Grand Traverse Herald, July 01, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 01, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Covers fhc
Grand Trav­
erse Region.

Twice aWcck.



Illinois Farmers Take AdvanUge of
F^ak Bounty.


Viaitero Were'Shewrn New Church and




'- Oj>cn night at the new Central M.
Sheriff Smith baa clamped down
B. vliurch p/ov'-d very. j>opiilar. From
the lid on the nlikel In the alut
chines la the county aqd they must I GIVEN NEXT MEETING OP GLD
scvenUilrty until ten o clock there
wuK a ronsunt coming and going of
all be rvBoted from aalon&B.and
other places at once la accordatU'c
pcnplo who wldicd to Inspevt the fine
with the atate law or the ones upon
edifice. The comraentH of the visit
whom- preiuUes they are- found wUl
ors werv- IntercKtlng to hear, "Isn't
he subject to pnmeeutlnn. The nmthis RTcal!" "The heal equipped
•'bines were «irdc-r<>d out of the city
church 1 have ever seen " "It is Just
last spring and have as a rule Ix-en
tH-autlful ' Thus the remarks laii
kept ouL ^hia new .order applies to
Ylie frlf-mU were rw-elvi-d t-y the
the whoW ••ounty and »IH he strirtJy
iBilli'* of Ilie ehlirr h la Hie .Kiiarhiiis
FfTeptii'm halls, ami then the n
l>era of the nflirlal board, showed the
Auto Rida ArouiM City and Into Coun- ^
Vldteni over lh» building. After
tf Proved Orvo of . the Moat
viewing ihe' iliiin-h many r-'llred
Taken Care ef in an Ex­
rmcTssting Features of the '
the Sunday evtuMd audltprlum wle-re
ceptional Manner*
Ihe Mull iirrbi-Kira was ki-i>t playing
Ihnoiglinui the •-v.-nlng. The «-bur*h
taetcfully di-eiirnted with choice
The banquei that, was given In the
flowers, the gift of Mr, Faine,
Twelve'b<uidre<i people oa the Cen­
OM ^ttlara' Hay. the hottest day of
Waahingtoii. June 3T. ~ lleclarlng
new Ceniral Meiliodlst church Friday
tra! aihrx>i gionad". the beat of the
the year. Injt one of the moat pleasJhat eapiBuuikms of'the rnrivnvy
Five-Year«ld Kenneth WHght Had
night was a fit closing to thu number
SRt In many ways. Tim heavy rahu
ao far have not been Muiplc enough
Expenses ara Given aa Lew'aa Fifty lu'-rulag t>-mpercd with a rool breeze
Skull Cruehed In Striking
of big events that has rharatlcrlted
from , the north, a dinner that la alti> ffi-iityitui Mr Common I’<-npie
Cents at Ca<ro,
Hod thU very wann
the dedicatory week for this d^om-:
wajB the big thing of a plcnk. the
conblned to glee the famara dod
tin' exact way In w'hlvh-lls proviahms
ination. It demonstrated in rVery way
bond playing patriiuic airs, i
will offc-i Mm, B.-|.reH.-nUtlv.. BulkEmit grovera ideal groalnj: coDdlttona.
Willlamslnin:. June :d-An arridont
the altmisl (wrfeec manner In which'
ft a**D' iail-jn romlng from mlW
Ivy of uhlo.-veteran deincKral of the
They ronaidered that they rould
bap|M-iM-d Tiiesdny aftrrmion in which
big hamiurLH can he uken'earv of.
iking vonimini-.-. today
afford (o "take a day ofT
-Wxidiiugbiii. June :T —Thi- ••M-aie-i-l ■
Oio lltllc Ji'i*->ear-t>ld wm of Mr. and
The rhureh touiniitlev* Who had this' pla<-e in 'he viori.i for a;:au
i meettlng
Ttfli their nelyhbura at this tli
It Cnitrd I'resK a "liird
S<irh-n!' rt*o"
Mrs. Aktnao Wright was so badly hurt
pan gnb. I.ulldmc lo liy.h eier jj.i.
l,|. rma-, a! iiil; rf*-*) - Rur.-rr-..
the WllMUi-tilaMi nx'iikiiie. lie said
cauae they cnuld^see many that oththat he dic'd Wednesday. This famlly
rlr.t rirp.r had .r.ruWr.rrrl
„rj„.rlri. ol
orwUe they would have to take tuurlt whu live about two miles nonh «f Ihai he d.-*ired that the
rrrr d«all rrl th.l drill,nil Pr..!.!™,
! ,p, i,sa . .
f id Is Urlr, |.n .1 1».
more time So the farm s-urk «a»
overalU.'' at well as the b.tiikers and
Hales were preparing to go to
Nrrrhlss b.d 1... r.rndrrrrWrrd P. .U,- g,.,,.
ErPr. ~s,rsltl« had ssrrt-1
loft early In the day and they uame
finamJeni. U-'advlKed what eflurt the
Lake for ah i-uilng and bad all the
.•..rail, ..It PS 11,0 Irlt ,tttl„rts, ,s„
„ s„ s„, s,l ,h...,p«n,.
Tlga and Imitia and antua, while
bill would iuive.
i>e«i aathings in the rig. while id tlir srs-nnd
avoid any ctinfusion. It is a task index lo llie high r.t b>wr Ol-:;.
oi-^» of ::n
there were aooie wtiu 'cauRiit rides'
Hulkley's iduipliried exp«ellh>n of
was the tniat that they were going
that lew would dare to /ttempi. but .le-KS or death.
the bill follows:
r> oi
a.I the
*VlJ, day
— .
wiih their friends- and talked on the
jevery minute
se. Th«v were the p.nrenla
-h«ai-i-t 1‘laie fi.r • "-*'“1 a. .P.SI' i. 'rh. drrrs
way 10 town.
By Robert J. Bulkier.
the twina. *!kr1 and Hennc’h.
W,.r.,„M.,« .1,
P.,. ,»»
The I'entnl school grounds
The hnrsO of the family rig was
Tb.' WtlBOU-ClasK bill Hill fr«H'Jhp
aceiie of activity. All that w
homewluit restless and Mrs. Wright
Alm„i tP IP, riripnl, l«t DllM
done yesterday was finished this was holding ii by tYie+lis. The HHle rurreiii-y and srialiiH of Hi" <ountr.^
p,.rl,. 3«,' rppk Ihplr „.U 1. Ur.
n,. |S<"r.b
TnortilnE. Many of those wlio ea
that was responded to by Archibald
Kennetlt. l;:ul 'clliiiU-d Into the fnvm the doiuinam-ii "f any biinlm-K'
new- dining room to the mush- of the .„uutry the com range, irons otm
early ipmed In and lent a hand
’UtUe Helen
:n help In the loading, to r
Information Bu,eau'for Employer and Mull Iirehealra. Four long Uhl** wnrt> ,jjree dolUrs )st dav!
that they could Ulk with the workers
Silver gave a song that pleased ernrr the horse l>e<-ame frlgbtei^Od baiiks where they will do iTie nn-.'
Candidates for Poalt'ona Will
set. running east aad west, while thei The cost <'f fum-ruls vary from
as they worked. It was a pleasure
erybdy. ,
and Jumped, throwing Mr*. Wright to gwd: .prew-nl the .pilliic up el tb"
Be Started to Help Olit
sm-akers' Able was at the ^at wnrt of ri iits in C.viro to
In Sui-r
do this and helped out greatly.
the ground nnd the entire rig passed country baiihs' n-suiiri-ea , in Wall
the Farmers
n-.:n, running north and s-uth. In tvu ; J;;i Jn Kan Fran^-o. »?:.
WUl K. AhdersoB In bis address
This asaoclaiioD la growing In nu
oter her body, tearing her ehilhinc street I-- BUpluirt "im-k ev-tinnge
siph a manner tliat every a^ker Cbirago. W6 lo Fliltadelfela and $.'>• "Do It Sow" showed that U wo* by
hers each year, and while'there a
and terribly bruising.her Isyd.v. The eratlens: provide s ".vf<- ami eound
could l« segn a«d hoard wlU.out dlf-jin Keichlkaa. Alaska. OChJals
following odt that procept that ‘big

aone that drop a^ay during the meanlausliiK. Mieb . June ys.-Heglniilng fituUy.
waa overturned and 'KenncUi
plain that th« lo* roft In niuy rltles thinga
ana. yat atlJl others are added to tftmwB om. atrfhlng hla liwad etn^n xMiUiw to the iiewda of the «o«Mry'a JuTt l.-4!i^tinti U lolKt acllvely ndThe ii. w ventilation sysiem proved; is due lo the fact that-eeanieu's relief •huwn by ih" work that he has done
the metnbarahip roll and the Hat la siiiDe and renderirur him uneonschms. bualnexs. anE make 11 pusslMe f<;r vertlsed as a g->od place to live.
unwf., fi.r while she heat of the kIxiiI.u.k ar.-loi-a’d there and Ui-oi'.ly for Ihs benefit

Urgrr <Sw than at any -other time.
iPhyaiclans were hasilly .swnimuned
hitd le-eii lnicns<-. Ihif ronm could ri-rvice-thi- coLiruct un<b-ii*k< r isr- Mrs. William Lgyve gave tho histor­
}.cad of the luiiiilgra'iu:i department
As It wsLB tteceasary to enroll' to be from Mk Ilaplda ui.U Williamsburg, through rtvmpi'il'i'm »:ich •Teiilt
havr been more cosiiforUhle. The forni* Is so linu tlw Is.d.v oc r
she ian# report which wa» very Interest­
kill lu^lhi- oflbial udverllKing dlrec- table'd-'oratlons were ;l<eautlful and nli.-r organlzailon for l.nria!.
able to get one of the aouienira that but the little one never retnver.-d. •••mmodatlon as his busim ss and <"
ing especially to ihooe who have liv­
Ha-Cf'ibe sute with {li‘,»"i)at hta-dis. with the- new nnpety and th# whining
■was compiled by W. S. Anders-m. The moihci: was proMraied and the ■'er merit.
ed here for many yeaiw. and equally
The prfiMem 1k niX an easy on* , and ptel. The Rrsl affon of She bureau silverware, made a sight that will long
there were hundreds of new members nelght>orho»<! whmked. The funeral
D the yoangcr jpembers of the aaTlaanclal
wNH he directed towards relli'Vlng th« -• reniemberedwho paid tbeir yearly dues and ttek service* Jteie held si the Hates rhurc-;i
serUtioa telling them of th; hlg work
.•■ars lo sasGerl the f-irm of rcforivi labor ir-ubles of the farnieis Iti Ihe
one of these aouvenlrs and tbeh cmllvd this afternoon at two o'clock.
I'Jvei? detail of tho serving w-aa
the early ptonL-ers and their hertfic
bat la need<-d In »)ir bankiii: iind
to their frlenda and went away and
!. Futelgti laborers whu land In done with ciockllKo precision and sot
effort# to make tbU the region whatit
currency laws. Tlie Aldrich j/i-pelary New York will be ind’uced to cortie to an Insemipiion waa made In the ezMt down 4n a root place and Compared
rommissiun worhiri two years trvitu Mbhlgnn Here ilic>- will he Biveu' o-llent plans that had been so carefut
imtea abrui the frlenda whose fares
Geo. G Dates. Ki«ke of *Otd Photosolve the.pniMem. bill fnllcl
work oil the fanua.
they found In the "pink liook."
ib-itight out by the various com­
graphe" and this held the aUentlon
the present Wll mift' with general
Farmer# who deals'" lalxiress are di- mittees.
Picnic Dinner
of the gathering. In tho rocaUltag of
Tfcted lo write li> Mr. rarsmi, inforiuThe picnic dinner was a. feature. Ea GeVernor FranU ef Oklahoma at favor and bids fair i<> be favurabt
After the banquet tabU* had been
:*oned frt»m leir «-<.MitiiiMiM' lifter nil tng him how many workers ihey^ lu-i.-d. ileared. Itev. W. .,\V, MrKoc an- Health Officers From Lansing Are the Incidents brought to mind b.v the
There were fiundredi who came with
In Charge and People Are
sight of'the faces of those who wore
details slitll have !•'ti thornugUly whether nialu or lelitale and what the nnuntTd thavoii aecouat of H. S. Hull
baskeu and tnxea. and a farmer's
Ordered rVaccinated
•early seitU-rs.'' A nainber of
work ooDSlsIs of.
Among the guests whu artl'e,] at threshed ••ver ami i-a»n-d wlilili
haaket will always hold en'iugh for
having.In-cn called away by the death
short tclka Were given by the older
Th<- lionnl will also senit (<>rih large of his brother, the position of toast­
.S'c-ahtawsnia Widtimdsy wereca-fiuv- ert few weeks.
nnexp<T:ed guests and there wai
Adrian, .'s —Adrian today was ineinber* that were fully appreciated
one-wb-y went hungry.
master for tho occasliiii, bad been
In the midst of a smallpox seare.|By the company. ITeildent Smith
lands and- urging ilieiit'
f.'reat long Ubiet had been pre­ of Oklahoma. They are occupyin^r of l urreney. nmbiliiation->rf nwervi-s
given i.» A. J. Maynard,'who prvivi-d
Seten raw# were disi-'W-d yester-'gave his annual r<'?t>n which was Inpared and these were early apread and one of ihr collages near Ibe hoteI.^ii-1 and govrnimvnt i-ontrot <>f 'he nation!* those who desire l<> 'an bs-.k I
that he was equal tn tim emergency.
day among tVo lamili.-a oa the wsk- terrMlB*T-,=-E. O. T.add. who has been
:«ever waa a mote happy sight than will remain for the'runim>-r. Govi-ni- fmanctai affairs. The opening number was given by
What win Is- II.S effe.'l" Fire'' lb>
tn see this gathering all Intent upon or Fnjfil* was one of the vapUliis of
IH l-e fewer liiiauiial iiatib s.
t'l \v>wli-P vis. I u M.Krisev ssS
l-efore noon l<riay cumber of yerr. gave hla report
HoiichrMer* under f'.vl. Rof*cv.-li
helping each other.and all talkiog.
fl'calih officers from*ins have ar- wMch khowca fiat there war a memaulpulainin of the .titonry market
at the famous rltarge up Son
at oace. The wind abJfted Just at
ikmaa Owhiin res'iKmdtvd
‘W- ''•U* ■
noun and people sat and enjoyed 'Uie Juan hilt during tiic Rianish Amerlrtu rrvato ariifleial BtCiiigenc^' will Is;nail<.n bas luw« ortereJ .number who had mt to their a
war be h-aif'lilK n>Lii-any and wa>-re posalMe. Iveausn interest' .rnx-s.
lime until tho afternoon prograiu.'^
Ihe 1,-s^ tivasi and stated that w!i"n''^
--------------------- ;»iarc final fTTurr.< had been made. O.
warded by congress for Ms hrafery. (iliime of x urii-te y anil i-iiele-io’is of
hurcb enlargr-d It a»un>ed «ddcd
Friend Greets F^tnd.
-redll wHlI all he roiiltolli-d In the inPower*
showed lh«
rr-Kponsibmilea and the fact that this
•Say. John, come on ove r and eat
erest of the public by a gow-rninenl
the flcanre# were In a good rondlUoS.
had been done, there were threi!
w|ph us. Got IMS for us both." fOh, rhsries Renner, who is the Rianage:
N'ard. Tlrre will I* no ground lor
The election of offireri followed
'hitiga that rould lie' brktered:
lb<TUs Jim and hU wife, rail them of .Veahtawaniu hotel thjn year, was
■ ho fear and distrus'. which sometimea ILLINOIS SUFFRAGE BILL SiGf^D
with ibis result:
over right now"—"My. land. It there a meu.ber of P.ove-nor FranU's ron>home, the brotherhood, and tho «>n>-, pENNSVLV A N I A LEGISLATURE
Preridetit----- I>r. W. II. ^nA Snt-. and was al-<o In the baifle of hringa 'on panics. l<rcause
lebnity. Kach one effects ib<' o'her '
ain't Aunt J<«nle. Ho. Ho. Jennie, beci
too# Bay.
San Juan bill. TheH> war eonitades will know that enough currency
:ul alt fur the
uiihulldlng of ‘.Ho
lonklrjt fur you. here’s a place Just
enough rredi' will always Is- available
^ecreUry-F. O. Udd. Old Ulsston.
have many Interesilng slorics to
. made for you"—"Why. Comrade Hill.
to meet all ht-itiniaie needs.
Treasurer—O. J. Powors, Elk Bapof those stirring times.
Hev. A. M. Ilancy said that r^turchPrimary and Non-Parti. say. dido I to to OoUysburg. did }■-,
The working man will always k«'I
. V
iLily was the safeguard nf all and|
Just Under thought ye’d auy and
hla pay Iti government i-urrency
WlDUm Love. Ttut.
If (hla m-s' factor that had been
»nit>e and eat with us. How's everygood as g'dd. ami will not bn askt-d
Into ..pcj-atlnn could aolvo tbs inirri-hure. I>a . Jum-3-- The lynn- er*o riiy.
, ihiog?' ".'ay. VneU Jim,seen those
acc«pt rlsaringlinuae ehet-ka nr oih
Ttco-vre.-ldeaU—Antrim Co_ B. 8proWcm
pictures over on those racks wasn'
er credit rubstl'.utes. laecause employ.
working amooihl*. and ihe hearty In- murnhig after a Mx momh'.s ae.slon. XoWe. Elk Rapid#: Bantu CoufflJ,
that a clever thing to 4o. Ain't aeon
will always he able to get the
U-rcl..mgiiig of ideaa and plana lhere|Thc nieasur.-a approved ir.Iu.le.1 a Gee. Smith. Beulah; Charlevoix Couasr.ino nf those faces for years."
i-urreucy which iludr busineKk Jusil
w.Kild 1.0 a greater apirlt of fell*»w-|
,,rjmary. ^ n<.ii-partlKan 1*1- XT. O- E. WUbur. Cbarlevolz: BmmM
•'WJi.r. Just look at lUt card board:
lanslng. Mirh.. .iiinr :T. - SiaieY(ar
Women of Suffrage Lobby and State ship maulf<Klod\ and these wonW igt; enabling act for the el«iion ol Coonty.. R. A. OkBipbell. Petn«k«ff:
Ibere ain't a person ^rln." but
The amah hualnims man will be able
Officials Were Present When
leriologiet 11 1. Ib'lni i-a»* limt iIu-mbring all to a^gber piano of use-.i'oiu-d Slates lensfri; women's eni Grand Traverse Ovnnty. W. 8. Andmato't It goo.1 to look in the faces of should b" a nan- la* |•la^lIlg more « borrow at a lower rale, an-l tn seOocimtcnt Waa Signed and
Trsverse City; Kalkaska Omntr.
pliiyment. ari<l gmi-T*! apiTopnatica
those old frlenda Ba^hat committee
rigid reslrir tlgiiK. on lb>- sale of , bi­ nre morn adequni>‘ necommmtnlionx
Made Effective.
Cqrnellns Cronoii. Kalkaska; Amela ,
8. M'-Gn*g<ir. wbo was a I hint.
desen t-s lota of t>ralse Tor that . t chloride of mercury.
because the hunks w ill feel .more free
Coattty. John Whtta, BoloA.
fi^er pastor, had made special plans'
Just got to go bark and look at thooi
Invest in the
“Time war when rl-rbloriile of mer­
Springfield. lU.. June 3C.'-Cnv, Kd- to be here on this oicasiob and he
. Tba asKorlatJon will meet at .Bat*
■gain," Kay. Frank, can you naius cury was generally used as an antisep their local rommimiilew. knowing ihn't
ward IMtiuv f>lgu<4 the equal auf- wanted til MDgpatulote the church on
^n* Bay next year.
all of tboic In iliat group
Uc. but them are on many good non- they t*n Immediaiely realirs*
fnige bill this morning at 9:K, there­ till- wonderful work that (hey had
Ineidntrts of the Day.
Hannah'a elerka? My. but It Ukea
thc preKPiit paper by re-dlscouiiiing whenever thoy by enfranchising one million, six done to bring all throe things about
The Campbell Concert faaad ptayed
me right back to the time I firat be­ lime that Minie resIrlrtlionK should In' need tii do an.
hundred Ibousaod women, more than Thu new homo waa tint for the souls Bulgarians Badly Defeated by Ber- during the entire afternoon and lead
gan tradin' there. Makro me fou^ placed on the sate of the drug. ' de­
•\i vlan Atvr.y.
tho auto parade about tha-tlty after
doubling the number of women en- of (he lucple alone, hut the saving nf
clared !>r. 'm
Holm today. "Anil
titled lo vole In the I'nlied Slates. the whole body. The laatitntional
the cloae of the exercUeu.
londnn. June 3s - The Servian par•ckoel Grounds Idaal.
FcpTlcs are In a class by themselves
Grouped about the governor when he church will fill a place that cannot bo
E 8. NOble of Elk RapIdA did valliaiiiret
There could not have Wn a letter
far as the law Ik voorcrnMl. for It
liable work for the aaaoeUtfoa hy -the
slgnbd the bill were women of the filled by any btlier faetor. By using
garding ibc pfulwtH arbliroiloa by
plaon riioeen than the si-hool grounds Is the ciistotn of ptiarmarlsta to
suffrage lobby which has been called all the powers that are given tnanklod
number of photographs that he, ob­
.* , Russia vt
of •tb"
uc- u*.|>uicr
dispute between Servia
There waa ahade enough, and then tha drugs nsc<l.for this'purpose without PRESIDENT AND FAMILY START­ •the beat lobby In thb United SUlee.'
ter the oollectloa. U. pr.v,.,u,.,, ul,™ rt« p
"1 ^ „a mrlrorl.. Tl„ d. IrrU,
only real cod breeze of the day waa retanl to any laws nor baa legislation
The aoto ride for the older peopU
With them stood Senator Maglll. rurlag. ThU was the ChrUtlan work lourm-d until Monday and Ibc situs
there, and In
cool of the trees embraced antlMiuics hy special
father of the bill.. Mrs. Duboe. repre- shop where the noulding of character lion remains umertalo ahd. critical.
was the feature of ihe day that many
huodreda sat aM recalled the .days turn."
Their BUy Will Depend Upon Whether eentlng the women of Illinois, and and developInK of mankind
The Hally M-.k-raph's Salonlkl cor- came on puipoee lo enjoy. .There
(if the olden tinea. U was worth'er.
Congrooa Takca flaceaa
UeuL Covefijor O'Hara and Speaker brought to fruition.
wero a number who had not been In
regpondeni iBjwna
ery hour that waa sprol by the comOver July 4.
After another number by the quar­ fighting between U»< Bulgarians and aa auto since they ^ero. here last
miitee to provide such a place and
tette Kev. C. H. Irving was called ofi Servians at Zlelovo. He says tbo Biil- year, and some wbo had never had
while It waa hoL no one considered
CHARLOTTE—An effort la being hy the chalnoan. The/M>eak«r said
W«»ynStob. June 3T.—The prcslgarlans lost <SS killed and 600 wound­ anqj) a ride.
that in the enjoyipent Of the occasion. •mate Caucus Euataim Actlen of FI• 1 by Mro. Wll#on and made to have the sentence of Tom that the church was preparing laadei‘s ed and the Servians is#' killed and
Again It i>rpved that the ante om>
Hoekera for the weaker ones, ooul
tbeir daughters, will leave late today Hale, the Mi
wbo were spirit filled mgn with vUlona 4CW woumled.
ecs are wuitng to aid la the ssMr*
shade for the elder ones, refreihlng
for Corsltb. S!^ II. for a brief vacj atealing chickens, made a Jail term who were s for« that wqre uncon­
talslsg of tbi eltrs guests 4^ shows
watm- from tha artealan well for aU.
Washington, June S'.—FoUowiag
llou. The len^h of the presldeni
Instead of hntrlns him serve at Ionia querable. and they trok advantages o(
STERLING. UL-^ary Mants. a do- that the clUzens can ars
two day s debate, the senaU Democrat­ stay will depend u|ion congresa. Ifior Jackson. In order tb protect his
U waa the
meeUc. employed at the home of &. B. of the means they Jaaee at hand to
TOFRKA. Kan.—Kansas has one of ic roogaa today voted 36 to » to bus- both bouses agree to receas over the
for his dangbter.Of tha people that brought It all Van Patten, raa'^ler of a h««V kt Buds. show thq boatdtatUy fer which Trav.
«fas poor out wheat oropo In SO mn, tain tbe,flnaiM« committee and retain F'wnh of July the executive will stay poiley, vhloh Is for 1
HU surprised three burgUrs earty ti erso City Is so taaonst There were
But her corn praepMU arc amoog tha
intlee on wheat until a week from Monda)-. Othet- void If the bolder 4,gmnrlcted of fek,
tLtn. A. WorcerBAade said that tha day In the hoeae and ebaoed then tweatr-two-anloa la
•MeUrk AB paan.
and dour.
•IM b* viu muni
away with a nvoiror^ ^ . .
Carllnvlllr. III.. Jiino
Juno i7>=PWnnei>
In Maroupln couniy. IIIIdoIh. anmakine a prolll out of a ix-et liy lak- NEW MEASURE PLACED IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE
infi advantaKo of a strancr "bouot)''
offer. Macoupin et>un(.v liiislnras men
nrcBoUed a comtnittee. whirh offered
t: a bunhe] fur all cliu b buRn seat
lt>- tarmerx to the comtninee bradqiiarlere al ('arlliivlllo. Ike Sneadr^
ker of JerKeyvlIle wa' the flmkWHOLE REQION REPRESENTED cialra the Lamniv. He i<hl|>ped .'7
qiiart» of tiiicF. Sni-adeker esillnstes
there wonbiiK» *n tlio
vont Mean! Myeh to Thoas Whs
Boro tlio 'Brunt of Making
Currency an<
Brand Tra<^rat Garden
Small Buaineea Man Can
Get Better Terms
Spot of the State ’
















'z ■T’’-'







,, lonMAKt-masi tmi ^

v 't





amaim plaeaa t» op«d tbalr anadanaBdfor.kBoa-ladsa that wlU ao-.asd a
heap up tba pace It ntera vhere they are free from the
■bl« U* tarmara t« pal tba moij, oat
la the past tbraa y*an aoclal roetrtetlons that prarall at ue
or tbalr Uad withoat deplatloc the ^
W^aad even hatter the ebowlss that has larger eaoten and watering placee.
and totenelre
dartn< tbu period,
There la but little raereatlon to be
melhoda of mlUntloa. Tha paaatag|
.■ fouad U t3a large hotels whsra o&a
has to appear at tha table la eranof the taria raot^oa la the waot and
Ing dresB and Usea while away the
the aaottant detaand tor a praater
The people of the- United Slataa eveologs la the belt roost. Tbeoe ad*
amcMint of products for fooeral
autoptioo puts It up to the tanner to have at last been aronead to a point vantages can be found In the clUos
!ven leee terms than ere demanded
the seeda of tha country. In’vbere they are vllllni to do aomehe fashionable rworu. What the
seattar other «orda It la noT »P to the thing tor the protactloa of bird life
o adopt the acelptural Inltmc' througboat tha eoaptry, aad tn ardor tired Indlrldnal wante U to grt cloee
UOB to oaka two bUdea of graee that thie p>rk may bo aOaeUra
*. IIT*.
grow wbau but one grew before, aad frMt at lU last aeaalon passed a law
tent of ajp-lculafter he has sui-ceeded In securing »mih gave the
ofriaa, m 9MR at
nwnaa H tbia iDrroaae. in find^ ' a -profRnble tore power ao praserlbe methoda for
amrket for the product. In eoine lo- proiortlng migratory aad othtr birds
..j .<ua, b.t»t. .1 nr..
eamiM the farm expert Is regarded ud allowing their natural Increase,
as a tuury at Brat, hut afler being This law snpeisedet Ml aute game
given n tborougb trial there U no uws dak U mandatory upon Ml cttleoanv thM would think for a numont seos and will be enforced by the lonable places where etlQuette and
hU serricea. There ugei auiht>rtUos. The law prevents formMIty hedges one In between har­
are oertMa farmers in even' county'spring shooting In Michigan and other riers which cannot be broken or soap
^ who are not wUllng to change tbeir noitbem slates, an acUoB that should through. In the vldnlly of Traverse
It takw rary UttU ooulAaraUan of
methods of doing boslneet. tint they hive been uken }r«rs ago. There Is Illy there are at least forty .reeoru
tba ouhleet to coavlaca oaa that the
arelb the great minority, and are m reason why ducks and other birds that arc located in tbo heart of na­
p«ple atlargefire theirbrains
jnore scarce every year, should be ahot during the maUng aea- ture and are IdeM places for the weary
Htda «i»irfeealong tteItheof-«wll- ,Tbe Ibct that a farmer has succeeded um. which Is la the early spring. chy people to spend the summer sod
4-.I thought. If takes study to for- l» mMUng money under the old s)-^ £i,d the fsci thnt this practice has Tecui*rate _________
from the,---------------.strenuous ---life
mlMa SB IntelHcret oolnio'n and the t®“ *• >o argument that be cannot |)ecn Miowed Is nothing to the cpodit they lead during the oold months of
aT««» tafirMenl conMers that elae make more under the new. Times if the sUtes who have bees to lax the year. E» ery year more people
it too Umited for etudy akog the llo.* change, and unless the people <^ge vUh their game laws Tbeas laws rome to these. lltUe resorts abd no
of rnrrest events or goremmcDUl vlth them, they win not reap the are made ven’ etringeot so far as one goes away disMtlsfled with the
praUtms. The avemge man Is too beneOts that come to those who are the soiiih Is concertied. and their note thw spend In the midst of na
wllUng to adopt the opinions of tome- m greeslve and work
bo^ elhs as his‘own and talk and the approved plans
work along these lines In order so Years ago no one theucM of spraying ahootlCK. the robins for food, as bas|
avoid tbo uouble and labor that he fhelr orchards, they being content |o always been the onstom during the'
voold be put lo by eagaglng In orig- accept whatever crop nature guvn winipr months after ibey had taken;
laM nasareb Mong any parycular them. Now they Ml spray, knowing refuge ihere to escape the rigors of.
Has. This la^ of iblaUag abllliy on that V nature U helped In her work the northern winters. AU song birds, General leteresl dfaewn It
Throughout Region
the part of the gaa«M public Is the she will amply reward the worker are glren generM protection, and game

GraJ Tmotnt ffiraM


foreign and Xfical Markets









Prteas perractnd •vary day.

......................-...I to *e

Btraw .....................................................tU
City MHiing ce.
Prices corrected «v«tT day.

Jobs M.—“How •
can a pereoa keep cool this •
weMherT’ was the questioB *nb- •
mitted today to AasMtaat Surgeon •
of PubUc HeMtb Serrice W. C •
Rucker by a United Pr*a COT- •.
Here U the pnwcripUon for snm- •'
mer comfort that offldM recom- *,
mended, discarding me«eM tertMt •
Don't keep thinking how hot it • .
Is. Keep still Ventflate yoop •
clothing as well as yoor office. *•
Wairii what you drink. AvoM *
meats. Bwat the fly—it is cos- *
celved In InlQuliy. bred in filth •
and Isoda a life of crima. iDon't A
gat dhllled at night Bntba as of- • ■
ten as you want to. but avoid ex- *
trenies of heat and cold In water. *

Tied In a Knot'

Cholera Morbus or ('ramp CoUc. RE.V
ties the knoi and qukkiy Mves relief,
^ ...........................................................
it docs the same work when robbed

into the skin to rcUevc rheumatl
spiMns. lame back, or atl& neck.
' for Internal or exda) momlog at I,anslng. the Rev. LyPnee r- CIS. Sold by all
ford offlcutlng. after which the hrldat te™M
party left for Niagara FMJs and other
eaatera'rolnts for a trip.
Mrs Brigham was a very socceasThera Is a ehafing^ period tor
ful teaser -for the past
arery college girl; bnt when the Ume
and Is a very prominent young ladr:
promotion to the higher
of Wexford county.
Perhaps her ^oelUon hard by a grand aonare cookThe Grange U probably the n
greataat charm is bar voles. She has. J|ig.etore. most of tha graduates pre­
naselfUb of the many fratmM
attended the TpsllanU school of mu-j
to toot the alam-whlsUe on a Ubders. It strives to aocure tor
memberablp Ml that the other orders slc and has been very succeesful in ‘
for hta services. The same truth ap- birds will only be uken at tha propor
do for their members, and then U ad- her voice culture. The MUaens of
Ror Cuts. Burnt and erviaaa
In every home there should be a
plies to other lines of farm work,
season, which is In the tan. Thla Uw
dltton. It tries to Imprdre the geaorat Buckley are very gratefnl to Mr.
A. R. PotU. the M. A. C, «ri reltare of Ml engaged U agrtcoUnre. Brigham for such aa accompliahed ad­ box of Bnefcisa’a Arnica BMve, ready
and the demand for light on .th-ir
«iu b« • Krest help te theProf.
1 In apply In every case of bnnta. citta.
of the
frauraal ...............
eoeieUee oon- dition lo the eocletr of Buckley.
msnsnee of the gorerament plan lo
over the country, for If tlie Wrds cultural expert, will he In the city ......................
.. ................
wounds or acMda. J. H. Polanco. DelMr. Brigham la very well known •alle. Tex.. R No. f, writes: "Buckwork by fanners Insures the per.
allowed to Increase as they shoild Jo’Y '
<‘»"y « a foHow-up tour of
themselves wnh the work of obapent tha
eend meb Into the various couotlos
they mil Auon become so nnmerous^'he alfalfa campaign that was to eoctalnlagspecIMhsvmg
tbalr part of hu i.B'a’ Arnica Salve eared my little
■ his
wb«s* duty it is to leach farming
(hat they will destroy Insect pests'cessfuliy carried out by the farmera
members madstop
ef- town. Ue was a girl's rut foot No one halleved It
along selsatinc and l»I'p^■v•Hl mcihodfi which lire tow rampant throaghoot end nihers *ho are Inlereeted la the ,0^*,
nut it Is not so with the sueewaaful Uaeh at one Ume and In

----------- _
u,p atatea on aconiit of the ecarelly of raising of iWs forage, lie will en- gf,nga It dooe all «hat It can lor I.,., m™i.u.
Iwrds which naturally feed upon them.!‘>«a'or to. visit all who lolned the ml^j,o prove.IhHr loyally by the which ha baa bem very gurcoaafuL
They win be at home to. (heir ALVIH H. ORUBtR.
1d€ rOQRQCrB
'Men has paid a fearful price for der-luhs llist were formed at thst
«,( uauusi
end in addP
. ___ ,
_____il Oireeter
and Bmhalmcf. Sl2 South Unkm 81.
Trtveree City and the entire Grand
the birds and now that this U*"® s^d help to g« ihe crops started,
^ ,,uor, unoeaslagly l® bring friends at Dnckley about July 16.
Mrs. Nellie ITatt. aaatstanL Qts.
Traverse region turned out todty to hut been recognised It is probable-fhmtl
* V *
Mwul conditions thet wffl better the
phono 8‘r> We treat you aa wo
pay h-vnoi to those »lio made possible
^f ih«l harm already done can' Prof, polu will spend the bOM por- jei of kU eniaged In the agricnlturM
would wlrh to be treated
the v>cilni m «1 .<ti wx- live, aod of ue remedied by rhe operation of this'tlon of Ihe month of July In thla vl- |irofvsslon.
which all progressive citUens are
j,w. The roblo Is one of the best rinlty. and all who with w have him
The ordinary lodge hea noChlng
NCUROPATHIC TREATMENTS—8Mt proud. Had It not been for tHenda man baa and fel even In thla,aid them can send thelrnamea to the
ladlvidnM who b outside the Nsw Vehlcls Placed in Get
Vapor Betba. etc., for atomach, -.
the great aacriacoa of ihoae *ho_viclMty they are ruthlessly shot by; Record-Eagle and they wlU be ukon ehoeen'band but theGroil^lrtea to
nervea, circntatlon. lameoeai. etc.
_.a. .u_________ ... .w !
Cnoaen nsno. OUV tne Uiwnge uves VO
Prof. Hubbard. Steinberg BIk. CIU.
may l3-3mo*


(grange (finger


t eg a valortty of the eQOBomle.
■octM and other lUa of the pressat
• da*, thd these eondlUsns wiu conttaoe U prenil bbiH tbs psopleure
Imissd -fTom thMr Istbargy and
hmeh out Moat Hues of deespv
aiady. Too many people today aoreiii
eptatou that eeme from Iniplred
oporcea aad as a reeull the ones who
havo to pay the Mils get praeUcMly
aotuag for wbal they oxpend In the
way of putnic works. The Idea that
nan In public positions can be trust«d to the Umli is aa erroneous oqs.
for so matlor bow pure their moUree
when they go ln» office they are lUble to be perverted by ibe ponera that
pp^nleae the ones who put the^
tn «mnn bann riialt. aval nnon than.


The flril United StMee parcel poet WANTED-Competent sad
expertmMI wagon was put on the route Moo-; sneed girl for generM honae work.
whole are tha ones who auffor. In the
p^tew raws there tM hajin a raM Of
to P»bUe aSalr. on
^ ^ of the jMople. but too o^

country depeeda upon-the founds and worms which threaten the live#
of U. IncroaMn* hnslnem. pf the
> TUus, 447 Webatcr at. mny 1
who blaze
the trees aad all fm cropa. This
falfa and clover in splendid condition,
girtog their support to the post offlse and Postmaster ftiedrich WANTEO-Cook at Y. W. C. A. home.
corerutlons. U u.w U a good one and If It U propApply U> Mrs Edgar Kel(b,^4£5 WeU
' Grange. But rtw orders are osUbllah- had It made In the city by A. J. Peter^0114 wUMy and well the resalts
enforced will prove one of the
lyl. Too harness was spedally made
p, ,nu.faetory. but If the con-^,„t blessing, that was ever •-“Hmr: J. C. MclAughWn. with the Md cs upon as broad and generous lines. by tba WhUing Implement Co. The
o( J. K. Ztomer. the faderM expert for
I WANTED—Dean acreage. Pcee seed
Stored upon the sUinie hooka.
’’ fnrolahed on the Brat thirty acres
reven to.thalr old haWt of Jetting
t^ture generations have to psyi
'Traverse City Caning
'8wii„r. «. W.U -rtv. .h.
their repreeenutivea do ■a' tber
y,, tb,nf. that were omitted ml
meb ll-tf
«•' IK'""“K- Th,™ 1.
the middle of the month.
pletM without cMllng ths«a to a«^f^„,
Thoee who made G«Od ROBAS TOBT
{a pUce for the bnsband. th«
the wit*
wife and
and I
Thla la the only one In Northern MONEV TO LOAN on good aad weD
const. More thtnktaf aad atudy
' Ube children. Few of the eecrat or^ ** tke eariy hlatory of the Grand Trav^ «nipu-t« achcdule of the tour
improved farai. H. C. Davis. Slf
the part of cItUena la the only remedy
Emmei county will have an MfMfa%^„
the Inner elr’ erse region were people of energy and n,cr the proioscd route to be fol
State Bank FMg. Traverwa City,
fur extaUng evtia. fer ft dost not take
myaUHea of it, will he cool for the driver In the
‘ aptfl tut
iPrlLclple. and their works sUll live as
by the West Michigan pike has campMgn commenring July l&th and
summer and warm In the winter,
aneh thoo^t to arrive M th^ conelulaatUnUona. In the Grange, howa of their Urolesa struggle
announced and Traverao City leth. with John I. Olb#on„M. M. Borowill prcuct tbe*mall and the driver
alon that what Is good ftw the rich U
eectlon what Its location »,n- be one of llio night ronlrols for ham and C. P. Reed as epeakera. aad
^^man la the full equal of man.
eorrespoDdincly bad for the poor and
>uaK it»
vm-be one or Uio nignt roniroi
from the wtorma and Mlow him g:catthe same wUl be extended throurt
taa no right or privilege that

throwlw away that liberty on account
'*** ashes ef the wood oth« Ilneu alone know how to cnieruio rUltiog toclr trips,
no barm, but rather much good, oomet
Any number of automofrom Miowing women to bare
of tha lack of tnteiagenoe oo the pan
than werethe virgin foreste biles niay be la lino for Ihe perty will
same advanUges as men. *
Of the votera in exerrlalng IbMr Iran- value
chlaa. A n>»n oanaot vota right
The Orange lakes MiUdrcn Into full
less be thtnka right and h la tiwsalDorberablp at tho age of fonheen.
of aeilllng the cotu^', aod ntacfalnes as tar aa (be epunty line
Odd Fellows and Rebekaha Honored Before tho children reach foorteon
ble for Hm to thtak right onleaa be
the Departed.
tnakea a sindy of (he problaias thatI tbelr passing brought forth better IvasL while many will make the vonithey- are provided for by the fovetille
' aCoa bis material weltare. There Is, cosdltlona and wider fields of oppor- ploic trip. Tho iuirty will apend Uir
Orange which le modeled after the
^ maUr tenietiCT at present tn etudy tonliy Ip every IndiugriM dine. Upon night of Jnly 1« tn this city on thoir
■enlor organization and has 1U own
problems,hut the work M ecraslons like thta lt,U well to on- »ay fr..m Suitons Hay and th..
The niccnlM-rs of tba Grand Traverse'eOcera and own secrets. For eomi
carried on in such a dseiiUory manner
carefully the carocra of thi- Uflanau lenlnetjla towns. The tarty
tocro was aa acUve Juvsnll.
that d«lccd resaiu are not aeeom- ;P®opl® of the early days and prr.fli hy *ill'al*o
n II ■ . --.1 VI., iTraverBe-ficbekah lodge No, IK. held Gnoge In connection with Uk l*ke
pushed. Ftollowtw the crowd Is a toe leesons that they learn.-d in the
' '
" which
"I'I'- -I •K'l' K-II
a~r,. o™-a
I pracGce. especIMly when
* hlrh they settled. These hor. “1
day Miernoon at 2:S0. the work being rare of the children by menas of an
tha crowd la determined upon polling
wttler# wero 1 hardy race who l«'lnu (north that will bo reached by given by the ladle*.
IsfonnM Grange which la la charge
daoK>T without
without toe
toe |party. SpecIM attention will be
through I measure for (he purpose ofjfsced privation and daox>T
In spite of the Intense heat of the of one of Ha ablest Mst<
> Travers Clly beraiu thla
I themselves Instead of those'filuehing. and It Is their old spirit in Pbto
day a large number of both lodges
The Bctlrkles of the Grange are
whom they protend to represent. the piweem generation that Is making county is the rehl Irtoneor In good wore present. As the name of each many. It has broad alma aad la laThose who live In the iTMccit shon'd It possIMe to keep thla r.-cl-w npon ciKSds work In Wrrtera Mlchlgan'and meinlH-r was called, a beautiful roue
toreetlng In lu efiorta. Few ordcia
»» liuportaut
take heed from the MMory ef tbrdv»«>t the niap In such prumlnrol kitt-re. '*■'*
was placed on tli*- altar by the flower carry on aa many dtSerent Unea of
and pot into practice the lessons that 'Great arhlerementa cannot material-' tourUu after the route baa hern c
works. The InaUtntlon baa ao less
>clp will mean a great
were learned by tho people of fo^er tzo without wcrifloc on Uu- part of
Tb. ™.i w™.lbb b-rt T tb. p.»„„ aiMibrt tbbbUbb.. or J»
aaUona. who Wt thp relne oT tovero- •omebody. and the more wilting tbo '’'*1 *® vreatern Michigan and evefy or.. ™ b bMbUtbllr
kloJ, it ,=rt to rtlrb It <Ir.
ment get out of tbalr hands Into tboae
Bolo by Raymond ChaBcv eoUUed “Art Us eBetgl®«./Theee fnacUoaa are. (I)
*ork ibat U being done by tbn Thou Wear) ? "
of the ossa blgb« np who run the ore for the good of Ml. the grroter *"
fTMeraal. fi) flnaneUl. (I) nbdal,
l»ro»>uUng^Uie project.
govomment for prito(« profit and. not win be the reeuUs In community bet(4) legislative. (5)
tor the common good. Oovaroment Urment Uut few
of »no
the rive
You ran change fretful. Ill-tempereu oacoI 01
live llnee
children Into heetthy. happy yonng- been atdileved. and In several
of the gnaleet nomher and net for n meetlnga of this kind will see their
Btm. by riddloc them of worms. Tossg,, succees has been exemtfew boMneoe IntereeU who happen 10 passing from the field of action, and
The heat wave that It holding sway Ing. rolling, grinding of teeth, crying
have the mMne ef dliwc«lBg leglsla- thrlr lives will be only a memory.over the ouniry at prevent
out while asleep, accompanied within- toaM.
UoB time ehannels Gut wRI rrenll Isito Inspire those w-ho folluw them, .jgood Thing for |hc northern rosor:# Icnae thirst, patas in the stomach and
profit to tbm aleae. Prces"bnreans j
_i_______" , ..
jfor people are seeking the cool breefea bowels, fevt-rishneea and had breath.
' e symptoms that Indicate wo—are mMntalned by the large *®tor»e(s‘p^
' .
__ j
of this Bectlon In tralnloada The mlickapno IVorm Killer, a pleasant
tor the purpose of Influeoelng public rrVB|HXI» UVW
'gratlon lx«Bn early this year and no dy lozenge, cipels the wonna, reguUies the bowhla. reetoree your chil­
optalon. and their efforu are too ofiE-tt l-.loiu-n rolnu lo bumper
ur„ bo.lno. r«K.n,a trom
o,e, ,bp pob.,r>- .bb -Mi„„ dren to heMtb and happlneea. Mra.
en eneoeeefM for the generM good- Dl con.
J. A. Brisbiu. of Elgin, im aaya; “1
net thHMw by the people them- mxu. b... Ur..., lb,» roiul, vbipb
have used Klckapoo Warm KUIer-for
•Mvee would neuUMlu theee Jnfln- exceed those of last year. This Is look with longing eyes lowasd north­ years, and entirely ridI my cl
cbOdren of
encea and cause them u> eolve their good news, for the prostK-rtty of the ern Michigan when (he hhst and worms, t would not 1>e withont It”
1, orb)
•wn-^blems' to tbelr own ad vantage.- nation U Mways dcU-rnilnod Ity tbr flies begin to get tn their Irork and


wEOBiiffi IT Bveofr


»-«». I-b. « -Ao» 8UO.O.. ot

Co,. Pblladolpbla and St. l*)uls.
Sherman, one of the mpet
grips and leave for toe land of thetr
ed young ladles of Wexford county;
when a fMlttre romee the ptneb Is felt
united Id marriage to B. A. BrigProm Beth Mdee.
Ooveroor rerrto' hn roUed Aa at- hy a)l claaeee of^peeple. The rMn tins dreams and sUy as long as their
hem. one of Bockley's moet promising
tkatUtn df toe offlc&ls et WWMnston> year hat been more boontlfnl than'
thldg ekhlleratlng about taking an out- and Hollaad hare teen eqnlpP®d wlOi baalnaea men. on Sunday.
te (he fM-t tint ttare ‘ero Vib '#ew
apperatus by which Ml their lUghooU
ft was a complete enrpriee to tlic
exjii^ wdAtog
th'e ,^^Jl[,J'’,^7kriiw”^^Jnne Mcan be lannched from either eUe of man>- friends. On Friday Mr. Brig­
fhntet dc tetilran end iiiiei the ways brings a drouth In (his region, ***‘‘^
F^n.llve next to nature A veeiel.
ham left on one of faU namerous bust•PKAtjgttt of edveml tanro to elt'p.
this yvmr rMn came In lime to *‘toout any^ restriction, during the
trips. and Saturday morning he
Isjksve the eirawberTy mfr. wbirh l. M-.Tl^ere Is a charm in toe
iU)d Mlaa Stanley went te laniog.
BaMBded os the fans the -saiBe asUrsya elthsr a partlM or tolM tollurol*1to* *1^1 canoet be dspUcated In
tJoo end drapepsla. nee Dr. KtaTs
to llttnif Mst Oe cMtttoS where on Mcouat ef lack of moisture at the !«“«$ and the fanher one goes away New Life PlUa, Panl MaikuOa. of Btrt- where they were Mned by the tilde's
brother end sister.
Mr. end Mrs. K C
lllrtfgB hkve \Mb A,«is «iM (hr I proper time. The fruit crop In the
formalities of the world the fate. N. Y.. aaya they are the “Klag of i2»
Orand Traveree rechm wiu exceed Ml .1»®ttw ^ toela and the greater the Ml laxsUvea. They are a bleeeliih to.Bpenoer. bbA Rev. Q. D. Ilford, fonainnair crone vmleee eome nsforeeeen |l>«aeflts that are derivM from eueh aU my famUy aad 1 alwaya kdep a|ar pastor of toa BneUey Oeogiepitlonbox

church. BOW of Cteii Mlet.
oceuwee happen to (afore It before, vaeatios. The tendency of the

Fan Emerk

tn«tWltr. Vito fQOfi Iftilt pToepeetJ ‘ftoia* *t (®( morteri to aetk o«l toe Sn!»gleia* *TYaver^'TI^

. J

ceremony vip |

windows allows of seeing out and M
fording the driver light to see to de­
liver hla packages.
This wagon will pick np aU the mM
from the aeverM boxes lo the city
and deliver Ml parrel post parkagea.
It Is another demonaUaUon of the 4e
(Ire of the poetineater to give the best
eervlce to' the patnma that has
b^s givan. aad shows toe Increase
of the poMM buslneee ot (he city.

^Ct.......... I

ililjP. M.j


noKn auuifii
» of Mkhlgan Benater Will be





. Waahlngica. June 30.—A marble
aute of Zechartah Chandler, once
TrElns dnire at Traverwe city 9:R2
United Sutea senator from Uiebigan.
wUl be unveiled tomorrow In ataioar) a. m, 10:30 a. m.. 5:85 p, m. aad 6:40
p. m.
halt In the capital. Michigan aenotors
and represcmailvee are to be the lead­
ing flgurei la exerclaos that will at­
tend the UDvelllng.
A Big Head
la of two kinds The kind
comes from alric haedaehe. torpid
liver and Wllousoesa. however. U
able. Does your besd feel dizzy at
UtW-rVlth speUa Of blind suggera
^ ringing aolaea tn (he ears? These
dre B)iDpb>aii. of a dUeaded liver and
a clogged state of the howela The
remedy U DR. HERRICK'S SUGARCOATED PILl-S, They ar* mild, ea*)
to lake and'clean yon out beautlfolly
Try tbeii. Price 25 eta. Sold by Ml


Cit Fbone 4#I.


Travtnr CBy, Mich.

'STlerna aa old bachelor to Ohio died
and left aU bis tnoaer to the woama
who rMected hlm.“
yet toey say there la ao graUtatoe to
the worM.”
are cared by Dr. Hobeoa'a Ecsema
Olntmeat. which haals an akin eropUema. No matter bow loeg you have
•csly akin bumors. JaM pet a little <
Beiema OinBBeBt on Ike sorae
aukering atop. Instantly. Healing be­
gins that very minute. Dectori
It In UtMr psaetlee aad r
Mr. AJIeman ef LRttaiowa. Fa., says
-Ttod waema en forehead: Or. Hob­
eoa'a Enema Olntmeat cured It In,
iw© weeks-■ Ouaranteed to raUeve or
tetnad^. All drafeglata, or hy|
____ Price 6fic. PtalBer ChemkM
Co.. Pblladelidila and 8L Levis.

ieaoiiea.Th. _
------------ r iboMd he of medafB
deglck. hofK ef meet dtraHe
lohed. Too wUl find only a
et (he works of
Travane City. Mich.


Re^i. and Weateni Fu.e) eompaoT
a. Attorney Uencial MrKeynolds
today sent to tlie house ludlclar> com­
mitter (he-comj>lele record In the lUItation. Including tils corrwpotidence
with DiMrlct Attorney MrNab. The
Committee traa In ezerutlre session.
coDsIderlnR the Kahn resolution, when
V COOLER WEATHER 18 ALREADY McRcynolds' messencrr arrired. The
dfKninirnls were iniRM^tiatoly laid befor the rumniitlee by t'haimian riuylon. They Won't be made pulillr
111 the niriiibers have completed their
rxauiloallon. The Kahn rrsolulluu
will iifobably »>c plFCon IioUhI now that
.McKeynolds has voliiniartly submiltcil
the doriimrots askt>d hy the CaliroiDta



I antf Drowning*

WMther Will Follow.


wlih the utmost
The tent! fall weatward with the
slope of the Kround from the Bmlttsburg road to the pobK on Bemlnan'
ridge, where the Immortal rharge'uf
Jlckell Btarted on the third dn.r of the
fight. They covered the “peach
chard” and the "wheal field.” where
lost, and part
of the ground orefs which I’irkeit
The formal etercines will be held in
a big tent near the Kmlltsburg road,
but they will last only two hours esih
day and the rest of the time the v«-«
era ns will spend ss they please.
The news that ITeeideni Wilson is
coming to make.a spce<-h, July-4.
caused a stlr^toda).
J. M. i&-hoonermB •. chairman, of
the Oettysburg committee, today
egraphed to the president, tnfprmlns
him Iliaiilhe I'ommissloD would like
him to get to (ieltysburg at It u'cliHh
July 4. The prcnldent will stay Ticre
about two huura.

('htraro. June Su—Thn hral «ti
«m be UrvkfD totuurruw. a«-<-urcliiK
local aud \Sashlnston ..Aori<<-aairrr. VETERAN6
Clondr wraUier is )iTomlM-<l to (iU|>-READY TO CELEBRATE.
pUnt Ibn torrid s|icU wlihio "I liour.x
Tbere «aJ< lllilr rhoRRe hi brai rvpdltlon* today. Id many Inicrkir riiii-ii
tbe tbnmionietrr reRii^h'rcd one liufdrod. 7^«!Di>'-tvo deaths frum lira!.
34 proetraUoQs and ' SZ drotridnas
were reported wllhln' the jiasl 24
Eight Dead in Miehlga'n.
TMrolt. Jane 3A.-rKtcbl deaths Id
Vlrhlian. five from^ITustraliuiis end
from drotmhiga, wrre today Camp It Banltary and Under Charge
charged to the ezresxive hrai of the
•f Pennsylvania Constabulary;
liast 84 hotii^. At IViroli the merriirr
passed ilie !*0 murk iH-foro niKin.
eoniloiied rtsluR. Itilaod > IiI- k rv|it>n18 CH*ARCE MADE IN MU'LHALL
ed even biKbrr t«»i|>eiaturi-r Thiiud< r
tihnwers and lower lemi'.Talt'rr'
flcllvslmrg, June 30.—Flnnked on
protuised fur Omlght.
lioih sides by Iiooths occupied by onier|>ri»inK thowni«*« who presented .al­ National Manufacturers’ Aasoelatlen
Financed Campaign for Congress­
most every ctmrclvable pruposItHin !<•
men a,nd Senators. Bays Asconjure nickles from the |M>rkets of
seclatlen Secretary.,
the blue and gray clad hosts, the Mg
rent cl!.." -that ha* sprung up on the'
hile of iIki decisive battle of the. I'hllJ
WBKhliikit.R. July sn—('oiicr«-f>
ar. WHS pieiiireeque UsUv.
Oxer sun baked roads the watriora ttxrk tbn ttrsi »i«-p lotlay in wiiat |•^ulIl
•r nil
of .'.i> years ago tr;ini|H'd today, seek l.u* to Ih« an »-xiM)wf of t.
enjoyment anif- renewing old ac- gn-ulrst iwIlUcal luavhim-.y it tlip hi
•inaiiiTiB*'***- Tomorrow the fomial tory of ahu country. wh«-n «';:airui»n
reb.l.nillun t>f the battle <>f Oettys- Ovt-niiao ol ibo st-ualp l«iMi> '.tivvall
gatiug (T)RiniititH> •-alhd an a-stt-uiixliurg will Igjtln, to last until Friday.
The camp of brown tents is undnr RM-elliig to r-ophlclff the atnasiug rot.
tbe dirertlon of officers of (be reg­ A<k»ton of Msrtiu W. klulhalt. agut.i
ular army. 7110 streets of Gettysburg for tho .N'atiunal AxMoratinn of .V.uun
under the grlni scrutiny of the fiit-iure-rs. Whun »uliiw» nts aro Ik-u. :
i’enosylvania constabulary, and f<>r today by the mmmlttoo they will con
tl)e rare of lltc sick, the army, the tain th» nam«-s of uwD long In-lof' and the lied Cross havcAH made ihe publlr-, ari-ur4>d by Mulhatl of Ru
Action of Cabinet Member Was SuriHg lieicD tho t-lili-r iosininiful* of ilu
eitensicv preparations.
prise to Congress and Silenced
The c.-imp Itself lies on gmund that Amerii-aa .Vaitufariuri-rs' asso-la'-o;.
Hie Cntlcs Who Havp
ltdlias been bah«-d as hard as prick and ill gotjlng tlK-lr li-gUlatlvz'
^ Been So Active.
dried Into dust by the winds Uiat thRoiign pongrrss. Svoators uud rv-p
Wasl li.cirn. June
Kor.-sullinK swept tietwoen the hills, hut Jls sanl- rr-si-nlatlvo-. w|io. ktuthalt haid "iht
tl»- ILuliu i.-«ululi.iii cm-, lire Miii lu latiui:. i's .water supidy and Its plans a*so(lalioR had no diniruTiy ia rcailsubmit all IX.I-TS in tl.r Dma-t'aml- for coinfori and I'T the, feeding << Ing and liifluriii iug." Rumb<-r mmih t..
lh<> mn*l piviiiiliirmt lues id l)«' wnii;
try. and lex^-r lights, notably < xmviii
b<-rs of thr huiixo wlio. Mulliall aa>r.
had thfir, <siRi|>atRns tthanr.wl b.v tha.iioruition sm-tt-hing from .(hr Atl.tut- to tho I’arlllc.
JuHt brfofe tho somitr lobby Invv.Hi
gating foniniliioo wmi Into oxwruilv.'
rtuvlnnan , Ovs-rnian anitounred that .Mulhali bad been sul>Iioobaed to appear OR July-p. and Uiai
tit fitof ”t-V >• witm-rfunhor subpii'iiatit
difti'ily ponnort.'d wlifrMiiIl.ali -.
ratlv." would be laaupd.
for Pies» Cakes and Cookies
till* whole affair to the liotiom.' “Owi
man derlarv-d. "SVo will rail exny man
II is the easy, economical extract
nuiiiHl by .Mulhali, no niaiter whrllH-r
ho Is a pre«-nt or iwst Mngreweniaii.
of Grand Iravers^ Wheat.
or business man. I don’t want to
j^sk your (Jrocorr-i
press on opinion as In the truth ff
MuDiall's Mdrj. but It Is so eiu-Jt
ptanlial in deiall that it irvusl b-threshed out niliiutely,"

Hie "Foiirttl” is Near only

$4.95 for Dresses that were S6.S0, 7.50,8.50, $10 and S12

Late Summer Models Silks, Challies,-Linens, Ratines See Window


Every Day in the Year
''Tasty Pastry'' Flour
The Hannah & Lay Co.





% inch for tie rope is the

Get our prioes on the kind you need.

We hay, good value in cOtUe des with patent
dasps. at lOc each, or 3 for 25c. These'are extra
good valfte if you consider the quality.
Cali at the comer of rrpnT and Casa Streets.

[ Grocer


LI.N'ENS; new sumnter inixlfls.
—Drr-ssfs tlmt w.-re $C.',U to $12 in otic
six eial irrouj* at 4.9.'».

— .Millie of fine Tksiie (iiticliaiiis iiiiil other
inniilier of white
are inelinlet];
Kjieeiiil (■ITering' nt $T.‘J.'i.

Will Taka Twenty Year* to Complata
thk Work Provided In New
Law: Measure Introduced
Tkie ANOmoon
ton. Junek 56. — 1
Wilson anda hie advbm
advKm in diarge
the cuireney fatti today decided to re
loaert tho clause-In tbe bill providing
for the retirement oFtbe preaent iesue
of S700.00e.oo0 of national bankfnoU-s
i-hlch are secured by two jmreenti
bonds, and to give tbe new federal ' >serve board tbe rl^t to re-issue tbe
retired eumney by a refnndlns
scbeine of three per cent bonds.
The/preaent Issue wtU be cradoally
retiiwd within a
of twenty!
years. The me^ure will be introduced;
Id tbe bonaeOate

S1.2S and S2 Dresses 98c

New Balkan Waists and Dresses

Dresses at $5
•n.4 urM— II.

—The Wsiala In plain white nr'navy and ri-d
Kaiiiie and natural linelia and white piijutii.



The Special Sale of Men's Suits
—It adds to your comfort^to know you’ve
saved on it! Rarely indeed do such opportunities come when the clothes am in most demand.
Suits that were $12 to
$15,are going at..............^



Suits that were $13.50. toJQ 15
$20. are going at ^

-810.M. $13.68, 14.90, $16.50 and
$19.50 for salts worlb $16.50 to $27.00


Snnuner Fm-nishiiigs

liii*. ('arslmeix-s, .M;xture» and Hlue Serges.
won't lM-'ill«ipi<iliiitil. whi-n you come The name
uuai xerxlt-e” ax though titu
—GHKAT straw hat VAIA'ES AT

SOc* $1, $1.50 and ap
— READY WITH OOMPUrTE ASMMmente In St'.MUeR 81-ITS at ’Kir,

2-biadc ftteel knives free
with boys' suits. , CITY

Advertising Wanted Things for the Fonrth
You’ll find ihe value of every item advertised exception^. Just what you need for your
outing on the Fourth. The whole store is Wled with seasonable merchandise.

Everyttilng priced for quick selling.
Yon*lI find Here, ready to pal on, tbe very
garments yon will need for tbe Foortb, ,
and at prices that are less than
tbe cost of maUDg.
Cool Summer Dresses in Voile, Lioene, Ratine,
etc., in two-color coat effects, also neat, plain sum­
mer dresses suitable for afternoon wear. We have
some unmatchable values at

1.98, 2.48, 3.48, 4.95 to 6.98

Wash Skirls of White Pique, Linene and Ratine,
also pure natural linens and checks. The finest fit­
ting skirts in the conntry, and cheap at

98c, 125, 1.89 to 2.48

White Shoes


The Last Call to Profit by

Onr Big Pablie Sale
01 Meo’s and Boys’ Qolhing
This is a forced sale of our entire clothing stock,
you have not bought a summer suit this
is surely your oppOTtunity. A $2 to
$8 price reduction on every suit.

$5 00

.......... 48cand98c

$7.50 and $8.50.

38.90 for Men's 59.98 and 511.98 niits.
QQ for Men's Smts formerly priced at
$16,48 to $18.00.
SA for Men's Suits that sell regularly
up to $1930.
All High Class Styles, Pure Wool
and Hneiy Tailored,

Silk Gloves

for Wonwn—Tor Men
LAdlet' extra alx« VwU. with half
ateeTM. each ...........................................
I.«dlee’ Union 8-ilta. apleadld etylea «t
■ Poro* KniiniBhn Soho, on ante

MlLSca- While CanvM Uuiutn Shoe*;
specUlly priced at. pair.......................81-M
l^dlet' White Canvaa Button Shoe*;
blgh and low Ttetd*. while they laat
at. pair............................... .....................-91.76

Summer Lawns Mgt
at yard..........»v
75cBfiti«te SiHD-

A womas who playa 'hridee baa bo
vjgtit (o
If her b"SWsset
two OT three Aodfoa.

, i

flaiiil.v inuterHils. A
to ij:G dresses iu &

—<'IIILDKK\".'i DRESSES nmih- of pood ijuality ('haiiiLray.s and
l’ere«t.-«; siziw 4 to 14 years; sp<eial ut .......... .................................9flc

Values to $1.35

nilla rope. Hay fork rope la %inches in diameter;
and we alee hove S-16, 'A. H. ‘A. 54. 54 inch sizes

—I^ATIXE DRESSES; pn-Uy tan,
lentlier ami white striped

lor Cool Smniner Wash Dresses that
were $2.95, 3.95, $5.00 and $6.00


Rope. It ie longer by ten per cent than other Ma­

proper size.

• WIndr.W

■rett.v lipht c-iiloriiit.'sj-^riiijin'il in tiarlunir.inL'
r.iiiL' ami
aiu' euulraatiit;; sIiikI>-s.

Plenty oi white dresses at prices
tbat Inst salt.
Middy Blouses for the girls. Two extra

Hang your |ray fork on genuine Plymouth Manilla

tor all kinds of purpt^.


-SIl.K Um-SSES in
Still nirsKHiijK-s; plniii snil fimlurd juilU-ms: hIho hIUc



more day^

—We’re splendidly ready with attractive prices on cool, up-to-date Summer apparel
that will help male it a comfortable holiday. Complete assortments in traveling and
vacation need.s. You can celebrate with the savings. For instance:


MlUcrs lor Fifty Years


barn been Bade


baiTBin at. |iair .
l.*tlie*’ 16-balioB lenith long Sflk
Glovee: eztra heavy guaUty; actual
J.OO value, at pair ............................... ’
I.«dteB' long Bilk CloTe*. splendid 1155
Tolne; white, tan and black, t

Men* 61.00 Poro* Knit Union SulU

All tbe wanVed Ubdritf' U^^^ear for
boya and gtrta.



Summer Vests
Uslaboot hoseJ




llllift lieMIIZtTHHi SfRVICE
E39laDitlo& of Government Scheme to Brin^; Farming Up
to HilBi Standard It AetoAUy peeeifves.
- WaalUmtPn. Jo»e
A more iLorM«k orguduUoB of tanninv and tb«
MUkUabBWM of cr«4ii ud nurkKlns
<>if* oo » bwilMw borla
MB OBI Um ob)M^ of tba.nim orfontatkifi Mrvko—UlMt vrtnUc
tM BtBor aldod Bciicnitaral dapaiL■MBL T)i*re h Blao U«.»rer preacui
VMMloa M U> «bM U lo be dODe
kpv tbe farmen oB the farms, or
otbor words how foUowfas aarlcultint pnrsolu as a bvaintws may be
Oade more attnedve from a mone*
as well as social auwdpoiot and
t&W orerronie (be youas man’s , luoa*
lB« for (he city.
Or .TbomBs N. c:arver. who fevered
hit loBg oonnactlon sritb Harvard uolveevKy to become bead of the new de
partBieiit eervtoc. aald today liiat be
took tbe lob "becauae It will aoUu
tbe tamen all tbe reznaiulne aice
qU problems that beretofore have

«Mhods." Tbe plan U a new one.
will ba In an ezpenmental staae
aoma yean to .come. Professor Car.
Tdraars tbe plan Is tbe rl«ht o:ie. bui
adMU fiaukly that It wUl take many
iMtha of dlcKina and effon to ttet
the ayatoin runninc true to torni. Pro
taaaor Caner. therefore, has Uvn
iMthe to make any i
las the plus end worklnss «r this
BBV deparimcnL But todsy be con
aenUd lo explain some of tbe ob>>ects
and purpoees of this deiartment to
tlm peopta of the ooutry Umtuah (he
Oiitted I^cas.
*7be movement we are lauiicUio;:
here." aald Prptessor Carver. 'Is. in
ay opinion, one of tbe grealeet yet

. VerldLSteaBiCUMren^

IbiKyYnflaH AtEarsBMfU

Hie Danger Signal In
Tbe Dcvspapen have certainly
yeataoed the fiilore of tbe InterILomberaad 1st
Odapany. Tbe offlMn have bees
•hWUd, and ihet ii about aU tbe
ertbrfiction tbe perale who inveetdid <lx and a half ndE^ doUan
td^tfda nwisdle have to date. The
l|«t OOee anUwritin tty that
tik partiralar iwlntDe can^t tbe
tiflh as well as tbe poor, and that
the appeal to greed wac Impoer'''
A Straigtat boaisets pro]

It betM
betM baa
baa little attnujtion for
small Invetton. They do not realitt bow Uttic tbetr small nvinp
oonni in tbe world of bnsmeaa and
flnanM. Tbay are lured away
from the swonr bank at home,
wbott fekMy they know all about,
by the ’’romance of flgnrca,” tiie
ptoortse of tbe improbable, if not
tb« tepottible. Tbe truth of aU
•tnefiCTW is against them. Tba^
an tmimpreaaed by the repeated
auanmvesmsmt that a SV^ or 4 per

undertaken by tbit porenuaent to
jirove the farmw's BnanclaU physlcsl
and Bodal .conduion. Let mr say at
tbe sun (hat It U no detrlenitt to tbe
AmeHcu fermer that he has not
solved these probleins (or himself. Ur
has bad eao«gb to ptent bU rrops and
then lamer Ibem. H<- baa hsd
tune for expertmeni. lie hu bad but
scant time to omalae with his <«■
workers to market his crops lo boat
adruUfo. We will do this for him
by laiArini all aMHWsaarr data to
which be eu refer at w^uoe- It has
louc been recocniied that dlsdnmnixatlon has been the areaiest weak

fsriM ud because of the laoUtlon of
most fsnus. The farmer him learned
to otKHwrsle better with nature than
nilh iHen ud he has not leeiwed bow
to co-operate alona Ananclsl and so­
cial lines.
• We VlU orianlxe surveys to *<
the basic farts mardln* orfsnised
rmal sieni-lw. We will try to bo tbe
medium netween the farmer and (be
dnuclcr from whom the farmer wuif,
rredlL In this resi>eci we will perliaiw use a preat deal of the InforiiiB
(ton belni assured todsy by Ibe AmerIran ayrkultursl commission whir
Kiudylnc rural credit systems In'Germsuy and other Ktiroiwu ootinirles
We will study lorslltles for tbe best
means and inuner of tranai>orU
nod we will lalher-dsts resardlna the
best markets for certain sornnindlna
farm distiietH, We will in'ber ioforBuUon r'onevmiUK fsrueis' onotuizatlons and we will study even the i
educational s}stenis in as eBurt u>
belter ibern. Ail these faits and data
will be diseeminaied auoni tbe «.twu.ism or mure fanners of tbe rountiy
wUhoiit aay cos: In money or lime tc
ibemsaives. at dIBerent intervals ud
in such a muner as to appeal lo the
' Aud one more thlni we will do at
u aid lo Ibe (anoera wlU bo to studr
tbe reasons why youni men from the
farms inalst on leavUti the farm for
Ihe city. Contrary to leneial impressloD. n. It not the termer who laUs
who sells out and |oes to the city. U
Is mnerally the lartuer wbo has su^
ceeded who move iu to town. Tms
phase of our problem Is every bit as
Inporuni ai tbe bvUerlni of tbe
tern of rural credits and the establiibmeat of term tonka ,)Ve tbiuk
have bit the uil on the bead at the
stau. One of tbe chief naaont for
tbe exodus of youns farmers from
their farms Is the lack ot attractive­
ness In life In the country. How will
we ramedy this U Hill a deep i
tIoB. The promotion of social cen|ers.
tbe snatestloa of modemliins the
faiWiw* homes with the InsUUalioD
of all tbe ajipliucen that go to n
life In the cities easier, may be the
answer. We are going to try If.
uy rale. We hat*’ a big work ahead
ns—a dlfllcull work—but 'because
thing U dlBIcult U BO reason (or



oent. imue of bonds of imne city
or great and nound eorporatioB ii
latg^ over rabacribed. It is the
”«ti» moneV” of investort that
oSm itoilf to these safe enterbrttfc. They an never onlbe bari^ eeemtar or hawked by padun. The esRdif power of te
VttttMBt money ia as firmly fixed Tccflh Eztradctf'AkMtate
n A^rd mereba^ise. Tbe p«r
UrWIttMl Mb
edot'hf PEOmSED retunt ii tbe By tbs
-Kmolar- Aetbod I cu r*
dsM ilcnal in tuveetmaait. In BOVS
those uhtag ttath absMntol;
its a«rifig departmeik tbe
without pain, ud without the use of
drugs to prodiios aDoonaeionsnsat.
-ftople of neiTotn taBpmneat and
Nsllasal Bank
with weak httrta wlU apprecUt* the
the choice between “Kseolsr- settaod of palitlsas axtrac
and epecalatioa; the lion.
DIt W. 0. CIN’TON,
of the return to yon 2M-20I WUhala
Block, with Dr. H<M*
worth. Trwvsrss City. MleblcaB.

Perjectim Kae Ftamt

Girss perfect sailafaetioa. ns ooBatnteOoa in so simple that a .
child cu operate It. It Is bd perfect that It aever geu out of orttr and never gives uy trouble. The Kew Perfection le abnelatalz.
ahte to pperatc, there .being-no poMlble ebuoe of«uy exploslone.
(here U no odor and (hay will not . Btooha
H»e New PsrtBOliOB
bakes breed, pie ud cake—tokes' them peifscBy all aroagh asd
krownt thea appetUlngly; roatte boef. poultiir and tt»e. broDs
teaskt ud chops ud touts bread ud your kitchen U always c«oL
What Biore cu you uk o( s stove*
cute la and see the New PeifeetlOB In operation.

F’ranlc Tpude

HU' IM MnMr M %ar<‘

Veteran Inventor of CaHfot^a
Hat New Device.
•ArtMelal Hsu” Promisee to Be •«*»■

The ladles who bad ^arge of tbe
banquet were: Mrs. G. P. Allen, who^
looked after the kltrhen. while Mrs.'
Bowl^ Dooglato hU. charge of the
dining 'roun. ‘the ubies were cared
for by htea. H. <^th. Un. W. H. AbbMt. Ure. 0. A. Tlulllday. Mra. Walter
Lyon and Mn. W. 9. Calkins, Urs. F.
G lAfaym apd Urs. U W’. WhltUmorc.
The BUS »u prepared by Mrs. W. S.
Cook. Mn. C. O. Sherwood. Mrs. W.
H. Abbott. Wre. Geo. W. Lardle and
Mn. a. V. AJIeo.

An electrtOBl lacohator hu bam
valoped by C. i-. byoe of Peutoma.
Cal., a veieru maker of IncabM
Bays the'Popular Kleetrtcity. ‘nto
electric “ariJaelal hon” is perhape the
I advuced product of hte Inven­
tive gealns ud piwBteea to be a eometel snoceoB when electrical pow.
er is abUDdut nd cheap In tbe dis­
tricts devoted to pouKry raising.
The Invrator describee his device
a* follows: Tor sevetBl yoan In our

•t Franele School fteeclvea Deearmd
The St. Francis Catholic seboot has
won a gold medal, given by the ftelmer mmpuy for having the Urgest
lierrebtage of students who have re­
ceived oertlflcaie# tor proBdency in
ihl4> in propomnn
number graduatee. of uy aohool In
ose. The (ollowlog to a porUon of a letter received at the school;
Tear school has won the gold me­
dal In the recent.conteet for having
reoHved the greatest number of Pal­
mer (Inal method cgrtlBeates In proIKirtlon to eoroUBcnt. tton uy other
school In yoiir dlocese• Thn gold.medals are now In the
hands of the engravers and will soon
bf ready (or distrlbutluQ.”

Sanitary Conditiont Art Factors
of First Importance.
jRleas Boms Prscaiitlon It Taken at
Milking Tims,. Dirt and Dust WlU
Be Bure to Fall Into PMI'
(Ity 1. H. niANDBOS.»
It to not easy to say just what to tbe
oat Important teatnre In the pruducMon of clean milk. Special stm aay
be placed upon some particular step,
yet if carelessnees is sllowad to rule
at other steps much of the most pains­
taking care would count (or naught
In the final results.
Clean and sanitary conditions are
teetors of first lnj|>onue« npon which
too much elri'Sa cannot be had It la
impossible to prodnew good milk <
good cream if dirt o
lowed U> gut Into It.

sirnoB UT IS FArotH.
(rontinued from page one.)
that slatted from the school grounds
ud tbe rooie was.over the paved
streets, ud out as ter as the Five
experitoental rooms ud at poultry »«• comers. The roads were in exshows ud fairs we here used the (client coediilon.
electric currut for hatehing and
Mr. ud Mrs. Herbert Montague, of
brooding and tnany dealen have Alma,' at* to be credited with aMaing
iMde use of a single globe In their jy,. ,o„ge,t dUtance to be la aHendshow windows to keep tbe chicks I
.w... •
wbu exhibited' there. Our,*“'r
*’*^J"* “
tbe ami to use etectrlo- W J» bere at this time.
Uy (or srtlBcial brooding and hatchThe sultary drinking fountains at
ing. ud as ter back as 1»06 we the scliool grounds were crowded st
hatched chicks in this way at tbe all times nil day. No place U so adCallfomU Slate (sir.
,mirably situated (or aneh a gathering.
‘The reguUtor coatrols tbe Bow of
A number of valuable ptrti
the current u nicely that the tern- added to the collectton and If (here
twratur* is almost perfectly er^ Of
eosrse thh duvice to prwcUcal only In: are those who have other*.that they
like to add to this dlspla}-.
ptoeee where a twenty-four boor serv­
Id them to.Geo. G. Bales, wbo will
ice to maintained by the power com­
panies ud where the price of the see that they are properly cared for.
curreat to not exceeslve. To use elec­ The racks where these were display
tricity for our Incubators It U not ed was the cuter of attraction.
necessaty to purehaM spet^ ramplete outfits, ne devlce 'ls simple
Ud can be attached to any of our 14I-ofa Belle Spangler was bom In
eubahn at a trifling expenBe. U to
ooMBCtod by nimply screwing u or- Cleon. MuUtue county. November
dlnary electric
Mb 1S93. and died June Stih. 1913.
socket of uy i
ele^c light ning ju
- months ud 1C days
fixture ud
turning c ^kcy.



Monroe Center, where she has since
resided. Two yc-ars ago tost March
married to Oliver 8. Moyer.
This union was blessed with a toby
boy. three weeks old. which with'the
devoted husband are left to mourn
sweHliig below' the eyes. Tbe swell- the love ud care of a devoted wife
lag in some rases entirely doses the
, .
. w
eyes. This dlsMoe to known as mop. ■*«»
and to dlBIcult to «ra. Bamove all toother, two steters ud one brother,
ths hraltby fowls. Pot the aSected and ued grandjareoU beside a host
ones In a warm, dry shed or roomy of relatives ud frieods to mourn the
I departed. Fueral serrloes were held
W..b out
u, netk!,,,
Dtesaos to DifllMlt to Com and
fseted Birds Should Be Remei
to Roomy Coop.

U.. ■!>. ot . Lloloti
into one quart of boOlag water aad
bold tbo (owl's hesd over U for ten
Binntes; repeat three times a day.
Also give one teaspoonfnl of cod liver
dose twice a day. tf the
swelling closes tbe eyes, open thsu
ud syringe oat the yellow mstUar
ud wash with warm water Into
which a drop of carbolic add has beefi
thoroughly stinwd.

Children Caring for Milk and UteneHs.
CMtino U taken at mllklag time, dirt
and dost will be sure to fall Into tbe
milk (n>m the flanks and udder of the
cow. The greater part of this filthy
matter dlaaolvee
lUk. giving tt
rs ud lalcti
bat also inocuiating It «
There gi-nna may' have been galh
erod- from ataguant water, mnddy
pools or mirey yards. While the inaJortiy of them may not be ^1
they be transmitted to the bumu sys­
tem.' yet to say tbe Icut. they
(acton in
(lou of ibc milk Filth 'ud dls
derm* go hud In hud: the same careieesness that allows the one to likely
to give access lo tbt- other. Hence, it
to of the highest imfortance that the
cow be kept as nearly clou as posalblr. This cu hr aeeorapltobed largw
ly by brushing oB all the loose din
ud dust from the flacks ud odder
but. If at all cuDvcBlenl. it to evu
better to wipe the adder with a damp
cloth This will take but a moment
and win prevent large «ianllU«s of
flUh fi]>m getting Into the milk.
The milker interested la a pui
wboleaoRie prodnet should Insist <
wearing a special cult while milking.
This suit need not be s white ona. but
such a’one has the advutages of at
leaat showing when it has become
soiled, and furthermor*. If the milker
to 10 keep If cieu be
soon be
forced to keep everything ‘about him
oleu. The warm milk as It comes
from the cow oBers a splendid irivdlcm
for the favorable growth of all fclm
of bacteria which may gain aoceea
tt. In order to lessen fhto dewslopment milking should be done u <
telly ud quickly as possible ud the
milk strained through a metallic
strainer for even nader good eonditlOQs this soon becomes n hot-bed for
baeterte. Milk bottles are rrtouently
returned from homes where contsglops dtoeaaee extol.
To prevent tbe
spresd ot epidemics tbe Importut
work of washing milk ntensUs sbould
mot be Intrusted to little chUdiwn.

Ctl. ot .Mcli .h. .u .
»ost faithful membeK Rc-r. Wm.
Jones of Kingsley, assisted by K«v.
Koons of Omwa. preached tbe sernion. taking hU text from Icrail 45:*"When Thou Passest
Waters. 1 win be With Thee: ud
Through tbe Rivers, fltey Shall Not
Overflow Thee.** He dwelt upon the
beautiful character of (he deceased
and of her fatthful work tai the Sonday school.
out the bouse, dust with fresh alv
The entire cateBunlty sras greatly
slaked lime, fork up the yard ud
epread over It a thick coat of fresh shocked by her Besth. as abe udeargfretoeked lime. Add a few drops ot ed herself to all by her sunny dlsbromide of potasainm to ths dri&MBg jmslUon. and many acta of kindness
water- Give no other water. This to shown to all. The floral ©Bering*
r-'t-od to use.
wet* Buy ud very beutlfol . Inter­
ment took place In the Monroe Center
‘Tbe dairy departBsnt of the OMcfmetery with Wilson and Barnard. lue of Agrftuliare of West Virginto
Fresh air. si
to building up a new herd nt cattto at
ths best poultry toatos. But fresh air Udertekers (roB Grawn In charge.
the university farm. Tbe herd prevtdoes not Bou drafts In the houBB,
omly kept at the farm were grades
nor does sonahlns call for
ud Buy ot them were getting quite
hot sum during the stwuner. .The
old and unprofitable. Quite s few pore
bosses should be so constrveted ttet to Mto snrrlvor of s shipwreck opou
bred llolAetne have been added to
fresh sir cu constanUy be prsMot to a csualbal Isle hid for three days lo
tbe herd/sd the old herd will be tel­
drive out tod odors ud purify ths at- - terror of hto life. Drivea out by bus
ly replaced by themiln course ot time.
j ger. he. disoovered « thin wisp el
Tbe dairy depastmenl has also In­
Tbe minshlns should be nhls to smoke rising from s clump of bushes
stalled St tbe university a modern
reach every corner to destroy uy Inlud. and crawled careteHy to stady buitermaklDg equipment and will pargerms that might be Inrklag la daiam the type of savages aboet IL Just at
ebue. cream from the (armera ot the
Beta. Jhe fowls should exerolse by he reached the dump be beerd a voice
northern eectiona of the slate and
Bcretching that a good eirenlaUu of aay: ’’Why In ------did you play tba(
high grade ei«araery products will to
tbq blood may to sUmnlated. The card?" Re dttipped on hto knees ud.
BVde. This will be q«tte u UMrocBin AsvoeUy relstag hto bands, cried:
ttve feature to the agrioBitaral
»to pooUry doctor's are.
Tbuk Ood. they are CSirisUaasI’'
Fotlow OIreetlona.
Desire u Be Free to Wrwig.
U to better le foUow cloaely the filOh. the Worth of coercion In a dafly
reotlons that accompur Bach 1
«Bty wkleh Bust be done whether wo
Mke it or not! The desire to to free
from such compulsions to wrong. As
«MI Bilcht the locoBotlve ask to dash
r the prairie and


(Contfaned froB page one.)
chureb WM coming to know that they
wars tecs to (ace with otbor oondb
^s outside
themselves ud with the
loyalty that
bad been aaalfsst nriihty
thtags could to aeeoBpIifhed.
tabes mfia who are onedtalf tocki
sad the ^er hsK grit -who «M ti
things, ud this rity had many of
them. After s dust by Mrs. L U
^’heeler and Krs. j: 8. Mardask the

Aeon In Hurryli^.
huRTing the .cow cheeks the flow
of aaUk. Some cows do act get over
tt UU loo late for teem lo give town
before mllklag to ow. That Beans
you lost.

Osiry Aids FsrilUty.
While grwlB ratolag depletes (to tertUlty at -the iann. the d^ to a sure
Bsvs the MIddleAged.
agency to rttleie ft. If Jadgmenl Is
*’8aTt (be bahlM.*’ was the OT Of ases la apptylag the manure back la
the last decade. "Stve tbe ndddtotged." srlU to the cry of (hto. T%e
real nee anlelde to not Is the insaOctoaey of births, but la the laadeot-the Biseases pr
Bstnrity and In the I
tern; that tbon^ rules the vorid^
and pRTseUM of these Bless

Wetord Bury, la tto-0ttt«x7-

Dont naglect the apples, but spray
with a good contact apray suqb
nicotine. These Insects look baimMs but they suck the life from tbe
-es ud the fruit of coarse thea
suffers. You cu find the material
at-any supply store.
The City newspapers repAel the awful destruction of fruit ‘in Miehlgu".
ud the average resorter to surprised
to hear we still have a good crop
here. All this row I# raised yearly
about the southern coupUes of tbe
state And to very misleading to aay
Uic least. Boino day these great dsOles wiU find this srondertel Or»nd
Traverse tvglon I* really on the map
ud produces fruit ytwr lo and year
out. both quality ud quaniliy.
A good fruit picking bog to the
tost protecUoD against bruising of ap­
ples and peacbea Eh^en a small
bruise stsrts decay ud should to
aroMed. You «u see the Barker bug
from lifw York nto the Ogbam Bas­
ket from Oregon at any supply store.
They are good.
PlOf. Taft reports damage to thegrapo crop in ^ saathwostern eoun
ties. . He thinks there will be less
thu half a crop. ThU to unusual
as ragards grape wbkb are generally
pretty sure crop tnere. And this
reminds that this seriion
such grapes more freely especially
Uiose which will ripen early.
It mis us with gratitude to bear
tliat a use baa been found for mUkweed. That (eUow from Indiana wber
he arrives with Ids bees wjll (tod u
excellent stock of that general nutsance right at hand and ready for busess. So If the busy twe wlU make
ime use of tbe flower, we have twa­
in to hope that the next tediau mu
who bapiwDS' along may discover
by grindlag up the stalk the nice
meamy substance wUI make a good
Uage or somelhiog Just as nse-

a oomplete descriptlu of the aarkettag methods of the PulBButo orchard
we Speke of test weak, where (toy
Bold their Uples at «4.M aad overger
barrel. Tbe BeUmd to MBple aad tittIness like. They are Introducing thalr
own brud of apples ,to grocers sad
1a medium sised towtt
Ud after tbe buyer hu seea and (OBted of their Spies ud Wagnen. he
aer^ (orgeu tbe package or the a4- '
diwiB. In three years Uito orchard
hu built Bp a deauad (tr la cxcbbs
of tbe supply. We need not say that
every barrel of Na 1 to riesn well
packed fruit from lop to bottom.
A case In poinL A tnveung mu.
who knew these apples reconuaended
them to a friend in Iowa. The losra
objected to’*4.00 f o. b. Trm»Ctty but ftaally ordered ten terv
reto. Wbec the stockc arrived
he was
•o pleased with tbe I
that be at once ordered «0 barreto
Bore, bat coold not get them as tha
ornhard bad sold out Us stock. This
seaaoo the Iowa atu to oa the ground
Bariy ud wuts hU order accepted
for 100 to tZ& barrels. This boytng
ahead makes any orchard a safe and
as be knowB

ford to bring Us trees to the Uri>eat
coltlvaMon and one tbe mom modetw
methods la pninaiag. spraylag ud
Good cash buyers In hundreds at
towns U adjacent states are fauotltt
coostutiy for well packed Klchicu
fruit ud WlU pey good roond prices
tea What botb do yon wut7
Our cold storage plut to.Btill bang­
ing fire. Etlth u ImBenae frnlt crop
Tight at oar doors we cut help woadertng Mh* tte^proBotprs of tto plu
don’t gel busy.' ttoiainly no propos­
ed Improvemeat promlM belter retarns to tbe tenner or the fruit grow­
er. and we hope the ntmey will to
Our space does not allow u> to rive (ortbcomlng eoon.

How FInanciaPPanics Are Made aod How New Currency
Bill Will CountM-act Them.
Washington. Jane 2C.-Represent- I In a way that bank to np agalaM
aUve Stanley Bowdle. of Ohto. today ;it. New York hu gotua control,
wrote the foBonlag "prinsary lesaon iThat bank hu good commercial p»;per. but It cu do ulhing with IL B
panics and bow tbe Wlison-ttlass cor<lt could get money for (hat papu
rency tiUI proikwes lo prevent thcB.'* I temporarily all wonid to well. M
(By fi^nlsy J. Bowdic. repraesMetlve 'It cut
I Right here to where the new corfrom Ohia)
A pule U simply
re CT money jruey blU comes la* It ptoride* tor
at the factory ud It operates precise­ .the establtabmut of ‘•federal reserwtly like, a shortage of cars at a mine. ihanks In the larger rittu. Theu
Tou cu do aothiag but discharge your huks have power (o Issne
hands and sit down ud think—ud 000 In carrency to tbo needy buka
get ready ind to wait for tbe re­ The buker we have just spoken of
ceiver to take charge when the buk lean take hto commercla] paper to the
aad gM actttl
geU ready to make the last sqseete. Ifederri rsBorve
A pule .mar prevent you getting money for JL
But you are uying, *«nppoM that
money—even the Booey yon have ac­
tually deposited In the bank—eo that reserve ba;ika refusu to act T But
I they mnst acL The bill providcu that
you may to utterly rriaod.
You say to yourself; "My goods local reserve buks shaU to oontralare In' demud everywhere; tto'asu e^by a federal board at Washiagtea
who owe me are good; I have their rour banker may upeal directly to
notes. Tbe community knows that I this board, and what to more, the lo­
am all right ft-hy. then, cut t get cal reoarre beak will have three dP
money?" Tou go over lo tbe buk rectera wbo represent tbe coBnMrud uk for a loan. Tbe bukw^ teUs dal, agri^tural ud Indettrial^ In­
you; "That tariff bill to cusing trou­ terests of the districL Tlw mfo
ble.- or "Kew York has Ughtesed mmt not be haakeri. Jett iMitiras
up oa ua."—and so oa

Largedt Snmmer School in the World Is Conducted bf
Secreury of State Gfaarkf H. Graves.
Columbus. 0„ June ST.—Seeretar) staadt be must eee that de Ohto
voters are peeperly iastruet^ oa tho
merils at four consUtoltonal amendmeats, two providing tor differaat
lorms of the ■bborf halkiL cme tor
tto ecempUon of public bands ud
aaotber making womu eUgible tor
certain state posittona Bealdes thou
two other amendmeoU. one canitig for
a ctoasiSraHoa of the gcural proi^erty
ud aaotber for a Mnalier
general aasuibty ai* bow bring UKlated ud wm to sabDttited wUhla a
tew weeka
He wlU also have to Instruct the
people on the retetrod measarea. On*
of tbeu to a iwtereadum oa tbe work-'
logmen's compensatton act. passed by
tbe slate legtoUtnrs. which to p>lw
to the pecHte for

of State Charles M. Graves tkto tnutb
m ill open ud tshe peraonsl charge ot
tto largest summer mcbool in politics
in America: Ho wlU have cm hto list
of ecrotled stndenu tbe I.290.0M
voters of tbe Btate of Ohto. Hto tuk
m lH to that of cetduPtlag a course by
mall on bow to vote oB the laitlsted
and referred me.-uures that come be­
fore tbe voters of Ohto nut tali To
do this effectively be bu beem given
u upropriatton of $hOfiO0 by tbe peo­
ple of the state.
Nbl only wUl Secretsry Graves In­
struct the people on their rights and
privilege* In the fall eleettoa but be
mast also, srith rigid telraeu and ImparUality, see that each voter is git-eo
every opportulty to study (nlly bote
aides of every meunra that Is to be
snbBltted lo the people for appio(«1
or rejecltoa He must maR to every
voter pamphlets containing the argumenU advaneed in tevor of earii «ubmltted meuure and at tbe ume time
maU a pamphlet eootainlu the srgu
meuto against the measure u dra*n
np by tbe foes of the bin.
Already ascreury Graveri praUmInary dntie* In this couru of poUUeu;
stody are ter tiom UgtiL aad the pm,
rtod erf the submbston of referrad
BMSareo hu not yet arrived. As ft

DOW being rrierred are bills oeeklag

tto Lny Maris OoiMea.
It «iy to BBiAthat ttrakberr-M
the iBgy ma'B gudua Once plutoA
BboatroartoauU cool spring weatte .
«r. M ftaads tU own BUrdy grni^
OBlUag BsMtor tor hoe aor mkiB>s’>
It dritoateariBBd blcmaoBw persantoh
|y, liduMdMf at yemr waichtel canD.





f ■^










MJaa HMen Bpalter sat alone in (he
gTMl lam bouM. which was her chUdhoc rs and her glribood’a home. There
Helen bad blosaoraefi from a pale,
Ml BhMiM B* The
6pe<ls Preaperfty and Ms^ptneae to anaemic glri ta a young Udy of aw
by R«klrt0 Ov«r Until nn* end
Every c^mtielty Which Has
toblahlng baaaty. This was net only
MbIIow.m I« PomIM*.
Robert HeuIlQ's Idea regarding her
present sUia. hat H was that of all
fity a O. WBaTHfcRSTOSB.)
tnaara bMutlltl flowera, the
others aa w^
Danger lurks In tedding an almsaoU abould be apaded up to the depth
DIFFERENT TYPES OF HORSE of eight or tan inebee. early. Noth- dance of new corn, fhedera abould aehooU, lire rural cbnrohes. pteaaant "tVhat anUmlted andaeitr Robert
hMl" she exclaimed ta hersMl. Ta
need be done
rides, good markets, eoclal adrai
II. .. 1.
Iroo U., TMlb Mill. I
°J’ Si
ment. a closer bond of sympathy and were In the midst of a quarrel, and
tK. acthn
.<.«»..« of .I.nH (**“» tbe pasture cropa.
under tbe
air. .hraver*
sbowert, and
•ntlate CharMUrtatka.
If fed moderately at tbe atari bogs co-operation between the farmer and then to walk away with his bead up
auDsbine. tbe clods of earth are read;
his dty cousin who works at tbe forge, la the air and hts feet stamping down
-to crumble under tbe appUcaUon
Horae breedtuf baa bMB foTkxred the hoe or rake. When you are ready and by degrees get accustomed to tbe tbe lathe or. tbe apindle. ti spells hard on tbe gravel, tnmng me bo
proeperity and happiness to erery eom- would aever came hadt uaieas 1 sent
•a a trade erar aliiee aalmala were to plant, tb< ground should be tborfeed.
flrit domeaUcated, bat tbe atady of
By the time tbe ptalka are hardened moDlty Which has tbe m««ns and for him! Of coarse he tried to be
typea baa only quite recently bem
they wtll be Iji condition to consume buslneas forralght In eee the manlfdld nice about It—(hit Is Robert's wi
a which a adeuUde ayuirm.ot and add be didn't wan
taken up by nn of aedenee with a possible to make It. This 1s done lo larger quantWei of the grain with
nirsa for Ita people. Hud attentiona on me if they
rtev of ascertaining Ue origin of
tbe best adrantage with a sharp- safety and prolli. Unless bogs have
apedea and lo differentiate their tootbed iron rale;. The hoe can be plenty of grasa and forage craps the loads spell ] enormous mud tax be- able.
r tariff Is like a pegmy
cbarncterlstlea. Aa a reault of tbis used on wbaterer clodi do not rradlly change of feed -mnit be gradual it
At this stage ta her muslngs and
study, baaed npoa these anatomical yield to the rake.
they are to escape derangement of di­
Helen was start­
Again, good roads ennlhtlate dU- led by a face at the window—the (ace
• differences and rarlatlona which have
.Wbalever manure U used ahouM be gestion and disordered stomachs.
resulted from wide
It means a little more work to feed tasoee and reb tarrelni of the dread of a man evidently of the iowost crim­
applied now ,BDd worked Into the soil.
trlbntkm. and which probably origin­ IJarayurd manure la beet of all. ao far snpplemenial feeds and old corn with and drodrery of rural sedurion. this ing type. Aa the pane of glaas next
ated la early geogrupbicni times. It
the new, but the adrantages are so fact being notably apparent where a the window catch was shattered by
may be accepted that there an four
great that the rareful and tnlelligont farmer ta the wtae and happy owner a blow from a stick in the villain's
famlllea or apAdee of boraea.
I feeder will nott negli
neglect that.wbic
blch ti of a bigh-qnallty. dependable aed
band, Helen, with a wUd scream, ran
Tbe firat type In this eli
uafeat and .prom|^
>tn|pos the best resulis. BomtcaJ-motor ear. Mud roads bring from the room, closing and locking
U the
c Celtic
Celtl horse, found on the west I
j Hogs relish new corn aud we are social life on the farm to low ebb. (he door behind her.
Tbe nearest
coast of Norway, known as tbe Fjord
I many times tempted to feed them too
hoUAo s-as that of Robert Uvulln, a lit.much at tbe start. At least one little red sebr>ol bousia but a
Uo over two miles away. The boi
month's tltno should be uken to bring
were connected by
I ht^s. from pasture to a full feed or floaung unanu wbo care very little the central auUou at Rye. dlsUnt
(or tthe grawwh and perpstuatlM of about tour mllea. Hastily she rang
lasUiotloas wblcb are the bulwark up CantraL girinc the c^; "TwoIt reqnlraa more bushels of new the li
corn to make the same gain that
ooghc-toor. ring two." She heard tha
Then good reads aeee amn,
aoffnd corii will produce, hence U Is
girl at the offloe make the connecUon
adebniageotni from both tbe stand­ boraos sod wagons, auiomoblles
and. while waiting with wildly beating
point of health and profit to feed gaeollnv. They enable the farmer
heart for an answer, she heard sounds
some old. corn wklle brlnklng tbe market, at minimum cost. In rail
which Indlcaied that tbe tramp
as fertUlxlDg elements are concerned, bogs to a toll feed of the new com. shine, his perlsbablo produce
climbing In ihrongfa tbe window. At
bat U is open to the objection of con- Some severe losses can be avoided by
last th-n> came the welcome “Hello!"
Ulniog so many weeds'sec-ds that (be
through the telephone. It was tbe
farmer to leave such produce either voice of Robert HeuUn himsdt. "Oh,
s hogs.
go to wsrte or delerloruUon. or what Kobert!" she cried, "come quick—
■Utnte la fine bone ttioal. In the pro-'
la near to either, det^ him from pro­ there's a tramp broken into the bouse
portion of a Italf pound to each yard, COMPEL RORSE TO EAT SLOW ducing-any of three protU-bearlng
and I am all alone!”
The Prejevalsky Merae. Specimens of square of soil If the soil Is K«or. a '
-----------"Inaide of three minutes. little girl,'"
Which Are New SelhQ 8r«d In tbe Urge quanUty. can be used. Mpre Feed Manger Arranged 8e Thst Ani- moditles because he has
and convenient avenue (or -tnsrkeUng be ans.werrd, and she knew that he
' Naw
Zaelegical Cardans.
can bo applied at any time during tbe :
mat Must Chew lU Feed Propthem.
had hot even stopped ,lo bang up tbe
la Ar.
aaam la Ka '
erty—Mow It Is Made.
borae In Iceland. Fberoe. Dam. and season If the pUnls do not seem
In ease* of acute Ulneas good read*
other email IslaBdi of -tbe outer making a satisfactory growth The.
enable the physician to bring speedy
am application should be thoronghly I I have a horac which w-hdn fed In , relief to the sick annually and as’
HebridM In Bonbera Scotland.
the Shetland lalea, and In Connemara lulxi-d with the soil, but Uier applies- an open msnger. eaU bU feed so rap- the liv(w~^bandreds of our men. wone
or northern Ireland. There has also Uon can be scattered over the sarfaco Idly that It Is not properly chewed
been (o-jnd a..«loaa klnshii' between and scratched Into the soil with a and (herrtore does him IRU.- good
j The acoompanylng cui shows a derico of money which we may spend as
the CelUc horwe and the true Tar]<an weeding hoot ,
which I employ to make him eat nation, state, county, city or tow
hprue of Roaa^
The ec-ond'iypa of horaes Is the TRAININB TREES INTO SHAPE
Good road* spill humanity, relief. •U.-IPrejevalcky. found In a wild state on
cy. Ilfs, growth and prosperity, wberSthe steppes of central Asia. There Merc AdvaiMageoua Than AHewIng tt
-1P.-II poverty,
mud roads too often -api-ll
are a few of these In Rngland on tbe
wcafcncse, decay, alckneaa. auflertng
ta Craw Wild and-Then Chep and
ecute of tbe duke of Bedford, aud
and death.
Saw Into Foem O^rad.
aevcTUl spedineBS a» being bred in
Is of nstlon(he New York soelwlcal garaena
w Ide Interest It should be supported
It U much belter to train a U'ee
Tbe Frejevalsky horse Is of a red the shape It Is w-anted than to allow
by our nAilonat. state and county govbrawn ocdor wltb a light "mealy" It to grow wild, then chop and saw
ertiment*. This It notably true with
!. has a targe head In
highways, ior It l«-msnlf«-st.
it Into the desired shape.
to his body, and Is "eat bamed," and
Ij unjust to *ax all the improTemeot
By proper pinching of buds and
less powerful than tbe CelUc horse. bending of limbs during the duiroant
toUhe abutting land, to the county
Soine writers have assumed that tbe season. If the sprouu etaitlng (yom
even to (he stale. Why should no' <
Tarpan and the Prejevalsky horses the body of the tree or along the
national government promote
belong to tbe same family, -but this main branches are plnebetl when
e thraui^ good country
la noCNtow accepted, on account of (hey are three or four Inches long
roads as well w through river and har­
their marked dlfferencea, the most they will ordinarily form fruit epura.
bor-Improvcm cuts?
which is that (he
Good and pstrlotlc men seem to be
Prejevalsky has the ralleslUes on bU
at^Fferighce at to wbal la the beet tyt
Slew Feed Manger.
hind legs In this family ti usually tree aed along the larger llmbe in-J
^m of bulldlnt roads. Some advocate
takes the form of a narrow strip and stead of iht brenebus. As color Is an' wide, nailed together so as to form a Jhree or more dros»<ooilaent trunk receiver, tar she beard him ran from
not dropabapA-d aa' la common jritb Importint factor, earn should be ex- chute having no top or bottom i he highways to be built and maintained (ho telephone and open, a door which
did not sbnt again.
other horses There has be^ a sug­ ercised to ktiep the top opvo au the chute Is 16 laches high and Cxk Inches
liih-n had ettlngnlshed the Itgh'L
gestion that this, imie horwe only rays of the son can reach to every Inside.
by tbe various slates through
turning the wick down Into the kerce
12 bands high. Is tbe living ex­ pgrt ni some portion of the day. To
It Is act upright In the corner of the trunk hlgbwrays go. Oiberw
ample of the original aneeaior of the accomplish (his It may be well to do the manger farthest from the horse, the Improvement of these roads first aoiie so that tbe tramp was unable
IL 8be heard him sa-earins
draft borwee of NurO|>e. but II seems some pruning when tbu tree Is In full and nailed.tecurely In plao- after be- which run to the county aeat. pro­
.highly improbable. Inasmuch as fossils leaf; cutting tan or even 16 pi^r Ing lifted one to three inebes from vided It U a good railroad market frightful oaths at tbe froitless endeava
then be was audible feeling
n found CLoC.of tbe top away when the tree tb'e bottom. The feed Is poured Into town, and If not. to the m'oel aeere- or. and
hit way
about with the aM of
is in full leaf, wUJ cause no serious It and works down Into tbe menger
occasional match, and trying several

j ae the horse eats it aw-ay from below. Tbey believe that these roads »hi
doors, which be baat open with
If the trees are carefully looked ' IMiat feed the horse cannot -reach bo properly ditebod. graded, relb-d and or leas difficulty, only lo find thit abc
over about three times during the should be scraped out before the next dragged. Cu1v<-rts ' abould bn built was not within.
growing season, and the ends of f«-ed is poured in. others;!**' It would where (he water is hicitned to flow
The girl believed the three minutes
across the road during heavy rains.
those shoots that are growing too become sour and moldy,
Grade* should be rajsed In low places, tnnit be almost up. but she knew well
long arc pinched off. the tree may be j
--------------------bills materially dag down and good that no horse could make tbe distance
df uce bridges buth over creeks and
of an kltida
The elllxen* Of a gIVen
^iuunurw'^ntr N«“^-:‘ijurgj
conid by tht* plan easily deterratne
ih.. growing acN* 1. about the only
d«r«d SUphlaagrla.
OB the first ten miles of good road* Inaplnllou. that Robert a long expect­
logical reason
In be built and maintained. Then ed touring car bad been delivered.'
tnr R. T KAKICR. VsK-ttwsrUn. Idaho (he next five or tea and so on fur­ Helen had hit upon the true soluAon
Bevere pruning while the
ther away from the principal Sown or of bow Robert Heolfn expected to
a donnant alate atlmnlatM more rap­
tofina In the county until erery foot reach 4be Bpalter farm In three mtaid and abundant wood growth, ahexit
ntea Even aa she beard the intruder
four fifths of w hich will grpw wbera! pint conuinlng 7,68'i drops.
a little of dirt road In tbe ronniy la put In coming tosrard her door, there w:
(lug yet
92.*O0 drops of blood. If a louts flrvKhuw eondttlon.
Tbe good leaven la working lo the grind of wheMs on gravel, and be ot­
ultliig the fotlowlng
abstracts a drop a day. and the pig.
tered an exclamation of dismay.
Ilnehlngt and
Is boding several thousand lice, it niDds. hearts and cnAaclencM of the
. When the tramp had got downataJra,
ulates tbe producUon of fruit buds, ts easy to sec where tbe profit goes American ^ople.
them, now mei^nt mors than ever be­ Helen ran to a front window in time
more Inclined to believe that theac big and tends toward better matartty of when "hogs don't ]<ay."
It la worse than useless to "dope' fore, tbe avenues which leads to na­ to see Robert apflng from the aato
types are a species by (hemselvra and both buds aud fruit. Plan to grow
shall call this family the third type. an aboudauce of fruit spun well tbe pig With "lice klUer" without dta-- tional atrengih; proaperity and bap‘'Where la her be cried.
pineas to which every good cttlaen
iDfecttng pens, bedding and.
This boree is known to science as the distributed over the whole (reo.
"Around that way." she called oot
shonM be glad to give his dae meas­
spring, ibc wallow.
FOrrai horse, because be originally ob^
tained bis food b} browalng on ■fanibs
toclean out manure: tpray the pen
and low trees.
She i
forfloors, walls, beams, troughs and every
Tbe Arab or Afrtnn horge forma
Water wilt change tbe beat of earth
tbe fourth type In our elasalficailu.
liU food Is the grasses that grow on nreeiKite of lead; 50 geBons waUr or of ftnnalln or a half-gallon of fotwalln roads into a Btresk of mud lo a very hrt would be In no danger. And so
that the ruBlanIr Intruder
tbe ground, and lls home baa always ; Bordeaux itUxure- Arsenate of lead | to live gallons of water. CreUtn igay short time and right here is tbe ker­
been the open plains And blllaldcs ra- la in iho form of a thick while paste, be wdded lo wallow in warm weather. nel of onr road problem. How shall receped Into the nenr-by woods.
To Robert Reulln the ride to tbe
we keep the water from ooaklDg Into
aa) bait a pint to a large wallow.
n>(iie from forests. Tbe-refore his bend
a Ion.
Then dost no each pig powdered ^tbe traveled part of onr roads? There gtri's aid had ^med hours. Tbrengb
1* anloitated on bit-cervical vertebra
time, and dons not "buni" (he leave)
■uphlsbgria TbIs will cauao the aver­ are many who aeem to be wlffing to the night thr-beavy ear.bad tom tts
-tell UB how. bat very few are Able to way. till ahead of him there M lain
For coddllog moth (appin
pin forms)
nd age louse lo bomesiead elaewhero.
the SpaliAT lam house sad tbe glxl
■■show na." nuing and dragging
plum curenllo. aUo for canker wona.
be loved-ber life in danger.
by hreodera aa a contutuenl element tent caterptUer and all lusccu wliich
Feed Clean OrahL
or eonrae Helen opened (be door
of beauty.—II. -K. Bush-Brown, In oat the loaves.
Put (be grain tbroogh tbe faantng llvered tbe goods" I
thasM Robert for hts Umriy asAmerican Breeder's Magaxine.
mill before teeding It to the boraea
Kansas Hedk Bond.
Trass for WIndbruka.
It will not only moan a aleaner.
KanA good hedge on tbo west and south healthier ration for the Uama. but
"I sent for yon!" the fainted. Tea,*'
Ralee Mora Live Stock..
nraalag weat of DarnetL when
of tbe paddocks and farmstead maVes the grain that paascs through them
d. "but I will go aa soon at
An exchange polnu out that our Jt more comforuble for stock
will not be full of noxlons weed seeds ccmploted. COM f1.416. and imcb of your folks rsUm. Ton see, I v
farmcn should raise more live siook
Willow, asb and Norway poplar to be carried to the field with tbo ma- the work oa It was doas by the faitaIt they espeet to keep op the fertility
Tbs -eoanty
nty aaiMrlk- tar me in (hat way!
wberti they propagate
of their aoUa. In Germany there la make good nulcfc-growing srtndbreaka.
M. Md*the
Elm. hadkborry and among ever- numbers of weed peels next season.
"Whyr' ahe rsapooded, with appa­
one head of live stock for each S.6
rent innooenoe. and be never know
aerea of Und: in Denmark one for
bow mneh abe thso homMed her pride
4 scree; In Prance one for 4.3 acres;
the man she lored ao well, "I
old day and
In England ona for 6.3 acres, but In
Bobm man think U a .fins (bint to
Value of Apple Crop.
tbinkiag of telephoolng tar you
r m^y to
the L'nltad Stales It takes 12 l acres
own Wg (arms, and so ft la. provided anyway!”*
. Those arc a little over two hundred
Li support oae bead of live stock. It
million apple trees In tbe United throngb Get busy. Rob K dry witb ona knows bow to manage them to
There are circumstancee under
SlAihs hearing asd nan-baaring aga. bay or Hoths and blanket the lUUs, advantage, but a UtUe farm kept which tbe oaly poralUs reply
Tbe value of tbo crop asnovnu to , fellow UHII It qaHa Bhlvartog.
I well In band fattens the bank ac- aa ex^aasOon ts a klsa
connt noro than a Alg one neglaotad.
clgbty-thrM mUUpn doUara aanuaUs. i
by XMtnr fftney Pnh. CM


PAOB pm •

—-_______ “ abseaee el four weeks t
and a mmra. i. goodtaUo- ^


In tbe direction oesamgy. Tbaawhat
rsaaon U there against tnaMBiating
a course In optimum? Why eboeM
not our yoang pe^le be taught to
•think along the path of sonahtne. to
look lor tba brtghtnwa In Ufa ta a
lag la lacllnad lo make gloomy peo­
ple of. na. BmlUag. which U a aM
of beanqr o< optimum, has too.long
of tempei*
ament inatead of a reUabla habit' of
rule, the majojrity of persona
are atiraetad to others who amile
lly. These amllers succeed .In haalnees, eo that aocceaa U often aaM
to be tbe csoee of their smiling wbea
perhape It U the oppoeite which U
seem to
1 urj •■VIB
«o radute
iMueie happlseM
nappiuu— sae
opulence, and we aay (b^ paths He
In pleasant pUeaa.
But maybe they light the paths srtth
ihclr own smllea
There must be a way in which
thought can be brusbed up with light
touches. Athletics teeA the man to
control his temper;' the gymnaalnm
braces up hU muscles; a coarae In
ethics seu his (ace toward the moral
standard. There surely it a place for
a course in arnlHag.
And there U ne-'esoson .why tt
abould not oome Into the medical de­
partment; (or amUse make light

thtaktag that m might ecUab^om
‘ P*»F- A regular romanOe drama."
“What's tbe first act to heT" *a
sae eoe. Oh, pws. (be seana tooaaabore. aay AUantta Ctty."

very peoBllar
mired, ‘nhat la where ws first msL
Tbe hardlaa at W puy." l bd^
aa U raadlng (rem- a writhra daaul^!
“i* * boastirai. young gM «Hh
hfflr of spun fcU. eyes of arare hl^
and teeth' of pearly wMtdb^a"
be a pBAcb." «soth BMW.
*1 abonM Hka to a«* her."
itindlr step
thi* way." 1 a»>
Then klndlr
n formal toMM 1 took
< arm and gravMy led her More a
plBleglBet mirror at one end 'of HM
. reeft.
nan. There
i irerv 1 stuped and UAtAJW
, tootly cri^;
"Kadam. h<
"Ur. Wlnton. yea are a aOty gooee,"
abe Mesred me. Nov tar tbe bM."
"Wen. let’a see: tbe hero taeste bsF
the bea^ gajH an IntrodneUoA
(hreagb a matnal friend and «
ihug eeetna amooth railing. BaL alaar
he 1^ OBt on better aeqwaintaaes,
that abe U a b
-filr!" TMs time Betty ti vexed.
"In tbe play." I ealsily twUmaa
"The climax of tbe act cornea when

I Far EasL

“Bnt thU Is in tbe ptay," X agala
ire her.
6’ML I don't Uks IL sveo in tbn

"All right, rn let you try yoor bank
According to a Fheoeb btsterisA the
custom of throwing the aUppar after on tbe nest aM." I eoaeede.
the newly married couple originated t “Where dera tt taka piacer etm
in the far easL tbonaandi and thon- ,aske.
aanda of years ago. and from there I "In tbs ante that bra brakaa dewv
spread all over the world. , '
___ .
It u still pracuced In the oriental ’
Hanr^^cn syyd tbong^
countries, but has devMoprt two more *
an a« of rrannclaUoB A tatbvr tar
•:«*« imInstance wbo woald renounce faU aon - nclnhilob. Ft* know "
would do ao by taking off hU
and If he were near enough, strike “"*• *»*a «ilnl Aa the macBtae (A
him with It. or If he were too far boprte^ oat of order, to Avoid -a,
scandal be aoggeats.thst thay bant up
In the Roman da)-*' the loosing of a minuter and get marrta^^
"H-hich auggeailoa aha.araFbuH*°r
a shoe from a foot was tbe legal form
of a renunciation, and came orig­
inally from the popular folk lore.
a U mad* k»o«B ^
lecUoQs of aboet and sandaU being
made at the wedding k a rich man Ust acL" she r
and woman, and tbo vehicle In which
they were carried away fairly ddoged
with them. It was all done In much
the same spirit In which such troUea farm wagon makw bU
and lahra them In tow. la thU masare carried on In modern days.
ner they rraeb tbe rity and the aec
aloaas. Tbe taut AM U the atroac
Popts and f
Itors of onr taewapapen demanded tn
great hattd a complete aniela on tbe
X, U iKt.
tor 41 :
hours passing a grare crisis. U waaueUeved that death was near, but
very happily be has regained hi*
In 1690 suddenly the rnmor ran
Xin. was near death. Im:
dlately aO oar JoMnala eompUad
necrological anlde oa tbe holy taIher, 1wrtttea in baste. But Leo XUL
did w
not die nnUI 12 yeara Uter. and
one could nam*' a ParUUn Journal
(hat keptthU artkie "on the marble"
(the eompoaing etooe)—that to to
ill reserve all thera II
hope that the Mogrnphy «
like that of hli p
at the age of ninety-three years, may
Ilkewtoe remain on the marble for 12
yuara.-Le Cri de Peria.

The Sclentifle American says that
abe has procured a paieoL No. l.bll.669. for a thutab and finger anaffag
preventer. In whi^ thara Is a staU
fitted on the tbamb or finger, and a
round disk, too large to be inserted
of tte thumb
that the latter aoBot-be pot ta tbe
Wondw KRoaibewedoatbetalg
U noL <ben iB a ebAsee tor aoiya
fond and Ingefllou mother to aecsra
patent No. LOOXTO-

“Tbe acttaA take* piaee ta (tat bA>
kome and tbe ratting Is idea“■
» month’e atssnes hra CAOed om
first time. Ba U rerr
and as the eonrerektioa U (Mi
from animated, suggests (bat tbaK
write a pUy-"
At this moment the deoASD lings
and tbe maid enters. She dbniarawrat
prise, then angrily cry:
“What that chap oalBnt oa yoaT
And ba married, too. The aarra oC

“Wtay. yra. tae was aean taMv*«g

when we took ow eatomobOe i«a to­
gether." Betty laaghs; *that «aa OM
reaadB'thai we ooaldat marry after
"One reason? TbM. what. pray,
was tba otberr
"He was already my breCbm ti>
"Oee whis! wbat a chug I ara," t
humbly a '
: thlnl
link ao. too," fta iiiH Mig «il
tells ma.
"Can you «var locglfa n MDradlln
like mat'
"If you ooax baH eraiagh. ma^i
*^ea Buppoaa yoa lat aa tafto 4
CamOy aSalr." I<>m»a(,

for flhe babe at IMF
To Leanra Wrwek't lYmiwt.
and Mr. ttd MB. AlipiMdkj :
To swell (he bonora of a ora dUaater « Bight tbe UghU are apt to -be antetlng at this momaat sUpMra tiS
pet out by tbe flcmdiiig of the eleoganaratlag plane Exp^imenU
■el ttet to ander <
a gaaeUAe electric plant that mar bo.
• "
placed on tbe bridge deck.- This set
win not orty supply (be UghL bat tatade to the eSoct to i taffttidb MM
vaM baths of curate l___________
weU. mtfl (be very moment of eem- have tola hidden andargffMW 'citotot •
pieta eebmergraoe of tbe veeeM. TUfi
geoming eat vU he need only U eataUoo It has bera taaad tbB i
dernrath tbe bathe proper '
dty, «
■ •
4.000 yards of vast gaOerira aaad hr.
T«M Me Ikratar MieUta
tbe aUvee and swiUispn ^
A are weaytAg." aaM tbe b
u "remind mn od a raowded,. UMttng systetaa.
anr tnfigtrea tba pram agent
use.- tepUafi ^ box-ofllcei



the Alanltou Islands. Too' may bo
Fife Uke. Mich,
son I thought of you, ErelynS,
June 8, 19IS.

Dear Pneldeat—
Elk Rapids. Mich,
I bare not wrtUen before atnes 1 .
jnne 14. 19lY
icdoed. 1 hare two little kittens, one Dear PreeMent—
Is white
- • — ~ and the otbw Is buac and
»1 will
■«* write
"rue lu
lo me
the Bnnsawe
Sdnshine page.
It sum from a UlUe. smiley aeed.
*Wle. ‘Hielr naoea are Woodr6w and Vm yon please send me a pin? I
And <wlck as a flasn twill sprtut.
Wilson. Th^ motber-s name is «a eleren years old. I am plsnUog
A"* •*»•'»
»»«ve UstMl the fnUt.
*• poutoes today. I\>r peu 1 have two
“«*’• ““
‘ <»«•,
** wlihoitL
*"yy^****^ lo I
m<i • «lt- We hsTs two cowa

RulM *1^ Kv^umto^ OTu«
Ketmid Yoiw* Polke SiMiMtiM
I wHI try never te worry or
♦ fret about anytblno.

I wtil try u be as happy as I


^fw^ I
I will try te be levins, helpful
and Uod to everybedy and ta
every living thins.
H I ever fall la trying te de
thssa thinfs, I will "Try, try






•.ccn Vb» P,' Im.
->smerey Shlelde..
u A. U

Adelhert Plneker.
cer. Please send her card and
1 know yon are a busy boy these ton to me and 1 will gtre them to
summer^ya. Do yon like to work bar. I sUll have ^y own button and
out of dbors?
card. Our school Is out now but I
«“ hardly Watt till school sum
Traverse City, Mich, R. F. D. No. •*»»«>. We get our same teacher bdek
5, Uox
again nezt term. 1 liked my teacher
Ilox «7.
j„n* ig, uu.
and was glad lo get him* again. HU
Preeldeotaamu la Mr. V. U Haskins. 1 was
, bought I would wrtte lo ths Sun- promoted to the seventh grade and
iblne Oub. 1 have not written for sot 95 per cettL In the history eum,
»nd ItuUon. (bat I was telling you about
.a ot the Sunsblnera. too. My lltUe If
Dst letter. Well tbU U a
,i,ier Barab has been very tick. We «^w*rt
but It U all I have to
i,,ve been papering our bouse tbU W- H«mhig'i can sec my letter In
ipriug. Hazel Is going to lean a Print
piece for <*bildren'B Day. They bad
As ever, a Bunsblner.
Dorothy Dailey.
» Sunday school convention at Long
Prancls RoyaL
H«»w,nic« it is that all the acholara
b„, j did not go. I have lost
Your letter Is a most lolereitlug
one. 1 wish I could see your play­

ciassmstee neu year.
«,nj „,e new ones? I have s
house In Ibe woods!
names tmm
for .the ('radle
Roll: Violet

with lolly sauce on the tra>\
Oh. come, let us plant a Jolly Troa,

1, Ifilt, »,S3k.

b. »b


Number «f namee w the Cradle
Ren June 1. 181*. ».1».
------------------------ NEW MEMBERS
Belle JaqnUh. Bendon. Mich.
Louis Jaqulsh. Bendoii. Mich. Name
sent by Belle Jenuleh.
Mary Regers. Summit City, Mich.
Name Era Weldner.
Nora Ansa Bpencer. Eiqplrw. Mkh,
R. F. D. No. 1. Name eant by Frunda Royal.
Violet Haywood, Isaac Haywood and
&ma Wares. Traverae City. Mich, R.
F. D. No, 3. Names seat by Nora Haywood.
Norma Sammet. John Bammet. Ah
fred Anderson. Bthel Anderson’ Mary

The Cheering Fairy.
When a IHUe man
»en' best he can.
for pay In baubles bright.
because he lovee the rl^l,
A faio' shonu "Hurrah!
Uie ekeer except the UtUe
That's why he smnee.
'^’ken • UtUe maid
when called; to mother's sM.
l-ee'lng merry friends at play.
Friends who plead with her to suy.
•kom* "Hu^!
Hurrah! hurrah! burrah."

----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Pmldentage,four months: Ruth Crain, age age seven
I Ujoughi 1 would write you another three years: Ei„« "'ares,
Plea- .end the card, to me.
letter, for it is about time. My scheel
let out the 23rd of May. We bad a '
'*»«" *» “>e little «
plnlc dinner. My teacher's name was
‘kls In prii
ling to
have her again nezt term. I am glad
^*®'* H*rv"od.
have her. I passed Into the eev*“«■ «« Enna

..u,w. h... ,.a luu. pta


High on the bUI-top
The old King elu;
He U DOW — old and gray
HeY nigh loet hie wits.
With a bridge of white mUt
ColumbkUl he crcaace.
On hie stately Journeys
From Blieveleagoe to Ross—;
Or going- up with music
On cold starry nights.
To sup with the qucM
Of the ^y Northern Ll^u.

Wbk. k...



3PPP 6, mi.


received my eighth grade diploma I
thought It. UBS Just One after I bad
eUyed out so long. The magazines
were nice, too. They are what young
folks ought to read, aljjiough 1 never
iwch things lo read when 1


All or p,, cu«m..,
rooM.od dlplomu. » .. -Ill
all be together next term. 1 have
b—n working hard lately and neglect­
ed your postcard, which ^received
some time ago. .My grandfatlier llvud
near Burdlckvllle when tie was a boy.
He lived there quite a long time un*

***" *“?“
r. *ttuts
eaui *“ .
•• u..
and called It "DeGrawvine.'' My grand.
faiHer is .still alive and Is 70 years

db-^,r'^. ^
you having a happy

- o-.

I"''■ >“'« 1—•

t.p ,1.,. ,w„ kuu. u, OP. irui.
«lt. W,
Sh. I. ..
. „ „ „
cute as as she -can he. We call her Travwse City. Mich, R. F. D. Na
• taby. 1 loct my badge, will you
*• ®®* *"•
June 1C, 1913.
itlea— — another? Mary P.og.
era'wlsbes to Join the H. Y. F. BuuITesldent-

« Mieh. Nat s —nt by Evelyn Palmer.
This mus fairy dwells apart
Rrom fairies of Ibe —Ifish brood;
Sarah Haywood, age four monthe; Tis from lu homo within the heart
Ruth Crain, age three years..Tra—rae
H lo—e to ch—r the brave, the
City. Hkb.. R. r. D. No. 3. Nraee
a Haywood.
—The Chlldreh'a Magssina
Tha Fairies.
I Didn’t Think.
Cp kf the airy tnooBtala.
If all the troubi— In the world
Down the ru^y glen.
Were meed back to the start
We darenl go whuntlng
We'd find not one In 10 begin '
Fbf (ear.of llule men;
Prom want of wUHng heart;
W— totk. good folk.
But there's a sly. woe-working elf
Trooping all together;
Who lurks about youth's brisk.
fireen Jacket, red cap.
And sure dismay be brings awiy- ,
And white owl'e feather!
The elf, *'1 didn't Urtnk."

ho» I happen to be wrtUng ThU rain
will certainly help things grow. Our
“»» '‘"‘■
U * "'"r
iptm. I think of today, beea^ It

Cblldren'e Dey." It Is a real
pleas. -I have lost my button and
will It ete upu,l«k tot .P«h.t
kt, II.U, .1.,,. S.te h, Pern

w. k..<. . itekp, IP. p.,i

D—r Pr—Wentam In me seventh grade now. Clo ud
Yours trulj'.
1 will write you a few lln— tonight you tell me what Percle Haywood's adAlmon DeGraw.
1 passed Into the third grude.x Our dr—a U? I saw his letter In the
I am gr—tly pleased to know that
school la eut today. We had n pic- paper. 1 thought'it was a nice lelyou passed the Mghth grade examina­
nlc Our dog's name is Jack. We ter. 1 will close (or this Ume.
missed so much
played gam— In the etore buUdIngs.. Your loving. Bunsblner.
schooling last winter.
I went to the depot with my l—cher.
Hazel Haywood.
1 *m going away Monday on a vlalt.
The new card and button will coA
Vrlian. Wash.
Hy l«ier U getting pretty long, eo I you nothing, my dear. Perhaps Percle
May 23. 1913.
will close for thU Ome.
will write again and give you the adD—r President—
From y<
- He seems so sorry when he's —ngbt,
1 missed five weeks ot school the
Dorothy Briggs.
HU mien U all contrlu;
last of thU (era on account ot tbe
Write again and (ell ua about your
He eo regreu the woe be wrotudit.
measles. Our school was out In April,
And wanu to make things right.- visit, where you went and what you
so 1 am nu troubled by having to
D—r Pr—idem—
But wiab— do not heal a wound.
Mudy lessons. We are having nice
j B...U.P B^.PI
Nor weld a broken link;
Tbe bean ach— on. the link U gone—
All through "I didnl think."
“•-te mu“r™
U—r iTteite
/ uilrd grade.
My t—cher was '!
we have a cat they are not quite so
I am go gUd that achool It out '\jlt Rockwell. Our eohool U out now. We
When brain U comrade to the heart,'
And heart from cool draws grace.

They artole little Bridget
For —ven years long;
When she came down again
Her friends were all gima
-They took her IlghUy bark.
Between the night and morrow;
They thought tbat ehe was tact aale^
BM abe w— dead wltb eor6w.
They have kept ber ever elnce
Deep wiibU the Ukee.
On a bed of Bag-Uavee.
^ Watching UU she wakeu.
«y the craggy bllUlde.
Through the meei— bare.
They have planted ihom-ircea
For pleasuro here and there,
b any man — daring
To dig one up in apite.
He ahall find the ibomi— set
In hU bed at night
Up (be airy 1
Down (he rushy glen.
We daren't go MiunUng
For fear of lilile men;
Wm folk, good ^olk.
Trooping all to^liber;
Green Jacket, red cap.
And white owl's (Mther!
' —William Allingham.
The Second VIce-Pr—ideot has come
vUlUng today, boys and glrU. She b—
tbe merrleA kind A a talk. Al In
rbyme’l These four dear lltUe imems
•cted for you are worth
tee ba. Miected
and recalling to mind on
teys tbA te nA seem to have much

... te. .
UP, A. ...b. .P ... u,.«.p.b,p. npp. W,„ ,.=p ..Pd te
"1 didn't think" will quick depart
went 40 the depot -wHh llie teacher, a card and button? Also my mUe
For UcA of resting pUeb.
■We all got her a present. 1 passed brother Lewi, would like lo 'Join.
If from the gr—t. unselfish umm
0,.. .,..b .te,e. n te..d «, U,t Pte„ „.d b,„ . „ „d te„A
The Golden Rule we drink.
Well keep Cod e Uwe, and have no. we had to have our picnic In the jjy letter Is getting long. I will close.
scboolbouse. Everybody passed hut
Frt.m your liiOo friend.
My brother got bis SunBelle JaquUh.
To M.V, "•!, didn't thUk."

Tbe Happykid's the kind of child
That's happy all the day;
lie's happy lo the —hoolroom
And hzppy when at play;" •
No stormy rsln or winter wind
'Mak- Happykiddle bltmHe finds no end to happy gam—
And Jolly things to do!
Tbe hspplne— A Kappykld ,
b very much worth wbluT
For everyone who se— hlmIs sure to catch hU sgiile;
They cannA help but smUe ri^t
lAko m—si— and the mnmps
Real cheerfulna- b catching
As well as horrid grumps;
So don't you be a Orumpykld
To sulk, and whine, and poutTbe Happykid’s the youngAer
FAks love to luve abooL
—By Patton B—rd.
Nett week Aunt Chloe will bave a
cunnlng elory for yon. and a llttU
bird whispered In your Pr—Idenl's ear
that Bunahlne Boy. Sr, w— soon to
write yon a letter. Bo there are many
nice things In store for our Sunshine
CluhTour President wbb— yon could
the poAab Umi have arrived from
Annie. Loub and Regina Xalebik. who
live la Spencer. Nebruka. A«nle
writ— that she wlir celebrate b«
tenth fairthdav on the lamth A Jaiv
nnetei ehAwer'

^ 7.“ w



If you nev— have planted a Jolly Tree ' Your President Is Aways glad to
Dont wall for an Arbor day.
rerelre bttefs and posUb telling
BA take a bit A adri— from me,
about your summer vacation. Who
Ate te tt wtthtet OAay.
vlU be the b«b to wrtte?

.U.B IPPB. . .Ill bK. IP Plp«.
rrpn ippr Spp.U.pp,.

on. “wontd that be a reason for a
Mamma smiled brtghUy. “A tine
one! You migbt call it Ibe Bnbetttute
Club. U*ben'ever woo have what an­
other lacks, make U up to blsa
"Wouldn't It be best." she sddsd.
“to have a secret club, eo tbst the
people you help wouldn't know It!"
"Ob. let's! cried Theodora.
"You must let mamma and me be
honorary members." said papa.
Here U a week's report from Tom's
book, for he was elected secretary by
a majority of twa
-nu Substltiits blub.
Theodora, presIdeuL Tom,- secre­
tary. Papa, treasurer and bonnrary

1 break It If you make the


Podleakl. GUdys^^^rira "cU;:i" ‘V- ke.. the ch-r"ez,wp. the IHUe

Down along the rocky'chore
Borne make' tbelr homerTbey live on crispy pancak—
Of yellow tide-foam;
80A In the reeds
Of the buck mountain-lake.
With frogs for their watch-dogs.
All night awake.

the rain soon "»«dt a Untsta lo
1 Just came from town with eome
watertnelon and mutkmelon seed to
plant. I wish 1 could send you one
of each to eat when they are growa
We are getting along finely with our
farm work. My tetker
father miid
and I1 are mlng
to put ont an acre or poutoee tmoli
In our woods where we hoys cleared
a patch. We bnllt a lltUe honse there
to play In when we are not bnsy. 1
have s IHUe girt for the Snnsblne

Aa soon as the smiley seed is In.
At once It begins lo jcrow;
1 wiA I conld see yonr cunning kllAnd the dear lltUe glggte^wds begin *“*
***‘“Tbelr gay little beads to show.
And truly amazing it Is to aoe.
*“***How in less than a wink and a half.
Dear Preeldenl— •
A glgglehud can grow to be
I received the card and button, anh
The lolllest kind of a laugh.
like them very much. 1 am a lltUe
girl eleven years oW. 1 bars no
brother or slater. Wn^ske the Record-Bagle. and the Sunebtoe lettera do
not seem to be In there. I am In the
school. Everybody In
our echool pasecd tbelr grades tbU
, bunr'rf-bmbi,.

Plain bread and butler, a treat will be,

^ r-“ * ™~"- “• ‘"”*



prtl. pBte



but on tbe whole we eniered
« 7^’


Cables." which enjoyed very much,
and its sequal. -'Anna of AvonI—1

B„.,A „j , ,n,.p



Mud. Clip. Mltb..
pirpprhppdte.pdpp.vlep. pi Ipp.
Bebop, plrplr. te ptei ipp. evep
Jopo .1, ..III.
do. trpni . pop.Ip wbp ... ibero.
- .ipnpy tep. I pm ppv. rop Spp. n.., PteldeplThen, eerUInlr pre . ct pmo.
beams abone aU tbe brighter!
It has b—n some time Mn— I wrote splendid i>arks. building, sUtu— and
to the Sunshine Club, but I have boen other msgolfirenl Aructnr— there. I
Acme. Mick,
very busy all winter and have keptIntend to go to ix>ndon when I am
June 6. 1913.
reglecting It. Summer is here again, older. Kathleen la learning Jo play
Dear Pr-ldentend I wonder how many boys and the piano now. Wltb b—t wistacs from
1 haven't written for quite a while., girls are enjoying their vacaUon and Kathleen and my—If.
Our school U out today. We had a what they are aU doing. 1 am sure I Slncewly.
picnic. Wo went to the depot with aui kept very busy with the garden
Adeline Pmlong.
oare—aer. 1 passed Into the third and housework. I have -roe very
Tell us what flowers grow n—r you.
preay percnlal flowers In bloom now, And what kind of birds were a©—
rtem a Bunsbioe girl.
»n<i »«,!)• other flowers are Just cam- you fed and tamed?
Ada Brlgga.
lag up. i woum have liked to have
-----------------------Torn UtUe iMtera are always Jlce. pUated -die earlier but 1 wu not at
my tear, and I am glnd to hoar
home and my mother bad plenty to
The Sobmituts Club.
do with her vegetable garden. I spent
“Hamms, we want to belong to a

ft voiT enjoyable winter at high school «•“•>." said Tom,
Acme. Mich..
at Empire, and did pot find my Audi—
“T—." complained Theodora. “EvJune 6.1813.
very hard. 1 wish you
Bunsblnen <‘n’body that's grown-up does, but
Dear President—
cculd hear the chirping of four IHUe
•««» U> be none for Jnsl ehU1 thought I would write a letter to birds nndw the osv— <rf our bach
the Bunahlne page. Our eeheol was porch. It s—ms to me as though they “I'm oM one of the ehUdm. Tbeoout today. We had a picnic A'Uie are always hungry. 1 threw —me
P« ,in Tom. who never foagot
eehoolbonse. I passed into the aitUi ernmbe up there ihU noon, but I can
«'Fht k a year older Umn —ven.
grate' We will have a nice vacation b—r them again as loudly aa ever. I
“You tito might be a club all by
jn tbe sonny summ—. wish to thank Ml— Bat— (or the copy youreelv——Id maAma
From a.Sunshlner, of Uie Herald which abe -nl me last “I •hall be preAdeaL of eoursa,"
Blvia Brlgga.
winter. I certainly appredated it. for announced Tom.
k'hat are you going to do te tbe 1 never taw the paper —a triien I
"No./cau— I can't write much," said
Fourth of July? IhA Is a Jolty day! camekome Well. I must do— as 1 Theodora. "Youli bave to be aeere•
cannot think of any more to write.
NorUk Manl^ laland. Mich,
Your BunshInA.
"Haring a -creUry and a presl.
*“® **' ****Mteel Holland.
dent b a email part A a club." said
1 am —peclally pleased to have a mammn "It must bave some r—n.
•®“* “““
Hie "vacaUon lAlar." and hope many When yoq haVe found a good one 1
They are:
-Norma BammeU otbv Siutbeams will follow Mabel's wW-arrange the r-L"
John BwnmA.
BmnmA. Alfred Anderaon.
And—n. BthA
EthA example
"Where are my ey-r called grandAnderaon. Mary. Podbskl. Gladys OorbclAng out an
Hal^. Oterge
Bmplrn, Mlctu,
l^tlb Theodora was threading It.
^<ne DuAl/ wm you
- June It. 1913.
Tom helped papa m wlUi
overplea— send the carda and' buttans to Dear 1
I have made up my tnlnd to writs
'What should we do." said be to
Tour bring Bunsblner,
70U A few Un— — It b raining ont- wiamma. "without the yonngstm to
EvAyn Palm—.
side — I can't work out In the field subAHute for —r*
.InA w—k I stood on the shore A thb morning. (My father bad bb
"Mamma." said Tbm. abwly. utopIkk« MieUsu ate bc*sd Mrasi
hors- att rtedy $9 V> W
^ pbg wtth om A piwa's Aseu-kaU

(helps in spdllng).
, ‘
-YeF. air, 1 wUl." PJrad promised.
Monday. Bee. Legs for Wandpt. maafully. bis faee flushed with shame
(3 crrandA) Pres. Eyes for Mrs. at the thought that be bad earned a
Brown. iSfae Is blind. Theodora told reputation for Iszine—.—Ezchance..
ber whatever passed the bou—. 1
------------------------wouldn't have imlhcred.)

(X.P,P,. ,ld .b. Urb^t

te, - 1 "-I" « «.i



b,p,W.' U. to»r


or te^or n„te (Bbo bpi »p».
but needed two more.)
Wednesday. Pres, and See.,spent
S cenU in candy for Joe Davis. He
"Yes,'^ sighed Marie, counting on
had only had one cent sticks before, her fingers dltconaolalely: "two
Thursday. There was a picnic and measi—: one coHar-bone. bn« uickwe both forgot.
hcadacbe. and one toothy dear me!"
Friday. Bars for grandma. (ReThere were Just fingers enough on
prated slowly and loud what z caller one kand to go round.- They stood
had said.)
up la a solemn little row.
Bsturdzv. Outdours for Miss Gage.
ISb. U .Ibk. BA.«.b. Bteor.
T“« 'Vi­
told bbom blnlkl IT,, islok, b„t
«. o„ lor oiodPTA ud tbtedod "“I*
■“ "■I ““I r'">
"down" when they were up tbr— storneedles ahead for a week.)
The twins always had things—’
Sonday. Pres. Voice tor mamma.
ISlie h— a cold. Theodora gave two birthdays and measles and thlni
(h ladl^ at ebttrcb.l Btc. r‘k««'Bimse for Dick. (Dick U lbe canary—
William O'WJsp (that was
caught hU bead between the Vires y,u,er'e name for him) had a broken
and didn't know bow to get out- «,ii4r-bone l>ecau— be “scorchod''
Signed. Tom, Bee. SeU-cicd.
down nreaknetk Hill; Marie said It
called Break-callar.bone
ought to 1
Hill. I
And I
Mending by Bracking.
"Krod, 1 think I left m. sn—taclcK raoUtcr—had the .
upAsirs." ulU grandpa. eflA be had H*® ‘“‘'Y
* «“Hc bhite '
-arched the sltilng room for hi. ac- «®«‘'- TT**' ‘®®>‘
customed aid. to sight.
®® ®»®
“*• ^ »“
“Oh. dear." began Fred, who Aways lbo«ht U a gr—i nuisance to
ah»lh*nye t«jp> downtown,
go up ftod downstairs, unless he
you Ihbk
wanted —metbing for him—If and
^nd Hopo' Thumb e»n take care
couldn't gel anyone to go; bA before ^
„ck people? I wouldn't
he had flnlBhed hU grumbling -n- ^
f„r UiA very, very
tence. litOe Ullle had dep-lted her ^ck UtUe girt on Hooper street She
bpful of patchwort on the -fa. and
„ ^uch Acker than the meules ,
with a cheery, 'ill get them, grand- .nd the r—t"
pa." w— on ber way upsuira.
"Fred, you fdigot to pul your tools
So iocior fAher rode away —rrowaway.” mamma ssM. s m«e Uter.
D»Ut behind b—uUful Nellta Gray.
"Oh. d—f. It u' B^ch a boUier te
The twins bad reached the "cro—
put everything awsY." (rAted Fred, stage" of me—los; William OWbp
"Cant I leave them"where they ft-c w— across and'— w— the bteassd
UU tomorrow, f« I will want to n— baby. Only dear, white-faced mother
them again rw— not
“No, I want them put - away at
“WeU. I decUre. Hop o' Thumb Bvonce." said mamma. In suAi a derid- oos, i ^ess we're caught right in tbe
ed tone. Uiat »ed knew ebe required mjddie of a tr-rap!" cried Marie.
Instant obedience.
Then ehe Uiougbt of —mAblng. Her
"Ol^ dear. I never can lean this bright UtUe boe sweetened and grew
long ite-n." be grumbled that even- quite —lemu. O y-. It would be Uke
lag when be SA down te prepare hU thA; Uiat wls the way tboM lovAy
redUOons for the neri day. "lyx such aoldlw women did when everybody
a lot of work to IransUte Al the— w— wounded and akk. And that was
the wsy she and Hop o' Thumb would
Dr. Horton had dropped In for a do now.
ilttle clmi wiUi Fred's fath«. and he
a tong. hA Aternoon! But
looked up whA be h—.d the Impa- how they worked! Marie stole in —fl­
uent exclamation.
ly, .Qd bathed mother's head with hA
"What do you think I have been »««•, — hot It made h— lender IKdotng today.J^?"
ue hands shrivel and shrink. But
“What, sirr —ked Fred, glad of a .oldler .women did not mind being
dlve'rston from his books.
hurt a lUtle. And Hop o' Thumb |day.
"Biealtlng a little girl's arm." ,
*d papw dolls wUh the twins, ate
"Don't you mean mending it, doe- made them go to Europe when abd
torT' asked Ptrd. thlaMng that tbo pelted Uicm to go to Asia, and have
doctor bad made a mistake.
Uib''measl*s when she'd So ^loch
"No, I broke K." answered the rather they'd hare the "physic,- —
doctor. • "flome time ago this UtUe poor, d—r Uncle Jack had. when be
girl broke h— arm. and it w— very coAd nA breathe, and bad to sit ap
badly —1. and b— been — sUfl ever atmisht all‘night long,
since that she could not u— It —
Marie read to William O' WUp toe
she wanted to. Sbe mak- lace very boy-atori- he wpecIAly liked and sba
cleverly, and ber qarnlngt have been especlAly Ad not. and then she paa great help to the famtly. but since UenUy sA on the doA and picked up
her arm was hurt the h— not been the brownie ninepins he roUed down,
nblo to work it AI. We held a con- with hU well hand. She keA>>ok1ng
sulUtlon A toe hosAttl today, and down sidewl- at h— lUUe pink Angdeclded thA toe only w«y to help bam sleeve, and how It Ad bAp!
too chUd woold be to br—k her ara
when doctor father came borne aV
again and resA if
l—4lmc. he tpund Hop o' Thumb cut"I think I'd rather never be mbie ung out.k whole new taraOy of paper
to do anything than to have that dolU for too twins, becas— the others
done." exctelmed Fred.
had Al died A the ineaA—. Her IK“Why. UiA's unfortunate." remarkround face w- sweet ate bright,
e^ toe doctor. "I've b—n thinking *nd «n her si—ve w— pinned uomeUiA to«e U a bone about you UvA, thing Just Uke Mhrte's. PAher nod-,
ought to be broken very noon If you ded to him—U —(Uy. Bn coAd h—r
expect to become no acUve man. lYe Marie tinging a UtUe. low. coaxy
been meaning to menUon It to you Aoepteog to toe btey* In toe other
(a —me time."
room, .and ba tiptoed to the door lo
Fred turned pAe. He w— nA 'at p—p in at h—. Th—e she sat beAi fond of bearing pAn.
side the cradle. Jogging It genUy. and '
-Where Is the bone?" he ateed. faaulng.Uie fll— away ftssfi the llUle
wito a frightened tremor In bis voice, moui face. Tbe aoMst Ugbt crept In
"WUl you have to break it A oncer' «t toe western wtndow and touched
“No, I can't very well break It the queer UtUe red lenm on her
now.'N, answered the doctor. "Yon sleeve.
can bnak it youracif better than any
-fhe dear UtUe Red Cram mira—!"
one can do it for yon. U is oaUed mnraured toe doctor (Aher.—Junior
toe Usy bone."
ChrlAlsa End—vw W—ld.
“Ob. is UiA whst you moaur Ate
_ vJCj------------—------be w— — reUeved toat be smiled
CeutdnY Thread H.
at toe doctor's words.
<|biA (aged five, w— learning to
'Yet. my boy. that Is (he bone 1 ••*. One day, after vainly ttylog to
mean; and It is a bone yon ought to thread the needle, sbe asked:
break very soon If you ever esp—t to
"Moth—, don't they oaU the hole la
be A any u— In this world. It wOl a needle as eyaT'
take. a pretty determined Afort to
T—. dear," w— the reply,
break It. f— It is one A toe UwgbeA
"WeU." conUnoed tbe UtUe ml«,

boo- 1 know nnytoias ahMt; bat "tUs eU aaadla'B cragnyed,"

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