Grand Traverse Herald, September 05, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 05, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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. L

'arid TravarseT Bay










washed o«t. One of tbe 'Ineaien ramlac from Elk Rapids ynsi-rday nperlBeulah. SfR*, Sept t,—At a depth
enred dinSruliv In rnming tbrough of
feet Otto Hlnie got s fine Bow
Acme, where the bndges are waaht^
waUT. and by reducing tbe pipe
out complettly. and More he arilvedl with,an putle't below, tbe gas burns
In Traversa City be* had tried
fiame sU inches uU. wbUe much
different roads, and finally succeeoed gas bubbles out wlia lbs waste water.
niag some few miles oal of faie The flwlng wea which ta si C. U
RowesHIvery bam. raniee water up
IT feet alwie Ibe ground.
C, H. 'Sherlock has sold bis pool
»m. Ire cresm parkw. soft drinks
and tobacco business to Homer MatkMr. Mtibews will add a
ber'i chair to Iks kdsinsaa
Manyaf the resuners hare relurnel
> their boiaet. bnc most ot their


Funeral Fee Ueti Heiffsa
HaW ThurMay.



y -\
- ■
■"Tbe remHaS of Lsm Heiges. who
died from appendicitis at Detroit, ar
ived ' Wednesday. accompanlei
fliU mother and brother LaVero. who
^re with him al the time of death.
Funeriki services will be hrid from
nad aad din washed over tbe sidetbe home. 442 M'est Eighth street,
walka. whicb laade tbem all
•niuraday afternoon. Rev, i Detnas
paaaable doNac tbe daj-- Basemehts
CurhllB officiating. Inierment will FRANK M. OARLANO WITHDNAWB
aad caltars were flooded la vartoos
teur In Oakwood cemetery,
paru of tbe dir, bat tkei« was am
itou Heiges was 27 years of aiti
ear exiaaalre damage dose from tbia
survived by his larenit. three
aaaa pf ORtosa Will be brMhera UVerii, Bracken and Hun'e Charies M .Beers
Repons from tbe couatir diter.
td—Will Mean Much
one Bister Miss Mareda Heiges.
oordln^r to tbe toralHr. .aome places
Ml of this city. He was a yonnff raaa
aaCeriag to a greater degree itota tba
of exemplary habits aad bis trteads
forj or ibe etaaeau tbaa ‘oibars
be numbered only by hi
Heavier^ dama^ aeems to bare been
itaaeea. He was a graduate of
done ca tbe Leetaaso peelpinta than
(From Toeaday's ;
the local high school and a member
Irene Ctty peopto vUI oot bara
la aar other arrtioa of tb« rectoa.
an opportuBity to veto oa ^ fMOtosay places pptstoea weia waabed
The Traverse CltJ- Board of Trade of both Ibe B. P. O. e. and F. « A
Hop of purchasing tba preparty of tba
I or tbe soli aad earned over tbe
squrwled Fosimasier Friedrich to
John F. on Lumbar compaay far poA
tMds and brash for a. mile or more
whai he couU do at -Hort HoroU lo
tag to the meieorologleal 're­
purpoen- The conadl at lbs masHoff
WbU OBU are etill la tbe ebock will
tasi Blgfat raadnded Ike motioa proprobably be a total toes naleas they port furalebed ,-b)-8. B. Wail durtng
' e mnib of August ikere waa a total
viding far tba aubmtasloB «a tba
raa be dried out srlthlb tbe
t here fur ibelr <
that It was |1] advfaad ood
days, Maay of them have already been
then rmed C to 1 to bay tka proparty
oat three weake oo aocaaat at tba day night, or to be correei, eariy
emergenry aad brought
aad pay for tt out of tba tM.kM hood
trequeat ralu. tbe crop waa a xtrr Monday morning, iben- was a rmlnfsll
back the-goods. They will
ot 2A0. Tbe Sat unlay night storm BoUaing^ Oamapsd aod Whole iindtaaiie Toted eevaral ysoia ago hr
yield balag
in 1912. Wbyn Mr. Friedrich arrivito
scape Cut to Places by
resulisd la n fall of 1.12 luibca
he found lhat be bad
lofant Was Uninjurad. But Crib Was pork improrement porpoaaa. Tba flMIt will a avMl ar« afM« Trains baabeis to the acre in most case#.
Flood. ‘
rain. In the two days Ibe tot:l
> who voted agalBst taklog tba
larger eoniraci on his bands than be
The Oudieaa apple crop soffered
will a IlMMlne On DahaMla On
Wracked and Surosd
ras 2.92 Incties. or .tC
oat ot the l|palds of the paoanUciialed,
beamy from the high wind, aad
tlM l.aalanM Analnwila
lo<k.,aDore in Hie iwo siorn&
By Bon.
pie Were Kilboaraa. Smith aad INw
Ingtaacea the ffroaad was covered occurred la as niuay days, as fell dur­ If the terrible ftorm Suadgy nlgfai first and sMond clans officials be also
The vote cm . tbe propooltiaa
found lhat the third aad founb risas
wflb tbe ripe fruit wfter the itorra ing twelve dsys of August, whirta
did bafara. bia Mayer Oaralso bolding tbelr cpoveBtlon at
bad passed over. In eoms locaimrs the days It rained. The htwvlesi rain' more' damage in one iilace than abolher. II would seem that ibai plarv Ibe same Unie aad place. This
Ughmlog ptayed a curlons. praak maloa declared tba motioa earriad ea
<rroB .T^widarn Baeord-BMl*.)
doae to
of any of those twelve days was
nas Ur. Carrow's beauUlul fruit form
pretty big propoalilon. but be faced SuiiiUy -night when ll eaterad the tba KTOuads that alz votM bow mw
Suaday aithi and Hoodsr nwmlnt tale apples, but these lastaacea
cloudy dsy with prevaillag
tbe wn| bay shure. For mure titan
home of Jtjhn Vandam <m Slxteeatb prlsaa iwo-cUrds of tba praosot cooolike a hero aad succeeded in
wHaaM^ tka »orM aurm la tka bis- the asecptlon rather than the rale
In the south, when rain fell lc
year UP. Carrow has spent lime,
g the two cDovenllons for Traverse street, broke the crib la whirti a child clL owing to Ibe vacaaej la lbs Tbltd
torr ot tbs Oraad Traversa rsfloii. Uvougbcjat tba rogtoa. Kany youag
Bgmuot ol 30 erf ab lark, dkd th> least energy Wl hundreds of dollars in '('lly neit August. TbU wUI mean Xbaf was sle.s'lnc- Altered lbs beels of ward./'
and tbcnaands of doUars' wonk of
were wesbed oat and
Us 2SU day of Augnet, .01.
'Wullfylng and cuHlvatlag bis Itte city w 111 have to entetuin la royal both slippers un her feel, and lelt
daBa«a «u doaa to propenr and ot the tieea ruined by tbe water tkai
the wind la the north.
Itoas than a week ago It <
ityle M-veral bnadred represeaiaUve Hie clitld uiihariuod.
gro#laa crops.
^roe was wmisht swept dm frao tbe tal^wr land
citizens of the aute in a maaaer fil­ The lightning eolered tbe traot of
bj a fanara) ctoodbom, vUek poarsri abovs
gioo. and today ll U practlually devoid ling tbe clly, and In keeping wUh her le bouse, broke five windows aad
dm tOM of water oa flalda mod roads
Tbe klaniatee and Kortkeasieru
of beant};. so (ar-as Ibe grounds
reiniutloD Tor caring for convantioDS. ire the ptaster from ike walls. Wbwi ins«] by tba death at irDifM
wkkd. OB' irrtiir of lOaIr looUiOB. roaroad was put out of codimiasJoo
eoBcerartl. and Ue damage done lo
Slmpaoo. Wbea U come ta fooiirlto
trara aaabla to staad tks praafora by tbe destraclioa of a tool line of
bit Ike crib It set fire
Tbe meetings were held Iasi Thors
MB! of tbe bouse, tba barn day and Friday.and Port Huron peo­ tress and clotktag. bat luckily the lag tba appomanaac tba ««a Maas 'f
id-faTa var. awaaptac rvsrTtklat Intbe west aide of. Noptl^v.
w tka tower laads sad atraasas
zwHher of Ihe child. Mrs. Mason, who to 4. tboas vMikg agaloM tba
tba City dqarjo Boioa.
ple outdid Ihemselvea In c
nctoa. 'tU mmiirj
a kaavr protnUiy tbraa nillet at Ua roadbed'
doing so not ftom aM$.ammk»-*»
Iheir vlsllurs. Oa Thursday a boat
—f to cropa. lead aad
loaer la
b.i and she polled her daughter Mr Been, bu batokaa tkif PiMBbl
trip waa given on the 81
The basement of the house with
' roads, bat la tka attr tkls toaa was
(Tlalr and Stag Island. Rerresbmenii from the ^urulng trUi Both legs ot il^r Ibe Wishes of tba------‘BTlff a^
«raaur tataaaasd <m acMnai at tbe
gone, one heel of jbe erman of tbe *krd gfld Us oeMtewere serveA on Ihe boat and good mu­
atone work are. la plaeea, compl
enis sb6al4,kai;ai>aa aooaUtai Ir
snat aMMBt at iBprovemssiu tkat
sic provided. On Friday morning the cblld a -sUb^^
washed away. IVaier poured lolo tbe
--------------. .... rttatlered. the mayor beftira Ufa- BdBatatMat
warp wasksd opt or sartoatlr daa>Ue city line past OrlelldcvUle
party was taken by trolley to the BI-. the other«
today, when tbelr daughter. Miss cellar as though It were,being pumped t^r tunnel and were laken tbrongti
was made.
PDSd.. .
a suit case which was seltli
aad nuy uke some time to .replace
la (or a purjioee, and when Ur. Ckrruw
A pobd aksrs ot tbe weet aide
floor near (jy was uially dew
Mayor OerasIiM ropUad la tta arib
U la Ue akape It «-aa before Uc UitUe Kyaelka. becaiM Ue bride of
tbe tube by a apeclai train prorMed
on an tnspeettoa tour he waded
Charies Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs.
BBdar water of eafrtac depths duiiM
IcIsiBs of tbe aldermaa by aorBMr'thafl
purpose lo ihe Sarnia tide Iroy.-d.
broke sad let down tbcir
Old Mission. Rev. la water above ibe lops of bis high From Sarnia the party was taken on
tka dar as a riaatt of «ia overflow a: floods. Trafflj over ifae NorUpoc; James Herbert
Harry Vandam. «bo wi
be Is mayor of tbe ctty aad that ka
as be bad dona batsra obaa raAVkUD creak oa aeoem of tbe rssi braneir of Ue u. It. « I, Is also al
board a boat and given a trip hp the «>ni at Ibe Ibne, received a acreVe
serrioe waa need and Ue ceremony
e barn was a sfono wall covered
BtooBBt of watar'^kat bad to be ear
KH-k. Hta left leg la Jllll very laniy caaclea ocewrod and aataetad fata awa
river into Lake Ilurun. .On this trip a
slaadsUH on senmat at wasbouH
was performed before a beautiful arch wlth.vlDM and flow'ers. It was a
candidate for Ibe ptatm. That tUs p»
.md bin eici- are bloodabbt s
rttd ot aad tba tack of proper sUe which win lake aome time to mead.
meeting wni held, when olTIcera
of nastnrtliims and ferae, igthragrin a
of loveliness, hot It was
or Iks ealvarts aad brldsea that bare
altloB la oae iMt U a wary raapoMtU Ihe effects of the bolt.
elected for tbe cotiEing year oi
One heavy piece of damage done
wadding marcb was played by Mrs. plelely destroyed. In the barn bate- lows: Prealdeat. A. Fll^.'Charle­
bte 04M aad that ba had mUaai Mr.
baaa baOt atoog tba era^ Barl.i
I Ibe cliy was at Ur mill of Ur
Been because he beUarad ha «aa aaO
U tba aseralBi tbe baaaneai ot tbr Hannah A Lay Compaay. where Uc "Hex** Krsslka and to its strains tbe meat the hofaes and cattle were voix: vice presMeat. Burl D.‘ Cadv.
bridal party enlered the room aad suoding RTwaier up to Uelr necks
fiR tbe poaKtao.
Plato boapHal ^ Doodad aad It
Port Huroa; secretary-lrta
water from Ue territory to Ue aouth
took ihslr places befora Ue floral On the fane were two springs: one H. ilopklDP. St. Ctair. la IbdlafterResUeau living west of tba riiff
vn past tbe d^t and mad.completely washed sway, while
rt.. ................
a- point where .a
Kjeelka wak maid of
be aerred to tba lamates. la the for the
mi lu a peiiiloB asking the ooaacB
Moe a trip was taken by irollay
river at Ue
meaetlme there traa a great cUamr
I Iraprove the city alraata IsadlBg Id« wall
M was mini last year. -ini«
* an
arm boquet of the grounds, which had bent culll- Wladertnere. where a fish dinner
on tfaelr pan. as Usy are arcnstoaie>l structora was of idaak and flraly
> town from tba waM ao that tbeff
wound up tbe conveatlun.
to bstag tod OB tttos aad cooM not tachored many feet bat* ot tbe wall, roaas. Vtwd Hmaslovsky acted as vated until they were level as <ould
in haul large loads of prodaes to
The railroads and wagon rosdi
There were several offirlals of 'lhc
groontAnab. The brMe came la Iasi tw. tbera are today gnat deep gullies,
aaisfguad tbe raaaoa for tbe delay. hot when (be water came down It
marluL The'prsseat mmdMtoa al
Tbe altaaUou there was made still ihrough the gravri filling U from of on the am of her father. Her gown while for a good kalf mile along the meeting, among which were Jaa. J. day night On Ihe M d X. E. and Bay. West Front aad aome at tba
aialn roadway it is almost a sea of
was embroidered marqulseiie
wane fay tba imaiaase amount of aedlUrougb Ue wall, meaaallne. and she carried a shower apitles which were blown from the Larmour, iaspector, who Is one of Ihe G R * I tftf wasbouis are so bed other streets Is such at prsiWt that
MM tkat was deposited
shoeing ll off Its toundalioa and lea' boquet of swansonia.
that no ira(ns are running north on It U ao assy matter to briag a fall
veterans of the service, (ktnxressi
tktaff that the water touched. Tbl< Ing 1
eliher nod and on Ihe M. 4 .V. B toad of farm prodoea lalo tba ettr
It was a majestic atom and It Henry Mcllorran nf Pori lluron. «
Fdllowing tbe ceremony a wedding
ta ataa traa of tba BeMa and gardem have
bate iH-en j^ni out either ww>. with one tram, ti was rwfsrtwd to
Wedemeter and J. M. C.

wklck la many ptaoea are eovered
CDnimlttee on atraets aad valka.
The electric* light
feather would be swept by a strong Smith were also on hand. Alex Grant The Irwins from Nortbport oo Jbe G.
vkk aeveral
ot Ue black Bill ihfir trouMes. but the damages were where the adpromeats Vers amitax
petittoa was also raesivad tor a
wind from tbe sea. Fanners and of St. I^ul, su|ierioteodent of mail R. « I. are todaf running as lar as
* carried down by ttw waten. There repatrad daring Ua day.
Trull growers and many property own­ service, was preseai and gave aa ad­ Griellckvine. andSlie passengers are cemrat sidewalk oa tbe aortb aida of
was a
amooat nf damage doer
Heavy Wira DaMapa.
ers of the city suffered alike, aad Ibe
Ue crops OB the tana along the route Connecied with a flerre riectrieal charge of tbe serving, with
E. IVblle objected to tba rooMisses Eva laxarus. Prances Cfaer- result Is that where there were beau­
Mr.'Friedrlcii msde s strong imof tbo creek.
orm Uera Is always
veaka. EniniB Haaslovsky /nd Mes- tiful gardens a wreek ago. today there prenilon with tbe cantentloe and^uc also carrticg passengers lo Nonhpon dHtoa of the pavemaat oa Fifth
AU Ue towtabda op tba weal ^de damage
Tbe wagon roads*are bad In all dl street and raatod to know if tba city
U B. Chalker aad Lonls Kye- are only the ruins. But ibese Is also reeled in getiloK the coDveailon In
' ware flooded aad ibe raaldenis trer* graph and railroads In tka sltwtiii
gnlaf 10 ptace It la peopm- shAgathat undenUble. nnfoncetable fart.
elka at a
opposltlun from. Bay •ecii.inx from Ibe citj. bui those run­
busy mast of tb« day in teecaing Ueir Sainrtsy alghi. Saaday night
ning in Bssi Ray. Carp Itoke sad Old befora the remalnlag aa
Mr. sad >Irs. Herbert are both poi>ClIT and other places that wanted i(
live stock not fael from Ue ewlR early Monday morning the Irooble
utar roong'people 'who have
The postmasters wanted to come here Mission are especially ao. some of rollectrd. ll was received aad fllad.
ranalag watera. Randotpb atraet _ saSered by local
City the greater pan of their
■ he beauiiee of Ibe Gioail
toned ibt^* a ragntar river by Ue was quite surpassed by anntalng thal
wasbouis and aster.
Walter L Loraager aad John Patebla
llfea, aad the many beautiful wedding
Traverse reaton which they bavi
htoebliig of Ue fratt dam. which let has happened lo Traverse Oty in
Wbtob they asked lhat tba hW at
gttts they received' were sincere leabeard so much about through tkt m
Ue floods from Ue Ulta down Ue many years, rniil yesterday noon
doha Blacken for 1221 for pay aftito
tameata ot the friendship ibey entoyerature that has been sent out kr tbs
^ftreat ,ln great vohiiM. Heavy dam­ ,Ue Cirtieas- roBroany had butrone
off from tba fire dopartThty letve tomorrow Ipr a hooeyboosting brganitotions
age was doM the road by Ua last toil line In working order, and Uai
bree years ago bealfawad
trip through Ue chain of takes
BpeadlBff water. Several of lbs bridges
w III require a lot of work ^ Kingrtey. Unca were down, In Hr. Herbert's launch, dad taler will
aa<! told, ll was referred to tba tomocroas tba Asyhun crark were washed poles tom out and oUer damage done go lo Cbleago. They will be at home
terrain Ibto gathering lo proper «y1e.
mlilre oa claims and acoonata.
oat ami ta some taataaces li wUl be^ atoeg the Une so that coaneetton with
Friedrich ha> several aorel
after Oetobet Ut tot 112 East Ninth -Fred ttordie is congralutallnK liimJ. W. PaichiB. la babaU of Ua
aeeaasary to replace them with
the outside world waa prscllrally cot yeet
self on tbe manner In wbtcb be sated Wees wfai.-li be w ill put Into eflect and

Tbe riilzen'ii -Telephone oompsny cltrot. Fraak H Oarisad. at Haw
oaas. -Tbta 1s Ua case with
off for Ue lime being In tbe exTbe ent-or-tosrn guests were Mr hU tamily euw ironi tiuaih b.> druwn- which when carried out will make eniplu.ien lo tbe number of about York, staled In a commuotoattoa that
kridsa Wor tbs ciaek at Division
tbere were at least 4W) telr- aad Mrs. Jamra Herbrtt of Old Mis- Ing Runday e.ealng During the da> every delegate who attends a booster
Oarlaad desired to wtibdraw bia
tendered a farewell surt>rlse
atrost. «M(A waa broken in two about pbboes oal. bat Uese are being re­
section ul Ibe slate. It Is
be bad her tethered in a low place on
gioB. poraata of Ue groom; Mrs.
psri> to Mr and Mrs S F Barber peiitiaa for a sirsat roOwar fraataa fast from Us east abuiment hi paired as taat as possible and. il
tats faiiii weal u( ibv -iix. Pm In (be probable that the cbavenlloa will be Isrt etealog. wbep they Walked into cbise aad waaled lha certified chaA
a Cltalker of Bancroft and Mr. a
tka aadarrotatag of Ua sand fouadn
orking Mr*. LouU Kvselka of Sunimll City. evening Ibinking thai It mixtii rain held earlier tbaa this year, some­ Ibelr borne oo Waablogtoo street (or >S0« returned to Um. as the por>
ttoe by tka ctmant. The bridge on order lOdai' A TeoU elreel cable wax
again and make her a »ei place lo where about August 2U.
about eight o'clock. The eveniag waa
of tbe Qurea CWy plaat modi
Maple waa also aztenalreiy
sleep he pulled up the suke which
spent lo games, dsoclog aad a JoTIr the propoaitloQ do loagar faasflila
; •
and will bate to be repaired, tiic.r In the I
aatnrday night
held her chain and drove It on higher
aad tba
good time, after which retreabmenU
rapalrs wui have to be pUred on ail sUerabla damage '
dnoa 10 ihground. In the mornoig when be went
served Mr Barber, who has check ordrtrd refooded.
tbs bridgaa oa Ua other aireeu Many Uell Conminy Ilnea a T Elk Rapid.,
out to milk be (oond her at the end
been cuonected with Ibe Clltxra'a teleJohn P. On aolUtod the eooacU
people succaadsd ta rescuing
s blew down aero lbs wires uc.i
Of her chain on a riM- of ground al­
^ue office for a number of yean. Ua'' the deeds lor tba park property
cbKkeaa Joat as tbs.sraier was
most surnwoded by water and (he
alwBVt been a -popular tnaa oa the bay shore had boaa Bade oat
to cover tbelr beads after Ue.v bed the appearaace waa ihm of ar
Wallace (Tiles, fireman on ibe Fan ptase where she bad been tied Iba
I the ptace.- and through bis ef­
ready tor dabverr to tba
rsoebed Ue highest poiol that
-■aled hedge akmg ibe raodsray. \e -r nie N. Rone, aad MUs Iva McEiun
night before was under five feel of
to always do ihe right ihlag al cliy. The resolsUon porebaatag tbe
- cvallahle. Hnadreda of dollars' woith Aides five balldlags were btowa over iopIlB, Miss., were quietly married water, lo Itals tnsisnre bis fore­
time for everybody with property was then put throagh aad
tt gardea track atoog tbe roorae
,.'nd up near Beltaire th< fine
Abel Smith wife nnd son of North whom bis work came In contact, be dadared carried.
Saturday aftereoon b> Rev. Demse thought wid him big dividends, as
(be oroek was atUer washed oot by>' owne.1 by I. Way was etrurk b ■ llgbi
tbe cow is a valuable oae and would Adams and Asa Smith of BeUerne.
Hag for tbe par
warm place la tbe hearts
ths water or apnlled by the tUU from
to nlDg and Imrned to tbe KTOua!. This
have drowned If she bad lieen lefi Ohio, retsraed lu ibeir betaea yester­ at his co-workers. They appreciated
Ull orrartvd dartag Ibe ito:urda\ nigh; summar romaoey and canto rather as over nUbt In tbe fanltow.
day after spending a week'^^ the cliy bis efforts, and Jaat Ui show la a
Beroral wosboats oecorred along Ue ,,on„
the Sandas rterta .the ' " a aargrtae to maov of Ue friends of
wfib thetr brother and ataler. fSelaoa mcasara what they thiak of him, atae lor tbe levying of tbe aasaaaaaal
cavaMta. bat taMt of Usae can be telrabone potos were waabed
TARRYTOWS. N. T.—Making a Smith and Mrs J. 8. Salter. \
Hr. Ottos. He was aimble to ^
tbeae eo-werkera wbo artended tba tor tbe aewera la tbo Bacoad aad
easily rapalrad by fllUag ta aader the mong the ^ad aad Ue only placet •Ue arnUe that won't come ^r' from ihori rat across the raRraod tracks
WhHe hero they------ Urn wttb a aoUd told Foanh wards wero adopted.
brick mod tarvta. It
winalso takeibai could be rroebed oy tora dletaara Ua face, however, and bis dwret was to tbe depot cost Che Uvea of Anaa
Smith re-union Ai.ogast 2Sth at r. * A. H. vaUB charm aad fa—nia
>•. F. Olkla. aaksd parodaakm la
baarfrada of toads ot cravel to ptace'were Reed-:iiy and Man>atee. L.v teem discovered, aad today be is ike Lyach of Meridan. Oooa.. aad Tbomaa tbelr aimers at which 22
use tbe oU cRr e^laa tor the perthe itmda U Uo <Myhock la «be-r rally more than lU telepbo-ro *,
roclldaat dt maay BMatagea. coograi- Talbtk of Ihta city. They were ntn •UVss of tbe tomliy were i
of larnlablag ataam tof tba
leawa BataiBsr tar
(nrarar cnadMsm' to
the Elmwood ««t of oomhitaaiea. dost wsiafde
ntatory aad oUenriae. Tba conple down by a fast freight of the New
Saaday the party w«
BsKto Craefc, wbm Uwy orBI Mke WriflU tauadry wbUs a sew kofim la
Amriet U.(t« wara aevsrvl taebat nf.KalkaUa aevaa potoa U a raw m
win Hra at Bowses Harbor.
fork Central line.
tbsir foiora boma.
- (CootiBOad aa fp«t TWD.1


ponusia FRiemici win






WK OiiiijB onma

lURRiEMT 1001


■rLS"'" i-rr-’







- ij


1 PjSfiB TWO.


) vai awept trw Iu|t
Md uad*d d
it atUI MaBd*. The'-fi
alfo lerloiiflr <
place* by waBboaU asd w0l i
Uke a tot ol labor to repUee it la
Tb« damace to cf^s |
waa faaavy.-eapedally potetoe* iriiliA
MriiiM Tmm^ and Thnradar >t T^wm at)>rMtcUtaa. tr
*an> nahed Mt,-oT tbo craapd ^idl
carried aiwaaa
eouctry oB ib'e|
oT'the nood. Sevan)
..Vleo Proa, aad sae.
BU-d& by lU^tBlnc but do Ursa
Urea occurred aod no one vaa iBjored
dlirins tba coaUattatloD ot Uw atorm.

Grand T^^^ra|d

mfina cw. Wc*b


' itn:r

j, ^

Ommu Cam aad PraM •rtsti. Temront CMy, IMU

You will soon b. ^ the little Wk*'

will meau much to the child.

I. l- pyton BPd family, wk
been la the city lur the (•*(
returned to' their home at Milwaupa
tbu moralnz.
A. O. Allera returned to his
Chtcaso toda). aAer a few days in dm
I.M Hetgoi Unable to Borafv* At4ct(.
J. WllJiama and wlfa. wba have
Tiiltiac in the dty %ir the past
Traverse City fftePs will be gtievfew day* reiureetl to their home at
n*. itelno.. U-. Sept 3-The sixth
to lean, of the deetb of Loq.
tdUUc today.
M. 1C BlinliaB. who has baan apunA rational esraterenor on state apd !«►
**f- hP
lag the unmmer at . Northporc leh 1,1 IsxsUan began here tP.> uPer,»««^ O B. HMas. fV-^ethii morning for Rrawn. where be will the BUapU-es of the Xaitonsl Tax As ""f”* whk* *PRBra4'. I
I few Pys before returnin* mtcUflqn.
The deleMtea ,re ap , Uw uPerweof aa
me at Columboa. O.
pedatees of tP goveraora of various ^dld^. ^ M n« ^ua t
Knapp, ol AtaiKctea*. who
jwuak a*iii T
vlslilng In IP dty for the
tP past two ol three ygara has
past-week returtiP to Ua home there
n la Uetralt TP rraaalaa will
and pending aute taxalioo tews,
C. E. Wallaee. who has bean vl^ relultoa Of takailoo l» aervlee rates, arrive loMpnow.
Ing In the city lor some Um^-reMrim- taxatka of
p mat Dlghl to bis borne at Chicago.
I cteaam P'prope^y
TP MlchigBB Naraery Cerai
M. C. Olson and Pie of-^sP Rap­
ids. left this moraTiig '^or tid^ac Allen Rlt-lcy HP, of.r.dumbna.l
re^dertP. th_,
Where they will vUit lor a slmrt Ume
-------- « ^^is
T^ieee Is Also Some Doubt APut Twe betero returning to their home. • there arc o(b*-r candMatn frir (hn
Other Amendmenti AH' the
Ktimeth Bhadek returaip this morn­
ing (o'Sfgliiaw; wb^e he U working,
nfleAspendUig the weejt end' at his
bolie hfre.
Columbus. U , SeiA. 4.—Ohio hss
8. Ciask. (M- a numPr of yesra
taken the from rank.among Ihe priv employe of the MlUlken tiore. ^efi
gressive statVs and with Ihe exreiillon UiU morning ter JackaoD. wb«w he
woiueii's soRcage ang possibly
will have eprge of a large dry gops
iirf'Bineodnienia the enUre wor
knd clothing store. HU famllr will
t Ttaveroa
(bv cotuiliiuliuutl eonrenikin was
follow in a abort time.
. ItertbuThA
St. Andrew K. !
lip. With only atoui fifty i>er rent
FrP AOilnson left test itlgM for
led tp elevol tbe.tote of the state polled. It in­ Chicago where he will be (or a few
FM «uV «■» . —A,.D. H8».
ivenimoiit tu .tuuulre lulu the t-su**‘ aM rectwried la thWoBtee at tP B«dicated iPt the InltisUve, referen­
ir the dei line of On* oyster aod other ^ Of Urad* hr
camtr •*
dum, Pmqrale for cities, minimum
Grasd Travetw*
>. JPi^l reform, statewide prl- been vialtla* In the rliy for tbe
es. 'good roads aP Ilqoor license
her. A.- l»4 iaa». la^iB
week, left last al^t (or Obkago.
was adopts by pluralities ranging
aagee. yn pR f». on**
where they will t1si,i ter some time
•viuniissiuo will P hvU at iIh t^^ctelyd (I '
fratn lea-'to sixty thousand. Woman
before returning to their home at Ft. l•rlnripaI shore port* of .Novu Ri-oll*
euffrage was def.wtp liy alont fifty
\e« llrunfwk-k and Friitec KdwgnI
tt'ontlnup on page three.)
Island. '
urs; -provided Ihr'W PM
atid-no wolf or luorsodlaorai
i be*w iJixtUul*-d to rraovar th*

»Iast March 1 coataenecd usU
Pmwaa aad continued for tiaeemooit
I haveiivtssad It since, iwc have 1 f«

at Tnet IMS. at tka poatoBtaa
Mjf yu Act of Gaasnaa oC Man* S. im.



wbo hare beeo campJa* lor tome
tlaa near ibe BaptUt Keaort. ratamad to Uielr beMv'at C)Uca«o today.
' 9. C. SHatidlar' aiM wHa.' who have
rialll^ Mead* ia the city for
be«B via
dm fit twe ^ks. retm«« to dmir
Toledo (odi
~H. O. Meter, who haa ba< n in the
dty for Ibe past week oa
loday for Muskepin. wimre ^
win he'for a. lew ^ before >^•>7'
"■ BmatLu
mt to kla.IimV
«r kalae
ed ia the cUt today for a week s T

Auiluben SueUty Will Meet at 8a
'. - Tima: Oead Preorama U —




ThoracUv and Friday. Sepi. r. asd «.
r Deal week Ibere will la- a niee(lBS
Df Uie Slate Humase Society at (be
Health OfBeer Holliday that tho cily lake Pmlivteriao church. Tberf"will be
workers frem nonhem Illlliols. Inatenadiato mpaaom for proper eoUectiun aut] disptiiuil of boiue- laaa and varieoa polott in Michlgad.
keld fwi>a«e w a good one and ahould vnyt with immediate action There U a little band ot twople
^ ^'aoUbeil. There ia hardly aatitHcr city of thia aiae in the lamt this c ity wlio are eanieat members
that doeaVrf. hare aomb ayatemitic and regnlar in-rviee for pieking Ike liamane Mclet}. and they a
op the waate m^teriaVfrom the homn,' and there ia no valid n tuttrn duliiz a zrinl w«A‘ lor the crealut
who cannot apeak for themaelTea.
Why auch-a ayrtem aboald not be adopted for Uus city. The' uiatter
Inlenlion to make thla me
wa| gone into aome time ago by a committee of the council and
or Ibe beat in the h'iston' ot
the iMiaMi it irat drrrrr^
becaw there was do fuhd available (be aoeWy. aad the people of .TtmrMiould SbOw their apprecir
Ibr thd/papoae. Tbit would have been good logic in aodie iii.
altendlns Ihe meetluKS. ^
*tai>a/Bn< Vben it bbtwi lb a queation of aalegbarding tbe ptlblic
Thursday forenoon Will be zlveo
haiSSh t£e conljca ia jiwtified in alretcbing a fmiut and finding a
rer to Iraalneaa matters, and
the D«»«try fnnda. Bnameaa i. one thing and life
AmA ta diatinetlw anotber. If the health of the citiaena la which- will be weU srorth the offor:
' to to’*«»erty tafegiurded It will entail a certain expenditure, It takes to to mad hear it.. In tbe
whW^^d'SiOt I* objMted to by Uie taxpaycra. At the pnwnt eveeilDS Hoo. Mr. PershipK of Sotflh
Besut. iDd.. one of Uie grwl esorkera
in 'aotne'parta of the city are covered with Uble
to burasne work, will five*an nddrees
ntfglB gbdirhit
which lie in the air and attract ntyriada ' which should he beard. ea^laJty by
g( tta which ea^ contagion to the Humes unmol^inl. The , fly tbe boyt and firti wbo want to
this work. On Wday after
m »?tecflipiiaed'carrier of diaease' germs and the'ban has be.-n
jlsSeit^ft^ the 'tsa^ for thia'reason. Why then ahould Traverse there will be a piasrun, but at full
in'thla onedirectiph.^copardixing the lives of citizens detallsbare hot yet mmpleted b
wbcB A* siuaanee can' be done away with in a very cheap and
iMprntwet The committee appointed to iuveatigale the ueeiiBitt. and "ihe pubUc U cordially
-Ked to fome and bear what
Mt^Wdia nake a farorable leport and the means for financing
fbe best men and women in the
* i^wte^tie coll^i^of garbage should be provided.
intry who are workins In tbe In
-eats (rf birds and aolmata Itsve
aar on (be aohiecl.
The locjl society Is ..desirous of
-A t^^bonni^ meeting Wednnulay the Board of Public Works
s number. In (art nil they (
5^‘jlti^ h "■‘•ed cutting campaign in the city ruring
p-U of bird h<«*e* built by boys of
thi* nniaanee which coufronU the pMi*- the tdly or country, and have
crtp-«VBepi^^ take pride in the appearance of their plao-s. quested that they mar have tbvtii
Urn chnrtb by Wedaeadsy alghl.
t tHrf TSCBOt spot in-towif is cuvered with a growth of
Ltw PP of Pdeulter Origin That
IkiaK an eyesore^ the nath-cs aa well as visitors, Here Is a chance to bpi by Posrlng
b^ snTficittt civic pride developed to tak<! wtiat UW of Mrd bomee' Uie Grand
TTSverec nugfan ^ya can make, and U
*^0 pesta. There has beim a rapid inerase in the K hoped Uiat there will be a tot of
T1i« roeoat clgln' for damagse
It of lagwo^ in the eity and vicinity during the past fi^w :h^ and a lot of good id««a in the
yoon, and as this plant is the bane of the hay fever patient and art df bome-building for bird* msy be Annual Convention of Michigan Bar
P tP tMand-that OMrteaaBttary state
r*i. a. iHNTOi*
M^er. a'T^
thir'tonntTy hah been heralded as the. proper place for getting
p-tp dlBoa lad Poaght'oii-hU
TMrt Hens**, te tP Dtri^SPTraiiruo
Senion aVSaginaw.
awsy 'M^ the'eatnes of the bothersome discatu-, tlie elimination Ibelr boys and girls.
cap. 4r*w (roM tMpdp ap «ea
fit}, maaity ol OiUd TiWiiaA
The church wUI be decorated
that (hU waa tp «rat caun ot the
of t^ 7*1^^ timely and proper entting wonld -go a good waj-s in
Saginaw. Scvi, f.—The twenty-sec ,Bort that hP ever ^ntjs pfpro tp
aailtivaing t|ie ^utajW of Traverse Cily as a liny fever .sufond annual •^invention of the MlqldImrlp psradtoe. la many idaeea in Uie city mi private pni|>erty
gao liar asMx iuUun oiieoP a
■ eoMdhtfPPM
davK* M-ssloD t<Hla>. The president. eropplijg
timre-taatextiriant growth of burdocks~and thisllea of the different
Jpgtt Kidridpe. ol' Marquette, Pliv- fuaalety,
Tirictfei^' wiOe onr' bid friend the sand buri- grows rampant cm
ered an address. One hundred Uw- awkWa.
as'w^ as pttiaiVproperty. Timely atoults on the weeds
Botae ten peers ago. for Itutaare.
Scene el pleasant
will p ^
^*y it) eliminating them from Ibc vaeanl parta of Kinney Home Waa
the recall ufl|rdg>-s and'uld the meas- Blrutagbain coBnasRlal traveler surd
lUliFIlMtrDv tP IPeiwDd
the oily, and while it is rather late to begin the crusade now, a
of the mMriMTT.
great anonnt of gbod can be accomplibhed liy prompt action upon
which tp cbemtet. JtslUitrectK pd
Yesterday afternoon a quiet tome
goatPleed would tarn hi* custorae^B
tite poK of the city department which has this work in eharge.
wpding occitrP atWhe home of Mrs.
PIr ah epnHnf brawn.
Ruth 'Kinney. 312 West Ninth sim-t.
Whit (Treany aa"wM to torn
hate i PHBb* Wilih* tinge, with
■ttiiste a^mc plaa (or caTTying out tbe when Pr daughter MUs Katherine
Tonker becaiue tp bt^ ot Sheldon Frank Perry Was Re|wrtP Among gat Chet of kriff TW cltnnM had'd*work. •
n rimpi^tsh'hy YnpilytBg h»
On nmUon of AJdermaa Soule Uie
The bride wore a iirelly gown
dty engineer was ordered to at
bPc laetattad, aad IdB reqimat was aP Inaiatl tbe faypochlorlte system at Urender' sHk and earriP American
rrat oMt)* Up., 9ut u aetkm
beauty rosea- 6he was atiepp by
(b* city water works.
city to the •dfect that a nshi-rman Pd lowed, ^ the. ^e),a)4 >aptef
Aldenaaa G^rich movp'Mtxt the ber sister Miss Mary Yonker a-hite.
gone out in his Uat. before Ihe storm cured damaged.
Ob BwUoa of ANermaa Ooodrteb
her brother Utvid Youker stteodP
UDe <ff the taaaiest rases
eairineer provide plan* aliowti
the qaeOUBa of hutMlng a the rtty €
Firoilay iiighi and had'not yet retura- hraaght ftte 4"fcour1'gf tew was surely
the o
coat of pUdng tbe bridges and the groom as ^t man.
The truth of (he matter Is,
•get of casi stroet for the use df the
w<icfftifkip,tnKwtrana reSiaja
culverts on the west aide iu coplllon
Mr. Hastinga wa* a former rp.-.|rtent
Ore eaMaas was referred to tbe beard
J>ank l*etTy, who lives on Garheld (Bh eod of the'Utt’ecdfCRT' A ybutdi
tor proiwrly tnklag care of the water ,o( this city and was (or aome Ume
at pabBe^wetka. The beard oo moUon
avenue. Maned mit Monday to fl
'BlMiwy hntMMrSrdBha'Pd talxp h
that oc^ioaally riaoa in that local- employp by tP R. J. Mercer C«. Mr.
of Ills wblt-h had gone adrift ilur- BuerM ffrlek^'cnre wjth'tar bteihcrW
of > Merman Dyer waa laatracted
and Mrr. Ilasllngs leave- 'soon tor
awiara Wda oa aewm- pipe to be used
ihe Idehi. lie folleWP tbe shore bteskfasi coffee.
Kansas City where ibej s|(u bo
la the
aeeeia In the Secood and
U search (or tbe boat, ap as be -The brother (onad tbe effect
btane'al 1310 Freeroont avenue.
did Bol like to give up nalll he Pd
' FOorth waida They were alee auQtm^
I bis straveil j.roperiv. he follow- Ised who was' reapoaaihl
laed (e hare the sidewalk ia fnnt of
lag Interest In atfongg Brick,
Brli . he wa's
p the shore for some distance and ungrateful enhngli to'kue MI sister for
the OKy Opera‘bonee repaired so tba;
*BHevTrte^ ' * • ♦ w'us ih<-rf-fore gun*' lor some Urn*the rtee la tbe center wosU be doa*
«,0» KamAgcd' for -cwia«iomt I09
away .mWr^ aceWeata avoided.
w'lMTies of III* friends'and tamtly were of thtrst* Btft'P nasytfpurfieilt jury
• Ill—am pibonnie bcoaght op the
flnaflv aiUyP b> a leleiipne niei
took the risteFi'sMc ----- • OAMAOCO By STORM.
fut-pl to th*- Priluarj law iheri- was
(runt hliii.asyip that hews* safe and ' A cap ttat raped graet latereil In
' gBMMaa U Prtag tbe noxloea weedi
meeting ol tho republkan county uoi alive and had foutid hts Imat.
medftsl etrried. e* wril as a cuP deal
.. om te the city and tbe board was Inhf aairaenent. -was an sciloa ^roaiffii
laees at tbe court bonne IbU after
atrueted to pve the work aUended to Oapot at Prevemont Thrown A
a sued maay ye^ ago-by a-gvgeua.
to Sflert a ehalrman .ind sec
Tracks by Fury of th*
ox a London bosplul against a coh
Judge F. n. Walker. n*'mlii
09 Clerk emu waa laimirted pi
tbe loss o( an ear.
fnr prnliaic Judge, was uelecp chairBoUty Mr.’ Pc4eraoe to move the
'’JLdJaeased eaf^ite toamputat­
isB and Ralph bOBW oC tbe city paik property near
ReguUr Maetlng Waa HeW Vetterday ed. *rte iPfent.' rirtfeeflfec under
Prdvemoat. Sept. 3.—Tbe «i
Mm. 0tas. Caiftp dUd at her home
Wood DUb bompany'a dock
'ehlorcffoA. wwhetn^heldB^ra.'
■truck here Suadsy night was the n tp iMWiRsnlS SalOrday sflriwona
wHhJp';^!^ dk^ aa the city inteoda
then tab Hgfati west war.
t ever keos-a in tbe hUlory If after a short Rtdess. She U
TP reguUr meetteg of the suffrage Ml oT'lbd' edge- of iP tshS la
to bg[^ iBUnovemeati on thU prap
this pan of Uh> state. Thi rain .came
dstigbl*TB. Fun­ M-letr was hei.i as naua! a^ the V. W gfntggle* and iP Junior turgeen leant
la torrenU and swept everything be­ eral services will p held fro
. A. bulldli* Monday afi-ntoon Thii
as an unusully Interesting meeilp
o'clock tVPneuday
taad^^^a^taAi of the Queen City fore It la ha tery. The Oermaa
(.otberan eemetery loratP <m a WII lag. Kev. t'lisao of Ma|>1etoa offii-bl- and aeverwt lUueit- lotor-s ap uiggesgrop^ify'the matter of taking ov<
p ^Bonneliy restlesq
•ea here aP Gnud Harlor
nns ratiie up for dls*-usaioa.
flaat P the diy'W ^t off
ttp oetrawtft. aeeFfftekK; Tfae'operWaabP
A^InvluU&n Ps Ihwp rMwivP by
b evantBS. wkea aa adjourned
Is prescripUoh wort biiu* your doctor, orders
e or*
y'of lhe“«iuBcU wlU he held cads In width and fbe pHlns
aarried Into tho marsh st the
e coming imrade
Place of one. The MahW«« will Irate
,tou. .... Allp^ctt^io our pr^
of Che htn. Many of them
r coDVentloB on Seidember 13 This
here Wpnesday nipt, tbe Missouri
f was present and asked
irtnaily Pit bbe nn-efiled. Tbe
Hit (aampla
D prirr^e lor aome tvgu- brokce open aP llie hone* of tbe Thursday Bight, and Ihe UanUtee upportnaJly
Teacher~*-itebby. give me aa e
(rattral are la
n for the col Wpoes strewn over the ground for again SuPay alghl.
riingemenu for i
many hnPrP teet. Some of the bo. . During the storm of tP pMI few Aarge o< Mra. Will amm of Muske- *1* cd tP wotB ^temper.*' Bobby larg­
er a moneat'e ttWCtthU—-T>aw ' edyh'
dies hP been MriP for tlfteea ybar* d.ty* the rourt hooae baa snffered
gon. dejiuty grrai (
ria* B too ainriferHenlar ahPt W ^ but oftra CODobt raand as (be cefflas were tn a tnior share of damage. There was at leaM Maeralte.- order, aod the suffrage
«MI h«‘ WlpeCr-^BoOlea TrtagcrigC
ktte of pirteriTatian it wttl be )m- four fdcfae* of water In iIh- baaetaen; gaoltalkm will be gUd to Pve tl
'poMfhle to coD^ the remala* aP wfaOe the roof Ps leakP anUI tiM
reiwraenlP on an occaskra ao
place them tiaeli where they Wlong PRlitX pf the Judges' room* upstsira ■» luiearatiag.
ai* they are all PiP np at Uie bot- to soaked :Pt It it abuul ready
lumber wagno.
phaeton. 1
'lorn'oT (be BIB tkhfrh rcaemUes an. drop. In the court room and -tPju-'.
joom the water trickier PA the Mde
\wsHa ap f(te* the caQIgg,


CeBtetAe Gvhage




__ _

fioW ^6tce Ww&








,3* ^ “ ?gr











kll^>«dey Det^rtirient
CotKitjIM b]' HM EtfiUl




preap«ru of openloE a Uw offlee fim' Uree M %wa tn a bomtual sapper boherts. darlnic tlm s
tevtof ttradnaicd from a Detroit ' her which the happy couple left for to her home In Chlea«o yem;erAy.
(hookof low In Jaas.
AtTerne CHI', where they wUl spend fert. Bnleb wma aaompalsd by bee
Mrs. Mike McCarthy was a Tsmr- abort tline arltb ^elatlrea. TlMff have iosbairt. wbo hna been spaadlnc tbe
bo beatsalilsute host of rten
week end la tbe city.
rse f-nty e^r tbe laat of tbe Wei
Miss Beatrice SparUnc weffl
(From ^edncadi^ Reroid-bde.)
Trmrerae City gnodny. invarnioty
•Ira. 6rra «mftb and Mra Harvey
_____________ DepwUntBt
Mrs. I'e'ier Moth Is apalstlK In tbe tarce the martel. T%e parfltloa in Die Crwlbe font morwed ftom IVtrolt.
toAuM ladMdula, «tarek«,
\hry have been rtslUac sev­
Courier offtoe.
aal i^a u4 aU oUur ormain room was torn oat and an aMI- eral weeks with (rtewda nad
'^Ilss Kosa Bowde* of Summit nty tloa pm on the hack of the buHdlec
is su.vinc wUh .Mrn. 'l<ee Rial and co- 3lr Brady is InnUUinff a aausace
Mra Lavsta HaU af BatiwH. ti tlw
lai; to arbool.
crlader and new dxlnrae of various
.Mi« Am « wtimjiatM. aalw of nal atUU
Mrs Al Hlal wenil U> Traverse City kinds. When the tntrrlor- Is flnisbrd test of her anal Mra. Rowland
Doudaas of FHih Mreat. for a tow
' fa town or oMBtiy, lad any «faor Itoai of gcs(be first of tbe week, where Ae 1} It thoacht that be will hare a
tetarM. tend all iUmi to Mm Bdoa Wall,
sisyed over frtcht with frteiids.
kei Miiial to any la the dty.
Mr. and Mra Homar Mssrad awd
Who feHafaqfk «Tfaa Dapaitaaat-Mdttar
Rus^I Bowen wMf lo Traverse
Belli. 3.
family have mi>ve<l is p
aiy Monday, where be wQI flnfsb
bbere they have been
taich u-booL
Miss Allle Brower went 16 Fife- ♦
Tbr Koril Nptehbon and Ueir w'boola Tills e her second term i
lake Monday, where she attended the.u♦«••*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦ MIm CarrM Jaeliaee of Kent City.
that jilace.
frfoiidi bet «lib iJn. Ifdna-Muih
Mtehisan. Is vlalllu at the
celrintr ber birthday. Tbe roo
iCoBlIaued froni Hifa two.l
Kart Case and Robert Derraoce dance sod st«al a short tloM yrttb
Mrs. M. Ulaey.
irerr dwoirAad «1(h ^«nUO»
to Grand RapMa WednewUy- lo
Ocrald Mentapue left Oilattoentlnt
Traverse City before returnlns.
|rirlA«s‘ visit Avety Wynkoop, who ii lo
UUa Bctot. who hs* uu^t Ibe
«•* won by Or*. iir> ' Sm-Rtnlllcr. buKi-llal there.
r a two weeks- reealioo at bis
eicbtb cradv room here for tbe past
Tie bdair tfrtbdor cak« had
MUs Abide MeeKnllter of Cadillac
years. reiuraMi Saturday to reriacf fni(,«itf On. MllK<Mnnd
waa b-Tc the last of the wevk vWl-, nme ber dude* in the ume deiwrl- at Owo-ss6 today, after a we»* In the
Mae Mary kdergah-^ this memonre iwm the lucky use and N<u lilt: friend*.
city on business.
Inc for rbIcaCD. where she will at
, Oiitb the other, after thlrtyelebt
e. R. Sheldeb. who Ma been In the tend the Centralialiis School of Music.
Mrs. -V. fkirenaen Went to Tnvetbe,
Mrs. A. 11. Clark has taken the
bad boon scnetl to a l>otinufui suiipcr
clly for some time left this morniUE
mm Mls-s KvaasT
Mra F. E. Nkhels. ferVMHy of this
they dq«Tled. wUhlol bar maay Cll> Kriiluy for a visU with ber
wbUiranu where be will visit city, arrtred here from Csdillac last
Aithur and wife.
Tlin ].iRh M-bool 0^111.1 Monday
baiipy blrtbdayafew- daya. before n-turaioc
Tire, llo) Unikson of Traverse i.tiy with an ntleadants- of sr-. Tkc priM
nlrtt for a tow. days' visit with
On. BnalKO drotc to Unwa WedblK.hhme at Grand laidcc. .
as lAr KucM of her mother. Mrs. peel* arc that He bixh aehnol
■(■day with ber IrK-od. KU** ljUk-irr
Sowlteh and wife of Mlnne-, ^
„„cheoEk and wife, who h«e
t'ttar. lloeUo. ov«r Sunday.
bare the larcrst cratfualinc rlAss In
UMeoa wbo left OB tbe train ibtwv
aimlls. who have been vlalttnc here
for the
Mrs. Mike MeCanby spent Tbs
1 Iilslory.
fnr'W borne In Toindo. O.. allrr a
for the i«si two weeks
----- ' • weeks. rHorned to their home at De­
WUH* Hodee*. Retia Wilson and
two week*' VUII at the Btuslen home, day In Trantae City silh friends.
Ilaeknian of Tmrersr City I'il il»4i»w wri:l l« Tratvrse City Mon­ their home there Ibis raornk^
troit this momlni:.
dbr wai never In tbe roantr) bcfor<Mra Leo Hendricks of Eaglnaw.
1 few dn.vs wUb his iiarents, day, where the-nrsi two will
wha hah bean
aml war deilebted with the accaery
Mr and Mrr. A. II. 1 IncKuiiui.
hlrli icliuul and tb<> Isuer bos euiplov- who has been visltlOK Miss Id the elly for-fame lima left ats
aroond Klnnlr)'.
y past I
o:"pi In lire niiistisit line
moroln* for Grand RapMs. ytwa he'
Mn. laabolle Campbell of AUbanu.
U. i. Riulyn wetil h> Ilnckle.v and
Bert lambkin of Traverse City
wIM visit for a few d£)w~Mora rewbo baa been tbe (ueat of her alfier, Wexford h'riday lo bill\lhe lowks for
Wayne. Ind. wha tnrnlnR to bis bom^
town MonlUy visillnc friends be­
Nn- Mike McCarthy^ (or tbeiaai two the (air whltb takes |>lsee be re Sept. fore leavini; tor the south,
of Mrs. Tbfrsa
R. 0. Snyder en^ wife toft thia
weeka. Ml Tbiinulay for roallac to IS, 19 and so.
I't'iv'^**"^ CsmHI.'VMuraed Mnne fi-day.
exiiecu lo live
moraine for Detroit and CblcwKo.
rtilt relaUret. nnd from there alii^ will
Mian KIleo MndlsoB and Clara Duffy
Mrs. Lawia B. Chalker arrived this The} will be conn for ntioot two
to to Loidsinaa before n-iuriiiiis - left Salurduy tor Elk Rapids, where
Btontlns from Bancroft to aMend
a low days of this
ber bone.
woddlna uf her slsti-r. Miss Ia>lUc
they have positions to lencli lo the 4he former's partyhi at llui-klcy.
T. D. ShsMton. urha hat bean at
Mra. Ralph Caac a>-coiDpaiiied .Dor
one sri'iool. .
Eurpriae Party.
KeahuwantS fo^ the past tponth.
oUy and Beulah Bell to Utdr new
Mra P. W. Nlehole of Cadillac U
Krank Madison of Traverse
I.OSI WednsMiay evenlna about
left thU tnornlni; (or IMedo. vrtiere
lwil»e_lii Jaekaon laal Thurada).
did some caria-uler worti (or Howard twenty of the friends of Aliss Winnie the puosi of friends In the
be will yisii for a few days befm re
Oeorse Maacbealer and B»m Wil- linn Saturday.
Rial RSthored at her home durine bor few days.
llatna of Buckley were the aueita of
Mi<i Roaa Henvee returned last turalni; to bl< home at Calreauia.
Mr. and »lra. Wllird Webster
absoiice In surprise and farewell for
S. N. Millar raluraad fa ^ ho
Bdna Wi^l Thurtdby.
TVaverae City were Ibe Kueals of the ber, owlni: to her leavintt Tfaiirsdsy evonln'E from Grand Kapfils. after
at Chetmypan today after a week la
•on Bell. WIs.. whiTo she is em­ sivendlnp a week with her sister, Mra.
AUoraey Albert Earel of Buckley furaier'i brother and wife. Mr. and
the city on bualneas.
Mrs. Wsller W^ler.
ployed to leach mnsir la the |•obllr ilsrry H. I'almor.
E. L. Bailey and wife returned to
Mra W. C. Lawrence and Miss
• Mr. and Mrs. I'eier Mutli went lo K-liuotK. Tbo evoninn wA pleasantly
their homo'at Cbintira this muraliui.
Riimpil t'ity Sunday, where they sT>Mil In tiamo* and musle, alter wbloh Carey retnmed from Oilraillo
to town Thunday. clrlna music I
after Mime tlnw Sficnt in the rlly and
ipenl Ibe day with the (ormrr'a par­
(laloly luni-hv-on of Ice rreaiD and
. Lyman^tfake^lee and daugh­ It Ibe small lakes and resorts In Ibe
rake was served. At a k(e hour the
BdWard S^uldlnc of UaylRild tint­ ents, Mr and Mrs. Peter Mulb, Sr.
ter. 'Tresa. left Sdaday nlBbi for their iclnliy,
ed hU a^Mcr, Mra. Ueorjw Hornet. . Mrs. furl Loiutikln of Traverse
O. e. Pran, whs has been In
home'In IvetroK. after spendlne the
City was lo lawn Raturday on busi­
Thunadarriiy fur a few days on buslnesa.'left
aumnv^ with Mrs. JuUa PWrlmr.
Jim PUfian of Trarerao aiy was ness eoarernlriR her home here.
John Fared and wife of •Traverse
H. a Hoffman af WeatVantt sttaet thla-boralBi; for CadUlae. where be
Monday evenlnJTat < o'cfock a qnlet
In town on hualntaa Wednoaday.
Jobs lloff and wife of Deiroll innda City werw the Kuests of Adam 8oei- •ddlnc took plat-e at the borne of Mr. ban-r^turilcd from a beslneas trip to will be (or about a week before ra(urabu; to hla home at CbarlevDix.
ad Mrs. Adam Soetnniiler. w hen th^r Milwaukee.
a abort Tlalt whb relaUvea ibe'ilrBC of mlllcr 'ovor Sunda)- .
Win..Parton ef jMWtd Rapidt. arHv.
Mra eirkt. wH aaf Dr. J. A. BIrkDat
Miss I-Miel Hackman left Monday daoiffilcr, Mias Amv. was united In
(be week. ■
' . .
for Orawo.' whore she la onffased lo marrtaAo to Villi Shanks, both of the Milwsiikoe. Is the Kui«t of Mr. and ed In the ehy Uifs ’nornlnR (or a few
OeorRD TmGorder of Ma^w wat
leach Ili» pHniary deiartmenl.
' tillajse. by Rev. Thurston of tbe II. K Mrs. If. C. IlolTiitBm ins West TeOlli daya' visit with friend*.
vUllor here Thuraday.
Ralph Hay'en of Standirt. krbiber iff rtiurrh. Tbe bride was daintily, street.
Channera and wile, who have
jiiS WlAle Rta! left Tlinriday f;
Mra Frank O. Balch. w^ haa been been spendlnp wome time In ibe city
pn E. .Ijayrs. arrived Monday to as­ pnwned In while voile. After the wrdBell. Wta.. where
Is-rlii |vlsi(lnc with friends and iwlaUves, reIhc tmmedlau- friends and rela- visllint; 'her mother. Mn
'pftyed lo fcacU inuale In tbo pnidlej st (n'tile Courier offlee. wWi.llie

wned to their borne at Uitaki«D*
ds msndac.
Gcerge Hartman, who has Eean Ir.
th# clly for tbe past acath. reiaraed
to bU boBie at MUaraakaa this mb

ueekY riaiMM tbe dty'WKh tiiSb
and retoinito.
O. t- aiarkler rationed is Ma hmiis
at rctoakej today after a week ladha
rlty OB builaess. '
H. E. Chaae ef Mil

Amll Naniaffer Is In Ctoxd RapM
er Dr. O. 1 chaae of <W 4ty tort
>r a few days tm baalBvsa.
Miaa Matelle BanaaK toft thto laarn- w weeks
Harry Hiaekto,..for the poM «hm
Imt (or Ctoetnaalt. w£cre she win at
- (onr years tderfc la the C. A. Ba«ten^ a rattm-TTaurT of musJr.
Rav. Wm. Y. BMily. sen of Rev. bew dn« store, now owned by A A.
aad Mrs. F. H. tfohly, and Min Jm- Bfott has pone to h)s home In Mdto
vie ^lun of BrorkeaMdim are Kua^ doa. where bo win visit n week or
for a few da.ra at iha^ETaaceMa^jap I and them «o to Marlette to toko
;•* P the niady of phnnnncy at IMov
O. F. BUKon arrived la thc.„cRr tie i'hannaelst colI««e.
Mra A M. Bm'lth ef Ctovalai»<>-Or
today from I-uibdelpbia tor a fo.w;^ceks' visit with (rand* and reU who has been visBIw ber BMthto
lUeiiafmf »C^ Booth
a 6. Petersen and wife, whe have street, rvtnroed bomei’ this morntof.
Mrs. F. F. Osborn and sen Fratfbpea. vfslilnc in the cnMnf (he paA
erick toft tbly moraloE for Oraad
'-W days rriurned to their home
j Hspid*. where her hosbiad ka> (maa
nind'^ida today.
T. R.'BKanor of RoanAe. Va, who traiuferrd
U^ferrd as s IW MarourtU
Mar^ortU ea«
has been to tbe <ii^ fur svitna Ilia-, einm-r
today Ivw Mnskewui. where be
Mrs. Oaoigo W. C. Nsuamv wha
will be fur a few weeks before
has In-en vtslilat ber aiol^ Mrs. A
Inc home.
C Desprer retnrBvd to brthoiao.ta
A C Myers returned to hla heme Itotroli this mortilas.
Waliun lodsy after a short visit
Mim Mae Ceniaii. of Clswslnnd.
1 the < ily with Irvi-iids. i
arriv'ed yesterday to lake cfaarce of
E. W. Stephen and wife ratentsd
the irtmoinc drpanmrat of MUX
their home at the B<» Uulav after
Bins' milllBery alure.




SBoi>t lo Alt ^
Ibe CniitisasvrSeMscy of yoer Arm,
To make eaitridCes noted
rsrarw To taakT^ur.
earftidect it reonirm to jdsst tos
iu tow—end lo
keep ibrntwy it. tost. ,
There to s ffewsnyten.MffCi
OurC.o.rst.ieeUbebini ifosecsririAtos-sDd bsUad
soy Standsnl arm. lo the iuU evirat M tbe maker’s
owe. tuaraaiee. wbea tfapM esrtdddes ate-wsMShoot the Cenndte. that fboot suaidbL Shoot tbo

Stiopt Time




Xireat Grand
the 1912 El^ition fO Be Beid in

City» lVUcti.» Sept. 23-27

VViH ERccdl any Fair E-ver ttlela In NOrttkiem IHiclkigan

- Sliteniliil Displays at frails, VaitifrMiD, tniits. Lira Stoak and Poultry


will find his name in ibq premium list; J you have not one of' these,
have Secretaiy H. B. Monttgne send you one.

Excliliig Tra^k Events

Yhe KeynffR Of Stnrcess is anEaiiy Slan.
This will be the biggest ixpdsilion of fann pnd orchard products,
dSfhatercJal display, fenh jftpienjent exhibitions‘and varied entertain­
ment ever known ip Northern Michigan.

■rwiCcYacii Day
Brag the CMMres. >lSg Program of

FlUfe Mftertaimneht kv Ymnig and Old

iYfaHttt^ PnUie Speakers WIU be present dnring
Ibe week’s fYogram

■ Prepare DOW to attend. Get your Exhibits ready.
Call Up the
'Superintendent'of the deputment in wihich you wish to dfapiiy; yWi

k Meifibenhtp Tfckit iet $ 1.00, get, it early ^ help tildng
admSe totwillbeafcigfe
development tmd progress of
this sectfeib of 9ie state. For Funlfer information inquire of

Robert Barney, PiYs.


■. -uctrViwL*.,^.

ft Bb IVlontague, Sec'y

\ !

• J


am nA'paa'mjiD m ^>smk bat saob.


Grana I favetse ftegion
____ _ 8.' '-J- name.' The evening
' r. a Stoke* Mid •toun, who b«ve wu apent In 'card playing and <
bee* vUiUng rrieod* mad telMlro* tbr .ps alter whlit ,cftreahmenia of Ire
, »Mt two week*, relumed to tbeir^ .ream and aaaorted cake were aerred.
crmductor P. ii. Otiran. who
koBW U BruMOD. m. SMunU)
lUara Marlha and tk-eei^c -en on tbe Mek t'laC ti now pp and
GUI. wbo b»T« been the cao>t« ot Jheir aronnd. W. Bcmndr baa been taUng
•list. Mm. U. Scott, the (iwl 'oitflitli. hU place.
Bonie GiUdn enthrtatnod at a «
left Sohter on the •tmnwr ManUtcc
o'ckick dtniirr Tueadar etanic
dor (heir home to Bruiuon.
honor o( Janice Banaopi- and Gene­
dUrtaa *>d ClMb* ttame
and Martha Gill.
Om* TtaMofe iBhiBrt»y.
W. Howell paantd away at bla home
, ' IMr*. W. Dnrrow and rfalldren ot
about two and one-bal( milea ■
Tr*»**e fit) apeni the week her
ot town Tueaday momlrg. after a )oag
irli^ fcUttve..
juUnfuI lllneaa. Mr. Howell ,waa hurt
Tb* Misww Margaret and Jetml. / Httlr over a year ago. and baa haan
dndnrmii of Tiavem City arrlvW ... poor health ^Inec. He leav
Jiem Sainrdar tor a vlalt with Mle« wife and Bve ehlldren. alao an aged
iooabei. fourhrother* and four ajatars.
Mm A. Sterna and dalishtsa, Ixhiu
. ai aerrlera were held at Ue
a*d Myra, who have apeot the
Hohell boew aboht 2 o'eteefc 7%i
Mr bare, returned to tbetr bonte In day. Rev. A. Bentall ofBdallng. Mm
Lawraacet^Ry. Sunday.
W. R Jobnaion. Mra. 0. M. Dame and
W. Voice rendered a few miWm
Uartb lett Saiorday (or
KlasaUr. where ahe will (each In tb r iJeal i-olealooa
Mr. and Mra B. W. Porter drove
nacond pnman dctiartnieBt.
School opeoed Mooday wurBlu: with .er :rom LeUnd Sonday. retumlag
the failowlac leather! In rtaarge: tbe aame day.
Sept. S.
rmfraanr. E. P. Clark; priniipal. Mia*
Scophana: ilrat prlnar}. Mlsa K.
JUthgar; aecond primary. Mlaa MTnBom. to Hr. nsd Mi
aia: tnlannedlate. Mlaa Res ' '
Kitchen. Tuesday. Aug.
craamar. Uta Hompteb.
pound hoy.
Grant W. GUI. wbo bai'bee
Mina Kate Ebartii of Chicago, who
^ad m W. F. om-a grocery
tbit nnuDar. left Saturday lor bit taa been riaUlng-Kllile GoMan ihi
paat two weeks, ienh ta her borne laat
tome Id Evanatm, HI.
Miss Cteo Blue, wbo apchl Itaeeumpaat few weeks len laat week 'Terr mer at Mrs. Ida Haseia. left Thursday
for Grand RapUa. where she will live
In the <o»m
Grover Caster of DaHarrUle
Mm Hi Bradley, and aoo. left 1
lUng hia brother Loren for a tew days
' day of laat week (or Mackinaw C
Mrs. Ward Bums and daogtata'
Misa JanlM Ranaom. wbo.bat Wix-nt
the aammer here Vialting relative!, Fraaeea ol Travaiae City la apendlog
left Thmday ’ror b« home in I.ewia- a few days with Mra. Ida Hssel.
Mra. Archie Oagraw. wbo has baeo
ton. K. V. Her grandmotber. Mra.
rpandtng tbe past few weeks wl*A
relailre* and friends bem returned i
Hto Alma SmHb of Comn
here with her alatar. Mm E. P. Clark, her home ui the Boo Uat 8atur4ey.
yiaa Itole Lsrdle left laat weak for
•to iwtU apeod tbn^vlnler here
D. H. Power and family, who hare Detrctjl and other poiou, tp be gone
aptot tha paal the Mxmtba bem re Ipr some time.
Mm MUtoo .Gore U <k
tmad to their, home In Pontiac laai
Mm Beaalc Brady of Benton HarMlw Ida ScoU. «ho ha^
UiBg bar paronta the paet*two weekr lor arrived last Tuesday lor a visit
returned to Ann Arbor Monday ol laal with bar pareata. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mm H. Z. Ryan and dangbtan BiaU
ato tonrel. apeM (he paat wadt .via
idat <ri«>da hers
Mm Dearborn ^ daughter, who
ham been oocopyTiiE tbe N'elaen ecHtaga tUa aummer. left laat weak ten
(hair bb(D« In IndiaMpolla. Ind.
Mr. W. Green nnd Frank Moore arc
•ear from Fas laiato for a few daym
The heavy rain and wind of tad
•TMbv po iDcreaeed the Sow of tbr
creak that mss ttarongh the vUlag<
thMM oompletely deaUoyed three
teUsw and the C. R. A I. pumi
tonaa. Alao oanaed gneb aevera waab
out! cm tba C.'r. A I. Une that the
tmisa were not able to leave or ar
rim. The launch Dorothy S left foiTmmma city wltb;gbe United State' M& Monday.
Mr. U ConitoR of Cfaariercfta. wbt
has baao drtrlng a well at the Fo;
lilato iicbt, arrivto.lo town 8nnda^
lar a few days' vfailt.
Em Rtaodw and wife, who faav>
baas vtalUng dt Cedar Lodgf this lOin
m». left heal week for thoir borne It
8t Uwla. Ho.
Mm Greea and rUldiMu who bar
been the gueau oLkhw. J. F. MaUteh
tha past week, hara^tnroad to tbel
.bema ta Harbpr Sprlnga.
About forty friends gathered at tbJohnston atom Friday evening It


Fife, Cake Department
' GlfBdaCtod by MlMAUe Dewey.

borne ai f^loi Friday.
Mrs. Oak Bariatt w.
City FrMay. ratumlng
HyroB Tkylar and wDa drove la
Utoek Ttaaraday.
A niimber from Matehi-K
Buckley Thuraday and sumided tbe
pioneer plenir,
Mr. and Mmf Henry. Bogan dM.
bnslaess la Traverse City 'Batniday.
MeBdamea K. Bc«|rt. P. R. ^ri
and Our Lick, aeeompanlad by Henry
Bogart and Goa Uek. were goatts ol
Mr. ato Mrs. Frank Boi Munday.;
Mr. and Mrs. JnstlB l&iapp atlendad Ue plcole at Travewe City, on
Marie Fought has yecMvad tha and
•ws of tba datota of bla grandfather.
Hannan Vortta, who resided In Trav■sa aiy.
Mra. Oeo. Taylor ape*t •nroroday
eight wub tbe family of Cbw. KnaprTbe Ltoto' Aid will meet wltb Mm
Bym HuMI on Wednaadar. W- H
A big lauwd totbered al the church
Sunday evening to lUten to the Rnlly
Apt program ot (be EpwarU league,
arranged by the leader, klrs. Anna
Bogan. Tbe ebureta was awraprtately decorated In tBe leagoa notora ato
good program readored.
lasma were eapeclally snod.
Bpwortb league ev«r Bandar eveyag at 8 o'clock absrp. Everybody
SapL 2.
bool atartad Tueaday moralni
with Mr. Tee as teacher. We. wisb
film tb* ben at aereeas.
UiUe Guy Champney.' wb* baa been
^ A number from this nelgbborbood
atteaded the ptcaie at fbe teJr grounds
Tbumd«r- n was a Sna dny^and
avaryeoe aaemad to enjoy IL
Mm B. Mallory left for her borne Iq
Lndlngton Thursday, after spending
the past raw weeks wltb ber son. C. E.
Mr. ato Mr*' Am. Bacbileba

B. r. CWOta' of Tmverae CUy. tbe
ctetaty -kimane officer, was In ibis v i­
cinity. ^ Ac iBteraau ol that society
teat Motoay.
Hm P. T. PefersoD went to Traversa City Wednesday to vuii ber
daughter. Mlaa Claudia.
'Mrs. Kurts returned to her boiuc In
Toledo M'ednesday.
Mias Evelyn Becbiiclue went to Uai
T Honda), where she bas acrepled a
Carl Nelsdo came borne Sunda>
-from upper Mlcblgac.
Mrs. Dell Foster of Hodge was tbe
gueat oAer brolber, A. Sayere. and
family. Frida).
Hark Ha»r returned to tbe Ferris
inatitute at Big Rapid* Saturday.
Mn. Martha lioodsi>ted of Marcellua arrived 'TOurada) to visit ber
Lirotber. Jake Anderson, andtamily.
Mm Hattie HUton bas bought the
realdeaet lately vacated by .Pmok
t‘errlge. ,
'^llss Emma Hodges went to
toa Friday.
Mr*. i.«on Blue ia 111 with Dpbold
J. Codd'is quite IIL
2lr. IHrklaon bad a yield ol 124
buibeis of Wheat froiq Iv acre*. .
Mn. Mattie Leechman relumed Ic
Big Rapids last Sunday. '
MBs Francea Pierce went to WU
lianuburg Sunday to begin ber acbool.
, iirr. jiriaoD Barber qr.CndlUac vi«.
Ited ber alaur.'Mm Wm. Holbrook.
Monday ato Tbeaday, •
Wm. GUde bas tbe Job of |•lDllBg

gOMU tf b
Clkrfc, tOEHt^few dsya tbts
Mra. Frank EUlolt of Fetlsiou vis­
ited relatives here over Sundav.
^^kD. Holbroekvmtos a busJnos* irlp
(o Sooth Ueardman Tueadav.
.Mlaa Allie Brawef of KiDMiey wa*
« guait or Mrs. Frank Bedell Tues­
Bora to Mr. and Mr*. F. C. Fulkcri
«. OB Frl^. Aug. 22. a aon.
Mias M)Ttle Becbstelne left (or
Biimmli Batontey. .wbgre
teach ihjaj’^
Mlaa Maud Bridson went to Mantan Monday, where she will take ap
tbe iwairib grade wark-tq tbe higb
acbpol. '
Mm Cbaa. BonA^'aad daughters,
lasee Elsie ato Alma, returned
home tram Warren. Ind.. Wedce»day
. ,
Mlg*' Haael Bhertaan of BrerkenIge rrturaed home Thurs.i*>
‘gpendlng.a'few days with her
Mr*. .Ldo'f .'SnlCoq.
Mn. Cao.aicKee and aon Lynn aad
distouer tfargarel returned to their
hi me in CadUUc Thursday.
Mra. G. E. Baldwin and aou* of Benn were guests of .Mra. I.. A. Bennett
O’er Sunday.
Mrs. Vem Gsriilner. who
vldtlng her aunt. Mra. E E.
and other retaUvea. returned
bone in CsdllUe on Thuraday.
Mm Earl Kewril drove to Traverse
City last Monday to aec her daughter*

To aeon

oi School Supplies.

FREE-ich «,n. p„.

1 Box ol Craclrer-

chooes ol XSc Or over.
A Buzer wilh a Itc

W* wsto to Mte tU DgpsrtMBt .af tka
' AnetMt pniMkli tiIm to sU eoBoanod sad to
«d nquwt thbt lU ttdai of pmu] tad
^tdagnl tBtomt bg iut to IQgi DewfF ^ ^
taworpontod in ttw Xkoptotmgnt. Wt^oipKibUF
•ak thst^BTcheR ftmtamJ todMiM tad Uif '
: OrUf» fBBlA it«u of ihtertgt is their ropto- ktroongnitottoin Hm of aocUl ovoBti bad aatatamoBbL improvamMita hotoc mod« or ooatamgUtod, Bad baalDgn ^safoi, aad tnaafen ia
ml dstato ta towa aad country ar* ogpodbUy
aeeoptiUt. The ihon ante aot oaly to tlw
vfl^afrtfo Uka,batted iw-----------------tiy.~ Bdltor Emld.

Fbank utunw .*to Miasaa Blancbe
nto Bofitala Kubssh ntlsoded
■cbool here thli tnomlag.
dnoea at Pouch Saiurda} nlghl.
Tba heavy Mina of the last
Robert SaebUeben abd Mlaa Adolays have dgmaged the highways here Una Mallory .altfqd*^ a marahniklkra
to tha astant of a number of hutorto roast at Long'Lake .Tbnradny evonlugloUam
Mm Ai^Preenaan apmit'Saturday
Mlaa Gtfaal Pray, who wQl tsMh tha ato Bwday M hw borne.
4'abatar sc^l tha eomlBg year,
nenoad bar dntlaa. as tsMbar tW*
wAa Jeaaia KUIarheiite ot Bapid
Mm Wm. Harris has returned from
'Ity Tlaltrd nt A. 8. Fray's a few Grand Rapid*, where ahe baa been
Uys last weak.
earing (or ber daughter, wbo has been
Mrs. bmna Parker of Shelby U try UI.
lalllog friends bera tUa weel
Hr. ato Mn. & O. Purbe wereJa
Thomas Pmy and *rUa knofc in tbe (mor on bnainem Monday,
alt game at Travarae City Tburaruode Worden I* bolld'ok
(thul HUB will attend achM at WII- ,.Cbaa. Maynard left (or Mbaree
lamtbnrg the romiog year.
Canter Monday with bis tbraahlag ma­
A. G. Fairbanks ot TmTerse CUy chine. . Tbe atonny weather I
I lb the oeigbbcKhood this week.
lade thitoUng mtber bard work.
Mm Al Cbaaa visited .mlativea i
Cbna Daztar ot Benunla and His*
mvei«Auy last wato.
Myrtle Deater of Tratera* City spent
Mm-.Jdderb Bowers «f Travarae 'Bondar at their borne bere.
^ Ity vlB^ har brother. Mr.' Chase: Herben Deater has received bis apPolnUDeDl at regular B. F. D. carrier
‘jaJT'WatMB amde a trip to town aad began work last Monday.
Hr. ato Mm Low Xetmay return­
Geo. Prap or Tmverca City catM ed Monday from a vlalt wlUi relail’
<ere Soadav.
Id Elberu:
Bern. 5.
Waiter Hsrrta ol Mnntnn was
>wn on bnalncH laat week.
A. Allen bdd an anrtlon tale
Is borne here ^turday whiefa was
quite well utiended. He la prep*r<cg Nnr Way to Make Apple
to move to Twarae Oity.DmapUaSa
Hr*. Good, daagbter. aad moibe.-.
an. a... S.M. .. Omb
Mr*. Bayue of Tmverae Cliv. retorre!
home Monday, after a teeV*'
Sy ArraC/eariAfrAraxir f/m, F.dUoref
with Rev -and Mm J. W. BUeiou.
Ikt Bctlom CeeHv Sciool bagazij
The atorm which occurred he.t
Monday moralng waa one of the worst
known in yean. The damage, how. bensewlle, (er it ia net eecessetr to
ever. w»* not *o bad bere n* further have srfaole apples, and tbe juice cannot
ran out and torn ai with apple dumpoortb.
brbere the apple is plaeto in the
Bept. 2.

and tbe dough turned if) amend

The Gty Book Store

mt. b, stn

A taito UMuM ha* ba« pMaad at mr dtipsial to Mto m real torn
•tdtorosuntottk par OMt lag IMd «to *v*r, 1 wr oaM udm.«MB

C* A* Hsminond

> nm OB Moaday nuill
Lira Atri innis is vleltlug her all
ter. Mrs. Wm VViaai. la South Mil
Mlas BUoebe. wbo wiU silend the normal at that ptace.
u ^mce Bill
Mr. and Mm Bun Ranuorr and
ravirae'GlI) lo at
daughter Della came bume Thuraday
V- •
night from Purl, where they bar*
I I.IU Curry i
been vlaillng reUilvc*.
s P. Olson, wbo bas been the tbelr work In the <iilu-ns' telephone
t of tbe E. E. Price'lamll). ri- office in Travefee t'liy Saturday after
apending tbetr vaiallou at home.'
lurned to Zeeland Saturday.
Mm -noaaie Wvxid fiivlor and
Miss Martha Bernstelne will ii-*rh
lie Renold. wbo Iiav- been vl>^iiliii
at Raidd City this M-bool )oar.
Allred Inmao reiuraeil lo tbe Ferris rriatives here fur tbe paat werif. led
Monday (or Cbarievolx. C
Inailluie. Big Rai>ld*. Monday.
Mr. and Mrw. lUgar Prankford. aft spend a few days IbeOe before reiuriier stoBdlng a .week with Mr. and Ing to ber home near Green Bay,
School opened bere Monday ..._
Mr*. Dlckiaon, returned lo tbalr borne
Mlaa 'Ellen Madlaon and Mlaa Clarv
at Franklort on Frida)
Mr*. Unvc Pender ol Middlovllic. Duffy as icacbcn. Ikuh leschers
MRA, ha* been the wsl
irom Kingsley.
31r. and Mrs. Mafor Kubertson. Mr*.
days <d Mn. Jake Rader.
Mrs. Burrows Green and two cMP Truman Oarn* and .Mi** Rena Munru
-eo of Harbor Springs• arrived sTiur- drove down from Traverse City Sun­ FIrat Time MillUfy Rn»e Ha* Ever
Been Proclaimed In Weft y{r>
dt wljb Irlcntls day and V isited at Munro broihers'
day for a few days' visit
glahri-Bleedthad Feared
farm. Major Robertson aad wile re
bereMeadanicw BUuiebe Hryanl and malned nulll Monday for • day a Dsh-.
Edna QuatAenbush were In Cadllbx lug. the others rniuralng Buaday
Mias Mariou Dleklsdn commenced
Scott Muaro spent Monday In Trsv
teaebing lo tbe Uoardmaii school, erae City.
lal law baa been .le.
Tnesds). Sept. 2.
Mabel TyTell left Saturday for Can­ Paint niul Cabin Creek
Mrs. Eugenw Green and son. Ken­ ada to stay with her brother Vineont Ooveraor GUaecoek. 'Bute'’' troops
neth. of Traverae City, were gue
)r a few month*.
were tent to the vemior).
terrilon'. ii it ine
her father. J, Codd and wife.
Tbts region baa been visited wHb flrdt time martial1 Uw
was evejfc.
terrible wind and Ilgbtnliig gtoreia raked in West VIrglala.
irglBia. Tbe^^.
Nias Mary Tubs of ^isego. wbo has Tbe wibd storm of Saturday night or Issued a ptoclamattoo
tmatloB after (Prao(teeo the guest of .Mrs. R, Learn, re­ was the vrorst, doing great damage ,fereace In which tbe dwmicdaa of
turned home Tbuiisday.
to orchards, trees uprooted and tho railroad tracks through tbe reg&i
Mr*. Geo. Kimball left for Kalafna- ground was covered with apples
aoo last Monday, where she vrill l>e Frank Sours’ and Will Gee'a alios a maebioe gnn were eonBaeatad by
the guest of ber daugbier. Mra. D. ware both broken down. Tbe. new tbe aoldlen from tbe tninem Tto ter­
warehouse -w«i damaged.
Frank ritory embraced In the prodamhtlon
The I- O. O. F. picnic .Monday. SeH- Bows’ wlDdnini will need a new (an la mountaltraua agd eztenda twenty
2nd. was quite a auceess, conslderlfig and wheel. The.rain. too, bat bera miles lei^ by eight mile* wide along .
Hie UDfaverable wqalber. The dance
heavy. Water standing in the (Kbin ato Paint creek* It Is (eared
In the evening was wril attended.
Saida like In the spring. No trains
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brant and
Hr. and Mr*. Van Winkle and Mn
O'Drlcn of Grand Rapids are visiting
relatives here.
Mr. and Mr* Oeo. I*slmer .
daughter. Miss Ctars. returned
tbelr tome in Toledo We^eads)-. aft­
er a two week*' vlalt with Mm Pal
Owiog to the Hebrew HoltdayethisStore WILL
mar's niece. 21m CasUoa Dewey, and
Master Ewene Woodford deft
Thursday (or his home in Detroit, aft­
er apecdlng tbe suuffler's varatloa
wltb his graod|«rents. .Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Newell.
Your best Shoe-buying opportunity has arrived-*
ss L«ura Hamilton left (or Painsdale. npier
Michigan. Thursday,
don't miss it Just received our full shipmoit of
where ahe baa aeeeincd a school- for
Ladies’ and Men's High Cut Shoes. This gives you
the tonilng >ear. Miss Hamilton r<an opportunity t6 anticipate your Shoe needs months
telved a llle rertlflCate from the
•ahead. Come and pick out tbe latest up-to date
YiMlIsnli Normal ihlsrsiiriog
lastp, they’re here.
.Mr*. W, Stoellel was given a fan-well i«rty Friday by her ftelgtitors
and friends in Union, vrbu preaented
Men’s Black and Tan
her with many tokens of thelt
lelt f^en-l■Mp. MA. StoelTel
Bluchers, bellows
Ethel left Sslurday (or Chicago,
tongue, high cut 9 7S
where the) will remain ilurlng tbe





14 inch top........

H. Dewey and childree
Iceland and Naomi, reiuraed to Cadtl
lar Falarday Master Leland baa been
siwtolng his vacation wliB bis grand
molber. Mrs. C. Dewey.
The Keep Sweet and erace and
Grit rlakses held their huslneaa meet
l-Vldayi'evening, partlcliiaiing ill a marsbmalloa
Meedames VatArxdnle of Toledo,
Id C.
Frida) night, after atiendllg
the dlsiioul of the i>ro|>erty of the
late .Mr. and Mr*. G. W. Barnt's.
Sunday service* at the M. K church
September sth: I’reachnig *i 10. JO a
by Rev .A W Baker, i*«icr. Fa',
twlh school SI Il;42 a. in. i^aorih
league al 6:3o p m.; topic, -Over­
whelming Popularity: the Pent
Great Aebievemem" Mark 1 In.

Mary McOUl baa gone to Tramrae
City, where the will alteod tbe NeedUB BuMnem college tbe coming year.
Chrob , H;r3j;4.
Mm Bernard Rlcburdaoa la spend­
BeiK. 3.
ing a few day* at »»verae Qty vlahIng ber paragta
Mr. and Mra. Arihnr Lyons of tbe,
The Infant daughter ot Mr. and
PenlaauU Vlilted at •Anbuf Xll-1
Mra. Ernest Ketiner-I* quite III *i
ratirry s over Baaday. •
:bl* wrlUng.
Mlaa Cana HortoD of Monroe PeoMr and Mr*. li*ight Gale* oi Me
baa bean vikiting ber uncle nnd
•Itk v1*ltt^t Fktyd Butler'* SurnUl
•ant Mr. and Mm W. P. Kemiey. tbe
Fred KoBza^xil th.. ntiatoriiin* 1..
week- Bbe teturned home Satur­
mi tbie mpsof e butteitomufinpaa
^ aIvcH apples, aprvnklc
Orman C«i had a valuable
and Hr* Ro.'- Sla.k vl.ifed aWUh talgaDd turn two or three tableBtraek by Ugbtnlng during tbe atarm speoolnkof
wata- lato rach cup. Sift risre Ramsey's Burnlay.
eariy klondaj. moriilag.
tqptherj‘three Ctoea. the Sour, salt and
Mr. and Mr*. Frank Bnilcr am!
P. C. Gllbfet and family moved
daughter. Wayne, visited al toven
back to town og ^oaday ao ihat-tbe
IMw tb* deagh from a nnoo with tba Corey ■» Sunday.
cblWrea cmM b^ aebooL
.Mrs. A. Kosiilvb vmiied Mr* John
Sept. 2.
Amv a-«>u|de of day* ia*i week
torn. laCctttopanoBaUrgeaervingMr. and Mr*. I.e-'t Strong,and tarn
ftovHto Varaiaa.
lly visited al Mliion Strong *^Gram
pea* that.wtoa ywIMt tto
m raa'dmlatmad; 1 earn*. I
Mr. and Mra Keaui Kellagg' and
Mr and Mra Fred Eonlas vialte^ at
Cuv Slack's Fanday.
• '—i
Mra. York t* quite ill at tbe home ^
of bw daughter. Mm Fred Kotoe.

BiJeheft. hig^h"c^?™12
inch top........... 3 ^
Men's Blank and Tan
Bluchers, liellows ton­

♦............ ®



Misses' Gan Metal High
Cut button, patent 9tf
collar ...t............Z
Misses' Rus.oia Calf. 12
button, high
4 98
cut .*................. -A

Boys. Ta
Tan High Cut
lers. bellows
tongue .

Misses' Gun Metal High
Cut. button, patent 4 98

Youths: Tam High Cut
Blucbere. bellows 4 98
tongue.. .........*

Misses'Russia Calf High
Cut. 12
t jS

Mdn’s Black Oxfords in
Button and Biucher.
$3.S0 and S3 - 9 ^
Values at ........ *

Ladies GunMetal Piimi
$3.50 values

Men's Russia Calf Ox­
fords in Button anti
. Biucher. S3..S0 & 9
■''•$3 values at.......... *
Ladies’ Black Cun MetaJ
highll cut. 16


Ladies' Patent bea
Pumps. $3 values 4 69
at.................... A.
Ladies' White Nuhuck
ShocB, $4 values. ^ ^


I lASNuaut^TwaiMT. asn.4. uu

♦ ♦♦•««•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ erw Otf MoAdw. 8b« «9»0U to
♦ ■
sue LAKE.
♦ «igi( tn Stuoitio beforo mnrali*

■nc UlM. Aanit >1.—Hr*, ten- Mrm. Ooorfo Saaro ud cblHtco SUtaa aipaet to attaad the aoraol «
0«o rotsnwd tnm hor tUH at RapM apat Ibraa dan (d last veek. viall- Tranraa Oty.thla year.
Oir Monday. -Mm wu vary HI while iii« Inr parenta U SU BapMa.
Wb. J. Uay waa a yiollae.«t tU|
Baton hoBa laat waafe on Wa ww
booM to Ballatro from a ami
la Trarera* dty.
♦ irtPUra. CUn Atem owl aded :
Ma Mi Dam E^hiii wiUi their
bf Bellalra. oitet tee day bare with
wivwmaM Satardar alght
Sun­ Willlaaiaburg. Bept. A—Hlaa
day at Wm dae-a.
Vinton left today tor Trayera# City W*. ChaHaa Aganoa. Uat FtMay.
Ura.«H. SogMw UUl of Bk AapBMIa Oaa la rMUat at ToRh Lake vbara aba will attaad %ttb aebooL
Ura. Maaal Batea iwnmed toahdat idt. waa tha gnaot ol Irleada beta
Uia.'Joha Canta. daughter
froM a waeh*B rlall at TraTeme City. tetgrday.

suRPmsE w; ^
iv-iiSH'SrjHIlt SWEPT

d la th* aawMiT.
I Mlsa tewxar. «bo
(omariy taaghi echooi U Ola Mlgh' ' I wtU iMh tha ateool i



and Mri. Ftooaia Wood Tayloi
bohy an tlafUng teiaUrea In the
^ MilchWinod.
Ur. and Ur*. Lowell Bonra ipent
ThDroday In Traverae City.
Thera have baoe two tbreahing ma'chlM in oor neighborhood thU weUi.
Webater oT WBlIanUnirg juA -Jo^e
Kalaer. There wlU ha weryoJItUe
tbreahing Ian at tba and of the
A numbar of »ao*la,
nalghh^bood are «|ttBs|b>g .Ibb Odd
telloWB- picsie at AMen today.
Urn. Jaania -nbUli rataraad to her
home In Trarene Ct^ Tburaday. att­
ar TMUng (rianda for a week.
Ur. Baglay of Old Hluloo apeai
Thnraday at John DaWa.
Urn. Kali Munra. 8r.. want to Trar-

Floyd Mlnorr of Kalksaka rialtad
lev day* Ian weak at the home oC
hU ancle. Cbarlea Ageraon.
Mr. nod Ura. EoHiielt Seodald bare
adopted a two Booth! oM baby .girl.
Ooralelui DlngBan W qnlte 111.
-nio band
laat Satardny to pla>' lor deld day
Ura. Vlrgle .Halgas apeot a few
teya at Kawadla laat weak.
Kraeman Oreutt baa been baring
well drlren on hie properly.
The I. O. O. P. Lolge here are pre­
paring to band a new ball on the
lot Where Urn. P. S -Whlte-a bai«
DOW aianda.. It will be a Bodern

of iho:SahIag.
aetenl cattle bomw have been
hara wt-->*y looking op nl4ck.
Bow Bkhardoon aad won tew raiVMd troB the eaatera pwt et the
etato where they tew baaa tor Uo ONE -MAN KILcim AND ELEVEN

UlUS UNT unsSN HUE TO cnoi nnaw

Con. Uc. Oats. Uiif.
Trood of hlB? 1 I
Shy. ha ap*nt two bonra yaatarday,
trying to laaglBa how ba-n look la a
ollk hatl* ' •

A SaaotKul Wemaa
Alwayi has a line clear compleiik'n
-l.any nnire women would be beantlfnl
If Ikey coaid only get rid or sallow
Dess, iilmptea aad blolchea. These er«
aynptonu of a torpid liver and lb(
right remedy for a had liver I* nR
Tbay |Hit tbc llvar-in ordi
the breath
and bleralshea. Besldea the;
iright and rbeertnl
ire 2^ eu. par b
bok. 8df by ABarl
s Drug Store.


MAYFiaae. .



at «te au Tte
I nrjhi MarlcakH



A Good Time
the Boys



$6 85

Cfl^e while the assortment is good.



Hya ...^L.................................

each day ibarehttar It Barket vaflaa.

Beane, par ho..........................


y AU.VH.

H U ‘fhompaoD will a>ieak Friday

pmOtioSiiR Co.

lacIndlBo nie Latest Fasbloas In Famons

*‘StVlecraft Clotites**

E and see the v
ed up for the new aeasoo
L|U and you'll marvel at the variety or our assortments—never-have we reHBB ceived such beautiful Cloaks. Suits. Skirts. Dresses, etc., aad never' were
opportunities so favorable (or you to buy stylish wearing apparel at st^ch reesonable ptices.

Our Splendid Display
of these popular garments is alone worthy of a special visit. 'Fashion's imperi­
ous stamp of approval vUl be found reflected in the new Fall models of cele­
brated makes, with additional touches and excluuve features that place thom
far above the average woman's attire.
$10 to $35

Fien.ea burtfd le Reote«r*Ai »
CetiM Net Be Cheeked: Nine
MaySeM. 8«M. L-^Mn. .C. D.
' tneteeter Rabies Wew
Haate. w«U kaoBa to' people of .MayI—ySevod from Flra.
ScM. died at ber temo In Ohio a
, J -\

ahon tlBo ago or Mghti dleeata.
Henry Sargsoi and lamily left Hoa- —Ofwo Paii^^, 8ept. e - With ooc
day lOr their home In %'aMeaU. Ga.. dead aad eleven mlsatBC and l.Otn
alter apendtng their weatton here rendered bOBeleBO. the Are wbk-h
awept Ocean Park loot nighi la
and St' iheir cottage at the Uhe.
Ray JackaoB and lamily aad mother barnleg la apoU. The propeny leoa
MW to three million MlUlta
lofi for Pltubarg.
after a
guarding the niioa- II. S. Locke, emweeks- oaUag at tha lake.
which wa>
a. Rill ' OiUett and children
. U knonit I havee W bM
Marjorie and Donald of Trw
CHy. warn .vMUag friwda hara tba life, aad severe] wcMUaa nod cfettdree
week end.
/ladad In UteteWhov*** -cf a hotel
School be^ Mondhy Mb
JlterttBcnt'botme and the ebole dUwith MIm Wright it Trawrno


ttreegth In First At»iwgt
in the EaaL, {


Burllagton. Yt-. Sept, i.—ORiclai iV
■nia tropi all but 31 lowna la yastarday's ghbersatorial and lagiaisdin
elrelloa give the ieUewIng resolis:
ber. repobllwn candidate lor gov
ewor, S.3M; Howe, democrat, lijhf:
Ueitger. piwreetive. H.tM. As none
secured s maloHly. Ue governor wDl
be Misered by tbe bowe of reprenenlallvea. wblcb wUI neleet Ue rtpubHcwn nominee. The progreealve
and. decnocretlr leteere are JaMktst
the showing. Tbe repuhUcnns
lost groand. while Ue damn frets
r After the Bamea had deotroyed «lp
White Rlvrw Joaciion. Vt. Sept. 4.
tnally everything In Fruler pier they —Tbe strength of (he new Pregreo.^1 ~t a<.
kltacked the Uecstar hotel, which
rive pany In lit Bnrt llaanp agalaoi
were fattmahl fitnn TinvereFTT^^r
were many Ihrimng the older iieriles sad tbe dloa^anr- .
ance of the RepabUeaa majority for
the Brat tlBe In 10 years nsd Ue
“• - ““ “
IId:. bningfat out Mrs. H. C. l^alhrepu Brat time In the history of Un sUla, the Hoilldny boaaa for a abort time
jao Invalid. Irotn the lop Boor. Maau on a prestdeallal year, were Ue o<Alooking after bit Una here.
Igueeta aoEefed loaaea In geina. Booer sUDdlng featnrea ot the aUte elee- The Lndlea- Aid society wiu moet
and dothlag.
tIOD In VerjBoat.
with Mrs. Uibba next Tbnreday at
Mae babies. iDcludlng
AlUoiigfa the Republlcaui wrrta^
ber emtaga at the lake, and the an- tofant. weigUng H ooncea, were saved
■nat elecUoe W oEleera wtil uke frcBi the -baby iaenbator-- oe Ue pier tbe state oa a pturalliy vote. tbeW
BO election by a maJortty rota
placa and the tlsM wni bo aprai
by Fredertek House. The hahles ware: and tbe choice of n govewor waa
wielUng and p
tajtaa to oaUly In Ue meul caaas er> Urown into Ue legtalnlare. Thete
weoUier la plwaaBL U It ralna the' ihe lacsbatM-.
IwnbUrena will tew n eutleiept
Beating wfli i>a at tbs home bm.
Ootholka uelL la St. deBent-s
, flnsu Hapiatefv reutwad to her cboRh. whore hrayers were asM by Bajertiy lo elect. Alien U- FlauRw
hom at PbOaioa. Smtey
tWo Father Henneaaey. The wind aeemad and Ue remainder of Ue sute UohA
visit haw jdth,. wlattwa
abut Jnal at Uto time and tboogb
govobor Iroa all <
K me« of the Uaa wUb ber
all embare were riliing all araobd
and from tM oat of 14B Wtras was;
I tAurch escaped igaKlon. Its yard
Aileo H. Fleteter et OnwMBiali.
)Utla HoOeUg^Vaa a Traverse bad been made a atorage placo for
epnbllcan. «J(6.
City' vtoltor Satorday returning borne tost of bdi^
Bnrinnd a Row# of BL JohnteWT.
» benvlo
rlent Iona waa snSerad by
... ;
Hr. and Mre. Charles Baatotday lbs Fnaler MUHon IMIar PW co«Raw''Fn«w Heogar «l flaaMA.
aad children of-Traverse CHy ware panr Tbe pier and bnildlaga on it
V ^
Tlamag'Lefl MoUidBy the week ead, were valued at IT30.«00. -Ibe dSB- Progreaalw. 13.BM.
reiMft F. SBRh .sL.Ma^v^
aad -UUIo BUSe HoUlday went I
age to other balldinga and furnUliingt
' ' ^
PrtUlblUon. U4I.
wiu IteB for' a week's visit.
eoUanted at 81.3M.M0.
Toe becalnr betel waa valued S'. ^Wd w. Saner of Barre. Sodnll|.
MIcMgan State Leoaua.
Traveraa City 8. Boyne City 3.
that Ufa next ketoUcare win centalB
-Manistee 6-l..LudlDCton 1-3 (secut
MTharb the Ce«t BrwA
Republican.. » Oateoereu and
0 iaalngai.

. CeMp)BlbingnL.Towarbd^'arh«
regreaalvM Bsabw* of the tower
hnetend-a eoREdM-er^ two other
trench as well ax all M aeeatofa ite
;ft*4 to n Doa’QtovannI.'- Tbe applt
. .sgreoaman.Frank l> Oreea of 8L
.cgM: .!Tnde«d. atr. I elsT eeUlng M PlBBlef oe^NorthSal# la Uo Boeogd
'11a aart’r^^Hsoodon Standard.
dlatricL were ta aiacWBjwtUoot milerlal oppoaltioa.
Tbe etrwngU of the Prcgreaalta
party and the gain of Ibe DeBorrAa
Chiongo 3-«. ruisbarg :-l.
over prcvloua elecUina were Ue fanPhUadeltdila 5. Brooklyn 4.
CInelaaaU 7. St. Louto I.
Michigan StpU Laagua.
Won Lost
. T2 . »a


Sr<“ ::::

ikm and other timely Cana topics.
Tba Allyn baaataril -uam daleatad
learn tim Cedar Ban laat 8an^
Almira township aill conUnoa to
improra tba Bile of wad fwB r


PAGE eiva f

.... n

Sr “.... r.


Tbemcklng VaUey Cider Mills
Sold al Oie
SI - .tve

Will cnAle you lo do jmt that Eaiy to
operate. Extra well.made and

BUSS M. EdBosda waa bore la Cb»
ada. April 23. JteS. At the age or tw*
ytnre she enma (ft itete. wiujte pnrawnjud to-1872 abvad to Trevene
Cltyr Oft Jpte .31. IBB4. aha becBme
tk bride of Cbarlea Garland, nod
4m than lor (be greater part of tbe
time made ber boBe on the pealnMrs. Gartaod It asrvtved by
her parosu of UU city, (our hrotbere.
one daughter, kite N. J. PankeeL and
ae aon. Borton CariaaA
Fbnerel aervtoet wen bdd Iron tbe
awe ~^Ue peolnanla at IB:M UM
Bowing, Rwr. Chaae of UapMea of•ctaUng. laierment wax to Oafcwoed.

F« rcfRoriag graea com fron 'hgeob

A htea otelo awaogod dwwR g^g
teMo af a Woetport. Otete me^ *
■H Biwtoif, to Ha taltes and
Btod M.fy-awtp^jU bat. Tba
tetow of Ua teOi hwgght the totWtaUs yard. Tba h4M than dr«».nad tte UtUe ena.*aad UodMhMateW ter ate raa teto Ue haaw. Tba

Lk US quoie you prices. Besides you
can see ihe Goods when you buy.


ORMD^TtAiV^ha ■BttO'OD'nAV

r PAR ox.



THVXmff; OM: «rlttl



rlMt of lore! at iialoi- aoooeu

■ywwpliri iHwt h» t>r«we^ Pnm
9 and many tM
itynariar all-aa If ie

M tbb tDOBih, only.moplBc at bom#
d. Don't deaerre to dacoraU a
■ pat eltbP. <Btaa botply U»
Cbod nu^ Ue



iPIfillT ON TUBKEt PAg*SiTi%

« M «b« rooc tptai.. Ttar
Bsn M ccnMlr pr««ct«4,|»a “-



sBle Caab Year. '
I bm ralMd tivk^ for sale
yean, and find It a more ^^tal^

weary feellnc dt atniullDE b<
fty, the aoand of adUbn Icoistci«
tealwaiobil the pved.nad.of Ufa.
The oBly color In this .dim pknoro a


ladton itMiner flMtoi
tbs tW'. wpewsito at sdtoflto'^'nooa a*
bartiesi of all doraeaile fowJs. As tbs arbool IM «toaad. Tammy was
they do cqnaUy wall to eoaOnctreBr 08 lot |i«rt* )tote.o«S. agd & ^woijfl
or on free rsjge, Jbey^tiuk be proBi. have Imer^* gto flie^ m^Ity
aUi L^t .by. persona, to tqpa -fr
U tbsy cotd*
as wen «a by fanesrs. IVy do pot ube ftobinsos Craioe on aa WUwd
rseulf* .P<8>V>*'.
itbs cbm M Mslns. catchtac bta o
fl^M-40 dtiA In. apmethlng 4^ Jhh. sening Ma «wa laMief to
tbe whote bead e
pUMlag srasisblaa to a al«y
Poutin'- and mnking chowder out pf $ ba^pl
They may be kept more cheap-1 of clatoa., two
^atoes and ab aaW.
Tbal tbe
the result
retnb of lb. Isat-samsd
• tpetpe.___,
was appclttlng
appcMttng was prwtol tj
gisss. ‘ tbe
ifie rkrtNhnl
Ikrt'^hnl four people taadlv cB
ss bugs, W
«C. Tbete tbc> COBVCTI letq laig* tbe brBrh\from a motor boat aaltefl
Tknc eggs, ehkb tf not aoliJ
-li's B ctktoUke.- talfl.
■utchlag wUI jeomnisad several cegu 1 “!
_ _ 1^ .
flboTw tbe Btarkal price of hen eggs'eel of the crqed. a girl to a wbllo
ind at Eerter,iJJlJiiJ* twice aa serge will with a short blue reefer,
much. Thej do aot-fllftgr .In daeor *t)h. I'm an glad, for 1 am tlarved - .
trou hen eece. bii- arc wlfpeflor furl
Parlbre progresi • ehewsd .a flte
el! kinds of cooklcR
As a table livwl with a eaull In* pol Set over tbe
thi- Indian Ruitcer daej U ex'-Hirnt Mt*. A aarary su«m mse fma tbs
,'Tfes raitat is tender. Juicy Shd line- poc
grained. Tbi-s far the denrsni
'Rut tbefs Isn't maeb of Sl.~ aaM
Jrcefltog stork and efcga far hcTcMpi

Wh fiMiak

eleta, wbpsn breath. Udp with a tbou.
Care of'HcMHdakara Est/fmato/bM
aaad memortei. ttoaif oa the atlfllar
dnsllnf t% ^anjr fthsplt and ft#.

air and creeps imblddea, M &ty be «a*
welcome, into the eery bean of erery
thlBg. aad ah<
nr. tmuApgj
____ oanicr ai.tSet- own win aad
Tba cUy man. hla Bind naniaf In
_____ ila aerer w«uld have looked rooet
Acaia 1
Sana, pnUa up abort to. buy a bunch
to ibe mafortv ^ MWte «■ a psaUma.
si Use If >er Uncle Moe* didn't hare slldved"
eoiae; ^i
fc Es up

IB■ the ■ treeM■
./ t^a floweiy. wboee eieet arcct atin
tamUhtng wtdoor «eli a* wall aa
Tba cblcf CiDirr ^oa 11m aD« 'an tbOM burled oioB^.bm Del not. a bard stpra blew Omm out add
Into arlirlty. tcUlnc
iniiaacy with ap laaadt wftpM actWIy
■WtM attacks
cs ti
to tba• poalta U dIM' tVooldot that Just bedt you the way dreamed U baamiea. Store (ben lee- bla dull memon
he atiU potneaaet a heart
be. b«.ea a Robfrci of absorbing study
iqea CO after clrla rrltb firotpecta? sotu I have worked 41Se;aat!r.,
rroai tbe aarileat ttmaa. It baa tbfl
^Vl*hbad Bome rich CBcles. aunts
either hrcedlas bcaa.
bea Mm* tbs romc are batctied.
rapre o
by Hjc fingra;
Tbe plBMBCr Of th# Mm aboT'
reraitteotly all di

- -- ■ —-Iter at> Main atrreL >
dastad «Ufa taaecCpewder. aad
1 keep <dd heM for
htoL tugging nt bii
down to Iba cUa tnm bMd to hock
_ .iad llictr r««IU more
all.abl(}lDg wcL-sbIp of
does llica.
}o(au Mbb can-Cvl aet le »K It Into
oae aarty inrScy la moro
Mu, man:
tbe crea. Tbit should be done at lurk ihousb-^»ty work. work. work. rruUaltIc than thren late onat. so 1
"I'oor little modest flower!'
laiit t«1re a «erk uaUl t«o or three Donl deearre K eliber—not to bsra UM- the Grti ACg.-i and sell Uc lupr
icih. baililng with the harder aide
noy fun. It Unt my fault 1 don't bare 03CS.
Cbl ken hens a.*e.eet on tbe
: life, looks flows with idty oa the
any coniirnicB company. 1 Uy butd flm'Tnylng and the poultry given to
be ctTMi to this
Never use Itme or riiouab. eoodtiesA knows. That cro- ^bn Aral lorkcy tra that b'womta bunch of violcu in bU hand. Like a
«al|Mr fee thli parpoea. Ne>hlac la nlng Oaenr cat
Large, airy pent or coops non imrtma tbtor breatb touches bli
aensltl - -----------------------bauar than me laaeei powder. U It t«,
with rninprool ko.rfs arc bulk guKo
bem a
___ been ralsel in a great ex(rnl as quoted
.. .
dtwLoat oMUlB tocredleats that are lYhleh I tnade toynetf. .1 (eltl him so,
distance irom the bouse.
adit:" of fancy.
nrrkct etork; hm wberrvcr.fla.haa ^omer of s sandhill campTummy.
too. but It didol do a btiiif rood. Uatajartoea to the are*.
Tbe bena are kept up two weeks,
e Is richly. become known as a table fowl it U ,
'Ob.' said tbe fonr {BUuflgrw. sttrIt mar often occur, howerer. tt
ole four plccea. fbounk.
He dldn'l aad Cht.:i tomed out every marbiag.
! Ing
And well might tW toMe. for
tba ben vlU not bare been ptopci ,
have to cot son becauae I amlled at uBlers tba.waather become rainy.
(«lueers tbe lodtoa Ban- while Tommy lived Uka-Boblusdn
ti^ed, and also tl>e lice and tnltea. cnntiey. It lus t luy fault (bat Cbar- They hare learned to come when call­ furwi
lu^e to sail rnwoe. be wore a snqwy white middy
v(D be found on the ronns. end In lei' tbinks I'm the pretUerc alrl In ed. and will nn&wcr me from ever ah ■fUR t
«a4er that tbe ponlie wv lire end toum.
blfluse. All*. .rtsi‘c
I learned a lesson, though. far whrn I call "Pee lurk! Come obT'' The elder of the two waves aside lbs on tbs lEsrket untU from ifirwetoiiBc
tbifed. they awt be freed, of theea Co when Shorts called I was aa prim
never too busy or toe tired to modest EagHab flower; tbe more ei-l years <rid. A Bnrk from
«Mdiie«. . 4i eoon aa tbe yoanc an aa could be. kept my skirt pulled gc; ibcm up at jbe- approach uT a ■•csire Parma vlatol la scirt ted—they tog hiiIb wT
nadp to kare Ute neat they matt'
orer my ankles aad lo^ed atralsbt hard Bionn. and at fnor o'clock in tbs rvmiud her of Nice and of tbsCaralHer cootpanlon. to the ptolb cily managed,
epMb^ careftiuy for ll<» wbl
They u>oa lean, to qome val.
brown drcsi. at-arcely bears these fll> that the feed
After they ere dvu or a.s
pant remarks. Uendtog over lbs tray mourh Rcg^)
tba ttrodt or abonl the* einte or
l.Atpe w«l ..'TTg float I
woiici old I never feed at doou. . _
of tS«ll»b vloleia. abe bai become ua- keep
eaCi. 8oit» or theta an ftiy In color
a Rn»ti(M%ck iS^p, wo '< think |bs *toM Jady to tbe crowd,
1 feed 00 BlopbT feed, bot have gM
I rdptarlBR
c-. -................
lurk with wheat or com bread, (-rack­ coDBciout of her surroundlnga. Tbe jt safe to aay that they nap ■be ■kept «m
aany.’ 1 aabt, with an e
They nay b
troyed by tba tto#
ed corn, cooked soft, wltsat. masbed violeu whUper to her aar of babbUog' a, ch. apty as ary of the toige breeds finw ibis one was.tobalfllad.pmdoesa


--------- .wit tbe
£K. matter
arawaei o& r
( a small apioiint
brook and |bc song of birds.
to wtnicr apd
cheaper In sum-,
'And tbere-a aomriklal
potatoes, etc.
no mean prodiprlrltcge of paylo
The flrai two weeks-are (he most aeei her boms—the ttoy cottage, berl nter It on tree ranje. as they wHI for- wKb oui* best.' said Ibe girl In the
Tbe li>raiioii of tbe blvrs la a matter
farther tote Uo flelda. Ws like blue reefer, '■nod bring v------- —
coasts erer after,
nutlcul-r. 1 give each pucif a graia motber-a smile; her lliile biMher, far
of caaslflarahto Itoporunce.'Aa a rate
whose sake abe has left that almpto.) ,i,eni mudi'beUer than b*BS. m they toT know bow Jo Ito
pear analoiu about a
of black pepper when It la I
II to Ml* tor tdvea t
-Deltobfed.' nM i
catcb him. Aunt JnUe at- old. and a ttmko of lard or vaseline baitpy life to U*e ip the glare of Lon-' *0 not dtsUo)- crops, netiher atfl^ they
-trem tbe prevnllllig wind and be pre­
ell ba ncO, aa loo nneb U fajortooa. ways aald so. I Jail Udd Um fltoht from bOl to top of head
d(« aoelety. where she must silently
much of a nulaanM around the -nut 1 hope you're 1
wtods. In (be nortl
d 1mm high winds.
KcraoaM tbouU aevar be ased toj
Then a food W hard-boiled cgc. obeli etidiu* n tbouiand veiled Insults that bnjiatne, „ bens. Tbe ducklings of chowder. There's only
uui—that noM ol UiU manytas ^04a aou(b
anulb slope U desirable,
desirable. i( Is advlsdaauor pnnaliea.
nnderstaad.l ihi, breed can >e lalscd to a market1 cook for one; but SKh as H
and all. craaMd tea. islxad
with oety a dependent can
nt-’r tor blves to be sa plsced that tbs
JVhen aba turns away a vlokt gliftent .u,
cheaper and taore qul ''
• trike them early la the.mornmorntbo fesbio avnahlBc—a t
aerrlng the ...... ru (hsi the bora become ^Ivs
from ,haa those of any o^r Mei. At,. ^ie basled
----------- hlmMlf
- seL the dockllnga
— simple meal. And while he worked . Msly In the day aod ihui gton an ad______ ___ ____________ —
Batter; cbarcoal aro kept-handy. They sat a lonely. aympaiheMc bent lies, like ft* flupb, _____ be hatched by ^cnbaiora or be listened. The girl'a name, he (lla-j^„i,j, j,,
U. I didn't nra. Adnt dalle alwaya of all; 1 never fe^ 500 much.- I a dewdrop. oa the vtok-i's breast.
day loD£ the vtolris tour out bens, Hens give the b*t rsauHs. oft- cortred. was Urtonm „
It la also advantageoiu to
never feed over four times a day.
rrogram life on ibt aullea air. pg hiirhlBK
efrrr crr
and that often only a weeb.
cgR Riven Ibeto.
ibeto. | e 'V<m
"Vem enjoy
egjoy lln
llTiag the sbDple IHeT*, a,,,. «be htraa shaded during lbs hotgrowing ^nt*r. fading away aa the Tto'egrs
• eggs are
very fertile and m*y, It -Wald tbe twost ■dame. wboM nams
of tbe day. so that lbs bees
turkeys die from overfeeding than u
day wear^ on.
Handrsds hurry pail. g„jrcd, be hsiched any month to
was tors. Grtgga.
Iwill B(K bang M to front
of tbe blew
Ai^ duUe kDoam for sarc. Susie Bnd- dcrfasdlng. l aae a flat board
Few allow themselves to c-lch tbe
DiKkllrgs hatched I
June or
Tommy ootflefl.
ahaw got married to a swell hardkle their feed on. and keep
losi^ Sf wqddag. They sbonM be oo
line <■
alar I
plufwd that the bees will vM. prove a
. it pays to be cleasly with turware clerk and she aald aha usitd to
flowers: fewer still have time to stop baicbed to llsrch. 4h(T will lay to wail have brol1<-^l flrh a
l^ked BiitMBcqJo pasaen by or disturb live
hold hand* with Willie. 1 woodar U.
and buy. Tbe fiower-girl knuws
pntsUoes. .nm there's some latti
Tbia taller pxee«uMoq
she did? It's mighty hard to kt
Ing of this magic fragranev.
to my gsrden.'
what to do In such delicate matt<
•(•cat of a tray full of irvsh vlolctsj
-tt'eH stay.” aald the glrU "U rou'U
Teery girl In town la changteg
fit AM boatX

her name to Mrs. Lysander Joaea.
OeeatlenIfn. Sam UUl. and ether aftolocrallo
beglaning of a bard day's work an*
and tbe girl watched film while lbs
aamea. .Wl»Jv' J «uW- Ererybody
thrsa elderly (adtos took
ayn 1 am p^ty. aa^ 1 am. too. caiai*
ed by paaga of koager. Fbr daarer (o.
Hlng^ With Lsatimr aitd Haid
lie, Spb. and Mlo took at me so that
AlUvttogb tbe I^ems are caTlsd her ksut tbaa tbs fairest flower Uj
by Wooden Clsais.
Then Tommy went cot and caught
i pave to ^ my kat down 01
DeaiUttera, tbsy do sit occasionally. the sight of a little heap of dim cop-i
-------a flsto and broiled It over tba coala.
I ilka tham very much as 1
pera. counted out oa an empty troy. |
Hers to my plan for a raeessanii 1
'Aad 'rm aorry to tall roa, Itdiaa,'
It would hardly seem pn
A faahlonablynlreaaed couple atop bsB hatchery: t Uke li-fooi.lumber 1 he aald. as be nerved it. That yttoi
Uvftha UtUc atand and tfggle & tpe
that a Ughora bat would cover
before (be flower«irl.
The man of- ||^ make stalls for IS beos which
Bt.;el corner wUh the boys for
fers bis cowpanloo a bsoch of Eng- make# tbe neat boaei a Illile over 14
D-rnlbe rfluraelres <
honr. Aunt Julie told me It wai
llsh vioIeia. but aa before, they are I
lor tbe night - 1 ahtol be gtod ta olar
Bice for girls to talk to boys on
stn-et. and I never do ft.
I 1
you the bovpItaUly of my tent In the
-Parma vltoeu took so well o
nemlng a I«at itopf tore with prortstraight nkeed end past on.
English vlolau are ao commoo
*Xhie Snnday afternoon. I put n
ttoaa You eaa toaye «n
my new white drcei. with short
Sines there was- noth!
The man pats tbs rejected boneb of
eleoCes and a blue sash. I must have
done, they coaSBBIsd, at .
vIoleU to bla budonhole. bIsibeuRbta
looked richt cate. 1 gooea. tor a fi
fish was satec T<nnmr and -tbs ^rl
leap back to a ftfraaken memory—tbe
A Hen Hstchsry.
Aleaandcr called to me. 'Where an»
walked do«* (be beatOi:
street fadM; tbe sound of iraBlc grows
tab «ertMea fa tbe pM dr « W**to yna going. Naterr 1 didnt aay unf.
Tla^ talked q| am tM«M: flad
Aid*, writes J. A. Ctandall of'. - - >
Iras; be aeawrra bla compaalon me­
oorv which U Tlnpped anitad thing. It 1 bad. he might bare treaP
ommy toy awake Mf fbe Bl£ht
lac Norwich, Kan., In the ^hrtners' Usil
.. .
chanically;, Ibis thoughts
«d me to an lee veam snia. 1 wish
, Bito llrecsc. Slat, and thin lumW wonO-rtiw
I had BOW. I gases ra too dlatnnt:
----------maj be used for the 11 partlimps. *’*• *“
tbs' A. gi^er •"
sat to.csllsr u "
j-n Uve .to ebanp mr manner.
Vioteta. violeu. nolblng but vtolela! Ftaor the pent depsrtment.q Tblcken,
b.^. |g, 4>lTto»S(i beard fsa^
The other night when Rollo took
and waked
There aiJeaai to the cold aoHiuite i f wire is used to cover tbe top of runa
Himm to bl*a la fltoaa to frama.
pc bomc tom the avpilte pany aad
woodtbatahy.moMiuodeslof flowA. eacb
yter a tfunge to t°»
flow- cxcml
excp(>i foy
foy the
ibe dooip
each of
of whi*
whl* d»wa.
•ouenaad my band ah Jbe ptc. I
was not afraid of belnR seen The is flt inrt>a» long. sBouRh to cover two
»*jjh -In
*“<>*> •“‘‘h M» j iroable. fo^
Jerked li away anto«xed him with my
tbw SKI
. Igrrous. eapsctally to bwacs.
--.r to
■ face
*M the
ground was carpeted with them, (be rues
Tha doors B
glittering eye u beat I could Ir. tbe
»hlch .|h« Uvaa are.
Bltod with their tmgrsnce. A length. There Is als
doer ^ by 1C '
dark, beeaiise Aunt Julio alsrara told
meet him In tba atlll-. placed ahaold be hM fi** from weeds.
•eh DCft box tha
a simple nmodlea fail t(
t-c It war an Ins-.:lt tor a ti
flX^lwCamb Le«t.ora.
e wonderf.*’ mortilng.
'cvpcclslly la front of the enirancsa.
vioteu la her hands, to the basket and all doors sre hineed with lestber
I dtoMeab |B UfdA pra tha fB|- «betlpol.bls tliiger on a>lr
ba^,w4t a lawm
at bsc
bs.' side; vtoleim
violets profusely at her and
an^ beld-wlib'cleau,
beld-wlib 'cleato, The
Tbe roof
root boaol
Mffi i
Ut* A-^P****."
Hnft afabnHnita of Uaauth. tm ■ pipg to hare a man Insifltli
egrs thsn
but ti win oftaa be found mora
- and.
but h»M In wMsferefl. Ttid tba rty Hka «t dMwer.
feet; vloleia. soft
ind dark,
dtrk, 'to
in her Is
U not Mpsed
Mpted or
oe nsHcfl
_ .
I toM him M. Oee. bet be neednt nrj- a wr!..
be lifted Opel.' | convenMl *B* aa
In paattai
eyet. . Aa some one drew near her jdnee with cleats and
hare mad! I dld^-do any. Cnrbln's wings are abort and atythv.
hmatbtog «nl«kly «>aa or mors bead of abesp to t^
the Leghorn's wlrgs are loft:
thing. I sm slways
always putting n
my foc4
Look bet e." (he aaW. Tbo 'boat apiary Inrlosare. The hives abcniM bs
to it. for a
I try p do Just as Aunt and she will spread them over n
Julie *faya Is proper. But 1 never ncstfuL La«t Bummer a Leghorn
uni-n *i«
I.something Is gar
ga? to you—somw ,. msMi.ulafloa.
ney come to a more crowded port
have a gentleman frtcod. while all cuUtcd :o «Egs fot me and batched
I fneetbe* there Is >lsneer of bs(
(0 say -jp got.of ibe^ It wnv, boscp-cr. In the of the street- Tbs mao draws cIomt
the other girls who are not to tody-d bp at bln
I (erliig ihc wrnnE hive oB retoml:
to fcU rcmpanlon; the Isldioua acedi
I am. have bsai
101 to bum It's iuo3lh ol Julv. cod her n<-st was c .nmay b
"l/»k here.' be said, again. Tes'es I
kl la aoft water la alao« r
Inlly nmutgeJ In a basket: but I U.-v- of the Parma rlo’ets she la wearing
the ItmU.
all to
he most soqflerful thing to yja i'llc'-'d
nott ail
pens-rates Into tbe va.-y heart of tbs
rOueas I don't cars math, tboagb. cr Rive them lesa than U./ihej fiVe
Verfeiflto I was a hoT teTlgg, lowd " bea noewnaary baa* taaJ
I teamed wood. •.Fnabidden dreama.^
when Hob la around. Hr la coming excellent care of th^r young; btlcg
a good crop for late,to go throng csrile^ and Brin- afly
rblddcB ibuuRhts. a UieuJand regreu j
b«m from Japan soon
‘Quality not light weight, they seldoir bo-t
I Old way to tbe aumaier to help meet
rush for a moaicsit Ihtough b'quantity to men aa tn everything els^' chirks t.y W.-pptng on 1-. and X
expenses, Todsp I'm a mu. ready other lUaega whore the Meal coadltlona
.his deliberately acomed ihe
Poultry Is extremely proflul
Aunt Jnlle r!tya.
Itob Is qualltv all will fight feiiude.'* flercelv.
to llglft Ills to Ibe iltlsh to—g« yno.''
■ ' 'o“i'!
« n*""
modest conntiy flowar.
r. 1ha had ch<wea ptopcsiy bandied,
Tt*t. I always rd tova Bob. Hom 1
lyihlng ■ct' aitortcperfectly located:
•1 haven't
ai to-ic- ere
vent a right to ask anything!
her rich, her more prectnua rival. In
poulir}. fruit and bees form a
c:n nab fatm.^
this—I ncrerttaelsBS 'Ae locstkiB sbouM te<
of von. but I've got to le.l
..................... - .0 beat.
e mso ^e'-^uIlk fiaraed, eeperioCy wbeB a
ground: It Is hlv bunch of F.ns-,
Fowls have no senie of smell. They • that If yt'j don't 4jnd ipe on
Obae ftlaysib to Qamaito. .
to yo-< and
«ioleis—they lie to the mud. For. have nnstrtU. but nM aotea
beftwa I
Mautle Powell has («rrc*actl her
; you rnsrliy lor i-ntSU
With tha rqat of ibvi
r the first fssda bbs ptsBty of garpriae ttat ibetc ars.not mese penk ceinefii floor In the laying pen
Danger h) the Hsy Fork,
bto toaralnt to play tbe tostnireeats
lies "get away " with yoer
It tbe ksto tlM W tir J!^ of reed aad bnsa.
ver throw flown lbs forks to any
"Somewbere to
ilo you wonder whst alls
. mocK.
place for tbs stock to t’rp on.
this ebantry.' abe atya. nbere la a
Keep your «ock heslthy, clean and
Tton Veesuae bo
into, wat food and to* It
- •Tl'nti. TlUto, only a 1
a strip <A board across tbe renter
aatlvs borfl oboe player, bnt I bare eomfMiBble'at tbs doer of tbe ......... —
an tha Mato caimaa it I
Keep tbe males separated
ims handy pisre. and staad all tb*
«arsr met him., And oboa, players ars
Kot all the ttllures of ptoiltrr Ilfs
rrowlng pulleta. Both will develop tbe ssnds tn meet ber. snd
, ..,.A behind U.
— la demaad.' Aa a matter of are due to tbe Bent.
wme left stahdtoR where hit bomla*
boards toto
: The flunamM 4IH Agato.
where t ' •
« Powell Is rtgbt. Oboe ployThe first d jck eggs of tbs
Of matebsd
r tba fob of
moiling words bad beat u.-mn ber.
. , .
. begin molting
Mayor Uacbaraeb ol Atlantic CUy.
'run a
1 hardly ever fertile.
BreakTast was s feast at wbleb tbs
Bg tbern la «
wh(to cVven'weeka
ca old and• conttooe

levees and etariaeto are always
Doa't gorge tbe growing chicks ooc told a turanicrdrlrl slopy at a dl'acer
three older ladle* ateJieanfTy of lobito U a good-time to put
. ..
U Ibe Uarltorougb-Blenbelni.
to far greater demand than, ptorccs of day and atarvr them Ibo ssst.
A Moot Vaiuahis Tasi.
Bler. and at wbl'b Tdaimy and tha
ir psper to the bottom «( sa*
Don't rorget that
“On the buck to tbe moonlight.',
JtriagBd Italrnnants. Xtood perform.
Tto mannrs oprsader sMita be tto
Any fowl U liable at times to p
girl ats BtKh'ns.
bOT tor tbs benMlt of Om.
ta- Mid, “a youth elasixd a maiden
lost ee-nt-rally used tool on the larim
dnee an egg contatoiiig blaoi fpo\M.
•Tm not hurgry," Helena Insisted
pbsatoaaiely to bit breatt ud
' cfelehnv bot early .
bin thU U DO reason why H abould bo
, TCctl growD duckllBga very ofi
j It i.^good plan
left unprotected la the storms sod
berlB laying at five monlbs
yards to en- cornea, 1 waal to walk to tbo sod ta ,
r>o yofl tern tac, daxUvr
' breeding stock out of
wintered la tto ssew bank. A shed
range dnrtog
dnrtog the
the summer.
jibe Island-to—(»—“
abs J0> free• range
for tto' iprtader would bs tbs best
t Qdelu Itke beat, sad tt Is -good for
• W
mv try •„
to •—^
breed frrtm
from poor
poor stock. ]
And wbs« they tod
them; bat there Is' a dl9«r<*nee to
od St
1 CtarsBce. cheap enonch f.
•owing Ratflsh «ssda
Pjll^lSt dfaUa sttaaflB threap staitled Totea 'Ton ;
for the 6>-k grratly slio- 'me"
Free range ft
Sow ndUb seeds to tto same row
w are dsaolhbig ti torglTB.* tto
problem, becanse I
sweetly, she nestled cteser. '-"•-V
plifles tthe fee
1lh alow gerralasUng seeds. They
i I stol! sever fjtrget—
111 come np In a few days and taark
Urge eneat. with tbe food G
1 ihlsklag tt
tbe rows for culUval
- -aad I fltou *taai t«—ralt-T.

• p^tw. ud from «:
■troMt Ud dUBVMM. IVl » COT^mnmcBt liolleilB. Btttn Uwr hMV
»|Ml pftcMM atTMctt
vtBdr a«V vUk UM
ten.ud can for tbon




quite £111 ck.>eiiBiTe ivmc.


r«*r J
»'.kelr.hy (09
brp^C- inoibot^ear I ki <nr tnrke/i> oanicr at tbef oirn will cad




hirg tba fclrl
Uat '-W1



wtQ avenge
layer per jM. « Pr«c M torcrn,j>otM* fcrs i*o«qd^^
I. I ftofl-bi^cigl mt eJta>
tralnlTg and ooifloM
1 that win keep a My-' *|iortB.

<& L-atlcf-rXlUlj.

. ‘'I


a derlee for pnttlns tbe date

l^hoCn hens as



for a hen


All that aftqnBM TMnav tukto^






Mrs Grtaita


aa. UM.chi*w «Bd .fBM«anrfi
b* I rtta togsthsr. tbs smmger ebtek- -Whafa yenr Mas of tbs fotnrstoaP
will get mom at tbe lead aad. mr
I tba oibera poor,
nt wtn be wrtttsa h» hdMrttoers..
epenttog broedan
It win oaouto
Mtbtof calculated
oaifMm bMU abcafld always bn nd
to brings blaah to tbe ebsek qf the
axeapt coamcUca.''

titlJW WIDINK ColiE m a



Bpvotiil Sale of

Qur laU
slock ol



We 8-ive
lujtfns with
cver^’ purchase



r/ •

C PplI CPTO the ’
‘^StaaJird Exantia'a- 1
. ^ Uuu C4:?” and investigate tin: in- J
tenor of “Et:.!>dLrd Cotton Kelt Mar- J
tresses for i oenUf. Y< a '.till fxd noth- /
inghut thepnr^-t end !
qitsliivtif w!e^-d ^>hon fcio 12;:iit ’iyer hy layer,
lliis CThttim Jek never fcstonsfs herd Or
lutnjty and retains all'its clastliity and J
buoy^cy, Noh-abs.)rl>c'm,“Standtrd*’ ,
are buelthlul and Siuitary. |

I Kc-c' coupon*
afntJy toward*
a hcauiiiul.
French China
Set. consisting
^/'^xn<j Mis.
n* set. gimc
set. fruit setnud
ale set.


«^iara"Hittreu«’AteC:t»^eI -


PaiF Covepm^


■fijl pi WU

V (bie fe«t Mmsp that money can buy bb-


I2.Bru««l Rugs $!2.50iipio$35i)0 .
2 Axminstcr Rugs 8.75 up lo 30,00
12 Ve vetRugs
13.50 up .to 28 00 .
12 Wilton Rugs
28.00 up lo 40.00

vVv--- •'"



UBT T»H#liieK 0« R^ULATC.


fe*?. 2!^?i9iJ>


and Alcohol


Here ^i;c a f?w Valiiea you can get ii
you come quiek
50 Pound C'-otton Top Ma'ircss $2.50 value
50 Pottml Colton Top Mattress $3.50 value
for.-....'..................................................;>. $2.65^


rCxna *rc • poor aSerpn, wOn*.
■CTwm. drr.m..-lmnbU.l nmb <1»tratlBC mts> is tncK bn4 IibI«.-U

Rest-Easy Bed Spriud

or goods may be
,retora(^ ai' our

45 Pound fVlted Cotton Mattres.s. $8' value.
$5.55 _
r»0 Pound Felled. Cotton MattroBs. $0 value.
■............... ■■t^ri.^^.so

Several Oihecs at ^
Proportional^ prices

Ji Few
Ilovif'do yoif
sleep o*higfats7

We make a speeially o! fi I I i II d



Pound Oottoii top M-ntress $4.50 value
We would like to have you call and 50for.....................................................................$3.05
ins^ec^ our Ifirge line of Floor Coveringk 50 Pound Cotton Matfres-s. t'oUon on lioth
$4.50 value hu
TUgy cottstst of the larg^est variety' of 43sides.
Pound Cuiton aod-(hile HaUr/ss, $0.50
praties arid patterns we have ever shown, value, for.................
^50 Pound Cotton owhfuie MnUrcfsi. $8 value
LQpk these, over :

InSrain, Casliracre. niirifialow and Fibre Rujs from X'1.75 up [<i SIS.

to oq|«» » and^ liein.

that is <?n
of them so

Ukc m^oNs



tyul. lfit.*Dr. tin. yrfiro— « .. i, imid,
Ji lUiAt thr 'omeMi diw—.I.T i.uT yrB
aslnv •><! kenv taa >.lrrv.— >i It
BD* n-kr your brnty And yo—x b’aib
hustrr. b><lliy >ad fbllW nr- nrrry .
—Bl'NP IT 114CIC. XochatcT oalob
to k*9 sbr «pna>.
Tbr PanibB tei Emt k tSr milr
upriiix lhal It «o ciul Uur II ma be
-44 IB «sr sneb tilua m thk. Try II.

We have about
73 Tfitverse, City
Morris Chairs
and Roikefs. If
you have not sel­
ected any of |i
sjiiendiJ values,
come at once as
you* may iicyur
have another

A Loag Fibre.; White Colton Felt HaltreM with Spripo Center; the very
bgst njaltress-ever marie; wUI last
yon a Uie Ume; solil lor S2S.00, price


andjbe prepared for the chilly Fall Nights.
’ *'■ ’^ets we have ever shown—ranging
Our Wooinap Blanket that we are
surprising the most careful buyer.



Home Furuisiker

• . !l




Vkittbto thl>gi »• b**«. *ai ther
aMUs Uka tk«i frcn tka
Ite HMlvlek roBa«-«rlav two aw ton. Iooloo< «tho onwwo aoU ■
tn woMk all tke eton we rw >peod. •!« aad raa tbfWIICh • oualotf. AM eopa o( woter to (be botUos potat. be laWM Car bImoM AM aerbopa •


twapooatal or -umM atar la U om boor-at ibo awC o(
MpooaM ol clBoanca, wbicb time R wlU be aoUd bat toMoA
webW bo wlHtM to apoM a Uttla <Mtao, ooo
d or Marti peaan. aad Chop, aaaaea. aad auMoa R vttb
aad lloa oe (ben.
----bair a taaapoeorul oT aalL Boll all to- adlfc. I( tbr ecc la cooked to beUtac
cettaor MtB tbtdL
water. It aooo beeona olid, bat
-Wrapt Jolea lor Wlotor lta&
gpleed Orva JeUr-nck wear, wtwb aM haM to dtoeot.
Tbefwtoi DO more valaable beatwaah, drata aM atan eaa peek ot
Cbooe Baadw}di Fllllah-Berap#
made drtak to be bad tliaa aatanDCbt" tbe
tbi,crapw add
wfM (lapaa. To
Ma freak eroaai ebeaaa
wiu a -torfc. aM
od crape lidco. It It oat of (be beat
quW or vtaMar aM oaMoonb cap- aoaaa It wUb ob.
artld* of food. vogctaMe or
^bod br ibe (aocber.
***** •“* ■"**
fnniBt-Waab too daiea.
bowl of bo( aad ,e*ero niBeea It to dtUrtotn cAbar
«TMuallr to tbe reooee tbe aeodt. (MM or chop lb*
At moo all oator > be
date* with tlx arna aM moinaa with
deHrto«t aoop or bmA cooked oa tbr
grapea are aolL Strata ibroolth
milk or cream, eo that the aUnore
arboei nora. Tbwe to do maan on
t rruH Juice*. It o I be Died la wiaoar be tprad.
tor. sM (be eblMrea mars to ibeir
In tact lu ponIbUlilee doable tblHtaea of
kettle. •Nal-Fto miDJl—fee four ton afid
Jetlr bac. reiora
Add alt niae war aa for aui-date tUlasAll o( wbicb I
bullor aad aprtnkle with akredbnla*. applied to lour pnblema
aHr Spd^a aolaUoa. whetber the prob- p,^
m7wMroU"^k'or 'r7» *“'• *”“*
Ji“***- ”■** *" •
wtadow A.a<i ***
*« •**"'*
alanC iweotvDried *l»"«-'»-««rt
Apriroi*—Wart aomeaoBfo- or»efl
lema retoie to eiir
araaea. tbea atriD from the uteme Al- aunar *'“**’'
Coeer and keep In a .-ool. airtooli thoroughly. Ooser ulth OoU
Our achooU ari. srowlD*
-,.n eolT^a^
—.e. a^h«t ‘<*»f »«™"^
aM all«» Iheni to »und eevertl
afore praetical. and nueb of tbto I*
„^hlaf ibem a little uaill all
due to the cooperallea of- leacberu
pali> aad
... «Waa. thee airain ihi«ii*h a Jelly bag dtalD and reiaore aleau from grape*, rook tbetn umll they are tender. Rethem from tbe fire and .wertA Molhert- Club; yea. and moat em- ordrafcM: 1 (be morrUng take oae- SepanU polp from aUot. pul palp ii
phatlrally a Fatbere- CTub to needed
of a capful of cranulatM uuMr a pre*er«lDg kettle, beat aradually to ea. Dried fruit Ihu* prepared ran

---------------- ’
to erery oebool In tbe Dnlted Sutea,
„ the boiling point and lei almmer nntU hardly *tba * -oda aeparate from the pulp: fralt.
for tbe beaoBt and b“-*-----‘
It wdll Hra parmU
^ ^
.4e a. .ia
awima a^j aa ecoul
tor aealing or the regntor bottle- nay

■tt. lAKL ims vniuis. UKtf

---- -—--- ---- j.------------------^-------Tbo Ma Mao Oono to tehaoL
Tho faabr haa coeo to acbooL Ab. aie!
What ym tbe'nothn' do.
Wllh aow a call to tauttoa or pU
' ' Ar tie a unto aboOt
With (be
AaMhn baakot to AD wlib taorti.
Aad nwh^ Itaada bt ibodoM- to aee
Bor tiabr marrti awar.
AM QBaa with a tosh tkst to' baK re' >»•»
AM half a aoRMbtac akfa ot frtef.
a poaalhto future mpn
Wni ao from ibelr borne to the dtouat
TP tnuto with Bfe atone
am DM 0*00 babr bo toft to cheer
The oatWrM botoe of that fniure



ScRool Oar OulWa.
iho pKM
the sarmoat* bora and
Atttmaa woather briug. tebooWay' (iw
•“« It to a good pua tor tbe mother ^
Tteotoi SowB la earolaa hatoa.
to took over the rhlMron a cloibeu in ^
AM trtoiMo tbtob bM It woald ae« advaaco aM bavo^errtblng In
If Ibe glrla are old i-nougb,
and a child of ten jeara to plenty old
to natlat wRh the mending, thej may
. help to many
pride In brtplng mother
•“»■eatluB to made la tbe rigbl way. Ko

a alwara a
ooutd fbo Iw ibo loMSa*



A 4ra. pweisMO. win rod tbe
>M aoHkh t^r Mkwwa wnya;
alMikM khMr.haau'^ SaMdM
-Ji«r bb.S wUon'g light—
tMMwm'thsf swr.arp Wlatfal Mat




.■tbirM.4RwMa.,M>r ■


V. aaaoa .'

Wf- • ;
»b« .WaMd »OWBStt

_ _
7,,7'luice '7'n ininnie*. ctlrrlng orcatlonally with a
delectable beverwe. woadea *j«on to prevent burning,
froeen deaaerta. Store In a atone lar or tumbler*.

, a graalteware ,leV pan with one
, pful of cold water and «ok uotjl
. .Be. and pulp .eparate: then atraln
tbtoogb a double thlcknea. of cheeeectolb________
or a Jtoir bag. A.Id tbne pouad*'
,h, ,-to^ po,nt.

■A.IIAA wkAt thA AMdllim nf a rfalld'A


clean. Tb. boy. hand, and face
•bonld be waabed mid bto hglr
bniafaed. aM be abouM be laugbl tiiai
M under no rircumelanea go to
acbool dlrtr. Of counie it to hardly
ilgfai that teachera abonld show pratoranea for the dean child over tbe
di«r,on% but H to very bun >
ihom to do an. aM while bom of ua
want onr children to bo “tacbm't

ju, rertp. make* one gklton.
»r well .tewed „lmutofoa the
„ . beverage may ftoeall.e i«retlon.. mid prtpare. the
be dUuied oae-balf with cold water •■f for todte aolld foode. For ihla
ibem.poared over chopped Ice.
« »bould be Uten m the begin-

A-toe parent win no. prrmR much
ntnalagooi of nlsbt. during the
acbool woak. noltber will raucb aindyto, ouuid* of mSmol bom. bu altowad. U tb. ebUd'a--------------- that n great deal to bomt ofudy to
raqnlrM. art the toacber to pm hire
kaa* a rina where tbe work will
DM be 1C dlfScuK. Of eourae. to tba
aavmtb and eighth gadea more la
nacaaaiT aad the child to nauaUy ato
bUttto:tlictoamby a eouptoofhonr.*
^ u».
CO, help Mr
chlldran the «ao**« away

________ A___i_a .1a .____

^“lldren la ortfoot lead a Ilia of rel‘"'e Innctlrity. «y, .be Vouih-,
fomi-uolOB. I^chaoaa put up for
•« »«>~r •>«>«« ‘wb»I»«. <bervf"*** «•
“"«» ■» “«*« the de"“ud. of thU Ufa

Orap.^ JMly-Plck the grape*'from
(be noma, waab Ihe'frtai aM pUce to
Tbm. put theta Into *«•■ “>«•
. j.r mto ernrt with . wooden po-

; ,« “n“lWnr"to ra yonr*'™ l\

• and nnagbtoa; aad as tor awort^
• *oa—«4 yok
.■All, rnru, ,h.' tri.Min-nf numt
• happyAooperoA hahy that wna •
ho*ra Uo# Mince tomaloev
, aai! curamber. lor fUllnga oodIBeren:
•t^yT-TM.^^^ . • • • •
I! ■-“!
" L
lt mp once la awhile, and mix It wito
art- -rcMn, to make It more,, or
cat Ibe laeai to mb-r a,Mll plera/
aM aeoaoD well. Doe'i rut the bread
too thick, and take off the rratt If tbe
rtalMren like it beat that way. rberae
Co rtPMto »»•
------------ —.............................
XlM tt lift hardly'TOutIUe ihatMi mtorad ftoe aad
________ _ ... . „„u i,„^
c:4ta|a far
■*" ■ ...................................
been butter, alt. prp^r and a little vt^
gar R»ket a
*'oMor'tb? t-at* tbiart «!»» baa bolM egg.

cotaatapb^toTpoeat yam haa been
iratn Ureakfait •“^TI -V
be A—----put ^
-- ..AAA



,fc AAArfiJa ..her raai nr,.
mleirtTto to
1T7 T

!l^!2SS^to^L^5* rtd

^ ^
• «e bar* taM
^ ^
wbar* a •»m»k vt mat oM a aiab o(
kMM” are ooMldttM ooartohtet
StSiB tood far a atadyiag ekUO
17au'lM~largar elite* l«»fb raoo*
.. -raottol aa atodynMw*to ortooto Fto
a la the nH#^
_ , a bowl of
k tba ehlM
-u. wa I-. mwortl ffom Dome-


.a. ____

r,.*i..e«. ..





.A.___ A_.


' *“

I.___A_____ ___________

111. and oatoo Julee If ^ Hko. S.uS
the rtwmmbera. pni ,*o ttolve. to­
u.lng mmaab
aquab put
pot tbe two
you are nalng
halve, to the Mpmah together aad tie
them with twine; put a goodly quaoHiy of dripping to a baking pan. make
It' ver>- hot. pat, to Ibe eoramberi or
aquaeh. fry them brown on all aide*,
then add half a plot to water, a level
I of alt. and bika alowly
e boor, turning onre or iwire.
if your
> too bol coed it off
1. toBen
retoov-the-mng*. dlab carefuUr. and
fiour over eiywr brown
aauce. •
Touatoea'are aloffed without peelfog and baked qul^ly. They nay be
—rWed |>Uln or with aauce.
a ml Mexican ^atew. aot too bet.
olib cbllle. U a cheap aM wboMome
dtoh. Wa.h a Mat ft red kMaey
brant tbrouaft aeverto eoM watora aM
aoak them over alghL In the morning
bring in a boll, drain aM f ow away
,he water. 'l*ui four Ubiratnoatuto of
o„r, mi. auet or boiler In a kettle:
wbei bot Pul to a pound to Iran beef
into half Inch cubra. abake until
brown, then add tbe b*aaa. tour
,h<^,pAd cblli* aM one-quart of afack
or a.ratoed tomatoe. Cover and .lew

quality—to a InncbeoB tbaa you might
melted fofok
Ihto tie
Grown people preler lo eat food
that baa beelk prepared wltboui Ibelr
Crape Syrup—Pick grape* from the help: a child deRghl* In helping In the
atom. waab. and prea tbe Juice Into a preparation to hU food Let him waah.
•« te a wipe .ad wrap the trull, or the
‘® «**'■ >*
•*'*• •*' note, if any ara iwed. and if time per
b, looked after. Six mha. -rat tire brrad. In tbto w»y he
o. will gain a knowledge of wbotraome
thick aytwp A tnUeapooofui stirred too^ and tbeir iweparattoa. aM may
*“ •
“* *•'“ ■*•*** • refrrab- culilrate a laatc for Ibem
‘ra ■
HA. A. U.A. «olA»A aI»oI

aweeteaed whipped cream
Snow-Pare and alira »uffl
praebe* lo make a quart, then
arrange neell) In a glaaa fralt dirt
sprinkle wlih oae^lf cupful of
powdered augar Stir one-half cupful
^ „,a7Woone cupful of rream uau, airaolved'* add the boaien wbliea
of i«o *cg*; tbra pour over the
p—ehra and aerve at once All the
fogredtonis for taking tbj^ dlab
.tould be tboroukbly cbllted -The

rrapa la half, take ont the
* aeeda
a*eda and.

The Ewthuaiaatna ol Vo-tot.
nilk or water Whew The hash It
■k; the enthnatuam* ol 1 - ihlldrea ed eliher hake li
irouflle ynu- Yon have travclM ao

frying pan
much farther on tbe road of life. aM
,,■* know bow atanr of ^bcae roar fn • Sbaptolcb ometoi *oi
•Irram* to youth fade -info lb« light
fo,, ,.u cnt fat bacoo
immen day." bow many ortbewe epn**; (b*re aboold be twodhirda of
, n*agbt.'.heK_, CTpfov Fry to aa omrte, pan until
f ertep. and add two ropfal* to cold

p,„»fo, over them and 0
«, p,per.

*Al .A, A.. AA.A A.

Mid be r
d that groh\
tog cblldrea have good appetRao. They
retarn frooe acbool nmdy -for luaraBOB. Tber* am paraou wbo U^l
that nothtot abaU b* aaien between .
meal* obllrloua to tbe fart that dl-'
gentioB la rapid with ebliirea uM ibat
botur. gtogmbraM and
frail to tba mlddto of tbe afuroma
are often prectotoy wbgt—a aturdy
cbfid or. tor rtai mattm. a dMlote
one, jitoj aeM. fo draw the line bard im' flat aa
to food between mato to to detra.n
Itocn the luM of good health wbicb
aboold be the cbM'a Wribrtgtai. TUa
la an entirely dWtrent affair from
ronaiaai nlbbltag of caka nr anUnr'.
randy boar aftor boor, aa iMalgaera^
which aurfelu aspaUta aM prraamet
l.dllA,kA. ...
, .
Apple* and gingerbreM'whea tbcblldrea come borne fram acbool wHI
bo tbem no bara aM. biaUn, Mil
conriderably aM to making tba Mflr
hoow-romlBg aa uacloMM Joy.—Bx-

Ptektod ObMm. No. I—Pral the
onlona earofimr. Sropplng them at
ooee Into ctramg Iwiaa. wbora they ara
to renialD for a week, tbe brine hateg
ebanged erary otbor day. The Mtea*
ara tbea draiaed. dried, and pet Into
botitoa with n'^Uttte bag ot mixed
aplera in each. Tbe htotla are then
SItod op With rinosar which bu been •
prevlooaly boiled wHb (he apira* and
allowed to set cedd. Cork at onra
PIckted Oateoa. No. ^-Arler pil­
ing tbe onlona. tfarnw them at oww In­
to boiling vteegar, of which n quart to
to be allowed to n quart to onlona. In
tbto vfoagar tber* ■Maid pravh>«*ty
have been boiled (wo uapooBfate of
anil and aa ounce to iiepper to (be ker­
nel. Beil the ealeu aboat Sve mlame*. pul Into gtaa* Jara, and when
odd rover or aal lill wanted for na
Pickled Mionx No. S —A* *000 as
(be onloas haee btra parted, cover
them thickly with alt. aM attew h
remain for twelve boura. Than drain
througb a *levc. aM haring bedtod a
aoiall quantity to rlaagar with (be
tea of aplcc*. proMad by nmogteg
Bltereatelr tbe oaionx. aplera and
boiled vinegar. Slllng tbe Jar with cold
* terd^ked egg may be rut to ^r. then .train and .fourq'er tbe mix- j, „Mer. «rafan with al, and aerve
vlhrar at laat Covet ejooety aM *-'
awav Sliced 8|*nUh oateoa are ev
Vegetable Hab-Any combination cellenr when pickled in tbto manaer


Baked Apple,

Cberao Sandwicbea


-• .

tonn. A ,cw todlvMo.1 on retoped. tot.
«*««-‘-ly taka tuce lave, and dree, with onedblrd
'*'?** ^

«' ■ «"P'"* ®'
"*•“ **'*“'*^
The packla, to *"*
the Inacb box **»«W
abouM *«“
.„h t'o-tf'rt.
twothird. of a rapful
^Pful to
of mayoa“«"■
ihaa It uau- natae. Serve at once or tbe paeba
«>'y t.celve.,- Tbe Ifilto tin pail of will become dlwolored Irom.expomire
foituer yeare-^ been largely re to the air.
plare.1 by -aquarr IlMlned box...
Staffed Peachea-Srtect Site peach"**‘'*
'f ra.of onlform aUe; rub off tbelown
properly c*red for. It U «n*y to park wlib a dam|i riolb: then itenm ondl
tbem becauae ol the ibey ran be pierced wHI
a .lit
l.'^Vcirnrro7 olT”!«rto
Pm-rM ahould
,w, of rad, and take It Ibe
..A.. aA yutH-ly
rA,.,.... of
A. oiled
A..AA paimr
|««A-. aad
AAA i«- .rOBC.
„o»e; Ml
in «*
it- l-ia'A
ida.-e put
,*A> A
a rat
MM-alllDall-r aai'Ub. The*. Iblnga maybe |o.; |u-rae the alii together and duat
Spire Crape*—A
Crape*—A dellclou*
delldou* way
to iioughi In ouantlHe* at a muderai- u,, lunch well with iiowdered augar
prepare ffraima to he eaten with ,.o»i. Two l»w *<-rew-t0|> bedtie* oi Svrie with rub erram
moatf I* la -■ apk-e." Remove (be. giu,,
•houM be leovtded for milk
i.—rh SslUbub - Dry whl|i the
Mna "®“
from ucvcnl pound* of *«••*..
gratiea. nud
gud fralt aauce. AloqilDum
AInqitoum aifoouh
ai-oom- ,bllc.
wbilc* of
of three egg*: add to them
UWIH— ratvfol
«U ave
—li­ every panicle
particle of are g„.K|
tpxiO for luneb-box
lunch-bux u«,.
uae. a.
a> the, three
,bree labb
tablecpooofuls to |•owdele•l aug
. ...
iraapoonful rarb of lemoo
^i.W-puV.bV'M.,?^ 1“:
I'rvli fur a luncheon abould be ,a* orange Julee Then told Into (be
they have
eren If the outer rind 1* not wlxlur*. a epoontul at a iliae. a plat
cooked kMg caaugh to aeimraie tbe rateo
A moroenf* thought on the „f erram wblpiuul ,0 a dry ftotb.
need* wall from tbr i«lp. whfoh wilt mAtbo.U of fruit iranaponatloB and Have read' »ix rtr»
pearbe*. put
b* leo or sneea mlnn,**. sltoln the p,„.ifo
^,,,.1,,. ,honfo convltjre «v throngh a nslaoder *8tlr tbe fmtv a
of the wladom of forming ihb ,i„Vr .< a item. Into the other mixp„,p
ran be moat eonveoleni- ,„4T o.ili on Ira Sene In ireoch
»-rtng th« aeeda behind. Throw ,,
, „p,r napkin. Tb- ^Uaeea.
“*« »**
A**** *»•
*k‘”* andwlrbea may he wrapped, two or
rrramed Praehra-Belect Hoe ripe
10 the pulp wllh n cup of grai» Juice.
together. In oiled pu- iieecbee; leel and • ut toio bin enoogfa
. —» “
per. TB. paper prereota evaporation. ,0 ouke one and ooe-bair pinto; aweei
telly. A Mpful Of Vlnesar. three Md ,m ateo tbe .l-orptlon to odor* from
,0 ta-.e Thoroughly dlmhe a

tSTTotl to

»bould appear but aldom. -When you
p« aome m. tot R b. on. of tbe todlvWnal plea. aM mM It In ibe
ukti. Cop euwarda
are noariabtog aM uanally well IlkM;
.to Jv
ktete -wirt
Aiway* pu la

aM Mte 7

wa-s; m

» make a quart, then meat with an equal a

Uj" 7hTto7a. .m' to' moderat';

iS7j=i£~ HS-i.™

rAAlA l« —

reminding them ubai fclM to glrto

H,.mA P.I. MA,* rrr

_______ ____________

Sl“nl^bel^ btlSai!!^ >>
toM ITuLm. of
to ntMn harder u. prepara • meal LbtopoL raoh to grtread^toM”
rn «uv kiM .bM one I. aot huuri- etova^n!!
beve Juat a. grem
•rtt a.
«d1m tTe.l
rartety aa von can from day o day.

aaS -« you AM It too hard to vary ih, .tdeoa. Itot boll a few mlnuiea
r- tho mean. atMy out aome ulmpl*s ,n* ponr over tbr grape*. Iiri atiad
, hentUiIol loncbeu. and write there over night, drain off the
.uri M.., wh
down, laaktog them can for al toau- .1.
• gMUsbi.' Tbatto*
two week, ahead aM havlqg tbmu-'otot tba fruit. Repmit next day and
• Bm whom ana aad •


Mice of candied
maraaeblno rbem
*«« almooda-ln all, four onnrea. Cover
with mamm-btoo and let aland two

,„.rt»of grapa me put In the Jar «
bj^lorm tb. main par, of
Whun all have been'cruaMd.
pupthe pulp laio JeUy bog*, bang'up
ibreeegga Pourtbe ayrup alowlyinto
“ aoio-ner caiioreo
’ brad-aad-buitor
brad-and-buiior aaMwlcb.
tbem. atlrring eonauntly. Stand the «b*wi«b •«. U>« rt^ AM (be aym
w (be luicw lafter airainit.. In '*’*‘*“ I»*»>bl*. a bwHe of milk bowl In cold water and bat until the P«blxlng ought aot to be very hard,
tor .neb pint allow one pound of
•**'“' “'«*•" »• «*'<* >>™'“ »•» frnli mix
“»e motber baa qnlta forgotten
grannlrtad euaar ir the rratie. .re
•* •* furntobev li a reU- tare and Mir Into tbe ayrup; then told
-toulb - Surceaafal harming
,«rr awbet n little le-r*ugar will he
Mrtvem'ngr of available in one |ilni of heavy ci*wm dry whliA
requIrM Boll tbe Juice for fifteen
*“’«■*»> ,
and ptr are pr.l and lUvored with one lableaprusnEarty Fall Dinwera
little beef or muKoo fluSed
minmaBefore iddtog the lugar. coa*****
“f *»tolto. t'ncover iba
uuie tountil the ifouiit rnania all ““**■
of tbeir concentrated turn the mlxtnre into ii.'tnart with Into
Then pour inw
«‘*ey are rtaoed a. rich food., pemth ke cream, aecnrely oovm mto BonaMi. ci«mber. .M lomatoa are
giotoot H^t -------- befotTlUIlM.
for cblUren and bury agato to Ire and anh far tom aU appetlxl^ when atnSed aM orw
7^ Qrapa-^Belec,
*-«"■ **
K...^ ,.AAk.uIL.u71!!.•hallow gtoiadtah.
or n mnalL^crook-neckM mp '
Howler. .ug.r. on* or the important
P^ch‘and AlmpM Brtad-Balee, acoop ourSairta Mix haU a pint

tbe acbool titot It to im-

- tike SOW.H.

tlaa-e-bulld.applied by meal,
•«»» form to

la« ao oatrb Una aa4 aueactb oo
cbeeo eetbaslaaM. AM aooMiM
jcn com aad tor *o cwM
atlrring until! tbe ugg* are aot. tbea
roaIRr oa tbeir taarta aM atoaa aad foM aamc aa nay omelet on a^ hot
* aerring dtoh.
b« eooaUir If tbeoe oMboatont
are Dot a BMaial aM dealroble porComing >" ^rum ScMol.
When 4bc cblUren (uab to from
arboDl. bringlat with ib«a an bapart
oa ,-our owa with a half-pltrtaa anile to bnoyant life and gladaea na the.
for that tUae of tonotaaee aM bouM •Ttom Ahe ikrcobold. bora *M gtri*
alike rail tor taotbor. Tbeir firm wtob
n^-ro eaii be do doobi that life
to to know where rta 4a. They are
tMier for tbla itme to rootoac*. Wiih- antlafled if ber Tolcw nnawera them,
cen inWaatloD life to a dull aM bard aad It aeema to be gnoSb that rttbiB*. ,1Ve tell our cblMrra fairs 1* >& the houae. Down «d (M fanok*
,o feed tbe
and ^uff run ibe bora lor (ke allerffFsdeTr' ibeni
traon * play. The llllla glrli are more
to tell itsetr owa fairs In the babll of nanntag to BMiberV
to colored by tbe
room to talk tbe day ovecAal they,
hlgl^eSdeaxor of tbto time too. abouid'grt tbeir ahare to exerrtae
.. eprlng allmtotn. Icod^caa aad frert air before algkl rtoaee la.
,pj reall- mfole ideal*. After the
f^ea lb Hay ibg time after irtue.l
ihangelul dreaming
1* paot Ibe to prrr aot ao laag aa H rtould bp
lor growlag children to romp and M«r
7.^,"to. Die tolnUM fo
in the Mg oa of doora. nty i bildrw
beaulID 111* «>ber worka-day life
have Miy.tbo gld*wtt1ri and bCrk
So wtaea Dormby wanu to ‘be
strda for Ibelr pnaHaee. Fiw tbto
great artiat oee tneatfa. aM a poete* rea-on ibe preocai treM toward *u
the next, do am be (no dtocouragiai barbaa aM CooBUT'UIe to aomethtag
for wSicb to ba grttafal.
her. aud'let ber work away. Sbr uill
Alter acbool prodent matarri are b(fnd out 0000 enough (bat abe baa no:
gelatine. Hate ready a
Ibe dltlne apark to geoliu. aM In tki- pay of devtoiag orraads beta amt
nniaber of deep gUae fruit
ueonllme abe may -leorn aonseibla.* Ibere far the cbiUraa. aM away ol
cover tbe bott(
wortb while. I.e< iobn be •Uteonaii Ibinn have tbeir IRtle dattea (o be per
of the Jelly and aland on Ire to ha^
formed. ditUea that render them
remainder to tJto'Jeflr
beelthtul eM reepoaitble. Soter an«‘1"“ ‘»™ »»“' »«rdM,^re aad Tni wbo want* to be a rinu- per»»« ^le freefone sMchra: Bll former. aM allor. and alrret car <oo«*»"'« 7
diMtor. Perbapa Maud liken to (blnA that to. If we may Judge by tbe Irtok
*«»' ‘..”"7 uf thi- prinre who will rome anme tag rolla. lambn. klRena and peppier
Sun-ly cblUrea wbo arg taxed to tbe
'»«• , top^brr and
«* '*•«
day . uo
Uu not
not tougn
laugh a.
at ner
her or
or yon
yen wiu
aauacbool rooa.4nrinf tba very bevt
boora of the day ltoue aoed to agaco.
fraedom aM gamea. aM iboae
knev wbeoever poaMbto fra from
1^ «»
ewneieaed -wUppnd
wUppOd f^^ird to tbeir marrying when tber
rttb aucer wRb eweieaed
were grown up a* naturally aa tbev autvelUaace. aM hare aot too rigid a
llajlt. When evontag roowa tbe
day'a pUy. Tb-.Peach Nea»elrode-lJne t mold
,far from diarourMtoA tbeai. place of Ibe rfaUdreo to at boom oMer
the wairbfal rare to father aM ootbtake ifaia


meal Tbe modltion eeBenitol - .
pxxl ba*b are that the vraetabl—
.ball be cut fairly fine, but not ao One
mt Ibe piece* ahall loae'ibeir ibai^
or ftirii together—(hat la. tbr panl
rle* abould drop aport readrfy when
ah*k*n on t fork &rh Tegetahto
be cut up tepoariely. then all be
o,M. It mu., be -eli araaoned »ttb
,pj, ,ad pepper, and If liked there
mtoy be added a lull* mtorad onion,
cblv*». paratoy. chervil, or green l»P

„r to„,

..A m.1 -

Qwieh Tm Caka.
half cup* ftour. one taupooafal bak­
ing po*der. atftM alx timet Braak
Ibe white* to two egg* In • cap, do aM
beat. add enough soft buiur to uggi
u ball nil rtip. and tben flU reoateing
half with milk, maki&r a cupfal te
Puur Ibia Wltboui .ivritog law alfted
dour ami augar. fla'or bear wall two
or three Dilouie*. aM bak*.
Mtoed Spica fur Oerweal Uta.

Due taUleeiMiO of powdered dor**,
one iab|e.|Ax>n of iHradared allaplre.
iwdered elnamow. two 1
spoons to jowdered mar* aM one
grated nutmeg Silt aeveral time* Ui
mix II thoroughly. Pot awas In a
tight giaa Jar Of a tin box wUb a
itigbl Stttng rover. Tbe flavor to Ibis
lmpravc«[wlth teog *ta(.dteg if lb* recwptarl* ik air Itgbl. aM la Ibe aataa
pec»ofitotal a tors* nmonat may ba


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