Grand Traverse Herald, August 08, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 08, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


ind Travorc








cbe bnmni



forelgo connirlea.


in ilil-

itntal fr4i retckui o( ibe north. Mr.
Bark baa thown decided Islem In every detail of the generet makeup of
Ibe label,

ii abould l>e adopted by

Burk la a Weaient MlehUcaa nan. In
child of the heart of the Wettera HIcbIgaii. a Traverae Oiy aa
Rvery mark inn the laliel ahuwx
be baa Ibe lalereela of Ibe Grpad
Traverae regloa at heart and ihai he
dealgned \> with an eye to eitianlog
aiteailon at Drat glance
ttoa. *
The color aebeme eboeen by




s the pUiii slid V
V htiuiKht I,, a

• years, wh.-n plant­
ed rlierry orrlianls come Into bear
There are iiiinte In oiir •viiiimuni

e Ms-or Ceroiaiuhe suuld


win admiralion oa arruuni
ne Ibe greateei cberr) lenier In
of ita atrlklaa color >rhrine as well ■ be world and ibeir hope- lia
clever edvrntaemeni for Ibe re- fair rfaaui-e of realimiloii.
irloB of Urand Traveme and
clMiiee frulie aa Kroeii and rarked b)

the biirean for aeveral reaaona.

w iui wu cRfwra


liy. neepiie'chc larav cn.i-, .• liat
ire BOW sliowiii- is !.m a fraition

who are aniMtloiie ii> i»-e ijiis l>-

ilpeta and Brotrera In or amund (be



of what wlU, g» forward in unulher


It l. a UI--1

111 I rnOrLnTi
>1 or dollars

rat-, an.:
larri-d: As it



ii'isiiicss calls. scv.-ni

sMernieu He. I
aj.propiistl.ut tl'c,
raise will ptobably n.M hr l.>rth.«ni

|••Icn•.■1l to Homai.c URicci: one twll' DECISION WAS MADE TODAY AT
-r mvesllga.i'... frtoii I'mied J'ban'
■-S of ^■h|.•a^al. uii-wi>rcd

n.urllv |ie|M.,tnic... fall, for help,
ig uiiill vv>ied nil again.
AW.-niiaii 1-‘r
I in fa' ..f five; help rcndcid. ■aniieull given,
oea given, one |«ir
granting nn Im-rnwe
revve 111 la'.ania th« Wectl.
bjeetlent Were Made te Pav
Iiatrolll.eU of tile
ic cll V
his recclvcl. iwemv Line; trull rc-eived.
Uat Front
Street—Praple glass Jelly.
mi.tlim Ibe pulincc cot^iili.-c was,Ur
cHy Owner* Ctafm Tsxei
rir.i'l.^tu Invest,__
ib.are Already Too High.
waiiicl by cielii;
taHp wanted by
eleven: «oik tiimlsbed i« fl
There will be Bimday s.-honi ____
Anrslier pari pi.ipoallion of lai
clly water on the grounds *.-st of
of Ibe county, cummenclne'xQgiisi dlniel<si»l.s was fannighl
IK 91(1. ,M«-l:ngs belli. Iliree.
* and ending August it
Meetings ciwmiriasl iilabt and was arrepted Mouioc slreel was asked l,y the Lu;«W PARTY LEAOOm
Ig class ornaulaed. aad m;
ler Hay Snlnls who will hoi.l u cami
will be held at the fid.luwliig plsres: h.i III.- ald-roicn .iiv a vui.- of six
given by Mr*. A, I. Uud,
luecilng tbia week
It Was granled.
Bales—Ariemooii and eiciiliii;. Aug- two
Til.' .lueslion at iasw wju. i
I’roliaihin Otfirer'a work begva July
uat 8.
Mavor lieniialne
pur. base of Hie pn>fwriy of the Jc
•ih. - Cases, tour.
Forka of Boardinan—iBsskei pic­ K. tilt l.uiiilier .-onquii.v w|ii.-b lice ( the pugiiiwi of>
The iv-poft of Ibe Treasnrer.
aud his duty will lav to .-sl.-l.
nic) August 9., Pentecostal aervice
If Ihe bay Just ha.-i
iiors of llw Bi>ce.l ordlnah.e Cu, on band. Aug. Sib. tlSK.f>3.
llieas se.iioii I.r lbs city,
tbe afternoon. Fife luike in llic
pr.ipertv has b.>cn .-oreicd by tl
MayBeld-Afleraoon and
evenlng-T for aome time but the price was so and the ald>Tin*i) were wniing to lei
He Will irav.-l
Aoguai in.
high that the council never felt-llke him try.


sumr SGHom tour

ruiFiMM wu K mr

Bnck la red, yellb* and blaa with
half ineb of tbe oniaMa adge
of (be card la abite. an laalde bor- Anguat 11.



making-any move toward a pur.-haae. fioihes lihiT If netessury in disguise
eviden.e a&anisl the
The . lit failiers finally got ilic owii.-r
Htfe* Plank Will b* Left Oal la Op
to bl: iig !hc prt.-e down to IJk.oim mr speed Ipeii.H who iverslsl
. running BOYNE CITY
dar to PacMy FbMoa TMI
lop slwi-d iliitiiigb Ihc
tnH and bHiered that this Rgurc
Paver* Wlplas Out th*
Ibe hack gronad Ja yellow. Acrota
RMMNnt Mou.
was .v.nHriiic.1 ri.
Itaat Oorfleld—Afternoon and even-.
tbe top in good alied leileri minted
(By .UDito^ ProM.)
pic <.fW cli.v. {Soane of the alder
ipiv* Empleyet Had Hardly
red. are the words • n’eatem Michi­ Uig. AoguM 13.
Tim* t« Esaap* Ffum Bur
Mapletun—Afieimoon aail evening. men tire not in h
ChltaMP. Aof. S.—arooiod by •
gan- and Just below. "Diamond Paeb
flileago. Aug. ;.-Beraaaa th* iW
as follows; John l).'Wiii. Osk s.-Ii.mI
prqpefyy wtihom fi
MVS Strxicturfc
or tke vtldMt dominornttMis <■
In the center is a large
t^ilon* (xvmmMi** fai]*4 tn *W tt*
Jlotner Hole. l.aiier Dar Sainr camp
mailer lo a vote of tbe |H»ple,
of -A Parmer for
Plaifom. to few
waN* » mM
olheis were in favor of using ihc |oi k meeting; K E, Horst. Iliirsi
Uoyae city. XUrtTAag T -MIII So
bU aRMniBw at tb« Pracmlro Kvery Porty- which Is blue.
Rooaevelt. tb* piTflifHn
•-m.v and iTi.irles li.-ruia.iie. A
one of (he leading Indnsti
Jbg apeakera will he present and uke l-oi-ds wl.irh Were vciikI aavcral .ea-v
craoomtM oMl dollvorod
hi* -tv- the diamond la a perfect apple
tswms. until op* •-clM*. Th*
ago for the punvose.
clontlM ofcPrtocIplM.’' Thp rhoor utural colors and Just >>eneaib that iWn In one or more of the servlres:
platform In aaarly .vary iaManto tal­
Wiov, Ihc lihal voie . a
- In« hwM It 'bIbbioo. too tbouwid la apace for tbe apple name, packer* OV P. riei-eUiul.'Simday acliool mlslowed the lines laid dowa by Bdwm
ll stTio.1 d;2 III luvor of
c pur.'hsse;
by Are, the origin of which
.poopto WBTiw rod o»d «hlib
narae-aad address. Below this or at slonar)'. Rev. Denias f'oclilln. Kev C
veil In kis apeerk yaMOTday ak« It to
Alderiiieil Kiliaiirne am Sniiih vci
iiiikmiwn. Tlie hns will lie alvout )
Biiod audo tbo wono ooo wrrr to br the bottom of the lat>el is (be InsCrip- H. Irrlng. Hev. .1. W, .MIHer. Rev. W
agreed by moat of tb*
ing ngslnsi the mesaur.
"I. paniy itvrered by insviraiPw
fortotiaa. .BOBoidr avondfe Intro"Orlganal Quality
l>ark B. Rt^lea. Rev. I-. II. I'otilv. It.-. W,
the ticket will b* Rtmaevstt^
I.angwdnhy wsa ooi of
Tbe mill Is oaoed by the W.
dnrod Baooorolt osylBg: (lociOriiteB
wnteed by tbe Weatero llicbb A. »ey, Bev. A A- Wall. Rev. Baker.
Tb* only bwlBsan---------then- IB situ a vacancy In the Thlr.l
White rermiianv iand is a rambiastl
,tbo hour and man
Development Bnreati.
was perfectlag tbs ritnaiariii|af
ward due lo the death of Aldennan
shingle sod saw: illl. doing n exlen,
farter. Her. Jones
<Tty. Hipb.. T. 8. A.lasiion with *U
OfteVOo toThe Hoard Mwaing ot Hfl.'l
Silnrivson. The option was to explr*
alve riuslneas.
1 Bvgry'Sunday si-liouj stutker
The label is designed (o lit
riudtng.^.Hvaitofla a*
’ Asvas'lal.T) Cl.atiHes *as of
Aiigiihl <i. Tbe opliim lli.'liides
li'I^Qimtgbf that an^rv imulalbm
tereslgd la the advam-cmenls of this
of the regular packing boxes
'-~liiitokia *m raflffl
ll liiierent no.l (niinnnnce Tc
pruTveny iis ii >iaiiils tndav.
gases in the lower pottii
wcM alvonM lie pre.cnl al as many <il
used on tiarrcls. is i.i
tbo work porfonood. .
order at 11:8*. aad as waa pi«diK-ka anil all otiM-i l.aose HutcMul aflenicMin. as Hie llisi idunthly rejnii Igmtisl. c.. V. was tvm- mass or names
tbeae aieeliiig. u. msslhle. A .....
Hid. Bh(ppere will'be ll.e
A roport «Bo elrrotalod tbot l.lndusly
.-lal KM|, Mias Km
Is nil Jhc gmiinits whli-h
abi.m *as toiiied 1a mine* dec ided not 10 iBMWt to* ptotol
ooy had bBOB dolacatad to mUit the hiirenu to nse these laltcls nnd dial lavllatloli is extended lo all
scl .If liv Ibe . IM fur ».eveni1
■ii'l. r.'.l , Miss Kh--.- Is a ir*lii--.l
mem was I..-IPI.-SS
S. H. -Kstes. l>r>-sMclil.
Brud WMttoefi o( ToMo. i.. aeoopi will buy direct from' tbe bnreaii.
be aegro qneatlon.
But* gfealp d»ltars if Ihc pui.-has.- la
r from .lo- alrtrl. Ic ncntyiness t he. k
cm tne ,^.Tbe design la worked oat In m
Hotrbkias of Natr T«rt.
amt Training Srhuol'
The t-iiglneer liad*a narrow eMSpe f*port aa tbe praerMB of dm
color palDt*. and Is on display r.
ltapl.N. v
ifttlil.m signed l.v r
■and mi Hme to shot
Now York.
pN»oerai.~. Ai
lS:nr. nr«i National Bank.
lesdillg .-lllsclls of Ihc r|l
r-iuenre. the entire lasehlnery
whoa ayorldu colM ibr cobtodUod
HoBbl.'li rcqiicsi-d lliai ihc
nimiing all ihmngh Hie Are ualll.
10 order, etory tarh of ipaor
'■res.i s iisef.iliie—.. aiid BM-Hicv ■-■li.-v.-d ll
|ili-.e by piece, dm - s heels of Indus
big hall *40 OMBpiad aad wben al
lliiin>.ighly t'tii.-iii-Hl
V - tv...,- Che.-ked liy the names.
•rlliiii wHli Ih. wivi-fc alr-u.l. MiiittHi,
12:41-fiaiawTa.. BMteaied ua
Annual Outing.
I. f ll•nltcv r«s|.i.-slc.l Ihc cvnjti.-il
The imwerfiil enalne furnishing Ihe
Ihe lieiieisl Sujieiiiileb.t. 01 lia*
atago Ibo eaUro ball was ibroan In
lo r.-iiili him i-n momlis balati.e
Tv..*.;r to run Hie mill eeemed to defy
A large audlem-c was sum.-iect
.'e|U.-il Hie niipuliiimeui nt I'roiiailon
to aai^Bg cbadHag maaa. Rooaryrit
Ills issil nsiiii ll.ciKe wbl.-h be look
Hie names snd kept m
^lst» street last uigbt by ilic drilling
Offi.sT, and has 01s..
bowod, 08-»4d and abook band* vlib
oiil Hu- flrw of Ihe year, as bis place
lure bad fallen a mass of efaarr- Iwied in apeak la Jw*ry siata Mfl
Washington. Ang.
'>f the loeal ilivision «r the iiavni
Working Girls- Club. TIv.- re|s.n
Baar frMidB.
Tbo demnaMrailoa
«! ruins Hlmui It; when the bells
bonne deinocrallc caucus-on the l«i serves. The drill was gone ihrongh had Iwen Immed oui anil lie had loai i>neml Siiiu-ribleeileni foi Hie iu
the nlatloa of pany tickets la aB
waa tbo iBcat renarkable yet'tradrrIhc l.uiee on the pnviierty
Ills ic
ilesbip qurellon only 21 bunrs away, wlib like rloek work llie bo.vs
■ hams gave say. sllenring the
St-ues has' pradlraily beea
■iiomh was iireKent.-'l sr follows:
ad RaaBoaolt, womea. rarn were atand-!
qiieei was granted.
ralB *Uo are pledged
N.-ne'of the emphives
lB(g Ok ebatra dwartag aad waTtng
Itarlsir Master ('unis reqiicsicd Ihr
Ibe provlalou of two liattleshlpa In ibr very -often tangle up s r.-cular
a e»o“e f..r ihe Are.
E«iodta*d TMtMra.
Ut*. M. B. Perdlaand. or
HHinrli (O puss .111 urdluaiir.' regulat
naval apprMiriadon bill aiei
PIseiBg Hoamrsdi ta Bnaitaaitoh
vany of enllsied mei
Datratt. with a Mg -Votaa Tor Wk>m
Ing the opemiinn of motor bools with
nllJit and delermlned to carry ._
rompirtiller William A. •^TlTtoM,
TTiq local dlvlslun
an*- flak waa boMed
flgbl rigomaly lute ihe t^^iileslili
In the liarlmr. as at prcsenl
of .S-ew York .aid: Tkli grM ^
-d for the iVuIsc iipu n will.'ll till'. V
tv tour Michigan delegales aad car
rwinp. Accordingly a rummlllee lo<lav
no local measure rl-g.ilaliug ibu. .-fast
eting owes its betas tn mltbiy pi«I next fliioday.................
rted wfMly cbaerlng aboni ibe
will nerve nollce on 8|>naker Clark
of boats. Thn ciiv allorucy w»>
Inst those who
In a 2lrlll and rev lew : I I'hi.-ag..
A paivda of RBlb Btaadards
tini.'tcd to draw- op an iitdlnnnrc
Mnjorily lawder rnderwood and Hep
ls\if densK^rwey. Wk»* aflprsrtalII la said l.y i>crsons
So—I. b, Ibl. ,!.» ei—I r™,o,.,|„
oI T-..-.
*111 cover Ibe nccsiuirv in.luts.
iM the slupeodoua task btdorw It Iha
-hat (be loqal U.ys arc tin
-'■t crowd, cheered, and man of the caurus, ibai the tneibods
iTclem la the miiriuc drills
"■'I I-"-—
waved bU anw blwneir. Jane
that marked Ihe previous cau.-iis wll'
i.-P liIng* of . i.incolB
West Pevculh Sircet vvjs procmeil
■■Islon on the tuVs-s. Tiff- nSlieis of
waa skcorted to the ataad and
not be Tolerated, aad that two hours
"Mk.-s rlghi.
Ilic .'Oiin.ll U.v 111.- iionr.l »f imiIiIh
•he diriskm an- .-.mhdeni ..f mnking
beald? Ike eolokel
kaoiher debate mast he allowed.
ring U
ll WHS rM-elicd uii.l lilisl r'laabwi m'
very creditable .Ui.wlng ai'iTilraburei of ^eerlBg tpoke out
Tbe adveraies of two bailleahips-in
Hie prop-am ilicre. wlille
.VloB BrkaHiiA CandMi
the present bill will conreatrete theli
The S' wi-r .-..niitilncc
P( deflniiely known,
sliuailan cRorts toward baring Ihe "DO-baiile
iliat ll
on Bvenue t.
Btb boat and laud dHIIs.
iOOked>rrg* la loday’s developmenu ship - pledge Iin.ul and all democrat*
My candidal* Is imw
s ihe trunk sewer
Thera will be ano|her drill next
. Tbo t*kl (udMaim are Oovaraoi released to vote their eenvlcilons.
ilni sei'ihm of town I* cimiplete.1
I. he I. a nallBaal aaet aad
J^BiOB. backed by rooM of tbe lead Repreaentslirp Sbiser of New YorC. Friday evening on Plate street and
st.-.-*** Is yrltieo OB erery pag* ot
K.-s.ilmlons the death ol A!
is desired that all who exivcct ...
an. Bea Uadaey aad John M. Parger
his oHI.Isl carter. Naswoiherbas rea­
dernian flscsr Simpson *.-i» pTes-n:
OB tbe rmlse turn oot. w It will
'-Bf Kew Orlaaaa.
Uodaey’a friends
ed and adopted by ihe i-oun-il.
are very artlve In hU behalf and a nous anion was attained there would he the last drill twluie siurting. The
ordm;im-e aillhoriiing the i-sii
ls the naiaral leader of ptxs
dategatloB called m Roawvelt.^but be no question about the inrluslon ot Tanfir Is ex|u>.-ted here at nine ot'li:..i,.sNi In bunds for the pur. hasg.esal.e moveraeot today.
aud . wHi
(be rWgued re(Bss4 to make bis pref- 1*0 big flghjlog craft In the meatuire o'HoHt flunday morning
the Queen CHv ijghiing plum
...IferB talked he acted aa the leadar
eave Immediately for the Manlioiia.
•rence. ll be baa' aay known. (\'hen
presented and passed.
A resolution,
■ t.uMde. -I preasat to yoa
after Uklng tfe division alnard
ordering the constnicilon of lateral
America:* greatest
all tbe eommtitcea hut that on
second surd was ais.i
ll..iihe»ned riilrea—Theodore Rnoaw
•w«ni M«v» aM


Mm Nm VM Told
Who Ho pinfon For

der Ibe arnne width of blatk. while

and ■ evening.

l,ong Uke—Atiemoon
ing. August !•

anti even­


■a* iMM irOhij

-liv«.rin flwfiS







toOoBb were reedy to report,


ekpected the plallorm will he

hi* Wat the linve for heurliii:
obje-tions lo Ibe paving of llusi Front

pleted tOBlgbL followlag a ronfereaee
witb Rooeerelt at wbk-b


lew*, will be gat to It.

O. Udd (arm on the Grand Traverae

N«torm te be Sheit.

PcBlnmila aad some handsome red
the Golden
II the COB- cherry
—s called la order
Wood-/*™ !>•»» been added lo Ibe Devel

ba smiciBc and ssM It

r«kd by (be voteis tmles*
abort :


Gnad Traverse seciton or-Wesi

taxes of Mrs MHiuire l>e reeilited
sb* ra* in ven' poor .-iri-umsian.-es
and was paying for her potperi
the. iostallm--Bt plan
At hers was
wortbv .-as* ibe laxe> lur



, leaded.
aa ocigIkH *M|m for




Morrtio cfaer

Additiunal sheet piling

itbe nortbera part of Weatem Mi.-bl



Marion, iadiana

0«to N*v*




bend of the river lo the htai h.

mt. that'bis tour of bU section of
iabris tbe sute might be oompieic

fXVt tkM trough th* aSoru al af u. taghm a-to

Prendergaat aroua and p«
RouaevNl In aominaiin*.

i^vesr were . an.-Hied

Mr. Abbott left Moaday for

vUI Traverae region li «
Mbal mrr kec. barrel or package ttf It baa Men tbe

Allen then moved to ana-

he rules in permit anmiaalkia ,
ipeeche* sod tbe tBoHon enniod.

evening ai 8 e-clo.-k.

,rles Iberq was the flneM that he had



gnpervt«ir Dean ot the Third wsr.l’
-was present and requested that ihet

>I>f<^ed was the R. 3 Morgan estate
After retuntlag to the hit he said

ever aeea. In fact, never had he seeg
Cbaw fl. BM BMW* Orau Arttttk cherry . tlww that wer, «> beavll,

«T URBTittiir

smiNxled to on* lor everr S»*

.nd sewers and aome of the va.aLt

«ras 'i-b Michigan on Sunday and Motids)
{and among the orchards that be tn

Tbo nagR) .quasitoa Is undecided

ing tbe .basto of representattOB at nn*
d-legsie for everr tea tbotMand rot*#

I iropeny would fkv I.e w onh enough
I to pay the oeceasarr taxes. The heqr.
Inc was adjoureetl

*'■ V- Abbott, a land and fumt spec
*>>><** >n neiroii. rUiiH

wouMn-i Ihe

hiwmg Ibe varitm. state* to uw tbetf
ame for ibe party. A nd* St­

lave already been taxed f.vr sidesalks

rwfl. lj«. wnuam Alden White and •'«"«•«'« Burcau-a glass jar exhibit,
a few experieBoed PoMIIcUbb oo (bet
eokiBUilaa laalsigd that tbe do<-omeat

Medlll 1

rented ihe ru

er he.lald over (or sshi:.- as li
would he. a great burden to th* poor
people wbo live on Jhe street us thev

tiaued to work right up n

'•Vben tbe .
Older St !;J.i

•I, several rlilxens *ho own pnip
were present and asked 'hat the

florae large raspberries from Ihe B

by Itupresalv* cerranoalsa eondomad
Favnrad by Raoaev

aader (be auspicea of tbe Otaad lodB*

alter alteoded lo al once.
AJdennaa KUboume brougbl up lb


alter of rwlalng tbe satory of Sec­

of Masons of ladiaaa. Tbo addrm* of
the day waa doUvmwd by C -W. Pr»tb«r,df TadtoaapollA aacroury of th«
Urand tadsn.


Mini Tuvmt BBKiLS, Am Tumii ux uou, xniusir, iooiin uii.

Grand Traverse Herald
«KlT»4*fe‘EfcyEigl. '



■■BMl i»a« Batter Marek

CraUliiig da. »ol 3.0S0

.A Ym of PnsptM,

bj lav. and r
i.-The Uw
that this moat thra go to a haSot in t|p aehaol diatviet
%bcrr the normal is to be aatidd^bcd. I« this erae, IbivvoaU be
The council haa submitted the queatinn to the people as pro­
vided by law. Jlr. Hornsby, in. hi* artiele. clearly shows the great
advauuge such a training vlaas woiOd be to our county. The fact
la. the expenae of oar scboola wfll nat be iacreaetd at all. If aiytfaing. there will be a decrease in cost. One tearber can be dk-.
|wnsed with and the atate.pays *1.000 a year for the maintenance
of raeb a'lN^al, We quote .fonn -Mr. Hornsby's artWe. as fob
. “The average annual cost o/ maintaining a county nomal ia
about «1,Sm. Last year it «wt Si. Johna *1,600. ('adillae
and Bastinga fillfiOO. Charlevoix *1,400. Ealkaaka. *L«n. Uei.«
ipstimate the cost to Travena City at *1.600. The state peya
*1.00(1 and the county *:klil. If the city paya one-half the eonniy
tax, or *lfi0. then.the cost to the city will \e *«.tO. The critic
leacber will diaffiace one teacher at *60 per month for nine and
ooe-htlf iiranibs or an annual salary of ♦.170. This makes a financiaJ gain to the city ot4120 per j-ear, or more than enough to pay
for beating one extra mom.
Thia b merely the dollars and cents side of the qncstion. Of
still greater impwlaneb is the Tact that are shall hare, right here
at home, an opportunity to give our yoiutg people this valuable
We trust, therefore. Iliat the yote on this question wil he full
and favorsNe. and we doubt not this will he so.

In flMr tinM^bes politkw ia a
. vbetber Iw. is raallj^a Draufrat. nr PmhibitiMtias, a Kepohlioan,
S(vi*iiat «r a PirwraanT*. it voiiM anrm to be T<^r nainral that The New
Cui*v^d be treat SBeatiopMi among biMineti men. it would *rem
, The aetiow'of' the eouiie/1 Monday night in aeciiriug what is
flbn- the bnaiatt)! imenvta of the whole eoiutr^ vtiold be dieiurbed. known as the On properlCTn the bay sliore will, we believe, meet
a* baa an ofien hem the rase in presidrotial ^eara ia thr |tast. Bnt with the hearty afproral at t ,l*T|c majority of nnr people.
Traverse I'jiy baa long d.-sired tbc |>»isewion of this pr.»i>crt.v.
Ihiaja aal true, fbe boainaan nf.lbe c^ntiy m on a Am fonndsa it good, patinrnta are prompt, ami It is proposed now to use *38.ri(N) of the Iwnds alnwd.v-voted for
tkm. >-aiawT«r
Vhe nanai nnrrat and nneasinem at the presidential >'ear ia not felt, park pnrpos.w for the purchase of this tract. Am rveryb.sly knows,
mbapt it is' beeaote the peo^. generalijr are no tboeouiAly dis- it lies dirc tl.v in front of the city to the north. «m the hay shore.
lula foriiied In- the Itoardman rijtcr and Grand Traverse
tfiblnd with lha «B}- b vhMi politics it this .rrar tun. that tbt^have wiael.r concluded to let the of*ee.seekers attend to their own us.v.
>ll was the old original mill site of Ilannah. & Co. and has
abin and tbey^ go an with the regular routine btisinesa of the daj.
'We tag; affifSMK^tera, bofante it is to nntireahfe that it is onl.v been used for mil parpoM-s for nearly .VI vawnL
.A'o city in Michigan fins such gn t^tpnrlunity as this to seenre
office seekers wbo care mneh iiow politiea goes tbit gear. In tfao
a water front with, at the same time, a river-|ike the Itonnlman.
nean time the ordinary biisineaa mbn goes right along in the
cutting off the iwrk prop..rty from fhc'l.iisinewi c.-nt.T of the |o«tu.
aaaw of diia wag and » happy beeatne ho can lake rare of his
which is «ly tlie width of the eiver ava.v.^fruui the park.
•ffaira aal! let the peditirian take care of bis.
• Another bridge at Casa air.-.-!, in the 4'"’ fttiure. will supple­
There is a rega^ for this assurance of busincas stability. When
the farmer is proaperoot, the country is prosperous.' W'hen the ment the hridgrt at-Union and l‘ark slnits and will give .as>^rmer baa good eropa, the merchant baa good sales. Wbeu the arcess to this splendid'water front park^i i* the opportnniiy of
fiaragr baa guuieg the bnaincaa man hat money. The.eonditinna the city's life time to s.* ure such a pn.p<Tt.v as this and .............
tWa^egr.gR far Iroia being unfavorable to tbc fanner. We speak. gratnlafe the eoimeil n'pou its ai-tiim. and we r.-joi.-e with llie jh-oMHi imbiia .brand «enw, not locally, not for the state of MieRigan. pie of Traverse City generally in this valnable aequiaiiioii lo our
wat farwy
of atatea. hot for the country at large. B^uac piihlieparka.

ra« drattnas .jbrOB^ the
■ra* contests viii bs
iba bsacb (oone. vbicb
a* o( th«
anew in tha cotta
The coarse i
two and oashaK n
loog. A grand
lUBd to acosMMC
lO.OOO apscu
polaL There are Are eveeu oe t^
gragrea for aach of the first ivo dayi
ot the meet and a Seosnile tree U
ran oa R^tnrda:
the final dag.



te ' Us



™f'£r£LIVM Wtffl KBIIjffl^
Agsd Arab Chicktn 1

Now Is Your Tipi;
To aav* money 00 Summer Sbofi*. We
the end of the aesMO. Thai'* why »e are
makiog such big reductions in the price.
l>een doing seme goad w«*ti| ra thn
Kenney hill, which was mach m< '
Dafaolt liMlgg'bcw.aide la the
as tbe road has been In a dan»
condHfoos of a certain mortgage mgde
by Jacob A. Jones and Myra H Joaen
•onditlon for tbe vast vear.
A Nrwty Marrfog CmtpM
Is uauaU) «*r> happy, but the rs«erae b the case sith people who
have Thewnattsm. bme bark aore
■TOueclen. emmpe in -the bowels, dyam
lery. fock sltasnch. Thme latter ma
have their nafoery rtiietsd by umag
OH. i( b a Dost efftrtent remedy
(or both tniema) and etieroal pain
Toaiat •» having the gemsine. Price
CIS. per bottle. Sold by i&oerKnn

Carto. Aug.
In tbc course of the
trial <it a grialed Arab charged betore a focal magiarnte with staling
chIckMs it developed that the pHe
.. H F. D. No. I
oaer-a age vaa n:. I.ennrtug this the
; decided not to .omralt him.
lathetic'ally inouired whether be FARM
SALE—At Good Harbor,
had cay one to <sre for him. VQb.
l.eelaimail t'onniy. Mlcfalgnn. r.y
yea.- repli.-d the aged c-utprit. -1
acres.I. M rietred. bslgnee in stove
with O) tnother.Mlmber. :JMI fmli treen. a'very fine
Rwstfon having a floe view of l.nhs
Miebigan. Mill make a aplrodld
fmlt (arm, 1», mile from -Rebornailon mr partfonlam adMaple


CadHUc. Mith.. Ang. C.—At
rtoalBg of the annual meeting of fiSr
kUchigaa Hnrdioixl '
nswwintfon. tbe beadquarlers of which
this city, Ibe followlug o»leers
were tboseo: President. F. I.. Rich
Alpena; fifst vice i.tesidenl.
<■. A, liigclew.' Hay City; second vice
president. D. H. Day. Olen Havea
aeceetarr. j. C.'Kook, ^adiUsc: ireaa
e T Mlcbelt. CadllUc; exen.

neraali having been made In ibe
coadiifons of arenala mortgage amde
by Oscar il. Morse and Samh J.
Morse. Ms wH,. Jointly, of Tmveme
Michigan, to Itlcbard llnrthui of
Couniy, PlorMs. dated the elevday of September. A II.. i»*t.
and recoMed in the oVfoe of tbe RegIsier of Heeds for the voumy of
Gmnd Traverse and State of Michi­
gan. on the elereaib day of Septomber. A. II . J!W., in liber sa of mongages. on iiage TS. on which montage
there Is cUlnied to he due ai the dale
of this noflee the aitai of Seventeen
ftollar, tod KlghlydBghl C«ts. and
i Bilorney s fee of Twenty-Five Uoilani. iirovl.led' for In said m
and ntri?l<_gj
lug been'^tltuied to rwcovei
nmaeri 'wewml by natd nortga
any part thereof.
Now, therefore, by vlnue of
»wer of Bale eontatned In mid
gage, and (be ntatme m nac*
~ade and prevUed. notice Is h
vXn tha< OH Saturd^, the iwealy(bib day of September. A. D, ISIS,
lee o'rfock la tbe foreooon. I ahaJI
pablfo snetfoti to the hlgbeM
. at the north (roni door «'
Court House. 1a Ibe City of Tra ...
City. County of Grand Tmrerse.
Ithhlgas. (that being tte place
where the Clrculi Coun for said tout:
of Grand Traverse I

kSlh day c May. A. 1>. isii. In
r ii of
- mortgagM
on page SO*.
The Interest upon said mortgage for
oqe year at T per cgpi per annam In
amount of Etgkt)-4onr DofialS (»4M)
became doe npra May E, nit. SH
has Bot bees paid mad
by Twaaoa of
such default in panaeai nf BaM la- '
t said mortgaged is aathortwd nalermt of said mortgage lo .
propeny therrla-doacribed In
sstury the aiMaBt so due and oapaldf
And -bo proteedlags at Uw. or' la
equity hiring been tnathaiad to re(over tbe debt aorared thereby or any
pan thereof aothe U hereby given
that by vinue at tbo power ol sale
fomalnrd In aaid mongago and la
'laaoa wRb iho aixtate la andh
unde and provMed them wii; be
I pahllc auctfoa lo ite Ugbmt
on Saturday
ilnrday ttbef J4lh
V IMS. a

J5.'- ...... ....... ...... ,

Grand Tmveme Cowvtv tn beMl. tbe
premlaoa dswertbed la oaM moruago
or to murk thereof as may hr uecesaary lo aaUiCr ibo amount then due
logel)>er with the rocts of nrh toreelosure and sale and rhe aiiomey a
fee-provided for by Isa . Said sale
o* aald prenrioea win -he-jnade bet*,
nader subject to the principal aumnnt
secured by aatd mortgage sod yet to
hemme dae la aTnount of Tweiro
Hundred Ifollara (tl?iM>Wi. The p
4 aw dewertbod ta ^
SAM mar
as the w«m oto-haif
(H> or tl
oee-hall fit) ~
Noftheaat oaeqaanse (Jif BeeiMe
Thlny-slx <M| and the Southeast oneqnartoe lUl of ibs SaMbwsM «nequartor
of Rectius Twsuty-Me
(!-) Town TweDt.v-n.e iIJi Xorlh
Haags .Nbm ttr Weal and the Raat

K'ia the ^otrotrg at large tbgt makes for geneMl prt^rit
jrapwgt ia bwoean- Speaking, thm. ia thk broad aeose. we #Ul
*T<j||pm..babapdinda of~nillioM of dollsra. The aix leading crops
. aara, «haa», aMa. barley. poUtoea and hay will alone show in the
ilgan Is last ttscouilug an luiiiort«B raecM of bTfiO.OOn.OOO over' the values of last ;^car.
: F. r.
am aimle couotrr'.
4^ grilh the exception tt the cotton the crops generally through.
Forty diffeieiil varieties
.gabi]]p,l|Dia^ will abov a gain over last year of one bUlion dol.
have besB mkm to Chicwo and from «****♦♦•♦*♦•«*♦•«

|MI„ JiV.iRlaaa vriil Cain fiSM^.OOO ia valve. The ?-ield of corn
tbSM ihMr varfotfoa kava bMo afi- *
<U) oLfloMoa <ninw7
aOMWIMT* »WKPT .leeted. thia bring the msxiai
went ea^half (H) of th* _
will hawtrar MOOieM.000 hoahela, at an rnereftaed valne per bushel.
tgmg {..ako. Aup. C.—Nelsoa AtikerWbMt wB pnhnMg gieid 30,000,000 bn^els more than last year.
la addlllos lo tbe pistes the
»oB. wbo it at work on the pealatuU.
- agtl wfU probabli yWd 225.000.000 buahcla more than laat year.
has a ahowing of npries sad <
IS at home over Sunday.
tha, paoM as they run io thii-large markeu. wheat m thiroa the hraaeh. The laiter exhibit is
Mr- and Mrs. Jesse Colten of
JOHN jowra.
i^.e«^a boUar than kst year, oata six emta. Potatora srill yield
pnivly for sdrenising nur|>oseB ami Is delpbla. Pa., arrived last
Jl eligible to entr) for a prurib
60,000,000 buaheht more than laat year, with an merrased value oT
spend a (cw weekscwlth Mrs.
M-, r. CROT8KH.
locney for Mo(tgxC«s.

Tbe Cbicaae exhibit Is oae step ia parents. Mr. and Mm. J. W.-Marsh'
twenty cnMa^per huahe) over 1911. We eonld go on with this list
Will Jennings and little boy,
-BraOit Indefinitely. Hundreds €»f millions of dollars will be paid to
May SS-Aag. U.
carrying ^ut la ae ston to discover returned to Traverse City last Thurs
tlhlhmi^ intanata of the United Slates this year more than were
bmder and better markeu lor tbe day. after having spent n w«qk with
1^ W gM. It w therefore reaaooahle to suppoae that a goodly SMUrtseUI gJaM *tHI IR OeuM With fmlt products of wosteru Uk-bigas.
rs. Will Pierce.
Oovaraer UtiiUa in the Lea*-~
partira «f .thia vast ioereaae in the cart the farmen will receive for
nuring the past three yean the or
John Adams. Sr- of Grand Rapid-^
Tafl Ticket Proved to »e
baa been InstrumeDtal to visited hit gnaddsugbier. Mm. Bev
'^ir erapa. vqi be turned hack into the ehaimels of trade. If there
Rkhardtnn. at this niare-lasi tiongage. with sei
^ U iucrcaae in the cost of living, as seems to he th(C' ease, then
legal c
Id now the bureao Is uklng
under exiating conditiona it ia very trnc that thia increase goes in
atiomey-ss fee of
6 Twentv'Fi>>- Hoi
rk of finding markets for i
met Rrooghman of Wlncbes- an
lirs, as pn>v|.l«d by Uw aU'l a- coven
■one degree to the fanner whoaa prieea are so much greater than
Topeka. Kansu. Ao». T.-Prsii-blch are beginning iq be bar ter. lad., it tlsuinx ber daughter. .Mrs anted for therein, the premise* helns
haa beea-lba amw far a few .veam past. Thia is right and |w»per. If
vestM. It U the hope of tbs olflcer* •Veltfo Cos.
described In mid mortgage at folfows.
Inated by Republicans In of tbe organlzaiion that the aupertor
Mm. Altec Hallet of Smtile. Wash. to-wlt. 1>e Eaai Thin. Three and
•■yvara la entitled to benefit by increased prices and this inpressi-d
the primary jeaterday b> a malorU)' merits of western .Michigan frulls will Is vWiing relatives and fnends at ihii OucThIrd Feet of I*>i Forty-Three
eqgt of living that we hear ao murii about, that man ia the farmer. or S&AW orsc tba TUft eloetara.
If:, of Oak I(e{):lii* Addlifoii to the
.become ao generally 'recognlied that pUce.
liT of Traverse <Ttv. according to
H« had a hard time of it for many jtacra and he is now coming into carding to.the teicM
Pro- demaodB will come In from all
Miss Ruth Adams and Mias Rmily
le reeortod put; thereof, fa the Coua
«e- e-eeij-fci-CTM .J
Vp 0|wm.. This nh<pM be a eauap of reiokiug and it is eeruinlv true groMiva rspablleans on ibe sui of the world (or our anples. jieacfaes, Ryiuor of Traverse ('lt> were callint
of GraPd Tmferso and Slats of
OB friends ai this idsce laat Thurs­
ttet Bg gnakly iaaraamed value of empa this .vrar haa aav^ the ticket Vers also cbooen by s malm cherries and berries.
Dated at Tmverv Cuy. Mh-hlgu.
day. Mrs. Adams relume^ home with July 3. I9I«WI»T tnm the «n»] depmwipn. of ^a presidential year.
gfvM all ofUen m ntatter
Arthur Capper. tHogressivc qindlda!' the secrelan of the bumu. John
CnU or write (or pi___
them'alter hating .speat a few days
iflCHA-fin HfRi-RTT,
for goremlor
Gibson, who It siiending the convenKh her daughter.. Mrs. B Ki<J»rdr.VIlERWOOD * VMLOR.
Frank Rynn by forty thousand. Th tton. and it taking ndmuge of every
' -JSk Gmntf Jhmul
mco between Gororner Siiibba aa oi'portUDlty to convince
IJo.v.l East and five children Verna.
JalT 4 Tbnrx. to Sept. it.
•Wa hug* pvetyhody read the artiele by
Beaator Cunia for tbe senaiorl
•hippen that Micfalgsn It the region Viigil. VitisD. I.ur> asd Vin.ent. ar­
8«ha^ Haraahy an-tba Mtahimbment of a county normal at Trav- notnlnatfon la stlli In doubt wit (hat pro-liices the “Pnilt tVliti Fls- rived last Saturday Initn Csss connStublw lending.
Tboy B'Ul visit relstttot at this
vrtiieli appeared in yenterday's Reeoid-Eagle. 1
nUce for a few weeks. Uo«d preached
elaur. explicit, easily tnderstood and. eomprrhenmre pre.
t tbe FrUod. church last Sunday.
^oC the qtieatiou.
Our highway comnilrsioner. Thomas
' *' »b4* h.' *• Qaaalik
^Iver. with hie <res’ of men. have
~ Tbs aupiMisora hare done their part. Thev are willing to
amume their portim of the respaasibility. There abpnld he no
Art .Favored Uy fintUeo
Crb4ar bore. 4 lackaa; atrokn 4M
whutever as to the rt^ult of the hallpt in Traverse Ci
IncMa. Good -dealga. bast aatcrUL
ffi«r MCfiTiNG
Urapar eootecL WslghL }*» Km. Burta
By tha -Ka-olnr- asthad 11
aoaUy. raaa steadUy; ti tniaiiiilral.
Atnalerdam, .lug.
The proposal
' V Tbia eisetioB ia for the purpose of deciding the question
relUbls. darxhU and
tbc Raglish delegates to the In
whether we-ahall have • ronnty normal, under the mate law. in
Afthoouh CahihH Waa Hurriedly Oath- leniaitonal Miner.' evagress. meeting
pnltey, gaaoliae Uajt. battary. ctf and
Paopte of nervous umperamoat a
Traverae City or not. Wc trust the women wlio are entitled to
awRck. mired ready to rva your aap•nd K Will Prove Great
here. In fivcy of a uBirora«t>rklng
aeJiool etoelkwa will not forget their duty on this oeewion.,
Admifiieifiu Caru.
policy of not more than five
bttaar 4iV RJiblB tbe'mtiritVof
Wi»h jM. due repeat to the wumen who are now asking the men
week hat been adopted. The
w. e.
congreM will deeWr on the da^e alien M-m inibslm
tw fvaut them the ballot, we wiR say right here that when they
[be Bt w reglmy ahsi! go info efieetc
WM. JA'CKWN. TrtoSfi. at,. Web.
have had the opportunity given them, several limeu,
weKk. Mbamn
Th«..rOBgreas has also adopted
qg Wirat'iona relating to our public Mhools. very few iude-.! of
.rcBdotlon Introduced Jiy the Dutch
thra* irbo. vers sntiUed u nm have roted,
r. where the rtghteemh I delegates derlarittg that the greste.'
mveailoB of the IniernalloBal possible safety 1lo the miner can W
Xa« .X|anday.w»l be aoaiethipg of s teat vote for women, This
... sesslOB. insuped oab lr> the empfoymeat
ia not a plea for votes for women. We shaff ha
These apples are green, bot they show
_aay go Ibis sueation later and more dirsr%,.hat........... ............... hew the 1912 crop u progrttolng'- fine inapectore elected by' the
apd paid by tbe stute. mlorn
agp IhK «*d aay k righ^ her*—if ike wtmwn af Travenw Citv- of the feninres of tbe A|q4e BUppera' .p.-cied aa often as Ibe men deman.l
wbo are entktad to vote on asbool |iropoaiik», of this chsraeter toeetlng U a dUt>Uy of appfos from all
do not ahaar their interest in the mint jm|mrtanl part «f onr city
parpose of seeing how the dlffereai
Should have as good care as yourseK. When he is
govemu<(U|C.o«y phhlif aebmda. at'ihe el.-etiM which will b>- belli varieties ore developlag la (he dlDerin the eooneil rooms next Jlimday. to
be sure tbe mediciue you get for bio is put up
sat regfoas. The l-altiM State* ato>
a founty norroaT, then they will have no right to oak the men of Canada have hasn dlvMcd IM fo4r
right. Tbe bone cannot tell is it is not. 80 go to a
Tnvnae City to grant them the gsnerat hnUm
Xovrmbtw. Th» asnfons and tbe best dUrtg^ of apstore
where you are sure you will get what you want.
ia merely to einphasiie the fact that ihc women who are interest- pfoa.lnr stoh ssrtfoa wiU be awarded
Ask your vetetioary. He buys his drugs of us and
a miver ntstoL.the nstrad and third
a* iiatt* w*«ar* gf Tnv*w'Cit.v and who are entitled to vote on- heat salsetfoBi. bmnte msdaU. Tbea
Galveston. Texas. Ang. Twill
you to get your Horse Mertieine at
Br Ibp-Uir at aehiml rieclisiia should, .wext Monday, show their the btn exhlhii among tbe Itor re­ te of (he richest and bm
i|kenut by their votes.
ceiving aCver medals will rvertve a cuter antoombllr lore mee*|j_
held la the aoothwrat. (Mreslr^a It 'The Refmbiteaaa ^naieTSuti
i. ..iPm fipratlflo itaqlf is one of anpreme importaner to onr eitv
hmoto don not export
expert to receive a. ibrohMag with enthaatavm and
‘ ■
Seek J
mA 000. otomly, Tta M-Uakwat or no oomul tt.iobt
iBSBwni from a maa's owa nalgbmedal k Uia eahlMt. nwfog to Uw^psrUney. The mesa, whteh are
i*#a Miar taa hn aibnilM lo Iko boonloT >iworvi«>^ a. met
te a high Uibuu-. Titer vto(^
CM. fiMii teg imim
Umt M hto tena Ifeu a wseka no-|heM la rraaecdoa wlik M amma!
larUmsAdaakyofiui vote ter hiim


aBTDiB m n 35,0m


m i!w









Fife Lake Department
jCoMactcd lir MIm Mu Deway.


I BAT.marr,

day from Fibre by the tertolu Ulaeaa
that place oa Aagost S. » aad
or hb wile.
aJil also be pram at at Um
Mia. Olive MOla hna pambaaetf d Snow Ikmiiy reoaloa.
new ^ano.
Will Waller of ChlcagD. who has
&ri F>alick. cbeViihoid ibiimit. ia
anaat at tbe borne of Dr. 1. 8.

lor two weeks haftra going la Owmm
where she wUl taac*


ruuinc friaa^B «ad nMraa hi «ha
Ob tbe Sonday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Unscott for tbe dty
for ih« gM (e« ve^ Mk TOMr*. Dinall reiuiaed to her home in
International frw Bible Qoestion Club.
IMday tor ML VerMB.
Cadillac Toeaday. after epeodime
Mrs. StcafHed Bernstein aad ehU
wm locete. .■
r^w day* with her aialer. Mn. E
dm rerrinied to their hoaw in Oalow
Aug. ll.'lSIk
as Has Lsawan er Ltotosto «. ••
bes. Otilo, Sauday. They were accom
of a rhUd of tiod. la there ever aa.*
Jaa. l.yle vtolted bit sou. flBl| IWBle'l by Miss Hattie Bernsielne
bMB m «mm mt.itm.-MiCopyrighL ISll, by Rev, T. S.'ua need to be afraid? Why?
«SkSr%^£*^nia] aodetiM a^
TrovCity a few dag* tb^ peel
tIOi Were they righie o
Otaafe ftiraldi Itaui of Interert is tbeir respocacoM. D. U.i
and why, to ^mlnlaier th|a rebuke to yestetdey.
- tlvt oTfaaiaattaa. Haws of lo^ rranta and ea*
Fr*x! Tanaer-wat I -Mackinaw city
him Byr« UPratitor. vft* toe «b
beind made or oontennil Would you ray. or not. adJ tat tweth has been rMU« (MMb
Mrs. Jas Strahau. 8r.
ados, and tnnifm in
Golden Te*t-Ood Is our refuge utd • by. that .ail vouplalatnc against
Tuesday e*-enlng from Cadillar. whvrr
town and country are etpedally
i'lol. anl .Mr* WItlaid eetamed she hks Ix-i-n al the hospital for treat atteorb, a *ery preaeai help In
GodV provideuies U wrong?
Hm aboTO ap^ei set oalp to tiie
borne Te.uiey rr.oui Katemazoo. where
a T. willmma s< teelh
«l:i Verses S»-H—Would If ha«e
offitCPafFlfe Lahs.lratto
Her stater, Mro, Geo. .M.-Kee. ule. Tberefiire will wt not
to the nuTonndind connProt. ivniirtl l»x been alu-ndilic the .md little daughter, rame with her though (he earth do change
been better, or not. and why. if the tba dty for a fs«
117—Utt«r BatpUL
Werivra State Normal.
■.H. Ood«a.wh
and win remain w«h her fo
Iboagh Ibe uouoUiuB be nM>ved lo prayer which Jesns ' aoiw<
Pred Be*h*ielni- and -laughter
afveKbeen offred?
I tb« vKy tor •
(he heart of the seas. Pa. xhi; l-S.
the aiMtelal f<-at«u
r»r« in H^b«- Hew.
orda; j'roa Charlevoix. «he;v 1the.'- MIMr*.
m Ktelyn. U-fi ^luoday for an vx<11 Verse 33—On w hich aids of th* JiuAwbat did Jew oiean by bis lo hia boato a( Addas this
adleiueai luyvaiied la our viUkm bad '>e<ii alteitdJiu; tbe vbuj|. tu>-niDi: -ended *1»rt al Uraad lUiud*. Kirri- Ctainers- plenie to be held at Dll^ri
SaturTtay. Augnat IWh. will be (he -a did Jesus propose to g
Myrtle llecItaleiBc vmicd her <oa and CanoD City.
a (bort time Wedaeaday Blsbt
tJK Verses 1-T—What, reason I*
(oolrace Ry tbe ladles of South Sprip*
iBWoe today HUr a ««MB tMi
■irrf. Jobn«jo. at fatimat.
• :i Verse -IS-l-Uoee taking Jean* oa :be*v 10 believe (hat vloleni insanltMr*. Kav HoMeiii.- and
wtiMi are vaa diaeovered la tbe waab
Held Ooe of }bem baa aitvsady su<- board iasore a <-aliB and safe
• <-ity with friaato.
laopli'er Keuocla. who lia'e la-eti vlaroom of tbe Ffobbi botrr about »:S0.
cmuetltnes give* what nuy be ^led
«we>led Ilf ronnlog two miles with a
u^oontaUva F. L DoekW. wte
our Journey s dnd?
Tbe Ore luned Id a hnni> cuiiboard
•uperhutuMD shengtb?
. .
I'j-fooi board
ibe Kalfcaaka obd Htonuilodeou
luriied home Frida'
I3i Verse 3T—How do you explali.
tbe ride or tbe vaab room and *.
ti-'i* ilu* did this pour man prob-i ; keo disirirt Is la the dty toe • to*
Tnie .\1ls*e* Helwig and Igyraoe
Ina Blue ol Traterae lii>
Mre la-o Ull* aii-l ehildienor Souih SUerk airtved here TueHtay In roni
naklna alanalas baadwar when dl»at such a great etuTBi could tak- •ly know Je»u»:
days on biwUiesa.
oovered. Thb alarm wai ImiuedUtely sueit of Uexxle amJ Mildred llodaee. BoaidmuD hare W-e^ tlaltlng
ith their aunt. Mrs. Slraudi.'of place while Jesus was on the ship?
H..C. Dauotl Of MHMgan'Cltoi! tobrother. K-Idie MHU. and laiiilly.
alven and tbe ire de)iaJ
iSIwlu aad Pearl Mn-Tapsai
Does Cod ever ehaage or modi
Milwaukee, lo Join their iiarenis. who
lived in the dty lagi night tor a .tow
iiaivut-e KlditdBc. wife and
naonded iweuipll.y. bm owlas to ibe > Lodi Sumlar.
lural^lawB for the safety or tor
bate been possible
are Icuaie-I si the green s|K>t oa tbe
weeks vlalt with (rtanda aad
llaeir nae or tbe cbemieal exilaniaB-' Mr. ami Mr». A. (•r>r..ini and ..ntg?:- dren, of I'olenioni. Ind. arv
venienre or sDybody? Glre your raa
town Jesua other ibaa by ordinary Uvea.
m br tbo boiel pMtric tbe Ore wna fer Vein of riaat Buaninnu au.: Ton; hl* parent!!. Mr i
buDUD means?
Sundsy senices at the M. E. church
Wm. Straatof-. who hao hoan.ta
out betore ibe ensloe arrived
tbe «'arr of ilarceilu*. Slleh., were iotrl* dridgr.
IVby Is It that GmI petmlu
.\ug,1l: Preaching at lfl:M a. ni. by
«i:> Verses S-IS-Whal evldearr. If city for aome llmo buying' fhllL toMr*. !’. T. I'etemoii U eniertoluliig A. W. Itaker. laalur. Sabbath orhool *torta. stress and strain to enter into any. Is there that some luda;
atmnei. Tbe' damage waa prattkallr r ilr. and .Mra.'^v Puller Tlii inUa:
tnrned to hla home at teglaaw |hk
IIMted to the room wbeie tbe Ore
Mr*. Wauon of Prankfon. dri.iiij her iiieie Mis* Iton-lhv Slo'ioildr of at 11
ol our lives?
with devils, as this
a. m. Epworth league at «:3fl
yiB Itai-nts.
«aa grat dlMOvered.
Maeoalree roiiiniaiidiT,*«.ii liuv ;
Verse Sg-^tVbat. If any, danse: was?
I in.; lupU.' The KenuDclatlcm of Sei;Miao Von Cartar of DdtrMt utoo
.Mrt Pled Hoou-r an.l < Jilid r,
Bev. Oao. Bdw. I^esla of Caatoo. day In the luleieiU of that orde-.
(]g) What ia the proof that very bat bron vialUiii la the dty toll tkto
Irependenc-e; .the Power of Need-' Is there i*. a ship, and why. if Jesus
800U. Unkota. delleermi a Bae aeruon
K Ulpipi Dibort uf Dih.;i t was a' ed 10 RIee'ljtVe, Wis.. last week
wicked and violent men have by
-Mail, trl-t: Kxod. 5:Il.l!.
.-aorolag lor Fife l.ake. wbero abo urOI
dher. .Mr*. I.0U Jxwn. 1* goinr; as
at the M. K. duueb eo Buwlar mem- baalBcw. taller here
What right WouMIw
Ing to Jeauc been made gentle wid vUH with Mrs. Cora Stroddar for a
The voumy Sunday achool <ou«
tU'to a weU ailed beaae. Thia waa
John K«aln of Cbaaein a>N.n.jjtii: a lar aw Clsdslon* with her.
Jc-sui to b.r axleep^w^n Ibe ship and good? {This ia one or the qvcatlena few days
Hon tour will «ouimence at Bate*
R. .Mll.'bfil bad Ms loot liailt. bun
BeV. Ixwu- borboeu beme abd bt< '-■opide of week* at the Cli.v l irttl
be In aa<di im- which may be aneworad In writing by
the aftemoon and evening of Aiic wtJi.
O. F. Davis and wife sf *—
maay mendi are alwaya aaxlou. to
illKB iielrii Itaker relurt^nl
IVIday. Augiiei hth, will Im> a liaeSet hiUtenl dangerl
members of the club.;
. P.. rMuracd lo (heir koM Odia
B. I.elsbd and rtauwhur. picnic at the lurks of Ibe
avalLtbetnaelvaa of tba opportuBlty of Bapide Kiidn}.
m l iider the i-lrrumalaaevs. with
Veraee l3-30-What right bad this moraiiig afisr a two weoka vMk
baBTiBB btm.
John Baruiore reiuraer: rroji Hail Btinrhe. rciuraed last MoiiUay- fifem
Jeaus on buinl. were (hey wise or uo Jexus to be ibe ntesna of datroyla,:
llv with (rieada.
U. B.-ArMM U turatu hU ml- Tile-14> .
3.000 swine
1:30. Evening (leaelon at Pile l.ake wise, and why. (or lielng afraid?
Ikyor-loft this marsiiog ttr
t. and Mm. C, iVi-k *Hve.i dinrooBi Into an up-itxlate atei
Mr*. Dull Weaver !» .islilm: ul
i.*i .Nil matter what the apparel;"' t.e»son tor Sunday. Aug !». 1SI3 Dowaglsc. wbero ho wlU «tad a
E. *hiit! h: T;*u'>. prayer, inaii-e and
to ItMl at ihi-ir lijni raising Tliiim promise M-;Aiee: *:»>. address by Re* fulaiiiKy *«r danger may be in the life
which will be la rtmalBc or
'south noerciniali. the pucM of Mi. Hiid
Tbe Ruler's Uanghter. Mart t:31-iS. week on businaaa.
Mr. Anokl li'a protesaioiul nirat otr- Mr*. Join' Alilmil.
Higgs of Grand iUgidh H la
ra Mamie
Is nmi- III
vor. havlBB learned the builoeac in
In Satgr-nl.-wbo liaa bi'en vialllas
Au^ C.

tbe Hiy (or a abort tlats on ‘-nilmtai
Clevahnd and followed that meroa- hU (ouxlii; Mr* l>. illltoa. retnrued her lareal*'. Mr. ami Mrs Joe UslGeorge Forrot and H. Wald* «f
afoB for aeveral yaare i>ravh>iif to in>- to hlE home 111 Boy ne City Thiirsday.
Preparations lor «ne of the best
have bwn vlalUag ia tog
U t Orn-n. In-iii Blue
, ... •salons duilRg the Imliao Csoip
iag oa Ibe firm where he moved from • Jan. Oould bax poreliawd a piano.
dty (or the past w^dt toft tkU «an». here. He will Gonllaua to kee|i the
Mrv W. A. While nncI dauuhter Hodges were CadlUae taller* Tuet-lgy . UieetlngK to be held Irviti August
P. H. Evans and wife roturnsd ta ing lor Cadillac, wbers Ihgy wip
bakety alao.
Omni reiiiraed to Trover**.-Cli> WtNl- t*,Fred Iht-lisieliie is nuifins a
.N'onlipon. are lielag made l«r, HAVE BEEN COMPILED FOR THE: Ibeir home at Pblladelpblg. Pa.. Ibis visit lor a short time with (rMMo.
hauil. 11
of getting a ihn
.Mra. lea. Tencboet In catertalalag aeadaj.
Sunday, August 1k. This Is the -bir
morning after a moaiti'a n*U la the
e. P. Wotennan' loft Ihig monitog
her aialer. Mri. Caerlabt. aad chllilUx Muri Dowen went to Cadillac
day and a ap<-(iBl program Is silu d
city with relallveg
for Fife Lake, whore to will ha lor
Mrs. It. Barms uinii- bouu- Siiii-lay uM. A Ule t.-alli will leave tli;dran. oT Bame Creek.
uantay to vlsli her conila. Mn.
F. M. Fisks roliwti
the weak dolag
from Cadlltor *lih Mr, and .Mm.
Mtai l^ya Bechatttae wlU taecti iMon May.
groumhi afi*-r the evening st-ivUe for Claiffli W.ii Be Made That
[rf has beea lor toying.
at luuter tie eemlas aebool year.
Boru to Jlr. and .dr*. Oyile Snyder.
raver^ City, railing at all stations
Bill Hae Been Very
w days on
o businesa.
Jamoa Murphy af lha Murgfcy lihglr <
MUs Mlldr*^. In thn «mo.
Miaa Martha BenWMtM waa la Kal July
a eon.
cnrouii In order that all may »^a*b
homo at Datralt.
Mrs. I.oe l4-avb(i;au-of Wig lUidds Iumie.tiiai nlgbc If th.-y dosire.kaika Wedneaday.
Ur. Wniu wa> a aarnrt of Dell .Mi-d
Ibis moraing. where he will viell with t^s morolag. attar a taw dan k» tto
vlKlHng her iwrenis. .'H> sjid Mi>.
Jaa. Jonna made a batjaeaa trip to Quay and family al Tiavi-rae City a
Seorgs Smith. 1031 Walimt street
frlende for about a week,
A. Itieed.
Travcrae City Tbaraaty.
few days Ihle week.
suxiained a bad *-u- ..n the left thiimli
WasliiiiKtou. Aug.
Some tar^
Mr. andI Hru.
■Mix.Cora Coolt reinmeil from Trav- till* nicming while removing shloclr, rtMixtks which President
. Morrii lAuka waa at CadUUe Wed
Mrs. Jeuuic Jlarkbam.
Tail's elty for aome lime, left ibU ixwniliig Chicago, ara
ira the
gueau A Hra. NaUand Mm. lieo. Horton, reinrnitl lo cm- City Saturday.
from ihc roof of the Nolan A Perk-it irlrucls ara lu uae in the coming
Uoe Meyers loll for TraM-rwo Clly building <dj Suic street. Medical at i-algii hi his defense of the Payne- (or PUlle River, where be win spend -ware's pgrats. Hr. aad Mra. V. r
IhHr home In IX-ford Prlilsy.
a few day* fishing.
r ANtlkerm waa called here Mob- U'kdni-sday eiiroiin- for Plouccr. Obk), tenilon was given and with rare, •MdtK'b uriE law have Just been eviuOaear FriedrtcK twife and tan
Mr. and Mrs. I. L Whaoiar ratorm
where be -will attend tbp homntyniing there wlll-i** au serious reeulis. '
I'lled by the tereau o( Statlallra.
smart, left yesterday for Arbutus ed last evealBB froai. Uarhor flpr1fi«i
I’p'lo JunV 30. the end of the B»- Ike. where they wUl spend (be neat >d Weteatosaiag.
il year, the Payne law had Ireen In ro weeks,
Mrs. R. W. Brawn and ogn. an* M/.
•.persiiou.Juat 33 uioclfaa. »hlili bap
Roy Ranger of ChaHevoIa waa In
and Un. Alauadar .ot Biafl^Mr.
he the toul peiioU ol'tbi:' the rify yesterday, making final ar­
Port OaMda.
operailch. ul the W'Oaun ll». The rangements (or-enjerlng hU boat In wkaaa they
vUlt tbair yaroMa
ligures show Ihal whereas uieicUauvlilcb is lo be held there
be value ..f 3«.U inilllbaa Of
lie Clalnis to have the,
dollars caiiu- in ubsoliiiely duly tree, fa*ie*i boat ever entered here..
The 1st, Sir GmRca WhlM. tetoBBto
.inder the M'llson'Uw c:.r mllliiinf
C. M. B^ra Is In Chicage fer-a few ef i^dyoiBlth. was a. atraac mmM
the total (or the fayBe law lu tbe divx on business.
maa to Jake raoponalhltUy tar
imr |>eriod.
J. M. Buck and family of Big Rap­ ha wa* a »trong eaoogh toto. to* (•
The |!er teul of luiporutiouaHfK ids arrived in Ifae city ibis morahig ia give credit to bto atibordiagM Ur
good work done. Tbe first ttea 1 gdM
lUi.- Ill free under Uie WUsl^arl' their tar, enroiil*- lif Charletola..
as ts.v. under the Payue 3l.j\ The
F. R. Themae left th'ia meening for him wa* at ndadalaarA Thg «BM>P
uverase rate orndvalureni dsj^ iin Walibn, where be will be (dr a few waa well la progreaa. Oesarul fkdUh
alaborettag ona nf th* mot BM.
I‘a>ne law la' 41jy. under Hie days'on hiislnexs.
L M. Arnold Of Fort Wayne arrived Haul sEalrs ef tho Booth Aftfan mto.
ir». The averi«i -Miouuivo!
revenue Ironi custonis receipts per .here this morning for a week"* visit
i hla ala# red#
aa th*
Ite to*
frirnds and relallv*-*.
mouth uiiilv-r ifae Payne laiR bus hwn
tiefleld. aad bad net baaa toaaa to* '
tees Ella Lehman and Francis
mlvi the Wilsou law it wus
Wheeler returned 10 their bumes m
flint today after a week's vIkIi in the Boer* raptured from Jamteaoa at fhd
Itoto of the raid. M which want dMP
IV with friends.
Mite Maud Colby, aceompanlod by. tlaed b.r utgtifall to ba to oor
her frleiid, Mlw Harriet Moe. liotb of plowed irp tbo nwoBd wMhiB -a to*
hVhfhhhhhhh Owegi! y.y. 1* vlsIiiBK her aunt. yards of hie bona. AllMM .MRtob
UDOonxly Frroch barrtod «p BBddMir
iFrom Tuesdsy's Record-Eagle.
Mr* Herf'K. Pray, of 331 Wellington rain before tbe chief to atirt^gr
Or. and Mrs E. J. CiMCtt 0* Pnoenta,
remmand -No you
Arl.,t,!id ate vl^lImB ijj the bom-- uf
Blr George. " Ihli Is y
II. J. MiiiKau lor a f*-w
doa Dally News.
r a fe4 ..*-1
a R. J. Macdonald has
Irlend* aii<] lalall
a iiBit tii ill-- I'liu-aK-i
N. D. Croasvpf Terra Hawa rtturnfharlexriv.
■•d (o lilh bom'e there today
A correspoadeat scads vs “11 *ito
. and Mrs- J- W. Sister
week* vUit bi-r^Vitb frlead*
Hal for a dibacr gJvee by (he StA
daytHiTers Eilythe nn <1 Etu-I led
ailvc-ti. •
bishop of Tore la H«; Three tS-’
leiiia* mnriiliic In 1:heir -Bnlrk
F. e. Wayna oT Charlcvela to in the dred quarteraorwbaM.mtBaad«gto
II 4 \i»ll with r-IsTiIve* in 9h laiul*
lOf tuna of wloe. 1 pipe o« gpMMI' today on business.
■111 l4*nsinc
«o fat acaa. C WlU holla. Ito4
E. A. Lyman, who has been visit wine.
fbwp.'n hogs. Wd cstwM.
Mra. W. F. Cels and Mrs. F. A
g In,the rliy for Hie i«»t week.
geese. a.Obu ewpoa*. MO ptfR. Uft Pte
Alvurd have i;un>- it> .Midlaii'l Sam iurtiv-1 10 hi* huiue t( KaUmatoo
corks, for <reaea.hW htdi. UHdwht^
lUivv anil ollit ! leiimii for a visit
eaA d.w- plgeooa. Ldut ighblto^
Mrs, Cera L. Scudder ef Seattle.
O, T. Little of b^n Froncioco. who bliicro. 4.UCU ducks. t'Ki hmgs. iw
U'a.-h. ler- lor Fit- l.ake luds' allei
•- I'een in ihe cliy (or some tiote Pbro*snl*. BOO pinrldgeo, 4.M» *0«Svlrlling lj.-;r a) ih* lioiiie
- iefl this morning lor CblPa^. where cocki, ton i-lovefa. If.d curlew, Ito
broibei ICulii tVsher.
Oiuila, ISO egrets, 3M rodR 4ft
- eviN-ci*. lo vl*n for a few' day
bark*, cjiuc venison Maailas. B.dOP
Wm. C. WsRer rctorned t j hit heme -r- leairnlng to hi* home
dlaW of Jf-liy. «Jh« «uMg««*. MB
: t'tii-dcu lodsy after .v elting
O. L Baugh ef. Minneapolis arrived pike, »uv breaat. I aroU. 4 torpMlH
Iriend^Nmi-! lelsllve* In ’ u- elt-.
Hie ilr.- loda,' for a week'i
end 4IKI laria. There were LB0« gtoF*
Matthew Meinteen nee reu
lor*. <3 couks sad BIB «rulUw«a. Qg^
from a w--.i.> >t-- at file laike.
F^G, Hagi
of Cincinnati
rorreapiyndeni toforms u* (bat blERpwhere tie >.S^ Jh- gue-t ut frank IVal
week*. He ei|v-< is iborlir doe* nol sme In what URRlfcaianrea the dlaner wa* gtvea. dr M#
•otiage at some
V Mist Jeseshinc Mater returned te
man.r gueti* assembled. PtNia^
yrts near here a:
aoiaa reader aav be aUe U {ki«*
'me al lluvn- I'Dv today after
iltne ybeoft rrefh shrdiu
light OB the subject.—toadOB eiohd.
viniiiii: lu-e *! (he home of A. f.
■S taiiilly here for the summer.
M. L Sweat of Unalng 10 In tho
Captodad Blory.
i> tor a few da.v* on buxines.
* the c^T-. 1
Porto Errs- Howdy, ftooa. RMt
Mrs. Clarence Ramala leavat
back from r-.uroraU. I see HMt to
orrow morning ou tbe «:3a t
great place They aay (bare Ig •**
J. E. Pavey and wife, vmtte. have bceri f-ir (be S'oiili Manitou lilaud.
ahloe mere the ftv 'reaad.’ . Caeto
vUiilng IB the «l!y for the past seek:
"♦pend aeversl w-,-k. with her luoib- Eben—-Th*' it Just cme ef lh*H fiU
renirned 10 itieir bouie at Kurvtaville.
ilr*. 1: Itourdeau.
weaiara yaras. Every day 1 maa.t^ai*
I'l.. tmla,'
aloag at tbe end of tho AfurMOB
C. M. M.cManvs ef Jackeen arrived
night CABM. Just the same gi it dato
From Weduesday 's Revord-teglv
.Ft Blshi lur a sbori viiii with
Mlaa Corinne-Silvero of Grand Rap- Store-"
Irle'rd-* and relative*.
I*. I* vlaiuug Maud MiMiitiael
'Id. P. Hitkten returned te Kit heme 331 West Kigblh air.«;
rngtlah Doga as Boooto of
■ Har!<ir Si-.-ing* this'morning alter
Luciuo C. Hut^ll, w*f, and two
whorl visit here with rrM-nds.
children, of Springfield. Jlo, have draw wagons throogh (to gtfadto M
W. E. Ofaen ef Lansing <U in the been wending a few days la tbe city LoadoB aa thoy are ao« M pMII 0
eitv (or shoot a w-ek on bu»)ue*s.
vislliag .lih old frieada.
Elbert R. HeCdy ef the xWe-Gar
Chbs. Carlin of Grocnvlllt
m) Co., wboleeale bouse. Grand Hai>- tog bis grandporents. Mr. aj
noiib of ilanloB. fire acrca tlStoT
Ids. aroompanled by bit wife and Ass Hale of Seventh street
over 300 apple trees, aambdr odtor
Dees, good bmwe, weR aad *fM
three nepbewe niEord. Rdward aad
Hlaa Jewel fPConnor left'today for . mia Bamla It tafeea at oteo. USi.
Jack, SOBS of Eteer W. McCoy, vfa- Oread Baiilda. vhere to* wiu «MU
Bartoo, Habwil
aRf Ml*

Wo «aBt Ip akin (hii Departauat .of
_ _
WMtoA iMfc PriM to an emconed
cmconed and to
Sii end foM tiMt al
aU iUBM of potMaal aad
fwa^ lat^oit bo wat ‘ “■ Dewejr to be



You’fc Invited
Greatest Basket Picnic
to attend the

and Holiday of the Year

The Board of Trade and the Business' Men’s Association invite
- X the peopie of this region to be their guests on

TlBrsday. Aiig. 29th. 1912

, : ncnic dinner on the Fair Grounds at noon. Coffee, sugar
and cream will be furnished free. You bring all the rest.

Bahid Concerts Ali Day

Games and sports for old and young.
of the year between Manistee and
^Traverse City, Michigan State League teams. (Ten cents will
be charged for the grand stand.)
Speeches by prominent speakers.
■Factories and stores will close at noon




ComtnlHee ol ArraingeineDls.

■i«» luvte IBUUI. US luvzin ur UGLE.

OnoKl Traverse Region


>iT. Atnatr i.’m •

balMlag. All wtah. bUo a

Kingsley Department

•tiMJ (be rm-^
1M bbd eobfeiwwHn. a M
««n« iwjrty
at tUa vritlbc.
Mr. bbd Mra. C. X «‘a(a(Mi
Boj-be CKjr aad Mni. Hagar are tUKIm vllb Ur. and Mra. E A. WIlUaBW.
Mra. a, Eraiia and Mra. Blood are
rtflliag tbelr ilareBU. Hr. aad
O. Walea-Ed Harre]- w called lo Bellalrc
Mat week U> ace hla bmber, vbo waa
verr aick.
> Mn. Cralae and Ura. Wbalcr of
Trararae CHy. Tlallad wjih Mra. ill.
Mllla oa Taaadax.
Au(. 6.


Conduct^ by Mbs Edna Wall.
ia Traverae Clix Baturdax.
wife of Travel
3. AdaMa of Uraad Raidds U vtaltlac bU daughter. Ura. C. Walaou.
EwaU Noah eaiertalDod a partv of
Crieoda trma Klagalex on Suadax.
Ura. Spangler'boB Aodrey Wagaer
ere enllera at Traverae City Satuidax.
*aE i.

n« pwidi « Kimilv ud Uk nuTOiodiiu
an all latanaM la Uaa .dlaiiaruiiiu.
wd AeD be clAd to bdre inditridogU, chBrd«|
tbe Oruc«. frElenuil eocieUet uut aU etber or*
(uixgtiaBc hAad in item of aewi, penuAlt,
eoaotuKomeBti of neetiaci, ooticee of entertaia.
aente, bomeec cbgneec, pnbUc ImprowemeBU
beiB( dose or costempUted, ggiee of rod ectsu
iB tows or coofitiy, and taj other item of genersl istereet.L Besd aU item to Mia Edsa Wen.
who hsi ehurte «( the OepertaMSt^CdiUr

Qatte a en>wd from here attended
A Prosperoua Young Oirl Farmer.
tbe oM eenlen- ptmh ai Bnrdkdtville
Mias Marger) Speer ol Tualin, »l
ut t.
•s been vl.lung her isirenis at Sui
Ur. and Ura. Seaboli are vl,
dull tit}, reiuracd to her home Satur
at Gao. Veoaard'e
girl frleod have Iwiuihl a farm
H. B. Doe abd faiully Trou U
aouih of Sumaitt Cll>. and after she
are elaltlag rehllvee.
Mr.. E. K. DeD.nwre'aDd daughteP ^re« ii|. and revelved' lirr ediuatlon
led for AlbUa WedBeeday. where the> bbe uugbf (or several year.. Now she
aod a girl Irlends hav eboiigbi a tariu
1)1 make Ihelr'fulurv hoiue
at Tusilu and are dolux all (heir own
James SuUlvaa U puttlo&.op ■
work. It Is reported that tin., hove
Bonie fnfai.tiere attended Ibe dann- nve acres pt potatoes In thU year, be­
sides several acres of hsy that the;
at Oirn Arbor Saiarday aistit.
care of Iheoiwlves. Tho also
Bora to Mr. and Mra. Geo. Ven
have varlods of small frullv aud
July 31. a glri.'
Ur«. Leon Drake bar murued bon., a guaniliy of stork . 't.iis is s uew
after a fee weeka' visit vltb relalivee. oceupallon lor the average girl, but It
Vtalnly shows that Ibe averase girl of
at; Lake Aon.
hr Pralick and wife aud Ml.s J'lora today can be Indejieudebi ol iiiau lor
Bdlllnger vcw to Travemr City Tur»- tbelr nialDiend'Dm
John and Joe Snyder and rlauRhtor
^ra. Chak HIOoin and rhildreu Itave Bertie of Caledonia w.-ie ili,- nm-sts
■one lo Ladlntgob for a vlrll.
of their brother. Cbas. Snyd- i
Mn W. C. Atbley aad cktldreb of Sunday.
Traverae'Clix are rlrUlag heee.
E. A. Rbegreuer
Rbegregger and laailly of
m„.rov.-d at the
Boyne CUy vere in
auto last Week.
Miss .Velllr Fowler of Uwvsiiv wa.^
Ura. Kraak Kellog rpeol a loaple
le gueel of her vxiiisiii. Mrs. ,\iik
or days teat week vHh her ddngtater.
Kriesef, .last week.
Ura. Wooten.
X. Albrfght aud wire of Travetw
Aug. t.-

C. A. Hammond

°*"*''*' v*r.SL*.'yf..iin“”"g c.ii.ciio.n

M,. N.C-n.U„,

Mrs lUlidi t
>. Artkur Ho<-fllu; ness .'ollegc l!>e |wsi sUtm.-eks. i
their mw()ier
lufoed home ttetvirday for the sui
ph kins hurkl.-bvrrfes. lyiurned buutr
bttjili.l. AftH-rt. i>i Maulu-ii
the last of the week as the Ixiekle.MpafBeiiy. VU)
beirlev aie uiwily all cone.
moihri. Mis^rtui
Hnckley. on
an eviemi.Kl vmi wub r-iaiiVr. in
Sisn.llvb aod Had Axe.
Mrv Cbas. Cbappel and son are | ,
i u ' ,
verv 111 at-the preveni mniing wuh|„'
'nvh. d*u«hi.-,
Mr. and Mra. C. C. WiUiarna ar« HosvI were'the guc'i* ol hklua Wall Sun
■ Four chlldren.ol Henry lluSuian a
III Willi searin' fevn. au.l vies. Hu
Mr. and
Jwiuiii i.i Travi-n...
I'llcUds of Ur..nod Mrs. C c. Wl|.
al>o ' Mrs. Uxk is a
Cliy weiie Ihr cuvvu ol Sicoli.-u iVu»- liauis wiH he iMrrv.led to learn ilmt
aUliiig In their t'are.
trmaeiier Sunday.
Ihejioveraor of Colorado lm> Bpiiidotand Mrs Kail Cbm' dmv. (o
M'llllam. deJtfgaie to (be iBIer.
•- natlouvl Dry Fb.mina Cougreoa. and
In -tbelr car Friday.
tart.-d «ii ilir lirvi
Ur. Engel, of Engid A Wog
Mrs WIliLatu. Iteb-cale to. Ibe lataft
UU lUrosimm ma-'vmiaie dealer., wm-.u .own c
ABiiuBsl Fatin'Wonieu's Coagtrsa. to
• ess Friday.
be held in la.thl.t>dge. Al.ierta. <tenI.lbyd Fwuiusiun Inis lurlallvsl a
lAug. C.
ada. October :l M. laisi ytiar (be
Congt.wM.s were held lu Colorado, sad
-Mis. a. II, Chii k reluiiie^nmi
there w.iv te4/reMm(aUve> from maay
Plr'avani it.r
kiuroiKwo eooBtttea. (ran Afrtra,
I Ml. and .Mrw. U. ol '
I slater. Albv
South -America, and Auwtralla. Tbe
Mirh. have hmi vl.ltluK al th
work of tbe Congresses is'world-wide'
;or his brother. Wm I*rindlr. il
,«UI aud family.were ihr
In iHo|ie, and deal, dlrenly wltk rxmweeks. They will leivirii
of \i:. Ulid Mrs. A. tk Hackliiau Sun- t„«.,..
iH;rvalion^l^devrlo|>nx.iM of naiuial
t’ki'vei. who lias aiN-ni resources liaTbrj-aEccI tif- condlUpu
Miss .Nrltlc Cow....... . Ml I'l.wiMini . ibe last ibin-weeks at Cedar Kuo. re-' of rural dislilrin.
was the EU.-.i .If Kibcl llackm.-in tlic tiirae.1 bom.- Salui-dav.
laijei i-aii Ol- II... week
| |.. M.-CaVdell Is ou the tick llsl.
MU- AKIe M.Tcan ol Tn.verv..- ^'ti.
Mr. T. Bigelow has a steter vlvH- .vv anted. 1.MA fa
Tropical Garden b
sKmt Sou.Uy v>,i:, her lareiiu m ing her from Indiana.
I Preaching at Hmice- s.-bGolhouse SI :in IVltlicdni II
Kines, Powers of Aortlumrl wu- in even Kri.iay evenlug by the Rev. J. E.
town over Sun,la..
, HaH of Kingsley .
WANTED—IkMltlon as aurscmalA^by
tellable girl. Address Miss B»lc Tinie an.! I izjtc Ktvehliier ol ’ Frances Slid Ralph J'ierce.’ who
U. .S'elcm. Darragb. Mlefa. Route 1.
Ohio are here v,viiloc their si.ieis, have been alietidlng .Veedliam'a Huslawt

Tbe Ulea Harea boxa. aad reaortera
iriaxed a came of baaeball mlib Ce­
dar OB 8B8day.
Ulaaea Carrie aad Uarv Heao.
left OD (be Uleaourt Suada.* for Cka;levoix, aberc Ibex trill viali Ward .V.
l>r. lAareore E Uax aad wife of
OeiroU are cueala of bla atolher. Mra.
K. H. Oax. at laireM l«dgc.
A lartx of Bfleea ueoplF frooi
woaao are at Cold Sarlagi reaorl.
Ura. Carroll Ktank baa returoed
bar-bone lo Chlrago.
Ptaak fteaielD. Allle Meyer aod
Uurrax iMcner e Cbleago arrli
<he UlaoooM aod weot (o ^leo Ray.
Tbe Dilll waa cloaed aad bualDeaa lo
teoantl aaapeaded oa Saturday, Auguat a. In order ihat everybody niigtat
atleod ttae old aetdera' i^lc al BurdlckrlUe. Tbe tug Alice J. Day raa
(roe ncurakiBa. A good pregraui waa
il M Cbbrterolt Subd*:
rred aod everybody reiwrta a
A anisber of
ad at tbe Oaeia oa Wodaeaday ever
lag. oojeylng a' atualcale reodered by
ly were the guests of their.lauKliiei .
Prof.-AlDbrofloa. eellotel: UUa Marie
r^llowaril l>unu. Sunda..
ABbtoalua. idaabt: Prof. Caeiay.
M P. Almou and daught. r, vuss
piaelat. eellobt aad vloUblat: UUa •’Bora D Mr. aait Mrs Cllnto|i Caw.
Jennie Almou. and Mlsv Glass, wlio
Sdeaka ('aarax. relMat: Mlaa Kva August lau
On July SSlb guile an electrical have been visijing rhe burr's liroth
Dan vMlaUi; Leoaard SUeba. rloatom pasted over Cbncr* Siding, de- r. P.,X. Glass and wife, retururd to
Ualat, aod OMrgv Skleba. pUaial.
leir borne In PUni FYldiy
lOtuobUe partx waa la (Owa siroylag the croi^ oo ihej
.\liw, Koy^Baldwin of Suiuinii City
ems up asalA Hail lay on the giound
trofi SmUMt Bax oo Buodax.
as la town rlsIilDg rctailvrv Saltir.
D. H. Dax atteaded a EaoaUag of the ftir a'day after ibe storm.
It waa a ven cool da> -for (be iiliMlchtgaa Hardwood Umbermea'a a>Earl J^and Cbas Wood of Smnnk> at Bnrdlrkvtllci but there wa» a
aoclatloD at Detroli Mat week.
’nilt CJty tave both purehavetl new
Mlaa Carrie Beaaeti eatertalaed ■ very good attendan.e.
Breryol^ wishes lor warmer weatb pianos.
a “S0«“ partx oo Tburadax ereblag.
Mrs. John Wllsry of Traverse Ciiy
Hn. 3. Howard aod daughter
I Bates of Thomp-r"« *“v «■«■« of
«» »ber dauehtiT. Mrs
■ibel aad Kota, are vUlllag relatlvea
of the Wvwk
FYldsy evening to
F'tUrrald. th?
la Traverae CUx.
Hairy O.....I
Sxamberw and elill.lrrn
Ooa Haaa. wife aad faiuUx paiaed aitond Ibe iricolr and suy over until
Mrv Dati Sn-Kiiill
ttroogb lowa fn>a Soutb Maalioo. Sunday wiib his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Caruen.alab came ter. of Sunimll Cltv (hr Iasi of il«
•bore tbex have bees eUlUag Ura.
“ ■“ Jea. Haaa.
We are all very sorry (or O. Brooks, ^ Heber Hall, wbo was siru. k on (he
Ura. Oata Olhaoa of Oloa Arbor
baa taken ehaiyc of tbe hotel pema- la toatatoBe.orbUoien. The ok got beud with a monkey wrench, suppoi.
ediy by an Insane man. Is raiildly nto imme frosied eugar can
eoveiln* from (he shock
tli.Mr.isad Mrs. Ed l.ake
Plfteeu or iweatx gneou for Codar
Spriagi, lodge arrivod oa the Uaala- guesu of tbelr son Willie wd wife wound. .XothliiK dcRnlie In.s Isru
found out In regaid lo the IukxI'c.
toe Wodaeadax.
(Ladies' and misses'; values up to $6.75
Aug. A
KJdle Ijike
. Hb=8«iM^'( 8»4.r -w«.b Mn .bd
log oa his ^reois Sundav evcniniL bad planned to have a |ii<-aiv in ih.Worth regularly $10. $ia $15 to $^5.BENOON.
crave (or (he members aud tbelr lani
also Mrs. R..Bales.
- S 6.75 lor $10 values.
^ a^raoMe toft a vatuable borae
Mra. J. Kidder was railed honie to Hies and any oiitKltl. r v. ;io miKlii hi
Q *7^
choice of
^lues ST-.SO.
Owlui: to ibe rain (he p|.
6 7.75 lor $12 values.
bury her-mosber at Alba. MIcb.
V.fD $5.75 and $5 r^^la^.
«bo !• buMNwir IIL
nil- par ha.l lo be i.otiironed. aliliough
Ura. 8. D. Burke aad ton Wairoa
M’bhe of Xorth Manitou
$14.75 lor valoes op lo $25.
they held «■ business inecitu!: in uii.wont to Burdkkvme (or a vUlt FYL Aere loeklag alter bis farm.
KUder went to Travene City
For White Cotton Cor­ fine Unen Dresses now___ $5 40
The Gleanwliave i.lann-d lo h.iv,.
« waa a Joint maetlag of tbe today on boslaesa.
Regularly $9.7.5, $§.75-aod $7.50
duroy with Iiirg6 sailor collar
> ntral lelephoar eoDpanles
Mr. and Mm. Roy Case will leave ^ big plmlf'Yn.l tally on Friday lor
Ibe Glcanei> and faifuie- of (hr cn
' go to the
Your choice of all white, blue and nat­
rouni.v. John I.Ividcsiou oi^ tu
auto to look lo^ a (ara.
9 QC For All Uaen Dresses.
ural linen, lace and -embroidered
Arvaagetnenu are being
Alu Uoffias baa returned home aft. troft. an orator o; side rc|iii(s‘ili.n
Liiibroidcrcd collars and cuffs
rpeak on Cleaiiei Imu. un.l ih.tb« bnlldtag of an additloa to the Ben- er pIcklBg bemca aod cberrlce si -Ur.
hand boyv will entenain win, a cm
olboure so Ibe children raa Helmfonta’s.
have tbe advamager of the higher
The hum of tbe-ttarosblng niachli
grade srork.
is beard onve more. IL CkoeV and Ed
ed( lo Traverse Cbv Sanirday mslii
Rev. B. A. HIIU trf Mt. PteasaBi Gray • eiaohteee being tbe ones that
spoke at (be tTalon ehurrh Krldav
r attend the plav ' SiuiIkiiiiih Six-.
a doing (be tbmbing.
Mrs. Myrau Hulett U on ili.- -i, s
evealag <m -SoclalUia Agalatt AnWe are oil very sorry to hear ol
James Rlrees belag eUk. We hoisr lor list again at this wrxnie
PgoiMe are very bury tbrnblag their bis apeody roeovarr.
Several'from town who hav.. (>.-..u
eainpmg sooth of Hie Manist'e.. .h.-r
glalB at present. tVhilc tbe yield U
Aug. i.
not torge. the uual'lix U eicelleat.
Cbaa. Uerss. Ura. B. H. Cook. Hn.
War. Dexter. Herbon and Dorothy
Mlsa Myrtle Beenian and Miss l«|.
Dexter were TrsVene Oily callers Sat Ue Iteyae atlsnded the old seuK-i>
ptCBlc at Butdickvllle 6atnrda< last
Utes Mae Lamwn. wbo baa
Mr. and Mrs. l-eon Hug raiertalncl
ttettlBB friends here, led Thunds}- for Rev. Haskins and wife from Eaiplm
ebUBte. Tuesday next she will re­ Sunday
in to ber borne at Usboe. X. D.
Mrs. UebnisoD was t he nucM of .«ir».
Cbarifs Wiiaoa reiuroed Thursday George Eelglcr Sunday.
(root Bowllug oreea. 0-. where be was
Harry Osborn murned -Saturda
ailed by the llloesa aaS dealb of bU' from Battle Creek, whhre be has been
a rt^M* |mn;h>M« m b«w pr- brotbar. tyibui wiUoA who
orking for tbe past three months
foroter resMeai of inlaud. He leavA
Mrs. Stccker'v vister. who bas been
a widow aud three vblldreo.
Siting bar (or tbe past few day^ rc• Aug. t.
Tned to ber borne at Grand Rapids
ilws Pauline Keevev and OeorRla
About twenlv-ave of the friends
Foot sueaded the plfnlr Salurdav
Wallace Copetaad gathered at 1
Haten Berry of Lake Ann ibli. d
home Saturday afterooop to b^lp him bis brother. Willard, at the home «f E. j
That may not be the fith.ju tu ihc> tRught in the little red Achoolhounc. but It 1* the kind
celebrate bN twelfth birthday. AA Payne over Staday.
• Naaaaat time vpeai In idav^
the economical man can (jutckly tegrn mhiI alwayR appreciate. There'ii a sood deal of just such
Prank Paymoat and Kobt. Umiw I
Samea. light rerreahmaali of lea were callera In Platte one day last {
flguiirg in the sales we’re now h>idinK. and it will be lo every man's benefit to make quick
cream aad .ahc. weiw served by Mrs
Copclaad. He levHvcd seveial gifts
Leon Drake of'MaiHe Cltv |«s>e.
as reminders of the omsIOB
brougt here last week on bis *sy u
For* $10.90 we are selling All Wool Hinr Serge Suits in Mcight'i .siiitui'lc for Fall and Winter wear
Miss Sidney Lumlex of Boyne at, Platte after hU wife and ilitle son
Suits that fit well mid wear iietter ati<i are uortli every hit of $Hy..50.
Is visiting frteade at tbe Cent«-.
who have been vtelling bU parent,
Mr. awd Mrw. L. Mo.ver were Ttav. there.
For $9c we are selling ;i lot of Fine Fr» lu li nnlhrig^n Shirts rnit| Dr.-iwers th.ii arc stamlanl .'ytti- value.
erne Cwy callers PrMa.v.
Qjny a few dozen left, but nearly all sizes.
Mr. and Mrs, X. Crody of WUUaaisKaap Wateb aa CtomaraMlan.
burg are vukIbs Mrs. Grady's parKstbteg la tba boma Wa aeadi te
$1.$5 we are selling a Fine (In y Flimuei Shirt has tlie Frencli nimliack cuffs mnl .separate
eats. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. OeCraat
>s mara carafutlx waichad aad mora
sof collar lo match. Reduced from $1.7.5.
Ur aad Mra. Lya, Honoo spent eaigatoly eultlTatad than tb* cm•' Traverse City vUIUng Ytraattoa: It kb«old b* haboad wfta
. ..
$4.90 we are selling Boys'Bli.e Serge Suits of exi-eilem weight and make, with kiiicker pants cut
tba vplHt a< tow* Xo bftlar word
fjll. Originally $6.CM).
Mlsa Margaerlu 8pangl« returacd abouM ttor ba apebeA-J. R. UUlM.
ftwB Sagteaw Tharsday . where she
lof. ura. HoiM.
baa bees <
d Twt
tiSAj toARts tfA epee
r U»e at


P=-™ ~



The Barney Co.
August Clearance of Dresses


jjt, s*'

Fancy Ginghams, $LSS, '2i50 BeaoUlul Costoroes and Bra^ws
ol Lace and Embroidery.
Lawn »nd Embroidery Dresses

a! £. !T«1'“


White, Nevy and Tan Serge Sorts (a few left), f67S, $9.75
Advance showing of new Fall Suits now ready



$10.90=16.50 in Men’s Serge Suits
39c=50c in Melt’s Summer Underwear

$1.35=1.75 in Fine Flannel Shirts
$4.90=6.00 in Boys’ Serge Suits


«baadt>e ie the Odd


ftto rrtgg


Men’s Snils

$12.50 Values are $8.00
$18.00 Values are $1S.65
$22.00 Values are $16.50


Boys’ Suits

$5 00 Values are $2.05
$5.50- Values are $4 40
$7.50 Values are $6.00

i matm, uis tut
tUllimUM w HWIEU
(OoaliDiH4 mat I«c« OM.
Til* Oklo adiUlBa u OMW dccidcil to <sU

MMa'by tha.Liaafliatlito wWeb
have framed aad toaes paaaod b

IhcT col -tafk boao^ BBd tot It d*
eMo iho Mtur Bj to
Mioe ildcM.

1>«rUBt was elcOMl^r
O M O^ttoOBl

MesuM'lb «ucu»
• ndoreM a
tor aO ^
oCtcaa la PaaartMraiiiii. As tbe
mM. "0« parpoaa to aot to Impnca
k«aUB, BM Into Uefr aeali folio*- tbo coarta. bat to emaodiiata them
from a poattMa wheaever (bey sttod
luc Ui* parade to Ue Colule.
■uiorTfortlaB of too apectoura took SMlIy to .the way of aocial Jastbe
• • • I. am well aware that erery
. tiielr Boata. Miar M «eod aatsred
npboltor of prirllece. aierr hired
acem or beoedetory of tbe aieclal ioleresto. laciodliic many well mrairlDC
partor reformeea. srill dwwance all thto
r ‘ana
leftoi they aaed in the
Inc tbe moTrmenij to control (be rail
Ur. BiMMerelt's S]<eecb Btrikes a kcj ways and to coelrol pobllr ntllltle*
pots for bis foUowm'aod Bavpurters As amaller of fact, tbe propoaltlost I
,‘to tbaDC* pOKr- ItlarsdomtbFiHBo'
anarchy nur
•f Aatlle (a tie waced bf tbe KbiIoobi: BOCiaUtm, bat.-no tbe contrary, a mrProct«Bite pany. He «ltoro»ses thorn roctlee for aoctoUam aad an antidote
prloriiilto oeder twaira sabdirlsinos
paoiely. tbe belplessMSs of tbe old per
watnwtivo CwMeol erthe Trotia.
ttee. (be ncbt.ot tbe people to role, tbe
addlibm to paolabmMtt for wmox
COOKS and tbepeople, cob
dsinc by tbe tniatt. tbe impcntlTe detrot of tbe trosts. rlcbts
afTectlTe and complete reevWMker. (be farmer, (be larilf. tbe bleb
eoK of tlrtoc. ctirreBCj, ronserratkia. latloo. Tbe views of Preaideei taa
AlaaUaBdlDtenulloealaffalra. “Tbe Htoe of tbe I'nlreralty of Wtocoiisln Id
two oM part^' be said, -are hoaba. tOa eeienUBc wort on inm tecolatioo
*ilb oo raat aool «itUa allber. dlrUed are In harmotiy wlib tbe leotrram of
on artlBcUl lloea. bon Kddeo and pc»r
Ueta cooirelled. Mcb a Juralrie of la eat eaodldoos of bnslnrsa cannot be
aatlsfaetory-" Tbe re»
eoBCTUoos elemcau ao4 oeilber.darlni:
to apeak out oiaely aad ffarieaaly what fortblalnexpUloed.lD Ur. Boosev
abuoU be aatd on the rAal hooes of optnloa. by (be tort that -tboae dealliix
with tbe subject hare altempied lu '
tbe day.- As eppoaed to tbls Inn
Tide inlo two Mmpa. each ea on*
cnltr aad taaloccclty of aeitoa be i
amed that tbe National ProsTtu! . aa tbe otber." (loe ramp bis Died
pUlfORD wUI bt/h coBlnct with <be' ttteoUoD ooly on Ibe need fur pra»people." wUb deflotte and eoDctete pro perHy—-proapertly to the bl« ju
▼Isloo to be eairicd ont if tbe people (Op; trastlDC to tbeir mercy to let
ratify tbe enotraet on eleCHon day aa (Uac iMk Ibroocb to tbe maaa of ibMr
faeloir. vbb-b. lo effect.
exactly and boncstly -aa if it wero acthere aboald' be no attempt
toally eofomable onder tbe law."
Ne Help Pedmkbt Old Party Maahii___ to peculate (be feroriooa Bcramble la
which freed and csnolnc reap tbe
Keltber tbe Bepabtlcaa nor tbe I>ea
oeratic platforms or mabssera abow larceat rewards.- Tbe otber camp baa
to dxad Its attanlton apon tbe Injatfact -tbH'we'a^iiow la tbe oldM of ticea of tbe
D of barlffc
a creat ocoBomlc erotntioo.” Tbia -wxOttiac uU «
hreatorible moremeal for etoaoipk'
ebabce and Imptoremeat asnat be cnM-.
It of tbe laeqaalltiM of tbe dlalried **by c»mo»>e sense and tbe blfbest
ioo of pnmwrity. by only
Otbicnl subdarda" la eedef to pceTeol
if sboUabreasonably erolntloii from becooliur
danaefMo rei^dtiea.' The Democratic InC tbe prosperity ttselt.■ of tboae now In control of tbe
pany. u4PtaBleaca4bjr «u pwat i
Old iDTconeress. birfca tbe eomo
BepnbUesn party to to c<ve apectel
anoae ^
RepoblMaa paKy. by
pririlcffM to T>lc borinasB- and
tbe ertl of sneb a eoone when
racofd .of aiolea tbe r
oup> booreotlML lacka tbe ethical
become erytoc by iffioesdb
onder tbe aati«ttnt tow.
-Tbe »DeiWkbo<B<toidad w the Chl- Imdeocy of tbe Petooents. jodeed
both by tbeir record In
caco and i
tbe cfsat boaaea wbo eoairolled tbe by tbe DeraoersUe pUtfom. is to sboltwo eoereotlona—Ur. Boot awl Ur. tob all boMness of aay Mm
Parkcri Ur, itorvci aad Ur. Unrphy.
ency. on the crouod tbat alt
bodoesa and lUttfiM and w
Ur. Peonae and Ur. Tamn. Ur.
Gcsmbelhi aA ^r. BnlUTao-dlffcr
Sica of Tirtira. -WbiMs m
fraoi cbe aaotBer. of conioe. oo cer- ■Ctlea dtrectlT the reewrse of that thus
taia jioiala. but Ibeae are tbe dider.
aoeea witicb one corporation Uwyer
Tbeto abonld be applied to all Joduahas with aaotW corpemiloa lawyer trial coaceraa eataewi to iota
whaa acUoc for different rorpomllooa. eomnwree to wblcb (bore la citter
Ibey come tocetbsr at once aa apitnn
Miy or control of tbe market the
’ a eosMBuu eaemy when the dominion prieclples aJraady adopted -in racplatoff both is ibraateoed by tbraspremacy
of tbe pMpIc of Ibe Uailad Blatea.
■ * ■ If tbia country la tvally to ce aboold be kept on tbe atatnte ho
fbrvaiff akmc a path of Mclal aix
be iDToked acalnat every Me cooerre
Mitc JnHke there mnai be a
tcndlnc lo nmiiopely or collty ot'anil
pany of Mtioo wMr and noneert
aocla) pracUcen. At tbe aamr time a

an ahall be in reguine anord. a party
la whom couneila (to people ahall be
wpeoiua. a party that aball repreoeni
lb tbm, natioB aad (be aerenl atain
• alike (be wme cause, tbe canse of bo.
■um rlchta and of ■oTenmesial eS
deucy." Tbe reamertioa of the Mates'
rt«bu dortrtoe of the Democratic pany
eripplea and forecloses any ml ori
«toe raUet to tbe people. It t«di___
tbotr proDlaea to bopMeaa ireff eatpty
pbma. Ihe ntsatoa aod spirit of tbia
PMCresalee asoremeoi wlU thrUl.tbe
npvUic from end to end.
Tho.lU^ ol tho Peepla to Bute.
^n>o arllOBa of tbe ('blcapn coaT<_
.ttaa aaff to so ooly teoa decree of the
Bammoao eoarenOoe bare abowo Id
atrtkinc faabloo bow Httle’thff Teople
do rale under oor'puamt coadltiooa."
In order to aBSurr this impillir rale Ur.
BoeosiaU arced die adoptioa of pmi.
dmtial ptimartra. pgpuUr e^tioo
aautoea. the
abort baltoi.aOcUot
aIBcUi c
rapt practlcea act wsi&aa
' ~ «jo‘<
W'of tbe
ihitlatlre and ratorewdaw add
* irecaU.'
w recall abonld U applied Ic
to adsto'totraUreotBcen.
Mr. tUntcTeli wiIWi 'fbatthe ndop
tloa of ibew new mstlnda of pomieal
•dminiMratioci to aot
MMMBiatlu corernn ...
Mto to det^ adewideWre-d^ eoatrot of tbs rmniiNctM •«««• «nd
npeearatattrea of tbe peopis to to dee
the paopto (be rhsoeo to make tbotr
wpraoeatattrea reaUy ispiaouit tb«

IUT usu. THmuT. Avaap»«t ua-

prfce of tha Wito rtooad aa tbo ft

Mted which aboald-have cootpiele
r'to racoUte aod control all tbe
indnatriil concena eonjtod lo Intentats buatoeaa— wblcb-------I all of tbem lo ibis cswi
. todoatrlal roBcerns like powers
to tbeoe exerctoed over-tbe railways by
______ear tot 'aarional banka b.v
oomptniler of tbe correocy and addb
........... pearon if foood nt. cnry.“ —
lastoo -should have free a
uw tnAjs.. vt


II obeys

Ibe coiuoilaId be able
Intatpret In adraoce to any bonest man
anfclnc tbe lolerprriaUoo wbat be tua.v
de and wbat be may not dn lii carr.vioc
baaineea." kVbei


3^*^wHb Bto- Tba^MBtry
rborrh Bad tbe eoaatr; Tuoac Uta'a
aad Toaac IVomoa's CtorUlUi
.■Hstloiia bate cml |«rts to pta
tartoaca mart owa aad wort tbMr own
toad Steps must be token M ooce
pat s stop to tbe toadaacy toward ab..........................
and M«m -------tof.The TarW.
On tbe tariff be says: “I beHere la
a proiccilTc tariff, bw I bettore In It
•a a principle approacbasl tooto a alandpotto of the Iniereets of tbe whole twopie. and net aa s bludie of perferewres
to 'be Clcro fSToriie IwBvidaato.- He
believes tbe Amerteso people fivor the
tffinetpie of s protsetteodariff. ton are
la rebrilioa scalaat tbe wnsfdomf siid
awt«M-d«l<deauan nf tbat poU'y aad
tbe abases to'pnsr tovialaOon- It
not merety tbe- uriff tbsi abonld be
a iwllry is utterly out of kertdnc TtoHi bat tbe method of UHS maklnc
wUta thepr^reaa of tbe times and Civea •ad of tariff, admiolatntloo ~ -Tbe
reeat eomnwrrial rtvau t» Eoropa ffrat step.ebould be the cmiloB of
permanent eommlaston of nonpnfttoi
•a of whlcb they a
ri^ly labioc adTanlafe. '
oaisi and Inductrial Jutotoa to tb.
Refertlac lo ibe opentoc eenteace of
bla addresB. namely. 'Ibat we tre now
10 tbe mldslof a crest ecoiitMiilc revb-l
Intion.-- Ur. Roorevelt presented aa ad-i

preeeat urtff boaad la entirely'iaadraoaie to pnlot of poweet reposed to It
and aropa
of work _
^odertskea.'' The
urtff louimlaeioo to tieruany afforda apleodW modeL Tbia coBaaUei.«
moat •riesaBcally .

tabSTia toward otber prteato
our aanall arm.v sbosrid to<^e
tbe navy
HI -It Pi
teraattoaal screement e caaacal redne.
Iloe ef armaatau:' tbe Paaama *-^1
be TeRiaed. PanaM esMl tolto
rep wniee commerta ^cmH/hO

aboald p«* tbrooeb tbe caoal rffit. for
foretoo aattooa and would c>ve oa irelie comperirioa wlib ira
forelcm iireiy
w» do
aboold be eatetrd tote


accMrnt. InraUdlam and old age
should be eaubllsbrd by a charge
cither Id whole or In pan upon the to
daatries:tbe suffrage aboold he granted’
to aromeo If for oo oiber reareu to
enaMe working women to combine for]
tbeir owD protectloo by (be use of the
ballot -Aa t people we cionol afford
to let any xroop of cHUraa or loy iadltMo^ eltlteD tabor voder coodiltoet
wbleta are Injarieoa to tbe eomsoo

The Cofeerey.
-Purely there never wat s .flgbt better
Ur. RMM’eli declares that oar pres-■ worth *BaUng Iban tbe one to wbP-b
out hank curveorr baaed
meat boada ta uDsdenUBt
Ttototlnit IIS orders
are prosecuted onder tbe sMt-mist law
tbe adopritm or a a’siem which aball beioc steods to (be forefroot
(be bat'
and roDTicted, tbe comnUsalira aboald
base tbe duty of melnt -nbac tbe rtref tbe coart la put Inio effect compictel.r.- Only hi this wav cao there
fan' aroMcd -soeb
acaadala .a< cr; Its abandofuneai a I a-aerere blow be la tbe bands of tbe r
Tbe welfare of the must he frew from -manlpatatioa by lOveruke tay of ua. tbe
ittendant upeo the |>meiu ltd
^on's pfosecmion of ibeiltsiKl
basic need of tbia natloo." . Wall atraot or tbe large tolueato"
I will aot atop Oar raoaa la bared oa the
aid Oil ai
and Ibe tobacco inms." « i^rns Tba eoanuy school sbopld be braogbt I
I rteraal prtadples ..( rigbteoaaaam. i
^«h coontry Ufa
(Me I Cndef this becB Ur. Rooeeeen reef'koogh we wbo now-taad Bay
reaaoa (be Progrreairea tptmve of gov.
policy on the con"*• *»i' to tbe ead tbe caree imelf
at!**. I bare not eo^ to thto way of
(Mot creeperattoo wli^nbe farmec rerrailoa and rerlamarioB of national •‘*1' trioidph 8li weeks ago. here to
thlnbiac from cloaeat nude or as a cUI beoeBI l» Ibr trusts iliemselTes
make tbe farm more^rudoctlva. reaonreea
We moat ennserre ear aoil. <^»hc. I spot* to tbe hooeot repv«aore nattor of theory. 1 hSTe been
“The rrncreealve r>mp.sB( Is dcBnlie 5*'“****'^** •tojftotloaa ^f fanners «nr forests, oot letore. •>• oaly (be oar aeatadves of a cooventtoo wbs-h was
toecsd to It hy a tone experience with
practliwb'e. We pr.ioilse noili'ii* both for tbe prodocOee and^lhe aclltog oiro beoefft. bat (or tb^ benefit of our »«t dooitoated bv heoesi
the aetaa) condfflona of oar poUtleal that we cannot carri .'»i. w- promise of agricolOiral prodocta should be eo- chlldreo and Aeareodaoto. The pabtV »»«'•>« *her-m sat. alas s majorttv
nodliBC which trill icipardlcc Mmest coaraged. -So tong aa tbe tormw aboald dM alieMte Ita (aa to tbe water
<n-« wi-. with aorertng indlffereoce
»a, • • • Our pni]>>sal j. i.. leaTea cmeperadre arttritMa witb tbeir power which will ba of tocalcalable '•> every petncipte of right, so aeted aa
help honest husloess aitirtty. n-iaeVTi prodt abartog to tbe city man of boai- raioe as s soarca of tower lo the Im- u totog to a shameful end a panr
extensive, and ir> oeSibai It Is n-wartltbe foandttlsaa of mediate fatara" aod "we aboald uoder- *l>i'h had beeo founded over half
h fair return, an tbal there mat waahb ba «
tteaorBpetcB people pteaen inc a cfaeck

(be eempicte ---------- ---------- I--------aod "entarT.
eaaeeef bcaaehefpabUccerriee
Vo­ be no tHtpreaaloB alttaor of bnaliww ftota of ealigblcnmenl be tmpoatlbJe to eootool of tbe Mtaataalppi as a Mriootl burned lV<ra of lofty cedoai
>try cemmODiriec.
Jaat aa ye bare tmdmkeB
der thldhMd'Ur. Baoaerclt rellentw mre or Ibe cammoa.Ptopir. We pra '*•------------------------------------make U svorth while f..r ..tit
hto BoW well known rlewa rccttdlnit
Ts evory raapact this nattos baa lo wagk gf boUdlsg tlw CtanaBa canaL
-ome together to •pend and be irewt
toe^ to develoi. the (nt»t e(B
-Tbe American people aad
Irera (be lassona ef effh-ieoe;
to tbe endleds crusade Baalaat wroog.
traiineas ageucles f-w u«r In luier- docOoe aad dlatribatioa and of STOW-' “lo Ala^ tbr t
has aa '®
toce the ftjrtire pMlan
Tbit does -------- pal trade, for h l« to tbe Inierert
It is ticaoSdest. to yon who wrtva to a
____ ________
fc tbtt Ibe |s4ple are to toiar- of ear wbole people that we sbnuki do
It ..f bnitl
'caaea which larolrr merely wrti to laternario.^ baatore., Rm we exhaoMln, rer ;*aoa'fvw.' it 'la'eo' prabVnr by "^i^uaT
It of our astioa. t
jaaMlea of ffaattee.hotneea todltidn
- make ih^

ImproTrenecl. to .boald at ooce ootmtroeL owm ^
yaaraalTre for tUa great new flebt to
•to eaeAt that -toMna abonld hr de- rloado eompletajtmriraio
iwedaetlee, la tba avoidance of waste erate all Ibe railways in A la aka. It fke »e*ee eddlng Wartbre foP tbe paod
etotd ftm mkins It easier ib.m at pres­ pie- Where (bear eoareeos deal with and .
iriae of Hfe Ibe emmmisaloo .f tba fti
ent to eft rid of an Incompelent ]odcr '
bbu an tocreesed aod allow jbem M.he^ipwn^hy lea- <tld(-*'pew-h I Mhl to cl.aiag
8dI wtei a Judicial decitles Inrolcea
toeome from his farm, while at Ibe are-with >V nndlttaa toAbr letre that »t Annagaddoa. and we tmulc far Ite

The BBiaer was
^huhllc square. t daws

hr the a
UBllkeC) B>SB
who looks most u If be dlda i kaew
tha difference belwaea a tmchlae tad
a do-jITTlrack. Ask i
you s^t\neretoBd a
I railway

•hie to Iran from hlat.'
ic man came bark at tbe red of
two houra.
-I aeede't keep my ato
pototmeat here.- be said,
aa eld chap ahoae fret s
bla ehoea. whore elbose a
bla ahirt alreves. aad who looked as
If he hid Jiisi sobered up for fhe Brat
tlme*la a meatfa—la then. I (ooad the
creel queMloaa^f today, ao tbat if ye«
inHkeiloM lookiag todlvldaal at Urge
’ boose to make Be your standard bear­
pat oae quettloa to him aad be s'tr'.
er to Ibe Brbi you aball makq, pmrt d right is at the becteatog aad filled
D all tbo details and broogbt me do«a
to data. Tbcra’a neiblag
tbiak yoa eoebt to ebooae
•| me. aalosa you ksow what's gelsd
riae t aball loTBlly BbUe by r
happen. Ha baaa't boca let la oa
irtrlbms to Which I I
thaL"-Tha Bnraey.
hare not breo arrived at as
of study Id tbe rloaet of Ite-«to4ry.
bnt from (he fcoowledc* I bare entoed
tbrooeb bard eiperten£e,AIiiTto« tbe
maoy yean Id which; under many and Drinking Trick in Whlab Engtlqh h
“tried eeadirleof. I baee Mrireo a^
srth fflgarad Tha fflrm ffliw
tolled with Bwo. I beUerr la a larcer
gerteaa Olavaa.
use of tbo covertimeolal power lo help
edv indoalrUl srreocs becaui
DrfBklng tricks figured to■ telomaey
been borea to oo toe by actaal ex- la Ihe time of lleor> Mil.
perteore that sritbeat (be exerclae ef Cum quotes the king's cMItongo to
socb power many of tbe wroacn will Habcrtus. (ba repraaeniatiTt of tbo
inrrmfdiod I briiere lo a larcer Pgltgravr »>ederick. Ho oent for t«o
.. rtanlty for tbe people tbewmtlere huge goblets, Blled with wise aad beer
Erectly to partldpau to
reapoctlrely. and gave the eavoy bla
IbMr ■
cbolca for a -drlaUag oot" ton.

g tbr beat
tbe people desire he ahoaM -not Ire
crane leadera at Baltimore', la purely eeettooe to eOce agtlMit tbeir win.
Oar gwrerttmenl ayatem abonld »w ee
retmgrreslve aod

shaped that tbe public serraot.-when
la no peogress to
effort t.. go back^pol t^ftalttaadi' bo aaaaoi conarieiittoaiiy carry out
iortP(rt,fliP>. exlMl^, ander modem | (ko wtobsi of ibt twople. shall at ibetr
mndJtfoaa. lark to whim It was na a' dsoMo iBare bla oSce aod net misrepaatloo of SiyBaeio to thadaya of tba
augqceacb and canall
Iboal ^fkhPXI-ltuf’tban is aay other way
tliudc Is pirylam. not
aod hk conscience

as a. I

Baker, mayer ot Ctavelaad and asM:
"Uy (awn M goUg lo bare
rallasy BghL
I waat to h
ahMt ClerataM-a."
T aball be oaly loo glad to tMI yea
•U 1 know.- aaid Mr. Baker, -toot anfertaaataiy 1 hare ■ppatatmeate aaiil
«ne o'clock- WW
“How can I men proBubly pvt to
the two bean kere oatll that timer
Oifked Ibe straager.

la aummlac up tbe apedfle p
•xpeoDded In bla Mldreaa Ur. Reemwelt
spoke bs followa:
-.Sow. friends, tbia to ay cooteoioa

e effect on "rrices i
tare tbe rtxbu and
for labor. He c<'ea k the ttoremoant ibe conaam*r.~ iimare full Juattcetiithe
pUcc to bis siww-b. -The Bm ebarpe i>ay envelops of tbe WVs rerntr Tbe
upon Ibe Inditftrial autesmaothlp of .-ocatolaaloa must not attempt i
tbe day." be said, "la to iirerest bumau croneb ea Ibf ttnff oiaklac power of
waste. Tbe dead sreiirbi of oepbaokse ■■ooctnaa. tt aball
toM f "
and depleted crafumaoablp. of crip-, Ilrity and promptly. TV tarfff aball be
pled srotkera and workers saOqliiB rerlaed arbedulc by acbednle lo atold
from trade dlteeMa. of caanil labor, of tbe .-macBrrluc blowa to boaiBem''-intotocure old axe and of bodaebold dfc! •'«eat «o former teeeral rerlalons. Tbe
pletiuD doe to toduirial coodtUonaafe. U9tt* will be to wii» oat tbe "to* rolllike oar depleted tolls, our cubed Inc and vote tradluc" secured by apeBounulo sJdeu and Hooded river IsH- rial tolemu to the past. "Only by
toms, so tutoy strains niwn tbe na-t ibis means cau tariff he ULeo out of
Iteoal ttruclure. dralnloc tbe reoerve potltln." Tbe aubatllalion of a tariff
atrenetb of all todastrtea aod-bbowlnf for revenne ooly. a proposed by llw
beyond all peradventiire tbe public ele-l Democratic pisiform. WDaiopmacetou
meot aod public conceru in Indnatrial •onolry flilu (be most wldeapreed InbaaltlL- He proposed several apecIBc dusirUl depreaalon we base everaeeo."
tootboda for preeervto* and ItuprovUic Tbe rtrltioii aball be downward and
-oor human maources. and. therefore ned'apwaid aod aecore a square deal tanebt
oor^bor power." Wace actoea and "« merely to tbe maoufactnrer, but lo
of ibrir acenu will repraatnt
otbJtabof data aboubl be made pub- tbe wage worker and to tbe fsneral tbem badly. By scnml exjn
he; all deelbs. lojariet sod diseases due vrematrer.
{"hare foond tbat. aa
to indaatotol operatioB tbould be-re-1
- -rba H>|h Ceat ef LivincoaiiM aecofe tbe triompb «d tbe raaato
ported to the suiborltlcs; wage cam-j
Tbo cost of llviac." aaya iir. Booeebich I meat beUerad. aot from tbs
lU be eaublltbed to tbe sell. "baa-.rUeOL dwW-tbe UM few
detBaa aad tba mee wbo dalm an
excepHosal riebt to apaak Is bostr aalariea i I waeev- and (oreenmeol. but by cninc t
tfta; tbe (
-tbeir beads and appaattoc diraetly to
tbe people tboBtoelkea.
of mahatioa ibe whole sobjeri, made absoluiely ,
-1 am not under (be allcbteat deloabm
aad safaty: fbere aboald be mine and_ a noDparilaBD body of eiperu wlib nu as to aay power tbat durinx my polHprejodlce lo warp tbeir mlod.
• irrer I bBTealaaytlme
wbo khall iranim-; irbatertr of power I at aay time bad
remedy beedUre I ohtatoed from the people. I cwM
•ji wbat Jntarest may be hurt ibereby exeretos It oaly ao long
compenaaiton for fodns
and rsrliui ouJy lor the lulcr«--l» of ibe -exteol that tbe people sot merely bw
trial acridenta and deaths and (or dla peotilr as a whole.*' The ItepuMleaus lleved in jne. l>et brenllr larked me
Titosriy due lo todoMrial coodb promise sneo to toqulry. but ihrir rank un- Wbaterer I dal as pfreMret I wa/
tien*: f^be tdoprion b.r law of a fair dlalioDtoiy of irtton at ibe Chlraco ebleto de only berenae I bad Ibe bock
aundard of cvnpeoaalloo (nr ’'tauBl' ’ODieoiiou "mskea their every promise iox of tbe people. When oo au.T peiot
flea femilttoB faUlly which abaU clear­ wentalem' II it bo|>eleaa to tare to I did not bare tbat backtoc. when oa
ly fix (be mlnli
I tbe Uemncraik party for relief, be-i.aar pnlot IMlffered from tbe people.
tbe moiielary eqelvalent of
■ auae Brsi the iieumiTattv pany “at-, mattned ootSrbelhar t was riebt or
llrla* wage vartta tceordlnc to local
. cart
, . wrooc.
lo Bud tbe eotlre high
bniT-| wbetber I was
my power eaa. (be ...deAm ...... jk._
. I 4.K
rI tried
* * - m.e beet
sbeaM be mtOeienily tog to
uriff." IIffnoHni
Aie V...__
falgh to BWke toOtaUty poaalbU and to fbet tbat fbe Pt^ieiu U wprtd wlda. PJ*. «» »d'
prorkle for ednikdett. recreaUen. pnp- aqaaUy preaatoc tBTMa.traffkdCvtoM . I tbmicbt was rlgbi; If necMsary 1
and to highly, pretectod AJrnnany. neter beaiiaied to tell tbem wbat t
dartox sickoma and rreagoahte torlag UoraoTtc. U the UeVrints are alocrre tbougbi they oagbt mhear, ereo tboogb
for OM axe: excrealTe boon of labor they mMt take all duties off tbe prad-l«
>- onpletaaot for Ibam (a
aboald be prohibited for ail wage weric- otto of (be farmer, aad we “certalaly
»*• but I recogoltod tbat ay task
and ottbt labor ot wo
eoBoalaffonl to have (be farmer strock *■*
'ey lo laid tbem and not to
ebUdfUB aboaid be totWddrti:
down.;- Various elcmniU. w-ooomk. ffrt'c'hem. to take l*»o loio my »oBof raal la awrea aboald be provided by poUUcdl xnd social, are pointed oat by
*” "T '«> eb«tw tbem tbat I was
twMity-lOar boor labor Ur. BoesevciL at contribailac to tbe H«bt and ihre to.vally aad Incood (alib
aboald be dlrided Into three Alfu ot high COM oHlvIng. «nt effective lewi* '
tbeir decttloD. I will do Bayeight boars by law;
latfoD rpgBtdtox It no ooly tw framsd
sag. aljl tbat
be catirely pro­ oo a roBt>retaes«lvs scale after a that-}*• ■'««*•
hibited, and labor rampa aboald be sub- ougb. wieqiiBc and«alry.
' \
o« mat and .« i
Ject to covernmcDUl aanliaty rexuls
-Ti»re U no more curious detosi-w I bold Ibat a mao caaeol--------lien: all todostrles employlox women' (has
nu m
“• c«>totspfs. b« I bold Blao (hat whre* bla
should he specially aol>- a prnfreaslr« platform.


ear to And out exactly bow It tre
employeca. lu rivaU and the g
cni poblle. ■• • • Any eorpont

poum imht ub >t orx

* *»’.**r
-It to impmUTc to tbe wbitoieofcmr
(wotoe that -we colarye aod extend «■
foeelcB eotoBMrce
We are prewa
•esUy »tad to de tbit beeaime aa
paopto ve-baT# doraiepad bleb .aklll 4a
dm art of maaWaettolat: ev baMaees
man ate Mroac exacatlTSa. atrooc or
Caatteis la erery way possible ear
todacaf CDTenmeai ebonld co-eperaw
iB thlB Imporuat matter.
wbe baa bad opportnolty to study aad
observe Brw baod Germany's coarse to
must realise inai tbc>r pol­
icy of cTHoiwratloa' betweeo cotemnteot aad biuloem baa to comi<aratlre.
ly few ymra made tbem a toadtof comlie«Hor for ibr commerce of tbe world.
It AoaM be/emembered tbal they are
dotn* tbUoD a-naltorial scale and wl|b
larce uslia of barlnesa. while Ibe Dem••■rats would have us believe (bat we
itmold do It with small units of bus!-,
lesa. wbk'b woold be eoairolled oM by
be naiiooal covevutnent. but by forty.



Breaking the.
"Papa.- begas Bobby,
does H eosi very much
HU Ulber UM dowa the r i | ~ te wu raaqlag aM taaalBMB d*n."It depeods. of eeane. M bow Ito

-Are .vou ihlBklBg
bguae?Tve bemi tbipUag Bbeotbowmachk v.
It roeia.- Bobby said -And f wMdhev .. ,
Tbero'a so maay .wtodep
doon apd lUaga
Of coarse, ps*^
winders cost saora'a cellar wtodeta.
'cause tbey're made af better gtaao.
No*. Jimmy, bo aaya soma gartan..- •
erindera coot $J. but (boa JlMV ab .
wiya puis prlcoa ap awful biA- vOgq. .c... .
1 wish! li weulda'i ralB aoM a tat
We doo't hsrdly get oavdoon aafr*
"li's rather bard oa baaabalT and *
ptrslcs. tos t It*.;
• '
-Wen. we ain't bM say ptaM ftm
plralrs yet. hardly
nHly say« rntf
room ai rebool oaghier pM ap tmm
but be begins latkiag plcstro Maa'i
Chriaimaa le erer. Nellie fftaater'a bad
oae all ibougbt oui taog ago. but
ain't fair m get up one tbal way.
“I ain't to a awfal burry tor wwy
plralrs iong'a It's as wet. It's baaabhil
(bat I'm taoklag for. Td like la Mew
be* anybody could nm to a tk«
mud laaa'ii be wss • flab- II •••
bssebao atoned are tbiaktaf ab«nl
bousra SB' things Itko tbst-I suppose year Mas was to M
grendstsiid to proton (he WsStt
ms. H tbsi 4ir.,atoed the IbllMr. '
"Nnot oxacUy.- Hrtby artamhledged
-Too see. wo don't «st abr
faaa 'cept fetlers that Mat. wgal to
all dowa. Tber get so excNad ibar
Jual Jump up and do**, aa' toa sB
Jimmy he's a awaO pUyar
this year. We wsa pUytag yeatardBy
and tbli morniaf betoro It gurtdd. to
I rain to (he same diaged Hd way."

valB Unbertaa pleaded that hie ma
bad actnally laMItMed a eompaty of
tha Goldea Hlng to put dowa aucb cao“Hold os! Tbat'a oo way u tali.treta. aoy member «hs broke the pro“Why. -diagad- lan't-bad. Toa JMt
hfMlIea to loee hto ring and give II
ougbiar bear tbat (allm- fragd oeaCM'
lo (he poor. Henry, aaxloua to prose
uat UaiTi >tre«. Oeo. ihafa gtaig
that the RngHahmaa baa tha.better
IBM. the way be talks.”
• - •
man. promt^ to Bad the forfeits ktm-I dos t Uka that sen or hoy. topi
aelt and diknh hta baer at a draft.
wbUe It took (be Oermsa roar galps
•Ob .wen. he slat to had.-.Haphy.
I account (or t'he wise.
ssW. itaailly. -He dost aay‘ma. ^
Mo* early dW msaklnd tbiak of the
kaow. He Just koows' 'am aadkam
coBTenlenee of Ibe Bagerleoa filere*
utill Oaly ba told oomo^moHo tff ia
Utile *sa said of glorea Is aarioot
fanere woaei sal they're warad tiH
(Imea. but is most ea
•dinged.' He's a swell playor.-ealybt
that (bey had Bagen
..._____ _
gfib—sore when the (eUet* hart bt
tie eerretary of tbe younger Pltoy.
tetlere gM.dff axrttod
nsed when ha vlsitod Voouvlim. oo
ibry pick up tbe ball aad tbraw it tq
that be might keep oa dotting de*n
they Blat ei the !•■«
aplir of tbe cold, must bar#
makee hlai a*iul tore. I dMt.
blame him. do your*






. . -y
.. . '

. _..._.._•



"No. I sbooM ihlak not Thiy lto««
» bustoest lo letreh the baU." . <
-Well, he^ otode me eruy toikfiilt . ,
tout bdasea. It wpt him martad me , '

aad Jimmy niktog asffta«.iM konamT
more'a a tkooiaad HlWL '
A Vivid ffloUire.
He said you dlrWe tm • tl
Of all -spiliudes.'' Ibe i eebaaleal Isri late wisders and doors aad jmiB
la loan likely to manlfeei
find a door COM a koais UdatldtkgM.
(emiolae bralB.
(wrniy wtodm to dMk.>
whose Tialt 10 .
I works la boose
Is iberer'
. . , .
described to Toanga Uagtilae. »bs
-I don't tbiak I ever ooMtgd tkmm ,
. is What abo mb. Too might cm«t tkm aitoM mrTm .
but her accoaal of (he |
for fua.served Icaree tbe reader to doubt her
Well. aByho*. be aald ha 'catoT*
entire underaiandlag of thorn.
count 'em from obers ho was tai'Va
"Too pour," she told a friend. “«
bel each ptoder uptUIre eost'14'abl'
of aaod into a lot of bexre. end
cellar wluder co« tt least ft. I
thro* old ttere lids and (hlagt Into
ain't erer beard aaythta* so feeltoh. ' '
(nraece. and thee you lure the rod- have your,

hot e'ream laio a beta to the atnd. and
ras perhaps a rather high eetiererybody yelu and threu.
Borne dty wbea we are ever to , .
"Tbre yoa poor It owl. lei It enol
the glader's we might ath him W
sad pouad It. tad ihea you but ta It
out of rurtostry bow mack one •(
■ hlBg that tmrea boles to It. Th*o
wladowi coat. A cellar wfadger, flto
>0 acre* It together, aad palat It.
Instaace.and pot a'esm*'to li. and It gore splen­
-I thought maybe we migM go over
didly. and 'May take It to a drafltogOat way tbli errelsg If it gw|to*« ' «
-w and make a bloe-pript of It.
— -- B.................................................-------But one ihlag | forgot—They bare
> make a bellerj Ono man geia Inde and one gel^ eotsid*. and they
-Not a grret degL“
pound rnghtfolly.iand then they He It
“Billy says borglara alwsyt $ol to
to (bo other thlaC, end you ought
through relUr wtsdere. De tbayf-. '
ice It go;-—Toaihb Companion.
"Not any ofteatr thea tbroogh bUmr' ’
wlndows.“Onre *o<
by sigbad. .-Balls'ge d
The vinuee of a Chlnree taandj
swfol oftee. I Ihlak sn never have here half ’old.~ a>
e aoman . -Not of my tanadrywM
"So a ball weal ihroogb oae did Bf -’.
aoyboa. .'He la aach a motherly c
I hope It waxa't where tbo boy would
aool- Tbo other dey be broogfai a
got-himself toto eerteoa trouble.handkerchiefs borne folded to (*o dif­
“No. sir That's tbs Pico pin aboto
ferent ways, soma aqoarod. mm
it.~ Bobby aald gbeorftilly
“It wag
red.oor window- It oam (broach. Jost as
waiy. this meralag -Oar windewr' DU the bey foel «r.
■he stack of cats'f I sappoae he offered to pay**
>ora»"ed b
efa. Theae holey.'
-I'm—well. I'm,offeriag BOW.-Mbp ■
Thao to tbe aqsaro
immered. “It was ma'-CWtogg
Tbeoe good. Is big holly, not geitea Daily News.
and a- oui with boler bukebef
:in-i old John- HU Idre wsa sU
riiht. b'oi doean't keep me from get­
ting mited. (or I ran never remember
Magatine. Hsrgarot B'oedward npi
shape mewaa holey aad whlrb
th« preeesIMy wemss sed sboiws bo*
meiBi whole, so I am likely to
the aacleni sod beoorsbio. cajliag of
grare mypelf with a holey ham
hOBM-msklBg Is beiag Deglactod by tpo
rblef after alL'
modern womsa. As sa 'ntmpla abo
eliea tbd follewiBg: “Acreaa tbo suoot
a BOW (amlly has moved la.coMto'lnf
-Blghiy doltan (or a set M tir«a ta of father, .mother and eeretgl omI
pret’T aiir.- aald Jlpaeo. -Hgi
cklldrre These ehlldrwe are allowed
yM got aaytblag ebsaperr
mass themaelres hy commkllag
''tSore.- aaM tbo affable aalem
of It-leeaaM ia adjoiaiag yaxMe •
I bars a set bona y« can Mvi
Wbea vislied hy as Irate artghbor.
tea doUart wbeaa U>a had reealred a goaattea of .


iber admii’cd aba dU oot kaow'
whs’ her cUldres wore Misg. VfeM
siked vhr sbo dU oot took aftor (kam
-I abeaU aay so.-. mU the aalos- ehv offered as as exegao ebarto 4m r
-Tbervo trareied over Iu.Mig ueo.wbkh woreaeardoowsaatotaare
bar 00 time.*
JaUas alraady.-—Uarpeca »M>lv.



•; '-i"

IMe mr TRAVHISE ihty
I in C4^timiOm with Comity Normal Timt Taspayor* SboaU Take Into ^n»(deratiop.
Pta- ■ tooi tunj
• •eOoDl board* »j»»r tcith
xipr wUb apetMdi«ra «rlib cxjaaWc/ft------. eJal iralalBc tar taacbiu Is (be <«untry dUincu. it U lint«tolble altray*
to IHl nperieaced tear here We maat
If turn to the other alieniafive.tlial
o( setUM Iwchera wlih apecial trainItK tar teaebiu in rural acfaoola. The
■ate or oorM achoah have been nnaWe to Klv«^^ iaatrarniKi because
■ the Bisdents'
■eferred to
vorb. aad alowsl the eatlrw Dumber
of atoic oormal graduaiea hare beea
Ukan by the rily and tlllaso arbobU.
Te remedy this roadJUoB the leglrlatere maad ia IMH the county
a aebod law which
d for enlabUthlBga eooniy normal in oarh of
the cettMles ahere a stole normal
does not exU't. This lav iiroridcd ibal

a oetiaty DoriaaJ conU
only M lb«. tote at th
*bd a vole «f the dWrlot
scbeel I* to to nuUMalnd.
’'Wi law farther provMod that the
aboold i«r f l."0» !«': yrar tft (be
<^tetrtet or rliy lualalalDiiiS aueb
ily normal acbooL the balaace
the cxi>e0Bc to be shared equally bvthe couuly iind the dty tobere (be
»: hod IS loratnl.
The rounfr normal rcquln-s two
(cac’berB.-a prlocliial and a ' rrltic.
tao rooms
wbk'li iire to be fumlsbed and biwlpd
bjT the cit)^ Oae of Ihake roaois will
iple^ bv the norinsl siuilmu a'a
their study.or aesKion room, aad will
be prartded o r by the nomal scbobl
I'rtm-liiBl. The other-room will be orropied by eblldren from the first, third
and Drib grades of (he ciiy

Oio* New Perfeetkm
l»tJeeiieg —y*fuiui.u. jt caaMet the bootewtfe to brwl
« wcH oote New Pofeeboa Stove ai ova a co^ fire. .


____ 'its

iecm WC.1 m s reg^ cad oiiea



Mon. Alia 12

lA riiH by

«n(wr W*biir rWU

learher^ lu dUs t6oar iPe'llSriShr atto
djwta «IU'd6'i£e!r
oMoT 1^ saldance oi 4be critic taacbaie noraidl nndrau wW atoo ob­
it teachlal la mAr aradea and
toM ha siiBlrsd to risk a aaorby rural
tto^eed* and laatlBtoii iksro.
"^e wwiity ombai «w went iWo dP
fhef fa TP>3 ahd etaM debool* were
>nsbed ImteedlatoTy. four dt (Safai
r Bdgbborta* ttomiioa of Aairlm.
Chartevots, KaUmata and ' Woctard.
There are now (orty-fotfr roant)
idhis In the Btote. Every coamy la
ittostern MfcMgaa. extentlag
CTrand Tyivrrw and (.celanatt. have a
county norlual. and Leelanao
voted U> favor of one.
. The conaty noruml. If catabUs^
be a nan of the ragnlar a '
■y«ew and wtit be Mdn- the direct
tMor of tbe eRy evphriiitea

board of s«|x-rvi»o™ vaTeJ nnanb
ly la favor of asking Traverae ('Ily to
estobnab aad malatoln a count)
mal aehwi. We aalanHy ask.-what
beaett « w»l he to Traverae Ofy? It
will brfng to Traverae City two espdrt lea^ets whose sdttirfea will be
the state, the county and .the
efiy toDibriied. ft wBl necessitole ththiring of one less teacher on the reg­
ular city tarre.
Tbe averag* annual rest of i
lalainq a Monty twrmnl la about *1.loat year It coaMtt. Him
CM. t adfflhc
iind IhMAns tl.etM. (Tiatierotx^.tdn. KalkadkOf.1«. I.M us rstlmate (he rostto Trav.
niy SI dl.«lW. Tbr stole lUAvs
'H.Mii'anil the cbunly I90h. If tbe city
pays nnr-balt the eobnly lax- w 1150.
tbea the ro*( to tba dly wHI be *430.
Tbe crHle leaebor wRI dlsplMe eor
tflBPher at t*« nor mtitWIt tar Mae aod
off taefftto ar H awRWr aahkry cT
*370. TMs tnahrs a fiaancM gatt- (if
the rRr of f1V> pfl- year, eh more than
enough to pay tar heating oae extra
The ronmy nortaal «1B be a t
Trnverto CHy wha «
lac up the work of toaehintc. beeaone
fahA aahml grr.doatna vita imrsnc
wnVk ht (to- eontity normal for one
year ma>- filiitsti (heir llTc renmcale
any of tbd r'nt-r nonugTy In
suiiiiii^ term ■•r ».x
Roeka. Is oth-yr woriU live) luay r«malo a( home aod get ilij firri jror'u
tha‘. OK tat
cortlOcata course.
eonniy obremil v-ourne ta
onras of (birtr-ili w-eoes.
rontlhnec ojien the atine a.s tbe rit;.-’
achoots from •epireuber to June. The
of Mudy Is arranged as tal­
First qaarterr Payi-holOKr. reading,
sprlftnit. wrlrtn*.
ti of tuchlag. nature study and eletucntur agrlcuTIfire.
Second quarter: Psyebotag) aod
podogogy. clasali-s. grammar, aritlimetle and boak-keeplng. atote course
of atody. ohaervation of (eMhtng.
Third tpifwrtrt: Pramire- Mudy. pc-l
aangj-. r. 5. history, rlvl.s and sc'ire.I

tvmriwdiua ».«.»«

Stirllht mi TMfai

Fm Eihibitins

Oauaty normal eenttoates are Rood
Is any roauiy ia the atnqe «lmn en«0fs«< by tbe eoniilT board Of examItfcVn 'They are granted for three
and If till- bolder tcacbes suecemfull) durlDg (bU (ime tbc)' may by
mewed for three years.
Much Ik said at the prenew tirua by
ito proas and by nearly eleryhody Hr
favor or roea(l^ friMtng in 1^
puMle aelioQls. Teaehtlic I* d voestloB
well sultod to many of our yedfil peo­
ple. nod ttcre Ip no olh^ ocefipatton
which they «»ii step Into and oarn a*
nuicb money la «u abort a lime as
(hey tan nani la the HU of toarblag.
The rani M-hooto of ihlt county are
now paying at high as Mztt-llve dol­
lars t<rr fOoftTh Hi one-roofit sehoot*.
and (he: m flsAog li Jlffirolt to find'
teachers to fill fhe places.
Tiatcrse City will tote on the questlton of estoblishtng a rooniy normal,
(he oMBcU raoius cm Monday. Aug.
1^ (mm I p. m. to : p. m. MaSe it a
pan of MMtr Imstocwa to atop Into ibei
rootle ft its nfufi tills dote and rote In'
lavor nf the remote aonaal. This Is a
Mhool election anil wouira ua> tote
If tfaey wish to du so
I.e« lloraeby.
Commlaaioner of SriKKrta.

tea nal
•a* tin *B^ W1B ae Bne fVtti

■r. to c.

§ rm^ragxgJRgf^r;


•u w'irtB


SMw.void and min. yew m ^




loo Burb rain for all erem. (ret hv
uid <a(s. wbIcU arc a big crop.
Uslhcr Cond is spendini: part of her
acsiion bert- wMb relatbes.

■ryand Slrs..J. Pranktaihur drove
to l4ike Ann Suudny.
Ur. and .Ura. J. .Veitresid of TraveHis CHy were on( Sunday and spcDt
Ihfi dsy with .Martin Bugay’s family.
Tiensiuorr and ■iHiishicr'
oT Maple City iiaasetl (bruiieheSoluii
Wednesday ou tbeir way (o tbcli ucw
ilkV. ihR. -f.'at Cirn Ukc
SKS alfritde-I It' _

IhlirTlay, allbougb
.Martin Bugal'a little lbree-4ear-oM
Ixiy was sriidrniallv scalded
Matnnla:. The iiwtber wa> prt^ihr(hop water III a Irerfcet jure tmllluR from,the i
lug tbe (niby
scald log waier. Ihatb came to relieve
the little suRrrer la 13 lioura. at 3:30
saday tuoralng.
Health oncer White «aa ralM
Saturday to qnanfntlBe a OMe of diph­
theria at Her. Bowpiw’ lioUky- In Cedar.
Their yoUDgvst daugliicr is ilic
SteiiheB.MrQuecr pnsaed a<
le borne of Wy aiiu. Arthur, duly 51,
IP13. Hr had bee'o in poor hehitl tar
linr. and^for the last few «y,«h«
was eonfiue.1 to hlr bed a great Hfferer. Mr. MrQuetT «a» Imrn in 015drmMiiirg. .V. Y.. S<-pleiub<T 33. I
In IKU^e eiillKtetl lu Cimiiinn:
hew York heavy artll|e|->. r
lag iiBtll the close of Ihc war. lu il(e
yesir tw;: be wltii his famlt:' caiui-'io
Itoclaaan eountv and bought the farm
near Cedsr where he bas ainre llve.1
I'uneral -xervli-es were heU at Clesr.
brook FrWay. Rev. J I*. While offl
elating, (nlemienl took idat-y in italou
eenietery itesidy- Ills wile., ubo prehim wveu-)$ar» ag'
dren. gsowa to tiianbood.
tbeir tolhcr.


BHM Cten Mte# nud
Ahrays gf ft ifonr mkI K C Bakffi*
Ftowda at least thrde times. The
more siftlOf, tbe lifbla (he csEc.
JUmemba that! To cnam bit­
ter and aagar <H>icUy..wara the
sngaralitMy. Beta yolhso(«egn
with rotary bcMcr. Wp wUaS
ol rsss with *at apooD whip.
Wtt«r stakes ligtita cakes; mitt
makes neber ewkes.
To mix a cafce. first cream bntterand sugar (taorougbl>-. then add
yolks, if ■used. Then alteniattlv
add Boistare aad flour tbot'toa
been sifted with haki« powder
aad«iF«atitansm>thaad gtomr.
e*»*R «. V. tt HO. t.
• : AhM^tttitK-C Baking
Odtr. Aug. :,.->lr. and Mr» Frank
Always nift •mn-OBd
Aoitshuechler pasi-ed ttinnigb Solon j Poerder nt IcMt ibren times.
SiiBfiay to atfend rhureh at Kaseon
I More atorteniBI cold and *rsr.
Aoien Thiel aian tar '^Mth dflagh te aSft as it can Ita
Nunb Uaniiou Uland to tbe morning hOdM. The aofter dtniRb goe»
I «Uit rctellvsa.
into the oven, tbe Cfl^'aie
Mary ('«•' ha* muracd iroaa Da- bbeolt when ft comte oot. It m
reniiorl la., where she gradaated from eankr for C C Bnkiiic Powda to
(be Chiroitraetlr tnalRM*.
do ita vorh ia aafi thaa in ntif
VIK. 1. W. ntaRecman returoed doagh.
Tuetito) from UId Mtaatao. havtog
s|>y-ui aomc Uiur with bvr aUl^i
re en- oa doRHd board.
. and Mrs. Prank ^aal'are
^-------- ~
’n-iunted iiwm nalin arc pore aud yx-rtaiii.

(Vu-tond FrMay eveatog and repon jteor siMCcr for K C.

Oa of kaadAog Foatwrao


The dmlrnsa of tin dlloraat oasmltloM rwpartod na« Urn townoUpt
I veu nepreaeatod atoo. U to
gtatUylM. to nnu (be owwlbat
Ptoa bdng made by iba towaobip


A »n^t..-aM rntiresiastlc gObertug
of I3e membera of (he Board Of tyn*
and tbe kualuesa Uco'a a-,*ecla(iua
ax iMdJ ta tbe offi.e <p ib, inlurma-Ikm bureau Monda) evening u mtte
Hr Hal pJoa for ’Trarorae Cky
Ito).* which to to ba boM Thnrntey.
AwgUKi sax Thto wW hq (he torama
badly hoakef plealc that waa
hold to thto rwtoa.
Fof aereral yearn A has Bton tac
lutom y>f tbe Buord Of Trade uV
sialacaa lien’s aasoy-iatloB to-have
tar their gneau oH the farmeea. (iwU


ww lanaa Hn

T^ rngHtar mqntlag a(. «M ■dtoi
toTrax* onmatoattao was InU kliw-

taoi eilcngo, Dotoott. Totode mt *■
talo thma^ Mu« Vnonn totawa*


the efty *h]tertnfentfent totd the tdtiu-

Fburth jjuaTtur I’rai-tke Icarrlng.
edagocy' and achool uiauagemoii;
nature study aad clementan agrlcul



aad WIU be presided orer aad taughl

It to suapooneed that Ur .V t£.
Wtohart W Otand Rapids, one of the
mom popular and *«U known tpmto
era la Wasnma MtohbM wHI stores. .
Ibo ptople na tha oahjeet of -'VnM
tar WoaM«' at BMahera-s Open
e Od tbe evealnc at August I3th.
Admyoa, fta»
_ . .

’ ■ '


. •

was WHI repreoewto at Iba sM aat
tiers’ ttonir at Bardh«fii|-. and a
auinlwi fixiar TiaitToe Clfy weiv la
evidence. AO seemed l« ha*e a aotid
time in spile of.tbc coM vtotbor.
Ur aad Mrs. Jobs White hale r»
(aniH (roai (he* Ctovotand Ulp nod
report a grand tiam.
Bd rate and Rlehanl Horne are
wofttafi tar Herb Cork opewtaa a neW
Mr aad Ura. McOuitn nhd twa
chutes who hate Iim vtaittog Bn.
tUlhsto^rrmraod to thHr' h«ma
Ibis moralaB
A Bumhor from near bme Ivve ban

men ihdr wirsa. fsartilea and a
hedMa in (hie nernoo. aad people have
(0 took forwaid to It as
of (be days when (bt-y can lay adldr
an (he oire^tar at least une day, and
have a gcaitos good tiom This will
> excxtrtioB. and niary oaa 1a ex
aHh Hy theregttef If Barktl r
poctod to iota b tbe oant tantto
The big feaiore of the day win he
the iKishel plenle at noW’ oh the fata
Rrounds. The local daBiHRlce* FIR
*w toa ........................tUM luniixh (he yoBee. sugar and ererx;.
FAItM FfK>»UCC-4nMilg Frto*.
etoo win be brought by C.
ijrfH 9yiro««r Ba«tr te plarted
people ibenudvas. The hand aril
(nrnish moatr ail toy aad there wii MFhed add oot town te n tab of bat
water Inat Ratnrtoy. bnrhm bla* no
(be young nod old ta fraat of us severtiy (bat he died Sanday ssorateg
l i o’elfwA.
kraiwl bland, and men fdws Ihe
ITk- UlUe dsughlm of Bev. ^ Ura.
tiavthni of fhe sHeinoou when
fast Itaotolee lentu wfTI cfosw bplv Itawehs of Cadar has dlphtharto.
owd kin. FrnnUMhor vtoUcd4f
WlUi tbe borne tesu on tbc Im^ap
grountto. Thto wOl be Ih'e last titae
that Hfmn two taams wl
tether tin the bourn gruu
♦ •AfitBALL RrtULT*.

they am IM two tandors
MiDte th*
the •»*♦»••♦♦*♦*♦*•**
rery (dnoe Ih their ataiiHlDte.
Rsinr *Iff draw ouf (hr targeat crowd
yver Been da these imtada. (msi
)ear It was catlmsled that Aeie were
rllbl Ibuuaand people
ebrer ilw kxwto te vl'clory. Md thin
year as the ihlereal to
(enae. ihc galhertlH vlH he bM lar*.




Air faetoiWa and htotatiaa fitarto
will lib asked (o i-tou at Boon tar t»r
balance of tha day, so that bR'may
bavec-apM to thto grou y-debraUuu.
and ebj^ the hoapHall^ ol Trararae
The tanewlae eotmnlUeco store ap
pointed last night.
The marshal vf the day wilt be llou
-Joim >C. PMrhtai. ^
CctnuiHIrn on Ibnevs -flMtrte
Aullofte. a ff Rraehen. «.-0. ftm-etl
.tL*M ap
Ito. 1 bornn bMna
rroaram and odvertiMng—r T
Blntoall Geo. U. Woe. M. II. ftellcy.
UrouBda and ^aer-dcMoe W
Burns, a WItaflton. (tow ttablppeasaee. WllHnn Oeese. H U. (Wo*.
VillUmelmrif. AUR. ».-Sfra.
Music—B B. White.-r. P. Hantar.
l*;ntK and koii Kendall uf Ijirorte,
Sports and ttaates—A. F. RinMto '
Ind.. arc gueetv at the C. W. tiui
Transporltilon-w U. r. Gewatne.^
Won. imsi. m.
TheroB -Morgan. >< Biodhagen.
Mr. aad Mr*. I. W. (H^maa
Treaaorcr-A W. Baruk.
Promtosal speakers wUl be engsg
1 to Bgiwk rtgLi after ibv pieOc dh.
iminy frleudK liere aad at linrker
Mf Rlednaj wp* formerly
laslor of the (diurch here and he or.w
Ta . .gfd
rupied (he |>ii1p1i again toM fvmiday.
Empire dlltes spent Suada' wlili hh
•wa Frcvl. Miu Morir. « bu baa
vMUag at Cbark-tolx. rdaroy-d wttte
Mrs. R Ic cam eatertahied her Oh(* nd eouatn fit Bi»t Hrtea-ifie trst
of the week.
R. D CarrettBuD bss touActl to
nn»i ClM
Mr. anil .Mes: ft C. r.srdntr h*«e
ratut»r ptM M« extretOBty )ew. and at 4
received the sad A'-*s ol Ore tfearir Af
tbU «pe6u'di*c«uiit you are buyhijt tbera »
tbeir mita MVeu-:<lar«Id ^raoddaneb
at teaetlM Mat dmh*9 pay. Weob- - ^11
ter In a boapUsl ia fTtlcsigo.
tained a inbMr’a prien tbts seasan and M
Mr. and Mra. V. a Hobbs aad chil­
dren and Hr. ^d .Mra. CImeles F|*wpriced our ioods acconfingly. Now fur a •
Prs aM danghier spat Sunday
ber«an.'> ■ - - ------ Traefir** (»r



ss?-........... "•n:

I li



ft 1

Sill I

iXi"* ■ ■ ■;. . T .S

The iTeeeed# wRl go toward O**'
.or'» Mian
R. L>. White hs* tostalled a brmnxh,
itorw at Mab«d and totalled Rom
itox m ixad riMfe. .
LVra. Mr iHuteiif earn* n« ream
rraVPrsn Chy to sPfM-lliBasy wM
btr bnoWad. who fs nwattlhrn redM'
> accept another stattan as fRWnrtte.
The wtdWnc Of Frank RheW tud
Mbs Una Grehn of Bales. whfe«
• ai aotoewhat of a surprltheir many friends, occurred tost Wwdneodi) tfteraona at Bate*. PMb
bapidnesa IS tim
We bmr nun
gOtUg to OllCB

X*. aote^ig hfg'nwn »ny-«te
'‘W M to a JSif to teiaM.

Gold EdfePtoytej Garda
. SOc quauty.but deii£Db
OB back* tkat will not




Popular CopyrfgbtB. A
host of clerer gommer
iBBdiBU by tbe worid’s
best writers of ffllil
Firtion. StieciBl

Star ^ut 0«M filial
Real cut
glMS and of. excalleBt
Boa StabmefT- AteiWiei Im

4 8«(500ShaatRall«fi^

Ihe K« Wax rtpn . . w
Nta*w .
. lie


‘BOfi^j aD TRAma b*t uau. thumbat. Auoon «, irtr

Ottr Great SaleEnds this Montt

*H? Tglkcq About for Months Ip Come.- The Values Will Never" be Forgotten

bow we can give credit at
I extrvmeiy low cash figures but

Vy.c Glv^elt^

.ndTo^lt very <W tor yon to
^ »h.t ym o^. end enjoy the
the^J: WrSlWW Store.TaicapIlMBimie

values as


during ^is Great'Mi^.Suinmer Sale, will linget

tlim ihey cost ui; this would sound unreasonable were the facts unknb vn. hut^ the ctwl!
pronged summer months has left much Summer merchandise unmoved, iheiefore we musi
unload it at the same price; then again all ddd pieces, broken lots, discontinued styles,
damaged meces, unredremed goods, etc, must be sold in order to make die room to
accommodate our new pall merchandise which will soon be here,
it will pay you well to buy what you want now; slodc up with the things you'll need
next sea^ and avoid the seasonable prices. Look over a few of the offerings mentioned
m this Id today. Our inteniion is to give you ah idea of what values are found at this
Great Augusl'Sale. Come now and bring.your friv.ds along, we’ve hargarfis for you all.

Great Sale of the Famous Traverse City Chairs
•'tul?'"'l'*‘»"*n'unltyt«lklna sb-ut Ihear trcnundiius lurxsln.. It



Very Si>ecial. Here’s your chnoce
logrt whai you need in window
We have several hundred odds and
ends, values up to 60c which we
are closing out at

IQc - 15c - 20c

These come in nearly nil colors
aiKl sizes. Don’t dei:iy your order
here or you may get left.

■ Order Now.

S1.S0 Fool Stools


H ide by the Traverse City
Cnair Co. Soliil Oak wcatiier. finish mid ii|>ho<Kt< re.l
with leather. Alnnit tw>
dozen left.




” Plac* your Order Now

dr© JMSt a few of'the many styles we have to show you. No twQ_ chairs exactly alike.
Knees range from $3.50 for a $7.50 Rocker to $15 for a $30 Rocker, Order Now.


Look at these Wood Bed
Square-top Extension Table
Bargains, p'’r1“S^w’;,ra?,X!‘rS‘^

M Men Never belore Printed
' II


Six Couchee—unredeemed. Upholstered wUtTVelor;
^ontfiuUy«>rtlO.IXI, yourcbaice whiten nf

Vdues up to $100
-------------- —.— Taeae are selling fast.
toiler* worth fn-m $1.25 to $2.00

never will again; A Solid Oak
Bed full s'ze. like cut. worth.
SSfor $1.75. Other styles
tlie same price.

These tables are not in
perfect condition, but
aside from a .few slight
mars and bruises they are
just as gcod as any for
service and are worth
double what we ask for
them. There are about a
dozen in the lot. One St.T table now $29 ’ One $16 table now $8
One $12 table now $S SO One $6 table with split leaf can be
eawly repaired now $1.75 Then there are otiiers at equally pro-

SG.00 Beds now............
$8 00 Beds now....... ......... ttS
$9.00 Beds now................. .fi
-J12.00 Bed, DOW................. M
The bed bargains will actually
surprise you. but you ll have
to order quick' if you want one.

A Whtrlwmi of BergamK in Summer Uerchandist
PwretoM* wew lor am Srasoa aad Sava Ike proflL

Lawn Mowvrs.


Ire Cream Kreezers
Wimltiw and Dtuir Screens.

Ilanunoi ks,
Garden Ifose


Mattrees Bargains weve just whan ydii want in

Mattressess and on those
which haye -^een used a s

Wc Can Save You 20%
The Ticks are slightly soiled in
places, but are easily cleaned
and then they are as, good as
ever. Prices range up from 1.95

yOur reliable home furnisher

I li tw le a
lo RM a gin d rancp <or a lot lea> Ihal
.b.-> ara knrrir. UMt. Ptartl, Ukr Uh- IlliWrai^ rtlU
djp otlwr UJW«. li.xjaa a rtMlu* orro IrtUMd at H. iurfc
Tlir-ax tko craad rant;.* hav.- ben ua.d arnov Imh arc fa
i mndttlun aad a...iu>>-!y aortli Uairxi. If fau nm^
• irpetorty Ivd


1*AGE HGirr.

for aarthliuE foreoKra.

«> Bake b.-

Itore iha( »o air away oV oa a rooll.-

fu Uifi uni miUB, uur

Balia In m Ush tual

W-ban 4o»a H>irt ooa voaiaB aioooa It* nwatr maptiria-

v ,••> - hot Jiaifa..

with hollar laodrBtt. whk-h i-oobij to uaktac bU

(rnU roiurlnc lri|i. amd make (hliup aod toy o« oae inrtloD -of Aorhm W lor Keaiorkj to Wbalt t
do as (bay are.' B>' Ibis (iOM (bare to wbkt bare btwa pared and oaanara<l. era<a (DOOBtalaea
a 6oa -bad br r«aU

Tba hoy. nka

Dual «Uh pafartoad unar. ihao pto.-a aaaiied aeanio, ocbools to ib* aooao
Tba laoahar, ibroo*ho«t

An«r wtUnt api><* k«tt*r. th«f* to
AMlhy *f »»r*« a»4 panme* lo bm
>|ow4 et. Whml vcmU umk* to»r
biicbtn- rotor or ftorr amror (baa
tbaaa? Site* a la* appMw lo |m( .lU.


(bam bark-ibay do aU iba etwktoc- tha Wbar mi.i on loc. a<*a.d mltl.

for adoUa.

nad I«t la Irtoh and .maal imtatoes. vblppad eraam. tmaalaaed and flav.r-

(he rooniy bare ba<*>B.a iatanisaO la- ooek nnill leader, drain Otar ntohi In

taar e( tli«
trsAvr *ad •
^ _____________________

ibam. «,i*r with bo4>toa mater and

of eambrto^.
(o.r tabto.i^JtTr l.»

OKS. aad onions, (ban .over *116 asb. a.1 mlib lamoa and
variULi. Uj laraoiad la-lba morh and u>aaa poplto a Wlihas Of. If ibara Ismora iha*
as aia aodto. An oM oto. ctmtlns Is taal.mi. parad frol. oo top ol this, bate an atcKlns atiamAare anmbar- a basfol. Ur
a looooly moran rloth rtlle. nt Ibraa rLTlZiIZ
told arroaa (h. Ore on ih. rock, and dual Wh Ms>r and M-rVe.
las a. hlsb a. Bfty -pop!!.- of afl o.or a larKr .tor. to. tbal (ba doth
-!rfL „ ”
on ihU (ba diolw or alaak Is broiled Work Pooabad Rass on
Too*i— nsei. ranslas from etaUdraa to i*r. haa
m«Lii ik. r—oi w_.
OM. of Kfeea rotanas
and lb* roKaa helled. Rotoaiimas *a TV>* area'i any acps an.1 Ibora Un't rats and i!raBd|»renis el e<
lo mak1
-----wall banorod
bis l*oll ehlakaa.
Bread and 'trailer, aat ii«st u«ad In prepaHns ihU .ll;h yean of asa Tbl.
bat las a Ibe HI, I asa ad*»l part, of Jiilr.- sixr nouhto. oat to a paa of bvi wator ror ‘
aaowttoU.bntblbai droppad almoM <o „Hva« and fdoklaa. raka abd (rwlt. whir* to raallj ooa lor da^seri
I'or ml) aoosirttrUre
re lafli
laaorwse oo^b*
>usar. aad
and rook
rook aniU
antU a
a drop
drop *ni
will HI
HI ar
ar mhb
mhb bnitnM
.lb* >usar.
paper aad bako'aalil
Iba aioainl wllb lU walsbi of sreaa make a Us dlaaor. hra by tb* nmo ■(•ba foeadailon a atowsr raka i. aaed a*rl«ilinral and bona
bona ro.dl(loy^C--he. ptorad «o a ,o»d dltT Ramora
'anoaM. aarra ea a bM plai—
Bill, . U all toady our ara anlia
oa a .bin Mlao pUre batf . pa,, b
• l(b wblia sooca Oaratob Iba i«4>
AX XU aSM Ik* Iwfcapar aad Um >^ea.-' aba raid. -Burb
Ha aqual t
a as^laUoB -for (be' lo take
from Iba Bre. hata a hw ba.->la
dojns JasUa. to rrarviblas
rtd, 4o*a
Alxraad tba peuL.
-----------------------------------------------------------inkala with parmlay
. .braoai
was ilw Kroatr«i lad to aaowball
> paper pUl'as and too oaty ;
a (ba yolk of aa ags. -------- •— of Kural Surslas. Hlfleoa .ua ato«b. tba raWar of tba rtMb hat
. Tba Unaat ilaia.
a«rr aaw. Mo was only rlsbi
(talnsm to ba varhed
Iba tla mp,
^^Ipped .raan. s*araan«l and
Uto. Lydia Hoi
old wbaa ba aa, Ihai out aftor 1 atkad aad apoov. for tba roffaa. Thla Is an
„ ..............
axi-rlanrad anrsa. 1. al the as.-b’^t'^J^^art^h^aWraH^n
r pass iMa way blm what ba mn. soU.s lo pm in n, ana, and vary sadsfartroy otiuns
this work
lloapllal .Mile trouiill... U.m ,uio but nnldarm. This
. ‘
. .ora- I. t-iii-a a- »l M.. m«. Thar, 1. aa b..,., «r a,.,l.a
oa..r-aa.^b, .,..-,1,
loraiad to dlSareot rawiloee ,ntoli4, s ^|« tiear as rr,S(#l. aad
aah na.tall. a~ a™, bw .« .b. ,„a a. -aa <a bom. .. .m,l. .. m'»• •«'.
— This U« vary aiinirvla disb.
Tj Mtofon ibrawsb iba
BtUat or roal
buryou-ll lat ma hava Jus, pi,..,. Tba ha,.
«««*^ ^j!“to'

tP. rala
a faw lo saowball
snowball with,
with, won't
won't you?'
you*' ,haoa
ihaaa idrnlrs:
ptrnirs: (bar
(hay ara
at* allowad
allowad to
to ssk

" ^
™™' ‘'•'■‘'rn ms mall ms (ba tmr- Jol.* nnka suod Hl^lrai aUarbar
Oar srtol far W.
ba bPKSed. and many aad many a (lina Irlaada oftan. and (bay usually aaa te
en,s mre baliis l.roiiEli, Imio . l.«a «*> ries and ap,.l«. ib.. ,.,i.,aani or aMar' “*
Xdto# I"
ter; ona laAspoua hakliis
1 taara bean paltad vlib iba balls u that there Is not loo long an interSeaartoM -sisMuBnl of cTmiad
barrH injiatitoE a blab rolor aad de ^
aarb rtip Sour, luelied builar .lie ... fliiaralwa to Ibi' murk
AM yal kw prwapra a*a« I an warm from that iraa. Bui Billy always wait- val baiwaao plralr days
Haka to a ctoBlta dtoh with
Tba Bald (or .levekiiuaaoi of sorlsl. llrkrus navor
Nalibar i<laptoni nor
bailer ,
ed uatU (bay bad lost tbair flrmi frasbaad aaar
rary lUlla water until tba peppers are
Camp Mre iJiBch-Wby tha (Ire ,«or»d over anv d.*lred (mh- jowrb- -XumaboM. edaratloaal aad atrimltur aldarherrle. will urake p-ll, alooa.
naas bsdora ba pirkad -tbain aad 1
leader. .It covered i^s wU m b*
bas bursad down to ruala. taka a Ions an or apides are Baa -la baked Ihlrtt *'
^'kttlrts re«s
Om ytwr wblla Utins ..u to ikraih
Tkwt wa wko iorod
bar faol laaa aarar loM blm lo. altber. Patbar.
dry mbato rotAad. Bar«a as aa enirae
kaailly tbasa days
I graea altrk. learins ai iha end an Inrh mlnutr-' to bol n<
IM^ m^'un»«r
B**"'**■ h6*«e torpaly molds three were rery siramtoibt we ranned free. with a tomato sauce made (roa fieub

• “• *. ■rV""

•' "


- •I.. •!

Tbto aalai plaaa. ,

^ .uT-rb^r.

blm think of a outo*. bMuiJful Ilia,
t from
from burnburan Mah hMdina Ah but he was oulr'- im ree the *f**®**“ ••rps Ibe stick
As If bw apMt o'or #•<* bird-fillad

>Apd here


a of hollybocka


loBoearen. and

the bone Is torsriy a Mooe saadltoRs mlthoui



orj^iiaad lonaious lavtosed Ihrousb a

repllra of the mother. Whar erer. mhaterer. and wre snrphaad. when
Pam'• Mousse—To one pint sweet
. “"B" can do to help aver)' motbrr Is wa opaoed Ibem. to Bod (be nura »s
bnuch W.,* iba
mbippral rr,*-. Md .oaa mp of
of iwacbas or* tba sa^ * •***'
»hlrh aaafa Is rospoa- sweat as (io«M ba daelrad ThU ws.
riDiaallpplasoiri. Biriasoo the stick and c
Without a m-opartalva nomz* with paorha. Ihsr bsd Wn
a sirip of bacon, half a 1__________

•aUMto.. StoKbar strip ..( baron, tba small Plara.: add alra, a quarter of to
Mbm half asusasa. anothar atrip ol box of satorfa dlaaolvad to as little


* the arUky of iba. WMioea:

ripaaad on tba treak
Than wa dr.Mr
quanililas of tbeni by
kaapfat tha
even Sllad wbaa no, otherwise to .to.



• of Mar Ms
ApHm* of aatortolBs wiU


^ .ddM. bui - nann«"-l^
"" * !»»»'narrud with h

Ptoirbe, Bead not ba pared (or drylns.
k la salt and Be two ’
srowth. It 1. with aaMer^ that (ha of- are not anally twniad. aad dry quickly
Ise baiwean tha kltc-han
oulckly. Taka whole ba«^ of
a half hours.
---------------------------- --- .
Seers of Iba I
Kllcbaa Camfaria.
a Wo- ijka other ynili, they ■
laiiuac aad aarva tba naat on iha
IVuch ilennsua—Take one cup of
t'sa a soail palm bnimb la craaM
s rousraas K
there to (ba Otddea Clow that Suasa. u,,.,, <rha iMiiir* keens fmhep .ml.
---------------------era te oosbly beatad at (aaml o
ina letiura keeps (rasbar a^yeltow pearbes. sugar to laaia. ina
• Oh. lbs fitoss lUaM KTOwlnf. iWa • , polorcd slrl who worked for me leaiM.
^vary su.h aBort and
Iba raka Has. laataad of paper or
I I* while drylBK.
i> ihan when pm in K_,k

fitoua thIPfs KTOWib*.
• once topoo a tima. planted tor n.e. II
doth. liU haadtoraadeUaaar. HoBB
Bad wlW wa- ,ba w'hl.;"of‘oTa7s^'an^a"Tb^

TM totol swasi aaHI of (be ■ ^
'Soaaa loved. Cod bless
y inqulrlns lottolHy.
♦ •*♦♦♦•«♦*♦**«•«« Cbaar's *«lJlar--ho.rB
■r»*u*l -Sal




■“ -= —

Mrtla or srt«ra.
Th^ ware mnav othar. thai Iha rb^^Tt^ma sl^e.^.
iMU ID walcb tbu haiipy Hie of • ^tor tody irajntad out. and besldto

my KTtoB AktoKs growias


paraaalalK in tba flower and vas.-

. lau
• Oh, tba SauartM and Iha paiiar- •'ton
lac of tbgaa crMa ibtoss •
aoDia tparui maiuor, to »1
' and flaroring Iha Inili.


Haw UtoF uilk UBcb to I

r toft Iba old tody to quite

wbqo MX of Si are k

manaar. Uni. of routw.

la tks ikosBarM

whlia «f

Stood that I iBUni burry
a awmory gardan of in

’ woaM ba wttbem one .altar lanfii-y
tM 4X diwsy M*a nijm •
tito ceeks are rrowtoc-


btotan .v^k
Butter . puddla* dtot.
,K Mui .

*■*" >“

Frasarvlug Odds aad Ends.

-T. n""^
I tong lima.
to ihc

Trarher.' Assottoikms


iiioylng plr..... ..... ........................ ..
surli m..<k niiioDE lis i-lulis mbl.-u’

In an nppMixtag manner.

nindai. ^nd 'H comr
“ “ ^

fumlaha. . rl.-h .u«toUou tor the

In adilllhn. to tha rbolcer frulu.
At ibis dr
r and full applam. I'uUs of min- dahlias will

' niral mrumca s ctobs to (ollnm

aad camidag grauad on earth, barrliis

Hri-tont. aWarKcrinm. .

.oaibarly wind aX a cloudy •Jl®"!: ffetoc Ba loaniba sandmi.-bas.
bunitog morotog." fmli «*tod. cbee*»
pioctalm a

^ ^
^ ouidoorm aaadaichaa, Inltod eggs, oliyas. miii
.7' Vl.«i any dj la the year wIm* *»hea. frultade carried m Jug.

J Mvn Ja«'had tba happy Privllaca
outflow (aallag. Isn't Itr
d» walHl^roafh Iha mmaoiT »r- ^
WaTTflOXlX- Udy. II >. * SLlTtTr ^1^ to altU a way
. 1,-ltfiii .osM. as marl aaods be ... . oi, '
ii.ii. „iae. nr h
It tlie

a,, to lausa. ,be ,«rfa««m of t.beir
doilcatc appetite. KoBto of (be flowers,
kent to
to mm*
tour VBiicilm ot Kummar anida. Ilka
Tba toma caa lie kept
kept to tarn*
tba Ducharai. are a IHlIe hard lo keep flaar conSitloo ll the gra» to cat mi

, ,„„h in

toWlM ID toka oai Iba wlnwr pol- brtoth of ouliloDfv almays hedpe boost

««X®h'bc»'>«'®c Menu






DMt. Thay-U DgJoy tba poateo othar on a taak.
Maybe ihia .eveotog yon sprinkle frull over tha fuayonnalsc.
- paople ^**1 ail (be BiDr* after ibey'ra 0,4 manage a innefa or a lliiie supper Ihit tlic slices logaibar and press
Md a taw doom of my rhubarb, for If onidoors.

Try It aad nee If yo.. won',



or course If you latut bare osier, airaln and add tn



was Ihal-foad of rasp- ^„e and rh.l-m moved oat. ,-o« most, -hipped eraam. aaara,. with aai. and
Mrrr Jaw'lha, be begged to plaal
^vouad I. a Baa Ibiag to sit feppvr and add oneh.If ounce gelsmemo riaea. and so b. saved his pm.old frieod lo rearm
tine rniftened to one toblespoonful cold

mm gad bought the vloes hlmvelf and qa,io(oaaa with

k. n. nil • ttJ ct iwrt... b.».llsl«>o oovmip

.oi o«-


. bl.
Tli.. too.. «•»

-Xu. lor the mlto
_______ ‘......................... .
woman basa rmnlstiayl a


-Panaars- Room" to Iha Keodalhllla


This to a

beiar and dlsiralvM over btK nnicf.

.kins begin

He rook

'-r:. “"'I'..'!:'

i hem and r.

wise Than drain olf all iba nods water add

Farm bomas ara often lass mcar and more clear
msiar. cook
convenienU.b airaogad (or the •an- of slowly for half an hour aad >l>a rasuK
tha alek (ban tha . li,. homae ami ara

Wrap to i^ied paper,

will mak* tbam toss Ibalr bine ap^t^O It (rften. Tbere'a a tree In the yard
Creme de Mentha Jtonamichas—
'«4SA Abd the raapbenv vines *ereor a rose arbor or a preiiy garden
(Be* Menu So. s.-t?iacp two laMcaiarlDd by oar ©wa Bopaie. when be
„mke line ptoale'apoonfnU mint leaves to a Uilla eold
Waa a llltto ARow." weal

haded mlib work, brace
asUbllahlBg a VParmerv'
Room- St a hospital,
laileais can re.-elra

i, a analy flavored ->10.*.

Broiled tanilly

. S-*.—
ImaEiWiU** ®«
«r,an goa. out for n day's ouUng. ink■ago s« IT Well. Ifn * rare pleaaara

where couniry on tha msrke.
The racliia lx
a.ary needed runs of eorti i« one of sugar snd

“j7!/2k,"nx htotoM to the

sS^MB be a red oaf? Ton never nam
wrb paoatos id bkmm. and. cart.v as

-fc *a. (My A" ■»”>'*

■" --------- *

fltat day. la retebraltDn
. ——f
vaentoa (o bloom w> Mriy. flor a© full,
W no iMg gs m«*e AX ikis lltlto.
V*lu roM busk
• JUry-a lltlto «»1


iXated by

Bb# dtod wbea ska

Brajdace, The mood b
.......... .k.... ...___ _

these stale_________
fairs Is

IlDHBtol^wlMBhkMyhWftoB «Dwrato.thai—««.•» go hack


mill keep's wladow la aa


romn ablau with beauty allFrcquaatly


A good many plaais an- tMier aad

forgoto. vhDa mak-


lag a caka. MacBltn DT opeflfl, to gM
tba aacamsary lIMpagi to WM aa a

drain, mnd park in oiled |u.iwr


Pa.trlalte*—-fiae .Menu No. !■j,aka a shotl pte emst n>ll on.-lt>unli

bay Ins the State
work ns one of llit-ir subjects of ■

miuaras: fold edi
brush mltl, ...
imarlv .Iona, put a
a m«tout meat lu


|h„ p Ism to .he gr^nd near Ihe and vexmton.

Flan far I
family together a
r Iha oU Itelypa
. end (doom beiiar to
. .you r
the (all and Sinfar
than Ihoea emw-k plnaran of >our cblMboodT -For para
laiar. '
ir piaycl in mai«w lor two

(on la piciure-takJpg. • HnlypD c
era rsanoi W Hnpio«ed ups*.Its

bafora- |i1an>tog tha slips of gf, manlputoiloD

•00k sell, and lie -iirejo seal st the




^nto*. ••vtu
mni country mould land m»

aeRMr akni

wlOi ,

Bomars before Ohiritniss.
hm rni'inEs.iskFp now will nnka fine

Tha cameras are deilgbi-

tnaiiH-aslve. oostlBg afaeot o*a

• r. an<j the DXpDBae lor Btotarlals

out iha adriiiioo ol sugbr or sap Onto, (live them plant' of liquid faMili/.-r-

-nas. leats- no rimiii in tbe

Shimc |>a|ters in the


alaeranlutu .uitinis for wlm They aagsilya* in So I aad .Vo I
oni^ ought to hsva bean iakao 1.. tore ibis ikws
Indeed, tbe qnlckeess

eeough ^1’ need >>e s-ided-m suit the

C*nt«. and Dalsb taking.
'* ,
Fruit lUr.-.R-e m.bu Vo it—ttoa "I"- 'hai aot.ld 1-a.siulre.| in uo fth.
er ms;.
It yytiiilil Atanip
Hr (arm
hoiAa mjib a bit ol Itaisonal
I burned > coals, iba slesk I
Slid Ini1|yi->ua1l'
cbarat-ler vliifli
Vould Ilualli mesye li-elf Into a leg
ward the lira, saarsd quh-kl,. lutiwd tssspoon t-lova*.
andary ranrimant mlih ilisl hone- as
and taraad again laol
sailed till nr four cups flour, one copchopped
aookadi. and wban 11 U doa«. bom da Irult. ona teaspoon soda: hake la rhal aa And In >>i resbt loreigo cnuniHcs
. VeriDODi bu no Womaa's Deiait
Fair, bat 1
, dtonar me samaitme< have ptamg cut to toag
_________ ______
hj'pllai la charge of diBaravii
under a big mmox otxr iha ditch only
FsDChat (ar fhv gummar Tablf/''”^’
lots and Ms taaJiag roemr.
ra 1
>aaeb abort Caka-Mlx oMquait ol looms, mlch mmmr daskt. ptoy room^
-eind Bour. tbrbe ifaspooaRito n( bak- aad ptoy
grounda (or
Bj. Eve we uka c

» opDB out
tan. TMt i*gl g»y imto wWto buds, tbl'iia rt iJ^d from'ihr
- P.e7
CRfll TO* DM IM rDaMBT- TRe'flwB- wpAy .w.ete.
.ez t. ll

It ap to Iba pM wRh wgihr
romtofl wRWa an iprb of tba tipn—
(bay will aaM-UTlk* xaMl

Have your work UtU .
and drought.
_________ _ .
--------------------------------"'Xa Fltoto* Xare you c
monlh .nd hn»a'soma Woomlag pi,.,. «n« •« IM gruan Ibtog.groi
for yout e.rlv wlnlcr gsrdaa
A (cm •*'•« X.lag I I Maak waU bafom

• •Minx point
Tills UiiisCiia frashaoi-d youiix plxat- lot hloomloc later in Ilia
• ‘l■•^n'n>c..' of . Mo,.ran . Board nui
lUarv I
l-'blr Roar-I. Other a Hula inetori- ysins
For variety in winter

hayc lulling miili toniaio.-s
Tba acid nl
Hemanilier that ssiars. dahllss siil
The lUa louiaioe- keeps Iha mixture mlih- chryMtiilirmums nra graai d-e-l.-'.

<tl. ,11m ol r,o l,r„4
S.n.H.—(«,. Slooo No. I .-U.W,

•*yw*r ”
bread and bmler and Irult.
WLan Incb thick; cm to
, -Aad IhDB* 1*0 pDOay boshes **rc ,,,
, prou.iving s|k.i the to (mm Irtaagla:
plaatDd me day OauBh'er Mar, *a< j.^ogslars ..atlar to pl.k np dry egg- Mka: whan
MTrtaA 8bg aX bar huabaad-lo-ba.
to, ,od
-WIHStm. eamn
*be moralai of the
* day and nbe ptoBled a mhlta



iha aialk to doM. Cw*
« era. aad tdralflh, aatwaa tb* hotifla^

Our home eann^ sweat corn, wa rsniums sra murhvSurar to root.
nor long iwacilca. and davelotOMrat Is
.otisidar su(iarmr to atm Ia< lory Brand
Do not dalav loncar in regard to ge- a simple uusiiar of aboklng Bp the

11 C~.
ri~-.ol „„
0,100. .oO 1«J1«- . rtoli W-ol, .™.l.
ou, 000J..II “™.
It you mould have voiir raiined
tt„«i,„ ».1, o« lb,™ -lib,0,
1.0, ,b„b; ,.i.of-b ,.i.i-i«o.ibi o, " laka hark u> ihair homes and al«o
bring- 'ob-ib-f
iheir h«l,l,
haahhy .nb
and keep i-rlertP. ,!eriliie the inr.
fcnita, or sj bSlltbl. AbO Ib. om,
sh. ,o« on ,0 irt,. ,bo loltob lu, bibbl, b«M,b«l 1ne., choiM^
. hoi.|«l7m-.
Ho., in
in ^nnItolliug mater, l-a sure
M> bbb le MU» bbO iboblbo...
1,1.,.. ,ob,.U.«toO b, .o.m; lolO .nO -ll ... ..olb. 0„,. "-lb "'
is hoi eiictigb sbeti di|i|-e.1
M,. M. Iboe nbb~ bbx. b dll. ^
b„,.„_l, ••«l-i Vb. N.I,bS,i™d d.b. ,,b ,b.
tmeml Haw than nay otbcis to ibe

in' |*o(ac( n» tools from Aa hot


Oailtod E*g»—IfW Menu Xo. 11- «> need a idsce nesr boroa for «oiina
Pcreantol aaedtings may
H.lra bard boiled eggs: masb yolk. '' ,17^ “ u^^a to^ Hn^
l•*cpUot. notblag l*lng added ex- during July and
lor next soda, (aa and cocoa cant; (M cato
wllb pepper. muMar.l. .Hary tult. but Ts^
* T, 7 tom^‘-ci- . lU'lc m.ter a. the beginning, year', bkramtog. and they will do quite »» will .cad a dto-ri ar Ubto
tm and Worcesierabire sance to a
toynilraia th»- \ih-n tnaktog' c|,lert>arTy pies . I al- as metl. and msn, vsrtatle* eveo bet- muiob. If ibar ara kepi la Ihuir Iw

hyAto«r-A«M whowaanl-• sack
„ak and
If .beta -I. iba. So. Jl-Tut day old bread to ih.n
--------«tnrt. ..-------ways aach g pnelkal aouL" nM she. dona, laka a kmg deep breath allees aad spread wiin lay er ot
«lla(btoK belter, (ban rbabarb in tbe of (ba big outdoom and go ai li. That oBMlsr draasing. ;>rain iba Juice from

oBaB that it mill am teqalra .raklBA
The rUpptogs mill aerra as a m'oHi

and Ibe frosilag wUJ M mark


stronger thin dry waaihar If the, are measnra aniU the MMH R la peadglven a mile miilrb. wbicb will bHp ad
A gadd way id wevMi this aa
aack-ofbool board
***'' *XuM
Then there are the elderberrlv'
._ .
—JZ-------- „—,1----------i
ctocrirafric*- to reUln Iba
iMtolure Ibai reutills aoyaaen
to* hWT. al lb* to* c"
8 woman of strong pa
mhich may be sated lor plea imill
the from watering
in ar^own r htob
Thl. llitft irarry pass and Jillam

Is'5h:s= .—■===

- -IMt PhuMi* Dtoa* IM fe«ie-n. ^

' , * '71 '^Ij-'****^
you (or Idealy of


plums, may


•M Of M Waal to TbwF her aiampla
•MEPaaddnllhawisu. Rbe aaya;

Hefora l>vaktot a««rMr frautiac.
let Ihani sinDd to yold wgier lor a'


Luuc!; for PIcol.—fairar
K,,„bHb Haywood
of Sew

ptol.Ap.P.rb.Pkton baaa lomr naiad. Hampshire
hut aorfa Iirales ns Had Jana, jrallom
naai jde in bread loaf, ripe ullram. }a>farm of I
" arras.'larlu.linx an nrlit hU^e vistos: lit soldaa-itaiuled
Transiarant. Smaai apples aad JoaaUut|> bam la aaidc. Iwom,. or gmham
bnmks. singing andcr tnlgbi,
b.fsio bans
last vaar bar orchard than arc easily kept. Tbasa are bai(maa.'cas(ur1ea oM: Us iay<ot«rcd «»Bwlchaa. devltod i-ms. aurpHmaa.
a cooked l>
I. but
Tlcld mas i.obn hatTcls of apple.
Ukaa aad suiglM

—- ------------------ --------------------- - e_the''great water.
Uft. Ev.1 I,bman. an aM-rlei.ead Kanrava .11 nir bubbles before sealing
Picnic- iraacb-Fried .*lchan. cab­
' make ll (be i.laal outlag ptoca. wbaib
,dani can be .-unA^I
bage salad, picklas. cotiBKa ebaaua fana woman 6( Wlsconsla. who ha•
HoflM Otoar hga apokM several
' ar tor an afiaraooa. a day or a lum
,.„,v,og ,nd make, >;|deadld .mlntsa
and graham bread akodmiebaa. pine iraisonally managed her lanu and c*
bM «t --Matoory OtrMto' and of
,.eel ,the stalks, waab
boiled lork. scaled bar five chUdrco through cob
tta VMl piMMi* Ibay boU la more
Ruih Hoasbariy, iha bright and ralege and >
matet. |»<-k -loin hot siaflllicd
.iMTRkrdMlenra. Jaa« TMmas Van
r of the Rural, boitod Mlad dressing, rake,
of Ibe duties of r
rover m.ib bolUng water and
aad role* la borilcs
7^ OaUlomlan. nlghi have baea thtoking'
oaciloa U'llh Ibeli
lto.yaalTi,las un, also, ba kept
Ftenk uinen
Luacb -»
hnilad umr>.
^ sad Stock 0/OWqr. IX*^ •
xummertoX wbap aba wrola:
o.u nntiau
Me wflT (rt a toootory gardan of her

naag laam

no raasoB why ma should not hay;a a as ptoats gn
yurlciy ol Imli al all Mraaous. aaryad tboroughl.

S itaai of Inirodiirliia aducnilon

-BiMh Uukiefc CralS- •
............................... •

ctBsitog ol Iba Kardaaer's orcuwUonv. on tba Ubia or Soar ji-wtU harden R

that 1, doav not toy to iraesarre on a but If many blosvom. are left to turnd «
it' can caaHy he ralaavad mlU
..TV axtansiya scnia. It t. a diteieal they toaaaa tba idaat’s rtulllj and » knife.
mailer ml.ara Iba frull Used mould »bunaa iu period of bbwm. ‘

I. KadaraMut. Is tskluE a.Uva .,a,»

Saad-wflng Is one ot «taa iBaM <>s-



c the


t( cold water k
sad work

of caanlug. 1 aui liiritoad la think

ThA mill ba dear In an **•**««♦♦♦♦**«*« *

p turalag no

varied watara. to tb.
„o« bcaaitful and latlafacion I'lrnk

hrnahas far this tmrpqaa.
»‘**>»«c poarM dm- (be war* ptoru.

,m, „

its ^ o

^ tka asR Wdt* oomtoK of •
i |PPM thtssa powlag.

lumr or toan \l^an tliay a'c uearly * WHAT- WOMEN ARE OOING. «
done, and you
I***«^***«******«* o-hermi-r Ira a ma«a pryuluci. Wha^- P,,nt. ll raised badn moanda. bam .,7^
IIvlBK on a larn. mhara tonu- a>t.a- kals. vam^ .ml wiadpm Uoxa, m*d
tion to given 10 irult growing, ibara to twice as m—f —— >- -i.umm-s.s *■*"' .»"*■" "®"* wmataa.
abd (urn. Jiisi ,
broU them al botna.



"«>“c bobaawlva. ara a.klas »f
fVm'i fail to pUal ram* Praaalas. •«
«ara aM tba vaatM Mi
catiniBi; pats. In
lhasa\dAys ■»« 'ha eaillar (bay ara pUmad tlia ®"f 'he Bra to that tba abeOar aaa

• «"« SJ a --mis mu.'™'
ronriders all iba axpaOM

____ _ ______ ______
taku-^bam bark and pul In the Irtoh dervd susar; browti .llEhily
■■olatocs. coyariag mlih ashau. Corar oran and nerve reld.'
u1ih tba red hat coals mn.l pui-ur
uwra wood.


ir and aeru.s. Ad-r hlltux
sruUtitl lusiila 10
hreak_toa air bubbles,
(siiir III more

alter the buds begin
s blnomliig s-Dsnn .0 -I
r Iha graai veni-ti


son lo lasla wllb oall aad pappar aad
I.II aniall molds




i.uiett IlKhilr wHb flidaUaa and daco
fa.-d mlih alkwd FtoKdaa. F.wr

SufoMr VCBCtsOlM.
Mencb. I••i^. Vt.iituii-h

the isiaioaa aufflcdcot Xquld gabtlae .

q)ea and plsce r. a I'jh mi'll fo"'
f...A iiniil the
Jultv ..rNHIint
uiini II e'er- ..mall onioits. -i „)
«... the rat. Ill
Iheo veal quirkl'
onions baxin to ' omt. Slid "le Mqieir
Ever' fall ibeie aie a|tple cnlls |,v>ni one plm •• sttiali eookt-i peas.
onions are tborilial xre uiii salable fbler wpla but .^.ad rxiok imiil
'er Is a relic of the past mottb jTe^ Wghlv lender k.l
Oite sboulil
ahoui pepper 10 ia->e
eqtul ion- of sveei Hrtei and apples imetiM it'iiini.-s n
that bate le.-n paied and sliced

T,« Cold DiaMa far HDt Oaya.
J'-lIinl Fotaio Salad—Cat B fluart of
• ulti IHIad pDlalOas IfllO rubra, ara

"> h" tha molds, Balng rtibsd wbMo
aapip or plain towioo Jail, aDsaottod
wpb a bit Of porslay or uaiOD Jolra.
TVbeo Arm lara eol on a bad of erto'p.
leiliw*. garwtob wR* waEnd Oltoas

hr !>-.••. salt and and aarva vary cold with lasyawMtoa
(O' to Wtalt-u a cuglul of eboppad abrimps
i| ■be well
jalllad-Ham rrm-Mlnr* Bm aqf-

Af, an. taka Iron- iiie Im


flaieat ««M bettod Mm to makn a cofe

:an. Tbw
vik tbe aEx
xbouM haeaoueb beat
keepius ll iher rlie Pte There
Wl, (or
is dangH in

fi*. *ra»n ,all yrltb salt, pappw. MPrlka. uad a fw* drop. Df osiWi iaic*.

r- ibsi ara atn very aoor are t.eitar leoten > ..t tuts -i
rj.h-nillng Tba apidav are Ktoked -tir tiiull iba mUiuta
tba ram ci-lri. miibtyiK tba aAdlimo

•Hit e

oad BWiwrai
.4g tidar to
qrfaWn aaurw
cooked down in anoibai Traiila and
hard aad a luito rad
added 10 the apfda nlxtura a kiltie at |aa> the eft >. lk '
a ,jnie as ii tbK-kany
Wbak cl.lar tbvrefura -.afofiir
apple bmii.T U properly made'.--k-*T.
Raked Aittchukat—Katnora ibe low- fliamdrcd to
ebadrea aa a
wliboui sugar, i- about the conim- er to«ve« and thecenters(rooi

nllb tois cnpfDl Df (hick
ratoriag and a kaaplag
Kraanlatad gclaUM
coM watar . Hsv* rinidr

Ug powdw. Mlf a cnfdu! of butter a*d tokder to
a regutoy eetahUabedWoency of baiter, and keopt wltbeui sedb ankbofcci
kUM »aiuB.ngol
Xlf a taaaponaiul of xgR tograher. ■aa'k Dopawmeat.
ih« I, aboeld be kc^ to a taool ptoc* teeM rramhs. well saoMned.-ill iha *,« »HM,re qM aat 1*
men add tha baaiaa yolka of two aggs
Kamamy has (ho prood dUttocito* aad eovrrad with paialto an proraai oeatm mlib this, put s
to Souhan BtM ft RdvI^U'Imbs Mniifiif
igr q* Mch aad 'ptocq to 1 tomiac cold wuk totyemaatop 4

, _pambcroff«»«M m


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