Grand Traverse Herald, May 08, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 08, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Interesting Sight In B. J.
Cherry Orchard






made tbe high school fsatl happy.


The Montmorency cherry orchard
^Is administration continue
be tbe great aourre of benefit for at the Ik J. Morgan (arm Is a am
it has been established.
of white today, ihe trM baring burst GOOD MEETING HELD BY COM- game of the season Saturday by the WILL BE USED IN CASE^OF WAR
Into blossom since Sunday. It Is
count of G to 1. Cate, threw tor the
from InTeaiiEuHon 1 Snd that In
local team, with Core behind tbe pan.
iasuaees our sewer system sight worth going miles to see. and
n^Js our prompt atieiiiiun. and 1 all ixrxxple having frienda In tbe city
•uusider that the praetlce of emptygixe those frirnds few better
s<--o did the battery work.
Inx mir storm waters Into our sani­ tresis than .-i rMe along the county SUMMBI MEETIUBS J>LANNB)
The bUck and g^d teem won from
swers should be abated. The
BelUfre a week ago In a deciiAvc man­
former BjmiiiisiratAon has commen line road. Tbe pear and peach <
' cod proceediRKs to provide sewers for are also taking on color. Without MEMBERS WILL TAKE SUPPER ner and ibc comeback Saturday bu
tbe locality that has heretofore been quetiioD the (irand Traverse regloD
known as the second ward. Tl
this week Is Ihe most beautiful

The team was not looked upon as es­
of the Hiy seeds su<^ ucoomCaamlssliHiers Are All Suc'cessM Business Men and Will lion
of the Stats Of cuuesa it Is
pecially atrong prior lo tlic aeason
iiiodstldas as etsm as ft is possible
conffnirt same, and whatever ac- thtt every week, but lu present ad Plans Mads
but they have exTdemly struck their
aln RsIlcM
AmiIy Business Metlmds in Cnndncline Afliifs ni City- toliuh
U taken-in this matter should vsnuge Is decidedly pronounced.
and If they can hold to it should
Men Who Stop Hers In JiTne
be w^ib the thought ,ln mind of
make a showing in Inienicbolascic
disposal pisnt. wb
.bleb Is s
On Way to Convsntt^
AHWinlineiits Blie General Satislactlon and Eierytliing sewage
hall this year.
It public r
l•a^eull) one of the urgent
St Charievoix
'MeitesMiist Snccessfnl Year In History ot Mindcipallty- te»»: ‘es. HespiU!
Fifty-member* of the Committee of
as mayor I detili
' - YnkaMeSNsesfioiisM^ by Mayor Straub In His Message and
record as snyiag that if there It anyTwenty-One were predent at tbe suptblng ihutr we can possibly afford to
iwr and bnvlntwB iiu-t-tlng Mondax
te Net Body.
ih^ end
do aud ron leRally do to ihi
•-xx-nint.. A number of liujioriani mai­
pi'al I a

ij .
& -

i.; *

1 form oi riovoi nihi'iilj* ' A srciii fleal or water no doubt is
Btpd In tbe summer time by allowBOW R reality lu Tra\n>o
n all the liberations.
r admliiUiratlpo havlne taki n hold
In < (inclusion permit
of rlty nSaln Monday Dfcbt. Tlir nev
ic water to run upon you that wbaie'er Is done In
c<oinmi»sloD went Into olftci- ujkI.t the
faulty plumb- the various departments over wiiich
I and ail waste
noit atitnlclouK ern umrtawp*. haMoK
r the'best interests of all of Trw»
alnioft rtie »olW backiu* tif the ciierse I '.ty
y alio
allow no one to be employed
U«iu and the »u|-]H>rt of aj'I>oini'-es rt Traverae City shall hate .
by the eily » o dues niH pay bis bonupon wbom they can rely for cBic lent water ihey'wani to use and at as low
possible, but waste makes
tenlee l.xjuic t>ef».Te the coaaiiiiwlon
was called to onl< r l>y.Mayor Straub
three IT's, namely. Kfforl. Bfliclrtio
the room
|<arKed with
vent surb w'aste.
Itt-s;>cclfullv submitted.
. esied crowd, wtilrh fiu'ludfd
1 menlloti with eqi
. . .................
jxo. a;. sTTRArn.
otalive buslm-o.
Ilio city. Tbiti Fhu«<»l thal the iK>oi>Ie by the cliy. whbh I Itellete In first
|•etltiou was rea l from the women
eluss in ev
■very respect, and It propare lakina- an laten-M In the Jiew |>lun
. puinuiired by the peolde of our , aud mulbvrt of llio • il> a^kina-thiand arc determlnnl to assist the m* (Hy will be a good Investment, -^lel^,,
to ctiforce the
iDetnben ot the conimlsslun In tuaktnj; matter of rates In this department
reBsrd to suluonB and not to exn-nd
ihelr^dmloisintlou a succc*«.
Shortly after ^ o'clock ihe V'oiiiiiiis- of this nature.
refeinsl to tin Oiniattmeiii
sloa was called to order by Mayor
of imblie hafvt>.
Straub, who used a now Bant iha.
The TcrUnation’‘or !>. r. Taltor a'
had been |>rc.-eDIe<l to blui by W. 'V.
Our bridges need attention. We (Ity engineer wa.< read and ayrviMed.
Parr. Tlds the utbi mayoi
be bnv.. on hand at present uIhuh ll.fhM) - A |•etllIen was read flora Mi>. A
was very proud of and would use It avnllublc in cMs dciuinnient. but I K. .Stevens of lioxne fity. asking that
that measures her taxes t-n ihe proiM-riy at f-sc
durlnit the time be tilU tbe oflici' The
mossatee of the mayor wae ao exhaust- should be lolen to ronstnicl perman- West Tehitl street l>e reducx>d. It was
eiit bridttes. An .vou ate already
he trtatnient of city affairs and coo- aware the creek in the west part of referred to the d-icrtuu-m of publi.
lalBs some recutuuimJailous that 1C
and annoTv
-put Into lattice will ko a loih: way
All aiipilcatlon was r<a1 (or a aa
itimild i>e remedied at once him llcwnse at Ti: Itau-iolpli 'mi*h-I.
tosar-l maklDS Tiaters.- city a<T atuc.
In order to prevent arv further conRoveraed aDil mon proBroasi'o i>laee tlnaenc'ea of'tVIs nature.
Whildl 'is the IrtCo'.hill XUlete l.ouis
in which to 11'c. Tbi- Uiessase wm
Rlv<lrr mil his saluca Insi :
ax lollows;
Tra'i-rse City has a number ' f park J. Jar.da Is the man ln t.Iio^i^ name
Kile-', .n various parts of the s ity, sev- Ihe Hcefisc is a.xke.lWt'ds year !• o.' wbl -h U.nlVr on our iM-autJ- was refeiTcd. 10 the dcpailtis-nt of
• pptinU
r.:l bav . and ul
tliaiik you foi
publh all'a*i»'''
omfldenLc whir, 'cu have In me bv umnL-y i-vix^iled t
ta«n ¥. Titus M-nt in a commutOra
s>f Kts-a! pleasuro
electing me niavor of Oils city, and
i> people..
Ilayi li'ii
ikiii uiing iho tuipmiUhuu-rs lo-liii1 aasnre you that In ass'jmlog the
t-cled wherexar
Wherever iN.sslble
ffOUes of iMe olh.e 1 do so wHU
prove the lark proi'crix i ii!.-*!
feeling that f need The .-„.opcr3iyn j
■ he city last yiar on K-xst
of nil interested |w..ple ' I rav interPini«-ib cared lor, aud 1.1..r
csled people for the rc'sson that oor;*-“« »"
•ults’-U' playgnwmU street- Nutliiuc has ever Ihi
charier i»ro*Ides that we who shall ad-ehildren luu have to litre till* ptoperlv In proier eondlikm fbl the publle fn eiiuiy. He
.........:r your
your affahs. must be/free:
l.oldcrs. aud I
fern-d to deiartment of publh x-.'uiks.
u great deal of Inter
Ih- owners of bouies here and we
Joseiih Korion asked tW «vmmla
jt hy ibi
have for our stoRim. "Own a Home in
sTon for daniages for injuries whl(h
traverse <1iy ." and as max-or I want ill aulliorliy a:id by the l.a«Al
Tour help for tbe bctiernient of Trav- lery A
erae CUy.
adjacent lu tli<- khisi Kiuhih vi;c<-t
pniceed with tbe work
To tb^ ('BBinIsxIon of Traverse City; iimmisslun proceed
,1 effort to lave every one iiitdge. Th.- .b-|>artuicnt of public afCcntlemeo: My Ural thought
£ a remeiery lot pnuhle for Its fair* wfl] deal with tin case
sard to (dvlcc aaffairs iss rleanliiiess, for
A nouQroilon to Iho effc< i that the
t believe that a reeclxlng vault
should haxe a clean city—cb-sn In should b- (vuMniried and ffuuld ask board
su|icrvison> bad decided tlial
cxery sense of the word, and as May that this also be given your alicntlua. city twisoners could no longer be conFire Dapartment
I’th has been deeignntej as rlean-up
In ilic county Jail ot county cx
' tbrougboot the stste I ask Hist ■1 know that our fire fighting sppsntiis Is In first rlass condliton. but pense was read and placil
I also feel that In due lime It will be
ihelr yards and Ihe alley in the i
The bond of Hcubch fi- Mnih a'
found a mailer of economy to die* city constable, fexr
of their pramlaea snd we olOcers
with J. II.
tbst the Btreeia are properly cleaRWh- jsie lof at least one tire team and Monroe and Fii>d It. Walker as ruro
in going oTsr rne city I find tb-re are pe?.sri>ly imih of them and Install an
was read and nccciitcil.
many Tocact M thsi apparently n*v- uisicedste gasoline driven Ore track.
cr have any care and seemingly nufnv The (lepsrtmeni building on. Cass
Undertakem of tbe city i•ctltioncd
• f them ate used as a damping place sireei needs Immediate atlention; the the corsnilsslon to liax-c the street
1 venturit
xa>. by roof Is In need of repair and the leading to the eeroelcry graded and
for rr-fuse
the (iwnvrs ihereof. hul by other peo­
In such a war that It would'
ple untblnkinglr
dmllre that notl<o
1 necessary ac- l>e passable at all seasons.of the year.
...• glxeu the owners
---------- bf aueb proper-■ extends tor belter
I1c« to take steps to relieve thi
Referred lo 'dp|>annu-nt of public
t‘cu ..t (Oce siiG thereby help t
tify the city it well os prob yet the' I do njJt core to be considered as
A reeolution was adopted defining
- ...
Jxens. The contagion offering any criticism, but 1 do feel
bcslih cf
Hi clllx.
Jn this cliy the past year baa been tliai our ixillee depanmeot must ha ' the dutirs oY each of the- ropmbers of
very slight, the death rale very low. rhme anenilon in order that our peo- tbe conunissloD ami naming tbe deand tliuet(-rr )et us take every pre- pie shall at all times receive proper lianmenU over which they win' pre­
cauvh I- to so keep them.
jpruiedlon. The supervleors have'
isei-ii lit lo refuse to accord this city side. They are as follows:
John G. Straub, department of pub
I necessity this year we will the aamc prlxilege that they would
have I . moBersI with which to pay to any township of the couniv In car- tic affairs.
great extent, as tbe log for those who are unfortunate
( to any greai
A. W. Rlrkerd, dciiartment of
bulk uf our tuaa
usee will______....
will not be received enough to have to be taken Into cusonill Hie Tatter part of August, and tody, le jurthy of wliiili action on Qiktncs.
Joseph Sieder. department of public
from nuw until that lime we will the pait'(
t 'of the supervisors 1 am onfrom1 the
have but what Is remaining in the able
Inrestlgatioo 1 workt. C
B funds .from Ust year's appro- bsve had time t
J. H. UcAlUster. department) of pub
•ns. I know, figucately ipe** I hot to be perml
hat past administrations bare Jr„r jhrn-wc must
tog. that
see to it that a He safety.
W. P. .Calkins, department of public
bad their irouhtei. I know how wy suitable' place la provided In which to
It is to spend money, and tbe greater house prisoners oxer night snd such health and welfare.
the liability win lies ol our overstep- a station
hiiiiseA should be properly
All the city actixfiles and deiiartping our resources. I feel tbsl this (iir.ilgati;ed from iinnadministration win be called upon
lock up. In my opinion. Is cei- men^ are grouped under these ffve
much or even hiorc than In prevloua tsinly far from bclog
being ■aulUble In beads and every man will be kept
yean to msM expenditures, and we which to place a human being,
busy in following the lines adoi>ted by
moat count the cost, do the beat w«
Publle Lighting
tbe commission. • It is a much simpler
I with the money
ney ax______
I consider our city
p of the9 best
.1 ye^r provide lo the aonna]
aQnns] bud-'Hzhted
bud-lighted In the state, opd still there method thsnVas In vogue under the
r.c*. aefftrient
lent funds to carry us until arc some darl
street Intersections old tyslem and plaeea tbe responsi­
I '•■ill have is i-n paid next whnrc arc llgl
should be insUUed. bility directly np to the one In charge
.and I ask that all petitions
Tons prra
of fie deixartment.
he city ( moll during
y tnlnd a great saving can be
. „ the past
CoBiiensation for the street commade by
‘Tt* various
depart- year,. which bale
not boen deftnlillely
r iogetjier. and It la ailed upon. ,be I
by this miwloner was fixed at <4 per day and
be is also allowed <10 per month (or
. ________I ______
koeplag bit horse. suggest tbe ctmstrhction of a' A considerable amonnt of money
Vpoa motion of C<
city balk
bos hoeii expended eacb year on the
Public Utilities
I Mods of Ibis city- I believe that a erd the jiurehsslng agent of tbe city
It Is wll
fwoenre at «
with a feeling of pride that I i>-o>« ivstematlc way can be devised
si-cHk of <
iw'o public uillliles,
1 >C;--sirlng ;-ud grading the seme 1.000 e^e* of tbe new charter, alt
pamely. oui
and our elec- and will lake this matter up wUb you properly annouted and indexftd.
Irlc llghi Plant. In lh< case of tbe M greater length In doe time.
move^ that
Public Library .
aUerallons at tbe pUnt U will be aec-> Oar Ilbruy has elw js been undsr t^ regnlar meetings of Ibe eximmls
>Bd to ooBe In the sUU (or Ua sUa. gvwl aani«eDtesl and will. 1 know,
(ConUnued on page six.)


lers W't-rt- discurs<>d. . Jar. E. Coad
Two Esccllent Speakers Have Seen H-«lded aA chairman.
Secured te Address the Orgsni.
I'mior was elected to repr«^.'
organltailon as a director of
tbe Western Michigan Development'
HreparatioDs arc under way for the
The Natiunsl Asa
D of Trnharegular annual meeting of the NorthwrMern Michigan 'bankers' rlub to portat
held at Hark ;>lacc si C:Su p. m. inr. OfOcets aro

on the evening of Tuesday. May isih.
and a* this asaodailon ronstsu
ThU is the third mecilpg of ihU
Man's Watch Chain Found Near Body
club In Travi rse City and a great deal of repreieniatlvca of every railroad
tt Only Clue Upo'nxWhieh De­
interest aud good has' ri-sullcd in the couniry. it will be seen that
troit Roilec Ca/Base
it U uo amaJl affair. There'wilt be
Any Hope
least :uo In tbe party and they
'jf Ciand Traverse. The region copi'
to aas<-mble In Grand Rapids and
prlM-s ten counties In this section May 7,-.The sordid story
iig by special train, arriving at
of Ihe stai.e ranging from the north
Traxerae City at 1 o'clock,, and ar- of an Innocent young country girl who
lines of Mani'-lce and Wcxforjl
rangentccta have been made by them sought xxork la Uit- city and fell In
PS to (he nratghta
iipaniona xxi> wronged,
In addition to the rezular busloeM for a lunrheon to l>e served at the
meeting and election of officers .which F^rk Place. This they will look af­ forced to submit to s criminal operaand lat'er was iiiurdert^- and her
w-lll take place gt this time, the club ter tbemselve*. but a conimtuee Of
into a creek In Crosse
wilt In' addressed by Prof. I). It. Wal
I’olni suCurb was being revealed
do. ptwidcni of. the State Normal ■ee that sumcleni auie'niobilet arc to
day by an Invesilgali-m Into the daub
School of Kalathaz(xi. and H. J. Ore- be pn-xided for their use. and they
of prei-y Uelle Barry of Maaon. Mkh.
hrr. uf the .Marshafl'and II-ley bank. be glv.-n the ride down one aide of
Tlie story was far from miupleie toMilwaukee. Wit These genllemen the peninsula ai;d back the other.
dsy. as the police bsd only a few
iKixc liad long experience In educatloa- t,.e orchards will be In their prime
slender threads upon which to base
al work and l>aiiklug and >ery inter- •hut time, no more deilgblfnl trip
Mielr search for tbe persoa who per­
ebtlng snd Instrur-tix-e addresses arc (-oiild be planned.
The party will be JTturned here formed Ibe operanun and Uie man re­
uKsurod Ihe members. Mr. tVbldo
in time for supi>er and tbes go north sponsible (or ber condition.
will siM-ak ou the '-lUiokcr aail the
With the positive ounouncemenC of
before Uie»cveolag train airlvea. AlFarmer." and Mr. I*reher on a pracili.i«Ni eDouali autoa have been offered Coaoty ITtyslelan BrandL who per­
^ luinking subJecL In.addition to
elr-ady t» lake <are of the whole formed-the autopsy, that tbe girl was
these win Ik- musical numbers and
number. Filly or more autoa start dead before the body was placed in
informal discussions.
one after tbe other froiD tbe Park Fox Creek wbarc It was discovered
It Ik exi>ecicd that in the neighbor
Place with this party
the guesta late Monday, the police were forced
ho<Hl of Ml to 100 bankers wlil be presv'tll l>e given a share of tbe (smoua lo'abaiidoa all theories of suicide or
including those Interested In the
l.<t»piLilfiy of Traverse City.
accidental death.
local hanks.
A man's; watch chain, found near
IV. li. I'mlor w.ia also appolaied
Tlie preiK-nl officers and executive
meet with the delegates from the where the body was diacovered. was
.iommittec consist of M. O. Robinson,
various organUattons In the city «ho the moat likely clue today as to the
prestdem; A. tluturs. vice presUenl; are to assemble Thursday evening to ideniiiy of the murderer.
l,eon F. Titus, secreiary and trees
Mrs. Mlllon Pox reported to the
plan tor a Fraternal Day aome time
Iirer; J. P. HolsteUcr. and 11. C. Da during tbe summer.
sheriff today that on Sunday night
on automobile containing two
The relief committee gave their re­
port. which showed that ISll.M had perwuns speed past ber and stop on
been raised lo various ways, and the. the bridge over the creek. Tlie lights
exUngulshed for n momeent. she
maieriaU and cash had been tent to
tiie fltxod sufferer*. Deslde this t^ere B.-iid. and then the auto dashed away.
Tbe Harry gir] came to Detroit a
was <100 from tbe Elks lodw. <a0
from the Sokol Nova TTast and the >’Mr kgo from Bclding. Mich., where
J. x'. D. Sorietlet. Nearly half a she had worked for several year* af­
car load of clothing that bad been ter leaving ber home at Mason.
Prssidsnt Wilson la .Taking Active. rollrcled by the National Cash Reg-Inveatlgatlon was made today Into
Interest In Rropaastf Jury
•kicr Co. and aeot free by the dif­ the story of a young mao who told
Rsform Bill
ferent express companies. .V'esriy the sheriff he bad talked with the
<100 came froo the different Catho­ Harry girl lo a tockU theatre Suoday
evening. He said tbe girl told him
Tretfod, .N. i.. May C.—The special lic sorietics, ~
was In trouble and that she bsd
irwalcn ot the New Jersey loglslsture.
7-e matter of whether we are to
ippointiDset Arlth * physician.
called by Uovernor Fielder to consldfCoDtl^ed on page six.)
a Jury reform bill, a consUiutlonal
convention bill and an act-making
mandatory small boards of freebold•ra. (xravened today.
liy an sgreemant reached between
dcmucratir and republican leadera.
these are' the only measures which
will be taken up during tbe special
session. wbUb therefore Is expected
to be s short one.
Mover did tho word mother have A brooder a&d deeper
More than pa|slng Interest center*
meuisctfaui it-ba< today. Tbe welfare of tho worid it related
' the legislation that will or will
not I>e put through at the special aeste motherhood. Would that the mothers of Oar eoB* and
slon which met today, beraase of
daocfatcri fully reallged the power they wield. Throneb the
ITesIdent Wilson's active Interest
dooUe ftaadard of virtoe eitebliibed by man lei« affee a(o,
the proposed jury refonn bill. 1
motban have anoMudeoily gracted their aoni tteaie to dia-four days prior to the convening of
regard the laaotity of womanhood. When motben ahaU laiiit
the seksloB President Wilson stumped
npoB ai clean man for htubandt of their danfhten aa they
the stare in the jury reform measinaigt tipoa clean daorittan for -wivee of th^ soni. a new era
> IntareeL
will have dawned In which tbe aedal evil and Um white ilave



^ocUnution by the Govetnor

arner Bias
\>lumbla. 8. C.. May T.—In k proclamatlon today. QDVernor Ub
fered a rew ard of IMK) (or the body of
Rirtaarri Auatln. tbe negro whd shot
and kUled two white men and faUlly
woumled a third near Hampton, 8. C..
Wedneaday. The governor's proeUmv
Btlon apeclflci that tbe reward wfll
be paid for tbe body of
t Austin. “Jort
thyre Is fbougb «f It to be reeog-

traffic will have larfely disappeared from our fair land. Tbe
hl^ieat ^pe of women is the mother. Tbe word mother flqilla
th* heart with joy and fntUnda, and five* to memory prioelem treanrea.
Therefore, I, Weodbridee N. Terris, aak that tbe people of
Michigan •et apart the third Snnday in Kay (the 18th) as
Motbm' Day. *Ai far w iKMlble. lit parapta is their honm
and both yoong and <dd In psblio meetiagt dlaciiM tbe theme of
a and lineerity iridob ahonld tbuaeteriae all loyal
haad'and the Great
Seal of th* BtaU, this
Given under tdyJ hand................
eleventh day ni April, in tba year of oor Lord OBO tbonaand
bine hondred and_ tUrtaen,
tUrtM and• of- the
• Oomm««woalth
--------- the

By tbe Oovemer;
Beoretajy of StatB.

Kaiser Wilhelm Intends te be Well
Fortified Flnancialty Should
War Brash Out In the
Near Future.
(B^arl Von Wleagnd. BeHIn Correepeoderd of the United Press.)
Berlin. May S.—OcTmxny Is pMsBlng
the Imperial bank of
<:::,.OOU.006. and a “war fund" of in order to be prepared for
"any eveatnality." Taught a leonon
by the wholesale withdrawal of tbe
Rursiao, rras'eb^ Engilab and American depdi^'dDrtBK.. tMi-Moroccan
(tUIs lu lAll. tbe Ger^aB banks nra
slowly piling up s Mg rcaerre. for­
mally s unprecedented tnllltarr In­
crease. wblcb baa been cbaracterlied
la tbe German-press as n
on Id time of peace., created a sea•itOD at home as well as abroad.
With niucb less ooUe and publicity the
military preimratlooi are being sec­
onded with a (ar-reaebing plan (or
"BnaLcul noMlixatioB " of tbe Faiberlood.
Geld has been dear in Germany (or
some time. Its scarcity is becoming
lutecsifled. The announcement that
S6O.0M.tiM in gold it to be withdrawn
from cIri-uUtlon to add to the ~war
<hcst~ In tbe old Julius tower in Sandsu. where SSO.OAO.OM has haen gath­
ering ru-xt since ISTl. has crenel the
people that only
gold will have a purchasing power In
tlmesof war. The German who can
anil Is saving a few marks, is putting
alble. otherwise silver. Vbe result la
that more and more paper money it
being printed to fill up the hole.
The Imperial bank sow ba* a r^
serv e of about <»0.«0«.OM. About ts:,.POO.nOO oew coinage is turned out annnally. It i* said that (or a period of
irom one to two yesr*. none of tbe
new coinage 1* to he pm into clrculailon. This coinagm together with small
witl0TB«a1t. Is to be piled np In the
Imp^l l«nk until the gold reserve
total reaches the tSfS.WO.DOO mark. In
Ptoco of tbe new coinage paper money
In 10 and sr> mark “kas
greenbacks.’' is to be printed to flll
the gap. Aside from this. IS.OM.bOO
gold annually is to be withdrawn from
clrentailon until «0,0M.D00 baa been
added to Ihe "war cbesu" This cap
also Is to be filled wttb iwper. Next.
<g0.000.nw Is to be coined espedatly
(or the “war chest" no at to brint th#
lout up to <»n.000.000. Tbe <30.008.000 In silver fs lo be dIstribntetf'aamRf
the Urge bsnkH.throngbo« the Uagdom to be held until tbe trumpet of
war sounds.
Should war tw docinred. the Uw proTidet that tbe^vemment may^lohM
liaper money to the extent of <3 (or
every dollsr of
chwt." 'Thus Oennaar would have
a gold merre ot <r&.00(i.00» in the
Imperial bank. «0.000,000 specUl war
fund In geld specie lo the Jollns uwer
and «0.0IW.0*0 ellver war fund dapoelied srlth tbe banks. As tlM.OeOMO
psper money could he Issued upon the
« '^war ebett.’' the Gemaa
COTeroment wenid have Immediately
available <»4u.000.0M lor a “way
pantc in bank or Indnstrlal circle*.

KaUmasoo, Mlcb.. May 7.—More
than one thousand OsUmHc clergymae
from all over tbe Catted Staiee aad
Canada gathered hdFe today to attend
the iDveeUiure eereoonJee In boaor of
Right Reverend Mefftlboor Fraak
O’Brien nt BL AugniUne's church.
Tbe title of MonslgBor recently wns
beeiowed on Father O'Brien by Pope
Plus. With only a few cxc^Klou,
every Catholic parish nl the oooattr
one of tbe largest gntberlagi e( the
CetboUc clergy In a decade. Father
O'Brien U one of twelve who beer the
Utle of MonslgBor In AaeHee8AK FRANCtSCO-Tbe railed
Suiee transport Bbenaan, onrrrtu ronpde of smell nm nmB»
nltton snd small artillery amBanttleB
end n large qaantKr Of powder, eatlW
today for Manfia. mere thu S hoere
behind schedule Uawli deattac Worn




®**i5=rJf"’"IIRMY IRRFT i



liuffalo. *lay 7.—Caltle—H<-ceipts, Sheep ................
I2j cars; alow, niea&y, }n*tk.:.o, C'tilckaes. dnaaad .
t'alves—Active. Jf-c higher at IliD Geeaa. dressed ....
N.y.'i. Sheep—z;ecietii:a. S.c60; alow, Ducks, dressed ....
weak. tkiiKS:.; No. 3. $C.22. Hugs— Turkeys, dressed ..
Office ta r**m at. b«ut ^hm 23.
Ilecelpts.; slow, IJt.Kc luwvr.'
FN.GoOR.r.:;..clq8lnE at kS.nuGK.C,.
FARM PRODUCE—Buying Pricaa.
Potatoes ................................................80
Butter.......................................20c to a
(*}i|cngo. Mas 7.—Potatoea quoted'gt' Kggs ...............................................ICeiOc
ilUHTc. Michigan stock fSOt-'K;.
Hay. Iboae ............................ |io to |I2
Hiraw. per ton .................................
It it «ridtnt fran the war In wfairb Authorities FearlAg AMthcr Raid by
GRAIN. Unlong ...................................Me to
Rabels on MatehuaU: Advise
tb* new conmltaion form of aorern
Chicago.* May 7.-Wbeat. SSY.c.
All Americana to Leave
oaU. 3r-\.c.
the City
c of tbe dUxeiit of Traverte
Chy. Th« plan bat been ffi tucce^sMexico «cy. May 7.—An army draf.i
fnl IB (Kber riUtt that ererybody
beginning next June la aiiUiorlzrd by
fatereated In tnaklBg It an equal auc- a decree lafiied h.v President Hderia
fFrom Tuesdays Keeorrt-^gla.)
<waa here. TbU confidence on
today. This order will apply whenYesterday was the busy day nloag
4RAlN-HanMh G Lay ea.
part of the pohllc in the neo who
voluntary enlUtmenia are Inade­ all liii<« of farui producu. 7.M) hush.
bare been elected to act a* cointnl*- quate to nil vaiwncies In the ranks. •■U of iHiiatoes were received at the 'T’rires correeted every day.
slODere U a bealtfay tynptom and It applies to all Mexican mains be­ i-gtiiar price of ?0c. :ns tlotep eggs Wheal ..................................................!
Cora .......... ............................................I
abowt that there baa been a radh-al tween tbe ages of 18 and ir<. regard and tr- |K>unds ut butter came In.
cbaape in aentlment In the tdtj- dur­ lhas of social standing, except la the­ - During the month of April there Rye.......... .........................................;
ing the paat few BtoatbA • The gevio- cae of heads of families or those dho were bought of the farneiw injiti Iluckwlteat, per IM Iba . .............Il.lfi
GRAIN—Traverse City Milling Co.
Cettaer a]>iH( U flnnly eatablixhed
show that famlUea are depw
dozen egK| ind ilTru iMuads of bu>Prices correctod every day.
BOW and It I* boi>ed that it will bo upon them.
whiih is a good showing for the
Those drafted shall serve three region iimj demunstratea Hut the hen Wheat ................................................... M
continued with incrgating force In
Forti ........................................•.........a
the Intnre. When the men In cbarxe e«rs with the colors had three years
prontable |iin Qt the farm asseoi,
Rye .V............................. .....................M
.of city aSalw leel that the peoiite are tn the reserves.
/IS welt a^ the «-o»-. .
White navy hcani ....................... ll.SO
Americana In Ofitgar
i^ack of then la their efforu to make
Fielmauh A- Co. «lii|>ped one «
Rod kidney beans ............................$IJ0
A long standing grudge bc<’
a better city they will bare the conliiad^Of hide* to'Whllehall and two
liuckwheat. per 100 lbs, .tl.OOfi II.IB
ndenee to go ahead and do tblnga for Julius Iladlll.t umi SyUcsirn Marisml.
hicaan nil* morning. ’

USO. U. BATIOslHkiiMYaK Rdltsr
W. A- tilHNUN, Kdltor ,


Local Markets


tha general bettemeni. Btery man
9D the commlaaioo ii a practical biialBeaa man who baa made a auccet^t
- £a>bla own work, and tbe people have
faNh in tbelr aMtity to omke an equal
nceeat of rannig the affatra of tbe
dty. Confidence H after ail tbe real
■ecm of aiiccesi and at there la a^
abasdance of tbli feding In tbe city
BOttlag but tbe moat Burcehaful adtnlBtatration la predicted by thoac who
are tn toncfa with public atlaira. Tbe
I of tbe rommletion ar.
e foe tbe conduct of the city
boBlneea and they bare so far shown
their ability to-lay plant that will
wortt out In thii direction during their
term of office. The city baa outgrown
tbe oM narrow partisan method of
doing bnainesa and the citizens
winiBg to take bold and make a real­
ity of some of the rialone' of better
tblsgi that bare come to them In the
paat With a non partisan commission
there U no posaibitity of political
UckarliAa that bare marred the barBony and teaaened the efflclefiry of
oonnclli under tbe old ayatem. ^rtrj member of the new goremmeni U
working for tbe beat interests of the
city and will leare nothing undon^
' Bake a abowiog m fair partlciiUr departmesL and at tbe same time aaaiat tbe others In their work. Tbe
aOBbert of the commission arc i
.. cowratnUted upon tbe sian they
hara made and they can de|>end
wpoa the cliitmu standing, behind
tbBi U their' efforts to make a
Br town oat of Trarerae City.

tniandanta of liregnlnra at Acapul
resuKed-ln a battle in tbe em‘ci:
Prices cbTTected every d*y.
of that city today. Some of the flght----- i.................................... ..8Wc
ing occurred In front of the Ante
............................... lo 7c
Caivu .................................................
The controversy had no direct
fo"'t ........ r....................................3 to Cc

Priea corrected u market varies.
Hidn ..................
Calf .........................................,..............lie
Tullow ......................................................Sc
No. 1 borsQ bides...............ll.Mand np

forcea. The lussea liowever.
The sutboritlea. at Maiehuala. in
San lAilB PoiosL (earing another raid
by tbe rcltels. have duggestnd that tlieAmerican residents leave tbe i
if they are determined to retain,
place themselves under orde? and
prepare to asslU in rejielllng the at
There Is a rumor of a federal Feverse at Cuamavaca.




Several Firem«W>Were Hit and Hurl
by Flyinq Bricks—One of the

LockM With Baby Picture. Engraved
Hatpin and Memorandum'Book
Fail to Shed Light on
Her Identity.

Leaped From wiitdew in Tolleo Sta­
tion'Wh«ra Hi Was Held in


time. The a
B la the New
Fmglaiid states use HAKt’Sl.I.'R <*O.V
DITIUN FUWDKK for klork ami t<ouItry. A ixic ka^ goes a long way be*
ENGLAND EXCITED OVER DOMB t-auhc ii is all inodirine. not a food. It
puts (Working animals In good tplrli.
and n*-sh Keeps i*>ultr>- free from
disesiu-s and increases the yield of
eggs. Price 2:. vts. Sold by all duig-



__ »



By the “Ka-oUr" method I can ramove those aening teeth absolutely
witbout pain, and wllliout tbe use uf
drugs to prudiK-e uueonacloosheas.
IVoide ut nervous leinparament and
with weak heoru will appreciata tbe
"Ka-olar" n.eUiod of painless exirac(lon.
im W. <3. KINTON.
lotSOK Wilhelm Rloc k. with Or. HoMb
worth. Traterae City. Mictlna.

Default having been made lo tbe
eondltloDS of a eertaln mortgage dat-;
ed Juuary 21. ISii, made by Caleb i
R. Cox and Neill- M t'ov his w-Ue »rj
Traverse City. MIrh.. to Agnu Pierce
Trouble Started Following Defeat of of ume pure, which mortuge Is re-^
corded in the offli t* of the RegUler of 1
Suffrage Maaeiww by House of
Deedi for Grand Traverse t«iQ0ty.|
Conunon. Last NIgM by
MIrh.. In liber .'9 of ni'irtgagna on page |
Vote of H6 toSIS.
389. and upon wWch there 1« claimed'
lo be due at the date hereof the anm
of one hundred and eiglil an.l Ife-lin
l.onoun. Mar 7. - A bomb with clock dollar* «IOR7ri, land no salt or proArc ooly paVeb;-s..d'ejae<- Tber«
work Bud battery aitarbed. wu fouad (w-eding ai law having ho-n instituted
fore they should h,- cf modern
under tbe bUt>u|i's throne in St. Paul' to re-over the money «eeored bv said
design, built of m«si <L*ral>le
•noneare or anv iiait thereoti. There­
eathedral today. It Is believed by the fore by virtue of the jioB rr of *4ile eonmairilals and artl>-*icallv Oolahfd. Yon will bnd only mch
liollce tu bo the work of suffragelles isined lo said n.ongiige and the siatat the works of
as part of a threatened nation-wide nie tn tueh ease made and provided.
A. W. RtCKEftO
\ntl.-eiKl»ereljy given thatoh Moudav.
i'i:miiaigu fi-r the defeat oi the
eamiuilgn of revenge for the defoat ol (he 14th day of July. 7913. at tea
o'rloek in the forenoon of that day.
tbe Dicklnauti bill last night by the there will be sold at public anetlon
huuM- oC eciiinNjns by a vote of 2<iC- to thedilghesi bidder^al the frqnt door
3I1>. The botiie office Is reil<-enl about of the court house in Traverse Cli.v,
dis<'usBljic tbe Incideai. hut adndtted Grand Traverse county. MIrh.. (that
the bomb was filled with a high explo- being the place where the clrrntl
court for nald rounty la held) the
stve. suffirient lo destroy the entire preraUes deerrlb*'*! in said moiiuvel
altar eholr organ. Home 8e«veiary or so mueh thereof as mnv be neces­
McKc-nna is gn-atly |>erihrl>ed l»ecause sary to pay tbe amount due thereon
Si. I*aul'v la supiios.-,! to Im* /mder
legal cusis. together with fifteen dol­
rigid survelllanee by Scotlantl Yard. lars aitormy fe<- provided tor therein
Other outrages during tbe'ntghl <
The premise* des-rihe.' In said mort­
Five ItomhS'were found tn Donverlc gage and to be sold are described u
Ci^. Phone 481. Bell 180.
Bireet opiKwitv tbe Kvening Star: that parrel of land situated In Grand
rounty. Mirtw, bectnnlng at
cricket iiavilloD at lUahoi.'s Ihirk
« point ten rods north of the south
burned; ’ (wo bungalows at Hex Hill, weat corner of (he sooth west quarter
732 Froal SI.
also unoeciiided. were I)urned,
of the south east quarter of section
twelve In town twenty-seven north of
Qty, MIeb.
range eleven west, thenre running
north ten rods thenre east forty-eight
rods, thence aouUi ten rodfc. thence
weal to place of beginning.
Famous French Sleuth inters PolKAUNIISJ PIERCE.

leal. Arena.
lAVcll H. Gage.
Attorney for Mortgagee.
I*arls, May 7.—kMends of I-ouls I."Biulneas address. Traverse City.
Hijjh - class W. P. Rocks
piiie. Fram e's famous ex-prefeel of i*- Mleh.
29. June 5. (Fisiiei Strain)'KgjiSs. $2 per
liee. and a<miellni(>:( (-all<*d the must April 24, May 1. 8.
famou.*: txillce head of mcwlern times, 12, 19, 26. July 3. ift.
15. $5 per 45. R C.K.I. Reds.
tmlay inlormally announced the for­
Thompson and Beaii strains,
mer fiollre otflrial'K candidacy for the
Default baring been made In the
senafi*. H was declared >f. I.e|ilne rondltipDi of a ceruln mortgage made cflgs $1.50 per 15. $2 50 per
Sliipp^ parcels post
would run as a candidate in the Ixilre and exerotnl by HernioJi W. Smith 30.
district, where be has large jntjieity and wife. Kflie M. SniitlV of Tiaterse prepaid.
City. Mleh.. to John M.^larklna of
holdtnga. M. I.eplne Is a "progreskive same plaee. dated October 12th. Ih'il.
Send remiLlance with
In the truest Ame^an coneepibm of and rer'ord^ in thi- offlee of the Itegorder to
the leriii He Is how on a vseation In Isler of Deeds for .Grand Travi-rSe
.-ouniy. Michigan. Oetolier 14. 19**l. at
ll:4r. o'elock a. m. of that day. In
UlMU' 43 of Mortgages un |iage 2S2.
which, with the note aecuroil thereby
was on .Isnimr; iCtli. 1M2. duly nsProprs.
sdgned by Eva M. Urklns. wife of
kali] John
I-arkins. deevaseil. and
'Sooth Ma^tou. hUchi.
Public Excluded From Jwk Johnson residuary Mniec under the will oI
Huring. April 10 to Nsv 12. la./






oi>eralian of law-,
law. and tht
the same Iw
her property absolutely. 1on uid date.
to l•at^iek
............ of Traverse
Mleh.. and the ssslKnmeni thereof re-

Jred Ten and 7l-lu<i
Dollars, and no proer-edtngs rilher at
law or fn «qnlty having been Insti­
tuted to recover the debt secure*.!
therebj. or any part thereof, nollee
therefore hereby ghen that by virtne
of the |K>wer of ule rontained In uld
mortgage, an.l In compltanee with tbe
stainte In such case n>ade and prev
vided. there will be sold at public auc­
tion or vendue to the highest bidder,
on Wedaesda*', (he 27th day of June.
1913. at III o'clock a m. of that day.
at ih# north front door of Ihe Court
House. In the City of Traverse City,
said Court llonse l*.*iag the place ft>r
holding the Circuit
Clrrtilt Coqr
Court for uid
county, the prendses described in uld
tnortgage. or so much thereof a.'* may
be necesur) to uilsfy the amount
then doe. Including the principal, li
terest and rtwts of such forecipsur
and ule. and an attorney fee of n ei
ty Dollara, as provided for in raid
mortgage. The premises to be sold
arw described lo uld mortgage as
that i*arcW of land lying In tlic City
Of Traverse City. Grand Tntv«-rse
oonatv. Michigan, and described as followr. to-wit: All of lot-oiimber elghi
(81 and the west fifteen feet of lot
number nine (9> tn block foor (41 of
I’erry Hannah's Second (2nd) addition
the village, now city, of Traverse
City, Michigan, according to tbe re­
corded plat thereof.
Dated April 3rd. 1913.
Attorneya tor Aulgttbe.
Business addreu, Trarerae City.
eprtl 3. 10. 17. 24. may 1. 8. ir., 22.
Jane 8. 12. 19. 26.



Tcc^ Extr*dc4 Ataolatcly %Vltko«t WtOm


■SyraeuFc. May 7,-A tall for militia
- exjiecieil here IhiK bftertuwn follow­ 'DeiroU. Slay 7 —Only one clue U
ing seriousirloiInc by siriklng hod car- bring aearcbed for by ilie iwllee to­
Chicago. May 7.—A Jury to try
. Clashes with the |•oll^e rcsalud day in tbelr efforts ib-sulve the
Jack Johnson for alleged white sUvery
in tu-ven Italians Itelng shot Jonn and tcry surrounding the finding of tb# .was seeiir<*d liefiiie Judge <*ar|M-ul<-r
lg>odon. -May 7.—Schlnas. assssrln
Fix polieeincn bcriously injur<-<i. One body pf a w.-ll dressed, itreliy woman. :J««lav. The public la exeladed fh>m
of the late King George of Greer o. t
of the wounded sirikent will die. For alKvul 34. Ijiug fare downward In'a the hearliig.
day killed himself by leaping from
se((>ral-h(>trrs the battle -between f'Mi few Inches of water In Fox ' eroek,
window In the^i>olice statiOD when- 'Irlkers ahil alnul r-ii |4>lle>-n)en raced. llmsse Point. A man who refused
he was confined <n Kalonlfca. accord Then the fire deiiartnient was called ghehis name, aftet viewing the body,
log to 0 Reuters news agency dis­ and a sireain of waler, was idayed uje said he had seen liity woman riding a
the strikers la an ieff^rt to hrenk motorcycle with a man Sunday near
Reiurt of the McKinley srhttol for
fhoir ranks. Several of tlie .firemen
ered. The eondltiun. of the woman'a the month ending May 3;
■ hurt with flytiig hrirks.
It U extremely anfonunate when
Number of day* taaglit. 30.
body, her dlKarranged clothes ud
a man who la heralded all
Number of hoys enrolled. 10.
slilon In whirl) she was found, lekd
world as a great man faJIa to come
Number of girls enrolled. 8.
tbe police to believe she bad lM*en
op to aapectatlooB and covers bia arTotal number enrolled, 18.
murdered. On ihg nody was found a
tiona with Igoomlny. The people liave
loeket Inscribed with (h'c Initials "A. 'Average dally atiendgnre. 16.9.
Jnat bad an example' of ihU in Dr.
T." eontalnlng a picture of a pretty
Friedrich Pranx Friedmann, tbe OerKING NICHOLAS' ACTION NOT AP- baby. A gold hat pin with the
Neither absent nor tardy tor the
Ban doctor who claimed that be bhd
graved letter -C" was alao found. month: Herbert Anderson, JJIllan
Chas. Renper of Uoync City has
diacorerad an for conWilson. Melba l.ewiB. Tony MrKInley
signed his ixisuioD as manager ut tli>Search of her rioibea also reveal<-<t
aBBtptloo, Tbe German aaranta did
Not absent for the year; Tony 31cHoiel Wolverine to ae«-ej>t a similar Decision ts Surrender SeuUrl Not memorandum book luued by a lieiuPP^take readily to hla clalma end be
ItosJUan with the Hotel NeahhisanU
ing. MIrh,. I«nk. ns]«iehes from Kinley. Dalrin Ilausdlng. Uliian Wild^tulned to come to this couhtn'
.nr. Renner win l>egin work at oneUelding answering the desrriidion
and prove to the United SUles gov-'
Melha I.«wla and Otis Cornell each
and the renovation of this hotel will
known there. An Inquest was ordered
aram^t that his remedy was all that
were absent one-half day In the year.
!>>mldn. Mar T.--Klng Nicholas' de- for icMilghi.
l>e coiimienced wlibour delay.
be claimed for it In tbe way of a
IJIlUn Wilson hu been neither nbThere has been conatderahlo done ijsiun to surrender Scutari may cost
poaiUve cure. Tbe goventment mediseni
nor urdr for two year*.
accordalready Eight new cottages have
cal aathorltiea gave bim a hearty wel­ been put In order and tbe iiotel lisolf ig to dlsiUrhes received today from
School elosed with s picnic dinner,
come and conducted -a aeriee of ex- will be thoroughly overhauled
wbltdi wu mueh enjoyed by all preslerman.v. The king's suhtnlwlon lo
parimenti that for a time appeared n^y new aitraetions added, making the povrera wu Bot U>Prov«d by the
to be aatlatactory. bnt tbe wily Ger- It one of the most eojoyahle pUces in
Ulllah Horton. Teacher.
enegrlM. Rathd- than face roa- MEMBERS WANT TO HAVE MONTH
nUB doctor failed to TumUh enongb this region.
demnnUon It Is Said Nicholas may ahof (be material for the experts to com —This ipKoclation hai lieen very for­ lilcato. pnilpbly In favor of his
Who Was Her
CanvBM ia Bring Taken to Find If
ciede tbelr iDvesUgatlons In a sati^ tunate Tn tbe securing of their new Crown Prince DanlJo.
'TStbar." aald a boy of twslTK
They Hava Enough
- Caelory manner. TbU began to make manager, as he hu bad wide exi>eri“who wu Bhyloekr “Whatr
tbe pabllc skapUcal aa toriia meriia.'
elalmad hla -fathar. ’'have I aut you
In the Urgest snmmer retorts In
to Sunday aobwl tor tha lut alx
and tbe next thing that was know; the touthwest. He hu been with the
/Washington. Slay C—To adjourn asTec years, only to have you oak me
was Chat be bad' anld bU rigbu In tbe Harvey iastitlulnns an tbe Kante 4V
the house for at least a month Immedl- who Bhyl^k-4ru! Bbanm'on
dlaeorer}' to a commerrial firm for and also at Coronado Reach' and San
Lone Bandit Captured In a Grading itely after It puses the UrlB bill, ao Oat your Bible and find oat tbU
a laige amounu with still greater Diego. Cal.
■tor—Motber'a Magaxtna.
that tbe represeniatlvea may have
promise of money returns In the fu-, From thi- inquiries already received
catlona until the senate acts on the FOR 8ALE-j;o acre farm, near Klngatare. This maans.tbat hu discovery the Indkations are that this will he
Kansas City. Mo.. May 7.—A wound­ wu a plan advanced by
ley and Holmes Riding: nice build-.
was not what It
the most prosperona season. ever ed man arruted in a grading camp
Ings. windmill, good hardwood land,
? of deipoeraiB today. They a
and Instead of being gtveD to the gov- known. ,
near lilrgilngham. Mo., today
all cleared, only ll.f-OA. on time;
ranvaaslng the bouse to learn If
aramant like any legliimate dUcovery
40 acres 5 miles cost of Trav­
Identified ultbe train robber who lut enough volet can be tecored lo put the
weold bare been, it has been 'comerse CIO for J2.-.n.00. Address. P.
TImraday night held hp a Kansu City scheme through.
P. Kutsell. boo Moffat Dlk.. DelroilBSTclallaed before anyone knows
Southern train and wounded Jeaoie M.
whet Its real meriii are. ConaumpFhorL a Joplin.
Mo., miner, from
tlVB all over tbe world will now be
WANTED^-Compatant . nd
whom he took tl.OOO. The ideoUflealad to inraat tbelr meager aavli
apartmtnt Fruldant of W. R. C.
enced girl for geaeral house work.
iloa wu made-by.ShorL
First class wages.
Uf». U F.
IMa core in hope of relief, and they
Hera Monday.'
Td know hitn among a thnutand.”
1-^ will probably receive the same beneuid Short, as the man who gavw the TARIFF BILL WILL PASS HOUSE
■U that they have from the pateot
Mrs. Agnes M. TOlcy of ,\'.blpn doTO|IORROW
WANTED—Position os norsemaid
eaffic of 1.0BU Watson wu bright
Bedkdnea they hire been buying for panment |rt-c*ldfnt cf C-c V.' 1’.. C.
AdID bis roc la Wesloy boapUal where
dreu Mlu Sola U. Nalaoa. Daryaari from tbe taken who adverttae
In .the Tliy j:oii.;ay. visiting
the Joplin miner Is recovering fromj
tbelr bMlaeaa tfaroogb the mercenary' the Idtal ^is. 8Ke met with the'
W'Mmds Infilcied by the bandit.
preaa of the <euiKry. .Dr. Friedmann corps in tbe aflert^on and her visit
On the night of |bo holdup, although
was M Mg enough to aund np to the .. ............. ....
enRiyed by every r
WAN7XD—Beta acraage. Free need
woundeG Short shot and Injured the
fuToUhed on the first thirty acre**
faeh and prove bis dalma. either in |}er. there being about tbirty-oeven
WuhlnglOB. May 7.—Tha last lap
bandit u the Utter wu luvlng the
co'niracted. Tnveno Cfty Caaiag
Oaeteaoy or the Vdited States, but in- present. Past department }>resldent.
in the tariff debate began tn the
coach aRer the MbberyCompany, a
meh lUf
•Bsd giBSpad at the cdianre to make romella 8. Perry of Btt Rapida. was
today. The paaawe of the hill
Ababelal gain on of tbe fret adver- also present. She is a member of
la decUred eertala by Ma­ ALVIN H. GRUBER. FwoordlOIrweter
PITTSiirRG—fbnr thousand skill
and Embalmee. 3t2-8<»U OadMjBt.
ttMng that be bad received thronah the local corps, but being put of the ed workmen emidoyed by theMaebeih- jority Loader Underwood. He uld.
Mra. Nellie PratL •Blrtairt. 'Cfc
tbo .praaa of Iba CMBtry. Cemsmp- city the does not meet with Iham very Kvans Oliu company have been granipoaalblo but hardly probable*
phone K7-'. We tvMt yon at*>a
map sboold BToU
aad her vtslu an vary much
yolunieer Inoreaae of wages. Tbe that the meuure would be passed
would wish to be trtaMd. ■ i
—PFoaad cure aatll Ka marits bare onRiyad. ' Mrs. Harriagton of the raise is eir<-etlve May 18 and affens late tcaright
ftsaa sraran by aama soarca i
Maple City oorpe «u also present. empioyM In factories at Charleroi.
The boose
•wbBKIr tbaa tbe praaa agaat «f tba Attar tba bnalaeaB maating. a aorial Pa.; Toledo. Ohio; Mariop. and Kl- sUeratlon of tbe laoome tax. only, a MONEY TO Loan os'boo* wat won
improved forma. 11. C. DeHa. SI3
wra Itet baa baSo tba pttrabAM of time wu a&lored. tba ladias aerviag wood. lad. The amount of Increase Ir
8UU DaMi BMg, Trarerae Oty.
ieweraam aad walara.
ssrll tS4f
aol annonoeod.
- -


A Sueeansful Farmer
r.lves as uiu< b atlenilon lo his stork
u he does to Ills ito{is. .qil >ii>ek
lose*, eoiidillon at time-c and it la the
good mauger that applies tbe reme.1'

$7 5

Spraying pays. Spray
your fruit trees this year
and get your pay in an
abundant crop of perfect
Let us figure with you
on your spraying needs.
Dow’s UiBC and
$7.50 per bbl.
$1.00 rebate for return
of barrel.
$4.50 per one-halfbarrel, (25 gallons.)
75c rebate for ieturo
of container.
Smaller quantities
down to Quarts.
Arsenate ol Lead
In any quantity. Price
according to quantity.
Bine Vitriol
By the pound or by
the barrel. Let us fill
your spraying order.

Wail’s Drag Store
Travenc aiy.

The LifOe Wonder
This 2>j II. P. Gwiliiio Engine corabinea
all tho pMwl poiuls tif Urn 1m*sI (xyiwlrnetios.
For inl.*niiillent work of all kindg, such as
..jgTitinR centrifugal runipa. saw ript. rieetric genoralnrs. apmy pumps, otp., it i» ub

lltl and miss governor really reg

ulat« On* l«’ad. It otilelawtea them rU on
rt*gulation. Ileat-y cylinder proridea for
M*veral relioringB. Drup-furged crank sliafl.
All working parts accurately maehined lo a
thousandth of an inch and positively interehsngeaiile. Shi}>I»cd eonipleto ready to run.
Evert' cugine fully guaranteed.

Hopper Cooled


T^vctm dly, BUch.



hy anyonr in tbly loynltiy nnd no ihcy
♦ nlaytbl dot«Ctiv« ai.d ihe irsult *«»
that ibc> laiiclwl a uiuuimund alwl<»r>|n l-UCPCU) M >(CC4ml-t%>|!lC.)
liriid om at liM Bay. tl laker >ou;c
MrCurrr •aii Ae)i and I
flohfTnrtti lo do n dol'd like ihai. but
friandk arc alua>E rcmcmltcrt'd wti
IIkj roimrtor eaw thfiroi.lij, and tbal
be rclarnt. !i la »ald liiu on ibla (rlt> -allies U.
ha.caajthi rc. nwre or lea»!'

did not *U(.lb‘f<riUi
They iH'll^eyc *a,un)o5lnF ibcoirutvii
Thrj irnM'ir UtuiK.
ktuiK. ‘Tbnf»
‘Tbat ). in Ml.':'
Bim. And liiry rocod lurt the riKbi
aiioia fur ilir l>"aiiik>« Thor ate ull
in«> wanted and iliiy tirbaslil borne
cDouah lor thrir friouda. Aak Ihcu
wbcrc ItuES b>?

Carl' E.'Irhson and licnniE Kelly aa
Iloh Flood and Dave Core are aorae
Ruarillan*. went tu the town of Mum.
Oiarlc}- Ocrmainp and Hoc Wofxl )<oar and I:>1 Monroe make ii|i wiiir ' Joe Bioffcl la a niairlcd man. Iiul Thnl U B'bcrc he of the roinatrel lame PblicriKcn. They can flalh bat they
ira loo cood flahcrtnco lo be outdoiX' crawd *hon 1| i-oiuci. to thbloK. Tbc; iMnk of a' imrwa (tt'ing aloue on a iiB» a fha^
They any Ciat the} fcel mubt have ilie naht kind . ot halt.
There wu aomc diacaaalon In ttadr
last nip and In Uio arguiBent they
.nuAi have uken eonbldoraWe Ume.
r»r iliry foiRot (be ineai that they
fl'MUld have Uktm. Why any Saber
ninii ahoiild lake food ol thia kind.
wlK'n they Ro after brook trout h
amiwerei, but It la said that they came
hacif to Ibo city after acme bacon and


From BIrtb, Krause A Co. ol Crand Raplds» Manolaclurers and Wholesalers ol Shoes

They Go on Sale Friday Morning, May 91h
At prices the LOWEST we*ve ever offered on similar'merchandise, and these prices wHl
conyane onUI all arc sold. Come early lor best selections. .

1045 Pairs of Shoes, Oxfords and Sandais Go in This Safe
Mo.rt 01 tlic Jol arc Llriltlrcira shoec, 'raoeliii; in tixe from 2 for the lilUc tota, lo the larfrcst sizes iu boys’ and girls'
fonlwccr. Every pair rcpioscbU good solid feather, perfccl werkmonship. and long service. There arc iJso sdme seusonabic
Elylcs in incu's and women's shoes abd oxfords in p.itent leather, viri kid ^nd gnn mcVil. When wc see an opportonily
to make a pnrebase th,it will saix our customers money, wc always grasp it. It's this policy that makes the Globe Dept.
Storr always present a scene ol uctivUy. So when lliU chance Was offered, Mr. itorcnthal was quick lo ukc advaai i"..
of it, realising Uin here was an nnasiial opportunity to »ve his customers a snug sunt on their footwear purchases.
ncinemu''r, this a brand iitw lot of shoes fresh from the mannfactmer. With the exception of a few pair soiled while
being carried by the salesmen, every pair is iu perfect condition. But to prove our statement, come and investigate for

-4S1.2S lonr - strap
pSandals and Pat­
ent Leather Shoes
«vllh white kid
lop. lace or bnlton* very sliabtly
per pair


One lot oi Men's
and Women's
Shoes and


Gan MeUl Pumps£bc -White Sid Strap Sandals —
71k Patent Leather S'r.ip Sandals—
fOc Tan Strap Sandai-.—
75c S^rap Patent Leather Pumps—
R«d Kid 2-itrap Sandals—
Patent Le.Mber Pumna with and withont heels, some Colonial
ly sizes for small children—
Choice' T the entile lot


68 pairs of shoes for growing girls; the
. kind of shoes that will stand wet
. Meather and hard osage; made of
light weight box calf leather; worth
$1.85; Kile
4 MM
pnec. pair ....................... J«^T

65c pink and blue mercerized canvas'
lace shoes—
White' canvas strap slippers worth C5c.
Most of them arc clifiblly soiled, hav­
ing been carried by Uic shoe sales­
men on the road: they're unnsoally
good value, and the price is low, per

Highcrt grades of children's sho^s,
.sample gtxKh, patent leather, tans,
red, high or low cut; fancy or plain;
liKcs frour'4 to 6; shoes tliat you'll
tell your friends about at the reraaikably low price
per pair ..................



(Net a pair'worth l«s than $1.50.)

75 pairs lightweight calfskin tan'barefoot sandals,for small
children; sizes 2'/. to €; Uiesc usually sell at
^ QCgb
eOc; our price, pair ................................................
Larger sizes; worth $1.00,
pair .................................................................
Here arc black kid chocs with brown trimmings, patent leather
vimp Un U^s, gu:i mct:U, paunt
patent and Un leather, plain und
fancy 4 strap Roman sanda's, all black, black and rod, or
black and Un tops; also some white kid tops and
cuedes; $1.00 $1.2: %rd $Uh) values, per pair....
/ fC


^sses’ Russia Un and palcnl leather button oxfords, regular
$1.75 and $2.00 grades;
sale price, pair

One i^eat lot of shoes, worth from $1 to $1.50, white nnbuck,
brohre kid, chocolute tan cloth top. patent leather with red
trimmings, ami plenty o*' plain black shoes in
this lot, all go at, pair...........................
100 pairs of the famous Red Soboolhonse shoes for hoys and
girls kft. These are our own regular stock, and sold at
$2.00 and $2.25; to close quickly, wc offer them



........................ ..................... 9XaU«f

White Nnbuck button oxfords, for misses,
$2.26 value ..........................................
(Sizes mostly 1, 1 and 2.)
One lot of c'hil
itidrqn'i shoes and oxfordf, Un and patent leathi-r; would sell for ^.50;
special at, pair


Velvet Shoes, latest style toe. One tnblofnl of Ladies* $S and Men’s Dress Shoes in patent
button oboes
All sizes in (girls'
K$ 50 Shoes. Suene fine dress
lejilher, biudier cut.
shoes up to size 2. Ontiiianly
lUill lop.jn^t
IU}I. inciii
sillies ill the Jot., cloih
selliDfi at $1.35. $1 50
price $2.30.
calf toj) Sonie welt
ami $1.75. This
and hand turned
Bi^ Sale, per pair...
puir ..........
soles; not all sizes, pi

" 4 C!n



Here’s where the Men and Women Share in the Savings
TON OXFORDS; genuine wblt sole;
■ newest style lasU; our
' special price, pair —


made for home comfort, all sizes,
-only two pair to a customer; *)n<>
per pair.......................................A7C

PUMPSe with buckle, jnsV the right
weight aole; a shoe that easily sells
at ^.60. Our price

at $3.50 and $4.00 everywhere; the
most comforUbTe shoe to
buy; sale price, pair ...........4*BV

with silk bow; made in the newest
Ltyk- beeh end toes; all sises; spe­
cial lor this sale,

MEN'S' WORK SHOES, with double
t^e; I
$2.00 shoe; during
sale, per pair

tizcz. for drcM wear; new and dexirabie lasu; special for
the sale, pair........................ Z.ZD

SHOES; lace or button; guu metal
and vici kid, black or tan; they're
good ▼aluee at $3.50; spe-*
ciol sale price___


This is
the Best
Shoe Sale
in, the





IlKliInc uii>' and then- brlnr.'nn )»’' iIjc catch pt the Maon.
r.T. Well, bia wife la a Rood cook s-iil-'
r »r npaita 1IHto \heae an ai
(hat makd* u|i fur the diffcrenc.'. lU
Oaja then- idu( Ik a Btioibc't
itavH there waa none ItU fur the e';i
(he ftony tribe who cbaam place*
und mcnl.

• - ’ (fbin one . iocalKy to another. Ten
inrhe* for the mlnlnqgi^ aUe Is eome
r. E. r4a|)|> and win Inconard. wlUi rbiitaR.

table of WOMEN'S SHOES;
'^itylcs suiuble for the old ladies as
woU a. the ycneor ona; n.1 dl

sale pricf, pair ................


PUMPS, in patent leather and vici
kid; they’re an nnusnal
good value at, pair........


made in patent leathqr, gun metal
aud vici kid; unquestioned $3.00 and
$3.50 value; sale
price, pair ............ ................Ii/w

for the
Year '

Un I’lajtcr. BlmGr Uriaica^ and
YouftR Homan aKaya taken a^vtatcc
of (be opiiortimlty to Selh and yertcr<:nj (hey dneided to ro to Keyatono.
Inrec yoiinx with aPPcUica
A-' away with a lot of S*b and Unm:in<Uon (liat is aRttetins the iiiliidH
nr -their friends la howTour amall flab
lun satlKfy eiieh robuat iieople. Atik
John Stal^liT Is
lie ca SCI i hlR <»lch.
it itn> iiindltiona « e rlsht «li; flab
Boiii.l n»i lead on-' (o think that (be

Katn (Sokey I-- a BUcKt of one of the
Icx-al ilNliernien. atm 4(pnt up the
rl««T. The resulu ahow lliat
fiHiiid: nof tliat was not It. heVansht,
twn. Hilt one had already lie-n in Ihe
linnd* of Fonie flahcrman liefoie and
the other one wa* a that was
► that ii -had to be tied up for
• nwii. r til call for later. The nwnhad rnrcotien this, and an San
(trHielii tliui U bcloDKod to the flnder.
llboklnJC rralia eccni* to attract as
miii-h irtfentimi as catehinB a whop
idiiR raintiow'. and when alxloen n
(Hke time fi>r half an hoar
watch one smalt hoy hind an olRht-lm h
jeisb It mm* that it I* ^ areat fent
’Traffle »a» almost *lopi*ed for a time
the Vplon EUeet bridge Frlilay aft­
It ha* hern proven coneltmlvely
Oon of Blream or Individuals have
aipihinc to do with a Ushci ^
luck. The'proof * May m flene* the
seven year-old ann of Olen Power,
itiiried out la the -wee »ina" hours of
mominR eriutpped with .a wapllnit rod
a iKuit pill for a flah hook and only
iv'minfm every day wortta for lialt.
Some hours later when ordinary peoahuttlnn oO their alarm
elockv prcjiaratery to taklne the last
foHy wlnka the yonns fWheniian /eturned Hr not only returned but he
bronchi a baif dnren fine
jof imui. one raraKiirinie in Inches
lotiRtb na a prtmf of his aponmnanshlp.
The flah were displayed,
del Inc nelah^rw and when a*hod
w:bcre he cauaht them, be replied
•iiown here In the Asylum crock
Not tn lie out done hia'father aerompiinled by Pr. rarrow set forth
with iheJr comhlned flahlnx tackle,
valued at anmo flPy dcdlas and an
r of eipcnslvo halt. After
Bomo delllioration as to the exact
wrenm lor the hc»t fUhlDR they set
out preiiared to catch tho limit They
relumed also, but not wlthauindlns
the flHtilns'tackle, bait and deliben
tion. their cdtM could be counted on
one hand an^cOuld ho |oeaaared by
a font rule. They have decided
hat'k tu the bent pin for lock.
After I
Ifelwrt B. Olwards. cnnfi
Utr xiiilly of cnlchinR a five, pound
rainbow trout However he clafma.
the CBirh was purely aeddentai. and
wholly unprcnvedltatcd.
He says he nev^ eapocied t>
(Wtrh aiiyihiiiR lo that little atraam
Anna*' creek, near North<»ort, Just be­
low the Indian camp meeUng xrounds.
where (he strehm Is hardly five feet
wide and weareely one foot deep.
Hla lartner In the crime was John
Schl'iircoMer, who was instrumental
In laodinR the bcautjk
AltbouEh it was a Sunday flahlng
trip the catch bcalde the five pbuirdod was a Kood one bringing hark'nf
aprekled beatttlcs betwen thi
Since this was “Bob's- Cm offense.
M doubt be will be let off W ith a light


CaHfemla Measure Aimed at
. Potato King.
' Biwamento. Cal.. May 7.—The ao'Miubly today iniised unanimously the
“high cost of living'' bill. It. makes
It unlawful ‘tor any person to dcstroj
any animal, vegetable or other atuffa
la reotralnt ot tradh which are
tomary food for biiuan belaca and
in « and .aanlUry eondlOon to be
ooed aasneh.'
-Shtaa. the Japaneee potato ktag.
who controU the Calllorala nariiet. is
reiwrted lo
Mwka-tif poisloei into (he rlvv *haif
the price down below the polni^
market <ad

Tiic best results In wool growing
arc had by feetUnc' a' mixture of
wheat bran four paita.' llngeed moal
ono part and oats ope part. This
mixture la always safe lor ewet and
iambs. Timothy hag, la the curse of
sheep. Don't feed U If poaalble to
avoid It. When clover bay U fed. one
nuan a day of the miztorc la a lib­
eral ratlnn for e«ea. and half ot this
quantity fpr Umba. Red top'is axccllent for Hhe^. but It must
too dry or woody. This grass It not
100 rank will make bay next beat to
ctover or alfalfa. ' Overripe hay, while
it lacks in food subatenres. Is also In­
jurious lo sheep, because ao much of
It Is thus made Indlgestihle. which of
ten results In stretches, ronatipatlon
and death. This explains why sheep
arc often found dead without any
known (wuse. Coni-atalks are ^waste­
ful for sheep as they only eat the
loaves from the stalks. The leaves
are very gmd for tbem. however, and
(bo best thing possible for ybnng
Iptnba. l>ew Is good to make the grass
fresh in Ihe rooming, hut there
enough of It to krep >he sheep from
bdng thirsty. See to,^e water sup­

fence it around and pasture it wtih
sheep. .
Dae more lamb and mutton on the
bone table. It is a m>tt ecoaotnlcal
nnd bealthful meat food/ The
mand for muuon la' growing every
WkUe you ero growing the
lamb and mutton you are alae frow-'
lug the fleece wUrii pays tor the nls-

are purchased in the
spring,. enf
and the follow ing given In the
Farm Journal are worth heeding: '
Avoid buying a horse that will not
"back" pruperiy, or stop short at the
wortT w'bmt. Obaervo bis gait when
he's being backed, and when he'a be­
ing trotted dirertlr toward and past
See (hat hts nostrils are rosy
lo color anil free from traces of un­
natural dlsi-bard^ Examine teeth,
tongue and guuia Molar teeth Miould
be flat and regular: breath awecL
Beware of a horse with poor or dis­
eased eyes., listen to hla breathing;
try his "wind'' in every possible way.
Examine withers for fistula or ecara
of oiwniilons; the muscles over shoul­
der blade, for aweeay: the point of
elbow, for aboe-boil: (be knees, for
sinmbllng scars, or kncc-hittiDg; the
ck joints, for marks of Interfer­
ing; ih.e pastern, for ringbone, etc.;
ibc hoofs, for qusrter and toe crack,
corns, tbnisli. etc.; the region between
kDoe and fetlock, for spllota, enlarged
tendon, tic. Doware of any “aUghf
: In front. particubu-Iy. Bee-

boeka, sprinebalt. ewcUed l^a,'elc.

I^mba reapond to good treatment
more readily than any other dess ot
Ihe stuck on the tann. and they also
show the ladt of care more emphalirAly and sorrowfully thaa other atock.
One of the most troublesome anima^n the farm la an old back that
ha* l>eromc unruly. It Ci hard work
keep him anywhere, and he may
pitch Into the flrat person who comet
to the Held.
Kxamioe (bo feet of the sheep and
« ir the adle is tilled with flith.
They should be kept clean and the
ragged hon eho[w off and the toes
clipped. '** • 'V—S'o farmer ran afford
Aet any of
the sheep manure go to waate. aa |ta
fertllixing propertle* are of the very
. Sheer miimire wilt cootlnae to
-enrich tho ground and show In the
crops, for a doxen yoara. and Is
worth the price of a hnlldlng to pr»Kvery man who owns a hilly farn aerve It. It Is worth much more tten
shcitld find profit In ..sheep. Hav< rommetTlal fertilizer, for which a Mg
you h thicket tn clear)- oft! Then price Is paid.

Co easy into spring hauling «Rh
the horses: do not overload nor over­
drive a horse that has gotten hla
muscles soft by funding' Idle In the
stable. More Injury is done-to borooa
this way. during the few early
spring months, ilian In all the rest ot
tbe year. Every farmer ought to
have carbolic aalve ready for nae hi
the barn at all times: It's an excellent
remedy for bruises, cracks iu the ud­
der and abrasion* of all kinds. A very
excellent aulwtUntc Is made by pul-

Ullow, allowing the mixture
cool and become hard.
:f a mare Is Inclined not to have
ranch milk hefose foaling, feed her for
six we^n ahead to produce milk.
Give her clover bay; carrots, a peck
day in two feeds: wheat mlddUnga.
six quarts and oats six quarts. Rub
her udder aeveral Umet a day and
aircich -IL If there Is a Uck ot milk
give fresh cows milk with a tablespoonful of molassee pul Into a quart.
Give It blood warm by a nipple. If
'the weather la at all cold, put a warm
t.. ..... ._ .t. «j..i_____■ ___.. ,.
hla attendant. Examine horse for ■ blanket on tbe f4kl and rob It gently
traces ol rupture, scraichee, greasy [on the belly* to alisnlate action ot
heel, aide bone, *pavln. curbe, capped the bowels.

Mfw. Lopan,.who has apent aeeerol
♦ months tho goeat of her sister. Un.
♦ Okmer. left yesterday for her home la
(Prtnn Wednesday’s Record Eagle.) iChicacc.
W. e. Cellina of Oweaeo. was In the | Mrs. Bryant Bain returned lea* eve»
city on a short buaineas trip.
Ing from Fcioskey. where she has beeo
Mra Ed Benware ha. gene to Grand 4^6 guest of friends for tbe peat few
Rapids for a few days' visit with,
I **'*■
Wise arrived yeeterday to

r—•' --r.
Ed U e.dw.r. I.
.1 Irlddd. lor U» d.,.
B. W. Reynolds of Crawn. was ini
«ho has been vieitlng
the city 'pa bueinesa today.
friends and relatives hen for
L. P. Boxen end femily leave this (he i>ast few days left this i
morning for Detroit, where they will for his home at ClndnaatL
noake their bone.
I D. O. Davis left today tor CadlHaa,
wm. H. ArtB. has retwrned from'where^be win visit with fiMBda for
Grand Rapids, where be lita been for^ about a week.
a few day. on burihesa
• { D.
Taber letl tWe roerMiiB Mr
Ralph BcefitW of Pefbakey. la In SauU Sta Marie and Hoo^Um ea.
(he (dty for a abort time o
Howard Morgan-has returned from
Frankfori wbetv he has been
aeveral days on buslnesa.
a Baumbarosr, editor of the Northport New*, and wife are in the city
tor a short time on business.
Ralph Casa. Jr„ returned
home at Kingsley this morning after
a abort Ume (p the city on
Wm. Love left IWa morning for Petoakoy. where he will be tor a short
time on bnsineea
O. M. BUnley, who has toon vlolUng
with relaUves In the rity lor the past
lew days, left yeeterday lor his home
at Boyne City.
Mlao Mary Oleon of Nerthpoit Is vieKing with friends In the city tor a tew
Fred T. Swane^ left yaetorday for
hla home at CadOlpc after a abort
time In tbe city on bnslnosa.
iow. Klaoeen returned to Cadlltoe
this morning afler spending n few
days with 'M* lamily here.
H. f. Btoeka left yeaterday tor Ar-cadM do a ebon buetwoea trip.
d. T. Bauahell and M. K. Paige left
ibis morning for Irena, Hlch., on a hwaInm tripU J. Criap e( Bahaa tow la the elly

Honolulu. Hawaii. May 7,—Tho
threat of t-cruin local business men to
ask that HawaU be "allowed to withdraw fron: the t'nited Sutes tf a free
sugar provtaloD it enacted by «oogreM" took concrete (ora today when
a peUtlon to this effect was completed
and act In circulation tkrougbeot the
Island. Those behind the petUloa 4»dare Hawaii wni be unable, to exlit
cninmeiclally U the free angar pre­
vision goes throogfa. They declare
that if It doe* Hawaii should be ah
lowed to resume her {u«vlo«u'attte of





Kingsley DepartmentCt^ncled by Miss Jessie Bowden.
TIm people of Ktogsley asd the f
oowjtry are all Interwted in Uiis Department.
be ^ad to have individoalt, cbnrcbcs,
the Orange, fraternal tocietiet and all other or.
(aultationi band in items of news, personals,
aanonnceihents of meetings, notices of entertainaunts, bttsinesB changes, public '-improvements
being done or oontemidatod. tales of real estate
in to»i> or coantty, and any other items of genoral interest. Send all items to Mist Edna Wall,
who has charge ^ the Department. — Editor

BP Invlutlnn fium there to Rive ihcfcPUy. "How ilie Sivry Orev." recenlly
played here.
Mrv. Jaa. !-}le eiXcrtainod the
nirlsUau Workerv.Dlblc claa* at l^r
hoiol rrtday . cvenlBR. acrvluK lee
rrrain and cake tor rcrreshmcois.
MUa Uoldip l.«lKbtlMT of Spritic.
Ik'ld, aud Will. Stork of Him. w«-ro
iTiaiilrd'af Travrnn- Clly on WcdDcudk}. Tlii-> l.-fl heu- Krldny lor Him.
Mr aud Mrs. C. A. Duiuni dud
daURhlrr Mildred. Mks l.liida I't-mpr
son. Henry CaroUicrs lin'd daeliicr
Miss Mildred eaiuc ii|l ricim I'adtIInv
4ii the Uiiit.nt var Sunday; auj siioiii
(he day with rdatlTcs.
Tno Ktansi-rs arc to have unc «f
tlii'ir siimrimiii.^ dllini'rK nii Satiiiday.
M|)y tilth m lliolr ball. The men will
rt-set the (lap }nic vtaile dinuor l^ beInc i>txpait-il by the ladles.
Church Services for Sunday Ma^ tUh.
i’rvarhRic irt H';.-!" •- lu.
at 11:1:. a. ni.
Kpwoitb losKiK- at b;;:” i>. mnatih i.nibiti is tnovlnc iuto W .\
CUrkV hotist- til rnloii.
I>.l.. TIITaiiy-ftiH-tlaInnd lirr hiiith
<<r-ln ;^v (ruui CmmI Uat.Uk uu Sur
Senator l». E \VoU< r and Intull'
of Ijiii'inc. vkilod virr .-vmiday viil.
Ills pvioni*.
Ikiloid Walter vnd v-tfo uro to live
oil Ills faUier'a (nrm tblH siiiumn.
toriuouj Hit- n. Sivtt iibire.. ,
Mv« J. I.ichtirci MTv«-d dinuer t"
the Ijidy Mace.ilM-4-K Toe-day. at bci la t^irbicfbdd.
Kix-d 4'nae has kuuclit the (arm lot
meil;. oum-d by Mrv.Wm.
Si rinctteld.
Tbo ibtt-c.yoar.ild «iH ..f Mr. .in.-Mrs. Iluit Ittnki. une Tuesday
scarlet fe'«-r. .

Mls> Miiiniv rtark and Miss l.iii-V
In Suit
in ('adlltar Ttiiirvday.
and ^'rlday o( ia^t Wwli biitlnj; tlirir
ojes troai<-ii.
(ilMdj» Nk-kereou rpeiit Suiida;
villi '.U'sslo IkivJi-u, •
John W.v.],ott U «in ilie elik list.
Mr*. U.-/.b- KhBv visited bt-V auul
Mrs. Jol^n Kovdon last veek.
. Mr. and Mrs Nevion llaldvln ,i{
Mnskenou, ail- tin- ttUi-Ht- o( Sir, and
•Jacob Anspach.aiid lllilo .Ift.ici.i.r Sirs. MoaiiH' itiMwln and laially. •
of Cadillac, viie'vlituini lll^K:n^:^le»
I5cl|>h I)ji-.WMin. vlo has bwii very
ulili the starlet teviT is ini|rroTTuesday.
Mrs. Clary and inotber islled on InK.
Mrs.Cbas. SlMtuldlni: WedncMlai'.
Mri. l.t^'MnnlRold has rcsisnod her
Sin. A- A Borman returned^ Irom' injsltion with the riUsen's Tt-l.-jibonr
Detroit Tuesday, vliere elic bos' I’ocn'cnniixiny. and Miss Jella ManlRolil Is
jnmiiB the iioeitldn rl^atod b« her.
Sir. and Mrs. D. H. Povi-rs. ot »'mi.J A numlH-r of yoiM iieoid.- visited
tlac;. have been cunts ai tbo MtVar. Aiuiitus LaV<‘ last Sutidiy and sikiDI
tby bome tbe t>a»( ti-v days'
till' ii.^y in ii^rkltic «Hfci
VenU Hocnin n-iiiroed from - ll.tiJosre H’hISi's is jpocinc Irom the
Uc Creek Monday.
n-sliU-nrc n"j7 ilu- depot. Into tinMrs. Ray liackraan of Travcrsi-('ill. ^ KIshiT saloon 'iiuilditic. vlu-n-* tbe.i
Is here on a two vteks’ vlsir wiili e\|eci to loinlu-i a ii-stauraiit •’ ♦eeeee«eeeeeeee«e

tier noiher. .
| .Mrs Ma'id Mrljiupbin kit T>iiDave Swalnaioi:. who has Iki-ii vls-'jlay uiu-niuoD. (or her home at Koii
(War Run. Mny ; —H.-aMh k cpo.1
IUdk Us brother at Oinci;, ri-iuiuivl - Madison. lo«a. arrom|uiiik-d h\ her
twine last voek.
jinoihvr. Mis. <l. Sldipi-on. jviio has
Kiod Tu'ker has movi j his fam'ilMrs, Ui*e Sbav ot Kalamkroo Is Sen at ih.- ilajes Iwine .‘the- ua'st
rUtUai with reIailv.-« and tileiids! ys»r
PH the Albeit Nviibew- iarui vast <i'
here. ^
1 IJoyd Milluuald.. who U e»iiU>y.-i hole.
UUs^Carohne Ulrcvr of Tr^vc-rso In t!u- ;uhiUt ynr.i. near Tliomiisoa
Cbm C.1S.- ami Ijinllj moved .m H»
City. WBj ibe pa-t u{ Mrt. U Hid [ Mile, "as the ciu si o( hl.« iwivuts Ed -S’ullsinKer taiin of Kas<ou.
dls tbo first of (he wivk.
‘ Ihti- !<>i a (eu Ua>- last Week.
Mr-. Elmer Crain .alb'-d ou Jan \\Wm-da>.
, ,.Mr. aud S)is. Tom SVIwr iiiul laui
;i..v ol Isnik 1.nke. vtskled Mr. uiel Mr
;'t*rier Sklv.-r Siiiii3a>.
’ Mi-K Kay Mi-(Vuaba ul
,1 It-. .«me out ou the . leunbm S ii,
d:.> Horn T.ravvrsi- (’My to vImi I;< .
We went to ipakc this Department of the
greeteet pouible value to all, concerned and to
Mrs.. Ilmkeai visited Mrs. ' ll-’i
this end request that all items of personal and
I’aMie Sdiid'ay.
general interest be sent to Miu ^w'ey to be
Ijsyiuan BuAm .is famlni; i-vn
incorporated in the Department. We especially
of KriiH M.airuianVK (SIDI.
ask that churches, fraternal societies and the
uWkiiie fur M
l;-iv niirkert
Orange fnmlsb items of inlereit in their respecbivWlur Clolil l.kuM.
tire organizations. Mews of social events and
CU., AHiiian visited Ada llorb.-il
entertainments, improvements being made or con.
. '
templated, and business changes and transfers in
Mis. H E Baber and' -on-Carl. of
real estate in town and country are especially
Kn-on. .vlslt«-d iH-r mother. Mr?. Jam
acceptable. The above applieb not only to the
villa^ ef Fife I-ake, but* to the aurrounding
Glenn I'ike nf IVtroil. I> Iwwe li'
country.—Editor Her^d.
sistiBft bis inpiber lo tliflr {.tote.
.\nUiir Zlpler and GorfleM. Hu;;
Fife I.akc. May u.^aii
TikmI.i} (luuf It \ with bi-r^s
wood have leluriovl (nmi iMiiiii
loylae tbo flsblac aeukoa.
Will and wife at Maliloii.
when- Ibey spv-til tin- -wilrter.
Miss Mlnnb- la-obaiU worked for
Mr>. I'aniib- Hvmau nf ^*|•»h■all.
Oiiie, ’art
nk.d T iei-du.v H..\isl'frKnds .rs W'niteii IVe|H-w Iastv>-v;k.
Cush Ciiiil.iiuUt liiil down a well omDerT'TscaU aud li.rvc iiJld:<-ii hav<; litre.
•carlei fever.
Mrs D i:, HtlU elil.-italni-d her day )as{ >M-ek,
(k-orge lowell and Will Harvey
John Codd baa sold
drMnc hrolber >! H. Stewiit of S:. Joe last
and Clint Case idnatMl PDiuiue.-- Itn
hone to B. Hahkio*.
.'Ipsdames T.
on.l ItJainhe Clap I'owi-il last vetyk.
Woi. Hulhmuk bail -boupbl ooe' of
Ray IHiwell Is worktnj; Itir Mr*. A
Bryant were in VaUUlac lUi busine-s
G. E. liodses au|oi.
MrConabu this summer;
Mrs. £. Headley, k aiowlv im'|<r«v- Wolnesday.
It. T. Altimm and son Frank Jiavt
I'n-fl Tabberer of l><epiirl. vistf d
Imt la iK-alth
rented John Teitors atross Uie roatl
MUs Tressa Wolfe was in lloanbY*^’"'''’r'‘“
fiom A. UeinlnBion’s.
(-lold IhHld Is Ihvlng u]i bisjlousi
Ted Clark ol (‘adUtae. was ia town
M:. aud M
.tilUUs <'ani|il>ell have
' noted iiiik
ihulr larm for Nhe
.\ CbalkiT and Gtorsc PowpH
C. Frallck loat a valuahto bi<:«e last siitnmiT.
hkvu rmied 8. i,. Lawyer'a gasutlui
A. K. Slkemall (h vifttloK rcbi- cnslno for th»- summer.
«•. R. htlller b now n^'k- to b. ii,v i.s In Trateiwo Oltrior'Slew days.
Roy i’ayne i« vi.rklng for Pri-atoti
B part of the lime.
Eup-ne Qiui keiibosb is luUuilnK a Di-wlnn of KasAfk
Mro. Eliu Hanenift letitrne.l
seli'ool bouse- uul coat of town.
Grand Rapldi Motxlay.
.Miss Jj-iU Blown tame home W.i!
Master Gulden Iknnott hn.tu-sday 1‘uui liillsdak-. wbert- she ba.- WILLIAMSBURG.

ju.i-n'takitie a course ul music.
A, Dolberg has been ou the skk liM
.Miss GUil.s .Velsou has none to
WimamsMip. May
Mre. Krt-.! |
this v-eok.
Maiiistei' fqr a eouple wef-ks' tisli ,\v«ry b-aves thli wht-h for iK-r new
Sllsi Trosaa Downey was lione-truui oJlb IriendK.
home al North|«grt.Kincsie). fiuaday.
lt<v. A. W. linker attended th<Mr ami Mr*. R, D. White and *o«
■ A. Ileliiiei lias moved’ Ills family l.u.-ineii's Missionary ceoventbiu at Julin. rviurni-d HIJm night fnmi (heir
bark to Cadlllai
Traverse (H> la«t wyek. •
trill to Ann Arbor, ^ra. F. E. Wbtta
A. T, CUrk wem to Travel «■ City
Sev.-ral or 1 O.'O K. memticn. at- will remain for a visll.
Mi'd the srli<>il of Instroetlon at
Mr. Perry. Sr., and »rrU X.(P«r
Bkbard Winule ol Traverse (•liy. Kalkaska MVdiiesday nbsbl.
ry* uncle and brother reii*ev>lvel)
was In lowD Motiday.
Mrs W. W, Ij-wls went (o'Ealama- nf .S. M. Perry, were railed here from
Chancy Ijiliar tbllod Ms br^iiicr
K> otf .tioRday vtth >er dauphu-r Mrs. Orand Dlauc. by' the death ot llttU
Harry at Tra««ttve (To Wedm-win' V.m <*am|i of Newaysc. where they Ruficrl Perry.
Tbe Grand Traierite County H-in- will visit i-i-latlviw.^
Arthur Cooley ha» moved Into Dr
^y School asioclaiioB wifi bold the .Masu-r. Iwland Dewey of CadlUae. Bunru'wf house, vacated by Cbark->
■ecoad quarterly eonii nilou here Mav >1*lled bis RraikiBiulber Mrs. 8sat|. Ageraon.
■* f WW
na Dewey and faniUy Saturday and ' Wm. M. Balr^ Sr- U atlll rritkally
Mrs. H. A. Doty of Traverse ru>. Siiiiduy.
«M here Monday in the la'erei.ts ol
MI'S Elina Tillanv w-as
Mr. and -Mrs. Marlon McrrII. Mr. an-l
SpuriU Co,
Tbuisilay until Sunday ifiim|s Mr. Charles Agoreoo and Mlase-Fred MlUs retanted Wednesday hart, hbr sebool being closed (or Bsb llBtel Buckway and lu Mae AdamTttMB B business trip to Peinta.
tug vacation.
Btieuded the luneral of Wn. King,
MaedauM Henry Tabberer. Wm.
Mrs. Sarah Backson leturoed to her who lUvased.BWay last Thursday ai
Brockvay and . J. G. Strahan
home In Jackaoi^ Monday, alter an ev the home of i.ew Uarvey. tt«-ar Alden
Odilne caUers Tuesday.
tended visit wHb her n*4ee Mrs. 1-ei. Tbe funeral was.'held Baturday at’ A’.
Mrv. -F: II. Hernsiein and daoKhter Ue brown.
d«-n and Intennent took place ,ln tbc
lllaa (Gertrude, visited in Cadlllat on
Mrs H. A. DiekesBMi ot Manlti/qoe, Alden eemetery.
murtK-d bmne on Sunday, atlor a
Ed HamlMon ha* moved faqek frtnli
Mrv. J. I-eUhtiaea treated the
(wo weeks’ visit sritb U'A. plckra- Kewi^
lera to ire
eon's tamlly In Ubioi
Dr.vL P. Bunco name from Trhfant
' The Udior Aid otpect to vo to laat wook to helg tala wife paek their
KJosileJ-. M«> C,-I»r. raison »a> a
Travirse Ctty »Isltof KHda>,
Mrs. DavU visKetK •iili meads in
Klussley Tueadsy.
Oeorse Chaudy vat in-T.raiul t^pMs (be latter i«n nl t>>o «e<k.
Mrv. KlUie Snell of tVallen. yat
a’ruuor In Klnsslcy Tuci-dny.
Jebn Hiltr bat oivni'd u shoe roi>alr
sbo|i in ibe Wuntmis ttnrc liul'.il-

boaic. Tbe:^ left last i-'rlday aceom|.ank-d by AIrv. Uunee's mother. Mrs.
Wliltnc.v. who retiinicd lu bi-r buine
»t utchfleld. etter an catended visit
■ Toe funeral of little ItuiH-rt, 4hc
eleren-ntoalhstild son, of Mr. and Mrs.
S. M. rorry, who died Thursday nlcbt.
after a hard.flcbt with ophuM |•ll•'l|.
iuonla. was held frimi tbc borne Sh(.
hrday. at two j>. ni., lu-v. Ik-iiedl-t
offielatiuc. A i.rotusiuD of lote!>
r^dwel-^ icstllled tu the ►yiniiail.j of
imiiy fib-nilR of tlie bcR-atcl jiartily clvls dr.-'sod in j«m- white
Lore the tlTH.. e.iski-^ii itie old veinewhere It was iiiterii-d.

Elbert ate |uppcr at.F^d^O^u^'a
Sunday i-tenlug.'
Miu Myri^e Ueeman-called on Utttie I'aytit; la»t Sunday evc-nlng'.
Alvin Coiik look dinuor" ut «b
I’oyne's Biiuday.
Mrs. .\riliur Tbr-insoii aiid Mrs.
Flqyd Huff were-in Eiiiiiiqigliis tast


their tiicyHing at Mrs. Itndily’s last Frl-. ivglnniu;; up (owe and ooding at Ike
day night. ‘
.111. * X. E. dejiol Is nugrly <siiiip!.-|.
Tboo. aud John IVbil.-Ion!
od. and ia a big Unprovenicni to t
T*m{ciro City ftniurdoy. ,
tov-u. Tbc work wos done by Joan
M.t. a. Z. UrtvTC is I
-Mr. and Mrs. I’. Sheelick apciil Kri- ^
M, qml.Mrs. ll'an went u> tow n Fri­ Uvy at Traverse CHy.
day to ;la- over-v.ltli Mtw. Cai^iul.
-Mis.-; U;vV Cobh of AusUtt, -MklB .
is iittre visiting fy-laliv«».
IJlIbwenh Hiilm-o ssd ina Huie.
«laii-.:hicsJJorls of Knleva tiidtcd with
ChareTi llillnuu Sunday.
.'irs. .>!. A. C.iUi r aii<! Myron I'ulw r
jfr. eud Mrs. Geo. Maaon and Mr.
;m>,. r.-liirm-d 1ro.,i a visit with nyla- and .Vies. KTed Dago epeni Sunday at
llvoa al Cliiefuui'jiili'tliin. I
jranip Sewatna on Gleu Lake.
' '
Mr. i.eil Mrs. Ellswoiih. lUitn'iaU of
U'-odwarrl'a nswing phiures w-cre
Koh'ia vliUisl rel.itiw-k tit-rv 8uii<l.vy hen- last wi-tk and t-xprel to U-be-c
Miss Ksli-ilo 'Wade .of Traverse iivtiiu In the near fniiire.
t'By visited wi!li Mm. Vlaik pan of . IXe dini-e in Mason’s Itall Saturday
last w*H-k.
evriitnp was well niteoded. a large
The loi-it sir.' ’i j.f cement walk
tCbnUnucd rat .Hagc Kive.)

George 7a-Uter is tnlii^^^Med hi
Ills slsU-r'e. Mis. Kred
work on the rallnnd.

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦jb t ♦♦♦ ♦
Ai lue, May
'Irs Krr.i Ui. i1i\ i.s
1 ihe si< r list. M:-« ileiiba Weilr b-

Ijike luiielloit. May
Ml»* into
The wis.J nia.-l iiie
puitii, . v has Us-ii wurbius for -Mrs. for Tlu-u.’WTiil.-lotd llii- woolittbrismlH. went bunie Krbiay nlcbi
aMk-m Hi.-Bc tl i> ;-ollinf. N-ii. r
and Ml-s Myrtle Ib-euiali has takeni,
-I ariutid a lillle.
luT plair.
. Is-nl-: IklitKs lias noil'
Mrs. h'rrd Ih-eman w.-is lalliiiK at iiurthem iMuliisulu m
<;ic-n Iliiven Ihis-iiusl wi-e'k,
■sum iiii-r.
.Miss Ixillle I’ayne and her brolhor
The <). K. .SiimUy i i-hixd itasi. hitdj

General Law F*racllec-. fnclurltng Coilecllonm
4t« 5laa fowl doikkg. Trntjti City
Ward B. Connlac .
Matt N.Connlne

the barney

May Sale of Ladies’
Coats, Suits, Dresses
liot aloue for tiie reductions -right in mid-senson—
from tiie regular reasonable pricing—rigid when
you need the gotuls, hut every item of all new
idlest designs and fabrics bears the starup of origiuulity Qlld fasliioii :
-• lincnmmnn Sl.vics al Llbcral''UnderprIclnQs.”

Fife Lake Department

Suits and Coats 10 to 25% Discount

Conducted by Miss Mac Dewey.

Ifm M OUBDfq



Shirt Waists
75c, 98r:$l.l9.$1.39,S1.48up
vfilucs.iii high neck, long sleeve,
short sleeve uml Dplch neck. Buljiiirinn eiiibroLdered voile, hand
embroidered lawnc, tailored, und
lingerie, lae'ey and dainfy.


all with

Wool Dresses
The must desirable new
French Serge. Washable
Ratine, and all Silk.

14 to 14 OFF

Si/.es up tu 40.
They go lively at l)8c..

SUk and Net Waists
Dividing tbe choiucsl dressy styles to
be found lbi4 season in regulaf values
up to $10.
for values-up^tothe$10{)ricC'
S3.7S for values^up to $5.75.
$2.75 for vaiues up to $1.00.

tvith Rainliat $5 6 ’’ 7^ $8 $10
Fine grade silk hose, .special.$1.39
Fine grade silk hose, speeini,. .93c
bilk Hose, with lisle lops,
special 45c.
Strong line of wanted Tan Hose.
S9c fur 75c values: 29c fur 40c and
50c values.
Black sheer Hose 23c, 29c,39c,4Sc

Dress Skirts
High grade import fabrics
made to sell at $10 to $15.

6.75, 7.50 and 9.50
Extra special Skirts of Men’s
Wear Serge $3.95 & $5.75.

Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Coats
495 Tnke.s your pick of the
VAv choicest stripe novel­
ties. . Ratine. Bedford Cord.
Men’s Wear Serges, worth
S37.50, $35, $32. $30. $29.
499 5A
^ values.
9uu»9V Latest plain fabrics.
41Q 75'for any $25 values,
filial9 Latest novelty,
415 fur 'a special assokment
V-iw all new styles, worth up
to $19.75. ■ ■ •
€1A 75 Your choice all
vlva/9 juniors’ and ladies’
suits, regularly worth to $15.

All-Sweaters *4 Off.

home UosenlcM WedSMtey U r«p^ to, foote tmi w»T> tt«B to tlMlr a«v

’*1. .r ?

Our Coat stock has been
pronounuced by the majo­
rity us the best made, best
littiog and most seasonable shown at the prices.
We have added many
exceptionally, good diago­
nal and serge as well as
poplin and mixture coats,
which we offer during the
May Sale at

6.95, 7.50, 9.75,
11,25, 13.75, $16,
$18 and 23.75 for
valocsa.TS to IS# regnlar.
New Hoe of Graduation and
White Washable Voile Street
Dresses and Ginghams.

—By the time this paper reacties you. about 4000 Catalpa trees will have been
given to the ctiildren. ready for planting.
A Fly
A Fly
free to each
free to each
lady at the
lady at the
"The Brightest Sp?t in Town"—Traverse City, made doubly .attractive by
the splendid buying opportunities in

The Annual May Sale
—It started Wednesday morning with all the attiabtive offerings in the par­
tial list as announced in Tuesday's Herald. It seems that the people within
a radius of 100 miles have come to realize that
yoa see la ■ Slclo*
berg BrM.* ad, lt*s so.** A real, genuine saving opportunity on all your
apparel needs for Spring and Summer.
8«ntf In your n»hi« and addreta lor full pa^ circular of the May tala ofTei^
.rise. Parcel Poat erdcra given prompt aUention.

SptiM Salts for Mea «nd
Ybaaa Men. at f€ 60. &80,
16190. lR.65.1$ 50 and 919.60

Save 9L50 to 95 on Ladles*
Coata atJlO

—A pirat tiiaii> liH-H iilua'R look Id
Si.'liiU.ip ^ lor .ill itii'lr i'Io^Ik'a. TIh'.
frri tliai thrri' Is ;i ivilaln aulii «hl<-Ii
(li<> ikhI no) pu niMiir In <iiiti<r to
p«'i all ilir 8rr\Ur. «t>le, KallufacMon
Hiid value ilial au> luau iim-0 »lvli
Tl«-(.o arv mrn. nlro ar Ilir old iui>
inp hill i:. 'Ltiuw hoiv iiiau> lioans
iiiakf livo." Mvu «lm do not b»f>ii
ilikrj at all. Soido of
tbfiij iM-Ilinv in l-uilup (wn Bond li>nj'flcctl lullr rutlior tliiiii oik* null ivel-

—Tho Coat! In ilio May Sair at tl<!
SIC in lbl» upiiuB'i niiiii ixunilai uuxlcIk ami' nuucrialii.
Hricr t«ci and
ihmMuitlou. (uiava.v
aam« •lUl lilk I'* ' aim laiirls;
M'ljsi'u. wklpr^riia. rlicrke ami. niUturcK. The nia)ortt> of the atylea are
cv|ilca of inurh bUlK-r.prircd niodrii.
Sij that III mau> «-ai.Mi ilierc In Juki
one ,.f a kind. There la a world of
fncouiimbsod in ihlx
May 'Salc of roatf '

$ IN llio
17.60 iiiid
U) t3i>
. Wool l{utlnee,
S.Ts.-b, SIU popliiik, rimllli'.v etc.
.<1 St.60. 11.76. S2.6a S6d». $7.50, S10
and $12: all the lK>i>ular uiaieriaU. iii.
< ludtnp new I'Ufjini. Katinea. I.inena,
ell., OTI, Some have iuBk ami .tilIrr* I'lcf.lly inlaid fn cuniraailiip

day to tor bonie !■ ScottvlUa. aftw
havlOB vlalted bar paranU. Mr. •
Mr*. J. Vaonatiar (or a lew daya.
U. H. PoArar baa topred bis bew
hold Booda to SbUou Bay wbara be
IdtCDdi bulldias a aummar boiua.
Tbe lee crasm aocial gIVM by the
toaabaU (eaiu la tbe town ball, totarday evoDloB. wu wall palroaUad.
Prof. aai« apMit Friday and Sa(unlay )u Traverae CUy.
u. M. Uaise led thie momlns for*lnp on a bualneaa trip.
Tbe (olldwlBR Maaona. baloBRinR
Nortbpon Muaonic lodge, atlaadad tbe
school of laeirurtloR, cenductod
V. n. uniien. Btand lacturar >of the
grand lodge of Hay Chy. on Tuesday
eveiiltic: Hr. R. B. Flood. D. H. Seoll.
J. F. Mathews. 8. W. Porter. H: L.
iljan. It. B. Cauipball. J. SchelTaDador.
r. lUrAr. Cmi. liumpaeb. Ed Heolt.
ipflilB .Aandareoa. Cbaa. Joiy. Delbert
Jo>i. F. 11 tlarfc, C. 8. Whitmore. 3.
O. Ihiiiran. Ftook Stafford, and Cbaa
.Mr. Bdwarda of Trarerae CUy apanl
Sunday In to«o.
The Ladles' Aid of the M. E ehureb
will Rieel ai the home of Mra. UoBera
ou Thuraday aflernotm.
S A Keys was In town Iasi week,
niaklnp arrangenieuis lor bis tovailng
here aa M>«n as auiua tmprevan
are made In tbe botua he purebaacd
of 1>. H. l>oear.
AVarr« Putman left for Detroit,
where he liaa a porUion InstalllBB an
eleiirie light plant.
Cco. Ilauaoni and i-*red. Vanquest
left Tuesda)- lor Frankfort. «
they expevA to gel work foe the


■the CoBrt Hot
........ le
. nty ot Trn*,’
erwe niy. on TneedS'.. the lentb dnr
of done. A. O- ISI3. at ten ockvck”t_
m.. and will then boeotne subject to
purchaae In the maaivar prewcrlbed by
law Deeds Issued npon the sale of
ibWe Undfc will conuin reservation*
ac lollows:
out of this eonveyanee and always
reserving unto the State of Michl- '
gan. all mlnerwla, cnal. oil and gas
lying and being on. within or un­
Tbe laic spring of 1812 with Its ing tbe first six tomlha oC tbeir
der the said anus uereby con­
veyed. with lull ao.I free Ubeny
<-obl rains and rtamtuy o'dl, was not growth. Halve, green onto. rye. ab
and power to ihe -aid State of
roaduclve to even spnoUng of torn
Michigan, lu duly auihorlied of
available for cutting and feeding
.fleers, reprctematlws ' and as.
and kaSr. hence the aweet corn crop
signs, and Us or tbeir lessees,
Silage is too bulky, too fibrous
on my farm waa cot abort and 1 did
agent* and workmen, and all other
and los III digeiallUe DirtrlcDU to
by Us or their permlsakyn.
not have much swoM corn with which prove sii'lafacton- tor growing thA fat­
whether already given or faerenfu> auppleinciit my pasture during tbe tening swine. The. hog hsa a dlgoeicr to be given, at kny tloH' and
dry season., says a writer In a farm Uve apparalUB suited largely tb <vnfrom time, to enter uion
said lands and Ukr all usual nev.
magutine. | had. bowerer. a good- venlrvted leeils. Old sows will -yu
essary or convenient nienns..Ior exsited ivaicti of mangels intended for M me silage: however. If fed to them,
idoiing. mining, working, plidng.
winter feeding. Ud 1 used tbeae In­ it should •onatUiite only a amatj por­
getting, laying up. storing, dreasstead. It aecnu airange that fann­ tion of their ration.
tng. making uiercbaiiuble and
taking away tbe said minerwl.
ers as a rule do not seem to reulixe
Tbe American Sw loehend waa asked
coal, oil and gas. |•u^suaDt to tbe
the value of these roots a* stork teed. by a kiibscrllwr about Hie measuring
provisions of sectloQ k of Act »V For six or aeveii lean 1 have raised of the l>nnc of tbe bog. wbo stated be
of the PuNlc AcU of
them for bogs, iioultry and^iws. and would like some IBytrurtloo. aa to
And will cwnisin also the farther
provl.-ios reserving Ihe right of In- ■
each season Onds me wlablng I b
what this mesksumuent was. The re- gress and egress over and werona any
planted mnre. The main objection
ply was as follows:
of tbe raid Und* that border uikm any
them m ihe amount of work-required
In measuring the bone of tbe befg It stream or. waierccwrse. as provided In
In raising tbe crop, but they mre such Is understood. Hist it la ibe tone of said section * of the -Act .No. J$« ot
beavv vietden a small plot produces the bind leg, 'measuriMl between the tbe l*ublic Arts of l<v(0 and acts
amendatory thereto: and (he pur­
a iaigr amount of rich feed.
first Jolm from the hoof and the aec- chaser will be required to sign an afrr'
<'ud jninL Tbe party measuring vuual- pllrsUon coDlsInlng an agreement to
accept such deed and abide taUblnUy
At this time you bave. a-^number ly solma tbe widest portion beH
of pigs. If the sows were bred (or (be two joints that he can find; this by the said condltlonr
spring farrow, and In no other way
adopted as sixe of the bone of a

can you hasten their growth tj'hog .
The measuring should be
cheaidy And satisfactorily aa by pro-'done with a regular upe niMtore.
BiMk No. 1.
Lola No. 1, 2. 3. 4.
4 i. 6.
vlding plenty ol suicvrtenl feed dui-'steel upe is the be«i.
Block No. 2.
Lot,. .No.


v'' *'

Luts No.
A pretty wedding waa solemiiUed at
Hie home of Mr and Mr*. Wm. DsrtUtj .So.
li'it I'huiwday. April :4. when tbeir
Lets No. I.
duugbter. Irene, and Kvltta I’ui
' ' Block No. d.
r >olued in' boly macrtniony. The
Lots .No. I. 2. z. 4.
.-oiiple were alleudcd by Alla* Huih
Hock Ne. 7.
Hartleit. couslu of the tuide. aud Wal­
. . 2. 4. 3. fi.
Lds No. I._3.
ler IMiman. brother ot tbe Krdum.
Block N«. $.
. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. g. 9. 1$, U,
Kov. A [tentall iverfornied the leroIk.
New Waists and Blouses
many. After recelvWg vODgratulatleni
' Block No. fi.
frvjui the many relatives and friends
lots No 1. 3. 4, S. 6. 7. 8. *. U. 11.
The dslp’ lanuer who varrlee vrver I dro ith'Strlcken pasture does
12. 13. 14. 13. 1C,
prcM'nt, all enloyod a bouiifllul wedAT THE ONE PRICE: I.AAVNS, HIM.
iitciiis of a small alio to feed furnish this. In acuial dairy prarBlock No. tC
ding dinner, served under H>e super
liKuri..\|{ ji.:.(
during the spring and summe^ docs ike the best feddlug ^dI tbe licst
liOts .No- I. 2. g. 4. r.. h. 7. 8, 9. 10, 11.
'.AND |i; i:nAHKst
>i*b>ii of Miss h'annie s'teelcL Covers
not need to twiiher growing a wide aolliug crops arc Ibe an^.
weic laid for alxiy. The favors were vsrlegr of forage vr«>|is to tide iits]
Block No.' 11.
s • #
N'oia II.K' SI ’TS
lots No. 1. 3. 3. 4. i.
6. J. 8. 9. 10. 11.
pink aud wblie camatlona There
ktiiik.-i i-nri'.. i-.irili If': l»orH
oiwB safely over |verl<vds of drouih.| A «-ivWb .mental-rondliIon oli'.ulU at i:!
were four Mr HartleitB and familiea
Kl; i;.A S .rKl> K.V I i I
I SI n.-i
says Win. Mllinn of New Y-ork state, all tlnua be coiuiludr'ed. Be varelul
Block No. 1$.
and rive .MK Ihituiahs and fauillles
.\NI* Jb, fl/.s I
Lot No- U.
1‘I;IC-EI> i.ESS THA.V ?I.Su.
>.4I.. .All cliclie ;.t $3.Sa.
Out of town guests were
Bloeji No. 17.
go-Hl.sllBxo Is the best supplcmciil o It Is-i-aiortant that sbe be-kept q'll-ji.
Isms No. 8. 9. 11
.Mr, J, Rennie of Traverse, and .Mra.
I>asnire during the summer niotiihs. hua a very nervous organixatlon. vn-I
Block Ne. 1L
lUlUK’Dd of Iceland. Tbe bridal <xiU'
I'lilcsB a man has silage be abouid and treated with uniform genilcnou.
Lots No. 1. 3. 3. 4. 3. 6. 7. g. 9. 19. 11,
pie reveived many bnaulKul iireslmta.
prow plriiiy of other croi-o to cut There should be no blows strurk. no
The evening wai spent In doO'-lng.
pr.-en and Wd bis caille. There arc kicks giv^ m. stonew thrown, no
|g>u No. I
jihetu all tb^' tinie." be says “This They w;)l make tbeir borne on a la
,-ry few years when We do nut hs-e loud word* sivokui These dtatrew’—.
fi-ed is plated as tar away troui Hie near uiiiens. The boat wishes
diouth more nr less severe at sumc and dlstuib tier, and will Icmm tb*'
Biwek No. 2a*
ue^t UH Hip Inelnsure will allow Ooee llielr many friends go wtih ibcm.
^Imc during Ihe oeaaon when Hie C..W8 flow and lujure the quality of the’
a wtek I dual ber with lice twiwder
are ouno pasture. Even In the most milk. In the country boys Uklngi’*"“
Black Mo. 21
ktep her .free from mtieb
to dliiiinlsb in their aiotk carrying i-base them, making (hem run fact;]
------ o-----♦

•Tf apy eggs ete iMvkco. I remove
lapailiy during tbe late summer iuil this should never to allowed a* 11 Is'
fVHlage of P«e Uvke.l
rli<- sliell arid neatlng muierial ant
I Injury t Mem. Kindnemito’
the Diet cxcililig ball game of tbe early auiuiim months. Revere losiro i
ropigee wjtta new. hut do lUK wash
f'llliitv unless
animals Is capital well liiveMed. and ECKE.NFEI,S £ BOXSEU.'S ADDIseason, by which the CvkhI Harbor
_ „
w»’n *» dry
the 'farmer jn return a Urge rev-l
Hull Hogs defeated Ne Star Hmilcra plenty of garon feed to carry thc*b. rd tiays
' ,
' *...............kuiia to senate off alland broken
the teaaohi ot shortage in iio* jouue. If poaathle always have the'
aioeh A.
by a srore of tblrteen ih twemj
let It to A...' Lot No.
3- *• -• C. "• *. ». 1*. H.
A i'>-iikton' Js putting out a large lure gras*. Many aupplcmem paa: -c same person milk, and lot
iircevl. rt . . As eouu a» lire vooug ■ Wliks
j(diel1s Washing elosea Oie jn>:
with grain fovola ralher than toiLeri wbo la naturally kind, and
.to who
«»• *» »•
laBlock B.
a.-c-|iai he'l. >1 i>. a good plan In ro-] f hitka iii:."l gHily amid or fine pieveuts pauKage of air to and from cherry and iwli orchard.
Mlsf. I‘«arl loiT of Cleu Arbor at
-wove Him. to the yardeii or Mil uii. ginv.d aa weai ah_they b,-gin nr.5at. U10 thick Ihalde. hence the ebltk
tended Hie social Ralunlay evening. Ilf thP!.c grain IraalK make their v»**]lf she moves or puts the milker to **• •*- '«• '
der-lbe fiecs.
tf the wc-atber
wvatb.r Ip
ip favor to start tbeir grinding
V. If
. api*acatus.
ii and ma.v die In the
.•M.™.". .ni™. 11.. ro..
iDro« ,u, .m m ...
aU^ where |i:i) • an gel, plitiiy ofj As It reuittly for gapes. lhe,jxiK>rl- sU.dl,
1. 3, 8. 4. 5.
t supply of roughage cndlpevt punUhment.
iBsaclt «t; er......... . s.ialth
• • all
•’ ..............
lliev liient
Hie-eggsare hattbing
No. t. 3. 3. 4. 3.6.7-8.9.11
like. Killli ;
I fatal to >H..n= aP..ietl thi.ka In a luisk.-l over a’we
•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦«♦ mill In Mr, I'owell a woodaJo do aomc'wm. lioddleaton went north Tueeday _ ,, 14, IK Id, 17. 18. Ik.
euicka Ibun It. adult fowls, for/lo-^tub
:,.a,mng a l.oi i.ri-k and aonie
..|r, ..ii.slane.,
{to ,he upper peniasula. where they
Ton Oneida. May 3,-Horn to Mr. sawing lor tiir iioigu.«ra.
f.'q^ l:i Hieir iial- t irloh-.:nid. The ehi.ks iiiui.r utit m,
Sleek I.
MargiierrUo Klorenee visited her will have tbe care of Umbcrlaial this
10. II.
Its. - It Ip aeldoni that
of gapes :inl.i le Hit- flllileu more a
many em;. have lial.htHl. This I. bad
rnoHiermvor Sunday.
■13. 13. 14. Ii. Id, K. U. 19. 30. 31. 22.
flints where the sanUar.' •.ii.laloiis^*i a Him-.
Iprartlee. and if poiiisled In.
33. 34.
Mra. Helm was In Traverao City
I*. J lliiifiend tod the misfonune
o^he houktsa amt «nrdh are %WiialMlIrj,
Mrs. Hertort Dexter and Mis* Ethel
hatek. After all have batelied
Block J.
i.bcobl bt. Thrifly chklo. i re luorej .\ wriler in Oiatigf J*odd l*Briii.r al>ntit Hie morning of Ilm.'JSd day. I fsll Slid break two rtbs'«tfe day last
Armetrong wer* In Traverao City Sat­
LoUNe. 1.3.
2. S.
3. 4. 3.
6. d.7. 8. 9. id. II.
upck. Ho Is doing nicely.U>* doctor
IS, 13. 14. 13. id. 17. m. 19. 30, 31. 23.
urday. Mra. Dealer rvmaii
relwille' of resisting ' dlsiTise
Krceli tells I1..W lie leetls tiKlliiga b«h'p. "AVn. remove Hie egg aliHla, and then leave
'1 with bis brother.
ulr and drineas in ri>fps «■ I br.wti jier, tvni anil grit are kept before ||ie hen abme for uuother da.v, whoa says
Sunday vlsIHncBlock K.
Mrs. Frank UfH'bew Is getting along
Rev. C. N. Babcock preoched here
loils No. 1. 3. 3. 4, 3. d, 7. 8. 9. 19. 11.
—------ ------------------------------------------------------------I....... flilika will bo read.* lor Ihelr nl-ely slm-e the operation. A trsined
13. 14. 13. Id. 17. 18. 19. 20. 3L 22.
♦ Sunday and la to take viiorgo of tbe
Iiral feed,"
iirsc from Suttona Day Is varlng for
work Were for Uic remainder of the
SouUl Mllinii, itay 6,-Mra. Karl year. .Mr. Babcock wae putor here
. "noN.
Hi-o. Schmidt was a Travorse >
Block B.
Holding or Traverao City f* vlaltlng several yoere ago. and all are glad
vlsllor last week.
tou No. 4, 3.
her tuirenis. ,Mr. and -Mrs. Walter Wll- I wricame him hark.
IVicf nelicracs has returned tu Big
(('nptlnned from I’ago Four.)
1 few -woeka.
There waa * surprise pariy at Her­
crowd being priwenl.' UcIreahcncDl lUpIds iifier s|>eBdlng two weeks luA
id Mr*. Joe Mctoln are Hie bert IVitcr's Hiursdey evening for
lug after his tarm here.
wore aervedIsms Na. 3. 3. m. it. 12.
pioud purenis of a brand new baby Miss Eihcl Artuatrong.
INDIVIDUALITY ie sonwithing that a motor car must
North fife lake
nimi HeUa Papa la working for
The pie oodal held at the Gmng*
girl born the .''Lb.
1.01 No. 14. Block No. I.
{wssesfi to make it a favorite with the automobile Mra. A’lavk.
hall M'edneeday evening waa
Blech No. 2.
Earl Ackorniati of Traverse City
.Mr. and -Mra. J. 1', Alack epoot Sun
ms* flaanclaily and eoclally. Tbe reUiu No. 9. 10,
came tjovrn Friday to visit hla iiareniB
cellff* were $'.. .
Block Me. A
The individuality of the car must be in iu appearance day at Tiaverpi' fiiy.
Ixng lAke District. No. 4. May T.
and do iume^ablng. Hbmer Acker­
Lot No. 3. 7. 8.
The l.adlf«- Aid will bold Ihelr nexi
The todies' Aid Society of inland
or mechanism, or both, :md it is the com­ niefUng
IS. Helen Case and Mias l^na INo. 9.
(lerted offiver* Thuradiy as follovse: . tots No. 5.Blech
at (be borne of .Mra. II. II
6. 9. 10. II. 13. 13. J4. IS.
visit and li.h In Rapid Ulver. Tbeyi
bination of tbe two that makes the K-R-l-T stand BowMia. May 14. All member* arc frlecb spent Sunday at Hen r-dsia.
Presldenu Mra. Abble lAnib; vice 17. 18, 19. 20.
returned to tbeir rcepectivc bomea
The young people planned a ■
out from all the rest.
requested to lie prenenL
president Mis. Emma Morpe: aecroprise on Eddie Ware* Saturday night. Monday.
Ury . Mrs. R. Z. DavU: treasurer. Mis*
The lluds of I’ronilir 8. 8. clan
Tbe ;lrla took supper and all bad a
Ikck 47.
Mra. Florence l>almcr la borne from Mary jsqulsb. The next meeting will
win hold their daaa idmiIuk Sator- flue tlm&
Lots No. 7. 8. 9
Elk Kaplda on a vislL
be with Mrs. Jatolr Schenkel May 13.
Block N*. 92.
"KT' Five-Passenger
"KD" Covered Delivery. dp> ttftcnnwn with Cora Burdick.
Mr. and Mr* Kay Scamebora,
Mrs Wood la very mucb Improved
Lot* No 1. 2. 3. 8Touring Car.
and Mrs. John Wheolock and Mr. and from her recent illness.
- All models $})00 00 F. 0.
Bloek 63.
to Fla Situation.
John Bcametavn. spent Sunday,
Lou No. 7. 8.
"KR” Two-Passenger
Mra. Onalow. Wright and Mist Mar.
B. Detroit, with complete
Show Otri (butvUng Into
Bloch Ne. $9.
at Hatley Scaueton**.
garet Hecbrola of Chicago took din- oBc*)—"Quick: There* a fin bw
Mr. and .Mr*. >>aak L«foBt*ee spent
with Mr. and Mrs. Ackenuan
Mapleton. May. R.—.Mr and
bind tbe scence. tbe gang la raablag
Blech «1.

Lot ID. 14.
tsadore lArdte arc Me proud tian-Dt* Sunday al Netaan .Pepper's.
about like mad and ecrenmtnr their
Quite a number of tbe ULUe tolks
V - r
BIgek tZ.
Waiter Wlloen U able to to out bead* off. Look* Uke a panic. What
of a baby «lrl. w ho came to tnakv
again after hi* severe Hines*.
ir.ime w1ih Hirm Sunday.
Block 83.
. 4 acboel will close next Friday.
iTl1 Parka spent. Saturday np tbo cunatn, of eooree. end let tbe
.Ali'f Roy I'niloi and Lester''I'tulor
Lou No i. 3. 3. 4. 9. 10. n. 12.
Tile toys have organlxed a baseba'l and Sunday at Elk Rapids with her eudlrnce think It U the opening
are at<k with typhoid fever.
Block No. A
friend. Mra. Ceome HenrsL
Air. and Mrs. John Hoffman and'AI. 2.:. 4.*. I ■
Lester tnnls of Elk Lake la working
hi'ii<Le apent Sunday with
Block Nc.
' Christian MedeL
1 bis South Mllion farm this vreek.
and Mr*. Jamei Swoeny of Old Mis.
. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. 7.1.9. 19. It.
CalviD—~1 have my opinion of rMr
William Cbaaey la reptaeing bU rector. Tbe Idea ot bU preaching ^ 12. 18. 14. 13. ,
Block Ne. 1A
Bmeraoii, DeCraw returned Sat'
fruit trees that were wlater-kHled.
hnmilliy: 14*by. be never goes
Loti No. 3. A
About do peqple came down on tbe cbnrch ezeeptlng le as
nrriay from Qeirolu where ahe was
Block Na 1A
irals from Traverim <1ty Sat­
called by the llnesa of ber daughtcr
Lou No. 3. 4. 9. 19.
Mtss Other Urdle.
urday to flab In Rapid River, and
Stack Na 24.
Let No. 3. 4.
Roy M-haley and wltf and bis biotbde fine catebea.
Michigan Bute Land Oflie*.
. Block Na SA
er Frank and sMler Idm all 6( TraModel ~Kr** Tomteg Car
tonxlug. Msy ’si. IIIS.
Lot No. 3. 4.
eero* City, werq down on tbe old tarm
Block Na 12.
: Beitner Sunday.-'^
the following described abandoned tax
LM* No. 1.2.3. 4.3.9. T. 1.9, lA it
lands sitnaied In Grand Traverse lA 13. 14. lA ». 22. 23. S. 30. U. •
Nortbpon. May
Mlaa Francis
BstOD B. Frick and wife of Trawue
Stock Na SA
(ionad a very aucceaaful term City were visiting friends in Beitner
Bendon. May 6.—Mr. Demlecm it
Wrift for Ce!ai«r md lafprmttipn
of school In Uie Craper diatrict on Sunday.
moving to West Inland, after pending the provisions of section 137 ot Act
Friday aftertvoon
tOd of the Public Acts of 1883 and
Mrs Helm enierutned. company tbe winter In tbe village.
William *1^11*00 and family moved from Trarerae Clcv over Sunday.
■^Mla* Ruth Baldwin apent PrideXj
Inin their raaldenco on Third street
Mr. Cowel baa traded hli farm tor evening-at borne.
1X3-I2S S. Union SI:
the Auditor Oenersl and Cor
laat week.
Ibe store at Mtoroe Center. '
and Mra. M. E Jacobs
of the Stale toad Qfflce, acting under
W. P. Robertson of 8t. Inaco
Mr. i^nd.Mraf Rial called on Mr. and Mr. sad Mr*. Jacob Bcbnknl were la the authority given them by Art 141 of
tbs Public Acts Of 4901. examine
lined and
spent B few days In town last we^.
Irs. Minis ftaturday.
Traverse City Tneadiy.
nnd will__now -be .lered
offered tor
Mra. toRSitowlMid retimed T«*
Harry Do»d baa moved bl* aaw
Charles McliOaa and Mr. aad Mrs. sale
a 1‘ubUc Auction to to held la
.\r *6.60;.!<nTS WUIITH |U« A.^O
.m:; :.'. .at *8.80; $i:. A.NiO $V- sriT.<
A|- 81C.90; fir.:,I. A.VI. JTIS SriTS .AT$13.6S: !.;» AXII s:: sU ITS .AT
tlt.50: k:.'. SI ITS AT $18.60. .
vofi.i. i:kt thk samk ton.
.sriKNTUVl :? SKHVICK IN IIKU’1N<5 Tor. tSKI.KiT AS TllOrilU

Boys’ Suits at $3.95





Dr. Hartman's PUm Talk to Young Men

hrrelTi lle^lgualcsl n:id nl Ihe salaiies
herein prcx'rlhecl:
l-iir elty e|,.rk. «h.i shall be R.-oenil

nor;->t ocnnot tel! you how
much aood your letter tua done na
To know that I am. aroustnc the
iijr own In mstiera of riglu Belna
inHt:basDic acent oC ibe
iTMMt* of (innrorlBC tbem brtefl/. for
me with inwUttHle and enthuaUam.
lie. whose lenn of office ahull rMilrtr
(he bmeOt of other rounc men whti
••'lilt tteiida' In Isnctary,
did noi ortte me. One wrlier au'e: 1 want to b'lp you. Wiiie me any m the
time you wtAi and T wllt.49onsiaer your
915, Tr
H.Gmis: salary Sf.Uhl ]>c;i"1 wms Breotlr InleroMed la your
(elk'to younc nMn. 1 wlah 1 n-aa
KuIImw the a^MTipini
Por eliy trAaiitrr. lor Ihe term e
Mpmr and wrtl as }vb 'describe your­
'Hole. Whenever yoa Iwve Irfrlay on tht> s«eond yiunds y lu Jail
self b> be. I v>) (Tolcwc (o bnyin at
o conault me further do not ary.
Winnie, who U I
Uav M. Winnie.
onre and follow your advies and (ake heidUte. ua br fiirnda. If you Ciller into n eooiraei releasing
«an- of uy-self as 1 ourlit to. 1 will will be obedient lo me cut a aoti oucht all rlalma to fen.s of every name iiml
quit the ua- of aO sUmulanta. tea and lo be I will be tatlhful and tine to yoa uaiure eoUeetuiJ a» t.uch officer, SI.r.iHi
Sln* BifTea. go to bed early. I will uke IhC
Ik-r yewr.
For ill) aiioniey for iln- i.nn v\
eold water tinrrl bath sreo' nviminc. eerelv. B. B. Hartmcn. M. 1).. <!olum
i,oa.6hi». FKRi'N'A'ik i\>ii SAi-l!; plrlnR on the uceond Muiidu.' In Jatiu
I want to lire lo be old and um^uL nke AT
AU., pttl’O BTOMKS.
ary. 1914. Uci.riie II. Croi-vi
you. Aod I shall also kce^>IVrv»a at
tuind. to oire of allcht allmenls os
For hiilldlus
us lD»|>c<-U>r, term ex|dt
they may arlee. I thank you In the
la now nut out under the
rn U'c eecimci .Monday
ly iti .ijnuury
aaina of ihousandt of other yoiuc
t-T.\R>N(i, manuraciniMl Ins
.ho Cumpany. CuluniUus,
awn. like jcyarlf.and they will be
To thie ieusr t replied:

ceurrsiM ii cuise &f city .

the pi-oric wore allliur. >u iiHsIrt the
oll'-iiils 111 cViTv W!iy imtinlhlf.
1llK tall, was ihl". lu lin- i>ilul 'ami
tt^Olitlniied tn>ni page nvc.l '
a on be hvM e»«.i} Mrn.t.iv vte'iin;; at
In^i'lratioii i« the vimiuil.K o'rluk. and ib< 191 tilt! ua. tar- ^l<>tll.■^c and the |4Vl<lr wbo iicard lilni:
: fled.
r'rivtli ii'ii »a-. uski'd l<i ray
The fllv rIerV na^ also aalliWlnotl aoniethluK and latc tlm new romiiiih.
tn adtertiLe li.r liicir lorilu- rui.i.iu> rkin aonn- Roo.i advii-c .usi.-d u|»n hl«
rx|icrieurt' wiivlt hr «tu iiiuyor
of (he city lutiJs t<n ilii ivniliis year.
, I'pcB leoilon of
foninilFrloper Of Ibe rlty. lU- told the ronimirnlonSleder it r-.\^ tli-(iiic'<t lu yave Wa^t ers to go ataoad an thiiu;:li thr>'owned
Seventli tirK-l as mniu a > prartlea'olr. Hu- rlly, and niti.iI iu
CfciDnlrc. ianrf Ilii kc-rd arUei that tier lliat.lTiey w«>itd i!iHr own liiinj
jb.... mmUn,
>bdl. na*. oi
■"< " '“O ...........
(Ar t ly lm«kr uaannn ar |K>aa|l>lr and Will d<-iH-i>d ujifa vliul Ihry du ae ihe
his rckiui
'uill be lm|K>ee|blo to ■•1<.-I:<r rtryt Idhty
ro>'r:.m:.|i'tii.: ('.tlkl:iv Mill
the totunii.: Kineri. do iIh* in->t
Inr the jiart y«nr Hir lilv li.-irt the
and uiiordUig to Ihcir
vice* pi a iralnml mirnr and he
Urn'll that i| war ode of the I>ee1 ]>os <-onsr!i-orre rvrrt|hl:ii: w||| cvlie
inirf" I'ir.'l
cllilo iiive’inienlB.
Mist Pearl Watters lie rtJaiiied lur crmiH-iect admiolstnitiun.
. aaoilKT «r«r. as Hie averasr nmiiihlv ministration Uoce i.>io best It e..ti the
ihu re’ rziieire of rondiicliii.; hn work liuit
mtl> l.c-hn fn» lei tn.iith in llm Hi\. Mills. The oBr cunimcnaahle leatvrr
Ihr belanrv In im; nndr lip !>:; her ex- IB III" l.;i-i tiiit lbeie,ia no jmllflcs or
trt> Wiiik wliirli Wii.s limied l>ai'1. tn tee/.n; tu.mlfestcd In ihc
Ihe Hty. IUt salary was Used at »*-r- O'er the t'uiuiu.c.. oi It. ullairs.
A. S. Hobart stated when eall^ qm
iwr iitpDih.
As there wen- a tiinnlH T of riUrriis I on lor a irw re :ur!.s !h=: ije mnir
In till- audimir who had Icm-n liutni- jlaidy ol citUriih are I'uln-i to lute k tip
nirntaT In ec'ciniMt the new order of ihu new system and M-e what it ran
Ihtrc' for the ill'. Mayol Rlra'i'i siis- aixomplish. Tl.e> will Maml hy tinRi'Hed that II woull Ice a good plan ti'mimibhii tier.- in -I'elr uorW.un ! help
If ihcy would say » few woids before them In r'ery !«-«» ’•> w; > Til. ry i;
the lAmuilsrion ndloamcilprank r. l.rlKhi »><• |i»Tl ahead tiir^thb ii.-w
llam!t#n wa» tin- lirst one lalU.I iim plat) and tin unes. "lo ha'.e In-eii
. on and br &v<' a short mirw'of the t-hosen In pul it liilit vlTect'.
The Iippolnliuenu nude by the 'i>lii
work that led np to the ariuptlon of
tbe revis'd ilia'ler and said ll:ut the mi'sloii were read hy the illy tleri. a

II the i.oi'nDd Monday In Janiiury'.
IM<>, Tlioman Mniillpii.
For' lire narsbal. lerm • xplrinc on
Ki-iYMiil Muuday iu .Iqiiupi.v. . ’9U.
Timinuu r. UiiiTav: Si.r'tii |mt year
.For iKiiieo iiiuiahnl. tenii eitdrln:
on the .CB-caid Mi-iday in January
1914. Ikiijaiimi V. t'aiuiu.
for ellv id'VsIrhinA fer I'-rni e'lilrISC <10 l!i>> leeaii'l Momhiv In Janouiy
I'.ite. l-hlwtn Ia'Thlrll".. whn sbail re
cvlve iRadcUUnn loliis aatoi) «l
UK'h^lioiiM' dblnfcc-led. ti:iM"i.
I CM- library nr I'-e, Ivrui e»i*li iiir, oii
Ihe M-e.'n.l- Moml.iy in .Ian. ii.'. I'.'U,
Uuiii f. TciuK.:
Tor lihraiij ttu; kh-. ic-mi e\j.i:lnc on
the CM-eeiid M1»mla> ill j.miiur). r:!.%
Julia F. l^lJ■)r:
For llb;^» HUM V. ti'rii
ii!:ie "ii
■ lie iNH'on.I Monday m Jannar.': 1919.
la-e Uorii-hy
for city, weteb.iia.ler. Icriu eypir
Inn 1 n i!ie it*i'tibil .Viiunliiy in Jiiiiiiaiy.
19M. f'lus tlooie. SiioO jur year
For bi-|*e'inieii'lem c<f eeMieier!..
term esplnui: or the iin'ond Muuda<
in .laii'wrj-. 1914. Knjtli M 1^001". who
..................h.rcd,St"."ii |H-r month lot
lie U^M- i.ia additien lo his na!c<>
■<■ ,-.t yw
. 'Irlnc
Jauuaiy. 19! I, (Jw'ar II.
in-r year.
None of the uiiiinr apiwdnicu
W-re loaile a- these will Im' lelt
of Uie .ll■|■a1lnlenl^ m
onimeiid 111 llie eniiiiiilsnl<>!i In <>



lion't tumet In plant a tree'on Ar- In the puat. and says they arow well
hor imy which U Fii-lay. Ma> 9. Any-'and sell wait IU la tolorcsted in our
one o! your lavorlie trees, wuclber! effort to eondccro the Ibt of apples,
fur fruit or shade will nnsver. And and promiacs soon to r|\c us tbe
tilaiit II near the house where ii will kinds Ik- believes arc the moat saUbIc
apples for. i
add .-alue 10 the home Rrounds.
Kcad us
Muc-b •lull rc'At lian hewn i.liowu In llrli It.
;r aftlve ealiiiMlRU lu Ret t>iir rniwn lu uhtle on live or idx ru-.mI live
We find that Cbarlos klool.-ique tn
appleii. and maf.e lUiu n-aton fWous roUMir Road msulis from Joaalbaa
lor iheio. And we d'Ki t rare wlml|tree*. A|ff>lcs are of mtMUiiiu stee.
wlm-. Just ko our on-bards can Bmwjaood color, and produce alx to elalit
and Hiritu on the resulla. And re-lhoxeii to Ihe tree We tmiiRlit elRlit
aulis -we mniit h^e and will have.Jbarrels of these from him two ycar^
TliiK Idea cd pKiitiiiR out a «biilc|nRO. and after rciiackltiR theia in
tnadiiiE dusn OrwoB boxes, fouocl that tbev sold
I'lini'h of trifs.
uusalahU like hot cakes, and ai fancy phewK.
your plac-e wlUi a
o dtsiaiit Tbe fruit was oot over r 1-4 to 3 1-2
stock, merely l»--ni
aiiBl lihvi: Ibe navor of the' iDcbry,
but aoM faster er«o than
If nit. ii.xj Rot lo ic thrown on ihejsaow. on acounl of the rich, aplcr.
icp h««p. Wc- are ia the vri-hanl flavor, stad lunclMUne appMranee.
bmduis tu.m.-ike iiiuiioy. and not to The flees were not Inp xrafM at all.
Mr. Montanis'i^ fruit was well packed
ride hobbtfS.
and evenly Rraded. and was a eredlt
iM't us RiipiMVM' lor the nicmteot that io the uroirei. The 3 1-4 alca parks
yen ivanled c-i hu' r tipnuaiid luirreir 130 apples lo the box.
s > F .
cd ill p'h s fill lull ilollvcry. fur Ihe
piirpose of ma!-i!>s money on them.
MesiiTS. 'Itoughey nnd TVido a*
In cetd.-r to |miM your ■ If, if you wer- l<onh|>ort aspire to hsre the Isntnt
tmoreney orchard In Mlclilaio If
a csimouiTmiiiis the liiM ttiiiR would Montmoi
In thn'e-numry.
'enumry. It eoDtalns 300
lie in vis'll rfhe or tan larRC rflics. and
tbe fruit stancU, srocerle*. and
kind or cherry.
Culllvacommisvion houses, tu make sure of tiod will be done by a susoIIbg or oil.
the vaiielies'which wen* calk'd for. iraeir.i. nnd ilw> picklnR and packinK
and wliii'li brwunlit the hlEbcKt i>rlrey. done
the latest approved methods.
d of ail enlerprlM will hrini;
When you ruiuru to Mlihlsan ypujTlil*
•ai-lly w'liut lo do. You liRvcljin wide ti<>lk'i' ax a cherry Browing
iroiu OK bard to or- liard :uid |Kirclia.>e rpRioD.
air the No. 1 fruil you can llnil
WaRenent. flrluiea tioiden. WealHi>.
The Wtaeni Mhhliwn IWvelopnient
Snow. JoAaiban. lioiur Htsraty. Fpii bureau have their annual ne^lBg on
reulM-iR. Mclniosh and Wlotct llaun Wednesday, klay 7th. and It, Is
portant to bate a full alK-ndanec nnd
thHw k
aaalst In tbU Important work for thia
trull la Blew pufk-uces. and then you KOdum. Fersonaliy the writer to
<ati si-ck out the trade wumihR um.d anxious to get aa expression from tlila
linli. nn<L sell with canriitemc This meeiiiiR niuHii making a shnwing of
I.-. Ihe IorIc ol Ihc- sluuttion. and we applps. elr. at Ihe (Ihicago Land
as gniutfs must learn to raise cal-1 Show this fall. The Chlrago Tribune
able va'ielie:.. Instead of rinimiriq -now has cliarRe of the enterprise and
that anido ralsinu don't t>av. Never < last fall cut out the cheap land
w.ia there a ilnie wIhui orrharOinc on sebeines. and haa launched the show
the riRhi pilnriples bruiiRht iK-Mi-r re-^nlotig leefitmnie liaes'. It now dcwards.
| server our siipitort. ^ore than this.

TIt will advertise Hlrhigan i«tlcr than
(l(y>. W. Ijirdle has luti-ked n bit «Tf _iiiiy oiber iiK-dlum. and Jirtog ni aetSpiiu-nhcig apples from thi.i oeriion lets for our varanc lands.

(('oulhiutd Cioui I«r;e one )
lebraie Jill) 4 was left In tbe
tiniilB of u lomnilitec'. who will ea;
the merehaiits anil nel their
- new eoioiulvsion bad stalled off In the
> and report next .Monday eveDtno 1 auspieioiit manner .|io<i»lbIr.
It wifii auKseali'd Ibal a» lone
Tbi..> luiil iiiade an cn eUeni. lis^ of
'!• e|n ofTfTl'i
Hoyde Ctiv |,>am is here for
api'Tltrinti'iii.' iind ihrrr wai a •■t'lrit
Rani^ <4 basfhnll In the Wlehlire'silitv: In I'le rlty iliai im-am llial uie ai-|iot»U-d i
iimn Slate Ivasue. a hiK Imlustiiwl
lianiile tnishl be inilleil oV. iind KiK<rti>
and fKWSlhlr have
iioree troni I i.yl.K-k Ho- ihe
■rt of thr.Bflurauoii. Alt these matFOR
'll uill lifi tbomugliiy dueussed u(
ir'next ii.t'eliuK■
The cliie.'limi of olV-liflu ihe liifiiriiM'ion hiirvaii ^as i^>u up and a
nmniiltee of three amHilnlvd who
ill map oni iMiiiu- plan and decide
I the mietliu: .Muiiday nlsIH Tlien?
•.ts M) mill h bcVhI tliai I'siue Imiti
u Idesi farm harden la describcsl qias.v Jars. They brought him Juat
Its oiti'i lari year tint it would
re<Vnt niaKBXiuc bs lollowajlbree Otiira aa much as If he bad
III......... . hsil not to c-otiiinue
he f.l.Ml form garde., .bia.ld
(hem grwi. Tddayjtat to hla
Were M> many cniiipltlurniiiR out mnhing but
by :J0 feel, the rows should
mcfiia >• remarks eonrernlivK this
eauued '(wMablea. You cab
work iroin the ceneral imbhe dial uorth ami souih no that r..w,.^„
Tmve..e niy iva;. tulki-d all over will gci full u-nebt of h«ib the iDunj-,.wn uke next winter, but your boy
le louBtry.
ins and evetiinK sun. It ahniild al-,ur girl .toiild esiablisb a nti-v trade
The lupiler of summer niCH'lloRs of ways i«i near Hie liuuM on rirh well .imunR ymir town or cliy nciRhburt.
II' fmiimitlee of Twenjy-tyne was drained bm.l
11 should .eoniain ev-j
s . . •'O and one suBSentinn that
'■•Retoblc and small fruit that | a dime saved In ae«d nmy Iom
et with ini'lnnl favor was lu have!
Distemper Cure
be Mi^reastu!!) Rnmn fii the lo- dullars in ero|iS. When good varU-Hea
niwtinCT every two weeks *"<*'rapir
Don't srow' flow-era .
Rrown. I
I trouble 1
<• ip poto partieti and vl“ti the’
n>mpk l.d>. Ir»\ ins n'. iwH «flir-iTf.-lj
at by Veaorta.' paylm: for the aupsh'iuM hate Hieae too. but Dol U-. Keeping out Hie weeda not only
. ;•» II is doac! now by ctai h Inille Veaetubl.' sardcB. Ik-i .me leii the ptonts dc'clup t» their best.
.11.<|. Is Ibis Wii.'^ Neabtawsiiia, InKT of Hi.' funilly lend the Rar-'but ventilates Ihe aoil and saves nioisl-i ii< n. Oiiiena. Suitonv Hay. Id^
deh. and If it Is Rheti the time and tuie. To>< many itoies tbe fartn garUiid. Nonhl'on. Klk Hnpidk <an all!
iaIIcnHsiii ir deserves It.will niU onlyjden is alluw-.-d U> l•eeome overgiowii
'. K. Foote. Queen
ftiniisli your lunilly with the IkuH and)
andisu tlmi il Is not worth ver) luuefa.
City ImpleiT'cnt Co, Char
IB ‘o ’d ael iR-ttftT a< uualnii'd
but it will reiurn In niom%' mure* Keep every foot «»f your garden
ri'soners who are aloppinR
Ilian any aire An Hie farm.
Ihusy throURletut the growing season.
plac-es. There art! niafiy nolMOTHER PACKS
■ ■ •
torn, towns, tomaloea. eelery.
able people who are visitors nhd iht->
----- --Buy a amsll cannioR nulfll. aays eadive and -tornlps can’follow su.b
ro'ild Im- nslcei] to nddrc'ss the-KHlbHenry I. FrekliiR. of llllhoto. 1 hiwrd early cnipa as beets. l«Hue«. radisb'rinsB The tfU«in«uiB eouW Ik- taken
• il gn-'cr who wouhl lake all of his xw and |>eas. Your ceveaue will be
are. of and a Rood aoHSl tltiic tjl'exelables and amall fruits home ua doubled and your land will be none
There ure euouab toeuibera
Saturday niKht aiid pii! them up in the worae for the doable cropping.
who own anios |i. lake all who ara
net iu> fpnnliiile. One man auRCestwr I'lcda.', knowledge of Ua extotenee
he could ‘l>ii.' the RaaOlltie
woul.i iHobably never htv* bevume
tor the trip lorrhls shcre."
Tbe lueciinR adjourned la aUond
Tlie iMiok to Indexed nnd today It
the lirst moelini: of the xlly-cotumliBli.iierb.
developed Ukst ibere U at toast oiml«gi.' for every stale In, the L'nloo.
while nemo stale* bnvc half a 4us*n
AniVtbL- i«ges are covered with pitotiie aienograpbir entrins which Turn
uiiy proudly boasu eould^ hardly be
road by an.vone bul blasclf. WUbiB
Ihc coven are stati-uioau of the exaci iioIlHcal situation existing In the
democniUe larty in «nch of (Ao sUtoo.
namaa and dato aboot Job bnnicrs and
KEEPS HIM INFORMED UPON IM­ tbe iri-a who. having no desire them
a ante bsva. atots
PORTANT appointments'
tel'o- for Jobs, are trying to bold the
veto i>ower over tboa*
are seeking govennBOnt «(np)o.viii«ii.
Touch With Peliticai Pwlae ii
The wboic to an application to the nf7.^
Every suto and Makes a
lalra of the rnlicl BUtes ol a Hitle
;rZLX. ua TOUB troubles iris wed of uy UBd of
plan that Tumulty tried out Orel lo hi-moth, bus
nt dMtroycii. We can supply yon with jutt
Uw pracHee to Jenny CIt.v, later as a
tbe thingi to UU or.driTe ttaesi away.
mmnber of tbe nasMsbly mad finally a»
recrotary to Governor W(l«n> He tots
iWrittei (or Hie t'niied Piw*.:
' ^tb BaUs. Plaka Baptballne, Tobacco, Thompson's Roac
} Waxhlngtod. May T.—Tbe bopee and down everything ifcsi be hears nbout
Bicothic, etc,, for moths and car^ buss.
, hxpplners of toony demoerwii ba«l on
,ihc rusu-nto ol a btovk. towther-cov

•-•d loose Icai leilaer tUt IIm In the
Eat Biddi, Bat Biiktt Paste, Bonfb on Bats. St«inis'
amaw oagrw PaoM Ps*ton.»a. OMsa, •
desk of Jsmipi Ak Tuniillty. aocretary
Rat and Boa^ Paste, DflM'Bat Poiaaii. Any of tbws wiU
i'< ITuiteent Vtlaoa. Theiii to Uttto CbrwM nMI fw tmliki miBlMhii. JU








the Price of Beef




nno stooe


veled at the. whut aecnied lo tbem.
superhuman tuexuun of tbii. .\ew Jer­
seyite When hr Jnilm.-ged ihnt certain
of them were inronsisieni In regard
lo slatcmenis then and at the l-reecnt
time. Well, there's the answer- in a
llltic. inni*ccnt looking, black leailicrcovered loose l«tf lc«l^.
Borretary Tumulty toV'whhV I'lshBMm- lie probiUy flqured while art.
Ing as soeretary'lo ihe Roverhor of
New Jersey that wten that oflii-lal
WTBB moved iiji lo the White Uo'O". be
nilchi iie»'|i|« nppp-cliite some real
tael. an(l some real liRures ofxii'i i>osa'ble neekera a'ter office. Secretary
Tumulty has ttr.'-M Mailetics in bis
)>o:8c.''!om^iew and they arc available
at ail tUu& to the prextdent. That lit
lie booh of Tumuli' s is indeed
••iRiwrre I'rHnO Ihe Ihrore'
Ami il's a l•erI01•tlJ lair and wi.i

iriofc YourlcMcrwin
Yourlcttcrw'iU l»eopriMsl,
reud and aaawercd by n wwnwn,

Badfadd la gtrict coitlidwye._
in wfalcb scores of prouiitem niunfc
Ipal experts, aniooritics ou <ii> buil-lins and arrbiieeis have parLicIpaied,
elosed today with a rciN-rt truni ihc
eonimittee ap|«loted in Boston la-i
year to condiirt a study of dty plan
iilns- The rci<ort "as i>r<H<-ded by an .
address bv Dr. Werner Jiedgeuann. of
Ih-i lin. V I o took lor hU lojilo ‘Tlie
ForeiED ria-j of Psyinc «<ir Miini-iiial
Imiirovenjeiils ' The annual lianquel
■K ill be held (on tcht at (be liolel La




Wkrre ym hm Anyt
TrM ’ hr

Municipal ^Experts Meet to Discuat
('hicapu. May T.—ronnat biisiDes
Miltons ui tilt lli;ei- dijs' eoutereuci

Wmll Paper
-Cittm E»i»
Pktare Booh
Shelf Papers
Faaey Crepe Pap r.

The h«*nty nod xinon of women
are en|<enor to the viitie- and iKWiiiyof
mea. but w one tan lie l.rwotirul wb-n
In tbe throes of a drep-Mted hsekiog
coogl. Of eidd. NotbinR will Imag g»rs:»r
(vbef than Aim'sCaaghlalMBL itoM for
over half a tvuuiry fisdoiwed l<y Ibose
whoost-iL Sk-. 60c. and %1.W) UtUsa.


Aai mamy other of Efcc kwKueeJt hr Spriag.


CwSsSrsl. b"wOml.wTlt.«;-“
----i?>t?r*rBXILLCa tksw
mmi a viib •SWIM*'™ fiK iaaw-»«


Cty Book Store


Horses! Horses!

AlteBflon Peopl«:

We are still in the horse business at 209 State
Street, and our fifth carload of horses has just ar­
rived. and are the finest that money can buy. same
as before.
Our quality of horses and our fair dealings with
the people sdl the ^oods.
Call and see us before buyifig.
We not. only save you money, but we satisfy
your mind and ^narantee every horse satisfactory.



pnt an Olid lo yonr tronbles with Bate and Mic«.
. Om M ^ Deyi sun.

a ttste clHuUon. Ttic vsrioui deiesstloos which rtJI to Rct ihc iirexi'icin'-s
ear are always anxiinu. to lalk in ff luu
iiKy. Ik- Is a good llrtcocw add thr
leader who la harlni^ trouble t^-itin;;
plniralnr the fallMul ran be aixurcii
that be will nt a oordlal bcarint aud
ninrh aytuiwUiy from the piwsidcni's
secretary. Bat ihete la Mte UHbr that Wile K Wed, >«l Nwyo<u
fp« of tbMB have as yet found out.
Could Not StUKl Uut
and that to that the ' hich spou " of ^
their sUtcmenls to T-*muUy arcjui'!' '
part of bis pihslc rceoids.
Utmford. AIS.---1 waaao irenk and
And lo tbs various stales wberc.
(berc is a real figbl cit. Tumulty 's nevTotu while pnasing through tbe
Chitpgi- of Life that
noiea will be the "final word" when
I oouU hardly live.
tbe prcwUcDl of tbe Fnlied FUtecMy Iluabaad had to
lakoa up for settlement tbe varknu
BaUrubto-ronallth■Uffieolt problems of pairoonpe • in
gates for| could DOC
tliose sections. In addltioB to tbe Rosatand it to have a
gale atom.
vlp, tlK-rc is idaerd in ibis liiilt- iKMik
"1 also had badkIn black and white fbo , results c.f
nebr and a fullnL-ai
Ttnnuliy's Indcpendeiu iovcsiiRatioos
in try stomach, t
of tbe LharRcs and raonicr rhaiRcs
aotieed (bat Ly<lia
made by men who bate called npon
E. Finkham’s V.-g.him bis otdnluns X>f Ihc njcrlts of ___
their rlslnis lo dlctalnrship, and hlx advertised for auidi cases and I sent ami
u|>lH!nits,or their MlandiRR as Business got a bottle. It did me su much good
^t 1 kept on taking it »n<l fouod it to
men mol cy>Y-iiilvt-K.
And H will surprise many of those be all you claim. 1 reremmend yonr
who lie now' insUlltiE that. Ibey arc* Compound to all wum< n adlicted as I
the emty real rimon puie. blown tu «iir."-Mra. P. P. Mi.-LLK.MNmg, Hunfttfd. Alabama.
Ibe liotlle and dycil in the wool WilOivn. ilml Sc'crctury Tumulty' ha;' Ao IIODCSt Dependable Medlcioo
tbeir rc-si numlier In Mack, and while to l.ydia E. Pinkham'a V.-grtoUe C.mi,In Ihe i
Ill Ills lill'c- liouk tic iini. pijifti .\BooltJidHerbitiiMlicim-urip.
mploua notcA on 'citial atlarki- nil iaatrd Txtariy forty yi-orsagohy l.ydi-v
tta'-SP uic'ii may Itave nude on lhC;New E. Pinkham cf Ljmn. Mass., for cunJersey R«\i taoi ^•'f<•^e be was taken trolling female ilia
Iu wonderful soceewa in this line has
seriomtly n- a lue-h!cutial eaoclidate. iradc it the safest and m»t deiv n istKO
Also the iliile i>nok ronisinii a rnrroc! medidne of the ag» for womiwi and no
woman suffering from fi-mslB ilUi
hiiraclf jtutioR who tJoc*. not give il a
during (lie recent (anipaiRo. Perhaps
sonic of the men who made tbe*e at-;
If To*i»*«e fii»idight«gt doubt
■ Bcks imnu-dliitelr Ik lore and luilncdl- «bat l.ytMa E. Flnkbant’s % egcia________ ____________
will l>^lpFO(LWTitu
nii-1> after ihe eunventlon have mar­ btoCotnpMrtd

about the cuuld* of tbe book to atirwri atteaUe* gad were It net for tbe
fan that the ixwk to Always token
bom* when Secretary TaiMlty

DofTt forget our mmiber:

269 mn STR^-aonghey yMiig.


Youiit for a square deal.

IL J. HARROW, General Mao^.



The Original Homefurnisher of Northern Michigan



Library Table Special

Dining Table

Library table just like cut. -10x24 inch top.
with drawer. Americuo quartered oak. highly
g»I|jh^/either in golden oak or
We also have several different styles of
stands in mahogany and oak that we are nink*
ing special prices on,' raal^ihg from d5c up.

Sewing Machine Value
A.IuU sue. 6ve drawer Sewing Machine,
full uze head, high arm', made o( the best ma­
terial and guaranteed for ten years, light run­
ning and is a first class sewing machine in ev­
ery way. frame is made of selected oak and 'fin­
ished dark golden, complete
wllti oU atUcliments for.........94^*^

One wfuur big table v.ilues. :il! o.ak. round
Dining Table. 42 iin-h t<»;. rxt/mls to 0 feel, deep
carved claw feet. 7 incti niuiid
barrel, bright poligietllhiiih at___vXVo5r«>
Our showing of tH»ile.s is exceptionally
large. You ought to see them.

WeWantto Talk Floor Covering With You
In a great many households one of the subjeets
that will come up this spring Is that oi new floor
coverings. Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums have a
way of wearing out the same as everything else.
The selection of new floor coverings is not one ot
every day occurrence—it is something worthy of
more than ordinary consideration.
You, no doubt, will have to live with your se­
lection for years to come and it is to your own sat­
isfaction to make a selection that will not only be
satisfacfory today, but tomorrow and lor years.
We arc showing the most complete line we have
ever shown in both quality, design of pattern and
Here Are a Few ol the Many Values We Are Oliering
9x12 nine wire rug regular $28 value, special $23.50.
9X12 eight V^ure Brassels rug, re'gdar $22 value, special $18.
9x12 standard grade. Tapestry Brussels rug, regular $18.00
■ value, special $15.00.
9x12 weed fibre rug, best grade of wool fibre on the maiket,
regular $ 12.00 value, special $10.35.


A Few Extra Specials
Here ate a few s|K*rials taken here ^id
there throughout the store which should inter­
est the house cleaner.

Gasoline Stove
Two-burner Gasoline Stove complete, gnnramee'l to give iMirfect.sati.Nfaciion.
4 IT
extra special ^ ..................................


Full size Tub.Wringer, a perfect
wringer in every way. extra special . .9^* 1.9

Iron Bed
A full size Iron Bed in either
^4 me
white or green........................................

Sewing Rocker
A strong, well made Sewing Rocker, cine
seat, with brace arms, golden oak
«<| Off
finish, spedial........................................

Matting Rug
Matting Rug in oriental pattern, 6x8
just the thing for small bed room.

Lace Curtains
A good Lace Curtaia, 40 inches wide x
ya^s long, extra sitectal. per

We are showing infiraiii art squares from S').25 to SI2.00.

Write for our beautiful 46-page catalogue of Car­
pets, Rugs, Linoteum, Lace Curtains, Draperiies.
Go-Carts, Carriages and E-Z-Go’s
We are showing Go Carts anti Carriages in practically all the ilifferenl styles on
the market. The new mohair top. used exclu>ively on the Favorite (^o-Csfrts is making
tl»e hit of the season. Don’t buy a Go-Cart or Carriage until you have sefen our mag­
nificent showing. 4 wheel rullisr tire Go-Cart $1.45.

Curtain Stretchers
A new improved p;Ueitt Curtain
Stretcher, very special............................... OWL-

Glass Hand Lamps with No.l burDer.4QA
chimuey and wick, complete......................i«FL

Kitchen Cabinet

Buffets and Sideboards

Large roomy Kitcheh Cabinet. 45x26 inch
base, large flour bin, plenty of cupboard rocun.
has bracket oh door for spice cans, top has glass
door cupboard, five smalt spice drawers, finished
in American quartered oak,
special at...............................

Solid Oak Buffer, 42x21 inch top. ,30x18 inch French bevel plate mirror, two
drawers, one large double door cuphaard for dishes, finished in golden oak. s(ieciai

Six white Tea Cups with handies,
and saucers.......................................

Full size Kitchen Cupboard. SO inches wide, by 8 ft. Jilgh. has four drawers with
five separate compartments, a large drawer for cooking utensils, finished in golden oak.
at fC S5. Some cupboard with glasa top doore. 75c extra.

Liquid Veneer Furniture Polish, full
size bottle, special............................
Regular l$c quality Clothes Line


Kitchen Cupboards
Eireless Cookers

Box., seat diaers, ail
solid oak. iregmoid leath­
er padd^ seal* legs,
b^ck posts and stretch­
ers ore of hbavy square
stoA. all oak. finish^
in dark.goldenouk. each


A guaranteed fireless cooker, has two cookiig.>poT^pariments with good grade of
granite cooking vessels, corners of ths cabinet body hrfe dovetailed together and made
up in n workmanship like manner in every respect $5.25.

Freight Pai^ on All Pnrdtases ol $10 or Over.

Only One-Motion
Bed Madetrtn •

jat Sanitury Bed (72sninehee),
(72snineh«). with 18-Ib.. f(4to
;rtted cotton
renovkbleiMttacM. Vence
comforUble. You do
* tah<s


Cups and Saucers
9C a

Furniture Polish

I Rocker
SoHd Oak Rocker,
finely carved and
finished in golden
oak. upholstered
seat and back with
guaranteed Chase
leather pt


120 East F'ront Street, Xraverse City


“ ortfintry ■p«A«rti. I wn goiag U
♦ THE «ACK TOOR NEIOHMR# ♦ uu with mr greenhooee Wenjl. Mxl ♦

♦ eee If he cenhcH teU me Ju»t whM
•VeVlhtfblnnl like bit“ **•
•J'.*” ’ **“
*?. **
1* ^
We Ulk eo much ebotu
M well e> country life. The
Spring." eeld the Young H
0 «t. energy, end eaiclenry dlfnity of Inbor !• being reoegnUed
"4e the unezpertedjeH of the dejr.
in the bousebold. I think thl. J. one m never before. The Uck <rf houMbold
be*' Mat many women Into
< .. b.,ne.*btn
here bed “rh!; f/Pl.ce. R «n be pot Into p,
their kitchen, who never need to glve
eenh brought from the wood, the fell
b„t by no .
leeMly." *“—•
(heir bousAeepIng e thenght nfier the
l»r»M I Iav.
.V.K.. .k
UUI 1»» BO n»a. leeniy.

£rT£‘r -»■'


aeiaoo It with ene enp of waebed rlco
and atralned tomato, one ounce of but­
ter. adding two aUcod herd boUad egga.
Turn tbe baahed meat'Into a baking
dlab. well buttered.' place tbe rice ov-'
-er It. handling esrefuliy eo ea not to
truahj:he rice or break np the e^
Cnt up two more herd boiled eggs In
four abcea each end preaa them Into
ibe rice on top. put a been of butter
un eacb end act In a moderate ovea
'or half an hour, serve In the dlab
!.• which it U rooked, wrapped in a
napkin. If a regular uble diah la not
available for the rooking. This la a
thorough aoutbern; dlab nod a great
favtiiiiejD the rice country.-

accouai to beet
bend, e lltile mlnuie. and cloee
or n wnxen Squirrel Cora bright with tu deSodn. end tnUpt. *ord tn every home. In every com- u. Pour Into Uyer cake Una wbirfa have .nd )un be mill, while eome- ik«w
«t me with the «hy.
r up__________...
- aweet ““•J'
. dwrt of Mtrel the mtnliy. and we pride onraelvea npon been buttered and flonred. bake tea
how and from eomcwhere there cornea
«wmry lestle.
dnadellbo greena. the taae with which we ke^ ow mlnutea In e moderate oven. Ecfore
to ue little faint hinu and thrill, and
“There-, nnotner inicr which np- cook » aeparauly. as It doe. not teke bo»ea neei end prepare antetlting turning out. elkw tbe Una to .tend
toucbee of cladneea end content' and P«.'> «> (».." uid the Deck Door ^ iqbj, sa the meena when both are nenie '
two or three mlnntee.
When ccdd
peace, of e frieadabjp
ih.» never neikbhor. It U mora praaalc than ^oa* chop them up togetherand edd
Tbe firm ledy of the lend I. eettlng ,preed eecb thickly over with lemon
weeriee-.or drawn buck,
an under- your thought. Ifci non the leaa enjoy- , p,b*roui lump of butler, eelt and • notable example along tbia line mixture; lay the nmnda together, dlBaked Veal Cufteta.
atandlng tbnt never fella ^uae U •We, Yon know that I waa born In ,
pepper, and aerve piping hot. She ia. aa far aa peEalbla. abolUblng vide Inio twelve pleret. dual with
I^r In a heated Uktng diah one.
la the Power thet la over and above I*!* courtn' and grew up among afl ,-m, rlaegar. If give, a little differ- «he frlvollilee which have heretofore augar and aerve For the lemon mix- pound and a half of veal steak. Add
nil,—Inrinlte In underaiandlng and <I>c beanilful aurroundlnga of Held and
flavor and make, variety."
abot-nded U high aoclety in Waaking- tare put Into a aaurepkn alx onncoa one cupful of aeaaoned stock. Then
Emil* upon the troubled pligdma
woodland. We did not have acceaa In
our door., put on aome lun «nd U aubatltuUng for them aim- qf »ug,r. yolka of four egga. white of spread over tbe ateak a dreaalng tqade
Whom you paaa and meet;
------------------------Ihoae dar. to the modem box of vege- iis,vy aboes and abort walklug aklrta ple way. of dreaalng. and pracUcal
egg. grated rlud and atralned Juice of two cupfuls of' bread crurnVs. one
Froa-na arc tborna. and tmilM are
S^am in Houaafceaplng.
Uble aeedk which adorn every grocery
^ a-grannlog!’‘ exclaimed the ideaa ea to bouaekeepl^g.
of one large lemc^. and two ouncea of onion chopped fine, a beaten egg. a
» wot only an artist of note butter, stir over a gentle* heal unUl tableapoouful of tasted butter, a teao.. ot lb. ,n»ikt Ibuu lb thi.
“> Tobb. Hobb.kb.p,r. uid U. Bb.k
on for weary feet.
bdtkd._ —----------------kkd bbd .
and cultivated u tbirkeiia: pour onto a pUte. and spoonful of salt and a salt apoonfui erf
world la Byateu. and It la a atnnge lk«»b.«r, bkd o..r idki. kb.k U.k«l —...........
... ....... —*
-----------------llo dot m.t. Ik., .■> kbib kudbr. I..^ kbi lb «, nbr koibk Ik... I.
"-"<«■ **
hbrrlkd kbbtb u i.I k« l«bk« kkd wobibb, l>i bk« U Iim ol bll b
when'cool use. This may be put into. pepper. Cover and cook half hn hour
By b bblibb Ibdb.
bob.-bo b»fm .kbi..,t. lb ngbM <"
V""* “Bb ,„rt,,b .kbbn, bbd tk. Util, oid.b lobte.
Jars and kepi until required.
Is a bot oven. I'ncover and brown.
Bibll. • milB bibll. . mtlb.
I. ,k, work ol kobBikrapIki. bkltk *" “•
>’"■ m>..l Wlthtbu >kl.k tb. bk..r ..kt
H-.d.r. ol llbb,. ttkeer »lll kb I..
BtUkikb up tk. pkPB
u, dbb, lb
ad wb. IB,, ,b i.1 ""U""'«l .tdBl. *»d
_ woodland expedition, for. said lereaied In reading the foHowIns re- cake.—Two heaping cuptitls of fUmr.
Uara for Cold Mutton.
^een>^ to know by InaUnct Just what
,,j|| dps* which were printed raMUtly in two leaspoonfula of baking powder, a
, Chop remnania ot lean aM mutton
care of » house la reduced to a ayscorabinatlona. ^
transport the Farmer’s Wife and jrtrich have quarter of teaspoonful of salt, two' Sne. add one-fourth aa.mucb la bulk
tern. BO that every tatek has lu own
teaapoonfuU of sugar, ihieequartera of sUlc bread crumbs, a beaten egg.
“Do not worry, heart of mine.
.. -B... ’•- V... .. B ^» -V.
hunting of Mrs. .Woodrow Wllano. and pre- of a cupful of milk, one^uaner of a
d.> .bd tl»., oblr . cBiblb bbrnkbr
Ibtdob. whm
p^plnch of mace, a Utile grated lemon
- If the light cant always ahlne.
pared by her own capable hands, says cupful of butler, end aome straw- peel, and chopped paraley to taste: al­
Of hours tecli day. will be ne<-eaaary. cooked with bacon and aerved with ,
vinegar, she wquld v y them by add'
la thU strange old world ot
Ihe writer.
berries. Mix tbe flour, baking powder. so a teaspoonful of currant Jelly; mix
leaving ihaL extra time to be used

.............. Hiere
chopped onion and aome Mu of
.The reHpee are idven to pounds and .alt and sugar, and alft three'tii___ well sad add enough good thick gravy,
be a lyatem
There are' tear, as well ah
which amhgee each detail, ao that
I® **“* •>•«»“ •“•• Ereena. ^ HOUSEWORK MADE EASY. ♦ ounces, but any ordinary cook b^ek Rub In tbe butter with the tip* of or drawn butter, to make It as soft as
' smilea.
the different rooms, window^ silver, w** («“ well, and eerve them with ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ will give comparative tables which the Angers and add the milk gradually, it ran be easily moulded with tbe
-Dot the sunny afterwhllea
etc.; aJtgll be cleaned on certain days.
dandelion, neatly mounded on a
Carollna-a *»' •'rlW «he term, to ou; ordinary Toaa on a floured bakeboard. divide bands, but not *o soft that It wii] run.
' Shall be sweeter tor th'e'aboE- ' the linen looked over and mended.
«>'" nio.t noted honaebotd experts, ariies
meworing. •
into twn parts, pat and roll out. Bake .Make it into a roll. three time* as
hills looked over and Bled on certain «c'P« •■“ >«« «» »“«
•>' «*>«
a* readers of The Progreaalve
charmingly demeatle fntnra m buttered and Houiwd Uyer cake long aejt 4 ¥>»d, fioqr well, and la.v
There are proases. there are
d>»: bbd it b kbbi.*«p,r -biu lit
Pbtocr lb . ..t, pniUoU w.y. Sk. "■ H tk. Wklit llbb.. bba«- tiib lb b hot b,.b tor liil«b tblbbU M In ( grea^ Mine'pan; cover and
down and think over, and decide upon '

^ Mya:
cooking as weU aa Split and butler. Sweeten slrawber- wet In ^be oven until atncrftlng hot.
But the Bights are crowned with
a aystematic roaUne that can be rar- ‘‘“'“"y ««-'ed.
. ..
i -ondar whv evervone does not
*" ^ P•‘oll•f.
art rie. to taste. pUce on tbe hick of then iLke off tbe cover, and brown
ried out In her home, if .he will write
kL^ Ji
gardening and the art atove until warmed, rruah slightly quickly. Brush over with w^lte of
And Ibe days
II down, land If .he will lei nothlns
nellework. for .be U proA- and put between and on top of the egg. set hack a pUnnte to galxe. andwith flOWOT.'
cent in' all these arts, which goes 10 sboiiCake. Cover ^>c lop with wblF eerve on a hot diah. with hot gravy
• Interfere with Its'being carried out.
,m-- ,
y well- i*fd neam. 1
flavored poured over It. and "with fried Iwead
rounded woman. Her domeetlctly ia v>th vanilla enract. To one cupful as a garnish. Nlcriyeeaaoned minced
flcun >rier
after all
all. t«r
for tha
tbe limb
lime aav-ad«ved ..
. .*". * . oqaro
. Of log SOO wet*
e* are used the holders mar
one of her chief cUarmo. she la a of whlpp^ cream t_. _________
.quarter ..
tk,«,b .,.,™.,wbb. ibbt^B-it db
she would waBh carefully and serve
'"•““•‘•i•" borae-iAaker In erary sense of the a < upful of sugar and half a teaapooa mutton can be mixed with maabed po­
log tilings In
blggledy.plggledr.aa .vn unoxiked salad Ttiasnntnl with when wood and coal are burned. To
tato. adding a beaten egg If liked,
word and a fine feminine ngw*. lu: of vanilla.
and mode Into flat cakes, which are
•»-- -«■- -p.
worthy to aland .forth aa a£ example
Genuine Lady BaltiWr* Cak..—One
wonted io Join an evening
fried m butter or «lce dripping, turn­
waab the to the women of the land.
wlli leituce. by pouring (‘W*
ITench class, but -thought she bod no
ing carefully with a broad knife or
over 1‘un. a hot vinegar aauce made »«»• »°'<1
enclose a
Once In t
She typIBes to perfection tbe spirit half cupfula ot sogar. eight yolU of cake-paddle, ao as to brown both sides
tln>e to study, until by ayWinjUlsIng
reading, we
b, •
„pbku, ..a 1. a, kt-l ^ .b. .km.
t... ™ptm. «
ber time between rising and breakfast, Lr „,,bk . ,bu„i. .1 ,.k.„po.bibU
that goes right to the heart. -There!'*
-wombb bt dbb».Tb.,-; mbbT bkl«l. bo Ito.r, ikrm. ,«,p.»„,„i.. ,i kbkBut
she found It could be done, and so in O- tlkj ™b.» bl kbbOb tni Mbp bbl
we«fcy to ouraelvea. “I know ihai. I
~ * -s; »mpll.h«.bb„™«.,.«.p.r.o.u. p„.b.r, „„..I«.Bk. ot . mtp™
all things. If we will atop to think It k™.„ .aaib. ,.b or ,hr» tbkl. "
No Wonder We Want Suffrasw.
have thougbi it all out before, but
out. first acknowledging that hurry Is
hftve never tried to express It." The
Derauae hla view waa obstructed by
rmlpbpp.r. bbb..abti.«PbobMb ihU handiest
k... bbotk«ob turner
.kirk .
.pooklul ot

'* _
“ bobtlrnwr
swuiwrow b,
uj kink,
uir^n. hot
oui epooniui
o( ..kill,
vamiia .bd
anc .lb.b.1
almond exIll-bred, and doing things any bow. any ...
follow,eg talk that appeared In the
the hau of women when he attended
way, Ib wsaki
J-srii! .iournal. I* on Illustration;
Blaater church aerricea. Senator 11. W.
we wish to make
1 queer, queer world, dear. I
k“y* southern love of cooking, for In and add to buuer and augar mixture. Brelaford ot Texas baa Introduced a
-B, Ikb w.r. It Pbu bar. ..... bbl.
Cm Ik. Uklb ».... Ik. dl.kb.
........ „ .
.... ...
bill in the Texas legislature making
It unUwtuI for any female to wear in
child. I'd curl up In front of the Are
and watch the names nceplng up. and • "’>>« one eompai
church or any public gathering any
up. and try to make facta fit that r>*u«lne "f “ hualnt
bat or bead dreaa having a crown or
■Ibllity. were made «•“> »>WP>'
. . ........................ _ ..........
any ornament exceedlag two Inc-bee in
to Af. and when at last It would real- »«>'“•
nothing U done iry dish, and few town people seem «
articles, an
recipes are very Aneand floured Uyer cake tin for twenty min- height or a brim more- than four
ly enter Into my being that ihev didn’t *\>oo]d. when the aiore-room Is not re- 1® know of It. but It U served In r
wide. The penaKy provision
she knows exactly bow they abould utea. Fill with* Baltimore fining, and
reads; “Any person who shall vloId mim U all u). with_____ __________ - --- *............... ........................... ................'______ _ "
late the provistons of this act shall
. TOW. qb«t. ■.!« it 1.1- A.a tTO
.vroiklb, I. .1 lb.™ mJb. Ud. d..k „1 1. tbbkb. th. TOpk «.! .pit.. .„
... kbit, ropl.l ot w.i..
he guilty of a mlademcsnor and upon
bU dewk. or from beliind hla paper.
I'aturally compares the masculine
“Do tell me aome more of your tery and does not pay In the long
It-ftirms a aoft hall when tried In conviction eball be deprived ot the
my father s’voice would Uke It up:
eyaiem’. with the sllpahod mother’, good way.' with spring ran. Do not fora« a jar of good
E«eM Ceke—Three erfd water. Pour on the beaten wbltee privilege of purchaalng mny new hat
“The world’, all right-lt’s tbe peo- *•>•
“““y *owen who aho^ a green.," exclaimed the Young Houae- cold cream or a- botOe of glycerine qug„^ra of a pound of flour, two of two eggs add one taMespoonfui of for a period of three yean and then .
*>'• ‘®
^^^l*** ‘■•"O* A ‘x>« ounce, of currant., on. UWeapooB- lemon Jelra and beat uSl^ra^- only be allowed to purchase one coat-,
Tbe words c e back to me to-day: w>Rbt be railed a decided peraever- i have never tried cooking anything of soda or borax should ^ there for ,g|
-Tf>atrn. quarter Of a
Ikr'ISsSnd to be of tmlform design,
■nd dose behind come tbo word, of •""- that makes for order or system *i«pi dandellan greens and spinach." washing milk vessel, or softening ;"i g,'
a^ice'.'onV ecg. two m^7an^we rapfurJf rto*^^ cMt and ornamenutioB.'*
sa->ther man to hla wife: "All the i"
-Blea. your dear heart." .aid tbe hard water: whltli^ for allver. w|»dripping, two ounce, died cberria. and nae for mi^
world’s queer ex'cept Ibee and me, ' .Vo matter how many servants are Back Do«r Neighbor. “Ho you mean does or greasy apoia; bath brick or
quarter of a teaapoonfuf of
Oltf-Faahievied Cream Coeklea.—One
Him* on Caka Making.
IMuy, and a
think Ibee U a kept, or even if there are none. IbU to tell me you never ale Umba qna^ alft ashes for steel knives, and bottles Asking soda, and half a pint o< hot- third of a cupfrfl of blitter half a eupPut all of your cake Ingiwdieeta (ex­
lime queer, alao."
rouilne afaould be carelnlly thought teraf
ammonU. kerosene and turpentine,
g, dripping In- ful of augar. two eggs bdf a cupful cepting <rf conrae flour, beking pow­
"Why. you know- there i
only Kerosene and turpentine may both ,to the flour, add alt tbe dry ingre- of ibln cream, (wo level tesapooofnl* der and milk) la a deep atone pot and
: wonder why we Eon’l make a point out. and ilrictly adhered to.'or else
cleaning pollthed sur- dlenis together except
oT seeing more of tbe bright things It might as well
If the first Jack and 1 and a quarter ot lamb be used
beat for a few minutes with a potato
baking of baking powder, and c
of life? I’ve been running up agaluat schedule does not ezactl|' meet the
would spoil beforewe had even made face*, the former ia cheaper and safer
baking -cd* In a ful ot sail i-o <cwai
masber. Too wlU be aurpriaed at tbe
•taiarp corner* torflay—so sharp thrfi rehnlremenu. ir> again, and with padan Impression on It. ” a*M the Young but the Utter cleans more rapidly and ,„„g' irt,,tormllk;put the eggA molaslow ginger and flour
foemy ligbtneae la about one-balf ot
I'm all brotaed and sore, and my l«aart and pencil, inalai ujmn. your mind
evaporates more quickly. Therefore
ggj „,g
buiteemllk the butter, edd the i
tbe usual time, and a better cake.
wants to aeba and the tear* want coming to tbe resrue'of your body.
The Back DoorNeighbor laughed tbe former la better for cleaning lb* igf-etber thenadd to the dry Ingra- and
Do no-, use muck shortening. The
Sin. iboRwgbly
to rame. hot sod buruing. and my which is often perbap*.............................
•- -•
— fl,. .Ikk; Uf -------». il.»l .g, till .k. toU k.nll, --,pe.V.«- •------------------I", k. ..kki.l• —
„„ old-faahioned one cupful of butter is
eye* amart—sman; but sometblng In wore-out from ranoiog, gp ud dk.k iHrd to npl-lk tk.t -l.tok. oto- k...lop k.tU., H... .uklnt koO. ___
„„ ____________
_ ^ ,p,
. being amsibly displaced by one^alf
tbe ginger.
me says. "Nu! Hold up your bead and stairs, hurrying and scurrying to do erw’’
la> more ariatocrailc name for for fluahlng Che plumbing once a week ttaklog soda Bake'
that ’quantity, if yon hare good ‘
In a mod- tloured board as thin as poaaible. nsgo atreight on. ”
that which had been negleried, but the bumble pigweed, which grows ao and lye for fluahlng It enre a month. ,rjte oven for onehour.
small part of tbe dough at a aweet lard, mii It in equal praportioits
l.aat night 1 sang aa 1 made ready which suddenly became Imperative to freely In country and tow n, by road- Washing powders are good, but *a1pog„g- Cake.—Take on pound of lime. Cut into shape and bake in a with butter, beating tbe lard first with
for bed. and my heart kept raying; be done, the old' taoiy. but lor the aide* and in alley#s®^* fonni ibe base of .moet of them.
and the peel of one
a fork until smooth.
“Never mlad. never mind,
tbe aun bousebold. that baa its systematlaed
“-luat go out some nice morning and - It can be obuined tor a tenth ®|,opped floeand work It
Two heaped taaapoontuls of good
sbioea Just aa hrlgfatly as before you routiar. an unknown experience. Try r<i.d pick a couple of quarts of tbe tbe rust
taking powder will enable fan to
lonslstency. then add one pound ot
Favorite Oerman Cooklea.
discovered ihai what you had eotloted _lL_.»nd find out the truth.'
l* i»a of these very ornamental weeds.’
augar and work these together for
One cup of lard, three cape of mo­ crooomlae on egga. using two-thirds
all gold had a streak of clay;’’Ibut
-----------------------rhe raid. "Do not take enough of ihe
An €eoi*wnleat Epke Cake.
tes minutes,_____________
add nine raw _____-.
yolks of Isaaea. one pound ^
of brown anger, one
MTOkow. wken I klew out the lUkt
tuto GTO Pudding..
‘B* '"'-k*- -'*“*■ *d>l Jdkt
-Tkl* 1" d durpUdlnflp TOnomlc.1
,.1,,, „t "n.,
»ort louitk' todT"^ .wMt"^iMTO' TO
,kd t,..TO Hid iHd. kdlnr. 1 kdd.
Quia, p„ddlUQ-Og. atd
™k r"*--!. Ikro du'. ot kotld. Odd d|I
tTO.k.t to. tdd dtlddlH TO Id pl.TO. Hdd pi two I.ldTO
Orange Cream.
11 tk. likt. kkd .Old., .dd kod. dt- „pH,. „i
,„.poonIul. dl *««lr -d. pdd would .plo.rk. It kdd -in..t.--wkl.k I, ITO H.h lod
,k.»^!n.l, |p . qpkrtd^ pI > grated, two tablespoonfula of citron
Take tbe welt-beaiea yolks of two
ter hour they had their way. and when baking powder, one uUleapuonful of “*• ’'“T “nie fUvor. and Jack will quickly made.
r one cup- p^g^
dtoned ralslne. a quarter of’cm up fine, one traspoon each of !ggs. one-halt cui< orange Juice, ur® '
I woke this morning* my eye* were butter, one-hall cupful of milk, one
la eaUng spinach until you ful. each ot white sugar and brown , p^gg^
guiunaa, quarter of t powdered cioves and allaplee. on* half
cook In double
heavy and sore from the burden of (gogpoonful of anger, one -half cupdifference. It Is too bad augar. the yolks of
D egga («in^- poogj of dried and welt-washed cur- nutmeg grated, four rape of floor. <me boiler uniil li thlekens. ktlrrlu all the
ful of ralaina. and two egga. Mix.
toaapoonfnl each cinnamon. „„„ ,
a ^juarter
quarter of a pound of che.-- and on* half teaspoon* of baking time to keep the mixture smooth. BeToday rm wondering why friend- nddlng the beaten whites the last
PiW"®*! ‘tings cloves and anaplce. a pinch of salt. „„
pig^g,^ .
dissolved In a IltUe bot water move from the Are, eiraliv ••<! P®ur
■hip means so ipi.cb to one and ao lit- ,hing. Bake, and serve hot with liquid
w>‘ »>• ••►‘‘•If cupful eoM coffee (liquid)— quarter ot a pound of mlsed peel rat Put the lard and mlitira into a Into the white of the egg. which has
tie 10 number: why one will face ibe
such cn outcry about tbe bigb coat of and preferably one cupful of soar
gg^ , quoner of a pound ef large kettle and boU then remove been bcoien dry; beat until creamy.
wortd-make enemies If need beChocolate RIm Fuddhta-Make a
" wbmen would use their per- cream-(If you have no eour cream.
almooda. -Whip the from tbe fire partlr’cxwT and add ThU quantity Alls four ruaiard enps.
give of their he«—bile the olhec
..nv ^.l.u «P“v »•«»«*“• ““WnNl with the «.* the mtm. quanUiy of aour milk
.bite, of egg, until quite .tiff .u flodr mtd iTotb.r
n away without even ao much ^
^re to b«ter flnancla) ^Itluus or ‘•uttermllk^ adding one Ublenpoon..y gg^ ^..g „„
Thee Frieedahip End d.
a. a word or a thought to help or
*>y takt,
of the thln^ ^ of butter)-one level ^pranful ,hem Into-ih. other l^rmllent. with tborougbly. then allow it to atand :4
CholUe had decided to give ap the
ailff. one^alf traaooon of vanilla, one
dlraolved In the milk ud om gg. pggg„ of „»« Hour that baa been hours. Roll ont the dough one half sporung ilia ud eettle Sawn to farmtag.
I’m wondering why aome lives are’ and
^ oneJialf

oneJuUr cape* of cooked rice and
“ ‘***
through a rteve, jnch thick and
ao bright and gay_«, full oT glad^^^”0?
*^^^ chocolate.
* ««“■««
^ce flour, and Gratae tbe Una well with Urd mtd herd’s a cow.’ ttld tea agsat. “teat
I of grated
net. and aun-and other, are laid In ^gk* ,0 a p^dlng dinTumil firm. »oe
>ver. and p« together with gg, ggg„ gf taking powder, i^lxing Uk. In a moderate oven until the 1 can highly reoommsnd to you. Bhs
haa woo savaral ptira* at our eonsty
•uch plain, atraliht Itnra. My begrt
me lb. other day," .Md 11* Tou« an jdng
the two white, bra^
near and white, by degraea Have cake ate a golden brown. Theae are
telr aad-“ “Rashllyr aald Cbollls.
I "the man who dared."
»•“•*'(•«>'• *"0 r*»luE«« »• again en to a sUff froth, and two rapful. of , cn* t,g
and papered, put delirtou. months after they are bak- looking tee animal over admiring.
of ,g ^
MIed to the “hair" stage with uie mlxtare Into It and bake in a ®d
who worked, and waited, and achieved ^.^clFPof^
a FuddlBg.-uoe plat
•»r—trotting or stespisehapa?*
.1 TOl out. u. h... it TO lu uUll.
I**!'.*'** 0««nan aplnach tn my Ultle back-, a half-rapful of water. Beat the alrop ,gry moderate oven for aboat two and
Veueg FstrletT
nee* and quiet, without a friend (of
eAlespoonful of butter, ^g^ garden this summw. You ro- with the beaten white# and flavor g ^,f
or It «»n be pnt late
« •eeinero wian.
Two Um*hrote*TS.M«yaBdAagSB.
all Uie many who profesaed fr^ead““® *
"J* member she ho. spoken of It before, with Tanltla
« uugg, ggg baked lor one
Among the moet notable cooks in
Una went to sa* ths parad* El. Pat­
sirfpi to atand'and help him over Ae
Sli* •«'. she does not know tbe bo------------------------.nd a half hows, tf tbera cakes aro the United State, are tbe •onihem
rick.* day. Bach carrtsd a Ettls blseklast dark, acblag atruggle; and it •«''•[«•
»*th sliced apples, ,..,5., gg„^
A New Oieh.
turned out end the papw left on women, ifere is one ot their eeono> thon stick, ef wbldl they ware very
seems It. me so plUfu1-*o nnapeaV ^®hea. berries of any kind, or cran,g^^ houses, but U la „
Tbe dainty new daughter in the them they will keep for'’nome weeks, mical ways of nMng fragment* of proud. As they stood watching tee
ably aad-ihat it should be poralble ‘*'^®*=
“ "«•’
“ W.cult
th.tVyou once ralae a bosh h< e has maay.a proUy Mra In cookOld FaaMenad Olngerbread.—On* meat, called “Caiotlna rice pie:"
parade a maa said to the older broth- .
fur any human being logo ihua. alone.
‘‘ “P
• of IL and let It finally go o seed, af- ing and oervlng. which U a plMaaat and a quarter ponadsi ot Door, threeTake enough cooked meet to fiU a ar. Aiguattea: “1 will give you a dol­
out of the world that baa held so
®*®‘**. W® “P •«• •!*•«. Serve' ter bavIngTIaed the leavea for week* change to the older housekeeper, who quarten of a pound of melawea. half quart meMin when cut in BBteU lar (or yoar btaekhorn stick." Bddy
«'i(h, iquid sauce.
apoks np and mM: 'Tm tool kid.
and even months,
you will have has beoeme Ured of ber own methods, pound k>t brown sugar, quarter of apiece*. If beef or reel allow 1
I’ve been thinking and wondering—
enough need to supply yourralf and nya Mra. ’Wart -fn “Good Cheer.’' A pound erf, butter, oonce groned ginger, fourth 1*1. if muttan trim away aU woeld you eMl year eoastry lor a doh
wondering and thinking; but over and
A. Oraaee Brush. several doian
neighbors. It grows on
toUlly new dish to ng, fcsKme wh* ooe tesspoonful of grousd aUtpIce, ons
tst and allow two onseet ot bsttor.
sb^ oil. weaving luelf In and out
one of tbe most ooovenlMi article# • awni. often
aa high as five or alx
was a standby la ber own girlhood
UaspooAfnl of groaod etovra, ooe tee- RaglsM SUM Uwisplersd.
Chop floe cme large o
Tbs mighty mara ef tea KlmsteysE
cu><), in the kiicbea rai>board I* e small feet tall, and the leaves look and home. I want to tell you about, for K appoofnlof baking soda, two eggs and poUto. an ounce ot fat salt pork,
rou the thought that the sun atm
vareith broah, which ti always kept taste exactly like the ordinary spin- should be paaaed on. Best aeveral hhttermnk to mix. MeM together the Pour botllag water onto them, drain th* imtbM of SB mosntates, “tbs rood
,t^my hrart: “i’ll
iq_ g——baking
conutnlng an------—
aeb. Yeu ■can. —
buiter.. angar and ~r*—m with ^
ganUr to a Ut
■ ——
-TO/ rain,
»40MQ —TO TO..VATO.eggx
— uuu.very
— . light
..— . and Ulcken wUb ^
. *
eee -R to meriow, *I%e worM U all inch or two Of Bhortealng.- Being ■In or after teraing
hoae on iiuie
dry lagre•-"‘I— tbe
•*- garden
and drop
drop by
by wwnfula
^wonfula into
Into milk;
milk; mU
mU togethar
togethar aH
aH the
ia^ In
In the
the meat
meat with salt and pepper. te tu saaur. No maa bra yal a^
Kanehed naanr than a huadrad mllra
right. In sptte of broken (atth. db- tin It Jr but the work
of a moment to tbe plant, and every leaf will------------ba ahin- a_ Mn
dienta, pour In (he
tee l■el■aaae,
mnlaataa etc., and aweet
—-----------------pan of
of baling
tiling water,
water, and
and cook
cook aa diento,
aweet herb*
herb* and spies to taste. Let from tb* (oot of Moaat Svsrsst, wblek
appoteimwiA hOris.
prove,aaaatlaaatb- Ing
yon will
will (ew pstnuteA
besten. mix wML pour tbe whole heat trough, atlrring eow- lifto tu snowy brad Avs milas mad.a
klrig. I wQl eee
sss tee
tbs melt
Ing and spotiaesiy clean, end yon
patnuteA When cookpd. lift them ndd egga well besUn.
ausahloe. IU be
be glad
glad Jnri
Jnm (or
ter teatr
that!" taetory
taetory »ay
»ay to
to grense
greeae your
your cake
cake pais,
pais, not have
have to
to serob
scrub Band
aand off
off In
In Rve
Rve or
or from
(rom the
tee water
water with
with aa stralaer
stralaer and
and Into
intoaa greaaed
greaaed tin.
tin. Iska
in aaalow
alow pvea
even stanUy. It tbe mast was tough in halt ahoT* *M bvsL' Thara ar* krfty
tbe first cue add h pint ot stock end vaUsys among th* Hbwieyas -of
’.V** “1”* *1.^ "* *“■
*"*•*• blsckrfialrcd six wstera. to ray ooteing o( earap- aerve on a platter with bread, which one and a half bwra. .

“to.**** ** “* •»htee; hauah ao tiwt U a hair coma* am It b tag th# back braaklng work of beodlag haa baan-brokaa tato small ptaeaa sad
Laawn Layar Cako.' 'Thiaa agiA 1st It slaamsr nstil tssEsr. Msunwhlle whose esbtenoe end wboee .tohah*.. Mh MMSB ter 4b* hMs; laCs teM «atekly aaea.
over to pick li. It b as sssHy rsbad triad natll
until oHsp
ortap in
in hot
hot huUsr.
grated riad
rind of om lam.
Isbm. om
we teatea- cook cu toll cap af washed rice and tebts eaty tradlUans era fcnewA
Jtm Emile.
SmUe n Ulile. emile . little.
All elong the roul;
^ery life mu.c have It. burden.
Every heert iu loe^.'
Why nK down In gloom .nd darfcn
With your grief to mip?
A. you drhtk fate', bitter tonic. '
Emile ncroe. the cup.

• Bt. .ut'ttbd

„t.,. b., „ dtu r^.nr.tbr.7,”

”:r.ob:; k“„,inb“"b‘.:



b,-rm. kt .k. Pb..,.,!,:..M.

ErHiiEjEH Hr'EEZ^r.H H



w»fnl ot baking po«tf«r. three
euM* erf fU«r. three w»«e of euggr.
leipoe, mixture, one end « haU duncee
of butter. Put the egge.
grued lenmn rind Into e faeeln. stead
it orcr n pen of boiling
whIU until werm; then remove, end
continue wbtaklng until quite cold end
stiff; then edd the flow mixed with
tbe oeeing
beking powuer.
powder, men
then aoo
hdd uie
the nutbnttoe


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ar!5:-^.faj,t!g±rFia .LiufyaxTOaiKg3iiJ!^».:i:


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