Grand Traverse Herald, November 06, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 06, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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rdL. LIV.


HITCNEIL wins 81115,628



lion. W. II. X'nlor. one of the Grand
Traverse county directors of tbe West
Michigan Development bureau,
goes to Manistee tomorrow to appear
before the Manistee board of super­
visors in behalf of the campaUm of
development. Manistee county has
contributed ever.v yeFr in the i«sl
this splendid work and It is almost
certainty ^t It will continue to i
Judge Vmlor. ahbpngh he has
been on the bureau's board-of directleas than a year, has proved himto be an able worker. In Octo­
ber he appeared before tbe snpert-ia
of BenxJe. Antrim and Cmnd
Traverse counties and in each
the super^'Uorw made approprlatlona
for the year n>14 At Manistee tbe
Judge will unite bis efforts w Itb those
of the treasurer and serroUry^of tbe
bureau aad make a grand demonstra­
tion In behalf of the cause of advance­


MUe ISnina Holmes, one of
Kindergarten teachers at . Itonor
died November’'4th. She had held
Hallowe'en i-serclsea and rMomed to
with ber^olber to the home
Joseph Redding, a farmer living near
Honor. Friday night, where they
were la spend Sunday. She
uhen 111 Saturday with spinal menegi
Us paulhg away Tutwday. She has
been a teacher In the school at Honor
for the Inst eleven yean
also a faithful worker In the Sunday
She leaves
mother, three elsten.


Pluramy Ever Given U Cit^
Toledo Went Baek to Mvo


Preaidtnt Poincare Peraonally Viaited Scene to Give Md and Lo­
cit* Reason For Qraat
Leas of Life.

UnTted Sutes Senator. Mary­
land. Lwe (Oem.) elected.
Congresemsn. New Yortt—ISlh
dlacrtcL Lott (Dem.J eucceeda 8nlllvan. deceased; 20ih dUtrict,
tlly United Press
CAter iDem.) succeeds HarrlaoB,
Parts, Nov.
resigned. Maryland—Third dis­
ere recovered today from the worst
trict. (^dy (Dem.) ineoeads Koe­
railway accident In the history of HIS EXHIBITS BROUGHT FAME
New York. Nov. S.—Cbarlee Praocle
Prance, whi^ occurred last night
Third dMrtrt. Paige (Rep.) suc­
Uorpbr Ms boon recalled b>- (he
Melun. The estimated lotat
ceeds Wilder, deceased.
voters or<Ne« Yort. Sboni of aU pat^s 40. while acores were Injured,
* JSovernors — kisaasehnsetts.
rouse to Ibis dtr. tbe User tacea tbe
many fatally. The engineer of the Was a Pregresaivs Citizen and Lott
« Wgltb IDem.): New Jersey. Reldleaoeat four peara in hlsu>r>-. OrganExpress train, which collided with a
No Opportunity to Prevc'Qreat
er (Dem); Virginia. Stewart
1£aUod leadeea todu pUced tbo blaiU
mall train aasumed the responi
Producing Power of Land
ootlreJr on Murpby'a
>r the wreck. President Poincare
Ex-Oovemor Sutler As eleetsd
waa Benetnlly accepted that there Is
personally visited the scene today.
to the asMBblr in tbs Sixth N. Y. •
' liable to be a oew deal In the w-tewan
and another head before the nett eloo
Prank Smith died st 'ms home al.
Aoeumta Census Figures Give This,
Mapleton yesterdaj aflemooo, after an
The fnaioD aveep was compl.ete
Utile Town Fame In the
Boeton, Not. 5.-Not sstieSed with
Illness lasting over a year. He was
ktanhatun. the atronsbold of TkmGeopcaphiea.
the best know-D fruit grower in West­ giving Osvid Walsh SO.OOO plurality,
inanr.—the one great fortifiratioa that
ern Michigan, ^vlng made his repu­ the greatest ever accorded a gehema■ bad alwa.vB repelled the enemy.—lur(By United Press.
tation through bis ezhlbile at the torlal candidate here, the. Bay state
rendered. So enonuovs wes the land
Wooda (nr Aar>‘>- «nd.. Nov. 4.fairs at lA-trolt and Grand. Knpida. went damocruie slao and for tbo first
elide which, elected John Pnm.y, Thls basnlM wRtcb includes Ace Northrough bit writings wbl<-h appeared time in history elected the entire stale
MltchelL that it carrlod Into office the j ton's farm wapon garage and hone
in the press tn Weislem Michigan and tickeL Bird, progretsive, beat Gant,fnel<m ticket
JckM in-New
York eounty.
i.' Hen SuttOBS. .Gro- IsMMtol Mooting of Grand Traverse
republicto. for ssoopd ftswi - •
also for ewer having tafled to pro­
p„n>uir o. ib.
„ «arid LMiansu Medical BooieQr
duce an apple crop tn his orchard, no
returns was tlS,62l. He carried every mention eleven houses, ten bams,
Cleveland. Nov. n.^^syor Nswtoo
. Wm Alee Held.
matter what tbe aesHon was or bow
borough tn tbe City.
fancier's hennery aad two bright O.
other growers fared with &elr crops. Baker (non-partisan, formar dsmoTbe oihore who were yuccei^ul
<■ & r. -railroad tracks—it the ‘ me­
Smith contracted bU
Illness crsii was re-elected mayor by a ma­
are: Comptroller, PrendergasL fusiM:
An eponing reception was given by
dian point" or center of population of
jority'of 3.226 on flrvt and' ssoond
through hardships be
preeideni of boai^ of
tbe new management of tbe Grand
choice votes. PropoBeots of thio new
the United BUtee.
Canney. fualoh. Borough p
city charter, which conUinE provisions
Tbe hasty gposmphcri who follow Trarorao Hospital, at the building
Cansey. Borough prealdects—Manbatand from bU ceaseless < 9oru to mske
for a DOD-partisan voting system and
night, with the phrsictana
’ng tbe IBIO census placed the center
Manhattan, Marks, fusion: Brooklyn.
st<LiactOT7 showing tlrough bis
than ballot, claimed the new eloetoni
Traverse City and tbe Grand Ttnverse
fumiPbundi. fustoa: Dr«(ni. Uathewaon,
0 tfforts. He wss alwrys busy with system proved a snccees.
factory in nearby Bloomington,
repnbllean: Quoess. Ckinnotly. anubis eahtblts and never lost an oppor­
New Jersey Defnecratia
The oveot in. reality marked the open­
‘Itomasy democrat; Richmond, Mc- Ind-ii. ovvsrioohed thU hamlet, which
tunity to tell of the
TrenloB. Nov. 6—Today's returns
'■ fcnown/as both Woods and Rural. ing of tbe hospital for basil
Goml^. deomerat.
(be Grand Traverse regloo held tor all ___
__ FSIder Flaldec.
show that Covemor
Tbe Bixnp over tbe right nam» Is be- today everrthlog is tn shape for the
who choose to «ome and cast their Presldeot WTlsoVs chol^
>lde the point, but the naUves Jiw
tet along falriy well with both names. medical attendance and the conven- lot among the fruit grower 08 the'^^^ by a plurality of 11.000, The
the ieglaUture.
■Then one stands In Wood's front lenret wbicb only a hospital can afj Colby, progressive, for governor, poUmain streM. he can turn to tbe east ford. The vsrtoiia rooms of the Isrge
Mr. Smith was a scientific fnilt
40.000. as against 145,000 fat Roosetod say: Half of the people tn the bunding were sttracUvely trimmed
^wer and daring the alztean years veil last year,
United Statet are Mt of me!" He can with autumn leave*. Music was fumDemecrata Carry Indls'na.
Colnahos. Ohio. Nov. o.~Beglnnlnr turn to the west and lay: •' liidf of. Isbed throughout tbe evening by that bo was engaged in Ue bnslneaal
he was a consunt stndeot of tbe | Indianapolis. Kov. 5.—Democrau
today, yon'll have to go iblrtty (A- hr be people of Hu.' United States ar^ Horst'a -errhestro.
redOed to tbe awful extremity pf sip -vest of me!" .tnd of the north and
Tbe hospital will be under the dl- fruit problem, making special etforiii carried 3S Indiana citiee in yesterday's
himself io the growing of election, white the repubtlcaan were
ping pure, cold water. If your throat south be can aay the same. In the reel management of Mr and Mrs A i*®
Poopio «r Nt«r VoH( Ceultf Not be
Forced to Swallow Sulnr Inv
paoehment Trial and OtKer
PoHtlcal Outrapes.





becomes parched and your lips fever
Uh wbUst rtdlag on rallroails In the
etate of Ohio. There Is. of course,
tbe alternative of grape Juice, toda
pop or finger ala If you wan t' drink
■ water. Attoraoy General Hogan,
looking over cerulc more or lest
musty aectlona of the siato cocitltntion, found that Boring saloons were
pmhlbiied. Ha Inlonned the sute
llouor tleense commission of hli dUcoven, aad aU licenses to sell "wet
m-nds" on trains are void today

Bu«io» Ayeta. AffooUna. Nov.
Crione; Rooscrott anl^ today aod
thirty thousand 'pervoBa creetod
him. ThU afternoon than
dMonstratioD. the . entire popnli

(By United I
Cologne. Nov. ___
(Oder laauttttod nu to wUect the
largest fine ever imposed in Germany.
Tb» Schwarz BroUerg at Offenbarf.
d to pay a niie of I7W.CM and ftven aoearal ytmn la peiaon
is addition on several coortctloes ior
tmnggHag alo^
Swttzeriaga to
avoid doiy. TTiey Vo la Jail b« »*>■
fnae to pay (ha fine on the grtnud

popular mind that is what the "center
of population" means Bclonlifically.
it is known as the "median pcinu"
Tbe Washington authorities said It
could be found where latitude 39 de­
grees ir> minutes and i: seconds north
lotersrcted SC degrees 3: minutes and
20 seconds loogitade west And (his
is exactly where Woods (or Rnrall ts

(By United Preas.i
Copenltages. ^ Kov. 5. —Voles,
women tn thWark today is regarded
as /a certainty following the, passage
-to the IcFwor hooae of porUament of
istitutioQ nmoDdmost bUI by
overwhelming majority. The as
MU, which went through tbe lower
house last year, was wrecked, in the
upper bouse because besides provid­
ing loT fiaenJ remade franchisemeat it also embodl'-d reform of tbe
house of peers. Enemies
measure tacked this on in
to defeat what was
the last
general election the progressli
rettmed in Incnmsed nomb^. and
It is believed now that in theee eircuBStaneea the peers will not persist
in t^kposiag foil and complete
frags for women.
CEUCHATELr-Bervla bss.. placed
order with a local firm for tCfiOO
r medals to be given to ber aoldien who dlsUngntehsd thems^es in
the noting against Tnrfcey.

SOMERBBT. Pa.—After their antomoH'e had UOMd turtle In QoemaIXJNDON—Lady Cbeylesmore ad'.ooing erwk. Michael Slpe and Ura. rertteed the English pbessanl bird as
Prwdetlck Blpe Ured the laUer'a has- a Urayard tew| m order to gM bhr
>»U ir biMft u M Mm
My by tbs New Tort msltmi

On account of the man) calls for
the services of E. H. Brown, the fruit
expert from the Michigan Agricoltural ooUege. who has been secured NEAHTAWANTA SCENE OF DIBABfor the apple show that la to be held
In the Traverse Ciiy State bank for
the nett ten da>B, be wilt only be able
to be present FYlday and Saturday of
thla week and Monday and Tuesday of
next week. The fruit growvra of ihle
regfon should take every advantage of
Mr. Brown's sdvloe. for It IK very
that such aervices can be obtained at
this time. Mr. Brown bat spent life
past five yean In the work of Inspect­
ing orchards and orchard lands and Was Owned by Traveres City
coDstntand Was Wldsly Known as
Jy arising In these days when better
One of Finest Rsoerts
methods are being songht can/be __
in the Nortikswered wbeolutely free and with tbe
experience that cornea from actual
work with thouaanda of fmlt men In
all parts of the state.
rulur. Ibhre betng no telepboao oomtJon it sms hard te get pailAesisrs at the Ume of going te pOMS. It
Is supposed that the fire canght to
the third floor from. smdo nahnown '
cause. The manager of the hotel,
NOTHING OF VALUE BAYED AT Charles Renner, and family hare beeh
living in the bnlldlng slnc« It was
closed for the samiqsr. A party of
Fire Bterted en Upper Fleer From Traverse Cit>' people took dinner with
Unknown Cauo*. Insured For
Mr. Renner et noon. As soon aa tbe
building wss discovered on^ fire wntd
tbe nearby homes sad
The fire lost si Keshiawanta telephone metoages sent to alt diroeHotel wss complete, only the extreine tlona for help, but It wta so far tram
aothlag could bo deam
west -end of the servsnt's gnsnors
but prevont tbe fire -spreading to the
being BW-ed. The buBdlng
cottages tbst are sitnated on both
saia|i''Comparative. value an
s^ed by hard wort of
-Chief sides of the hotel, f number of aut«
Marrgy, neighboring taimcn and the mobiles were ntabed to tbo come aa
ts word was received to Taoder
owners of tthe property who arrived
afl\r the
tbe m
main bnlldlng ha^been de- all aid possible.
Tbe Hotel Neabthwsala was bnlll
stroked. Tbe
Th cause of the fire is un­
mat seventeen years ago by R A.
known. It started at the- east end
of the bnlldlng of the npper floora. Stowe. E. A. Trasdway aai a Mys.
Very little of the furniture and fix­ Rood of Grand Rapida. and (he Mnltures were removed on account of the liken family of DeirolL It waa first a
excessive heat and the rapid progress' family or colony affair, and afterward
Cto6tonaU partire became interested
of Uo ftra. ne bnlldlng could not
In the dace. f»Lr » wi
rf thg
bo replaced for gSO.OdO. aad the fnmlmost idrel resort pUoas to (his re­
tore and futures Inventoried at apgion. For sevnzal years -twr Utile
proilmately 910.000. Tbo lasuranoe
done and then ether ps^e porwas 119.000.
chaaed sto^ and tbs loto were eoU
It is the-plan of the ownon to re- and private cottagre erected. Fbar
bnlld the hotel. It te estimated that years ago 7(nverre..Ctty pao^e booght
the hotel broug&t to the merchanu tbe property and th>p bayehdvWtlred
and bnslnees men of Traverse City it to aU directions with tte rretdt that
there U hirdly a plsee that Is so weU
1 of 150.000 by the snm
known in tbe conntrr, people coming
frem east and weat to remain during
tbe entire ereson. TBoee dlrectlr toterreted to the eisciristliwi at preeeat
are L. F. TKns. H. A. Mwreslmsn. Jaa
T. MllUken. W. D. C. Oennatoa and
Henry King of Ban Franrieco. This
SREAT DISPLAY OTCHOICE FRUIT Isst season wss (he meat oaeecanfnl to
iu hUtorr under the f
Chaa Reaner. u ^pert heUi nma
aad reveral new cottagre wree bnUL
Tbe plane for tbe eoatog season were
Ovsr There Hundred Plates a
very eUbomte and several (keasanda
ready Piaeod in Btats ,
of dollars were to be speau
Bank Lobby.




L. Smith, formerly of LeUnd. both .
at the problem In 10. Bell. democraL was elected
Tbe ueooBd Grand Traverse Region
of whom aro highly capable of con­ Itefi^
*1lh the intention of mayor of Indianapolis by the largest Apple Sbowthat Lea been carried
ducting a work of this nature. Mrs ^om~in angles
succeeding in overcoming nature In plurality ever given herei
by the Ti^'eree City Bute bank is In
Smith wiw wiu have charge of the
the production of a crap and succeedfall
awtng. ThU morning the lobby of
sick wards, is a graduate
Toledo. Nov. 5.—Toledo want re- tbe bank had three great tables negrly tfi ISSUE IN MANY OF. ILLItROtS
nilsols Tfilning School for ourscs pd. i-»L-n beyond hla greatest expecUTOWNS.
fCT u» «™t Un. muu, .11 11, ...lUbl. .,»« I...
and has Usd s number of years
Ward Keller for
Four years ago he surted out with
three bnndred platee al­
actual ezpertonee. Tbe grounds and
btlcan ticket waa elocted. ready arrangeth and It Is expected Heavy Vote Expected te
(he intenUoD of wianlhg first prize
Cast By '
buddings have bean thoroughly
I AaremMy.
Women Who Were Rseently.
that there will be 2-'>0 more as soon
voted and many improvements have with a fruit exhibit at the Miehigsn
B.—Retorna today as they can be sheeted. The Ublea
Efifraimhlsed. .
Statu fair at Detroit and succeeded
been. made. The bnlldlng U well heat­
In capturing the lilgbest honors for
are i-overed vith green pa|>er and the
ed and lighted, is to on excellent lo­
? of frnlt from any of
Chicago. Kov. 4.—■^•ets" aad
sides decorated with rows cf iho
cation and commands a perfect view
, democrats 5j and pro- Bunnyripe labels. Each plate has
the counUes In the northern half of
"Drys" today eagerly awaited tbe ootof the bay and
white paper dolly and there are five come of tbe baQottog In SS lUtoots
Trained nnrses. u^der the snpervllive allver cup that waa offered.
apples on each plate. Tbe display Is towns In which women wUi rote on
Blon of Mre. Smith »m be on duty
This cup had to be won three tiroee
»ne of the large*', and ftoeet ever col­ the liquor question fbr the first
at all times. Operating rooms and
order to become the
lected even (or a fair ezblblt.'ind dem­ time. Hsevy balloting by newly en­
all necessary
the superior quality and Im­ franchised women Is predicted.
staUed and tbe hospital Is now lo first
this purpree In view be bent all hla
variety ot applet grown to this
class shape to care tor a number of
ragioD Tbe growers themaelvet have
caergiw toward making two mare
atoning displays. Ho succeeded aad
Uken the utmost loierrei In this
served consist­
to 1912 beJ>rougbt home the (rephy.
show had have contributed tbe finest
ing of sandwlchM. ooTee. cake
stock they could gather. Thousands
ice rresm. Mrs. S'. W. Harrlogioc He aUo made many ezblbiu at tbs
viewed (he show held last year and it
Grand Rapids aad other fairs aad
had charge of this and she was assist­
attracted many from dlsUncre. This MURPHY KNOWS WHAT 4WCAU.
took the lion's share of the premied by Mre. P. J. Bright. Mrs. A, W
in-Big Aeeidsm at Kalamagre.
year it li plaoned to draw from even
^'lodofL Miss Allen and Miss Stuart
farther points, Thla display of frnlt
t prize winner In the stats
A iMiure of the evening was tbt
to banka was origtotl with the local
annual meeting of the Grand Treveras
Kalsmatoo, Nov. 6.—Thnwn from banks and has proven so effective that Fermer Gevernec Will Be In PesKien
County Medical Society and the fol
speeding antomoblle thU «"Qreiag many of tbe banks to the larger cities
te Heed 04Y tsmmsiiy
lowing oncers were dected.
following this good example,
Mrs. Dicktoeoe ilsbop of Oowaglse.
Preaidont—Dr. C. W. Frallck of
tetpanu will ba made for tbe State
a BOeteiy leader, was prebahly totalMaple City.
ly injured near here. Dr. Dan Baton bank to be opeo seevral nlgbu so ihsi
New Y'ork. Nov.
i^Marphy bat
Vlce-Prastdent—Dr. Sara T. (mase.
of Kalamazoo and Banlstt Dickin­ aU may be able to inspect tbl* dieseen bow the ^eesU opertose when
J. A. J
son. preaident of the Btnadard Pa­ play.
pUced in Uie peopAeT handa Ha
The county road
per Cto.. bore were also dangsroaily
look the MWer of tbo people into
Dr. J. B. Martin was elected medi­ rashtog the work
the various reada Injored. &toa may die.
hlB own kude and rpeaUod mo from
cal legal representative of the conaty. preparatory
the coming winter. J
office, hccanse I wpnldn't tar» tlM
The appointive otficera will be N. Rouse is working on the Brockwar
etate over to him. Now he's seen *>«
named at a future meeting.
PlTTSBURG-^ieorge <n(£ee waa
recallsd by the peopls." uUs. was the
A short pregram was given.
Pieree bill to Blair township on tbs
excused from Jnry duty when be said:
statement made today, by Wat. SuL
Dr. B. B. Minor prerented a paper main road leading south. It
The Michigan Equal Snffrage i
The tows wJthe stetau hooka are
of the Show Joint'; thottgbt (bat the work on the Yuba
riadon opened its twenty-eighth an- zer. newly elected i
which was followed by a general dU- bill will be commenced very ahortly. not in bamofiy with the revealed wlU pnal meettog at Jabkson today- Many
of God."
^Bacb one of theee pirees of Riad are
noted epeakers are scheduled to adIk-, nemihg Carrow gave a very la- diffleult to bnlld from the fact that
COLUMBUS, O.dreee the sessions, among wttom are
terestlng paper on ‘Tbe DevR- uw- npoo each ooe baavy grades are onBERLIN—The tango and turkey Mrs. Agnes Ryan. Boston, Maas.; Mrs) wooden leg. K. B. Hodgw, fifi teebriatIng the subject from the mytbologlre] coimtored. The
trot'Evaded tbo Prnaalan chamber of ’‘Chartotu PerWns OUaan.'New York ed and fnli'ot "pep.’; hnlenrsd on Ms
and nUgioBB standpotoL ahowtog that tbs more dlSicnlt the rand ts to depnuee when the wife of the speak­ CRT. and Mra Clara B. Arthnr of Ds- good tec. whOe be flaijifi aa offieer
bow sdeM* has changed the views bnlU the greater the nsoesMlF for er allowed ber aephew te give
troAL president of the state mgaalsn*. with the pittnolai Mpandnea. tbe
U theas isBdprn tin
lt« early conpletlDiL
cop phoned -tor help.
dance la ber “ollctal gnsiters.**










aarbase inelnerstor, both
which tbe «Uy will be farced by tbe
stato to oonstnict witbln the next two
years In fact the dty Is np as
tion and not a theory
time. Tbe oommlsBion w
MM«M TMadv* ttd Tb«n<ur* ^
like to and a way ont that wonid not
canse a burden on tho people, hut
they an faced by tbe actual MOdlUons
upon one bud wbUe on the other
hanft the daafer of interference by
the SUIT bealth authorities ud the
federal soveramenu which within the
md m neMi il
next isro years aiu pnvut the dump________JM.
I 1 UN.«tmtI-tt*_________
l^,«aN tb* Aet of ftiK of sewsfe In uy of the freat
Tmwm bi.un.
lakes or the streams that empty into
than. In fact there is only
OlIlM ia Frmt at BNh PMam N think for the city to do and that Is
to *et busy ud devise ways and
for koeptne out of ironble la
tbe directions that threaten from all
quarters of tbe compass.








dauabler. .Miss Irene, left this mornine for Oetroli. They have been
Biiendine tbe summer at* their resi­
dence on £ast Front street.
Henry Yeung of Elk RapMa
the city on business yesterday and re­
turned In (be evenink.
Mias Ida Swartx of Utand wa/ in
the city yesterday
W. D. Bagley of Old Mission c
up veatertlay to meet Mrs. Bagley and
Miss Millie Marshall, who retun
from a visit aith friends in Alma.
C. C. Averill rwtumed yesterday
from Peioskey with his wife and child,
w ho will make tbeir borne In the ciiy
Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. W. feower aiN
Mrs K. E. Brower drove over yester­
day from Fife l^ke to spend tbe- day
Harry Cali, allaa John Clarke, who
was arrested at Boyne City Sunday
for the (beft of a wheel, waa senb.-nced to ttay a One ud costs of |30.::
in Justice iUrdsall's coun this n
ink. or take alxty days In )ail. He paid,
An orfuitaUon known > the Ni- after r»-j,jch Sheriff Smith accompu'
led ibe mu while he led (he wheel
b»o orsuu.0,1 .1 Wo.l,lonon lor,j ...
wrro,, ol MroMlre )«dl.Uo.l. .Od
will b. U.k.u.11 fcnia
wwleli™ .Itb w».r.1o lotono.tlo.;,„.„, X.,
upon .Ubiect. (bat *111 bo u.ol.l ln,u c ...^i .( (ho rl.k lonlrtl.
od in these locaUties. Then an
other lines of. work in which the
fanner Is at the mercy of the eor^
rations which purchase his produeu
and which are not kiving him a fair
^ it Is the idea of tbe departmut to adttcate the linen of
soli alonf the lines of
and cooperation so tiiat they will be
able to unite ud really stick tofelber for mutual protlL It la a larke task
to undertake, but with proper -presantatioa ud systematic
il 'is bellcvc-d that (he farmers win see
tbe point and come In out of tl>e
weather that has been threateninc
their very existence. Cntled In farm­
er can control the world, but as Iona
as he koea about tbe disposition of
bis cro^ as an Individual unit he wUl
have to be content with the short end

Ts Fnrsidi Fads

drove over yesterday in Mr. Smith's
tr to spend the day.
The Five Handiwd club warn aMr.
taiaed at the borne of Mr. ud Mrs.
Glen Baker last night There were
rive UUee ud the prUes were given
to Hn. Ed Bminer. first lady, ud
Mrs. A. J. LaFootsee. second. Tbe
men s prltes went to Major Robertson
Ud A. J. LaFtontsce. The house was
decorated with autumn leaves ud
errlei. Refreahments were'terv-

J. E. Reehmere IsR this morning for
Klnglley. where he will be for a short
time on business.
I -Walter Mmey of Telodo, Ohio, left
this morning for CadlUsc, after a few
days here on business.
Dr. J. W. Qsuntlstt retumM <

North Manilou, where bo has accept­
ed a i>otitlon with the Smith ft Hull
Lumber cotnpuy.
' •
Fred Atkinson and wife
John Nemrava left this morning for
EvaK. where he ud Ws brother are Lake arc plaiting their son hVed at bis
going Into the baranss buslnass. Mr. i
Nemrava has beu In the employ of] •*- J- Tomsy and wife, who hmm
the Wbltlng Implement compuy
'tsitiag with frU-nCs for some
the past slx yeam and tiilrteen year«'““«
yesterday for their
previous with tbe VoUuba Harness homo at Kingsley.
Gerald SoHc. who haa been vlalting
• Ity (or the pest
Miee Ethel Eecor and Perry RanMD were mamed in the stndy of the few days, led yesterday fpr Ms home
Central Methodist .church jcsierday at flnincl I-edge.
Fred C. Jehnspn,.Mrho haa been mail
afteniaon by the pastor. W. W. Sirclerk on the run between Nunb|«rt
E. W. Hastings haa raturud to hit and VVsItoti Junction during the IIIbomftat
at !Detroit, after a few days in nesk of W. B. Nichols, returned to ItU
.home St Cadillac yesterday.
tbe 4ffiy.

whether already given or hereafter to
be civen. at uy time ud from tinte
to time to enter u|jod eald^ands aod
take all usual, neotssar}' or convenleat meus (or exploring, iiiitilng.
working, piping. geUlcg. laying up.
storing, dressing, making mcroh.’smable and taking away (he said min­
eral. coal, oil end ns. pursuant to the
provliiloiis of section eight of act two
hundred and eighty of the Public Acts
of ISI/I', '
And deeds for all lands along wall-r
eounes and Mreams will contain, also,
a l•rovl■pton rejervltig the fight of In­
gress aad egrskH over and across such
Unds. as also ,,rovided in sitetion eight
of Act two bumlrcd cjgblv of the Pul)lie Acts of IhttJt. sod ea!h porebsssr
will be -vrqnlred to sign an aiH>UnsUon agreeihg to sign such de«d and
abide falthlullv by ii.o said conditions.
djfcrsTrs c. cahton.
Sealou. Town. Kanf
8WI4 of ,8EM
2t N
N-M’M of NEM :•
y. x.
oqt 9. 16, 2J. .1-J. uuv ti


Bowers Barbor prices
T^XSc lor elder apples,
parino apples SOe. Bolb
pUones-Cliz. S38, BeU
67. Canning Co.
oct 28-tf

An Insunce of the fearful fneqnallOoTcroon «( tbe stales of UkOilcu.
' OUahoms. Idabo. West Virflala, New ties In human conditions that exist
acexieo. Wssbinmon 'Ud Ohio have In the cities wu unaartbed In Sew
«.*. TP-. »Katwrrt T-wito. wh, I
'"""I,’" 7“"'"’
jolasd the Amerleu Societr of Tbrlfi York ibroukb the arrest of sineen
year old Irene LaHeela on a diarge of
asd will do all In their po^er
Toiop iBdindtial proeperil}- sad self vasTUc)- who WM arraigned In tha,
rsUaace la the pMple of. their states.
Ishpoming. after several dais In
hcdlcTJaf that br 00 dolac tbe> wHl found on a raof of an apartment and recall. Uterature will be pre­
are vismog with frlends-here for
- brlaf ateut coBunnoitr prosperltr house, crouching close to the chlrnne)’ pared atouf; thesd- llo<w that will be Uie city on business.
. *
WIN Hammond, well known figure few ds.vs.
aod adranecmenL The teadeco' of In order to keep warm and waa cap­ accurate ud which will «rlve lli<- ab­
court; and victim of tbe recGaorge Fierce, who haa baan inj^
the times is to shend too much, which
solute fuels In retard to the different
^ Park Inklty for several days on bnslneu.l^i
"“hllM.soQt^qr .Itrpw
hahit ooce form^ keeps the noses of
I*"”!'T”'"nvotooioM. Till.
*,;.‘wk.;; this murnthg for his home at Balddsomia fflM tnsub, sod anlsas «br knflsBuns
the eommoD people to the crindstone that she was a bundar. In court she 1. . pood Idot tor tbore.l, «. ...tb'„„
ta SBBhn UkWl es> sd this tnbe iwSorad to
so modi of the time that ther do not suied Umt her father was taken sick
Ni Bscmal ooadltloe. hMtns vlU be doMn-rsd
.InforraatJoD beinp oproad •bout ...a found *anderlna about la a lofcrswe; nine answ ont ot tee srt-eniWhy
time ago aoA.'was removed to a
hare time to lode up and ^ee
ovor U, roaatiT by tbo paniui.
„„ kaawla. *bor.
beuties of nature or the chances that hospital. This left Vke-ttapmoYher of
ou dltlooelt luao. that It 1. Uaio (b« n,
or *b.t bU do.Uaailoa ailiiM
dally occur to huprore tho condlUoa the girl with IruAud her lii6e brolb- .oatatblaa *.. doao la ortor ba oawithout uy money. S'ew Jersey
of thamaelVes and their fellows. The
llpbtoa tb, poapl. apao a .Ubjoai that
...loao. tbU motnlPc apoa . ,a »at« ..a ba...... ,a.,«.
.... . f.j.cmirRiaoo..Toiodo. o.
. iMmhers of this society boliere that relatives took the little boy and the
tor ...tttPtt.c.
th« proper eoluUoa of the high co«t stepmother disappeared, ht a short
d”'”t^ “’tT“”
. George Martin of KIngalsy. was
or BTlac Uee la the direction of eeo- time the Isndlord threw the slrl into
in iwrding
^ ^y Fairolmu Ross for
Mor. and that by foeieHnc thu idea the street because tbe rent was not
.b- biul i. .bin t.r bmenjWWUr
lb. b«,.r .bl.
He was releasad after
•ad t■p^atinK H In the minds of the
a.«d.a 1. .otbtiw • Job ““
“ r*y
!»«•■ K.b.rios
It wiu & possible
1» . d.|«to>aoi .uro, bol ...ul, ooli ,I ■ Oo.
‘ brtaf to u end the present era
enough to
lo fc.«d
nod herself
in a slim way.]

Hcecourt by starting a UtUe celebrs.| MrA John Younger and family lafl
State Bank
. TocklMs estravaieanee. subetitutlni
" cities, directs elecgtreet last nlgbl. He ap- today to visit with relatives in Lake, r<Mni»er* hmti,
place of It a desire on the part of the with no money left with which to ®,
Blrdsall .Ms
. pMpde to Ure within tbeir mMu ud buy lodrtng.^ M-hU. the woatber ...
......... SOc
Get tbeir list of. propertia
to take adru'tafe of the hlaber opwhen it rained the found refuge dur j
with ovners ’ addreaaa, or prop­
pottUttltiM la life. Money la
““ “l Tb.
M,.bl,.. O
cochll at 672 East E;igbth street, snd straw .
osition to sell your
the MSWitlili In the world, hnl the In- log the nlgbls In cellars,
time II
Iwt b.r lob lb lb. -.™' “
QRAIH—Traveras City Mining Ctt
Arldnal cannot afford to let the Idea
W. E. Smith or BuAiey. te in the ^ 'Prtea norvwdtel arory €v.
of accamolaUnc and apendiof money
at coat of <i2.>. iluyer nnJ sell,
fblllb. to 1„. „«b.r ,Ob .b,
city on bnstoess forseverd days.'
toat.........-.^T;......... tJt
deaden the hlcber faculties
Wheat. «0 lb. teat..............................
rot... I.
pl«o U..t ,h.
Pt»|.r.a -■
T. S. Gurney of Hart. In a letter to
er may deal direct if they preWNItem J. irvIn we« to C.rter-i Corn .................................L................7
mind. The pe^n who eees noUtink
................. 70c
,l.a- k-bo. br..,b, rom Uio
friend in the city suies (bat be bas
bat the TUkm of a dollar ahead
0,1... pl.n .ton. ,h.
him in bis way tbrotifh the world
line of popular education
from ten acn-s of ground, and the only I Several hunters took tte wriy ^tto uvy beans.............1........... 11.65
•hnu oat from hU life all iha beauties
warm to eat and a-plact- (o stay w here
tiling he did to ferHlIte the ground.Pere Marquette train this morning to Red kidney h»«n«......... ...............$J.15
^ aatwa that were created for his
it waa warm and dry . This is but one^
o plow under clover. There jtry their luck with guns agtl dogs.
iRuckwbat. per IN lbs. 41.15 to 11.8$
edification ud Improvement, thi
five potatoa -(hai he took out
Fifty-eis members of Site Knlghtoefl
GRAIN—Hanah 4. Lay Co. ~
hy ImpalrlBf Us manhood and biiiucthe cities are leli to shift for them­
of the lot (or a spertal dUptey-that Pythias and tbeir wires enjoyed s
Ptica oorraetad aeary day.
( l}fe down to a sordid basis
Weighed ten |)ounds ud four ounces, fish supiwr last night served by Sam WheatM It. toat................................. «» dp
•here la ts^uahle to Improve either selves while of tender yesrs. becaw
(Catinued nom pue one.)
Or. E. B. Minor is improving his Fhrrow. Cards were |>te)ed for an Oont ........................................................70c
htmssif or thhaa with whom be cornea of the mlsfonune that overukes tbeir
either of the Mg shows.
parents or some other canse. Such
hour afterward ud a regularbuslRye. 56lb.
la coataec^OM of the areat leesona
722 E. Front SL
To Mr.-- Smith must be given the ilirop.TU- at the comer of Boardman
that Matt ba Icaraad by tbe 'people Instances go to show that with all the credit for first plnrtng the Grand Trav- avenue and FToni street, A new ce-jders meeting heU later whro «m- Oats ...............................................'.....(Oe
upo. tb.
.. . ,™u ;
t-ltit P»1 iM-ntbl. bti.lbt*. *.. tnbuei.d.
Bi,ck*l«u, pM IM to..«JS to |1J1
withla tbe nett few rears is that tbe boasted clvtiitatien of the nation, that ,rw
TO LOAN on good and wttl
down at tbe bottom of tbe aoeial stra- — *..................................... ■ under th-- More building and many,
Mrs. E. C. Crandsll of Wett Front
rmovcM of the nation an net. InprodttclOg section, for It wu Us dl<
Unproved farma H. C. Davte. <18
u are tondltions that should never be
IntoFter chuga. The resldenn-s' are street. U entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
Stato Bank Bldg. Traveru city
nalM. and mast be ooeserred if tbe
plays -at tbe big fair* that made the
tolerated. There Is p vast amount of
being rciialred ud good foundations Lewis Crane of Ss^naw.
aprtl MUf
fatwe feemtlont are- to be pcnnlloutside public take notice of what
Work to be done in this line of sav­
put under tJiem both.
Ote Oleaon is building a new resi­
tad to aajoy tba prtrUccM that are
»uld really be produced here. His
ing rhildrvfl from (he adverslC. 0- Bmith haa eloeed his grocery dence St 720 East Front street.
tbe hartuce of the preoeai feneration.
reputation as a fruit grower will tlvi
(ortupc ud the perver­
The large collection of giags Jara
Thrift is an aUrfbate that wUI stud
as long as tbe toduslo' lats to Wat- et 812 Bast Front street and storv-d
sity oT humu nature, ud the ao­
that are owned by tbe Board of Trade
ealtHBtlon. aad u lone as it does not
era, Michigan, and hU self syrlflee his stork of goods until he <
rtal stniRuro wUl prove too weak
is being re-fllled wlUi a new tel of
earry tbe Indlvidnal
to the rayee of progras aod devetep- uln a more dalrqble location.
,bear the burden-untll It is strengthenMr. and Mrs. C- A. Webb and un seeds and fnilt to te ready for dtemmt will always te u Incatire for
led to thU direction. Tfaare la no
•mhlag 1a ooaaaetioa with the idea
others to do tbeir bat In twiring the are visiting to Cassopolls with friends plays at dlfferat times. This epDeewhy Mmo sbottld have rnmioas
tiou haa been a big sttractiw at
ts won aad good. w*hat U aimed at
onuide take notice of the advantages for weveral weeks.
ud others nothing to at Ami
e. D. Main of Honor, is in the city muy exhibition*.
By this MieMy is sec to omke a uof the region.
place to sleep. All plans to remedy
tion of misers, bat a batten of cMiaerFVuk Smith was
native of ttate on buttnesg (or the day,
;eoodlUons have ao far failed and
C. P. Feueh and wife of Cadillac.
Tattea gaoplo wtw will not apend
county having teen born to Traveree
remains for some Inspired genius to
thatr moaey before It ts eareed
Tit) on November F. 1858, Ms faihe^iI are In the city (or a day or two.
suggest a practical remedy for savBowden of Summit C<ty.
teuth Judietel Circuli of Michigantftlais that ae far at real living
John Smith being one of the original I
Ing the hungry and Itemeless chil­
eoMMMd Btw of na pewlble acconnt.
aetiteiw in the Grand Traverse region In the city yesterday, on hustoeas (or
dren that are to te found in'numbers
the da.v.
(ore; they abonld 1. ________ _
It Is a good move ud one which
Berl^-tn life Mr. Smith learned U>e
In all large cities. Charity alone
F. O, Brown of C
design. bnfU of most durable
lu test meeting to look afti
l#OQld be mcooraged. not,only for
brewers trade, but neva worked at Itl
materials ud arttetleally flonever accomplish tbe work aod politi­
for the
tha benoflt of tha prasant generation
the trade of carpen- among the business ma to (be city
Uhed. Ton will (tod only such
cal claims ud cut win forever lave
of the
tl-r. afterward becoming a contractor.
but lor (be good o( the genemUoni
at the works of
them nnkept and unfed.
^M. Chatker of Kingalsy, and Mr. •soortation met yeaterday ud teW .Tblrt^^' tod^eterarauu'o7“^^
that are ret to loUew.
Travane City. Micb.
plans for that gathering It wUl be |Ran- (or_,lbe ycurs 19M aod 1915. are
881 Bay St.
Both Fhoou
up (arming ud purchased the .
Antrim County.
dalua are December 2. 8 and
at Mhpleton wbere lie achieved
ed bis
Tho fourth Monday In February.
T. O- Smith of Luther, Is in the city
J- C- Morgan rsturned
great succeu as a fruit grower. The
The second Monday In Mny. ,
Within the next few yean the peoSecretary Houston of the Depurl- (arm eonsisu of 111 arres. a consider- calling on (rieo({s and irsnsartlng hus- from Chicago, where be bas been for
The second Monday to Angnat.
ALVIN H. GRUBER. Funeral Director
pte of Trarano CUy will have to pr^ ment of Agricultore has
The second Monday to October.
and Embalmcr, 812 South Uahm 8tsome time a business.
able portlra of w-bicta is avered with Ineas.
Charteveix County.
Mra. Nellio FraiL asalstuL ao.
Vida.tha nacaasarr fands-^for putting work. which If r^ed out sncceastul- orchard, it te not one of tbo largest
Dr. arvd Mrs. Clarenee Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wlldman, who have
The drat Monday In Pehrnarv.
phono 875. We tfeat you u «*
tha aiy npoa a modarn ^sis. The
rtvolutloD in fann orchards in the region, but is perhaps Csdillac. who hsve been vlilting Mr. been in Chicago (or the past week, reTbe fterth Monday In May.
coat wni be baary. but tbe Issue must methods. He proposes to orgulxe the most widely knosm oo account of and Mrs, E. O, Armstrong for several inraed last night.
The third Monday to August.
The flm Monday in December.
ha met If tba rapuUtion of the mtml- tbe farmers.of tiie country Into
Pete Batoakle relumed latt night
the many exhibits of fruit that have days, returned borne this morning.*
Loslannu County.
Mpaltty as a progressive city U
rural senlee In order (bat they eu been made from It dating tbe past
John W. Cniee of Honor, Is In thi from Grand Rapids and Mnskegon.
The third Tuesday to Feteuan-Tccfk Ejrtraetcft AbMMc
niiiaialnad. Ibny of tha public Im- receive theb- Just daerts from the.
where ,hr hns been for aevgral days
The flm Tuesday In May.
years. By hte -801 'Mr. Smith city on boslneu lor tbo day.
Ijf WlliKNrt Pals
.yrovemaais hare «ona to piecea
trusts and corpocationr with leave* a wife ud two sons. Ralp:.
Bom to Mr. a'nd Mra. Fred Hilt, SIS 6 bustoi
Tbe first Tuesday in August.
By tte "'Ea-oter'- method I cu r»
Tte third Tueaday in October.
aneh u,aztont that they are already which they daaL In order to be ef­ A. who reeida at' bomt -lud Pruk Batt Front street, a girl wetgbtog 9>«
Mrs. O. Bankard left this morning
meve those aching teeth abeolntrty
Grand Traverae Cettoty.
a maoaoa to Ufa and limb, ud must fective iMa association will have to te
wlthnt pato. ud without tba naa of
F. of tlite city. Hte opiy. daughtA'. lounds. who has been named Lorlne (or Manistee, where she will visit for
Tbe first Monday in March.
Ba raplaead with new atnetures as
I Intelligrat one that will pull to­
drnv to produce unooiteeloaueas.
few days with triads and reteUvea.
Tho second Monday In June.
Ida Barnard baring died abMt
People of nervous temperament and'
A. F. Oaborn has Juat opened up a
FOOD as possible, praaeni oondifions' gether for tbo ends sougbLUd so co­ ti-ree monthy ago. Aside flt>m his lihThe tart Monday In Sept
Henry Biegleman of DetraH, whe
1th weak hearts win apprecteta (he
}*■ giocery store at 9N East Float ha* been in the city for some time on
fwaioh a aplandld oh}oct ieason as
hesive in Its composition that none mtdlate famUy Jie also l«vn three
method of patatote axtrao
tha foaliahpeas ud axpoislvmws
mill gig back when a crucial toat sisters, Mra. Chariot Petersa ud street.
bustoesa, left this moralng for MuN. C. Nlchete. who haa owned the letee. wbero he will be (or a abort
Ota poller that haa alwayi bau -to comes. Tbe autcoss of." tbe cltna
Mrs. Arnold ffdsit of this city ud
Block, with Dr. Holdsore
ffogM to the ci^ of putting off nec- fniU growers of the RncUlc coast is
roe before reiurnlng to hte home.
Mrs. Sam Stitoe of Gold City. Mich.
' rath. Travaree City. My-kt—
Peninsula sireeto. has sold w H. B.
Waary Improvemenu for thp purpoae pointed out as one of the examples
The framework of the big auto
Two brothers also sunive. Ferdl- Turnbull, who Ukes ImmedlsU poaaes
Of making n ahgwtng along tba Una of what cu te done wh« (he growers
nsnd or Traveree rsty ud Jotab
•f aooaomy for peUtlenI pnrpoaes. resUy stick together. This assoda- who- Brer, at Acme. Mr. Smith was slon. Mr Nichols will remain in tbe ning between Old kllseloa ud this
Michigan State Land Office.
Itetistofc Oct. «. 1913.
Had fnndt been atartad aararmlyaan. tion haa brought up the prtea on A tnembor of tte Knights of the Mod­ rlty tor some time.
city, was broken yeaterday ud It will
E. A. Borden left this morning for
hgo for repUelng hridgaa, repairing their oops to A point Ibere they are
em 'Maccabees, the aly aecret society Bay City, where br wilt rt-mal» (or probably te ont of eo^tesion for a the (ollowtog desertbed swamp land,
Having pueohM (he hurtmfwaaau nad prooMlng u adaqnata proUUWe, and have been able to bold
county of Grand T
to wkich be telonged.
ness and Machine Shpp of Wm.
some time.
•awaga ayaua for tha cUy the bur- them there against the neatest oppoB. T. Deeksr and wlfa of
Jaeksoft. we vrin wmlnue to
Rabbi Sliove and family have movod
sltion. One industry Ihst It Is hoped
$aa would net have tea felL
maintain the Mgh sWndard ol
are in the elty for a few daya- rlait Beenae. has reverted to tte t
that has marked
Iha people would am ba facing the to help out at presat is the beet
with friends.
same by tbe bomeateader. will te reMr. Jaekaan’s aucesM-fer tte
their future home.
grohism they are at the praaat Uma. growing bnainess among the fanaart
N. J. Vealer and wife left «Ma •toibd to entry by offering them (or
part qusrtir of a cemury, hav­
Frank King hae purahaeed the H.
Than are two bHdgos, fhe Sonth of the coutry. At tba present time
sate nt n public anctlon to te held at
WHh him
1 property at £81 East FVont
tte Stato Land Office, in tbe dty of
many yealg.
tbe farmers have no orgu^tin. ud
^ BEhth afloat atnetnraa that
street ud te Temodeltog ud making will be for a few daya the gnem of Lansing, on Thnrteay. the 13ih day of
fFrom Tueetey's Record-Eagle, i
goaUlralr danganms to heavy traffic as a result they have to take what the
November, K D.. 1913, at ten o'clock
^ moat te rapUqad at the aarllMt beet sugar trust is minded to give
A. C. Alberta of Fort Wayne, who a. tn.. at which time they wlU become
Mary and Willte ChambeHain el
Chaa. Copland of Buckley drove
(BHcaaaaart to Wat darieww.)
anbjeet to pnrehaae to the muner pee{ehalbla memesL and yet thwe
Item for prodndttg the teeU. The Battle Creek are rlBlllng Mr. and Mrs.
,er in bis car yesterday for the day. has been to the city for tte part week scribed by Uw.
go fhadi provided for (he purpoae. An. piloe paid is so tew (hat ibe only way Chas. Everett lor a few days
W. H. Fowls af Central Lake hae.« btmtoeu left this merning for hte
Palcnte Issued.upon tte sate of
Beddate meh as (he collapu of tbaae
'Aaa Hale left this
'Mllliona of Oollara
thoto tends wUl contain resen ations
accepted a position in the Uon bH•tnaetaria waoSB eest the eRy
blre foreigners with gnuy chil- Buckley, whe.e be will iltU tho fam­
Are.clearad every year by tbe pool- .
Mra. Naworth of Menu, ratanied as follows:
Hard room.
“SAVIXO AND EXCEPTING o« of try rateert of the I'nUed States. A
duangn aolto ^to thu it would to dra to weed tbe fields ud harvnt ily of W. W, Smith for n few daya.
Oeoege Btvty of Petoekey was to to her hoote there thte moratog. after this conreyuoe and always reaerring largs (actor to tte producttea of thte
•atMr rrptam (bam. and in order (ha crop. Any mu who Uvm as u
-HochraAe «M Chaa. WllTian the city on bnstoew yesterday.
a abort v^dh to the cUy:
unto tbe said aUta of Micblgu. aU huge profit te HARVELL'8 CONDI­
Amartean dUxa diould cannot make of Cedar and Al Blllman of Stnrgte
N neart aneft aA^vnat tha
M. RaWnevHeh has moved Ma gr*. . Miee OtWya Dye •( Reed Ci^, |a DtoaraL coat oil and gas. blng and TION POWDER. It keei<s laying
' h maktag anchVamng
Uvtag raUlng sugar beato for a left this morning lor Oiork on a huntbetog on. within or under the Mid hens to good condition, makes yonaff
T}' store from 40S Bart IVont straat ^ttog with reteUvee here for a few tends hereby (ftnveyed. with full add cUrtn grow rapidly, wards off dtethso
I to raadl- •ugu- plant, and it Is to organtoa the ting trip of aeevral weeks.
to more commodteos quarters
fmo liberty and power to tte hU awl keeps tte aomb bpight ud raft
faiman In sod) a war (hat they
_ hNto tha work
Mrs. William Waltora and Mtes East Front atiwoL ud increased hte
Oeo- Warren, who haa been to. the sute of Mittolgu. Ua duly antbortaad BgaaUy as gnad ior stock. It te tte
irUfsa la m
of SnttMs Bay
Stock In many waya.
CUy (Or aereral daya m bnalaeee toft oSiewra. repraaeBtatim and aaalfns.
figure for ralttog the crop that
aad Its or their lewiaw. agente aBdmoraing for bta
Mr. tend Mia. Frud Bmith arte Mr.
workmu, and all etbar paruona. by eta. per package. Bold l>y oU drugfa a oamiga dlapsanl ptant wM of the gomamat win be dlrbet'and Mrs. P. R. Wltitema of Elk RapMs
their authority or paraUaftog.

fr.”w,"t,.'‘Sno: ".ro.v»i

XTi/rstyT —




Jttcal MorM>

Pardee Bnsfness Exehaage



- ........................ ........... —


... ........ H-...... !


Will pay tbe highest prices
| Clnaeng and Golden Seal.
. rREIMANiy ft cu.



Better rroBb



Tartaek & Sehsliea

fclatta to h


Qrand ^raifarse JUgbrn


CompiM Mch wMk &7 a aUtt

the directlea af Mlaa Clara N.


(Jrand Jraverse County
interiochM. Nov.
Tbe UdIea’
Aid met-vlth Mrs. Comiieaii of Wylie.
Rev. TNovt^n and alfe of Uravn
attended tbe Ald^Tbonday
Those of Ibe primary depnrtrorat
«bo were neither abaent nor lardy
durlnit October were: Milton Campkm. Bennie Alberts. Bertha Rhebtne.
Madse Pennlmnon. .Mark RheWne. llatel New-ated. Emorr Uwl*. I.yk llop>
Hns. Aanea rorksTTilk. Willis rene• Inrton and Uwrence UarU.
Tboae of ibe crammar room neither
absent DOT tardy were: Clara Perry.
Clyde TralToid. Amy NeVated. Minnie
Baldwin. Sammle Pent. Orace Parks.
Henry ' Oompeau. Preddle ' Alberta.
BeRba Uninrortby and Alfred Rhe


Many ot ibe people from here at
tended the dance held by Sieve Unitier in bU new barn.
John X. CouTtade and wife
Uwlefounade drove to Barter Creek
Sunday in Mr. Counade'e touriha ear.
l4K>nard Cuurude and bta party of
hunlera reiurnM Saturday afternoon
frtmi tbe fork* of the Boardman.
' E<I Boprey It helplnc retry IlayatoD
harveet hit fall crop*.
John J.'Courude and Mist Mamie
Couriudr drote to Barker Creek Sun­
day and ajiem ibe day aiih relative*.
Vera I. Jenne. Teaeber

£ft Ki^

WilUanisburc, R F. D. No. J. Nov
r..—.Ml. and Mr* J H l.yOli nia4<
'trip io Traverse City Thursday.
Quite 'a ^ber of people enjoyed
(he luriv al Mr. Iluff'* Wednesday
• venlnc.
Mrs. Myrtle liairrt and Mi-». M A
Undsey diove to TisvenK^-City Ttmr-’
Ml** Pearl Merrill ten Thursday for
Mrs Geo. I.Inrtsey iT|tept iUturda'
In Traverse Cily:
.Mr*. Fra«.k HeckwSih made a frlp i
Trmverae City Saturdav.
Ethyl M. Prav> Teacher

Danl<-tt. Nov. A.—Joe Woini moved
Into hi* new house last week,
j ou
Aotun Hanson went lo Grand Hap
id* Iasi Wert on btirim-iiH.
No. i. .Nov,
Mr. and Mrs. Aribu. lirown liavu
li. IhineC- lutrvroi)-*] *lx'bushel* of
moved to kinssley.
Mr*. Brown wa» out Suturdsy to see onion* from three Hduart- ro-ls of the
her sisier.4liK* C|p;e iUnion, who 1* Canlen. or at the rnfe'of
liR aim Some <-l|Oiro ones welched
very HI.
founoeii .onnre* eai-b snd monsmeil
There wb.-> a iait> ai Adam Wolf*
ililrteen and om--!iairinclie*'in /1r<last Satunlay e,w<ininB.
ifr»*n<NE T Hopkln* bad rortip
Ai|«ny 1
Jolm Srliamehoni -coe* to Travertc
Traverse C|iy Sunday
'Ity WodlysHa.'' lo attend o dlroctor*'
-Mia. Flankliurth prrived home Ust
Monday from her ivlfr to Kolsmusoo
\ll«* l.ena IVpiu-r has Rone to Tm
Mr*. ElU Johnson went to Traver«e
*r*e City t<« s|>rnd 'the wlnler.
Ctiy Thursday on bii*lties*
I'eter Johnaon and family siwnt
There v*a» a shadow eofiil at ihe
Sunday at Joe liarinuin's.
Wexlonl Hchoolhoure prldav richt
1-ONG LAKE 8CI10O1. DI8T. Nf»: I
The *00* ol Mr*. Ella Johnson came
l-Mna T. Wllrox.
home.fioni Manikiee to vUii 8uhdav
T.'*a<lier Gnioim:ii Room.
l-lrUe Dixon visited her tvlatlve^’ Suiiilay.
Mn Bteffef went lo Traverse t.liv..
Thundoy on business.
The Odd Fellow* of Wextord bad B
..pi-i 1.MU■ uisi,,.
Mr, J..,phl.r W«.r„
h.-r ""
.W„ 1..1 9.nU.v, ,
™i„. I l-for .hr p... ..ur .rrl... I,
I'hllll. Ilohulrh
Tmr.,r ...un,,,rr.v .lo.
.,h l.„.lnr...
"TV O'
Win Oekerl Moved Into Jot Worm's
house luH week
.Mr. ..a Mr.. J.rl,,
Trhrr^r I'l.l W-Irr.!.,;
«""" "
IWrr n.h«,h
h.„n„h .«« ,o '
Sr.".l.! S-r. Rl
Wr.frnl 1». .rrl.
.i....r...!r. l..vW lr,„„Hr
MlM Horel Everhart of Troverse
™<> .PTht Si.hj.r wlU. hrr
> >'■'
Th, Ml«r, (-.U. hhd |no,„h, Mor.
,n . ... ,h Tr»rr«. Cl,, Suhi., ,o ,“
• nrna ,rhool.
‘ "v.
Mr,. Iha«.. .ho hh, h«.n vi.l.U.i:
her dauirhifc. Mr*. Pat Black, of Bouth .
I'leota the lml<- daunhu-r of Mr.
G:«ni. returned home Thutwjlay.
Mr* Ed Weber, is v«-r> ill oSBin
MU* Bessie Colhetl
I iMvid <;ou".d,.. 1>.|, nmiM-d ui
erse City Saturday. ‘
, • .
„ ^

JCwi9 C I

r. UnMCD.
.Mr. and Mrs. Theodore GetUen Bhve
received word of Ibe serlouH lllnesa
of their sons. Frc<l and Joe. Fred la
In Grand Raidds sick with typhoid fe>
ver and .loe I* in Deiroii sick with
.\URUst lUhe and timUly visited Pe­
ter Weber nn-i laiajly Sunday
Mi"* MarRaroi Ilembeneck v>'eni
Travei-se City Sunday, vvuere she.will
spend ihe next two weeks.
Ml**es .Atina and Clara Rahc vUibsl
with UUse* Jremi and Anna Smuek.
hal Sunday
It. Kiiaer was a HBckley roller last
Uyiile WyekoK. Teaclier.

gray Plstrkt
GfB' iMsirlit. Noy. 1.—.Mr* Anne
try tins purrhnsdd.u neyv piano.
Uuls Spald. who is now workli
for Ed Rawlines. «iK-nt Sunilay
John llrt-derUk'e
, «
Nurinui- and <nara_ .Michel were sbaeni from seJmo! Monday and Tues­
day ol Ih*i week.
Clara Schneider. JCcnna KawlinR*
and . Mary l«cle did not mis* a went
in kpelliiiK last wet-k
Gladys Cole was alisent froni school
Friday andMondav
Eddie IxiKle and ClarASchneider hei-eived the In-'l marks In numbers last
<‘al l>nvik and J
* tillfrilh drove
lo Traverse City fvundsy

Irvin RnwltoRs and family
Sunday at David Hammi-r'* in the


when twenty of her roans frb
Mr. and Mn. J. W. Ebtrifico. who
Sntherrd at her borne In honor'of ber. have been vtoldnc a( tb* bomo of
twelfth birthday. The time was epem their l.rolher. James Ktdridite. ibe
In Hay inx cames. after wblcb a dainty past week, retnnied to tbelr borne at
luncheon was served.
IVlotkey Tuesday
•Mis* Flarence Allen of Traverse
J. B. Bannoa of tfrawn visited at (be
ClD visited our school one day IS'-t. home of I.. riendenen the last of »b«
The question. 'Which 1* tbe betfer!
.Mra. Frank Haper retiu-ned .from a
idace to Itv-e. in the country or rltyf few dnya' visit In Traverse Oil* on
nlfoMlcd a lively debate is-iween the Tuesday.
fifth and sixth m-les at school last
Mr. and .Mr* Ed Bnunmela visited
derided i:t iavarof,Uie-tbe former* brother. Henry Brum
‘ met*, and family, the first of tbe week
*r Up
Msrearet Sherwo^, a xtodeot at the lap Mr* Wataen Ratey for a f«* days
fount} Noiiaal. vislied our
R. C. Bridgeman and brother. In
Brideeman. returned from Hamr
.Moodsy lorenoon.
^ '
The fuuenil of tlie late .Mr. Wriah Ind.. PHdaynun. who passe-J away last hVIday ot
Mr./and !^. V G. Goff spent Sun­
hean failure, *,*' beld at the home day with Hr' and Mrs. Frank PertigO:
Sunday afiernoan Imvment was la
Mn. lAwter and son visited Mrs- M.
May-field ccineierv
Downer SumlRv.
Peter Ximmerman Pfi .Sunday for
Pete Nailor rolled on Watson Rater
lla'dvGn on a bualucss trip
&ilurday eveninc.' Nnv.
M'alter Dowt^Yias gone lo Sharon
Granxe soelety- wlH pfesenr the play. to work. .
"Tho Tprn of the THe." at the hall.
Mi*By.Man)ia Aeschllinan. who I*
Edith Rridgeman. Tearter.
tendlncVuMness (-olleite in Tfavenw
niy. vI«Im her lurenlR here ove
Sunder. '
Williambbiirg. Nov,
Tho UoodLeno'a Allen. Teprber.
Rood sebobi oi>esed last Monday, after
u three weeks' barvestlnK vacation.
Mrs. Ray Shug and daughter. Alias
Gladye. apent SaUirday in lYaverae
tniy on buslnchs.
Gr.,t Cecier Nov. 2-Scboo!
' .Midrew- Umlor, who has,'been lU at '
Monday^afier^. varotioa of
hU home fpr the |iasi week, la no bet-


(jnnt Cmttr

Eli: Rapid*. k] .F. U. No I. Nov
MeadjHbc* TBlepauKh and Felker
were caller* at Traveroe CUy Tnes- Mi*» Etta Kaiser of Elk Haiddt was
the aueai o( .Mhs Retie Oee ■
rbarlie Bailey and Bob Ollbert wAre day)- tail week.
at Trarerwe city Ti
and flta. tVitI fW and riauch•Miss .Maude ArmstroRR spent SatMr. C. Corbett #pent Tuesday In •er, lioroiby. tlslied ^H|i^Unie of
nnlay lo^Traverse C1D-.
El. UavU and John Hail drove to
Travarai- CUy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ifuhbell of. North/
The' scholars of tbe Bloodgood
Interlochen Sunday la Mr. IliavU'
Tbe aebool i)ad a Hallowe'en pany
>n Sunday.
school are makInR exientlv# jmparaClayton and Alton Forward, w^o
Mr. and Mn. Ed Mllson art osroen lion* for a TbankagiTtng todal and
' Friday afternoon Henry Coinpeau.
Mrs. Innis returned Sainrriay from
hare Ix^n absent durinc the past
of a new piano, purchased a few days entertainment, the proceeds of which '*,
Sammle Pwnr. t.ny Koaar ami Bennie
] extended visit with relatlveu li
to pick up |K>iBtorR. aro aealn'in
Keaar'woti tbe prUes.
South MUton.
will Ro lowardt buylmc ■ new- organ
The elRlitb grade Is tuaklUR u ihor- for the school.
Green Uke townihlp 1* buildliiK
MIsh Velma <i«>e returned Sundu'
Ilanv ilrodnek. Wilbur Porbard.
ouRli study of the Mlrhlcan ronwituthree mlliv of sute reward road.
from a visit with Yrlentls In Rapid
On Tuevday. Nov. IS, the Giuge
\Ve«Iey imRle, Tom lllley. Wiley Clark.
R. McClond was a eallej^ Traverse city and Will
will bold a han-eiit festival and aupI Fk**|1. MIsi-c* Carrie Broderick
Amanda Copland and Lena WinebCity on Monday of tbfa weak.
J School bcean Iasi MoixUy
Edith. •Tark aiK'.oded the Hallow­ conili reiuracl to hlali Ncbool at Trav­ Wr.
Mr*. Sriiekland of Traverse CUy'i»o w.i-V*' t.iratlon for pot
Aifaeri and Mia* Ella Stllaa apont
e'en r-any at MpBr«M« Center FHday
erse City .Mutdny, after apendini; the Saturday In Trarme CUy.
ealletl on friends here Saturday and rIuk.
we»-k-end with iheir jwirenta
' |- Ml. nud -Mrs. Uu.ll Stiurx spetil
Matt FaHcil and Mix* Carrie ItroitCANADA SCHOOL.'
It I«Sunday at the borne of tbelr daiiBliier.
Clesaon Davis and briithera wero at
\'ero Alwatd. Toacher.
erick were Ihe puesi* of Mi*s How
Roy A. Uorabarher. Tearbcr.
Traverta City Friday. «
Mrt. Nell Munro,
Cia^ on Sunday.
Mrt. lloabel was dt Traveroe. City
MUt Ellen Madleon retnraed fi
Ttie new is.wxi residence of Tony
her home at Klnjinloy Saiurday. Miss
Allirhell will *0011 be ready for occuMn. Perry had tbe- misfortune to- DuBey returned Sunday eveninR.
Gnnion Diatriet. Nor. L—Tbe p^la
break bne of the atnall bode* ot her
Ward Carlbark of Ktn«*ley was
Tbe enneentent of ftlss Oleva
laytou ,Tback< of the school eajoye^ a pleaoant bon
)e« Friday evenlim.
roller In the Elk Uke nei|;bborlio<
Worm and (Yem Havlor has been an
r Ed«lT^onai
FHday afternoon In obaervanee of
Mrs. R. Hammers father It very'Sunday,
nomiced The weddinc will occur

,1 Mr*. Frank Sours and children. John
thl* month
llna WeUs attended
>d th^^daoce i
MUs Florence Alien rlalted nctiool
Work taa* benn on tbe new rail- and Helen, were rollers ai the home
Coletta and Kenncih Hysman wi-re
ianisliuTR V'NIday niRbt.
Wednesday afternoon.
road into>{he
{he Wylie Cooperwe
timber. Of Mrs Will Gee 8un>la> afiarnoon.
AlP. atad Mrs. Ftox and family spent
Miss Maud Glbba of Trarerse City
A HaHowe'en party was glvcfi at
“nir Gleaners of Btk Uke Arbor
Joseph Worm has oioved into his Sunday with >lr. and Mr*. Archie
her nmain, Leola Drake. Ttoarv
-ilrr. Oeo. Sander*' Friday eraBlnjf. will {dve a harvest sui>per at their „'.?rr,. Vl„ I-...,, vM.rt
Gibb* of WillUmaburg.
Cards were pUyed.
hall at An«ell FHday evenlilK.-fCov R.1* r.,„. „
I|movett Imm I'"'
'-"I'vy" eceniS The new hroiine appSHitiis lias Mi** Hermina. Myers of Elk Rapidr dayI.«eandHornsb.v
vUUed aebool Friday.
Trnveire City , °
Mih .A fine procram t>- Iw-inc pro
} hec-n theroiiRhlv
by l*>i«. spent Sunday at tti<- home of I. .1
C. tL'Drako bara-fntato«f the t^rMrd. Sada Harr. Teacher. . pared and' a Reneral i:oo<l time is exThe Misses Ethel and Ella Hans-. '“'1'
»««cl}er and pupils durlnK Ihe recent Crisp,
that welghod. 'when du.
bnrah visual Mis. Rosetta Johnwm I The illRhl.n.i *ch«.llu.Ran .Mon.lav
Mr. and Mn. Frank Houck and fam­ three poands and two OBneOfi.
Mia* Ullian Drown of Elk Rapid* SitndB}.
-Marlon RawHnRs won (he star for ily moved this week from the :Boyd
Alla* Petri Atahn U attending the
wa< the cneat ot Ml*s Belle Ge«- from
spellinR in Ibe third grade Iasi week. farm to the home of John StoD'.
>lf*. FlanshiirRh was a Wexfor<l
Needham BuaiDeaa collage.
j Mrs. Linden w«-m to riacorsp Cii>
Pridsv until Stirdnv.
lajuU. Helen and Floience Michel
slier Ballirday.
John Biltes of Acme is worklnR for
Mayfield. Nor. 3.—Tbe funeral of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. tVecae and Mr.
•BalunUv i« vUlt^ rUaiive* for a I; «'
Mlia >|vnle Fox »poni Sueday s'
cnrolUid a) the Gray school Monday Judd Whiteon.
Win Smith U haullnc lAuioes
John Wriihtmas was held Sunday
and Airs. Geo. Harren of Trarorae
the borne'ot .Mrs. Geor*e Munro
of liji* week.
Mr, Wrist's Sunday sebogi tlass City called. Sunday on Ur. and Mr.
eraoon at tbe kldyfield cbvrcb. Rev.
I Adam Courtadc Iransaited busim-*
Tbe yonne leople at tbe home of
Clifford Michel was" abaent from
III bold tbelr montbly cIias meeUng Paul Nem^ .
Mr and Min. naoiburch visited Mr.
UUle offlelatinK.
in KlaRsley last wt>ek.
Mr*. Marv Gee Were very ideasanlly
srhool Friday.
t Ibe home of Ida YYhltatm, Saturday.
A Hallowe'ca-aoeial was held at tbe *(in»rl«ed when u part} of their and Mrs Smith Swidsy..
Alts* Moblo. a'Cottoir^Mpnial atuMl." M. Manvlllc- l> still quite ill
Joaci>h Reamer has iiullt an addition November *,
Mrs. D*vU vUhed .Mrv. Mackey
acboolboute Friday eveninc. the pro­ friehdK arrived tp *|>end SainMay
dent. visited Rchool on I^dby aftas*
Harry Sanimoti* wa« a vVev’n -I
to M.. tinuse.
Lloyd Crisp, who taa been very' ill.
ceed! ol which will be used for li­ evenlna with ihefli Tbe eveninc was Thuraday.
• '
roller last w>.-k
Mr* \Vm IwiRie, who has Rone to is Ralnina slowly.
Mr*. l‘Bt(1s and dtURhier were nut
brary book*.
Col. Rtnaom loat a raluablo hog
'Several linndrcKi wild Rtese snd
spent In playinc cames
Irotn TraverseClty Sunday..
Muskecoo for ttroiment. U repoHed
Mrs. Alonzo Green Is very III.
Hie younc folks of Mayfield enjoyed
last week.
-Incks have Iteen seen inlcrstlRR souih.Mr. and Mrs. -tobn Doan and dauchsomewhat betler. '
Carl HanaSn was at JTillIp HoniBATES 8CHOOU
A very pleasant eveninic at tbe borne ter Nina Aeni to North Milton to
Cbaa. Ubat of l»'eiford Haitod at
ward. David. Couix.ade sueceedcsl In
. Miss Norma Tui||balL Tearter.
of Mr. and Mrs. U. 8. Gibbs Satnrday visit tbelr Mends. Mr. and Mr*.
Thomas GhMing’s Soaday. .
shooiltiR a wil.l duck Thursday.
Helen Michel Sunday.
MU* Mary Yack vlsiled Mis* Acncs
eveninc. Tbe Hallowe'en decontlon* Geerce Ku*»etl. ftatnrday. reiurplns
MUs Florenra- AUea Mas retnnied to
'Miss .Mamie Ykek vislii*] Miss ArHomrich Sunday.
Olive Broderick waa absent from
were carried out very tastefnly.
school near Kingsley.
school two day* last wert on account
.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrand. wont to
W. F. Jackaon and wife vUllel
Perry Ransom and Mlaa Ethol 8eSeveral neiabbars ntihcfred at the
School Nnta*.
Mends In Mayfield last week.
home of .Mrs. T WeUr last Thursday
I'nion. Nov.
{.ebnard Cook of eor of Traverse CUy wero quleUy aar
Those In the intemcdiate room w ho
Mn. Peter Bnyder went to KinRsley
-k of Detroit U a ^esi of
10 help lier'sew ean>et rac*. A ter.c
Cadillac apeni Sunday (Viib bis aunt. ried Alonday aRonwon. They are
urdy for the -Saturday.
his brother, M'm.
Wm. Alack.
to in- nhool nin . Urn .n*.
^iai tlnii- v>«s eiitoyed by all
Mrs. R. C. BHdRemaiC' and Rran.1- ■pending their boa«ynooa at tioag
Flora Gee.
Blrnev Wan went to Grown hYidsy
.Mr*. John ljis*i vUiied .ni ihc home
nwiber. Ain. Elizabeth Alcook.
-Marjorie Dsw, Doisnie .Munro^and
Bessie rorlvell. Teacher
Mn. Thomas Peppier spent Sunday Dsryl Anderson.
Mrs. M. J. Robertson of Weitard is
of viai Endre* Sunday
H. Peck, becompanied by hit
at tte home of her parents'.
Mis* Alma Weller vi*ii.*| Mi**
•laushler. Nellie, and son. Will., left vuitlng her daughter. Mn. Chaa.
Filth .made Roodnphy rla** be* Ju*t
absent nor tardy during this tram. She '.
Tba Aid society will be held at the Qnlthcd the fiudv at Eiirope. They
Thrn-sa Bower Sunday
Tuesday for .N'ew Yort. where they Drake, this wert.
home of Mn. Pnnk Sayers. Tbnra- wilt rake up the ktudy of Asia next.
MUx .Anns Zenner rolU-i ui ihe also holds the record for last year.
111 visit for several weeks.
Frank Clar hand family of Tscoret.l
dty afternoon.
Elizabeth E. Brans, Teacher.
Peter Wi-ber Sunday.
Clifton .Newell has Rone to Traverse
Krcle Gee and Cllfrord Wheaton of
Wash, are visUing at lue home o' hi
Tbe followlnc punUs were neither the prliriary room have been neither
(Continued on page fonr.l
City on Jury,
Walton. Nov 3—Floy.l WlltUms ol /Mrs, Martha Smnrkhal vUUed uf
mi.-Ie. John flark.
absent nor tardy dnrtoc the month of absent nor tardy this year.
Chaa Udfn of Kalkaska was a nilGrand Rapid* I* viidtlBR hts ivarenis, the homo of Frank Smurkhal Sunday
October: MUdrod James. Doris .jamea.
Miss Florence Weber was a calh r
r. and Mrs. 1. William*
Kotfert Tyndl was absent three
Edttb HoUldnr. Kenetb Manicold. dav* last week with lOotbarbe
Mr., Jim SU.1.. .pen, S.nd.r ..
Ruth Forwyih rolled on Iriends at at the George MVbcr home Sunday.
Fern HanlcoM. Rntb Tabberer. Peroe
A lAHv was held. at ....
the home
......... ...
the home of G. C. Hager.
n FViiay
The third Rrade number cist*
Tabbersr. Fern Jotlek. Velma Jcsiek. jiilt UiiGhed thi- study of the mult:
Samlay' J’raPOrSa OtU A. F. Pt tfO. i. There was a Hallowe'en party at the
Mrs. ft. Judkins was out ofinun the' Mr. and Mrs. Will' Reamer
Harold Gray, Ada Ony and Ellen l>liroilon uMes.
< venim: fm tiu-ir daiqrhier Eleanor
-----ihome of Mr. and Mrs Ben Strahan .
iatlcr |Ait of last week.
.Mrs. Silss Milks haa been vUitine an-l son Theodore.
Traverse CUy , R. F. H No l. Nov « Friday night.
I^aion v«a» pica*-' Mrs. l.csur an4 *on. Harry, left |67« CMOBlttB COs.
Qj the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Thrall • .Mr PoweJ* ol Traverae^Cliy spent 3.—Mij.* Genevieve
e I^alon
Ellen E. .Msdison. Teacher.
BUnebe Wrlcbt. Teaeber.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bowman nf KinKHlry Baiurdny and Sunday at the home of laatly surprised
1 Sunday
were dt Walton Tburaday.
•Will 8hoi«Hl wa*^ tbe Kuen «f hi*
broih'-r, Rev. C. 8hei>ai>1. the flr*t of
thf. week.
L Not. a.—Tom Pray U
Hi|gi Grade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rcllrk left
Yuba. Nov. 3.—School opeaed Oct.
27th. after a two weeka* potato va'Ca- PHdsr mornlnR for Southern MlchlI Ban. where Mi. Redlck has Itoen em
e ot ChM, HaoifDoi^ bon.
bnruM] ust Friday aorelnc at abont
A o'clock It w-a* almost a.complete staFiiiR u' the home of Mra. John Pul- company.
.Mr*. A. Snell r.-mmed from Cadil­
loes as but few artMes'ircre saved.
The l.adlew' AH of Ibe MetbodUl lac Monday
Bln. Bisven was iestlsd to Grond
Rapid* hy tbe oertous Olnsss jpt her church met at the home of Mrs. { Ray Hoop of Sunimll City is vUIttne
«U(er. Mrs. M Colllna
mother. She wQl remain there for n
I O. Raymond of Rockford. HI.. «a* at
few dnys.
made for makins a quill.
Tbe Gleanerw will |[lve tbelr harveat ; R’alion Tburwiay Iqoklnn after the In
Mrs. Orin Unsey. Mrs. Wallace Kin^ner and Mr*. J. IJnaey spent Tosoday ■upper at the ball. Frldayf .N'ov. llih teren of tbe Walton cranbern marsh.
proved itself to be adain from the start early Saturday
Solofnon Sniilli was ai Traverse
Smltb I.«wU and wife returned Oc­
with Mr*. Truman tioase.
momiBg Ladies*
John Hroii of Detroit Is rMUnc reh tober 'Jdih from a week's trip to (he City on basinesa, FHday.
I-Vank Sumpiler. accomi>anled by
atives here.
A flar nade of paper rbr-in* and his sister. Miss RUIe. were at CadllWeston Worden
and dnnchtsr.
Bertie wrent to Cnnd Rapids one day other drawlaCB by ibe school received Uc laat Saturday.
Hoy Bnell w-ai at CadllUr the find
last week to attend the fnnecnl of n favorable mefiUen at the Elk Rapids
of the week.
Jaraea Smith and twin*. Ear] -diH
Mn. Jiilu Wilson want lo Blk Pai*
Tbs only siator of Mrt. L'lwal Cox
arrlTod here from Canada to spend a ids FHday for a few days' visii wiib Clinton, are out of town ihU week.
tew days with Mrs. Cok.
IT MB. J. r. WUton.
Frtnees R. Pierce. Teacher. .
Mfa. Ernest Cornell ..
GrCad Rapid* are here for a few
Alma Brelibaupt. TeacbW.
McrceriM Sklrlis
weeks' vUH at tbe borne of Wmter
Special $iM
uc Sontbbird and dausbier. Marm lahata aafi (Ihfldm.
paiTL >«ft FHday for a few days’ visit
y ^Bgainlni
-OooTtnde.Oorterlkr*^'ov- l —The tc- In SuKODB Bay.
cntlen at the Coortsde aebool has
Robert Gordon of Gbirogo was here
boon sxtsDdsd ter another wart.
FHdav and Baiiirdar on tmaloee.
Many farmen have finished dlcclnc
■tunx o<
tbelr poutoe*.
Edith Pajson. Teneber.

iOngsItji K.f.P.Jfo.i



giadoa X>iattict


apples* wtodtaUa Me.


Xhe Barney Co.

Ibe Best Remembered Sale

Sweaters ‘
1090 to 50%

of the annual sale events is wbht our annual

November Sale

Salts, Coats, Dresses, Furs
and Fnmlslilngs
at 20 to 50 per cent ofi

right In mid-s«ason is a selling attraction hard to resist
when tneked by the high dess of goods displayed.

Cetriadtl Conan



lUpogh Ok Mimth of Novtmber

&is lively ha^alniag will continue; end as - lest as pos­
sible we shaii replete the special coat offeriofts with
many late
styles just piuebased.

Maw asSbitinents
BolMny Ncefewca
Belts. Ghnrea.
Black and Navy.



Extra Special

S2*5» and $3*50



) TBAmu imAi.n um

tsavssu bat xaoix. teobbdat, novembist, i»u.

vnUUnubiirg. apnt .tha week end
Thc Ruunl of Mra Aifelter. w^ eager drove to PUe Lake. Satitfdar.
fSoorge. who w« tlilft*«B yearn old.
JohD Lijcn, Joi' Nelaos. AU»pri i^r-. w-IlU her brother. Archie Stuan
pasaed away Tassday night after
There was a party at ^e home son. Oamr4*uodprn An<! CnrI Abtaunm
Howard AndcraoD has reored Into short IHne**. was held at the home. John Perball Saturday evening, i Beside hla boy friuda. hla teacher.
violitsl at An<lrp« OarotV* Suodav Mr*. Van Horn’s bonae.
Rev. u L. Steadman conducting the honor of James Eager, who intends tf> Mi«e Voice, waa iB'-tted
Mrs Dn-ld Borough was called to
miged quarut gang leave soon for camp at Hkrlan.
D. B. Crandall trianaaicied bnalnm services,
MIm pporl Wpllo Tl»itpd Mil* Rprb(
Slsple City Friday eventug to welcome
"Neafw My God. to Hye^- “I Know
In Traveme City Wednesday.
a little grandaoiue at the tome of, Mr.'
ilncreU Sunday.
My H«*«ealy- Faihap enowa"
Mr. and Mrs. Erre Touman* who

.'Irs. i,on Day.,
liPv. and Mr>. lidstpU and aon «erp
'Rpek of .Ages." The
hav* been Urlni; at Kersione.
1 TTavprap fliy Thuraday.
M. f- Cate expeeia to start for CornI ciioaeu • from among the old trien-ls
.John. Iiu( hail rptnrned bomp la«i moving hack.
south .Milton. .Nov. (.-Mrs. Win stock Thursday, whem he win sia-nd
aud nelgbbom of the family. The
«lnpp April h.- baa bpon
Mlaa IVarl Reynolds simnt Bundav nmlnB were Interred in the new Cc
Farks went toTraveme ffty yester­ the winter with hi» daughter. Mra* Mil­
ler. and familr
^ aecoBiUp batiUHililp Mliaoiirl.
with kllBB Mary Crandall.
eiery The floral otrerti«a wm many day. railed there by the lUams
MiM. Iluth S<-»tx‘t-R spent Sunday
Mm Vida Toiler of Traverse Chy. any beifaiUuk .Mra. Affolter waa one ber daughter-in law. Mm.-Glen Parka. pany him .
urternoon ulib her >l,«tpr. >lr*.- tins. U rlalttac her parenU. Mr. and Mm. of the otrty resident* and stm greatly
Mr. and Mm. John Attubuchler woMre. George Hlckln ti Mring for her
. ^
U. Sanders.
lovtfl by all who knew her. She paa lliUe g^ndcblldren from Central Lake tmaiited their reUlive* Bandar In
Tlip MIsbp* Rtlipl and lloHr <Sro>
Mesdanes liolhrook; Rater
member ot the M E. church aatl, wbUe their mother. Mm. Will Hlcklnt honor of their motberV birthday. Thla
has lh»D tbe custom of tbe family for
ipein Smirtiiv »Hh ihplr hUipr. Mre Jones and Misses Msry and Mar*aret until a few y.aira ago. when
t the Buitefwonh .hospital
some tUue. Mr*. Amtsbuihler was 76
Pmuk Warri'D.
McIntosh and Ml»s Itrook attended bt-aith l-t-tame iiDHaired/was very art- rand Rapid* taking -treatment.
years aid.
tYyBta). Ipuipip and Hubm>]I J>huI. ibo piay -The Uabi Biemaf at
In all church dntles. The d*«t«**l
Hollis HoUer has the banner crop
While In Boion ou Friday Rev.'A A.
puu-rwl firliool tuilay.
sielnbrrg's Grand. Wednmday olcbt. leave* an aged husband, two
of poutom in South Milton. He ha*
WaU called at th. Clear Hrook
Mrs. Prank llu<lian. abo \»u hpen:
Randall met »Ub a serious JYvd of Deirwii. and Harry, and one harvewied over 3.w» bushel* '
ni for ihp nan fea ><-ppitR.»in
and gate the children a good talk.
aeddent 'aIiHp at work havlnc
tUuglttcr. Xlr# James Kltnmerly of
D>1 Fox, road eommiaaioner.
ervativ HHOv.TPd
I Ms i.UuV.
his knee with an ate.
Btaned a force of men to work on the
r. Jahio \V1ddiR and dauchiPi^
klxib, llnrr and Mi«a tYlsp. learhem
Tbe cblcks-n pie i
Lake Shore road.
Tra\pr»p City ca1li-rv SalarUay
Invrlocluui. waUieit over
talniiient given by tbe Utiles' Aid and
Miss Gladys and Mias Htanche War­
H flMirHp.Carn>H>aU.>.l al kVod Orawn and called on Mrs. Holbrook Bl.wonh iMgue of the M. E. church
Osborn, .Nov. tt-Mr» gauie Muff
ner attended the fimt number of -th^
liarland B Thumluy i-Beoini:.
Oil Mra. Otace Huff of l.ake Junction
Saturdav .tenlng sra* well patronId Miss Urouh.
ibeture voome at Alden laat Thursday
«Vrll-^^ay^^ttp B.ns n iiAitbr
Were callers at the new wore at FbrMr and Mm A M. J.m.. nud Ur. tied
II M-hool Monday aUemoon. '
mnt's Comers Wednesday.
Id Mm. Clark att>>ad(d the play -AV.., li is i-rogrtosing rapidly on the
Hlrharrt..y*fBrrpn b««aiu>‘ a iupdiIh' ■•llroWKier’s Millions ' at StPlnberc* new O K name bouse on Sixth rtre«.
Prank Hunter of Honor waa tn our
o( th«- I. <>. <: T.'* Saturday pvpdIoc. CraodA Monday nlcbl
neighborDood Saturday huviag buck­
'liH* JeAnncJi* PUnk anived Satur­
Th'p I O. ti. T.'ji niXBliiifd a liojh'
day evening and will attend school
Mrs. O. A. John
l<aBkptl>a1l toaui tan Smurday pti-ninc. few (rieoda al a
IVillidttsimrg.; Nov.
Harry Cook seems to be the .h-m.
here during* the w inter.
five o’clock
Tb« nfflrprn <hdarr an- an rollo»i>
Mr. and .'Irs. R. E. Campbell;
beli; Mr. Raton ba* bad a new rnmace lut-Uled pion duck hunter, at he got seven in
Aaa I'Driih. manajtpr and poaoh: (CilJ
•. -R. an In falH house. I. J. 8<*aler of the Mar- •TO shcia Friday.
Mason Of File Lake, luu rented and Mr>. 8. VV. I'orier.
\ptaoii. .imi'lif. Saniupl KHIy. m•hall
Gilbert and EMen Reynolda
Uie tilackamith shop of H. Anthony
of M'est Kaaeoa were Empire caller*
and baa moved hi* family luio the Trave;i-.- City Satordav.
•Mlk-H ilattlr Monroe I- very iU>Wiib , Mm. R. S- Clow was tilled toGaaad -Raturtov
poomfi r.vpT the shop
H.vrold Melntuab traitFu-tcd bust- m ;tendlrlila a> the home of her atoter. Rapid* by the death ot fcgr eo-jsin.
Alr>.-C A Uauiiiberger.
Wjft Worden. Mr. Ciow Joined her
ne-» lu Tmvemp Cli) Friday. '
Mr and .'ira J. ITank and daughter Saturday and they ap«m SuDday
A. Clai* was calltwl to Har
•lemeJ a r
the home of Mr Clow, brother
lABg Ijdi* Diatrict .No. 4. Nov. ibur SpringK rviday by the 1\loess of
I \V..<fne*d
•Trdaan War*# sod family spent BuaLts Untiher's site and retumrt Sat­ iBlan-l Wt-dneedav atu-moon. During Uraad lUpid*
be storm ih.-lr euglua Was disable.
An entirely new cabinet waw elected • IV at John Rlebi's.
Nn\ 1.—Rp|iort 0» the craui- urday
Blowing n;.-m to -JHfl for ' *.-vecal
-laare at Nelw>a PeppWr’s tasi
for thp month <-ud1nc
WedJohnson returned Saturday
N'libiln-r of impIlA '■orolbsl,' frobi an extended business (rip to Al- hour- Tlw-y 't-actaed Oharb-uoix at ? ni-sday;. Mm j H Notewarc, preeb FiiOay night was well attended and
Esact Copy ©I Vtfimppa.
TImmduy. .Mr. and .Mm,. John d.-ot; Mra. Damon Seeley; treaaurer: •very body had a &ae time.
’liunlM'r 6f da>k laui^u;
total; iexiiD and other soutlim point*.
Mias .Net! Hartman gave a Hallow­
iiunilier of
Jtr. Gulletnan left for Rapid Vlty Plank wilt spend the winter on tbelr and Mm. W. J. Ayen>.-eetrourv
farm at li.iitab.
j j.coo i-aUU-cber . of Elk Rapid* e'en pa«y to a number of her friends
U.allv aiiendamp. li:.
Monday. where be has Ac't.'iHed a
■«*i Fri lay night
Mr and Mr*, l-ewellyn Vnnaaiter spent Sunday with friend* here
Ttip luiipll mlsaini: the «<jrd! -iUon a* ti.kct akri.i. -He will
have relumed to tbelr borne after
tor .Ihp raomli "aH Ploy.l Cfouch. hp followed by bla fangiy later.
Elmer Kennedy is expected home!
w-eeli* vlfi; with tbelr lakn-ntA .Mr this week from g three .vexri' absence
bai-inc Riiim-d only
Joliu I’aiui.-un iiti.l Wi.n.-r
•-Mr..-. .A. H. Jones ri-uirned hone
The jiujdU m-iihrr abmii mirHai J.'', Thurvilay. after »i«eadlng a few daya and Mrs. J. VaiinaUer.
in the army, irom which be la
wot.'-Trj^pryr I'Mv xi.Jior^
Fred K tlakcv, a professiooaJ ty honorably discharged. He hav been
(Contlnu<d frcai Page Thtor.>
With ber biother at Boon.
ci-um hH iot'-r. will ghe g lecture oa tutloned at El 'Fano. Texas, for the
n«}d Cloigib. Mynip S.awy«y. J^nDa'kl Stump of Trart-ivp City,
'Fr«wt Ktiicht m.7do a huRiD‘'ss irip
•Tlin Luckv Number" at the
' Sawyer, fa'pick Savyer. la-o Artii,',
*»U.laat two years
islilng hi* grandpi.rcDln. Mr and- on Friday eveniog. Nov. 7.
On* tboDxand coptec «f tba Hooao .
«o Trau rk.'i ilj «u>.- .Ib« IbkI Wwk. '
Wilda Itatey. lodia luiiuiuii. Kt<d'n Ml '. R-ynulds.
I Mrs. Hobl. Harllett la MtertAlBiDg Kc*p*m' Apple Book, wiilch ooqtatoa
WiIlN Klio.’,*r. )5r. «bk in Travi-A.rahiM-r and UIUp Rrutniii
. TU. irui,
The Motlient' Huh mei
11.7 health giving apple mcelpU, each
Travert.0 Piiv. i: P n, N« ■.. Nov, * *'l:r TuoMia>.
Mia* Ihjroihy Vanrn-s‘mprts)in'.1
*■ lifiol hoDw- isBi. Thumday and the
tested !iv an expert .i-i doable cooAn Ai!an:i> ourrhaM'd iBo' flop hoc*tK. Y. Undermac bai^Jiadbn Oxaplii
numbprof lu-r Irlvods *itb a blrt!i<la>
ni.vln tniib cliscuwiud waa ' Sanlia
acpiylpRp lUhtinK ►'»tpiii, «iih i-lchi from it. 1' lli-om-it or Hcadoe.
amay. have twen aeourod by. iho
l•aI13 .'Ion-lay cvpiunc
Kjiieht i« 1'K‘tloc «
lion. - slier a lew replftfsion*
Utebta. InAtailpd in IiIr hnnw.
Traveme City ^tate baaV, to be given
The, iinx'ppd* froii’ the ho» sorlai
-on.;* t |Kii>er on "Ch-anilnc**"
lVtPr'Johni*n dot l.r.-n hunilps «.f' in ‘‘N h
a«*.v In connection with- the Craad#.
Friday i.Ubt upre
iwtaio-* ffotn livp and oiiphsTU :ir:p- ^ '<1 AJahii* and »ifp \i»ltPd
M Mr*. Harry Hawd.
fraverse apple .how now on. Every
X, Jnhnwm' ■•iilert^iapd
Traverse woman who vlalta the

*i\ Oi-lork dinni-r
Pour flock- or wild o psr »prp n-pn ! l-^aap Stamon and ramlly aiwii Sun- ^u^^.
•Venlltatlon ' by Mr# ('.
•how M Saturday will rocelre a copy
Tb.-ww.-r<- loUowi-d iiy
an article
.flyiny; niuthuanl ■ this ■ ipinlM (>.’
>f-this - valuable publtoaUon. This
ilimk RiumJc- 'i»iii-d.
•bow began Wednesday « tbe praMt
riarpr>p«* Ijimian 'UHo.: th-- cramiiixr along the same lim* r«-ad by Mrs.
Aacttk Ponon and MIm Jo.^iMr.p WUtia Rho-lPx. Suuda.r
Ho|bi,.>ok and a geberal (ll#cu
week and win contlaae Into next
The ladl-s and famlllvw and friends
.T,om TuMdayKratorbyH aw Yallptn ai tbp borne •J JUnicer «ud u ife otWhitp. Cloud
week. The apple* are displayed In
He Congregational church are
.'Ir. nnd .Mm Jobos and Or. and (red. The bevt m-eliag will be held
'flil-pd S. H, Vaniierhoo? ablle enof P- Kratoi-hv^l Sunday afii.mooe.
la'lied to aiii-nd a rot-luck au.iia-r
the-lobby of the fmveiwe City State
. .'Ira. Clai^ afieu-lvd, the play.
Mr. and Mm n. llrrMnau ' and robtp from Pniplrp to bU home
- - nr.- cnrdlilly lavlied to attend
the ch-»rch pariom on ThursdS' e'enbank sad can Im- seen without adinteIsirr* MiUions.'■ »i Tia'piNp Cdj MoortauRhUT-. nub>% of Tiavemp r'jfy. %l»*l
1 Mrs CaniiToii »rp risliju;
-Mie- Frances tVlHUmf- U enyoylng.
asked lo bring
"‘■*<1 kP slon charge during banktsg beam. aHo
ItPd JInrrv Wltko;< and lainilv Sun
. Mts Puller

Saturday evening, when the bank will
Youker and bmiber 1.0*\ Mr a-el Vm CbarUs VlckoJ-hU are
■ .

be opeoed to the general pnbllc and
Up were 'ialiors In ^br crammar
f!.e ic.vj I tiareiuta ot q IhJ},
Jamm Uaian or.‘Cran^
Ida t jvnfl.-ld !- etijovlng
Cfai-'-t.o Tor distribution among the
a rece^ion teadered. Womoa unable
jrwtn \V><dnPMiay.
Mr. ;ioi
vUuiuic iriettito and rpla'lies rn this
<ay'* 'acatlan wit:, ber parent.- heed.r
Ini.r-J 1.,1^' vvr^
aIbIu-jI , irtoart.A
to get to- the show Saturday during
loc!!.-:, Iia» ja-eu -craded loi^ a mile
miie and
ni.o :
here and sold eighty acree of land bankigg
Mu.«Beib lira-ken of Traveree City.
ijcgvd to be oa
Ulu BpHha Secor kih-ui ibp ap<ik- a half and i.. olniom. r.ody tor i:,p
to Wilbur Bam. it .Uee acroaa from hand ewrly la U!?‘««p^ng. that they
vIsHIng the Misfcps Fruo--«<ittene Bay ieheol Notes.
' -. .
Piyl wHb her aisior. .Mrf. K Kiatoch- era'el.
Diilpi.SiHioBs 1U). Nov. S.-Miss Smith.
*•«>*«■" N*”'•nay not miaa one of the aouvenler
• i. Holbrook. TA^ii ti. r.
vli. In TrevejT- fitr. »
.'lr.< niiasy-'Uher and moUnir. Jitc.
friend#. I
several other x>oV&.
IS* tlarthc and Mlaa Rahle are atI***'
Kilts; Ilf \i :.ii..; railed-on rriands I«
MKs Kdna farriii is voekina for
Mm, Allle Van Horn was tailed
trirtltg the Slate Teachers' <o.iven
this nfigbhMhobJ Senday.
I The Maynard bean bulling outfit
Ohio tivday on account ol the M-rinu* <n
OBITUARY. sni! .aCn Joe are diCRins rh*.
OrU .Vpnb ba* rptunu-d'to Trai-Prm*:
nine*# ol her brothe;.
Dbrotby Dcu.ster and Nellie IJvIng““<* •^1‘Wototed the people
.Mm, Margaret Donaer. a tdoooer of
City lUch school alter ap-mnne a fe*' read Altpb throiiffh ib* Aunmp ni-at or
The box MKial Friday c'enlng •ton had perfect a|>eniag le-aoKs rv"rlhli^prfcjod sonlh of her*
Leelanau county, passed away at
daya wjib hiA iuirpBiR. 'Ir and Mrs IntiTior.hvn'.
Olea Haven. Ort.
W O. Holden given by the Gmwn schtwl waa
<1a> during the month of OctnN-r
experted on a cwnaln date Port Oneida. October 37. 1»13. at Ibe
A. North.
Urrio Manrp. who ia takinifniPdb;i; or-Tra'prxp rUy. epeni a few day* of nanrial sucres*. »;;.u hi-lng ri.-ar.-d l b.-> were awarded a half itov'* vace- *® hulM-eanr but went ia another dlage of aevenU'-twe.
-------------... ^
Mime Poirafka t-niere-i u|«n ihp tiPainieni a* Rod.bpxter. Minn, lv-tr,i last
week----at .s.
the home-of
D. ..
11 ....
The mde of good ruada which is be- tioi^
Margaret Hilton was bora in Colon.
bookkeejdnc fourae at the Npodham piovtnc.
JaM].er Uarrlcer of U'hito Cloud, ing. built one mile lo.ith ot Grawn. U
Kobu had an atuck
Tbe pupil# of the Htth grade are
;'anada. April 24. IMS. .Vt tbe age of
Duainpya' rollcce. Nay. r.
Rav Uawen «.» werklns •
Pr.-Ml visited Ills brother Oscar lakt week.
ia very poor condltioa for travel. making relTef map* of ^.'onh Ameri- P*'**?*'* **ut !• ai<to to nttenf
ieve«ec« she was married to Thomas
Aanouneimcnt has liepn tuade
MIbi> Irene.iUriKcy waa a Rest {of Those wl-hlti*: io avoid thI# ravd
I- altWigh not
and 'morod to Leriaaaii
GREEN JJ^Kii^SCHfM>lihp Btarciup ot Silas Efhpl Secor. for
bf-r wint. Mis M. I-Yrrant on Sunday. woiild Mo well to lake the road two
Chapel was held in
aosemhly well.
county to the early 'tfO's. Two ebU .
'iiamrei AnJi'rMin. tWchPr,
niprt.c of this pUff. id P, H. Ransom.
k>u« Elizabeth Rcdtna of Hillrriiat mile* ca*t by the town hall .
«ci Thun-day,
dree were bora to thorn. Mm. Nellie
Orchards. Yhnpire. 1* tQieodlng
Mr. Watkins was abseni Wednes­
Lndwhr. who has been dead a number
Aiwa Ru»h. Tpaebrr
day.-, with the Misses Da>.
day. Thursday and ^May because of
of yrom. and Andrew Brodlgan who
The saw mill Hosed down
llloe** He has a severe rase of tonti
Kas»on. .No'. 3.—Mr*. Jerse Roai died to Jnly i»ix Mr. Brodlgan pass­
week ana the crew of mm at
Ufonroi C«a$r
i-i hab> of I'raverse City have beet ed away when the cblMrea wee*- w«T
.\n i.ic.
Arthur Mr- 'rlo.'>'d in the lumber yard and
il-ort. >
The pupil* Of ibe-hlgh school are vUltiy'Mr. and .Mr*. R H. .Meeter young.
-Monroe Cwier. Nov.,4.—jitUs Hazel Manus and daugh’cf Maryoiie were in Day's farm.
the week

in .ManiOn with hi. putting forth their best effort* in or- and AnIJv the |uut week.
At the age of twenty-eight she waa

I Raytinond Parrant. of nurditk'Alle. sun. Cbaw. Kaaoom and fainily.
.Monroe wa.s a Traverse H’V calic ■PfavtH^ n.. Tlmrvday.
mako this year's lecture course ' Mm. DSn .Nephew and little grand Baniad to'Thomas Kalderbouaa ol
.'tisc f'l-Hl idifayetip M-ited her '
to bin home last Monday
H. Z. Ryan attended the grand leds*
success. The limt number will be daughter. Gladys-aho were In Detroli. Port Oaelda. Five efiudren wore bora
;i. l>owd and wifK of Grawit cailfsl cou-in. ,Mlv-i Maa^l luitay/’tTc. Frida} “f’*'.'' vlMtlnu his irrandraMher at thi
■ I O O. F. Bt-KaUmazoo.
, . held Saturday. Nax'mber k
i-lUng Mr*. Nephew s daughter. .Mm to tbem. who are all llrlng at the pTaaon Mm. Chaf>M Sunday
.Mrs. Archie liueban
at vir* .Sleeplns R<'jr hotel.
R. A. CamiHiell of IVtoskey and son
Ransom Cook, returned home Tburs
excepi Mrs. C E. BbepiaH.
Mr». Wine of Sauinaw viaited Jirj Fre.1 Garlan.l’B I^ldav.
j Poi*t Siormer of Norib Menltmi, loiu Campbell, of IVlIsion. 'toned H
Who diod Kovembet 1»1L Mr. KelRaker last week.
-Mles Enina tVarrea mpui id Trav If-aseea tbro'iBh town on bU way to E Cani|itM-ll an.l fainily last week
Adam Tjger was through this vf- derbouxe died January 22. ikKL
on Kriday.
Joe Raker and Miaa CeorgU Raker ,eme riiy Thursday |o aii«-nd the.Kmpire
Albert Anderaon relumed home
ciolty lait seel
After s number of yearn Mra Kel»i...
of Traverae City viidted at the Hiker, ^lilvs i^dse.
Ir. and .Mrs.
Orv*] Thompson i
Hritner. Ni.v. l.-^Ilercha' Helm wa#
o. Kee'er waa Ihrongh ibD Hcinlty derbotue waa married to George DooMonday from Traverwe City with
homo Saturday and Sondar Bomto«r and Mrs. Fred Garland.'isiipsu of their daughter. Mra. W. IV liuii'k automobile.
In Tiaverse Clliy Saturday doing some Uuu wfrk buying cattle.
oer. a soldier of tbe civil war. In IMg
The Ladles' Aid wUi meet at the W.vtneyd4y, Oei. C.V a
I.a V
Norman Tbt^# ha# purchased the •boj-nJng
I 'Davld Peck called on Chaa. WU on they purchaaed a borne at 309 North
Itdlex' hail Friday ariemooc.
Harvey Rlcc to planning on building buslneas Tfinrsday.
and MrK, Fred Reeman.
Bert Tboua* farm near the Indian
Elmwopd avenue. Tmveme City. Mm.
Mm. H. E, Cowles and Mis* Rosa
iiarids Olsoc'f Sunday.
Geo. ZloKlw ana'Jgmw Dc«
bouse oo hi# farm south q^Beliner
.viis. Jessie Pollock parchaaed
Doaoer*. health was failing for the
Penrod ^ acalD on the sick Hat
:i t \orab Warr.-n apehi i^Btiirday 'lied «U tbo home of ('has. riewman
Charley Sandem was at Tmveme *|<an of mnlea at Geo. Nephew's sale
John Knots ha# p^chgsed the old
years, and to M^v W18 they
Grace^aln* vUited at the Hartt and -•vuiida' with her grandmother, last Sunday.
j Oren Nephew baa been working for
school bouse addition and will tear li City caUer Saturday .
their home in Traverse CUy and
’ Mr». Hpt)e<caf\Virr.-n. of MaplHoa.
Mm; M. A. Voice and Mine Carrie down and use the material tor build­
Mr. and Mrs. MlilU vlHted the Otto Poilork digging potatoes tbe past
o the (arm boma, Uvtag
Mm. Mary Krunlm of Grawn apent
Albert fjfirfin u working for,X)»carJUenneu spt^ni Saturday at oles Kay. ings on hU farm.
Rlfo Sunday B.-hool'Sunday.
KeMeraoaae. Mr*. Doe- PViday and Baiurday with Mck. CbapNorton Rohr of Empire, was
Mr. and Mm. Thomas attended a
Grading the Bight road waa flntsbed
Ceo. M'lUoboe of Cedar Rnn vlaited
ner's aoa.

Mr. and Mr*. Stepbes Carroll and'town on Sunday.
last week Jt ti'now ready lor'the mcMing at tbe Rice cbnrch Son^y.
tto Clam J. William.' and John
was a dtroted wtf* sad
Mm. Mary Muroe waa In Traveme rhlWn« were in Trarerse City fYlday.} D. H. Day made a bualnetn trip
gravel ghat will be imt on during the
Rice w y* mot mg Monday to Bright *, last Friday.
mother, and bHovsd by gU .who knew
n.y Prlfay.

Henry MeManuK ba* relumed from ivuoit U*i week.
Traverse City.
bar. She was a moaber « tho Pr«sMaster Morgan McOermott of Tr»r- Hurr«-.,Moiiuioa. and is now vi-iiing
.Mias Nora l,eaUe. who has been
The barge Sawyer took a' cargo of
Bailey has been vlalUng ber
erae City vlMtedYtla mndr«i«nu Sai- liiii- brother, .\llre-l MeMaims.
bnerian church, and BaadAsmafateat '
upending the Mat .'ear in Cle'eland. niyter. Mrs McCary.
lumber on Monday.
tirday and Sunday
Chriatton me, Tbeea .*ma sorrira
.Rlehui-d Warren *)>pnt Sunday w ith
Crto, Carter and wife and Will r'-iurned-Wednaada)' to vt*lt her slaThere will be a meeting
Cedar. R. F. O, No. t Nov, 5.—C her are ber hnabaad; oM'danghter.
C. Copelaml and wife we» Traverse^ Harry Miller of Travetke ritj
r. Mrs. K. E CamphelL
I^nc. wife and baby Mt Ian we<d(
school hemae^Sunday evening W. Loeffler spent laat week la Grand
Mm. Margaret Browse* of <ktn Onei­
City callers Tiaadar.
'‘.•llllani Rurfcan and daughi.r for North Manitou wh<
Mi>. A. to t-Veelabcl will leave In
they -will
7:30 p-mRapids a* Juror la the federal court* da; three aoaa. Thoms* A. Kolder-,.
• Mra Alice Dunham and Mm. John
»'’cnfled thiiteh .at Mapleion remain this winter
the tnornlng for Chanuu-. Texas.
Mr. Wmree is buying eider apples.
Mm. 2ote Cunaittgbaia was taken
F«n of Nrasen Cliy art vUIrtne fhrir Sttnday.
house mad William J. Krtdarbo^ oC
K Baumbevger an-l -Allen Horfrom her home to her brother's. Will
pareniH. Mr. and Mrs. lUII
Mr. atid Mrii. ,-Alben Conrta^ of
Oneida, and Geor^ R Keldef-.
denux arejn the upiier peninsula look
Bright to KaoaoB. wb^ she under
Kail B.1V Mrlipd at the borne Qf Mm.
beuM of CharievoU Utb savlag autog after ibeir seed bualne*#.
went u 'operation for
IV. H. Buchan Sunday
Sarah E. Sioddanl. Teacher.'
th»: two Bister* Mr* Marr McIntyre,
Among those who visited Traveme
week ago She U now Imptoring.
Frederick Erimon of Traverse City
Arbor, aad Mr*-Jaaelte Helm
City Saturday »cce Mr. and Mrs. J.
-'*®rih Pamdlae. Nov.
Esther White of Tmveme City
ftrawn. oei. s<i.—Mr*. D. Ws•pent Saturday, with hi* grandparents.
I, Shelp and aon Grorge. Jtrs B. l*ut- !<••■»»«* retanied from Traverae
rrse dty: one brother, Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic* Ericcaon
,«Ws ppeol a few daya In Travenw man and daughter. Mm. Earl
HUtoaof BurdlckTUle, and tweatf.
The Ml*«» Ethel and Mabrlna ':'**'
xtatttng'for a few daya
__ -.u,* three gTaadchndre*.
■ Mr*. Utxle M'amer of Clev
Diatiiond Park. Nor. 4 —Mra.-svyui. ixoa vUlied at the home of their
A. Bayern went to fmverae City lam ',u^
vUltlng her sister. Mrs. R. E. CampTba'tuaeral eervleea were
iiory ^
HUodop. Sr, U or the ak« llatA
Mlaa Bfhel Hackman drove over
-+t^rotber. Arthur l-yon. Sunday
Wedneadaj- to help hla brotber-to-Uw,
week, ts
the home. Sev. Hasklaa t^ciattor
eh better today.
Hike IVkareh is HI.
.Mrs. Archie Hueban vialiedSu Mrs from KtoRwley to attend the box so
‘, Mm. Dtdteminn and Warren spent aad tbe muaie was farwtabed by the
Mm.'J. Bmdicy left M'edneaday for John Cady with his (all work.
Gladys Thomnson Is sniferifg atih PYank Buchan's Sunday. '
clsl Friday.
Mansfleld. O. for a visit with frien-!*.
AH,. MUk. vtoUml mlaUve. W w,.h .M« Clam M-UllamT^ om Arbor choir. Inlermtm was In '
a spvam UlnrsiV
lx-« Itomaby. school eommlaslone
Allred U'on was In Traverse Oily
IkRato and applo hauling is the
oujam week.
I wuuam M-laaianl«> has aoM hit Port Oaedda oamatery.
Samuel Vanderboof has been nor*viBlted ibe Grawn sehods Thurgjla
George JFneman made a
----der ot ibo day..There are eeveral buy*
and englae to Mike
_ ing a T«^- pah^ul felon for ttws
Mr. and Mr*. I>. R. Campbell «
trom and Ooear Snndeen
to the vUlage. thus making keen trip to Traveme Ctty'. Batnrday.
Traverse riiy. ware la town oa Sat­
-OB cauera Sunday.
Mm. John Pertiall was a TraTorw
Arthar McQneer has moved the
John MIkuUchky 1* Improving.
urday eaniDK on friend*.
Mr. and Mr*. John Wlnnetl
iCIty caller betweea tmlas last TI
of hla
Certte Cook, who ha* been very Hi Trartwae City are apanding
•nie famUy of H, WeldaohaiBer ban
Steve Seek, to Trnvarae C«y. where
at bar aister's, la able to he euc.
weeks oD tbe penlnsuU. . Mr. WlnneU moved tmo the bone adRdnlM the «- • •
I Them was a iwrty at Edwin rUrfc'a the tamlD
ID w«i
wUl Ute thto winttf^.
eatled at Traverae U woiklag tor Oscar Nairn. ' " Orag More.
Mm.J.y. Mathewa rtohadTrasorae Friday evnalag.
' •
j -Ablnh*k«^>*w»'~bdhy dinner «M-aetT«i-at ^|i
«las Mayme Ljon and nnela
M. B.
and daggbter of ,«ty Friday.
* Jplra ftorhaU nlM'^hMii Mtd'Wime-TergnanB■
*MV * —or d’

Tor Infant! and Children.

The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the

For Over
Ihirty Years

■etayJUu P Stria tfs.t




6IVE MUr G0«


SraHTU CHy R.^.

tto. 6

<!lm Jtafm




/f.rU paradlit


7' .


Htm Mysical DsfMts la AvtxMdir
Clew Soy Wan Urn


la WoBsa'sileBe Cl____________
la this life (hrr* is alstayt soas- Beaton Vorse in The New rreeSoa
bare Itmc t«r. Hotrerer ia- tar Little Children; ■aye
‘-1 know a beadtoac hoy who WM a
Vortsat th« issQ*
coatlnnsl me) to bU psrenta. Be
of ovr pmsnt oencTcr ran tbroach a room wltbont a^
cahsUoo. there
srniac soihwhlBi; be nerer ate or
are Tosflhmtles
drank wltboat splUinc Coed and drink
vhieb mar lithl
bvUhly over bla clolbea. He broke
Upoa u >d4 eohU toya He was always hsTlac mxIfneevaimiu^
iske wins* and
of course, for ble tlrrsoma ways.
sway. 'N
~Tbe condBoal cry. -Doat be ne
clumsy. John.’ «■«• bla the alckbw never been
name of 'Ciumay John.' John waa a
elUl loss aaentb
clever hoy inteUectnally. and It arrer
for any poestbUlto bla yoreoia that hU beadtiea to Ucht on
* I Ions waya were anytblac but a detect
him. He U oar of
.' of character, a aon ot cuasedDeM' of
I - John-a. wbfeh. if be wouM only uke
ly bney men that
remind yon oC a
Waterbary watob:
tbo wind asd
wind and when
. I thla by findlnc out that John conlda'i
they set wound,
J aklp a rope.
they nin and ran
and nnt they do
-What be needed
ft all oTcr asain.
Mr. Wurry has
They got bim a bicycle lo rU«. which
Uagbt him balance. He alao ktad teeaoDi In nodellng and carpentry, and
lltilr by UtUe John came out of bla
~Thla womaa, la homely waye.
aMrm dock. ao( tor elx, Mr. Hurry tdl piled a tbe« ’that a smi B^lib
- ' of bed. piunced lato hM etolbet. physical colturiat baa- sppUed for
ecaicbed bla breaktast, and bavins n overcondiK aeriona pbyal^ detecta In
half hour to kUI. be awakened the baty cbllilreo « bo are deOclcnt on neconnt
and frted to dr^ it. Be let It faU. of eevere lltncM. Every «bUd who
sad so Ute infant bad been badly Uirki dfdtneaa baa needed the tort
silled by tU mother, it bogan to cry. of trainins when they were tebiee
SO be cave it to Mrs. Hurry, and wo^ that Doctor Montcaaorl eiugesu.
ried the-doc untU be - - '
-r [«m— There are no careless chUdren: there
tog. As uaual. It waa not the rlgbi car. are only ehUdren who need muaenlar
He would- haee tom to the office, any- training. In the brat place the cfaUway. had not Mra .Hnrrj- happened to dren to a Moaieaaort school walk the
think ot aometblcg nt the last min- chalk line which gives them
Ote. as ebe always did. Invelgllhg blm i bsre seen small ' children amuse
Into a klM. ibe held onto hie eoUar themselvee.for himiw alsboraUng thle
■Bd •aid:
Bret walklag a chalk Uae
“Dear, I know how.gwfnlly la n haju
tgen walking It with n beery
ry 70B are, ud
Just haU to aak ob)eci faeld at right auglee. and Oe«iir
Ibe older children walking It with
"Drop It! -Slop ttr taapped Mr. glasses ot water held at arm's Itngth.'
Hurry. grabbing bla bah ~l'm hot to- '
-. ■ .
expect to make a apeeeh
butdier. baker or eandlMtlck i
th la side ot Chrtatiua. Jeraaatem! Do
yow tako me for n ^teat a*lf-adjuattog sutomobUe meesenger aorrleet Am
I your idea-of n worktog model of per-


n...,..... s;


CO the Upd of bis coat.


Tbo ™
gxa win ,b, M
wsan't qaiie tuiimrt ol lui nUbt bbd
gn- is eecaplDg.
"Turn it-off yonrselt." naarted
Flurry. “Do you take me ter a JslItor or a ebarwoman?

J.J „„„u, Wurtrf b«-

aggrugnie deposit ot
you bang on Uke a wood tick."
15 .»0.
He flung her off and dashed out
Fhrther 'research did
only lo tan over a nieile chair.
pltdied li.on-r the back fence. Dur- I*'**®**
ing chat peychologieal moment. Mr.

the back of hie band.


■'*- *>»h«tre bed. Plung­

•. each

r. Hurley ie now loeklag nhokt Cor
It wai norhieg
: «r». Doherty's helrv
creature that God
of hit own.
B tne Msmery,
Mr. Flurry bed aeon bssdrede of
w&epe before, and ns n cltaa-be caree
. ...
ooihlng for (hem. He ia not afnid ot •r^ecd the famoua m. Jowett of.Ox•h-rm. Indeed, be baa been heard to
*»• «»'bed It. bat he found
•sj t«U be would not benitatc to walk «-n»l»tlon. "At flfl.T-6ve you tnU to
lato a nw-tnn of them if be wanted ia
tblngo-words.' plaores.
Tbc waip crawled slowlv «p to bU b'««n»-»ner elx monlha' or a yetr'e
elbow, browwed nreund and crawled ‘ctcrtal. Y« the circle of objects
; V k. It did not walk ven- heavy.
st;i Mr. Flurry could beer and feci Ite
It. r-* dear back to hU teething tlmo.
kUt if cultivated There U
Mrs. Flurry came to tbo kllcbun «hr-greaien valm-in forBotten kaowldoor. She aaw him kneeling, with cue
' Inaiead of the «oree of mel-cnd in the grass and the other rigid
orpreraing you. with a little tn
la the sir. an nxpreanlon of prayerful
»«■« •!*
< o&'.emplatlon on hla' ctaaatened conn- keetaaary." And to Lady Wemym. renance, and ibe fell more kindly tofrom Illneaa. tie wrote; "Like
'■urd him and bapplnr than nhe bad

through and do not
b> «u since Ibe tiny before she «as retniwaber a word of iL I think, howmaiTled. 8b« went to him and kMsed *» er. tbit the^adlag of the book has
00 etrect. and If I read It again 1 un^ly owneat." aha mumrared. "I beg demand it better. I believe that as
f I r.o; to be norry nhoaf the naugbiy »• 'o*«
«>» memory we
■ i::ng- you have said lo ma I know *o*f Increase tbe power ot reminla>oa didn't mean them. Yon are my «“•-*I*, of recalling what wo
nviio-ij-. IVTir don't y-oa get up? Aro wan In small uuaoiltlea for a abort
.'<>-j going to kneel tbete and not speak, titoa.''
and Just get purple la tbe face until 1 i
• ----------- :--------------lorgivp }nu? You needn't. lbnveal-| _
Been SUived to Death.
41etj of eurrntion In Holland________
other betier. now. lYhat la the metier ; »'r, wbltber they had gone In search
wlrhyournrin? It It pnrnlynod? Let; of food. The vietlme were sol perme see. \Vhsi la that wasp dola^ up ' *oc*. however, but boM, ot which the
y.. :r sleeve? ViTiy don't you ibake It ^‘keepers of Westphalia usd the
Bblne dlstiicu take thousands «>
' Shaking before fW«g ta th* nataoroas tbe frontier every asm^1 order." he enswcirad. In a low ne^ to tbe great peel heath,' which to

most toDCblag aeoonat «f the
BoalUoa ot oomlas utMUe which
drewalBs ot her chUdm at Paris,
civea by Usdom Dancaa. the daMrr,
srbeae poetic
the pooBie of two cantiaeni
Two meatbe before the nnbappy
cMent. the bereaved woman was canUnuoatly haunted with viaions or
death. ConulUng her physician, she
assured that she was ' (uftertiiy
from oervea." When playlas la Boa
eta shortly aftorward. eo atron( waa
bar conviction, one night, that her
own death waa Imminent, that Ue left
a letter containing her ‘last words'
on her dnaalng table, befor* golag
onto the ntage. Again one nlgtat
the train she seemed u hear Chopla'e
Funerea March all night long. At the
same time ebe oeemed to aoe a vliloL


fully kiBsrtl
ebUdren through the glass. Contact
with tbe cold pane struck a chUl to
tbe mother's haart and a atrauge fore­
boding overcame her as ibe motor
whlzaed out of sight. A tew atouiea
later Ibe children were burled from
the ovcrtsnied car Into the Satoe.

Tracks ef Appla Magget.
It la white or ptoklab. baa dialtoct
feet and a dark brown haad. Tbe
afiple maggot or railroad worm ta
We hear dally ot man and women
much emaUer. U shaped Uke a maggot, who
"worktog themeelvea to
taae so feet and udUiloci bead, and gi^tb.'' But wofk la as surely the
makes tunnels bwe and there ibrougb tutaC of "■»- as worry to'hls dMdthe pulp-of tbe apt^e. Where Ueee umi foe. Untoea carktog eare''and
tnnnelt run eloee beaeatn tbe eklu sickening for^odxng are bleat with
they are apt to ebow through on the ubor. woik oever klUa. Yat worry
outside as Irregular, dark, waadertiig
jta tens asd hnndrwds of »»»~^
iwka It it these tracke that give ..og,
tbepe« Its name ef railroad worm
| The perMa who wiahee to Uva long
Tbe*rs!Iroad worm
eanoot. be pol ang bt-ncBcasUy abould colUvafe —•
•ened ^tpraylng as rao thv eodUug ge,!,, to see othe.-s as comlortahle
worm. Tbe latter la baiebed from ao „ he wUtaee to be btmaeU He must
egg laid ouUide the apple, and mutt not regrrt that oibere ar« better off
its way .B'o the frail. Hence It
what makes Uvtag pleasant,
Here la a fact that aoi
la rradily klll.-d b- a polaou st ray..
nch M parts green or arsenate of phJtantbroplsU never learn; thciw
lead Tbe rsilroad worm, ul ibv other urgg ^ the bnman cresture who
hand Is b«icbed from an egg UId be- whoUy nnintereiling. Oe on tbe alert
neatb the skin of the frato
The to eepy amnethtog to thoaa whom you
you.^ maggot dovw not euter from th.
that will commend, them to your
outside ot the apple, but feeds from regard. UaUeaanaaa and the eapaeliy
..***'* ^tbto tbe pulp Ol for being terM bring more old people
toe trnlL Hence it caanoi be pot-1jh* grave than dlaenae or actual

' mriki'r: bTto^“'nV«H to

from which the railroad
worm, hr intetvwted
batches it a two-winged Sy. ateat '*
site of a rommoo bouse fly. H lo
except Hist
Mldniglit Inaplrallena.
aioga have dark fig-sag martta
Many emlnritt nien have doer tone
them. It appears to the orchard
erf tbeir moat famont work to bed.
about the flret of July sod a
amall pert of the wortd'a tit«to. lav Inc eggs, eipeclatly
torller fruir. Three Ahm live ualll erary
September, .coatlnulng to lay eggs a!i bvtvrea tbc ebrau by pbyaleaUy in­
dolent although mratally aniv# men
the time.
Tbe maggot that batches from tb« Of genlue.
LoLgfellow’a "it'reck of thr Hee•fge ala-ay, fecdi witiilB the pulp of
tbe apple until after the arplr h;;e perue" came to blB as be wae sitting
by tala fireside on tbe nigbi after a
^dropped tFbtti tho tree. Theo as a
violent storm. He want to bed. but
fruit baa become mellow
has begun to rot. tbe maggot borer could not sleep: the Heeprnia would
Its way eut of tb» fruit, row tiowa not be dented, and as he lay the verses
Into the ground two or three lucbei. flqwi-d lya wltboat iel or btodrouce
____ .____ Iho fall WrtiTThe poem was completed..
'.Vordsworth ufed to go to bed tfiaod wiutcr. It dtiee not move alter It / '.VorCsworth
nornlDg walk. and. while breakeaters Uwygreund. but o.,airscts and W hto non
itiog there,
dictate the Uses he had
becomee browu and bard, looklns lik, faatiog
a flaXM eu. It to from tlu.-se objects compoted while walking.
that ibb adult fliea emerge ibe follow­
One at least of. Rossini's operas
ing aummerwas composed to bad.—ManehesUr
We thus see tbst the Ir.foted spple Erentog NewA
uti fnll frusj tbe tree, and
come somcahai mellow, before any
Baal GratitodA
niaKgeta Irave It aod go Into
TVben Blaine was a yonng lawyer
rrnuud. Very early fruit will
and case, were few. be waa asked to
fsirly mellow when it falls from ibr defend a poverty-auieken tramp aotree and will soon begin to rot-- Proa rused of ateallot a .watch. He plead­
each fruit tuaggota will be vuicrelDg ed with all the ardor kt hto command,
wlthiu a lew days aftur U drops from drawing ao pathetic s\plctore with
tlir tree. Prom fall frail maggols such coovinetog energy -that at the
ulll Mil cone out lo oumbera -for a close of hto argument tbe court was In
week or So. Prom wloter (full magI and even the trattp wept. The
gou wiU apt come out uutll tbe trull Jury detlbcraied a few mtontas and re­
baa b«n off the tree from
turned the verdict "not guUV-" Than
thrre weeke. Tberetore. we may oh- the tramp draw himacU up. uan
aerv« (be follewiag eehedule to ki
etruAmlng down hit fatfe as he looked
lit picked up:
at the future "plumed knight" aad
Early rartetlee abould be picked ap said: "Bir.Ihave oeverhoardao grand
twice a week. FM varietiee ebould be
pleA I have aot cried betora since 1
plrked up once a weak, aad
was a child. 1 have no monay with
appiee should be picked up o
which to raward you. hot (drawtag a
ary two weeks.
poefcagB from tha deptha of hla ragged
--- ------------------------------------ --4.-...
dothee), hera'a tha watch; tako It and
the Mrty vartelias of fruit Tbeee are
Mtlahmwe rV.ML.aa -IV.J.
>re apt to be Intoatad aad If allowed
Ud M the ground wtU quickly hecoiae mcUow. thna aOowtog tbe mag­
gots to mature and antor the ground,
wham they will be roody tor next
U auflletoat to make a eity of oonal^

leave witboni mnttml
svhllt be was making himedt out a
mode™ Siddartba. Is u kind of mooothat wonldnT offend the Vasp.

ployed to fnclllCate the ftonsh ot tbe
boncy-mnkera. This year, however,
tbe flowers bloomed later than usual
and many of the bees starved, ao
that honey w1U be aenron and dear to
Qarasny tWa wtotar.

WkW. I. Tn.i,
*T tboagbt yon ntd Tompkins vM
a maderr
'Bo I did "
'P^w! Why., ha
hasn't even n
'David OowarSeld.'/
-1 forgot CO teU
sU hVsB that he c
fio'.a hla reading loLn atogle a
-.^me brnaeh ef^noar
"l ea, baaahalL"

Friend ef Young F
Beware of "red rW* to blackberry
Mme.FnmenMUnaldtebeatrpteni or htookoap bnabee. Whet
graat.-tady. having for forty ye*« ■ proopOy dig up and bora the Infected
Ueoddho life of a wife of a senator, a' plant, hatug careful not to aeatier the
eabtoet miutour, prealdrat of oonhcfl. [ tongoua dust over haalthy buahae
prcotdcmt ot the sauatA and tor .seven ‘
yeon wife of the telef of state. She
Faoeb Loof Curt.
and her husband have teen nneb 1a-1 Moat ot the fallone to control peach
tot rated to a sort ot phUanthrepy that tost curl have baea doe to epraylag at
cnwblee Piwte youag peopla to get:
wrong time, or to aot ««fci«r paint
marrted. ^ytmth begtoittog to atTt]ta oae that .ovwrr bod haa teao
dronehod with the opray.

the beat oblatoaUe stsUaUra ohott
M.OM peroooB to New York aiy spwd
thdr entire woiktog teun boMuth
the surface ef the earth. Thaos figon systema of
•ubways now to oporaUoa. aad tho
large crew driving that woods
aquodnet threughout tbo toload
kianhatun and orar lato Uag Mlaad
to sarry tha watm that are betoff
brought down by atpbon ftem the'Cate
Tteoaanda ara alao
•m^oyod at othar arork.

Wrlttr Ocerteu HabH of Putting Up
Temporary flirweturwa to iaret
on too Farai.
Am ono leeks back over hla Uf« 00
tba farm he la diamayad to aao how

of It hM hgpn spant to dotog




b* done over and over again. Forever
fUTiirtirlii Keep Food Cloon and Yol ^
rvneiring fescea or bnUdtogs; olRaadllv •-------ta tUh Fawta
haunts him the knowledge
nemllly A^lWe^thb Fowla
toundaUo'na are giving way. walk
bnlglng and roofs leaUpg.
Tbi' Ux on malm
0 tha tarn
o large, and oew ia Uir time to bo-

Or K. C. KANS.)
Prom July 10 October It the tima
ot the rear to flsht the apple rnacibx
or railroad' worm. The way to do
without cooBtamly taxing ooaeelt to
thla U' to kaep the Infeoted apples
matoUto those condiUona la ofiao dUtiwm rotting beneath the ire«. Tdit
r by pickThe racspUcke themaelvm mnM he
lag np the drops every tew days,
kept dean. Vssaala uaad tor faadtng
by malatalnlnc enough live stock be
WM waabes abould ha of maul or
Death lafoeied Irwea to hoop the divpe
porealala. ao that a tro«naat arnimog
cleaned np.
The ^ple Diaggot Is an exceedingly
roiimjon peel of early and meet vetl
eiiee ot apples in many socUooe
OocaelonaUy It la Injurtoup^a winter
aptdes. hut usaally this la true onir tirely without rehcarial, ahe reprowhere orchards of winter trull rvu ! dcced II in motion, rcductag her gudllalu large numbere ot early or sweet { enre to ten ~AU (hrongb my perN
I romance, kliaa Duncan aayt: ~1 tell
____________a ahottld bo made ■» though I were marching lo
between the worm known as the rodthrough an ley wind, and nftwling worm, and the apple maggot or ward with a melody of reaurreeUon. a
railronil worm. The codilog worm eort ot ocetaey that waa not earthly."
Tbe very day of the terrible accldent. tbe mother had packed ber bttle
ones, who bad accompaotod bar with
tbeir suTwe to Parts, for a IttUe ouUng.
wbart- their lodgtoga ware, es ahe was
to rrmslu to Parts for the rent ot tbu

net reveal

WOMS to Uee Cvor Hi rear ef

Worm le I
■aeiy and t«>est Varietiee in Many
. eectlene ef Country.




Oarmts 1
remaintog yean on the tana, for the
____ ,
___ . ‘ ^
sake of tbs boys who wlU coma aflar
Pat^ by PoB
MetoM Haa I
«•. let ns bnUd tor permaneara, ao far t
as we aro able. Concrete makaa tmparlihable tenadatioha and floors. ‘
Tharo haa grows up u aaousM^ flip
makes cheap walU tor
lowar jh.“
n aPPUcaUoo ef oaooomic mothoda
bundrad *“
prodnetioa Though toodora
may be prodneod tram oowa wtU
la Earopo the Isrmar Inherits aoe*
aoiw ihaa bla land; he tobertU bntMtoga ao wuU eoastneted Utot whUe
they ere bundreda of yeara old they <9eratad under aa 1
la this caaa aon
oacured traa a <
dprtng tho paor
tha. to hi. eon a. «„ that la ^
eomprahenalva aaoful and neada no
rooolvtag tha rK-4»«
~<l»r k—W B.,
wpeclal work to keep It to rapatr.
unit "aovlng «•" la i
aetue down on the land a

» .!» am ul .Imi oa

Bn by begtontog the era of oeitoUatloa

«- mmg » y

pwpoeea. caa



drying. -----------brodnoara
Herewith are glvea tome ideas tor “auap Dae of BclaMHIa Tara RoDu^mea. of aoecealty. houo I
- - * ■
praetked rearing calvee or
beppere which are adaptable tor amall
aappleatttad by grain, hoy. OUma
large flocks as dry feed receplaclaa
« metrn.*^i^mm^'otaka
them of wood. U of aeuL tbe belft
of a tinsmith aay be pnHlffl.
Hopper No. t la a ttsatol aiyle to •
poultry bonae having an allev-war
ponury tense having an
ao that the feeding troagh
fowls to replestobed from tbo ebntoUho trough opeolag Into U from the
alley-aide of the partltUa The toedtog portion to six lochm wide and
three toehea deep, with o^cover that

waa one of aassuK and
bottery, aad one of the wlmeases was

doctor whom the proocenting
praeeedad to bully, auggeatliig
that ha waa prejudiced to favor of
^ detoadaat.^nr had wtlfuUy dietoned hto evldaaea la hto favor.
The teeter
tbto. and wpat on
- ---------------------to oay that the datondaat t
tortog Dem "phalacroato." Tbe word
«»'»■■« » aenaatloo to court, and.
osksd lo.-deBao tha dlaraaa. the doe-

aklm-mltt rwtitog to *IiSu**a
h guaeral thing the poD-fed caff
"»«■ f™a neglect and want of auffeed of tbe pn^ chanetor,
but there to ao aecrm to ejmaaao to
roaring calves on aktm milk and nop-

—T------------ ^--------DEVICE FOR MiLKING COWS
Old-Btyle and Insanitary Hethote An

which affects certain d
Uteld Never Cxpeoad.
tf It affected the I
" “
'® Aurtrstto the oldetyle toaaatury
ton be bad known some p^r- and primiiiv.- mctlj^tis of haodlhig
-ten enfferins fn.m th.'.- ulsraui .-nllk ai- Ij.iac aUtodotiod for ap^tbecome raving macucs, and otiiaiw ane.-s tbit {..-Tfurni the various ope.-xmeraly foolish. Peme ebnued dc- iigas In a cWcI» snd expLciuoas
tIracOve nud rue'n-iie tesd.acies. mar.urr On«- ©f iht-ac enpii»ac» to
t.-Wle mnrv n;h -r, h^d «uaer.ti fvr the ntiir r.-!r-«r sfco-a In lb-accommay be ratoed by meant of
-----hvJ bcr'-r rtow-n any men- pin^j-y
..l,:, WUb tbia apoarobn'^trt.-.Iilii
laolDg tbrongh ttin partition. Th<w-Uicl; nperstes on a vacuum
;buta to ntoo Inches bl»b. and __
reftis-.»d ■S-rUiirs lurttof. prtnclt-U. Ibe miiV fro„T^ ""J2
lecbilea -wide at 'the
n binged
collected separately In
«... »op.
.U4., with
, {‘‘f?’ tromp'..^
...... —tte
ju operaUte.
cover. The apace throagb which tbe
because, at the foreotan ex- the afendaiit adjusta tho .r-r«T«lw
feed passes from the ebuto to the
"Doc said there waa aoawirough (a three Inches high.
matter with hto head " .
IVhan the feed to poured Into tho
tba;«aa# was orer the proooebnta it flUa the trough grttually.
Bought rallghtaBmeBt,as''tO thO
but wlthoai eoougb preaaure to over- tontorfpna dlaooM. aod found that
flow iL Aa the birds Ut the food *Bttolaeroals" me^t-faal4soOA
la tha ehnte gradually aeuiea Into the
trough. Tbe bottom of tbe trough
Whai Baa Faeda Landla two toebes above the floor- Tba
Seaweed, at one time thon^t vnlueieti. to a wonderful roitllliar. Ton*'
of It aro enllcctad ln curts at low Ute
by the CoraUh farm«rs and Around
Uie coast of Engtood.
- belDC I
spread on tbe
potash. In which It to very Hcb. a»
rovaratog of om
absorbed Into the eoIL^and prodnee •‘r <Bck to all tha attention nerraaity
woederful crops. New potatoes from ^
dtociorga tha
Jersey, asd aprtog eabbagra from
racelvtr Into a pipe
Corawan. aro raised with seaweed >Mdtog to the dairy, aayt the Popular
fertiliser. Tbe tea
also furntoheo B*ekanlce A graduated ^ttS flUoB
Hoa^ Na S to convenient for the ^
enablee the taioBnfld
Hopper NA X to convenient tor the
atartlah. In owny «•
th» yield of each oow. whOo
M to a atmpla
atflvo-ftngera. aro <^p aampicro prodvlda for onUoetlv
with slanting strlpa four icebea apart plaeee knom
of aoeb cow's yield.
fastened to a frame which reeta over
It U auppofted os hrackett.
incnaa sign ana jj inenaa in


SarST.:; iTSSL S. »"«•

s»LTiS “

.Jl.” “a. I4ia ..M

--------------------------Hopper Ka 3 has a cover which the mlUlen ta maaun. Rich top^lift, and may be hooked back dnrtog
feadlag UmA The trough to 21 Inehee
^ •>«»»
-----------long. 8 toebea high and 8 toebeo wMa
Frequent Trouble DuHnfl CoW Weotbte
—flva Incbas of this width being exposed by the lifted oever. This hopBupplying a Neewolty.
Boen Aftar
per may be made Of galraatoed metal
Aa bgltob
aad used for feeding wet meageA ,
honas off a pnbUean one moratog aod (By B. Y. BAfCBB. VstertoartaA' Iteho
d him that It would ba necoaKspwiBroi OtsUeAi
aary to hold an Inqueat there to the
*“ «»*• *•
,the landlord hod 0
teraet. of which thoro
objection to anything of tha
kind, aad said: "Oh. I east ha
troubled with Inqueau to my housA
H H a frequent troubU. aipintaTly
UerA wbafU yon have to drtokr «*'•* •““'•r <rfwa
to "catch_________ __
Robert said be'd hare a drop ot *“*
Tho oymp^
stw a cigar. »<>“■-•«» otur cwlv^e uggoat ben u aot uto mnaoM ^
apTimny eompHcotlons otloo «a-

I aumptioD ef two Beotehaa aod dptn •"*'
leaving the cow with
damagte qnsrter.
Chnrrtng cara to eao wv «t PtvrU- **•.
*»• U»«»«bt
___ cows aro so hlgtHprloed. ft
poor economy to attaapt
lord romirkad: "By tha way. who borne troatmenc to 1
are they golag to bold tbo toffooot row *««tnar^ troou
caao ho
onr “No one aa l kaew of tow." «*» «»ra yon tha benefit of a pnneiiaald the man to btes- "but It *ud V ** exaratoatlon. If a vatartaarlao la
been me tf 1 hote-t hM thaa drtaha **”
aa- StookCA"
la to 0ve a purgative of Epaom aalta,
—. ■
hatbe tbo odder with warm w*tor.-to
which haa boen added aovoral tahl^
Aotoi-a Pro......... of Mad.
.poonfnla -of eedtom hypoanlphlta Dry
Whea aemethlag
go« wrong 0---------y and rub to cartelatail
-- otage the clever aad axperleneed acp uid of vaaoltoA MOk troquoUy.
Cor hirda o( aU agw at aQ t
• ec tor eu tlwaya aoTo tha altaatlon by
I fcktog. Aa old bead worked It ooe
ineraaae balpy FreBta
' ’ 7
• time Uke that "Dia, vfUata!" tho
<>„* «f the' beat vray 1
It to tho ahUM aad aot tba koo or boro oaM. and abot off hia revolver
a^iry farmer's proOt 1a to decreoao
eon that ooadomaa U as a poaltry at the vHtoln'e bead. Hut tbc gui .h* cost of orodoction and tbat means
didn t go off.
Six tlmea tbe hero that be muil f»«d and handle bta tewa
. ^ a
aocotdliig to the moot Improrad Mht
tt to vary poor ownomy to tohrood explosion took placA Tbc audlencu od,
to save tba axpanM ef buying now was getting byitertcal. when tbe vie- '
I itm atrnck an attitude asd said;
work at Dlaadvantape- '
/ * *
i "Tour pistol has mtoped Hr*. Sir
>11,0 farm tbat to oversized with
Air atokad-^o aprtog os the Reginald, but what dWerenea does it eowa it working at a
Boot aad 00 the droppind boards wUl make? The thought tbat I waa to be ifhiu prices aro high reduce tbe herC
kolp to bote the place haolthy and shot has frightaatd me to death!" to • stoa that can be profiuhly ham'
rtha afr pnrA
,j Aad ba roll ad over oad died.
umi can be proctab^ ha»





Fife Lake Department

AfiS Hubby. AtUnIthcd at ThHr brav.
Ily, WaMcrad Hew That
Oheuld Be.

Conducted by MlMVIflae Dewey.
We mmt to make thii Dej
B to all ouuoM'ned and to tUa and reqwet that all itemi of poreonal aad
gmenl tatereet be eent to Min Demy fi> bo
boo^ented la tbo DepartmraV We eopedally
^ thM Awebet, fratenal aodetiee and the
0(u^ fandob items of isterest Id their leepeetife erfiBtettMii. News of social eresta and
—1« bnprovemmts beiaf made or ooatonplated, and boiinett ehougee aad transfers in
real estate is town aad oeimtry are especially
aoeeptaUe. The abore applies not only to the
vlDap of Fife 'Ladm, bst to the tniroimdiaf ,
ooontry.-^tor Hbrald.
Fife Uk«>. Nov A,—R. RruoMt •
I «T»' avMciatlon at Ann ArBor laat
to MaotOA M buBlovA* Monde}'.
I woek,
Mn. Wn. Mkbaai o( BburtOun. i«l Ov<*r tl/ir intended tb<<. HeUo*-e>n
at R. Barbera for a few day*.
« R^» Strabtn’* rVlday even-


ii™. iaou N.1~« Ml urn SIol- “«
IC R»>..

,1- .u„r.

M™. B. n.m.. mor«M
d.r Iren . «rek'. vUll vlU. 1.. .Isrer. lire. r. a. Uiuon lo c.jllire,

• >1'

*■' "1"" • K”"
M" »•

Pn.W H.».



A. W

JJ. C. Bridseman went lo Hammond « tbetr brother. Harvey C. Place on
Ibd.. last week and broiijtht hi# broth- Saturday.
or. who U HI. borne with Lira.
( Mm. U'in. Norihroii of Boyne niy.
Uobard Winnie of Travereo City, u vlRlUns her pareaia Mr. and Mrs
wa> (II town Monday and Tumday In
the (Btereru of ib)> Cquiuble Insur
Mu. svnie Pock oaino home from
anoe Co.
Travoiwe City Tueaday.
The Royal Nelshbom of Fife Lake. ^Tho Opportunity clasa held a- llaltook dinner with Mr and Mr*. Barney lowe>n pany^n the 1. O. O. P. ball oo
Bronett Tuesday. Octob^-SI. the ooc»- Thuwday evenifrB.'Ttp hall wat <li«v
■Ion bjeliil; Mra. Brunett * birthday, orated with autumn leave* and corn
The Afternoon wu spei(l alOttR the *huck* with a Uypay tent at tho rear.
Manltiee Hvcr. Its broutiful seen- .Miproprlato costutneH were reproaentefy was enjo.ved by all. All report a ed by the m*-mber^. Tlie f.roitrntn con-*
• dellchtfnl time. Mrs. Bruno.U was rUied of music. recKatlons and eon. the recipient of aeveral nice preaent*. t«l»- The table wa* anlnlrally dec­
ile and UUHan Sumpbler and orated with bat*, rata, wltcbos and
TereaU Barber'were home from "mv- Ro**m. Bupiier wa* eorvod at a laio
ee-e niy over Pnedar.
whlvii ulLjolned In a bat
Cba* Obemt has rone to Point St lunL
Imkre (or the winter.
Bnoday servl«-es for Novemlier 9tb.
Carl Nelson went to' Rexion last '''3Tbarsday for the wUHef.
Preaebinr at lO Si) a. m. by pastor.
. ileitry Carotbem of Cadillac. vUUed
S- * f*- Reaka.
reUtlves in town Saturday. Sunday *cbool st ll:t5 a. Bl
f Mr. aad .Mm. L. A. rMekomon were
Sunshine l>myer band at S:0o p. m.
borne from Lodi over Sunday.
Epworth LeScue at C;30 p. m.
Tbec. Wells was lo CadllUc Wed-

It was about
to laave bla home In BrUtoiwfor a trip
on the conttnast, and hie wife, know1ns hU avemloo to letter writing, raminded him gently of the fact.
"Now. John, yon mast be eysa and
earn (or us at bone and drop us an
oocaalonai post card lelllbg ua any­
thing of leterett. Don't forget, will
you. dear?"
The'hutband promtoed. The next
morning his wife received a poeial
card: "Dear wife. 1 reached Dover
all rlgbi. Youm aff."
Though somewhat dIaappMnied. abe
thought her buebaad mutt have been
pmtaed for time, Two days later, how­
ever. aaotber card arrived, with the
etartllng announcement:' "Here I am
In Paris. Toum ever." And etlll later:
"1 am indeed in Paris. Youm."
Then the wife decided to have a iliile tun and seised her pen and wrote:
"Dear husband, the children and 1 are
at Rrixion. Youm."
A tew days later she Wrote again:
"Wa aw aUll in Brlxton.”
In her last copiisunlciaioti she grew
more eothusiablie. "Desr husband,
here wo nrt> lo Brixton. 1 repeat H.
air. we art lu HrixtOD. P. 8.—We are
In due tithe her husband reached
home, (caring that bis poor iife' bad
ti'mpomrU) lost her seases, snd has­
tened to ask the meaning of her
nirange message*. With a winning
•mile abe handed him bto own three
posul enrda

Invanter Will Long Be


The flmi of those terrible anglnea of
wartarv known ua the Gatling gun
was inrmtod in 18<2 by RJcbard Jordaa GatUbg. who was boro in North
I. and early
devoted blfflieir to sclentlflc work and
tneebanical axpertments. Hto rmi d^
vice was a screw propeller, for steam■hlpe, on which, on appIylegTor a pat­
ent. he fonnd himself anticipated by
Kriesaon. Next he contrived a nuddne tor planting rice, wheat and oth­
er grain In drilU. which proved highHaving used his laven-



Kins^sley Department


Memoirs of Oen. Hufo Tall BUry of
'CempalQfl AgaiMt the Brigand
Who Fought for BourhOM
a Uee ef
Against Napolepft.

with' etraw Of Chaj.

Ib« praplA of Xiaiile; aid tin lorroiildilit ‘
I ia tUs DepattnMBt.
Wd AaU bd fiad to have iodividBali. ehvebda.
thd Oranfc, fratonal eodetiet and all other or- '
ranlgatiou hand in itoma of newt, peraonala.
arnionnofidiiti ef maotinig, noUcds of entortaiB.
Booto, bwiBdet ebaar«, pnUie improveaduta
bdixic done or ooDtdmplatod, lalet of raal estate
iB tows or eonster. had U7 ether itemi of gaadral iaterdst—Editor Herald.

coimti7 Big an j

deneml Hugo's raemoln tall the
story of hia carapalgn against Fra Dinvolo. alias Michael Pena, the luitaa
brigand who (ought tor the Bourbons
against Kapolecn. The general tomnsfornu his adtemary Into » kind of
hero and put* hto peraonal prowcw U>
sucb a dramatic light that hla ton. the
Klngsle]-, .Sov. 5.—Harrj MuehilOK
pant Victor Hugo, fonnd It nacoiaary
•UfiK vir;.
geo. Storm on
_ add
llUle or nothing to the account of Travame Cliy. was a guest last Tkurrta}.- Tbi- .iras! i-aceHeiii Sum­
to raise it to the level of aa epic.
'week or his narenu Mr and Mrs H mit <?ltj dlnn.-r wan i;erved. The
Mowev.r, M. J.cque. Rnmbiud pph*
Summit -Kjty ladi,-. know how to
lUhes tu the Kevue de Paris tome new
doeoments which reduce Ibis campaignArthurBrowp was
aCadillac caller cook. V
to more prosaic proportion*. These lastwock.
Earl Tcdmaii and wife and Laby
documenle are the very leUem written
Traverse Cliv railed Jack of Tiaverse City, ivpent Sunday
by Commandant Hugo, ih* future gent
with Eari'v parent s Mr. and Mrs
«ral. to Caeur Uerthler. bit commandSaturday and,Sunday,
J. Tcdman.
Kyselk.t of
and Mm. l.onli> Kysetks
p( his operations
drawnupat NaplesTmvrmu.riiy. visited at e-sHe
J MrTreTraCerre City.' who have lieeo apearton Noveuber 4. 1E08.
main'*and A. U. Htinson's Friday
xn his memolm Hugo from the outset nnd Saturday

week with .Mr#. Kyiwll.a'8 ivaruffoci, , wonderful confidence; hto
('injton Klrkeraon and *Uc have eote. Mr. and Mir. Jarkson. returned
]A,r. prove that ho wa* mlgbUly
iSto the^kmn' ho^se for home Snnday. Little Maurine I>vaD
pcrplegpd bow to deal with an epemy “
“* aacwnan nouse tor
(went wtui' them tor a few wev-k*'
wup whom the whole population wa*
»i“W■ vialt.
in sympathy, and be frankly conferoee Hvo. L.* Clark raored 1
Mark Kingsley started Monday tor
_ m the work of conquest he looks Hanton Monday. "
rather to bribery
tackbry than.

than,settledin his new ^e: Jackeon. where he sUl wort-thU win)o force of anna.
ju-n Jli-CurUir
Hto mother accos>i>an!ed him as
Jli-CurUiy ank.
ank. wl
wife have re. um memolm deacrlbe s real battle',
as Oadiltoc. where she spul tbe
turoad to their home at the Soo. Aft­
u,e fl|bt at Bojano. In which hib soler a two Weeks' vacatloa. i«eM with da}’ with frlv-nda
gi^rs are npresenied a* making
Ctoreacv Dean went ^o TrAverse
drowning "■toilves and friends.
kiUing <
* Traversa City' ^y to aUend the Tnroday's meeUag
bundrods of brigands. Hto latters are
of the roanty normal directom.
mom modest and speak ohly of a aklr- Tuesday
Mrt. Oeo. .Nelson .was rolled
mtob In which "severnl ' brigands waro the Boardmsn River Electric Light
killed and only alx were taken prisonpower company
Travemc City to help care for
am. There to. loo. In tbeae laUam
Moniaold u am
after brother, wbo to sick with typbdd
nothing about the .hot In hi. right leg
which he afterward menUona In hto »
serious lUnesa with
J. WUle Is rspalrlrg and adding
memolm: on the contrary, he aeemt to typhoid fever.
bare moved ahont with ranamblc . Ray lUckraon and wife of.Travcne bto farm bouse. It will be ccimtort-acuity.
ruy. are spending their vacation able aad modem when furoisbed.
Joe Rtpl^ has balk Ihe foundation
This does not mean that the cam- ^Itb their parents here.
PAliA U.ID.1 It. rereoj. brt.rea ore
^ ^
>r a new tarn, which he maj- erect
not decidedly strenuous, hut tba mlUthto fall.
tary operations would bsen alnYem guesu of Heary NorMm. ElUabeth Wolf, mother of Mm.
gularly frulUeaa and Fra DUvolo
John and Jatnro
died Saturday
would have coatlnned to rang* the
J<ton RaBertjevMlng at the home of her daujteter.
John Smith. Tbe fi^oeral wav
been deserted by hto men and In Wa Miro Mary Connor of Ttaverae City,
ting tbs Ban can be proeeeded with aa aolUary condlllM rocogntted by a yUo» October to ter Parkhlll. Ire- held Monday at the Blackman aebooloeecrruro. These boxes may lagc doctor. wWo Won hto CMfld«^**- land. Mr. Ratr«
already deacribsd.
bouse, nnd Iniarment In the Rtockvisit
be plied oue above the
AVI betrayed
VWIirej v-vt him.
cemeiery. Mri>. Wolf Is oo
_ the
. neats
he baa not seen
Hugo aMurst us ...
In hto memolm that' o^her Bryan,
n-bea the b<
party will remain Summit CiU's oldest eeulem.
fi-ed. the doom of the nest boxes ^ Interceded with King Jolspb to ••“w uei.
Mm. Geo. Smith and daughter of
should be closed, which .compels tba gram Fra Dtsvolo a pardon,
;U after the
bans to remain on the Ooor unill they no evidence of this and It to
Leonard Hltka baa aeld bto farm Alba, are visiting with Mr. and Mm.
E D. Merrit.
have bad a chance to feed. The b*ns likely. How could be hare bad the three miles roa.t of Klngsley
Mm. Chas. Clease and daughter of
wlll-noi return to the same best*, but face to claim lhat this captnrsd bri- t..,.—,. riatanri M» uiik* will mnrw
this to rather likely to he of benem gand should be trert- a. a prtooasr ”"VTaJiv "ad 511^ *5^1^! Troveree City, were gueete of Mr. aad
• han otherwise. AH ben* du not set of war when from hla own ebowing be J®
J>‘« Mrs. E. A. Fuller Ian Sunday.
■ I exactly the Sam* U'inpera'.ure. and was a man more celebrated for erimee bouse on North Main street. Mr*.
Mr. and Mra E Price nnd their tit
Ml occaolonal ebaoge averages up the (ban for deed* of mHKaiT daring, mors Mary Reynolds has moved into the
Ue. granddaughter Gertrude Seabrlghu
lemperature for all the bCtilnfs of accustomed to lake a flight (ban to upper rooms of the same bouadT
are Traverse City vtallom this week.
stand hi* ground and l^t: Ht comAdam Secgmlller baa moved
Davidson vivsUed bU mother
No ben sbould be allowed to parod him. indee^. with Uandrtn and
unden block
■Ire. .b. 1. rere Irare lire Tl. 1.,... C.rt. JCb...-riret rerere Ih.t tl. hre»
re I-.™— at Fife lAke tost week.
Ijlrd I.
to renAjrtre
conducive to replb
rapid -----------------------------------man's rope wa# loo good- for —
.1 Ib. Wrtl
Joe Jeor returned from Traveme
on of any !icc there mny bo
.Mr. rel Mre. Irert. Crell.W, rebc ''Ity Mo.J.r.
Irej^j .IireHlw
-on her.
These will make her Irrl-',
The Ready Gedy.
rourt as Juror tor about two weeks.
table and a poor cetter. In addiiioD.
Tbe tote Col. Samuel F. Cody, B&r‘P^Bt tBe mdM of the sommer
' ^ag^^ Chappell and Jtdtn Tobias
shonld the bring off a hatch In such a land's once sueceasfnl ariaior. wo* sear Sntlons Bay. arr homo again.
eondlHoo. the chick* will be open lo aa'Americanr and Cody la hto youth Mm. A, J. Barrett accoopanied by «tead^^k«.'|0b9tF direeUirys' meet­
Infection. Dual the ben well with led an eventful life aa abowman.
i,«,b*nd and daughter Mrs. Ada ing at Tmveiw'Clty. Tua^Ajr.
D. Ire Rogem moved Thursday
flewert of aalphur or aome other In- sharpshooter, circus tnmbler and
Toesdav for Rochesaect powder before eettlng. and again what-not.
hto farm near Ora*rn. ,
a day or two before the hatch floCody once exhibited, as a etdoAhow
hospital, treatment,
Itoaturo of a clrcaa, a Tartary wild Wra. Barrett hat been poorty for
nvre you are, genia,
ne ouaiab
About the seventh day the eggs uurst.
borac. "Here
gente," be
aome tlmej
:s re- ebonted
Haltowe'en given by the High
aboul4 be troted. tbe Infertile- ones
ebont< from hto aide-show plattorm.
moved, end the balance pul Uck
i in
to "Here you are-ibe only genuine wHd «hool
«j,ool aentoro
eentors last Friday evening
the nesu. After teetlog It I* usually
Tartary. A purse of- HI
- -to
ually boroe of Tertary.
, 'aoetol and financial aucceaa.
la tbe proceae of expanalon pnan
lorej U»i Ure'rere <rt>“
>?, "rB"?
“« ■“«» “ «. nuj<rer> -ua threrelrre la
A neat can be m-tde out of an old
box about IS Inches aquara and alg
lucbeadeep. Profesaor Graham ef the
Ontario Agricultural college recommends that "aome earth or an overtamed sod be placed in the. bottom of
the box. taking care to have the cornem very full ao .that no eggs
_ can

t from the hen and get chilled,
Next put on about two inches of
jtraw or chaff; and then put a few
eM^cnwarc eggs Into the nest. Place
the nasi In aome pen whore nothing
can dUturb the hen, and put her on
mtur dart h'e«l and water must be
wiibin rosy roach and a dust hath
sbould also he convenient.
hen It aettlng quleUy the next day It
w^ll be safe to put the e^a under
• Another uc»i box that has given
considertiMe rotUfactlon. U made in
three compartmeal*. A 12 Inch hoard
eat iDAhree four foot lenrh* and one
h ‘
used for the top. one for the hark,
and the other■ ftr
fer the bottom. The
partition* and ends arc made of the
■■ ■
•ame material cut la one (tfct IcngiUa.
Along the front U a focr Inch strip
to keep In the litter To this U hinged
a sUttod door, which, when opened
forma a platform In front of "
Tba work of
>f fllllng the nesu and a

tty. be next ael about the task of con
Mm .Iss. Custer aad dsiirhter IIISECT -MURDERER AT WORK Irivlag a machine (or kliring bis fel­
lows. There were crude rapid Br*
>lerV<- went Monday to visit rclaUves
near Mt. Pleavant.
Bpaetnela That Unnervad rNaturallat gun* In urn when Gatling turned hto
aueattoo to the subject, but they were
. M-. srd Mrs. Jasper Pitctior leturn
of rittle Iiract.cul value. The Ci.vtllns
ed Tue?da> eieKiur Irdbi a two weeks' •
auu. soon led 10 a reroluilonlzlug of
. visit w-ltb reistlvei. at liowasUc. l.o
oae day. ruBUsa^nr"In an old deak. arilHi-ry, and until bto death the In­ and Benton Harbor.
I fuund a nisroltylnc rlasa. It was ventor devoted hto time almost cxrluHr. and 'kirs. J. Eldndnv are enter- September, and In a sunny waed-rid- lively toperfecilug and raanufseturing
tnlnln* hU brother and' wife frofa «l“t corner of the rsrden 1 bad dia- Hut formidable wropon. which has

covered a blc black-and-sold tpidor been adopted by all the annlHS of the
utreh...i r>rereb_. ref D*..

slTOn* Ltr Web beiweau two world. TeM of thousand* of grave*
. . Hlcb^ Crokrr Of Ru*k. was In
^„rtock* and was doluf a tbrtv- . now attest to the deadly aecumey of
town on boslnes* Satordar.
in* bnslneaa In rwsrtioppem. SaaUd the slaying machine Invented by GstJesse Scott ^ton Rapid*..«, the *ronnd. 1 now lurvered her Hng.
Saturday to vUit. frl* Inoiher over tbroucb tba cla** for an hour, a* abe
Bonday. from there will go to Detroit bunr In tho middle Of her enctne of
»klng Fat
■n»e Moose lodr- bald a Hallbwe en destrncllon. When I tonebed the net
;nsiv« In
dmue at the Grand hall Friday nlsUi
»«*«r abe awun* ftMtlcally especially at Carlstod. consequeoGy It
as a tuxuiy. As
Srerepkire. »reA.„„ ,ure,.k« Ik-. “
a subailne a pmpamtloa known as
Otherwise was as motionless as .If "spclsftvu." or cooking fat. to used: K
Cbsa. Anderson of CadlHsc was the <arved tu Jet. Orwisboppem were not isaold under the name of "ceres." aad
*t(Mit of Mr. and Mrs A. Dolbery Mon- ^eery pleDOfnl as yet, bnt at laM a It to aald that lu principal Ingrodient
day and Toesday on bU way from large Breen fellow Bew plnmp Into the it palm oH. Tbit suhaunce Is proMancelona.
Mh. the apbes os hU l«ca. that bnd pared la the town* of Bodenhseb aad
rice dlecoumed avhet muaic. be- Ausalg and aell* tor JiS crowns for
Mia* Nancy Bonner of Walton, wa*
ng entangled. InffanUylhe crafty 100 kllM (m.fO-tor 100 pounds) in
large qnaailties. or l.« croa-na a kilo
.re-L^re- « ,aia >rerere..ire..
Boro Id Mr. and Mm Dymah Bhln- S?‘5^^*h2't(2k’’h«r^JIl^a^ (14% cenu a pound) In amall quann- can be put nndv three. Thto leavea hit back.
one ben with no egg^ and a tew setTbpre were no,aspirant* for Ih#
joangi^ogidld themselves in
to. m Bonday. November 2nd, a him. and. banging by two ler*. aetsed Ucs in Cambad It la pot npin cakes ting can be put under her.
puroe. and Cody continued:
* to''r
"here wae a
him round and round, enswwihtng him weighing one-balf kilo (l l 'pounds)
YVben the chick* arrive two or ttre# "If any gentleman hem can etlck noticeable abMnce of the street
Bora to Mr. and Mm Wm Cragor. In a band of eUver allk^nUl hY was aa. and to *o)d wi-Jiout s coauinei. In bstcbw can be put with one hen. on hit back thirty aeconds 111I give frolics and depredatioDS.
-appearance It U much like cotioleec. which ieavea more
on Monday. November 3rd. e son.
wro hen*
ills* Bnuna Myem of Lndtogton, to
Palm oU. owing to a treaty with Oar
or' If the
the guest Of her brother. IL Myom
man:. entem Aosuia under very much
; and wife.
'. who was to charge.
more favorable conditions than cotton
(men ependlng a week wim her dangb- ^ kming. magnified a* they were by eecd oU. iha duty on the former being
!f5:n^”e2^:s"“' “•
Brown. li.Ue daughter of
heard of the Unecto handltor.
the glaae. 1 tamed nick and rolled >.5 erowne tor lO kUoe. while
"Bver try girtin' Inside Imr ehont- J Bn»wn. got her finger ao badly cut oap. and ter aome time poxstod va^
>red Tthberer and daughter Doro^ «var on my taoe aaoBg.the weeds, on the totter to 40 erowne. ^
ed a yokel. ■
m Saturday, that feam are enter- ly ovor tb* mysurtona meaaaga. FV
aad toy ^^ a kmg time aiiMrahty tothy. rotureed Mpnday to Klngiler•ee. rve tried (hat. friand." Oody'ialned that amputation may -be o«b* <*» to the coactealon that
Tbe moatbly miadlonary meeUng
month atet quite aa eatery.
"Ob-tensi stand tor eblu tba Utln
He Hsd HeerU It.
4 a death ooUca.
was held at the borne of Mm. Ella
ft was dnrteg the lunch boor and
Mr. and Mm. Prank Clark of Washt tba foliVhIta on TuemUy afternoon
Next "FRIENDSHIP BOOK" NEW IDEA tear gonial botlneaa mm were eitIngton are guette of Mr. John Clark ,
"The Cot-Flower Exproee."
ting at a table. Outside the air was
meeting will be held with Mm. Jas .
. .
Makat Happy and Novel Olft When aeft and baloor. and everything In
The day before abtpplng Uvo fowto.
«re-re I. arereUlrere re WreUreOlre
of tba
nntnre was a sweet allorem*nt to feed bard grain.
The Weaver school
American "special''or'llmltad" beam County ^Normal at Traveroe City. eateorouo
uean --..nwui.-rere------tba author
buy a raUread tlrtet and beat it for
Ire weeha' vi
Satisfying (he eppeliw adds greatly 'och a poetic name as (hat of a train spent Sunday at bomb,
the woods. 'It Is to my eystem." rvXrom
Cbamber*' JoonaX
are baby books aad birthday markod on* ot the party. reflecUrMy to tbe thrift of the flock
‘‘•f m the year bej. Lyle relumed Uouday
# • •
' tween Toulon and. Parts Thto trmlu mrima ritv
Mr. and Mrs Tom Brroa of Buck- booim galore, bat confaas nqw that gtonelag through the open window.
lev. were callem In Iowa Thomdar on you nnvnr board of a 'Trlandshlp "There to nothing ab approling aa the
It to.asumated that flv* <»H<n1 the “rapl.d* des fleon"j>wuas reeteved wort tost
*""2;.,^^,. I
wm yield a oouod of feather*.
which we may tranatote'the cni-fiower
oep. »w^ reeved w<^ tost
The three eona of Tuan ShttokfaL
tNilr wmv home from Hovne City.
book." Aad If the Idaala imw to yon. can of the wild." It may strike you wat
yicio a pouno^oi leainera.
^ exp^.week from hto brother Fred ia New- ^
<3hln*." have been
•Dr XlilW of Cadlllar warn rolled «
^ new to yOUr that, way; oM feUow." responded an­
a«ntnx drtmnlu boenU to a ehoro
The train carriea nothing but rat »•-«(. New Jer»ey. FVed Pewtoas waa for aome time to Parto. wbeam they
b«- Wedne^lay for Mm, Wm. Pickens
“* too often.
aowsm. whleh are ehipptd In baskete a reeldent of Kingsley ebon twenty will go to London tor a nay of five
here I beg the prlrBege of caeUng a that eauMt be done
who Is now improving.
pppjand pasteb^ boxes (or the Parts veam ago.
y***dtosantlng vote" 'Too dent know
Prwnk Vansj ele. who hat charge of euro-a looao-leaf b&ak .book at any what yon are lalklag ebout Jim!"
•Whatererlntetfereiwub growth ra.'««^k»1- tou «u buy the -rioleia" of - 'A.'»Tuddle of Muskegon. >Itoh,.
Hyerei. tbe roees and canatlona
of nrearhoii “
oi “•“»*“»
tna nantut ehuroh-BunM-hnmk Aui.
•* Burw.^end Iha^
the Forest Reserve It preparing forty atatloBary stora. One sritb a cheap empbatleally declared the first. "Did tords
MTO* ana niminraro «« pronncuou
hyactoths of
acres of the reeerre tor aMUn/ tree* back wUl answer, the piupoaa. See yon ev« bear the caH of tbe wfld*'
On cool aamn rainy nWito close kn Olhoulee end Carqnleronnec at lbs
** ***" «»* of tb* trua Partoton. la feet.
next soring
' ttet the leave* art alphabetically In- Tea." replied Jim. with somMblng
akin to a Mgh. ’Tram the head of the
rrebb Mre«re -re. bore, -rere Bre-i ^
s. ✓
I lag or on the typewriter, nap each atolra tbe other night, wbu I didn't
day from CadllUc, ^
^ foUowi; Wrtw “Name- on •et home lUl two o’eioek In the nonof the Medltemnenn. '
sapper Friday evanlng a* a treat to Footb ter a Chtoaaa, fie w
A consldcnble qnantlty of these tbelr Sunday sdiool sebtear*
amarily taUorad salt of Ugbt gr*F
Rtnmit'Frice Ion one of bto bpn '.gtrome Uft of top line. "Home Ad- togflower* go atoo to Germany asd BelBan H^ haa rold the Courier
to a nohe* Chete patters,
bokses last Sunday.
' dreas," on next line: "Baslnaas U
flam, aad aome are sent u tar as T1-- ^ ^
John Swain of Chase, wae a gneat droaa" bexi; fTaUpbone Naabar.
CMeaa* Canalt Omteat
of hto atoter Mm. Jas. LyU Monday.
"Birthday." naxt; "AsalvMM
China has led the world in tbe matSS5 ^ l^dlto^th^aetagiTSd
«*’“ riridly'pitoto" tockm A Un iirt
ter of canal maklngt and to thto day
------ good paper, and we are very
roand hto WiRd sp wdtor. psd ha
home f,^ Chirogo.
Arttott," "lAw." aunda flret asweg tbe nattons for the
malto. Th* "cot-flower exprena" rasa worry to aee thto family go from out wore a Uttto aOrer watte on hto vritoL
One of hto hrotbare. Tuan K* Hons,
Mm. Chaa. I.en#r and am Hany -Duukea." "Charactertetica," agrarol akUtful ntlltoation of her Inland waterat high speed and to nearly alway* os of town.
to ifke htosaett Bfto« yean oM. sM
left here Monday tor Baarmtehawan. unss for ’TUmarka." and Any other vrayx One gnat eanal —lemiaa nm- . mad plenty of AsreoaL to tt to os* tISM.—TonthY Oompaston.
Bummit City Cf*^oT
th* otbar, Tnan Ka Chi to ttdrteas.
their future home.
beading you mlgbt think of. Than annleatioD betwaea Pefctog and Can­ of tb* bwl thing* for haagtog the
Boyd vlatoed frtosda to Walton. a disteijoe of UOO mOte. and (be
All of them speak Bagttoh.
ninioD Perk In rompany with hi* psootro a Unep bookcovar atompad la total extent of the canals of rein, to ponUryktoU^Harper"* wlf* vras ont of tow* on a “2
dwgbtar Mtoe Nellie and son WHL !»“»•• «■ torgal-teemota. nnd ate overS.OOO mOes. Rossto owu tbe tonxvltlt. When Barper opased hto mall
Sardis* Ktegstoy w*. raUed to
FSmeM Rhed* tatonA
.rertrtl Tbre,.. ™ . jtrirerei -Irt. flowers. ■"
th* other Boratog he foosd s n«t R»«
Monday oo aooooot ef
------------.--re-ire^----------------' the werds
srith reUttwro to
mtle cheek and (he teOovrtog seta:
the Mvera lUnees of hi* hro(ber-to- tsacBcr haS hnea artlsg what «»*•
. Sararvse, Ma>^eli) I "Piiendahlp Book" eeroes the front-: St. Petemburg to the Chtosoe frontier,
end Oewego. N. J.. and-Oenlng ^n.! if ,oo era en aUlsL boy n k>oee4eaf
"Dpsr Prod-lsdeoad yo« wm End tow. Wm. Bora. Mr. Bora wra ra'of tho dlSnnnt *1*1*0 won soM (pr.
The eeae of (be PiKqti.- ws-^nRrer book with vnruled pagan Atol hecomte ascoad tongeai. covering 1.484 mflfs,
Do not forgot lhat yoar towto ante firss. Ptoase credit eame to ay tons- old aetUer sear SummU OlV. known Looktsg at os* of tho UttI* fiMn. oha
Hohbe wa* held before Justine 8. F. them In cok>r-*katrM^ to the bend- betwen AMrachu and St PMerohutg., gnes food. U it to Impoaalbto to gtra eetone* fond.' After long honro of «*■ pv all the okmeera of th* township.
As regards number* of aepartee
Uberation I have ronteed th* ommtai. ^
pioneeri otw u>^ uf.
piceosoA what Bhpdn
Hndjtee on Tuea^, Mrember 4Ui. togs fsBcltoltyHoltood etototo precMencc. but her
reo—re- 1, very donbtfoL
^ notoTugtad ter."
atoh that I p*M ton ante ter ^ hot.
and theiUefacdant boirad over to tbe
total (Dltoagn of totosd vatorwayi to
C. U Pener to
Fte a aoaast th* teUd
Iflftsgly. Maa."
term of the rirmit ooort
oab »* mlto*.
. ,
Jute Bet
thas as totptrMtos sppor
Cora for
<1%** Harper telsted.
"I wonder. " muawl tbe thonghttol
JIB Weodsrard. Otb asd Lee Brew, to bar.
looking mas. "why ao many peopl*
-Bhoda Mssd." rapaated the UUIS:
pat their waQate under Ihrlr ptUow
•bi "to ralehrated .ter batog tte oss;
"Mr. Wombat is to th
Bntorn petog to ntoapr' -Well." nr
"Btoha floMnt anea ts ta«*
•T woadar If hell snecnad. WhsI Mtoa." Ttel him I'm ooL"
r „ of tes VbM WtM thte 4 Ow
•toted the «dnb wH wUhont henlte
tronbto vaktog boU esds aoaL'
*!•. “flteybe teey like tAhart A litUa
vmtotor. Me * * ■ani^ aslag.*



^ -re .rer^'a”

l«Kii„,»1dpwtea attendad the twte teMny to tell hack oa,"


todtoa-AH M SB fiU dVl




For Yoer J}amb Frunt/s
Thcr* hM bMn a nuirk«« im>
pravcmtnl In rMani y«a«« in
fael« anfl ramadlaa far animala.
we give -'apaeiri attentlan te
thia lina af gaada and tharcfara
whan you naad anything far
yaur ataeh

and delivery will be premptly
made. Dent wait until your
ataeh la all run dawn by bad
weather, ate^ut alwaya heap

buy them fra.
quantly and In eon
have them in peed freah eOndi.«an. WE PAV POSTAGE BY



tnre. fu achoola rank faurtaaoih a caat lea* tkaa »iua.
anjon* tbotc of the oouatry. A aun er
"Sum offtrtaU ahouM have authorior ilie cendlltdaa (n MIcMsao, ijiaber ir." he declared "to eondenu bulldliisa
aatd. revealed the tan that a vant,Uiat are iBvaDltary or oDaafo and ta
maiorltv of the hoyt and pfrla are redulra. carutn ImproveTuenu and
diBp rran foor to lU houra ev-iaqulpment that rould tend to Itnprore
try echool day In buUdlnxa wbich^ health condltlooa.
a. tcenaca to their healtb.
\ “H Ibla country la to poaaaaa the >
„a .
' In S2 of the S3 couailea of Mlchl-iduallty of cltlicaahlp which
pan, there are 7.331 rural one and Ruaraniee lu aupremacy Intelleetnally.
aa the ann *aa coing down. They
tworooBi achoola." lAaber declared, coinmefciallr. artistically, physically frere nearly of the aane age. and la
"Of Ibla iiuml>er. 2.<>T5 jMoseaa beal-.eod oonily It mnsi require not only. the very prime of Ufa.
iBK and TenUlntlns •yaUma. t»9 baBe.;«>inPu>»ory education but eompulaory; Each waa armed with a Ions rtlla
meot tumaces and Mb Jacketed eondltlona under wblch to piln such “<> ■
.u,v„. Tb,
Ito. .« |»r ™,t. .u«rr trom
--------- ---------------: .UcU pl.I.lj 0»1 ran. Ul I»b
atore-beated rootnt vbtcb are loadeI tune had come to them,
quately' ventilated. Only l.KO. or apt And. Indeed. Ill luckhadcoffletooae
iToximately olabieen percent, have
'of them. AU that he poaeeeaed Id thU
world which waa dear to him had (alldriukina fcjuntains, while only b.C<>C.
beneath tha hand of the rad de■ or leas than one-lmlf. even boast
cupa.^ Oaly 1S| aaferusrd ibe chlh
Hla wife and. children bad that eery
dren fruni tbe danscra of (tie common
moraine been elaln by tbe aaratea.
roller towel by tbe iise of paper towand tbe cabin wblch bad been thalr
.eU. ooil Hua<)- the use of Individual INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS 1$ PAR. happy home given to the
towel* *
absent bunting
forest at the tlma. and knew nothing
"Comparatively little attention Is
of the
mu to the ^rr^ sca.lUB of the ebU- ■


,li percent, are found adJuiUbleaeuU MERCHANTS
AROUSED M*d^^l«Un“Vuc“a>r^''*flM^^
and desks. Only l.TC'S achooU. or.
had done.
about 23 percent have the oeaU and ’
| Dick White, hla friend, stood by and
• as. be oould I
desks protK-rly arrancrd-Uie tame PRESSURE BEING BROUGHT ON cheered blm aa well
■tred seats and deaka In tbe same
»(>'•: >»*»
®( “*«»• He seemed to

..Lra. ih.™ ... ra




M, ra«,..



face windows, while a almlllar tale
“ lerioualy attetced the mer
fall, to the tnacher. In 2J7: acboola,
:Tbe eyealght of a ra.i majority of
■ 'children U Impaired by rri*. lights “^“‘^“on it expm^ed to have quick
SANITARY CONDITION MENACE iHvesuse In 1.457 school*, or 8$ peiv
cent, tbere are windows on both aide*

ot ,b. ™ra. S.tooU



ben of small aired aeau and deaka PoUca Refused te Board Cars That past our aid now. But there la one
supply tbe demand, and thousands |
Were Mannad by Btrikebreaksrs
ibiog. Simon, that we can do. Wa can
live and work for v
of youncHtena have to alt all day nitb
—Company Will Hava te '
follow tbe mnrderera. and
tbeir rent awllftloc In Uie air. and
ever tbe aearcb nntU they
they must distort ihelr bacWa4n.ocder
from tbe earth, or we have Bred
to write or figure because the deaka
last shot."
are loo bigh. Small chairs and tables
(By I'nlted Preaa.)
"Tou arc right Dick." antwend the
are provided for the mile ones In
Indlanaimlls. Nov. 4.—PollDamen rr- aeiiler. graiping bln by the haad. *T
I only 783 scboola.
, fused to boArd cars manned with will live for vengeance.’
I The llcbtlna of tbe ecboolbouaee la •tHkebroakera when an attempt was I Fbr tbe apace of a miBate be grre
’ rauslng buodredi of teacher, and chll- «“'!• today to reaume aen lce and the **/
^ “*“‘**^ *‘’®“
dren to b«ome apecUcle wearer*. In
•hundoned the


lighting entlmly from the
are limited to 343. while n«<> am
lighted from the left and rear. These

ppuif QUXlll


lug of ahndes at the bottom so that «'o<reiy are eeiel'ln« some extra ad
vwtUinR ihni 1. dc-ldedly original

down Torreet de.-oratlon of (he walls *“<> entirely different fr..m the inatiy
Oafaetiva Llgnting ■. Making Speot- U found in :.03: schools.
"iat have been art In motion 1
ack Wearers of Rklng Gtnera««orke J. B) rm-.
"That the' ouiho’i.e problem Ta
tien. Playgrounds Ara Also
seriiwiri.almwVh7thef.rt7hatonty Pr««Wcnt of (be Producer.' and Om
Chiraco hn>
Tee Limited for Health.
l,«'33 schools have well bull!, widely
...tb™,„. ,hll. Obir 1!J
lb.l b,, Iw,. .
Bested for sonic tiitnv -Mr. I<>rnes has
i»y foliod l'r<•.^• 1
b... I..I9. I0II.I.- ,\™l. Pb... B-..0
lAnsing. Mirli. Nov. 4 - ,\
-in..,.a, ...
s.b„„., b..lbp
... .„„„a i. .,i, i-'- fpJ
b...n.. .r . .
Ing revelation of lmproi>er c .amob. „ |,„,
pany that would sell direct to the con
r wblch the education of chlldren^jw dlstrtrtr. white those having
*..ra- sumer. and th'l* season ha* bouglii
Is rural <«mmunltlea In Michigan It iea*t
number ..R-6. Mom
conducted. » a, made'today in.u state- than lialf the wbonl* have one half
has eecurod the vet.v best of frolt and
■wni Issued byC..S l.a*her, auditor arm or lea*. Rrhoela having *aUi>CORRECT SEATING.

1..“. W.VS!,



thirsted for the blood
of a red.rin. N*b* I would wipe ont
the whole accursed race at one blow
If II^but
but bad the power to do IL"
Ibey lost no more time about' tbe
rulna of tbe cabin, but started off at
onee. Tbe trail waa aasy to fnUow,
and they bad gone on nnUl they bad
reac^ tbe point where we see them
tUnObf in tbe heart of tbe great al., lent foreat. with lha sun going dofp

between them- but now Dick

broke the alienee by exclaimtag: •
"Simon, we are almost upon them."
"What makes you think so. Dlckr*
' .

bo* fresh
Hie trail la? It cannot have beem made
a half hour ago. Them; Did you see
that twig spring up tbert-T It would
b.T. dob. .» b.a I. ... JU.. b«..

P.-«-.a a«ra. Tb.r .n ... . mil.
..a ni b.i .b..-.. ra.< t»
camp about tbe Hollq,w Oak."
"I hope that yon may be right. 1
long to be dealing blow, of vengeance

though I
could not contcot myi>«'If much longer
cautiojsly. they glided
fn the department of public UsOuctlon factory water .apply total «.4h:."
Ih!,rihrta7e,^mdl^" Thl7«-v,.«.nv ' Swiftly, yet ““““
Iv the ana wgnt
poM«l Obt Ilub
'"'L -bll.
1. Ob, ot at rich- U.b., ratbi , I. bat . anaratn ''
J«»< “">• Sara bablal U. ~ western tree lop*

ruBUos high in lni.-lllgenc. and cul- health and comfort rmnUremenU at ^ ,uiemert that tbe firm hot t.ur
—--------------------------------------r.»i««rat MHatfi orrh.iji. •>•>*

Was Mrs. Bdl, of Honda, When

She BegM Taking Peruna.


“>• tw-Uight the hollow
beneath the branebes of whlcb


.rabljt.- b...r lb. n.m. ot lb. tin., I U,„
I Which ‘a a gutraBt«-e of the quality mg through the tree* the light of a
I A* these ckrds are being aeni to ar eamp Are.
j parts of the country aitentlton wiii be
Bib ntly they crept nearer sad near
directed to Grand Traverae eounty er. nnOl at last they stood ao eiosa to
I (bat wlH briog the best renita and .
Hiey could count the aavi the frim growers wJii have a rtancr *««
wore leren In number.
I to dispose ef tb. tr prolucl* lo entirely
As BgilODless St ststaat they stood
fields, a* ibM company will buy there, with tbeir ayra Oied npon their
all tha (ancy stock that they can get eneadeara^owly the mlnnies want by.
U ^mad that tbe tlma for Ihsa to
stiua would never'cone.
■iTjo light of the camp flr^ grew pater
and paler, and at last only a faint glow
remalued. Tbe savag« huddled about
n. and to all appaarinca aaeb agd
every one was buried tn tlnnbar.
Tbe boor of vengraoee bad arrived.
Nolselessiy the two buaiers crept to­
ward their victims, in one hand they
held their rifles snd In the other tbeir
r Took giny Nine Fair ef Hoee knives. A few step* brought them to
the side of tbe nearest savage*
From Globe Btoro Last .
"For my wife, my mhlldreBi'’ axAaturdsy.
dalmed Simon Hart In a whteper. as
he buried bis knUe to the htlt In (he
bean of a savage.
The blow of Diek «’hite waa no Itoa
itrobg and sure, and two of the aavshopping early, but he neglerted i
^ weltering In their gore, their
■to pay for the goods a* bs took them.I**?"T^*? forever,
iwlth the reenlt that be bat decidedL,®®

’Tea. I waa ttarvlng to death." re heard from her. December 18U.
raid .Mrs Emma Bril. ”i Port pi- n- sAe was auil a friend ef Peruna.
ri-Tiila. Bo* rqt. "when I h'-irjq «’] |■'•r other trsUmontals cn catarrh
loi. r-runa. 1 roUld no: ...i anj • , 01 ilie «io:n.-ich. ice "III.'of Ufe." tent
trmr If 1 rwallowed ai.? :hm*
Addnst Peruna CO-Calumbu*.
*oui«d on IRV stomach. Mv xi.Knai. Ol.ln.
v s* wry much swollen. My ho-aep
The stomach and bowels are lined
ncird ar |t l.lMd acute dysentrrv I *wlih n mui-nur niembrune. Tliey arc
-wa; !ti gr<-ai disirets and lain. Three : ihcrer»rc tubjrct tn catarrh the aame been mipl-5y^ but sav- *r. me nor* and ihrtat rtmtarrh of
......... . relief.
waa conUnunH) the sioiram :.nij b..weU wjll ■
the functions cf these organ*. The
f-.'-uig worae.
stomach, cun no longer digest food.
I Wat tn Doapair.
The ffbod1 lying
In t I stomach, even
r dedpatr I canghi 1
Iminedlalely sours The touring pro­
ducts gas Olid Irritalloo.
a tcbiinionlal (roni a tvommi who IruO I
Food Baura In the Stomach
beet, '.-..uhlcU much like myseJI
A p»rtl.-n of ilie undiRsted meal la
C0.ii:li.ded lu 'ry Peruna.
absorbed Into Ui. sy.irro by the blood
I Wrato to Or. Hartman.
vetsels of tn* siamavl, Ttils poisons
• At the same rime 1 wrote lo
llir tvtinie eysirm. producing a condi­
-Har.mar. He pronouncad my
tion iinw knoun a.' auioinioslcalion* catarrh
the siomach nod bowel*. wlf poKonlng. The fermenting. Irri­
I fo«, taking Parnttau
tating Sics*, at It panes down Into
ester J brg.i-i to improve. After tak­
puwrU ItTltatea the bowels. In­
ing half e I'.ttle my stamach r
ducing sometimes n chronic dlaiilita.
Unproved trat I could eat aoev
aomriimes preduclng the very oppo­
site. constipation.
I Began te ftKavOr.
The average, dyspepsia medictoa

Then this good hqurqwlte gt
htlpa te ameetally digest t!<e food.
I Saturday that a number of boxes of j Again the knlvM o( the avaageri
1^^’t aml^nnal
Si i Even when such medlrtn. doea Its
:eox had bees taken from the Globe ware raised, and true to their aim they
aata. "After lanmr mn butUaa of Pa- »®Fk It U only tamrvmfr A
' etore. H eat once started an tave.u ,
«>• *ork naalcned to them.

iSta 1 was str -rig -tic^ri,
- to. stand
d up
{gallon and (taally discovered a small j
aavmgsa now reto wash the disbrt' Wben ghe be­ U>c pa’taTTh ta m-ereomr. .
gan taking Parana gbe weighed 183 •ymptoms of Catarrh of tha ^tamaali. ;bo. Who h.d — . urww .-d-r |
„ .d^rad
pounds After Mie had takAn (Ire . Tha eyinntonia of eaUrrti of tbt
the sox' Into hi* wagon from a pack I
Han, In a tone
bottles of Pen^ra ahr wrtghad 133 ttomaeb are: Firab haaribum. 8actag box ta tbe roar of the atore. From ^f triumph which rang out Uke a
She gonoludea by “3^“*i00d, food rtseg In throat after 1
of the
that the is wall.
Third, soor stomach. Fourth, boavy
out tbe nUn's name and where he BlghL
It Wo* TwsJve Yam Ago.
feellnr aftar eating. Plfth. atqmaA
lived. Tbe farmer was noiiHed that) The rematataB ravage* sprang to
Tbe let tar from Mieh the abova bleated, beteblng of gaa Sixth, galhe was to appear at the poltee ataltan *®*»f (•«. (ft bafon they couM ratee
cuotailans wwre mada waa racatvad pllatlan of basrt- Savoath. poor dtigcmion. have dytpepala.
last nlgbi with the missing goods He ?®..'■™
defense s couple
Jannary 2A. l»«d. ta a laier lauar........
coated light brawn. _ Ftath.
writtan Sapta&bar 11. 1K4. abe
I tongue
came, but broaght with bim only fort)
*-® ®* «*•“
T atag tha pralaos of Peraita
** - —.^0—
r* whlcb b« _ _
beer tight etathaa
near It Is nsed s great
met deal In oorlTaa^
b, , b^glaroaSa iralsL
had helped bimeelf
vkcinliy ThU acems
He cUA^ ___ __
Hart waa npoa
riocv for est&rrb- We Have rec.i\-^i pespl* who *b}e*t to n«uU maSIthat the rest of the sox wrre 'aolled him. and on*
d the work
tellers (rein her abtee. / The ls»i tlmc^ sins* aan r w ebtoln
**------bnt upon his offer lo ]«y for them tlu 61 veagaaaM
affair was dropped by tbe Globe man | FMr yoart (beroafiar tha BoBow Oak
acement. All of the aox were put m
known to the oettten at ttmt
ta holld*) boic*. four pair to the Iwx. "«>« U the Trra of Oaath.
OONISJIMCRe coiwiminc
and tbe man bad cridrnily punned on
a wbotesalc distrlbnilon rf gifts at

'-^WYFRS .
Christmas time. He said that ha was'
•I Laiw f*pmctie«. imcauaino «
under tbo tgfloeaee of liquor tt tb*
*Tatitoo and ftara 1
ditStewSastaalte* rira>w£b
tin* and gave that s* the eanse nf aaeh ethor " "An yog
hi* then.'



M'MANIGAL 1$ ILL“-bi.tir“r;.A'.'Sk;Sa"t


a game of basketball. There wem
fourteen present.
Funeral services for Frank Smith
will be held on PVIday. There will
be a prayer service at (he borne

at ten o'clock conducted by Bjr ‘lundy Use of Lydlta E.
District Attemay Says
. Rev.
R.r Thompson of Honor. a, 1 w
Pinkham’s Vegetabio
Only Temporary—la Suflering
I in the afternoon services will be beld
from Tubercwloalr.
fin the Central MrtbodUt church of
my foiled Areas.)
Here is her otni atAtemeat.
laOB Angeles. Nov.
That Ortle ' Rapids These mlnlater* were close
'icManlgal U very sick and may not
to all auSering women t
;ivo was auted today by District At“f. and Mrs. Perry Norris,
Lydia E. Pinkham’a
torney rroderlcka. ta asaamlog re- >3-* S®“'h I'nlon street.', boy welgli
VcBvtftble Com­
pound did for mi-.
Hponslblllir for the disappearance
^Ubt pounds. He has been named
One year ago 1 (oond
ftem bis cell of tbe confessed dyaaJr.
myself e b-rrlble suf­
miter. Frederick* said McManigal's'' Harvey Raugaegger ef Maple City
ferer. I liad pditis
la only i*mi>orary.
in both sides and
ported that he Ueuffcrlcg from tuber,
such a aomncaa 1
cou>il scarcely
Mre. W. A. .McCeol, who has been In
etTsigGrand Rapids tor tbe jast ihreweeks, returned last bight.
t hJ
The ehlidran of Mrs. Robert E. Wol .
. no apter. Who have been ill for a few- day s.,
pot'Seep, then 1 would
Smith left yeaterday for Cadltlac
' be8oi:t«'<l!noreinCTtl»atIeoul<lacarcely
and Grand Rapid*, where be will be
Mra. H. W. Smith ef Button* Bay la get around U scorned olmostimpoatishort lime on buslnest.
*" ‘•’f
• aborptaR trip ble to move ordoa bit of wort and I
Mra. C. C. Reigls* and daugMera ef thought I neverwould beany bettefunH. V. Weet ef Grayling ha* returned
CcBtral Lake were In the c ;tv ve*;er G11 aubmiited to an operaUon. I comto hla home (heye nfirf a few days ta
day for the day
the rit' on business
and aooo felt like a
Mrs. A. M. Harvey left this rrwraino
W. B. Nichol. of Northpert.who for Manton. w hem .be will vim wit' new woman. I1 bad no pains, slept well,
&d £00 appetite and was fat and
was injured «.n.e time ago iiua 0. R, ,rtend. for several day*.
raid do alstast ail my own work f
wreck, has
1 taken up hU
William ________
left thia familyf of four. 1 ahall always i
dude* as ntall clerk 1 tLe Xorthpoft- ^ nioralng Tor Cadillac, where abe *111 that I owe my good health to year tnedWahon run
r ,a week.
O. M. George* of SuKon* Bay Is In < a party of Indians, torn* forty men.!
the city for a ihon time on buslnest w-omea and children, twssed throngbl H yoQ an fll do not dngaloaffBatU .
>* necessary,
Chris Mathews of CNarletU. who tbe city this moralng on tbeir way u. on
•» operation
"ccesaAfT. ouc
t«t ai
at once
ha* been In the city for the last few Alba, where the men will cut wood for take Lydia £. Piakham's Vegetable
day* on business, left yesterday for-the Antrim Iron company.
If yna liare fhe gTtghte«t dcrabt
W. l_ Bleaaom went to Cadillac this
Solon, where be will be for a abort
that Lydia Li. IMnklium'a Veceta*
befom returning to hi* borne.
moralng on a abort bnsinea* trip.
blc ComMiintt vrtll help yon,write
P. Wright laava* tomorrew
Miss Msbal Laraon left this morn- toLydtalLPlQkbain MedlcineCo.
nmrelng on a business trip.
lag for Saginaw and Detroit, to be (confidential) Lytm.MaBD.,rorade
lice. Your letter will be opened,
William H. Umlor and John 1. Qib- ”*** aeveral week*,
read and nnatrered bv a woman,
nnd held in strict confideneo.
ton left thl. morning for Manistee
"f*- "• ®Where they with F. A. Mitchell and
'» the city.
R. H. Handle will npiw before tbe
f®F tbeir borne In
board or supervisor, of Matitotoe
Mr. and Mr*. C. D. Towne. Mra. J.
miiniy to a*k for the annual-^ggipro'*'•
'***** to
E. Small*. Mr*.
E. Long and Mr.
rntuoa ol laad.
tt. a.. M U..
and .Mr*. J. tl*. Towers drove .over
■ra..a a..a>,a»a D,v.,.a„i,.. LaE^Sadraa «
Laaa f„»
from Elk Rapid* In Mr. Towers' car
farm sent Prealdem Wilson a bo* of lor tbe day.
Last night and today have been
Mr. and Mra. Albert Grabower, «*ho
le quietest mglitered InF police .Mr./(Sinn
of SeotfvHie. whg
have been In iK-irolt tpr some time,
hradqusrtrrs and police court
nlehtfrofr• Detroit,
where he
paased tbronch the <ity yesterday on
Even ibo Intoxicated rverel
wl ddays on bnslnesa.
their way hoioo to Elk Rapidi.
‘ .
seemed to fight shy of the streets
of _BeottvHla.
Roy Oarford, who ha* been viaHliig
1 there
absolute- een -islfiling the family of George
ly nothing
—i.k J. Kinrsley. passed
dUturb the i>eace and gn,nh
through wiib friends at Albion for some lime,
quiet or break tbe suiules
tbe ritv vesterday On bar way
y bi
O- Adams of the
Fred P. Hooker returned te his
Joseph Valley ef Rrevemont .
night from atkeeo • Vbere the Hiy yesterday on buslnea* for ihr home'at Muakogen today after a abort
be ha* been for the pust two week* dnr.
time In the (l:y on liualneaA.
1 buataes,
Me*. Joe Kimmen and daughter
L. gr'Naverne left UiU morninp (or
A. H. Oruber't Sunday school class .Mlis Fylvlt. of Buttors Bay. were lo his home nt Reed City after aeveral
of boys of the rongregRiloiia! cburcb the city for a abort time yesterday. . day* ta the city on buslneis.



Gc( iti Line
Men Who Wear


. A


. .A-waOwAAl


Wt Buy Goods of standard Make, Known Ev­
erywhere For Their Superior Qualities.


>A« n«iT


clovtm, I
♦ baklnc powder, a piaeb of aalt and




p«rMDi of wi

J .“I,-^

J Of thy llnsera. Three eoee and a wlB*»la*»fai of mUk are neat to be add
ed. Peer tbe Bl««e teio ^abaJtow
. Aa eaaeot phyelrlaa -advlcM bie
«ti <wel| buttered) and hake
aervona. bigbb wtning womec patleeie »■ » noderate oren for two bom.
la Uila aaaoer;
Chooolate Cbartotte Ruaee—Melt
-Aa llitlr mtNjIcIne as podtlbla Ae *®* ounce of ebecolau over hot water,
much freeb air ai you can drtnk in
add to « one plat of thick
dally, E*ercl»e both within and withaUtrlng thorot^yf aeawn
out doors. Plain coarke foods. a««^
, M away to besoned s;«-lrBl» And laat but lolly aa
•Wp untU thick,
Important as the rest, to not argue
t*** »>«•
with anybody about aaythlng-lfa not *"f* **■
“ •»

fnaC* 01 WfO jf. •

4« ♦♦♦«♦♦*«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
>or eocie time Home Cheer uaa
prtnting rood apple ivcipwi from
Taiioua eoureee. ai a romtader to tbe
boueekeepen of tbe Craad Tiaveree
region tbat m. fruit is excelii-d by the
product of lu 0*0 orcharda. On
glnnctug through 'kn old ecrap book
reccatly aa Interesling article was
found deecrIWng tbe apple ■ place la
a&eleot tale and teble. and It le print-

When the hour came, that flret day.
DM allfht nr clotbw.'’ abe that the Plaj-Udy had to vacate for
the Workaday Woman,
eipUiaed to
lU. 1l explaiaed
the lltUe fellnw Juat what part tbe
The babr fretted br the deer,
Workaday Woman played In the aeonPne&ad la frea aU the }era eltbeei. omy ot thlnga. 1 took tbe time to remna vlnde acrow tbe aaadew bote abd Um of the fact that he wai
Clear. sirUah eei« and berbood generally hungry, and tbat were iherw
no Workaday Woman, there would be

, .. ................. - r..,..i.
-1 believe pretty much
mui-h of human hagpineaa and content lo btf
bd baaed on
Caramei. are made m folgood health, as the mental and phyalcal are no «lo«>ly allied, to
Take two cnpful. of g
things not worth while, to aubetUnte
<»Pful of rich croam. threethings that are worth while aounde
«* *■ cupful of glitcoae. aad two
.—,—---- — of
-• vaollla All the logrw
-Hot argumcou never landed two dients etcbpi the vanllU ahp-uld be


With «eai7 haad baat-warea anou.
She fed tbe buncry. paatlac tire:
atomach ersred. Alan, that
Aronad tbe etore the emooth detbet ----------------^ ^
la rove from ttdeted cord asd

^mai^^vt;^ ,«

T»>e <ll9»itint.
She smootbad the eleui. tr«li-«DelU&K
ckrtbea '
Mud. «beek and brov flaahad boratBSNd .
. B7 heat tbat troa the hM lt«

not )oag before they wore romping W>gather and building wonderful ractlee
la the eand pile, and eoaitrucUag
wonderful tunnels and canals and
floating real boau of bark In the waten or the canals.

tT"-r r:r"




all that, aad reasonable enoo^ to Vet
most conatanUy when It gets thick,
Beroed the need that akipea away.
lodge a
To lota the oelghtere’ equate cf tend to the needs of Ike boosebold.
bard ball when tried Jo
promleod him that the PUy-LSdy only have to remember to try to keep water. It niwt not be britOe. but
Sharlttd la heart their aoUy pUy.
.0.1, ..V, hto . po«„ c JtM. —
” should seem qnlte firm when taken
A aether watched her aturdr baad.
betsevo the flngera When cooked to

r“™ «r -1r..rr" “

u. puru.,,«„...



Take out the bonp and targe pieces



Homer the apple was
tlrsble to any cate.
causes of tbe Troian war.

Hotner Says that
the wedding of rtprougbly Have
Reieua and Thetta. two ImmortaJi, all


I left
a very
play- of^ “l^Wne'’m<« •'^'knlfe.'“‘
In the


— . — — - -

r?.;;™,rr.. r^,
- r- rxz rz.

p«, I, .,1 U., ,to,
Ilk. lo dolos ,1. work k. w, .OOM

Around lha
Editor's Jabh
What b worth wbUeT What must
be doae. and what tart uadone? Of
what shall the day's wwk consbtf
Tbese are queetlona that must be
asked aad anewered by every boma
- How oaa womaa derided le toM In
the totbwbg burotti^ story clipped
(mn an oachaage:
One fay. tot long ago. my small
dn said to me.- 'Tm ao lonaaome.
rve no' one lo play with."
The remark brought a pang to ray
bean, as I realized tbat 1 bad let my
many dotlae keep ae fttrm my child.
I bad become, b very troth, a Work­
aday WoasB. aad bad allowed the
Piay-Udy pan ot me to go on a long
For weeha the Workaday W’omu
had baked and sewed'sod scrobb^
and Btewed aad caaed aod preeerred
aad plehiad aad aeoored and pttrred
tblnge BP gnerally. Bbe bad aab to
tbe mtb boy a doaen tlmee a day.
-Go on ont of ber*. and don’t bother
mo.-Aad the mtb boy bad obeyed, with
drooping head aad downcan mlvo. He
had Ukra bta Bttle toy train aod his
ball and had sat dtaconsoUtely on tbe
haA porch ionglag for a pbymate,
Pbr that, too, bad been a thing ne­
glected. givbg him a brother or stater
soar Us owa age. for company.
And th# Wvkaday Woman had
worked aad awaatadand staamad.far
growB irritahla aad nerrooa. b trying
to keep the whole pUea ebbing and
the honeehold gobg JvK eo.
Then. wrHh the »
In hta eempUlat ef ioseaomeneea. a
light bad ahone ta tbe darkness, end
In this case tbe darkntas bed comprohsoded. Bo I enmmoned tbe Playl4dy {«n of me ^rom the dost of obaeurlty. freahaned bir ap a Ml ao tbat
abe looked as good ae now. aad Introdooed ber to tbe email son
It was gmt fn to tea blm vrltb
tbe Play-Lady. At flnt be - did aM
kaow wiMt to-say.M ber or bow to
treat ber. He was so acQ^tomed^o
a tired Workaday -Womaa. wttb..ber
•rertaetlBr T3o oat of heat, and don't
bother mer that bs tbobgbt It aoet
be a dnam aad that be wotad awak*
e to the rid order ef tblagi.
1%e PldMAdy bad to oeax Mm ta
Stay with blr at Arm. Bbe dwrlaad
iba mast fieelaMlag.^haea aad torita« bl» u Iria ta
^taaUy bg saeeamberw tbe «»um


.... vkk........kPki. kk,Ki-i u.
cho. Pfd m<i« m a buttered i»n, and

'b- b~;0, or fo

,,, „.*h -



uuaii usiis »iui u>e


• >-» —

egg. .of floor.. Bake b three layers. For
in a fliuZnee tbe follo^- one cup of

.. .._

—jQ|-^ serviBg iry a goioeo ■ upowo


vxjw. w.,«u *. “*s,

wm luv — u,wa

<d t*o eggi.lfamaa.antobe reserved aa before- said. Use twe scant
•“» » W amall eg^s. ode
cop to one large eag-Mrt Eetelta L
K»e*>»na. Traverse City.

Vnder the protection of tbe goddeat
r,««^ha1f cop bolter, one egg. nre
Pnvis was hoeplubly received
by ,Ublesi«onsPol sour mUk. one level l«., king of Sparta. Helen. Ibe
spoonful soda. Mix soft and cover
f«‘v««t of her
was tbe .wife
“TA !^,i
oA.v r ^
Menelaus. hut l3ri«. aided by Vm^tis.
®“*‘- Landing,
persuaded her’lo elope with htuTawl
f !
SweetZA-nrind through tbe meat

- T “rr;,
','r—rj-r rr.


teaspoonrul ot ^
Tbit wlD keep
advoniures of one of the ‘*P‘«v (» preferred, use ball BS^H- weH -Mri. Gertrude B. Prindle. Char-

Tb..p.„.,„b.™,.. — ~

o, mo.unl. Tb. o,u,Urt ». b. o-lt.


Bplee Layer Cako—Four eggs, re.
dry Mrriag the whltee od two If tmali. the

-«taena promised him glory and re- ^
allces Of hard«>“■•«> ^ •ar If he would yield her tbe boll^ eggs
PH*e; Juno promised power aod
rtebea. and Venn, aatured him the
*|*'* ^“ *^'^
»f women for a wHe Parts
oieaaed with

.orrokpoo „

Stive servarsloes ot thoutbt Amona
......................................... . .......................

the ebUdren. there will be small rec^bZ“Zn*«lv?teZortorif^Ke^‘



.Tha. children bejpnd to apnnd the ped for play because I bad taken the blereetbg aod helpful anicle enUtled.
Maple Carameis-Two cupfuls of
tlme to fnier Into the play and show
Haallh} Mind is a Healthy Body.” granutaied sugar, one cupful of rich
The father iotaed them ebearily,
eoma IntereU In tbe thtags that inter- tg Uio Woman’s Home CompanlOOr ««m. one cupful of maple eyrup, and
Tbe mothcr'a bagh was not the
aara in part;
' ihreofourtb. of a cupful of glucose,
lm»l- ■
And 1 have made up m> mind that
-rho general law is that all peace- Follow the directions given for vanUta
*T will not til^t life’s ioys.” said
,W t .A ,
Cbocotate CarameU-Uee the same
-<iora A. Matson Dolson.
liTi 1 hafrieA^A Z. 1 To^iJ^ helirfully u|K.n all bodily organ, and tn^rcdlonu a. for vunllla caramels
fact. I have le«ed tbat I go back ruo„h>ns. and are health-produring and follow the directions glv« for
10 my work w-ltb ^sh.xeal, ^er a
same, addftig tw. square, of uSweeihlm^ My mind la
di„srhtng. de ..aed chocotau- botorc putting over
• Halt tbe ebann of pedgb la bat ■ qulei game
* under the preaaare of woilt and the ' moro at |*are with the world In ^ io-uctlve lofloences. hnd tend to pro- Uie Mr®.


White Cake Without Eggs—One cop

many ol their fablM are sioriea on

.cr » U,
.. ..d d,.rt lourtha d,
or „
aa ,ddb
loch lo .blcdd...
would ,u..
Just drive P..
her awsy. „d
aad send .m
.w. _•__ .
jejiBiw IIIUJ reudvr
for the Ptay-Udy 10 eocoe hack ta bar “ •■“‘‘•v high faraway
cold, then loosM. at
For .V.—
the •-■-..u.
falresL- -iViw-________
US with plenty turn out onto a marble slab or bread Joco. Veou. and Mlnerv. each claim- Zg ^e

STth otbere. at the early day.
.-aided from Um betweoa.

• lnitaibn‘ ot baata. Wo rarely
* kaow our best friends ‘on tbelr
•^lett Bide; oof vision of their
* noblest acives is constantly oit* SCI rod by tbe misu ot preoccupe• tbe end weailnest.-HamlUon w.
• Vable.

hod <Io not mU loo
c„, butter, and fold. Bake
evaporate, and leaven tbe
• »>®‘ oven-Mr*. Ptereoce O. klitla
j^iek. add the de- Kalamazoo
Com Dpdjkrp-Two cup. com meal,
let all boll.up together gently for five a good pinch of salt, small tablespoon
minutes, _________________
kemove from the fire, a^ lard, acald with boiling wuer. Add
. . eareiairy
- salt
.... bbo
--------------by spoonlule
pepper. <-------------jrop
uid mut ano «rop
.y spoooiiue <m
eelery-aah Improvee tbe- well buttered tlna Batter thicker la
^ touch of pap- the eenur than on tbe edgee.-Hra.


a « «



♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
The lollowta* ,^ip« were selected
from the cook book compiled. i,> the
>Uchtcj.o gi,,, Kederatloa of Women
ciut», and riven l>v eome of tbe leadlog Club Women of the eUte.
Tea Bo!l«-One quart floor two
teatpoocs baking powder plat* of
salt. ihrrtHiuanere of a cup ot shortening. ihall butter aad half lard)
thrywmarters of a cup of enmata.’

horn; do
Slmmkr gently for three hours;

thnmgb al) the
The apple U mentioned in fable and
bl.tory more than any other fruIL It
1f.. .
f« >»«> “I Eve been tempted
8*““. * ....
niee of a serpent.
offered the flret woman fruit from the
tree of koosriedge. an apple tree, and
bad not Lve yielded the father and

wtry. to a boU. The sUrrlng U very
important, a. It U almoet .«* to - - ^cs *dr^cn*’nzr^n

Ws*b. i«r« and allr^ • half dozen
im« pouicci; cold boiled ones «ill
Put tbeia Into « deep «iew-pan
or kettle with two .juaru of »ater.
and add a »a-*.ll piece of oieat or a
cupful of BMtetock. A Rllce of salt
Pork la good and preferred by aome.
Left-over plecee of eteak or the bonee
®f • '’“‘•t
etcellent for tbU purP®»*- A»<1 t^*" rouP
Palatable «nbout nilBg meat.
the pot a baadrul 01 waahed rlee ard a very small oalon allced.
M.raronl. broken Into btu. U a raluaHe additloo to the coup, but not
sirfcUy neoeaaary.

Z--------The March for the goMeo apples of
um by mak-


®v double the qoan-


one cop of water, one an<faae-

Tbelr action upon

J2 adveniurea of Hercules.
, *
and Juice, one lemon, rind and Juice.
------------------------The apples were tbe one. that Juno
Beta thrM ogg. thorougbly. and oma^
fine lijm.
bad rorelved at'^ber wedding from the ellr them slowly into tbe mlxtnre. ratalaa. rin'iiarMd-AntineaU. cook all
Three Sewth-Gcrman Dishsa
To my way of thtaklog the TTI
."bt rtkrtlvllr. u,.lowlj"»l««.
l.p pob.d. 01 'X-”"- « lb' Konb .00 .blob .b. ~oki.p oolll II I. ol tho ooo.l.t.o.r .pill tbirk, ibm W lool. Il U b«l.r
portsot wmrk lo the world is n....
lotoklur. n», moll mloin lo Uoma.r pon otround kioak ud b“ lbtni«rf ,o ilo, kmloc .1 lb. « boll«l couort.
TUo ol nr» uO u om. lb. dop b.tor. o>lok. Roll
pl.sir- -‘-x - . utile fellow By the
doukOt.,. of llo.p.,1,. Iftor wloo. k<ld oo.bklf oiplul ol ermn, t.eot rieb ploCTott thin ond edt irtth bl.
Stoe. you pta, wTS hlHou aro abta '***~>
adventures le bta search for Ue apples or sour.
cult cottar. Place one tshtespoooful
tolnaUU Into him prtnriple. tbat wUI
“'*!* **
Her-ulct found Atlas, a gtanl. who
When eold^pour tt over the potato of mlxtaro-oo one aide of the Croat.

!i:^rn7n.“«'“.-- ™.rroi“r..“«~-”„7r^',“LVo:-.^1»..^.»„...«..««
w! ..r
0^ yTfor bta

^nlrol by them results In lowered
«UUty. id hence oapabnity. thZb
reealu may not not always be
Bat I de mean that by devottu mincieat In register tbemselvoe la any
U».-d.lli-, om, II ,00 bn.o to
bbdp. lt( toon
noklect wa. pon of pop. own work. XionouDeod.
to this Play you are bring able to-«» ««totb the normal


“ 99l*€i: rr.
Triop Imagination and lo become ^
stronger meataUy. phyalctally and


______ ^
results of a lowered, poorer type roagw

a detannlnlng factar In your own *'- •»

u-h«- ih. -...t
M ben the meU


r:'w7 r;h.“;.,.’“n-“iSS

r-n,“'arp„?.?r. r. -7- sr^d^r^

*cta. »he fled the society of men. and igbla

taaanlty-mwneUme. «mUy wltl, the fork, remove It and
J^. og .be strings. Strain the gravy
________________“8 carefully skim off

-----------------------cohm, comp.
DidoVCHWlo. *.r0"«
A-hvwy to told Of a rouag Wife Who *«*«■. t«» cups rin^. Tie In s
cloves, four
knew IltUe c( h
She was. P‘»w «t musUn i
In consequence of that laexpeilence.
allspice, a Ul»lespoon broken
dl.Bo.«l to H.hd . bit lo .w. H n. Hlbk .l"■••ob kod wa. ■«•». SIm-


oold WHH Odd Hit lolo tt. knvr HidI
„ to,, „p ^^e moment wBesson
,to taste with salt and pepper and
p,,ur over'tbe rolls of meat. If this


apple and nofneats Keep to a cold
otare.—Mrs Marne Blgriow AlUoo

If any army officer ^ve indefinite
, commanSs, and U be changed these
treqoeoUy qualified
D woold result and a
beattatloQ would arias la the minds of
the soldiers sbo^t the wisdom Of
prompt obedience. Uniform obedleoce depends ovob' giving
neceeanry. In glvln. them In

terms, mtd then t.


'’‘'IT"" saratah for cold meat, or a ptata

Foiato Ple-ThU may be made
plea, which she gave

suitor, srlth ittstrucUons how
cold meat tw chicken, aa well as from

s time tbe two racers ra
■n>eif Atlanta forced ahead. Hlp- bsktng^tah with mashed priato Free
tbe chicken from bone and akin, and
“ »PHe hi front of
b.r. ®b. .iwpw to pi.k op tb, prt.. ™t In kinaU bits, or put throogh the

6 of th^ e

tasulng B coofUctlng orders.
Ekottlp lb. wmo I. ---

rr :r“"‘rr-S'”i"™

the chicken.

ad.nd 0.1, .ook nio,. w .b. w. roHp. .nk.. . woof dHlolow wno,
totemews wlJ th; tradomnen a. brJ
« m.y Um. throori.
aa possible.
Ons morning there . cams to ber
bouee n collector ot ashes. -Ash-ees!
Useful f
ash.eeaV' she heard him calling In
Teety Meat Pi»-CoId meat U i

^l!" .r"'‘.77

•" ■“»>■>«



^ ----------------- ebot aooe# the goal e
ped round steak, half a slice of bre^.
------------------------aoftened w ith water but carefully
^he two lovers were so full
Beughnata With FrvK.
drained, a saiMpoonful each of aUt
• that they forgot i
Prepare a sponge wlUi one plat of
tones. lU the cry we^ re- rZTifrjrn/irZ'irZ
m Z ie w'h^!^'*
vri2' honor to Venns. ‘Ibat
* >*“*
Peated again .and again, abe became'
»WUritig In the Ktaier. eo tbU Me whole egg. Fill tbe pocket ^Ih
ingrotltodo shd ed tn a llUle warm water, one scant
^ ar^^JeSSdZ to
^ “*
«- O-be-- teaepoonful of Mlt and .ufflrient flour

tram the


Driloloo, to
•»«> chopped, and a salt-spoonful of A'*"
« *•» thd apples U l> with s fork. Set away, aod keep a, roll In
-H «1 pepper. .Th« roll up each
--^POrt the sky while Cd a. poarihle UU usH.
-rve with ootoa-Mro. C. 8. AUtaoh,
*U"k.™t.d no wplok
Tb. pmtl.,1 *•’' of on-to, U
P*«* and Ue with
or thread
*• t»
ll-™l~. >oo» «f bietordw. to m.h lottonV.-. I- lodtrldol
Heat n iron pot hot ..d lot. It pot
a Vd
toodom .OH V
o l""">rr kod I.1 nton. o ltb
top awololiHl win Him
1““"* "<-----------------WV «aVdV«,HdkHaMklk»
it may also be *8em op inib qoariero and pour over

mall onions,

T ““ ■”“ *



(2> exprsMSd In Unffoage eavUy
deroiood. (1. not Involving too m

r ebantea.
UJ light. Add IbrM egge waU beaten
The child will soon )oee respect for
boll «al.-r added in pot-roasllng cooks
------- -. .
William Tell, the Swist any was a and cmebalf of a capful of bottsr Uio wisbee ot the metber who til loo
aofl away, more should be added In pro- .
aad when Oealcr. creamed with one cupful of sugar, rieariy ^oes pot know what she Wants

u3rni3Siii 7w,3n33..T..rH;7wS:

came In guttural foeeUan

eddlUon to tkls the habit of giving axcoses Is very sure lo he developed.
Conrtnands or requeaie given to chlldm and parUcalarly^ to young vhl).
dren should be (1)

Z5U coldly
* "*f .•‘“f
dignified ettttnda.
she replied
tore and leave a hole la tbe top. My
-No. I don’t think 1 care tor any to­
Ingredlms are four oanoM. of floor, tableapoonful level ot baking pow.
kder, a plsch of salt ono ounce of butMarohmrilow .Seutrie.
ter. one ounce of shredded euel. Mix
• Brown eao poond of s
k and wrater. Boll out.
en fork or tn oven. Becaretrinoito-coTertbedtahaod jostbake^ndeat
cook long oaongh to make them hard, te brown the cruet rieriy. .
A DeUrione Cake—MU one pound
ta gtaas dtah. epriaUe wtth any klpd of floar, half a Mund of tbe flae
of nnu, another
manbaaSowa wane
wtdte sagnr.
Saga halt a pound ef ttfltaaa
setaer layer mifitimanowa
Pet over n Flu of riigbUr nUlna. fear ounces of candled peri ta
and flnvntnd mUI^ fU1»g, thyw oanean «C candtad ebor' *•«
a Ptadh of


r„T7 73*“- •“




•™*="w“3:;,‘^rkirr. 3n37,“.:.3".‘o.n3'.

piarod on a pole on tbe market place
Fried Potatoes—SHee row poUloe* aod ttatloaed a sentry to make' tbe
tolo told watar- T*bo
tabbMPoon- Swtis bow to tbe hat. TeU refused
fui of rendered tnet and one of but- and was arrested. Oesler told him he
ter aod put it Into a shallow saoce- would be freed If he would shoot aa
pan, and fry In it UU brown, oce apple,off the bead of hta only eoB.
small sNced onion. Drain the pota- Tril>rrotened
I If
toes In a colander and dry on a tow. ke tfhmed
tbe teet and
tghued to nndsetake
«]. Pot them into the eaucepen. eUr urged by bta ew te try. abet fbe apring often and wh« they are light pie from the boy’s head
yeUow- poilr in balf e cop of briUng
water. Cover rightly nnd tilr ocroPetatecs in Many Ways,
aionaHr UU tbe potatoes are dene.
Potato Soup.—Carefully madt this
Sprinkle «a aaM and pepper to taste it a very noartabtag aotau exeaUsot
aad eerop va.
for iaraUds or cbOdrta «»d lor all

aerond time. the. sift in eoinrient are give, right a.^ In »he right spirit
flour to make a soft doogh. Kntad has laid at toast M mSld foundstloa
for five mlnutM. cow and e« aside >one-that of prompt Choerfol obeagain ontH doubled In bulk, then rou’^enee.—Emma C. Wallgco In Farm
out on a w-cH floured board. Cut Into •o'l Home,
tiln rounda. Have ready aboot two
, ,

cupfuls of oeedad nlslae or any pre­
ferred fruit; pnt a tetapooiifnl oneacb
round, wet tbe edge, cevar wttk a see- or drip^tagB. eao Maapeeeful of soda
end roond and prma tbe two together, dtoeotved
- •rivad la eeobalf
oeobalf cap
cup <of sqsr'milk;
Let Bland for twenty mtaot^ (ben oae-haH MaspeoafDl of ari kinds, of
drop, a few at a rime. Into laaeoklng eptaet; two thirds cup of rolataa
hot tat and 000k nnUl goldan brown, dredged wlik ftanr end Hwo and oneOtnta on
nnd raU to taartk enFS ef Onnr. Brim aiowly u

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