Grand Traverse Herald, November 14, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 14, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text









YSDff apLE m
Cerawiony Todt Place at OM Miaalen
/' Sunday


Old Miaaion. Nov. 12.—Sooday afiy
oon ai'fiso a weddinc waa aolemnaANIM ^RFMIIR VICTIM
tied at the M. B. paraonace by Her.
Oaorga U Tbotnpaon. which anited
Roy Christopher of OJd Miaaion Anri
Mias Mary Iao of Joplin. Mo The
bride wore a becnmlnic fown of w-hKe
white Bilk, and her maid of
honor. Mlaa Amy Chriatopher. alster
ORiMC eOMNiTTCOl IN BUSIEST of the rroom, wore white altk. Tbr
atiended by Irvinjc Dohm,
and the fuUirini; aen-lc# was used.
FollowloK the teremony a reception
was beld.At the home of the croom's Hama of Jamas Huyler Near Crawn
. PaNa Paars That Act la BaslRbitB «f parent!, with many sueau
Waa ttHkan After Family Had
Plat to VAoaat Kiss Alfonaa,
The yooBS coqple received many beauEaten Their Dinner Yeater>
Wbooa TIhMw la Vary
Uftit-and nsefol weddinc (clfu. They
day Noon.
win make their borne here.


iMaa Dtia HHKEF

SUdfM, }^.

Jt-goaa Caiialelu.

STMlor. M Rpate. «m

hare tOSap -By sb ssarrtilat. tlaniM>I
^ hrStaaa T. Aurata. who Immedlataly
' catciSiiS, ipo pramler vas sbol twlc«
bebtad tSa'b^t aar ssd diad iiuuotIt- Tba tiasad)- ooaured In from of
the efOca of tba nlnisar of the
tartar, Uta tealaat apot In th« Vi(>-.
Tba onrdarar anieldad baforr' ilu> volioa oooM labrlon. Canalajaa «aa a
Ubeasl fat poliUcs, and «aa appolntod
proMlar u Pabn^. l«10.
Jlany smaU trai* oade toUavidit
tba saasaMnatlooi PracticaUr arerr
and many rr' ■ psMkaaa ware <lodcad np abortly afV
TSr poure ar» sulpu to suard
; /sSh^A av poaAla nprUlas. Tho
: < fcstSarWii eapraAai an opinion tbat
• 2anM Ran tncUkad to Ua not by
to EMiUnry spoyhaa oada at tho
. anadi^ maatlnt la> awBorr of rran
ctaoo PetTor, tba ^dnoatcr abot at
1 • Saro^ taUovliK ^ tba rtou ihrae
'•Parla la^jEaoHed
lE-fNararof Pramler
(UaMlas* ^MantaatloB m

Spain. TbetS U ko qnsrtlon t
SCms Alfooto’a tassre la very li
can. «nd tt te isarMt tba aaattalnaUon
vm prebfrftatt an obtbraak to nnaaot



Of mind and baart
• .that tSpr£tMbe landers of men
• la aU Brida afa Inspired and atim• slatal by the boric ctl commnnUy
ybcaidlac. TtaaM snabtlea are in
• fact the Juraoba of auccaa* In
• any cstUnr

E^■TSRI»W8a to diaeoveritts
• the reaoarpat sad posalblUtiea.oI
■ tba commrait^.
iNmATITS (S idannlnK and
■ for loear de•


Pi^l^teKCK la wo^^Ta




ewimnitr ormnlaatfona.
P0RI810BT to tea Mtlmate
bane^ tt all list toevtubly reaolt fbtt taclOad aSon- tor the
CONPIDB.VCE anfflclant
meat aU dlacourasemeota. to aur-





El Fbao. Tax, Nov, 15—Colonel
Raaanal Oroxco. 8a, fatber of the
leader of the‘Mexican ravotutioa'In
the north, was arretted here yeaterday
by military amboriiiea and yuined
In the iruard bouae at Ftort Bliss. Army
otfloeni and secret servica man
fnse to five the chante on which' lie is
held. Orocco recently was treed from
local conrti after tO days detention
wltbont (rial on an extradition chance.
This it the Si«t anpllcatlon of the
raceat decision at Wasblniiton to per­
mit the military to exercise martial
law In proveniltoD of violation of the
nentrality taws.

Comptetad by
s Aasoctetionl
The iaict meetins of the Grand Traverae countr committee of tbe State
SoffraSe Aaaoclatloti of Mlchipan was
held In the parlors of tbe Y. IV. C. A.
Monda)' afternoon. The purpoae of
this meeting was to attend' to some
unfinishod bnsinesa ami to devise
ways and means whereby every wo­
man In the county miebt become fa­
miliar ^th the state laws, and the
dutlee of tbo count.v. township and clty
offieera.- The Airman was requested
II a nieetini:. In the near future,
I women Interested, to organise
or ^he a
conditions. A amall balance of funds
left In the treasnt^’ »1U be sen
hsadquaners at Grand Rapids.
X-ery sincere and unanimona vote of
thanks was ext,ended to the voters of
the Grand Traverse region, and to the
speakers who »o efficiently presented
tbe cause to the iwbllc; to*tbe genilewbo freooently loaned their aniomobllea.,and to very many patriotic
citlaens who generoiuly asalaletl in
ways. Special mention was
made of eleven dollar* and forty cenis
contributed from a box socUl In the
Dnbn school district. The committee
was also very grateful tor nmny .help­
ful editorials and'other artlelea pub­
lished in the Rcfool-Eagle durW the





■ LI

Wreck Teak Fire. But Flamec Were
Subdued by Bucket Brigade of
atiaen^Twe Dead
in HospHai.

New York. Xov, ir!—.An approprii
lion of more -than • millH» doUdri
lor the foreign mioaionarv work of th'
Methodist Ftoiecopat wogk was voted
the general c<nnniiiti« to .oesalon
In Brooklyn today. Tbe^groaa
allowed tor the ensbiiig year tsDl.HB■'■M.
la to Im de­
voted to work to the mission field and
the halanre used Mr adnUnfstrativ
hivme, including 123.00,1
for the benefit of i+ilred misoianariee
lAst year the. ehorcb apent tt.128..v9<>
cn foreign pUslons. including the;
D<d Net Want to Kill RoMavait the *..................... ... ■
Forty biaho.n;
Man or the Bull Moeaa Pany:
Irora all parts of the wo:ld and a' nwDi-^
Local Anoraejw Defended
her of lay' delegaies are in allendann;^
at tbe four daya' buainesa meeting of'
the general committee

Tlie exidOHidn occurred five minute*
after the tiiornlng's work had began.
Th<- foreman and'lhe Carlson hrbth•e aMenipting to fix the ma­
chine^- when a blast canie. The cause
Of the cxplo.'ion U licllcvert to .have
be«-o some Klo|>|>age of the machinery.
It U Iniitossihb- to luarn the natiie* of.
Ihe ilirw foreigners who were killed
and itlow n'io bits. The railroad tracks
thrown out of line a mile away.
Tbe shock, broke all the windows in
.Miller. Ind, two miles distant. Grand
Haven. Mich., tell the jar-and sent to
an earthquake reiiort. Twenty were
Seriously iniiircd, none fatally. More
than 2"U i>oiind» of d.vnamiie went off.
miracle that-orh<-r iwc.k Ikuiscs
neariiy didn't expiAdc.'


AftanU. Ga, Nov.' 12.—Delegates
from many sistes gaihcred la Atlanta
Pvia#calt.Ptor)n| Up Grand Trwv- today for a aeries of conventions «(
ai«a Rasian.
mneta inleresi and importance to those
engaged In the f^lng Indnstry. TbV
principal meetlngp of tbe week wilt be|
The Grand T*»varaa r^hoe rontln- those of Ibe AssoclaHon uf American
oes to koep to tbo front. The Novam- Agricultural CoHeges and the Anterican Associailon of Farmers' Insiitnic
bar Issues of
Workers. Chief Moore' and other rep­
Inraa aeneral i
resentatives of the Vnlicl -States
dance of tbis ta«. The f
of tb* Pare Uamoatta Masaiine for Weather Bureau are here to confer
November U a view of the beach of With the delegates on -jdan's to i
Eaat hay taken from a point near ibe the weather bureku reports of greater
beneGt to.tbc agticuliml and fnili
,Aetne railway atatlon. It sbow^
Trnvseae City Mlaa ataodiaR on a rork growing fnterests of the nation.
and looMnic acnw at the Peninsula
abore. It Is a pood endupta plctuh'
warrant beini framed.
The MtcbIgaB Parmer. pnblAhed
- Dirirott. wUb a clrcvlalion of about
Two Sig American Crwlaara Left This
attbiy ibowanC to lu lasne for So
vamber » has a faur ooluan half tone
view of tbe Etopben Inutder farm in
Solon townabltL This cot is on tlte
PbiladelpbU. Nor. t:.—Tbo cruisers
front cDTtr so that it cannot fail to Monuna aad Tennessee
nttnet dke attanloa of all wbn read anchor and departed this morning for
lbs pnWIoatlon.
Turkish sraterw.



AokaB Far Tt
d tte Alllaa.


Miiw.tukee. Nov. 12 —John Schrank,
Sofia. Nov. i:.-Tbe BuloblSBa to­
who tried to kit! Theodore Roosevelt
day captured ChataUa, tbo scteelpal
0< toiler 14. pleaded guilty to tpe
liotoi of GoDstaatiaeplo'a loot dotes*
uiiulelpal itiun iivla.v. Ills he:\rih^
line. according
to toporta fite tbo
adjouriK-d um« 2 o'clock this af­
ternoon. by w-liirh time an insanltv
Paaea DrsMa Near.
nisiuon will be appointed te exlamdon. No# IS.—JndglBC by att
amto'-bia toeaial condition. Sebrank
precedents to tbe war, tb* Daws trotn
Approach of'WiiHer Brings Many De­ CoDstu^plc u tba barald of aaoihM-vM^sb defeat at tba TttataUa
mands Upon Rcadurcea of
the Buroaii.
the rcioRi was hearllv
eeeding tor tba last two or tbrao days.
Torklab admiaBloa that so
Bcbruik pleaded in a low vuiep. 1aeiny wotind^ are arrivtag at t
plitying lo the naual formal queatlona. I From Wednesday's Record-Eagle.')
[dul a* to ^w that tbo Tote a
“I didn't intend to
Theodore Koos- vcll 'I merely Intecd- of ttie ». A. C. was held y roterday aft
significance In view of praalont Bdnloihc third termer cankl arnoon. at which lima tba foUowto,- sions of a aUnilar natnro and bmu be
date-iu> I did not want to kill repon wws siibmiitcil by the geueral
regarded as preparing tba pnWIc rolnA
cresslie par*’- i rliot r.iutw- suiieriniendent. .Miss Knqe:
for another t
Charily DepartmanL
wuniing to other third i
Offlt-a hours .......................-■......... in be quite possible that thU WtU fiwro
(a) Calls at office.
...121 the tost great batUo Of tbs oawHBlfffi
y appointed a«
There are todicatioaa that Bateria
may. after aU. (oram a triutagte ow
try Into Constaniinoplo.
reports Bulgarlg wOl b* o
with tfinding sniUbla *ttte Ri
for he
her army wbUa tl» paaM.B
Uons are BDlng 'on aad»i
fleinenta are being grtt|||il, ;
The qaeatlon of irodteau baa amdo
1. oarmenu ........................S4U
step fMTOaird In th« iB^gBt»
2. Bedding Mdeoes,.................. 3
meni from Paris that tbo Anatriaa
has agreed to join with
Ike other powera In trakomlttlBC Tur­
.1.- IsMdS Of wood .........
key's >:equen tor awdistloa to tba al­
lies and Inquiring 08 what tartt* tba
allies ar« disposed to accept madiaI ton.

L'E UNBURIEO ‘irSrrj™::::
- iSsnrr'.;;:;::



Nothing OeSnite Has Aecn Heard
Abdut Progrcaa oT Allies In

i, Nov. ;!—RIgliiccn j>eop klled, one nilKsing and iwcupie
ty Injured when 1 Cincinnati. HaniilConstaniinoph-, .Nov. !S.—lT»e dead
ton-A Dayton itasscnM'r,
I bound;
t- ivJng uiiburied in ibe very -outstanding
crashed beail
skiiiB dr Consiamiuople. Starvation,
freight at Irvinpion. a siihiirl'. early
and bullets ar>' the esAse of
today. Tbe wreck was flreO from an
death. Non-odlnbaiantB to thq camps
exploding gas tank, ftircateuing the
- absolutely; destitute abd almost
hm a bucket bri­
naked. It Is understood that
gade of dtlzens
monality there is even greater, as
blaze. The switch which the ftvlKh;
(her* is no water fit to drink. •
used to gel out of Ihe way was left
There is no (lew's today either from
•pen and the passenger irain -si>cd inLIVE OUOfATION^
Sofiia or Cofistantioople as to hew the
tbe siding heart on intojlie freight.
gram baiili; at Tchalnlja is going. Th.Most of the kHlrrt and liijtired were
may imply that the Turks are
to the smoking car next to tfic mall
Mrs. Julia Cheney and her 0v»- Changes Will be Made Evqry Day and making a lie ter d'efeiiw- than bod
Prices Can Be Retifd
l»vn expected. On the other band It
- Upon.
Is rnmorrd ihai.Tiirkey is oaking Bul­
were both Insiantly killi-d.
garia to arrange an arftiUtica.
died'In the hospital this afternoon as
In the ntber tieii* ot. war opera­
a mntt of their injuries, making the
For sAnW> time the Ilecord-Kagle tias tions' ihe . iMogresa-wf the alliM is
total number of dead twenty.
been trying to i>erfe<'t some system stow-. Tbe S<>rvians and .Grecki have
yet rcaihed iu
lon«stir. wotre, t*.
for furoishtog a local -niark-t report
report-d. -A!' llir.x'Pashs. the exTliat could lie atiMiluteiv retied ui<on
Turkish minnter of war. has eO.OOa
by the farmers and biishtoevs
the community, but on account of ad­ troop* preiinrert to offer a vigorous
verse.cuiidltions :t has not been pos­ tesisiaiH-e.
t Conf^eace'
sible until the prefieiii -llu;e. From
The Mvii'cnccrins 'uaie .suffered
uow on, 'hojiever. the quoiaiionw
setback in tftt-ir piolotiged efforu i4
be kept right up to the niinu^‘and capture Scutari, largely av.iof to the
can'be depended uiMin to be cotr«Jct
defection oi the Malissol tribes, wh •
Amefc -to.. Nov. 13.—Several hua- far as li Iv |>ovvHiIp to make
derranii miar.mtces of Albanian, ilide.
eolleg.-s Ev ery day corrceiionK w ill be made in lendeoce.
and unlverolUes throughout the
eveiy- deiartment. and as tbo iJiyers
try have arrived here to attend the bate aweed to <-ooi>orate.' tin- venture
annual e<onference of the Nailot-il U assure-l of sumwe. s»pccial fentCanoUc Stitdents'
ures will be made every -lay of the
seaslonB wUl he held at Iowa State tbingoJbht are out .of t'hc ordlnaty.
College, beginnlni,- lomonrow and coi;WHE«_,»T5«U».,«_C.RS C.»E
linuing until the end of the w.-i k
able coluuji. i..
and Irtiyer. hui for the, general pubHc ‘



Will be Discussed at Ailanta. Oa, by
Institwte Workers.

I Miliioii Apprbpriatad by the


Crawp. Nov. I*—Mrs. .Brewer is
dead, bM dauicliier Mrs. James Huy- WHEN PACK . HOUSE EXPLODED
ler w.iih whom shu made tier home,
and the two Huyler .blUlreti are Vi'ry
ill from whet was Kiipiosed to be arsanic jioiaon which tbei- received in
letblnc they ate for dinner yeste^
day noon. Fiill details cannot lie,
learned at (bis time. I nt fi bs cciw-nted
that shonly after ••atlna -veiierday IT 18 FEARED THAT MANY OTHthe elder woman became vi-r?' HI and
then one after the other, ibe oiher
three were taken with the name sicknesa. Mrs. Brewer died duritts the Enplosion Shook Whole of Soutfftue'Aniphi. and ibe aiiemnns physicians
higan—For Huntfroda
Of Miles People Thought It
{ Mre. Huyler and her two
Was an Earthquake.
A rorener'a Inqucsi waa Held today.
It Is ndt at present known bow the
Gary. Inci. .Nov 12.—Six ivfvoas are
poison came-te be In the food.
kuowo to li^ve hCi u killed when the
pack house ai the Aetna I*bwder comrany's I’lani explo<led at Aetna, near
here, early today. Three bodies of
foreigners. William Halpln. Oscar
Carlson .anil C. O. Carlson, hare been
recover^. These three had charge
of ^e pack bouse, it la feared that
many others peHahed. Twenty w>ro.
injured, twelve prolmMy failTTr. The
PAESERGER RAN HEAOON INTO exttlosion shook the woote uf sonihSTANOINO FREIGHT
weslcru. .Michigan. For hundreds of
njiles around the jicoide thought It
was an earthquake.



' Thanksgiving turkey this year Is
• likely to cost the .housew ife from *
• .10 to 3.1^ cems a poand. or more
• than double tiu- |>rev-aUing,pri<-es
’ of a decade ago. The lurkevs for
■■ the Chiengo market come from all •
- ouer the. west and touth. mauv of *
^ tifrm, Trom av far av Texas anjj •
• the Dakotas. The cold wet months *
*. of last vpring are reported to have •*
» caused a short croji ihronghoiii •
• nivariy all of tbU section

Twan PWE

Spddfle Cnarsa on Whlob He la Hlad
la flat blada Pub-


. 111. No




liven on the work'Of the

(■n. aJc
The trewFiiret; reported that
fnnds or the organization bad been
overdrawn Kevehiynine cenu. and a
finance committee . was appointed by
the presidani to lake charge of a avstamaUc Bethod of setoring fundi lor
immadlaie use. Tbe committaa aiands
aa follows; • Prof. 1, U. Tyler, chair­
man, Mrs. Fraifk Shannon. Mrs. G. G.'
Hates. .xItk. J.'K. Santo. Mr. A. J
Maynard. Mrs. \V. C. Hull. Mrs. Wm.
Love. This is the lime of year when
aulisrriptions are due. and an appeal
u made by tba board, to all citizens
and organizations inierestad in the
cojnfort and welfare of the commun­
ity. There are* riany |veihead
pensei- that n(u*t Ik- met. and while
much liberality ha* bo-.-n-shown by
the public and donations of garments
and mipplie-* fully appreciated, finan­
cial aid is also necessary.. A report of
tbe exai-t seeds ot the organization
win te* ••;hmU:.cI m the near luiure
by tbe Bnant^ c.immiitcH-. at kbich
id«- regard­
time a statement wilt he made
ing the work of th» n* w district
nurse. Mi*a Pearl S. Waters,
sic. O. who,has just arriied lo talce
charge of this det*nroieuf.


V is Batos Mads foe Purpooe of Locating #w Arsania
Wtitoh W^ Uaod
Grown. Nov. l3.-TI»o pottonlng
lae in which -Mn.
lost her life,-her daafbttr, Mn. Jaanro
■Huyler and two
cihOdraa wroo
given a race witb death, to oUO a
mystery. No definite fiatalli etfi bo
learned except that tbo mottbara of
the family' were atrickao m whllo eoldinner.
shows evidence of araeale. but bow ft
rot Into the food to tiot knova. Mr.
Httr lrr aaya they bavo norer bod anv
ari'nlc about the house, and tbo only
suproalUon he can give to that tbe
eider woman used It by tnlstako or
else while deepondest bed aOBlbt O .
her iroul'l'-s ihto way. Mr. Huyler
not af home to dinner aad tba eldest son^wai at acbeoL ae they ea-'
It odems they had beads, aad tt tt
thmight that it there was any araeole
the house it might bava bsan used
]>> mistake for apda. A tboroagh tn-.
eitlgatioR -will be ciado aad tbe
stnmarh-of Mrs. Brewer baa been sent
«».I.aDsinK for anaiyaia.
Mrs. Huyler to much batter today
and the children aro out o( danger.


as well. -WTien rc.iding the paper to j
Nat a Very Rosy ,Prospeet for t(»
the evening it w ill be well jo take a |
Cemirton People of
look a the niavk-e; i«BC. as then- w ill! 'f ■ Believed' That' FroigM Did Not
Old Spain.
Krvew Paaae«tgcr Waa Ruiw
alw-a:-' be somcibinc of interc't ehronn-ng Latg.
Icled there for all cla>-a-* of jieiu'lc.
, Traverse Oily N a t» al maikct center.
I I l-on. Nov 13.—to Dcral i-Umch___
jaud the fact that several new conicr '. Wcyler U *ald to l.e tfie strong; missioii houses have been starte-t here
cand'.Jate to auccte-i Canaleja*.
Salem, Mass. .\ov. 12 —"A prp-‘during the ro*> season wirrani* this
.......... ............ .. .
ed Si^ntah |.remtor Ex­
(from .of destruction cannot bring r<c• Eutc^cm.,- Watch tbe Jocal market nialifs iutciurtwn wreck on the Mich- the
Mon declined reappolniment
suits.^ doctored Joseph Eltor on the |iage and-keep up with the trend of bran I'nlted linei. In which two train-; I’l
vHneaa stand today, when' denyiw. hustoess to all directions, 'it will be'men were kiUed. It to believed the as bis ancevsMyr. Manual Zarrate. the
murdereranarchift. to known to, have
that ha evor counselled violence i)i bionev saved i>y the itc<H>lc of ihe ter-! crew of the freight did not know
-il .
... .t___ ________________ <___________ __
___ 1
tie tamqna I^Lwrence strike, -I cmiritory
by ^he -clrcBlatjon
'of i local passenger was due hero
hie. died to police beadquann* In Madrid
after tbe crime wa seommltted.
uot an anarchtot."
I tbe paper.
| The.v qm headon at a curve.



loosing. Nor. i:.—Goveraor Oahora
h^ Instructed
Attoraoy. jCeoerol
^'ykea to tnvesTigatr Pnoacutlnc Aglorney Mlltner and Sheriff WIBtoa
^rowB of Mtotaukee
charge that- they <
MIsa Myrtle Mc-Veal oat of tbo muatr:
when she was wanted aa aa Imponaat
witneaa to a easfe tarelviBg arrenl
well known roee.of Mtorouitoe rooaty.


-ou» (umn nuiB Am nuiTtta BAT iasli,' tbumdat, mo*, k in» jp
iM Operated c
^ ^u7)u~flcosdcc than'Uie.lidadifr aortfired. The pro'iwrt.if^
2^.2 p'-r orat- «. 10M>, 3bti per eent in l*lio,^«iHl 33 v
per oeilt in 1910,
labile these fimires nuy «t find npjMMir 'that the fanning ioPoMtob*4’TMaaar «o4 Tbonder M Trarona City.
du«tr>- U not as pmperbnii.aa h v«k iveiity yean aKe. this is not
the real neaniiw of thcfB. .ior in reality they
method of doing busincsi in this eountrj- and the great inerease
of credit as a hnaiocaa foondatian. .More farms are boagbt in Ukcne
days on the insulhnent ^an, and a greater perceiuage of farm
property >s handled b>- real wUle dealen-i>y baying and mortgacing haeh in order that a greater aatowit of property may he
handled with a given amount 4if aetoai capital While the figures
show that the eonditions are worae than they were yeam ago. in
ity they'idiow that then* it more of a marement in farm prop­
erty thdn was ever known in th’e bistort* of the eoimtry.
Atkothcr'/act revealed is that there art- a larger number of
people of niodenUe nuans going mTo faming operations on ihe^
i-ohtrai-l plan, which is also a heiUtliy condition.' On the oti. r
hand it is shown that -among a certain ela« mortgages haye been
jdaced on land in order to make permanent improvemenlH ami
Oo^ lb mil 2.950
buy addittonal property, which wUl enable the owners to mak • .i
greater profit from their farming ojicraliohs. It » also an>arent
from the statislies that many farms thresighout the country hive
been mortgaged for the purpose of purchasing automobiles, both
for pleasure and busisewi purposes.
Roally the only unhealthy sjmptom shown by the goremmeni
it is prapoard to HTevt an orgauiutiou thr
id other kindred figures is the fact that there has ben u grimt increase in the number
: of ail the seeretaries of ehambers of t
K*f farms ojRTated by tenants, which pnivc* that the trend of the
■ institutions in order that the work of bnilding up cities and towjis
agrieultural |»pulatioii has lK*i*ii toward the. eities. lea>-iiig the
•to bk redoeed to n ayateni and worked out along definite and
/arms to be. run by tenants. This romliliOn will resmlt in a decrease
jfkOfttUk Kura. It is believed that an exchange of ideas along Utc
in the valnc of the land in a f>-w years that will h<* detrimental
&e dr city mnd,coimnunity iMiilding would result in a gmter to the /arming imhwtr.v. for h ia imiHjasible In kee|i up Ihe'fertility
aaonnt of good .than ran ever W hoped for under the present of'the soil when ii is left to thos.* who have no financial interest
.iystem of eveiy one going along on their own jarticular way. and •It stake. If the agrimiltural busiiioM of the »*ountr>* ia to muiutain
>trMtilig to luck to get the d<«ired benefiu. It ia a reeogniaed fact the high itoahion it has oaroed'and deaenes, more attemion must
-fkat'every* neerctary throu^ont the state has U-cll defined .ideas be paid to soil building by the ones who own the property, au<l
ik ^Is line of ifork. and while they might not be entirely practical personal supervision is the only method, by which it can be
tip his own town' they might he applied with great snoccaa in aotne accomplished.
other town where, the conditions are different. By a systematio
gxdhsage of (#BiDiu and ides* it is In-licvcd that the work of Anther Depnvei’tAd
ei^ baOding eoukl be greatly improved through an oiganixatiou
TIh* aasaaBinatiop of IVctuicr Jose t'analcjas of Spain, ik an­






« lih iiBtiiiT. n.» • «rfl rwo(mi««l f«cl U«t stpeogth H«i itv
c M po rcaaon why it would not work out in
t^’line aa well aa H does in other'kinds of btwinoss. The -miceeM
gf a ehy today varies am-ording to the calibre and enthusiasa^
of Rs -eHnow. Whore the dkvel^nneiit^ of a town ia in thu»han^
an intefl^t add optimislir organixation.'iu sneeess » aisbirrd.
I is contagious, h a foregone conclusion that If
SK>.^a« of eo-<q>oration of wicraiariM-waa adopts that gr^at good
gm^ veattlf from the arganixatioii. It is a fca^le id^a, and it is
«k7ttiiii}y worth while to give the plan a full an<l impnrtial trial
iB thiifUte. The aoercuries ia many of the cities arc in favor of
^08* eStfta for the puUie ffood, aod while they are in thta
tM6d the orgtoitiitioB ahould Ik- pnahed sod placed npon a prac-

llcal woriting baaia.


'iltOl %anu Oulfat
-AutMBobiie firai in Michigan arc preparing in mvty imiBnen
•a^MMe-thair OOttmt of «ara m 191H. which it a pwd iudicatiop
tl» iaaiUt^ in which they look -to the future.:- Thin will reaolt
. ,> a «nta^hppeUia io the htuiDoa of the atate. The magnitude
tif thr ■tmiahllr
in Miehigan can be guaged when it is
.-IpHTM thWt.TS out of «wery 100 can made during the coning year
4HD be aade in Detroit, and 83 out <rf every 100 sriU be made in
ibe'atota. Thcac ffgum ahow that Miehigan ia really the oenta
aUd altioOt the entire area of the automobile world. Thia en'ormotai
o^id acUl iwquur all the available freight cars in the couutr>* to
»iiM|»ott Ifi. ai^ uulafca th'ere » an iner^pse in the number of can
ii AoViwsUiiinn tiurlt^ the eomlng twelve months there will be u
Mmhaffe that will* remit in heav>' lomet. to the bosiuon of the
■|i9tokry.* M b a wyll known fact thaththe railroads of the country
irdtot.ltaapbMr-their enuipmeat up iu proper manner to ukc cat*
tba satOl^.iunotae in the general bnsincas of the nation, and
ifilikM aafitetlli^ bi done in this, line in the nest few months thtre
-^•be^a MtiVaMion .of freight‘that will mean a great lots t,o the
‘kiibfiaa iotcMOta. f!ot
have ifiana' been lafal to iucreaae the
otnpttt of aatenobflea, but all otitff lines ofTiuaineas are planning
This makes the transportation quootion one cf
iko rial probtems of the nation'which nuat be faoetl in a baaineaW
Ur manner. As oomnion 'carriers the roads must furaiah the
j|r;tiu[ktj -waana ’^vJranaportoUon. and iu nuuiy instaneca this
•vnH BMK a heavy*-i^rain upon the already depleted treasuries of the tysbeiiui>or the coiuitry*.- Another fact that will have
kft be laeed by tW roads is tW* shortage of wial cars, which has
aaMedmwh.daplation of the available coal anppUes throughtim the
toittrr. When the aeaaon is ended eatra heavy sbipim-nU wUl
HKVeko be Rade for the next acaaon.und with this cuormoux drain
to the tv
it is hard to figure out what meaatuw can bo
to relieve the ailuation. It it a problem that moat be* dealt
*{|k in a bmdaeaaAiko manner in order to secure the needed rolling

mtp bat bu politicOl|
ezteaM i-rroad Rs
larOeci. be brins eo^tept to •i-rre 11»
aeiabbors bat «ui«-m'Dc io rrsa<b oe:

Mr. Palripbcr mveO u|mb hl« i
ant term in ist* and liv>d ibere
CiBBoasb' antU IU death. He.leaves
Us wife, two aoni and e dauidit^.
tber beinic John >V.. JnUo» T.. and
M». John Morrl>«ti uVn be settkd with bis (niher upon the oU Ismi
in Bast Us; ibe eotloe conniy vss
nnhtohea wilderhest ewapt in the
vldnUy of the diy. siul for
>y >cars he lived the'lira
Idoneer belplna with other tnembers
of his family to hew out a fsi
the wood^ In IS70 be was married to
Miss Mary Hover, whose tormer home
was In Ohio.
Puneral aervicea will ba held fTOm
the boma Friday afteniooB at 2:30.

other blot on the civiliution
the world aad shows the baseness
to which a depraved mind is ca|)ablc«of sinking. Although it has
Ihn‘U provetl time and again that there is nothing to be gained by
altaefca of this nature ou ndera aud^rorainent men of the nations.
____ ______ 1
.:i <1.:.
the practice still continues
and is Bkcly ________
to until
Ibis cIms of
a«taMiin)i is put out of existenoc. There is no lueaus of protj-cting
palilie men effeclively from attaekH «f tbbi nature, for no matter
how Ktitingly they arc guarded there ix. no assurance that a welldirected-Imllct, either from fnr or near will uot strike them down at
hny favorable time. Reforms cannot he acrompliahcd by violeniv
of thia character, for >1 umxl be done by means of the bnlltit or
other methods that an* Icgall.v provided. The anandiist is indigenous
to the soil of Iwth inouarchic)! and rcpubliL-s. no kind of guvernmeui
bciog free from their vcdoiuouk proaenei*. So far both draatic ami
educational methods have failed to eradicate them, so uevv methods
must be devisMl for handling them with certainly and dLsputeh.
-Pnnnhment is uothing to them, and death is not feartsl in th>least by those of their diabolical ilk. About the only feasible plan
that sugg«*8tK itself is baiiithmeiit'aK socm aa they arc discovered to
far island where (hey can be at liberty* to practice their (foetrines of ahaenec of govemmelit Ho their own satisfactiant In a
abort time they would destroy themat-lvca. and (heir blood would
be npon thc'haiids of no civilixed man. Modem govminieni has uo
place for the man who rheogtiinw no superior authorit.v, either
hoptw or divine, and ao long aa this elaai of {lebplc insist cm main­
taining, their Is-Iief and lawless practices that follow it. they haw
no rights before the law and abonid be placed without its.pale.
No organised gov*cmment can afford to tolerate among, its eitisens
Ihose n*ho have iio respect for either God or man.


Ootlgliiss & Kellogg
Onsh tfhoa Stara.
Cefuar Caaa and ProM
Travataa CItr. Mteik

■blr.ll Uses (U bl*

own home town- b\»r liMocn fsars
he wn» Auperrtvor or the townrtiip.
■ boMhiR o
t. ^Ihln the atn or hl« toral

Ttlaan. Waaener. and Spy. a eollec
tion of AUegan county fruit completed
thlK display, in It were plaiea of Sen
Davla. anldpin. and Ked Canada from
the orxAard of Mach TonrteloMe of


Ofinm; Golden Baasett apples aod
ffleler pears fsenr the Wmiams A
CamraM Waa Praved at an ExhlMt Whturre fsrm; wonderful Ked Can­
klape la M Altagan
adas arown by Ralph Dusfleld of (.'beshlre: and Rubicon. Wacener. and
Baldwin from the orcbanl of Joeoj>h
Hanlllon nt rbesbire.
1 met for
It baa been a i
Ume that the -wetiem’ apple
about which so much has been writ­
ten and mid ta a poor second when
placwd in conpetHton «Rb the Grand
Trsveree pixiduct. This oidnion hat
bean regarded by acme aa dne to local
preJudlOK. .hut II ta a fa« that cnnpoi
he controrened and alt artUgu of thr
eonnlry are cominx » renogpUe thr
true state of attalrs In this crmnecUoa Ha Came H^ in VdSS and Did Much
ia order to ahow what ibe-apln^ oi
to •otid Up tbo
other toeallties ta Id regard to the
the following nrtiele
InatMU in UoHffnges
produced from the Allema Gaaette.
■ 'Ito-figure ahowtag the amonnl of mortgage indebtodii
which to baaed toian. the actual remlu
the fame of the United .Staler has jnst been mmed by Onsus when the apples from the twe'lociU- (From Wedneaday'a Reeord-Ftakle.
One by one the iiioneeni. w*ie
Dirertor. liuramL and w'mie ivmurkable .mnditioiw are n Ue. wer,< placed In eompeUUon jrlth
through years of constant endeavor
:h other.
tbfBi. IrwtMd of M decrease ill Ahf indebtedness of farmers tinhave made Grand Traverse county
'*Admtrers of fine apples have been the ■.rsti;able regioe that Ity I
■ figurra ahow .that their obligathma have steadily inereas.*d duriug
the las* two oemma decades. Tlie statMtiea slww an ineivaae smiw enjoying a -dis|day of highly t»k>red Inwini: • away, lenvinc behiiM them
fraR tram Colorado brought here laat a'joni.ser seneration to tak>> up Ui«
17.7 per cent in the number of farms mortgaged, and
^eek by CaH Allea from ihe vlclsii.v
work t\at they, on accoBni(oy the li­
inerease of 4.4 per cent in .lb.- mniilwr of far^us l^* from •imrt- ot Grand Junetlpn. a noted frelL belt
mitations of time are obliged to leave
gaan. It is also Rho«*u that there has been/sn iner<>nsc of Iti.-i in ibe weal, and dtapUyed In the lobby
undone. >toriy this xnoruini^ death
dent in the aui^r of farms iu the country that are operated
called to his final borne John PuMair wonderful.
wolMiVXaui. a.Mt
i>nt ««aBai«uvta
admiratloa vt
of aaavva
by tenants.
pber, of Acme. foDowing a four weeks
Is thpre.'for they have neither site
The average amount of niortgiigc iudcbtoiinesn jht farm in­ nor qusliiy. Plates of ArUnaas Black iUness. Mr. FnHSpher was one of tbe
creased fHto gl.224 in 1K90 p> *1.71.^ in 1910. hut the avenig>> and KlR Havid were colored rarely in best known ato twed ciilxens
ooaniy and b^aaVeen aeUvel.v Jden• tohip per firm-increaaod-from *»:t.444 to gfiAd*. and tbwfore the ''dark nd and yHk>w in l>eanilful eontified with the deveiopvent n( the
rtwnerV equity per farm incrvaxi-il fri*m k*2.22i) fo W.o74. or mori* trust Other ptales of Ben Uarls. Jdta- nctan from its earliest days
aourl PIppHi,. York tniperUl. tUno.
tjban <iwble*
Grlnra' GoMen; Blark Ben ttavis. and came here In U65 from JeRerson
.Thore van bo no qucvtioti Imt that Aineriran farmen. gcBerally WRmbp made' a ejection of vroadeo raunty. -V Y . where be waa born
were more prORveroua in 1910 than at the two pravioiw censuses. fnl color. Tb^ '*ero oatdoM In alio 2<3t and settled In Ban Bay townahip
smt yet in that yiar a larger proportion of the. farms were mOrt- by a fine eoltocttaai trem Grand Trav- near the farm upon wbieb he residod
uniU hie death. He «m> alwayr cred­
Although is iK»m> eaaJ« mortgages are plao«*d ou farms •rue eounty, the gift to President WUllama ot U F. TUus. cashier of the ited with being one oi the mon proof
erpp" ***‘ dlhcr roisfortnnea or beeanne of poor
Vtrut National hank of Travoroe City. gresijye farmers of ue connU' and
jglMABMDMl, they^Usn rupraacbl an oo|^i«l t>0rtion of the coat of In *tbta coUection were rtates ot owued a Large tract of land
iMlf, or imwey uxpMiricd for a^tsoaal lanti, —
Bhnve. Surit. BaUwla. Wuuer 'Ba> me^tak ho,jlov*lqp|dw
Ontarto. York Importal. Hub- state ot 'cuHivatlM Many times he
i^^^||i||||HM'hiiplaMOta aod »nchuier>* and live atpek.
bonUtoa. FhUawaier. OHbmo' GoMen. was te'aorod with DoUtIfai oglee
MMM w a win* Iha niinbar of fom. <


stop KUOMlnc and let ut fit you out
with ^oe« for* every day wear that
are right. We are doin^^^-Ke*^
every day to give you good vi^oia^.''
You will always find our prices rea­
tartea of the-obnreta Mr Smith «
l-wn in Far «>«, Mo. in Itt*. a
V AIM* ol iwo yeaCa^ama U* Si
Uke valle'v in the Mor^ e.vodDs
'.S«K Alter bavins nUM vinuall..'
all bf the offices of the ebiircb be|
railed to 111.- presldi’tu v in lli-'l
upon the death of I' l4>mi:o

Soya and Cirla Have Qhance at Farm-

Default having Iwx-n nade
conditions 01 a certain mortgage
by K. A.‘ «neot'and Goliii Wilcox,
IiiKirai ill asrit'Uharal ediuaiion li husband imd w ife, of Old Missioh.
rrowins sod a iwpolar and i>romidn£ MIchlgulL Id favor of Peter F. larriie.
(iliase Ik the movement. to omanlxe of the uue place, dated .March -J. A
i)oy»' and irtH»* SKrtculiural club» a* I), 1911. and rxH-ordwI iu the olfire ol
the Register of Deeds for lirsnd Tiai
orcaiiUed part ot ibe farm an.-l
County, III Uher .V< of Mortgage*
lioiiii-. the n.cuilx-rs of wliicli stow
ages :.iZ .*m.l .’’Cn on the :.Mh da*
arch. A. II., 1911. on which iwnfarm prodocu on a commercial scale
n&der ai'provcd aupervision and the gage there ta clainb-d to he due at thdate of this iiolK^ the sum of Kigbty
atlmtiltiK of lilienti peralums Stale three and
dollars, and
and local ase’-;ie« bnvr made a sood no suit or proceeding* at law havlUR
been luslituied 10 le.-over the u:nue.'
ahowinx. but wkb federal •llrec:l
aad ovoisiraUon graatar coordination. secured-by said moneape or any pait
uDlfotmiiy. and efficieney of eOort
Now; therefore, hy tlrltie of the
asanred. and cIdo members are made power of
sale .......
in said ranrr______
feet that they are doinc a part of gage and the siaieie In such
an.!' luovided. notice ta hereby
tba world s work.
given that on the Uth day of-De<-<‘iii
Thta work ta of three ly|»s—the her. A I).. 1912. ki 1'* o'clock in thr
•boys* edrn cdubs. the glrlh* xarden and. forencioR. there will l>e sold at public
latmlnx cluba. pn4 the boy s' and eirih' nui-tion to'ihe luthcM tiidder at tHpouto ttnba. in each <ai» itae,ace front door of the; Court House on
VYasbinglon street, in the ciiv of Trax
Uinlt ta 10 to 10 years. The rorn
acrcase vnuM be at least one uere, plaer
whUr l-lti acre o( caniilni: cro|w lusu OoUDly ol liiiilid Traverse is held. tUially lomatoesi. or l-S acres of pbia
Kw are required .
sary to |xsy the amount due- od'm
Qub Rieoibcni mn>t meet six re mortgage. Including imerecii and
qulremeniK—they moat atiend all
meelinn ol Instrnelfon. ^refully fol­
The I'remises being d- >eril>ed in
low all ilub dlreetlon* Riven them, said InEtninient as follow*: That iiar
keep an act-urate ae«-ount of esiienses cel of tami located In the- io«n*l:t|- or
and receipts, make an axhibii
PeniosuUi. county ol tirnnd Traverse
and state of Michigan, tix: A ;>an of
county, district, or stale fair, fill
lot two. known a* a pan of doi-k lot
and mall crop report blanks from time between lot previously sold tic K. J
time, and flnaUy teU the club lead flrinkmiin and the highway north ol
I -How I Made .My «*rop. * The club It and ot the- same widlb, XI/ 2" leei
tniber dues all the work ol growltig parcel of laud is-im 2" bs-t r i.!.- .-a-t
west and appic'ximatel,- ;:•■
the crop and the y lelda mUKi be nioas and
lon.K north and qcnilh. loenie.l in the
ured and eertified to by two author- xtllage commonly known as Old MU
lied persona.
Sion. Miehigan.
Dated September IT. A. D.. !»I2.
The unit of onmntaatlon is lh»
PhrrcR F. i.vRniK,
school district or county. The elul•MortOiRee.
leader or teacher tnay/^siari the work ' FARM C. OtlJlKUT, it. although it ta offlrere-i
Attorney for .Vorlgagee.
IitiKiness address. Tiaxer*e t'iiy.
by students These clubs are asse
dated under the direction of town
sei't If* Ihursdec 12
ship, county, district, «nd state lead
efs. lewpeetlvely. "nte school eomrata
Sloner usually direds the county
work. The machinery is thus
pieted. but tiM enihus|a‘<m of the com
muDliy-muM create the motlre i-ower
The i<oUto vlub is espeelally deslguc<l
tor the village schools w’here less laud
ta available
There are over UtO.i'ihj club biem
bers in the I nlted Bute* now mod
thta wort la just beginning in the
north. The wriler ta preoMilns H In
this district, and requ«ats the supixm
of aU to insure its sueess. Tbla out­
line ta brief. Bulletins will te,fur
^hed or the work expUined person
ally- in detail to Interested organlxa
Utatrl.l Sui>ervisor. Manlsiee. JHch


Itefauii having lioi-a made in the
eondiilotts of a certain mortcace madn
by .Vrf'.ur llinslill 3rd Klla IlinMlIl
hi* wife. K. xanry M llinsdlll. •iate.t
the ihb day 61 O-tsiw. A. Ii. ISPI.
and recorded In ih<- »rit« of the realster of di'-pda for :!'i- eountv of Grand
Truverse. and state ot Mirblgan. on
the nth liny of Orloher, A 11 lsi»: in
libdr 5iof ttlt>«gMm.toEyLP> «1. ™
uaBeThere VTSlmed to he
■tuo at the date nf thta n
•'ipal asd interest then'on, the sun ot
: Hundred and VlflV-Sli an-i
Lr-d.2-*ii Itollar*, and an aiternev's
. of TFenty-Sve tIJ.Von. DollBr*.
provided for In said mongage, and ‘
.suit or proceedings ^i law haring
V*y*B Instituted to .reeover the mooevg;
r.-d by said mongaga, or any part
Notice Is hereby fivan tkat b* virute of the
--- ..
.. Of
.. —
-.__ilned in
•caid □risage, and
the stsiute in such
iiade and i<rovi.ted. on Friday.
Eh {tax- r.f Jsnnsrr


It ' tfll%-

the place xi-here the r
the eolimv nf Grand Traverse Is IibM.
yll St publie anetlon. to the hlglMMl
nidder. the Kemiso c)e*erihed In saM
mortgage, or so miirh thereof a* atay
t>efi5rewry to pay the amniinl M as
aforesaid due on.Kaid mortgage, xrflh
:■ ler c-ent , fnierest. and all leml
c-ost*. logetner with sakl attortoi^s
fee. lo-xxii: )y>ts twcBlx-three
and twenty four (20 of htoi-k Mr
H*. in Ferry Hannah's Third (2M»
Aditilloii to Ihe CIIV of Traverse City.
NANCY HlNsnil.l„
Auornev* for Nancy HiDariill.'
;2V.s<r, Houseman F-olldlnx.
lUn-d*. .Michigan.
(*et 1-. IT, 21. nt.tiox
U. 'l.-fi?. dee
5. 12. 18. 21.
FOR SALE—Ki bronxe turkeys, ytmax \
Block of goodit quality <at S2
pm: sirgle turkeya f1.T-*> each
Write mb your wants. ‘James **. ,
llurdM-k. South .VIxnton. Mh-h.

oct 22-irt»

First Congrcoalloaal
latfcs nuuDMc sUcte
•14 SlBScr MMIaill*
12 It

Teett ExtrocteS Abtolatsly WItMtPsIs
By the"Kac’iar- method I eu r»
>ove tbo.xft schibg teeth abaolntal/
without luln. and wllbout iba uta «l
drug! to piodueo uoeojtarioutMsa.
I’eofde 0
. and
wUh weak beana win appreriat* thd
olar**- nretbod
of paiutaM otraptloa.
IM MU Wlllxelm Block. wUb Dr. ftoMb
wortk. Trurarua CHr. HtrajsuA.

Will Pay HIgliest
Prices tor

fiven all orders no maUar bow
tmalL Call or write for priees.

TrwrerM CUr.Wrts.
Both phones No. PM.

732 E. FroolSl.

Not MmHi- ,

Caa« of -Whoireato Polaoner Up l->'
«’hli-a;.cc. ill, Nc-v. 13.—Judge Wind-today heard arsnmenta on s nioiiot'
lor a nea trial in Ihe x*ae
Looiaa Uadiotr. spirituaJIst and rry*
lal guer. txho wa»-recMily cxmxlct—
ttl the- murder •>( tic-r K-yt-ar-old nui.
and senienc-wl to 2i years in Ihe pei.i
lentiary. The UndioS l«y uW Jui.I.l last and tbe state eha.rgxul Hmi !•<
was poisuned Mtu. Undlofl waa ar
rx'sK-'i on June H 00 suspictou u
bavins polaoned two hnsbancis
her three rivUdren In order
hisor»ii-e on their lives.


Maaolaetnrer of
The “Chloride Accumulator" eliminates the old
annoying necessity of running your engine at night
and obviates the danger of breakdown at vital mo­
ments—it makes your light itistat^tly available and
always depfendabie.
Our interesting book. "Light YourCountry Home
by Electricity.” will be mniled you. Write for a copy.
For Sale


Hand of Mortnon CNMXh Celebrates
Bolt Ulk.-riiy. rtan. Nox |:l
Prvuideiit Jost-t^ F. Sniuh «f the M n
mon ehurefa tuda.x {x-iebiv.t^ bis Tail.
l-Irtkday arnlTersarv. kaFrotineed :>j
members of hta (snHIy dad the diguc

Amateur PhotoEraphers
not ti«>'iiit- some of xcMir t*
r MuDot* and liuiVe besnilfal a
■Hir frtends.


K- -isV :•

V, horlxnaial or x»rtle*|. brown yr crar.
h wqiiare ot oval expening

bt«b pvU* tOTCMmeot «u tbe Utuwhen gixen proper care and attemion
Jf vou xxant to ge-. the be«t re»ulE.feed vour ihiefcaa* s little of M.Ai:
gsalMaUy. It mskM.xlit ken* lav
feed SUE mlaed wHh R to tuak*

n Oil rion-.



8cM by all druckMu

lie ixan> sad

10a pad tSe eaefe.





Way of oor increased cofi of trana- Aan time before Wring lor Chkstnacblnen'/ inpvins picture, casb
r«riatie& of prwdoets. ftCdsaloaed hr
tot n-fw* darn rialt with reUUrst.
recister. atee) and banretcr ‘nnm*."
roada Inferior to thaae- abroad. t«00..
O. L. Gaa•^ who has aow la Oa>
It ia alfo pc<>Uble that the mattaaioe
up trhilp bfHax inflate
troit on boalneas tor tbe paat fdtr
Watt* *a* Btlll auSertnx from tlie and sblppine "troau" cannot
davs retuned last mght.
AMCRiCAN SALLOONISTft TAKEN eflecU of Uin* *tnii-k on iht bcail Lp\ bruQCbt to trial before Slnrth <.
of prodneta hauled from the farina to
h. T. Swarsy aod wWt. wrt» hM
the Uakei a> be wai hindiiip and
Wc wsBt to tuks thia Dq»rtM&t .«( Os
the merket placet, ia eight rnimon been rlsitlns «1tb .rdatirca In t|r
froni^hr ruugfa ireatnient be and AtU(nstdst postiUe tsIm to sU ooaeetaad sad to
ton*. If this rale of :3*««nU a ton city tor tbe past wosfc ret at Bad «o
erhuld underveut «bUe tr)iw to
per tnUe la appUrahle to iltchlgao. their borne at riatte Rtrer tbla'mBratbii od reqaett that rU it« cd p«naaal sad
ilD(« the'KtM>aUns that iba^RuMiant W*r« Hard to C«nvin««.
istoKit be seat to Min Oewsy
the coat of the same woald be fr.tXHi
ooi Ife'isinan apJea.*
EugoM Oewner Had SS FIta Since
That Thatr Paapoita Wcra
' is the Deputmeat. We e^edsUy
tW>: aowiming that the-market
P. A. Bishop r
t to Mt hOM
All Rlpht.
chnrcbea, fraternal fodetiet and the
would .be only fire mile*, tie^ e«i6t at {h-ulou Uari|QC.(|ii« mornlBg after .
Ifuriac the (t>orse oi a term .there
(Inciige fnndih ttemi of isterest is their respeemould he tSO.OWi.xeO. while the *am.short >isU
re many thlnjt» that are not pleasant
w5o*im kill
BerUo. Nov. is.—John Walta. llie
nnd Fhlcii have a sad idiaae; that oc­
taistamta, improveaaaata beiB( made or costomihe countries named would be »«.«<> vlstunc at the buhn- of L. P. DavU.
iMBcrtan aeienaut. who wiUi A. T. Will Run Over I
cur In the protatc trfBcr., One of ihplated., sad baaiBets ebasfct, and trassfen is
loss «C W.WOA*w' to th. for tbe |iasl fi-w- day* r<-Uirurd to hi*
t-oBi peculiar ^ yci jiltfol <a*> t for
AtherhoM. sailed'the tiiTuan b^looD
ml Mtste is tows sad coastry are sspedslly
UlObieau farau-r. lu any event.
home at Port Huron tbi' morning.
a luQJt time was this morhiui: when
Duaaeidoff from CaiiBBiatt. German;.
scesptaUe. The above ap^ka sot odljr to the
win eoDcede ibat twice a*
O. L. CorblA. who hm tmo in tho
Kup-ne Uow-ner was-adjadsed mento i^kov. RtuBls. tn the tace for Ibe
raai'b iwi. 1/7 hauled over a 8i«od nwi' ity tor some ttmo on bnrinrss hs*
Lake, battotba
to aarTOBSdiaceoi
-taHy iDetimpetent and committed, to
Intefttatlanal cup. uid today that be admlnistraUon will -fa
' tzy.~ Xdit^ Herald.
th^ *n-er » Uil n»ad. aatl thl* toopW Tetureed to bis home ai Grand lUpthe'TravMwe
Ibienda to write hb>«wii eAperienceH least five of ib«- biR ir
with tbe adtantage* eiiherwUe deHe is a >x>uniC fellow and d-jri'nj; tbe
«w bla way back to the i:niied’litates.'hare boen ioHtituted l>v Attonxy
John Cook of Klk Kai id. iraDBactcd |Thur.da> from the |H'Qin.uls. wbi-rc nveJ iroiu good rimd*.
» fvH
He will aatl on November IIJ.
jGenpral Wlrkerham.
ahort time he waa In the judfic's of­ t>u>dncsa in I'lriuii Tiiuisday.
Thurids}'from th < peninsula, wber^ nature of ihe .putlay' from^pende ritv
AVatta attrllHitee Wa flve day*' deten-iinformation today It is praetk-ally cer- fice this momlnR had three epllcptU'
to n good dtrldeod paylngjaveat for ibo ruo.1 week, retnrm-d
Iloiu tfi -MT. -and .t!». Jam.'-* has broti siyadiug ihe sunin-.<T. lion by ibe Knaslan amborlUea.wlmlly j Win alnii Hie department* of Justlw iiU. one after thc.oth'-r. He bad fotr- Twadat.-Nov r.fli. a .iauchu-r
tV.-bb of Trav.>rwe Chy
l.otue n Muskecon u-day.
Thetv bl al» a latwBwRe 10 the pooto the fact that the Biipolau «»naiil at (••u iIk. -trust Uuaicrs - cannot comU C. Pago left tW*
!•Mr*. I’iias. ilapcr of OtI de &R-. b ovcrsiTiuR the sbipplag
pte uf Hit'hiimn tn the fuDt>vin<; Iron Mouctattt. upper p«iln*ala.-.aiid
'-Stotgart failed to noleon blB i««*|un !tdvto their case* a^uat the sb^c neadny night has suffen-d ibningh
Jiuiho.'was the bu>fi <>r Mrs. Anna heU-erold good* end has rented her
venst-a from the pen of.R. M. Jopr- will giv-ad serrral .days bnnilnx neur
Houil’ town ilwelliRe to Hurl
riimphell TAitir'i^iy and KrWa;
lori. thf Virglnt* good rowd* poet:
! Mr* PrikCilla lUmn on.l, who t- •
there. .
Mbs Maud Drideon wmi ho.* froni,^^^^
^ cr.icrtalnluit
In Old VtppGiia
Ceer«e Hubbard and srifs Imw t*.
Mauton over
;ial iatherinit ls8t Thursday
-lit-re In old Virginia.
tnmed to their borne at MOwsukev
I-Tulu the muouLains to the «««.
of her tiauRhiv*r, Mm. Jakv -Vnafter a two a-eck*' visit with ^-tids,
God's plied up iriMe and cravel
■l-rMin. viih ulioni #hr Ilv>4.
and relailve* In the v»ty.
ibelr hill Swurdav.
Just aa bandr as van bo
R. l'. Hridpt'Uian ha* nkoved
Harold Bratnard.. who has bamm vis­
Mr. ami Mr*. Ja*. S«>w<4l aaU u > i;)ion* of .Mr Ou k- He im. Mieii os to use It.
iting in tbe city f«r nuBie time, left
•I', Miss Tnic.t, iFiurnetV )iww- Um I insoD^t bouses for tl^* «-lnter and left
No doubt. In banding roadA
today for his home at AVhite ChMd.
To llghteu aoiue the burd«-ns
• here Tuesday. driviuK ilirouith
T. N. Harkins-left today for Orur-4
Hr*. Itoy Wooa
that d.-aW-ou'r ivads. Ravid*. whvr,- he wU'. he for eever»I
heiroii was the
Kfii-lds. where he aud Mt*.
Of the bcuau tl
guevt of her.lirwher. EuKeite Quaek- Rridcenian will visit hi* brother au<l
day* on bsslne**.
tnbinh aud wife Friday am) hkitur- mnilb.
-But ib>> rock Is wdiere He plated P.
F. O. Coibum hae returned from
There wa* a larewell |.artvchcL
And the groveT* in |he Pit.
Adrian, where be ha* been for tbe
Iloni to .Ml. unu Mrs. muk the home of Mr>. Minnie Howea Iasi n'aitlng unborn n^orsUon*
Mt few day's vislGng.
Tuesday. Nov. .'.th. a
To (OMtmct ctr road* of It.
oatorUay ev< nlnn in honor of h*-r »oa.
C. F. Riekty and wHe returned to
Carl Gamiila'll 1* In Kalka*ka. ein- AValter. who left bst 'fueMla:
AV'o Ju^ keep, on a-puHing
their home si Kingston today after a
thseman for th« U-lehnidi UpjHT I
Tin ugh ths mud and op tbe grade. abort visit with fiieod* in tba dty.
. I rmy.-r oieetlne on Medneadav even- Building
place on Sale lot one 25 Ladies' Coots. The prices were up to
O.. A. bow# of Cbarirmta arrivad
Mrs. Knia UliUe i« .ti»tUnK ri-biiiA-s I
IJke the del'll’* own are made.
In the clt.v today for a few dara’ vlalt
III Cadlllae.
*20. All go at *5.

before le^vyL
lenviJE for CbUwgo.
Cbliwgo. wbePe Ihe
><r and Mrs John ilurkSioUer of
will b<- rJr-S^wUrt*T on bnriwa
Koaih tloardoiau «<re in Krwn TbarsO. O. Jaaen and wtta. who have baen
Lot 2-30,.Ladies'Noata.. 'Prices were os hig^b as $30. All go from $7
AAlien i
visiting In th.* ritf for a few dayt.
Mrs.ilaiweil Thorne of l«etsvllle
to *10.
ritumed to their home u Ok Raptd*
has been tbe RU>«t of her rister. Mra.
ATe'rv got to give good naoon
Cha*. Ireau. fUls wwk.
Five Fur Copts at one third off.

-Why We didn't use that stuao
Ur. MHI.-r of Cadillac .was tallud
To the King of Golden liUihway*
rsday’s RecBK«CaBW->
(From AVednrsday’s
29 Ladies- Suits. Prices were $16.50 to $24. Now $5.
hero liinrsday.
p. UI. by Rev. A. AV. Baker, pastor.
Sitting there upon llii 'brone.
F. a Waloh.^ Vvshe ha* been to th#
Tlie 41. A. ».•* hate sold ihelr dish.Nov. 12.
city for the past week oa 1
17 Ladies'Suits, right up to date, were $16.50 to $20. now $8.'
0. v to the Uniiiher*.
-AVo'll tiave to stand U-forc Him
has returned to hla home at HolkafU
lsO«<dI and Kuiwl Tlioiiio of l.*Hrt*And confess that Fe've been alow
^ Ladies' Light Weight Jackets, prices were up to$13. now all go at $5.
Frad Battghsy left this memtog fer
viUe vitiicJ their isir«-a»s. Mr. and
To cni^ out His wish**
a few daya’ business trip throogh UB
Mr-, A. W. Tlicjuie. Aivr Siuida;.
- In this muter here below:
33 Ladies' Skirls, among them are many that were $7, all go at $2.50.
southern pan of tbe state.
Joe Slyers worn to Acme on WedStud there. wKh iwUly cousrfcace,
V. F. Moody, whe hae bean vWtIat
' 52 Ladies'Skirts, tight up to date, prices almost cut in two, '
nesdar t® visit bis .daughter. Mr»--\V
Hopr sow sopervinor nay:
with friends and rvUtives In tba city
1. arid.
-Good iiord. welow-ed to use It.
for soBSi- Umc. U>ft for hto bone at
Ladies, Misses, and Children's Summer Coats and Jackets, prices cut
Joo WadBon aad-Mrs. Stanke; ware
you taadBl come today-'."
I’falladelphla ibU tnoralagmarried Wodceeday uiomlng by Jusin two<-btfy these for next suminer and save money. We have a good as­
Tberen Morgan >•» for Grand Jtagi Uw John lUfter.
ids tbls morning wht* b* will be far .
Char iM-nn bad an aurtiuo salt

sortment of* those.
The tonahlp of Paradlw voted on «
Blion time on business.
I Thursday aitd hask rented hla farm i Tuesday hts< iu bond the townehlp for
L. B. Hadmpn returned te bla baoto
U Clc«dmB4B.
iProni Tuesday’* Recordiakle.)
TOen there are 27 Children's Winter ^Coats, the prices are almost cut
-tSivoim tor Ihe- pun«&o of building
, liouor this loomisg after a few
.lohr Knapi. Iiad uu auetkm akle.dn
O. H. Came* iwturoed to hi* heme
Kood road*.
day* to tbo city on bnainrss
tn two. ,
* '■
Tbe stale givi-s a n-wunl of t-OJ at St. Johns today after u short tine
M. C. Abbott, who ha* boon to too
I South
.Mr*. Ja'. llolMlne
jwT Tiule for ev«-ry mil- of snivel in tbcfrlty on business
•Ladies' Silk* Waists, were $3. now $3 50.
Ikiaidiijuu Saiurday.
V. h| Burt has retomsd from Manroad built aco>rdlog to spcyificAiloas.
Iw-mo U New Yorit Ctty thl*
tsoorise Hobbs was how iioui Cad­
SUk Waists, were $2, now $1.
tt-lili-the ri'ward tppuey rev'elved ftx>ni I'tioue. f- P- where he has been for morbmg.
illac Btmday.
the eipcLHlimv of the above au
the past it-n days buntliu:.
a B. Melntyro aito wife, who haVa
The >'tfe laike illsb Md»wl held r
^ SUk Jackets, bargain at $1 the piece. Thestpek is still large.
be towusbip will Ih- able to pay off
been vUitlog with relsUvas In the
uioek A'lectioB Monda;’ and Tues-la'
to JT.'kMi of theac bonds: Lans^ where he has been
thc' ctty for some Utne, retunird to their
holdlnit Ihc priihar; on Mniida;
Good assortment of everything. Dress Goods. Silks, Trimmings. Domesyaviiig^ frum »2d.i«W to $•5,000 upoa past few day* on buslnces:
home at Milwaukee this momiag.
election Tuwday. bavins a board an
■le issue of
tics. Underwear, Fur Muffs, and Neck Pieces, Radies' Waists and NoUons.
A. C..GHmero returned fro.m flaiFO. T. Wf^rrea. who ha* been rieHalt (he prel!;idliari<4 of a seouine rie
This i* what the' sute olft-ra lo
log with reiath'e* In the cUy- for the istw thU Bornlng where he has been
>rua:uie t~be building of good rued*.
Everything is sold at Big ReducUon.
Ih-n llili'ju was home irom .aiii|.
l>ast few dayw left for hi* home at for the )»st few day* on busHu-a*.
Vould il not be. A gdod inresuDcPt
tew- day-, the laM.of the week.
H. R. Bennett, whe hat been viaHIsbpcDing today.
or other township* to 'adopt
Come and supply yourselt for the winter, aud many things you can bty
Rd New-eil sold (briw of his vow
Mist Annette Nathan, whe has been Ibg in (be city for some time, left this
boiu method, and gvt *on<^ of thv
Uiri Thursday.
isiiing with friend* tn the rity for morning fyr Albion, whrro he wkl
at a big saving br next spring.
late money ? Ur. iv It better to keep
for a *borl lime U-tom mun>- .
eeviTjI day* returned to bt-r borne at
-n paying to-ward Iniiidlhg fuads
Grand Rapids today
Ing to bis borne at Tacum*. At'ash.
ifaore In tbe rtue and lei home rvN>ds
Mr*. L. T. Everhart and dawghlar
Moidswerih bf €aU
«uain In theiV pre-tsit oondition?
bare bwn vlklUng to Ihe
ijmrtjtlT Is Ih the ritr tp vWi ber RuUi.
Any- business eatL-n>ri*e neceMlta:.keme.-accomiiaaied hj hi* daughte'
Fisteh). Mrs. j. 3. Shecman and MU- icity for the'paat weakTretsuaad lo
tg an investment of ISO.ooO to equip
Mrs. AV, T. Reid.
r. E. Holdswl^rtb.
their home at tsuialng thia nnratac.
vir. and Mrs AVm Kjwet.rooK o
Arthur Groilicfc write* that he will
€. W. Owtn. who baa kOM. to toe
0 p-T.o*nt on th- Mbck;. many arI'.-Hstofl wv:e Bucst.' of Iti.- VV. AV
it- in Turkey for Thaoki^lvtoii. Tbi- < IV tor keirral days ou bnslDeaa. haa
on loeki!!.-: tor a !o>atioD wlicn- ..
llr-.w. r lamilx Pniida,';
t S S. Tcnneree on which be is ma- iTvuiracd to Li* buuic at Grand R^
Mis. John filri.lian »<-m to Tnm-rse Ikc bonu* is offered. N«-w- the .'lute . ‘nrisi MI the navy jard.c yi-sivrday I
,ffer* a briuus of 20 per ecat'^a tb.s
nt> Satiinlnv. wliero si-.'- I*, the Ku'es
Wm. H. Barker' fwtumed to i
to Join tbo International ,G«et to the
o*t of ev< ry mile of pood road
Of her .la.eih,er. Mrs. H. C. ttore.
home at Muskruon this morning i
vwDship will Invest In. 1 use t
. Mri- IJ. C !-rideoiiaiii w,-„l AVedneR. H. CUwerth geas te Grand Rap- <er-several (lay*' visit lu the cky v
■ yrd ■ it'<-5t." why not iim> ibu *orJ
dai lo CadillB.. wiierc she will vU
and frl-ud*.
xp(tiev? lleeauM the building o'*
hrr niece. .Mrc. C. S. l;Mler. on be
dod ruads is. 'an iuvosuuent aud meeting of the Bute Jtoniculturalj R. L. Pterca returned last night
w'rr to M'.anii Ksi-ids
from Lyons, uto-re be- ba* been vla*liould not lie consid'.Ted as an ex- accitiy and the apple nbow.
Mr. and Mra. A. A. Hrabek haito tog at the b<-roc- o( hU parents lor
Inipruvisl farm luacbiDi-ry. ioipl'' retmed lo Cleveland after vHittog the laM week
Arehie O- taMeer left this morn,
oem*. everything in the lutur- of Iv Lere whh Mr*. Ilrahak’* Rprenta. Mr.
tog for CsdillaV. wh.-r.- h«- will »i*P
tor saving device* are rv*oru-d to It.,: Mr*. J. N. MarUnek.
Mr. and Mr*. A. C. CM*r left this for s nbort time befori- lesriog tar
eve bnman eoergy. time and niou-y:
hey ore a good tnvekiment. ACliy s'lOrning for Uefniit wdiere they will Flint wht rt- bp hu» necc-|>tcd a po»i.
lor Men, Women* Boys and Girls* who want New
heu. not 1:ave improved./oad* where- ►;«-tid somo Ume wijh thHy twe tlOU.’
and Coatorlable Underwear at Moderate Prices
h tb<‘ weight of *ioa>lB is not ootr di-?Mcns Mra. Smith ud Mr*. GU
.ooblttd, but thl- tlnid of tran*iK<rl i- ti.< r.
lop' to hU>; trom 1* d-crMsi-d ou.-'
V. O. Lathrep left this tnerning for all.-.- a taw days' xi>ii with Triead-'
• •
Cadillac where h- will visit for the b.-rr.
Can wi uoi .rail such iirprovel •matnder of the week.
O. O. Ncteen relumed te his heme
oads a gooi iuvestmeni. equal to an'y
Mr*. J. Heinmach. who ha* been ut Cadiliai today after a slion time to
•nie."lV;,ue <
) till- savin; of zconry. time, energy vl»iUng in the city for some Unio r.-- tbe cll> oil 0u(-!o(-Ki.
T|ic -Itichcliru' tnski
-make in whii.- III wiim-.' silvxr ->r
with riosed vrotih. e»vy ribbed, sizes S to Hk worth k.'-i l»ee!*T, r.ll *i,vU-!t, BTrA. O. fisybum and wH*. whe have''
<nd horse-fii-sbT i
tunied to her home at Duluth. Minn..
tlM- -Superior" and
garment, -ut Me.
apecialiy |>rii-ed .il
btio *»l»iUng »J»h -friend* sad retoGood Road* Rarle. when be va* thl* E
other noted rnnke*—
Also flat fleis-ed or flue rlblied
-skixl bow L- would vote oo a bondtlM- iK^st for 111,
M. O. Brysnt ha* returned frem a tlwa lo the <ity lor the- i«»t week, re­
p- piH-ler union .suits, sizes 1 i
4Sc,* 50c,;T»c.
ag proi>o*i;ion lor good road». *ay*; Week's trip through the several-coun- turned'to their home at Mnnisftig toWool umoii suits.'^mrtelien ' niiik-, np
•Vote a* till horio woal.’ vole wb-v tie* Included In hi* lerrHory a* rt-pwhile, size* !'<• to Hi. worth |l. anE. T. Fsrrairt, who has baca vtoHlng - lod* aiovg in mfld and aud, brariuc. resenutive for the Ford.Motor Co
gl, l.ts* I.W. s* ill
to gg.00
special at 85e.
IV l>«idcvi* Imposed upon bin. which
JNira ehoi.t uo..I nhlied urlon rufi'
J. W. Fstchin left this merning for In Drtrolt for some time, rvtnrsed to ,
2.60. tSO and
Lis houie bc-r>- last night.
; is t>owertr»s to prevent,"
siller gray or white, sizes 4 ip 11.
Sidnaw, V I’ , where he wW spend
gS.00 .
J. F. Ourr feUrnad to his home ht
Able as the- wives and m.i:h«rj a few d*;-.: liuntiRg.
ThV h-M value* In si harali- sarKlk Kapids today after being to tbe
vould vote who are rclt^au-d to j-his home
vest..or luihik. a1 2Se. 3Se. Me Best Separate
Men’s Sepsr- ent*;
ctty for Miiue time on bnsioi-M
lurtoc in rainy r-iother because ?j.- at .Uin* itls morning sfier
Id 7.SeGarments
S. $. Knapp has raturhad to hla
'oauH an- bad. and in fair wmbir
days in the dry home at Grand Rapid* aftc-r a short
UecattSf the ooixe arc too bufy,
Shins ami draw­ UNION SUITS lor BOYS VcM* .ind pahtii- si
F. a Nsy left thi* rooming en a: Ti>li with friends in the ci'y,
The American fortber pays
sljlv*,' wiiitc, grsx 0
er* In ilai floeved: iu
llccved or rilihod,
R. A, Berviaa returned tMa marhing
heo\> rllibed. Ill
peticr. u;
tne-half ttet* as znach to-tranapoi-sizes air-penimulawool caiiipl* hair
from .Mbany. N. T.. wbi-r- he baa been
bli prodccu from tiann to-marke'. t
Or. AVrtehr* bealih umoii wail*, salso
G. T. Reache and wrife of Saginew. for the t«st tnonih visiting with cela- '
w-ooJ -uniou suns, for boys of all all
railroad ai do the EsgUab. CermaB or
Igc, 25e. 39c,
spiTiaiiy priced
arnxW'ia the city tdday for a short v«# and friend*.
at $1-00
French fariaers. In tbe Vaited Sut-v=
5«e and gl.OO
The 1
Miaa A«b Jehman. wha haa bate
wasonload. I* 25 reou a ton per mil? visit with f.-K-ndf.
s«e. see, *i.M shin*
and drawer*, tor
Mr*. F. Malloway left for her home
wtih relaiivv* In tbe cUv.l»
the average cost of transportatioo. be'
50c aiui 7$c.
wagon load, is :5 cenU n ton per ; Manistee tbit monslog after s some lime, returned to bee borne at'
mile: the average cost of lionling la -week's visit with friends ^and rela- Cinelnnaii. today.
and wttm who hm
the above named countries Is 10.cents
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bi' HuH'srid W. O. been visiting with l.-tosda to iba'«tty
*,.toa per mile. Tov dlBervare
-las* of roads makes tbe dlSereDev r.,Carmine and wife .Rft. last night for tbe past taw day*, returned to
in till cewt of trasspo-tuioa. Tt- for Chicago wtcrc they will spend cUlr hotEk at Chicago today.
T. P. Caagle left today tor MaiNaik
I'Bited Stales dtqmrtmesi of agri- about a week.
.R. C.
_ pitch
, for wbete be wm spend .the remainder of
this rneming
Traverse City, Mieh«
fulinrv. office of pnbRe roads, esd-tkd we are dnausOy tostog. by Milwaukee where he wu] rtoit for a tbe week on bastoe»>.


Fife Lake Department






Good Roads


Cor. Union & 8th SI, South Side.

Now is the Time and


is the Place

Uaioii Saits for
Missts.aad CtdUrrn





Grand Traverse Region!

mp ■

Jtener with them ’at tbeJr home.
^ftcrooou was spent In soiia]
and la the evening, about 160 gceais
«w praaenL tlw dlidng room was
MVfatod in woodlasd 1t^ ma^
tnf^te. Mrs. BbbsM. Mn. Patef
Weber. Mrs. l«n ilomricb. Nora Wiloeker. Louisa Dauv ware In chargej
of the serving.
Mr. ^ Mrs. BettbeBMk were p^
tb» Qntf, ftSnti Boekttw <&d illxttw crRented with many beanUfol and
fnl silver presenta
The hot-or-town guesU ptweeat
Ir sod Mn. Joa^ Scbwlnd and:
Mr. and Mn. Peter Schddel at Tnv-<
to town sr cooBliy,
erse City. Mr. and Ain. Miller nod
Ift. 8«Bd
II. Wtdf ot Byron Center. Joaep^ MUIrilo haidis^
T nod Daaiei Stein of Wexford.
At a late hour the many (rlcsds de­
parted. wUbing Mr. and Mn. BenManmeOe is.gohic to in fhe
Ralph.Case, lef
bencck many more yean of wedded
Mar .future.
Tlwnday morning.
life tosciber.
Alra. Albrigbt ot Trwverse rity'-risitHr, mad Atrs. Frier Cailbscfc spent

*9— and 'Uk. J. Orut Cctt}' o( Barker
Tb(<* isU-niOQtlt><>old baby qf Mr.
Mr. and Mw...................................
folly enlerulned the 500 ciob Ua]- ’m. bnt ia brtUT _
lowren. Tbe.evenlDK »aa spent In; m«. ji W. Eaton
plartBR 500. At IS o'ctock two wl
tb« house and hllDdlblde^ thcj R. u CIo<r and datu^tcr. iX
PmHU and led ihesi oni in the dark-’sj>en( Sonday InOniral take,
aeas and down deep in an opCBlnR^ • Mn. F. E. Orcutt Is very HI
frora vbieb they emerged in
Rolicrt Hamilton is vorktne in the
dertnoBd nave or cellar, where the State hoeii^ut A Traverse
foM was taken from tbolr.eyes and'
the guesU were treated to a siub.>
teooB repart of everythin* good.
The table tfu covered with crepe. •

adnved with l^k cats. The nwk1o| Every one Is Rlsd to see such nice
rlas held the place card with the weather.
MUal of ■each suest. suRsedUve of; p.*'- Shorter ap«K Sanday In Cedar
Saurdar and Sunday in Traverse
two words. The rioR also held cap.'r Re.i,
Miss Reaa Courtads Bacame the Bride
tor each Ruetl. The center piece w.ui Mr*. Pannle. Norrla spent a i
of Frank Miller
Raymond Hacktnao Of Traverse
a Urge pumpkin fUled with oratiRrs |us.vs of last week in our^ vicinity
Sliss -Rosa, daughter of^r.
Ciiy. spent Sunday with hla pnrenU
bananaa and/npea. Bnapended fro:» buBiiiiws.
Mrs. John’ Courtadc. was united Ir.
Mn J. W. llurkct and family bs\ marriage
ahOTi- before each Ruest
cuest v<
were duuRuFrnuk Miller on ««
itecry Seeguiner of CsdiUhc was
' iint^ the one to eat the doughnut ntov^ over by. Solon. Mn. Bnrket day, Nov. C at St. Mary's cburcb. by
In to-a-n Friday on business.
flat to RK a prise, Mn. Oaso bsrhie and daoRbter Ada are golnR to do
Faiber Keltnian.
Mrs. Howard Dunn was a Traverse
(hst honor.
coedthtR for Jmnea White's camp,
Sliss Margaret Bemoeocck acted es
In one corner of me room sst obi while Raj- and xauman work in the hildcsmald. and Edward Courude. City caller Saturday.
. Fkiling. wbo was called to
Mother Wluh. who told fonun^s ai>-i wooda
brother of the bride, acted as beat
Grand Rapids on acconnt ot the sec«
dispensed broth .from a kettle
Sirs. W. Wares and Sties Deja were
lyus iUncss of his mother returned
pended over a flrp. and. all ar
Tra^fwr City callcn Saturday
the room were Rboau and wiicbea
•Silas tMrrte ..agnbr spent Friday
and novlne smonR them all the devU. and Saturday - Traverse City.
Mr ,and Alrs.E R. Clauffy were
while voile.
. tnorlnR hit arms aloft and bwaylnt;
The- YouiiR IVopk-'s llaw.wt t-laas
Just a fes’ friends and relatives toon toTraterse City Monday on busin'csis:
hack and f^nii lit s most wHrd inaii- met SI Mo)d Dodd's Shturda}- eveii- ciiniier sllli ihem.
Mr. and Mrs. 1-liri Case ami Mr.
' ncf.
luK. After tbv buaiueim muetlng Mr.
Id Airs. AicDouald drove to Traveree
The oul-of-iowQ guests preKcn;
Mr. DaRo. Sin. Mason awarded flm and Sin. Dodds gave a taffy pull, and were Sir. and Mn- P<4er Scheldel aud City Sunday iu the foriaer'H anio.
. prise. pUfinR r«0. M. K. and Mrs the romainjler of the evening wss Kettle Nlckenon of Traverse City
Mrs. Will Schanks and Goldto
Tucker consolation.
spi'nt In playWiK games and singing. and Mr. Smier's.talbor and mother of Trrinbley visited with friends at East
Utter on the rmu departed. <!»■
Miss Ada Burket speut Saturday Ui-yon Cenirrl
■y one day l^it wc^
Marine the' orei)aIaa rae long to be evening and sunday with Miss-Sadie
Air. aud Mrs. Adam Sevgmlller
Mr. and MrR. Miller will leave fur
remembered. The jfuests who were Crain.
boDcn-moon trip In Soutbern Michi­ went to Traverse City- Alonday even­
SUa Fred
SlisB Blanche .Keiinedy. who has gan Monday.
ing on bokiness.
Daito. Mr. and Sin. Prank Rtrt, Mr. bMD working' for Mn. Pike, baa gone
►>ed Seegmlllcr went to Traverse
and Mn. N*. O. I'almw. Mr. and Stfs. uiaue to spend s week.
A .very enjoyabli time was bud City'Saturday on buslnewt. '
Odol. Mr. Siid Mn. Tucker and Mr
niffonl Skiver and Basil Pike s]>eiit Monday evening wheu Mrs. Mason deJ. AuspBch of Ca'dilbic was In
.and Mca Sweet.
Sunday rltb llu-lr iisreiitsy
liglilfully cnienulncd the 5UU ciob
I Monday oti buslucss.
UtiU' Ruth Crain, who has been sirk
surpriai- party In honor of Mason's
-8. Artliur Si'irenscii of Traverse
with penmonia, is better sl-tbls writ- 35th birthday. It was a comphde
nty visited with Mr. Soreusen's

surprise to Mr. AlabOh. he being kept psreuts Tuesday.
. |
Mr. and Mrs. Neut Skiv^spent .
>wn wailing for a fak«' tMeplione
- Mias Annie Cats' «-ntertalaed MIk-<
AlUs Stella Fensicrmscber w'as a
few dnys with Mr. SkiverV pawm* caM w-bUe the company gathered
Traverse City caller Monday.
Maisaret Dnnn and SItss Mary Dorsey
last week.
Glen Rial, who U attending high
Miss Pay SirCooaba sp«“‘ Prldsf evening wan |>iea8.-imly sjK-ui in play­
Two bean threehcri wt-ie this wav
ai-liool in Tii.v. r.-e Clty BiKini Satur­
and Saturday at holuv.
ing .'iOO, four tables being played. Tlie day jind stuiiday wiib Ills parents.
last-week, wjdch pleased the fsrnierr
Nov. 11.
prizes went to ’Mr. Dago ud Mrs. Kirt.
- Will aarti came near losing bis R:
.Mias Anns Boegmillcr. who has
J. f. Vlnck and Mra Ji^O. Palmer. been woriijng in Detroit for tb« pMt
tie Anger while sawing wood foDavid BorouRbs last week.
nDrth paradise
♦ A very ap|>oilzing luncheon wa# six mdnUis. has returned to her home
Several from this way will attend ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
iu Summit Cliy.
chit-ken. 4-abbago salad, ineklea ndls.
tbe J. P. While.ant-liou today,
Mr. uud Mrs. ih-fi/. of Travereo
l-Unioet Voii-i-. who was kick<-d in
Ain. Ilalhstwfc au<t son were Truv the face with u hursc last I'ucsday. itVis tiud fruit Jello- -^11 rclurhi-d City uru assistiug Mrs. AU-rrit. who
erse City vlslton. ycaierdsy.
is able to be out and around again.
. ' Ubvid Boroogbs last fall horse SsiTTic litllc baby of Sir. and Mrs.
Frwl Dago
Winnie Pierce is «iuUe sick. « thU
The Isst l*-o Isige pieces ot tim­ wrijlhi?
Air. and Airs. Uiilman aud Hib
ber la this vicinity will be handl'd
Johnnie lUley and James JSnger re­
garde spent the week end with friends
Bila winter. Onr tall trees which
Mrs. Howard Clclaod visited relsturned home fiaturday from Old Misni Traverse City.
ie this psrt fstDoUB will be laid •Ion. where they were at work.
:iv(M and friends iu Traverao City last
colored minstrels plsi'e^
low. A. i. White takes charge of the
Air. Moam. who hag been' worttlng
RWhardt timber. wMle Cook and Ken In Detroit all lummer. U home on o s large crowd last Monday evening.
Mr. BDd Airs. Joe Weldin have rent­
aedy are bosses for (be Buckley t visit.
ed Chlv.ln Sparling's farm, and have
SovUs 160. Camps In both places
Frank Freeman is building an sddlMiss M. cooper ot Grand Rapids, lOved into a part of the house.
ere being rushed.
tk>D to his house.
MUs Nellie Gray spent Sunday at
who has been rlaUlng Mrs. C. A. Nel­
• Kov. 12.
bn Pethsll and family- visited «*. son. returned to her home tost week. home with her parenD.
WUale Pierce s Bunda}-.
AD. and MraHichard Spurliug were
Mrs. W. B. Johnston sold ker home
A number of the nelgtabon gath­ TO W. F. Gill. Airs. Johnston wUl callers in Traverse City Saturday and
ered together last Thursday and put leave nest weric for Detroit. '
.burg, Nov. 11—Sirs,
The chU-kt-n jipx is <ioile prevalent
■ Wimnmsburg.
11.—Sirs Clara up the fraim* of hU bouse for him.
The L. O.'T. AI. M. will give
Brace Ssrera Dks his shr^der re­
Adams came from Bellalre Sloodsy fur
t in (be 1 tbo neighborhood at present.~Yuuuy
paired again and will start up today.
a TlsU with Mn. Charles Agerson.
- .
town hsH Batnrdsy evening. Oct. 16, lielng quite lU with it.
Norman Barnes u moving bis tsiuconsleUng bf n program and ■•ped­ The many friends of Earl Sparling
ily into Mn. Hsnslo's house.
'PcadlcrB' were surprised, uud very glad to hear
A Urge crowd of friends and noIgUof bis mura last week fipm'tbe Ur
ParadD’' will be aometbfag
hon paid Ibelr last resiwcui to James
Ira KeUl left last week/for Kansaa west. Ho expccU U> go back again
Mwley. Sunday, whom hU /umiral aas
Mrs. Ben Bembenec^ of from ihcro be will go to Loveland. In the epring.
( held from the church here. Rev. Benc- Hannah celebrated tbelr :5th wedding Colo,, where he will visit friouds.
Several from this neighborhood
dtet otflcUtlng. Interment was made anniversary Tuesday. Nov. 5. They
G. Af. Dame left Saturday for Dmi oUended the dance at Gleaner hall
4 In Circle HQI cemeter}'.
had a high mass at 6t. Mary s church. tom. where be will hunt deer. AP Saturday night.
Mr. and Mn. Emory Rose drove Rev. Father Kiteman officlsied. All Boughey of Traverse City areoaiMrs. Potter fcive a lairty- last F.-iover from Alden in their car Sunday
•lay evening in honor of her. daughter.
ibeir sons aud daughters were-pres panieil him.
for a TlsK with friends.
Mra AfeCpnsuglicy of Bcannla. Miss Laura, who wax home
The sons an- Bernard uud MatliMr. nod Sirs. ClStotd Pra> uf Gran.) ew Ik-ubeDcck aud daughters sre Msr- Mich., spoke* in ihu Cougregstlonal day.
Rapids are visiting aCG. V- Pray s.
MixK Mae Spat'ling. «lio lias been
gsrel and klsry- Itcidbenock and Mrs church both Sunday ntornlng and
The Messrs, ,1'oilttg ^of soulhem
■Marths Bchwind and her husbuud. all evening. She Is a avust InterpsUng
Hirfatgan were caUuU here by
st>caker. aud all |>rcsvnl enJoAed hear
dMUi of the two-yt-ar-old child of -Sir.
Aliout SO of their many frieuds took liig her.
Mra. W. GuRuiyii passed away at the
home of .Mr. and/Mrs.' 8. Gagnuu
Wednesday morning after an illness
of several months. Mrs. Gagnon w
formerly Miss Ula Evon of qadlU.
Besides herliusbsud aad-lnfant daui
icr sbe leaves her pareut.s and thi
The funeral services
held fratn the Catholic chii^ Tbtmi'
ly morning. Miss GUdys Dame
left Tuesda
morning fo«'*LaiadnR. where sbe'ev
pects to spend the winter. •
The Alusical Hurst famib- gave ai
cnterialnmeBt st tbe^town hM) Thnrv.»y night.
Mrs. W. WUllanisofi and daugfatc
Ada went to Traverse City Tburads:
It,iaeans a lot to
Mrs. Williamaon returned home 8a'
your guests to fiD(l^
Frederick.Telgard. who went to .Sii
a dosy.welUwanB'
f Clt.v. New Meziw. returned hom<
«d room awaiting
Saturday. He says that James is
as «>sll at. IsiTc
on«t •■=
are w».«••)much Improved in health, wblrb i
' h«rd.
hard. Yoti
Yrii need -net wait
ery one was glad to bear.
AvFerfcctiaQ SmokelwaB OR
unfit you have's Ihras amount
Miss Hrlcn Putnam left W.-doc«di
Heater is the very tht^ to drive
'before-openInB'sn sMOunt.
•r Muir, where she will visit friatHls
aat^y chill and damp in a hurry.
mi or - oupnsss done, raHie hlfdi scbuci students gave i
.. I'svery courMiy and atten­
' poveny sodsl at the sriiool house SstNo Bmoke or spell with a Petfectioo. Just
tion in all msttera sirtrustsd
uiday night. The proceeds wfll be
deitt. glowmg wannth at a minute’s ootioe.
to ua -anf there (• nothing
used to m^e s payment oo the plane.
safe briv'king un 1 camtet patform.
Peridns of Grand Ra]dd?.
A PerfKtion Heater gnw nine houre* comwho has bM' here for the past b*
fcrt on a sttgle gaOko of ofl. Handsome, yet
itha. nitnnted to . bU home last
‘ i eversfwheie, or write 4ar
Mias iMaMe Telgard. who has b^
visiling ftfenda and relatives at Em
pire Ole i^st inonth, murned bomr
entnhiay evritlnB



Wai Heat

Yoor Spare




N., ^ ,

’Hv p[/i F^r'



A infos* M Wmsiail

vicaien In any quantities that -bev'lcwving any word whh hu ralsttvM.
With. The iMtvdHeB 'are^e iiree'During bU absence be vUlted maay ’
to tols way the dealerVftoin* ritira ot the west and
•ad he •s^ea jdsased wUb hit trip.
doas not harrto
assnred ot the freahaat ttoA. Tbe; some time with his son In Idaho sad
ed h^ daughter, Mrs. Howard DupnTrice varies ooceiEiaE to toe Kind and , t^ came bsck east, stopping over at
^ Lee.
atkMiOuK qualitiM. fTtie prices 'now tUcago'knU other pclnu. It sM>esn
tended the funeral ot i«n. Wri^i
that when he h'ft he thought a trip
C 10^
last Wednesday.
wroulJ do him good and surted out
Harry Stmars and Lee Manigold
Flthdut any iifcpsraiton. not thtoktog
-Igbt bogs
left last Thursday for Grand Rapids,
a tnonieni that he WeuU rause Us
where they expect .to And employ- can be delivered to the Fore Mar- family tbe worry th« be did by his
nuettp raids at any time, and in this
sudden deparinre.
Ranr Taylor, who Is working In
for Air.- Zimmerman or have to bunt
the asylhm at Traverse City was a
him up. The ttiarkti' ia strong and
taller In town Friday.
the deinsnd great.
Bert Schell spent Saturday and
-^nmber of good loads bt pea
Sunday in Travefse Olty.
beans were reteived yeaierday. over
Mr. and -Mra DMlel Seegmlller
Tesas 'Congress «f i Mothers Is ta .
bushels U-lng received, the pr.-'
visited his uni-le
Mm Satnrvailing pri<-e heiug ll.$5. Duckwhes.
• ay aud Sunday at Solon.
was the >«>ly grain received, over 7o6
Mra. Dayton Schell was a Traverse
b^els being Uken edre ot by tii City caller BsUirdsy.
Charles Hainmri. Erre Yoomans
No new i-orn is being received jusVi'.
and George Angle are hunting


Itenni'v Lake for the last.wedk.
. Dayton Schell is carrying the mall
for Mr. \Mllie Wilson this week on
account of Mrs. Wilson's illness
Mrs. Wm. Wilson. Jr., has been
very skk fur the last two weeks and
mutb improved at t.hls writ­
Aiks' Inez LiuU'u visited witb Miss
Minnie Sargent over.Sunday.
The Alisses Mamie DeFrabco and
Margaret BoMendor visited' at
home of the AUssmi Rosa and Jesale
Bowden at SiimmUt City.
ijiHt Saturday erening there was
farewell psiV held at the home
of Air. and Mra. Jasper Wcise's at
Sumnilt City, who are nioring
Traverse City for the winter. A fine
liDi-u ui>le cloth was presented to
them as a token ^ friendship by the
(ricudo aud m-igbbora.
Nov. li'.





uuu,« « U.. uoUb,;. I
Tie crop will
wm be
| T—C«mr,w. C Mom™.. Th.
bo larger ,hwu
ering opens with a
when It is all taken care of and thj '
quality very good. In many ;rases ’
Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Pipdlaboj in bard to get. iher«*forc ‘
crick «;.eu
Scheff «.
of .-oimaeipaia
it will take longer Umc to got

the crop m rudll
for the markmC?^'“‘
The prevaiiliig-market vras 3k cemn is o-'hi-duled to adtfress tbe ionfe.and ilii- average number of bnshels eute tomorrow eveulug. Utber pfomWere brought in. ibvy run abnni dtw luv-ut speaki-re on thepsokraai are
bushels. The quality- U good and only Prof M. V. O'Shea oTtbe UalrontCy
of Wisconsin. William Ward ot New
Rurals are being sold.
Y'otk and Dr. A. Caswell Ellis of tM
The auenilon of the whole suie
I’nlversliy of Texaa
and a good prtiou of the i-entra) w-osi
is directed to the great land and ^
I>le show in Grand Haplds. Thu Is
the BnvsL dlBiday ibst has over been
made and the attendance U bey ond all
exportations. Tbt-re will in- single ex^IbitH by the Morgan ivr< hard.- Frank
Blunli. Mil- (uoio-Ik-v lanii nf R. Flo.v.I
Clinrh ahd tbe Nonliiiort Fruit Gruw.' asKM’ialloD- All of tfav-ne <-xi>cv't
bring home Mne ribbons. A num­
much improved. Slio will go to Chl- ber of loval i«ojile will go down today
v-ago Iu a few days to receive further
during (be w<-ok.
K. A.‘8mlth fcivent W’ednesdsy and
Thorsday with bis family. Teiurning
Piircs ctirrecicd every day.
to his work at Alpena on' Thursday
Mr. and Mra. /toward Cleland enterulned « party of young people at
their home laat Sunday afternoon.
J..W. Hobbs and Mr. Hildebrand
........ SfrSe
of Mayfield, called on relatives-and
friends in this neighborhood
Mrs. Calvin Spsrllns transacted
tmstnrss in Tnv-erse City last Tues­
ying Pr
The infant chil^'ot Mr. and Airs.
Winnie Pierce has been quite ill for
the ;«8l vreek or so.
5tov. 12.




Satmrday and Monday

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦--F
; ♦
James Aliller Is golM to work to
tbe swamp this winter for Mr. Cran- FARM PROOUCE-eelling Prioa
Golda Hiler and his bride arc going
Prices corrected every day.
to houMi kiH-ping the twelfth ot this
Mr. and -Mrn.'TliorjK- has moved in­
to Mrs. liagcr'a house.
Mary and Allen Willtoms attended
qusiirterly- meeting at Traversa
Nov. 12
City 'Sum
heat.............................. .'...........

The Maikets
Buckwheat t



Evolution oV BfblV'^dy!
special ........................................ 16c
Alritoes and •■ommentorte of

special........................;.............. »o
Ijght of Asia, leather. *1.<ki;
K.H^ial....................... '............
Sesam't and IJlies. UuSklu.
UuSkln. 25c;

Tir.rc.*uiig'ua«;, L^n.'35c;

Ptleas' emtectod iMli day br «<*•
atm CBIOCD, Detroit,

Age of Ii
Sweetheart fraveleru. |1.50. spe-

Toledo ,n&d

BgflUo torangh Daltod Pam toto
graph aim^

(lal ....;.......... ................ ...10c
fkwd 8un. Meyer. 75c; spo-.

Hock of

Buffalo. Nov.

■ 55c;

avtive. ♦f.T.'.feriO.

Tallow ................................. ................ 5c
N(x 1 bone
....tL5>y end up]
eWUN.». Nov. 13.—YVheat.
cor*. *VSc. outs. S#Mc.
Detroit. N®v. 13.—wheat. |L07*o:
com. 61c; uata S4c


Local Maitob
The bOtuo maJkrt has slwwj s been
varying ooe to Uaes'-iMt. kD ««*
that were ssed baving to be Mt>g|»ed

'jUtofWid- From Trip. Out • Week • M ueh

James Hi^rt having tslied thu
quraUou. Tar the Ust-'torue year*
be has



Fruwi Low lo.l^ Geir. ILlo;"

«isl-..................... ............gtss

J^ ttortiMer. toe weU know n East

be left,
he baa tu

Wy ItofA Storv.

immr aho«
has ggthhtod----------------jriorlng and deUhtotog--|J fo.Sbq icil tUs-BnUssly. lMniig- bolM.wlthott^3>M


r.\<^K H\'e




U8 to take your home in hand and turnish it up b^utifully at a price that cannot be under bid.
We have furn­
ished 75% Of the homes in Traverse City and surrounding country and this is evidence in it self that we know
stock of*house furni^^^ is complete in every detail.

We want you to come in and look them ovel'.

Furniture, Stoves, Floor Coverings, Dishes and Tinware

Three bundiM beautiful
Chain and Rockers in ail
styles and liattenis, from a
Solid Oak Leather Seat Sewing
Rocker at 95c up to a beautiful
genuine Spanish Leather Re­
clining chair with massive car­
ved Lion beads on legs, at $33.
Becd Rockers — Sixteen
different styles to select from,
up from $2.75.
Morris Cbslrs oad
Rocicsrs — Several pattehtu
to select from, ranging from
$4.75 up.


Do you want a nice Couch
for your sitting room or your
parlor ? We have some beauties--botb plain and tufted
tops, with fine oak frame, genu­
ine steel spring construction
throughout The style, size
and grade of material deter­
mines the piice.
They begin at $8.75 and
range right along up to $26.





and up to *30. '

Laee Curtslns
Nothing adds more to the
appearance of your home than
Y^dowa draped with nice Lace
Curtains and we a posi­
tion to furnish you just what
you want from a Lace Curtain
at 20c up to a fine, Brussels
Net Curtain at $7M.
Window Shades fion^ 10c up
ap to the beet Opaque. Large
size shades msde to ordet.

We ■ are offering several
dropped patterns in Rugs at a
big discount If you are going
to buy a Rug this winter, it
will pay you to inspect these
Rugs at once.
$48 Velvet Rug; dropped pat­
tern.......... .............$38
$42 Velvet .Rug, (hopped pat­
$35 Velvet Rug. dropped pat­
tern ......................................^
Hatting Rugs up from. . $1.85
Ingrain Rugs up from. . $3.75
Brussels Rugs up trom.$7.50
Nelvet Rugs up from. .$12.50


, Mattress

Handsome 46 piece sets, beautifal decoration, shown m seve­
ral patterns.............. ...*4.75

We carry fleorly everything
made in the Mattress line, be­
ginning with a cotton top mat­
tress at $1.95 and ranging right
along ;up to the finest mat'r ss

56 piece set .........-----*5.75

produced at $25.

106 piece set................_-.J7.75
We also carry odd dishes and
plain white ware.
Be ante
and 'visit our cookery depart­
ment for dishes, toilet seta,
tins and granite wear, and
cooking utensils.



We carry ^e famous St.
Johns' line of Dining Tables,
•l^ey ore manufoMured by the
liugeat and best equipped table
manufocturing- plant in the
imuntjry anti tbeic products are
the best We aii showing a
8^ quarter-sawed oak. round,
I^estal table at 4K50 that is
certainly a batgaln.
Others at $10,7S.,$12.S0. Jl.S

Dishes Dish values always
prevail at J. W. SLATER'S.

Wehonestl:; believe thatthe Quick Meat Steel Range
\n the best steel range made
We have handled ^em for
twenty-two years without
complaint and we have sold
hundred of them; for we
hardly ever sell one but
what one sells another. They
are so thoroughly made in
every respect, that they will
last a life time.
Nolc fhc corner eonfltmcHoir shown In the;

Coyer your kitclien and din­
ing room floors with Linoleum
and save that back ache on
scrub day. We are showing
about twenty different patterns
and several different grades
from a genuine, ground cork
linoleum at 45c up to a num­
ber one Inlaid
$1.30. We take the measure
ments of yoflr room and lay
the linoleum free of charge.

We can sell, you an ail emot­
ion mattress with ^^iee fancy
tick as low as $6-75yRemem­
ber we are txcluslve a|:enU
for 1 he standard line of matIressei—every one guaran­

Why waste fuel and
money burning an old wornout stove, when you con buy u
new one and pay for it with the
money saved in your fuel hill ?
We take your old stove as
part payment.
Air tiglft stoves from 95c to
Combination coal _,and
stoves from $6.25 to ^5.
Hard coal stoves from
to $75.


Buy your Bedding at Slater's
and save from 5% to20%.
. Just arrived—another big
ehipment of Bed Blankets and
Comfortables. Come in and
stock up for winter before the
best values are selected.
Colton Bed Blankets.
up from....45c
Part Wool Blankets......... $1.50
Wooinqp Blankets........... $225
Wool Blankets..................$4.00
Comfortables....................... 75c
Pillows, per pair ............$1.00
We are showing a full Unc of
Sheets and Pillow Slips.

Your RettaMe
Home FamBlMr

--------------------------------------- ---------------- ^ ---------« tbdek.
1^ miit. and too Mcb ogg a tough
' ................ ..
Plaaaaa* WIMne Work. coveca tor onto cwahkm*
“«■ *»» *»“»* made to match the rag
™m< ao geoenUy uaed. aa.v* tlw.Ohlo
Fhnnar. They are moat oft» u«ed
<»r pon* pU.™. l»r lup 1^ ^
*» geaemi uae la the borne. TO
hugriromeat oua* are ifaoae made of
Unrlr rPi ma. »^P
Ha Ha
If^ed cover much aofter and n

ribbon of tbe right
1* AWMWjlMeD •v wiilii!^ ^ <a >*a ^
♦ »*4 p««h»l pb*Ui»«hroi.hf U4
MM<MMMtM>MMMM»M' •Mih- P»*« the ri^M on the and*,
and fintob ft wKb a laaael. Tbto wUi
ronaewH »e«ber aenrUc <m ibe naB»i
be found very eonveaieet la a writhut
Tbe aUMiioc or U» fanlAlM pop*Vouws Woo»*t *
»«U deuk 0*- OB a Uhrar? Uble.
«f tbo UaU«4 Stauo to nintod. Ctartotlaa Assot^Uoa. acUnc on ibc
Sachet-Take two picturea of the
jMt now. to tbe no* mtotreaa of the committee of eollece and aehooto.
ther nme rite. po« card* lor example, and
Whfte Boone and her three talented
mother,. i made up m.v
punat brie* all the way about the
ud <dmmln« daughter*. SlmpUckr Bind whan tbene three JJiOe danghMn.. li: Burr 1. .t .!» b«J « Ua .W». la™ H» iw ioi»<l»r «U.
and pmcUenJ comdmn eeaae am the
of onia gre« up I should map out
»» pka e._.. h>hT TfhtMn and not a laver of cottoB
komote la this dellgbaa] faaUlr. and their Uvan for them. I had mteaded
«pr4kled with *achet powder between
the foUowtag Interview. puhlUhed re- th*, ,jj three-rtohid be graduated
p( .la Edui..-ilaip
clMlBK tb» berriM. «bic4i nakea u> canUr ta a datlr paper, tbrova a
I onliece and hava a cwtala
Pole' in

♦ *rmxIA wtmeVhTiJ*• h«




Covemw Wll*on nwe* no other food
that will hold them evenly oo the bottom so that the berries will not be on .
top of each other. Cover wUh Jot. of
eabughI thaak thee, that mine e|U behold
Ngar and water enough to come about
authority than hto
PPP.PW IP. P.W.1 o( IP. Iprrv .nP
Thy love in Katore * face.
bake slowly until the berriea are teaThat eaitk and e«a and aky infold
hlch tbe
■i™. PPt tP.j- pipn reulp iPplr .Pppp. .. *1 tPP PrPiil- Hp;''
Sweet paraWea of gnee—
■1 for the
Pile on
Pnaolvod la AoaaoB'a fehbte light,
' d^ read-biv/aith alone:
_______________________ r Somhem food
amount of thick ayrup. and .hould be
Thy laerer, e<^ with thy might
during the «our»e of a dellgbifuny in'a ocarlet color.
' ^ aweei twtfrgaapela ahovn.
, fomal coaversatton.
Spiced Cranberrle*—One

thank tbaa for tat dally bread.
tdiav«»ed with noedtiil telU:
itor'hvmW tot -with loan luahod
O'er lo«t or haatfad apoiU:
Pv BoiaoM of |)to and grief.
far taatlnn iHth thy rpd:
Wr help ta MOd. ta fear reUef.
I thank- thee. O my-Oodl

Indead. And Inrimidof^olng aa 1 had

^11*^ ***^^Lrr r;p,rpS
;.p .PI. 1. u. IP, PP..P p.. ,»,p„. .pp IP., ala -

- By <^(«Bcd pMakms bum.


one-. chUdren do what they find beri
and has wrinea a l<ook which eoters
„,„.j ,p ,p.,.
her work
"The result to'lhat each of my girl*
Mt«, rri.lp MPU.PP o. CPlllp™..
is doing sepomte'*'thlngB bnd dring got a teci|K> lor ■•Irkltug olive* (tom
wUl. That', wliat edu- bee *ute univcrriiy and went imotbe
do- fOr both parent and
dmnonsirai'inn of it to the enent that
,he no. ha* a business vwlnrt at
4,0.1 ftw
J ilT-T—

weave It .orreipondlngl) longer

If a

„p,^,™r. »...
si:. “-r?.rpr':.':s.‘U“
r ,r “

elabotate <
broidery tit CleL ton-, therethe
cuo^t towels wHh an eilge 5 Irish
plrol cnpP..rf u^n .P. ,Hp.
luaterlal Iteelf. K good quality of lUien for th.iM- Uttle towel, eonies at
lltty cteiK a t I, and as ihree-quarter. of a yard Is *utrieleut for each
one. the cvet » only thlny-MHen and

Soineiimea they are male Ix\ yard.
“• Af* |dUo« ISx*. tnehea.
Ion. opif plTOP P... . POP
l>etter with
fringe al>o. Sodiellnie. the whole
covet l» woven In pUld or xiriped el»ect IVrhap. Che nmsi he.utlf.l one.
»re «f white mg* with either white or

berrle*. one cup of- sugar, one-half e
of watw. ona-half c
'.................. >___ nwMt etituiiHie in loeir iranitrtcaa—tats ... .._________ ___ i.i__ _

.p.. ...i.i. most I’lgniScan} addres* gitrn was oy wom oi uui a k-*
Trof- Jcwric
Phelps ugon
"now to take .much lobcol^io crochet an edge
When fringe ts daairad. the *
learpoon ctores, two tmspoons-rine- ‘“tic 8«lher«
“ ...................
'Tt**'!!' asionb-hlng the amall amount Teach the Child .\bout lllmtietf," If on each end, . .Vumbw- sixty cotton le»ve. sumeient «rp ae that It can
doneadil dne-half cup of chopped wal- -ri all sarta of thing*, from bow to boll
was rignttU-ani becnuii It Indkaied mhouW »>e used -itber lor the Irish he iM in a single row of knou. or In
X T.Selud relL for i^ta.
rtca ptoparlr to the suffrwgUt moveone Imy. hooks ihe i«ri which lann women are tah- plcot or an, other liit.e edge mat may two or thr«- row. if aKwgh nil, ta
Ndw York dintwry Sanee^Pnt In
»»» roktrimony.
braids and so on Ing m>on one oi the ureseoi moat- be put on. and a fine sharp rieel ne^ left,
a kettle with one idnt of water and
She worn • simple wlne-abaded one- year alter year, of tbe same old kind. talk,-d-ot topic
die that wfl go through the linen with.
n„y he uacdlf dealrad, bnt
four tUeed tkn apples. Cover and plecu gown w«h a tore yoke and chif- *nue wtfh h little obaerrtUon Or In- -Mir. Ida L. ChlttcndHt. of Michigan,
ont dimcuUy 1. necessary. ,-hen woven with ordinary warp-and
I thank thoe. when t quy recall
cook 20 minutrt. Pfega through a t««. waihg a hit of color betimth. and
there are no end of conveniences >‘«=‘ •l.-monMr.ted violet glowing as a
m making the Irish pjpoi. Itegln on the rag, are puabed closely tofMhar
Some pood
aotii^t to do:
eotonder. add one pound of sugar (or ther* ma -no avidehee of "extrava- ,,4 improvements to be found, wlitcb vunexaful and profitable ocupaiioo for tbe wrronr'side of the- towel In order at for a rug. the effect la lliUe if any
^ when npapiani Unr4ropa UU
two cups) ahd boil live minutes loagcr. ganoo la draaa" of which ahe-wa* re- 'will leereti taboi.'
» woman With «crecahou»* with a .jo bring the loops of treble atitche* on better itan when cotton rag* aro
1 C’ar.wroBS*A«4 fMlta I me:
Thick Cmnberry Jelly—lYash one cenOy accuaed.
Eve, h, the matter of buying jdtu «*l«city of n.tbxi i-lams. she haa for the right ride., otherwlac It wlU look u*ed. Sometime* a weaver - - '
thr atrungth that Mo&oms In white
Otmrt of berric*. add one pint of wa••Clothaa should consume a part of ,on,en are careless. They will ask .'«ir» lualnulned a business which
though the laco hJd been imt on found who Is not too busy to pat In a
W. and boll five tiilnutee. Prea* any thooghtful romiin-a Uine." Hhe f„r "a paper of via*’ without any re- ha* i«W her f:ir better than the aver* wrong side oiiu Thl* iKtlbt ahoul.l he short warp sulUblc for ajlk rag*, but
Nor coTfU Mia r«M:
through-a stove, rqtum to kettle, and said, “bat
much stress should not pirt
the use
use in
made of them. *fte talaried j«sitk.B,"l»»ldei Being In- remembered
making any other sbe must lie taiurcd enengb work to
That flnda In M^dafaal. dMimir.
_ . for the
i-dpe, ahd before, it is aettially begun use It all. and be paid extra for her
It upotfthem.
upe« them. A woman with any ,n<, ,hrn, If not sailsfietory. complain dependent and
add one pooad of sugar' Stir nnUI be pot
And hoida thy «1B tba bast.
Serving on it |* well to figure nut how many trouble. C>^
sugar has dieted, boll for a minute, sense of the aril«lc knows IntulUvclr
gay—so and so s pin* are 'no
sc.'iool Michigan. A good times it will m- ni*,-er*arj to bo hack
jireii;- snfa ruslitoa - wrer« ,
VtoraU tbeaa ttafan w OofU I give and lum Ipto a mold. Stand over nlghf’ what to wear and clothe* are an easy gooi:
ol these an- in rnrgl aehoola antl..forth aems* .-the’ towel.
r to seleci In these days, when i,had a chat...................
with a buyer
for notions
naakg ia. ny
asd Boag:
__ cool plare before serving.
e been made also of odds ui a
nrtnbeny {5oi»aer»e-Wa*h two
homo dressing Is ao easy." recently, and she was leHing roe much «here their InflueBre-mum do a. wona of stitches
,ov«, j„, ,|k, nt$. \----- Cauahi *ttUa,thr'a9l>o I® Uvc.
will come on the right side. After the .t^ped or checked off la coIms ao
' eop# of cianherries. place on fire in
Put rpsaUng of food. •‘Y-es, Govern: ,^*1 ,ras imerostlng about her amaU derful atnotmi of good,
,^e very aUractlv*. Prlcaa for
granite basin with two cups of WBler 0> Wilson since tils marriage ha* lived „r«s. gpe sold, for .Instance. tb«fe
The Hureau of Animal ’Industry towel- I * hem»tluhrii the end* MfjLid
for oUU thea .«4i ^ ^ ID ins.
and one of augar. Add one cupfnl of on Southern -ehlcket. Y’on see. we ,,, nothing found yet that could bell.t-'-t-fSO # >ear and.the Bn|>epressed wlili a a hot iron i* r« . an ,-^,ring
at for
Aa« thow I toVs ft Bigb:
nUrins and one orange cut into one have alweya hnd good cooka from the ,nt»tlluted for a idn. neither could It veab «f
lndtt»try 12.051^ A exact crease, and In crocheting the
flo bU ay «'
inch atrip*.
Stir often and eoo^ until Sonth or• thosef wbo
who wer
were soutbere *^mg|y
___ _
be _________
Improved _____
upon, yet _
It children’s hureau is asked for at an edge the sitebe* should be lalten deep ______of weaving so many abort
xo ku. rn tWnHU-iik.
1 C. Rifdiardi. u thlckena then pour Into Jelly gtoss- bom, ami th«r know bow to cook Certainly wan a dangerous little thing, expense of
which’ would by enough into the material to make the
» •
--------- ^--------1-----•
ebWwB belter than anybody In Om' with its sharp point. A new head had inve=,Ugating chUd-tabor cohdlUona. edge firm, *0 ibat there wlU be no
Table runner* for porch or library
• • • • • •
* • • • • •
Cmnbew Ple-MIx well together world, the govemer thlnkx. He w6uld been derised, but It eouM not be said'««•«>• of‘of««t
etc, effe« .Unger of Ita pulling out.
table, ate also made la the sam# W»y.

"Follow tbe true «ni»e of your • two level UWesiioonfuU of comriarch,
>»?e ehUken Southern style to be an Improvemenr It was ibougUt * marked saving In rtfild life. Are
imiUI*. either embroidered or done
made of oolor* to mateh the
• Uffr<4«tlEfMi ro«r eyaaopea for •
enpf„, of sugar a pinch of oalt.
■ forriW-gooked banquoi.
,ho round head of a pin might work ‘hf children of the I’nlied States fo cross^itltoh. are effective on these
.^d htnglng* of the rooms. To
• ha heamffol
tjfo «•" * meuten with a Uttle hold water and
T*** ffovoroore idea of a line din- utitmgh the doth of a dies* Into the •orth onc-elghth ai much as animals! mtle towels', and add quite a touch of niahe them hang nleelyand not b* too
• mponslea to• ^ook fo-c minutes. Add one-halt cunInelades chleken Southern style. hpjy_ k> a T head wm, invented, but ...............~ . .................................. ............. dtoiinctlon.
stiff, the rag* are yui flh* a»d ary not
•’aoiad, agM>>(wi»tfly foH»rd- • fol of mtoina. seeded and chopped, and
“n*« •»!■!*■
the little, straight bar ^* so much ••••••••■*••••••• • V-V_V" *I

pushed closely ibgsUMk- as IW rw.
• AM mot
*4 Stop, •
cupful* of chopped
’Never do we have a meal without ^ore noticetfhle than tbe round head ♦. THE CHRISTMAS COHNeR. ♦
The hvtt tairndn'for a man ts a
hclng looam. Tbtdr
permla •
Simmer for fifteen winthat women refuw^ to awpl It
V .V"”
tluare of cretonne as tot^ *a tpe *^0.,Id be woven of soluble width for
VaMt to-iiWl*rMf|lW>< toirirtp> lh-» - ,t»„ -|gwr into o bak^ ertmt. eover
’’And can yon cook ric<—
Then this young woman wem on to
■'*'*“**_‘'he and long en..ngl, «, they will _g

of a yard c

J of sugar, and•'^ *** ••*'*’^showM tn UboMavinc devlqw when '*»*•*'"’*
.J'”'«»rh side of the ttble. bring put
Thl* Ble -”Te* .Indeed, I can cook rice. I have „ «_h„ to aewihg. She ahowwd me **’<»^»*
the paiaa- ^,4
j^r eomer*. The four rings
^ ,4,, ,ldtb.®f the
aivay* iat»^t my cook? ever alnee my the tope fiited whh book* and.eymi.
hung on the rkmlng Jumk. making ^^10.


... p^ wbo pfhctlcea
mi*lB. Ma o«

. «ir »«l..

d^-rice. cl^nMby nibbing through n
u*k*” uuran'ex^ The OMo Wrmcr give* a number of ,«xaar. cmrefuliy cut mn a paueru of ^^r|,Tl.malnroribe dl.h-TO every
; the article Iwm dainty whim tiasue
rimpj»d tool allow.two
^ Borienceil seamrire.s to acw ho
hooka ------------fovxpeosJ'c «t"l
«tW^c P

“,r,i - ■>

*■“ nr.Bt,^rnr«

enBristASev of
"» ™»>i"i«'«!'
xonttolehcr irf





.h,. b.,™. ,b ,b.

s;sr^»rr,r™.*™' • r;«r",r:;.r.L“p
™r^rir ":r- -vrr:;"™.

blue to an especially pretty color to ^ *, bread and buiier: In fact. It
tor IM. bbiroK.
m torobfly r«lM «« br«J b.r of caure of It* »holeeomcB<ii*. A bread
t-etter Banda-These are t



- -n..

Ib««d -of -v..-,.
«T-l0t bb. Um .0..™
roll. 11^.1^11,"]^jL*‘
kiS 'ono
"H™ -............
pleasant surprise in
nu me wa* to ,,o
aln-oluielc sattofaciory kinds
one ''"i” Of n«toi« hto K-t /ealOi If
bn to eheevtnl g«l cffiUadstk than one

mestk aenae with my anutlc .Ireriny

any dUtarance at all.’ he toW ate.
•even If you didn't have all these domesOc virtue*, bm nevertheless it to
cenrinly a delightful surprise." ”
j,,.. H11«,a b.I»ra bar aarrlajto Ja-

rn"b'::.riSsrrrs'w,^ r;r-r" ””

?ansr-.rirr/rbLK ‘‘'Z’r’Z’LhzTz,... -


,.,b...»W. Tb.,„a.|br..«b
i with much Iriia friction! 'they
CMvy a Utiamnn Ihkl Tin roai^ them
vakonw wharovor they go. ;
•Tbo dattriBlMlkm to be kind and'bechee|-tuland
A^mutic fo nriUT what rOme* to
tia. to OM of lha Mbiast at atiwflons.
The pertlate&t affOn to glv^ everytody a im Mwwver |»*<lble., to
,aska eracyhody •’o come In' contact

-Util, Itoau- ar. a araab,.., dl.b. rtaaa aad Huai aava aa a,- aalatlaa

inb-i ib.^ «.!■. .1. b..™ -in™.,™ .bbb^b™,


re.t_»ho,..bone and the other :*:r:!;.r^i;,.iri!: of the kC th^

each gem ndn. Take

amount of dough retinlred 1
Mm dwem'^ th* pain he to about to
't ""
Mdure and Mm ptfona out what It
foato Uke 10 dto la agony.
‘"Ho*" ^ Yon “*he cranberry Jelly
■ .•Ik'hat aTondi^ thing It to lo be that Jells!" I rarely gel Just the right
l^ia to cany noa'i tunablue with proportlona,’" Take one cup of water
hlai to rail "a tlawV'bnWaaw, aad ta laarol ciaab.rrt«.fb«n ml i»daa

am aaimi. «» » wab. o.a

r.^r-rThe former for dumbllUy. -«»>
laiw .or us* in
f<”- •^*totlne< hut unles* ™
,4,^ correct length to ctosen and the,
ColUr Pro,p lor_r». . .tfil- bl
Kipiwrta ar«;*nwn in
"«.• bad «al.b It
^leRc win not he a-*uccesi. Each
*u(* aU,'. •»!' Hbbb"
la avaalv .fu-r tli, »Hb ratbar bad-, i.,s,K bblah wlU
jign mnsi be
ai.r u loldul la two.

„ ,b,

falJ. iba baW b l» '‘'"7

r? to :s!:to‘'rtot^:i.'b::. ?br;;^;b::’:"rto"nrr. s Z'Z

.and wm. in aeattri fio-era 4* we go
takmi aevoful or her canvases for ex- -^;;;,-.en1«'.h.«'.he mohair.
Mong. to nnjor onoh day. to live the
Mock pigeon to a favorite dish with MWUou. The.vay that they are good
tvitb the rrtura of the high ahoe for
pmaenl to JU Wn^ and not to wait mori people. To make, take slices of enough to entec any national cxhlbl- winter wear the skin. Mil fray mote

r “r'”

o”*" *


J:,:, ’ a.”;:;. vSb"“™M “t^ulm,
___ ,_____ .i_. ___, wift,
.much less time for baking. A rich
all core* and bad
cake w UI keep moist and fresh longer
a^b,.:.-* Wash clson as noma BF
thoB g simple one.
pi, , an- sandy and grluy. Geek In
]p we wtoh to make a raotoi dough
.-nyugli to keap them coverad
,Hff. It to totter lo leave out a porriob
»hea appi** are taador have thd
-tea w-tTh koidcs IB kattlaof the liquid raiber than add more
flour, since this wTHild oecesM'sie art- h,
thin ffotir sack and poor aptliis and bang np to dnln. h«
ditloasi leavening, fai. etc.
krs' do
touch tack while dnlBlag <
» Iflicnr-.
r Jelly will be rloa<!y. tmt drain
' all )tat will cune ont aad then nae

•”" •“ ^ ..

-- --------------bread dreasing. Roll each slice np and
rHnnItMW to g ffWrilon of henri He. put rtoaelogether in dripping pan.
•Ad not MBMy. It to mind and heart dredge «1lh flour, dot with butter or
••d ak thll«i tbM taaka ihe Joy of. slices of bacon, cover bottom of pan
wlh hot water a«»d bake foriy-five
—m.r'i' ■■
- minute* or till meat Is tender—Wat'^rOpMtriea.
Ure'* Farmer.'
»rilto4 Cr»»h»iTj>—»'a*h and look
---------------- ------ -

panjiawp ■
—rly. When
they toffto to
cover over n tew
BtoodBU nnd. <*0k aUl tender, hot
dn not nBe* kWito to MokA. Pour InU n’toold. TN Jfftee wiu be fiim In-

In ck^ThTre

center large enough for a raw egg.
butter to uw^: there to less butter[ and
^ the ramekiB
ptoc-d in a hot 0
tbba buor. 1™- M««r Ibbb fl»ur »nd „„ri,'7!,.'".,:-bi.'
i7i .blfiHM,llr.-‘'ir
mil the t
f™. b.kto. fu.d.r tor a B..B,a.™_a
b. aaftok.
ar. of dattr th.a woaW ba b.aa».r»
tor a dbusb wbara aa aaa. ata aabd.
„ „»

Z rr.ilJai’lXr.-. T.T ^ ^l^rr.” 1 "r

. ____ _
i> pulled off each t
‘hat as t
»os«} '^,,1?' ^ _wh
little rniihSo®^ J
___ made of vetoeteeq «a1 stuffed
r®*'®”- -**
‘“♦'fdl In rul|bing
iWtltoh on ooe- shoe*
Bag-A smaU fiannri bag

Sift to make for *om mue in

- ,g.toi.jZ"T,b“,Jtoi;itob%“^'T.'“

’ffMftnfi MRtoB. Sprinkle
•ver. them 'nne fitorW-nuMr nnd e


d of bettor, salt and
add a U
little Woreeaiershlre
pepper and
^ tabtoapooBfol of
, J.u.i.,™
This hash may be spread
I loan a* the foundation on
place a' poorbod egg. or it.
.i*...., .« -

'!^.".r'wlll bf!^rJT^a.Id •• HI ba a i.rKl.a

aa.a,._ »d_ tb.

a,.arl.-,wb..l. Qbauaa .aal-fo, an 1. a bt.r. a^atlmltorat-tb, „a„oH ,aar..i™ 1. «. »*1~.
It until Hon nearer i
wrap in-a strip of baron, fastening art of
front tnsn tne otner,
former will
with * toothpick. Bake.
eight year* ago. when .... —™------lomier
em stand
pile slices or buttered toast with bagau to grow up. that I again imV up
,-nito the latter will bulge or
two buttered sides together.
pnluUnp: and for four yenr* I horke.l
of elinglng to the
Crantorric and apples make a very hard and have done what my friends
narrow tli>v
good romhlaatlen. If therv to a-liitla call credItaUe lasdseapes. Rlnce Gov-'
v«k kntekiv ai the teJat
strawberry Jam. or ravee. left over, evnor Wilson "hh* been In polltltto I wear out very
kuickly s
add rrahN^-rries and male into a Jelly, have had to give np my summer art
are using bralnTr't^e
Cover loveried gem pan. with pastry rirtony work In Lyme, Conn ’
-old-fashioned klnd-as a proleetloB.-'
crosi. or cut
cot cIpcIcb. half of iheiu
them with
8o good.
good, In
in fact, to the printing
priming of
since tbe ,i.-niand
rt.-mand it
to created watnowaao-


- '“V -■> >• -i.-.-

smaller pieces If the potaiooa are cx«
Commrrins CaV* Makiofl.
p« the baaf and tho
Some peoide have the idea
potato In ■
rith JuK rnoagh
c*ke to a thing to be strictly
coM waterA© a IHOe Wore than cover
/Jn tbe contrary, well-baked and well
made rake* and pudding, are a wholes

«,me nwo^of ohiainlng the sugar
poUtoes, too. Wlh a krife.

a narrow lace,,^ge
both aides
sides of
of an
as Inch
strip of fine
ruche to
nfosHn. WTien worn,
hut to opened to to laundered,
Another roebe ba, the great advan----------------


cheer. A gMtoat.aboBt to nmforim-a
'ttr<U* onerrilon
a .'"better

r'.rr.'.M'r ,vvt,rr:

heads In the famtly as the holld*)-*

“ h*>w; who ha* tried- It

OB a tot part 01 the atove for a
Thto was anolher arilcle for which
If that Isn’t lwauOfuUy „o subatitutc had been found, tbe
cooked rice aik any Southerner."
,om.n added. She arid differlanghiatfr added the little woman. ( ^ devices were Introduced. Hour.
Mrs. Wilwta said that in her bom4
,^ha,o for a time, tbea' died
taught some- away, and i-onjen
women went hack to tbe

‘ -“"'ilJr il'lf
r.T,^ r«owa-rt. .to c-.^iu« tends ... Pre.s tos.-rt.




.h^ dough from tto sides of
cl.saea, take *,«ma oof
ThU talent for printing has been InPf,tm
^Itb a loop or a '*s**i. ” you ar* lu. p*n.
and when cool you can run a'knife
berited by Eleanor Randolpb Wilaon.
-------. .....

• -------- "--.i -.™!*,. -A-i e«q 'Adding dried fruits to •ioukto tnake* around glass, la'ke Jelly out and It will
one of the dsughtcr* of Mrs. Wilson.
a h,autUul yet inexpensive hanging making it for as o... ‘t
the iDotoi- bold Its ahape. Take the ap^ that
and *be I* at pretent studying an at basket can be made by cutUng off a use red. white and h,:.'
, -them. atlffec. aa
with fresh are left and" pul ratolB* with them and
the NeriOMi An* riuh. and one day good-nsed eurrot about four Inche* .Broom-Straw Case-Tbe envelope to sre la the dough.
»»«■ ■
make fine pies dr um them tor nppit
hoPM » bwme a great anl«.
fn«, ,be top; hollow out the cut end. mane of heavy paper. Bloed toother fr^,_ the contrary
Remember In steaming doughs that euatprd.
daughter. Margaret Wood- w
cuj.. put a —_
amall_ atlck
with s bangtns string of
nsHiuri .-s—
«. form
luiu. aaon'w
A,«••'•••-4_ _ —at the end*,
_ _
nw Wltoon. ^ a voice of unusual through the carrot, and hang top down haby ribtni. "The end* of the ribbon they almost double In i^.
Ctoanip» aaam*»#e
to spilled on a wooden bM«to.«- high Mvptwno. which Mr*, no a sunpr w-mdow. JCeep the enrrpt are glued to .hr .aside oflto eovel- pWir of iwim
Tp cWn w^hlte Mm hednend* T me table, pour cold water over It at once.
Wllsoo-say* »»me* fromher father. Hied wUh wgtef. and In a short tUneope. nil the epvelope with,
om be made oy poumg a viireraca
In tbe bottom of the Muacepan, and p damp cloth,.and a Utile edoUnff
TTte cold water will harden tbegreMe who haa a tenor \wlc««f unimnal por-vihe bcantlful fera-Hkr toavea will ap broom straws, and give It U >
wslng an cmirty’haklng powder or oth- soda. This will leave the bedatand
and prevent it sioklng Into tbe wood.
|ty nM
sweeurito. "IVblcb. by ibei^r and crow up over the cairoi. Trybousewife to bang near her oven.
er cwn or a hanta
ctou and white. Soda MU atoo reIt can tbeo be easily removed with a way, to being ipolled. I (enr, by oo ^ wow. mnd hnea an atUncUve tot >iemomndun»—Take two of the ttor r -----------------_ . Jar.

mneh public sperttng.- «14 Mra. wn-

of green t» your rtndew next winter,block* of paper now in the atore for


too rich a ake brenka move narly all strin* fi

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