Grand Traverse Herald, July 25, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 25, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


and Travaraa







Calataratina Kvant kp Taking a Vaea«
>re. Md, Juljr 23 —Hanr Iclten and telesrapblc uMaaacea ol
sraluUtJan were Tecelr^ at (be arWl raaldeaca Id ttala cl(y duriBK the laat (pw a>a for Cardinal
Olbboot wa la aereal)r.elcbt yeara of
age todap. In accordanve wiu
L-tutom durlBx receat peara bla .
ace la apeMlog bla vacatloo with
fdeada la the vIHoltp of Se» York.

thouM a T







Witl Feature <


8t. Paul. .Mlsn.. Jnly :t.—Tta Xortliaeat Sa<iigertHiad has attracted
Piut a vast army ol slngerx f
all of (be Siaice of the .Vortbweeu Includtag llltaola. Wlacoosla. Iowa.
Nebraska. Minnesou, t'uurado. North
and South Dakota and Montans. It Is
Imsled (bat fully i;-.)>00 visitors
mill be here tM-fure (umorrow .
The big Auditorium Is to
for ibe seri’-m i»l great c*i.tvrrx RAILROADS MAVIMO 'diFWCWLTY
which win feature the gatlH-rinc
Marie ftappoM. Marcus Kellcraan
Launeh Wat Found Inuet. But Baarciv and acicral other famoua sohiiats.
om Damage Wa# Done m-Weatern
ara Were Unabla to LocaU OeeumUl fkkc part.
SecUon Wjiera RataJi<(i to Tor*
panta—Wtra Ocneral Fatarrwnta Durtog Early



THI RSDAY. JCLY 2T.. 1912.

TBffmK UKS ME miwi


Ded^eit el Frabale Judge Fieel. Saya

Lansing. Mich, July 3.-.—la
UloB handed down by the su|
inirt today It Is held Ibsi a |irvlaie
judge III a county u tta only ludhlel
oBIrcr eminmered to‘deal wyib sod
dlsluse of luietilh- lasra.
a result of tbe dectston. CrahalB
Gould, tbe Dlui-xar-old son ot Durall
Could, of Lansing. w|I be glteB
tta lusiody ol bU Islber.
mother Ilf the hoy died In Ihukaad Ibe
grandpaieols kept him st (heir t




*»rae, Haa «ew tacarad ter S. M.
F. aito
Btowdaid Cara

wm •• Lartml RtaM to

AMen. July SS-TLc lM}»toi>
rounding Ibr dlsai>i«sraD(-c ^'Ofj Ro>
Tha autoBMrblle baa b
1>WL c. o. Mck or ta OBirtmiT
Grand Raplda. MKh.. Julv 3«.-An
ArmslrouR and IliiKb laugho fftni
«UU •Wiurr welMer
other terrlBc electrical atorm aaep;
nsollne laumh oo Torch lake la
Uprw tevJaisiaera as well sa ptaaMVd
^ anwred aioi* la coancU Uoo4a>'
the uorthern part of the elate leal
recraaikm. And Travena Cltf
Md i^ortad <m tala anum
night. A heavy lain fell for a short
nlivg of Rtpubiteana Toward La- is (be aaiarsl hradnuanera tor dtaCbarlea W. Ftuat. aged 6: pears, solved today bp the flodlng of Ibe bod­
Nm a a«M tala lai'eMUalloo la Itae
lime In Grand Raplda but no perliFollttu Make Ctanera of
trlbuiloo ta this aectlta of tta atala.
dty. la raferaace to tba water aapply died at aa .eaHp hour Taeaday Dorii ies of the two boys Hoatlng
cutor-daeiage waa dune. Uwlng to (he
Kvery snio owner haoww by axparv
a aald Uat ta nporu or the health Ins at hit home. :^i:i Stale elrect. at
fact that (bo linra of bo^h the Hell
leavv- what It means to bo abla to
olflcar dW not alat to a veo- bealib;- ter a kng lllneat with dlabetea. Mr. from file to twenty boats have l>c<>o
searebiDX the water for (races of (be
have bki cmergracy npods sunUad to
coaditka of ta water, aa than bad Pbual had been Id poor bealtb (or
Grand Raplda aero pul ...
bodies, but Ibelr efforts were
Ulamark. N, II.. July S«.—The Itom-, hurry and lo Sal gnlck rtemln wlma
taaaa •avwiMB kawa caaea of tr- paat few yeara iHit had not been aerrommlaalok
warded ttntll ttala mor^ag. when the
orrais have atioug hopes of carrying mast needed. There are otbor Ibl^
VboM IB ta citr dariac (be aU loUBly IneoDveoleiiced until withlp
ainonm or damage uiuld not U
North llakota lu tbe :
■1 elec whlt-b also appral to tta o^Nmt af a
Mta rnitai Jauaarr 1. wtaltA la too the paat year, when the diaeaw tad- body ol Vaughn was found floating
curately asiertatacd.
on tbe xurfai-e nbout throe mllos from
r f.M- (be drat time car wad things which atakc Ula aaaWr
am$r far a dtr of thja alM wbire teoed llaeir opon him. and alibcnisb
At I.eiMy. the general store
Ihv State.
ta Tatar aapplr ud aaBltarr coadl- be did everything to curb It efforta
and tbe uperatlMi df hta car ftYrltr
George M. was atruck
and more peasant
Uaa^Wa *11 ttotat. Wblla all ttaeao for complete recovery were
lightning and burned to the ground.
The search was conUouod and this
a— aU«ht aoi a da to ta coadlUoa log. and the eud came this morplng
Traverae CRy Iroe Works baa,
The luaa was fzii.iKHi wbirii wna-pu':
oon (he body of young Aruislrong
.o( ta Tatar aaairau oat
Charlea Fbuu was bora In Urand was found floating by George T. >lc.
tlally covered hy loaurmce. fliir,
\tD Ihla dlraeUcHL Milk and othar food Raplda. August 17. 186U. lie rapir
ore waa Ibe Urgent lu OsctMla half of the iMltonal and state (Ickela. lUh ta tbls city tta Isiv
Mb alcbt hara bean ibe cauae of here 18 years ago as dIetHcl agent for Duffle. Prank Armstrong, hroiber of Boskt Hsve Been Shipped and Pre­ tunty outMde of Re«d City,
oompiMe garage, storago non aad ra
Roy. and Charles Coy. who <
part «r tba traobla. One other
pair abop la all aorthera HteUgaa.
the Craad Rapids Brewing
llcaiy rahi waa ropuned all aloug
Conaolidatlon of Big Buaiwtatab waa nuMarad doabUul
„ and be has managed the office ever In^ boat eearchlne tbe lake,
Tar as the naduita] alluatioo 1a coo- The larce tactory-bilHdlBg at tta *m
Ihe Pere .Marqui-tte railroad froui
blao plaead la tka typhoid «laaa mak-, alnoe. iTe waa the Brst agent aent In- aboel three miles from the spot where
(be Kepubllcma side
Mid of (be mala otractarra ot tta
Grand Raplda to IJItle Maulslee, tbe wlrvucU progrraaive. but the
the body of Vaughn was round, be­
k« a total of IB alnce the flrat of the
worhs baa been orarhanlei aad b
thli dUirkl bp (be ixHnpaay an«
tween Aldeu ajid Lone Tree loinl.
lag of (ta progrraslv,
yak/. Aftka trpkoU aaa«>D doea Dot
pnxras of bMag r
oagb bis energetic and faithful
l<esl Tbureday the two boys start­
btfia BsUl ak«M Ika Brat pC AubM wort.In behalf of his brm the bnsl(•hiladelphla. July 2<-In dePance Italdwlu. On the U, IL A I. the storm all aloug baa been towarda LaFoliM.u
■very eawrgracy aaad of tta
raUwr (ban Rooaetell. In
< a b proof that tbs* b aomathiiu aeaa has growa until (be Travwrae ed out In a launch to* deliver grocer
Ibe diaeulutlon order following tbe extended ai (ar north as Mscklnac.
taulpped to (Kwtda
At Reed city tip, Inhabltanta caper.w last Mareb tta Slate
wRi^ with Ike aaidtary ooodltion of City office 1. one of the meet piosper- i4ps from tbe store of lAonsrd Arm decUion <>l (be
iwpalra aad awp>>taii
shong at Aldeo to rcaortera
Icniwd one of ilu.- worn dectrlcsl lly carried by the WUixmaiu ae-ulur
rtlque In control of tbe
of the braach offieet of the
Tbe building ta entirely irr pratff.
btko and a
He adroeeted tke uee of the hy- pany. Hr. Paust leaves no retotlves
u a cenienr floor and evarr
boat waa found with ils targo Intact, «ngsd to take over the builness of that city .1 7:». In the evening snd
pochiarlie ayataa lor pwUylag the except his »wn family, a w|(e and two tat both bgye mtaaing. It will i
klany of the prugrcpslvra are la- way especially adapted far tta par.
Frtobmuth Brolbera A company, in raged half tta alghL Tta aiatwat ol <U^ to hxta «pOB Rooaevall aa hav puop. Aa ofBra and tav* rwom an
wBbP ffo-ikb MB-^baha the
lorporstcd. {he largral iiidcpi-udcnt damage ttaild not ta ascertained. The Iflfbagp responsible ter the defeat or now -fMag^t^l^ ta- 'lta aMb oaat
ensBly tree trots trtboid ffem
Mr. Paoat was a man of strong perBell telephone line Into this city w'as churiaaiion from the prcaldeatlai
DDccru of (he kind in America.
r email ekpeaae.
end. The abow rob«. wUI ta rooaty
aonallty. lie waa congenial, public llwP tn the boat when found, s,hlch
ered tU trtat et thU apstem earlp In Bpiritod. .nod worked always for Ibr
The Oral step m (he ucgoiUtluns. ■-tippled durl{ig the atonu
cif U FollclK-. Dcmucralic
b to exhibit many cara, white
woDid Indicate that It bsd l•et•0 rocked
The HrIJ rouipany'x aortliera llu'-a fliienira arc bclog employed to fnaler the main floor wlU ta ItaaU ta a vast
>ld to have liccii closed today, a
tha aprlag tat nothing haa been done best li.ieresta of the city, lie aouahl in KHiie manner.
townrd puttac R late effecL the
display apartmcBL
to Babe hli busfneto associales bis
Both of (be boys graduated fron
tkm balBg tn« pifflrt of like a great jwnenal fiienda and be alwaye
ituoM-rpIt In Ihv hope that a part
The specialty of tee cotegany win
anccloDa High school (his -iiring tacturaMIrccled the FYlahiuuih Co.,
ttimiiariy. Tbe Weidera I'nlois the iMugreesIvv tepuhllcan vote a
many etke^ paaaed bp this bodr oa- ed to take an tateresl la those
ta repslra for aay atyte or amta ot
and ioleaded entering the Cnln-rsUy withdraw
v«-r, captYlcm-ed hut little tp
BceooBt of tha-lack of aomeoae Xo him. while bla home life was
lodcpcmleOi 1'ohacco ManufBctur
ta tunied to UYlsun. taould •
of Michigan this fell. Armstrong waashort Botic*. To moot this
hie with Uielr lines north, repona
«force IL Tkb ffiaaUoa will bo tak­ happy. He was a member of ita B. P.
urgent don
neat ta high school-athletics and era' aaaiN'IaUaii. On MaV |. Hlran a heavy clerfrlcal atorm rvimlag It move meet with any large amount
en BP again aad pM iaio
Hiller. Ki-rvlary of Ih- tarorpora
BUevoas 'll la reaaoaable to evpe.t
O. E, F. A A. M.. Traverae City ComicbiBisi of tong prgctkal «
from all pointy nuip- of Ibe report# Ilcmurrellc vl.tory In North Dakota ha. brrn "emptey^^
effect, as boon aa tke aeeaaaary ma­ wadery No. <1. and P. O. E.
winter. They
abusing any particular damage.'
terial can ba Bmaurd.
' general favorilcs and (lu-ir loss tlted>''wi(huui uoiUv
haat. provided a eufdeteat saanlr M
Funeral aervleee will be held from
The Demwerats thcmM-Ivca are pre- - • ftaf. Rich tald that wliUe the
Oo Tucuduy last. Ihive carloads <>l
be koouly felt by all who kuy-w
tbe tame Thursday eftcnioon at S
(Hirlug to gu into (be vampwlgu with
dllfaM here ware not aa bad as In r'clock. Rev. Demes Cocblln offklet- them. .■
books, records, paiicra and lllcnMurt
more confldeate than ttay have
soma Mkar tswat tkep were
shipped from the great FYlsb
This is the first drowalng that has
will be able to meet erarr awd of
ng. Tta serrlces will be ta'i
B charge
dlaplayed before. Slept ,urc tatag aay car wbea moet ta dlatrraa and at
Aeai wwse ttaa thep are in___ _ •t tta Kalghta Templar.
Kiirrad In that part of Torch lake mulb plant, at Scvenicesth s
taken to amoolb out all ol (hu fao, short Dotlce. Iheroby aartag detara
the Iowan of tba auie. Thto M i«Lebigb avenue, to tbe LArilUrd plan
tumal differem-os within tbclr ranks which sometlmea piirvs inpilmlra
BBidta ah proof that
in Jeracy city, from which. It la'now
o preeeul a imlld frool. They and dangrroua as well.
ta *6ae mM to rMlere the altnatloa.
understood, (he Frishmuth brandi
talM-ve they may be able to elect
He waa ewrprised at tbe large nomwill baresfter be shipped
fa counectloB wjUi tta abow room
tar «t oM amt* that ere b use wltbTta boose of Frlsbniuib prartlcalh Mililia Wat Called Out and Ordtred ihclr JlOoe ticket and win at le-»* aiid offlie a reel raom will be pctald-ongresatonal seat ‘a tht eveat «d for the use of ladtea white their
la^^^apiw dbtrleb of the city and
ronirolled tha flne-cut market oi
to Remain Until OulM
• Sisl* g<i(ng Demo... I- lu rhe care are being rapalrad or cteaata.
•a Rratarad.
aML Thay are a breeder of BIm pad
Every oereaaarr aort of raniilKuatal
otbM- dlawMi tareedera eed an
k'rUbiuulfaa d>ail>- more fine-cut than
Charleston. W. Va. July It.—Deput
toaffH- tobmd b a nwdera city.
I the reel together.
.Sheriff Sui|>hlD. who was wounded
Hhar at tkaoc aniaaaoea are oa
Himee Dollara LeM A
An addllkin to the plant Is
■X a miners' rkit which caused the
arty of pratalaant dUceas and Uiem
River as ReawM of Heavy
troopi. lo In- sent to Peyionbi
Rome. 3uly 3«.—Pope Plus, in the- nearing romplelion. hot uonc li
b BO twaaoa ter their axlstenee.
mai' hraughl hen- tudsy for treatment
D«r future, may taken hand In cor­ lliorlly would utter a word con
waa alM a aoarca of aarprlae to
Ing the dral of the future of (b
Clyde FJdlcmaji and J. W. Roach were
Inlln-Amerlto Bad Bata a large auari»r of masrresK-d for llm shoaling^ Tbe mil
can republics to Indulge lu revolu­ lahllshtiiCDl
anre heapa la-tba alleys la the heart
Wdsau. WIs. July St.-KJae tnlUloD tions.
Tbe nffleers oC the abo»HH-<l
trpalred and painted ready tar'iho
was nrdcicd lo remain oo the
of the bBMaeaa diatrtcl and be eng kollare damage was caused by the
ccrn .are; PresIdenU John C W Frish gruun-l onlll after ibe arralgoiDcui
spring evwatm. and (ba equipment of
Tbe step lie Is dm-iared.^o hsvc
gaeted that ttala refuaa ta rpmored breaking of two dams on the W'iscoii
tiiuth, Rlvenon, S. f: treasurer, J
ueii. iH iroiihle Ih tcan-d.
the e.isblh<limeDt ia aach (tat the mind will be only (art of a work
daUV/Wr etoe ta leapt la light r
ale river north of here. No lives
• m be Bwiderate wheo all tta
has Inst undertaken for Improving the
tadm ao aa to prereat the breediag
lost Several (era bouses
nt Ihe wnsie tmlay Just louc enough ttiavmiiences «ud depoadahlllty am
vacancy since May 1; aasisiant ll•■■as
tk^tonlthade el Btee that ■mke tbetr carried awey. -Tta heavy rains over­ (ondlllou of tbe laoror clasMis In Cen­ Ilrer and acilns sccrclary, K Hldille
tor Sviistor I'vrFy ut .Mlivsissipid
tral and Roiiih America This work
bonMs la tkaae haapa. Aa a whole using the dams caused the flood.
make a hinnnIi tKalnM ihv rciiilsHiou
Krlshniiilb. The FYlabmuih plant
The romimai baa decMad to taadie
tha cHy doea not abow ap very well
Mint Wee DamegM.
ot -anal lolN lu .Viiicrli'bo shipping. all Dvskra of auiomobllaa not already
• ycllcal to all Central and South CIS SII entire clly bimk
trma a aanltarr ataadpolat and ualeaa
I'ntontown, Pa, Jnly 31.—Officials
The lll•«•-lIrc then caw way again
The InveslQient exiec-l. »:.:u«i.owt
iC.iDtIiiiied oo sags four.)
the autbartUat totend to take tbe Bet­ of the Superba mine near Bvana sta- Amerlran bUboi« calling on them
the HiiDdrv civil sppropriatlun Mil
BpeclBl efforts to beUcr the coudillon .and the product Is sold in all parts ot
tor la head and eee H the ordWacta Uou report that if mtacre •
8<'ualor Hranil<'gec cxiiresaed llllle
the world.
of Indians.
that have a bearing on the cnee
drowned wbea the company dam
This enc^TlcsI. It Is declared, at
not ta eatefoed.
broke end kt water Into (be mines.
tju (hi- canal hill The ailtiiecl of
vatkan. will soon bo foUbwed by an
Michigan Will be Made the Battle- loll, and of the riclif. of (he Cnlied
The lack of a ayatomatle ar
other (u Lalln-Amcrlcan bishops, arcliLocal Foetolfiea” Dow Ufta fliataff
Creund of Ihe New
Sisloa ■imfcr the irv-ai.v with Fnglanrf
ter the eoUeetloa of garbage
bisbops. nuDslos and apostolic dele
Ordor •ualnaaa.
have iirnviikvd k.r{;n feeling lo the
another tblBg that oarprised Prof.
gales to use their tasl efforts toward
«-nsle Biiil an agrct-ii.eiit ou varkMU
Rich. AU othar towaa have i
During Ihe past year the local pasteducating Ihe iieaplc away from (hr
|•^Ol|.loOH •III liui In- reached .11
hlad of aa arraagemoat by which gar
■.fill, has lucressod Its buataesa in
Idea of revolution which the
_^tn.ii. Julv .•«—Inicm. fiimt and iiciieved. •iihiiiii long dcbal".
bBBB be oriioeted from the bomca at
depsnmeal. The followtal flgdeems largely ropuuslblc for
VcB Vt>rk. Jill,' 3J - The Arl.m kl? liobker Birivoi here today for a lunlaaR twice a week In sunaaar and
urei^ compiled by Aaatataat nifii
misery of the poor.
ference wlih the stale --eoiral comuiii
•r.-.klii* fleet. incluiJiuc the si.oaca la wlaur. H« raanmeaded
ler HaskelL w«] give some Mas of
Roy UcQarry. wbo received his H
tee to lay plana lor the camiialgn ol
Ttoi.revcil, which waa used hv
that aotoa plan ta devised tar this
>e smouni of twslasaa trhaaaetod.
the progtesMve party In Mkblgaai.
•iKwtor.- Peary on ins North Pol.
eltr ea eooa aa poadi.le. Garbage Is D- taffree at tta I’nlieralty of .MlchlFor. the flacsl year, eadlig Jaaa M,
thls spring, has accepied an InI•.•aitl.*. was pul up fo: sale at
a aerloei awaacc to the bealtb and
i;ti3. tbe amount rareitad ta tta moaMorshlp In the^medl<-at deyiart.
li- auction loilu>. The sale (ollnws
abonld ta altoAod t>< ta a proper
order depanmoat was as foUowi;
mrnl. He will teach anaiooK. and
• he recent death ot John Arburkle.
orders Uaaad....•1S3.W3*7
-lU ta at tta brad of thU disitact
who spent. It is said, aliixwl »PK>.<sto
Tbe report of Prof. Rich showed
Fees oa domestir drddrs ..
braaclr of the general depaHment In
on the wrecking fleet In an slteapt
What to tta amttar with Trtverae CH, which It Is Included. The tmllloD is
to dethnnstrale the reasihilliy ol big
and also reveatod the tact that the
exceptionally good one for so replan to raise aunkcu vessels hv dh
n' vi.iior. 4I«. here to Join with the
hsattfa aothorlttas have been very
it a gradnalc. and sbonid Mr Ni-- been so large or no v icious ai> a] pee*- of impressed air. .Mr. Arburiilc
aiacA ta Ue enforoeiaeat of the ottlipHupM ■’> Salinas m the eoJuynieBt
............................ ..,|3»Ate,27
Garry decido to May ta tbe work there
plpyed hU method in ratslng the Cnit- After Finding of Corerar,)a Jury War seven days of bronrto tasting, aft
aaacea. it potatad out the source ul to ever} owwetnnhy -lor ediaacc- ent. Theu bItea are ao painlol
The amount i«id ow ta (ta aaaa
maay peraoni la (bla riciniLy ^
ed Sutra •rolser Yankee, after abe
riding ropug cun irate snd a wMe
thto weakaeae.aad ataowed the aMerrants Ware laaued tor^nc and
ed to reiualn Indoora /ao4Jevew —
gone tn the bottom by Hriktag
men that thetr orders have been left
variety of other spirts typical of i
Ttae oalvoralty. aad especially tbe wen screened bouses is Insditaab*.- ledge 10 Buitard B Bay several yrars
where they wet* whea the leglsb
life Tbe occaaiOB It tta sarood anledlcal depsrtmeat. b every y ear Olj- to light lamps at nl^l. Thomw
While the Yankee was being Corning. .V Y.. July it.—Ncgllgeti'-e auai rodeo and wild west caralvaL f«r
■g more and more of its posltioBs Voe. 1». ur this town, wilt lose ii.s towed to port OM of the .Navy De­
OB tbe pan of nagmu Lane aad Ea- which preparattans oo an onra. .
with gradnatra who have apecla
right arm aa tta result of a bll»
partment (uga rammed her aad
giaear Sehroedrr. is held reapoaHbk- elaborate scale have been, completed,
Hdward guahy. who Is atteadtag him
never w ta raised agsta. Hr. for the Lackawanna wreck who
la addltM to the wild west leatmes
(Ctltleaera. who. saya the youth acratetad tta blia anti ArtnxAIe blamed tbe _S»ry Departkilled. Alttr tbe vcrdMgif tbe tta program provldea for a mardi
Total ................................. fl3»,MR;r
At the aeettaf the reaotatloas we-e while ttay have a good fcaowledge of
Inocolated U with poison and that be
: (or tta aecoBd loss of the ship, coroner's Jury, Coroner Smith Jmmed- grma pageant trotting aod ranalog
paaaad (Alliat teg the begtaatag cf
aot partietoarty flued to will have to
(4) g4V(
put ta a bm ter tM.flOO for bla latoly Issued nsmnu for LdM and racra aad the crowalog of Kta« Bu.-(CoBUkagi M page two.)
track one kraarta more than aaotter.
servlcea. but ta pever got It.
babk aad Queen Sugar Be«L









SUES TO unvosin




mm Tumn bbuu), ud tuvxssi ut xasle, Adiidat, mr >a wi.

f^rand Tiaverte Herald

WeVant to eororoead the posilM Ukro in tok conation by
Hon. J. W. Patebin. of Ibk cjiy.
from the beginning.

and Ttavene Bay Eagle


Twice a week

Hi- allendetl the preliminary

meeting a few da>*s ago and took a j.n.inineui |iart Ibereiu.


waa at the. Jackson meeting and was made temporary ebairmaa of
Tawaay a*d Thontey at TraT«iM aty. lUcaiaa. kr

toe cooventlou and hk addreaa from the platform, while emphatic


lass A Kellogg

Mr Patefain has been 'ronsistnit

He has been an oiUspoken RocmeveU maa.

Nobody questioned where be stood

and pi«ilive.-«s one who knew him wigli|res|>eet it would be. yet
it was nmservative and sensible a'nd looked to the permanent sue-


i^eeiatl Prices

eeos of the' movement ralbc-r than a bid for the lem|M>ry euthusiaam of a eunventiou.
.Both PhoMa Me. S

With many others. Mr. PaU-biu believed il^nwk*^ to go lx-,
yond preaidenlial decton at Uiis time, but be yielded to ilie forti'
of eiri-umstonei-s and accepted the





•rto. to ar ■ I Mil I

toto <

sad I Of* to tto Ma

as ~

Naturally, the nomination of Mr. Watkins, hk bfother-in-law, was
grstif}'ing to him.

It could not be'olherwise. aud


..»C la AdfOBM ability and fitness of Mr. Watkins for Ibe pimitioii. he will, of eourKe.
lusiastieally supiKii-t Iu* noniiiiatiou.
It k not probable that any iiomiuatioDs for .-oiiiity offi.-.-ni will
Ik- made in Grand Traverw- «-»uiity by the ib-w j.arty.

No effort

will be made to aeenmpikb this. 'If there an- any i-audidatea for

CmiUtioa tUi week 3.050

county nffiit-s of Orsiid Ttavers.- eouiity win. ilcsire their iianica
to appear upon the primary ballot, under the new imrty.hcad. their


pi-UliouB most be filed before 4 o'clwk p. m. on Saturday, July 27.

How Ma<h longer Mast We Salmit ?

The HaHaiui Bvrative PMj


It is lieeoining a neriims question with the peo|>|p of the United

The innoli taiked-of third parly waa organiaed Saturday at
<^aAaoo uader the name ot the National Progressive party,

States how the Mexican troubles sball lie handled by our govern-


ia a Wide difference of optnion as to the advisability of the <•


The United Stat.-s government beailales to inl.-rr*-ni in any

way with the internal affairs of .X^iHueu.

twn of a third party at this time.

It does not want to seem

to coerce or dictate or even suggestW Reltleraeol of tln-ir diffii-ul-

It sboold be distioctiy understood that any resp<-tHM‘- niimbcr liea, but tbe time k now long past when I'nital Ktati-s citizens will
ef repntablc citisena of any atate or of the nnitrd Stalin lisn a right submit ’tamely to the enemacliiiient of the
•I any time 4o organise a political party. This is one of the iualivn' n-k-ls or iuder what other imiiic they slmll jmss; will mibmit tame­
aUa rights in a democratic government like onrs.

Hccause there
ly to insult, to attack. Ui «b-8tru«-tioi» of pmi«-ily, to jiluiti rnimler.
a difference of opinion as to iwliciea advneated by the diffen-iit whether on American ti-rrilory «ir Mexk-an. ’’ Mifies, becatise there may be a diffarence of opinion as to the

It would seem llist this diflietiH.v btui alinosi rraebed-a |K>iut

4<w of th« organisatioB of a new'party at any time, is no reason where Blexicana, whether n-gulars or iSTieU, fwj that tliey can inw)v those who believe differently
y on polieiea
. not aJtga themaeivea with

Bult, vttth impunity, AmerieJb eitizens. when Ihi-y can destroy the

r tlie.other of thr existing; partial property of American ritizens. when they can eiMilly munler AmeriTbew
eitizena. Now the qu'-atioti m how unieli longer uunil our gov­

or dedde that a new party ia absolutely uccemar>'.

mm adiy th^ae who desire to change their political affiliation

ernment NUbiiiil to this eondiliuii?

to Urn extreme of the orgauisatiun op* new party, should be oritidaed far an doing.


of {mrty affiliation.

It is not so miieb a question of how mueb longer they nnwt
submit, but how iimeli loiigiT they will Kubmit.^With all thn- regsnl

tt is the right of every American nitizen to decide the
Every* individual must d<> this


for Ibe cxia-lieut dipluiuatir efforts on Ibe

of our own govern­

himself. ment to prevent, as long ns iHissible. ni-tive iiiterTeii-iK-e in Mexieiiii

3is naigkbor.uiay think be ia makin| a mistake aud eauuot agree affairs, ww believe then- is a ihiiil.

No otln-i- imlioii on Hu- glols-

vil^'diini un policies and principlns, bat he has liu right to dictnlc would have submilted. ns we have siibmiltal. to iiisnlts niid injury
to him Ihf pa^ to which be should belong.

Therefor*-, those who to thi-ir eitiziuis.

■wt at daekaon oh Satiuday and organiied the Nalioual Progrewivo

Ii<-niinny bos ala-mly deiiiumled and

tiem from the meoibm of ail the other parties.

Germany niHeeli-d

for Ihe'lti^er of four of ita citizens.

Uhina has <-um|iellcd j«aj-

T%ck were certain features of this convention that we cannot meot of 3^K».(KW pesos for the killing of Uhiuem-.
^pnve of.

We do not believe in a une-mau iisrty.

ti(» we expressed woelSiago in these columns.

This euuvic-

A 'lwrlyj to W swV

mtmt be a party of prineiplea, not of individualN.


territory aerosK the line.

How umeii lias Ibe .Ajiieriraii govi-ruiiicnl
Not one cent.

fact is, the time is fast approacliiiig wb.-ji .Mexi<s> iniist

WM otiovo when Wf. Boosevell’s field manager. Senator Dixon irf In-eouie Auierk-au territory.
htnataw, arrived at dackaon dnring the convcutiMi and in-atgiually

Hmulrak of

.Ameneans hive, lieen Diiirden-tl on .Mexican, and even on .Vim-ricAu

The iiew rolleeled for lhi-ae oiilragesT

i»r^ » dominated .and controlled by Theodore Ronsi-vrli.


ty, nnd even I'liina Ims eiiiiipelle<l .Mexico |u uieel Ihi-ir de­

are entitled to re8pec^u] treatment, to’respectfui cousidcra- mands fur the murder of ilieir people.

Not bis-aiisi- we uaiil it. not Ims-hii--

tos-tl it,.not bi-cause it will be of any special benclil t» us. Imt

dktoled the action of that convenliun. under orders from Mr. Rooso- iM^auKO we must i-outrol a le^itnry that is always a nieuue*- to
,U Uiehigm were the only ststMlius dictated to', it would
ant u BO eonapicuoua, bot this is the policy of Mr. Roosevelt, to K>

This k true of Cuba.

As a eiluen of Michigan, without regard to politic, we res*

tiw dkUtion of any man, whether Mr. Roosevell. or Mr. Dixon,

It is Inn- of Mexico.

Tin- lime has sinTiy come wln-n Anierk-an iiitepeslK umsl 1hjtroti-i-ted ill Blexieo.

adopted by every sUte w£ere conventions will be held.


There.shiiukl be m-l om- day of dc|ny, and

Hie demand is made, tin- rnileil Stat<-s must be in ........... ...
tion to eiiforee that demand.

All this talk oX,^-uee. world |•elle•■.

doing away with war. is f<H>lisbll<■s^.

nobody etae, as to bow Michigan imlilitw siiall be run.
'When thr doJegates asaembled at Jackson, it was ex|M-cted tlist
tiny would Bclect presidential electors for a Ru^wevelt ticket.

Tlie-siiaii \\b» rniiiioi |ir>i.

tret himst-lf is the-mail who is itii]ioscd ii]Hiu.

Ilomaii iislim- is

same Hie world over, aiiiUis Hie siime i.Mbiy llial it was when

Hint caiiiml prou-rl it­
Ur. Booaevelt speaking through Mr.' Dixon, 'his campaign manager, the pyramids were built. Tin- govern
self jiiiist go down, and ik is fiHilisliueMi to Hiiiik that llnil little
inaiatad upon a full ticket from the president tu coroner. This,
The theory is correct. A new
party K|H>t on the map we i-all .Mexico can so far eoutrol (be siliiutioa that
eniirroiilK (IK. Hint the goveniuo-nl of Hie United Slatva iikihI luiigcr
Tinfore, we are not eritieising llie theory npnn which Mr, Rmwevelt submit to' Hie insults and injuries iullieU-d by a half-eiviliz-d ........|ile tlinl we have lii-eii imiglit lo enll Mexicans.
worki. only criticising the dictation of an outsider in Micjpgi
Tin- day brjuisl when>i<-ri- within Ho- boimds of the civil
paltiea, even thoogfa that outsider Im> a Tliaxlore Booser*-lt.
ized world, the people of one nation cannot be protected in their
, ’ That this dictation was resented bjra large portion of the conrights within \he territory of any other nation.
Tlien- is a comnBtioo Vto clearly shown. The entire Fifth district, including Uie
muniiy of intermi. largely finaneiHl. that eawiot be igiionsl in iiiCroat city of Grand Eapida, openly protested.
This proU-at was
li-rimlioual jHilitica. ami iiilerimlioiml usiip- has i-staMislied Hie
earned on down throngh the line of many counties.
It was berule Hint one nation has a right to prolivt Ho- livi-s and Hm iiiierliered by.nauy of the most ardent supimrtcrs of Mr. R.Hmevelt
ests of its i«-ojile wliei^Ver lUey may lie.
•jpd jllie men most prominent it the new |wrty muvriueul. and who
This right is romgiiized by all riviliz'-d ualions.
W<- ri-atiz,aniat be looked to for the auccew of this movement. Hint it would
that Mexico hanlly aim>-s under the lo-ail of civilized imlioii--.
be bettor Cor Reasons they could Itettcr understand
than eonld
inly about half eiviliz.-d ami we aiv making large ...........................
Sentoor Oigon of Montana, if the ticket named ahould be coutuied
at that.
to preaidwtial electors.
Testt-rday 2;i0, .Xmerieau women and children.had lo kiive
, It waa well known to thoee ronunon workers frodi all parts <if
Bladera. driven out of that city where their home was, where Ih'...tte atate, that there would not be time fo properly organize tb<«
iniereiitB of their families wen-, wheiv Ho-y lisd ts-cu all<>u.-,| a
oouudH to aeeure thr tiling of the nominating peiitnm
resiib-nee and Hie .■slabliKliiuent of gnuil lnii.iiii-K,s inl.-riKik, Tlies.within the time limited by law. It is well understood that all |>rl
women and rhildmi were eou)|>elled to tier from ibe eiiy iH-esiisi- .if
tiona for candidatn*for nominatinn upon the primary election
the injuries and insnlis of .*i(m Mi-ialle.| r.-W Iruoje. I’livab- Imiiies
, b«U(rt. mwt be filed before 4 oVlm-k p. «... -Inly 27.
eiiloml, iMr o.-1-iipanlK driven mil mi.l iIi.-m- I.........
Eves if thm- wen- a strong d.-sire on Ibe.part of the NulHUial
by these balf-e)viliz.-d .Mexicans.
' Progressive parly orgauizers to put into tbo field a full ticket, th.-re
.\jueriraii women and children are insidlal sml iiiainlcre.l
would not bc.timc in moat of llu- emnities to file these |>elirions fsr
Germany. Kiiglaiid Hiid t'liiiia and oHmr imlioin of tin- giols- nntNmnty. senatorial aud legislative offices within the time pr.-s.-rilH-d
jiroleeliiig the liv.-s ati.l III.- iutercsts nf th.-ir .-ilizeiis in .M.-xi.-i>
by Jaw. These petitions have already been filed in the «lifferenl'
How niueli lolig.T will Jbe l uiti-d Slat.-s g..veriiiiieiit siil.iiiil t..
roUutiM by one or mure of the old )wrties. and it will bi- diflii-nll
the trenlmenl our own people an- n-.i-iving jiiM iieiKv. th.- b.ird.-r’
sow to seeuiv and file the )H-tiliona for the new parly.
How inue^ longer will Hu-y allow .Mexicans, wlietlier ih-y
i.nThe National Progressive party named at Jackson f«»r its candi­
relK'U or regulars, to. murder Aniem-ans a.-ne>s Hi<- ls>rd'T m KI
date for governor. the Hon. L. Whitney Watkins of Jackson, preseiil
FasuT These Blexieans can atand »n .me m<|.- of ib.- rii.-r and ii.toember of the state senate. No tieller eboice could have been nisdc
their rities effectively on the .Am<-ricjin sij.This IiAk I.........
by the progreasivea for their raudidate for governor.
W'hile Mr
repeali-dty. How mii.-h iMiiger wit] .iiir'gMxcrhment siaiid ii'
Watkua did 4iM believe iu a slate and rouiiiy ticket this year for
Then- is only <uie thing to do. ..Make Hi.- demaii.l oiH.n |jc
die aew part}-, he was an ardi>nt advoi-ate of ibe orgauiution oT
.Mexican gov.-rnmeul f..r tirole.-ij.m
|if,. *„.i ij,,, interests ..f
toe parly, awl for a long time witbsliHHl the insistency of tlie i-nnvaation to naii^c him as tlie eaudklate for governor,
but tioally' .\uierii-an eitiieiis on J.oHi si.b-K of the iH.rd.-r. and if n--t-mary.
be^eve, waa a miatakc.

titould be started aud carried through froU head t<> foot.


We have only good wonis for J4.-ual..r Watkins.

He is a cuforee llik deiuBwl with nil the militarj' atrrngih our govenmi.-iit
.'.miniaud. and wli.-ii this .lenisud is uisde. |. | it l.c nmd- with

.qilHidid man aud a apleudid citizen, represi-utalive «.r the-very

bfrt kitereala of Mirhigan. and we voDgratulato the new {.arty u|»u

ita, candidate for govornnr.

W. D. Gordem. who Was uaimxl fiw

lieutenant gi.verutir, is also one

— esroest.


mf. Ml MME lE^r

N. P. Hull, master of the stole grsuge, iraa urged for
fMman at large, but be refused the honor.
■pilM the soup.

bMll.-|s. as it is the only way vou uxb eouvinn- a oavag.- that y.iu an-

the iypre#entative j.rogn-miive

M of the stole.

We have gone one step too far.

bm content with Romwvelt cl<-ctors.


He saj-s. - W.- have
We touuld have

(Cimiluued trom page one.)
: on the new aewera In Uk- Be

Now the outcome is extrvme- «ad and itoartb warda.

w.e- „ c......

SalU asd brokeu glaaa from too old
aaboa that wore pla.wd on It oeversi

■ Tha enoveution wade a poor choice for United Mlales senat.M-

I ago from toe oU aabery.

H la

Mr. Jodin » ralirely i

ft tor the position and wakens the tiakel gr««tly.

•albic to drive OB autontobUe or
la toe ptana and wheo uotapMed will Rdcyck- ever It m prcocot. Tbe work

givetoiaay dlatrlos a good ooUet iau
the rtver.
sgiil up the mat

win be dose as aooa as toe board ofj


s j-r iVr'irrjJ.’ii;

.........'1 '.sT;w'7.r r..;'rr,S“

could press two pairs a day, but he refated. 8be was counting up the dpyi.
the rate the was going '
couldn't possibly get the Bve dollara
before the month was np! She made
pay her each dej*: Ftnally, near
eod. In despair, ebe took all tbe
pairs ol troiisera out of tb4 closet
apaln and. Boding, she said, that they
re a little wrinkled trom bluing
.lonf, ebe presied them once more,
was that performance that enddd
ra. Her h
cheaper and did the
work better.
Mrs. Collro—you know, ahr give*
prereola worth lumdreds of dollara to
the ebureb every Jlltle while.
feJrly keeps It nionlng at ilmea. t^'ell.

ready were subserfbers for all tbe
iitnrs ah* had for sals
had to canvass the streets, and

0 herself snd C

ra. Prigrs psIntM place cards!
She said ahe spent most of tbe
month In wondering what to do. and
)ntt d few dart before Ust Wednee
day ebe iMiwed that a ipectal friend
of hers waa giTleg a luncbeen.
told Ibe friend thai abe'd paint
place cards at fS cetia each! In Ig­
norance. her friend look her offer, and
ebe brought the place cards to show.
She had to Ungh at tl herself, for
she'd mW palnu«i a thing In her life
tore aad-wb* (bought iboee eimple
little things would be awfully easy!
There was a little red bllt-ahe had
lust three color palnls
know what to tn
. a yellogsThn,
were the three colors—and all the
belUahmenta were of the eame colors
They were really unique.
"Mrw. Bfa^way tt a dear little old
woman who )u*t drives around and
looka gwewi and dainty and goes to
chorrb. She made a contract wl-h hrson to weed his whole Uwn for flee
''Actually, whew It got to l»e to tell
bow ! earoed my five dollar I vMlly
fell aafasned that I'd done It so etallr
-It didn't seem rtgtath So Hiss Brown
who Is etodytiig music and has a Urn*
making ends meet, and t went Into a
corner and bid while we Iletened. #vir
ahe bad earned her money eeslly, too
—Just took the Bve dollars ^Id .ber
tor one Sunday's eleglng In tbe eb->lr'
"I wonder If nil rich people Tee!
sort of mean srd Incepahle when to«..i
sea ether people worklM-'—Cbicsgo
Dally Newt.

tor of toa.-lBs a costing of gravel on
Ibe road ibni nma akmg tbe obure of
Bast Bay as al preoeDi « is (iR,d with

00 all our Summer SKoa ihb
week. It’s a money saver if you
need shoesof any kind.

Sto aitMtod to talaa
MS hovra."
1t waa the LatiM* Aid aortaiy.* ezntotato
"Abtmt a Boeth w IM prtBdrat re«a«Mod oseh ewe «r ut to brlax Bre
delltn U> be earaed br our tadivldutl w
isriBiiH naviDK bees made I
efferta The meoer was to be pro­
»'ri«dilloDs uf a certain mortgage
mortgagi mgde
vided Id ODe isoetta (nia that day. tt
Myrw H Joaiee
was for a epecitl porpoee aad we all
mortgage faaiag
; ibv toatb of dated 1 y e. Itll. ud toe saMk^
promised that we'd do a* requeMed.
led in tbe —
offKa of Utclie*Tbsre area*t maor other girls la Ccorge Scott, non ut Mr. and Mrs '>nz r------------that society. They're mostly marnsd
, where he uodcrwciii
■ a—
day of May. A. D. ISU, In
0 earth thef eon
ot mortxagea on page ZOX
earn flve dollars apiece,
leire. T^y we
rest upon said mortgage for
on that way (or t 0 boare'-'afier i
at ; per cent per annum In
Ivery Fa
meettof waa over.
Tou see.
-nicibmg tu keep hit anrmali. amount ol raghly-lour IMlare IIK.MI
wrerent auppoaed to brln* any a
has not be
that waa zlven them—so they co
- . .
turb defau
In payment
ask their bnsbands lo help them
It ki-ciic wniklng
I aafd
"Well. last Wedoeeday evehlaa the Boun.1, puriflro the M«mI. puls <.n lic.l.
il.c ternu*^ BWd mortgage to
laoDth was up Of eoursa I Just look and ii.Hkcs ilie lost eiueoili and
aril the property toerelo deecrtbed le
a flt« dolUr bin that I'd Mved fn>m k1u»>. As a pouliry powder ibcre la
eallsly (b>- aiuounl M dae and uapatd.
no boUer. It wards off disease, bright­
And DO pivM-ecdlnga nl law-or ta
ens the |•luIU■'lgr and Int-rcases the
rquliy having been laatltaud U rw
Meld ol eggs, IVlee 7^ eta. Sold t.y
bare been sUe to brli.^ ,..
c debt acxairod thereby or UP
"B'e sot there rather early—eveiT Allieiiean l>rug
jwrt theico!
It brreby givro
lliat by vir
c power of sale
ODS waa antloui to see If every one
cine bad brought five dellata. Aod oh. FARM FOR BALE—.M (lb«d Harbor. roDUineq in sain mortgage and
Mlihlgan. k9 cvKupItonce with toe aUUito is each
they looked so worn out aod tired,
acre*. 3.'. ideared. balance In
sad some of ibem eves looked cross!
"B’hea the meeUikC began we el
began to toll bow the moner wai
Will nmke a splendid August. A. D. l»i:. ...........
' ' ' la
carned-^hd that a what gives ne my
farm. IN mile from 'totmm-libe forenonq at the Norlh frost doer
wealthy eenaailna!
berg' matlou
For particulars ad- of Hie Court House I a the CHy ol Tradjyoa l-ele# Sswiihid. Jr..
"Tod khow Mrs. Ward. Her hus­
X belsg tbe
•ritj; MUb.. H. F I) .\o. I.
band owns Dearly half the city, I be­
______ _________ _______ j bHdI. toe
lieve. and the has all aorta of motor
prMulecs'dee.'rlbed In aaid mortgage
cart and wears orchids all wlatert
tu ranch Uiereot as tnay be oecooWen. the breiurht only »4A0!
waa almost lo tears about It aod ahe
ccmdlllons nf a rcrtaln niongage made logelbor with toe eoeia of'Wtto-foreoffered to give tbo other 70 cents, If
b> OM-ar M. Miirae aod Rarsb J. rhisure and wale and Ibe wtiorsey'a
they'd lei her, out of her hushasd'i Menu-, bis wile, iolutly. of Trwverac fee provided for^by Uw. Bald sale
money. Everybody was anxious
Cllv. .Mh-iiiean. 10 lllcliard Hurlbut of cil.-MId premises will be made hero,
bear why ebe'd failed to eani tbe fall Dade I'onniy. FlorPla.
under aubjert to the prlnrtiwl amouat
amount What do yon auppose she'd etilh da> <.f
am-un-d by osid mortgage and >e* to
itreiunr due In amount of Twelvo
and ic.vr.lcd
Pressed 1hw boabond'a
iMrr of HecdK tbe
uouniy of liundrod HolUra IIISiKiuoi- Tb« prw
"ghe nald the bad aUrted right la (Hand Tra'crwe and Kiatc of Mh-b'i miecs to be sold arc deaenbed tS Uto
Mid mortgage aa the Wmi osehaU
Sept—for ebe could charge oBty lea .
iK-r. A. l>., I'..ii1i, in IIIKT
of m
a pair—
ilr—end ebe knew there were only
tinge*, on lubic
on which mortgage
thirty d
there Is i-tatmcd to U- due nl the dnte Tbirty-als (Zei and the Bouibtwsi onoof this nolLro Ihi- eu'tn ol Feirniccti quancr l4il of Ibe Boolbwest ooeHAfMD Tstoplj Bve
ItulUia d1nl>Ekgtii>-Elglii ('twt*. and quarter
nil nllui-nc>‘c fee nf Twcni.'-File IV.I- C.M Town Twcm>-ISic-t*6J, .S'onli
Idml for in aald morignge, Range Nine i.-i W.-«( and Ute Kaot
ar-Jnw lin'i- nnebaif (N) of tbe Wost oBc4iBlf
bta Iroueera a

And None of Tbia.
n saw a man today In court who N
lit work baa tort material to barm."
"What's hit tpoelaltyT"
“Bo's a teebug."

mllae ol to­

Jy doubtful in niy mind."

to uamtot Theodan M. Joalin of Adtiaa.

There U Z.T

a that wa


I autprsigs pewar.-Toagyoom.

ly |iail Ibeivof.
-Now^ iberefon
Ibereforc. by virtue of (hc- one-fourth (H> to Beettoo Twasiyl«wer of sale uoniaincd !• mM uorl- five (2S) all Is Town
....................... “
Nine ......................
gngc. and ibe statute Iu aucR case
made and girovlded. iiollcc Is hereby
wnty. .
given Ihal on Salitrday. the iwcnivDated May 21, l»I2.
i-lglnb day of Kcpionibc -. A. u. iti:.
lit ii-ii .M l.i- k Iu ibc loi ■ma.u. I Jihall
V. p. cnotMFji;
M-ll al I'libU.' iiti.ilon I 1 III.' high.Allnroey for XIorIgagee.
Iddd.'r. St fh.' nmlii fro
I'r.iirl Hiu.m-. in .........
Traverse I'lly. Mp blgam
hure. Xlay Z«- Aug. 22.


..... '.ifiriSi!;!-

prnil-lcd hi law
yr therein, toe |pn-njlscb liclng
tiled lor
—« follows,'
bree _and
jf Ttiiieiwc Ciii. ni.tirrilng Ic
c'liy of
cardcl lOal il.ivguf. In tbe Counthe rcco
llrtiid Trwverpi- »ml State of
HaU-d at TraicTMWf'ily. Mivlilgau.
Inly J. ion
itini.M:i> Ml iH.iii r.
I h I'MIStR.
,t....rn. 1-. n.r Moiicug.-e.
July ITBur,. to Sept :S

re tbe latoet improved sas. .
in ep-Ur-dato____
roagh atorto
Prompt sUgaUan
- Bfi all Bnlegs no swoUar )mw
.11, Call or wnU for pricM,

Holh p».ooc* No. «*-

The Little Wonder
A S</, h. p. Caaollne Enplno


Cylinder bore. 4 lucbea; nuoko 4to
tgebes. Good design.- heat aotorlsL
Hopper cooled. Weight. 100 iba. Starts
ssally. runs steadily; is scostiMloai.
' *.

reliable. durabU and eosiptou wUA
pwlley. gasoUns tank. fasUory. esU sad
owlleb. wired ready to rtut your SSRsraior. wood saw nr |mmp nr du nay
other duly within tbe capacity of Zto
•h. p : occupies ZzZto fool. Prlca riik
Manulaniired by
WM. JACKSON, Trmroroo CHy, Mtolh

Have a Kodak of your own. Take
your own pictures, and have somelhing lo
remember your friends and familiar scenes
with. The entire Eastman Kodak Line
$1.00 to $20.00


Dally Thooght.

“ •» «•»... £..71™.





OftttD ntAVBn BBtAU>: A»B.n4yXMI SAT lAffiA. TRUB8DAT. JDLT iS. l«l^



I tkay vat* ■*( by tbair ka*a rlaltinf R. C. Hotraua. left thia
4 '

■ettrad mb*. Tomtrikg tootvlaj (or UsalMt and Jaska
♦ ♦♦♦♦;» 4 4^4 4 4
tora tkay will tIsIi baCora ratumlog
*»vmu^ After ~
by Mr. and Hn. Uoyd. vko latmaad
Mr4 4. A.
ait4 Mr*. Ote. > Itoklato* lU; Boralng.
U»MM *M t«» Atttktm. LffM M. 6. Opyairt and wffa, and aavaral (Troto Wednaadar'a Raeard BuM.)
•M fHM* wtet to UIU4 tor • f«» atkar ftopl^ at tka Grand Tratoraa
T. P. Cfwaaall at Orand Udfft. wtw
Auto Oo. lari iblf Bwmlnf for Da- kM Wo tMiUw ir
post *atoc.-ratnrMd
t C*H«r «r Vtlltr Mr*« hH r4 iPolt. and vlll drlr'o aararal^
tbt* noralv.
tM«M4 mte • «MI MfMM
to left tola morning
Grand aaiM. and Oeiroli on a
JHM r*rtM
LMf^ ftrMt If froto tka -Bit Store* tkla
busineta trip ,
vWUlMI KJtb frlMd* iB OKKtll.
t. C. Osnaly at Sptaakay. la In tba
ft. H. Kinnw of Maaen la In the
etatrlM r*rtM t* Bm Sl«Mh itrMt «lty oa toialBMi lor a fa* daya.
ly UD bualna...
bM>M to Miukfcoa >itoi« ko kM
C. S..Si*Mk at Cktrtavala. ratumE. Maaarault wh* hM b*M in tb*
ad CO >10* koiaa tkera tkla nwrnliiE. city for (be pa« week, reiurnad
Min' fnd dMtktar. Vlr- aftar a raw daya Ik tka dty on buil- hla borne al h'lu.blng (Iila luomlng.
kMI* Ml thW Bonuaf lor Cbiotio
K. K. Plerc* of Chleage it .lit the
wboM lUr •!)) VWi vitt rrtaadf and
p. C. Bristol, who has bean vlall- city for rnfa* day. In biulOi-*s
totafVM, (or a akort claa.
tog friaadt bar* for tba naat weak,
B. E. Tangaro. w»m hM been Ih the
M#. UrUiiaMo aM aait te Oiti4i«
at Spriaitrllla. elty for Mftie lUue on butiiie...
arr aewrinc Miaa HaTlIaodV Mtuc«
(Broad to bl> lioBia at (Irani] Kaiddx
T. totey.
si Blrrklroail tor Iks aniBtoi'
,M^ e. W. AoMM a>M «au0ht*r ~H. A. Walkar at GraylloA arrtoM. H. Mack ef •l.^ace li In the
lAi^ta OAd BOB Hrtean or Grand Km- •d^U Ike i4ty tkla toortatoa
city for a te« ,U>. vtottln* friend,
Miott vtalt, wUk friaods
plds-Ara ocroPriBg tkeir cMUac
N. B. Bkaw. wrlta kaa boon at Narth. and relallTMi.
Rirrkvood lor-ika nuDiMr.
fUy ftagerm who baa been working
Or. ate Mr*, io*. eo«hlaa of 0»l»ht port ter aova Una. ratomad
In the city fo nhe pa.i mouth, reti
III., ora ta Ua rUy. tka pisau of Hr. botoo at Mllwankaa.
Hanry Jabnaan and vita, and John ad to hi. home ni KelUlre Ihi.
md HOL Howard PK*. Mi*. Oogh.
(an waa hrttorly Ml* Bartot* Cor. Porritt and wlta. wbo hara baan
Mr*, a T. Marken ef Milan I* in the
kau at tbid rlty sad fcaa wany frtaods Ulag ai ibo bOMot W..W.FardMa( elty alul vlll lie here (ur nboul a ueek
eiBwood. ratomtB u tfcair bona
. the mieat of XIre. M. Maly.
MPA MAta Kahaa lafi today tar CM* dite tkla aomlac.
W. H. Jahaton raturnad (a hit home
P. 0. Plnlay and wit* of dacAaan,
r«Co wktoe aka will spasd savaral
: Grand Rapid* (hto morntna. after
ara In tka dty tor a raw waaka’
week iu (he Hly tm bunIneaB.
W.K.*aart*rOaiMM*rptoadla tka with friandl and ralatlraa.
a E. Amiett* went to Lake Ank
W. E. Pulton l*n tola marnlng far Ibto mornina on tiuxlneKs.
Mtp. la« Alikt AM baa aacaptod ‘a
HMHaa at tka Orand Trsrera* AMo Grand Raplda. where ha viii rUlt relW. E. HIgham of Kalamarse. to
atiraa tor a w«ek.
tba city tor a vaek’s vtoit vlih (riandr
R. Winnie wont to Walton
and ralailyai.
noralag on toialasaa. >
Mito gu* O’f^nel af Cadillac, who
O, It PanwiB Mb* hab boao visa- L. B. Martin rolumad'ia Me bom* hu bean' vtoltlng here at the home uf
Mrik tho city for tka past waak ra- >t Pllat ihli morning, after a, few Mto* Gtody. Williame. left ih<i nuirn
daya In (ha city on bUBlnaw.
tag for Pelotkay.
Albart Bwlft and family raturnad to
g. E. Kaddar. who hat been vitittiig
A. O. Wright and Chaa. MHlt at Ta- their koine at ChlcAJen todaj-. They bare for Uie pul *aek. raiurneil to
MBtr arw la tka city for a rei
hnr* bean raaarting at Long Lake for hid bum* at Charlrvuix ■»lay.
Tkay wara Baklag yaatorday at Laka tka pan month.
A. E. Palmai rmurnad to hi* home
Asa and rapart a flao cateb of
1. P. Wall, who baa baan vtoHlng I Paioakey today, aftar a fev dayx in
tWMty tofw IBM.
In tka eiiy for lb* past month, re­
Dr. J. A. LaCora nod family wba turned to bit boma at Central Laka
ktya baaa la tka dty far a atert rlalt thU morning.
toft tbu taorolBg for Kmpira.
-Mlaa Mary Robey of Talado. wilt
H. W.Oanalt and Ban MadtotM-ar apand bar raraUon at bar bonfe in
Ckdllldc'dtore tMVBgb ftoa there Ike city.
W. R. Oralbar of Chleagm it In the
yaatorday In Bea'i car. Mra. Hootagii*
arrltad today and they'wm aliy ' Raplda. la rlaltloK bar .l.tar Mli. cIlV for a few daya oa bD.lne...
D. Caatl*. who hM bMn travelling
a,Gtoa at BUrar Lake.
tor a to* day.. tbrougb the aoiilb tor the piut'yetr.
' AAdy Harmotk laft tkla morning for
Mari* •hapllla^ wtia na* baan vto to In tba city tor a rlalt with hie
- Hksard Alty. Ha win bo goao two tUag la tba city for the past weak.
or thraa day* oa baalk«A
Bad to bar bom* at HaoeaiOM
H. P. Saul* af Manten. to in th* city
Oaarga Bow* toft «Ma marnlng to'
ir a abort time on buelncM.
Brand Rapid* an toBlaaaa.
W. N. darman of Pattakay. la In Iba
J. V. Vaughn of tba playar plane da^lag Ma* Lamatn at Utean, N. D..
dty tor a raw days oa tHiainae*.
■rtmant of (ha Orlnnall .lore u( l>e.
M tka gaaat or Hn. A. a Ctotaaat. 1M
A. B. Dart iafi today tor Onnd trolt. Id In the city nn builoaM.
WiikMto atraat for a tew wi
Raplda. wbara he win apand so
Mra. Ed Taylor laft yaatorday
Prad Caen and family of
Bornlag for Detroit, and ether muibfaWar wywppv tb* BtePltt eat- ttato' Tiiltlag rrianda and ralatlraa.
ars. polnla and Caoadn.
I far • aaMk, liar.
Mra. C. C. Muokay apant Sunday In
hM bean* rialtlog relaUrai.
Grand Rapjd. with her notbar Mra.
4f.-K JbnkMi'kf Unolng.
Ml* dty today ani wOl ba kara tor
iD&l^y. Her brother Jiiitoon und
r dan an bosli
wife and laby boy vara |ire.enl. hat.
laa arrived there July 17. .
Tr^.;Badlar raturnad from KingMay today, attar haring eomplsiod a
Mr*. P. o. Baleh arrived last eventake tba BUMiar Ml*
trip tkiongk. aMtkara Mleklgnn with
ia* from Chtragn. for a .linn .tay
Itli her mother Mra. Lorln ttoliari..
fcaipk 9mp and tamny la thalc ear.
L. At. dilathar tod Ifci* BOmlni tor
Mr*. P. H. WllkInaan and daughter
NarthpoR. wbar* k* *U1 Ralt fara* Blachbnrn.
VMk vHh trtoBdf.
tka city tor aom* time, ratortiad
r W. J. Ilohba. «
C A. AnmmtM Jaakten. la In
bU bame at HanUtaa.thU morolng.
tlB tflp^ a to* dwyt on tnalaaas.
■S Hlaka laft tMa mandag f
K0t Pltear^ Intartoeiiaw. la In
tie dty tor a thart rlalt with frianda. Plstta Mrae <w butloBM.
J. E. Sllvay af Chlaage. who
Oi A. Bandy ratornad to W* banw
la tb* city for tba pMt
U RMaBMeA today, after a wwak
left tbto marnlng towCnrp Lake, where
apaat In laa^-vRk frtoada.
Mr*. Prod C. Atklnten rvlumed to­
b* will apand aam* time,
day from Uo)-na ITly. where ehe hnn.
t. A^
al Unata4 la >n the
a P. Urgy af BL Lawi*. who ha* bean vtoltlng her parent*.
ally tap^ la* ddya DO badMtt.
M. A #Mtotot *r pnm. am«*d m
MIm Racbal ifteoenthai of P*te*-|
hay. la vtoltlng bare at the homy uf'
th* ^iWdv did vtU apand tka left tbto morotag (or Haatoiaa.
Mit^Rtotth bark.
Jnllui StelBbar,
light from Grand Rapidt, Wbar* ha
Mra. Marrla MartJa of gaginaw. hM |
hM baaa rlrillng frlaitda and rala- arrittid for a vlill with lier'pareuia,|
<rM Matetoya HaccM-Bagta.)
Uran for tba pau weak.
Mr. and Mr*. J. Haltenhiir}'.
MtaJUbarc Sadin and Lana i
kanw arr rIaiUac at tba ba»* of A. Claud* Hannan laft thl* morning
Or. A. K. Miller of Columbwt. O. Ie|
tor Cndlllae. where ba vlll proUbly TtoKliig lilendn in Hie rlC) tor a
r. iatBM wa Rltovaod avana*.
romatn for tba aummor.
MMt "DiMa MartUto toft tbto
IW tor niBL-aftar apaadUui tbre*
vaaka- yacAtlaa wUk bar paraata Howell on bu.inait.
Th* gtimp Upeld* Dawn.
Wm. Rannio wan| to Buaktoy iMt
Mr. and Mfa.'JD..Manlao.
B* WM V gallMl puat oSca dark,
and bnatsau tor tb* monint vm
Mra. .Btolla |L GkaBpan- arrtoad morning on bualnaaa.
ftoto Grand Rapid* Bnaday Boratag 0. E. Daly, who baa bun in tba city •lack. Praseatly. to hto joy. tkera caasd wm apand tka aa» fa* wa*ka tor tba pant weak' on boilne*.. retnrti. terad n beauUfnl young lady.
-What can I do for your b* aakad.
at bar aamBor bcuae oa Paalawla ^ * hto borne at Cadillac tbto momwith BBuaual aSaUlUy. f
Mtwai. Mr* Champaay to, aBlrt'"**T wau n tvoaaot aump,- Mid hto
BNghtty iBtoorad. aftar a aerlou at«< ^harlawMa. wh* hat
latOBer. -aad would yon' mind
t«k ad
TTklfh ska aaBared
velgfalng thU letur for me. at I'm
Wkn* iweavortag from InluriMla ,,U“* morning for Croad Rapid., wbrre afraid It may ba * IllUe too heavy.•kfia r^torarlng frok inluriaa la a
Mind* The very rerer»e. He vm
tka foroltare taetorie*.
deUghted. and lotted glibly about tba
W. H. Umlor tojn Detroit tor a few vaatkar vblla he executed her order.
He even voluataered to lick vtd efll*
Mr atotar Mr*. CMra B. Joyea, and day. on bairioen..
B./L. Pairmsn «f Grand R^lde •» the etamp lor bet—* courtaiy
- 4*0 liui* danghtara. wbo vlll reautln
bar* nntll Mr*. Chiapnay to able t« la tba rity for a faw day* on ku.lM V.
Me*. C. A. Bkalebar aad dau^r
llta Grpka Bkalebar hare rwtmed
tagte*. altar a ftou with frlaad* la
onad Raptte.
Min WwmM) and Mm Parguaan
Mft tU* naming for Praakfwt la attau iM waddlag at UIm Jee.ia
IMwama. wbUk aaeara maorrow
OarmW Malwloah. who I* amplayad
atOBaaa tbto aumtr. rataraad for a
akart rlaft beow today.
<Mm da*. Zabntdka artd family af
■ Riaa. OUabOBo. arw at tba ham
aCPkaak J. BaR. m North OirtoioD
ajM Tbay will *paBd tba aaaaer
Mr. aad Mr*. P. Haraa af Pitfrt.
M rlaitla* thalp -aairo Mtoa Uara
IfIMt aad amUw a B. Wright at
Or. am Hr*. J. ». Haamn bay* r*.
tMliaJ tram Navfeaity. wbara they
vMt last wMb to attaad tb* BldawBik naattag of tba Mu Board ot
m MMftei
neapltato. Ai

Mfto T. H. SmHh and dawgidar
Oladye of t'blrato. wbo bar* been
Ttolilag in the rity for (he i«« vaak,
rataraad to their borne today.
T. P. BtoMft af Pwaakay to In th*
city tor a dben vuk wfth (rleod. aad
rwtoti***. '
Mra. Elt^ Otoe* of gig EaM gightb
atraat. Imre* thl. weak for Detroit,
arbar* aha trill raskr bar fnture boipa.
Mr*. Al ^Uh of an Wau EiM<tb
Mr**(. bu gooe to Manletea to tiwnd
«wUt wMb bn atotar Mra. j. m Pauraaa.
to Vara Wytoaep .ha* rata___
a. rlalt with trlatoa at North

enrefully oa ike predoaa envelope,
bowerar. iba stopped blm,
-Rut It apride-dovn." eha regoaetad.
•TVbyr- ba ftkad-Ob." Iba replied, -that aeana aoBOthlng to Charlie!"
And tka clerk'* Intareu matobed u
'b* doudf of monotony one* mor*
sthered an hto hortaon.

Th* Latter ef th* Law.
mtbar lad bar alx cblldran to tb*
«rta It had bora* but a elagto
-M tongu rtslU* to Ue caaoal
I toU'ypu not. to pkk
that apple!" ab* eaJd. ficrnly.
dldnt pick It!- tb* cUldres anevered
ia «*oroi. And the oldetl girl added.
4* an Injered tan*. -To* ena-tee yonraeU tbu tt-e bMB aw the Uw*. I—I
BMn tba core to! W* only clLobad
wp nn’—*a' laok a btaa onca la mJ
rtofttog Bdetot In tba dty.
didn't pick It!"
4. D. AIntwwth of Batti* Ovek it
in (be dty for a rtek with rrtoBds aad
fact, p ■ wdiB«n
Vtroay.Legg, who to new laeatad at
i Battar
Blauta H^tvaea
FranUori. to In tba rity on baalna
or bralna. She to
Mia* W* Hoffman and Mra. ^
Blaaehart of HUwawka*. wbo tar* vlways wlUlwg ta (andah tb* bnlasCRttoga Nawi.

Northern MieWgan’s






A. V. Friedrich’s

Leading Shoe store of Ti^verse Cliy and Nwibern Mlchlgaa

The Sale of Sales-the Biggest Event
In all A. V. FRIEDRICH S tWenty-nine years of successful Shoe selling and looked forward lo
tlfousandsiii ibis Region who annually come mileis to partake of the marvelous values offered.
To them
need but announce our sale—they know they can rely upon our advertisements and will come in now. .
invite you lo come to this Great Annuai Bargain Event

nil Summer Footwear, iocloding 1675 pain of
sboes suitable lorFaS agd Wipter wear, wflibe
offered at such remarkable price, concessions as
will move tbe goods with a rust

Remember the Date May July 27 to Aug. 10

And Don’t You Miss thlS c
Shoe Sale
These Prices will sell them.
Bargains for Men,

Bargains for Women

1G9 paits Men's High Grade Gun Mclal, Paleiil
and Tan Oxfords ami ^hues, iiiadeby faniuus
iiinmifnctiir».ru Were $1 aiid $.‘J.r>0.
Sale Price..
225 pairs Men‘.s Best Quality Gun McinJ. Patent
and Tan Oxfords and Shoes. Were d Q/*
$f piM. Sale Price. .t2.1S and
Men's $2.7.5 and $2-f»0 Kangaroo Calf W'ork
Shoes, light or lieavy sole.s. full Iwliows
Itiiigite. solid leather.
d AS
Sale Price................... . $2.15 and WvStO
Men's $1.7.5 Blaojt SIhr??;. soiid soles.elegant wearing. *
04 O’?
Sale Price .......................................... 0l'dl
One lot of Men's $4 and $;! .50 (iim Melal and
Patent Slioes and Oxfonis.
Sale Price..........................................

1.50 pairs Women's High Grade Oxfords, Pumps.
Slippers and Shoes in all leathers.
Were $3.50. $3. $2.50. Sale Price............StW;
2.‘«i pairs Women's $4, $3.50 and. $3 Oxfords and
Philips. All leathers.
0<f MS
Sale Price ‘..........................................
12.5 pairs Women's While ami Colored
Canvas Oxfords. Sale Price... ............. MC
One lot MrVmen's S4. $3.50 and $3 Stylish
Pumiur ami Oxfords.
Sale Price...................................
Woiiien's .S1.5U and .$1,2.5 Strap Slippers and
.Iiilicts. niblier heels.
Sale Price................................................ 90C
Woiiicn ^ S2..50. $2.2.5 and $1.7.5 .Vici Kid 04 M
Shoes. Shle Price .$1.95, $1.69 >ind #lvW


Bargains for Hie Boys and Girls
liifaius'2.5c Soft Soles................
Boys'$2.2.5. $2 and Sl.7.5 Oxfords.



Boy.-;' $2, $1.73. S1..50 Solid Shoes.
Sale Price.........$165. $1.35. $1.15 and ”C)C

.Misses' .S2 2.5. $2. Sl.7.5, $1..50
Good Wearing Shoes.
«f <1*7
Sale Price ..............$1.69, $U9 and ♦lvl7
Wonma's Sri-V). «2 25 and $175 ViciKuI-^| ^
Siioes Sale Price. $1.1^ $1.69 and #*b9dP,


A. V. Friedricli

LcadlBfl Shoe Store oi Traverse aty and Norlbem Uicb.

Wall every <UUr or
BOR pBcllBie. you Ota
oUok Ota of dwto
Weftb Mvoal
, IterodMOBO^


jjji, in ntATBa

. mosnuni

Grand TB^Lverse Region
» n
bM bM
«M«t et a. A. iohittM aw put «r«*k.

frleoda at Empire Baaday.
Thomaa Dona. Jr. aad tUter of
Chkaae. arojboBw oa a ridlt to thetr
Iiaeu. Mr. and flra. T. Doraa. '
e. Parae aad - tamlly ware the


D. H. Day iitaiidad a laaeUai of -cunu 0# Mr. aad'Mra. Haory Becker
mr Maple City Boada)-.
Mrtliiii (or.ChkMo. «bu* b«> vM> tba Vaatara Virbtaan DeTalepmaat
Mr. aad Mra. Jl. W. Payne of Cedar
^«I»W4VA ■■
baiaaa at Traterae aiy last week.
Rub Tielied wltb i. Oabbra sad wife
a. ■: AtiMlti? o| Cb\ett» «Tfl»e4 Tb^a li the drat BaetlBR bIbc« Saereoae
day liR jreek.
rtPiPt—day ot (Ml »*ek aod wHI apM Ury GIbsoa'a ratwa fnNn bla lennra
J. Oabore and w«e and Pied Beea (•* wMka beK. Hia aon. Rlm«r;«r- toer la tr^ad. wbera be care bla IInn and wife attaoded ibe craam
HMday erMiiBa. bm Iwtratad leMimw »a Wewera Mlcblpienir at Hmor Toeaday.
stttrillat Mbeol at Mpml*o. Ind..
tW|My»& ..
The WeatrMt . rleared yesterday

nnauT, jult % ini


wbo were moe^ aroaod to Snd a
Bi be nralaed hls vokV alucM
breaking |iolm. M'hew he con


chided be was wet ihrough.

A tot«a amouat hu bees ptoesd at my disposal to )sM oo rttl tototo
U ( por.eoBt aad
per cant tor |M0 aad orar, 1 per cw twj... gg^


menace la tbe ultea. and as be is a
Mormon biiuself and at one iln-e a
j«>wer In I'le church.''l'l« w.,.l.i iui-weighi that i-aa readiV l-e •!; ;r.iip.

Ik mfuxAt tnlTad
im «Mk fro.Bi. lmu. Md *m
nat bu tMUb «i tw^at


wtib a carCD of atolw for Milwaukee.
Mra. M. A Volee U rUltlnc her A
PUther. Mra. W._8. Reed, at Bmplra.

U LaFoatsM or Emi Joidaa arMeanra. Geerc* aad I-eonard Skleba
rlaad but vrok aod la Tlalifnf hia of Cblra*) are cuesta of Gee. T.
dawbtan. Ura. B. WIlaM. aad Un. lUker.
T. oatiKM.
Dr. Holdiworth aad family of Trarfarka. wbo hac b««a a tueat ene.Cliy are at Bewama Helcfau.
•t tba iohastoB bona iba patt weak.
Rhody Powell of Stopira U rlattlac
labuaud t» lauatsf Moeday Mnifa«. Ot tbe boBw of hit luele. Btapboo

The Inner working* of the ehun I
ere ex|>lalned and the nieth.MU !>
whUh they gain ronveris given in d.
Very tew t>eople ar. awaie o'

MarSeM. July S3.—Mra. O. E. Hall
of Dayloo. O, came Saturday to occopy, tbek cottage oa tbe Utoud
Arbuios lake dariag tba hot weather.
Tbe Ber. O. E. Hall will eome the OrK
Aoguat for bit racatioB.

the chinch

tgrtm Was Finishad Scfere Flotes Came Down—Beth
Attractions AppraelMed by
Patrol of (he Course.

are pursued in <-arrytog out their canilaigiis lor coarws and iioniics! i-ref.
-leni-t- Tbevolki
lierr uf the chur. h wehe-read.showIng
iiuw lit-enTloUsness is covered U|i
■ be cioak of rellsliin wblrh multi

Earl and Ole Vanderrort have
I Big Ba yto work la a ahlagto teill.

ihc ruination -of lll••1Is^o.l> of yofing
weiiieii IV whom the glaie' o

iriaa Eoth Robartaoa of Tnvaraa Doan.
newliai of a damper on
cur t* ban vtalUw her Irlapd. Min
inis at the Chautauqua
Tweaiydlre people arrired oi
Ih.iicli l.ecomeh a leading liglu
Mr. Wilcox and Ben Kork bate
afiermun and
MiaaoBri op Bandsy sad went to Gleo
status , of the |«>l'tsniou» chll.irrii
gnae to JennUiga to oMala work there.
-•'iiliig ■•rogrsmi
Mra. R. Lambartacn of Cblrapa ar- take'raMTtc.
was deflned, show ing .(lull ihe« have
. rtaad teat JWday aad U vMUa< bar
cniding to seheilole. The obi leiii
Jacob Bailey, wife and daaehleiv > Pfed Tcbitervr gul famllr have
no legitimate blnh In tin. ...
fappua ai^I-tb
denxtnurated the Ian
MUs .Ftaacea^ arfenpai|led t>r Mra. to ArlHMut laka and are oerapytng the
lows of the land ami n.-ver
Tbryraaa aad tsmllr, warn to Bay t-ee
baaa Tlafttiic bar'.«ia(«r, Mra. FUh. eouace oa Baoday. eotnlac Irom. Cbl- it helping to imIM Mr. SargOBl't
IliUe use in trying t.. use it la lalny unless they Slav In ih'e i htlic
1* abo an outlaw orgaairkrir
at the U«h( bone, rataraad to bar
In the alierntsui ilie
I'oUiicUns caiiie In for their shar>hona Tbaraday noralad.
Mlaa llBiel Kidder waft a Kingsley Rmm was ivmideiett Iteion- the
A party eoBslatlas of tbe >
(iT censure for Ihe luaiiu-r til whleb
Wh MarM Oartbe waat ta Lalaad AUeo. Bta apd Maraaret Day. Mias Ida eallrr Moadsy.
tee! ioniid Its way ilnuagb tlie
v rater ii ■ he eliinvirand ii* lilgl.
.kat Moaday to apaad a few daya.
Lee Wolfe waa in Travarw City vas III iitiv great esienl. bui lii the
Fartant, Mra. Carrol Prank and Darld
irv-r; tor i le wake of lauding tnles
Mta. A Vote# lafikr Bbtrali Moa- Day drove to Trarerae
Moaday Moaday.
In lierie'luaie ilieiii In INtwer. '.Ill the
day noralac. wiura
nWad by
George Rtolclt waa la Bscanaba teat


the death <M b9;*rv«ik.
aad MML 8. WT,K>rttt left Binday Mwtat tor a t«« -wjaka'

week and rislici

diaraum at
DUd •'uiiilimed iliniiigh i
Mr. Rgrlcl! •mire |•ruKlalu. making it ini|iosi0
‘nayt Mra. Bamiim baa-regained
foi the ori»i,esira to iilay the j.reiii

a City bait «
July ta.



wkh maada in frareraa City.

bMlth and U lookiBg well and ataia to
k aanber «< tba yacawar a
do ber bousewerk.
Bmenld Uf* la quite tick a*B»n.
latbd as asowalae to (Maaa aatui^
Newt JAtelooB Is worirtng an the
Mesdamea Artbar Burr and John
day araatac. when tkft apeat Iba Taylor were Backley rallen, Moodayv Hatoeni oMUgsAt the laka.
«TMlag daidttc at ihd fartitoa. Mra
Henry Botmrt and wife nUed oa
U K' nibbs of Trat
W. B. JobaatoB waa kapnoa.
Mr. bod Mrs. Goa Urk riiinday.
MaySeld Monday.
L U Oaaw Bude a trip to Old MtaMra. Amo* Boi went to Travem
Benia Blocsffl Is la Traragna ORy
alaa Mo^ mlag with a load o( CUy PrUay.
for a few daya.
abai^ tntmr
B^ron Halett aad wife epaat BudIda. Baymoad aad dapAtn af Cbt- day eyenlac wltb Mr. and Mra. Prank
«afp are beta rtalUac b« parppta.4lr.
aid Mia. Haaa PMaraaa.
Mrs. M'ln Taylor was oa tbe airk
Ida. T. palheaa aad Mn. H. 8w*. Hat UK week.
toib Wt Tanday of latt ward to vtaMia. P. R.’ Bogart who U la CharleU ibalr paraata at Cedar.
veU bariac ber eye treated for cata^
dobaa HeweB ot DaCrolt. wbo bai aet la dofnc aleely.


bapi rMtlac feliaiTae berp tba past bad a ake time. There were'JI pree
vetorwad to Ida boaa Tbora- : ter. Mra. E. Bocart Toeeday erealac.
Ladlea' AM teat with Mra. Geo. Tay­
lor Wedaeedsr. ' Next meetlof will


A MBbar ct tba yaftaf peepi
taM -% PbaM
aopa at Seoa'a waaboat.'
Mra. A ABdaraoa. who baa baaa Ttatuw bar iiareau at HIDadala. retard^
aOaaw laat waafc.
B party waa clras' at tba town baU
Wbfaaaday weaaia*ta-boiwr «t M: O.
XMtir and r. L Faita at Uaali
Mn. A. StevM «t Traratae CMy
Tl^ Mawda b«« a taw dayi laat

W. C. Nabloa aad aaai aad^Hartla
BnM drora ta ftoia Lrtaad Moadar

be with Mra- B. A Wall oo Wednes­
day. Jtlr *1.
Tbe todies ot tbe Sunday aeboK
aoid ke cream and cake at tba bp^e
et Mra. B. A Wall Wedaesday eyMtTbay realiwd

ban Skill at Large Will Give
.Tbamaslves Up to the







A aumbor from iMa vtetatiy w

w^ bare wttb hM acai, R-BBi.

seaitb of bo^leberriae Saaday
ropert them rery ocwreo.

9lw ardar ot tbe dv la .p«rkto«


Tba Batoo* roaaloa was boM i


foaad ttasArindowa at his home o
To the earprtok of tbelr i
^eada. Pniik Rokoa and Mlaa Helen Ism nlgbi aad marks of "limmles'
were gutetly narried Moa- tbe sills. .

ed bis leriore on "Modem
Morntonlsm" under diffiniliies whbh
seldom enconniered hy a pntdir |ecJust before Ihe lime for Stan.

large who were In tbe "murdtv ear'
Mon of the yonag ladlea of
aeuteborboed are bkklng rberrieii on at tba lime of tV aboettag. will
low Ibe lead of Valloa and

Ing to try to deliver his Iwliire.
auil as lie sioud on ihe plaifonii he

ed. which makes It a m'
lean Instliutlons.
The leciure was cut short in ordet
to sMuw Senator Cannon to catch
resort si--cla1 for Marion.-ft., wfier*
he flits u dale louighl. Tin- ,ieo|ile
Traverse Cm. would like lo liear S.

bor to Ibalr aoa'a to be .gone Ull falL
Mr. and Mrs. Boy Case went oo Ui<
eXffgrKoa Sanday

My n.


t Frank Butler's Sunday.
George MlKman ' la rialtlng In Ibr

Import.-inic nt Ihe new gsiuce s





will In- mull.

j.ks. u

Mru. Henry Smith of Graod RapMs

ilrad at Orogmr'l naon oa Sunday.
Ilia. S. H. Day baa letanad to Detrait, attar apaiidtog aeme time at lor-


Mn Bidkmaa met a paay ot four apeot Sunday at r. S. Btue'a.
tisai Wbtotoa. who arrired oa
Brerybody If
tba.ManlKae and took them ta CoM ebarriea.
'Sprtag reeort
r. JL PetMoa of Oleo After b
Bweod bM tanUy bore aad ba and i
mna-wUl bo oaipteyad on Oawacatcl


ber daughter. Mra. Looie
Halnea. a couple of da>-s ladt week.
July «.

Mlw Dam and iaa Dsru spent Soa1^.
Mra. Oao. T. Bakrr aattr- day at borne. The.r were arroarpdnled
taUiad Mr. and Mrs. Cteek of Trar- by Mlto Amy Alleman of Bbermi
ardp^CIty at tbp OaK* teat week.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton and famllr



Hsffmao Ssys in Defense of Hit Petltlen That Woman art WMiver
and Lack Decislvencsa
In a Crisis.

Mlaaee Iai|o Harklaa and Eva IaiCilcsg^ Jolv jT^'oroner Hlffmaa
ttog arc pkAing rberriew for S. dAui- admkied that he auempied to laflu-the Jury to tneeri a criilcUn nf
Mtes Bto I
ralirteds’athploring wcMaea la respon­
with Mlaa Dorn Darla,

OR Cavny «t Hoaor la la town to-


TMl Mtotoari arrired
tobadala tlM <M Sanday mora
and Capt- Bright, aaeoimatod by Mr.
oB -Mra. FbaMa id CMdaga.


sible poelilons. in the\erdb-t relum­
a. B. PiMl of Empire rSaitcd hM ed la (be Baritngioa wrtek. Tbe jun
otter. Mra. BtwwaeU. n few daya toat rroommeaded thai only men (»• emweek.
pleydd In towers. Hoffman today exr. U. Raamond bad aeveral ^eep ptolaed bl* posit ioB by sarlag (bat
kfUed and taterad by doga one night
MB are weaker teralcaUr thaa




The hew garage will be opes
insiMWIluo In a short (Hite, the d
•o b«' announced (hruugb (he Rec-wd

and teek forUtude. etotetobeo and

Mlart just for a dUtaer? Hutband la
(rifle indigaandri—Well, (bat toctot,
le of wiae. of
od a bonu
ot cqorae. IHoro'
lyl'Too doBl e'pooe.I


Absanee of Membora Cripptos Wert.

Waihlngtna. Jaly *4.—For tbe aer
Hid time wlihln two days, the bouss
sss forced to despair to adjoarn be-

EaqoMlU Sritleh Humor.
“A fox,wbicb was bard preeeed by
tbe Es^ I'nloB bouade eoterte a
boutoJa High suwM. BUtoricay. aad
boKad upBialrs Into a bodrtete. Wbeo
foond.- tan Punch, "be prMmdad to
bo a waif rebstwriag -Rte Hldtag
Haor-tor a rinetoattgraph

bin Uto waa nt atevL’

Trite Fhtlitojilgi.

.-wuae of (he absence of suffirleu
IT Iba waottor 4o«^ bteteto to te
-nembert to carry on public busIneM good Cor ay work todnjr. Ii’o SMd tor
So serious Aas the sKoatlon become Me other tea's, aaff telD mm roosd';
to ate toaomw.—DtEtoBs.
telegrams have Iwn sent tv

II to return

Tbe women of Idrto. ta (be Ate
triaa prevteco aT {MSB. tMO ee dtoaattafied wUb (be Brwbrigade ttat'
they hare formed one pf-tbKr own.
GooeUdaf of <0 ‘'firewomeo." with
PtwB Marie Straoe as -ttoB eote

iPoHiical AdrerUseteWLI



VVashingttih. July


nwners sre Inierv-sn

gbiMt its rwonty IlM iAsro.
stihdrasn from the field as caodidatw

<s <4^11!
. ------------ TN*1s
lodav in (be supreme (oiirt lo lest the
done for effeiv uid Is' ot*- IriM - I sa.
iistllullunallty uf the Michigan Uw
ler wiiker-ihaD that or I would
ITiiiiJiing nil «tvner liable for
fit for (he office..
ilnmaze- dune 1^- a nia.tiliie. wlthnui
legnrd lu whyVas ifriviiig It whoii
ihe tlaiiiagee %ere lnRiKe.1. The Melt
Motor Car lumnsiiv. Ii.-M liable
■av u fairner
for damage*'
me Ilf Its iria'-tilli.'s driven wlljiuiii
•niiK-ii'l .'liiiiiis/:■ siiilc Ih wlthiiul
r-i 1.. luiss *mh''a law.


If you want kn Atf'clioneer (hst will
d aoproriau Uo
M the prices mil soE see (he
rr R raion Si . Trsvene Cily. Mleb.
Cliirens PUUUB Nu Ki::. bell IM.
NK2M Wllbslin Bkx*. with Dr. B
fel. i;. Iliiy-S If
wortb. Traroraa (itu. MkWga

Uis________ aey or'. _

Tills Suit Clearance
sliniild interest every
' Thinkini; Man.

Save $5.SB
Rlghl Now!
_____ n<Ue_

tie/ sc/a

/o bf maie «/ prr-feet r/alk tkoroogkly ifocied ni tcairr
xArwud ttsieih mr sots fnye/ erut spat proofpeoetss, anf *eae^
tesnpmrrsi.’i. B'e/nnkerymororUee tcf:t.e sa/
essd if a/Ur briar tnora. it skeaU not prtr.t as abooe rrpre.

All E18 Suits
go at

iemtrd it may b< rrtamed to tkr dtmUr by ttbem ikts /rmnenU*
II totsaUrsigarJ end tpbo is iniYbwt'rpW to smaie s« adjustment,
saiisfaetcryteyem. \

: One hundred and twenty
> Highest Grade Suits go
in this lot

$22 and $20
Suits go at



Sizes for alt Men

some Swell Styles


By tba *'Ra«^ tosttsB I <aa r»
•llhnul paltt.^

That Oar Man’s Saits are MaJe from Pare Wool FiArics andNrUhing Else

Boys* Special SSJBlec
Serge Salts of Sa*»5
All sizes in Norfolk aod
Double Breasted - Styles.


Every courtesy wiu

Listen Men: Here's the Proof
Sale Prices
Now- Prevail

aouiken part of the Kate:
Will Smalley of Trarme CUy, rlsll-

tbe Msaltoa ed bla nitaer a few daya tort week.
n. Adams ot Neaaeii CUy rltlted at
Winiam GHfAita'a Sunday.

Barry Van Meetor at chleaco ar-




driver >ir owner nl any cur can m-.i
ii.s-iU vvlih..iii wurrv

vll|o will be bald eo BatnryU

Mra. Clifford Hyaall. for a few daya
(bate they wm go on to Boatoa Her

lundN-f h-duaiQ^re

i and rapsbie >.t su

iConilnuet! fniffl page one.i
r.-pMTieiited In this city; and when
IS lunsldereri the slcpiltisure

look the water as tl .-aiiie and skilled,
Mrs. Hess of Deerileid, lad., is mak­ Is causing much epecutoUun. |^lttrl<'i jrheiher he tell that *av or not. In
announced order b. make himself haariT tlsive
AS Wmht vWtad wttb tall daugb- ing an extended rtott wttb bar daugb- Attorney H'bliiusD has
aak'. It -was Batarday; Jaly Mth. Itir Mr.^ Mrs. iaa. Smiley.
he„*wrlll protect every man in
the rnsli of the lain on the lem nnd
if he ran get Hie evideoo
Ad OM Sattlaria pleak at BndkkMr. Buekoer of Trarerae City k
the .•Oiisnini poise made bv the people

Mr. and Mra. wnik lAke of Uke
Am. ware eduiag oo kte aaai Flora.
ioba Amy. wbo baa been unite ill
b«a' Sunday erenteg.
for tbe pan tnontb went to Ann Atter
air. sad Mra..N. T. Nelaoo left for Friday for a couree of ireaimmi
Boarl Batarday to see their daagbier.
Hr. and Mrs. Lavem Corey rlaiied

,1 id Her»«-n It

ffllLOPEI in iUMl .

sM atra. WUI BatM’ this yea

wants agalnai the
iinllceiiien, eviopplng at C. E. MaUarr'a.
e which he elaUns he knows e\Mrs. Sibiley and ber mother. Mrs!
But Comniissloner |k>iiRbi-H>
dte Ptora Uba aad Mrs. Lonra Heoe,' atieoded quarieriy meeili
BiMa drwra over to Mra. Otani Traverte Oiy Ian Saforday.
bis prlrstp deieetives who hate
I employed are making eiei
Broohs to« TbaiaBay, « WKaoaa:
fort to round ui> these men.
-Howard ftbodeo baa returned to hli

- \|say

Iig uf the Nuciliem lirvniucfc and
Ignored: and there is m> I'ciier pUie
Uar.lw<aNt 'ManiaBc(«r*ra' Mucistku.
or Its liHsiton than Tmt.-rse
I. luei here ludav (ur a Iwa days'
md n.i imu-e reliable t-.m. in (hu
.lan-.-ue C|lv liuii '•.'iji .V
ir.-Cgbi mtes. luteal piuteciioB. labor
The building Is nuw iN-ing
suppl.. m.vrket .undHbmt aod ra*ready and already ilie deia'ande
•INIB ull.rr uueirtutBs gs-laltog lu Iba

aior Cannon agalo under more fa.,
Mt Of manufacture from the crude'
able circumstance*, where be would also will adopt
‘iborp order
iheo jug 1 1 the finest vases and have a chance lo show liimiwlr a
DMHililon In those
persist la rewere described la a'
rhloa dishes
liew and plead his cane in di-talt.
'malolDg away from iKelr
inner. The leeture
has a great m.-ssace to delirer'and
,-hkh people conld
does tl with the skill of a finished «raway something thal'will he of henesinr and the logic of a master.
tliem In the future. Mr. Dam­

hia feUow men.
Rx-fleDBlor Frank J. Cannon deliv-


ill. Mi.-((JaaB aad nelgflUiMup Sisisw
IM attending the mid.summer «aeM-

in ae doing gas done a great work for
added a aenaatioa to the


(epresi-iiiali.e lamLeensen uf Wi»n>th

Hi- gener.l auiuiiH.I.iv |;
Le an allrat iiiui

came in for iis sliare of ocninirc

ron worked his lecture
everyday expeitonce In the shoiw. am!

Mra. B. Mallory of lAdlagtoo Is vla- wbaa be loM bis frienda* that
bangMera tried to -get him." lAt-y
Hlng at ber son's. C. E. Halten'.

VMta dgalrn. after a two week's vaira.
' tlflk.


N- a general ratuge and i:* efi,
coiilined lu anv ,.iie m.ike ul

vbb-b aplveal Ihe giving of the vuli- lu

Paimar, aoar Bmplra.
A habeas corpus writ was denied Ing the iirociain the flood gates were
«r. aad Mra. Car] TIatoa of Tbonp-:
Master Walter Bnldt. wbo has been -Bridge" M>ber. .«Ao U held in
oivenAl and the water poured through blmsell
w^VUla. wora vkHlac wItb bla par, very sick with tyidwld ferer, is bet- ^eetloD '.with ibe murder,
Alr.-udv tlie .tiiiipany lu* —.;u
loirenfa which necesSIMr. tad 9U». Bafn Batea, ovor
Ifeimberg refused to ellom visUars
.e .'Igeiii v fni tlie . .-Ii-briiled K
latcd the iiosiponemeni of ihe musical
and Flanders ■ ur«,
HIn Adeline Maltory opral Sdmtoy Ibe lovestlgallon. of Ihe murder, at
(If tbe program, a* the plalform
fir. aad Mra. fW Wllaoa
was .feared i
•SI on. the laeikel.
1 bOKO.
located under the dfbp in the lent
tbfidrea. Oookae Lobo. Potro Batoa.
e now in pmgresa lor lu-ciiring s.
MrB.^reefnaa Wans-ia very akk iroulH
eaiiwed by the pulling down of the canB^a Maitei aad 81)^ Gray
Wbefber the four ganssiers KlU
ul ultaer ni.i!:.-* iniiiieduieti
t this wriUng.
around a tree. Mr. Cannon waa
tbd gaatu ot Mr. aad Mra.
Bom Baaday atoo.

great advantages of
:iew garage, aside Irom Its nxleni
-•lUipiiieni. will In- (be ta.( Ihsi i


I fteampBey baa a Tory

4 r. BUa ot - kardoetta

Nm Kitowii Whathar Poor Ging Mam-

Odtgsirs p'rom many Siam Aluod

Niimlar roiiies. nunieious aiiiprih

he worked at for over flfleen

eoiinieriiart in the molding of charac­

ull the nisrkel i
everv delllund b

i.lcdspre seeker, will

processes la roskihg pottery
preparing of the ciay to the flalshed

lamjilM of different klads of
kept up a nibnlug talk on the way in
wfaich the moliling of i>oilerv has lis


imnu-dlaielv. Tb
.-Wred to he (he In-w

A wrung plea was niiide by Sepalnt
t'aniiun for woman suffrage, a* he l»e-

Damron is a iioHer by trade, having Mormon chim h. IJ.|Wir selling, w iilcb
Is Kani-(b>ne.l by the church )n I'atli

During Ihe time he was making Ihe

■•r Co., and will be p|i

lhai rlimibl Is- rrnane.1 iiisin
III.' |s-u|.le uf the I'nlt^d Slal.-s.

man wai.ld ciirli the |»w.-r uf
manufactured, but few- know llie pro­ church.
No woman would vole
cesses thioifnli which lioilery
k«w|i on the mail an organiraiioi.
fore It Is rea^y for the eon-u
founded U|«n a sinful l«sls
gone Inio^ijte Illinois |«llerles when
a mere tev to.learn the irade wWch

Mali N.Connlno

I i&li and Msiken ln>ni the ■•uliili
Ibe Murimiii vlmieli. wlib-b is s •miVl

ftmlllsr with the iiroducu that are

-M-vuv etcellenl exaniides
brought oui that made a deep Inipresahm upon Wi-hegrers. Ml'the meib-


to^. NalM'a iv.t
laS weak aad wui

V — /
winsws OF HOME DPEie

CB toward tba expanaea ot the Bnadsy


inieresiliiR and
taltinients eror given. It waa along
new line and one which everyone I


LAW Rraenec. laeludlno ColIeCtttefite


Ward B. CToimlac

l>re«hlenl uf Ihe 1 tilled Plates fur tbe
last drs'ode have made idlgilmaget

thc's|>eaker and it was shown ii|
On the putform wus/a iwgvIaV potters' Us inie Ugiii. Cfirrupl methods
wheel anil Ihe o|ierator showed all (be i.sed by Mormons In nil, buep nl
Iness with the mono of the church arthe aiiiheriTy.
All kinds of sin is
product of Ihe fhitu factories.
warranted bv ihe church as constliui

wbkb wUI

Chan. Ikapp 4 In vary bad bMltb

f the atiemoon waa
gl'en by Sluiih Dammn. tbe potter,
and it- iirored to Ih-

_____ ^


ihmiishout Ibe nation. a((d still few
■re Csiiilliar with the method* >hai

• A4a


i< nistform.

ifae i«>wer that

££ C. A. Hammond

rry iatareailng and instruciHe dcoli with the Momoa

-Mtl«>B4p|r aflMBOM M tb« SUUDM

art. ,

His lee-

oae. aad un­
der ordlaary ceodlrions would' bare


Straw Hals ore
At their new Low Prices
Every Straw Hat in tbe
Store reduced.' many to
one-half price.

oum nxToa sebaio. axd ftAmfs bat baqu. tbi
aUbt tor ■ rWl witb friend* aA ret>'
i^enU Hollldar of Trarefse Cttr ft
ItillaK Carl Vlaton.
Marahall Mar of BelUire *a« a
.neai a( tbe Oiarlet Mama heme laai
Ur. and Ura. Herbert Oow of Orand
Rapldt vlalied »lr. CloW* brother, K
U CIO*. Utt trnek.
Mr. Phelpt or Milan. Ur. Cook of
Sheman and Mr. Arery. of aouihern*
.Mirblcan.-arrJted Moodar, railed hr
the death of Wymaa Arerj.

The Maiteb


th Botion Caekimt
Reynoldi’ Asphalt SUMles ^
The Cmk*> Book bts bm prv
combine W teniee wiA gVdd
llMris. Tbcy^ouUasfotberraolwed Bt a co«t of toany titottsuxla 4 « « O ♦ ♦ » 4 4 4 4 4
eCOAR R. F. O. NO. 2.
444 4-4 44444 44
the wiy to reduce the co« of liv
Cedar. July "J.—I.*«n Mlller-^ft
ing..yimeiag as h does over 90 j Solon on the evrnlnc irnin Siindap for ,
tboroUkUy tested, tried and proven .Traverse Cliy. after aiien^'HoR t«.«eral
recipe* that will ^tuaeisMrvery dava at the borne of S. II Cate
time, if the f<.*w simjile directiotia
Mr. and Mra...Mnnev«nrt rhlldren of
Cedar Yitlled Iat O Claritool'a SunThis is tmly a wonderfnl book,
ihowin* as it does in hundreds of
•r niir young fotka niieni Sun­
ways bow to lighten the good
day ai Bunir l/iaf..
bottsewife'a burdens and sobing
\V. <>. nirkerman had lb" ntb.fnrbdie-day problems successfully..
me (o lose one of biit mits. la'.t seek.
It realty mnst be seen to be ap* >
»lrt Mw Kennedy la enlenalnins
predated, few therecifics are illus­
iier Kisler. Agnes Mabn. rerenilv Irooj
trated in natural colors. Those
who have seen it,immediately say: Cblrato. who la aDeadlng her vaesiion
here anionK relaftvea. ^
It's the best Cook Book r%e ever
Mr. and Ura. John Ulilie erpeet lo
aean”'^aad yon will too.
attend the Kirkwood reunion Satur
Toe can arenre a copy of tUavaloable day. the 17tb, wt Edd***'«r Psrli,
Sllaa Altee Tnmer npeot fiattirday
east of K C SahiBK PoiMler 10 tbit adana BuDday with MUa Anna Cate.
Mr. and' Mrs. Henry Ebirk^n pare':
ed through Solon Sainrday on their
ay to Cedar Bun.
Mr. and Un. Pnar TTiltl Ipat their
4 house and gooienta by fire lati ilonOO'O 44444444444444 dtr aftemoon. it wai disoorered by
WlmsindbiirK. inly 21.—MIh Onlda the Caiber and brotber, wbo wera
t BOine iIlKtanre from
Broin 'or Grand kai>ld« it rMltlna at
UMJ|pe of her aunt. Mm. S. H. flsln. ...__ _ They reartaed the balldlng as till «t KaU at SurdiekvTila
aeon no poaalble. burnt In a door and
iKm Kill wa* bone from Bit Rap
reamed a dreaaer. The family a tdaOn a.Tltd a oouide of days Inst
away from borne and the origin of
Bra U nnkjwwi). Intunnra was
Bumick^llle. Jnly 23—It ia expMi
Broomhead. «bo it Had Id the Phnnees' .Mutual.
•d oM of tbo largest gaifaerlaga erer
woeklng at ^TeHu^ty. apeni Bunin I^eelanau county will be
tbo nlneteentb annual pKtnIc
A^l^ur (irmoamyer and dauthter
BiinllelcTllle. August 3rd. Allbongb
bora California airivod Iasi Baiorday
picnics bare always been n great
sueoedi from tbe first, owing to work
acromplisbed by the otrieeni during
tbe past year in pun-baaing
grennda.' wblcb aTe' now owned excIntiTely by tbo aaaociailon bna added J^er l
to the coming pie-





Vi.. . 4

When a New Perfection
Coihea in at the Door
Heat and . Dirt Fly Out
at the Window.
Wbat wo(U it mean to yon to have
^ and dirt bamihed from yowkiteba
diHiiKnmer—to be fine from the bUzw
libg^ free from «ilm
soot? ■


In Vniii

eyeryone knows who has been
In atiendanee tbe grounds kre withdonbt the tnosi pleaaanUy slluateg of any In the alate of Michigan.
Being sltuted clow
e banks c
lieantltiil Glen l^ke wUb ___
Kprlngs makes ll an Ide.vl plrulc park.
Tbe first plcnb- was held In ISS.'t on
grounds, owned by Mrs. Wra. Ag•. an old Rcttler. who has sibre
passed away. The first picnic was
held oufilie suggestion of ktrs. .tohn
4elra and upon tbe request of Kaason
Preerhan. iPreemsn) one of the early
•ioneetw ti was held on bit birthday.
The township of Kaason being named
honor of bln talfaer. one of the
« Heiilers here.
kn iDierewing pregram will ba retdered, good speakers will address the
Old semen and tbe people will •«ling and talking orar old
lines with their old trleods aad
neighbors, wbo ara becoming fewer
n each oecaalon.
The old ptoneera' "aland by • the
flira Haven tag owned by O. H Bay.
charge of able and experleni^
unen wtlhrnn excuratons during cbe
enure day entirely tree of charge..
Reeullar Beeteh Miiaae.
The euteriy
te ^eUeved


aUnga which .............. .........
dart ago over tbe aaatarn ai
the FlTtb of Jbrth Is Scotland___
tower and upper pardon of.the Hay
bland ItghtbouM bad iba appearanoa
- 'loailsg la mld«lr, and tba rocks
ad as If they ware turrouadad by
I. Tba apaclaclc aiiractad a goad
deal of aiiaotlon,
was area made to

. iipox can be
.ur te>a limply by tba use
•f cream of tarfir. one onnea diaaolvad
la a plat of water: drink at latarvaU.
ae«ar famag reoedy U has curmi
y. and seldom leaving a mark aad
avoldi tadlous Hnganag
Ntvael Na, Novarll
.. _.maa sever puu o« UII tcM^
row wbat she caa tay today.—Ufa

Good Fixtures
For Sale
Roll Top Desk.
Caati Register and Stand, j'
Estenaien Tables.
Hat CaUneti.
And eChec atera ftalyraa. all
dcalrobte and In good eondlUon.
Call at once K imeraatad.

Steinberg Bros.


. .caa eerreeted aaeb day by wira
(rem Chto«b..Deti«it. Toledo ad Bof(alo (brangfa Dnltad Prwaa telegraph
serTlee. '
Oilcagi. jaly ri-Wh«si. M: ewn,
ouu. S4.
IMlroit. . Jol} if .-^nieal. II.O:;
ora. SS; oata. 5*HToledo. July
Wheat.* dl.OtV;
:,tH. laio.
Bufialo, July 34.-Baltic—Rerelpu.
M cars; actlre, firm.
Calvm-Arti»e, Mr higher. Wflu?.'.
Sbeep—HereliiU, 1.200; artire. aiesdj.
tSMSkJ. .No. 2.
J.6M; active, M.W, cloalng at It io.

BAT. mT MfIB-*

FAafm :

i Everything

I - -


tor the-- --


Emergency Repairs WUen MostfVeeded
at Emergency Speed
at the

Cblrago. July i;.—Pocaioga guoted
at tte aad 70c.

G^eral Garage

Local Maikelt


•d dark Haaday.


rhirkcBi ..........: ................... If U> lf.C
FARM MOOUCE^^auylftg FriM.

PotetOM_______ ____ __________Mr

Iron Works
Lake Street.

Mch d«y tbermfur. It Bnrkgt vnrtou.



............... ;............ 22c
Iter. p«r tea ... .........................»22.M

GRAIN—TravefWa CHy Milling Cc.
~ cee corrected each Hoaday and

Beans, per iHi............................... ft4'i
Prices corrected as markai varlai.
RMee ........................................»td«tlb
Wool ...............................................itr
*UJ««* ................................................

...|i.&aaod op
4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 44i,4,4‘4 4 4 4
Michigan Bute Lmfioa.
Maoittw 3. Trav«>rso City E
Cadillar 7. Boyne riiy e
l.udlDpon «, Muskegon 1.
Amartean League.
Waahingtoo 7. Dviroli 2.
.VblUAelphU I.Y. 8l LonU d.
New Tork IS. I'bicago L
Boitoo 8. Cleveland 3.
New Yoork 4, •ClnclDDsu 1
Pbiiadelpkla C|.«t> JauIx
fTilrago 10. Br
Miehlgmi <
Tuasdaya Reaulta
MMilgao State Uague.
All mavea powpctied. rain.
American -League.
neiroli 12. WasblnpioD 7.
Philadelphia S. Si. Loul:: 4
i-hb-agu «. ffew Yurk 4.
BoMOn «. OevisUod 3
National LeaguOi


radillar ........... 29
Amartean Losguo.

f ■

is ■;



........ S U' :



modern .Garage,
Fireproof, Convenienl
All makes of cars not elsewtaere represented ‘
in Ihe city bandied at Ibis Garage

Sales Agenis for the Federal
Motor Go.’s Truck
Best m&de lor lieivy -worit and e«sy qienfloo.

Sales Agents for E. M. F. 30
and Flanders 20
Attractive show room with rest’ room in connection for the
convenience of ladies while wairing for
repairs to their machines.

Hurry Up Requiremeuts

' ii i


Most complete equipment in Northern Michigan.
Commodious building provided with every requirement’ to
meet the needs of any style or make of car.
^ Automobiles stored for the winter, thoroughly over­
hauled, painted and maifc ready for the spring.
Competent autom^de machinist employed^.
any intricate work vvhich every dnver is confronted wwl^-v;

All Ibe needs of tbe Automobile, iacludlng
, nasoline, OUs and

Ix>si. 1

National League.

the Fere Morqaette Dtpot

This depanment in direct charge of H. O. JoynL

Traverse City, Michigan





“Values Grow Big^p As
Great Sale Gees On



Furniture. Carpets, Rugs, Stoves,, Dishes, Tinware, Graniteware and everything yoti.
need to-furnish your Home. Plan to attend Traverse City’s greatest
sale of general Home Furnishings. .

The 25th Day ol tl|e Sal^

We Lead; Others Follow

We Give Coupoos Free

mlb every purchase ^ag ihe big
Out valires and methods of doing atid we are turning out bigger and better values each Uearance Sale as well as alt: other
business' are copied by many but day. Now is the time to furnish your home or any part
times. Be sure and save yaw
of it at prices without a parallel.
Come see and be Coupons.
Equalled by None
, __

Closing out All Sum­
mer Goods

Great Sale of Chairs

Here is where you'll save some money on
Refrigerators. Ice Cream Freezers, Croquet Sets,
Hammocks, Lawn Mowers, Willow Rockers and
all summer merchandise. In fact you can get
your money's worth yet tliis season und they
will last yon for years to come.



n;.rt at-f mu. h nnu.e.
.Ktwk. .Mui.ply

We have oo^ liand a carload of the
hcstporcii and house rockers you ever
saw. They were ordered two months'
bat have just arrived. In order to
dispose of them quickly we will sell them
all at greatly reduced pi Ices, and it wKI
pay to buy now.


Going on a vacation ? Now is the
time to get your Suit Case or Trunk.
Special Sale in this Department dur­
ing our, great July Clearance Sale.
This Handsome Rocker
A A You'll save some money if you look
well worth »10.00, only wwsWU these over, for you caq’t resist buying.






3.50 Spring
...................... ,1.75
..................................... 3.«*

NVe have hundreds of other
bargains here waiting for'yom
Don’t buy a single thing for
your home without seeing
what we have to sho\y you.

Now is the lime to fit the children,
out. Express Wagons and Veloci­
pedes. Sulkies. Hand Cars. etc., are
all refluced in prices. They must be
sold before our fall and winter mer.
chandise arrives, and you can save
10 to .50 ^ by buying now.

We want you to have a lode at our
Big Chair Bargains; we have several
sets where one or two have been sold
out and we are clo^ng out the oUim'~
at cost. You will find some lug hafgains in complete sets, atop a m
lection running at7$c,l^L2$. tS%

Gologatunly.................... «Ptl.VV

Old sizes. Clo^^ out/^iaUerns and
•aH Sample Rugs going now at



A splendid lime to get you O’fine Rug
and we've lots of them.

One-Third Off
on all remnants of Carpeta and
Linoleums, and there are plenty of
them to select frpiDif you come now.
, M5.M Turkish Rocker
r si^edaud co\'- 512»50 Briug exact size of your floor.
ered with Chase Lealer


Dining Chairs


Now is
the time to
«et your
Bed Spring
and Mattress'at ^
low price.
We*ve several odd size Springs and Mat­
tresses, some which have been used as samples,
some whichfiavebeen soiled or.marked in trans­
portation. but are good as ever for wear, which
will now be disposed of at
Some $3.50 Mattresses now.................... $1.75


Childrert’s Vehicles


One-Hqlf the Regular Price

We have several wood beds, many
styles Mt odd from suites; whidt are
ilHng for one>half their regale».u
$18.00 Beds now'.......................$9.00
$15.00 Beds now.................... :^.S0
$12.00 Beds now........... ...........$6.00
$10.00 Beds now........................ $S.60
$ 7.00 Beds now........................ $3.50
$ 5.00 Beds now......... .......... $2.50
A Number of Extension Tobies slightly marred or soiled through tranqiorta'’
tipn. and also some which ara'uaredeemed which are selling at $3 95, ^.50
and $8.50. Many Tables wjik^are Actually worth double the pr||^

$28.00 Refrigerators now........\.............:. $21.00
$20.00 Refrigerators now___.'........!... $17.50
$18.00 Refrigerators now............... flS.OO
$5.00 Lawn Mowers................ "S.,............$4 50
$5.00 Lawn Mowers....................................$3.75
$4.00 Lawn Mowers . ^. . . . . . ... $2.75


A Wonderful Sale of Wood Beds
' and Extension Tables.


The oldest, Urgert, and only exclmive Home Oiilfitte in Tra»ene
Mail ordeh Kceive pampt


Coildlifttia by Mm Eiu Wall.

aa *rl**dl hat* ITadaeadar and
aaadarLelv Mama I* hadag U* ram]
an*ard ehcMaad *ah a wovta i^tTi
t'f«) Bake# Id entttag bar
tana treat oT lava vhich n
tooa per aAv.
Joe Sbetler and frtcad of Traveraej
(lir are aaalaUai tala taUta’. paiat

«M kHflhHft «« lb* J. «sU»M. » f«rawr ttev BumU Cbleafa, arc ibe (ucsu oT PaUr Kirk
au-. M bte ban by Ora Weda«*«*r mad ruMr.
ruia». Utaa Aaaa Klj* *01 acMgW. ta U WM bJ» ere* of tay •» ~.n.p^»y ibeai to ibclr hooM «berc
had Ja« barTMlad. A hone ud rod kbc aifacU to aUy aad aUcad aebooi.
vara ataa toal In tba Sm. The orl^
A. B. SUBBDb D. S. EnalcB and N.
or Ue Ora ta aakaown h« it ia aaa-'soreaaen *«« to Travetoe fdj on
poaed apoataa^ mbaatkn la tba 1,'uincaa Tae«lay.
hay *aa
-Mr. and Mm. Honard iMaa «ent
THrtr »di«a ver* chlartalnod bT|i,averae »l> Tacaday. whwa Uc UtHra Jar Bro*a at ao open meclini: «t *111 apead the *eok vitb hv parof the LAOlaa* AM aociaty. laat Thata-'eau. Mr. aad Mr*. N. A)brtcht.
dar tftenwoa. The Mdie* contiUnii- Aitu Uzzle SorenseD rctnmed frou
ad Ut.M «Utt Mabad p*)1ni( oir', abort rlnli *Mk relatltca la Trart^ ■ortcac* oa the M. K paraouacc j *e CUy.
* <U. aft* 4li-> niBirai mack
anneh of
nf Sem*
It*n)-1 Mr. Marcia of Tracer*^ ('My *a*
pMt CUy Wer* la lova on bnalnow*
(owa Tuesday. Invectlas
HMa Btbel HadCBaa accoatpaaM
Howard Newoiayebb was kicked by a
Dr. Featon aad family to
hotue Hoaday and as* rcsBll bit
City Sunday, where they suended ihc'rlgbt' ana was broken In two ptacea
bnU gaain.
. Dr. Brewnnon wnt called aad attendMtan Cora Wall reUDMd Saturday «d tala Injurtea.
* Tracekue City, where she ban Alta, a F. Saylor ba* retnmed
bees visUtag bar motbet* Mrs. Cbaa. bar racalloo and baa reopeoed l^a
K. & DeFrance,
brother of Wiecoasln.
; caUlag
«o KlDgaley frleada
In kdi cir. wberi’they eiuaded’the
ball saam.

Lake Department

: .NOmtMcted by Miss Mu Dewey.
Bipto liilk Pepsrtttwtt .of ttai

frtpHyyt khu to Mtag Dm to bt
B lbs D^hitaMBt Wi dUMisltar


l.taibHBi Bhsiiigg, tad tnatfM la

Sntd Uks.lmtto



The Big Store

July 27

July 27


seeing the repairing of the iron Irf-idge
I tb<- Ooerdmoa fortu.
Mr. aad Mrs. Chu. LaU'Sl of Kalkaaka arc gtienU uf Mr. sud Mrs
Oias. StaSord.
Angus UanpIMI. Jr., is very bad

Dat Bine b*. his More USriler
Ugbled by Ibe addition of a wlndu*
n the west aide.
AUsa Trao Sewell went lu Suniiuli
lly to mu frleods Ssiarda).
Mis* Birdie McMuay of Tratcree
City. U tIaiUns her grand.iwmils.
Mr. and Mra. M. Mcynay In Spring
Thirteen of onrJIUle people st>rnt a
happy afumooa with Opal Uibb. on
Friday at her borne north of town. lUc
ut-o^plon being her 8ih ld.~ttad.y.
Harry Breed left here Thoaday lor
CadiUai:. after a uontba HU.'with his parenla. Mr. aad Mrs. Br>ed
Trarerae CHy k
■Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Will)oed of Dc
baeu nalUu t>
t time.
Ktbcl and Itoyd HaefcermsB were (raft, were gaeau at Mra Will.miri'r
Jim niklae oT Tr«c« e CUy. .
brother Dare lUoebor and farnO.'-.
Traverse City callers Tuewdsy.
la (owe on hnslnean Hoe
The Lady Maccabcea will entertain
Bee. Brldfepaler went to Hart»r Ibe Trarerae City Bay Hire nt Ihdr
r. and Mr*. M. Hobbi
Spfl^n. where be will apend bis an neU regular meeting which will be
Dual vacalioa Mlth hta wife.
brid one week from Saturday. The)
Uwea CaaDcU I* cuicrutnlog blu will aerre dlUMr aad aupper. A mis
Eierling of Haines' Bidiitf
mother. '
sat; brought here Wednesday r<u
enUueou* program Is brii
C. D. 9*lft%nd tamRy returned to
Jo* ('TDlncr and wife of 'TTaveme rnedUal aid and taken on ibe i o'chiik
their !><»■« rhi ■>«
CHy. and (belr son Mcrl aad wife of Bln to n Grand lUpIda bospllal.
Hr. and Mm Georgo Turk, so,
Denver, CDI. were the guenU of R
Ceorte and Clyde Ne*ai of Toledo
Case aad family.
berries from Ms garden and U sdUi^
Ohio. sM Leon Woodford uf DelroU.
C R. Soy*
ttaem lo the ntor* keepers
Imst Saiurday evealng Mr. and Mr* urrivod here Tburaday lor a.vouplr
Ml*. Chs*. lioeMg tan J*«. Mook c. R Snyder enirruined In bonpr »r weeks visit a'ltb Ihvlr parenla. Mr
for an e«t«i^.
(JjAteme. Mr sad Mra.'C. D. Swlfi of southern and. Mri-. Ed. Newell.
lad. sUcb M bar childhood borne.
Mr. and .dm Oins. Dutton of Cad
MMlgsn. The evening wan plcan& Q. Crotjag^-^ lo Ttacefue City aatly upent In card ptaytag
iUar. W'crs up Sunday and lo<A Jlra.
Master Forest
Mr: aad Uia. Swift were fonuer renl. Meif
dcou orthto placc and their many Bar borne with theJa.
friends gathered la farewell to ibMr Mr. and-Mre. Jtdin llnwk of lairalnc
-e guests of Mra Hawk's luolhcr
dopanure to ihclr home Monday,
a iate boar a dainty Inurtacon waa Mra. B. Barm*.
The Slovkford Players h'B«r plleb»i
nerved which cvenoao enjoyed.
ibeir lent oa the P. H. IlcruslchiMm. Brbart. who has llvod berv
the pant IS year*, and Freak Brbari aeanl In cgiposlie the bsacl stniH
who haa been here lor 31 yeara. left and will give a pin) osch night dur
Monday for Ohio, where they expect lag the entire «
pan? of twenl.v.flve yuung pet>
lo locate If Uwy Sad a good kxstloo.
Pie surprIaK WilUe Gilmore Monday
(t not they win rrtwn here.
cvenlag. at 'bl. home lo SpringDcId,
being bla blrtbds).
teruoon a qolit wedding
ii«k place at the room of Rev. A. S. ( venltig was speUl la |>livlug g.ui'-r.
lunalr. and iwCrcnbioruU of ice rrosii
Tburstoa, when Imriuda
and cake were served, lie was lb
united lo marringe to Win
ter. boUi of SunraUi CUy. They wtV rpripenl of Duny uaclul niid bcauu
rerlde on a fara aonth of Saainit ful praaenU.
W. W. Brower la havUig bis res'
CUy. They hate a bom of friends
«» Md'aW. lo Join In wishing them happleesa.
denee icpalred and painted InsM.
and out.
A. T. Clark and la.v
Ibe ketdgo on ih
ixMidumn river noar Joaco,.'
Mr. and Mm Glen DIehert of IH<
bert. were gneot. of Mra DielHTi
paranla. Hr. and Mr*. C. Fralick. ow
Dr. D E mu* and son David *er
» iiinfll nbM to tail ooBconMd ud to
Tra'eran Clt) Ttraradsy and Fi
HtMUIIt VM sU itow of ponoi^Aad
day. on bostaes* .
Ulaaa* KaUe and Maria Kaat r«
>urned to tbelr borne In Grand R.r
iAia (fstor^
sad tbo
Ids. after a week's riaU slili MJ.r
Bf Stmgt ia tbdr nSpoc.
Minnie Brommrit. wbo anxrmpauM
rnim Ifsvi of iodal erati sad «.
ibeni as tar as cadlUsi
bglae' uda or eentemWUbur QuickenbuBh
loskej Wednend*}, where hr bas cm
pkunirol with a range company.
Mra U P. Judfcl^B* acrompiOIrd
niotber Alra. 11#? to Boyne Fall..
Tnnaday. where abe will
and , Robert and tamllr In Ttaverte CIlV. Judkins and family for a lew week.
and Mt>. A M'. Baker
Ctafk nebool boons* bare new fnm. Wednesday and Tburaday.
chlkUcn left Wednesday for Peloahi-.'
Mrs. Ben Biak* ta rwy la '
»-berr Ihey will vtoH Mr. Daker s ps.
. Bin. Bdiih Mny
daOgMer. lUt
Mm Robert UUikelt wa* In Kai enU nod also attend Ibe Bible Stud'
tsMt rmumnd to UF(r'home In Cad
Halting friend, ihe past weeh. elaes now In Mnslna al Ray View.
mac. Baturdar.
Mm-vCatherlne Downey vi.iied her: Joe M>en and Ed Glide vent t<
Vcm POklu
. _
tWBta". Meednme* Oco. MrKta and le Boardman river Friday to meel .
oa botaaem Saiurdny.
Jaa. Strabaa. In CadlU*. from Frida, thing party. Arto Held. Harn Dev
Mtaa AlU Tborae went to LcUriUa until Monday.
ey. WlUard Hannah and A r. Hod,:.,
Batirday. and w^ Mon, by way of
Tara Cook Is vUMag her nsele from Anne, rampiBC o«il uiilll Son
Trattra. city.
Bobmt B'aliera and (hmily at' Trav day. They report a fine lime an-t
JnHus FrtU it,pr KlasMey. drirlnc lie t'lty.
of ftak wbleii they must bar.
-noam wMi*.
Hr. aad Mm Lesler Ml here Wed. eaten.
Carl BattenSeld |» t»me from rota­ Mday for the upper pnOnanh*. wbere
Friibk SInrbIr got n liitckleberry
te OUO.
they wiu pirfc hncUMMriea.
hia Inogs last Monday, muting him
Mtei TrasM Dowanr wan la Wa].
Mm Cor* VeorbeM of. 8l Urals. tatenae pain for :i hours, before b
tod Friday, between ttnlna
Mo., ta rteklng her pomsts. Mr.
me dlslodgfd ao be eoogbed 1,
Un Glide has his new ban, mi Mm Jedm Glide.
Severe chins and fever ihen fol
dim BOa White has r*aUy
Mte (Mends ftaorinM burned krored the' appaamne* af her real lowed, aeeessllatliig the aid
Ue U sAaia able .. ... —.
home Sunday from Petoskey
•anee wltb large wtndowg. omneoi
Ckrutua Woriter* 7ible cUs<
Him M«ml Dowen of T.--------- Wrrbm and.aew aiding.
held a picnic «n the bank* of the
Walk. MAMUut hm. gnat Mta. Ann.
A F. Qnackenhish retncMd from lake last Friday^ afternoon ia coone;
be pnioMria. Tkanday.
Hob with theU regular monthly busl
Mr. and Mm Bennei and
ODde Is glrtag Bm a^oal home #** meeting. There were 21 praoen*
■and Into the W. W. Brow.
((Mh «nat nf »alnt
WP«- was served In Dr Hill * grove
ISS. MUIy Whtad> Br
hy BL .M. Harris.
Fetaiaes prtmto lo ha a good ytell
teaday aerrltes at M. R. efanrek on
ta lU. tomiKp.
Pi^tkhig at
la n^ mas* Wadioday.
Mr. aad Mm Joka I
1*:S* a. m. Babh^ arhool at II:C>
1*^ ** «• WnHcr rMIled her *nn|Bis»e at South noardmaa.
t aU a. m. Rpa-onh




Ftaak tUprialr' la coatndlai fur
rye (nna itac taratn.
M^a Uwlae Haufela* waa ia Tra«.
erae‘ at). Tbuiaday.
tVoi. Ortorn is laklas a week'*,
racaikin rlslliac Irieada si loala.
ramaera are eatUac tbelr grain
*Urb it also a good yield and In »ne
Mrs. florence Frazier and daugh­
ter Abb*. *bo bare been the guesU,
of Mr*. Lighlhlaer. returned lo their;
home la (^dillar Sabirdar
'Mra. Cor* ticuilder li eatertalaitu
Hiw Mande Burge of VIrlulwrg
Mr*, r. H.


Still-Come In.

Look at OUR Windows






At least twice dqiiag ea eU yev. to keep our slocks op li llial Ugk grade oi STYLE and
UP>TO-DATENEi». T liM Is ebaracteiisUc ol Ibe mg Store. We have tbese Special
Sales In tbe dUlereat Ocparlmenls.

REASONS WHY YOU ca'n do best^here
For %vbat yoa mlgbl
Has sUII two months
Ray lor shoddy
aU pqrchases al .
to mn yet.
somewhere else
the Btg Store.

To Select from.

Noi a pair in the lot



Patent leather, gun

Ladies' Oxford?
ard Pumps J .


Black or Tan

Black and Tan
Every pair of Boys’ Oxfords
left are in ibih lot values
. from $2.25 to $3.U0

J4.0U GraJes......... 3.35 .

The Newest Slylcs in ell


$3,S0 Grades......... 2.85

Regals and other reliable Makes




Made up froui'$l2 50 and $3 lines


Black, Tan and Patent Leather, in
lace and button. Rejlals sell at
$3.50 and $4.00


Cenlf, its not very often yoa get a chance lo t'ny the Famon Regal Footwear
-o, Cal Prices.

Men’s Work Shoes

At 1.45

Guaranteed to give goofi wear





Sold at $100

Sold a, $3.50 and $4 00

Go at $2.9S

Co at . $2.45.


A Few White and Co'ored Canvas Oxford. f.« Women at 6^P.


Tbe^ys' Shoes have been divided
into four lots, at

Pleiny of time

$1.10, 1.29, I 40. 1 60. I

fjet lull ser­

vice'^/t ofy pair.


This is ihe mic. dept, whore we
put special stress u|kiii ijuality. We
bdl more Children'ivSboes than any
rilher Slum. SiM-citil IdIm :it—
6»c, <1 00.


See that Pants Special in the Clothing Division
Jdst a clean up on odds and ends and broken lots of Pants and Suits: but they are dandy values.
just your size is in the lot: worth your while to look anyway.

Were $3,50 now..........


Ooe Lol^ about

100 ^L'lTS



Anolber lot ot Pants
$2.00 to $2.25 Pants at.
$2.50 to $3.00 Pants at ..
$3.50 to $4 50 Pants a‘t..



ntni^T, jn.T «ilu.
trr w4 tor btB dewB to hto coatortabto a«to to ibe bMkto. U W to toUi

Mleap a-bMi m arrlT* ai )w deati- *ai< a to* ^mrnli to Um vaidas- iavdrr.




of the Umto,„p



«ll «H,

Yon me. c —

a riv ? It U BdilaeUr to lailude conic'tollorotur Bat »b* wac loiemiiitcd b»
*f »^r tooeh a totopr toba; Ao.t Eltoabtob . lolce. cordial Md fo^
•««-«« ibe
AMhto^ I force twre eordc aad’of pleaaare•
for tbeir dbcratloa If
----------e rUb. oai. Mra. Betol. «e
I do aol forpel k
Tea’*# tolixod a mctd* of nr o*n.
»t cluins jiocra to luncheon.
ui nr Blecc. Uerfel Haenccc
aec^ttorr aa lood .ad
ior and buoraacr
MarloL *m >en aet Mn
Bead a

Wa. to. back to, ciUdtoh ptoter
Uarlel cet a ntoie for Urc. Bed.
Sbe conld aol talk. It all acenod oo

^?b*o all Is aaiore )orcd «fib aic.

Asd wocbl I kBcv of eorMIr 'Icart. caibarTBaala*.

ed In a torture of aaxletv

for bar

auBft oxcoaaa. TlieB atowly aba beBOB to reanre oM oaly that there
•we DO eacOMa but that Imth todlea

Uka UtlM aadto aannar da*.
I ahftek fron t

At bone they eouM

bare put u* laachaon foiover mber
thaa aak aay oae oui-ao 6ba wait.

<«M Ip loftr tooad. pad I
Roac^ SBvard la oip Ml to jaiu;
TU hicboal la bm bloaaoan forth.

when you draw • sensed to ba




«>>o>»bl©r. eud.


D l^an In >b. f>o.oc*



peacllt and a

«»p.. -.11

laad to accompany eorb )ar; they


^ 1.. „

*• * *’'r‘

“ •“'*

s ri.

Mo* do yoB ta^ roar paeali. oh.
' IWtaadT

e In It at alL

So I stay here "«

u....... aV


»v«Ul. .h.d„......

•'““dortal how dirt kapea Itsllf rlaae.

IBi ytto atlalB every nuicle,


mm po



siK.“.s:u-7r.r‘.r r;r=.Trj”^7;.- sl?

icciarBis to ,,i,ju




nocn tne resat-siu.

(bp tS r«s pip,.

ir 1 hau *n



' -'''b-«‘H '‘



•“»« -Hub.

i.reen I'cH-eru

.L*" tn

baa b.
sibto tor you to wasR tba little one.
e«sily and qokkb without Icovinp
your seat
drlaUap cup.


•<>■* onebalf of a
bew-rr rut Bae Tbe'iuto



be over- wtuier-


Aa toap as aba baa pot to

hkh a llUle
,ddnl. juai *'*■*'
Cal a Bike ot

It .Uwld lie l»r »"«• buuer. aod fill tbe pepper,


J.U of


r from ^ cooler, to a bit of eery molM »
tbifuluecr that aaXHic wlU Bppri- drenlap.


*•' • “........ ..

Traveltop Wtth CMWreo. of powder and ■ small Iplre of cold
-We have all aympatbUad with iha cream. This last will lak ■ ihe cinder,

«UI po OB after w)a are
daut- Tbaa why not pet all tbe pood
tbwa to to lib aa we po atoopT Apd

worn, nenoua motber and her tired- and prime oD when nulblnp else will.
of IHUc oae. at (be end and the lowdrr
It rool aud refresh
M tu BM UEe oar ptoaiures ton se- Of a h«B day's Joarney by tralo Tbe yon Bfln ll.


•totwa of aauod
•«« l«wrv«i f«,i to fbc aamow of
^ Cook dl topetber


'------ —- — r^ay u> nae OT ouas. roH OBUes a
fwc*- sad are decltoapc'tB UM moan. Is

“■ “**7!

y iramtoy will ,

make a lunrb ll
halt w«b delipbl.

\Yotnan s Horn. Uowpanlon tell, of

Take a small driukiup-Btoks. If

“"*• '•'*
wbleb will do away with mueb of lbs envelope.; for. sitboupb few people
wsarl^M. aad d.Mv-foH of tbe Junr- kmyw 1,-or. If they do. eeldou. sv...

T«to HoapttalHy.
It was Moaday aona
ufl .ttanha.


tbemsHves of l»-sou run obtsln s
,er> comfonsble drink from an eu-

•—“« 10 mske It posstole foe (be taotb-

*hiu pad or brown wrapplnp papei


wpahlap. aad waaM bare been tosalibml bar mtotroa. aappoMad s«ml-



lap It oqt: but botop of a pewlmlMic
- to ‘to'c a pood nlpbf. sleep before No one need ever drink
prumblad upon .urlto*.
If your reel U broken, ll dirty. ruMr rupTln day
will Indeed be dlllculi to be latlrnt
A., A.M ”ri.S,A"t


cbeme-for a aaadwkb Bit... If


__ _


----. —

••"»«'Wered with

«..* sHk m

A. k.» » AHU » » A.
'■------- —“-Tlllnp water; lei



‘ A..«»»Asmjus
preparailons vitKHii
wlibtHit oasK',

puddtapon ibe alde.

|i were marked

vlsted. ami manr tnedkinre come in

for brcakfaM. lunch, dinner aud app-


A Wall Oraaaad OM.
Ueiap weU drsaaad Is not aU a qwaaoB of meaey. Uora dipaada on tba
ay a cblat'to worm (baa M tbe ma(ertol of wbkb U to BiMa. Tboatoarby . \
a»A Ml- ArnM. A.

rradc-nmSe- or boms

tdoinlnit It. the bands potoltiuf lo lbs a «et. hiil. o>ld saier
I>raln ibcm
dllferem boors.
until nearly di' aod toav them lo «ery

----------- '
Travahnp Alone.
Tbcir If DO rcuM>b wh,
-‘»d'd ‘;ar" .'raveltop
to .,«M. she. In., .of I^en. fond, sod the ablUty. .0 .,k
Oral place you can
on a train in a larxe Place

The llllle atle-i lm.ik ws. made fiooi fine -tiea'
ltei»-at the las.lDB ooce
ordinait «hit. .ieUne.1 nme-popee. hy or aul lav the f.up -u white
.-ros.wtoe. ,«|.r uunl .ir.
The.-- Ir.-.l .urrant.

•kkou. maklnp known

-... aTIcime uf the hoOM-, iieall'
xhe little terse for the Brat

cxpei Icncv.

Ibrii lutarlus im- siiote with waiei. .make a hoc Barula)i lor
rokir pajier
The l-ook sa-. lied lo- ........ -i took prrin airanaed uo a dj.lj
Briber wiili ilaiult rlhbooi
A prelM
m lorwei iiie-iioii wa. psiai.ed

.iHi ..iIiat Inill.
• lierTA iell.- T»o luumto of -lio-

lir lAxer. in lUp center of wbl<^ elierile-. oiie-hslf cupful of ’•usai. and


lUy sill bm kianed <•« tbe preiAct (rain. Women often
fidBct around Wnillos for the c^ndnr

.xvel.-oo.. I.. rhi- suestebamlrer. drat

one and oio-balf-euiauU of water s
few .ttoi>a of red A«|nr1iuL lhr»H- besi>««M>luls of iwwdered seU . uidhl ol whipi-sl . n-.m. s

irieml • In- er tlwiu art.
Ie» ■ lMifi«-d n»i iiwui* f«*
cherAod mav ...............
dream .a-y.;e rie. with the supar arwl .m-t-lf m,-

,„. „.A, ,:

™ "
shr.rt time sbe asked


waM wb«

inca tbaa tbe c
whose panaeota boar (bp a

thei aSrixIil
Sleep welt, .ml «

.. ilir>


/ '“tJl of the »al.-i, wlien tender rob
.Wrow lyem rbrouph s .k-Ae, , Id rb. re.|


conic.-. k>rcet imt he«e to writ*-


aio. and bolb wora ablrtwalsto Uae
was exoatottaly ambratdarad. aad of

Dalrciouri BumfiKi
l urran^a—Pi

urn bluer


«n-a.lo. of dUpoaln, of odd. a.
„ praaerred or laBUod IralL
|i„„| Callfomla*.


In , trunk or imca had
ba<l d.ln.r
daloiy hand palmed wa.cbe,
walvbe. .
a u.l....n
uilsi'in of .ware
lieaTeii white of e«
eca and


bouoeb«wr as

Two pirls Mood Ulblap aol

venKnt tulret (bat tbe ue.-easiiv

"rAt.,-. „M,.....„AA. r.r.:r"A" tl^z^'u'z


Bf.eeo -to-tea.


blpb-class tailor, bat wheoe atninliliri
iw over the prpiwra loo.erBoa tbe are stooplnp aad wboae cheat to n«1-0'er*. and store ia a tr.^t^

Thaoruamanl of

cshlei form,
ll .■ertalnb slmpllBr* yrer. aod ihr Uours for. ouipoina and bran. Be. ..I ilpe.’red or bUck curuiallffv. Iw a k-aky or broken Iwtilr Inromlni: mall. . This llllle conveo- rams, and dlp<bem one by oae Into

eu mat

,„!» of m«r; brlua to (be

En.U.k feat .be ^.ol. .Tie.

Sia.cful toscrtpllon.

larrrlup many botika has I<ceom« ob-

1. ,.,M.„„-I«..A., ,AA„nkM.

Aat. .mM.U»0»I«»A»aa«..Aa ETil*
_ _ _ __ _


.wn ..mke M,re ha.cH

*7* “

tde rut Into dice, ooe-half cap cadi of

around snd sronnd tbe peppecs. nlnp

> «•

rUp of

•«•• »•« ■ l«nd of pale yelhi- Hb- To one quart of rli.ewr add

la Vour Butt Cbm.
Taka s cleau lowel and soap .a box

rUre U 'a uaeapaa oaa

will scr


Bot a king at aUL aoveliy to.lbe lltile people

Ahar aa taYt that tba wtoe av lo
taka ^ tatorrataloB to our dally ram

T .case H bMaaaa aenaaary. for
boasebeaper |p ba«e OMap her
recipe, tba (oUowlap oae f« -luftP
Imm prsoanm":

cboppad dates, ratoiat and vatouia:
ibeo pour laio the roiapouDd tbns

l.liilc<oii t-anned
Sand.iri miioa should l«r m.u.«i xJl T”' ‘^1"^
^ ""

.. ..rT\........................... a..........................

2St^Tdntos^rirA ^.lpto


Hr H

packspe. dIaptHially.

« Lt^chM ro ‘




sboes. whleh can be rulled up like


‘ke caaaed fniH

*» k»‘k W moiCB aarh perWrbape (an. yet ibcee to

mtoutea. «re betop token that ,
lu^ of six k
II •
a puesi ■"»«?»
dikes oraapea. one.
war. at
.c tbey
luei do
ao aol
aoi become
uecome too leader to hao- '
lea.i, abonld Iw indudod to bar Iuacb. dk. Wbea cool ibey omy be aaad la
.7^ "** ■at If poaalbto. tMr
to f^rad. then add
bdp to aard ot car- the preparatloa of aay dtob reaolrtaa
prated yellov Had « oae of Ibe
'hkb ao BBU) inter, raw pepper,
w. lewad ihm.

j.afetv rn.,

slars put your Mocks aad bella. In an-

p,pcr will r""

n° «■• of ibe tone
««n»»*ca' bouswlfe. bar"* eipenfed owaay and enarpy la

u» like the pubiMiyof aaltofylap the Hi a uoderaie oven uatll tbe peppets “f“"’ “* ““*• of tay aae kind to
demands of Ibe toner amn Itom ibe ■r>' tboronphly leodee. tSerre with a
apato u^ (be tabte. or ibe


, ________^



knrtap Ihp
**•» ■« 'to
»rt oWay
«»all dtabeo af


borne In mind. too. that one 'eau at f'o'er ibe opeulBpa aud aland In k
a dtoadranlape oa a irala. a. Ir« of baklap diata half full of Water. Cook

other your vrito. with a Mlt Hiuare of of Irolt. a small 1
cardboard lo hold them Bat.
Bind klly. w|ib some

KopMa^^ell I betova If I was frer ^ald'^Beyer be allowcl to lel^ a


eateacira preiarrar of ftolta

Select Ihoae of mMIun.slie '

to packlnp. If poxalble. place .be pucM-ns.u.
. cle'rcf plHs ecw rm"l^^e“?o“^«™n-"rb
” hMPperod b, -ap'iBM tha inJB. Tbey are toW rroqutat use oMi Tbc ke s.tercon ,hu«, ica.i needed at the bottom
An ellr<-t|va dccorsllito o»er |, , larpe pkec of ke
Apalu drain.
wo^ „^hi- ,h. p„iuje,, ,n,cbes with qusa- lalaed tborehi should be avoided If
m ri.msuu .
,f ,A. A.™.. .1 . AHA
bwt iba nakaa bar onaapany aaallj.'' imb,
i, „ *naw.r to. aa* ar. n.. .ww >. ..c, ..ri ih* drh.h

sHieica wore in demand >

—*J* »*tod aad randy lor tbe daily *„p

‘be poddla* hrowa. Beree tdtber
boi or mid. wlik or wliboal tbe a.

bol load.

Codin' la tbc papers (bat ^wet to Stp- ean aitoHas ubout tbc omicr t

Md rasards tbair vlalu as bar owa SLilJLM*d forT Lt^tJTto to

‘•“'Wf ■ *alf*atMPod pod
pot la a larur Of fralL

-dlrred eouruaily wmb «r.u.iaoiBWBI of ereau or ewtard ‘be pepper I. I>clnp added
Srne ou ‘‘•'•‘oo liarrlt KoU, to ttoto**'* Home

^ And If. to addition ta.fbto. bar boM- ___
7vel 7eJlrliLto
wlib tbe euds'eo. ha. pul ou top of all a Bula perler a Jar ^ been opened.
lonsl uoK'. or s i«pe ot saccdotee ml xvasb o
peppem In
Aar> Iheac Cokiiw lor cou>cnlencr from a reeeiii
paxhie that wUI atwater, c-ul a slice [ram ibe Mem
n uulllne hi foid her a bcoi
Before n child loaves .„-,w«Wcrc w.ow ir ....._______

*...* *a.a>a'i.


Wbikle a|tb cupar aad tapoal oaUi

One who to r>iup oaly a abort dla ul Ibe stem ead ot each aad rentoie
labca .bnuld aol hr loaded dowa wlib •>' 'k« aeed. aod «b»e Bbte. Ikaios
a luorb calcutolni lo laoei the needs *kc lictt ranaed eoro alib oalL pep
of two or ibree people


'brer-t|uartefe of o poaad trf raapbc,
rtcaud cm., ooouioartee ol a ,..uad
of red roitaal..
pare oardaH
l»<ud of Bae *btle

---------------------------- —~
'****''' '•We.pooalul of mIi. ooe^-lphlta
_______ (HH-ve < «'• mile-pterm of bolter
“‘’''•‘"‘““f"' “I peiTer. aad oae-half "‘O'‘“b-«®»e'aad bake la a modAd-I to lUa '*'»te otea for thlrtc-llca nlautr. re
hcH-cup i.f cold ebtrkea
«b* rover for }uai loap eaoupk


W Msrp ret no Apnes wVd coma back onto a aaHee of calls to bo nmde with

HBkt aBdtbpfw to

'"7 •"5"“*'
<>' bm
**** ••bftaa and
••■larairlM. add oaeihfnl at*

The laucu- make. uoBere* •«"» ‘«'ll to water.
m.y lb, u.e of ope. bamikerrhief
for baktopmtoa ha.

wa.hliip xicky anpera.
toop eaoupb to hoUcb

fold It over and t

niu locctb.-r


.lake thlrac A delkloto wben Muted wUb cabbapc;-^.?***..*?* T*

be hard-holtod epps and a taw Muted
a sliced. 0

square, flllaen or sixteen tiirbrs and
sew upca to oua comer
for your

tlmaa i«amh«^

ibe hoc, wlirrr n win aol


“ Msfret doea not <mue Uck. 1 *IH clwblaf. sod a spool each of bUvk and

Thl. ditb la .e<> pood aabmit

»br ctclH



•tortal and phyaJtoL befora. doria*
boor oatliely like tbe wiM Indian, wbli, ootloB tbre«l. a
needle and
-aad alur thdr vtalu. la tba prellaU- ««>e rain and wind do tbe «>«« pin. should b. kr.u - In your
laM .»
toa baad-hsp.
baad-hap. Some old. soft cloth,
clotbs tb.i
•wr daaatat aik .tba afcn to eater
And- tw.epi«-.
i1 mt

V boles,
BBOesad Ib
:• Ireryihlap to
or Mv. a
or tao. sbe atoMy'
by lbs
<*B9SW bar PtPb.
W.»o bsek o. .
d pile till all hours a
a tte (blows boiaelt
• " ' ■'w kna* before bow many
iato tbs
aplru M tbe ______,tan

loHowllw oilier aitUle, of food are of sutdi alia, are rentaved. Ibe pepper, are pot lato

.n ..iT- V.I"T.


W &BN ara always bostoss. aa'm


etteu A paper aapMuj^ .ptrad oter
»*«*• I'appara Slolfe.1 m|i|,
Ibe Up. aad a .m^L-jjqiiaie of rtoaD •» bll >arpe rlllea aweei iwpperm <«u
•t'tlon doth clionld lie put oa top of bf obuiued Ibruviboui
Ihe eailre


aapaetolly if tbe ebUdrea hare
at borne.
e by this sand pfle till all boors'of "•’•f



“■b« • rood and tcanu'

It b a bit of tboopbitot-'*"*'*

odb ibr.;- (.H^-alekel oaea. a bleb
buy. .1 Ibe llve<em Morel tHil
Lady, caa atransc ll pretic cooiforl
lean and wrrleealita and of
V nurb ol
“■ Ibe ,w,. ir
« bw «U1
Tu be«ln allb. cwb
caluv tbai ifary .
*'**’* •
• motb- _
plaa a Uule the alsbt be- tbni.i
alter uxlnp.
•'®“blc for beraeil. dietore. Ulna if your trip U lo be a
Every arjl.
|.. „f food cbould
baby aud aaaoyance for
uvl CM-a ao eariy wrapped'In HMf la waked paper
*^ber meusen by boapinp bottlca
Thtrc to aoiklBp that »o ipkc acy
* byes (hue tbai tbe
You wdl then dertev aiu>li more rr^ *hai lliita apiwlKe oae may bate at
•» ‘‘ ontcred
iaxatb n riou your cloc-p aud be tbe tbe aipbi of candwli-hea. cake, ptektoi
*** '*'“*‘* **»•“«*. Only oaa bolUc
batter . repared for Ibe iporrow
or eppe. all uiced ap lopellier
<bonId be wprtucd .m a lime: the rrat
W. «m .uppece Uni you are to paclebuard Imi .taould be uaed. and ao
kept In • P*ll of racked !«,. .An altake but oae inlak with yoo. aud laldeware eurloknl tbai
caaaol be
bwiibto«u aaay after ibr luiniUinbeeo
'»• >"rtlBl Irouv, will warm a .cupful either a ciitrbel or a auK<ai>e.

. Haltofoa. I hare been bluto' ,



»'*“»« •llh H**h or Eaea-ADMiher

1»rr^ •«-*■ «> J-d.» . bab
ha aad torctboupbi. aad
you. My


Whan Macaw i. ■


hove repalar places for the Maple coaieiii. ol a iuacb boa. The iboupin- rream aanec.
. a loBC fine. Advertlsiot aactloos of '
Sweet Uieeo I'eppM.-klay be amdr
oM luapailnas will funtob loto of plc^ ^aitlele. of-uarei’ oavlap miicb time to! boateaa will aol make aaodwlrbea
of crumbly Iwead aad whole (ducea of much more driklou. and easier ofdllurea to be cut out and are easy l> 'ani rontiulon Ibareby.
"" ”**
‘'ke tare lo tea that peMKin If. aner the Mem aad seeds



atoh *llb vat«r_______
o^parton. itoi
the halL aal caretoUr_____ t~i
boc «ltb toaal attefca.
!« of bfiad ibc r
Pw b toto p aaaeoeui laio loas Mripa. wbicb tore bcea laa «lib Ibe

_______ __ _______________ ... „„

intcUap a era'laarbes

Have your iruak ready the elski
before and Ibe eaprecanian notlBed a.
•Tbtl atenlai Xlurlal soMeoly oaM.
*" •
to Ibe -lltue to rail. A Innik lap ad~Aaat ElUibelb. I oerar knew oaa
*»tll tiie uiUa
dreaaed I
yoor ^eatiUBtloB may Iw
could hare coDoant like ihai
n’a f* ‘he riptal icuiperauirc.'
ia. btlat pew beat aair naio
aarm do«. homT-0,^,, ■-■■________ ________ —
uBnecws»ar>. bul h to • iruly conifbnMrardoatbome.
Older chlldm, will ueH Muafiic^r- .w. ,b«utb. to know that in caae il
*»“ Kbtobetb * e,c dwell kindly •*«>#» Plannad lor then II tbe tooroey
arcldeat It may Bad you
«P~ fba roaas toca. *hkh already
• *W one aad ib. noiber waaU w
«p ^ Mr anaiB0r at bona.
aajoy n a. moch ai poaMbla
Lei apBlD at yoor JourBey. ead.
And ll U to‘1 a. ca.y Wheo ad
a a • .'."a «... , * . . »« ‘o ’POt folka ooC .Mnrieir
tbaae purprlcea wait obIII the oocelly
ureCTlni; ooe. to addreaa Buotlirr .0
• Wbaa frtoada at mbr h.* .
«»• of
aol.- Ibe yana*
‘'^‘P ^
«'• •*>«'
^..wbaa^to^ at robr baattb.Ma '
they will be of preaiar vtoue ibaa your hmr and tuck II laio yoor-lrauk.
Wbyn yon >mimeto Uke ot the old
."Wtol. Ibaa." illM BUabalb aa'•o ai Bret. All rblldren
• •*»!* counwr kM doae Us a___
one. and put on tbe new. It |. Juat
; ewerod. anlUap.
Uka to eai out picture., and Ibeae.
• « M ht»B toad* oach ptMBt for'. •
woe thinR ot your mind.
'Bat It would vorfc only *iib raol
Misaor. for caeb
It ». an excedtoat plan In parklnif

,k^ .'Pwofutod.

UIss HUabetb


to orea. Sereo 00 ebontotTLn?- Cll^aad a Uule

‘•ietouce caa be made nuleor- aoc, tbal c.dear, her lo
■»...> a
ablo by coollaoed aniK>.>auce aud la frteod
ieepc aaoe
aooe »iall
null «poao«
id She keel*

Htosa .wplla of top bM«Ut tu i*o

B BiJIer AMrteh. •

na tha I

wekre Jelb. ehc Bill Iben tor ireccl- T

Tha faaUaci tbaae can toitb lo »e

to aoi
ant tpa
ibe booL
a^o H

r ta th» «

Travelloa ««ea a loop dlclauce cea empty ceddeream lara, aad. mben cbe
be nadc reetiul. diretllap aad tnil>

Annl EUtabetb only tonpbed whan ahe
oBered ibe'puet. her eboke of ctutptd plr or IDOW puddlik.
“f to^lk to B abort ilnie. Ur. If you pie-

WKh atpMid lovared. toaec i


aad aotl; tbea rab li
tbroasha otoce; »
diaiaod. b0( kept bto.
~\ZZ' T
«ik»aa aaoecta «"• «»• U «*■•«« boiled caetord lo
oor r.lcad. ere solas to aad fro -i.rr
^ ~

cy of ctaaaj ItoT
8*«* AiTraetolnp.
icr. aad add nllk eeU «bc fralt lato a flaaa dUh. eblp tbc
erf Ibe eortb.
earth, boiuekeepm
boeaekeeain ,^ .
The toUovta* from Ibe Dcliocator. the facv of
nil itocib. lop oS elib "«••» to a Ml* froth, aeotooa H to
IfrpleKwl aa to wbai to • hi. kroed
r., U,».™-----------luoeb. care a etiter la 'atrli* ot pliDcato nan. a lliil.- bui. toM.- eub eogar. add Ibe caallta «*.
Ici. aad broeo uatll a coUcu ebede
«0U botp It runatab oc«e ibe
tcrtalatoit tbc oet-»No«u irac.1

aud oae pw-^ *blcb be ii accuatoiued • heo bi *oea
iloocrfnov paddiBs. ««toeld ooi to: ^
vat-oftowD mieau tbcoMlre.;
.. _ .. _



Xo* caa tato to latto*-*

ertoaTetochaaaacan.beB«a4 r*oa nibcr thaa nia tor rtor traiat aa^tot. ir roa aa daabr.
bM b* diato»b*<S. becaato }*a caa Aad arbaa roa board tbc aarfaoi car bcai to aaka Irtaato «ltb •
btoD area Bwr* eaaUr la bto baa- tha* arW take rcw to roar trato. Icaa cDod
Batoaa roa an
kn tbaa roa caa to roar am.
back aad real. Let >oar toane diep dbeoi >o« are lalUaf to ibe
If (be waatbcr U aix too
B. II ja ('•to iba eaof of r
a Cued ptoa to ba<e a cUM eear bto tooro aortoal pealtioB—aad real—
boasol «bes be llee do*a.. rtta artU rotor—E*ehaa»t
The Travtoto'a L-tol. .etc
W-bco. sHriae
dwrlBK CM
the tacouoo
Aacattoe Penod.
koop ctodere fiba hla eere aad e-|I|

■ti aua uns wouui^ uikr
«. >1,1
Too Itave aoaotoetbtoe or ...^r

.p ihaa-ib* aUid o( au-or <K to«. oal> u, a*ak««
Wbr ««
„ b*


to.biriua and Ihe ceUtlnr dlAwdvtd



Ibe wearer', neck In tbe a


Tba otbar

bad roM Ibe wearar ntoaty-atoe


at a sale
If was poUed Ucbtly o>er
her siraipbt ahouldafa aad'Uie (dns
w*i. h held It to tba Skirt ware ro.
.red b> Ibe'brit abd dM BM aboa.
Tlie pin In the rbeap waist toekad to
.omparnUy bMtcr drsaaad (baa tba

• toe Pim of toer. oaa-batf (aaapeoaful of «1i, one cupful of aUlk. tbrae
lesAta-oufuto ol fasUap powder. Imir
' bmtar.
iai,|e,;*.wmoto a( lard.



II. tbea add tba salL bokinc PO*•iwl BiHk
Wbea iborougbly mix­

^ ^
vvb;.o ,
you think of a tblnp or two yon
pme turn ..m ami de...ri.. -.tb «be ed. dxide to halvBi: pot aoeb bott toai^ you frum you. test
b.y, lelt undone at borne, or « - ^
buttered reoBd (to
iw dowa
hear the nante Hr was gnod naiurpAl
Ways With SwraM Paopera.
whipped .team ami ib- .hopped nut
loupb to ft tbe tio. taka for
Tbe very «uall baby needA ypKtol irtonj yoti wish to ereci
Aud dt.nT
But aaddmiLv a lot* ^
unduubicdly. lor be said:
If <ou bate a canlei, and bate neAcA
aueotloa. It mean, a areal deal to
m«h „„o and iwoeenl |«-.tap.Vb'"!''
iwetoe odoolaa la a wm oeow- Hewt^ooBHaraalloa swept acrot, bee hb motber aad't'
... .baiiSi' rmr. at t'toetouati ,„»ed the bm. '••-.n
i.elt twppcrs.
|i|..klmrr. Mniri.i- <«t.e rupful •>l\
all Ibe other pas- cutup., for the man
ante the upper portluBs tram tba low
.eapfiB of be can be kept cvnu • '
er lonloas of each coke wHB o fork
■Anal BtaaboUir- .be
cried -if
tilweod aitb bolter. Bll wHb ptoniy of
have a fouuimu jicn. ^ut toll
-rtllnc .HI there. . ..-o The. .oii Iw Imnshi at any trull aud mi, .,f dour, i*.- 'a’.|esj«
bm^t.vHtoor-pMttopoMof. pr^ed with brntoles and tor,
■ mtarad kockleberriaa sod orroape to
'«•' 'be i-Mer. (or 'Wb**
>c*elahte .tore
ibeni and next „ear one „i,UM-...ful
and "
Try then,
eaoapb lo allow ibe Mtllc oae'lo I
i dealest Myto.
CarafnUy iwii your iruiik key. and
, .nrucr m, tea-,........ .
dow. ramtortahly wiu help to md.*
aod. If you do B.H pet of. the m.ner m VAmr parUen .o tbem',
„ne well lwai-i- -es
Have ib.- milk
- ‘♦‘Mi rnilBii bwklia.
aatvbeL lon«toe ibe porket or
will come ibroopl. and .weep you
In s. lc tlap>oor ispimrs. ebno^ a lukewaim. ditw.lw th. >.m.t coke lu
I'nra of preea of watenoeh.nnDdi
Then .hr Milled do«ii and tried to
unifortu s.rcIwi them Many In «ol-l j,. (ben a-H tb- -u=ar bm.eT. rail eat to aquarw. and sprinkle with aaP.
on. - ,
to •“‘ic 1
„eiei wbkta need Uirlr IMI- .
salted aster, alter cumns ^ tbc
tbc cec aid >br Oour praduall^ Im ubbA 24 bourw. Kuak la r*ld aallartol aodded. Tbe family h
wbicb aba behmpad kaew su abnat
-ptek-ap" maato.

tbu Ubtt. child, rn bttoip be* r1^ ,


.AM „.M.A, Tj'zi -'.ir-ir:

----------------a ligbt wrap to ibraw orer


«--.A:::rx’A;rAr.'Ar.; r -

ita aabto. A iRtto wawftMorar Irtea»m

.... / -7 «.i

h yon a wbisk-b^ni aad 1

that hurry, flun.

moriy- lor noiblnp
—e«-. d«Witooa -...
^ d*
brT i^n^n.lT^ *
be ba. bto nap aad a aecoraly- oae'a oaihfwUa'to*-*’—"*
■ravriiBs 4J1VP 40 jqnr trip. Ask (bat ndruc
m V
pieewcaoeBeo ratted boille of
-.............. v_.e
----------------a taMj- ttoaoa fromoBicetw
Uo oot panafce
.iranpeluaebe. and iPeet Ita tote (be
Callfotnlt woman did who went peace-

rmaller end>. and remo'lns ihV s.ydr ,nd !,.•< tnorouxhlj raver, ret asUe ter ilD salt Is rruMxed
Put to k'Mile'Th.- sbclb .an be Uacd more tba* to u«- for one and ouc-half baors. .cer a(ih pure water and boll HU
bv ma.bu.p and keeptop In a Tbea lipnily >llr in tbe btarkberrlcs
rvm pmcw
place lu
to .mil
toll BBU
aad aaicr.
water, aun
and suj,
any, sad dl'idc into .HI bniirtml motto
pf me (Ollowins
may be
be uaed:
uaed: (ias
ns Blltoss
alltoss may
l.ei rise for twomy
Ep*, to Uraiin-Bemcve tbells nak, twem.-dre mtontaa la a moderfrom Bve bard boiled ana. aod cm to- „e oven.
(o small pieces
Xlake a thick aad
fuaptwrry aod Corraal Koof-Ooe

i^der; ihea paosa water a«i wlib uaie
Xtakc a syrop of equal quaDii
Ues vtoejmr aad aupar add alleb of
eiaaoMO sad r'-tr- ' Pot trait to
sj tup nod cook UU clear
Place rita
to }ai*>*talf'wi«i dowo lOI .i.Xek

tolly to sleep alter a pieaaam driak richly aeaiBPrd aUlk yivy. and foM |wood of .asptwrrieo, ota pboad of iw px«r aad saaUarw.
■ • '





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