Grand Traverse Herald, November 20, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 20, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TlirUSDAV. N<*VK.Ml«KK 20.


mv Vnlloa PreM.)




Swnt PigorM Neva BMn Worked
- X)«rt Aa to Saving to Censumoi
If TnicU Do Not Hold
Up Prieea.

Illy Untied Press-)
.New Yolk, .Nov. IK.—Judge Fo»ter.
in the general se-.slons <-ourt. today
set tVcdnes'lay for the sUrt of the
trial of Rev. Hans SchmldL th<- con­
fessed murderer of Anna Aunuieller,
whose dlsmeniberi-il body hv threw In
(be Hudson river.

M«nrhi«lor. -V. H- Nov. IR —I*n*»lrtpnt Wilson was n>orrd b> (he nallonal Knntie conwntlon beri- todav
for Ibc aelerllOD of llavlU llouaioo
a«TPUty’of viniculture. In a ai>cecb
before the RTanito recently Houston
crltli-iscd the ohsolMc aBticullural
motlio-Is used by Ihe farmers.







(SUE Cotreapondrat of the I'aKed
WaahlDinoii. Nov. IS—There's real,
contained In the mDrmomilc tariff. If i»-'^lllve |.ropb<
alea okMeriallre—and a aco're ormor No Change la Reported in the Huerta
of wholesale and lYTall crorerv here
Situation By Oflieiala at Mcsico
have declnr.-d the.v will. It will
City- Anti American sen­
every tainlly In. the United States
timent Growing.
dhoiit ontyhalf dollar less a year
the aanie kind of a TbankaitlvlDfi
(By United Pres«.»
dinner they bad In IPi:. And. of
WashlnKioD, Nov. IS-Iliimora
courae. the aartne wUI not be poaa1 imiiendine briuik Id the necotinIble only on the Tbankattlvloi; dln- tlona between the Untt<>d States aitd
e>T. It applies to every meal, day Mexican roDetituikmsIlats U widely
In and day ouL tbrouRhoiit the year. curront today. Two ranae* an* as­
Aasuolnir that the averape family signed; flral. the cmtuUob of federal
ronalau of five iieraona. In a popula­ leaders by rels-Is at -luarei; sormiil.
tion of sn.tMO.non people that would the unwMiiiiKness of t'arrania
be JK.UOO.OOO fabilliea wbo will he make any di finiie promises <>f
able to aave fifty eenis each on future action should the cmharu» ol\
TbankaRtvlag dinner alone, or a
1 and ammuntllon l>c lirn-<l
No Direct Action Expected h
xrand toUl of Sa.iOO.onn aaved by final confcn-nce today betwi-en
Corpus Writ.
tbr United Sutes on this faMt day William Hale and Cnn-aiiui at
Cerbu* Writ.
Here U the Uenocrahe "dope- cal piles w'lll detcniiliK* Uiis povernrulatinc that retaU prices on Thanks- mrnt's poaltltio In r.-Kard lu Huerta
(Iiv riiitcri Po-s> I
dvlnc provender will 1* reduced
the solulioo Is UDcbaoRed. Envoy
t^oncoid. N. II. Ni". TR •AuolUrr
iBiicb aa Ihe naar «adS law reduce* Und and (’hante O'Shaiishcncssy reebaiitac
ThawImport doUes; on a l(v|>ound tnrkcy,
that there la a strunc under- flsht for liberty KkIov wh.ii Thaw sithe tariff Is cut SO ceBta. prnvidlnc I'tirrem on aoueunlsm acainst ihr- l>rsre<l In lb<- I'liiic.l
.. that the imported turkey wasbroucbi •tmericana..
i-ourt at the prrlltnfniirv hciulCR aii
In dead. If "ob the hoof." the aavlne
tVlllisn J.-roine's
f*' ill-lul-.vcyild be 40 eenU a head. That Cath(* (odersl hsht-as (urpiiw wall
nadUn turkeya vQI be imported Ihia
(llrea-t sriioD is cipoclcd. .1 -runic
year and force dosfti pric-s, at least
wilt [irnbnhl.v a^k that a dale I- fixed
' In tb« eaat anS New Enpland. is exfor Ihe filial aFgumcnis
The tariff on cranberries la rediicfd about 2 eenU a quart FI'e quarts
Of theee for the ordinary family—If
Consumer Paya too Mueh Above the
^the tariff rrdticdoa extends
Actual Cort of Producing
family STocery—would result In ten
. Crops.’
cents aavloc Saving of another dime
on veeeUblos. tnoat of whlih
tbe free llai to the-new law. ts anLarge Petsto CrSp in All Countries
(By I^iUrd l*rosa.l
other Democratic calculation
Does Not Indicate Jump
Palalka. Fla.. Nov. IK.—Adequate
if wlnea are bought. Ihe new uriff
in Price.
wUl not effect any Thanksttlrliu;

economy. The tame old duty of -Rit
Many ranni-rn m ihi- 'li-luliy' Ik*ceata a qttan remain* on chamcacne prove a slitnincanl factor In solvlnc
under the new law. Ale and beer the hleh <-osi of Urine prohlcni. Sen­ lii-v-c that hv bohlliiu ihctr iNiUioaix
tiu-y will
are taxed 4S cenUrn Rallnn.'as they ator neither of Honda. lo1*l dele- limit later m (hiable lu hi'i'iir* ii hiiiln-r pri-- II: in
were before OrtoWbr 3. Oystere. Inb- pales to the MisslK«Fi>i>l-to-At.1antl(asHocinthin. who today are In antiual- lin-tulls at pn cut. Jn-l wtiii' thi v
stera and other ahellflirh
liase thelf fttnffi-.i iiiinii l:i m>l H-:ir
dutiable under the new law; n'ither convention here.
"Government rciiorts show that lor In (hi- gdvcrnmetii iiinl iviatu
were ihef Under the old Payne act
Km pluo^B for the Tbankaglvine farm piodoitt. Iasi year were worth sociutloD reiHirts ihi-r-IS.r.oO.lMio.mni" he i-aid. "It is aafe lo a»- Indicate lliai there is a "U'-rti-ci*
rnddlnc pay be booefat cheaper,
tbe duly has boon reduced tron Bume Giat |r..(*oii.nmi.n(K' worth of this the crop this w-:i-i.i. ;ii.>» l.i-n.
oenU lo 1<* cents a'biiahel. rearied tin- i»ihllr for which it l«l‘l Hit- w-orld. The en.p in Hi- n.i:i-l
about |i;;.ooi, («iii.r«io. u other words Stab's la n'|N>rj<'ii
l>•’l■ll; nnly ninThe principal reliance for redu< titp
of the t-oet Of (ha Thankaglvlnp din- conaunw-rv paid more million Imshele short i.f .n rxll
xier Is placed by the Democrats, how- than the producer cot. VtTille not all vhllc there Is a hiimpi-r yield In Hnl-;
) tho rodueed duties oo poul of UUs went for transtiorttilton of land and IMeIuui. w!ili;h eonnirli-x;
try and voffeUMoa. lASt year only rouiwe. a very slEniflrant portion of do not come under tin- i-niliurko that
It did -•F'lelcher declasqd that the has Im-ch plsn-d hy lUe Kovi-nitni-ni
imuads of poultry weae
loh'd. but under the new law, in- iransiioruUon proMeiii was tho pr-at- upon other nountrii*». It ctiiiies fnwii
• ludiN;; tbe 1»1S ThanRsittvinf; peHod. esi (he - enmniereo of the ct.iintry relbihte eourc«-s that Mg .bu.'erx ln
raved. ComimUHen. lie aaid. wa-n aboast arc flginlug ui-uu hrtrKing
- imtarutloDS ei lAOO.OoO pounds
solutely I
ir> 'to prevent a imllship louiln of tnliurs fmm lln-si.expected.
and he advised plac- cotintries lo nine the price In tliU
Inc Inland waterways under tbe di­ <-oiintrj' giH-s nliovc Hie tlUy nr sixty
rection of the tnlerwtato Commerce rent mark where H bi'iomi-x j.'ofit
commlsBion. to provide freight ami able to Iniiiort- .As there 4s mi duty
upon iwitatoeu this plau Inuks to !*•■
those Id effect on Win rwJIroBds. 'A
feaslbln one and will liMp uui tlnlong stretch of tho Inland w-aterways,
inmimer in the easieru imrt of the
W. H Anderaon. a retlrod under­ stretrblhK from tbe Croat lAkeS to country, l-nsl year the rarniers In Id
taker of Traverse ttlty, Mich., on bis the irulf and then up Uic Mlsslsslpid their crop for high |>rlces and
way to the snnny sooth. Florida, Is was advocated by the speaker. These result many tboiisatids of hiishi-Is
Tislilns his son. Iim H. H. Anderaoh waterway!, he said, rould lie partly grown in this n-gii.a were never
of this place, and is -.very much anifkdal canals, and to a laire de­ drawn to market. In Mie face of
Uken up with our hnstlliiK little gree natural streams dredged ami last year’s exiisrienix- It will Ktand
loi^ and lu people. He says that connected with each other. W'lih Hie the faraera in hand ti> make a tliorBemiut Is sorely on the map. al- cloae of the eonventlon today the del OBgb study'of tbr iiouio sKiiailnn
thonsh t^o biluard of Sunday and esaUon goes to Jacksonvfile to join before they hold their crop loo long
Monday was one of the worst that bo tbe delentes of the AUsafle Doc]>er and find themselves again without
baa seen lo 23 years. aasocUtlon, in conven- a markeL There Is of csuin-e no r rIlls bone town In northern Mleht- tk» bere.
talnty in tbe poUlo market, hut
nn Is noted for lu snow aiorma. but
there are 'certain
Indications Him
he thinks this one In the eastern
HOWraJr-MaM Albert Bummers
from tho market and other
J«rt of Ohio on the lOih day of Nov- of 0
tbe steamer ilydru". wblih has sonrres that arc well wurtli lartrfol
> tnt>er beau Mlehlcan to a fracslc.
not I
consideration hy those who baw a
Yeeterday Mr. Anderson received
week ago on Lake Huron, was a large amount of sUK-k on hand.
a UrrH Of the noted Grand Traeerse -raaldest 'bf Uvingston county., lie
apples from Geo. LArdle A Bon that
S4 -yuara olA
>urg. Nov. 15.—Urara*
beau asrthlnc we have
^ilcb Alexia. wlK> Is III las injured
•oog Uma. They not »ly have
BAGINAW-Governor Perris
today when the Imporial
beauty but the flavor ttat the Gi
come lo this dty to apeak at tbe In which he was riding collided with
.'-'Traverae Frtdt ia noM for
board of trade dinner Tbunday and another ear. He was thrown
the .fottod mitOf^ibrli
wm be given a reception in tbe Ho­ his bead. A statement was U.xued

(By United Preaa.)

San F^clsco. -Nov. 18.—Tbe police
today started a bunt for tbe ptMUe
bandU who. single handed, robbed th«
mail-car on a Soiuheni I’adfic train,
bade three mall clcrka, wlfom be
Union Orrieiaia and District Leaders bound and gagged, a pleasant “good
Are Charged With Cenapiring to
night" and disappeared In the dark­
Restrain Trade in the Coal
ness after rifling tbe registered mail.
It Is believeit* Oio amount of tbe loot
w-lU reach thotisanda of dollari.
(Oy t'niled rress.l


CharlcBlon. W. Va.. Nov. Ig.—Case*
against President John P. White and
otlier national and - district leaders
of tbe Mine tVorkera' union under in­
dictment for conaplrary In restraint
u( trade was -ondueied in the federal
<-ourt today. None of the defendappeared. It was reported the
eoiiitnuanec was the rokult of private
Seciauiy Oanlelo Is Invertigating
aiivic-.-s from tlio department -of
Plan to Form a Strong.Rejll^Uce to Hie effev-t Hist prokkcullon
aerue Fleet.
would not'lM.- (vumerspywd. The dis­
attorn^'-refused to
Action Taken in Order le OMain Re­ trict attorny-T
the Tel
State Horticultural Society Will be
(By United Prsst.)
otive Work.
Well Entertained by Traverse
6l Louis, Not. Ig.—flecreUrr of
City People.
the Navy. Joeepbns Daniels, today
arrived in Sl LouU to confer wlU
mlUionaire aviator Albert Bond Lam­
prewldciil ol thi- .Si-w ^mk Utbert for compisctoa af-ahe-«raanlnrailw;i*. ri'-igiN-d In lay .uud-^is-^
nation was aiCi-pii-i!. In i letier.i^tion of J.ambert’a pnjeot tbr the for■rial
Hull. Is I'
l•Iuilline liir reasnin-. I’.rnwn waM his
matidfi of a I'nitod BUUa nrUtlon
il> Is-I. ii ‘.. I i'. ;; ;ir
morning for Plomoltdonville. ('anada.
rualRiiKtinii wus suhiiilited solely
several weeka
.-1*1-1. and .<• i i.i.ii* i' i: :ins--tl I nbiair. n-li-'f frnbi exeruiivr road w-(
to iiiuke (heir future home in that
I by^be St. Lonb neronaoL and
seetien Pive yt«rs ago Joe and VenHe slHMi-d forty four years ago i
itaUVely approved by WasbingUm.
, r.I
It .-..-rip -i. i-rvi-.
BIS Hull hiiiul AlHisl Smith, senior
Lambert'a project has already ad­
I'luri. Allis ..1 •-l.-ilina. N. \ : H
locality, taW* vanced BO far that eighteen alraen
liri-M'li ;il. is i-utiBldered IjjK (>TDbalik l.-fi ITovomont lor HiU lorality.
lii.r.l.-i of fiiMign. W. <i riiiiisw-.Mli,
log out elaiiiis and the place
lace me
Ae next have volunteered their aerriCM to
W..tT-..lle. Ohio; IJ. M. tiherw.Kil.
given the
of TMoDIOD' the government- In cane of war as folW ill. . *11-1.3^1. . It *11
A J.
donviile. Wblle.fhere Is amall post- lowi;
|•.ll|.Il jr-d II. .T. Frilstar.-<.( Hie M .\
ofll.e in one of tbe homes thefe lire
Lambert. Anthony Jannns. Hn^
I'. .ITI- solin' II' Ihi- Mii-akr-f'. Tin- inilMortya and all Hie gooda have
Roblneon. Hfll^ Be^kjgftlBna H.
T.-Pllnii will In- In-M III 111.' Biin-lar
carried nixty miles from Athabsaea
FUeakley. WHUam Aaemaib. - Paul
sr|n...l i:K>m Ilf I he <Vll|ia| Mi-Iho-ll't
landing. FVanrls I>u[.eroD returned
•McCullough and H. B. HoneyveU, all
.\ l-iiinin.-t will Ih- si-rvi-il
and has [MyrnuB'led bis compan­
of St. Louis. The last three named .
ihi- cvciiiii-.: h* I' - laillf-s m
ions to go l*aek w ith him. This mornbalooslsts. Others are Uneoln
in li
illspla* I.f rpni'tiig mil
4ug there were Mr and Mrs. Selaoa
\V. R. BrooUns and Francis
ihiii.-r* will Iw- i-ivi-ii ill Ihe MoiilrictiiI' and three children, Mr.
-.-.■r.i*ii-. iilnl u liti- irnli I-Xhlhll. whK'li
and Mr*. O. F'. KuBBey aflB four chil­ Wlldman. all of New fork: Chariee
Wllllard. Harry Httoea, Boy
will iitipidi- all Hie
sla." jar di-i
dren. Mr and Mrs FTxnk Busacy and
benshne. B. P. WUlIama. George
|.!;i' 4>f ilie tVeMerii MIcIiIkhii H.-i.-I
two elilldn-n, .Mr and '-Mra. John Ploih-mh ui iiiin-un. \\j11 I— 'i«-ld In Hi.iiondon. Mr. and .Mr* J. J. Behaub D. Harrison. Glen Martin.
California and Dr. Lloyd Thompeon,
I'lidt liiiililltic on Smith Union iltvei.
,nd ten children, and l^ncia
Chicago. When Lambert ftret
In-xl in Hie Ni>rHii-rii F'lliUlHirc cmi|M-rnn The i*art> have a k^cla
P.u'i inr. Th.-mdni..l.msar,-.M,t
wiHi all Hieir goo.!* {ineked'and will suggested organization o{ an aviation
this wM I- a- l.-ir-.Tlr hl'vinh-il u- an*
lo the Soo. from there lo Winni­ reserve corps he <
fact that Prance has now 600
-iinllar < i<iiv<-nH->ii in a ntimltcr of
peg. and take the Uanadian Northern
Fire WaB Seen From Shore a
> Atliihasea -!.anitlng. There they aviator* and machines ready for war
Drexdnaught Iren Duke Wat
III Ih> met with team* to carry them aa compared to twenty-two aviators
RuBhed With All Speed
llie rest of the distanre. sixty miles. comprising the army and navy avUts Rescue.
The G. K. £- 1. was thirty mlnutea Oon signal corps. Sacretary Daniel*
n.-rojiDt of the great will be a guest of Lambert while
|•l>rt^MllllIHl. Kng. No*. IP—The amount of bagrfLge
:^e that the
th party had here.
irjN SMITH of' old mission IttilUh .iii|ii>r-iri-adnaugbt Irou Duke
|Srri'v-d lodiy with 3T sunfiiirs of the
WasbingtoD. Nov. ]9.—It was an­
st.•hni.t Si .itsdyke,, which L-urnod in
nounced at tb.- White bouae toda.v a well known Grand Ledge woman,
Walked Over Danger Sib»s and Open- the Flnglisli Uhaom-I carl) today.
^ Locked Doer That Guarded
IS txll<-ve.t no lives were lost. Whtk- that Hie nomination of Henry M. was seriously Injored while attempt­
to take a barrel of poiatoea into
the Opening.
the warship wos off the Isle of
aaaador will be sent to tbe sen- the cellar at ber home. The weight
Wighi tire was seen to liurvt from Itie
tomorrow. This is taken as
of the barrel was too great for her
Ji.tiii Bniilli of '>1.1 Missimi. ar.l- Vessel hiieiul niil.'S dl.viani and the
strength and forced her hackwrard.
■li'Utly fell down Hie i-I. *ator Hlinfl Iron imk.' wviil to ihi- rescue. The
the barrel falling on ber chest
m Hu- feed Mtim of Hi.- Hannali fc burning Sroiadyki* was overhauled
l^iy Meiciipiili- (oniiuby's Ktori-ililr and iKiatK BenlHo her. The Seotsdyke
iiinrtilng hailly cutting hU In-ad and Is believed to haie sunt.
hnili-liii; hl» iKidy. Mr. Bmlth. who
Ilv.-K wlHi .luhn I'ort«-r at Old MIhslon wan In the i1lv Hil-i morning
und went to lli<* McrruDlilo company s
III M-nnii of the driver of the H. M
iRtrillu tumor truck with.whom he
.Mrs Anna I^ntner. wife of PerdlOne of fho erraleet drawbacks In senilals of business training, and Jin­
Wan going to return homo. He went
ind l.autner. died at ber home Tues­ tho business world ts the fact that less due attention is paid to Ibeee
Into the I
day Dtorning nt
. Anna Schwlnd there arc loo many half-pint men rat- poinU success will*neTer get beyond
Ilian wtaned out. and while tlicro
wns born In Hsymen. Austria, in thug around in a gallon measure try­ the dream stage. Tbcae day's a big
wigtiB on nil sides and one on
|x.'.:i. nnd canie to Araeriiw at the age ing to accomplish something (bat is job requires a big man and the Uule
eli-*a»or door warning peoplo
of eighteen; was married to Fer­ out of their mental reach, with the re­ fellow wbo attempU to flU tbe big
about using the
dinand I.AUtner June Utb. UKti. She sult that lo keeping with an inexor­ man's shoes will aoon be beaten to
spring lock, yet In sotne way this
leaves the husband and ten children. able law of nature they are bound to death by the constant jolting be re­
wag opened and not looking to sec
Ida. Pordioand. Jr. Julius. Walter. fall and disorganize tho line of work ceives from bis competUore. The r
If there was lay flour or If the ele- Otto. Harry, Riilh, Kriek. Mrs. Prank
that they arc engaged In. It Ukes a wbo sits In mnat know tbe gamA or
lalor wa-s there, Jn- stepped off and W. SIcder. Mr*. Alfoiise K. Sleder. and
bigger man lo do business succesaful- else all tbe chips will appear on tbe
If'll to the floor below a dlRtnnee of uBe grandchild. Kri. k Sleder
thali il did a few years ago, other side of the Ubte before be is
twelve r.wt. strtkitig on bis hi-ad
The liineral servlcs will be held at
unless the man wbo enters the aware of tbelr change of ownera. Tbe
and shiuililers. nintim Ki-lley. ship­ 10 o'clock Priday morning from the field Is prciiured lo meet com|>etltlon
proper way to obrlAte dlfflculUee of
ping clerk In the room across from home lo Elmwood township, R. F D.
effective and Intelligent manner this nature is to prepare for the grealthe elevator heard the door open and No. 3. Rev. Detnas Cochlin officiating. his chance* of sureess are exceedingthM may oome along.
saw the tnan fall. He hurriisl to hla Intertnent will be In Oakwood.
ly limited. In order to play the game -hlch can ^.done by potting time
asslntancd and helped Smith up­
of busiDCSB It Is necessary to be on after business hours lo good ue br
stairs to the men's rent room srfaere
Yokaboma. Nov. 15.—The Japanese tbe job all the time, and tbe man wbo studying all the polnU of tbe hnsjiitim
a iihysicfan who was hastily stun- usenger and freight steamer Sado la tn'log lo conduct an enterpriae and that you expect to enter for yoweeU.
nibned. dressed hU wounds. Every­
on 8re In nild-drean, according to at the aame Ume be a aoelal Uon ts Every boor lost Is a dollar lost with
thing was done that could be to re- wireless reports Ltotn the veisti to­ going beyond bU depth and vtU soon
so It Is euy to eee
liese tbe |ialn and have tbe cuts and
ned In tbe ecaTOli
be swept awrar by tbe. cormL The what wttl become of tbe m«n wbo
bruises eared for In a few l^urs bold. Tbe Sado left Seattle Nov. 4 for art ofJuiowing bow to do a thing and wanumly wastes bit time wbee be to
Mr. Bmilb was able to retura hone­ UUa port Slid As doe Not. 22.
when to do it II one of the gnst
not ooiBnaed to w«k tr Ms boee.





tel vmcant

BaylaE hit injartet are aUgbt










n----- J T------ji It KUPIWMHJ (0 be * help to MVlMUol
vwmmQ rrwrrvr ficruiu hut
i,ut if
ir It
it Iub im]>OBBlhle
imix»»ibie to
to foretell
ton-teii the
Amt TfmVwtM Bv EK0*
advent of a tornado of UiU dn>crl|>TWICH A WEBK.
tlon In tHno to war* the vcBaeU It I*
d TMadva 'iaA Tbundm at
TnratM City. Mlohlsu. by

kTES. UauKlm Edi
. OIBSON. Kdltor.

at the poatofflce at
Tnvane Ctty, Utch., voder the Act of
OonaiM o< M«R^ 1, U7>.

ome^ m Ffwit m. Beth Phonea 23
.1130 to adrasee
. 76c to advance
. 40e In advance

There «ill aoot> be a leather fpinlDe
In the aorld If j'retenl «tinJltlot« eonttnoe. due to the docreaee In the rat^
tie anpiJly and tlie caomiout aniaiTnt
of leather that U required In the aiuo■nobile Industry- of the world and'oKpedally In the Vnllod Sutee. which
U the leader In the manufacture of
care of all deecrliiUone. 1‘rlccit of
hide* In the Arsemlne Ropublle have
reached the blcbeiit price ever quoted.
In 1903 there were onty 10.O(H> aulomoMlee made in the roited Platen,
whilf the output for 1913 U varlouBl.r
- MItmted frara 30P.«t>0 i.o f.Oo.uOO. In
-1909 there were ueed in thli InduMr]leO.DOn bide*, while It IH e«UniBledJ
that $.000,000 will be used during the
WiulDg seaBon. On the other hand the
shoe tnaoufacturera are doing a hirelaesB that Is even better than usual.
. and other crafts that use leafher are
not falling off la ' their production
With theae/facts facing the |<eofde it
ran readily be seen that the automo
; blip is e;tartlng a prenituui ui>on those
vrbo walk by increasing the i>rie« of
ahnei on account of the difficulty In
securing a supply of leather It will
he neen-from these Agures that the
eoBUBOn people who <-aanot afford,
auotmoblle are pay ing a lieovy |i
rect tax in order to support the Indnotry. Most of t^e shoe ipatmtactnrera have already advanc.-d
price upon their producr-nnd greater
adranree-are to come within.the neu
year. The automobile has advaiteed
the cost of llilng In many Htrections.
but Ihla Is one of the toses where ibe
peo}Ke directly feel the rise, for
body have to bgre shoes. The retell
er la poweriesa Co prevent a raise In
the pi^ce of this oeceas«ry commodity
for be mast follow wtih a raise in
portion to that exacted of him by the




The Aftehlgan Potato Growers' s
noclalAon Which was oreanixod
TnveflH- rity last year Is holding
pouto show .In Grand Hspids th
week that Is of InteresT ' to^'eterv
tanner in the state who eh gages In
the culture of the lur>er. All voricflea grown 'Mil t« on display and loA
tnrea will be given by eiperi<-nred
growers th|b win l>e of great value
those who attend
leads the whole. «ountr>' -te prudtie.
tkm of the i-otato, but the yield
acre U much below that of s
other states, and It U io increase
the yield per acre that the attention
of the 'assoclallon Is being largelydevoted. The average acreage yield
for this state this year Is only
bnahels, while the average io Mslno
Is SSd bushels to the acre ‘nie..e
nnres show that there Is ample
iCoB for the sorl-iy |o wnrk Slone
the line of a Ix-tter yield Right her.In the Grand Travem- region il>e |xi
Uto will stood a grmt deal mnr
study than has Is-cn given It in th
PWU On acentint of’larkjnf utter
Uon to keeping up the \arietiei
moeb of the product growD here i
of inferior grade and if something'it
not dose In Uie next few years to
Increase the qnalHy the business wilt
become ttnproQlable from lack
a maff;et. Farmeri do not give the
seleeUon of seed the amoutit of earn
they should, which reauHs in their
crop decreasing In value. S«<ed should
be changed every few years In order
to secure a maximum yield
proper routlon of the • crops should
be csuwfuUy observed. NotwiihsUndteg tlie fact that this la the greatest
fruit produriog section in the United
Btatea It must ,be remembered that
when it lomes to a dollar.producing
crop the pouto otltranks ^e fruit
•everal times ag^ will eontlnue to do
so for oeveral y<«rs, If the farmer*
give the tuber the attention 11
■on-M. The potato has paid off

lad PredleUBBi
have a had acssAon II the ■•iaas of Con
greaainnq Gordon of Ohio go through.
He wanU a presidential tnvestlgaUon
made of the methods of the bui
the grounds that the ayslem is reaponBible U a
B for Ibe
fal Aoas of life and property pn tbe
Orsot l^hee during the reeeM storm.
It U alleged tbjfi at none of the poru
OB the lakes Were hurricane slgnote

ump«gt -tost I
ntoad Aipptet. new

i Urea and

that aonielliliia «aB done to rem­
edy the defetl or elee abdlUh the hit____ The bureau i» eontlUK the touutry mitupna of dollara every year to
tnalnialD. add If it U falliiiR to produce
the resulte- it U no inure iha^ Haht
Iliac the peaidc Bboiitd l>e acqualnusl
with the tBClB. The Iokb of liuliian
litCB In such uuiubyrg as oewrred hu:t
wn-k U n serious niatter aifflif there
1b any truih In the cborKee that have
been made BRniokt the Weather bur<«u
they should be luoven or dislirutcJ tit
the earli>.fi( itossUtlu luunii-iil. If nu
hurricane elKnolx were llowii at the
take )<oMii BO as to pive the mastertof voBsels due wamlnc of the dancer
ahead of them, then action of n dras­
tic nature Is deniuDdr.1. No hurricane
flaw were put out In this ion of the
althouch kyiows that
the wind was blowing for'thr»-e days
with fearful velocity. A ■•ronidemidl
InveMlcaiion Is asked oK It will he
> siieedy than an Inquiry h>
press and will not be luindlcapia^ Ity
I4nisanshl|> while geUinp at the
bottom of ihe ease.

oral efficiency of men with hookworm
disease is Dollcenlily Impaired. At
mine employ III); aliout-3011 men.
I stated that a reserve of about
■n bod to be nxallablo to reI'uii-u those who herauso of sickness
jdJd not report for work. Several of
those who were imable to work sutiwl
that when they orrlved at the mines
ham*. Vegetable Comthey were i»<.rfeeily sircinc and well.
potmd during Change
"A less of :u p«T cent in effirteitcy
of llxise Infected would he a coumtof Life.
tatJve cstliuulo. That would mean
for Insuuii-e in n mlno where 300
Streator. III. - " J shall always nrai
men arw employed at on averam of
Lydia E. l>inl<hBin:s ^Vf:eUhlc Coi
iboiit S3 sO a day. aud
ml wherever 1
of tbtise Infected as low as
•o much Rood at
* low of nearly IJo.inmi
ChaiiReof Ufo.and n year." Or. Ciinn iwinted ^out. too.
ithasobobelpHlmy tiiot th» clisease Is |•n'valcoi nmong
dauRhUT. Itiiono uRrlcultural workers In fiim.-rnla
of the Rrandest,
medicines for wo-I


To the Merit of LyaiBE.Pink-


try lt.”-Mr^ J. H.
CAUnilXL. 206 K.
Second Si.. W. S..
. Pa. —"It was at the
Word bus been received by friehds
‘ CbanRe of life' that I turned to Lydia
E. Pinkham's VeRcUble Comiiound, heiR^of the diuilh Of Mr«. i:c>org« W.
UsinR it as o tonic to bufld up my ays- M.-\yrthry hi her home'In Thontem, with b.-m'flcial ntulU.”-;-Mrs. ton. Wyoming, on Novenil-er If For
Sara Hav ARP, JW5 W. Venango SL..
yeaTw Mr. .MrWjdhey wii.-i
(Tk*.i iMt-ri'i
»- f'."”"
San Francisco.'T-.j.-.-'-'l i,.v. uk™
South Africa ht In the th^s of a LlJi. E. i-inkh.n,'.
V.p.Ubl. C™™“"'>
kce war ihut liiny havo far n-aelilni: poind tw Pimp j'.pr.
1 «" n-"'-""-?
»"« 1" ''Iconsequence and -Anvolve oIIot n»un would fel l bad. l^huve Rone throuRh uork and as a result she was known
tlie world before U is ended the ChauRe of Ui
itonytroubles all ovor ibis region and bad many
for it I rr-Srriends.ln the etiy and surUws have b.-eu enacted In Natal nn.1
thank ^eO
i-eutlug the migiii
.... —1 aRiw.’*—Mrs. C liARKit:,
tion of Asl.ntti
.was very artive lii'ehurrh work bePn.vlnre to
hWisco. Cal.
nnoitii-r and imiwflng i
The success of Lydia E Pinkham's
these Mongols of lir. p
ipo'und. made from nwU ff»'*'>n. Tho family ucA
,a.v>ut l1iT«-e years of-j.
lions hate Usn
1 immlcmiTnn j/rom
If yoo want sperial advier write to
lektU'atloD Is n..| tAsaukJndl.r t.. by Lydia E inukham
('«. imnfln Medlrloe
^he Hindus nud ulhvr nK< -. nti'l dentlaLLyni
1 the rvimivnl of to ©peoed, read and inswerfd by a
ro..tM,-U™. >l». U.„. I.,...,,
>—» "■*
t-d iitH’ii lliilu. Ill nicler l<v curry oul
their dcslrew In ilie wa» of having
Itomi-, . Nov.
Ihe ubji etlonpMe laws rei-*-al.-it they
Was t-slay made by l'reitii--r Gh>lltii
lute ceiie iiimn n strike and are lay­
ih.H in t!i.- very near fiiiiir- ihe gov.
ing waste the cane fields and destroyeminflit wlU iN-^able to provide for
*.ng other ptt>i>e!-iy just like whltg
an old axe pa-nsion for ggverniiietjt
men atid women il» In America and
••n^oyea out of the profits of the
England. As pnirilrally a|l th-' work
g->\»-inment * n-w monoiioly of life
In >kmth Alriea . Is done
lliMiraiiee. This mimoi-o^- wi-ntliito
Asiatics, ail industries are
efl.s-t January first. Sine-- tlo-n the
nnd grral s'-iffetirig Is In |'nispe«t In
government has Iss-ied 32.1 Iff imlicie•s
ilie strike affe-i.-d' de-trlit. In rea^
for a total lii'>arani'e of nearly It.osi,
rty ihe «lriki- is o Tii--- war of tinTin- btw pr«)Vid->s for the --f-'j
worst kind, and in a short lime tliv
'ton nr an »1d pe.isiuii fund out r
spirit «if fanatreis'ii will arts*- In the
Uiv pronto.
strikers wlio will etari in klllinE th-white Inhabitant* of that ivgtuu. This
iniubte Is the storting of future flifftculty In all the ri>uiiirb-s wUrr.* Hiwhites allow
cumulate In any great numbers
a f.HMhold in th.- ln'tht««--s ..i
People in Moist Warm Climatet Arc
tholr lorniitles. Tlie white and yelMoM Subject to Ipfection. E
«. E. Trcllln and wife returned
rucew Hiil lu-ver mix and th-'
f.ency of Victima is Far
b-liiy frt-m W in I- t':>iii<l, wlierc ih.'y
s-Kinur till* Idea l-ec«me» lm|dai>l--<l
Below Par.
!ia'-' N-eii vlsi iig for tb<- past
111 tbe niltnls of the whites and dm's-

Race War On






tlc action Is taken toward keeping
mu umiestrabh- class out of the con­
fines of their lerrtlory llic safer ihev
.WriM.-n ter the J'nit.-d ITeo
will be In the future. 3T-- nalutul
U'a-ihi|iEtun. Nov. ls--A’our t'nele
hal'ilat of the yvHuw man Is
Sal'iU'l. Ibrikuch Ih- ..fflee of for
Asia where he should be kept, if
Illls^l^-n••r tietii-nil t-f Immigration t'
balance b»-(w«-<n Ihe races Is to
day is fomiall.v >er>liig notlet- uo th
malniata<-d. 7he Asiatic will never
joatlous of Jhc globe Ibal tb.-y inui
hannoalre with tlw English or trther
Ueml ili«-lr.iminlRiantB hero el>;gn an
white rao-s and whenever the
bi-allli) a* well as frvsr fruni dUe.asv
tempt h made To get along togeth-r
If they av n>qil at all t'omnilssionthe time Is t-oiind to cmne when th-r Oti-ral.i'.mln-itl toda- niliiiiiied
whlte man will rulo the day that he
that "war" has bi-«-n d.-^lBred
allowed th- all-n race- to «ak-- up
ll-'iilarly on H«- lmis>riaHi>n of ulb
tbetr resldejire in hl« midst.
jTecttal wlUi the liookwomi dl’<'ii---<—
an Insidious malady rmnlUng from
till- rniranee i>f a {lariuAle-lliln
f.Hki. v-ner»l!y-.
' It Is evident Hist the cuinpiltleo of
Tlktfrqughl.v alarmed by re|>ortw that
the Nalh-nal Craitg- that eritiri/ed tho"^-0*0 is taking hoM In falifc
Sleeiftary of Agriculture llonston'for
tiia, and that t«b>c1b have le-en init»e|ng loo proKri«-.Ue not only Injur­
IHirting h-rdes of. Immigrants from
ed Hie grange, but tin- cause of agri­
the dist-ase rones .seventy five
culture as ws'll II 1;, th- [dxigro-sJve
ci-nl lnfiHt--«l, tVrtnmlHsioniT fumli
melh'iMN in fiirmiuc that are pryving
Il has d.-teimuied lo bar v»er
Ihe m.'sns of lifiliig the farmers,
linmiKrant under Ihe siaHite
liu' nation mmn Ho- plane where forbids entry of foTtBrns offlleied
they l-'^c-ng. and il Is ]>oor grace on with eontaglrais .or loathsome dis­
l-jirt of menilmrs of .any organl- eases. lie saw In the alannlng spread
raikm Hiai pretends lo n-present the of the hookworm disease. e*l-eclaI1y
fartmrs t« d-pps-ale the-work
on the l*srl(le cemst. a blow at eccv
man whc'i Is trying to show- them nonile prokrewi and racial developto put inoie dollars Into thrir m-nU . The order to Insp-vlors to prel-o»ke(s jind dignify the occuiuillon lent entry of any iniinlgran' showing
II whh'i 'they are engag<'d. It l-> signs of the bookwonii dlKS'e
-In.-er-H l.o|-ed that none of thU |M.-<-t«sl to result In a ilerld'ed de<-rrase
c-onituliH-e w-re 1mm Atiehigan.
In the iiuinlkir'^of PJasi Indian and
Hindu Inmilgrani- Sueli Immlgratils,
Wb-'n with h<*okw«rni. arc
Go.ernor J «li|illll of TeWM. Is .*vl- d.'clarf-d to Is- fur below the slandMd
MlHy not of the . breed that quakes of i»rae|>eMlik.-eitlx<nis kkonb'd In the
I Hi. lr b-s.ts when dsiif^T llin-al--os.
When d.-ne.l l.y Meilcvans and told liilneltt refused to admit that
what would haiipen lo his |>eopIe If order was aimed chiefly at this class
certain greasers held on Berious of ItnmlgnKlon. Iwil it 1* admitted b.»
rttarges an- mn liberated Tie replied. ImmlgmUoD officials that the
hookworm vlcUius i* higher among
Ihst If neeessar- he will .fight
tbe means he boa at bond, without this Hass Uisn any otJier.
Hookworm IntccUon
itance from tlie United States all
of Mexico, 1*0*1 tilMory would lodl- bolts the globe In a tone between thcate that the govaruor-could do as parallols of 3$ nortli and Sn south
latitude, and' nourishes chiefly In
iromls.-s If a. rioah of arma
moist, warm eilnistes. FYom sixty
<x>me« nect-Mkory.
eighty |ker cent of the vast populaifeu of tndU have the dlsooso. mak­
ing these people disinclined lo work.
It Is evident frean the Amount
infe<ilon runs from fifty to ninety
work that Is being done by tbe do­ per o-nt tn ColnmMa. Egypt. Rrltlsb
mestic twlatloDs courts In the ritles cinlana, natch Gntana. NataL Ceylon,
1 there Is oomcthlag radically that section of China Incladed in the
wrong with the jcreai ^ericai disease zona
home. Too msay hare tailed to lake
. Herbert OtiDD. s^lal Inspect
seriously the promises thfr <
JOT for the Callfomla state board of
at the altar wton the futura aeemed health, reported to Commissitmer faiwn with roaee
arbry peamlnetU on bookworm Infectlob li< the
tttl AtrwB In oisht 'sppwred to
miBM <ff CaUforala as follows:
flowtoff tBU vt stehiMts.
*Ther« te bo qtwfUoa that the sen-

Bad Policy-


eriwnni »u|KTvis|«m for o»or :t» .venns. AUow no <
to dewlve you *n thlw, <'ount4-rl
UltUtiuDB I
‘•.luBt-uM-troiHl" uTv. I,Tit okiN^rimoiiIIU. and PiidMiiirerl
bcuAth of Cbildrcn-Kx|M>ri<-m-e
•nee uru

^ What is CASTORIA

fjaatorlB Ah a Jiartnlowt nubsUlMle foF CtiHlor Oil, Panv.
Korlr, l>n.|w iiMd SoolliliiR Syrupa. It er.iitAliis n<aUier
Opium. Monihhte nor other Nar.-..tlr wubsuuiee. It doMMiys Womisiiml Hllitys fVv. rlsI.neBS. I'or iin»re tluin
itiirty yenrxft lm» J.oeii in eoniOimt use for Ihe p«-llef ol
<<)M«|MiHon.nnfulenry. ^Vl»d Colie.nll T.-elltltiR TronDlennnd l>hirrli(i-:i. ItroRiliateBtheStomHehaud Itowels,

The Kind You Have Always Bought

In Use For Over 30 Years
and relatives |n iIk- eliy*
E. E. Allen left thie morning
Munhtee. where lie will he
time ojl business.
Miss Dorothy Shepherd of Northpitrt. w-lio lins la-cu visiting with
frlen'Is here fur a ahort Utne. lc<t ihU
uioriilng for lipr home.

3 and rtH-ii'rx to ('adlllae' next
Saiurth^y f'lr Hu- fonll-all-gima
Wo'rd has been received(^hat
my l{aiiiill»ii. fortii.-r manager of the
Itesorlers and sin.-.- manag.'r of the
I'-n-a-nia Club. ('oMun States league
had been fined I3*.« for signing with
aiiolber t-arik wlilU- Ftlll the projkerty
Tho yarfls and debria at the old of the HeBSacow vua •
itelin- r mill are la lng rleaned up. s|ieelnl l-'rmlt^ i-.-en rewlved to
burn ih- a<x uiuuluied rubtilsh and the
lulin-l-s.-- tlmlM-r in the burned buibl


Claire Dedsen has returned to his
home rt lioltb- t'r- - l: afii-r a sbori
til— in therin oo business.
Wtt., P. Schancr of Chicaga vriio
1ms N-. li in Hie .11}- for a few days
^1 biiiUu.'ss. left this memlng for
-r wh«-r-- !;- •wiii I— for tb- t.mru<b-r <•' the w<s-k lieroie r-'luriih:i;
- Ills ii-mu-.
S. F. Farmer retunT-id'te his heme
at .<,.1.
iikuriTln);, aftiTV s .-ho:/
HU- in III.' eily on business.
Mra Thoa Rubke of Harbor Spring^
kisiiiTic wilh friends Ii

Miss Eva Day of Glen A^or is vis­
iting tn like Illy today^''
Jas. Stoner left this morning for
Ju.kMiB. wiiivre he will 1-v for the rcli.uili.icr of the Week on busilic-s.'i.
C. W. Coane and wile, who have
J-i-n vi'i'iijg vkiiii friends and 'rcla
James Louden of Crand Rapids, fa lu,-> ill Hi. eil,- ffir tt.e |«si few daya.
I l|i<- city Jcuisy on I'usln<-ss and l.-fl tU' inonvlng for. their home ul
tc. fj-U-.-n relatlk.-s,
F. B. Ford returrved to tile home at
Ira Biotsom, who has been visitmg tils broHii r WM.. IU(M;M.m. for Fr.-itikfiirt thi' morning after a short
a b'w da>.s. r-'ium-'d lo liU lioim- in llitH- h-rc on I'lisinfss.
Walter Conklin of Mt. PIcasant'l* in
Grand itai-lds this moraizig.
Mrs. Josephirte Titus left this the elty fora lew days on basiuess.
Quarantine has been raised on the
ninnilng for Gruad Itai-lkls to visit
of I I., friilu on South- I'nlon
ImimfricDds and will'go on to. Hint In
visit her daiigkier. Mrs. James M. street as th-vliildren huvo Kvovi-ri'd
from t.ivelr atlaek of di|iliihi'ris .
titewnrt for t^e winter.
George Gilbert has returned from
Misses Amelia and Emma Schauta
of I*n>veiuonL were Ip Uic city for tile I'l'iH'r r-iil;isula. v>bir- lie has
Ih--i/for I'l- ini'l we.'k vl-lltng wil'i
the dav '
Mr. and Idra. W. J.' DenAdel of r.-isHv-v ami Irimtliig.
It will pfobsbly be dbcided this
Kalamazoo, viho have L-.t-o visltlnc
Mrs IienAdt-rs mother, Mrs t ame nfi.-mooii wli.-iher -.r pot ik ep—-iul
i'ierie, rettirucd home this momltic. train -an Ih- se<-ur-v| ttf earry the

J. Sbiclds ieft this morning Ter BcrIin t'aimdii. to visit with relatives
Inr s«-e-'ial w.-eks
Frank Shorter of Cedar, wob in the
TtrT^ >eslerda> In buriuess. for the



Legal Notices
STATE OF MICinO.AN, the Thir­
teenth Jurlieial f;rr.iii of Michigan—
Cmiiily ol Oiailekuix. k.-.
In ihe -iiiaiter <ii a|i|K)lntlDg the
tiUMs for holdaig ;-r.o, of Coart In
said fl^uli tor il:- yc-ars iyif uA
The 1‘mev for hoHinc terms of <iuH
In the s.'voral cojiitti,.* ■-•icii'ti ising the
Hilrui-idJi Ja-laial «Ti>uU of .MIchtfor Ihe years iMt uod mil, oiw
hereby fixed an(h;ili|«iiit.' a- follows:
Antrim Count
The fourth .Mond.xy in I :'juar>;.
The B2cvud Monday in .
/''The second .Monday in .\usn<i.
Tim second Mouduy in OckiIb';
The flrsi Mtiiiday ii
Ti e foorili Muialuy In Alay. .
The third Monday in AtiTnrt.
Thu tthil .Monday in IK-c. inlH-r.
Leelanau County.
The third Tuer.lay In F.d.r.iary.
The Brst Tueeday in May.
Tlie first Tuesday in Augi'sl.
“• third Tu.-sda>
Tuesday in...................
Grarvd Traverwe County.
The flrsi Monday In March.
Tlic si-coDd Monday In June..
Tbe last Mondi-y In g-piemlter.
The thirl .Motnia) io Ik-cv-mb-r.
Jlated St Oliuflekolx, Michigan. Orto^
er l.’.th. 1913
ClrcOtt-'Judge of the Tlilru-.-mh Jlidl' ircult of Mli-blgan.
jov C. 13. 30. 37

Bowers Harbor prices
—2Sc tor elder apples,
parlag apples Me. Both
phones-atz. tM, BeU
67. Canning Co.

PoUtems ................................................. 5flc
Eggs ........................
Hay, ino-H-........................ I................ JlK
Daafnase Cannot t>a Curwd
Straw, per toa ..................................IK M Ideal spplSratt<>B«.M tbayenoB-arMA lbs '
dtssasial ponKm lha w TWe is <wlj
Oulene ................................................IIJI waj yenr^^fn*^ and that Is^ «uttta
FAM PRODUCE—eertlng prieat.
ftam,U yo« hsraarwRildlng sooad <W IIBper
Dairy butter .7^............U»e.2$ to 8:*c * It hwrtnr. and vt-n il is escrrlT .ek—d
Ifnma Is the nmlv. sad -teI.s Ibr UOanna
Creamery buUar....... iT..............l..SSc _w
can be Ukse-nl sad Uil. tela-ta
Eggs ................................1...................80c Ws aarwst isn»dltto.ik. h—riag wtlTbsdisnnwed
^Hay. baled-....................... N....I179H9
Hat, iooea .......
CRAIN^Traveraa City Milling Ca.
AJ-CmfffT*Oo..Tetaao. I
t»rice* corrected eTerr toy.

WheoL SO Ib. taet............................... S7c
Com ..................................................76c
Rye ......................................................... 5SC'
Oau ........................ i............................40e
White navy bcaas....................
Red kidney beona ........................... *3.26
State Bank Bnildii«.
Buckwheat, {.er 100 Ibe..*1.23 to *1.M>
GRAIN—Hannah A Lay Co.
Ptlcae corrected eve^ ISoy.
G«t tiuJ^jimtpropertii'S
WbesL 60 lb; teat ............................... «c
Com ...............
wilh i>wiieni*^<fnwbe^or prt^
onitioii to sell j iiur
Rye. M lb. Wsl................................... 6Sc
Buckwheat, per 100 Ibs..*L3S to fl.36
Prices corrected erary day.
at cost of $2.'.. llii.vcr aud sellw may deal, din'd if th-'y preSteer* ........ ...........................6 to $He
Co*» .................... *............. :....* to te
Hogs ....................................................7e
s^heep............ ...............................* to 4c
Lambs ................................................. 6Mc
Hldea ......................C....V....................>e
Calf ....................
• hldoa ....
*2.M ud «s for Ginseng and Golden Seal.





Pardee BnsiBess ExduBge



Will pay the highest prices
Both phones.

If You are Subject to Colds
This Editorial will Interest You.

733 E -Front 8L

HONEY TO LOAN oo good a&6 wHI
ImproTod form*. H U. Derit, SIS
State Beak Blto. Travere# Oty.
eorfl mt
C. W. Ashton, who ha# been ir
city tor eev.-rsl days ou l-usloess, nc
A Great Majorily of IN-ople Get One or More Colds ETcry
turned to his lionie ID UrsDil lUplds
Kt*A«on and It is of Vital IiitiTf-st to All lo I^m How to
last night.
Avoid and llelieve Colds tjuickly. Since Colds are bald to
C. Gilbert left this marning
Trensry, r. IV, no a hunting trip.
lie Conlfltfious.
He took Ills snow- sIkm-/. for It is said
that there Is eigliteeu liiehes of sdow
Bob* people thick cold* are only caafht Umn(k ospem*. TU* ia
tn that bmallly.
It la said thkt some of the party rethin ii oofftrodictod by tho fact that Arctic explorm ora poeoliorly free
froB<ooldi. ItuBorag«nanUyacceptedtbatooUU.aretoerwBhofclTiliMd
who wrnt hunting at Thompson
returning, lor after the big storm of Ufa. due to nper-beated roomaohd a very rapid choas* in teap«ratn« whid
'reck (he snow wqs mrasurvd and catuaa the nerve ceater* to be deproMod, and ctUl more largely dse to eenIt was 2*1 Inehes on Ihe level
ta^on-oae nember efateaily wportia; a cold to oaather by aaoesiBcor
There were nearly forty Knight* of
Arc only iKtrchmoed eeee. ThereFyililas and ihclr wives;at ih’o suikper coBghiEs.
cCore they tbould be of modem
A cold mean* aothisf if reliered qhickly. That *aeh a psepoM may b*
In the dining room lost night. Carddesign, bum of leoet dureble
w-eie playc-l and a good buklness
aecomplithed. a quick aid to a cold u oa OMtial A remedy oepedally
maiensis and arUsUcallr floSion held afterwoH.
1 You will fiod onlr anch
deviled to reliere colds quickly is FKBtTBA
IS works of
J. W: Hanea. postmaster at Mt.
i'lensant ,1s Hie g-4cst of his cousin. M
flaence Bpoa the inflamed mocoa* membraae* and the qaicker thee* moeoss
l>. Martin, tor a few days.
Brown, agricultural expert, membroaes are fiven the bcaefit of a lemody like BSEVIA tho qaieker
Went to lake Ann this morning, where relief and the loee ooBtagtoa.
bo will give an lllustraird lecture be­
A aetleetod eeld may beeea* a Mriou meoaoe to oa*'* ewB Uto, aai ter
ALVIN H. ORUBER. FuMcal OtrecteF
fore the Bentle county lYitnona grange
oae's temily.
and Embalmer. 312 fioeth Uoioii 8U
thU evening. He will be assisted by
Mrs. Nellie ProtL asainasL CIta.
W* iBfar* oar home* agaioat Are. ear live* afSiBit deatt. Whyiheeld
F. r. Wright.
phoae *75. We tree! yoe a* «e
There vblll be a special meeting held voootiBsveoanelresafai^eeldi ifpearibteby haTlic a aadioDo toAhe
would wUk to be treetMl.
In Hie GnzwD school house tomorrow temily ehast that MB be aaod at oaeoT '
sfiemooD. at which time lao Hornsby
FZEtrVA U a reliabl* bowheld remedy ter eekU aad ahoaU be to erc^
wilt give bis lecture on school saniu- hems, ter there ahoaU be a dodre to combat a cold a* qai^y a* p**nbla.
tIon. \V. H. Umlor will s|wak In the
InteresiB of tho Western'Michigan De- This i* ealifbUBad hystosA
ly WtttMlPalB
People who are teebl* aad ram dowa are mere sabjeet te cold* than perBjJtka ‘■KMtor" method 1 caa revelopment burenu nnd E H. Brown
lem to Bttmal haaltA 8aeb petmw need oatdoor life aad PBBUBA to h*^ motothoee ochiat teeth atawlauto
DB fruit and tbe care of the orchard.
without poia. aad without th* use od
nd Foriier. who haa baan vHa- baildapastroBdeoMtitattoB. If yoa hare a poor appetite that i* oftoa a dmg* to ppodnee nacoiiKJonaeeaa.
Iting with frienilt In tbe city for the warm^^yoaprebahlyBoedateaielikePenBater Pe«aa aid* the
People of emeno* tempemmeM madlast few days, left Ibis morning for diAmtifi/bifSM. Wheayev appetite iiteir aad work aad exKctee do BoC wtth week bmHs will eppiwciaH the
his home at Manistee.
J. O. Goodwin and wife left this
DB. W. O. XnfTON,
Peemw who el#eet to Uqiid mediriae* eaa bow ohtoto mviA NS408 mnhWa Bloek. wltMlr. q*l»
monlng tor their homca-at MBUlslng.
vecth, Tntorae Ctty. XtehlffB,
after several days' Ttett triCh trleods maRT.MTW

£ »>'•

Net AtraM

Children Cry for Fletcher's

MIMIana of Dollars
Are clearedd evnry year, by the pOUly riisers i >f ibo Viit-od Siai-.,..- A
'urge Isrtor In Hie produ. lion of this
1-r.rfU Is HARVWxL'S CONIMl*0\VHi:it. Il kA-s
In gooil eondillfiti. iiiakes young
I L-niw rapklly, wards off disease
'iH-l-s Ih- rxiuiti bright and r.-«l.
••>l>mny aa cml fur-Kock. It is iho
lavorii-t c..t..;i;i.,jiing j-.wdt-r vkuh
breeders of l leraJ.-d bors-8. IThe 23
per iratkage. gold by all drug-


|Wrc'k't. vlst: with Iter husband.
The ladle* m the neighborhood
liurashy eg<c-ut a nicjil at Grave!■ at Mrs J. l.vuB*' W-dbi-sJay god lied
while on hi* way to cisit the Munroe tlirc-e romforf.-t> lor Mr*. Btafford.
Cenlwr school ami other .silmols in . .Mr. and Mi>: Arthur Cooie,-- H-.lie-l
Its vii-lnliy. at John i-aveuder'* b*l Week.
i The- young alrlC ela** at the M K
tJiile Ty l*ray I. visiting hb-grandBunday scyhool ha. Imvd organised in^ l•an•Dts. Mr. and Mis. F. Ih-ckwlGi.
lo A rhoir aud ha* bee n me^llDg • ith
-Mrs. F. 'Iteckwiih sgeeot Monday in
It* im-mbors for iirac-tlee thb week. ' Trav--r»c- City,
The Ladle.' Aid *in.-ii-'y met with iTay giu-i;t'Saturday and Bu'nMr* Dr. Clark Vediie>.lay and ik;w,«r duy will) luT-iarenls.'
corpit rads.
Out of the llfiy iiupM-c enrolled in
Elbyi M. Pray, u-cnli-u-.
till' iTltnarV loom 1l;c-re w.-re ouly
tweixy pro'ent Monday*.
Margaret and Eva Town-cend enrollgirlmary r.iom ThuT.du?,
Kingsley. H. F D No I. Nov.-lsThe higlcer grade-* In tlw grammar
M>m hc-id a de bate Friday nltcyrnoon. A iH-w Hound <>ak store lias hec-n
The *iil>iei-| w-us. -|{eSolv>'<1. That w>e l-ta-v-d In Ibv s'head room in liistrii-l
Hlon s.bould J-e gic'-n the tiallol in
.Mrs'M. Kndri-s ha.* purebased a
Mic-b.gaii" The tiegallv.- won. .
-w Kimlwil organ.
Ml*-' Myrtle Sawyer <«ler,c4,snhool
Hgm.c Sali-nMin' wax. a Kingsley
again after an ubvemv- of six day* on
enllei bM week
aeCoiiiit of illness.
Peter J. Itiennarfaer tranxa<led
nncLr^Ira- Ben IMbnon
In . Kingsley Wl Tiiursda:
,daughter Mina n-iumed Satordaf hu.lm

J'he errand Jraverse J^gion
Cctnpil»d Meh wMk by a aUff


(grand Jraverse Countg
Art-hl<>. Nov. 18.—Sir. and Sin. Aull
Sunuurst KiMi Susday *l«h Mr." ami
Mrs. Arrb>(lucj>bii.
TJh> launch bc^lonulnr to Hrrt lUwtaick hrolip loosed durlnt; ih? Moroi
Sunday nlcbt and ha* not U>«>n tound
The laidlfs' Aid Bock-iy rjet with
. Kvorndon Wodntwiay
Thi-re wa* a lant* atleudatm. and the
afternoon waa spent In sewina carpt'i
Mst Wednesday a noiuber of >uuna
people fvUcot oa Uabel Butiyuest.
.\lr* llarton and son OrUtid left for
nfe l.ake on Tuesday, where they
-pect to v|iend Ibe' winter.
The bean thresher* were wofUnK lit
thi* Dcdgblcorhood last week.
The third., fourth and lift* gradei*
verb spelled ^wn by Ikxis Cray.
Mn>. I'ha*. Siontaidie ha* returned
home rroni the Bay Bank tiosp'Ual aft
Gale l!l•■aM•a visited the Stony
Beaeh sehoc.! .Monday.
^(lie Melcunald of IJartford is \-|t■ Itte reUtives bete. •
Addle Sle.Mal!^ of. Traverse Clty
•i>eiti Wednes-tay aftemoun with her
Sirs.. l.:Dsh‘y‘* brother of Toledo I*
her.. Msliina
sir.’. Garr.v.. who has been vUitlna
her parents fn' Aritie. haif- relumed
I.Ast tfednesday Mark Gleason
hroushl his rattle home from Hamtiicu.i * iQsiure.
Mrs. ATc-b Kurhas spent Friday with
her mother. Mrs. Rolcert Garland.
Mr* Will Johnson returned home
Saturday after apendina two weeks In
Ttwverse City.
Ka Nelson has a ven' slrk horse.
noyd Gray drove to Arme Bunday
1ft his car.
Uao .Mr.Mnllen U Rolnc to start
working oir the road this-week.
Twelve yonng folks spent Snoday
evenlna wdth Mr. anil Sirs. Webster
Slvemdea. The evening was spent In
pUylna tilt. iJeht refreshmenu were

Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Warren spent
'BuDdny wiih .Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Gray.
Mrs. Kilniurry.aDd Mrs. Bnchan rail­
ed on kirs. Chas. Nlontague Bunday.
Kva McManus. Tearher;^-

Karlin. Mich , Nov. l«.—Mr. and
Mrs-.F. Roth were visitor* ai the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horoabt-sVy SunF. BlanehaM *|>ent the week end at
bb home near t'oiwmbh.
Mr. and Mrs J. Bepko were vbliors
In Karlin Siipday.
Messrs F. Blanchard. H. Hill. Anton
and James .Zahradnik attended the 11Insunte-I lecture given by Ia>e Homsbr at the Grant town' hall Thuiwday
The school house reetfved a thor
trach^vwhaullng and cleaning BaturThe Alhenbn soHety- are pre-iesring
a Thanksgiving program In return for
the Hallowe'en rcogram given by the
other aocdeiy of thd sc hool ■ Ro^ th
.Alhenbn and Mlnen-a sodetlea Uke
keen -interest In their work and the
grholaivblp of the srhool ha* in­
creased considerably since their or
ganlzatioB. ,,
Harold illll.,Teac-her

T-nlon. Nor. 17.—J F. Bdrldge and
ffcmilv wient Sunday with Mr. and
- Mrs. Jasiier Pilcher.
Wateon Rarer came Saturday for a
few -lay-*' rlaR Vuh hU family.
Ip.:r-. c and t«*Be Hager are attendPig -«-hcx/l SI Plto,I.ak«.'
Wi lls Northrup. »-ho has been vtalt^ at tii.- home of PVank lUgert Irft
for Middle town. O . Tueoday.
Georgi- Newell wetot to Trav.
CHy M'c-dresduy-. wbero be baa ob_|ained emplnyment
Mrw. Roy J^d.s and Mrs..Leonard
Cook, of Jones.'Mirh.. came Wodneneby for a vbli with thelr-anni. Mrs.
R. C. Bridgemari. and grandmother.
Mrs K. Alfook.
Jay Hager went to Sliaron Tuesday.
where he has employment.
Ur. an.l Sira. J. R. Ihnnon
daughter. Mina, returned from Cbdlllac on Wednesday.'
Mra. Agnes Elliott v-laited
Henry Brummels Frida;
Will Cbrk has moved hb ft4Hy
back from the Bowrdman valley.
Ilany Slnrblr s^-hi the week end
with l^le and Maurice Hager.
.Charles Cbrk e^Uetd as a pu|ili of
ovr bc-hoel Mirnday-.
Mra. Miner Cruthera is rbKIng Mra.
WIIl Ptekena (or a few days.
Mra.«Jota BaikboMm- and aon Wil­

/Olgitu,. K. F- D. tfo. I

lis of hTlk Rapids came f-Viday Cot a
visit with Mr*. Clinton Peek.
Mr.and Mrs. lU-nry- Drummet* vis­
ited Mrs. Anna Itrumnic-b Bunday.
VlKlictrs at G. C llager'a Sunday
were Mr. and Mr - >'ar|>ciilei and son,
and Mr*. Frank Hager
G I'. Hager. Frank liacer and their
tour friend> that are noMh hunilw
have all -fllle<l their ll<*euses and w-lil
soon reinm to their bomes.
CEDAR CHEEK SCHOOl,.'Mrl.rce!nnit. Tc«c-her.

CHy Tiioiwisy evi*ning to attend the
High School l.«eture uourae.
Mrs. Wflis and daughter hfina vis­
ited Mr*. ScyoBeld at Wllllaucsbunt
Sunday evening.
- Mr, and. Mra. GriBln went u Trav•-rsc (Ttc Monday.
Ur* Ctoyi-ool railed on Mrs. Ln J
t1i*g.< Tuesday afternoon.
Mr* lii'iiilM of Acme visited her
auui. Mt* 1. J. Crisp. JYiday.
Miss Ib-niilna Myc-ra of Elk ItaplJB
aj*-nl Sunday wiHi Mr. and Mr.-. I
Norma A. 1 «rul«iU. Ts^icht-r.

the mkchborbood thrawhlng )
lien Bmitii snd wife werii slxlling
at MayJleid Saturday night and left
Sunitay- for CbJ-tigo. *b?ra Lhey ^
spend the winter.
Stanley- and Carl Smith have riM
to Mayfield to siM-nd the wini-r aiUi
-Ib-ir -grandincAber. Mr*, Hobbs. *
Mrs, Kob-rt Baxtoa U spending a
few d4>* In Traverse City with
faia WeUeln 1* assisting -Arthur
Bt«rtlug in getting wc*tllcid to tbeto
tine new houie-. '
Mr. Fewloee and Mr. He*iip were
in the- nc'ighburhuod m tbe ialercsi
of the -Gkaner lg>d«e.“
Rev. i.iuie expecu to pr««ob Sun*.
Arelile. Ncrt. 17 - Mis*'GUdy* Me. da.v. Nov. ::cin tbe schmil house.
Garry cb-ltcd Odra
Chas. Ch^l
Grace 'Tompkia*. Teadjier.
Thursday c-v-'niiig
. ' '
hVed Gariaiid was in Traverse CHy
cm- bu'in---* Tuesday.
' .Mrs Heim l-afayelle spent last
week with .Mr*. J' llenderaon of
Holme* Siding. Nov .,18.—Wm^ Sate
Tr:icef*>- City-.

In Klngaley Monday on.hmcl-

A. Bill'll yaw ut Manlon Sbturday on
Ruth Forsyth \f<lted the Walton
Si-»ic*d Monday.
Ml' dctiiir* Bmllh an-) eliildn-i..
left .Thursday Idr
Kcart. where Mr Buiilli vcill ran-, tot
her mother. uiioJ* t.-ty ill.
John hhtos was at Traversv City on
htislnes. Wedm-Sdav
IS. T. V.
...k. .k. '
• '!•" -I'l- M-C .. ■“ »'“•>.
In to.n Til—dB.v
FiV lak,- an.l (’adllU.
l>r.k-nillna„rK.n-mla.. a.. .'nklir S, Ml ot l.n.ll.v
in S««d.V,
I'lrawn Saicirdac
j - Mi>s Agn** founmde wisit-d at the
Mr. and Mra. C A. Seaberg Mt
Byron Red!ekr<,„,rned lo^hb home I
in ^Martin hoot.- .Sunday.
In wouthc-rn Michigan
, T.av.-rse civ Batunlay.
Ihniy Hiern.u-her was a King.I.-y Saturday for Chicago wben-'tlw-y will
Inlrrlii'ben, Xuv 17.—K lx>wls was
kpe-m] the winter.
Mra. DoUdt IWe Is visiting •It.-r! Mra Powell ati.l n«dh. r. Mrs*. ■-.H.t b*l w«*.
Trav.Tse t'lty Tuesday un business
MeManu* and son HaroliL
molicer at Trav.-rae CJt.
| *'«*"'
T'-'erse Citv Salurcby.
| David CqurUde i, plowing for It
\l!T Hud Sklltiier was at Trav.-rse
'were in Traverae <'it> Kaiurday.
Mra Itolph Ahlri.ig.-h visiting her !
T..»i;.t and family ,e„. .aji.-ra I. M. llrldcv
City We<'lirs.iay.
R^T. Icor Johnson, stale ecangelUt.
granclt*ienu. Me an.l Mrs P. Bmlth.,'*
| Jack Itnrsi ha* gone U«:k to his pH
Tom Ril<-y b> In our midst cailiiu;
»trs Kob-rt Wfllet of Kalkaska c 1,1 Alaik an.l Alli.-.| R.-U.iiir of IftteV- ira.l-- of- liapi'lng lui.l has iTad wry ba* been holding a wries of meeting*
t frli'iirts.
l.ite<S Ahuiin Bevc-ianre Batur- goc"J *ucr.-»s
at Uif tlai'itot cburcii during the p^
John t'harliarnmu ha* n^yved his the guest of Mra. G. A Kabewk Tnesj Harold Hoiton if sawiiig wood for_
fauallv iia. k on their farm near I'Utie
l-nsim-ss I'rlp i
'B-o-.-s .\gn<« and Lulu. Ayers 'Jr. t«gctt wlth^'lv wood ruaclilne
Miss Ruth Seaberg s|ic«t ^nday
t>l Whilnmre ma.le
, of Traier-e City jyiiende.! the auciion
-Mat lilcwvna.-hex. who lues bee n ill with her »bi-r. ^ir*. lu-ri Krouim.
Wltkoji was at Traver>e City on to MatXvli'Salnr.lay.
Mr and Mra Andrew Carroll were
•Mt> iclHcT W.lltiims was at Trav 1 sol.-at Ih.-ir h.lher's farm Balurday. • lor the ixist C.-w day*, has algmt ccTliiir.sdav. w
Traverse City cUitui* Saturday
Mesdames Fisher. ~KllHter land erao Cjly i|i<- bit.rr g.arl of llie'w^eh, j A’' FrI-lay in Id* mother
. j Edw-ard Courtude is .ufferinr from
Kay ijfuyrtte cali-d at Fred Gar­
Nancy’ Biitib.-r »l••nl .Buudav wMi.'-*-C‘}^'
Bander* were callers at Trayer?e**ll'
't*rank Sawyer wu* in Trace rxe Cllv 'a cs-rv lainitr) w..undiD hi-: eye '>1.^. land’* ui.uuday.
her pan-nis. Mr. and Mr*. H Buime
Batunlav on buxines* . the wood* .Saturday a
Rec. Hcutfeldl waw *ln 'Trav--r*e
Wanders is making.a visit at
.Ml* M.-1clii .'rttig. and Mrx.iTliorap--Miuill twig sirii.k him
FVam-cs R Pl.-rc .-. •i'e.vihcr
City. Katurday.
Klugsley and other pointa.
sevn droci- to liitc-il.M'lw-n Tl.urstby lo s< .he •-ya-l.alt.
. Tlie -luUowlng pupilt were neliher
Bernice Felker has been helping at
alletid'tl.e l-a-ltee' Aid SCH-iely.
Kayin-n-l Mllh-r cisited Ijiuiv ;Cour. ab*<-nt nor tardy during tbe Oetoiier
the hotel during the lllpeas ..f Mrs.
ne-iith: Calvin Kelly. Harold Curtis.
Mrs i> lloIhrtMk. If-u. her.
Duric Kanimon- has flnvibc-d bulM Hmer locraon. Alu Widdis. Amanda
Anna rad.len was a ealler at Tray- . Coitrlade Comers. Nc.c, IT.—.
liig a flue rone e.rib and chi< kc-a coog- Siiiideen. Paul llogfell. Mabel Lyon.
etse City Saturday
Blowtlek Is .wurkliig ior ileorge V
Bi-lia-.iiaii En-lri-s ba* not lie«i abbS<-rof Hocfelt, Maurice Ekslin--.
.Mri, THIapaugli and dsuehter"Kiu derllito la- in rt IttHtl for the t^t wte-k
K--ruaiid L.vcni returned lut, week
er«- :t Traverse City Fainr-'jy
• Vr- l-VaiiU BeV; who l-a- l-*iuG. Hiic-knian ha* linii-lird i-aijifing
Bbir. Nov 17.- .A xiv* -road Is 1-elnc
frcini |iuudic-l.x-andi<.,.1uwa where
Ktia Bnelt siient Sunday In' Trav. Iting le’alicev 'here. Ims CelUilietl
hit- larn,
he baa been vHsitine' for tbe past
rse ntv. (lie guest - lif Hatiniltel her home In Barker Cr«-k
Meadto cvti-nd one- mill- s inib .of Joliii
iwo months.
li-lha Harrell had uti ogH-ratiem
Nn kerum abd'olhe-r* ar.■ , ■
Geo Banders Is now driving the l<n* atbnoids ihN We.k. The Ititte ijri I-av-as rorn-.-r.
Mra. Artbiir MeAlanns and children
oa 1‘ie road t’Wo udlra
Jc^c-nliih.’- 'Vvlic-r Is on the't. [••''■“Bnt
spent 'Bunday- with lAJfred lluvler.-*
whieb lirlngx ten of the ehlldren to had her i<>ii<dl« reiisi.e*! last
Eva -Nortuit., w_ho ha- )w-«-A Jielping
She is dulhg Iitc-ely.

MI'S ‘-rrc-n
Carrie liatiM-n. w|pi has b-eu of Ma^Jtdon.
v'c—John Rak entered acboolMracd.iy
Hugh Ib-outy and wife sjieiit one
Robert Owland. jdaughter
sick for the giasi iw-ojicwra. dli-d
' ->■
1 •
day lastsweel: in Tratetse City uu rcAuruc-,! honic-.,
the home of her paretita near ilaniuih htorgarat'and son Kobert.eT^tod
John Duhnirr has piir'-lui-cecl
Mrs. J. Wiikop was In iho city Mon: iMtsiness.
Moiicby evc-ning.
day afternoon.
Mr and Mrs., l^-wta t\>i(n|de drove tc-ani c>w-iic'd i-c Ffunk Kig-en.
K. McBride had nn excellent crop of
Anna l-'lra-hc-r rolb-ct on .Mrs. 1
F. Viiiion. the trtian' okteer. was in lo Tni'erwe fuy om* dav last w.s4:.
ilaiei M Angeiu T^ariier.
<viin Ibis year He busked two or
ir midst today.
Mrs. Kd t'ox ts ciulte ill again.
more bu-he-Is of corn from ’each
A *uri.ri*e was given} Hoy Umbel 1
)i;iD)iie f-Yntun sgceni a fi-w days ~v.Mrs John Bchinbvln-l vi«tt«d
Frank Sehtnickc-r-. over Bun lay.
Monday evening, it belni
nb tlstjWlib friends In Harkcf Creek.
Mr* Jolin t'ounade was ^^nesley
I There va- .a had i-Mmiie> fire at
caller last w.-eV,
Te.-ieAlfred Reaiiso was
Ititor in the ; lice hone .of John N'. I'ourtado la:4
Bunimlt City. Ncjv. IT.—Mr*. Bes­
'tat Knep---* went to Treuerse-t'iie
gtanintar room Monda.e htfemoon
{Sunday timmlng. .\o'eertou-.damage
sie Campl>ell expeet* to go to (ton*,
1 Ini'tncsx'MonJay.
lU hanl SkUlliM was at Tmverfa , re>.il!.-d
laiiils Coiirtade has Iccen Cc-ry sue- 'da In a few days to Joto ^r hcisbsnd
City Monday.
j.' i-'Vanfls Fottuii' i> w.biiin.lll was on
went ,there abont two months
ee.s-jnl trapg-lng thi* fall.
lilely wr...kc.l h; the secerc stort'l
Vnl-m. N'c-c IT - IVc giaratioiis at-'cl -MU- .Myrtb- "c.-krlW »-enl to Sum- ago. Their idans ar« to uke up a
Mrs. Zada Harr. Teaeb.'r.wVek. 'Many fenrao.. Wer.- bring nacb- for gia-ling and -.•.c-rag-lng V it cm JVi.iny to attend a ►urjiri*e houiesirad' there.
dvsD and niui-h .ibihase was King hif^ Twricly'ice team* nr«- to ' gVirty at the hum- of hc-r giara-nts.
.'Ira. 5ar^ Coi to In verj- poor
*<urt iTicTwork. w-hirh liny exg-e-l to trten ill honor of ihejr iwAnty-nrih health .
.Miss Alla Honan has gone to tthlo liiiish wUtdn u .....nth.
wAl-ltng ai^nict-rwarc
A; Ansteu went to'' Traverse
to sl-end itis- wfaler.
te-e Bniilh hu* Iweii *i<k with |h.njt'tle c-Infa
City. Bunday- wltb'ibc tolention of
. Noc. IT I Hoy llom-er
ilenre Cailisle I* moving icnti* 1.1* gripgi.- lor ihe lam lew da.c*. hm D
Uohn Yoiinctas I* ce-> sh-k with
remraing Monday with a g^Une
> 1-an.tlng. where he leas own gdiciv-.
niu- h iisirocecl.
1^0,,• fecer
Mr* II Bilies i- Imimxiiig *loWlcWork for fhe winter.
E l» 1lKin
' Jcchi. loissaxijd family visits at Ihe
WilUam Pollard made a buidness
Homer B^Uobee rcAurned from 1-anrred‘Sira.1 siHtit lust Tliiirsdav'dti w.-h with'hj
his |lir-sliiug inaibine to liutiii-<-f Mac Emlr--s Buuday.
Kingsley- Salurda.r.
Truc-rse Clt.#.'
slne Baiunby.
hu,rk cv.rn.
Comn.fssioie-r lex? .Ilornshy visett-d
R. BushaAp and fatpHy
Uom lo
and Mra lAntos TouleU.
llerhc-rt ProcHv wasliil with a stoii.tUiward Fii<-. wib- and daught-r of our xc-hrx-t last r'Vednesday.
- Monday. Noveuilcer. ft. furyj^DUaa.
Friday-. 14. a t*n iioaod girl. whih- idaciug ex k. IhioL' He r.-4-eice.l Tncersi- City bate Imsu vlxiilng rc-laJoe- i(iinM.-r and faitniy visited IV«er where they evi»Tl to mKe ^ t^lr
The ree<-Dt wind innv^ .Miles,«SII- a sc-c.-r.- rut Pig llie htuid
tiie* lierc- for the g«st month.
"Vher and family Bunday.
future bouip.
tore's garage from It* (otindaltnn
^ Ht-nry Gibson -if Wheatl.cvOtii, b
Mra. Julia >Vll*on returned Fridav
t School Report.
Dr. R. E. Wc-lto was called to the
The AW so.-iety nwt wlib Mra. ■cisiilug friends and tvbtires ut list from Elk lUfdds. where *I<v has lieen
Regsirt i-r lb«- Tompkins xi-huul for hc-me of TTank HushaW. Saturdsr. to
George liare.y WedDeaday.
tng for the last two wc>eks.
the n-niith eucllog Noc. Itih. t!*13:
their daughter, ^sephlne. who
Salurtby- ecenitii; soum- friends of
Ileiirv I'oiHui hro'ight home
Number of -la.vs taught ‘i".
.Aluy Christoi.her surprIwMi ber by fl'H- due ks B.mda.c',
Kclliii Pay Min. Teac her.
Nurul>-r of i-upils citndled. 13.
Perry MoCIcary and family .left
Hugh f^niy.......
sgiendtiig the- ec-vnins with , iiCf. It
- wife
Nuniber of. boys •-nrulU-d. T. num Saturday for CadUlae. where they
being Iter iMb birilidsy. •
<p-tit Filday 'aften^SB at.ihiK-r of etrls . nrolie.J. •:
exl-ect to make their
Ham I'hHstog.her and .'Valter Hell liunic
Aceraxe -lally auc-najnne. IJ j-ius
Guy I.eavall returned to hto home
rli-h ri-tornisi from Detroit BaturcUy
Mr. Salem
IH-ri-entage of attendance. *s jdu*.
■ar Summit (Tty. after being ah<1iy.
the aick list.
- Tliose Who were neilber laidy nor ■nt s.-wrsl weeks,
A few Iriends snrpiiwc^ b-a*.- Hay­
-ynan KnsseU D xUying in Trac
during the month an
.Mik Ge^fNelHon has been visiting
wood Saturday ecriilng. . A good lima
i--Clty and going to mIhk.I.
-Icie Moran liii' l-ecn hauUnir Tru- (NIrkerwoti. Nora N'irkervon, Edccir friends an relative** in Crawl Rap­
was e^joyc-d by all In attendance.
Hc-nry yreliliaug-t ha* !>ouglit a m-w
niuii l-osee's gioiacoe'C tu llarl.c-r l^rrek. Nickericon. Merle NieJeeraon. Gb-nn id* for the ttost three week*.
Bert Ijiiinin left Wedpeoday for De­ horse.
Ralph Worden I* Inilbilug an a.ldltroit for the winter.
Mra. Joe 1-ogte exi>ect* to leave In
1 ion to bis house • .
• Frank chriaiaitebr returnc-d to his'
few day* for Canada, where she
Vera I. .b-ntfe. Tenehcr.
My rlle'Wc. koff, Teai-her
The aPix-amnce ..f the North Alahome at Kingsley- Monday.
wilt Join her aged father, whom she
Mat 7anii]ek reliirrMyl home Frida.e
u not ween for several years.
the nddillon of window hlin-is and
from Arch!.-. ccii4-re ne hat be*-n w-orfc
Frank Biishamp and rhUdren went
sash eorialiis.
. '
. Buckley. Friday*
Grawn. Nov. IT, Mt. Towniw-nd of
M. 4j*t and family culled at the
The grammar' room pt-gdis have Bcllnc-r hss nibv^ liU faiuily Into llte
Mrs. Anna Scram and Miss F’ern
Bates, Noc, IT.--The MI*»lonary
been baciitg ^xaminallons ibe icssi house vaiaied by Mr. Mclnivp..
Coming went lo FTlnu Friday, where
elely met wiih ?lr*. IJebly one
Roc-. AllltoD ikmclK-i and family,
• y will xpeo^ the winter.
Mb* halna Ilrooki. huendod the- Br*t visited at Tniniau loisee's Um Friday.- last week*
The Bun-lac- school gave a teniper- nutiibcr on the U-eteiK-aourwe at True
Mr. and Firs.- Tony "eher went
Mr. and ilr* Jared Arnold, who
Mr.-and Mr*. Gc-urgo lH«g* ancT son
jee program Sunefay. Mr, "'ood dc- erw-t'lty Friday. Nuv. T.
have Ux-n ll-mg >n thi* cbinity. have to Trdveree CHy. Wednesday. Mr.
John railed at the Davl^ Iioiue Ust
lit-ered a lem|a>rau.-e sermon alaQ,
Weber returned Thursday.
moved lo Williamslcurg.
The lifth grade lielcpa delbte Tue.* Sunday.
.Vimi Kolene Ashmore, who has he--n Weber remained In tbe city until
day- on the subiert. "tVblcIi l.-c uniiv
Mrs. I... A. Worden aiirot Saturday
Joxle ItrAc-keiihury. TeaWter.
Ut fur the |«*l kIk w-eeks. Is again In Saturday.UMcful to the man. the horse- or iJic- aflernoon with .'It*. Truman Ixisee.
Mr. and Mr*. Jos. Jeor went
eowT" Several very eoo.! |ai)ii.r>: ccere
MlKs Osa Worden and Mb-s Alma
Chris Conant and .'lisa Ruth Peart Klugxlej Tuc-W^y. While there they
rea-l on Icoth side*. The horse wen.
Brelihaiipt ralle.| at.G. D. Hamiiiond'>
visited at the home-of Mr, and Mra. utlended tiM- dlnneg girra by the
Myrtle Sawyer lias boon alnu-m last Saiurdf;
E-lwin C»nan( Sunday. .
WsHon. Nov. lT -~Clsudie Jolly has from school xeveral days on account
losing coiiieMsnu of the
l-kl Glendenninc and wife. ab4> V
A tentiieranee girogram was glvfn in .Neighbor*. In honor of tbe winning
sen visiting her sister. Mr*, t'lyde of tllneas.
Crass nod son vUiicd at Cbas. Hut
eonn-x-iloa wiih the Christian Fto- contestants.
Wltic-beMer. at Cadllbe:
Mrs. Oscar Iticell enterialnc-d with ton'* last Sun-lay.
Eugene 'an Atiken ha* been visit­ an oyster xopicer Timsday c-veuing.
YCBA scHoor,
Mr, and Mrs Potter, who have
ing his niece. Mrs. M. I>. ('rene.
Zell* U Beldiug. Tcracher.
Edith Sawyer and Marjorie Ibley
Alma llrelthaiipi. Teacher.
ben visiting at the honiu, of (’has. Re.Mr. and Mra. John Anderson and have lleen absent from the primary
children have Iteen vbttln* the bt- room on account of sickneas.
w-old. left for their heme Monday.
ter's iiarenu. Mr. and* Mr*. U WUMr*. Chas. Kesner and daughter.
Two new stoves have been added u>
the school rooms.
Georgia, visited at the home of Mr.
Sparling Disirlcl. Nov. 18.—W. J.
and Mrs. Wm. Ztek Friday.
Mrs. D.'Jiidklns went to Big Raidds
A free illOKtraled Wiuro will lie
The corn shredder* were working Cleland and family are moving back
given ^t the srhool house Thursdav
so their farm thb week.
Esrt Lyon and family arrived hern far Jay Brackett this week.
kir. and Mra. U WHIbrna were at evening Subject. “Home and School
Rev. J. Roberts the stale supertoFriday- to spend the.winter.
A couDiy Sunday- school convention
Cadllbe over Sunday-.
.Mra. Geo. Lindsey s|ient a few daya wUl be held at Baun Satiuda}-. Nov. teadent of mission* of the BapUwi
Mra. G. A. Babiwk and son. Ned.
Mr and Mra. Jah'o Sawyer -were in
cbiirrii. preached at the Spariing Dis­
In Traverae City with hvr njeee. who
arco'rapanled by Sir*. ; M. Ii. Crane, Traverse CHy on business Tuesday.
werty-at Manlon Saturday.
Tbo work Of puLtlBg in a new fora trict school bouse last Sunday. A.
Miss Edna Brooks sg>ent Bun'bj- underwciot an
large crowd was there to enjoy Ae
lace in the church 1* begun.
—Base Snell has been rixltlng reb- with MIssCbra l-aiiih of Rendon.
tivra at Cadllbe.
'Vni. Ashmore is loading a car of very interesting and tnstnirUve aerCloy,I and Conley Aycra Jeft school
cider apple|i at &Ue*.
Rev. Shepard, aceomponiedsby hb Fri-lay. as thrir imrents are moring to
Eltowortb Halstead and wife raildaughter*. Carmen and Marvel, were TraVerst, CHy.
.Mr. and Mto. Wm. ZIck wisited at
1 on Calvin SpariJng's Sunday. They
Fife lake on ImsineMi Friday;.
the homg bfyCeo. Kirkby Sunday.
A new tVebxter's Interaational di^
Eor Infuts and Chlldm.
Mr and Mrs. Fred AVlarh of Summit iionary- has been added lo Ihe gramA mile ol-road to Vlas retired are living al pre^nt on their farm,
completing a house.
north of Bale*.
City vbited the btter’a brother. A.
room and is very much appreCornelias Sparling. Ajonao Sparl­
Mr*. L J, Crisp Is very Ut
Snell. Sunday.
rbted by rite iwpili.
Saara tbo
Idoyd Crisp to sUll oh the sick Uat. ing nnd wife dnyve to ^verne Clt|.
. I). Ciane was at Traverse City
Mra. Oscar Rlrett returned to'her BlgTiatiiToof
Mrs. 1>. F. Hoxsle whnt ^ TraTmo ,Friday, retjiralng Salard^.
OB bvalMs the lattar |«n «( (bo hone at UwnU Wedat^ after* a







'/forth Jtfabtl






Jparid!) Datrict

Falam Jldiag

Helef Shiver rt-lunied to Klacsler
oh Mon-lay.
Holmes was In Traverse City
tost Monday.
Frank Saxton, wa* In Sotnh Boardman Saturday.
Flarl New-iuorch made a buslaesa
trip to Traverse City one day- last
Tilra, John New-march. daughter and
wn of Traverse City, are.vtoltla* at, ’
tbe home of W. M., Saaton.
Geu .McManus atvd FT J. Bennett reiniMed from thHr hunting trip up tbs .
B. S' TylT ws> called lo Manton bn
'Vedoi'setoy to attend the tunerai of
his l.rotl«-r, C H. Tyler.
'Ir and .'Irs. Ernest Newtnarcb' .visited \iis parents Tutoday. They
were ac^mpanied by- tbe totler's-sis­
ter aud bieec. Millie and Uurto Smith.
- Solon Ty ler to making bis daughter
of Uoyue City a vtolt This we^
<y V. Holmes wi-ct lo South Haven
to-t Friday to remain for a f^w day*.
Wm. Saxton went to TnVerss Qty
yiomtoy-oe business.
Meksra Iva and Odie f^hagh
Ktaited for the up|ier. ivalasiila Mon-^
day. whore they win be.employed to
tlyde Perkin* sUrted. for Newber^
Monday to find nuptoyment.
Mr* Allle Doherty. TracHer.

-Tioward IFtotrict. Nov, 18.—Mr. and
Mr*. W. Page are eniertaiiilng ibelr
cia-y.'tHcr from lanriitg,
German Kevltch ha* purchased n
hew jitono.
'Mr. CItus and b«as are buxzlng
Wood fur F Cauii*an and U Wells.
Mr* W..Poge to slo«'tF convales­
Mr. BgrUtamupr has been having
his pouios* hau^fejljo Ti]hv;erse CUr
to be stored.
V«rc Ca,iTu to to perform tbe dotie*
of Janii-’>r at the school bouse hegianlng Tueoday. Nov. 17.
Mrs. J. Hartman U vtoiUng at E. T.
Mra, J. Sttokal and Mr*.-F. Cam(Contlsned on


Far Your Vamb Friends
There hastoeen a marked improvemeet In recent, yuan <n
food* arid romedica for aalmato.
we give a<ioei.*J atteetlen to'
this line of goods eofl tharafera
when you iteod en/thcag tor
your etoek

and dolivrary will bo promptly
made. Don't waK uatM your
.Mock It all rua down by bad
,a«a|toer. rtc^-but alwaye head
'aortic' g<^ Mock food and r
adcoa on hand. Wo handle

and remediee. buy
have them in good fraah condltion. WE PAY POSTAOE ftY

WlUpor «Cc torcSicr
spies. Wtaeiails tie.
pah? Slock Tic. ~ ~


(OonUnued tiwn rase Thrw.)
nailed SeiidarCn. (lie twine of
mn. P. Johnaon.
Pi JotBBoB haa purchaaed a ne«
. pUpo.
Mra. P. Ktmtoehrll nailed Mra. M,
XeOatTT Friday aftenwon.
^ HaroM^McGarry and Cari Rolwrlaoa. vtw'apeni (be aammer In SaRkatrbewan. -Canada, relnmed ThorR-


Edward Broadway haa been ill tbe
past week.hXl Wtlsob and wffe visited t-MwIn
Wilson and family Tuesday evenlos.
Hortisby called at tbe school
ttvm- Cook and Rlhel Wlnchnvmb
Ijave been aliaem tbe post, woei^
lo-ount of ■ickneas.

lJUble lUeks and '.I^na Cavoish
•isited the aehool r>lday.
Those who have entered kehool
he Inst week are Charlie Svee. Am
SMf. Fanale Svee, John Svee and
jAo Kuasell. This nakf« fltty- c
■nrolled at the iireaent time.
The Cleaners pave a atiii|>er
their h&II Saiurtlsy eveninp.
J.ihn Mall made a bunlaesa trip
Maijlstep Friday.
}lnm>o has reiitmed
-City after rialtlup
ilaupliter. Mm. I-Mwin Wilson Tor
few days.
Itorabncher called on -Mien
Burrows Saturday.

Mias Grace and Pearl Mabn apent
the week end at home.
W. I-. .Ulen has, rocoolly bad
telephone Installed In his bouse.
Mrs. Thornton has pone to Sailons
Bay to work.
('has. Malm, Jr., U workiop toi
Thus. iBierlnp.
Clair Canute from Grant, who ha!
be.-n visiilnp his uncle Chas. Drake
anil family, has returned home.
Tbe Mlsws Florence and lienura
Allen sis'iit Saturilay at home.
John CnopiT and family have mov<
ed Into the .McCInnls lioose for thi
k MclUc -si«-llc.l , the school
down hVliUy-uftemoon.
Natliaii Wis-se -s|rf>nt Sunday

Milo llaytw and wife made a biulJay Corwin left Monday for nint.
■ss (rii> to Traverse City Slonday.
where he ex|,ey-ts lo work this winter.
-Mrs. Samuel
Weldenhamnier i
MIkb Velma Gee visited school I'd
GrawD visiicil Stppbeir Mi-Carry's Sui day alterpoon.
Miss Uuffey D anin able to
.Mrs. David Green rsiierts to leav
for Indiana on Wednesdo]- to visit bt
idaupbter and other relative*.
Ora Greed and w-|fe vIbIIimI tbe foricr's parent* Sunday.
John Shorter an.l wife of Sabin miled on Elkana Tbar|>c and family SunBaitlett, Nor. IR.—Miss
Hniarlch wa.s over to MItM
Mr. and Mrs. .Milo Hays and dauphYaek's. Sunday.
er. Doris, visited David Green and
E. T. Hoi.klns of Traverse CTty,
iiiilly Sunds.v.
Mslilns IB thl* vl.-inUy,
Mrs. Joe Menp is visilioP her dauphMr. and Mr*. Howard vlxlte
rr. Mrs. hJrwlli l-arr, at ^Traverse
the home of E. Priest, Sunday
ly and Frank Mackey we
All Pore Mar«|iieUe lAssenpor trains
Manistee Sunday to vIrIi.
will -nop at Hehiier after Nov.
II- Mlssfvs l.ulu Harkins
Kllx-r McMtoharl of Hendon s|ient
Davis and la-onard Da.
SaiiinlDy and Suuday with lli^
SIlKhl*' StdInK, are
l IlHlner.
Jtis|MT Welse and Amotr-Musseimail friends In thi* vlilnlty. A party w
pove out to Mr. Welsi-'s farui Siib- Riven for Ih.-Di al the home of )
Vlii Pease' l:.Ht Thursday evenlnR.
IS* ltoM-i:a Johnson visited
Mrs.-Sliv of Traverse City nnd Mtti
rody of Williuni-ilMi.-p vihliisl tlieli FlankhurKh * Sunday.
r. and hits. F.m* and daueht.
parents. Mr. ami .Mr.^ Wi'liiiu-.s. lusi
; to Traverse City on business.
Wmiam Helm too*; a load of ri-Jri rei.irnInK .‘vunday.
There was a sdrprlse patty at Mr*.
ipi'le* Id Truversi. Ciiv Friday.
Juke CavHrh has imirhavcu a team, Itaraanl* hViday evenlnR.
of horsed from luv/tv Thus.
E Mack.-r reluniid home RunIV SliH-um, VI ho hus iH'en
nft.-r vlkiiliig Ills l>rotl>or-b>-l!
l.lnf'isl at Gmail. s|s-ut Sunday with
his fiimil.v.
Tl.n l>/(-kard rhil.lren, who
t-'liHs. Sunder*. Ilonry Helm.. M'itl >l.h..ld fev.-r. are >:ellini:*h<mer.
Mrilarrv, KVml Kisfll ami Georv-o
.SelastUn Homrieh *and wl
vyal.- Uwu haulim: |■ota^o••»
rand Ib.pht*. ar.- vUiilnR friends in
ria..r-- Cliy.
Mrs Cred EkrII ami du.ichler Huth
Miss, Carrie Hnnwvo tllv.i Mondi.
■P.IU Somlav ariermM>ii with
nH>rt)liiR. Nuvemb.-r IT. of con».i
Henry Helm.
Mats l Monr.m. Eleanor M^tJarry
B.<imj-rrT scnooi.,
vml Kruest Helm, who are
Bessie CorlM-tl. Teacli4:,r.
he Traverse City-Iliph s.-bool. s|s-tr
-aturduv ami Sunday ,ti iieltiier.
JIni Cinndull was a Gniwn callei
X>iamond Park
last Thui«.‘jy,
Ihamond Park. Nov. IS. - Mike
Gavloi.l Evap* lru»Ha<ied hUKines:
Ib-kwek. who ha l*s-n seriously
in Ih-MniT Salitnhiv.
le to h.' OliL
«ill he services conducted h>
s .Jnhn hUk.ilc.-k: is not
at ihr ss<hm.| .tiin-hi


John Maihell haa returned from
Flint much iniproveil to benith
------ A
Mrs. Wm. Log! haa returned from
Northpon. Nov, 17.—Dr. I. R. Copp
Mat Fkssll.and BIrney Wart ift-re Is BUtterinR (he efferts of a sprained
callers al tbe Bradi-rlrk home Wed- ankle.
nnwlay evenlBR.
John Bisrkew left this morolnR for
Harry Broderick expects lo leave
honw In ReaUJe. Wnsb- afl,-r
for BeldlDK. Weduesday. Me will havlnR *,«-nt the post (wo weeks
work In Uie silk lullkK.
with fri.'«d».
John Broderick Ki«iit Sunday at
H. W, Talsman rrturaed Tbor«lay
John Bolster's.
from liiR lUpids. where be attend­
Mr. and Mr* Irwin RawItnRs left ed a bamjuei Elven in honor of tbe
Sunday for a wi-ek * visit whh
pharmacfsla <jf ih<- Male.
tives In Grand B.-M>lds. They
Miss Marlon Kehl of Marlon. Mich..
areomiwnied by Mr. and Mrs.
Is vIslilnR her mother, Mrs. Eon
Mrs. Ira Matchett and elilldreo
Miss Minnie Kehl visHed In TravThomas and Mi-Itsoa ^u-nl Friday am!
er?e Cli}- on Thurxda.v.
Saturday at the boiiie of .M
Mr. an8 Mrs. C N-1 on h
Mall hell's hnither. Irwin Kawllm.-:
e moved '
- Mr. and Mrs
Broderick into tiielr cottoRe in (i.wi
tnuuuudvd businm' at UiiiJiley'. Sal- winter.
New* was reo lvi-d last wiwk of the
Mr-. Annie MeCPwkey -ha* pur- death of Mrs, Ah^ Craim-r of Dotrlot.
ehasi-d the farm formerly owniu] by Bestdes her huslumd. Mrs Cramer
bdin Tilford .
leaves four childre.n. the yimiim-st a
Geo. Cole was a business caller ^y Rlri two days old. Mr. Cramer
at KbiRsley. Tuesday.
4nd Mr. Joseph Taylor, brother of
Mr*. Ge«. Gray is sUyinjs
Iho'deeeased. accompanied the reRaw-IInRs- hmne ilurinR the
Canada for hiirlal. ‘ Mf.
of Mr. and Mrs. ItawltARs.
and .Mrs. Cramer were reoldetiu.of
Samuel Forward and, Tony Bler- Northport for a few year*, luv-vious
-Iiarh w,'0i to Traverse City Monday. to their moving to Detroit.
MI*a Carrie Hausen paa.-d away
Mr.s. U WanifT returned Frlda.v
Monday moraine
her home in AIrodoc after a three •
School Notes.
weeks' visit with h.-r sister, Mrp.
'iayiun Fi.rward wa* absent'Troth
. R Campboll.
*' h<*»l IThlay on acount of illuess
IhirInR the storm last week the
Tlie- usual iiamihly i.-stir will he
smoke EUek of the ereaneiT InlldKivetr Thur>duy and l-MdBy, The
iBR mas blown-down.
hited State* history <ia*s has flnMias Emma Wilson has gone |o
ihnl the colonial |N*ri(al The *ev.
ooth Rrad.- arilhmetli- are atudjIiiR Cleve^Md. where she will spend the
10 subject of lunxitude and lime.
Mrs. Ryan and dauebters. Hsie and
Clara Selinuider reieivod the hlehloiurel, *r,enl l-YIday and Saturday. In
5t mark in numlKTs last w«-k.
Mary l/,Ri<> did hid iiiUs a word la Traverse riij:.
spftlinR last week and wa* Riven-a
Mrs. r. A. Baumberxer eniertalnstar. Marlon itawlliiRs received the i-d with a miRcellaneous shower .
ar Tor Ri«d speliiiiR in tUo' third rSatunlay evenlnR In honor of Mlu
• {Marjorie Calhmm'g marrlaRe Music
Victor nierspaeh was a school vis­
les (Vmprised the entcrtolnitor Monday^rnoon. .
were served.
I Kenumh 'Ilysmah. Miss Calhoun waa U>e^n>riplnlt of
AiUm h-orwattl and Marion Kawllnc* many beantiful Rffu,
were absent from ,s. bool Monday.
Mra. O C. Ransom was bostew at'
Marion llawlinR, «nd I,.t little » pot luck luncheon given at b»
hredher. ll.rTdd are a|«n<»inR the home In honor of Mra. U Warner'of
Mrs. David Hammer lo Alconae. on Thuhaday eveniiiR.
Hje-<Ii,lcliplt qelKhborliood.
A, car of lumber has been reedrod
by Oie Middleton boys for .bulldlnR
FMith V. Cartdr. Teacher.
roUari's at Northport Poln^
Mlaa Gr^ Kehl U Hi with tonalll-

Mr. and Mrs. A. Welnelbers rUited
Tboradar vltb tbelr daugbter. Mra. H.
A spelilas ronleat waa^ld at ihe
acbool; Friday aneniooB. Heo McGarrr proved to be'tbe beat <i>eilpr.
Arond Wltkoi>. who ha» lMH*n workins tor bla brotbcr..
all auiumer. haa return^ to Mn iHime.
Mila Abi^ Snillh calleil at Mra. II.
XIa Jehool district
l*vl Ebare. called at • Marls Me
Carry's Friday.
Bice Sctiol Dlstrlri. Nnv !•> ->
Elmer Armond. who has l>een rentr.t.vMTA senoo!..
C. S, in.wd was a Traveise City .•
- Ins A IVelaclUTE'a farm tor (he
Boy A. Kor;il.acher. Teael.e
i-r SatJrdey,
- year, bas declde<l to buy iprarm in In­
luinis Keiwuler and family i vr
diana. where be lias relaiivi>a.
move to Traverse Ciiy-tbls wi
Mias Prsnrea Ualeeazak. »ho has
I'hurlM inimih apd Janies * Bonk
' been worklns In Tniv<T>u- City, eaimBennie District Ko. 1. Nov. I
were in Triy/rar City last w-ek oi
borne to remain with her |>are(ils for
riiesUT lllem. who li&< been w<
a few w-ek«.
ip for Frank Mrakel left for Detroit
Kntnk Kratoi'bvll inirrhaaed iwelvo
w. Kf.ddrriwiiise and Mis K<r
at w.-ok. .
' and Wm. Knttehvil seven bead of eair were Traventt- City uller;
Mrs. .Vitcusl Kovlveich was ninrh, Thnrwlay.
tle from a buuber \V<'diieiuiay. .
Mark Metlarry of l-:iii|<|r.< v|siti-.( irtirisetl last Thursday, when
w. David CnstI and Mrs. Ida
■ relatives In tbla vU-liiity. Sunday .-ind imrty of friends and iielsliltors paili- Slick' Iff! for Indiana th i week to
ei>d .-It Iter home |i> s|n>iid 1hi'
jfonday enrouie lo Traieise Ciiy.
-It rilemis and relullves.
.Mm. II. \VeU-ll«.rir. Mrs (• itai
lA-nrie Wine Ims IsH-n absent from
Hammer enl.rtaineil
anek. Mrs. M. M<-Cnrrv anH MMs A'lna
lid on uisviiinl of illws'.
. Rbsh called ai Wm Kraio. lo ilV home i I'aily Ilf li.T yniiuK fri,>nds Saturu-onar.l Wheai’ and lien llstli
'.av ('ketiiiip. Miss l.aura leav<-< for New York, are vlslllnj; «i. W.
Mr. and Mr.« ii
Wiikop visjti-,1 Iniliit idr’iila this w,« |(
Mr and Mrs Am»Vl'.eti.l_ao(i-s|m>l
Mra. CoffM'ld aud Uu.> .s<'uni<'ih<trn un-l
Ifaiph Liim
buildllip VVw
innday at iVauk Brakei's. ■'
/wife Sunday.
Mias Kianjibe liaranek of Traverse
William Bennie bud nt>mil n.o.wt
Cei.ipp nlid Wall-T- Kersteler and
City Is litiin* Wtih' her lOieuta lor ;i iislieK of I•nlal••es, the larp.-H crop Crank K.lderliouse rhur.h
two. woeta' racaikm.
1 the .listrbt Uiis year,
;r:An Sunday evetilnp
iiarolj' anfl lA-oaard McCarry at­
Jaeoi, favitib i.a> IhxibM a new
« BICK Si'HOOl,.
tended (be dan<-e iti lilayk hall Sat
Franrv.< I. Williams. Teailier.
•urday evenins.
J. Kvfuan rciufoed Ut bis home in
Grand Haphls Tbtiradav. after a f> w
Jraftrst City. k. "f. p. lfo.7
• weeks' sojourn here with relativ.>s.
Traverse city U. F. It. No. T-. Nov
M^v: M,-n.
l->.sl Knikht* wa* a Traverse fit:
Carl Robenaon. who jasi i-anie liaek
trniis.-t< ted bii*i
s A fun wen |uinv wa» plven on o-*-= in cci Mimdsv
Uitur Snturdav.
from Saakaubewan. will k|h-ii<1 ibe
Sapimli City B. F. D No. I , Nov,
lo aftenuMvn of Ni>vemlH-c ir.. -m
winter in the eJU|.lt>y of bis broiber.
Henry shhller returned Monday
D.—Tliose who Were beiilier al-senl
le home III Mr. and Mrs. Itansm-r- AV>nk<-n. Itlyiiki-n and Nml"
hiHiiA la ThompMiiiviiie.
tardy for the m(>nlli endlnp ^'ov. .
Mr. aniLMrs. J .NVwstea.l aa* fatii
>r. who will wove thl* w.-i-k to
BoUvri I'randall (-arrl.ti off the hnnMr* F^ennaver, who ho* been
aj-ew Sunday ai the' home of the
-r* Id kls-ltlnc down the lu-hiNd FH
>eir Ktr-jsslmry home. T^-itine her .laiiKhter. Mrs. John MlKolndiirf.-r
i\ KolnUiirfer. Velma
former's eousin. Dave Xewsieart '
as a suriinse to Mrs. 'Map-^lH
lay «ft.-iti>..a reiiinn-d lo her
ie Bawllni.’v.
MlW Clara Potrafka is atajlnc with
ho uisin ntumliip from a .
Clrk-aEi,. Friday.
Kd Bawliiic ant! wit.., and Irrlii
Mr*.'W Saunders while her
, r.inlifie M<-k.T*on'. Teh. her.
fiiulid'ihe house full of frii-ndi
John Mikulevky Toad'- a bustaeas/
iawliops and i!f.“ left Sunday .nfi
Is in the north h|nilntr.
Ideassnl -aflemoon was si«ent a
Ip to Traverse City Saturday
nioin to visit fni-Aid* ami relatli
■ Work was commeneed Monday- <
link sii|i|h-r served. .
and dauRhter
at Grand Rapid* and Flint.
•BOther^lnlle of Hale .reward road
, r.s>rh.-e 'has none i
Muhi-1. w.-r.. Traverse City *bo|>|i
'HUUNG RACE MUCH WORRIED Mr*. Martha Bndd and Hn. Ida
Mr. and Mi>. ll.-i.ry Kii.nip t
besan at n. Uames' eomer and In t
I*tend' weatward lo llie f.njt of Creen
aste Qoaatlan lii India Threatana to Budd have retoraed from a -Tmir
Waathter. Mr>. Jul
illiam .vnd Jerry PekMck. w
are awav.
lol'i.- r..M,crvr took a l.nid of lanili*
Maka Trouble for the BritJahara . w-(»ekii' trip spent at Detroit, Cleveviim'er.

Mrs. Charley Bowers hiid'-'.\rtle
i> Klur-;tev last WIsHi.
4n Co.nti«l af Couatri'.
land and other pointa.
flOW.ARB sriioou
Mr*. Chris MJIlK-rl -Is ■-••t-overilic
f.*r the last ivi-o y-ar*."relumed for
Hill .are tufov to »p«-nd Hi.- winter
John Gufr ha* Ikvd .tulle ill |h.< pn*t
Mr*. John SUbbita enlertalned
from a-*oviTe folon with which she
their |.ar.-i
with M^. Kiiima Storke.v.
«.-t-k. hut I* *.>i,i<- l..ti.-i al pn-Heni
spirit of aodal jnttlce bai^esday afternoon with a chlldraifa
karek. Sr
IS l»-»-n s-iiffeririK for sK w,-,-kR.'
Ka.w Ikildtmr.' tiiov.Ml In Traverse
Ktralm iiud ujf,. vlslied at 1->I
* *®“*^**“*- party In honor of the IdrthdaT analThe
TraMonroi Cmttr
City, whiu-e Mr. IkilUim wiU-'w..iV
IV Willi Mrs. ('has. Piuit- There
•sd ('ill S.itiirday.
Renulne Valay«framlhrirSdS''S>'‘‘”"'"
«^«rtUr. Sylaf the .Slate hosidtal
I. Ilim-luw and wit.- were callwill 1*'^, m«-elititf .Noveiiilier •.•THi.-il
Mr and .Mrs, Wm,. McDaniel
feriora. Many Valayas castes. In tbelr 1' “■
Trumnn Av.-.i * Sunday
Monroe Center. Nov. ic—Mrs. A!
Kolndurfer n*tiirtiiM| Mon­
tom. are cUiming to be Kshlrts. and
refrcahmenia were serriul.
.si at Wvlle. Sunday.
Ih'Irk 'Tliaukskivin-.: day.. TI117
VV II. S.*-l. y.h.-ld n
at hi* farm
bert Bron' of MTlIlamsburf, hasWi day from Grand l(a|dd* and Sroitli
are openly wearing tbe aacred thread! -*- Vafinatta left Tbnrsday for a
me<t DeiViiUMT lull witli Miv. i’l
William Pekarek was a Tfav
fiere on torlne««.
il. when- he luui ' I- <■« risitinp
of (be l*lce bora. Among Jhe latter, |f*w weeks' visit with bis daughter
*lo<-k and some of hi* hoi»
- . . '
K Kynett was K Teaverse City rvtatlve.s.
the tendency to aasuiim a higher at PcBDntar.
Mlss'.-s Hilda 71mim'rm.-in
John Marik piir.-hast-d n work rank than one was barn with manlC.)od*
-• caller Saturday. .
l-hiinia Kulndnf^er. t(lii.- bas l..*-n
Rev. X riuri!Bfila^U»*Wlng
horse last w.s-k.
A. K Pitcher had a ntizei.',
lUelf in th© endeavor of tbe sub- week In Big Rapids. '•
The friends of Mrs. H. P Cowles worklnt In KIupsI.t. relumed to h-r M.xrilia AcsH.iinian s|x-nt

a to break Into tbe ezcloslve.
will l>e Pleas-d to learn that she Is boiiie in this b'tlehbohtoiMl Monday
J U.' Bowles spent Thursday in
I.h.yu Peart ami I'udb-y Cruli, li
J.-eii- Itrowii i* a**i>iinu Ml
-peuinp shmp nicely after her o'lera. mumintd
remarka tba Traverse City.
The s.s'iten men of Bendnn. were
-tuBned Inm n Im.-’lness- tr(p
A. Wilson with h.-r lio.iseli.dd d
tieti Tq Ann Artwr and' is r-vpectvd
Crlend^^ of Charles Kn.xpii will l>c
The Women's club held Its ,me«lnc
railed to ttcmnlmnn. Rainrday b.
luiiisiDp apd Deirnlt.
Ml* Juliti WiKiin of Tiavi-rs.
borne in two or three weeks.'
RotT) tn^ihreir that lie U not al
aaUve In- In (he club rooms Tuesday afimoon.
reimir work

Mrs, Chappel went lo Traverse
ling tbe Mo- After roll call. “SugRastioBs for Hie
Ctty. Monday
. will pretend to Brahmin
Bi.ArKM-\N srimm..—-k kood of the elub." and snrrent events.
lib'll of Ib-ndnn.
Miss Eva Norton r-turined h.
A iiirty 'was Riieii at 'lo- hoi
Twenty-five of the yoiihp -i»eoi>le
Eva lU-tne. Teaef.ei
Fhirl and 1..-wi,, Kmhh are vIrUIi
.«ili.miy nft'T asslstliic Jiit^bIsi.t .'
r lorid o«“=•
ii-iij. Wilson Siaurdav v'cilnt:.
,ef (IiIh vjcicliv happily sunir!se<
I *i^fhcl Ranger gar© a very IntervstlnR
tVrilia of Grsiwn M-ver«0 vu-eks.
iiiir wak *l*-iit in idavliu; «
t Bovn.' Clly.
Mlssr-s JnsephlDe and Marpuerit
article on "The Marble and Sute
.- lull traded hi* dri^lnc horse
whi.-h relre*l»iienis'w.'n- >.
Barn Friday eveoine. Eieryl<id
'VCTDoent whibh mast be cara- Quarries of New Hai
l-enora .\ricn. Teaehe
V .«lM‘|ih. rd of Walicm m
for a work fiorjie last w(.*k
re|«rted a prind lime. Mlsse> .loKeph^
Mai.|e City. MJHi.
conferring lUlA of office upon moot." (allowed by one written by
fine ^.ernion Siin.iay inornliiK a
Mr*. M.irtle JotuiHon vIxHed at her
li>e and Marwneriie left Mundav foi
native* lest It upset agelong enstom. Miss Sosle-£aumberger and in her
MaG.ew Stillh
other, Mrs Fred Bowen's,
B-hat EngUnd does Is to recognise absencfc read by Dr. I. R. Cupp on
Traverse City. wioTe they wilt at
) November |:!ih, a son
Jrofors* Ctty. kP. tfo. t
School Notes.
Mile* Defreeie visited al Friul differences of this sort by giving or
leqA Business Collet-e.
"By Whom Wu I.ak« Champlalu
Ifc-ll N'a-sh Ud the iniV
The .-mhl). Krade have just r.n
Bowen'*, Sunday.
withholding tbe style of -bD blghMr. and Mrs. Crank Foiilh w.-rr hn ak Ms ankle y. si.-niay.
NamtuJ; Any Incident of Interest
TnivTR.- Cliy. B. F. D. No. t. No
news.- according lo tbe ctreumstaneea
.I.xme* Smith has 1
Traverse City callere Moiidav on
—School iM-pan auain .Nov. |o, aft
hhatik Ni-witiati l>a* pono deer
of the case. Thu* a ruling chief of Concerning l.ake Champ|«tln.“ A
Th.' fifth B!a.le#!<s.»:ra|.hy etass ai
Bepdon SO 11* to tioard her
lllRa ivio Weeks' vui-alion for lujtato ilip- yHHlarnc Su.itli America. Rome lit
committee was sppolnted to confer
who is altendiiiR tilqh sehool Cbareoll. if there were one. would be
Six new pupils were enrolled at
Miss Olive Byker went to Traverse Plnr.
called "H/H. the Maharajah of Char- with the schol board to is-rmit Hie
. weie (Irawn l.v thi* .-ia**
the home Monday, makinp aa enrull
coll " Ji mere prominent cltlsaa. yoooR ladles basket bsll (ram. The
hy last Tuesday lelurnlnp Wedbi-%- ' Some of the apparatus (or d'
Mhs Tlaa Cuelia visited a
whom (he government raised
nebt of forty.
>,.i* J
Ihe Wolf I* on the solipol Knoilids
IndependeDt" io have the uae of the
sler'* .Mr*. Charira VIrcocIiII.
however, would have to
Mr. and Mrs. Coi-iand and chil­
Gra.-.' Aduins. .lauKl.ter of .lai
gymnasium In the sahool bnlldlng
Monl tins lieen received of
N.'la Manlvoid. T*a.-her,
:iy. Mamie . aeconiionii'd teal with some such dealgnaUbn as
Adam*. n^shlcs on Ihe MH'mml
dren visited Mr, and .Mrs. Kmart of -rrivnl of a haby pfrl at tlH> houi.
(WO nights of tbe wrak.
^aharajah Blahen Sing Rawal. of
prawn, Sunday.
A Very pretty wedding took place
Ir, mid Mr,-. hVi-d Carixon In Bos­ rdace. is a new pU)dl in oar srhobl
Charcoll.*- But somehow thU di
Colonel Vmincer and family
Mr*. Anna Sawyer of Gmwn.
takins the fourth Rradi- work.
on. Mas*.
eapecUlly when tbe prom- U'e.lnesdsy noon at tl>e horn* of Mr.
Sunday evenlnR with J, O. Butler and
Mrs. Klmet Cornell and sons. Oii*
TlBlUnp Mrs. Julia (.hapi>el .
Ineot cititen takes ^ns to sign blm- and Mrs. John Falhottn. when- their
M'am-n l-T»h-T is viKlIIits in Trav.
akc. Nov. IT,-Mr. and Mr*. family.
.Marjorif. wa* Joined in mar­
A TbankspIvlDp i.ropratn will
seif -Mahsrajsh^rf ChsrcoU." and hU
rse r-ity.
.Arthur Hablwln a I son ol Tiavcree
-Miasc* PI.ehe and Mary Vandei private secreury pots •'H. H." b^ riage to l-eonard Steele. Rev, U U
h (lays' visit al Detroit and vii-inh
Riven by. the aehool at the M.
Isiweil t-Vhl-h of Traverse Clly. U
City ar.- vl^^tlnK
the home of the hoof and Marnrvt Anderson *|>ent fora tbe signature.
Oren Case made :■ trii> to Lons
Steadman performed the eeremony In
eliurch. Tbe propram wilt heein isiiiiic frienfls in this idaue.
laiiet’s sister. .M . John Daw and Sunday with Mile* IVfreexe* fami
the presence ot tbe Immediate reUat k:lS fast time on Wednesday
A mimU-r fruts here atlendrd the Idke the hth.
and Henry Hammond's of Wylie.
latheson.\who has purrhased
eveninp. Novetnber 2r.,
WOULDNT-DO AS k WITNESS Hve*. The room* were decorated in
ox sm ial ul the Itarth soliool h’cii
MI*H Horence Bluer I* worklns for
■W«»»le>- Stanton, of Poloskey. vl
green and white, ferns sad potted
the Jacob Rhiidler^'^rii!. has returneil
Tbe 0« yvilows win pive s
CeofRe Jaikson at Uifrv|.r»-*ent writ Ited licre last week. Wlien h«- return­ Uwy^r far th* DaftRa* Had No Uas plants. MUs Dorothy Steele, sitter
Thankspivinp dancing party
ed he took liU/^ed.falhsr. Jeffcrsoi
' - a Writar of Fiction on Hla
of the Rrooiti. played the weddinc muoyster supper November *0.
Ward Carlt.ark of Klnsaley was the Stanton, home* with him.
eida of tha Caaa.
The bride »-ore a gown of CoAdt/Iph BroM'he. who reremly made'
MkH Stoddard. Miss lUins. Mr
i^ura Corey Is vIsIiIiir at be
iwahuen blue *Uk net over bins mestrip to FTliii nnd Detroit, has re- RiK'st of friend* liere litinj Friday (III
Keyseu and Mr. Tyrell were enter
Irrio 8. Cobb, short story writer,
and carried a boijuet of Anerltiirniul to Traverse City and resume,!
tatoed at a dinner party Sunday.
eenUy retnrned from a western trip
BeauHe* She was attMded by
hi* work at the Traverse City Stale
Plven by Mrs. R.
learn that a dear friend bad been
•Mabt l. Nov.
-Mr*. O.H. Pray 1* hoKpital.
ent Kunday aii the lionic of the day.
her sister, M.vrtie. and Mira Hattie
Dallas Copeland was a TTaven..1 the Rlek lii
Joe Dill took a Rriat to mill last
Milo Ciirti* is hultdlriK a new j»ul- laiter'R hrbther. 8am Chaney and fam­
the friend'a lawyer. "I want yoo Monroe Alljrt Steele, cousin of the
Clty caller Monday.
ily. of Barker Creek.
Si,mo of tim ladloR of this ^ili
call me as a character wUnmo.'* groom, was l^t man. Following the
try houae on the l>r. Sawyer farm.
Howard Dohn (fon Suttnns Bay. tended Uie Aid iim-tliiK al Mr
Mis* Evelyn Thum|.*on of Elk Rai*
oatd he. “Why. Jack's the dearest, eeremon)' a >'.e.lding luncheon was
John Patterson purrhased a
The Arrhie I-adies* Aid met with
Is here and eiisx-u to stay wiUi hU idt's W 1-Vlilay.
most honest white man In served in (he dining remm. The Ublra
caldron kettle from John Mikuleckv
Mrs, Kvenwson last Wednesday. Twen­
_^anni. Mrs. Chappwl this winter.
world. I've got to go on tha were artlsiically deooratad with wblte
The Helpinp Hand wm
enterlast Monday.
^ Miss Josephine and Mdiwuerlle Ulm-d by Mra. Maty, Ltodsey, Thuru- ty-four ladies were inwseot.
stand for that boy," “Not while I'm
Mr. and Mrs. H. -A. Morrikon of|
I rhryssntbeninma. Mr. and
Barti called oo Gra^e luin. Huodav.
bU Uwyer," aald tbe 1^ sharp. “I
the 2<tth.
Idare by having i>art of the bouse re- Beltaire were suests of Joh
fodder from Orlando Adami
know jBri wbal would happest. Tbe Urs. Steel# motored to OmeoA where
, Nora Cbupp entered ^.hool Tm»
I Ison's ^nday.
o Barker Creek Alid will bo en- GhlbRlod.
other man's Uwyer would ask yoo they look the noon train for iSetrolt
(ertainc-d on t-VIduy liy Mrs. C. JJ.
for ■ short stoy. They expect to make
D. A. WtiMD flnisbed dilUiaR |WUMr and Mrs. Bi«n Cook and famlly
«r occupation. And yoO'd aay:
Thursday foV Al|M>nii, where they will spent Sunday with Mrs. Grace Hazel
Pray and Mrs. Cota Hpminond.
Kui Nov. I7tb.
writer of flctloe.' And tbe Uwyer tbelr borne In Northport on (heir re­
Sarah E Stoddard. Teacliar.
Austin iTny Rlartod tor the trpiior
would get sp and stand over yon turn.
TlietMiRse* (’alia and Blosaom Hor­ make (heir future home.
Geoire Munro's baby J* no beti
Peninsula Iruntlnp yesterday.
R. (ton attended (be pbyai- *
ton of Traverse Cliy spent ihe wee*
Manraret Anderson. Teacher
Next Tuesday nhtht a socUt an.)
yow ooul for a time. And by and by. cUn*' baMOet kt Traverae City Wed­
Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Hosslmer. end with their Rtand|>arents. Mr and
despairing of finding ona swaet. as­ nesday evenlDg.
nroRram will l>e glveti at tbe UloodSunday ntomlnp. a Imy.
J. 8. Ilorioft
gray Plslrlcl
Crane Ceolep. Nov.'lS.—Tliere was
The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. ebnreta
w- H. Rtlies visited at O; II.
. FaJrhinkH lias liegun work dri- ffood kchooli
to tbe jury. And be would exchange
Mrs. Cooiwr of WillUinsburg spent
will maef at tbe parsonage Friday aft­
a stereopUcoo lecture plven hj—the PraTs. Monday.
Injf the well on thearhrml KTounds. •
District. Nor.
18—Tony an InteUlgent. Ubelons smlla with ernoon.
Monday wkb Ram (Te,-.
^ ■
WMera MMlpan IJevcIoiiment- hu-' —A. a l‘ra> lias bis-bani nUse^
Ihoo* 12 Btnrdy souU. And than ha
Michel now occuides hU new reslHarry.
Fred ASoIter tus returned to
mu, Tboraday evenin* at Uie >wn
Ulllan Horton.-'Teacher.
woBld go back to bU chair, and wlibClD' Monday to spend part of the dance.
oat avaa troabUng to took In year her home In Trenloohall. Mr. IfomaM was preneat and
week with his mother.
Mr. and mVo. Irwin Rawllngt went directioa be would aay:
That la
Miss Gladys EUU sntartalped aevsave a talk on /'Rural Srbools
and .Mrs. Bsm Gee sivent Sat­ lo Traverie^ty Thursday.
dolio a&ottgh, Mr. Gob*. Ton -Baky era! of her Rirt friends at a snppsr
gland Tiaverae ^nty.“ Eearty J«»0
Cunton District. K6v. 18,—Miss
Mrs. John-Broderick, who has been stand down.* “
urday and Sunday wUb tbelr daoRbter
Friday evening.
Bern preswt.
Marjorie Gherinp is able to be In
BeJtner. Jfov IS.—Klltabeih UenRof at AnRcB.
Soott mad* a dUploy of ap- '
E Cook hns sold bis farm to Mr. school apaln. after an absetice of a
Traverse City is spendInR the week
■Warren Way of Rapid City apent sute. rriuraed home Friday.
plea at the State hank at
evne of NMr tbrk.
with her parents at this place, Wilbur Forward'drovu to Klngnley*
Bondar with frieoda hen.


Jmmk Cay k. f.

JCinysUy. k. f. X>./fo. Z.

groat CmtMT

(Jmlim fiUrkf




"What U that intereatlng looking
book there on your dreeaerT naked
Marjory, aa aba watched her fHend
Dorothy doharhairlnthalataat (aah-

Only Cnrtala

Method of

> ooir I
■ tool

no o* a

'Tbe OBljr eortalQ aetbod o( oeponUina tbo good Uyen trora the poor
U to BM tbo tnp-neot and keep a
daUy record of egga laid. It ia sot ai>
vaya tbo fault of tbo feed and care
that the)- don't do better. It la tbe
talafortutie of tbe ben beraelf very
oTteo; atae couldsX lay U abo «anb
•d to.
"It reqolrea cooalderable Uae to
keep a trap-neat record of a flock of
beua. Mot every famer baa tbe time,
but If a few tamera In every oovnty
would trap-neat a flock of bena Id a
few years all the farmers of the coun­
ty would very likely have slock that
were from heavy-lay lag. trai>-oetied
fowls. U'bere It is possible tor a
farmer to devote a Uule time to It
each day he wUJ be well repaid for
the labor.
"Tbe Oregon experiment sutlon U
trap-nesting a large flock each year
ahd It la doing the beat It can to fur^
Blab the fartnere of that stale with
au>ck In>m good layers, wUb the obstale. It Is desirable, of course, to
keep n full year'a record fur each hen.
but If that Is not possible, a record
for a port of the year would be
able, l-ljr insianea, a record of tbe
first fix montbs of Inying, beglnnKig
probably la November, would show
which ware the- good winter produ-

aaaar Potsda Are Cenfi«ad. If Allowed
SuRlelant Roem for Exercise,
•ettar Tt>ay Arw.
that Is bring fattened for
A goose
:ket eboold never be peneltted tq
gwlui in the water or to wander
dlsianee. The closer they nre
Hard, as long as H>ey have a pen tor
gaffldcni exercise, tbo better Uble
peti^iry they make.
To keep them
dean while l>ela« fattened, cover tbe
Boor of the building In which they
auy at night with a thick covering of
straw. Remove this in the mumlng
with a pitchfork, either Into the -air
or eonllgbt where It will dry. Tboroogfaly acrape ibe floor,
with dry sand or «arih; as iilght approadies throw down the bedding
again, and In thla way they can be
kept perfectly clean, and under these
coDdlllooa they will improve much
When tbs time comet for selling
them, the geese should be confined lo
limited space, provided with
building for abetter only, plenty of
Water to drink,, and be fed nil ttaey
mlddilngs, tbe balance of groftnd oats.

‘^Auntie! AunUe! Oome back and let
me Jitas my booful aunUa" pleaded
Angelica, hanging
g over the baluatrade
at the lop of the atalra.
Mtas Creston. lonched by this am
"Tbat U tbo new novel, runtold-'
wotiu-d dUplay of affection on the part
You have board of It. haven't your'
of her amatl nieoe, ran tack np
"Have 1 heard of UT Well, I aboold
eulra to receive the embrace of
any eo. ,i have been dying to read
small bare arms.
It end I'm going to f
"Now, can I give g mua weeny
stroke to my booful aunU«‘s booful
all and Winur Calves Develop Into pluffie?" asked Angelica In aaccharloe
Much More Oeelrabic Cewe Than
family have
"Well. If you'U touch It.Tmy gebUy,"
Those Bom In Bummer. - 1 eonUa with mlagivlags. bet
fearful of cbUltng her young relative's
mood *There. there, dear,
If one will (flan to bare the caivee
and ha la coming over tomorrow
)me at all auaaona. the fall and wUn- that win do." aa she felt a none Loo
evening.. I muit be able to dlacnaa U
light touch on the top of her bat and
>r calves escape the torture of
with blm Intelligently. Let me a«e. extreme cummer beat and the swarm­ her miod wai Invaded by rUiona of
dlaaaier to her cherts:
toda.v la Monday. I'U bring It back ing. pBBtorIng Olea.
on Tburuday.’
With a last baaty embraoe Mias
For this ruaaon the fall and winter
' "Kut why don't you buy a copy If calved develop Into much mori
•Creaion tnroed away and ran down the
you are so aoxtoua to rw) Itr*
sltwble cows for the dairy than the suira to her waiting Mcort.
"^’iiat; Spend my money for a pop­
Young Coleman regarded her with
mar calves.
' • Ifaoi
ular novel when 1 can borrow It from
here all tbe calves are dropped In
my dearest frlendT Why, that would the spring Its a big Job to care tor admiration which U the aooepted
be extravagaai.”
cullno attitude toward the anUraly
and handle all of them while thpy
UHUte woman in her beat clothes.
‘Hut 1 have explained to yoa that young,
your dearett frlcod baa not yet fina abort apaee of time Intervene* . "I'm afraid that well have lo harry
labed tbe book and her family hasn't between the coming .-of each calf a mue." be seld. "Angelica d«Wed
even seen Ik Isn't tbe owner en- there will be little tftne lost In sttend- the game aomewhak"
Utled to the flrat peruaeir'
"Yea. I know ^k~ anld Hlaa Crwaton.
"but the poor cl d b BO pertaeUy tmp"Don't erguo the BObJeci, dear.- or­ —when It la tbe most
dered Mirjory. sweetly. "You know
orv sueceptible lo aome derangewon't refuse me.
ent If Blighted.
anythlng like softneae In her."
that I have told yon Dob la rwymteg
Than, having aome heavy mllkete
Mbi Creston was aware of creating
Uimorrov evening.'
at all times Is a profltablu plan. This a niKd seeiation when they boarded
what the crowded elevated train, popular in­
-1 suppose I'll bava to lenO ft to
you." sighed Dorethy. "You always brings In the steady Income, which terest appearing to center In her h
gel yOur own way , “
will be especially welcome In tbe dead
certainly b the
lory, that I Insist upon having of winter when the price of dairy hat I have bad for a long time," sh«
thought, coraptaoentlyr sinking
with a
-L'utuld- back by Thursday at tbe products soar skyward.
It will alto prove a great eotrven- graciona bow into the neat vbl^ a po­
nee In supplying for the kitchen and lite yocng man yielded to her. "And
"I prumlsc," biugbad Maqory, kiss­
ing ho> friend Then she bun^ flWJJ table thoae most necessary articles i
the plume b a beauty. Ult did coal a
often missing lo ilnter: Milk, ereai
with ibc boolf under her arm.
amali fortune."
The following Thursday afienttem and butter.
Most of the people were In their
Another big advantage to be de­ aeau when Mias Creeton and her es­
Marjory aaki-d her mother: "Have
you seen a brown book called 'rntolil' rived from having the cows freaben cort arrived at the theater,
any-wbere* U was on my desk this at dlffereoc e^aaona of the y<«r Is that what flustered young usher aelsed
morning when I went to my French of avoiding tbe handling of calves and tboir checka, bounded along the aisle
aluiust all the dairy products
lesson, and It Isn't then now."
bi-fora them and slammed down dwo
"Yes. dt-ar." replied Mrs. Morton. lime when the farmer ought to be In eeats.
"Your Anut Martha was hen- atter you tbe fields planting or culltvallng his
They had Jnat aetUed themaelvea
left and she borrowed Ik She said she crops
tmforubly and Mitt Creaton
Although winter hai lu drawbacks ralsbg her bands to remove her hat
sa a dairy season, ae has eummer. and when the ^er
■ed. followed
cv-rialn It Is that the farmer has eo bj another couple.
imie else lo claim his attenUon to the
winter that he can well afford lo
age eo that part of tbo herd will be
Young Coleman fumbled through bis
their most
satisfactory pockets and at length was able to ex­
amount of dairy products nt this time, hibit tbe checks.
thus rumlahlng him with profliabla
"They steered yon. down the wrong
employment at aa usually idle season aisle." the usher Informed them dieerfully. "Your seals are over on'
'F£E0 ATTACHMENT FOR SILO other side."
Amid smiling apologle* on both aldea
they nw) and yleld.-d tbvir places
tho other couple, then traversed (
long aisle to the back of the bouse.
Climbing to Entrance.
croM-4 ov.f and proceeded down tbo
Tim Srle'niiflc American, In Itluatrat- opposite slda
"I am so glad, thought Mbs Creston.
Ing and die>rrlblng a feed delivery
Itacbment for alios. Invented by & M. aa they made their conspicuous progn-ss through the house, "that s
Scott of Edna. Tex, says;
clothes ore nil right—oapoclally n
The presATt tnvonilon relates
hat People always notice haia so."
alios, particularly to an
When young Coleman and tbe usher
had carefully verified tho location of.
their pbeee Miss Cre«ton aeaied
s>ir and raised her bands to remove:
-But' IVa Lost Ither hak
She extracted tour hatplna and bohas been trying to get It drom tho
in 10 fumble for the fifth.
library for the longest time. 1 really
"Why—where's my other batplnT"
couldn't refuse her.”
•he murmured, groping about tb*
"Well. 1 like her st^Ie!" exclaimed
crown on her bK with her fingers.
Msrjury. "1II have to go right over
"Well, what-"
there end get Ik 1 don't see why peo­
Her hand encountered nn untamlUnr
ple hare to borrow books anyway."
object at one sidv of the crown, a
Entering her aunt's bouse, Marjory
clammy, yielding something which
said: . "I came for 'Untold.' It doean't
her to glA-c a,bet frantic, and
bi-loug to me and 1 promlaed to retnra
this lime sucoesafuL clutch
today. Mother ahoold*
miaslog hatpin.
n't have let you take Ik"
"Angelica! What haa that child been
"I'm dreadfully sorry." replied her
doing to my bat?"
sunt, "but the book Isn't here. On
that flashed through her mind as abe
tbe way bn-ne from your bouse I met
snau(ho<] off the headgear and laid It
Luzle Gibbons. She told
ujion her bp.
b.-oihcr was confined to i
Skillfully entangled In tbe filigree:
with a sprained foot and hadn't a wbgreby tb«"rnilbge may be deliv­
thing to read As I didn't know you ered therefrom as It la desired for use work of her hatpin was one medium-*
abed, slightly damp bath sponge.
had grown so particular all ora sod- without neoeasltatlng tbo cllmbln
-Ob!" Mbs Creston turned to Iwr
d.-o. I let -I'atuld' to her. She wiu
fscort with fire In her eye. "Why
ri-tum It Inside of a w eek. I'm surd."
dldn'j^:eujyll me It was there. Instead
'Dorothy will he furious!" deckired
---------------- all over creaUan
Marjory. "1 wish people wouldn't be
that thing In aiy hotr abe d»
V are my aunts. Ill have to
The young man turned on Injured
go straight over there and get Ik'
Flavor or Odor ls Net Inferior to That
junienance upon her. "Don't you
Upon naching the Gibbons h<
From Cow* Givenn Dry Fee
suppose I would have told you It 1
Fade After Milking.
id demanding tbe book from MUs
badnt thought It belonged therar' he
Litxle. .Marjory was lold: "I'm r^lly
hsked- "1 give you my word of boeor
ashamed, dfivr. but I've lest It^ After
rontrvy to the opinion fomriy
that 1 supposed It was some new kind
I li ft your aunt I went down town and held, the milk from atlagL-fed <
of (wmpoe. o
when I-goi home 1 discovered that 1 Is not Inferior In flavor or odor to the
glrb call them. Anyway." as the
had dropped ifac^boek. You will find milk from rows fed dry feed. The
It in the lost and feuod department of condensed milk companies which to^ lights were lowered and the bum
the car barns, or else In one of tbe meriy did not favor ^k fiom sltage- voices about them died down, "you'd
preuior In a hat trimmed afl
three stores 1 vtsKcd I'll give 7pi| fed cows, are now advUtng thair
with bath sponges than any other
ibi-lr names. 1 am sorxy I am unable patrons to put op slloa. - imon would with a bird of paradb*
lo look for the book, but I cant loave
Groat care should be taken, howmy sick brother."
pvet. lo prevent the odor of sOage on hara!"

“LS:; -- =

Pair of While China C
TUa la beat mixed with bolted milk,
buiiegmllk. sour milk or sUm milk,
which, when thorounb»y cooked,
be mixed into the m>-als- to make the
dry maab, and fed In bo’x*« or trau^
ones or twice of day. in addition to
tUa. a amalt amount of giwen food,
tbe best of rye. clover or grwaa. Biay
be provided with good resulu.
Kamovs Dsad Caresaaea.
Never aUow tbe carcasses of birds
that have dlxd to lie around aod do­
or. better atlU. bona them. If yoo bars
no funacc or stwa to which yon
want IB ban them, aaturaie thorn
gu'd with keraaeoa and eel fire
If you leave them nnoovond
and allow them to decay, your w
flock U liable lo be striekah.

from coctatnloatlng tbe freihly drawn
Airman's Oraam.
milk, which takes np edora very
ult Peltari*. one of tbe
quickly. It is beat to teed tbe allege known avbtlon experts. Is of the
a/icr milking and Juat vbal will be Ion that tho ds) wUt oome when comeaten Up clean nt that tec-d. Tbe si­
between the enrth and tb*
los should be abut off from the barn moon and staiy vUl b* poagibte In
proper. The Idea aUU held by aome.
mo to tell you that a young n
that corn silage wUl destroy the teeth
Providing that radium b one day
and dlgcsUve tract of the cow and In- (oond la larger qaantUla* and that
and discovered
nam* and addrewa on the fly leaf. Be­ duoo such dlBaaaw aa tnhereaJoala, la aome way of haraeaaing Ra eaerglea
ing a friend of bera. he retuped it emneona.
b dbcovered by aclentlita, be caleaperaonally. She hadn't teen him for n
latee that an aeroplane weighing n
year. She aald be la coming ag^
ton Bhonld be able to cover the ISMOO
toon and he la eo nice tl|aC the to
mU«e which *epanu th* enrth mad
delighted to renew tho
against lumpy Jaw catUe. according tbe moon tn three boors sad fire mlaShe nld that baneefortfa you ona bor­ to Dr. M. H. Beynolds of the Mlnneeota station.
row and loae all her hooka."
Aboat SOO potmda ot radium wobM
-No. mother." aighed Marjory. Tm of these caaea are paaaed by govern­ te necessary to prevUa the fuel for
Dorothy haa lonnd an old friend, ment Inipeetora. aa lit for food pur- the loorncy. At the cnnwat prte*.
glad I
aner thla lH uke wlae Mr- petea Only the very bad caaea. a*- •boot •la.OOO.OOO worth wonid be r»
hut a
SbakeBpenre's adrlee and neither a peelaUy those where the disease af- qnlrad.
Trtpa to certain ot th* atm h* «a»borrower nor a teafler he."—Chicago fecu several organs or parta of tb*
body are oondeinsad.
Dally NeWA'
aldara equally pracUeohla.
>rter tramping unsurcessfully from
place to place accoyding to the Uhl
provided for her Marjory rotumed
home. /

It or AflHcultura Points Out

Tbe oflice of public roads of the de­
partment uf agrtcullura b making
atruug effort to focus the mind of tbe
couuiry on the fact that molnteonce
Olid effecUvo repair ore of equal Im­
portance with tbe actual Improvement
of bad rooda. Inveaunenl of money
la new roods doe* not bacome real
economy until ptovUlon Is made tor
hooping tbeee new roods In coodlUua
oner they ore bultk If a new rued
was built and than allowed to taU Into
dbrepolr, much of the origlnaJ laveatraeiit Is oimply wasted.
Eurape, generally speaking. U ahead
of tbe I'Dited States In the matter
of toad Improvemeok
Urtlaln b slnAgcUag with a problem
sliullor to tbe one that confronu the
people of the United States. In Eng­
land. Scotland and Wole* there are oo
tawer than :.U0 separate auihoritle*
who between them, adnilnbter nc,.4g7
miles of roads, *r on average of otrly
kZ inllei apiece, in Scotland, apart
from the big clUes there ore yiver
ZOU burgbs. one-boU of which bpre but
teo milea of road apiece to malnialnNeedleaa to aay. such a minute mile­
age b InsutDclent to Beep the road
plant fully occnpled all tbe year

OtBclals of the oflice of public roads
when colled upon for ossiatance by tbe
various iiatei are pointing out that
rood building b on an baaed on a
sci<-iiee. and that trained men and experiimoed men ore necessary to se­
cure the beet reeulu from thecxpendllurv of road fuuda.
SUtbtlclana have found that nlthough the average expenditure oo the
hnpro><-m«ut of roods exceeds one milllon dollars a day. a Urge portloo of
the muo<-y In (be United States b
waa|i<d because of tho failure to build
the right Ijpo of road to meet the
local requIreiuenU or the failure to
provide for tbe
of the Improvomenk
The various sUtes and counties

"And so you writ* apUfUng poetry
Mbs Howardr h* nak*d In sUghtly
bored tone*.
Jeannette froa*
Urn with a look.
"U you wont to
win my undying
hatred, pester me
with remark*
about my popular
yerae — silly
•tuff!" Jesnneti*
said savagely.
"Always olUteri
•tiver be qnwHoned amUing. '
"Merely a matUr of habit." abe
replied, fluahlng
under hb bogbIng look.
"What shall we
talk about, thenr
“Touraelf." she
Jeannette bel|M
ed beraelf to ealsd before she naked,
wrinkling her dainty brows In curioslty. What, for goodness' sake? Yon
look like a triple tragedy lo bi
Then, na
her mldo. the laid her fork down nnd
faced him fearfully. "Yoa'ra not—^
Words taUed her.
He nodded eolemnly. "I certainly
mm. to my everUaUng sorrow." he re­
plied with feeling.
Annette sighed. Then. w*'re two
of a kind.' she sold, "and we were ^
together for a porpoae. I'U reaUy hav*
to ask your name My thonghu werw
wool gathering when you were—"
"Rkymegaihcring. more probably."
he Interrupted, bugblngty. "Ill eon•fiBs that I've been trying In rain to
find a aniuble rhyme for—"
"Oh. don't!" tbe exclaimed "na If
I didn't have trohbles of my osrn. And
ih* namer' she asked suddenly.
"Walnwright—Orrin Walnwrighk"
"Not the Walnwrightr she asked In
awed tones.
■The some, plaaae yonr UdyaUp."
be bowed with exaggerated ' ‘
"And here. I've been—I've been Just
■ ' ahe atommerrd.
"Let's form a truce and declare Che
subject hared." he offered. She amO-


tg Animal ^ Beha
r and Be Quieb

•Ion or they nra ustlkaly to abpw
Ihclr work.
One of the flrat things b to teach
the oolt to behave hlmaelf and b*
quiet, so that be wlll^ tA get esdted.
tear oronnd. and "ad ap" Uk* a
naughty child hofor* oompaay. whaa
led tnio'crowd.
The next at^ b to traeh the colt
to conilng« atlll when It U required.
Then U must be taught to ataod in',
poaltlon. with hU feet
ider hlni. hb front feet aid*
by sidu, and his hind feet abo aide hy
Bide, hb bead up aod ears forward.
*Thb will not only require training:'
It will oKon that tbe owner or attao-

Pvr*-arad ClydaMiab ttallloa.

dant win ne«l to be oonstaafly no
the lookout to ••* that tbe aalmaj
malntolDi hb poaldoo. One traqomiL
ly aces at county tain men brtnglag la
good borsM. aod standing wllh thetp
hands In their pockets wbUe allose"May I ask. where yog are *«ylugr tag the horaea to stand down oa «■»
ahe tendered.
aide srlth ibclr beads at one aldA In
Then where—" Hkr aofl
ray showing off their point* aa
good horaea Neither the owner Be*
I than evr before
fora In the)_,
the home In *ucb case ahow* at hb

BArVOS lUOA.MDl.Ul lO CUU•■V«\,BIid .h
"YesXaod wherflf I mean
roads of the coonlry where
ahoold always have a good bridla a
ibi-y are improvtd.
Scieotlflc maffitAw
nulnte- fI "No,"
never ahoold be brongbl in yriib Joat
DSKCo Will be one of the chief fea-! rtedir "I don't
a bolter, aa It la tmpoaslbb to haadb
tures of Ihe work of the office of pfib- :
.. ^ explained.
DC road, throughout .be preaen.-!>.«. j
^STtdyMfip." She a boiwe property without a bridle.
The colt ahoold be uught to lowi
glanced furtively at hb *tr«iig face.
properly to show hb action to good
Irniia^ He ahonld learn to wa&
trot np by tbe aide of th* atteadnat
-Did yog ever bar* as Ideair h*
Davlee Known aa Chuek-Hela Filler
and pull forward on the lead relii. not
asked Imdevantly.
Has Been Invented by Mahe Man
Tbe attendant aWiWB
-Heaps of 'em," ah* r^cmd«d rwdfor Work In Country.
hold the horee with but one tet W
rein between hb band and tbe hit
mean, did yoa ever cherfah the
A simple device for keeping
In trotting the colt to the bridle ft
y roads In good condition.
•hould be unght to step up In good
tbape. and ptd) foraayjL on Um. retn
liivvnivd by an Idaho farmer,
instead of backward. In Ykanhlng «be
of an unstable Imoglnatlonr*
means, of an Ik-lncb stent dbk
colt to trot for show, tbe attendant
bbde. which revolves upon one
must nin beaftte tbe horse's sbouidar,
j "Then you can't u
steel rod fasten<-d to a rear axis
always keeping step with the hnrsa An attr-ndnat who atnmblea along ta
hb own gait cannot be expected ta
-~ He paaaed and looked Into her
make the boras travel at hb ha*L
I with meaning. Jeoflneite UnghAtteoUoa te these polnu will make
sUrred In embon
a world, of < Serene* la the appear
"You don't mean—" abe began with
her customary straightforward dli
neea "that I am the onspMkable-

be repUed. gravely. "I___
Diae the likeness at flrat. U___
eral mlnotca before yoo unbent aufflclently to bestow your emllra."
"Hr. Walowrlght!" Jeannett*
tbd In almubted Indlgatloa.
"It waa a spring day in early May,'
he continued dreamily. Ignoring her
exclamation, "a bevy of school gtrb
^ih long braUb down their backs
r'the park. Tbe hat of
of tbe vehicle at aueb an angle that the fairest one of them alt—a bUb
tbe dbk b allghily out of line with the' childish, elf of a glil—blew down the
wheel, tbe dbk ents and throws atiwet. and a bd of taoder yam gave
tbe diri toward the wheel, and a drag. pursuit aod reacu«d the oSeotlve
24 feet long. Immediately behind tho piece of headgear. Re returned It,
disk, levels the surface as tbe vehicle trembUng with the boldneea ot hb
b drawn along the road Tbe ma­ daring, to the owner, who would not
even lift her long ikBVi»B ^
chine weighs about IW pounds.
thanked him faintly, Tve ol'
on overwhelming dealre to And that
Good Reada
Tbe maklni^of good roads b one of young bdy nnd e*e for myaeif what
>e most Important duUes of the kind of eyes aha poeaeased, that abe
American people, and their prompt was so UDwtUng to uae them."
“Aod that was yon^ ahonld never
repair and careful motnienaace b
There b probably no sqJ>- have betleved IL" Jeannette bngtaed
a bit nbeenUy.
Ject In which the progreaeive farmer
"And now thnt I btv* found the
b more deeply Interested than that
of having roads coDnocUng blm with eyoA" be conUnned. a
hb markets over which he may be tion In hb voice. "1 mean to follow
them up nod aee what Uaa hack of
•We to haul the greatest possible load. them."
Good rooda, Uke all ether good Ihtnga.
The boateae had given the sign. As
expensive to build and of too^
they roue, abe aald. Uagblngly. "I •n^
much value to be neglected.
poae you two have decided to collabo­
rate on aome graat work or other."
HbMtwri Ha* "ghowa."
Walnwright queatlonod Jeannette
It U uaUmaUd that the votuntary with steady
bbor by bualneaa men and, fUrmera
-We have, hav* wa notr he aaked.
pot on the roads of Mbabort for
Jeanneoe flashed a quick look Into
days was worth to the state in mooey their trank deptha Her hrart throbbed
value about tl.SOO.OOO bealdea the a bit as she rypUad la a low votc^ "1
Impetns glvao tbe good roads movemant. whose value cannot be calcu­
lated In dolbr* and eenta One I
•erioua Drawback.
Ing amblUon of every state ought to
Mra. Weeporae—Wooidnt it b* flna.
b* for lu good roaoa. and Mbeourt la Harold. If some one wooM glv* ss u
etrtet aceordaae*' wtth tu motto, boa aatomoMla?
It »*■« hunt • ttrat

»a Be


From a market stnadpolnt a
tere hog b ooe that ha* ellher c
poraijly «
and IUken on th* form and flabk
required by tb* meat trade. Jh* **»•
at which a pig oomes to maZsrtty tmr
he detemtned vary largely hy th*
character of tb* faed and tb* Tnaniur
of feedlDg.
Pigs may be brought to mirket ma-'
tnrity anywhere between the ^ea off
e to S moDtha Early maturity Is
brought about by feeding aa igosaa
of noo.Dltrograoot feode or by attdflw
changes from nltrogenone to noMl. By feedl
ding aa exam
’ such a (
food na'dern
meal, the pig do«« not hnra.n a
dent amount of protein nutrient* to
continue lu growth, aod ao begins (o
by on
It U a \'eft easy matter. howauBg
carry early maturity to axtremaa^
beconae under tbe ooedldona nenao^
aary a pig will not grow aa Urge ar
aa rapidly, and aovhb galna srQI ha
expenalva. The thing to striva
for Id pork prodncUoa U to bring the /

F*adli»a Young PIgu.
After the piga are two waekn eW
they mar he turned Into the lot teguther. where they mar be fed wKhaMj
being dlftnrbed by tbe sown.

of food, nnd U can nenollr be gteea.'
- -«m ta ahxa beOar than In MT







Traverse City's Greatest Stove Store
I ■■ I

i*i I



i-i^wmT^-T»m ii ■miMiwi^jrwii'-ri^—



,. The ..

The Price Paid for a Hard
Coal Base Burner

Imperial Universal
Has more direct radiatirg suiface, more hot air dreubting
1 coy other base burner made, and we positively
guarantee it to heat more space with lets fuel than any other
bast burner.

Does not indicate whether it is a cheap or nn expensive stove.
That point is determined entirely by the quantity of fuel same
will consume to get the required amount of heal. Nor does the
sue of fire pot in a base burner indicate its heating capacity.
When you bum a given amount of coal it generatos a cer­
tain amount of heat regardless of what stove the coal is burned
in. bnl the question of heating capacity and fuel economy of a
stove depends entirely on what becomes of the heal thus gen­

ITie amount of heat radiated depends on tbc distance it
mutt travel after leaving the combustion chamber before it
can escape through the chimney; that is why we claim that the
Imperial Universal has more direct radiating surface than any
othcc-.basc fauroer.

The principle of all bcrdjroal base burners is to radiate
beet into tue room by means of ^Is Jwtrt flues and hot air sircti
lating flues, and that is the point of vast difference in base
burners—the stove that has the most diiecl radiating surface
and hot air circulating capacity, is the most powerful heater
and the most economical in fuel and the cheapest stove to buy.
as the base burner that does not radiate the largest possible
• percentage of heat generated from the fuel will in a very short
time waste enough coal to pay for the »>est base burner made.

The two targe hot air circulatl^ flues do not come in {en­
lace with the main back of the stove..there being one-half inch
spcce between outer piste oi hot air circnlating flues and tiic
main buck of stove, which gives the Imperial Universal two
distinct advantages—the hot air circulating flues are sur­
rounded on all sides by intense heat from the beat floes, which
greatly warm floors and a uniform heat throughout the room; .
olso with this construcUon the Imperial Universal does not
get the hot air circulation at toe expense of direct radiating
surface (as is the case in other base bnmers), as every inch of
surface of the main back is direct radiating surface.


■ 1

The Home ol the Quick Meal Range
Ouick Meal Ranges arc copied by many, but equaled by none. They arc built by STEEL RANGE RIAKERS, and In
. a'factory equipped especially for. working sheet steel. We want you to examine the walls of this range. They
are well lined with asbestos and steel which Is porcelain enameled so as to retain all the heat and prevent all
rusting and waste of heat. Quick Meals are made in all sizes and with reservoir attached on either right w lett
side, as desired, or without reservoir
■ '"


‘RtsomiE aNivEHSAi

Here is a Little
Most perfect comWnation stove
mtde. The famous Utility Are pot
used in this stove is made with
self-cleaning cored air flues extonding the fall height of the gre
pot. These air flues take the air
from the ash pH section and this
air mnst pass through these flues
tending the full height of the fire
pot, and in doing so become in­
tensely heated before itisdis>charfed over the fire. This saperhbMed air mingtog with the
sm^ and combust^
ing from a soft coal fire entirely
consumes them and gives the user
the l^enfit of all the beat oniU
therein, which in the or­
dinary Vtove escapes through the
'<fiiiBney, therefore saving yon
about 40'.. of your fnel bOL .

It has been conceded for years
- that soft coal would make the
cheapest fuel obtainable were it
not for tht smoke and dost. With
these objections overcome there
is no argument against our Hot
Blast Air Tight Soft Coal Burner.
It is absolutely smokeless and
dustless The jacket is heavy
rolled steel fastened to the base
by a method that will stay tight;
double heavy cast fire pot; perfect
control of draft and guaranteed to
hold fire forty-eight hours and
maintain an even temperatnre.

Come In and scie lids
Wonder Koal Burner.

Boys the best medium
priced range on maricel
Body is made of extra fine qual­
ity, uniform color American Blue
■ Btocl, thoroughly braced and close­
ly riveted. The flues are lined
with asbestos mill-board, which is
protected by steel strips, forming
a triple wall, prevents radiation of
heat and protects outer body from
Oven is made of Wood 's patent
leveled steel flanged and closely
riveted to body of range. Oven
bottom is strengthened with two
cast strips riveted to same, and to
fnrther prevent oven bottom from
warping it is bolted through the
flue strips to the flue bottom. Flue
bottom is lined with - heavy as­
bestos mill-board, retaining the
heat in the flues and oven and pre­
venting the scorching of the floor.
This stove is made in three

The Acme of Cast
Stove Making
An ell cait rennej" la* form of ■
cteci r«nge. plain Oeoien. •moota eart-ing*

ind smooth




All eastinqe ere made from a eerroet
mi.tore of the higheot gradet of cere• fully seloeted

pig iron, eeientificolly

blended, ineuring Mrength. unilormfty
and emeoihnets of eaetinge: hat drop
even door, spring balanced, when open
it Cush






white porcelain even door, f >r« pot la
properly proportioned and adapted for
any fuel; has double Sre wall and la
guaranteed to laet a lifetime. Aeh p^n
Is Urge and deep, with plenty of apace
between it and gratea, allowing a free

A stove built for people who
want an air-tight heater, but some­
thing a little better and nicer than
the ordinary air-tight heater, and
want a Stove with an ash pan.
This stove is made with cast top
' and bottoei, cast linings to protect
the steel body, ash pit section with
bailed ash pan. draw r^^ister
wood grate, machine faced screw
register damper, large one-piece
feed door and smoke enrtoin,
cooking hole in main top.

clreulatieh of air to prevent melting
of gratea and fir pot trimminge.
Thia Is the etove that
mented ao highly


Air Tight Stoves From


during our Move

demonstration laet September.

85c:to $17”“



An ideal medinm priced combi­
nation coal and wood stove. Ihe
body of tifls stove is made of
Wood s Oak Body Bte^ flanged
at top and bottom and set in deep
grooves in the top of lire pot over
which is bolted thy ontside deflect­
or ring, forming an absolutely air­
tight joint. The steel body will
not warp nor bnckle from fire pet. •
lliis stove'' ra^cs in prioe

We have a nnmber of tised
stoves that we have takes as part
payment on new ones that can be
bought at abent half thehworth.



and In the evening aC 7, and al 6par-

The school, having sent lu exhibits I
on Tneaday. went In a load to the LmThe Young People's meeting next lanau county fair on Children's day.
Bunday evening will be led by Ulaa With the nnmey from i
Bertha Sirarllng. The topic for the
tor the largeet cotlec-1
evening «11l be "Dlseontent or Praise
of property and the fleet premIuiD
—WWch 1* Your lifer'
(or perfevd auemlunce at the fair, the
W« want to make ddi Department of tbe
The Bapilat Ladles' Aid will meet school built’a Bne. large cupboard
gnateit potslble ralne to all concerned and to
with Mrs. naumgarth Thunday after­
The poverty social on .Nov. 14th was
tUi end reqaeft that all Itema of pergonal and
noon. The ladies cxjioct to work (hot well attended and was an oceaalon of
general intereet be sent to Misi Dewey to bt
(la)' and no luncheon will be ari-ved. muc^ enjoyment. We wish lo thank
incorporated in the Department We especially
Rev. J. Roberta, who preached lait Mr. Herman Uvlugeten and the otbask that ebnrehaa, fratenal eodetiee and the
Sunday at Kingalcy. Sparling and era who so ably assisted In making
Qimnge fnmitb Itomi of Interest in their rtspecMayfield, met good
■be social a sueoeas.
dre organigations. Kewi of social events and
all throe places who thoroughly enWe cordially invited the parents
CBtertainmeDts, ImiEovements
made or conJoyiKi his sermons.
and friends of Lm's Hay ituplls to
tanplatod, and bn^ees changei ^ tranifen iQ
The M. E. Sunday school clpaed visit ns al any time, see what we an
real eatate in tows ahd country are especially
their ronieat last Sunday. John Ac­ doing and thus strengthen the bond of
acceptable. Tbe above applies not only to the
tons side won and will serve a supper sympathy that should cxlsl between
vUla^ of Fife Lain, but to the iiirroandiiig
the whole Bnnitey school at the the homo and the school
home of Mrs Sam Wright.
Lois Bartholomew. Teacher.
The Udlcx' Aid met last Thursday
Fife Lake. .N'ov. is.—\V. W Brower jure caring for hl|n.
I ihc home of Mr* Al Rial.
wa* In Grand luplda Wedm-aday. | The lAdlea Aid and Sen Is Gnlld
The social session of Ihc Kpworlh
Have Benson t»f Kaiainixob. was a W'icUes are miking arr rngv-moura
kguc was hold last Wednesday oveoHillside Grove. N'ov. IS.—Tbe wind
ig at tho parsonage. The spirliiial atom In this vlcfnity blew down guest of Mr. and -Mr*. Geo. Kimball tor a ChrlRlmas fair to be held in a
coujilo of week*
session was held tbla week
Jamas Smlh-y's windmill wheeL
The Servis GuUd wlll^ect at the
Miss Dottle Andemon of Travi-rHc
home of Chas. Weaver.
School has oummenced after a va­
home of .Mra. L. E. Groen ou Friday
Rev. -Mr. Coles will preach
cation of three weeks for potato liar- City. U vlaltlng her .grandmo'licr.
afternoon. .^Covember 21sL '
Mrs Ella White.
Sunday morning In Klngdiey al lfi:3a. vext
MesdiulicB Ubbli- Johnson and
-MuK-heit Bt'3:3u p tn. nnd at .MayA daughiir
C. E. Mallory especis lo go deer
Win. Ouderhick reiucncd Salurday
tH-ld in the eveulng.
Mrs. I-aI Mill*
from'a few'day*' visit w1Ui their els.
Kiiw'orih league In the evening
Louie Rtrickpr la busy ahreddlDg
Mr*. N'nte lng<-rs<dl at Dllieri.
o i'ltK k. The topic for tile evening Is corn for his father.
Mis* Vera itam-lt of Kingalcy. la
T. J Inman and brother John, -P.
suggestive 1 of Thanksgiving,
James t'. Smiley 1* bnsy puUlng caring for the bmiachold dutlc* uf
I>. and 0. C. Hager with their gueels
1‘oaee two hundred Ihoutand country'faciilia
"Whal Is My Greatest I'sose for Grat- a cv^ment floor In bla -basemenL
her slater. .Mru. 4.eo Gibbs during
Carl Kimball, of IVemoul and V. Robiiiidi-?" t<«d Tty <*has. Weaver.
Ancwl .NeleoB to working for Mack her abncDcc.
The Pilot makra Acetylene the right way-enake* it ao well
blna of Muskegon returned Tuesday
SummR CHy Doingw
Chas. Kdgelt returned from Read­
, that It providei najntry home* with r\-en a better light and
morning from ibeir liuntlog trip in
Itay^laldwin and wife have moved
Cleon Champney made a bualtreas ing lliursday night. accOrupahiod bv
fuel thanjte gat which tarenty million cily people are enyey.
the i;pper Peninsula with their li­
I Traverse (Ity lo live.
trip lo Trwveraa «1ty.
bl* daughter. Mr*. Harry WhiiRipn
censes all fulL
Mrs. (ieo Stores and aon Itowcy and

After you have intpeeted a Pilot plant are arill leave It to
r. and Mrs. Earl l->r«maa Md
.Vurthnp left here last Tuns■ Mra. ilary E Ush of Kingsley, and
J you to gay whether it doetn'l make the whiteat. the iao*t‘ daljghtt-r Gladys have gone to Onaway son returned to Traverse City, after
ij'for CliiclrinaU. Ohio.
.brilliant, and moat beautiful light you have ever aeeo. Edgar Albright of Summit' Cit)-.
Iss Gladys has a poallinn as eU-rk In
spending a.r<-*( weeks wlUi Mkdiael
.Mrs. Dave* Beals, wlw has bc<-n
store. Hewey W'lll find employnienl
weiv married hy Justiie Leon Blue
Wc win leave it 10 you aUo to aay whether or not atatiofuuy;
J Acetylene future* are not msch aafer than oil lamp*, which there and Mrs. Slorrs may stay there
•on Tuesday. November 18.
.Albert Strait Is helping his brother better.
^eao be tipped over.;_

for. the winter as a guest of her son.
A. Sunday ^eehool convention. wUl
Otto build a bouse.
Rob Campbell Is quite 111 with
-'For Uk Mking you can havy (he name and Ih* addma of '
' A* a matter-offact—etdy
aceidml* have been rhar^
HrrheM Stom.
he held In’ tho M. E. rtinrch on\jaDcarnt one. Then >-cM<an, if you anih. nake as evening
0 the miuuae and abuse of Pilot
len thouilot Acetylene, while ten
Adelino Mallory has returned home rhf-tiinatiBm.
and Mrs. Jessie WykoB eeleday aRernoon and evening of Nov.
get the fart»
aand accidenU have, bees charged to oil Ulumuiaota^in a
after working for Mrs. Will New'Lynn
biate.1 their silver wedding last Frt
. - An tidd we have aold no len thas''t>r'thoutasd' POot ^ Vaingle year.
Trout Creek, Ontonagon county. Up­
■vesiiiig. ' A large number of
Sunday eervice for November ^
Amyleae PlanU to the peoi-le in your ttate.^
J ^
That i* why'thetteweM Companyrniaken of Pilot Light',
Warren Tllum la building a bam. per Peninsula, where b
machinca, hat groem to be Uw
the largtat
largest eoocem at iu kind iai friends were present and presenlctd
iFhete people are'our fnmdi.*' Anyone of themwfn
(them'wiTl her
, . ) Ithe world.
Hank Akers of Klngaley. apenl a ployiucnl for the winter.
proud to show you }urt bow thew Pilii«« plant*
Preaching at lic.m a. m. by the .
work—bow they
fow da)w last week trith hla
Mrs. Ix-uy, Brown Is to entertain iwior. Rev. S. A. P. Rt-ahe*.
Mttoaisttrally nix* the «*< produrint Mone. Union Carbide,
CompletTPilm Light Pteti'may bT
children preesnted them with a
errth plain water- How they make juil enough Acny. "
in Oxweld Acetylene*
tylene* Cnmna
Company product*. - Theaej plete set of silver ubie ware
Uie ladles' Aid soclei)' at hw home
Sunda)' iKdiol al 11:45 a m.
lene to keep the ligbta and the racisc Coiae—pe> miwedealer* are permancatly located in some three tlwu-l
Mark Conklin threahed three liun- on Wednesday afternoon In honor of
MIsh Emily Klngalny was a weok•o le**.^
6un*hlne Prayer Rand at C:M p. in.
wmd differcnc town*, r
idrad bushels of buckwheat Tron the r<-cent addition of tep new mimi•
'InUiadiaerwtthetndcraigii^ eud visitor ai Traverwe City, live gueet
^worth Iteague at C:30 p. m. ' ' ! '
They win * ahow you 'atae how
twelve aerea.
cd distributor* at Pilot Plante of Mr. and ^rs. IxtuU Kysclka.
<lhe Pilot aiart* makinc (hit gat'
wmie urosi n of Traverse City. U
when the lighO are turned oa
------------- J PILOT UCKTINC PLANTS^ fc
Mae Kimball of Boyne City
tie Maurine Dean, who has.keen tilth
<—and atop* when the light* are
them.'for tho iiast three weeks, ae helping Hr. Wballn wim his fall was tho guest of Hr. and -Mr*, (ieo.
tiaing book*. teUmg the wdu
ttaned off. How thii ga* it piped
Acctyloie aieey — with full <
Kimball from Wednesday to Frida)':
cumiianied her home.
to h an (1 wane bflK Atture* is
1. for their kimlness
taib about the inatallatian
i'ox'and Frank Rokoe have
in the houae—M
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Flandeih and
■e Pilot.
ruoi, ns eon. ccnoorni.s.]
gone to Iffdlana.
children returned Salurday from a Rlcknes# a
for Pllnl. She expects
_ _
e. ^ Just addret* a postal (oj^
^aU.banu.and.^001.' ‘■
s|N-nd the wlnler there and In
few weeks' visit In the svmihern er and sister; alan the choir and min- -•
Ister for their kind words.
lypbuid fever
i«n of UKC^te.
The women folk*'in'these heoia win be~|lad te ahow you
Signed:—Eugene Tibb<;t*. Mr. and
teojaai what a boon the Acetylene range is —how it furruihe*
Ira Kubesh Is recovering.from an
Mr. anil Mip. tlruco Sayers, wba
Mnv. ^Jv^e barton
m and eon tninSi Mr*.
W. t Richards. liodcma FIR*beat on tap that ran be regulated with a Httle valve — how
were wixided last week, are gneata of oparaUoD for appeodlcitla.
Wednesday' fram ,Urtiid
Urtiid Rapiti to worth.
:h. Lob Morey.
nov 50-lt.
*1 dors away with hkndlmrjvood, coal and.ashes and makes
The MIsaea Marie and Mary Smi­ visit heV fctoler Mr*.I. L.
Mr. and Mrs Jake Spalding.
' A. Hennck.
the kitchen work tmr.(
Mr. and Mrs. A. Prioal. who hare ley visited tho home folks over Sun­ Rev. S.\a. P. Realie*
Jte* aold bis drtvbeen vi-illlng. their eon, .1. Seabright., day.
log hone’ to Minor Carothen.
were-vailed to Allegan last Tuesday
Era Rumball called at C. E. MaiBrady Clark went to Detroit' last
You must are a PiloC plant and talk to the people it works
Allyn, Mich, Nov. 12—Tbe nad
on Bcx-ounl of the serious lUneva of lory-'a Sunday.
^ Tuesday, looking after bualneas In­
por..^.Thcsi.yoo wiU havc.a dearcr.undetsustdwg as to why.
maken-are grading and graveling the
Mr. ITiesl'i brother.
Frank Rokog bad the misfortune terests.
Allyn bin.
J Woodard, who has boon working
I lose a horse.
The Servis Guild cleared to.SS
Mra. In Bare baa gone on a trip
Karl Irish of Traverse ('dy i
on the roiuiiy road near Traverse,
their supper Friday evening
to indla^
I /( John and EJna Wall last City, is home aBsluWlalle Blue was in Cadillac Mon-i
Delos ThompMA baa been Qtdto
Matehett Neisbberheod Ooinga.
day on buslni-aa.
Dr. Covey attended him.
Mrs. Kmest Storrs and liule won of
Mrs. Sarah Taylor of Toledo,
Ur. T. Y. Kimball made a bualnoaa
W. T. Shull has been toreddtng
Traverse City visited her iiareDla. .Mr. was cslled here last week lo anend
trip to Kalkaska Monda}and enuing Iwz .wood lor Ira Bare.
her lirotber. Chas. Knapp, who Is
and Mrs Sorensen, last wck.
Maplelon. N'ov 12 —Mrs. Cbarlea
Mr. and Mn.^ Mor«o'. who have
Some care have been put In to be
John S(i(>gmiller. wlto has been
Curtlba and children of Travel
been guests at Uie home of B.
Tlie people of KingBley and the garroiudiiic
sulking here fora couple of months,
<1ty. Kiw-nt a couple of days w-|th Tibbit* returned Hiosday to 'their loaded wlUi Blabi by Sbott and ona
for Ira Bare fordboluS;^ •
cooBtry are all Intereeted is thii Department.
lias Kpni- to Jennings.
Mr. and Mrs John Hoffman^.
hotne In lake View.
Lewis Clark and wife liavo mov<>d
O. Hlpponflteel -repMtk.'-.twoWe ihall be glad to have individBalg. chorchea,
Gordop Valley and Will Hoffmann
Mr*. Castina Dewey and Tamlty
111 town for tiu- winter, Tlu-j an- liv­
Frank Ilox's haby has beei
tbouaand busb«4B of com and W. T.
Elsried to N'ei-dham'e tlualncss
the Orange, fraternal sodetieg and all other^orhave moi'cd back to town for tho Shutt three thousand.
ing In i«n of .Mrv. Adam llick'a Itouae. alek. iiut la l>ctt(-r.
lege Tuesday.
ganlzatioBJ hand in.items of news, personals,
. UcuUh WMhon is (julie sick with an .Jrwin and E.I Rawlings and thrir
Marjory Me Menus vialtod
Mr. and Mrs. Bdim Mutchler
»ts of meetings, notloei of entertain­
abariws on her neek.
wives siarUM] Mondsy for
Philately and Hlstovy.
couain Alvina Ituciere for a (ewda>'a Cadlllar. arc- visiting her parenU.
Mrs Silas Ullks. went lo Uuyno weeks' visit In Grand Rapid*.
ments, bnsineu changes, pablic
Aa Interesting ehapier in pbQataUo
Curtl* Fowler *|>«ni a fv-w days
Mr..and Mr*. Joe RatenrieN.
btotory, and In the history of Eorop*.
t'Hy Friday U> lack her itutiM-liold
Mr and Mm. Wm. itussoll of Buckbeing dene or contemplated, sales of real cetate
Tr*ver*v fliy,
-AViii Holbrook was In Cadillac. Mon- la closed by the decision te sapproaa
pools.' Mr. and Mrs Milks ex|wl lo l<-> viKlted «i Chas. Knaiii's Sunday
in town or country, and any other items of gen­
Hcalrlce and Harold DeOraw. who
the foreign poeUl agenclet In Crete
moV(> (o Itelndi lu live for itu- silolcr.
Anins and iva Bogart went to.lteko
are aitending/ xi-bool In Travetwe
as the result of the union of *h.> |gi.
era interest.—Editor Herald.
Mra, H, C. Place of >
Weaver U in Kngadltic. .Mb li . t'lly Monday to attend a nilnlstcrial
nnd with Greece. Austria. Great Brit­
City, siient Saturday and Simday to Acni- FYlday for a f
enjuilnc the liunling scaiwju. Ilia sou.; conference.
Prance, Knnla. and Italy have all
Klngkley, Nov. |K-tt
-Ihivc 8waln^l"Il week rteumlttg Mondal evenlng.
with Mr. and Mr* W
Geo W<-**er. will x>in him ibis
Con Ji'ammrr
ceaJlMs now what II
> In Crete,
Mr. G<1»m of Chicago.' la buying fore rrdimlng homo.
is soperintcndliig tlm'si-rv,-) leg or <>n<S. I Crotwr was on the wIi-Killct The two cMHxt lo remaiu and...
tiivigood nrighbom Ten of
In Tnrkey. and iher
st'ihe mots
inile of road from the <-nd of ih<- pro-.- •n.l Week,
W. K. Richards returned to Marion
there during the winter
theui hel|>ed him .Monday to dig bis |io- poUtoee at Mower* Harbor.
eni county road, known n* the Krffcr
l> I. Khisigti ms-le a husloeK*, trip
-jther the
Rev. Schmhtt-of Howard City came
corner, to^be Swbet rurner Tlitbb riiad to wotnhrm Michigan last week,
look after business for another Boe* maintained by Uu
tn preach (hr funeral sertuno fur .Au
among which Germany Is ■!««
w in Iw graded (his fall If the weai;
Arthur Nonhn>ili.l v|«iied at the E. gust Grail of Mayfield Um Thursdav
I'l-riiiitK and will Ire coverc-d this win­ J. f'ai-'- lioDie la«i Tui-sday
Hodge. Nov.
.-Mrs. Oldhai
Mr. Grau was a fomier resident of
Mr and Mr*. McQiiay visited tlieltc clodad. will not be cluaed as weU.
ter with crushed awe* W the farm.-r.
daughter, who ha been visiting ber ■n Dell and family al Traverse City
K A I’ciweiv wax a Traverse lily thir village.
What He Would Say.
wilt provide eaoagh stone In the tm- • aller U>t w«v4:
t^arolloe Geleer, who has lai-ii
S.u/b Milton.
Nov. II. ■ Mrs WaP
ter Sunday.
A Scotch mlnlrier took pity opott
OK'dlate vllcnlty. This is a iiiu<-h um-cl
l-ec'-liv, rid- (viitnly
working in Traverse Ciiv (or (hi- past
r iI'tlson
llso reterned'homo jeslerday Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr/ Vern Richardson
i Irltoi laborer tolling In the ditch
Elsworth llal*u.-d I* building
rud. l-Hiir OB the main road cast of mihMonrr. {'i-tted (he b.-1hk>Is iM-re Inst vear. la home /or a coiipln of wm-Ks. from' Kalkaska.
Grand Raplda Tuesda> to
) a hot summer's day. and. (efchln
Klngski towod 'PVe Lake. One mors Wr..|L
Pre-I Calhoun was taken very al.-k
Mrs. Myrtle Rtcheli Is liviBg U bouae.
visit friend*.
tbe bottle and a glass.
1 Pat
of county load east t)nlsb(o> to
Bolon T>lcr move*-the coming week
Mr .and Mit- John> M iller of Tr
with hean trouble last week and Is Kalkaska Tor a Uaie.
Earl Gilmore was In Kalkaska
I glass
U'>- Fife Lake tovaship line and win erse OUy were gupjis
very Hide l>etter at this writing.
IS at M^ln •
The lAdles- A|ld met with Mrs. onto the old King idacc, recently Salurday on huainess.
Qberanl to his expresaloat of thaohs.
four mtica of graveled toad eart ler w Iasi week.
.Mrw. Mand Hose of Traverse <?lty W. Wllaon. It was her birthday and bought by Dudley Hicks of Niles.
Arile StutU tame home Friday “Bagorrm. tor." be eaid, •If* good;
)he heart of S fond farming tvcArihur Iir»wn and famlly
was In Kingsley to ayslai In raring tor she was presented wlUi a set of Mtch.
from Roriiford, where he baa been It's Jut to me like mother's inllk to
an Infant” ”Bst what would. the
Angus Campbell has moved back to employed the past year.
Mr. Cartback alii Batsh
faiMlla' {vimday. when- he expecta
her iiarents.
beauUful pUtes. A pot tuck dinner
priest say," said the minister. "If he
HIng this arfotar Uta two mllirs <11 worl: this winter.
Fred Krhannen of East Paradise was nned and a fine aortal time hi* home at Fife Uke.
W. A. Clark and family have knew that I wu giving yon this
reitiv >a»t and south from Klnssle).
Prank .ih<v truant officer, la had a very serloua aeeldent last week was enjoyed hr ail praaeoL
moved back to their farm, from drtokr* "Begorra, sor." atod PaL
Till., win give na a good graveled road In (he village ihia week.
that wfll lay him up for llie winler.
The heavy gale of Spnday night the Leonard Mltos plate, moved to bla
Valley, wt^ere they spent "What would bo aay now. but Jut
to tiuinmh Ci(j. . Conalderahle road
f.eo. HiiRiphrey ret-eived
While wnrklng on bis alio a ro|m nearly destroyed Mr. Hergeu'a wind new home last‘week
this—'Olvs him anothar."'
the summer.
Nela Mlnigold entertained her puwort. ha. also-beta done Ibla summer last Salurdnv of the audden death of broke and he fell 50 (eer'dato a ci- Bin.
Ban Gaff' and Gia>. jWamor of
In (he Miivrielil ni*ilfy.
piu at ben Wilson i Saturday evening.
bla father, winme In.tne Is near Oran-I mi'Hl floor.
Pleasures of th* Tahl*.
Mrs. W. Ackerman Is suffering
endeville, Ind. who have- been
Seveial friends of -Mrs Uder Kirk Raidda. Mr Hiiniiihrt)' and wife start­ 'Miss IJlIy Irwli, spent Sundav ut
Mrs, Wm. Seely and daughter of
Then I commended ml
from a severe attach of rheumaUsm.
working for E. E Price, went to
«aye hei a mirprise on her birthday ed fmrtiiwlta«l> ami will remain alHiiu her home in Traverse CKy.
.AIlegAn rame Tuesday morning and
max; bath no better thing under the

The threshing tnachine Is tied up
last Sacif !ai evening. The usual two WukN
a short lime to pack house­ Summit. Wednoeday
sun ihsn-4o_j*i. and to drink, end t
Mrs. Nona Anderaoti of Cadillac was
1 Hr. BurgweH's and It looks aa hold goods Mr. Seely will go hark
John Harold of Kalkaska. I* visit­ be merry."—Ecclesihstee. S:lb. "And
good ilnu••niiiyed and a good sii|e
The little girls In the elaaaes of a guest last week of ln-r mother. Mrs I
though Bome of ua won't get tbreab- with. them, where he Intends to visit. ing hi* daughter. Mr*. David Hooaler. 1 will say to my souL 'Soul, thou hast
|*r was W.TV...I
Zelina Palling gate her a farc.wcll I«-wU Clark.
ed this winter.
Tbe Mlssto Panay Steele and Tracy much guods laid up for many years;
Martha K<.rensen. who baa been party and liinch.-on last Friday even
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mefarilij himiii
entertained the Keep Sweet take thine eass. eat. drink and be
working at Trwv.rse City, ta home Ing In 0m> liasenient of 4be liaiitbu Sunday in Traverse (ity, (he guests
radlsbae out under the snow, and
ind Grace and Grit clasaes at the merry "—Luke 12:1L "What advanagain and win
during the winter."’ cborch. SCelma.wlIl aivnmpany her of Sir. and lira. H. E. Wynkoop.
latur'a homo in South town on Fri­ tagstb It me if the dead rise not? Let
Mr*. J. Seiiu r and liiile^daughter of mother BOOB lo their homo In Urakd
Those who altendcd lire iilay. -Fina bsB been trying for three woiAs to
us eat and drink, lor tomorrow we
day evening. All report a good die.”—L Cortothlana 16:32. "Let.UB
3ing1iaa> paiaed tbrougb town Tuaa- Kapldc
Feather*." at Traverse City last k>l- get tJie machine.
WllUam Wood left last Friday for
dny^ her wa> to air>nd a wedding
eat and drink, for tomorrow we ehaU
Mr*. T. J. Henderaon of ''TroeToii.'' day evening were Mr. and Mm. E J.
Rapdle. "-^stoah. 22.18.
Vtaverao City, was a guest of her Case. Mr and Mr*. J. McCarthy. Iva
Tbe PoUllcal Study lirngua wlU hold
Rmer Wood left yosterday tor Its regular monthly meeUng, Saturday. Ida Monday to aUend the tmplem
D. H. Power la Iti dm vilaga for a mother. Mrs. C-al P<mse. Uat treek. Rogart. Pern Sheets. Mias WlUlams.
tow dara.
Simple cement
She went from here to Grand] tUpiJs Mis* Wakeman. Mis* Rogers. Miss Los Angries, Cgl.. to apand the vln- N'ov. 22. at 2:30 p. m. al the Hannah Daalera' oonvanUon at that place.
ling ornaments and deUotoe
Mlaa SandalL a Tftrerae Oiy for a Tew days' visit.
Berger. E. A. Power and Harvey BerA Lay MercanUle company's atore.
Aina there Is nothing better than
Wkn. Ackerman 'has, gone to tow The following program will be given:
teacher, apent Saturady and hunday
John Pewlau of >1 anion was
H u very cMUy
Friday, preparatory to moving
in Kidgaley. a guest at (he Haumgarth KinCklcy burliieas caller this week.
Clarence Duffy went Wedneaday to Louis Hlcktn with a load of apples
Preaent Liquor law*:
aede. It betog only necceaaiy to mU
Word canto Monday of the death of Jackson, where he expecis to work to Btk RapMa.
(1)—-Laws ControHlng Sale of to Rudyard. wbare Hr. Caiothel* is flee flour er ground (.rtce thoroughly
B. F. Bay!<T made a huainexs iriti to CaiTie lianson of Hannah of (ronsuntb* Ibis winter.
liquor in Drug Store*. Social Clubs employed aa cook for Ju. Gold.
with cold weten simmering gently
Ohio (bto week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bachslder, wbo have over a alow Are nntU It thickens, there­
Mr. and Mr*. Chas. Weaver were
lion, illsa Carrie was well known In
Shhoel Report.
and HoBses of ProaUtuUnn—Mr*. C.
ssn spending several weeks with by tonnlng e moet durable edbetire
n. Case weiu lu Ann Arbor - last Eingale)’.
Cadillac bimlncps callers last ThuraL. Orelilek.
" ‘ cen be used hot or
12)—Law* Governing the Bale of their dengtator. Hr*. Tiffany returned
bee's Bay. Nov. 17.-Report of the
tbetr bome in Mt FleasanL Mon- eolA to thu 'hsuto way.
Church Note*.
Loe's Bay sohool tor the month *nd- lAqnor to Minor* and Indians—Mn. J.
Rev. Schmidt of Howard Oty will tag Nov. 14. MIS: These srho have J. Orny.
-% dv.
Need H All RlfM.
Rev. 8. A. P. Retocet went to Lake
preach nexi Sunday In the lAilherao' bedn netlber tardy nor abeent during
8101—“Sey. old man. I'm eoiry that
City on Monday to attend the Htntoarkat Up 1 gare yoe yasterdtor
Ber. M. A. liddle of Muskegon, who'ter and Johanns Bet*. Howard Dohm.l
Insteral aasoeUthra of the Grand tainad out ao had. 1 hope—” POx—
General Li
ha* been called to the Baptist paa-|jo*eph Knamln. Stephen Kontar*.} ^ women of Grand Traretoe eo(»- Tinuqtse district
"Oh. that'e all right I paiaed It tooag
torate, wui preach nett Sunday
Innday morn- and Mary. Ivan,
Ivan. Haxel and *SieUa &n- ty and rislutn In TimranaI City aare
«S Headley is very 01 to hie to a-tellow 1 bed a gru/IS« agtonto*—
MiJi btoCongOns
log la Uto Bapttot Onret at lOtM-bon.
j fBTtiad to atttod tho aMottaga.
k Mb- sad Mre. wm Btobnok Boatoe Tnnecript

linn at 2:30 p. m.

Fife Lake Department
Conducted by Mlu Mae Dewey.


You Have Neighbors

'Home-made rAcetylehe;
' For.Lighting and Cooking







Kingsley Department





coiMiyiNE a£ connine:

otiiR) nLAvsm Rmun ixp ntimn bat saotj^ trdbbdat, notihbeb 20,191s. ♦


A TTwidtapIvIng Day.
I Utaak Thee. Fklhor. for thU aky.
Wherda tky IllUe aparn^we fly: For anoeea baada that bnlld and
------ ekwd
--------- ----pavilion
--- for my
- take.This floMlng beauty high and AiM
Toward which l wondm- aa ^ child;
Thanks tor tha jnoming't A^r ^mnd
And ftw the foMlng buab of_
• fkther of Ufc. ! thank Thee. too.
acquaintance, near and

the roond, boll It until Ir ia tender
W.-., .
when It
two pounda.
pounda of api.lea
vvrighed after peeling
and. coring.
Utfee^uartera of » iMund or anet,
thr» pound, of ralalna. four and a
-half heaping Ubiespoonful.
fnla of ground clove, three level table•l»nfU. o, uU. ant
■pounds of sugar and three nuunega.

^ u,, ™iu PPU]
H. »tor 1. wUd. ,h„ W».

P» m«,d. .M nmt IJU. o, to

mr leave, gone



thrir l^f a cupful of the liquor In whk-b
the oeu was brtled. the water In
Which the raUln. were cooked and a
caaaea of gratitude arV all good Ip
1 thank Theo tor Ue aUangthenlng cupful of sweott plekle
..... they don’t
p .. coerte p.home.
pieaie vlncstar
vin«ar or
to make the mince
-.„h ,u„ ,h«.t.i.i.,e
cider. If needed1 tc
Tbat give bright spirit to the ri' ..
meal molat emough
Fbr blue peaks soaring up apart.
ot the meat liquor. Cook the mixti
. pcd PI.PP.P. to
To aaod down mnaic u» each heart; unlll It all cximca lo the boiling point pentnga.


ot ton. P.CP,., loot.

Loog thought of flfc and of Itfe'a end.
Thai malu'CDS kuow that light con
A deeper Wid than U rereals.
—Sdsin Uarkbsm.

-And as you gaUier your lamfly about you on Thanksglvlag
Day to^ your table well over to
be sure that you hare therw a
dish of peace, one of content, one
of charlty.'and bne-of loru.“


Around the
&tSkt's Jdbk

^ auaplclon of nut^^re aalt and j»eppcr.
.Woed In.u
spread, after iruaolng
^„h butter and a aprinkllng
«f n*”"-»»
•«' *’
jn,. *-»tcr to the at Um l.eglnning.
.. .
___. ..
.. k_.
flic UJIU



hnura and during the Uat hour should

!? i’“‘

t^e’bard;.! thing we"have’lo under,.v “
k., " „;v7.;™„thv m
' “ '

*ymi*th> to
with other t«,ple. w hich Is not
Ppll «. .llHIrplt p ip-rlprpippn p» op
Th.t PO lion
ttol-.od.<T.ootpUv....o. olbor
And last and best of these reasons
f„r giatitude is the fact that when we
cannot ao
do me
the oeai
lieal miug.
thing, we always
have ahlUty io do the next Iwsi thing


,„t , Bpiond Umc; fill t
cni*u( Urrep If


uL... ir

of an hour iK-fore ecrvlng tin.e.
j ^
her brown In
• b«>t oVen. We say -her- P-r.»ae.y.


, „^^te ,


/^oa from riba and backlionc". Cnisp
^^raard firmly mid draw u out

-------------------------- '

always mpre lender
Thn ..., oM tollnnnd Tbu*«W.
n.vor. Imring the last
.,,ooP ,„p „„ w„ Up, .1 Nn, Eppl«,d
bind.• Tlpnn.
nnp„,„ lllo
bp, p
IiiI Il.n
|a>t.p«bp ,„„a
«.v..o... ,p.
------ (-..u.ii.t
ibiv. d.ui
Hit. b.lp —.
Tbop «•». .
„.,iri. ot .1.0 to,n o.srtlowthen set It aside for use.
’ thankTuI becani we have
gravy of the giblets, which have been
»nh the good things
'■ ' ■
out toto
tbat "Uiighter
U to
at divji
ototto tdwt
to..,.....:, to
i^|j^ ,.j,h s »Hre
slice of salt |wk.
farmer,- field, and. gardens and orThanhapiving Candy.
aa tears.- and that «e ought to be
-■ giMet’water
the ^h.rda
^h.rd. and
and ha:
hams, our great Ameri.j-o the while of an egg add lu Jolly ano
aim •••
and on goon
good .erms
terms alih
all iw«i*o,,
‘ used plenty „f
of __
^an fall festival cs1 be
t-. kepi
k-w in
i« Itown
mesaure of water and beat together, pie aod things- We need not go bask
Suiter lo Id.UBg ilTe turkey. no"iioro
„ naot P»1 .,ln U, 8p1p,
por to lln, .to -K.l, 0.PP« Knll.. lo tol. T.ll., :"Z p„“T Ir,. .1J . dlTot Z%7“a,l‘^ .T,Xrt< Z
In enough frosting sugar to make i dale literature of the Sorleiles for the
Ihrd jHitMoes put through a riccr
Certainly. It Is a feast
paste *r dough that will not stierk to Prevention of tTueUy icT Children and
,<1 a dirh of l«ilCKl onions.
„ ,hlch Iho s|«HhI produoU of our
Vanilla Chestnut Preserve.
the flngera while-.working It. Thla AnImtU. to.lcam how to 1^ friend.
Chicken pie Ir. or was once, an In- i*„g should be enjo.vea-ihe turtey.
a one-fourth Inrh silt'Id. each
U fondant, the tonadalton ^fdr many »«h bloU and horses and p«iny Hill
of a New KDgland ,he intato. the pnmpkin,
htrt chestnut shell. Then cook
kinds of candy, and la of ItMlf a pure par to
W mangle
"»* »«the life of anything uics In boiling water. l>rain and let Thanksgiving dinner. The cruet, to herry. the w coni and the butterand deticloua ronfertlone.
about dn'In the frying |ian. Add a leaspqoo- hg\c the genuine, stamp, mast be a ngitoieavlng
foewUm fmlu
Aeplaee ibe plu
a of
of dajea
dal« with
with fond­
fond.loUo. wlto grievanres a. *“f ®f Gutter or dMpldng for each pint rich l.lsmit dough, and the mode Of d„„tles to other festivities.
ant and you haves Dale
Dale Hearta
Sr litor^^
««d ahake the l*n over the ,m«-.sluro I. as follows: Joint up two
modern Thwikaglvlng
Sandwich somes of It between the
„ ,hr.Hi balf-grown chickens.
to be kept on the slmaiarovereq--—'
mat ”it •"
.a —
American llnea
meau of hickory nuts to make Nut ***** ■■• nave
----------------------abarp knife Inserted
‘o l>b ou the lookout for
pur|iose remove the shell and and .limmer half an hour; remove the
niatertals and cookeiy. ,
Mix some with chopped
Innw skin logelher. thus ahelllng and lanyr boniw and airangc the Joints
dinner simple enough, yet good
Akiu to grafliude for, laughter U tlie 'hlanrlilng the nuts at Ihc-aaroo time, carefully in a d.-eis Haring earthen
ralalna ior >Tult Balia .
for evenbody. would Include
Prega, some about almonds for Al- thanktulness fur havlfig acquired the S’*"*
Krep ...
the miu ,covered unill shelletl. a. dish -our grandmcjihcrs used a milk^ chicken pie. or both;
(acuHy of letting things losa
mond Balls.
thla can U- doue.more easily when the i«n- is.lntlng the honca toward the cmni^fry sauce- poUtoes. .white and
mmgnifying trlflce. of kbowing bM to J
are hot. Cover Utc hl.nrh.-d center to faclllute serving. Iteduce
ahd onions and celery:
-Dip some—with a fork—Into melted
aepaiwte the transient from the iicrwlih Isilllng .water, and let situ- the liquor to two cups, aud remove
pumpkin.'mince and cranberry
ehocoUie foi* Chocolate <>■
Blwht -lo
when lhi> tiermanent la
Igieve the awcela
very gently until tender. It wIlT thn fat-, add one cup «f aweel cream _
pium puddings, fruit,
bad. of knowing how- to get round It. iske hctw,.en one and two houti.~aud thlck.m with two lahlcaiiooDs of
harden and you will discover that
so that its worst liiadnrss gets ellml- Weigh the. nuw before cooking, and. o'ux- 8*-4UM»n with celery salt and
,(,* average. Amernaicd. Juat to lei ihlngs slide makei
siK^cu to Pron^ff^bons.
'**« ®*'‘’'‘‘«?'’^“m.rtbcrC^l^e auV«
Tencenu- worth * sugar wlllmake *
ai«l water, each equal IB vgoight to the V..r the crtisi. tako one quart oT slfuftl
enjoymerf^ra the day
■e for tlfeo i«opin. '^Olg ^r^uW
*“T! herself, provided ahl must do It all
Holaascs candy /ourc-..... ^ *
ihc avrup, and Icl slmnier very geiiily jH.w.icr.

and one
.. of sail, -a^d
1 to -think tbat others have feeliwo hours. Then drain off ibe syrup, sift iwice: meii one-half eu\>
easenllal In this
layers of pop corn
' Inga only whe^ tbey take life soand reduce to
II warm to one )>tnii
for there it forethought and
to. to. to. or toBTX po!M«.
^ a good conAlatenry AfKl of bulUT and
the children of the
mlB « U cto,' m>l. I.lo b.ll. .f«
allowed ,o
lo do
do thrir
natlcaod by a idneh., will prove '
Hes.nrt.* stiii i. ihs fwinic
“•••• --------.................. ..
' . household are aiioweq
to TtoSi.p.„r “p^,!„L ‘
again, apd the trees aland bare and atxmt each piece.

brown agalnal a gray sky. ■ But there
Malslns. batal-nuu. preaervod fruit
1. a feeUng of cham In the air In add apple quarters dipimd IMo a rich
splle of wintry weather, for .Thanks- frosting make
—-*■glrlng te almost here.
1t was a beautiful thought which
A “OaWan OInnac.
In the very earliest daya of^the settiament ot the AllanUc coast of
.i.. whi
Amto« to Alto -.0. d.r lb tb. „
yenr for Thanksgiving. It wns llUle
|,^to. writes a eon


~.IS.-'-“..'to-.: s.‘“ZZ;.?rr.r»;«:=;T,:

Tb. toll,,


I'poo “fh
each "OW
anttwy nnpklu
•'* **•«'» *'p«»
Uy a unique place card. A small
whiis card, mounted on a larger
yellow one so that It was framed in
gold, had glued to the left upper corner five grains of yellow corn, wd
the card was' lusciibed. '‘•Individual
only the sunshine. And there
_ J>ortlon at the first Tbankstlvlng
i^clanr shining of tba sun. In
^ Dinner,'' while below were the words.
Ufa If one's tyaa ara open lo
“l.'i ua cue thanks; " with the InlIf It la not vialUe, If our aidiiUial
Uala of the guests in left lower corayes are closed, we can at least re­ *./kD
fuse to look at the afaadowg By ao
Cut glass diahea at each entf of the
. doing thn light of the enrly morning
rtable were filled with
with cumuuau.
will aooD bwtn to br«nk In.
Graiw Jrult
served aa nrsl
awfftly follow^b, the pe.^ day.
.^bo turkey. whoaedHlrete
“80 l« us -wnrour «*rrie. • *t golden brown fitted the color scheme
least this ooe day of ibe year. When
.a' fo perfecUon. was acompandled by ‘
tmnllr reunion U over, the ^
AE-. —A.
A____ .to. »„
tbat made all hearta ache for
bo«Md they had Mt over, the seas
forever, might well call for bitter re­
pining li^tead of thanksgiving.
"But it U ao with all lives. We
may look only at the shadows,

When proiKTly

" “™ '>"W »"!' "

- -

™« “■> '»
““ liver
olmrmrAglxzard; tolth
with (ha
the flnoaiN.
flngera loosen and.
‘M** *"<• ““'“'y’'*>'«*
«*■“> thoroiurtly
•>« ‘>*e“ Properly done Internal w.ash-

>* o.»«r«P-r.. ■ Tta .oinr .Mo
»houId. howtuer. be thoroughly rub^ “«> **«>«*•
*^ngB and thighs; the bird is the n
ready for stuffing and truailug.
The Stuffing-Two quarts of stuf„
crumbled; -hon
O'® cniMa are used they should be
«**‘«*'f «» «>«
«»*“ ^f** “>®"
aqumed as dry aa poaalble. To Ibis
*•* »'*<*«^ * *>***> neMonlng and
“ *“« *>»'* a cupful of jnelted l.ul^ ««■ «*»««■ riiortenlog. AddlUons
"»■>' **« "’•J*'
wllUof chopped celoysters drained and quar*»» aauaage mesU chopped
ipalerisU boiled chestnuts ehop^ "*■
through a Viere.
chopped hard' boiled eggu. cliopped
.- _
P*«<=r «><* Duffleal
»««>• »» Traas-ll goes without say
*W that the turkey flavor absorbed
. ..
. -...............................................
* dlreet-loas In the
flavoring of the bird lisolf. ao that
wady- prefer no stufflijg. Where It l»
«»h1 a little la idsced Ip the neck to
*Do fullness to
the iwdy
w the hraast;


^ wlrt,siwkke and exul^r-

nr,„lbb.„.>b«.brb.l, Otowlth,b.
A lil- II li thtol.lAto lor lb. rlbhi
H™ PoAHloA to n« SAua-IT™.
i.hi.iim.i. s-h.n w» find i> hoi l«illed'rice Into bmtered cuiwr -.Ito.
„„l. ZZ;'',,;". to


llv. -“Irli.
-blrh. .. 1-ho.l.mb b. to, -1, IIB- ““"I »»"■ ■-“»
Ilk, Ib.lw ■
. R«aTDc
tobll. renii|>euerrolllto- aii
All ..........
Hi' I"
“•"‘l....l-l*"""l" " .

“ — "I

'■> utro'ia-

h«|-.b. n«. ,r lb. tor-

HIto".- .bA to-lbb lu,k„. to
ohlcke.ns hang aide bp aide In the
, market, asked whrttier. If the chickBealiqped Oniona-Botl six or eight
‘ en had lived to grew up. It would
.bibb. III, aS;. tobklbk to——

to toi b'l'to

m™ '‘"I -

sZb. toTto„.\b:ir ..III.sZtoZrd'iiSZj'toZ:!^“^.r.'"-::to:ru“B:,-«ib-ito.,.b^.i-i,»
.Stoto I, lb. prlb.l.1.. „r,.b
V tuTsem tb. men.^ or

^ aleaay pulL


Tb. toll.. TbAob,E.i». Aiobo, “,“;;ziz:;:;,;rio”b"to na. .m- »"■ •« ■ n"! -i-

totob. Ito ... b.„ Ub.bkW,


r three I

\__ _______

“Tba nlghU are crlap add frosty,


t/tkUWSgtfmg JJtra ♦

Prmaarbta Jitt

ci™nlnB the Turkey-To protK-rly
,i<a„ u»e turke>. poor two t»M.>
,pom.,„u of akoBol In a aaa<»r; JIrIh
u.* gfcm
jovaHaWy the case when papers Is
uaed. Tut off the head Jual below the
u»k and break the less below the
recipe: One quart of rich, creamy jom,. |f
already attended to pull
milk, one pint of sifted pum|*ln, one <>ut the alnewa with a skewer' or
of flour,

" V uble.|K»na .*-------- ■-------BirUUC
»H«lirU lOrK' InC
one cup of sugar, one loaapoon of
where the 'boaea
*,nner. onc-b.lf icaapodn of salt. Turn the bird breaat downward cut
» hard-shelled, yellow-fleahcd y,* ^kln opm In a straight lino from
Pumidtln. , remove the aeeda and urc end of the neck to the body over
.tringy iwrtlon. cut In two-lndi the backbone, atrln it hack loosen
... ..____ ^...


,<,„t four



For troetoiw wavering aoTl aod high',
Writing their peace agkinat the shy;
For forest farings that hare been^
. For this full rain that abute me In.
mviag to
tow little roof

♦♦V ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦ «l by wih««UB«: boi tlTe «low b*h♦ /
♦ Ins !• CMcnUW. A nrelcBK cooker

♦ U |)orh»i»e the beat modern aubaUlui.♦
Jhanksgifing <400di$S
♦ tor u.e brick oven or «,ur RrcHnwnd.
♦ ,
« motbora. An Indian i-oddlnit aapplICK
^ lu own aauce In a delicate amlrcr
but whlw-al
T^^kcy with SeuKase 8minB«-The *l'h Krated maple auear. may be
poonda. provided for Oioae who rare for lu
add alter the bird la iborouitbly waah••l►unkln•• Ple-The modem ptin.|w
,nd out and aalled and pep- kin pie may be clcecrlbed aa a «<iua»h
i«t«d. atuir with a mixture of bread euaUrd. I«ki-d in a ahelL For U.e
rlchH- compounded
aauaake-aboui half a old-Ume amooth. rich!*,
»auaai:«-aiid to the aoftened and aubatanUal dellmcy that Whit•
bread cwmbs add a little jwwdere.1 tier celebrated, try the following

; mipor _____r'*’
rmux I.r tolPna.,.' wliKH ,p„ „
heaped together would outdu In If

Cbop the meat, apple and a

And look the lonellneaa awajf;

BOWWW kMp up Ibe bodily •cUvlUw
- ♦ »od tb« ncBUl re^turm. which ob«
#11 w*» thodrht the |*rt of rc»l6B»tloa
JhanlUQiflng /Uasoiu ♦ «<» tHIrouUh. with the poum* on or
. ^ ,pecuetea. Only old j*op»e nhouW «!•
vaya be on the lookout, i Icat they
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ STOW abject In dem^r ihronj* the
«U oirirlal
V.M.— Tba
mnn them ct the 'omn of
IvlB* _________preaeure
Uon alwaya aounda like rhetoric epmChildren are no younapared with the unaraamaUcal. Jerky "
I*™"'*- •»«» “•'>•
peraooal little onthurtia ol fraUlude
‘o *•» otref'**■which crowd upon our Jowclns mom‘® **
orlea all the way alone our daya of
importance, aud
haK dl^dntent. One day In the year
humble,u^.. —m
away i
ThankiAlvin*? Why? minded, and they will fritter ***>
hondred and alxty-Uve daya are ***”’'
enough for thanka. not bceauae
Thankful, too, w« well may be when
but because
lim'ia t*Ptr\*\\y Joyous,
wue, uuv
„ ,,, ^-a, .
always tell all we know. There are
h„„bug In saying that. It U sheer •»**»;••/«• «thu.laat. who make It
t^ihrulnew; for the olrfcr we arc. the
, truth at all Umes. i
.. .t
No matter how —
and aa If
- ... in.tb
Imth cfinsisted U
in .p«,.h
srteech «i™..
alone. I.el
..A r_ ai-AMiirni

•"'* lliki *• bAk'ii K All, ,.tol.„|.k»r
rh, n.sniiv* rr,n.ermunir..-l'7 l71
a tcncei.l .uickare of
*»*> -•« *««*
LoaSUVm a^^
«*...................... Thla will be over the whole enr.ugh rich d.llk to
. Runet.v.-r.
nwly with
et.v. r.melted
epread with melted
............... ................ .. about onebatf !"Hound.
. Run ihmuith
food chqppcr. suak over night In water bi^jier and broww m a moderate oven.
. io,r^
„ Individ <•"«>“*:*> “>
'“cw well an hour.
Vankec pried I'arsnlpe-Scrwpetho
friendDhli.'s sake and lo leave »'*■*
** “
»»*>■ '•»'« l^D-nlpa Jlioroughly aufl ivarboll them
,ho„ *ho appronrlatC It •ho“Sh lo fill one commoii alxcd pie In salted water; cut In slices length^ ^
OrganlxatlonB aud com- **"»^blps|uK.ns of wise, dip each piece In molassraand
homos cornaUroh In a llUle cold water, stir try In swcei wf or mutton fat.
chums ll ia a great deal happier •“*o *'*n •**•
butler fhe sire of
Baked Bqiiash—Split and remove
niarry n man than to lie devoted to • walnut, one-fourth loaapoon clnna- Iho seeds, dust each portion with
humanity Ode can late that when
nn'orinA remove from salt and i*ej>l«er. add blia of butter
lire and add scant one-half teacup with a railuT IHx-rsI hand and bake
Bake wlih
with m-iB
one mict
cynst. When
When i..
m aa mtolnrafA
moderate nvati
oven nnill
until Isnilar
tender. The
We are thankful also for Ihe t^lliy
beni the white of a large egg flesh U then scraped from the shell,
to aee the ron-ailc ind boa^ui In
stiff, add three tahlesiioons mashed, seasopod and served very
everything, for the
sugar, a teatpoonful of cooked eorn- hot

.inrcb. Sprred on .op of rie and dry
..emon.Je,., «.d h>u.t Sslsd —This
the kwrelnre.
*J7^ m oven a few minute.. We call this will come next, and U.e salad should
petnal. Imaginary Invc stv:y. in which
fine. Have never seen any one who
rr^dy. except unmoldlng. the
we arc afways happy heroines, evi.u If
like It.
day before Thanksgiving. To make

Crsamad Celery and Cheese.
Cut the -cleaned celery stalks Into
^.If or*.hr«-fourth. I
simmer uutll tender.
lender iThe
require longer cooking
,h,„ ,hosc In the centre.) Make a cup
„f wmic sauce .tor each cup and a
f„„rth of cookc^cHcry. Use hroih.
n.llk or water Nv which Ihe celery
«as cooked, wiih ■ lilUe cream. In
making Ihe sauce. Butter a shallow
haking-dish. pot In a little aaure. a
graling of eJieese. and then a layer
of eookod celery. Add more gauee
and cheese. Oicn celery sauce and
cheesy enkr-c
cover m*llh
with Ihewufnnrtha
Ihree-fourtbs aa
eup^f 'craHier cramba mixed srith
onethtrd a cup of melted bnCler.
and set the dish lnt/> the oven until
the crumbs are browned.

Te Cook Turnips.
There Is no vegotablG that Is more

Ibto Ui. btol. A. lb.

ttlr. to or to .U« toor
b<«® «®d P«*h H antlrely Ihrwigh
hody; In returolng pass It over
bopr pull
rihflit and


back, turn the wing Ups undenicatb
that they He over the flap and
fasten with a stitch; then run tba
needle back and forth -through Uia
body, going 'under the main
b<me and returning over It. Take a
third sUteb ibrougb the end of each
leg. and In returning run the needle
through the Tope's nose," Wlientbe
roasting Is finished the stitches can
be cut on tbe^slde opposiie the knoU
and the twine imlled o« by the knotRoasting—For n turkey weighing
from eight to ten pounds folly three
hours cooking In a hot oven will bo
noceeaar}': for » bird weighing from
twelve ._
to M
fifteen pounds, nnother
nour should be added,
Pepeern Ballg
With the'flrs>-snow of the season
drifting outside ihe window, we feel
inclined to draw close to kbe faeartli-

tot ItoBv. .bo Ob b. kbubi- m

Obb tolbl b. tobU .bbub, tn

bbto wBb ™.bb.T,« .1 It. butb .r I,,, ,



-Mre. M. E. C. Balea. cnpfuU ot milk, two eg«s. iFodhIrd. *» *»'*•« •• transform the ugUno».

,„r ,ver.v flve hound, the
With Cto.
kernels that
«|\USU,IAkblJV,.| toMIS«--«. bab.b
b. pepper aadrerefully removing
~ to ^
"t "to,™ an. Mbt-I
btp. •..M m-mnaa
thinly |«^ rind of a lemon ami one- -Eb
French turnip Is cookndlB^'^ not'wHI puffed. In the n
quarter of an ounce of green ginger:
way. except that ll wfll re- boll one cup and a half. each, of moEnqr Wy. te'ceek Bwmpkln.
sMl.poo.fui «-*>' *«*•
t"® «-'•
add the drained flg. *nd simmer fo; *
' miV”* ^"’.“hen ^‘Hre“.TreL*^rt!^^''’of'
__tiour to lasses and granolsteel sugar, atlrrlng
kml ntumpt to cook jmmpkln for ^
^ to„. turni criomon, and the nnaemic pun.,.
Motile and srel
•“*" lolrt xbrr^ourtr^ of
.UtTobM ..d tot, to to., t.™ .to II. -Th, roll..;' tumlp. -b™ -«"lobbn!. «”U1 • Wtl. topnod Ibl.
.A-'l^ea. by the old f
i metbod of‘ ,oughly washed and the two eggs whip- pin pie ukes on an orange hue.
I».™ .1 inu™ Ip b .bto. .llto. will toblr, .. hobr'. toU.R “1"
"W "• ""bwl Ibio *

______ ^

. to!"' «'

to .totoblb,

;to b»b.,. Tb.»bto,.bb to .. ...
for this tranaformaUon.

The dry t

z:^'Zd"Z“rr.“-.r.; .zZto'r.r.ii:r.rzj
s-b-T 'L-.zr-tJZnTZ rz“idrur„’.,."Z'rr

ri.r“,7rr.zr'™“ srzrito'ZtoZJZTL*
B.B--to to rrz.,ir;to'rd-.zr,r^;

;ZbZ.~£ij.;zz: -z-r.LZLrZd?r

atp^l___ _

cup. To the cotdeed nMlaasre add
fourth a teaapoonfnl ot soda, stirred
into a tenspoootul of cold water, and
r Ibrre Ubiespoontuli of butter.
. Beet thorott^ly. and pour

t.. a«zzz:z;,-ana..... =.""tr.*z,rto rzr to'bZ"~'rLzrr ^r;:r.LZ7T’rZ:^

dry Tichneei A better and simpler
Is by baking, aa yon would
ognasb. Cot the pumpkin In two. reThere need be ao eoafnalan U the ^dobea of the toilet makes pracUen- their etmacUi. A batch of bennlu. thickened, add one-half cup of chop- minced and eenaoaed with salt and ,„„^red hands roll the
novo the seeds a»d Uakoes and put auefa-debMed queoUon of “Jefl sad ble.
whkh Mionld bare been delirious. 1>«* *«*«• «>»• ™p
*»*»>«>• or mixed pepper, and «wo c0s. well beaten, are



uB,toib™toAEbb.HAbi-Dib..-—..btouimto ‘“““"ZbirZi'rzzZizsz,“r“,“b.^tozLiz-rznZitoTZ“zrrtor.ri7z,TZ. jL,''-;^r.z.rzz,z:.“Z:


•lowly and long, until It has aeqaired one simple rule.
qolrtng the. i
e of youth U rejolcv
tbni deep, rich shade which t
When pUle. cup or other article U <
___________ _ Take
--------------------------------------------... tha
.Isalon of oqrselvo.
nnavorypteout thcjulp
with-to be----------------taken from,----------the tray
by theeater.---Ing'for
n spoon, put tt Into a sieve olLja- or be la to help hlnholf from an of- to forever try to keepyoong at heart,
r and rab U thronsb.' A mud tend dlah. the wallreaa ^hst atud When you think yoonre too old to <■«
-—to flavepod
to. pie wfl)
that be__
Us_rtflht _
n thin*,___________________
then do It. says Dr._____
than by tte^ meihol nnd without hnad freely. What tba valtrere p«U te Mm. Detend's lui atory. It 1a ao
tho ttme wpmoi te wntehtefl. and open the table with ber
hand arech eaeter today to be young ^ years


must be done Horn the rUhL

tplcos uswl were pure. We find
tkat the freMi package apicea sold
this jw are double the atreaflih of
thn old rnrioUea;
i ruled for U the
hflv# __________
the i
ordinary reripa. Bni teet the aplcre
flraL And thla h only one good.

than U wu hplf n centory ago, for effea o{ the pure food tew.

Md two teaspoon, of mixed spicesclove., nutmeg mid Hnnam^
ooe quart of cold milk,
nnd tmhe la a very alow oven for at
•«•« four houra. If the eorn meal is
old. it khodM be moUtened with boll___ ___aUowod
lufl F^er aad
Thlf pudding te linprov-

warm dUh to be served with white
any be used and
aaoce. Prep« ^f the
cxdaod pink wKh noae flood regMaMn
and then mix together quickly and
ngfatly sad steam for ooe hour in a
pound baking powder can to K will
Dally ThiuflW
aUee in pretty found ellsf*a thin slice of lemContent thysMf to ba
nerved cold ,
on on eneb iHre ot the nnlaos lent

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