanco soaalpod
- (he >
heatt aalvaya, even In (he
home orchard, to have
perloda duhat the year In which to they Urink'the public U (everithly Insrane: once daring the dormant sea- tareatad la iheir trips to Europe, pro­
eon. from .Vovember to April, and jected or paai. their new clothes at
ooee In tbe bi-lKhi of tbe growing tbo tailors or drcaaiuaker'a. tbolr
oaaaon. along in June.
rervants' Fb»ricomlng& nud tbo money
Uoth winter and summer pruning they are making.
have Ibelr advocttl's. but the ubjee:
Allcr Dukes aeemed wrappol In Im-



Drearily tbo houra passed, and (ho
noise of tbo storm was only broken
by tho oscaslooal
howls of preda­
Modem Wlr* Fencing. Which Has tory beasts.
Nest Appesrsnee, Will Keep All
State and Federal Governments Sbeuld
It was after
Fowls Out of the Gardens.
Work Together for Highway Im­
midnight when
provement, Says Mr. Houston. '
The old method of free range ne***! 'i,part tbe door
not nw-sswlly bo changed. The'
Secretary Houston of the dcpaflfowls should not, howev.r. L--allo»ed
ment of agriculture Kays that the stato
will wHhln tho itarden
and federal govi-ri.mcnts ehould w'ork
fallen against IL
In and ;il.-)-it the farm bultdlngs. Opening It quick­
logethi-r for highway Iniprovcircnt, In
Nothing >11 nun- aggravating or dis- ly ohe found her
order that a tore- pn>porUon ol the
pirtiue than to have the nice, veget- son John upon his
money annually ip. nt for road con­
a’.-K-B or bcantlful flowers tcretr'ied knees,
struction may not U- wasted.
up. and tbe doorati-psT the porch, tbe for tho latch; and
In bis owu dcpann)i-i.t. the office of
bam floor and the farm machines in hU arms, half
public roads has b.»u demonsiraUng
fouled »ilh poultry dropidngs- Sep- held am!
the value of proper road building by
aratp the poultiy also from tbo other dragged, was (he
tbe coDStnictlon of certain object-les­
live rtock pf tbo farm.
son roAds. and the forest service II
form of a young
If tbe fowls ore to bo kept near the Indian girl.
carrying out bU Idea of national and
farm buildings, provide ample range
state cooperation to road bulldlngDy a strong ef­
InrloEOd by moCtm poultry wire (cnc- fort bo staggered
The tow roqulrn that ton per cent, ot
lag. Tbe totter requires ordinarily to bis f<i'i and
the gross receipts from the nnUonal
but a few post*. Is <-;i»lly put up and drew the girl Into
forests shall bo^pent In the Mates In
has a tery m-n: tuii-.uranee when to the middle of the
which the foresu are sIluaK-d. This
money Is cxpt'hded for road improveroom.
Then • bo
Another way of separating tbe sank utterly ex­
^cDt. under dlrod control of the sem
f'-uls from the center of (arm opera­ hausted upon U>«
retary of agriculture.
tions is to place (hn iK-abunscs at a floot.
Tbe amouiyt appropriated under this
considerable dtoiaiice from tbe farm"I'll—be all right In a minute, moth­ an. based on the receipts of i(ie nssiead. to a pasture wh'-re Ihe fowia er," he ga.Rped. -J'm—tired out. that's (loiiaJ forests for the tUcsJ year ending
111 have ch.Roluto ran;;'' Tlie Inttc-r an. It awful. I—oover expected June 30. 4913. to t33t.63h.W. From
scaie extra travi-I by
plao may email scai-.
* home—i
tho 1912 recc:.>u for this ten |wr cent,
H. p».l.on«,n
I. Ih. M.k |
road Hem. there to an additional |13tr
of .lofir. dot.on, by |
a».y. -l>ook kft-r th. S31.10 which to stm BvalUble.
to,,-,. b;.k, or 0,1,or .110 k.lil.i.1. .
, ,
In .’tilmlnlstering the ten per cent.
or by .bio,™. Tbo, nrook 11;
,, , „ooO
road fund, forest offlc«rB charged with
(rail. She was lost, and had fallen la tho actual plans and expenditures,to
tbe neighborhood of their forests have,
while tbo housewife will prob^ly
"wniy didn't yon leave herr piped to almost all casea. secifred'an e<{nal
prefer the H-ocod inclosurc0 ncar^ho a' ahrill voice from overl^A John or a larger oo-operatlve fund from
authorities for the building of
looked up quickly. HU mUe aUter
ThtVi'i>. tbe farmer la too careless Peggy's eyes were staring at him j certain piece* of roaA
In tho way ho disposes of his poultry through the trap door.
j With the money thus expended.
proiMcti:. Ho la usually content to
Peggy." he mapy^Jmportont rosds are being built
•'Oh. I couldn't do that................
trade his eggs at the nesri-st grocery said, rebuktogly. T never thought of Or put to repair. One on tbe
the WyontU'
rtoro when by a little extra effpri he such s thing."
iiig national forest, six miles long.
.-oujd giilu a dcU'Ct private trade
•Td 'a' left her."‘declared the child, tiuik<-s accessible to Otraer* a large
wliF-h would ]>ay far better. Hto sioiuly. ''Injuns killed Uncle Tom and body of Umber and o|>enB up a region
pur l>r<-d stock of oto- breed Of fowls stole our doggib. I wouldn't have !of preat scenic beanty. in horthwest1:: iiieir Well-kept house aud caiacious uothlng to do with 'em."
j era Arisona. part of the fund will be
ernittr yards will bo a great advorHnldocre had been cbaflng tha] used to connection with the LeFevreUsr;neii( for hto egg products, and
j Iiright
oa;i<irin clean appt-arance of the eggs
0 to tourists tho
In their attractlrc iiackago will prove John's Inquiring look. T*Il glvo her - Oraud Canyon ot Ihe Colorado. In one
an additional help In making sales.
something hot .to drink, and then pul place, tbe ocean to ocean highway
Ttien, too, i:i disposing of his fowls her to bed- I think ahull be all right croisu the Apache naUonal forest,
II: - lur.-ner ofteu s.elto the birds alive tn a few- days."
' Arixona. and on this pypject the forest
■ itei. by carefully dressing them -on


ladder he found the, Indian girl sit- the Klcrlda national forest to weatern
^ng tbe Florida-,
ting by the fire. Instead of being
Horlda-, steel
st.-cl bridges anr
anff graded n
dark, angular (eatered Indian girl he hay... under the stlmalus of this ti
PLAN FOR SCRATCHING SHED expect!;cd, sbe was (air and bcautlfuL Uken tbe place of terdnroy.. bog and
<Hh blue ey ct..and golden hair.
i sand.
'Me walling to eec jAa?" sbe sald.1 This federal road Timd Is nowATalllllustratlen Given .of House fsF th/
^vely. "Want to t*^c yon for last able to all nattonsl forest states of thg
Benefit of Small Poultrymsn Wher*'
Back Yard Is Used.
\ night. Not many do\Hke you. only; west. Just as fast as returns come In.
crest wserior*. Me wichlia, from big the forosiry oflictola eay. a similar
To give the smn!! poultry-man (the |river country. Panther.Leap my fa- ^ (and will become available in states In
back yard man <»ip''ctolly| an Idea of ' ther."
wbnt is meant by using

- -. .

.......V - ,

.. .

—- - - - -


priiii.-d. Tbe piclufe to taken of a toy- she said, coldly. "Hale paleface. Me.
Ing house used by D. C. IL Hoff at : Wcehlu. only daughter.
Neshantlc. N. J.
,k kko ™
Such a design might be used by a
Mrs. Holdness' beslutlon '
man whose piece of ground fact-d tho
Isdlaa?'' she eald.!
r "You are not an
..nUk. -' rar .kin In wblira "“n

"■'•'m-oS- ...

_____ __

qnetUons the statement that
n,„ , j,,,

nranniki ’ "Kv'SttlSS.'.X'rS
klkb.., Imp™™...,.


' Pl,an -fer a Scratching Shed.
pk-co of cblckcD ground was lOxlii,
and the lO-fooi sides faced north and
If bis coop proper was ten
wide by eight feet deep he would
have a 19x10 scratching pen. These
figure* .tre of course taken bapbaiand the Idea would bsvo to co»
form with tbe ground.


'’1”° H°fa’

rb.;Tx" '““,'!-7n;L;r.sssrr^"" rs

soothingly. "Ton muetnt think ol
leaving hero for a w-cek or two. You
won't bo able: And you ain't to biama
for what your father does."
"Whsl you do w:hrn mo gel well?"
"ttty, send yo/ home, of course.’
todlgnanlly. "You don't suppose we'd
harm yon on account ot somebody
Oise, do you?"
"Me not know." she said, simply
"Me never soo much of paleface."
Three weeks later Wacblu suddenly
announced ber IntcsUon ot returning
"Thep I shall go with yon." declared
J<'ho.,/’"You are not
>t strong enough to
go akrae."
"No. nO." sbe remonetiated. hastily:

take advantage of fluctnatlons In buy- '
tog and selling, ss well as enhancing
the value of real estate. It to esUmated that tin average annual loos
from poor roads Is J6 cenu ao sere,
while the eslimsted average Increase
resulUng from Imprortsg sll the public
roads to 99.
The losses to five ycMs would ag­
gregate 92,432 for every secUoo of
land, or more than enough to Improve
two miles of public highway. Tbe ne­
cessity of good road* Is obvious, ss It
would enhance the value of each aectloa of land about 93.160. or more than
double (he e*timated cost of two mllee
of Improved highway, which oonsUtulos tbe QBota for 640 acre* of land.


fst»», me IndUn. We two hate each
othsr. IlghL burn. kill, destroy,
good together."
-All talk. JWachUs," be declared.
"Yeu're not ao Infflan^-ahd If you
were It wouldn't matter; I should come
(or you Just the soma I'm wnilog (or
.von to go and see Panther Leap, (or
he's been 'good to yon; but within a
mpn<L I shall come and ask blm to let
me ■OSTT7 yon. If be sUempts to
kill be. all right, 1 shall try to de­
fend myself; but 1 will eome Just tbe
samri 1 don't believe you hsl«—"
Dot Waebiu bad darted away with,
an l<nperions motion tor blm to stay
Ten days later be was trailing a
bear throng a thick nnderbrasb when
be heard a sudden rustle at hla side,
and turned to see Wacblto.
*Me come back to be yonr agnaw,
Dneka are pigs for food, and gobble
"Me flgkt bard, but
down pretty nearty, evarythtog that *» »«- Wb«>
me tell Pancomes to their way.
mad: bnl ho
• • •
j been good to me all the time, be good
Peklna do not need water for swtn- *«»• Two days mad. then be say H
mtog. but they must have plenty of
Spirit, and be not war
abeototoiy clean drinking water.
paleface any more."


oountry «>»»»
Ibe pi^ucUM ot infertile
|'^ «»>•



.s-imiBWjj f,


(meet ot Agriculture Issues BuiI on Advantagts Obtained tn
lie Mstsrial.
Using This
The Unlt.-d SUles
rles a ceniributlOB from the office
tbe pablic ruads sod vlirifled brack ss
a paving matiTisI for oonntry roads.
Rrick rosds bare four distinct advantages: Durability, easy trerth
cose of malDtenance, and good appearabbs Tbe high first coM 1s a disad­
vantage The materials used end (he
process of manufacture ore desci
SB will ss metbods of testing tbe
bricks. The eonstnictlon of brick
roads to et forth to detail and tbe
various steps to the proosas are UlustratCL
Especial aueotton U di­
rected to (be Iraportonoe «t proper en-^
An appendix gives the method (or
Inspecting and tsatlag paving brich
scommended by the American So­
ciety (or Testing Materials.
Bring bUrt(*t Hdmai.
>od roads not only hrlgg tbe mftv
Desrer'*to yoa. but they improve
the eoclol condiUon of your commun­
ity becano* tbsy bjnd aalghbort aad
trieiyls more closely.



Largest and Best Premium Department to Northern Michioan

Wc’pc Ready with Complete Stocks
For a Busy December Business
Do Youp Ctirlstmas Shopping iElarly

The needed thlnos, the goeds yon*ve been llgiuing On lor yonr winter oatlllttag, and the
' Christmas merchandise are all here, moderately priced and ready lor yonr choosing.
^'lrM on Xearty ^^or>• Ubi Arc

A Complete Stock—Now at Its Very Best.

Silks&Dress Goods

Xo* » the time to .elect them.
ThoilMndt of them here, daintier.
l>retUer knd more rcaBonably priced
we've ever teen .them before,
Worntm's Pine InllUl Handkerchief.

Plain and Fcncy Weaves. Eight as'to style and
quality, and priced to please you.
-Extra—All Wool Serges.

3 for 35c

Women'* Pine SwIm, oho ramer em­
broidered hsokerchivN. Three rilf-.
ferem palteruh lit m f-_

hotly hov ..............i lOT WC

Pine SwlsB
embmlclered eiyl.-B. one-half dorc
In fancy burnt

iiliiiiii‘ii<li'il I'l-r
Mack. V-ir.l

n.'iif. Slmwii in .-.lUrs .in.I
. .....................................................49c

V.iu ll-l.u. our lilankHB for .Hie
I'luih tiiiiii-H viililcB Hint arc In Ihi-iii.
AVii. null, romliin. Biie an.l <1110111',
an.l 1.0 .if ail -monej BiitlnK |,rlr.-».
!><ui!,|,. Ilcl Itlaiikets- Cor.! wi-laht
Kvira Inrcc
Worth i-\erj- rent
[.arecat and beet fl.-rc.-d
Ii1;ilill.-I p\.-r n>.l.l for Hie
price, at pair ..................


New Novelty Plaids. V.-rv -i|.vli..h r..r ..kirtv
u.-iclit,.Vt. yanl .;............................................ 69c
27-inch Costume Corduroys,' in ail tin- uani.-.l
shailcs, }''<|ii.-il 111 aiiv 7*>c c•l|'l[||^•■v slmun
..................... ............................ .................S9c

6 tor 75e

36-mcb Block Hessaline Silk.
vatu.-. Uicfi.
Iiistri'iis lilack. -ynnl............................................. /; .98c

Linen and Sw)«« Handerker.-hlefB —
Dainty enit.rotdered etyie. In :i
varied and attrartlve .howinc. cm li
10c. l5c. 2SC. SOc and »8e. .

Plain and Brocade Crepes. Ihiim.v .vcninir
-ha.lev. Ill |ilaiii chirs ami l.ri.i-ailc-. Vi r\iiiiich ill il.-iiiaiul.Var.l. -Vtc and............................. 69c

We Are Ready to Fit You in
New Shoes for Xmas Season
And You'll Save Money on Ev»y Pdlr ^
Shoes Yon Bny at This Store.
Especially attractive are our new displays of gift
footwear Tor man. woman and child. Here are all
the novelties of the season, as well as the good, sta­
ple. dependable shoes for ordinary wear.

Cnl W.-DCcr. laBi nt-asoo nianagt-r <if
Jim Traverse City K-alii. iwitp HklltHir to prews a vlalm uRuiuitt TraM-m.It I’r.-. Idftil |)k-k.-rnou iiiuu
STATE LEAGUE FOUGHT OUT lS-'iic.‘d t.. rbrsi tiin, off Hi.- Inill ot
iber scandal hi acklug him to lirliis
Hu- matter to his iitlcntion llirouEli .-tie'
other channel.
.otiii.romi*.- on the salary llmli
Traveroe City and Manistee Ignored
question uae linallv eff.H-led. Ih.- Ili-' qy Preeident Oickervon Of-jtg
ur«. iH-InK .set at
jkt iiioiiHi, an
Long Btorn^ SeMien.
tnrrea-'p om r la-t .v.-ar of JIImi. tl:.By tioHfsins Traverse City offl.h.U iiiatcoiilents of Hu- iiieeliio; votlt.s
yeaierday that iLelr club was tinder with till- dominant (a. iion in thU .*i







■Ml W.u.l Itlnnk.-iB-All fine wool,
uiir|. ami flllini;
t'lUiipaT.- Hiix
I.biiikci wlili an> Sri.<Si wool btaiik.-l
and von'l) rlinl t( <->iuil
H.-Ulii an.l <|iiu;i<> 'inir
Prl.a-. I’a!r ......................


The Fur stock is most complete Fur Sets.
Muffs and Scarfs.
You can’t select a more useful, a more accept­
able Christmasjjift than u> choose from our magnif­
icent showing of moderately priced Furs.
Don t miss seeing Ladies' Fur Sets, specially
priced at tX98, 5.»S. 8.46. 9.95 and np to »«S.
Slyllsh Coats and Salts lor Christinas
What can yon pel for your wife, sister or daughter that would be more nppreciaied?
All Coats nnd .Suits especially priced for
Christmas business.

Extra Heavy Wool Sox, all col
ors. 48c nnd S4ie
See onr Hand-knit Sock at
48e. It's a Winner.

wspenslun. thereby pranlt-ally elliulnailDK them from active |i«nlut|«liaD
in Uie meeiinc. sod -by cajollnc i’re«iudeni J. 0. Smith uf the laudlnnon club
Into thronini: down his t<>«n»nieii and
KOpportlDE the jireseot eiecutlte.
Ib-ealdent E. VV. Dickerson r.-tained
hla rlishl to lead the Ml>hiKan State
-league in H*ll. Alanlaieo an.l Traver»e City »«-re aolld a»alB*l him. l.urtlaetoD pfomit>« to *uii|mri Warren
Cartier, a Ijidinitton man, for Oie
pretiidetiey. but at the last moment refiix-d to make good. Tbe flKhi U
1.1 by any mnana eAded, however, and
III. re are some Huba Included In the
b-aiiue roAer who will refuKs to play
i-all anql^er year under the preaeni
Th.- meetlnj; ■Uriel In a turmoil,
am: »ith a portent of trouble,
rhonl) l«-fore It wai ealle.1 to order
the leauu.- heed bltnded iTctldeiil
.I’arr of Traverse City a noitneatton
tiuii Mb learn alood sospcDded by the
u.';o:ial aasociaUen until payment of
a fib. ul tinu for violation of the rali.r - rule of tbe lesifue.
- Ib'-iil.-nt I*arr intimated that the
haitu.- «xecutlr« bad acted In had
faith by wiUihol<llnR this knewledce
uoill tliik lime. Tbe case on which It
■a- ba>. : nar. that of Flajer IllDea.
who broiigi.i the matter of the cotleetloD of home .iyle money" to the no­
tice of lb. •..liimiulou and tcalDed bU
Tbese |.r< litiiinuriea over. President
l*arr of Tm«. n.- City loat no time In
frritallnK H..> «ore aiKit of the aaMOibtace by a the'vioUtion
of the aalary limit Hu hptfily admit­
ted that llaj.-rt of his clty'a team
Were |«ld more than tUtdr contrarii
called for. and ataiud h/v boaeat con­
viction that not tine team in the
te^e was RuilHesi. n, tl.ii i*nlcol*r.
He denominated the rai-itiK of 'ralde
money- aa crooked l.aselall imacUce.
and aaid they veren'i
to pull
that kind of stuff In bUi town any

■| hiB In ilie riiire If you need

Big Variety of
Men's ahd Boy's Caps
for winter wear. All styles
and prices.

ilarl/nRton. .-issk-t.-d by MUs llrarlliK
ton on tiu- i-iauii. T.;ytiR u iiuu.b.-r.of s.I.'itioiis. These yoiitih i^-opl..U?ail> the .-vent ol Hu-.-'y.-uliu- Th- p
*..h t s,bl.jl;.l-d ami tl..-y uei.- l..-t •
busy re.sim’


'liiriuii. tbi- unl,« iirtj^is-ei. wbl- li lli.II. A; I. M.-ro bad fill a bask-lt-ull
Ranit- tills wtH'k, lias ls--'ii iiiiable iii a Kanie. with the r.-siilt ih.ii
tin- ii-vt llid.Nir uliruelhili In is- l-r.seiii.'d li.-ri' will lunie Thurs<1a>. 11, wlib til.- \lii>k.ui,ii Ni.i
mall- TIk- Normal Uie l.s rank--1
luioiii; Hie sttyiiiRcM of Ib.- sial., an.,
W-I.eli they i-nm,- b.-rt- th.- for......
.\.-.vlii..iiis Will KC^ Imo their llrel -lan
Ri-rous Kame. With nearly two w«-. l,»
alu-ad in which to ii.-rie.! their lean,
wi-rk, however, there is liille doubt
^ui that they will |.e aide to show the
old time form which wnii'for Iheiu Ih. of U-liiK the »iroiiR.-i.i aRuriwta
tinu in uoriheni Mlchinaii. KIk Hajv
Ids. ill., team which was defewled her.last \y.-.k,,ls the only name on Hi.list not nquri-d lo Hie chaniplonshiiSuHons Ikiy H S. :c; Coioavca ninnlni: and Irom now nu local t;iii'
limial Keliane.. . lub. n:
That was the score at the i-nd of
a fast came played betwm-n ib.-
t'onpri-catln^ club and Hi.- wllaKc
Cate, on Buying a Farm.
five at SultoBB Bay. l>|.i;,y niul.t
When you have di-rlded to buy a
When time was eull.-d tb.- Tray-r; - farm, lx- careful not to buy raably;
men nere Rolnp In pr.-at fonn. out do not spare your vlslci. and bo not
playinf; th,- t-iilaRers In every phaM- content wUh a ainglo tour of inapeeof Hie same, and n«-. inters predict Hoa.'n^mc'heed to the ai-ts-aiwncv ur
t-d that with another five minutes of thf D.-lghborbood; jt flourishing
W should sbow.tta.proaperily.I'laV the finaF tally yvonlil have h.-en

i:xeciiti\e - Howard lluittihiR.
tliLr Koosl. Anil. Kros. h
ItecepHoii Willlum Aiimld, (TiarhMarkbatii, IVn:ie ll.-witl. .Motu1Ti.-M
,Program- Ib-l! lbiy;i.Kt. M-riiM r.-i
l.ins. .trtliiir it.Ku-i. lU.uaid liuiiriiiR.
K.lwurd Marlin.
llamiiK-i —Kdward Martin
lh1tmire-i>ell Hracs.. hhl«ard Mar­
tin. Hnwar.l RunniuR.

sunois B«r five
Pc re Marquette Trainmen and Engineera Were Hoatt to Other
Asads' Employes.


The banquet giten by’ the I't-re Marqui-iie iiulnmeo and .-nftineniun Suij.
.laMilcht was a fen l-leatiaiit and
sucee-Mul ef.-iil. Umi: to be r.-im-mIm-dsI by iliosi- uliu verr al.le to at­
tend. -wMrh lii.-Iu.led all Hie railroad
men lli^he . liy and th.-ir families
I'over* X«. re laid lor :'<h. and Hie r.p.fsl ^y-il was a i-rcrlll to the ladles
u lu>/f^pSri d and the .-ominllieo that
arranged the spread The addrevs of In favor of the ConCTeRatlonallsi
Hewitt led in the enimting for the
Uuleotne wa- eif-ti l.y Knclneer F. f
lli-amlsb. who also Inin.-luei-l James lleliane.. fiv.-. with l‘i ivlnls. Watson
Kelini- a» loastmast.-T ;<lr. Kehru- In took st-cond honnis with 1: ami
his tharaelerlKtle way
eharKe of Kiicsirum added the other two. Bow
tbe projtrani and did hi- tart well en al left forward.'and Anderson and
Toasta were resj^-onded to hy several Beck at the .Ruara posLIuns playt-d
members. The o1ike< t of Hu- Catherine exc-lli-nl eames aitalnst heavier opiKv
was not only to have a r.iHb.l scs-lal nents.' A return match will Ik- iJaylime but also lo maki- il..- oeraslon ed hi-re in the m ar fuliire. nl «M. h
one of insirui'iioti aiid-i-iuilt to thus.- time It is ho|K-d to r«-veiTeUi.. .-.nini,
present. Mr K.-h.«- first Inirodu.ed
Itelianee llneii). -l.ester liewiit, If:
Mr. I’ali'hln. who gave a very loslnirt- Wilbur Watson, rf; Arnold FhiKstrora,
Ivs talk on the woikmen's eotiim-DsaUurle lioaen, 1e; Carl Anderson
tlon law- as api-lled'to'railroad eom- and Alls-rt B.-«k, rs
Don Boll of
paniesjand«. Mr. ihitrhin's Traverse City and CrifWold of Sinaddeess was eveellenl and the twllnud tons Hay . offlcialB
men and their famlllcK learne<l much
w-hl.-h w ill be of use lt> them In the fti-

Dr. Wilhelm cave a talk on flral aM
and the iTeventlon of noldentB. Kir.
Mariliu-k. watch liraiwu-tor. alio cavta tiUlo lalic.
Tbe muBic during the evening wa«
fimUbed by Ih.- Theatre'orchestra.
MiM Rbea Martin cave a very appro­
priate recitation which was warmly
"Our booka abow clean ami onr epn- applauded. Mr. Ilenderwon. assisted
iraet* rlear.” he aald. 'Tiut 1 sHJI by hU niece and Cnulnii-r A. J. I>rn.'hn« to tbe Mief |hai etery club In coo. pave a mu-;lcul lu-le. tlon amf rethe State letRue riulaieii the aalary an, Mrs. John Allimit- We Rs a limit in Hn. n^yting. lor* tang tbe good old sonc. -lg>a( oD
y ib. Blb.i. .. |„„ „
^ lidfEWb.
Ulna Hw'averl)- and
tn.nre to ngnre tiow we are gelii< to J ProTr-Hoiwt.
arcomiwnlod by Jdrw
iN-ai It. Baoehall baa U-eome a )okr ' Herat on tl>e piano, gars a beaDtiftd
and a by word In Travene City I am’’ ipBical aelectJon. The Queen ^l}y
tired of a
Mo, Meaira. Holliday; Illggloa and

Pure Gold.
Pore CDld la conaidured bb dlvislblo
in rlwpi-cl to purity into It parts, each
called a cant, (or karatl. an old term
for one-tweoty-fourtb of an oaoew.
Troy. Hence-the phrase It carat lino
meana that 18 tweniy-foorthi la pure
gold, and the remainder an alloy tnatartal. Ordinary gold chains and Jewelry are uanally only It carat Ono,
but wedding ringa arc i: enrau tloo.
“Ob. father." aahl the young woman
♦nihoalastically. “we suffragettea are
eager to
the country:"Humph:” repUc.1 her parent, look­
ing at her over hit spsctaclea. "then
nppooe yon start your share of It la
our parlor and dining rooml"


”I wish I had uc-.vr'lcaniod to play
cards:" eiclaian-d a man who bad
been untortunate at tho gniue.
mean you wish you had learued. don't
yeuf" was bla wtte'a sarcastic re­
Exception to tb* Rule.
Countryinan-viat the National Oal
leryl—"Why. Ihera't the very same
pictures 1 saw- here the da.v before
"Quite likely." Countryman—'Tbt-p
that clerk at tbe boi.-i Is an^ awful
lair. He told me that the pictures
was changed dally In all the leadin'
Dteture housea-V

Sudan la tbe chief source ot the
world's supply of two liu|»naw prod
acta—gum arable and ivory. About 30
per cent, of the trerr and 15 per cent
of the gum la shipped to th- Vniled
Btates direct. The beRer qoalhle* of
the gum are'used mbroad by confec­
tioners in making candy and the lower
grades hi tho manutacUire of glue and
Masterful BU^Eysd Women.
DIue-e/«d benuiies are totowo for
their seir-coBUol. coldness, austerity
and preclsloa. 'They are severe snd
sut|ilclous. and demand the eontlnuous homage of (hose auout tl
Moreover, they are domineering and
taasterfut. and wherever posalbto WU
bf found to nilf the roogt

luma of More or Less interest That
Concern the Doings of th*
“Beat Famlllea.*
'Hie engagement Is announced of
Hiss Tuffli- Show, daughter of Mrs.
Hoaleigh Show, to Ur. WUIlam Uartiugale Yuceless. only aon of Ur. and
Hrs. Worsen Yuceloea.
Mr. Woraeo Yuccleea. by tho way.
comes of a good old family. They
have always been fashionable. Ills
Udell-. G. How-Wurseo' Yuceless. is an
Intellectual man, having written the
aoclMy notes for a fashion paper near­
ly a whole season. And his sou. Mar­
tingale. once took a priie at a horse
It U rumored tW Ulss Tootoo KyiUng has broken ber engagement to
Mr. Dodlclgh Itohr. Hut Bedlelgh
seemed quite cheerful last Saturday
at his club.
It 1« ulilspcred that the P. Spendlag-Spendars are not so happy top. ther as they might be. Our readers
win remember that Urs. Spendar
the cbariiilug Ulss Preeks. a noted
tH-lle of HoBlon. Ur. Spendar is )
than attentive to Urs. Jimmy Over­
load, while Mrs. Spendar Is cotistanU;
se«-D with tbe young dultc of Hntro
and Keape. He -comes of an ancient
family. A greater part of this last
season he was a visitor at Koopon
Cliffs, the summer homo of the F.
Mrs. Leods Thc-gang Is prvpgring
for an active social s.-ntoii Sbe Is
now visiting her slsii-r. Mrs. P
V. Illasee Kout.derw ' Th.-lr charming
cousin. Mrs. McKvoy Ondek. returns
from PNiroiie Saturday oii the Nausea
—or Is It the Crown Prlnceeseir von
Hotter Damening? Time will tell.—

“Tasty Pastry” Floin*
This is the new brand for
an old established flour.
One that stood the test of
years' trial. Have YOU
tried it? You'll Mike it.
Your grocer sells it.

The Hannah
& Lay Co.
Tbe Old Established Milters

Bmall Girl. But With High Ideal*.
Happily Met With by a Writer
Who DMCribs* Her In th*
Wsshington Star.

On Only One Comparwtivsiy Unlmpoptent Point Was th* Juror

st_2;jit> ,
It quite often happens-that In *d>
dressi^ a Jury, tbu lawyers will de­
liver their appeals to tbe one member
who soemi to them'tbe most Intolllgent. They consider that by so doing '
they can Impreaa.blm and bis Inflip
upon the other memben will b*
^ In a recent ease. aR the testimonr
£ad been token, the lawyers b*d
summed up and tbe Judge had charged
tbe Jury, when (he juror wbo ap­
peared tbe most Intelligent and to
whom both counsel bad made tbeir
Imiihssloned appeal, arose, and gUted
that be wished the court to give him.
some Information,
"I have been bothered a great dcaL**
be said, "about two words tbe U«> yers have Bern using all the time.”
"Wtiat are theyf" naked tba court,
expecting to be called upon to ex­
plain the meaning ot some words
like "re* inter alios acta."
"tK’by. thU words that I don't know
tbe meaning of.” said thP Juror, "or*

A small girl lo s blue frock wi
catrylng a baby with rings lo li
;rne girl was a skinny UtUs
lacker, with a dark face—toosUy eyca
—and her oi-uoulug vvlco as sbe cud­
dled tbe baby souebow suggested
clj>e*. Vosuvlus, wayside shrines and
br.iinna carts Hut there was nothfeg
SOCIOLOGIST NOW IN DEMAND latlii about*the faL bald-heuded buy
esc-pt the gold wiro In its cars.
small girl's street Isn't wbaf
Msny People Willing to Employ Her.
you could Tvllably call a pleasagt
but She Beems- Somehow to
Tberti Is a leathery smell for
Have Lest InUretL
.ev.-r rivaling the woolly asiK-rtlveuess
of mlsfli band-Rit-downs. *fhere Is a
The fetmlo siKrlologlsL os a <
merclal usset, is experiencing a bull Itab.l hum of foreign parent voices,
cutclasbcd by tbe raw Americanism
of tbeir Juniors, and always—which
"She Is actually in demand
maid of all w»rk" raid ili<- manager is good for trade, of course, but not
rl»-<-rlng thing to sc.—tbe going
of an emidoym. lit ac-nry. "Tiincs
and cumlug of customers who must
have changed in that respect.
"Nui so very leng axu tbe applies- buy other people's castoffs, because—
.An. Improving Worid. ’
K»-r>bod> knows the answer.
li.-n (if a aoclal worker fur a nice,
Bo the small girl toted the batqi to
ti-r.-iliig Job. where sbe could study
quiet street where the sun lav like who more than a score of year* agoIII-- lidtiiiK i.t lu-ari!esa employers and
prominent In public life re­
-t iM-ints for a macaxlne article.
|i|ar,-d III.- m.-laphorleally between and where the leaves swirled down marked recently: '1 have obseircd
till- d.'vti atiil the dei'p sea. If 1 didn't from the tr<H-s as if dying wegc a gay with Interest quite a change In tbs
Of men during tb*
>rt of dance.
get b-r-a siluaiion, she wrote I
Thin she sat down on a carriage post 35 years. It used to be very
as ail o|>pr>-s!>ur of bonoxt labor, and
If I did g--i lii-r one, h<-r employer*, step that sh<^ aeemod to be acqoalntt common to see buslneat add profe*^
v.heii ihey found out what abf war up <d' wjihratid kissed the baby on Its slonal men. *s well as those in puhlte
to got after me and 1 lost their po- Baldwft *poV wh.-re the fuu^Tiad life and bolding oflldal posittong.
rubbed oft from lying doom. , And the 'wearing silk bato and Piino* Albert
•'Hut people want socinloglsU for baby\lo show Us satisfaction. Lurgled coats every day In tbe week, and If
-servuni* ti.iw Here Is a bunch of let- out tnut tnscrotaWe symph.-ayVof in­ they- smoked at all they smoked bl­
KTB from a do7>-n women, asking If 1 fancy i^lcb Kv.-'s mile fain waa the ears. Nowaday* ellk hats are rarely
have any r.-itb-iuent uorkors In need first to voice, and which we try to seen on week days downtown, anyway,
and cigarette smoking seems to bs
of a Job. They . latin that with all ber tp>-.'l out "da. da, da."
A woman, wbrae way bad ted from quite tbe thing- I do not think tba
fault* of siiooiiing around and Irfliig
to reform the untteroe, ibe w&clolo- tbe small girl's stre.-t to rbe quiet new-Tashlan Is quite so dignified or.
gl«t Is the moot thorough, the most one. stopped at tbe carriage step and manly as tbe old. but on the whole I
conrinoed the worid is growing
Bysteroallc. Che most irortwortby offered tbo baby an apple, from a
It was a shiny rod apple, and beitcp^I the time.”
niMRiald that can be found.
••rtif.irtunal.-ly, now that si
lb<- baby smiled at It coquctiisbly bewaul.-d. the suelologlrl Ims lost all foro hiding Its face iq tbe small glrFs
aiiiliiiloii lo shine as a sT5v<-y. t have neck, Tbe girl herself, wise enough VALUE OF PROPER SP^NQ
n-cognlxe friendliness when she
leleplionc-d to every settl.-m.-nt house'
In town, but II appears that social
r K. took tbo applt- and Ufted the Attribute Highly Valusd In Conunai*" orker* are primed with all the facts baby's face.
clal Life, and Is a BeiM* to
-Thank tbe la-do«. Maggee.”they n<-«-d for till- irtvwT.l.'for not
Tbe baby waved' Its amts and
can I find that will take a place-”—
kicked out two pink socks—one heel
New York Time*.
Good spelling and InlefiWtot ptraeand a bunch of toes outside showing tnailon wre the accompllshmento
pinker than the wooL
keep many^y-halrt-d women drawHad No ObJeeUon.
‘She is American baby." explained Ing good salaries as slenographenj In'
Night w'as approacblng and It was
raimnf. liard. Tbe travi-l.-r dismount- th.- small girl, with a pride that was downtown offices. Tbe manager oif. a
“Bhe is not
office from whltA are sant,
• d from hi* horse and rapped at th.- downright beautiful.Sbe
rings ii»ber ears be- hundreds of ■tenograp'bers makaa M
door of the oti>- farmhouM- he had
mother she will It have ao. aecn-t of the (act that goo^ apdltn
struck In a flv.-mllc sireicb of trav­
Magdalena, but
eling No OB.- came to the door
father be say It is Maggee lor
"We had a coslomar come' to th*
Aa b<- stood on the doorstep the wa­
ter from the eav.-s trickled down bis American, and If she wu a boy ahe other day." aald tbe manager. ~«b»
bad evidently bad a run of hard luck
light be president—maybe."
collar. Hu rapped again Still on an"M'by. that is One. Add what la to tbe spelling line. He wsntad a
rwer. He could ffw-1 the rlrvaii) of
woman woo could spelt *No matter
water couriing down his back. An- your
name Is Maree-ah. after tbe it she's cRMs-eyed and has a bench
otber spell of pounding and finally tbe
h.iad of a lad of tw.-ire was stuck out Mother of God. My mother gave me on ber back.' he said. 'If sbe can spell
wear blue all time while I and write an totelligent letter.’ WhOe
of Ih.- s.-rond story window.
am cbtld. When I a womao 1 have a this was a rather extreme case U
"Watrlier wanir' It asked.
"1 want to know if I can stay here pink ribbon bow In my hair And a show* that employera are begtontog
over night,” the traveler answered green dress. Yc«. It Is at the cathe­ to grow impatient over the careless
dral at Milan that 1 am given to the spelling of today."
Another office sending out many at*Tbe red headed lad waiebed the man blessed molbet/’. Hut tbe bambino—
the baby/f’eame when we get to Dograpbers has a series ot test lettsrs
for a mlnnte or two before answering
No boy aball call ber dago. prep^Lied especUllg with speUIng
"Ye kin fer all of me." be finally tn-i
Bwered. oad then closed tbe window. I will fight him. I will keel him If bs catches for the unwary. ^CommOB
say sbe dago—"
words, famous as pitfalls for careless
And a* the woman went ber way spellers, are strewn throughout these
specimen letters. Fully half tbe ap­
A little boy got out of bed wrong sbe wondered what America will bold plicants put an extra e lo separate;
one morning and was ao ha'.«-ful all for Maggie, whose saint name 1* Mag­ to many cases the e before the last
dalena.' when she Is no longer a
day that bU father finally found
syllable In aoticeable it misting. whOe
necesury to puolab bim.
tbe correct placing of tbe I's to tbe
A little while after the ordeal was
And tor Dago Maria, whan the Ume word parallel reduces many of tho
over tail mother foufid him out back comes for her to wear pink ribboi
appileanta to a state of dlscoorageof the barn tanderly caressing and tM-iaeiu.
and a green dress?.ting an old ram that was pastured
"Good spelling U a pretty sure sign
Qulen tube:-Washington Star.
there. Her heart was touched by this
of mental aJeriDcws.” said a business
display of kindbeartedneas on
man with several offlee* and many
part and she watched hjm tenderly
atenograpberw. "I find that U one of
Musk.Bfi't Devotion to HI* Art
tor aoroi- time. Then, walking over
In 183S Robert Schumann wrote to our Btenograpber* 1* naturally a good
where be sat, alie Inquired:
speller'Whe. I* interested to tbe cor­
"What makoe niy little boy ao good Clara Wleek. "I have given seYerol rect spetltog and' use of new word*
to the old .sheep T'
and Beethoven, and to my own work, that come to ber uttentloa to reading
^Iq. did not stop or look up but
or to dictation. Now as a matter of
swerod. stifling a sob:
fact It U no small Job to keep up with
correspondene*. 1 am a young ms
" 'Cause be Just buttod pa.”
iweoiy-elghL with a very active mind, tbe spelling ot tb* hundreds of new
and an artisL to boot; yet for eight word*.
Bpanlah lllltaraey.
“Our oldest stenognpher and our
year* J hare not been out of Saxony,
In thousand* of village* and tmuU and have been altUng still and saving best speller keep* on her desk a lit­
towns In. the Interior of Spain no one money, wltboot a thought of spendtog tle book not more than an inch thick,
knows how to read or. write. Ther* It on amnsamenL”
but it ba* more first aide to poor spallare In Spain SO.OOO rfirwl villages
art than anything I've ever seen Bba
out schools of any Und. and i
doesn't use it ranch. b« ererybodf
thbusanda which can only be reached
else doe*."-CSilc**o Rscord-RersM.
Today and To*
by a brtdl* path, there being no high
man finds to moch work to
roads nor rallsray communlcatloB ol do that be baa ao time to oontemplatQ
Bursty tb* UmK.
any kind, soys Heroldo de Madrid. bit yesierd/ya, for today and tomor­
Attendance at board schools Is toIudrow are here with their importact which aX Ughteq diar
_ ^
_ wrted
_ „
Ujt. not obligatory. Beventy-alx per uaka.—Mary Antto.
ntely has boett tovsBtad by a PhUadaloent of the children lo Spain aia
phis tailor.
UUterate. and this Is aspaclaUy nt
ahia In the capItaL
Hard to Batixfy.
Cetorod Epigram.
"Some men are not even aatiaflad
A colored pbUosopber Is rapMtod t»
when they marry and are supported to tiave said. "Ufe, my bradraa. am
np of prayin' (ornla.aad
To a Undtad Extent
Aa we grow el^r wo get sente, bat custoaad.” canaOcalty nsarkad « thee wlMtto' It voaM dhr-oit.”—Prad-

BPt to excaaa.-r«tdbaivh PasL





»♦ Um«. 8b« toncbrt me of .the pUtes } our doihee are thiar
♦ Inviacl)'; abe coulii not uoderataod U
"yw. »lr. ilu> w«-«r

^ plate ai»m’bere.
Tber sat doTb -and

Rules and Re^'ulatleiie erthe4p««*^^ ♦.♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«•
♦ . Herald Veunp Folk. Runshla. ♦ -u^


‘ V”
MIm rememW Half Paul slrT"

^: r=,ri;;,■„:;r-«r zz z:izz- zt


tl... little iKn. h.- saw that 1,1, ^axe
as. «»i-d u|wu u*
,ui |.u„k m ibe «,ni.r ol the
window, ipon comlpa nearer, be
heard him .lartn* . r^ill.r m-lody
In a pure, sw.^i tolce whl< h he ae.
romplM,.^ with rbythtnlral move-

..... . *

—' ::r—

’ aa far aa I cam

. --... ~ ~

^ “d lirh.S'‘w.T-^*’^oo^b^^^^

If I ovsr fall In tryit»B to do «
. ..I. -T.,. „
« aialB.-


and not so mocb fun. oUher. i itkr Bur- •*»* olbim bfoit, and HI keep tbewe
for iK-u l-brisliuaa,"
,-sanu riaus, of course.” said
But now that neat Cbristiaas Is
»«bby. emphatically. -He's a Jolly old
here, .he wanu U glee them
man-lboks just like bis picture, loo." •••> and make some moi«.-Sel.-cied.
And Mr FVmald. as he placesl a dla________________

mutens -m do. *Heni lawfully KW

. *00 u;e Ul .UIBS .

^ .



"K l-l- lo be Sanu Clau."

<■> t..._ "




"D .vou think w.u could play a.weU



... It.




the boy rr|.lir.J,
Pim at dinner, but she fle.» to each
fontlnuo hi, reuursti
wl,» ;
. mui ,..1. T
one and kissed them all as if she had
"Tliafs all, sir. 'c-pilh' ma. an’ ni ^ t'tauB of myself nest
went to* a little party, and I remem-(: >me with m*-. • ^aid the gentle*
, Is-neflt of imor little ciilldren whom
been away ytuirs. Her mother and
evt r.uhln', but. I piess sli
ber It very distinctly for two rca- man and tofceih. r th. v went Into
>al Santa nsu. falls to find."— sons—one because J felt so unhappy the
MI88 CLARA N..RATE8, Editor.
the girls p,nter her and Wade a pla.v
» »*>»*»

ihop, "How niucu for the violin
tcii from an old Si-rapbcsik.
Organltod Oeeambor 8, IBM
for iHW. and-Jefferson Jat.k8on pulled . "“ul >ou. my llitle man. Is, there
i>ther because. In the^indow ' ' he aske.] i.{ tbeato^
PMdtpt—Mloo Clara N. G Ma.
someilrfng moist out of bis i>ocket.
you wish ferf
■ . ------------------ ,
felt so hbppy when It was over. U> ki-«i«r.
FirV^-leo Preddoot—Mrs Mabel
• Here', the wUh-bone 1 saved for
‘ fieed_anyiblDg I’U
Christmas Canoles.
uni Sarah, who lived with -us. haa
•atoa Williams.
you." be said.

»« •« F>*0 to see the rest, an’ I'll have
ordeh'.l them In season, thenSunday school <la>.« that she loved
-xoo much by half. ' s;.id the gea*.
Second Vico President—M a. Iroiw
Annie Khaiigellne Hasbed' nmndon
meetln' you for my
no'dispute about iliai. Hut the
■ry dearly. Her pupils were all Ueman. "Showt^hie sometiiiDs cheapPomeroy Shield..
him. -Was H
you. J.^fferson Ja<k- <^rtsW>as. Oh. U H Im the JolUest t/,emoon of the. twenty-fourth of W>.’r .hlldren. and for that
Sunahine Orandmothei^-Mr». A.* L.
•How did you rind <^rt»tmas ever was an'won't ma won- fk-comlK-r found Ava with a doleful Christmas slig could .not giv. them
being shown five or >li other
der. an- won't Tom I>e b irised. an' fare and dropping ll|« and tearful as many toys a» she would bat t liked
^-lollns, which,be rejected a(t>-r lueraI guess Tom ,
many ,
. Iretause they needed
Jeffeuwon J^kson I'ried
and all iKcause the .('lirlsimas
. appear

Numbor of m mbera brionglng Nov.
Indifferent, hut he could
keep “ •■J'ange 1,1s mind 't-oui you. mvtty caadh s liadn t come. Mamma offer- things to wear. She used to have, this
. 1. 1913. 9.906.
quirk, sir.'
U. k
•d a cruiob of tomforL *lsiUil all' the rime., the stor^keej^r
"Th.-y may come by tomorrow'
out a dingy. antiouausLlook.
iresB." said she.
them whatever
oij garmenu she
remark. •Ilen'a
Rail Nav. 1. 1913. 3.162.
Urans by-ubich bo had gained the In- he said.
n'e where you Hv6. Hob
"1 cant b'lleve they will." said had ready
an old riddle that I got of a Bailor.
fomiatlon would be overlooked; and
But Annie Eva,ngeline waa not to

with a warm Ava: hat she dropped her mile pf a
'One of my many faults when I
he was right—tbey rrowded eagerly
he teased; she crept to her mother's
at his liearL
handkerchief fr«,m one blue eye.
f waa a little girl waa to begin things it as It iB for Ll 1
about the |>a|>er and studied the child­
aide and leaned against her with' a
‘*’h'' child, gave the direciions very
-Then we ran put o« hnv-tog the and never IlnlKh them. My mother
scrullnlred It cloaelr. inside and out.
8.RU Claut an the Train,
ish scrawl and Jefferson Jackeon
long breath of happtaesa.
niinuiely. Then Mr. Fematd sent tree for a night or tma." ,mid mamma, felt very ladly about U. but, Anni
remarked that it was very much out
- On a nirisimma e
emigrant mas entirely forgotten. Ills mother
"Well, anyway, it's been the love•'"'"'‘r
If there was
-o no!" cried Ava. - 'fause then Sarah used to say. -Oh. sh.,'1! get over
of repair, but said that be would give
wli>ed her eyes with a corner of her
chn>l In all the land than 'twould not be a <'hri«mas-iri4' at that; fur som«hiiig will hapj^n-sdnie
Thanksgiving 1 ever beard of." *
Just Ll for It. whiclr the storekeeper,
. Sped on through the blarkneas ol cbc-ked apron,
•To riltnk that^ we
said.—.Mabel M. Thurston In The
lU”*'"all. mamma; twouli! be a day after tina- that will make hcrVmember.'
after some hesitation, acvcpted. and
never guessed," she said.
,'lr. Fcrnald then retraced his Bteps, Chris'ima.s oh". May l,e they will And thin somelbihg was thU Christ- the money was |ttid him.
And cleft the pitchy dark in twain
s.-ni ll^ poor little thing off so. with­
vlBltlng a clotbUig estahlUbtiient. a <-<ime."
mas party that I am going' to tell
With the gleam of Us fierce head- out a word!"
"Put on a Btring in place'of 'this
slmeetorc. toy shop, the coofci-iioner's
Hut Mr.'MulHn’s egpress wagon, you about.
That, was , what n^ne'Tior art so
I'"* baker's, the gTo.-.-r's, and at each m|i)i Its load of big Inxea and liuie "This year Aunt Sarah waa gtolng brotch one." said the g>-<itleman.
qu.-<-r about It yesterday." said Caro------------»anu Claus.
Mace, after giving his order, he re- boves from the sUUon twelv^ miles to make mitten*, and | was so ant■ F«M bow—[ wiB
In a erow^Acar. a noisome tdare.
lino rirace.
"Mewse. sir. Ik' you Santa Oaua
quested that the things !-e sent, the aw^y. went right by next day. .tva lous to learn Ik»w. nnd to mate a pair
Pat a tiipOier and her child:
something*" asked
The aniall voice rang out. ■hrlll and first thing ,n the morning, to a c i- »a* waiclUng from ibe window, and for one of the Writ- boys. At flrwt 1
'^'Wle this wa.* being done, the gen*
The woman's face boro want's w-ai Alice Virginia.
eager, on the crisp evening
and tain address, and left at Mm llrown's the driver didn't so much as look at wa» wild over It, for the pair 1 .was tlrtnan lookin] down atabe little, pale,
They looked a) each other doubt- J. I'. Kernald. senior member of ibe xmi with ftania Claus' rompllmetits. u..- bouse.
to make wa.s to be blue with white wondering face uMursed to- hU. and
But the little one only smiled.
fully. "If Miss Bi-isey'g so proud, flmis of hVrnald & Co. turned and
Hobby tossed restlessly In Ills bed Then Ava's t-ars burs! forth again stripe* on the wrist, and the oiheri *«‘d- "M'hat U yonr namer"
I m afraid 'twould hurt her"—began looki-d down Into the child's animated tiiat light. How could be sleep with In a flood which her wee blue-edged were only gray, and I did not think
Tf,e boy quickly responded. “Lao;
And tugged and pullea at her moiher's Vr mother, iml Caroline Grace broks face, uplifted with ah'utnlou.B ln<iulr.r ,„rh V wonderful secret on hi* mind? handkerchW M.uldnt l*egln to suy. Un-m Dearly so pretty.
•«>'* m.v father rings the chimes; If
In eiagrrly.

shining ihrviugl, the large, dark eye«.
e»ery sound h< siartm]1‘rHir little girl! It did srem a great
"As 1 told yhu at first. I worked all
you ran hear 'em now’" And her voice had n merry ring.
made larger
larger and
and seemingly
seemingly darker
darker and
and llMened anentlvi-iy until the trial
"Ohl-we can do it—I know wt- can? made
And thU was rhrlstmas Day the time 1 had. but after a while the The gentleman llnened for a momeM
As she lisped "Now. mammal com'i We dont need the chicken when wc by want and iK.verty.
«,und bad emued. Toward morning to... »h.-n ev.-n' on.- opght to be mep novelty wore g>tt. nnd I began some- <”• *«'o. the sh^rman handed him the
and guetta
have turkey too. and we could s|«re
"Santa Claus-I—lia. ha. that 1«' a be fell asleep and wa.-i only awakened rv,
thing else. Mother would often sav. 'loHn and bow ready for use. After
Wh« Sanu Claus ll bring."
two of those llule pies and-"
Joke." said Mr. Kernald. good-natured by Tom kindling a fire in il..- old^ Grandma was sitting by the south 'How are your mittens getting along. Wa'a* the Instrument carefully, he
s s s s ..
th** l”>™«>se bundl.-.ln hi* stove..
-ovlndo*. She closed the big book .Man? Something will aurely tome unbuttoned his fur-trimmed trailing
But aadlr the mother shook her head. «j- flowers," added Grace Virginia.
ami., from which idtnruded a*
"Ha* he .ome yet* ' cried Hobby. „„ her knee
up and you will not have rime to fin- «*». and. plnclng tl,e violin under bU
^ Aa she thought of a haprfer past:
"Ve*. and w,-ran send It- ln mem- foot through an opening In the iva;or »pringlng out of bed.
- What U the imuble. dettle?' Irii^hem ’
rhln. began softly »nd sw^>- to
"Ho never can catch tia here." she ory of old Thanksgiving days' and that enveloped It. nnd whose uneven
"Wlio'- asked Tom.
she a*Led. quite a»^ if »be
"Whnn ahe ^td that.d^ouW catch
the tune which the CtarUtmns
then she'll never *nsi«wt U In the surfkce bore a woniterfiil resemldancIka HoV.y prep-ndtKl tlf be too Sruw.
f Bp fay work and stiSagaln. One t»'l* •»■'! Just'rung oat. FMr'seiDe
“T1>e train ij going too fastworid. bc-ause v.o ve only been' hero of Santa Claus'my,terkHis pa. kgge.
busy aiW 1,1* warded*, to lived
"My ra-andles didn'tcome!" webt
day. befor.-I knew It^unt Sarah said. “Ihutes he continued to play, weaving
two yrara.
"Well, my little maq. It does look Ton,'.* .i„e.*tion. H- felri ehegrin.-d Ava. Mt Mullln w«-nt right br." \’Mar', how are the Xttle mluen*?' t6e al^-fato every conceivalile kind of
O.^ mamma, yea, he-Ucome. I
Mra. Itond was already bringing
like It; but how did you find me that he had so nearly betrayed bis
"Weil, what say we make somer\t was the day before Thrisima*. and variation, and ended by pla.vlng the
dishes from the pantry: Caroline oni?"
preciout seereL
uld grandma, rheertly.
I had only begun on the second one! “Hody once more nccoin|«n{ed with
So swift are hla little deer.
Grace ran to write the card, whllp e"Oh. sir." cried the child, with an
Mrs Hrown. with a weary sigh, pul
"Oh, can we* ' cried Ma, looking
"J saldio mother. ’Just think, some harmonics and brilllam ar|«>ggtM.
They pons oil over the world today— aUco VlrginU began plckingjjer flow- expression of rapt admlraiiun on his the U«t,potato In iheoven. and won- up. "Ob. won't that
fun? The little hoy will have only one mltlon-f
'loUn and bow. had laren
111 hang my stocking up here."
era. When every thing was packed amall. pinched face, i knew you in dervd wi.ere lb.- dinner, for those way you told me. ^bout dipping em. 1 shall never forget how badly I felt.
»»i be handed It to the
in's-big bwkeL they gave it to Jef- a minute, cause yog look Just like imogry little months, was to ' <v>tne gramma*"
—Well,' said dear Aunt Sarah. I 6«*dldered boy. and. pairing him on
She pinned her stocking to the seat fermn Jackson with many charge# y .,ur picture In the toy-shop window*, from. Her faith In God's care was
"Voi quite that way." i.nghed know It wUI never hnppen again. a»^ •*>*
h**d. remartted. aa he butAnd closed her tired eyes,
pot' to let himself be seen.
There's the long, white whiskers, an' sorely irli-d at time*/ I’oor woman, grandma. "I guess we may find a Mary feels so badly 1 will tell her that
«P his greet overcoat: "CarrT
And noon <he saw each longed-for, “Guess I can manage tliat." said the white hair, gn' rite fur cap.
an' her burden* were heavy to bear.candle-mold
I used to have. Iguess her that 1 have an extra pair, so the 'he violin home with you and Uke
Jefferson, loftily. He started up the the gyeat overcoat, an' the Imndle ofSuddenly th.-rv- came a knock at
the it * up atii. '
" •
imya will be all right.'
®f «; It is worthLlOo at
In drramland'a paradise.
hill while the others stood at the toy* >„u're a goln' to, give to the door.
Ther.> wa* j,i*t where Mary found It.
" Hut aunty, ran t 1 Uke my roll- !««- Learn to pay the tune 1 heard
• ,
^ ,
door., watching. When he was part rich cfilldri-n tonight. I've stood on jiji him." cried Hobby, springing tucked out of sight is-hind a beam. ten. for aomeboy might lose one of Jou alnging outside the window, and
On a seat behind the little maid w,j- up pe suddenly set down the the rorai-r here ov»t so long, a wuiriti' forward to omm U
She found som.uWng els’e there, too; hD?'
, *.
“ mapy -more as you can. Tell yonr
A rough man sal npari,
basket and came running l*ck. The for you to owiie alone. 1 knew you d
"Here's a l«*ket for the Widow a little iron skill... which grandma
"This she aUowed.' and so 1 felt
tet»wp.-a.«ged teacher. Yon
But a soft-light o'er hU features u,rv-e look.;d at each other In dismay, eonu- down this street sure, '.-au*.- the Hrown. which Sanu Claus s««t from said was'just Uie (i,tng.
hai>i>y We derarat.-d the back parlor “•> ■‘••'P tw^WMRjvlt Is a Christplayed.
"t do ho|>e he hasn't ui*et the Jelly!" rich children live here."
the grocery, with hi# compliment*.*'
In the meantime. I nrle Jack went with holly and evergreen.-nnd trimpresent from Ole Ball."He opeoAnd stole-into his heart.
exelalmed CafoHne Grave. Hut JefferThe child talk.-d rapidly, raichine said th.-'man. thrnstinx a large basket to the store to get a little cake of raed the the Christmas tree, and they
«h'e door for bis lUUe protege and

«>“ Jmkaon did not look piilty; he hi* breath !*-tween the seniejp-e*. as In at the door, and disappearing be- wav -and a big .-ake of tallow and a set th® table with all kinds of.good Ph»»ed Into the crowd pttrt ‘as the
Aa the cars drew np at abusy town stopped ouisido_the gate and shouted, though trigliten.-d at his boldne*. In fore a qm-stion 'could b«- asked.
ball of wirking and
thre-e i>aekav!e* things. One thing Aunt Sarah always Christmas bells rang out mgain their.
The rpugh man left (he train.
hi* v>lce ringing to them through addr*-ssing »o grrat a personage as
Hefore the eoDteni* were half taken of dyesmff. jellow. red and gre-n, a* had at her parti-* was eup cusiards. njfrty chimes.x-Toang Peoples' WeekBut scarce bad from the Htept Jami" the elea.r frvmty air. "Don't—you— Santsi Clan*.
out. another rai> eume at the door, grandma dln«.ied.
In the dearest liuie ctip* without any •j'ed down
'And wlmi did you want to see me and another b-vsket was thrust in
Then he snul himselfup'In
the handle*
| remember Jii»t what I
Ere he was baek again.
Then ho turned and plekeE up Jils for. my litil.- man.'; sal,^Mr. Hernald.
"Prom the l»kerv, win, Santa workshop, and as uiantma was al- wore, it was' my little dress, with a
---------- --------------basket and trude-d Up the hill. "
taking both iltilo blnc^cfaed hands Claus' cotnpliraenu." said the man, rea.fy sbui up in the j«r1or, grand- cherry red 8a-«h..^and the Hllle bUck
Beginnlnf In the Vole Leg.
And a great big bundle of Christmas
Miss UetfM-y and Annie Evangeline
In one of Ills grrat. warm ones. briskly, slamming the' door b.-hirid ma and Mary and Ava had the kitchen slipper* that I likiM so much. At the
Id Alx M was the custom, when the
had Just set i>n the dessert. MUs
"I want.-d to tell you where w* blm.
all to riiemJelve*.
proper rime the children came. They Counu of I*rovence sUll lived and
Bulged out fi
bis pocket wide: Betsey lookivi like a_happychild at live.-air 1 gues* you don t
kno^. Such a basket full of g<>o.| ihlnc*
Pln-t grandma put a bit of wax and sat down right away and had their ruled there, for tbs raagUtraus of
He filled the slocking with sweeia. her end of
table, butAuoleRvan- 'rau-se you never find n.i. an' Tom— as that one was! The < htldr. n siomi .t piece of tallow In the little Iron supper, and I remember how happy the city each year at Christmastlda •
and toys
gellne's round fare was a little sober TonTiT niy big -broiher
most about it in wld*-eved won<h-r. uniH skillet on the *tove u> melt Then It made
to »ee their smiling faces, to carry In solemn procession s hugs'
^Hs laid by the dreainer's..Blde.
In spite of berself. They were going twi-lv* veara old. an* hel]«
iiltle Paul broke the spell, by snatch- she stirred In some scarlet dye. snd Aunt Sarah and 1 walled on ibe tatffe.. cacho-fio to the palace of their
roinre and pumpkin pie* at He
I fifty ‘ eni* some ing a handful of brown gingi-r-cookles.
Stand while
the and arier supper gave out the gifts, sovereign, and there formslly t .
At dawn the llitle on. woke with a homo nnd she hadn't tasted a mloec da>s,
nt know how she'd
"Santa Clau*' rompliments." am wicks in the mold, which held six Aunt Sarah always gave the toy* first, sent him—or. in bU absence, to the
pie for yean .<the felt as if she evT
'lliout Tom. Wi>n>»«rfhred a voice at the demr. and a candle*, and wbidi there was J „*i for sbe^ said that little chicken did grand aenechal on hU behalf—thU
Twss sweet to beat her glee:
could have endured alt the rrat If Tom
that you don;t xmre onv/bll largo bundle whlcl, proved to be good, enough In the sklH-t-to fill.
not ty*' much for useful thing*, al- their free-will and good-will offering,
knowed that Santa oul^ find mo qpiy they would save a ph-ce Of. pie ahoii^ the jumr llitiv children; )hat stout shoes
lldren all
' Why, didn't It t
out nice and though they had to have them.

And when the ceremony of presentaw._ She tried to ..
ihrtii in.'and lu-fore the even?" .Tied Avh.
for her.
lUten to what you'd Just as
aa lief
lief they'd
they'd starve
starve on
on around,
around, was
was thrust
"AVhenlt .-ametime to give out the tion was ended the eliy fatherw were
He caught the train, you see ’
Mis* Betsey was saying about old Christmas day. as on any other day; door could be closed, more bundle*
Grandma *mlled; I auspect she mitten* Aunt Sarah was a Ihtle disr aerred with a collation at the Coant's

Judge Medway, but her thought* but-ycut muat 'ruse Tr>m. Sir. He followed.
- - knew berorehand about bow much the tressed, for one of the boys had brought charges, and were given the op^Though some from amtiing tnar would wander and she waa almost re- work* hard an' goU tired, an' then , By thl* tlmo the little one* were skillet would hold.
a strange boy with blm. and of course tiinity to pledge him loyalty In hla
scarce refrain
lieved when a -thundering knock at he# .eroes. When I looked at your capering about theroom* in the wild"Novr we ll upt them out lo cool. ". *.he did not have any mitten* for blm. own good wine.
The child wo* surely right
the door surtl.-d them,
picture la'the toy-shop windows. 1 rat delight. Tom sjood with thesaid *he: that won'ttake long "
She wa» *o l^elf to me. for she did
What a Joy the procraalco tnnst
The good Saint Nicholas caughtthe- “Mercy me! what's that?" exclaim- said to myself. 'Bobby Brown, don't store-handle in ono hand, nod aa exIt didn't, by the time the green not say. Now. Mary'. If we'only had have been to *ee! The gray-beard
ed MIss-’iWuey.
you believe It of Santa Claus. He preeaion of blank amazement on hit candles were^ready to go In. the red t6e pair that you started to make.' magtatrate*. In ibelr velvet caps and
And come aboard th^t night.
'Til go and see." said Annie Eraa. does care for all the cfalldren. only face, a perfect 'statue of surprise. Mr*, one* were ready to come out.
m>d that made me feel all the mors robes wearing (heir golden Chains of
be don't know where to' And yon. Brown had sunk Into a chair, and
' Off. aim they pretty! ' Oh. aim repentant This la the strongest port office; the grest log, swung to shonlFor the^nalnt Is fond ol masquerade
she ran to l.he front door and Miss ttiafa all.' WasLi jlghi. *lr?"
with clasped hands pnd tearful eye*, they pretty!" cried Ava. almost be«•»•' story, and the part that made der-i«tes and home by leathern-jerkAnd may fool the old and wIim-.
Betsey followed
timidly. Ixvoklng
"I think'you were, my boy. 1 err- waa viewing the pre^m* which seem- side herself with delighL "But—but me never forget that night, and if It Ined beochmen; surely drvmmera and
And ao be come to
the lltUemaidover the child's head from
talnly do tot know where you live."
ed literally to shower downui*>nI'm Trald ihey re .too long, gramma." '■‘‘re not true it would seem hardly
In an emigrant's disguise.
of the hall, she could aee no one. but said Mr- Fernald. la an unsteady them, and which meant so much of
"We ll cut them In two." said possible
When we were giving out have been lmj<»sslblr incomplete In
Annie EvaogeUne bad stMpod- down voice, for the rhl'ld'e trusting faith In comfort and happiness to her little grandma.
"Then there'll
be Just the mittens the little stranger bor^^Provence without a tambourine and
And he dresses In many »aja beeanoe^wlth a HlUe cry of delight and was Santa Claus, who had never brighten- family. Bobby wa# the only one who twelve of a kind."
»»» the last to come forward. and-nSobMdoubtless a rnco of cereHo wishes DO one lo know him.,
bending over sometlilniftm the steps, ed a Christmas for hhn. touched the did nol seem at all surpsl*ed
"Oh." Maid Ava. "tbatTl
rame as Aunt Sarah brought out my one mit- nionial trumpeters; and a seemly
FBr he nevra sara. "1 am Santa "O Mlta Bet*ey, come here!" the rich man's heart as U had not «>een at the ^generous display. Nor did he papa sent for. 'But howll we fasten
with the little blue stripes and guard Id front and rear of ateel-ctpcried.
touched for many a month.
ces*<* to regard the door with anxlotv 'em on. gramma?" save It to the dear little boy, for he tied and sieel-packeted halRerdiers.
But Ms good deeds alwiya show
Miss. Betsey hurried to^er. There
"III tell you where I .Ilvq. an' how until the doll and the candy, together
Tncle Jack answ ered that'question had only one arm!
AH these march In gallantly, through
»aa a Mg basket the top filled with many there Is. an' everything." cried with other sun>rlse* and toys not men-pmty soon with three dozen little
"M'hen I went to bed that night th.- narrow yet stately AU streets. '
—Henry C- Walsh, flowers, upon which lay a card "WJth Bobby. Ttrealhlessly. "ao't you can't Honed by him In his conversation vfooden sockets, all wired and ready
Sarah said.'Deary,
wasn't It And then fancyth* preoentation
. loving memories of kiappy Thank*- 'stake the place. .My! wont Kelly with Santa Claus, bad made their sp- for the tree.
that we had.your little mitten?" the great hall of the castle; and the
PRESIDENT'S Firing days at . the old Medway be'glad 't you found os. I wont tell peaconce.
"So cunning!.' rrlbd Ava. "Oh. I And I said. 'Yes. aunty.' And so. gay feasting; and th* meny wagging
Plaee." They lifted the basket and Tom that 1 hinted, 'cause he'd aay it
"Where did they all come from? " feel so glad at everybody, 'cause I've ‘l«*ra. J®a see why I never forgot that of gray-bearded chins as the naglq.
This rooniing when'your President carried It Into the house, and then 'wasn't i«rnte of me to do IL Hot gasped Mrs. Brown in perplexity, got 'em after all—the Oirislmas
lUtle Christmas party and Its Irastm." trates cried all together, '^o the
waa thinking about ber
Sunshine Annie Evangeline took out the eon- you see. sir. I Just couldn’t let this "There must
be some mistake." candies, you know!"
—Catherine S; Foster m Youth's. Core- bealih ofthe count!"—The Century.
■VWt. who should come running up to tents. Mias Betaey was too nervous (!hristmaa go by fhout finding you.
"No.Ihra* ain't!" cried Bobby enShe had more than the knew what
her tot llttleglil Janet. Two soft to lift a dish, ber old checks were 'catse Nelly—Nelly's a little thing,thnalastically. "Santa
sent to do with, as U happened. Just be______________
anns were flung around the Presl- flushtd to a soft pink and her eyes sir. only five last summer —an' .Kelly 'em"
fore dark some one knocked al the
Ole BuIPe Christmas Present
Chrisfraas In Graanland.
dent’s nrak. and a happy voice cried: ^ere shining. "It muat hat e been the
Is talkin'on tae rime 'bout m Christ-"Huttbfwe isn’t such a person, door.It was 3Ir. Mulllo't msn with
dlgnlGed-Preparationsforthis Joyousfestiva
•■JPa December today, and that Atkinses, my daar," she sold. "Suchmas dolly, an''she really thinks ybuH Bobhy."
a small express package under his looking gentleman wri* walking lels- which is looked forward to with the
means Christmas!'Chrlstmaa! Christ- a delicate attention!
Or the lATIaans.brlng-her one, an' ll makespoor ma ' "Yea. there Is.1aawhim last
nrely along one of the b>-streeU of most enthusiastic asiicipatlon. begin
to ««ne here In the ,oldcry to have her tell what aheH do night." said Bobby, trying a Jack"This waa carried somewhere else London. hU attention was attracted mqiltEs befora AH the-g(fu.'which
"So tt doe*." tauTbed the ^nshTir'days. It isn't chkrtty. you ^ I nev- wHh her dolly. You wont forget the knife which had his name on a card this afternoon, by mUtake." aaU he. to a IliUe bo.- »ho waa looking In at etmtlst chiefly of clothing, are made
ProsMesL "And Christmases the *r could have taken
that; It aaj’s Udoll for Nelly, air!"
atUrbed tothe handle.
"There'sSo the real Christmas candle*
had a shop window in which were dUplay- by the women. Nol only are clothes
ahtntnsast dayfot the whole year!"
U In the memory of
the oM Umea.""Ko." said Mr. PernaJd,vrrlUng
good atnff In t.I " beadded,sending acome. afUr all!
ed vartona aniciaa faome of them ap- euch as tunics breecbea. and hooU.
Th« she give Janet a UUle hug.
“Ves’m." said Annie BvangeUne aomethlng In a lltUe book. "8t^ into long sharing off from a piece of
"But t^yVe not half so pretty as parently secoodhand) for sale Aae used for glfta-air miw
new for
and they botll^clai>ped their hands Her face was bidden, but her .voloe the store with me, my boy. IV wUl Pine stick.
'l told him where we the ma* on**." oald Ava. when the the gentlemem wboee long, thick hair the occasion ao that everyone, young
Uy ■nnEVgralle'
verr PoRly
Biled at
aonh other,
was as -happy as * hini*
tn the sptlag- be i
s lor you. I eee Bred, an' be said bed (O' to and tw box wot opened, "faot boll, i
; fell far below hla fv cap. appraache4 nnd old. sbaU APPrar at hla beaL ,

-------- --

I Thanksgivin*.
(Continued from last we-k )
. -nut she Isnl," he InslMed. “I
heard. Misa Betse;'S awful poor and
they're Just making belleVe Tlianksgiving. They ve wily got old drigd
bi<er and rookies, and Annie h^tanFeline, ahe's cutting them out' In all
■"«» of shat«es and pretending rhey>e
Ml the fUlnps-herv's the paper the
window I
: U-blew
I caui^t It."
I Jackson was

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