Grand Traverse Herald, June 20, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 20, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Xraivaraa





Wlue li (ileCKl tc


saioe lime have been, dunni: ber IHy,
well fed. He said that 11 would i
! Improper to lei tbe cbiM «slk
abool alter recelvlns
bum If she was nut physkslly IndlsIbc drug store. sUl'jixMed. Tbe fsi t 'Uiat sbi- had ....
Ing that she uaed II about a doses jBodmial ulcer and If then iH-iniiiUHl
So far as ihe evideure ahowr
•bout would be a comrlbu
she only bad oue four ounro buttle of ,.ry rausoAo death. Tb.-re
Utile time taken up la getliug d<
wbeUier or mn tho •
portrr toll aicOoTera najr roaisn as
cbikl was on tbe tied when' Mr. WIU cuuld receive Ikose Iniins wiiliuui
came Oouve. she says. Mr. WH<o ssi 1 pi-ririii'iiig pain. Ur. Saantuii In
Reaaevelt LeaOora Center.
dliecl esamlnallon for tbe ile*e»sr|
Tbe KooKYelt leaders beM a wtals- Uario was playiiiK ou tbu Ouarr
HSid that a child migbl get a third •
iwred raatireore Jufl before the call dolls.
Mia. WItIc sakl Ibst she never wblu gree bam witboiii pain. In a third c
lo order, coiuiderlna wbether
pod MsTlc after the chlldreu
grec burn where It is d<>ep enougb
low ihe Hadley rcaplutioa to
home from tirand Rapids- Sbe bad go below Ibe skin Ibe nerves are <
tbe roll n to tbe reooioUon o
make It a polal et deiartare. whipped ber before, slie did nut know stro><4 and wllbout Oie nervw tlu-ru
Root aot mild BppUase as be eaiptwd that Ur. WlHe whipped Msrt^ she Is no pain. Rm. no tbe rross exami
never saw him do IL «>2U asked iutk>n <be admitted Ural there was
tbebailatlOiSO. Root called tbe
wbal (nelbod sbe used to gri tbe bsad- puln experienced in rrceiviug
veattoo to order at il:ic. la tbe m
o8 the cblkt durlog tbe care or degree bum. "In order lo got a tbir.l
Uiue Kellou Ibe.iniM buster was
ROOT VICTORV WAt OOMR IN pbatlcaU)- eounaelllus the RooeeveU her bums sbe said that someUmes she Segree. burn, the child li
put Marie lo a boiler ol water and
IKTieiice tbe first degrea;,
leaders axalatt aUoeioa Heney
tbiim soak off. Souiftimes tbe chll'l
CiltM-rL "ami tbereCore sbe would
4alk oo tbe Hadin' reeolutloB.
gel, all the decrees and all tbe pain?"
lo tbere ten or fifteen
•tinply sUre ap trouble," aaid Kel­
doclur said yea, lie also
logg and ibey agased that Heoey bo
tbe testimony for the del
agged." Hadley catne lorvard wlin
program completed. Aner tbe la- They never called a pbysiciau becau»> that llielrsrl tlio child received ulber
they did not ibiak It necessary.
lii)urics After Uie bums, midi as the
vocalloB Root BUJWUDwd Ibst tbe
ul Ui tbe bend, would not i:
llolebed bualneea waa tbe Hadley
Mrs. WlUe bud been married I
y iMr^tsctur in tbe dealb.
dtueaL Hadley opened debate previous to ber marriage to Mr
Tbe early atlemoon was taken up
Her first husbaad's name
BndloM. be died. Tbe second
Sbe lias proied. ordinarily Businem is Mingled With Pleasure
Cam te tio<iw Whwi Tati
ri s Manner That Will Make
u tbe bonest will of tbe repub- (itffu hjBL
Hanohma not
(Its ffvsM One of Orest
Hcana will be espreaaed. He said
I)r. H. Tbaricll elperi testimuny for
loaewaiar ruling was laipropor. the defenae was called late In ibe bfLfc»' *
while for tbe c


' __ ._ _






CUcaSQ, JBM If.—AdOSBl lll«
tbreata. akttiM and Uttir iorocUve
«( Ifea Badoondl foroai, Uie Taft supponan ta tbe RepaUleaii natiooa'i ronVMlfoa todar pat tbrouab tbe Srat
poittoa of tktir procraia bj oieetios
Banatoa aiUbu kwi oT No* YoA as
la aPtt* of Um fact Uiat Victor
Baaawatar, olubnaa of tbo BatioMl
oosRMtoa. cM^dUjr mlad oat et
oi4« ororr awUaa made br the
BaaostaU forcap. tt re«olretf :
‘ mooMarltaVoiaoi
TRe ealHag ot the roU was beset
wttb d«a«lUH from the
oame «o «lm MC«< <ah»ataa. bat la
tba eod,
tbe tamuli had diad
away, aanator Kdu waa found lo bare
won by a vota of Ml U fiol over Oovi
ersor ITaodle B. McOorera of Wlacoaala sad loOr aot roUac.
BagfiviHf Uat MaM.
WhiB Uw eomraottoD naum..
aamICB at II o'clock, tie - Rooaeveh
loroae warn IfbUtc In tim last ditch.
Ootaaamllid la tbe opealag aeailoD
(hey fallad ta vmm a ualted (root
whoa a revotstlcmary program w<
acUaUr faead. bet RooaeraU made
teal attampt la traaa n4 coberu befan ha aatarad tbe oonreatloo todai
Oenraar Muuao taalMad (bat i
tb«y loot la tba amgrle. to.purge
' rolL the
M moat iwalai oar
I. notBlnaa a
a bolt, howand
Vhlle Boot-a alecUea It
e Taft rictWT it la not by
eay bmus aeUlod for Talfs aide. TSe
aomlaaUod la more in doubt tbu ever
_ Moca.
A cMUoaaUea of the fiidit on tbe
atelan roll avao to a ariparain eonvoadOfi la%ha program by Rooaercli
» Mtvgrtag hla final insuncUon logpy. 'Wide to the leaden" said the
ord am lo laod tbe
rolL rogaidlaaa ot uy other iblag."
That tbay ospect and hope that
HaoaovBll wUlWoH or attempt the
gaalmtlaa of a aacasd eonvwUoa
admitted liy the Taft lasdera' who de<tam May tbv <m overwb«n

own conmnlloB tb* ragalar coavebUon
will have no altaiatlve but to elect
Taft. If RooeeveU is defeated and
be "takas bis medh-inu" tbea it It latimated by tbs TsfUies that tbe pre■Men ta viBtllg to wlibdtaw and pfTmu tbe Bamlbatton ot a dark borae or
oropromloa caadMau. CongeaUcm
everywhere marbod tbe ipetiing of tbe
collauH dura today. All ticket
ers were claeely etnUnlaed as I
fetuid ihet many witboat Uckeu galaod an entnnes yeaterday. The poBce wrd U Incroaaed.
. Wbntedle dMruptloa la tbe Wtscuo
da delaSBUoii with beveral malguaHoae tbmtaoed to mar their
to tbe ooBvenUoa. Coebems who no^ mItwM McOevera tor temporary
ebslrmaa reelgaed. He said "IaFW.lette la ovt te Uck Bonoevelt. emlrdr
Asrwsafdiag all pmgmaalve prlndpab
aad Is traBltftlng with the Taft crowd
aad eoadaodag a campaiga of r
1 am Bred *f (be whole dirty
soaam mated May that Ibe Wlstoosia votes wUl be cam with the Taft Ibe purging ol tbe

preparad by Bormb. It held ibai TS dw be gave several pointed soswera
legates on the temporary roll should wbicdl will bare a wndeory'ln favor
tused 'a rote until after « tbair of. tbe proeei-ntloa rather than tbe derights to seau had been pssaed oa by. tanse. Dr. Tburtell said that tbe
the uoconiested delegates. W. T. Dor-;
al apeoed argumeDt for tbe Taft
ulcer found ou tbe chlldb iuiestinet
aad Plunged Into tbe Waahlngum
tba poet monero. was probably the
test. He said it was utterly false tbst direct egase of death, while tbe weak­
RooeeveU carried the eute, jtn hour ened coadlllOD due to tbe result ol
sod a half was given each
bums lend to hasten dealb.
Tbe coostitational disease which It
Had Many OiapotM.
U alleged the child was afflicted wllb
Uaaiy J- Allen of Kansas tbaa spoke would be a factor in ber death.
for tbe Rooaerelt forees. inslatlng bStVar to Vr. Umlor's queatkm. could
tbst tbe aetioa of tbe national
not tba chad get tbe bums by radlatmittee wu proper and legal and aa lag beat, ar without coming Into direct
sailed the so called "paper conteau" contact wllb the stove or a bot
... forward by Roosevelt. Pbnn sod fare. Dr. Tburtell said that It would
Root got Into a dlspnte. during -fbc not ba UtunI fur a norinal riiMd
Uemenway's addreas.
stand there long enough to receive
Paiagatss Cams Te Blows.
SBch burst as little Murle had. When
shown the pictures, a number
whidi have been Introduced as evldians eontesta. Wllltsm EngUsb.
doBce,. Dr. Tburtell said that they
TafUta tailed Holton Dye a Rooseveltlan liar.
Tbe conveatloo was In nnjqnoar. A cblld hL tbe -condition tbat it was and
firs minutes recess was finally declar­ even after receiving tbe boms, bad
ed to reetore order.
proper medical ireaunrnt been gl'
aad with good care, the life conld
have been saved. Of Its antopari
showing death as a roault ot bums, but
re cases show a duodenal Ulcer.
In fi e rrosscxamloalioti by Mr. tiilbert Or. Tburtell was abown a.buiile
and asked It In bis ludgmeat tt would
bold tour ounces, die said lust about
tbsL "How many troatmenu could
you get for burns as they have been
dsaeribad to you as on tfao body of ih»
child from four ounces of arroo olir
",\ol more than iwu," su'd ibr do< iM<
said tbst no child would suo-l
there and be buniwl lo (list iuaun>-r
bound ur confined
oven then no nuruial
child could Bl^'a it without makins
same outcry. It might suud Ihvl
much radUilng boat bvCorc it culualural for
Publlc IntsrMt Is filill Maintained In child to stand up and bo burned and
bunted repeatedly. Tlie bnros migb;
the Trial. Pew New Fm
gllor the child came
Have Bean Brought out
oot Of tbe beth. but the fart ihal the
body was moist would not help her u
Tbe grrotw pan of Tueeda) altwBon. In fact Jrom l:» unUl abool
"Ooct^. If after . irwlvlng tlu»c
IS. Mrs. Wlllc. one of Ibe twspoad bums, tbe cblld eeemuu to be In |«ln.
eou In the case of the People va Wil­ the attendant had given tbe child
liam ^tara Wine, ai^cnaed ol m
pain ttbleU an AK pain tabletr askM
slaughter was sabjeeted to a cross
Ur rmkir. "would It tend towUay
amlnatton by Ur. Ullben In wbidi the pain?" "It might befn the palir'
answers as gliea by the wiinest were
saM the doctor,
ahaolutely to tbe cuotrary of Ibe tes­ also weaken the bean, or tend to In
timony given to tbu coraer'a Jury. Sbe crease tbe weakness of the bean."
bad said (bat when sbe relaraed that The laat qyestloo o • •the prneecuday from speaklug to callers at t
tlon on cross exanilnatioB sras "could
door, tbe day little Marie b alleged
these bums hsve l>een prpdoc^'by
have stood up behind the‘stove a
boiling wster. ssy ctotbs (bturmed In
got burned. Marie was dancing op aui

dowa. Tueeday durtag tbe cross
cxamldLtloa abe said that tbe child
was m a 'aon of daxed condition ami
The first w
that she picked ber up. wtapped ber monilng was I
I a sheet and laid ber on tbe b^. was abont the same as given whr i
be Immediately seat pae ol the oth­ be was oo tbe stand prevloualy. He
er cbildreB to Mr. Witte's shop for aleo aaid that not. more than two
some linseed oU wblcb dbejeaew was ireatmenta could be given the bbrin
good lor bums. Ur. WKte did aot. amt of four ounces of canon oft
have anything b« boiled oil St
at tbe
Dr. BwamoD was next rsHed as ex
time oo schl ber np a bottle of
d alGOpmt lesumoay lor tbs defense. There
boL Tbb abe would not ose.
lamped on ber s^eal aad went to tbe
drag atore and got some linseed oU
betaelf. Sbe came back home aad Ibe child tetet appear poor and still
dotmred ap tbe boms with Ibis. Lat­ •M havp-teM la a half starred or naer at dlgerent times
used tbe
ron oil. a four ounce hoiiNv whit*



answer might poaslbly implicate
Ibe case for her. abo geoerwlly cniwH
out. Slick and <Juui. If shi- answers
ineatkm put by the prosei-uUou und
ly catch ber in some way aooi
terwards on tbe same quesilon
ges to get out of It by saying
that sbe didn't understand It
gomeUnw-s site says that ibu
don't remember It such and aucb a
way. and in this way clears herself.
When asked to Swear to an anaaer
as to whether suck aad such a thing
as where abe hud prevtously said
■at tt wy. sbe usuaUy says "No.
won't IliWr to any thing 1 said be­
fore." n can't nay exactly. I am de­
pending on my memory" or won
that effect.
Shortly after two o'clock Mrs "nna
Putimm, a woman who has not ioisimI.
a word of this trial since It comm
ed last Monday afternoon, a nvek
yesterday, suffered an epileptic
while in ber aoenutomed seat In tbe
row-.. She was carried from the
and was taken cam uf by 1
10 were with Ber.

Ona ef Features Will Ba Fo« Race
Between Two fterly
- Cemers.
madm uf the Old
Sctllers’ association and tbv im-riliiq
this year ou Juue :tl. proiiilaes to be
Hu- greatesi ami best nieellug this as
Bw-lathm has ever held. A lueeting ol
sll the committees was held yester­
day where plans were perfected and
further errsagemeiits made. Tu the
tsbli rosiipiUee bu bo-n added Ulu
Uaigarei Andereun. \ciilc Gray and
Mrs O C Moffatl.
Tbe committee os grounds for ......
paring. tmlMlug and providing labl-s
Is -fti the bauds of I'riiuk yVlcdricbi
rbalrnian, A. B. fook. B. w;ilhulm, W.
M*. Snittb and M*. tV. flean.
Ixite Silver, one of the eriglnu]
ufJeei settlers of the region has prom­
ised to l>e on baud and give some of
his dclighilut entenxloiuvni A looi
ran- has been prouitsed
uf the old seilicrs who have U-ru in
ibe region nsrly iu years .Vames are
withheld at ihe present time, hui It Is
promlwd tbu a sunrise w|U
sprong In a short time as to the iden­
tity-of (he coQlestatils
lUtomobibw will be leady a
ock to provide eaterulament for
tbe old settlers, giving them
about Ibe rliy and fsrroundiiig ■
management of Ueorgr RafTaod Ralp-t
Anderson and (hey will also proride
that Ibe old settlers will te- nwt bv
anioDobllea at tbe trains and ukeu
to their desIinaUun.
ThU to to be a bask-i pienie. it s
earOMtly requested ihal everyone atlach a tag to their baaketa wltk Us
owners name and address wrttlen
tberma. These boiketa wiu sB be
collected at tbe trains and ukca dilectty to tbe school grenads. an. aoto
Irock being prorMcd . for this pur-

. .. . .




The rlsltors arc a genial crowd
and every minute In (lie day Ihcrs Is
•on..thlng being Marled by
another to add to (lie liilaniy of ihs
»-<asloB. Kaglew never kt (be time
baug heavy 'u|n>d (belr bands.-and It
uDo tannot Hunk uf a novel way to
wblk It away ikto want to liuuie-llaiely >npjdl«.l by some of the others,
lu ibto tnanuer ibere are uo dull mo­
ments and everybody ronslders
self responsible (or furtitoblng bis fel­
low members with a proiwr klad of
Tuesday uigbl the strings uf street
Jtgbts between l*srk and I'aas ttreets Clarh NM Mom OMoBSlaa Wiagil
In eommlwslun gad added greatBut Tbern M ftn CaasHsM
the sr>-nlr effect of Ihal |«rt of
CbawM ter Oarit Marw
iiy. Tbe work ot pulling iheoi
ss delayed so that all • ot then
will not (to up before tonight and |>r«bKalllitrorv.
MA. Juiw Ik -Om thoA
ably nut Lhen. Tlir rily Is well deco­
rated. many business plana abusing a ind^and eeveniy-fonr detasaian will
fine dtoriay of the red. while and blvw. .ssMuole la tbe mb IlMltMCl armof) In tbis city next Tasaday to
the biggest features of tbe name a candidate to taro ga the desanKuglia' convenllao came yesterday af- cratir imny's choice for praaMaal ot
viooii with the grand street parade, toe rotted BUtes.
was one ol Ibe best of the kind ever
These delegates repreaeat Urn denro•It in the city. Hundreds of Eagles
.-raiic votera of fom-eisht atalaa, tbe
marched In tbe line, while large
Duiriri of Columbia, tbe OMtrtet ot
'crowds of speclatons gatJiered lo
AUaU and Ibe territo^l f r rniiiliiiii
view the scenu un tbe vsrlons slroels.
of Haaell. Itorto Rleo and tba Philip-which the Hue of manA Included. 1>la.-s. Tbe number of Balnintna'waAmon Kongworthy. chairman of Hiv duslre ol Ihe terrltorlei and kiadkr
larade ««mml(iee on a fins bUck iiosaeutoDs la twiro lha aatabar ot
I'alted SiBiet. epaBien apd members
t'lty baod Mayor Oer- of the boui« of I rfiri—Jailian
malne acunimaled by bis mother Mrs
Ksrtr delegate (o the Alemal «chOuykr (krmatoe tollowed. Mni tier- vcniloB repreaenia a saellaa «t the
raaluu to Ue 'oWest nioiher of
count ry peopled by appTOkteatW »!.Kagk. aiuong'all tbe members of UiU
people (actordlng to (he too
organixation present today. It was a
of Ikioi. of whom at leant Stjm^
compliment aflpt^toiad by the Bsgles OOU are mate sdnlu o>( lbs sMlw ata.
that abe appeared In the paiade'oa
The 14IT4 (
(be ocriulini of tlie stale convenili
mas who will ripfMWB the Uws
‘btdd In the city. As the Botbev of tJ
r (be demoaatle votors an I* Boon*Mayor of the cUy, who to also a proi
Incut (ItoKle of Ihe local aerk. and Ibe i-nftod Stiiea aad to voice tbntr
ne of (be pkmoerw of Traverse Ideas as to general poUcles srblrh
City, having lived bevw Hi ysai
shonld be followed by the chief eaeeea compllioeni to (be city. Mra. Use (or tbe (o«r years i^risiliff
Uermalue wore a mrlklug bdwi
March 4. im. Tbe fiel^lin mU
black aallD bnxwded with velvet, and
■Ice ihsee policies la a eerisa ot too
had a pretty opera atari thrown se­ olntlons. which. UksB twether. M pop­
rosa ber ahouldera.
ularly ealied a "plaltonB- They are
.Next lu bae came the Bpanlah War also .to oelect a cnUMata ter vlea
veterans ntounled ou horsee aad (bey presidenr to aerv# U cose •( tbe dnatb
• In Inrn tollowed by the vtolUng r inabUiiy of tbe prroldenL
Tbeoretirolly the cholc* of tbe aoan
Traverse City "lAdy Ragles^ ._
carriages. Tii«4i followed the differ- inees aad toe fnmlag of (be ptetterns
> matters wblcb tbe dilewtw tabs
ent acrlfs of i^es In untfera- '"
as qulie freeb sabjseti. aad apoe
rerily rollowlnt^them was tbe Queen
wblcb they have vafylnc oplaleBm
City fire depaiimenL while on
bat piactically. aad as a r^eult et
! BMM striklng*reeliires of tie
iprsad dtocuMkm la the dally
e litre w'aa Ibe Urge floal devoralin Hie iialloiiarcokirB In which was (■reas and dsewlxTe. IbMa are always
•Kwiiud .■(fleers of the tooil aorle in of toie risri. some waU aeuied Mess
full olUriaJ dreat. Tho float wau .. 00 toe sublect of raadidatro aad basd a certain BanaRnMy on
hanred-by a great Kagle with wUuta
■read and irercbed inst at the many aatiers from tbe eniaet la tbe
front uf ibP float. Iam blit not kaat present insUnre, bewercr. ceaaMer
doubt aurrouads tbe octioM
9*me Hie members ■«>( lire Trsveroe
nod dectolons of tbe eoBvenilaa tons
City aerie, more (ban a biindre
In Ibelr uniforms of white has been Ihe'raac for many ysnia. It
generally admitted tbat toe choke
ueuM-rs sod blue coau A mule pullcmndMaies aad toe rramlac ef too
oiwe lo Which the Eagle Imu
were holdllic aad Buster Brown idatform will depend la a great Broswith bis doc Tlge aoompanled by un-upoo Ibe rcsoUs et (he rspaMleaa
nal cooveailoB now lo acaeloa la
hto.mother and a ourabro of •'rooters'

FnM GWUTES M ffill

.!NepilK-lv of (he Kagb- Iraii-rnily
continued to |H>ur inlo lot i> yvwti-rday
from all (be iwints In ibe elate where
lodges are lovaled. au'f t(
they are baviog a good time U to jsii
a very mild lorni. Tbo
Ing tbe best time that baa ever been
accorded llivm by any , city where
ilieir loruvrr ivnventions have bwu
' They conn- singly and ki fiOrks.
every train during the |«si forty
eight hours having brought in lt>
qiwu ol tbe visltani. As a rule those
who arrived ouau with thq Iblaniton
of mingilug business wllb .pleasure.
tar (bey bare ncccoded In
tarrying cwt Ibis i«ri of ftelr
gram. Tliu busloesa sesaloA of
Male aerie have been well altendol
and coDsidenbl'- busiMss ot lmi«riIbe order has been trangacied
be basin>->« sessions they dis­
tribute tbemselvei over ihe city,
Ing lo Ibe slgbt.K and witnessing r
Ukes pUcC, at
Tnesday afternoon Hlere wai
Urge contingent opt to set- Ibe game
Traverse City and Boyne
I'lly-. and today there wiy be a still
larger number out lo see the TrsvCity aud Manistee lew ms play
ibeir opening gams of a* tbri-e-ilay mnew. Tlie blagtei like l•aaebaM. and
Hie game and tlassler lb>tbst are playing Ibe Iwticr Ibey
like lu
Tuesday night Ihe streets d'lriuglbe
irlier |«it of the eventtig were filled
with Hie vlsttlag members, l>ut Ihey
were U-m on sevkIiiK their cniertalnuieiit In the open Mir rather Iban by
lieliig ronfined In ib< ois-ra bouse to
r the progiBln tbaV was srdieduled
:al.«..^>lace duniiK tbe Csrly part of
Hie evritiog I'aui|iU«-ll's iwnd was on
le MrveU dls|« u»iug luoale lu an eola^r to tlriiiii up a crowd (or tbe
Ihe Buster Brown sbue In the A.
program. Thi'ir efforts, though well
V. lYledrlrb antoiDoblle brought
done, sere nor teu|ioiideil to with Ibe
ear. The graud finale wes
alacrity tbat was expected by the
into truck, thirylac a load
managers of the louveotloa. as only
twenly-flv.- were on band when t>usbel baskete. aud bearing on
banner tbe one word "Uuick."
me came to begin Hie Speaking
I- prugram (or tudey to;
AfN-or-lfb)^t<> 'll'- sire of tbe audience
•< a u —Bnsineaa . scaslon
Infem-d that the visitors came
> he <-nii-nalo<->l In a more ex- Eagles' Hall.
0 p. m.—Big liartoecue at New
ri-iiig manner tlian Id li*tenlng lo A,
wrivs of talks by Ma'or Geraalne vFSlr grounds
;-is. p m-EkcUotr of offUwts
le slate oftieer- of (be organlta.\ficr walling for some (line for eekrtlen of next meeting pUtw.
«i p m-Mlriilgao Bute league
to come Ihf»e present went ou(
game at N«r Fair grounds be» sirecU aud attended the car
tixai and other places Chat aptxaled rwr-en Manistee Champ, aud Tiev.reo
City Kesortera.
1 tbcni In a stronger HgbL
Headqusrrem at the Cagles' hall it
busy place and will eontlbu so dure cccliTi
r of tbe
Tbis to the place where tbe\vtoin
land first when they arrive andrirWFb
a great deal of tbelr -time to spent.
The next place of importaaca U the
There to e proii.iwti
InformatloD bnreau. where the guesti
register and reccjte .their hs«lg>w. whereby e prisuij tisvr iiie nauThis work U looked after by a com- forolled lor Ibe purpiW bf votiua
mltt<-e wbiob always has two men on
the prlnisner. where vuUi' etirollband to give any information in re­ ment has not already' been
gard tu the conveniloti that usy be dcr the new law. Tbis y«cr an enltyr
ingevs. In this work new enrollinem was mode ae
by Secretary' Kulley BOD Is runstdered a legal voter nukes
of lUe boresu. abo U always ready enroikd ooder the prurtolona of (bla
I'otil June ZT. any legal \«Ur
with as answer, proridiag the commitfailed to ecrtril (bis year may
are soaMe to make a proper
answer. These questions Inclode may affidavit to bia townablp or city
clerk and bis name wUi toe placed
tbe convenlton te quesUb^ where the bo.^ ao (bat be may vote for
people live aad time of tralas and offirers tbis (ilL BUnk fequeata for
boon when Ibe parade will occur aad enrollBcht aad affidavit may be ob>
wbea the baU game U caDad. —
tsiBcd Of toe county clerk. - - _ .


a prestdenilsl raadMolc by a
iwo-lblrds vole. (bere4ore tbe wtulier
ta tbe nmtcatlon mast seenre 7I(
to eecnro the nemlasthm on
first bellui. to (be order of tbeir
alrcBgtb. as Indicetsd by the aasnlier
uf deksatrs Pl-dged to snppwt them,
(be leading candidates are CAatap
Ctoik of Miwmri. Woodrow WUaoa of
Jerw-y. Uxor
fndenrood of
Atobams auvi Judsoo llarasea et

PREmaiGUL EffilT \
, The borne of Mr., r. M Piall. tr
East Etgblb sfreel. Was (be acano ef
pretty eucisl cveet Tuseday evenly
wbi-n Mrs RraU. Mis. 8. J. Higglw.
Mr. P. A. Kafka. Mrs C. P. UaMer
MUs Prall entertained abeot
filty guesls at euchre. A deparowe
rrrsb^nts was lairoduced by tba
boslmee when ibey aarvad as seen
(he gucts had aU arrived. The
tables wera cbaralhgly decorated
bosketo ot detsles aad midea
hair ferns while pepplea. dolstw aad
(eras carried otn tbe fioral note ef the
other rooms la tbe boaee. Tbe prtge
favors ef tbe evenlac. wbtefa were elb
Mrs. A. !F.
Friedrick and Wia. Jalji tWitr.





a larllaed t

C^and Tjfi^yerse Hefald

T«U KtrrnifUi yf Mr. Tafl in Ihe eonvention pl»“ • f*’*’
inijrtit liavc Ik-mt ptiTn' Mr R«*ot oa p. n«Jii*l or


KTomuJ* aaido

fnim thc avttwrd inlemion of tbr dpUgatw iLns, voting to «uw>ort

«nd TravTO Bay Eagle

Wc do iH>t*w anjihiug in thw voir to grwiU.v enpoaragi- tbc


Tail «ppoT«r»-

him leave It olsae. Hanr. Hr. Wl^
>B. men UMwshi be vooM stay
with tbe «s4i Bad she aaked bioi to
leave U aktoe. He did am do U aed

in fwt; it i* r«y dlfconragfar-tKl « wc have

Mid ncTeral tiims before, wc do not Mhw Xlr.Tafl will U- tlic

the cement «DIed on the Doer.


Befrwr tlif convention w ..wv. wolwitlwrtaudiog Ibcir

rent over where Ilarrr
set the raa as hlmaeU.


talk to the rontwy. bort MR TVn and Mr. S.rfwvclt will reach a

K. BATM..............................................................................................................-Tl*M

cart will endeavor to bring about iJje defeat of


I m Mr. ante's <

other, even if &i doing sO.ilc defeaU hiumdr.
This ix written liefurr the con»-cMth>ii awieiublMl yrsterday. Tinstruggle wHl now come U|wn Urn r- iwrt of the'eommittee on eivdeii-

Trimble, of this ^ily. sister in-taw

ti«U.lhB fight not In iiig prc ipitalcxl W.xln.xiday. X» mati can fon-

Mrs. tVltle was aezt called

wx, the ouUomc of this strarele, except tliat neither Sir. Tafl or Sir.

Mn. Lhile iiwtiaed ilia, she li

R<ms.-velt will 1«- nomiuaU-d.

called at the Wide home aUer her

Sir. Hughes wUl be tbe-most likely

i««iaai aBMar Harcb 2. l»0g. at the pottotie* at Tiavr U* Act o( CoacrcM e( March 2.

. aaaa CMjr, Mich, a

-barging fiv«' cents raeh for pryin-s,

Tlu-y have taken advantage

veulion this w«x-k ami Hie fix-ling^sTpi intense aiixuig deH-gstra and

to Peoria where Ihey have agret^ to keep.prunes at the good old
price, and where one can g«-t pniue jnie<- at wiiolexah-. This aff.x-ta
California more seriously than any other stale, for Uure pnim-s


fatea and visitora in attendance at the state conveirtion «>f tlie Fra­ <-au be bad for tlie jiitkmg. mid you g«-t them in any degn-o of riix-.,
ternal Order of Slagies.

Travwne City baa beeolne sninewbat noted iies.x that yon pleas.-' from the gr«vu.-sl ..f gr.4o« piekl.w lo tlie rijs-sl

82 a rtUfrUinrr ad we sineerHy h»|H- llial tb<a» who are Ju-ft- hi of ripe fruit, Hie slight .-ffort mniinnl to pull Hiem -off


attendance upon tbia nmvculiou will be gratifiial at tbe ri*ec|itiati tnx-a.
they will meet, by not only mentbe/a of the order, but our eitiecua
Tin- California Ibiosewll ddtgali-x who w. r.- uiis.-al.xl liy Ho.

N'litiiinal eominitt.-e ar«- Hie most troubhxl.


Tlie.v.s«-i- no ehaiin- for

^hiia ty ■■n iupihrlat iu«'<'liuR of the onlc-r and Travi-rKC ('il.v Hieiii to g^l into the ixMiveiilioir aiid iioSv the hotels have tiiriiiHl
appreeiatea'tbe compliment that haa been paid in adecting tbb rity upon them and charge'them five eeiila en-h_/or pruiira.
for theaUte eonvatioa. We would like to ay to the gentlemen who outrage.

Il is an

The city oSeiaU are seriously .x.nmdering the matter of

«.iMnatiQgv withUeir presenec «n tbia oeearinn, that if there an ordinaiii-e to take immetliate effect that wfill limit the pri.x- to
yoymnaS, take it.
tB-pnt you.

If y.w see anything bulk rate.

This is a* it xlioidil be.

Chicag^.mM not thus imjsKo

Understand distinctly that Traverae City ia gUd upon tile country- ami'the jiatriots th.-ro aas.-uibl.-d. but Cbieapi

We want yon to have the beat time you ever bad in knows that this is the Usl Hejnil.lieau National .•oMveiiti..ii that will

yanh Itfh, and if there ia aii>-tliing wc ran do to' make tbia a u

■ be held in the l iiileil Slal.-s iiii.l. Hieref..r.-. Hn- hol.-l ,b^x-p.-rs

ftian naually iiluaaaot uccaaioii fur you. wc wmit to do H.

ar.- d4lenoin.d t.. gel.all they .-an .nil «.f il. but l}i.y have nm.le
a v.ry great blunder in thus diseriiuiiiatiug agaiiisl pniue


M'e are cxix'cting m.mi.-iitarily a special dispatch fr.*m the-eon-

Ik gbeh without aayiiig that the interest of the whole «>ouMlry \viitioif\ily anuomieiiigthat pnni.-s have bivii rixliK-.xl iu i»rice.
oentera ttia Week upon Chicago. The iwult of tbe National ooininit-

ms Settles it

taa’a work, which was eonipletnl Satrfilay night. givw the sUud-

tarof'li'*'«>nTcntioB as follows:


Slore than half the trouble in |M>lili.-s t.alay Ik- av.iiih-.l

Thfe total number of delegates in tlie ••onveutioii. whieh ..jH-mnl
ttikllomi, ik l,078; neee«ary to a choice; &40.

if llie flow of nioii.-y wer.- stopiK-d: if all llie workers at A'» apie

The instruetiHl del<*-

].wt their jolts: if the w.-lfan- of the country resi.-d .mi the hi.........

^tiw tiu Sir. RuuaeveU niuuln'r 411; awarda of the nninnUli

Uihl dev.itioii ..f its |Kxiple reth.T Hian .m Hie selfixliin-sx and .-orruis

Ibb BoaasveU number ID-, total, mu-r for Sir. Roowrell, 4W.


tj.m .If laifilh-s.

iMlIlllilliill fill Vr. Tafi. 2H1; delegates nwardeil him by the Nn-

ov.T slicks up its foul hi a.l-—Ohio Slate .loiiniiil.

batriieted for Sir. LaFollette. ;b>.


inatracted for Sir. Cuiumius. 10.


And think .if it!

Tliis-oi.ies froiu

mor.- ne. d Ik- said.

..UpiWtntfiHd. 106.

CamiMligii w.irkers ..iifflit t.. I»- nisilish.xl utterly.

Hueti subterfuges for Inlying ui.-n are meaner than any treason Hmt

tldU0 0081101^00,238; uiaking a total.auhe for Sir. Tafl of 43ti.


. aurB>r one or tbe other to accurc from the uninatnlctetl delegates'
t gMagb'to make-^tiie vote 840.

It ahoukl be p;||omhered that this

BnaurticteU number, iuelndes New S’ork ^te, IKI votes,


it is

linbftble that Sir. Taft 4iill have 72 of these votes and Sir. Roosev.-lt
, KL




e Prank tM.-drieh, h
ceived a leder rrom the uosl offiix TESTIMONY
If the writer were 1b make a gurwi nii Uie resuH. Iiawtl upon a .lepailineiil ai -WosliiniUaii. dln-clinc
iileiuhm tu'a recent .inter Issued
cnrefol atndy of tbe fignrrs, and drawing soikowliat u]K>n Im ovni
b> thf- Postm'luu-r Uencral. •
(, hi: would say-that eon<litinns favored the

bkat tbw naulla are sliil uueorUin.

: jndgnerntfar o

Mminaticm of Ur Roum-voll. allliuugli Sir. Taft. a|>|wrent1y. has

the ficrcury of AgiicuUure. the dc-


partmeiil has amuiwd s plan of

■ gin of votes hi dangcrnmil.v muall. and it is'not a difTieult matter in operail.m with state und oationBi
Uk exeithmout. rotiAuion and entliiisiaani of a National eouvenliMii, Brers wh.-irh) rural and sty ra
.arrl.-ra shall report forest llr.w
' to overcome tliis small majorltir.
covered by tbciii ak>nR Ibvir niutef
Sir. Tafl must l>c nuiniaated'on the first liallot or he cannot b<- reraoiis deslanated by the ststr i
nominated at‘aH.

The great preliminary stniggle will eome in the Ditiuiial aullioi-ilies , to n-ceivu sii. h

ef the Child are the Nature

Tlie sUle and
It ia <iuhc prohaMe Uiat the oentost will l>e wi.Il iiiiurui ivsuiuisjerr at to <
the disiorcry of Brea sliuuld Ik- re
The di fciiM.- In llii- .»«: of the I'.-o
IxirU-d. aud each rural .arri.-r sh-ml l
pie vs. William and l.aura Witte, w lio
calls Blihn Hoot to tbe ehair as teiii|M)rar>eliairman.
fir. be dlrertwl to eooiKraie 1n ihe
arc ctiarvixl wllli msiislauRbl'-r
Booacvell.has seleeled Senator Borah as his eandidate for the tein- est evlcal with sufti authuriiies in
brinittiu: l<> a do«e. a xtrong fiebt
Pnssihly -the contest will eome right there, 1lie manner asnx-d upon, iianiel). that
elraraiive of tbti respondcuu
carrier ahull report a tin- tu the
■wers feel that there is some uncertainty of their
has been a bms ficht with the cvl
uearvsl stale fire garden or iiatioual
deoec for lire presceutton stronc
a.on this
lion, they-wjU wait for the rc|M>rt of the
l' .driver on bU route, or.
to the poiul. and when the time c

I Hie ^>al ami important straggle for sueb warden or oBIcer liies oi
Bittee on eredet
for tbe dclease tu tM-cIn their case iu
sapremney will be inaugurated.
. >0 arninse IhrouRli ooui
has dcvcIolK-d lliat tUfj bare had
siWDSibif citUeii to have bliii notlQ.-d.
Spenkiug of the results of such a convention ax iH-gan itx
•tninc a story* so far a-x icsiimunv i>
rlepliuue. If possible. Star
ia Ghieago at soon today, we cau hnt fhel that anyihing we iniglit
CODcerued. that Oiey did Rive little
coutrsclors mod rarriers are Juvluded

'jilttee oh cfedentiala, whicii will lH-,lMai<d u|>on the raster oT un^
eontasted dele^tes.

No man living can to<Iay predict iVKitive-

ly, or with kny degree of assuranee. the outcome of this ennveutioii
If Sir. Tafl is nominalixl. il will be liecamw he has a nioiv e«m-

the plan of rooperallou and sbould
be requested to report the dlseovery
e* to the same nuiiiirr as nIU

Marie Witte as itend rare aa
koew how under the condtU.

that WUIlam Wiite wcut oa tlie stand tbat they .bawd lb,- rvmcdW and
vasallne Im-i.-a.l
tbe peroX- aistcr of Dnds lor the (taualy

Koon-velt, wluwe follow-

«H an more oirtapoken but Ins assured of resullx.

J%is Vdiei
The I

\V<- lielieve t«>-

We. MeOtfvern is a baFolletH* sn|>porter.




la tiw appearance of Mrs. Wltio on bui-us! Welli be had r.vul aiiJ yludied xui .h driault iu pa>UK-ol of said it.>e wiinres etaad.
u Iiudiral bonk aomewliai.
Iieoi said morigaBee Isaulhorliied anTbe dMU of the lllllv rIiI's d.-alh
iuat ax Mr. Wllto woa eatlns xupper.


... «,

7SSS s

ax not taken up nnill ib.s mormag
as boa been brvugfal oat Ui pn-rloisi and H orrupied prartiiatly iIk- enliiv|
he raid that be bad iHwrd ton-iKK.ii Quculioux ill wbira lliu wllIho children quarreliujc down

so dne-aad tiapaiaS
Ami no ix-xeedmaa si taw or In
havniB bi-eo Insitioied to te-

thebasemeoL Ura. Witttc also board liBij to lb.vli«Hinniiv gh-re y.tster
pp.^r of asiUe nolao end said (bat /Harry
fiiy w.
by Mr. taibert .-ouiained In saM nawigaae and
ilUave sub the statute
In au<«
hurting Mario arid weat fur Hr. Win.i imfotw Hie • upIUave
u-.n.l Kj. hell .umI **'*’
I’fovbird there will bo
td make ber xuhv Mr. Witte said mi.Bx. 1L.1
wiiBesx Irit tbu Nand he had irectl ^ ai7,,uWlc aurilnn to tbe highest
that be BtcpiKd to the bnaemn
.ally rommiticd faimaeif to the fart bidder-^on Fatardsy tbe nth day of
oBd told Harry that il be diIhsi he bad bnowo very llitle ..f the Aurusi. A U. mil, .. Isa u,;lo..h In
leave Marie alooe bh would
Iho children were nreh ing s( |'he lorreoon a. the
X..I. ............. .......... .u_ I.______ ...'..(IlieCourl Houeetl.lhe. t.vo(Tradown then- and stisuk him., lie lift
their return from Ihe botuv
t being the
,«wr-tTtv, Mii-hlgaa 1
the house shortly after Ibsl to go help Grand Rxidds.
In n-spouse as lu
Ur. L‘nderw.«d open a tMokcare
what i..nii-dlf-t had been used uo llir
the home of tbe iaitcr'a stster io-law. buriui h.- raid that hv liad bellwd Mrs
When ho came back and as be waa Witte in all Ihe-treatmeots of Ibt.
doing-ilia .holes Mm. Witte sent word bui-Bs. or nreily all. Ouu tliDe they

u.-h thertwf as mar be nv.-esuiiafy the auKxmt Iben da>lagelhrr with the --osta of aurh loreto him that Marie had fainted.' Wbe» bad used ^kKUou. (blv was shi>rtly . losurr and sale and the attarwry's'.
pnvided for by law. 8aM sal. -'
he arrived ia ibe bouse she
child was l•nnlld and ihey
said prpmieea will be made here,
and ihu lluld body was lay ing adress only put i^n one sore. He iisii come
under subject to Ihe prtarlpsl ammuu
tbe foot of a bedcvl or daveapun
boiur alaful>a>our sRer she bad re
the xlittng room. They- called
relv.-d Ihe liiirns and'she was |day
WUbrliu and be said tbat be could Ing oo tbe floor with dolls sod otber
not give a death rurtlkcsiu and said piaythlogs with the other chlldreU
that be w-cwld
This was almu- :i:3i<. lie had
Wliai has iraasplnxl xince iben Is well
knowu by Cbo people in ernerat' and lak.-h- lilui sboul
diKK not require rapitiiKiu
Tb.-ic were bums
|t‘oatlnu>« 01

It onehair l4l Of II
■ 4' of Ibr
Nonli.-ast . le quarter 1 i» • of Bev-thw
f.i and Ibe Boutbncti uoe.

list af the -West.
Itu- Nvithewsi owe
ntina Thirty-six isei
one-hair iSl of the fli
By the ^-otar- Brthed I caa t»
•ctloii Twenty141 of 8ertk>a
evening after be came home ^from meva ihoM aching treth atmolntOly wfourth (41
-D Twcaly-flve
fire C.-.l nil In
wirk. They bad used tbe
without paia. and witbont tbe was ef
Hra Witte procured from the drag Iruga to produc* uBeoBarioasacar
store, linseed oU and iwroxide. They
Uated May ». 1BI2.
t weak beans w I apprsdou tha
had also uted rasailue and had ImthMmtgagee. W. I* rROTBKIl,
AUurney for Mortgagee.
Old Friends.are me Best
W-2M WUbd,^BIock. with Dr. BoU
Traverse flly. Michlgaa.
ihx-ause they have sTood tbe
. worth. Trad&ae CUy. Miraitaa.
Tburs.. Mai 3n-Aug. 22.
and are know n lu >>e tme
(IK 1 IKIt
RIfK-fi Rn:AH-<-OATEI) i'll.lJ. Iiav
■ lima IbTr.- gi-nen
s for rellev
levins Ullousnexs. .liwr
r«i Momarit and obaMiimlinn. Thev
• Io Ibis day Hie main ile|.
thiinsanils ll|■•ll ihooxaa.h
-s lor l.eopliie lioili sdiilis :
ilihy- a
ly dressed the btiriia together In lb.

reett Extracted A>—Irtr
ly Wttfciirt Pf

‘v I


It yo8 want an .\ui-tlooecr that will
got the prices call aod see tbe
127,8. llaiwi 8t, Traverse City. Mich

Snnday, Jane 23

Cilixeaa phone No. RSI2. B«0 UL
feb li-tburs-a
I•urx^xn^-e lit a <J.eri-e of ibe I'lr
cult r.Hni (or tlie .-miii-V of ttvand
Travers.- dll ■ ham .-rv-. msd.. ami .-no( Uav. A. 1>
1M2. wh. .mil Krai..-,; <:
C llUer IX ivmi
i-avioii. Kill'
ItoMenmmd. Krank Allen and Kll.-n
sule..-1-llH-r. a •-■r.-uii ...iii, .......... .


vendue .1 I the liiglieM bjJih-r a
ibey front dta-r o( ibe .-o;
city of T^era..- rnv
of Craud Tf»r.Tv.-

tboiish__Uiey-dfk not think it

called for the dcreave yesterday af-

tkat one ercDlaa h* called
*^ted Mav Pth. A. Ol l»t2.
oeeurinc In their ceruiu district, nod Wlaei shop OB Park street, and that
la this way A Is hoped tbitncb their Hra. Wiue was there with tbe «hlU. Orcalt Court Cowigilmiofeel-. .
_______ it
COVKU. * Cnoaa.
co«peratieaw<(b the state sad n»
jBeliciiorm for CompIaUmaL
toonl oRHi^ to save » anst deal of Blayinc with I
Puilaeai address. Trarerso GRr.
ae tram aarh tlVt. Tbe sehsnA fearing that be wowM spfU it a
n.vt. mIuhim lu u-avr-, II 9
enlirefy new and pravlb-al mk


MONUMENTS Grand Rapids
Have the latent improved ma­
chinery andmanufarturc my wurk
n U)xU>datc deetffnq from Ibv
rough storve.
l‘romiit sUvntion
given all order- oo malU-r how
-mall. I'ali or w-riU- fi-r prircs.

A, W.'
Travers* CMr.MIrfa.
lioU, pL -ura S.-.I. MSI.

Train will leave Traverse
City at6;10a. m. Retorhing,
ieak'e Grand Rapids at 7 p. m.
Round Trip Fares —To
Mudiegou, $2; Grand Rapids.
Jon-- |xjo

Tbe Litae Wrader
A S'/, h. p. GaeoHn# Englns
Cylinder bore. 4 Im lies; atrob <4
, iachca.
Good daaigu. beet maiertat
HopiWf .oolBl. ^Ight. 3W Ibi. SUrts
rerily. runs suAily;

U crouvialraL

reliable, dnrable and' complete with
pulley, gasnllae Uok. battery. roU and,
BWiU-b. wired ready Io ran you/ sep­
arator. wood raw or-pomp or do aOT
other dutr within the apacKy of 24
h p.: o<-eui>ies zi:4 fesL Me* m.
Masufa-iured by
WM. JACKSON, TreuMM-CNy. "'*»■

Pure Parii Green
Pare Lead Arsenate
Lowest Prices for Highest Quality.
Get Our Figures Before Buymg.

e extent, for a

Sir. Bonsevelt tbqrw

Bkagdi.-Ofat be eould control, to Sfr. SToOdvern. .The 18

aWiSaiRaf vbtw are surely not lor Ur. TafL

Thia reault jhowa a'

km BMiority of 18 votes for what m^t be ebiuridered the Tafl
choiB of a toakjawai^: ebairmau, nud witbout douin it sb.-wx tha



1 oils. He raid that he would
the rail .be imras be.w«.o tirs. and
trjsl. There U only ow great (ra
degree burax. they wire riwlly |rbe Inlrri-sl epou said tuartnim ier'
tura Ibe peoide who hare ismmed ibr hllslvrs aud tbi-y ..peimd Hkdi Io let ‘-Be year at 7 per ..xit per aiiowni la
reurt room from the day of tbe open­
How- did be kuo« so
4' Babiy lour Hollars
ing nmU now- are- ex|HH<Jng, aud ilUt much alaiin Mcood and t
ing (or since the begtaalng

ifu LBtle

jaABBiea a Saw voben.

be doue by ibe rural cirrlcra.
I*ostuaaters iu or uocr nailuaal fur-


in hla own defense, a foalure of tbe
trial tbe great oowd* hart- been wait­

' OR fiaturday. the I9th day
sary to .all a i>hysiciaD.
Wm. Rancheu. die serwad wiIuom. of June A. 0- 19t2, at ten e'tiroX oirenooo e
of aaiJday. all
the forenoon
. and in lesn
tala lands in a
da are also dlre.'ted to report Bree
dky that tbe nomiution of Sir. RooscreU is iielter axsur<xl thau that to the nearest for.-si iiIiM-r.
WHIes for some tine
He had
of Ifr. Tafl, ^though this dix-s not appear upon the face
Tbe plan of euurs.- Is but lu
luborne Duuiy times
laiiet, bavins not yet been tried.
Iteglaning at s i-int nor'li t'
tbt: .1.
u.xesB is umvrtalB. However, winter, several times to m with Mr , w -••« nilnut.-- ,-a-:
Witte to lodge!, and'hr bad never seen lrom-«li.- quarter ire: bets.«'n
sbould It prove suceeasrut. which
the cblidrcu. any of fttem.
i. mistreated ilon« M Slid :i. insi. 3*. ni.rtli n
iibietlly will, it Will mean a I
west, aiiil runoiiir thenrf souIn
erees I" ir.iroir« e»«i. i<y-4br
____ ^____________ary struggle in the Keiniblican Naltoual <x>nveii- step toward Ibe preveoilou.or lara->
.1 west fioarter line ^ and s
lorest fires. The annual lots In these days before the child died Tbe only
tiou in Chicago resulted. Wedliewlay 'afternoon, in the elri-tiuii
riiaint; thc.-ice eas: aloae ealil qm
Unary he had
fires in Ue l alted SisCea runs Into thd ‘hln*oui of tbe ordi
ir. and
chains to a stall
df SfV. Root os temporary a vote'of 338 to 302 for Sir. mUUoos. and It U expected UiaC«
she al­
of 'be rhUa
r3-l‘d> chaie* west o( Ibe nonw
wor* a little white stocUng
SloGovern. andil8 scatlering. The total vole of the eouvenlioii is of 'ihU hind will decroue thltf lou by ways
,___ter post of ser-lion
21; theoee.
subountlsl sum.
Rnral carriers In tbe boUKo or out. Coatrary to ihe aorlb t* rhauis to Ihe libe henseeiItOTS; necowary to a dioioe. .'>4«. The total vote of the convention Ixaenioos 1.'. en-I 24. at a ivlnt IT and
travel thousauds of miles of loeel- IrstlhMay Riven by Mrs. Hornsby
iag lfl78, 540 will be nwessary for the nomitiatiim of th«- pn-si:3-inn chain* wesl o( ilir quarter |<mi.
it days aSD. he said that be hml
hlRbways, wblrb very olten are un
theece wesl on tbe •ariiaa line atmudntM eandidate.
seeo Marie o# in a etKner play ­
I 2MVP rhatiis to the BMandrr
lra.sll<-<l lor several days at a Ume
•' On the face of iCiV would seem that .Mr. Taft liad serwn-d a by anyone else. Tbe mail
OB Grand T-raverae hay; Iheo. *;
carrier ing by heraetf. in the eveBinc:.w1)ea
en decrees
west. aUmg Ih- '
ioaiRye Tiefory becain- of the faei that Mr. Root was Uic Taft
travel tbeoe roads every day. »r. Raoebeu had called lor Mr Wliuto a point 14 sad u9-l»0 ctialii/
the children bad alwnya been ptaylng .... ef the east line above d-»cHb».l, i
often dlseor.-!.
Thtt vote, howewr. is
mdi^e for the temporary
cniup fires nnd tbe tike, which U not together, alttiag around oa the floor thence south about 24 chala* to renter i
Agdaptive. The margin is mllogether loo narrow to insure Sir. Taft's
rhiidren do. niien hr was asked
dtra Immedistr ntteation. usuntly »
greee and 34 mil
Il cannot but be assumed that in this preliminary
tnlD creater pfoportioos sad twi- to cite an fnataaee where he had
b\radri-dtht chains t
'aome voles wen- cast'for Mr. Root -because of personal Uiaes dcraslnte entire foresu. Th
the chQdrea tecetber under Mrs.
the-bouse be aald
friliihipi or pride of locality, or fur a doren n-ascAs that might raret rarrlsn will be b«td

-plete and elfeetivv argur>z>l*‘>»



Il was aioag late In tbn afternoon

Told What Hs Knew of the Condition

Ingened thk afternoou when the clininnai^ of the National eommit-

aay winrid be speriilative.

tMaiil! bauas U-en oiaXe le
up uulll about a


and Treatment of the

•idbatioB rf a ekairman and the aceeptanee of the report of the com' liitcUlBeun;.



tiDR aluBR m-vly

lu lifsti-'ylng n.s to Ibe ln-«tu«ul
lUcy bad given the burns of.ibe rhitd

It will be Bi-cn from thaw figuri-s that the fight is still ojieu;

. auU maiority, aa ahomi by his entiiusiaatie aujiportera. but his


a .main Borlsaxe lusda
ness for the defense.

Mr. Witte said tbat they had 'usual

symre tbe nemiuitiou of Sir. Eooarvdt or Sfr. Taft, it will be neecs-



B *ai be seen, Mlowiug these figures, that Sir. Koom-velt

«MM tie emveotion with 43Q votes. Sir. Taft with 436 votes.

Mrtri- h'eaeme <W
lor jaw »»1de *«T W.

The hntels are

viators that ther.- is even some talk of moving the convention out


.Aoa im mre wd hi redm*
tmraodnreme redMiv
Hk Oio ^ em $3.50

barnod but did aul ts> lnu> Uwr^vose. u,
in rhieag.*-

of Hie thnuKambi U|k>ii thoinamdx wlio will attend tbe National wn-



. w« bare ta> Mr w

rn>B Kanrna (*Ur. where she t
s]K>nl some tine. She. railed oa i

A mrions eomlilioii has arixeu




day that Marie is aH««ed to have

This h din Datrsge

CMtioa Ihi* we^ 3,050

re*^ care OR* Frara tM^T^Ueraa 0N^ MMx.


Adst even amke tbe emoii re*Mt.
said Hr. Baaebeo^ Ur. 'Baacbeu him-

Rc|idUI»c«u eandidiib-. Ni-illicr do.** tb» iiwiirc Ibe nmuiiulion of Sir.

raoa. T. Bim.......................................
............................... .................................................••Vie* iT«L u>d

Doa^iass Ik EeUogg





BUm Tuvmx hpat.d, un> tuvus ut xaou. nranuT,
coada to be girea to aid Jfm AMUa.
whoae beabb ior eo»e Use ba* boea
Ttrr poor. »
Mra. O. C. Cbareb and aon. FVaddie.
went to
Wedneedny. to be


90. <«■« _■

Kingsley Department
XTBadacted by Htas Edna Wan.



» MarM RedA «M
foMdoi hen. Ad wBnjrfM|«^
te On«M (re* the im Ail»

MMa OotUe AndHieii to borne tnun
nmaa RtovMara nre Mom Handing
Trayerae City for a two weak*' ktatt«9 Par Cant ef Oraln i* the
i rtslt te- ber hem M WMtd
Utos MaxweB of CteJr rtoltad Htoa
1. She win also BgiMt •» «atarle* Dfektoon 00 ber way borne
ia ttm
•>hr of her brother
em Betlolre. where abe baa been
, June lt.-P|«M
gE~i»blk firpfiawti
te «xte«d the a
. C. Dolbarg. formerly of Fife
sure marketing of Inm pmdnet* are
Lake, ba* baen married to Mira <!lara
- he exhansUr^ disea^ by ibe
Ordelbeide of Denver. Theywotted
of Haaagere of wUl apend a few days vtoRUu (MibM.
at adbrinlng deeka In the offlcM of the
et*- Elevator Compaalre. wbM
•* **• PyfM *«!■
F. f. wripbt u aptoMh^'a Ihm
Coraforth Fiah and t^itar company
met in this city today lor a three teys' days ai Empire thto weak.
lu Dearer for three year*. mtlon. One buadred and ftfiy
Mr. mu Mra JasM* t. wm. M
>ira A. ~. Gisaren reinraed to irrensomenta Per Fair Under Way. r drill -was glvem^ *
lUntebnrt f*, rmnradl hS*a UtS
Trarerae fiiy Satardky after aevcrel
Mr>. i««. Itithu. 8r, to qntt* (U
Ueedame* J. AMeic and
Last Saturday aftem^ a latge
■wrniag. after aererel day* rM hmh.
a aiteaeanre.
week*' ytoli wiU ber daughter. Mta.
umber of farmer* and bus!neat men
wiu map off at OraaR ItepMs.
MU* Bha Daat vu called to Petoe- on PrMa)
DeirolL I'toTteand aod PlaabMt »
U Boynton has bought W. B. gathered el tbC town hall where a Snyder. J. & Brown. Frank Htvklni
k«r lAK ««ek br the ShMot of ber
Harry Pdraieter of Manton vialied
vtoM frieada at ,*,h plp»^
Harris' ioiereet In tbe lirery buslecm special fair meetlttg wat beld.
Eari Broka and Frank Baylor -diwe is the targw and n
rer Sanday u C. PraUck'a
Myrtia citerehd.lMh. dim haa
now being rtu by L A.
Firot the elecUOB of ogicera waa oui 10 tbe Sn^er couage Sate
of lu Uad ever held te tbe oorthwaat
Mto. BHo frun etoltod bar daivb- Ur*..Uchthi*ar went te ‘
oett and 6 L. Bornion.
taken u^sd A. B. SUnaon waa elect­ night where they Hold ao^-i
Weisteni Canada atoo has sent dele-i b*wB here vtoftlag her MUNhtew
ter. »fa J«7 VCwcat noasemoB flM- Clly Balartay to Tlaliher dai
Scrvicae at tbe M. E church on
and Ben E Hayes
gate* te tbe cearMiUoiL Aerordteg Ml*. Anna Chamberiate. ter A. pp«
IBS rn>m Satardar bbUI W«diireet>-. Ed Carrol and famlLr of Manton Sunday. June'Urd: Sabbath acbool gf ed preeldent
Hag they wm Joined
Tbeee officers were only elect
■e reports te be presented to the week, returned this teortt^ w W
,'Mn. Chaa. SwaaMo died a
drove thrangh town Sanday.
11:30 a. m.: Epkonh league at 6:» ed primarily until afte. tbe work gets Louis Morrte. JohoH<^eCarthy and K ronveotloB the termers' elevators are bom# at Crend RapMa.
Mr*. Jaeper Pheber. want to Oot^
m.: praaebing at T:3A p. m.*br Rer., te bocmlng. O I, Enalgn acted aa Baunfanh. a good Ume was I
hasdlteg a per cent of the grain
a long Illoeaa or e
ice flondar wtib her graadion. Maa- . W- Baker, pastor.
by all the Itobermea as well as a a
shipped from tbe northwest. Ndmerthe meeting and be
Mr. aod Ut*. Jerry Oooddilt and
t Bay Root wboJiaa beu ftkfcdlBg'
•ema vgry good Idea* and benellcial lot of Bab. and before mumlag
etber eommedltle* are also haa- Uteere of a retotlre.
efelMreD retmaed to tMr .borne In (he wlaier wlib them.
Mr. and Mra J. E H>niaR. M teMa
Melrloa Lee Brannon waa bom Oct.
the eveslng they bad a big fish sap­ dled by tbe cooperative erganUatloM.
Among them waa
tnreed torn* rodty.
Speoeer Baturdar. Ulrini little Jeaale
Mtoaea Emma Hodgae and rianeii $lh. mi. at Hodge: waa united
special <me. that the power of mllaa per^ the couage.
Parker with jbem.
•ff vtoR here.
Pierce eaar home Friday algfat iron marriage te Jrsae Redper of Plfc should be left to only these bolding
Ml*. Grace Lewi* of Trarcree City
Clyde Patch Of Oiand Raplda ric the Ml. PIcoaaM Normal.
Uke. Mandi i:ih. Hai. To them one
e. w. 0 RahiMHi of iteartaahite

memberahip ticket. The ticket of was to Sow* Friday for a abort vtoli *
hod at Wm. Oebora'a Sunday.
Alfred Inman went to Big Rapldii
Melrie U was hem. Mra. Redwith V. 'E Snyder and ber rowalax.
emberahlp to setilog for (t.M and
SO• rtUroad iMMte thto teorptos. (rem g
Bra. tHchtoee ntaraed rrocn Ber- Sunday to retoioe bto itadlet at the
liaased •»•*> at ivareree City teeeir to given wUh «ac* ex{^lnlng Cora and Edna Waa
visit to (bto elly.
(Frra Tneedarto RccorASasto.)
ntoa Baianlay algbc vbora the ha* PerrU ecbool.
June 9th. after a long lllneH. BeaMe* the privilege* of each-Uckei bolder
Mto, otelie Rntemi mm ooMod to
New eemeel etepa have bMO put In
Mia. Sedl* Orown. mhe nas bei
beea TtoHln* (rt«id* the pMl week.
Mr. and Mr*, raaaer of Rlngaley her huabaod and eon. abe iaarea'a
It waa also sugseated by a number from the Walk to the biseraeot <* the atteadlhg the N’onnal a( Kadsoaioo
Rer. Hra. Ja*. UcQoay waa at M
« t|«Bdlng (be week with tbetr mother, two etoiere and two ^^berr present thM the 4ir part should he Baptist church. '
the pan rear, left today for Haekley.
rien Sanday. where abe baa a eecalar daughtei. Mr*. C. Loop.
1,0 mourn he# *
Ur. Webmer aod wife of Big Bar Wls.. where the will Join her parenu.
conducted mainly A the tanner*
Mr. and Mra. On* Dolberg remrntd
Mtaa S(
pent Sunday eveaing sJth Xir. and
Mra. Dutaey BaSerta w*oi toBoaH-' home Saturday nigbt from their trip Tnerfay by the followlat retallTes:
Mrs. Bee Warm. Thev
lAke Clly tMs morhteg on I vtolt for
enteroaa Tbaraday for a few day*' rlah.
(0 Chicago and Denver. MkMer Prank Mr*. A. C. Btannen. XIr. atfd Mf*. Geo Ulnmeots. this way makes each
than pleased to see tbHr good meads a week or ten Uaya.
Mra. ^na QaaelMbaBh waa
atopited at Cnad Rapid* to vtoli hto Fraser. Ur. and Mrs Carl Bale* of every-one feel that they have an tn. again- They bad a very fine vtolt and
E C Meaamiffer aiH Mra. L.
TravMde CHy Prtday.
brother. Oerar.
Tmverse CHy, C. E Redner. Mr. and terest W son
tbe family was taken cot lor
F. XlcAWer Went lo SnmmH Ohy
Mr*. W. O..Wll^ la wertalni
Ur*. Guy Seodder and children *i^ Mrs. Wm. Redner. Mr. and Mra. Rua^mmlllee
are selling Uie In ^e doctor's new a%io. which be thla moriilQg te
her aotber. Ur*. Sever of Ced
Heed here Wednentoy from Beaule.
Pike and C. Redner of Qrnnd' Rep). I- h^gB. Juat* received. The ride waa enjoyed day.
Woab- to ai«tid ibe eammer with hei’ Ids- They- were met at thestailnn hy
Martin Wnffde meat ta CotrH thla
Wood, Frank •a much as (he good vtoli they had
Haator Jole Aaderaoo reetdred bto paremia. Dr. and Mr*. U 8. Waller.
the I. O. O. P. and Rehekah* who led
Koepele. 3t*n XVnnd. C. 1. Porter. Uy together. They will murn to tbelr motnlng. where be expecta u
'to celebimitoa of
oreMlon to the ,\l. E. diurcfa,
Mr. and Mta RoM. Walter and cbilfor the summer.
lluloiL Joseph XVyekoff, Ralph home at Big Bay in a sfaon time
one third year* of iQ'6eSM%hi*S :
ihto week.
dren of Tiwverie City were gneat* ai whcre'lbe fnneral st-rvices wen
enterprtae. tea li; uorw eerw
Williams of LeveHaf
CtonMoe WbUa Mde * boataeat tbe Walter heme from Wedneeday on- ducted by Rev. A. W. Raker. Inlerinmevl
■trip to Cadflae Toeeday..
tll Bontey. Mra Waller baa juat re- Bgnt took pUce_ln the Flfe*lAke everyone w|H ta
Mrs. Ucius Haltoday of JOnnlugs to era! days' visit her*.
1 entbusii
John Lonka of Oiud Raplda waa In' nmed 'from Montrorla. Cal., where cemetery.
part In m^ng the
vtoinng retotivee here (or a few daya
C. F. ChsM left thla mernlnt (er
• tow oa bnaiMot Monday.
Jon* 18. s
•he btd'beee for her hrelth dnrlng the
ills* J'**!* Bowden apent Sundav Tula oa several day*' baalsess trip.
prevhniB year and that this faltboneth QrM»e of TraverM OHy
Hra. Frank Oteaka retwraed tbto:
may exeell and that heretofore been with her parenla Jdhn Bowden'* of
Ttohln bto giaadparenia. Ur. and
d during teto * ..
K. a Harrit. Alto Do­
Summit City.
morning to her home at >»fe I-nke
Mr*. J. Oodd.
Xlr. and Xlt*. Adam Strieker
■0 offer te tbetr. II
herty and Rollle N'elaon nairowly
Dr. G r. Fenton and family drove from several day*' buslnere
I an array of q
Tliere to reported tn be over too
I Mrs.
.Monday after visiting
eaped droFnlng Wednesday afiena,.
thto dty.
to cadir
dlllac Sunday ln.jbeir rer for
and dAdraa artiTed |mc« Tbeaday while on the lake tahlng. In' ehang hlends ami relatives la Detroit sad tiefceu aold this week.
short vtoli at the borne of Roe. Fen- iareae Raker. hfOther ef Hr*. OweEntertainment
' Bona Boca OUaBbiu. pblo.
Ing their imsIUon tbe boci capelact.
1 Kr>u»hy. 1
d te hit *
lyal Neighbors celebrated l»
r. E Mallory and eou Ben aod Rob­
Mil UeCaeHd to «Mma
Ur*. Harrto fainted and waa kept from
HlBs Goldie Trrmley to assisting te SUston thto morning, after mak—. -v r. jMt ■WitefaFiTf*-'
dda^ter. Ulaa Grace UeCaalln. of drowning by RolUe, who held her with ert SaehUeben went haaa. Ashing Snn- birthday* last week when they weei
las hi* outer a abort tUE
Cenniri" aga He hagmi «kh m'dom
the bmue of Mrs.-Anna Dollar's, Mrs. C. R. Snyder with her bo
Obla .
one band while ha clung to tbe boat day. rctnmlag home with a nice catch,
boBdnd dollars wortbof b ' work.
Tha bHaaotd Heten and B
Mtoaea Loda and Zolo Brewer went with the other. XIra Dobeny re-. James Btevena visited at John Ku- where the usual routlue was follow
siaiting SB exdaslv* |
re retnroed last evening lo spend old Arcade BnOdUg. tt
Several from Mantoc are hare
ed om to the letter, there being
to TraTorae City Tnaoday.
cetTod a bad brulie over one eye. bpi besh'e Sunday evening
Miss Mery Smiley reiumed home goodly number in attendance, then tending the Free MHbodiat remp the aammee. Hite Helen from Olohe Its kind ever opened.
fHerblc Creso bad abotber bad apell managed to ding to the boat until
operod at I.aarest«*. Pb. pbd a
MllU. Pl. and Mtoa^Bearo Doth Kaabout £3 went to tbe borne ot Mrs. meetlngt.
Suiurday after spending 1
-Jey attracted Ibe attention of Mi
line of IIM goods was addA. SRd R
whero abe attended

wbe-.. . Mra. Boat* Prleat of Spaneor
I. BettenBeld and Van FUt. who
*as here that Ibe popster i tmt U
Sute Kermal neboed.
BMnrdar to aee her noiker. Ura. O
Mr*. Chaa. Sachtleben. Mrs. C. E. they celebrated royallv ind a Bn* pnl- horse
Miss .Vellle Cray to Baatoting with
Mr. and Mra. K. N. Oywr. of AlleH. BMdleeome. who U railing alowly.
Mallory aod Mr*. E. B; Arthur were llc dinner was generu<ut> indulged lo.
the household duties m the
vn are spending the week with
It Is the Ulan of the order not
callers at John Cox's Sniiday
Maatar Etner Wtaeider la anflerina
and Mra J. A. Butrick.
tetenae pain In bto hand, the r«*uU of
Mlaa Uly Gearing bad tbe ralsfor. set any^f the members who have Dunn home.
Co, and W. H. Moore andwlrwriw
Ur*. Ctoas. Irto band dauber Rena
Mr. aad Mra Hamer IngareeM. of aaublirted te (be oama bMMRR.
f fbH Bvnday. June »tb.
lone to sprain her ankle last Monday blrlhda'Vs. One ot the strange
These firms slwayi
It very rarely an age to toW. hut toited tbe tormer'a daughter, as.. Late City, visited cm way from CheW. P. Reid retarned to Acme
Pearl Sarhtiches. who was very
borsaa. with Mr. and Hra J. A. Bn- friendly retotlon w eacl _
WaU tbe lam of (be week.
one Join tn and hat as good
Wodnaaday, aceoniaiiled by her fa of lee cream, cake and. sandwiches badly bnmed last week, is improving
preprletor. being tetimala
Utile Fern Rial la very III
'^wr. Joe Uyer*.
as rapidly a* can be expected.
time as thay poatibly can.
are served by Sit*. Dowm.
friends. It was bat natsral ttetl •
XVlIl Shanks left Tuerday noon for preeeni wrltlol*.
Mim Mary AMen left tbto
Mta. Chaa. Ralay went to Trarernt
XIr and Xti*. Earl Freeman spent
ily the Intereau of ibeaa 1_
Mr. and Mra. Ray Fuller were gl<
mid be merged tsgetbar. as i
' 'Caty by way of Acme Wedneoday.
scuiheni point* where be expect* to
Chas Mllurd who has Bhen 'ill for Uraod Raplda oa a week's vsreiiop.
mifnaianeoiu shower at their home Sunday at tbe Cleesn.
>e lam March, the new fim tab
some time to alowly Improving.
. a C Cbareb retorned from Snow Utmday evening. June Stb. by their
.Mils Adeline Mallory attended the work during the aummer.
Mra Samwal Dartend end Gyros
taka Tneaday night sen shower In bonor of XIUs Ruth
Sunday Rev. Hall the new Baptlti
Mtos Iva fioprt spent Sunday with Hall returyd lam erenteg from a
neighbors and friends. The affair was
her parenu at MalehML
miniater began the first of bto
Oeo. Brin* and daagbter Olady* oi
-TO wee^ vlrit at Chleagn.
romnlete surprise to Ur. and Sirs. Sivrena last week.
of adberteg atrietlr':
ItoMar were baalneaa caller* berr Puller, who were tbe recipients of
Xir. and Xlrs. Fraaeto Cleese were D this charge.
I.ealle Tremaine of Heekk visited
Riehatg Haaaay. of Cadillac,
of & and ifia.. Dnrtog
Last Tfauraday. the firs: of tbe Free at the Siteson home Sanday.
•pending a few days to the clly. the years, while
tufts ueatul iwesenu. T^y-etgbt cnilere at J,Cox * Sunday aiiemodiL
' prices of bMriy
Oeo. Wearer Hid Will Clide wort oesti were' preseut.
One of Xir. Schmidt's rhlMren to Methodist camp meei'ug* began
8tanl. y Snyder of Tt*vei*e City
friend. Mr. Massey drore
Itlee have b------------------borne over Sunday from Tnvarae
vsbcing. Ibe variety
the grove. Tbe ateetlngt from the sited hit cousin Carl Case here Sun- here in hto .N«tloaaI tnoring rer.
G. C. Chureh. wlO. the am>i«ance of ek with Ifphold (ev.-i,
June lt>.
*tty. where they are on Jury.
fiiat have been Urgely attended ami ly.
number of bto neighbor*,
Mr. and Mg^ James Vetrvba of
. Hr* B. P. Qaaofeenbnh waa In Cad- bto estb birthday,.Monday. June Kth.l
doing a good work, they have
Fred XVlIaOD of Meairk came home Eaai Jordan, arrived here yesterday
im This ha* IM made poaMkto^
Blne a eonpW of dayi thla weak. .
verted erversl The meeting* are be-i Friday for a abort vlelt with his moth­ 9 their booeyteqoo
Following a tumptueus birthday diniha enormous pnrchaaliig powar^
J Ur. and Uia. W. H. Bmver went t< ter, tbe aflcmeon was spent In
t condoned by tbe Elder Rev er Jor a short visit wRh bis mother Mr. and- Mra-- Frank Kadin .
Ihto firm. Every new etore opeM
Fetoakey Wedneaday. rerorning agali enjoying a llicrarT program, rloelnc
maeni locrcased pnrrhaalag powpr.
A. Waieon, and aatlated by the I.- before going lo’souibera Mlrhlgan. Henri Kadin dipve to thto eliy
where be has s K>slth>n lor tBh
with a short rehrarsal by r. Church
cal pastor, Rev. Guettmaa Smith.
day in their automobile, from Boyne
\ Jeaale Stalu Tia|ted hi* sruidpar af bis life In-tbe amr.
Sunday evening the Lady Uscct- ■er,
City, to witiuaa the baO gams
Card of Thank*,
Hanara^nrer* who Had U nirwif
.V*. Mf
«»»• B. SblBstar. at
Xlrs. John Boeblaud.-: who stepped tween teMr boM team and Tra<
P. Coolta of Trevwne CHy was in
friends an<l nelghhors. we heea held their Memorial exercises
qalckly turn tbMr orerri>rodnrtton
sh to extend our beanfelt thanks In the Odd Fellow bdll. Rev. ThuBentb noatdmati the Bret of tbe week
IT vOlage a few days the pan week
t d nail several days ago Is r*
Ch}'. and to see that the former re­ of mack leu ruadr caab. Bad to tte
r tbe
Id aymfirm
with lu anltmltad pnirtoilil
■ W. A.anctalr
Ir re
retuined from CranC Mtaklng bands with old neighbors.
tve a ahon-address and earn ering alowly.
ceive a square drel
power. I
- The Springfield Gleaners expect to,......
Mitt riara .Mxehltnder who
Mra Sen MeHanvu «rent to
. quaatlUee of i-rrrTito
give a dance at O: FraUck’a new bar* ’ and
choir sang aeveral pieces appropriate clerking at the Morris aiore i .
disc Thto explains some ef tec valc ihis afternoon fA tbe day.
“■OB Friday evening. June •l»l. the proUuehllng and Children.
Hi be efferod dnrtog (bto
tothe occasion, and then a very prrt home last werit to help her mother (or
Mist K. C.,Pratar went te Kingfew d^t.
•ley today on a short rUlL
win do waD to carefully watch
Mra H. E. Perrin went to
ihe wlodawi aaeh day u aaa noHa of
fteniooa where sbe wiu spend me special vsloep offerod 4MiH tbs
the remainder of tbe week vtolllng week of tee sale, and to addition to
iienu sdvfTttoed to the wtsdow*, (bare
will be placed on (be roomers t laips
variety q( other bargalas of white Pa
M^ Ama Estep and pranddaut
lat Florence Petbrfck. left this of- previous ansouncemeai will be made.
No sach glganilr sale has ever to
Prtoskey follows to the fomstep* ot lerbooo for Rlehmeod. tod- where fore been aHempted by any mercapXIre. Estep wHI mike-her future r« Hie organIxailoQ. and K to tbe parpose
Tfaverse City in the matter of
of this firm lo make tbto reJe fltitogly
nlshlng an Information bureao for the Idenre. Miss Petbrlck' will opewd
tbe ausplrtoua event white
ri-»prtcte. The Tmverve City lotorms
was oiwned two year* ago fore going on te AbevdcM. Boot
They wisb to invite teeir patrape
ind turbtohed Infonnaiion to ibon- iXakou. where ebe wtll make h« and the public gennallv to rlsK tbetr
store during ihe week of lb•andr ot iieople eomlng into tbe Grand home trite her parenu. ' •
sale (bat they may secure m leertba
Travers.- Motion of western HlehlMra H. H. Cammar. of CAlltee. •rreplieoal
beraatos thai i II be if.
reiuroed tome thto aftentooa. from lered.
Xo» the Petoskey ■•eople have open- several day*' visit here, tbe guem'
I an office in Peioskey under tbe • ber daagbter Hra C. J. Aytro.
rTATE OF XlirHIOAX—Tbe Pre•me of the .Nonbern Xtlcbi^ PubMtee Looue Btarr, virite has bten
e I'ourt (or ibe Counlr of Orapd
lirily l.eague. and the announcement vtolting bare tor .tee peel iwo weeks,
It s eewsioB of said ceoa beH U
ihU new office for the Priotkey tee guete of Mlae Rate Newntea. re­
l•rol>•le office. In The dly ef TfRF.
lumple aaya that mfornmilon .*1U be turned tela morfftog to ber home at
CHy. In saM ronoiy. on tbe IMk
fiirnisbevl fn-e of charge to all touritts Bryan. O. Sbe will atop *t Grand dji> of-June.
A II, 1912.
In seart-h of the same, 'aii^ that pnbMra A. R. Cook went te Grend Rap­
fresent: Hon Fred R. VaUdr.
Hcliy matter w|U be kept /in sbun- id* tbto morning to vMt friends led Judge of Frobeie.
In tee malter of tee dgtate ^
Samoel Brigtity. deeiaete,
breduaaners. wbki arc on Part ave- Rapist for a tew days.
John O Brlghty haring flle#to sahT
Bue, wul be requested lo rweoed.bto
Antheny Klaoean U apemfing the >un bto wltlM xrsriBg teat mM
Fortbemore. Ibe annotweeat the thue of bto death tbe
says that a large sign haa been
E E Lewia cenetrveliarv foremen ware
ot aald deceaaed and eoUitod to
lteee.1 in front of tbe biman office for tee ClUtees Telephone company,
liw reel esute o( wbleb reW
OtlMr nrwiM. woftll $1 «t 6»c; «wtb *S,t $3 *); w<orth $10 and $12 at $7.50
and that all summerspeeple are In- left thto mornlog-eltfa a vrrew of men (Icceewed died seixed
viied to make tbe effloe hredeuu
II U ordered that the mb day of
for Big Rapids tor a few daya
July. A. D.. l*lt. at tea o'deck to (ba
mernTHE BET8V JANE to a
fortoeoa. at dald prekott office, be
I • a • piacucai ano ttoicy
easily so
ig to hto home at Mttskejp>e. after an and to hereby appointed for hoariRg
Ot neat cheeked gla^^
bouse dress or a rental aprea with reversible fronts
lomohUe roads, fisbiog etrtem aod cteaM visit here.
duwlng Q|. to match. Prk» <»ly,Siit
••id peUUon.
pUce* of reereoUoa to te be bad (or
It A rurtbw orderte that gteda gp.
Mtoe ElUnbete Hin. wbe h« beeo
tice tbertef be given by pPbMittoi of
tbe asking.
Tialting to tbto dty aod at Lcdaad. a
copy of teU order, tor teoee adtr
Traverae City can glerr la tee'taci
t psM two week*, reuuuod to­ GMetre weeka provtona u mJd ffay t(
that it hat been the pacemaker to day to ber heme at rUrem>.
baartog. to the onad Traverte
More pew ones just receivedtbii tnfbruaUoB work as wellus along
aid. a n<ewpaper printed and cMMk
neat and serviceable suits' at aaU eanatyseveral ether important line* ctmneriFREDB. WALKER.
ed with tbe developsent oCFFetm
Judge of PftiMMR




S .St""""*"


Anolhcir Lot of One Hundred

. ..


Cool Dresses

For Honse and Street Wear—Jnst Unpacked

Bought at One-Thlrd Under Value

m fut i>

i "i ' 4'



at $1.50

at 98c

at $2.98 at SL9S


«Uy»e. 75e. $1 aad ftS$


to tea Petrott OBRitoTblDij' ot

r ' Int», JI, JM V.



GraruS Traverse Region

waat Inim bara..<aU>i teeter

WOMBAT, JB»» •», U»


lairelci toilga. Oa teinrtey Iber
.Vvtned by Mr and Mrs. Robert
rt H. rSy.
who arrited via Emplra.
D. r. King of East Empire mawet
ed btmlnesa In town PHday.
Geo farkey drove a iwrty ot trsvding utvL from Trateise City ibrougta

dinner with them.
ivorwbty known,
A Riru aaa gJrea at Iba Bantbll two daughters, seven *01
home PHdar evening -In
honor .d grsadrhildren to mourn him Fanersl
Crteg Benulla eletaalB blnbda}-. R.'- aervUwa were held In the
»«»*«* Powell'iB honwof llr. Btid Mr» H. John.
traabmenu of roraa. aaadwk-hec. Ire seboolhouae. Rev. Ml. I4MUC offleUltMM joha fkriM*n» 8unJ«r.
'} Mr. and Mra. C«rp.-m«r and funA
rream and aaaortad rafcea were
In*. InienaMI was made In DlsekA. K, McCoooha and laalJy calW loll Ii»t »rok forOu*-«o. ill.-h„ whore
o about twaniv of bu drienda. nwa cpmelery. The bereaved famfly
t«rwls Mr. and Mr*. {BlBbiUioy will inako thoir laiuro bomc
Many pretty gllu ware left by the have the sympathy of ibeir frlendr.
- •
, «i». F, SBUBoa aad aUior*. Marl*
Jane IT.
O. O. Bbocter waa Id Trarw qtr and Dull* Ijilotfdo o| CadItLar anjor. and Mra. Hitbert John left
M.vroo HnleTi and lamlly went
ed Monday oroolai et liuii work for
SuDimii City Snoday and llalenail
MIm rarria Wamoar of Ijikc Ann a vlati ;:Uli thoir paronu, Mr. and
an excelleiil irraRram which the chil­
, la kM aRiodlBi a oooplo of weoka
dren rendered.

Metnorlal aervl<« of the 1. O. O. P.
vltb ter folte and dolna aone
Mra. San Hedges and son. WUlte.
lodge was held In the Congregational
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Uarralt rIsUtd
Mn. Mary Caalldour la oa the aick rbiiroh Handay inoming.
UUi Ruby
Vandani -twiumed
vilh .Mr*. Aida Wall ami dangbter
Mra. Paranna and di.nshter arrlvM Trarerae
,„verne CK}
Mij . Monday
Monnay after
arte kiwodtng
Mr. and Mra. Ed .CamoaB aye hcra 8au;rda< muming and will oeruto | Sunday here with friend*.
Rfv. P. H. BrMgi-waiec. nsdi
TiaMai rro« >^b ManHoii UUnd.
Jlu lr roiuge. “The Crow* Neat," dur­
Jlf*. Bert Crwin apd chlMren,of Aroral rail* la this neighliorteod Kridte
. Utda Rotli Crain baa booB qalte ing the summer mouba.
radia are .vlfltlne at the home of Mr.
and attended ptayer luetejng at the
M(k bat te loulm tetter at thia
Jainea l-elgord wa* a Trarerae City ami Mra. By ron Cmln.
In thP evening.
>Ulior Saiaiday.
Waaner haa iiurt'^a>cd a
Rev Mr
.. Auvi ivem-s
driving bonu!


,•06111111 M t&o bOBie ot Mrs. X. Jc

-family to Maple City Iasi
________ .1^

___ _____Ji

EdBOod Zttlar of Kaaaoa apaat ten­ '«d lhr,nmn!^f


..kiia____ -m'

^.Ite a numter tioni IM> plare atw““'

.tJtteron *!»

Rpmona grange at tiran. Cen-

town on Tuesday.
QtiaxlkBUi Jackron. the olde<i In
dian 111 Ihis I«n of the *uie. U ill
hU home hare tn Ihe lo.llan yfUage
Geo T. Baker and wife ariited irv
Chicago liy auiouiobile on Torods! j
and are now at home to their frielid•I tba Oaat*
Cba* D. Ackerntan
brought hi*
hikie to hie home at the‘life eating
Riailon last week.
A «ih iita owned by Mr Hanow of
Traverse City sheltered at ihU .fo.-lc
during the rwvmt wind ato-nMrs W. Bailer and »og of (tiiidivkvllle vifiied rclail^e* here Sunday
Gladys Hilion of Port OneWa I. ui

Mrearbed In the Bla
Sunday iflenioob.

the hotel assisllbg Mr*
Jnm- 1».

ter tera rlaUiai bla mother
tea Barkan dapart»l tbU Ufa Sat-

commiitaa of amngemenu:




We< B. Co.^.1.._______________


ZTZT ......
Mr* koan vt»ii.v| .at

Mie. VuHeJ

MB* Mina R.u*le> reruiiie.1 to IVtoskey Tfiinday.

Manii* .* Suad».


Charlea ttlrail.


Oaborn ate dinner with »lr.




' • . Jaw. It.'

The *•*11.1 I.w-r p** :,i.' c..t

..... .

Klmer Atkinaou Snn.Uy.


Genie Hartman was the
4a, e...nlug ,..M :„...u.led.
Ml« VMe tCMaud I. sp. ndlhg*-y
Maile WiggUia Sunday.
Beveral (rdn. ihu.
Mis. W Ii. tl<-.-mnn and Xli * iMMIgX' .•ral day* in Ihe 'n..iB!it*.ilii«id vtaiv
bk s.ji.,
g f'leud* all.i r.-laDti*..
Zelglar .wiled
Mrs. 'Jiilvi I>*■»:>.
Mr and MrarTwHthi i.;>i>.i.ii4 Ur Monday allernu.Hi.
XIr*' RIeliaril Siuu llng wb.* iia* U. u
Sud Mrs. CWlue Tisvlka W Aterori.
Deviing hu.l 1‘ayiih-i.i «.f
h^i|dr.- ep..h.ling da.* «.tb ivlai,,..*
.v«*lt.-d at Bay tUoite hdsdap '
bought a*..........
roilb- <if .Neil l>..rc-,
•ie.uxla Rtack is 111 wtia iKc seoriel
Hoifr inaM of lltird(. kville 1.
Xir. Fn..| rabl-ftw ..f Ua. Ib id ; .11
m;.: Mu,..1.. WI.«de. mm .blldrea
•tl <HI rr>.-i,d* m >IH. vl. >nfty h<*f M..n

............... "

of Ma.kif,.w uie visit,wg fri<«*. auj

luoka as tboiigfa «<• y.uM go.t

teisuv.w bi rWb, rtA.liy

Was n Tta»,rec City vbilli.i;|.s W,rains 1* no, t.-r, wvil p.
Ihia'ailllna. be luis

w-ry b^.I <-.ogl.


iai-i*.t Ite borne -4^.
Ml** l.irvi.' Friday evenllit

EIiiN-r Stinson. Jr. ..1, Glen-lake

,A g.s-lli i.Mtr1-.r was p,e;eM.9iHi the

home Itoiii .the aionh.'bi

aRTgoTiaek ajtalii in ihe early (*11.
noiii to .Mr. and Bo* Kriie*i Vul.v.
Jiipi- ;. a girl.
MIks Anna .Xndeiaon reijiin.-d
her I'.outo at Proteiuoni lust ae.iU 1

b or Harbm V. John.

Uat . WodBMdny ovenlng • quiet
d at tbe borne

ir a iwo weAs' tlsli


with , 11 ictid''

Rmiben JU«'hell Tali' Frld,

foF her home In Peioak.-y. Sh. 'wa*
acconi|ianle«t a* far a* Tr^ver-c Ciiv
by hei.sister. &lrw..Johii Jlcriiall and

Apne* Milks of Traverse.Citv
yisiliiig h<w. •dsler. :Mni... F. Frx<orday evening to aperid bis vacatlou. the hohte and gUdden the heart* of
-WUesdaruea H. Watson. l\ K Prat
; Mte Mortal Wlalor waa maid of
Mrs. A. Stevens and daughter Ruth Mr. and Mr*. Edmund Bogart June t.
I \ini movkai*'"’
Brown took In thi- coiuiiicniv
teter. and tte grtmm waa auended of Traverse City apent Sunday ‘ri
Mr. and Mra. Ulbb* and Mra. Sloyke
cxcrrlsc* SI
axart lsoa at Elk lUpida Thurs -|lm'‘a Sunday
.by bM brwter Cbartw H. John. Rev. town vlalUng reUtIvea. :
tltalided ChlldrcnV day
-P. -i. niaa perfomad tba errrmony
Mr. and Mn. A Save,, of Rfc lake
P. Tracey left for Grand Rapid, laat Baxter Sun.lnj.
Grevor Hammond and Oliver Pray
'and during tba cerantony. Mlat Anna weak.
Adam Chamde. Sr., who ha* lu-en a
«l*li.-.l ili.-lr ilaiiBlner. Mr*, .loin, I'erapent Saturday and Sunday at Cllii:
-Om«m pUrad tba brWnreboma from
1>a .steamer Illinois took an excur­ great sufferer with drt>i>«y.
m Prays «rf Tratcrae CHy.
tUdteRnn.'’*Lraw.“* . dance a- K.l«1a Clr.rl
sion from Traverse Citv, Suttans Bay. away telurday. June X. He had been
A. S.. Pray took la the hutetell
: A^tienpUoa waa given Tburaday |Omena and .Nortbport, Sunday. Abour
rerldeni of (Iraud Travenu- cotint.v
■me at Traverae City Sunday.

—Xllaw Hutilc Kielyel and Mra Reuben
XtlUhel. whu hate-lM-cD apendliig tbe
l>a*t W<mk With Xir and XIrs. Howard
('■•tend, leiuined to thiTr. home* at
PeiMkey. ihe'

Mr. and Xir.

kTuyd HatleyWl..|

par: of the wok

Mias Bessh- Wood visited with hra
listl-r. Mr* Myron Cuonlogbam the
latter pan of last w etet.

We have o«r dsys of •nrame-teno111 dapraaaloB, wlian wa taka fuck a
ft .1 Sii lth. I.i-lay harvested
comprcbaB.lvelr gloonj vlqw ot tkia f
vetch hay en.p, some of which tnpas; ganaral tliuallea ibsC it SMUts aa If.
lived o»er llv.- f.vt in length!
the man la the asms p*w wRk Ba
Snnie of our y..ung {Ntople ■iieode.l came to eburcb for tbs aola pwteaa -.
the ia>x scM-hil at ,lbe Marsh schmd of bloving Ui aoaa.- Ohio 8tai» Jow* ^
house last Satiiiday eyeulng. and re­
ported a HirPsJini^e
.Mr.' and

MraT'^Myiwr Cunninghi

drote ovei ;o Mr Wimils Iasi Snoday
SirawbcrHe, are tery pleaiiftp
weeaub, :.n .Mbe
too, Mip..' s.-lling'l

_i» n-ae.ui.

•eer n.e ke-sseae.Beauty In Qod'a handwriting n wny.
side aacramaht; welcome lu then, la
aterr fair face, ♦vary fair sky. avaxy
fair flower; and be sur* tUai yat gvar meadow, and yel bluar sLIa, await
ibea in tte werkl to oudm—Cbarlan

Ur. and -Mr*.'Oran lJr»dae> visited
South Doardruim Saturday and 8ui*i
day. ^




Aflniversarv Sale





" aria sewed rag*.



The number of

□enihLra being .presem H». vltllor*.'.'
Ural Bernie Sconeld vlalted
mother and friend* last week.
Crhan Rolsniirr went tc Trover*.CJty Sunday.
Xlra. James Builun and Earl Ruii.i
ere Traverab City roller, one <li
last week.

Thursday, Friday arid SRtSfdaj^


28, 2d

;Flm to taie advantage of this sale. Watth
tor ad in next Tnesdey’s issae:

Travem Qfy’t Best Store

Elk Ra­

Ethyl Pray drove

with Mr*. .Nell Hrasu Thursday. Junv


; ■ . • ItW^k^eto give you here just
what this will be, but want to say
this: It vrill be the greatest
; *
money-saving short-time sale ever
^ the. people of this region.
-t , Th«e
be som^ that every? .. V :
body will want. TTiis will not be
a sale of one or two items, but
' from all over the store every de­
partment will contribute its share.


Traverse City Saiiirdat reiiirnlng Run.l«y

Three Days


Kdd Tllendming i<«k

vomnieacement oxerclae* at

How Many
Farmers Will
Need Haying

y vfc'x.

Graminia Feighn.-i la in nuiie ,*>
healih al present.
Walter HairN of Flfel-akc wa*
lo*n oa biiilnea* ln*r w.n-k,'
GelK- Cook I* ablPlilRIt' eretefl and
Mr*, fi. K HaMwIn vl,li.vl In Trav­
erse Chy Rniiirday.
Fk>**ie Barton and .laiicht.-i
of Traverae City *i>en> SundaV
friends here.
Rllsha Anildon 1* slowly* rntiv.-ilng
from an oiierstlon whl.-fa
d a coupla of woeU ago.
and .Mrs. AVitl CajHapn of U.-nr.onia ilrove out fn their touring
Miindav and visited at Gro. .larr.'tf*
.-ltd Ira Caae'^
Mr. and Mr*. Iftrley Kenney of la.ireit .arrived Saturday-for a *
visit wtih ihelr ntothcr and otherr<<a.
Tea here.
Mlaa i>lhef Punahee of Honor
vislilog friend* h-re.
. All-n and S Ii. Riirke are iHilId
railage* on ihelr lei* at Diamond
a KK-ial wa* given FrI

■it.' *'■'
hho»e iTeaeni
Quite f Urge number ai.ende.!
• • en's da:
h Synd,
e i'.
•I> It. Power and *OB and tlr Bftwr
r Detroit cwlled in town Wednesdax
Ji R MeirPi and ixarty.troni )lani»
re were In town on Saturday
Chs. Ring* ami wile oT l*on-Oueld,verc here /o tn.ei the noiiklMum
■oal. havltut brought a Udy whu tool
•awaee on the boat
Robtet S IRy—«-ba,di‘iil Ol—I
arrlvte on 'ha liUuois am! want to


Clau.l.' aii.l Pr>s| C'Urk

was u Traverw-

City roller Tnatday.
Tbe Mlaae* IMabeni arrived Friday
Milla Ty Pray U tiaillng at hU
renlng and will occupy iba Nelson
grand parents. Mi.'and Mrs. A. S
■nd Mna r. Bantntetiger when ber borne doring the summer.
eveolnic ^ '

Btbel bMame ibi
Mra. Hantaus and bob Arthur art
.Myron Taylor and
Mlaa Ruth Sfevana visited Irlendt
rtvad Batnrday evening and will oc­
-b^. « Htetert B. John.
In the iielzhborb^ Bednaaday and
IWtelte WAB. gownad in owant. cupy tbalr cotuga on the point dur­
a trlnwod wiib shadow lace ing tbe aummer monlba.
lied with her daughter. Mra. Alteri
Mis, K. B. Fahbankk and .Mr*
it*. and aha mrrted
Itegaba Steefa.wbo haa teen atiand- Koeliiii r. over Sun.lay.
B. Pray visited at Deii Waisoa'a Sun-ar boaqtiM of RUm ol.iba tbI- iog Alma raileg* brrlvcd
A llllle daughter came to brUhien


•Ena. Perhall i. xMting her grand
liaieaiiv al Fife lake fur a tuiiple ol


Very cool weather fyr



ilrs. W. H. n.>eiiiau and 1


W. P. Sunday,

II^ ehainnan: P. H. QrlBeB. aad I.


£i C. A. Hammond


Mr,.. 11. CouMn'a nephew «>d *lfe
Boin to Mr. and Mr*,
e here vl.UIng f.w a few week*.
•rdar araainc. Job* U. after a long they are Iron, 8t. teula.
daughlei. Jnne^Oi. Ibll
. gunilav
mamx The faaeral wa* bald Jane
Mra. M. C. I'^wls made a
.Hr*. A Anderson lei- la.t Wnd.y
11. Ite L 0. O, P. lodge of Tra»eroe morning for . vl*li with her terenl.
he Tra»er»e Saturday on bualne**
rttr taUog charge of the rqaernl. The
C and Mi** Viola Uk
lllllidale.. ,
Irereailv |itirrha*ed of J. II, .Monroa
Mate* ate nelgbbor* aU arapaiUze
I) Traverne Cll.» -Mundut to d
Mr. Raymond and Cli.rle. Conn.,11
wBl.lU oM»e:roit i. -OfOlM
vltb tbaei la itetr great iaa* of
of Ohio are here vUIUng frlanda and bar aiater.'Mr*. (Jeo. Detiroai
tetlte! .teaband and
late* ha* rair
Mr. and Mr* I). ^ Wyteioop and
tearaa a wife tbrae aooa aad daagl
le road. iniiHv
H» l9,b
«ra^ R; tetllh^aiid apn Jullu. w^o
p, T^Teiw;
. .... ........... C(”liy. who were tuk
- tte. bte oae aUR aoo i
at im- loot 01 the bHU
been vUltmg ratat'vea here fn.jrl|. Bun.lay. were calleF,
Case was the gnen of
the paat two waeka left Tburaday ..f,
home of JIf and Mr*. W. II.
Juno It
Ilia. Roy Case d^tew dty*-»#te week.
week for tbalr hotna In Travame Bro-«-,
Glenn Marsh went to VrarerseCii;
*v.Mls>- Winnie and (lien Rone return,
Sunday. ll^iett|^*-l JURpIpy w;!(h a
Mra. J. RaoboPD and daughter
ed home tVednewday Irani Hoodoo,
load 01 seed faJlAoe*. ■
Mrn. r. Jtetat aad nurae arrived Traverse City were the gueais of Mr*.
where ibay had been vlHltlnc for ibo
Mn>- Xadia Rider and daiighl. r May
IM( VMk. aad wM oceiipy tbalr
C. B. Kebl Rnnda.v.
past two week*.
f ll.CIol, ind.'.'ira WirtaiOM with
tag* for tba aaouBar.
A tnaaa meeting wu held
The Aid society will meei wIili^Mra.
er relatives and friend*.
MlM-ARte HaU- wte bi* teen
town ball lait Wednesday eyening. SiaiBglf*^ Prblay . nflemnon of IUIh
Mis. Fred W-tlsun is Able lu ■«' out.
UwUw Oterttn' eoUaga. vrirad bome A lasge andienre waa preaeni
latvtey ayateV tv apend bar
voiad to cteobraie tte tib. Tbe fol­
June IS.

lowing elflcera and rounilttee of ar
lOii SumUy on a llshing lrl|>, bul
an. jrnOM -tnd Mrs. Hirtte Budd nngemenl ware electrd:
d da<
day toi- the Halt. «
IS not a fijod
«te tera bten rialting In Oiarlavoix
Officer* G. u'm. Seatlg- prestdent:
that would nm bite.
tte ««« Mak rotunad Sour laai 8. W. Porter, aerretary; Jamea Kehl,




Cultivators or general farm machinery.
While our stock is badly broken, we still have
some of the best bargains ever offered the
farmers of this region.

There Are Some Buggies
That'are cheap enough to be picked up rapidly.
Any man who is thinking of buying a buggy
should look these bargains over.
There are a great many extra good values
throughout The store that are of exceptional
value. An exWfr low price^ has been put on
these goods as we close our doors July 20th.

The Farmers’ Supply Company
844l«i S«atfSt Twversf aty. Mich.

mm) Tuvnn asuLo. Am> TUb*nn ut uoli, tevubit, ntn n lui

oieMO ManuiT .

lined to'ber bed for niore (ban
IirapHstad tor the *orl: tbla a<«a
■ka Old an >• tbe dlrM a
AMeraanfiulor objected to tbi*
be bellerad thu It vaa »ef«aaar>
the pnbHe boaltb that tbe alien be'
Mr« MarUnek va| bom M«jkept elaaa. Ha vaated aome mrtbod
tpMfUlV ANnsAl
YUU. She iMre* all chlldreii. M>«
Ike Brtia* i mtimr ScJml Afftim
derland to mrry an the week evea If
KratorbUI. Ura. Tina Pearb
b and J. N
• TW. b oowidered by<mU.if tbe eauaeD
leD did Bot
..teal like aundlnt
Manlnek of tbla rlir. o&e daiicbier
aatbenlln the ine>t cake that taa be
CHiCAQO. ILL8.-«le. d. O.

Mnu Am Sltrtl^ ■CH tt rMn fhe eld coontry. Frank of Enk Baplda
made, thotifb in raality ilia sat at tB the ekPcaaa.
WiAar. of l^Van Buran St.. A
The atraeia and wa«ks r-----------4M altk* horn of i»r ducbtar. Mn. and-Joe MarUnek of baat Jordan.
raDprUd adTcra^to tbe pavtns of tbe* •all.kiiaafn •hnlaaale drygabda
PoBeral aerrhw wrre beld fron>
atataa a* tellmaa:
r ats^t. 8b« bad >>mb Ib fsiiiiis the Kraiochvll boane Thiiriday aftertweea Caaa and Park iirfrii and th>ir <
have had eaiarth farmeee
hfolih for acme (Ian hut had not been noon. Rer. Demu Corblln oSIclaUof
nportf... adopted:
)' than thirty n«ra. Mawo triad
The aeceaaarT retolatloBa were •varythlng »n aarth and apant
. cree«thclmttcrawlhMtlathae)«ar paeacd lor the ronairoctloo of a
irunk *«mer on the weal aide anend"~-.v"vw bthi w.m pnyawiai^
Ins from Haton otreel down Bay lu
■"waat Batting any laNIng ea>
the Klmwoad dlatrtri Another reao
JM. n"d can aay to yau that I
knvaiaand Paevnathaanlyroto*
tbr ear white*. Bakelnthree-lawoake luilon pmvM'^ tor tbe lateral aewer*
Cny aiven An Option On 6tt Prape
paae. Put Ibe layer# MKelber trith the on Ibe rarlonf Btreel* UK Ibe weat^le’l **> ***** **••
ly at iU.oee. ParA Benda Sold
whkb hare needed aewer eOBae.ll'W* j "■"«*»♦».
FIrat National
*?filr.iEAnother aewar ,vaa al*» ordered .1 i:ii 'I
Each year a* au|.|-l> ihom In
I taHaofcntnrWi. Shaalwarakaaps
on the Boaih aide train
Ijii'reaali'R numbera ii> thr KoiuH In tha heuae tor an attack of
Bevaataenth alreel.
tax-r Hom.-s of ibeSiaie—Hu r.- »
The bond iaaae voted by the people
cow. which It toyariaWr cuewa la
blayor Oernialae aeilled tbe polke
a vary abort time.'*
Ml mam orc^ioua ulici* liiualr
: Ibe npeelui
Bl eleciton on May M wa»'
jeatlea whirb baa ba«i hafuthiB-flre
would .lv rniujixl: and ak aur*.
are the irgt paH at May/ —
I) and BiMilj does li Jrtd to
Tnlat and
Boh). wKh violin oldlcalo Mb
Ibr awMSD'H tileaaiinv that a
wh..le $150,000 ImiDK taken ibyl
Vera Alwar.l.
inami Is n-allv'an i-Ma'-tiiial In
them1 ni par wllh aerriied Iniereai
Recllatlon—Mr* Onthli.
ilir /inns-r fiiriilahinE «f lU.i
bonua or
Tbfre aero
Bong-Iiinang tllee .Hub.
/«Mf ntr; tcueM^r
SninnMv lluiin.
Fsirolmeo. H. V. t'araon. All*..
bidder* in file lletd a* fotloda: A. tl.
IVrward Motemeoli-Mr
Qrayaoo, Peter BctaneMar, Rmory HuWe preaftrt the finatt line In
l*a<li A
of t-blraSD offered par.
ibn world (or your >el«slionand ui-eiiied interral, pia«Mlag lba|
ConnHtea to esefar with the board; „
■ Jty allowed them $l.uMl for prlatlBc
of trade. AUeraan Umlor, Bmith and touaic
, ‘.
Hie lumda and tar uttomay CM- Koeband good paper, they ibould *i





Tills Summep



irdlUB or ntnra .d inr 1‘lano. Kre n» or arrlle for full mnimlan.
imul Think !li«wns« Bummer Home Sday No( Be al One'
of Ibe More .otiiilar Keiorta ibal You Uannol -TaNe Adnata«e of
Our Bunimi i llenial Bervlre. Tl^ujth Our Tventy-foar Bioma and
0.11 llneriunw Fa. Uitiea We ran You With a Plano, Wbeaever Klilutl.-d.

Travcrae aiy stoic, IN ELFraalSt


Be sure to stop
here for Post­
cards and Sou­
Some dandy new imported
China Piates with views of
Traverse City now • oh sale
that make excellent remincfers of tihis elty.
- .

City Book Store

lb* fauaifaig lacald; add
tbe frail and tfatud wpou the cake.
A ('o . of Itoirolt offered
iffered to My $
and wiyued Int.
,t and alao jtlre
lonu* of llOfi. 8. A. Kaan A Uo* cd
I'taleatn offerrd par tor the itsUA Harria Trust and Bavinita Bank of Chica­
go offered par and acened Interaat
wHil.- a bnniu of tlM.* 7%la latiar
Arm baa had a repryarntatlTo bare for
tb* paai teo wreka loaklbg Into arrry detail of tbe bond iaaaf; «bkb
iiuurod tbe .dty of knowing thu no
fnrilier i^pllrattona would nrlaaJC
they wera awarded tbe laaua. Tbla
inn it ai*o Vaied ai naa of (ha beat
bond houaes in the eonntry ud b»
ahraya dealt fair with tbelr ptlroaa.
Whilebloa* company offered more
for ihrlapue.
be aldri
be boat to dlapoaa of the bemda
thr largrr arm. ao thry were awarded
the iiiue.
A thirty day option waa glTen the
rity by John F. OU. on tbe pmprrty
along tbe bay front that bat bran
rorpii.d By,the tmoplr for many yaara.
HI* pure wa* $3S.OUO which I* lll.OOO
lew. than the came property waa of
fered the rliy (wo )-rara ago. The
option wa* ae<-Bred by Mayor Oe.
nmine I( waa referred ta the’aMiiminer* «n Paik* ana Way*
Mon* lu report upon at the nc
gular ui<.etlaf.
Mra. Barah K Bpragu aakH Ibe
eonnrtl to remit iba paring taxher proivrty located at tbe c
of Washington and Boa-dman ar
which now atuoanta to $375.$$.
alirgea that aha la without mei
«up|«rt and tberefore unable to make
the paMiu nt. It was refarrad to th<
(lulin* and aerounu coDmlltaa.
7'1ie <onimliteeoo straaU and walk*
repoti.d laroribly upon tb* bailding
of a eanwnt nldewalk
aide of But Freni atraat frem a*r«*U
erenue to tbe entranra of the fall
grei&da Thia walk wilt be built ai
onraai (he reoeut gang la now work­
ing in that iaealiiy.
('ouniy Road rommlMlonfr Frank
llanill.on naked Ihe isiinell for pM

mrrhaa* graved fimn the
city pit tor)lmpruvlng tba read aooth
of Iba clii| llmlta ta tba Ranaoma
farm. Ji*-waa graated the roqndat.
the city to racelra tan eenu p«r land
and they to open up a Mw pit at ihalr
own expenae, at (ha one now open la
being need by thr city teama.
Tba tT,00» Inud or park bogdi for
Iba purchaia j4 tba property nkmi
tha bay froat near Iha Oral Wood
Dlab company dock for n city paric
waa awarded to tha Firat Xatlona
bank at par.
ParmUaion waa granted
Uiher to araci an new rbordi build
Ing of.brick and atoae for tha Oe
tral M. R. rtaurrb on Cn« atyart - .Ha
waa alao granted the right to nsa pari
of Caaa airaei and tbe alley in tbe
rur of tbe building fur ttorlng bolld
Ing material.
(paycra of (be elt) raiiuealad tba
11} to
« ronatruct a'nnnrable apaal
atand ISxli n-hlrh exn be nacdi on
pubtle ocraaluai. Tba board of pubp worka wtwamharisad to roiiatriut
- atand orlbl* kind that can lie PUI
up aad takau dnwn whoni-vi'r it
•Slid* on *e«rr pipe and cement were
<jpen.-<l mnl iha •tmiract
pipe was awarded la Amu A Cole
and (he eenwitl rentrai-t loftiwnnab A
Morraotlle rompany ^
Tbe park ronmnttre reioniiiietidtd
'bat tba city building ai lUe <*ime> of
Boutb HnlOD and atreel* be
to tbe l«rk of ihe lot and facTruth attMi and (bat tbe ra*t
of tbe lot be luirroved and made
Piuk.. Thia
waa adopted by tba (Modi.
Thti atrainu and watka rommtitae
leommendad that tha natter
rJaaning the alley* daring the aummar
bo deferred a* there I* nn mone> t



jto *p««d the auiaoter. '
Mra. Chaae expect* to vlaN nlall.***t North Mealion helor* Mnlnt:
Nr. and Mra. Bdw'ard Camta are
here vlaliiK (rleada aud' rtoatitaa.
I Mlao oHto RIahi expoeu ta %Af
. Wadneadiy for Manioa where ^ |n[lenda pkkini MrawlH-rn*. lor bar
■unt. Mr*. Derharahliw.
I Thu tdcas Will el«n gwe an l.-a
..ream aonal at the lung l^ka ^
Friday erealag. Jana ft. a lai«e at.

-United Stalaa and 'Canada 'WallII Ri
liOulsvlIV.. K}.. Jouc ln^Tb<< g^ea^
rail Mtlirring of real estate meu'rver
held In Anerlra began beta today, tb'
iHCAslou u-itig tbe Arm BBBaat c«>i>.
vetiibm of (be Salbrntl ABaaeUibm
■■{ Heal VX.fiahcea. Nearly all
the large flile* td ilie I'mied Blale*
and I'aila^-dre repr.wenied Pteal
ilHil Baniii.-I B. Thiirpe prraided at Ibe
inllial ae*>.k>n Ibta arteremm aad d»
livered hla annual addrw*. . Secre­
tary R Hnire Uonglaa of unwaakre
and Treauirer A. tl. BnwUa eg IleBI \er presented th.-lt^aptiual’roporta.
I The remainder of tbe ae*d<u> «M or<ru^ wHb reollne bualaeaa. The

tbortxed (o remova pan of tha oM
rbaae. Prei)deiit.
Oh dam which I* Imping the raane
Mae Tompkin*, Seeretajy.
of Iba river.
WlllUm leudon wa* preaaat asd
ohiacted to the Oaonar In which pao• jof (he week. Wmalpag la maktog A
^ beionguv to IM caraivd comptny J^♦♦♦♦♦*♦;“♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
abowing on weat Front Mrmu are oomHayDeld. June 17—Mra. Cetowc
pelled to do without toUet coavanleB- MapletonI ot.Peirainn
rane laat'week
rw. Tba ai;Utat tap bdah a ^blic ' Tialt her) mother. Mrt. Ilalbday
nolaance la tba......................................
may ba avoidad thia Ume tba Chief Uoo ttoalgn' of Chlrago la vlalUng'**—^ powar,-Tton«om
of Police waa laainictod u look Inb
her. Mra. Jat
a# mattar and aee that tba oeceaaar;
Mra. Kidder of Tostla vlaUed her
atotoMn-Uw, Mra. Fred Tabtaerrer Ia»-.'
Tbe Bareca Bible CUa* waa glveo week.
r-ennlaaioe to aell Ice cream In Hannab
Mr. and Mra. Horan of l,udlngtn«<
park on July €.
are TlaiUng at the llalUday bouae.
- Tbe queattou of adding a
Archie Olbbi and wile and 0*rar,
rlotba* man to tbe police force waa PYledrirh. wire and hah) and Wjll i
taken up and referred to the pollra Gibba ipeni one day last week vUlt-'
eommiuee. An officer in rlUieni Ing Mra. Addle Gibb* and railing an,
cletba* would be a great help li
old frienda'^ here.
prebendtng >w brakera and In JteepHarry Gray baa cotmoenced fo build
ing tbe peace ^f added tb tbe fore*.
Tbit plan taai been propoeed before
6nl"S)od t
horned laat
but no action hai been taken toward
carrying U oat.
Dew Ualttlal nilnlster prearhcti
at the Ml) held rhur.-h Bunday
ins. The llaptlvf* hnv.- lierei wli'ioiit
a iiiiiilsicr slnie U.i full. wh.i> Mr
Hal] rrelcii.-d Imre
and ihU imc laa ii*
lisiiK-.J. Ml' Hall and
I* fruni Ohio. Hart kl Gibb* kfl -ui the afi.-im>.>ll
The aunimer meeilng t.f ihe'P-eln frail. Sunder |.ir -.ulb-n. nano.
eula TowDKliiii Bun.Uy Scl ool *»-tvla Ciaail Ituplila. I'.-iiiHiii.-r jimI. <illi>-r
tion was beld at Arrble June Ik. The
fbllowing program was mnrti ■ en­
KetiuiloB-Marsart-i WiUn.
..Music by Bwedlab ainger*.
lioiig Lake, Dlal .Nn. 4, June 17.—
Reduiien—Harold Gray.
Bong—Three iltllr tot*.
The itrawharries in tbI* H.iuii) are
PoMlhilKiee 111 tbe Prlnoiry lle|«n- ftai ripealiu^bad btsaow of the
Dieui—Rev. A. A. Wall.
hear) rnlnlafl a large irup ia etpeclTalk by M|ui Kdllb Ilolremh.
Talk by Mr. F.ato*.
Mr. aad Mra. Kdwani IVpper drove
boor—lanmng (lire club.
to Kdgea.uHl laat 'wck In Mail Iheli
Orailou. "Uueaa
Rather'-Mla* tlbugbter.
Vera Alward.
kllaa Urate Rifay I* apending a
iL'Sl 'bt^^ jagmjmtfi ^
IMalogue—Dal*y and Dolly Onihb
eek al home befr»r|‘ ruing in VisihIM Oakland Av<.
Bandar Bchool a Pteaimiii ITire
aanla to work il.i>eiirmn.-t.
Orand Rapia*. Mich.
IHsli Kmlly liOnt-ka. ,
The nuB r-llra'i^am. gave u pany
Eatabllahed ttie.
Reetiaiion-Rllen tVllann.
KeHiailen—Doria Gray


Warp nor Spot



Play BaU!
We Dress Them AH!
All Kinds (d Suit Furtilslied Here!
"We Have tbe Goods!”
Let the wuthet man do hi* vcfy word. We’ve hot weather »*
well as the cool weather clothes.
Serges, Cheviots, in two or three pirn suits.
Then we've all sorts of summef toggery and headwear to com­
plete the oulfit and make this the most comfortable Summer [Fall]
you ever experienced.


Baa *MM A Mm

Hamilton Clothing Co.



' OUUID ttAV^ l



...ttMI.ea^ *M at it kandK M te a





Ml C»liW4«M^Sul» 0btu«( iB tlie l»fomlM4 Sttb-

.. --


Friwdi 0( AH CBBdldBtei At* laUrertid A«d Indl,
: callMi*Pala*t« A Wt.Wtiiik.

CB0dM*tM CM tVft —tllfW
U>at Um}'-*iii b* d>-«ii tb« wnm'
cradM kod Totct fttr kU ——
•ent t0 ua* oSioc bet«e«o soir sod
SilortllT. but all rvtM «OI be detabH«d In the baOet box
«i ro.

riwhrdsa.Ah fiaRitpfp imiaMs af

Shortly *
. _ .
tho people have wsMad for came. TW
cuDou people who have watch­
ed aM waitod tar Mrs. SHtto-ta l^o
^TbOM ^ depced <« the «>alU ;
....M !ihe stand lodny they saw har do It.
I Tho news Bpread Itko wOaafe and
ii t^m t
tbas Pr|.
thU sftetwooB (ho «owd. all grtma
. ... ino U hdheted to
l-t«^X octn «Mt <>tfolks, was prohsHy krger than k
. _____ j. It
they an tnaJled after Thuraday tlvy
haa been at anj Oam h,fc„e. Pswde
t Hanry acMle^ T. C.' »i
ahoDld bear a apocial delh
ellrer)- atamp.
wlio have oot been see* there hefer*
: be received
ttila afternoon, wbfla rneee «n«*
-............i aad_____
'dock atarday alsbi
............. Me"*'*
*" y''
«• fainting
IP Thuradmr piaht atapld
^•fbelr mnch did act
of tb,
Bt. No tales wtU be scerpted a(_._r a ipoelal ■
-------------- 'y <* <?•
~d Ember
thls boor. Csadldrita wbd'bsve
Mj,liaMfMony glve»>y Nr*. Mute Tbe
Tblrif—If you Intend to malt your vote*. Uke precaution to find oot exad^ the time Oit ret^ry depaHment ot your pottemee ctoiea. ond atao In
th^ direct
tb^ib «
rccardto the train atfvlcc on wtikh yeur vote* Ml* b* earriad.
a abeuld be addrecaed to the *«am
which has already baee «oM over
- -- Thla It to —
—*-----pMgn Manager." and net to a>v
a doses Umes. bow Sba cared far tbe
Fmt>—*e aurc that your Mriet numbar It on all balloU before tend
banu, what u-as dosatjt the time the •
lag to thlt office. ThM it very important and candldatea may put dialriet
child was baraed. what she did whoa
nnmbara on tbeir own ballet*.
tbe ehSd -fatmed co the ovo oa her .
•lath—But In any case voUi to be counted must be-received In tht Lois Scofield, U22 Peninmila. .IdifiW
MeraM and Record office befere 8 o'clock Saturday niglit. dune 22. If no'. Cecil Van Natter. 42S 2nd.........}NIU<
death and bow ihe phyattdans >oU
- recolvodhr »hlt hour, they are wdrthleaa and will net bo couatod.
her that fae -hor sake It ^Id he
Jasi two daif sow rcmalD lor the <andldateii m ilie eroaf prlio canv XMherlna Paffheosan. Whm Bk. 188745
bM » hald an autopsy. Tbe ripM
patawto pel toHlMir luoQ.ievd • ulAccriplkiaa. and (heir reoerred
Mra. boty.'lifi Monroe............. 1MW
etasilaufton by Mr. uubm.was takoa
■ lax daiP-of «bn Ills of
' •
• • ■ ___________
... lurry s'ueb ar Mrs. Aims Kom. 1104 E. SUi.. .188175
f i^toadri.aitber here « AMs Lethartua 20$ Elmwood. .1S8125
ml Joat at tbe time of mting to ptwm.
hope of winnlnB Ibe le-lii “• • .r, 120 N. Oodir...--------—~
> In giriag tfao acoBlie tor lever . f the
- ibedodfras will he is tbs cawiailn to the li
..............Brown, 802 Pront..
(ConUnned from Page One I
rhlldim. when aaknd bo* she had
her Irteads paai is pnuolaeil sulwcrliiLians.
Oerwthy Moesenich. 421 Sth....
■■■■■■ ■■■■is ^...............±
baek. «sd they were largm at that gives U. Mrs. Vriiie salil ilwn she
I ;aUl tlmi wlU alB bora masninc-oni rtsard ob the evening of Jnno 13, l!'13 Thiras Correll, £28 S. Unimi.
Margaret PIfsrok. 811 2nd....
Uma than at tha lima of bee death, took a laaapoMM of .the aeonUe aad
They looked like blUtero-the one cn Pai la aa ordinary gfast of water- aad
. OttfREfr. KS SUt..
her eheet was prbhaUy ahem aeves gave the children a hjif teaapo^ftU
CWR.E.VMA. 8.1
le of ibeaeeoiid psyboot s
Int-lie* wide and abM ten Inches every hmr Bbe wda asked. -Didat
.. .ilgur 4X Bbt..-romJ^lt
long, and thsao on iba bsHt were eoa- 7<» ksme that n leaMmontuI ot arem.• ..tAocoad baymrat Biraita..«hoa a snbacriber has nadc one iwyioeiiit
sUerably laiw. Possibly. tbe one He in a rtlaas of water la enough to
raiqps^ had st s Ister date aiskes anclbef^ panneM the lapt
___ arcortfla*
.big bnntibetween her ahooldeeu aM kOI a horwer Sba inmpilr aaM
aarlj sttsoh oos trf thase coopoas to osoli
Tbe rede
In fdr<^ at ibe ttae The
-• find
Itwl poynieBt
was made U the stAlv
tha'ihoMdar Made to tha tosaU that abe a -r gave It to Marta la this
seat tfi BBd tha mwibBr of ToUt tUs
oospoB m_jd OB the aoeoad
oad payme
paymcM and on (be s<
second paytiieot Ibe .candidate will
tha ba(B waa nine or tea laebes «ny.
tbe bad
bad taken
taken itit that
that way
- - ->it —•
rooMTO. In votea. the .difference l>el«e>>n (be amounl reretred on th
. ImadoBtlM
wide and a foot long. - - - not hatM aad given
( and the antawane Han huih yaymMitB been made at first.
to her own rhlKK
umrtc •
tafeMs far exam'i-----------------------------------u In forco; A
caten supper with him ihst night. >f«. When sba,gave It to Msrie darOTbadTIhed far oae year by mnll, new at (2.M and reirived H.OM
that aome pwaon aubacrlbe fqr a oec
Sthol Edwards. 810
girt was playing oh tha Door as tbougk Md the bums, was by drupptmt lain
eensMered aew
dMccIve le.AM't
Mra. Lois Sleder, R
BotUng had hawMed wbn he came Jha apoon aM tbm filling the sgonn

riiild^.nol aU.
-nmaJng i
^e and ha wwUd aot have known np *lth wntar. 6ha did jm know
[Ion ^o
to evr
xbM itt aceotspaeiaa
aceotspaelea a'aa
mr bdfice
odfice. eatftloi the candidate to
that she bad been bunad if Mrs. Wit- had omU not Member to what Pfo|oat ttao
tPD tiniM the aam.ini
of tbb aaeund payBcot, ».W>0 plus the aubscripta had not UM him. *That night tMy portlona aha had giveq It She Md
10.000 4oab 80.000. for one year by mall. If It la a second paymenL
- Irkli pane oCer'aneodB b> second Mymrot dellevered by earrier. Don't you
dresed the bams with abaorbeot cm- slmMy followed Ibe direetlena aM
tStok U worthyosr while to look tWe upr This crest offer is just the cm
to^ aat^lUed «l^ Hlttosid oD. He did not now remember what tlw
laho It posBfble tor tha lady who iHKsn late to eUll be a windid At tMnk they. «im aerfaus »♦»-BecompsaiM tbs t
7 be aDeeMBlal In sauing aaiiy of thase aecond paymenu and
ehongh to demand tha nttepUoa of a:---------------------^nlKtib« ...............
- aocuuiuiave aiaiffe ncaeTse by little effon. Tbe lafiles who win these irixes
mm be tboasfattnl ladlew who fletire s little nnd tbe one ' ”
phyalelas. While Me waa alok up: e w « • •
Aijdrssi ............................
pot Msfad these seeoD>i psyiPMU.. In rending ibem into
*talrgr>nA’lM«d urn daya. be had,»
'-• BREVITIES..- .
Jpartaient be ■ire.snd state whan the firat payme
Ineludoo all territory outaMc
ailed every morning b
Traverse City and wool and north of
Cart V. Moody and Mlaa Lantoo
.'f'Tbe tmuswl'amcBnt of interest and Ing dayt of .the cspvpalgn." said tbr the Pore Marautye R..R.
pleoMt for bar. Whan asked to tell Hollo, of Ktogalej-. were ueiiad fa
wnthnitaam mMilieaiaa during the campaign manager yesterday. Appear­ ChaHoHe TMea. T. C. R. S....1S641B
jpast week In behalf of Urts great ances hacked him up, lor Indeed he
- irdkl
*bat the mattreea that waa fouad marriage Saturday aftemooh. by J«,Sim caasgaiga. proyea that ladies^f waa a bnaj- man. V>'klle jreryoeiT
on Marie's bed was made of. Mr, Wlt-'tlcn of tbe Peaco George W. Cortla.
Mrs. Robt. Lackc
Shis ewtlon of the auto arc qnlcklo cB^aected with the campaign
ToiHi.. j«»
Ii.mi te-aald that be did agt know. “Why,«:ThecMiide left on a *:
«M*<&ts a good offer and are pv..185550
Con, .;Vic. Oau.
than, aald Ur. OUbert. "do )
Big forth every effort to win one of
,to the soothem pan of tbe ftate. aad
bImm eletant prisoa. Tbonsaoda oi and everything U in readineaa for the Anna Gearing. T. C. R. 3..........II1S4155
this Jnry that you were makiag Merle will rstnra to a week or ao to ««ka
-4otaa want Into iba reaerve last week, grand ruah.
Mra. N. Shleler, T. C. RFD.'...1lISES8S
If yon did aot know thoir beSM at Kingsley.
•u indlcatJOBa lead (he mabagemeni
Candldatee, 4d not let others carr> Jennie Parrai^ Empire R. 1___11
Chicago. Jane l».—Pwatbes quoted what waa
her badr ‘There was a
Claud Herrlmaa and Hosrard Mar.
m> bellere
------- •...........
otm win be Ir- away tboae valnable prlicta without
' kmg panae before the wfi
answer. gaa dimre thnniM lau Satarday and
-week then the iptal of
>r tlthe a atrtiggla but make op your mind
PNees-torracted each day by wtra >t Sl.iaRllP.
ed. and thw be aaM -i was doing all Bandar from PooUae to thU city t|y
that )ou will be the winner and go
^ U «]U depe^ iMsely- npem tha «f- afti
._ prixsa In a manner that will
after ihp
J eonld." Ha knew that the bed was I way of Saginaw. Bay Cky and Cndl
•wkJnjUA* »r*v
IbRa 0f thla week 4a to who will win orincide
•ieirrmhiaUon. •
Monm- than tba dUM. bat be mid line, la Ur. Herrimaa's Oaklaad toadhnd who wm Mt,^ •QHi' ttOa
There are ao many people who ace Rena Garland. T. C. R. 1......... 178345
that aha never atratthtenad ooi. abe etew. They made the distaon of
eBiM «Up hy. Toor g>ai|W(dra wm waling to aabarrtbe if lbe> are asked. Ada Burkett. Cedar Run......... 178745
•rt. JM nay rest aaanred. and unleas Get up yonr conrmge, csndldstes. and Una Helfrich. Old Mltalon.... 1781*5
alwaya alept' doobled u^ Tbarc had
iti mllaa
mlk In 2< bonre acinal roaffoa ffat overy available vote thu weak go after those backwajd aubscribers. Goldie Chaaa. Uvering. R. 1.... 17B145
been no flro in thr roOm dnrliig the
Tbo trip waa made acrant
Mrs. F. R. Purkiss. I
. yoa nay he Sefeaiad.
.Nothing counu la vcies ao fa
ten^dgyn ahe waa alqfc.
oonntry and through woods, which toUlls
new aubaerlptlons. and there
with making apeed.
M hav<
plenty of people willing to pay their Margseot Wilton. T. C. R. 1
ner's )nr^-'aji tbey had had It troo
ley down. If you do well tbr next
..... 1. Uke Ann — .174745
days yon need not worry about — ■-...........
Mrs. WUe. Mr. Witt* said that not
Way to Mart Wartc.
outcome Saturday evening,
all of Marle'a menla had beeo sent up
Hattiee Swaney,
Old Miailon.. .172475 Receipts, ZOM. active. rCk higher.
The baanty of wort depaads gpM
■So dose «t the eampalgn U vary
et right
ight t<
to work and get your Bessie
e Slagle. Uke Ann RFD..171835 *T.»f<T,«l. dcalag at
to her. She hM ukee aome of them tba way we meet It—whether •• arm
{•lart. Ihia neana the: it has becone •bS|re of the s
lO be bad Mrs. Frodriekaon.
Northport,. .171425.
down autre. The only time tbe lit­
»llWWe that an iBtarested in the during the (i
Velms Gee,'Elk Rapids. RFD.
should gdt down 10 Boltd work gt
tle girl bad complained, that be knew
■nee It they entartaln any hope si
T day. friends of candidates In­ Nora Rayle, Uke Ann R......... 185745
day n^ea ebe had drank fON Bight cornea, or whether wo opon
jSiniUQg ooe of tbe priiaa.
onr oyea with the soarlss to welnami
st tbe office when (be enndl. Mrs. G. K Shearer, T. C. R. 2. .160745
Oiicago, June
hnli; bMlIe of «rmp (
' ^ "erenthlng Is progresalng In (he datna who bad their promise will call Cecil urayette, T. C. R. 2....... 160175
ft a* aa spproschiag friend vbo wfll
complatoed that- day of palas 1
Ibapt ahapa. and the cpadMataa are Gii them for their anbscriptlona Don't Mr, - ... —
keep us dellcbTuI compear all d«r.
Btomarh. Mr. Qlfbert asked l|
everything In their power to slight these promised ones; thev ar? Mrs.
I and who will make ot (eel at ssontig
pile up a Urge reaerve for Ibt clne- looking for you and vlll be dlsep- Mrw Llbhle Arni“
";;]m”'corn. Tf-tic. Oau.
left tbe bouie anasd wbera aha that tba'day was watt «orth Its^



Uuit seale ueensse






The KlaikelB

Local Marled




.3 -

The Fourth
this year
OB Thorsday. It
wUlbe a
great da> lor
the bays.
We are Dp
OB dressiBO
Big hoys.

Bine Serges

what three
months of


Wash Salts


We*ve I

Mixtures Two-piece Stilts
Warm Weather Salts


I B&Y UMU 9mm^. mm9.

Jiine^ ttie Montii of We(Miiigs
This is the month of all months when Mr. and Mrs; Newly Wed start out in life’s journey hand ih hemd. The
first important occasion after the wedding cetemony is the New Home. Have it all furnished corhplete. attrac­
tively and inviting, so you can begin housekeeping at once. Come to our GREAT JUNE UNDERPRICING SALEi
and secure the newest and*most up-to-date Mouse Furnishings at a marked saving in price. Our business is fur­
nishing homes, and we devote all our time to this one business exclusively. Consequently we are able to help
you make proper selections for your home and can save you many dollars in the bargain. Come in today and
look over our largo and complete line of Housefurhiiihings. Get our prices and talk the matter over with us. We
are always glad to give you all the info>-mation you desire, and the benefit of our many years of experience is
surely worth something to you, although its FREE, ^his advertisement is only an index to the many hundreds
of wonderful values to be found In our immense stock during this great June Underpreing Sale.

Let Us Help Von Start Housekeeping Dnring Onr Jnne lSale
We are giving ceili6c^ wiOi every purchase made
at our store and the peiiojQ, lodge,. church, school or
sodety collecting the gmtest value in certificates, will
gA thlfl'bwdtlftU. high
Candidates ahould bustle hard now and get their
friends to^e advantage of our June under prices and
save thfirceitifieates (or yeu.

yoor votes in by Jnly 12
Ihe tneno will be given away July 15th, and in order
,to have sufficioit time to count the votes, all contestanuHidtfld have their votes in by July 12th. In order
to boost the candidates we are-^ng double values in .
votes wath every article in our large stock bearing a a
grera tag. You will also find that the articles faevh^ ^
the green tags are exceptionally rare bargains and are
t>K>bably just the things you need the mosL «

Only One-Motion
£ed Made

AS aiytM-inr pfton.

Our_Store the first time you are down town. We also carry a big assortment of Steel
Davenports and Couches, which begin in price at........................................ 93.SO
—and range right along up to. $10^

RuxvYour Arm In A^.

Par As You Like

Fine Dinner Sets
We have ju3t unpacked soma beautiful Dinner Sets, in all
the newest designs and decorations. For the June Sale
the $12.00 100 Piece Set will be sold at $ 9.00
the $11.00 100 Piece Set will be sold at $ 8.00
the $15.fi0 100 Piece Set will be sold atr$12.00
the $10.00 100 Piece SH will be sold at $ 7.00


SBmmer ^
Slov^ J


At tbb season ^ the year much
tiraeis spefjt oat doors, and to
.rest yourself and kbep cool and
coffifortabfe you ^ould have one
of eur hafnouteka.
We have the .lai^t and best
assortment jm ^verse City and
our Juue-pricasViQ miable you.
dp get a m6<£ better hammock
than you anti^pate for the price.
They range from ?Sc for a ham­
mock worth $1.00, up to $8.00
for e hammock, vmrth $10.00.
Be sure and see them.



tion Cla^” aid inve.«tigatc the in- 1
1 tenor of “StmdardM Cotton Felt Mat- J
I tresses for yourself. Ycu will find noth- f
ing but t!ic purr:: und 1 cst quality of se- /
I levied cotton felt. Built h;. rr hv layer,
\ this cotton felt ncs-cr becomes hard or ]
I lumpy and retains all its clarddty and J
' buoyancy. Non-absorbent, “Standard” i
Mattresses arc "healthful and sahitarj’. j

‘5Uai*rf”Mtitrejse8 AreG=r?u±aci We liavefromtwenly to thirty differeiil styles of mattreses and can furnish you any kind
saving in

low as $2
mattress. All. sizes.

Dining Room Fnmitnre


Traverse City Samples.

We are-exclusive aellec^ in Traver. e City of the Travose (Sly Chair
Co‘s sarapl
_______ stn nger and better thm
These atrinade
stock and cost less, becaute they h ve bse
bseo used for exhibitioiu. ' If
you want some of the biggest bargaii s you ever saw cam* in now. aa
we have a lante Quantity for our June Sale


. A’e w int to show the wonderful values we have in Leather Couchea,
all pii el special for Juney They mme in nlainor tufted to(^
Regular $18 00 Couches, "or Jure


We have just what you
need in Cook stoves for
the hot summer weather
With these you can cook
and bake perfectly at a
reduced fuel expense,
and besides, ydu can
work in a nicecopl,com­
fortable kitchen all the
Prices for June raige
right along up from 2.50
The Dining Tables. Chairs and Buffets
that we are now showing are positively
the finest lot for the prica ever placed
' on exhibition. We would like your
. opinion on them.
TaUco up Iroa ......................$5A0
.................... liO.00

titoln ap jk^



Thli !• of
a liUli Biufjr eiwl fUlis« etor oCervd
tir tbi’ pi irtf It burs* rlther ml or
wood, na* a «m<3 Itncr reservoir and
bUiii rloaoi ac<I la a* ccxal a roolrar
and bakrr. a» »om« of ihr bUbnpriced rmege* It U poalthel, wonb
tSO.OC. bat lor JuBC uolv

S24.Z» ^


Om a««tWbl d Dbrarr TaUdi ded
PaiW Table* a Urie and cdoedeie. mri are
an ef«ia| aeae -p'ciidid bnfaaaa dari'g am
The;, aie ihowa ■ a8 ihe aew ibaem
aria aad dm ia boib oak a- d aatirgiay.

Parlor Tables. 75c up to $10.00.
Ubrary .. 58.75.. .. $25 00

Remember Your Credit is Good af SLATER’S
Abobt Man orders
F tSm

o’Xr''“AU I
...... -

. J.,..

J. W. Slater
:,.Xonr, RfdtlMLMeloniislier

We Are Exclusive
r\EALERS in this city for Quick Heal and Univer^ sal Stoves and Ranges. Standard Sewing Ma­
chines, Globe Wernicke Book Cases and Favorite
Go-CAts andCarriages.

wuiD nutvBEn'BiBAis, Am ttki/tMak k4T
Yrrr into ■Mn«aM«r akM bo*- fUbM'. !■ tovWs PWUlB mM bov M tbnwdire
tam^ hr ether tmAesed »a«ar ta a etS aaa*. hcai*
w an am tiovani tad dnorawd - •*U. aa be aan W aad m •ear? dar.' rwiaa wea.
latbT. tMOT- law M« tai
at then -«M U over Ibe top ef Cbe paMMU aad nrU be ««th tbie wiue watertal. Sadae*. m- far MnM Aar be war aa o« aad aeeer ilaiAn'- w tbe
Ubw trpm hb jnWt of v
There «U) aet be >m aiiti loaie lane eacand benrlfB
m that losae. tanwtc aad ether aaterlala csaie back.
a doxee
leUa o( B
a daj-» rMtaa. Stiawberry Damilaca-MIt tosnli
be ii at taalt. «br Aeee aat repflnad eom la tbaae tor^ etripee itamtli
Tb«« It to ow eo, ameb '’aanaa'B aad ibere iwiddealr deroln epoa the erapiBior ■oar. a half U
■I tbe time. heeauBc tbb will rbecfe' ptala oelen wake Hlectlve bordera If dchtt>~ ikat eaed' to be aCitated. a* It reenc waa the BtamiDg aecewliy el nh aad oac mapeealal aad a ball el
larthar eealdearta. Bbe alvw.ber at- Ibe eoterls aol loo dee(k Bed a|inwU-to ibe dchu of fatber* aad wotbwa. bebu cbM caak. wmab-Bau Ml «aab- twklac w>*dw: iben rab la two braptealloa-oaMIr. lella talw abe to stod aM drtmer Bcarfs are atoe made |b That -that wo« eacelieBl iblas It wbbwb. I~ligr aot waah-aaai aad las UUteiioeelalB ol l•alUT. kilt u>
be hai tooMed In her. aad that abe ihC aana war alid vwr eBeetin deev woaiaa"—a lew voltw-esB oalr be Weeder.j nrhsaer aod taraier.
Hr a i«fl daach wHta wHk aad toll out
will talk of It aniB wllb bln. II a nliea lor lbe_(oora c*a be nade al acquired by bone prarllre.
Itoldr .rftai tl4 wee aroobd him tma *’«lf aa Web iblrk Cat la ruuoda ibr
mother baa iaatobt abe can aoire cawivatlv^ IHUe ci|>en»« U a *lrt The iroc beaai) ol to to oaly pm wake breed, ak'tortb a Bood dtoner. etoe of a^awrr; oa eeeb la> »to/or
nay pnblawa. She ii laterbawd la to lanaiow:
•‘ble where then to beawr of Mol waah tbe dtabte. amb tba Soon, aod rl«bi berriaa: thaw the
bto artaoel
------- .
■ —
IsaaHcated lo a beeatllel ebaneter.. Id fact do with case all tbe Ulon
The Natm Lever.
------ Cvtber aad- idaeb
.—- Brmlr In.v ime
mrl that
----- so —
eblrii Been
lo him
tbaeiber la a snaMd MB aad »item
*,««.*> Jl—ll-W*. «
« l». o« w .-Uw
Bj the war. bare roa ac«a^ Ihe u oo< «Be«ed. aad nerer whto but
Tbto waa oar of ihe um>m aw^aloc t»r .*«..>-«»•
Staad la the
la aS tfeat roD roBBt rtrhr«. I am |oer.
It to well It Ibay are from mwdn* tahit. yet? mya Kata R it ju», her slarere, cermet, b^al lUnjt* tu lionto Chrer'i editor, abrn
» woaieat le aUchlb dt' ibe
Hr'boue I* lealr. aud tar beoiblc
knowD 10 bto lereoia-hoyB Ward lb Coed Cheer. There aarely to hoU e,-ery day.
abe bad the oovcl rxiwMeore ol lU- ‘“Ii'
whh a hard «ww tndoor
cotered by tbe proad aod and fatben aadMfapIr beyi aad *lrU. aad slrto who have beea bnuBbt av nothlo* like H for kaeiAac ynr
Aad Boally. that oae of the ttwat
, we»iem ranrh lor a ‘Miue “•
boea ' baeiru as waa«
-1I> lather to ar rbunr aa» oee Iw-W boibes where Rood prlociples are «*»“«• f">«
* “dowaot-t^ beauUful tblUSs oa earth to a per*,
dov. «ho aorked u|a>o > >•'1-^ torrie.
.ea be added wUb.
• i soaa Bir.Aallr btosalnci of Bewe Cbeefaataualataoec. aod 1iatmadarda ef life.
»«'■ ne*»ect*d look. I toerwrf ihe nwdeai. tree ywrtti: *trt: oae who to ,b« ,,i,ce were Irom the ciiir.. a..d •"*' < urOii«i: tbe tm.turv.
to aate lo aa)that Ibe boy wlU never
Id theteeaa aboy eater* tbe ace oT'yhbK ef Creqaeu preaalbia lien a her fotber'a (aide: ber aielbrr'a eon»ere helideae In a hoaavlrold ••iiirr*
Sno»l».m S|«rue-doak a lull
very t*r from the Ideal which Mcato aod hero-»-orahlp. Ilto seel to vtolt In a fawlly of Clrto. who were ,on; her iKolJiers Inaidrailon ^nd ,.Dcy Ullici* *ho had Mwnt iber
of |
1 Aid iLat very nany tone my way.
^ Bmthet AoU for hm atln^ by Ideato ol the berok; tbe iLe aiete« looklac drto la towa. ter «toltr'» tdni. whkb
Ii I b»l»' hvra In Ibe we«t, oeold luni il.elr
vb bEin.
of r
Aill t.
— .
■ .ma,
that aa-’
thla-somwer lo «ct ac- ceod. ibe beautllDL He ackrta Ideato They bad to mrk tor all they had. joa arc tryln*
womeui oar rapful of
liands to almoat au.thllu:
the Unr
“ tpDinea With the -laa- aide ef your for imUatioa. and them an airea*tb. too. mi* -hat <hey sot ihey took wre
--mat rupful of 'booiac
■ of boosck.-eplns They bad boiueviead
..a »» .tad <*«<lnD-8 Uves. If yo* have Mt al- esed by etork* of pereon* whose flik of Alnoet every day \bat preesins
The UuBbtar el a Boy.
r' add the aoaked sclailoe aad
i laliii*. and wbea ool encased ou otli*>»<» “■ 4
brava-deod. h.r. wen ad- board wn oat^ ll|( «reel .Mrta Tberc’. a lo. of ...nvk anklua
uoill dtoaolved; Uke fro* tbv llr.-.
er ranrhea. would keep bouae la mesl
n.d UP .
----------------------- \
mlratloo aad pntoe. It to wlibln . *rre dvea a apoi>«as e# aad a
,hto world * wr vajo^
ib.1 luiir of a half lemon and
appro.ed fashion. One. an okl time
■ / i^T
, Wontaa.
nolber', aphere lo loflaenrc a boy s tealne dowa that wade .hew led m, we feel oor ««to .a.kl>a
Be a
l.|rit«L roach
"hen thto has rooM aad to
' row iHiorhiT ' and
Olrto, all ol
la the Uuebter ol a Uo*-^
of you. everywbew.
everywbew, thto nadlas. ao that trashy books will opt qulw '•*» "P-" »»“«■ »««»•
hardworUac farm
Inic. hard-eorklBK
fam band, de- >"'Kf«inlac to thkkea «btp Ihe •biirs
“********..?:.rT' ■
“V*' ^ Is
teach wia had ea"e bet* tod aklrta. mere kept m ibe heart.. Imojaat taurtier
to a word lo yea:
yoo; be vrewaalr.
wowaaly. Be aUnet. Htotory will
IlChled III Inline sioriw of bla ex-,
'bree eCRs lo a stiff fratk. Urada roiupliiK. bapp. boy.
-tu« tnw
tim lo
to yoaraelf.
yoarsdf. aod be saSded by the bravery,
bwvery. loyalty aod berolam i blo«- ^-“*.1 and preaa«M so that ih^e
iwriene.* shea folkiwinc the herd.
*«b tbe IbkkeBlBC )Hlr
for'^t fiwaya looked aa thoasb ihey
IdtMipUDSi «r thoaa who* l|ave beea ,,p|,y «ai give him
while bis Bacers sere iMsy pleeiikc
*blp uulll very simu abd anita
etonc *ia«* m load.
Tbew to n
thtw»ih> aU apd know by c*pert«ee B<^
aoWe Uvea;
uvea; books of sdvewure. irtv- had It ( come from tbe hands of
qalll Uorks tor fats Iwinesimd shark.
Klaw'a.^^ srlth roU st^tw
" ■
WTikb I musk can alkiy;
oi» loac wlnier erenlucs. No oae rot®" " *«b alteraaie lajera of 4fce'
a ot’fflcbaimit l-~r rWiUr
**** '"**
«® .ponae. el and ciirtorallon will leach eadar
Obe of tbe Brat thluto t did wheu I There's a ei^d ol careless sladncaa „|drTrd li unmanly
« and |»raevennce If. SooJ literYon'may loae the r
In tan ,ibe> *l<OMk aad berries rot Bue. Serve
and atare to lovad In tb* borne. It there to sot home mas to take down wy drew ta Ibe toasbtbr of a boythemselves ’
ilieir bousetkild with naaia.
A tew fHMda. la dcadL m, weU aa
ahlp.Dsapplyoftoterestliisbooksandsood skirts and CO over thaw. When you |„ the fretatoad riaetac laasliier
hold ■
•Ul be replaeed by sincere wapeci ratieeUoos of verse, a boy will aoqaire set to prefslns yoall aotke other
qi d rooiptbs. bappy boy.
The tboBchl came lo Home <Ti»er:
«lu, -iBiiMaM«rrtB M 'a^^ lowV-bol^e tairte In readias. If be tblass. loose hooka aod eyes, frayed
wdy do we not leaeh Ihe bo.s, to d..
bivo *b* own methods of
How it takes as batdtaaid flylns
I has a bataial taste for books be baa a
div at. and kite we ivt
*• to'sraat fOB. perhapa.
Ibeae llilaca. A llltle ceneral knoalUSVOUaS about. ■ Wbea
With Its merrlmcDlSod Joy!
ataoKy in your Ulk. to take aurrep- joy of Wa osrn. If be baa ............
edse to bound to be bel..lul ume time
•*»»• • >««
mr Ilk mnh raanoi ba sisblos
uat*. « toaat he roa
con be kept Sway
An la wvUfato woat lOTOW, hantiy <Woaa i«fa of■ a dcareite. or to da- uata.
- Don’t Da Tbto.
la every ntoh s llle. and there to oo
WHb the touebter of a boy—
eWva. your mother as to yoar whera frpm aadast.-able roadfiic and aaoaaI know a creai^ many .wwDan, aad ao
boy who will not sonk dCy be Ibaak'»ffTla« thoir .aaad. BaweWith tbe clad aad Joyoaa lauBbtar Ml for lust Ibis dl«-lpllne. Pe^p.
tioaal aewapapera. He eda Iw clven doubt you do. loo. who. when bouse
wovo alwu HoAly bat
Of a roniplDC. happy lioyv '
Mo coatiy PMWa habfes uw» my
Poaalbly. for a time, aach a line of tha ehaaro to be latereaiad Id cood daaaiu Hiw comro aroa^ take HhH may be wbea be to eamplac. and
by thamitivea. Ilto tha yUlew
will appear amoalns and thlnc» and to form his Ideato by them- old aaro roypeu for the hoys rooms.
ran proudl, aerve the dlQDer. Or he “•»» '’J
«'*'• ««■
P*n>»A <>*««•
■t la roptareS
soib dagy.,
"■ ________ ______ whkh alstltrhe* lo bto wearlac w>l»reL If ha
V ®
Yba old obm that have done
takes Horace Greeley's advice, white
lWRfct«»*ltoilmayoakao*. baektotorbad.bOoae-nibe-o«U- ^^^„,r,vacai.ce.Ari,rthe Pl«®d
Of a romplnc. bappy boy.
aad coe. wesl. he wiU be preiiy cer- ®««rta« J** »* ai tbe-«W oiber
^S t0«-«ka yo. a. they.
S2^a th. -Itoa" of the ocroatoa
-AUaau Jourad.
o need all the kaowiedce he «n ^
JlT **
I'nothhis »KW4*f mwAe. wUaa ydu
Bawembar that, aad don't yield to
4 to’,be writer:
' “r
^-----------cut. And. too. why .hotm not -_____
the tamputlon to be fllid«Bi and uatried of «.nr*e , the robbtoti room In whkh to sleep.
Girt Notiaiw.
bo hi. moiber a rldu hand waD
'Tim a aaad Aat KUru crowto* the

ns. uBi tihis muia; Mihr

fc. I«..».*der. .be

'eiULb ■JrimT;.™.'!

0. jyi. e-b r.. — »ri".rbrBr.Jzz; i?zr;~=''’b.r" :r.”;rzirzrvrr

“~HEj :^rr:rrr“:,r

The •ocMandS . naaw kbbU> ant


w Hr—', ri'-rr

cbcerless bomeu which send boy> oat
•Hocmtearaci gauemvr o. -rolth U
this household, twenty years . ... _____ ■ ______________ _
wow to bo pitied. Ptu dhe ooodlUoBt old. I am lold. Mceps In a siaalL very
, cdM«Kul idaces elwwliere.
mider whlcb women have to work, the pi^n nom on tbe np>«r floorr It baa
----------------------a window: the room ef what I
Tb. «ri Wb. »wltoa,
Tbka eoCODOB UuaalBA'trron-our Fk- demaada. tha croal oppfowlon. aad oiy eounuy would be
tharS haada. ' •
the many dlaadvaaiaces wbleb lUo ac- p,r servant. On the second Boor. In TUc wind was east and the ehimn.-y
Tea who iro you.-may o'er thto fair |,nti|wi ef atroos and noble womas , i,rfa. laxurtous. brouUfolly-fnrbav?nM
.fciebed ebamber. lit
' -•■rth ____
ptHty_ ^
have not yet been aalldanl
aoSleieat to rore-.k|,bed
fit for
tor a iwlBrew..
AM roak'-tha bwktos of a loralca nwva. bat oiler yoar aywtsiiby to •
,he youns dauchier of alxtcen.
brl^U wWc*wakeAii*rlronbo.lna.D Thto ItMPM anderatand: why to the; IV nobody- imdIeU. and nobody Joked.

iuM aad dirwm Borer
CC needs
needs them

Then tharu to aaother p
tbe aau-whiro attracts iMacs op')
'a'^! aud so tbe «iew crows op In an
dlraofbw to tba roaia to see
^ ‘O*"' aMab-oTfitoW Btaqu are
of wind •«***

*nd with the lap
-tray- moaocrammed In white, they
dewlo’p rUro«e7.
*111 prove a Joy lo the clrl who would
' . . .. beneath lb. ir
tbemselvaa. b« also lo aapi>on
M-iairate her nlev« Rowns tlom Ibe
sew or knit, but
»rokw. aa traea do the
other Iblncs In her trunk.

a R.rl who rolleeied and proslied a
,^,1^ „*n elollw* la what
The I.iik wIM eoarutoro to very
“umber of lour-lvaf eiovet. tost sumIwtalag ataaclaWIWlr aroaad
fO""* » '**•>?'"•*«
nnIver.Uy booors. and no-ooe tba rom stems, ohsa blndtos 1*0 or
of tbam,
thro* tosatbar. fiom wbleb habit H
blnb.lay. or to i.rcpnrjns a lay_ me
_ what
_ be«i
....... roUed btndwaad. W. may
kind of a chum . boy ha.
_______ _
yoa wkai son of and Che saam klM of ptai crowtac to
aa open bit of roontry. covarlac iba
It Bt your vIewB.
mOo Ctrl D rononUed?
They bwl eome home vbllled
toped. W^eii Ihe fortutmte Blrt*|wn»
sround with hms iralK aot even ir»And wbo, with the score of eiam- tire thto straas imnlallly In nearb'
• AM aU
w^ wlt^ I
the mile box. Ihe nrsi thins aha abcs
|, | wanted lo point a boy the mireat Ins to climb op tha few wtinams
plan apoB every aide, of tba women'every Amerlron home I go lato-"

^stMBu*’ ' : ,
ha foar-leaf clover, and trot under
^ „„
„ ^rnyw. U -111 be nroch
' s and'olbera, soHad not tbto eminent Ehiro.iean wo• With bTOBMM bnda, and olBS* *
i, ,!» donor's card, wlahlns lack
warmer and coaler on the sn»ond
o and from their boslneaa dally, man put her Bncer on one of tbe dls- Then o.wned tbe door, and a sirl
A- • ihaillt7
add love.
noat-t lie ron msvs About tbe when It taai no foroat er rorm to proroUtlon of eaaad
caaed apota la our whole socmi
social ays• BaMIlBMlniWCUlBcy dlirtne
• \aa malnUlniSS ma every reUUon
I’. hn,m.lv_v.rv’
•mpileat ibinc In ibe wertd to a fall (ect II. When li Aoaa cHmb It twines
«air*e with no ^neaa of heart to so from rlfbt to toft: while the bop-anwith fi.
other cHmlwr—taros from toft to
tbe boy wbo Is osually tale al rtfhi.
brenkfasi. and Ule Bi M-bool eunds
Otber piaata. Sb peas, vetchaa. and
Let ns so ami talk lo daddji.
-rohy And reaiament! Nor «6~wen
U waa not a -pleasant ihoucbi
not much chanc-e of belns a cood bmi- viaea. have leMrllt by wbleb ibey
For I'm «»r. thal daddy kuoas.
loacalMhaIrtAlvalry. it to tbe iwnl- waa ecpreaaad by an Amerlron wo»"« ''» »
locu man. nor Ihp one who oedeeU IHi tbtduaelvea up In tbe world When
Let os lake him w hat we've broken.
many if all wbo bare tried the eipir- man ihwmbi aLthe time:
lie It liean or hop., or toy.
^ Ilto duHe«. and Ibtin aaya -I fonwl." of a (daU send. 001 a Touns lendril ..
biMint. that Ibe best way to elarale
-Yoa lorsnl. madame. that a d.uchword of ibr c
belna a rvltable rian. whne the one waves about till l( finds some firm obAnd 111.- 111.- may hide OBspoVen.
tbe toot of a boslnasa rotAbltohnmDl. tar to the *rit step lo social cllmblnc
who ran llml pleasor^ In the suBm-Ior Jeet It roe rou-ti bold of; fbea II
For he used i" be a Imy.
baiiinsr A
to whUh tbereVre nmay emptarro. to In Amsriro-a sr>n Is not!
yH of Ibe Rlooin
- about brr.
of dumb aDiBtBis.^iid smaller boy*, twists n>un-i and roand tUI H has o»miUne BfjUA year for tha boy*
D nad Home ieunaL
Ihil she mended her-fire and llsbled
rbrouaft all tbe Borrows .m nc.„ „n,x,. , ^nobto. sciH-rous. rborvd I's own plaU tntly. Bbd after
Per the CMrfa Ream.
tbe lamp.
of a lad at ii.ih-or ten.
klii.I man-lu short.'a senUeman.
iius aiuiilu-r.lnBdrll to BMt OCt bllher
thpia m two or Ibiaa tone. AaU^l
Thto week I saw eome aew curtains And abi- pul of tbe plaiw a dlflerenl
one father told bto ion to mUk the u.. for tbe rotna psrpoae. The Ivf in of feat Mm mfy mid of raetbat were ao dainty aad BO simple I
_ stainp
Hiien the sun sbone brisbi actin:
cows. rAl tbe boraea. alo.i tbe piss, .limbs by manna ef ttttJe roMleta. The
Tha Real Influanaa of tha Hama.
•tloB. «ha.
Ptom what n bad without her
Hit own bear, has been nenrbrroktns. bnnt ibe ros*. feed the calves, roieh bramble aeromMan over lu nelsbbor
Heme to a boy'a tralnlnc sround for caanot rolraln from'lalllDC ron about
Oh. more Umes lhaa I can tell.
the roll and .mt him In ibe sUhle.cut by meana of lu hwkUka pH^ta Tbe
.jc qnallUes which lead to manUnaaa «*«,, eapaetolly as oo many of the
, ^ .u s.
* • •>“*' And ha* ollcn know n the aetalas
vine wood. smIK up some klndllnas rlemalto nnd nnatanina. nna the-atetns
__ slrlbood. whlrt wqio eo ovarBow-,
chivalrous proloetlon for thoae drU aeeni to be lalerevted In thincs Tbey-jorsot that u>c nouae
Thai a boV's brorl knows so wcU. (or-aioroloK. sito the ervaui. i>ul frmli of aoM of tbetr leaves like teodrilA
lot wllb hSIipMaas thal h aplUad over. »bo
weaker: enfUtude. love aod ft«- tbair room. They were made of
old I
Aud snwky Irom Imm- to rafr.-r.
aiirr supper aHl twist tb«iB roapd anyttalaf (bat to
mrt bpa followed her palb like a all- ceoeroalv toward those to wbom li plain unbleacbed »heeiinc and Intendand to- sure aod study bto leaaoro be- hndy.
,-WwaA*. hU tbe mis Bine*.
to ABnltody duer rwapecl for author- i<f fn, door curtains or as lle bac* And sloom derorled froni e^-ry ^e. ,
fere he wem 'lo W. Then be want
The .Irovro of
ptoets aprrod
pi iourae U Boea without aaylns uy: cearase to bear dlroppolaimonU; window ourtalns First the curtain As they felt tbe charm of her miriurolendar of days.
Umi tha wtoe Btothar aad faibar wgi coaalderaUon for others; the sense bt q,d been hemmed Jusi the sixe deful Rf»e«
tvhen the i»« bean wa, Deromber’,. to Ibe Farmer* flub to dlacuas Ihe out la tbe day. bwi toU np at nlshi. as
about two
two and
And the cheer of her bappy touch
.luesiioii. How IS Keep Doy* oe the we may sea If -e watefa wood sorrel.
bow rocn
roefa mi
do Us duty lor tbe ^rod. Ibe hem belns .boat
Tboupb^he suu and Cower* i
. ijow
Flewera. loo. foM over their pelala at
.. benntltal t*ar- oieiait icehes w-Mc abd rorefully
^Mrnn. Thoro to a taniBnl aevrlec ^
■ t«.-s life, laddie,
Aiivioiis Kaili.-r- "I wish M wonld nlcbi or In dull weather, like tbe
ily nature are niHet»d al the cofcera. Rishi at tbe Ot stoo m.- i.iv clrl wim win smile ,
kWn which brondoBS twe's Ule In- .ctertotk* of
s )us( liow ll soes.
ie!i nurtoiliat lo do wllb m> hoy. He to daisies and the plmperocto: other*,
sesa. and Ibeae (naar edse of the hen. a border wa*
and sli.»_
'awed of hcrrovtas It ln(a IlinUed .irencih and
slllful. dlsolwdtoal and tuiiy. I dreaa etoae them In tbe day aad Opes item
talk to daddy,
•'W are euHlvaied le Ibe home' nsaocla- net on tbe curtain.. Tbit border -a*
V><> ■“ «*•**
that .laddy kDu«>
him down wlib a borwewhtp a doaen m nlsbt. Ilka the while rotnplom
0 abaHnc o
Ilona ami ibroash a motber-s loBo- alx lachaa wWe and'wm* nutde of lUthlTo be pUln or lair to . lesser thins,
Fur I'm >
Ilmea a week, and aotmilmes lock whlrta keepw ><• a.ore of hone' lor tbe
hntiuphilil laaki. w
ould make lor m^nec. aar* the l*die*- World. um saline Id rmtaUr sirii^d border »ui a kind, ^useful bran ron brtos
I. Ihe
eoal-bonse for half a -lay to moths fDlDC aboui at Blsht
tmaiUMnafa. Dnt Home
a boy abould conirlbale lovrard tbe AmIcb. II was not rcRular .•ordertne.
Good cheer
i darkest weather
_______ ____
_____ __and_ _____
_ of
_ everyone lb _______
—Womai.'a Idle
how: the vline of H to Mierdlseiidine him. bat It does no eoo<l:
The dandcHon. thai holds H* h<*d
jiia Ar a' real varoUon fer comfort
i*wevar._but _______
ooc stripe cut from one
owr horasMAHs. Juat as far a* thto ,|,p tome by 'belns cbeswfal. reaBOO* of iie"fayy aaleen* that are to In'
----------------------And i hi>vMi an. doubt it
he rome* out aa doftoni as cer \Vb*t. « very u.-^tobt. droo.-* nsh. down
to poroaie. Let Umm fesi that homo ab^. couneona. puncioal. HI. moth- had lu ali^ any Rood eUed aiorc.
Ptrleetlsn Soft BoHed Cgsa.
.*tor to .war
does sorb a boy needr Re; Xlr. 8ur- *„h u* fate to 'he *roun.i as m«jb as
to tbe heat ptaea on earth, and that it „ troches him that personal neat- Two yards and a half of this Mriped MrST. f. Compton of Drov.-r sIvea^For he * irodden e.ery by-ws.
,4|ce tdccldedlyl: ‘He ntwls a chance m, flower to over ai If •>
to mara fan ta betas tbetr trtends ac*» and orderilne** are esMOllals In nttne with tbe atrtpe* *U Inrhe* wide Home Cheer a rertpe for soil polled^ |lr ha* lalhomed ever.v ie;.
p( falber*. '
»sh*in. d of h* -1** l«t •« yellow petIhera than H to to,wander oB Into home lile. Sheaee* Ihat lil» own room give all sirip* of border two aod one- ,.gg, which she roy. to delkiOBa. The .to ba* ira.elcl .Wery hishwa,
------ ---------------^|„ ;, j- ' > really that tn k»rei*
dark alroeU, or to Boab to the ptetare i,
enrourasement to nealoma. Ilia half yaydi Ions, if the material to a d.recMon* niu»l be followro ahsolnlcIn tbe whle world Of a boy.
Good Way. WHh Btrawnerrm*.
lorni a roof ** J'**''' "
shows aTary evanlBS. Pletnre shows irngi, nrautl. liat, orbool-booka. bat. yard wide nod care I* mod in tunilns j,.
« tbe aecoml. nod the nwolt
Strawberry Jcllv-Silr one ....I'on- i.,. -iin and protect the *»rd- 'b.kAfc all rlfbl ta f^ato ptocr. and are clotbins, or other bekmEins* are not a sBiaU edRo amler when the border j,
^ rooked to a delicious JcU>. IJc will .nil skMc the worriee
hgit capfuls of rugar in two gusrt.
cettlBR ripe
mod aa
both Ptommat and proBtaWe oroa- m be srotlercd about, but ..ui oarb l. ael on tbe carraln. Thto oushl to utou-ed of «Hb a liard. indigeatiblc
Tlial hi* day ma. follow Ibroosh.
crashed straw to-rr..- W1,.n
r,.-* *ic ripe tbe daodHior -wli^ Its
rIonnBr. b« Homo Cbaer speaks from |a u, ,,|>ce.
border for four,curtain, but of
, runnlBB yolk. Tlib, w For the stto' iwart of him buirtoa
Msar to all dissolved add li.r.-.i- uesd Mil it to as oprtst.t s- i<t^
perwwl exportoBCe. when It be«sCbaracler-bulldlat U helped by bavegarae rofcful meaanre must be made her method: Have water boillUR oo
Ai the roll ol help from you. .
*.«on* of aelatlne tliai hs* - ■ •' sod »prad* out i’S beautifm
that mclben make tbair bomco ao al- Ing g boy do some Ultle imOu. every hefoA buylns the cloth Tlie Isjrder ,b* move lUwl acroeken bowl, turn n, mill hel.i n* meed the'brekea
soaked un.ll soft In on- r.iidul-i - ‘ I . imk u. our admiring E*rc n*ae«ly
traeuva IbU tba yoaw Peoide wooM ggy jg orotul work at bouw—kccidne u napd at the Ipner aide «nd across
ptace ese* in the bowl
mart of oura or hope dr W.
»*.** ae.l stir over rl... f-. ui.'.l ’ - a frollcrome hreet- will
mbar canto Ihera lh« m> aaywbere , ygya m order, suing on u»-re»rory tbe beltom of the eonaln Inside Ibe .gj cover ,hens rompletrly o«er with Ami Ibe lale troy bide onapokta—
gcUtlne i* all .l.-mto-^l I'l-’ ■ .............. ..
alonE and i-resk op ^ floffy
elae. Suck food tlaea a, the old enanda.Tenarinssomeouco.roie. A Ucm.
l*lUns water Irom llw leaketile. I*ut
For be used 40 be a boy.
and stir uni.l i< tosiii• n- ■, ball, spiMireiitl. spollinf It; bm thto to
back yard W»J4 .ta» of. eoold tbe ggoo bgj- r,iu«mbei* that liouir U aot
Tbo curtain to, ol cour.c. nAdc with
^ ,b,. jigh and set It aside _j W Foley. In Toath's Coni||haiBA_.u,eD mix In Hcl.M' om , n- o' «bU' Joa. shat tne i Uni wanUk for
cruat trees apeak! 'Soe'b ■ frolic* In- acide without earneul elloos oo tfc . hfadlas about Iwo InehesYslde and .oatewhcrc, not oa Urn stove. In ex----------------------- pc-! tTeam turu into n nuid- ai.d mi mile fvsih.r- Wt borae away ba* s
doera. aach raids upon the tonsaalcr- p,n „( bto-parenu. and he must do should be buns on a small rod. The
four nilnwro i«or off ihe water.
Our Rei*.
on i«e uuiil fi:n. vvn.-n tim- to serve ,^|
„ -he uM^ Its sten..
tac kllahen? Btx always the dMbes bt* rf^re. HI* motber see* Ibat bis «ame thins can t* used for a door cover'with fresh boUlns water, and
It is surprislof what a dIBefence gi,, ,h* nmuld lor a n iu Ji. loie hot whirl, n -arne* bOIW UB^cc irom
Md to be wnsh^-and llie ptooe rtlck- ta*** are ni-llbar dincnU nor eo- rortaln In m room that atUoins an- |g, (g* ,n*g sund aakle. roverod. for m our Ideas a chance In ptdnt of rte* «,tvf * i.m n -ff *n.i .n'-it ron- ,h, ,wr.n: pUnt. At IBM 4M seed •— M op before B ola^ boy or slrl de- corrod. and thus be Is eacoucacad to other, at a «do»et door or in any ordl- ,g„r more tnlauter If eSK* «rr «»-e<l may brins about To tbe sverase pera.-r th. iliM • ' to t- t-e served come- M-iuraled from 1« Illtir Iwrayarted. AM plvnya ib«»
*•*« ealUvate a slad wUUnenaas to bel.v A .aery .leor openins- it bane* airatsbl . mti* harder, let tlK-m Mond five wn living In the central or roslern m
.bJir *r.irh baa rorriM U ao Ur into
Jolly wdtb^. JtaTfd bJ ^ RlrU and My «bo U kept buey reWom'sets In- down, and one or two runalna may be a,|gMe» d» raeoed lime
etitee tbe tboufht of a boy's learnlns
ss,,,wi^> I’ud'ing-'lake a Wao.sutl-i. and. ataklns into the
adorad by tb^ bura,.»be endto tor a m gitorhtef.
nstd at a door, as deMred. Two look .
'_______________to do a Rule pUIn ceoklncor sweepiog g;,ugc »itb the toaten yolks of ibree ground. IS aooo foroto nnoUier plani.
Mule rtoll wllb '-Ibe crowd- aome
A boy'a bean U fall and overflow- gMter perhapa. II they'are laiendcd to
CM. BbowM Refnember
gpg „„hb(gs gr sowing on of but- ,;g» , small «up of eucar. two table wblto thy feathery part, bavins'cobtfine dnrtaS the erentaklag. He ncMa someene who wlU its- d9ae the door. I.ui If mer^v for deco-mat the borne kiuhen,.wlth otolbalmost'absurd. It really .,<K,n. ot coro.iarrh, and ooe qnan ,.|ci,d It. duly, soars ap nmoiiE »be
One pf Ilto aweemt trtboiw. and ,g„
gi, conBdencea. If be Is ro- rattou or (or only ocro.ioa.1 drawlns. er for teartier and * lovln*. wOUng
conaWbrod manly, and the unfor- ,, mUk f-tovor with lemon
pan .igoj, „il a shower of rain w..h.. It
•ae wbleb -paid Mva been dost a^ ,*ugd „d Adds blmeelf alone, be be- gro cunaln paabe.1 back to rover a dauRbler for .mpIL to the b«« rooklnc
g„v who to rompeUed to aaatot
cool, tuen stir In one quart of One ,,o«„ .gain, aome plants, like iba
pradatad, coaid aha have aeen It. oome* fretful, lodotoki. or wotae. HU Ahfrd lo half of the oiwning. to vw' school on esribhi* motber to rolled a -stosy " by the npc berrie.. that baye b-cn boltoO. jc.el weed or aaapdrhfoa. Uie M
htoOCk thh mflny -bleb cams when ga,|„
not -'SMsMar - A good pretty. • Lead, at tbe windows iheae
-n«t for a yooas girl makn gjger boy*.
wa«bed snd tossed semly in a towel **, ©f popping open Iheir Oee-t poflu
obe pBsaad lato tb* wider llle. wa* mother ne'er roya Una away. I am eonaina may be Med back or used as good friends and flee brolhera. but
shooM itoww •ame boys go we*i „„]
Turn into a mouM aod set with sorb a Jerk that tbe aoftto are
from on* a( lb* “sWa-' who wrote |jg,y.- Sbe Hstana. eaceanse*. Im- a Uul* over drapery. Tbto would be poor beans.
to grow op with the roagUT. tta*' •*" on toe oniil Brm. To *erve. whisk tbe .caiierM ID nO direoton* Uke srapes cniiful of .hot from a gheO.—BetaoMlL and will vblia* of Ibe cam '
* made Id ratber lao^pocb it
I. would be well to ktoa ytmr p,*iMbly »he a

• -• '

: <«ar “



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