Grand Traverse Herald, October 07, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 07, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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C«RtMtati HalpMl kirtvalt
Own Statute


Bex Shipped From Morgan Orchard


Sslection of Nsxt Meeting Place Net
Yet Decided.

A box of apples was shipped yes­
(By rnlted Preta.1
terday to J*resldoni Woodrow Wilton
I-oolsville. Ky.. Ocl. 4.—Oeneral
Caulemao. one of tbe famous *'Mor- JAMES HIUDCRT MADE REMARK- from ibe B. J. Morgan orchard. Tbeac GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP MAY
were tbe Wolf River varietj*'
sar Raldera." whose life was eared
were as near perfect at appla can be
by «>erlBl order of President UnJouod. l-torb was wrapped and care­
coin after hie capture for attemptins
fully packed. There were twenty in
to liberate Confederate prleonera at
the buz and a finer collection has
CanQi ilouglaa. and who lived to wrai
been seen this srason. When
tbe blue and Hsht for tbe Stan and
i AN^-lf^^HIOIiM SAVED WO- Stripes in Cuba, today saw a statue ACCURATE FIGURES KEPT OF HIS I'resident Wilson opens this
and tastes the Michigan fruit with SILL WILL BE INTROOUCEO
to biraeeir unveiled. He li one of lest
flavor be may be temiKed to make
than half a dozen Americana who
.bare ever seen etatuea erected to Hit Eaperience Shows What Can Be bis reifbio-a personal visit.
Dene By Practical Farmer Who
tbemselTes for "braverj on the field/'
Uses Head At Wail As
Providing for Taking Over All InterOen. ('aetjeman Is 72 .years old and
Wmm te HauM Where TrasHands.
State Telephone and Telegraph
in eacelleni bralth:
aSy Waa Enacted.
Linet—Plan Was Advocated
James Hilbert ^s solved tbs |>rol>By HIteKeoek.
Ism of tntsnsive farminx/fi
Uaplar. Oct. 4.—Thi* riUasa wa*
ner that proves that (his line of bua|.
Uta aeaBF of a larribir (rased)' (bis
neas Is very profluble In this sec­
tDorslAc wban Dranle UanlfoM. aer-I
tion of the oouairy. .^Mr. IHIbcn Is
42. Blabbed j^ia »l(e aeveral tinea *itb
of Iboae ftrmers tkho works with FOREIGNERS REPORTED AS MISGeneral Hurleeon proposes to folloi
a butcher fcnite aad (ben cut bU
bis bead as well at hit bunds,
up the rerommendatlon made by bla
tbraat, folloalaa doneatlc trouble*
hli bank acount shows tlie efficiency
Prank Htlch(tun bavc axtaaded over a year.
fflHbods. ijtsi sprlns
cock that tbe government owo all tkq.
UantcDld BOt belas able to etand tbie
ptonud an acre of
telegraph and telephone lines. It was
conatast warfare left tbe borne four,
raisins tbe young planu under glasi
Is con­
weeks BCD and went to Kalamatoo.
in order to Insure tbe early maiuriiy
sidering tbe'lnrlusion of aucb a r«cfro* there to l.AdlnjctOB and then
of bla crop, and so fsr sdianced
imendatlop in ,his annual report,
MaaUtae. lloriM the Crmnd Traterse
were vine* tbst be began markHing
now being prepared. That tbe govc
Bacloa fair abe waa In, Traverse City
bis malona c!b September I and bat
meat officials have ven the suhtort
and beaiinf that ber yountesl sun,
kept them in tbe market ever alace. Sslieved That fUnoem Alone Can
deep stody was admitted today, by
CSalner. was tii. rsne borne. Tbe
Sava Lives of Thass Who Are
After he bad told bis load today tbe
reuentative Lewis Of Maryland.
tlDarrel was resumed, and ibis mornBeing
total recsipla from thla acre amount­
ex]>en on interaiatc
Ibc tbe lather and the sUteen yeax-old
ed to an even gSOO. and be atlll has
Kls Reacue is Con
problems. Burleson himself declined
' son ^er were la tbe fleld dtuting
more melons coming fit for market.
In Anthrwclte Rspien History—
jjotaioes when tbe father
to dtoruss the matter today, I ir­
(By United Press.)
The ayatam he usee is a secret of
Greeted Wife With Shrieks
of a headache and went to the boose.
Pekin. Oct. 3.—Tbe American lega­ respective of the recommendations
of Joy.
bis whldi be to not wiling to dlCasimer. asM 12. tbe iWser son.
Burleson gray make Lewis will Inuorutge. because It is tbe result of a tion here received a report from J.'
was pUylBS ball la the front yerd.
dure a bDl wUhln a few weeks, proaeries of ezperimcnto. which last aea- Paul Jameson, vice consul general
la a_mo»aBt Caalmer beard bSa atoibSbaWbal. stating that an Ameri­ IKMing that tbe'gorerameut own all
er scream and mabtac to (be bouse . Centralia. Pa.. 0<1. 4 —When Thomcan child bad bran killed and otber interstate telephone and tMegrapb
found tbe door locked. Breaklns ihie as Toubend:)', tbe miner srbo waa en­
foreigners were being maltreated by lines.
In with bla ball bat and at t^ tame tombed tn tbe Continental mines of During tbe fall be has fiirntobed tbe Chinese brigands st Tsao Yang.
time (wlllns to Henry Marka. who waa the J.ehlgh Valley Coal com|«By Hgbl bulk of muskmelons sold tn the Hty
The legation fears that tbe Chinese
paaaine. Ibef ruataed upatalra and days ago, was brought to tbe aurface
government troops are neither cap­
found ytanlfold etabblns bit wife, this morning his pulse was 7l’ and tbe number be grew upon thU plat of
able nor zealous enough to accom­
couple and tbe bow frenzied man turn- temperatura normal. Pbyalclans
plish Ibe release of the American
Not only has Mr. Hilbert
Tbey endeavored to separate tbe sldered tbts a lllUe abort of wonderand NorwegUn missionaries' In*' the WIRE SERVICE OUT OF BUSINESS
The daullnx light of tbe morn­ aueeeaarut with his melon crop, but
ed OB them. They eoceeeded in settinc
hands of tbe bandits at Tsao Tang,
Mr«. Manicold dovAistalrs and took- ing eon dazed Tosbensky and when h'e has dona evoa betier In a
that rannom aloiM- can nave the
her erross the street to the MetVe he started to walk he reeled and fell p-ay wUb hto peppers of which he
li'es of tbe foreigum still In caplivi
borne. On- poinx back they were bor- Into the arms of Us rescuers. The grew a quarter of ,tD acre from

m cuT$^ Ht$ nmuT








rlAed to And (hat Manlxold hnd cut hU
tbraat from ear to ear and lay welterhif tn bu own blood that was spuntax tn a atrciaa from tbe cuu of tbe
Ms bnteber knife that be had used..
He breathed a few Ume* and then feU
' back dead.
Selshbore came from all dlrecUopi
and tfld what they could to care for
the man and tbe wife, who while terrjMj Inierad win live. Officer#
euiBbraned from Tsavera* City
klanlfold waa born a few
mllea fram Klagaley on the old home­
stead and has lived to a number of
Pisces nnUI about« year ago. when be
ptiKbaaod tbe graoery siore that he
has operated nnlU last week when It
B-BB cloaed tor the beneffi ef'bU credHors. He Aeavw a mother, four sis­
ters. three brothers and two sons, all
of whom realSe in this nelghborbood.
made later.


Blglil of Ills wife caused him to mict
shrieks of loy and sbe fell on hei
knees, prayrng. Wthin two boura^fi
bl* rescoe. tbs miner's pulse bad
IncreasM to 80. caused by the ezrlteTosbcnsky's-reacue is
unparalleled fea( In anthraefta coal
f-Vieoda sent great quantIUes ..
foodstuff and liquids to bis borne, but
attending pbysiciane forbid him eat­
ing anything etrept very light foods.



Muarcal Entertainmenu Will Be of
High Claaa and Lseturaa ol

which be sold a crop that brought
hi* SKO. Ha'fnratobel all the large
size pe'ppsra sold In the local store*
Ibis saaaon. There waa still a third
crap from whk-b he made more than
he did from hto melons grown
the aama size tract of Und. This was
whicli ripened
early in tba summer and supplied the
market ontlj the later varieties were
available. HU tomato seed Is grown
by blmaMf and carefully Beiccted
from tba'earnest ones that ripen In
order that the earliest i>oaslble matgrtty of (he fruit win be assured. These
t*z ah^ what ran actually bo done
by a matt In this regton who knows
hto business aed works out new idea*
in eonnectlen with his crop*. Mverrbody cannot be. a»*ured the same
imount of suc<-css In these linsa that
Mr. Hilbert has bad. but Jie
actually accompltohed . tbesa results
during the past season and hat the
figures on record to prove the statemanta.

The High School Lectora course
for (be season of 1918 and 1914
announced le by far at good
course as has been offered the peo­ SUta Bank Shew Growing in fmportple of Traverse City. SupL Tyler;
has selected the ulent after a care­
To fsellluia tbe baadllng-ef applM ful iovipstlKs'.ion of tbe personel. and
Tbe region vegeis.ble show that Is
duritiz the rush tiaaoB a device baa It Is fully in keeping with any of the being carried on In the 8Ute hank to
been Invented and installed at the previous courses. This to tbe twen­ constanOy receiving new additions.
John c. klorgaa plant which is both ty-seventh year that such a list of en- Teslerday Mra. nemlng Carrov added
novel snd effldent. Tba unleader U
has been planned, and
large basket of Niagara grapes ara permanent ftrura wbAob not only the results have abovin that they
-Ith led oak loaves.
-ParUally waabsa the applet during have always been not only highly en­ Di^bt By. 913 Ca*a street, brings
tbe prtK't-ss but dellvera th.em ai
tertaining. but taatructiva aa well. in a aqnaab of an unicnowD variety
maefaipe sirtioat handUng.
Tbe same manner of securing
that to three feeL three Inebet
A water tight tank is (
----------' seau will be followed aa length and fourteen Inches in d<nmearound a Urge pipe wbieh eni
heretofore and that date wtli be an­
IneocbM tora. owned by R. Royd
the groond directly under the
nounced shortly. The tickets will be Clinch, has four vartmles of potatoca.
uoor. Tbs pW leads to a ooaerate In the band* of tbe aolicltors at once Gold Coin. Kalkaska. Rusrat and a
trough which mo* outside
and ir would be wlas to make an
variety that It a Very prolific
building to a reservoir emptying Into earty purdtara. It vrUi also be_^aeen jlelder. the 8t. Ben County Speetal.
the basement. An endless chain Uket that there are «o WedBesday' -nor James Hilbert has fifty dlSefent kinds
the apples from tbe reserrotr and Satn^r Blgbt dates and aa tor as
^upying a Ubia that
Plarea them on the working floor pMstole all big eventi havg been makes an ezhlblt tn itsair. This show
ready to be re-wsshsd and praated. antldpatad.
aa well as the exhibtu made by tbe
They are waMied Into the stanlngi Tbe talent and dates are as to!- other banka la the city are attracting
tank from tbe ear by means of a^two Iowa:
unlveraal attention berauas it U an
and one-halt tocb nream of water
Weatberww Brothers male . onar- Innovation and people are seeing the
which is pumped onto the apples and taL Friday. Nov. 7. Oraloria Artiau, real product of the tanu and orebarda
Hoau them out of the car. Running Tn today. Nor. is. Uneola McCon­ In this ricloUy.
Vater pa«Ms through the pipe and nell. Friday. Dec. S. ^Ita lUcb and
(rough, to kaep them moving and a the KllUrney Girls. Tuesday. Dee.
NBW TORK—Annual convention of
rmaii ferae atnam impels them from
Virginia Brooks. T^eaday. Jan. Brotltoctieod of St Andrew opened
t the wmveying belLBrarctt Kemp. Thuraday. Feb. here, preceding opening of Eptocopal
H) tbU natbod a carltmd of apples
MontravlUe Wood.
Tuesday. General ennvenUoB. with Mg delega(an be unloaded In a rcmarlmbly, March 8. BohuU Kryl and eom- tloDs froSi all leading clttoa of oounnUrrt Ume and duriag transporution pany. constoUng of hto two daughtars. Uy altondiag
to (he machines part of tbs preip
Mooday. Marab tZ.
fnary proeaaa. which baa heretofore
ROBTON. .Maaa.-A fight whAob
; bran gone through wlOi slu r
PITTSBURG. Pa-—Asserting they suned whoa five men tried to uke
>»» w«l«a I..4
pUM I. u.. "...M *.
a klttra away from. John Bcannel.
ramptotad. So tor as koowa umraMw
-Mas. to1 complotad.
umiplba of banka." Btobop Neely a^ amd 17, nauitod In the death of Scan
U>e unloader to entirely original anil od churabea bollt oa tbe praaaat
oa) when one of the mra polled $
1. Ate
.k- «Blj
IdBd to
iSBbUBS sicbUsetwsl Uses


Worst Electrical Storm of Sea*
"^t 1* believed that tbe ransom de­
Swept Over Sewthcro MlcMmanded may pot be heavy as Chinese
gan This Morning*''
Ideas In money matters sre not ex­
travagant Uy tbs efforts
and consulates the
(By United Press.)
mUtlonaries have been kept
Kalamazoo. Oct. 2.—b)or tbrea hours
unsafe districts during tbe last two
early' lodai' Kalamazoo was without
years, but the.v were not restricted
telephone or electric power service as
from going to (ho nortbern pan of
tbe result of damage done by
the province of Hu Heh, which hitherelectrical storm of the season.
•iad not been considered dangerLightning struck down tbe town trans­
fer msln and put all othef power Urn
At Hankow Oen. Ix> Yuen Seng,
out,of order. The
vice president of tbe republic, state* was resumed at «> o'clock this morning.
that everything possible to being
done. Nearly 3.000 Chinese troop*
are advancing on the town of Tsao


Bella Out

Interatt In

(By United Press.)
Washington. Oct 2.—Jost to ahow
that (bey can cook and look" h<
After being actively engaged in tbo wifsy" drapito nrgumenu of men an­
underuking bualneis tn Traverse ti-suffragettes, sromen workers (or the
City for (he past 4* years. 'W. S. An­ ballot here todaytgave a "Domestic
derson yesterday aold bis tntereau; Day" luncheon. Tbe fair eoekera aft­
In the Anderson Undertaking
er tbe vote cooked and nrved a busi­
padTtoJrto son Ralph A., who with bis ness Inorh at the Maaonic Temple,
^her Wlltom H. will oondnet the There were plenty of mqre men on
luslness In tbe future. Mr. Ander- band to test tbe culinary output.
began bnalness when tbo dty
The Udiei did
was a mere hamlet In the pine woods
of tbe dalntleo as well aa the cooktog.
and he has seen It'develop Into the Blx'iy white capped amateur walttraascity of today. Ho to tbe es—all suffragettes—served tbs food.
er In point of eervlce
Tbey were uoder Head Waiter Mrk.
In Wemern Ulchlgaa and la known
Mary K. ClageU. Mw. Keith Ran­
throughout the atato as one of the dolph Forrest presidod at tlR eashier-s
plonoora In the buslaeaa. Now fhat be
Uhle. Tbo innchra wlli be repeated
has retired , from active boainess he
wtu leave next week for a visit vrith
relaUvea and friend* in Ohio and then
ei>end the winter In the ad«.Ui. return­
ing In Ume to taka part In the old

(By rmw Preaa.)
Detroit. Oct. 4—Six thousand good
road* entfaustosta and road exiwru AKIN ARBOR RDAO FACKs SER­
were here t^ay following tbe close
of tbe (bird annual Ameriran Road
Congress here. At the final business
session this morning. AUsnu. Denver.
Peoria and New Orleans presented
bids for next year's cougres* The se­
lection Will be delayed until officers of
the congress cau intestlgate the ad­
vantages offered by the various titles



A. A. Lsseb of Omeoa waa tbe vic­
tim of an aratdsnt that nearly proved
fatal last evening. He was driving
home with a load of empty barrela
and waa atasdlng In one of them when
and ran
away and Mr. Laeeh was thrown out
and dranod a oonaldoraMa dtotanoe
while luutglng oa to tbs lines endeav­
oring to stop the hwset. He was
braleed badly about tbe head.- aboub
dots and body, but no hones were
broken. The physician wbo waa has^
aU aM poasibla and aUMs Uiat to aU peohabtlUy

tM toMvd tou irffl ttmsr.

eotorencs Will Be Held Nsxt Wssk
'and if Raisf It Not orantad
f Man Will Walk OuL

(By United Press.)
Owosra, Ocl 4.—a' siriks of nil
engtceera and firemen on toe Aan
Arbor railroad, numbering aavoral
hundred, U threatened witbin a week.
acrordlng to Infonnadon given oot
here today. The i
for a conTereoce with tot company officials next week snd nnlosa tbe
wage increase sought by the firemen
for. moDtos U fortoeomtog. too men
will walk ouL
Under toe terms of a Joint agree­
• of Acres of Rice apd Other ment with the engineers, tot latter
roust etrtke If toe firemen do. Firemen now get S2.0S per bnodied'
milee on passenger runs. *tM m
freight nina. They demnnd SUE «n
passenger runs, «nd
S3 00 treight
(By United Press.)
Austin. Tex., Oct. 3.—With twelve
dead and property and crop loss esti­
mated at six million dollars as tbe re­
sult of tbe worai flood ever oxportencod In soutbern Texas, reports today indicated that tbe rain had ceased
in some sectloni and streams are (aU- JOHN TCNNANT IB BACK.PROM
ing. Bice, lumber and cotton Indus­
tries suffered b«»vHy.
Loss In Rice Fields.
Givee Seme VeluaMo iitfermatlan
I^llss. Tex.. Oct> 2.—Fl<»d>»ndtAbout the Stoeh' Heralded Ratlons to soQlb'easi and aouUfwm TeXgioM 0«*.WeaL:
ns\and western Louistona slowed Im­



provement with tbe CFSsatioV of rain
In s^e sections today. Most of the
stream*'which have beeo
bonndi have ceased rising and at San
Antonio the river began to fall as un­
expectedly as It rose.
It 1* in the rice Helds of east Texas
and western (.outoiana that the beat
iMt lots win be felt Near Uke
It to estimated that-TS^
000 acres have been flooded, enuillng
serious damage. Railroads have been
hard hlL m^ny steel bridges baring
been washed awty. snd thousands of
yard* of track dsatro.ved.


Following pl^viaions of Now Treaty
Servla and Montenogro Will Lina
Up With (hraoco Against
Old Enemy.

John TcnnanL who bu been to OallfornU for the paet year, baa re­
turned tboroaghly eoBvtoeed that
there le lost one Grand Traverae re­
gton. and that toe spot whito has it
beat is rjll walUng (er a d
Tbwinan who goes to CalKonU oxpecting to find a better climate.
tunities or almost anything elae, is
gotog to find himself sadly mUled.
soording to Mr. Tennant There le
just one thing to favor of toe wcetigabooetof toe highest de9*a
It is
due to toclr offoru and too liberal
preet egent work which has bora
done that California baa come to bo
toe mecce of weotera travellera.
As far as natural adrantagea are
concerned. Traverae Oty and the
region baa' toe elate o(
the Goldra Gate backad oB the map.
Mr. Tennant state* that at' tiaea
toero toe theriDometer rratotorad
120 degreca to toe shade and the tepoite which were swt' ont wobld bare
It at 90. . Ho aays that ho U able to
aland wind, anew or rain aUrms bat
that ths dost storing' whlMt he en­
countered there ware too mnnb for
him. Tbo flying partlriee (UI too
houses no msuor ho# tightly they
are closed and make a veatare out
of-deon dangerotts. jAcoordtog to
toe neUvee. each'dnst Storm Is tbs
first of tbe kind erer regiitered end
ret during his sUy they happened at
regular Intervals of abeot a week.
The golden opportualtlee pf the 1
lorit maeb better «t a dMtonee thiu
cloea range. BretTGUag 'tbere ie
for toe native son. If there are any
chancre left after they have taken
thrir choices toe ootalder le welcome.
In winter it freesre end to summer
ft become* so hot tost cold would be
preferable. In fall and spring R Is
lively hot during ton dny and
cold to toe seme degree et nlghL The
booetora^t is/a great thing to Cell(ornU's favor, but whoa ft cornea to
reaL hard (aeu Grand Traverae is tor
and away ahead of that aoefitm of
tbe country and*«rbe8 ocee the boost­
er spirit beeomre more Rsaeral here
there srfll be no chaneo tor ovao a

(By United Preaa.)
a, Oct. 2.—After a year of alI noting In tbe Bal­
kans. military men today beUsvod a
third war Is imminent In too dost
•SSL Greek troop* are today moMUs-.
tog on toe front^r and all reservists
have been called ont by Ring Constantlns. A declaration of * war
agafnat Tnrimy is •xpeetad at Atoans.
Bulgaria wUl side with Tulter to toe
event of war.
Boyne CKy Behools Now TsMblng
Fbllowlng prevUloas of new treety,
Bcrvfa pnd Montenegro win Use op
with Greece, thus eooGostog toe Bal­
Boyne dty. Mich.. Oct. 2.—Tbb de­
rision of tbo board M odncaUeo 'of kan war with new 1
this plaeo to mMte agricnltnre a part
of the regalar coarea of study to the
high acbool ^ not with goooral ap­
proval- la consoqoeoco the acbool
faculty to looking forward to a mark­
ed success along tkto lino It to ths.
plan of (he soperwlaon to have all>
pnpUs wbo oloctod thd oourso to agrt-, Teieoe^ O, Oct. 2.—Ctolmtog thnt ft Fred Wager Wee VleUm bf
culture to giev at toast
oosu nortbern vegetable growera 42
per cant- of tbelr Gno to tbs logtoa oebu more a ton-mUo to get toolr pro­
(By Unlt^ Prare.)
that baar upon tba Braeral aaMaet' duce to nortbern mnrbMa than It doea
Petoekey, Oct. 4.—Tbe death today
The active lutractloB to too wwk is noutoern track tormera. too Vegetable
being given by a aparial teaelwr wbo Qrowtos' Aseoeiation of America, hold­ of Fred Wager, aged IS, of Boyee
U a gradWe of tbo uuAig-n Agri­ ing Ha wwawl oaBvntkm here, made Falls, made the flrst total banting
culture to give at IsMt' twenty-See liberal eontributitoiis to a fund of aceldenrW too season to BiMbdt
wbat to dsalred. So tor I2M.OOO to employ ooonnel to present county. Wager was nSnnded two
tbto year S6 mtndsfita have etoctfSdbo tbe growers' ense to tbo toterstote weeks ago whan hto.ahM gun was
pretoenttUy dischoM.








OBO. O. BATM. MftBMlBi XAltot.
W, A. QIB80N, Editor.

Mtttk t IMS. «t ttto pool
TnowM Otp. Jlicb., B»d«r tl
CoasM ol Mveh 1,

t, m rrm

Mti ww— ^



... 71c iB BdCjUCO
, 4«e IB BdlWCB

Tbcre are tuanr atcoiratt that enicr
loto di} bulWlBi. but one of the ImaoTtant one* U tn sat •ufflclaat boslaeaa troB the omij-lnj territorr to In•arc the Meaily growUt of the merrantile bouMB. and ibe addUlon of oiliri^
iu aoon ai the Add varrante. There
a Ibe natter with
that BTowe In the te»tdenre iwrtlton
wblle H eland# etlll in the buelnees
dietrlct. Tber* are eliie# in the aute
that vblle tber bave'BTOva In poi>uUtk>n. bare ool added one new etorr
in iweolT >•••»•• Thl* is an indica­
tion thei the town i* conducted upon
a wroac (Bel#..and li r^>’ solne
backward Inetead of forward. One of
the tureet meibod# for tetltng whether
a town I# upon a flrtn basi# I# to note
the number of eRiptj butine## places,
and altbooab some of the more iw#Blmtelir re#ldeni» inay cUlm ih*t the
town I* soln* backward the truth can
readflr be found «ut by looklna over
the bnalne** eectlOB. and if all the
■torea. or neaii.v all. are filled wKb
tenanu. li li aafe to aasume that the
place Is movinc forward. What a town
has to have in order'io Itrow H buslnewB. and the procreasive merchant is
always trjlna to brine tnnre people to
bis store by one means or another la
order to Iwep bis foece of clerks busy
and make a profit'for himeelf. At
the present time tbe tendency of the
Iieople U Ur trade la tbe Uivr cities
In tbe dlatrlcu aad takina'idranuce
of-tbU /act tha merchanis in tbeee
plices*are maklnK every effort to
brin« customers from the ^utlylnc
town# to their doors to do ffelr trail­
ing. Bpeclsl induceroeiiu tT« made
In tbe way of discounts on certain
days and tbe plan has been found to
be veer ^ectlve. Ibe new enstotners
that are eecu^ by Ibe merchaais
beios more than enouftb to pay all the
^capense they are pul to In operstinx
tba plan, la order urattraoc new cus0 offer spedai induremebU orcaslonally. and asperlenee' has tauabt them that the aettlnii aside of apecUl tradlnx days for
outsiders^ one «f tbe most effective
breaking Into new terri­
tory antf wldenlQE the tradins
tbe city whose merchants are anxious
for more business, especially durlns
called off seasons of the year.

Stareesi Baifer
Maay cldas tbr<m<hout the country
are awakesJne to the risks that they
are mnnlar tn allowlax overhead
srlres In their streeU and alleys. Tbe
advent of tbe blffh leasioo wit* to
. carry the current from the power
plants to the consumers has created a
aource of dancer that must be reck­
oned with in all clUes and towns
where overhead wires are pennliied.
and the Ume la coming 4 ben all luclt
wires will hare to be placed under
ground In order to protect human life
and property. In pnuUeally all Uiwns
and cities a majority of tbe bouees
have telephones and . when one of
theaa high tan^on wires breaks and
falls upon the telephone wires there
Is great danger that houses will be
burned and anyone wbo comes In conUet with tbe charged wires wHl eltber
be Mlled or serioosly fnjnred. It has
also been proven (hat tnaulatlton does
not protect the wires In a proper man­
ner when they a>* charged with tbe
high voltage eoiTenta, ao that ItM gMeral i>aUlc ta takiac a long cbafiM
whenever these wire* happen to tome
in contact with other wires as a result
of alarm and wind. Many of tbe amalV
rr cities In the eute are compelling
an wires to be laid tmdeTcroaad. not
only tn order to -protect tbe pnbllc bA
to Improve the looks of-tbe town. Tbe
city beauiirnl mevemett Is doing a
great workaloac this Uae by Inl
Ing tbe people tn the appearaaoe of
their home towna. for no ctiy M be
made to look well along Snodara Una*
when the wtreets aad alleys are
hloched with tmslghily wlree and
polea. Tbe aUempt that U belag made
la ettlee to. redoes tbe Are meaaoa M
aaotber cause lor doing .awagr with
•elral wlree. Taken tn alTlbin are
so many reaaons for eUmlnatlng't'tae
danger from overhead vlyee that re­
sults la IM^dlrecUea are heoad to be
reaUted la'the Bear fotnre In every
town wheih the oaestlen is nadi

iUea. This plan was also advocated
by ibe'lorraer Incumbent of Ibe otAot. Mr. BUcheock. and It aUods to
rcaaoh that if>hoth of thaae officials
see Miit ta the .plan ft Is worth while
stndylK by the peoM *f tbe eoaatr.
a cfw*th of muotcliwl
throughoat the country gives force to
the ctelm that the nailion should
the telegraph and telei>boBe lines, tbe
same as they at* owned In most of
tbe countries of Europe. These are
utilities which every IhmIv use. and
bedag such, public ownership Is a logand the |>eople expecl some plan to be worked out look­
ing toward Uklng over Ihelr holdings
by the national government. As the
country grows older the people will
want to own more of tbe buslnes’s ma­
chinery with which (hey come iu c-ontact every day. and nest to the I'nited
Slates mails tbe telegraph and leleplmae are used to the gresieit extent
by all classes of people. If the people
owned tbeee lines (he service could
be given at a less rate than at pres­
ent. becanse there would be no hungry
stockholders to satisfy from the earn­
ings of the companies. It will be Interestiag to note tbe manner in wlilrb
this problem Is worked out In tbe fu­
ture. for It Is evident that the peopla
will not be entirely satisfied until
they own tbe telegraph. tele|>taone and
railroad lines that at* doing an inta^
stale business.' It Is the tendency.of
tbe times and in keeping with the
epliAt of tbe American people.

Mexico Again
to press
things are growing warm again along
the Rio cirande. and it will not be
surprising If the I'nited Slates bss to
uke an active part in the strife before
many days elapse. Refugees are rushthe imematlonal border In
droves w lih tbe victorious federal sol­
diers not far behind, and here In lies
the great liability for trouble, fur (be
army of Hueru while fluslied with
victory’nay cooalder ihemaelvee just­
ified In creasing over Into Texas In
pursuit of their enemies and take a
shot SI the American troops who are
trying to preserve peace In that sec­
tion of the country. This llabtHiy of
an encounter Is Increased by the IDriammalory articles that have been ap­
pearing In Ibe jingo newspspers In
both Mexico and the Vnited States,
and the persistent activity of 'thff.
friends of Hueru who wW leave nolliIng undone to save what little repu­
tation he has left, even in bis own
.countrj-. If the Mexlmn soldiers seek
to cr^s Into Ibis country (bey will be
given a reception that they do not exl*ect. for small as tbo American army
It at that point U U suffldeatly Urge
to defeat any number of Mexicans
who may be so foolish as to offer
themselvaa as target for tbe American
riflea. Tbe Cnlted suiee troojis are
not In tbe service for any other purthan real business, and being
trolned to fight Uke men. instead of
bushwhackers as the Mexlcnns are
they will give Ibe soldtera of Hui
a ebnace to report a. real, fight for
once against a foe which could nerer
be develo|>ed In their country..jinder
■och a ragUae as rules that til fated
nation at the present Uaic. lA'hUe
trouble may appear to be imminent
at present it U safe to think that the
victorious army that Is -punning the
Insurgents will make a sbovs atop
as toon as they arrive within reach of
the guns of the aoldlen ot Uncle

■eWm OflierB
pMiple In af1 line* of boslness profit
by the experience of tbeir fellows, so
tn order to secure tbe beat results It
Is nseesasry lor those wbo have done
somethlhg wdnh wblle to let the pub­
lic know about what they have
When you have made
a siM%qw of anything tell yow nehchbors about it and they wUI be all the
belter for your act. VS-hen a farmer
In raising mewe of a
certain crop apan a given amoont of
land, the proper tbiag tor hla. to do
is to let the public knpw In order
that tbohe who are trying to make
3 success In agrieniture may he help­
ed la tbeir Hk>rta. '6ne of the prin­
cipal reasons why Weetero HlefalgaD
baa been developed so rapidly daring
the past four years la bwause the
•xperiencf of sMceaafuI tsnaers and
fruit growers baa been puUlsbed
broadcast through'tbe twenty eoaattes In the district. There U noUitag
ever gained by boarding a good Idea,
for it cannot do good until It Is glvw
Iu freedom so others can use if aft­
er R haa served lu purpose for the
man who originated IL Example U
a powerful element in tie world, for
it is the OBtnral'way of Imparting loformatlon la every line of aadi
Mora can be learaad tram ooe U(^o
baa actually 06m iblngs. thaa
one wbo muwly teaches

Mlllloas af ^aiiara.
Are clearad every year by the poul­
try ralears of the Uhltad Eutea. A
large Earner In tbe production of tbU
bus# profk I* HARVBUL-8 COMtII
nON l>07n>ER. It kaapa laying haas
la good eaadKloB.aakaa young chicks
grow'apMIr. wards off dlsearo aad
Pommamer 0«»«7Bon*B»
kaaps the eomb bright aad red. Equaliacloda U hls aannal report a reeoa. ty aa good for slouk. -it b the favoriu
maadaiion that ibe govemaMat take
wtU breedwa of
over tbeJeteraUie lilr*
U eta. par pack.
AOd epmu thea as Aovoraant siU- •im SOU by aU driMlML

\ .


to the fact that their ticket fafleff
Mpre attenUon will have to he paid tbe live saving station last week.
land although Roosevelt carrjed , t
Gaylord Bloe and Cbas. Robinson.
in the future to these oatlyiat
9. These reasons and afl oiners
Need Not Se A
ledef Nania.
Streets tn the dtfee and when this M, Jr. attended (he dance dedIcaUas the
that are liable to he offered will
Tbe turname Gi
I by no meaas
hall built b.v Lawrence Haas
done a Dbeeasary link Ix-tweea the
wrong, for the real source of tba
reins to be ao 1
Parraai's Oeraers in bst Empire last
but. a* a matter of faht. It to a asm
tronblo IICB In tbe systenF under
Pav^ street la tbe cUy will have Saitarday evening.
of great antiquity, and one of ablch
which the taxes are levied. At the
The N. M. T. Co-'s boeU are re<clv- nobody should be ashamed, la raalbeen made and the real object trf this
present time the same as tn the past
line of laiiirovemcnt carried to com­ log spples and other fruits from the Ity. it Is s contraction of "Bevebaska.”
(be state appropriations are made
dmk here. U is exiw-cted that the |.p- It was first corrupted to Sennocc.
upon the pork harrel method- In­
into shipping will give them consid­ which In turn was eompted to
stead of upon h sane business basis.
Snooks of today.
erable business here eoion.
The legislature has no means of
David Day. Jr , has left (or Howe
knowing exacUy what It eosU to rut
it to bard for cwrtala members of Military academy at Howe. Indiana.
the state, and the appropriations are coiyrt-ss lo see why all the officet.
OMfness Caartet be Cuirod
made upon mere giiesaes as to what In sight should not go to tbe party
Fathar-a Ineor
Is really needed to carry on the sute fsJihrul, and they are Impatient
Father wlU vUah aroaad In two
activities during the two year period.
manner in which the aatlonal ad­ feel of wswr and ruin a snlt of clothea
There Is no business system to tks ministration Is adhering to tbe chil to save srtlclea In a stranger s bouse
work which Involves the expenditure service system to which K to commlt- during s Hfkcfnt fire. Bat If tbe pan
Several mtlllen doIUrs * worth of of millionK. Id fart It Is conclusive
As tbe coontry grows older the under (he Ice-box flows over be will
damage has been done to crops In evidence that Michigan has not proold si>oiU systeui It losing Its grip, go upeiatie and wake mother so she eeurr^v^i^ U
Texas by the recent floods brought gieaaod one lota In leglsUtlve meth­
and In place of It there Is being sub caa come down and mop It up.
about by the overflow of the San ods since tbe state was founded. Kc
stltuied the merit syetem in all de­
Antonio river, and to this amount buslneas Hrm In the country would
Division of CISASlflratlon.
partments where such a Uilng is
Post Office Department.
be added tbe Mosses soSered In think for a moment of doing business
rBkNgr a oe.. *sMe, <
possible. The time will soon come Tblrd Asatoiant Poslmshtef General.
tbe cUles and towns slung this tn- In tbit manner, and if It did
when the oojy quallficatloD (or a
eurgeot waterway. This Texas ex- career would be short and the sheriff
Extracts From the Poaul Lawc and
oAlilon In the government
perinee'addi mor^proof to tbo sUte- would be compelled to close out
be tbe ntaesa of the cendldaie. aad
Sec. iC7%. It sbaJl be tbe duty of
ment often heard; that tbi- rivers of plant Tlie only factor that will re­
■•omiral pull will BvaU little tn land­ (hr editor. pubtlsbeK business man­
the country have not bei'n deveIo|>ed do^ the uses U the adoption of a seing a government job. Tbe demand ager, 'or owner of every newspaperas fast as th^ lands and are there­
and modern buslneaa policy and for efficiency above everythlilg etoe magatine. periodical, or othbr pubUfore unable to .carry off tbe water until this Is done no political i<arty
cailon u» file with Use -Postmaster
State Bank Bonding.
Is bound to work wonders In (he gov­ General and the (lOBUiistier at the ofduring a protracted rainstorm.- Tbe can ever-hope to get any tangible re­
ernment service, the same aa It Is do­
at whii'h said publication la en­
losses sustained along llie courses sults In the way of lower Uxea.
tered. not later than the first day of
ing tn cities that au*
of ihe great Ameiiian rivers during adopting B logical bntlnpss mstem
Lrrt their list of protHUtirs
plane «bl<b are propIng to April and the flrst day of O^ber
oae overflow are several times more with a well planned budget, better
of each year, on blanks, turntobed by
wilh ownerw’addrts *. or iircijrpopular throughout the coun­ Use post office depannleot. a sworn
than would bo required to put these service can be secured for less money,
oenioQ to sell your
try. 1‘Brtlsanthlp Is responsible (or euirment setting forth the name*
rivers in proper coadltion to with- and the people will not only be reliev­
bolding back tbe progreas of the and post-office addresses of the editor
stand any Increase In flowage caus- ed of some of tbe burden of taxes,
country more than any other cause. and managing editor, publisher, busk
by storms or rapidly melting but they will secorc the still greater
(hat tbe people are breaking lesB managers, and owners, aad in '-at coat (if $2.». Uuyer ami
idditlon. the slockbotders, If tbe puU
snow.* Tbe lesson learn^ iti Ohio and satlsfacllon of actually knowing that
er msy deal dicoct .if-they pn-itway from the old nemosto that has
Indiana last spring is bearing results. they will jet real results
- -j
dIscouDinl ability and blocked tbe aad also the names of kfsown bondfind If the balance of,the country ihat'monnf they expend. This laxity Is wheels of advancement some great boldere. mongag<.‘ee. or other securi­
ta liable to be vlaited by a calaniUy iust as much (he fault of the people
rt-sults can be ex|>ected. The bring­ ty holders: and also, lo the case of
of this naure would heed the wram- (hemaelvea as tbut of tbe pollUctans ing of political adminl^ratlon down dally newspaiN-rs. there shall 4>e In­
cluded In such siaiemeni the average
Ing and take stepa to prevent
liualness baato to bound to pro­ number of copies ot each Issue
Improved farm*. H. C- Davto. SIS
liar catastrophe, millions of doUan
8UU Baak BMg, Traveraa City.
duce pleasing rcaults In the future, such publication sold or distributed
worth of property would be saved
paid subscribers during the pre­
. apra no
soon as the iwople can be con­
ceding six months, provided that the
and hundreds of drnwningi uri vented.
vinced that It to efflrlenry that Is provisions of this paragraph shall not
The proper Ume to provide agnlnst
ne<-ded In public affairs more than a apiily to rellgiou*, fraternal, temisv
disaster U before that disaster oc­
There U one thing In iravrrwe City party muchioe. pitetrcas will bemuch anew, and adentinc. or other similar
curs. and this lesson must be learned that ha« been negln
ool free
fabler and tbe i>eop1e themselves will publications. .Provided funtaer, that
by the people along the banks
lent, but simply beinuao nobody has be miicb Isetter jileased than they it shall not be necessary to include In
such slstemenl tbe. names ot i>orsons
large aad turbulent rivers In
really thought ehougli uf It to call the have tieen under the old spoils system owning less (ban one per<*ntum of flie
very near future. Floods during last attention of tbe proper aulhorlUi* to of administering tbe government of total amount of stock, bonds mortgages.
spring wore In a large degree ra li and B<-cure a remedy. ThU refers city, stale and nedon. It is the break­
other BecuriUes. A copy of such
for the crop shortage Id
he watering Irouclis. that bate ing ot 0 new ligfat^hat to bound wlth- sworn statement shall be publlsbed In
tbe second'Tsaue of ei}rb1 news|«per.
many lines that Is reported ihrough- been placed at different points for
few yearn to lllumiriate the suucaxlne. or
dut tbe country ibis
contenience of thirsty burs.-B. Tbe whole countT} and cause tbo people ed next after tbe (ling of such sUteamount of money that is spent in troughs are just what U aeeded. but to see things that have been bidden ment. Any such iidbUcatloD sball be
denied- the pHvlleg^ ot the mall If
maUng a reenrrene* of such condl- they are not kept prupeiiy i-leaaod, from them by a cloak ot polltlca.
It shall fail to comply with tbe provf
* only pu
all kinds of filth being allowed to oc-.
of this paragraph witbln tei
lore they ghonld be of modero
pended in a cause that will bc.n*-rit. ■umulste and conumlnatc the water
days after notice by registeredj letter
design. bulU ot meet dnrable
not otily the ones who live In the to such an eneni that the lieallh of Qemgucfar
of sueb failure. (Act of Augost 24,
materials and aiilstlrolly flailenod dblricu. but the whole the horses that drink there is threat­
isbed. You will find only each
other reading
2. All editorial
I the work* of
country as well.
ened. especially during the season roo the Child XAtoltare League of that
matter pobllahed I
city bas started a campaign loc
when glaodoro aiid dteiempvr is
paper, magasine. or periodica! (ov<be
Traveroe City. Mich,
alent. A horwe Is a valuable animat toward the celebraUoo of a
publication of irbirh money or other
m Bay 8L
Both Pboi
snd as long as convenleni-eii are pro-, Christmas, by advocating that Dotb- valuable eooalderatlon to paid, accept
Ing but useful presents be given ed.'or promised shall be plainly mariOne ol Ihe principal reasons why vided for tlieto they should be kv^t-in ^hftdreo ai ifDletlde. If the plan to ed "adrenisement." Any editor or
a |.erfe<-tly asnltary roodliion. The
printing editorial or other ALVIN H. GRUBER, Fua>___________
things go amiss in organised socMy
and Embalmcr, XU Boath Union 8L
expense of doing this work would be carried out It will curtail the pleasure
idlng matter (or '
ts bt-esuse tbe conduct of public
Mrs. Nellie Praft, assIstanL Cttt.
of Ibe children In a,nnnner that
l|od- Is paid, aorepted. or promised
fairs Is everybody's business In gen­ light and (he recuJts would offset tbe not justified by eliminating tbe gew­ without so marking the same, shall
pbow 875. We treat you as sr*
tP. U treated.
eral and nobody's In imrilcular. TbennpoD ooQvIrUoD In any court having
city in this direction.
^ •
nrlsdicUoD.-be fined not less than
laws in force and
have been a retUtoite to this featiral fifty dollar* (fSbi nor mol* than five
cities ordinances are enac
from time ImmemortaL Uaefol pres­ nundred dollars (|S»D.)' (Act ot Ae- Tfedh Extra
further regulate tbe conduct of tbe iOill /f
ents are all right In a way. but they gust 24. 1912.1
residents und those who i^y chance
S. The sUtemeat required
The Amariran Road rongress why-h shoDld not be carried so far aa
By tha *R»«)ar RHUod 1 caa rw
this sectloD sUsIl be made in dopllBt/ny wllbin the city limlit
was held In IVtrolt Iasi wrt-k cannot eliminate the mytiery aad coasequeat cate. on form .tS2&. and both copies more those achlag teeth abaoIntMy
Insuncea tliese
hell, having s beneficlsl effect or
picaaure that the children enjoy at deHvered to the postmaster st the of­ wlibont pain, and wlttovt tbe use cd
drugs to produce uapoasrieueasss '
effective, while In others they go
w hole naliofi- lor every state was well Utto particular period of the year. fice of entry of tbe pubUcattoo. The
dcfaul^'because of tbe business
represeiHed at Ibe sessions and the There U nothing that can take tbe postmaster will forward one copy
tbe Third' Asslsuat Postmaster Gen­ •VAoiMX^ metbed of j
unglcmenis that may result if
talks given were of very good and ^lace of the old fashioned Chrlstn
eral (Division of (nassiflcatlonl. and
taws are properly 'enforood. Peace pracilfwl kind. Experience Is
In tbe minds of the children, even
retain the other In Ihe (lies of the
officers are elected and also arpoloced •best lenclier and (he men who told tbe cotun whiskers fit .Santa Clans poatoffice. Toyehable pobllshhrs to
tOSMmihalB Block, with Dr. BoMb
keep order tn tbe community, but (be story of goods roads were (hose which aov and then coat a hi
file such BUtdipeDt promptly, post­
wtA, Tr^vroae Ctty. MtrMgaa
) often they sleep at tbe swltcii and who have bi-r-n actively engaged In life because of tbeir careless esc. th* masters will furnish them copies of
Form 3S26 at least ten days prior lo
fail to do tbeir duly at tbe pro|>er (he work of making l>etter high
tlw first ot April snd October
IP. MJA. M. A. M. P. M.
rime, not on account ot tbeir
(or. many year*. The display of road regretted rather (baa
Lv.Biav.etty.. 2:M 1;(N) <i:30 4:t0
tnefflelency. but because ho demand making machinery was also a revela- (bough Ute iDleottons
u of ifioae m **4. rWmssters will obtain for Ihe Ar.SolM......... ' 2:27, 7:3« 9:48. iiK
2:55 7;:;,
for aeUon Is made upon them by
tion to those who were present, and
3:10' 7;4«:
people. The public as a rule to a pe- If but a fravtlon of tbe good Ideas cere and tbeir desire to help (he chU- Usue of each nublicatlon st tbeir
respective offices. In Which the roX:S7: 8:10
,.IUr pm,«.lUoe,
.. ih,
dren. Cbrlstxnae comes but once • requ|rcd sworn statement U published.
I«:02 4:4d
Cedar Rna..
tblngs go as they may until soDfrihing
i-' Postmssters must give prompt
•10:11- *:H
year and a little indulgence In fool
Lake Ana.,
e puljnto actusi workl
natta Blrei
hapia-ns that galvantoes them Into the good roads movement will receive
tbe part of parents SI0 careful attention to tbe making
Hoad! ........
arilvK) after it-Is ^ late to save an imi>e<us that will hasten tbe day to not a sin of such magnitude as to and fHlng by publishers of the statebt:W T:10
menu reiMred by this ti«lon. and
Hmplro J«-.
tivas or prevent dlacMar. Aa a apeH- of easy irwyellng by many years. The warrant tbe upsetting ol
promptJv report to tbe laird Aaslstflc instaace of how law enforcement good road should not be considered ot ceaturiea.
tnt Postmaster General tbe failure ot
|]2:iSj S:M
any publisher to file such sutement.
ecu reference can be made
as a luxury for the convenience of
publlsb tt In ibe second Usue
tatannqr In which viee la suppressed those who happen to own sulomoblles.
publlcallon printed next after
for a time and then allowod to grnd- but as a necessity for the fanm
H has beem filed, but in no ease Miall
uaUy work back thto the old channels who have to go from point to point
a pcbbcatlon be denied tbe privilege*
of the mall except upon department
i^fance of
Glen Haven. Sept. SO.—Tbe
In the course of their bttslness. The
abiding cUUeas is relaxed. One grMt good road to aa asset to the tanning racr bome'ot Gea T. Baker was dosed liutruclion*
fitatrnneat of the Oeroarohip. Manapetrouble vrith the gcnerdl public is that commnnity.' and In securing
lati week. Mr end -Vro. Baker left
'P. M.
afetit. Cireotsttoii. Eta.
It grows f^bsslasUc along riebt
.Walton ..
Herald, pubare extremely fortunate. for Chicago tn their car on Wednee- of tbe Grand Traverse
Rowley ..
lUbed semi-weekly « Traverse City.
lines only spasmodically and Is not tnasanch that the cities have to pay day.
Sigma ...
cOBstoteat In Us aliagianc* to good the bulk of tbe money that Is put Into
Michael Karos sad «lfc of Bast
August 24. 1912. .
Last spring a wave of goodness aw«pt the roads In the conntlee where the Bmidre. spent Snaday st ihq home
A. M.IP. M.
.Vote.—TMs statement to to be made
il;»; «:M
Norwalk ............
tbU coudly and the disorderly county system Is - effective. Once of Wm. Lavance. Miss Daisy LadapUcaia. boU eoptes to be deUvaC:
11:44' 4:B
Oaekama Jetn..
element were routed from their re­ built (he good road must b« mhtn- vanre retnraed lo their home with
i;:1d 4:S«
Manistee ..........
sorts aad had to move to other places, Ulaed If It Is to be made to
Trains arrive st
AsslBtsnt Postmaster General (Dlvtbut as time wore on and tbe people the jtttrpote (or which It to tniended.
Mrs Marshall Farraat of Sordid' skw of Ciaaatneatloa). Waabingtoa. D.
m, 10:10 a. m..!
p. m.
J. I
aa weu as tbe
unless It is kept tn smooth coadl- vine, has taken charge ot the 8lee> C.. and retain (ha other In the tile*
vlgllsp-e they gradnally began com­ t'on h Brill soon be roogta and revert lag Bear hotel BPoa the'retlgnailoo of (be post offke.
Editor. W. A. Gibson. Traveiwe Otr, lea. Traverse (2lty. Michigan; Carefa . ,
ing back, aad nnless there is another to tbe condition that .
Of Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Glbaon. who
Delong. Traverse CIW. MlAlgaB: Aaaa
awakening soon the conditions will be the system went Into effeht Tfce good have gone to tbeir home at OlM Ar--------- Geo. O. Bales. A Bcaner. Travetee CSty, Michigan:
Blancdte Doane.'Trorane City, Midth«.
they were before the law road tn order to serve the purpose
NesbitL Traverae CRy.
lager. Geo. 0. Bate*.
was enforced and decency enthroned best must be wide enough to permit
Tbe barge Buckley to uklng a car
Igan: Carl W. NaaMtL Traveroe
In the plM of evlL The aitnaUon to tbe passing of.two teams or automo- go of lumber from the dock today. Traverse City. MichlganPnWtoher. HeroM snd Record Co., CKy. Mlchtgan; Calvta V... and
generally itaown and It to for the peo­ bllos wnhoot one or tbe other being
Mrs. Wm. C. Rohas and Hlu Di Travers# nty. Michigan.
ple themselvro to say whether or
ot UlUcrest Orchards.
Owners: (If a corporation..gire the
(erred, off the rrowa ot (he pike, for tabeth
they prefer a retgn of Heenae tn pref­ if It Is Bot the
^Plre, were gueeu ot Mrs. D. H -smaa and nddreteee of the stockhold­
ers holding 1 par cent or more M
erence to reapecuble conditions whlrb above (be lodae grarel Into the dRch Day on Satorday.
total amount of stock.i
easy to obtain If tbe j>eoplc really and neressiute Its being replaced .Krorty aU of the yooag people alTbo*. T. Bates Estate. Tnveroe Phelps. 'Traverse City. Michigan:
aie-Ctyae Markhaia. Graad Rapus.
datire thsm.
tewled a dancing party at Glen Ar City.
iiy, siiooigBB..
within a short Ume at a great
Geo. G. Betes. Trarerse City. Mlehi- Mtchlgaa; Varte McLaaghlin. KM»pense. The good road in tbe country bor haU 09 Saturday evoilnc.
maroe. MlMdgaiM WfOtm F. ____ _
must be suppleBmnted with oquallf
« City. Mich- tOr. D. No. 4. Tcatene Oty. lUdMClara N. 1
B. Bwngae.
good roads U the cities wbero Ih* Ul^e m Albert to TravMve City
la Deeembw fbe taxpayan of Mirhl- paving does not reach, la order < to today, when be wUl receive medtcal
Mabel Baiee Wimaasa. Talaa. OklaAverage aiimber of et^iea of d^
gaa will be caRed «pon to pay into
make the proper coanectlpn between ifeetmenb
Knoara boodholdera.
mor(gas*es. twae of thto {
aute treaeary
approdmately the prodneer and the market tie has -Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dnaa were
aad other security holders. boMlng l tribdted through the arnOs or otheretgtat and a bMf mtUlons of dtdiars to
to rwch to dtopow of hto prodoets. cMledJ.0 Good Harhor on Satarday. per cent or more Of total amowot of wlaa, to paid ahbeertbers dnrtag the
fceep tbe wM^Uam of sUU Ibneikm.
to thf 'bedaMe of Mr*. Don's aged bond*. Borigagea. or ether seniritlee: •ta SMntba prmmdlBg tbe date ot thig
aad the chances are at leaat ten to
J. K. MonroK Traverae City Mlchl- BtaUiaaaL (Thto tnfermaUoa to Heither, Mr. Johaaoa.
«-*e*d trao dally aewspapen dhlr.5
we ^t they erUl ewd np • loud firoD. H. Day and wife, the Mteaee gan: Uada Moane. Troretae- City. sm.
Jennie 001 Boott. Kor^
tect aad blame the wraag eoarce tar
Day and Miaa Ida Tamat spent .a Mtchlgaa;
Bwaro to and eaheoibed hrtero kh
port. MMIgaa; Mra. A. R. Veuagae.
the Mg levy. Tbe BepnMieaas vrUI
cbuple of daya.of last attk at the R. p. D. Ko. 1. Trarorae Oty. MIehl:- thlB^flnt day of Oetobw. 1»1S.
lay It to the goreraor, while the Oemoa B. OOTFBSOeBN.
f*i? la Trororee City. '
creu will blame It to tbe
FVed FhmM aad aoe Bay of Bar
Mlehlgaa; as.
iggtolatar^ fw extrevigaace. aad aa
d^vtu^ ware la uwa oa Snhday.
•qln. Dm. t.
C«y. 1
tha'paUUcal attaatlw to a throe aided
' 'capL Haake «t the revcaaa eattar
ABea o. WMMito
which eoBdltiOB la specially -applic­
able la dgreloplag a /egloa along
agrleuHWral or butlneaa linea. Tbe
nian who kaowa Is always a pewer to
be re^tM -for he U sure .of his
-----and end eu prove bis statements
he actaal facts and flgurea. With
M maoy straaffers coming Into this
region to locate on fame, the puhllcatlon or results obtained by those
who have made agrtcuilui* and fruit
raiaiog a life Imsiness will prove of
Inestimable value to them In tbeir
efferu to make good In their new

■eivy Crop Uns

PardeeBisinegs Exehufe


Horses Have Rlgkb

PoMk IndillereDce


(/fan Jhmi)


Lack si Sydew



tftir tbg pntm^u wtu aaerfha tt

Mrrlce, twelfth dietrlct. leaOeA M

im: Mani»M.a*





luilnaaa Reveraa* and Family Treuhlaa Cauaa «r Trnflady.


KlBgBley. Oet 6.—TIm fiBeral of
. OWNINQ MeiTINQ WCU. ATcMe het» Saturday wlU be held from
the Metlmdlat church on Tueaday aft­
ernoon at two o’clock. ReT. Cole offldaUng. InveaUgatton foUowing tbe
ttogedy rerealad the feet that ManL
goM wab mentally npbalanced a
Uma ha committed the deed owing to
SnRITUAL UNJFT WILL HCSULT rtnancUl reveraee and family trouble.
Duiins tbe past year bla buataaea
went to pieces and tbe worry over this
cbodlUon coupled with the trouble
Riftk Hm Sm Fitlad Up to Aeewn be bad with bU urito drove him
owSato All WIN Ci)iB» tpiBlal
MmI* A4S« lirtareM
to Warfc.



AeUoit Toward
Jsdsa Bfofi.




Oeflntte Privfleges
^ Whan you tftog meroy to the cetro
tec of this bank and receive in eschange a -“chaeklng account" paes
beok, you are doing more than plac­
ing your lundo In asfo-keoping.
You are empleying. without e
you. fwaponsiblo agonta. whoa* ecrviM are thee* ef expofta.
From the fleet day yeu
checking account you have thoto

(By Uaitod*Prose.)
Toklo, OcC S.-Japan wlu rocognlae PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN NEW
iho Chlneao rapnbik wltbln a woek.
Official antwunoemoat was «»■•■(• at
the foreign office that the goveniBoet would tormally roeognlze the
Tuan 8bl Kai governBent hefiwe
October 10. wboa Ihe pretldaBl srtn COUNTRY



Oppeec Bender to


You wleh to pay a debt Tbe poraen
ly be acrew
the street or several n
e away. Yeu
may never have eeen
But yeu write a cheek in his favor,
You may carry tt to him. If he lo net
there, you can leave It—no one *<**
can ue* K untd the onq-tt Is psyabi*
te ha* preporiy endoreOd H. If ho is
at a distance, you can maU It at the
nearest box. or give it te the carrier.
When it cornea bock to you. it will
carry arv -Irorvcla^ receipt on the
You cah pay out $3a.»3 a* easily a*
a aingle dollar—no change to wait fer.
Having to rwmdtavbor what you paid
out It done away with. Yeu have a
double record—your checks and your

With COMral Maaorvo Rank in Ea
Divialoti of Torriiory. Fadarol
Raoerwo Seard Will Consist
of Seven Mombora.

Washington. Oat. 3.—Tba foOowtaf
inimary ot the provisions contalaod
la the new currency bill before
Tb* wwU« BMttBc of tk« wrta*
greao haa beta prepared la order that
o( ivTlval •errlcw that ar« to be hH4
tba peopla caa see at a glance what
U Trarerw Olf tor the next three
New York. Oct. 6.—T^ere was a diaefaangea wUI Se made ta the exUUng
ereeka w«h Md IB the ekaUns rink
Uact "Jnst beiore tbe totUe" air lo
banking system If the measur
laH aiiht. aad E vaa aatlBiated that
New Yorh today. Everyone waited
paaaed. These auhjecta are treated^
. ibera were o<rar one UwuMhd In attor the opening struggle tomorrow l>»
Divlalon rt the country into 12 dlateuUace. Tb(a Aowa the deep intertween the Athletics and Uianto
trteta and organisation ef a raaerva
eat that the people take in cverythlns HENRY SPENCER ADMITS COMMIT­ Bnal topic of discussion tbe poaelblllty PRIEST WAS FINALLY QUIETED
bank ta each dUtrtcL
that ataada tor the betterment and
of Snodgrass being kept out of tbe
Tbooo hapk* to rodlsoouol axlatlng
llnttw OsBtoM of TMc I). 8. CrwMvp
upim ot the chiaen body. Tb«. (act'
Giant lineup by "abarteyborae" jmbbed
paper aa the baaU (or the Issuance
that the BotoMt U nnder the auapi-:
If be la unable to play Shafer
of an elaatic cnrraocy.
cea e( the tederatkm of diy eburche#
will go to tbe ouiDeld and llentog wfll No New Develepmcnta OocurrBI at
Reserve baaks (b have a total cap­
aaanrae the ptt\nx hi^dUn« of all
Play third.

■ Naariitg ef Teatlmony By Ceritalisation of 9lSO.OM.OO0. the aat
Batten, and the Boat harmontoua
It was accepted today that Mathew,
eneris Jury. Schmitft Waa
be paid ta by tbe national basks of
Uoa or all the cEnnb people In the
•on and Bender would be tbe oppoelng
Held te Grand Jury.
reapecUvo dUtrfets and
dtp. Aa an atiermaib o( the laymen *
aute banka at with to enter tbe
Btaatonary eoareiwnce tbe people
■ By United Prwa.)
da a recepUve- mood tor theac meei Told Police of Lang Crlmtnel Career
New York. Oct. 8.—A crowded
Creation of a general board of cobInn. and with aueb a loader at Ur
Which Started When a Child—
conn room ta wbicb woBen predoB- trol acting In bebalf of Ibe national
Louie Alfred Banka, poelthe reaulla
Pellce Dated by Hie
inated was thrown Into a
Bg of seven mcmwUI foMow. Dr. Banki bdt tucree>
so i bb
today by Fatber Hana 8<hmldL Dur­ bera. Including tbree regular officero
fullr oarrled on almilar meetingt in
ing tbe ^queat Into the d*Rh of An­ of tba nattonal ^veremeai and four
all paita of the country, lie baa been
(By L'ntied Preea.)
In thla line of work for vearv anU theChicago. Oct. 6.—With the Bator
ha* oonfaeUed.
The federal reserve board Bay ea
maUMr In which be bold* bl« audlportion of bU astounding "confeaaion'
jumped to bla feet abrieklng 'tome- pel one federal reserve bank to reeac«a b bU almplirliy. which In Itaelf
discredited as dreams of aa opium
thlng unlnteUlgible asd threw
dMcownt prime.paper of other nattoahaa that penonal macnellim that at(lend, Henry Spencer today entertain­
met* and bold* tbe ailentloD while
taaeed Clear Through H
bin Into the fnce of Coroner F>lnPravMloa for a federal advisory
the tmbs are being forced faonie by ed tbe detectives with fresh details
o mt
Btrika District Unusually
berg. For a Uma be teemed .boot oouneB of i: momben. oogb district
some efmple etory of bie experieOcc. of bla goo' crimes while be added
names to bla Hat of victimi. Tel­
to stuck aomeone but waa finely eloeUng ono tbrougb tbai,diroetora of
l.aet nigbt Ur. Banka told of "God'a
quieted. Tbe inqiresl , Itself
the federal reierve banks.
Dead-L«tter OBlce." and likened the egraphic Intormatlon caused almost a
pnyera of the people to lettere that total collapse ot Spencer's story. Inlew a parfUBCtory affair.
Pnper admlted to redl
(By United PreB.)
ar aa It concerned alleged vic­
bad gone aatnu. Some are miadlreciTheodore Sbonu. traction magnate.- brace* note* and bin* maturing wlib'Oalumet. Oc 6.-Cuy Wilkin*.
ed by the cerea of tbe world: eome tims In other cities. Tbe autborttlea
foreman ot tbs jury and other ta »0 dsyi and drawn fw agricultural
lost Instances are imablc to find Mining company clerk.' was shot from BlUionalres were on the Jury.
are illegible from tbe carelesene
idnatrtal and commercial purpooeo.
affib^b ^nd seriously wounded today.
the people in handling rellglooa mu- records of murder* Spencer declared
George Simpson testified that he be­
Transfer of all moneya now^-lteld
Dei'Utlea accuse atrlkerq, but strikers
teto: other* are wrongly addreased by
lieved that the girl'* death wa* due I a geoeral fund In tbo troasury to
Chicago. On. C—"Women’ Damn deny them resi>onalbllity. At tbe Mowreaaon of tbe owner building up
>e reserve bank*. dlaboroemenU to
mountain between hlm>eir and God 'em. I bate 'em. They never did an> hawk hospital, It waa found Ibu bul­ conflrmpd the report that the girl be tbmeafter made by check
with tbe Bwiimnbting of wealth In a thing but try lo play me tor a sucker let passed entirely through bla bod.v. had been cut Into . aectlona wblle such banks.
killed 'em Just like I'd swat a fly." between the ribs and bip. Tbe atiike alive. When tbe iMtlmoay was
diehooeat manner. There are iboee
TbeB note Issue provided (or is that
who cbim to be ChrUtUna who are at. Shakipg bis Anger In Caiiatn Haipin's district U unusually quiet today.
pleud tbe Jury retired and return^ of an1 iMue of gorernpiant treasury
war with tbemaelrea. their nelgbbor* face. Henry 8|>encei. paroled convict,
verdict that Mlaa AumueUer came notes, obllgallona of the United States
and tbe world it brge. Get right opium Bend and contested aiayer of
her death at the hands of Sebmidt and receivable (or all taxes, customs
with them and get tight with Cod« Mrs. Ainaon.Rexroat. tango Instructor,
asd bolding -bim to Ibe grand Jury.
and other public dutiee. to be redeem­
today shrieked bis accutaiiou aa he
CbrltHanliy aUnda for i‘cace;
able at par on demand.
cannot have a feud In your family lioloied to a long Hat of-wotnen be
Provision for the retirement of tbe
and be in close touoh wHh tbe Master claliua to have murdered. S|>eDcer,
preaut 2 per cent bond* held by Ue
Bad debt* make a bad church nieiut>er who made a remarkable confMsIon to
banks to aecnre hank note isane*
and you should square yourself with a aerlea of betweed H and t’U muiwithin 20 year*,
your nelgbbor*. then you win be the dera after bit caplui-e last night, waa Bulk of Testimony Bhewa Tlwt Ca^
Change in tbe reserve requirement
as a good eiw.
happtoet of Cbriatbna. Dr. Bank, re routed from his cell before breakfast
That Kitl^ Marjerie Filch
for national banka so '
Rgtoto many Inrtdenta of bli pereonal today and r«»eated hi* aior?- ta deWat Ceing Slow.
per cent of the
W. aoH-Rooftiip." Wa-knowltiagobd.torwaha«baaMHtor
^Wrk that pla^d tbe audience in
ButIneB Men Havg Formed Credit -of all beaks wui be required to b
nina year* and never had a complaint or a poor pMca. •"But what made you do it. man? "pleasant mood and be cloaed bla at
The Inquest which waa aianed this
Cerporatlen te Build Up the
carried In tbe new reaerre banka.
“RoofllU" is-mada from genvln* rag f*H and pure MRiiatt.
Boa In the unusual manner of aiking demanded Captain llalpln. "Good. morning as a result of au taveetlgaState.
l cjf tbe deposlu of prroeot
the people to. atop and shake band* God. hadn't you any aoul?" The pris­ tkm Into tbe death of little Mgrtorie
banka to be carried In cash
with their next aeatmate and then oner immediately dropped bit attitude Pilch waa adtourneJ at noon, t
(By United Preaa.) '
ta their owa vault*. 2 per cent pf t
come and Beet him. even omitting tbe of calm reiNMe. "Someone brought
tag at eight
Su Pranclsco. Oct.
Lamg-Ome depoelta of country banka to be m
le Into tbit world." he aald. -someone o’clock. .Moat of
beoedktloa and cloelng song.
as cash In tbHr o*
didn't know. Sbe threw me Intt^a examined totoy and It la probable that
Tbe committee ba* aolved the seat
vault* or as a balance w1«h rceerve
home tor the frlendlees. Then a wo- the fury wUL-hrlng in a .declaion early terniB le the alleced object «
lac by haring benche* made
"credit corpqiatlon'* whJcb opened banka. 9 per cent of tbe depoelu of
adopted me and later tufted me ttfhiorrow.
very ^(nrtable and the
for butlnesa here today. Its eleven reserve dty banka and central re­
into tbe streets. Call that teaching
will atftmnodnm lully two t
With the exception or one
vs banks to be carried In raah
There are three wide ai.les, and tbeM you bow to get aoul?"
teatlfled that Hines wt* TuonlDg ex­
men of San Prasctaco
their own vaulta. 4 per cent of
Spencer told today bow he was sen­ ceedingly fait, the evidence collected
are corered with a thick layer of shav
'California cities. In nddl- tbe deposlu of merve dty and eenInga to deaden the sound of walking. tenced to Joliet penitentiary while so far ha* tadlcaied that tbe faialliy and'onier'Ci
these dtreptora It has behind tral reserve city banks to be carried
still young, and how. upon hit release Vaa entirely accldeDUl and that (he tM to tbese
The cbom* choir I* soated In tli
committee ot $0. of either In cash In tbeir own vaults
the -aonlb end of tbe building and he tuned a criminal career that led car which arruck tbe girl was not It] an advlaery
or as balance* arith iha new reserve
• bile they hare only had but a aingle him Into a dosen priaona
moving more- than (llteen mltoe an whom 39 are bankers.
Tbe corpoiaUon. It was anneonced. banka.
meeting. Prof. John E. Thoma. U
Chief of Police McWeeny today de- hour. The eye w ltaesBes aluted that
■nts (or a reserve of 33
■uch a capable director that the sing- cIsTTd that Spencer committed at two wheels bad ivasscd over the girl will make ten-year Idana to farmers,
Inc was of a high order. There
least four of the murderi to which ^ after aba bad been struck, but that which, however, tbe farmer* may have 1-3 per cent of tbe outstanding deonfessed These, he aald. wera she bad not been dragged along by the option of paying back anytime be­ BSDd llabUlUe* of each federal re­
over one hundred stagers last night
end more wDI be added later iri the the Mrs Ernie Rexroal murder, shoot­ the machine. It seems that some one fore the loan expiroa. Tba aoney serve bank, soch reserve to be held
aeiie* of meotlngs. The meeting* win ing of Policemen Pennlwell and He­ had warned her of the appratcblng for tbe loans will be raised by Mew­ ta gold or “laaful money."
ine and the metier of Mrs. Pranrot car and that atae attempted to turn ing bond! agalnat tbe mortgagee and
^Vtbing ta tbe act^io be conald
!>• oiiened at 7:30 sharp each evening,
Thomi.son "Some of bit other atories around and return to the walk, the car tbe loierwst which tbe farmer hu te as repealing tbe p^ provUloa ta
Keo-ded by a song aerrlce which
«!*» tally Inspiring. Mr. Thomas add* may be y.m.." McWeeny eaid.
striking her after sue Sad lUrted iwy win dopead opoki the price re­ tbe gold Standard act of ISM.
Cr*di| (
<0 iiie egecUveoesa of the music l>\

' ' ] to national banka
back. When the *tepi<^ -from behind ceived for tbeee'bond*. In no
th* u»e of the Mopbone. ha being
Detroit. Oct . s —Although convinced Ibe wagon the automobile was only a cumsuncea. bowever. wUI tbo loaning open savings depanmenu. condu
«i|-ri artlat. Mrs. Thbmaa contrib- his story Is wlibout foundation. De­ few feet from her and (be colIDion company charge tbe- farmer* i
wilt a view to the separate Invest­
uiev r.n mUe share In tbe manner to troit police today made a |»erfunctory came almost Jnaunily. The i»lDt up- than two per cent above what It has ment and protecUon of savings de•bin. khe prewldea at the piano. Spe­ Investigation Into shat part of Spen- «n which there was aome dlveftlon by to pay for tbe money wbtob U loans POalU.
cial tone books bare been purchased cer'a ronfesiiom which told of the the wltneaaes wa* tbe dlatasM Ibe him.
Provision (or national bank loan*
by .the rommltlee to lye used during murdef of a ■New York woBdh on car went after paaslng over tbe girl
Thta BTttem. K wm aald. bat pre­ 0» Improved farm lands under stHi-l
these meetings and' ttiMa cai
Belle Isle. The |iollce record* fall
vailed (or many year* In Burope and UMIUUons as to tba valu* of the
before being brongbl to a atop.
itake a tort ef umeorn balanced ration for dairy cewa.
caned by the people by the payi
reeval any Incldenu to snbstantli
tbe directors St tbe corporation aaert
If you keep cows for profit yeu will find that you will hove boat
Spencer's alary
of a onininal sum.
that tbe bonds Issued abroad against
PreraaUoa of the pracUce by which
rasulta by fSoding them Unicom. Motleo the coat of othar faato
A aeriei- of cottage pmyer meetlnga
agrlqultural mortgage loans have a; disbanem national bank atockbolden
such oa bran and ground faod. thay era about at high m Unlearn sM
wiU be hcM each nmmlng at « o'clock
beuer sale than national bonds.
bar* evaded the double TUbUitj pro-'
net naariy ao good.
and announced from day to day.
Tialon or the Uw ta ease of bank
Morgue EpiptayM Filed Bide Urn far
••edneeday ,n,j
Unioorn la valued by aome farmer* TOc per hundred bettor than
tallurM through the iranatarrlng of
at ; Mr Thomas will meet all tbe
round com and oata. The price of Unicem at present la B1-70
aharea to a “dummy."
school children at the r|nk lo' drill
lanau County Farr.
per 190. All yea iwad ta do is to buy 100 Iba. and if you do nat Nad
ion granted to aatlonal
for a cboruB choir that will be the
It aa good as wo eay. yob will get your meaty bock without gay
banka having a capital of ll.MO.OM
(By United Prees.i
fewture of tbe Saturitav night meetThe LeeUnau County fair sras well
eitahllsh branch banka
Budapeav Oct. 3.—A eenaatlon hat
tag*. Mr. Thomas win ulk to tbe attended on the doting day. a i
ta foreign countries.
In 000 lb. leu R a*H* at 91.6$ per lOG
been caused here by the formal
children Wednesday on “How
her of peraona from tbit city and
Break Habit's Dreadful Grip." lUna- rounding village* deferring their ulslt charge today that the em^oyoa ot'
Oat a beeklot at bur store which will explafn why every en*
iratJng It In an orlglrrai manner. There mill yesterday on acrount of the bad tbe Morgue, have been selling human Ha Will Rsturn in Tim* te Take Part
that haa a cow Mieuld feed Unicom and gel mero aid hattar mitk.
will be no meeting* on eny Monday weather whirb prevenled them from'
to tha Fall Cam^gn.
Camar Front and Casa atraats.
Bight, as tbM Is the one night tor- Atteadlng Thursday, when a apecUl
JmI ,
rest and preitoraUon for the balance procram had been arrnhBed for the
(By United Proas.)
of lb# wreek'a meettogs.
benefit of Ihe vlaltorw.
a to claim the body -of ber
Now Tork. OcL
Cotooel Thom
The exhlWu were uncommonly good
doro Roooovolt Ml today fer Souto
County Clerk Bmer E. AAlilie has
nu n.
>r a amall show and tbe attrnc'''nn* waa advised that it had bees sold to Amarlea, axpeUag to bo gowo uU
caceivad a *un>lWo( daar hunten’ U^Biarrtage Batnrday altpnumn in bla of- furnlabad would have done credit to a the Anatomical tnaihuto of the Ual- hymtha. Ho plans to ratnro ta Usm
eaaaea from uinfaecratary of state to
acs-.i the conn hous.NJ.coh Wonegw much larger affair. A pair of tM verelty of Budapest Upon going to take aa scUve payt ta bait yaar'a
duitag tha hunting adaaon of
•hll^.nd Mary-0100..^ •
wara staged, good races tbare. the body was refuted bar until
tali. Tha open aaaaon lor bunting
levera of ibe turf apon sbe refunded tl-io paid to the morgue. Thar* waa a Mg crowE at the pier
dear has been changed to read Novem­
and thee* were numeroua other
When the body waa amt to her home- when the ftaaBsr Vaadyde wHh the
The Woetem Michigan Davaiogmant
ber 19 to NoywBbar 30, both date* InAnd vbea ihey- do you should be
traettou heib la the rUtage and .
tor burial. Ptau Voroe was bomftod RooMvalt party aboard aaflgd.
dualvc. bat Ucenaan may be Issued bureau bat received from S.' J. Methe gmnda A fMture of the day to fled lhal the snppoeed body ot her ooaAnytag |ha oolonel arw»
any Ubm after Octobar 21 at ReaMants Donald. editor of tbe Micblgan FXrm
RooaevaR. MMa Margarta RmmvwIK af this state and aUsas who hav* da- Herald, of Graad Rapids, twenty large
eweiiings. rheiteuilara. lame bscb and three hundred e^l ehUdrea |•arttciInveatlgatln abosred that tba Aaa- AattaMT Flala. G. K. (Mwty, Lab ctarad thair talaatlon to haeoma eUpbotogrupbtasvUWB of tbe altalU csbM
VIM infriM,, .I.S
ixtled. Two balloon aaeoniton* wyte tomlcal InaUtute had “Bade a bIs- Mlllef. aaturalMta: PYaak Haroar. the
***mp cxdic, dyaeulery and aick
toeas (ftrat papers) Bay procuro daar pal0 that wait bold ta Keat couaiy ta I!d toe
Ofttrotm fttalsbMlled.
aMnUrr. and Ear. Fluhar lUtatata' Uoanaaa tor 9I.U. Non-roM- August. Tbaaa wUI b* taad ta Bsay
It ta a clean. pU«ant aM
Uated ancragafuHy. aa the aeroaJ gae ofllcla) InveaUgatlOB was started to- A'aff^a^ CahB. gwaalBalal of thg
dantt awd-allau Bay sacuro anw-raai- arara by tba bureaa to tbalr Mvertlsbag sru buraed while belag BIM.
Ordar of tha Heiy «raaa.
Motoato tor mM.
tog catapalfB sad are « valoabia addJwb el jU..


Beene Ted^g and win
Work Owf Temerrovg.


The First'Nattonal Bank

nua wtwQi us


Hall The Game
is the qBamy el tbe Hen
and Uwrc Is U I like



Honscwlves who liavenacd II tor
years Say so. II makes bread mat
to llghtor, Ihe qnamy bcHcr. Ike
task sweeter man many O
' bmnda. Order a sack Imm ysnr
grocer. ^


Hannahoi &IhtoLay

Prepared Roofing



Frank Trude












--\-C .1-' ‘


Surpasd)^ Sfyl^ tod
Moderate Prices
Ttie Keasum For Our. Phenomenal
Coat and Suit Biminess
—A little Soaet between you and ut. W^are
' nojtr making as great a volume vi sales in out Coat
and Suit Department as we did in the middle of
the leaioa last year. Tlie reason is not difficult—
especially if you have seen out coats and suits.
For you who haven’t, we can only say that extra
gc^ value giving, coupled with unusually low
pricing has given us our wrmdrous prestige. Out
styles are in a class by themselves.
Autumn’s Smartest Sport Coats
A new h>i or ntunntnK Sport ('onis
woek. Tlim> liamliioliir irariuontb ar<- I
■ro offetedAU very aurariito lulOM. )>lt«u<lsouif < •ills.
Hlue. etc I’rired lor Aulcl scllinK ut

Iti >.trusts ol alvlvk

06.4S’ -ST.4S

Notice: Store closed Saturday, OcL 1,1, until 6 p. m. on
account of Hebrew Holiday; open Saturday night.
New Arrivals ol Womens’
The Season’s latest Novelties in Suits
sllnvviljg Ilf HlltUMinSi fitll sixlis il! «iii‘ Coats
Harety haa It bei-n
.ou^goiHi f(
offer Riirh apWndtd ^liteo ns
handroinc coats. In neti; of
anil treauiy of fuaierlain ttieoi
iiientB eomiiare with cost* ooUt .
ebowD In 'anc.'
('illDrIilllas. Plllthe* and Novell)
C'loitis On sale tblB




liiictivi- Miih>. Till- tifW<-Kt iiutl .................. .
‘ ri-j>ri->i'iitvil
SiHH-jully iirn-vil


$9.95 $14.95 $18.45 $22.45


A coiiililcte school nvrti-iiij ha* *
U-t-n inaugurated In cbe Michigan
state priaon. whereby iiri-u>ncrd *
ma5 be given either iiiiOi achuol.
agricultural, comniereul or vocatincal oourwe*.
lAKt year Hie DIsiriit. of Oolamhla bad an enrollment of
it>.iS3 piiplU with l.Ty» teaihc-rx.
Parents must be boM fide re«i-denu of tb« IMairtci to liave Ibelr
Children reewive free tiiitlob.


lOy rnlied I’ress i
C*alt|U«. Oct. 3.—State irooiwwersmoved todmy from t'alumel to Ah>
meek and AUoiicr in Keweenaw rountr. where dliturbancea iu cuimi-ciion
Tered dortax (be put wedk. .\a a
rooult (be dinthet wan quieter today
(ban for aeveral day* General A(»bey announced tliat no more troops
would be ordered Into ibe atrlke
dlntrtct. rolldwlDg a tlgbtfln Hough-,
ton tills mnnimg between ntrlkera and
mine puanln. four arreete were made.


puiyilr ^cbo<llB.
Ru|ien. Idaho. Itu a.large pu^
He Hcbool bulldlug bcftli’d. entire­
ly by electricity.

Oclectives arn Busy. Woraing o
Clues That Might Lead to Iden-.
tity of Man Who ta

rieveUind iniblb- schnoln ahow
' an enrollmept this terra of over
T5.<Ufli pupiln.

(11) I’tiitiil Pres* 1
Cbl>-agu. On.
worked on Chicago's uew<-si i
mj^ry. rciitcrlug around the
Tiie elate of IVaneylvania bae
ot the body of Mlvs lad L^egwu. a
adiplafw In Ha pule
student Ju (bu art Insntuic.
lie srbooU.
Argo yeeti-rdsy. The girt bad1 been
strangled and aasaulted. Ttao
are searching fur n mynlcHouv
li her
WIIS9L" who lured rtic
•Icaih by u tclepbonu mveaugc Satur­
Then- *m- eigns of a.airugglc near
the »i«t where the boily wa* Juiiml,
but fri-eh automobile tracks iiidlcuied
that the woman had I>ocd murdered hi
sonic dIsUht place.
The woman wai> ahout 33 years of
age. and the poHee believe her to
hav-e been a Chicagoan. The clothing
all bore the n'laylu of Chicago mcrrbants. TAia body was found by
OAVIB CLAIMS JONES FURNISHED I'hariea Kluck. a hunter.
The clothing vvBs of good material
Id ai>parcptly bad belonged o a iierD ot means.
Same Charge Will be Made Againat
Men on Which Their f^iow Ute
. ioniets Were Convicted
Last Oceamber.



May Ills of Childmn Traced Directly
to This Prolific Germ

Sh« Markalt



L Mich.. Sept C.-F DaCedar, 4>assed through
on Saturday.'
The Interior of tlie hank box been
re-decorated and present a very
. ^
I-Yniik SboiM-k spent Sunday
Cedar with bM parenu.
fair at
Several trom here attendud
fair at Trgverac Cfiy last vi.-ek.
Tor\) Odol of Cedar. s:i«ni Sut^^N. J
.tfr*. Prank iUbm-nberg rntertain-'
etl a numbv-r of ladle* with an
fnxtiiun.-d quilting Ece at her ti
Thuixday afternoon.’
The last regular Sunday excursion
for ttUs aeowHi was well ouended.
Mr and Mrs. Simon Hahpenberg
•-nteitalDGd fifteen young people at
tlu-ir home In honor of M'r. Hubert
nohe on Friday evening. 'The- occa­
sion being his blrthdij
r«-;ri-Khinent» were served.
Thiny iHdie* were entertained at
the home of Mrs. J. Valley on Sat­
urday evening, tbe occasion beAn^
her Mnhdsy. A |>ot-liick supper was
chluyeii tiy llinso
ISO prcacDt.
Mrx, Will Mosier entertain^
MiiiiUer of iriends w-ltb' a danring
pnri.v at Ihe imll Tuesday evening In
honor of Miss Mamie Moslv. who
has l-een rlxitlng here. Mis# Mosicr
Kalamaxoo Wednesday.

IFrom Thursday's Beoerd-Bagla)
There were sixtees loads of poUtoes brought Into the city yesterday/
The. price this morning dropped to
40c.'whlL-h Is tlw ivrerslUnc price at
buying points lo the north. Sev­
eral-loads of (arm nroducU were also
weighed. J. w. zimiTw>i-Tn.w shipped
thr*-e f-arv '6t lattlc from Reed CAly
yerierday; Omv i-ar qj applet wo*
xhlpiied and acvcrul xraall oonelgBment* or i^uifhes vk-em to dlffffereoi
points. The demand Is for the fancy
fruit ibal Is grown In this region.'

HoagMoo. Ml'h.. OcL 4.—“SaUn
MiiiKeir could rot have Invented anyihlng worse foi the lafjint than ihe
rubber pacific: abd I slioidd like to s<>e
the slate adopt hodic aanllary resolu­
tion relative to liie use.of It ”Sodedares Mr.v Kni'iiBCami-liell.nDeorthe
staff of IvcLurcrH on tli-.- Cloverland
farmers’ *)>eclal whl.h it touring the
upper peninsula over :.the I'Hihith.
South Shore « .Mlantir^ lines under
the n'ispleos nt the Ml< blgin Agrirultu'Hl college. Wornkn
illc^ some'of
some' of them beliind ox-tes
■ bring their du!ue*tlc| prohlemi
Sim. ramphell. hei dfiiajrtmcnt being
mn- of the Intest npibodn adopted by
ihe rollege extension Work departmem to assist the former’s wtfe.
’TUi- iiavlflerv^ a disrase cr.rrii-r."
deeiart'd Mrx. t'siuiWlI.i “It is abr*
the caure of maltomtafion of
mouth Dvviiig .to Its )>r(*ssure on
gums mid is no doubtk the direct
cause of many ntxqs df tlrotrudlnr
teeth. Tile paHfler Is a menace be­
cause it is never washfid i^nd is fre­
quently throw n niton the ^oor w-hu-e
It neriimutates g«1-niK Y;do often
one of ilit-se |ia) iflcrx piqked up from
r. dirty Oi-wl floor ar.ii stuck Into
a baby’s month. Without; doubt many
Infants contract dtscaae ithrough the
pacifier Hull I* nttribulHl lo Impure
milk. Ilcware of the parlDer if you
w’oiiU have a healthy bihy who will
Majdeton, Se<.c 30 —Mr. and Mrs.
not grow uji with ■■rotrudlng teeth. Prod Lnrdle of Traverse City.. and
There is no real rekson either tor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtis
l■ow'legs if more attention was paid
Idren of Traverse City, spent Sunto the dress of th^ infam."
Jotut^ Hoffman's.'


rale of y.-xtcr-lav kept the farm- •
(«s at home and then the low price of
liotatocs iirevents any large sblpmant
of them. The prke Is Mill 40 €
The apple shlptuents were light for
tbe last two day s. The fancy ^dcs
and those that are jacked right brine
!-riecs that are sur/ lo omvura^ U.>v
yjower ;o take all the i«lus h-:,i«n
■uth hb: Irnit.
^•Vom Batnpday* Roeord-Eagle.l
Very little Is doing In the pota- "
to market, only fonr loads bring *
weighed, the-price b «m at 40c.
There were 326 hanali Odd 3ia bas­
kets of apidus 'sbIpMd to Chicago
markeu ycaterday. These-wfwe most­
ly Wolf Rivets, Snows sad Fippina ’
0T the number one grade.
(Fran Monday's BMafrd-Bagle.i '
Another quiet day at the market,
Are loads being aall *ib<
the pouioes that
were weighed. Tbe price being- 40 J
B the fanners
■ do opt cam to moke "

beef cattle that wen brxrigbt li
city Satnrday'that win be-soM to the
fariuera. Many (aimers are fattening
Dr. Jlrancb uf 'EI^.A«pl<ls. operated cattle and making a good thing oiu of
P UHS—Gaxto'n Hahdij-n. art)
AllM-rt lArdie Bunday. removing
captain, toxxi-d n coin to- decide
a growth from bU sose.
mancr of hi.- suicide and wl
Miss-eicnoni Hofftiann left Tusofell li-ads” he shot litniself tin
day for Empire, where she will visit
tbo LearL
Miss Esther Kurgefis and will
from thi
there to Grand Rapids,
ThV 1ladles’ aid of St. Jos^b’e a^psf toB .......................$w
chur^ Ihave purchased a new organ
FARM Fitowcitl^iii^
yIxms Lake. Ort 3.—Mr. Asketwon for lie churclL
liaa purchased a new buggy.
-r aad Hra. Uart Jennings from
Trav.-rse City, ,) isliod at Will Pierce’s
last itunUay.
Old Mlsolon. Oct. 2.—The Ladies'
Mib. Alee Sackett baa been enjoy­
ing n visit with her. parents from Aid society of the First CongregsOonindlApa. They- r.’iumeil home this al church df Old Miaslo'n. held Its an­
nual meeting and election df oRleers
w cek. .
'Mr. and Mrs. Elswonb HaUleod for the year. The .Meeting was held
Ihi- home of Mrs. A. B. Porter
and son Merrlt bavq s|ie<-ii sivendlng
afternoon of October ttrsL Plans*
some lime at Kingsley. They
made for the year. Reports
luined home Thursday.
Xfr. and Mrs. Arthur Laird from from the retiring officers and ooinnittH’s show y>c Boclety to be In a
south of town, railed 00 their |»r.
Prusi>crou8 condition and aR willing
outs at thlx pla<-e last T^esdnytake up the work for (be winter
Mr and Mrs. M.Uain and
after tbe aummer vacation. It was
•Uyghlers Meta and Vera. I
voted by Ihe spoiety to send Mrs.
Mterxon. N. J.. who have been visUMiner as a delef^e'to (be Ministerial
Ing Mrx. .Mcliuln s brother. B. Hal­
assoctatloD held^ Korthport. Oclostead. have reiurn<-<] to their borne.
and T. The following officers
I* Wilt .Newstead has been Very
were elected to serve for the year:
'■h k with an aliack of appcudUltls.
Is Improving nicely at present President. Mrs; A. B. Porter; vicepresidont,
Mrs. W. G. Tompkins; Buckrte^. per 100 lb. ........... IIJS
sister, Mrs Edna Cory from llcl*c<Tctary . Mrs. J. G. Mills; treaaurar,
lalre. Is here caring for her.
Mrs. w. H. Rusbuore.
Many and varied improvemenu
have been made along the I^ong Lake
D. H. B- C. P.
road this summer, whkh add a great
Tbn is not a fraternal
di>*l to the appearance of the place, Three letter* stand (or one
(tawald Herkner has put up a fine silo
painted hl% residence. Mr. QalaThey relieve b
r ha* bom a Urge »>arn. Mr. Mc­ Coiixtl|>atlon snd sll disorders of the
Gill has palniMl and hhliutled bl> stomach and tuiwelx. DR. HERRICK'S
liouse. Mr. Aokcruon enlarged and I'lLI.R hau l-eeii tn use for over sil­
painted his bdrn. B. £. Duryea has ly years and,src Ihe standard family IjOBT—An sdto coarijetwe«h"'rAT.,
cathartic In thousands ot homes.
begun making extensive Iraprove- Fride :s cu. i>er bMUe. Bold by sll
___ I City sad Kalevs.
Kalevs. Sultabls
_______ __
ward U returned to Racnrd-iB0s.
menu on his residence. Arthur KIV druggists.
est r4t<k




Iliiffalo ban puplU in lu


^nry.^.pat np a silo.'and Mr. Rog­
ge by boUf a fine modon resl^-nre
to iVpIaee the oae lust bv fire last



Pblledelphla pi^itir
faooM 2:u,uou impUg Ibis year.

Made at f
Four ArreaU Wert Mac
FoUowing TroubI
>uble Bet
Strikeri and Mine Cuardt
Earl/'Thia Moming.


. * • 0'o.e.aV,.' . • . o;sfp.S'*-.'
One or the (unttamcoul r«.
quIrttM for sueoaas Is brewdth
of vIMon. It ^ ^e |>owor that
makes for otndsBcy and cauaea
the individual who Is endowed
with It to progress. Instead of
going backward. Tbh man who
has a broad vIHcHi'doM bis work
batter than the man who saea
only dltwctly beM« him. and
what be does I* more eoduring.
The breadth of vision lu tbo In
dividual varies accgrdlBg to (he
manner in which his brain ha*
l>eoa d«v<v)oiied a* be »nrw trp.
The mas w;bo was rtUaed to con­
form to certain old and musty
tdeaa ts.veiT contracted In bln
. persperflre, vhlle tin- one who
wan rea^ along IIdow (lint
prompted research and Inquiry
Into the why and wherefDre of
the task set before him 1# the
’ man w ho ha* roncealed ' within
* lilniKcir the grcatciit possiblllliea
Kreadth of vlslmi I* (he aurwer
to the auOHtluii of why one i>ersnn doe* a UhI; <ell. while an­
other make* a botch <oh of what­
ever be undertaken. The man of
wide vUloD views his 'work as
an experience from whlr-h he will
pnilii. while the narrow- guage
man coualdeiH It a Usk whUh he
diH-x becaiiive he has to to order
U) draw hi* weekly wages. The
• me grows with bU. w-ork while
lh«‘ etiier renulr.s dortiianl as a
world factor The broad vivl-mI’d oan is the one w-lio I* hoard
from as a shapt r of w orld dej>tiaif.
while the other nev>-r achlevi-s
ony greater dlslioUicn than a
mero plodder In tho 'ranlu. It
lakes thought and hard work to
get any where In the world and u
careful study of (hA careers of
thono who have A|«<X)tDc topuotcli--*
In all Unra of adlvlty wiirw
rev<-al Ihe fact that they liave
lioen men ot broad vision, who
were capable of using t*(ei-liead»
ns well as their hands while lietlortiilug the duties that tbeir
bubx-ss deisaadc<l The aim of
education Is to widen the vi­
sion of the wcholar. and inasniuvit
a* It doc* ws it t- a success,
lull oth.-rwixe It is a failure The
world demands men of vision for
Are you delgg y«ug
part in supplying the uevdT ..

Mts. 8. E. Creead^of 131 Kaai l-Vleelilh 'klrcot. died Usi niuhl at Iu:9ff
I. While she ha.l be.-n ailing for
pjiKi three' mouth)- On cud
very imexpv-eU-d. .Mr*. Creeiio
Will in S5t, lawrcm-e ■■oiimv. \
nn-l moved ti> Klnilra lnwn*htp
til lay; The family; movryl to TruvIn JVV'I. There l« left (be
ha<htsd and one iMiighicr, Mabel;
three hrotherx. John Pettis. Fourb;
Amts Petti*. Ktiipli’e; Hanlrl Pettix.
Ih-htotil.v and a *-ixter. >lrx. Ilauoah
Arnold ol Kmplrr.
The funeral serv-lcc* will be from
the laiQ home Wednesday inomlne at
10:r.o. eoBduried by the Rev, W, «,).
nil, formerly pastor of the Bai>iiow of Rlrbnion-I, liid.
an-l Rev. vV. A. Bley of the Wiirteenth
Street M E. churcli. Inlciment will
bo In Oakwood cemetery.
ROlt.MHfP, Mom.-yVank (.’alletl’s
bod) was found wlih ln> head lasbe>l
tree wlfti a Mrap. lie aiqiarenily had IW bis bead lb a tree and Ihea
pulled his feet up and atrangled to




SutioDi Hay. Oct. 2—The U-elanau
county fair opened under/favorable
clrt umsiancea, and had It out been fur
the rain of today would have been the
iargcsi attended of any ever held
here. The fniU cxhlhil la good, allow­
ing the prudm-tlvenen of the orcliardi<
lb this vicinity. The vegetable abow
U good, but the nhow ' made by the
nchuut children in the largea't and rooal
varied of any that has been made,
many aUtlng the l>eat in -the Grand
Traverse region. The canned fmii
'abow* bow weU ihc hoiiaewlves.look
after thU imicirtani Hem In Ibe food
of tbo bounehold. 'The hiaetlera of
horaef and cattle hare uhen \i«Ttlcalar iitlde in this line and the dinplny
Is remarkable for ihU r.eetlon. Moia
(annera hare ^n latereated (bill
year than everWfore
er Wfo: and ihe resulia
been tdeasam, ttarerse City aad the
other towns in this locality would
have bees largely reptasented. As it
was there were orer a hundred visitort. Friday will be children’s day and
a record eromd U ogpedod.
PABIS-Alp^haa Pnsimd. kwp-theloop avutor. nude eight Ipops. tJew
head downward without touching his
and Uwra did a stMp sidral'


’ Illy I'niied Prow:>
Sew- York. Oil 2.—Following the
arrest today of (ic-oi;^e K. Oavli.
sought lor two yearn by federal agenia.
AaaifUnt I uiuvj Klau-s AUt'ivici Atiurney Woo-i maile public a t'rinied statemeal, which he gald wa* a <om|ilote
confenslon by Havl* admitting iiartlclimtlDg Id the McNamara dynaniltlng
conspiracy Wood said DbyIb admit­
ted being a iurtoer and <g-work<-i ot
OrUe McManlihvl. His conteaaloi
plicated Harry Jones, who snrceeded
ilerben Hockia as serrelary
intemational Iron
Workers' unloa. Pnvls was atEdigned,
hot waived etamlnattoo. Jle win be
taken to lndianai«Us for further hearJanaa Plaead Uodar Arrast.
ladUitapolU. Oct. 2.—Harry Jo
Internaitonal seeretaHr aad t
of the Iron workers' union, was arrest
ed today- charged with conspiracy to
transport eiploaivas nnlawfally. the
aalne charge on which .nil of bU fellow
nnloiiista were conrlctod
ber. - HI# arreat was The reaalt of (he
coafeaslon ot Oeorsa Davla In New
Tork. navis scrased Jonen of aiding
In the drutnlUas-hy nendlng

October Specials in Ladies^ SUITS and COATS
Following the special discount
and manufoc^uier's sale
last week of

Ladles’ Suit^

Event Will Be M.
Function 1

Hi)ili.Sra<fe gennents

(By tlBliad Fraaa.)
Wsshlagton. Oct.
Wilson will sign the Democratic tariff
hill at Dine o'clock tonight. At the
'White house U s-os
that the prealdeol Intended making
the flnaT art In the paaaage ot tnessurr into law aomewbai of a ^sromoay. He invited aM memben of
pniainMt in frav'nii tbe
new aUtbte. to wlltteu the BlgDlng.
The measure in the shape-agroed
to by the senate last night by a vote
of 3« to 17 was received by tbe houee
at Jtoon and tbo only fonnallty left
was final apitraval by the bouse.
Teriialraily when Wltson algna the
bin tonight the new Uv beeomos o|w
eratlve tmuiediateiy. AetaaUy the,
Bto-41««ee sron'i gu' lBto

oa« BlRnteg otter aAdhlgtiC

20% off
We olbr this week anoUierlot
ladiee' tuits in sizes 38 to 42,
finest tall fabrics and dasigna,
at the ^a special figurea.

^ Annual

^oaf Sale
Embradng two very complete
ts of the new rough
fabrics and mixtures.

Very Special
$J9.7S and $22.50

20% off
New anivale in Belu.



la the heavy weaves, white
liee. Lace Colter end Id fine serge, granite, eponge.
and colors.


■ .-.r-





PA« nra^




♦ .ai.;j * if

p ^


Jte'irir'’'' c.





raivam bits

Wednesday and Thursday, Oct 8 and^


Solid Oak Rocker







U‘ ni i'W'’#

Ten nece Sd m "WearEver Atani&iim^ ^
Cooking Utensils








’‘Second. Be kind to —nnd
her tell rod to dp » thin*
• '
tnore then once. Think bow tired
Bepc 14. igi3.
,, ,jo,e for
DMT P^dent—
. RO to bed.’ half a doien tlaee
' T UH>vbt ttwt I vooU write }-oe » iver.
letter end teO 700 ■<»« nor vnen“Third. Be kind to Uby.“
tioD7 I hid I veo' .plenunt one. 1
“You have leeved oni. ’Be kind to
i win
V j »j T


HcraW Young Fell* •unehUi# ^
atomt the rtver bank or the
oo»• Chib:
border of the woods, to witch the
u*,i,i|f R,rdens. The public

I will try never to worry

ssroens. Tue puonc
i Urda preparinf for their loumey to g„.dnn, .ere beautiful, there weie ao
- tret about
the aqulrrels
every kind. J also

> ..JII
»e M M hasav na I ♦
S»*W southland.
their winter
.^e Fairbanks'fionse In Dwlham. a suburb ol -Botton ' 1 had a
» m I.. « I ai.
while alitlnR by Ihe ttmdslde. verV nice time there. 1 tUso think Ne*
I »lll ur »b. J.Xnl. Me.l i <>“■»■ »»"•
I saw n woodchuck come up out ol a York state has beautiful scenery.
^ and bind t» svwybedy nnd
I Mlow stump and while w.trhluR bt. comln* home I cam. at nlRbl. I left
* —• ibouRbC Ol a lllUe pet coon Syra.-use ten mlnules to live and ar^
I wIII 't'^. try ^ that lived many years axp.- and with rlv«d at Canandacua, where 1 changed
« that thought came another that per- car^ at eight llftren. I got tigs tain
• bQ-'"-" /
J haps someortheBunbeams might like rrmn there at eight Ihltty. It was a
to hear
bear about him..
him., so here Is tbe y.ry
yery nice Journey. I was la a miIhdlman ar I arrived at Phitodelphia at
MIM CLARA N. BATCC, EdHer. ' story:
Many years ago when “Bunsbine seven o'clock the following morning.
r I. ti
Priddsrrt-Mls. Clara N Batsa.
Boy" fea. wery. young hi. father took 1 arrived home at len.mlnut,. after
P«i^rlTir.lmJ • homes.«d In the wild wtmd. of Cen- twelve, when my mother met me. I
‘t «« 'tuly wild, for was gl.d to get home And tte next
Vic »r..hiatit_Mra. Irene though we had a few neighbors who day 1 went^o school. My brotbers.
•eemvd VIC. PresWmrt^r.. lesne
Pwneroy Shitida.
re. A. L. cw three lived nearer than a mile brother Albert is attending a college
•unahlne OratM
aVay. and front our log hum oolhing in Boston. 1 vlsUed one of the beeches
but woods could l>e seen.
called Het er* beiA'h. t bad a glorious
9 Oeto1 ,,*a no idsymaiea then; my llUle time. I then went to Byiweuae. New
Nimibtr of n


who spoke In quite
“Is the progfmmtni
Inquired, eagerly.
-Why. ye*.“ replied the epnirow.
-Jiy cousin, the eendoWh. is the deep
fgf Q^e. But i find he. too. baa
influenza. 1u epidemic, yon know. '
I drana. and Cousin Dor-

mouse.’' too.” Iniemipted the mole.
-------- -------------------^
throuRh the days
‘ .latest.
you w kind
becnitse yon-wUl forget to be when the'sun refuM to shine. Most
remarked the aparrow
“ ---------------------’ Oh.’- panted tbe dormouse. Rvate‘***^’‘
Mir ncdhpilmt n plantain leaf and
btoswnt. In the human carden. Too beslnnlng to fan herself viRorousIy.

*" dei^-ndeoi on the sunshine.
(^cket hopped about
*•**•* <>“'> » ''«
**"> •***' fusaUy arr«gln« her win*., 1 am
- ...... ..
...... . ?“
* predlcawMt. my dears. InHere Eddie looked r tmie ashamed, blue.
1“ *h‘^“ rla.s do you belong? Are
**“*'’ *“•’
Fou “'C sort whose (.euls dose when
tonoenia. aU excepting dear
............................... things go wrong ?lf a pet pUn Is inCrtcket; she has kindly coo.X....... talk
..IS In
I. meeting.’;
......i.e- ,erfering with, o
. . ..--------Pnople mustn't
________ sing and, Just for tbe ~vv.with a lavortte theory, does your face
'i,,, moumlng. and


bta eym


n.rl»dai> Advorsir

family,” broke in the guinea-pig
f rapl>«Hl loudly with
his beak for silence. "1 order.” coaStary felt quite indignant that he
tinued the owl. waving Ms <1aw im-^ Should Infer such a thing, and the

------------------Why a Hen Adopted Me.

-'If you wouMnt all si<enk at
once.- aaid the qwU now coainc
wlwlly onl of his trance. H conrusea
llspeeially when you repre»eni tbe law. h e plainly a case. And
I- have an Idee.' He flopped <lninsl.
»» over to the Rreel toedsiool. wberef"
l“-rfhrd After ruimm v
he ys.ned prodlRtously; g»ea
• claw Into ■
e-rv tlKht
tirtt knot,
ke.,. he drew li up Into his
•' seems OiV o«I was the bend
Of the court In that kingdom. 9o they
resyccaul silence lor
" conttoue.
complaint lodged uTflnsl
the lady-bug We bear bow she wan-

destroyed’ the rose pUnted by
"®*“ “*
cabeth. and In ho' doing ruined the
, ,,
„ .
-Cnrkc-t. ih.
s aenl*'«““*
T'J»*. s”i^e!LT^r«,e .h.
'>«■ “«**
““»« '“<•• «* ?““>• O*'*
the damask ros* helongln, to the
r^r*ln^ from her evil
Utile giri with the yellow pigtails------ “
-Hear! Hear!’’ shouted
fu«s to uutold except when the sun
.g^e must he «>me reUtlon


bar 1. ms. *JM.

Your Littis'Psrt.
One -grass blade rannot

- “'r/rrrr

mUfO tmitiers 01 me ory wms
Xeltje Ance, Elk Rapids. MIcb., R.
The woods^ot ’full of emtai thlnk
F. B. NO. 1. Nape sent by - Lucy
'^^t^Jh^r’itme Is Mr. Oartoger.
......... —..............
but the ......................
deer were there,
and wild lur^
Ida Thoaltiaon, Elk Hapldi, Mich.. R. k,y,, iwrtrldge. squirrela-red. black: grade
and 1 am getting along nicely
F. D. No. 1. Name sent by Eleanor ,na gny. and hundreds of chipmunk*‘ at pseseuL I think I win close, askIWtrher.
‘ "
! ina you for another Sunidilne Imiion
Dorcas Crowell. Ct. Prairie AVe..
only thing that 1 esn rentember of
81. latuto. Ma Name «mi by Roi^ hUOttg with an arrots-was a torge Im^

net's nest which hang from a branch
Wgneeta Ryker.
of a tree. I never shot at another
W*bat an Intwestlag Taeatlon yod
' horoet's nest!
r POEM&.
bad! 1 am glad you wrote ua ghw»t
One. day when my brother .was
A Happy The«9ht
about five years old. father tan»e
This to somebody's birthday.
home and brought a very HiuaU coon.
Juki as sure as tote.
^!lk lUHds. Mich.. R. F. n. Nct.-r
Of courae we boys were dellghled to
Borne Utile bo>y is six years old.
Beta. "k. ifia.
have a iK-t and proceeded at once to, Dear President—
Some Jittle girl U eight. '
make a cage for him. Mother bad
Some intle boy U three todv'.
1 have lost ray card and button and
been reading stories to us aud utnong
Some little girl thirteen. .
. about a mau named' '‘^aV^M^^MtoTto^
8<m little twins are exactly l«o—
lioraro Greeley, and we named the ^
Two apiece. 1 mean.
coon ”Gr«’l«.”
»,?, J,
Borne one to eaWg hU blrthdiy cake
not loag before he knew bis
AB4 Uudbin* ovM th. plum.: wh.n -e c-Ued bln, .n.l won
Eiwnor Duiehor,
Som Ob. U coooUot bw Mribd., , b«.n.. «. i.oi. .bo.-. dU ox'bbv,
too .b.U bo,, b n«-


But l( • dood coven the Mn or dnrkneee co»ee wi. no woodUnd flower
urn clo-ne m quickly ns they. Bri(bt
smUea and the. r, looks vanish unill
the return of Rood fortune.
We love the nowers that breathe
ool fragrancr'UirouRh the Ions, dark
ntebt. that look op amUliiRly when the
shy U hlsck with clouds. AVe are

.0 bTO„ Wb. .b«- bb ..TOP. .. oibb,


decided to liivesUgaie it. Shortly aft hrlghtnewk One bird song can be
■ l>etultar mulfled noise ca'lled me heard only o-vety Uule distance. But
.0 J k.tcben door. 1 quick,, ssw the becaus,- only a very little distance
lb.tjKH .UHe every gmsablade and ev“h
Tn ery flower and.every li.rd doea Its
•» ihe would she tould not free her. part, we have the fresbneds •“<>
» >«•* ‘“f •» ‘he ,ioor belplews Iw.uty and the melody of the spring.
things, so. slibongh I toughed at the Isn't there a lesson In this lor some
„«.„cle. I hsstened to her relief.
of us? M-t u. !• careful that *e. too
ireful that we. too
r lilile ,«rt.-r,lrto’
^or »ome roaiioa. ray (oustn’s chirk are doing
c om•''•
Knowing this, |•al>lou.
* yPiawtched this ben vary carwfuUy.
1 picked her ti|> and. walking over t.
The Ssntsnco of tb# Brown Owl.
tbe kitchen step.-sat down. Whoever
Uttle M»r, Qtoabetfa bad a garilen
had uiH-ited that ran h-t.lKlutir a very
of her own. Such beautiful flowera
t straight ^
He had <


• ‘




•he, eenttuned.
ws„,jng.“ be oontleued sdleainJ ‘^Fun to tell a^t tbe roM
and her children perUhlng in tbe
Everybody cheered and boppad
* abopt In the^U^
•«« »o sing, broke In
prononneed by the owl upon
the pwnd-mole. who never Uked
i.a,*qg. Mary was very happr,
one mtbject t«e.
»»rf wns ery
too. «td Jumpnl about m, wIMly that
the hammock m»>e broke, and down.
--n'. J^'wTrT' _
w... .
*be came to the grouad-plHows. and

nul^ MuTTL r?.r.”,i^*
“f^-, bear the song’”

^ eagerl.v

H- B« *«T



Tf, 1,, h.d I.r.1.11,
>'-"™ '"Xxddx
un... br... uxHiool ud .lur ““
. .
Quit'- apart from these romnioner .rrauglnit her shlalnc black wings *"®-

*7*^'“! d^riidto^rme liberating
that bet without hurting her. 1 was b.“ailfal damask jose.
really Surprised a. her behavior. I, ‘F'
irovro to me right there that even tbe
chlckM... Xnii.b-inlndxJ .bind, tlxt
lb.!' *... TOTO«bl.. .b. bombb .o.w "■' .>”■





****® dreaming? Barqly not.; She
tJapeed up Into the hraacitea Of a
>*‘®* ^
‘bora, sat ’a

began h«,
I. a
high, scheeeby »«&: .
•>' <»«r for (he hmterfU..’
I Uiey d;
Biimnin. dorm.

, „„ p„, u.'. HbXbv. sb. w, .. «i« „ ™.u b. “' “»'f'V- "HW e-

UU.V1., 1» U»

striped caterplltor was hurrying op the trunk of
a tree.' And there, sure enough, was
tbp apple core drawn almost out of
sight Into the bole of a ground-moJe.
“Well. I don’t care;" exetolmed
Mary Blzabetb. rahMng her eyes,
1’m very glad it’s clear ;
so aatlsfactorfly.
And. beslda. I shall always know why
It to the lady-bug will fly borne so
quickly .whsa you say:
“Lady-bug. tody-bug. By away home.
Your bouse to on fire, and yoer chOdTM will bum.”
—Jaan M. Tbompaon In The Deilaea-

.Ob XI b.r nbS.TO .bd IbbbH*
ond .bb. ... meoMb u bo... Mio on.
-bU. 1 ... uorklb. o,.r h... II.. ... 'o-«
"'J'" "“l™. „«L.!
Btlle the wblppoorwil fiu iu the
Som. Ob. 1. bbubrtbt bU bWbdbimiwbl...

Oob. wld ..o bUiol.. ' I kbo. .h.. bm d, ll»b, obd b..^bpn.b ..Ho.,
.wiling behind. BTien she reached
Brother and 1 useTio take him Into
Elk Rapids, Mlcb. R. P. D. No. 1.
you are bU sad powerful, snd a.
she stood on tiptoe and
Or winding ter birthday watch.
woodA put him up >n a small tree
8epi Vi. I9IJ. »re of the mind to helji me, or

, rhorus:—
u uu
ud..»-. near President—
Borne one to not wo Wise or tall
rtm.ssav front him
and hide,
blcssotued the one r
Just a* she “I trtij. trill, trill la the-, snnshlne
For birt^' bnlterwwtch.
. where he could not i • us.' Just to . J a,ould like a card and buttoa for '
' watch him hum. He would come down Xeuie Ance. She Is live years old.
The reklly fumiy ptn of the whole did so a yellow.tody-hug wUh black
TWnk'of the beautiful birthday books.
pound and tun a Uuie way orandma. Aschel. Eleanor. Randall “>'« *•* aftc-w-rd I go> the can s’ou. that had been biding In the
Ry ,he brook, where tbe cat-tails
Think of tbe birthday .cheer ,
,ook all around, gel down apd go ,na | -picked curombera all day. I
• feather was sac- rose, spread its wings and flew hur^ laU,
Think of the blrtbaay bappln^
a little farther and do-ho same Ihlng cannot think of anv more, ao good-bye.
She stood on the step looking tledly awey.
And 1 ahrill. thrUL ehitU by pale
again and again, and all the while
y>om your Suusbluer. A. she didn't offer to go away.
- Oh. you wretched. e|K>tted todymoonlight
. C«s, > ...
Every day in the yqRr!
beep up his funny imie c-n eomeihlng
t,ucv Dutrher
her feaib- hug. " exrtolmed M^ry. -^you've eaten
On the health, wim nlgbL corera
Stranea TroSr^j*lro«9a
Every Jay In the year, c r dear.

Canary Inlands grows i
Every day were alive.
Some happy child Is one or two
Somellmesmtler a shower we would my dtsar. Does the live near yon?
8be seamed so grateful 1 de. ,d«l ie on m, bush. Ye.^. even leaf bas a
loubtaln tree, a tree moat needed to
Or three or tour or lire.
take him down to a t«n.l beside the

'**’'■ wnwthlng to sal. It was quite hole In It." she cried to vexation“When B’inter winda blow fierce and some pans of tbe totond. ehys the
Elk RarldA'Ssich.
a novelty to have a strange hen mak-My. how i wish you punstrong,
N*w York Herald. It to aald that the,
-Eihelwyn Wetherhald, In Youth’s rosd (o see him feel around to Oie
water/for little frogs or l^imles.
Sept-SX 191S ‘W over me. I steiHKHl Into the kitch- |,hed some wiy for eating my beauB’hea snow rovers wide the earth, leaves ronstanily dtotfll a quantity of
«• ■®‘‘
« intended to give, that Still I chirp anB stag the whole day w.ier that U sumrieto to faroUh''
Every' < -he caught Ue would kill Dear PrwWent*«tg •
drink to every living creature to Hlero
Rameenbar Thisgnd ctrr^- a few feet sway and hide It
This is ^ust a few lines to let yov f-^otn that rime umll they were all ,oee to Mamma. Oh, dear,”- Mie sighIn my warm ffect nader tbe hearth.” nature having provided thb remedy
Aa w-Meome as sunshine to every
,j,e grass. The doctor. Irefe the lit- know that 1 have not forgoUen you I •o*'* '®
’ There may be more rosee topUea
tie town s lew miles sw.y, used-to have been quite busy oe the farm all *•«" ^ hen-house., that hen never „„,row, but If old -Mrs, l^ady-ltog
tor the drouth of tbe island. Every
.Is the bBSiBlng approach of'a.good- visit us Occasloixally. and the flrsi summer. I think I may work in Trav- f*H*J » Rreet me whenever she saw
, ^ole In ev«r leaf as she did
montiig near this part of the UUnd
jatured lace; ,
thing when he came would be to get erne City this winter. Will you please me In the yard. I am glad she has s tods.r. she-will ruin them all ■
Everybody Join^ to the chorus, and a clond Of mist artaea from the sea.
Aa genial as sunshine. Hka wnrmth to “Ureeley ’ snd-BUrt off for a pood to send me anoiher Sunshlgg ba«Ue?
because when the wagon
M^^y Ellrabeth had a big. red ap- when the song win finished the ap- which tbe wUids force against tba
watch him Bsh.
Mine broVo quite a while ago. and I «•"!«•
**«'• *”■•' “I®® friendly p,^ „
^pron pocket; she had a1- plause was so loud that a lltUe bresra eteep ollE on which thli tree grown,
clucks, bidding me '*****
I word from a good,
, jr* of our pet s llkgjo wear one.
‘”" wae the m®** lowoHcn about It. but now sba owl whom Mmy liad not aero before end H to from the mist Ibat the troa'
mischievous pranks.
pran^ 'Often
was thankful enough for It. So she but who l>ad been asleep aU tbe time dtoUlU the water,
natured bean.
Often when we
Yours slnci
would feed the cau Greeley would
Ethel Allen.
cllmb.>d Into the hammock swinging on a limb over her heai flopped down
fJhtoa, too. claims her t*nai*aWe
are to Traverse Pity 1 ho|ve
^ '*'’*• Bhepheed Oeq.
Kneath the oak tree, and began to to learn the cause of Ibe commotion, tree. This to koown as the tallow
chase them all awAv from the dish.
Ceod Deeds
Here 1s s true story ol s Vernmat
her apple contentendly. It
“Now finish shout Mme. Cricket’s tree, so called from the fact of It procover his eves with hta forepaw* and and see me.
’■'wi* t*®* ♦ hioh was accustomed to
njoet comforting. There gown, .apd tbe roee leavee.” eaU tbe dneing a enbstance like tallow. End
bring homg the <-ow* at night, always
. of•
t about in groud^-inolA
whk* serves the same purpose. Is
‘ were IMi. of bees >
Be sbtose a good deed in.a naughty pretend to go to slrop The cats would
separating them from the other cattle' ibc air They made sncIi a pleasant and casting admiring glaacce at the the tame ^mslstency. color and smML
toon rome back to the dish and when
-and never allowing any bat milch' droning sound.
Heaven doth with
us aswewlBi
gii were bu.y Gi+elry»oulrt make a
cows to come up One day Cart. P
Hunting With a camera
them ihe' core Of her sppto. which the shade of
a burdock leaf. tree about the sUe of a common chef,
torches do;
dash and spring right among them.
aecpmpanled 'the Hog to driving the
msixatlv lounced upon by a band
'Oh. where wa* ir- began the dor- ry irro. which poaseases the pecqlalrIs better than a gun;
Not light them for themselves; for Away they would *cam|ier.-he would
cows lo paatuiA At one idace on ihe
vellow btmeu. The hammock mouse, piieonsly. Mary tbonght ahe Rt of ehaiigine the colm Of Its blosNot a drop ol blood shed.
If our virtues
chatter a IKile.^ then creep awty and
read the csmsJn wss HuroriaeJ in «»«•
BpolUnc your day's fuu.
very restful and swayed gently seemed to be very forgetfnl and ab- eoms. At one time the nosier aaDid not go forth o*f tis., ’twere all pretend to »o td sleep again.
the dog deseit the herd and take to
ib she Summer air. Mary amled her- arni-mtoded Indeed.
anmee the tint of the Mly. and again
He would got Into any and ev«rythe
Over field and meadow..
aHf among tbe hammock pillowk and
”You'd got as far as tbe roee shortly lake* the rotor of the roae.
At It we had them hot
thing that- wa» left uncovered. If only
Fasture^land. afsr—
watched tha efforu of a thin blue laaves." aaid the caterpillar, elowly
|b Tibet there to a moat carloQs
—Shakespeare. for a mlauie or two.
He seemed to
were walking briskly to advance.
Nothing ten to haunt you
vasn who was eudeavoring to drive unrolling himeelf.
known as tbe traa of tha thon■--------he everywhere and bis partIcuUr
With a <rimson scar.
dalDlles were roatde sugar-or milk.
^ br^k'irihe°fencr of wMc^th^
"Mme. rtickri and 1 went to aelecl wnd Imagea. Ita leavea are ooverad
«.ll a-IlUHl dHTOCH. M «.
^ny. too- whm
And your heart 1* Joyous
,ugsr tub was open or a i<ao of
Man- w-as not at all aurpriaed at mouee. monotonoosl); ’- it take* Just Tibetan slphsbet. It to of great age.
to a field; and here, to tbe gap of the
lA your darkened'room.
hear them apeaking aharply four learea for the costume.” she ex- gw] the only ooe of 1u khid kno.wp
Your President bnt never outgrown
left -uu tbe table with tib one to
fence, set the dog In a matter-of-Urt
M-hen you s^ your gnBMnbar
10 each other In very thin. pli>log plained. ” and what do you think: there,
her delight to stories, and so when a gipht.
way. guarding It agalhst the eutrance
Oome from out the gloom.
vokea. Soon she became aware of that eplteful Mra. Lady-B«g. b^”^
, —.
atory-letter arrived today from Sun
j], waa'as full of rurtoslty as a
of Ihe cattle. What eiae could the
occasional anatch cousin, had been there that day. an^
shine Boy. Sr, she was as please<l
monkey anJ any new bright object at

This, the Blag with antlers
a hole to erery Irof.”
* Oiapenser ef BuneMi*.
though she were a'Illile girl. It to to «noe claimed his i
—b. ot .b. TOP lb ,h. t,bc. 8«d. ■>' •«"«I mole,
"-n with the eoftest
You cannot keep hanrinaae to yo«wFroudly to tha sky:—
have a spei-torplace In our page, sod occasion when we had company and
"M-liat a abame!” they all cried in
knowing that the n D would bring up '
Left him to his glory.
self If )'B« ‘T- “F “***
• '
she Ih sure you will all en^y the his- vers at dinner, all of ibe older one*
tbe cattle, made a detour through the
•“*’ *“
Snapped him on thealy.
lory and pranks of tbe fuouy iwicoon. being engaged In convecsstlsn. Gree. luro: -m,.- TOII tb. .PTOTO.. -Ti. db.

ley quIeUy sUpiied Inia the room
Ev-eiy living creature.
Deer Sunshlners—
through the cat's door. A young lady'
had such a cold he could barely the .little girl Mary------’
Breathing Just the same.
Once more 1 am In my. plaasnnt IU- eat Juai to front of sRiere he cama in.
At thie the lltUa brown owl. who
happier. CulUvate tha Joy that to a
No atnin on your consclaace
He ichoolroom away out near the Fig- Her hair was tong and she wore It
-'Yes.” he w-a* saying hoarwely. had been dozing, with one eye open,
dtsproser of snuhtoe.—Selected. .
Of tha stricken game.
•eon river In Otsego couniy, whh my looped up and ornamented with a
la Which CleM Oe Ya« Beleas?
’’my cousin Dormouse give* her rousi. seemed to rouse hlmsaU. He began
boya and girls. All tre x»t here who urge bow or bunch of ribbon. ThU
Brae» people
people .TO.-V
have -------------a fancy —
fOr —------the eale-------------tomorrow. Ker<boo.” and be by fllcktog one wing nenoosly. PtoAn Odd Piqh.
> last year. Borne, like caught the cooD i eye nnd he proceedflowera whleh open at the Was of tbe sneexed vlolenUy. -Such s, pliy.” he ally be opened both eyes slowly, ind
In Great Brtuto and to Bnrope
A tittle Beyto termen.
the eummer birds, have gone to south- ed to tee what it could be. He-came
tunbeana.aadtoM their petals again eonltoiied. -| cannot take part on ac- widely. nnUI they shone like great
there 1* a cartona flah caDad .|ha
lUmet; sotpe have moved w othto the bark of her chair. quleUy 'Two little ^ya were pUytag to- ^
a* the ann seU or the Oond* conat of this dtetreentog cdd."
yellow mooag
er place* not so far away, and other climbed up aa far aa he eouW, then IMher.
rotustog to eo much as look
’ Yon see." he panted, "everybody
“Tbe UtUe girl Mary said.’’ went eucklebae^ whiefa
boys thd.gli^ have come to take ggre « luHe spring anil caught tba
“Eddie.” eaM Harry, "tirbe a nln-why. 1 on the sparrow pecking at tbe cater- Theea’ flsbea callact plaeee of straw
a darkened wecld. At tint thonght Is told up—all the i
h, or stlcim. with which they make a
thrir ptocee.
bow with both hands tor paws).
totar and preach .vou a sermoq."
uiero eeema sEuneiumg
la Ihh couldn’t even hum the scale,” Haro pillar, abeent-mtodedly. «bt
It aaems good' to get hack amoBg
Of courae there was a scream and
“All right.” aaid Eddie. ' Til be thd dependence on the ennnbtoc. yet we he stood very erect nnd tried hit toeuntly became a ball again. ”that
_______ ^ _ .
the whispering pines, the qtottely majmuch ronfuslon.' Greeley fell to the people."
iS of whSi
confess i a hearty preference tor kolce. but succeeded only to making the tody-bng should be punished
plee nnd hemlocks, and raonCTtt floor and escaped through .tbe^ eat Hany begnn.
. •wioh'.n. as brtekt a burring nolsa.
•qulrrM. and bird*, end
wonder- bole, bhi he rarried tbe bVeh of rib- "My texl is a short nnd easy one:
TOH-.pI. TO. WP«
.n-M «>«•* 1«T» M o®
'htoh smile
. TO8 ..TO8 U., .
fully besutlful pictures of tbe idalos! ,n with biml
Be kind- There are some texth to tb* ^ ^
^ cherrtoeu *t evan- an oraikoand-torown etripad caurpO- wiu oaa claw thoughtfully
my scbmlroom
can look
sMee of the nest an nude after the
----------------------------- --I —------That
escapade was Ihe last: mother Bible on purpose for UUle ehOdren.
Ur CT^ed elowly into the group. A
“Yes Punished, or banlehed.
over miles <d hUis and valleya tainted wouldnY allow him to the bouse any nnd this 1* one of them. Tharo nro a “• *>'
Now some yoong
folks seem to have TOX
very TO..,
dusty hroYb
sparrow -TO.---------------bopped something
to tha lovellAi^aoiomn lints.—greens. nior« and father aahl we must get rid great many baads lo my
sermon. "®*‘
" ibtonceYo thee* ann- down from n n^by twig; -Mnn- snle degtnietJon of all the beraltol tha non to •^***,^* ^^“
rods, jellow* and golden browns of of Mm. so we were obliged to part
”Fle*iBe klni to papa, and don't • •«»“«
As long
long as
as averytbtog
averytbtog thought
every i^te be- would de- flowors." broke to tbe calerplUar. d»- nut; ^ ««gA .******.. *^
—avar>- ahadi-, by tbe frost
ac -noise
a —--------head- *®vlng flowere.
-TO— whh
-__ . x .
_____ a. -■ --kaappy
are (
It Tcwr tbe cnierpUlar or June-hng. but roUlag hi* head eautSoosly ^
ahtoe fairies: and when th* clond keener to town who stood his pranks ache. I don’t believe. Eddie'yon know *®n Jnri as they srtah to have tl. cm
apart mala.,
not w
only make* Ibe neet
lead they axchanged the plaaaaiit- tog n watchful ayp upon the apart
ghadows are cbatlng each other across jnst a waek. Tien a travalfag man what a brodach* la; but 1 do. I bad they aro.models of ohsertolnaaa and ira'croeUng*.
row. ‘TYhy. avan 1 Baror get a leaf wbaa ttaqro aro a<g* to
tha tandsfiape. tbe scaae to on* that.
tUm and t«yfty him to
on* one*, and dldnt want to haar any *®^ hnmor. Tholf
■ha It with e
“Wa were dtoeuaelBg tbe Oom^ hat tt'a <
BO hBvan being esn ever bop* to ro-' nnd that wna the luR wa nvar brad
•Prok^ v
hBtit I
produea njwn^Mvna. ’
aoUt tha pain


«pwjtod ti. p«9Ba«K MM tt«full7.


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