Grand Traverse Herald, September 25, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 25, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Covers the
Grand .Trav*
crae Regton.


noums aowoHi



MdHL WhIU HortkMttii^l ExMbR* RIvsl ThOM «t
Stst* Fair. *
TtiD Orasd Tnirewe Roflon fair
opansd lU rate# aide jrcaterdA}' to
tha tbouaaada vbo will b« gueau tor
tha aext thr*a (Uy». EvemtUn* -ba*
baan dona to amoaa asd entartals tbe
public and It w)ll be a critical paiaon
wbo doaa not get nora Iban hit moDa>’a worth. Tbara never ware better
, axbiblti. Soma of tbe buildings are
crowded to tba door* and maov could
tuK find roan for what tber had
dlapla>-. A asElcleni po^ee force
aaa that no one geu Inlurad. reaC
root!)# for tba weary, machinery in

e of the )»18 makes, shqwlni
and from tbe Interest that baa been
manlfeeted in tbU line of tbe fair it
Is demonstrated that another building, made tn.lSSS. some parts of it Just
even larger could be filled and If the good as the year in which It was made.
There to a fine atock of blankets and
demands are as large another year
sronM almost be neceasary for tbe fair robea. One of Canadian Lamb's wool
erect still anolber du­ that attracts attention. All manner
of accessories are also shown in this
plicate building. It U seldom that
much activity has been created and it booth.
spttks well for the busIneM men of
Shermsn A Hunter
a double space that they have
city. There are some of tbe firms
who have rented their apacea for s
rented for a term of years so that
may always know Just where in
era! yeara. In advance to be able
hold that poaTUoa-for they consldei find their dtopUy. This dhowa (be
good piece of advertising. These newest fall and winter styloa of cloth­
dUplays all show the highest degree ing and overcoats, sweaiere and men's
of decomtlve art and such exhibitions furatohings. neckwear, hoalory and
are well wolAi going miles
shlru. A fine display of trunks and
TbU building has all tbe displayi valises Is shown. Tbe walls are bung
placed. As you enter at the right Is wlth'arttotlc poeters d^ntcUng the upto-date well dressed
that of
GriiHMlI Broa.
Smith A Hurst
have one of the largest pianos
show some of the fifteen differeni
hibiu. showing (heir own celebmted makes of plsnos that they are ogenU
make of pianos and also the player
Tbe BlliagUng. ScbUIlng and the
pUno. They have a Vase piano that Steger in tbe newest styles .-of cases
ordered for this occasion that
be seen An elegant ptonp player
was Just riAsbed at the factory and delights (bv vlsUora with iu music.
shipped through to them. A number
Traverse City Shoe Co.
of beauUful Tictrolas are' dxhIMted have a floe display of the May-er
(bat show how high tbe art bae be­ ■Honorhllt" aboes In all the different
come of producing instruments that makes. Three are shown In tbe
will imitate the human voice somlose- ious stag^ of making. Some^very floe
ly that one almost imagines they
pieces of the genuine leather in tbe
listening to tbe living artist. Some of different sbadei and full site* nr© used
the latest musical compositions
in the decorations. Tfato flim main
and an expert to in constant sboea as well and are the^ only firm
attMdance to demonstrate any of the in this part of tbe slate doing this.
The expert workmen are Ibe best.
'. A. J. Wilhtlm
They also show that they do all kinds
has a fine display of new Clothcraft of repairing.
clothing for fall and winter One
The J. W. Mllllken Store
(he newest in men's furnishings has almost anlslic display of the very
displayed In a most attractive i
latest style* of w^| pa<>er arranged

7:«i to 8:00-Band concerts. '
7:30—Copeland free attracUons.
8:00—Copeland ooiapany free, show.
8:30 to 10:00—Midway altracUona.
raudevUle, dancing and abows.
0 tto 10:00—1
—Band concerto.







Union Oftleiato Claim Ninety Per Cent
of Miner* er« Out. WMIs Opeiv
etor* Claim Trouble le
Not WIdespreeA'

<By Pnlled Press.)
Trinidad. Colo.. SepL 88—Thousands
of miners'wbo last night laid down
Police of Middle Vfeet Asked to Lobk (heir tools In the eoutbera Colorado
coil fields did not nsoma work today,
- for W. R. Andersofl, Who is
and the airike called by the United
Charoed With Killing
Mlue Workers was on. Union officials
sesert that »0 per cent of tbe ll.ObO
workers will beUut by tonight. Tbe
ators claim only 28 per cent quit.
(Ry Vnlted Press.)
throughout the middle west today
were asked to look for a young
who. aPer registering as W. R. Aadoraon W liouisville. Ky, Induced Jo­
seph Sclilan>-ky. aged -82, a clothing
■merchant, to visit his room 'at tbe
Oneida hotel to look at a line of Reekleeenees of Englrx
clothing and then killed and robbed
Bar Harbor Expn
him. Scblansky's body, with a strung
Also a Faeti
cord twliiiod around the neck,
foun-l toilay with valuables missing,
(By United Prea/)
•I surted to Uhc his money. buKkill
New Havan. Conn.. BepL 33.—la
ed him." read a note signed "laury their report on the wreck on the New
AndersoD." found beside the body. An­ Haven railroad at Wallingford,
other note read. "I started to take bis which 21 persona were killed, the Coniiants. but didn't—terrible."
nectlcnt utilities commission today
held that the wreck wea due to a Uck
of adequate signals, the bunching of
six passenger trains under ebon head­
way on a tofgy mortilng. and the reckor Engineer Wanda oTThe Hif
Bert Malont la
Harbor express in running past the
danger -algnal.




St. Francis chbreb was the scene of
a quiet wedding Wednesday when at
nuptial high mass, with Father Baner
officiating. Miss Christine Hormutb.
daughter of Peter Hormuih. 213 West
Ninth street, became tbe bride of
Heny Hinkle, of betnll. who to a
nephew of Dr. J. B. Martin of this
city, and who for some thne was em­
ployed at (he City Drag store. Onlv
Ihe immediate famUles and close
friends of the young couple were In
suendance, aud directly folltArlng tbe
ceremony, a 'wedding breakfast for,
bnly the bridal tarty and a sntall torn*
pany of guest* was servM at the
home of tbe bride's parent^. Mrs.
Hinkle wax attended by her cousin.
^Iss Aim
Inm Hormntb of Milwaukee.
and Edwa
Iwird nancy ot tbit ci^ at­
tended ifie groom.
Mr. and Mrs. HlnUe left on the
noon train for a short wedding trip
before going to Detroit to make their



Htrriek Claims That Law Should Bo
Adhered To and Actiona Before
Taking Oath of Offlos Net

(By John EUwia Nevio. Unitod Prooo
Stas CorreapondenL)
Albany. Gept. 23.-2>rIven Into their
last line of defenae Sutoer'e tewyen
today hraugbt their beavtert artUlerr
to bear on the Impeached governor's .
foes. They centered thelr,nght ob
the sufficiency of offensee charged,
with D. r. Herrick leading the argoment- "This to a government of laws
of men." he said. ,‘Tbls Impeacib


lighting tbe erowds, tbe music
band, tbe barking of tbe midway*
tnetiou. tba m«rr>'im-round filled
with happ/ t^dars, and people ever}'
where. ‘Hie day was Idaal and people
the best advanUge* and shows all the
wrbo were ptannlag on going but the
The Northern Furniture Company
different side walls, cut out frieses and
one day decided to go two
abows bow attmettve a room can be other, elaterate combinations showing
One of the hnsieat aat of
made if tbe person owns some of tbe what can be done by the expert deco­
those nnder charge f>( William Olfford different line# of furniture that they
rator. This to a new line that this
of the city electric lighting plant. For sell. Stoves, ranges, rugs, sewing ma­
bouse has added thla past season.
days they have had their hands full. chines and vaccum cleaners. Side
Suinberg .Brea,
Every buridlng and all the
boards, kitchen cabinets and tbe like' tell the vlsltorfi what they, will get
the concesalona are wired, and when are shown to the best advantage.
wh^D <hey trade there and receive
the enrrent U tamed on it is *01(0
-N. B. Chaoih
coupons. The premiums are some of
day. Tbe city has been very geoer- the carpet cleaner tell you that be
the finest, consisting of chairs, rockoua and all the teats where the ohurcb not only elMtia tbe carpeta and mga.
I>ea|de are aerHng lanches were wired but that he makes some o( the best era,. ehinanre. mirror*, valises and
, free. This la appreciated. There it. feather beds a person ever sleiu on such a host of dolls- These are what
im need of anyone going hungry, for and .that the bed to not completely Intereat the younger ix-uple. for
there is enougb'for all. It has beenm tumtohed unless there are at least doesn't like a doll? Thuy teach you
the value *f saving, the coupons, for
great task to gat this lighting in. and two feather pillows
A number of fakirs have been at­
In years to coma this one feature will The feUtwTB in different processes future
tractedJa.the city by the region fair,
The Metrepoliun Insurance (
attract tbodbands.
There are many pqople In the
of cleaning are shown. Mr. Chaptn have a most unique display, for it to and today, on account ot a Uck of
It has been demonstrated already
* worid«wh0 look on the dark tide
also handles the carpet rtig and ih<
something unusual to have such com­ prospective victims at tbe grotmds.
that a number buildfngs tbould
of things and never ti^ to turn
be made fram any kind of carpet. panies make any exhibit The booth some of them have been sUemi
ha arecietl before another year. The
atound and get a glimpse of tbe
Instead of throwing any away they shows the artist hand and the center
operate downtown. So far ai
merehanu' dUplar room is Juat half
more cheerful aspects ot life.
can be made Into treautlful mgs
of attraction laaminatiireofUie^reat known, however, with one exception,
tana cBongh and tbe display of tbe
like to predict calamity and '
The Hannsh A Lay Co.
New York City Imllding. Uie honie«f. they were unsuccessful. Bert Ma­
schools had to be pot into a s]«ce oneare always disappointed when tbe '
Tbe "mUlers for fifty years" show this company.' They are carry-ing
dealthird of whst li should. Hundreds of
glooms^ fall to get In their work
the flour t^at they have been making a "welfare" education and are elrivfrom
children have worked hard to get their
One of' tbe most fruitful source^ '
dtaplar* ready, only to find that there and selling to customers all these log to educate the people how to keep suem-uded In unloading a lew gold
of tills mental condition to Uat-*
waa not room. The fine arts bulMlng years. U prove* the quality to (hake * well, bow to prevent illness end (he bricks before he was a|i|ir«diended.
tbe ones wbo are afflicted with *
Is In the aame condition. The horse brand as long as that. Tbe "Tasty igsing of life. The work in, connec­ is alleged that be purchased a quan­
ihto variety of melancholy Uke •
organlxabams will bare to be doubled, and
the word of others who are atfllet- •
then a lot of Imported stock could be many because It to made from Gmnd yens and aid materially In the. work i>ens from a ten cent store 'and then
In a Ilk* Dinner Instead df In- *
prM«ded to eell them at prices rang
broegbt tn. Tb<) ixnltr>- exhibit could Traverse grown wheat. This display of keeping the district viKiiinfi
vesUgatisg eonditlons for them- •
be doubled If there were sufflcleni also shows tte other'kinds of |>roducts In Traverae City. Piles of literature log frum one to two dollars. He had
selves and finding out the facU.
coops provided. Many of the iwuliry that they manufacture graham .and are given away that am well worth l.een operating biJt a short time when
They delight In accepting atreet
tl. pan cake flour, bran and the reading' The next booth to that Chief of Police ('-arson arrested Mm
raisers have no coops o^ their own
rumor and goeaip Instead of
and H^y made them they would not street car feed.
and took btro into court. Justice
searching for the truth, and An
The "Blfl Star**',
l)« uniform- The added expense will
The Burwau of Aaaoclated Chai
Birdsall sentenced him to pay a fine
this misguided condition they go
bring in anougt extm dlsplais to war­ as the Hannah A Iat Mercantile
and_ coeu
costs oof five dollars or take ten
This booth was donated by the fetr and
about enlarging upon what tome
rant thU en»n#e. There was hardly pany ha* come to be known, occupies officials and the .vretpopollian Insur- da<*"1n-(ht
'he couniy Jail, and
busy, body has told them until
any distday of the made in Traverse three full aocUons and well they msy
company gave the decnraliont ^nt of la
lack o( (ands Malone was
they have erected a structura of
niy products, and'of this there eoul-l with tl^ goods they have to show, and this otganiuUon will ei-li home t^rced to u
take the Jail sentence.
theory and fantasy - thst suits
e latest

taken made eandUti ail during the fair, that
be a display that would astoaUh the Tberc arc some of (he
them, and then move in and occu­
from each deparim'ent
nent and all display­ have been made for them by tbe la­
whole regtoa.
py U to their hearts content.
Tbe fair aaeoclatlon are going to ed In a most attractive manner. It dles thronghout the city. This la a
meloncholy Individuals find
■ are tor all these In the future, (or might seem a great mixed collection. worthy organixatlon and tlie many rtomore enjoyment In rambling
tlx- success of tbe assocUtlon Is as- but a careful study bIv>«b tbe great Itora are taking advantage ot the oparound a cemetery Gian they do
-^ur<;<] us never before. The interest number of lines that this firm handle
ot aiding them by purchasla going to a public park, or
■i;sii:f<-iited bos creeled a feeling of stoves and ranges, hardware and (ur Ing these oandlee.
mingling with people who regard
S'ldliional Mthnstamm and bandredF uure. dry goods, dress goods of the
The Needham Buelneaa Conage
life worth living- They alwaye
of i-tipie have ssid that another year
ghOM and clothing, ready-to- always have this comer booth which
keep strtet aearant of tboee who
tbev «,.re going to plan on bringing wear garmenu. millinery that surely to decorated In the Colon of the col­ TACIT CONSENT ' RECEIVED
move out of town and omit to note
some of their farm and orchard prod- lonipls the feminine heart. Fancy lege. purple and wblia-and there will
thoee wbo move In: theytakedeucts ihsi thef were a UlOe Indifferent brje a brae, beautiful china, men's be found lilerature describing the
Itgfat In pointing to empty bouses,
aboui N'othlDgsncccadsIlkastKsoess.'jnrtitohlngs.
’ forntohings,
_____ . work of thto^AnsUtuUon -and what the
but never mention the new onee
and this has been so tar bwond what .undries, vlcirolas and musical gooda. results are for those who attend.
- the offu lais bad draamed that all the
pgckg,;© greeerlea.
that are built or tbe old ones
imjwovtc^nu poaslble will be madei
that find tenants; they Uke to re­
Tbe following to tbe program for
call the early days of the town '
for the CPU fair.
| have-on exhibition a great nwaher of this evealsg and tomorrow:
Tha fine xns dtsWv f» the Urgeat photographs from their studio. These
7:00 to 0:00—Band concerts.
r made and ronstoU of the greatarrangement and
recq|ved It; they Uke to elaborate
7:30—Copeland company, free
upon the Inefficiency of pubIKf'
cxhlbm..« oI fancy needlea»rk.
Bver} body wanu to know
------- ------------- ... pillow ecarfs, Uble
friends' as they see them Tn ev- iractloa.
offirlals. yet they never attend the
linen, underwear, qullu., on paintings. I
8:00—Midway attractions, vaude- Assessment May Only Be One Cant
primnriea or cast their votee at
wsier colors, ink drawings, pencil
tho regular elections; they graep ‘
_ the oldest In this region have Tflle. bowery datkce. shows, merry-goPer Week Although Michigan
•ketches, burnt wood work, china the faculty of "catching' their pa­ rounds and aumerona other attracat all the ecandato, but never
psHiting. knitted goods, crochet work
menUon efforts that are 'being '
trons in the most naturU posiUoha.
and an tbe wonderto] things that the
8:30—Oopelsad free show.
made to benefit and buDd up the
A. H. Orvbef
Tentlnlne minds know so weTl how to
town: they ran down every pabllc
who has a fine display of pUyer pia­
create. Tbe superlntendeou bare
movemenL yet never contribute '
nos. fancy brie a hrac. a number ot
13:00 Boon—Slock parade on race
fairly pile tbe things up there are ao
d<41ar or do a stroke ot wort
Washington. Bept. 34 —After se­
Beat and Gerta planoe. -A number of track.
many of them. The Judge^ will have
for the general good; Ihey growl '
curing lha tacit consent of the exec­
fine pletnree adora the walls.
1:00—Copeland free attraction.
a task before them.
when they pay tbeir taxea. yet '
utive council of the American FederaKest
thU is the eduratloual t-xlilbtt of the
they want all the Improvements '
UoD of Labor for a naUon wide as1:48—Copeland aEtracUons.
cliy and country schools wihrb al- cupied by
that otbealowBs enloy; they com* '
•easmeni upon iu 2.<
dehn T. Beadle Co.
2:00—3:14 trot or paea
tracts universal auen-'on. 1i show*
plain when prices are high and '
for the benefit of the Ctolumet. Mich­
2:13—Band concert la grandstand.
the wonderful adrancemeni that Imr with a great display of their producta
see aothlag but
2:30—Band concert at fruit hnllding. igan. copper mine strikers. President
made of isle in leeching tbe rhtl- Theyare the
they are low; they obJ«*t whan
Moyer of the Western Kederatlan of
band made harneaoee In this part^
3:00—Copeland free shows.'
dien. and eapcclally tbe younger «
people do things and tend np a '
8:18—2:35 trot and pace.
Th.- work of the *ei klndergartner*. lha sute. This to also one Of the
wail when Lhey are inactlva.
and Shafroeh to ask for a federal tn3:80—Band concert at grandstand.
the drawlap ot fhe^flrst graders, the oldMt harness firms in the elate.
Taken In all-ibelr career to one of '
/qniry into the chargee of peonage in
3;4^MotOTcycle races.
<ui out work of the older ones, tbe There are seU of single and double
proteaL re^rdlees of whetA^
4;0fr-8barpabooUng by Winchester the troubled district. Tbe aasessment
fi^-haad drawings, Ow water colors harness, one eipecUIly that li
on the Federation Labor memberabipl’ they are right or wrong, and tbe
and the pen and Ink akelches. Ii beauty having on it 1387 nickled expert.
most ditoouraglng feature of
4:00 to 4:10—Bend concert at halfs. to expected to be one ceot per week.
would taks fiooble the room to dtsplay spou." making it one of the classiest
all to that they enjoy, their mb*
nUbough the Mlehlgtn Federation of
hareea* that any team of horses ever
ao that all could be a«o(i.
4:10—Oopelsad tree ettiactlona.
awmal oDDdttioB.
Labor asked th^lt ba made five cents
wora There 1s a set of haiaes thaf
4;S0-RuBaiag race, eae-balf mila
I is packed foil


SL Franeia Church Scent Of Protty
Nuptial Even.

Ikes li That He
Aic^ed Campaign Contri^tiefts
>et Included
in Hie Sworn

(By John Nevln. United Proas Suff
Albany. SepL 24.—The actnal trial
Of William Sulxer. Impeached govern­
or ot New York, is finally in progreat.
The attempt o! Suiter's atlorncyd
halt anion without taking teslmony
failed. On motion of Presiding Judge
(?ullen. the high court of Impeach­
ment today voted 4 to 7 to leaerve
decision until the' entire evidence to
In. on motion of Sulzer's lawyers to
dls(4ss three aeeUons of tbe impeach­
ment which charge crimes committed
prior to Bulter'a taking oath of office.
oon as the vole was announced
Judge Herrick filed ^Ith the court.
'Suiter's answer to the charges. It
was a complete deplsl of all allega­
tions. except that SuItM^ admitted recHvIng campaign contributiona which
t included In hia^Worn statement These be saidd wer^i
.accepted hr
him In good falib.
With Sulxer'H plra of not guilty be­
fore IL the Qourt called for th# open­
Eugene L. Richards took tbe floor
with a rectui of all the alleged of­
fenses commlued by tho governor.
■The chief jOirenaes of the reepond#m." be raid. "Are plain ones of fraud,
larceny and perjury.''

sute. and the law ot (he state fa
public ufficlato can only be lippeached
for wiltui and corrupt mtooonduct iB
Herrick argued that all of Suiter's.
acts to which snspiclon ml^t be a»- *
Uched were committed prior hto ^
Ing the oath of office.
"I cannot believe this covrt win* i
place an honest public official srho
mgy have erred at mercy of block*
' mailer*, but will confin* tba power ot
Impeachment to ti'e priffiarr purpose
of removal from office of an nntalth-;
tn] official for misconduct la office
oMy," declared Herrick.
A defeat for Suiter's attorneys to*
day meant that th* trae merito of tbe
eccnaatlons mast be rerealad to tbe
public and that hereafter office bolder*
will be fully as responsible tor thair
before uklng the oath of offloe oe
Before opening a tonnal attack on
tbe arUcIse of libpeachmenL Attorney*
Herrick adMued
fliat time
that Lieut Governor OlHh ts aeUng,
This made It pracUcaUy
for the assembly further
to Impeach SuUar for tsurpsUOn of
tbe powers of goremonhip.
5TROIT—According-to a repoi*
prevalent here. Henry Fkird. a prom*
tnent local automobile manufacturer.
has agreed to buy H.OM/XH) worth off
Detroit 4 per cent bands. It to eaid
that the same has been oonsummat-

ROTAL OAK—Charlee Snyder. 38
year* old. of Big Heaver, was Instant*
ly killed by a fast maU train on tho
Grand Trank road ber« Monday aft­
ernoon. He drove from behind a
freight car dlrecll} in lha path of tha

Governor and Good Roads EnthusiasU From Five States
Are Helplog Out the Project.
Uneeln. Keb., SepL 33.—Half a tboo
the governors of fire states—iTYinols.
lows, Colorado. Utah and Kebraska—
adopt a pro­
gram and take pn^lmlnary steps for
tbe eetabllshments of an ocean to
lAghway as a
memorial to
Abraham Lloooln. WUb cooperation
expected from sute and federal goveramenu. and peraUtant work, it was
declared today that the coast to coast
roadway would be ready for traffic
If not wholly completed by the Ume
the Panama-Padtle BiposUlon opens
Son Franetoce in 1918. Tbe congren wlU be In neoelon for two daya
It was called at the
George B. Pariaco, of HInden. Neb.
working in conjunction with tha Lin­
coln MemcrUl assoclatJan which hss
headquarter* In Detroit Midi., and
branch effices st the vartcus eommerdal dubs throughout the went Gov­
ernor John H. Morebead of Nebraska,
an ardent goods road* enthnsiaat to­
day strongly urged tba cooperation
of all governora
Tbe aim of tbe Lincoln -Memorial
association to a highway, as smooth u
a dty street, and as durable as any
highway ooaatrueted to etreteh from
New York City to Son madaoo. That
portlOB of tba
tween Chicago and Salt Loha CHy,

Uub. will be the I
s eoaeera
ot tbe couferenee which opened to­
day. It will not be necBsiaiT to stoke
out a new route betsreea Chicago oaff
dty. according to today's
speaker*. 'Neither will H be naoeeary
to construct a romplete new road-bed.
Th* plan nnder eonsideratioB. and
which It was thought would be unaa*
tmouoly adopted, wfii be to utilln
existing overland route* after repair­
ing them and Joining thsm into on*
highway that would be th* longest In
th* world, pour pioneer trails, nsed
by ‘‘treigbtsn" before tha dsn of rail­
ways. wQl form tbe basis of tba w^
era half of the propoaed highway.
These are: Tbe MMIand ‘Trail from
Denver to Salt Loka City, 838 mile*:
Omaha. LAacoIn
Denver Traaseontlaentol Rontr, 836 mQas: the Riverto-Rlver road, ■from DsTonport to
Connea Bluffs, Iowa. 338 miles; TrtCltles Rnek'River rood from tha }lis.
■Isstppl rtVM' to ChioagD. itO mOe*.
Tba greater portions ot thoo* oU
routes still ore tn good repair. How­
ever. It wlU cost miny aUUons. Mieakers said today, to wsid thorn into one
long road-bed. Local
along the rood win oostrOntm
CantributioB* alrelMlx hffp* bean roeeived from^soena off IMtvMtalt.
of thorn Uvlog tor froM tho tnIMMI •^woy.^


GraaJ Ihaerst HeraU PnUtaHe Mttlliif
PnbIWi«d TBMdtys bbA llrand^ at
Otjr. Ulcbigan. Ir


OmM. IB Profit «t Both Phonoo »

In adra
.. 7&C Is sdn
. 40e is »druc«

Caases ef Crl»e
Ther* to seoMally a reaaon ddTrte
rrlme wara* vhlch e*aap
UiD cltle* and result tn loss of life
and prdperty. The causes which lead
to Bucb condUlons are geseraily local
and can be directly traced to the.maO'
ner In which the police departments
are handled. If theViUce eyatem Is
conducted upon a political basis trou­
ble of thU nature caji be loohed for
at almost any titne. but ^ tbe merit
system Is used In selecting the mem­
bers of the force, and efficiency In­
stead of peraonal profit ts the aim of
the department there is little to Tear
In the way of ipeat ertmes. The areraste policeman or detectlce will do
his duty If he knows that he w
upheld by the otflclaU above*
bnt vben be baa to trim hla efforta
» suit the whims of anperlor with
jrest dlgcal amtiltions
Is bound
Ic an
and Incfflciont, no matter
how ereat hid natural ablllt}' may be
in his work of preventlnE crime and
ferreUnK out criminals, ^'hen
touch element of a city Is kuaraMeed
protection In return for their voles
and poltdrai iDflnence tKe best police
oBeer in the world cannot make
showinc In his work. On Uiq other
hand if the police department of a
city U conducted with the sole
pose of proUcUwE the people there
is little danger from this element
breaking loose and eommltttng Indis­
criminate crimes. Crime is. protected
10 a Urge extent is big cJliea and th«
fact thatlthU element is ce.ruin of
getting away with a moder^ atoount
oT work in their line kmboldens cer­
tain ones to k point where they hesi­
tate at nothing that will profit them.
. eren If they have to commit murder
IifVder to carry out tbetr jlcslgns
One peculiar fact U noted In'connoctlon with New Tork police methods,
and that Is that when crime becomes
too rampant In. the roetro'.tolis and the
police are compelled to makea show­
ing they Invariably Und the ones who
are guilty. Men who commit the high­
er class of crimes are mostly high
class operatives in their line and
takes a high grade police force
Usd them tn the toils.' ContUnt
vUilaBce by the city forges is the only
method'that wlU prore practical in
rooting out crime and bringing
crimiralK tn jusUce.

The last legUUture iiassed a law
proridlng that only pure seoU shall
be sold by dealers by retail to tbe
farmers of the atatc. This act
paaaed in order to prevent tbe spread
of noxious weeds, and If properly enftweed wOl proTk of great benefit to
the farming Interests. -One of
easiest things to do U to adulieratc
' seers and pass them off on tbe Ui
era as pure, pecause there are
many varieties of weeds (hat so close
ly reeembic alfalfa. cloW and other
farm seeds that their detection ns
<iulrea the eye of an expert Aduliep
ate.1 seeds ha'^e cost farmers in the
sute many.thousands of dollars.
pecUIly growers, of alfalfa and sand
veich. which are two of the most raluable crops that are ^own io this
iwrt of tbe state. Cases are kuow^
where pure sorrel seed has been sold
fanners for alfalfa and tbe purchaser
Dcrer knew th^ difference unifl
crop came to maturity. Sand vetch is
adulterated wISl the Russian vetch
which sells for a nwetion of the price
of the real article and Is wholly worth­
less as a forage crop. According
the provisions ©r tbe law, seed mi
be so thoroughly cleaned before It is
offered for «Sle that there will be
not more tiii^pne noxious seed to
every two thousksd of tbe genuine
seeds, and more than this propgttloD
will ssblect the dealer handling the
seed to arrest and fine upon convic­
tion. A large perceouce of the t
croM'on the farms are brought there
by means of sdoUerated or unclean
eeed, usd -If this new Uw is enforced
It-vOI make a great change la the'situaUon throughout the -stite. 'Parmj
seeds are cdisoged very often, as
farmdrs nUe all the aeed they need
for their. Me and ha?o to hay from
the desUn. Most dealers try>to be
boMdl with their patrons, hut there
are • few wrbo are looking for riie
rtsidy moner ud Ml a repnutiot
Mat the eight thi«g by tbe tsrmere
and tber wlU bs the (mea to suBi
tbs Uw U property snforced and the
oess gnllty of seDing impars sssd
t rsaght «p with a sharp tom. as they
pbssM b«. ijf tbe sttts autborlUes.

11 is stldant that the American
Road Congreu which will be held In
Detroit from September 2# to October
4. wiU be one of (he most valoable
a practical atandr
held In the country. All the ex­
pert .good roads men of 4he country
will be present and ever)' kind of road
log maebtnary kMwn s'Ul be on
exhtbUlon and actual demonatrat
made with it for tbe benellt of the
delegatee. Even* city, village
townahip official who has anything to
do with making good roods ahould
make it a point to attend the meeting
and gatheifthe Information necestary
for making roads thal\.wlU meet the
demand of the commuiiily-and have
the proper wearing Qualltlee. Too
many of the good roads thst have
put down Udt permanency,
which means that they will have to
be rebuilt and maintained at a great
erpenae. Delegates to the conreution
win be given an oppohunliy to see
miles of concrete roads which hare
been made in Wayne coun^. ud
which hate given such satUfactioii
that DO other material win be wed in
that part of tbe state. The concrete
toed wrhen put down right is permaDMlt and costs practically nothing to
lUln. besides l>elnK able to stand
tbe hardest kind of traffic without injurj-. ThU congress will be a practi­
cal training school for road builders
and every community will be aliMd
If they send delegates to take part in
(he deliberations during Ihe week (hai
the sessions last.

AHecIs SdMlarsliip

Profits In Psuitry.
People who make money out of
chickens, ducks and other fowls
k highly of tbe condKloninc and
mint quaitliea of IIARVBU.'8
It makes

Ill poultry rai
use it. Price 25 eta. per
Idlcl by all druggists.


the City on bnslnaas.
J. H. attinbsrg haa ratumad from n
buslneii trip to Ne* York.
Mm. J. H. StalMara haa ratMRtad
from Detroit
Mr. and Mrw. John. Qrelllek Mwa ragocofSIwtMa
tnmad from their weddlns ' toar
through tbe aouthem part^of the auu
home to their friende on
tbe West bay shore.
(Fnom Tuesday s Record-Eagle.)
Word hts l^n received ef the deathof Eddie Pratt, (onnerly of thb dty.
DOW of Burbank, California. *He died
last Wedneaday of tnbereAlosli.
Mr. and Mra. Ed Tayter aad daughters, FhB-eoca and Anita, returned
Saturday from a six weeks' visit with
relatives In variona parts of New
York stale.
nil be able to have for their i
Weed haa haah racaluad that Taay
pf tbe best vegetables grown in this
Thorson of Hoqulsm. Wash., formerly
employed by the C. B. Taylor Coal
company of this dty.
rtoua operation last month and Is said
to be dying.
j. W. Travla has dOM to Grand Rap
Ids for a few days on bnslneas.
Dr. Heldswarth haa recoverad fro
bit illneqs.

Me Markets

Stock are esse^l to uy well
icted (arm ud they should be
breed that haa utinty Instead of
merely being one purpose animals.
Stock must be kept upon the farm in
order to maintain the fertility of the
le silo M a
e It possible
to keep a Urger number of ultuals at
less cost thna when tbe old fasbloned
melho.1 of feeding Ihem out of tbe
and com rrib was the common
imcticc. Too many fanners make a
practice of aeUIng their calves Instead
of raising them to maturity to sell for
beef animals, or conrert into cotA.
Another fact that has militated
against the Increase of cattle In tbs
country is the lUbilliy of the farmer
becoming alarmed in the fall of tbe FARM PROOUCeltellmg ^Hoaa.
yeer. because he (bloks be will ut
have enough feed to carry his her
through the winter and then begins
tp sell off bis young cattle before they
are rendy for the market. Py this
practice he not only loses himself but
Infliru a still greater loss upon the
community by shortening the avail­
able meat supply ]ust that much,
is evident that action U needed tn
this line in order to prevent a meat Wheal. 60 lb. test.............................. .,87c
famine In the years that are ahead.


Bail On Con

Re|>orts from the Vnlverslty of
After several apialllng murders
MirMgu indicate that the members have taken place the -city officials of
PricM eorreeted e'very day.
of the Creek letter fraternities spend Crend Rapids have decided to enforce
Wheat, 60 Jb. teat...............................
much rime on aocUI affairs and ,he state Uw against carrying a reenough on their lesaons. As a re-| volver bV anyone who la not gruted
Rye. G6 lb, test ................................... S*e
suit thwe who are not memWrs of ^ Ji.-ense,- It Is hoped bythis means
thrive r.ntanir.ailons sund much higher (4, reduce the doath rate of citizens
in iliejr classes ud consotuently in and handicap the work of the tbugi Buckwheat, per 100 lbs ...............$1.25
PrtcM eormetM ererr day.
th( ^•linatioD of tbe faculty and pub­ and gunmen who have been running
lic t:-Is is iiroof of the claim that wild In the city of late. Every city
has olicn been; set forth that cbil and county in the state should take
dr. 3 are sent to school to learn and limllar action and bring to Justice
Hidaa. Etc.
not to jirriuire lor high sockly. What every person found toting a''gui
Is true of the colleges in this reipect around In Ills |KK-ket. The revolver is
................... .................. ^........ »c
is equally true of the high schools,
menace in .any coromunlty. for even
wliere the srhoUrs are allowed lo Hbld >e most baitnless person If allowed Horse hidea'.........................B-OO and np
their dances and other funcilops dur­ to go armed will turn loose on someing the time they should be at hom£. bodr.when least expected and another home at Petoskey after a short time
deveting their lime to study. The murder will be added to the already in the city on business.'
Than. Howard was locked up last
people are trying too murh to supi«rt long list that have sc
tbe public schools to have them dl punished. The state law against night by patrolman Rosa, when he
found In a drunken condition
verted from their origiital i>urj«sc. carrying conceale.1 weapons is a good
streeU. He appeared before Jus­
that of pretxrtnc the child for-lhe ;
1^. like a great many others it
tice IlIrdMlI this morning, plead guil­
tualities of Die. It Is well coougb
haa p^'cn of no value because It h^a
teach a child to be gble to i>resen( a not been euforeed. All the Uwa In ty to a drunk and disorderly charge
and paid a fine and cosU of >C.
good appearance In a drawing room or the world cannot be of any
Samuel S. Bay ef New Ortcana, who
dance hall. Init this Is not what the people unless they are enforced, and
-haaJieen In the city for the past
taxiwygrs are digging u; their hard from the number of pr
weok on buslncM. left today (or De­
earned dollars (or along educational have born reported it is Inferred
IlD^. The social part of life can be this lani Is practically a dead letP.
lett^ troit. where he will be for a
developed to the beet advantage after all over, tbe state. Every day the weeks before retaraing to bis home.
The Burwau of Aoaeeiated Charities
(he child is through acbool. The pri­ public press records instances where
mary function of the aihool system somebody has been shot 'during will have a booth at the (air rei^
senting the work that Is being dtme
Is to give the child
trouble and as long gs
in tlte three R * ud other cleinen«r>' people .are allowed to run at large among the poor of (he city. The
mness. Hiss Knee and the Visitwork that will better 111 them for co|s with weapons In their poekeu there
ihg with the world when they liavc
wilt l>e crimes romnrftted. The police
go forth and earn their own way. t
force in anv city wlH be unable
cieiy never'did make a man or 1
cojo with the situation if everybody work that has been done by oniUng all
man. but on the contrary It has been that cares to is; allowed to carry a charitable work fmder one head. They
the undoing of many promising jieo- (Ireanu or dagger... .The best way to stand ready to explain all
Ide- From Monday unUl l->lday night prevent crime U lo' uke away tbe asked. On Thursday homemade candy
tbe place for tbe child is in school dur­ means of rommlltlng it as far as pos­ donated by the school children of the
ing the required hours, and after that sible. There is no need ofr a city be- city will be sold at the booth
they should be at home studfinc their rectlonA private pUrw raeitsi held in the
lessons for the next day. Social (une- cent people are Ihe ones to suffer. parlors of the First O
rions are Ubooed during ike week in Ninety days on the rock pile Is a church was given last evening by Mte
tbe smaller coHeges an^ the same very effective means of disposing of Mary Morgan, who Is a graduate'of
tdu shoula he enforced in the putdic this habit and every city In the state the Centralising School of Music of
schools for tbe good of (he rhlldron. should see to It that tbe provisions of Chicago. Miss Morgan charmed her
The i«?olile of the country gfe waking the state taw .Me enforced In this dl- guests by her rondblon of well known
up to the (art that they aiw not gel coiuine an armeff camp, for there is' concert pieces and displayed great
ting as imich out of ihc^.ublir schools little llabllliy of the class who carry sympathellr espreesloa In tbe Chopin
as they should, and in uunr places weapons being attacked, except by Nortornes. Her touch was exquiaUely
they are Insisting ’upon the cutting others of the Mine kind and then in delicate without loss of power or lone
out of the social work that has Iweo gneh an event there Is little lost If a brilliancy. Mlu Morgan was assisted
introduced under the misuken
fatality occurs. On tbe other band by Misd Rbes Martin te two readings
that it was necessary In have tbe when weapons are allowed
from Jamds Whitcomb Riley. Miss
child shine socially as well as'tntel- rledjD an Indiscriminate manner Inno- Mania is alwa)s s favorite with 7>av.
leeiually. It is ImtHistihle for a child
|ene City audlencra and last evening
to be out Isle at night and do good
itaer teterpretetton of Riley was excelwork in school (he next day. It Is
contrary to natnre and whenever any-Mr. and Mra Wllitam Rennie ef
b^y tries to get the best of nature
Wexford, are In the city ter tbe bal­
iliey lose out In the attempt. W'hat
ance of tbe wedt and to attend the
(From Tuesday's Reconl-EagIe.j
the schools need to Increase t^^lr offair.
flclency^s more atteolion .to routine
Howard Morsan retum'ed last nigh*
Den Cameron left this mornli
imlng te
dnties and less to the frills and side from a abort trip lo Pontiac and Mt
enter the Detroit School of M<
lines that are bound to crop 01
Oeo. A. Bandrow ano wife, who Hive and Surgeryless rigid discl[.llne 1$ enforced.
Is In ths
been visiting with friends and retatiVM In tbe cltr for tbe past few days, dty to attend the (air Ibr aevaral
left this moranlg for thrtr home at days.
Mra wmiarn Wlawnan went te Sagi­

There is Utile to cheer the average
Mra. Arthur Umpkina left this naw this iDoralng. where she will visit
elHren In the iiro|.heey sent forth by morning (or Ann Arbor and Detroit, with friends for several daya
Rev. W. A. Eloy raturaed thia nernthe American Meat Parkers' aasocia- where ahe wl'j.visit (or a few weeka.
tlen .16 the effect that tbe tw-enUelh
Edw. Fenasr and Wni, Rlely.' wdto teg from Battle Creek, where ha has
eentun' American will be an anaemic, have been in the city for tbe paat few been ntending the Methodist confer­
vegduble-fed creature, nnieas some- daj'B on busineu. left (hts morning for ence.
F. C. MeArmett of Chehoygew. who
tblng bapiiens to Increase the fast their home at Mackliiaw City.
falling suptdy of good red beef meat,
'Vhos. Marlin of SimwnK City it hara has been inYho city for several daya
on bnslnesB. left thU moralng ter
which is the ttaple diet of the middle for a short time on buaiaess
and belter classes today. These men
Rapids and Chicago, where he
y. J. Rempton haa (wti^mod te M
w^be ter aome time.
who make a bnslneas of handling meat
• Jea. Skinen- of Elk RapWa la in the
predict that within ««b years tKtrterBoiiee'sieak will be selling for one dol­
^et Liquor, Mar- citr ter a abort time on hnsteoea.
Mra C. A. MMoti of Cedar Clly la
lar a pound, ud when this ooBdltkw
plune.'Opium. in the cltr today en bnslneas.
bewomes a (|ct the dediae of Uw peo­
Coca^ Tobac' Or. Julius WHhalm is in Atdsn far
ple w-lll Mart. The only remedy for
€o and«tber drag tbe day on bnslneaa.
situatlim lice in the diacovery of
r way In which the supply of cat­
R. J. Crawford ef Alpaas le In the
call l« in. roased ihroniUtout the
dty on budneaa.
country. In order to have beefrcauie
Mr. and Mra D. M. Clwk ef Fltet
apmi the week-end te the dty wiUi
must Iw raised, twt the farmer In
t parts of Ihe country Is ao short­ am aallafiml. Write. Mona or eaJ
sighted that he cannot aao the *»lne PiM BooUata and Goaraatao Bond.
MIm Lavella Spangle-Is
o't increasing hts herd, and as a >*m at Sec heiM on. &st Awt atrML
C. U Aekenman dee ratwrned.te Say
ault the number of markeuble caUle
m state 8L. Trnvww ORw.
City after apendiag acveral days te
If bpoonteg leH in the country t^*>7
t BheMoQ Ave..-Qnad ftriMa-


deowy Plctare


Neal lastitate Co.

(From 'Wednesday's Baoord-Bagle
Mrs. Edward Lautnar has returned
from » week's rlalt lo Detroit.
Word hao boan racalvad of Ota death
of Anton Priedel in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Juliua Btalnberd re.
turned last evening. aOar aevaral days
In Petoskey visiting (rtMda.
John G. PeUrson and Mm. Daisy
McLoebtan. both of Tiaverse City,
were untied In mairlaga st the Bvanycaterday afternoon.
P. K. Pobly offlcUting. They
win make their home at 301 Sprnce
Georpe J. Byrnes of CMhape, Is In
tbe city calling on friends. Before
returning'home be will vlalt tn FYankfort, Northport and Aldlne.
Among theae who will be in atlaiidance at the West HleUgan press club
tomorrow will be A. 8. White of Grand
Rapids; vtce-preeident of the Western
Michigan Development hurean and E.
D. Blett. of Grand tepids. president
of the Western bllcbigan Press
qlatlon. Both will appear on tbe pro­
Bert Silver ef Stanton. Mich., Is a
guest of bis brother. gT Lote SilvHe WiU also visit hts brother Harry
at CadlUsc. Ur. Silver has not bwn
In Traverse City for several yegia.
Chsa Tniax. aged 78 yaara, an old
resldeat of Williamsburg, died yes
terday after a long illness. Tbe fun
oral will be -held Thursday at Wil
Misesa Jennie and
who have spent the summer st theli
cottage at East Bay. mnrned
evening to thetr home in the dty (or
the winter.
Mra D. W. fleynoida of Orawn j*turned homo last evening, after
spending tbe dsy in the city.
Mrs. Arthur Wahl ef 820 WeM
Front atreec entertained last evening
at her home in honor of her nister.
UlsB Edith Bowen who celebrated her
twelve young ladles who caUed and
their visit was a complete surprise to
Miss Bowen. Tbe evening was spent
in TsriouB games and Miss Bowen
entertaUnd her gusts with, several
seleeUotts on the vloUn. Light refreshmenls were served.
MIee Dens Swanson of Elk Rapida:

Mra CemsU and eon of Elk Raplda,
are vUiting friends in tbe dty for
several daya.
Mr. and Mra. Claude I. Stevens ef
Grand Raplda. who have been'gaesu
at the home of Mra. Ooy DeLeng of
>11 Webster street, left yesterday (or
Petoskey and Charlevoix, where they
will visit for sevwal ^ays.
Mra May BumaUin ef Kingaley. is
s visitor in the dty attending the fair.
Mias Clara L. Porter of
U visiting In tbe cUy during (air weak.
Hr. and Mra Swasey of Central
Lake, spent tbe dsy in the City ye»

The benaty sad Tirttte of wemra
re superior to the virtue sad benutvof
•a. hot uo one on be bmuttfal t
_i the throes
s drzg msted bee.. .
eougheroold. RotfcteewlObnaggreMer
tttef thsn ASm'tta^lMiara IteUfor



Wylie; Meskk. Cs S. Burchfield:
Northport, L. L. Steadman: Xorwood.
D. A. Rood: Old Mteelon. E. W. Wood;
PeUdion, W. p. Mosher; Petoskey. L.
Jl. Mapuing; gberman. E. F. Vane;
:tivllle. c. V.' Howell; Tbompsonvllle. Theroo Janaa;Tra*erae City.
Asbury. W. H: Coates; FlraL W. W.
McKee; Fourteentb StreeL W. A.
Eley; Wexford. O. C. Parmsier; WI1.
Uamsburg. MUion Benedict: Charle­
voix. IndUn yilsslon, Qoiaton Wal­
ker; Kewadin Indian Mission. Thomas
Young; Nordipon Indian Htaalpn. L.
L. Steadman; Petoskey taMiun Mis-sten. Wiiiista Petoskey;'Fraoson iniTisn Mission. E. -K RoberU; Honor
ladten Mission. Mose. Wsakezoo.

terday returning last evening.
M. M- Feinberg of Cleveland, is In
(hs city on bustoesa today.
Bart Eilta. wife and family of Pstoskey. are la tbe dty for several days
to attend the fair,
Fred McManus of Fcteak^. Is visit­
ing in tbe dty (or the week.
Daniel R. Anderwbn ef MarquetU,
left (or bli home there (bis morning,
alter a short time in'tbe dty on bus­
Mra. C. E. Kyoto left yesterday with
herx-flother. Mra.-^ P. Beebe of KaU
luteka. and her uncle Leou^-Bo
^gtasmton, N. Y.. for Mi extended
Visit with relaUves In MlProuri.
Vhe steamer
Fannie^ M. Roes
bright a nutober of Peninsula peo­
ple In this morning, wbo'wfl) attend
tbe Grand Traverse Redon fair.
F. C. Tlmtloy. who haa boon In tbe
dty for tbe past few days on business
left (Ms morning for bit home
Grand Rapids.
Mias Louise Kart haa returned
her home at Saginaw, after a few days
visit with friends and relatives In the
Drivera'and owners of Im'woe erttered in the races to be held tods:
tomorrow snd Fridsy. say that unless
it rains dsrlng these days the track
will be to dm dasa eoodltimi
some good Umc should be made. Yes­
terday's rate did more good than any­
thing else nnieas enongh more comes
lo make the track miuddy.

Methodist Pastora Assigned in Grand
Travorue District

Pardee Business Exchanie
Stgte Bank Building.

Traverse Qty, Mlc|u'
Get their list of properti^
with owners adfiresses. or
proposition to sell your
Farm or Bnslaess
at cost of $25.

Are only purchtsed ones
ice. Therefora tbe.v should-be
.. of
-- tnodera
design, built of most dnrable
rasterisls and anUUcs... _
Isbed. Von «m And only such
t the works of
Travuree City. Mick.

Tbe followlag appointment to tbe
Grand Travme district was made at
the M. E. conference In Battle Crook
^ Kendrick, superintendent;
i. J. B. Carpenter; Alba. B. C.
Parks; Alden. John Clemens; Arcadia.
A. F. ryfins Bear Lake, A. 3. Pres
ton; B^re. G. R. Hillard; Bendoo,
E. M. Koods; Boyne Oty. M. W. Dot(oy; Boyne Falls and Horton' Bay,
WUUam'Shepard; Central Lake. A. N.
Righuuan; Charlevoix. Quinton Wal­
ker; Clarion. J. W. Stanton: Copemlsb. C. B. Tbies; East JordM. T. P.
Bennet; East AtiAo clrcuU.
Shumaker: Elk Rapids. J. B. Wilkin­
son; Empire. WilUam Haskins; Fife
Uke snd South Boardmsn. A
Reakes; Frankfort W. M. P. Jerett;
Preeisoil. E E. Rhodes; GoodhsrL G.
H. Gerry; Crawn. G. L Thompson
Harbor Springs. H. E. Walker. Jen­
nings. j. C. Msttbewx; Kslkssks. J.
H. Bayle; Kewadin. Thomas Young;
Kli»ley. Joseph Cowles; Uke City
C. 8. Jenkins; Levering. R. E. Show,
ennan; Mancelona. W. W. Umpert:
Manistee, p: H. Clapp; Menton. H. E.

la lofuU ABd ChOdna.

WISCONSIN mm uw is a poser
Conateraation Caawd Among Amonnu Population of
.State by Publication of Rigid Proviaiono.
But the provtelon that is cansingthe
(By United Pms.)
aoet discussion Is that wMdi .In the
Milwankee. Sept 8L—Conets
has be« eanaad amang the mnka of opinion of meet of the 1
tbe love lore in Wlscgmete bp the ges- Wisconsin, makes a marriage
eral puhlKallon of the provlalana.«(; Wlseonsla couple, performed outside
the recently enacted eugenic -marilage of tbe etate. teratid in this state If
the groom refuses to produce the neelaw. WhUs Ua
eraUy nndwwtood hy the pewte at the. enary hcelth certlfteate, and file It
rt it haa now been wRh the county clerk.
The tew proridas that realdenu of
dUexyrerad that tha tew la mndi ■
Ike state that go Into another sUte or
aad rigid than v
ewuntry to be marrted most
first realtsed.
The tew ptwvMea.'under heavy pan- pbyaidan'a oerfiflcata within SO days
alltea. that county clerks s^ 'dM after ttwtr return. Kl^t here teadteg
tesos.any murtege ttoeoee utter Jan­ Wisconaln attorneye
uary Ut im, unto the groom has pre­ clanee In the law is goteg to be very
frnltfnl of ic^l dtepotes and coort
sented n deetorh
him to be pbysleally ft (or the state actions tn tbe futnra. The
of matrimony. Vlotetton of the prori- attempte to make
aten win fneor aeverw psnIshnenL Wtacooetn dtlsen .
Failure on the pert ^ the county the gtnte tavaNd te Wiscoeste unteM
health eartneato is fited. Bat as
dork to demand fte oertineate Is puntbe act U one ftat baa been performed
Ishabte with imprisonment from
to five yean te tBe''etate prlaon and onsMe the
state ts
lU on tha pen at tha appUcaat are puatehabte from U days any puntehment Aocordteg to tew. • hotra traei asy anch osIob wonU
to pne yeer.
I are NaMe to praeeouttou be tn daeger ef tagel attedt es to the

vaMAty of tbeir ctelms tar teberitesca.





Mrs. Nellie Pratt, assistanu Ota.
d>oae STB. We treat you as wp
would wish to be Uwsied.
bmA tOff

ly WIlkMtPala
move those aching te«th ....... .........
without pate, and without the use o2
drags to produce unponsdoasness.
People of nervotts tempmamdnt snd
with weak hearts will appreciate the
*n:»«ter” method of patelcaa extras
vsnh, Traveras City. Mteblgsn

..hsrsaa/detenu has been made In
the gwytaent of fte money secared by
a mortgage dated the 2«th day o<
May. A. D.. un. oiecated by Wil­
lard H. CtempbeU and wUe. Erfrfte.
David R. OtinpbrfL single, and Waltecs O. CampbeU and wife. Lanra. sO
at Orsnd Tnverae county. Mldilgu.
tn Martha Mathews.
now Mnrtha

ty a Grand Traverse In Llb®^ 67 o< Mortgagsa. on page 232. on tbe 2«th
iUr. Jl. D.. 1911, at 2:18
day ot
of Ma.v.
o'etoefc p. m.
And whereas tbe stnount claimed to
be due on said mortgage st the dates
of this notici te tbe sum of four bsbdred and' sevent.r-five and 9S1M dirilan of principal snd Intereat and tbo
tarthM sum of one hundred aad ten
and MM dollars, uxas paid on the
BMitMS premises and Intermt there­
on. and the further sum of flileea dotlan aa attorney's fee. stipulated for
In Mid mortgage aad the whole
nortgaite Is tbe sum of six biDM
aad coe and T-iOO dollm and
t or proceedings having been 1»;uted at law to recover the debt
imnateing seenred by Mid tbortr
or any part thereof, hereby tbo ,
r of salee contained te said
si'' mortbM
.ame operative.'
therefore notice le hereby given that by rirtue of aald pow.
power at
id la putwMnc* of- the atatute
eale aad
te such COM made and provided, the
Mid mortgage win be (orecloeed by a


dty of '
In said county of Oram
the elxtb day of Oet^er naxt. at tea
o'tiock te the forenoon of that day.
which mtld premteea are deeertbed la
amrtgnga m foOows. to-wlt:
• north fractional ball of tbe

of Seethm Seven of Town Twenty-elx. north
of Bimse Blevtei WeeL and tbo
aeetheut qnaiter of the aorthearf
euarter Of Seefien Twelve, te Town
Twenty-ete, north of Range Twalve
Warn, te
county at Orand Trav191S.
Maltha Ctempbell nee Mathewa.
OnvaU S Craaa.


- ........... -r—

qy.yuf '>—’-rr. "■ -yy? -







The acheol cMMree who have net
Mreody brought their candy for the
Bureau of Associated Charltlee' booth'
the fair, may bring R wiib tbem u
morrow to the fair.

Maple City. Sept. 31.—Tbe Misses
(From Wednesday's Recoid-Bogle.y
jCbrthport. ^pi. 22—Mr. and Mra. Ethel atMl LlizIe.Ryker have gone
H. T. Ryan are spending tbe week In to YpsilontL vrhere they wUI attend
Drivers of vehicle* for transporting
There will he no eervice* at the
Brown Clu. Mich.
to and from tbe fair should First Contregational church tomorrow
, Mrs. Fred Carlson has returned lo
peaday to her home near Traverse ■ «asil .MllHken will leave ln"TBe
lib' observant of tbe traffic evening, •
her home in Boston." Masa^ after a
City. Her grandaon. Utile Gordon momtag for Lansing, where he will
rule laid down by Chief of Police Carnumber
Marriege license* have been Issued
attend M. A. C. this year.
son. tomorrow, os It Is expected (hat lo John G. I’eiereoo and Daisy .tfc
The Melvin Embroideit club
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander of Clyde.
A number from here attended it will be the biggest day of the fair. LenghRn. both o( Traverse City, and
with Mrs U>uie OlsMi and siient the
Going out turn on either Pork of Truman Smith and Clan J. Houck,
Ohio, spent a few days with their church at East Koason today.
day tying off tWo qultia
cousin. Mrs. li. O. Leslie lost week.
Tbe Hisses SMlIe Hebert and Nel­ Boardmon and take SUte street, re both of Bales.
.Mr. and Mra. Marshall of Toledo.
, Harry Hall left Saturday for Lans­ lie Galbreatb
visRed Nellie Lewis turning come straight down Front.
The trained bear
O.. returned home Sunday after
tite streets is .
Ceo. LoOrone left th*ie m^ing for
days spent with Mrs Marabnll's aunts. ing. where be wUl attend the M. A. C. today.
Miss Ira IIopklDB Is home for a vis- his home at CodllUr. after a short not only the younger set but the (dder
Sam Grossman left yesterday after­
Mrs. D. Harrui and.Mra. H. U 1.aHar.
The people of Kiagiley and the tiirroimdiiif
time in the city on business.
ones os well. The trainer is teaching
noon for New Yortt City, after having It with her parents.
couttry ere eU Intereitod io thia Depsrtment.
the new Ebner
Cbas. Bloom and wife went to Trav­
the liiiie fellow many tricks and be
over, from Williamsburg last Saiur sprat the w-«ek. the guest a
We aheU t>e gled to here individoelsl chnrchea,
Bros.' building 1* being rushed and seems to be very docile.
erse City last week.
day to visit bis sister. .Mr*. W, R. l-MI- Dame and family.
the Onage. fnUerxiel M^etiM end ell other or.
Mr. and Mrs. kVank Totter visited it D expected that the /oundatlon
ler. Mra. Button
remaJne.1 until
Divorce preceedingo were started
1 in it^ of newi,
structure will be started wRhin a few
at E. 6. I*arkard's today.
morning by Aea Elwell vs. Iva
Charles Thomas left last .Mtmdty for
■nnovnoeBestt of meeting*, noticei of entertainTbe lawyer* Underwood and Unilor days.
MesM. Ueo Abbott. Richard Brown OberRn. where they will attend col­
bodneu cbaog^ pnbUo '
and (lias Schauffler of Akron,
Mrs. E. C. Crandall of West Front
being done or 001
'li ulee of reel eeUte
drove out lo an anth lost Tliursdiy.
have iHirchaaed JoU In south town
street is entertaining her danghter.
in town or country, and any other itema of gen.
8. W. Porter has aoeepied a position
Andrew Fisher and family vIMted at city for soipe^lme. left this morning Mr*. Bernic Pearce, of Detroit.
the Shaw plat, where they »U1
eral intereat.
Send all itemi to Miaa Jeede
wiih the Hamilton Clothing Co..
foriAdrleOthere they will visit for a
Jobnnie RelnUart'a Sunday^
build summer.(Ottages in the near^
.Mrs. Nell Mason, who has boon vi*.
Bowden, who baa charge of the Department.—
Traverse City during fair week.
ture. • They reliirnerl Saturday
iilng at the summer cottage of Mra
Bdttor Henld.
The Norihport Fruit Growers aa.«d- heie one day this week.
H. C.-Hoffnmster at East Bay. iw-'
and little boy
Sunday sen-ices for SFbt. 28, 1913: elatidd wend out two Iced care ot fruit, •Mrs.
— -. Wm. SulRvan -uu
' - , chemieals
------ havel^n
■ ■■' ■. 'turned to her home In SeatUe. Wash..
Kitiniev. hept. —Dorn to-Mr. anti
Mrs. John I'lisel and son Ervin of ProBchTng by Rev, A. W. Itaker at every week.
from Burdlokvnie. are vlolUng
usi evening, stopping at Grand Rate
' Mr«. Contina of Sunali riiy. Sei>i nini arrh'ed Sunday to ritft her par­
grounds and either today
• temor
Mr*..lisrdir of -Traverse City, it the tivee here,
10-30 a m.; Sunday achool at n:ir. s
her way home.
a daugfater.
ents at Summit City.
m.: Su'ilshipe prayer Band at 2 p. ro.
' Eari W. Hedge and Mies Bewl* I.
Thf paHing of another pioneer waa
Jacob l.Abym of hllni arrived Mon­ Bitwonh league at
Miss Helen Tbomoa of A*p Arbor,
p- ni
Barr were united in the
, marked in the death of Jacob Seeg- day to visit his gnindi>areDC8 at Sum­
Guy Thsmbert of Toledo l*H this
is risltlng her parents. Mr. and Mrs. CUING FOR THE RASPBERRY
Congregstional i«rsoi&ge thie norsiniiier, 8r.. ot Stin^mii Cliv. Mon.Iav. mit City.
morning for hfs home there after ing by I)ev. Ivma* CoebUn.
Robert Tholtims.
Sept. 22.
I. R, Peek accomiuvnied by Mrs Canes That Hav* Borne Fruit Should aeevral days' visit with friends in the
.Miss Cora .Wall and Henry BrauilA son was born yseterday te Mir.
Be Pruned Awsy Bdsn as They
- HVt^rt Fee and hrifle of Mar­ gam. both well known and popular
Peck, Sam Grossman. Mrs. S. J. Jlame
- and Mrs. OUo Periner of '537 Bay
quette. Mtch.. are vialtlng relatives io young ]xd>i>)e. «ho until the past few
Wm. Btewart'was locked up
Seba, motored to Traverse
. Summit City this week.
«]W,1 by P.,re.„.„ yvr„bi. wb.n h.j „„„
„ o,.
months have live<l in Kingsley, were Phoebe Innls of Elk Lake, la visiting City yesterday afternoon, returning
Mias JeMle Bowden in ajiending the
this afternoon.
quietly ninrrie.1 at the rooms of Rev. her atstir. Mrs. Rboda Wood.
lb, «)■ lo .l,„d lb, ,.lr.
week at her falber'a home at Sumiqii
Will Parka U confined to his home
h. Tliurstbtl Tuesday afternoon.
Wilbur Smith left Monday for Vol- or prepared b.v rule of thumb methods ' **“■ "fteW-. He-npiwarci before JusNorman NeUman of MaM« City is
and groom were aicenaeri
aiienderl .«?
severe attack of lumbago.
I ne bride
onue ann
l>araso. Ind.. where he will attend col- only. When this Is the caae il is use- Hco Binlsall thD morning, plead gulTij- siwndlng several days In tbe dty durThe fair here last week was- veil
less U) look for good crops. Theconee t<> a drunk and tliHordcrly charge and Inc fair week.
by John Wall. Iiroiher of the bride, | A little
bom to Mr. and U'geattended.
ibat have 'borne fruit sboultf' always . was sentenced to pay a fine and tons
and -MBs l.«oRa Brautigani. sister of M»- Noah Mi
1. Sunday, September
W. A. Haueding «f the P*cdbnla Is
.Mls6vMUdr.-d Nelson left Sundoy be got rid ot os soon os they have 'o(
or lake ten days in the couo.Mr*. Pee and >lr». nieim Storre nod
the groom. The yoan^ iieople left 14, and died Wednesday. September for Olivet to attend college.
in the city aitending tbe Grand Trav­
eblidren were (Onicsle): tlslior* TuesThursday for a few days' visit with
erse Region fair.
Joe BRIado and family of Acme, are
Mrs. Bmiitlgam'a |«renis near TravFrank Qlendenning of V
Howard Park* and wife of Kewndln, Iking on the HoWell form, which they
Mlsi Rosa Bowden was in Kingsley erae City, after which they will go to
""‘b •”> .''b,
spending several days in the city.
rented a short time ago.
on busli
Jackson. wherci Mr. Brautitain hns
Mr. and Mr*. WaUer Wllaon ar
Mies Helen Putman and Bari Rogers them grow away until sptlag. Then
. Herb«n Fee and wife were Kings­ emiiloymeni In one. of the automobile


„ .jnring fair -week
tn« to take their Rule granddaughter.
Of Keselck. were married lost Monday i
^ rtiortuned back before Intenilon of staging an Individual rele-‘
ley callers Tuesday afternoon.
factories. Their mony friends Join In SSn RIckett to Traverse City this
F. Fremholtz and family are sB*e«k
at noon at theho.t\ of the bride's
^^r. down u> about six or bratlon during fair wi-ck He wo*
Adam Seegmiaer. wife and daugh­
wishing them a nappy wedded life
weejj^ have an operation on Jier parents. Mr and .Mrs, B. 3.Putman, j
fn the city with friends.
eight leave, from the ground. By locked up last night bv Chief of
ter came from Oacadn to risii the for­
Miseien I* vlaltArt
Rev. L. L. Steadman performed, the ’ doing this the light and air will have 11,.^ Carson and released ihliKniornlng
mer's brother. J. W. Seegmiller.
E. Warner filled the pulpit at wremony In tbe preeence of abotiti ffve'play and without their l»MeBrial, „™'")^j7“nron il:^^
day of last w(wk and is again employ­
takl*’^*^fl«t i*“** friends, also atSummit Oily. '
ed In-Ihe Courier cffiop..
the three rhaiges yesicrdayt Sunday)
Mrs:. H. T. hCcl.yn of Summit C
In the absence rvf the i>a*tor. who haa
Carl Brown emered the Travel
la slowly failiag fn Mrengtlii
.. :b«™.^
t'lty High school Monday of last week. kone.lo Batlle^reek to attend confer-’ brideawsid. and Reuben Groesser of;^,,,, j,
Unwiaa KIndnaaa.
Peter Mnth^*.. «( Baxter is
impoitl :
*'’*> Vlrginis. who have l.eea
OocoalDnoRy a man geu by with g
Keswick, best man. Ml** Emma WIIaiaiD.
health baa been sllditty FVack Hopkins has taken his place
U faul to either ,’Is'flne Mra. Belch s mother. Mrs.
No frost in South Milton as yet.
in the barber shop.
plmyed the wedding music,
improve.! For the last month.
fruit 0
I Mary S. Robert*, reiorned to Chlrago* frienda a
wedding dinner was served. Mr. and
Work has been eommenced on thf
John McCarthy has l>een aiipointed erythlng Is green yet. But fro*t
The grrai object In pruning la lo ^ last evening. Mrs 1a F'. Titus acv-oin-| ai^“a
mile of road directly south of the deputy county clerk. This aiqaimment reported in nearby places. Oult isnd Mrs. RqgeTBWill be at home lo their -pen the heart of the tree or bush so ; |«nie<l them.
many/rienaion tbe BusUck farm, for *a to admit the sunshine and air. Tb*- j
Summit Oiiy
will make a itii with the eportanien
thicket of young euckera should alto “
Rev. Dr. Manning of Chicago, gave this ^oson.
>1r. and Mr*. A. E. Fairer of Sum­ In this viciDliy. a* they now will lie
be removed. To form a raspberTT'
Beil Weston left Tuesday for Albln.
mit City spent a few iays af the enabled to gel their hunters' licenses UE a fine sermon last Thursday
hedge. pUnt the canes a foot apart ff
Ing io the South Milton rhuttA.
where be will be in hU fourth ;
Grand Traverse fair.
without tbe necessity of a trip
and train on wire*. Cut those ibat
; coRege.
»lra. Ed Mox «i<em Tuesday at the Traverse City.
have borne and train'tbe young cones
Mias'Ruth Meade of Manion is vis­
home of her parenu at Summit City.
Mrs Joseile. after, having spent
so that'they ore all tncbea asunder.
Osborn. Sept 22.—Jonas Nessen of
Ip regard to varieUee. tbe very large
' S. D. Vosburgb of Summit City re­ iting Mias LueUa Starr.
Ovlut. U -nillng silos in this vicinity summer with her daughter. Mra. C.
sumed to his home Tuesday. He has
Grover Brown and Miss .Cellie Gray this week.
E- Scott, returned to her home In Chl- kinds, '
dealer aold when asked
f been hunting ginseng si Boone.
attended the Cadillac fair last Friday.
Monday. Mrs. Scott accom­ eept. aa 1
Mr*.-Mary Albrecht of Ludington.
'What tbe
tb« utterly uaelees razors hr
is vlslilng with relatives at Osborn panied her.
nod to offer were made forT' 'To
Donald Klee left this .morning tor sell!" These momnetb vsrietle* look
and Empire this week
.New York, where he wlR attend the well, but they (pek the" Juice and tb«
Mra. Laura SuIRron of Empire,
paoullarly delicious odd flavor of
the guest of Mrs. Thomas Deerlng. ! Cornell iiniveraily.
Miss Jay C-armen has retnrned to tbe roapberry.
Saturday and Sunday.
The dance at Haas’ new hall Gab her home in Marietu. after having
ufday night was largely attended and
bln. N B. Nichols ri
ever} one bod a fine time.
' We want to make thii'Departinent of. the
Reeta Bheuld Be Carefully Spread Out
Mrs. James W'ilson and son Frank, City on Monday.
gresteet poadble valne to all concerned and to
te Lie Flat «n the Bottom *f
E. Middleton hoa the bontrart for
of Oviatt. were the giiMts of Mr. and
thii end requeet tkat all items if peraonal and
Hale or Traneh.
Mrs. W. H. Deeman. Sunday afteraoon. three of the cotuge* to be bolR at

Kingsley Department
CoBdactcd by Miss Jessie Bowden.

An Invitation and
An Announcement

Fife Lake Department

The pleasure of your presence is
requested at our

Conducted by Miss Mae Dewey.

general inters be sent to Miaa Dewey to
inoorponted in tbe Department. We especially
ask that churches, 1______
fraternal aocietiea
Orange^ondv^ items of interest in their respec­
tive orgbucations. Hews of social events and
SBtCTtdffmerits, improvements being made or conages and transfers in
real eaUte in town and coontry are especially
Seeeptsbie. The above applies not only to the
lyllla^ of rife Lain, but to tbe enrronndliig
eoentry.—Editor Herald.

Flf« Ukke. Sept. 32.—The Cadillac
* well patroBlxed by the iieople
>,f Ofe l*Ve oad vicinity.
-Mrs Jasper Pilcher entenalncd
«T-al of her friend* U»l Sunday at dintier in honor of her Wrthdoj'.
Mn. Ague* Knight of WllUoma.
Minn.. i> vUIting reUtire* Bnd frieniJ*
In l-nlon
Glide returned Saturday from
V'o-i.ey, where be ko* b^apending
il.v- )«.'( week.
."rs rarl Campbell returned to her
worh in I'ontUr on Wedneeday.
M*. A. nark had the misfortune to
I Ime B valuable cow toot'week.
Ix>uk* and oeno. Morri*
end ( Uir. will leave W^neaday for
Bdmore. where iber will run a hotel.'
Mn>. Henry- Tahberer went to Grand
Rapida Thursoay lo.tiill feUtivee.
Mre. Moiiigomery and three children
• have l>ecn the guesti of .Mr*; A. W.
'Bake: the pa»l week.
Bence haa bought a bon*e and
loi oi W. W, Brower In r«uth toltn. ,
Mra. Maude Baker with her Rule
daughter and mother moved to Kala­
mazoo OB FVIday.
- MU* HoiHe Gram vialted relative*
In (MdilUc from Thursday to Sunday.
J. Burkholder of
wa* a buiinewe caller in town Satur­
Several fulo load* went down, to
.CadilUc to attend the fair,
Joe Myers w-eot to Acme Friday on
a ion da'*' visit and attended the
Traveioe (Bty fair.
P. H. Benurteine 1* in Chlcwko huv.
Iiic sootU.__
Mike Grant ho* gone north for tbe
Mr and Mr*. Howah! Leach of
Bouih Boardmon were in Union on
___ a__
Borinra* Wedaepday.
Ttu- Misaes RoUi Fbrsylbe and Hel»* Slorimtr were home over Sunday
from 'Dwverae City.
Mra M. Ia LaBar and eon* were
fMsu of her sister, Mra. C. A. Dut-

the Northpori Point during the win­
Tbe i^ght and wrong way to plant
ter months.
things. The root* shonld be c
Mifts Snsie BaitmUerger Is visiting ly spread out to Re flat on tbe botbom of tbe I
friends in Cssnovla.
Mrs, Eben Steele and daughter Luclle. left Tuesday for Detroit, where
they will Join Mr. Steele, who has
been there for several months and
make their fotui;p home there.
Mrs. Fonda and daughter, left for
their home in Cleveland Ttu-aday. aft­
er tqvendlag the summer on (heir farm
inn. at Cadillac. Friday.
near Keht's Lake.
Mrs. Earl S'ewell drove, to Traverae
The marriage of Mist Ida Budd
City Saturday, returning Sunday.
Morgan Leroy Steele look plate this
of .Manton ii buyKasson, Sept. -22.—A new Water- forenoon, at tbe home of the bride's
iBinotaloe^ liere.
bury furnace has been purchased for parenta, Mr. and Mra, Jams* Rudd
■Burt-Bailcrott of CadllUc
^ Williams school house.
Rev, Perry performed the ceremony in not be brutaed or broken. When tbe
t^WD Tiie-Kday.
Mseo. W. Peck and ton Charles, the .pretence of a large number of plant la placed preee a lltUe dirt about
Fr.-d Mills w
Traverse Cii.C went to Traverse City on business lost relatives and friends. The bride was
the root* and Bll the bole gradually.
Wednesday and Thursday on township Saturday.
gowned In white meaaaRne and she Then Arm dovrn by aUpping RgbtJy on
Clara J. WilRaroi called on Jot. corri'ed a tmuquet of while swansonlos. lb* top eoll.
.Harold Dewey was the guesl of bU Remmlngton and UmUy lost week.
Mtai Hattie Monroe attended
brother. Wilbur. In Cadillac, from
Kasson Grange met at the town hall bride. Her gown was of white silk
Thursday to Saturday.
last Saturday evening. All report a and she carried white asters. Albert,
Mr*. Wm. QIMe returned Friday ftne time.
brother of the groom, acted oa best
from Grand Rapids, where she has
Mra, A. Ia Orandy of Annacorina.,
The - rooms were beauGfully peeta. and need RtUe oUentton. and
been vliiitinc relatives.
_ Mrs.
_ Geo.
_ _ _____
j Wash., and
J. Barth. 8r„ of decorated In evergreens and flower*. bloom year after year with greoteat
Mr. and Mr*, .terrj- Goodwill of | this place were out e.TReg
Following tbe ceremony a wedding freedom. But beware of planUng
"--------- arrived here T.iesday lo risk I wends one day lost week.
D too deeply, wbleh mistake U
dinner ws served, when tbe bappy
Is trucking logs eouple left on the noon t^n for a often tbe explonatloii of lock of
flower*. The crown should have but
Mrs. D. Rhie, son l<con and wife gt the present writing.
two week's trip to Detroit and CTeve- two Inches of soU over IL__
were in Cadillac Tuesday.
Geo. Nephew u able lo be around Und. The wedding took place a U(Frank Chilson of .Mancelonk is here «g«ln
tle previous to which U hod been
haying |>outoes.
Wm. Pbelps called on 'Wm. BIckle planned, on acoonnt of Eiigene. brether WANTED—Some good hordwo^Uoc
Mrs. A- Doll>erg enterUlned Mrs. on business one day last week.
near town, cleared, work to be don<
/ of the groom having to leave In the
Johnson and daughter of Buckley on
now or next pprlng for one or twt
Heary Brooks and family of Alnil- morning for the M. A. C. at I.«&aing.
yeora' crop. A. Rosenthal. Traverse
ra.«alled on Mr. and Mra David Pe^ Mr. and Mra. Steele expect to moke
3Irs. Frank. 'Bedell returned to Wedneeday evening.
City. Mich.
their home either in Detroit or CleveGrand Ro|>lds -Monday alter a week's
D. IL IMy moved bis camp from land. The wHahea of tbrir many
risH with her itarents^ Mr. and Mr*.
BALE FINE FARM—If you wont
Pi . nckvUle to Kasson Center
friends go with them.
V. Goff.
down, can.
iMk. and Mr*. 8. J. Dane of New
Mfs. R. D. Webb and eon David
give plenty of time on balance and
Tort entertained in honor of their
were here from Traverse City las!
aell a fine 80 ocre'Yarm near Kings­
gneat. Mr Orosamon at dinner Sotarweek on bnsinees.
ley with tbe beet of soil
M. A. Arnold has put a bakery lo
I'I day evening. Ooven were laid for six­
provemenu. This is a anaff ,which
the Ddheriy building, lately gseated
Almira. Sept. «.—Mra. Minnie teen.
should be token advantage of quick
A. H. MUliken returned this
by Leon Blue.
| Hudlmsntel's baby D recovering from
Immediate poeaeealon. For farther
leg frwn a trip to the central part of
Josephine Olson was badly bon lost
particulars sddreae "Clorererefl'
Ed Lake mode a ftytaig trip to Trar- tbe otate.
Tueaday by'railing over a bushel ha»core The Herald.
aepL 25-2t
Mrs. Helen Howell hg» purchased
ket while ploying. She D nnder the erse City Saturday evening and re
turned boms Sunday on the ^lornlng the Roy Steele bakery gad loneb room WANTED—A laundry
care of a nhyolelant
and with ber soi and daughter wiu'
Mrs. John Siraban wa* ibe gneat of
Very light trade. PiMrttlon for all
The corn basking bee has been post­ ooMinue-the but.ii
her daughter. Mra. Gore, at Traverse
winter. 1.eke, View Hoose. Bk
poned on ncount orwickneea.
Mrs. A. 8. Cormnn -»nd mother. Mrs.
City Uat week.
Don neat
Kent suiu
and aiumiUMisMUfr.
granddaughter. .-nim
Mts. Coswetheras the guest of Mrs. HtMoomb left Wednesday for
Card ef Thank*.
Alta Thorne, left Tues<lay to visit ri>l- ] Benedict Saturday evening and Siin- Ohio, oRer spending the atun
W*- wlab
-h to thank our friend* and
aiicet In tbe sontheRi pert of the I day.
nelgbbon for the!
;helr kittdnees and *yi
Mrs. 3. BoIsUm foond ber son dU- ed .aevcral
and nlotlvee ee yaXbj during the lUoesi and death of
-- ..
one and.for tbe beautiful
a and will rralde when abb arrived at Gaylord.
| "ff^e fomm -will bold their bnsineac floral offerings.
8. a Hopkins and Fkmlly.
at bit borne in oouib town.
Born to Mr. and Mra. Lloyd BotM.IrneeUng and plcpic at the Probot home
Earl Lesria and Fstnily.
Mra. A. V. GI^Q r«nrned Wed- a. eon. 6^Member 13.
|o« WMneaday. September »t
sept 2S-U*
Mr. and Mrs. James Coyne of We*t
Kasson, ore cntcrtiilning .their aunt
and uncle from Nessen City this
Miss Ruck,.er of Honor.' fa teaching
school in the Osborn District sebooi..
•chool In the Osborn District: school
Mrs. George Zelgler and son James
of 0|born. were Empire callers FM-,
day with dr^sed hogs.


Annual Fall Opening
cMonday and Tuesday
Sept. 29 and 30

Specially attractive displays of the season’s most
favored merchandise will be shown in every depart­
ment. A comprehensive showing of ^w

Silh, Dress Goods, Smtings, Trutatmgs
Personally selected from the world's
best markets.
Xadies will find the Garment Section on our first
floor very interesting. On Monday and
Tuesday new arrivals of
Coals* SnllSs Skirl* and Dresses, Dainty
Evening Dresses, Dancing
Frocks and Parly Gowns will be
sbown lor the first Ume.
The Fall Rugs, the New Furniture, the Clothing for
Men and Boys and the Correct styles of Shoes
will also merit your inspection.

Looking or buying you are assured
ol a welcome..
While attending the "Opening” we cordially invite
you to be our guest on tbe second floor, where
ice cream end wafers will be served "
One of the interestii^ features of our "Opening,”
aside from the special diqilays, will be the of­
fering of New Goods and Correct Models oi
Outer Garments at very excepdonsQ
prices. This alone should insure
your presence.
NOTICE—Store will remain closed all day
Thursday and Friday, Oct 2nd and 3d. on account
of Hebrew Holidays.

GLOBE Dept Store
Traverse aiy, Mick.



TAat rouB




It Waa With Difficulty That Servanta ATTEMPTED SUICIDE FURNISHED
Were Reocued From Upper

This Is Second Time That OHeitete
Hfvt Asked For Help From









PRICE ' The UtUe Wonder

Thought He Was on ' Trail of tho

When W A. Potter of Grand Rapids
was discovered’attemptlng to enlist a
to a« under
Animals are Not Fancy Stock, But regiment of armed
bis leadership and aid in capturing
fitted for General Farm
the Grand Rapids gtnmes. Chief of
PoUce Carson derided Ihnt ho must
either be drank or cr«y Mad tocket
The Mlrhlgan Agricultural college him fip. Later developments proved
livestoek exhibit, at the Grand Trav­ that Foster wo* at least partially
erse KegloD fair should be of Inter­ drunk and the lollce are' not yet satest to every fanner and admirer of tolled as to his ssnliy.
It seems i^t Foster arrived from
livestock in northern Michigan. None
of the stock shown has been pampered Grand Rapldt yesterday. He had been
and flue.1 for exhibition purposes, but here hut a abort time when )xe went
will be shown In its natural condition up and down the streets stating that
ns it came from tbe pastures three he had seen the murderers here, that
weeks ago. The stock is all In high he knew both (hem and their vlctima
and that with a little help
coDiliiloD, which merely emphasizes
he couM capture them. He was placed
the fact that welt bred animals nat­
the fockap and tfato.Dioniiag after
urally carry more Itffsh and ar.
eobering op bad forgotten all about
ler keeiiers than scrub animals.
Typical representatix-es of-the fol­ hto acqualnunce wMh the criminals.
He plead guilB- to * drank and dtolowing breeds of cattle are shoxrn:
orderly charge in Justice BIrdsali'a .
Shorthorn. Hereford. Red Poll. Al>ercourt this morning and paid a- fine
deen Angus. Holstein •Jersey, Gneracosts Of five dollars, it to re­
sey and Brown Swiss. It ^ditk>n to
t)m pure bred animals, grades of tbe ported that he enjoyed visions of the
t sort in Kalauiasoo a day or two
Sboriboro. Hereford Sind Jersey
breeds are on exhibit. The grades are
descendeil from scrub cows and reg­
istered sires. In appearance and for
the production of beef or milk the
grades are tbe equal qf pure bred ani­ man who was i
wtiow. "1 t
mat* and illustrate wbal marked im­
provement might be made on the com- to your wtohss In this msttar. 1 feM.
as the poet did. that t am tbe cap­
moiTetork In the state by tbe pse of tain of my soul." The father gated
good, pure bred sires for a few nner- sllesUy at the egoUsUcsl young oad
and then replied: "Very wen. i
High class Indixiduato of the fol­
lowing brei-ds of sheep sre on exhib­
it : Southdown. Shropshire, Hamp­ vinrtect t&Ah oa tho Brtng ttna.*
shire. Oxford. Dorset, Cotewold snd
Ramboulllet. In the swine pens are ro ihr Honorable Beak sf 8uiwrvle.ra
«r Il.e County ot Wesfavd. Mk-taltap.
to be found ^e frilowing breeds:
<J> iitleinen;
I'oland-Cblna. Berkshire. UurocJersey
Y»ur petitioner. tl;e tVeStern Ul’-hisna
rhsster VA*hlte. Tatnworth snd I.«rge
Yorkshire. Ail of the sheep and swine Ktair »r Mlrhtgan with lt*_srinctiial'fl«lat tbe <-n> Ot Cadll^.
^re typical animals of their respective
breeds. ami-4he ohserxer will be able
Riin.ioii KDd pray* Itate .to vonMiuct
to decide which braHTcomes nearest d*(r.s amMx tin MaMxtee.Klvcr In the
•.'uuiil) ot WrxtorU tor Ute putpaw-. Ot
to his ideal and to ^si auli
n.e |.urtK« of nmstructtng
While only one team of Percheron '.he suid dum* IS to resiilsti-. i-ontrol nid
mares Is shown they are anlDals of a .utilise the a..*- vl Slid stream t<
lAexmoii*. Said dsres wm he cont>-|ie that in addition to performing
stn.-ntd US tiiArly a.* may be at rigUt

(By United Press.)
Ann Afl»r. Mich.. SejU. 2.1.—Prof.
(By United Prew.)
Henry C. Adams, of the depannftiU
Grand Kapida* Sept. 24.—Three eerof political economy and finance ^
vmnta bad narrow escapes from death
POLICE STILL CONFIDENT OF AR­ the University of MicfiQtao. wtll leai
early today when the home of lohn
soon for China to act flg advisor on-a
W. Blodgett, millionaire Imiberman
comniUslon to unify the accunntlnc
and Ke|>ubUcan National cototniUeeayflem of tho Uhloese railroads. He
. was destroyed by fire. ^*heD Joseph Ellis is Suapeoted of Chalansky will be granted o year’s Irove of abthe.ftrvmro reached the fire the e,nMurder and Robberies in Hotels
aence by the regents of the unlvcrsily Great lesues New Left to Execatfve
Reported Thit Albanian Army Invaded tire dwelling was In flames, and it
in Sexersl Cities Through­
That Were Formerly Placed in
In order that he may answ.-r the call
Servla at DIbra. Which City
was with difficulty that the aervants
out the Country. ■
Hands of CongrMs. Conof the Chinese republic for bis
Waa Captured—Many Turkwere rescued from an upper
greasmen Are Wiiling.
lah AtrecKlea Occur.
window. The loss la JSO.OOO. Mr. and
(By United Press.)
Th^ la the second Ume In its hlsDdlanainlls. Sept 24—Declaring
Mrs. Blodgett are apending the
tory that China has .asked the aid Of
mer at Prides Crossing. Mass.
that she was married to Joseph Ellis.
"Amarlean in unlfyisg one of tta
lWi;JiteD for tbe United Press )
SoBa. Bulgaria. SepL 24.—Dlapatch■ected mttrdfrer of Joseph S. t*hal-|
guverDipeDUl sykteus. A few years
Washington. Scpi. 24.—I.«av1ng It
M today alleged that the Turka bum'
atiKky. a IC yew ol« girl giving her'
uo. PnL Jeremiah Jenka. of Oornolli all to Wilson to about the easb-at rodd
eil Bualaptaa Parha «ith all Ita 'subname as Audra Baker, of Darhllle.,
flilvrraltyi was appointed to aid In to i«jMilurity for TJemocrau In
Jecia.. They ai« alacr alleged to hate
Ill,, ahoi herself today. At the city
utfifylog tttc muneury a>stem.
gross Just now. If tbe nature of their
devaitaied Jhe eotire dUiricL masna' Prof E. K. Brown of Benzonla
hospital, where her condilion to re-'
advices from home be a aafa^^ide.
crelDg the Inhabltasta..
ported aerion*. the girl said she mar­
ducting pamenatratlona.
The folks bark In Oregon and up in
ried the auiiiKMied murderer under the
«ervlana Admit OefeaL
N'l-k Hampshire and away down in
Belrrade. Sept. 24 —The Servian
I are for once In their'lives for
government today admitted defeat at
throughethe city Tm-aday
getting to. complain. If they write
Hnnlng their talth io the wtde pub­
the handa of the Alhaniahs. in fron- ‘‘la wav to CharlKsU^epuntr. wh<
wire to "(heir congreasmen'' at
be is conducting a. aeries' of orchard licity 'given the descriptions of Ellis,
tier flgtitlng.. Reports said that
to.a.<k for a farm bulletin o>
Albaniaoe Invaded Servla at Dibra demonstrations for the Western Mich­ the iwllce were hojtefol today that lie
icookbook or seeds. They have "pass­
feasor would be captured shortly. ^Tien he
igan Development bureau. Prfifi
and captured that eliy.
ed Hie polltU-s up to Woodrow."
Brown will be remembered by *av- Is, taken the police conflilently expect
the newspapers were fairly
erae City people as- llie •roan who him to confew 'to eommltllng the ho­ Hss Had Sixteen Year* of Practical
bursting w'lib headlines and black
Experience on Grand Trunk
taught agriculture In the local high tel robl>erte8 in Philadelphia. Pitts­
face type on the Mexican iieril.
burg. riecrland. Toledo and Jxiuisville.
of the leading Democratic senators
nometimes reduees-faer strength to the was given. The past year be was
from a northern Industrial dlstrin
I By UnHi-d ITesa.)
depths of wwakness—her devotion to member of the faculty of the Benzonla
ianalng, Seirt. 24,—Chkrles S. Cun confided that he had retelvi-d Just
Durlog a |<^lon of the
household cares prevents sufficient Academy.
iilngbam of Detroit was today named three letters on the .Mexican question
nest and fecreaUoa. 'I'bou.sands of aumner vacation be acted as consultb>- Uavernor FeirU as a raemlrcr of daring the summer. Another
women in this condition find S^'s | ing agriculturist for the Bcuonla
state rallrcad contmisslon to All lieard about it from a constituent who
Emulsion exactly what they need; it'
: ' bank, which bank invited its ciislomvacancy raused l<>' the death of wanted to get a eqnsnlar job of the
is predigested body-food .so medically jjers
_ to
bring In samples of soil and
imlBsioner James Sctillv of lonU border. Comparing notes In tbe cloafc
perfected that every drop yields direct' cream to i.of tested. After conclilMng
today etmferring
tile solons discovered that they
returns-in stren^hening the organs bis work InI Charlevoix county Pro. Two Horoea Supposed to Be Stolen
Found in Foasosslen of
tile'goverupr regarding bis new ru-ed not ' view XH-xIco with alarm.'
and tissue* and in making healthy,'fea„r BrownVlll spend’a'day I'ooklng
duties. Uunniitgliam is
jtrartlcal They could M Wnstm do tbqt.
iite-«ustainit^b1ood.-Srott's Kmulsioo
orchard proposition near Cenis dex'oid of alcohol < r any harmful
railroad man. He lias ffad ir. years
Before the Hueria unpleas:
proposition being prodrug-i. and overcomes and
expxTlt-nce on tarlous liruiiclies of the there was the tariff tragedy
(, , chjeago man.
nervousoeas in a uarvelous.way.
Grand Trunk and Wabash. Last .lan- iKilitlcisns in congress, and especl
wore lodged with the authorities, both
be reslgmsl as ruiierinicndcal
those whose whole political faith
the police and sheriff forces were the Unltugo dhlsim of llu- Grand founded on the dire rosQlts they be
put on. the trail of the crliiilnala. Trunk to enguso In real estate »>i>er lived would follow let^g down the
while the bolwes themselves, which alions at Defroll. He is .'.2 years old. high tariff bars, prepared to rece1v<
were supposedly In the hands of bold
a few liundred latter* of protest each l>rlc* W'hen planed on the nu
Such horses can he raised on
mooiiOK. and a shear of telegrams a
•: This
P. Gasoline Engine combines bandits, were respectively safely
farm by the use of high class, h^y
atalled in the owD<'r’a barn and }og>
lunch. But tbe lobby inquiry stop|>ed
ail the good, points of the best constmetion. gling peacefully home ahead of the
sires on common mares for one or two
sugar letters, and the ordinary
For intermittent Work of all kinds; sneh as owner's buggy.
Policy of Democracy Carried Out at folk back home «-vldently forgot to
Membera of the animal hosbandry
It seems that W. H. Unilor bad giv­
operating centrifugal pumps, saw rigs, dec*
a line. ‘'Tariffs went down Uke
of the college will be with
w'heat before a slx-lior*e reaper, but
trie generators, spray pumps, etc., it is on- en' Ik-acotK-s* Km-e and Matron
(he exhibit at all times to dtocuas
Water* jiermlsslon fo use his horse _
efcellcd. Hit and miss governor really reg­ to driu- to the fair grounds. It was
llvceiock probl«na wiyi the vtoltora.
Prioeeton. N. J . Sept, 24.-Prince­ of sobbing in the form" of increases In
ulates the load. It outclasses them all on to b>- bitehed at the usual place in ton University's new- graduate college the IHlers In the rongrosslonal malL
regulation. Heavy cylinder provides for front of the attorney'* office and buildings Were opened for oceupanry Except in a ter/ cases which looked
today. The ecliedule of rates fornbe suspiciously like the small boy who.
several rcborings. Drop-forg«sl crank shaft. when the two yming ladles decided
All working parts accurately machined to a make the start for the.fair they i course was made to -ronform with fretful as a hornet, tries to cry hut
tied the horse which they found Princeton's policy of "deittocrac.v" i
squeeze out the necessar)' and
thousandth of an inch and positively inter­ standing there and drox'c to
to give men -of small means an
alibi tears, the people whom the tariff PUBLIC OFFICIALS SHOULD
changeable. Shipped complete rcady'to run. grounds. Within a ' fx‘W moments portunlly to take tbe course. The
rroators pictured os bring ontrageEvery engine fully guaranteed.
Chief of Police Carson was noimcd parity of tbe new building to
oiisly sandbagged, robbed, -insulted
that a horse belonging to Mrs, Hen­ students. 'The rooms are dixided Inin and driven to the poorhouaelmte. were,
derson of Peninsula township had fixe groups aroordlng to price, and appar
parently blind to their pictured dan- Greatest Authorities Will Be
l>een stolen. He dlnwted the driver some of those show tlini a siudeni's yer.
to Teach the Beet Knovwn
In the fair groiind<i and notified all bill for fnrnisbed room, board and uii
8 were i
rural route patrons so that they tion ffor tbe college year will be G3(H). this public unrespons^-eness at first
might head off the thelf. The tkdver the ccollege year U thirty-six weeks. They wanted to gel a lot of note*
to on foot to make Oie
went to the grounds. In the mean­ All the rooms are completely furnish from home applauding them If none
time. found bis horse and started for ed including window' curtains, bedding came condemning them. But by and American Road C4>ngre** an annual
home. Io a short time asoiher i
and bed-linen but not toilet linen.
by they came to the ronelnsion that training school for road and street ofplaint wag lodged with Sheriff Smith,
Hip folks back home had a method In fldsls whereby they may
CHICAGO—Mltli a bank book show, their trustful ailenro. Congress figur­ their efficiency through attendance at
by Deaconess Knee and Miss Waters
Wtlliam M. Melt ed that tbe back home folks were lectures given by leading specloitsts.
that their horse had b<-co take9#-,.A^ jnc di-posUs of
Rouge Rex shoes have proved their
of Clnclnnall. wa* unable to g
search was at once institmed lA>
holding Wilson and Bryan responsible. and .by study of the government and
worth CO thousands.
check cashed .md had to appeal to the All right: Congress was glad toobBge. roalinercla] exhibits of materials, and
trace of the missing animal «fch
Thi* OM if etpM:if]lv worthy of yoof considerThis year’s eessioa of
foifnd. Finally one of the yoBng la; iwllce They took up a collection
If the home folks wanted to saddle
Btion, >f you are lookiag for a iboe that u suited
which will
die« called up Mr. Umlor's residence
this rcs|>onsibility and trustlngn^s on
in the hope that the horse had wan­
Woodrow, w hy. their servants on Capl- Detroit during the week of September
ioebe* high, with foil benew*
toogue, aod full vamp
-amp coder
cod' the toe cap, giving
dered home and to her surprise was
tnl Hill had no objertlons.
| 2»th. will bring together the greatest
double wear at that poist
the Information that the stolen horse
lany a autborUiM in the land on every line
And In this same spirit
Thcfolnareof three thiclmeswi
was In the barn and had not been
e abmit of road and street woric. and will be
Democrat who knows very little
of sole leather, the eolsole being of
that afternoon. Naturally there
the currency quewtlon to facing the supptementkd by the most remarkable
watei-prool stock of eatra weariag
some tumbling done about that time
debate on that-subject with a pro­ and Instructive aeriec of exhibits ever
EWxihinff aboot this shoe is
by those, who were cawring on
found and* peaceliil calm. Wilson to shown In this oountry.
It Is contended that a great deal of
seaeb and the Investigation was slarion>the job. Bnan to at hand. The
ed from sn . entirely different stand­
people are watching tho spoUlgfat money dn be saved to states,
ties and munlclpallHes by having the
point. Thed^Cle robbery was finally
ebaraetera. and they are too busy
AA your dealer for these shoes. If be does not
solved and the lone steed was forgiv­
write, ^idee there'e *UI1 a chance 'road and street officials attend the
handle them, send lor our lic-e Itooge Rex BuoLaiid
en for the pranks that It and its var­
that eilber Athletics or Giants will he American Road Congreas at tbe
we wall gi,-e you the name of oar Dcxrest agcoL
ious drivers hod played upon them­
hraten out for tlie pennant la their pease of the state and local goveniselves and the officers of the law.
and tbe fight be­ menu. The reason of this to that cBe
offIciaU can there see and crlUcatly
tween CleveJand and West









stream will be wItLin the limit of tbe
bi-resTter stated, to-wtt:
Yuras Dam. on tbe Northwest QuorHr <NW*i of the Southweet Quarter (8
XVXi) and the Soutbwext Quarter itGVX.) .
.if the NoriiiWext Quarter iNXVX.1 of
«.--ll..n Twei.ty-rioe IJJ), Tow-nship
Tweno-Three i3) North. Hsn*e Twelve
keelrk Dam; 'on 0)e Somheast Quar-





Hopper Cooled

WiD. Jackson, Mannlacfiircr
Traverse city* Mich.

liurUer Dam: Oe tbe Bovfh Half
fNl*> or the Kortheasl Quarter iKRt >
of Section Thirty-Two im. Township
^.n^-Foor «:») North. Range Bimvo
”MysU**D*m; On the Soothwest oiari'
of the Southeast Quarter
(8BV) and the 'South Half tSM) ot the
Southwest Quarter (SWWt a Biftloa
T).lrte«i nil; the Wewt Ralf riVto. of

Uantoa Dare: On ilie Northeast Quar>

As Good As It Looks
and Better




Sbice LyJia E. PhtkliBm’s
Vegetoble Compound Re•toted Her Health.

tack of Fever.

iBsore Yoor Caaalna with

The most sailsfaclory and convenient coruiioon-1. Sure and e
noralcal. It saves worr>, time and money. AhsoWlely prevents <
tied corn, fruit or vegetables from souring.or spoiling.
1 package lOe, S pael^ea 2Be- 7 psskagos 50c. 15 psekagra.JJ^




0«n«ral Law Rracftcc. teclutftna CollaotloM
wae« n. ConniM


Mrs William cTwells of West Ran
doiph street has received the newi
that her .daughter. Elolse. who waj
teaching in the Philippines, died at
her post in one of the provinces
August loth. Bishop Evciand. of one
rbose schools she was In charge.
Mrs. Eveland and oiher friends caused
the body to be brought to them in Ma­
nila for Interment, which took place
on-We<Inesday. August 13th.
It waa deemed best not to cable becauae of the long suspense to the be­
reaved family, live -week* being the
usual time required for letter^ to come
from that far-off land.
' Mias Weils had been away from
homo seven yeara, studying and teach­
ing. tn Los Angeles, then in Berkeley.
Cal.; a year in Haw-aJi. and tlnaUy a
year In the Pbilippinea. 'Her death
was probably due to an attack of den­
gue. a fever peculiar to tropical cUtnates. and her devoUon to the chtldren. also UL w-bo were under her
care. She leaves In the home her
mother and two ststers. Florence and
UlUan. to mourn her toma khm ?naar
sUter raUttvea.
V'. ..'i ■


Lontorflte. Ky.-“I take greatpleasore in writing to inform yon of what
Lydia E. Piokham’s
Vegetable Com­
pound has tAtme fee'
me. 1 was traak.
nerroos, and cared
for nothing but
sleep. Now I
'il’ji go ahead with my
work dany and feel
ten yean yonagte
than before I started
taking your nsdione. 1 wiU advise
any woman to consult with yon before
going to a doctor. '*—Mrs. Ikbx Wo.U8.2229 Bank St. Loniiville, Ky.
ADotber Sufferer BeUered.
Romayor. Texas.-“I ssiTered terrfbly with a displacement and bladder
tronble. 1 was in misery all tbe time
and ooaW} not walk any distance. 1
tbonght 1 never couW be cured, but my
mother advised me to tty Lydia E. Rnkban's Vegetable Coopoand and 1 «d.
“1 amcoredoftbedisplaeemeotkiiif
tbe MadiM trouble is relieved. ^ I think
tbe Compannd is Uw finest medidne oa
eartb for soffering wocMn." —Mrs.
VmuL JAsm. Bomayoc, Texaa.
If yst want tpadml advlee write to
LrdU E. Plnkbam Hedldae Oa. (eaafldeattel) Lyaa, Hasa. Taarlteterwm
be apedsd, raad and auwared ky a

Mi la «tdct t

second 4n tbe American leragu«
real thriller.. Opposition parties
are righting esrh other vftb
Wilson. It's reslly queer, but it's
admUted fart that nobody hat yet
develoixed the mood or what the.*
think to a real oaose to fight Woodrow's l>ollC7
So op and down the oorridora of the
ipllol and the two big white office
building* that flank Capital Park runs
the password to oirfclal and eongreosional peace; "Put it up to Wilson; the
home folks have."


Hriotit. The dam* wOI be sot nmro

BrCKr*V DAM. riFTT <M) feet.
■SlXTER. DAM. THraTT-*FtVB (»)
^*WaLTON dam. SrXTT-FTX-K ««)
'*lUeripttn.. -The dsms wfll eonslat ef
a maaonry portion ronairurted of Meno
or eonoret*. or a pert of both, and eoenected with the Wnks by eofth erork
______ jsent*The BU
.. ______
erin coAln spn war* or waste naue



It Is also propoeed .to eonitruA at eweh
labor-saving device and eqnlpment dan a ctinie for the paamge of timber
and log* Sutdi rbutr to be coi '
for road and street work: critically with
*M» w-aa* off stone nr eoncretc.
eumine every known road matdrUl a sloping floor or apron, a^ pnvdtd
with gate or gates (o ronirol the Sow
in roropetIUon with all knows road of water and pennh aatTsmra to and
materials; study (he government ex­
hibits. which Utnstrate the esnet meth­
"There win be no IO|ta te rhutes nr
ods of eonstr
type of road; obtain without .coat
practically a library of national, state, '"rhe°V«trru Mlehlgsa Fewer Comand commercial pobHcatioas wbkh
will be avaiUbte for dtotrtbation by
the various sxhitdtors; hsar address­
es and discttssfoas by men whose ad­
vice, if rated as Ito cornmerdat v
the land of aoy peraoa or persons by or.
would cost hnndrads of dollars:
In ronsequeace of the eonstrvctloa of
I of eigsra.
Jly acquainted with the ssH tern, or to deocrar or .Inpne lh»
The Cigar early became an article
who sre actually dteecUng tbe. j»i upei'ty of the eeuntr orjot any muni- •
nerce. Homemade Cigara wars
■soked h
he^l^ j^^dmi^^hMraffiinf'BeplsSj
eolonlas at the same tuns tton of streeto and highways and ob­
that pipe smoking becami
tain the henem of
ClgaWwere brought Into tbs Amert- with them. Tbe supporters of this
chn ^loniea and Into the United Plan of offldml representstloo call at­
By C. E ftOWK
Biates from the West Indies nneb saritention
ler Hx*n the records show. They cams
private corporstteBS. snd even'states
la ander the bead of m<
and cttles. awid reprasentettvw
various points in this and other oounx
' Whalee Target of Tovpsdo Bsate.
device, method
The novel scene of a torpedo boat triaa to study a
material, and thht nowhere eonld a
hunting whalee was witnessed at Porto
Anxlo. Italy, a few days ago. The op- greater amount of knowledge cm
•ntlons of a fUhlng Beet had been te- int the constnicUon and malotenaaes
terropted by tbe appearance of two or road* and sttweU be nequired in
large whaiet. The torpedo boat put
abort a apace of dam na M
ontjB pursuit of the whales. sadIdiAed
Bond Coo«rs«.

thia both MCh tMr cui.










Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Rugs^ linoleums and Dishes




For the Heart of
the Home


If Viiii liav.- iiti kili-li<'n caKiuri \v<- wtinl vhu
oiir liiif. \Vr <hi iii,t •'(•htiiif <mrs>-lv<-s
liny (111.- iiniki-. l>iii Imy Ibr
paitt-rii- from



The parts Ihi^t msl onl In olIk>
er ranges are rosl-prool
. In the Quick Heal. '
t^iiiil; M' ::l Stool KHiKnii nro iiot hnrih-iic>l with 11 lot of us<-l(~iv i-jist iron oriiaiiii'iits that not only ninko your ran^>, v.«t moro hilt c-auso a
doal of
tfoiihle iiiid lints ill lime rc{ila<'iiif( Ihfsr
tinris that are an often Jiroken in hand-iiiip. TA'.-ry part of the Quiok Meal
Hill! aerordiu^ to the work it ha-s to
e iiftl
the partK are made
iifthter whm*
there is no strain iind heavier
stnrin ini-reasi-i. This is why the (juiek
.Meal lasts and tukes so liuie fuel.

s.'v.Tnl i.r tli.‘>rff»-»t aud Im-m iniimifa.-iiir.*r>i
III kiti-hcii raiiinclK i;i iln- •ouniry-iiml 4iaw
jiisl whal you want.


,\V<- show lili‘hru cnbiiirts as low in jiriir

Come in a&td tee one.

We ehviv atoll lloeol all kinds
el Kitchen Tables.


Tho Iipiclii I iiiii'isa! b
. .ir.-iettiatly
riooies. liiakiliy ll alisoli
IikJ ui eiua-lilne faiW. maktnp
Is liBiTiciilurt.v pdsinol tor sofi goal and soli eoal sUvk. wUI butn
sJark nltli isrfwi i-ombiisiion.
( '
Has cored fire pot which is guaranteed for five yeara.
______We have a number ol second-hand stoves to go at "about

nhitb oiw-rate on ball bearlncs.
nanard at both ends and set In
surUces to «blch same are fttfurl with perfect comliustiou, ■•ui
cb«a]>est srade of sufi ^'oal and

Yonr Dollar Goes Farther at Slater’s than
' We take Yenr Old Stove as Part ^aymeot

Bi^ Special Prices
on Dining Room


oak. e^cnaion

lahle. .

This wonderful bed opens from .
a Handsome Parlor Davenport
tofullsiccr72x47inehoa)Sani> 1
tarj' Bed in one oparaficti/ A
fine comfortable bed which |
saves tum
tress. Youdon'twear oot
whicn iscqoc^ad underoe^aeatofdavenportwfaeectoaed. WeOTantnated.
er^ Ufta a lifetime.

UeauHfu] si.Jtil i.iik hufifit to nialeh.......... $15.75

""V.... '“‘■t

We are sbowini: sinnr <>f the higpeal Valin'S in
diiiinp riH.ii. fornitiir. 1t was ever ymir p«<mI
fuirtUlU- to KC1-.





Only One-Motion Be<l Made!

heavy liav, f.^-i. |mliab finish....................$10.76

inp room i l.airv, 1,-irtJier aeata. to nuiteh
tahh- and l.,.tl. t .................



We bate ahoai three ttmea
r are crowded for floor a(4ce
I Bell .vou one at abom two-

A aoo<l. full sue. <h.Tse leather co\rre4 eoueh, well made:

AV<-upon and examine matir.eoies in every ahipmi-nt w.- receive and ar-'
Klin- wr (jet jnat whal wc jiaid f*»r and you in turn are hud- of gettiug just
whnt wc 1.-11 you the matlrma rontaina. When we tell you a mattress Is
made of .-ardml cotton that ia jiwt whak you jjet and not part linter eotton .or

Eeltcd Cotton Msttroa up trm........................
Other HattmaM at $2.50, $$.50, «6A0 ud .

................... $6.76

Aliikc yiHir scli-ctiim of your fall floor eovcrin(» earlv.
imVer Ix-tier. \Vc havi- wimc extra big valuea in l»xl2 rugH.

TWO machinA pt oAa
tick rf

*00 Wbdifn wMH


Our stm-k was

A Dumber of BwmanU «f both Oennta ud LiMtraai te ^ nt half ^ioe.


Reaenber OHrjatdiei Depirtoeot, we wffl
Save yon a lew cents on every piece yon Imy

J. W. Slater’s, ttie r^al mat­
tress store of Traverse City.




Oocks sl aU kWs. irsa u Alsns 0«ck si
«Se qr to kcsl suket el Msntel Clocks.

A lif




J4ome Cheer
Hn. Mabel BatM WiUiaiai. Editor.

Peach •wttae.
Did TOO ever mak#' peach butiar ♦
Tta ftppTOMhlnc-uitui&B brfaci wUh ♦
♦ Try tt ihia year for a change, and you ♦
It 8M o&lr iu a«li«bttal drMmr dart. ^ for your
Sntortainmtnt • *‘i>
“ deiiciou*. take as much ♦
»*• awlr-amed. naar-bnad flowert. ♦
Xmt IU xo)d«B apptw. lW-<hi*k*d

ff.,n e.—. ?

: j»vhp v>t

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦,purple grapes. brillUni

red plums, and

n..ulb«ud U> Ho«. Cb... b, MU.
MUb E. AdMbM TP.IU.U. MUb.
bUdB^Two .U1 oo.b.1, cop.


A clever scheme for a Mother 0<^ bu b«n .volvul b, . mu1«,

To lb. n»,o.rt..»d bon,
01 , ,obld bb. ,0
. pU,b,«l


.“’O’"-""'-oboo lb, ...uo. o, OO....M1.. ^7,j;,“rrbru".ru ™

Otir aKIp*.
tMm and basr Uw water lay
la the Haht of the aultry artemoon;
▲ bio* mlBl hong o»er the aiur* bay.
Ob the b*acb the ware* had c«*Md
their tune;
In the ahadowy plaai the hraezea

Rocked to r«*t in a aoft embrace,AM out of Uielr neau low munnurs
To tell 'that there kaa tbalr biding
Oa the far horiaon a dlaunt rta.
Where aky and water aaemed to
Out in the dieUnce rant and dim.
Oleanad the anowy aaila of a comflc«t.
Spaeka they aeemed on the aaure
, Tet we knew that waiting bcaru
were there:
Bat the breeze elept atUl in lU dadle
. ttgh,
And hushed
the quiet summer
60 the hours wore on. and the eun
And the Buneet-e riro died in the
To foreat old. and to hney town.
Came the sweet evangel of night
and rest
And siUl is the twHlghtb Iat««t-rar.
We gazed o'er the wavee with
watching eyesOhoetty and pale ehe white aaila lay,
DtmJy seen 'galnei the dusky skies,
But Mondbi «Mb. wltb Ilk klwlbbi
Iu aongw of birds and tU opening
Par gway. aped the ehadowy night.
And beeven-B own radlanae. flUed
the houre;
And thew, in the light of tM radiant
. day.
With flutthrtng pennon ^ t«>ering maat.
Out of the darknSea. blank and gray,
The good tMpa lay in their port at
_ •

11m Uiroufh fr««dom from care and
And thU U Ur»eljr under our
o»n control. To drop each nisht the
*nl«ht of care, and to go to
*^P reatful aa a child rocked In iU
father’* arm*, to wake to a new day
*>t<* »o fearful forecaating of the
future, ia to relieve the day from all
<*»• dragiclng weight of yeaterdays and
tlte wearing atrain of tomor”**• ‘Pd la to live lb the center of
P«*« uDinlodful of the atorma i<*at or
*0 «•“«•
Tbia it la to -take no thought for
the morrow.” Not that one ia not to
do_oae a beat, to do each duty faithfully ahd well, and then uke up the
neareet end do that in the aaine earncat aplrit. But when thla ia done with
* truatful prayer to him who haa
fwomued to carry out carea. let peace
Poaaeaa our aoula, and having "done
vnnot live In such a
moaphero of peace If the mind ia atlrwith anger or envy or discord. To
bope one must have
love. The sequence b Irrestlble. And.
bevlng these, all other things shall
added unto you.” Can one eo live
world T ,,Yea. With the living
»»«•• ‘he pow«Hp live. For lo live
in such a apimual atmosphere b to
«»• »
«>e great eource of
■t«’h*th that all needful help comes,
And the door into that world la prayer.
»® “ ^
potency which brings all
‘hlngs lo pass, which make, all the
w«*h pUcee smooth. And U U no
Journey to go to reech the
•hflne. For if God. which b only an­
other name lor good, is everywhere.
Ib.b u Ib. dlklb. In on. .wr koul.
and bodies, atom to atom with not a
hreath between,

p„y Training.
^^0 haa suffer^ a great
from awkwaranesK and Inefftsimply bereuse In youth her
hands and feet and mina were cot
trained to work In ewltu graceful har­
moay. u drilUng'her children through
piay to overcome the defecCa from
which she sollered.
"it seems lo me." ahe says, "that
few things are more desirable than an
And so. I thought, in thelives of ns -nbUity to go straight at a piece of
work and do It quickly end neatly.
White hopes for aye In the future without fuss or feathers, feeling all
the Ume perfectly sure of youraelf.
And oof' angoUhed heart# ffv
' ”To be awkward, to alicmpt a thing
and bungle It. to be easily turned
coming call.
But each hopet is ever a
aside from the task in hand, la not
only aa great
great waste of time end
And night cornea op—in the IwtUgbl achievement, but .is embarrassing and
robs one of eelt-conftdence.
We shrink from the darkneae. and
”1 am try lug to train my children
dream of the pcct
to think qUlckly. to gel what they go
Ood grant in the light of aomeheaven- after, to do what they undertake, and
I; gay
to ha neat ahd noiaelcu and efficient
Onr ahipe may lie in their port at in the effort.
"As far as possible I do thb teach—Mrs, M. B. C. Batoe. ing by gamea. We have one we call

the -Quick Bure Game.' that my three
^ ......................... ....
children and some of the neighbor*
play once or iwlee—somcllmea oflcner
'• "Make of each day a IlUlt
—every week.
■ procefH inner rasting place, full
'The game has endless pOBalbtlitioH.
• of trust end hope, pod remember
but an example or two wfll show you
• that -blessed are the peacemakers.
the plen.
■ tor they shall be called the cbilFor instance. I Set a dozen cups
dron of Cod.--—MTw. M. E. C
and saucers on the kitchen table. One
• Bales
of them b flowered or different in
aome *ay. so it can ceally be selecte>l from the rest.
We scatter chairs and Ihlngk In the
* way between the kitchen table and the
dining-room table, and t^en close the
door between the rooms. The chil­
dren are seated in a row in the din­
ing-room. At a signal one of them
rises, goes to'the kitchen. geU that
The following aeleotlohs are from flowered cup and saucer without ratthe pen of Urs. M. E. C. Baiee;
‘»W Uie rosU paaeee through the door

Jtromd the
StBtot'a Jable

page and e firm resolve to look only
for the good, and life will eet Meelf
to a tune In which there are no diecords. a tune which wifl grow to be a
part ol the greet chorus begun when
"the morning etara sang together for
Joy.' But the key note of the evwUsUng harmony in love. If you onto
allow In the -dera progress, nnklndness. envy. evU epeeking. to drop in.
the Jar la felt
It ta so eaar .when one learns the
way. to bold one’s self still and let
tbe wind How by. To let the wave

^y the seronda. Each
gve trials, and the one doj, ,be culckeat has won that game,
,, g,ven one point In the general
contest which we elweya have going.
-rben perhaps the game ia shifted
(be Ifbran'. We «ro ell eroted la
the alttlng-room. end one must rise,
go to the library and get a certain
book and leave it on the center tablcAga{n we may close aU doom and the
children go through every room witbout slamming a doqr. eiumbllng over

swell instead of bring beaten by iu disarranging anything.
blows. PerslstsDUy hold to the goo<V
"We may thenhbtft to the barn and
Ignore evil. The more one does It sUrt from the yard, climb into the
the ««ler the ta#k. All good Is dl- hay mow and get five eggs, rotnrning
vine, and the Divine is everywhere- without stamhlliig. teering the clolbea
for if tbero were a plsce where it on natU or dropping the .eggs,
ware not. the universe would break In
"Always 1 keep Ume. and the one
that one *p«. and everything Uisi is meking the qulckeet round geU one
go to wrack and ruin.
P®*®*- We work for ten. and the flm
To range ootseiTat Pith the-tntlnite' ®®® ‘®
number ie given a
IdCC CM .cod di U be Id IA. CMTAAt prt>—"»• -Oltb wocMIM Im.
tb.1 ™i« lb. cblTMAC. And Id b. Ib
•■blldf.. dMiibi InViMA.. ,bd
IbM cnrrbU i. lo be ib 'itae with 1 •“ ■“'* 1*" -1" dbMfht in It MUI
Pbbbb. bbpdbbbM bed prabpMlt, bbU. »”•
"»>■ *™
“*------them."—Se■plrtuM1 and
b>( mats
bMUMM. Ib be liAbb,
" ■
fonaad soul hfd body to tb* renewal
of aU things, into s new life wherein
alt the rid tklnge have paaaed away
Tb# much etrees cannot be placed en

tMtaeuhat the true road to happtaaro y not. Ulwaya flrtf. mmt.

through coUoder.


8Ur enough ’

" ‘ U .... unUI I, U tblck .. ,oo Itt,
,b,-^ubUc ^0.^0 ...1“
S„r ooo.Mo.Ml,.
A.“ oo|,.:oCb.«

>- 'o. o-™.-». ...010.1.1..

or two equare. Baker', chocolate. Uteae deiiciou. fall frolis Into good. ’
ih. .nM
one cup milk-cream If y ou keep a whtdeeome grilles.—Meaa'
...... .................... i
informal, even to,the word-------------------- -----------butter added aa gieanag
ghat most eaeeilent *“*
it was a new
you take the fudge from the fire. BoU teacher. Exeperience. wrlM Annie
surprise, and nothing eo
the eognr. vhoool.ter and cream until curd la The Home Maker.
«i«e..ful ha. been given this aenaon
It fonna a «>ft ball in coM water. Take
,a the firat place .elect under *" ^
eipecUng to
from theflre. add the butter and let rmxh„t than over, ripe fruit Acid
stand a lo>
few MUOM
minutes U...
then bM,,
heat Ob,11
until 11
It ,ort,a„,
varletlM m
ndb^nij. Moo
air. ibo “""It>i>«y ~bo~
others obAlUiu
chatting 1.
In lb.
the d™^
„» maar poip,.,
U . tbiok o^Mn. Toro iDio k bouor. p„,
roou.. lo ibo droM.lo, too.,, boik
ed tin and mark in equares when
pcora make deliclooa Jellies It Is
wMnen were presented wiin
allghily cooled. '
„ unprofitable dleappolntlng bvuldifferent pictorial
Pralinea—Two cups brown augar.
trying to makeJeUr of t>eacbc*
asked to find their dinone cup water- Boll unUI It threads „d pears. It cannot be done A ropv
!>•«"«« The lllustratton on each
then pour Into the mixture one cup of compound can be made that U talriy
rep«»ented oneuhalf of some
haxol nuu. Turn into buttered pan
to put between layer cake: but
ig for
for JIH.
UlUe Bo-Ba^
•"'» '«
after an. one rorely feel, .ati.fled
for hT .heen ih* Oneeii of HearU for
Pannoche-Two cup. brown augar.
the rrouli. uklng into conalderabar tarta. Jack Horner fof hi. eoroer.
one-half cup milk or cream, four Ublt,.bor. time, fruit and sugar *
Wh-n .11 Ih. - ei-M" were mated
ipoonfula butler, one cup of'nut meata.
*h-. ew to th. r^ttv- hoard The
Boil first three lugredtenU untH they
In making Jelly'of apples, crabe.
form a soft ball in water Remove and tqulnres. do i L pare the fruit:
the midst of which aat in serene

Codfi^ Fntt*f«.
i,K;ked-up codftah: one
potatcue. OJi ,maU. Boll
tuh with the poutoea. When tendrain off the water, maab mvd .et
«»L HT>cn wanted, prepare
Add throe or four eggs.
x'ko ubU.poobf.U
ubleepoonfnla ol door. ob. .«•
.p„„ob„ ol bkkbu poodor. ud «»,deot cream or milk to make a medium bauer. ft.rm Into aniall ball.
wltb the spoon and drop into hot lard
Garnish with slice* of lemon nad pareley.

in pan over h«^ stir «natan.l, with („
of the bag large «iougb
spoon. When dissolved like syrup add
,(,es ,u,e clothesnuu ImmedUtelr. gtir o mile, then
or broom-sUck will answer) will
pour on buttered tin.
beaten matters, a. the bag can be flllChocolate Caramels^pe
pound ^ „,,b (he hot pulp, susiinded and

and not yoor slate, drek or shoes,
Super Sem^tt.
should be used only to wipe your nose
people know what an aid and not your slate, desk of shoes.
cooking? If you want
I U for lUneas of other -ktsSs bethat rich goldi-n-hrown on your bl« ____ ________ ____
_ .
Uott._ which following


milk or errom. ooc-hHf ^*7
DOwi WMOOU1 lunner aasisiaucr iruro
cup butter, one-balf
.»m .h. I. ™m., U,
I ,^ -M.
A- AM_______ ___
Cook all the Ingredlen
IbVy form a soft ball in water. Poor ,be can busy herwdf getUng ready
on buttered tin. and mark into
jf trM is
ahiB in the bag can
Smith College Pudge-One-fourth
sieve, then boiled
cup butter, one cup'brow n sugar, one,^n«ta
half cup cream, one cup white sugab.

C is for Coughing, which you should
^never do In keyond-'a fsro. nor should
you sneeze lo anyone's face. Turn
;away your head and hold your band
before yoar raohth.
D ts for Don't. Lton't swap apple
medium .sized iWo coroe. candy, chewing gum, half eeten
^ *
tomatoes, cut in thin allro.. Put i^ f^.
»>~o t>lower*. of any
» proservIng ketUe. add two green,' thing that you put in your mouth.
tody chopped, two cups dE U for Eettng no fruit that has not
vinegar, one-fourth cup sugar, one been washed or iieeled. or anytblBg
le-half that la not clean.


Mother ^e wd her pork-

Ce" surr'"i-urtw^"ublro^m
_ .
’■<“». T.=i..r «...

„„ ,
per. By thU time everybody bad en- dozes
.—_ ..
...... or loaf, and bake in a
.here z^lldron have
tered hrorilly into the spirit of the
^^udrswing ,
*’ f*""
S In their
bashful ,
For grid- '
singer*. Each one, moslcal
in properpropOT'
die-cakes, use e lUUe morep In
^ j,
Keeping your fingernails

* -cr«th from e dirty finger-

«A.™- —«

.«. ..AbA.I i».poo.IM. v.nW. ...
irAtt. on teupoobM b»n.-> . «... oda,
b.U.r- Ml. loratb.r I.
Al.b ... ..p .M»r.
... ..p br... ..rar, ..Aro.rih cup
moluaM «nd ooThMf c.p m««. Add
UM » tb. b.H.r, M.d Ml,. .1 hu b...
br.«bt « k boll, ™.n... bom.1 ...
two Mid t«Ah«lf ralouttw .UrMos
rw«,r. Add two „!«.«, ol
l«t. .o.Iwd It... Bob Ilv,
.UrrloA but r.|.bbj th.o «oiw ktowIT tow.rt. tb.,..d, Ab.r tMtnt tt.«
the fire add one and one-half teaspoonful rantlls. Stir eonstaaUy un-.
til the mass tbickens. Pour into but­
tered pan and set in a cool plsce.
Pickle Pointer*.


„,|.i «,h brMM
bo.r.- Tb. «...

..MM A. ........ .. ____ Ain
___ M
— ,.tn.
a--1 nm ...1,
. ponrUlodtiiMl w MomUum k.i
jA.™ b... .p-'w.ll to, n».
,M ,b, ..It.,,
^na bo,, uottl Jelllwl. flklm d.ri..
bOlH., pro™., wod Uwt bf d.p
Aot . .pOM.n.1 ..d bold... It o.
^ ^b^tk .1 tM-. na It nwwn to ro.
tb. .Mm, It hM
ly cooked. Remove, and pour into
giasses at once.
If the sun Is shining (and ail Jelly­
making should be -done on e fair,
bright day.) place the glaes<

bu been prepared, which U berewitU
retried for the benetU of Home
* j,

Breaibing! which you.
^ur. .. «„ o„pi,
T.k, Iw



.a" M .T.J1,::
browoUi, >
J. b««r. .
,ui Imp...
"■ JJ? .
I»M br... I. r«M«s
apple, sprinkle It with sugar when
” I°'' -

Pez. PorW Hot .
Humpty Duihpty after his

ikmr and Twenty BUckblrds'v
Baa. baa. Black Sheep
The Pig lhal Tommy Stole \
Jack Horner's Pie
Tarts from the Queen of Hearts
Sugar and . Spice
Curds and \Vhey ‘Hot Cross Buns
More partlcalsi l.v. it consisted of
P** eoup. deviled eggs, stuffed meat
young Umb. roast pork, plum
pudding, elaborotp putry. and cheMe.

u.rrmX‘kriuet^''h."no^?h“ rnd«;rerothe*-^;;;n"wia.h';:i; ^

-*• • —•

Olive blad.
Olive salad Is deWuble. sa}s. the
New Haven Journal Owler. Put nice
crisp lettuce leaves OB salad dishes.
cut olives In halves.'also e little hard
boiled egg end sweet pepper—flnt a
layer of egg. the olives in the center.
and a border of tweet red pepperw.
Then edd mayonnaise or salad dr^
log as preferred.
New Temato Baled.
A deiiciou (Uling for tomato eslad

tzZ.TZ u w (m ST.^toi^tTsheiu w^i^^



O U for Outdoors, where you sbdnld
„ g,ueh as yOn ron. Ah
pj*, outdoors unless the w-eath«r U too atomy,
Pencils, which you should
po, ^et in the mouth to make them
q |« toy Questions, which yon aboold
teacher if you don't understand alt theee rules.
R is for R(»«hnees in play, by
which you may hurt yourself or your
oomradee. If yon have cut yourself.

^«'^n huVbT

‘) hisckblrds was a tnonqmwt oi p,„^pp,(,
and .chopped nuts, dpp-t
(*, (ell the teacher.
ped.-or a porcelain-lined one. A wood- ‘
The next day rover with paraftn ouUnary art. It was conveyed inw jj,,
piayonnalae and garnish with
a I# forrSpittliig. which should neveo stwoD ebould be used In mixing the
•r v-iuegar
*® •
*»e dining-hall Md set bejore t5e
er Ht done Axcepl in'a eplttoon. or a
pickles. I'se the best cider
vinegar »o«l

we make the apple and cfab. jatlny crust of the^e

A Novel Plekia.

r«:-^"; --Vb£=E.-d“r

por- ,

purpose alone. Never M>it

~r. :.rMr.w“MM”“''

romc'tharu fresh and hot. Flrkiee end add to good "Malden Blush” V l“‘^«- *“‘‘^**;^*
was ' served,
should be examined frequently, and If Pies: make as you would apple Jelly, moment that the crus
le good sized cnbbsge. Cook the corn
b,mi, or when you get up In the
grs'ee which ^
any soft
It ones
ocae are found,
louna. remove
w.uo.e bv
at and
— you
.— will ------------afterwards
- eat
separaieD in salted ntorzUng and Mtf* you go to bed at
__ A If whlu speck* appear In the rollab a condiment closely resembling wjol P^«‘*
Isughler ring ng
waler UU tender. Cut com from the
vinegar drain off and scald. A few the genuine article—quince Jelly
toppy jonng throats Alter
tnjchop <he cabbage, not too
u u'for Unkind, which you should
HU of horseradish root iml In with
To ra) taste nothing ezroeds in look complete possession of tne b<« .
vinegar, never be to a consnmpUve.
plcklc* give the vtnegsr life rand richness and pugency of flavor the »»d “«k for even thing witnoui s

V to for \'Psse1s like drinking enp
disnot be o*ed
strength. The use ot a UUle sugkr Is common wild Plum. Boll In sufficient U is said lhal many volcea
to_> commended even with sour water to rover: when soft, eirsln covered that evenUg for the Onl
by one child after another without benlcklea. as It mcllo*^ arU preserves
throngb a flannel bag. Uf“«,
ing washed in clean water each Ume.
the vinegar.
Boil the juice a few minutes, skim. All of the china used duri^ ^e
Becen end Dyeter*.
^ u for Washing your bands with
Small stone jars an*
ar» i-eiiei
l•etter for
measure, biiu
of dinner was the oid-faabloned
Drain one uvavu
dozen Mkct.
well ^d«»k.kM.w
scleeied u/ooys- nap
gp,p gnd water bet
before each meat, even
loi keep- jBeaaure,
>uik b a aiatuttmt
-mm,-!M, Vk--------« v
Ing pickles than larger Jars or A-rocks. Hire lo one of sugar.
*“"* •" imitation of the comm y^
if u t» onlv lunch.
In1 buying epKes
spices get
gel me
the ocst.
of \.
the i~
jj ^
, —"^The
-me luscious
iuscioub grape,
grape, beautiful
oeauuiui in
»n Its
ii» used porcelain
.ron- ®‘ oacoo, using wooden
wopaen toothpicks
-j, for X-rays
X-rays, which aometlmes
For those who require a epICM vine- pristine bloom, and so delicious to the ‘“O'- A toast wMolher Ooobc as ,, j^owers. Place in the oven.and tielp to discover consumihlon or other
ir. formula, equally good for ^cum- u#te. contains a sacharine substance followed by one to Ihe^^ King
brown. Wat<* the
bero. cauliflower, green tomatoes, which, when subjected to greet heat. Queen, then to
oven that It does not get top hot.
T Is for You. wife should never kiro
string beans and rodUh i>ois. the fol- becomes eo gritty that one would al- Sprat the fat man of Bombay. U
anyone on the mouth nor allow then
lowing can be__________
„»•«__Imagine ______________________
it had been sprinkled Polly Fttoders.
. - To each ____
Creamed Celery on Taeat
to do so to you
quart ot vinegar allow melve cloves, wuh powdered glase. Grapro are in Handy Spandy, and some others of cook the outside sulks in Just
m can-ylng ont theee
twelve peppercorns, six alUplce ber- (betr prime Just before they turn. At Mother Goose's coterie repreewted >t
water to make Under; then
riee. six blades of mace, a qimrier of (h.t *uge they coaUin a gelatinous
Aintter. Ten o'clock
the p,^ ,,j thaough a sieve. .To one cup-------------^--------an onloa (alteedi and onelhlrd oi a
that they lose as they near p«- errlval of Tom. the Piper seon. who fui of pulp allow two cupfuls of milk.
cwpfnl of sugar. Tie the spices at.d
*‘*® »“'! »*>en heated thicken with flour
onion In a img. and bwl w.ib the
„ p„^ble. secure them et that tohrd him could never sund sUlL" („
8ea«.o with
“« k«®'j
auger and vinegar Tor five minutes. (jn,e^u‘y,,
eg of the D«5clag l«t«I ““ill ™Wnlghtsalt aud^pper. adding one teaspoon- *«>«
Pour the voUlngvInegar over the pick.' ^
^ ,(
fpy, ,i,p preeerv.
------------------------ful of butter. Pour over (oast and “*®» “
les. let it stand for three days, then
(^vering th«n with
Cara of ««. Hsir.
that the
pour It off. acaW and turn on again.
y.„voughly eookad to
Nothing show, neglecu ill healto.
------------ ,-----------^
on the third, seventh and tenth day*.
t3xrx»iA a Oannal bag. •«» P®®*"
«i'«« «»•
Improvad Mack Charry Pi*.
covering cloaety each time. The work
krtile. Lot it
Exuberant bealth U evident In
wasb two enpful* .01-4(1 wh^ver we underia
la then completed.
fjve mlnutoe. skim remove from
beelthy hair. Dry. oUees h^ cranbemee and oook In half a cup^i
For these, use none but the best ct^
measure the Juice. «>«“» neglea of the health or the^^^
somethino to Reroerobev.
der vinegar. Do not boll it. a* in this ^,^,win* » cupful of sugar to one of tolr.
them through a sieve. To one cupful
, c-bb**e a epotmfnt
way it la weakened: bring It only to
a. tart a. plums, the
•>*"• toes not r^ulre ah^
cranberry pulp add one cupful of
water wUl romov*
Kaldlnc point before pouring It over
poolng as often as oily hsSr; th* lat^
the Picklea. A liny piece of alum
,er gathero th. dust and dirt quicker.
„«w.en crust#.
JivoT^n^ !Ldte Ihe^e w
•celded With cucumbers or gherkin
Two week.’ interval Hxould H-ay.------------------------- to^o^. Mnegar need In the «me way
is fine when boUlng mutton especial­
pickle, mske. them crisp.
procured, and you ero forcml to n#.'1*1^
Pn.0. Pudding
ly If the mutton be a IlUie strong; alaa
AIWA,A pTWAf. plTklM 1« pord^ln^
AAUdS Ih. WM.T AhMAP^ Altt ,1.
In cold wMor. .Mil
M Aild'oM
apoons. never metal. Spice
without the eklna. the common black
•iMnpoo uee a g^ ebmeo that one flavor will not prodiml» bri^t rod Jelly. P®®
H thoroughly into
nate. but will aU combine tt make a
fr,, trom the glaasy «»« tiMlr and scalp and then brush it
pleasant whole. Cucumber,
and olh- BUbetanc* found In Jellied, or preserv- ®®* -mh
----------------------------er picklee are often so strongly fla"
^ ^
Drii. tight hair may be brightened

--------------- --------- - -- -----------,<,wib aro maoe zanoer, aua
p, iPe ,„e Judlctou. use
preed-ernmbs. crumbled very fine. '
bread with bits of
butter and add snSleleat milk <*•
_ —
aoiaien Hare ton laved of breed doi«®®<


^£££1: rp.^... rrpTjr..^ br„^Lr.«; r .^rM-Hr^LTM^bd'

veuu the vinegaV from molding.


bb-rjr."..‘«rb r..;

„.. pm, «„ ..,.b.d -

an appetite lor theee “«*

•a. and who do aot. “"•r:
dainty rollsbea.

PUi them 1 ft cold Ttnegar ^ a porcelalD lined kettle. Hand them over a
. and heat elowly nnlll
they become green.
As pIcUa* of ail klud* are indlgeatlUc. ... M»rtbMT .. dMOUcAU IbM,


s^bc2rirr.'Ltrir ■
»»I Mld ,pl~. MM

when ready to serve will be so mn<^
bbtu WMUed.
errav UDoe
. rest. Mjoy TiBwin#
viewing the erray
upon ■ tabrespoonful ol MbOObl. lb b pM.
nke erioed peaches or other ceeUy
loa of watet end ualag as a shampoo. 0

®®r «»»“» shrives. spiced ftulta. such a* are put up hy
hair may be kept pure while
. gta* ef Mliri.
the moat axrinalve canaara. that «vaa
by adding a lltUe tirat quality of
Th* kingdom of beavan M not h
Need ef th* Under Da«.
net he rid* to r
waahlog Hulag 40 th* fiaal rinsing yi—
ogaize th* ^Ifferonc*.'
water, after a
--------. what he vnMB M ■

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