Grand Traverse Herald, October 22, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 22, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Xravaraa- Bay





C^V AND LATl TIUtN» ARC fora too craai daautsa la doat. Buslnaaa ipan. irarallni naa. beial kaapDROmP fROH MHCOUl^
era aad avar>-todr U aCaciad aad a
aalted effort oa their pan to bare tba
roadlUoa renadtad Boil ba madi
They mutt cn buy at onca and Jet
tba Pm Mamuatta racalvcra' know
that tba mmmuDlty will not atapd for
aadi a blgb handed act. whtrh inaana
.the pamlydna of aeaaral bualneu fbr
Iba eaka of a fancied aavina oi
part of a small body of mao who
think they have to make a atowlng at
(be aapanae of tba pgblle In order
boM down tbair )oba. United and tig.
orooa action la Beaded aad seeded

•Trcasurar^Mra. Mary C. Miller.
Btrwctors—Uiu Clars Bates. Travrsa City: Mrs. Jsmes Uuir. Port
Huron: Mr*. It. K. AshhauRh. De­
troit. and Mrs. IMtltam P McKnlshi.
nrand lUpida.
. .
Tbe complete nomlnatlait eemmlnee
ticket of officers was Reeled, the on­
ly opposition being in tha office of
ftrst vlec-presldcnt. Mie. 0«wge
Johnson,'Detroit, being named. , The
director nomlnaiad by the committea waie Mrs. R. H. Aahbaugh. Datroll; Mr* D. K. Wggln*. Cadillac;
Mrw. Jsmee Muir. Port Huron, and
Mis. J. H. Reed. Grand Rapids, wbo
withdrew in favor of Mr*. WlllUm
F. McKnlghi of Grand Rapids. Mr*
Asbheugb, Detroit, was nominated
from tbe floor for president, but Ihe
witbdrew her name. Tbcma aomlnat>r directors from tbe door were
Mr*. Myra 0. Jordtn.'Sean of wom­
an's deiiartmanl at Ann Arbor; Mlt*
Clara Bate*. Traverse City; Mr* An­
na Walter. Uareellus. had Mra.'BtelU Robin. Big Rapids.

liens was given, wbile bums sad fariclllng was' Indalgad In by tbe
»-ounger m^etahet* of the ccraiwn.r. A
bountiful snpper was a fenttirc of the
-venlng. and It was wall Into the
Doming before tbe fcetlvltlM of the
pleasant occasion bad closed.

Psaaad Away at Her Hem* at Acme

and high Meals, which are ae cha>
-rterlHlr In tbe ex-ptesidrai
The meeting was a great sir
ano me attendance shoved
there Is a great <ieal of inirrwt i___
lasted IQ the p-e*ent campaign ny the
people of Travetae City.




Miss Bonillc IJvIngHion, aged -J"
rears, dauahicr of Mrs. Elltnbetb IJvTION FROM POUnCff
Ingklon. of. Armc. died late yesterday
lOon. after about a .vear's Illness.
Party Favar* a Tariff CThal ttm0r
Miss l.lvlngitoQ was tor some tine'
Pretacto and Oi»«a RsmRI tn
employed In tha rmsan a teleitbone olwarfclng Mwi; ffint* l*aM*
flea and toner was sc tbe Bell office,
la both ilaiea she was a favorite
among her i-o-worker*. Her genial
Run Wa* Mad* Over Ntw Cravtl
HanTheodore M. Jostyn. RrMN*osilien and open, good aatured
Raid* Waal of City: Good ffhavvive caodMat* for Unllsd RtBlaa a»
. --iner oP greeUng everyone qukkiy
Ing Mad* by Censtrwelor, addressed « Mr alaad-anfflMc*
won friends wherever abe appeared.
(From-Frlday* Reeord-Bi^.)
tlon Gang
I tbe Grand opera bouna laat night
b know her bnl onee was to lot e
Seoalor William Alden ffmttb made
on the prlnelplae and plnttom •( tba
her al«a> ‘.. She leave* nonlbly more
pood impiestinn In Traverse fl'y’
iProm FrMay's Recnrd-Easle.i

frlends, l>o(h among the old and youiig las: evening when he app<-ared befor;
Tbe aiBervlaora tooj( on early ad­ progreuive party.
people all over lha Grand Traverse
The band nuUoBad la «ba ffiTUBff
If the largest .audlencea that bs.region: than any other young aoiuin gathered ,tn Tears to bear a diacnasioiv yeatarday to arcapt an Ibvltatlon from did mneb to aollvan tba (llwaaB lisof her age. 8be *|icm the greater pan
Oottoiy SuperinieDdeM Marvin to tor* tbe BPaakar agRMraff. n« bb^
of her life on tba farm at' Acme and riving In the city, not geuing In until riait (be connty taoaaa and farm, and
hcm until noon
ou arcoui;! ol missing ol* Irslo.
t> to live. When her haallb i>egan
Hon. J. W. Patobln «oad u (*alratiiipor he bcM an Infoitnal re- invitadon by saying that be would
I fall she v.-ith her molber went bark reprion at the Park Place, which
that autos were ftrnlsbed for nun aad afiar a (tw hrlat ramaiRa
I a Lillie fai-m Just outside Arme.and
aitended by a number of tbe tbe party ao that (hey snlMit Inspect upon tb* prtncIplM of tba pony ata
Mall Cap Papwttpa aa Rural Rautaa
(be fiiosaa of Mr. Jeatyn far tk* Wleading cliiu-na Alter the
Out ar RIMU Ta»M win ba
r Told of Advanhe wan CHCoried 4o ihr'TIly opera under ronstrurtioo soolhwest of the firo for wtakto be to a cudMaia. to
41 Haw* OM aa
Wotthy and Jim of this-city, one sis­ house hy'camiibeirs^nd nnd lb- clly. There , were :: in the party, tatrodur-ed tb* apaakar of tba arupRaaalaL
ter. Mrs. Glen Silver of radillsc. a veolng’s program be<un Tbe (neat- consisting ofneariy nil the supervia ing as tbe next UiUlad ffutan mmMT
half-slsii-r. .Mrs. Fred Hoshlng of CbU ng wa* presided over by Howard A. ora and setue of tbe bnsloest man, on MiebiwB.
cago. ami a Imlf-brother, ('barle> Ghal- Mnaaelman. and seated upon the aUge
of wbom bad never bean ti
Mr. JoUyn tnlkad In a ItailMfi. «•
Tha Para Mairaatta taliraad Ua
(ProBi PHday'a ,Racord-RaglaJ
lender, of Owen. Wls, survpe.
county farnr.
HI Bauer, ud was *u*(tally •»
were several
Tba graaiar part'of Iba attamooB
acala CaBwaamiaE to iba paopla of
Funeral aervlras will Im held from county office and leading member*
Bavin cars were lined up in fruo' phMic in bl* daanactotleg ot Ihfi
Miehaa that K ii tba pooraat Ran- yMterday at Iba board of auparvlaen
Ibe farm home at Acme Friday morn- of Ibe parly.
r the court house at I o'clock u mellifid*
(b* racapt CMVtoaaad oORBon carrlar la tba worM, tneailnc «aa taken up by various
,1 S> o'clock. Kc«. W. A. Bey of(From Friday's Record Eagle.)
Mr Muaselman loiroduced Henstur Bake tbs reUabla ran. Chauffen tioni ud Iba compUon witb bRIHi
aa< la aMiUoo u thu carat aothliur •paakara, who at Utia time praaantad
Tbe item of most Imporunce at ebe flclatlng. Tbe remains will be taken Smith wRh a - lew appropriate rt Bwaaton took Ihe lead. foUowad in lb* elecliona Uva bean ugbnafi U (b*
for tba paMBica or sood wUI of tba to tba board tba staudlnga of the
to Huttons Bay ter burial ta> the famquick anccesilon by M. W. I'ade; past.
Pair Aaaoctatlbn. Bobt. Barney, aa meeting of tbe board of anperrUon II.v M beside her father an-l two marks III beginning his talk. Senalii
cooBtir thtoofb wbieh It raai
Altar giving • brief htoffOfT Ot (to
na« titna labia goto tato aBaei on preaidant «t iha aaMclallon. apoka. this afternoon w*» the earn ing of the brother*.
Sanlth gave a brief resumeVol bia wood. Odie McCarn. Jno. R- Santo.
ITank llamlilion and If. & Hull's ears. prograaslve party, ba Rauff tbot (to
BoaEar that plaeaa tba tarrltorr aonb and Snpt. U U Tytar talked to the motion to appoint a committee to con­
with tbe goveniora
I baa grupad (ba bauta ot (to
of BaUwia back tato lha oU aUca board (ODraming tba acbool of agrL fer with the Muskegon repreaeniatives
Mkblgan. his ac^unlniaora beginning The afternoon was perfect and the
wberavar M Is unlinMod and
roarfa dart, barabr Bialdax It (mpoatl- culture propoaltion.
h Austin Ulalrund extending down
dgmued road, to run |i*rallel with
ftaiu of atatafi proIda (or iraralan to raaeh tbelr deatlTba tioani later proceeded to
the preacni time. He said that
johOu (b*
aatioM la daoaat thaa or to «tt
of fill tbe men wbo had oeeupled tba
from Chicago to tba Biralts of MatAtag Up bis hands as car afiw
of iheu
U fWrpntmeA building of this
came rapidly Into tba yard and
were clet4ner men or'battar fitted
read It would mean a large amount of
lined UP In front of (he •Infinnarr. whtcA. M be pot tt. an U <
tba ehabga. Aaordiog to tba new
perform tbe duties of the
In Improvement of roads,
parLy made a thorough Inafiac.
Bcbadala tha Mrly moriklnf traio tor
Amns- S .Musarinian. the preaent'f^
iFiJm Friday * Record Eagle, i
of 'all the building*, paining timeui rather ttoa (uratoMu tb«
tba Booa W bean uhao off. maktag potatmeut of A. S; Pulver. F. 2. bat the benefits to the Grand Traverse
Mr*. Ida l^eoorc Scott, ag^ 3d. wife publitnn laudidate for the |1osiUon
V faVefabla eOmmenu on Ui.* ou^ with tbe aaVA
It taapoaaiMa to leave tba city lor the Brown and Edwin Black.
i ragion would t>e far- greater than of B^erd Scott of N'orthmiri. died
Idtwl man for the potiiloo
coBdillon In whirh they
Ffe ouUlned very ctowly tb* portlas
aooth baton It o'clock lathe foraHeretofore It has been ciistomarc
very suddC-nly «t the home of her niid will give (he people of the
pwltion on -big bbatesaa.'' aad said;
BM. Tba It o’clock train at nlgbt > advance expena*/ on different
parent*. Mr. and Mrs T. J. I'mlor.
business like and erllrely creditable
They went out Into the field where
-tVe protest iBalB'^ 'i .«Mb(aaUaa
haa alao baan Ukaa off. thereby work- eeaalona gnd for ihingi penalnlng (he iwDlDsula to Old MIsstoa. the
Oranil Traverse ix-glon would become
great pilta of oarrau. beeu. turnips, of crooked tqBtaaw aad crooked poUInk a haMAlp ea the paopla wbo Id. Iba cwiDiy aSalra. including
line of tbe Mexican
onieea and parAips were brlnriftira which would control tbto «auwant to
bofea frotn aoulbani penae of taking prlaonara to different ijie mecca for Chicago and foreign
.Mrs. Scott diad been 111 for mere vaatlgafion was given. and Ihe
taken care of by the Inmates,
Tha Standard Oil ud siBitor
a. A reaohitlon was passed yes- tnurisu *i)o evew nod' in great nnm- lh&nnfaree>'eeks. and acme few day*
potnta Uaa nida day.
said that the conditions In
ber* seek this part of the country on
trusta bare dictated wbo taall boM
• ^ Tba n«dt ol tMi acbadula' will be orday to dlseonUnue advaocemem >?
fraught to the rlty thit her lister rcpubljc are deplorable, aad be enjoyed this outdoor work
BccouDl of Its great Jwnuiy.
Some one had said at one
tbe oMlce."Ji* saM. -aad bare thrirad
to pnotlCBUy ladUtc TraverM City
molber mlgbt care for her during ber
the real causes at the door .<*f that tbe county wo* buying ifoihlug poo privlloges aecored (broub apaboard
and all thholbar towni la tbli part of I the statute.
lie Alls resort plat, whicb Is neces. illoess. She bad not been any wora- socialism. Ho luril-er warned bis
a plla »f sand, but tbry would al i'-gtsLittoB '
Tile board expected to visit
tba wau durlll ^ wlomr. dalaylng
yeuerdiy, In (act. her i-ondHIon was nudlenty- -agulii't going too far wi.S
' tq retract -that stmement If ibi-y
He also UHtehed briafiy oa .'^'a
tba BBUa aad entOag off tba trade of connty Inflnnary chls aflentoon at tbe
until lut evening, when an pulUivol expt'rimems lor fear tlu:
Brat case
this resolt ot one seaaoa't work.
with U>* big Istaraats m~ *
traraltag ttat «he n}ake ibla tairl- Inrltallon of tbe county superlatenaluck
rimitor'conduiont might be iTougni Mr. Uoman say's that he will have __ fsll^io f^^H^mtoas whicb be
Mtac* the new law went Into efTcci,
lory. Than wlU ba but two tralas lants of tha poor.
loiintry; Tbe main part
Tba put Is submilled by Mrs. AUts she has snftered nwre or less, proved
'Inutoato of c«rTOia.^dDd
each war every day aad
om eaeb
Slehola. and It concerns i>ro|vpriy near
of his apeech cousisted of an exposl
er vegetables In proportion. The
ot Bay (Stt
way to Klk Rapid* aad (ha amall
personality, aud for eoi
aie theory of prigpcilOD. and corn nib was filled wlih TSm. a.’ sd rbtrogo. wara apokaa of with
Elk Uke.
lowM to tha Bortb. ‘HiU will maki
h'.-r marriage to Mr. St-ou, he pointed out the niapuer In which
Tbe matter of financial aid for tbe
splendid rorn.
great warmth. Ilie dalagailoB (raB
it iBpoanlbla for aoma of (be amalla
id- atanclation was laid on the table, made her ionie with her parenli
vouniry had been Henefliletl bv 't*
tows* to gat tbelr letiert aad paper*
Union street. Slues then she hod idtpllcallon ouriiig the post sixteen
and the only api'ro|iriatlon
ate Just wbo of the honorable body received special ottaoubn aad ba aoM
bafora tbay ara (ho day* old. whicb bTATE PCOffRATtON OP WOHN'onhperi. «ie is sUrrirad year* He neliercs that the presen*
far was ll.ftoo. voted the Wesiera
eiln.bed Ibe trees <y filled (heir poc­ of Ibe corrup: way la whicb they
win ba a gnat haadicap In
Michigan Devclopmeni burean.
is oil right ki-d that instead kets with tba iuk-y Bnow* tt'agner*
elected and tbe tactica wtdeh
tilllsn and ■ ecelia, her parents,
btirdenMnia it approBthe
St. LaW’rence apple*, but
they resorted to. loetadlBg tha niiaraiIt U aaw up to (be people of Travbrolhcn. Prank and Fred of this city, very mar lh<- d»n*<-r |Kiinl In the way
.ind other* wished they mlKh . they ing of Uie chalrmu end tb* tnmUen,
and three sisu-c*. Mra. Warren Bar ■>r adniilting goods dulg Erea.
an* cttr and tba raghm inat U dam­ Woman •uttraga
just stood and caugbl (hen a* they
rofl. la order to gabi
thnlcfn^y''aiid Mrs. Bert llarvoy.
aged by tha ehanga to riaa up In tbafr
Adept*d aad Other Waithy,
rontroE of Oia eonvearioB.
IJuiing the evening the speak-r tell Many biishcl* of peociev
mlgbt BBff deawad a ocbedule la kaep^
of this city, and Mrs. James H. Selby
He* and apple* hare been sold
In Bpeakfng of tbo Chkago eu**Rtold eevfial Inrideois
lag with tha Uaporuaee of tha loaalof Detroit.
rlty at good prices.
tton. be accradUed (be TaJt dllwMlI
liyaffaetad by (ba change. A eoaeertFuneral ecnice* wfU be held Sfin- bronghi out during tbe TItanJi
Then there Is the cow and there whb no mor* ngard tor tBBBWl
Saginaw. Del. 1(. — Quietly'' and
ed nova obould be made at onca to
day afiemooB at :;30 o'clock from the tignilon which he cimdticled nft-r the
MIsa CUra Dales of tbU city
i-lsjt|<-r and applied them to ihr poli­ Shu lid be another at once. Thera are jusUre (taao a bud of sneak tbieraa
bare ibe ttaiaa put back on tba old
heme. Itcv. Jos. Ilauer ofUriailng.
elected yealerday to tbe office of di­
udcutibroaU " He said; “The ratical siluailou that eonfrai.ts tbe pigs and Utile pigs, horses
scbadala or elaa a aaw one ipade that elgfateantb annual oonventlea of the
rector at Ihe Ifiih annual meeting of
cbickv-ns. Munev can be made with publlraa party has beaa SMotoated
lOuDiry taduv II-- beljeve*-that
wffl anabla the region to traan
Michigan Bute Federation of Womponltr.v right here, aud tbe county
K; IM It dis a Dolanl death, but
is a lime lur avtlon aud that
ee'a riuba played through an unutnal- the Michignn State Federation
lagtttnata bnalBM* la a proper
Woman's Clubs, in saealoa tbU week
above all (hlngt iweraat rompt lewdvoters of irieK-ODOlry nhould pto) ihri'
ly Urge amount of lapocunt bnsl- I Saginaw,
th|/i^t of land that lies Jnst ers frao) dragging It down oatU its
l«rt ic keeping tbe pn-sept admluto
yesterday, oSIcen and directera
It la clalawd Utat tba tralna
Mias Balaa bald lha office of c
Tar tbe Aoardmsn river dam. ame afaall be marred.r Receives Oev*rn- trailon in power, os .by so doing' tbe
lakau off bonne (bay did not pay. hBng sleeted; teaolutlo^ adopted,
sponding secreury la the State F’-dw«u1d Ibe a paying lnv(
Ibe puiforrii of Iba progreMlr*
•nent AppeintmeM.
Lnpr.w.-drnt.d pioapt-fi-.y |t:a; .-e aae
Thu ■tataaaet nay ba true aad it aad reports presented. <fwo tntmst
Prallon (or two yoars. and for Iba
r»(drn trip. Meosn flamll party. h> staled. cuulBs sU Ibat 1*
ui'w i-iijovliiS would be insured for an­
may apt. but It sboBid ba
seaeloa* were held yealerday two yeatj «as chairman qf tbe D<and Santd took tbe Irod- and tuni- good el the old repablicu party aad
Amil F. .'v'erllnger ha»^n api«lnl- other r-'tir yasirr at least. Mr praiai-1
that tba Pqra Marquott* U bonad to mornlv atxl aftenioon at the Auditorpanmcui of llnrvau of informallon. ed local white slate office for Trav. I'resi.lei.t Tan lot tiva work Uai b»
to the w Jost half a mile tbia much twaldes -Tbay ara la (Bvpr of
Mva (ha oouatry throagb whicb It
*:-:;c an antcunoblle ride
The elaciloa came as a complete aurprotective tariff ibat will protect
• of the fahn. they took tbe, sandy
« ('Ity h} tbe department of lustier has dona- during his term of on)-.*a,
a adequate to care for
priae to Ula* Batea and la a prvtiy
road up over \toe hills and each car the American -market for tko AtrriWgshiugion. through »i>ecial
lu bustnan aaads or elaa go out of
•proving uirt to ba- a man with a la
oompllmem to the rlub women
iibed -In a^'^lendld manner. ar.O can mauutivttarer." be aaldL -and wtUl
mUsloner for suiipreislon of white htart -ind jlwvj-* considerate ol
bnalaaas. According to tba Agaraa
last etealng. Tbe conven- Traverse City, who nwbber between
a tariff (be rroult wlU b* P*n
• traffic. Stanley W. Finch, whose coneliiua-u:* a2d sympjlhatir -at
ghrn out by tba ncelvan noM of (ba UOB will be biouRbt to a clots today
7M and SM.
t It being'pul In tbe tluesi rondl- heclril-(n the pay envelops." Ottor.
offices are In UaliSmore? Md.
iralat have paid, therefore ibis i
Ills intimate aiDuaiPtance
wUh a general meeting ibis moraine.
iniiH-naii. pUiAs in tbe platfsnn.
lioo. and woen <oniplel<-d will <>e
will be to keep a watch
la BOt a nJId axcuaa for tbe cbaaga in
the P'eeldent qualified
Tbe probiUlion of ebUd tot
class .of iicople that the govcruiiiem tpaaak of him :n the glowing tnanuer good-a mile of road a* there Is
the aehadM which pou Travana City
a minimum wage Isw ler wsesthis section
IS seeking u> itroteii. as well a>- th<
and tha eontlgucoitarTttory out of the eonteraiices (bl* afternoon in tbe AuID whicb
sD'f au income lax. By masu at
it proves that this grrod road* m
who arc siisperted of ■-arrylng on l
raBBli6 daring tha winter
Ills vn ws o.' the 'poliry ad-orateil ter ■>> one ot Oh- best Giii;g> il
diiorinm banquet uaU.
rrieraBdUB and raeall
PbUowiag to tba new schedule tba’I
by tbe-deenocrots w*p given
giong tbe faatorew yeaurday va*
al>e> will cUrk tb* big IMUCSU tnm
was ever done, an) makes li iw>*»l
formed le case there te ap) lulraru
goea lata aCact ea Sunday
tail, but nothing w** said in ragart lor the firroers to haul bigger lokdt (uhtrolling Ibe togtototBra aad wiB
the endoraement of tba kuffrage
of the tow within his jurisdiction. The
Train* No. * at 6:40 a. m. and So. I
j In qulritei time than ever before. anJ seep that power la tbe buda ot (ha
natoBdment and a nnmber«of other
goteramrnt is making an effonte put
(PtOB Thuraday'a Re»rd-E*gle.)
at lltie p. B. wtu be dleeontlaaad wotthy ob)ecU. Dtuplle Ibe keen instruggli- tor j'releirDca at the vCulU even though It Is an axpen
a'hite slaver* ont ol busii
from Trawara* City.
A very pleasant family reunion of
itereai In the selA^ion mad general Ibe PtMter and FUhrr famUlas was
He loucbad briefly mpoo tbs «•»retnnis ihar the farmer gains from
spare DO meani to secure a Con- i .N'ovvmbe;.
Ttaiaa tor the RoDtb; So. «■
SBbJacts Che meetinga were carried held at the home of C. M. Potter last tinloB in cases thu ara brought
H^tor Sutiih tpoke ot -b- «uem.->t the quicker trips to the markets on-l iign rootribuilm laveatlsaUoa. swd
TrarqUiBClty 1»:» a. m.; leave 11 a.
on hf- ol Theodore Rooaevelt. the better markets that are provided, kiiarfced tbe prtartplas ot tb* dsBoB. Tibia Ko. •—Arrto-a 4:U p. b, oa sBoothly and without any bitter evening. TWre were Si goe»t« pre*- their aiienUoD. Ttte work I* •!<
conieaU devetopiag.
r party IJIt. also said that Iba
aome orwhom had net seen each along the line ot secret service-and deno-jr.-^lna the rlas* of cilixenr thal the easier baolms Inr (h- team*,
kaea »:b* p. b.
The officera elccied yaaterday
progreaslve party wutad to ga cw
those engaged in tbe business — are adnulled to ihis lOuntiT. tusking con-biiie for tJic (lettermnl of Ibe
Train tDttba North: No. i>-Arrl<
other for a bait century. Among
lecord aa (arovlnc wetau saffrago
Tnnm City 1;M p. b. toBve l:4«
l-of-lown guest* wejo Mr*. Ida never tell when a govarnmenl detect­ cn tilie.i.ri of this kind possible. He (Ire recioD
-The farmer* o»n at many auto*
Tboraoo of Hoqulam. Wash. Mtw. ive Is roing to place them
any class, and for that reason ther bill. A brief rasuake ot lb* state altDaatrin- Price of Aberdeen. Wash. rest. Sleclal officers are N-ing aiy should he ririala-r. admitting Ihe
p. B. Train No. S—ArriTa <:Ui p. bl. lie. Hariford.
First View Prealdeoi—Mr*. SIna Mra. J. t>. ttirirklaml and danghler. inlnii-d lu all cities in the country fltalili' e;.-i’.-n: of (»n-lgncrs and
van: better roads, they are osing this naUoa. was givsb aad tu votm were ,
urged to Dol only slaoc s prccrwsalv*
meant of bTlnglnc
and vfotolar> of the to* lAa^v inait'hisir and ndlrals '
Mr*. .May Cress>. of Andover. Ohio. over
Tnia for Ok RapMi. Rapid City . Saad*. Pentwaier.
I rasMeet. but fnitgrraamB ud oaaatremble to . rwate d>srord when i
Second Vlre PreuMent—Mtoa Kate Mr. and Mr*. W. I. Fisher of WnlRam will have a thorny road to travel
KalfeaMn; So- ?>-Uara M& a. b.
as weiL He ptadgad blmsaK to
Tbe rural rarriera can make better
the lututG. Tbera It need for aneb an are onre eatal iaslied bera Mr
and Mrs. E. A. Martin of Deirolu
Tnla (IWB Wk tapida: No. Ib-Ar- R. Carllile. Sagiaaw.
I Recording Saerwtary—Mrs. Bnrrttl
rlva *:W p. B.
Tba Potter home was beautlfolly officer In Traverse City on account ot ■ rawed bis svnvjvathy tor Booteveli time, and their patrona gat tbelr mail stud firmly upM tba ptottoB which
Iba progresslce party has oatUaed aad
Srcry Un of tanataaM Is the regloe
ecorated with /*i«iie*e dalsle# and.
n»ke ot tba picgrsaalraa
of Mr Serlinger to flD Ibe poslllaa 1*
-Mra. Oaabonld BBke a {nia« at OBce la order
Ls the -PsifhNa ot im.*
Of sneb force, rbarpetec aad may It continue.
a good
that tba aahadale may
say hr ranedled bc-|m Water* BnMwln. 3











I'S i





bw ba«B no noiae.
asked tbe me
Here » non t
Tbe wooMW are now-prepared to take Ue nen at ’lheii^word.
Thej- have told nn rmpkalicaDy ibat Nhey do want'Ihe ballot. Tiiey
made tliia matter' rlear fflnbe awo of MirhiKan. Tbr man of
PakitaM TMdar Biad Tbandtr at .Tra
ifieUga^ kve-Mfd; "Tf yon mint CM baUot. yon may'here it.”
But lef iia not forfri that to make thia promiae lepib to aetually
mo>. T. Bins....
itvB «rbat ia aaln>d by oar 'voinm. wo moat
a farorahte vote at
the polla November 5. ^
If you want your wife, your mother, your aiitiM. 'yoar aweetrOR AND MANAGE hear! to have the tMllot on November S your vote anwt be "Tea.’*
^Botk PbdMa Ncx. U
If you do DoUvant Uut, yon wiJI.-of eotnOe. vote *'No.” but rememttrr tbb. that th» -’No” vote that you misbl posaibly eaat. will
be, the vote for perhaps a jp neraiion to .-ome. Thia is yonr oppor­
tunity—perha^ yottr last opportunity. It baa uken thirty-eifht
yean to'liriBg this matter once more to a point where the men' nay
‘Yea” or “‘No.” We cannot believe that the men of Viehiiraa
2, IMR M tiu paMotlM a:
wilf-raat an unfavorably vote at thia lime. In juatiee. in honor, iu
«n Otr. MRB. uata th« am « OmrM ef Har« X IHI.
fftime«:^n fnrth^nee of tbe best bderMa of IdiebiRan, which we
all have at heart, vote ‘'yea.”

Grand Traverse Hejafd
and Tiavene &y Eagle


eoming yar. fte bureau has under way.a project to introduce
onifortn iCalemW grading and packing frail which when put into
fcree wfil hb the gnjffm
Pfftr done for the people of Western
Michigan in an industrial way. It wlU add mUlkms eaeh year to
the e«rnii«s of the frait graweiB and make the IlirbigRB apple
a favorite ever}-where. because iu quality and pack will be guar­
anteed by the orgaftiaarion. The burean most be preserved, and
tbe rapervuois did a wmc stroke of busioem for their eonatituents
when they voted it an appropriation
the general fund of the
ebo«y. This
is an iHvesliiMil wWeh at the preseril time
is far mwe valhabTe to the pe«|Se than any other etpenditure tilat
doifid he made by the eoimty fathers

^-Trae U0O
•ometjfflOH thiuk that, in the basineas harry and rash of tbe
present day.'sentimenf iq largely lost sight of. Thi* is not true.
Sratiraent today has the.saitfe influence in the worid has
C^euIaiiM tfaU w«d( 2fl50
had for venturies pari and will ineres-singly have for cenlnVies to
The IrrepressibU Tark,
We never have eared mnrh for, and mentioned' little about,
The United States has.'since the organiution of the nsiion,
endeavored ' to keep itaelf very free from inlerferenee with the Canlkgie hero medals, ft ts'oniy here and there, now and then,
European affairs. We claim aa a nation that Enrope has no right tfiat a t’aruegie hero msdal can he awarded. The fact is. the worid
to interfeix- in the affairs of North and South .America when the K full of heroes, and it would tail Mr. CaTOegie*B ••heroseeretarj-"
y<*’n« aWW to
I to aay whether the women I'nitcd States arc affected. It is, thcr<‘fore, always a delicate all his time, and i‘i would take many more millions of Mr. CaraeAa the time drawa near for
jtell hareVhe baUot or not. ^ aJmoot f«4a like making an appeal matter for’the I'nitcd State's to .intirfere in the sligbtrwt degree gie’s money, whieh may l>e better spent, making progwr awards to
are never
the heroes who live and die every day an^Vhosce names
to ^ men to grant thia prrvilcge to the women^bot one eannot with tW affairs of the rest of the mrid. eipecially Europe.
The name of a true hero seldom iy^ani in print, I
help feeling that no appeal aliould be |inedc<l. W<- acareely believe
Onr relations with England and the continental nations have
> in a while thi* does occur.
that it b.
^ he<fn so pleasant for so many years, and for the inti>resta of all
TtHiuy the ** hole world does honor to the memory of the Oary
The man ahould rememl>er that it is their voli-a that will settle concerned inual remain so that a citiaen of the I'uiti-d States
hesitatiw somewhat to say iniieli of the relaIion< of the. European newsboy hem. who gave his'life that a young girl's might be
■ Uik qnmlion, not the votea of the women. It sli.mld'aUo he
saved. The story is quite well known through the new* eolumns of
mandterad that aneh an opportunity as this to grant oven juatin- nationa, oue with another.
to Oe women, comet to a man not many times in a life lime. 11
Tliere eomcAa time, however, in world-history when the mere the papers, for the last wrek or ten dqy*. .\t Gary, Indrina. a
is neariy forty yean ainen t)»c men of Uiehigan had an opportunity
rtmn of political policy should be and must he more freely dis- young gill was very seriously bnrne«l Yy the explosion of a irtotorlo vote on a constitutional amendment touching this question. The eussed between the nations. This is true just nOW in the Ppnsms eycle. It was neeessaiy'- t« save her life, that extensive ikin
! ricM «>d ti*e jnatico of favorable action by the men is not quea- mstter. It is slso true to a greater degre^ in this question, to grafting be resorteti fo. ‘Time preaaed;—the girl *na dying. A lad.
tioHd by anyone. Some times the men aay: ‘Yea. we are perfeetly whieh we refer. Iieeansi-it is n»r purely a pnlitieai qiawtion, hut a newahoy. erippli-*!. hut who h*d n'|>ene<l for himself an honorahle
and remunerative career, aaid t "That girl’s life is worth more than
wiUtaig that the women ahonld-lmve the ballot if they want it. one of hnmanity.
mine. If it is neeesMry for me to give my life for her*. 1 will do
The time ia past for such an argument aa thia to be aerioady cot
How much longer are the great powers of Europe going to
*0.” He had never seat* this girl. They were niter strangeiw. They
p<Tuit the Turk to control tlie policies of all Enropesn nations!
riere not in the'same elms in life. Daily this young lad kIwm] in
Wp do not stop to aak the foreignek who comes to our shores That is what the Turk it <loing today. It hui been the policy
the rain and Btmshine on a Blrttct eonier of tiary. M'lliiig new:*- wkethCT be wanU to vote or not. Tltc law aays tk«t after a eerUiu for many yean paal, for Enrogs- to iwnnii.'Mirough a uaiioual
papers, that he might majHrnimngh to cxbit. He was crippled; he
-- - Crae be may vote. Why should we ask Die women of our yountry. trust or political, union, or whatever you may call it, the. inexknew that he eosi'd u^do mneh more than he was then doing;
^Us qoMtwn, it we do not ask it of the foreigner who undersUnda preatible and irreprvaaible Turk, who holds but a mere aliec of
but ho led a happy. cfirerj', and. to the extent of his nhilily. a sueor nothing of our govemmentT it it a difficult matter to Europe in his power, to eontrof almoaf the entire European policy
oossful linsinem life. Life to him held out all that it holds out to
IB affumrat on tbit question, beeansc H is so plain in itself .of ail the nations intercateil. Th^Turk, as he exists today, whether
yon ar>d mo. Hi* vory belple«Biness was a holp to him in hi* bmihe
that BO arfunent is needed.
, and his pleoMtnt word and eheorful resi*ou*e to evory eitsAm tBq'^wojnen capable of fulfilling ihelr dulH* as elfelors at has for five hnndn-d years eontrolied the.most hoporiant portion toDwr won him a multitude of friends.
the peiUs! AA your mother, yo\w wife, your sister. Do they un- of the Kuropt'aii wnijnenl.
The young girt, whom he Itad never seen, of whom he lia<l never
Every nation in iiWopc is afraid of Turkey, for which no
dmuad anything of the political history and interests of ohr
heard, was sadly striekon. and her life was dependent entirely upon
eonntryt Ask these women, who are so close to you in yonr bomesr nation cares a picayune, but they are afiwi^ that any interferenue the aaerifiee of someone else, ^e did not aak this of him; she knew
■ Are we better fitted as m«i to eduegU our children along Ui^
him not. He did not ask her if she would accept a poaaible lifcnatirni or another, and so they jH'rmit this little, ineon' .lim
the women who have made all ihese matters a serious
aaerifiec from him;yhe knew her not. but he said to the physirians:
: in both
glBdy for many yeatsl Will we do it any betu-r than the mother ST>icnous. contemptible nation to hold i
"I have a limb that i* of no use to me. My life i* worth something,
Wto » brought so eiosely into conneeti'im with her boy. the mother
and I enjoy it in my way. hut here i* a y</,t).ig girl who liiw a splen­
«» whom the boy goes naturally for lympathy, for instruction, and a half thonsaml years ago. There has been no advsiieement what­ did future before, her; better Hint 1 riinuld lake the ehaiu'e than
is best in life, while too often the father in his every-dsy ever in the administration of affairs in Turkey for a thousand years. ahe. 1 offer myaclf for-thia pnrpoae. 1 hope it will save her life,
f^rgati or fails to do%is fulf duty in this regard!
rtroat that my life will not be aaerifieod; bnt there ia only'one
Constantinople and its little adjoining territbry. that moment the
, I have here a useless Umb.-TT is at h^ service. Take tbe
An we, as man, afraid to trust our wives in the p<ditiesl as well
policy of the'Tnrk in Aaia became the pflliey of the Turk in
r.utiele from this limb and graft ir upon the portion of her bnrnod
M araociai and moral edasslion of our boys! V,'* do Pot believe
Europe; and today • England is afraid
Ihawia will gain its
^y that must -have ^his remedy or she will die, and 1 will take
' y. The cototry is ready for this movement now. Ten yenrs,
southern seajmrt. for -whieh it has l>een struggling for ye irs ind
my ehaneea.”
tytntjr yean, thirty yean ago. it was uot, hut the last generation
years rafid Krance ia afraid that Errand will gain a little advan­
The surgeons snid: “This egti be done, her life ean Iri mvod.
' tea seen an uplift along edncational lines, social, intellectual, poli­
tage hy the o]h>ning of the straits; and Russia never forgets that
bm it will be necessary to amputnle yonr crippled limb. '\Ve tnirt
ties, and the women have kept in even toneb lyth the men in all
its pAiey is onward and outward; and Italy, after.11 year of exaswe can saverynur life, bv» we are not snre. Do you still offer the
these patliet&«, not ohiy even, but a little ahead, and todi^' it is
p<‘n»tihg fi'sr, gains"merely a little slice in'Africa iliat Turkey hi
|lsf TOtnso
America who arc more deeply interested in most of
glad to lot go, and forwhich it receives an enc^motw indemnity in
He said; ‘‘There is no saerilW to be eonsidered. l|er life »*
the'work that petUins to the well-being of the child, and it U the cold cSql^: Urnnany is^fraid that Italy or France or Anstria
worth mueh more than «iinj>. Ini: I tnirt both «mr liv« may lx''
wonen who’-are the safest and rarest guides to what is right.
Eiiglana will gain some advantage by the elimination of the Turk
Sometimes we hear it aaid that the better elaases of women will not from Euro|>e.. Each nation-is afraid of the other and jealous of saved.”
The operation was |H-rfunu<'<1' Tbe linAi was amgmlnted; the
advantage of the privilege of the ballot; • 'niik has tiot proven its qwn inti-n-sb:, and no one nation dar<-s to do wliat tlie I'uiiiri
eorapleted; the gill's life was saved. - A few day*
wh^ this privile^ has Ix-en granteil. It is said that the bad Stuli* would do if it were in the place of any European nation: grafting
woman will vole and the good woman, will stoy at home. Again eoufiuf till- Turk to his ou-n home, whieh is Asia, not Europe. ago-ahe was removed to her own homo* wb?r*S4w will fully reiver
from the effects of her lerrilde injurj-. The yrnwg man. • Billy''
we aay, ask your mother, your wife, your sister.
Today, with the Italian-Turkish war rloacd by treaty, we ore en­
Kugh. is dead
T;m ' prisons of England today conUin 1,000' men to 139 tering upon a more dangerous and more far-rfnehing and u far
The first time llmt the two met conoeioaKlr wa* wh'-n. a* the
wmoRL Tfe use England as the basis of thin argnmenl beeause we more diaastrotM conflict, between the Balkan States and Turkey.
young girt left the hospital, she'went to his rixini. and kneeling
jmre a reocBt c«nmtt of the English prisons. Assuming that such
The end of this eonflirt is uot near, beeatwe of the-jealonsy of
at his bed-side, prayed that liis life, tod, might lx- saved..
as th& would brid good in the I'nitcd Sutes, as it would. the great powers, one of the other, and unless they unite, which
The funeral of '‘Billy” Rugh was held in Dor*' y.>sti'rdsy, Fur
Mate this 1,000 men entered prison they had the right to the rioes not now s<-em )>robah|e. in the gmteetion of the Turk, the
the first lime in the history of the •'rcat Gafj' steel indusirii-s. ereiy
We ^ amume that the 139 women had the same right. Is Balkan war will bo one of the noted conflicts of history. The
mill was closed. The tpisinesx and resident portion* of the city
persenUge in this case of bad men less than the pcrcenlsge of Balkans are right; the Turks arc wrong; a^yel there U
:• draped in mourning. ‘ Thomttnds nf men and women, Who
bad women! Would there be more danger in the \-otc .i 13^1 I inl Christian nation in Enrope that would not tie glad to s<
eotdd. not even speak the t^glislt iangnsge. pass'xl slowly befonvriMnenlhan in the vote of 1.000 bad men! The argumen'. that Balkans crashed today. Tlie I’riiti'd Stat<-s would not allow this
the casket containing all thiif wa* left of •'jlilJ*" Rngh. The Balkan
■ 4e bad women would vote and the good women would slay ak nnder like ehvnmriances. bnt every Enrop<-an nation today is a
resen ists. awaiting orders to leave for the war in llieir own huRies.
is not a good one and the men know it themselves.
coward. This is the n.itnral remdt oT the struggle that has been dri'S*e.l in their war uniforms, joined the long inwresion; fraternal
Today the women confront the same fpvat problems that the going on for etmturies. nn#h of it eonfiniHl to a little piece of societies, baml*. j*)ined ic the,fiuVTBl march: labor nnlonx, Todflg
■M9I eonfront except that they hare the additional hardens of the territory no bigger than the stale of Micliignii. but the moment .Men’s ChriKtian .qs^oeialions; officials of the city and the great
cm of the home and the additional responsibility of the home one European nation seems to gain a little advimtagr. a eomhmaiion
I companies.of (iar*-. with thonsands of mkrr citizens, joined
, 'c^bjuatkm of the boy and the girl. Are they nut. tben, entitled to is ntadi-'and an adminwlrativc and pnlitieai trust is foniori. that ihe great pn<cfs*ien ih«t made it- wsy from rfe Methodist church,
•the aame oonaideration that w.- give the men. whoever they may ■again creHi.-s what is known aa the eijuilihrium of Euroiie. but 'vliere he had aski'd that the fiin-'ral service be held, heeattse his
liter*' van never lx- a restful Kurojw. a jteaeeiful Europe, until the
be, w aoon aa^e law permits them the use of the bailor!'^
umtber liad belong**! to .that church. This great Hne of offieialt,
• Erom a busihei* sundpoini, ifis worth while to look upon .the lYnrk is driven hai-k to his old home in Asia: ami m# until Hk’ military men, bandi, and eitizens passed on to the I^k Island ttaiii
AOk^^ion of the women of Michigan and a few ststisties. which Turkish nation, not as individual*, hut as a g>.-oi.|e. ran be ethsriitetl swailine them, nnd Hie body of '/.illy" Rngh. th<^ nnkninrii, HiMBBo^ be reftaed. will strengthen IhU utvument. .Sot alt the ;to understand the civilifation of tbe world ns it imlay, will erippled nen-slioy. wa* earned with
uiih *Wemnilv ntj,^ sorrow
to 1>Hhere he p.-aci‘ from the irrei»res.sible Turk. •
woinea of Michigan pay Uxm. nor do all the men. Keep this
buried by the *i«le of the motli'T
mnth' r whose memory he’ bad not forTherefor*', luJess KuMipe wi'.hi'S to s.'C ami weleonies gla.liy. gniled. And the ^'oung girt, wli<>
win- had asked (bat She might lx> at
nM. One hundred thousand 'thr»>e hundred and two women
ihbi moment at the side of
f the yoUMg
man who had‘-given hk Jif.■ Xlehigan pay «3,» ^n properly valued at glT7J>86.C3». as t4^s to be the case ifi some inslan*'«. a general and mM di* h*T. had to lx- denied thi* j>nril*ge beeauae the physieian* deHave ihese women a bosineas right to vote! Then give it to them LBXtroua^uropean war. they most force i>eaee npon the Turk today
•lared the shorl: would be falsi.
>Vc aak^t^ women to van- for our homes, to attend to home to the advantage of the Balkans, whose lilll.-states are entitled u
Talk abont fbrnegie hero meilaU! AB medals, alt Hiat cmJd
iBuiiinas.lo buy and prepare what wo out. to can- for our children, eonsideratm^ in this matter.
he done hv men whose miliKins are nf little nae to them, would he
of no use'to “Billy” Rngh. Garj- will do honor to its hero. A
tdbriillKhem up to meet all the iucreasingly important demands of
statue pUred in the Hary pai^s. A bronze tahl«|. will mart:
Wdl Invested
^e 'Moeatiohal dev*e1opmnils of the greni woHd. If she
where “Billy" Rngh solii giapere. Tim* hi* m ti*<T.r
The Board of Supervisora of Qrand Traverse county did a
pruperly perform these dutien that must devolve ujwn her, is st
al■l^veste^d8y when they voted an ap|>ropriatioh of will be loeaU}- preserved, but the great world pasn-a on. and ontsab'
nol, tben.
then, capable of tuing the aame judgment, educatioaal adtoi
■' imiit*Hy connected with this inrid-ni
ta^M. we might say educational m-ewiiics, in view of the fact that
»i* matter will be hut n paming nieniAy. hut the fai-i
Mw nrdit altriid td the edueatimml interekiK of her ehildren: if. we in developing llii* section of the sUte. This appropriation, if remains^'I' Rilly” Rngh s* the greaUhero of a wfiole-nation today
example of what a youL,----young and.. vigorous man who.
'inair an.....
iby. she' can property perform iheae diiHes. ia' ahe not capable of look«l uiHin iu its true light, is an inVeitlinrnt and not a gift, for He remain*
^ing iuldligently upon the qu.-slioi« that are wmaUntly arming eveo* dollar w« return its value many fold to the taxpayent of
. do
. that a yonng
the vouuty. The prou-nt proaperiiy of the region Ls largely due eottsidered in bis hn^incss eareer was willing
in ow townriiip. munkipal and national affairs!
girt, withont «neh handicap, whli
witii til the worid
wort<I tx-fore'
Wfore Iher. with
Kd narton* in the world rea|w«-ta its women as doe# America. to the elforta of the \>t»W®- wb»b *»>■ *be past Uiree year* ha*, We. and love, and motherhood, might not be deprive*| ..f these
Mo nation In the world ha.s done ns maeh for its women atf tbe eondueted a publii-iiy and edncational campaign tljat ha* raised things that life hnlds dear to a woman.
It -was for ihi* that “Billy” Rngh gave hi* life. The worid
State*.' bnt wc have hern negligent in this oue gisal matter. the farmer* out .*f the old conditions and plai-ed them abore those
honois snrh a sarrifiee. bat no hero medal*, no monnuu-nta. no
^gHWlonily is now given u* after thirty-eight years of waiting, of other section* *0 far a* progressive iileas and actual rreiUl.
bronzr>a|!letK: ran ever liring ‘ Billy” Rugh lisek to life.
•od ri it batw dut>’ to rveognizo the Liet that h is not only .-t involved.
• • The wnrtd daily make* rari. saerifiee* po-iible. It is only
Thi* is the home of the bureau agd eve^ effort within the when, iu raeh ^
«aada oonrtMty that iadne. bnt it fc an empbarieohliimiion
a ease a* this. pnWieity bt.givei) to the fact, that we
of the peoidn should be rt»ed to keep it here as Icmg as the 4,.*n fluiy rbalire tbe
nhivAd. tbe daring, tbe life-bravcry. of
'the men afthii time. The women of Mirhigan power
■‘Billy” RBj|».
ormitiization oontiniies
oontimu-s to
to live
live and
and do the w«rt: tfca! it it teeom- Inteb a man as “Bill;
campaign in a most womanly insnoer. There organization

Ana HI* mrHwaittn# amt ^bo^Morima tot a
lit hsviDc trea made In the
n» ^ a ceitaia aartmiae «Me
I O imea, mat BttsbMh l«o-.
e. to tb* Jrataara Ceaair 8a*MM Hank, a carforaltaa of Buttmii
ICC.OI IVeOa to.'
d Tlateru> siii]
the country of I
*Ute o( yilrhlsaa.
.0., ISM.
» IM. «>• whteli a
•c. lor artneU>sl aak tniriMt. tbe sem of • Dine handred tort*.
elKlit and SAI** Orttar** oad aa attone> 't fee *f t««atr-arc golUrs. as )*'>■
Tid<M3 tor m salt moRcsae-raM «u>
nili pr proecedHix*
n>i havinc
bMO iastHsiwI •* riKOrer Ua Dwne>s
saeured br said mortMa. or aor pari
ithanoT. dseeat dmt a WH of omiplalnt
filed m the rlrctill e
ly *rf-'Grsi«l Traven
wy. on ihe :lih «i
Joe the lorw-losinsaze In ebaneerr. am) ssM suit ha*
been dlsrontinn*^ bribe i-onuilatnaat
Ihereln: and by and lu arcuedsam
irlih a pro* Ulan In tlie said nioruaa*.
defaalt harins been made In Ibr gu-

_____ ... .
aiarie and prortOeU. uo Tbar»day. Ihe mill -aay oT (letoU-f, A. U.
ISIZ. at ;vu o'Hoek io the anerBOOlk.
'Ae UDdrnImed- -n. *1 the fnmt A*br
■ Tr»v.
Grand Traverse U held, tell at pnblle
aarllon. to the hizbeat blfid>r, lb*
ptsmlae* deperthed in said taonaace.
or *0 mu(A tbreref a* may b^aaeepsary te pay tbe amoaot m aa •toresaid doe on naM (aorrgsxe. irllk aeren
pec rmt tntarwu **d ah Irani eoala.
mceOirr aicti mrt-aitornoy'a fee. m; Tbe anuUk bzU |8. Wl *>t the
soolheaai ti'urterr IS. R U) Of aeetombznip rwratrDin* (»•
wept, conuiiUuf bO aen* td land.
more or less, aeeortlax to tbe *« erement survey tbrCfoL ,
BANK -!;■ G. S. Whliotore. caritle.^
J, 0. l;t'NCAN‘.
Attorney for >tortzicee.
july t«—lue* to ore I ..


' toriJe-ici;:;::

MONEY TO LOAN on good ana weU
Immoved tarmi. II. C Derta. »S
Stale Baak Udg, TreveT** OHr.
aprU tut
The Tr»ven» Ctry Stale
rill buy iwtatoe* bv wappi

tb* *TCa«lare MME I «n r»
------ tbos* *ramg 4amh abanliMr
AAoDt pala. and wtIteM tba mo «l
M tamperameat aa«
wMh weak bearta wa apprertma Um
OR. *. Q. KIKTOtt
mt-mwnbaMi Block, wta Or. aoM#
••aik. TratMa-ORp. MlekMa.

Mare the IkrM
ehioery and manafi—.
ia im-t»qate AM «mm th*
rvwxt >une. Prompt attratlaa
- -«a all onten a* moUar haw
UL CaU er write (arprimA

> ^ap-nmoMri
and othto .ftalei to that part «t the
ePUtiT. About the time he ea
bara. Ur. Shirt bad psrobaaad
aoda of aerae ol land to nonbani
Ulcblaan. and Ur. Tbomaa haiuSad
moet ol tl. tradiac and aeUlng oatS K
(■ noar ihout all aeld. murb oT It beios
the Oae (annsto thU and aarroi


days hptoro iMmmiaB to Ms h
of hroKh. the dl
ea fatal to amck la iha eidnlty of
that vHlage and haa caaaed the aer-

T. BwMe Ml dee Mb hamo m
Mav today nftte a atanrt Uma la (be

r. U Mood, to aiithi
e diaraac IsiMt at all
this pan ol the couatry and as far as
- >a It is the Atat caaa ot ha klad
rted-la this pan ot tbe nUte to


Miee-Catheriae hlereer el
to Vlaillnc Men. A W. Patchin.
ow Mtv PuteUa antertolns al

OtaretaM. O. Osc IG—-Te laech ■erteus,BteaHtai ateWB PMU. Wa
Htae KaOtortna VsMm el
hBAiua -bdw to Bva-to Mra hapgUy. WlU Stake the bur ate giri sa tedWtatod in the ftftodrrgdta that thw
Eighth atteet. had a pet lack
te happleat iharG tetaaan tkm dm
tor ber eoJielperu of the ttoraey CD. y tofte dptolen
of Ctoveinad ptelto'
set (hat to ftte M atftHr-dMMi
« dvontog. The dteBtoB wae teeab
anfce them grew teto streag Mti iftl . HUBle aad an had a aoetol UtoaT
Mr*. L. L. Btavsnaen and aen toft
And to to the telMt of extei
otegatttanm a<
today for their hotee to DetreU.
Wia. A. Bri«a who haa «m« ta tha wort undarukea ter (bin acheal tarm.' blaeawtth tte rioter ta I tUnltesBBbat aaew dl
Utou tostrweUoo In aiteai auiMfift *
el& for the
personal and puMIe hygMaa, phyaHBl
retuned to hto home at
toRUnd DMlwl t
. recrealkta aad asBoa) a^
oat the rity are destgaad
latteG An ateborato ‘oodi|s-^-iraa
•f HtrrlMWQ and
li eakided to • lecood Mm m C, U Bwtoa Md wffa. Who havw, pik* Ite Ma0e MsMt ^
wort taade by t».,
1 Oil CoMriba.
Mrs. MoHy WMtmsa. aged 43 diM oftee. mm) the roten with to beea rtolUag with (rieMa to tbe cny children bow to grow meauily and
. tors, wife or Jscob Wletemai
' phjalenJb la a way most I
dfanwafiofdwpRtUwy ter tte itesrveek returned to
from parents
home at ^utogfleU, IlL. today.
Vine ttn-e-, died at'the family
tbe cbiUreo tbemealves.
Detection of
Thursday morning alter an lltovst ev- VHB by -gitMR kirn s Uf .vsle this
Mra. A. D. BretHey ai*
& HK Id crM jroot bakt ubc have beat vtolttog with trtoMs -G-hat aten it pcoBt a chIU tg gala
teadlng over several WMka. She to UL
edueatloa and lose his tealthr Is
Not. 5 ud do not {s3 to Bmdc s at Detroit ter tte past few days rw an
sur\ived by her burtand and fs
tte gnesiloa nskad by Dr G G>etto- (te nM ot the temfly t^-ricta. teard
ea iBVaalitatl^
The reuialna were taken
tamed to their ho«a bere last night. soG bqud of tte hjx
(X) Wore tbe
............. .... of hoaih. tevaaite caun. fitmogaartea
^'utua .vesierdav. where fnaeral aerG G Ogden «nd wife toft today ter to. argtng paitaRs te teal itetr aacov^ ud city eharltiea.
rE. White.
were brid this
Mawnakea where they wUlT^t ter a PRitret and nbUre assistnaee.
By asMstlng tte Madkal teapadtor
las. fwore that 0>f orlmatiea Id
btirlal look place to tbe tomlly lot rehilives in the rity.iefl today for few daya with frleadfc''
Mlthla a few weeks eoetol
ta Ite treataent of mtaar casw gad
Ml «m abaoluteix tka nMiaaeat
Chaa Prett toft^y ter Pitot ctaba will have been
Indtona when they WHl vish before
HOtiB teBotaap calli at ftggtaG papad jBoai Pm *orld. Boti
R. J. MseDenald tiaa Issued a haad- vciuming to their home to Caaion. u. where te haa accepted a poalUor ~'-‘Mrs. Satub pUs are givea a chaara to teM kte
aU«i Rare aonally V> blauio. Our aide,
book of ready relerence for tonaers
G ftyre. prtaripal «t Browaetl.geboeL
Of mdot Ftotateal
James HoWen, ef Ban Oiege, CeL, thr Buick Motor Ckx
area nwra aUmil Uias ibe pUicr aud For Many Vaara Ha Waa Steward at aad fruit growers that contoi^ruineb
F. D. Hetehtoa aad wNa retumad kmg a CleveUnd tescher aad diam- talks aad demoBstratteaa im aa ktowho bas been vlsitlag bis brotber, W.
the Travwue CHy State
aa a reaoli me sM ibe del^tua.
valuable totonaaUon for -------—
Holden, rctnrued to bto home ihtoi to their home at G'llUamstte. Pa., to­ plon of tbe work, look tbe lead by aid- Bonaat part of tte IStsaa te hJBltei.
Noaex vaa the only iUq iht
day after a moutte vlsU with itoa- tag tte asanlsaltaa of three riU
gaged in that line ot businesa. It con­ womlii*;.
Lectbto. vtetos to tte botae aad pHat«oaatad in iW caapi^. Ua were
tlvea In tbe dty nod G’extenL
boys aad girts le atadr rivta. Tbe ed tastier are oftowd to oaU^na
sists of forty pages and should be to
G. B. Pend and wHa. whe have been
RO teiter aed no vMe Uuiu other
The friendi of Mr. C. U Wbltaey In
G L. Beeneld rutomed Mdny frem bnlldtoBB wUl te wm at night lo tot boys and girts oa this gasral nata
every tonner to
vlslllng In tbe city tor the |«sl week
MkhWan ciUea.
Heltolrs where he has beea (or tte dubs and tbe ririldrsa's pereats. VIr fact
and aroand Tratrerae City wUI be
lion. CcHilen can be obtolwd for
returned to their borne at Molllsing.
tarbat aarprtaed, and •craatly the asking at bis oVIee.
luully (he whole eommnnlty •
Coloiirl Pred il: Alger ralaad tl.
ist two days oa buitassa
Dr. PrteiTOC etaptesdnta the tMBn-t- •
. p.. today. .
tor lEc Tall pre-conremioa aatupalss crleved.’ta learn ot hU auddaa death
G K. Caaey retumad toVla heme Brow^ school wlU eagage to tee nnee of physical trateiag te tte itepdL
The Traverse City fitote Ranh have
A. V. Poatar retumad to his heme at Cadlltoo today aftv a abort Unto to statr of dvka thiaagh the wialer fbis firat teereanw thp vlteBIr aad
ta M;chis«a. hm Naiioiuu Cinuiiluw^ at hU borne to UuakecoB -yeat
baaed a UUle booklet with fall and
Rtan CtuLlea a.WaireD aald ha dM
the rily oa hteineea.
of time of arrlvd
bot to not TagMMattow
Mt need it. that he bad more money
Amii NerHi«er toft tor Grand llapr twenty years ago^ and dejunuro of all trains to and out vlaic in the city with friends.
than he kaew «bai io do with.*
Ur. Wbitoey was app^ted trustee o^iof Traverto City-. Peopla are toWt^ Chas. Fink, whe hat been viaHteg Ida today where te will be (or a
Me to to be comhdted Ureugh
In tbe eny (or aome Ume with (ricDds
i told W.irren that not more Chan what was then tbe Northern Michigan to call at the bank and get
eratlon with erery oatnide ageaey.
The giuataat «piantlty of cider ap- and reUlives reamed to hto borne at
dSAIN) tould tw epccl hooeatix. Uc- Asytnin for the Insane, now known as
‘G'e have haowa ter y^an that oc­
(From 8aturdny-s RMord-Bagie.)
Ka}', Jba tVavor ooomx nmapof. ralJ the Tnrerse City State bosplt^. Two plca was ukon to Saturday by tbe Ctorinnatl today.
or three years after bis
ular tmble latTMca te sehaeto
abort srtoot saaRattea la wipMnt to
P. A Frtomaa, af tte Prtonan
J. O. Morgan CU.. that bu been haulbe (Dt r.Oiv from Wam-n.
BUek of Oraad Rapitto.
tbe all] this seawo. At Umes bas been visHiag
"iloNlax («M On that dalacalaa to as trustee, be
bere for (he nst has left ter CUcaBo aad Mllwa'idnG tte fiijit te tte alghth gradaa.'___ be vnlnaWb to taaa^ tatofttes te md /
of Uia laatJtuUeo.'aa4 aereed to Ihle tbe farmetu- leaina wece liaed up weeW retumvd to brr home there tUs
'•intoe bnstaesa aad iNeasM la Dr. ItotenM. -bat why ft bA ao oae h^aes. They wlU te toWM to late '|he oowHX
iver eitatelned. Wc wtah to atodr pride te good bnteade lavteiatebM
the trip-. into the street awaiting their metUni.
1309 tor thoir vota and we-e sotUnc eapaciiy natU • few moathe a^).
ireable and eerraet G We
when, owing to toereaalag yean, aad tarn at golUng tbelr apples weighed
abent bwodtecs Md tte tare wf gehaM
Mra. G L. Havilaad and Mtoa HavU
RMoav tiooi both aldea."
Hunay aad wife, who have
It 1s dae le the wraag color of and botae troandst-ateo. (te prapar
Boaewhat talltog h^h. be realgned opr^ unloaded. Dyrtog tbe day
OfoKai :r to be caUed.
been vtsittog with friends to the city land bare rctunad from a rialt to papar or tbe rise of typo.
hla poaitloa.
iatloa. beaL light aad saaUag (aOrmid RapUa.
over 100.000 pounds, tbe eqolvalent ior tbe past few da.vA murued
Ctartaiyon. follovtoc Murfli.
Lauit winter was apeiit by Ur. aad of 2.000 bnsheto. were received at lb.-- tbrir home at INduih today.
Rapids and Crnad BapMs over 8unUra. Whitney la CaWtomto with ibeir mill. These apples will be converted
aoB. Claivaec. Ur. Wblino'e bnUg iuio 10.000 gallons of rider which
. paay or Morgan for coairlbeUo
visit for a few days tefore iMar» tar tte pMt few days retereaB to
where h'c sill be tor some time on
' IMI. aad didn't know Ihoy have huo- KTaliy ltn|>ro\e<l, and he decided to when shipped will fill over two bund- bustoess.
ing to ter tesan nt Grand Rapids.
tbrir hoiiM at Charleveix thto aorta
Mrada td thonaanda aKH be read >he return to hla former borne la Uoake- fy ba.'Tcto.
O. J. Barney left thto 'awrai
M'. H. Oeaniwn and wMe reti
gon. where be atilt held valaable rail
Ml farmers wishing te taka a short
teaumuoy U> ihia eOea bol'>o
tor vyhlagton. D. C„ where te wUI
Df. Jaa, Btopidha racamte -to hla
eatate intereete. Mr. Whitney bnUt _ ronrse in agriculture. Ful>niao' eigh-, lis morning frum Chtmgo. where
virittfor aome Ume with reteUvea.
at entoM Bay yastordaF’ ate
plaa•nd. lariualve,
Oortoiyua dculcd the #ub>iah«d reG Whalan, who has heaa to Chksavisiting with tricads.
abort Utae to tte rily «a teateaSG
pkuso malfy I.eon U. Oarduer. TiuvInrtthat Ruoaevclt. Uarrinuui at
go^ Ute past week on toisinees revisit
W. -tenoof'diijt ter-.Midte ikta
City. MWt,. by poaUL Please : F. A. Mnyne left fer hto home «t
held a conauJutloB at wbkb Booee- Ira aii.i nicrnl life. Dtoth ennie audirnai-today.
G L. Cheney returned thto mamtog
fiesly. as many of bis friends
moteag wtere be Wlft teaad Ite reetate which two of Ike following eob- tensing todarialier a abort visit |n
TattcaraUarTtoBwolbt of naiaat ol
Hlee Rhea Grteoa arrtoad la tte nulater of tte wadt ea boateteG
I his heme at Oraad Ladga. after a
feared tor years. •
JecU you are eepecially Intereaied In. tbe city with (ieDds.
ann to be oaksd to cootribote to the
I short time la (he city rlaitlng with aity \hia taaralag freai CadUlu ter
&lr. IMiiliicy'd life bad been a long Piuctical fruit growing, s^ls. farm
Mra A. N. Brekar. wte. tea hatai
*Tiarrlmaa rand.'few days' rialt U tte dty wilb ririUng la tte dty for tte past tow
friends and relatives.
bi must useful unc. A man ot great managenient. live stork, dalnlnc.
(FToU! friduy's He<v<rd-Esglf.
C G Oouglsae and wite, wte have leada.
C. W. Marthall is leaving for SagiTltalliy. of big brain, and a great (itoding, fortutry and poultry.
daya raOrnod to her botaa at FWlsaea
mtw wbeio he sin be district man­ been visiting to Detroit (br the past, G G RtohnsU and wife retumad ds taortteg.
■heart, ho had done hla Ufe's work
a-ell. niaktog Unnumbered friends
ager (or the Jtouitohle Ufe company week, returned last ulgbt.
today frem Katemasoo where they
F. A Cons and xelte loft fbte tadte
Mrs. Wm. Wallaea, whe has teen have been visittog tor the past wurt,
be tstaaed along. Closely allied to
In Ragtonw. Bay Cliy and ridnliy.
ig ter Maatetoo whore tter wfil «to
Cnuge, tor many years tecinKw and
BtoMoffl Garland and Bwlah Cevell visiting to Deftolt for tbe past werit. wtth Iriseda aad reteUvw.
II for a few days with rdattWG
to ber borne «t Keet City
actlee worker to that organlsailoD.
left ihU-morning for tbe wwtb. While
(From Tburadsy-s Record-itocle.)
I. Ragan arrived to tte aftr «Md
this morning.
aad his earlier niwrienee as an ,
Mrs. Ella M. Alton to apending i awaj-^ey will visit to Cnnd Rapida.
mosTtet (h>a MsnIsVm ate wU vto
G F. Blaakamn and wife left for at BeUaIre today after a abort Uaw te
time school teacher prepared him
few weeks mitb her son at dydney PonfUc BDil Detroit, bvlore returnit tern aten ttes wtto raigtteta
tbelr bomr at Pellsion IRls ammlng the city on boslaeas
work to the larger field to which be Urmtana.
---------- - ----- ---------- a tan Baaa to
O. H. Mather left tedey fer BL IgThojf Wll! .Take Thair Trouhlaa to the' as called.
ter a sreek*! visit to with
Mrn. K. M. Cole has rwtumed to her
Mrs. W. L. Remeaer left yeetcr>
xce. where be wUl be ter about a tte dty tor severd daya oo tatataM
littarettta Cemmerua
(rleads aad lUtettvsa.
His aequalniance tlfrougbout kllcblhome at UlUwa. Ill She was accom­ a e Irwin left tMe mend eg *br week on bntewia.
atmte to bto botae at Atea fBM
>n was wide, and his friendships day for Napoleon. Oblo where she panied by- ber daoghter Mrs. Arthur
111 spend (he winter.
ere strong and many. His odutnfertlBBd, On., Oct. 17.—Korthweal
Edwta Kaieey left tato mestang Par
in tbe city for tbe pnst few dsysM. H. Cariul has gone to Chicago Earl wbo will spend a few w«^ u week on tawlasas. ,
tion along agricullurnl Udcs waa csthere couvslesclag from her recent 111laaMee oo tointas.
lumber toteraau am plaaatog to taake
ft. L. BpriiM rwtorned thto maratog tnroed to bis borne M Honor todny.
illy taloable. and to later yean where be will remain for some time UCBi.
» dilwiiiliiiil fight to aaalDlBln the
•. G Nya left thto mesRlng-idp
R. O. iterter. whe hne been to the
om Uantotsc, where te hae beea e(»«M aebadola of ratea that waa to ef- became more and more eo to the stole
Mrw- L. C. Crana has retumad to Ulng ter tbe paet weeG '
- WIB te ter A Biw
ciu- fri some time, left ibis raoralng
WMte of Saginaw, who has
leet baton the recent lacroaM waa of UlcUIgau In the tmponaiu ikmUIou been visiting to the rily ter the iwst ber borne at Charlotte after a ...
Grand KspWs. where be o(IU ristt days « t
t. N Phaton and wife retumad to
held, tor over iwent};>esra. Dm as
enwooBoed bk the rallruadia. They will
dayw' visit la the city with (rioads tbelr teme at Cbattofolx this
,w, m short ,time before retorplng to a bDtae at WkRg Oinad.
trustee, then aa steward of the gnat few days relumed
ad relatives. *
G Kdpar iitaiiii to tea tesag te
after a few days' vtsti la tbe rUy uiib hto ben>e stiMlnneapolls.
him Sesuie A^ retuswed te her ■srenate this taorelag aftd a «gw
V. T. Bhanor toft thia morning ter friends.
To those of us w ho were so closely
LsrUins. who has been
days to Uie rily cw ttetasae,
J. H. LsMater and wtfs bavs re- home nt ^teaka today aftoiioclaled with him to the state InsU- vtoiUng with relativee to tbe rity tor licna where he will be (or aomc
time on business.
Miss Edith Fan taft this awreiag ter
taraed from Chicago, where they have leek's visit In Uie dty with (rieods.
'A alrong eSott wUI he made,*' aald tntion'a wort tor the lart two decades. tbe past week nuimed to her home 0. E. Edgor and wife retumad M beea fer (be past two weeks vtoiUag
G Beaman nnd wHa wte have Orate RteUs wtere teg teB teted
Mr. Tern, to malntoto the old-ached hU death comoa as a heavy blow, and at Fltoi this
been vtaltinr here for the past few tte wtator. - •
(eel a dtetinrt loss. Mr. Wbitoey
O. D. Briggee ewturyd -te bto heme Ibeir home at Etkhan. led. this moru- VMh friends apd rriativea.
•le wof ratos. Ttie now rale w IN no:
Harry MeBsdde of HtoMra City, days, left today for Grawn. wtere tbey
c. L. Cteta ate Wffa, «ted hare
I a man wbuui tbe nUte could HI al liouor this nterulug after beverul ing afler a wn-k e- vlst n the riy wtli
he arewtud by the toubeftotereMs.
(rends and rrialvcs.
wbo bas beea vislltog 1a tbe ctiy tor • ni visit for a sbert Ume before re- bees Vlrittag with Irteada is tte efty .
huldhey will, toatoad. piawi argn- alTord to Iom!. and Iboeo wbo knew days in ihe city
turaiug te tbrir borne at AdrUG
ter the past wack retarate to^thdlr
Miw. Jaa Cmaa and aen Richard the put few dsye. returaed to I
1L I do not know
G G Parttow returate to hto hanm ' ante al Boyne Oty tUn taoretag.
ft (bto morning to their car (or CU borne there (bis monitag.
long life, can better UBdentoBd and Uanisiee vliere be alii
wtiero the boartogs w ill be heU by ib<Saginaw today after aereral daya
G A. Brew returned to hto heme
cagu wiii.It> they will visit (w some
Harry Kaate and G HaymaG wte
lutnitau Conimera- Cumailiiaion. but apiirrrlale the businens ability and the short lime allb friemto.
la the dty on bustoess.
Bendcm ibis inofutog. efier a fc
have been to tte rity for eeasn' (Hta
John Cruse returned to hto hotn^ tine siib fneutis aad relatives.
I Maumly towe thei it will be -on good qnallUes of surii a .iton as hr.
Ml this tairdag ter PHai wh—afty
It is tberefoce with deep regret that at Honor this mumiii| sfler
N. V. Brush and wHa. who have
thja cimal. No thue bas as yet beei
WiWam *aiston Brewn ottlm
teve acreptad pidteae fW the wlta
been vtotilag to tbe rily ter tbd gut
day* to the city OB badness.
Tha aaw oefaednto Is uador
Mra. LeriR Heinteeh and son
ot Dnfige A Browa. attoraeya
•enatee Willlem AMan Bmith no- few days raorued to their hos
■amiwalcii. pestolBC the fiilng cf aud
Btutgeop. MIcG. are rid^ B. J.
of DrtroU. Is to the city on
lasU by those who were cloaely asto- iinpanled by Us: or VV. D C.
Uay City this morulng.
T. Chapel left this memtog tee
heartiw mf oomptaiato by tbe la*
tlonal bitsloees.'
rtaicd wiih him. and to tbe fatnllr matoc left this morning tor Qypemlsli
Battle Oeek where te wfll te ter areL. Peek returned te his h«i
Hr. and Mrs. C. M. Wren Jtava re- are! darnwa Basiaata.
pty H. Umtor toft thto meming far
who is (bus banated. our deepaat und and Hanistoe wbeiu they trill speak
nabs this miHuiac after a week
slneerest-symputhiaa are oxteaded.
D. G Biiiirg ef (touring retorttad
to tbe rily on bostBcaa.
this afternooa abd evealH
dartPon boalaeaa.
. tea botae there thla naradac atev
Mrs. w. ft. wiHto. whe hae
Mm. E.«. HewML whe haa baen
J. \c. McCeeh. ef (he United Btatee .Mr. nnd Mra P. W. Ntehels of Cad­
nhlng to the rily tor eome time re­ vlaiUag with (rienda and retotlrsn to, me/raving aervlce. toft thto morning illac hsve moved bare with (heir tete- a waukn rhdt la (te rity wBfe ftteala
te teiaurea.
city tor tbe i<ast few dgya re­
lumed to her borne at 1
(or Grand Repida. after a tew dare
«r Noebels has pwrri
Copt. C. A Wate tea Bare te Cbb
turned to her borne at Chicago this
ry basigtai at bst Freat and aopolls. wfarre be win dote a wglft
In the rily oa bualiiras.
A. J. Bury, who haa bean In tba morning.
N. G Alton toft thto maming tor l^ntesute stredts ilo termerty
with bis (siallr. wbo are riatUac
Gee. A. Vrueman toft thto mtmtog Crand Rapids, wbetu he wlU te (or
MtT far some time left this norutog
darted a bakery here at fievaeth aad
tor Mantotee where he win vtalt tor for Manlsiee s beve be will be fer the (r-abort lime on bnsineaa.
Vnion stroeu
rxl few days on tmsioeu.
few days beloru reCnmlng
Hr.-mnd Mra. BmHh Ftoh ef Da- Mra Emmet Puitown ef Tudtto
C. M.'LnMoat and wife retomi
boma at llay U'y.
tralt. wbo has* hsea vtoiilng Mr. and
>eir home at Grand RmpUs thto nom- Mra. Tracy It. OOlia tor a few days! tbe guent of ber bretb'er B. U Hughes
E. O. Cwuln ef
«r a raw fiuyt.
day eitb Miss Rath (HbterG
to the rity todr night and wiH visit « alirr a week's vislt-in (be cKy reamed to-tbelr beme'today. Beth
P. Coyne of Tampla, Bgdnl Bunday
Ed itoValtoy, whe ripnte tte ptedga
bare for e few days briore coaUnu- with friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mra. Fish nru promlwat ^ as tte guari of his btoiber M. CojTie .me Uasr opg dropped oC tte wgtar
(Ftu* Moadai -s Becord-iUgto.)
F. Andrraen returned thto wmIng bis trip to Chlcagn.
a sad amo faaas oa thatr wed- aad temlly of Twelfth sire
M. Thomas, aged C> yean,
wsgM 'aaterdcy aad was (atea »the
R. e. Mtttar arrivM to the City tog bum Hnatotee wbarw te tea
ding trip.
died at hto touae. 613 Webster street.
iaU b> Patrritaaa OaaaG Ha
Ik-TCfly. Ort 31,—Thai ^ITuddestt ito awning tnun Omndf Kapide and (or several 4aya on.tesla ma
Mra H. G Bargoft, detog
tte dty Satadtay csi bar way to ber wm temUy aBowod to fa ftwG uftgr
«t 10;» Satedsy nl^i. Ills las
J. Wete ef Oetruit arrive
(te Whtaaato dab. aafi.lteg. J. T. bma at KorOport after a t
BMi bad extendad 'B^cr tea weeks, Taft to opposed to the use.ot per will spaad n few days here on busirigatog (be pledge ter aaolhta thpga
tbe city this morning and wm i
ihreoBk Ite aotah and osat.
but ^ had beaa to poor health tor
taoatba. Wtth tte protateo ot a HMPa
rtsted to an oarianivc latorvlew today
remainder of the week her
T. w. Nelaen and wife, former reek
Library AssocInticGi ntmnoS fiura
amre tte.a year.
G H. Day aad family retumad
efieetoal retaiader if te ragtilte tha
wben be ttodared that persuoaliEler dams of the city. awIvM hsre tost
nw. after tevtag. attdadhd tte tkdr boae at dea Haven today la
Mr. nomas was born July 1. 16«3.
ould block tl.r real issues.
from tbelf borne at Port Huron for . . L Tinker returned lot nigM nanrel meeUng ol tte Rtnla. FOdera- Ihdr car after several day
adayaootaoonatattPdHe endoned modern methods In ad(nun Grand Rapids where be has been
few dnya visit with trieo^.
tertlstog the tosuns. but admitted this a. M. Ovumiweart len'tor-4to hems (er a te> days visiUng with frieMt
Mrs. A G Martin fas kma Tfii a -ftaoa G cotep. who is taking hto vwMias bnam Johnson, aad to im he
liiau to the aresl expensive.
kit Ctodiltoc this moEnUs niter s wc^-k and ntoituw.
aathto visti to her rid hutaa in Si. caGoa (rata hto daUcs at tte goatcable tolllcUgito. oomtag to Traverse
The pruMdetn mede a |>k« tor dlg- to the eby on boslnns.
Mtoa Ethel Fisher, whe has
Clly very aoon uftor that. Wiui btt
eftlcG loft Sotarday with his Mter
C. Cate, r, ggpiarad teBMa
L V. McOarr aad wito. vdte haU vWttgg here wtth friends for i
be haa llrcd here Over stoeo. liiy in Mfice •eektoc.
tor Big Rapids whare tteg wiU ridl
this Hwalag aa egre-'
been rlsliing with friends and rela- ttoae returned to ber borne al c.4iii^ t»e tn Ohtra«b after a vME with ter a frw days.
Me waa the aon of tbe late Rev. JYa^ptalat of OCioar
--------------and paMta
tivea to the -city for tbe past lew
cU ThOmaa. who rfclied bare many
friends and raintivet In the rity.
Baa ad oaa dollar dorr
G O. Ltetto aM wifi wlw haut
days returned to their home ni
tttM. and who win he rwoemhered
G L. Bristol and wffa eatenad
00 tte wate at HriM.
been vtoliiag with Irtoatoa and roto- tteir home at Bay Oty tofiay after
Won today.
May it the oktor reeMents. f
nastoasne atutf ostatengent in > -Two Galashurs. Haa Caught it Piwai
C Hnrtih mtonwd last night .fium ttvas at BalUe Cruek ter aoMu >
week's vlali in tte rity with
Dwrait where be has beeo rtolUag. durued mat -nigh}.
toierebtt of B. H. SUrk. at Pen. toO,
nsiarday far Dasrott wtere ha wiU
V. N. TdwM. udw haa tenn to the
ter the paK two ve^.
Md K.««.4a« to Ua toflamieo that
■ra. G U ranM, wlie tes
wmay hi^^ww. MMt to the
Mm. P. Vtott had daughter. Mtoa (dty for mmo time toft today ter Cafi- tttag to tte dty far sear Utan left A. L. Aitetr aad wMa ud« hnm
Qraad Traverse regtea trocs iBdlaM, ing to a report Jast Atoelred by Calcs' Leafy
who have (wen visiilnc iDac where be wOI visit ter-a tew today ter Maaldoo where ate wiB been ririOng with friends te Urn rity

':KpN|S f^$300 Ml



ther with
the rciult that It uaoaUx lorned Oat
Juxt a* he nld it wonid.
Bealdea the widow, flee chiUraa
Hrrive. Un. P. C. Onbert of thli ettx:
O. E. Thomae. a rural tnalj carrier ^
Port Horoa; Atlex E. Thomaa. with
the Sitanw lAmber Co., ot Oraad
Raplde: Dr. V. C.' Thomai, ot
FraatiMo. CaU and Un. Fred Carter,
wire of Rct. F. E. Carter, fortnerlx «l
tbii cUx. now ot J<

(■isaase while artog (or atock atfected
«Hh the dlaaaas. Bath cattle
Mgs on the Rood farm erere rE<
Rood has been brourtt to a boapHal
is city. LutteniOD's andltloa
raid (0 br serlqas.

EHner & ymt












nVHn tNUE ililEEIS

Mnfani tehoal l« N«.r
n«o «u « dIBerMKM of 49I1LI00
at tiM aMUas b«M u U»
^■Bdtw Batariaf atuncca aboot tb«
amaeta U> bt ^Iub ap at tba tar»
«n aboR ooaraa tbli viator. Tba MKJMU bapoaad v«a aoil fartllltr. trait
CfvwlaB. gnml tanain* and dalrrIv. An »TMtat acraad ibat Mil tartqur
ba oba of Ibe
• iaota. bat liar* vaa m afra
to Wkkb Moald ba <hoaan tor tbo
•Char, ft vaa flaallB daddad ttat
voto vaald be takaa aaoog all tboar
• «ha are salaf to taka tba abort
«WM. vhkb vUl be «lraa at tba
high aehool bnlldlos dttrlac the weak
b«tMlu rabrwrr IT.
The vote la to be br peatal tmrd. all
trrr-“-r l» taka .Ua eoona baiag
MgaMCad t» eaad tbair vrafmnca tor
Cha aaeond nb)aei br aartr mbO
Hr. Oardaar,' high oAboI. TraTaraa

CUT. Ml^
U ma dacddad at tba Saaroar aftarMM naatlag to axtaad an armt
tartUttaa to aU raw map vho arc
la the tarslac UdoArr or are «A
TTtinu to Mtbr the aaaa to aatoU
dec tta abort aoon
•glalaa of tboaa praawt that tba tomatka vooM ba MaetoU; ealoable
la thJB «Uaa ai ov •cpolaUoa. Of
aotaa tba *Ud" tarwan are watooai*.
hto fheaa vho vooM attoad tba a«rtmmam nona U char mom apara
the thM are the oDaa apaetaUr
Thara la ao toe of aar blod attaM to tbU abort aoaraa. Tba blfb
^baal farakbaa tba baUdlng and the
agrtkaaot tad tba agrtooltural «!
law *a taatnaotka. Tba aobool vUl
•mHbw HtMB^:M to' 11:80 to tho
•fncwnna anil ftom irOb to 8:80 to the
■nataara Sack atoalcia *01 ooBatoi
•hk ikoTt vmaa la to addltke
«W n»tfar wotfe la aKrteonara batos
Itoaa la tba blgb aAool. asd It u




OMr « eeaatr aehoto la eaUblMiad
tba toaia aad tba aatii* «ar Ua tau«ar part at Ua aapaaaa o( satoUtoto
- tba ttotttatka. ‘n>a atort <alla tor
■ritoMa balldtac aad 100 adtm <
won ttnataf laaA
Agrtealtara to aov batog tangbt to
W Mgh acbODla at MaaUtaa. Bockkr. SaR aad Franoat to Uto part of
4ba glalt. R baa
Chat aa adtort bt aaade w totrodD^
Ua aoWaet to tba NorUport blgb
acbaol. lauaiaeb aa Ua bortliport reCloa to .raWdir bacgmlag oaa of Ua
■Mat totoortaat trait aoctkaa to Uo
aMM auta.


aimriumBn WAR SINEWS

BlUlaik. HWL. Oct. 21.—The iMt
ii of soremaent )ui<U. vhicb batv
gen oe
at iatarvals sIihw Sepicrabgr ]». «1U *0 «uid«4^ 4tae baniiM'
lN>n> 'inritr. *U)i Jaroni W. WMIrB.
of opealu Md nle if
S tba
(b« oacuon.
Indian Undo, condoatlng
The property obld-today vaa tortaer
1y part or Ue Crov reaerralton.

iS.i.*. .'.a..
Two Qatar Rarta at d
Capwrad by •wtgariane After
Heavy Uaaat ea gaU

Bodapaai. Oct. 21.—A BarrtaB raglloot to reported to bare bean annlbiUlad by Ibe Tnrki at Novlbaaar.
•ibe capture by Bolgarton* of. tv© of
iw toru of Adrtoaople after
figbt anf bMTy ktaaa c

:reaatof Boyaiio river aad killed 8M,
tog to a OoB
Belgrade. Oct 2I.-The Berriaa
amy Udar Ua crovo prtnoa bar
turad Bolya Halgbta.* atraiacioal po■ItkD to Ua touih of Butonoi
>o>a mUaa balov Vranya.
Aa oCleUl 'rapori from tbe gancia)
ataff at Ktob aayt Ue BarrlaDt bare
Ukaa an Ue trearhea in Ua Tnrktob
tarritary anoad Vranya and
Tarka bare baaa drtvM bade acroaa
Uorara vaUey.
Datalli bare bean racalvad
naar Prai*laU. 40 luUss to Ue eouth
of Ntob. on nutsday. Albanian Irrsgotora vbo oonadtutad tbe attoeklng
party vara rapukad and bototad
vbita flag. A Sarylan caidtla vith
dsuebmeat approaebad tba Irregutor*.
vbo opanad fire, kUUng aa oBicar and
tvelve men aad voundlng 40. Tbe
bervlae arUHcry fmmediatoly ubcUol
aaemy, kUUng SOO.


Tbnm^ Uo passage of a resolu­
tion by.tbe nperriaon tart vaek.
Tiaveraa at)-, as a' baalU retort for
boboM ba* disappeared and to lu
piapi a aev city ba* come lain exUi•OOV TO bCl.KNCt
enoia vbleb will be tabooed tor and
Alda by Ul* torga order of world
uvrallers, who bellata to leaa work
ai)d Bwra handouts. Tbe rato)niloB
vhkb vlll aBM such a ctn
Ue bfiar is one auUortotog
of prtoonata for. labor on the opaaty
iPiabaa. Oat ll>-Atiar tvo dart vorit. A* U to provided tor to '
Uwat vrtUag. Mb Bahta&k. bai atoto lav by Isavtog it to Ua ooaa.
piatad bk VIA Ua baqoMthaa Ue tica vbeUer or not Uey vlll have It.
a la BootavaU'a bod/ to Ua Kev a raeolutton vaa aU Ual vaa
rrThe first victim vbo wlU feel Ue etten ot Us nev provtotoa is a bobo
« Igara k ralaad too high.
vbo gava bU name as BUI Balge. from
novbere. He va* vamad by tbe poin Bunds; to leave Ue city, but
this morntog at be vas Mill roaming
about tbe streets, be vas taken before
mm Frag tf^toy Orma FHia In Oy» Judge Umlor. aud vat
I flue of tbi
.s awsB tla<
--B^boWl at oyatars to alvays caaaldlentka of s
and Mtocvkat af a Iggaiy. At thU smile lit iHwbli grimy <
mmm •( tba year Uey are aspactaUy but vben ibe bard labor clause
ga. bW vbas aa oynd peart vhleh added, a look of utmost disgust and
'— oWbaU an lack to diameter vsarineas took Us place. Me pitod
to Mai U tbe disk, it eeases to be- vlU ardor that tbe tobor be eUmlnaigMM a iDWy aad orator cattog ba- ed and even prondsed that If be were
aawa ab lavaetmaat to a certain de- allovto to go be would aeegre a ]
waa At kart Uk k srbat Ura. Fted and aetUe down and work, but an,
Camkr Uteka. far to eaUng omen
avail, and be is now avaltlnr or­
•L baMaoa Euadar araalag at Ua ders from the road
bama at bar pararta. Ur. and Urs.
Tbe priaonera win work vlib tbe
f-a-' A. Wada. BeaU Vaka rtreeu regular gangs and vOI probably do
aha toand one of Ua torgeat pearti mostl.v road work. If thry abov
•earWaadameagoyrtacu. The pearl
leac;- to really work Uey viu nui
mwaam aboot aaa aad oaedoorU
ibaricled. but upon tbe tm todieatoabaa to obcaafaraaea. is obkag la tkn of uiuttoy or eStot to escape they
•bwa aai to abaat a balftocb to diam- vin be fitted VlU ban and ebrtn.. In
way tbe eeaaiy-VlU be eared
«•«. at Ua vUart potaL Wra. Coaler
Wa lasrtvad aararal cBars and a blgb
r dollars ysariy. and. perhaps
aatoa ba* baaa traced m Ua stow.
! ImpwtoBt evaa Uaa that. Uc
bWtltoielteraatoatUa praaaat «Uy vUI be rtearad ot babaas aad beg-





m. St, xnt

Oto ^ bi HaM ad Leag Laka WadLeag Lake. Oct. 11.—There vlll be a
ifitagc meeting ai ibe Long iokc
tows hall Wedimaday ereatos. Oct. 23
Supt. U L T.vleraad Rev. C. II. Irving
Traverse (’ity.*III l>e the n-Ju re
of tbe oveatog. Five atuoiaeblleMds
expect to go oat from town to assist
la Ibe meeting. It is hoped there vlll
be a good crowd 10 greet them. '


RlMACtol RroMure and Approach ^
Wintar <woto«d fa Make
War Bath ghivt and

idoD. Oct.;iS.—While Turhay and
tbe BalHab
are carrylag out
Ue Ual forvtBlIllei ooanactad vlU Ue
daclarailoB of aar. Iniereei ha« been
iranHerred to the tinwiieMa of llie
taicpalaa. Two laSuence* are expei ted to ouike tbe var abort aad aharp.
Tbe llr« la Ue approach, of atoter:
Ue aeeoad it fiaanctol praaaure. None
of tbe bolllgereat atatea U to a pool10 aland tbe atraia ot proluusi'd
military operallona.
Bulgaria vaa diuiipototed raeectly
la trying to ralaa even a small loan
In Pari*, vhlle Turkey ha» bben aadoaverinc boU la Nev YorlT and
^li 10 boROv money, bdt up to tbe
preaeut vllhont auceess. The flnan
clal raaoureee
tbe other atatea rond are limited. Ultle to likely
to be beard of tbe Kurojioan eonfereace 'uatil some derii
baaa tougbt, vbcu dodbileaa tbe Uuropaan eontereaea vlll renew Ita ef
to bring about peace on broai
Tbe Bulgarian cabinet to aliUng
MtlBDous aeaaloD. but U haviog dlffkutty in conmaalcatlng vUb
vs ef ac
aWttog la todeflaita audi ^Dla
^ Turks ctolcnlng'gDbBtanltal '
irtes over tba ilontenegriBS.'
■nie Orwek people are rekletor
tlfeir first naval vlrtory. two gunboats
forcing Prevasa strait. This feat '
tbe Gcaaks command of Ue Gi
Ana and aeeure a npply of stores
to tbe army ot Bplrlus.




New Light en

WaUlugluu. Ilct. Il.--Tbui
■mo Ryaa' icstJfkd Iwlorr ibv Clapp
nmiltoe-tbai be gave'|4>.»W to

vtU he covered vlU IM Moat. .acy ireea. The fim Mock of
tresB covering M aevM Is to be set to'
toe aprtog and
aeosod bkek.
wtog Ue s««aA 8». In-tbe aprtog of
Nortopon ba* toe ellmaUc cvmdP
oas aad Ue' ablpplng facllltias for
bocoatfag a gn-al cherry region, and
dnriag lit- |>Bst tour yea
ihnnsands of tree* have been art ent.
TU.w. n.-s on bards vlll iirsui
tolu tteoring 1»1^ and toe af
her cd tree* glvlag frail will. Increase
rapidly from Ual date. Tbe ahippUi
fadlHies tiw cberriea are good becanae
Ue grosers have Ue choice between
OB Ue rallitod and
to CUesga
One of Ue big problena to ckory
raising Is Ust of getting Ue tndL
picked, but that phase of Ue goestkn
be dispow-d of br tbe iadnetat
of.people to tome frocn Chicago by
bo^t tor the summer season, trastlnx
Uat they «lt| <«nf enough picking
i*crri> s to pay for tbeir vaesUon.

wbe urbe

eenain of ttorker'v defeat, "to
keep Jiarty from dmlnlegrstion and
PERKINS. MORGAN AND HARRIdisgrace." He paid all lU debts.
R;an admitted giving between
and right) thousand .duUan id
Attack by McCormick o«i Chairntan ItorriinaB-a fund a year, and SZS.OdO
Cudervuod's campiilRU. George
HIMea Wat Stricken From Uc
W. J'erklds said bis lotiU .-oalribuRecords of the Investigat­
Ituosevcll’s primary laud was
ing committee.
uuly 8l2J.«iu despite Uv .rumors Uisl
he bad given nwiltons. Perkins indlg'asbington. Oct IS.—idke a
Ibat ehber the steel
campaign eanlributtoas to tbe rei>ub- harvester Irust* *-cr« backing RooKlicana as 0vsa to tbe Olapp comniit- velt.
ice today. It was produced from alorage 'by Elmsr Uoror, asslsiani
paign secrelao'. IdsteU among tbe
eontribnUon* vei^c George \V. I^•rklns
aad J. P. Uorsau A Co. for $i:.u.u<w
each. E. H. liarrimao f»l.vOU. if. II.
Regsrv of Ue Standard Oil coiuivay
810.000 and a 8IDO.OOO contribution



Growth of Church and Incrasas in
Work Makea Thia Move
. Nceeaaary

Montreal. Uct. K.—Th* twentj-firsl
seasido of Uo I»rovtoclal Synod
Canada tdiurch ot Engtoad),,©
vroed In lliis city luday and *
opened "ith a icrmon dcItiereJ by
Ue 1-ord Bishop of Huron to t'brUl
^bnrili latbedrnl. At Uc rnu.-I.-sicn
of Ur rrii-„lon* acniies U-.- deiegnt-js
adjutiri. d 10 Synod ball for U-: firs'
•I Lusnies* siwfions.
e lupL-Uiig la regarded an tbe
iuiportam Usl Ue RroUncial
Synod liaa held In years. Before (toai
ndjourttmeui U lakea It U'expecled •acb day Uanaftar U.MwMJvtaa.
that debnltc action vlU bare been
last are Jolia U. Arehbold s. Hovor Prisoner Will be Civcfl Ample Time taken for tlie lonual dUisioa ot Ihn
to.Prepare for Hi*
lirovim* Into two metiopolRan
said be Uougbl It referred to Stand­
ard on contributions, and said he cop­
lod tbe Uat from Trenaurer Bliss'
-Atlautlc- 10 MenllotK-. Tbe grewU id
Milwaukee, WU. Oct. IK.—Job^ the 'tii'jri-h .-'ud Uo tobseqaeot IrE. T. Stotesbury. a' Pbltodclpbto
inker, raised tZ.Vi.bOU. ami a commit. Schrank. the man w ho planned to atoy ircr:5c In <uc amount of w>r^
Col. lloo>evell to re, ly legally aaac. calU for a diviriou into two synods
.;a be«de<l by him 8»i.voo
dtarles .tfeUbn and Ifersl of Uc Nev nrconllng to a staleiBent by Ulatrict in Ue opinion ot Uc charrh leaders.
It U prapoaed to craate a rev.
Haven toad gSJiOO: Jacob Schlff tlO.- Atioracy W. r. Seabel ioda>.
-T-he man has a ■•erfeci knowledge ileelasiKvl protlnre ot Oniaria,
OM, Isaac Rellgwan »l6.<IW; rbsancey
Depev no0.l«l>. iDlernaUoiial llarves- of riglii ami wrong and rtvIUrs Usi -nibracc tbe dliK«s«s of Turoaio.
:idron, Ontario, .'•Isgars. Algonia and
cunipsiiy ttn.UAii ami Si-creiar; of
No. t taoraa kldaa .
iLr tau." rtid lUi- •tiuiit.c pro;the Nsv. MPvcrs l».i
•'Modlcall;. lie ma; have a -Tlib.'>»oUl.l
Git- old iiroilii-,
A bluer allick iiAdc on nisirmaTi
IllUes by Medbl MrCoruiIrk. Ihe 1111- allRhl al»riaHon. but tinl; esiH'its t-isl s; nod of Caiiaito to comprite tbe
,co6ia ileirrmlnc 111%!. .The
I'tec.'w-a of \ovl Stwia, Quebec, MonBOla Proinysrtve loader.
Ckpp commlllpe. was
afterward be glvcD a fair and Impartial trial, lie^ iretl and Fredericton. Tbe divt*!'*
would Mt<wrllHle Ue ari>i-siii.cnt
•Irlcken from the i-ecopl. In loslllvely has been greuied amide time to
Ftoaw WHhtto HartT'.
new BicblbuUop and tUe';ropoilUa
denying connection with the baneater pare for lbU.~
Tba tovealfon «f a fiaina darirto
Schrniik was bound over to Ibe 1
till- easlera province*. The |i
McCormick said; -it Is difficult
ffon-Maetrie mrfr that vm art
: Bidtop of Quebec, being
for an onIli(sry man- In ordinary' tan- •riu of tbe iiiunb l|al court, and
Its off beat to
Siuiof prelate. U pronilncnllj x
gnagr l» rc»ui*-ii-.jslih tbr tesilioony Ik- tried sqmc lime in Decvrolier.
di-ntlrt vbo ti kseptog t
Mraiiwfiili’. Ihc pilannrr lias rr- lioli-d lor llic liaiii'C.
or.c-luiracKT aKUN-ins ami
lllltea—men. vbo by tbeir toUe- iiucd bU dt
ordeal .when
hooils tiuiie't^c- vi'jk minded
Uneto Cben's Phltoaophy.
The Board of Supervisors began
McCunulck ilien m-rvoua.
-I likes U bsar a /ouag gatott
Ue second week .of the October aeaSheriff Arnold dlpecird that he be
declnred that tVllson'a charge that Ue
lay be-s tryln* to keop ap vlf
sloa Monday morning. Tbe comnilileeti Sleet trust Is backing Roosevelt
turned luose v:ili other prUoaers-to
Jmes.- said Uni................................
appolD^ to hmk Into Ue communl- falsehood. He admitted spendlog >28.. Ue -bull pc-u " of the «x>un{> yail.
oalloo from tax payers in Blsir and .'i»a for Roosevelt'* primaries, sll to
Bast Bar towasbipa requeatfiic a di
vlttoa for a asw tevnablp to be turn.
■r man;
character nlioii't the clt;. db-d
the Slate l>os|dUl yi-steriUy sflcrnoon,
coatrutlK for tounly physician, dcwbero he bad been for the puai llirte;
tenUea hospital for iuvenlles and botyear*. ' He lived «.n the vest side «d
plcal care for Uo cuiuity sick , was
town lor many yuaiw and 1..- summer
stgrim you
ptaetlenlly tbe vamo aa ImR ym
stock of good quality jTblrii per
s<irii.|H.n. Micl... tiict. - :i,-\Vh.r or Vinter always V4-iit barc(ooic.l. ij'.ptlr; siugic turinys
leaves a daug1ii>-r. Mrs Mc’iarr;. of
Swantoa. ktork Cmv and Ba>bank
>m probably be Ihi- torgeat cbrrry
boopltal ander direction of kira. W
iiartl In .Vnicrica Is no# being n^favcr'i-rn Cjiiada- J-r.ersl ser
wood, aged _
E. F1U.
planned for UU section of Wcslum vices .will be held Tuesda;
Tbo board Is in retolpl of a requisi died laic today from Injuries ho suf­ .Mlcliigau.
from the
His exact age U not known, but FOR SALE—la Us foitlk lamta "f
^ from the Menelltoeo board ask fered from a runaway bone yoslcr- . Tbcorcbaid will ts-forau-d oi> wip'
Tag Ibelr approval of tbe draiuagP day. HU vlfo U also In a critical ■■viii<tluBBll> flue orchard bind a ebur: .. is supiwsod In- »a» loore tto
distaacc t" tbe ttonb of tbi* village years old before he went to U«
oondiilon. Both were dragged
I'ollard. Tiaicfwe ' UV.
,eral blocks. .
anti will contain ICO aerrs. Eveo'









Sale of Ladies’ Waists and Blouses

More New Coals
for Ladies, Misses
and eWren

at $1.4S, $1.95, $2.45 find $3.45
They Go On Sale Tomorrow ,

More Hew Coalt for
little ToU

ny waists U»t have brea as Ugh as S4.50, tS and $6.
Sixty Waists lo be saM in lonr lots; Incinded In these lets are plain and striped sUks
chUfaes, laUetaa, uessaUnes. nets, etc, long and short sleeves. Ugh or low necks, ptsla or
tdahoraMy trlmmcd-walsts and bUnses IhU wen SZ.7S, SS.7S and «£ are U tbe lot al S1.«S
WaIilsaBdbloBscslhalwcrcMJ*,*5aad*6areU Ihe lei al SG4S. A lew sUk and nel
wUsIs that were SS and *6. are In Ihe iol al SX45

Ladies’ SUrts at98c,\:;in£',;^Tchr'uL.'^ov‘;^^^
evtte; beaautol atylesp made ol Oaiwel^ mercerized
$1.25 and $1.50, BOW Me. „
CaU Tomorrow and
See These
SpIcadM Vataeo

aad bedlord cords that were
Toa’U be pleased
with these
Uaasual Barpalns

/'uiiiiUlla Cuals
I'oa-.*. Ploih Coata FVvwiaii
Coals-lbe wrvtot.Uabc
l:!.i.•^. MonU-uw... Pebble laf.lul*.
cloir'.-le faced. ufSlrTtSls. Dtnrity
niiuurrs. etc.—In plato. res< rved
►i;l.-s‘. in itmjbtouioiia. or v.-r>
kinking siiKa—loose or scui-Buod.
V Ith or wlUool belle—all 1 lie*s ^t
-v/IIare—styles suitable tor large or
'small votuen. for Tnl«»es f-if cbll
dren. And what la
u Icirer
oews*.^ll Urourti UIj Ujic dsacmbly are aplendU economtot, das U>
bur ability 10 secure uousaal vMues
from tbe nwnulactuiers.
Lsdl^ U‘xu. tH-bb fo tSto:
nisato' sod UiMrea'i coata. 8£«'
to'|2tr«0: My eeau. tlAi to *Aiv.

• 4I

I- mmuiT, on. * uu


M. Warraadar. Ul Sager, WUllaB
Varler. Qiow Tonag. V. AAtor. &
Traverse CItrt Jawtea A. HamDloa.
Ptoa BAara. MwaA Matt. Bract
■nest Krsuer. Baa Saaga
k. Walters. Alha« Leah. Fterd Mrran. J. D. Sanita. W. A. Suaetl. Baanr
JeweU. Kiweger and Laab hare haea
CtoUlir—U Foaur, WOUaB FMskr.


wiuwiMia «ni

-tstBPapdad). Prank Taiw,
Ross Uooaer. Ar Sbarwek. James
BTd. Corr Battens (snspBi
Roben Geurn (snspaaded). aieas
___ {soapendedl. Bam Rlcteardsoo,
- VALSKINO IN HOtPITAC / WiUteB Tleropr Walieoe Bedddlek,
Chester WlUlami. A1 .WlaWeoBn.
JhnBle Aadersoa (suspeadedl,
Defense Will Try to Shew That GboWeager.
Ri^h HM N* R«MIvm. •« ^
mai^Plattod Haaefithars lte«
wkecoa—Hearr Le CroU. Eari
Will Am ThM H<> Mjr ]ta
laApandam to Paebsr .■
Coot6I«M Ami Kind M ‘
Cato Is CawtnmBd.
stock. Harry Brooks. John Uraa.
Oast mend. Joha Hasty Me>ers.
Carl Meat. Joba Laraa'a raleata
Uaad by UaMalf. .
Cwy. iB*-. Oct- 1I-—WlllUm lUa«b.
Weber. ScApps and VsUon wer*
tlM M*na>. «bo
Us sUb to
toacad In orideoce at toe Becker trial
BBvc Bttiel SnUtlt's lUe. died U tbe
today. They provUsd t&at '’In view
bosrUB) this Donliic. He coaumcied
to tbeir eon/'esslons and tbeir
PBbmbobU TOMdar vfalle stUUu
SB opw BlBdov. Miss Sulth, «b0_9Xs
athal nranler and tbeir agreeUkas to Uic bosUtBl U>e
dv. 1*
:'to teU tbdr nery ia open coart
MVBtWtMCOBralaselBs. Tbs newsriwy aAll not A prosaentad for Bor­
MB's iBR srordi stere: Tb fUd 1
der er for aa>' other crime kocldeeul
did It. TeU bar I hope she BsU woD
tA Roeaatbal expose, or tor
qaick. doc."
. He has w> ksoara raUUvas. hat Ut-


tuBs ssT tbsT «in Shra Us bodr the
tost bBrial poMnOe.
Tbs Stoth slri «as tarrtUj bnrasd
br a BOtorcrcls skpiaaiop white fUte« wMh tor awsstbaart Bapb's
HIW»tBd her Ufa.

iin B na t3,iN,Mi(i


Wssblugtoo. Oct. i:.—CoatluM lih
creases la exports f»B tA CaitA
States to our sister country on tba
Bort^ Caaada. are yrougbt tadlgbt la
r^to th; bare
otJoralgB and Ameatic eommerM.
ncaaemtira esUmate of toe OTerage
axpOTt bosInesB it ptoead at over one
mnUoB Alters a day. and a dc
yearn ago they areraged t25d.0W.
dcwpTdlag to tA tetaat comluation.
tba Angust atatameat of exports
ehowi that toe tahie to mercAndtee
exported to CanaA during :t4 day*
from January 1 to Augut SI. ISIS, is
prtctlcnUy S44 mUAo dollar* <
lore exact. $343, TSI.TTl. Bittunlnmu eoaL aotomoblle* natutUc
of Iron and steel. lumAr. eon aad
uiufgctured cotton are soa
tbe articles wUeb Are sona tb*
largest IntTeaso to wvgoruUoB





I Saa sanam to Watear
Michlgaa Pwblieity.

Tbe coBBtles of western Hkhlgan
re ooBlag to tbo treat lo a ro>*l
knaar la ngard to approprteUoas
for aastalaing toe work beteg enrriad
OB by the Westatw Hlctelgma Deralbpborean. Altboogh Ibis la onH-

LetoauQ coaaty. tba tema to Pres­
ident Bay. nmde toe regular approprlatk« with a uaaaUDons reu. 1a Kalkssb Aunty there was but wBo dlssenUng vote. Grand Travenm coun­
ty. as nsosl. wed (l.DOe for tba work,
la both Beasle aad Imke oonatlet toe
teulutJoDs (or toe approprlatloas
ride by good materitle* '
As la most to toe coeatie* toe
aloas contlBue for two weeks and

CUeago. Occ |8. —The letefrftob
and cable .tompaatos an reagtog-.A
rich harrat to message tools stow
Col. RoosercH's adreatutv^trith a
would A asaaaslB. Staca bis arrival
to CUcago BMsMgto Are rtoM.lato
to* local oSleas to tA Anpanlaa at
toe awaga tote to'lM aa boor. Tbcy
hrw coming from all parts of tA
*»«. dtetemau. politicans aA Bea
bA women in oR walks of life eonIribuUag to toe bushels of a-mpaUietie aA congmuteiory notto tost
Ava Aen flaabA bare by friend*
lagonisiB sA AArer* of CoL Rooaevelt. A tbw to tbem Ave been taken
to* ex-pfetodeot at the Aspital.
At tbe doctors Are trlA lo prcreai
toe ptoicat from reading them.


day, NIgM

tbe tnmtiy to JAa fld
of Otoenel floeacvelt. »»s ilie atslemeat today ad aciom win A-c
known hA all kls Ufe. TA grandfatbar of tA aUemptA antdarer wot
a rito Avartoo litewer wbb harf <o A
A doadr daHA tA IssT lew
fears to hte Ufe. T«e Am» unscniBdImu cngpad«qt.U;Aeluai*> totAr.
and SebtAk btiteAlf has alwcx l>cen
tadtara ami aadWr. Achdlag much,
of kia time broodtar
JoA Sefaraak was brought to tbls
coutry b^ bis Acle Ad aAt. Domtohk ud Anna Ptemmang. 3» years
ago. Ftamaang opened a tobron at
T^ato street, and tba Ay
was Juown to hla school males u
JAa namutAf. Wbn ji be
Abtod toe bar of Ute Ade'a wteem.
and to l»43 to* 'node gara the place
nls nephew. There was surprise
when ibe-aame Joka Abiwnk Instead
of Jtoin FteouDSA was pot'up the
rw proprlHor. At be explained (hat
ils was
own aam<
Tlwqfis Hsrite. pi^at to to->
Uqato ftel|n' MqoctotloB. aaM lodaIhat StteH^aa ^OMober of tA or
gAbfiarf smd was alnys coasidared
Uttie bd oS Tb hU bwd.
HebrankV aunt. Anna nammang. died
In ISOT, AIL debrank. wm a -overctm wito bfi grief tears
unalned for hte aMtty.
Sebruk’s unete Onminldt died, tear­
ing ereryiblag to bio. TA pepate
cMlBkatc to bl* (urtiua ww fiSS.bW.
Soon aftorward Sttergak nmved to
Ditotolyn Ad got lodglaga nasr Uieniwood (WBietery. totandtoK bosra Atl.-toc grwvea of hla reteUvo*
Last February. Schrsnk. apparently
tuLi'tog nffered finAdol-reraise* gut
>ob to toa mtopa to Edward Uabto-

•tel ww daawcd against Ua and A
Itarcfiraoed (A Ufa to toa Judge.
mee.A ManbaUA
aad took IdSRag at toe Canal Street
Hotel, wkicb be left to foUow Rooa*Tbe police found a bteck bag
owned fay Scfarwnk to the Brooklyn
hotel, where be fWBMfj tired, tt
of toe wouldA murdeier aad many letter*, too
(OBleaU to which wee* wltobcld.
Tbe poUoe albo ka^ (A aawe
tA mA who lent SchrMk IA «3»
with wliirh be startsd out to cbwae
Rooeerelt. but as it Is Amlttcd be bad
DO Idra of tbe use of The money, toe
lender s IdcnUty Is wltobeld.

All Leading Cawterteii to ld(arid aw

islly left to tba secoad week, toe
great boost for toe work of deveh^
It wlU come a lew days later.

Lctofarldge. Alt*. OO. W.—TA adtacs guard to ddeows.«at A A ap-:
pesrpace Are today at toe seveath
iBieraatloAl Dry meiteag CAm
T^c exhiUtioB to dry term pirodocu
WlU A opened totnomw Ad tbore'

-_jrbe all touA conpoateg toe MMii.
can State teagA hara roaarted plaj
era far »U an Mkiwa:
B07DB Citr—Bo slAbr. G.u .n Bpv
der. Chaika SWeIcbHB. Crorex GUIes.
AriiUBa tolaarda. lti«k Roberat. Bet
moat Method. A. K. «*dal. MIMoa
Pokorato. Oaotpa Dwortoto Itea Klk
Prad Mran. WtUlui KahagMv Laos
Uevitt. l«a engar tsa^odtol.
Maalataa Matt MdEOtaa. I
HaMC ^ Aaderaea. U. Hart. A1
CritJBiat*ar.,W. Case. Carttoa Joaat
Crew Pn»to>. TlB Hegaa. Ojrdc
McMtot. OaoTpa MaaaA. B. C. LurU
Janaa has bean diafted.
imdlaguo-fiaarr StoWU. 1« Bto
ter, Harbart 4*w*B.-<teorga Schate'
a*Ad rwiaiijwr. Fnak Maubowa. r.


.New York. OcC 18.-That lor tores

Alt Ladffsa and Mly^ (a Tea Casa.
Beaeclt, CsHf,. OcL lC.-«i«ntaDa'
USB Will Thks Part'
DOS combostioa or eronad electric
'to Work.
wires aras girea loday as tbe (robaPlans are ae* OB foot' amooc tbo bte eanae to tbe fliw last algbt which
yarfBheaa and Udr Maeeabeas el deatroyed toe federal - araenal bare
tto Utr to .hold a TaJr In toe Naral with a kWB toopward of tbreatUUiOB
re. Twdre iDimea ronads to amBaaBTs anaorr hstonalnK l>ec«
Ition and alxtr tlwasand stands to
4 and coaUBBlBC for fov foar daya
Tbte fair will to (Irea for tbs parpoae arms were destroyed.
The eompany to dO .mea .sthl.
to pajftac «« toe ladabtednes
cured at the teat dteUtet ■loeUiw at toe arsenal ptuaed the Are Hgtetlbk
aqUpBAt immediately, alter-tbe
Md htoa in Aeptenbar. and ateo
eraate a now toad for tbs fmipoae of ~ H ware AlaeoCtotoL lMto>Ua toe
lf>tac the aspassa o^ the same foot
vaatlea wUto vlH neat hara.atolB Ms to a
Bast rear. Tbls fair wtU to^asicltoted la hr aU the todM ooajpriaed to raacb it wito toelr bUosob to trala toe Notobarn MieUgan dlsirtcC !T.
8000 after, buwerer, the fire was
and It tbs jtrssaat plans are carried
beyond control. The threewlory stoae
OU It wUl to toe nwst atebor:
strociuto fiOed with loCammabli
ensi of lu Uad 'eTor carried out
Urtal made a blase riaible (or mites.
this part to tot state.
Tbe Beaeris araaBal was toe
Tbe antorr la apceiUty adapted
tor aaeb a fair, as «hara U itoatr to aqnlpplat ststteo for both toe FadSc
itoin lor e graod dispter of toe poods oeost and toe orieoL Tbe baUdlag
tbst'are doaalod for too dlsiiisis- was erected in 1&J9.
Ctoonel Charles Knggles. la charge
Bosths srllt be arraaped^,uv«K< tor
haDaadfliar^ be la rtoarga to to toe otdiianos dapattmamt of tbe
saeBban to toe dlSareat hjres .and watteni dlrlsioa. eunmaaded the aoltaAa la toe dlatnet. ia arch
*111 lomtsb toe bAbIc, aad as toe
(air is taeU teat batara toe .hoUdara Boa was la toe araaaU tolar 4:30
h snu draw nuar rtotun (rest out o'docK yasterdsy afierwote wfaea too
keys watw tntaed over to toe gnard la
to toe eltr aad tbertoir laersato
le. No powder or terpe ^s
hosUiaas to the local taercfaatos
lr< that weak. It will be a pood .wq^ Mprad-te Um bnUdliic.
tUag tor the Maecatoii aad a good

«w hatto partaia teat tofht aad west


idottod UflaMtAI’B'dBato -A
t to RaeAr m*

WlrM ia llawMd ftr pira—Qarriaaii Paigb* the FUmaa
taNa divan.

^ OTsp top totaaUdA aad laid pteas tor
haglaalBg tti work at oaea. aad eoatlnuiac M ntfl toe affair is over Tbc
tolloa1iato»eatBWoroeleeted: Pre*.
ideaL Plraak P. UotHh; aearetarr. M.
B. HoUer: traasuw. K. A. Srans.
Tbe coiBaaadalw to'the two teats sal
two Uaas wUi act aa tnwtasa to tbe
aonal^ Bacb araalag dorlag the
(air w0Ma taroad' over <e other
lodgM V toe «ltr. who wlU be *i«4-i
flegad ippn on aa eawtaiaateat for
espodatVwalag. The foUowlag comnilUao waa at^atad to bate ebatpr
to toe work to paUag np the fair awJ
tea ■uagaBul: UA. Biota.
- Wtrs. Flora a Colbr. Mrs. Chas. MoWdtoal. Vra. JAa TeaUta. Hra. El
■Mr TheMPsen..Mra. Clara Hall. Mrs.
BltoPB Ntor. Mr*. Fhoata Fortoa.
Praak r. Smith. Lee Goddard and
Prad OBAff.

• TA primary aae to tA ragtaa will
A la tA yards, bat it <*a A Aoagbt
to tA DalOB atatten or toaawbere
; cA nnd It aaoMary. TA ter
mlnal As bem eo Ansuwctoil tAi
r can A reached at asy poUl to
the >*rdf.
TUa is Ml an toaoratka. as toe
Praasylraala As 'equipfird a larcr
namAr of stmUar ewetoea.
ptoeee they Are gjuwu toOto
toao IA fire departmeau aad are-call­
ed ote» to do-moat to tA work,
tew tAa a bundred aad fifty fires
Are Aea eaUte(nteA4 A tA
Ure fiK emgtoas to «A AHokt
auUqu of tA PcBasyiTaato
TA tgOreBd has a ipecia) orgaUzatten wUeb Aenmea aSaetive wAatrjrr s fire breaks out. Tbe assUlaBt
chief ywrdawstar acta as cbtof of tA
ulBeat; he gires geaeral dlrecu la case to a fire aad eoadacu
II from time to time. Ototnetors
toe xarioos traloe near tA
to toe fire act as ektofs oftA v
crew* wUle tbe fiagmea look after
toe uoreellBg to tA bose. TA brakeoMspteu too tfigaaltatlon A aet>lBg aa aotslemea.

Hlatory af Ifafl WA Triad w Aeaas-


A atooUpg of the .
charge to the ««hot M tk (he UliP.

I rnmet. oArtood (ram tA tow

PoMod Away Last Night Attar Lang
Charit-s A. Brow*, aged wl years,
died Friday at bto dwaw on Sute
street after a laag Bteaaa He cune
» this.-....... —
----------sad is sunlred by bis .wUa. three
telidraa. Ctaarte* to this dty. Mrs.
Preotice to Beetoa Harbor aad Mr*
VaadOflia of Hanford, ooe brotbtf
tlsler. wbo ateo lire at Hart,
aad two brotoara sad one atstar to
A Aon prayer aerrice wUI be baU
from tba home aad tba rsmaiat will
A taken to HartArd. wtetoe fuasnt
sarrleaa wto Pa haM tt StA Monday

'asblagtoa. 0«. 18.—Plre tAusaad. two baArA ud four
Bumber of tA angtoe Umt tA Peaa•yl«Ate
equipped wito ffldicrn fire fighting
aad put la comaitsskm to as­
sist toe district firemaa to exXtoguisbtog Ames to tA rattroA yard* partlcuterly «sar New Jetaey Ad Mrglate avenne.
Because to toe Ugh ueed «f wfitek^
toe Agtoe if capable aA toe tact that
' has right of sray an tbe Urn* A
aerrice wlQ A lavalaaM* u has al­
ready beem sAw* by Hs toncleney la
putting om uaaU flame* to lA yarda
wliboat tbe asslMaBce to toe araaid^panmaai. The ase«U«st swbcb-

Ill UK nue BcnT

Saturday, Oct. 26th
One Day Only
On this day Mr. Yosknni, repre*
seatiDK Hennan and Ben Msrks of
Dotrolt, will he at our store with a .
complete line of Furs of ail kinds,
imall pieces. Muffs. Coats, etc.
Those ot yon wbo want soroetblOf '(
^on can find
a splendid opportunity.

Blow PeanylrAla train at 8:{S tbiaj
nornlu tor Oyater Bay. He was exAuted wAa A isacbed hli Ai'Wta
car and Ad to resL He walked sev­
eral st<-A wUte Vaviag toe Atpital
aad was tetigsed but In high spritt*

A obscure freight sUtIo* where A
gardnl fals train.
4The 8 oVloch AAUn eald: -|•ulsc,
ncre U still some discharge to
TA palm to the AUet was deABiiHy
tocaiad this morntng. . it Is sensitive
to preasure. At'bis general condition
is Very good aad he rested ven* well.
The AUel U now racased in OSsue.
witb DO Indication of latectioa. Tbe
saDBlIivencu dws not indicate a Ad
Reeaevett Restteg Well
On Uoani Roosertot
Warn* Ot* JUr-niyi
RdMer-cn AUetbted I
If rraUng weU and v
re and tcsplrotlc
J4te w<mA U oozing. At toe docora Bay tbls Is not A uaterorafal-y
Lyrapton. The crowA st toe tuU<
kept toeoghttally atia


ly Mr* DotoKtto and |wr cblArw. t
wbo-come tram Ohio to sAsd tor
eUBimer. S.'C had gone to tA aeigbArs test amitog a Hitte later atolecd
a fire la tA direction to ber home.
NoIblA war'saved from (A flr«^
The bouM- w..* not Incnrrd aud Ih*-'
Idas lu Ur. Scchy u sfauul Vfw.

Kup Sale

■a fiAaMva t
Tbia la On\y Natural Npmfit—
Celanal Was SxAuated an
Reaching Train.

J. W. MItUKEN u.

l^avcrae City's Best Store.


Next Time
Don't forget to kclude in your order for
BEIST flour, a sack of our

Guaranteed Fresh and Pure.



Ha Will Raeavar Pram

. Bant St. Marie. Oct. IL-Jolm MrL«m acddaBUlly sl|M Martin Roc.
bl* friend, while buoUv inday wbtrb
Is too first oecMaoi of tA local scasoo. Tb* ballet aAttered bl* rittot
lilp Lone but bn will rtcorar.


ConUnoes Tbifi Week

This sale is successful because the
merchandise is not on'y W priced, but
of good quality. Some very good num­
bers were added to this astortment.

Coats, Soils and Dresses
Trar erse City High Aboto Ims beea
placed OAB tA avcredltqd lU to
ceboob by the rafverslty of I'enasylraate, »hb* d«l gaes to prove toai'
toa cteM of work Aae in IA acAto
tuUy up to tA staadar.1 required by
« best ralveraltlef to tA eouatry..
TA (tolowiM letter In regard
received fay
cat Ty ler:
OcL IS. IS13.
Trarene City HIcb SebooL Trtverae
City. MIC* Mr. 4. U Tyier. SuArtaieadeat
Uy Deer Mr. Tyler: I ULc pleasure
I informteg you tAt tbe Traverse'
City High school has been fateced upA toe avxTedUed 11*1 of the t'nl>e
to PcDn*ylYanta and tAt its gradi
given entrance credit wlifaout
ekaminstk>n in all asbim^ In wbicb
tA.v have received 82 Ar
provided tA tasual amooni to
I Iso has been Avoice fay tbe studrm
I toe varloiu saldects dariag bis
tooto obOR*
'YiratB very truly.
hi C. Howtead.
CAlnaan ComuHtce Entrance-Reqalrameats.


Carr. fhd. Oct. 31.—Tbe taaeral
of -BUly" Bngh. tA ncwabcD «A
gave bU crippied lA tbU alda might
A grafted oa to (A body to Mi**
Sibal Bmlto. thereby uiiag her lUc.
waa heU here Saadsj-. ud praeUra'.
I. tsUwur effleuis aad lOl Carr and Btaar to toe surrouadl.
lovws attended.
trtw. tacfadlat toe United Sutc* Au*
trail* Busste. Turkar, Franc* Maxico
aadHuagary wilt be rtpresntad. Both Aaren utf*a fin t
JamcrWllao* secrctery to agrieultoa tuaenJ tar. wbA
tare to the Uatwt State* SB« Mat- cueapOBy to finmen carried the Aw-;
tte BurroO. toe ransrtlaa mlateter
cr* Hayur T. £. Knotts aad tb*;
agricuHor* are espaeted to address
with hare beads walked
tor Aad of tbo proCMaloe.
tA 'CMglWI.
regular seeilons of tbe ooagres*
begto MoaUay and coattone Jhioagb
ranter Art to tA weA The Hm
to aebadsM spesken lacludee ocariy

Obmm Seely to %

Tt^ether wilhbiher merchandise « .be­
ing sold at a fraction of its wotth. Come
this week.
Bachant &. Roscoe Old Store.

Traverae Qty's Best Stare

is made of wheat gluten, com gluten, cotton seed
meal, hom^y meal, linseed meal, barley sprouts and
wheat bran: so says the manufacturer, no salt or 8N
4er of any ^nd.
The UiDeom Dairy Ration is plariHed to give
more protean and more real digestible food than any
ration on the martlet If you are after tbe largest
profits that there are in tbe right kind of feeding then
use Unicom.
A bag sells at $1.80. and 5 bags or larger quanti­
ties $1.75 per hundred.
Keep track of the increase of milk' and tbe im­
provement of the quality of your cream. You will
not be the first one to admit that the value of Uni­
com in the dairy cannot be reached by any other
feed. Get tbe booklet at the comer of Front and
Cass Streets that explains more fully.

; Grocer

i Grocer
Corner Front £ Caaa Streets.


fim •oUeet to bo prowfted, obo«
Mm. uoNuBM M iftibltBijtliir o
▼enaiit with ber sobjo^ nd -w*
delichUB] A^erlptiaai wm« eItob

O-KardHM. agd.>be gc<)Mf^
Dfea*,” BtrriesU. fb* tetter with .
br Jftw Belee Hon-

mrnmm w»»ftT u.

^ ^____ ______

*^5lss Inns flee eoi&laM the |wo-----------------------------X,
with a r—dine. ~AaOrder
(ura nooriAaieikt, so tne^icAIv ferfm
jAuerleo'' '
greatlr jyipre■ Alfo Olydn
atca gni distributes it t.9 .cvet>'
HI—tfoUnfl VariM SobioctA
te tbe sb^ilftl
lb«i president. Mrs. organ, every tissue—tc(|d>Bg<
Mucen fb-TVe* Yorii. wllb vUehabe
was perinnallir CamUlar. 8be a)po J. W. ratchin. bst vice president. «as nonriihi^ and resiioriiig. thiera to
ssvo a brier aoDmary of tKb mWM
lonng} aedrit}-.
An Uw' At Um Woioan's QA Is al- ptiaUagt bf gnat gnstm wbkA are waa oteeted
wars ana of iDterest. and (be ptof^nin at present <» this coantirpatent medidiie, but is natnre's
UUi Clstn Bates. During
»—Icfdar •ftemdon. under the l^a^ I In ceoaerftMi o'Ub (He sit work of
bodf-amndtBKnt wsth curative,
1*!^ Of Mtn. E. T. rAsIcw. WM ei- tbe dar. a seri— of ateroopticoe slUea the bnaUieaa aasshm ,tbe clab tf^k gc
nptNxading prt^wTties and witboMt
nrgtlnilT -ntrrtilnlnf Tvo^Mceiieni weie shown, tbe deacriix!»r>i ^
' (loD in rmrd to a protM eoneerning
adiep at drag or ateahd. -It conslot msebin^ Vblch nre’alleged
n were flTea by Vnj' FVsftk P. were read bj- Mn. C U. Corel!
tJins aoiteiMr cod liver o8. the
HeNaiaam and Miss Hej^ Moore., Dorti« the artemooa rrr •■barmiax >« ft operalJno In (be ePr eontr.
of lim« and —da
the ecatralto solos were glren by Mrs. A. tew. K was also decided by the c
sjlaml raiatlagi in
(0 fill a (loner bed on ibe Hbnry' with glycerine. and is s<
Riouiidt wKh (nllps for nest spring’s
without digestive effort—builds,
tones and sustains.
After croup, whooping cough,
measles and other child ailmente it
is natnre's ally in restoring health.
After grippe or pnenmooia it
iparts liUen^ and health, and
for colds, coughs, aore. tight cheMs
and throat troubles 5C07T’5
EMUKSiOU gives the greatest relief
Tbe Oral sblpaent or faaa- apides known.
froDi tbe western SUebigaa territorr
A wtiinati niio bad uiwnl one liniml
acovT* POW»t. BtoBScM.K.J.
Kngtead vRI he auide In a Tew
aiid thun^rfat it liiui uv Kuporior wo>
<te>B. Three bundled barrels are bo
•on to get LUv Wliiie.
ing packed in tbe orobard ot Beabdn
Kou-.mIic wonders how Kiie euuJd ever
■ver have been so blind
I'arnbam. of Saail lake, lor abiptoeot
—ao coulent with the other brajid of flour.
Manchester through an ez|ienliig|
m. Tbe apptec are bJT o! the best |
8br aa.vs her bread is now much whiter, liial it Itiu a
aleck (bat can be obtained aud arc
more ddicioua flavor and tlia't her pastrj- is siuiply graitd.
above tbe apecifleations. Tbe origiDal
There prubabb* are others who have not )‘ct seen thd
pack aad onallty Is guaiaaieed by-the
‘lifiit. We know thurc at* a few who do not use


A Woman’s

m tffts iniiuD


Lily WWte
"TkFfsar lie flat Coeisffte"

They arc aineere m their belief that what thb' arc now
indug rannol be exrvlled—but Iticj- are -luisUkeu.
Soinelinies. of Murse. women who are.used to etioUirr
hnmd .do not get the btat reaults froin Idly White on the first
trial beeansc they are not fauiiliar with the Uwt luethod of

-'teudling it.
Hut after they eatrii

II lliey arc^^’iitliiisiuKlie Lily White

It M |«aekcd ill 8AMITARY, sewed tucks, (vith our name
u ei(dL Voqr dealer gludb' ridls it.*

^afgtaiy htiliiiig Uiifipaiiy
KafHs. m^s

many men

Many Mih^

lor, iw mny At Biot-

,' 9aimmfJBnu9




tlM to $2^25




horn $1 to $4


Qo. Co.

barrel or Sfl—a conU per box te nude
to cover tbe expenae of InspectKea
ami cost o( labels that are lurnlabcd
by the bureau and placed on eacb
package inspected b.v tbo bureau ex­
pert This aUpte«t wlU open nn cnMl market for' apples grown in
art of the sute and give a grvat
impetus to lb* trait growla gtnduatiy.
Once tbe SHdjlgaa apple g«x A-fooh
bold on tbe towlgn market tbe sales
wilt be easy ao long as tbe grade and'
pack te guaranteed by a r—ponalblc.


in isrttmiQinnEiT

Will be

Asked i

Three Measures ta Insure Fair
Oealins Oetwaan Agset
and Purcha—r.

«dU lexve ijadJagton. with



qi> «■

«ot and (te—gfoP tfar u^tete^wirksiap b*c
algb-. tbe' I’xrk Ma— hMeL„and tbe;r
Iw lakrn rare of e
jt.uaxc. I'ntoi here,they 'kjit g


hte'nre ^ate-'ria tbo moralag. tu.-n

w '• (ialli-ka and doww i
Cadillac. Reed Chy. Big Itepida and
ban aEUcted with Graad Kapios.

Um MKtltfllT IMliJ

the taotorlsu <d tbv
'•C (te

a^ wta—it aboold be aUc «o coatrol Ifee

; rowla in northern Michigan. Mr MusUw-iBapanaatentniK. TliianmttasaB aeteblle-ataled ibli moruing tbal Ibe
sateate That Ha May ftqtume H
Speaking Dwrii« Late Wssu ot
Cmspalgn; Epaat • C—v
fortable night

Oct.' 1>.—Phrslc-lans ai

be taken fromOyster Boy at 10:;;. Monday moralns
low train of.tbv PecniylvaaU
railroad. Tbd P:1J ballMin this mornlag sUied: -Pulse bC. lAiperatarc
Su. Vrxuhtag
lev and r—ilng -well,
c—idltioB te good aad be U coaval—cinf rapidly."
Tlie danger of Isfertloa te precilnl
ly tjter. tbe uuly wutry now is the
kahtlng of the rraetiirad (ounb rib.
U kniu propeily Kooscvelt n-ar i-.cumu epeaklng the last wc,te nf ibe
sOgn. tee spent the nwut com
Iprubte nlgtx since be w— sboi.
Tbo jibyalciaiia ore uow orellsfled
that tbe ertete bss paased aaiislaciarily and that brery hoar will now Ri-d
tbe colonel uuirc rapidly- adi-an.clitg
toward compote recovery.

oily good roads during rim great■ *"»*»«» well atmoisiemademtear 'iiart of tbe trip, and that there- were
ta, in llfie---- ooeriolW
suebotUei. Y-mnav

W the rar to ^ throuUi Tbe lomle
ukl in tbte part of Iba (late ore la better
islrepc than most ot the roads (artbee*
south, aad more manry is being tpert
by tbe towt.ships fndT rveuilra In
I northera Ml.bUan tto Saiprmc ib^ -

______ fqw y—ra BBtU there will be severe:
. —lh»n ivceUcqt astMUoUle ' roatra (rr> i
In i^iSg
Crani'^Raplda to Traverse Cfly. tbU
tt^y nerfriTTn
wriUng DrTd^
& Ox. Binghamton. b-.Y-.W-re^ '‘‘J
considered Ibe very hear;
popcf. Dent cuke any , of Uic great resost region oT twitheni

Very Wtet Saw.


The -billboard man's potst of view
ihs! ibe billboard belps burlnt-SS.

Fortunes in Facet
There's cAoo muck Uuib In Abn
aayii— *i>er face ii her lartvnw" bat

Ovand MMa Monday. Tour!
dteOgore H. I^re hleod 1s
ing Korthsm Michigan
ibm-k of them all, and sbows the neod
!or l>'. King-v .\'cw J.ife Pills. The}
would was not taiab -It's b—u todious wsitlu here, as ibte te tbe very
Orertend m,
belgUt ot tbe cswpslgn an|I every day ________________
•' ■
driven by Prod W, .Keanv
-------——-----I—t msatix a golden oiqionuoHy lost ^
crand BapMa.
of callmi auenlton to onr cause."
hlairy W. Mus-lwblte. sporting odirmsrmn. nmy. proow
Two doctors will probably I

Tbe proiiosed or«iniSBi>oii of tbe
teal rstals men ofdJie stale and parIbe aulomwblles tital wlU li-aw- Grand- a-y
UesUrfy. those of satrrn .Mlcbissn.
tliipida neu Mouday on a fonrda.’’
will be iwrfoclcd at the Isuul and Ap
•Mlaon and Boall Will Conler with jite show wliii-li w ill 1« held In Grand
Saves Leg of •ayM ynirwild bov
ttapidk on Nuveiulii'i l.'>, prouilixw
cm qocoant
iiiui-h fur tbte Hoiliuu of Hu- >.
oner It te pin lulo-|>ratileal opcistluu.
tb'nim Satunteys Ilccord-EaRlc.l
«iiN. Aqaohe.
and dories
Tbe greater part or tbe mornia TiH! formatlou ol this orsuuJrulioD
(Prom Thursday's Korord-Kaglr.),
tn~u lluekaslon at tlic Bopcrvlsura meeting w a will enable Uic rclUibIc dealers o' ‘
Tlic fui-enisors ot Grand Traierso
c<l hliu wKll
taken up In ctmiiuluvc work. . stale tB.roiobal tiic wildcat «-oncctns rountj at their se«lon this afterncarn.
hums. Iwilla akin
wbb'bb t^c
n^c a ssimcUlD of unlM
report of tbp Jail inspection, and
He at all dniggiata
aiiproprteted $IJMW for the work'of
the Weitera Mleblgsn Uevclo’pmcnt
ipatra was given, and the ahnngl rebureau for the-y—r 1913. So far tbte
(be people of the motives of
t of (he saperlntrandent of the
c»k Three coiinile* have made ap>r Wins received. This was referroJ . real estate men lu general. Tlic great propriailoos. The otlicr two besides
the committee on Snance. way a majority of the dealers In the su
Traverse are Benzie and KalI meana Tbe total amount of are bonesi and are doing tbeir best
uitefy their epptomers aad make per­ saska.
ctelnis turned in _at this mssIou
manent dilMDB af them, in order
more than FMdO.
committee of (wn, Meaars. Sbil- do tbU fair dcaUng and trutblul adLONG LAKE. '

S,p9-ln.o Wilhelm Bdg. Traverse aiy, Mich.
iTertising is necesaary aad In order
1. In re- Insure this policy it is thoughTVsst
lamg i.ake. OcL IS.—Ur. and Mrs.
n organisation wblcb will work
g.ird to tbe building oi aai
Ran Jeaaluts of Traverse aty risltla bartotmy al all times and witb
nisd tbrouiA the northern pan of
I St Will Pierce's last Sunday.
smte parallel 4n the shore ot Lake common puriosc la Mew. to bnlld
Man- ’>U-G1II. who. te dttcndlng
from (be beat class of l>cobilcblfan.
boot la town, was brought borne sick
ple losaible.
iast week, but te lni|>roviBg nicely.
This meeting will l>c pn sl.Ied
and Mrs 0>car Lyons, aud
r Hel>cr A.^Knott, and llw Ural
daugliKT. .Maiuiv. u( (he iv-nlnoula.
<dou will iKLlK-ld in Uic t'ulteeum FrI
Mr. and .Mrs Arthur )ul-J of
When ii turns your work oud waiting
■lay forenttoa. .No\eml«er li. fcHlowcd Tnnerw c’Uv. visited their larcjilr.
into 'casitaesaloD In llic afurnoon
Mr. and .Mrs. C. Ankersou. Wt busday. It If Intcadcd to ask tbe
Wiirtbe handKng of your money b*.
next legUtelurc to pass three blU{ for
Dave .N'ewsirad's family te sorely af­
tbe welfare of tbe sute at large,
the best in years ?
flicted. Ills cbnJrm have tbe whoop­
fltat will _be a measnre to license real ing coogb. and b(« wlfejs'wlck ii
trie Uitet and Fewer company, the couie d^ers, ebargbig tbem a suffi­ owing to an operation sbd lud test
Make it tlie >>est by ODening an ac­
fonoslng directors were elected:
cient tqp to make ibe orgaulsalJaB ef­ week, ^he Is doing
well as
count al Uie First Natiou^ Bank. This
r'loyd Cllneli, A. V. PYlcdrleh. Charles fective. aud any one who hi gullu of
Bank will keep your funds safe, pay you
Wilhelm. Prank Votraba. I«wte Ureidem h> a
a kliclicD sbow'cr a
Urh. Robert Caldwell aad Charles JI. •au Uo iwi triiT'ciLJNutecM by listing
11 profit on your surplus, advise you
yisM Katunta: ■•(ening In
bis Ibwoae reVobed upon the
tte prrsoQla'
carefully about investmenis. and open
> Mile, whose mar
Tbe directors riecled tbe oglcent as UoB of the proier ■■ruels. The setoad
Ihe way to establish credit.
nc»l week She rrt-eived
lie asked for is a blue sky
guwl saiidy of ulensUi to
ITesIdcut-lt. Ho.vd Cllpeb.
tew with refervace to roil cwtale. This ons4«ceplhg with Mn. Arthur KII
^ (Come right in and begin uow.
Viee presldeat—Oiaries B*llbolm.
would prevent wildcat finin from sell- murry will entenaln for ber next iini
Sesreury—A. V. Friedricb.
log land hxeled al the hottcni of
urda) cteiilTig in ike form d( u lowel
Tiwasurer—Cliarles U. Beers.
lake or la a bwaaiji. or other place shower.
tbalc«ul4 never be recteiaud. Third,
Tyler. suiwrinieBdeal ol lli<
Saved by Hte WMa.
the orpaateeUan kUl ask that

Control oi lie
Tyiierso City srboote. and Rev l', H
She's a,wise wnmaa who
commisIrviug. lastor of ihe Baptist ehureb.
what to do wbaa hcr,bu._..
_ te In danger, but Mrs. R J. FHnt. alon whose duty H will be to make an will nwak at (be town liaU Wedne-teaj
\ u la of ttat
that kind. "Shn examination of the plac barreax of the eveolng. Oct. :s. on womso’s auflrage
inalaled cn nty using Dr. King's New
and asearuln whether
Bojh gci
gcotiairen nre eioqueBi tpexkcn>
Uscovel?." wri«”*Jlr.
wri^ Air. F„
P. -for
they can ever be developed Into vain- end she
■hould he greeted by a
dreadful cow^./when I was a
aMe farmlag or Cn>R laa^. Tbe forau friends all tboiagki 1 bad

lenimE irpuna

smrnmi »TE si)ho


Monej; to Loan on Fnrnis







uKk cure f«r cough.
d coUa, lu tlm wt
Me mn4MK ;R>r t
lag t.-oubtes—grip. Driwcbltla, cioi^p
w-iin<piag cough, qulnay. lensDliia.

His Uraent N—d.
"WHl wee' tM ooM tlhik Jawfc
needed te nabe bla safer tkns Uib
■naday aebeei Aeaeber. trying te la
pre— tbe n««ratlty of faith. *Th<
aarth.’’ aaU tat of ber acbotexm
n the Trade
i e»t _
____ ______ __
tiouUe aboad if R is ml reaunwd. ac
hdoes looi of pppeilte. It means tei t
of .Vitality, toes ot sireagth aad oervt
w-lraf-. If appetite falU. take Elec
trie Bttterw quidir to orereome tbs

maUoa «t this orauteadon aad tbe

giaaaage of these msuures win go a
greet way toward foaterlDg tbe Ucveloi’inen' of tbe northern part of tbe
ami csper lally tbe territor> comIft-ired In the twenty Counties
lirteed in tbe bureau. Tbe UlueU ripe
tor sHcii a campaigii aad ibe aooucr it
la pat into actual otwratloa ebe better
It win be for not only woatern Mii-hlbut for Ibe enure State. It will
give as official saaetten to the work
and will insert fair tr—tmeat
pnopecUve settler, wbo te assured
(bat noUiing wfll be misrepresented
him when be cere— bm to purchase
taonte ,and become a eitlxcn. ' i><
real —tatc men are taUiif kindly u
tbe id— and most of (bea are ven
eathdOastto aver tbe change pto

0. H. S. C. P.
Tbte is uik a frattrnjl
Tbfoe irileni stand for i
greMca( helps In tbe wosM. T
They reltevc hllloasiM^s. tired Ic
Ing. (<i>iistlpatlon and all dm>rd<-r*
the stnniaefa aad bowel' Ot: IIP
lUCK'R PlUte hare been in uso I
over CS yiwn. and arc lU- stands
famiS ratbartlr in .ibniisands
oome»>. iTIce 5.'* per box. Sold by
Amerkau Oeiie K>ors.
4 Csaffsrt fsvHeg.
A bsg-a batet oi asnuteteg UasE
galwt a post hot ted ta tbe Isroatloa

.sad whoo
non tbey do ysr rbculd
__ _____ wjb a bottle of . BENN*
' JImvarkte Mg ts^Mtii
a hea!^w. Tork «&y bM tmmj-m
remsd.v lorr—s. wuoais. spramk.,
la mek al wueb tta m
(linsi. rbcw—ttem. lame bock and
____ _____ than tW/
.... Coed iBioraallr ntoa 1
The largest of tb—« tedsa
jBte coHc d}—mtery sod sick alo;
trtaa Is (be amsataeiara of dotUag ■tel. It is a etean. pteosaal and
feetlve remady. Price •if -floUl
Amivicoa OiMg Store



iitessne FREE.
All expert dvini-ueUetor T'om
S-JUll. Iki-d. wiM l-e t! onr atom
tuU wevh ' oiiie. and ji>i
wGi bear aomc .nalde range ta':.>-.L.\tiOD






.f «sersETEiv»j'

MatcUess Faroiturc Bnyins Opportooitics
Rtead of Oiese Uasn^ssed 4^14009 erf F<u*idti^e md HousefamfsMag Goods
Thendme and l^cure the mggesi and Best Values Yon Ever Knew of ~
Experience provee to u that <mr spmsi Mlei of fiindtnre and home fnisWung foodt are moit lati^
factory to oar tndiag public. The reason! why they are ntisfactoty are: First, ve plan for and
buy for them mi an exteuiTe scale. Second, we veiy asateriaUy shorten our legithnaU profit,'and
by ao 'doiag largely increase the volume of business.
While the valnes quoted here are very moderately priced, we have plenty orthe better ^d more
axelnsive styles of furniture, ail of which are marked at very low figures.
We would emi^uaiae the fact that aU our furaitare is made of good material, weU p*t together
and placed at figures that net you a substantial saving.

$3.00 Rocker

Exactly like j6ut



, A largCi comfortable Rock* c
I ^ • .41
er, with embossed back and.
^ ttrfid saddleaaat


In this Sale at


for this Sale at

Set ef «; Exsetly Like Cut
Good Dstlero. *lll» Ion*

: wmMoio

D »2 iron Bofl9

Sale prin.




0D«rctl at

i^wi or roal.

8 85

made with C dravero and bevel
plate Btirror irxSO Inehet. Note

(Jaat like roU

Very atlraelre deelcn; lias :4x21-toeh
top; Bole the Mm abelf belo* and
ilK* Shaped loss.
w *9s
Salej.,price ...................................




euppUee and

- Join Mrtt ’ before

they afe nil



OiecoratedSled Panel Iron Bed

.M im

'BOsW With heavy posts: finuhed in White. Green or Blue.
Any Size.


SM rasea. or C.OOO pairs of nr».
fffiah Rubbers and Amirs. Wr bought
Utem a Kttk under prtee and are la a
tnaJiion to paw the aatln* on to yoa.
This bi* parrhaae iorJudr. eriVy klml
or rubber. -Man-. Amies vlth 1. 3
and i bnrklea: all Ind* and lenftha
of leather tops; light rubber* to nt
fay heel or tov.

fr: & F^*:

This Same $6.00 Bed with our “Never Sag" Springs to ht,
and one ef our Cotton Felt fop Mattresses
Complete for...................... ....................... ...................

Wo haro all the lalnrt KaH and WlnUT laxia and loatliora Id ahora or teal rlax* and (iitaHty
liuyiui: liiducfiiu-iiL.
aalit lilTorda;



Meab Btirkie An-Urs; nay sixo


tonnd h> actiul 1..XI iliui uh™-. U>4*b.
i.I.Uip Glob* Siiin;^ Wfur JonetT, ar*
more ramfn
iforialil*. and ntr.i l*ax thao
Iho.* iKiiiKh

ISO pain of flna
. ne dm.
lro» atji«
to*. porToraiod
porTofaiod vanrp;
apfrlallj pr|r*d


,.r buitop; i,.-» hisb

.... J.23

ThI. wilt iMi V

\ re ;l .•

'4fco.A rj e. .


t «h* limit

nen-iw and raliie la ihm


■u,""" .......

No b*if*r Xhn* mad* for »*»; gea«<;nl IB appeanor* to any $3/>o abor

Jl *F V

15; aale price, pair..................
Bargain table lot oC twnew made bo> a'
aboer; all aolld leather; sixes ui<



BL pair..............................................*.*•





Tabt. Full of St)o*. far Uttla Tata.
v.i!i lux I r xutL;.. bmlx.
n.ilU* xoii't. r:* *.')!!
kid upniT*. Mie pru-*, pr , .wOC

TbOM- ai« made vllh vriocr ra:r gad
kid upi>*t> ;.'rhi iml hravv u,<t.s.
Hi-t^li; rl>M i to
$; Jp^laJ at. parr..................

fnr hard iinss-:• liuj two -al. wl... ui-ad
c-ra and i«;> bm i:W. A sht* v
- '
V: .' ir pr:, i.
MrtT -uro in M.
IlMXr S'rp;, :s.


Cblldren’s sod


Our «.»k fclii>
n-.oticj'. Tlie,' i
Mrii'» bl

; am aSonI Uslliii;

will. *ood.



New Pall Shoes and Rubbers

.....,.r.....v....5ifC ..’Sih'S. 'ir-ssi........ ................... 1.33


till ! rj

(^or Men. Women-and Children. Perfect in fit, quality and looks, and pric-e<l low
enough to suit everyone'.
Stylish. comfortAble and serviceable shoes are so moderately priced here, that
you will never again be satisfied to pay hi :<b prices for your footwear.

ITie«« euoie^ nerve as an Index to
lbs earktg you caa make by bBylni;


We will eetl
you a sueratileed Globe
Steel RaDS%
,lti« !>ke cut

Shoe Department



fi Efi

, Grand Buying Chances in Our


nor*' Mlo (W Sboea.
beary aole*: elne $ to


Si...:.....1... 14.85

Our Easy PaymeDt P^aa will furnish your home complete. We
have outfits for four in'i five voums at very attractive prices.. Come and
see us and Save MoneyT


PajrmenU »1« per week.




In your

ho■^ you hare aa ideal kitchen.



Spletnlld dreipn. with mnmy base.


Club Platt

Saved lime,


iExsrtly Ifte pSrtare)
A wobderfal raloe fw this'snla:

, Delivered for tlM on the Ismeaa

With a Ifooeier



JOfeB Onr Booster C^blaet






(dust like the pldnre I

Tte maeti pitm


p< r oonare yard..........................................................................

.... ...........6.8S



The B'««ietlnE kind; splendid aelertka'of
Ub tale

U.S0 steel Coaeli


A lO-lDch Heater vitli rlenl)- of nickel

Rob-* norm
Sale prtee

lor il<l«



- a •avlDg of from (3.00 (a $10.00.





Storm tliil will Imnl wr.Kl

trlmmine: icnte



or'codt. Md th«t wo oiaranlm'wMI
«flbrd iMttDi; JltiBfaMiM.


irrh pednatal; very SP-’*

nr six. y


3.00 Parlor

SeaHag Stove


Exactly likeCut
Especially- well madt, with
three Iar$e drawers and a
* bevel .plate mirror f8 x 24
inches: a wonderful bargain

$M SaUd Oak
fcxtcartea Table

.curely bnred: solid seel, all liard 3


$12 Dresser


See the Globe $p^al
a high grade welt shoe


See the late arrivals, in
Ladies' 16 button Tan
and Gun Metal Boots at


Misses’ Fine Shoes
Oiggest and b**i bwuBlB v« ter»
*v.r offered.
You Bill Had »»S6
dMca la thi« krt; light asd bear,
lt-eb«n; alxe. i; to 2: ail la orb>t. aicbole* .
g Mk



t »AT lAOU, imSAT. OOT. S, IMS

; tnit Mr. 1»t r««diBC M6 |
* Brpvs tbooxbt that, m he had kllM have hMarr m. T«ca«ayt. weotwa^ » naar of the aelMlt vhieh preyed danaadrrMan. and r««iflB« on M<mdeetmed u iiraeb of the dan aad Thtuedaye We have oar
HaU'a rrala. hr had a ridu to ai potatoea all das aear. .tt> have ear
aahe horded f«r Ur orchard to deaa up yet. had oar
> he a»d hla ante aacd to haab. Mp aeatnta th ached
Traverae CHr are all rrer
I. I—W
Ter “***^ to B» o« to the earty tDorUact AHct Smith. Imat vMk there war a
S»: -4 nu*e««dh lor their h-aUam.
The roaac ttaai «aa a ^tl**r M Teara eld. She rwelcod aome
aaea tarfa i
lotr. and did net like to ha«e aay of
preaeau. 1 had a cood time. We
>»d beiac very cruel Uayed vmer. WUI you pleaae a^ad
Oiae dar he appoarad a toe near..
... ___.. .... ...
■ hnttnn* Aad
a»ul me
my hntfhee
heetber aad
deof. hoaae
“ «»U he took hu la- - • b«toh?
loot their battOha.
««r *» *•“ tor «totev have tot
eat-kaxuafe could ceevey. I deelre a
to cat ahy.
irad Hetes “
Rorarlk’a letter a
e; aad U tWa>OTei aaitahle. hero -hoever ahoaJd
Oho momlhg be caw Jlr. aad «nu
«It la prlBL

i OMbt
I «W try


* ^alha



tayUWwhiM'M t *


^ JmlUtiyhakplMiaftlMl^ J
k aad Mad da asafySadf m« da «‘
# mrr IMat thias,

........ ..... ..... ............... .... .

« you are the moat beaotUal U«y I **« >» 'he trouad. badly woaaded.
Z have ever aeea. Tour name l.^a- «" Prowa bid la the thick burbea
eb.™^ uitt^^Iod
♦ • ♦ « • Oetloa. Do j-ou like creatnr
w^^he daht could t»t Sad ber. but
“*^ ”**“
xow baadelloa mon welsh at leaec “• '•"Sht Mr. Iirom n aad carried him ' '*‘‘"h »»■ ■« app^ate her,
foOTteea pouade. HU far U ahlalex
Wlaasler Mich B P I) No 1
from the tip* of bU yoHow ear* to tho
The IHile children waited aad wall•‘•hsney. auca. it. r^«, >o. i.
Up or Ua .vallew tan. He U at dlsal- ed for their breakfaal. but-ao one
ai be U eoerseiie, aa determlaed came. Kobe of them were bis eaoush
I ibouchi I would write to the Sun­
teMO Vice------ -------------I—, a* be la xenlie. And hla maaBert are (o So awaj- aad find food. They eaUed
shine pdse. I weuM like to be a Son-are peUihed aa tala fur,
maay dmea for thler father and mothtUne s<ri. I would Uke to have you
-A moat maarfcable cat •“ your od to eomt Still no one came to feed
Md me * c«fd|aad bmion.
Presideet said to beraelf. "I am to be Ibem sad'sUe them aoythias.
eoasratuUted apon fait acoDialUoa." drink.
Ads Wheat.
(Thoae ard just crown-up words lor
The ^nt knew that the motbar
It la nice to hare you (or a acw
Sladtoduvedilm. you know).
wda lelt to die. and he ai*o knew thkt
MBar 1, nil, •,m member, and we sUaU hope lo bear
Qat iminedlaiely each a ftmay tUas 'bare piaal be little ones aear by wbo from }-ou often.
Janri came daneinx aereas. would be left (o ttofre. bat be did aoi
s|_|^^ ^ aaoiM OB tha Cfadto
-------------,M« aM.
the tawn. and DaedciioB'e sreat ydiow care.
RMh oiiiiir 1, tats, sAna.
But there w s One who knew, and
f Brovi Heroa.
Proudly be ttepped forward, tofl erect eared—He did
inem me.
., wonder what makes youac Mr«KW MKMMRfl.
aad wartos like a yellow plume, aad
A sood Palry
Ada Wheat. Uasaler. MIeb. R. P"““"'“ff P,~r. «. cmiul M U». Sm. oU
tbea aad there be eSered blmaelf a the wood and chanced
0. Ha. I. «
..M-s’ Itow?" »dd Johaay Banka one pleas______ ___yj. Sift to Janet, ber merry planaau. tie tome, and tbe poor wouaded motbMctrr. uopnutob.' Uleb. obodleai eerrant. nod devoted aUr*.
— —
—V.. _
#r wbo
bad raanaced
tw set —wc
a MM tr Uda Timlick.
WTieroTer Janet soes. aad wUl per- tbsea. The fain- took them home and
ktonctos up to discover
J*sa% WaplhW. OaefctBia. Midi.
UandeUoa follows. Skl|>pliy- cared for them nntU the mother was
iwroksd the remark.
to an. p~m».
to.-. toM JU..L T™«owr«!
.b.-U h. r ||»l.
I-”™ »“ —WU
• thl.
• naadelloB. He m»uld Imitate Uary's able to-fly away.
*»riie. terribly criroW.
Umb. aad attend ktodats|K«a. If be
Yro. the Brown, were a (almly of
er«MUywell rored. for.
fluMima Jeynilsht. When abe telU bim to -go birds: the Fairy una a iovlas Utfle Ptoa^ilasa rather forlorn approrTfi at a myth thu Mtuaa sdevaa. borne-' as yon would your dote. Dandy SirL aad the QUei sraa a erael boy.
Fbr vu* tha rata amid the leavea; drop, richi down, llfu hU bsod, aoso
I b(^ U nay boy who reads this,
"Ua mar weU be enrda) ef Harley."
WUk dBm taxers dhaty sesn
poiaUas upward, and fairly howls!
U ever tanpted to do as this stoat *»« Mrs. ^aks. quietly, “atooe the
tt ai^ mek Im( a taMbooriae.
Wbea JanA slu at her Hay uMii. did. that ba will atop and think of the oobto aUMaU oaee saved hla life at
I Aad Ifta^ tad MM *Uh alM mlrlli la ber tiny chair, drowlas plrturoa «r nrtfarlBX bo may rouae. aad atoo'tho risk of
hla owa.T» hlM lUa fenw ar UmImt -ftnb.
ealtlas paper doUA DaadeUoa eto» tbtak that a Oreat Croator aoilcea*Oh. mothro, do tedi »
about U!Or. MUrtll *Wd tha trosabUas Srasa. ben up and waiehe* ber with tbo tea- esealfee taU of a Utile bird.
apd -Ob. mother, ptoaie do!" choIt BoM taCM IW» M TOO pans.
q^roat lawroau Slowly bit eyea' wfll
----------------------nistid Msxsla -aad Lulu to Johnay a
Oh. b«r the rata amid tha laavaa:
eloae la ecMacy. loader and h)udbr .
eaiter request.
Tto dO a Wb that aatsma sHeves.
vlll crow his purr, and hla buss bflty
Cedar. Mich.
. Urs. Banks entiled asaeattoxiy. and
wlU sently sway back sad forth la parOct. IS. iBi:. Uddlns ber ebUdreo to draw up their
TV ril a ihyili that tattma sriaTaa,
feci coaieat. -Ob. Auntie, aee ^m Dror PrasIdeBt—
choir* near ber and the cheery wood
fW IMt the Vlad ataotts the abtaveti entile!" Janet wUI exclaim, wltha ripfhr SMdUr Uma tha broath af May
pie of toashter ".Vice kitty! Foot
Or sl^.aoaato of old Catoay. '
U MfBdxthfr'pwfamw ran aad flood ward, a Uebt touch of ber UtUe band, quite cold hero, bui today the sun to plaeM rt-er Of Mfi)' |lM Bid Mhlunr wood; .
But tbe STMteu tun of aU to to ablUas asaln. Our school started the fadlns auallsht.
Aad vtU « rotia saflay as rhyoo
watt± Janet aad Dandelloa play la the third of Boptember. There are tblny- -""Tou were aU away ,t srondma's. "
It pra|Mfl M ridsd mtot aad thymo—
rcUow Irorea, l-eap. and run. and one teholars solas to school I apeat ehe besaa. "that fearful year of the
Ok. want tba wind ameas thl daeh. hair flylas.' tall wavlas. leavea thiw weeks of my rummer varaiioa floods to Ohio, and often was 1 ibunkahaarmr—
lintterins! Someilmea R Is hard to at Aaatie's. She lives by latke ful tou wdTe not here lo see the
*TM aM'b nnb that aatama trieres:
(ell wfalcb to rblld. or cat. or plled-up Ulchlsaa. 1 could see the llthibouse *lsbu which hroosbttear* to older
aiaro ef autumn soldat Sooth MbbIIou totoed from ber eyes thoa lonra, and made stouter
TM ^ a mrtb that avtoma frtaraa.
Wmildn't yoa Ukato coma, too. Sna- bqme. Tba flowira are an sone new. hanm Ojtnmro ache with aj-mpathy.
ahinan. and frolic with tiMh play-' Jack Frost has pu them all to sleep
1 not have recosalxcd
By *1fWl|MS hsaM her tbroad is spaa nutes oa the soft sraha-earpet. nadar la their beds. I think the {reee are our pvatrofal river bad you see the
‘ iroea? 8he wlsb« •'tbs
- protUest to the toll when they are, rosrtpxr^foamltts
roar PrealdeaCs
roaripxr"foamltiE waiero which riished
Of fvsBlaf vMdto dbrir
yon BtlsU. these golden October days! all dreased to tbeir gay coloro.Tbe aloos. breaklns down aad aveepHts
Aoroai'tho stom '^m side to aide
maple'laarns are
the iireUieat.
1 away all obstructlosia. and Rwallowtos
A myriad aaaoM s>ntUea flUde.
Janet never seta tired of stories, tblab. I enjoy readias the stories to up to its mad career pleasant home*,
Tlirniiteu tba al^i. Till '
and she baa bar own iwrilealar leriax ibf Bnuhlne MS*- I road Helen Ko> wel-fllled haras bones and cattle, aod
a Uspard Hsbt.
kind of "icss«.~ Boaetlmet II to a re- vaijek's Interenlas-letter la the Sun- erab hninan betos*.
8ahaU Cba veadrotm veb. tbe quest for "Betty Bat and tbe Floppy shlhe i«se, and was glad to read that
‘There waa even a time when we
’ . ftaan^
B*'." 6r‘'Tbe Fairy Who Lost Her she was snias to a boaplial to set feared for our aafw here, but that
*TM an a myth thk autumn grlem. Bhoa." or "One* t'poa a Time there wqM\l am colas to try and tend cards was later. At tbe time of wfalcb I am
' Bimittl mm-r Peek, was a Wee Janet." Borne days Anatle and i^ero to poor Mattie. I think now apeaUns Herbert I^wero was a
rnsbaa Uiem aU off. one after another. Mto most be lonely lylac to bed all youas man of twcaly or tbcreabouia
' The Bur and the NiN. .
a doasa storiro at a time, as fast as those Ions yean. As my teller to set- He had come home three or four
McBlFBdr mM to Haaal-Nut,
*be can think'Uake-Up. Now rite has ttos loas, I wfll close; with best wish- moatba previouaty from ao nn school
-Ho. be! I hare ChiMna throe.
a new story to leU Janet, all about, aii to the Praaldenl and aU tbe Baa- to Boston, at which he had been
Aad rva ^at tbam tliht away from —bat yon may road It yourself, aad abluera.
studylas for tvro years, and bit father
a^ It vras toM Just for y^ BaaA Buaahlner.
was ao weU ptansed wKb his aacceas
Wkqro tba sirts nad bora cut aaa. bai^. and-oar SaaaUaa pas*, by
Ubasaa Sroboda.
that be preaeated him with a flae
la a B?eafldpfhsd cud 1 have bM them 'B^lne Ber, 8r." Hero II to:
Whai-a Buushtor letter you have hone—yes. this same Harley.- ai«•!!
Daar Sunthlae Boys and GIrle—
vrrtuea. I am stod that yoa are to- (boa^ then a ver)- diSereat looklos
At th* tax «f tba cb*atanwae!"
Would you Uke to Wr a trae falir teroaied to Helen aad Mattie.
aatomL so strons aad powerfuL with
such iatelliseai .eyes, archtos neck
TbM naSdl-Htrt oaSd to MeUy-Bur.
Once upon a Mme there tlVed, a
Neasea City, Mich.
and aenaitive aoatrlla. aad tborouah
*nbah. baabl I hide but one.
happy tomlly of seven members. -We
0«.' K. tdlS. bred la wrery Umb.
Bvt Fa* Wfaplwd It tUMd an Mie and will eaU them Brown. Sot becauM Dear President—
"Herberi. you know, was a great
. aoaad.
that waa tbrir true name, but berobae
1 tboaght 1 would write to the Sun- lover eCalQmals. but a borse was lilt
Aad I vpifk ay work vail done. «ben tbe father appeared to company.
tblM Club. 1 have a name for the ipectol-delichi. It almost seemed as
For r*« lacked U avay from the light be waa 'moat aiwaya dressed to a suit Club, Il la Mjrile Zelgler. Please If Harley recognised to him a kindred
o4ay, . .
of golden bravo.
a*ad tba rord aad butioa to
Uyftle. >pirH. tor I never before aor ktocJjH Ibeday.
were truly happyhnd they hadI Heraddraw
Her address to Copemish. Mich. They witnessed euch D affection between
rom tba rato ai
aad tba dew aad tbe
a lovely borne. This borne vras a cosy Used to be oar nelgbbors la Nesten man and beast.
* IliUe cottage with a srlde aad baaail- CKy.
"Well. Herbert Powers had l>eea
Bat Jaok Fyost cane vUb hie augle ?oI tovra. while last behind tbe boose
From a Bnnshlner.
Harley's owner about four months at
ffrow a glantlc roaetree whkb was
1-aln TimlicI:.
(he time of (be flood.
Of ftllfian boarivhlte frost.
so very Urse that its branehea bung
Myrtle shall bare hercard nd
but"Kitiners bad reached us of the rUAnd be mM. 'Tily vm o'er roltoy and vlear over tbe roof, and when In full ton. aad beeome a m
ember of ur
o big. Ins river, aad of poselblc danger to
leaf aad l^m. fermed a^jmat de- Clnb.
life and property, but we had paid lliHa povar has ov«r croaaad."
Hsbtfal ptorc,—in fan a reflnlar rose
He altentien to them, tblaking the
A^ h* rooad (ba ^ that waa bid v-qnnda.
Bear lake. MUh.. R F. I) No. 1.
raner noibiag moro *c-rtoo* than the
^ aa wrtl
The >««V was doitod with a profu*
Oct. 11, is»l? annual riaing which tollowcit the
Asd tb* chBdrou e« be tossed.
stou of flowero. somewhat tike our Deer Presldeul—
breaking up of the kc and the heavy
fortei-me-aou, dhtotoa, Mayflovefs.
I will bow take the pleasure of writ- spring ratoa But one moralag we
Tb*« ho apM the hat of HagoI Ku).
crocuses and many Mbers of every tog a fav lines lo the Sunshine page, heard ihai the river bad made a treThai sbe (haagkt ao Me eoald see. shade of color. Ibe moat veaderful as I haxv aoi vriiiea la a long time, mendeua teSR and ibai there was
a»a (brow M Ibe croond what Inside thtog about (hem vaa ibelr sisa. Too I am not going to school tots fall but great sujfcring all along ft* line. e*i'cbe ffload.
believe It. but many of poolbly may start ibis winter. - If not. ciaHy to (be neighboring village ol
: WbOt he >aiflHd alead la glee:
the bloeoms were larger than the rbll- I oai gelag to take music. I should be r------.
Hfo. hdl Hy will o'er valle)- and hill drea's heads
pleased to exchange giost cards with
-aqulre Powers came lato hi* bouse
No.paver has aver eroaaad.
The father was bora and grew up to tbe BunKhlna girU and bo)*. 'Vlll you ifae next morning with tbe new* of the
H«ar, fTMdy-8«r! Hqar Haaal-N'ui!
<■>* (oreat and Bad been tnlaed as a please send me a buiion. as 1 have iiamagc the angry river bad done, and
It la I—the King—Jack Frost!' hunter: k that
did not know how lost mine. Also send a buUM and speaktog to iUrben. who was riulag
—Ulto Thomas Blder. to get a living tor himself and bis card to Jeanlc Woolbouse. Ooekama. by theubk. told him what a Bar and
—----faniiy In SB)- other way. It,ls true Mick, care of J,E1 I'lery . 1 mu« («arfal\l*ht It was. meoHonlag that li
FNEBIDEHTB that be was a flnr bouse bulldar. b«t cloao now (or this time.
seemed a i-itv to lose such a good
yon kaow that la a very aewiy aenled
YMr friend.
chaace tor a sketch,
upon a HSM a eensto PpewM eoBatry. nearly everyone builds bis
Kmma Peterson.
"ilerben caughi at the saggesiion si
was hiked la apaU Bnashtae. This is own hooae.-so that there was no op
YMr nnmc shall go oa tbe Shnyhlne once. anA after ordering ui> Harley,
tka V«y sha dM it: <>«4-o-kFr*
portanlty for Mr. Brown lo make a exchange liai^'nd I am *ure yon will pnweMed ireiucdlaic]> to dres* waricW.' ban aad girls, did tm eTw Urtog by buOdlag hemes for oihetw.
eajay your correspoodenre with tbe i, for his ride and to put up hi* penone me* galisa daya! OoMm leave*
Bo he vMt bnattog aewrly every BdMhtoer*.
cUs and tablet
•verbaaA*BldMtoa*asuad«foBi,aBd day: Mty eometlme* he auyed with

Thi Marley. whom the crisp, cool
a rtl—srtaXi BaldM hate of anaUght tbe cbildren while Mrs. Brown'west
Shiions Bay. Mich.
moralag-aeemed to lafasc with nee
tbrougk It kB.
rolling, or after a few berries and
Oct. IT. isit Ufo. k dM not take Herbert long to
Then. whM Jaari. with ber fluffy other fralia which grew in great Dear Prewldentroach P-, Which he would noi have
' floMM hair and bMrt of geld, cemca pkoty about tbrir heme.
( tareal wriiien you for a tons recogatoed as tbe pleasant Utile riiflaaciH lip lo the BMahlao Preridant
Saw there were great liaats to Hum. so I ihengbt t would write now. lage be had eo oftea vr*t(ed. Women
aad whlopwa. T vaat to ten you thoae da}w aad mc of them lived to llika my acbool (hie year. Oar leacb- and cbfMren were standiag aroaad
irwilhf I lova yM!~ the October a Urge caatle not far from tba hose er-s aane to Mtos Kmata BaUe Sha peoriy protected from the colA weepbows mm foMr radlinl vUb Ugbt
of the Brovas. was ma taaebrr Ust year. too. I like lag and wTlngtag their bands orer
aad joy.
This gtoat's father owned mi her real wrfi. | am to the aixib grade ibelr loasro; tbe ground wa* strewn
Tba SnaahiM hays and gMa to traria of toad la ihai country aad this yaar. Mr amdie* are Mstory. wUb beddli« and foraliaro; shads


•ore beUs heatit} erected tor the ac- he ted
reedv^ ether hUwriea whie*Tt*wayto the baySeU «m
eemmodatlM-ef thoae whom thoeew- aeithar
aUB aor Uae eoald repair,thitmdithe orchard aad orer a toao
dowlas houaea refaaed to heU. aad
"He «uaot «i a atrehe of wort; wall: at learn, that was the abanr«'
coottanaUy ew^ peer cm Ore rasUas he.cuaaot rm carry Wt maeter a rod. way, All at acme Teddy stepped aadftver came nof* of demelUbed dwrll- Bat ao
add ea earth ceaM bay him edatl}'.
(as*, hauaehold articles and tarUtnre. from that master, and wUle Herbert
-oa. w
hat la that hale Ihr. rack
"Sick at bean. Herbert emptied Ue uves Us botae M anre of the teaderest JaHtr he »«emi
pockeu lor the reliet of the beawkm. oaf*.
oeet. aad. findlac there waa aeUilas
i doa-i know whai you think aboni to him aa if Teddya hrewa ere,
elaohecoaMdo.he«»d.oaa«oB«d. u. atf ehUdira: but 1 thlak if a hors.
crahl* dUiarme up the rlrer to a«reb
* heru. Harley I. oito.
riew which seemed worthy
all about tba Utile elrb
penefl. He fouad It.

am I. Lulu? Widl. (here a
RUtoc ronim a bend of the rlrer. rwrh of Ufe Ml to ber body, which . -Why. where the the boose.- t'oete
be came suddenlx' upon a slsht ibe careful auralas faaaeJ laic a Same.
Standeur of which ao worda can ade-. -She waa the daasbter of Jodse
"»«• Toddy.quatriy describe. Here the
Cu^mlBsa. w ho. you may b« tore, did
At that; Teddy's eyes optaed wUer
anddealy wldeaed
hoc forsei his daustater's savior. IKu ihaa ever, srhich is sayins a toM
around a rock rtieedlns far o
' Herbert would take aothtos f
the sucxint; flood. The wide eMwoae
k. a,a
> traethacfc id iherer

.re'z* a^'.a :'iTr.::rr«™
scroclon. and a. ihey. W «rock .he


■ VVoodebuck!" aald Uncle Jm-k.
rock they cracked and strained, then ,
*•'* S'"
asmto. 1 don't know. Teddy,
flew off in all directloDs.
>bc rail? Well, that l* alnm.t a Mory I wdaidnt woadec If

'r r .r::

under the orebard wall.
>• o( the <Kcu|ianu awskene-l
■ I can t see him. I'tMde Jark."
ibelr danyer. You may be surv that
"Wetl. maybe he Uat at borne.
|n , te.rible state ef auim. thea." a^
J^ takti Teddjs
,Bd the Brat tiwuetit was (or
for \nily.
\miv band
haml asnto.
arale “Why—ao-yew
-Whe~wA—ve there he
|ue uttle alH
la. Teddyl Look. qalrk>
-^h rwe.
freaiied baste the iudice f -Where?- cried Toddy. "Ob. where,
. ■hO^p^;
away (be roof of (he hen- '‘nrle Jack?^
i (nrm a rude rati. ami oa It
There wai a rtiah A small feet over
"Herbert yatod i
Us IKlle slrl: hut
hot hetore he aod
ao4 the croand.
ctmnd. TMdy eauxM last' ■
aome momeau to artUtie dellsU. than au wife, mho were irylns' lo save sllmiK'e of a littU brown object dis
bnatcDcd to set out pencil nad tablet, some valuable papers, could take ihelr approrin* t
ll« bad not made mpre than-a few p^eea on the roft. It was torn from Us d«r.
strokes when he saw aomethtos ihu (aaienli
swept down ihe
•<», bow.- .aid he. rl «daX see
inade him drop both aad iarelantaHly tiredm.
him hardly a bltlBprioc irom his horae.
■ -What eometney do but stand and
aaM Tade Jack.
"Down ^he river at terrific speed
"Mvhr youll have another 'look
, mq, watch, with streamtos evea.i their darThey so
rod. andODjtailtilechUd! She Uy llns carried Irom ibelr slsht by the streak "
pltllcM torrcBi? And Ihey wen
tiicie so ' still that he wondered
brlshi idoa popped Into TeddyV
by the calamity that il
vasuely Uabe had talBled; ,lbea he
held hla breath, for ha knew what
eomtos. The nti must strike the reck, aad wouli have been lost, had they . .
not been espied by some of the neigh»“
»*• •«”
and (bee—
hor* and roLed to a skiff. ThenX riUI aa a mouam he'd «va,e out q^to?
"Herben nve a hopelea* saap.'and )o.ige mounted a boroe and fbUowed
Aa* I ban
stood rlleat. beIpKwt. walUltS for the down the hank nnril he found his iiiraair-coti apple that croa'ma
rntastroiih*. The raft Mnick'^Uh
tie altU as 1 have udd you.
mlshiy force, and for a UMeai be bid
• And now. dear*, it is getting tole. , 7^’

hU eyes, not dariasjojtok.
aad Hatley Is .-omlng hack agalu. Let
"T "• Tedd)"
ua give him and hla matror ihiee
Code Jack wat ovac the wall.'
little aubrided. be drew a loss breath “eTTaarthen co^^o^Mr''
sat down « the rirfi pna,
-the child waa atUI there. The roft
aad loak the roaam «a<.
had up-ended, and while part waa tabtUNflHINE flTOmEA.
of hla ppekeL Than ha ihougbi th.>
merve.1. a wrt was fairly out of tbe
wt»dehuck~mlsbt haar him H he at*
water, (saght amons the broaches of
-.Rp xrab bora have any fua?" I
“ ba beM it la hla hand without
tbe great oak. and hero toy the child.
^ taktoc even a MU.
^ who must have been lashed to tbe ,„q
„ Tier are just as
How pleasam ft was there oa tbe
roft. or she would hero beau aw.pi
of uds at can K»nr
of the orebatfl Vail! A
away wbea the froU croft rirubk. Aa
„„.wbero. They have the robin waa ataUM la the btmepewvM
Il was. she was la Immlneht dans*r tiood of warriors for four thonsand troe. Teddy woadarod U he had a
veins, t-est there,
from (he (Imberrrvwhleh were coatlatally coming down on (he tide.
xbelr favorlie game to a play founde.1
•llerbrn looker! around. No one „„
yh,.,„ -j^rroed" c
was in sighl. Oh. for a line! He must
A group of bovg will choose whltectouds looked, aaliiag on!-Bko
sav,. (hat (Ijilil Wlai.should he do?
in two Itnee faring boi(*. Teddy ihooghl. He wished he
- Ai that iDstaat bis haroe whinnied
other. «Mh boy with a-bunch of eouM ride J> esa of them. And there
sympattatolngly. Herbert eterod and ,„nq.
or aevea fe« long In »roa a vreat tdf bird BanUag aloag.
looked at Harley, whose inteUiteat u,
,h,y ^,p ever ao Ugh np. Teddy wondered
eyes gaied Into hi* almoet m U be ^
i,,. ^le balanrins polat and whai„kiiid of a Wrd it was.
understood, toe.
burl It with aU their might at the of
*»« be (anot to wonder:
"Herberi placed bis arm aroaad (he posing Hue, The game eonslMs in die- «be brown eyea cloeed. la another
anlmal-a aeek. crjlag enltshUy:
cliarglng all one's own apears. nad to »touie Teddy waa laat -aaleep.
•Well save her yeL Htriey!qoq,^ .qj
as many at may be
H«rore Ions eomeihlng ruaar bap-Only an tosiant and. be bad re- of those from the oppostog Une. li Is J-med. Dowfi in the Util* tunnel
moved his eoai. and was oa the qq exciting game and calls for conald- shone two vsfy bright Utock eyes,
horse's hack: the next he was urglac erthle skill and much cool Jndgment. Then a eaiaU brown band popped
bim laio the. water, and toward the
Then they have anolher game (bey forth. aa4 a UtUa blnnt aana taraad
rock and tbe child. . with eheertos
• ghooha" or hawk. One boy will this way and 4baU silfiag the al-.
qj, iq q quinq. |,tg toes lust touching IVbat could il be that daUrleuH
"la Harley iilcnced. and soon ilte ,be gro^md: tbe oihcra will swarm amHt. Uke ripe appMi? Tbere were
bad them In Us mercll^s ^qqq h i: he swoops after Them like Bone to tbe a
cluich. Herbert reeled la tbe saddle. * baw-k. Tbe boy that seta caught
It fid oat Uha Ikosq tva brlghr,
and tor an Instant the borse seemed (ben' "It.'
er«e aadVkat-keiBJtnle ACM loos to
helplee*; buPonly for an Inatant. thea
They 'play a game much the same dtocovar tha tost cflkfl TiiMti lylag
he did battle royal with the huagiT „ bllndmaa'* buff, only they call. It (hero. To 'on aara. It vaa held faat
"ghunimtoda."- Another (»tue just the la a amaU. atubanH hand: to the
"They neared the raft. Bouebow same
uq,, as
^ i«is«y
|Hjs«y want*
wants a coraer
comer they tamiHatfoa
tetniKatloa «was too attvag to' be rrHerbert reached out. undid the las- rail bli lorvala." . "Kurd marboor or atoted.
tenlog (hat bound It lo (ba balf-aabnwokey Is a favorite with them.
Oat o( Ma barrow
Maa'cmergcl limber, and had (he child sF one boy Is tied «e‘*^P®« »>• ‘roe pad Woodcharic MBlvr and nearer he
parenUy dead In hi* arma. He turned ,i„ root circle abMt him. snapping at crept lo (ba agflla.
the horse * bead ibwsrd Ihe shore, and un ,.|(b .vltcbes or haadkertblefA
Prrity boob be aat hla sharp vhlfo
then began that lerrlhle louraey back vi,h q kaot to one coraer. (easing teeth la IL Ha gave a Hula pull, tost'
agaln*t the current
, him and coming a* near as they dare, the anisll brown flagern brtd He
"Rlowi, nn.l i«inf<ill>- Harley *trug- The licy that 1- "It" gel* many a Jerk tried affala. aad oaea mere,
ckd on. He WS* nearly il^re wbea ,q q,„ „,.q
u not careful, and
This lime be nipped TaTa band,
a sudden shock almost unsealed Herfor the rest ofjhem. "espe. and Ted> ayes flew open. Bat be let
l»n, and be felt a CTeai btocknets de- ^jq,,,. ,t q,
qtad. which be la go the apple.
srendiag upon him Jnsi aa Hartor'a pr^„j qp,
"iniy—FFoh!" ha cried. “ O rnrie
feel icurhed the tank
crer saw a boy that Jack! O grM'ma! Oh-h!"
• lli* tolibiul hor»e liad aaVed bin qiq qoi know how lo play marbles? Then the woodchoek was gone. And
from the flood und ihea he knew no
hoj* in Syrta have two very de- the apple was gone. And'Ihe uevi
elded adv^Ugaa over American boys thlag Teddy knew, fncla Jack wwa"Whea ron*cioiisne*s relaraad to tq ,qq, gqoie. la (be flrst plare, thrir looktoc over (he waU, tonghiag m
him be found bimMir lytag m tl)p iqarbles don't cost maytblng; and. In him He laughed more wbea be hear.l
hank, a little, cold and'moOonlesa flg- ,be second pla>e. after the) are done Ted s story
ure-in hi* armv
ptoung they can eat Ihem up If (bey
dldB'i diwam lir
To this he first gave attentloa. but
,q, Thejr marble* are the nut asked
could discover no signa of Ufe, Rising qf an almond billed • kelaWb) " or lit- Ve*. I am. - taU Toddy. "If T dk
feet he looked arouad aed saw
qq. There same nuts ruM*d on who ute the appte. I'ade Jack*
,* noble hor>e
----------------______ and the meat
dug out makes
Kure eaatgb! But I know feddy
froln him
whistle t^ yiu eaa bear a mile <
dn-am It. Bo dors (!aete Jack,
'He went lo Itlm and knelt^be*ide ,»,r, if qqy b«fl- who read* this can :ie. suae ;.e ra
raw It aU over the or.iurj
him. speaking leaderly to the poor q,,Arab boy to show him ho*
v n^.-A.' C. I
animal who could only aoswer with ,q ,boq, ,i,, marble, holding ii In one Ban
his eye*, which told bis master be was qqnd and firing ft with the other, he
Birds at flbsplMrda.
sutleriBg; and a hasty examlnatloa reqqye learned a |e**on well worth
Few know of tb* Mapherd bird* of
vealed (bat hi. hip had been pierced q|„ qqj|^
South America. Yliej' helOBg to the
by some .shun- object.
They play ball, fop: many varieties vraoe family aad areknown a*yah*• Hvrben is not ashamed toown'qft,u,
„f ,bem are ratbiy Bilk*- These curious birdsUke rare
tbere were tears In his eyes at be
gqmos we would think. An Amer- of large flocks of she*!,, leading them
rose up. His first move wa* to wrap (qqq ohj wquid turn up his nore at ati to pasture early In tbe morning, and
the child in bli eoac'lhen, with a re- Arab bail They call it a lahby,'' caring for ihem all day unaided. If
a**urtag pat on Hsrley'q neck, h* qqq |fq
about qa Me sni soft as any atray ahlmaU approach (be Boek
starter for the nearest bouse, over a , m»ndarin orange-SeW-d
the yakanilk attack* them with beak
mile dtoiant____________ __
and wings They are .Jld to be much
"He reached It Snallv. weak aad ex« Who AW t«vc Last Ruaaet?
(trongec (baa dors
hausted. told hia Kory and deLveiwd
"Here's the verv last ruatet la the

-----the .•eemlngly lUeleu child Into a wf barrel. " aaid grandma, cooiag up
« Grows FaM
man's enro,
from the ct-llar "Do- you want it.
Son: lOui Me thlag grows fasuf
It did not take loag to ralro a Teddy^
pan.'^ of men. ready and vUUag to go
-Oh yes'tn. If you filesse?- nU tberr asked t Ifttl* hoy of eight.
Father: J cannot lefl yoa. my son.
10 ~
iKVs^lief of II brave bars*, liar- Teddy He took the lliHf brown sf

ley warwakea I............ .... ........................
and Ua wounds attended (o by a *ktU- elnL. aad put It in hit -pocket. Then
pot hit slrew ha; m his band. He
-Hi* life waasaved.bat bli daytto
toysb<^ waa gwng out «> the hay-fleld with
isefulnos were gone (orerer. A tem^ L'acle Jack. A
dM la bis t*« had bees sweerod. aad la tbe coaaf^;
struck Ihc lock. ihea. for^
.me once
more to eonian with it. there to remslo. tmly »wayias to the eorreut as
r rushed ibrouch » broach-

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