Grand Traverse Herald, August 26, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 26, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Oairy^DcpartmcRt Inveatigt^ting

WaehlnmoD. Aug. :i.~TbAi bis lir«
bad b««n thrcAteoed bM-aUM of bli
of the Dver bin. ngulatlDg INDIANA
"loao aliarka" aaa ibo apnaanonal
cbargo made (o the bouae lobb; toreatlgatora today by Bep. Jobnaoo of


Benton Harbor Sueteined Hfavy Fire


Detroll. MUh. Aug 33.—InteellKaBenton llarlior. Aug 33-Two him
lion of all «'old slorage boustis of l)e INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION UNCON­ drcd'gucstw wen- drivt o fponi the I’ark
I'rolt for the ilrvi waa l>eg<« ilii
Heights Inn when fire desiroye.1 toe
afternoon, when State Dairy and Pood
Imlldiiig early today. The fire sianed
oilsNloner Jaines llelme and
“In Ihc' kllclK-n. spreading so rapidly
ius|>eeiorw made it til|. tbroiigb
Ihst inowt of the guerts lo'l 'Their
frlgerator at. SIxib atrecl and Jeffer­
clolhlng. The lows U $3".uo0.
son avenue
Nearly r.o tons of yolks and whU.
gga Were lnsi>ecled and aani|ilc*
COMPANIES REFUSED TO TREAT lahen from them to Im sent to Ian- ' Intentlene Were Lived Up te Seme
(or euinlnatlon. Meaowliiln thPATROLMAN HOOWELL
SelutKm Would Be Found for
itnods r-anuot l>e aold and ib« '-'canncl
CapProv'ding Fugitive Would be Allowed '
" that have been going tn bakery
Go to Virginla^Rumor
Uniformed Policemen Rods With shoiK in (he cllles will U> closely
’ iDveii ArrMta Mada In Attempt By
Metermcn and Cenduetora on
watrhe.l The tiilxliire was the i*ro|s
PtelM ia' Lmd tha Onaa
Washington. Avig. a.—Ecoootulsts
All Cam That Were
erly of seteral .onrerns and had lieen
WhD Actually Old th#
ho hailed With delight (be enactment
All Parte ef Betttle County Wera RapRun Today. .
in storage for some iliue
of Hie law .(-Ttsatlng an Induatrlal
.<Hierbrooke. Aug. yi,—Bnmora c(
roMnlad at the Two Day
A. F. Eriekoon Has Proved What Can
l-rllvery BDd.auemidcd bribery In the
misatun Just aboot one year ago. to­
be Done by Soenttfic
IndlanuiKills. .Aiir. 23. -luierurhan.
Thaw rase crested a aenaatton today
day are boaleglng congress for aone
lines entering Indlanapulla exiM-rieiieThe rumor* were very auodg. They
Datrall. Aug. 22.—Id a flgbt wflb
action in tbe matter.
ed trouble today In operating cars aa
declared.that money bad Iwen offered
two bnrglan whom he aurprleea at .ItendOa. .Vug. :i.—The Ueozle Coun­
The measure, which waa paasod with
result of the strike of 60u motor
to both Canadian and American oSiwoiE In tbe rear of I6t Joaeph Cam- ty Grangers are having a lilgb time
ronaiderable eclat, has not yet become
m and conductor*, and the walkout
clala tw favor Thaw., tt waa flatlypae arenue. Palrolmaa Fred llodwell at the Inland Grange hall at Inland
cffccilye. eimply because no ccmmlawaa abet tbfougb tbe body early to­ a abort diaunce to the north of ihU tlheatena to apread during the day
sbmers ha>e yet been able to under­ the iienintula about (en miles from charged that a man In the Thaw pany '
take the work. President Taft nom- the city, has solved the problem of had Intimated that t->0.do6 was avail­
day and died to a pollco ambulaoce vlltege. They ataned at noon yester­ until All traffic Is lied up Tbe men
demanded a wage incruase but the
growing jwrfcct iwac^bes for the
able If a way could be found to permit
aairouu to 8L Mary'a boiplul.
day and will be In ectalun until thU
r« refused to arbliraiy>lday hu brought to
Thaw to go to Viteinla. Aittvney'
a Waiched'Hia Hat d;—I" with Hie last ewgress. More
Hla aaaailanu eacaped. but tbe po- afternoon. It la ibi-lr regular aumtner
ognUe tbe prlcvance committee.
office t wq
to Find Out News of
(kiuger admitted be had bearp the
Uc« are seare^log for a mis. Uiougbt
niooUi ago President Wilson Herald
meeting and tlicre are Grangers preii- I Ditormed policemen stood beside the
to hare been woundtd. and aeen ranthe names of oiae pen ms. pvecheo grown on h|i farm that show ston and said an InveiUgalkm would
iit from all parts of tbe county who moiormen. another guard'-d Uie
blag from ae alley Immediately after
far (be aenale baa failed to what can be acromplUhed by a grow- be started.
re the gm-ata of Inland Grange.
, ductor on every car that left (be rlly
wliiv kooBs bis buUneSfc. The fruit
the fbrrttng. Seven arreate have been
u them. The fear U now exiH.lsra'Ie. AuK. 31 —IVriiaps
The Wednesday afternoon program today.
l•^••sM^j that unIcM. the CDmoilaslon is was of the Admiral Dewey variety,
best story of the sonmi] Balkan war.
conauted of an addreat of wHcotm1 able to get down to work,41 can- and the ooe basket contained pea,ri>es
wherein humor was scar.e. Is being
by R. B. Reynolds of tbe local gratige.
i-oniplcto the task aawlgtfed to it picked from a tree which had been,
(old here today about a young clerk
rv-aponae by Wm. G. Voorhcls of Klonly ordinary care and were
In the time wpeclBed In the croailve
who WB* dlgchi.rBed from the Servian
berta and an addreu einitl.d -ThOi
The Hughns-Boteh bill, etiab- small, common looking aiiecimen/, WATHONOREO AT GRANBE MEET­
nr pfflec for uncooarl<>u»iy giving
Needs of the Rural Sc hools" by T.
llitiing (he body speiltlcd that it mugt w;hile the other basket was filled with
lit Infiirniaili'n to •on-espqndrnls.
H. Fewless, commissioner of arbeyoU
would take a prixe at almowi
tr. congress within three years,
The clerk wa* nrois.Ml of iudis<-roWILL BE MAQE AT GRAND TRAV­ for Benxle county There was a
t'ler'ras.'Bge of the ^measure. One; eny fair, although they had lieen’ se­
tlou In giving out >.ar iicis, and when
eral discussion about children
lected at random from the tree. The
Glen Haven. Mlib.. Aug. 33—Glen
already has passed without
be deniamled an t-xj'Uiiiatioti was (old
l>cacbes Id thU ha.'ket averaged nice Special Prouten Contained Many
the evening a program consisting of Arbor tow-nahlp. laelanau <-euniy.
srtlon at all.
fhul he
•liiiliscrecl win, his hat.'
Fcaturca That Were of IntersM
musical oumbera. recUaitons
making n step towards completing
lived updtrlrtly Inches in cirt umfereme and were per­
and ProfiL
dialogues was carried out. There waa the trunk line highway whleh ia tn ‘Tlie itiiSre acute the angle at which tn the aro|)c of tbe work outlined for fect in ichapc and color. Tl^ Aanncr
also an address regarding the work roach from Manistee to Traveme
IL H Is expected to be eof of (he most io which this dlffelcDce was made was
that the big pearhet were plcke.1 from!
of'tbe Grange as an agrtcuHural in City, by the waj- of Frankfort. CmpIrc. is wupiKMcd to tie his exblleration. Imppnaiit steps ever taken toward
and this young man. ili-.-jgli as kIIciii
The local. Grangera celebrated Setstltutton by R. H.,E:isworih of Grand Glen
Imi'ins growing <ait of the age-old a tree Hiat had been tut Ivack iwo a
(he grave. <-ouId not. on hearing
low growing head, where the rirenath orday afii-moon last by having a apeTraverse Crangr. Between the aBer- Omena, Suitona Bay. Belter than 33
-ween capital and Ubor
every freaii victory before It was pul,
of the tree bad a chance to go to the clal program. The ptegtem waa -plasDOOD and evening seMiona were field per ceoi of the quallUed voters an
Doe of tbe big fealurea
orlgiiisU>d with some of the ablest
llcly known, resist puUing hU hat
fruit Instead of being wasted in (be ned so as to do hooor to Corea, tbe
Grand Trarerae Regloo fair. Traverae sports consisting of running and ]iinn>thtnki-n. and beat known industrial
township' have petilioued Ute Jauntily awry.
surplus growth at the top. which U a GodOrsa of Grain. Tbe Interior of tbe
City. SepL 23. 24. 23, 26, will be tbe log atunts., Today's meeting it given
Miidenia in tbe country, about
board to .call a sperUl elecilna
Hepon.-s. when they could gel n«
-oomme'n error Into alllrh too many hall was bandeomely t
fruit dliplay. lAat year tbe ahooiog
of seveml for the purpose of voting upon tlie
(lute (bat the naUon was shocked hr
yws from ueadn«nera. watched th.
peach growers fall The tree which theavee of wheat oata end rye and
of applet, peactaee. peara and plume lm[>ortaDt topics among which gri-. latulng of |r-.30o of bonds. The funds
the .Mi'S'aniara dynamiting conf^
young clcrW as he left the war offlre
pro-Iuced these flneapecimens of fruit flower*. At high twelve the tttnl
wai a aurprlae to tbe tbouaaDda who "Co-oiieratloD" by Wm. G Voorhels, from the sale of these bondsjs
slons. It^ was designed to ^cortahi
o out for hi.' lunch. ^\Tu-n the
t>cen B|>raved. and Mr. grange dinner was enjoyed in tbe
attended the fair, and thli year the "Rural Cooperative laundry." M. used tn Improving that iMirtinn of tbe
exartiy the rclallucs l>elweeD the emwas WITH rakishly on pmErlckwon Ivelleves tbsc''^1tb proper banquet hall. There were a few vlaebowing will be even better, becauae Agnes DavU; 'Alfalfa for Uenile iiu:ik line road wblrb falls
plovcra and their employes li^ every
the f'-poners w-ould return to ihcl;
care aod ntteiition the el^e of the fniit ftor* in addition to tbnee bolding nemthe fruit growers bate been Uktng County.'’ Sam Willis. There wilt be Aroor township.
Ill-Id of labor.
couM have been greatly
of^'v.' ned write fiery stories of vi,
benhip tn the Grani^. The greater
belter nare of tbelr orcha^a
The law provides for a comnilstioa
igb music and enough tecltatluns
Monday. Sept. S. has lieen seWtcl lortcr (l.a- had come to the Servian
comparison of the contents of the two
pan of the afte«oon waa occupied
lonneriy. Laat year the fral'l dUpUy to keep Interest at top notch.
• f nine memberw, ilirec repreaonHog
. the date for the Herilon. and h la
baskets D sufficleot to convince the
oecuplnd a Urga aertlon of Agrfculthe eniployura. three representtag the observer that there mnst be a greet INtenlng to the song*. reclUUons and
The Northwestern Michigan Orange, ni«rc than likely that iht- propositinn
tnral.fS>aJ> and^attrmeted much attee-| telly at Tnverte City. Wednesday. will i-arry by a good maj'»rlty. as the
emplu.ves and three represeotlug the desi of merit 10 (he syatem of cutting readings. Thla program, whlcb waa a
Uoo, both beesnaa of tbe Goalltr of August 27. wu announced with the people of this township urc progres
pi'blii. The niemliers are to be paid bark (be tops of the trees and con­ pleasing one. was the wot* of Mra.
tbe fmii aod the large number of
Rose Stephenson who holds tbe office
'heir exi>cDs<-s and tl<> per day white
reault that a immber of Benxle patroni sive and are anxious for g»o)l ro.t<ls
serving Hielr energies for developing
trtea. There were many plate
of Ceres In tbe aubordlnate gniise.
tclually working The commlaslon Is the fruit,
gave notice that they Intended to at for the purpose of <-ompletlng
bIblU aed a few boi dlaplaya: i
riven broad tti<iui»ilorial powers.
trunk Hue highway system.
Mr Erlck|6« has sold hit farm and
ibuo Inert will be more of a ahowlag
M-ccihe duty Is to inquire Into the gen­
B suci-eeaor will uke poaseesion
of eppWt In box. at our grower^
eral tonditlon of labor In the Fnlted
vxt year.' but he claims that If his
worklDg toward Ula modem packag-^.
Suies lu ail the piinilpal ioduairtes. method U need, that Mr. Shafer, ifie
Ftirlay liiomlue the M A .V
.Including agrlculiural, and especially purchaacr, w III raise Just aa good fralt
the State Pin
loiu tbe Industries controlled by cor- as he has done In years |aat. Mr
National Officiaia Inspect
porailons; to study the effect of In- Eriikson la an examide of what a
Thi-y wure in cViargc of I'hailes lloihProposition.
duMrial i^mdiHoiis on public welfare';
open within
radle of l'<-«Ur, who was tbe master
study conditions of sanitation and
'Some twenty-five years ago he
lew weeks and the state fire mar­
Glen Haven. Mich . Anc 33 - The <>( ceremonies, and they vinlieit thiufety uf employes: to InvesUgate
> here wiiii only five dollars in shal is Bending rople* of the foUowlag
II. H. Day tifivaie foi.Miy |.r..|M.M Various placos ul liiU-rmt lu Ihc clly. la tor unions and aBsorlsUuns and
tloo la being surveyed and losiH-cted having <-omc especIsYly lu wlioesg the ganixaHons.of employers: to Investl- money and I'argBlDod for a piece of letter to every flro chief In tbe state.
land which ts now a tart of bia farm, Chief MUrtey will investigate coadlby reprewenuilves of ibo I'nlted regatta rai-es. ThA atormy weaihei
diiputes between capita] and laSlates deianmeui of bgrlt uUnre. Thir Interfering with that, they were show ti b‘T and formulale some plain of sol aod by working at (he Job of loading itons In each of tbe achoote. but it
tuml<er boats and other occupations will be impoeaible to Instruct each
One Man Kllfad at Hllladala and Two
big deiiartment of tbe fe<ierat govi-rn- through the "rrs'erse t'lty Slate hos
he act nmutated enough to lay for this teacher penonally, and tor the benefit
Otbaro Worn Injured by
Idial and some of Uiv fniii oiv-hard,
ment has heard of this wonderful
Just why Hie nomlnaHbns have beet piece of Ian.I and add to It at dlSer- of the Insiruciora a portion of tbe letUffbtnioB.
eat and has sent two of Its forestry in this viclully. It has t>een tbe cu..
New >ork. Aye 3:’...Bdwar.J.Mc; men. Meaars. I>. H. FrothIngham
iime?'. nntil be Is now la a posi­
tom for Hie past ten years (or iliis held up in tlie aenate this session has
nut been made clear except that cer­ tion to retire from the farming huslCall, chairman of (he public service G. Cattaxarro. These forestry experts family to hoM a reunion at ao
Ydnr~^FDtion Is railed (o section'
tain southern senators are said
9 «l the siste Are msrabal law which
Jieiiolt. Aug- 21.—Severe rhunrlor- comrfiUslon and former au|>e^ni<-ud are giving the natlre foresi a caret'll idave, aii.l this year they U<M-lded
requires tGachers of pnblle and pri­
ai-cei'i the Inyiiatiun exteii'lcd ibcm dissatisfied that there is not enough.
fcloniu were general tbrougbout touib- eat of the court of Justice. thU after- iDspectloo and they are nmrklng
rcpieseciailoD from
that sectloo
soon ar<-ej.tod the Tamntanv uoirliia- certain plots lu whi. h Hie trw*
vate tnstltuiioni. to have one fire drill
by ('hark-s Hochradle. There art
ein Michigan tbit aftertioon and
among the niemberwhlp. Those nanmd
each month and 1o keep all doors and
si'Jrrsiiic damage to trope and liroi-, Ion for may or, offered him by Cliarics being carefully measured and rc<-ni iis Ivroiheia and threp sisters living in

unlocked during ecboot boura. t
Toledo. Ohio. Monroe. Moreoci.
i-rt) t» rationed At . HUbidale. Bh>b
taken with the Intention of having
am sure you will be glad to co-o|«rate
DuTTPr. aged 47. of Toledo, O.. waa as a Tamilian'- 'andldaie. bfi be an­ aeeond survey made In a iveriod of teriburg sad (.’edar. A siw-cUl car
erick A- Delano, president of the Wu
with tbU deiwnmem in an effort to
iMiaiiily killed by lightning. Two nounced be would run as an ludepcn.l* for the iiurpose of detcnnlulng rhanered from Toledo, which strived
hash railroad; Harris M'elnstock.
have all schools la your city property
Monday night There tvelog no t
NIother* were Injured but are ekpoctthe tele'at which the triww
chant, of ('alltomla. S Thurston Ual-;
olterve Hii* law and thus protect tbe
vd to recover. In Detroit the ahowera
This forest Is of second growth going to Cedar In the evening, wagons
Fecu Discovered Will Help in
Drd. manufacturer, of Kentucky
llvei, and safety of our boys aaJ
wore acpomiiaoied by a 17 degree
m^le. elm. beech, birch, poplar and were provided for the tarty anil the
ride In thoSe conveyances were
drop in (be temperature within
oak. It covers four hundred
tiell. presldeol of the metal trades de>
able Section.
and is the most valuable private for Joyed as much as any pan of Hie
eit in tlje state of .Michigan. It If journey. lAat year the gathering was parttnent of the Aitiertian Federation
A representative of the burea
English Compensation Law Hat Pe­ now forty .rears old and at lu'very at .Monroe, kltrh.. and the coming of I.abor: John B. Lennon, treasurer
the American Federation of Labor soils of the federal deuartmeot of ag­
culiar Prevision
year U will be at Petecslurg
n. Garreiaon. chief of the Order riculture baa Just totupleied a general Wednesday w'iii be Big Day fer tbe
survey of (be soils of Michigan
of Railroad C'ondurtors.
lamdon. Aug 32—That an employ
Betaey River Orshardiat an Ipapectlon
Repro-enilng tbe public; Ura. J. prriisratory to Hie pabllcaHon of
Bocden Harriman. of .New York; P. bulletin He fouii.l the soils of we:
RppuliUrans. democteta. suffrageUeA.
tfirap^itated workman even If he U
will all be admit­
Township -Boards Cannot
John Neohall repreaeDilng the Bet- In Jail, was the derisinn form^mons. of tbe I'niveralty of Wlscocala. (rowing of fruit ami alfalfa. He call­ ted to ibf fair grounds Wednesday,
aoy River Fruit Oror^n.' aaaoclatBrnr handed down today by tbe attpeala
School Offiecre
ed uttetitlon (0 the fact that other the day of tbe big grange rally, pro­
waa In the city T|l.iredty poatlng cnurl
parts of the stale have soils thal
vided they bring welt filled dinner bnslaat July while working to an ele­
up on fruit gruvlne roplca He bad
8t I^ouU. Mo„ Aug 31—With tbe. Since August t4. township hoards
well suited tor fruit as Hioae of kern. No>K>iIy wm be barred ao long
recemlj rutted the 'Hin.e A Boughey vator as a stevedore John Mc.Nally separation of the Pere .Marquette raU- no longer have the right to remove
western Michigan, but that this region as he brings prorUtons enough tor a
y orebard *at S'onbport injured hit knee and his cieployera Foad In two divisions. It was an- school ofBcer*. that i»wer resOhg en-.
addition to the sofl has a clli
gSod "square" for blmaeif aiid a little '
ordered to pay him tr. a week tiounced here today that W. C. Hurai Urely tn the hands of the superin-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR
and waa loud In bl* praUe* of
that le very favorable, aod because of more, that there shall be sonte left
eptendid abowlng made liiere.
In January they dis­ has been appointed general ruiverfb- tendent of public Instruction. As Ibis
>e (WO facte, fruit growing Is fast for tbe birds- AU Grand Traverae
apoke of tbe aplendld rendltitin of tiie covered MeNally had been roovdeted (endeni of the eastern division, with change takes away the principal
rcomlng a speclallied Indnslry.
granger* are urged to bring extra eat­
trees and tbe flne growiii of tbe
of lanwoy asd oeDtenced to 18 men
for the incompallblHiy of t
headquarten. at Saginaw. Mich.
John Mitchell Beitcvee That Minen
The government matt visited -the ables to provide for sneb out-of-the
lire orchard; alno'^f the kiialghUii
In prlaon. so they asked the cot;
A Gordon has been mavle general ben of the townahlp board and school
Are Right In Their De­
Grand Traverae peninsula when In county patrons as may honor the rally .
•vf tbe rowi and the mie Kiien-io tha to rule there wa*-nn need for (h
iverlntendeni of the western division. boarda Attorney General Grant
mands of Optratora
this section, making a careful, examl- whh (heir presence. Tbe speeehra.
ireeo. Ha left at neon lor.'Tbompaon- to continue paying him. The county with hcidqnartera at Grand Rapids
lows rules that one person can hold
Calumet. Ang.
Aid to striking natioo as to the origin of the eoll and whkdi are the main featdre of tbe
Yllle. where bo te le charge of tbe courte on Ma.v it reduced tbe
According to an Order issued by tha offloea on both boatda. Thus the mlnera will be sLven by
Aaertcan tbelr geological fortnallon. Before rally, wUI be in the afteniooa. Tboae
I which the Balaev 13 per week, but the employert eon- receiver*. Prank W Blair. Dudley E township clerk, sgpervisor and justice Federation of Labor and anuiated orleaving be made the unofficial eug- who rannot be at tbe fair grotmfis tor
River people are changing from wild tended that as ha was in prison he Watera and S. M. Felton, the weetorn of peace can now also serve on the ganixaUeaa.
geuion (he bad no Aulboritr to make
noon boar ebould make It a ptdnt
lao l Into orchartlt. Tie aaid that (hey could.«« get work etwn if he waa division win comprise tbe Chicago dl- school boaitla
John MUrikcU. vice praMdent of the
(bat an ef­ to be on band tor tbe mieeebaa..
bad an arree Into potatoes and that able to do bo. whidi they declared was rtaion of 406 milea.'the Peietkey diTbe ofBcee of
federation, who arrived today after a fort be made to have the government
tbe rrop promlaed fairly well. One
Tbe appeal court, however, vUlon of 8«7 miles and the Detroit dl- and school district tnsasurer are etitl prelimloary
NEW TORK-John H. Oteaaoa VW
aoll aiirvey of Iieelanau coum
hundred aCrea-of wild land U now derided that being partially dimbled tlslon of 443 mile/
held to be iocompaUble. bewever.
hii bettef that they were right la ty. He .aid that Leelanau wns typ- today eelected by PreaMeat Wlta
being riaered preparatory to - being tbroogb the acHdent U does not mat<
The MBiern district win coaialn the township ireasnrer may aerre as di­ their aUnd for IncreMod wagee. eight- leal for this corner of the etate and for l^ied Statea atiOTneT (W the '
plaoied itaU tell. Ibiri&S the iate fall
-krbetber McNally e«a get out of following diatricu: Ttdedo. 465 miles. rector. aodetetor or tnatee of a hour day and recogaltioo of the union. that be betleved aueb a survey would nortbern dtotrict of New Togfik He
and earty wloier other clterlngi wUl prtaoD to flod work or not and that Port Huron. 210 mUes, and Canadian. a^ool dtatrlcL but net aa lu 'treaaand would be given moral and Bnaa- be helpful in bringing eboot (he prop­ wea indereed by aH*bctiow «C the
be noSe for wHng'tilaatlnga.
the paymenu mAt cooUoDe.
300 mile*.
da) snpport by Uie Meratloa.De^mraUc p«ty is the gWfi, ,
er fievdopmeat of tills

Dia ORBUiE TO menu.
























Covers Ibc
Grand Trav­
erse Keglon.






State Dairy^Department Inveatig^tlng

WMhiBinoD. AUE. :i.-Tbat bla life
had boon throatoood bocauae of hla
LO«T LIFE WHILE ATTCMPTINC advocacT of the Dyor Mil, rocnlatiDC
"loan aliarka" waa Ibo tonaatlonal
charto made to tbo bouse lobby Idvoatiicaioii lodai bj Bep. Jobnaoc of



Detroit. Mlib, AuB
lovrsllKaBenton Harlw. AuK 23.-T>vc. hun
lion of all cold sturaKc bousvi of IM*- INDUSTRIAL C0MMIB8I0N UNCON­ deed' guc-tii wen- drii cii feom Ihe Park
LINES irolt lor the Urst tinu- was be-cun ihi
Heights Inn when fire destroyed the
afternoon, when State Dairy and Focxl
building eariy luday. The fire staned
t'unimlMiloner Jaines llelme and
•In the' ktti-lK'n. spreading so rapidly
IUK[N«clora rinrie a tilp ihmuBh a renioai of Ihe guevis lo^l 'Their
frlBprator at Sixth street and JeflcrrlulhlliK. Tho io.v b>
N.iarlv :.o t •nr of yolks and wbUea
insiHfted and aaniples
COMPANIES REFUSED TO TREAT lalien from tbrtn to l>e sent to
examination.' .Meanwhile the- If Intentions Wore' Lived Up to Some
Solution Would Be Found for
Bnrxl* cannot lie sold and the ''eann.-tl
Providing Fugitive Would be Allowed '
CapeSKs ' that have been a»lDB to linker,.
Co to VirgiRia—Rumor
Uniformed Policemen Rode
Nhoim in the cliica will be clONcly
' ««VM ArroMa Mod* In AtUmpt By
Hint at 650.000 Offer
Motormen and Conductora <
watelied The nilvinrr was the pro|>PHioe «• Land the Onoo
to Officials.
All Cara That Were
rrly of heieral <-nmi>mr snd bad ■•oeO
Who Actually Old tho
who bailed with delight the enactment
All Pans of Beiuie County Were RopRun Today. .
in storage for some time
Sliert.rooke, Aug.
law .creating an industrial comr*Mnt«d at the Two Day
A. F. Erickson Haa Proved What Can
bribery la the
misaiun Just about one year ago, to­
lDdlanui>olls. AiiE. :2.—Inienirlian
he Done by Scientifie
Thaw rose created a sensation today
day are besieging congress for
lines entering Indianapolis expirleucThe rumors were very stroffg. They
Detroit. Au(. 22.—Id a flxbt wfth
action in tbe matter.
ed trouble today In operating cars as
declared-that money bad been ottered
two bttTElan «bon ho aurprlaed at
The measure, which w as passed with
Bondoo. \ue- :i.~The Uoozle Couoresult of the strike of 60u motorto both Canadian and American offi­
work la tbo rear b( 168 Joaeph Cam l) Granaera are havlDe a lilsb ilme
considerable eclat, haa not yet become
rn and i«ndurtors. and the walkout SERVIAN WAR OFFICE CLERK effective, simply because no cctnmlsA. F. Erickson, wiio has n farm
cials I* favor Thaw.. It was flatjy
pan aronua. Patralmaa Prod Jlodwell
tbo iDlaod UraoiEo hall at Inland threatens to spread during the day
was abol throufb tbo body oarlv
slpiiers ]is<e yet been able to under- the peninsula about ten miles from charged that a man in the Thaw party '
short dlataoco to tho north of this umll all traffic is tied up The men
the city, has solved the problem of had iniimated that t.^O.opo was asallda> and diod Id a pollco ambuUnco vlUanc- They itartod at noon yostorukr the work. President Taft
demanded a wage Incroai
enroau to Sl Mary's botmtal.'
limied nine commlislonei/ but they growing fierfect iieat^bes (or the mar- ahle if a way could be found to permit
day and win be In sosstun until this
refused to arbliraii- or reiFYlday- ho brought ‘to
Thaw to go to Virginia. Attorney*
a Watched Hla Hat "di-r with the laM congress. More
Hla aaaailaatt oacapod. but tbo po­ afternoon. It la ttaelr regular summer
emUe the pricvance cMminlltee.
offb'e I ao
> Find Out Newt el
Conger adnUtted be had beor^ tbe
lice are aoarc;bIiiE for a maa. Uiouirbt
nioniJi ago President Wilson Herald
tneetini; and there are Grasucra prro- I Dllormed poUcemen stood beside the
to hare boon wounded, and aeon raothe names of nlae pers >ns. piarlies grown on bl> fann that show story and said an Inveatigatloa would
at from all parta of the county mho moiortnen. anotbor guarded-the con­
BlPK from ao alloy loimedlatoty after'
far tbe senate has failed to what con be accomptlkbed by a grow-- be Btaricd.
*e the RUfsta of Inland Granae.
^ ductor on every car that left tin- city
whii knows hit bariness. l^e fruit
the vbrritlbs. Seveo arredu have booD
u them. The fear is now exi—l.^rail.-. Auk 21 —IVriis|.s
The U'etlnesday afternoon proaram today.
lirf ased that unlcsk the commission Is was of the Admiral Dewey variety,
■sl aioty of the seronil Balkan war,
coDsUted of an address of wrtcom.1 able to get down to worit.H can- and the one basket contained peaches
wherein humor was s(ar.c. Is being
by R. B. Reynolds of the local Rra.n«e.
complete the usk asslgiled t» it picked from a tree whicii had been,
told here today about a joung clerk
response by Wm. G. Voorhels of Elin (he time specified In the creative given only ordinary care and
ho was ulsch-jrged from the Scrvluii
berta and an address emitled "Tbo,
The Ilughns-Borah bill, eaub- small, common looking siwcimetu, wathonoreo at grande meet­
.vr f«(n<v for unronsriojsly giving
Needs of the Rural Schools" by T.'
llitdng the body specified that it mngt while (be other basket was filled with
ul i’lforniailMn to lorrespundents.
H. Kewless, oommUsloncr of srbools
reiM-i ^o congress wtihln three years fruit (hat would lake a |>rize at almost,
The clerk »:.« iic. us.hI of indiw-rcWILL BE MAQJf AT GRAND TRAV- for Betule county. There was
tHer'i-j».--sge of the ..measure. One any fair, althoogh they had lieen' setiou In gnlng on; >.ar ncas, and when
b'ded at random from tbe tree. The
eral discussion about children,
e.\r already lias passed irlihont
Glen Haven. -Mlcb. Aug. 22-Glen
be demanded an
was lol.l
l>cachec In thU basket averaged nice SpecUl Program ConUinsd Many
the evening a program consisting of Arbor lowoghlp. l,.eelHDBu ceuniy,
anion at all.
that lie w as "liidUcreel slth his hat."
Features ThM Were of InteroM
musical outnbrra. reritallons
making n step towards conipleting
If the comtiiisslnn lived upairictly inches lo circumference and
and Profit
AgrieuKural Hall Will Ba a VeriUbla dialogues was carried nut. There wee ihe trunk line highway wbhh is to Tlie miSr^scule the angle at whith
the scofic <■( the work outlined for feet in stieiu- and color. Tbg Aanner
Fairy Land ThN
also an address regardlbg the work reach from Manistee lo Tiaverae the Scr.lun wears Ms hat. the greater IL it is expected to be onf of the most in w hich this dlBel'ence wras made was
of-the Grange as an agrlcullural In City, by the way of Frankfort. Empire. is KUpiKwcd to be bis exbileratlon. ImiKinant steps ever taken toward ao- that the big peaches were piekcul from
this young man. ■houf>b as sIIcik
The.local. Grangers celebrated Sat­
stltutlon by Tt H.,E:Jswonh of Grand Glen
liili'iDS growiug OTt of the age-old a tree tliat had U>en tut liaek Into a
lew growing bead, where the Kiremitb urday afternoon last by having a spe­
Traverse Crangr. Between the after­ Omens. Suttona Bay. Belter than 23 as Ihe grave, could not. tm hearing of
capital and tabor
every fresh victory before it was pub­
of the tree bad a chance to
cial program. Tbe program waa -plan­
noon and evening aesaions were field
One of the big features
orlg1iiaU>d with some of the ablest
real of the quallbed voters
licly known, retlvi nutting his iiai
fruit Instead of being wasted in tbe ned so as to do honor to Ceres, tbe
Grand Traverse Region fair. Traverte •ports consisting of running and limn»thinkers and best known industrial
lowDshlp' have peiilioued Uie Jauritty awry.
surplus growth at the top. which U a Goddeea «f Grain. The Interior of Ibe
aiy. Sept 23. 24. 23. 26, will be the Ing stunu. /Today's meeting is given
Mudenis in the country, about
board to. call a special
Heporu-is. when they could gel
-oommoh error Into w%ich too' many ball was tundsomely d.ecaraUd with
fruit diaplay. IaM year the ahowing
of Kcveral foe tb« purpose of voting upon ilte
time that the nation was shocked by
■ws (rum ut-adfliiartera. witrhed Ih.
peach growers fall The tree which sheaves of wheat oats and rye and
of apples, peaches, pears and plums Important topics among which arc, latulag of 13.5011 of boiida The funds
.McNamara dynamlilng confesyoung clerk as h.. left Ihe war office
nro<luce<l these fine specimens of fruit flowers. At high twelve the innal
was a aurprtaa to the thousands who "Co-oi«TatloD" by Wm. G Voorhels, from the sale of these bondsjs
sluns. It was designed to ^cwrtahi
• out for M« lunch. AVIicn the
had not even been s|ira.ved. and Mr. grange-dinner was enjoyed In the
attended the fair, and tbla year the •Rural Cooperative t.aundry." M, used In Improving that iwini.m of the
exactly th'e relatluns Ivetween the emvas w,-rn raklwhly on pm- side,
Krlrk»on l>elie«cs tbat''-sWitb proper banquet hall. There were a few tIsebowlag will be even better, because Agnes DavU; 'Alfalfa for llenxie iiu:ik line ruad which falls in Glen
plovers and iheJr employes 1:^ every
the repohers w-<rjld retu.'n to thcli
care and ntienllon the eite of tbe fniit itorg In addition to those bolding mem­
the fruit grawen bave -been Uklng County.’’ Sam Willis. There wRI be Aroor township.
Iii-M »f labor.
of$cc« and write fiery storie
couM have Wn greatly ncrcoaed. A bership tn tbe Grang^. The greater
belter care uf their orcharts
The law provides for a commission
enough music snd enough reriutluns
Monday. 6«pi. R. hat lieen seWted lories II.a' had come to the iscriunj
comparison of (he contents of the two part of the aft«noon was occopied
tarmerty. Laat year the fruit dUplay to keep Interest at top notch.
' f nine members, three representing
•s the date (or the Hccilon. and It la
baskets In sufficient to convince the
Bstenlng to tbe songs. rectuUons obd
oecuplnd e Urge aectioo of Agriculthe eniplovurs. three representing the
Tbe NorthwcMcra .Michigan Grange ni^rc than likely that iho proposition
observer that there nioat be a great
taral<giali and ^attracted much atteo-| rally at Traverse City. WednewUy.
emplu.ves and three repn^DiIng the deal of merit to the syateoi of cutting readings. ThU program, which waa a
•arry by a good niaJorUy. as the
Uon. both becatiee of the goalliy of August 27. was announced wUh tbe people of this township arc progres­
pi'ldli. The memliers are to be paid back tbe to|M of the trees and con- pleastag one. waa tbe woi* of -Mra.
the frail and the Urge number of en­ result that a number of Benxie patrons sive and are anxious for g<M>d roa-ts
their ex|K-use< and 81" per day while •erving tlieir, energies for developing Rose Stephenson who boMs tbe offica
tries. There were many pUte «x- gave Doilve that they Intended to at (or tbe purpose of completing tlir
tciuaJIy working The. commlaalon is th« fnilu
of Ceres in tbe aobordlnate gnase.
Hecoradis Family Spent Friday
blblU and a few box dlsplaya; this tend.
broad iDiiuudtorial powers.
trunk line highway system.
Mr l->lck|6n hat sold bis farm and
ilDie there will be more uf a showing
M-c-'-ific duty Is to inquire Into the gen­ Ms suc-eaaor will uke imaaeaslon
xi appka in box. as our grower^ are
eral (oniililiin of labor In the United
year.' hot he claims that U[f hl»
working toward this modem package
Sutes in all the principal industries. meiboj is need, that Mr. Shafer.
Fiiilav morning the M £ .\
r. tfie
.Including agricultural, and especially pun haaer. will raise Just aa good fruit
the Suu Firs
train brought In a |iariy of t; |H-opk.
iniii Hie Industries controlled by
he haj> done In years fiaBt. Mr
all nivmU-n. of Gie Hocliradle family'.
Nstienol OHiciala inspect
porailons; to study the effect of In­ FMikson is an examine of what a
They were in charge of Thailes Hovli
dustrial ccinditlmiK on nubile welfare':
- an do In this ^rt of the counThe public sebooU will open within
raille of Cc-dar. wlio ••»■ the niasK-i
study cooditluna of saoltalloo and
Some twenty-five years ago he
few weeks and tbe state fire mar­
Glen Haven. Mich . Aug 22 - The of cerciHonicr. ami they vltlied tlw safety of s-nipioyes: to IcvesUgate
V here with only five dollars in shal is sending copies of the fqllowlag
1). H. Day pilvale foicstry pr»|M>M vurioiis places uf tlili-rcsl lu I lie i lly Ut-or uniuns and aaaoclatiuns and
money and liargalned for a piece of letter to every fire chief In the StaU.
tion Is being surveyed sml Insficcted iiavlug coiTH- es|>ecliiYly lu wlincXM the
Tammeny Tiger Determined to Run
gaDlaiionSkOf employers: to ioresH- land whi< h Is now a ion of his farm, Chief Miirray will investigate condb
by renresenulivcs of tbe United regatta raece. Th«> atortn.v weathei
Peirtics in City Of
disputes bciween capital and la- and hy working at the Job of loading lions In each of the achooU. but It
ffutes deiianment of Wgrit-ullure. Thb Interfering with that, they were ahuwa
New York.
IcT and fortnulale some plan of si
lumlver (mats and other occupations will be impossible to Instruct caeh
One Man Kllfad at Hlllsdala and Two
big department tif ihe (oieral govern­ through tbu Traverse t'lty Slate hoetlc-nient to be suggested to congress.
c- umulated enough to fiay for ihU
lily, and tor the ben^
Othara Wtro Injured by
ment has heard of this wonderful for l>l(al ami sume of Uie fruli utvhariji
Just why the Dominaiibns have been piece of lan-l and add to It at differ­ of the iBviraciors a portion of tbe
eat a«d has sent two of Its foresin in Ihlw vtciiilly. It has Iwen tbe cuo
New Aork, AijE :’2.-B«lw-an? Ale men. Mesara 1) H F'rothlncham and tom (or the |iaet ten years fur tins held up in the senate this session has ent times, nniil he is now is a posi­
been made clear excei.i that
Call. I'halrman of the iniblic servlet G Canazarro. These forestry experts family (u hold a reuninn at ao
Yourkheothm Is cailsd (o aratioa'
tion to retire from the farming buslsouthern seaatora are said
f -of (he Slate fire marshal Uw which
Jteiioli. Aug. 21.-—Severe tbundcr- comiAtssion and former aui>ci;irieud- are giving the entire furewi a carelul place. Bii.l liilK year they decided
eai of the court of juatlce. this after- Inspection and they are nuu-klng
requires teachers of public and pri­
ui-cepl tbe Inviiallun eitemicd them dissatisri^ that there Is not enough,
rcnieseotailon frotii
tliat secllun
noon ac<-e]itcd (he Taninianv noixtlns- certain plots in which the trees
vate iasifiutioDH to have one Ora drill
by Charles Hocliradle. There are
1 Michigan thU nftenioon and
among the membership. Those nasiod
each month and Yo keep all doors and
crahle damage to cropa and proi- Hon (or mayor, offerctl him by Ctiarle-! being carefully measured anil reeinuv broihecs ami Ihree slMers living in
unlocked during school boura. I
Toledo. Ohio. Monroe. Moronci. Pc. rk|«rted. At. HUIsdale. Bion
taken with the Intenllati of having
sure jou will be glad to coofierate
leriburg aad Cedar. A si<eclal car war
Burger, aged 47. of Toledo, 0-. waa
second snrver niade In a iiertod
with this department In an effort to
iosiaiiHv killed t»- lightning. Two nounced he would run at an^iudc|.cml- years for tbe (lurpose of detenuluing ebanored from Toledo, which ai rived erick A. Delanu. president uf the Wa­
ha»e all schools in your city properly
Monday night There lieing no irsti; bash railroad: Harris Welasiock. mer­
•others were Injured but are exi>ectthe rale'at which the trm are i
chant. of CalKortila. S Thurston Ualobserve Ibis law and Uins protect tbs
ed to recover. In Detroit the ahowers
This forest Is of second growth going to Cedar in the evening, wagons
Isrd, mnnufactarfr. of Kemurk.
Facta Diacevered Will Help in Oevcl- lives and safety of our boyi mJ
were accompanied by n 17 degree
Difplo. elm. beech, birch, poplar and were provided for the lutny and the
drop In (be temperatnre wlihiD
It covers four hundred acres ride in thoS<e conveyances were
able Bectien.
and is the most valuable private for Joyed as niucR aa any part of tlie nell. president of the metal traden deJourney. Last year the gathering was iMirtmem of the Amerlran Federation
est In the Hale of Michigan. It
A represemailve of the bureau ol
lAbor. John B. LennoD.
English Compenaatian Law Haa Pe­ now forty years old and at its very
•Monroe. Mich. and the coming
of Ibc Amerioso Federation of Labor; soils of the federal deimrtment of ag­
year It will be at Petersburg.
culiar Prevision
I. Garrcuon. chief of tbe Order riculture has just conxpleted a general Wednssday Will bs Big Day for tbs
•uney of the sandy soila of MIcfalgaD
of Railroad Conductors.
I.ondon. Aug 22 -That an employ
Betsey River Orchardlat e
Kepresemlnc tbe public: Mrs. J. pretiaratory lo the pnbllcatlon of a
Butden Harriman. of New York: F. hulieim He found the tolls of west­
RepuliUcans. d
Inrajwitated workman even If he la
will ail be admit­
John N'eshall. represenilng the Bet- tn jail, was the decision form^'
mons. of the I'niversity of Wisconsin. growing of fruit and alfalfa. He esll- ted to Ibe (air grounds Wednesday,
•e) River Fruit Grown.' aasocUtitfiL handed down today by tbe aRpeali
ed atientloo lo the fact that other tbe day of the big grange rally, pro­
waa In the city T|liir*,Uy ixMtl&g court
fiarti. of the state have soIIk ihat i
vided (hey bring well flUed dinner faosLast July while working In en eleup on fruit grosia* topics He nad
Igmla. Mo.. Aug 21.—With the. Since August 14. township boards
well salted (or fruit as those
keiw. .VolKxly wni be barred so long
receoily vUlted the ^^me « Boughey vetor as • stevedore Joiui Mc.Nally seimratlon of the Pere Marquette rutl- no longer have the right to remote
western Mlc-blgan. blit that this reglou
be brings provUiona eoouxb for a
• orchard *«i Sorthpott injnred bis knee and bU employera road In two divisions. It was
•ebool officers, that power resObg eti-,
iddttlon to the aoll has a cllmaic gbod "square " tor blmarlf and a UnW ^
and was loud In bit praii
ordered lo pey him $3 a week -tiounced here‘today that W. C. Hurst Uroly In the bands of the superln- AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR
that IS very (avonble. and because of more, that there shall be some left
In January they dis­ has been appointed general fuperib- teodent of public inttruciloD. As this
epiendtd showing made liiere.
two facta, fruit growing is
(or tbe blrd^ All Grand Traretue
•poke of the splendid rondlticm of Ui« covered McNally had been convicted tendent of the eastern division, with change takes away the printipal reabe-vimlng a specialized induslry.
grangers are urged to bring extra eat­
flees and tbe fine growih nf tbe en­ of larceny and sentenced to 18
hsadquarters at Saginaw. Mich..
for the incompatibility of
John Mitchell Bellcvsa That Minars
The government man visited the ables to provide for such out-of-tbe
tire orchard: also'^f the vitaighUieta In prison, so they asked the courts
A. Gordon has been made general bora of the township hoard and school
Are Right In Their De­
Grand Traverse penlnwila whe
county patrons as may tumor tbe rally
rff tbe rows and the c»ie giiea-io th* to rule there *as-no need for
l«rinteeiiem of the wealera division. boards Attorney General Grant
mands of Opcratnrn
this section, making a carefnl, exatnl- whb (heir preoence. Tbe speechco,
ireea. He left at noon loriTbamiisoo- to contlnoe paying him. The couniy; with headquarters at Grand Rapids
Iowa rules tbat one person can bold
Calumet. Aug. 22.—Aid to striking natloD as to the origin of the soft and whlcb are tbe mala feattire of tlM
viiis. where be la in charge of the conrta on May 16 reduced tbe sum to
According to an order issued by tha oCfioea on both boards. Thus Hie minors will be slven by
Amerioan their geological formation. Re(or« rally, will be in tbe afternoon. Tboa*
s which the Betsey 13 per week, hut tbe employers con­ receivers. Prank W Blair. Dudley E township clerk, aapervisor and juaitce Federnttqn of Labor and affiliated or­
leaving be made the unofficial aug- who coamt bo at tbs fair grovtfis (er
Btvse people are changing freni wild tended tbai as he wea tn priaoo he Waters and 8. U. Felton. Ihe weaiern of panee can now also serve
geulon (be had no authority tn make
hour should moke It a potat
ian l into orchards. TU amid that they
ild.pot get work even if he was diriilon wlU rompriae tbe Chicago dl- school boards.
John MUcboll. vice praeident of the
that an ci- to be on hand for tbe spMcbsm.
bad W) arree Into polatoes and that able to do bo. whlrii they dectaiwd was riaion of 4M mllet.'the Peioakey diTbe -offices of township tr
federatkta. who arrived today alter a fort be made to have the governmani
the crop proBleed fairly well. One
Tbe appeal court however, vUlon of 847 miles and the Detail dlpretlBtnary Inveetlgatlon. aanounsod make a soil survey ^ l.e«laaau courtNEW TOBK-^oba H. Oieana VW
hundred eerce -af wild land Is now decided tbet being partially diMhled Tisioa of 442 miles'!
hii brllef 'that they were right laity. He said that Leelmiau i
today seleoted by FroaMsat Wnmm
being cisared piwparatory to • belux through the accident it does not mat­
The twslera district win eoniain the townahlp irwasorer msy serve as di­ their tUnd for Increased wagea. eight- leal for thb comer of tbs sute and for t^ted Stateu attorney tbr the
planied this (all. Daring the tele fall ter -Mbether McNally cbb get out of following dlatrtcta: Ttdedo. 465 rnllea. rector. moderator or truotee <
hour .day and rarognitkui of the onion. that bs betleved aueb a survey would northern district of New Togk. Be
•ad early wlaier other clearings will' prison to find work or not and that Port Hum. 210 mUea. and Canadian. o^ool didtricL hut not as lU Ireaaand would ba given moral and Bnan- he helpful tn bringing about (he prap- WM Indoned by aQ*BactleM «( ttb
be lu«e for s^ag'planUiigs.
■be paymonu ni^ coaUaue.
360 nilea.
rial rapport by tbe (ederetlon.
Psmocratk pony in the elatBi
o( this











- -.















cntAHi) rsATnu

A*____ j y_,_^_____

uranfl BTSVCfK Hcnilll hm> tor thrir runKtrumon mnd niito

TrmTWM City.

Ent«r«d *»■ wcotad<laM m*Uef
Htreh 1. IIW. mt the powoSicB al
Trarem Cltj. Mich, under the Act of

Offle*. ia Frwit H. loth Phonoi M
Odo tmt........................ IIAO In adrancr
Bin B»Dtha
___ 76c In adrance
ThrMBOStba.............. 4(k ts admnc*

teuance. The pmgrea* of anj- com-tiiimlty 1» determined by Ha aecesalIf iieuide ran readily and eaally.reacb H over good roada the town
fa aa»ure>l of good iradc and eomtnerrial advaniagea: Init If the road* are
not of the Lind that ran be eaatly
traveled It atanda to reaaOo that pe«
pie mill do their trading at (be tomn>
nearer by that ran be trore .easily
reached. Many loralltles »ee proOi la
eultlna down on other expaned and
putting an additional amount into
Kiroei* and road*, figuring that (his
policy will gel them more In I he long
run than any other plan that thee
could adopt to draw trade and adverll»e Ibelr partlnilur localUr.

Creating Trade


One of the prime re<|Utkltea of a
progroaslve (iti I* (o have the trade
Thpro li onr Ipmob that the »PI>»p Of the aurriMindlng eountry, for »lih
KTovera of the Gr.-ind Traverae radon
iportant fartor the best
mill linvp to learn hefor.’-ihev will t>e
able to Bet the beat t*-»ult» fiom haiidirapiH'd in growth and prosperUy
ibelr oTTharda. and that Is that thev TbU trade must be develoiied by the
wlll have to thin their fruit at the nierriuinta themseli^s. and now that
, proper time ao iliat it will haVe room the pareel post lyii^m.Juia Cunie to
have had placed within their
on the treea to develop In site and
color, and tticrebt, eoiifonn to the beat reach the greatest oppom
market isundard. The average grower hringfitg the bualneas fr-un a large
Into (heir stores with governbelievea that the number of apploa
____tree determines the proOt of hts!nient help
According to the Iasi
orchard and he learas all the apple* | ■ liange in rate* and t . tt of packages
that set on the tree* to rii<en. with itirrii-d. It Is up to the werehanti '
Ibe result that for ribat partlcBlsr the sQialler towns and cllHs
year the tree* aiv over»orli«>d and In the most of the mall order feature of
many eases broken down by the heavy tlielr business, which bv jiiSidous nd
load they have to carry. When the venisiitg and pro|>er attention rah be
fruit Is not thinni-d It does not have made one of (he most proHiable of a
detayrd flogs leg* awl
a chance to develop as It should and maioHly of the usual lines of bust
ness. The big mull order houses of fish that had been kept for seven
the owner of the orchard i« the loser
Perfect Jrult commands the top price the country hu\e e.luiateO the peoi*i >cani. His discoveries were of such
up to the habit of oniertug from cat- a nature that be not only lost hie ap­
on the market and the only «ay. In
al' gues. w hich makes (he wo)- all the petite for these dclicaele*. but doubt.*
wMch It can be oluained It by taking
more easy and clear lor the local
if he will ever get it hack. One of
proper rare of the trees throuch prun­
(lianis who have the enterprise and the '-oninion pnn'tlcea indulged in by
ing. spraying and oulUvaiion nud later
toresizhi lo go after this line of busi­ tile cold storage men is to buy up tbc
by thinning the'apples to sut h^degr.v
ness With goods >.f e<|ual price and stuck of (urkevM (bat aiw left over in
that they will hang about six Inches
■i'lalllv the advanUiEe Is all with the th<- meat markets .yfi-T the holiday
aimrt'on the tree, wriich gives the sun
-loi. . t,er<!iuut. for under the Batitc season am] freeze them in order that
and air a chance to strike the npple
tlie faroier will prefer Id tliey may U held iiniil next year. A-;
in an1 direction*
dircctlona and bring.
bring, out
house uear.atjtome in- tkc birds have bCid nioiiud the m*rproiK-ir color that I* demanded In
sending far awa.v f<T what jVcls for several w-. eks before they arc
e fruit. The man who lets h
It 1* impoaslblo to br^ frozen' they
tree* canV a maximum load of apples
V- are placed
during the *eaten

lUa Yonr Applet

Tmiviiu bat baqlb, tuiboat. aububt m, itis

being taught la the wni are prodiic senate, as well aa by the people of
Ing reeuli* and whenever there ha* the I'ntled flutee-la geveral. War
been a dry time in recent years (he I with Mexico, while it teesis like a
lots U In no way to be compared to irtfltaE awtur on the anrfdce woaM
whM it was In the early days, when amount lo a big Job before It was
the sclentlHe principles of tarmlng j ftnlahed and would flly repay the loll
were ao little underatood. With proper In live* and money that It would cost
cultivation crops ran stand a great | to subdue the country and restore laatdeM ofdrouih and yet yield well, bulling p««;e- Huerta came Into power
the other hand If they are not through treachery and HJi only rcaBonable to suppose that he will
l>roperly cared for they cxniStA t
tlnue these tactics as long as be Is
distance to the burning a
iccount of (he- small | in power. With such a record to recdepth to.which their roou penetrate onmend him there Is a very small
chance of his securing a place in the
and the absence of a dust blanket
shelter them from the torrid heat The affection* of the nations of the world
farmer has lea'rned (hat it is not' w-ho stand for fair play and lUble
profitable to devote bis land lo one government The United Bute*
crop on account of Ibe liability of loi- making all the accessary preparatb
>Bg all In an unfavorable year. Tbc for Invading the country U it is i
dtveriined crop* of the affecied state# casary,, but at the same time there
saved the div, a^d while there will 1s a well defined belief that s
for before
be a large shortag* In the corn crop tion will not l
the lar r yield In the oilier cro|it will that time arrlvea Huerta will have laid
Be mdsure make up for tb<
I his last card and aecedod to
demand*- of this government.
w-Mrh ba* always bad In mind tk
best Interests of Mexico during the
* Hairy and Pood Cor
James \v, Helme is going tbrougt the
cold storage planu In Detroit for ihc
Invesiltatlng the condi­
tion*. aud wliai he ha* niri-hdy found
diowa ihai the jicoplc of that city are
eating stuff (hat would !« liirtiiHl
. Aug
—The minister n!
down by a carrion eating animal In
istancea Among Ihc fo<«1 rlciiliui e today formally*.
Ibe chsmlvcr asking that the
products he found way ‘wnned yolks
I of |.>i<‘),noo Ih* act aside by Ukif rgg> nlvcd with feather# and flK-s'
vhlch are used by bakers and other* governnieni to l*e ai>|>ortionp>) lo (arm
-ngaged In girodoclng cooked products er/-w hose crop* have been ruined by
and floods.
fur public consumption, dccomposeil

Bad Coidllion


Jhe Markets
Xficed lAarktU

FARM PRODUCE—•dying Prices.
I*oUloc* .................................
Butter ........................................... ::e24c
Eggi ............................................. iie:oc
flay, loose ..............
Straw, perton ............................... ,.lb
Ohlnns .................................................|1*.
FARM PRODUCE—«eniBg Prieea.
Potatoee ....................... .....................7S
to such an extent that they «UI onlyj
ry* w.Te so far gone that ilicy fed Oeanery baiter .................................3J
la-ar a proiiuctive ciop once Iff everv ' >r ll being cuiiiprlltinii lioBi Ih
butter .........................................58
two or three years On the other hand ! il iiierajanis In every gullalilv
Egge .......................................................n
If the trees arc properly ca**d for and tied, town H is certain that wUhIn Vi'sUgaiors. This Is uar of the i
sot# why the city markets offer
Docte. dresaad
the growing apple* ihinn) d r^oiW-rlv
lew- yett-B every town id any site
priced i-oultry at the holiday season
baled ....................................llT?il
and the surplus twig* fiit ayay a crop
111 liHve li» own. mall order cu
will be Insured every year Thinning oriis. und If those already in bm and also Indicates what kind ut food Straw .....................................................n
tha city |>eopte eat under the imivresCRAIN—TrsverM City Milling Co.
the frnU on the tree* is not only a
adopt the plan and are the first
Prieea corrected every day.
Bdeniiric method of growing fruit, but It the field ttfc.y will reap the harvest
Wheat ................................
.. .. S’r..r:. .,e,,.,e..c „t.„ .Lomes
oe... .«
It U a business proposliinn as well,
in .nd!
and ^ ‘‘ ^ gOOd thing that CllV |..-<vplc d'l
forlt Is much more profitable to hare gatlicnf up the busines* that js only not see what they eat before It Is- forn ..................................................... ^0.
a fair amount of perfect fruit to amd waiting for aoriieonc to get into ibe
glamoraW chy life would fade awa; Oats .................... .........................i
to market, rather than an enormous ganve Aii-1 go after to a Byatcmaiic a
and attencioo would !>e turned back White navy beans ........................ IK.
lot of itnperfoet apple*, the majority
Red Kidney beans ........................... Ji.50
he country where it is possibP
of which must be sent Id the rider
Dll! or .canning factory to be worked
CRAIN—Hannah A Lay Co.
and wbtdesome. Practically- all of the
np Into by product* of the orchard.
Price* errrected every day.
Tl)cre .are some growers who adhere
One of (be most effective methods fish that are consumed In Detroit l«
to'the rigbl idea In thinning the fruit “f c-ulUng ibe atienUon of the out­ taken from the sturag-' pianis whefe
bat they are In the minority, which side world to Hie advabugw this re- It has been kept for any lengtb nf
fact accounts for the small revenue rion offers to fruit growen {» through (ime.'even aa long a* seven years It
i^t Is received from home orchard* the inedlum of a series'«f cxbibiii at will be impossible to secure pure food
Pricee corrected every
roai a^ capable of making a rerord the various fairs beld'(brougbout the as long as tbc storage plants
produrtlOD in better fniit. An apple state during the fall months. The lowed to o(>erale Jn ihl» manner, and Hoes ......................................... ........IHc
Steer* ....................................... .4 to 7.
tree, like a horse or man. can lx- IVestern Michigan Development Bu­ when meat of this nature is sold
..................................... ..I to 6c
people (here will l>e no way
wtnied to a certain degre*- with profit reau: Is preparing a large amount of
and w hen the load they have to -carry fruit for this purpose In boHi t^e na* rombatlog disease which is #iW
Sheep .......................................................
U beyond their strength I there Is tural state and In jars, and will make follait- the consumption of #urh\i
Chicken*. live........................................1
larger nu:iil>er or Individual displays wholesome article*. There U rai
hound to be a reaction that will reGeeec. dretsed......................................I
Bull disastrously to the orchard. The ils year than previous!.''. |nr it I* danger from eating contaminated food
Turkeys, dreaa^ .............................-.1
new laws that sent Into effect tliU thought Uiat by making toore small itafi from almost any other source
month which Include the Sulicr hill displays more good wlU be aecom- and it is hoped that (he people will
Pricee eorrectod aa market vartee.
und the Jakwav tdll, mak^ it Impera- pllshed than, by'gathering it all'into wake up lo the necessity of protect
Ing their food supply and thereby do Hide* ............................................
tire thaT the fruit grower give more
atieDti.0R to the production of fruit In peltits. The PittHburg and Cleveland away with the danger that threaten*
Tallow ................................................
the future than he ha* in the past. exhibits-U^d a great deal of good and from this aotirrv. There wi
This I* a good thing '.it the orchard bcius Blvcn in a section of the coua presonied In the la*t led,-la
OovYou Know
isrt. for while they may think that try where dtsplaya have not beci cring this point, hut w-3« defeated by
That II >mi have Ih-cu feeling
it Is a hardship at first to grow cro|>S made In the i-ast the people appre­ Ihp .-old storalfe-incD wlio toid Ihc and cross all day you .-an rid yonrself
of the tiuideii by uking one or two of
•f good fruit the returns they will ciated them more than they would in farmers that it the storac-l>R
Ibis Hale, where fruit is identy
was regulated Ib6y would
get from thlt rias* of product will be
Plld.S before going to 1xh| Thev ,
sbows are trf common occurrence. The
Ir farm products.
BO much greater that ibi-y wITI he
Kloniach disorder and
permanent exliibk is also Becoming a Tbe farmer
-■ the siHi
pgulur bowels and make
more than pleased with the nnaneJj
potent fsclor in advertising the dis­ lien and the storage m.-n received resh. vlgorons sn.I. cheerful,
result* from the.«e bills. Aa fruit
trict. for then It Is possible lo keep Ibelr votes. The campaign of educa­ r. cu Sold b> all clruggiiils.
growing has reached the point where
the subject before the people al
tion that will result from these dlsit is a •deuce, the same thing Is t
Modern Conditions.
seasons of the year sod reacb a much closurea wtll ultimately work a change
of packing and markciliut. T,ke gro<
A Unrel wreaib and a bald biU
larger number of people tbah by the In the system In vogue In the elUcs,
lake an unrpmautle co
who will make fbe most money under periodreal method, it Is' alway
for U stand* to reason that the bealth
the new conditions. I* the man who
good plan to have fruit dlapUyed of tbe people .will bare to be safe­
can meet the r«-uulr*>nicnis with good
where strangers esn, see It. for It
grace, and use ih- pro|K-r amount of shows them at first hand what Is guarded. even lljt does eo#i present
a loog Uiae to endure ib«
beadwork In bis orchard. Thinning actually being done In this region by vlolaior* of tbe Sire food Uws
-ning, itching, bmartlng. akinthing to have it brought aboui.
diMvase known as "tetter"—another
the fruit Instrad o( revulMng in loss the progressive growers.
name for Nrzema. Seems goo.! to real­
to the grower will prove hU greatest
ize. aUo. that OR. HOBSON'S EC­
source of profit.
ZEMA OmTMENT has proven a per-


Frail Exhibits

Faraiers Pnilected

More Good Koads
It I* reiioned that the tU:
UtM-nos Aires ha* made a condliioual
lontraci wlib Baring llro*.. of lx>u
don. for a loan of tn.itiO.wOoe the
purpose of Imiiroring the pleading
sirecis of that |•togre**ive clHr, This
goes to show ^hai the good roaaa
luovemeot has/«i>read over into lands
that have lortrierly l»-en considered aa
none too procr^lve in the matter of
adopting Dew Idaaa. it is a (an tbai
cannot be controverted that the Inflnenee of h city In (be future will be
determined by the condition of tb.f
ro*ul* wlttilr>tu limits and those le^
Ing to and from Ua bo,r<lera. (iood
Btraeta are a mnnicl|)al aM which lo
the coarse of time wlU be incruded
In the property listed on the tBOk:
every rliy. Ju*t aa much as public
hnSdlack and other city equipment.
The aell made and wW kept thorosfffafare a. a (hnor U aadonal life
hae rotoe to stay, and while the exMK «f Bwklag them la raaaldeisble.
thev* la but lUUe protest M (be pai^

Present indication* are that the
faimers of the southwest will not
suffer so much from the recent
drouth as the public wo* led to beHeve In the reports scn\ out from the
iffected districts -during the past tew
weeks. These accounts tuAmlLv led
|>eop1r to bellcre that alt the crops
to Ransas. Oklahoma and Northern
Texas bad been completely-destroyed,
but later derclopmdnts show that
these autes are not ao bard bit aa
Ibey might have Ixwn several years
ago.when farmer* devoted their farms
to the raising of one partlcnlar crop.
Reports from Uiexe states show that
the farmers wlU hare a partial corn
crop.-whUe there ia-an abundanre of
bayi wheal, eotlbn and other crop*.
In real.hy the shortage In the rorn
crop will not be felt lo as great an
-extent aa was supposed. The farmer
In ail parts'of the ceantiy tortlflea
blDself against disaster by ralalng a
diversity of crop* and eulUr»dng
tbeta in a ecienttfir manDer, Tbe

1>i1sc)p)es ot Err tarmlaE that are


Reports from Mexico arc no
assuring than the; have been
time since tbe trouble between the
United SUtes'and that turbulent natk>D began. It becomes more evident
every day that Huerta Is In the last
dUch and 1* only playing for time In
order lo postpone hti utUmate down­
fall. The fact that Great B^taln.
Trance and Japan are urging Huerta
to come to terms with the United
Stales is a very favorable symptom,
;and a bon this is coupled with the a(UUide of the owner lenders It Is evi­
dent (hat the resistance of tbe bel
ligercnt head of tbe repnbtlc will be­
fore long decide to pnt bit case up to
(be ix-pple (>f hla eonntrr at a gen­
eral electloo. It I* the desire bf the
great nation* lo eee ihsetMcd and they recognlte that the
plan submitted by President Wilson
Is Ibe only Ipclral way out of {he dlfirtcuKy without bloodshed. It it the
dealre of tbe admlntotraVoB
to settle
mlnlstraUoB t
the queatloB in
and this opinion b
by practical­
la sharatf
ly all tbe menbera of the

- Kenney writes:
you tor yonr I)i
meat. It Ivas
has troubled o
All dru

Rather Rieky.
Tb* man who alwaya doeaa kU
to tbe nnaigbUy Uinga la Ufe ]*
apt to Blip up on a banana peeL

Are they feverish, restless, per
IrrlUble. tUtsy or epnsUpatedt
they oontiauaily pick tbelr nos
grind their leetbT Have (hey cramj*Ing pains. Irregular and ravenoni ap
petitel Ttaeoe are all slgms of worms
Worm* not only cause your cbtld suf­
fering. but aiODt its mind and growth.
Give "KieUiioo Worm. Killer" ai
It kill* and removes


• 100 Rospbrd. StOO.


Mat Mms* hM bM at.;* «c rwry u *n ii<
•Mfw*. wed lb Is OsSMVit. 4Sl'i catarrk
ewu tte oel*puauT* rar« no* kcon ts
•a* OMdlrwJ (rwtmiy. CUtsrrh bctoism*.
Mtlwucool Almm. nqalM k cmUtalMwl
nwta«t BaU * v:Marr h Own to wta i»
SsrawUy. ketlBc dlneily Bpeto tbs Honl a>d
Bweeaa surfkc* or lbs sysISB. tbsrsby ds
I "Obi I wUb wa never had tbosgtat ' snMtwtM
>nd s^inng uiurs Is dmssiw
•Aw. Uce 11 out. CaL Cee-lt makes
old picture taken."
me sick to sea dem big krbetma bunt
was in real dlailmmy epoke to no one In particular
-to everyone in gencraL Ton do not
H»l:v rsml(y Pi!b>(or zoraUpOltoB
tve to be Introduced to open a coo- |„rge|f down on
veraatton at a boMball game.
• Hit 11—hit It. Run. you ice wagon.
,gg gnrun. Police-police—stop dat guy—
,j,e cry
"Anything new at your boardlnt
he'll try to make a .bomer out of a .^g^k the bad be■cfBoer "Not a thing, ettbor in grub


/immle stopped euddenly, fe«iln*'f^“nt*''j'aek* ^o
that everyone in tbc stand was looking -m,
she was
at him. Then be said in a more bat'
^ .u^uf voice to the man

bag^MeTge‘?««h7dr^'^ana d^ a*."I"h o?,*h''h*e
Sox need dls run. 0^11 lora today.
make me do
dough, I ••poea. Dey always do Ob
Ladle*'day. Gee. U a goln'to ralb^- 1* Cr? .g, no
Ralo It did; and as tbe shower grew' g ,abtih*l she woa
in Tlqlencc. tbe umpire -called” tbc
m*g_or pregains for 16 'mlnutei. at iho end of .„g,j
h, sh#
which time, no cessation In the down- ^Wa^d walk^
pour appeartni to be likely, be faced „er to her winthe grandstand, bat in band, and mad* g„^
.jk, ,1^1,
Ing crowd would
least attract
Tbm b, ,1—ir w.1,,1 t, tb.;,
clubhouse, preceded by tbe player* tbe more baiehl things that It bad
and followed by tbe Jeers of tbe crowd. brought
Meanwhile. Jimmie of tbe bleacbera
There are plenty of men." ah*
had not been idle. Beneath tbe grand had tea or twelve more or mused In a half-consclouk way. aa she
Iras dlsrepuuble looking umbreUas. turned and walked back to the sofaand these be now drew forth and pro­ Just then her eye chanced to taU ou
ceeded to brush and "atick-up.- Rata Ibe picture of Jack tbat had bung la
on -Ladles' day’" Why it was like tbe place of extreme prominence over
Jlndlng money, and when tbe crowd be­ her manUe for over two years. He
waa ao good looking and bad aueh aa
gan to come oat of the main exit, Jln»elegant oxpreratoo that anyone would
my-s profit* began.
"Umbrell'a. Gel a umbrell'. Don't bave liked him. She waa auro of
let de ladles get wet. Yewlr, one dol­ IbaL Tbelr love bad bran a rather
peculiar one. He waa very poor and
lar. One bone. One Duck. Cheap at
ebe was very rich and piWe bad them
any money In dil kind o’ wedder.*'
waiting for blm to make a ilttlo
He was offering tbe Uat one to (be money before they married. Her pa­
rents bad never objected in the least
"Yes. ma'am. One dollar. No.
and la teoi they were in favor of iho
ma'am, dafa what I get for dem Only
match. UnUl three days ago they bad
Mcenut Can't help IL"
"But yon are surely hero every aft­
ernoon, and tomorrow IK'oome and
gjre you a doUar beside.' Se»-<hla is
■ II 1 bave." Tbe young lady emptied ■be bated that plctura. After eatisfythe coDionU of her Uttle parse Into Ing bcrralf tbat abe bad done tb^
her hand.
thing, she bundled up aU of bU
"Nix. I bold dat kind o' talk be- note* and tbe picture
.fure. and It don't sound no good, to and addrsaaed them to Jack' Croylra
ton—being careful in tbe little note
abe Inclosed to be a* sarcastic as ahi
could. Then abe began crying again.
You don't look, dousb." be eontlnJack Ciizylestoa was SMtlng la his
d wilt surprising
lurpristng franknraa. “as ofllce when tbe mcaaeaker boy banded
„ . . do a guv .
blm a note. Ho aat for a moment
Jast at tbst moment "De Guy'
wben be read U and then began pac­
That la what Jimmie alwaya called ing tbe floor. George Cole* found
.blm afterward. He was big and broad, blmsUlI pacing np and down, half an
and I'uunc and good to look pL JImmte hour later.
tbougbu and wltbont a glance at tbe
"Hello, what's the trouble. Jack?
girl be aaJd:
nieou not cbmlng (aat esou^ to suit
' Wbat do you want tor tbeumbreHa, yonr
, *•MdT"
Reog that,"
"I don't know wbedder tt1 fW aalo
as be eboved -the note across tbs tM
or not," Jimmie answered.
''Here’s a dollar Horry up." Jim­

DusY you
mie looked at tbe dollar and was near^
know you can't b^a a woman. At
ly loec Then be kxtfcediat tbe glrL
ast not until ;
“Tra. 1 know
"Nope. :Dls lady la buyin' dla.**
KYley waa very boar the next m<
"Oh. 1 Ibeg your pardon." de Guy
said, and then both he and tbe young tng wben there was a knock on
lady turned red. coogbed and looked door and Maud Clark walked in.
"Mr. Wiley." she begsa. and Wiley
away. Jben Jimmie with that great
bead tor boslneea. which will tome might have expected a propoeal from
day make his name well ksovra. made tbe blush w'blcb
you tbe negative you took ot
a proposition.
ir.—Cy^ieston and ms the other
"Maybe you two live dost to ««ch
odder, an’ 'f y'do Wy dont you go
Mlaa Clark. I think 111* here,
borne togedderT"
"Could I get IL plsaae. I want to
Then events began to bappen tbat
kept JItnmIe "gueaalng" for many a break IL"
TK have It for yon In a mlnoto.*
day. He was telling his mother about
sold the kind pbotogra^ev,
It tbat nlgbt at tbe supper ublo.
A moment later there wa* another
"Den I furas de two o' dem knewed
rap at (be door end Jack Crorleetoa
each odder, ’cause de Ouy says, kind
walked in.
o' aUB Uke:
"1 beg pardon." be etammered.
"Certainly." waa the cool reply.
Wiley wu gone longer than Mtod
wouMol talk. Bo 1 seen dat dey was
bad expected 6be was hsvlag a bard
goln' my way, ao I butu In. 1 aaya:
time trying to keep her eyra off o(
"'R'ot did you t'lnk o' de gamer Jack. He was seated tn the far end
and de Guy says:
of the room and wa* pretending to be
- D, all rile.'
very deeply iotercstod In ble moralng
"I eayw; 'It was a abaine dat Ca! paper.
got put out o' de game. He might %'
"Oh. I wieb he would bt^ op sritb
made de vrlnnln' run.'
IL" Maud waa finally torc^
'.‘Den de Guy kinds looks at de
"With wbstr waa Jack's
Palry. an' aaya:
" Tlat'a the same way wit' me. son.
I wa* in 'de game' onice. but I/got 'put
‘*U that wbat yoa cam a tor. tner
out' Jaat w'en I tougbt I was makln' Jack asked In a cool tono.
d* wlnnlB' run.'
"Why-yee—I believe R
'"'Oh.'leay'A‘you play loot Wbal's
"Bo did I." Jack said as be looked
her fuB In th* eye*.
" 'M’elL' he aari.' need to play foMt,
"What we're you going to do with
but I guea* I'm bn de bcBcb now.'
itr sbo aekad. letting her eyes drop.
"Up to dla time de fUry ain't said
“Break it—what etea?"
a wold, but BOW ob* butte In.
"Oh. hov could you. Jack—Hr.
" -Say.- she aaya to me. 'In a ball Croyleston."
game doot dey never give de playSra
' How could I wbatr
anedder cfaanct when dey'vo bran put
"Why—break IL" And Jack could
out o' de gamer
ataatl it no louger.
“ 'Nope.' 1 says, "We agalaot de nira.
"Ha^. left not break it at all.
De ralra aaya dat de umpire cant
change hla decision.'
‘ No. Jock. I wu tooUeb." And Jack
' *W«a' de Palry aaya. ‘ain't dare
hod ere peed t^o room and abe
ff any ‘cepUoae dot provoa da ruler
bl* anna. They beard WUey coming
'Not In baaebaU.' I aaym.
nnd both
'Well.' aaya aba. and aba loeks de tn some new photo* when be entered.
Ouy rlgbt^ de face, ‘dare may not be
"I am aorry 1 kept you waiting. Mlaa
lb bas^ali but dare te In Ula.'
Clark, t had a bard Ume finding IL
'"WolL pbtt oogbt to 'a' seen dat Guy. bat b«n U la. Toa can break if yoo
He douY do a ting but dig down la want to. bn 1 think it very pretty."
bis JeaM an' band me a Wg flveapbL
“Hover mtod tbo watt." Maud stoit.
.an' grab me fay de mitt an’ abake it
up an’ down, an’ slap me oa d* back *4. but Jack totempied ker.
"Toa can fix me up two '
lor a.tare-de-weU, an' rays;
have yb».a proorr .
"'OooAby, ole paL QooAby, ola
ymer looked a bit panled and
Cupid wtd de DmbroU -"
banded blm n ptooT.
(CopmghL hr Daily fcoay Fab. Oaj
"t want to show this to yow pareats.'' be aaid to Hand oa they (tooed
DMding Une af Safety.
A man may beUere aU a woomn tbe deer. TPUey la a clever
aaUs him and stlU be aate aa Mag m Two «»amir Why. «* wOI eend (bee
ha ratrains from baUaelbs tfao tMbfi, toanj to Oeono and tbo otbacs oftw
we are married."
aba doasat tau blm.
fOopyrIght. by Dally ItafT Pub. OoJ

I'r and your ebUd b
happy and heaUfay. aa nature Intend­
ed. All draggtats br by mail. 26c.
yta. aaMBg that be te abl# to tska gaiB


Wtno and OroiMA
Tbera was ^*r J« a truly ffoM
■on tbat wu net at tbo aaaa ttm*

tnU nftae«p.-IMiJamto makUi j

The Beet Rein KMlcr
-klen's Arnica Bel'e «lien ai*
•IM to
t a CHI. l-njlse, htreln. Imrn or
■raid, or otber Injurr of Ibe skin will
ltmjto-.;talcU remove all isiln. K E.
Chamix-rUIn of «tini«n. Me. *tv,
IS and ••Ilier injuries of their
As a-heallof remwiy 'it* equal
xlst • Will dq good lor yon
■c. at all <lru«gi*t* of Travers*;
Mode All to* DHreranea.
"tethat man ubo it ranaing aroond
giring advice a lobbyU'.r' "Ccrutniy
He U 00 Our Side ot tbo argnL"—Wnablngum Bur.
A Newly Married Couple
usuatly very happy. i>ut. the re. » is the case with peogile who
have rhcuiusttem. tame bark, sore
-tea. cnnigis in the bowels. rt>sr>, sick atoiharh. These lanrr
bave their misery reilered by
IC OIL It is a most effldent remedy
for both Internal and ''external i«1d.
Insist on baving the genuine. Price
3S cte. Sold by all drttsxtsts.
MONEY TO LOAN on good and .yreU
Improved tarma. Jl- C. Davit. 312
Bank Bldg, Travye^ty.
WANTED—Bean acr«age. Free aeed
furnlsbed on tbe flrat thirty acres'
contracted. Travere* CKy Cbntng
neh ll-tf
WANTED-Competont nod
oxperlencod Ctrl tor gwMcal bouae work.
Flrat (flora wagra.
Mro. L F.
Tftna. 447 Webeter sL may 1-tf
5 Web10 U-tf
or etomach.
nerves, circulation. lammcsA etc.
Prof. Hubbard, Btelnberg BIk. ClU.
may U-Smo*
ALVIN.H. ORU8ER. Funeral Director
and'BmbalmdMJJ Booth Union BL
Mra. NelUo
toleunC Catx.
ptwne S76 Wc
would wlah te b

Farm Wanted
V.'e bare a buyer for from 3n to j-i
acres of land wtlb water frontage,
with RoovI buildings, that will be suit­
able for raising fruit and ponitn'. I'rv
fer location on bay or Inland lake
wberv be can use motor boat. Must be
good value. In'^case of sale our commlBakto win be 225. See or UTite us
a; en'oe.

IP, M.iA. M.IA. M. P. M. ■
Lt.Trav. aiy,. 2:00l 7:P*L»::o 4:00
Ar.Solon .......1 2:27| 7:20' ‘ ' ----Cedar City.( 2:65! 7:35,
Bodw........ ! 2:1* 7:46
Provemool ).3:J:

Empire, via E. *
interiocben .
Copemlsh ...

■^tttoe .........
Sigma ............
Norwatk ....
• Onekaraa Jetn
CUy 9:62
Trains arrlv
. m, J0;30 a- m.. 5:33 p. m. and 6:40

By th* "Ka-oiar* wthod f can rw
„ove those aching tooth aboolvtoly
without pain, and without the tw* ed
drags to rtodue* uaiMnerintiaw—

Are only parchaoed once. There­
for* they ihould be of modan
a. baftt of mem doaU}
. and artiattt^ flnlibod. Ton WlU find ^ onA
at tba warka of




“s'""" h"""' '•"""s
Pradktion That




Butldlfiga of the Future Will Bo
Fumiahad With Thank



ThMv «r# ciiU vboQct) peraoOB lo
th<« cii.v «ho ptniMt la buyfkK Rood*
m«ll ord«r route th«t there U •
- {iroriuMe neM tiere for •OMotli
. wtrnti-. ud u • BAturel »e<jueB«‘ of
Ibi- m»ot« vbirh theee people pouest
l.»r buylB* from ufooe who knocki at
thHr door the potke are belD« ikemp«i
rompltJnU’ from tho unforluoatiK who have been scooped for
Bums vanlnp fraai oae to fifteen dolt*r«. The latest sraft which baa been
sni-cesafully worked la » magazine
canvass in which the agents offer an
. aUracfive propeei^. bot refna.arept contracu-ee^
of the pur.
chase prtee U paU down, in teturn
they give (he purebaaer an ordlnavv
reeelpt »!iJeb (kHi (o tell who
acenis represent or eren where they
are from, but aa these men hsve al­
ready left the cUy and there Is
Way of determining whether or
they- represent a reliable firm the per
sons who susUlned the lo«a. If there
are any. are slmidy that much
In the past monih there have bfti
no less than four aebemes worki>d
here, and in each ease the promoters
carried away some good money. Ea'h
time a waning was Issued biK. seem
ingly. the people w ho purchase take
more sloek in the fluent agents than
In the .authorities. There Is very- soldom an article offered for aale which
cannot be punchaaed Just as cheaply
and of Just as good quality right here
at home and the people who order
- from mall houses in nine rases out o!
' ten deterve to be gold bricked.
even- case the pqllee inreiUgate sa
Soon as possible and the proper thing
-1n*dp when in doubt ii rail police
headquarters and aik for an lnve>-tlgatlon before letting go of the money.
Chief of PoHce Careon aUlet that
in the future anyone who will* call
at any Ume for Information will re­
ceive tt If the officers sre In a post
lion to Impart It. ami. if not they will
lavesagate at once. The agents which
are esp^Uy dangeraus are those
.who aisk for. a part payment down,
who are unknown to the purchaser
BHd represent an. unknown firm
IIAVONST!. N. J.—Chasing a thief
for three Mocks. Mrs. William Haskard of 15; Broadway, Bayonne, caueht
him. thrashed him and took from hU
D a rrtaat of beef lie had
si.ihm from tho Ice box.





Only' Way That Any Party Can C«t
Tsgethar With Bull Moosers is
to Adopt Their Whole

Cblcaco. Alin
Roo.'etvlt. reiuniini: from Pis racation in
(he Arizona d.-eert. uiB'le It'iVWn-^ii ^
brie! sjieech at ibi- l*rogreasfve club
tmln.i that there would Iw no aRutlga
ntatlon of the l‘rogre«Flie and Reputr
liean parties. Wltboui referrlog ill
rectli to>or ilul he would M- a
landidaie for the lleii-ibUcan prexi(l•■nllul aoniiiiBiioii in Plu. Koosevcl:
Ther«‘ has lieeii much talk,
know, of a gel together movemegi
There Is onlv .one wav any iiartv cai
tget. together' "with (h*. ITogreibiVi
(larti. and that ia by ado|itiug oo
» hole iilatforni--'

tbe future vUl furuksh *'nna7
ebarts to lu tosania. These ebarta
win abow gimpfalcaJJy at wbicb wtndowB of a building tbe tun will shine
of Pupils
St any season of tbe year and bov
Tbia. naefnl device eoaslsta
nctroK. Attg. :3.-Instead uf iruih- merely of a circular diagram wtib a
ing sei hygiene t» the public siliuol elrearafereoce gradaated Into :t parts,
bered from 1 p. ra. to i; mldnlgbL
children of l>eiroli In an attempt (i>
check ImmoraJlty. the subject will be
Uugbt to the parents of aiudenta, wbii of tbe circle to tbe Umet of i
In turn may give their ijjildrrn surli and aunnae for tbe different m
iaktructlon on sex matters as i!ie> of tbe year. Througb tbe <
may consider proper. Tins is ih- of the circle i: noon—U mldaigbL
general plan under which the eubjiii U a meridian.
Tbe plan of tbe building uaed mnot
of wx hygiene will be handled lo the
also bare a meridlsD' drawn upon If
IJelniii schools, aieordlng lo the In Its correct relative poatUon. Tbe
autemeni tiHlay of I»r. Albert M.- eban la placed on tbe plan of the
Mlchael. new president of the board building wiib tbe two merldlass paraiof education.
iel To end at wbat time of day tbe
" We bale placed tb'i« matter before sun begins or ceases sbining Ihroogb
the IVajOe CouAv Medical Society any .window, a straight edge is laid
the chan in such a way ttaat It
artouB BuriMiea in the clt>
paasrs througb tbu center of the Hrdevoted to the proiiioilon of
glene. " Dr,
.tbe particular window la bullL .Tbe
reputable physicians
from lliese
sun will begin or end abinlng tbrougb
ganlzutlone have been requmled
the window at the bocr indicated
conduct meetings at ihc larious pul>- where the atralgbt edge IntrrsrcU
llc Sifioi-l buildings for the Inatnii tion tbe rlrvJv. If lbs wall runs wteieriy
I'f pamiis. At these mn-tingV a lull of tbr south, the sun will begin to
• onsideralien of tbe subject will be ■bine la at the hour Indicated, and
tMbe walk-runs easterly of tbe eoutb.
bad. and the iiarents given detailed In­
tbe sun will cease to ablbe In at tbe
struction. wfalch. at their own disire- hour Indicated.—rower.
tion, tliei may pass on u> ibHr <-in|dren."
Phyaiciaria Will CIvc Lecturaa On Sox

Hygiene to Parwiu Instead



East Jordan Woman Found Dead

East Jordan. Mich . Aug $5—Brood
lug over the alleged ahort-eomlngs
which are said to have come to light
Mrs, John Montroy. aged .tg years. Ii\
lag near the county farm, klll- tl her
Has Opened a Three bay Seaself by taKing jmlson. The woion in Detroit.
disappeared FVIday and a search was
ItJstltuted. -The l.ody was found by
Dejroli. Mich.. Aug.
Mqrc than
posae in a field on an abandoned (arm
Il.tHvi.iesi worth of rare .-olnx
a short'dhtanee from her home She
medals Were jllaplayod to the public
leati-s a husband and tlito' y.mng
today at the Detroit Museum gf Art
in coonrclitm with the annual ronven.
lion of the American .Muiolsmatic a«sorlaflon. which ennvi-nod in Iteimli
'csierday. The collecilon
ciyded to he lh>- largi-kt and moat val-.
liable in exisunce oiiixide of
British Museum.


Battle Creek. Aug ;:.-J.uIb.i Wil­
liam tlecbam of .Middletown. Olito.
member of the Ohio Publli- rUlltle^
died today lollowlng
operation at the s
lirbminent in Ohio Uerancretic poll

lb the appearance of a person. That satiaOed
expression of having eaten something good remains
with you all day. Shows ovydur face and in your

Tire “Best” Flour

Coins and medils ihsi hnve'gaincd
world wide netorlriv for Ibilr worth
and mri-ty on dUplay. ITlcea
quoW as the value of witnr of
smaji bltn of metal sct-med aUuo>t
Two exhlhtiB wbicb are attracting
mriderabii- attimtion are rhecki
the higgiti and the smallest o'
drawn The first is for •f'l.Mio.iKvi.
made payable to the late 1. !‘i<-r|ioni
Morgan, and signed by tho I'nlied
S(at*-s government. The other—the
smallest check ever written— Is for
h:il( cent. Both are the proi-crli
ofFarren Zerbe. )iast president of ihc
ScastonK o' the rcnieotion
(Inue until Wednesday.


Does all this for you.
Order a sack from your grocer.

The Hannah
& Lay Co.
MiUers For Fifty Years

Cement, Pulp, Lime
Why not use eament In piac* of lunti
Anything that yov build of ca

la built nghL

e wherever you can In your
lent improves with age if it

If peu build a silo you will save enough in a few years

by using enailago to pay for Oie

coat of the alio.

Wai-hinglon. Aiicun li—The
tributlon of etmoaplieric pressure
the northern hemiapherr If mi Ii -a»
indicate a continuance ol moileyate temperature for the' rvaaou
coming week, in all iiarts
try. except the fair aoiithwest. where
n-adlnga will i>e above normal. The
rainfall during the week will be
erally local and irregularly dlzttll'Uted A disturbance of moderate Intensi­
ty will appear In tbe far west about
eastward, attended
by local ahbwers and ihunrtifstorma.
and cross tbe middle west Thuraday
Friday, and tbe eastern states ni-ar
the end of tho week.
There arc no Indication.* at the pri-«It time of a diatiidbance In the West

Do not try to save

a few dellira on a Umporary affair, but build it right at tho start.

You do not hav/ to 90 wory far ta aao OOfna farmers that used
our ecnwnt in fJooayot walla with attIWaetorir raaulta. Price per barr«l or 8B0 11^ ia |tJ0? or in 8ksrf«l Iota at the rate of per barOne barrel of cement will make 15 oubic feet ©f concrete at tho
Pulp for plastering aella at 19 per ton, and a ton will

eovor at leaat IBPyarda of lurfaea If lathed Y» Inch apart.
nothing bettor u use for plaaUring.

There la

Lime aoBa at fl a barrel or In

Agricultural lime IB.SO ptr

of Front and Caao atraeta.

We were well prepared for last Saturday s rush.'but hardly able tq haudle
such Urge crowds properly. So that to accomodate all. the sale will continue
all this week. New bargains have been added to the orfginal lot«—some entire­
ly new lots have been placed out.

Gouts, Suits, Dreises, Skirts
—Ladies' and


;ind |1.;5 at....5»e

All at the corner

ebeclo.; were 11.23 to
a» .......... ....'.44c

-waah Orwsck tiaauc
glngliums. lawns, dliuii:i-i and linens; were
fir.o. and J'-i**'
at ............................. S1.69

—Ladtea' a

Cloth Skirt*:; paaamas.
serxes and mixdutvs:


n.. h 1-.I.HS. s.Tv i::-'.
f l-> vnd ti-J 5>|. al.83.45

1.95. |&»5 AND 16.95.

And then besides the Rummage Bargains: there are
noal Wlnd'Op Prices on all Sommer Goods that could not flo !■
with tbe Basement Bargains on account lack room ttierc—
These are days of wonderful opportunities at this store. .We are clearing decks
for in-coming fall stocks. Prices cut to tbe lowest notch for immediate disposal!

Men’s Suits—

Only Onetf

Excerpt from an interview with o
vlaltor to town, printed in an exChange- -Tbe velocit) of ilm.- and
tbo frietPiD -of years will never erase
the pleasure of this visit Tbe many
pleaaant rides and kisses from my
once sweet girl friends will cier Un
ger with me.”

Foot Big
Bargain Days

One lot going now
HaU Price.
at less than hall!


Dollar Days

Every Line.
Every Price.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Angost 27. 28. 29 and 39


T’our Days Devoted Especially to
Matchless Bargain OHerings at
Four bays ot the Greatest Bargains You Ever saw at $1.00
U yon'rc wise In. yonr money spending yon’II not be slow lo taking advantage of fbeac
marvelous olterlngs. Read on. and let tbe prices talk.
20 Yards Unbleacbed Sheeting, worth 7c
12’/i Yards Bleached Muslin, worlli !0c
for.......................... ....................
12^2 Yards Fine Dress Gingham, new Fall
Patterns, for.. ...............................


fl 4' and Ji

Four diiif


81.25 Fringed Bed Spreads-A gnod
value at Si 3--. mngi-d all aiound
Four ila.iif. at.
each .........................


;Vv yatd lencUi.. aDKiciriit
rkir'.of 52-in< h Hroadcloih.

fiu- u


Bay aty, Aug. ».-The sUio board
of control, composed of Rovemor Perrii. Big ILiplils; Henry Glnney. Bay
City; Harry Coleman. PontUc.
Ard E. Rldtardaon of SagltiBV. has
selected tbe Marsloo farm on tbe
Kawkawlln stone road, three mitea
north of Bgy City, aa Ute proposed alia
for the Bay county beuae of correc­
tion. This Information waa ofScially
reported to tho special coamlUoo of
the board of suparrlaora. hdd at tbo
court bouoe today.
no farm oonalsu of S;i acres and
the slate board requires ICO acres ad.
dlttonsL A . recommendatlra wilj
made to tbe l>osud of raperriaor
the October aanoloa Uiai a special
election be called in .Norember to voto
on the queaUMi of bonding tbe county
for S60.000 for tbe pnrdiaae of the



Dresses. »>M!

One Causa of Family Trouble.

18-ineh Hair Switehex. Our regular
II.human hair awl;che».
four day*, at. carh

8-barral loU »5e.

Ic 3c 5c 7c 9c 13c 17c
23c 27c 33c 44c 59c 69c 79c 98c $1.33 $1.69

Good Dr. JoFiab UldtlHd baa dlacor.
er«d Utai "alibough ntarrlagca aro
made in heaven, they are too often
marred at the breakfast table' But
we and that they are atill ofleovr
marred st the dinner Ubie. This Is be­
cause of small platters
teach us tbat S.4 husbands out of hvery ten carve on plaiturs so ruinous
m tablecIoUis. abirt fronts. colBures.
wall paper, ceUtaga and tbe moral na­
ture of man. woman and child that ibo
only logical cooaequmce la dUpuia.

Ladies' Broocieloth 8klrt Pottomo—A


rato of 8 to I.

We’ll Continue It All This Week—
up to and Including Sat. Aug. 30th!
The Greatest Bargains Yoa’pe Ever Seen at


Cet your cement at the eochor ofrTrMt and'Caaa streets of P. Kga-





It’s Funny Wbata Difference
a Loaf of Bread Makes


Good News From Our Great Basement

Women's FIno Ribbed Union Suits—
h'inr hale quallt , low neck. alc>c-ie'
less, lare trimmed bottom.


Two T.'w .lolon «i

Ce*-blnaiion Offer for Men—Ooe t-ir
Four-In-Hand Tie. ivo





Udioa—Od(Fure Biuk
Dr pair «IU



Extra Large Fleeced BlankeU, $1 25 value
Pair........................................... . ..
14 Yards Bleached or Cream Outing, 9c
value, for........
$1.50 Ecru Lace Curtains, pair
for..................................... -. ...........


The ReaJy-to-Wear Department Offers Its FuU Quota of
Sensational Valaes for Dollar Days
One IXNt Oilldren's WMte Dresses^ styl» that are
^ QQ
prettily trimmed. Values up to S2.50. four days at
Women’s Wash Dresses for house and street wear Bargains youTl
appreciate. $125. $1.50, $1.75 aud $2 00 values.
4 AA
Come early for first choice. On sale at............................. . JioW
Ladles* White Waists. Choice styles of fine VoUe and
Batiste Waists, worth $1.50, $1.75 and up. This sale at
Ladles’ 31.75 Nalnsoak Combination Snlts.
. ^
Fine quality Nainsook. A real bargain at.
Ladlea* Mnslln Petticoats, deep flounce of lace
or embroidery. A $1.75 value, each.... .............



A Wonderful $1.00 Shoe Sale
Biggest and Best Bargains Ever Offered. Cost and
Profit Absolutely Ignored in This Sale .
Women’s DnU Calf Lace Shoes, medium heel, fancy cap toe. 4 AA
A regular $250 shoe. For four days at. pair.......................... X%W
Men’s Patent Colt and Gnn lietal I.OW Shoes. Values up 4 AA
to $3.50 in this lot Think of it This sale at pair..................X*W
Misses’ Low Shoes, tan and patent leather, Value
up to $225. For four days at. pair.


The Globe Department Store
Traverse City, IVfIctxIoen




AMWtton N«w MM* That H* Raalty
Wm tb* Author of Moot Pep»

In ^0 wolI-kBovi) 7«ar of lOt
Chrlalopher Columbua atood kulnf
OTor the roll of the cood ahin laabeHa.
(See Poumreh Ooo«ir‘« “Col
Gem «f the Ocean.") Suddenly. wUb
Juet the iucpldon of e eplath, n
tboaght etnek him.
*ni! Spagetto! Rndolpbel
OlovMl Oar- Uck." be chad. And eoon
bla trastsd ofioaia were gathetwd
aboBLhlm, (See RiEery SUnk-a Tbe
Christian Names of Columbus' Crew ")
"What? What?" tin chorused, ex­
citedly. '’Spyxonl non Undo. ntxlT"
("Tott dent spy land, do youD
"A thought has struck me." eiMalned
(“Ueten ") “111 tell It to yoa. Itw a
good one!" (See Antonio Bpaviol-*
•ColnmbuB- Table Talk and Ready
Tbe offleen crowded forward ax*
-T was Just thiakinc." said the great
AMCMBCY JUDICIARY COMMITUacoverer, with a sly Italian amlla. "I
was Just thinking that If we found tbe
sanh to be flat Instead of round after
sU.*wbere do we get oB?"
The oScers. after Jgugbtng pom*ly.
made a note of IL and this to said to
be the origin of the slang phrute.
WM^btainod Through Method*
•Where do 1 get oirr* etc.—Detroit
of Coercion and BHbory.
free Frees.

CORSPiRlUir ts


New Tork. Aug. 25.—Oeclarins that
be bad been furolabod by ‘nm promloeBl Sew Torkor*' with evWeore
which they belE aulTIclent to Indict
Tammanr Chief Cbarte* F. Murpby.
Jane* J. Prowler and Aaron. l..evy,
for aUeged concplt^y and a
fendUb frameup." Lynn trofld or i
:ed the )udiJm
bony, tbU afternoon asked'the
etarr- committee of the aaaembly to
oummon Uurpby. Let7. Prawiey and
.other* to tectlfy ta-forr It on the
KTOund that An»ld’s lesUmony would
be ~t»<llUinj(eDt’’ until Jamca C.
GarriBOD teitifled. The commlit'-c
bluntly refu*ed Amoid i. olTer to tesllfr 'mcardlns Oarrlson’* ebariree that
tbe Impeacfament of Suiter was ob­
tained through coercion

FranR Xpude


Itcnton Haroor, 'Mich.. Aug. 2S—»
Constnictloo of n new factory luilldIng lor the Brcnier Wilson aut^niohllc
parte manufaitnring com|iany was
staried h-re today by a targe force


Paris. Aug.
aEon. which it
teas deelaiwd by government officials
intfay would be succeasful. is being
■nda to tiMsfer the eapliol of »Iofpceo from Pet to Kabei for econoiaMal. dlmetic and mlllury rcasoga
MMIatar Praise* Thi* Laaaklv*.
Rev. II. Rtnbenvoll of AIllsoo. la. In
peaMlag IW. King's New Ufe Pills for
eeweilpatlon. wrIUe; ''Dr. Klnr* New
fife Pilie are twch perfect pDl* no
Iww ebonM be without tbesi.*' No
b«U>r ffyuMlor for tbe liver end bowgli. Rrery pill gnsraaiofd. Try them.
Kk« Wc, SI all drugftoU of Trmrer^

Long A-ff*.
Sir John Lubbock, the adenUst, has
shown how long Insects may live U
preeerved from accident and harm 0(
all kinds. Tbe greatest age attained
by an Insect, aa tar m known, was
that reached by a queen ant. which
Uved until August I. 1888. when abe
wa* nearly fifteen .veer* old. Aeotber
queen of the same specie* died after
a lU* of thineea years.
New Horticulture) Ida*.
UMag meftury vapor lamp* In her
grewhonee. a Scotch woman hortlealtnriet sot only torcae aead* to ifront
and ptanu to grow la bait the ureal
Uma. hot atao predeeas greatar depth
•r color Is tba vasaUtlon.

If tliuf Wen- all the
it t-.iiiM ni>f exist.

KAl.K.kSKA-•"'.cr.y. the IT-.vear-oIdson of Willlw Inrhw lorinorly
thls plaiv. dh-i] this wi-. . In Scaltli-.
wliere the family bos lived a short

Final Ostalla Arranged to Make Meat
ur< Efl*et>«e.
Paris, Aue. 2*. —Final details of thi
niulhers' |M-iision taw were agree.! ap
on todsy bt the cal.inei a rept.n
d )>> the liiliil'ler of the Inie
rlnr and the nilnlrU-r of talur. Diirinr
the [wrlod of re|H>s>- made i-oiiipuiw.r)
t» the lieu luu. (be gorernmeut wlh
bHou a fM-Dsion to all mothers «Lr>
aork, from
cents to ii" cents ik-lav. until (be child I* bom. In cate
Hie mother nnises tbe bah.t her |wuslon will Ik- liKreaj.e.1 IP cents |s-r
day. the .uin ol J2.2<ni,l>0<> list be. ti
providtd to nit-el the e»(ra exlH-nsv.
•Ii-i.artmciiis and communes shuiinc
the litirden ullh tin- slate.

..f ad.aiik's activitMta.

It toiiilli! Th* inifi^iMe i<> .-min. rat.- here all
ill- ftineii.ins Ilf a i'n.slepn hank
Tli.- riiinncial
M-i-rels of the i’uiiiiiiiim'i.v an- I...k--<1 within it,
lltiiiiaii as)iiratioiix ar.- <-.-iiterei| h.-re an,I (■■ one
nflcr another as the peo|ile ,-oin.- an,) g>, in a ><ay'a
work, fhf hank ofT.-rs ii« niiiiisirafiona. many of
tli.-iii ulisuliitely free, in a way that lie||,« sixl
The nxHleni hank hel|>s the )iii>iii,s,.s nism. tlxwillow ami the i-hil«lr«'ii to i-enuen.- f>>rtiiixci aixl
Itiv.-Sf them. It'effi-i-tK traijsferv of fiimts to worhlwiiIm jxiintn.
At ntlx-rs the eapitul of the eouiuiiiiiifv itixl (^Niiir* it into the channels of'huNioewi.
In evi-ry way n exvrtn a bctx-ficient iiifluem-.-. nut
only oil ilxee- who freijueiit it. htii on the eoinmimity.
, Tlxifie who fre<iueiii-thisjyink aa patrotw tnake
tlx-ue Ihillirs J).e«sil»le.‘ Are you ujx- of ihein?

Vtodcr CaaM al lb* U. ». T

Let the Herald and Record Co.
do your Job Work.

Three Weeks of Still Deeper Priee Reduc­
tions in All Kinds of Ladies’ Readylo-Wcar Styles

Of The Barney Co.*s Stock of
Ladies* Garments and Furnishings Begins Aug. 2Z


Frawea Weul^aka Rabot CapHet of

len “Tlie siriirtiire wli: 1..- one of
most up^otlaic in this acclion
of the stole.


The company »il! move It.; plant
Benton Harbor Has Secured Desirable
here from Chlcagu.
Live Mere Than T^o Year*.

llotilitli-aK'iliere lire -xinie ill tills o<unuitiniF wIlH
l<ink .iii'oii lli<- .liiiiik iii'Ti-ly US a pU<w t» (iepttsil
llieir i-asli in safety, nml tssiii- it iit will l>y inesiis
of the cntlVfllielit liatlh ejn-eks.



Odekallver miners follow the moat
onbaalthful trade In the world. Tbe
fnmea of the mercury produce conetant aallvatlon. and the ayiiea be­
comes permeated with the metgl, the
teeth of the men drop oaL they lose
thalr appetite, become e^a^ied. and
as a rule seldom tire longer than two
Chloride of lime, employed by
blenchera. frequently deatroya the
enamel and dentine of the teeth. But
pboapboru*. used so largely In tbe
aanntsccure of luclfer mntAea. af­
fect* a Terr large number of persona
women, girls, and children grMtIy brw'
People who work Is soda UetortM
are alleged by the teeth becoming
ecBt and translocent; they break oS
close to tbe guma.
Dr. Hesse of Lelpalo sayk that bak­
ers are likely to Buffer from decayed
teeth on account of the Sour entering
the noouth daring work collecting on
and areund the teeth, where It decompoaea and genentea an add destruoUNLESS UNFORESEEN
EVENTS tire to the denUoe.
T«m 8ld«s t* B* Conaldarwd.
When a man la hurrying along a
erdwded street Intent on catching a
train or meeting an appointment, tbe
rect of tb* world U unbearably slow,
and averyon* *«ems bent oe getung
in bta way. When be to elbowed and
mahed. on tba otbar hand, aa be is
going hta nsual pace, by aameone else
wbo Is resting ahead, he Is quite as
Portu'neterjr Invettigation Ha* Been Impatient of the person who Is not
lIllDg to go with tbe crowd. The re­
Started Into Deatlw of Peece
former and . tbe conservative each
tuyoy* KHiid br Adher­
may aimltariy reflect that tbe obeinicent* of Huerta.
Uv« average and tbe eager eicvptlon
each represents a right and an advan­
tage of buinan nature, and must each
“Y vetleo aty. Amt.
A perfune- be ooBsldered. The an of aeelng
tor}' lnt««tigallon was runed today when to leap ahead and when to be
Into the destb* of Semplo Hendon and
Bordet Uaanel Mnderteta. ineml>ers or
tbe chamber of depotlee, who were
kOM becamle of their of>po»lUon to
the Huerta Roveremehi. It I* charged
they were nurderM by Huerta adher
enu. The teponU a«*a»*lneUon U HAS GOOD WORD FOR YAQUIS
beUered to have caused Envoy Und
to notify President Wllaon that AmoHenii Owner of Large Ranch it
Maalce Pay* High Tribwto to
Huerta is so stubborn In Ms reslsrIndian Triba.
ance to suggestions of the Vntled
Sute* that It Is practically nseiees to
*Tha Taqnl Indians In Sonora and
try further to bring about more friend­ Chlhoahna are among the fineet race*
ly reUtlon* at present.
1 ever aneountered," aald iame* W
Keyea, proprietor of an extensive
>1a* Mssssge Ready.
—President ranch naar Rosario, Sonora. "They
Wilson today declare<i be would read ahe energetic. Industrious and of high
moral character. Tbe Uaxlcant have
hi* speclat message to congress at 1 never given them a square d^l. and
o'clock tomorrow unless unforeseen the Taqnl* a* a consequence have alderelopmenu occur In Mexico CIO> wayi* h*ea Imptaesble enemies of tbs
Maiican government, kut the Indians
here I* tbe present status of tbe
arc fair, and I baliev* thA If the Uni­
ted BlMe* were to recoguixe ih*
lean altuatlon: His message
greas I* completed. The-'' president Huerta government the Taqols would
peaceably. In lSl» there was
asked members of (he senate and
bouse fmwlgn relations committee* to
confer sitb him tonight. The mes­
wwra up In a u. lither 1
sage win Include tbe m^lallon pro­ a Catholic prtoaL was oalng hta bast
posals and President Huerta s note re­ ■Sorts U> bring about pence. He was
jecting lu Oo'emor Und will remain selected by the goverement to act a*
in Mexico City until all hope of suc­ Its emleaary to treat with the Vaqnta.
"MeanUme the bead of tha Yaqul*
cess of bis mission is lost He may
be summoned back at an early dale. bad aant hta son to treat with tha
Ko ultimatutna are made or will be Mexicans, and the represecuUve of
ludlan* was murdered. Father
made to Huerta. The message Is the
Perelvaalt went Into the Yaqal coun­
presldMt's last and longest effort. He try before the Indians had been nosaid today that he had not decided qualntad with tb* murdar of their amwhether ^ would make ap^Jtc
taaary. It was only bi strategy that
oOimendatlons of a new line of aefjcp... tbe priect got oat of the eonnlry ellva
The Taquta have the greatcM-reepeet
for lew and are fair in tbalr dealtafft,
hot they wlB not brook tmpoalUoa."

How Broad a Held Does
a Good Bank Cover?

Annual Masting.
Denver. Auk
hiuilRraii*- garilrninK were ( l.unwd
uvlai al ihc <i|wTii;is »c*»ioii! of il.c
il:r«-e ilc.vii' I'OtiM-i.iion of :h«' Amori
ran A«*ocUikiPO of lUrk finiwrlntcmlenlK here. It l« the flflernth anunsl
Die<-tiDK of (be onmr.i 41(100 The
men ’•Ho are r<-eiun*iblc for mo*i or
ihc IkwikKuI lark &.vviems of tin
I'niled SisiL-e are In Bti-C(1ai:<-.- t. S
Macbeth, prcalilcni of the I>*-ii\c-r |iari
iKiard. uvli-onied Hie dp'-'.:ai>-s Out
Of the priiK'iiai fpsr<irei> of the cuii
vcntlon will Iw an autuniolille tiii
throogli-Tlu> ebaic of matinialii larki^
ri-iVntI» v.MsbUBbed h> il.e • city o!

All must be sold in the next three weeks
A genuine closing out ot Spring and Summer Dresses, Waists, Suits, Coats,
Furnishings and FaU Sweaters. Mackinaws, Suits. Coatsi, Furs, Dress Shirts,
and Wool Dresses, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Petticoats and Dress
Waists. The most tremendous cuts in ladies’ apparel and furnishing goods we
have ever made on like qualities.

Ladie!^ Suits

$5 7.50 $10


Save 20 per cent on
early purchases

Choice of An^^Suit regularly

57 50

Choice of Any


Choice of j^y Suit regularly

Mackinaws $4, $5, $6

Wash Dresses

VoOe and
AllShirtWalsts Lawn, broidery


AH HaU Price

One rack of black and colors, winter waghta.
Boucles, Mixtures and Kerseys all go
Stylish sets and. separate pieces.
Black and Novelties. Furs at prices you
At HaU Price
regularly seldom find except at a season's, end

$5 00


Ladies’ Coats
Staple Navy. Brown; Tan and Mixtures, Spring
and Fall Coats.


Hundr^ of Lavm, Voile and Embroidery waists
Values $1 to $2.50
SUk and ChlHoa Waists
all go at HaU Price.

Kid Gloves




$1.95 for values to $5.00
$3.p5 for values to $8.00
$7 75 for values to $ I 5.00
Houses Dresses at 59c

Black CalHosiery
All linjes of fine Lisle and silk
and Lisle ancl all Silk Hose.

95c for all 1.25 values
$1.15 for all 1.50 values
20 per cent discount
$1.25 for 12 buKon kids, 3.75 values
$1.50 (ot 16 button kick, 3.50 values Onyx Brand Hosiery
25c pair for all 50c silk gloves
Blacdt and Fancies to dose at
59c'pair for all $1 (ilk. gloves

TS7 E fronf Sf.


to 10.00

Wool and Silk
Poplini. Serges, Eponge, Velvets
$$.M for values up to $7.50 ,
$&M for values up to $10.00
$7 71 for values up to $15.00
$11.51 for values up to $25

All New Fall Stock
1$% Diseoaat
AU odd lots of last
season's sweaters at


AU 25c Jabcu. riat.
Frills Etc., sow
CliGlcr t$c

Oar 90e qualities now

Silk Petticoats, $2, S3 and $4

Black Mereeiized Pettletett Stc, 75e. fl
aBd$l,S$ for values from $1 to $2 50


Trewrie CSy

PAGE nre'


la QwMk0cw« OfM Mmm ef MulUpllcst^on «■ by Sum*. Cenv
iMinly C«1l«d -RmU.”

WriUr UaiMfiU That HoUl and Ra»tavrant Variety la Hardly WhM
Mothw- UaM to Hnko.
Are yon among tboae unfortnaatan

Ofttfl AHrtbirted to Rarant Stock
Whan Fault la Really Not Inhaeant—Taat for Cauaa.

TTie large tnortallty In baby ebleka
U Tery o^en attributed to the par*
ent Block when tbe fault Is really not
inherent In an effort to aareriain
tbe real canae for ibla condiUon make
by both1 Mc4* bad TbceUtlTb rcbtt>- a teat
HoM weed* multlplr by
Remove carefully all traces of food
B«bB* of roou. si*Bb. or 'both, lo from tbe brooden. Irivlng none what­
, quack crbaa. oae neana of nuIUpllra- ever near tliehm. Tak>' some of the
tloD la by bUiaa coacoont}- called cbleks tbi( have thp care of tbe moth­
**rooU,*' wbicta are dlrldcd foto
er ben and place theft .In the brooder
aertea of Jolata at whirb sew aboota over night Ccnilnue ifala ior aeveral
are pradaead. In asotbor type. (Ike nigbta In aucce«ltm. being ann
iba Canada thlatla. aoralng glory, return them to the care of tbeir
and bcrqwinirtfc a amall patt of tbe tnotber each morning. Each raonlnc
BBdarxroiiBf pAtlea la alem. tbp rent note tbe condition of tbeae little fetbelac.tnie.root. On tbeae roota buda lowa. and if they are not Injured
an prodncad wbleb aend up new are none tbe worne for tbeir expe­
aboota each yoar.
rience in the brooder you will know
'8oaa plaata. Uke arlld onion, pro- that tbe temperature In tbe brooder
dneo balblala.
In otban. aa crab- la about rigbt and the fault doea .not
Cnaa. tb« ataa abore ‘gronod may He In that direction
atrlka root at tba aodea. or rooit
Witb tbe brooder eliminate as a
Bay oa prodncad at tbe polnta aa la popsible cause for tbe mortality, yon
pnrnUaa. Tbete roou and aiema moil begin to look olaewbere. Thin
capable of producing neer pUntu are narrowB iuelf down to one of
causes—Improper feeding or lack of
vMaly acattered In fleldi by m
excrrlae. Now lest for the food cause.
Change your conditions of feeding
radically and note the result. If tbe
cause Is not from the feeding, ir mnat
be from lack of exerclae. Correct
thla by supplying them with a proper
amount of ibila rcQuisUe.
Simply finding your rbicks dead In
the brooder In the morning wbi-n they
are all croeded in a comer Is not
proof that they died from
c. Sick, weakly
too low a lempcraturr.
and Indispnsed chicks wi'
die together wbeiber they are cold c
iMhea to 4 Incbss below the surface.
They will not huddle together, how­
q( lbs eulUvaior and plow
They ever. should the temperature be as' »ma)' be dlsperied with undccomposed ceealvety high. In which event they
maanre, paAlsg m«eriala, or Im­ wHl spread apart, and when found
ported (rvU trees. Mice and gophers dead will usually be lying on tbeir
may acalter roots to different pans brcatls. This condition, however. Is
seldom poted. as It taken a very blRh
of the field.
The root systems of weeds vary temperwturo to cause ibem to spread
greatly. Tbe term root ss ordlnaril:-- apart and to cause ibeiy death.
used by the fsnner. may meaa a root
mock, as in tbe case of qusek grass.
A ftaat many weeds. especlalTy peren­
nials, have not only perennial roots
but root stock! also. A root stock
- is simply a stem growing beneath the
•orfaee of tbe ground
Many weeds have strong tap roots,
“Few t.eoi>le reallxe tbe advanthis being especially true of weeds tagee of breeding together unrelated
like mullein, hemp, cockle-burr, wild- birds. Every lime they are mated a
carrot and lamb's quarter, or quack divided Improvement Is had In tbeir
graaa. wood aage. and peppermint, young, In exhibition and utility qual­
prodaee numerous bortsontal root- ities. site and extreme hardiness.''
■tocka that are found doge to tbe sur­ The above sutement was made by
face of the ground. 75 per cent, of the
t. Philo of New Tork, a man
tootatoofcs being found wlibln four who haa done much experlmatlng
tb^M of tbeaoslBce. Prom ibe nod<-s
t tbe line qf breeding..
tbera arise oumerout amall fibrous
Be breeding la dangerous unleea'
tborougtaly understood. ' and
Tbe POOU of many perennial plants, work of year* can be demolished In
like Canada thistle, morning glory,
ry abort time. As above aUted,
berseoettle and milkweed spread very
«xt«Mlvaly through tbe ground. Tbe
root ol a oomaon niltkweed has been
traced for a dlsiadce of fourteep feet
tbroogb the aoil-

Baldwin and ftoms Beauty tacsltsnt
for Homs Uas and Market Under
I Conditions

Baldwin aod Rome Beanty, wb.-n condl'lons are favorable. In the uortb
Baldwin U *017- proflUble it has
rigor produot*T«BaH. good iise. good
appearance, quality
and keeping..
Grown south u Is far from satisfac­
tory Below i(t degrees It Is uiuslly
on tbe gronod at picking time and be­
ginning to dsbay..
Rome Beauty. 00 the other band,
sulia the aoulh, If soa cultivation,
etc . are right U origtaatod Ifi the
old Putmao Nursery, near MarlelU.
Ohio It was a sproui coming out tvlos the graft and by a kind of acclBdent was not cut off until tbe pur­
chaser of the tn«. and istetUgeai
farmer named Qllletl, waa attracted
h) Its beautiful appearanee. Finding
on examination that tbero wer« room
enough for both graft and aproot bP
cut them apart, and bgDdiag the
sprout to bis son. directad him to plant
it and see wbat n would cosm
When It came into bearing and Ua
value was seen, some thougbl of call­
ing It Olllett's Seedling', tba addition
of the term, seedling to new varieUeer
being customary then But as Mr.
OllleU bad not raised U from seed.
Rome Beauty was Anally agreed £n:
from Rome lownthlp In Lawrence
county. Ohio. In Wbich tbe original
iraa «ae growing v
In growth .U does'aot start off -gs
ly as Ilalt^wto. but K doea flnely afjarward. bearing oarly and weU
It It aas the r^bl care. In quaUty
la not quite up to the Baldwin aod
not amr up with the Grimee Ooldeu.
Evening Party. SiSart Golden and
or two others; but Its fine elxemnd appeoranou rwder it very popular .in
markcL Kor moat It be forgotten
that Ua early sad profuse hearing rander good soil Indispensable. And
epriying at the proper time must not

New York Man Invents Device Which
Forms Tight Cloaurc and Can
Be Securely^ Locked.
In describing a milk can cover Inrentvsl by R. O Thompson of rampbeU Hall. X. Y.. the Scientific Amer­
ican says;
The object here la to provide
rover which will form a p«-rl<-ctly
tlght cloture for a vessel and be cap­
able of being securely locked In clos­
ing poaltion. so.aa to prevent access
to the can. by unaulhorlted persons
For tbia purpose the Inventor con-

mere Uate, rather tbe all^rradlng
tufloence—tbe eeaUUc by^otlsm of
real atrawberry ahortcake, and are now reduced
t and hotel variety?
to tbe i
’■trawberry ahortcake"
menu tbe other day. My mind
ip(ly vliuallzed an old blue plate
auggering under a three-decker wedge
of yellow foam blscutu loaded down
with a pint of Betd strawbeirte* and
smothered under a cup of rich cream.
Tbe vlaton perceptibly altered wben
tbe waiter placed before me a thin
and -haggard piece of dough, soaked
with milk and garnished with a few
•llred biu of half green market ber­
ries that spoke eloquently of tbe high
cost of llring.
Hut there waa a Ume-wben shall
return the glory of Us prime?—when
tbe poetry of youti
the fragraht sulfca of the
tb field Btrawberry.
Rbortcake waa tbe main Hem on tbe
table, two big ibreedayer affairs,
old-fashioned dinner plates as big as
platters Oh. of course, there
usual pyramid of baked poUtoes. and
(our or five pound! of
butter gravy, and a loaf or ao of braad
and maybe a aoup plate of green peas
at each plate, and tike enough a pitch­
er of milk or elder; but it waa well
understood that tbe shortcake
rbe chief thing—Exchange.

Was to Sava Labor.
That the Mexican farmer !• not the
olow-tblnking. lasy peroen the average
stranger tmaginea U lUuatrated by an
Ingeniously devised w»U coiwtracted
farmer living near a UiUe town
just across tbe boundary line Tbe
noilveareldom go far away from tbeir
homes G 1 they have very | nltlve
Ideas and customs This well Is about
5U feet deep and tbe owner baa built
curione device for hauling water
from it. If tbIa Mexican had been an
educated man be might have beeo an
which bad two branches growlog out
of the mink. These bougbi separated
Into four braochos higher op. Tbe
Mexican vui tbe branches 4n such a
way that they formed a* perfect rest
a long well sweep. He fastened
the sweep to a crossbar laid acroas
the two upper branebee In tbe middle,
using stout thongs for the purpose
Then he fastened a weight on c
end of the swm>p and a long rope
tbe other end -The bucket Is fastened

Over Har Foliwr BIMm.
Tbe bruMtte la comlag Into h«r
an Science says ao.
Forget the mental picture of the
blue-eyed, golden-balred. proebewandcream complexion maiden that every
CM st tome Ume between childhood
and old age has decided would be tbe
Ideal wife, says the Arkansas Gaielle.
IVhy. she boa all aorta of d
Jnst listen to what the Euroi
physicians are saying about the blnahing blonde;
In the first place her loaga are liae to be weak.

Blondee are far more prone to tuber­
culosis than are tbeir swarthier tieten. tbe brunettes.
(lark women beat resist disease and
live longest.
Again the blonde la
have spy of tbe tollowtog ailments
than Is the brunette
ttielanebolla. general debility i
mla and scrotuU. Tblnk of that!
Tbe blonde, aclencv admits, is apt
to be gentler, prettier, beiu-r temper­
ed. more lovable than Is tbe dark mal
den. Thus docs she lure man's bearta
to her dainty feet.
But It U a danger atgnal. And It Is
nature's way of keeping up tbe
age. by inducing strong men to n
fragile women.
Blondes for beauty, braneltes, for
brawn.. Science eays IL Maybe it la

She bad long yellow enrU that look­
ed like gHstenlng eotnmna of gold,
bobblag In tbe sunligbt when abe walk­
ed. or lying le rich eailn abuodanoe
U over her IlUle fluffy sbouldera
ben she was still. Her eyes waro
blr’nnd round ud peculiarly blue—
like twin ccreflowere—and there were
perpeiiial discs of pink In (be nnoO.
aval cheeks.
The day was hot to aultrlnaai. tbr
in beating upon the lake with firooe
lotcnaliy and transforming It Into a
great sparkling pool of melted metal
Winifred burried down tbe road M
fast as ber long, wblteatocklnged legs
would cany ber. the big son hatscarlet with popples—flying back from
ber bend by tu musUn ribbons. She
found a lenrpHng tuft of grass in thw
shadow of a giant waler'oak, and sat
down to eat her Inneh. When ohe
had finished, she crossed her bands U

eyes. She beard the village clock
strike two—then throo—and all at
____ the water began to daube «ad
ablmmer and grow black before her
A horrible dteriaeas aeiUed
over her. and sbe flung hereelf dovrn
tbe cool, iroteful greoa and aeoed
her eyoe. Than come oblivion.
n'heo tbe UtUe girl oamc hock to
"Dipping tha Flag** 0ns ef the Meat
earth again she wps lying la her own
Ancient Forme of Greetlno of
bed with (he pretty canopy •( btue
Which Thera It Record.
eaiio. snd the cloudy white droperiae
3 when a vess.-i SHOW THE GAMBLING SPIRIT s1l around. She felt numb end stiff
COLORS TO CURE DISEASES lowers or "dips " Us flsg Is one
and UsUeoa. and when she opened ber
Biddero at Auettsn Bates. Without Up# lo speak, ber voice aoondefl so
fhe oldest aud most honorable of all
Funds, Find Delight in Just Avoid­
Red Cloth Censiderwd EffieaelBue by forms of marine greeting This fenr
Uny and far away. Many days pros­
Meny Dwellcrw In Englleh
ed before she was allowed to alt up.
of salute has always been demanded
Country Villages.
and boor all about horoelf and the
by English speaking teamen, aod Ita
One of the funny alghu. to tbe pTOexactloD has warmed the hesrts sni! SOD who didn't bid at all. at tbe Mdr- grave, kind man wbo hod lofieaed
In many ISbgllsta country vlllagea to­ used up the powder of Brnoratlons of
rta Park real estate auction, was tbe ber.
day there are old women who declare naval com.-natidera.
■1 should Uke BO Bmi± to roe hte
Milk Can Cover.
look of high courage, shading Insen­
that the eurcsi way of curing a acre
and to-to thank him." said Wini­
Id the old days, for a foreign ship,
Kiructs'lhc neck of the can and
throat Is to wrap the affected member whetberlmerohsut or naval, to enter sibly Into reckless daring, on the face fred one day—the first ahe iraBt out
closure, w-hlch Is fitted to the ram
lo red flannel. The belief Umt bodily an English port without veiling top­ of some man who was bidding $600 of bod.
when he knew hs would have trouble
aa to have snugly engagltig rurfs
w elfare depends upon and responds
"You may." iwpUod bar auat, tor
sails or dipping ita national flag
eliminating all possibility of loak-nge; ceriatn colors Is very ancU-nt. and one to run the risk of war. although peace raleing SO cents.
"A4run dolls! A4ran doUi!“ the he la here right ngw. He was very
and he provides an alUchmenl foi that Is reficcted In tbe customs of existed
ill bimaelf that day. The heat played
the top of Ibe can which ccro{M-n
many laodt. Red particularly
Without warning or argiuprot. the
tongue. •'A irun dolU! Going at him an eras more aarloro trick than
iltlY. the edge of ihe closun- to
m.vrked as a healing color.
shore d< 'ensee or a man<f^ar would
'll did 3
able a locking devlN- to rerun
From Unii-s litimemtfrial tbe Chinese aend a round ahol arrosa the bows or a-tran dolls. Going! rnleaa!" The
So the little glri was wheeled Into
closure In poeitlon on the can until have dressed smallpox victims In car betwi-en tbe masts of the foreigner, strain on the bidder'# face would be tV e>ck man e room, where be toy
to behold. What on earth
the same Is removed.
mine color, while In Tougkin rhlldrec and If the offeodlDg flag did not In­
fiXt> and proetratod a^btn hi* pObe
who get tbe measles are painted red stantly come doirn tbe loaoient. Intow.
down to hint? Wbat was be going lo
In Spain, too. it has long been
Bovor thank yoc enoagh."
irudey was brought to her senses by do. be naked yon. with wild, broeechFAST MILKING BY MACHINES ternary
that anyone suffering from befng raked tbrough.and tbraugb.
in. tha ptsk In tarn eheoka
measles shall be attired In a red
Raluies are essential natters of na­
_______ j to
b a Tivid scartoL "Wbat
Probiemja Long Way From Belofl 8nt- and fed with red syrup, aod the Spanval
would have become oC
Isfaetorily Solved—Hie.h Class
Itb pegaantB regard the "red" treat- an code fixed by the mari­
me If you bod not happeood apos
of Help U Necessary.
menu-ae being far more Important time powers The number oT guns to Wbtapmd to bis best neighbor one me?"
than any medical aid.
be flr<-d in all clrcnmeuncea Is min­
■nte UmhUfl li^od apd ahfiok Ua
The problem of milking by means
■Ateny-flve, Alroy-fivel" CfiDsd the
Tbo curious belief that ailments
bead. ‘Fm gUd. InYeisfi. that I did."
luctlobcer. Just tben.
machines It still a long way from t>e- be cored by certain color changes has utely stipulated
be answered quickly, "but—what oa
Ing solved, but we are much nearer a fsirly sound acliiutfic basis, though
“What doea he eayr qoerM the
earth Would hire become of me U
the goal than five yoars ago.
scientific roior experiments hsve not
your kind aunt hod not taken me‘tor
Tbe playwright is never and will
a year ago. says the Farm and Fire been carrieii very far. Learned au"Rleht-twenty-flTa. Tofl've lo« your
Then 1 snppooe wa mast ba
side .
tborltles agree that red light 1* ■ xrrl- never b- b<uered hy watching ploys, lOL"
'quiu?' " Sbe laughed merrily, fibowThe New ^'ork eiperimenl
"Alnt that the plague4ake-it lock!" tog aU ber dlmidea at OMS.
li-nt In most skin dleeaacs. while blue but by watching audlencea. People go
the theater for the ume reason said tbe recklen oBo, who waa also
has announced the result of a milking and violet are Infallible germ killers
The other nodded. - -"Dd you know,"
machine cK|>erliiienl which eovered
Green la regarded as a sure brlnger of that ih< y go to eburob. concerts, pic­ resillenL "Neb mind. Ill get another
l>eriod of four yetr* The ex|>erlmvDts best and calm, and Is generally used ture galleries or ih*- ..|K-ra—for relief chance before this thing ii over."— he asked presently, "why it waa I
wanted ao much to see yon aa Boon ai
sbow that. Including the time required in treating all sorts of eye complaiota from the stn-sa of real life Let tbe New York Poet
voung Blaywrigbt sit among playgoer*,
} couldr
to get the machlnea ready at^4 to wash aod nervous diseases.
not among other plarwrighu, and get
"Wont you tell mer
'them arier tnllkinx. cows ran tw> milk
understand bow be may cpniributa
“It wot because once I hod n little
ed by msrblne iu 3 X0 minutes
To Make Use of Horae Chestnut.
Hath U the chief pl^ In Somerset, glrL with long yellow curia Jnrt Uka
tbe relief of tbe vast army of tired
cow. as compared with seven minutes
, Tbe soapy nature of the kernel of
>n and women. He will find that and a very handsome town upon tbe yooro. and Mg Mae eye*. Tou—yon
tor band milking A higher class
beloved Avon, aaya an English ex- reminded ,me a lot of ber that day 1
help Is. however, beeessary to milk by tbr horse chestnut baa led Investlga- what people ask of Ihe theater is not
tors to search (or a w-ay to utlllxe It
e real—people rush to the theater change. Situated In a lovely valley :
hr the UkO.
upon picturesque tiopea. It has Do you mind my tMltog you thlar
In removing din and gn-ssc fronr lex
escape from tb* real. He will find
For dairies of lesslbstt fifteen
been declared to be unrivaled aceu• No-oh. no. And yonr Uttle girt—
le use of machines was consl'lered tile goods According to Lea Matierea that the theater Is most poweignl and
socially. bUtoricolIy
and where le she now? She la not la
unprofitable and not to be recommend
engllah ah^"
Ibis scapy substance have been pat- ences are given plays In which the arehaeologieally
towns. Its bouses being of fine gray
-She U not dead. But—"
The hundreds of appllratlons filed in Saicd.yaod. tnoreoTer, profluble uses real is Invested with an Idea—which
limestone, .diong charming terraces
Winifred looked at him aoddMly.
tbe .rolled SUIes pairtil oOee sbow • have been found for otber constituents It all that any of ua ever mean by
of tbe horse chestnut. Tbe shell It the word Ideal - Cbirlea Frohman.
and cresroats.
wUb wide, bewildered eyea.
the interest In machine milking Pre*,
It owe* It* name to hot mineral
"I—1 tort ber." the igan eiplateed
enl day developmenia Indicate lliaP Heh io tannin, snd Is used In prepar­
ing an extract for tanning leather
spring*, whose value did sot escape oftor a pnnaa. and tbe UUle girt did
the notice of the batb-levfng Romans, not qnetUon him ftirtber.
Tbe kernel contains about 6 6 per cent
Mlaa Emery -had given lliUe Tim a
of a pale yellow oH similar to almond simple problem in addition that be who not only built a city around the
"My momma will be borne to»er>iprlDgs. but also set up a temple.
oil. After the oil haa been extracted failed to work out. "Numbers
row." ehe remarked. In a change at
tbe residue, treated with dilute alco­ dry." she reasoned with bertelf, and
It waa ' taken" by many otber ma­ toon. "Wad I want you' to meet' her.
cream seporolor of today is about
rauders after that lla repatatton aa She-«h. you don't know -how grntehol
fourth as large as one of equal capad
determined to make the lesson i
i:. per cent of eacullc ac>d. a upon- iDterc-stlng.
, fnl rtte ;rill be to yon. ^ bront
ly twenty years ago A slinllar slm
1650. and a century later all BngUah any one but mo." she added qoMJr.
aceous subslanoe that hsi excellent
plificaiion moy he true wlih milking
“Suppose." she began, engagtngly.
Ulbrrlrg and cleaning pn>pertlea The "your mamma sent you to the ators to taablonable* flocked thither, thanks
"Have you no fatherr bt qneetton
material left after the oil and soap buy tlirt-e^pounds of lamb, two pounds to the Indefatigable exertlona of Bean ed gently.
Nash, to whom- the place owed the
have hern removed can be rasde InlO
'Winifred shook her metty gold bead
half a pound each of ear- order of Ita cuatom*
SELECTING BREED FOR DAIRY a while starch. When uroted with of poistoee.
and turnips, and one pound of to­
ilowly back end forth. “Not now,"
-Many a time and oft' ba* It fig­
eold water to remove the bitter prin­
matoes—what would you bave tben?" ured Id romance from 'The School ehe said.
One BMt Adapted for Prevailing Con­ ciple. U Is soluble for food.
Tim shook his bead, but Marybell.
- Never mind. 1 ongbtot to hav*
for Scandal" to the "Pickwick Pa­
ditions finould be Preferred—
only a year older, raised an eager
asked you. Wont yon tell me aomoper*."
Thinge ,lo Concidcr.
Ost tha Idas.
ibtogAhout that—Uaauaer
^ .
As a stolid young German
“U'etl. Marybell?" saM tbe teacher,
*«tie is the dearesL best and a
In eelecllng a dairy breed it Is m
Whar* They FalL
log a tno of otber Germona about (or with a aorrowfai glaitos at little Tim.
matter of which 1s the best breed, a day. it became necaaaary
There ere many who thoe
“Stew"' said Marybell. sweetly —
Winifred broke ooL en uplifted a
l^riM Winning Plymouth • dioek.
but the one best suited tor prevailing lelephobe. Though FrU*
admit tbei “the life la mor
Tonib'B Companion.
00 ber dainty, fluabed face. “BverycmdIUons Seleet with a vie
....................... the idea
but wbo faU I
body lovu mfimma. Sbe U on good
adapubllltv and for tbe puryiose (or waa ao appalUng to the three flewbroadly to moke the appUcntlon In and kind and true.
wbleb Ibe animal la kept. Some breHs comer* that ft ocrorred to trim aa an
social life. Tbeee are they wbo aacThe slch man nodded, not trusting
are noted for (he quantity of milk they opportunity to cover himself with
mllL or shop, or kiteh- blmeelf to apuk. He wetobad bet
obrelaied birds Is to find stnina with produce; others for ifae richness
to ellence w the nnfutaned the lock­
filorylike cbaracterlsuee. When rearing their milk: otbera Tor tbe color
from a tong gold chain and baU M
Ks steppdd up to the *photie in a* York. naturaUy 1 was elated." eald an !
I*”*®* ***** “**
a strain of Rucks for egg production cream gir butter All these tblDgt Jaunty Ud debonair a manasr as hs archltecL "Til plan a bulldl
out to him.
building that
It IS eomeUrnes bard <0 find a aolt- must be taken Into consideration be­ could.
“So this to—your motherr bg'nfikIt bound to be satisfactory,
ry.‘ I tald to
tble male, bred for the same ranulta fore selecting a breed. Ol Ihe dairy
He rang the hell tor coatral with myself, 'end (hen they will give me
ed. after a loog. long penes.
as Ue bent he Is to be matod with. breeds the Holstein haa a number of ■ometblng of a flourish and took down the eomaileaton for those new atorea to providing tbe mesne to live U not
There was e long eaenna. dvtog
Maor breeders bare distinct Unea of higb producing anlmala. They pvlnl the rocelrtr. '
they expect to put up to tboae otber highly moral." end that a eodety which, the door openod and Mooed on
"which can afford luxurtce for aome noleeleee hinges and some OM Seme
birds, bred for Uie same reeulta, but with pride to such aalmals at Colan"Hello—U dia—" Ha paoaed limp­ Ore dues '
cannot sully juatlfy unbeolibrul oon- softly Into thekroom.
• holly dUcobbected alobg blood
pounds of butter In the
dItlouB of production, or tack of geolinos. Id this way they can furalab 1,100
site queen of ever. Then bla salf-oonfldance came store—a store that wai admired by erol edneauon. " NaRher for society
tbeir patrons new blood whenever tear, and
'My mile aweetheart!" The wom­
everybody In the wholesale trade. Hy< nor (or tbe Indlrtdoal can wealth,
the dairy world. (UnasLine Belle De back;
-la dU der mlddltr he flatahed patrone were pleased, too. but Instead property, eeu or entoymeat be coo- an clasped ber arms ohant Che ehlld
tlaAT a good siralo Is ran down or Kol. wHb a record of over 1.30tl
keU^'kar to a lo^. (emnt emof
ridetwd u ultHnatee. Theu thinge at braoa. ' When ahe looked op. <T jair
rained because of lack of experionce pounds trf butter In 3CS days Tbs mrtly.'
bulldinga they limply ueed tbe same
best are sot what we live tor, but of dark, soger eyes were fi^ npon
of Um breeder. One moat kpow how Jeroey has Jacobs Irene, the Oneraplans over again and built all tbeir
Wiaa Vourrg WJfo.
what we Uve with.—Zion'S Herald.
aad.-'why Itae breed to obtain best ■ey. Dolly Dimple, and the Ayrabfre,
bouaes alike. That's what I coll pUyher.
Not an yoahg matroa* are w
anocesa. A good pen of layers should Nrtherball Brownie, all of which ware
tog a low-down trick on a fellow."
"Thle to the gentleman wbo anvnd
not be mated with a male -or un­ a credit to their reapectlva breeds. - oopblstleatod oa aome parsons think.
II gome Land For fl
my Me, momma. Aren't yoo—" BM
One striking axcepllon realdea in Har*
known heredity. If a Rock Of birds
Though tohoeco la the chief prodhot tbe look on bar mothet'e toro tot«*
In purchasad for an
-High Qroda Leases.
of North Borneo, the land produeea but rapted ber.
Bigb-crads milch cows are high•tnln. to keep up tbeir quallUcn.
one crop of the product to aeven or
-Katharine! Tbr God's mks debt
Earner* are cboap at iglvon at ber borne, aba aair dtaployed ■he IhougfaL "There's prectoaa UtUa nine year*, with tbe reenlt that new
the owner must hnow bow they were grade Isserw
dilralry now! Men don't IdealUe wo­ fields meat be cleared every year. Aft-- torn away tram me now. I—d am-*
brod. afld nddpt tbe tame plan with any purcbnse-price. Lo*era are cheap a doten chlckona
"Please pick me out a haU-doaan men as they used. TheyYe grows tor er tbe Jangle le cat and burned an different man. BeavM known I wm
at no l^^lce. and not even at a gift.
them Al the orlglutor.
The dairyman with tbe socallafl .ehlekena that are tough." aha told. 1 more •aaplelaue—end haider. Per- army of Cblneae eooUu ir tersed on try to be Worthy ef yen U yoq wlk
bape because women have grown ao the land with boM to dig It end pre­ oome beck to mo and giro mo oat
"average rowa" ought to he grateffil Ibare a special reason."
Bun gnd Shads.
Tbs hatcher put aside ootml
crIUcal of them! Anyway, eoraethlng'e pare It for planting. No plowe are more chance!"
to the pirates who would steal them.
Tlaatr «f sun and shade are n .
gone—wbat le It? Poetry? Illoaton? eaod. The young tobacco plants are
"Are these olir she oaked.
Tbe woman bod hnried her face tg
•ary la Mis Ufe of tlm rapidly growing
-Tea. ma'am." waa the
And yet!—Why It It tost men etiU eat out by hand and kept ctaon wUh her hand*, and her body ebook wfto
Oahsmed Csw la Bafa.
young chicks. Coolness, and abode
put na off our bnlanoe even now— hoea. It la neceasary fgr a lobooae •obs. When ehe \oekai up. ber agwa
The cow that la dehorned la always ~Thaae are aB tsogh snag."
from the bot no ore important. Troos
‘Than oend tha other Bva to my that they meuer ao much tooa. now planter to poeaeu tbonaond* of acres were smtou "I am t different woah
and boabos make the beat abade. but
that we live our owe Uvea,, end one : of uncaKlvsted toad In reaerra. and on, too. dear." wee oil ehe etld. But
U have about the place, but H la »ol booae at obce." fiold the
tr they ora not ov^Ublo ortiftelol
do without them?-—Mrs. Humphry
tt seemed to be eatragh—et lenat to
alwty-a advisable to dehorn pure-bred matron.
I to employ m to UM eroUem
means con be grorldod thoX or*
' The hatebor M (aoMlBg ftffl.
Wotd to “Tbe MoUag at Lydia."
Winifred—end to Wtoltrwd'e ta$bm. ,
cattle that are Intended for oala
•M M aOcliaL
(CDagrianc to Deny amvr Puh OeJ '
tbe w ell. The weight of tbo atone pulls
II up again, brimming full.





.-^*^A***^ »•«*♦•♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Ode day Harold polled a• buncb of
f,„„d w^ni loaard the •Indo*
♦ boldlos « up. Thomae .Moore looked
♦ doublfull} at It and moted back, but
♦ a* n waa atlil beW at the window he
♦ reached forward aod ate U. The nest
day Harold picked an apple and Of2
Rtdae and RefiltatleM of the ^
|,U delight the bone
J MaaaM Veua* Rolka SunahiM ^ him.
*■<» r»i do an errand
move away, but wailed onUi
... ^
he coufd reach It, then ale It from
1 WIH try M«er tt weery ar ♦
Harolda hand.
♦ fret about anythin*. '
♦ la It.
'.So each day |«aaed. and tie two
I Will try to be aa happy aa I ♦
nau^ty Don t ^ are
,etllog better acquaint♦
„„ In the garret aod bide It.
th^ld tear

~K. — ...
lughed. and then looked
*nd Thomaa
J aa far M I am
Bertie laugh*
will. Aunt Mooa pollpd hU had I I at algbt ol
•I will try a k.
• Mber.
Then I
a iMlno.
loving, halaful
Mpful ^
and kind a everybody and to « Nell.
the l«jy. But .when he found aoiuc
have hidden it very well for he ha.o l
brought to at before the
A ovory living thing.
toeing afraid, and
If I over fail In trying to de g found U yet:
window, he gav.
g thaw things I will “Try. try g
Don't you think that we Sun.hloera
^ *,tc
r Harold to bhng
id when he aw
g again.'*
♦ an larn a good leaon from Bertie? h|„ p^>d ihingi
.hinny aa ihuug:i
............................. ............................................
«.hn... »»,
-arlyjor whatever good
fault that we could aally loae. Sui.- .aying.
poa. while we are getting rady (or „,ing y
OrganlMd Deeambar % IMS.
the new lleglnnlDg. your ITaldeut
grealdent—MIto Claa Batea.
haa )u.t been talking about, we hide
father, and a. won a
Firw Vice Paaldeti*-Ma Mabel our (anil, .o e.relully that they an
M„ore mw l.i.c
Batw Wllllama.
never be (ound Min' I»ou I you
.^.^viallon Harold
Becond Vko PreaWent—Ma Irena think that would toe » Sun.hluy thing
hlfn an a
Patnaay Shielda.
.lowl Mtilnfi hliu .hll. h. ai. it;
Bunahina Crandnvithar—Mra. A.
lb.e be lorb..I to hi. bbd uld
tlaflU: .
Why Thomaa Mart' Ctiinged Hii
• You wee he l.u'l a bli afraid of roe
now It look, as though he'd changed
Perhaps It would be well to beglt
bis mind, doesn't li
by telling you that Thomas XIoori'
‘Ii'looka that wa>, for sirre," said
Cradle , »-bUe home of unccruin
the father.- You have changed your
of ceruin good behavior
rei'utatlon. tnd the new <


here aod Ihere-eo Croaa.8tre« add
Middle Utreai and to the Sweet Co«
Neighborhood, a. Ctllr aaW—there
were berrie* to ripen under the aun.
Moat of the big ooaa were' named,
There Wha Tommy Ttujemouae and
DaSy-Oown-DlUy and MUtaa« Mary
aod Jack and JUI: the IHtle ooea were
-)uat the children."
pot the children tn the hot
tom of the bos.-ihaf. the way they
alwaya do.-and Mother Morey rtkh;
oo tbe tlpiieai top. .be’a ao apletHdid
and b«. No—wait' I m going to
thini: ’
sho Mt rtowTi under the
,nd thought, wkb
_ „u«r.e.i low dap pucherw. An Ida
Alter I I minute
.0 ahe nodded her bad.
"Va. \ ll do It. ni put the chUdren
n top' It will he a remilar .urprla
oit. with the grownup ooa In the
boltom. I d Hhe li lo auri^rtae amebody-O mv, ametoody .haf. tick
«»uraBed and jKwrUb: I'U do

flag oa our aehoot. but It ha.
occorred to me that Intlde here where
ao touch of our time i. ei>eot we oever
aee our conntrj'a colore ekcept oo reoaitlon daya land then they’re borrowed), and It aeenis to me that a
beaotlful targe (lag rUht here lo the
room where w« meet to elng eo many
of onr pairlotic eongi would be an Inaplrailon lo oa all.
Eddie had elw»>. .Uown a .pint of
j^trloium. but on ihl. ocia.lon bo
waa w> overflowing wlib love (or iho
Amertan flag tliai be couldn t keep
»l‘U u“l» hi. eloquena bad won the

r moralng tiiJ koo* t
we did oot deeen* It* Whafdi
think. NelUer »be aaked. turhlng lo
NelUa Ooold who atood beMde her.
"ooghl wf^ not to «aK (or that mod
-it doea aeeiu a>.~ Nellie aurwered.
milled that Carrie wma right
courwe" Carrie went on
-Denha. are you willins
v.’llHaiua what '^-u
have told us?"
>to-tt aem* fooli.h-bui ..

Jmck wmdti-d tg kao* whMiicr «b«
nieaDl Ihr 1IU1« blrd i bnrt or £«»
l>-d'« bean, but CrasdTOther osly
•lulled and urould not ani*er—Selocl-

tSTjat J» even-body on earth doing
at me a^ ommeni? Growing older.
What ta the ditferaa between a
•rhoobuasier and a rwllrad coodn-^or* One lain, the mind, the other
«he train.
'^ hy la >• the mat unfonunale of
IcUe:.? Uecauae U U never In caah.
i alwa'w in debt, and oever out of

ahoui It
•Ive.. '“*• «'”*'»•>
never .ufler. with the hat? Chill.
"We bad bclleV i«iv for
_ ................ ..............................l*.m
A half at, hour later when the boy

Ireland? Shamrock.
room, they found the girla alreaily_______________
■ated there. It wa. the regular cua
both .Ida lo march in together,
-bange in
the program. A. they came In acb
Mamma: "Now place It In a sen­
one gave a glance at the board and
tence to abow me you realfy nnderturned away with a look ^ of^
stand it."
Mary: "In .umroer I love to f«^Then Mr William, arose to aUdrer.
roefll Id tbe garden."
uwu.hi oMtT And .Bother Um
the echool Before lie had a rhanre
to .|i«ak. however, the door leading
- The RobbtoW Tea Partyto the hall oiiened. and l>ldle RIker.
There weer six of them—Polly and

wun ,t, ••grown uiis. down
with one fool bandaged, and an anaher three brother., and two Utile girl
baaement ,f the Mrawheny
kma look on hit face, iwme limp
got tome......---------i«i>er and i -„...e -----------..u..
.-r-. .. Wa.
— .afcrward cou»lns out from lom-n to .pend.the
day with FoUy. They began the d»y
cll. and made a giXHi many iiaileiii
»**•« brought the greater amount
a i*«.lng wagon, happily enough. pUying prl^mer-e
coi>iet Thlt I. the way tbe note o' nmney.
desk a. fa.t base and
•Which do
read ______,
would allow, he held prctootly Sue and Nelly, the tosit
-Tm t'ill)
I hope your iiour and Nellie Gould asked tevergl g;rU at reSUNSHINE POEMS.
m> becorse Uu-n cesi Chat day.
he has a roind to change. Lei me tell toUf. ‘u Voung l-eoples Weekly,
Luck and LMlncat.
joul be alrprlsed when you come to
"Il1» hanl telling." returned Sadie
i ..............
couldn't. say a hot •«»- ««>
you the story, and you may.luUge (gi
Lock Upped npon a coiuge door.
old Moiber Morey-sbe-. the big fat Blooni. "ibere are more girl, than
,.«,ment even Bertha
A Dog and a Duck.
A gentle, quiet up.
one with the dimples. She'. Ju.t ss lioy» In school, bui It is so much ee.
strenuous ezerUion. ^
Thoman Moores home was In a
When I was a child -In our old forAod Laziness, who lounged within.icndcr-haned ith.t. a gokei. The ler for bo>s «o earn money that they
said BlUy, who Is tbe oldest
Tbe cat upon bl. lap.
e Is Tommy Tiileaouse and really have a belter chance
" the prtncl- of the boys and bosses thing*: "tbai’k
-It Is all rtght. jj
the i.lacc Ullrst c
Streicbed out his tlli>i>en lo the Are age garden. Whenever tbe weather er, who ii»ed to roam about
1,5 s KUblc 'he one without say bat on is GUI I
"Ye«. and they have the richest
.ugiu* the bUl. all glrU are good lor. anyhow;
And gave a sleepy yswn.
boKcprI old ho|«o
all. **'
All the dill Mholar lo the ivchool. too."
Kjdle held out.
lieroilii^. “Jj”'*
^T*'wuMng'a*torrUgi ''noilrod^old
hoi** youl like them ■”
‘ B««hH
^y, he went to the wo ain’t going
^oing U sit aod suw oa Ihg
-o. boiberr let him knock again:'.'
noticed Old
............................................. dcldeUly;
_____ _______ ____ _________________________
“:ch,ng uT^t 'rfh. :;.b^. Z: l:;e:v“ en.l
— - —«
*1?':; t-^d. eu.ed the bo>.- .mount, and imrch. l^t’s play robbing the train,
He said, but Luck was gone.
can probehly hev^ any amount of „,v,nced It three dollars That gave Pat. sU by ooroelroa. We dM't mind
window, looking calmly at Jhc dom- .he wanted him lo .lo «.methlng (or o'®*"'’ Now 1 must close re.peekfuly.
ley In s
S case like
llk« this,
* ’ ant), he'll
the flig. Bufibey couldn't the a
(almlj «m. Into-, vegetable.- gazing skyw-ar.l a^ her , She rau around him. whining
Luck upped again, i
keep the boys ahead. We haven't i undersund It
They looked Inqulr^e needn't hav« naked PaL'beeatue
though IB deci> ihoughu or reminding api>eallngly. and Onally look hold of
Vpon another door.
ingly at one another, and acme of t,,-, tho youagost and alvaya doea
the preacher of «me of hi. bearen. as ,he leg of hi. trouser., and tried to H
hot In the city. Weil |*ople
Ikliere Industry' waa bard at work
might a* well do our best. them began to whisper that tbe time
»w.t Billy and Jack want him to
Mending his coiuge floor
,' remarked Carrie Kidder;

p|,y thsL too.- began
The prearher’i family were the,only she bad prevlourly come He at I#:
The dbor was opened wide at once:
if we do.„d
not.. well
'■Scholars." said Mr. .WUIUma. as be PoUy. oager fv iiioro fUA
to know him by the name of loUowed her; and she led him Joyfull) tb'tolv'OK of O®* «•»
»• h' '-lod^
_ty „win. . and _____».
••Come In:" the worker cried,
Thomae Moore, and they always gavf u<lno a lU'iie pond Just o
And Lark w-a. taken by the hkud
"Not much:" snlSod Blfly. “Girl's
-............- " the oirawberrlee ter one. too. for tbe irylng '
kinds of victories. Some bring
...... his full line He belonged 10 a tbe coach houae, Where a small alulcolthe market
to look
Ami fairly- pulled Inside
And that idee teemed to be tho one
honou: others, though the. help can't holler loud enough for robbers."
family named Moore, and the literary *,,* |ec the water down In s lltllelho wished be eouW Uki
with the prevalent In the school, Tbe acbnlp^ie. make ua better.
** *'
aimotphere of the parsonage ma.le etream as It was wanted In thU
couldn't, It was ne
He Is zilH there—a wondrous guest
and the tit all wanted as gpod a flag aa poswomen. Both kin.1^ So mother beard a audden quiet aetey
ihepi see something poetic
In hl i ^u)ee gale a large duck was caught by medlcln.
FYom out whose magic band
tiedown on the front porch anA peepbe found. Timothy had Slhle. whichever slJc h»-: it Conlro6' b*ve been *on here Ibis mornlag"
droany dianosliiou. so they gave him |be neck, and the boy was only just
^>rtune flow-a fast—but Lazlnews
• e Che expecutlon. of Bertha Hahn
y^e a flash the troth came lug through the window, ahe saw
the poet's name.
In time to save II Irom drowning It been out of a Job a month
Can never undersund
,i,e quickest of the «hree mournful little girls alUlng oa
"They'd cool her and tel her up, ami many other*, however, the girls
No matter how far gone
in his ha<l ecldenily been •living fur food.
How Industry found such a friend.
nerr nea-ly always ahead; yet the
the steps not knowing how to amnae
dit>»ty enjoyment, a footfall onthe and had jamnted It* hgad umlor the he sighed. "Poor little Heari"' How
•Luck never came my way.irvv, rxjveeied to win In the end. for
j^em impuUlvely ctled. Then thomaolvro.
Ho sighs, and quite forgaie tbgicnoc; panuRiage steps atlrred him to aci'v g,te. Bess. In her wanderings, had
from them camo
"How -about a iiartr. glrtlroT' aba t
Ity; a look to see »ho wa» coming. ,^en It*- struggles, and had gone on •'Pw little Heart' ■
I'pon bis door that da
c"--"Hulkv, Tim. straw l>erTvlag again’" eomrlbuiion. whim It came, would aei , rroponie ao-hearty that there was aaVe4^.,
—ViBlto'- and It It was the preacher's son Hai for hell* A- toon as the di
,,,,, rtongh, they rejoiced in
eager voitma.
jld. Thomas Moon's head was quickly liberated the old dog rai>ere<l about aonieoUy rolled good naiurodly "fl.-i. ile the matter In gheir fa'or. The, „„
•ourse. that WUIU- their own victoo. they silU had a alt- ,j„j |*olly—1 am aorry to aay—added
Here's one I II give
out of sight ,
and barked her chanka to the boy
Thiws Kinds of Ceuraga.
nobody wania
BpprectatlOD for the one gained hotly, "And we'tl get mother’s
Harold was eight yearw old. and. London Si>ecuior.
There's the eouiage ihai nerves
iionish everybody with
room.—8e- ,nd
it round behind us. bo ihoeo
are so amsll
Ilka, ••••nv iiovh was fond of throwing
In surting lo rlimb
B»nero.cliy Av (or the boy Kia-a-.f
bimself. i,ctcd.
Abbic Ban Adama.
It away for a dime
The rooant of aucceaa rising sheer; aiones: and as Thomas Moore could
It was not a cull Tim wanted tor bis he aierciy sn.lleJ w-bm qurottoued ou

to our party ! Well jrtay by ouruelToa.
>D Adams, may her II > be
And when you've sllpive^ back there's teatlfi'. tould throw swlltly and surely Abble Ben
the coucage sublime
"Old yon see him dodge? " said Hars|*red.
imouDU airemly
tilOe a |«oor man's rroignttion Thev sere
K*er) morning Ihe arooudU
a llule girt of our acquatntauca bad
That keei« you from shedding a old, as his father api-eared _ luat in Awoke one night and felt 1
Tbe cake and I
given in bad been written on tbe , great-grandfather, aaya a writer In

sirawherrle*. anyway, and they »'
time to see the whUe bead'suddenly
blayktuMr.! In the main room by Prln u,e l*arm JouraaL He aeemed to her
the acreen down
daintily clean
For on hci thin waist "box. cro**-|i
rtiai Winiam*. and the scholars hurold that ahe rouldnY conalve of “
Throe two ktmis of rourage. 1 gUc
Yes." bis father answered, "and I
ged. uu
ried lo ifhool. caacr tp see them, anything happenlrt longer ago than ]
tbc-m f(
you my word. •
feel •orry that you have such a bad a Vision writing on a little
.a. . -a-.,.. ______
V.. «...!
. .birth. One day-be
final .1».
dc- .hit
telling her
No. O
Are worthy of irtbuto—but ihen,
repuiation with the gwxl old fellow ' Exceeding nervousness made AbBle erfed jo'fully
11 to take '■'•Ion ‘•'e' ere grc.,1, excited Man;' Bible sfu-lro. She aaked; "Were you
don't (ouch them' I want
Yon'Il not reach the tummii unless
"Reputation? Whats thw. papa?"
ed long before the doors
tho Ark. grandfaiherr' TbeF ^
to ^y aa usoaL bat
U will be of
you've the third—
"First, tell me. does ha always get And to tho Vision timidly ahe sivake them out myself, dadd:
• v.v Cloned and , waited imiMviientlv -yjo ^^ar. I was not." She looked pot- ‘‘•W
who always play^
•What wriiest thou?' Tbe Vision auch Am.
his head in quickly aa he did ihetiT'
^ The courage of tiry-lt-agaln.
When they at last game I
-Weli. then." she aald. “why PtoroWMr. and It waan t very
looked apielled
If Ctlly could haw .
"Inleed he does,' laughed Harold;
Ultk- Heart was cdmluaixe thev rushed in a body ro
PREBIOENTB "he knows what will hapi*en If he At her presumption, and quite r-oldly just as she wanted Ut
he main room. The amount* kept________________for aomething to da Billy, creepa wax "■‘IriirthMl ■
doesn't. Bui what has that to do with
•The Hat of Our Best People w-h,o
dowo , 0 Mother Morey roing up as new •v.ntributlon. came
There are only a few more Jays of reputation?"
■till the girl* wei
ife/.re some good Illustration, of

vacation (01 you Bunshlners. and your
-Iiiat iht*. my boy; Thomas Moore
to Pal and Jack, and they Uptoed
ince of Ihe hoys.
Ihe Bonsenae Uiai may eaally result
"Why. the big ont 1 are In Ihe liot
Preaideat U sure that you
are all M sure you will hit him If you get a For 'watering places supnitnouaVand
down the steps and up behind to tthe
ihead now. " from the misuse of puociuaUon:
roth- ltad<ly. quick: come and aee'
Uilnklng of the school days Juzt chance, so he geiw out b( your way.
a peep. My: tbe -leiaouade loolreE
Kveri lady In the land '
He only knows you aa one who tries • And am I In H?" asked Mias Al>We They're eo big; iht-res one that's ■ Ir as she and tbe other girls-In the
good and cool, and the cake bad zntoHaa twenty nails on each band:
»Dormous' Aren't they apieDdld
How ImereaUng Beginnings always to hurt him. so. as teputatlon Is whsi
in* In It.
flrsl claa* went 10 their rodm.
lYve and twenty cm bands and
New studies, new- (rlendablpa. others think of os, you must have a The scornful Vision said
"Yoic re one*, daddy? Hun 1 they smell Just
Presently Sue looked up and saw
How do you know?" some one
new- nppartunitlro for so many pleas- bad repuuUon 'with him If I were
poor, you know."
throe hungry heads stuck Otrougb the
ThU la,true without deceit
, where and cloveri? "
urea are about to come to you. Best in your place. I think I should try to -| know.' said AbMe.
coming at all?"
D correctly punctuate. place tbe •<•««. but ahe went right on ptaying ^
Then she came to Ihe little jui<
of all. you will And now chances 10 get him to. change his mind "
it's cheap;
- giving tea to
' W'Hlle Appleton s money. " she reifter the word ''nalla" and a "he was Mrs.
prices red letter at the iKitlom. She r.«d
make' Sunshine tor others by your
HaroKi.was quiet tor a few mo | can't afford inouniai
iceaicd scornfully. ihal came long
after “five" will «vrk- it even >'«- Smith and Mrs. IJghtfooL whDa
through In a quiver of exrlteineni. a
own steady thining.
menta; he was not a croel boy by nasteep.
her kind llule heart tbooghi of a way
sgo.saticl was scarcely a-drop
• clearer
Ills Hem then again Cto laugh ai the "gok<
It depends very largely uimn your- tnre—only thoughtless
At last he But. ere youleave. Jus
and make sure of the names of 1
selvro., Sunshlnerw, whether or not looked up an.d sal<l. "I really dldu't
Id my father that hsMr Aliplcton
Hunting for Honey
"I'm gUd you could bolb come. Mrs.
isrvo Id hlggrot berries Her lean, white
the Beglnnitigs that are so glad re- meao 10 inert him I m soirj "
1 never leave roy cat
didn’t think til echool nee<le>i another
-What a pretty hat you have.' aald Smith." she said, because I've asked
• lace flushed with |>Iease<l <
He looked toward the barn-windowtown gave Willie a small Grandmother as ahe helped to droaa three young men I know to come too
through the daya 10 come. Head the just ip time 10 sec the white (ace The Vision w otc, and vanUhed Net nteoi. and the discouraged father who "w*- •*>'1
the little girl (or church.
_ _*b). here they are'"
watcheil It forgot his troubles and
good letter that has lust arrived from peeiHng 10-find out wbeTlter li waa
-The flowers look just aa If the*- 'The boys held back a minute. boL
imie smiled with delight How Ucklcd the have made the difference They have
Runahlne Boy, Sr If you remembe^ safe to venture but a* Harold turned. Hecame again,aod broughi
httie lleen was' Dnln'i he know (bat l>eeii keeping gulci. I'vu have workecl •ere real ones, don't tbeyT' laughed wheJ. they saw that l>oll>; and Nolly
what be *aj;s you canhot fall to be the old horse qulcklySooioJ out of
them loin tbe tea
bard (or Iho dag Eddie was to bring Bvelyn.
'•tody f
happy, helpful Sunsblocra
And showed the
. round the actwen
Ihe money this morning, because Tom
"Hold the paitool over Uioee flow- |varty. the)

1 believe you can make It all right
)y beiL
"It'a a regular •unvrtse-box. daddy" had u>
' go somewhere with bis lather
L.„cl. .bfl crekflefl lb
>»« »'«
Mornabn. ill
again. Harold, said hli father kind- And. lo. Miss Abbla's name led all the
she cried. "To think of fln.lln, the
•“<' Tom had got
Aug IT. iflJ. iv, '-ben lire ufrald li w^ii take i«rest.
*«'"'• *•»
«•"'“« <>“' *•
Dror BonslMnero—
When i*eople do unkind or _c,rolyn Wells, in l*racUcal Ideals big on«k. at the bottom' Who ever
; we get home ag*ln "
Yon know that the most valuable ihotigtctleas things fo( a long white U
flew lltlle lulr. lelter—ir. M nice lo ne"" A'-'n; netice .here
“They aren't real, I’nele Jack." de- tn if—Sel«-ted.
. undo iheli
things aoiiieHmet conie In vet
be inireflncrt like ib.i. I.n i liT I
«»'"« *»« »' .inmM~l ‘ ctared Bvel:
Where the Blggaet Berriro Went.
"They Just look real.
The harm can tie overcome only by
.parcels So I am iwt writing
Prompt and Reedy.
ken.- khkt I wikh, dkflflj.—"e bun bl. I«.l In koni. »l
•Old Mother Morn's Ripe"'
that's all. See. ibey're made of allk
doing good reprotrdly A bad repuiatoday, tout instead will send
If vou're told to do a tblUE
-Vek. mile lleenTVb. milkmin lelfl uk kboni li. I
and velve
short poem.
And mean to do H really.
-n..f tbe™
. l.let™nb-,lce —■
T'>»beblS kebl be kbie
ing tbe thick Iroves with her eager
said rncla
a good
“R'hy. so they are:
Never let It be by halvee:
mefle „b eel of me .Ibilew iir.litb, le tb.1 «"
do. and III do II. bjown flngera. Her sunl
"You will find thai lurk
Jack, pretending to be
no It fully, frroly.
flur mu. cm., klcl-k. k.fl I eebid
" b.ek lb lln.e. Tb.j c
horse 10 think I a vlv{d pink spot in the g
Is only pluck
1 don't
nol make a poor excuse—
- money.
mekn lo be b..|.' ™ifl llkcolfl eekcrlk.
- She'. rii~; no. I'm kolnic to pick „nfl k -Tbknk jeu' over li tbl. min- -""-J
-nenc- -"V*''To in' things over and over.
But after they reached church.
Welting, weak, wnsteady:
tbe scholars live near them. Ii'i
Evelyn forgot all about her hat. of
Patience and aklll.
Ah obedience worth tbe naiM
iher. "of course yon must not throw Mother Morey.
But I'm—'moat— World,
Courage and will.
course, and thought only of tbe beau­
Muei be prompt and ready.
oeod It to some of us by the milkman,
Are the four leaves of ick'a clover." .anything at him again."
bet h* didn'i. and ao were all right. tiful music and of what the minister
Two Vietortea.
___ 'Harold spoke np quickly . -Oh. I wUl
They all seemed like friends u
wax saying. The sun peeped In throogh '
Newer Borilah.’'
When the aeboUra of the Reddlag- The time will be up at nine o'clock.
Hew on yen like it? 1 tblgk It's a not do that any more"
CUly. She waa only Oily "for short,
the etalned glaivs of tbe open window
* child whoee tunny fuc* eeemad a
She had ton acbool returned to duty after tbe and It's almost that now."
owner aboi. \ have had a d«al of ex'Then, next, you tnua^ try to do Por long, she waa CeUa
near her ssd touched our little girl revelation of a sunahlny heart, wa*
p«la.e. U. tlilk. u. IV... ikto wbu'vv’ui
b~i« «. IflUm.,. .Ill
'on. ol .»nv».r lilldM. ib.r ^fl ilu
with gold aod crimson and blue, and ,,ked what happmasa was. After a
»», m, ... .Id lb, oil, tio. 1 h. .Ill Ubfl,™ik»fl loR Olv, bl» . U-b. .IbC, lb,!bkbl„ lb lllU. bvbb, lb,|,b.k,bv,bt. b.fl b™. l^b lb
' meanv deuaiMled Uncle Jack a* he sat back of bis small
mute's reflewlon abe oBerod ttls
niece could -not help thinking what a deflultton: "li'a feriing aa tf yon srunt*
r things to your' lit-


Yonr Snnebloe President «m tell
yon that 1 am right.
I .ball M.00 be away up in north
Mtefalgaa fgaln and may find something new to write abopt.
TIU then 1 moat say
Your* truly.
‘Sonehlna Boy. Br.“

hen he had Anally decided to nave
Iioard haa beeu m> geuf (ally could not g.k
them lor more." So It *a^
wneed that the -hrolara were not
«>»• *“■

a. |n>altole were U» arn tbe i
wblch they wntnbuted.
"And then It will M)en> more
it t.elon.ed to nr,' Tom Rihrr ..Id,
Aoolhee doeetmo that b.d lo 1» .et
iW .u il.le; the ll« .oolJ b.
l>« I'Hf^l on one Mde of the room.
(**:lnfi ellher the girl, or the bey.. It
WM agrofsi (0 put it In front of the


"Well. IH go to work at It, I'll see watered them, and sewed her patch- worn and broken, and bright seau
in can', *« him tochang. hte mind" work beside them, to keep the robtoK and drok. rept^ the batter*^ fur^
ture that
that had
had ^n
been doing
doing torrlc.
service for
Harold's father wa> Pleaeed with away. She
She was—Dwst—aorry.
I shall pick them tonight." she many >e*r*- As the girt* snd hoy*
the boy's earnestnesa. and putting ta
band on hU shoulder aald. -That's said. "There isn't any eietme not to, passed through the main room they
right But don't get discouraged If )i now .Mother Morey * ready.
And to- lingered there toadmire and exclaim.
It slow work Keep at li If* worth morrow * Mr. Sweetwater *go-totha"1 tell .rou we
trying for. and you will find that there city dayi so he can Uke them to the school today." EddieRIker
be added, a* be looked
U a groat'deal of pleasure In undoing market with bis
I. that why .you "and yen
around. "there
trpoor work even-with a bone.
.ni uv. u
Your Presideat heard aoeb a cunseveral day# each lime Harold •Poi In jour dresa. you dear. big. fat thing more .that we
Bins Story tbe other day about a little wmh into tbe garden Thomas Moore Mother Morey? It waa alee In you'
-a flag."
way a*
The last year', atra^berry bed had
"Why. we have a flag." came In a
boy named Rertie. The lUtla fellow guirkly moved oui
IKli bron given over to OlKy for Irae own chorus fro. u number of the othora.
• had a bed way of saying. -T don't though szpeeUng tbe t
it was woody and wtnier-kUled; but
"Toi. H la troa that we have a Bm
cai«.“ One day hli Aual Neil saMpin hut Boihlng was thrown.


r^ly I. route money bclo^ng to
« through tbe window
The chUd realised a truth srtileh
us.t, caw a tJnJ bummlM bird. It went «,»,’-lse people fall to dlroorer.
"Rut It doesn't belong to them 1
“^h, lor EvSn'fLt snd boverod
-------- ---------------U ha» been handed In. does It?'
the pretty Sowers, thrueilng

quired another girl,
Tot wtu never help make the werU
[ bill Into Brat one bloesom f
"According to. Bertha,

'n^fl'bT™ b..'''b;;i'‘'::™;,'rorrb,ir.,s:^".:;: .b«b". k,.i„ b,.bfl .i.


turn«l Carrh
Carrie. No- I am a. .n*U»;). of R* -^o**
tomrtbtog Pro­
for onr slue to -m a. any of you are, course, frigbieoed
win fslrlj and equsrely any way It did not And tbe honey for
t It flew
CouWn'L Sut DM.
1. flo-n'.
<b », .b.1 W, b^v
.«bbj ™
T-nn.,; -innn.,. iflu ~ U.
to Uke advauUge of an acclden
aaM -Grandname
keep the boy* from getcfug ahead.
Siena lu UtUe heart.
—--------: of tbs Inmleal brit north of the
Why. Just think, glru: our flag M an mother -hmi «rolyn told hor^s
omhiem of truth. Cguld
aoo H bo- story aftor aho *«t boma Cmds or. -«»rroet That w« do. _ .

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