Grand Traverse Herald, September 04, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 04, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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FiaiXM WM50I
Fierwer Reeldent of Mabel Died Thie


Fielding Wateon. aged U yeaia.
died at hU home near Mabel thie IN CRASH BETWEEN TWO FAST
■omlng after a long llUei
Wateon is pioneer of tbb secUoa bavlag tired 00 hU tarn near Mabel
for the past halt ceatary. He leavea
wife and aeveml ehadrea. The
foaeral eervlcei wUI be held at 1:00
p. at. from the hoar, at 2:00 p. a.
CNOINt MAWeO THROUOH FOUR a abort errvUe will be beU at the
WllUaashorg church.
Interment will take place at WUUaau.
Company Cleared Up th« Wreckage
t «f Ncw.Havwi IlMd l«
Ageinet Order ef IntanteU CemCrHteM Hr
tffw Wfwha In f
Body UnMentlfled.




Is Charged Prefenwd AgaiMt Boyd
Avenue Man.


Ed Hubert, a Boyd avenoe.resMenL
wae arveeted yesterday by Chief <a
Police Carson and placed in tbe coon
ly JaU. The complaint agalntt him
that of extreme cruelty to chll
dren. It is aUeged that Hubert beat
hts daaghter Katherine, eevea years
of-age. almost Into InseaslMUty with
•tael rimrod. It U probable that a
petition for examination as to sanity
win be made,
l^hen arrested Rnbert was relieved
: a big bowle knife which he carried
with him at all times. He was i
Les Angeles Corperetlen Haa Beei
Faced to Pay Over Mengy in
peeved when the weapon waa taken
Order te Bqva Life ef
away and asked to be given freedom
long enoagh to get hts shotgun.




(By United Press.)
Ann Arbor, Mich., BepL 3.—BaiUe
scarred Indian fighters Who partici­ YOUNG PREACHERS BLAMED FOR
pated In campaigns with Gen. George
Armstrong Caster. U. 8. A., and who
arrived et “Custer's Last.Cund" ds re­
serves too late te have that comkiand
e te Ana Arbor today for the annoal campfire and re-naibn. Less than
200 veterans of the tamons brigade
answered (be roll call today.





More Vitality le Needed In Ye«n
Minisura Who'Take Charge In
Country Districts. Field Is
Lsrgt and Ueeful.

El Paso. Texas.' 8«»L 2.—K. L.
Stepheosoc. vice prestdeat of the PaNew lAvea. SepL 3.—A buss oI
N«w HeVm. Sept S.—Tranied in
mins of two wooden Pullipan cars, a
lomas Land asid Cattle company of
IndisnapoUs, lad.. BepL.
tbdr Hwtte an titer ctept In the old
few ftagaenU of citablone and toheiBonora, arrived here today oa parole Several Meetlnge Were Held and
dredi of rural churches are dead aad
«oo4ca PiAmnu of tbe Bv Harbor
Talks Given Along Several
peru of railroad cars ecsttered over
from Maximo CBstUlos bandit
CAUSED IV FAILURE OF CLARK- nearly fields, and a eurkras crowd
hnndreds more are dying and the
. bpMt nt toMt le pw»
Practical Lines.
after being faeM there two days with
ministers are to blame eaUrwUUed, and nom tban • More
that poked about the ashes for same:
hli ranch superintendenL A. W. Mc­
tr. according te James W. BtreeL of
nortewJr tajnred today when Uie
relic of the dteaner that claimed 33
Cormick. Stephenson was permlUed
beary noctM of tbe White Uonotaln
Mackinaw. IIL. of tbe Rural Church
lives near North Haven, today nurked INTERSTATE COMMISSION STARTS te come to El Paeo to get tbe 210.Aliya. Bept. 2.—The aUalfa >
Bxpreae oMhod wibrooRh the nUl
tbe ecene of the crash between two
ided by the rebel bandlu for paign that wae put on in thte county Department at Bethany Park, Ind. In
qnatad nmnhif of the Nev Torfc. New
exprans trains on the New Vortt. New
the release of the two men.
last week was a success. Trae U did an arUcle written ter the United
' Haven R Hartlord railroad.
Hsvm' a Hartford railroad, in the
not reach as many as It sboold. as Press J. W. street eesthtegly deCormick was held as hostage
Tbe ttalH In contaion were the two PROSECUTOR IB WAITtNO roR hospitals todsy 40 persons Uy malm
y were busy with work on farms DouBces the youag mtelster who geBranlio Heraaadei. CasUllloe aMe.
moat popolar tor New bdaad travri.
ed aad braised ae a result of tbe gi­
and roads, but there were also a Urge eepts a rural palpit merely as a stop­
before he
They were retanlnc to New York,
gantic engine plnnglng through the
iber te the aggregate that becaiue, ping Btooe for a charge te tbe city.
money that If be failed to retara Mc­
heavtly loaded with paaaengera who
antiquated filmay wooden can.
Impreeacd wlUi the Importance of tbo: UIs arUcle follows:
Cormick would he executed.
bad apeni their aanniw vnoatlona at
Identification wae made today of the
eahier Joeemen Intimated Today
This 1s the aecond Ume McCormick
Keif EwUad ra«>rta Ensi------------body of Ur. J. B. Marrin, one of the
(Written fer the United Preee.)
That He Will Plead Guilty When
has beeo held aaii Uw aecoad Ume
Ur of the White Monntain Bapree*
Tbet tbe rural church te deeadsat te
Grought Befere the Circuit
the Palomaa company, a Lo| Angelet.
wan arrenced and held Mr hU acUon
Beside, his body Isy those of hU
Court Monday.
corporation, has bees forced (o pay , Dr. Milford of Lansing, state lead­ H questioned by thuae who have
by tho. coroner.
wife pad daoghter. Jewels vslued
tie Value Placed on Ufa ^
er ofXbe United States farm teteffmw scanned the stream that overflowa
2&.000 for hie .rel<
Aa meat of the iwaaetifem were
ITS,000 were found on tbe dsughteVs
By Rellroeda.
left tbb evening with the nwoey In tion i^ork. and J. P. Zimmer of\Han- into the urban centers of p
Pontiac. Sept. 3.—Rumors were la body.
cUd only Iftthelr ntoht ctothea. tdenUs tbe strength te
Mexican currenry to ransom bb super­ tetee. Ndteulct leader for ten couktles.
cirenUtion today that the family of
fleatloo of the dead u diakaOt
One body today remained unidenti­
thte oounty Tuesday and teld mould the tires of lu people on a
ngton. SopL S —Tlic- woodim intendenL Hb little son. who
,Both unlaa were ninalas U two Ralph Joesman, cashier of the de- fied.
car perils are to be probed by the In- also hdd. escaped and reached the DieeUng^ at .Veuen City and Tbomp- large spiritual idane. Rural comaktlona. and the necond aeeUoo of fnjict CUrkston Bute bank. ioaM
DesfdU an order from Intentete .tersute Commerce commission The
sonvllle with good crowds, and In tbe mnaities ore no longer Imnitine from
the Bar Harter Bapreaa atopped tor nuke good the estimated^ Cgmmerce • Ctwimlssloner hict'bord.
afternoon at Beadon and R. B. Rcy-' modem evflt. The preient for^ of
terrible sacrifice of human life yes­
alna) whoa the White Moon________ shortage caused by Joesman's oon- mbet of tbe traces of the dlaster had
noids’ farm, where alfalfa dab secre-: sin are' now foand amid the most at-.
terday Id tbe latest New Hsven wreck
down apoa it. Hm weather waa foCRT, feased embexsiemenu.
been removed today.
larles were cboeen; then to Lake Ann tractive rural oarronadtega. “Coaaspurred tbe commission' Into arttoo.
aad aooordlac to tho tralaaiaa.
Prosecutor Doty today declared he
f«- the evening Bam Wills ofj^
Tbe commission has todk condemned
la^ are no longer a enrioalty
flaRaaa caao book to ware the While fe waiting for the eute baakfag oontTbomiaonville was with them at
tbe antique wooden ear as a raensee
Hoaatala train of tbe preaeaee of the
OB to ftnsb their Uveetlgatloa
land and s]ioke along practical Unes.
HnadiWds o(
eapreaa ahead. The White Monntain before Ueuiag a warraaL
With legtolatures stirred by tbe most
rural diarcbes are -deed aad other
train ««b omMas at the ipto of 4*
Jeeafian ladieated today that
recent ealattropbe which was directly
nlle* an boar.
would waive exaralnatlon in JusUce
and add humoa.
traceable to the use of such equlp-i
Tbe nanacanMBt of tbe New Haveo court and plead guUty la the clroalt
rause thSPTS te no want or desire for
On Wedneeday Dr. Mumford went
nient and expectation that congreas'
A Hartford U acrerely crll|etMd bo- court, when the September term
te Traverse City. whUe Hr. Zteungr tbe serrices rural Marches ml^
would—abortly prohibit its furtber;
eaoae of ita eUvcnth dlaaainm wreck opeas Monday.
aad E. H. AJlyn went to Honor, Beu- render that so many are dead. It M
use the commission todny propared
wlthU the paot twp yean. That toMETHOD^
lab and poteu around; Bpeechea'-ere ’rlgl^tod
gather all available Information.
day'a wreck waa the moat eerloaa of
made Wednewtey afternoon at Bden,“
vnmtTheir first action was to wire tbe
all waa reflected oa the atock es
Bcboolbouse. at Rices mill and Jamesj ^ tor*e« slngls Uem te shaping
Pullman company st CUilcago requeatchance when New Haven tUxk drop­
er, Author of Meas­ Crawford's term sad te tbe evsoteg at ****
*• ***
Ing a detailed sutement of the num­
ped three polnte.
ure. Predicte Public OwTterehlp of
the Bliss scboolbouse te fair crowds. ■*«>•»«••
Tbe New Tort. New Havea A Hart­
ber of wood and steel cars the com­
and organises the oosgregatloB. He te
Street Railways Throughout
WHEN TENEMENT HOUSE IN DUSBoll testing demoosljuions
pany now has in service, how j
ford railroad offlcera Uaaod a atateCountry in Near Future.
ducted at each place -by B. H. Altyn called (0 direct Ito woken In thdr
'kinds of each are In process of con­
awat darlnc tho nsmlac adralttiac
efforts te bring ‘nhe i^wdom of God
alter tbe addles by Hr. S
that U hodiea had been taken from
struction. and ovw which road woodWarhiugten. BepL 2.—Moalciiial ^ toqnd that most soU was add amoag msa." He Is clvea faV ehatga
COMBINATfON MUST BE CRUSHED n cars are now run. A wooden sleep­
the wroaL Twenty were injnred. It
needed lime, but as it te cheap of the work. Hte time Is hte to bo
waa atated..
ing oar cosu tlS.bOO while a steel Ingtea. alijker by entrlghl
tbe cost wIU not be
much. One nsed as he directs. Seldom does hte
Structure at Time ef DisaMer."
The Bar Harbor Bzprena
car costs f2S4>M. By making up the condemnation. U provided te a bill In- farmer lotonds te get hte through people quesOoa the ase he makes o(
aoUd Pallman train of 11 cars and
Bar Harbor express of seven wooden troduced in the bouse today by,Rep­
iWISJ • __

■ holes rat tbrongh the Ice ^ a lake tL The people have confidence la
Blit Ooeieres That Under Present Sye- cars, the New Haven railroad saved
the two rear cars were reduced to
resentative Crorstf. of .Ohio. In cv- near by next winter. One stated that him and trnxt him la all church matDuhUa,
Um. Reading Read Will In Tims
kUdllns wood. The third car from
ft20.S(W in equipment on one train Idalnlng tbe measure, cresser predlct- he would getw carload of the raw
ten. They usuelly pay him a terger
tho end ajdlt ia two aad the endae of worktog franUcally today la the rulos
Control Every Ton of
il ownership of street rail hoaate liras crushed at hte farm need­ ttXary than any member of hte cobthe White Moantein EspreM plowed of two street tenemeau
Anthracite Ceal.
the Ualted States 1a ed it an.
gragaUoB receivee. Botwltbstandlng
to the middle of the foarth ear from last night Tbe death. lUt it U be­
the near future.
the great furore ragardteg the low
^ the end. Moat of tbe dead were in the
salaries tor mteteters. The h«es of .
ipled the booees which collapsed
two rear coachea.
Denver, Bept.
2.~The ftrat
PhUsdelphla. BepL 2.the commuBlly are opes te hUn. XvThe wreck oocnrred at <;4S between withont warning.
"Munidpal Spoonery" In tbe oouoteBKit to smash the aalbrecUe coal
ery offlcw of tbe ehorch haa a right
Wallincford and North Haven. Conn.
Orrdk open for busineas today.
trust was started in the federal
to look te him for help in dlraetfog
Most of tbe paneiBceri were in tbelr
That U the_ name of the yontb
this afternoon when the goveniinenl
Jamas Harris Has Orouni' R
KNOWN tbe work of tbe ebarok. Bow has kn
berths wlMa the eiaih eaate. Some
d a civil dlsaoMUon under iheSbelL • of the city have already given to
Breaking FlsM.
acted aader snch clrcaateteaeas?
bodies were picked up SO feet ,froi
a Uw. 'Tbe 'Reeding Byatem." rallthe Neighborhood House establish­
.From a careful tevesHgatloor ot
the tracks. Phyaidans amoas th
reed coal produclag sad anbeldlary: ed by the city park board in coomaay caaee it has been estahltebed
passencera led the rearstlai parties, WHEN TRAINS ON ENGLISH RAIL- rail and coal corporations are eluckA vUit was mafle ysstenlay t
necUoD with the- municipal play­
that nearly erery man who has •»
end deed, dying aad Infnrnd Were
' The bill declares that uni
grounds at Elyria, a Denver enb- *. sevenarre oornfield of James Harris,
Hs Aceemplished Almost Imeepted a esU te a roral church does
loaded Into troUey earn whlcli
lust west of tbe dty. Sercral atallu
combination U smashed the Reading
urb. Hereafter, under municipal
alongalde tbe track and taken to New

possiWs Feats.
so oBly as a stepping steoe to' city
' rat that meosared IS feet 2%
will In Ume "control every
regulations, young lovers may hill
work. He has been Imhoed w^k the
locbes above the roots. The average
commerclany valuable anthracite coal, and coo to their hearts 'oontenL
Idea that only beginaen aad brokas In Wreckage Which Took
kaowa to exUL"
The otliclai "spooustress*- will
ten feet Hr. Harris has te a measure
down . fallnm find a plaea la 4he
- _
be Mrs. J. M. Blsley. msteon of
serTtoe. Be bellwet that tbe
solved tbe eeonomlc lids of aflo Bllteg Jamee Reid, the veteraa wrecking
tbe NMgbborbood House. She
lastorof the Greet Ukea. was today
mea and the stneg mea always
xses cne team, two sragoas SBil
GarUale, Eng. SepL 2.—Twelve perwill act as officlil chaperon, offi­
„ uittfflstely te the dty safl that be
two oMo. Hte two slloe will hold 120 taken from tbe Dearbora saaltartum • go
Little Work Would Greatly Seneft eons were killed aad tea eerioasly Incial advisor and first aid to rapid
will soon ga Thte tdaa resalto la
the Paninaote.
lured today, when the Mancheater exfor tbe young women who fre­
third •ennpai that small ef tbs road and
come from thte .field. This qtmntity Reid died last alittit foUowiag
preee on the MMdIaad railway tele­ BPAMBH WAR VETERANS A*
quent tbe boose. A mere man. who
wiu feed bis herd of eight heed of Jer strobe of paralysis. He had bees te rash of tbe city. They are newerad
scoped the nxmdon expreet
One of the Uctest needs that Tn
has not yet been eriected, sdli
for weeks. with the city wportanity aad ite task.
fie>' catUe until August of next yter.
ere* CtU' hae t» the drive don the Haws -Junction.
be on hand later te advise the
One man rate the corn, loads U on CapL Reid 1a hU long years of
They aro
with the dty seeds
peninsula for the eatertalalag of the were buraed to death.
Three Hundred Veterane from This
youthful swains.
the wagon and hante It to the sUo. rice as a wrecker oo the lakes
nod tu sina. Hs seas ao local obaer<
‘ many aureiner people who come to tbtf
State Will Be at Big
Each week during tbe winter
where the gasoline engine te stationed, Ubllshed ^ himself a natten-wlde vabOB except to preach eome sermons
dty. This ehoold be gtvea the proper
the Elyria Taxparera Improve- ‘ taking bark tbe empty wagon. Tbe
^or foau of daring.
that he expects to use later ta hte
atientlon. aad hardly a thtag U lack­
ment aeaoebtlon will give a dance ' aecoad man operatee.the eaglae. col­
ing for the enlyomem of ^ trip aAi
dty eburch. He resda ao books
DetralL Mtdh.. SepL 2.-^Neariy
for tbe benefit of the young men ' ter and the flllteg tabs for the alia
the vtew of tbe beenUful aoeasar? and Chief Careen OM Seme Very Effective 200 Michigan vrteraas of the Spanish
ospt thene th^ deal with the dty atrof the neighborhood and to ru^ ' Uanally several men are required
ersharda except tbe toada These
war left here today for Boffalo to at- •' ther Uw good causq. Each week ' do an eenal amonal of work.
could be improred u a great many
Ask fata aboat the preMsus M hte
-k. national convention of tbe
the Neighborhood Motbere' clnh ‘
cases and as tbe
(Coatlaaed on page foree.)
Varoaaa Reecehka. d youag Udy
will transform the neighborhood ■
did not carry It wui be up ta the
who iiv^ near the dty. dropped
B eonsidarably

Menu along the wa> to do what they
twelve dollars on tbe pidewalk
reduced heeause of tbe tact that many

(wa. AtthemeetUgof thepoeUMi
F*ront etreec Thoreday night. She of tbe War yeterana are bow doing
This M the principal bualaees ■ «oppor Range Railway Now Two Cent New York Offlciete Prodict Hte Land­
last week It was raggested that a
to notkwher loss lor ■
strike duty In the copper sone
of the new •ctgfaborfaood—to pro- ■
ing Back in Matteawan
committee be formed to act with a
Bay City Girl Played a Oangerone
Ufflt and after notldng
she waited Qorthem Midilgan.
vide a retpectable place where '
Uke namber from the resideou oa the
two days before reporting To tte poSuEaio
yoaog folk may gather In tbe •
pentnsuU to derUe ways -to do thte. A
(By ualted Press.)
Uee. Chief Carson was asked to tUd entertain d.OOO or more veterans from
evenings aad be under proper •
number sUted that they were ready
Bay City. Bepc 3.—Maklag believe
Bet it te not the • the Oopper Raage railway today aoto don overalls and shoulder shovels the money for her and be at cnee set all parts of the oountry durtag the
that aha was the berolae ta aa emo• only bnalaeas. Duilug . the winand bees aad have a big road repal^ out OB the aearch. Attar fiadiag that week of the coavesUoa.
riflod tbe state railroad eommb
of Harry Thaw fraa Jail on the tloaal “nteile'’ drama aad that the
roar farmer Michigan Department • ter. alifot classes ta sewlag. doIng bee. There are many plaew that she had dropped the money while buy­
wrH of habeas corpus tenied oa be­
beteg “saspited’' by the openter
• mesUc adence aad manual trate_
could be tooked after and these bad
a of Nh^laan-s half of Chief of PbUce £
while makteg a daring escape tiw a
distrleu ba pat ta good eondittoa- eon who bad seas coe df a gronp of commaader, auide the trip to the
%two^t-fa^w. Its earnings bariail errested the prieoaer following hte c«- ;“bl(iebsanl's' tower. Stea Boecoe. the
ventlon. MaJ. A. U. Oaaaaer, of Bay
Jotot actUo of thU kind would do three sromen pick up eometblag';
Tbe w^ beteg ^ here te •'ronohed the lUfida-mOe mark spedtrom Matteawan. Immigration
of Mr. B. RoKioa.
wonders aad the huinaee then are la the particular popcorn atgad where City, the prae
• BoreorMMofaB.4«partmeataBd •
officiate to an antemobUe ouutde
fell from a rope on which she waa
eerneet fa
movement and are will. Che awney had been dropped,
among thane who were forced to ot- • as atwh te belag dandy watdsed. •
room immediately took charge loarerlag herself trota a aeooad Mory
then bunted np the women aad after tala leave of abseace from atrtky • If the ptea stMceeds tt te axpectad •
- lag to gat to work at aay time.
MAU LANDOfc. K. J.-Jamas MB- of Thaw and the party set onl at full window of her homo ben today. Bar
Queetloialng two ot them nnstiy foaad doty. ‘Ae former oommander* attend­ • that « slnOter Ndghborbood • ler and hte toa-^eorwld sob wers tispeed la the dlrectton of Coatiewok.
rax eo badly brokaa that tha hose
Herbert CMutagham speat Ubor
with the moaey. She at ing were Fred R. SehatelsriedL Bsw- • win be estabBabed by the 'park •.stanUy kilted when an express trate
New York state officiate. foUowlag
■aded from the akia. -Tbe gtH
Day In Ibe dty wtth Meads. returaUg first denied haring fouad It bat after ry Wv Bamdi aad John CoBsUtae, aB ■ Beard ta. other ancUoas of tho * atro^ a wagon ta which they
the cswrfi raliag, announeed the be­ had a tall of ahoat 20 feet, the rope
to bU home la Crmnd Rapids
prodnred the of ItetrolL and W. G. Ward, of-Rig
• erosalv the Went Jersey A Rsathors lief that Thaw woold be safely hafk girteg way when she was half way
— twelve doUara.
• ••s**^....ese«.s. e a^ctrle BaUwiy. near HeKes City.
"ttteawan wUhia 24 honra. -





puaMAR mm












ffilOlffi lUURSI


r*____ _________________ P«»***« »*»*



unBW I rsfcrw j^nua tui u »m uw eondittoo the«

bound to be trouble and tbe eountry
wui bo tto weaker tor straylM away
prindplaa of
atatacnfL Tbe boaviast burdan that
• etty. MMstgu. br
Ua pao^q of the Bsropean nationt
have to bear is that of eanylng tho
aao. O. BATES, MmwhIbi lauar. amiss and navies, and it tbe present
W. A. OSaON, BdUor.
program la cootlnued for many more
yaart tbe people will be literally tax­
_ ..jmMmm mat
ed out of tbe countries wad wUl have
INS. at tha poatoBiM at .. seek rafue Ip nevof lands wbaro
“ Web.
-........................ Act of
.Travam City.
tbe war habit baa not been ao thor­
OMSM «< MV* A b
oughly formed and ralUvatad as It Is
In Europe, file Buropeau.natlons arej
Otpm, IN rrMt St.
taring a erisU la tbb diroctlon and
tbe srladom of tbelr aUteamen win
have to be drawn upon very soon for
aolntloa of the question that mean*
sTktm BMtka............. 40e la advaaca Ufa and death to tboae wbo are ab
ready ovartmrdaned.

Eraetad to



Tkar* la a vldeapn
city caa be built and t
•poradle bvnU of antba^m by tbe
lohaMtanU In. aome parUcnlar dlret^
Hon. at j>artoda when tbe aplrit move',
aad that oosUnnoos writ In a eartaln
direction la not nacaaaary. A Audy
of tba talMory of Bucefaarnl citiea
•bowa that Hwy have been made whai
they are by tbe conttant aBoria of
tbatr jMtrtoUc clUxena. In aaaaon and
ont. wltb a certain veil defined object
In n*w. Conatant work will brine
dbont tba reavUc dealred by tbe penpie. bnt It U neceaaary for tbrm to
know that no vaoulona are allowea
In city bvUdIne on account of tbe lUbDUy of loalnc all the eroond that baa
been ealned. One of tbe raaaona that
rofonn moaamenU are Ineffective a»
pemanent civic reeaneratore Is that
after tbe beat of tbe eampaicn la orar
and temporary reanlla bare been otk
talned tbe workers M wrtafied to
alt back and take a lime raet. and dnr
Ink thla time tbe evD baa a chance to
efrout op aenlir and take a b«Uer bold
' than It bad before. Iritb tba reeult
that tbe eonditiona have \o be toUrated or elaa tbe work baa to be all
cone over aca^

ditlona apply to making •
Aty. Vtlien a city uket on a^
KTowtb there ia a reaaon. and!
eon la alsraya found in tbe S
nad ability of tbe citiiena
tbinca moving In tbe right f^«ctl
BaUding a diy means that
' are engaged In tbe work of Btastructlon mntt be ceaseless wortaa pnd
never take to heart tempnnrrBafeal
which are liable to bejnet «1tb In the
work In hand. Hiy building Is
fad. but a doty that eeocy^lUaen
sbonld fee) and pramtan, ntf'Vati
bow hnmble bla poettlon In 1^ may
be. A dty iy not buUt In a day. bnt
ill a aucresslon of days arork In which
Ibe worker follows a dired line of
prograaa from which he mnkea no derlation. Being a dtlsen means more
than residing In a certain pUca.
means constant tdlon to better tbe
place where tWa residence Is be!<;
'wlihoal hope of fifiandal reward oth­
er than comas to all who lire In a live
and progreaalve community.

Many ciilea tbrougboot tba country
ar« boastlDg of tbe Increase In popu­
lation that la abown by Ibe figures in
their new dty directories wbicb are
Just being Issued. ThU condition
ihows that- the trend of populatloo Is
atm in tbe direction of tbe cities at
tbe expeaaa of the country dlatrlcta.
on^hile good for advertising
purpMCs for\tbe clUea, means a great
deal to tbe producing end of tbe food
supply of tbe country. As the i«oputa*
lion moves to tbe dlr<Hiiou of tbe cit­
ies it moans that there will be more
non-producers to feed, and a reauluat
rise In the prloea of all food coroiDodltlea. It also meats that ibe cfforu that are being directed aleiii;
lines that will educate tbe farmers to
produce more upon tbelr lend Is t
well grounded wort Ind deserves tl'c
support of all wbo are In a porit'ion
help tbe camiwlgn along. There is
ample Und In tbe United States to
produce all Iba foodstuffs tliat are re­
quired. no matter how large t>c pop­
ulation of the cltlet becomes, but in
order to produce Ibis ipaleria) to c'.erl
increasing demand, new
nielliods win have to be adopted in^
the p:-o<iiiriDg and marketing branch­
es of tba bnslneaa. Tba help factor
Is another phase of tbe question to be
conaldercd. for unless tbe ^miers are
able to secure enough people to barreat tbe crops they raise they* yu
be little gained in the Increased pro­
duction of tbe farma ^Too many peo­
ple who herd Into the cities would
sooner starve in town than get out
working on
aboHage hi
help along tbe linen that are tbe most
esaenlla’ to the welfare of tbe nation,
and developa a problem that will ba>*e
to be solved In order to snppb' the cit­
ies wltb the amount of material to
feed tbelr teeming populations. As
the titles grow larger tbelr problems
grow more complex, especially ni
limes 'when work Is slack and wages
low. which fitustlon. heconiea
queaUon to few for. rather than lo
boast of when tbo I'lopulatloa In­
creases are abown In tbe various centbat are Ukra.


GoTemmeat officials In AuatrlaBungary are very much wrougbt np
over tbe tact that there are
enongb yoong men left in the eoontry
to fill np tbe Birny corps that have
been tnereaaad beoansa of rumors of
possible war In tbe aasL In that
obnntry military aerrlee la compulsory
and tbe only way It can be evaded la
to leave tbe ooanti7 and forget to re­
turn.' The young Austrians and'Hungartans have left tbelr homes In tbouaands to make their fortnnea on tMi
aide of the water and they have also
refuted to return and serve their time
In tbe army when requested U
BO by their hone government. Tbts
is a poor recommendation for Audrla.
but It la tbe logical consequence that
follows tbe admluistratlon of a gov­
ernment like that whldi guides the
destinies of these two nations. Tbt.
> government of AuMria-Hungary does
nothing for lu subjecu. while oi
dbar band tba tubJecU are expected
to do ererytbing for tbd government.
Wltb eondltlons of this nature pre­
vailing it Is DO wonder that ttye young
men of tlTe nmlea are ao.anxious to
gat ont of the country In order to
avoid giving several of tbelr best
years In an effort'^ more firmly eaUbliab tbe system that baa cost the
reetdenti of that ooantry (heir liber
ly as we|l at tbe bulk of tbelr prop­
erty. Any government in order to bo
atitmg must have a perimial Interest

To admirwir to lova, to to
live.asid a grastwritar. Da not 1st the
isgrsl ba br^bt on by a cough or cold,
s^ak if traatod wbao it first ^ipaaied
would have eadytwaa eontnOad. Mtasb



This Is the day that marks tho be
ginnlng,or the troubles of tbe at eruge
small boy who bad to begin anew his
duties as a student -tb the puIJIc
sebooU of the Und. Th^ k'Dg vacs:'
tion has ended and now comos the
real work wbicb sriU coatlnoa srilb an
occasional short Intarrupjioa until
next June. The school question U one
of tba Uve problama that tbe nation
Is facing, tor it la the moai
gnd at Ibe same time the most expen­
sive of our national actlriiles. The
ry school Uws that
effect In nearly all the sUtes have
brought about conditions which
In lUBny-localltlea sUrtling In tbelr
Tbe large attendsnee In
the ciUes baa crowded tbe boosing fa^llUes to the limit, and In New Tork
Ci«- akwe there are today KKi.OOO

stands to reason that In order to «ecure an education that U worth while
ampU UclUUaa must be- provided for
Ptoperiy bonaing the cbildnn wbo are
rampallad to nttaud'acbaol, bnt with
the rapid growth of tbe dtles taemties have not bean provldad
sebooU for keeping pace with tbe nnmerical and Indnstrial growth of many
of the leading cities of tbe country.
Tbe result of Ibeae tmadltlons U that
the publle school U In many cities
faiJing to come np to the aUndard of
effldeney reqalfcd by Uw. and radi
changes must be mnde In tbe bonsi
system for pnpila before tbe denlrcO
reaulu can 'be obtained- Tbe rnbllc
ecbool is the greet cause of progress
In tbe United Btatea and nothing
sbenM be allowed to latarfsre with
lu effkdency. no matter what the cost
lo tbe people may be. Good schools
mean good diltens. and good dtlseos
are a prime requlslle In every land
where tbe people have MenSa and ambklont that are morth while.

KretUn s Trnf
Tbe government la going after tbe
antbradte coal trust to ee It Ita dia>
aoluUoa cannot be necompUabed la
time lo save tbe people of tbe oonnUy
from an octopus, that ou account of
controlling on of the moat eaeenttal
prodocts of tbe earth would In tbe
coune of time work a great taatdablp
on the eoatnaer. Tbe Beading eompaoy agatan wU<t th« i>rlBolpal fit-

rnUB KWntpll

pgEewing Ttwlp Own Idaas A

'While Mv^ man nCm tBtai»


Only OM-ThIrd of BU
Use ere A the New.
•teel Type.


Uck has been directed at the present
iupa controls 63 per cent of all tbe
anibracUe coal In the country and la
mariCetlng 30'per cent, of the unual supply and It amnethlng la not
done to break the powdr of tbe com­
pany It Is only a quasUqn of tl|.e
when »■ win control tbe entire output
of the country. Nine Individuals reprwentlng tbts number of oompanlet
are made defdadanu by tbe govern:
L In tbe complaint. U has tfcen
Dotoriooi fact for aome time that tbo
hard coal supply of tbe country baa
manipulated In such a manner
as to Increase the proflU of this con­
cern. srtille tbe people have been compelled to pay the bUU without any
hope of relief. Tbe people'are willing
to day a fair price for Oielr -Jiard
coat, bnt they do object to being
robbed In tbe manner that the •
panlet have followed during tbe past
few yeara. Tbe local coal dealers
are Just as much at the mere}- of tbe
trust as the people, for they are <
pcled to pUce tbelr order# at a cer­
tain Ume and at-a certain price and
Uke Uie grades Of coal that are stip­
ulated by the trust Tbit practice
might have been tolerated beck In
tbe middle ages when tbe peoide had
nothing lo saj- about the affaire of
government bnt In these days of per­
sonal and poIiUcsl freedom (t should
difficult matter to make the peopK- submit to IhU kind of treAmeuL
Tbe government may bP able to check
eentraJIslng of the coal supply In
the hands of this one company and
iota competition In tbe bnainoM.
and if thla Is done the people will be
greatly benefited by the sulu that
bsve.been atarted. It is boptd that
the government will win ont In tba
attempt to force tbe coal barons from
their position and gain a point
favor of tbe consumer

Active Work Under Way Throughout
This Region.

Paruicrs deshiug copies of
Mtchigan Hanifal containing inioruiatlon tcaardlng ihe state can ohirln
tbo rame without eharge^y calllur
atlthe offle* of ihe W—l*^in .Michi­
gan Dcveloproeni bureau ‘n the S'aie
Bauk building. This Manual contains
the constitution of the fnlied SUtes.
the constitution of the Asic of .MirhP
election sutlnles tor tbe i«si ten
years and a vast amount of Intormallon regarding Mirbigao public tnsUtutJons.
One of tbe Western Michigan Uevelopiuent bureau ithotograpbcrs v>slied tbe Hillrreat orchard proimsUlon
In Benxle county on the first lust, and
secured a series of pbocogrs|ih<i whk-h
of lotcreA at the present time.
This orchard company has M-r~«ut
trees which It secured iu Orx-i^n
baa empiofoci a western task ai
thard engineer.
Frank It. Haucock of f>ankfort. one
of the Uenxic couniy directors of the
Western .Michigan Develoiunent
. was a recent visitor at ihi
flee of the bureau. Mr. Hancock relK>ns that tbe Frankfort section is
getting to the front tnneb more rap­
idly than in tbe i«M and ibat the out
look'on tbe whole is very encoura^*
TbU Is the week of tbe WeA MichIgan 9taie T2r in Grand Baplda. aad
as Boon na tbU fair Is out of tbe way
tbs oexl ituportant event in wMte.*n
Ulchigns history will be the Grand
Traverse RegUm titr at TTraerte City,
Sept. S3 ttt 26. AAde from the Grand
Rapids fair the Grand Tra^ene Utr
will probably have tbe beet showing
of fruit of any of tbe man.v fairs in
tbe region this year. A number of
tbe big fruit growese In Grand Tiavend l.eelanan oonntlva ark al-

(By rmted Prrae.)
Chicago. Sept. 3.—Steel Pullman
cara are being ablpped to railroads as
rapidly as they can be produced, bul
tbe capacity A tbe Pullman pUnl te
greaUy exceeded by the demand for
meet care. This was tbe eratament
made to the Unlied Frees today at the
Pnllman company otioee. 1%# eompany^ateted that 3.000 steA can bad
furnUhed railroads In the last
three yeara Tbe remaining 4,000 in
operation are wooden.


WardnII Went
Twenty CnmpalgfM.

SeaUle. Wash, SepL 8.—Twy few
men la tbe United Butea today
the distinction of having voted for
twenty preeldenu of the United
SUtes. One A tbe few—If not tbe
only man Aivo today—wbo bAds ibis
booA, ia Thomas Wardall, who today
celebrated bis kloeAghtb birthday.
Wardall was born during tbe presi­
dency A James Madison and earn bU
first YOU fOT W'DIiam Henry Harri­
son In 1836. Slnoe that time Wardall
^ voted In every presidential elec­
tion. He bes always uken the llvetlInterest In natlooal hnl local pAltlca Attending tba birthday celebratlon were ten members A tbe Bor­
rowed Time club wbora ages aggre­
gate 804 yeara






Rev. l-'rancae H. Leslie, passed
Ibrougb tbe dty this morning U
borne In Nortbport, from tbe mtmioD
flAds A Turkey. Rev. Leslie
been under tbe direction of
American Board for' tbe past
yeara and la locked at Ourta. Turkey.
There arc six Americans at this tuiiSion, among tbem being Mias Bow
man of Peloskey. Tbis field baa been
brought more to tbe notice A Ulcbigan than most of Turkey by the roatbat nearly aU tbe mlaaion
from this state are in tbis regioA
Leslie's knowledge of tbe i>oUtIcaL war and religious sliuaUons of
this part A Sie war ridden Europe
shows bow closely be has studied tbs
situation While he has only beet. In
this sution less than a year
ipeaks (ho Turkish Isnguage very
well. It U eboolAely necessary i
this for there are but s dosen in this
city dr Ourfa. A Uiooo people wbo
undenUod IkigUsb. Rev. Leslie-wlll
remAn her* about two weeks and
then the Anoriean board has arranged
a series of lectures for him to
give In tbe sUtes of Minnesota. MonUna. Oregon and Washington, and
e A the larger cities of tbe Cana­
dian Northwest
He will return
bis foreign home during tbe year.
Card of Thanka
Wc. the un.leralgned, desire
tbank the friends and neighbors for
their klndlr aasslianco during the
and death of our beloved
... _... .......
W, Burgess.
Mrs Tors Tucker.
Mra. Moee HAIWL
Mra Lottie Wegner..^
Miss DeUU Burgees.
Mr. Perry Burgees.
Mra. vtrl Meyera
I 4 lt«'

It .U os tbeee oeoeakna
ate tbAr wedSlogB
and funerals. Tbe revArisn last only
about tea days, bat many mnrflagee
take -plane bstwesa eonplee wbo pavbnpa have never met prevloasty'As soon as a Lapp can afford to
boy enough ralndeer for blmasU he
leavae tbe paraatal tent, Ukea a wife
away wherever ble beert
There are
BO soeUl dMUaeUtma la Iwplaad.
have so raladeer, or
poaalWr have kwt wtet be bad. be
travels wli'j a rich ana and belpa
btm tend tbe herd, bnt be Uvea a»d
feeds wltb tbem In tbe aame tout and
Is qnite <m a aoelal equality, until be
afford to eurt off wltb bla own

Trooper Had Grad Reaaea for Altowlitg Heree to Go Wttbewt RepuUr RquIpmawL
Thera were few bones MR In tbe
Uvery elable A e eartaln middle Jeriwn wbm tbe Meal eavairr compeny went out for maneavera. In tacL
bad gene oet A
buslneas tor tbe Ume betaig In ordmthat tbe cnralxymea ml^t have
Trooper Brlgbt'was on a etahd
metb-eeton ereatan ever -eaea on a
parade ground.
-Say, BrtgbL- eA4|,a oampanloa. ti­
nt be bad recovered from tbe fint
aboek. "what la that yen'ra ce?*
•That's s borae.- aatd Bright not
A Al brightly.

“WAL ni Uke roar weed te tt."

replied the Aber.
TUd poo ksow
Utet he'd cast a sboer
'-Wby didn't you stop cC A tka
garage end get him abodr
-Would have, but I didn't think be
coold carry more than three aboaa.—Piew Tort EvaBlng Peat

STATE OF_________
cni( Court for tbe Coonty A Oraad
(By BiKed Prana.)
Colorado Springy Colo.. SepL 3.-

by tbe Cte and Anpaboe Indians in
1668 was dedicated here today by tbe
Pioaeen of Plke e Peak ragkm.
ceremony was part.of the Shan KIve
celebration wbicb began yeeterday.
On tbe spot where tbe
curved now' sunds a bueL
tboae wbo pertlcipetod in tbe dedleatloe ceremontee were three men. who.
as boya, eeeaped death during tbs
iiacre by biding under tbe bodies
A Ibe slain. Tbe Sban »ve cele­
bration Aoeee tomorrow nt^bt with a

Pardee UsslBess Exehu|e
SUto Rank BAMing.

Get their list of profiertiet
with owner's addresses, or
proposition to sail your

lard H. CnmpbAl and wife. BgteUa.
Otvld R. Campbell alngle. aad WaL lace O. GampbeD and brtfe, tmnra. aS
of Oraad Travarpe county. MteUgaa.
to Martha Matbesra.
new Martha
Campbell of aald ptace, wblcR sAd
mortgage was raeordad Ih tbe otfioa
8t cost of $25.
tbe oounse ia Uber 87 A
Mot________ page 33L
o tbe
36th '
1611 A 2:lfi
Improved tame. H. C. OavM. 311 day A May. A. D..
Btato Baak Bldg. Tiiverae Cttj.
^ ST doe on raid mortgage A tbe data
.. this aetlee te Bie gam A tnor bandred nad aevaityfive and fS-lM dob
-..................................|Ad tba
tad tea
abd MM dollara taxraI paid OB tba
laiaraA tfaer«A fifUM dA-

Funs or Basteese




aaMBA claimed to be uipeld A aAd
mortme la tbe gum A six baadred
and one aad 7d«0 dAlaia. and no
sAt or procaedlnga bavtag baaa Im
Btitotod A tow to recover tbe debt


power A nato eontAnad ta nald amtV
_______ should be A modern
deeign. built A moei durable
materials and artlsttaally flnlAwd. Ton win find oaly sack
at the works of
Travtne City. MIcta.
331 Bay 8L
Beth Phm

en tbA by vlrtaa A eBi powor A
Sale and In pnanaora'A the atatsta
aurb case mode aad provUad. tta
Id taorirage «m be toeecloeed by .a
sale A tba weartora thereto deeeffbed. A pnbltc eoctlaa to tbe highest
bidder A the troat door A tbe coart
bouee in tbs city A Travstra aty.
county of
A Graad
(HAid Tinfraee
ILViN R GRUBER. FunarA Dtreeter to
Ea said
and Embalmer, 313 South TTnloB St the sixth day A October next. A ten
Mra. Nellie Pratt, aratstoat Clta. . ..oek In the toranoan A tbst day.
wbiAt sAd rrninlirs ate deacribA la



Pnrd A Thankn.

»gr XiftaN fibd OkUArm

thkAu to the unlghnmi nkfi aO drar
frtoads who aeAA^ ta eartag for my

nortbweat fracilonA quarter <
Uem Seven A Town T^venty-Ax. north
A Range Etovea Went nad toe
BAtbeaet quarter A tba noftbrart
quarter A Beettoo TwAve. to Towa
TweatyAx. math A Range Twelve
WeeL in tbe county of Oraad Trtv«ae and State A Hlebigan.
DAA tbe m day A July. A- D-,
^Martha GaapbaB nee^^MAbowa.


FARM BARGAIN.80 acres, sontb Ig. southrast V. sec­
tion 18. Fife l.ake townAilt). & miles
east A Rl^mley: good lafld. aU clear­
ed: nice bttOdlngs. Price |1.600.«o.
BAIdlnga akme worth l3.0M.d0. 40
acrac. sontbweet- U of southeast HsecUtOD 10. Acme (ownablp. 6 miles
east of TravAee Ctty: Aaared. good
Und. Price |8d0. See U. W. Under
wood. Traverse CiU'. write P. Ruw
LANSING, Mich.—Captain McCor eelL MoffAt Blk.. Detroit, aad do it
mkk and 80 members A BAUry A
started for CalomA tonlghL Tbe n^
UUerymen were recalled to the itrlke
district for police duly.
MUs Hsbel Esther'Bnrgeas was
born March 1. IMl. at Lake Ann.
MIcb. Died Aiunst N. 1618 A EmAra. LoAsnaa eoaaV- MIAA She
leavae a father, metbar. eight steters
and three brothers to mourn bar loss.
Mra Oora Tmiker A OeaceaL JUAl.
Mra Mora HaUatt CbapUa, Bask. Ca.
nada, Mra. Virt Myers eaj DsUU Bur­
gess A Poauwli. Ml^. Mra. ImtUe
Wagner. Oread BapMs. JMcR. Mr
Perry Burgas A Traverse Citr. Mlcb.
and Jaswa. BtbeL HarAd.GMdye and
Clare at boaa
We all axtMid oar aydpathy
tba baraarad onec.

Complalnant's RoUt
« 7. 14. 21. 28.
Wbanaa defaatt baa bew made la

Traverse Qly, Anch.

New Way A Prseerving Cpga
L new way of praeervlag eggs has T—Ifc Ei.UmUe< AtEBhrtB
ly WtthMl\PalM
SB practiced In Bavaria reesnUy
By tbe -Kaotor- method I am r»
wbicb U sAd to ba eetUrsetarT. The
eggs are pUced In water A a toaraera- move tboae >chi«g toatb abaolat^
tnra A about 68 degraee fiw a qaaner wltboA pain, aad wltboA tba ran df
A an hour. Tbea they are pet on a
naL held for fivq aeconda In boning with weak bsarts win I
water, and then, as quickly as poaA Pi
AHe. removed lato nold water. Tba
eggs. sUU weL era laid on a cMaa
ctetb and allowed to dry by eapoaure
to Ibe air. They must aA be dried 'iSth; itaverU;'^. iOrbim
off wttb a Aotb or towel Vbra tbsy
are dry they ara paekad in a bna with
braa and ground peaL Tbe box la
starad la a eoA placa. oat A nacb A
trcaC Ena tbaa prraewid la Jnne
w«e found to be perfectly Oeah next

MarA-—Upto^MU rarBlng.

8At pending tn tbe ClrcAt Coart
for tbe County of Grand Traverae la
Chancery, ei
A Travss
iraverne v
SUt day of July. A. D, I._.
In tbU rause it at^eeriBg from Afidsvit on file, that tbe dAeadaaL Wilford E. Betey. U not a rsAdeot of Uis
state, bat resMee atOi'aneoevA'. BritUb Cotnmhla. Caaa^ pa moCMa A
(Yed H. PratL cotfiMalnam's edldtor.
It Is ordered that the sAd dAwdaaC

mouths from tbe date A this wder.
and In ease of bla appearance that ba
cause hit answer t
ant's Mil A compUint to be flMd. •
a copy thereof-to U served on seto
complainant's solicitor, within RfUea
days afier service oe him of n copy
said bill,and
aad that, In default
thereof. saM bttl
Hiss Carey, trimmer for Mra W. 6. be token ns
by tbe raid aga­
Lawrence, has returned to tbe city aftspending the aummer at her home
in twenty days the said c
inse a noUce A tbu
iblishe In tbs Grand 1_____ _____
d. a Inewpraper printed.-publlsbed
and circulating In
_ aAd
• inty. and
that such publication be coni
speak highly A tbe conditioning and tberaln at least once In each week,
Uitenlng qualities of IIARVELL'8 for atx weeks in saceeation. or that
It B
she qanra a copy A this ordA to be
yocag cbkkrns thrive, keeps away persooAly served on sAd noo-reetdent
disease and Inereesea tbe yield of defendant, at least twanty days before
eggs. The suix-ecsrul pouUr>- ralsera tbe time above prescribed forr Ua
hi apnearly aU use IL Price U cu
peckace. 8Ad by Al dragglsu.

'WRy not buy one A the to- ^
%bDa tbe eummer aeaeeo to oa
nad get tbe beneOt A toktog
poor own AttoKo-

Been to a

good one


BUFFALO—Tbe twelfth biennial na­
tional convention of tbe Andem OrdA of ForraUra opened bare today to
continue tbrongta Wedneaday. One
hundred and fifty delegates are In atundaaec.

CHARLOTTE—AccorfiMf to a per­
sistent rumor. taAorr empleyes A this
dtr are qAstly ngltaUng tbe question
on an .elgfet-bour day. aad H M said
Member ef Rec Team Ralnee New that tbe nutter wlU be put up u tbe
emAoyee in a few daya All A the
locA Cactonee work lO bonre a day.
l.anslng. SepL 3.—Clifford StAter
HOU.ANt>—Afur an DlBea cxtanA
of Grand Ledge, wbo sustained
broken wriH whUe playing baseball log OVA n period A aevenl weAra
with tbe Rco teem U tbe- tnetory Stmoa L Bprieuaia. aged 68 yeara.
league of this dty. bus applied to tba on* A HAIand's leading merAmaU,
luduArial aoetdent-bos^ tor compen- la dead A bis borne bare. He la gursaiion. Butter clAm It was kU laiek- vtved by a widow aad atee ckUNta.

esrlag to tbe fact that fiMAter U not
reguUrly employed as a bMebolI pMycr there is coosIdersMe queetloB na
to whether be is entltied to any com
praaalion from the Reo Motor Car

eral fair.



Uon to go home tbe aneraowt of tbe
eccUenL but be un be wes^ord
by a Nireman to iday with tbe Reo

tier writae:
*^elr boots are also
A reindeer sUn. and are
very large and tba toea are polstad
and curve upward, ao as to be aoeUy
iped into tbelr aid. Tbe Lapp •»»hie boots half tuR with a pw
ally fiUs
wbicb he
tknsu blsmaked foA: be than pecks
tbeAecu fuU sritb more grass, tacks
tbe ends of tats trouere Inslda nad
bindB them ligbUy round wltb many
turns A a brightly woven braid. With
tbaae praeeuUcas raey never' ssSar
mm cAd feeL end ABbUIns. coma
or such Uke dvtllsed complaints are
to tbem.'
Coeeeraing oChm customs tbe asme
witter rays: **nM L«pps are enatMtleUy a nomadic raoe. and spend mcA
of tbelr Uvea wandertng'thney tree
among tbe wild and gtorloes neenery
of their noibera boma However, at
tlmea no doabt tbe sUllnaaa A the tie-'
too stOl aad
they (nni tbelr berda and Anrt toward
tbelr neareA meeting plaee. Twice
a year they bold tbera gentral gatbertngs—at Easter and aldenmmer—

L^al Notiimis

Memory A

Tikra pktmra 3Ux4K- rn»
(g axposure) fV eneb. Bray
to braAe—toexpenAto M no.
Ut-w show you.


Hie Electric StoraffR^
Battery Co.

ne ‘tklwbk Accbmi^’
I. to an laMvMitaitttottrte lighUag Nant rakta
ly wbA artasrvAr to to a water eystmiL tt
arad de to to m yaw dnglne ter a t*w ba^
III leskTnsffTba "CMaHde Acoomututor- wEl
tbra etora ap AeetrMty to Ugbt ever an snOaRfiAPAtod. .



win. eJacIcson


Dun> nAvna iimio m ruma bat bacu^ mnsDAT, anomit *, itss.

Kinsfsley Department


Setter r.S'sssJa:

with whom h« hw tea makinc kit
boB« (or tlw past («« moaths on 4eeouat of his bwlth. which Is much
MIm Hattie Beraotolne renmeO
last Bitatfajr from aa
at Cranatan and Cbtcapo. She was
acoompanJad by ber sister. Mr*. ,Leo
Pfetfer and infant aon Harbert of

«avm, Awp. r.—Mi
enplaeeru. from tbe ApriaStsral oellepe were Iw town taapeettnp
makinp a asrvey of tbe OweaaMkle
orcharda one day last week.
Mlaa «*U Cook has returned to her
home In Milwaukee, after apeodinp
month with tbe Mlam Sny.
Tbe puests at Cedar Bprinps lodpe
(■boot fifty at prmeu.) enjoyed
dandne party last Friday evwMnp.
D. H. Day received aeventees ea
of flab for atooktnp Glen Lake and,
fourteen cans wm blaA baaa flnperMnpa and thrM were perch fry.
The Manistee brongtt flflea
aenpat* (or Olen Lake on Wedneeday
lahL Sereral people came In on tb*
Mtseonri on Sunday also.
D. H. Day's fDortMB hundred
furect of m^ple. etm. beech, birch,
poplar e^ oak Is belnp surveyed and^
Ibspeeted by reprewBUUves of tbe
United Statee Department of Aprieoltura. Two foreetry experts, Meeara.
b. H. FVothMpham and O. Ghnaaarro.
makinp an aorurat* reowd
,k„ _w_ ,
•nrvM- t.

Mbs. Tom Aldridpa and child of
W* ^ b« tM to hm jm/Mima^wrtkm,
GadUlac. were tbe puetta of Mrs. wA.
tk» Qn»i% trstcnil tooMte wT2 et^ «.
Kimball the firm of the week.
by Xira BeotL wbo ha* bsen apendtog
IMiMHcM band iB UoM o< aiavi, pwaoBiii^
the summer there. Mra Soon to mueb
Mr. ud Mra. Wa. Oabom w
•aMapoMta of moottaga, aotleaB o< oBtfltala.
tanprored to health.
Grand ataplds Monday to attend’Uin'
Mra 0. M. U Seaitg tipeai Tnaaday
UiT and look after tbalr mitUawy
to Traverae City.
pooda while thare.
1b t«WB« oovBtry, aad BBjr otiur IMBO of goB.
Mra W. P. Oin. who feU down the
Mlaaea Ruth rorayth* and Helen
oral iBtaraat.
Bend all itemi to Mia Joate
ataira leading to the
Sinclair went Monday to atteod tbe
Boordos, ube hu cbazgb of tbo X>«partSMBt.—
aesiettog to tbe atoro, co Saturday
normal at Travarse-flty.
Bditor Hotild.
has recovered from tbe shock
Tbe Missionary aortety met with
aba received.
Mn. O. B. HlUs on Tuwday afterKlnaaler. Sept. 2.—Hearr Snydar of
Aiiioe Ranger left Wednesday tor
I* a buBlneaa Irfp to CadUtae Wedton.
(^rdtmia. retnrtied to hla bom« Fri­
Ghampioo. Mich, where he has ac­
Master Utand Dewey returned to
cepted a poaliion asV
day after apaadlBK a weak her* arllh
Dr. Ponton H makinp estOBalv
I, . period oI
of years u» m. „I the high aehool.
his brother, Otartas.
pairs on the Thontaa reaMenc* ;
spendlnp six week* with bU prandgrowth
John Schefftnalder. Irvtag Wrtoley.
RotsBd Vo* Oeyea. Mrs. pletseh orty.
Birther. Mrs. CasUn Dewey.
Record who la at the head
George Peck and James Telraard en­
The Miases Ellen Madiaon and Clan
and daafhter Ada. and the Ml
Mra. John Glide west to'CadllUc.
forestry department at Tale univer­ joyed a motor trip to Ttaverae City
am and neckU Hants. rdaUves DoSoy>etunt«d to.:Uielr achooU near Thursday
whme she was operated
where thby spent (be day.
of Mn. John Hnff, who have been Bk Rapids Saturday.' on for a f^cture In tbe akuU caused
Mra Oscar Charter and ,cbUdreu
Miss Irak Bopart la assUtlnp In by tba ben bouse door etriklnp her ago.
apaodlac their <mtion bare, return­
Mn. Hun>by and Mlaa Mary Bax­ spoot Uat week to Traverae City.
the A. B. SUnaon bone duriap the about a year apo. Her daupbtar. Mra
ed to their home at Detroit. Monday.
ter of Burdlckvtlle. rialtad wtth rela­
Ml*. Wm Bourmao and son. Frank,
Mn and Mra. Jo* Jw>r, Mrs. absence of Helen Skjrer. who la tak- A. Fleek accompanied ber.
tives to town last Thuraday.
left this morning for Charlevoix tor
a two weeks' eaeatloa.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edpett returned
.Htorrs and Mr. and Mra. Dan 8*a«Miss Bather Voice to rtoltlnc ber faw day*- vtolt with ratotivas.
r. and Mrs. Merrick Seeley
Friday from CoMwaler. whfre they
mtUar attended the coonuy Oranxo
Mlaaea Fannie and .NeUieSteele
spendlnp their summer racaUon with have been for eleven weeks with
rally at Tnraree City 'ft’edneeday.
thU week.
attended the Indian day baxaar at the
rdatlves at Lake Leelanau.
their dsupbter. Mrs. Harry Whitman
The children or the M. E. Sunday
Morgan home near Acme on Tuesday
Peter Manlpold. who has bean rls- who Is ytry HI.
school wora ciren theta- nnnoal ^n;
era eeriotts Ulnens.
Edward Kehl baa a new Ford ouioItlnp relatlre. in tb* aoutb pnrt of
B. E. Smith and family' ha'
at Arbotm lake. Wedneodar aRer- tbe sute. returned home Saturday
The barge Bnckley to taking a car­ moblle.
t© Tra»er*e City Tueaday, where be
Bofn. A biy merry pany of >-ounsMlaa Ettber Buttara laft Wednesday
go of^ardwood lomber for Detroit
Miaaes Laura and Oladya Hamilton, is In the Smitb * Hhm Oo.
tor YpatlamL where the wfl] attond
ators wore taken o« to the lake In of Plfa Lake, were puestt of their
this week.
carryallA dlraa a bic plcnlr dinner, cousins, the Mlssra Lintan last week.
John I Gibson of tbe Weatera Mleb- tha sute Noimal.
Tbe Mlaee* Linda Peterson. Mabel
Ml*. Anna Rose
treated with boat rldea and alren a
Mias Ooldic Trembler retnrtied to Frurier. Heien Blende and Henry Iguo Devriopment bureau trankacted
will leave to (be moralng for Reed
Bood lime te peneraL
Grand Rapids Wedneeday, after spend- Carothars motored up from Cadillac butlnMs to town Monday.
by Mra. Otbeon, who to City, where they wUl vialt friend* for
Paol Jackaon. .St. Clair Nickeraon Inp ber vscaUoo with her atetcr. Mra. Sunday with C. A. Dutton and spent
a couple of we«kt.
spendlnp tbe week with Mra Day.
and the Mlaaea Dollle Nickeraon. Bt- Chai. Millard.
tbe day srith the H. L. LaBar family.
Mtoe Olive Bcfalmmel left Thuraday
the youngeat child ot Frank Ben­
U Bamtt. Clam DaSey and Ellen
Mlaa Winnie Rial left for Crosby.
Harold Waaver bad tbe mlsfortnoe
for Caanovla, where abe ha*F* poalnett. to quite lU.
Madlaon apent Sunday’ afiemoon and Minnesota. Prids}-. to assume the po• cut a bad pash In hIs foot last
ilon as teacher to tbe public aebouU.,
The aehooner Westeott to liktog
eTanisp at the borne of Ward and altton of supervisor of music In the Tuesday severinp two aimriea. while
John Santo of Traverae City vtoltcargo of stoba today.
Edith Cnrlba^
public srhooU.
culUnp brash.
Iran toTnfleld of Port Oneida, apent ed NoRbppn
Mlae Inei LlMRi was in Tmtme
Wesley Dunn returned from New
Balph Crepo and slater MUs PanSrhoul began Monday morning with
oonple of days nt tbe hotel thU
City Monday. haTfop bw eyes treat­ York last week, where be epent a tl* went to Grand Rapids, Tuesday to
Archer as
very eoloyable time rblUnp relatlVoa attend the fair and vUlt relatives.
.Mlaa Van Specken. high school; Mtos
Mtos LUs INvtine of Maple City.
R Baumpnrth and tnmily spent Sun­ and friends of his boyhood.
I. Eugene Green and son Ke
Ulllan Humpsch. grammar depan
Ttoitod at tbe home of Loo Orllhes
day in TmTerae City.
Henpan Saylor returned to Jackof Traversa C«y. vUlted her
ment: Mtos UUan Morton, agebnd
Bom. to Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Ham- son, the latter pan of the webk. and father. J. Godd and wife over Sunday last week.
grammar: Mtos Smith, seoond (
The Mtotea Ackerman ot Agplr*. ary. and Mlis Ethel, firat primary.
met. Wednesday. Aopuat 2T. twins;
resume bis duties as fireman on on their way borne from tbe I'pper
re Ttoittop tbeit brothw, C. D. Ackera boy and a pirl.
tha M. C.. after spendlnp sekeral Peninsula.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis and dangbMra. R. Baumpartb and cblldree wc^ka with his parents here.
tor Olad>* returned from a two weeks'
Mr. and Mrs. M. Headley btre
Wm. Laranoe baa moved hto family vtoit to the
bought Mra. O. A. CUrke'i
into a house In town and
on the 'Bleainer Manistee.
la the southern part of town nnd
Spilth haa moved into tba lavasea
Sira. J. Stebbiu and riilldren left
farm boose.
thl* morning tor Empire, where they
Mlaa OUdya Kelson of Springfield;
Pmnl Oerudt baa resigned hla posi­ wm spend the week.
and Bob Lanntog of Hantou. were
tion ntlhe store and ezpecu to go
Rev. and Mra C. E Thlea spent
united to mantop* at Kalkaska.
DetroK to work to an
Tueaday fa Ntirthport.
Mra. Mary Greenataad ot‘'Traverae
W# WBBt to Bihkp tUa Deputmpst of tha
Church Services.
Tbe Misses Day entertained thrir City «aa the gneat of Mr*. Fred
gmtpB poHiblo vnlne to nil eoBoanwd nod to
Sunday servloea for September 7.
gueata and a few friends
Bamnberger a few daya last wek.
thii and raqupt that nil itama of ptraoBnl nad
six o'clock bonfire enpper on Olas
Ml* F/P. Boughey and children
ganernl1 iBtcraat
iBtan bo aant to IBn Dai^ to be
Sunday school at 11:45 a. m.
Lake beech one evenly last wedL
apeal a few days the past week guetU
bwonentad1 ia.
i tba DopsrtBwoL Wa aapMdnllr
A special,collection is reqnetted to
Fifteen Owoaao people, who have of Mra. G. M. Dame.
■ik thntl dun
drarebaa, frntomnl aodatiaa nnd tba
be taken for eounty ronveotidn work.
(CottUaoed on page four.)
Omago foTBiib itonu of iBtarast ia thdr mpeeSunshine Prayer band at 3:00 p.
for borne on Monday.
dva <ggnirfnti<mi, Hawa of aodnl avenu nad
Epworth Ledpue at 6:30,p. m.
Mr. and Mra. Carroll L. Frank bars
PBtartaiampBtp, iatproremanU being mnda or eooPredehlng at T;80 p. m.
returned to Chicago, after . a two
tamidntod, nnd badaaaa dinagaa nnd trnapfen in
weeks' vtolt with relatives.
rmi aauta ia town nad eotaby nra oppadnlly



waaon. for (be past two aoatlm
Hist Lain Ryan iwwraad I
tram a tew days spesu to Trayw**
Oky Satvday avenlng.
iptoto Robenaea to canwngtottog
bnfidlng a bwagakiw oa bto loL
Fred Leslie arrived bom* ^ Da
trait Saturday evening to spend hto
Tbe Lrtand Eleetrfc Light A Power
company are making preparations to
open an otiee to (be Wnrtborg baUdIng.
Dorothy Power* of Pmitlac. accom-'
paaled by Ruth Booghey of Traversa
City, spent Thotodgy to town with
D. H. Scott rewraed bom* Saturday

Traverae (Sty

Traverae Qty

ImpoTUmt IhU—lht BoMtmad RMmmtgt


—2 PA.VT NORFUUL SUITS priced at fie to ll.£e n^er vain* at #6.40.
•AdO op to VM.
t leas than'Hair Reihitor j -Othera «
to 1-3 asrings from

New Coats, Saits aad Dresses
^-COATS at $S.i0. 312.1 -SUITS at |1^.
113.1 -DI
I6JW. tl3.|-nRE86«B.
m. »22.5tJ and up to I
*«d up to | value
values at .ftAO. |1*.
- !2.:o and W6.
--The brand new st.vlr Weas of a bra'nd new season!*
tahrlcf and cotortogs are the last word la "amartne#*.’'
,^he»er Jt>eUer.


Tb* models,
Valnaa war*

The Sweater Coat Store
—Every wanted style, color and weave that wlU be-popular this toll
aoU winter. Attractive early-seasou prices.

—MISSES' AND BOI-S' SweaierOqais. siwcial values at 5« M-to.

Fife Lake Department
Conducted by MUt Mae Dewey.

nut pm KKHoi

neceptable. The nbove npphaa not only to tba
TUUga of Fifa Lnka, bvt to tba smranidiag
' eouitry.—Aditor Eenld.



(ConUnned froOi page one)
^ortbport. Sept. 2-iltoa Maud community and be will took at you aa
Bardge left Wednesday for Pawnee. tbough yon ware a fooL Ask him If
planned tor tbe enlargement
Okto., where ab* ha* a position la the
Rnsael Thome of LeeterWe, visited
tal^ school as teacher of,music and of tbe service hla diareb render
..Sdtaebame caught a pickerel wtth a bU parents from FrWa, to Tueaday.
peoiAe and he amlle* at your-almpUct.
book and Un* Monday erenlnp wblck
Cbarlay LaBar and per
n friend
The Great. White 'Way of the
Hr. and Mra C. B. KeU aad daugfatipped tbe eealea «t 12 a-t pounds.
are here on a vialt from Detndc
t*i«.s.Ugyothy and Jeannette returned city holds him enthralled and he does
Mn. P. H. Belnatein* returned
Mias LUIIan Raw^ was given a ton^tunisy from a trip to Mackinac and not know that many of tbe evils of
from Petoakey last Toeaday.
ahtne party by her }-oanp friends PTltha city are already tr*upluU
(ha Sou.
Alfred leman raturoed fco Fmis daj nlpbL
\ Quincy Leslie baa returned to bto his own locality.
Kcbool at Big Rapids. Moniai-.
With this attitude to R uy wonder
Mr. and MTa. R c Bridgman went
home at Chicago after baring spent
hi* vacellOD wttb bto (athsr. who la that hto brmer folk grow hungry for
Frank .Wall« WMt to CadUlac. to Grand RapMa. Monday, to visit
spending the summer here.
sidHtnal tood sotted to their nc
Monday to attend M high aeboot. ■ tbe latter-a brother, Wm. Aicook and
F. E Stile* has aoM hto totereat to They craw weary of being harrowed
Grover Fuller enne bom* Friday family.
the Siltee A Avery livery boatoes* to with tb* sin* of tbe dty while their
Mlaa Louise Hunhlns went to KhV:
on so eight day furioapb from the V.
Mr. Aver>'.
boys and glrto are going to the devil
kaska. Saturday, where she will atS. navy at Chleapo.
Harry Ballard spent Thuraday In atag the elmitor lanea. to it any
Mrs. Chaa. Dean pad UtGe aon icntl the high achooL
they have turned away from
Elmer of Kalkaska, visited friends la 1 Mr. sad' Mra. j. 8. Hodpra went to
Mra D. H. PeweraAad aon Ernes) (he church and tbe rural minister*
I'nlon this week.
jtbe Grsod Rapids fair Monday.
of Pontiac epent Thursday In North- Then tbe mlntoter. wbo always regard­
Dr. L 8. Walter attended the post-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Codd went
ed hto charge aa a mere stopping
maMers- couTeoUan at Traverae City Grand Rapids Twday to attend the
Mra J. Campbefl and darter SUM. and who has alwara had aa eye
this week.
Edith ot Indianapolto. Ind.. are gueato and an ear opaa aolaly (or the call to
Albert Hodges returned Irom CbarMra. Alla Doherty ^
t to Holmes
of Mrs. Elmer klddletoL
city, begtoe to abnae them as belevofz Saturduy.
SMlnp Monday to <
Ruby Brctlaa returned Thnruday to
: baidftoted, mtoeriy and lacktog
Miss Blanche Kewell we« to 'fravher heme to Travccee City eftor bav­
deatr* tor tb* goapeL
erse City Saturday lb attend the BO^
Blawertb Teatera went to Kelkeska
ins kPUbl tb* past week the guest of
They eakad for bread and be ha*
■ : i
Tuesdsy tor a few days’ tIi^l
Elsie Ryan.
[hem a stone. He has eaten
Mies Lena Snydv of PUnwlck. came
J. G. Myers of PHubnig. Pa., spent
J. Thomas and family, wbo have' their bread and tmed hla strength to
Tburaday lof a few weeks' vlMt here•^the week end at the P. H. Beraatelne
been spending tbe past year to Calltartar* for the el9. Is it any won­
with relatlvee.
Monroe Center. Aug. 27.—At
forato, have taken np Jiclr residence
der they have grown tired of this
Mra. Wm. Glide went
to----------------Gmd Rap I Mr. and Mra. Chas Stafford weni to regnUr meeting of Stiver Lake on their farm, aad .Mr. Day aad
----kind of mtatator* W# have talked
Ms. Saturday to Mali relatives and Traverae City Tueaday.
Grange, held Tueaday evening, tto ily,' wbo leased the prvpeny dnrtog
Uke to tbe lair.
Wlnafled Hodges went to the following Intereetlng program wai their ahsencc. have moved Into the Wtth hundred* of tanners to regard
to this. They love God and yeani (or
Wiuie Weever has been Ul for e Grand Rapids fair Tuesday,
piven: Song. "Tbe Dear Old Farm.’ Tboma* cottage on North Xin straeL'
tbe eervlc* tb* church could gender.
few days.
[ ura. L, 8. Walter, was In Cadillac Disonaalon. "Why Does U Pay to At­
Dr. Fonda and family, who have re^ Mra Holland and mother of Harbor’oo business a few days the past tend Grange to the Sommer.*' led by; Borted on their farm tb* paM several Many of them have told the writer.
ns a man who lorea oar <
Sprtopa, are pueau of.ihe B. E, Sny-iwecE
Hr- Tboetaa. "Can a City Man. With weeks, left Frida.r tor their home la
mnhlty and etndiee lu poaafbflitiet
WUber Quackenbush baa been 111 tl.OQO Go ia Your Ketphborbood and Clei eland.
and Its needs; who wit] be eympnIrena
retonslUtis for a few da>a
lUke Good, aad Howr dlaenaaed by
tbetic with OS nod see our taulu aad
are rlslttop her mother. Mn. R BarAttpos Campbell went to Alba. Tues­ Brother Copelaad. Darla aad Spang- laraed Wednesday to tbeir
try to help ns correct them, and we
day to assist to the barber shop for a
Recbatlon. “Tba Legend cf the WnUamshurg. after bavtog spent the
wfll furatoh the money.”
John Glide to to Cadillac with Mra
Marble Fawn.” by Mr*. Clara Gopa- past week tbe gnest cf Mtos BUrte
Where can yon (tod a mteltoer wtth
Glide at the hoepliaL
t Snyder la attending the hlph laad. "A Farm Girt of BtetaUeu Stltea.
Mtos Emma Berdoaev wUl lear* in ahUlty to undartake Ihto task? Tber*
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Richards weut'acbotH In town this year.
Waata to Go to tb* Ctty for Bnplayfew of thm aad they aro doing
to Traverse city. 'Monday on a few
Mlaa Rena HmsUas went to Sbarea. meat. Wbat to Tour Advice to tbe tbe moraiag (dr O
good w^ They rocotv* good e^
days- boatocta trip
^Dday to teaefa again this year.
Gtrtr by Mra. Monroe, "it Yoo W<
arie* OM are doing o groat aarviea.
MUt Erelyn Bechsteine went to
ClantT imBar left here Mondar-'for tbe Qta-r* Motb«-.” br Ura. Dean
ne the right kind of mtototen
Mrs. J. r. Mathews, who wUi spend a
Maecelona Meaday to bepta ber Seattle. Washington, where, be
Crain. A qaeetioa box to charge of
aad thonaanda of rpal chnrdMs' now
school near thm place.
ooupto of <M*k* there srith friends.
peets to have a poaltioa.
Ml*. Fletcher, also toooght out
wiU be reendrooted and other
Card* are out annnimtdRg tbe mar.
Oscar Looefcf Boardman. Is to
Mr. and Mra. Cbeater
decid­ ytoge ,ef Mtoa.Bvasu Thamm to tb*
Union With bto thraabtop machine.
and brother, Jctonnle Oreenmaa of ed to have e debate at the
Rev. rraneto Hayes LnsMe an Sept
Tb* rural mtaU^ mnet be eonsetog as follows: Resolved. “That a loth.

crated to hto task and be wfUtog to
young man can start to buslnem with­
Mrs.-BOa HOto and son. WltoosL give bto life for hla people. And srbes

I 0,n U,,
u. pMt,. U4 Mil. out eaptttL and aneceed as wMl «s
ft ynstufitor neon for their
(hat IE* to thus glvaa. u Jeans said.
lur. and Mra Leon Bine are awv-lu. L. i.«R«ir arrived «-___ PMAav
bto tothar.” to be tod by Brotbera
'Edb dasnlee. CaL. after hartog ”He will Bad B” and with It the Ute
Oaborn. Aug. r.-Very dry and bot
weaihac-ftw (he past week.
W. H. Reewen of Oebora vteHed
with relatives at Port Oneida Sauiarday and Sunday.
George Zelpler, Jr., of Lake Juno
Uon. was the pneat of Mr. and Mra.
George Relder at Empire JancUon
Mr. and. Mra. Miner Farrant were
Beat Empire ceUers Sunday.
Bcboel commenced to District No.
3 Monday with Mtos Margaret Dunn
aa teacher.
Mra. Annie Donet and ebUdren,
torned to their home at Neasen City.
Monday aftar vtolttog for three days
with relaUves at Burdickvnto.
' Mr. and Mra Joaeph Payment of
(toboTB. were the gneata of Mr. and
Mra Frank WIpgtoA''Bonday.
John Wlgglna returned home from
Edmore Saturday, after and absesice
of ten days vtolttog relatlvea.

itfonrot Csntar

numaa aad swart.

Ttoltad bar vdKBU. Mr. aad Mra Wm.lbt tbe rural churtto.

I bear pussy mewing u got in." "Hang
tt, Mary. I Jnst 1« tbe hrnto to.”
”WeIL then. Bha's mewing to get eoL*


V hatband belong* to me.”—A wuto“ witaeas to a Jersey Ctty (rial Iba
d«>«nd feminine view aad fa gneOen
the tunal eonditiom

from U Stole* (fan year. Evaiy year am jilrnnui

Neatiy 4M SIndeota

to p

cer oca uumns. cataloc

tiMu FBUL smrr


An Exceptional Shoe
This shoe is cut o that comfortabU bieycJ* pattern, but out ot stock that
... is
ospcdally intended for bard aervica. This
is n speoal tannage, a product of our own
taunerr, eallod "re-tahaed chrome."
Tbe aoles an of first quality aole
leathsr. Tbe oatsoiae of ^'iDdaetrac
tibia” chroma atock, tba best wtkiri^
sole leather aver made.

alar tor No aw tan.


«M» as
TSiw M mm smo Mm^tromhrt



TM roni

Jn ^9 i^rat i^oob WeiHII III

TERtiiLE snn

Th* ram) ceboolt 9t tkU cantr era
' nCtrlaC from » coapUeMkoB
■Mb. W* Ut« -BMik • WMp «l
UB book! ttet iW Mara of tb*
BWty b«v« prwttcBlir rataMd to
)tM» » Otook or booka OB hokd Mlou
'\_U* <Mf«eto «U ooMM to o«apt »
ladtora UM ta bookB
' TIM pnooBt B^Mn U vboUM] U
ttm. OMIV B>4 1B MBBoy u4 0
raao«r MM %o appIM at oaeo.
Loco) dooloro eo&oot U»p 'n bud
tbo mtnsro m» lo ooo to <ho eoutr. hoBce Boot of tbo toB book butIMM to oontod on bjr ordorliw nnnU
poohWM or book! bp oxproM tron
Chlco«D or troBi otbor dtolut ctltoo.
Tbto iBotbod odds craoOr to the coat
«< book! Okd coooot dtony of om to
tro woM to the dolinrr oT booka at
the btctiBitiiK of erarj torm or oTerr
Uso a MW ctoaa to ot«a>i>M
Meat eeutiot dl the otato hara
bean on a uitota Itot for aoraral
peon. Ruou utora to about the
aaato la dnnd Trprarao eoutp u to
akp otbor eountp oT toe otata aad it
8L Clair eountp with Bora tbu three
bnadrod dtotrleta cu
a uBttom bat or booka Qraad TraTme
eooatp wlt|i «» dtotrtoia-oofht to be
able to <40 toe aasia There It oalp
on# wap to do it and that to to cet
at tt at oooe.
A eoBDittee waa appolntad a pear
aso aad a oaUom Un wu roeoBBendad.
FUtew dtotrteta
adopted tola Hat and are aow uatof a
pan or toe itooto of toe flat.
reaalu lor toe oUiw acteoto to ton
la Hm wttb toe drat flfteun.
course of Madp hu bees receama
ad tor nae with toe reuBBesd
liH. Tkto win help in nnUptag toe
teaebtog of tie
Beeb aeedad at preaanL r
Putdlaben vlU axMagh-eU boM
tor aew oa a baBa of |l per out for
toe old book*, where indlrMa
toe oiebange aad M per ooM vhero
too oxtoango la nade bP; fro. text
book dtotrteu.
Text booka will eoA deoo bareafter. The Ohio tow preelda toat
book, abalt sot cost Boto tou Tt
pec cent or toe »M price tfUat BaU
and toe MW Mlehlgu totf iwtrvtde.
that booka ahall not toHi[ men In
MlBiigu thu in up other atMe.
Thla puu na on u e<i«n] tooting with

Ctoto to toe pwrciBai of teat booka
to that booka iwtnerip coattok a doW
lar to Mlehlna wUi new eoat oarao(Htfo OKU.

W« Veftolabla

Mrs. Pierce, wbc Tal beA uVtng at tlelr eottaga: A brother. AUep
M of bar 4MShtag. .ara. Cox Mt ^TboBU e( Graad Rapida. Mra. J. M.
of TraTeraa City; two aaaia.
(or ber hose ta ladMu lam Wod^
Mn. Mary Jane Pearack of FBrSBf.
Bw Miaorp at Trarcrae Cttp rtaft- 2ni..nd mn. Map NraaoMkorol
Long Beach, Cal.. Rev. Fred Carter.
•d at home Suadar aad Mondap.
Mrs. B. P. Oibara reteroad to bar WU# aad son Fere of SpbBud. laA.
borne U Ludtoguw Sstardap. after and Mr. Carter'a father aad ntftar
rblttag bar atawr. Mra C. B. KnUorp Maad ud her hubud from Lynn.


tor serenl-woaka.
Mn. B. V. Darb. a lamer raaMrat
Mra Jaa. SaUlap and Mrd: C. Haltorp called oo Mra Oee. MOM 8u- of thb ptoco. bat wbo (or the pact
tew psara hna aade bar hoow wKh
diur. Mra Hara Loockt In
BBtorao, OUo. - “ I VM fa a tenfalo
Chu SachUebea and (amUp rlBtod
«n wen cnatCfty, wu Mid to rest in toe
Snadap aftaraeoa at Mr. John Gqx'a
hong Inke benralcrp bw Moraay.
ed eartincatea at toe Aiicuat euBlnMra Darb wu one ot ibe oldeB pio­
atton: Third srade., V«a Alward.
Long Imke, romtos ham
Btoal Orap. OBdU HoUidap. Batlp
about Sfty psara ago. She wu a dc
KlM«r. R»>I*
Brelra PM(Mu narra..Mkh.. a*gt
' Ckrbtbn wonaa.
ear. Bertha liaaaoB, Alta ItoM. Bea­
Ora. Baiglor aad Mra Fred Booau
trice Sparilncl Oraee
ud fbngbter vtaUod at tba hoaa «f
Blaacbe WiicbL Second mde. Mn.
Cbu PIOWBU on Bundop.
BaQa BeWtor. iMotoe Pratt. AnssaU
The two emll chUtora of VBoak
Chnapner. M. A. Rpnn. Bdlth Berger.
belns veil and onnot. 'Who hara bora worp U ora
Lreuto B. BeMlng and Alice Archer.
Bendon. R. F. D No. 1, Sept 2.—
Btnng. After tak- MrateaeoaL
Grand Travarae ooutp cu now
toe LjAaK. Flnfc- MIko Karma. Jr, rad wftt of MM iSeveral from bare attraded toe plealc
beaat ot H nortoal trained teacben. teBto yacotohie OonpeuDd I kamred
: DMBoad Park Saturdar.
Bmpira. were. guaoU at toe boae of
Tweolp-foor ot toeae are oonntj nor­
Mbs MabB HBdatoi wu a TrmrWb. Ldwreaeo oo Sniidap.
mal gradnatea, and
ee City rbftor. PVidap.
BUmI Glbooo ku b«
hare raetored their training nt the cannot Mj too mnefa for pour Gempeod.
Mra H...A SIcmv aprat a conpie
Would sot be witoout H to the boue if Otenda M Sonto Nanltoo laMnd.
k OMt three ttoMp toe nmount.’'-lIn.
«(bo Carrie OonnM attended the of daps bat week with ber daughter.'
tber ot toat pear'a «oon- (Mu. CunuH. JL P. D. No. 7, Befie.
PooMU Orange oonrration nt Trnr- Mra B. T. Hukerm to. Trareru
tp Bormal clara baa a good poaiUoa umOUb.
Cttp. M a detogale fraa the Olra Cttp.
tor toe coming pear. The eountp norMrs. O. B. Baldwte is ratorutertng
toe poor CkM ian>
ianOflaaltoae, Arbor
atol to tlBltod bp law to M urallmut
' dOBQk
Brtolla IMp. aponi n eonpla of daps u aunt nod eeusln from OrandTtapMg
eh to axTBetU Barton spent laB week with
Tlamag in Bmplro.
i^ ntohnB'a
b'. Vevetnble
V«ve^. ' ^ *
0 of that nnntMr are D too tor _____M
Trareru Cttp. Maartee
About one budrad suoar raaortera
e)p M nn«
wlU be tolaL It aurelp
1 pear'a etaaa.
irntog koBO with bar to
ft on toe MtaaoniTa apoelnl
gtoaa to tooea wbo are pretaat on
epend Snadap.
August Slat.
the opoainc didr, S^mbar t.
Mra Albert 'Anderora aad two
Ike Atklaaon of ShBtond. w
Satordap fras rbItMg
town on Sunday.
Chu. Ptowau. Jr.. wUrtalaed bit at Unatag Mich.
Oeneral atoooU of the eountp nre
Mias Alice Cook oprat a tow daps
mua trlrada on Sundap in honor of
doing thing, worthp of apecln) noB weak with Mtoa Armotroag at
hb ninth birthdap.
tlea. Slight, bu roted (or n .ctaoot
Paal Bohna of HUlereot Orehardi
lOusrr end for free tea book.. No. >41totoat(toa)
Mra Alfred Zl^ of TrarerM City,
BBipira. waa to tows on Sundap.
I Gnlen townabip sear the fork, of tabOtoedfaet
Aahor AtUMoo aad faaaUp of Bur- rbtted Mn. noaab Barton MB wuk
toe Boardmu Mart. it. career to toe beunh
Mra Bert Dora returned to ber
dlckrUle, were to town on Buday.
right wap bp rottog for free ta«
NM Monday, after rbttlag ber parwith their daughter.
boob, and a aehool Ubrarp.
wbo left (or ber home la CMcngo, aftThe Babto ctoool aeto uide fU out
ek apendliig a nwath hue.
eC toe general fond for a dlatrtet 11Qea Anatette has recuntlp
Mr. aad Mra Bwpn Scott of Dee- ttinx friendi hero for a tew dapa.
chased a sew ptano.
Umpire MvrB Teak Ahuu CBoifp
School beon Tneedap with Mbs
plainu. niloob. have reu»roed borne,
Bolton Harbor long noted tor toe
The recent ratoa are dolnjr'tbo
Whan He Koew Ftopu WaatoO to
Beott aad Mr. Nuaoa u taacbora
uDeB acbodi botme la the ooontp cropa much good, u things aere get­ after a rlBt at the borne of their
•a PB Oat of SaoM.
B. H. IbnaBt ud ebOdren rotornTWr CurteBtpnephew. B. L. Barka
▼otao to baud a aew bofldlac to ooet ting pre«p dtp.
ed borne Mondap from a rblt to the
Dr. Lawrence Day and wife a
Bin Dakba, Bsaager of toe Dodgare.
,-| CalTla Sparling will soon hare his
Datecttra W. J. Bane wu htaaud
Ntbern part of too atate.
time Tlai Ham woold not
plautng for a hara raised and toe new foundation
bp tA pope the Mhu dap. HaK a
Mra Watur Harrb ^rtalned
drove from'Detrail last week and are
put him out of toe game, ragantleu ot
toor rooB building to coat not to
dodu weQ-tfrdo todba rudfag that
gueeu et LorelB Lodge fof a few friend from FVa Lake (ha ftrat of the Bajmiiit oaraeoUp bopo4.-iltat the what be eald or thratenad tt say.
ooad 9M0.
Betore the game BtU conSded to
'Utoatag U a dsfeetJra
Boveral dletrlcu of toe coonlp
Ham tont ha wu deettou of betag
The family of Chu. Oleaon hu
Toted tola pear to ectabUab aehool
ebetad from the gam u toat ba
tored to Traveru^^.
tUrartea At thla rate la a pear or taro
aalghl go down tt the BHghttn Bueb
Battner. Sept 2.—Mra Tosarna
The tofut daugbiar of Loon Johnrace track ud pbu a bet « a “tood
everp aehool In toe eountp vUl hare In Traverse <Mtp one dap Mat we<
>n tmraod awap on Sunday.
thtog.a Ubnrp of iu own. It doee oot ooet
Mr Baru.' thap said to
Mra Eggli waa In Traroree Cttp
a cent to eetabllah a aehool llVrarp Satnrdap.
Orawa. Sept. L—«ba BaMu Page! him. pludtogly aad wcrklag thBr
and tt la atraage that^jaaerp school
Mr. Halm was a Trarona Cftp rtaot Detroit, spent toe paB two woeka ayca. ~pbau mUa u a speech to the you eu
put aa oat of Che giiur
cabto tob crentog. Tell u aboat toe
hu not autablUbed one before
ftor Satarday.
Ttaltlng ot Dr. Clark'a
mn ttBd Tim.
Long Lake, Sept. 2.—School boglna
A weU gnlded reading haWt la mere
Mr. UlUta wu a caBar at the salt­
Dphbn atortad appipteg tot appaUaDr. MatSCellar wu enUrtalood ot
8o Barm did. All tba cabin paatoday
Autbu half of a ehUd'a edneaUon.
IMu early- Herat tarud a deaf ear
ing aUtioD Saturday.
a farewatl dinner Tnaodap evaalng by lugBi wwra toera.
tt tboB to toa drat toatag. In the
Clyds BarrBI vlBtad frlendB to the «uata CniaaipRep u leacber.
Mra. X. R Jones. W.
them that toe detect
'^ -Bennb Harig of WlllbBobofg rtaleeud he wu joB u Imiuu troB
Rlee neighborhood laK week.
by Mra. B. M. H%rr. and Thnnday
la boalth.
Oahlu'B ullMg down. DAlu wu
my I
.Zoe HUer ud ckUdreo bare retnim- ttod toe Aakereoa boys orer Suaday- oroatog by Mra Dir. Olarfc. Bbe bft
becoming angry. Ud started to call
Mn. Uopd Batoa drore to Inlud ed to tbalr borne to Onnd Rapids
Mra Bart Jcnnlaia et Trareru City
Frtdap erateng oa bar return trip lor eonrtoctog 0Be.~ eald be. 'I had de- Hant hanh namu Flnallp Dahlu
Satnrdap to see her parrau. Mr. ud after a long rblt bei^
b spending IMS week with Mra.
tecUphonu hidden to erery cabto
Centra) India. She wlU atop
btorted out a phrau tt HarB toU
(ConUnned from I^ Thraa.)
Mrs. John Howtu.
Mra MilUs wu a Urawa caller one Pteree. wbo bu been «eite eUk for at London. Bagted, a montb. She bBora 1 cam oo board tb« boaL would bars ooet him a burp One
Last night I Ibltoad tor boai^—^
Mr. aad Mrs. Pratde Bates called day last week.
toe paB two woeka.
exgacta to arvtao M BoMbap about
'X>h'" aald muy ladtoa, urtaglag
on their uncle and adnt. Mr. and Mrs.
Hr. and Mrs. Roily Cob were
Mra ColUna el ladlau b rb
to thatr fast
to tbelr farm ai tob pbee UB Frt- Nevimber
R. R, Bates, Mondap.
larB weald Mt-'uir*
ber bnMbra. Mr Tharp.
Tbea they
D. B. CrandaO b In Onad RapUa
Mn. Robert Wilson drore orer to
Mr. Htow will ratoe kb new ban day.
ud mwtended tbay were Just talng
A great number of bap (erer oofSand's enmp to sea bar daughter, Mrs. Uib week.
Mra. H. Htltna aad
Ror Case Mat Toeodap. tow through,
Mr. Rial and Fred Warrew were at fenrs are camping nt Long Lake. Traecru City, apeat Mondap at Or. ftom time tt tim ptoched tkalr HarBtoDaklu.
Pan) Bnpora nad daaghtar. Mn.
chuks tt reBore thetr color. TTm ont of toe gSMa tt pna ulled m a*
to Honor.
the meeting at Beitaar Sunday even­ Moat of them arw from l&dbna.
John Gadp of -TraTcrae Cttp, came
Cbu Sachibbra aad family of aarkb.
Buru said it iraa all a take. The AP.AD. c. TboBpaon U rebuilding Us ing
DakbB wu Mt a Wt nonaobd whu
Klu Wlnau Crandall gf Kopstooe,
Bondar for a waak'i rlBt with toe
bouae orer.
Tbo l«adtee' Aid will moot with Mn. Trareru City vtelied at John Coxa b a gnoB al bar aacb. a E. Cragdaft rarloas ladba laatott hBMwty. Uke ka taarned toat hb *Raod totog'’ canfOTBer-s children.
toe brwaktog of ptotaa. Whan Bans
tost Sunday:
Tbate are «uHo a naabor of peopla Bertha HBm thb week.
Oeo. Jouph ud tasllp from MeBck, conctudad they oam to hli^ «M at a urad ham a wtager at the caaBerV
W. A. Tcdce and daughiar Ploienoe,
Mr. Sogga hu begua work on bb
Bttng on the shores of* Penri Lnka.
abb odds ef 20 tt L
also toseat Voice left thla moraing
new houu. wbteh ha expeeu to Bore ud 4amu Jonoph aad wife of One­ ttma. ud eyed him aadty. and stood
t Henrp OUBOora.
way. couslu of a V. Rernoldf drore to penBre poaea.
' fOr a week's rlalt at ProroBeat. ODIs
*Tld too realtyr thu aakad him.
Pier and Northpert
TrnrdfU Oly over to tbelr car Sunday p
Oar Frlandi and Zaeedea.
Be aaaured them toad be bad aaere3osf
Wra A. Sapen Ttaltad bar dangbter,
spent bat week with her abier. Mra. toe day with Mr. Reyneld'a faraflr. Ip beu apooflug. Thcp-aD said tbap
the totaga rtobh «nr fttenda da
Dnlr of Indbim la rbttlttg her parAb. Zorn Holdeman. nt tola pbc«.
Mr. and Mra. Jamu Joupb remain­ wara u gbd to bear that. Thap aald wtth nnd tor w fora a pan at oar
Urk lolto Ptohall. Boadap.
BaB Paradise. Sept. S.—Mrs Loluae
. . Tobh Clark hu beu on the sMr Roots of Hart Mich, IsTlaltlnr at the Mr. and Mra Wm. Ctorft
ha didat seuB at all that aart «( • llraa. tor thep Brangtow aad adranu
Mr. nnd. Mra. Cbu Helm of Trnr- ing for a few days' rtett.
oar paraoaaittp. Bat tba toiaga which
Dr. e A Claik aad Mr. Sl Johns BU. Tbu thap .ated;
Ust tor a couple ot wealB.
eru.CIty ntleuded church at Lons
borne <rf Mr. aad -Mn. Richard 8T>«^
oar eaamba darlu agatoat u da aai
ed toe rally at Tnrone Cttp
-Dear Mr. "
of InTaad. went to mntattabnrg
Mrs. Lnnord CnwBlngliniii west to Hag tMs week. .
LUe laB Studs).
form part ot our llru; wo oaly asMr. Barns laeUnad u Uf.
TtoTecee Cftp this Boralag on bus!Mr. and Mra Oscar Lyon ud IRtb hnatneu Tneedap.
Miaa Mprtle B’pekoS and friend. B.
tocm. reject them, and guard
-Wbat did that baaap ta paBcrv
Prof. Cbu. NewmU arHved Satiw- dnnghter. Mamb. troa the penlosnla.
A J. McDonald b atni oa too Bek
V. Brewer, of SumnU. called on old
talk abcet UB alghtr
Thera was a farewell pnrtp nt toe Menda in thla segibkorhood Sundap day to take op fab eeboeH work ^(e]jutted their parents. Mr. aad Mn.
WUhofae of Mrs. B. Kou Satnrdap eronAnkcraon. bat Sunday.
r toeonrubau «hbh awp ba
AcuuMfng far the BBku Hatred.
Mbe Benu Carpenter of
Mary MCGUI hu goM back to OM da ud Margb. apont the weak end
Ini In honor vt her dnnghter Pfle.
. who U wdrkMbs 1
-I eaft flggar It out any other
Mrs. lf«M Sbleldt at Movu Oen- wap,'’ maaad Btaolar Urtagawa MatMbaba W rblt her stater. Mra. Katb
peateitoap ter DetrolL wlaare ing tor Mra. 3. U OIbbe at Mapheld. ta-rbtttsg Mbs Alice Cock.
Bar. nad Mra 3. W. Stuton of Nea- Ktok.
ah* arfll ttap with her father tote wln- took a weekb racailoa to gat some
Aav. the amattnr phOoaopbar. "that
efmrek MO Yura OM.
sen Cttp. rbftod Mrada here bat
Tbe.Mtaau Maud and DeUa NawMr. and Mra A H. Joou tocB dto- toe Barba. Bnlgara Roumubu aad
W and so to oehooL 6be wai
sawing dona.
alend of WUIlamaburg rbUad at tbelr
tr with Mr. and Mra R. Loomb. Sun­ ton reat of tbou fereriah folks U toa
pafbh dhkreh et
ootopaniM u far u Waluin bp bar
Serarni troa tUa adaliborbood nt
Haiku statu era all related to aacb
Mbe Leah Knee ot Trareroe Cttp, unele’g Will Newelead. a few days day.
Bothor ud trtBids. Clara Wottioa. traded toe tanml of Mra Hairp BlnenompasM Mprtb Dexter
bat week.
Mbt Ooraldtoe Page) of Patookep. otou by marriage-bratoera4a-)aw. Mad. bu MB beu wMrated. Th#
Witlli HBto nad RnaaeR Maag.
nep. wktcir.wan beM at toe
Otoarvtou Airto. whito b baDt of epUf oak
Mra Sackett U e^lng a ribt who hu ben rblttog bar eoualn. mostly. I Bhonld Judge.
Mbonaa Mat Wedaeedap attor- Satkrdap for oru Buddy. Whlb bore
toara secas ao why of aeeoutiai for true, btou only aneof its kladtaton
Mbe Kue u»e a abm hddrew at with twB of ber brolbera. wbo arrived Adeline Ctarg retaraod to bar boBC
toe huitp. wbotewoutod Buaar ta country, and Mde tetr to UB ahothar
Warn* Knight and abler. Mbs Ha- the InMad efaerdi to ton Berateg emi a few dtyo ago frM
vhM thep hate enek otoar.
Mt paara.
Mr. and Mm. Henry lAugblia ftom
at Bendon In too evening
Mr. Cnadalfa (halip drar* oror to OMp Star.__________ .
AlBira.. Sept 1.—B. 8. lake went ael. 'are rbltlBg relaUrct
Horton rbltefl ibHr coukM. Mra Will Rapatano to their
ran' Cftp tetnrdap on bnsiBaaa.
iwn one dnr MB woek. Thep gave Pletee, last wuk.
Mr. nad Mra. Praift Bntoa retorsad
kte. ud Mn. OUrer Beeaoa nre oo fgartlp.a refp taatruettro Metore which
time next week.
•botoe Sunday evening from Trav.
Howard Clelaad wu borne oretSun wBl attended bp toe fman U thb copying toe porunago for .a
The fateflp of Dan Ourgo nro Bill
Clip, where thep hare been attend­
WMks. HraTbeora bahay fbrer po- oonftawl tt toe hoau wtth smallpox.
ing toe eaoap naeoM
tbnt and hu spent bar
The ibreabora are Tprp heap ta fiito
Mbr Hap Mclotoab to attending
Tbrn will be reffral mWlngs heM
itha County Neraal at Traurae atp.
m. toe CeBWt acbool bouee la about' BhlghSbtbtfbd *t toe prwarat ume.
weelL with dap. Mr. Dexter went « to Praak- Blnbter ta the Friends' cbvrflh. hu
mol hoau pruented a sbtatu daps. Ror.. Shattock wl8
Mbs Oraee Teai^ ot oM falaaton fort Moadap to attend toe R. F. D. been boidlkg mepUafta Bnu be e%me. tog fbee to too pnpDa Monday, bavtag
Tbelr many trtewda at tob pbw give received a new eooi of patat beBdu
Mn. W. J. CMand spent oareral
A eompnxp ot nbwt two trandrod them a hearty wel<
other Improrempnta
Winatlrod Benedict u teaebor.
BbouU know that tba Neal Drtag HaMt Truosiu vW ramorc
The gneets at Fbraat Lodga are
.daps thb Week rbUtog at the homca BB at too Btoonko) oehooT
Mn. AUb Vu Horn spent the
B. L. Lake loot a ratuablo tem
Of Joe Weldtn aad Howard CMand. Labor Imp for a Snndap wkool pto tbtontag out quite rapidly, tbara belBg weak end wlto friends at Hwrp. rotbc''erprtocaadnaeaeBtp tordrtok ta thru dura, wlthnat the au of
mak Acton rlBtsC at Uia SparOpg ate. A boontlfnl banket dlaaor wu an)r aixtaon left at proaemt Tbe re­ tnratag bom* Moadap.
Mrs. Munel Mpen and dau^tor
sort hu been very Mvely thb nw
pMcM. dusmna. hypodermb Injectbim. U maku me menmee bow
Mr. ud Mra D. R. (bmpbetl and
fcnh or Mlsaawaa, Ind, are bora rtsMra Juper L&BBl attandad On
I fflrra by Roe. B. M. Xerao of u more thu neul harn epm
« Willard spent toe week end at
the fortoar'a oBtoor. Mra. Jue
tong they hara beu ditaktog. bow mack thep drtak doA'faip. or what
iBmer here.
tap Boethigi In Traroroe Cftp two Orawa. C N. Boboeck of Lake Ann.
totdr cottage at Sflrar Lake.
iMredp of Codar Bus. Tber aMo cnll- or torao daps, of Mat weak.
Mra. Rou Cotfbld and grandd
Mbs Knod ot Trmraru dtp. A
Hlu LUb Krvmm fa on the Bek Ibt
towr drink, the Neal Treatxnut wUl euble tkeaa to atop wttoent u
44 oa Mra. A. Casa and Mra Laura
Tbs mur trlonda of Mbs OMdpa
bbot UvHp annlc nod oporto fill- ter.-Obdya. of TrareriO Cttp.
Mbs DBcIc vnTDaBs bu goae to
Amm. BataBap.
■pandtaf a few dayn eut on tba fora.
ISort ot toe wOL Come to ud let us glru PM titfl partlulkn aad
aanton were Indeed Uad to tooBre
Trareru Oip to altend the high
Mlat Mha BalBoa b ooBOwhat bet- p caO troB bar Mat Sundap oftoraora. od u e
Mr. and Mra. W. P. KaoBST have
1^ that toe Neal Trutueat wU make pu a aUar aaa.
tok at tots writing We all bepe for
retnraed from tbetr cal«Itog^^
I HkmQtoa gradoatod fram TpB
O. A JobaaoB and fUtOp drore tt
Mb Uarrel Kllmnrry wu a rl
a speadp reeorerpluU Nenul thta pear and aow ku a
Sunday to toatr car ud Mtoa
CbO. *phow ar write Naal laBItata Oommap.
Stttn strut.
' Mtaa MMnta RsBatagton b work life eertlOenW to track. Bha.
cf a birthday euprlu Arty MB FrtBatoetLondta
Rmaido.Orero, Sept L—The «ni- dap afternoon when tu of ber Hub
fag tor Mra. Unda Bataa.
teach at NIMa. Hl^ too coBlng pear.
'Trarafu Cttp. or 71 SbBdW Aru, Orand Rapida.
Petro Bates and Oedf^.IAs hate
I to foe. a bOp ttma. for a two wdeka' rblt
Mbe Bertha Sparttag la home from alde Orore otooB cominraeoa Aug
Mrs. Ban of Trareraa Ctty, who
raiane to Owvgp w aftov.
Old Mtaslra. She wtQ attrad i
took charge of Mr. Loomb'-cau Mon­
Cloon Cbnmpaep had tbo Bbfortone Bted ber cf ber klnto Mrthdap.
MI« snbp Pika M\y^rorse dtp. KMgsMp High acheB thb winter.
day. wu ohUged to rBsra
freahBenU conBotlng nt bn e
tfBtad her onBe nad'wtBtTV'r- ud
Mr. and Mn. H«rp_,/8pnrilng of to kwe a rnMaMa borw bB weak.
betag tsku ffl herJohn Akan and fttend rbttad hb raka. wBermekm and eksdp wore
fan. SUu Orap Sar kJew daps
Tmrorao atp rbfted at the boas of
Mtt. and was ralbred hp Mtaa Bfahu
Mr. bad Mra. B*ri Orap nad chO- too Miter's Bator, Mra B. A. Baftb, Mvtbor Frad eror Sundap.
Mra F. B. Moore end Mra. Wtff abn of T^reru Cftp.
Mn. dtooter Oox. who kaa bora
faen. far. nad Mn. SIMS Orap and teat Moadap.
Mra Vgk Rora b haring her store
f PomUnw. iwatiiiMitB C
dftumr flap vMfa Mr. and
Tba gnrtp bBd at the bene of Oob. eerp 0> b abwlp improrteg Mn. Qram from near Trarerat City fawv^
baOdlng patotad.
iditoi dill > idig rieuw^
Kobmh U working tor ber.
oat to Mra Dupu'a bB Memdap.
.lira. M*4M orap."
Buctoft MB Wodnaadap orenia
Mr. and Mra P. C 'OAk«< kaew * O. e. AMerteh wu ta Trareru CTty
Mbs Marp SBDep
* Blaar Lrwb to nhl* to be ont i
Bau enteftatalM th» •ritowtagg«BW« MiBseu Twtodgp.
and Mendap al borne.
|4e arc aU gUd to see hla Improred

The Kind Yon Have
Bears the


tt9. t.


For Over
Thirty Years



iforA ^taradbt



r<v.i/^ EVERY MAN






Twy Ulnly.
PiB— dThtlpapteaaya teat Tar,
N. T.. bu4 poet. «ba atea kit poetry
Crom kSUB tetetea ate makaeaUe•Wrlfkt-^ teppofa K k Bka tea o
U tea orghn 0ta^;
w; paopla pay tea




AkhOMh t UB % MrtoM
riakaa bare baan pot to auny gMor
■«a. 1 trot t CM tokntt*. u4 tifm naaa vklW atm allTe; bot probably
tadvlf* ta. aoderau Uthj at t!»M. tka abancaot «raa tkat antsaatad to
CtM wr« 1 Ota n4 tk*. tr aa7«M tba war dapaitaaBt by an tbrootar.
«Ma. ttovM kB«nr.
Tka prepalaloa of aabBortna torpartr Mtin Mart I M W at tk*
tke aabjaet nodar dlacnnalan,
racapbM oC av elav ta and he prtvoaad tkat a akarfc be lotpriaonad In a t«ba at tka rear and ot
Nowtftbara tka protetUe. Ita tnorananU to ba
waasoae tUac wklA 1 tkaa baM la
attar M0ta. it arai a prett7 lift
eaaa tka abark' attempt­
OTTfad rtaakttn'a aarti^^ *%a
ed to earlm away H vaa to be gtran aa
alaatric abock. and In tbta way kept
aztraiDa—aad bayoad. tf I nar ka per> on la aonrae notn tba tropado bad
Bittad tka axpraaaloa. t bald that«»» raackad lU target.
Biaa idaiaaaaa aad Tlrtaa «a)kad
Another twiatkabla aae to vbl^
band tc band, and that ao glri vko a Bib tea been pot l» aa a
*a« |>rat^ ooaU ate ba flttad ter tka Tba >ia^ fa «nry anacapUbla to atmoapadaatal ea vklek m Ideal *a> ^erte rbangat. aad nkan raialned In
raiaad. 8o ytw aaa ttkti Bwall Voe aa aquartna ft Hkelr to threw Iteelf
oat at tbe approach ot or during any
m acooaat of bar katac ackaovV remarkable change of wind or veatb
adgad pratiy.
er. or. n ia a pood or atrean. will
At tka
aomeUmea Jump on the bank. It baa
-teroad lata
baao kept alire In aquaiia aa a living
Voat of tba teOon aropt ma bap- barometer from tba i
ad ta
to ba aRkar aafaM or'kaad
or" '
dieaie partlcnlar
r baals la kpra aad llMra «Sl a ebangea tkat at« about to occur ta tka
vMtkar. Ia RaaBla tbe dead body of
ad.' that tba
Oottiin gobio. the mlller'a tkomb. la
klcbaat kobon ta tka dau ot K
1-^ a veatkercock. Hong by a
Two oBihi ta kara aoma elate
angle thread. It vin point to the dlreethe belle of tka teoaption. vk&b tion vkeooe Ike wind btova-HBanday
Btkal Bbdoabtadtr
bar at'tka eataeC
"Aa «a are to ka ovr
DMT boaaaa op la the eld Oraaltt
Palatae and Waatam Critiea EpiH an
- tkla

ywr; «a oakbt
■ te'ba
ft'ba a«K
aea fihtaatlan of Mataorology.
«Mlatad. bat I prenldi *0110 kaap
m fiOB TOST eoteaadt' of kaarta.
In a gallery there haaga a Urge eanYou ante, oaf tka «tb« kaad. eoaat
aib aa^Ai teytea-' 1 ka«a aever pat
ihove a waierten In ana
aaeo fba wen^ 1 boald fore. tboii«b
Biaias famoua tor atartUng natural
I bare Banp Maadi ammg rout.aax. acaoary. The plaura kaa oconplad la
< promlaa. »«b. kat to tek In tova
preaaot place ter aereral yeara.
‘Iteaa It belong barer naked a vUltt faU Is toTO or of the man In charge.
'vRb na. That goes witkoot aaylog.
Tto mote than tbe otbera yon aear
Kav tea ba ‘triaads and fiteda
"Seasu (0 me it abooM be In the

Plir tba aaallaat fraettea of-a aaaood tka btea w af Ethel teked Into
It vaa painted ter the atate." raKina, and tbao drappad akyly nodar plied tbe man In eterge. "but vben it
tkalr ta^ trinctt. Altkoogb. aa 1 vaa tnbmllted to tbe art committee
aaM. I as a aaiteaa aladed man.-1 they reteaed to accept IL'
tett tka goMreat aenaaUob akoet ay
"Wbat vaa the objoetlonr
“You aee. the aky U orarcaat The
the ftrat artfnt put U a gatborlng atorm like an
Impending eataamy. Tba art commit­
Btkal ettatead bar hand. qilU tka tee aaM R vaa a roflactloa on tka t«pprattlaat I kara arar aaao imall. Oiadan ot tka atatef that a atorm aock
vhiia and dailcau bayoDd expraa- aa 1* repraaenlM vaa unknovn la that

"Ikaak yon,” aka axeialaad In a
“Couldn't tba artlat put In another
low. frank ndoa 1. aa ao tirad o< ■ky one that accorded with the ■ttie'a
tka men who ten In lore vRk ma.
luauon ter miBhloer
1 taU yoo tba alinpte tnth whan I eay
1 auppoae he could, but he rafuaed.
Be aald that the rumpna kickad
d up
by the art oommlt
atom .effect on the canraa and be
foaed to bodge. He aent It beta, aod
Aa ve adionnad to oor nminar bera It ramatna“
raaldencea In Roda^ the next iraak.
•wt tow nracb of each otkar after tbaL
•harR Eyaa.
Tbara vaa eanoelns on tba Uqntd allSome peraona aaem to have opened
r of tba Marrlaate and tkaro'
goU anwog the klUa. vblek looked aa more eyea than otbera. they aaa vltk
If they Bight baea aaragd aa taae for, •««!> force aad dlaUnctaeta; tbetr
■tka Tttana ot
▼teoa peaatrataa the taagU aad obTka lint day came, the day vkea I
wberaihat of otbera ten* ,.w.
araa forced to end my eacatloa. Ethel a epeni or impot^t bullet. Hov many
and I Mt Id tka tvfllght on the eeran- eyea did. OUb^ White open* Hov
da of ■Blear Reat.' aa the ElveO cot­ muy did Henry TboreauT Hov many
tage van called. Wa occupied oppo- did Andnbon* Hov many doee the hunt­
er, matekiag hli eight againatthe keen
ktto aoda or tka eana vfflov aaat.
■Aad m're atUl fii«nde.“ I aaM and alert aanM of a deer or a inooee.
vteadly. *BtkaT-^ caRad her teat or fox, or a wolf* Not outward eye*,
but Inward. We open another ^ye
In tba aplrlt of
“yoa cast tOl kov mute that amat when ve aae beyond tbe dr»t general
teatara or ootUdea oT thlnga—wbento teO!“
*T did net aoppooe tkat the ealedle- erer ve graap tee ipeclal detail* and
martlng* that
torte or hU oUsa at ooOege would
«ar« ter aran tka frfendaklp Of a girl maak oorera. Science confer* new
power* oT vlaloa. Wbenever you have
Uka laar tea aamtod.
I Itated teyttef m tea fbongkt teat learned to dlacrtmlaate the birda, or
aha Bdtet ba Rlayteg with na aa tea the pUnta. or tbe gaokigleal teainre*
bad playod «Rk oteen.
'^'Wbat la year [■"■g'vm for tonwrrowf 1 naked UgkOy.
fottag, te&nla,'
Lllm a ffalry Story.
aba aalA
They were gelag to the theater. Ha
*’WRb Bartlar Ondyf I teqoirad.
ted reaebad home at <:» o'clock, and.
Tea I ogppoM ka aaddlvOlteea
~ ~ '
an Jiour later vaa ready to atari. There
to ftrtte vp a
iklp ter Sap- vaa itt*t time to reach tka pUykeraBa
by eight. She bad had nothing to do
Tha didat ^aate ma.' tfaoogfc *, an aRemoon except to dresi. ydt It
coBldat teeo toM vlv'',va* l-IR
8:1S whM
vben tee Mm.
eame from bar
vltfa her bat and coat on.
*Tm atrnU ve tean ba kte." tee
"Toe look ao lorely," ba i«pU*d.
with nt. I axpaet, teem yrkat hk Mjw. kiialng her. -OM. It vonld have baa
vail atart abont the ftrat of Ootober.- worth valil^ another hour tor yoa"
“TonD ba aatetbg ao ted of yonr
No, they were not brtde aod brideoongneau anon. Bteat.'' T teM. tealteg groooL They bad been married tan
ea If I'd bate teaktete « tnte eel- year*. But what 1* tbe nae c( telling
ybli any more* A* yoa cab aM by
Jap« yooll
ibl* aample, yon vunldnl ballera it,
“Pettep*!“ Ska aetnaHy amlUd.
"And. Robert, wgfae. *a^ frt«d
aren't war I reaaaktr kaartag b«
A TImt Claarlrrg Meoea. aay. i
tf I could only have a tnonopoty of
r In a dregm.
and *011 it at anctloe fd ba a
*Tea.*’-avk»atelii ■akd t
Ire la a abort time Sotee men
tied not to fklt^ lova-vttk year
Ume than they kabv vtet
Wa* my arm abont bar walat*
to do with: tbe aurpln* U waated. Otb“But
didn't make aky pt—
laer Har teytag that, t nobrnbar art could uae 48 boura a day if they
very, Tory dlattncUy. tor u vaa a«|te- had team.. I would eiUbtite a time
^rlag bo«M. or a Uma brokemga
latiealy awaat to my aai*.
'Do yoa abaelea aw troa my snm- aad eommliOea faouae. and buy Uma
ot an vbo.teve it (o va*t« pad *eU it
laer l aakad.
'Tbara was no anovar In vordo. bat at a graat proflt to cuch a* are In need
of awra than aatnre ba* allotted,
I katv teat r^va* atnolved. I ao
eonld buy tlm* vbat a price
lengae faarad tba ranlt of tea v«ri.
era trtp. and when 1 mat Bartley
Orady aagt day I ebook hand* vHk
him « artktelaatUHy that be aaotead iwfprtead.
Ik iplta of bar kaiag a pralty gM.
1 love Steal dagity.
tOopTrtght. by Bally aary Pah. ttej


Paahtan Sot


Cbartotta a dear!" crlad tea
gM In tea awing aM aa tba young
woman ot whom tea apoka VaTad -a
dtametln^ pretty band from the
window, of bar aaetrtc brougfaaxa
"Pancy your luck In haring a aUp<
mother nearly yoor own age. and ante
an adomWe ovatnre, toa So mnte
more axelClag teak baring a mart akter."
"Gbartotta ate I do bare good
Umaa." agreed tba girl vlte beowb
eyea aad a email,
------ ^
*3nt I really tbonght for a vbUa teat
va weren't going to gal on ataU. Bba
made ma teal anubbad aU tbe Ume at
"1 dare eay tbe VlannaM type k dtfbeulttoni
hurting year poor lltUa faellnga."
“Ob, tee didn't mean to bnit
bnrt them.
Bat va take anob different thing* eerionaly. Nov. clothe*, for Inatanea
CbartotU 1* one of teoee lucky peraona
who think that vhat«>*r U fashionmare ot tbe d
etaraally fit and Intrin
8ba really think* a»-^tor tee »■«« be­
Cbarlolte baa a postUrety nneanny
aen*e ot what ft going to be tbe thing
to vear. I can't catch ber taking any
And tee k perieetly nnoonseloui of ber gtfk
"So when abe dlaeover* me dreaalng
in n different way from beraalf, tnatead
of aakUf me why I don't eonanlt a
look* hurt and Inqulrea genUy vbetber 1 dont think white bo*e with bUek
pnmpa are
n bit—well, not what
a kdy
•dy would wear*
whetbar 1 realise that my b^r 1* part­
ed luat a thought to on* aide! Or aba
viu point out to me that to a really
Bound aaatbatle aonaa tbe thought ot
laee k (Imply excmcUtlng
" Ton aee, dear. It to a tallared ma­
terial.' she would aay, with teat little
reverent bnah In her voice that aora*
women atwaya have when they apeak
af anything teat to tailored. And abe
would aay, 'Of oonne It to bot and uncomrortable, but really,, yon know, a
ooat mnat always be worn on tee
tfoln.* And abe vonM aok tt 1 myaelf


The aang we know w waO . .
rHoma Sweet Home," va* orlgtnallr
-Sweat Home." aad Mm Hovapd
Payne wa* formerly known a*
Rovard Payne.
proeea* keep* oa apace. It If veil
known that army band* to time of vnr
are forbidden to play "Sweet Home"
on account of tbe large nnmber of deaerUem* It eaanea
Aa oScer with
the fleet. vrUlag to a l^nl refMrad
to tbe tune to thne word*: “We allov It occaaloaally pi *aa. where the
Mplag orerbbard; hot
'-nerer!" Imagine vbat a powerful
lafluance auch a tmw i*a*t bffre oc
a bomarick man. tbooaai.da of mlka
fnun wife. moUiar. *vaetbtert. babia*!
Novarrl Payne'a lit* wm> one of re­
markable riclsritndea. Of aa eTcnlog
he would (troll along the etreeU look­
ing Into the brilHaady lighted parlort.
Once to
in avhlle he wouM___________
vouM aee k family
cdrcle *o>ap|{r and forming ao beauti­
ful a group that be would atop, gaaa
upon tbe acene. and vlte .a algh pass
on; “How oRen," aald ba to an Inti­
mate friend, “bare I been In tbe heart
of Pari*. Berlin. London, or aoae
other city, and heard peraona riegtog.
or tba hand orgaa ptoylag. 'Sweet
Home,' vltbont a ahUllBg to tray tba
next meal or a plaoe to pat my bead.
Tbe world haa. Ularally, anng It until
erery heart i* fanltlar vltb It* mely-boyhood."
t* Showman. Leviathan
waited Long for Jonah.
The lUteop of Maribarougb UM
atory In opening the St. Thomaa tel*
or work at Bxai
Sxater, to inustrate the
difficulty which eonfronied cfcurcfc
worker*» to-day* gone by. ear* the Lon
don Standard. Sixty yegr* ago be
mtee a atrenuoui effort to sUmulpte
jArochtol life to tbe direction
ainniiemenL bat. It wa*. be aald.
bad failure. Tbe otey thing white be
could recollect of Uc detail* oov was
that there va* a amoky magic toatbni
which bad been uaed at Haldon
and vaa “caught,hold oT by a youn*
fanner as a proper thing with which
to give aa enienalnneot In tbe parkb.
but It va* rimply an exhlblUon of anlmala, aad the room, belag dark and
the sboiraaBn not fljat rate, tl

next thing be exhibited was a whale.
whale to tbe ark.'
the ihovman wa* eqnal lo the occarirn^and. replied: “No. Utile boy. the
there; It wa* vailing
ter Jonah."

Utarary ptonaare.
Polite Uieralure, ao tor as this____
try I* concerned, oadonWedly be* It*
feanuinhead In tbe writing* of WaahiBgton Irrihg; but the flrst
h*vr the positive American smack
and Savor were -the novel* of 4. Fbnlmore Cooper. Cooper'* novels viere a
revetoUon to tb* old world of the fact
that lo the new world a fresh veto bad
bean atrack. aomethlng tent was aa
much American a* Ikote wna madiaeval or Virgil and Cicero otoaaical.
n I* not too moeb to eaU Cooper tbe
Columbua of American Utaratare.
Cbarie* Brorkden Brown, a much
greater genlu* than Cooper, approach­
Waved a Dtotraetlngiy Pretty Hand. ing la tbe anbtleiy of hi* toletlect tb*
greateat of tbe aaeieoU. wa* prevent­
ed by bis morbidity and introapeetlvenea* from gnlnlng the palm white
Bity of tba thing, aa It paaaed to the aothor Of tba "Dearwere. Barely oonld not ban aaeapad alayer•' and the "Patbfladar.-




‘ A* tor peraona who pennK tbam•riva* to appear on tbe atreet wilbont
glovea ar la a drawing room with abort
al evea and no ooUar, tea oonld not
ipaak of them tor teaer horror. Tbeaa
bSenaea peaked tba bounds of charily,
it tbe queatloa of taste that
it wu tba etareal
rttetnaat ot things that weighed npoa
"Wen. yon onn raalto* tMt I barat
td to wall long, at tba mo 'au
^lea move, axaetly to ebaage plaoea
Nov aba
wahn tba lovaat nackn and tba moat
mvelou axenaaa tor Blaaraa. aad tba
moat ooaUaae blonaas; aad whan tee
oattbea me In a high ooUar abe looks
exuHly a* grtcred ns aba naad to look
Whan 1 rnUad np my alaeeaa.
"Bat aba cant hurt my faaUnte ay
ore -Bct a bit!
Pbr I know now
that what abe bonaatly nppoaaa to be
morel gronad to nothing ta tba
wartd bat a davor oUte saaaa as to
wSat to baiag worn.
T don't mind nntaatatonabla. but I
did bate to telnk I wna color bUod.
taaMeot, of doabtfnl daUeacy and gteeraUy a Might on the good dd paritan
tfocat^ bmaaa 1 didit palt to oonrH Bom ParWan totekn tynst bator* t wore a dark vakt wtte a U^L
Bklrt Pte mad* bar aaa IL aad now
on baaBtlfBly!“-CblQago

a bow tkat wodd
lonMo—tee way 1 bare laamad aoiaa- nuka altbar the anogn or tba ana Ug
tblng of Ha deep patboa. 1U ■nbUme battar.
myawHaa. bat ba« V n»lng b great
deal among people more or ieaa eomBonplaoe, ot «bem yoa would perbhpA
bear nolblng raty ampHalng U rpt ia rar? otentoa."
Tto laat aboototaiy amdaalm
vara to Inaolra about team in tba
whan they dvelLlawaWtoi.wttb otktr paoMa «
Oaorga EUot.


Tba Md saw Bays teat "polities
BUkas atrenga badfrilowa." and tt to
a fact that tee
Tb* geatlemaa of colonUI days. b*>
-Wltboot a wrtokla." Tkat to What polUlciaa to ti«qo*a6y moved by tba
tb* toateor aaM abovt her achool “ezigeBelaa of tbe caae," to aeu that -wlgged and beruffled, bowed tow bAiore tea CQtateM
wbaa aba wieu to tb* enpartotawS win aat ataad otoa* amatk'y. Not
dame with IW
atL “BveiTtetog Bmoote aa a waa alooa to this ao la tbe praaant day.
poMdared balr aat
mar tot. Sana pU." Ska wa* tatear but tt wu ao "la tec day* M tb* tavmtA mate
prond of tb* Prente aba had ptokad tbers.’ When Raanlbal HamUn Am
be^ bto poUtleal carewr be wu ones
at a canea* In Hampden, tbe oaly atbad bate entUng log* off tb* aMM tandaat besides hlmulf betas a ctiltoad. OM I
r aald R 1
aaa of vary tall sktnr* aad ponderon* bolM. Mr. Hnmiln bad aome rea. It to know. olatSoet to pau vbleb hwgaa by reiireDidnt h* Uve right next to that ptoot aentlug tent they were predented to a
of tabdf
•large and rrepecUble" gateering of
It wa* Bsad SplrMlm who bad cst
tb* log* off tb« pnldle land. Evary- “eote“ them onto tea records ot I
body add ao. evarybody Bnt tb* U
ntti* .............................
“Hold oa!" Cried tba other aaan
tea pto* straw. "We cant pau teat, tor tt ain't tree.'
Rato or ■bine, nevar tala, barer nntoy.
"Wbat toa-t mar damaadad ted
Brown by tea nan. haattby with hard wily HamUn.
work, lean from Ugbt fflodlag.
ain't a Urge and respectabla
objected tbe other
acbool had been fought for tbaL
Vaa worth Jut on* bloody BOM to of tbe usembly. 'There's only two
■ay “Slump " to on* of tbo VtU* of na."
"Tbat'B all rlgbL brotear. tbafa all
did sot SghL
-^nat yob keep aUD. This la a
Bba wa* not avan dtadainfnl-Mv*
toward Lne Nadjarev. who aat aext torg-;e and reapeotable cauen*. aU right
I're Urge and I am
to ber ft) clasa-^be vaa always head
-Peggy. Bto." aba aaM agrim
And tea reaolaUoB "paawd" wHboot
—and who vorahlped ber utterly from
For a wbae tea geetleraas of adito
the aole of har atim bar* teot to tb*
nlal day*
----------------------gave -np tea sSarL Ho
topmost ot ber toulng enrla. Small
danced with tbs ookmtol dtud. —
lay dM be gat of bto tov* affair.
REOULIAR tTATUES OP KiNoa.^ Ugbt u n bit of thtatta dowwaad
Ha. tbe poor Luc! Ha wanted to
'knew nU manner o( dainty ak«n- Mknock down every boy In tba acbooL Rulare of DnhairN
*a -Bimxigbt trow near tb* aMostal bso*
to ilte the lae* of evaiy glci—save
Outo* af RateU.
Demaa ooadencaadad to pltetlAg, “IL
Uicle. He wanted to tall Lucia teat
wiu Boon be Um* to namaak SoMy
ba tovad ber. And an ba dM waa to
la Han Prof. J. O. I
loaa bto peoelL And UttU Eaad toand
Luo’B UUl* broteor area* to hta
aaat at the sight ot that tong, rad
-|Uh Nell. Eaad atol* my bcoteer’a peaqll." ba ertad.
UtUa E*ed Jumped up. He eonld
not speak B&gUte. He painted h*toleaely at tb* road. 'Ja troava," h*
Luc spoke np promptly- Tbat'a all
rlgbL Mlaa NeU, 1 give 11 to him."
barely wtltlnc
•be wa* acroe* tbe room and bad
robbed little Baed of hi* beautiful
And And LoC* peneU waa oa bto
deril again
Luo stood up hotly. "May I opeakr
ba demanded, and before all Ue
acbool he aaM to UiUe Seed: "That’s
yoora. Keep R."
Tbe Uttle fellow looked at fal* sta­
ir, bto Up qutrertog with the Mttar
pria pf renuDctotlon. but be returned
*0 bangbtlly u a baby may: "Je n'te
at pu beaoto." And Loo went bock
to hi* stel with bto pencil. Ha.
slapped to tee face by a baby—bataro
tee whole acbool. It made fOm mad.
He baaded Lucia off oa tb* way
"Wbat for yon dMnt M E*ad taka
that pencUr ba damaadad, brartaktogbar.
"Bead eay he didn't want It* teo
rapltod. wlteont looktag at bim.
Thlat ma aay yonr pop* cat thote
Tb* blood raa np to tee boyh hair
"ht tbe slur to bar voteo.
T kbov, me. be tint cut tbate"
That’s wbat I know,** she eat la.
"If I prore/yoor pap didnt cut

Dabome now d^ied to tbe Troeaone whom you mdy kbow. I giTM
deromuaeum. Tbe flnaru are evmhol- I —
.. phiHt, jiaofl 'M»r
Mtont. euh kin. bring repr.e«.ted to
tee gutoe ot an animal. Tbo*. Ooeto. eotontol lady draw back from, htti
step by step He foUowed. hta had’
■Plate." h*
Id by n I
covered wlih featbera: She looked back over bar ________
lele (I8684»).
"nbe lion." u a Um 'Peggy.' tee aald awsaUy and ynm
rnmpani; Behansto. bto
tobed to tea crowt.
wu fln«ny depoaad by tb* rraack.
Pbll Moore apast tb* Tstantotar oT
known U "the teark."
. appeare
totelng for tea aoMatal
dogflsb graced with tb* arm* and oop- ..—
aat And ber asl w^t
ported by human lea. Tbe “Iteiher. "
coT.nd U> .Ui..
taastog Paggy wbsi
w*. PMieu and acrap* of oM trass nronnd to tec ♦—«»> of k
Prof. PYaaet obaerre* that the
ot U..M «.lo» -na »
mi oonm^Mon ot onom imu" ?y*-.
nllr mol
omu. >0100 ntoiu.
Of n Mrto Tbo, oonu, lotOMU
Or Ul. looao. 10 nm nno wtool SV."” .“■■■
I. awing^ down tbe tan* tbta
At any rat*, they caaaoc ba
e eventeg, wga gtod tent' be tea
totem* hereditary to tee _
male Itoe. '
n. Aafaow. u -be avaag tewm


•ootrimrttf t* All Law.
There to aosaetetog aarefle to tbo wbon tiM 1 mw *wMt Paoay. *twu *•
habit of seeking after a tow vbleb ve a
.at k
a trere
may obey. W* may stndy tows of
of bar—
matter at and for our convenience, bat
succeuful III*
life Bnow*
know* no tow. It to iha^rr*™!!^chemnte ^tb^idrilte
a succeniui
did not know before we were boand.
Uv* tra*. child of lb* mist—aad with
reapact to knowladga w* are all chfltfran of tee mtot The man who takaa
tee liberty to Uve to soperior lo aU tb*
law*, by rirtw ot bis retotlpn to tbe
lawmaker. That to acUv* dotyT *aya
tb* Vlsbou Parana, “wbleb to not for
onr'bondsge; teat to knowladg* white
to tor onr UbaraUon; an other doty to
good only ante vaarinaM: an oteer
kaowledge to only tbe
■ Man
artist.''—Henry D.

swung I
dtog grey bore*,
of bay, bat on tea tow aaat a girt aat>

tog with tb* toUlWOi
u barebodad and tb*» s•pnopt lent
dash of goU to Imr bre«_ ...
bud wu toted Uk* tea bead of. •
nacy nparrew. and PbU cangbt tea
gUmpM ot a ronadad teoek aad of a
dimple teat twtoUad aUnriagly at tea
corner of h« mouth. P«Ky! PhO*#
bean bat high with dteAbt sad anrprke. It was bta ootantal dama PbO
The gtol's ton* ebs
bta baL "Good orealng. Paliy.’
“May t>* I let him keep tent pancdlAttitiite to Fau ot Oaoth.
Peggy eyed Um and ber dlmpla bayou give him." tee aald, softly.
A British madloal man thm tells bto
Ha! Dot It would seam that all experience of bow men aM women gaa to tvUkto altbongb bar retoe wu
toe* death: TaU tba man of blgher tbe way." abe aald. ••
______ _____________ said. BtoJMly.
type and greater tntelligesce. be sayn,
"Yon going be at tee bora* no* teat b* to facing death, and ba W«tM trample you to the dnaL'* Bb* teatraped to tb* gray bora*. PhSbaUhlN
Bnnday? X »roT* R team"
to Ate*, demands a oontaltatlce.
gwBBA Peggy btosbad. "Are yw*
African CaitrkMp.
holdup mar oM aba
atrme Afilcna tribe*, when,
profeese* bt*
b love tor a woman
be 1 won'
tbe eame fact*, and sb* Bu back to
and a*iu her in amarriage, abe InvartBb* took U-tk* rad panell, kwkad await ber fete. An women are fatalabk
a Aral. Ie«t It sbonld
. refoaea bin at
at him wtotfuUy, abd ataitad np lbs isk. On tbe other band ten
ippear teat abe bad been thinking of
Ji if aetttod m 4h* grey baa
that be bu one ebanoe in a thousand
him and was eager to beeome bto wife.
BteAayl A loag. straight tnek to reoovar if he viu undargo aa op- •tank. H* Ufted a nattan to«t «
By *0 dotog abe maintains th« modPaggy taaaad forward to Bite tea i
eaiy of her an. as well as taats the ibttegb tea foraaL and a crowd ot eratloa. aad ba vM trest to bto ova ooel ’• •
■trengtb aad aadBraac* retbar than
love aod abasaa the pride of ber tor- This policy to atoo Intandad to b* or ta tea Aalab. Kvarybody bad baaa nndargo tea kalta. Tb* vpmaa vfU
precoad. trotted torvaid. aad IM.
lae to tbe woman to her mnrrted to mao*. New for tb* bora* tie*. cbooM tbe teonaandih ebarn. aad wetog teK bo VM rotely to ba b
llfe-a*. ahoald there be qunrreUng Btan! Ue red* bto own bay mare, anbmtt to tbe operettaa with
' Itttta beaaty. faU of tog

and tbe hnband tbfaatao to tend her
kbow ywn." Poor atetod to fUk
away, abe eaq remind him of bow be Are IM taAg of YtaA.; R was hlr
*I tomv teat Fob hare otea- Bawa
Arst tees.' XMte rede tba whtta hema.
toApmidteiBdayattea Oadata.
and urgently praaaad W* salt briore aad tea wfcR* bA already baa teres.
When a woman wtoM ts oatartals teawk you dMbT haep lb»t 1 am
tbe conaenud to baeome bto wife.
N»|lM tears. Aad 1 fcapv teat.yw
teat yw
Thao* was a wild taap ot arntta- gnests at dinner abe aeto erarything
aote&TAad got who 1 was, teptgh
mo&L A Btrnk of red. aad a ebaar swrabla to tba bonae oat on the trot
ra tried an vtatar. And 0
H vis JAm M
OonT 0*1 Mad.
teat shook tea ptote Ha! aad LoMa
Onr own anger, ladaad, dow nt more maA-tenalflook.
kt team. Eb* bu tee taar," aba taagbad msrrBy.
ham than tea thing -white make* os
woodwork patotad ted tka walls t
•Who tr* ywr
Dloa wu dlxacnttog alewty tram
angry: and we Buffer mate more Rom
-Mtaa Mugn^ FWtor bov."
tee haataa white boraa. and Lse. hard
tbe anger and eaxatloo vktob w* a>I. doe* ap tee tace enr• -And I
aad jrhita at tUa proodM MmsK
<pmt tba bandaya vlte mp stater.
low acta to rons* Inna, than v* do ttos of Us life, wu pntelBg hta wtuar a
tee acta themeelve* at which we ai* mtla Oetor to tea abaartog orewA.
ud tbe tnreltara. bakte telta. reask Mn. Marfceraw ad vwt & tea
Rngry and vexed. How mneb mqM
■bd staws tor fbru days. Vba the tabsy ball tea Bight batoapIM to
T want to Ml yon an aomotetoL
people, for tnsfaace. allow thamtrivaa
dUhar comae off bar head stem a to bank to steaaL B«t I 9^ » ba
to b* dlttreetod aad dtotdrbed by bs sold, harsbly. sod tesre was (d- bard teat sbs cuT sea acren tea Bttto Paggy ^vtar teat via vba
dnarrela aad family dtoimto^ Tet (i IswM. svsn among tet later bettara. khl*.
rw van jwt a Ug bey.
aloe enare oat of tan one ongM bel to "Tm aU bate saytog ITa M. Eptridlte
AwftbaL-tea,»**WbM a man wuts to toad paopto • - '
^osa toga. Das alat s& tt ma
•offer frea betog toud toalt with, tf
w tob teat it traitod almiat M
be take* team to a
idamaation to Jbxl R teenM be
aft (N. 4.) Nawa.
w as a warning; U U to nndw
“PorgostsB." ottod PUL «7rML I
ta&gbod-WtUrly: "MayhsLteto
nerved, why tboirid w* allow tt to dlsihmld aay teat I bafMPL Abd teb
Ooad Day. Maogbty barvanL
WORM lot BtUs Bsod knap that ptecO
traaa ni*—Mr John Lebbock.
Bb* bad baeama *mmM lor ted gnaks yon vsad to AtbP M mb. YlKl
bff#.Arst ttm* a tea prevtou areatog. aal warsatvay*ateasa. HUlhadB'twy
Sraek Plra.
lovs's yoaag dream wreppSd tkUt idea yw voald jipv np' ta ba b
Oraak Are 'wga a eombnsUb)* eam- teU.«fos*baltmaavttbfaar. Lm arengd Jbte aal vRb tea tUeknsa ot banty."
Ml oat of bta sadtto st tea aouA at
poritloB (I
own. batlhonghl
A mtogte later m bad egMU jte
oUatdovn qadL fiat tea opa bash,
to hav* baan pHadpaltf naphtia) R. and rea bate to btr.
aart Ha avnag blVtastf vpbaidAted
“Oh. Idle, what mads yos MO. wbat fnl. aad Mnsbbd abd .started Uks a Mtot. Abd ba took np (ba .flwk
terovB from aagtoa* aaM to bav*
osds yw tan team tear
Paggy bad agag:
bar totelr 4ru
“Ub IrWA" b*
gtoaar of HaUapMto to Syria
At tarn ber mtli botbar apobs.
rg niter Mtve that fgre ito. «kk to*.
"ffh tras MwA
aayaMh oantary, lo daetrer tb* Batw
"1 vuiad no d|^ to psap tbraogb
oBor ships (whtob was affaetBd *g tea
tee kay)«to tost RQtet vites yw tpsn nma*a e^^foorau gw gataw
{oofc bor tote bto arsM and •
gamarel of tb* Saet of Conatoatto*
Pocn*ttu aad M.MO a»*n imt UtM)- totted ber. T B«n my man. «MHa to tb* pbrldr with Mr. rupte*."Bat Bb* a Ibad ttt^bby pw
a ebrnieo msa* vHb taste
A' aocaRad "Oreak Ar*." protoiMy^ bad pay tor teSM «ld logs. ShYB
bot Pnar 1* bore buta* m* wim *sr
BoloUoB of pboopboraa to blnUkMO fette good prio* now tee's va raa* dtda'L AM roar
"No: tea samu ■« tewa Snu*^ (CeSMoTbr SjlTSiT
(OeppTtabL by Dtey.Wy Fte Oai
of tee earbob. wa* ampferoa dt te*
Mbgr or CbBriaatn to UO.



j, ^


: Manx

♦ ♦♦•♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦
♦- AMi^» FOA THE HOUM- ♦

Of aU Nictolsu -frtilt with a flaw
the apple It preeminent anS to easehie of the meet ntooN'^ nee by the
nooaawue Murb to being done to ed-

.at am Ih. ni.h.'
pain t a ‘ I . ^
Aa Evaaael.
Dows froin the aky-a brmaecv cup real. And to the day ■ dawning ting-.
■Every day to a freOi beginning
V»Mt M2 theSlowtnf waroa at haoL
Evary mom to the wortd made new V
*Thar« to a spring, a life, to the
Ao4 oU the esnh a fnmacs hanad,
tbeogbi that to a raritobto reaurreoAa dews the doav vlDaae atreet.
tion. a beginning ot e new llto As
Be aoeftfeed and drear.-rwith weary.
tor-Ihe future, that has not yet oome.
.why carry its care that may never
Aad heart ipore weary, atow I pasew.'
come? At tbe foot of the hUl which
While higher me the ean. and tael looks tosurmoutaMe tbe roed may
The aosmar aoralsg Maud to fiery turn and lead through green mead­
ows and bealds mill waters.
And nU lia dew and freabneae. died
"And agsin. thoughts are things. We
too toon.
Be to ay hwrt.lUe seemed a deeert ^ ^ ^
wSS Jve M?ils SS’ Z
Tr !. ^!r.,
Whoee taada ahooM ever glow be- !^.n^
■anth tbe sun.
And where sboaM come bo rest tram
Meter care, tlaUl tbe Joomey aboold' at tost bs


•drertlalng committee of the Intemeuonal Apfde Bblppere' anocto^ »tleh wiu oatulnly appenl to
every bonaekeeper. New afid appettoIn, w«. of
scribed by U Oertnide Msekey. who to
atdng bead of Ote department of domeeUc ecoDoay at the Bute Colltce
of Waahlngton.
^ u*e Wreword it to auggasted that
,p,rf„ be made a atopta food to the

«■< poor o'vor s
rteb ooaurd zsad« oT one cop of milk. ♦ .UTTLE ETORlEE OF THA ♦
DM U>u«»pooo or ncv IonEtwosESO

Folks. Itowni to the OToa sod boko
The Mas at th. wheal.
Apple. Baked to Btrawbenr Jain«« «, „, ,m«terto»
Core tart applee and ptoc* to a hak .............. ... ............ ....
to. dtoh; fill tbe eatlUe. *10. toraw-

"f ~r

„*et applee Into .mall plecee. Don't
pare. Add tour pounde ol augar ana
one-toorth of a pound of Canton gto,er. Add tbe sugar and ginger to the
boon; tdd four leBrnns c t iGto email
pieces. reJecUng aeeda -Cook slowly
for three hours. Put Into gtosssi <*
stone Jers and cover with peraffln.
Baked Appie Balad-Bake Northern
Bpj apples nntu thoroughly done- remove the eUn. Stuff the ceeters with
n try to solve the prob- nuu pnd eerve with salad dreaatog
"Many s
lam by ordering a wide range of foods, and whipped cream.
B.“ savs the an-, A^e and Date Balad-Cot pared
* «■»**“ >«“®
kcooolpltohe. the pu^ slmUar.plecee. using about one^tourtb
obtolnwl are not ki u n,„ch date as apple. To oaeb pint


crad as 1
8. H^Don to Wbat to Bsl
Manjr oooks have tooo4 that, not«1UinaiiEta« aO thNr ear* and ekfll.
««* «
ditcken toe
^ “•« “«• * “•‘’Tnaaa. and went away again. Then

fecOon of chicken ple-dom by suklng
^ bar cm« take the ehepe of emaD bto
‘ th^t^thal waa yw ckW
^ ^
^ ^
,, poeaenger.
i ^ eov^rtng ot tempting goldan brown
I!^w .S™
tosued most savory odors. This ob­
' seld the pilot slowly and
viated tbe neeeuKy ot entttog. a task
only one thing 1 »o 0l»n .«««,
tu 0»
^®w srhtch Tve found worth every- appearance of tbe pta was vary pret­
**"“» ^
ty and ooveL
where the jleep wat* lies!"

charmed with the renlL
The Work of Levs.
A oontury atoce, to the nortt
Europe, atood an old cnthedraL upon
one ol lie arches ot which wm
ratoptarad face of wondrou. beauty.
It was long hidden. unUI 6m day the

•taamed' Blaekbarry Fudding.

♦♦ O ♦♦ O ♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4
nad that Laa runleealr waahedLiMAriinkea
washed asd ehninken na
can he

partially reMorod to aUe by drytog It
,7 ,i,« ^r^nTrtmcher
a hat. heat a

^ ,rtma>tog wiihoot retoortog from
tbe hat
To prevent
..... a musty, amO to metnl
K w'X'toto iS"JS
potting it away.
tope and other pontons of li
can be nucceastully removed by rvbwith chloride of lime and water.
Add a Ublespoonfnl of "Monday's
r atarch." also a t
or turpentine, to y

This ha. been m unnmally good
bUckberrtra. Spicy and lu^
. ....... .......


illifi liUM

whatoof daathT What of tbe »**>»’»• »***»
“ «««*
dumpling and sauce:
a pin. as this prevents the goods from.
When aeddenlr, bsMde the barren
tosuch . manner iheapplo u an ideal Fra«n Appleflmme-Wpe.pira.core but a gllmpae of tbe face. It ha. a
Du»PH«“ bela..«rA-n too mneh.
tJsed raw, cooked, dried, evap- and cut ton applee Into quarters. Cook Strange history. When tbe eatbadral
<»u“Pl»ag hatter by mixing two
Try pulverised chalk and ammonia
There sprang before mf ft* a vtoton the lonelv »Tsvra*or rii* veer* -Ah
but. dear ones, there to no dsatL
o'****- ““o**- pt«s«''sd. or to any .with a few gimtos of salL one-haB cup waa being bullL an old man. brakes ”*'*°‘* o//**”:
two level for ramoTiag st^ from marble baeweet:
teaspoontols of 1
eder and a atos and cloMt bowto.
In aU the durt and glars ef day.
is ranUnuoBS. and the other world U other way. it to an easily diagstad. of anger and two cups of water. Rub with tbe weight of yem and care.
wholesome food, i
A very good tonic for the skin U
Beelde tbe trodden pathway of the closer than we know!"
> overy through a sieve, edd two-tblrds ot a came and bceou^t the arcbttect to
isember of y»e tamlly.
cup of ddar and t
of let him work upon It. Out of pity tor “***^ **“* *
of two oonoe. of cologne water.
A sweet wild raae stood fair before
Thre. D.lieie>a Matin. Raainaa.
"**» odvantoge. as a Staple diet are lemon Juice. Freese to a mush and hi, age. but fearing lest bis taUing ‘®*f * ^PM. sprliikle with sugar, enmpbor Uncure «
my feet.
. many: It to easily prepared. Its keep- serve In cupe made of bright red ap- ,uht and trembling touch might mar
“** Unrture one-half onnoa. A few drape
AU hnng wUh caps ot palest pink.
Canton Cream-Thto to a great fa,nami«,
wonderful. It to foo<l, Me..
fair design, tbe maater aet bim ““
«>* ‘“to mUture maybe put Into tbo
With tbtotog benru of powdered gold. vorito with lovers of ginger. Bonk t^nlc. condiment and raamotle all lu
------------------------to work in the shadows ef the vault- •P""' 'P* «*«'“P»“* enmt on top. o-.ab boel when bathing the face.
Ood mnsi bare put It there. I think.
of granoUted geU- one. It to an excellent aubstliuto for
The Cara of Mettins.
ed roof.
Pot on the lid of the ^ nnd then
When'covering nn Iroalng board
Fbr when, with patoU opentog. told. Une Id one4ounb of a capful of cold higher priced foods. No part of It to f The
re*ne It on the principle ol a plUow
Ooe day they fouod tbe old
OB told.
slip, making h In the abape of ihO
water, and add to a hoi boiled cue- *“'**
I" *««* Praperile. are a. bette care of w»»tiiti|f than oe do. asleep to death, his face nptnraed to op«n>“«The dainty blosaonw met 'my heavy urd made of oneoipru] of milk, tbe great as meat
Podding Bauce-Onebalf n cdpfnl board and very light to prevent wrtek- -- -------------■
«»n*»» *«*™ •*'«'»* this other marvelons face, which ha
of butter, enamed with n cupful Ung. K to a good piaa to have aeveym.
yolks of two eggs, one-fourth ot a cup- *»»«** *» **
« tP*®- **
'^11. lo tbe
My eoM was flooded with a aweet sur fnl of sugar and a few grains of salt ** P“ proaonooed medicinal value."
first pUee. matting should never be
Btrain Into a paa. set to a larffer pan
‘PP*** ** ** **** “**
It has a
And—how I oannec toll, ot why—
of lee water and add throe ublespoon- ®'erlook the economy of purcbaslng^etetb tied over It; n soft bnuh Is the
The loneUnaes and aorrav aU pasaed BU «
.> n.p,
UM^poo~»W.r.U. .PP.1U.. M„™ U p.,= Pon« ^P. IPT
and^jOr nsill tbe aaaee Is creamy ^ py ronnlnc aUlcbee,. caused by
till Of vanilla, and one-fourtb of a cup
• «*•« <" qtlane^^»ck. Apple. »*eep with tb. pain of the straw. 2*^ «
anT smooth. FlsTor with wUa or fasteners of our tuppprters. A row of
And then I seemed to feel as ue'er be­ tuIofCmiton gtoger cot In «oMl-"•*««* k-*-"
“'tog will never
J.hrL^drat^A oTJT^ l7St-''
machine stitching, tbe color of tbe
Stocking, about ooe Inch batow the
plecee. Stir coDsiaottr until tbe mixHow deep and broad oar Phtber't love
TP. IoUo.lia P0..I >Pd PpUdoP.
•''""W I* ■ “rtp »' 'WW or .
Ptaco wbwe tbe fastener bolds \he
tura begins to thicken; tbeo cut and
aprsods o'«loPI PI IP. .P.p I.PP, ... ud DPP repp. ... ePoe Irom IP. 1»?
pPmUd pl.m'.
TP. ,rmt m.U.. .....
«**«»,. wm stop all running stttebThe lUs of Ufa—this Ufa that soon P.U P.plul. .1 IPI. pr»m,. T.,. 1.- «l prppmlp, vplm dmprilmd 1. IP.
B. pi™ » .P.I.P U» »p «
Pr~~ml !..» eUm mid Ptolr IP. ..rld-I.r.. TP. mrmvU M
shall omae:
* atocklng wide befewe stltdtiag. so that
Had bow Tito memangara ol peace
eympathy 1. the croa. that rtaea oa “
Etaad by our patbwty eidtinuie.
'to a. mold, Pmi dlppeid ed ..I.,, .IIP..
i le .1 -Pme Prmd:
«» >« «' “>•
TPr» tPI«m
—Mrs. M. B. C Baton.
and chUl.
Stamp Into raunds with a biscuit
Creme Aux PValto—Boak one taM^ tar. 6|iread each round with apple
spoonful of
nlpupplpop. PPM,. IpU.. per pUp. pp E...
>o« f « OpP-k... I. Ooi
P^IPiSlM ■ PPB oP«r o, p«
“To vlber all the good there to • MrtP <P . PUP,PI « PolJ
itaP ,.l.p, pr P,pP.e.c me ...
^trom tbe oommon lltUe things • dlssoive In wie-fourtb of s cupful of arrange a border of chopped nuts
easier for the mother, than to one op
The lUIngr^Ony VleHer.
"^tbat meet ns. to a great betpatoug •
her atrengih by stooplag to pick them
pedPd elE .... mid opem,
,e..d U..
Sm,. ..u, PPSi “ Her equipment for the role abe hnd Perfect I
(be path, th’hen one's eyas are *
I of oneeeU la dim
Strain Into a pan.
Bp mmmmw
ovary TmW
few nlmiMma
cbosen for herself i > aot dUncult true teetlBg for tbe i
they won't cling like the rubber
oatm opened to eee the good. It Is • a larger paa of tee water and sUr conTbe raason soep dtosolves and
Raised ApMe Biscuit—Bcald one ^
to eaenre. says an exchange. She had others.
—*«««■!, bow* maa^ sweet com- * auntly until tbe mixture begins to
wsates awny so quickly to becaune U
of milk, add one Ublespoonfnl of
It U not so easy to find nomethlng * •*•«*
and-hlgh. ntrong boota.
Bympathy to thewet powerful hu- j
fortiag thlnga are coming to ua * thicken, nnd add tbe whites of two cup
to too gre«^ if .wragpm are ressoved
of butter, home-made
.... with
'Ilk a
. pair
P.IP of
.. stonu
.mn, rubbers,
mPPem, a
. ruin
ml. ,™
^ MiaU tbo time.'—Mrs. M. E C. • ------ beaten until stiff. Dilute one
win do. bot uoaL • bat which tmd no plumea to
pantry for a couple of



....... --- -

'“d'prp‘r.rtpi”ppSTiS ^




. to (he mixture, then add onethird of
I a copfnl of cooked pruoes
lall pieces and one-third of a cupful
of chopped figs. Tom Into a mold,
firm dipped in «dd w.t^, and cblll,
Snow PuddlBs—Diseiv. en^-oir
package gelatine in cup cold water;
*Tt 1a true that serenity and cheer, let stand for one-balf boor, then add
nad beyond aU a loving living of every three cups boiling water, the Juice of
two lemPDA CUD and a half of su«r
day by luelt, ukes all tbe aUng out
bpll and sirsln 4nd md to a ihloS-.
ot mlafortiine and leaves life a ateady nmreh oa to happlneas." wrou Hra.
M. E C. Bates la Home Cheer twenty
Osilelewi Stuffed Egga

Jtround lh»
SdUot's ffdbb

"It to waB to repeal onr leesoos
over and over. We are but children In
echool aad ao we moot aay our
'tablee' a»ln and ggaln. When ^nee
they an learned they are never for­
gotten and all that comes after is
built npcm 'them. So Hopm Cheer
repeau again tbe lessons It has triad
to tormolalo all the years through.
•■Ba first of aU Jovlng. There to oo
happlneas. tbera Is no suceeas. where
there U anger or Mtteraeas or seU"Be cheery
It takee out of life all tbe
apring and nerva which go to make
It to also aalflsb to
be aad. One aad lace depreaaes the
whole booaeholA And those going out
of that housahold take with them tbe
n and send It on In
wave oa wav* lUI a shadow fafto
the world, it to awth one's whUe to
hide ope'e heartacbe and let the faro
sblna—lodeed It Is often a sin not to
do ao.
“To be cheery one must be hopetol. Tbera are always better ttoMs to
come. As 1 write I can haar my
mother's voice as she softly sang In
tha twlUght bar favorite hymn:
^ -Jndgt oot the Lord by feeble sense
Behind a trowniag ProvI
He bides e smiling laea'
"Aad again fainter nnd lalntor to a
balf-forgettaa dtrala ao airaei aad tar
—dhe blonds we so much dread
Are btff'wtih marotoa and shall
la bUMtags w our bead.'—"
"Ah! thane toother aMtoortoe! Dear
toothy, eee to it that your chUdrea
wm bare sweet and tender ones when
thatr. haada era white aad their steps
nsnrV the farther ahera!
F AaotlNr Horn Cheer lesadn Is
thto: Carry to tha day's burdens
aelther the past or tbe futnre. Tbe
post to Bone. Let iu
tha day. bat forget Ita ebadowi M--

rm. Uy H «Q by at sight wUh so


e. .pp.,,.

u pp.

r.s^mr .rr s, rrsr....


Sympathy la a woB-toaod taatnment
wKK one-balf toaapoon of soda.
allp under the
They do very
The rainy day when other j
rjse for one boor. Shape Into
to notes of wool
well, but y<» must overcast the edges
at home, abe cboee for vtalUng. , ‘ woe.
them doubirtbelr bulk, tTkeeD'th^
hake In hot oven, ipllt -htle hot and

.____ _____ m. _V..
_____ . .
stomeiDDor tiiat it wears

to no trouble If the aoap to bought by
the doseo and aU done et onoe. Thto
was tried on the adrice of a chemtoL
It a oork shouM be too large for tbe
neck ol a bottle, drop It Into bedltng
*»*•' *“■ **“*• mlnutea. and U wlU be

mil. P, ..I.. <«.
to42d^t toe'cloui dia®*
doten large groea pa$^ A
w "ho^i> ^
«W Mm, be mWed tA Us
der tbe biirean and washsUnd. Even
advantage. Chop peppers, cabbage
ol' Of the fumltuce an Inch 1“?_ “„*®
and celery fine put all tn a large
question k"!
bat IkM
or Iwo P> oop oldo. oo iPu IP. pro..
”* never any .““U""
", ■"

***"* * **'*'*
*" **** clo^
where, the rubbers arc kept; I" —
s and trodden****
Plao^ofi fi
down beeU.
The cotton glovee
PlotkU» ,lm lor ... op

German Apple
*“** • to**wnf"I
““ ‘"f
leaspoonfota of baking powder. Work
p pup ol PolUP. But OPP PC. odd

Stuffed eggs when made after tbe !
following fashion have an eMeurean and cored four or five apples. i

•' Have tb. bed stand
out from (be wall
ghat It can be
made and swept ooder without mov-


tul of salL covnr and let suad over ,
night. Tbe next morning drain and ,
toble- '
spoonful^hf musurd seed. Place a

taste: Cook aU egg, unill hard boiled.'
ood .Pod pold PO. I. P1.i, P.O0..
wise. Remove the yoike aad mash
tbree. Seeaon the mashed yoUu with
three Ubiespooofuto of melted bMter.
tbree sardines finely chopped, two
teospoonfvto of tarragoo vinegar, one
UbIeepoontuI of Preneb musurd. onehalf Ublaspoonful of finely Stopped

down into tbe dongh; sprinkle^ ap- pall of warm waier-and It wUl be
"People like tblnici ont of season.
■ 1 hem IhfSL’^’'thlr^ orar n
pi- 'lU. ..II —Pod drt^I
. ,™.P. Pi... „i,o,.
i„ ppupod," cor*
>P« J„"~
i^ri. U
and the edge of the dough (hicki/
t know a dear old matting that has someone questioned her aa to her hsUt .tpooafuto sugar, ona Ubleepoqnful firmly to tha hoop by wUA to haag It
*'*'*> powdered sugar. Bake until tbe been cared for in this way for twent.v of making ralay-day calls. "Yoo.
, k s/m- H - and
------- —
whole ckFves..the same of whole all- when
put to drain, soya * witter la
pldi^ahla know
p.____ _k..
a. aeems
.ka.... to
tn fcava
-unn tnp. w ko—o. —^
apples are tender, and •erve
aerve SrlUl
with eaan.
yean, end
and IIs
good and ami
wbat. a trrat it
have aptoe and peppereorna. a ctove of TAMe
««a® a®** "W ^
strawbeniea in December, and rioleU garlic and two oojoas mJneed flna.
1 tbo bot trolt
With thto a
Apple Cobbler—^re and quarter

New Year's My. I've adopted the
twenty mlnnles then atrnln mny be poured wltbeot apBRag and
maufib tort api>le* to fill a baking
Ths Cookla Jv.
same principle In my calls. Just go ^
boUIn* bot over the. vege- there to oo danger of the bag allpplBC
^toh Ihree-fourtlis fulL Cover with a
Oatmeal Cookles-iQne cun of but

ropers, one-half teaspoonfnl ».
rlka. and salt to last*. toUen Ihurougbly mixed, sbspe Into the forms
of the original yolks, and refill tbo
wbUes. . Place each egg on a dice of
wKb Pyeneb drerotog. end arrange on ortap lettuce
Poc tbe picnic innlheon basket try
HnnUngton __
eggs to halvm crtoswlae. remove the
yoike. and put the whites aside to
pairs, oiherwto* you win make your-

«»«“»*> *®

©’■or **»* awlce without roUlng. Make
oevenU euu In tbe center to allow the
atoum to _e«.^. Bo)'*
fioaricto of an hour and serve hot with
“*or and rich creeat^
Apple Custard—Beat the yolks of
*o®'' VO and add one-halt cup of

“ ---------- ----------- " ................ ..
W. four .Ubiespoona buttermPk.
tbrewfourihs teaspoon sods, one-balf
teaspoon sail, one teaspoon cinnamon.
•**• '“>*
one cup seeded raisins. Mix weU.
Drop by spoonful on greased tins and
bake to quick oven.
Ginger Cooktoe—Onp cup sugar, one
and remove from the fire. Gradually ter and ahoitenlng mixed,
‘fi** «“» P*“ of grated apMe. Pour otM tablespoon ‘ vinegar,
>“*0 * •o'''lng dtoh aad cover with a spoon ginger, one

r "I'^’.'jXaXx rj

rp.r.p'r^tprE.rp.'d'rr “ro.o,'‘s.“;:.r:.^‘r,:".r^rr^Xp..

tnat tne wesiBer n loo •<#« iw<
■. . ,_i nUee
fed u,U
toU batbet^
j lasde
pleesed than «
If you
made your
appearanee oa a sunablny atterBooo
Uoeoohad FrtUt
when it-a.
It waa deasant
pleasant to
lo be
be out."
Frtut Caka.
One-haU pound waiauts. one-half
-■ ,
pound BraxUlan nuts, one-half or flgt.
A THdI. I. CddkI. «dkln»

^ ‘.'is.

.7'.xrx z.

JXt ■'

died very Uttle and very llghUy; hot bowl grroaed with buttM-. Let stand
Soak osm qnart srhita beans over
maay of as have also fonnd that ibere ovef alght; thea turn out oa plate night to tbe masalag p« them to

~“"r*r “.^-^'^.x'rxLTdSJ^
^rrx.; 'xrrr x iXd“”i.r;LT,;^r' rx xrr.z.’^.rx'r'X! ■" •
grated cheeoe. one
______ ______________
one-fourth of__a ___


meltod butter
inuior ur
to mace
make ms
mixture of the right eoasletency u,
ebape. Shape in tbe alu of the orlgInal yolks, and rafiU the whites.
whites Many
prefer to omit the cbees and use to
lu stead finely-chopped cbickM ot
ham or sanllnro eeparsted Into small
ptoCM. Wrap eacb egg up eepnrately
to a square of paraSto paper of the
correct slsc and pack them to en ^
box (with (he cotnpartmenU). end, as
cones from the gronr.-«xcbange.

Apple OMatto-Cover one-half box eocoaaui. ona a^d a ^f ^

.t ,0e bottom to tasai* tbo
maxlmnm of preeaure.
Borne women thJak It qaUe dlfflealt
m arraage the Jelly bag when laaklag
m that It to msUy ;
booever, tha above plan wffl be aatis

"*** ** * **”****^!

----------------rtosnsr- iwsaa to________________ Msf

-------- "O"
—-- - —a®** 1“arier --------------sis tart--------------apples, two
- - -d eggs, »»idB
ona teaspoon ibaking
^eiiia jpow^»,
..jv— Taka
Heme Made Pasta.
Cut a thto sUce tram tbe stem sod
**'• **‘*®- J*"®* Had of half a dett one-half teaspoon vataito extract. OFfood the bread doth or other
^trouble, aa exeeland ramove
>«»», cover with sweet cider or wa- aad fkwr anougb to roU.
®*o‘A over tbe kneading board;
sdhealve pasu may be made
pnrhodl tea'
tea and fin
SopJpowdaiod atarch
tor- *'<>**
•>**** through g
a slave.
SutoJ- Cooklee-Two «ps
augar.onc dredge ihlekty
tucuy with
wtut floor
nour aad
aou drop
^ powdeiod
or ot toncruatowd rooUl
odd oae cop of sngar and Juice of one cup Urd. one cup eeur m&k. one
— •*”

m—g »
— « - u>pe WHO eeueioa crunioeand
siia Imkc
»«»o®- P®" over the getoUn. mix. spoon oode.
two eggs, and floiw
flour Tiaar
Tkur your
yoor roUlng pta. pat the don^
^ aitJclee patted nntfl ektoe are tender, basttog ocro*®hi *®*o a mould aad let ., harden, enough to make a toft dongh. Roll
RoH tote
toto shape with the epooa. dredge
. ecrap-book by means of it pro- tkmaUy wttEba^ and watw.
S*'** «'**;*' o'*®*®
older oanoa. obl eprinkto with engar aad haka. - UghUy witk ftoar aad toU obl By
appaaranen. Two
Apple Pte-Cora. quarter and Seeeoasfnl Fhnutog. .
Uttle trick your cakee an ready for tMapoMfs),
etthar wU amke
steam fonr torpe. tan SKdea; rub
' Os ovaa and yon have not eellqd your
tn fill a foffer mr halt-'
r h mtototoMi'En^’w hasp toff
through a skva. swroten to taste aad Pirilad Sraad le Servo With MIba. hnada, ntfllad your temper or woree
^ ^
q(j ^ wtatorgreua to IMebeff paper tree frees grauM etaiM.
«^***- Beat
®«a* tbe
tbt wbltoa
whites of throa
throe eggs
-Wm tha cmat Iroa* n loaf ef ,0** »u, ntaed your oooklea.
todat- They may be remeved entirely If a
_______________...,n ..<« ..s A.^ .AA >h.
rieiiili n*
eonmi W M*v |wva ii
*. _______ ________* ___ ________ ...
uetll sUfl and drr: *dd the apptoe FYowsh
or >*tosna brand
and divide
of pipe clay aad water a
and flavor to Uste aad beat again, the loaf leogthwlae. flrat toto halree.
SemetHlnB Nme in CMMcen Flee.
Cut the crusu from thto eHcaa nl Tnrn toto a haU-haked pastry shell then quartera and nlgfatba.
It would
would bs
be ««»«•«
dlfflroH wnuEgm
to ewast sagsagstale brand and aproad lightly with* and flnisb baktag. Senre h9l with
U rtonld. be polled apart proforft
vu one cupful of ^
X Qtaaa bruahrtw aieto.
craanwd buttur. thea with a thin lay plain or whipped craem and augar.
ably using two fork*, to the prooero. »®tog new to tolcke^ {das ^t wm cupful ot mMtod bettor.
b,k- »>* OBY IntoTOvemenl over the ehlekep ^u. ooe Tevol teaapeonfni or giaper,
. "Lank Befero Van iMp-”
tog pan that has ba«t Band «4u ttneU. and Of oouree I ehouM aot havo onebalf enpfnl ef sweet milk, tad.'
with a eooood ellro of bread aad cut (to-wlth rieb pie paste and fill it tbra
‘ ■ ot
of aeda sifted
A wide,
nalag a' qBartaro fnU ef apples, parad. cored brown paper, and fftr eat to Urwann- the hnrdlhood to ntMetpt aa taaen- oae levM teespooefnl
Bpand a lew mtoaten to find Mil
Into stripe one inch
•harp knife. PUro to
1 a ahallow pan and alloed. Dredge with sugar, pat a tog oven foe aoveral Man. Then put ttoo q< the kind, but It may be that a wttb twe leval cnpfiilB ef poetry ftour. viMther a Jhtog k woitS fietoff hoii brown to
cram around
the edge. When
them In the---—---------ragotor oeen.----------—
ctoee the hew Wen In the arrangemsst nt the Bake la mm pans aad 'eerva with tore yea epead hoBie to detoff M.—
or OB a Ua sheet and
la n
a bM telst nf
—. —
---------------------------TouttA C
naarlr baked, hpraad with a thto toygr «oar and bahe the* a ffoldea browm. (amlUar lagrodtaete woold be aowtt- whipped cream.

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