Grand Traverse Herald, May 14, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 14, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Tlie Bedding of -Mias l.oviaa BIsffar
and BImer J naiajcl bss selemnUed
toe borne of (he bride's narems. Mr
d Mrs.*C. SU-ger. vpsierda.'. Father
itlK-cliab of the Church of Inrniaculate
iii-ewloo offlcUilng
Tte - bride
ire iltowe Of white jiieSMline trim­
med «Ith laee and -carried an arm bo^uel of bride* rtrve*. Mias lamia
at mal.l of lioaor more plak silk
sod carried carnailoBJi. l-eoaard Hoa»le mended the iroom at best man
Aher tte cereUKJUy toe bridal l*rty
drove to the country borne Of tbe

uriie prultrt firm


. 8. McMvrtry Suru Ovrt On Largs

dsnes Yaatsedny.

J n. McMunrv. iiroprieior oi
All ObjscziOw'Hao Bson Dana
Kmiiteii jYiuttrj farm,. Ipiaied
wnn-Noms Tawn's
IjldingiOD. was in the <-11.1 yesierdar'
Ftele Sete^. ■
■ nsfirlng.TaUi Was Givtn By Prinoi- getting taformstKvn at ihe-offb-et of
toe Weiuern Mtcblgan l>eveloi.n»ol
pat Oovls ef Grand RapM
U'eleoaw. ncb*4ulo. sralrSMi-te |M
bureau. Mr .MrMurtn >ari>r to west'
Uauai«,U.. Ind. May 11.—Charles
clu Michigan Iasi fall frauj Waleiloo.
At last the klcka trmn Haofetete
W. FaIrhankt, former I'nifed Stale*
The i«oi)>iel i^ven fYlday •v»
Iowa He bmughf wito hluv iMu high and eisewtero have coaasd and ton
ator and vli-e pretidem of tbe Colt
qaaailoa: I *aal to pint nbooi to
for the \orthera .tHcblgaa V, U. i btrds lie esfiects to hav
sriverfale Is retsnaod lor pubUcalion.
.States, reached hi* tirtleih birtharm of applaa In Borthrm UlrMcpn
iw'eea I'.Ovki gnd'l.ioo bird. I.)
h Bill be bmnd Is steiber IWaM
unnlvertarv toda>
Recently a
at^iUo of aa orctaafd I bait nowr
and proved a siuirga In each aad ev While la Ibecitv he tnapecfHl tt
of tola-poge. Th* foUcBtag lo tea
niiiio( ha* be- ii rlrculaied that frienda
wbldi «m par eoat of laaloUliiUiR
ery fteture. M the coaclnsion of a ruhator Wtag aiadr bv ibe Ilumtdliv •oavpleie mbedwl. of (te Tt«tafW
of -Ml. Kail hank* plan to prteenl hl>
tha aa*,i»e. Want to pot In aoi
short word of grate by C J HeRn. Regalator coBtoBOv.
t'liy team, aiib the games abroad 'ate
Spiaa aM mi tbrn c-lib prarlw.
stem one hundred aad Otly men and
at bonro. ta.their order. PaeU M ag
aouitoaiim to :he event of a deadlock
laaat ira aem.
somewtera. aa H «Ui te ted« tlbr
between Taft and Hoom>vpIi in the -ne.l,)only i f Iniroedlatr relotlves l«>a Inriudlng over forty vtonors
If 1 put IB nora Spirt wbat appir -III
Irom surrounding cities aad ' towns
being pfesent.
Cblcapo cooveDiloa neat month,
ba tha beat SUar* I am loaied oo bUb
tar at to knoBn 'Mr. FalibanU ha*
last Mar Tiararaa air. cloaa
Mm Tueai
done aelhltuc to oaenurape the idea home to -tbelr friends <m Routo Bo­
W« late aad to a aaall laba alta Will
Stoev-bto retirement from the vlie hemia street after Way IL
groT wall op there? Would
The spread lielng- mer. U I* fvler.
SS—Abrate ’BiU Bona
preridMcy he hat retralanl from
It *a Vtoa M pat Spirt 4i feet apart
loastiuasler. who a. t* In this capacl .<
afllve panlcliatKMi in |•olili^t. Ai
aai Jnatbm aa miert » foot apart?
to such an efficient and pleasing man­
May 24. Si. *Sd-Bl hdose’wtth Ote
■ time the ]«litictont reiBlI th.If Jowtteaa (b U alone, how blc a
ner ps to keep the Interest of bis au­
M9 4o thar baoMM? Ara tfcar at
dience c-v.'tolnuailv sOauie. taltoduee-1
May 2t. 2*. tg-*|
auhliton to bead the ticket four years
al^ a tearlBC ^Vletr aa the Wasanof the-evenliig Mr ,Straub tendered
apA^d many belirve-tbat ibl» amblvym J Straub as the ntat speaker
May so. M. Sl-Ahnte telb tenatloa Woald be iatiantly rekindled «
there appeared to W tbe «H*hteM
ctal appin aad if ao. whan will
side vis.vtors and spoke t-ritOy
tn.-u'tlavea, Mirh.. May 11 -D. H.
Jane 1. *2. S-Atente nito kU^
tear, sad tew bli a tree doar It be- Actual Conbtfuetion of P^efflee ebanee fm It* fulOlliuent. But to far
telecl i>f the conference and of the >av. president of the Wesfeni Mlcbiny oulBBrd of visible tlpn a|s Proper Oboeevanee el This Day t
<san? Va bara a taw'old treet that
beneCls to be retelv^ by eurfa and an JlFyelopuieui boreou^ ev " ’
tailtflnp Will Commeneo Early
Mean Much ts the Pub­

every Individual attendtag.
'Hon lo'l^fav-t.tlial ihe de<
In August.
lic Hearth.
esied toft now to tbe proeeediapt «l
Baiiett. of Nortbpon. was tbe Boat
la Bcwtera Mbhlgaa
e aeneral conference of .Melbodins.
I. S-Atete^'shto MiM» rapdUblaI Boraorr
qaoUa aad
speaker to respond to toe entreaties
PMtmaoter Pra^ Friedrich receiv­
luoremeni. He
Fire Chief Thomas C. Wurray
Bblcb denomination he It one of
-a Spy fratlad onto an- ed a letter today from t'onpreai
the BistlsUc* Just
t foremost laymen of the rounirv. received the foUoBfOg noiiot from the of tbe toastmaster, givipg a very gond cites as evldi
Jteo 10. 11. U-Abro^ wfto 'CMstate aa
o Qmalax.
teflsc It wfU F. >t. Doddt to the ePert that the
state are marshal to regard to cleanaara Coar or Bee yaart. What do you ]>Torse City pottoffice addition Is
baUetln covering
mi day. which. BUI be observed tunity for preparilioa. He-spoke
Jane IS. 14. IS-AI ha«M vttt SBtothink or tbo malai?-.P W. a niiaola. belnp woiiird out at fast at pottibir.
toe ,BO.-k being done bv the school
ibroughonl tbe state on May 1S>.
Aatwer by Praf- H. 3. Bast
and that the pint Bill be completed
boped that all 'the .luaeus of Trav- boys of bis home luvn to Ibe Bey of
Jan* Md. If, is-At teteo Vito
AcrteuKnral Ctdlaie:
and bids ask for by July l. tod that
City Bill observe this event and port B lonsplciioos place on
Boyas <Tiy.
weaM aacpaat that yoa coasldar
Jesse K. Davis, principal
ictunl work of eoBtlructlon will
make h j>1 re*] teueOt io tbe city
Jaao 15. td. S»-*I baton teib tteto
Wapaaar appW aa Ultr tmani
Crond Rapids t'enirai'Hlgb
for toe ten yearJ fnai ix:
nonienred durlop the early pan
Bpya. ratbar tfcaa tbt Jonathan.
Itvoti. the auuiber of msBafaeiuriug esof Anpuaa There la at preteiil IS*.
To alt-J-'Ire Chiels. Presidrnti of Vil­
Joaatbaa wfU amte a pood tree, but 600 atallable for the work and Mr
lages and ih-puly Fire Wa'rBhals:
la yoar aootioa of tbo comury. U It Doddt alalea that be hat had the ad
ubite h» preaented aonie vAogble ad■ gain of almost
per ceol
Realizing and ai'prrclailng the I
not Ukotr to attain the site whldi yo-i ditlonal i
ID lioyB. wbo hav* their life be number of Fake earaers lurnwsed
•d la th weald piobably be eaUtBed wl&. |t bin that win be acted npon durtot
them and have nut made aa; de from 15.015 to JTJk':. a gain of S.::*.
la aora of a aoathora apple than it the present teaaloa of ronpreea. Wbee Additional Troopt Havt Been Oedcs -nean-rp Da.v to Mlcblgan- »t
> pUn* lor toe faiure and wbo and tbe value of tbe aianuraclure-I
.vear. and dteiriag liiU vear to get ite
ed to Reinforoo the Foreign
Ike Wappaor, white win prow to
liroduris Increased from $SIAIC.00n to
anable to deride to .the matter
this addition it completed Travertr
w >. c .-cmM M> usie
full beaeOl of an earlier .late. *'• have
Mpta Sagrea of portoctloB la yoar
♦W.Ut.iHto^ B gslii of aluum lOi
CKy win bare one of the beat arraac
dealgnated .May nih as -Cleaa4-p rbooslng a vuralloa. lie pbtloaop
ed and amit complete povemmeol
I; empbaaised-bv M Dasela in tala talk cent. Wegr 'he Dkures at band toi
Farit. May
Tbe unrest among
The nre losse* to Ml.-hlgae for tbe
the native* in Moro<-ri> la cautinp
lie (VDuntles making on the with Ihia accampUabmrnL It Is a iSBi'
prav* apprthenatoa at the war office iiast elevan aninlK. os raparted k paroiJvely eaa> luatlerYo deride as to
pin la roar racicm. It it very wtU tor
Mh-liigan terrliorv. the Walt
Officially aanuunced that S.oun tbit departhient. Bill exceed
ptantlnp to
-««■«*■ and U aonio oth'
d W pmJli Urgei than
wblih profession, i. beat suited to
With (hi* apiwmiif
troops bi}'e been ordered to atart
orwant^aa, bak H baa not been aaSInue'i sUIlty. And In cbooslng tbe sbote.
«(ant^ tsotod U rtmr reptoa.
to reinfi>r<-e the Freurti
pntfewvimi heat suited to erne's abUI
Jaly IS. It. 17-Ahaste irito ■ana
Wa eaaaot teviao yoa to plaat aoiao
to tbai eonntrv'. and tli- test efforte on Ihis dsv In the elinii
lorces t
hr gr>-sle*t service t-i his fellow
.haa planned to ti-iwl oth- iislion of hssardun* coiidtuons and io
varieties pate aa tba Oiaaniap. aad
Jaly u. If. ja-Ai teSN wm Urneni* ihotild it Uevonve ne- securing the <ooi*ramon of all the
thoa top gnlHC to Nortbore Spy. Tbli
U fraqtmtly npoken of. but we do
n render service lu his
Jaly *21. zs. SS-At baton *tto HMk
that tbe fearful loss to i>roi<eny nat
knew of any a«tb«aUe caaea where Will Be Held toColiacum During ti
The unrest (hat rnlmlnaled In the
lie natcrislly reduiwd
tear ar tve yaara baa been aaved Id
Ke* Biaaaarret It, declared ' to be
Second Week in NeyJat}' 24. u. St—dbrans wiib MmoT 'clean uir
luit mean »ltabrtaplKf tbt. Kartbara Spy Into bear
sprcadlup Ibrnucbgut the country, aad
r Ihe removB
removal of luhldsb,
lap In this way. We bavo seen Sortb
enteriataed that a peneral
>zg. St-Abnte wito Btote
•ans Ibe soekl
era SpMbla tan nam ream old. that
anU forelsa uprithu: to being planofUmlbing that tends le Increase the time. Xcit -inly was it ei<-e*dlBglg In- RsUina tte Branch Minu and Cen- a,r.
bore Bdonan td UUen rery fine tnitu
a meetinp held In tlrniul Rapids
Make this day a sperlsl tereattng; but It's Inapirilig Iraaon.
and tbla was dobb by a lot of aplen- yealorday. panl^paied to by toe rewill undoubtedly a«-t as an Incentlre
did easi tbd paod beery pranslnp.
pregMUtJvet of toe Aaaoctalloa of
e matter of lnsi>ertion«: do not for aiaa; of bla llsleuers to make an
— Amwm by W. R. Shirley. K
Commerce and Weatera UiteUaa :
leoro their own abiutv
be saiUOed with sujierflcul mork. bni
Otat»-l vaald aay to net tha Bpya velopateat bureau it was decided
Washington. May |l>—Hy an <
aoek out the hl-ldea daagen. and ae- tbroiigb atudy. ezpeKeace and adrier.
« fast apart aad aas Wapaaar or Jo- bold the aexl apple show la Orand
helming vote the bouse passed the
Mrs their removal, let tbU day te and th^rsby rbodse aad'folloB a de
amthaa |p Ka^. ' Sot on tba dUpe- Rapidt In Ibe Coliseum to ran)uarltoa
leaislailve. exerutirc and Judicial ap- nw.
>1 leas Irtiiifiil in results than the ite and probably llluatriout career.
nal pkte- "INww la ante tbo earl- with toe aotoriatiun. Thli arUoa
Siauley Snyder was reviueated i nropriaiinn bill white abollsbsa the
Ang. 5. It. »»—Abrant «tto OaSlv
'lean-rp Day ’ of last year.
loBt kaitor a( tbo two. Joaatbaa it tnkra because the baaloeu met
lercc court, retain* the mlats
submit a report on the Torch lake
aot ao vary larpe prowtap
Ortnd 'Rapldi were on tbe alert an I
roulerenis of last summer. Mr. 8nyAns- IS. IS. 14—Abrate wtto Lte'C. A. Palmer.
H. Day. prealdeat of the West
many othar torittiaa, and wbon aat
the best offer of any of the cUIro
de did this ta s very able manner and
aleaa. «P bet la aboot rttetthat were la tbe field for the blp ereiil.
inlngs. about tbs Y. )1. C
npanled by John I.' tilbton. ae.TwMtFaanea It net a proStable ra- Tbe date will A.
rotary at ihe bureau, left yetterdav
rttty ta this (Aii(«an) section. nV November end
which was uf ronslderable loiersst to
Aag. eit. II. sa-At batot Vito Maatbaask It mlpht be in the Trarem tbe pramoiera to make It more com­ for Grand Bnpldt for tie purpose of
thoos who have net bad tos oppor
^ teetba. at name vartetlea of applei plete than last year by addlap farm coBteriag Bllb the oBIrers of the As When Collltlen Occurred Belwreen EntunltyAvfcvisiitog the place lie was
Ang. 21. ts. SS-jtorgte vtto CadUflpH tow thee* than here. It la a prodnrtt that have not hithetio been toriailoB of Commerce of iluii city re­ _
- ' gins and Airta.
followed bv a talk by Krsnk lltydon.
tey tew with on.
shown at etelbita of tbit riati.
bis audience loraboii'
Aag. si.'St. M-Al hatoa nitt Ltela November. If ^alitfarlnry details
1 aat anable to imy aarihlnK aboui
Just aluvut as near to imting mlg- a.tnir hour wlih tellmg of
The effirera elected in take ebarpa «an be arranged ibe Rerood MU-faigau
le ofbV
Moftteta Spy grafiod on tlreealnp. r the abow .are:
•d u|i In an automobile and trah
own experiences, wby.
bis flrsr
Ang. Z7. tt. to—At batoa M Mato
Land and Apple Rbow bIII i« held
bat 1 W«M try * tow If 1 were plaat
President—Carrol P. Sweet. Gran't [Grand Rapidt. it to the desire of ideal a* one likes to come t ... year in high whool he liecaae doslrlap aa atteard apaln.
was experienced by Wesley Herriman out of (luiiilng and then, after mak­ Senator States PMition Ht Took on
SI. Sept- 'I—Abroad Vito
President Day that ihia tboB will IAaawar ky Prot U R. Taft—Wapand
ing bis own living lor nine months,
■ler. Woaitbr and Dachest ara the Vice Pretldeni-D. II Day. CJea Ha- under toe autricet of the Deveiop- ahen they bad to Jump for their
of Lau.
Vito Sana
he made up hit mind ibui it was
Sag*, s. s. SroAt
moat Bureau and that it shall be a
nrtotloa most eomnoBiy naed aa Uiand leave toe machine to the mer< v 4R> hail 10 have lo go to trltooi after
big advrrtiteniem for the Western
ora to MItelpaa. Joaatbaa alao U
Grand Rapia. May 10.—WlUlam
of tbe big engine. The r«r belongs si: J A Vac IHs. SL^c secreiaiv
(CoaUaaad on gasa BtaJ
Mlotalgab sei-tlon of the slate.
scad yartoty for too parpoao it ptrea
Alden Rml'L has' replied to Ihe .chal­
Mr- Herriman and while out for
pritcl•DOd can, etberwiaa tot trait win be
ride, on Tuesday evening ta company pp-s nr alirultn and of tl^ recently lenge of Theodore U Joslln of Adrian,
John W. 'crate of Honor. Bbo
rnaaU. It gaentada w«l to Ultetpaa.
' Buns they . attempted : iiiaugUTavd Meulei ReliglOb Forward
utlng ’he senator to tnnicliiaU In
loterattod to brln*tog tbe^Beyfe-*
« tte teidltlBfia are favorable. Owdelnie tharging the seulor
(TOSS Ihe C. R A I track Bear Eigh- XJnveiiieni A-fier a abort attdreaa 1
top to Its tractotop habK It regalret Funtral of John hT^ii Held Satur­ tlop of Weslera UlchlgaW to toe f«
■t Just as the iraln IroniZfae soui I. T. Tvler, the evening's protra tieto'g a reactionary Joslln is s caadlBat in toe city ycsteijdav In ronte:
loot room tbaa amat natta. bat It aetdr
r for Sn.lih's seat. Kiollh dectares
day Morning.
coming: to Just ss they got .
-lesed with a couple aelectloa*
enre wllb President Day of ibe
more than Wapenor. and If nted with
s-lvoi-ated s I>r1a>ary In Michigan.
Fuoeral terurrm for tbe laie Jobs
Nortotn Spy. nothlap lota than 2i
rele-lle.1 agaWM the AMrl. li bill. o|en•iiianetle. cjinsutlng nf Priaripsl
foot ahoald bo aood at tbo diatanee
voted six tinves for dlreit election
ped.dle. and at the train '
.'unis. Howard Griffith. Will Straub
fon.ord X H- May 5.—Tbe tS.aM.the Hupbet un.lprtakiap iwrlort. and
betwoM too t
senators and didn't s>i|i|iori re'-inear all they ceuld'do wte Jump
ei fuad ersated for toe -Matbor
Baa nui.U
1y teartop am
car was badiv damagejt* both bark'
iTiur’ h " In Bosios by Mrs. Unry
Dell died Tiieeday cvealna a
tro» hi. hoTO ..
early at too Wapi
linker niovW Eddy, dioenreror ate
Tha Twanty^onca Flppla la aeldoa home ta Moalrinif. Where be had lived iTete Saturdky paoa on bis trip
age done to the rear of tbe car. Th'j
fouteer oof I'hristlaa Beleacoi la roUd.
. number of yemra. Uit wif.
Ireland and England. He takes-fU'ii gentletnen may well cnn*td>-r .them-j
... Brawn, aad it aot a dealtable variety.
itding to s rallag boteat deva by
lamer slide view* of \fee- selve* lucky for « I* not often That
Tbt nama bowwer. it often coafnt- iBv-alld aon were ibe onlv reUiUeo
New Knmteblre aaprOMt ttovl.
ern Michigan farm and orchard scene, sertniia rcauit to'emh a case U avortcal Bben the ead lanie. 1
eO Vito that ol another rartetr. Twen­
rhilty Oanca. which U qolte dtotli
“Western Mhhigan. the land of FYult
Thit it oBeo grown on a commercial
Kraok'on, MUh. Mav II.—A <
acaK and m prabably fhe variety ye- car of Kekentu^. Georse C. and Kolv and Fortone.” as nceasion permlir !
il ltape< lion of the orcharda i___
Tha' city library bad Just receired
fcrtod to, Altbooph It aellt readily. art P.. both of this rli>. .Mrs. I>ao
. - __________ tb -I
toe eberes of Itake MIrhigIti Inilrales le fo:luatog ts»k that .Bva> pnue ’o
' tte traaa do not bnr at repalarly at Hecker aad Mrs. John Urbent. both of
Bureojpriatt fall, will be dUtr1bu(v<l
that, barring lave spring tresta. there lie nf laiereei io the mrmliers «f the
nmar aom and toe frail often drops Moiifalap.
peopi ^sbowtoi 1 Imprest 1
John H. Dell was a charter member aai^
g people
will be a giiod fruli crop tbla e«
A R. and toe W. H. <'
badly aalaM plehtd aarty. lu beartop
Dnrlag the past fev eaya reports
The applet and soar rbefries bare
A complete set of the ' Rc<-ird 'if
ape to aboat Hkc tbat'of toe Baldwin. of TemiMI todpe No. «3, I. O O P„ al Michigan.
Serviro of Mlibioan Volunteers ra th> have been preraieat *o Che oBact toot
S;1*e«er Oine.i. Iwed
died at hi* come ibgough Ihe ^inier ta yao
Vary lluie.^ bt aalaed alooc toe Wallon tince March. ISM .Seven
Wsr.- “HlMOcy of the Michigan t'baa. Faost oatored a stntornr g»
line ■antioaed by aatog ,(
E. J. Warren of the liraad Travers - home.
West Nirih •irec:. a»w*ut ccmdillow and the peach trees, where
and that be was bllte Oa ton
1 at K
Fralt rompaa.v. with lands at Emptr- u o'clock Fri-lay alglii. after telng ill orteards bare been locsiad *•
'OrganlzailoBS at Chiteamauga. ChatNtwtbani Spy trees.
ember f
' tbroogh the city y«eter4ay on! all winter >lr. Oiner bad
enjoy Food air drainage, will gir* fair lonnoga and MissionarT Rid^ IW.-' amifary. while he io very IB ac bla
Frtday K W. RieUr* ,
moved to MnalalBf. became bla way from Chicago to Empire, Traverwe City dfioui eight yeors.'dur vIeMa. The Big Paul Rose p««cb
' Repdri of the ^hlgsn Anderaoe- borne on Buie atre«. be In aot Bangcartaad of Satabod moB„
a member of lodge No
whece be where he Is directing the planting of tag which lime be won niaay.. friends ebards. near here ar* ta ■arprlaiaglT
erously oo -wte hiB eyssight la aat ta
Mimumeol rlaboiieaioo na I
Maatotoa. TVi to too tret time that bad beea aa anire aad valued i
I<: aerco to apple, peach aad cherry He is survived by only a widow.
daager. ' Mr. Fanat hao aol boM voB
ef Moaameat at'Andaraoa
jgood condition. As toe peseb croc
, for toe post ooToral montht ate pm
te baa nblptwd a
teitoad to one ter slur* IS55. Mr. Deli beM five treaa. All told 20.000 trees are to be
I has prartK-aily been .deatrayed tl
Cs-These books were secured for toe now te la anffortaB w*b aannda off
gteh Ste itetto JUw bow tola loeal
tel out tola spring. These trees are
. er paru of the esunu- the fnitt
■taairr to romlap to tte front, amoac
going to «m the /hill* dlrretly u> the
le ^sbury . era here are plsaatag on high ftrirew
i toe eyaa ate ntber enropUeatkaa, totO
toe BUM ptaapanma lb tbit tecloa.
«a« of Empire VBtagr.
[be ha* erery chance to raeorsry.
and big proBtg.
O^liilMi af IxtMfta In R««a<4
MMiUnt Orchard far

flmrte Jiell. <» Wrt> ^fb street.
rereUed a telepram Wednetdav
whlcfa asBonneed the death of b^t fa­
ther. John Dl)ell, of MunUIn*. John
Dell was one of the early pioneert of
(he Ortod Traveree reptoa bavion
come here in tbe early M t. aettUnp
farru oear Walioa. He had lived
here ualll wlihla the past three
yeSrt. when he went north
make hit borne with bU dautbtehi
Mnnittop. Fire cbiUlrea. two eoi
lieorpe and Robert, both of thU city.
remaiat will be laiMialK here toilb),
tad funeral nerrlcet wJII be held from
the boaw of Oaorae Dell, anooi
at data to be made later.




















HIUTUr recorrs

CflUlB FMBT 11 ’

aun>iuvmiHBAu>, «ranuTmiB4tiAm, miDAT.UTiiitii.

Grand Traverse Herald




t, IMS. at tht peatoStM •
■r Ik* Act o( CeMM. of Uateh t. im.

^ fof


Zaw , ,


Wi arc makin* n« end of lawa td prolert oor food prodncU
W« are almoot forcing oor pM»pJe to cat to-

adttd paw tooA prodoeta. torgely at the expenic of the coniuiner
tIM tke great pnre-foad indnatriM of the eoiintry may ke given
to ao. ImH it abont time that we protected oui^lvea at
a aatK«r from the HIHerate oaaaea of bananity that eome from
■«apet Oor immigration today ta very largely from the iHiterate
ef aoatberB Europe. Their standard of Imng is not up to
M own.
it m, in mimy eaaea, the eqnal of what we feed oiu- ani^1^ Tlwae ilMmate immigrants know notiiing of our langtuge,
thgy ^w nothing of our history, all that in-neceaury is that they
hafa a few doUara in their poekeU when they land ao that they may
not beeome atwnce pauper ehargea upon the countiy. In a little
thme foreigners are allowed to vote, are allowed to help us
ieipal and even our national exeeutives. The few d<4.Ian they bring into the country aw soon spent, they work for a wage
Am would be aUnralKM to an American bom citiaen. They go to the
fflk and rote a ticket they cannot read. The United Slate* trnlay
- .SUg'ebongfa to get along without this undesirable dkM of immignMa. U ■ time now that'the dollar* and cenU requirement be
thangrl to that of nti educational rvquiwtnent. We are bringing
Ac* people oarer here not to educate them, beeauae many of them
M WM the edneatkm period, but our public arhool *>-aleni murt
iSa MW of their children. Thk is all right as far as the chUdren
ninmini. tat it leaves os with a great population of illiterate,
low-grade Uveti who know nolhtng of our customs, our habits, our

Thaw is a great work to be done in the immigration depart^aM of the United SUtca. U some of our wM-alled atalortien at
yuMri^- will drop the anraaentialK and take up live problems
Iftt Ail, they may be sble to accomplish aomeihing that will be of
ll^'taaeftt to the people who send them down there and pay their


S OMttn cf tntdtikm
a to prohibit the e
An eOert i« being made in a
dmeat of *ildwn and youth in oerUin indatries like faetores
' 1^011.' There has been great abnae in employment of child labor,
in textile mills and .mannfactoriea, but when the law prottftn the employment of any one of imployable age in any industry,
SeteiigsttiDt upon dangeroba ground. If thew isan>-thing that
mu.fgide oura^vea upon it is freedom of aetion. Sudi a law as this,
^^doKtiye in ha eharaeter, eonld only work the greatwt harm and
MgMTl'tl’ BO
A 1000 or a woman must be allowed to
aeleet their own employment, to choose for themaelvet. To legiaUu UPOB this quMtion would be dangerous legmlatioh and abonld
jHh be encouraged. If the factory is a bad place for the ehildrqp,
^ it m, tbea by all meant encourage the ehildren to get out into
Ae eountry, onto tl^ fannt, whew they aw needed, where their
Mrvieae eaa be of value to theme^vea and othera, Wiew every day
«t eut-door labor brings health and atrength and a broader view
it Bfe heeatme of a eloee toneh with natnw. It isn’t legislation we
MBch as eneonragement to snch a life at this and adyanUgea
&k Mi^t be offered with an edneation along these lines in (»r
puhlio sehonia. niis brings ni to a big subject which we can Sot
enter iu(o fully here. But in a word we went to sey this, drop in our
pu^e schools the fd-de-rols and give us a pnetieal, bnsineaa, and
•BiOiharal edneation. The world will he better for it. and we
be educeling our people to know how to do thinga. We here
atteal and str^ views on thia subject and we may want to Ulk
ta tUi matter later.^

CmM SOAil/br UMc J9e«s
U is now anggeuted that Carnegie medals be awarded the Tihttoea. The'Titanic heroes aw mostlv at the bottom of the
aaeaa. What good would Mr. Carnegie’s medals do them! We
tars BO qrmpathy with thk Carnegie medal erase, and it seems to
^Mat it k a aaerilege to suggest that Mr. Carpegie put a few hun- dM.4oDan.of hk hundreds of miUious into medals for men who
gave' their Uvea end lie et the bottom of the ocean, that women
M^chUdita might ta saved. Thew should be'a roster permanently
fiatal iu aoa» Ball of Honor whwe our children may learn the lea■Ih at Wif-aheriflee, even to giving their life for others. But we
\i^ lb. Ckrwgie, or hkmedal commkaiw, which never should have
tata instituted, to let Uk matter alone.

0l Tilmk notorWy.
Ui r.lir. into pri..l.
life. It has been suggeMed that we give him the viee-^deney.

i9oLem0m « ^ibtbtethn
tta- political Ananias Society haa inereased ao rapidly in the
kM month that H k aomewhat of a dktiiietim not to brioug to that

the ^atpiu Cenel?



-What is CoDgrem doing about the Panama CaaM!,. Two years
from now will ace it completed. Will w* «s a aatioa ta ready to
we it, to care for it. to protect hf It eeruinly doeant look Uke it
We will have pul a few hundred mtHions into it. We will
have done the biggest pie#v.of engineering w<wk that the world ever
We will have cut a great continent in two. We wiU have
opened ap a short route between the two^gtanteat oceans on the
globe. We will have made the wtade world ait up and take mMee.
but what good k it going to do u if we can not use it. The pittance
we shall get, pomiUy, in tolls, will not pay the interest on a small
portion of the investment.
There k no Ameriean merchant marine. With all the big
things the United Stales has done in the last fe^ deeadea. she has
not been able to utilise the great oceans to the east and to the west.
Is anything going to be done about thk nutter, or are we going to
calmly sit down and see the other nation* of the globe make the
tt that we ought to make oniwlvesr
Tremendous mistakes were miid^n the early paH of thi* woib.
bat the President finally took it out .of the hands of eivil^n politi­
cians and gave it to the anny engineer*, and put the work under
ly dweipline. Their (Huuethiiig ws* aeeuiuplbibed. <‘ol. Geothsla, who has made s reputation for himself in this work that wUl
last as long as the world lasts, i* appwuchiug the end of hi* task.'
If he can not ta given a skilled and trained force. army
discipline, be will quit as aoou a* the Vhnai is eoiuidetcd. lie has
got toihave a capable and trained adiuinktralive foive to pul in
charge when the eaiul i* op.-ne«l. There i» not a day to lose. This
matter should not go over to another ('ongn-s*. .\<qion >diouId be
taken at once. Congretai eonld have giwn (w s men-banl marine
read.rfor thk great opening, but then- is noth iig to hope for us in
the near future, in this regard. I’rovb.ion <-sn at lea*1. howi-ver. Iw
ide for the proper admmtstfative care of th<^ eanal. The canal i»
Sot going to care for itself. The I'niied t^alea ha* taken upon it­
self a great responsibility that tuiist be met promptly and in n
most practical manner.

JJie ilriciti Widtel, Gtm
,In Grand Rapkk they are not only swaliiiig the fly, hut they
pntnng in a filtration plant tlut is going to do for the germ, the
wicked, wicked germ, what the sticky fly-paper ^do you rememher
bow yon sat dAwu on it last summerf) does for the unswatted fly.
Thk nunicipal filter is going to take that microseopie germ that
we have been drinking for several million years and it is going to
tangle it aU up with other gerraa, an iroeountable lot of other germs,
until the ineoneeivable millions of these germs, that the Grand
Rapids people have been eating and drinking all these years be­
come, by the use of ehejuirals, a gelatinom mam. and tMutaieroaed.
pie gelatinous mass k going to ta snatched right out of thr flow of
the city pumps.
Now there are good gehns and had gernm. X^e good germs
we want the bad germa^wc do not want. But 1^ Is the telomalic
ehemist, employed by the eity. going to knovrwbieh is ogik-h, and
what k going to ta done with thk germatie. gelatinous, Mass that
k to ta anatched from a watery ^rave T You see there are some
problems yet to be aottled by Grand Rapids filtratiookts.-

Te^ the Seed Coiit
Corn k getting to ta^n important crop in northwestern Mich­
igan. Thk year more attention will be pai^lo )hjs gi;pp Ijun ever
before. But there k likely to ta tronble with the seed. We are
told in despatches that there k'danger and that tesU Aonld ta
made before planting. It k many years since the per eeii of ger­
mination bm' been so low. 1*ractiraliy all the Miefaigta grown
Bweet com k worthless, some testa tliat have been made gboa- 70
per cent failed to gr-rminate. The trouble is due to the bkd season
for barveating and the a^re winter that followed. Field corn
haa been found to be but mtieMietter than the sweet vsriely.^Osesr
Braman of Plainfield tested some teed corn he raised and only r«0
per cent germinated.
Jones, the seed man, saj-s the only safe way for farmers (o do
k to test every ear from which planting is to ta made. '
A. J. Brown advkes farmers to get'bnsj- and make the test be­
fore the rush of the planting season.
These firms are testing all seed corn off«-red for sale. Farmers
who raise'their own seed com need to make a very careful test or
take chances on a replanting. Every variety plaute»l thk season
should ta tested.

J&K Femers Wanted
The University of Wkeonsin has. for anrae time, paid special
attention, to the d.-parlment of ngrienllnral training. Ther.- k no
great institution in the coiintiy that is doing mon- today for its stu­
dents than the University of Wkeomrin. and this agrienllural de­
partment k’ a strong one. It is now stated there are more -applica­
tions in the hands of Prof. R. A. Moore for meh with an agrieullural
training than he wULta able to fill this year. When the University
eloMHl in 1911. there were more ajiplirations for graduates of this
department than eonld ta swpplii-d.' Wage* aggregating more than
$450,000 had to ta tiiroed down taeause. the department could not
fill these orders with qualified men,. While the gradiiatiw iu law.
engineering, medicine, arts and aeicnee Were- eoiii|s-ting for the
limited opiwrtunities that offered, the farmers had all been engag­
ed before they eomplete.1 their eotirae at salari.-s ranging from $600
$:t.00a a year. Before commeneement day ever>- gradu­
ate in thk department had fou^-a
position of an Average
aalaiy of
C^mftlon aii.-h a statement of fact
is .scarcely neeessaiy. ■ We have
before poiiitwl
thesi- eolmuns.tbat the liest chances for .young men to.lay were in,
thk field. There kjnore money to he made in farming, prariiealiy
Ineted, during the nest few decades Uian in any other p^ifcssioii. The man. however, who es}ieeta to do well in this lrite of
work must know his business. He must, to a certain extent, ta edurated in it. He must know what toils are and how to handle them.
He must know what crops are h^t for certain soils and be must
know how these crops should be put in and ear<>d for. ile must
kw<K what rotation of erojis means, in a word he most know how
Mfget the best out of the smallest patch of ground without deteriora­
tion of aoiL
There is
field of work tmlay that presents the same oppor- .
--nireeaaful effort as fanning. h>ei bur young men eonKeep jWay from lhi\eities. get-out onto the farms.

jbta A 91^

The aiueae are becoming rapidly eirDixed. ^flwy have over­
thrown their old ^-rtem ot gowrament th* hsB.»xkteil for many
hundreds of yeara, they have ent off their qnesea, and -now it k aaki
they are able to avoar almoat as -fimntly « th^en in Traverse
Rty on an early summer evening on FV«>t street.

ASpte^Ofi .



The wide spread intmat ^ k being taken in the matter of
better and mare aeieutific farmk« k emphaaked hy the fact that
Sean, Roebuck and Co. of Chicago, haa given one mtUioB doUara to
ta used by the Kational Soil Fertility League for thk purpoae. The
aecretaiy of'the League, k commenting cm thk splendid gift savs:
“The Agrieullural College k the logtcal working bead of uty
and all the p}ana for conaerving the land resonreea of thk eonntiy
and 1 am urging the application to the fund to provide |mat gradu­
ate eonraea at these institutioSa for complete training for' such
NOTier $P HEAfiue»j$L*iias nr
roftE COURT.
We shall hope and expect to annoonec other large endoarmenU
STATE OP »HrHHSA?»—Tl» Profor thk object. Itare k great wealth in the eonntry in the bands tala Cntt ter Oia Coastr oT Orato
of genroiM and broad minded mni-who are waiting o
mity for
! Id tbT'matmr ot a tc ootste of4F»toinveatment for public good.-flm k the greatest opportunity of the crick Allcrt.
Notie- U hertar tivea that four
eentniy. Will our wealt^ men take advantage of it •. The example
TODih. from tta r>a da> of Aprtl. A.
■et by Sears. Roebuek and Co., we believe, will ta followed br n . isi:. have i«oo sUe.oo for <t»4iiors to prfccnt ttalr
uid derewe.) n. mm
ter^^'Our agrienltnral College*, with special n-feivnee to that of Insilon and ad]u>tnirat. aos iluiM)
Michigan, the finrt college of iU kind to he estaWkhed in the Unit­ QnltcJ 1.
-Italr ctaUu to nu
ed Stales, have done and are doing a magiiifieeht work, but can not
....... — the iiTotatr Oinre. to tta efmon* be done? 1* the Stale doing all it onglit for our own Agri­ of TrarerM- I'a.v, Id mi-1 osaatr.
cultural College? Is there not a eham-r right here for a go«id In­
li> said .-oiin on Toeedar. H
vestment of a little more pnblir money? With all due r>-sp<-rt to board
:;ib dar of August. A. D. in:, at It
the rniversily of Michigan, with all pride in its gn-st aehiewnieni*. orlock ill the foreiUMa
Dated April »>d. A. D. tSl*
with all faith in thw fiitiiro of thk. one of the gri‘s1esi of tta Cni' FRf-nt R. WALKER.
venities in the «H»nntry with an appr«.i*tion of the great work it
aprll U. $A. mar
bat done, k doing and will do, k it not true that the Michigan
Agricultural College La* suffered «>m>-wliMt taeaiise of the neeesKarfly great demands of the Slate Ciuversity deuiaii<lx.ihat should ta
and must ta met in a liheral spirit, ami we re|Ma|. k it not tnie that
the Agrieullural Colleg.-, which is Kslsy and must Ih- during year*
to eome an eqnolty inqiortant iiislinitioii for the Mate, has suffer­
ed taeausp of the'jiist demands of the gn-nter institution named, and
the time now eome for Michigan to fully reali»- that the
.Agrieullural <*4>llegi- k of <-<|tuil imtHiiianei- to the inten-sts of-our
^inplra Jcta..t-.
great state with thsi of the rniveraity?
The next legislature must meet tliis •juesiion iu a fair and generoiM spirit.



The 9(fw Tension Bill
At midnight, on Satnnlay. the prnsiden^ signed the inercsscfi
pension hill, which had paaiml iHilh Seuate and Ilonsc by gn-at
majorities. This pension hill k not all it sliopld ta. hut it n-cognises;
in a aomewhat greater degree than IferetofwPrth'^ gp-at si-rvicf-s
rendered by the hoys in blue in the preservation of the Union
fifty yean ago. For many yean the writer of this hs* advocat­
Ora^Bg .............
ed and done what he ctinld to secure a service pension hill. He
talicves that every old soldier, who served in the civil war k entitled
io the best the countiy can give him. These men are nowefast grow­
ing old. Scarcely a man of them is not past the sixty mark and
most are nearing tfie three score years and ten. Tens of thousands
- D. RnELT. a. P. A.
hre dying eveiy year. The only reason th.dr number k atilt so great
is that far beyond the million mark offered their servici* at a time MONEY TO LOAn «d «bM and well
lmiirm-ed firms. M. Ot Davis. St!
when only these seryiees eoyld save our country’s flag, our eounRule BsBk Bldgs Tiaveree Clt>.
tfj-’a honor, our country’s unity.
The bill to which we r<-fer k not til we eonld wkh-it was. hut
it is a further and well deserved ki-ognition of a great si-rviee rendUigil
ei^ the nation by the men who are now tanefite«| hy its i>as.<iagi-.
Court for tlie COunir of Grand
It k estimated that 42U.9&') veterans of the rivil war will Ih* henefil- Trsvrrw-.
In tbe matter of tbe esiste of Jnbn
ed to some ext<-itt by tlik {H-nsion ineruase. and .rhe total amount of Kroupi. iAmSMad . N'oiice Is berebr tlvetr tliat four
increase carried hy the bill will ta about $:i5,(6o.<)00 the first ,vear.
moatbs from Ita 2^ day of April.
This great increase wilUnecpsurily ta rapidly redi^eed by the high A. D., tai2. b$'e pRmi allowed for
death rale among the veterans of the civil war during the next few creditor*, to '.prescBr Oielr elalsu
igalnsi said deobased to said codn for
years, and it is estimated that the average inovase for the next
five years will not ta more than $20,000,000. The hill jirovidea for
veterans 62 years of age, for a service 90 day*. $1$ per month; €
mfDtbs. $|.V)0; one year, $14; 18 months. $UiiO;iwo years. $1.’»V
two and a half years. $1.V>0; Uiree years or more, $J6. For veter­
ans 66 years old. 90 days. $1.*! per month; six months, $ldJ>0; one beard by tUd court on Monday i
}-par,‘$16; 18 months. ♦Ifi-.’iO: two years, $17: two and a half years,
$18; thr«*c years or more. $19. For veteraik 70 years old, 90 days,
$18 |ter nionili; sis mojitlis. $19; one .vear. $20.; 18 months. ^1.50;
Judge of Probate,
april 2S. 20. may T. U'
two years, $2;t; two and a half years. $24; three years
more. $2.V
For veteran* 7.> years and over, 90 days, $21 p<T month; six months, NOTICE OF HESRINO CLAIMS BE­
FORE COURT.$22.'i0; one year. $24; 18 uioiilbs. $27; two years. $30; two aud a
8TATE OK MlCHIGAN-r-Tbe Prohalf years. $30; thcr-e years or mqrc, $30.
bale Court for tbe Cotnily of Grand
Uensjon benefits dale from the time of filing the application.
Id tbe mailer of tte-etsale of JeaAny veterans already p<-nsioned under other acts may benefif by afe E. Crain, deceased.
.\oilie U bi-reliy glvea lhat four
this if thereby they may seenre a higher rate, bnt they may not
fuonih- from the JJnd datof AprU. A.
be pensioned under this act and any other act at the same time.
li. IPi:, have been allo^ for eredit rtSIke agatast



It will ta remembi-ii-il tliat the Democratic National eonvciitinn will require a two-thinU vote to nominate a candidate. This
ha* taeh^lic nib- for seventy years in the Demoerntic party and itis not prnh^il^tliat it will be changed in time to affect the rj-sult of
the convent-ion in June. Thk jieing the ease, don't forget that Mr.
Bryan k still an active factor in tlie-narly. Don't forget either that
ill 189C, and again in 1900. and again in 1908. Mr. Bryan’s popular
vote in the eonntry was in the uejghtarhood of C.-VKl.ilOO votes
while in 1904 Mr. I’ark-r received about S.OOO.ftOO. Again we saydo not forget that Mr. Bryan k still an active factor in tta party.

Their Jobs Are Scarce
There has been somVi»neasine«s among the friends of many of
the talking politieinns who ^ave been rushing around the i-minlry
for the past few w-.-k*. a-i loywlut will bm-nme of th-w- public entertaim-rs after tin- -Inn.- N'atmtiarconventions. A fhiejign judge
has aetlled the qni'stiou. In a recent ease before him he d<-4-i<b-i|
that the -arniiig t-iiiMieity of a jM-rforniing monkey wjis $:««i n

istmenL a
rredito of salil deeeaaed are requlred li lirtwenl ihHr elsltns to said
oourt, Bl tbe prwtale offlea la the city
of Traverse Cllv. In eald <«uoi>. on
or before tbe 2Bth day of August. A
D„ mix and lhat said r)am» wtll W
beard by aald court oa Wedoeaday.
tbe XSib day of August.^. T- tfit- **
lea o'clock to the forenoeni
m:?nd,/ •'

Tecife Ezlracicd

By tta ~Ka-rtar- mMta**! »a ra
_>ovo tbos* aching teeth abaolutair
wiibout pain, aad without tba ura of
drugs lo produce uncosscioasaaaB.
•People of B
-------------- --

DR. W. 0. lOKTON
2tK-20l n'llhelm Block, with Or. HeMl
worth. Traveroe atr, Mltolsaa.

WeDon-t Believe It
It k said they are digging up skrietons over iu iWiseomin. men
with sloping forehead*, big mouths, long noses, protruding eyes, and
deeply engraved on the shining'skull the word*. "I was a i»rehistoric politician.'' Surely there k nothing prehktori-- about tliat.
They are growing the same kind over there now.
Manias ThurMar ovaning at ^ r«a- RO»e COMB RHODE I6LA»<0 REDS
Tuule and Bean eirain*. he»t wlBler
UcDpe «t Mr. and Mr* Frank Oovi
; haielunt cw I
on tfest NlBlb street. Misa Ida M. Bar­
ber of CrsiTB and Petr}- Hopper of
Acme. Rev. J, W. Miller 'oglelaunx.
Tbe bride wore a dress of grar and
carried bridal rooca. Tbe rtos esreBonr »a* need. Tbe bride I* ou of
Grand Trarerae't awet popular teacbers sad Ur. Hopper U a boMDcaa
me. Tber moTed at oBcs
Sontb UaaltoD. Mleb.
tbstr borne at Arne.
ttas-mar, pma. July*

ebinery and msnufactnr* my i
in op-todsu deaigiis fiom the
roogfa stone. Prompt eusMioB
given all oidcrs «o mUbr bow
sraalL- Can ta write lotphtm..

^jap CT4TWn mtlTft tm. nuvmi p« mk* lO^r.iutMtna
Afto tbe lartons te)fcs had I
t the Thiw then mnt eapitel.- Rrr. Dr. ArhodOe.
ot tbe tre«a dnitei thair oadlaary Ufa- •I. B. Paster. Colnnitea. Ohio; “Yoor ■nde'lt waa Sodded that there
lateraaUoeal Frees BUe Qocatloa three proMena fadns our fruit (roweta 'Ther aro:
One of the czovera who la paitlcu- Club Is a happr thoeebLI. Tbe (Towlnc of a better (lade of
larir {ileaaed ti
Wc srec aO oor readan to'take
frulL L e. store fane)>atodi and leea
«bow a month a«o sma ooavlaoed that the stadr cd ibeae o—etloea aod cx
bli peach otehard waa daad. Ula opia- pete for ihe.pctiea One Uc prtee j
Z. Tha t
s'of a iraten
PSA9»« Tntc* Anc SHowiNa
i«n ot tbe week when the bloaaoina aoed the Herald to set tbe queotiou wherebr tbe pack can he (eaiuateed.
M to earlea and oaalUr.
becaui to appear In sreat iirotualoa on and eonpon. Snbecrtbe lodar.
E The creatioB of a demaM
tbe treea tbat be was In no nueb tear
Grand Trareree frulta as acatest all
ot. and the war tber are seitdlBE out
their btoasoau coavloeea Un that
The (raafe haa a comaimee that
will have aU the peacbea that be <
oDder InatrucUou to saiber all the
OAOWtM ARE FCELINO EU^TED lake care ot. harrlaf of conrae. anr
tortber troau ot a damacins natiite. Chadea OtI Oted at Hla Hema oe »* .tprautloB poealble alone tbcae Hoes
tbai w« now hardir imbaUe.
Enineh^lhow Thrt Trm
ScTcnl esndldates were slv«
lYed C. Warner ot OM Mlaaloo
Hi«r« EMRlelMit E»da t6 Maturt
Bnal Inatnictions In-the sjcreta ot the
bronchi to aoDc bnnebee Iron &rt};
F*lr^«p vr ^aehM
the Saturday Ueetins. It
Crawford tree* which be baa on hit, Chaa. OtL ased <7. died at Us
uR CfxrrtM. .
waa decided to ombellsh .Ue Intecter
term Saincdar which were la lair
IBS atier a teas lllacaa. Mr. of tbe sraose hall with pictures of
coadJilon and which will cite anp>«
had been in poor brabbT^a Ions
Master Hull and Sute lecturer
loaeonu for d telr crop of iralL
KTOwon Is this ipcalUr art
Os Eaiurdar mak Smith ot the ttme. btt bis rwndUlon bad not bc- JeoBle Buell
alaruins lunill wltbla the past
feeltw Ribibux ai laeaeat o«ar-iAe rniaaute biobcbt' to thla oRlce
1 intereaUas feature ot tbe «
: eM4ltl0B ot the iwach asd i
I'a prosram was an oHslnal poen:
branch from one of hla aprkot treea tew weeka He Is snrrlred by three
. K. aeveland. The poem sans
cberrr mpa, «bleb lbe>' euiipoeed wbirh «a» ilteiallr corered with danshters. laabHIe. Rom and TUIle.
bad heea hearUr damued l>}- the acIdosaous. As thU.vaHetr Is wbo reside here, n^ one son, WU- tbe pralsea of a pfuni.lnent sruuger
|-bo fortunately waa preienl at
vere vcaiher ot the lul vloter. reaanted as the rer)- teodcreet of the lUm.n{ Chclatmj. .
Retmef the tree* located Is tow ai«la kinds of Iruil crown in this part ot
that have Mt anSIdeU air draiaasc.
. The Bubjea of forestry wlH be si-•
tbe chances are tbat all tbe
are iBjnrad to a varjlus eateoL Iml Btrenser radeUes In thu ddelt]' will
ew the Uuc Usht at the next meeiios
thoae that are located In mifmt of
bear a full crop tbis seasoa. Bou^
of this sranse. f.>-roinfoft. one
urtshardt are ^las out In ifne .
, tbe Arid asopto ot tbe Mlchlsan AsHBood iutispecu are also found In tbe
dIUon and adcordlaa >o Indicatl
eultural nillece will s<ve an addles
ot Jobn Bieduan at Cast Bar.
viU hdve aU the buda that tbej will
bee from Iterir Ctawlard trees
entitled. *Treea. Trees. Treea.~
babble to rljwb. The wood of tbe from tbe farm ot Cbarlei Uarsa also
trooi in aome Uutaacaa baa beeo-ioand the
Mru. Lulu M. Eueladorf. ased 41
eml cooditjoB of tbe ireoe lead all to died suddenly on tbe train while be
. bellerc that ibei' wiu mature a (ood ins brousbt from ber'borne In Newcrop thU year.
ayso ID the Tiureree City State bow''
These faeu to to prore that an pital Thorsday. Tbe cuse b said to be
carb' estlniale of tbe condition of the ^e of tbe aaddeat OD record, aod It
fruit drop has liulc value on settlnc was hoped that perbaie a few months
Traverse Clif |ico|>le wbo remember
a llqc OB tbe real conilillotK Wba(;ls ireatnent In ibe Stale hosi>ltal woold Morris f. Wilder will be shocked to
wanted is an esdntate baaed on later
III In her recovery, but JuM before team of the teet tbat be met death by
deevlopments. when tbe blossoms ap- (be train pulled into the city liniis drowwlDC at Santa Monica. <b1.. last
jnsar or even Uter than that If there
ber life was snsErd out In an insunt. Saturday. l-'uU psrtlcnlaiu touhi not
Is any tendency tosrmrd bard froais t&, 4l SMiiu that four montbs aso Mra. he iMTued. and pncUcalJy all that
tbe reiVin.
Zuelsdort became the omlher of a known U that bU body was discov­
babe aod she had nem- telly recov- ered by tourtsts and Ibe only means
ared. Sbe was aceomimnled b> ber of IdcnillLuUoB was a mcmberablp
husband and brother, and tbe shock card In the Tiuvciwe tSty Imlse ol B.
has proved a severe one for them. I*. O. K , which be carried in hU |«ckZnatsdori was a bandspiue woand from all amieurunM was a
woman ot culture aod reflnetncnl.
The remalna were taken back to
’ Newaygo for burtaL
41 by tbe kadlng n a of Ibe
, natlou as tbe -Suggea
n tbe Sunday School Lesam’ bow
I running te the Herald IblverI alLv preebient. leadteg Sunday echool
, paaiora ot large city chnrctaea. '
as well as ot smaller places, and the
rank and ffle of
Hon. H. S. Ameruon. one ol Antrim
these queetlens i
bard to make a aeleetJon from > county's dlrevlors te the Western
many hundreds of •tesUmonlals, h ; Mtcblgan DevelopmeBl bureau, was
here are a few, with a word or Uro Ibe city Tbuteday dUcoasteg Ibe o
look for developmem 1a tbe Antr
coUed from andi:
. Yale I’alversUy: sMiou. He reiiorted cto|m. esiwclal"Tbey are certalaiy caleulaled te ly fruit, te good vodJIIIob He
tbousbt.~ Rev. M'ayUue just returned fium bU auto tclpl
Hoyt. Profeseor •of''"ReUglon ano through the trail sections'of Ucnxic |
Science. Temple ^telverally:
“I and L«elaUBU counties, where be went
think your qneellons snggestlve and aner,new Ideas. Among other things
valuable:" Vice President Uobln. t>c- be said that Paul Rose has every
panw Valvoralts;; "I am very mucb iuueiieci of harresting a tine |>
pleased with your qucstloas • • • crop thlawoason.
I will see wbal 1 eaa do to have ibem
here. President Burweth.

Tbc local kiden was soCKd ;
ome and A their reqnest the boi
was cared for aod pteeeri ie a vanU i
Ua Angelea uciU terthtf dIaposItioB
can be made.
Mr. Wilder waa a clean
man <E about 34 years «t age. a^
darlttc Ibe consiructioa of the State
baak buUdiag he wna employed by bis
er. Mr. HoarafieM was constructioB
supeflDteiideBt and wU also be x*-\
bered by Ttgrene City people.
Mr. W’Uder live dte tUa city scvenil
I and later moved to CaUtoraia.
h-ull parttcuUre of Us death wul bt
publistaed as'



tna URtHiB uu Baoi


I gunaii GUST







Leading Shoe Store of TraveracCity and Northern Micbtgao.

hood This Eianino.
Tbe banquet and meetlnc of tbe
'uocrrnatloDal Brotberboud will be
leld oa Tneeday evening at whlrb
lime' Amos S. MuasHaian will be preaod deliver an at^fwas This
will give the -peoidc of Traveree Citv.
opponunlly to hear the most plw
wloeui iwnJhdate for -tbe numlnaUan
for guyeiwer at tbe aUle prlmartas
Angiiai. Mr. Mnaaelman is the
bualneas men's landidate end will
have a moasagr to delit er on ibis oc­
casion (bat will bate as Important
bearing ujk.u the polHlcnl situation.
The baniiuel will begin at.«:3o and all
;boae who hate not already secured
ibeir Utitels should apply to A. B
Cook, pbone 374.

will Open Oti NtMham Courae S

]jC|'ture Course at two (llVerent t
last winter, bur was utuble to
either date because of Olheas. I


with him tbe ben «(
cerest hopes for success of Ua d
In Traverse City.
Mlee Mbrtee «L ClMr ar F
and TbM Herbert WeHs of I
wjgre esarTted te tbe couav^
Eec Tkurmlay afteruoon.*R
Ite otlcbnlbg.'fhe

gown of liitet bine sHk iMseaM
lacw. Mr. and Mrs.
A Smile "
Ua ^lU- hard iblngtt
-hen you're "blue.’ Hite
f eovta.*’ There Is a aw
alt etemacb aod liver
attpatlon and d.naxTWU. 1
mild, tbotougb. and elecUvn
roses. Try a box. Price ST
by AmertcuD IWug Sioru.

C. K. Zapf received a lelMram
ty-announcing tbe spd-Iea dtetb of
WANTED—«0,*8d pounds of W
big ibolber. wbo dropf^ dead at
blgbrst Barbel pn— ' '
borne te Spring lake at an eufly hour
Foote. CUx. pbons 114
this morulnr Mrs ZapI was U years
of age and leaves her busband. one h^^-hALC CHEAP—Sis am Ad*e.s -or c*re 'n
daughter and one sou. V, T. iai-t of
Ibis city. Mr. Zapf did not know bis
niother was ill and yesterday be made
plans 10 Tisll her nnd the u«we i«me
as a great sbock.

81$ 6M nsmil
Aft Bsel^ Lett fee Harbor Spriitps
jjrtbur 1. Barham. Jr., left here
MoBday for Harbor Sprlofs. to
take np-a position milb tbe State bank
at that place. He resigned hU )>osii
tIoD Id the First Nallona! tank of ibis
city a C0U|>lc of weeks ago to take a
position 111 a hank at MuBlsing. but
owing to the fact tbat since thdT'Ke
has raeHred a niurb better o0cr si
Harbor Siirings. be has acceieed the
latter, kir. Barhaai U well known In
this city and his departure will be a
great regret to bis many frleods here
AvylblDg Art takes bold of usually
goes through, so there Is no ansleiy
Ult in regard to hla making good In
tils'-uew iioaUloD. Me at least carries

_____ _Jue, te the «*_
' City, te said couaty. «■ I
Uy Of AprlU A. O, telfs
.Fresent: Kon Fred. iL
ludae ot Probale...
lb tbe mailer of IbCMteU
{WtltlOB iifurttf 1

____'2^'tto*e Of*hS^hSh C

gal belts of aald dsruaaed and of
to InhertL Ibe reU eelste Of WkU
doeased died seised.
It U vwdered'liat tbe IH
May. a: I) . ISK. at ten o'Hl
toreeoiAi. at mU iirobaU c
and te hereby appotelea tec
said pMlitea
It Is terther ordetsd-thi
tice ibereot he given by p
a ropy ul this Older, for i
ressivc weeks previous to si
hrniing. te tbe tirnnd l
aid. a newapapef Hint
latod te aaliL ceuDly.
TREI) R. 1


Most People like a Store
Where There*s a Stir
It Looks as U There Were; Some Reason for Goi^ Bosy-ness


W§ are abowlag Ote
laraert Stock ol work
SkMlB Norlbcra lOchteaaaaeilMrUlpayiwe
to leek itacB over.

imwniiii| Mime

tbeXdtp and Jt has bcea deck
have him lecture at the City opera
boBse Sunday evening. May !» TboM
who bold UctleU forthe Ndedbam lectore course Bisy use them for this lec­
ture, aa-ll will be a refflUar
tbe ronrue. AO ewah receipts from
this attiuetJon wUI kw glv^ for tbe
beaeSt of the eburth of Immaculate
By spectel request Path-

fm mss^RiYioR

method of deallag with the eubject
strikes ate as moat egrellenL" Prlael|ial Uenloo. Queen's I'nlverslty:
• Tbe method ndopled by you
Of bsulng dueetlons for tbe-mw ot
• • • Bible eWes U a good o
bave tested Iw value Id my owi
ire.' Rev. Newell Dwight HlllU. Pastor Plymoutb Cburcb. Brooklya.
T.: "Your quesltoiu sre sug­
gestive and cniculaied to provoke
thought and teveetigallon.'' Ki Rev.
Bisbon Ebllows; "I hope you win con­
tinue to give Ibem to tbe cburcb nod
tbe wortd." Rev. Dr. Scbaulfler. CtasurInlenutlonal I-eaSon Conimluee:
"I have read yotir quesUans and End

Paints, on
and Varnishes
Spring is brightening up and our appreciation of
your past fovors has led us to call your attention to
our_ Paint Department which is well stocked with
bouse paint, floor paint, porch palm, furniture paint
and varnish. House paint is sold at from $ 1 to $ 2 a
gallon. 'It your house needs a coat of paint, or your
floor, wooiLwoit -or furniture or vrindow-screens need
patdhing up we would be pleased to serve' you wi^
the best quality of material at a moderate price. If
your bni^ is too badly gone to use see us about that

. Con»M Frrol ft


eardman- Avenua Teachern Tcndtrad PlesMBt Even.
Mias Afeene C. Raynor, domestic
Bclenre tether, whose marriage I
Perry Atkinson of Grand Rapids baic |
been announced ol take place in June,
was (be guest of honor at a plcnir
supper given by the teachers
luan^avenne echool at tbat bulMJog laiMTbnrsitey afteraeon. Su|ipcr
was served about siv o'clock i
wblrfa kliss Raynor was presented
with a silver beefsteak set.
Miss Raynor Is a Graud Rapids glr!
and although ahe has beeen hero bol
g IROe more than year abe has a
school and so
clal circlew As domestic
tearber she canic In cuniai-l with
many of tbe ounger girls who liked
r BOI only as a teacher but each .
a frlcBd a» well. Miss Rsynor w
make her future borne la Uraud'Ra


Oar MAY SALE’S the Jtiisim-Thete PRICES m Uu MapuH

Ladies’ Long Coats

Ladles* Newest Sails

in navy blue, light and dark tans, ^c..
in all the newest styles of the season,
are wortii from S7.50 to S12.50 and SIS.
In the MAY SALE at

in clever tailored styles very prettily
trimmed, sizes for Ladies. Misses ta4
Juniors, instead of being $15. $1$, $2S
and $30. they are in tbe MAY SALE at^

$6.00 and $9.00

$11, $14, $16.50 & $19.50

Ladles' LobI tsMs. acwetl styles, wtrtk fr— $15 ts $22. gs k $1150 >U.00m4 WU

Hundreds ol

Dresses ^
suitable for street wear,
made of good Gin^ams.
Percales. Dimities, etc.,
are all marked Special at.
$US.lAft. L»$,
S.M,S.0« mmd $.9%.

Any bay

The Saturday meeting of Grand Tte
ree grange was a profltablc one. n
pccislly to the trait groaftra. Tbe
matter of doteg aomething in tee ear
ly future to Insure better rctorns was
disctiaeed at length. Meean. Chaa F
' Back and Kdward Payeoa both of.
i bate been Modylng the market
lag problem with more tban ordtearv
rapt-^ve the grangva the beneBl
cbHr.diacoveHca to date. Mr. Burk
plained a,plau. the adoptW of wblrb.
he believes, will greatly terroaae
d«naBd for Orand Traveree frail and
bring better vetnrna to o«r gr«<
Mr. Pn.raon re)died hla with
applce la ibe-box. lastrad of barrel
By puRlag np a fnacy nrtlrie be bad
made tbe fruit bring retaraa that
vuM tram X to W par banri.

Three extra chetee bargatae
Dig let rt CmbraMiiM inMrftona and Edgings, veerth l2*/a«
On. let et ZT-imeh FlMMetegm
werth SOt a y»rd. at Ibe.
4b4neh FleuncinBa. bMMIfid

^ MOK Elaborate



uwes- DRESS

Dresses for dress-up. ^or •
special occasions, for after­
noon or evening wear.

You'il find no bigger or bett« variety than we
ai« showing. Dresses of Silk. doth. Net. lingerie.
Voile and Marquisette. Instead of being $7.50. $10.
$12.50. $15. $20 and $25. tbey are marked; down for
the MAY SALE to ”■

Black Ribbed Heae tmr bey*
and girla. wenh iSc a pMc. SB
gites. at UC.
Ladies' Brik Heac. Bpeelsl M
»c. l»c and tc.

Eotue Drctaa worth

$5.90, $7.90. $9.60, $12.50, $15 llif-$20
Onlfomi Parting and Grrtlng Will Be
CIvsn Panteular Attention This*

Many choice pieces of
the ^quality going in

A WonderinI Saving for Men—Finest Salts at
18.90,10.90,13.65 & 16.50,worth as mochas 22.50
Closing out "The Men s Fashion Shop" stocks at 20% to -10% under value.


Suite at..
. .. Suite at
Hen's Sr
it««0 Suite at

Men's 50c Underwear
Men's-lOc FiM HSM at
to per cent ett
Men's Mste el
Men's 62.00 Paris a
Mer'a Wert, Skirts


SBve Bt PTfl—i Ikkcti

iraverse aty


ouin) aivnn HBUD. us tuvbu^ ut xwu, TsznAT.u,TH4». . i

'suggestive questions
■ dw Sunday School lasaon by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the
Intomatioiiaf PrMB Kble Question Club.
.Mfl tttUe” ol tbs ia» of Mo»*. apir1*11. by a«-. T- »>. iJib- Uual. «pw*l. iiomitail and
............... 1»—WMt *•*» Ihe »pal
eatL ituriKBe ot dblect ^df
of uawsc**
naisQixisoi* ui
a, Tfc l“-*‘o tCt"
laai i»v«ib
w««iB »■»
a uwn>.f
I& iI u
dlsrlttie w.
of vm—
CbrUt' —
L ________ .___ _
Itaih ..idaued Ibe la*. .Qom. time bad. -.___
.Wloat Ibt- ieaat of
the Old Teatameot eoniiaandmer'«hat wouU be have lost thereby?
dlaelvlf of Christ
—■■ that V '**
*'»* 001 to be
•»111 .n bejuifnied?
teaches asainat the keeplti* of the
c moral
«- w. the
---- -------------------------------•*
.) Wbat. if t")*f resaou lu (l;er«‘ to
"eye—tor- an eye"
___ _____-1by tie"eye
lilm that ieaua dt d not iitran that ^aempLSed
,J2.) U a man secretly plan,
plan. n
Etev of Mc*« watt
•*«' toicver?
“T) Ho» dl'i Chrtat titi ‘ill «-vrn ' io' dcr and lacfct the opportuntty of

mUina It he U in neceni at U*. V~outd
you say'ttaat-Jie is jest aa nHlty be
fore Ged «i « be bad tvmtBlCted It?
n:i.l Ooes^lat teach ibal. wk-ked
anger or haired Is re^rdol by G»1
I murder, aad. if not. *hat does be
,ean! (Seel John Ul:lo.>
(H.) What dosea Jeraa be.^v meanly
and the "tootti tor a tooth -■ompawidmema of tbctXd TeeUSeBU how does
God regard M-ni?
. Cbrist
-) Versa •o-Wbat
a hy "the rl*bteou*i
aerfbe* and PhariMc.r;
• («,* If a man dw-« ua out *utd i»o.l
deed for live take ot .-lunofii or lutlicW to be Mcn of men that U- would
not do front ht. own <-boi;-e. bow
bis de^ r^mrded by God?
(9.1 How would you ebaractcriie
tvo men. oiae whoso looljves an-lairc.
hut wbo blnDdom ;n varryinB tlii-ni
out. and ono wbo.v- luuttve. an' i
*liure. Inu w bo arts outwardly’to a
lanltlfsa tnanaer?


(10.)------------------- --------------.
motives or in actions, and wbyl (This
dl the queatlMS sritlcb may be
red In writing by membera of
the eiub-l
Ewant SolemnUed a
Sl-SJ—Tbe la* of
tan Uw now. gouM
only punish when’ an outward crlite
bad actually been commlitd. Ito*
does the law here Kfren hy Jeens dif­
One of the t^ry pretty early aitrini:
fer from that?
weddings was that eoIelBnUed at lli
the rarioBs degrees of iiuDlsbrnenl. borne of Mr. and ?lry. Jolin Ooan i
represeiteld by tic -ludgiueBt." tbi
day afternoon at' ^ oUt
"cauneir and “heU Ate?"
Blanch Urati. sbler
Mrs. Uoaa. becauic the Hide of Henry
Baldwin of ibis t-iij. Ko. Tboupi
with (mmI If we bear a aru.lBu agaloM of Elk nai-id- offitisliiii:., flic Iioj
any |ier*on •
wks filled Wllb dulto-iil- ]
.!««» i„ s..d.v. M.) :... t.i! elnlh.. wbkli coii.blui-d wtiU me ot
Tnithtuli..... Matt. .:r.n.=:: J... ili.I. er prvuy apiolnttncDi., prodti.rf
very c^nritt* wtiiHE for ihe Itrtdal
isriy. TI»e bride wore a siluitlc’ yet
Why Few Men Da.
bctomlng Kuw'it wf duit.-d rtwiss o
The deaire to mak« good u only a»
'caalomiUy 1keen enough to make a

Substantial Increase SboV*n In Number Of Manufoctuiing^
Establishments And Value Of Annual Product
They are Turning Out
Ttsvcnw .I'll; is niuvittg nhead. nc
c .meanlBR ot U.. atatlstics. .^s
mailer wbat tbc t-rCMiki rs may say T
that Tra.erw
^ forging sbsed
Ihirius ‘ke t.-n years hrtsecn Um rcKBrdbss or the aldcwalk tolamlty
rnsuars of 1W0 «ad IM" tbv nutubei bi.-»kr». The figarM bay . beyoud
d.«rtrt. that the mauyr amall*
rliy iDCTMsed from M
that cstablUbLul •*—muliu ij,
Bam of alaioel To pvr i*ot; the aver- Bild.t wiihuut the i;*re of
itu- •
number of wage earner* incrcas waving <i( flwca. mure than maki up
, from fos to lijo. a Fain of o«« pur kwiws bevauM- Of the dlsaMvarJo per cent: and the value of tbc pr>
tarned out aoDoally lactwaaed
Tra»v:r,' ^■:l^ !* drsCDvO to t>MvMo
:r..iu *1.^•1.•KH> to $:.iS9.oOW. a Bala of grvat a..Up..«6<luU.t ha» the aMb
tlo.ta aud
alimnu W
ain was nude despite the produ.. wHltb ,.ud puaur. aad « J. .
nuK tUv very ten yeiu*
V.oud ,.b..
..f aa,- tndt. •
■lut^iwr. scvenl
Industrial -------InslltutlonB
.ee. Utaum.—
------ vtdual Of Btoup of ladriMualt.
tbvir u*»ratUiM m the »top It ua tu wi»avd uiat.h towar,;
I up.-fulBMi at;d iafiueava.
I l.uttUo Ibab. wbo wore *Wle
I aud .an-ied I'.iiik Ooa^r,. The
iRiAm.tii «a* Frauk'Uvan. bn>th«r

■ .iifest.;



f’i ii





■t.urM ^.-OdtoR »ut^ wa» w-rved f
(I.e Kuotn e«at<-d at. rmall UbW
Mr. Ilaldwiu I, ort'burdi.l for tb
Tra.rree City *!ialr hospital, aad ib



rhe Barney Co.


Supplies women’s needs in Ready-made Apparel at savings that are
unusual even for a J*lay Sale—25 to 33% per cent.

Prtcea cemetrE
each day iberisafler
er U laafldt varira.
U-bat .*.


Itulf.lo, May. li-C,ttU-Il«-el|d.
atU(o. Mvady to .troag. |k QU(,

..... ............

And Wliy a May Sale
a w«nan has only laid aside her winter wraps? For ninety days we
1 Now in mid-season, whe|i many
. been selling the garments
Mat p^aps YOU are only ready to purchase. It has been an unusually
* good season for High gmde Suits and Ifevy Wraps. To reduce this 'Sock 'now Jo the
minimum BEFORE hot weadter; to prevent slock becoming unsaleable or “slow,”
you are allowed these specalbuying advantages in May.
flld-iuntner Styles Are Corning Along fast; Lawn and Linen Dresses, Linen Norfolk Suits. Norfolk
1 Lingerie Waists and Dresses, Summer Silks. Early spring styles must make room for the'exploiting of
■ wearables.



larvalaes IkLSO UHlSm

at 10.00
I' and 13.50

Wblte lurd Colored Wool Dresses
They are certainly beauties.

$4.75 lot values up to 7.50
$5.75 for values up to 10.00
$7.50 for valujs up to 12.50
$10.50 for values up to 18.00

I_A<lles’ Stlk Costumeis
Street Dresses, Calling Gowns
•i a Tff fOf Crepe and Satin Gowns, worth S22.50, $25 loAOofv $M. Only one of each style—Uie best styles of
1912 to select from.
for'Net. Lace. Silk Gowns worthup to$18.00


*• mm for plain, neat Foulards that sell ordinarily at $10
d«l9 to $12. We charge for alterations on these.


$5.96, 7.25, 9.50
!;o( our new 1912

TockMC at

25 pn cent off

Your choice any ^oat left up to
$24.00—the swellesl Nveaves of
the year embraced in this offer.
All other coats at 7.50, 9.75,
11.25 or *-1 to less.

In silk and cotton



S .SS^nsleadol

The finest line of Voile, Silk,. Lingerie and fine embroid­
ery Lawji Waists ever sgen here, with Dutch neck and threequarter sleeve, high
and long sleeve, worth regularly
$1.25 td $5.50.

At*A OB Regular Prices
ADIsronnt of 10percent
Off during this May sale lor any White LawB Dress
the regular prices of which are
'1.75, $.M. 7.5$, 1$4$, 1$.$$, 154$ IO«4i
MnsUa Uatowesr at HaU Price

Chiiutn. May 13—\V!n-ai. II I3S. oru. TCV-. Oat«._^r.
l4->Vbc.. *. .:-x
t om.
Oatt. isve,
Odtrolt. Hay 13-W^h-... tl
So. 1 boiwe hlda*........... aad up
(Tii'^gu. May i::.—<|Uoh.'l

crrr«vlM each Mouday. ..................................... At.,:.4c

1.69 tasted ol
2.2S taslead of

Black Messalfne
{.■Mso in colors)

We would like to contract
for twenty acres of string
beans. We have seed beans
at the canning factory and
want some planted this
month. Call and get con­
tracts at old prices. Traverse
City Canning Co., may 12-lOt


If you filled them, All's well; It you didn't,
your rival got the order and may get the cueI stomers’ entire trade. Wake ud and push the
“BEST" flour made The manufacture and sale
J of this Hour helps pay your taxes, pave, your
8,ttreets, build your school houses. Does foreign
\ made flour do as much?


that ha\-e all the
-!(m \.;i:
exiiect in bkiris. at S12.'. it. Sti UUare priced for Hyde-gra>ie fa!;ri‘ t

Wortti ^ I

I me modish mixtures and
Plata mannisli dtagonals,



Ml. •.ee»p^ and

r .Nliriu bruah luatka
aud ji

With clasp fasteners
$445 instead oi
^95 Instead ot............ 5.00
$340 and $240 to silk.

aCdVt • -ikpr 'jrd




DAT, HAT H ttlS-

T&AVSBflS'BAT C4<nx, '

Mra. UwbertMA **"»• • •


Mra. Loon WaH, MeySaW .
Crapd TravdiWA 310.43.

MMnic Holmaa. 8

....- Eg

Many Dumotic AnUnato.
Tbe dosiMtle aalnab on tbe tarn*
bar« a value tbai almeet tdnebe* tbe
$3.«00,«>M mark. Tbe suiUtle* regard-




log tbe more ltui«ruot animal* found
la the ragtoo are: Cattle. 3A9K bead:
borwex, lu.:;* btml; *«lae. 19.0u3

__ties amd C«sb Commission tor tbe
Ladles of Oils aty and VIcliilly.

Tbistl.SOO OnHay of Practical aod Valuable Prize»
ii tbe Finctt E>er Offered In Ttito Section of the
Stale—Awarda Arc To Be Made June 22, >912
No One Lotee
«rt, 83S £. Sth..
are rtvetl od all aobacriplloo
Vinton, Wynkoop
.pafumu to Tba HG«>ra'i:acle ur Herlel. 307 W. lUh..
Grace MeMi
^ (ne« or old! of tl.W or Juora. Ella Hankii
Votaa are gleafl on arreanKo pay- Mra. Bhli
Po*«>ral, 411 W, *th............
MMB aa aelt ai advaiioe taineuts.
If rm ^ paid abaad oo aonte other Mra. A. Watt. 129 E. 12lh............
-------------'-rd. 914 Waah....
paper you cun aubacrlbe tor The Bac911 8U
ord-Baslc or Herald NOW, set .the
- -- Ty. 713
.. .pevaeek, 716 Randolph.
Totea and Tbe Eucord-Basie or Herald
rcnce'Ratlanburr. W. 11th..
wIllBot be iUrted until the eipiratlon
:h*l Htrrtngtwh.
W. nth
of >our preauBt daily.
lb Uudka. 111 Vine ...
u Mai
Tbli la the ral^t cainpalto
men. 629 W. 9th..
L. C.
conducted In the atato..
In rieEdna 8i
■am aaarda aad no loaera, *ka
Lulu E. ThOmaA 905 W. 11th. ..
, ■oe.prlae erfamiac candidate will re- Irene Pearce, 819 Waeh.............
oalre. In caali S par rent, ef the luonDISTRICT NO. 2
ey Me etdlaeta.


itririerM’lnl?*SS*t«h.‘ ^

Tfiouaandi of votea are pourlot
to tbe baUot boa
0 bo expected In Tueai

«V 's laaae.
TBe etaadlnn of randl4at«i aa folleva la aecordUii: Ig the conat of b
. a. n. Saturday.






Haxal Dillon. T. C. RFO 5..
Ethel Storey. Batea....
mo Damn. Cedar RFD 2.. 1005
h Rapid* n
nan. rupi
1. Maple I
int. Empire
Jtnnie Farrant.
U‘»ie Rjrker. Maple Cit)
Mra. l-con Muff. Empi

Includca all tarrttory
euttidt el
Traverae City and aouth and eaat of
the Pere Marquette R. R.
Mra. Earl Gilrnore. Fife Lake.:.12210
Mr*. Jimea Smiley. T. C. fl. 3. .11750
Pearl Me'rm. Wllhantburg... 11580
> CaHbaek. KIngtIcy ;.......... 11320
Prank Sayara. Mayflald____11000
I Scofiei
!ld. Williar '
Iva L. Bogart. KIngalay
Florence Seati, T. C. H.
Batea .............
Orace^lely. T. C. R. 4^...


duck*, etc... :5I.«I5 bird*; bc«A 4.9MceloQie*.
Tbe valna ot the annual croiw bar-'
vested un tbe seven tbonsand odd'
Ismis rum. into the uiIUI
oim o^ollam. Tbe <|uaaiUles 1 i>n»J1rai: ae-

M^*G.^“shearer "T C. R. 2.. 3

63k,lvl butheb: wheat. 150.553 busbcU; barlei. 3.133 busbeli; buckwheat.
aS.37u busbeb: r>e. »3.b4l busbete:

Goldie Holliday. Mayflcld..
Clara Ouffey. Kilngalty
MInnio Sargent. Summit City..

61.t'.» teas; iWlatoeA 3.>i:.:«3 baslielii.
The Diarkellag ol Ibi • inuto
crop alone brine* a large ai
read; money Into tbe region and tbt*
wealth qulehly become* dl»irtbuU-U
Fruit Crawing PreflU.

Mr*. Mery DenniA T. C. R.6.... 8765
Mm. Ruby Pack, Mapi* City R 2 8530
Hattie Swonoy. Old Mlaalon.... 9135
itkinaon. Burdickville
Mre. R. E. Atk
Maria Burfl

The *uticilm lor the fnr.t growing
Industry bate not been euuii.iled Wit:i
s* great lain* a> Ibow lor general
larmlng. FYoni sucb ttgurtr a> are
araliable. It Is sale to miniBio that
there are 6.»uv acres of Un-hardi. In
(be territory aud that ibe atemse an-


DMl return iroinlruil if not leSs than i


Triui «u block line.


............................................... ............................................................................


Compnign UUtricl Xo..... ..........................................Aa a cbmliJalc
ill The IUtsU ami Kvronl <'auij«ig«.

nual reuiins frqni ibc.orclianla 1* Su­
ing to |«ss Ibe SIU.OM.IXHJ luaiA.

Dote........................... 2...15U2.

Tdiversc City Refrigerator
i. _ Co. Make
* ^Mmard Make

to $97.50

Sc|it. lu, II. f3—Abroad with Man-

^ ^ere Is a Good One

5.50 up
The Hannah'& La\ Merc. Co.
the Big Store .

Saturday Games at HcmA
Ca'Ililae—.May :3tb.
.\lur.kegoo—June I3th.

T« bf viileil <m or Imfiirr' .May 21x1.
GtK>D FOK 10 VOTEiS....


Ludlngian—Aug. 3rd.
I.udIngtoD—Aug. rtlh.
fadiltac-iBeirt. Tth.
Sunday Games at Heme.
Cailillar—.May 34lh.

Grand Rapids, Midugan.

The encouragement and support
which you. receive trom your^ bank
paves the way to fuirilment of your
The officere of the -‘First National"
stand always ready to extend to
. positors the broad and efficient servibe
wbi<±'meaus so much to their progress,
and invite new accounts with this help­
ful r,laimnship in view.

Under cortrol o( U. S. Trenstny

iloyne Clij—June lOllifor JIhv 21. The Judy u^ed Will thiu rm-ixT JO votfS to
lii-r -i-ri-rlil.
Trim around bUck line.

oeuq—done :
Igton—July 1
Jlanicue-July 3Ii
l.udlnmon—Aug. 4i
Muskegon—.\ug. I

Traverse- fit} at Maiiif.ce.

l.ii.1tn,tion—Aug. :
C.. •lr.-- Se|.i StI

OuiDc t'li.v al <'A<)lliae






<- only ol«n date in

Mu’krgon at'I,udia61ou
Bourerw Harbor ia still JubS as fSed

Labor Day Camea,^
Ilox ne t'Ky a

.• till.'.

i.udlnslon a.
CadilU. SI .'

a place to retch perch as U ever WSA
a..vntlDg to a oumt^r who havs l£*h, ,1 there fhli spring
Many laEge calhave been repurted.

J. Agtitaltmal Backing,
This is one of a series of articles being published by
the Herald and which go to show that Traverse
City offers to him who will cast his lot with her opportun­
ities that are exceptional.


have youT' U a

question ttant Is often asked.

It I* a

Mir quesUoD and one tbat-ii etKllled

The Grand Trawerae Beundartem
1'bc exaut boundtrlew for the Grand
Traverae region have never been

tonnlned. There »re those that vlitla
to an IntelUi^nl and coniprcbcnsive that they indmle .Manistee and Cadll
ra the south, and l*eio-kcy
rei'ly. •
We propose to put the gucslloo io Ms. Kinaw City on Uie north. Re that
Traverwe CUy. and on liehall of Travcme CIt.v, to make n partial rc(ily. So
much ean be uid regarding the city *

as it-may, this much is certain. Ihnt
lies of Beniio. l-eelsnsu. Grand Tra'
Kalkaska and Antrim.

arUclcs u> giro all the (acu. even In

counties have an am that is

condensed (orto.
Traverse Cll> has such alfong bafk- jrffilc of Rhode Island.-and llic ew
Is .<=
capable fo bernuilng the hnmr
sg ihaiI iis xupremaev
mipremacv in this ae^lon'
»e^lonti>en I"
as much wealUi. as there Is t^;
1» as certain as tbe ^luru
ot tbe BUminer. Tlie Grand Traverse in tbati eastern stale. Traverse (*tt\
region, with all Us agricultural rc- Is. and aMays will bc. headuuaric.'s
wltb air lu resort possibili- for tbe territory.
Tbe five counties mentioned abpvr
tie*, wKh all Iti- Indui-lrtal opportunlllw, U bark of Traverse CUy.

A city

have ao area of 1,3X4,UOO arre»,.iei
than 4T per rent of this Isnd i* al

ahead and to make lu Influence felt' ready Into farina, and the greater
I remaining 52 i>er rent is i
r and w ide.
inder proper treaimenu .of
Tbejagncullural haeklng of Trav■se City. ukcQ alone 1* strong docing profluble crops. The prexnt
enongh to entuA prosperity. The «n- poiniUtloD of the territorj is lea* ihsn
Hrw,fifand Traverse region with its; seventy tboosand. wbUe Bbode Islnad
u a population of over Kslf a ml!
thousand* of acres ot fertile lands,
with it* many sheltered vallr.vs. if*
Al the time ot the uUng of the last
valuable hlllsMe orchard sites, and
lu delightful d^ovsfe are an iDexhaust- rensus. there were T,3v3'fsrms In tb<
: Ible toustaliVma] from which the city ,fl»e reunUeA which number was i.IT:
Is drawing wealib. and iiil ever draw. Ireeter than the number when th<
It has been s^. and uId witb abso­ censua of 1900 was uken. .Tbe gaU
lute truth, that if all the rlties of the made in the ten years In the number
of farms amounted to veeriy .so per
■and were destrojed at
ctry '
The total ralue of tbe fsWi
wealth to replace them: but that If proiwny iDcreeScd over-one buedre.
the flelds and orchards were laid I>er cent between rensuvre In 1310 I
waste aad made onproductivA tbe cit­ stood at 633.360.439. Tbe value of tb<
ies would soon fade from tbe face of Benxie cauniy farm Unds incroaaet
jbe sartW. FleMa aad forests are the 115.9 imt cent in the ten years. TM
prlsA'psd soorees from ^Icta power average per acre value ot tana land,
and wealUl coBA

SomeUdng wortli whUe lor you Io bear.

The Big Store
store llial keeps Its slock up Io dale baa al

tbe region does Include tbe five coiiu

backing that It will require a series of

wiih such assets I* bouod to forge

Sdn oak case, rubbed and iwlished; 42 inches in
’ - wide.
_____ 5 inches
17 inches deep. Stmdm
totd. Ah^gm^...........

Voigt Milling Company

' has mucti to do with your buuness suc­


Seiu. T. •*. »—Al home with

W^Mh." S3

Av.01^ . , and well sele^tedline that will
a pleasure for you to look over.

OrikT-a sack-from yout
gr«H-er today 1

Your Banking AtfUlatlon

Sigurd..................... ................................................................................. ...................................

, ..
Mie. Lola Ennb. Elk Rapida
eeaaio .newmon.
.NewmM. nepie
Maple City
Mm. 0. Koovar. Ehtpli


Can you find a simpler
or 5urer^*ay of knowing
how tojmakc good bread
and pastn.- every baketoy?

be devclupnient ul westcro .Mlcbi-


Tb6 Herald and Becord Oo. Piano Dontest.

Mildred Hamh. aBtae ..................
R. E. WatRer. W. 10th.... 4018 Mra Bruot .Varney. Buttono Bar 2565
Mrs. Carl RIehardaen. C F. rfd 2 2565



Such 1. the agricailtural backing.
credlied to Traverse City. Wlib there
_____ It enn Ml do nnugbi but bcc larger and kiorc |iro*i>cruus. It.

SepL 13. H. *15—Abroad with i

Hem F........ ........ ..........
Ada WhltooA Bated .......................
Loella Perry. Sutton* Bay....
Bmh Down. BurdlekvOla .........




. Mary Mollehar,.-^24
, -Edna Jahrwb. Waeh. 8L.
V Ca*3a Otm............................


oariiclf of Crescent Flour

coming into bearing, an-l ibe luouiikc
ot beuee prices lor eur IrulU, tbe au-

You ni.ny trj’ this brand
at our risk because of the
puaranlee tap which wf
sert in each sack. This tap ;
puaranlws absolute satis­
faction to the purchaser4»r
money refunded.

urc of being an lu|«riant laUur




id ten yctrA with the m» o;-ciiam. I

cos.- of li- ].rix.-a of innul vain.- iviil lx- giv«n.

Charlo... Munre,
Elk Rapida.
Old Mlaalon...........5165
Aim Ostund.
............. 4975
- • -->nay. Cedi
rdoon, T. I.
MfA J. Send. Jr, Buttona Bay.. .4705
Mra E. 0. WInniA Elk RapIdA R 4655
Flomnca RIttar. Elk Rapida R. 1 4535
Mra N. Shlaalar. T. C. RFO 3.... 4515
ColU ScotA Northport.................... 4275
Mre. C. Steinall, Buttona Bay.... 4255
Mra Win Battler, Emplm R. 1-- 3725
Mm. Suaie Gay. Elk Rapida R- i 3»5
Evelyn Haynea Northport............. S«5
LIU Hhehbrtd^ I

, Arc vou entirely satis­
fied with the results your
flour pives. or do you find'
that there is too much uncenaimy?
Crescent Fl»ur is sure to
helpI you. ,,lt contains all
the pood tjuqjittcs t»f other
ands and ih
m adiiilipn Is
- ways Unitonil
• ({U^b^y*
You know
know bctOfC
hcfiirc tilC

«^d wb« Z .nn'.!al“morn "Z!' baking 15 doitf that it will
a|.ple* alone wni amount to tbl*. and j


How About YOUR
Bread and Pastry?

bean*. 3;..H5 busbeb: ha> and clover.

« 2 Ss



.ome ot tbe more tinionaol
be last census jaar. are as
follow*: Coni. f.utT.;:: Inisbels; uals.

:c R. 1 4
leweli. File Lake
Helen Whttoon. Batea •Myrtle Wyckoff. Summit City-- 1

1250 Mra. Leula Oexter. Banden.
Mra. Hazel Ivea. Kalkaaka
4S. R. 2....
Me*. A. Sbwart. Crawn
Oalay Wood. Bummit C
.a»l Eaten.
I----------- Wllliamoburg
-- .
Elian Madiaon. -Eingalcy .
" le Hopklna, Mayfieli
225 Mri. Gilbert
Mra. Ouackenbuilj. Fife Lake.
Q-r - Pray,
, 2iti Maggie Demine, T.
, Mr*. T. oeabHgght, Batea
I Eva Hayward.
lyware. S.
a. B
Doareman, rt a «a.a
y Van Oe Boggart Bendon 8020

d weat and n
ita R. R.
tha Pare
_ ,
Elalo StenA Old Mlaalon..

Margaret WUoon. T. C R. 1------ 115S5
ChaHotU Thiea. t. C. R. 5....11415
Mary'jaquiah. Bendon ......................11405
Mre. E. Ray. Clenmera ................... 109S0
Mre. F. WHaon. Lake AnnRFO.10950
Lana HctfHcK Old Mlaalon.......... 1O9B0
Mra. F. R. Purkiaa, Northport -10725
Coddle Magee. Wlltlamaburg R 1.10605
Mra. Roy Pcaae. Laland .................10IS0
Rena Gartand. T. C. R. 1............. 9955
Mre. Fred WjrcA Cedar No. 2.. 994$
JeMla Bright. Maple City R. 2.. 9895
Mra. Ruegaegger. Maple City.. 9755
Mra. Myrtle Green. T. C. R. 7... 9250
8uele Ferguaen, Cedar .....................9110


bead: ebcep. lu.345 bead: ebU-kea*.

laercased daring the ten year rern^

200 Boys’ Suits
Ages 6 to 17 Years

We Ape Going to Sell Tliem i
S They are not New GoOdS,
But they are Good GoodS
Nlosily Knickerbocker trousers, some with iielteil co^ts
and some plain. They sold from

$3.50 to $6.00
Your choice at

Tk Hannali & Lay Mere. Co.
_____ —I

itum nkyjan bkbaid, akd ttMVMs bat baolb. tIibdat, hat ia mi


bar. Blit, wm

Tmrarae CMji flai—daj iara tew Barr
tlalt with hmc.Bolbar. Mra. Andrew
Mr. and Hiw. Jatesa S. ^eh
tnraed to their hoae la Traverse nt>
after beteg with (heir dauebter. Mis
D. e. Bnms tSa’Baat 3 weeka.
lleniT OohB. Sr., went to Trarrtir
Cllr lut Satnrdar W viait a lew ilara
with relaUrea.
Mra. Johs Kroepa. 3r. baa retUT%d
me alter telss in TraVerae City (ur
lBH-3 Boatha.Wck withty^Md r^r^
Mra. Joel# Jirewster arrived Salur.
dap from Detroit nud will riali ber
atster. Mra. E. K. >Mlcxw fur a lew


imptmKTimB v uMBManaK'

retal/vea I Uis b)ac«. Mr. and
Mrs. tflHptt ww
tehuBr rsaMoMs
blare, and all ai ^ to bare ibm
wHh us agalA
■unM. e« KlagMwk Tnkteg «
Mrs. Carl MtUcr'a jMber fim
CleretaDd. Ohk>.‘ arrived Tnaeday to
eftciency depend* a
aead aem ttaie baca «b.a rtab.
Tbc"GlBaaen'had a r«rr ukwiK
time at tbe hBtl taal_Frl#ay alplit.
______________ ____ - - ■ -.mi ..r-n-rMta«tbens and sustains
jTbry had aa wpeo amtiu for ihc't^haadtaa veaaet and ta here to lo4 thowten.
OICBBerB aad ttaeir fsBUica. ThBe'aqaare Be (raaspoittd lo
&rr rial
r%epBah of Oieogery apaut |
- - Huber I
aeST* a---- - *
uads) la lowu. .
Mra Gllsworth DOlBsa ten Mtaul
ro»ow(4 by
lAhe Vie. to itatl ber etater.
There were about *3 pheSeiit.
jUnaa In Gagtand and ScMtaad. Ths
llBbB Is betag Bshtedsd from Bat TUewonh uuiaiaa of Kalcva wpoit
Mrs. 8. .M. Ri|(^atSM aai
.. ami, " between tbe Mnsaengtr naU coal StBday te lows
la sliafaeUoa ta tbs aiandBS.
. end Mrs. llophlM who hare
, l^tdeeka. ukca out to the boat
Several e( our cl.iieBi an- pputeg j
rmard RUl
been worklOK for Mias Morae aud Kent
illvee '
tbfoagh targe hein
a and aatun will acaia act aleoa. left Suurdt.r for Ihdr boine In
8i™i.r vuillu
In ihe bos of the ship. This U a fw
Cor* ha. .bm^ .douriy 111
Jthey retunted home oa Suaday.
..II claiwe* nr. cood Amarleda peeida
talltar taeideat. for >eara-Bgo when as from bring poteoaed .lih Ivy.
keep II U the heoM f» Ilia of iba lam. where Mra. llepUss'e^
undergo an operation.
Prim-ipal IL J. Sage of Copentab
this tlclBliy. for )ears ago wbea exmmamr e^ „ prepariag a
Mn Ida Haa^ la on the eivk liar arbool spcBt Sataiday and BnadAj in
play «£0iled. -The Sweet nw Qrs- I
It are Mm. Beale Jtdiaaee. Uartatia. meK. Dr. Thurtell waa called doaa laat town.
doate.- win be oa,
ainJ Urn. U. M. Ilacea. Snenea. Suodar to preacnbe;Ior ber.
Mich. A doaa of It baa aavad
O. U. imar who has bcea seriously
Urm. MRdwl of Ihteor Is rudtlus arteial of these large sbipe anchored tbv new futute.
a pateon Iraa a atrtoua, lllBeaa.
ia tbc bay at a time.
m Is iiuproriBB slowly. .
her daBgblcr. Mis. Stephen t'arroll.
....<mae wlablar la make a trial of llila
.Mr. and Mra A. E SvbaHdcr vtaltremady bafaea barter It la iha reralar
Mrs. John llofftnaaa Client a fv

« 1 at Maple at) thia Wet*.
da.vs la Traverse CHy last w<«E
sesaooooooooooejjo Bev. f. H. Haiger erf lietiumla waa Mra. Alihe Moaher la xI^Uur her
. May
Bmoey Rom
eik Bapids. May A—The rulhiwlau
caller ia .town Satunlay.
mother, lira, Andrew Ullmore
and wife of Aldea bate
ta the report of the Tuba arbool for
Allan Oabcuck and family of North
Hiu. Russell nnd mother. Mrs. C!-. Given By Friend* of Mapta CKy Fee
here fdtNhe past deck
the tuonib eadlag. May 3rd:
liskoU II visllliii; bis pareuu hcfiv.
Bore sprat Sanday wiih Mr, and M.t
Zardee Ot^rd of Soaul--.
II Klnvtalr Tiaitvd Trsverse
.Vuniber Ilf days iousbt.Jli4'
.ludrew ^Glltnorr.
duadaj with Mia I
Number of pupils enrolled. 5s.
. AscniEr dslly altcadaiirr. 55.
Mertc fit). Msy h.-FHeads
-NThc ('Minrhip «r Miles Kundtab
Hr. aad Mia. tiraak Staffaid of I
Mlit Nellie tialbreath aad Uarper Ca
----------- of
-. --------------- —
mil given la <?oaj!rcsalh>iial rburvli
Fob is worklug for Toni Z-ij. jup’
Tfaune neither absent nor tardy dur- tail Frida). ITInrlpal Wai Swclalr
beme of Mtaa Nelli- Grawn weiv risUora here over 8b>lu.i
MebeikFridst evt-uiag aud gate tbsw-' ly
In; tbe oionili are PYank Philips.
tfki ifae poem, ami Mlaa K: Olcwiu;'**'^
F. It. Vlottm reloracd^ laat work |
I. WBfcInc tor,,„^rtwe. Some oMheIr friends
Wilson. I.OI1S Lewis. Ctaudle Stoopr^told rbe story of Idltlr lied RidUw *“*
'pwy half, bnl ou thU otcaalon all be- iiuBi a Tt«li at l.aaalBg
with Mrw. Ray«le
Why We Stopped Puihlng a Product of Oreat Resale Mloopa -fUeorerd tjuaing. U- Hood.
rtlle M'ltaon, Calvin Paller. Lao- l>utMcilC for TtoU Season
Is- h.-ld May K aud IT at Mapleloa antenalnnieat was such as ts
ily lato a teal dowu a^ ivhlle'a |
tvbr. Qcao.- fluteher.
Instead of at (Mgenaburg.
Utile hoys aad girls. They -flayH and WlU Ure there (or a time *1 Itos:.
ticlen Whiiatm. leather.
Clayloo Wise of Baipife was a
Mr. Doolilile has mori* unle hl«
‘■Bly wlnkhlm" and auvb like
tor here Saturday and Sanday.
MACDONAU) <X)_ Traverse City. Mich.
The Demons of ths awwmp
they were tired and their aide* Plate
Ity)- Koarl vf Travciwe City ;wi
Is Oenllenina: We In-b to bcrclii adrise that. IliroUBh error, we oVrred for
^CaeapM an AWful Fata.
nuKiiiollos. At .aiey sting Uiey visHor 'here Sunday,
Work baa been Baited i« F.
I from lasgbler. Then tWy had
Hlc Mtgara SpiarliUt luatorlal. nUeb we IcmeJ Nlanani tWy I4tiir Sulphur
tnpuaaiid .longues could hot exBuck * Dew house.
Matlon. The (act of the Dialler fsdbal this Ur)’ |irci«rsUoD docs tint <s>D- ' pui UreUly malaria genus la the blood.
'Pbea follow the ley ehllU and the flm>
libB UW. but Ibis Inprcdlciil has iKieD annplaotcd Is the iM-cianttlon by ol
of Jollei. lit. tor her wonderlu! deliv- After refreabuema all Joined Ig atagThe work at the t-buich of repap j
suiicrlor lo the eouibina- of fever. Thr gpprille Blew and tbc Traverse CHy.
StDcrediaBU wbicfa the
erwtuv Irani an awitii fate 'Typhoid IflC vhlldrea'a aongs. Miss Utibewath ing and paiaUai tbe ijftmor ta 1
The vliurrb at Lake Auii will ule pamnionla had lell me with' a -IreadMl la Uw liquid hate si
Iwvea Ihe wa> for deadly lyirtiold.
' :his a|ii
rri-c Its 50th blrtbdiy next Sunday ftd vouch.- she wrKes.- 'Soiueiinies I cave a very plraalng recitatloB. Both ararlr finished and aenke* will be |
aa uinal next Suaday.
fm BBterlal helag letpaed aoluble
_ maici
- . .
. theivl
lied with
bhKul. give There will be messages read from had such awfuf voogbing si>ella L
a wiiho
without exceiilloa and IninieUlatcIy (he malaria gcruis from the
•«le.pai^wblvb..wa, held i
line appeilie aud reuew your fermer paatod, alao It is expected that thought I would dir. I conid get no
_________ ____..-,_ratloB nad'lf
Mf job
j-ot have done aaj- sdventalnp '
>wa hall ta'a^Vriday night by the I
-After lone aulferlBc.'' one of the, fomier pastor's will be pre help tram donor's irratnicni or other and -grow
{aiirn or Bay
any olber adrerliBiu
adrprliBiu you
yon iabould iDimedialcly retra
jwar locnl paiiem
.cnie young folks was not *t> tam' '
d or are cooicni- wrote Woi. Rretwcll, of iBeatta. N. C,
rpv Btepa la racb a maiuier (bat those who ,ba<
to s|K-ak. This Bvnicc wll
Illsiovery. Hut 1 owe ui> life to this both left Hoc
Three liolllet drove all tbe maUrla
attended as H dcaerrnd for a vr
_____________ II docs not conwonderful remed); for I scarcely rough
from ui> ayrieni. and I ve liad good held at 7:5V p. m.
lac ns bv earty mall
tnla IlDie. and we matt laslst that
perfonanace waa glrrti. aad u
al all now " Qn|rl. anil safe. Its the ♦4444444444444BB*
iH-alHi etrr alnre.' best for nil aloinAlion that '
■aShruinrt tltfs iborouKhly as tbc mu
iiioaf reliahir of all throat and lung
thii apraylag Bslerlat ptecos us ayVJi
medicines. Gver) bottle guaranteed,
all drugglaisor Traverse CIt).

• iuv and fl.tro. FHal bottle free al all • 44444B44 ♦.♦♦♦♦♦«#
Iba Slate of Mlcblsan.
Kindly seknowiedBc rccclid ol thi
There wilt be analvcragry sririevdroggisls of Traxerse City.
Yottii .varj- tnilj-.
Revornn Ktak.
Long Uke. Miiv h.-Mrs. Ibm Jen­
brid .in the Cedar rhureb next Sdnday
as Bnch atteaikm te hi* slack I
letlooBy doenfLtnke nnti
at lf:5u a. m. It being tbe 1*U an WCIrea
nings drove mu Irom Tratense fily
E-U. ThuilM-r.
he docs to hi* rroiw. AU ateek toaco I
and nothing to^eap It gets
tasy;^'<dnesdBV to intend the
nlveraar.r. There will be a letter
iaslM that you. la vase you hair done
lUon at limes and it 1s the good
-for at least three seeks to your local
Ipcrtisluc. ran aa adrcrtii
Kteeiing n
iger that appllee tbe reuady be- ]
elwv at tbv acboul boiuv tin
der IhsI we nisi relrare
fnre Ibiev Is aav serlaaB l»a of ttnie L
gier glrm ibe ifue natuf
Hsipa a iudgt In a Bad Fla.
tcra and r
What TtaandlAdmirt
laally aud tbc ulsuodcrThe luet-esarnl mea ta tto New Bagv I
W Mepa to oormt the inaccurale name Bit>CD orlKlat
Justice «l Cherry, ot Glllis Mills.
Mr and Mrs Wnrreti X.wl
la heariv, vigorous life, according to year* ago by ebaner members
land Blatea ase HARVKU.'S COMM- f
Tenn-. was |4slnlv worried. A bad
ttdlag rotative le the vomenu of solablc anliibur.
on bla leg bad baffled several Traverse <'H) wvre out to l*nng l.ak.- Hugh Tallraan. of Ran Antonio. "We
Miaa Jennie Reck went to Sokm TIO.V Ixm'DKR for stork aad pouhry. I
dotters and long misled all rriuedies.
■cr Sunday
Monday where abr wUl be emplo>rd A I»J kag* roe* a ten* war beeanse It I
Ufe Pills surely put ne
thought li waa a' canevr." he wrote.
ia aU tnedtrine. aol a leod. It |«ta i
Kate .MiGill has gmit lo Traverse erg) Into a |■erl o. W' and I believe for the anniluer.
wuiking anliuala In good splrlu Md |
"At last I used Qurklen's Arnlt-a
tiuide." Kxcellent
Ihev are the■ he»1
Salve, ami was eotii|ilr(el) curnl" City to work.
Tbe Onurishlp of Mile, ffiandlsh. I) lesh Kee|» |<iulir< free from i
or kldnev iraubles luslralvtl was glivu In Cougrrgalloiial ease* and lacreau^ the yield wf e«
Mra. Clu-ster tniioti from Venitv, for siomacli. liver
Cures hums. Iiolls. ulcers, cuts,
Price 2'- els. HoM by Auwrlcau Oi
bruises and piles. 53 ecmi at all drvg- Okta„ will arrlri- the fltwt of
•» druggist.
ebnrih last Monday. Thr poem was Store.
4flsts Ot Traverse fJIy.
Aid23-25 Mar 7.9.14^6
....... ••..I Bilk her lilKliand Who
Uel Hulidav
■od wlU «U)- here for S Doetbe.
hire J. W. UkbwMi of Moa ar­
‘ Uln licaalc SuAe Arrived borne
Satsrder Iroii BrsxonU tor • tew rived Satardar lo apead Soadar with
rret ead rUlt irltli her pereoU. ber aliter. Mra. W. Uoldea.
Wra. Peter tAhal and cBltdrca or
A beb>- dri *M bof* IM Frtda/
•ts^r. ead Nn. Jett (liilatopber. tber oaera Martnr spent Siiadar tt Win
W«d b«r Of*\ Vonuby.
Her; wAt who
peator here'



Necjds a^li^tive


5Sr.r"^.“i£3!?Kl.ll‘ fSiiirStteTS

TAe Trnlh About “Ibry time
and Sulfur'’

V: . • _ .

the R. J. MacDonald Company
Traverse City, Mich,

traverse City Cigar Manlitaiittlrers
R. I mm

Factory 322 S. Union
OtelKia* SSS-Sr.


U ceals stralgbl


1» eeal* or S lor XS'ccBis


1* ecats or t lor X( onto

The Cigar of QaaUly

“Howard” Carl M
»srs5s«. .

5c eacli

S ceals

Waver F&ctor; SBoto
5 cats

PfivMte Bratiis

A PiMiie ol ObtediBBll


Hm Traverse Clly CToar
Boa Factory
416 E Ei^StpL phone 433
Makcley Broa. Props.
Uanntactufe. praettcally all iht cigar
boxed used by the cigar aanulactnrer*
In the clly and in Konfaera Michigan,
and for aklU In dealgnteg box covern.
and up-to-date work oa box Bxaufactun are cnexcelled. Let a* figure on
ywnr work if you are not bnyteg of aa
now. aad b© cattafied. with aruret of
otbera who an tMln|.oar cigar boxes.

Some ^moke ”

TkeNcw Sc apar
B. A. Hirllisat^JBb.

meue Moveaeal..
. Se
Tnirrrr Oak............l«e


MaBolactorc .

- aLpheac474
Factory. Of E. Tcatk St

Siqp^e the strictly


Pb Ho

Havana Cigars

Biae BeU. )
t/nion Valor f «*»■”
Sterling, - lOc Cigars

the best 5c dgai made

Made ol choice.' caretolly selc<;|^ Havana

Thos^^ch, Prop.

Try one for your
next smoke

Slralatal Tec



-pravenc air. SUch.
kli. Ce. W*f. «o*n<
dni *i*i*iu>i.C b; cukil.ll>..

lt2E.l4ih.SL BJplimet89

~Now Resale
A Pdriea HoMiler a>d TobBoca

Cigar Factory



S cents


The Weaver
The Woods”
Drag obc of fbc Beal
ever maie fn
Traverse Clly

^>eler Hormnth
212 W. 9lfa Sl TnvmeGiy

story No. 7
Tft* quallly of a clBor depend* upon Uw prie* paid far maUfai and tht" ■
capenaa tlwrwte In manufacturing. ««lling and gee* with out t
^len that th* aapanae of a man engaged in manufacturing a e’Hf \
cHy of thla atao, wher* bt werfca frmn daylight until dark (e get hi*
gnada mad* up for aalea. her* and ther* in th* evening and then hie* him■ bad when the bigracsriy-»«n*r l* at hi* fawer*delub.erp*l»tlalr*aF
dense enjoying the proceed* «( hi* machine and cheap hhelp, and get* ready
te be In hw cigar making early ntat meming. Th* os
ano social f
I* a Mranger «o year town, to your local butbiaa* tetereaa
____ ees man and worker ar
paniMpant and donator ta your varieua aeciat funetiou. (ratandieok differently le yter and Ihetr hueineawr*iattenahj^ in a bdebidM way.

U Frtzerie
The Best 10c Cigar
made m
■ Traverse City
'travSKcTtv; k


W .< At oUw inkk mk a

■ aaltbro


Diamond J-lOc
Gate Pott-IOc
Bibadfoot Havanas-5c
F. K. Smoken-5c
Tmvene Belle-5c

Belter Tomariow



5c -


W. 0. w.

«'UI tCt yuu saUd eoBhm aad *a
UalactlJ—WlU bora right aad taMe
ptaBt an.
oaA will
.ni-at* "rirTPy
----------* ..yo*
m* .a..
aiii sprwau

rhh. deUghtful anaaa «( Havana (hat
only UtM Uavaaa clgara poeasui

M. Rabinovltch
Clew nr*.

4N a. rram SL ou. phM »«4i

■ mm mvsBSE wblaw. axo Tuma bat mesx. tobdat, mat u. mi


Positively the best chance of the year to furnish your home'at prices that cannot bMupl'cated elsewhere. Bargains in
house'furnishings that you simply must take advantage of. While we do not say every piece of furniture in our entire stock
is thatked doVn for this sale, we do claim that every price we ask is so much lower than what you pay elsewhere that they
are really bargain prices. However, you will fiii^ hundreds of particularly pleasing arlicies at ridiculously low prices for
this sale. Our easy payment plan makes it convenient for you to, buy your furnishings of us. Use them whileyoiytay for
them—that’s our plan.


ttfPEPy»iaifiS Beautiliil Showing

The Hooshr
Kitchen Cabinet


Bliss aad Ingrain
(Exactly like cut)
GTk- t'ar|M-t. hrnvv nil-wool


.vie rarpet, hair-WAol, 2 piv


■<> a.hnilli'.l t.. 1u- the hi-sl' '
• iitibtriii-liil

....................................tpl<-1>- Kitehcii f'aiiiiit-l, a J.lar.- fnr 4-veryHiiiitr .iml -v.-r.viliiiie in il« |arii.-i-. t'liim- ipi ami
l.-l i|s .-X|.h;i!i ih.-ir Wiany

$4.00 STEEL ClilUCH


♦80.TO Velvet Riitrs, !>xl2
fart, ehoiee



(exactly like cut)



with niiglc-it'oii frniiie iiiiil
IS Mi|.jsirial mill 2 mw* i.l'
• Jisi.-rs.
. II*
witJioilt tlilN A QC
'\{il K|iriiijrs. Sli li«iiii- sIkiiiIiI
lUM'ful :irli<-b- only............................................. 2aOd


3nr flrtintle f*«r.
pels. i>pr .vnnl....AtpC


like cut)
This l»r«o

Has anx2t I’lato Mirror,
■iiith l»orrfwlB<'. hnuli'-d in

Oak.>l Kililirii Cahim-t with 2 large itoiir l.iiia.
ieirhex; whiti- iiiBpl.- r.-u-*-, for
..Illy IV.- ll.i.ik’w

hav.- jiiKl wliat y.ui waul in Ki|.-h<-n f'alii-

.Irinv Cliiffonier is liarl-

l.-rert Oak. Hus' a Kr'-ii. li
Im-v.-I tiiirisir, 12\1S widfln
ami oiiiy ...........




AV.- linv.- jus! re.-.-iv.-d fO r.i!1« “Wil.lV' geniiifie Turk Idit’’
.>l<-iiiiis. Til.- |uilt.-rm all vry p].-aK)iig firf- any r<H>m y»u
mny wish H for.
wl.-rti.iti nf Ihe Mailing pattern
for Ihith ami U--dr«M.m*.
per yard

This coupon and $1.48 en
lilies you to a pair c f women’s
16-buiton shoes.

y 45c, 65c, 75c

Good any Friday during sale



fiiiisliisl ill eii-li <ioli|i-ii Ijiir.'


i\ H draw Itaae with (ImiiIiIch.p worn. H(MKI. g gg

ExaeHy like cot

We Are

Shoe Department Hems of Special Interest
Footwear Savings lor Ibe Wbolc Family

rjm top. W'ilh large
Iwlnw. Hns tiieHy
I Mni.
fniisli. .
a. wiiartered
^miartcToti oak imiRii.
:x24 ini-li top, large shelf with

... ,

, Men’s Shoes


turned legs .


• ~3l gmfsaccaoB oi Ubrary Tables

iil: ' ^


Tli.-s<- sh.M-K nr.- iii.-idr with
l-lksk.N S..1.- a„.l 1-a.h-r h.-l,
g.OKi ..i.ll-*k... U|.j-r ati-1
M.tiJ in-..>trs aii.i ...iiiii.i-s.


velonr. oak frame....;........................... ..


$1.48 r'jrLi't
wdr, and
Ihr-nigh.iiit. Will ki'.'p .nil
Miml uml .lin,. All MX.-K fur
this kbI-.


■ 7.48


(exactly like cut)


This Urae ramforUMe rorker
has a iwnuliie tpienerrH oak hark
-and roll am. brine all ciok wtlt lis
^ kmg frpnt poiu and bolle.l con
* atrunloB luakea It one of tiie moM
eomfortablr and dnrable n <-krr. ..n

“■....... 3.85


I All Day Saturday. May I
18, we wiiT ^ve two |
Stamps instead of^ one
for the asking.

Oltr sp«-.-inl pri.-r.

These beautiful Curtains in
till- n«imi‘ Fi-iiiiH'' olT.-i-l are eiiMi .'lO iiit-h'-s wi.i* ami :i yar.K
W.' .-an fiiriiisli tii.-ii. In nliile liti.l
Oiir 1


t-ltHnin <tm k is v. ry oomplelr in iis slrotiinc of

lon’a nho..*.
and.- in hut
h.T alylm. iiriil gun
ni.-ial. )«atrm.......................
ttl. ami vi.-i kill
l.-«th.-r. fomt- in. light an.I
li.-n^y ..sni.-* and high .nml h.w



:<II Hii.-k Sli.--» «.>im-ii. ail
Hull.>11 s-tyloa.
ly (I. rf..ral.-.l. iti.- i;iti.l
;isl: ♦4'»i f..r


N.-l, llmssila Xil. Ai^-'nii. ntiii oih-r slyl-s. an.l nml l*rw..s
tim! arc- Hi.- low.-sl iii/ll..- .il.r. Stjarting al 30c Js-r j.air. ili.-y
trr:i.luiitly htlvniu-i- in jiricp to snit ihr j»iin*rH ..f all.

-\sk i*.

KHi. mrial. vi.-i


lind Mi-«.-<i' tlxfordi.. ..r
two paii-K of a kiii.l.
d'.wii In .-.Kt, H.-ll.-r a.-.- Viii.

Children’s Shoes
Mrls' High t’lil Hutton Sh.x-i..

2.22 l;-7r:cr:..l.39
IllK'k hull..11 shm-s.
m-w alylid, lasts. s..|d ,-v.ry.


Why |.:.y
f..r .\|.-n X .Shm-a
jiM.I "\f.-nls. wi;.-ii oan

the ii.'W slj J.-s ainl pan.'n^. 'Vr linv.- N.illiiighams. i al>i '


imiM. nl
1, I’n.-


^r. ki...k.. ^ h a.>liiM.-alh>-r. ^ AA
S,Ms-ial pri.s-.........laM
K* p«-r .mnt dtsroniil nn all
R--.I S.-irK.l IIoilK.- Sli.H-h for
-Miss.-*, imya' niid fliris.'
W.' hav.- o lii.>- of
Misk-*’ ami riiihlivd’a |■.l.n|.«
ami Oxr..i-.|s. In
].a(.-hi I>'-nlhrr. cull im-tal. Ian ati.1
Russia i-iiir.
l-.u.r Ihiiii .-ls.-nh.-r>-. .iiiaiity

’»•(' them—2ii«l floor.

2 Stamps Instead <d 1

.'l<-n3s.^'.-w tfipriiig
OifnhtL ill laii. Jin.l hia.-k.
huH ..pWiilrh.-r. r-.p- stildi.
r-d w.l.-b. |H-rf..raii-d vamp.
Hii.l ■•.•iipt.-m
Id fact.
ilit-\ |i...k .tii.l iv.-jir fts w.-ll as

One of the New Ones
....... i*i9

About l(k) pjiira W.nn.-ti’* Ox-

1.98 ;:r.”':”'7,.2.39

S|H-..I inf. tl

Mmi s Klkxkiii Sh-no., .,11 solid
».ir ^p^-i-^u)
^p^>.-^u: jj

;hsrs5 M'


Tills coupon and 88c en­
tities you to enough I.T1'
wall paper, ceiling and boruder to p3{>er a room up u>
Good Any Priday Daring Sale.


This coupon an*® 38c entitles you to a p.nir of long
silk gloves.-in black and

This coupon and (>Rc entitlK you to a pair of all­
feather bed pillows with
fancy tick.

Good Any Friday Dnring Sale.

Good Any Tnesday Pyring Sale.

Hie Globe Department Store

2 Stamps Instead of 1
All Day. Wednesday.
May 22. we will tfve two •
I Stamps instead ot one
[■ for the asking.

traverse: citv,





• and Rtatilatlaas af tha *

................. -- “

hm-a tlir, a<i»r
abaal B»n»hl^ SabH'i; |a tha Oral fnftr- rmrt, aHinlar a • b«l<-r ml.ard Mr
: n i I ; M ta- tba foWlb. Mabal'a le»ibar-a aaSMa la Ute Mru *».. I
•It took ttaa to »a<R oor soola. birtbda) la tba taltb'oT »>r Laai »kr baa. Tbara
ra te
fa KM aarh to
aiul aa nirraMTllr bad to drira alov- yaar wa want ataybowarlas. aod pM ahoat. so sood-brIt. so It was aboai Bra orlotk whoa a<» Bsay wa roald not carry iban all Froai yoor fHaad.
wa raachad tba asWa. Tba cblldran hnaia. I bojta to aaa tlrta In Irtni.
VIota VasCamp
belpad unload and -a sot oor «.pp«
Too hara wrtitan a alto laitar
Pram yofar
your d»nahla-f.
BtbH WInrtMwtnfao.
about ywnr arbool. and I was find to

-™-' r.r,r:


^ CHib:
» Srboul at Ml Plaaaaal.
• old wban atom burst npeo ua. a. ihara was no this yaar. also? Tba woods

I will try navof u worry ar-^
roof wa ware antiraly at It’s maray.
• frot sbatit anything.


hm»n- acfacdam.

r.... N.. =


A„ t. .*.=

Tbara wara notaa ffars lor tba
aafaiy oT tba brldsa wbh* erwaaae .sa
nvar Iwtwaaa tba bead aod Waai Bol! •“ «“ to ba a.
Brldsa* bad baaa iwniad away
'o iTaralL
* g othar'yawra; »mt thl»

Apr. 4. IBt:.
Pcviklani *
a or tba ’
[ afaUdran ware,""
lo tha bad buddlad Daar Prootdatil—
1 Ibouabt 1 'woaU writa and tall
som othara. will
, oadar iba blaakeu. oad tba othara
j .«• twrf^ y
old tha 24tb or ,ou that anotbaa of », tn«d.-w6^ '*■'
’ the aotninescaSicnt
mtjJnl Iddlao bora
**>a bad for, a sbaltar. jia^b. I am la tba Xou«th..lltli. and Ilka to )ols tba gooshloa (Oub. Har * .1 ian arfaitnaiil ti

«T«n. ^ ^ !* «'
Allan, aad


nr* Vioo Rroaidam•M WHIIniM.

rin 8* fM <«m; H *a« t An aU haw-r. kMMU u a dn4 ak«C '
hair rruM hr tW rvort that th* hatf
Tftaa • >lhr.illill «r«l«. Mir; ' W tarrieJ
tU cWM. ha4 flr.4
bM ab* hM to boro hor lias o«K» |a Shea Bal m* ha aiooS oa hto hia« lav
a obUr. aal aba'a srti' la hara It ao«. haatas apoa tba ralUas. a la» pacv
work my words! ’ aoM tta»y Stay- away rroa tba baby.
Knhor. an oM boatSMa. who fcaaw , ha --------- 1. ...._____
.._____ __
rlrar wall, and Slwa.ra appllad a ta.1aitlloaiW of tba wowg


1____ 1.-*^,.___ _



...____________ .




___ .

t kavA

•••Woman', ba would aay. -tomorrow traaa. Ha has aboot.tOO tree*. Wa
if our touatry.
well so bark tn rlrlllxalios. Ihla to nado mapla »at on tha sK>w I I
lira by Iba erw*. «nd the main la
laa't that a piaaaaai totter
noire, boya aod glrlt? It ande ytgir
This ooararaatloa wa repeal- to saroa 'aara old. end to In tha oo'Praaldimt'very proud and happy lo
ood gmdb.- .Har name to ^and Sba
lean what snccaii bad allanded obo
Snnihinar. too. I hare a sislar
• of Mir SnnbiWIDa. Koala baa a littia
"About all O'elotdi tbe storm (c—h.....,, n«u.l. All... «. !».
«i. U.. .m.
... ... I
Cl.™, .b. I.
and a IHIIa aloiar two yanra old

. year, ba will rndoaia. wbleb will ba
Nombor «f maniboro b^ngl.iii Way a aboriar sraduaifun iwl d than the
a Twqiilras. Your Prcnldobt wa*
1, *•«, wja^.
dnilsbiod lo have tbe leitar none lo
Hmmf of Miinan o* Iho Cmdlo bar. nnd priota It for you ail to raad
Roll May -1, 1«U. tML

----------------------A.«b«, WIW .b« .M...

“Wo aprvd the bad aloibluc end
oor cfaMblns on, iha hnabon and It
<r aooB a sasar bnah li
dn. We !.uUt a STeni Ufa
out-of doorn and soon bad n amok:>>s braaktat bud miiiara took i« a

d^rani cclertiiE.
duliona Boy. Ml.h;
->ly b»b.M ... U» ... boy.
toof whkh. ahhoutb cTiida.
Apr. i. ISi:.
of a abaltar Lalar Oenr Prealdonl—

**' ’*“*• ** '*•

'**"‘*"- '


.ra nlnatarn *.;boUra In out school
am In tha fourth snida. I hata sU
aludia* Thry are raadtss. wrttlns.
Uasuaso. pbyaiolosT. ski
sraph.r. and Bpallhis. Thara U, no*
mucfa to say ao I will alosa
l>otii ytnir frlrtid.
lindred May Ionia
to Hlancba ymir taalmale? I bava

Ob the
'‘»nh» »'*» •hB''“f
A sraot *oout BTO*a finan tfaa.erond
rtorobooae* on Bud was apparostly cBablarwanr tba
nnd l>a did not loora tbam ralllns. with aomaiblas-o dellartas
wbita drasa. ai tonal—In hla nwwb.
Tom and Alsy and UiU .aoarral^ The bHdso bad boon drlrv npon a
'a« the rlrar Ions awousb to aot. nnd vary Utv. »m«Mh mks of Ire. Ii wh
>hrlr molbar wa* almoai am anzloua solar, at tonal, iban oiratnllas >>*-

«•»•»>• «“« -rambtod dowa. la
____ Miiloty. Torn
>»“* • « E O ^
Apr S. i»is baby’s nuror. Was aaparlally ansloua.
imalatlW) rmlndod of ibo wnr
b«nu»« bar .tai^fatbar llvad on tha
jg, ^
I have a lltito friend lUa nama '‘'bb hank.) at ftorion. a daw mitoa
bdi it ws acarwfnily snd afpty dona
to Walllnsion Coon, Will you ptoaoa ^"har up. and aha atperied lo oaa bl.
g^ burden Wfwo hpon Ibo
|ut hi* name dm tba Ccadla BoU? I bw-ood plaatar ■nhanty coma salllns preai diwahiA
p, u. every day, I am In the
^ ^
-ll/naB! A bav!“ MCtolmad Itory
third raoder My aludlea are reodlns.
Wa want lo *ee ibe river do out.

fun at acbool with my playMy teachara nama to Mlaa
Ellla. I Ilka h^r very much. Every
rrwey we*
we here
nave e
a opelllos
aimitua ftmteet
1. aad hear b i opinleil of I
. with Ht (d^ui burden, bans
and a clpjaf match. I base a llule
over tbe r«^
friend who waou to Mb the 8uu_ ,r.
.lo out!- ebout prorlalmad that b^ted tondad
■bine null.
said tbe baby, asaii).
Ih> you thlnh cblldran. that you
Tour Sunahlnar. '
And Buff looM very *ed barsnta
,^4, tbtor way ouTupoo
would like to have been In that roofirms' Alton.
ba could not undanund. and rolled ,g, 80,,^* bV>eko-“nnl to ba outloss cnbln all alone as those chlldrim

, ,
guymabar said
har feat, ad much aa to MT 4^^
were? Thera were ao many hnrd,
buiton wUl be eent you,
was read, lorrsnythlss that _anaed with boathookt and srap
oblH that the children of the plonoare
Wdllnktoetonowa rrodtoRollSunmabr wished him 10 do
• pUss iron*. But Buff *ted aprons up
ifounter. ihni we know noth.
^e, mdeed come
when ***"■
■ The bnby tawneJ tba nuraen door
.^^"aiMhe^’nnd a’lMtei.
Ite alw.y. heppy W teva
„...k w c w v. , l‘’-'
* *T* Somatlmoa ibey.................................
I are In- rou
Aldan. Mich, R, F. d: No. 1. ' 4„armln«l effort, and twarad o
him away; but ba was ptwdoot. If ha
visit wip/'lha ffunahtnara.
> worry and fret <
Apr. k.
,g, g^,
^ „ ,h, r^,
wa. Doi toukk.' and ha ranchod (be
Dear Praaldanl—
sliora. Ha rWntod Iban In stoa hie
Elk fispida. MK*. R F. D. .N«. 1.
iboasi., f w»»«
'Tuni!-. ate *sM. Imparatlra
burden ui«ntlU te rould tnd Tten.
Apr. T. 1912. ‘,0,
We hsve'eisbAunt Alira.
The hnbi tn
tolhera n
Daor Preeldent—
,g^ ,g,rt .
rianilv' fontoi be( (onra. and respond
Imet week the nice letter Irbm
Wa s« our enrda and Umiona ancl mder, I Ilka i.i so lo av-bool. M>
The dork
► had sal in eerty bi.i ad with
, , coolnassand
coolna.*and coudearenstoi
coudearanalen fa
Utrirudt Poerineto who Urea at «ut- liked them wy much. I beve a irw lea.her# ninia to Myna Ellis I Ilka ,g,
■I of Buitor'a Band.
■ tovisbad upon W
«o»» 8»>. »»»
w»l«*ul •
«“»•*'*•' ‘'lul- ’'■bay bar res! wall. I have Mh of fnn at' which ran nlons beside tba river, only
»ae the river do out."
g„„. ,g„ ,re Tboma. J. dmedtoy. esc Bve. .cbool I would Ilka to mw you vrrv ^a few rods fi^m H> bank, was llshtad
wr«c tba onatsnad totlar!
Charley Smedtor. aso three. IJIIto uueb. WBI. ihla is all for this time. „^g SariDrAbrvhes of natural sn*. '
mode her way thmsh iho

Kewlars. ase etoveu.. Essie Pewtots. ,« good-b>.
and. with a ootse like tbnadar. a
“» “>B happy tblBSa that Oc- ««e elfhi. CarllOB ,Kry. esa Ihraa.
y^r Sunahlnar.
.gj rraahlns and poondlns. the '
lay 0
earrod too late to mentlou In tha Will you i.loasa send Iba ranla and
Alton. Foi
ice was solns ouj.
.___ __
P"«B. we. tbe nrrtT.1 buttons to me. and 1 will stve them
I would Hie to ea. you vory much.
Tha husa whlfa Works laei.*! end eihaustad. end very much omteo
Of a sroat bo* of asquUlta .rbutu. to m. friends. I will close for this ,00. Ho yon aver coma 10 Travera.
over «ocb other llVa Uvlns rassad by tbe nllMtloa. b# rKiatvad.
twm ADhs Gnindy. of iniariochan. Hnia. «. sood-hya.
mon.ieca, nod phad tban.Mva. Into “Only ektetmiKl.- Tom th^i: to
They rama In partact rondltkm. and
Prom jour Sunshine sirl.

, gram masse.. whWh oweepins .tons noma one had dtocoverod ttei cte toe
Idn Pdlera.
, Aldan. Mich.. R. P. R No. I.
ewiti ^yrfe.'ww ecqulrins over which b» bad oome »M darUy
ueb to
Has your school clooed yal? Isn't 1 ■

Apr. S. 1912. ,raniendoua force.
ntalned. and eumlnsttau ihowed ito
wot arlU blood
it nice out of doom theg* brtshi near PranUam— •
-Tbara nlnl notUns soln’ to stand has ahssEf ®“*
ht - said
We w«eo to write a totter lor ton- .gm bar tonight."
raid tba
tho old
old bootboot- .from a wound la bla aide. Tho old.H«ymc. Haxal. and Gracia BnrilHd. dors!
hunter ted proved bte r^i «o tbo repend their little broibar flare, have
mored (ram Jiapla Cliy n
Dm M.
nchool bouse to dry now. I believe as if It wa'n'l «e mora't an ags«bell!~ Old Doctor Marie, wbo waa food of
I groat dJatance from Travaraa City.
Apr.S. 1912 ibe snow vrill noon bo ■one l.«ai
Before ba bad dena ipmklog. tba •nlmnto. n^ (nmena for -ireollns
nisht there was a Uiito pond of malt- immenaa mass buriM Itself aalnal ib«m. abeeb bis brad over tha wunod
I ibmight I would writehgalu to «•! snow so deep that It would Boat {gp brldsa. A grinding, splitting sonnd. Tom got dowgrou tbo gibund oad look
’ Blea visit wlih Maymo and Harad.
A»- a rail K have almost young rtvora mlnsled with tha roar: the long bridge the grrat toagh brad ufmo bis knaa
Lasi Salurday Ilaael broughi a pack- let tna Bunamnera snow no<
••k. around wva. It la v«y near Ehat'«^ hwuus oi»h aa If It were a gwa. and m a psoslon of grief, begging Buff not
But «( tho ■uablno to witbdrswo,
age of Sunder acb^l cerde lor tbW I wa. eUk in bed for about
ebout andlarngUfl. Wa will have ao llttU ,he huge Iccblov k. .wept trl“"Ptenl- to die.
Whisk! And tbo tendow-rnooda nro Dam Childrenmlealon actaeol In China.
lb same as usual I hope I will bv , btckenrvrnr Iha haes will not sal I iy along, mingled Aow with grant timwouldn't mind so m^ If I ware
PoainU have been ' teraivcd ihl* tetri-r wlien warm westhar come* *11; clora.
b,n iwi.ied end snapped.
ygu.“ raid Algy. with htoWd* “
wbo oKUed the country, which now
Mat#Knlrblk. of Bpencer. Mamma has a ban aeulni. She ‘a
ytn,ni your ftunshlnea.
Oacball <>f (be bridge waa idunglfif pg^ga,.. -Yw never cun liRak ki*
•tady the purato. oven om,
tea no mnrb for our comfort and con- Xebrnake. May Isirsea. Inax Roots, red. Rhr ta Jutt as qulvt aa aha cm*
aaro Alton.
along'with ihe ice-hlocka. It seemed anything' Putbar will buy you tto
M«th, 0«M4oeka. lUbH nnd 0»u*> rantonce. I ted a dear, old friend np.1, m,iaom. .Mabel lloUand. Ruib| be. 1 bare three pet fciiiias. and tbylf
Oneea'i It aeem good to have al! wonderiul that its timbera held to- j^.g
of Bob Kllmor'o K Buff
. Mn Clnrn Doty Bnira. wbo told mo (ha story I nm giRng to cgtaelrnsn, and .Nellie Crocker, all namaa are Rodla. Basil, and Stephen, iho how gone now! »o you teva aether. Every eye watched to see It
Michigan Ruftbeam*.
They are apfully cuia and preily. 1 great fua playing out of doom?
go to pieces or be awnllowed up In
another pe« os tout
•—SM i>.r.
tee her aa ahf
---------------------- havH'i teen any robina yet. but there
oor of the whirlicoto Into which tha
Tom'Su^tpoag of fclDdUnota .
. are lole oI crowa around, and the III
I la her grant roomy pleasant kitAlora. Mlrf-.. R. P. D. No I.
I waa not irlod:
. BrtMgt on our way.
lAka Ann. Mich.
()« epannwa ting about ibe bouae
etea. peeling peacbea 1 t outuma
. Idikllag up our loaooa hooka.
Apr. 4. 1912. e«-r> tmirnmg The eo»w la nearly ,^3, |.reardenla oiA
L»tlng up our play.
elt ET>ne. end I eiu gled of I. becOuae
rrowd—a ahtriwr cry lhan that which
i. her I
11 In-tbe fourib grsdt a
It likely to live 1 agroeuold
Trm M waior. (roo aa ali^
laO'vhad runs —
out when tbe bridee parted
Pbe wore a drera
I Ibooght I would write at I teven i wbefl It geU warm maybe I will get
t reewms
reading, srvuimeiw
Ctears at moat today.
prim, a sprig of written In a long Ome, I lacloae an *,i|
and my two brother* are
phyriology. V
-Ther--e eomebodr
an.lV -Ther--e nomebody on tbe bridge!.
ynllow blooeoioa on e grexn. back- Eaater post card (or you. ian't 11 siiii baultng tons. Imt wilt finltb haul spolliny My leacber'a jinme la Mto* A rihid. and—~
leanied a alngto trick.
•uulpora of kladiineaa
ground, a black kerchief was around pretty! 1 will tend unoiher for’ i„(( tomorrow. My Grandma Shlaler g,„, , „gp
whai else was It?
Bv«g wHh M guy,
her neck, and a big blue gingham yon after a while. Will j-oo ptoaae baa been to Bryaa for a visit, and
Bi;..7en '.cholan' la’arbool toI'a • "‘"'f •>'
^;"/Brff“^s^te°teH ^S’ouin’ve tato
Rpirii BWoM of human tovti.
apron completed her toHet. Sbe'uid aeod my little titter Rosy aaother-ora lust goitn bock home. I waa ao
We pi*, garnet and aometimea Rav> Slaymaker -I deeUre If H tin' for Buff, aod be will never
^ ^
lenucstloa in the town, wbrre he !■
OBdlng human rUy;
she ted downed that old f.shicned Bnaahlne pin? Bhe tost her pin when glad when she came! I will tell yo.i
,„rhsr piav# with u*. We have Tom Pullers bear and the teb>everywhere received wlib p«l« •"»
drena after having It laid away for ate wnt ov« to my cousin’s about a how many Sunahlnera sent me card*.
\\'f hsve
“A bear! A t>rar and a bai-v'
TTa for thoa aa praymany years.
month ago. and the to very aorrj . | «„ very glad to receive them, and
^bivkeoa. We gel twenty eggs The erv wa. taken u|. all .hi .
I had bran apcaklng of l*e frvll
a day I will have 10 raylood-lu for (hr crowd that Hoed the bank-Golden 1^
Hd flowera. and other comforu of M toon aa she learn, to write I Slampler. Fife teke: Thelma Cto.^
time, aa I .annot ibial( of any . Moat of ihe village le^mto kne*
Bled Priehde.
' Drtvtng cioodt away..
her hctoae.- -Tra." she raid wItt a ‘blnk she will be a great guba^ner Kalfcaafca: Violet Pridacm. Fife lAke, ^ore
’•'»> “ *»'
•’'ullera tame bea(,
........... teve e gerdra. makevil
.Though Ite wrathar aaoma to

-------little Uu^ Tmt did i
i.| come from far and »* ptoev for Wrda. whrae th
ftOWB, ■
M SI batne tbia week ( am at my Kalkaska: Violet Rridran. Fife teke.
Eva Pracoe *
of the bl|
to toav aad build and rat op
Tbevh ihe aklto are gray.
araudua Eliuer'a place vl.iflng I V^iolet BarnbsrA fopemlah: Efito ^^bst games do yon ptay ? Wrli
ere fl*lns ateo' The hcirakee,.!..* line* a iun of -e er.
Be with no, our hoena to Mara
Barrall. Sumthem.
"No.-- l-raM. and knew she wi thlak my Grudms was very kind to Barber. Fife lAke:
.Iiri *'111. a sheltopw esriheu dtoh.
This la Buuteiac Day.
tend my uaie to .tbe Siinshine Club, oill City: Helen Brodrick. Cuwer, R______________
shout to treat me to eomethlng I
;7yl.. Wh’o bed ,-lre.dv MIM -.-*1 -l-h l-hble-Sunahlae BaUnin
: Aa It to sinrast time for the morning f. D No 1. Elds -fraptv S.immii
tervetiag. aa the often did whea
dose and . boy and h.d esra.-i w.’^ n-.v .Irlnk spd b.-be nil H ft^^y
train I must close, with love aad best fity; Mrs O. H Rye. froarWasblngg„ff sns the •aby.
RuilgHINS ^RCglDENrg visited her.
wtobra for a bsppy Eester.
ton. I (bank them afT so much -ft»
Pan ll
-My husbsnd ted ra
our donebiaer.
tfalBklnwof me. J thank yen also
-|nd ted
tAH wote. Rut after your 8ue- lend' tbe ra
Gladys Raieo:
for tbe Sunshine button, end (be nUe much
ahtae PresMeat had glvra the copy broutbt the too eldeal cblldrra out
•uienaialng There
Tbere .s.'oa*.
wss’oae. m-nagerte.
menagerie, and a remard '>* »
pleeaure to receive your
letter you sen.
seoi me. f w.s in the a»re eutertsinlng
40 the priatra maa at the ofltoe. Iher.- be.e. Monroe, aged Bftran. and Sarab.
K.,„er •fa-uo never found say lacks .Ired dolUr. *a. -"-c-i »"t
store, lor i.ira*
came a leuee to her door about e •r** seveJft.en. They had cut the
i,„i„,ton. la Buff, and never rired ivtre Meanwhile. BuB and -he te.iy, „.s l*»es .a
pm^. a
Brash!., gfil I. wra each an later. Mv. sad sot a Ahln reedy for tho->"

tll^Iora wl.h love ,0 ell.
of h„
1...-end ttet was ,h, tebv. <,a their fra.l raf. .-ere Penh voor
eatmg toura. ead uuek s happy rac roof, and he lefl^ tbe children alotw
Huckhy. MUh
From yoor lovlag Burahlner.
I. ... when Ibe beby w., .bout to ou.iy plunged ahout *'
“jr^l ^ra to”nb a
thal ate to going to prtal moot of II <>»e Bight whlto he took the teem to
Apr 4. Iht:
cetobraie her Iblrd birthday that tbev the current end ihe rushleg t«-bh>rVs »*. ,ny rate email Woodea hog I
hole OU eithor eUe (or windows
in tbo guutelne page it wu dated bring our bouaetod goods aad tbe
PrraldpnlI am glad ra many te^ ted lUe *ii day.’ rain ai^nUer-s
When ibe r.f. wa» tururt lowaru
<1 « sn^l oac for an eniramrNofthporl. Mich, and ww oball call B*e other chlldrea and myeelf lo ottr ,j bao'-tJra a long time aiheo I memberod you. and eeal post iwrds Beod-« steady down-pour. itei cum- tbe ebore. the wW her.
snd vellow locks. Wreas like bases tiader raves or veo
a heme. IVe bad been living In tbe
Otero you Fpr peU we bava^four We alt hope >00 will grow well and ed tbe nuyunialoa- drifts of aoow into l•by■. s'
sud epl-eellns tea l: .ire.ched out for .i.el.ered corpera of terns or ve^
A Rood ROPOS of An Indian RJrt. «IUto town of Jacksoaburg. iwent.v
sad one dog! We have two prel- sitong
• aummer.
floods itei came nu-htug dow
hell. Om- -h‘ir 'be fosrlas wv for ,is* Otto birds ara not SO jarriroMto9>arao.^M w»i oaioltod :k <•» »‘too awsy. where my hu^l
—-------------------• •.
Ibe vHlase. aud ibe^siarkllag
............. ..
•-—■ tor. and win tefU aeota In boioa la
tkh RkgrtteevClab-la IMIS, la 4be won emplo.ved as
Alden. MIC*. R P « -No 1winter worU was cteagvd Into a dark s uvoniMi lolled, tbey hrar.l. or
dtett •( the same year she eateecd think of It now. ibora telMrro. all______ ith. aod Don will be a year
'Apr. r.. 19I1 end muddy oae.
,(,4 ,bev heard, her v^^t
Th* Allegheny, froam. 10 an oiHua.1 l.ln«"l. ••vi ber faiher
Tl.i* gellgbttol thlag abomhlrt
School at aloae iwo miles from ur bouoe. stay- ^
imie while My tochers Deer
depth by Ibe extreme cold oT tbe -In- hod «o be bHd terk by
friernlM* that ibey ottr ao
lawraaro. Kaaa. She eras tharo tor ite la Ihu cabla!
I mm in the (oufib grade.
name to , Mira Edna Bcooka.
m»r wrlld ulmaU scAoM wlB be out In (oor wadka. My dies are iradliig. arftbmeUc., Ua- tar. cracked and upfaravod ber pondra- from roahlos out uiaa.tbeSoaliu »* fhey leani fa.kBow you as oo* -bo
thrra yeara. aod thea wrat to M:
Ptoaaaat ladiaa SteooL vrhort ate yot la Iha
aadlngtoraat. Bat I oasxtoau to my atotor
HoboL Mr gasge. phyatology. lK«raphy. and pra toy feiiraw. end ooomed to be try to get to her.
tbe eomlag proramo tha cUMrra war*tan toU- stadias ara ariibmeUc.opeHtiic. gao- apAHte. Wo teva thlrty-alaoseats lag w«h mlgbo throo* to cam them
Tbeer came the reimr lof a rtao. aao kisdHra tbey
caa Iran. «b-y wui
a tell went whiaslte ocrora lb* to*. .
e hack year after ysar.
B tea good ta ba kept avaAa by late 1 grffphy. readiag. laagaagc. sad paa- tn c r school thU yaar. . Irma gava off. Bvary oae raM fa

WsIUBgua Coon, ASden. Mich.
-NuM Mbl by limo Aliea.

_______ _ ___
> d«na. walked
Om iwenty-iwo nUlee, cnrrylns pro..»» VO
-----0 ...
hie ramily. and flndlns
ihrengb the woods by tbe blaxad



I hb»b
very sad nawa to toU
ytm. Ton romaml
lember that 1 aant n
deor Itula bab)'s naiv for tha-Cradto
Roll. It was Alice Lucila Brodrick.
Tbo Childran'a •badesn.
Dear llttla AHee boa left ua new.
•' *?
Whw Iho dtps are nenky and falc.
you will hova lo tska'bcr nsma
’• ,off
tbo Cnidto Roil Sba
Ranlaoo timO tlMtooa as thaanaclreo.
wall alnec s sicknosa In Norombw-.
With bat. or bonbot. or flentUf bnlr.
About two weeks ago aba bad pneul
Pollow tha Uuto shadow aim.
moBla. and Iha Urd <
toll ua tor a better worid. Wa all
Odd littto frtonda the) are ladood!
^ Mdith'a
Uaaeea and bocnda llha n rubber
Sba was ioat aa swaol aa n littto do^.
Alice was my alaiar.
I wteraror bar fooiatepo lead.
This touer Is from an oU SunshlnMte ««a. Jwr lags, nw mote « >"• ar. but I am marrtod now. My
l.aka Ihstaad of Brodrick.
OoU4o<fe‘s fttood 4u a wayward one:
l.„m. .hi. wiw.., M.O.O..
surths ei home thi. winter. Mamniu
Mwer- *"
'•“« «“• »“'Br day.
* end aaw 00a about poor Helen Kora•ho oklK end nwoyu.‘aor «
■___ ___
■alas to tn' and eM aome-^adar
To aw tn one-place half on hour.
« A*
And Msbera fttod
Wbu o busy, budT crowd thoy bo!.i
” ilra. Mery Imka
Uovoo witb * nttto skip and hop.
, Is Mwsya randy to fellow or toe.
H uorar. noTor raody tn stop.
And now wo will hnvo s siay-louor
1 tho friond U aim—dor teby ^mm eoo of the Otown-up Sunohina
friends who used 1
boyo and strU when iho deor Pirsi
w « ttttlo plaything cut.
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Bather lltmby.- Please tend tbe cards
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