Grand Traverse Herald, August 05, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 05, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Covers the
Omd Travcm Segioa.




WfT Refueing to Aive

Drink t

Sanlt 8ie. Haiie. Hirb. Au«.
Bdgar J. Swart, for 10. yean cblef of
U HCAMNO ANOTHH RKVOLU. poike bore, waa removed from office CHICAGO PATHFINDER CAR AR­
FrtOey morslnc by the polloe boar.l,
wine nSeerlnR ln.:p'bicb be waa
found CuUiy of rcnilui4~nnhi-rtinter
an officer. CaiHeln M. H. Mltc^iell.
one of the etar witneeaee naainat him,
was appointed hie euri caaor for the
two montha

nmuBiE IS uuoD

Benton Harbor.' Mleh-. July 31.—
Charged with refusing a drink of wcler to a Oenille. Samuel Wolper. a
Jew. was today found guilty by a eonimlttee of prominent .lewUh realdetiia
and later at a moeiing In the ryns
imgue It was agreed that Wolper
should be nslracisetl from tbe Jesish
colony. He will be denied MciaJ and
religious and fraternal lntett«nrafwitb those of hii own hloud WoIjh r
refused I'oMmunu-r Farmer a drink of
water whra the latter railed at
house, aerompanted by several cbildreb.
Tragady Happened During Rsete at
Mt Roads Wars Found in Thia Sec­
Ludlow Lageerv s Sunimtr Resort
tion «r State: Chicago AuteNsar Cincinnati. Many
moblla Club Will Arrlvo
Mare May Die.
Hore SepL 11.




OonboM bo tent to teoM of
TreuWo to toToguord In.
tOPMlo or Amortcono.



CaMn. Creek Mlnere RetIff' Terme of
CbariratoD. W, Va. Aug. 2.—That
tbe Btrl'klng miners on Cabin (^k
will be back at work within a few
days waa Indicated tonight when
report from the local mlnm' union
there showed that every local except
that at Ohley had ratlfled the terms
of the agreement signed up between
the operators and offlciato of (he Unit­
ed Mine Workers.



Sixty Towt


Congrraa bUy Do.
President ef Natlonsi Butthcra' -AaraLansing, ilk-h.. Aug. 4.—The sUU
elatien Paints Cleemy-PloWoihlnctoE. ADC. I.—N«wa or itao
of Michigan today atarthd a campaign
CladnnaU. July 5l.-Three deaths
tur* In Speech
r of the Chicago
Bppootuco of n-proddpot ClprUno
of {Hiblk beaKb edneatiom And the
today Increased to seven (be toll of
> Club's endurance r
Waablniion. Auc. 2.—Baenu crowd­
CMtra. olcor fall fl¥« resn’ uUe.
method of education was -deddeillY
Uulltica from a motorcyc^ accident
Chiraga. Aug. 2.—J^ere Is to be
ed npoD each other today in tbe pros- rived in tbe city Tburaday atternuon
conaod oomotblng of • aonootloo st tho
last nigbt at l<udlow .U^oon. a aurairlce c
rose toward conpletloD of the Glaaa from Chaflevolz and left Frtda> morn­
Btau doportiM&i todo)'. For tbo post currency bill In the house ranmiluee ing. going by the way of Maiilsu-e.
Iraving Lansing early this Btonlns.
resort opposite CinclnnsU. The United States within the nett ten
Bvo peon, tbo dopArUiicDt hsi been
"public hralih ■peclal." la cha^e
On tbo ooDtrary. In 1323 meat
machine of one of tbe racers became
Donald McVicble and wife, with M.
on banklDi aod currency. Chairman
kooplDc Cutro tindor ■urvellUooe.'to
and ran off the track of all kinds will coet so murit that of Dr. Robert L. Dixon, bead of the
Glaaa followin* out hU acreemeat A. StrlcUer aa mechanirion. driving
pTOTom hto tram nianriDc u> VeaeInto a eccUon occupied by specutors. none bnl the very wealthy can eat Hate board of bcallh: F. U Shnjyyesterday with Secratary McAdoo sC'' a Chalmers Six. have-bran seTected to
naU. whicb comerr bos bran «n>oylDK
lay out Che route to be followed by
ThoM killed were the motorcycle even beef. So aays J. T. RusteL pres­ Tton. Slate analyst for tbe dairy and
cured tbe adoption of'an
■ period or tmvoaied iirooperli} ,tnd
ident of the National Bntcbera' Aaso- food ronimission. and Food <k>mmls.
rider, two men, two women a^
In tbe dempcraUc conference for the all'lba entranls in tbe great 1.200
Dolei alnc* bla retirement.
sioner He'me. s'mtted a tour of MIchi
children. Twenty spccuiora^ burned ciatlnn.
creation of "an advisory board" df 12 mile endurance teat tbkt has been ar­
during which every Imporunl
nepnnmoBt offlclnU atlll snpi>oaed
The cost of meat and the cost of
by gasoline and eome nuY die.
whose prinjece It shall be lo ranged by tbU assodaUon for this
the exile wAa «vlng quietly In the Cn- confer at regular laiervali with the
He. McVicble left Detroit MonThe wife of Odin Johnson, racer, living were dtenisaed at the annnal comniimiiy In the stale wtU be visit­
ed. >the trip wlU conilnne for 21
^ nery lalnnda doUI n cablecrmra camie. federal reserve board that would be day morning, going up tbe east side
saw her husband go to hb death. Tbe Dlciic of tbe United Master nutchera'
The si>ecUI carried, three exhlbtoJey eanounclBC hU re^ntrance IbIo created under'the new currency plan. o( tbe state aa far as -Mackinaw,
machine's gasoline tank exploded as r.f (Tilcago. held at Bnnd'a partt, Belcars and a Pullman.
tbe Und or Ua'binh.
tbe bead »t
Adotber development of the day then through Peloekey and Charle­
it flew into the crawd^and a rain of HioBt and Ebton avenues.
The pnrpove of thU "public bealtb
•D eriDOd -torao. while vnrkma U|.rla- was the demand for an laveatlgatlon voix to Traverse City. Tbe rest of the Strest Rsiiwsy Commission Has Or. hltie flames fell
"American people wilt scarcely know
Insa in bla behelt were reported trom by tbe house committee of Secretary way they will follow the Weat Michi­
Hie taste of meat 10 years from now." special" is to teach, not only the im­
gaelzed and Is Now Prepared te
Some started to
portance of good health. bUt what Dr.
dtSerent polBU In Veneauelx. • He ««i McAdoo'a‘recent charge that New gan Pike to Chicago.
JUgotisu for Purchase
csughl them. Tbo spectators' section was the predlcUon made by Mr. Kua- Ulxon conalderg even more Important.
Mid to be at Cora..
of City Llnsa
York bankers are engaged in trying; This tour wni Btan from Chicago
was apll of.-flre where’men. women sell. "Meat sales 'over cbp UsHon —the prln^^' R^dlsete* provenFrom tbe lecatloD at Caracat, tbe
depreea tbe value of gos-ernmeiit Monday, Bept. 8, and will arrive In
and children (ought for^elr lives. have dropped off "from 35 ,to 50 per
cent within tbe last three yesni. In
pute department wae Informed of up- two per cent bonds. In order to create Traverse City some time IMday. the
Crammed into all avatlaSle' Space in
10 years hardly any one will eat lueaL
rUlnn In tbe etele of Tacblra. at
itiment ngalnat.the ndminbtraUoo Ifilb, posalbly remaining over nigbL
Delroll. Aug, 1’,—TIte etty of Itetioll
Cora and Maanro. teiecrapbic c«m- currency bill. RepreaenuUre Nraley going on north tbe -next day. Tbose Is one ktep nearer a nmuirliwlly
“The scarcity of live stock Is the tbe exhibit'coaches were pictnres.
manleaUon between tbe eapkal and
reason (or tbe high -pricea. Farmers •harts aod modeU. There was a twkanaaa. prepared a resolution Uklng part tbU yev will be soipe owned railway ayiicw today, follow­
shack. showing how bert
tbe dinarbed polnta waa Interrupted, which will ;be Introduced lomorrdw of the belt drivers‘in the country. ing Mayor Marx s arUon ls« night la
refuse to raise cattle, and as a reault
consinict bcaUbful qaanera for f
bnt tbe Veaexuelao forel^ office naklDg Secretary UcAdoo to appear| There are liftmen already signed up subniiitlDg to tbe franchlee commit
the feeders demand a large price for
clalmod tbe revolnUonlsta bad henn before tbe eomuittee to present pro<’f and tbe proUblllUes are that there tee of the council p resolution dcriae
their stock. It cosU ^em more to bercular persons; models of ssniury
water dericee of ail kinds: pracHcsi
defeated by eute troope at all.polnta of bb charge.
wilt be thirty at tbe big start.
produce 1L"
lag three renu to be tbe legal tare
-ubstltuiu fbr public drlald&g cups
Tbe preaUest had been cranted dieIn an Interview last night Mr. . . all clly iloea on which the franchlso
Vstusble Advartieing
and towels.
tetortal powora, It waa aeld. and
Vlchle sutes that he was ralecUng or the Detroit Vnlted Railway
In ooe of the exhibit enre, two bed­
were bclac impreaaod ror tnillUry
the very best route, and they wers pany have etpirod If ihc coonril ac ti.
Benefit Region.
rooms had been eonstrncted. coatrMi
rarefully placing tbe sukes at all the favorably (hr new rate will be
Ing good and poor gys^ems oT vwtiUThe Vnltod Staiea covernment la
turns, and these ere painted pure ne^t Thuwday. In the oieaDtlmt
The Traverse Clly Sute bank bas
In anoiher part of tbe car a
repreeenied In Venezuela at preaent
white, so as to be easily seen
street railway commlMlom in wbosc a grain and seed show on now that THREE NEW FAMILIES LOCATE
model garbage Incinerator was dempaly by n lecntlon clerk, lUebard K. HARRY
It takef rosaldenble time
bands reels ilir i>o*er to provide foi is attracting attention, m It It aomeON PENINSUUk
onsirated. Then there wm appnntns
Hlccap Mlalater Nortbeott baa ro­
this, and In many cases they are mak­ muolripal dwomlilp of street
ihlug new. no one ever haring carrk-d
ahotvtng tbe rroi>er construction of
sined and qniited bis poet, and 6ering new data tor tbe different blue lines, has orgnnlsed, and lodiy was on an exhibit of this kind. As one en­
wolta to prevent pollntiou of the wareury Caffery U now la Wi
books. So far they have been very preiwrlng to enter negotiations with
8L Paul People Are Particularly
ters. the bsnk be b greeted with
Lailn-AineriCAn bu- He Wae Captured by Patrolman
and only had
IiuBCture, the-JJ_U. It. for the cliy of tbe cii;.
Pleased With the Graod
Thowe were only a few of tbe tent
roan. It was announced tliat a necrethough they have come through some ^Jhee.
and b in Jell AwaKlng
‘T^Awrae Regien
nret with which Dr. Dixon exposed
tary would be niabed lo r,r«en* |mvery poor roads. They slate that the
nine and a bait feet Ugb, and this
to Interest the public lo disease proBodiaielr. 10 be followed by.a ra*ulxr
best roads''ibey have found are tbose
August -1st corn at that. Around tbe
venUon methods. 'Moving pktnre evaorradlted mlnUicr as soo:i as r
In this section, and where the roads
Mr. and Mra W. C. Schafer aod hlblt* and lertnres win be given Is
cages are artlsilcally arranged tnany
could te appointed and ranflrmed.
Harry WeUi. prafeeslonel plckpock- have beep made they stand up good!
'. and Mr*. C. H. all towrai where overnight stops are
■mall abeaves of'wheaL
Tbe sute depertment today called
eL wbo baa been In tbe babli of ply and speed can be made. 'Monday
ppoa tbe navy de|«nment for a
ing hb trade In the ■ wake of the they made HT- mllea because it was SERVICES HELD AT THE A8BURV
variettM of ihUycsr'K I.yons. all of Sl PauL Minn., arrived
Food commissioner Heipe expect­
ship lo look after AmeH'au Intri
well laid out route. Yester­
Siarkt rimia. was arrevied Wedur*.
grains. There U a long (able iliat FrWaV and will viiii sKh Mrs. Scha'- ed to deliver moetof his hot shou in
in VeneaueUa waters, and the
■Kirning by Patrolman Hoaa. and 1< day they only made 6k mllga .They
bas the glaas Jar exhibit loaned by er'a parenu. Mr. and Mra. W. E. De- expoaiu to (be public nnme^ou P"tboat Dee Molnei. now at Hrunawick.,
well pleased with this section,
at present In jhd county Jail awntung
medicines against srblch bis de­
On., waa o^rod to make tbe cruise.
A beeHng. Wb»n arrested Wells bad and really would like to lake more Church Has Bran Rebuilt Twice Since I'urrau, and shows, the quality, ol all
These throe tamllles have pop partment has declated war. Also lie
It la calculated that the cuabtat c
two watches whlth be bad heljied hlm- time and see the couDlry. It may
the gratna Abed in this region, lo chased the Nelso|L Ericson and Rose- Idsnned to talk on tbe adnlterallon
It W«a Establiahsd
mako'tbo run to LaGulra. tbe near
to during the .lay, crae .of them
tbe windows are additional shaaves of now farms that aro located ten miles of foods and the proper bandllu rit
point lo Can^caa. In nboni elz day*.
in ISH.
being MddMi under b box In a ai
wheat and rye. At the entrance of down on' (he penlnsuU on the
milk and erram. As a aide line be
and the oiber buried In the rear of
Traverse nty win have another op­
the bank are bundles of allaUa and shore. These are all valnahle farms, will exhibit modeU of a sanitary
tbe building. Cblef of Police Carson portunity to show Its famtnis bosplreicb. When It Is taken Into consid­ nod consist of over 100 acres. In the dalrr.
In spite of tbr. very unfavorajair
later recovered 1^ walcfaea and re­ tsiltr whan tbU company invadea lu
eration the early season it Is remark­ highest state of cultivation. There
Analyst Shannon wtU lead a camturned them to Chester llagerman oY territory, for tbm will be many in weather a goodly nouilier assembled able that such exbibiu can be made. are cherry, apple and peach orchards. slgtk^^e=the extermlnatnn of the fly.
witness tbe laying of tbe corner
AtMMit 66 ctilra and (owns In the
GOVERNMENT IF FIOHTING'OREAT Tbodipsoavll]#. The other wtll^ held the niD wbo have never been In the stone of the A>biir> dluirch Thurvday The corn ts from the farm of Oeorgo
and wheat crops, and tbe budd­
until cbiiued by the owner. .
sute before, espedslly tbe tiorthern
imfort'h. who also cpntliliules oali-. ings aro In first class condition. aute will be visited by (he speclaL
night (July tbr slniplo riiuBllKik- srirat and r>c. James Hilbert Iut There are «her (anna In the neigh­ Tbe length of the stops wtU vary from
Welts was In no way connected with part. Tbe advertising that la being
t used. The stone was tbe
days in the large clUee to an
In Attempt te P retact teate and In­ the circus, lie waa simply following
gift of A. W. Rlckerd aod tbe copper vetch SIX and a half (eel Henry borhood that may acquired.
It from place to (dace and taking ad- ready been made wjti be an Inrendividuate AffalfMt EncrMebmetite
W. C Schafer, who has Just re­ hour or so in the small towtks.
bog containing Hie papers was the ilrodhagen has some second cnttlng
The iHnerary:
tantage of tbe crowds which Varned ilve for Ihoee who bare not been
of Corpoivtiom.
gift of Mr. Cole of tbe firm of Amt of alfa'lfs 32 Inches high Splendid
Aug. 4—laoslu. Charlotte. Mleout to see It lie had only bem oper­ able to close up the intervening
A Cole. In this box tbere was driwstl- exhibits o( rye are from the liosard manager of the Coffin. Box A Lum­ M and Battle Creek.
^Denver. Colo.. July II.—The rlfbl ating lo ihit city about an fiour when places tp do this and make
ber Uo.. of SL Paul, which praltloD be
Aug. 5—Battle Creek. Augusta.
good road ell tbe way from! ed the New Tesuruent. the copy of Whiting (arm Wheat three feet ten has held for several yearm was
of tbij covernment to eoatral ^wer arrested, and the fact that he bad al­
leches comor from the farms of Mike
rhica^o to MscklMw. All the roads,
allea and water richt*. and to force ready succeeded In getting nwsy with
one lime foroman of the local basket Galesburg. KaUmaxoo. Blooolngdale.
matter which way tbey sun. tbe Trarerye Day Gagle taken from Elliott an-l I'lman Cox. Tlntoihy three taclorr. when It was first sutied here.
Aug. 6—Kalamazoo. PUlnwelL MaP
valuable watches would aeet
Individuals and eorporaUnoa us bow
ten inches from J. W. SUter
tin. WayUnd, Grand Rapids.
rust go through Traverse City, sad the original corner stone placed on
These people have become Inierto Us will In tbo matter of taUac out IndlcaU that be was an ex|>eH In bis
November ISJS Betides these there oaU five feet two tnehee from August
Aug. 7—Grand Rapids, Unskagon.
Una He will have a bearing tomor- (be tocaJ good roads assodaiioo
eeted in this section by tbe reporu
permits aod paylac fMe tor tbo um
Aug. S.—Muskegon. Rockford. Ce­
doing alf It can to make thU one of was a financial sutemeot for last Hohoke. John Newcomb
that bare gone to them, aod to (hey
of covernment lands, will bo touebt
dar Springs. Hosrsfd nty. Big Haplda.
tbe greatest attractions of this al­ year, ‘a complete list of tbe church Stove.'.
made IsvestlgaUon and found it fnlD*
out In n case wbtcb boenn In
meabenblp. the members of the Sun­
Thh. display will be continued all
Aug. II—Reed City. Cadillac.
ready famous etty.
Vnlied Sutea district coort ber« to­
day school and Ladles'. Aid aocleiy his seek and If any of the grow
Aug. 12—Ctdlilac Uaiilon, Kings­
lude tbe purchases. They Intend to
day. The covernment la Uylnt
ley, Traverse City.
with a brief sutement of the work of :n have anything that Is especially
take poeiceslon of their new property
force the Centrnl Colorado Power comAug. lj:^raverse City. Northport;
(hat sbelety for tbo preaent year, floe the bank will be glad to add It to
iwny to take out pomUn from tbo Peter Ayem Died Sunday at Old
Board nun. Kalkaaka. Uanew
the officers of the Sunday acbooL Bpforestry aemce beloro It uaoa Uo
Many Tewne Hsvs a Umited Water worth Lea^e. Woman's Foreign Mla- paaslng through the city at thIa
forrat landa it u fl«cod that Cbloof the year that it will he the
Ang. 14—Uaneelona. Bbnlra. Petoesfouary aodeU'. Ladles' Aid society,
tad© U rapidly driftl^c Into -tbe arms
tbe membeu of the official board and beat kind of. a Wmonitntlon of t&e
of tbo power oetop^" and that tbf
Peter Ayers, son of Mr. nnd-Mrt.
growing poasi^Hutee of this region.
Aug. I»—Petoakey. Brutna, PeBsTopMu, Kas. Aug. 2.—The month' 'l>uUdlDg oommlttras. A copy of the
•tate. ihraucb lu laW,omeera. b m- Wm. Ayers, died Sundaf of lubertoB. Mackinaw City.
of July. ms. was tbe second driest current Sunday School Qusnerly,
wltUncly aiding and nbettlnc tbe Croat eulosb at tbe home of bis wife's father
Aug. 16—Mackinaw City. Cfaeboymonth since tbe local weather bureau Michigan Christian Advocate. Claaaeastern power coaeerna- by Interwen- la Old Mtaslon. Mr. Ayres era*
Boyra Cty Woman (Ned Her* Mon­ UL Wolverine. Gaylord.
esUblUbed. 30 years ago. Tbe mate. a U. 8. flag, a IS13 Uncoln
day Morning.
bc in tbe case and naUnc to be beaid years old and was married to Hattie
Aug. 17—Gaylord. Craylisg.
toUl rainfall was lAf Inohra. In penny and a copy of (he Record-Eagle
acalnet Ue Cdrernment
Aug 18—Grayling, West DranA
Sweeney. August. 1»I2. Soon after
lUrthe total ralnlsll tor July was for July 31.—The pastor called atten- Atliae Will Net Oeiiund I
The enure Ucu»-«f the covernment his marriage be moved to Uetralt but
SundUh. Ptncaaning.
Uon to tbe tact that the three dales
From Bulgarinand etaU'a fiebb will be Involved be­ on account of bla health was forced
Ang. t».—Bay City. SaglUT.
the corner stone 18»5. i»00 and
fore tbe cane b finished and If tbe to return north.
Ang. 20—FUnL Holly.
bran known to go dry are dry now. ISIS outline very brlcriy the history
Bucharest. Aug.
The Balkan WM brought to Traverse «tya ehort
Aug. 21—Plyoioolh. DetrtrtL .
■oTorament b aneeesafol It b under
Tlie funeral will be held from the
of tbe church. Beginning as a mis­
Ang *2 and 23—Remain in DetrotL
stood that tImUar court iiraceedlngs St Joseph's cbnrcb of Mapletoa Wed- More than 30 Kansas towns have sion scarcelv able to muster a suf- peace conference Is making steady time uo. died Monday,
bran oompelled to shut off all water
body wax mken directly to the borne
Ang. 25—Detroit. Tpallutl. Aon Ar­
win be Imaedbtely biuiuiad In a
ly amralag at 1:10 o'clock. Rev.
ricient aum of tnoney to put a roof a prollmlnaiT peace treaty can be of her tlster. Mrs. Harvey Crane. 416,
bor. Dundee.
half down other weatern auiee. Tbe Father Jewell of Sk tapids offlcUthardly enojigh for domeatlc suppllea. over their beads In 13S0 tbe sodety signed by tbe time tbe, Hve dnyn' North Spruce streeL Hra. Griffith wae
Aug 26-Ooodee. TeenmeO. Adrtaa.
CorcnuBeatooBlends that lib merely
Central Kansas Is 'hai)Ung waUr for haa grown sUadUy- aa shown by tbe armlsUce expires this week. Rumania iS yrara oM. formerly made her home
Aug. ^—Hudson. HUMdgJe.
oetlag ae a prateetor of the aute
fact that twice In lu history it has
Ang. 26-Jonesvme. KolUr. Albhm.
iberelore has proposed a three days' In Traverae City before moving 'to
end the ladlridoab and that it It
SAOINAW-AfWr making an InveeWn neorasarr to bnlid ’‘Urger. W’beu exteasioa of the compact.
wm ^ton RapMa.
trying to provont n monopoly, of nai- llgatlon o( tbe Saginaw river at this
MT. riJMBNS. - Tta iuM tbe preaent Improvemanu are com­
ReIt is tmdentod the alliee will aban­
vral rMoorcos from which the sute polpt; CoL M. M.. Pitrick. repreeent.
Men's AaeocUtlon estimates that 7S.- pleted tbe weet eod will teve a mod­ don th«4r demand for an lodemnUy bekah ktdgra of Traverse City. One
of Cohsindo oboald rraelve n huge an- Ing the war departseoL Indicated
fK« strangers will vUK this city dur­ ern etnwtnra admirably fitted |« care from Bulgaria.
dalifter. Mrs. noroaee Atkinson and
Bonl Ueeno. Tbontale baa come into that be would NecomaMnd Impreveing the present season to take the for (be work of thb aggrraetve church.
alx sisters and on* brother sorvlvee
the cue. It b nllegod through tbe laih^ and eajoy their summer vaea- Tbe eodety is new ip exceUent eondlHANISTBX—Tbe
thia BBOotk exeseSed that
fleonra of poUtMau who are lev»:
>au which will make it the beet
tloB the Sunday aebool being the detMed to uae the UnbUlty
from tbe home. 4ig North Spruce ty 200 of any greeteM nlblai
abb to tbe iMiipnMet power eon tbe board of trade, and local ofSciate
r seaaeo <rrer en
enjoyed by tbe Carie- largeet thb year In the records of.
•traeLTueedaymeralnt at ten o'clock. Which If eoMWfed aa excaHaai amM jteaUy mocxiraged.
bad1 of Amwiete
tbe ecboel.
■Bev. (XKhUa olDeiatlBs.
ijbek'Ur taQ SfiMsgos











5 ■

--------- -V'"-*




ud th« oolr v»r In which tboM 1h-

to their physical limit In order to
make enough to keep eoul and body
together, and then when strikes or
shut-downs occur they get behind no
tar finaneUlly that In eome inatoncea
they never catch up with the world.
With all the boasted Improvements
to mine construction snd proleftlve
device# there are more mine accldenu
than formerly which result to beevy
loss of life. TTie death toU to the
indnalrles of the world esceed that ot
war and yel we hMr a great deal
about the horrors ofVar and very lllof the dangers of Indosur- The
greatest problem that will have to be
faced in the future in the industrial
world is the safeguarding Of human
life in the dangerous occupiUons.
diminish the earplDgs of some ot
the factories and mine*, but bumanlty
demands that human life shall-take
prec««leDce.of dividends-in iDdestiial
operations This U a queetlon toat
has been too lightly dealt with to tbe
past by tbe financial Interests, but a
change'to sentiment over the country
Is forcing the question to a direct is-

lan be prevented nnd thtir..tocrenee
cut. down to tbe minimum. It to al­
ways well to be on guard against In­
sects that menace tbe tree*, whether
they be fralt or shade, becanee the In-j
sect that will prey upon one kind
wiU CBturnlb- Uke to tbe other kind
their eeerch tor food. If taken to
time all these menaces to the tree*
1 be sSectusUr enrbed and thcs^
ids ot dplUrs saved to the orchard
SDd share tree ownem


glOO Rowarto. aiOO.


portant thingt can be eecured U br
Chicken Thief Waa <
- .S!lr-t?5r iff.
the nnlTed oHort ot the-craters of the
His Seoend Attempt
reelon. The Inportuice of thli ton haveot aer.herole Ideas shout SJSST*
slon ei n trult and pouto ceater
bnrglsmv- —.tbe
demaad* that fone be broogbt to bear
pnrmt piece of aboer good luck Uat
ttpon the rmllmada to prorlde eare
d to klse. -and o
HERALD AHD RECORD 00. when seeded aad ratee ihat will al­
when I' beard a commolloo to my
OBO. O. BATBS. Msuflnf Editor.
low th© KTowers here to compete with
chicken yard 1 made op my mind I
W. A. OIBSON, Bdilor.
other eeotloaa that are oow favored
wouldn't kUl a man or g« killed my­
self for Ue asks of a ferw dollars'
\>r better -ahippiss facIlUlea
worth of poultry- So I opened a back bkr flai;>' randlr PUl* fota
A.nm. It th.
window, yelled: Who's tberef fired
Mdor^Acl of
•• “ >>««»• »
factor Is
two sboto St Ue stars wlU my ra'
the ouuide markets It must bare the
volver and went Uck to bed.
means of cetUns lu products Into
Those who hate occaaton to travel
-to the Bontog whan I went out
markeu to the least passible
the Grand Traverae regiOB on
to Investigate 1 teund t sack eantoin- bmoA m Wtmil
BOCII PhOflW n those
Ume and at the least possible
business report thsi tbe crop conJl- SENATORS FAVOR GOOD ROADS ing six live bens. 1 counted my fioek
and lotmd I had eighteen, tto right
pease. One thlSR U-evident, and that
tioBs were never better than they are
number, beside those to Ue each. Tbe
There baa been just enough Orowine. aeilef. That
railroads and eiprees comthief bad made a haul eomewhere else no she gave notice that she was going
twin to keep vegeUUon In motion all
Vbe In advance j pank* w|JI not voloataril.v reduce the
leave. 'WhyT" inquired Ue tody,
first aad wasn't saUsfled with it U'hen
tbe tunc and no bumtoc sun to .turn
TkNOMtkl ...
40e la advance ratea on the products that have to he
to surprise. "Oh. you don't need-snt frightened him he left hU booty be­
tbe meodo** and pastures brown. The
shipped over their
-The i^ueamanuMtoli, madam." replied Ue girt.
National roads come In for repeated hind.
best whest crop in nine years is
tlon must be obulned by concerted
roferenee In the eeuste debate rul­
-1 tent word to tbe police, and -Wbot yoo want to a «
lartsd and oau are of a high a'
action on the part ot the (rowers and
ing lo tbe poet oiBcw appropriation every effort was made to find tbe own- OOL"
age yield. Corn Is coming on in grand bill It la evident Uat there lb a er of Ue fowls witbont success. They
Tbottaands ot complaints are being shippers, who If they stand toaether
I ef Ancient Oripln.
belonged to some one wbo
Tsditerod from all over the connm In their demands will receive proper
will be a bumper crop of this federal gOTerument btfore long bad so many (bat be didn't miss Uobl.
acaUst the '‘Oklahoma Boottera," «bo reoacsltloa from the rnsnasement ot
d in a bog tc market.
obould concera Itoelf wlU Ue een- So Ucre was noUlng to do but to
gTMl farm staple There Is also
have been traveUn* over the Jrodlnc the roads. Other,sertlons ot the coun­
trieda to
t sell it fi
gtructlon of imnk line road*. Uo* en- keep them. My friends say 1 am as
tlced all over the regtoe aa
railroads la a luxorlo^uly fitted prl- try have token up this duesUoo and
U. however, a purchaser opened (
Interest in thr work of farming and oonrwglng and moktog more con- bad SB the eld skinflint who was ne­
vate car Mllinc loto In UcAlesicr.
vwlest .Tbe great Bood of Intoratoie tted by a burglar. IVtaea Ue police bag before buying. Ue eat. of eoune.
Ue crook be had lost every- lumped ont. dlspigylng Ue ^ fratU.
Oklahoma, at trom $200 to,$SM each, nnlted and harmonious acUon_and aft­
A* (be state and county fair season that will greatly enhance tbe profits
er enieHaa the fl*ht they did not V'
wttbont the purchasers ever seeing
During tbe debate In U* senate thing be bad but hto tTOBnern aod Henec tbu term Tetttog tbe cat ont ot
Instant until they approaches the proMvecu are above of U^' farms With a big fruit crop to Senator Swanson of Virginia made
Ue beg knowlnc anythin* about the agrmu low u to lac tor
r^lts they par lor the luost successful exhlblto nearly all sectlona of tbe region and this eommeBi: "We are now
or the ioU tor which they to wUlingly
held iu Michigan. This condT large yield of farm products In gen­ fronted w-lU tbe propoeltlon wheUer 00 SLOW IN JUQOINQ OTHERA
obtain. Wbai you itel
cave ap th«ir hard aaraed cash. Five started out
-Tbere la ooUtog .sweeter.- .says
rsaideau of Wllkesbarre. Pa. after to this world you have to right tor lion Is due to the abundant rains thst
extend aid for Ue devetopraent.
idon will be pinched financially durElU A'beler WUcno. Than to bear to
maklBc purebate* of the lots went w and the fight must be r.ugod along have fallen during the summer which
Improvement, and consiructlon of
lerene boar ot a starUt algbt'a
tbe coming fall and winter.
Oklahoma to lavesUgate and found logical llnw and all who are Interest­ go to make up the necessary elciucuis
highways- Tbe ilnte has arrived, or
gentle voice esUlug. calUn* -^ytm “
that the lots were not worth as much ed must do their share to bhng to for producing bumper crops of all
win very soon arrive. *hen Ue peo­
Do not drift tote Ue erttleal habIL WeD. It to net ao oil-fired sweet wben
aa $23 each, and that the whole game I«sr the desired results. Now Is thr kinds. Not only Is there an abun­
ple of Ue fnlied Stotea will deMd Rave an opinion, and a seiigtbie one. Ue oUer fellow has a full house aod
that Ue federal government shall ex­ abont everything, but when yon come
Umo to begin the tight, for tbe future dance'of fruit and farm products foi
was a clean swindle. Now they '
_ can't show more tbs* a measly
tend proper aid. W’haterer may be
the poatofilce dipartmem to InvesU- cl the regloB depends uiwn the mat­ exhibit, but it is of a quality that is
judge people lemember Uat yea pair at «Beess—New OrtooM Sutes
the viewsot some, tt Is a qnestion that
I very little of what they really are.
imto the company that baa been'reap- ter cf rates aad shipping accommo­ very seldom equsUed. There Is noth­
must be Inevltobly met, and one that
leas yoQ 'winter and summer wlU
Inc such a rich harvest from the cnlli- dations more than upon any other ing that furnishes as much Inspimcannot be shirked. When n govero- them. Find the kindly, lovable natora
tlon to the farmer as s fair, for It is
ble. It U estimated that the uteu who factor*.
inent comee to eartend aid tor roads of a man who knows little of books.
purh events that he
have eoflneered the deal and ^rat'eted
Look (or tbe besotlful self-sacrifira
It has been suggested that each there ara two ways by which it can
tact with those who are doing things
In such luxury have cleaned up at
be done: It eon ruralah Ue money
In the line of agriculture and can see Grange in Grwnd Traverse aod (bo and constraet Ue rand Itself, or It made dally by some woman who
least a million good dollars lor their
knows nothing about pictures aad
enterprise.- This expose Is another
Sccreiarj- McAdoo
th* Iroaaury the actaal irsnlts of their work and aurroundlng counties arrange to take cos aid. sUmnlate and lead todnCe- teach yourself day to and day ot
ment to tbe local autborttlea to do look for Ue best in everything. It to
proof that there are too many who lei department has announced that he
their bom sense slumber when deal­ sill diMritlute I5II.VU0.000 amopg the lines that will prove of Ineetlmable City fair groonds. Wednesdav. August Ue work of road oonstrncllon- and the everyday joys and aorrows that go
Prominent epeakW* have U-en
to make .up Ufe.
ing with sharks and wake up .after Bai.k* '( the west and south for tbe value to him during the year* to
Senator Heybarn^of Idaho believes:
It to not the one great sorrow, nor
they have been proiwrly fleeced by pun»*e of moving the crops, which come. Men who make exhibit* at fairs secured for (be event so that Uioi>c
enced girl for geamal boaro work.
'When tbe gcvernmeiii eaten upon the one intense joy. tt to the ocenmuto.
men whose sole asset is a glib tongue r-f jsrsHHltosly hoBvy this year. This are thoie who know the farming game who attend will be well n-|«ld
First claaa wages.
Mrs. L. F.
Uto Claes ot wort It ahould be tor tioa of tbe little ones that constitute
Titus. 447 Webster sL mar 1-tt
and appearance of prosperity. ;>' 4uy D jt-c.v'will be placed directly In the
Ue consinictlee of roods,ap to Up Uvtng. BO do not be critical for (be UlIt'liTVlso suggested that those who standard of Ue bigbesi nse". not all at
tdnd of a scheme designed to i'u1l
U.I >s >u the crop dlsirict and will them cannot help beneflttlng the
tJe fisulta. and do be qulek to find tbs NEUROFATMIC TREATMENTfi—Salt
torn fnan the people works best Ult b- not b# dumped into the New York who to seeking information along the do net belong to Uk- Grange
lualy and grad- dttle virtaes and to praise Uen
Vapot.jBklk»,t,eU* tor .lomacb.
localed tar avray. When people cannot, banks and left to filler gradually line to which they are interested. The should, be urged to uttend Ihe rally
part of which
nerve*. cUriiUlha.. feaness. etc.
So much Uat to good to people dies
fruit exhibit at the Grand Traverse (bat they may learn of the Institution -would be worn out befora Ue oUer for wont of eacoorageineQU Tbeir
Prof. Hubbard. Stotaberg Bik. CUa.
•ee what be Is getting. The surest westward as has been the
IJW.may 15-»mo«
for granted that It U all Hgtat. if the past. This money will be allowed Region fair la alwav* cne to be proud from thr man who Is at tbe bead of was constructed, but a syetem of pro- beans are not open books and. as yon
ratt has seldom been equalled at the order in this stole. Thr Grange
must judge yonrself some day. gtva WANTED—Bean acreage: Fred seed
' Touched for by strangers snd hand lu.uks that are willing to put up any
over their money, especially H the<K- kind of good security In the shape of any‘of the sute fairs beW in tbr'past
hig and powerfol order. It Is snlt wlUIn a reasonable Ume in a them (be ktudest indgment now.—
furnlabed oa tbe first thirty acre*
system of permanent good roads.Exetaage.
contricted. Traverae City CaxUag
strangers, pnt on the appearance and state, municipal or other bonds, and One other'dci<arHnent of the local ex­ growing to strength each year and all
Seoaur WUUams of Misstoalppl M
meb ii-af
hibit. however, needs strengthening Inirrestcd in firming can most profit
pay lor It out et the money they lake
merely government bonds, as has
a evateoder for fleet ctoaa conetroeThe •ahle ef LHs
from the pu>ple who are so firmly rou been the case heretofore. and that Is tlie livestock department, able learn o( it's alms and ambitions
tlon. Said be. 'Ton must make one
ALVIN H. GRUEEft. Funeral Director
which during ihe past two seasons
Tln««d that they are buying a gold
and Embalnmr, 312 S
Pcrhaiw It will b« possible for some road go^. Uen yon
be returned to the gorerntocni to
has been sadly tockln* In local color.
Mra. Nellie 1
mine Instead of a gold brick. The
worthy Grangert to come lo oiherrgood. aod then a UIrd and Uen a common soldier Into Ue batiie of
ailments as fast u lia use
There is an nbundance of first class
pboae »T5.
pinper place to Invest money it .at
Thera m
rplly to strength and-to come with n fourth
les unnecessary to the duiricu
would wish ti
home where the one *ho Inveau can where it is distributed. This plan will Slock lu this region that should
flying, tr so. ao much
aee what bo Is getting. bTe surdst allow tbe benkt to secure enongb
and only directs tbe fitsneuvers by tel
better. IMilIc tbe rally U for all
tbe lines iliai is fast coming it
way to loee money Is to gtve it to ready money to move tbe props
egropb. Give me to bear abont the
ceraed directly, or Indirectly, with
Senator Lodge of MsseacI
prominence and tbe more eUesa thst
career of him who to in Ue thick-ol
mrmeonc who has a sure thing in some
agriculture, Its special purpowf Is
coau-nds -If w* are lo enter upon buatoeeu: to whom one change of mar
_ _
Thooe who ara
Is told upon it now tne better and
^way land where the purchaser d*
provr thst the Grange Is a valuable U-: pollc; o( federal aid to good roads ket means ao empty stomach and contemplating listing wlU us. please
less that has been sustained
burer will be thr development This
not tiabla to make an invmU.catlon Un­
o now as w« are geting ready tor
it «lll iBTolve an expenditure
years on account ot
and forceful insiliutlou.
to snoUer s copious and savory meaL
Fall Lisia. which wlU contain
til after the sharpa who mnlrled him their InsbUlly to secure the proper
The main fraturer of tbe rally will mere millioni than Ue Ponami canal This Is not Ue phikwophlcal but Ue
tosephave had a chance to put a long dls amonnt of money to keep things mov- dairying and fruit growing are tnsepcost, and It ought to be done only human aide of
sddreeset of owner*. Tbeee UsU are
arwbly liuked together It can res<W.«"^**-**>‘ basket dinner at noon
after meet earefid consideration and
taaee between themaelves and the
tly dU . tooled through our exten­
tog to the great crop centers. ;fblB be seen why special altruilon siiotrtJ speeches to the afternoon. The best en a broad, well underatood. well ar­ like a stpry: and the life of all who
dancer soon.
are tb^' situated panakee to a smmll sive adrartli
-artlalng giving graaiar puhplan If a radical depariure from the be pal^ to the live stock drpani
irtirifnt of orator* will Include the Hon. John ranged plan. BO that for the mlUIODS way of ibe charm of Bobinson Crusoe;* llcltr than
an any
oUer method and at

ruMoms of the past and baa a great ;of the .region fair. The day of the C' .Kelcbum. master ot Ue Michigan «xp>*Dded ee may- gel value to Ue
very much lees
1— coat.
------ Get
...our propfor every step to critical, and h
deal of merit. The national clrculs- scrub cow has passed and with thr Slate grange. t>r. Eben Mumford. rep- rvluro we desire to'good roads."
list of propertiea.
life is piesented to yoa naked
Senator Bourne, ot Oregon, who
lion waa created for the benefit of introduction of belter breeds and the resenlallvc In Michigan of thr I'ntled
verging to its lowest terms.—StevenTravwra. CRT.
There has been a steady increaM the people, end if they are to be
States Department ot Agriculture
modern silo s sicsiJy growth of
postofficeu and postroods, said: '1 am
to the number* of people who have really benefited {hey should be able
dairy Industry can be seen by anyone and J F. Zimmer, farm managemc
brartlly to tovor ot good roads
Minleter Praises TWs Lasstlvs
come tote Weetrrii Michigan ibto
get the money first hand, when- who to familiar wlih tbe general con­ agent for .Northwestern MichiganRev. H Stubenvoll of Allison, is. in
opltloD Is however, that we have
mer for the purpoee ot making U their
•r tbe movement ot the crops Is at ditions throughout. the recion. Thr
sufficient tofortnatlon to uke totellt- (•raising Dr. King's New Ufe KUs for
funire.bome. Tbe people from other hand. IJiis' system will In no wayIntroduction of alfalfa I* another ele­
gent acUon as to tbe boot otethod of eonstlfiBUon- writes: “Dr. King's New
aUtee ere coming td see thst their let down The bars to the fitunclal
nil* are soch perfect idito no
procednre.ment that Is working tor tbe increase
home should be without ibem.' No
chances are better here tor making worid. for tbe aeruritles that are ac^
of the dairy herds throughout the re­
better regutajor for tbe liver sad bow­
money to fruit and agriculture than cepted by the goveromes^ as collateral
el*. Everv'plU guaranteed Try (hem.
gion. U U weU i^t all the attention
they ara to aome ot tbe far beiwlded must have been-approved by the clear­
Price 23c.. at all drugglsu of Tra
poasibie be-glveB this Induriry ' “■
sectloDs ot this country and Canada, ing bouses before they are loaned up­
ineKtelency Coett
region fair and tbe larger the exhibit
as there are fewer advene condlUoos on, and then only from 65 to TS 'per
the greater' the enemsiaam that will
to contend with. This section has the cent of ihrir fare value vHl be al­
be created.
right kind of toll for general farming lowed to making the loans. The Idea
Tbe cost of bed roads Is strikingly
and there is an abundance of rain at of the plan ti to make the currency
I.m.mJ a.S'.
net forth by Wm. C Redfield eecrathe proper Ume te keep the croiu system ef the country *s flexible
tery of eommeree to Prasident Wllgrowing at their maximum caioclty possible under the prcMnt tow snd
ron'B enhinet. to this mannerSo great have the ravages of the
The markeu are fairly good and art
prevent any possibilUy of a money
Tbe tnelficlsncy arising fipm bad
Improving each year, with fii llcaiiojis alilngnnry when tbe jiripil cash Is brow null moth and tent caterpillar he
roads makes It cost someUtog like
that by the tldie the ^on*ands of needed lo tranaact tho ^natoess of come in several parts of the country
tSW.OOO.OOC s year to cart our cot­
acres of new orchards come into heai the country. The heavy crops Ibis that strenuous efforU are being
ton er^ from tbe fields to Ue rail­
etymologists to check their
Ing the condition win be such ihst It yc:ir will require mmv»than the usual
way stotioB. I tbink few people real­
)12:7 .
ise Ue Immease tax put on us all by
will be possible to get IbVlr fruH ' aroennt ot money, and (be plan of Inv-aston and thus prevent tbe destnie
bad roods sod Ineacirat hsadltng.
' Mrket to the quickest pbstible ti
Secretary McAdoo,to regarded as an
I have said Uat If our farmer*
, - I 1:«"
and at a freight and
rote that exceedingly wise one by the people breeding of the totecta. Too UtUe atonce rraltoed tbe awful us (bat bad
A. M.‘P. M.
win not be eiorbliani. It takes time who will be affected by the Increased Untioo has been paid to the past
road* Impose upon tbem public opin­
!U;U 6:1$
tbe protection of Uwes to all pans
Norwalk .
to develoii a region, but by steadily
ion would ateraly demand Ue makOsekama >cu
of Ihe country, and the result Is that
eaUlag the sitention of the world
tac and matoiatning ot gopd roads
the natural adrantagee and other Jeeverywhere. It now coeU Ue farmer
Trains an'
slraMe features It ran be arcopiivllshtwelve, yea. twenty or more, times
L m- K(,:30
want of proper care oa the part of
QRAIN—Traverae CHy Miniiifi Ce.
ad to tbe due course of Ume.’ Tbe
as much par ton mile to move hto
The chenpest thin* in the world to
goods to Ue railway sUtleB as it
Grwnd Trsverae region is making buman life, which ha* In no degree tbeir owners. One of the chief beendoes to move Uem on Ue railway
Bpkmdid headway on (he road-oCprog- Kept pace In value wHh the general tlee ot a city or countryside to the
after Uey leave the *0(100. The
rero aad all that is necessary to kec£. rise In the coal of living. It is a la- trees, snd when they are neglected
former. Indeed, to bad cases on
It novlDg along the right path is to RiMUble tact that much has been said Ue retail is sure to he detriments]
^ By Ue -Kstolar- method I can rw
points 2H INCH.
certain seasons may have to pay a*
to tbe **(1100 Uat la caretesa Ip Uls
move those aching teeU abaoUlely
havs tbe iwople Uke the pro^r inter­ about Incrceslng tbe
much os $1 a (on mile, while tbe
without pain, and wllhool Ue ute o.
est to maklug/known (he good poltiU factories, mine* and other ptacea of regard. In tbe eastern ststes the most
railroad ^tfrie* the frelgbt. when It
drug* to produce uacoMChwnsa*
trosble is being caused by the hrewnto those who dive beyond the borders.
once goto K. at an average ot UreePeople of nervoas tempatameat uai
iployment. but ao tar rhty lltUe haa
Uil moths, and one ot the moa^ aoeWith tbe preW rate of Increase In been done to effectively
qaanar*' of a cent 4>er ten mile
Among Ue tncton wb$<* briaf up
the poiwlstion n wilt be but a few chances ot death to employea by the cesaftil meihoda of cataitoc them to
Price* corrected eWF-fiay.
leohs of an arc light ot high
Ue cost ef Uvtog there are
yearn before all the available lend U
that control the todnsDR. W. O. KtNTOK
wbleb stand ahead of Ue neelera
divided up Into farms and orchards trie* of tbe country. After every dis­ tower, to which they #ock jmd ait
of tfaBsportatlon. due to poor and
which will Insure perpetual prosperHy aster of consequence there U a public easily trapped. In this
ofton imposaable roada. Poor road*
for the coujiLiea within the district.
Prioes oerrected every day.
demand for stricter regulations, but tlon* of tbe peeu have been killed
not only make Ue eonsomer pay
ms they would cost .ibe employers a by the men to rtiarge of tbe appara- Hos» .....................................................
mere for produce, but Uey rob Ui
Ooe ot the drawbacks to the
madnear of that which abonld be
considerable sum they are neglected
Is thst only about fire per cent
•Med to Ut pries paid Um tor Mr
until tbey are finally
It U evident that tbe great problem
prodwee. There ara few aahjMls on
I. when the
which Ue public to *0 wnaalmoaa
that will hare to be solved by the peo­ suhleet le rerlred vrlth oomparatirelr It bns been found that by Increasing
(hto see of the cost of poor roada. and
ple td Weetern Mlehtgaa 1# the prob­
mne rcsulU. Human We to short­ the power of tbe lights that as high
ret at Ue same time tew enhjeeto on
forty per cent of the Insects .caught
lem. ot dhtribntion of the prodneU er .among Ue wbrfclag classes today
which R to harder to mahs people
e(. the farm and orehard. rannete than It waa a decade ago. notwith- have been feaialcs. to Uls region Ue
ngroe at to Ue remedy and where
have hSM educated up to the point -ranittmg the nm^ vaunted systems
«he Initiative abonld be takaa.
where they know how to properly cab of venUtotlon and coavenlencea' that tent cuterpUtor wtalU toWsler to deal
tlvnt* nnd «nr» for th*ir crops, but ha-m been tostalled to the greet fan- with than Ue hrewDiall moU. for
Praduelag Perk.
can be .caoiUt In the neets and ef­
At tbe Iowa aUtitm sera
thiT have not yet come to reaUse bdlw torlea of Um country Ihe wtxrst
beans bocfM down proOxu
Important ILia that they ahoold hare dltloDi exist to the large citlae where fectually destroyed by means ot th*
pork per hosbel at t
tore Uey Aould be of moden
n nndy and profUabie amrket for tacior)- sAm to limited end the em­
dertgn. bam ot me« durable
what they produce. A Bum»r crop ployes have to be forced to the ttml little attenUoa was paid to this past
' j* aad arttotleally ftn•tends fair nothing unlaos U U pondhte to make ends meet. In these crowded tost sprtag. aad upon Uto account
_____ Ton win find only aaeh
is aapocted Uat aacUer season «
to ijA thpt crop to nnrket ..........
Ufe drudgery young and die young and
IngS teM of tlipe nnd at n
Of tbe popalntlo^.ef Haagaty.
idy seeau to enre. In the mining rmr. iy toumlng the neets batoro Ue
Ftot to nort nnedod In Ihin
lyoung worms get large eooagb
r to othar pa»an.
lima Tfi pm ceat. la eogaged la affrt■oedM to better atdpptog tneilUlea dtotricu tbe same condUkms v>
ttol }9fr«r
nod CKproM rntek. and BOO and boys art brood to work ahift tor themselves all Ue-daDger iMiasc*.—QWo State f e«naL



... ---- ss&^


Great UmsUw

grange gmger

Hoyliif the Crops

Ussy Are CmbIhi

Jhe Markets

Popular Collar
Great Sellers

Protecttni Trees



Bandtton Qo. Co.


HulPrsleel life

......... IS

................... i:

Beller Msrkeb






I Oiriiss-Cooft





*—Ejrtraotdinarjr Of^itunities mark the beginning of the second week of Traverse City’s
Great Economy Event—Our Semi-Annual.



r NiM'ol.................................. ~


—Tlufse jir<- days tilled will) inonoy-aavinc adraiilacef: 1
r vi-ry line thiit trjid<-s at thui sturr. I’.Tiiile all over thin s
lion I'f the atate hiiv.' learned that we are ■'advertiKer* nf
faets." They reaii/e what a Steiiilx-rc Cienraiiee Sale tni-iiiis
aeluai ikdlar-aiiil-eetit wivinp;. For instniiee.

Men’'s Stilts to S«ml-Annnal aearance
~l2h^ A 15c WASH GOODS;
»| v.-ml hundml yards standard
Riii?>iani8 and percaios'. .nlso
lav-iis and diQiitint,
yard.... y..-...........................

—MEN'S PANTS st 95c and
$1,46, worth
up to »-i*; AT
$i:96. $2.96 and $3.96 patits


—l«l ijwere »i:i—I.<it : — \VetT|—Suita »onli
to 115. now at ;
to 120. at . clearing r



S19 90 to (10.50

—Men'", and Voinic Men’s Snilt- in
iiindeU; Slimmer and full woiplita.


and retfular

values np to 7.'»e and
eharniiee prie>-8
79c and ...............................

TUe geaeaiiee ol Suiiuher DrCSSCS
whitc-.foot; rhildron'H fiai' lislo

and ].^e values.

ho»j. .-t,;.. n,-..
pair................................... *


land 95c.

•duck, white and culors; wore
T.V. jWfc aJid ;iric, iinw
at 49c. 89c and........

—DAHTY WASH DRESSES -in tiv^ue clmrlnims. natnml
linens. .......
pereal.v.. e|e.;
to 42.-V' vainer ni $1.25
and $1.46; irL’.Tr. to
valu.-s at $1.95.

—LADIES' 10c
Stevdtn Vmb.

si-a-«>n s |ir.-nii-sl slvlea. eleurm^f now at $4.95.

and 12i'se

-W.M toSlO D^SS; ,nh. .hnlli... U-.s

Indian Wigwams Free wltb
75 to 150 Preminm Tickets


-Indian Suits. Baselwll Suits. Cowlio.v and
<'owKlrl Sufih. all rli-arinc
now at. rlinire ....................



)Voin»A Ombric Draw™ !
lot of .rfe ami .mi.Values

—Ladies' WaiiU snd Blotuai,
linKeri.-s. plain
uitii fam-y
voilea. piipies. ete.. values to

si t:.


95c and



lik’hl and dark
rolors. eleariinf at.


and pants. «a«h................. ’

—CORSETS; two apeeial lots
to f;!.


. h aniii* ni $1.98 and.-.



all siylua: w>irih u|i lo
II. now S9C. lie and............
-SLIP-ONS for ladies mid uiisaes.
aperial value* t SS.95, M.99 and

$2Ji. iLeS and


T2'ln<li. iialtn tniUh. Ireiiu
Utui iiaiierj^. <ar.1


miniature members of tbe community
to }<n down In tbelr "aailgnment
liookR•• the .whlapcred tip from those
a ho are expectlDK young arrivals and
whot train l^ey cipeei to arrive on.
"It la eaally realUni." said Ulss
I’erlilBS. • that these eight oursei
only must be eonpetent trained
Diirses hut they must he al»o urttul
and dtploiiiatic 10 gain the eonfidehcc
Ibetr iiartenti-. It is noi always
easy to step In and tell n mother bow
ought to prepare herseirtor the
ordeal of ehlldbirih and It ll a1»o hard
sometimes for the nurses to make th.
inulhers realize bow tlicy should
for Uie UlUe unvs that are already
•'One of the tlret iMiiga 10
see that the homes are mode clean
aad kept clean. ■ Other officials wf
the hi-aiih rtepartroeni aid In doing
this part of the work. In aome
It is neceesarv boiaiiae of croaded
condltluDs to order tbe exi>eciani
mother to a hospital and it isn't al
«a>R the easiest thinv. ,n the uorld
to make Wr see. that she abnuld go
The nursiv have all these details
BiteDd to and it Is up to them to
range for the tiaiisfer liack to the
homo when the mother and iMtl-y
rtroug enough to bo rbanged. In the
majorilj- of cases, however,
the gooil work Of llicse nursr-s has
l-<vti iKirsed akine. and the niotlierH
and prusiH'ctlve mothers Ae only too
glad when one of tlicia. calls.
1 •The nurses prove a cn-at help to
the various aid societh» of the eil).
Having ritsi hand kiioaledge of so
iiiany raiullles, the nurnra are- fn'iuentlj apiienU’d lo hy aid society ofi.'l.vls to di-clde alien and hojf”uiiicU
f.elp Is Divded."


Tiiluer- HI 4Se, i>c and 79e.

—ALL W-HITC ooons and riRTAIX1N08. CLEARIN’i; AT

10% Off


srouph at i le. l&e dno 2Je.

parsons were UUod and si* sartously |,o, through the ovtsMo oT loop A ati3
wounded. Fire companies of sUte on thrangb the loop B. Tbe halter
r lo put-OB. tbe loop
tnimu reached Wheatland this mom-;
rope between A and B
ing and took control of the sJtoaUoa.j
Amoiu; the dead as a result of yes-,
terdav, |«ttle belweeu strikers and
anlhorltle* M District Attorney Manwell. Trouble M-gan with a rirlke
nuetlnc of hup pickers, who* demand-:
Incriwses (tfllccrs trleU
arreat the si-aker'i. and 1 W W
leaders iirged n-tisiniii 1

Halter Arranged on Horsa.
going around ihe nose of the animal,
and the larger loop made by paaalag
thv eiid'of-ihe rope thiuugh A’ and
HALTER IS VERY CONVENIENT H goes over (be lop Of tbe bead be­
hind the ears A pull on tWknoi at
One .Shewn in Illustration Is Adjust­ <■ will tighu-n the halter. [
able and It May eg Fitted to
Pony or Large Hero«.


A haitrr that will lit a amall pony
or a large hors*- is a uaefal ihmg to One May free Pretty Gc^ Profik in
Feeding at Present Hi^ Price
have til the BUhlco.' The one illue
of Feed aitf Pork.
tral»-d b»ry ir made from a slngl.e
length or rope.
Many farmers tblnk that they canA loop c .11 Is spliced at dije end
znd fourU-eu tnihes from this a second nbi afford to feed tbe pigs liberally
during ibe summer sesnoo. The pigs
an- allow,-d tu shift for themselves In
many Instances. Bud. of .coarse, do
not make much growib. but one may
stw a pretty good i>n>nt In feediag al
the proeoi high prices oT both feed
Ae hogs will Just about lire on tbe
pasture the) can gathra from tbe.
given ttaKa
tield. aud what gram
goes to growth, and any
one who ban
tried it lias found that oiili a moder­
ate ration fed to tbe sboau on pos­
ture wiU make a good growth
tbroogheut the. season.
Early ,si^
an};^breed can
be made tyarcragW.niMM^ -Of gain
a da) l>> the time thej^^w «lgbl or
ten tnenihs old. and a parge port of
tbb can be mode on paaiure.




Wasliiugton. Aug. t.—&ecretai<' of
State Bryao tills afternooD snuouncetl
hl« aiceptance of tbe restKiiation i.f
.Mnliasrador to .Mexico. Henry Ijim
The attiboksadot's reslgnntlon will
become rfferilv,- Ocioh.'r H. In Iti-*
iiieaiil^N- ho will he nn a varainui A
formal siiucineli' Issue.! Iiy the
doienoH'nt said ibe rlep was tal.i-ii
Upon tbe Lirwe That Are Affected by
V.'ihoii was out uf sy.midi'hytba New Rates.. Mayor Mara
wlth the ailiniilixtraiion's Mexican |k>1la Forcing Fight for
i'.'tha City.
Odd Looking Tree.
Tbe -giant plue at Wakanonra. near
Detroit. Ang- t.—The ronncll franOsaka, Japan, It a remarkablr tree,
• hise commlitoe met today to ratifr the main stem of which rises from a
*layor >lari’s resoluilun derlarlnc tnarr of rooli more than ten
ihree cents lo be the iegad rule of above the ground.- These resemblo
lare on all ttroe car Ilnee whi-do the the leniacies of a giant octopus or
I* U. R. company’s franchises have drril fl(b. giving It a weird and uncab*
• li-ired. The mayor was notified In, ny appearance —Boys' Magazine.
i. ivancc that bU proposal would he
Newly Mamed Couple
.iiided. The resolution will go 10
illy very happy, hut the r«ihe eai-r with iteoT^e wIid
council tomorrow nlgfaL and there
laliie luiek, suie
ai.o tbe mayor Is assured it will hr
miiKtlec. cramiti- in ihe Ituwels. dy*-avnrably acted npon. In as infonnsl enterv. v-lek Stdiiiai >1. Tfie-e laKer
> iau ir.tnt the D. V. H. official^ d..r.i! that If theelty iwU a three iii:\.\r;js 1
• ' nt fare rreolntion Into effecL the ir OIL It iH a r I efficient rwnicdy


• lliir. affected.

Suld (>y all clruuKists

A.grieiiltiiral Lime
$5.50 PER TON.
Thi$ product ii mwiufactured by the Charlevoix
Rock Piodu«fi Co!, and is the rejection from a fifty
mesh screen containiog pulverized limestone and tbe
coarser parh^les of hybrated lime. It contains no
caustic lime, and is the best known means to return
the necessary calcium to the soil. Several experi­
mental stations show quite an increase in the crops
where lime was used. Even the best soils are show­
ing unmistakable signs of depletion end the addition
of mineral plant food is producing a marked and
profitable improvement. *
To sweeten land or to prepare land for a good
catch of Alfalfa, use 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of lime to
tbe acre.
For further information, come to our store and
get booklets on Agricultuial Lime. Fertilizer. Alfalfo'
and Cement, It will pay you for tW5 trouble.
Comer'Front and Cass Streets.

Rcaults of Vac
The Kansas experiment atathn baa
received reports of tb^.result of wacITaciiilonrr " i'liiladciphia as a muni
ctuating S.uuu bogs against cholera.
crpaliiy ha« branclicl out Inin (he DURING RIOT BETWEEN PICKERS
In herds infecti'd before vac
am-li-ui and bouoinhlc
T« per eent of tbe hogs snrrlTwd. In
An Adiusubtg^ Halter.
midwlfcl-y and tiu-rc nr<- no charges
herds not infected before vnecinatlon
fur service. Un the theory that a
loop lUi is spliced Tb^w-bole length 9$ per CfOL durrived. This ahow*
rrn -.aved is a cltUcli cWroitl. I’bilH- Five Cempaniet of Militia Arrived To­ of rope is then poaseivlhr^b tbe veo' clearty that ih^ time to use the
cholera serum 4s before tbs dlsMSO
phla lias cone iotu tin- biisinits ol
day and Took Charge of the
hits tbe bard.
ing Its Uahler by not only tooklrg
Situation. I. W. W. Leadera
Tbe losses from swine disease this
Do VoO'Know
after their health and welfare afirr
Caused Treubte.
That If you have iw-en feeling blue year promise to be mticb leas than
(lit y sm«c 'oD this mundane sphere hut
end. cross, all day you ••eu rid yvnrielf 4tt«» but there U a good deal of U
also hy arraiiflnc Mr the arrival
orT'hV bm-!efl”> I'akldg one of tw.i of ;-scatter^ over tbe corn belt and all
Sacrametilo. Calif. Aug. 4—Martial DR
Old Hoc S(i):k (’.e mlmue they
HKRRICK'S KflJAR-COATEl prveautions sboold be taken. Seram
w wa. tie. lur-vl at WlK-aliunrl today,
Is available now in neariy oil lapor4 tM-lore golhc TO bed. TU-y t
hm»Jh-itiK IlilUdclplria way
taot Bwinoprodnetng suies. and .those
frtlluwiiic a niel.l of terror u-sulti&g
This coniparativt-ly new drnarture
r.-n:.'.r ;
w'ho own hogs should take advantage
from r:iils yeste-day aiiioag .iJir slrik- fre^h. vigorous an.I Hn-er'iit
Is ihr-e year- ■•!-l liut ihe cKy 1r .'ust
Int li'i' pKkcf. ilunns wliiili four
CIS. Solo by ull liiiiKKlMs.
hegliirfltic to realUi- an a'Wt
the iniini<-ll*al nurse dcp.vrimeiil
Child Hygtrrc- UurUu IR lo the cily.'
and many I’liiladelpliians arc this sun:realirlng for the fir-t time ih-jt
Change WHI Be Exporlmcntal for Tmq
l*hlh)d<-lpbhi is successfully-acting (he
. Years Before They Will Be
roll or nurse to the poor and nt«d>
Ordered Into Perniarient Ef­
Miss Charlotte Perkins Is chief of (hfect by Commitaien.
Oilld Hyirtene Tlureau of the Uepartmenl of Health. Fhe'explaincil tbrourk
VnKed pre.s what her staff of
WachingtoR. Aug 'dv-Swoplng rcductiobfl In caprci-B rah-^ tbruugboul nurses docs and how they do ti The
ihr> country «*rt- ordvrt*d lodat l>y Uio first and most important thing Is edInterstate .Comerce cnmmlHslon. Tbe iicntien of iho mother, according, to
will tMcama cffecilva Octo- Miss Perkins
We're making every effort for an absolute cleatince of all Summer
•T tC. The ledui-tioRK range fi^in
'The most effective niethud (hai
And when goods do not sell out rabidly we cut the prices deeper
P to C» percent
n lie employed to redue,- ih- alarm
ranee. No half way measures at this store. No consider^to effect a quick clearance,
Th<- rammlssioD deilari-d Ihe Be*' Ing tcitals of Infant niorialliy in h!c
selling prices.
rates win be ' eziKTlmrnial" tor two
to fiod every bargain just as mentioned here, and many
tion of the notlier both l-efore an !
years and linleiis too great loss
just as good that we haven't space lo tell about.
Buiia to the expreta coiu|>antei< iliey after ciilldhirti. Next In Imponancof the child's food. Milk, of
win then be made -pcrinan'-nt. The
express ,<-ompaulcs vigorously opposed course holds first place as (he foo.l
Uw rate rcducTlonii, first ordertd In which must N- most closeU-
1S>1:. and the rates were Uter Mothers cannot Im* too careful In pr<tWONDERFUL SAVINGS IN LADIES’
susi>e'ndtd pending future investlga- paring It Jor the little ones. Then
Todny tbey are flually ordered conies edut-nilsn of the mother as tc
400 Yards 18e to SOc Wash Goods
into effect and rompante* as what she sbonld and should not es(
sen the loss will lie 15.32 j>errent. It Is really astonishing how many
Fine Dimities, silk finished waistings
The new order forces a close com||Bri- mothers and mothers-to-be do not
Ladles' House Dresses — During
and plain pink, blue and tan 4
know that they must exercise eonbeiw.-cn CXI
this sale we offer Ladies' House Dres­
flaxons. On sale, vard......... X^V
federal tercel post and In many in­ sunt core in choosing tbelr own food
ses at a sensational price.
Many 'babies are killed outright by
stances the new express rates
2»c and 35c ^s and Wash,
You can buy one for only........... virC
much lower than the pared post the mother Innoeenily eating food that
Goods. Plain voiles in all colors: tis­
ajnves vliji her all right bnt which,:
Ladles* While Dresses—Selected
when made irt« milk, for the baby.
sue ginghams; Seco silks, novelty
from pur regular stock : about 20
7.111 make ibe llUle one 111."
suiting. A very attractive
dress^ ; some are lace trimmed :
Every morning a group of eight
showing: sale price, yard.
others made up with embroi- J
women, clad In light blue sulu, black
baU. with a badge of the beaitb de
While Pencil Stripe Serge
dery. Sale price
panment on their breasts and carry­
popular for Summer Skirts:
Ladles' Mnsllo Go
**Siyle6 ^at
ing a small phyalelaM sr.tchcl
36 inches wide; regular 50c
are well made andjirettily
leaving CUy Hall- Tbey are the
sale at. yard.
clpal nuroes sUrilng on their
trimmed. $1 values. This week
dally rounda They haven't been grant­
75e Fonlard SUks
Ladles* Wash Dresses—Styles that
ed any hero medals nor have I’.ip pa­
pers carried any first prge stories
formerly Bold up to $4 each. You'll These are the well known Cheney Bros.'
about them, no far os is known, but
Foulard. Beautiful patterns to cho­
need to see this group of Dresses to
tbey probably h^ve actually aared
ose from; 24 in. wide; 75c and
realize what a bargain we
more lives then any ten firemen and
79c vdues, in this sale at. yd. '
offer. At, choice for.
pollceinen in the city.
Mf's Pertlna dnetared today that
THREE - YEARS HAVE P^VED' tuCM etfbt narans In Ute UirA years
Pillow Tabtog
Drw Gtaghams
9c .Bleached Mnalln
they hare asawered rnlla from Olii
Doe Btorkw. bare aided In Increaalng
In 10-yard pieces; soft fin­ 42 and 45 inch Bleached Everett Dress Ginghams,
tbe pt^ioUon of PbUadeipbia by
TO.u«. Pillow Tubing, 18c value;] worth 10c; stripqfc checks
ish. O.BV.C..WVV
excellent 9c value.
Six Tbwiaand BabiM Have Bmr «.000 mile reslil .1*. That meant
Sold by the piece
priced for this sale
ererage of 250 for each nurse for one
Cared for by D
year. Tbe city nuHe bureau was
/ Mothers Trained As to
Thsir Futuro Cars.
one of tbe most Imporiant
Pbtladelphta. Aug. 4.—PhlUdelphU branchea of tbe mnnlclpol gorernmenL
has been caUcB
eUcb a lot of Dames, compli- Tbe Buiwen ww naalgBed to eerioln
mentary and otherwise. Tbs very oectlons of tbe dty and tbey rblt
Traversc.Clty» MIrhtgaa
latest, howerrr. tbst could be applied theM aectlona regutariy sot only
to Uie Quaker City U •Obstslrlcnl attend tbe UtUe ooea that are already



The Second yVeeit of Our

Sensational Price Redaction Sale
Presents Lower Prices ThanLEver.

Ready - lo - Wear Department Prices Cat Deep and Hard on
Silks, Dress Goods. Wash Goods



GLOBE Department Store





MflurBO mEw i



wnr left tBl oM of tbe UM « ttes
ftwv on Jalr 1*. Iti*. vkeB'
^n. Melnik oourod her .Memel



/hnong the /fearby J'ummer Jieapris

Onwn hu hed oalr one Nn. Melotoib end the menorr of her oeme
eriU Ions resats
The following are registered at F. 11. Popp. E. D Burdick. Chicago;
prestous legacy' as wall aa an
,P*iirk Place: J. H. Landla. Mr. awl F. C. Cobb and wife. Ft. Worth: T.
Carlson and wife. Boston: W. C.
ftrie. Aiut- l.-~Poar veeki from picture* ^ .S'apoltoB. at all aie* and Insplralloii to aU who knew her.
: Cbarlea H. Parley, Grand Rapids; George MlchMonder > email band of roothfnl In- •ndtr aU »n* of omdlUoaa. Ut. teei aa Jf oae of the old laadmarks M''*- Laadla Cl
Stevens. aelson. Conclnnktl; C. Beattie and
pertelleU wlU do hOMM to their would rather starve to daath than sell bad been removed. Today we look in Stelntrrb, Deiroll;
dean. M. Ptarre Bchaawi-Bor. the oolr or part with any of these ireaiures. , vain on toe veranda of her late home Cleveland; Mr and Mrs. A. Boyce. wife. Pawpaw; W. J. Carr. fit. l.ool»:
The last time the old man saw Na­ for the reclining Invalid's chair—ibe Buwtiond. om.; W. H. Bels, 8l Mule; A. H Knapp. Jaa. Marooney. Grand
lIvtM nu whoM hand erer held that
of Napnleoo Bonaparte. The date •111 poleon alive, bis father bad ordered gift of her lovlDg neighbors—with lu T. C..Kennedy. 1^ & Harris. Chi- Raptda: George lAlonde, Detroit: W.
him to iwy hi* reepeeu to the em­ a-bile-hared pstltml smSerer, who al­ (Wgo: B. H. Wtikinton, Sonth Bend: H. Dana-and wife. BuSalo; F L. Carina;fc the oU naa'a lOtth blnhdar.
F. J. lUtoJek. Wm. Ralway, J. C.
TheeeateaariaawubDmlntiic pal­ peror. bnt before be was permitted to ways had a swei^ smile and cheery J. W. Telman. New York: H. 8. Han
ace of VerMiUee. He *aa one of Che *e« the exile. Sir Hndeon Lowe. Na- word for every known passer by. One non. Grand Bapidt: A. M. Ericksor. Vpdykc-. V. J. Quinn. H. C. Burgeaaet.
the BvgnsioD; J. M. Jaeka. Indlanapetts: George Panateln. C. £. Keen. L. T.
Kind o( Bnmh pUybOya hU Uther poleone BrllUh captor, had Pierre nf Iter friends who preceded her
homeland alwaye ealird her "8ui
ian-fj. M.. I'inkenon. Toledo; George Kal- tloney. H. G. Wernimoni. Chicago: .N.
'' belaf a aeldtor«r4erlr of the emperor stripped to the akin to be sure no
flelds. Dennison, Texss; W. F. Miller. C. Bdgeit, Saginaw; Jaa. Murphy. WUand attached to the Utter'* peraon. He sacas or contraband articles were shine."
For mnnlhs during her last painful H. K. lialrii. r'bicagu; Mrs. Dennis mlnirton: C, K. Schneider. Detroit: F.
■ aaw Napoleon three time* darloa the taken to the exUod omi<eror.
"1 attribute my Iona Ufa to the farl illnesE when inquiries about her oon- Cash, laura Hoffman. Katherine flels 8. Kenyon, Toledo; George W. Bend­
emperor'* Ufetltne. and once more a*
tnoiber and father both wore dlllon were being made by some good ter. Cincinnati; F. M. Wheeler, Grand er. Deiroll: Martin Klasscn. Sheboy­
the ‘'Uttle Corporal" Uy dead. The that
gan. Wla.; -Job. Wosuman. Detroit:
orderly followed hit maater (nto exile TWT yooDB when I ,was born. He was.>^ul. Intarlably the pathetic'remark Rapids; John Carey. Edna 'Ham
made, "if we could only eee her Georgia Ilamar. Marionette. Wit ; 1
Elmer Engel. A. H. Ware. Chicago
and K vae vblU rUttlnK hie father 19 sad my mother wak^; Tbea. too.
In her chair It would make
At Cedar lg>dge. Norihport Point.
and Mrs. J. W. Caraon. Gus Newm
that Pierre then about IS year* old. I have never hoen fuilty of exceasea
of any kind. I have eaton much fruit happy, for we would then know that [ ada Newman, Chicago; Helen R- Ibe following are registered: Mrs.
aaw Booaiwne, .11. Bcbamel Roy live* In a taburb and drank qoanUtie* of mUk." be
was gelling better ' For >earS|i.,ottg. Indlauapolla: W, H McCurday Earl Palmer, Paducah. Ky.: Mra. Don­
of PaHi In two tiny room* that cM said. "1 have never married—and 1
>«ne wa* the meeting place of^Evansville. ind.; W. C. Wenger. Mll- ald F. Palmer. HouUa. Mtsa: Dickie
him $K, a year for rent, a *un be don’t intend to," bo added, with a ihe various societies and lodges, aDd-wankec: U Serechmao, Chicago; J. Done. C. J. VanBtten. A. O. Dlcklnnsd* dlSIcnlt to ral*e In aplie of a smUa "Look *l my hand." ha »ald. a* one neighbor aptly aald. -"It doesjii. Bills. Pluaburg; Mist Ooldatein. W. aon. F. M. Deane. George T. Dtndal.
BOTemmeat pension of tweaty-olcht holdtnc it onL •'^tm eee. there isn't not mauer what events—be ibej
Sheridan, R 0. I.aplan. Chicago; Miss Anne F. Kelaey. -Mra. J. L
rent* *' ^y. and re^ialy. bnt for tbe a iTMior. I've exercised all my life binhs. marriage*, entertainments or f. H. Halme*. MllaaBkee: L. W. Ho- 8mUb. Mias Berler Cornelia, Mr and
laiervenUen of friend*, be would have and sUll take a ions walk daily. 1 dMtha. which call people away from‘g,n. Grand Rapids; Monte J. Gable, Mrs. T. W. Strahn. Mra. A. E. White,
been pnt Into tbe etreet by bl* Undtheir homes, they always end op si cfncinnatl; Mis* Srems Gardner. H Mra. A C. Sharpe and daughter. MIta
1 do alt my own maadlnc. Not bad. Mra. McIntosh's,"
IE. Collin*. Toledo; l-enora Blaine. Cln- White. Miss Sharpe. Grand Rapids:
One of M. Srbamel-RoT'i Toom* I* ch* Younc parenu. lack of excesses
Her loving and tactful spirit drew cinnatl. W J. McCartney. 8t Louis: Wayne F. Palmer. Geneva. Ill : John
fait ‘-muteum:" Tbtre he haE a rare of any kind, and the wUl to Uve. Tbeee
ore closely the iwnds of friendship
Maraden. Clhcago: II. E. Ches- M. Palmer. Hanover. N. H.; Raymond
rollectloD of Ptret Empire trtokeu. In have been the secret of my century of those flrii true and trusted friends.'ur and wife. Mt. Pleasant: John E. Palmer, Mra Franklin H. Crawthe other. hU bedroom, he haa many and more of life."
many nf whom have gone on befotw-jcsiss. rinclnnall: E. E. Scott. Grand lord. W. C. Newhouee. Chicago; Mlaa
Her helplessnee* was a mute appeal R*p|ds; Jn^. Martin. Ralph Wiley. W. Nlblac. CuUiric, OkUi : Mlaa Palna.1
guest of Mrs. Crahafli. returning home
kindle what was noblest and best
j^.. Chicago; B.
Vesaay. l/>ul8vllle.
^1 around her. The spirit of love
xv. C. Pierce. Detroil; W, neirbor. Mrs. Carrie D. Seeds.'Math­
Mrs. V. S. Otilnger and dmighier which Is the very aplrli of God and \ r Crabiree and wife. Springfield, Ma ews Fletcher. Jr., Indianapolis; Mrs.
Qrawn. Julr Sfl —Mra. Allle Van Floy of Detroit were guesu of Mrs. His witoeas lound ways and means of Katherine Edwards. Dayton; P. H F, M. Hyder. Master Carl Hyder. Elasl
Horn returned Wednesday from a ten klaod BaUy thU week.
working Itself out In "a helpful mio CllBord. Indlanapolla; Mrs. Sidwell. Orange.
J ; Mrs. Ida Voice. North-'
days’'visit with her brother at Crystal
and Mrs. John Sebright- have latry to the suferer.
Mra Meros, I’nionville, Mo.; Mrs port. Mich.; Clareoce Undsay. Flint;
Lake. Mlfb.
The "first fruits" of flowers, fruit Willard Burna. Springfield. Ill : Mrs. Mrs. W. D. C. Germaine. Mra R. Jmoved to Summit City. Mr. Sebright
Mrs. Oake
having bought a general store. Sorry vegetables, etc., were brought to her yf r Brownell. Ruth Warabeck. Law Mercer. Traverse City; Mft. W. H. H.
In; her varailon with ber
At the Wl.lling sre King, Mra- H- H. .Batrfroft. Jackson­
to have Mr Bebrlght't family move by her friendt and neighbors. Y*arloJ,,n„
1). W. Reynolds.
.may. but wlah them turrwiE In their and year out these manlfesUtioDs of Ceorge A. Taft, Ionia; H L Sunford ville. Ill ; Mr. and Mra, Clayton J.
Mr. sod Mrs. A H. Jones and son tew buatoeas.
faithful friendships continued and sas PhiladelphU; Mr. and Mrs. W. K Barber. Springfield. HI.; Mrs Foster
Stanley went to Boon Saturday to
Mrs. \y S. Graham, who came from much appreciated by the one upun R,rl. CbKtago: C. V. Payn. Toledo; and son. New Rochelle. N. Y.; Mra.
visit Dr. Mills' tsraily, returning home Crandvilie to attend the funeral of whom they were beetosed.
|n j. Richard. Seattic; W. M- Mitchell. Robert P. Woods. Dorothy Woods.
The deceiaed held a unique plv< .^d wife, Evanston; U Perlsche,
Whit Helen Woods. Kansas City, Mo : Mrs.
Mrs. Mrlmoih, retnrned home FridayJ<*n Drarken of Traverse City had after spending a few days with In the life of the little cut
J. H. HaaleU.
Fraier. I Oliver. Mr. and Mra George Dailey.
(liarge of tbe Gtwwn bank during Ur. friends.
and It .was with slncero unaffected ao? . Moot
C- W Pelham. New Vi>rk;^Master Oliver Bailey. ClncInnaU,
Jones' abaenc*.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A Johnson and row .that old and young mme on the [ —
A J. Ronadlng, who haa been in chddreo returned from their auto trip day of iter funeral to lake a last look
nnt Ids;
ulsliuing to accuse
the aouth baying pdtaioe*. retartied to Allegan Sunday evening, accom- flt ilie face <if ono who had en­
hi* puymalea of flaking the watch.
home today.
lianled by Mr. JohBsun. alater and deared herself to them. The wealib
a list of the name*
Mil* Mary Crandall of Keyatone la niace.
of flower*, which covered and aurof hU companions and they were
keeping bone for Mr. CrandalL
Miss BHoda Luodln rHurned to rounded her coffin were fitting tokens
Mis* Margaret McIntosh spent the Cadillac Satnrday after spending a
appreciation of mourning
brought to pollee headquarters. One
week end at OrandvUle. Mtrii.. the week with bar Mend. Minnie John- riends wod neighbors. A fe*' week*
of then who h»-l b.*eu in trouble be-1
t-elure tbe end t*e who had been her
fore wu auapected. hut when qneaA number or the Orawn people, at­ vend for many year* aald. "We cmUonrd he malnUInrd that be knew
n( let Mr*. McIntcMii go for she lias Charle* Rutbekam Will Conduct BusiOREM WORMS?
tended the riretia at Traverpe City.
nothing of the mUsisg article. He
neaa. Having Bought Out
Are they feverish, r
Mra. Jay Young or Traverae Xlty eeo our triend and wise counsellor.
Wa* finally given the alternative of
Georg* Becker
IrritaUe. dlity nr
spent Tueeday at Mr. Y'oung's.
producing Hie watch within three
they continually pick; ibelr
. . Aoee. Hers
Dr. Clark la driving a Bulck car.
hours or going to Jail, and before tbe
grind their teeth? .Have they crampMr. Johnson of Chicago Is a gnest (self set free to sooth and sympaappointed time be bqd re)>orted back
Chaa. Ruebekun has purchased Geo. with the waicb. It was learned later
at O. A Johnson's Uris week.
Worms not
Tbe Marshall Furnace Cd have itthat the boy who returned the watch
fertng. but biuu, >.• luiim vuu
tiful life In ill
.Give "Klckaiioo Worm Killer" st once, stalled a new furnace for Ur. Ctark
had intended to leer* the city this
It entlrel). Mr. Ruebekam Is a
^t kills and removes ihe wornn, ImQuarterly meeting-will be held at and suffering?
pcrienced man. baring t>een manager
prove* yo^ clilld's appetite, regnlaie*
^„rch Friday afternoon and evenstomach,
the mechanical department of the
stomach. liver
liver and
and boweU
boweU Tbe
Tbe sympsymp- ‘
Kendrick, will apeak.
B disappear and your <hlM Is made
DETKOIT-IIon. William Jennings
Mr*.' Miller of Akron.
happyy and healthy, as nature Irlend-,
menu, sacrifices, dark valleyi
ileys/ but previous to his moving to Traverse Biw-an, aecretary of atate. will be
itu - • ■by mail.
ed. All drugglti
Ohio, are guesu at Mr Guidn
these were aa the fire which: plfdfies City. There are many new ideM In- of the speakera during the meeting
the American Road Congress In
the gold from its dross.
irporaied In tlie making of caskeu
Few of the pioneers of Crawo 1
Pbilsdclphl*. Pa.
8t Lotria. Me.
Her illness forced tier to a life of that were designed by Mr. Ruebekam this city during (he first week In
October. The Michigan Good Roads'
stUlnest for over
years, but it whUe In that factory.
Association will meet here at
there that tbe fruit of the spirit
ThU biuUiess that was suried
loie, juy. peace, lung suffering gentle- eral yean ago by Claude Carter bas Um&
grown SO that the producu of this
temperance bad a dianoe (o grow.
factoTV are sold throughout thU
Her mlnUiry waa not one of activ­ gloo. There la no other lacior>
ity tn church circle* for ber Infirmity from Owoeso' and Grand Rapids
precluded her attendance there, but Duinth. so there U a wide field to
one of folded hands, bearing pa­ cover.
For Infaau and CUldno.
tiently what God had sent her.
At preeent thi* instltutton maouwhole life waa a living commentory on facturaa enUrc. all the various kinds
Bear* the
of cloth covered caakeU. They wUl
carry the lines of oak. mahogany and eicBaturuof
other woods in alock and later com
mence the manufacture of theup. A
Mapleun, July 3I.-Tbe funeral of full line (V nndertaker* supplle* will
Mrs. Earnest DeCraw, who died Sun­ be kept on hand. ThU will make It
day. «-as held from tbe Ogdenaburg very convenient for the trade In this
eburrh Wednesday afternoon. iQler- region, as It will save the grant ex
waa made in Ogdenehurg ceme­ pense of Hie express charge*, and Mr.
>'■ wide expericDoe will en­
Mias Zorn and Margaret DeGraw of able him to lake care of all orders.
He will se« to It that order* are
the 800 are vlaltlng relatives here.
Mr. and Mra Andrew Cairoll and filled at all time* of the day or nlghtchildren. Miss CUdya McOeiry. Mr. Mr. Ruebekam will have the aaaUand Mra. Jc^n Hoffman and family. tance oT hU son Ralphr In the fac­
Harold lATdle. lAwrence Carroll. Mra tory. a* be Is an expert designer.
Carl will cositnue on the road,
Warrett. 8r.. and Charle* Coolwhere be has been for the past year.
edge went to Traveree CIG' Sunday
Thla U one of the Industrie* that
attend the hall game and visit with
Traverse CIU' will do well to foster.
derable to this re­
Tbe lightning stniok a tree In Alex
Holman's grove near the house Ban- gion and if being the only one make*
It all the more imporuat.

M. Pierre Schamel-RoT Wee Bom in Palace at Vanaillee
and Hu Rare Collection of Napolunlc Itelica.





Let your iooome accumulate in
this ba^ and pay all your hills by
check on a certain day each month.

TbiKMYNHue Aiwi]n Bngtit

With tbe ready money you are .
using you can own a bank ac*
. count, and with ^ a little care build
your working capital.
Thus, while making, a permanent
record of receipts and expendi­
tures, at tbe Mnne time yon ipcrease your financial power.

Under Control of U. S. Trensnry

A^e* paint to ytmr houae.' It U to your InUreet to know what
tbe palnl le—lu epreadlng oapaetty—lU



Yon are the man who pays the blUa. and who loaea If the paint goe*
wrong. Make anre of good reaulU by havlDg yoor painter ute SberwlD-WlUlam* PalnL

It U betur than other prepared palnu on the

market, or lead and oU.

Tbe Sberwta-WlUlame eompany aafecnard

iu quality in every prooaei of manufaeture. Tltey make all of their
own BaMod oH. own and

large alae and load

mlnea and

malte their own 4iT'oolora In^ha laiteat color plant In the United
SUM. ,The reetilu are In tto |ooda Cane'^ls and get a «Bor card.

Fparilc Tp^de

It is the most ecoDomical, satisfactory Floor on
the market It's a Grand Traverse product
Tbe more that is used, the more will be raised.
The farmer Will improve the quality—the whole
Kgion will be benefited.
A sack from your' grocer is the BEST order.

The Haimah & Lay Co.
Ulllen lor Fifty Yean

The Barney Co.
wm be Further Redoeed in Price.
The demand during July was all we coukl expect
with price reductions right in mid-season on .ail
new~«tyles.. To clear the balance we offer^
White VoUe I
White Voile Dresses (to S10.M) lor
While Voile Dresses (lo$ 7.M) lor...... fS.»S


Two Lots of GfngbBiB Dresses
Stripes, in all staple shades, sold formerly at
$3 45-Your efioice S1.08
Formerly at $4 50—Your choice S2.98
White all over. Embrwdery and Lawn
Dresses n.51, tS.7Ss $S.75 to SIS M.
. Sold regularly at $5.00 to $22 50.

Ladies’ Suits now $10
Take your pick beginning this week, your
choice 36 light spring shades, including white serges.
Values up to $30 for 810.Q0.

DRESS^KIRTS^p^$4.7S, $6.75
$4.75 your choice New Skirtt u0 to $7.50.
Men’s Wear and Fancy Diagonal SuiUng.
16,75 your choice of the prettiest styles
and fabrics to be had worth to $10.00.

/Coats for Ladles and Misses
The fabrics and styles were their strong
points'earlier at $10 to $20.
Buy now at S8.00* 7*80s 10.00
and don't delay tbe Coat purchase longer.

[to) Waists |98c|
Hundreds of Waists, values up to $2, at 08c





Seems a long Ume to eoduhe the
awful burning, lichlng. smarting, sklodU«M known as "tetur"—another
i^pitte for Eexorus Seems
to iwallie. also, that DR. HDBBpN'B EC­ POLICE SWEAT BOX TOO MUCH
ZEMA OINTMENT has proven a petfeet cure.
.Mrs D L. Kenney wrliea: '1
Piece ef JewI.ry Woe Teken While
. n Bufflclently exiirea* my thaal
Tektng Dtp In
you lor your Dr. Hobuon’s Eczema'___
the Bay.
mepL It ha* cured my tetter, which
has troubled me for over fifty year*."
All druggists, or by mall. 60c.
Fkiurteen year old Suipbel Bonshar
BL Uui*. Mo.
PhllacUlpbia.-Pa. U bappy^ay because hi* -gold
watch, given him M a gradueUob
preaeni. has becA returned- Bougbey
MeBsni CnpdlUoPB
A tasral wraeth and a . held 1
wtU a number of other boy* w*e
beihlng lu tbe bky Saturday afteruoon.
He bad bU wew watch Miettrel) fasteuThe Beet Pain KllUr.
Buekleu'i Arnica BAlve when Ap­ ed to his coat and ttaongb that bs was
plied to a cut. bralee, apraln. burn or perfectly safe la leatlag It oe the
ucaid. or other Injun' of the aUb wUl beach, aa he never suspecud that one
Imsaed lately reninve all pain. E. S.
Chhmberlaln of ainum. Me, eayi: "It «f his eompenloM wouM be ff«Utr ot
rohe cut* and other Injuriee of .their IbefL Opoa' hU return from
lemra. Aa a bjaUng renudy lu equal
don't :exl*t." WUl do good for yon. He MportM to Chtet of'PeUce Car>
Onlf'^c, at all dmggUts of Travera*
•on. but be «w Bot at an ■»* that he


Our Window Display Attracts
Watch them for Bargains ,

A lot of Men’^ and
Young Men’s Pants at

$4 and S4.S0 Valaes

Hamilton OOeCo.



UVC [i
STOCK ! :i ’ii,






Good Qualities Make This Breed
Most, Desirable.

den Trunk Crepe.



U applied to make new welshi. It resnlu that over 40 pounds of food are
conaumed per week frem which no
profit whatever Is reaped H follows
that the more' money can be made
from young bops killed al a mrdlutn

tome teopis Think Gravel Is Cvae>
Laatlng, but This It Mistsks,
tays Missouri WHtar.
iD) C II HCKI.lUt MlsMiurl ('idlrcr of
I.IUlr dlffli^ifly Is encountered In
Oravel road^ If weU built will last raising calves from (he thne of wean
tis to nine years
It suffers most lug until ready to come Into milk. If
abea aot oeeded. nam^. In very dry the young animals are on pasture, no
weather In tuminer or wben froten further attention Is>. since
bard In open a-lnter.
grass furnishes tbe best and usually
In tbe first place the road bed ihe cheapest growth
should be well made, .but not too
The winter ration should consist Of
rounded, as this Induces waste. all the roughneas the animal will con­
Where eeepy t|wU occur a natural sume. and a small amount of grain
drain should b< built crossa-tse of tbe in addition. Tbe oble«t should be. tO;
road, made of coane roct .lo let tbe keep the young aoimali in a growing
water out to tbe side of tbe-eoad condllloa wlibouf becoming rsceiaiveGravel should be at least el|bt laches ly fat. The liberal use of roughness
deep In tbe center and wide enoupb is desirable, since It le usuaU) Ibo
for two teams to pass
cheapest feed st band. and. further.
We once helped to build a two-mlle It Is gcnrrallS' believed by experience-d
travel road In Missouri nblcB sras breeders that the consumption of Igrge
built by tbe tax rebate system N amounts of roughness while )ouug.
years aco It worked hardship oa onr helps to develop the organs of diges­
dlstnet In this way. writes John tion to the maximum, which Is desir­
able when the cow comes Into milk.
The rougbnrst should b> all means
consist of some legnmc. as clover, al­
falfa or rowpi-a bay. on account of the
rnefi district met on our center line palatabllltr and high prolelo and ash
content of this class of feeds I'orn
silage Is also well adapted for part
plnnlni of Ibeir near end of road, so tt of Ike ration, but ahould always be
rame to pass that they pot the full combined with some leguminous iay
benefil of their work while we only or with a ration of grain that suptot part of It. Most of our people hald



Ui»t be
tieTer ebouM be fed bcyoDd elgbt or
«lnr monttu old. ud (be Urtesl profit
i* fotmd. u e role. Is e etgbi
reedtac 300 poeadt. Wbat li knoon
M tbe rood of aupport. My* a writer
la tbe rbna and Home, playe a very
tnportaat part la the profit and Iom
of Urte welibta.
Suppoee. as ntaay farmera aay. ib^t
a pi« Is aot to be klU^ odUI he
reaches SOO pooads. He must Uke
fron bit food an ^ncreaslap amount
each dS}' to anppott or'tnalouli
welchi already pained, or else be
drops -back. The expertneau IndlMie that two per cent, of the live
weicbt In food must be Uken each
da)' to sopport that live welgbc
if tbe ablmdl welpbi 3M
this ainouau to els pouodi <

|es of the other iwo districts drew.
<f •twmach Is Kept Full of Bulky Food-, Iheir full quote of roed money al the
expense of our district This left our '
fcrtra WofW Is Imposed on
Rtapjetfory SyMsm.
Too much hay led to*ihc farm horse
la an Injury and otteo less-n* his
working eIBclency. acoordlng to the
Oregon experBbpnt ouuon. Kwri
time a horse 'inflates his lungs the
dUvnaeb Is displaced, and if this or­
gan It kept full fli bulk? food .xira
work Is imposed on the r.-splrator) *
aystem Heaves, colic and other forma
of Indigeatlon are often due to tbit
cauae. There la also a waste 'that?
abouhl be conaerved A horaa we^Miig l.OftO pounds win
do more work 'pd keep in tx iier
health on IG pounds of hay dally than
tm 20 pounda Peed him ten pounds
at night and five pounds in the morn
Ing and be will perform more labor
with greeter ease fban he would If
bay were kepi before him all tbe
■ Uire.
A bMwe weighing l.S«) lo l.soo
peubda^does no| ne«^ more than m
pounds of bay A day. and tbe rest of
bis nutriment abould be grain


h Hatchet. It Cenaitfa Oeeaalena.
In Swtuerland every one aeemt to
be born wtib-a laaie for rht-ese. and
the harder the cheese tbe better they
Uke It.
y.ermatt cheese Is so hard that It
has to be cut with a hatchet, but Its
mveasary on alt cwremonloui. oeca

The rank of a Swits faaitly Is often
know’n by the age of its cheeae. and
the more respect or affection Ahat
guest inspires the harder Is tbe
cheoe that Is eeiWed In hie honor.
Theae are famlllee where the cheo*'
In tbe larder dates back several bun- dred years and la »o valuable that
only served on great occasions such
as baptisms, weddings and funerals.
On the birth of an heir a cheeee Is
made and named, and U Is not rut
nniU ilu' wedding rf the new arrital



ecptaelaa Are Used.
f Of Olfferent gixea.

I have yet seen It will hold a 30ponnd pig or a lOftpound hog equally
well, at ringing time, wriier tV ,C.
UulBtngton of Ouedo springs. Kan.
In tbe Pkrmera Mall and Rreete Tbe
frame la made of 2 by 4's bolted t»
f-Mter at top and bottom The lever
r be sbifted at the bottom lo St

For Holding Hoga.
Urge or small bogs' bends. Tbe opaoIng lo the lever and (tamn. which U
closed over tbe bogU Mck. U eight
» inches from the base The handle U
notchi-d at its upper exid Into which a
short piece of 2 by 4 catches to h6ld
ihi- lever In place when an animal It
caught This piece Is hinged to the


Drags h

At the fonnecUrut PXT>ertmrnt i
tlon It was found that oilfk from
o|<en pall conulned
times as mi
bacteria as when a covered i>all was
ts<d in another stable, not quite
of road money and the poll tax to keep clean, the o|iw pall contained 30 tin
the diairfct In order, and by the time
all this land tax rebate had been used
our district was In very bad ahape.
Our- money nearly all went to othora
dUtneU and It U not Just for a few- to
have a good road at the expanse -of
the others
Wben a boy 11 to 37 years ago
age. Mw.


back and find host thoae roads chaaged. Where we helped build a good
gravel road 32 yean. ago they have
bren hauling creek gravel every six
to eight years and In this way they
have a good road They have the
^vel near at Band._.and with plenty pf
loaders n team averages one load an
hour /
L think II the Uw
ilres. and then the doubletree and
iiMckyoke wens lengthened out to give
the team more liberty, the roads would
be much better. If we can't go with
the four-inch wo ought to lUy off tbe
road or use the spring wagon to get
the necesaaries of life Tbe^ la no
excuse generally for coUIng up the
roads except abont the first of March
Our country roads will' never be
graveled, for long before we get over
them we will ban to aiari over agalm
Bomr people think gravel In everdastIng. but that Is a sad mlaUke Even
new we don't iblnk of saving our sur
face dirt and do not employ the motto,
"a sUteb in time save alnc." our roads
moat wait till the working time cornea
■and go dU to pieces If the weather la
bad-ta-that time

I'tgs should be changed to fresh paalurv freqnt-nlly.
•New |» the Tlme’-to «« chc*p gaina
an llie spring pigs.
Be sure (her^ls plenty of freili wF~
ler In ever) RMtgra
la*ok out for the ewea. Good awed'
are good proi-rty. al»-aya.
Selecting Ewea
hive stock on the farm will tun uaA Ganadtas authorit> said the beat
mar-keiable ffs^nig money.
time to purchase the ewet lor a farm
Even care aliiald V taken lo gat flock la In August Just after .the lamb*
the UmU u> emCeatifif grain.
have been weaned We can pore!
(bem aa cheaply then aa al any Ume
and <mn make the beat aeiectloa In
'(diooaing ewea that have raised iambi,
There la notblhg like a cement boa as their milking qualities and atranrh
wallow to keep the J,t«s coiiienied aniT can be ascertained. Besides, we will
comfortable lo hot weather
have then In good condition tor (he
If young pigs become blistered by next crop ct lamba.
the hot aun. grease their backs and
pul them In a shady pasture.
Pauftry industry.
InbiwedlDg U dangerous with all
The Imports of the product of pouV
typea of farm stock. It always pays
try culture Into Ihla country from
to get new and rlgorons blooA
foreign coualrlce al|pw that the field
If yon arc baying a boese, get him
la aUll open to a large increase of
oi. a alow-trot. Tbvn.-it ever, he wiu
the Industry in the United Btatoa.
abew any lameDsaa be may have
A clooe srateb aheoM be kept upon and that the opportunity U wnltlag
a'J ewen with rouBf Umba. u> avoid fCr those with sagacity and Industry
enot^b to Uka advantage of lU
tone by aetbacka In lamb growth.

as many bacteria.
In another very
dirty farm, $T per rent of tbe bacteria
were kept out by the covered pall. At
tbe WUeonaln aUtloR extended leeU
ahowed 2fi times more bacteria In
from an open pall than where a t
top pall w-aa used.

More PalsrUble the Feed the Groater
Quantity a Cow Will Cenaume
Wstar Is Also Important.
The following general facta should
be observed In making np the ration
for a dairy tew. A cow abonid be fed
alt that she will eat and dlgeat well,
giving doe consideration to the cowl.
dlgeStlbHUy and composition of the
food fe^^. Tbe more palatable
groater guantlly a cow srin
food the g
Variety often increases
. A part of the' ration ahould be sueruicnt In nature, at aoeb food itlmu>
laiet action la the inteuUnaJ tract
which acimulatea vigor, thrift and
hoalib la tbe animal. Another Im­
portant ^ort of the food supply la
water. Too often this it net ^ven
proper cogaideration.
If any uieosn ha
tainted, apodal acAldlng will be nea
ihM wa­
ter as a destroyer of bacteria. Wag
more i>enetraiinR aa well aa ^vlng
more Intense beat.


Obseroanee sf^Blmpie Rule Meant
Success In Life.


<Rt F l. BTKVkLVg.l
The loss Incurred from plant dleeaac* Is olten ilbderwtimated by the
Fine Market Bird, but Dost Net Mp
farmer; passes unrecognlted. or Is
ture aa Early aa Decs the Pekin
regarded as natural and Inevitable.
or Aylesbury—la Hardy
As a matter of fact plant dlseMee are
and PreUfIc.
exceedingly destnictlve, and the differ­
ence between profit and lost on a
given crop Is often irsceable lo tbe
wa) in which the pUnl diseases are
edly popular throughout this country, bandied In gtmeral. plant diseases
and is eonaldered ooe of the moat msy be described aa including all rots,
profitable varletlea to keep. These molds, blights, mlldf-wB. rusts, amuu
ducks are said lo have come originally and spoU of various kinds. Many of
, the cUy of Rou-n. In NormanJy these depreciate the ralue of tbe yield
It Is known that large qnanililet of or cause lu loss during storage. I.«af
poultry are raised In Nomsndy. and ' spots. bUghia, etc, reduce the amount
while there msy be no positive proof ; of green matter of the leaf, and therethat these ducks came originally ' by reduce the atarch-maklug power of
from that rliv. large niimbcra of blrda . the leaf- The purpose of the leaf Is
closely resembling them are to be to produce starch, to nourish tbe wood,
found In the market plaeea Ibcre. , twigs and fruit of following months
Some writers claim that the name snti years. If tbe green portion of
ahould be -lloan" owing to their the leaf and lu atarch-prodnclng powcolor, butr really iba color iirelt doeu , er tn- destroyed future yields must sufnot support this eonteotloa.
) fer accordingly.
le Rouen duck la a fine market I There are several hundred serious
. but does not mature as early as I and Injurious plant diseases C.' Iheoe
docs tbe Pekin or tbe Aylosbury, The many can be prevented by proper
flesh Is considered veo delicate and treatment, although, of course, there
the breed Is acknowledged to be ex­ are many others for which no aaltacellent for table purpoeea being easily faciory treatment Is known.
fattened. Tbe Rouen will be found a
Wherever fruit or truck crops sre
Vroiliable bird lo raise on tbe-furm raised commercisity we no* And that
'being hardy. |•rT>!lnr, quiet of dlsi>o- spraying foriiii part of the care of the
sltlon, and of very beautiful plumage. crop Just as much as does Ullage,
Their eggs are not as large aa thoae of pruning and fertlUring fipraytng U
a neceat Ity lo the profitable growth Of
j these plants. Many people object
I The idea of spraying, say-lug
' graodtaihers could raise
'gmvd fruit withont spraying. Thli may
be true, but we of today eannot do It.
Iiiseares haVe Increased In number.
■Many have been Imported Into this
I country from foreign countrlee
eas.-s which prevailed In only or
a few states now spread over
whole I niled States Blseases which
Trio of Colored Rouen Duckg.
were formerly trifling In Injury have
tbe PeUrr.~ahd are iltTeiwe in color. 'increased to be very Injurious, so-thai
Tbe Roiirn is ondoobtedly efoaH^ :‘the crop producer Of today must face
related to tbe Mallard duck: Its the tact that to raU
plumage alon- would make good this he most take steps
tieJlef. But the ahape of the dotnes-.i- diseaift-s In many tnstancea an out­
rau-d Rt-urn dUcit has been greatly lay of a few cents gives a roturn Of
Orchards enUrely
modlfied Iron, that of the wild Mal­ several dollars
lard, the body Ig grown Ic-nger and useless are frequently made product­
heavier, with a tendenrv to dn p down ive by proper troaimcot. Every far
In the rear, the wlnga have lost tbe mer should gain knowledge concern
power nf flight which the wild an­ Ing thcahtef diseases of hls crops, and
cestor poaset'sed. The plumage, how­ should 1-qulp himself to fight them.
ever. remains alrarvet the same.
Both the drake and duck clothed In DOCTORING WOUNDS IN TREES
plumaise altruclltt- and pleasing to tbe
eve. arv as much fanciers low la aa any Any Cut of More Than an Inch fineuld
of t^le varieties of chickens. >'ct they
Be Covered With Paint to Pro­
are of murh value as market
tect fiurfaet.
*n>e only objection le tbcui. aside from
'heir slow tuatuilng qualities. Is that
It does no: take tbe experienced
of dark plnfeatbcri. This should ^ot orcbardisi long to detect faulty prun­
stand ngams'. them any more than It ing la BU urcbnrd. even if done years
does against the mauy valuable varie- before
Tree butchery " he calls U A
fkens that have dark plum- common fauli Is shown In the Illus­
irk plnf««tbers To tbe lar- tration. says the Farmers' HstI and
who Inicuda raising ducks for I'reeie The cut made at A leaves a
,.rket purposes they are to b« recom- stub (bat Is too long It cannot heal
over as Ihe bark will die aronnd IL
leaving ihr bean good exposed to do-

Second ExperimsnUl fiutlan Laestod
Ob Battsvilla. Md.—Managwf
' Upon Peaetical Lints.'
dustry become that I'ncle Sam baa
started a second experimental poultry
farm on bis own account Ho wants
lo find out wbat are the best breeds
and what la the best trealmeot and
management to make them most
IiroflUble He will not trust to the
axporlmenUI work by the state of
Maine. New York. Ohio or any other.
He will have It done tinder bU own
supervision, ao that no mlstakea will
be made.
Hit MW poultry farm la located at
ncltsvllle, Md.. some 13 miles out of
Washington and beyond the Man
experiment station at College
g Park.
the I
of animal husbandry
down-to-daie plana, and tin; eqnlpmenL
while of good apivearance la simple
and InexpensWe In character, ao that
the veriest novice can copy the Ideas
wlthcmt a great expenditure either of
time or money. Sixty aerea have been
set aside for the poultry farm, but aa
yet It is only in (be development suge.
and much has to be done befpre a rMlly workable demonsirailon plant Is eeUbllabed Most of the hnuxta are of
the colony portable type.


Common Pruning Fault.


iv and disease The cause of many
dead ox sickly tree could be traced
Just such a beginning B repre
j _
i will soon haal
loo close and leavaa loo large
i wound Any wound more than i
Inch In diameter should be covered
! with an ordinary lead paint to
lect the exposed surface until
new growth can ealloaa over IL

Liquid fer Dormant Bpray May
g Gallon af

CnMlng Owl OM Kona.
It u well to kee* la mind that tna
be iundpolni of egg producUon polA coBceniraled llme-sulphur waah
rfa are more profiuUe than older
os a dormant tprfiy may be
It Is falM economy to ^ftala
bent more than two yeags old tmleos , made by diluting one gallon of <
for breeding or exhlWUon purpoeea. centrated llfc«ronlphur with ton galGet rid of the old slock In tbe late Ions of water The concentrated llme^
the market by many
tommer or early fall, retalnftg only Sulphur U pa
the very best bene for hreedtng pniv InaecOclde fl la. or may be made
poace. Plenty of room ahould be pro- home in act dance with the followSali^ur 80 pomds;
Tided for tbe young pulleu to develop , tug formula
and this can be accompUahed best : best etone lime. 40 pounds; water, »
by getUng rid of the old slock ghlcb gallons Further Informatjoa on the
shows alnx of deterioration.
J preparation and uae • of tbe llme-eul_________________
I phur waah mar be found In buBetta
far Hana.
' H' cf
Agricultural Erperimeat
f», » tt
fret of floor space; better six. Tea
Fruit fee Heme Uao.
Inchea each of rocstlhg space Is not
Wben fruit U cheap and plentifal
too mncb Tbe roosb sbenld
nidi placefl
at least elghlara in^os agart

When Carol wax nearly four yeara
oli her parents bad occasion to movs
iB'o another pan of town aad ooe
morning when a strange little girl
wandered Into tbe yarS Carol, who Is
aa otty child, was dellgfait-d
Idea of a iilayfellow
"Good mornlnc. Dlile girl" she
tiled out brightly, "nid you tome
to play wiv a»er
The imie girl, who was oldej- end
larger than Carol, stared and' was
'tVhar* ynur name, little girir
Carol iiCoreeded.
No answer
"Are you flveT"
Still no answer
"Art you slxT"
The child, fidgeted and grinned, but
remained silent with her finger In bw
mom h.
Carol surveyed her calmly a mte
meni and then remarked emphatical­
ly: 'Well, t don't know your name,
and I don't know bow old you are.
but I do know you aren't very amart
for your age!"—Delineator.

Thirty yeara ago. to a poor schoolbouse in a back dlsirict. a boy at tbs
foot of his claa* unexpectcflly speUod
a word that bad passed down tbo enHr* flOM'
5 dp ahead." aald ihe matter,
"and see that yon sia}' there. Yon eaa
If'jon work hard.”
Tbe boy bung bis head- Bni the
next day be did not miss a word in
spelling, Tbe brtg'hter scholars knew
.very word In the lesson; hoping
there might be a chanoe to get'abead.
rtut there wa-- not a single one. Dave
ttayed si the bead. He had been an
Indifferent speller, before, bnl now he
knew ever)' word.
"Deve, bow do yod g« yoor leOMn
w- well nowT' said the master.
•1 learn even- word la the' leoaon.
and get my mother « hear me at
rlghi. then I go over them In the
morning before I come to school. And
I go ovet them at my seal before the
elasa Is railed np."
"Good boy. Dave!" oald the masier.
“Thats the way to snceess; always
work tbst stay and yonll do."
Dave to-day lx tbe manager of a big
Imnber company, and be atulbntos hM
"Go up sbead. and see that yon ttay
there Ycu can If you work hard "
Success may come a

Dean Lefroj. who has expressed the
opinion that ten minutes Is long
enough tor a sermon, would have met
with scant sympath) from some dl FIND COMFORT IN THE NIGHT.
vlri«'« of past centuries.
s Quickly Vanish In Ita
Thomas Hooker considered three
hours a (air average allowanee for a
sermon, though, on one occasion, when
o Mi ot.mwforr
be war 111. he let hls eongregation off
continued hls homily for two hour* i
J- ^
longer. Cranmer's sermons were each full pf fret aad care, and our hearta
a amaU book when set up In type: have been SQ full Of bitter tbooghu.
and Baxter. Knox. Buo'on and C^lrin and tbe world h^s seemed ao hard and
rarely reached 'laatlj. my brethren." wrong to aa Then, nlghu Uke some
great loving mother, gently Inys her
under two hours.
George Heri>ert once aald: The band., upon onr fevered beads and
purxoD exeeedH not-an hour In preaefa- turns oar Utile tear-iiainad taees up
lag. U-oause all ages have thought to hen. and omlles: and tbeugh sbe
hut a certain t
was of another opinion, for he never 'heek against her booom. and tba
t down under t wo boura. The squire,
.quire, ii:P**" •• gone,
re lesre. usually withdrew after the
N'Utht's bean la fulL of pity tor ua;
hand IB bera. and tbe
ext wax announced, snaked htx pipe kb* »»kes
uulde and returned for the bleating. llUle world grows very smalt and very
far away beneath us. and berae on
her dark wia0 we
for a moment
He MssfA Well.
Into a mlghUdpVrtowit.^ah box own.
Th, ttU-trammlB rt,rk .
.. .................
and In (be
wondrous UgW^ that
CTtM I. rlk-ro™!, Akkli, op . chocoL.-oM-tt -boo .oOdoo], n,, IMU „„ , p„, o,,„„
„ o,,,,
broke In hls hands, and (be ensuing
deluge made him look Uke a bumna
ihe counter, trying to be sympathetic.
Not knowing exactly what to say. ho
finally blurted out: •
"Ob'—er—too bod—did the rlosa
Dripping chocolate* fro^ he
fooL tbe clerk lookeda at ^
•Old the glass break?" be n>ar«Nl.
Did the glass break, eh"" And then,
with freexlng aareaxm: "Oh! no—
not at all. not at aU
You juSt ba^
pened to step In while 1 wax taking
my morning shower."
Tb^-Bllpper HabIL
Did you ever have the tUpper alckness" I ilo-not mean the kind mother |
gave you In Infancy whenever yowi
had boy and the hairbrush was
DOt hxndy Greet Jupiter! What a
household cocreolence mother's old
slipper used (o be when all of us old
fellows were being trained to obedi­
ence and morality! Bm tbe slipper
habii I refer to lust new applies to
adults who Imagine ibemselvee In
pkv.ical decay. F^i, get a little bit
under the weatberr” Secondly, cot out
wearing ahoes and molly, about the
bouse In telt comSes. er something
knitted, croefcetted, embroidered nnd
sumped wear Japanese straw saodslR or Indian moccasins Pretty soon
you will be a genuine Invalid.

Levs tht Bow on UfsM Ctood.
Love is the onlv bow on Ufe’a dnrk
eloml. R4a tb* moraing nod evoalng
star. It Shines on tbe babe, sad abeds
lu radiance on tbe quiet tomb. It la
the mother of art. lospirer of poet,
patriot and pbaroopher. It U the nir
and light of every he«rt builder of
every home, kindler of every fire oB
the hearth, it 'was the first drew of tmffloriallty. It nils tbe world with meledy. for music U the voice of lore.
Love Is the magldsn, the enchanter
that changes worthless things to Joy.
snd mskes right royal queens aad
kings of common clay. It Is the per­
fume of that wonderful flower, the
heart, and without that si
we ore )sas t
that jiyjne
divine swoon,
beasts, but with It—earth la bonren
jodt —Tbe late CoL Boben C. Ingersbtl.

Invsntlena -FeroteM.
Many practical InvenUons dC mod­
em days were toreohodowed In a book
written In itti by the marguU of
Worcester. It consisted of dcoeripHens of 100 projects or tavratlCBB .
which (be sultaor ihonght peettbte of
Among them werw
eeciet writing by dpher or pecuUar
Inks, telegraphs er eemaphoren. ex­
plosive projectiles that would sink any
ship. sElpeShtt would resUt any proJcctlisdr'a key that wlU fasten nil the
drawers of a cabinet by one locking,
a targe cannao that could be shot six
I Iblnk Ihe memon of most of ns times a minute, flying machine*, cal­
can gr> farther back Into such times culating macbinet (or addition and
'ban many of ns suppose: Just ss I ■nbtraetloa. and a pistol to discharge
believe ibe power of observation In a dosen times with one loading.—Chi­
very voong children to be quite won­ cago Examiner
derful for Its clooenees and accuracy.
Indeed. I think thnt mont grown men
Fewer from Diffleultiec Overoome.
who sre remnrknble in ihls respect
The teacher of the tdd school who
may. with greater propriety, be sold showed bis pupil the way out of every
not to have loot the faculty jbas lo dlflkulty did not perceive that be wax
acquire K. the rather, as I generally ■enerating an attitude of mibd grealty
observe such men to retain a certain miliutlag agmlnxi soccms Is life. Tbe i
rrei-hneas and gentleneas. and a en- modem Instmcior. however, iadnee*
pacliy of being pleased, which sre also Us pupil to solve ^ dlBculUee himaa Inheritance they have preserved seif; believes that In to doing be te
rrow childhood.—Charles Dickena
preparing him to meat the diacnlHes
which, when he goee Into the'world,
there wlU
no ooe to both him ;
Fined fer Kitting Hsr Methsr.
The Moscow correspondent of tbe through: nnd finds conflmarma-Kf
NoToetl states that Mile TreBloS. the thU belief In Ihe fnct that a great
famous Ratslan setress. has Ju« proportkio of the moot aoceesafnl sat '
been fined tee nblen for klsnlng her are eelf-made —Herbert Bponeer.
mother on n tram ear. It appears that
both la Moscow and Si. Peteni
As the Drvgglat Oedgaa.
It Is uBlswtuI lo give kisses tn0 public.
Thst's a funny tUag." aald (ba
a kiss In the street being penalised by prttty woman. "I ia» neat Sarah tg
s fine of seven roubles, ten roubles be­ the drug store tor a UtUa brucsMe to
ing the floe Inflicted on tbooe wbo put me to sleep toUgbL t bare Men .
practice osculations In railway trains awake for ieren) Ughu. n«y
or in tram ears A recent enactment couldn't edl It to her. thv saM. bat
eysn renders poreone wbo send deelai- they toM bar where the conid go aad
sUons (ff love on post cards liable buy an 88<«nt bottle of It Baoponad.
»fl a fine of Ive roubles.
"They'd le( h« know where sbd
could buy enough to klU so. bst *
wonldat seU btr enough to p«tt 90 In
Wayelde CeMIdencen.
-Ko. Mend. 1 ain't ao bobo sor vag.
I'm Jeat wnlkta' around de worM oa a
Manofacterfasi Cherts.
81B.gM b*L"Bow-ls yoor doubter getUag t^T
re taU aie dat. paL tor
"BpleodJdly. Bha;s
Joto Bog ,
Pm merely leadin' 4U kind of s Uto
to gather material 'far a book on at Beethoven's worts.'
tramps, an' I was about to set ^ dewgt -What is K. on* of tbobe pottoty
tor a »«tt type *« boa."
' ■)*#-.?-




UVC [i
STOCK ! :i ’ii,






Good Qualities Make This Breed
Most, Desirable.

den Trunk Crepe.



U applied to make new welshi. It resnlu that over 40 pounds of food are
conaumed per week frem which no
profit whatever Is reaped H follows
that the more' money can be made
from young bops killed al a mrdlutn

tome teopis Think Gravel Is Cvae>
Laatlng, but This It Mistsks,
tays Missouri WHtar.
iD) C II HCKI.lUt MlsMiurl ('idlrcr of
I.IUlr dlffli^ifly Is encountered In
Oravel road^ If weU built will last raising calves from (he thne of wean
tis to nine years
It suffers most lug until ready to come Into milk. If
abea aot oeeded. nam^. In very dry the young animals are on pasture, no
weather In tuminer or wben froten further attention Is>. since
bard In open a-lnter.
grass furnishes tbe best and usually
In tbe first place the road bed ihe cheapest growth
should be well made, .but not too
The winter ration should consist Of
rounded, as this Induces waste. all the roughneas the animal will con­
Where eeepy t|wU occur a natural sume. and a small amount of grain
drain should b< built crossa-tse of tbe in addition. Tbe oble«t should be. tO;
road, made of coane roct .lo let tbe keep the young aoimali in a growing
water out to tbe side of tbe-eoad condllloa wlibouf becoming rsceiaiveGravel should be at least el|bt laches ly fat. The liberal use of roughness
deep In tbe center and wide enoupb is desirable, since It le usuaU) Ibo
for two teams to pass
cheapest feed st band. and. further.
We once helped to build a two-mlle It Is gcnrrallS' believed by experience-d
travel road In Missouri nblcB sras breeders that the consumption of Igrge
built by tbe tax rebate system N amounts of roughness while )ouug.
years aco It worked hardship oa onr helps to develop the organs of diges­
dlstnet In this way. writes John tion to the maximum, which Is desir­
able when the cow comes Into milk.
The rougbnrst should b> all means
consist of some legnmc. as clover, al­
falfa or rowpi-a bay. on account of the
rnefi district met on our center line palatabllltr and high prolelo and ash
content of this class of feeds I'orn
silage Is also well adapted for part
plnnlni of Ibeir near end of road, so tt of Ike ration, but ahould always be
rame to pass that they pot the full combined with some leguminous iay
benefil of their work while we only or with a ration of grain that suptot part of It. Most of our people hald



Ui»t be
tieTer ebouM be fed bcyoDd elgbt or
«lnr monttu old. ud (be Urtesl profit
i* fotmd. u e role. Is e etgbi
reedtac 300 poeadt. Wbat li knoon
M tbe rood of aupport. My* a writer
la tbe rbna and Home, playe a very
tnportaat part la the profit and Iom
of Urte welibta.
Suppoee. as ntaay farmera aay. ib^t
a pi« Is aot to be klU^ odUI he
reaches SOO pooads. He must Uke
fron bit food an ^ncreaslap amount
each dS}' to anppott or'tnalouli
welchi already pained, or else be
drops -back. The expertneau IndlMie that two per cent, of the live
weicbt In food must be Uken each
da)' to sopport that live welgbc
if tbe ablmdl welpbi 3M
this ainouau to els pouodi <

|es of the other iwo districts drew.
<f •twmach Is Kept Full of Bulky Food-, Iheir full quote of roed money al the
expense of our district This left our '
fcrtra WofW Is Imposed on
Rtapjetfory SyMsm.
Too much hay led to*ihc farm horse
la an Injury and otteo less-n* his
working eIBclency. acoordlng to the
Oregon experBbpnt ouuon. Kwri
time a horse 'inflates his lungs the
dUvnaeb Is displaced, and if this or­
gan It kept full fli bulk? food .xira
work Is imposed on the r.-splrator) *
aystem Heaves, colic and other forma
of Indigeatlon are often due to tbit
cauae. There la also a waste 'that?
abouhl be conaerved A horaa we^Miig l.OftO pounds win
do more work 'pd keep in tx iier
health on IG pounds of hay dally than
tm 20 pounda Peed him ten pounds
at night and five pounds in the morn
Ing and be will perform more labor
with greeter ease fban he would If
bay were kepi before him all tbe
■ Uire.
A bMwe weighing l.S«) lo l.soo
peubda^does no| ne«^ more than m
pounds of bay A day. and tbe rest of
bis nutriment abould be grain


h Hatchet. It Cenaitfa Oeeaalena.
In Swtuerland every one aeemt to
be born wtib-a laaie for rht-ese. and
the harder the cheese tbe better they
Uke It.
y.ermatt cheese Is so hard that It
has to be cut with a hatchet, but Its
mveasary on alt cwremonloui. oeca

The rank of a Swits faaitly Is often
know’n by the age of its cheeae. and
the more respect or affection Ahat
guest inspires the harder Is tbe
cheoe that Is eeiWed In hie honor.
Theae are famlllee where the cheo*'
In tbe larder dates back several bun- dred years and la »o valuable that
only served on great occasions such
as baptisms, weddings and funerals.
On the birth of an heir a cheeee Is
made and named, and U Is not rut
nniU ilu' wedding rf the new arrital



ecptaelaa Are Used.
f Of Olfferent gixea.

I have yet seen It will hold a 30ponnd pig or a lOftpound hog equally
well, at ringing time, wriier tV ,C.
UulBtngton of Ouedo springs. Kan.
In tbe Pkrmera Mall and Rreete Tbe
frame la made of 2 by 4's bolted t»
f-Mter at top and bottom The lever
r be sbifted at the bottom lo St

For Holding Hoga.
Urge or small bogs' bends. Tbe opaoIng lo the lever and (tamn. which U
closed over tbe bogU Mck. U eight
» inches from the base The handle U
notchi-d at its upper exid Into which a
short piece of 2 by 4 catches to h6ld
ihi- lever In place when an animal It
caught This piece Is hinged to the


Drags h

At the fonnecUrut PXT>ertmrnt i
tlon It was found that oilfk from
o|<en pall conulned
times as mi
bacteria as when a covered i>all was
ts<d in another stable, not quite
of road money and the poll tax to keep clean, the o|iw pall contained 30 tin
the diairfct In order, and by the time
all this land tax rebate had been used
our district was In very bad ahape.
Our- money nearly all went to othora
dUtneU and It U not Just for a few- to
have a good road at the expanse -of
the others
Wben a boy 11 to 37 years ago
age. Mw.


back and find host thoae roads chaaged. Where we helped build a good
gravel road 32 yean. ago they have
bren hauling creek gravel every six
to eight years and In this way they
have a good road They have the
^vel near at Band._.and with plenty pf
loaders n team averages one load an
hour /
L think II the Uw
ilres. and then the doubletree and
iiMckyoke wens lengthened out to give
the team more liberty, the roads would
be much better. If we can't go with
the four-inch wo ought to lUy off tbe
road or use the spring wagon to get
the necesaaries of life Tbe^ la no
excuse generally for coUIng up the
roads except abont the first of March
Our country roads will' never be
graveled, for long before we get over
them we will ban to aiari over agalm
Bomr people think gravel In everdastIng. but that Is a sad mlaUke Even
new we don't iblnk of saving our sur
face dirt and do not employ the motto,
"a sUteb in time save alnc." our roads
moat wait till the working time cornea
■and go dU to pieces If the weather la
bad-ta-that time

I'tgs should be changed to fresh paalurv freqnt-nlly.
•New |» the Tlme’-to «« chc*p gaina
an llie spring pigs.
Be sure (her^ls plenty of freili wF~
ler In ever) RMtgra
la*ok out for the ewea. Good awed'
are good proi-rty. al»-aya.
Selecting Ewea
hive stock on the farm will tun uaA Ganadtas authorit> said the beat
mar-keiable ffs^nig money.
time to purchase the ewet lor a farm
Even care aliiald V taken lo gat flock la In August Just after .the lamb*
the UmU u> emCeatifif grain.
have been weaned We can pore!
(bem aa cheaply then aa al any Ume
and <mn make the beat aeiectloa In
'(diooaing ewea that have raised iambi,
There la notblhg like a cement boa as their milking qualities and atranrh
wallow to keep the J,t«s coiiienied aniT can be ascertained. Besides, we will
comfortable lo hot weather
have then In good condition tor (he
If young pigs become blistered by next crop ct lamba.
the hot aun. grease their backs and
pul them In a shady pasture.
Pauftry industry.
InbiwedlDg U dangerous with all
The Imports of the product of pouV
typea of farm stock. It always pays
try culture Into Ihla country from
to get new and rlgorons blooA
foreign coualrlce al|pw that the field
If yon arc baying a boese, get him
la aUll open to a large increase of
oi. a alow-trot. Tbvn.-it ever, he wiu
the Industry in the United Btatoa.
abew any lameDsaa be may have
A clooe srateb aheoM be kept upon and that the opportunity U wnltlag
a'J ewen with rouBf Umba. u> avoid fCr those with sagacity and Industry
enot^b to Uka advantage of lU
tone by aetbacka In lamb growth.

as many bacteria.
In another very
dirty farm, $T per rent of tbe bacteria
were kept out by the covered pall. At
tbe WUeonaln aUtloR extended leeU
ahowed 2fi times more bacteria In
from an open pall than where a t
top pall w-aa used.

More PalsrUble the Feed the Groater
Quantity a Cow Will Cenaume
Wstar Is Also Important.
The following general facta should
be observed In making np the ration
for a dairy tew. A cow abonid be fed
alt that she will eat and dlgeat well,
giving doe consideration to the cowl.
dlgeStlbHUy and composition of the
food fe^^. Tbe more palatable
groater guantlly a cow srin
food the g
Variety often increases
. A part of the' ration ahould be sueruicnt In nature, at aoeb food itlmu>
laiet action la the inteuUnaJ tract
which acimulatea vigor, thrift and
hoalib la tbe animal. Another Im­
portant ^ort of the food supply la
water. Too often this it net ^ven
proper cogaideration.
If any uieosn ha
tainted, apodal acAldlng will be nea
ihM wa­
ter as a destroyer of bacteria. Wag
more i>enetraiinR aa well aa ^vlng
more Intense beat.


Obseroanee sf^Blmpie Rule Meant
Success In Life.


<Rt F l. BTKVkLVg.l
The loss Incurred from plant dleeaac* Is olten ilbderwtimated by the
Fine Market Bird, but Dost Net Mp
farmer; passes unrecognlted. or Is
ture aa Early aa Decs the Pekin
regarded as natural and Inevitable.
or Aylesbury—la Hardy
As a matter of fact plant dlseMee are
and PreUfIc.
exceedingly destnictlve, and the differ­
ence between profit and lost on a
given crop Is often irsceable lo tbe
wa) in which the pUnl diseases are
edly popular throughout this country, bandied In gtmeral. plant diseases
and is eonaldered ooe of the moat msy be described aa including all rots,
profitable varletlea to keep. These molds, blights, mlldf-wB. rusts, amuu
ducks are said lo have come originally and spoU of various kinds. Many of
, the cUy of Rou-n. In NormanJy these depreciate the ralue of tbe yield
It Is known that large qnanililet of or cause lu loss during storage. I.«af
poultry are raised In Nomsndy. and ' spots. bUghia, etc, reduce the amount
while there msy be no positive proof ; of green matter of the leaf, and therethat these ducks came originally ' by reduce the atarch-maklug power of
from that rliv. large niimbcra of blrda . the leaf- The purpose of the leaf Is
closely resembling them are to be to produce starch, to nourish tbe wood,
found In the market plaeea Ibcre. , twigs and fruit of following months
Some writers claim that the name snti years. If tbe green portion of
ahould be -lloan" owing to their the leaf and lu atarch-prodnclng powcolor, butr really iba color iirelt doeu , er tn- destroyed future yields must sufnot support this eonteotloa.
) fer accordingly.
le Rouen duck la a fine market I There are several hundred serious
. but does not mature as early as I and Injurious plant diseases C.' Iheoe
docs tbe Pekin or tbe Aylosbury, The many can be prevented by proper
flesh Is considered veo delicate and treatment, although, of course, there
the breed Is acknowledged to be ex­ are many others for which no aaltacellent for table purpoeea being easily faciory treatment Is known.
fattened. Tbe Rouen will be found a
Wherever fruit or truck crops sre
Vroiliable bird lo raise on tbe-furm raised commercisity we no* And that
'being hardy. |•rT>!lnr, quiet of dlsi>o- spraying foriiii part of the care of the
sltlon, and of very beautiful plumage. crop Just as much as does Ullage,
Their eggs are not as large aa thoae of pruning and fertlUring fipraytng U
a neceat Ity lo the profitable growth Of
j these plants. Many people object
I The idea of spraying, say-lug
' graodtaihers could raise
'gmvd fruit withont spraying. Thli may
be true, but we of today eannot do It.
Iiiseares haVe Increased In number.
■Many have been Imported Into this
I country from foreign countrlee
eas.-s which prevailed In only or
a few states now spread over
whole I niled States Blseases which
Trio of Colored Rouen Duckg.
were formerly trifling In Injury have
tbe PeUrr.~ahd are iltTeiwe in color. 'increased to be very Injurious, so-thai
Tbe Roiirn is ondoobtedly efoaH^ :‘the crop producer Of today must face
related to tbe Mallard duck: Its the tact that to raU
plumage alon- would make good this he most take steps
tieJlef. But the ahape of the dotnes-.i- diseaift-s In many tnstancea an out­
rau-d Rt-urn dUcit has been greatly lay of a few cents gives a roturn Of
Orchards enUrely
modlfied Iron, that of the wild Mal­ several dollars
lard, the body Ig grown Ic-nger and useless are frequently made product­
heavier, with a tendenrv to dn p down ive by proper troaimcot. Every far
In the rear, the wlnga have lost tbe mer should gain knowledge concern
power nf flight which the wild an­ Ing thcahtef diseases of hls crops, and
cestor poaset'sed. The plumage, how­ should 1-qulp himself to fight them.
ever. remains alrarvet the same.
Both the drake and duck clothed In DOCTORING WOUNDS IN TREES
plumaise altruclltt- and pleasing to tbe
eve. arv as much fanciers low la aa any Any Cut of More Than an Inch fineuld
of t^le varieties of chickens. >'ct they
Be Covered With Paint to Pro­
are of murh value as market
tect fiurfaet.
*n>e only objection le tbcui. aside from
'heir slow tuatuilng qualities. Is that
It does no: take tbe experienced
of dark plnfeatbcri. This should ^ot orcbardisi long to detect faulty prun­
stand ngams'. them any more than It ing la BU urcbnrd. even if done years
does against the mauy valuable varie- before
Tree butchery " he calls U A
fkens that have dark plum- common fauli Is shown In the Illus­
irk plnf««tbers To tbe lar- tration. says the Farmers' HstI and
who Inicuda raising ducks for I'reeie The cut made at A leaves a
,.rket purposes they are to b« recom- stub (bat Is too long It cannot heal
over as Ihe bark will die aronnd IL
leaving ihr bean good exposed to do-

Second ExperimsnUl fiutlan Laestod
Ob Battsvilla. Md.—Managwf
' Upon Peaetical Lints.'
dustry become that I'ncle Sam baa
started a second experimental poultry
farm on bis own account Ho wants
lo find out wbat are the best breeds
and what la the best trealmeot and
management to make them most
IiroflUble He will not trust to the
axporlmenUI work by the state of
Maine. New York. Ohio or any other.
He will have It done tinder bU own
supervision, ao that no mlstakea will
be made.
Hit MW poultry farm la located at
ncltsvllle, Md.. some 13 miles out of
Washington and beyond the Man
experiment station at College
g Park.
the I
of animal husbandry
down-to-daie plana, and tin; eqnlpmenL
while of good apivearance la simple
and InexpensWe In character, ao that
the veriest novice can copy the Ideas
wlthcmt a great expenditure either of
time or money. Sixty aerea have been
set aside for the poultry farm, but aa
yet It is only in (be development suge.
and much has to be done befpre a rMlly workable demonsirailon plant Is eeUbllabed Most of the hnuxta are of
the colony portable type.


Common Pruning Fault.


iv and disease The cause of many
dead ox sickly tree could be traced
Just such a beginning B repre
j _
i will soon haal
loo close and leavaa loo large
i wound Any wound more than i
Inch In diameter should be covered
! with an ordinary lead paint to
lect the exposed surface until
new growth can ealloaa over IL

Liquid fer Dormant Bpray May
g Gallon af

CnMlng Owl OM Kona.
It u well to kee* la mind that tna
be iundpolni of egg producUon polA coBceniraled llme-sulphur waah
rfa are more profiuUe than older
os a dormant tprfiy may be
It Is falM economy to ^ftala
bent more than two yeags old tmleos , made by diluting one gallon of <
for breeding or exhlWUon purpoeea. centrated llfc«ronlphur with ton galGet rid of the old slock In tbe late Ions of water The concentrated llme^
the market by many
tommer or early fall, retalnftg only Sulphur U pa
the very best bene for hreedtng pniv InaecOclde fl la. or may be made
poace. Plenty of room ahould be pro- home in act dance with the followSali^ur 80 pomds;
Tided for tbe young pulleu to develop , tug formula
and this can be accompUahed best : best etone lime. 40 pounds; water, »
by getUng rid of the old slock ghlcb gallons Further Informatjoa on the
shows alnx of deterioration.
J preparation and uae • of tbe llme-eul_________________
I phur waah mar be found In buBetta
far Hana.
' H' cf
Agricultural Erperimeat
f», » tt
fret of floor space; better six. Tea
Fruit fee Heme Uao.
Inchea each of rocstlhg space Is not
Wben fruit U cheap and plentifal
too mncb Tbe roosb sbenld
nidi placefl
at least elghlara in^os agart

When Carol wax nearly four yeara
oli her parents bad occasion to movs
iB'o another pan of town aad ooe
morning when a strange little girl
wandered Into tbe yarS Carol, who Is
aa otty child, was dellgfait-d
Idea of a iilayfellow
"Good mornlnc. Dlile girl" she
tiled out brightly, "nid you tome
to play wiv a»er
The imie girl, who was oldej- end
larger than Carol, stared and' was
'tVhar* ynur name, little girir
Carol iiCoreeded.
No answer
"Are you flveT"
Still no answer
"Art you slxT"
The child, fidgeted and grinned, but
remained silent with her finger In bw
mom h.
Carol surveyed her calmly a mte
meni and then remarked emphatical­
ly: 'Well, t don't know your name,
and I don't know bow old you are.
but I do know you aren't very amart
for your age!"—Delineator.

Thirty yeara ago. to a poor schoolbouse in a back dlsirict. a boy at tbs
foot of his claa* unexpectcflly speUod
a word that bad passed down tbo enHr* flOM'
5 dp ahead." aald ihe matter,
"and see that yon sia}' there. Yon eaa
If'jon work hard.”
Tbe boy bung bis head- Bni the
next day be did not miss a word in
spelling, Tbe brtg'hter scholars knew
.very word In the lesson; hoping
there might be a chanoe to get'abead.
rtut there wa-- not a single one. Dave
ttayed si the bead. He had been an
Indifferent speller, before, bnl now he
knew ever)' word.
"Deve, bow do yod g« yoor leOMn
w- well nowT' said the master.
•1 learn even- word la the' leoaon.
and get my mother « hear me at
rlghi. then I go over them In the
morning before I come to school. And
I go ovet them at my seal before the
elasa Is railed np."
"Good boy. Dave!" oald the masier.
“Thats the way to snceess; always
work tbst stay and yonll do."
Dave to-day lx tbe manager of a big
Imnber company, and be atulbntos hM
"Go up sbead. and see that yon ttay
there Ycu can If you work hard "
Success may come a

Dean Lefroj. who has expressed the
opinion that ten minutes Is long
enough tor a sermon, would have met
with scant sympath) from some dl FIND COMFORT IN THE NIGHT.
vlri«'« of past centuries.
s Quickly Vanish In Ita
Thomas Hooker considered three
hours a (air average allowanee for a
sermon, though, on one occasion, when
o Mi ot.mwforr
be war 111. he let hls eongregation off
continued hls homily for two hour* i
J- ^
longer. Cranmer's sermons were each full pf fret aad care, and our hearta
a amaU book when set up In type: have been SQ full Of bitter tbooghu.
and Baxter. Knox. Buo'on and C^lrin and tbe world h^s seemed ao hard and
rarely reached 'laatlj. my brethren." wrong to aa Then, nlghu Uke some
great loving mother, gently Inys her
under two hours.
George Heri>ert once aald: The band., upon onr fevered beads and
purxoD exeeedH not-an hour In preaefa- turns oar Utile tear-iiainad taees up
lag. U-oause all ages have thought to hen. and omlles: and tbeugh sbe
hut a certain t
was of another opinion, for he never 'heek against her booom. and tba
t down under t wo boura. The squire,
.quire, ii:P**" •• gone,
re lesre. usually withdrew after the
N'Utht's bean la fulL of pity tor ua;
hand IB bera. and tbe
ext wax announced, snaked htx pipe kb* »»kes
uulde and returned for the bleating. llUle world grows very smalt and very
far away beneath us. and berae on
her dark wia0 we
for a moment
He MssfA Well.
Into a mlghUdpVrtowit.^ah box own.
Th, ttU-trammlB rt,rk .
.. .................
and In (be
wondrous UgW^ that
CTtM I. rlk-ro™!, Akkli, op . chocoL.-oM-tt -boo .oOdoo], n,, IMU „„ , p„, o,,„„
„ o,,,,
broke In hls hands, and (be ensuing
deluge made him look Uke a bumna
ihe counter, trying to be sympathetic.
Not knowing exactly what to say. ho
finally blurted out: •
"Ob'—er—too bod—did the rlosa
Dripping chocolate* fro^ he
fooL tbe clerk lookeda at ^
•Old the glass break?" be n>ar«Nl.
Did the glass break, eh"" And then,
with freexlng aareaxm: "Oh! no—
not at all. not at aU
You juSt ba^
pened to step In while 1 wax taking
my morning shower."
Tb^-Bllpper HabIL
Did you ever have the tUpper alckness" I ilo-not mean the kind mother |
gave you In Infancy whenever yowi
had boy and the hairbrush was
DOt hxndy Greet Jupiter! What a
household cocreolence mother's old
slipper used (o be when all of us old
fellows were being trained to obedi­
ence and morality! Bm tbe slipper
habii I refer to lust new applies to
adults who Imagine ibemselvee In
pkv.ical decay. F^i, get a little bit
under the weatberr” Secondly, cot out
wearing ahoes and molly, about the
bouse In telt comSes. er something
knitted, croefcetted, embroidered nnd
sumped wear Japanese straw saodslR or Indian moccasins Pretty soon
you will be a genuine Invalid.

Levs tht Bow on UfsM Ctood.
Love is the onlv bow on Ufe’a dnrk
eloml. R4a tb* moraing nod evoalng
star. It Shines on tbe babe, sad abeds
lu radiance on tbe quiet tomb. It la
the mother of art. lospirer of poet,
patriot and pbaroopher. It U the nir
and light of every he«rt builder of
every home, kindler of every fire oB
the hearth, it 'was the first drew of tmffloriallty. It nils tbe world with meledy. for music U the voice of lore.
Love Is the magldsn, the enchanter
that changes worthless things to Joy.
snd mskes right royal queens aad
kings of common clay. It Is the per­
fume of that wonderful flower, the
heart, and without that si
we ore )sas t
that jiyjne
divine swoon,
beasts, but with It—earth la bonren
jodt —Tbe late CoL Boben C. Ingersbtl.

Invsntlena -FeroteM.
Many practical InvenUons dC mod­
em days were toreohodowed In a book
written In itti by the marguU of
Worcester. It consisted of dcoeripHens of 100 projects or tavratlCBB .
which (be sultaor ihonght peettbte of
Among them werw
eeciet writing by dpher or pecuUar
Inks, telegraphs er eemaphoren. ex­
plosive projectiles that would sink any
ship. sElpeShtt would resUt any proJcctlisdr'a key that wlU fasten nil the
drawers of a cabinet by one locking,
a targe cannao that could be shot six
I Iblnk Ihe memon of most of ns times a minute, flying machine*, cal­
can gr> farther back Into such times culating macbinet (or addition and
'ban many of ns suppose: Just ss I ■nbtraetloa. and a pistol to discharge
believe ibe power of observation In a dosen times with one loading.—Chi­
very voong children to be quite won­ cago Examiner
derful for Its clooenees and accuracy.
Indeed. I think thnt mont grown men
Fewer from Diffleultiec Overoome.
who sre remnrknble in ihls respect
The teacher of the tdd school who
may. with greater propriety, be sold showed bis pupil the way out of every
not to have loot the faculty jbas lo dlflkulty did not perceive that be wax
acquire K. the rather, as I generally ■enerating an attitude of mibd grealty
observe such men to retain a certain miliutlag agmlnxi soccms Is life. Tbe i
rrei-hneas and gentleneas. and a en- modem Instmcior. however, iadnee*
pacliy of being pleased, which sre also Us pupil to solve ^ dlBculUee himaa Inheritance they have preserved seif; believes that In to doing be te
rrow childhood.—Charles Dickena
preparing him to meat the diacnlHes
which, when he goee Into the'world,
there wlU
no ooe to both him ;
Fined fer Kitting Hsr Methsr.
The Moscow correspondent of tbe through: nnd finds conflmarma-Kf
NoToetl states that Mile TreBloS. the thU belief In Ihe fnct that a great
famous Ratslan setress. has Ju« proportkio of the moot aoceesafnl sat '
been fined tee nblen for klsnlng her are eelf-made —Herbert Bponeer.
mother on n tram ear. It appears that
both la Moscow and Si. Peteni
As the Drvgglat Oedgaa.
It Is uBlswtuI lo give kisses tn0 public.
Thst's a funny tUag." aald (ba
a kiss In the street being penalised by prttty woman. "I ia» neat Sarah tg
s fine of seven roubles, ten roubles be­ the drug store tor a UtUa brucsMe to
ing the floe Inflicted on tbooe wbo put me to sleep toUgbL t bare Men .
practice osculations In railway trains awake for ieren) Ughu. n«y
or in tram ears A recent enactment couldn't edl It to her. thv saM. bat
eysn renders poreone wbo send deelai- they toM bar where the conid go aad
sUons (ff love on post cards liable buy an 88<«nt bottle of It Baoponad.
»fl a fine of Ive roubles.
"They'd le( h« know where sbd
could buy enough to klU so. bst *
wonldat seU btr enough to p«tt 90 In
Wayelde CeMIdencen.
-Ko. Mend. 1 ain't ao bobo sor vag.
I'm Jeat wnlkta' around de worM oa a
Manofacterfasi Cherts.
81B.gM b*L"Bow-ls yoor doubter getUag t^T
re taU aie dat. paL tor
"BpleodJdly. Bha;s
Joto Bog ,
Pm merely leadin' 4U kind of s Uto
to gather material 'far a book on at Beethoven's worts.'
tramps, an' I was about to set ^ dewgt -What is K. on* of tbobe pottoty
tor a »«tt type *« boa."
' ■)*#-.?-





4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦
H«l«* hud
•« th* M.MU VOUM rolla •mmMm I WorryUnd* * wUdfiuoM
Wl»r* no tree nor Bower m m fTOW.





, «n tr, «.« t. ~r„ » »

fret about anirthlng.
I wAlltry to he aa happy a
♦ ^


Chcera Ibe desert place below.

» lurc to
’ « - Be the maather what
, ^ Keep In tight of Bunny
2 **/Sh try to be IovIbb, hatpfwl
And jou cannot loae
^ and Wnd to everybody and te 4
^ eeenr "»<"•
If I over fall In tprl^ to do
« thooo Oilnga, 1 wlM .‘Try, Wy
♦ hShlm"

U mar —
the may

♦ Hill patha are tbe beat you H find.

beware of pal^a that wind
Down the tale to WorryianJ.

OrganlxaS Oaeambar 8, ItSt.
PrealSan^-Miaa CUm Beta*.
Flret Vice PreaWart—Mrs.

--------- -

l■•o'l''lhat a rupDlng little poem.
Sunbeama? It miU^ttelpjta to retuemV and (ret.
It ha. r
other Sunshiny ver*e that ahe mw recently. l,el'R play-pretend that she la
reading It aloud to you! Nom, listen'
id Falnt-oMlcart
S., on o» . lour,., WUh 0,1,.Tr,.
Ah, »oh ... ...a, ,0 do M. own.



mdo Oor Woeber UAiice Clorko. I ulned elx efgi Mother end PnUiereleven rolU. end on rnnklns toQuIir
» Cnpllne (peBcnn).
you kn»w. fiow in the weier. nod
Uke bcfl- vorj nneh 1 thlak thel you Mallard alternated to aimw on theand wairhlim the doc. he *aa found
U Wtak (hawk),
weave them into a aort ol round WU.
a miauke In writing nett. They couldn i have their mealt to etop on hu way botne and to beWhen jour boya and girle entertain Then they hanc.ioceiher ou the ateni
my name; It U apelled Lovla. 'It U a together, tweauae each had
to Py ,aiow one roll on a poor half atarved their frieodt. It would he a gowl of aome other mater plant, makin* liille rell In ihv middle to
name that we do not often bear.
1 down to the lower lake (or
food female doc. who lay with beP pupplea game (or them.
Some uae (lc> abeiU even, with snaiK
i (ar from the road.
gtioaa ihU la all for thli time, ao I Cracked com waa acattered there In a
and other acl'maln alive In them They
Our Coon Cat.
The baker waa then told to put thlrwill cloM with fowl
keep ibe»e i«>or thingk Just as il ibw
When at laat the ducklln*. were teen rolli In the baakei. and then (or
6on*hlB« Club.
ir coon-cat. traveled from Maine i>. 'mere in pruon. and drag them all
From your lltUe Bunahlner.
hatched. Father Mallard flew amray to •»">•
a time‘ the whole thirteen were Cambridge, lie maa a three monthk abv«’ w'lh them—Our Utile Ones
Luvla Irene fage.
the lower lake and took up a diaaipat- After
-Onoo a Bunahlner. al«ay. a Sun- «j exUi.nee with the .man*, com- brought rogul.rU home: a aign a. It kltian-a puff ol Malteae gray. wUh
-----------------------ahlner. - 1. one of oor Ouh mottoee. pietely dUrecardlujt his obllgnUona as was found, that his friend, the nmiher. a bright pa.r of eye. that .homed
p..p,« who Scatter Sunahina.
and It meana that >«, never have to , ,*retw and man of family Wlih .1* •••» “<>* ronvalew^oi, and able to do green b> day and .lutrkllng bUck by
u^rotht Dix
-Tbe con.tortJoin the Club but once, and that you siarvins duckllnga, sUll unable to fl>, *‘iboui help.
night. Ho waa. and Is. W reaj picture .w*
.nmiomng people are tho«.
may be a member all your life.
Mother MalUrd decided that there
----------------------- book cat Smoke , tall 1. Buffj-^ne who look ui«n ih.. bricht aide of life.
thing for It hut a land of pllTbt. Maine breed la a half-Angora. making
Paro'f Teat.
Dear Uka Mich . R. F D. No. J.
grtmage. UiUe did the Boatered fowl
Ihl3. knom’ of tbe earon glreo her family
Danny had beard of ;»a(cb-dogs thai and may be half raccoon Tbe fur is the, lx.-,
and feaibery There are (em
Oh. that there mere more such peoDear Prealdent—
jarade. Behind tree*, policeman and
m,dc friend, with the coyote.delicate
lel Bui. alas' too many arc prone
1 would like toJoin lha
Sunshine mater (omi keeimra silently ilganled of driving them amay from the barn- prettier lights than amoke fitting
1 look u|pon the datk Mde of llle,
Club I think It Is a nice dub, I am to one another the progreas of tbe atx j.rd. but be bad neverthought that
'‘nHo* *''b the
om l*aro
...o could
AOO.O he
, -kd. instead o( Wing thankful tor
ten year, old, 1 am living with Mra. toddlera
and Mother Mallard
good old
of aucb
n thing. Vet night after night chick*”^****
magnify their
Purklaa We did live In Mantslee. Imit
fp the grsMy
gtaM) slope of
Of Cherry hlU
ben down
^ > trial, and irlbuUium. until one might
me moved hare a meek ago. "iVe arc and then
domu the
the hundred
hundred yards
j'ards of en. bad dl^ppeared. and although '<>* “«««lly cried a
rtin’C them the most miserable and
on the (arni I like It very iiuirh.. 1 lawn before the meat mall the pro- coyote track* ••
.he roo.t.,
rcoata, not
not 1a hark had ap> one
‘-“t a. 1 -« taking him th,^
,, „e.. ire. Horn true it 1have tmo al.ier.: they mould like 'o rea.Ion made It. mray. Then.
Then. J
a. ItIt Ifae
the door be yowled, au.l-an Important ,^,1 -Bjountains out of mole hllU
Join alfo, Mr* Purfctsa belonged to neared tbe drive, iwremptorj' signals heard from old Haro,
grow" And the more one dwelU uj.
the Club when she was a little girl, by Important perauna In upllorm
gromtng . deaf.' looking negro stemrard excUltned:
-So cau aUomed oot.lde of the bagmtsfortune.. the Urger they
f ^
^Son.hlner veC I brought motor car. to a .tand. yard. Danny's mother sugested. But when

!L’, w ’°°°’
But when tbe abadua. mere grumlng
Number ef namea on the Cradle
And tbe crickets chirping tbrir even­
RMI duns 1. 1913, 3,139.
Cp rose, like a barrier kieep and
Alice Roaenberg. Boar I.*ke. Mich..
A rocky blU.lde nigh.
R. F. D. No. 2.
Marie Gary. Grover Hill, Ohio. R. F. Bald Happy-Go-Luckj, 'Suppoao we
D. No 3Marle Antbroslus. T24 C.race atreci.
And Mmeliedy parelng may give u.
Chicago. III.
France. Bredin. SC Judw>n avenue. "We shall bmk out necks If m-e cllm^
Evanston. III.
e& tote"'
Hugh Edward*. Bed.Ua. Mo Name
Poor Faint-of-Heart. In "a wnic
sent by Mr Bowie..
Ruth Battle Bean. PlnlnflelJ. Vi.
Name eent b> Luvla Irene Page.
Marie Krainpe. Alonro Francis
Krampe a£d VioU AnIU Krampk. 313:- "There is plenty of time." aald OnlyEwlnfc Place. Chicago. 111.
Reva .Most and klargarei Bmltli.
ClarkUke. Mich, R F, D. rSu. 2:
Thelma Foote. Cement City. Mlcb,
Name. Mat bj Ro*le*BloaMm.


mamma works
you could
y. and the nice

and have a good lime Please send me
card, and buttons Hoping io>ee
this in print noon. I m ill close mith
love to you and all the Sun.hiiierr.
Alice Rosenberg.
Vou have wrlllen a dear little letter and I hope you will woo send us
another one.
Clarklake. Mich.. R.
. 11*13.
l>ear ITesIdentiI wa* w glad to get jour letter
Ireobetle and With mere ever w
pJreaed *lih tbelr card, and button*,
Three more of my friend* would like
to Join the Sunshine Club. They are
Clarklake. Mich.. R F. D. No
Thelma Foote of Oemenl Cuy. Mich,
Pleaee .end the cards and buttons dl
recUj to them. 1 have been vt.mng
cousin at Michigan Center • J
Just got home a couple of da;
I ment to the Hagcnbsck
shows, and thought It *

amtv from the trail mhich Mother abe called .ofily. -Here. Paro’" Uie
Maltanl had welctcd. Women In the dog ruae from where he lay on the
So Smoke had to travel in a big pigmotorcar, mere Infonued of the mu- lawn. »me dUunce away, and came eon-hole. a. though he mere a vallw.
( tom-trd her.
For revera! week* after he becasia
00 100, .. 0.A, ..
ilrald he'd i>|k>1I any other dog one of our Uul« family In the apartould get one.' said Danny 's la- men bU (avorlto amtuecneoi was to
rm. woold omoU. TO.o. .. U.,. wl.h
ut a dog that will corn traitor race from one end of tbe bouae to the
a Bappliig of two airong wing, and a
flutter of tmelve little downy ones, thni may—"
Other. Aa the floor, mere .llppery It
.Mother Mallard and (lock plunged
Danny did not hear any more. Pare was comclal to we him ' skw" around
down tho hank, bejond the drive, and had gone back to the lamn. and the tbe sharp turn*, with « great acratchInto tbe mater of the lomer lake, boy ran and buried bis face in the Ing and rattling of claw*. He always
mhere corn U plenty. And all the i^o- dog e shaggy neck. '•Paro. deer I»aro." felt live lyai bedtime, and Just l^fore
iicem«n cheered and the motorcar <k- he mhl.|>er>-d "I doVt believe you're 1 would lock l}lm away for the night
rui>antk clapped their hands.—Select- a traitorl I (eel .sore you wouldn't be m-ould climb up and’down a cloth
cd by M n Holley.
do It Can't you tell me you dldo iT' wreen—until It tell down on him.
l*aro only yawned, then rose and Now that we have moved i a thirdStories About Bunnioa. *
shook hiaiaelf. and looked off exi*ect- story apartment. John Harvard Smoke
Many fables and (airy atoric* are *tith toward the hill where he and tihal 1* hU full namel muai Bnd hik
told about bunnies. One tells horn the D»nm *«•>»
ff»>' Aownwalrv. by the fire escapt—
rabbit got hU long earn Tbej aay
"Shall we go. Paro? " lM«nv asked, and ho* he doe* despise If At lost
he mas hopping about one day in play "*« f'Bht " And thej_pet off.
half a doseii time, me were obliged
when he heard 1*0 wuirrel. laUIng.
» ha.1 wemed cool in the big ranch- to go up and down fbe Iron-barred
,nd he manteJ to know what they house-and on the town, but out In aulr* mllh tbe aqualllng Smoke la onr
.crept H>e brush H *a* verj warm. After arm* before be dared to tru.t hlmselT
the fence and listened a* hard as
llkienud the
an hour or tmo. Danny ..t down
be could. The more
the shade of'* me.QuU tree. He
longer hi. ear. grew until they apI
mean to go to sleep, but that
peered over the ioi* of the fence, aud
-h™ H. .,.,...1. o, Ih. 1h- au
,th., .Id. or Ui, l.n,.
Ui. ....
H, ..oh. .t It. .Odhd or .hmi
barking close at hand. Sitting up.

_____ ...^
him cveV
T,. .M caficrmard t
down south will tell
or«d mamc
• Another story about
>ou this si
. of tho Hare and the
bunnies 1*
,ih u» that gilts rightly
Tortoise-, to
a bring u<-ce*«
u,e.| alone
along the ground ven
tortoise ere
very -lowly and the hare vou know
gore like the mind. lx... -ould think
ClarkUke. Mleh
it strange mould vou not, that the
haro and the tortoise should plan to
I am having such a good time this run a rare* Well the story sav. they
avo been In bathing In did so i*Un. and that the tortoise *on.
wonder bom many Bun- This is the xiery lold In rbjTue:
ahlners mill be glad when school eon. The Hare and the Tortoise agreed on
nienres I *1H. because I like to go
* rare.
to school. We have three flomcr b^dtJDiey settled the wager, the time and
this summer, and flamer* are so
(be place
pretty. Did vou have a goo-‘^(^ilnie The Haro a* w scornful, be toughed
Fourth of July? I did. (or my
Milld old Tortoise Ignored his
CUrklake. where u.
'"** ““
they had lot* of flreworks
The goal was In sight, the ann burn
.Agnes Room.
Your letter* are always Sunahfny.
Far amay *** the Toriolsc. ao In a
and I Uke to receive them.
«t>ol *|KU
■Hie Hare laid him down with
Alpine. Mich.
Aug. 1. 1M3
nose oO his toes
thought he'd
Dear ITcsldent—
And. before‘going
I am a mcmbe»-ol the Hernld Young
take aome rei-ose.
Folks’ Sunabinc Club, but am ashamed
to confess that t have not mriuen a Then Sloth, that Ud Imp

f«>* It l* an acknomledred (act that
«,me people really enjoy ».clng mlaew
it It by no mwnk the i>eop)e who
kve a smooth, aerone' life mho go
with a smUtng ronntenance.
<«rrying annsblne
erymbere Oh.
no; many of them have
mhow. but they have laarnrd
well., a^ are rewived to
all that they can out of life.
tfaemselve* aid tbelr nelgbhora.
.weet-laced glH carries such an
trf'peace and cotnfon
.^e radiates a
whererer ahe goes. She ha* a
wlnaome face, a pleasant smile
^ cheery word for everyone, no
dark the day. It It any
,.„nder that she to welcomed both by


*>«>«• « '•‘1
unpleasant l«n of the ew*i*e. but
for some unknown reawn he stuck to
the detested Iron barm. We fell wrry
__ iterlng
W">. »•
-H «' '
ilm. Itot h, ~ K.lor,h









m IneiLAit ktwruf fAr PsrA. «... ll«1^
*«titlv fOUO ttg ___ ,ht. world but
gnthe.tdg M
looked about tor Pare, m, unle sUtof k,.
by aMViiriv.liAe
spatting her gently
isea not .0„o«.
to nna mm au- on the nose. .1
If ehojiretenaB to go
------ -- •- '
- therefore thaj
00 kukrt- Then, aa another cho- on Bleeping be apnU a little harder.
-jed Iimrk. roae on the
winter we Introduced Smoke to '
"* high-keyed
«'ll »‘v. he called out sharply. "Pare! , «iry black kUten with big pa*
«•“''! "»«• ***
for Smoke's fluffy toll, and Smoke '
Another young woman who stands
«=■"*• hounding out of ihe brush, and would draw 'Uck and make strange
ri«eiy following him mere other notoes **ay down In hIs throat. He alono In the world-----—- —
»«>'“d -hndow}: they .eemed very mileh dlnurbed-ev« through enough of w>rro““<• leaping Into the Bale clearUif frightened. 1 h*v& alwaj-a wondered to aadden. tf not aour. a Urge numnv««iu>' tree Danny knew what he took the black kitten lo be. her of women, to alvraya aa bright and
ibese mere coyote*, and elapidng hit a funny thing happened the other eheepy a» * aunbeam.
hands, he cried. "Sick 'em. Parol Sick d,,-. The front door beU rang. 1 call
Aunt Kell Is a welcome visitor In
Take 'em. Itofo!"
«d down tbe speaking tube. There waa many home* and always todi a ready
*' ‘hat monient one lean old coy m, uawer. I walked down one of the welcome from tbo oldest lo the
oie. braver than the other*, pressed (tree fllghu of aialr*. and who should y^ngeat.
She agree* with Ella
up more rloscljand gave a quick i meet, calmly coming up. but- Wheeler WDoox:
snap at Danny's clapping hands.
Smoker Of course, some IllUe friend ‘-lAUgfa, and tbe wortd toughs with
- IJow-wrow-r' reared out old Paro.
otl8e must have rung tbe bell a.nd
an.l leaped forward Into the snarling pot the animal Inalde. but It almoat Weep. andTOa weep alone."
And -Bow wom m-ow! " be roared apiwared as though Smoke hlmaelf
sUll wnother aunahlny woman, who
uffkio. M*.be lore Into the i>ack and naj pressed the button.—Selected.
Moring her haU-ceninry mllestooe.
acaiiered to right and left
-----------------------and who to beloved by all who kaow
cowardlj coyote* mere
Th# Cane* of the Water Moth.
^a* had a Ufe of aorrow. dtoapgoo© and Danny could hear only a
The goal builds Ms egg boat Tho ppiatmeni and hardahlpe: boL through
■ rhorus n( shrill harking In lb* dis- water moih.^ another little creature. „ aiL ahe baa been brave and airong
re, Paro came l>ack 1
' put# together
;ether a
1 real‘ renoe. U I* a
ready to atretch out a help-egged his toll kti? pushed
' very curious thing, made of bits of
^ suffering hnmaniiy. Never
is master.* and looked up
> air**- and reeds all matted together,
been n day. no matter bow
It U lust Ahe shape of the ceterplltor
was, when she has not found
•aj.*"'DI'ln t I do that mefl?
that live* m IL Tbe insect breelhee time-to do aomethlng for some poor.
otes. Paro. I'm sure that .vou've
' with gills Just like a flab, and yet rancrealttre. to make aome k»elr.
bwk for good.' Itonny said
not swim.
forloni man dr woman happier br
Haro ba/1 That very nlgbl.
So he fastens this straw and greas
trifling gin. or delight a antoll
letter lo a long time. I have bet-n
made him more floppj

with a story,
'with the seed*
>riping of coyote*
traveling around m> much that I neg- Bj sprinkling hi>
by luiatake some harin I
beyond the bernyarO.
_ ___
_ tody, who «# a abut-ta
chal- with his own silk. The body of «ht,'A
deer old
uf the iKippy
Iccied writing.
n ihiougb tbs tongfd by Haro'* deep haik Fioui that caterpUlar l* soft and dellreie. you
jj,e time, put* In her time
nklodly harm ^'vc given,
When your President sat down at
time DO chukens mere mlasltig from kno*-, and might get hurt U U w** ^nltUng warm mliteni and atockinga
heat of the day,
other. No» I have lost that and also
her Sunshine desk ibis morning, and
and to Jtmt sa
sorry that I lost And iiasscd hi* proud rival asleep
looked at the calendar she^ld 10 herDanny * father hooii brought to the he cover* it >0 carefully, all but bis cheery and brighi a* sbe can be. n(On. a golden ring these key* I'll them, for I have been a member seven
self. -Have I really been away ten
ranch, may have helped to keep the head.
thntigh neceasiO compels ber to be
long meeka?" ’
overb* on i**o- -o'd ‘*oR
This funny aort of canoe Is oi»n at
,he nme.
Vonre irnlj,
Then she decided tlial the reason
-Be'ye kind.'
pany. but Danny and the others aJ- both end* It Is ao fixed that when
The beat heritage that can be
Sylvia E. Reynolds.
why she bad felt so hgpiiy and M
and waa first way* felt that hit loyally to bit mas- (he grub Is bred of sailing be can sink ^iven any child I* a aweet. annny dto' A gin who has been ao active mem- '
very much at home at Clenmere was
shall enable him to go
at the |«osl:
ber for so many year* certainly dcOrorer HlU. Ohio. R. F. D. No 8
- beesnae she had taken our Sunshine
hat really changed Paro -Selected, of the upj*r end are his six mile (hmugb Ufe scattering snnskine whdhle TortoUe crawled home with Ih
July ii. 1915/ aerve© antgher card and button, and I
right along with her!
-----------------------(eeu with mhich he drags his soiall
m,,- *0. Riche* may toko
M'aan'i that luntiv' And don't you
For Your Good Tim**.
boat after him mbenever he *wnis to j^elr flight *hHe a bright, ■anahior
le rciiiarlis of the Hare *e'll ouii
My cousin. Chloe Balmers, has been
think It was Dice?
The followlDg bird guesting cv.nieel gel hit dinner or inil up (or the night
will be likely to stay with him
Of course there mere boys and girls telling me about Ihe Sunahlne Club,
only errep* forever-Selected
After several dayi
— Picture Story- Paper was given at a parly
at Clenmere, and of courme tbej asked, and I have concluded that I would like
V —____

Part of the "scooting" you know, is to nut of this strange house,. but out ol
to Join Will you please send me a Dear Preside!
“What la the Bunahlne Club?"
bU skin, at (be same time Uklng
What I* It?
A Trua Toad 8»ory.
be able to recognlxc Irds
CTub pin? I live In the country- and
| thought 1
luld wriie ol the SunAfter your President
were tioi with moth wings.
In the ear* of young and old
the name* like It ever ao much. I am fourteen .hlne Club.
am eleven years old
eb* couldn't wrtu do*
1 the cover was
Many- people call ibene queer er
iFretwat what 1 am lolU;
am Bve feet sev en Inches .q,) p,y birthday I* the Snd of Alarch put by the doorsteps for the lUUe the sooui i-oImw. and c
feat enough; and ©o we bare aome-yeaia

me. old aod young.
chicks; loey did not come, but the the following Jingle:
new member* from Chicago -and tall. iQd have dark curly hair and { |;sve a kitten tor a pet. and she U
(or them with j-our youxtg eyes, you
Though I have no bosy longn*.
'Sing * song of sixpence,
Evaasloti III
»orr playful A week ago Saturday «He» did
can And these little nest* of stone,
When a thunder citip awake* m*»
Pocket full of ne.
And (ben dear me. how n'lce It was
From your Sunahlne girl.
Sophia and I *cm to town. We jdeked
A hungry toqd bapiwned to pas* by­
and gravel and leaven, made by tbe
Not a touch of terror takes me!
K*our and twenty- kinds of bird*
te see (he iRile red buttons bloeaom
Marie Gary. cberrie* for Mr Keaner I earner 63 "Oh, dear." he ibougbL ' I «tht aome
grubs, though they are veo' small.
Yet to tender la my ear
In y printer's pi'
out against Ibe frockel How homelike
It make* me hatipy to have you for o^nt* and Sojihla earned 32 ,cents. O'es tor breakfast, but they will aU
On tie first page was the foHomlng They seem (o have great taste In flxThat the #ofte« eond 1 fear.
and eomP ' \Ud what fun It wa* to a Sunshlner There are not very- many
Mr*. Keener let na tide to town with>e*ve if I go there. What ahall I do.
('all me not with bated breath. u Tbe second page had spaces lor log them You should see the bouse*
take hold'of l^ds and .camper downmembers of our big Club In Ohio.
her. kla Is In town today and I am He took another hop and alopimd to
they make of fresh leaves, curiously
For a whtoper to my death.
led to■ get dinner. • wai clone (or think a mraoeni. "I kno*. he seemed the names.
c beach, or 10 codtbe mUe Blo|>e b
put together. They hang from their
Waswoll tawBlIowl.
) say: and can you guess what he
dto down on the broad step* of tho
Plnlnfleld. Vermont.
this time.
Bhoulders like so many sring*. They
:. Borin irobln).
(«rcb and laugh and chatter, and Ulk
July 80. 1913,
your loving Sunahlner.
«Hd. .
Th* Waieffall.
3. loerol (oriolel.
abont all Jffh bapi.y things that had Dear PresidentHaasl Reid.
He hoppe-I Into fbe middle of Ito
to open.
A monnutn brook, am ennny day.
4. Raene tcrante
occurred du^w the day'
I have
not written to you (or a long . What fun It must liav* been lo pick dlah. took hi* bands and t»H^ly
Three pretty cases of leave*
Ran off from borne aad toet ita way:
5. .sorfae (heroni.
3'onr President to sore that the Sun- Ume. I have meant to. though. Wecherrtaa. op In thetress. ai?oog the
nibbed lbs coro-msal over hi* body
opening at |q pisMs never seen beftire
glued together, toaring
6. Diberbul Iblneblrd).
ahtna rriends are the very nlcegt kind are having terribly hot weather here. ,r»en toavrel
HH "oHilnk •k'
>r lb# mrle ,( vudered for 1 nxlto or more,
Its top just large enough
7. DIbrrabIk Ihlacfcbirdl.
to have, and abe wtahre that ahe I. It hot m here you live? 1 want to---------------------- lump of coro-meal and
a pair of br^l
creatures to pui out their bead and And then It (eoad a rocky stair,
8. Dlnacari tcardlnali.
rould mset .very one of you boy. and aak you If anyone ren bWong to Ibe
black eye.. The fltoa eoon "therrt
abonlders when tbej- want to look All allppeo' and Inmhtod there;
«. BlUwbob (bobwfaitei.
gtrla who belong to the Sonahlne Sunahlne Club all thalr live. If they
Duck Made Periloua Trip. again to eat. but were aaten
therm of the same went down with so<± a miibty fall
about for food
10. Ne*T ewren).
Join when .they are children. There
A mother duck, eastoied—merely aaWas this not a wlae old toad?-PriOuh.
specie* cut pleoe* of reed or wood to- k sever could climb bask at alL
11. Dayrijb tjaj'blrdl.
s giri that waou to Join the Bun- slated—by a lot of policemen, brought man Education.
to tonglh* or atrip*, aad Join them to- /
_bi. MrbolaB.
. .—Meal had written ahlne Clnb that lives across the road traffic to a complete al^dsilll (n CenJust as ;
with their work.
------------------------18. Loboklbn tbohollnkU
II.. U.1 «.« .1 tl.. .bo,. i»|.II,.rt i™., no. Hct I. KoU.-H.,ilo u.1 p.rk ib. o.b., a«. Por . blook
They use a cerUio kind of cement. Kiteflyingt4 Bbutrh (thntah).
me of the grown-up utombere enured Bton. PIcsae send her card and but- either way the driv e ^ packed with
A writer in the Cornhlll
which la belter abSe to aland water My kite goee op eo very hlgh.15. Vedo idove).
her room
< ' ton to rnetnnd I will give thsm 10 her. watting motor csre, while Mra. Itock narrate* ao Incident which occurred
than any ever made by man. And I think that It mnat acrap* tbe eky.
16. Oaslule tseegulll.
"Here to a Sunsfatne verae" be aaid. My papa ha* bought me a torn ihla Induced six frightened dnckllngs to to Mtoa Napter during her auy le Althey often Antoh up tbe whole hy pul- And when I ItaU It floWn. I-U End
17. Podwockeer (woodpeckt
-from faraway Ireland. Pe’rhap* the aummer.l I pUy in U a lot. I h*v-e foUow ber acroasthe roadway.
glera. A large dog kept for.jwotecilon
ting up a broad piece, longer than all Som* blue stock onto it behind,
18. Wort tcrom l.
roangatera would like to learn IL"
been to Chelae*. Vt.. tbto summer vto
Tbe duck wa* one of a imir of wild maa uught to ao to tbe bakera every
tbe re«. overhead, to ahade th# door- It wags lu tail like anyiblnt-Perhap* they wooM." yJur Preal- King. I have a ptono and take leaaoA* mallards which setUed In the upper morning for bread/and kit
way. ao that no ooe ahall aee them I have to have tbe strongest sttoos.
end nHiIrl -We wUl every Batorday. l prs«to* aa hour a toke of Central perk laat ftlL Park was to bring boa* twelve roll* In *
work. BetM of these fenny ,gn»h* It nmriy pull* me way uptownliftot H right here In the DaBahln* day. 1 peaaed Into Ihe elxth grade at emp^ye. noted that they had nested heaket: but for aereral mornlnw K
break off the atena of nebea. whkta, It'a Just Uka ftohinc. dpaid* dowi.
12. Codk (dockj.
pehool. Waltor flpaeed Into lha lonrth tbto ^pring. Roff that the nett cob- wa* obaarved that there were only

TUI he stood
last c u.,MU-.rA™
ShadovN and Sun.
■ top.
Stood with your bark lomard tbe sun.
lo n beautiful clearing, with flomers
And Cito a melWmomn facii
And fruit.
You cast the shadom- of yourself
Put the other t*o are waiting soil:
Before you by tbe met.
For oobod; Uvea, or ever. will.
U fall* ui*on tbe thing, you grasp.
That can reach the top of the amallUpon the path you tread;
est hill
And eterym-here. Instead of Ughl.
Dy silling down at the foot.
It Sings a shade Instewd.
"Only-Try- 1.* rertalolj a inshiner
lJut turn bn-l (ace the Ugbt—and lo, and must be a brother-of oti Try-TryUnder the sunlit air
The morld lies wide before your fnet.
Shall m-e have one more little coeui
.4 No aelfltb ehadow there'
In our Vtoit Oils meek? What shall II
Sunshine u|>on the dslly path.
Ah. here U aucha gocxl one. that
> that shall attend
____ have been mriuen by wmebody
Each onward step, each formard look, ^^o knew a Sunshiner;
Unto the lourney's end'
* bunch of golden keys i. minfl.
—Prlsdlto Leonard ^o make each day with gladnew*
' ■
Th. SufNhlo* Family.
roonUngf" thaCe the golden
•There w*. a kind man. and be bad a
kind wife.
That unlock* every day (or
And they Jived on a kiwi of a aireei,
Where even the children,were always
evetflng comes. -Tiood nIghL"
I ..c. generous, loving and twee.'
dgae lhe door of each glad day.
The lather wa* kind, the mother ***
vv,,^n „ ,|,p
-|( you please."
from off my bunch of keys.
Tbe chUdren all kind be*lde
Why, fven the family horse was kind
Jriendff give anyihlng to mo
When they went tor a Sunday nde'
-Thank you!" key.
—L. H. H.
-Excuse me." "Beg your 'i«rdon."



term that me had before. His
name te Elon Howard .Moroc.^
M'Ub prueb love from
Rosie Bloswm.
I am liire your cousin *aa hn|.p> to
have a Sunbeam (or a guc«, Were
you In ber home (or a long




you know, rtow In the water, aod
krmd*. Our t#«ch*r U AUe» CUrk*. I Ulsed »U »!*■■ MWher umS F«Oi*r «l*vrt rolli. m»A oe iMklas Inqnlif
weave them Into a sort of round' ball,
lUt* bcr T«ry Bwcb. I think
ron MnlUrd nliernnt«d to titunc be tb« nod wairhtnc tb» doc. be »u toand
Si Wh*k ihewk)
eometimef make a mJauke In wrlttn* n«L They ebuJdn t have Ibelr meal* to etop on hU way bOBM and to beWhen your boy* and *trto e rtaln Then they banit logeiber on the *>*111
good of aome other water plant, makinc a
my name; It U apeltod Luvla. It I* a tocetber. because each had to Py ,aiow one roll -on a poor haU abarved their friend*, it would be i
little cell in the middle to live In.
that we do not often bear.
I down to the lower lake for food, female doc. who lay with heP papfde*came for them.
Some uae tiny shells e'en, with sualis
cuoaa thl* 1* all for this lime, so I Cracked com wa» ecattered there In a earner, not far from the road.
---------------------and other anitnalK allxe in them They
will close with cDod wl.hoi for tbo dally (or the swan*.
The baker was then told to put thlr0>tr Coon Cat.
Doke. keep these poor ibtnM lust as il the'
RhM* mod R»9Wl«tl«M «f tiM ,
Sunshlna Club.
WT»en at laai the duekllnc* wore teen roll* In the basket, and then for
It was about a year aco that Smoke.
se to
lu were in prison, and drag them all
HMid Vo«m p*lto
From your UlUe Sunihlner,
hatched. Father Uallard flew away to •o«nv
U>«- <>« ‘*«'“K‘'t «»«'>•
coon^i, traveled Irom M.tne
Uivla Irene Pace.
the lower Uke and took op a dlaiipai‘h* 'hole thirteen were Cambrldce. lie «u a three month. shout with them—Our Little One*.
Ji.i try aever ta «rrv
•»“ •unbeam * eweii
•Oooe a Suneblncr.-always a Sut.,«i exutence with the «*an.. com- brought rognlarly home; a tlen a* It klttno—a puff of Halteee Cray, uUh
I. will
emiry ae
ar •

Cheers Ihe desert plare belov
shiner. - I* one of our Hub moiloea, ,vie„ij dUrecardlait hU ohllcallon* a*
bU frtend, the mother, a bright i«>r of eye* that showed
People Who Scatter SwRahinc.
fret about anythlnc.
green by day and sparkling black by
Dorothy Dll uyh
'Tbo comlortand It meana that you never have to , ^ni and man of family. With *1*
“o* convaleeecm, and at
10 frown.
waa. and is. a real pictui
able and lomJorting people are thgoe
Join Ihe Club but once, and that you stains duekllniu, still unable to fly, w'Hboui help
Be Ihe weather whai It may:

look v
he brlKht side Of life,
may be a member all your life.
Mother MtlUrd decided lhat there----------------------# Keep In ilRhi of Sunny Town.
signs that he 1. a coon<-at gaiherini: n
see snd ■unsblnc. and

was noihln* for It but a land of pllSUNSHINE STORIES.
I ««IK try to be levins, helpful ^
And .»ou cannot loae the way
Pare-s TeaL
Thl« ■"•‘o* breed U -a hall Angora. making the moi-i that ba|>pens aeem
Bear Laka Mich . R. F. D- No. 2
grtinage UtUe did the flustered fowl
and. Und to everybody and to «
July 27. 1913 know
of the escort
Kiven her -------family
. ..-----------imnny had beard of walch-do*. that
avety Hvltio thins.
• ♦ hhi path* are Ihe beet you ll find.
Dear Prasltlent—
i-arade, Behind tree*, policemen and made (rlend. with the coyote* Instead <*•'*«•**
feathery There aro few
If I ever fell In try^ to do ♦
would like to Join the Sunshine water fowl keei'er* silently siga^ed of driving them awayPfrom the barn- I’'’*"”'*'' slShU Jhan Smoke sluing in
these thinsa, I will -“Try, try ♦
another the iirogres* of the six „rd. but he had ne'er thougbt'that
window with the sub ujiot. nim
|pok uj->n the dark .Kle of life.
Club.. I think It Is a nice cii
Down the vale lo Worryland
' brought him down on the bust in a ^
ih,nktul lor
ten year* old. I am living with Sira, toddler* and Mother MaUard.
jood old I’aro could be guilty 0
larket basket, and the loor Uttle felbieasmgs. they magnify tbeir
PurklM We did live In Manistee, luit
V|> the crassy slope of Cherry bill a thing. Yet night after night
groat deal.
...... ......
...................Il one might
'*« ■
here a week sgo. We are and then
r hundred yards of ens had disappeared, and
mss CLAit
SunbeamiT It will help ii» lo remeni,.
them tfc.- most miserable and
n I like It very much I lawn before the meat mall the pro- coyote traek* were found all ibout tried to smuggle him tn» tny *taieOrBanitad Doeombtr A
her our Sunsblne pledge, and ..,.7
lUiera. they would like to cession made Its way. Tbrn. as It the roosts, not a bark had any one room, hut as I was taking him through „ntiappy of cre*i trrs Mu* true it is
are going to try not lo worry and fret.r Jojt) also. Mrw Purktae belonged to neared the drive, iwremptory signals beard from old Pare.
the door be yowled, aod an Important
-moontain* oui of mole hills
iUbal u ha* reminded your Prcaldejl of an­ ■ he Club when she was a lliile girl, by Imiwrtanl prrwons In uniform
Aod Ihe ruofr one dwells uis
deaf, '
other Sunshiny verse that she saw re- but I know she Is a Sunsblner yet' I brought motor cars to a stand, yards Danny's mother sugeslrd But when
"No cat* aUowed outside of the bag- „„ hta nrlsfortune*. the larger they
cetilly. Irf-i's play-pretend that she I* haven't any papa My mamma works ai^y from the trull which Mother she called softly. "Here, Paro’" the gago roomjuow It It an acknowledged fact that
reading It aloud to you: No*. listen- in Manistee I wish you could see •Mallard had seelcicd. Women In the dog rose from where I
80 Smoke had to travel in s big plg--wme ■■eople really enjoy u-lne miser^ L iUppy-Uo-lairky and Falnlof lloart
and came eon-bole, a* though he were s valise, sble.
Mr*. Purkis*' mile liahy, and the nice motorcars were loforiued of tha mo- htwn. some distance aw
, Set off on a Journey with Only-Try. big tree* In front of this farm. Mrs. memoua occasion for the stop, and bounding toward Jmr.
For several' week* after be' became
n 1, py no means the in-ople who
And each *a* ready to do hi* j>art.
other dorf one of our little family in the apart, smooth, serene life who go
Purklse aod Mr Purkis* are going to approached on loot as near a* keep'1'm afraid he'd *|<bll a
"TUI® 111® aunny houi^ went mer go aroupd the farm Sunday afternoon
would iienulL Then, at Utt. with If we should gel one.' said Danny s fa- men bis favorite amusement was to about with a smiling
Number of m
.rilf by.
and have a good time Pleaw- send me
flaivptng of two strong wings and a ther. "but a dog that wiH.turn traitor race Irom one end of the house to the carrying sunshino every where
t, ISIS. SA32.
But when the shadows were growing
mier of twelve lltlle downy ones, that way—"
other As the floors were slippery it 0^, nymy
ihetn have had a lifethe card* and buiion* Hoping
thl* In print
Ntimbar of namoa on tha Crbdia
And the orickeu chirping their even- love to you and all the Suiishli
he bank, beyond the drive, and^ bad gone back lo lU lawn, and the the sharp turn*, with a great scratchleeaMt weltTfttsre'resolved to
Roll Juna 1. <»1S. M».
loio the water of the lower lake.* boy ran and buried his face in the Inc end rattling of claw*. He always
,|y that they can out of life, both
rp rose, like'a barrier steep and
You have written adewr littlelet- where corn U plenty . And all the i«- dog'a shaggy neck. "Paro. dear I«aro.' felt live lyat bedtime, and Juit before
themselves and Ibelr neighttora.
sweet-Ueed girl carrlM such an
Alice Boeenberg, Bear Uke. Micb.
A rodky hillside nigh.
another one.
cupanu cUp|>ed their hands.—Select- a traitor' 1 feel sure you wouldn't he would climb up and down a cloth gunosphere of peace and comfort
B. F. D. No. 2

cd by M n. Holley
do It Can't yon tell me you didn'tr scr^n—until It (fU down on him.
her'that the radiates sunMarie Gary. Grover Hill. Ohio. R. F. Said Ilsppy-Go-Lucky. "Suppose we
Clarklake. Mich.. B. F. D So. 2*
f‘sro only y awned, then rose and Now- that we have moved to a thtnlwherever ebe goes.' She ha* a
D. No. S.
July 20. I9U.
Stories About Bwnnlse.
shook himself, and looked off ex|<ect- story apsnmeni. John Hanard Smoke
wlnaonte face, a plMiast smile
Marie Ambroslus. 72i f’rfaee street.
And someliody pasting may;‘give
word for everyone, no
Cbicago. III.
a rldo."
neck ir we climb
‘ *■**
letter told eboui bunnies. One tells ho* the Danny went dally
way downstairs ly the fire esca|>e—
j,,* the day. Is It any
Frances Bredin. SiT Judson avenve. "We shall break
Leobelle and With were ever so rsbblt got his long ears They aay
"Shall we go. ParoT' IMnny asked, and ho* he does d^pise if At least ,<,nder that she la welcx«ned both by
Evanston. III.
•o late'"
pleased with their cards und button*, he mas hopping about one day In play "A*' >'lght." And they set off.
half a doseo Un»e*s,we were obliged ^
Hugh Edwards. Sedalla. Mo Name
Poor Faini-of-Heart. in a panic
Tbreo more of my friend* would llk't- when he hewrd two squirrel* talking.
'» ha.1 seemed cool In the big ranch- to go up and down the Iron barred
sent by Mr Bowles.
Doee abe nerw have any triata or
to jolh the Sunshine aub. -htcy are and be wanted lo know what they bouse and on the Uwn. but out In stair* with the squalling Smoke
Ruth Hattie Bean. Plalnfleld. Vt But Only-Try wlih a resolute"'eye.
,0.0 be-dared
.. ....._____
tnbh*u»- «<
Revm Moss and Margaret Smith of were talking about. 80 up he rfrept thu brush It was very warm. After arms before
to trust______
.Name sent by I.uvia Irene Page.
tanked up at the hill gnd the sunset
Clarklake. Mich.. R F D. No 2. and lo the fence and lUiened as bard as •‘m'D •nl P»ro had traveled round alone. 1 leld
laid .boerd.
board* elon,
e,vus the
cue h».i “V*
-♦Marte Krsnip*.
int ■-«
iiart of •*'*
the escape. vu., mam
.............. * **'
Thelma Feme of Dement City. Mich. 6e eould The more he listened the .'bf
“our or two, Danny eat down
Krarntw and VloU AnIU Krami>s.
"There is i>Ient> of time." said Only.d. of .1 ,»..dol. ir~. H. ..r eodi.
6. eio.h ..
Please send the card* and buttons dl longer hi* ear* grew until they a|u m «b« thade
Ewing Place. Chicago. Ill
san to go to sleep, but that the dMeaied Iron Ura. We teit sorry Rffbw® M
recUy to them. I have been vlsmng-'TeCred over the ioi. of the fence, and <•'<1 "
Revs Moss and Margaret Smith.
"And the moon Is full. bevIJe.''
throu.h Me.
my cousin at Michigan Center abd of conrae when the squirrel* on the >* *b*t be did.
Clsrklake. Mich.. R F D No 2;
lloe lt*l
■*« he
he wr,*
... going
IS.IO, to
Id tumble
.oo,hle < l»>C •“*
Just gpi home a couple of day* Jgo other side of the fence saw the ear.
He awoke at the sound of .brtll
shrill time
Thelma Foote. Cement Cln, Mtcb.
Only-Try. without 1
I went to the HsgenUack and Wallare flopping, awa.v they ran Mr. Bunnie barking .
Names sent by Rosie Blossom.
Went clamueriog up
ahows.'and thought It ws* good. We did not And out their secrei, sad lie
‘bat dusk was already
.... K.,I
.1.,^ Kv •ee.ieln* »e>P
Till he stood al last
"1 shall pass through this world bat
«“ surprised not to And him sit- onthe nose. If she Jtrelends to go
that we had Ivefore. H I afierward hi* long ear* The Old Col
Shadow and Sun.
afore that
ored mammies dowTj south will tell “«« on guard Then, as another cho- on sleeping he epaU a lltUe harder. »*=*•
Sund with your ba> k toward the t>
Id a beautiful rlearing. with Bower* name ie Elon Howard Moroc.
do. or any klndneas I ran abow
von till* siorv. Another atory about '■“»
hlgh-kryed liark* rose on the'tut winter we Introduced Smoke i
And I'li* a well-known tacti
and fruit.
any buaah being, let. me do It now.
Rovie Blossom
l.unBl«# I* that of the Hare and the
»>''■ ‘‘® “I*®** ®>“ 'fat-PlV. 'Paro! . wiry black,kitten with big pawi
Yon cast the shadow of yourself
•But the other two are waiting still;'
L«t me not defer It or neglect tu for

Before yon by the act.
For nobody livea. or rver will.
U®f»re nthoy could r)»e. the dog for Smoke's fluffy tall, and Smoke ' ehall not pus tb‘»
have a Sunbeam for a guest. Wei « used alone can bring surccss. The
It fan* ui»n the things you grasp
That can reach the top of the eiuaU'
Another young woman w^ stand*
tortoise creei>s,aloDg the ground verv. ranie,beundlRg out of the bruib. and would
draw ________
lack and______________
make strange
you in her homa (or a long visit T
L'pon the path you tread;
e*t hiU
very -lowly, snd the hsre vou know doscly following him were Other noise# aw*r.down In hi* throat. He alone In the world and has gm
And everywhere, Instosd of Hgbt.
Uv .iitiQg down el the foot.
gave like the wind You would think ‘orw**. kray, loan and shadowy: they «e«^od very much disturbed—even through enough of eorrow and trouble
''Clarklake. Mich
It flings a shade Instead
July i;t, 1913 it strstikv would you not. that the “'*'® leaping Into the Ulile claarlug frightened I have alway-s wondered to sadden. If not eour. a large nomc;ui--ii*
■* -cwiuiy ■ ouu^ujuci.
hare and the tortoise should plan to
“«> hie-iu’'- ‘"kwhat he took the bUck kitten 16 be ber of women. U always as bright and
liui lurn .n.l f.-e iti. UBhi-*DJ lo.
^ ,,roth„ .f our "Trj.Try. “o-r I*r..mrni—
run a racer Well, the atory say* they I*®*® *®''®
*6<l clapidng his a funny thing happened the Other cheery' a* a sunbeam,
ruder ihe .uolli elr
' ““ ‘“‘‘h*
i. Paro' Sick 4,,-. Tha front door bell rang. 1 call (ydunt Nril U a welcome rialtor In
The worn lie. -ide l»lor. jour l«i,
s,.,, ,,, i...
„„ luUo |.„e«. —' V— I”-" '■
'* did so Wan. and ihsi the tortol»e won. band*, be cried. "Sick '<
Take 'em. Itro!"
ed down the apeaklng lube; There was^manj homes and always And* a ready
So «lll.h .h.,ow ih«e'
o„ VUli 111. -eek- .Wb.i .h.11 H
Thl. 1. ihe .lor, loi.
that moment one lean old coy no anssrer. 1 walked down one of the welcome from tha oldest
se agreed c
Bohetlh. uroe the dell, pelh.
jj. 1. eo.h . to-l doe. ih.l
The Here dhd Ihd To,
braver than the other*, phesaed ibrea iljghu of stalra. and who should youngrat.
8ba agrees
with Ella
--------Sunshine that shall aitcnd
^ave been wriiien by somebody menee* I will, because I . like , .
wager, the lime and “P
closely and gave ) quick | meet, calmly coming op. but- Wheeder ttlon:
Each onward step, each loryard look, who knew a Sunsblner!
to school «e have three flower beds Tbcy s*iii«j
summer, and live flowers are »o
the j.lace

•»•“'» * clapivlng hands.
Smoke. Of course, some UlUe friend -lAngb. and the world laugh* with,
Unto the Journey's end'
a bunch of golden key* Is'mine,
have a goo.' time The Hare wa-so scoinful. be laughed
"Bow-wow!' rrared out old Paro. of mine must have rung the bell and
-Priscilla Leonard to inake each day with gladness
Fourth of July? I did. for my slsu r
-,,1x1 hi* i«w*.
forward Into the snarling
the animal Inalde. but It almoet ^-oop. and yon weep aionp"
the eolden '“el and I went to Clarklake, where Uui the solid old Tortoise Ignorcvl hit *■“ *”<* "Tlow-wow-wow'" he roared appeared as though Smoke blmaelf
gmi aaolhec aOBshIny woman, who
Tht Sunehine Family.
"Good morning! '
they had kus of flreworkt
*«•'"- "
'"‘® H*® I*®*"
had pressed the button.—Selected.
j, neartag her half-century mllestoae.
There was a kind man. and be had a
scattered to right and left.
-----------------------^nd who I* beloved by all who kaovg.
kind wife.
Thai unlock* every day tor me.
Agnes Roosa.
The goal was (o slgbi. the *un burncowardly coyote* were
tn* Cano* of the Water Moth.
ha* had a life of tornTw. dlsapAnd they lived on a kind of a street.
poinment and hardahlpe; but, through
Where even the children were alwiy.
and I like lo receive them.
Far away was the Tortoise, so lo a ® rheru* of shrill barking la the dlsmoth, another lltlle creature. „
bmve and atroag
I *ay.

Utue. Paru came back to Danny. Ha p,ii, together a real canoe. U It a
^eady to atretch out a helf
To be generous, loving and swwi:
close the door of each glad day.
Alpluc. Mich
The Hare laid him down with hla
'® very curious thing, made of blu of
^and tol.sufferiag bomaniiy- Never
The father waa kind, the mother waa
Aug 1 PI3
nuso on bis toes
•“» •u*''®"'^l«>ked up as If to uraw and reed* all matted together.
Oiefe been a day. no maitar bow
1 take from off uiy bunch of key*.
Dear PresidentAnd before going on. llvoughi be d •*>- ''''''"'i '
“■»« *®"-‘'
H t» J«»t ‘tc shape of the raterpHlar busy she was. when she ha* not fonnd
The children all kind beside.
I am a member of the Hereld Young
Uke aome reiose.
^ymethlng (or tom* poor.
^•hy. even the family horse was kind
anvthlng to mo
Folk*' Sunshine Club, but sa. .shamed

When they went for a 8undgr<ide'
-Thank you
to confess that 1 have not wrmen a Then Sloth, that bad Imp. ram* aud
'of fooA. Danny said
not swim.
forioro man or woman tippler by
"Beg your lerdon."
letter In a time.' I have be-n
made him more floppy.
So be fasten, this straw and graaa
.rtflia* girt, . r delight I


♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦



ellng .round so much that 1 neg- By sprinkling hi. nose with the s«vl.

The body of the
•-bo is a ahutdn
®nd 0*'"^'®dellcste. you niuch’^"
of the
noUed'Tunost' B%Td*trote to'*.'” The‘'Toliol*e‘Tollod on thiough lb. I®"**-!
the" rime,
Hme. ppuU la her time
time on' chK-keDs were oilasiDE from know, and might get hurt If It was knj,tlng warm niUiens and st0cUn|m
other. Now 1 have lost that and also
beat of the day.
,hl. n
I lo*! AndT^sM hi* proud riral asleep on U>®
Tbe young dog. which ,e„ „i««ed Thl* 1. the reason why
children, wid U Just aa
1 am v®®!' ►or'"! ‘“a'
looked St Ihe calendai
Danny's father *oou brought to the p, cover* it so carefully, all but bis
ud bright a* she can be. sb^
On a golden ring ibeae keys I'll ‘“em- ‘“f '
‘'®®« « sewn
the w.j ,
•elf. Have I iesH.' boen away ten
ranch. nm> have helped to keep the n^d.
though necessity compeU, her to be’
. hind;
olgM vesr*.
long weeks*"
,he time.
Yours truly.
Then she deejded that the reason
This la us motto: “Be ye kind"
l>BOy. but Danny and the
kt- both ends It 1* so flxcd that when
Tn^ nest heritage that
Sylvia E. Reynolds.
pie that boast?
why she bM fell *o happy and so
v*** tbe grub Is tired of sailing he can sink given any child I* a swe«t. sunny dlsflrat '®>e
AaI®I who fla* “®®“ •“ arii'e mem­ Oh. do! but went
very much ai home at Ulenmere was
Ibal came lo him was down upon the sand. Reacblns out poenjon. which shall enable him to go
•1 (he i«st:
ber for so many yeers ceruigly dcGrover HIU. Ohio, R. F, D. No. 8
because she had taken our Sunshine
,ngcd Paro-Selected, ©f the upjier end are 'his six little (|,rougn life scattering snnablne wherJuly
1913. serve* another card and button, aod I The Tortoise crawled homo with tbe 'likt
right along with her!
---------------feet, -with which he drags bla small ,ver be may go. Rlcbea may Uke
prite atiJ the glory.
win be gUd to send them to you
And don't you Dear President—
Wasn't that funny
Good Times.
boat after him whenever he want* to
while a bright, sunshiny
The r.D«i*s of (be Hare well oum
My eousin, Cbloe Ualmers. has been
think It was nice
The following bird guo»ilng contest get bis dinner or init up (or the night
will be likely lo stay with him
from the
Of courae there were boy* and girl* telling me about the Sunshine Club,
Elk Rapid*. Mich
-Picture Story Paper, was given at a wiy lor boy hoou'a. After several day* he not only cr=ep* forever—Selected.
ti Glenmere. aod of course tliey asked, and I have concluded that I would like

Part of the "scouting ' you know, is to out of this strange house, but out of .
----------ear Preeldenl—
"Wbai is the Sunshine Hubr'
lo Join Will you please send me e
Wh*t I* Itf
A True Toed Story.
be able to recognlxe bird* .
bU skin, at the aamc time Uking on
After j-our President's explanerton Club pin* 1 live la Ihe country and
I thought 1 would write ol the BunIn the esr* of young aod old
A dish of corn-meal and water waa
The llulc booklets were ticl with moth wings. •
ao much. I am fourteen ,hlne Club. 1 am eleYon years old
abe couldn't write dowp the- names like It ev
1 reiwai what I am told;
It by the doorstep* for the lltilo the scout colors, and on tbe cover was
.\fany people rail these queer ereafast enough; and so .we have tom.e, yea* Id. 1 am nve feet seven Incbea ^pd uiy birthday I* tbo l!pd of March
And they bear me. old and yonsg.
turea "taddls worms." If you hunt
licks; iney did not come, but the the following Jingle:
id have dark curly hair and | nave a kitten for a pci. and
new members from Cbicago atid tall.
(or them with your young eye*, you
Though I hasw no bttay longna.
.err pUyfuI. A week ago Saturday 0I« M
Evansiou. Uh
«>'®« t
can And ibMe llltle nests of stone,
tVhen a thunder
awakes m*^
Sophia an,M went to town. We ,dcked
A hungry toqd hapivenod to pass hy
Pocket full of rye.
And then, dear me, bow nice It wa*
From your unshlue girl.
Not a touch of terror take* me!
Marie Gary, /eierrle* (or Mr Kesuer 1 earner 63 "Ob. dear," he thought, "I want some
to see tbe llule red buttons -{ylotsom
In a printer's pi "
grub*, though they ere very luisll.
Yet so tender I* iffy ear
happy lo have you for cents and Boi>hta earned 82 cehts- fl*®» for broakfasl, but they will all
out agalnti tbe frocks’ How bomellke
It make,
On the flrsl page was the ftdtowlng They eeem lo have groat uste In BxThat the softest aowBd I fear.
a Sunshlner. Tbere are not very many Mrs. leaner let ns ride to town with 'rave If 1 go there. What ehall I do.
and comfy’ And what tun It
Call me not wlih bated breath.
Tbe second rage bad apa®®> 'o® tofl them. You should see tbe houses
imper doTO member* of
our big Oub to Ohio. her. Ma Is In town today and I am '»« took another hop apd aiopived
take hold of bandi
they make of fresh leave*, curiousb
F«r a whUper u my death.
-loae (or think s mmoeni. "I know." he seemed the name*.
the little stole 10 the beach, or 10 cud.
left U»W dinner. I •
to say; and can you guea* what be
1- Waswoll (swallow 1
die down on the broad atep* of the
Plalnfleld. Vermont.
this Ume
2 Borin (robin).
torch and laugh and chatter, and Ulk
July 80. W13.
your loving Sunsblner,
, u
are eves more like a bud Just ready
3. loerol i oriole I.
about all tkb happy thing* that bad -Dear PrealdentMasel Reid.
H® hopi«y.l Into the middle ot the
to open.
1. Raene <crao>e.
occurred during tbe day’
I have not written lo you for a long
tt^hat fun U must have been to pick ‘>t*h. took y# hand* and
‘These pretty eases of lesve* sre
off from bom* asd lo*C It* way:
3. Norhe (heron).
Your President Is sure that the Sun- time. J have meant lo. though. We cherries, up In the trees, among the rubbed tbe cora-mral over his body
Clued together, leaving an opening at ig place* never seen before
6. DIberbul Iblitebirdl.
ablne friend* ere the very nicest kind ere having terribly hot weather here. gr*en leeve*;
‘I" uothlng wa* to be eeen bu^i a
top Just large enough for the llltle |, wandered for a nMIe or more,
;. Dibvrabik (btackbirdl.
'to have and she wlsbe* that she Is it hot where you live? 1 want to
-----------------------. lump of corn-meal and a pair of bright
creature* to put out ibelr bead and And then It Mad a rocky aulr.
8. Dlnarart (cardlnali.
could meet every one of you boy* and ask you If anyone ran belong to the SUNSHINE HUMANE SOtfETY.
bleck eye*. Tbe BM #oon gathered
shonldera when, they want to look All aUppery and tnmbted there:
». BItewhob Ibotrwbiiel.
glrla who Itelong to the Sunshine Sunshine Club all their llvre* If they .
Duck Mad* Pertloue Trip.
again to eat. but were eaten iRttrad.
about for food: others of the tame
^^n with sndi a mighty (an
10. Newr rsTen),
Join when they are children. There
A mother duck, sraliicd—merely asWe* this not a wise old toad -Prispecies cut pleoe* of reed or wood In- |( never could cUmb bach at alL
■ •
I, s girl ibat wants to Join tbe Sun- elsted—by a lot of policemen, brought man EMDcaiian.
to lengths or stripe, and Join them to_st. NMotaa.
12. Rokts (atork)
just a* your Prasideat had wrltian shine -Club ihst live# across the road traffic to a complei* aiandsilll In CenJ

griber a* they go on with their work.-----------------------15. Uibokibn (bobolink).
lb* l»t word of the above paragraph from ma Her name I* Ruth Halite tra! park the other day. For a block ,
Feeding the Hungry,
They use s certain kind of eemenL
It Shuirh 'tthnishl.
one of the grown-up member* entered Bean. Please send bw card and l«t- eltber way the drive waa packed with
A wrlier in the Cornhlll Magailae
which Is better able to stand water My kite goes op ao veri Ugh.
13. Vode idove).
^ room
‘on *0 me and 1 will giva them to her. waiting motor car*, while Mr*. Chick narraiea an Incident which occtured
than any ever made by man. And I think that It mast scrape tha aky.
16. Oaalule leraplh.
• Her# Is a Sunshine verae." be eald. My papa has bought me a tent ihU Inducedsix frighieoed ducklings to
lu Ml*. Napier during her stay U Air).
"(rom (arwway Iretaod. Perhaps the summer. I pUy in it a lot. I hare (oUow ber errou -Ihe roadway.
glerw A targe dog kapt (or protectloa
ting up a broad piece, longer than all Soma blue stuck onto It behind,
18. Wore (crow).
rooagitera would like to learn IL"
been to Cbriera. Vi.. this eummer vis- The duck was one of a pair of wild was taught to go to tbe baker's every
the reel, overhead, lo shade the door- It wags lu tall Uke anything—
18. Beetiop ipboebe).
-Perhap# they wooM,' yoar Pres!- Ring. I hare a ptaao anfl take leeeon* meltardt which aetUed in .the upper moraing for bread/ snd his bnalneaw
war. #0 lhat no on* ehall aee them I have to have the 1
»«. Waipror (sparrow).
dent Jasghad and nodded. ’TVa sriU erery Saturday. I prmciloa an hour a take of Central i>m1t last felL Park was to bring home twelve roll* In a
_______ j of tboa# fanny grab* It neariy pull* me way aptpw^
ptliu H 'right hare in tha SaaahlM day. 1 pawed late theolxth grade at employe* noted that they had nested basket; but for sereral morolaia-Jt.' ti. Panrtspad (laadplpta).
ot tbe atams of rasbaa, which. IDs Just Uka flabiOE opatda do^
p,^Kbool. Walur paawd into tha toanh thl* aprlns. and that th® neskcoh- was obterrad that ib*^ were only


Wlien by wlsukr some barm I do
' VlflIT.
When your's-PresIdcm sat down at or If

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