Grand Traverse Herald, June 25, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 25, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ainci Travors«








Detroit (den Decide to SeHle on the


Fire Occurred Whie Patretw Were :


DetwqFb Ibe bonra of S and d Thurs­
day night Are broke out In the Kureki
Cate, IJl East FYont t-lreei. pniiing
buslDtos at thar place at a sundstill
lor a time. Tbe origin
unknown, but It U tbouthi that aparka
from tbo rear ebimney aianed '
Lincoln Laekay Losea Heme Thrw
9. H. Etodo. oIoo of Detroit, onil
blaxe. Tbe Are had not made o
brother ot tbe tonner. hu oleo
beddway when the aU'ru was lu
booBbt o tarm of 22 aeree. which
In. aad waa conflned to the niilc. so
WJMlamaburg. June
—The boaar
alinated rlxbl thia elde of che R. H.
Ihe flremen bad little trouble io gel­
of Unroln luc*ey. located two aad
Eraaa farm; ood Oeonre Ermaa.
ling II under control. No houeehoH
half mUeo east of this villags wa
Mpliow of It. H. Eraaa. foraerir of
funilihtttg were burued either upitwlT.A
nlgbl wlii
Detroit, bot Ute of Sboraao. whore
or down, but about tMM damage wa-. Effective Werk ri Flrameo Saved Fire
coBlents. eatalllag a loss a
From Oetilny Out ri Place
Prim Wm A«wM Airi CvwyMr be owned a atore. baa boocbt the rtek Cxcalleirt Feints Were Breoght (hit done from water and 'fAlling plaai.
l-lai. wiiboui any insuranrs, Tbli
fana, which la tbe aecond farm oortb
StartM. Origin la
■iini Writ n«md with R*.
That WMi Pibve ef Croat Bene­
la Ibe fhird time that Mr. I.arkey hai
bf tbe fara owned br R. H. Evaao.
supper, when tbe Are broke
«m—viriwrs LMid In Pralii *
fit In Their Work For
kJst bU borne by Are. the flrwt line li
John H. ETioa. alao a brother of R. H.
Praclicany all-tbe furnlabing in
ri Timtw citrWlaeonain and again last April wfaer
BraDa. bu porcbaaed tbe Goble farm
reatautanl prt«»er. were removed
tala bouse here waa burned, aad bn
tbe WMt bar abore. Tbia co'aalau
returned after the fire. Nu-hois
anlclea of furniture saved.
of tea acres and Is atl into fnili.
and Mrlhorn. the owners and propri'>
(btt time was caused by
R. H. Evooa has a gaa emrlae
ated that they wouM be en­
tirely Bioared nwav anC ready fnr UoKley aa a ciga ciore and luml room feetire ’eblmney. atarUng Just aflef
iMMJac or Um *UU Mrt« ot Uio Fn- the Tiarerae Citr tren Worts, which State Heeplul Tralnlns School
had. been built for rapper sue
worth ol damage bet which time nine’y ouos peo­ l.ualn^^ by tomorrow i.iorning In-f
urnri Ortfv «t EocIm. mud tbe io- will rrobabl}' be maDafarlured here
progress being ao rapid that bui
lore It waa |iUced under <-onlro1 by the
ple were (Sven dlplomaa. eenllyln? prOSahly by lonigbt.
term ot tbe eoavcatloB tm bold
AredeiiartineBi Thetiaaemeni la <m cu- few articles of furniinre were saved
that the.v have completed tbe two
the ta*L At tbc e)Mta« Makm tb«re
pled on tbe east aide by Chtrlea Wil "or tbp preseat Mr. aad Mrs. Lackey
year'course, conducted at tbe insti­
««• too drimtao in tbo bril. which
room for hla groeery and their tde etaildreo are being cared
tution and are now prepared to take
b M w«ml MDditkm npoo the tut
by tbe neigbbM*
stock and bis lost la eonalderable
dp tbe work of carius for tbe sick and
dor o( o MfU ooDvratlon. m most of
It la not known
ibc dotafUM 'sun for bosM M Moa
blaie or on which
The deceratinna in the cbapel where
aM tbo son IsporUBt bulifeu hu
aide of Ihe partition It surfed at the
ihe exerciaee were held, e
draft probably had d great deal to do
ifn^^e this year rontlstlnsoKa back
Tbo driootoo prowoDCO Ibio tbe
kith tbe emirse the Are took.
)t feme and bydrangeu upon tbe plat­
The Are waa discorered abonl jnld
form behipd which were seated the
order baa arar bold and are load in
IbMILT AND •ATTERY 8AVS oBIrials of die tnatltmion and tbe rts- BRYAN FAVORS PROGRESSIVE TO night by Patrolman Schneider and
tbelr prmiaea of tbe ouimer in which
lire department waa -Immed'lately
they were entortaloed by the people of
llAed. rhl'f Murray pnlied Box
TraTarae City, ibey are wUllnc to
which is loeaied ri the engine house
a which played Four selections
come aiala mte tine In the futore.
and on tbe arrival al the Are Box >3
npon the propram In an exceptionally
At tbe noeUnc laat nlsbt the rtiualwas also pulled to rouse tbe vrinnieera
pleuloc maimer.
istlr eontoat waa oarriad out
aa Are In a -bualAM block always
Portly after 8 o’clock exerriaea
aone One work waa wltOMSed by tbe
causes apprehension on the part
ere opened by the prt
drlecalea wbo crowded tbe hall for
the department no matter bow large
march io which tbe officers of the Inthe eveat. Tba flrat prise in tbla work
it may be. Eninner to the bai
waa takaa by Beyae City, which
BlUuUon. (raduatea aad uaderxrsduwas secured by the Aremen through
boast of one W tbe AtMOt aertea da tbe
atea took part, marebin); from
from Of the building.
Iranee to the platform tipon which the Fight at CMcage Civet Oemocrata
They climbed down into the Trout
Marty of tba Court. Sentence
otririata and pradnilea took their seats
Lln^ What People ri Couwry
ClilaaM of the eity are pleased with
room which waa panltioned off frtiin
will Be Paceed By Jwipe
while those of the Bret year class or
c^ aMItAAre Wanting in
^ oMttaw Ikptea. as they bare
the rest of the buIldlBg several ol
CTiplod Beats in from -uf ihe platform.
they repreaeat tba best
ifiera were merenme W'^be dens*
to Pick Nsmlasc as all
ktad or ritiaoAaklp and oondnct thenlOatk smoke whi.-h was roUldg mil In
IProm Prtday-a Koeord-EajtliO
Candidates Have Large Num.
ariraa la a gopor and ceoteel :
Aner mnalnlos out 'lor nearly 24 tra Iho Invocation wu Kiven by Rev.
cbiiida and bail to be removed to ib>her ri Votes PledBed From
war SI tbeto^ oonraailoaa.
Clilrago. June *1,—W. J. lirvan ..jH-n air where ihey were soon h-y|y
Different Atate*
•ni the l.>1Iowing iHcgram ti> t'lsrii. ed.
The ^ aet cane ibla after
-‘Ilaan. Hurke. Kowe. (laynur an.1 Baldwith tbe bartncM which wai held on wbo were ebaraed with mannlauiAlcr.
The ilenae volume of smoke ramIn Icnlay: "In the interest of har- froiii rolls of tar paper which was
tin fair arousde Coilowtng tbe ball returned ahonly after notm today with
aaaiA nia It an event that la al­
verdict of aaaault and battery for
alured in the basement and which
ualional nunmtitee the advisabilllv of were liwaied In the place where ihways knkod forward to by tbe dele- eaefa of ihem.
been selected to deliver the address
inieodlng an active proin-esalve fire IK fciipp.uu-d to bnve originated date tor the ckalrmanahlp. In opposi
caioB and asny wbo wonid otherwise
It has been a Ions Qpihh-wlita tour
e clsoa. Mrs. Snlizer read i aa lemporary- chairman. I look It for
to l•arkeA nrjan may perasnally
IWTO «im bom aaHler ronalnet
lawyers, two for the pra^uikin
The Keyeral |>artltlniia In Ihe l«a.-rarefiilll' prepared paper which show
me a rapdldaiA. according to a
defenao oalnR all their ed tbal she wna faniliir wllb all the granted that no eonmiiueeman wooM
rnade il hard to gel at ih"
meni iasM today. He said he
best wita for the Interewla of their details of prolesslonal nuralnx and al­ desire «• offend the convention by flames, but the iiiemen kept al it uii
they had the plat-e cleaned out an hoped someoaV else would l«n decided
ritoou. Oeonce _W. 'Weaver was ap- so had an Inaixht Into the needs naming a reai-lloiiary- to sound the
ke.nioiy Klghl of (be sixteen mem they could get at the fire In all di opon but if noi^ lie declared be Wmuld
Praaidefil^tan UcUnghllo. Calu- polnled by the jurymen u foreman
ot Ihe fuiute.
of the salMoniDilllee wbo agreed rejiiona The Jolaia nnders the first
It III* useiV bl* name fur (be
and tbe text of tbe verdict waa aa
At the bettloniox she cave a short
a reaellonarv chairman will W
liiirned almost sway fn
followa; *-We And William WUle
Mvl IO Jofn you io opjwysing his se
Brvnii was angered when he made
tbe building alihough
gailty of assault and batten'
Chaplain—R. O. Crawford, Cadillae. Laura Wlue pnlUy of assault and bat­ tern for (he care of the sick .Uac-k In lerilon b\ the lull eominiltee.
Ibis di-rlaratlon
"If Ibey want to
fire did not get Inio Ihe first floor,
BeeretsiyrTW, H. Orabain, Iah- tery. We recommend Ihe mercy uf the tte middle Bttea and even before thai
tight, we will glw (hem a laiile to
image ia-ieg ivllfined tn that d
time, telltng ot.lhe flrat hiwpitsis tliai
■ \V J. Rry an ”
. water, whicli had to Iw poured lim> the finish." he saM. An oiu>a break l>
court for Mrs. Wlue.”
founded In Rome, and romlnx
Traamw—B. A. 6«ri. Battle CrMk.
le room In great qiiaiillilea to pr-- l<ending l•elween the Clark and Bryan
Wbeo the verdict was read neither
Coa^ctor—Prsak U Bnitb. AIMob. of tbp reepoudenu showed tbe least down to the tlaw wbao orders wei
lorees. 1* ilie opinion of nany traders.
-m( the fire Irom apreading
latUe tnard-DennU Besaa. Bast- concern. remaluRic qulie u rcsened founded in Italy. Paris and Edinbiirx
The heavy hnera were Cbailes IVil- The procreKslVe -ipadera ronferrod
which had for their objert tbe proper
helni whose iiock In the baaemeiii with Bryan all the morning, and all
tbe long u-lal. care of ihe ainicled. These inatlfiOMaMa rMid-Oeorse «. Oarey.
damaged to the evient of aeversl aaid the c-«nKervalix'es haA-llne<I up
uona were afterward afflllaied with the
Clark di-iegaies lor 1‘arker. Sen
hundred doliau liejl UFonuee .wh .
UDiveraliles and in many inatanc-a
Trariia^M. W. Ryaa. Alpena; H.
l>-a of Tenneai-ee declared the
tbla system prevails at tbe present
Clark management Is irylug to nr
>7lo,^Utnd«w; Janet JbweL
Miiriihy Taagari-Sullivan roniblnalkio
mined by water and places bis loss
Id. Ibis ropntry the ayaietn has
lih the conservarivea would tie an
• to tbe ftand lodfe
Roomer Turned Out to be Thief Who SJ.’h' Some of hi» lurnllure may
aarto—Bpboft Orabain. Qroad Rapcrown from the Isolated iralninx
tgiwemeni lieiween liearwt and Mur
ived boi It la not known bow marl
Worked Vdry Smbstb
Jdl: itmm f. Orowe. Owoaao; Aiwm
'bools of Dfly years ago to tbe preapby regarding caDdldates.and the dia
John li«le> IS Ihe heaviest loa
Trarerae Cliy.
inbuikio of the New York state off!
enl larce iuitltutlona which are comI It put hue out of business by ni
lon in all ihe-lamer cities of the
IndlciarT eo«inlltec-Ed
g hia ai<M-k of tobaccos and clgaTs ce*. Bryan will be'.named by (be
ii, OtfgSa. Detroit.
and drenching hia four pool table*. .Nebraska representatives on the reso
^2l|||mlt •Ota tbe next stale aerie
The neceaaity of a tboremh educa1 Ibe center-of bla plac liiilons ronimlitee. where they have a
lure In training the platform.
AM Members of Family Were Allectad lloB along all modem branrfaea was
J*" Tbo leDowtaK prlaec were awarded
Will Not Csmprsmla*
into the haeeiuetit Tliaalsed, not only for the heneRrlnl
But Will New Re­
tbe coonRlM of Jodna:
I badly amoked up by ih-- "No compromise' was tbe oittmal
roauht that It baa In securing ih
the door of her house yeater
Bryan Issued to the national cotudense . buirts w-hirh came Irom U.lion for akiH io the profeasino.
day alternoon and Inqulr^ If he burning p«i<er and wrappings In iFS t.i-,;e< before II convened lo recetvr
ir Ibe benefit It is to Ihe nurse
mlglit rent a room. After seeing the basement where the fire waa r»g:nc
Cbartori ttriW la parado-Boyne
- ; sport submitted choosing Parker
Interlochen. June SO.—John R. Con- In furolshing diversion for the p:iCity.
■inporary chairman. There will
he lltbta in ihe i.iiild:iig were put
nine. ace :.S yeere. died at hU home tlenla who rome under the care of ,v
letter, and Mrs. Benw-are allowed It Of conimission
lAlBnri bogbor of Bvlea la parade In Karlin early this moraine of pto­ nurse and have to be entFMained loi- no eompromtae and a proereaslve
—Boyne ORy.
The aalnoii fniures which bad l..-e:i Will be named as lemporary chair
maine polsontnc. aupiioeedly ritem eot- boura at a llnie. Dlactphoe was an
Sett appcaraaco of wnltam In po- InC rbeese or Ice cream. Just which is other point that was oipeclalli em desk Is .atiuaied in the sitting room used bv Prank Rrookme'cr laat ya" aatd tbe Nebraskan. Bryan
near the door leading into a ta.-id just been removed on -^turdav
a message direct to Murfdiy thai
known. It eeeme that tbe family pbaalzed by the speaker, aa It ia one
had partaken of botb at supper and ot tbe prime requititea of tbe tralne<i bedroom Mrs. Behware had
iihereb. sating an ai^dulonal loss ir unless Parker's name was withdrawn
Wtealo-B bnibor shop: oooond beat.
place Mr Hosier >taee* his iosi
ronld carry tbe fight to the'floor
affected, althoncb Mrs. Con- nurse. w-hoAaa to wof* under ordc
immode in the bedroom {
alne and son Claude are reeoierinc.
t tl<e
of the conventioR and defeat him Ad
and keep a correct report ot
John R. Coouloe was bom la Poka- aymploma in the case. Upoi|.ihia rc- and near the door to tbe sitting ”“«“•! ^,5,,.- e ascertained ont\l he see» vlaer* told Murphy If he ItMsted. or
Bon, Casa county. MIchlicaB. March
pool tables are atl«v rvd . h >• range a trade for New York and o'h
the' physician partimlarlj relics While the firanger was writing Mrs.
—Bojmo aty. flrat. aad Owoaao, aee- 14. ISM. most of hb earlier Ute helu In hU treatment of a; case and any Benware stepped Into the kitchen
er eonssna'ivs dsicgaUnn*. Acrorrtle heavy wetting they reeeivM.
■nts and when she return■pent there. In the year IKU be delect tn lu data is liable to result
Ttie eoelue* were ordered* out in ing IO a local lai-r th" rcult of tbe
rtl he had completed bis
vlelnlly of Wexford, disaalroualy to the patienL
lee they wore needed hot there wm agreement hat>- heeii a t larks and
staled that he would, go and get his plenty of water available from the etty putting Parks* over !r. tbe commit
where hr was married to Mlae Esther
Tbe training and life of a nurse i<
It seni tp the house
E. Darts and tbe couple made their hard, aad they are alan more aubje-i
put out the Are. Effectlvo tee Bryan w-oGid tnnlie a dramatic
immediately. In reply uLwhelbK- he
there until about three years
yhe fire department was all apeerb hefnrs the ronrertlon aod aa
rritiosm than arty other class, of
really wanted the room, he said he
apo, when they moved to their
sure bimseir of the nominalion for a
sd the enure block aa
did. and to show that he was sincere
mer resort kno*n as Tice Park rea were so arranged that ba-1 fourth time.
be laid a dollar 10 hold the room.
■rt on Green lake.
(he fire had 1 .good start there is
Parker Will Mick.
tag np Ihe work aa a life prafea
It was only a short time later 1
Bealdea Ihe wife and aon. Claud*, Tact ta amnlier requisite in the
The Bryan forces just before the
tefling where it" would have ended.
wbo ate at bone, two daojtbiem. Urn.
ebmmPiee met cy-nc«-d»d defeat on
■ e nurse who ran get along with Mrs. ^tenwaro discovered (hat he had Ing Io Fne amouni of cnmbuailbie
stolen liev watch and chain and four tfrial -that waa atored io the h.
^Mbbwloa. Jaate 20.—Pfwideni KNa Bartley of Barkler and Mrs;. Ihe patient and others is the <me •
f^rker's selection. They decided to
rings of which two were diamoiid.s. menta ri the botlDesa firms in 1
Tan today alsnad tbe act ot eoocreea Frank Mtddaagh of Brontoii, UkffT.
eoneenlrate Ibe strength for a fight
i with the grealest amount
linriRac to eltfu bonrw tbe dally
Tlie aggregate valtte of the several loealitr. Bmoke worked It* wav :
on th^ floor. Alihoogb managers for
Bureeaa. A desire to benefit the sUk
alepmotber. Dr^ and Mrs. D. W. Cobwell ia Ibe spliii that ahnuld nil.' anicles Ik abonl f3>>. The pollee are several of the adyolninjt bualneac all (be ranrtidatea are kaklag extrav.
nine’ airi a ihalf brother. Ed Coaninc. the life^ the nurs.'. New avc
inM-Migatiiig the ra«e; bnt will prob­ places but no damage wws
agant rJalma. rack prlrately admits
be baa not eaougta vde* Clark lead­
re ririSys opeolng up in thia line ably etperlence coaalderriile dlfflrully at-K-ka.
Funeral services will he held from which nukes .the work ailra\tive
Joi-aiing the loai rings and watch,
er* Insist that their man will
Ibe drureb at Wexford Saturday aft- lboB«i,who enter upon li these days. inaamu.'h. as they bare no due npoa; Mr* Maude Baadle. ri Fife Uka. r.l* on the first hulloL WRaon men
tn Jaa. 1. ^
rlalm 33S OB ibe first buIloL Only
The apeaker urged tbe graduates
and Burton Hogle pf Umrolt were
Tba muM) WIU be Miriied before
become awsnbers of the state roaofled by Justice A. B. rurtis in bis of- a few eontects of minor laporiaare
that data, oeeordtag to tbs expocuttoa
will come.up before tbo oomariuee
41, aa there U a wonderful inapf- sou la of tbs opiakio (hat tbe LbcU flew Batuiday. They wl}!.reside
win' ba la Downs cknstory.
expert cr^
(CoBtianod OB pass six.)
F\fU« tBtay,I . MU*
R. II. B|sbs of IMroli. Micfa.
boucht a farm of twcB^r-Bre acres one
mile out OB ibe center A>ad of the peoInsula, which wu formerly owned bj
W. P. Haraha of ibla city. He la bar1 remeat block boDse built and












Rckrit ri Raaaevait Mas Wm Opaa
f From Time .PaemauaM RM
waa Asammaad t. tba
eanyarifiS.- '
_roliaeom. xailc^JBBa «4.-AH:as
Baturiay night WIIUsm Bbvnri TMt '
as nominated tor the aapeat tlw
W preaidaal of iba UaRaS SUITO.
Tbe DomloatiM came after a rril
rail In wbirb the MitacBaaa ri tha coivemloi. was teSacrod. dash afur
riaah resulted. Roll ralla vara ibal-


BRfU Mir BE mwiItTE




>«, >



The eonveatloe was !■ aa bma*.
-steam roller daelaloB ri ^iTm^
R«K.,wbo ftrid that WbCB tto BEM
raa <4>aiiennd U Was s«t liEHiMit
o asawrr iwaaaBL* TSe nIMs «•
ippealed. Tbe raUng on tba a«*aal
vas not pushed and did aot
he house.
AltbouBb tba ban WM ^ emiMab
tier Ihe rot* wm laWTI id tytN
nthMlaam was SibPlarad avsB wbaB
bapd waa breotbt In tbrougk aa*
yf tba alley entraacn.
The roll can of (be atata (Br tba J
nontlnauim of k ~lrn ir^dtiBt
ben ordered.
Tbe revolt ef saBT ri RooaaaaP.
lelegaiea In the caevasUoe was opaa
rom (be noment the pwwiaaeBt I«B
lelesatra was approved. Taladto
017 " statement was road la behalf ri
HopeeveH aaklng that bta aama,
>i preseated and that bN 4alP
alt In mat* protaut a^aat bH
nnber proreedta^
A great majertty ri tbe BoeaeroR lelegates ta tbe nUaote aad an la lb*
Ulsaourl and Idaho datesathma 4^
I to follow tbia advice, bet Oat
■veH’s sway over tbe delacatlaBB
rem CalironUa, Kanwas. HbIba SON
xesoU. Nebrpaha. Naw Jersey. pm»
irltanla. South Dakou and Weal Tir
:lnia waa all bnt abaolaie.

Edward Parsoa. tbe aarariT maa
tad real-eaiai* daalar. la aiaktsE a
ilsplaT of fruits la biS offle* It to
il> plan to have ibe produrta ri tba
egioa do exhibit, ao (bat they «aa b*
liKplayed to proapertiva aSUlara. RI#
ilrrady boa a ahowtac ri ORBatS.
-wsp(*wiifia. cherries aad plaMS.

The lactnrer ri (b* HtafelBaB Btai*
Ironge baa - afTOatad that
ys of the itAie dlaeeaa at tbato
September meeitagi. tba subJacL "Aiw
Micbigwa Devriopmeat Bareaas
iHploe or Harmiac This Saettoa ri
he sute. How* Tbero N ao doubt
how Ibe graagea ri tbd Wtetwn Michigan territory wlH answer
lueetloo Whca K eomea badora
These grMVH bars fasaa a '
N>werfnl lonuenro In the pari la ear*
Tins forward tba port ri daualap
neui aod (bay will roatlna* to da
> umd Weatara Mlcblgaa taaebas
le ataslmnta.
jy large apple orchard wvabaaaa
^ing bunt at Empire, praparauirr
I (he big crop to he harramad tai
September and October. Tto bali­
ng U 4«x80 feat' la ala* aW two
torice high. Tba lowar story la bebunt frost proof aad wOl bav* a
rapartty for 2.0S0 bacreU. Tba eoetad riory Is to be aaad aa a annias
uid packl^ room aad m a tramdt
mroca room. A Wg era* ri ap^
barreated la Eteptra tori rmr
k maefa laiRBr oaa win ba aacaw
ed .(be eomlac fall aatem tbo aasto

oum numn asiAUt. m> tiAvnn t*Y iacoa. tum^y. jon is, uu a

. *ilSk TWO.

Grand TVayer#e - Herald,
and Tiawn? Btfy Eagle




h*k a» & M> c«M/


TUs h dt Good Thinff

Attention^has already been eaUed in these eoinmiw to the fset
that there is but «ie' mot* ehancs for enrollracilt before tbe primarMi to be. hetd in August This cnrollmeni is'.for alt partic* and
tbe last day is aba^otely. June 27. ]ft]2. for all roteiw of all paniM
who desire to vote at the primaries this year.
.The following is the law tonefaing this point and it must be
complied with. Otherwise those who are not already enrolled can­
not vote at the August primaries, and it will be j^membered that
Michigan primtriea arc quite important this year.
Section 4 of tbe gweral primaiy law of the stole, proridea
for two enrollment dsyi for eseb year of the general primaries;
the last Saturday in JannatV and the first Mondsy of April. |>reeeding the August primary. Any qualified eleetpr. not othemjiae en­
rolled; may become enroH^d and be eligible to vole at the primarjelection if hr- shall rl.-livr-r to the City or Township Clerk, or other
offirer in charge of the eiwollment book, a written reqm-st for said
enrollment, accompanied by an affidavit setting forth that he is
qualified elt-elor of said township, ward or precinct, and that it is
bis intention to affiliate with the pUitkal party in which he aeeka to
enroll. .This affidavit and application must hd^led prior to Jnnii
27th. 11112. Any vot«'> not alrr-ady enrolled, mnat Iw enroll^ prior
order to be able to,vote at the primaries Attguil 27to.

wmum B. Mershon of Saginaw baa off^ medals for the tost
««to« and worit along the line of bird protertien aubmiited by
aehool lAildren throughout the aute on the aeven following
E'or best essay nn "Esthetic and Edne^iiuku,
to^lue of Song and
Inaeetivorons Birds.'’
For best essay on '‘Beondmic Value of Birds.*’
E'or emay showing greatest-knowbslge from personal observa­
tion uf life mud habits of our emnmon birds.
To school or person making most sneeesaful effort iu feeding
qnqil or other birds during the winter of 1912-191S.
For sebool or perwrni doing uuixt efiieient work in iwotoeting
birds daring aommer of 1912,
For school or pers<m boi'iding and ppoteeiing-mosi wteeessfutly
naed bird houae.
For the two best phoU^rapha. or aeu of photographs, taken in
any part of the state of a wild bird or birds.
Tbe conditiuits Sr.- that the eSsays must l>e original and nutst
tell sonte incident of personal oWrvation and knowledge not
acquired tbrougli books.
not lo be disunted in any

5Kr. %>os^t's 7*rty

rwrf iv»

The Republican convention r-lost-d late Katui^ar night. Mr. Taft
. ^ ' iU tkti writing, which w Saturday morning, before we hare as had been expected for several days, reeeivijjg the noniinaiion by
anything from Chicago, (and w« don’t care much whether 8 vote of o61. 21 more than enntagh for the nomination.
Mr. Roosevelt’s nsme wfis not preswited. but from his follow■ we hear anything or not.) cunditiona remain nnehanged. The Coli,'Mn hM been engaged for another week and the fight atilt goee *«»; he ro<-eived 107 vole*. The Roosevelt foyowers not voting hut
ML Mr. Taft baa entire control of the convention. He can do just sitting in the convention, numbered .144. This gsve the actual
M be pleaaea. IJe cap be nominated if be wanta to be. and we pre- Roosevelt strength in the convention AJ<X. luii-'olb-tte received 41
votes; Cummins. 17; Hughes 2; absent. 6.
^jj^ipeliedaea. Onettingianre. Mr. Booserelt cannot bolt the eonE'tir 24 houre or more. Taft's nominslion hsd been assured. The
Taation at be wonld like to, becatue ^is adherents will not follow
result, therefore, was'taken with some degree of quietness by the
' ■ Mb into tbe last ditch.
Convention and the city, most of'which -ivas in be.1. They had got
' ‘" He noif saya. aa a laat reaurt. that be will organise a new party,
tired of the squabble and eonrlnded that a good night's sleep was
. , tp be called tbe “Progreaslre Part}'.” We thought Mr. Roosevelt
wnrtb'moro than a presidential nomination.
was aomething of a pdKtirian. but this ahows that be ia noi. A new
Prem-nt Yicl‘•P^e8id^qt Sherman of N.-w York was renominat.
party oabnot aneeeed nnder the name of -Progrewivo Party.”
ed vJ-ithout opjweition;
Tbii eonld'not be a aueceaafnl name for a new party. '‘ProgreaImmediately after the nomination of Mr. Taft in the regular
•f aia»'' is nace^ a phase in politics. It may apply to the Hepubliran.
-ention -in the Colhienm. •"l-t-'l of Mr. Ritosevelt'a followers ojieji: Ibiniinfalir. tlnrielfiit or Prohibition part.v. or any other party. It
a <-onvenlioii in Orehi*Mtra ball. Kver,i*thing was r<-ady. n-sS-Ulipt
»ly a section or division in a party and ran no more
iastni^ »nle than that of “Anti-Maaon” in the thirtira or ulntiona had been prepared some days hefuri-. they were prosentetl
by those who took part in the voting.
" . V^ir i<o^ing” in the ftftied, or ••Liberal”-in'1872. or any one
One hundred twenty eight ofthe Roosevelt followers in the National

a aeece pf anefa divisions or factional tiUes.

.Ife bavehaid bef<M« that there ran be but two great parties. RppnhIieW convention refused to follow Mr. Roosevelt into the
' A new party most noon drop out of afght or. ahsorh or be ahaorbed Roosevelt convention. E^ight pf the Michigan men refuse«l to vote,
to one or the other of the two'great parlies of the country. If«it two of the MJt-bigan Roosevelt men vol<>d In support him in his
i ^ uMBrtM.'ttiea under n'flttiug name.-it becomes one of the two great bolting demonstration.
Mr. Roos<-vell was nominated in this bolting eonveiition as pre­
'' ' ]i^Ks! wd the party'so absewbed. goes out of exiateneew If it can'
the «»at parties, then it must go out of sidential candidate of thi- so-ealled new "IVogrewiive i>ariy.” We
have already said what we think of this "new party^' nwler such
egiatenre ..
'•-Tbe na* party Vhieh kfr. Rooeevelt is now attempting to form. a name as'"Progressive party.” a name that already and for n
^ ifn^ nvMt to the'public something t^re than he has'yet prom. long time, haa been prominently used by both Repuhlieons and Re- ^ iffA.
only promised to carry out a principle that is but one moerats and to which, they have unquestioned right.. Mr, Roose­
nmeiplea the great parties advprate today. Mr. Roosevelt velt. will have to find some other name for his party. Tlio fa.-t is
'■diDebttt only a degree of progressiveness, not the great principle there is but one name, which'is the "Rim>k<'v>-Ii parly." Tliis alleg­
ed party is nothing mor«’ and ean Im- nothing ntijy than a fa.-t ion of
~ toagraasieejneas which is today advocated b.v all parties.
party, drawing to it such dis^iTistii-il Denio.-rHl
ta a wide difterenre of <>piiiion among Republicana and
L Jte^iertlte aa to this de^>c. If Mr. Rooaevelt ean later rblly around may <‘ome nut of the Haliimore convention this wis-k. Tin- Roo*.-It promises tiothiiig tnom
f &i enough Republicans who feel (hat he and he alone ean aecom- ,;relt psrty represents no new prim-iple.
raanlU that the enforcement of the policies he and he to the public than the el.*etion of Mr. Roosevelt. Both ill.- other
(e laiinaenta. then he 4ill tnceeed in defeating the old Bepub- great parti<*s jdedgi-d themselves to the adoption of the principles
apd putting inf power iu auty-year-old adversary, the which Jlr. Room-velt claims he is the father of.
\Vc- have said there ean be hut two great parties and have re'e pa«ly. Tbia ia all be could hope to achieve, for Mr.
peated it and we reiterate that statement here. No one man ev.-r
i eaaaot, under any parly or factional name, be elected,
^-ia poaible that he might ilefeat the nominee of the Nation- yet made a great party. Suceessful parti.-s. parties that last,
' jfl Mqymtioii now in session in Chieago, but in doing to. he ti^ld parties that do things, parties th'st make liisldry. are never one.
partiea. it is ]Trineiple and not the popularity 6r fqr.-efui
W.'j. Bryan,, who will be the nominee of the Oemocratjc
energ.v of anysine man that mak.-s parties. The building of a new
pagly P9U week in Baltimore.
Afr. Booaevdt made bis great effort when he called,upon his party must be based upon something nion- n-«l than the disnp|>ointMtaaftts to'leave tbe Republican convention. He had in this com meat of any one man iu defeat.
Mr. Ronse.veh never loses an opportniiily to bring Mr. Ronse40p delegatea. Not 75 of them cared to leave the conven
They will go into tbe convention today and again nest v<rk. veil to the front of the platform. He knew well if he let his dele­
p^Uy taking no part in nominating Mr. Taft, hut they will take gatea get away from Chieago Satimlay night, th.-r.- woulil Re no
' aa^part to- daiaat his nomination, and when they go home to their new third part.v. Then-fore, he paid for his hall days in advance,
he rallied his forces da.vs iu advan<-<-. iiistntelcd th.-iu what to do—
R nua^ii, tbeywill support the nominee of the convention,
; bfr. B^velt has made his grandstand play. It has been a (I’leaae Aote what we say—instructed. Jlr. Roowvelt -m-ver does
anything but inatmi-t. He never asks atlviee of any man. Ile.diMon. iBt gtiU baa power, possibly.'although we doubt it. to
• ■Wito-a faction o,f the Republican party,which will defeat the reets—instructs.) in tbe R.-pnbliean XatioiiHl eoiivi-niion. .Ul hut
of his delegates did just as he told them to, th.-n hurri.-.l over
• -^1^
in Chieago. This will be the utmost of bia^powtr
i * iii« be wai then retire to obsewity, from which he ean neVer lo the hall that was prejiared for them snd organiz«-d a "»i.-w
emerge, u obscurity that he dope not dcsCrre except that he has part.v.” placing, in noiiiinaiian Mr. Roosevelt hiniKclf. following his
instnn-lians to the letter, lle'did -thk ho-ause he wante«l the "new
| | -tooi)^ it m>ozi himaelf.
^ '
Alt. Boonevdt j| too great a man to meet this fate. He stands party” started h^re his delegates seatlcred to ih.-ir homes, know,
; May the giwatoatand moat prominent man before the public in'the iiig well, as he did know, that i^he permittiHl them to b-av.- Cln.-a*tthM 8Utee. He bad the greatest opportnunities. the greatest go before the "ni-w party" was orgaiiisisl. and he hiins<-lf nominat­
th« greatest possibilities of any man living in America. . If, ed, some terrible ealmnity might m-enr when iJie del.-gat>-s got home
• ba aov lidla, be throws all this away to gratify a personal-ambition and found the RepubHeatis who had sent Ih'-m llieri- did not s>-iiil
• ’JN’* eawdot-be gratiSed. .This » written by an ardent admirer of them to organize s party.
I<8ler. a convention will be called, some kind of a enuy.-nlinn.
i ' W. Booseyelt; by one who believes him to be today the greatest
" tbe eonntiy when he holds himself on a level with Mr. Roosevelt himself does not know yet what kind of a i-onvi-nlion
be, just how it will be brought almut. but he knows this—
bat trhen he asserU himself as a BUjM rior, not only of
;. tpdigidBal, act oaly of individu^U, Imt of the whole people, then that when he goes lo ihal convention, he earries the nomination 4n
i Ur.'Booamlt eontes down to the level of the common man and hk coat pbekel be<-snse it was given to him l>y :14:! bolting deleto eoBafclercd sneh. Orrat as he is. Mr. Roosevelt is dot great gates'from the N'stionsl Republiesn eonVention.
touiake himself president of the l-nited States nn a bolting
from the Bepubliuu party.


ahoTC was written SatuHay morning, but there a
in it rc vant to say for pernianeut reeon) regardU-*
:..faqt that they ta«y acem a little out of date.


The Boston unmarri^ man ^ again in irmihle. In fact, he
tooablq Mna^aty-. You know there are not many
i»»» aa fast aa they ean gel away, but
'« Beaton woman auggesta that nmnarried nwn should wear a dia.
is pretty hsrd upon the
,. IlflT ton V Ftof * <li*tingniahiug button if he has no -kind female
to keep bis buttons sewed onl The fact ia. an unmanru-d
- MB ia ratitlto to some eoosidcrstioii in thk matter. It is not ex- • iwetto that he will keep hk baUons sewed «m.. It wonld seen to
tt'ltot thk fM *ould be dkthWuishing in ttoelf. How would it
O" Ito the Boston femalf to watch closely, and when ^le sees a man
- . « tbhMregt lacking a button, ala- would at once know that man k
^ MMMriad and «to ton approach him. of emine with due defen-ncc
' ud Baek Bay exoludveneas. and suggaat that it would to well for
• hto twareure a luto or imtc weatt Be wfli more wwt.

Comes f&r Daiuxretic Convention
The Demoerats are in tmuhli- alread.v. W. •?. Bryan, has
been a prominent figure as a s(>e.-tator and preas repnsentalive nt
the Re]>ubliean N»tional oniveniioti. and ho has u|M>n every (MHaviblr
reeeive<l th<- most cofdiaLaml entbusiasiie welt-oine hy
delegates and visitors alike. mdJU- has mainiain<Ml his dignity and
I'ity^t manner Ihroug'bimt Slid making friends with evi-rylsMly,
has suddenly been summoned to. Baltimore to head off what he
rails the "reactionary movement.” (Thai sonnds natural. We
have heard that in epnmH-tion with the Republican eonrentioii) uo
augurated by those who art- not favorable to .Mr. Bryan orthe jjineipJe* he advoeat««.
Mr. Bryan is a-progressive. (Please note the Bemm-mls will not
permit the Kepuhlieans the monopoly of this term ••Progrt-wiive."i
and^hile he was enjoying hirasi-lf at the Republican eonwnlion.
reoeiving the enthusiastic
"f delegati-s there, the Nsliniial
eo^ntee uf fak own party ad\-atitage of his sh*.mr-r and
selected Altm B. Parker temi>orary ehsinnan of the l>TOi»eratie
National Convention. ( It will Is- sii-n there an- other-Naljpnat
committees beside that of the Repuhliran partv.) If there was anvthing Mr. Bpwtfdid not wfnt. it was the selection of Mr. Parker for
the lerapdtot7 rbatnnanahip of the Demorralie National eonventiMt and to^will mAe a
fight on thi» point, y

The state will be tbrWi-.l into thrt-e sis iioim:—upper peninstda.
the 28 southpm-eounti.-s. and the <-ounties north .if thes- in the lowvr
peninsula. Two sets of pra.-a will to giv.-n. one for giwmmar
schools and one for high s.-h.H.U. Besides the m.-«lnU for children,
one will to givrti a t.-ai-h.-r jn each s.-dUui having the larg.->t num­
ber of scholars tvith aec-epttil esKays.
Birds are II pan of oiir^iaiional assets. The lime has gone hv
when we ean clos.- iu^eyes to ih.- fart that they must Is- prew-rved.
The campaign must to an cducitionsl one and our ehitdrt-n taught
their economic value.
The long BiimmV days of vacation offoril an exeellenl opportnnity for olwervstion. The children wiH be better for the hours
spent out of doors. They will 1«- totter for the application neepato obtain accurate .knowhslge. We also firmly believe that
such study of natun- nt first hand will rc-snlt in the moral devdb|»ment that mak<-s for better eilizeiisUiii.'

9{flt Sent to Orffentse New Pufy
Thrti* hundred forty-fmir <le1rgHl>-s. who were sent by the Reptililieans of their r<-s|«-ctive Klah-s to repn-seni them in the Nationsl eiiliveiitioli IsiltiHl that conveiilioil. went over to Mr. Roo-e-.
veil's hall.-wbieh he had secured days tofore in aiiiieipnliun of
siicli a rt-sult. and followed his instriietioDM and nominated Mr
Roosevelt for thi- pr.-sidi-ncy ou a iKiliiiig ticket. uiMler the disguk of a "new party."
Mr RiKisevelt's convention in Ort-h<-stra hall was as irregnlnr
as any political .s.nvemion ever In-Id in ih.* I'liited Stat<-s. It
eoulil not to more- irregular. ‘The deli-gati-s-who went lo (’hieago.
inslruelisl or under moral obligation to Uieife^na^tueRtK to vnle for
Mr. RmiM-velt in the Nalio'nal eouvemioii. slionld have vetml for him
in tlml eniiveiilioii. -Thi-ir instructirxis or tli-ir •■bligatioiis wer.-'
binding. Thi-y iutd no right, ind-as rt-leasnl by tbow- who had ihus
iustruei.-d tlieiii. lo ehaiige iheir vpie, They hml ii« rigbl to do stiyIbiiig but to sit in that eonveniion and vote as the }Hs>pl^wh<> bad
si-ni them thert- told them to vote. If tlu-y isnild not ilo this, liu-y
sliould have so siabe<l .vt the lime of their eli-elipn by the Repute
t>s of Ibl'ii- rt-sjM-elive slat<-s.
Koine im-ii do not Want Histrueiooi. If a slate nr a eonveiition
tit to iiislriiet a man to do a •Vriaiii thing ami that iimu does
inU fis-I that he ean eonseieiiii^iisly carry out the instnieliiioa or has
fMisiiive obje. tion to rt-r.-iviiig uistrtietions for any reason what-i-r. that man should not allow himself to la- Kcle<-i<sl for the iHisition for which he was named. If. however, he d<s-M p<-nnit his nsme
1)1 be usfsl and is elis-ted to that iHwitioti. then then- is .but one thing
to «lo and IhsI is.lo carry out ob-coliilely Blid posipvly. the inslnielions or rtsiuests iiub'KH li<- is D-leawsl by the sa|f& authority that so
instrucK-d him.
.Now Ibeii.w dell-gales in the- National Kepuhl^>an eonv.-iition
refmi.>d'utlerly to vine for Mr. Rcsec.-velt. They kii|-w his iiomiua-oiilcl not be se.-iired bill iliai did not release- itom in any wa.v
from their obligation to vote for biin .Mr. ItcHne-vc It inslrueted them
to vole- and they followcsl hiv iiisirui-tions. Mr. RlHSu-vc-lt hac]
more riglil to tbreei them wlml to do in that c-intveiitioii than
bad to tc-ll tlii-'l’iirliaim-m-^or England ulnit liny should do.
These people Wer- in ih- Nalioiial eonv.-ntion to repr.-seiit their nstales niid lli'-y bad r—i-iv-sl instmepniiK nnd they had aye<-pi.-d those iuvtruetMUK Slid Ih- V Were 1-01101 to do their dm")- to
their people, and that duty wji' e].-ar and (daili. No one man.
whether that mail h- Mr.4{<»w.-veh or -Mr -l-.n-s or any mli-r man.
had a right to dielale to them what lln-y should do.
One hundred sev--n of Ih- I{<>«m \-Ii rollow>;rs III the Niilibnid
-mivc-ution did --arry i-iii tin- iiislriic^oiis giv-ii iheiii iiy their stal>»
ind east fb-ir vote in the (b-|iubliean Natioiisl e<tiiv.-i»tioii for Mr.
Roosevelt: all ll■•lM•^ lo iln-.e men wlm i||.- p|--dg.-s ihi-y
msde to their ......)de and fiiltilb-d ......... .
r-iting ii|Hm them.
Til.ini-n who r.-ru-"-d t» vnt.- in the R--|iiibiiean .National
■-oiiv.-lilioil )ml r.-liiiii.-d their si-als ati.l r.-fitse.l to i-att-y niit the wiili*--. 4't lli.'tr .‘oiistilii-'iiT- and who afti-rwarif-did us
.Mr. R.sis.-vc'li told lln-m to. ueiu i<> an.dli- r hall, orgatiizisl a "ui-iv
party ""imd mad-' .Mr. R.sia-v. It .......................... . ihat party,
l>. I'hieagii aa the rt-prt-s<-ii.
their .Imy^MHi.s.m--n w.-i
« ilu- re['iitiiiiv<-s I'f .Mr.
.if tb- Kepiil.|i--a1i |MrIy
This IS nol til- first lini. a pr.-si.h^ial eunilMliite with a s;r..iig
folliiwuig has faitol ii. ........
iln- mimiiiatiou. .Mr. R<ae«evelt sli.uiUI
.- 111. l.i.val sa(>|sirl nf lit.*.- delegates until a mmituuI in that e.iii\eiuiiii» IiikI to.-n niinle. hut ih.-se .letegales w-r.syji tli-r...rgiiiurt- a "n.-w piirty." In this, ihey .-x-—-tied
th.-ir limy and .wiM gain no i-i-eilit among Itn-ir e..iisiitueiii' who
them tliiTr as Kepni'kj^ns.

layen; hsichlac *««■.
South UtsKoo.
nay."luBe. )b1>—cuss*
MONEY TO LOAN oa gocsl u« «»U
immutni tamt. H. c t)sTta.TBash Bids. Tr.ce«,"'cu,.
,prtl mt
bale Coun lor ibe i-ouaij c
A; a se«»ton ol said cowl, helJ at
le |.iT»hate wgir*. In ibe eilv oLTrac<-|ir. lb aald MCDir. OB Uk lIUi
U ot June. A. 0-. IMZ.
PrewDi. Hon. Pred K. - Walker
Juda* ol'toobotg.
Id thr matter
eatale ot Bob-'
JebD a BHabtr bavltit flitd la aaid
-ere at tbe lime oi bln .leoth the le»al
heir* o( aaM decoaaed and cstlUed <o
.ntirrli Ibe real seuie ot ahlcb said
-c eaBed died wired
1: U oHered that ike Ift* dar of
. Itit at ten O'rloek lo'l^
lid iieittlon.
It ta (unher ordered (hat publlr no­
pe thereof he atvee hy pabtlmlhw ot
a <opr ot (hta order, for three aseres
alva weeka prtviou m raid day erf
bMirins. In the Qraad Tmrerao Hor-kt. a nto^ipaptv printed and rtrpiUatd to «aid eomuy.
- PflKD a. WALKEIl.
Judae «j»-kYaUai...
Jiiui 1!.. Si. Jnl> :.
STATi: OK .MIl'HinAN. tbesl'fohate
Court tor tbe t'ouot) at Umnd Trnverae.

la the matter o( the ootkie o( Jacob
ileary, deceaaod.VoUce is hereby plteo thSt four''.
nouihE from tbe 3rd dS} oT June. A".
1)., It-i:. have been allowed for eredItort to |s-ao«ot tbelr tdalfus aanlnn


eredi'ors of ralJ detvaeed Lre rw
(iulr^ to] |.r«
i.reseni their eUlmi lo aalil
<-ourt. at the luohaie
luohale t^ln
t^lre. io tbe etlr
TTav. me t'ily. ,
• (be Mh I
, mte/.
and iliat i
-laliUi aill be
Tiieadar. the
day of Oeiober. A R, ISUi at led
iH L III ihc lorcnooD.
• 3rd. A It.. (MS
_^Jnr»«e ot Pretale,:.
junr t. tliU. 7

In the mailer of the eslaie irf ifroll W'aldruD. deirftased.

Notice U. hereliy Bites that fwr
inoBtLs from the 3rd day of June. A.
I>. n-13. have beec allowed for er«dlior. to i-reseoi their dninw axataat
said dereasoil to said
inatioD sod s:fUusime U asd that ■
l.reeeni l
said' <
. at llir prohSle oSlre. in
tbeviiy ot Ttxi'CKeClly.
In anld rouabelor* the rtli day of Octo­
ber. A. U-. iflL aad-tbai aafd etal«»
will be heaid by' said r«tin on Mondav. the Tib day of Ootetier. .\ l>„
liiir. at leu o’riocii to the forenoon.
Italed Juoe*3r.I. A. R. IklS

Judae of Protaia.
June t. It. I4. 34
M. « N. E. TIME (
T Tmt
.i 2:W. T:00i
e. fteloG ... -! 8,:*T| 7:»1
Cedar City 8;W' :;JS1
, .
10:111 4;M
I0:17i 4;1f
ill:M{ S;44
Bkaplfs Jqn.
iBttrlorboB .
Cppaalib ..

WmlUM .
Bon ley .
Sigma ..

i" ”


Norwalk ;..
U):Mj S:M
ObskBrna Jci
;il:<4' 6:11
Manistee ........... 1
Trains nn-lve at Tmrer
m. 10:304 ».. 5:»TD. RIELT. O. P. A.

M. of the Aldrteh
Miaa Laab (
■actmeos rtome aad Tralaln* s< • J
Giaod Ba'plds arrlred .^urday to
<e dtarerf ibe work fbr tbe Bt
Aasoclaied Charities. Mias Knee
II bold tbe potiUeo of seneml su
periu.endeot and throticbl iba kinde V, W. r. A., bendquartem
have been eeciired al that place,
dearonewa may be rearbed al
TelephoM i:i4.

Makes the Natien Caip.

, .le B«(ul list of Inforles OB
JUunb ot Jul. BtaiLKers buiiisaiiy. I
over axalDM It. Iioaever. is tin- v.
demil Leaims. by Bu<l:lcr t Arti
SaPe. of thousaodt. wio svtn-i
from burns, cuts. bruis.’s. buIRi
woun-!s or etplosions.- Us the quirk
healer of t>o:ls iibers. ii-Jeius,
ll|« or Mler. 3.-. ris. at ail dnnttlals
of Traverse t'liy.

Tcclk Extnelc4 AkMtatCe

|y WItbMtt rmtm
A Pnavltar Wronch
By tba -Sa-olar- matkod I caa t»
Of the foot or ankle may i.roduce a
very aerioos tpraln. A a:>mlD is more Bore tboae
palDfoI thao 4 break, le al! sprains,
rots. bona. bruises tsd ecalds
OH. is the
ihios te ose. ReU^yes
be |«.
iwin. reduces swelliDf. I
anltaeirfic asd bmla rapMly Egeetive
nt W. <L KlltfUN
also yben taken for rholeta morbus,
etampe aad dyneaiery. Price 2e cu. MEM WlllMla Btoek. wttt Or. BoMa
BciA hy Aneiicaa Drag Iwn.
Wta*. TtofMt Ottr. MIcRUw

Hare tbe lataR iiapeoecd aaroogb fto» Prompt aUe»U«
given all ertet* oc aiauar bow
amalL Call or writefor^IcB.

' aim nuTon nuui, ibd lunni mt 'ohx. nmAr.jaia «, mu

oirmL nai sn GUIDim; FARMERS



Local caadMatea for pcdlUcai oBleea
or tllelr frlaodt, bare baen diIbk tbc
roral maU botea tor ibe dutribstbs
or tbalr campaiso Uleralnre wUbou
Bacb dar brlofa aew latoniiatiaB
tint addreuiu tbe' Balter ao4, aS|x- bowla* that the verb of derelopium(
lD( atamtia. TbU K ooLO&lr • 'Kd*- in MIdilcsa. nad imnirnlarlj' in wealtloa or tbe poMal lawa, but b a wmate
MIdilSBB It belli* preMcated with
of due and nbney on the t>an et tbe
ill. la Ittl one man repreaeated
randlilaCec, «a all matter of tbla kind tbe rederal bureau of Ptant fndaaUT
> brouettt iB by tbe cartWn sod
Id tbe eallrc aute; tfau year so leai
than 10 men are u> be In tbe Seld str­
ia* iBttractloe relfardia* (be nio
preved methodi of [aruln*. Sot oaly
uaUer of aby descripllos. In fsri ootbIZLI ibould be |>ul fn tbe niral Imxee U an Inrreaae from one to tweire be­
ing made In ope ybar. bat fnai
without KoetaBe belli* paid tor aame.
Sbould Ibe pra«-Ure ronUsoe. an In- baa reached tbe office of tbe Weaiera
apector sill call on ihe vtolalore. to MIchlsan Detekipmenl Bureau fnu
eltbcr pay a One or explain »!■> thev Watbineton. Il la leaned (bat
perniat la tbeir etona to eiade pai- Ibe aubliioD of Secretary Wllwn of
be Agricultural Department to have
no learthan H pranlnl men from the

«ero tbe auase they wen ao rehUSon.
The weddUig last evealng la tbe bai>py
cslalaatloa et a romance. Uia. King
dou baa ai-ent the past few year*
Mug U. Seattle. Wash, ami afur
nrt trip tbs young peopfo «ui b*
one la Culloa. m. wbere the
groom tuakes his bone.

naM Strain W ». Sock
per IS; Uullty Stock '
1 tbooght he adored toe.- Her Friesd 1$; M. 8. Turkey Bggl
-<my dear, a man eaa pot eonaidaraJAMES r. SURMCK
bla lareor laio bia woolag whan KV
South UaaUeu. MIcb.
a east et Bairiage or work.”

Fitly ladles were enleruloed
taacbeoa Wednesday afiemoon tvHra
C il. PralL Mrs. 8. J. Mlgglns. Mrs.
P. ^Kafta. Mrs C. i'. iiabier and
Mias PraU
The goens were seated at charm
If you have beeo a ready
tngly pppolnted UbJrs and were
muted to And tbeir i>Ucvs by a
made man in Uie past,
clever method. After greeting
be a made-to-order man
bostasscs eneb lady was presenced
in the future.
with a uoiqne place lar.l in tbe-shspc
of a Upy eavelope. Uirough wblcb
There. is a difference.
drawn a length of baby ribbon,
was MOD dlHcorered tbsi the decors
Readymade clothes look
tlona on each table correvionded Ic
fairly well in a shop win­
color to the xwrious sbadt-s of ribboBs
dow, but they will not
Tbe amall Ubles held *ra< eful bnskeir
soft-bued bowers .IndlvIJoally die
stand the test of sunshine
tloct In shade, while wblti- daisies and
and shower.
ffame colored popples were tusssed Ir
profopton tbrougbont the room*.
Fair Was Taken
Our made-to-order
Much merrtmeot wax caused wher
clothes meet every 're­
tecreun * plan as oiiilioed by a, Ihe place csrds wefe found to coo
riend. Is for one demonstrator fo*r tain coouQ.lmms. the guessing ot
quirement - sund every
each of the s: cuunUee for a
added to tbe sociability of tbe
TMaga An Soomlne Down la b
tea Cewniy.
gresslonal district, and for
>r /Slef de- WWle the luncheon «n* In progreaa The last art In the case of the'
Try them; It will be for
l^ple ra. William and Ijura Witte
concealed string orchestra added
e of the Western munstraior for the stale Much bts
was sfoged a little after four o'clock
your own interest to do yilcblsan Derelopueot Bureau vUited beeo accompllsbed through the soutb- tbe pleasure of tbe Rueals.
f-VIday attenoon In clrmll conn
em states because of tbe practlcsl
Wellstoa, >laulK(ee c'emty. on t
when the prisonere were brought be­
work wblcb ifae’depanueot has
mb Inst, and found oe tbe aiding
fore -judgoMayne to receive tbeir
that ataUou a pul^uaa car vblcb bad ducted during tbe Usi few yesrs
aenieuce. bavin* been fwnd guilty
now Mlfblgbn's mm to partici­
arrived the algbt before wilb .thirty
iBsault and battery on little Marie
odd puraoua from I’hlcsgu who were pate In thU forward moremeol. WJifa
Witte The extreme penalty of an
lodUDg at Western yilehigan laadt.
BBsault andNiauerT charge la
Not all or Ibe thirty vere bomeaeebdays in jbe Detroit House of correc;
presume tbat
era. but folly lao-Uiltda wore and .a actual work, U Is safe
Ibe very pn-tty wcddluK*
imber b^bt forties before leaving Michigan will progress at such a great of tbe-cnrly summer occurred at ibi lioa and a One of 81«A. and fn detauh
at vlllan last night. Tbooe proa- spfed that It will aoon bpcome one country how of. Jlr. and Mrs. F, H of ffne ibsreuf. an addlikmal >0 days.
pecUve aetUan wen from' iDdUnn, of tbe big agricultural suica of the Ransom, three mile* west of tb.; riiy Prosecutor PraU -for tbe people
Illinois and Iowa, they baring gather­ illun. lu elimate advautagea an.' , WMnesday, when Mr* Ransom', sis­ coiDinnnded that ibe couR g^re the
Umii to both respondeffu la lh^.eaae
ed at Chicago and come on logetberlo Ila aAvaatages regarding sblppli
ter. Miss Esther A- Klugdon ol iliU
the country; At Wellnton they llltiea. Insure It a pisee In the iroot city bei-sme the bride of doho M. King- lodge Mayne stated that bs had a'
vpre brckeii up Into alx amall paftlea rank as soon as tbe-beneflls of Us agri- dgn'of Culoni, III. the «-ereinon>'b.-lng ways entertained a high regard for
aod^i^ix vai.;..
rSEx «i caAKCE and drived In different dlrecduna for lUural Industry are made apparent periocmed by R.-v. J \V. Miller. The full Mr. prait'oa account of Ms dlsposlto
tbe purpose of iosperttng tbe soil of
ring senile ass used and Eva King
to be made evideni by tbe reprenow felt tbe same in this InV(ilues*l
and 75c, your choice ....... ..
the aurroundlog region and Us agri­
don acted as ring bearer. The home stance. He however, could not alloaeolatlves of the federal gorerpmeei
cultural poaalblliuea. '
lues 50c and 40c, yoim choice................
was prettllv di-cnrwted for the occa getber totally disregard the recouj
Tbe dam which Uanlalee capUdi
Sion. Tbe- bride wore a Ivecoming
m of the Jury and eo gave
baa boen building acroaa the aoutll
gown ol.crviK- de chine and rarrled
limit to Mr. Wlue and »0
branch of Manistee river la nearly
whltei^rnaUona Tbe maid of'bonor days wlibont tbe flne to Mrs. Wide.
ipletod. Tbe spillway wlib
was Ml'ts Ransom, niece ot tbe bride,
licajjy cataeat abutments is ready for kqRHER QRA^ATES REVIVED and she wore a dainty gown hf I*er- Mr. Witte's floe hat not been Paid.
Special.......................................... ......... I
curtain on the life trage­
tbe water, also the power bouse and
slan lawn and carried pink rarnady which hat occui.led the attention
the workmen are now seUiDg tbe
Hobs. The wedding march was |ilay<-d
cblnery to place and c-otbpleUng (be Event Fine** Uia Aaaoclatien Upon
by Hugh Buell.
Substantial Feetlng for
around, for- more than two
rth embankmenu to tbe soatbwe^i
Directly followinR the ceremony,
Serges and Mitturaa: -CohJnuanl*..
ths Future.
tbe power building. Tbe triangu­
Woolen Merdionls
tapper was served to the bridal party, weeks. Was rung down thlg merning
lar Bieel poles for the
numberingalout fortv, which Included when tbe I^ltle's were wbUzed sway
> Muulst^ are up and the wires
the Immediate Irleods and relatives of hr Attorney M. W. I'nderwuod In bl«
have bMa tirang for nil Uii a abort
the young people.
where they were uken aliuard Ihe
B of the entire mileage., This Friday night,
Mr. and Mrs, Kmgdon met while
the uoxt enioyable evente
for Iteirolt by Sheriff' Shuier
Is Ibe drat of a series id dams wblcb an one of ita<
lending rullesc In llUnoif. m v.Ir* Jud Cameqon. to serve tbeir
; to be bnllt aloog tbe Uanlaiee rlv- In Traverse City lllgb school hisiory. years ago and aliheugb tbeir nsn
Bod Ifo farnndieu.
b.r tbe lucmbcra. all of wbom have
worked to tbe one end.' to make
By 8 o'clock Ihe parlors of ihe bo­
il were fUled with a gay throng ol
people, men.and women, boys
girls, 'all of wboTu are graduates of
tbe Traverse City High school. It
We are closing out a'line foraieriy
an Insiilrlng tight, and the >oy of ihe
sold at (1.T5 for gi.» a gallon. Suit
‘ .
able for outside as well as Inside
In thus rennillng fo
work. ThU is a rare bargalb yon
iwo-fold IIIn tbe lael that
ubooM take advantage of.
not only hrougbl
together on
it ooe occasion, t
ilhcring each year, for ilie Alumni
assoclnllon U now an esiablUbed
perf^ w-all^sb uiada
inUaifon, and strong effon* will be
paritages at :r<c.
made to keep It so. T^e reception
e was coiuposSU of one mem­
Tlio only preparsiioD ihst you can
lives by using
ber from each clan* which has Is tbe
■ g sskim
- teiwtalor mUk .Will absolutely
liast quarter of a century
our ealvps |n betllhy growing
lefl tbe ‘high school after completlug
an. Si lb. sack for gl.iio.
high BChool career- The dining
; cream of loice .M
room doors were throw n u|k-h about S
SiirlDg Wheat. We sell It
o'clock and to music played by Hal
aiiicc; If tut found ih.berg's orcbestra. over a hundred |>eotuency refunded. Trv u. a
ple marched (b the Ubles to Uke
Every SoilI Wi
Wurnnled Pure Wont end Fast Btoe.
RedneUons oa every Suit lu Slodi.
their places. As etch guest was greelV Ibe reception committee they
given a IllUe tag Ivearing (befr
name and (be date of tbe class of
whicli they were a member. Festoons
Ol black and gold hunting, the high
■cbool coloik. sere draped about tbe
.while iminants were In evl>
dence everywhere. The table* were
adorned yth boquets of pink caniaGood for Rocking
tlw and the banquet .was served In
Chairs, Sets of
Wash Suits at 45c, 50c. 75c, $1 and 1.25
four evurses. It was a feast ol all
Work Shins, extra good value at 89c
Dishes. Silverware.
the good things Ihe . eeesec offers
Boys’ WalsU. special values at 25c-50c
50c Summer Underwear one lot at 39c
Covers were leUI lor JIS
Watches, Suit Cases
'Special in work or dress socks. 3 pr. 25c
During tbe benquet enthusiasm end
Petticoats Umbrel­
Serge Suits, one lot worth $6 00 at 4.90
tbe old high school apirii became
Big lot of new 35c Neckties at each 23c
las. etc.
much apperent and tome of Ihe older
not resist giving the
Seal Fast Fruit Jars in Pints. Quarts and
old fsmillar -Rah! Rah! Traverse Cll^
HGallon. These are economical jars to use
High School! Rah! Rah!" From somr
Iliex have glass covers and are easy to seal
other corner oT the room would start
All there is to do is to raise the lever above
sketch of tbe blgb school song,
the'Cover. push it down and tbe can isaealed.
and eo mi all through the eveoi«
there was thai good fun. happy leelYour fruit or whatever you want to p reserve
Ing and cUsamtte splrli' which U eV
does'nt come in contact with anything but
Impressive Price Lowering on Sommer Dresses. Suite, Waists, Ho
iwrienced only by one who baa known
glass. We have extra covers at 20c per '
Ihe yoy of high school Jsjs.
A Saving on Every Price We Qm»lew
dozen. For Jelly and Honey we would recThe orchestra furnished music duromend our coverwl glasaee at 25c per dozen:
ig tbe banquet.
Dresses worth $1.50 at only.
Ladles* Cloth Salts, newest Ladies* Norfolk Coats* a dew
Alter the banquet I.ouis Holliday
they are more desireble than jelly cups.
Dresses worth $2.50 at only
aa toastmaster was tnirc^.ced by
styles in Novelty Mixtures. Serges. Novelty in Navy and Tan
We also Tiave Mason style Ball Jars in Pints,
County Commissioner 1-eejHornsby.
Dresses worth $2.98 at only
Whip Cords, etc.—Suits that were Serges, worth $12 and^IS at w9.
Qaarta apd j4Ga)iona Extra heavy, bfst
and from thit time ph the program
Dresses worth $6.50 atl onl)
$15 to $23^$7.
$11 and $15
t^ality mh Jar Rubbers at lOc per dozen
held ffni auenikra ef the guests. It
Misses, and Jmdor Coate.
or S dozen for 2Sc.
embodied folks bv Frank ' Hayden^
the big line of waists now sell­ made of Worsteds a^dd Hovalty
Amil F Nertinger and F. C. llUbert.
Wool Dresses that were $5 to $20 ing at 98c—pretty new styles that Mixtures: worth $8.50 andg
leverai musical onmbers. Lou




__ .

imninT inrs


Cbmos 1 Orrases. extra spedal . . . . .SttSi
Ladles- Coats, sow Ball Price. ^




I L'f





The Barney Co.

124 E Front SL


Here are tbe Greatest (^lotblng Bargains of tbe year!


All Wool Worsteds-Finest Cassimeres-Newmt Paitems-Smarlest Stylex-Nothing to Equal them AnywhWe at Less than their Origiiial Piice»- '
A Big Number of Distinct Fabric Designs from which to select. Every Gannent Rep­
resents Careful Wqrkmanship-AU sizes now. Choo:e.from MS and 116.50 sorts at ll#N

Amazingly Low Prices for True Blue Serge Suits


' a:w.

8.80 $16.50

10,90 $20

Special Bargains In

Fruit: «Jurs

16.59 $25 .^ril26

Special Barmdnsln
Men’s ForolshiDgs

A Week ol Glorloos Values la tbe Newest and Smartest



mH ktik*
perM, sMMMal

. Career'FMtt * .Gid| Stmis.


at $2.98, $7.50 and $12.50

tew words of bright wK and bumor.
and each stieaker came Uik wUh
•omMhlng to tbe ivolnt. Interesting
and a credit to themselves.
It Is not necesaary to add tlwt tbe
l»li ananal banquet ef the alnt^al
goes down fn the aaaaU of high
scho^ history a euccfe* from e^err

GIris Dresaes

For ages 4 to 14 worth $1
to $1.50 at 69c. 98c. $1.19
For ages 6 to 14. worth 3.50
to 7.50 at $1.93. 2.95. 3.95

are worth $1.25 and $1.50

THE #STOWt^^kAT foArttfi

$10.00 each at only.


Traverse City, IVficlalgan

Underwear Specials

For Ladies, one lot of 35c
and 50c values, vesu and
pants at 25c. For Girls, one
lot ofl2^cahd 15c values
vests, and pants, at 19c.


muwxwi anuaaj mp> mvi



« af tha campal^. Tbl. L



r ^ent Terminated Saturday Eveniof
I Now Await Owner»^Non>Prlze
V^ete to Cail at Herald And Record office
^ * -For CommlMlon -OiirTbcai

kindly faaling an tha pMt of the e
Herald and Racen'
by both te tha can

r. and an the part of the
a debt at gratitude la owed

■a-and tall*

PilCRt eaernctad MCb day by wtr*
I tor raeovetr
tmm CUeaBB. DatrolL ToMo sad B«I«1fa sad taaiUy of
(alo tkiiMiB Ualtad Praa* t4**cr*gb aereral ebildre^. Ha U OM pt tbe
pror^*^ tortoera «f tbs t
TrsTetae rectoa'baB tbs wwt*.
a abock to bi* muy frtead* No bac
dM era* tojarad.

I In th*

Herald and Record prlit campaign, find that the foHowing pccaong an
entitled ta the diflerent prtcaa ird awards and that the total vote that
each candidate received is ahevm herewith.
£. R. ALtCH.

eight wMke.


■ bkto* tt ta I

at Its HbO btrytag cwpaetty. To
b dallar taat aach. bM K tra
a maa baa. and be kaowa sol
vbara to «b* wortd to *•< «be(b*r. md
tr b* toaa that eota ow and ofw
tbtokt n^ piaaa bo* to maka am
•n sOI of every cMt do Ra WtaiBt.
be erill maka n olaatk' eaeagh to
*•*» taany >aato. a>d tbw to *-am
ad at tts
t •
Itov Terk t

They Impsmm th* Stock
(our stock la Is poor eondllloa.
not thrite or look arell. II will
have-nocked aouie mentlou made
and acme short ankivs from some
There Is no foodstuff In the forkage
OtTMtir feOMMng the eMltag •! tAe bee. tt wu tfellvercd te feur Judge*,
aetiler* afakh brings to ‘i
It la all medl.iDe Exary lavadieBl
rrtri cndiirtrf —t final count in fuU -vftW ef el) onditfatee and their InterN. Shlelv. T. C. RF0....5!
rry tdeasant terollevtiobs
riudeo oH territory Inside the cHy
being rboseo for 11. benefictol etm
Ida Weller. T. C. R 3..................... «lines
•Md Mehda.
on the stoniarh. bloud BDd ^laili
limits el Traocro* City.
Caroline OalzcIL Cedv^ RFD 2--484SW
would not be out of pU<* or Jnirud Tbe aufSial Imi'iuies right Iroto (he
The itfdgee h> charge are genUetnen mimbered , among TraverM CH/e
Cecil Van Natter. AH 3ni.. l.lSiMS Mr*. F. Wilson. Lake Ann RFO-4t***5
start and quickly revvxera B«to,
■tegt raguUhle bankers. The/ covnteed^the ballot* earefully, toUled them
Jennie FsrranL Empire R. 1.. .452260
Toledo, June =2.-Wh«*l. *1.11%
and a bright gloss'’ <oat Pritw
Mr* F. R, Purkis* northpert. .445210
til) aelf as one nf the early set .idriCs
and aanouflcad th* name* ot the aueeeaalureandldaie*.
JJets. Sold by Amerivan Drug 8un,
Charlotte This* T. C. R. 5... .438*75
tie™ In nonbem Mkblgan. I left
Hatarfllr'theraiwaa obndidarab'o interaM dlapi*r««- •"« the Herald
Elsie Stone. Old MMtIon ___ .'.437850
hloybood Uume Id Franklin county
Md egoaii «Hoe wm taxad to lU oeeaclty bi accommodating all in attandRESOLUTIONS.
Rena Garland. T. C. R. 1............ 403125 Con., 73*.
gwwfc ABhaugb «» mur« were not gained until naaiiy midnight, an
New York. June Tib. lUk; CBi»r fewu
Whereas. U baa Pleased oor KcavrttJessie BrtghL Maple City R .2 3*6*00
ly Father li. 111. 11’ w Iw pro'Idenai.
tSldensbnrg by aleamboal. landing
wbitad patiently, and aach announerment dl urtnnar* wA received with
hini Carroll. 628 6. Union. 3»92« Mr* RobL Lackey: Ole Mission.325080
from 0
-Mr* Fredrickson. Nerthpert. . .3S7SS5
.VorthiKirt June IStfa. about no
Icna Webeler. 120 N.. Cedar. .302970
;aiprwi1iri af aatletactlon.
. t
A* annavneod at th* ina^ratlon of this great campaign, ovary ruls
We I there were two ocher
ibrth Dorsey. ibm-iorv ba It
'erguoon. Cedar.
young men I found there were
Resolved. Thai while me bow M
wm IWtailad ta placa all eaiidldatae -m an agual baau. Not only ware thoa*
.2S2S85' Mary Jagulsh. Bendon .
it. the wlU of
ways of getllng to Treveree (
rutea inaUllad, but thoy were rigidly anforead and under the' managamant
Rhea Latharlu*. 205 Elmwood .230130 Margaret Wllaon. T. C. R.
(tod. we do trot ti e lew. mosm for tbe
Mai kiuaw boat and
of lb* Amariaan ClmuUtlon company bf Chleago. every demre of thp Herald
Mb* Alward. 403 W. 9th............ . .230045 Lett* Copeland. Wililamabcrg 307:
bright and laiibfnl ClirUilaD life that '
Rapidi RFD
Beryl Parks, 2231 1«h................ .2U190 Velma Ce*. Elk Rapi
other bv trail or to follow the bUze<I
a enforced. Ho lavpntlem waa shown, and all
Mr*. W. H.
hi. Brown. 202 Front
trees. We chose the
e inspection of any Intereetod eandlcampaign reearde aN' now o
.. Fifarek. 811 2nd... .215283 Ada Burkett. Cedar
way With a nke .sailing hands etei nal la ihTTieaxeas.' And Grace McMIehacl.
*07 W. nth .203485 Anna Gaaring. T. C.
ie denib of our brto'rd slsPe our
Lena Helfrich. Old I
breeze. Biu wikn were were about '
it tha HcraM and Rocond offica and rv
an-s (TirWton Tem|»f*o.-e Cnlon
Flereikc* Scettt. T. C . R. 2......... 205725
iarew I'oini the wind went Ita. lost a lallhfal gml iralous workIS. The Herald and Racard Co. wieho*
Julia Este* BaUa..
rowed to shore, and I -r who was e'er Mrivlng lo adioBre
!* that aach will rseoive unlimited
Mary MeCtli, T. C. R. 2.. ....... 17**ft
173485 Sarah

best tntereaU of the Uasler'n
n of her award.
pliaidri la th* p
And be it
was Robert lare'a He had no si«re
I who have put forth e
To th* nen-priaa winne
Krsol'ed. That our kronlelt .«yiaMaud* Warner .................................155575 Adeline Mallory. T. C. R. 2.:..17314!
beds, boi kiodly oEered'tt*' the best l«<h> be eueoded to the heaved
Lena Green. 102* Webaster . 152115 Besaic'Slagle. Lake Ann RFD. 171*3!
be had. and tse slept on tbe fioor until iamlly in Ibeir sad affUrtlMi. sml may
Ethel Etbyarda. 810 W. 7lh . 140895 Mra. Libble Arnold. Bates .. .I6S56:
three oVlock in the uomiiig. wbeo the they ever look to Jeun for stcrnCllta..
btaga «• alt la out ef tiw quaotlen. for <iltheut th* apIrH of
Mr*. Loie Sleder. Randolph.. I4C115 Laura Bate* Lake Ann .............. 16773!
and comlon and be enabM to feel ^
boainian. a Mr UcCabr rallAI ns.
«Meg wbutd hart bean no campaign, but tha Herald and Racard Ce. will do
Mr*. Markham. 219 8E. nth.. .141755 Nora Rayle. Lak*.Ann R............. 165745
tbal -He doeto all ihtags'weli.- And
,Mr». Rueo4tgger. Mapjle City. 1*S»65
Ing there was a nice breeze, so
Wl Omt la pamible. cmmaguantiy neivgrin winnara will receive In eaeh S
be It farther
Ilh. »
:. Front___ 1293*5 Mrs. C. A. Shearer. T. C. R. 2 .160745
on our eray rejoktng. BdI
Rreolved. That a special c^iy be
aaUlitlene. Eaeh :a U bring bar yellow rocoipU ta tha
Mrs. Shirley Hitica. 853 E. 8th 121675 Mr* Kelderheuae. Maple City .156245
Itrescaied to Ibe.fa*nt. also lhal they
>(mgM and
and eommlaalana will be paid her.
Lucy garry. SiS E. 8th............... 121375
be reiorded In the uiinotos
uiinotes of the V
Mabel Larsen. 911 SUte.
.The ia<^ nwnbdr df n«w aubacribare added to tha Herald and Racard'a
man s Cbrlaiian Temper
r Cat
Newberry. 713 E. 8th. .105755
weal and drove us, ashore below Ibe aod a <o|.v be sent te i
a that tMa g
Celia Scow. NOrthport.................... 142225
at farm, somr wel. boi clad to Joamal aOd GraiM Trav.
' H'mW
f naa bean done to mak* It an event marWng recognition, and the
Grace Rlley.-T. C. R. 4.........
>n Und. and walked la to Trav. lor pvbll^lo*
Includea all tarrlt^ eutaidc ef Trav- Mr* Hey Pea** LeUnd. ..
n.. -onvet-w.'., ivk.
Mr* Roy Case. Lake Ann R.
Citv. arriving there Just betora
i by the ladle* af this vicinity.
aisa ^y aop w^^nd north
noon and aie ni> first meal with
Tba'candWMaa adwall a* tha public faal that tha r
Mr*. Robt. Barney. T. C. R. 8. .730510
McKlIUp In a small bouse that stood
Mr* Atklnaen. Burdlekvilic ....6*1120
includas all tarritory auteide
where Mr. Kyselka'*
Alla* Oslund. Old Mission ....547858 Travt-rse City and Sduth and aaet ®f
the Per* Ma'rquetta ft. H.
That winter I drove supply i*om
Edit* Carlbaek. ftingaley___ 1JM9.64!
To All Owners. Itosavsaon.or Occu­
one of H_ I. ft Co.'s camps, using piers of Iftad* or to aay.puruoo or.
long sleighs for banting logs.
persons, firm or corporation bavins
No railTosds. no atcsimbanU. no tele- ebatge of any tond* In this Stata'
Notice Is hereby girea that oil nozgrapfa. DO UelepboneEverybody
ious weeds growing on any lands
Maggie Oomlne. T. C. R. .
happy. Mall once a week.
where wiihio
tbs jownsblp of
« BtmGrace Taylor, T. C. R. 3___
bfougld.rto Traveme (Sly a
Jennie Leggett Orawn, R. 1
Genevieve Oavl* T C. R. 4
Daily Wood.
Summit City..
yricnrouiookforili July rathn than June. Broken lines of seaaonable
lands, must be c
. . _
lylor. T. C. R. 4..............
Ray Tayi
tened on by pins It would make quite sifoyed
___J _ cr.
OB or before tbe fttnt
•rie Failer. Fife Lake .
contrast now with Ibe autos. I also July; A U. I5IJ And also again da
a offered at Clearance Prices. There are snaps for eveiy member
I. M. Artlip. G
broogbt the first abeep aod Ibe first or tefore tbe firal day «f ttoincinber.
Helen Wh-teon, Grawn. R. 1. ..1*6655 QRAtN—Traverse CKy Milling
Minnie Sargent Summit City.. 180315
l.g booey bee* lo Ibis counYry.
of tKe family If yon come how, .aelow is a paihial list of the values offered.
Faliuie 10 <ouipl; wnb this DOIlio
Mr* Van De Bogart, Bondon. 17*125
i In my alnelcrnih «car tbui
<u or befera the .data BtoMtoondi pr
Mr*. T, Toner. Grown .................176205i»*ch day Ibereafter If Jnarket Tsrle*.
little older no*, but.when
within ten daya tbereattar, abaO snake
Mr* Eliza Newell. F. Lake R 1 173300 Wheat..........................................................$1.V*
think ot ibOM KOD.I old days wbea we
lortlea so taltlng liable for the
a BarretL Klngeley.
Kl»( '
RFD.. ............
Alice Schell. Kjngsley ...........
of eoeb eoat.
Dora Davi*
||* T- C. R. 4
ha(ipy. It kind of takes one bark and
______ collected against the
Mr* Cart RktTi^aon.
Rktri^aon. T
T C R 2
be forgets tbe years that so rapidly proiwrly In Ac wane manner as other
Scofield.-Wllllameburg.. 123aS Bdbb..pdrbd.._.....................»
I by. and after all I have always taxes are levied and rollerled.
Mr* Mary Wilson. Bendon..
Also all bnirb growing upon Ibe
believed in this |*w#age In the Bible.
Mr*. Grace Perryman. Acme .
right of way of all highways rnentag
Mr* Leon Wolf. Mayfield. ..
U man tbinkeis. ao Is be." I am tbrough
or aloos side of said lands,
Mr* Louta Dexter, Bendon...
111 a kid with more exi'roriente.
but not larlodlng any shrubs rsaaimd
Mr* Henry aehtieben. T. C. R3 **745
_-'i ,
Traverse City was always noted for for shade or other iinidton, mnat be
s kindly an-I generous hearted |«n- cut down and deeUoyed.
Dated this I alb day of tee. A. b..
plc. always read' to MtemI a belping 1912.
band to tbe needy
believe ih^ there Is today but Comiulsskmer of Highways of the
(jrawD. June 2u.—Mlax l-'raiK-os
11.60 ud’og
1 borsa hides .
Township ot Elmwood. Couaty d(
bu(IdlDga-in your pleatonl rtty
The be^~and cheapest line of Child*
l-eclanan. 8taie ot MUhlgan.
WIlUaiQx. who hax bees aurndlnR ttip
ilaod where (bey did when
tone 18. n.
Normal at 3lt. Pleasant, arrived home
ren's Dresses in Traverse City can be
landed there. Thei there was i
Saliirduy to x|>cniJ her tacailuii
found at the Globe Store^ No where
imvcl sinvis and no sWewalks. METEOROLOGICAL RERORT. .
The A.
O. G. will (five a tianJ
eziroii to meet 4llh Ihe early s<
els9 do you gu the pretty styles, the
time '^artv at Balej e hall Friday
tivra (here on June M. when 1 boiw
SdSHuras.- Made up ta eon^tS perfect fit, and the low prices we offer.
evening. June- Sin.
e,o1 ilien. a’^lnew fifty-odd
Complete line ot sizes from 2 to 17
ake will be aerred.
niauv >a'e gone.
yrare ago. but
years, in white and all colors. Every
R J(. Camiibell.
! Mrs. Baler -frem to tnierloebea
rertbemsataifMay. IR3
Dress a bargain and priced from
I Wedoeaday. Sb« baa acei'ied « posi'lIuD at tbe PebDlnglon resell
Dr. and
C A. (lark
an-I sailors rvuiiiou. uiiuh *
daughter Hellne were fronts o
and Mrs. Hilton of Trakcfrc City Sun held In Ilu. kley lUs week from tbe
3kih to ,hv 2MII. A good progT*.
b.e-n arranged un Thursdav
Born to Mr. and Mi-a. CLur
KlnuM..,. and Biiyl-.e.r baseball, team.
a son.
i- riidilr.-ii’s cl*' |.:uaraiu S'
' A number of the Grawn Uidin Arid
Cars sir-v' l.i*Cu- Icall Jlaiurday
ecHfieiy went to Bendon IVtnlnevds!
ernooo ws- c.r of .He be., e'er
derided Ule eonuret, but tbe.
to attend-lltF laidltn.' Aid roiivenllon clos.vl an ev'?k score.
led uut. Tbe ball was belUT ■
Tbe Mlstea Winona and Mary
Iha.1 e'er before, the men.
John It ^onnld••^ fiinemi wM.h
Cnadali of Keyvinne are iIsUIiir I>
he newn..-' feast -a. al«v* the a'erWB. held al rl,e JJelliodi>i -b.i;
E. Crandal and family.
u. the ik-ugrati. by Ibe young pooWexford Satiinlay. «a. "ti.- o.
Charley Yi-ooian'a ismily'lisir
wa- ..n.. uf the best ever carried
I^rge.: held In lUv sec ttol. o!
ed here from Kipling. I>i>er Peninttiu- ar.d the r.|n-slmienls served
(Idil Feliowe iiiJal;.'K'
.io-e of the program we7g tempfI .Mrs, Ethel 1.6re and clilldren of
.i; TUe aiiendanre was good ■
was IM-II end :a>..r.. l, kinwo
Men's Heavy SOc Work Shirts,
PtlUburg. Pa., arrived .Monday nlgbt
rie different teatnrrs of Ibe
^•j^^^VenntMen-s Saits, worth all colors and rizes. Each__ v*tC
to spend the summer at her rouajEe
icsT eivdii is due Merdames Ix-wis
Men’s Khaki Pants. $1.25
at Green Uke. ,Kbe was the mwst
nd Fallneier. under whose dl
a man tlu5n,.!ghl>
Of her latber. Dr. C A Clark Tuea.on* tbe eveol. of the day wlcre .
value ..............................
.need. A photograph wmi seetired'
Men's Union Shirts, elastic
The new meat market opened tip
f ilta^cbUdren and graoei rs, au l this
The dare. ,.f.l .-nj- .
ribbed. Each, all sizes.........
111 I.C forwarded lo the nafiona!
Buekle. lia. cW-n
Hiide ot all G5el blue set^. fancy Men’s Mule- Skin Shoes, all
Mm A1. E Baird and iliildren
temher M, IJ aic! "
e l'"sizes.
Per pair............ <RA.e
Wllliamsburs. were the mivsls of !
jesaiineres imd fine wool' worsteds. Ladies’Black and Tan Vici Pumps,
and .Mrs . Archie Smart Simdav. relumltiR hiMne kloedaEvery fintment tally tailored. Uteat
ankle strap. Per
and .Mrs Ormsby of Traverse
visited friends and retattres.
42*inch Bleached Pillow Tubing 4 «1 ^
lurnuiR home Wednesday
20c value. Per yard......... .R9tC
MtM ILriK Bracken spent Wednes­
day as the guest of Mr* debrishc aod
"^Mlsa C.iandall
Wllllaio Nelson.
3trs (niioger and dauctiier nailed or resldlne about seven mile
If you filled them. All's wellrlf you ifidn’t, your
rs .tlr.hie ktelniyre this week.
e.-si of the rWy. near M.-Wettieyi
Mr» Nt-llie Hill and daughter ar- rnroei's. v»r« narrowl.r esraiwki
rival got tbe order and ibay get tbe customers' eotire
red on the esr-ursioo from Grand bk life Friday forenoon «t:e
RapidsSuoday to spend tbe-day Wftb'wan likwo hundreds of feel from tbe
trade. Wake up and push tbe “BEST ” flour made.
friends and relatirps. She wa»-*c-j spot by dynamite' while blasilng
Tbe manufacture and sale of this flour helps pay
comjianted borne by her nlstee WUda. I stumps on bis farm. Ii I- onl'
Maraarei Mrlnmsh siieni Wed ixreateat good fortune itat he wayour taxes, pave your streets, butldwyour school
nesday evening In Tiaverse City, the kilk-d instantly and
it Is be has
bouses. Does foreign made flour do ^ moeb?
guest of Mrs
J. GaraeU.
| lost bis left hand and'sirone edorta
Stanley Jones and Will Hosle werejare being made'To save the right
Tra'terse City callers Wedbesdar.
(xhe left hand and furearm war
Mrs t'barlie Krumn*
ID iand
Chappell epdai Tuesday ta Tra'citcjubove the wri.i was nccsraaiy
jilBbt arm and band Is very I
bMMt hm wM «mM *t • Q-6l*€* rt-rp ••• h« •


I brabaar. while hti tacn la alabraMgd by tb* -Bo«4er; T8n
la agUt a*d (ibarc are i
bratafta bat tt ii sspactad tber ertu
> the p*Uaat i

TW H*f*W i»d R#e*rt prU« ewnj>»l#rv which h« htW th» undlvIM «tMMlM •( th.UM"« *f P«W» «» thl* .UU ••ring th«

The Mark^



H. Wk HANgON.'.


( «nurrt after

Local Markets


sF--....... in






LSgi"J^'sL "sST'^* Oth??hIu s?RW?Si Pnere







CHiLDRn's ur

39C fo $7.48












R*d^ Price on all Ladies' and Misses’Coats and
Suits. Coats selling up to $20. now only
$1.98, $3.25. $5.98. up to $13.98.
LatgesI line of Dresses in the city, up from 66c.

^\n the



«KASD ruLvnn Bn&u, amd tiavi

AiSOClETiESKrAnayal^WiiMfon «t BmIm Ww «

'A t«Ml WeiCODM w«* MUMfled
(ke 4«I«bIWIw ««t 4«
uued a««leTeKh asm*) cmveai
of tka CMiitif AM sociMlM of tb«
ri*lon. He rw»(iUoD
oonnlnad- mM m oerir ntoniiK
tram «ad ceeorted (be deiecatei lo
.(belr boniee lor entcrtalnmeoi. nmll
itaw tor the eoaveotloa (o open.
Tbe Bienilai eoieloe «as oiiroeO
»l«h MuMi “Newor Mr God To
H««. - >11*. Stutoii read (be rod

Cor. IS. PntcT made br ilre. DeMvi> ol Basdoa.
Tbe ladiea vte were (o taka tan
iB (be promm were all preaem end
t<rqarad, oieep( blre. Condi of Ttbt.
ettr. Sbe prepared a ealsaHa
paper. aoUtled Tbe Purpoeo ol
^adleo- AM SoeMr CooreaUoD*.»hlcb waa re^d br Jlra. Goble o»
Trareraa CHr.
Tbe Her. Mra. 8tai>(0D of lobod
■eve a-lBoadocaa of tbe ebardi bei, »hteh eras rery complete, s
iuE (bat ibe ear of fettlak mooey Is
oot proataUe m a ebole. It
roked quite a IItH}' iriociisslon sod
brousht attegtlon to tnaay Impoi

Bowels are Basis
of Child Health
,Tbt aarafel awther. *be wstebes too powerfBl for a child. Tbe bemee ef
«s «( bsr
that the
talo. MIctL. are alirere sspptled with
Dr. Caiemrs Symp Pepote. tM vUfa
them, as «ith tbouasads of others, there
Iwweis #1U ka fellawed far iem of apes- li DO ■obctltuls for this ermod Uastlra
UMk resUaBBsaa derum sleep. IttIu- II Is tmliy recre thas a laxaUve. for It
' te aad eaa Mmlla
help to toes sod siresmUwa tbe atemacb.
A(*tbe Orst
Oivt Si
Slab or suoh disorder civs IK-sr aad boeroli so t^t dfcer a brief
ilM cblM a tsaspeenmj of Dr. CsMvtirt
of It all tsxaUrea oea be dlspeased
Bvrmp Pepsta at nl«bt «e reUrinc end
aad noisrs wlU do lu om work.
S u3*taJT ^r^fdMwlu a
lyoM vlahiBc to msks a (Hal of t!:la
------« ifaaa (fast »UI o
ir a larca Mtla tfamlly alsa> can
Jdte a nnple Mtia aent to (he borne


atrtsi■imUar li^iaca waieb ate eltoaetbci



■ Much' is said about the high cost of living,
but the coDtiuuous growth of the saviugs
de^ts of this bank Indicates that many people are taking a
little^ll of their income and putting it .
asideinioa “profit.account." when it will
. co^ue to earn more profit for them.
Ouf savings depositors have the benefit of
tbe same protection as our commercial ac>
counts and still ^ve interest privU^ea





How Many
Farmers Will
Need Haying




Cultivators or general farm machinery.
While our stock is b^dly brdken, we still have
some of the best b^lrgains ever offered the
farmers of this region.

There^ Are Some Buggies
Wrhat a^e cheap enough to be picked up rapidly.
Any man who is thinking of buying a buggy
should look these bargains over.o
There are a great many extra good values
throughout the store that are of exceptional
value. An extra low price has been put on
these goods as we close our doors July 20th.

The Farmers’ Supply Company

E Mkr zkists. Tuuokr^jm n. ws

worked (hat^MT AoM wit be Bade
a BeoewUr. bet • aocMl eCalr.
Tbe woritcTs from the dllferaiH „
PreshUat—Mre. Dy«.
detlee verr beppUr fficbdBPed metbods ead espcrtcaces la nlslag ibeir
Buaces aad' coadnetias tbetr rntdeA pcaar eaUKtiM waa takai to pay
tkd. ewm basilr at work dotac aU (be poanace at tka aacratBiT «o1be
tber cell to wlraace
tba year.
Chrtsi. Tbe eoaclasloa resebed after
Aa laHtaiioB waa extaaded aad i
an was tbat if cacb teiallr *eold tithe. cepeed t« bold, lb* next coavaatlaa
woaM dre tbe aosooBt ex- TraTeree City at tba A^aey U. £.
fieoded ia tbe preperatloa for socials church ta Jtae.
sod taxsare. that they noold be iest
Mra, BaWwla. Sac. Prp Tem,
as 1ar abead Baaaclally aad do away
irltb ■ whole lot Of bard work.
We atnrerely wlab that
Udies- AM worker wbo Jndi (bis repon cobM have bcea preseat to hear!
tbe.cxcelleat papen preiared by
irs. Sklllllers-TJie moeT Imimnwork IB oor MCh-ty: •Werklajc
Sdraace Cbrisitan barmoDy Jo tbclr
coiiiuiuolty. aad Ibelr secretary's
pon shows that tbe result of (bis scrIre Is eery sncobtMlnic.
Tbe eoBveatlOB tbeme was -Spirit.
ual Growth.
Mrs. aase exidslDcd how s soeleiy
shoBM dcretoA Sro»1h spirltuslly—by
society leaders havlae as tbe
portaol work.of (be-poclrly (be aeek.
iai; aotl reacblac of sbi
tbe LulldiBE up laio lyuiiueirT
■try 4f End ar Laag Cau Waa WaMofuc (a
Cbrlsllan cliaraeter aad Ibe leaillaK
Court Offielala and Public—
Individual. CbiisUa'af lato lant^
SpaetaiacC Vlalbly Affectllclda of activity. This U tbe BVprcnir
ad by Arsumanla.
oWcct of your orcaaltcd eSorl.
meaas to Ihla ead tbe eburrb exltta
Each oT us have an iBlIuenec t^t no (Kniui Tburaduy'e Hat^rd-Easle.)
oDo else caa exert. If. tbea. we
Tbe cYWrace or teailmoBr for bo
tbruofh life wliboui ekenlbp (be ib- tldca of the caac la.which WUllain
flueace Go<l iDeani us lo bare, or
and Laura Witte.
Inc the woik He tare us lo do.
d with the Clime of b
worid Is worse for qur bavlait lived
■be taklBK of Ibe life of llule
In ll. God plabaed (be Itle of (hwlvasi Marie Wltie, w«a coaipleled abonly
of Hb rreelores with (be same care after 3 o'clock saaterda) arienooo,
aa He idanae.1 tbe eanb Ourw. then. and ditactly foTtowlnB tbe lanyc
reason wby, but like cood sof- commearod tbelr arEumenu. I’rohadieni do ttac work set us to do.
Krad .mu for (be People aad
Mrs, }
Joses had an.cxrellcBl
W. U. Lmlun for tbe defease. Barb
a ■•The
■he Women of (he Bible." d' lnE lt«rcr was flioited to oae boor In
wbicb to
bis arEoineoi to tbe
Jury. Slrv-Pfatt save his flrst. It was
ties to study (he lives of Olilvoa's
aloqueot plea (or foslice to be doae
mother. Semoers mother and tbe to these people who arc charged with
uwther of Jobs the Bapilet.
(ha taklag of a hnotao lUe.
Mrs. .ruher read a paper sbowlna bodied all tbe pleadiass aa altoraey
that wide ofiMi had Jo be readied could give, bsUbe the ]oo' to consider
eoeblly before (bey nmy cither be tbe suSerlBSB of this IKUe cbIM who
reached or helped epIrUnally. This died as a repali of bums, either selfsuEEeste-m large end very wide Odd loBkted. laflieled by oae or either of
for the ahentMa of tbe Ladles' AU these parrata aad then, as alleged by
socletrtbe people, were not given proper
Tbe proEfsm was laleraperacd wUb attcptioo as to care and nuratng.
■olos and cxrellent rea<{|nss.
Pratt told of the aulerlnica that little
A dinoer was terred In tbe church girl of six years must bate cadured
lo over sixty who were la atteadaBce.
come down ataira that algbL oae
Urandiua Kenbcr. an ased member
>1 Bo sore that she could not bear a
r (he lAdIcs' Aid society, wca pree- shoe on U. aad bow she. as alleged.
n tbrousboul tbe sesslou. and at (be
been ateir tee days
came down aulrs to go to tbe base­
ment. and while dewa there lust becauae afae had

B4-II8 state St Travers* Qty, Mi^


hare agreed Omt tbe chBd might tere IMS. when there was oalr tea aiindtod WHbOBt the hBIM.
flEeremre U the cm (a Trmteree
The lam alBa<! waa takea hr the
almost tfty rmn ago. - Perhaps
people -when Pam C. CDben. who had
■Bce will be poalpoBsd natU Good
been retaiaed by Ur. PraU aa amlstksads
(■•cmmimisBef Hamilton^ gets
aat. ^Te the etoaiag argntocst to the
Jury, why tbeac pee^e aheold be Mnc of the conairy roods In Mlar
Jadged galhy of aaaalanghter. It waa bape. '
plea that tooebed tbe hearu of tbe
All old aatUera are reqpeated to
people la (be oonrt room, the crowd ave th^ic.^aBi:h boakeu labeled aad
which has aet lesoeacd from (be 8rst
day aaui (be laat- There waa aeareely a dry eye aanag tbe women la Ibe
whea be bad eoaipleied. except
tboee of Utn. WTlte. Sbe has hrid
bcineir la reserve from (Ire bcgianlng
to (be end aad aot enre tes ber gate
wavered from the apenxer. be It witnews, lawyer or lodge. Mr. Gilbert
saM tbal be did aot wsal Ihe Jury to
(faiak (or one monieat (hat be dU aot
held vniBam Witte as -gullLv as his
wife. Lannt Witte. Uaric Witte wts
his daughter, bis own flesh and bl^.
and It waa bis dntv aa an Auertrea (a
■ her ta aa Anerkaa borne lo ahleld
aad protect aad take care of that
child ao tar as bU meaaa allowed him
He etoaed HI*
hia IM/IM
* talk with e
1 tbe JofT listen net to thC
pleBdiBgs ofif whoeasra ns l^y bsve
-nee OB the sia^. but lo
given evidence
pleadlnga fronTltae
fronTihe Ups
U|>a of
to Ibe pleadings
little Mstle
Marie as sbe ml
might give them
were abe here.
hi ctaarglng the ton. Judge Mayae
l«l thenar to tbcni to ancU a (elr

Ibey ww ha cartM to, (be athool .
grooBda (rse of chai*a sataasebile the Fbrd AMo cwmoBay baa deaated wad win be la charge of wni
AadcfsoB. Jr., who will meet all (he
ualiia. SeTaralaateawiaieswiUareM.
(ire trnlas aad carry aU oU aHilara to
tbe achecd groBBda free oT cfaBige.
Ten. toEee. awr and pleMy of ar
leaatB water wUI be tree to all




way to the eilcgalloaa of both al^
of the case. He described tuanalaui»ler aa one apecles of li^mlcUe aad csplained to (bem the difference be­
tween uunalangtatcr and mnnler. Hr
imlmeO out to (bem the duties of |iarenls to their ebIMren and Instnirtcd
tbem as Jurors to feel (bar Ibey are
the sole judges in Uiis case as to tbe
laris BS they have been presented.
He Impressed on tbclr minds very
rleariy that be eonid merely Insirorl
them as to the law aad that (bey mu»|
not take Into toasldoratloa anylblng.
be bad said except that. He loM tbem'
of tbe testimony as given by the wliaessei tor both sides as ttaay bad
been oa the sund. tbelr appeanuire.
and to judge whether la their Judg-1|
nreat the witnesses were’ expert or
oUicrwise. He made It plain to them
tbal Ihe law caanot compel rOspMdents to go on the stand in tbelr gsra
dcrenae. but (bat they coUld If they
HO desired, and the fact that the) did
In this emu-. Is a fact that tbclr (cBlimony should be considered the sanw'
a« eny other testimony In the case. If
It appears reasonable and Ih lu tbelr
judgment tbe truth. Tbry must gohktder nil tbe teaUmony before arriving
at a cooclusioD or verdict. Tbero U
no direct evidence. 90 sworn statcment as to how these burns fn
about eiceiM (be sutemeBt «f Lai
Witte, but (be very fact Hut ibere
was a^roaer's Inquest is not (0 l>e
slijered fay tbe Jury as guUt^ He
did them (bat they could
And (be defendanu guilty of man­
slaughter of (bey believed laura
WMte'a testliuony. because sbe
It Ihe burns wel-e acvldeiilBl. If they find lltat lautn Witte
did idace the child 'in a dangereus pu
union with the Inlenlkin of InfHMlng
burn*, hbe Is guMlv by bflug the
r of the bunis. and then if Ibey
she neclecled Ihe child, vile Is
Blvo guilty of crlniinsl negleri. "If yon
(Inti (be revpondentH guilty of an>ibing it must be nmnnlsugUter or av
sauH an;l battery, and If guilty...... ..
be beeansc yon found It so from the
evidence" Judge .Marne told rUe
Jury (hal If for out- tiioiurm In- Iklieved that lliey would c>en <-onvldrf
reodcring a verdict whieb they
tboagbl would be to the liking of the
people of the remmuntty who have
watched (hit ease fratu the Man. he
would discharge them ni oner Uut
}I .l>elii-ve Ibis, he has cotifldrnee In them snd Jhai eqnfldvnce U
the fan that ihe) know i
l>coi>lc eX|>^t them to do tbelr di
Jurors and Auieriean clltrcns.
I was I:M:> when he had re
pleted snd he insirurted Ibe Jury
dinner before eonslilerlnB

r tbe head with t stick, and
she came back up aUlra to die. Sbe
Ml lo (he Soo^dead btAlad the
that sbe is supposed to bare
behind when tba boras s'ere ana.
An oatllne of (be srgume
gfrea by the lawyers Is hardly
at this time, aad It wonld be
qolta imponstble to describe them
given by (be auomeys in batUiiut
ellber (or the verdict of guilty by (be
liroaeciitlon. and for a verdict of not
gnllly by Ihe derense.
r. I'mlor's pica for his client
quile as strong as Mr. Pratt's for
proscculloo. It entailed
points as to bos- (be nine girl bed
the bums by standing
hind the store and bow the ptrenu
had doae all they knew of In the way
of medical treatment lo reU^re iba
■iiBeriiigs. Tliey had not called n. doc­
tor. Bsl.l .Mr, I'lulor. but there
crime ill that. Many peopia do not
doctor for trlrlal
lalnod by
b the cblldran'trom day to
day. Ilo
bese people had bean acensed by the people, and Ibe atepluolber. in particular, of coRimlttlng
crime (bat no human being exceiu a
Bend could be guilty of. that of bold­
ing n Utile child on a stove that It
might suBer burna. He jnlntui]
tbe fart (bat If she had done this,
and there la nothing to prove that she
did, she would not have hurried to the
drug store to procure oils, absorbent
cotton and such other remedies
been sbowa In'tbe testlwmy sbe did
Mr. VDderwood Mlowed this morn.
Ing with tbe second plea for the de~!nae. Jle said that (Be chai
blank one. that thr PeopU had prose­
cuted these taro people for eight bften
days to And aoibing more
the child died from a duodenal ulcer. Intcraating Evants Will be Provided
lor Csla Tima at School
on her body were found
bnrpa and a few minor breiaes.
Underwood aald that there U no aimoa tbe records la tbe
Of Mk-blgan. that of arcaslag paraati
of tnansUagbtar becaase they failed
day for Travers* City a^a
gc( a doctor for tbclr child when long to be rwmembered. Every/cil* waa burned. Tbe people bare fsee la asked to lend a helping hand
w-altod :.OPO yearn lOr this charge, he sad give tbe nurd)- old ptonecra 'the
sa>M. aod now that they had brought time of their Uvea. Traverse City U
It. they bad arored aothlag. He eaM noted for Its bospliallty. Do act let
that U ft
anytklag binder aay ciUten of the
doctor U Bot callad. aad a eUM dies
0 tnra oni and give the «U
tiers tbe wcloome head.
trom boras, parcais are brongbt
coon tor maaslanghter of tbacktaUd.
Several Inierestlag evenu wiu be
then it U daagenMis to live, dan­ I the program.' Tbe amomoblie pa­
rade that Caerge Raff sad Balpb Aagerous to brlac np a family,
people acted lo good' faith, they dersoa are ptaaalBg. with a hnndrtd
ire automobiles, -to llae oa West.
thought they were dolag ell they
conid. aod tbere-ls oo evidence to Elchib street at 3:»0 p. m for tbe oM
prove (bat ibey dMan do all they. neltlen will be a alght worth aeelsg
ceuM except eaU a doctor, aad wren' Tbe toot ree* between two om piw
(bat came to Traverse CHv In
the docton. laid Mr. t^aderwood.




Hie Itaverse Oty Slate Bank
At. Traverse City. Hkblgan. at tbo close of buslaess Jviw Klh, 1112. M
called tor by the Commissioner ©r ^tanking Depariment;

Uonds. ubngages'aad Securities.

■Ternium iiald oa boada......... ...;
ttxiWM^lntmM ay toxes paid'
BsnkJiig house












I C3Z.«S9.(«


Savings ilriiqslu ;)iM>k areouuUl


iltll.- i«)a«do ....................................
Tui»: .


sute of .'llrhlgnn. t ..uiii> of Grand Trereree-aa.
I. A. J MuMUir.l, (Jishlar of the alnive naiticd l«ak.
swear that (lie sU»e slnieiuenl U (rue to the bmu Of my knowledge and
bellaf hill .■orriHily rt'pr-M.<(its the true stole of Gw several loaUcrs
Uicrcio euDialuiil. as sbowa by.-the boohs of the bank.



The ^mieable''
Tbe best Ran^e made to­
day: the Range that
cooks perfectb'. bakes
perfectly and is econom­
ical in fuel: the Range
that lasts a life-time.
For the next 15 days we
wni giveabsolutely tr««
with each "Malleable"___ __ _
sold a set of cooking
' tmmmm
utensUs worth $7.50
Come in and take ad- i-ilLu i'lAsciKMmtacNo
vantage of this special offer.





Yolj;, Madame


% ;rhe Power
th^ •01 HO I

)n Uke Arfadlr of Uftoaera' un Vlaiga tad Ha^ ScoaeU
bat been worth tboosaada or dollars in'
the atate, by attractllic'lo the latoi-’'"' »'«' *» »« ««•" •»«•' «

tatloa >«<»« ptople .bo dealre ,o ««“« hall. Wedaetoay eveolas. Joaej itor .acatJoa. Cttrl I. rtadyla* e»thelf Urea la worfcipe for tb.< >»• * Prufraiu will be *lreo mad a hiotorta* « the JI. A. C, tad lUlph
good of haioanlt.r.
fDotttiae tt, hw^ J« All..,
dea^la Cbfcum.
It U the iBtalhia of the offli-uw' The Ladles' Aid eotlety oierta tbttl **“
Jubnaloa returned »ladd to the course aa aooa at It la week Tburediy »Uh Mra. Sell Muaio.
“ Suiioaa Bay eith
^cetBarr tS keep «p wiifa the de-|
ruure. —
-nt nurac
KItcb tbe-student
imrM* are oqtn! I» #

tbow,Blvui IB U« *err
..w..,. or ---------------------------- ..
willUoi.l.urt JBBe
the larger ritlea and
MIta Kttaori
reeolU alooe the coorae waa eMote Mr*. 8. M. Perry arw the pruad parto worklac ll
Ilfhed have been ererythlBR thar chi' euta of a Aaby bo.r. torn TbnraiUy. .
,«ni"d ftaplda for ihe pan wlaier rv
odrieeta of the laallimiea expected.

brolbcr, 11. U flow.
Ittild Wolf
Bk Uke. Juae !>.—Mra. Jcsale outer?’.
Flye or Dellalre rltlced at Wllltan,
Mm. "Cbuni- Went tod
Cay'a a tew days tan week.
three etalldrcn of Kalkaska spent Sonday with (he lady's brother. Cbaa.
OllTc Oobaou of Traverae Cit.
-vlaibag frtenda la the atlghborbool. Ageraon.
Uoni. Saturday, jime K-. Ik>:. lo Mr.
Bbe aaMstod with the oiualr duHiig
andMrs. I<wlt McDcnoout a boy.
camueotoment wc«k ip KIk Baplda
Miaa Wiinta VluUHi apeut Sunday
Mrs. Violet Doaring ca.ue tivoi IKwith relktives here, returalDg id Trav
ircjK Tucoday tu spcod (be auun
»e fUrllloeda}-.
with relatlvee.
8. M, Ferry bar the roiinty ageav)
a. Skelctwr u>.b • wur li.
Mra. T. J, farui of Traverae a|i
plewlr---------r a^^'ltan driaklug founUln.
E uwDocr. afU-r Buaday with her huabaud uu
Mra. Tboaiaa yvUBR of featral Lake
<CoB(iDa«d ri«A> page OM.I

dlplooiaa vere
a Tirlior here Uat week, be r*>ntM IB btlH able t» altfad tbe the indnaiBa tj H. C. Ua\ia. Uaal;
Mra. ■^-Ullam MorrlMK apeat Satturned Friday, uklng .Master Uauci
' wyibSi Md BBcteadB td«M witb <>r Um orcbeare mod the
with her. Mra. W.' J. Ayers and
. hr Rev. DeUBB Coe
•: dOierB who au
in i
Aaguat Dei'raaaaa and daugb' HM of workTriicy
^They wtre
vtrc bBb
Ibo urged «wel»eo. ler.vMarie end Mr*. Joha Morrima
Enda HuM fee Rich «lrl.
« BBhacrihe ler (ha proiesaloBal.loarThan,w^ recelTad dlplotBBs were: retaroed FVMay (rou a wcolfa vlalt
. .ea the bunt for a rich wiic .
halt BBd lo erery way keep la touch Jadllb Evbbb
when ^h<- itoa
■ «'o'uan
wRb the worfc Ib‘ aU
Clala Haucl retameef Friday Iroai
m-rvi-i leH in a bricht brain and
, M. Ubr. Alice A SiuKh. Mabel Cow- Alma cedtega
(eniprr . Her |■e8r|I■bloonl ctmipl
« .^rata waa (
Mra. Albert tlaror la reported na aad'nihy lips rmuli froui h.-r
:a liut will pro«e <
Raining alnve bee op-ralloa at
liolIrrUian to a aln-et e%»d, Ailbor. She exi>crta to toiuc huuH- in
aaraea la their ratare woHt, both pn>-j^\*
wbaclu hrada
- If l( don't. '.More
^ fawakmal and otherwise. At the con- *0(1
on now." aa>N the lile. harab luloeial twin weeks.
- ctuatoa Mra. Switaar yava the FTor- Idlla (o bow-el <xmt>'aUon and auSerWalter aad Jeeali- rlailc<i at
eaco Klghteagale pMie to Ue
ing fotlowa. Dr. KInc'a .Ve« IJIe PIIU tbe iMsen botue Uat week.
tion. Iiai-kaehe. headache,
.. .______
promote, Kverj
beri or the daaa wblca eaibodles the don't bnlldore- the iKroelx They geuA number from here atteuded (h • dixxy a|«lla . they
Itlr l•er>‘atde-th■•nl to Halit erilon. ami
lere they
•hev are womaaV favorlle
Boia Uaea whicb the aoeceaMol
1 bealtb tollowt. SZ cIh.. kt aU dnixgtau fOminniH--ment exemeut at KIV Us- edy. If weak or aidllBK liy them.
aaat follow.
pida Uat Tburaday. A elaaa of SI. at all drugglata ot Traverse flo,
or Tnverae City.


■ B. e SoSield went to (^ei{
a Btthrdar (to a ahut ^ ' |
Mra. D. a
.. _________ _
Tihtotto CHy.
Mr. aod Hta. Bmory Roae har.
cnctsd a ten aear Mn. F. S. iruto'
ahd wn letoaih la
baUtti or (he hew emiUotoe.
Mlat Uniu SaraalB U Kewadia I

. Saaaer Oiala tt chterttlalag h
blether, who U a retertaary aargec
la a weateta coWce.
MUa Thelaa Hin waa hoetua to
aamber ot Uttle slrtt laat Friday •
teraooo la boiwr of her alaih b^tbeale.rahie time
Upeat by an the little Ml
Mabrl Hlpl.-> of UeatokKia tt' Mlaa Vera \Taloa rtol'ed at Ok OaodsbUrtood. pld. ttto we,^ lor lew day,.

111 Lr'i'hr^^—
or fttrattblnB BeimliBe'^.r. to- ih..'
Of itoattWa.

Cannot Afford to Tako Chances
Your bread and pas- . instating upon Cres•try are responsible to cent flour, the brand
pour flour for their that is euaranteed by
quality, and you can- us to makegood bread
not afford to be in and pastry. It costs no
doubt regarding Us more t<faan ordinary
flour, and it will give
Buying pood flour you extraordinary prodiesn’t necessarily tection.
mean that you must Try one sack and see
pay a, higher price<^ foryourselfwhatnearly
but rather that you see a half century of millto it that you get your ing experience has acmoney’s worth.
complished for particYou can do this by lilar housewives.
Your grocerhqa Crescent Fhar

Umu, I----- , ,

) I
Thia U Che aerewUi year that .die *
tnlhlag lehool baa bach eoadhctad |bb<I it lua mivwa lo to a hiaat awccaaa. tlje Biaiiy Rrpdaau* vbe>ar- ,
Bnlah«d their watfc had cone can ttto
:lhe world bare ntti with exceUeai
•hooeiB. «ke Mhiprfty of the sradr
w> lo Mber aeoaeU to receird adfto irrtaM it UrhAl ui
ditlocal-Uhlaias U the cere ot dlaehaea which are aot met with at the
aa the rare or cbOdren ^ coatadoua diaeaaea. The
pertanca tbeae aamca recelrc la ibej
care or moeui diaeaaea u a woader- r
,i .n
ful help lo theai la their future ca-V large* la the htotory ot th.: «-h«dl
The state taaa dooe a *ru:j
*rtdnati< Floria.v RlUto of thM
B-ui-k throhhb this aidiool I: a.
b.M ~

voiOT auixiNam, qbano rapids


was held at the home ot Mr. and Mr;^
Andrwc Gilmore Boaday. Mrs. Lst; man ot U>a Angelea. Cal, was p^eooii
I- The Ladiea' Aid of the M. E. chorth
waa held at Mra. T. £. Browa's Urt
Mra. MllW. of Trarerie City la
koeplag house lor Ijtwreace Carroll.
Mra. Welt of Trarerae ITty la worklag for Mra. Aadrew CamdI.
Miaaca Clara Wright aad Thelma
Welt are rlaltlag
for a few daya.

Mf,. c...

dauagv to iboae aonb and-West ef us. euylag wHh Mr. aad bira: White la
just gave am a little rale aad ball.
tbe abaeoee of ber mother who la la
Bora te Mr. and Mra. Alhett WhH Albion TlalUag ber aoaa.
•n Friday p n... a girL
A. K. BelUagcr sad wife, daughter
Mr. and Mra. M'm. Core rlsited a: ntoo and crand daaginer pawed
their daughler'a. Mrs. Fi
.through Soloa Monday oa th*r y«urday.

Jeiclng over the arrival of
boy. born Hoaday.
M-. O. Mckerman
a*et.-r j Ch
dm e«ly
CEBAR, R. F. D. Na E
Mesebani apeat Sunday
Traveree toUto the e
Cedar, R. F. D. No. E June !».Adam Pager baa moved hla saw mill
Strawberries are commeoelag to aad engines to George
ripen and Hbm promlet- a Wg yield. where he hes eeveral weeks sawing.
nd teealis Riba.
ler a (rtgbllul loagbing wpelL a
.Adam Slater la workiag for Adt:u
Mra. Aoicine and famlL' nnd Mr.
la .Veenah. LVia. felt lenlblPages at Uiagham.
aud Mra AmtabneUer each gave
pataa la bis side aad bb dm tor feud
Master Trarnaa lleirHcb of Traverae peny SaianUy evening.
two riba had beea broLea. Whai ammy
City la vialUag coiisiBs at Soloa SuDr. KlH'a .Sew Uiacove.-7 wosM l||Ve
Tbe goverwmeat hni thought beat
change the earriera of tbe R F. D.
a late mgh. wUtt**pmS«tot^'The MlaiKW Josephine aad. I
Frank Bags! Is now oa rante
rovo obstlU|e roa«ha. expels atnlr
llalvemoB were Traverse City
whUe^tyke Odol la dellrcrlng'mat) bora («U« or b«^ weak, sore luaga.
"I feel sM
■tv.write* Mrs E^IBenon, ('oIbb.Mra. Fnuk
the clone of Sunday school Sun Ma. Mo,
-for I believe I woald.tore
Hs elatto, Mra. funpIniAein last Wed- day Moan Catelen. rrad a am
conaaiuiatoD today if I had dm aae-<
I which was esjoyed and will be tvo1. reiued, - Its suarasteril
Tbe severe bail and rain and wind clnued until turtber nouee.
orm of taturday . which did po an>eh| Gladys Denamore of Maple flty la


Traversie City Cigar Manufacturers

Factory 322 S. Union
axanoM an-ir.

wufn PEvmi

The Cgar of QaaBty

“Howard” Carl M
hy mU dealers

5 ccacb Bdit«aeie9

WHl S!S£
Ggar Factory
Bke Bett I


fMver UdWT Staer

Ih the ettg wad la Northtoa hHehlsaa.
aad tor akin la dealgalag box covora.
and BM»4aU work bd bat mgautaature ara aBexcoUed. Let m flture M
goar work it gou are aK bayhii e( ad
■aw, aad be eaUafled. wph seoret ot
dthtou who are uaUg oto dm haiaa.

Now «■ Sale

f Some Smoke ”


Ike New Se Cl«ar
' R. A. HeellwMlcI, Mfr.


Ctt.rtQaE 474
FMleey. fii E. talk SL

Smoke the slricdy

p. h;

Havana agars

Uaioo Valor [ Cigars
SUrUag, - 10c Ggart

the best 5c cigar tnade

AMeol eMee, cmtally scleelcd Vavaaa

Thps. Fitch, Prop.

Try one for your
next smoke ..



: 203N.Ce«krSL

taverse cny» Mick.
M.Cpt Smubr. m»Mm Im
dW^mmbdnc bgTSCrko

Skvy Nao 11



StnlflM ten


$ ccals



Ths qualltg •( a cigar diRtoda «rwi the price paM fee matartai a— the
eapMw thtotod H> maaetadarhvft eaiiinp aii<dl«*Md«Hna«l
dldUMMa thd tha. eapeiiM ef a maa ei«apdd In laaiwtadhtriaa a dpdr
In a ettg ef this dlaR vahdra ha, yssrim frem dagUpht entli dertt te YM Md
pueda madt ap far aalta hara and there la the evualite end thdh biea bhateW te hdd tohee the hip factoty—.aer le te tea tarared deh. topeteUal rteh
dance anjegtef tha praeaadi to htt-meehiaa mt totem Rdp. Md ette ready
ta hi In hla cipar makinp aarig nod meralnp,
—teHM niMatee^
le n atraa^ te geur teem, tt gato Isael temteaet tetaratoa a— eastei fatteenhlp. ^a tohae d neiatOto. a telMr haattiMa maa and meritto Md
^ly • paniclpam etd denatar te ymoe eiria— aeeiai tenetitote freierid

The Bed lOc Ggar
■ . made in

Trav« Civ

Peter Hormolh

**800 of .
Tbe Woods”
Drag One.
11m Bnt 5c CI(W la

212 V. M 9l Tam. Or


Gate Poit—lOc
finidtoot Havanas-5c
~ ;F. K. Smoken—5c
Tiayene Bdle- 5c


Belter Teawrrow
nasT BUN
w. o. w.
5e win dva goo solid eeadtot od »
tiefaeUM-vUi bare right aad tMta
right aad wiu spread afaawd jva that
ddt ddighcfBl aroma at Hanm (Mt
aaly tnm ttavana dgara femtm.

M. Rabinovltcli
4M B.



oiln> Tuvun BBUui. iinj Tuvm-uT iAii». nan>AT, ran a Ini



For niree Days, TIluisaay, Friday, Saturday,
JUNE 27,28 and 29
A Wonderful Money\Saving Opportunity ...
^ Something for Everybody
. . . . ^

••"""" '
----------—------------ ^
We are going: to offer the last three"days of June a regular Bargain Feast. We know of
nb time in this store’s history when, we have offered our patrons so diversified a list of
attractive values as we are offering for this. June End Sale.

In putUns out this list of bargains, the thought of cost or worth of the .nterchanillse Is not considered, the one
central thought is- - make it cheap enough to appeal to the people~and when you read the list, then see the merchandise,
we Mieve you will agree with us that Ifs a great money saving opportunity.
Remember this is not an odd lot of cheap
trMhy stuff gotten together for this sale, but Items taken from our regular slock and marked especially low for these three
All these items may not appeal to you, but those that interest you we know you can not resist.
There are about one hundred jtems, get your share. >

KeadyJo-Wear Deparimeot
tTML'ycmi eS tba nniunta quoted bdow are the best the mar-'
ket affords, beoavw the price it lo«r do not think they are old or
OBt pf data, bst ratbar realise that we otut dispoee of thmelTOW.'
OoaU in the lateet models,- _ ehufMUe UffeUi,
---------------------------------Uffat mlxtnm
Blxtnm and
ud itr^
itripaa, the. Toy best udags etstcni markats affoed, fonner. price $27.50, Jtme.Snd Bale...... «...$18.00
Black Batin Ooiita, mixtares and plain materials. Bvery ganneBlu
exelMlve fermw price $te.0Q, June IndBala............... $10.00
Ooati BP to #16.00, $8.60, np to $10.00 for.............................. $5D0
Skirts in hteefc, Uae, and fancy mixtarea, thtaoydn rare Talnat.
June Bad Bala ...............................................
Bramw in fla^ Panamas aad OhaUie and Pongoe, June Bnd
$■■>$ fer Baits

Idaek tad wUtt amgea, ftti^ nsixt«res,''aa*''

u U.1, u
idl F»d iiUtMl'?™
**“ Bale ...........................................................................#6.00
veiy beat of

Dress Goods Department
One of the best deparune&u in the sute. ExcepUosal values
always prevail. These are a.few bargains that you casnot sfford to
Oar emnplete line of colored wash goods that Kdd at 12e per yard,
tar theae three days. Jane End Bale ................................. lOc
One let of White Wash Goods, dotted Uwne. embroidered voiles.
dimltisa. etc. Goods that retail from 2Se to jOc yard, three
days Jnae Bnd Bale Price................................20 per cent less
Bordered Lawns in brown, pink, blue. Uaek and white. Selling
everywhere at, per yard 2de. for throe days, June End Bale
pdoe .............................
Coloied Seemicker, good line of colors. regnUr, 10c valne, for three
days June End Bale Price...........
A few pieces of Tissae (Hngfaams in plaids. exccUeat qualities.
Have retailed a*^i^ a» «0w-per yard. For throe days Jane
BBdSQe. per yd..................................................................... ig*

Underweiir, Sweaters, Etc.
This department bu brought out some most interesting specials
There is something you can use here.

DomesUc Department


We havt gir«B yon a la^ Dri of valaes from this department
beea«M me bebave this department ^ipeals to everybody and there
are sonly items here that eveiybody needs.
$1.50, 78 in fine BlpaAed TaUe Damask, exceUent range of patare^e satee u we have always had at $1A0.

An extrsordinary bargain in Ladies Hi^ and.T Nick Sweaters in
all colors, oxford, cardinal, navy and white. We consider these
exceptional values at $850 and $2.69, but for onr June Bnd Sals
we oiler them, for three days at ................................ :. . $218

AUnO0^^A» and $1.76 beet grade of Bl^M Damask, some
♦ery Mnnttfol-qnaUtteB and patterns in this lot. For throe
Atys. P«r yd. ..................................................................... $156
00c Ben$r^'(Merod iWnatk-ttin, bine and red, guaranteed fast
, o^^good pattene, regular price 50c yA For three days,
• 13>^ all Lina'Orush. 17 in. wide, both bleached and unbleached,
a very fine crash. For throe days..................................... «Vic
Vary bett gnda Apnm Ohaek Oiuhams, full line of patterns, absdetdy last caters. For ^rde days, per yd. ....,.......... 7c
U^'Bi^^ Sunken Percales, cloth is ihmnkn before print­
ing. guvaaWed lattxotetu. Fw thro^ dayit par yd.........lie
$8.00 Bod breads, oxc^t qnaU^ satin spreads, full sue, riA
showy patteRU. Fbr three days ................................ :..$2.10
$2.50 Bed Spreat^m of the best spreads we have ever seen foithemonv. Foil tise. good patterns. For three days... .$1.79
$1.5PBiim^ very lew spreads as good as this one ara scU at
^.$0. Wo olar.tbem for three days at.................. ....... $159

All sizes 36 to 44. Don't miss this bargain.
$8.75 Sweaters, one lot of .these, size 3£ to 42, colors orforA cardi­
nal and white. Jane Bnd Sale, tor three days
.. .. $2.89
^.00 siawl Sweaters, all new s^les Mps season, exceptional
, values. .June Bn^Sala, for three days.............................. $459
Obildreu's Sweaters, onr regular $1.69 line, with high neck and
$1,80 line with V neck, June Bad Bale, high neck $152, V.
neck $158.
high as $8 or $6, to close
All Children's Bompera. former price 89e, for t^ days .. 49c


Bleat^ed Ooten. extra valoe at lOe yd., many stores get 11c for
the^oott^ For throe days ................... ....................gc
Dust^ fldor Mo^ the mote ideal article for hardwwd floori
IDmtA aroand. Tugs, also Unoteums. Theae are the regular
gwtttead kind Mil at $0c each. For three days.
QaaaniteOd DosUees Dosten an extra fine article rteulariy edls
at $(iec Tat tjuoe days ..................................................... Sic
Oottan PlanMl Broom Ooven, }nst the tUng tar dotting walls aad
QoBteBS. I8e vttna. for,thm days ................................... lOc

15% Discount on Parasols, and we are showing a Iteautiful line—just the thing for summer—full line of col­
ors. June Sale price for three
days —.................................... —15 per ccBt less

“***“**’ ^


^ SfciriuS-s/s:
$27 lor $20.fe*: $30 for $21.98.

$36 Wilton Engs, and there are aqae better at the price. June
Bnd Bale .....................................................
$40 foi $32.98, $86 for *4150.
An other floor siae rags marked correnoodiagly tow.
•One dm. jugs made from borders of •brustelt carpet, worth np to
$5. choice while they lt«
;..................................... $1^
2 piMM of _ Linoleum, good paUerua. quality is 0\I. Jaae Bad
' **™AI^OOhuiKiTSES AT
Bsmmccki—These ttirec dsys will be the time te buy hammocks. The line is con^ete and vulnes are gO(nf June
13.00 values $2.26, $250 valaes $1.75.
Velvet Stair Carpet in green, red and brown, $l.Oo vufaie Jnaa
ind Bale price, for three days, per yd ....................... 6Tc
26 per cent discount on all Lace Cnrtaina. One of the largctt aad
best lines in the country to choose from. June
fhie price,
tor tiro d.,1.....................................................» po- o«t!«,

Shirt Waist Department
This is a nry atiW dqaruint -itli m atui a, nhia n, C
speaal ment. Look them over.
Mw^ Waista, jurt in thb season, nice tor every
^y wear and worlf use. regular price $156.

“£ si ■?s*j:s.s:~~.53F2

Ladles' Lisle Vests in la^e siset, 7-8-9, regular 60c valn< also
Bapho VesU (no straps over ihonlders) sizat 4-8-6. Choice of
these for three days .............................................................26:
An odd lot of Undeiwear in vests and corset covert, regular SOc
values. June End Sale price for three days...................... 39c
Ladies' Union Suite in cuff and umbrella knecalwayt told at 26c
the suit. June Bnd Bale, for three days...................
t>ne lot of Children’s Hose regnlar 10c quality.........
Children Colored Hose, pink, bine. Ian.' Uvender. yeUov.-. g?len
Eegular 2Sc vttuet. This is extraordinary valne

a im 'ngolir IBc Chambruya and
ngg ]!» .r nattma
mi oolen. Per three days ......... ..................... *^isy,c

Carpet Department

Every itmn listed in this departmeal is below vulae. Baa e$a
. pick any one ol them anB know yon are getting a bargatn.
$26 Velvet Rugs, size 9x12, good patterns and no better rugs -are
told for $28. June Bnd Bale ...................................... $18 96
$16 Bruatelt Engs, ec«ie apleadid fine pattens aad eotert. June
Bod BrJe >.............................................

Black Pelticoals contorminj! to the lopular flyle. A
good batgain at 60c. OBered during June
Sale for three days...... ................................................ 4Sc

Notion Department



Oworianlly greets those
' ' M^coraefirsL .

Traverse Gly's Best Store

Many lots are limited because they
are small Nothing reserved tafnle
the quantities l^l.




r •».

t h*T« fMT M <

fWtt and MfoUtlM^af Um
* HmW yMAt>«lk* MMhMlt
• Cll*I
I «tH tiy MMT to wvry «r
I tm afeMl aarthlatI wtll try ta ba aa bawy aa
* aaa aa« maka aaatybady haaa
♦ aafaraa
t will try to ba tovia^ hatyfal



▼«»-• Pr-M«et tUak. .ha hu ^-b
Yoar Mttoa ai* roar vUMa wiu bar.
Jou kaov, and lAe jiM tovra to ba ;o ‘
>ou --talk ibloo oT»r~ with bar.


Tba Btat tbrn Mlar* tbu vaak
bar a^ -bpla-... paaaad
bl«H. W,,. , wtt, ba ,Ud abad wa
can bava froil «c«la. I hava mi bad
maiir aMklaa Ibla wlalar. W« aiada
awna ka craara rcatarday. Wa mil up ,o„t .

:S «.>. a Nakaw. W.„y
• an ooi priotod, romaa Iron Ebla
D~P«. A»« Ha*..
• NaUoii of Oamidi. kiu-i.^ a F. U. Nu. ■bd Hatoe HIrt.
Bdltb Drapar. Travataa riiy, MI<b.
• 1- GUia la aacrMary of tba Braneb
5. vlahaa to Im roaatad
• ••«•»««♦••«••♦«♦ (»o oaw aanaa. 8b«roiaa Robaruoa .
She wrUaa tbu


- “n
ovary Hvlaf tbla*.
N I avar fail la tiytog to da
thoaa Ihlagb I will >try, try

-Lr —- “ trr:“

RraaMooto-Mlaa Clara Batoa.
Masida Ad ktoodlaVNlaawaadw. of
nw Vlea Braaldato Mra. Mabal CopdBlafa. tall aboel th^ Clark BahonI
■pfeaa WlUlaaw.
Sudablaa CInb wbMi baa bald awatlan
aU tha yaor. Tba flm poain oa
Ptmmv ■WMda.
k A. I. our fiunblu pan waa tba SuoniM
aoDi MU at lhair laat matldc.

». .m » mi. u,

ba (valva
tha ibird of Jdly. I aalatarata


IWIalra. Mirh.. R. F. d. Xo. t
al-ya-tave * ->^ol«rr
J"oa li. isij.
blitbday l. ibe-iaeib of Julr.
Pmldant«• * >l“»r ovar two yuara oldar
*“ •**
T'“ ‘'JITIr*/'*"*
' *“’• •
to nM t"- ^
»“ Pi~»o oni m lha' ednta
" *»*“« > b»va


IWI.., w>


u.. ««.: 1“




maci a*

r ,-v.

esid twpar >inllIn*pan pnt tba naat bark wbafa !i •“» 'liar Bama t« Mr«. goalL liui
or> It would hatrh iiDdlBturt»d I H * bar aiaia. my hoy. thai laya -Bo».
ha«» two
*** nmat ror
for Iba^
tba Crpdft Rai.
Hull. Whica!WbUrV Rha
Rba bai
baa b.^
In-aa loo tHuy ui«>
--------- -----------yookar. a*a tafS^«, |.»u; 1y
1y batrbioa
batrbla* bar
bar cbk^j
cblrka to aay »»y.
AnKild. a*a th‘r IV iLliUa Cbarlaa i« 'blur Roi wbo rm baca ba^ rrual
b^tar. an 'tmia foul I. our aOou*h to braok bar wlu«? la^c
"*^'*‘*»"*‘ ‘‘"•bl
brother^ taalla aud «>a.
JobonK bare Int tba^^,
Tbay w«lkad brbklT
pii*,^ ,«>d ibaoi aarb .
aatil al-

s™. ,.,mm

i ,i„

If you wUh u> lUfi a NaUbbotbood
Jobnon. a«a tea; CarroH Caba
than to toy broibara.
Saaablaa Ctab. bacaasa tha la ac to- "**■ “*•
W« «•“:
Your Bubthlna sirl.
lartaiad to what you do.
Tbtyar. ajn alx:> Jaaaia \VUV ednaTookar.
Eatbar R. PartBar.
Bb* baa tow you that our H..T. F.
•=< »>ntf. a*a
Baaditoa X'lab U a Bturta Ctob tf l**>''*Dacalar, ^Irh.
Sutton Bay. Mlrh.. R. F. D. Ko. I.
Ib* totaruttloual Bouthtoa Badalr.
»oun t™i>.
Jan* 6. lai:.
Tbe ecbar day wbao abe recmnd bar
Orarta Ottotou. _
- May *1. i»i:
fitinatifnr Bullatia iba iDoaihly aiaia''Tratr Prcaldaut—
dn* pubUabad by the Me BodaiT: .
CopamBb. Mlata.
. ‘ •“ *»*“* »« *Tlta you and tha ,_|
Qracfa Seaaoa. Ballatra. Mlclu R, what uboutd tba Bud tmon* tb. rJooa I, i»li. 8«««bl«« » ta* iiuat. a. 1 h.y, «>• «
« tbotifb-

wuBwar Bf MiMira eawaa<a« van*
1. Tttt>U»
. -------------- ^------WMiiiiar ar mmm m ttia Cradla
lla«„duaa 1. WII. W*.

‘ ■'
--------- ;
.r.~.1 i»i.r>0-1...-m.1...-r..

. . ... -— —
|VIU >11 OHIIVI oMieiHo out (uai
Howard Ooff. Mym OoB. aad Ball <«r own H. V. F. Bunbliw Club.'And
P»d»./Eni.lw, UM.
by Uratoa OaTl*.

' *

Kul. M.I lor. ml «rl. I. WU ..Id t. I» il, P-*-



ursoat Junior Bnurb la the world!

________ _
Stortalr BUppy Md OooaM Fllktoa. .bout bow to make eue Braock Onb.
I. happier and

Nhcwa aaot by Praadt Bkllltaao.


The ’other day .he ranih trroaa

<m Joh^. Carroll Cabanli. Unto a doMrlpUon
trarb UoA Tbayar. aod Jeaala WU- nub - ,i„,
KaorawaMt by Oroef. Duatoa.

»o« H'»»e iwtid me

We hare one cow, aad two ’

of aa
“Obtarvatl.m «•»“ihoufhi would Bi rtoht

, Uaow. Ballalm. Mieb.. R. F. a .So. J. m to pnr Bdnahtoa work.

It was writ-



«> >»•*'* »*o cau which are

“« .‘o


“le tevemU *nde n.-x-

! will clone


^ Morttotoru. aad


wpopc. ,ni



' “'r"
Tbaaa atay give wondorlng why i taiveii
t wHiteo
r«at tbe
benantof tbelr know-


'“"i'’<«■'' I-' - -ar. >«-





Winn Mum Bawdlay. age ooe taport what baa been aeen by warh •u'lal all laat winter and I had lu .....
. toOBth. Klk RaptdA Mleh. R. P. O. ap^riallat, Imk the work of tba cluh om of acbnol mom nr the time, wo yce.


XOb 1. Naaia aaai by 14* fnilaia.
Bora on alt the itowi. except when a aae why I could not write. Todiv In
<JrawB. Mleb,
Cbarlay tankar, age Ahra* mra; ^T'*
arr abut to aleep.
It u a nice da)'. It U watui out or d<nra
May 31. 1»l.
AnoU. age tbnw rmn. Ttav- boy baa aol tba “power to are tblbgi." My wetoool wa. out Wedoeadai. the.
ante City. kUrii. R. P. U. No. t. Naiaaa U ouBbi to iiDolile him to be ao blind OfU> af June, uv bad a good titue. Hear Prckldeni—
I thought that I would t rile amah
BMU by IBdna Toakar.
He would better krin an. OhMrrUion
there were only a few .-blldi _
er letter to you und all tbe
AaRtor flUlna, age
three' yran; Ctob at oore. ir he baa to fisra oao 'bm fraai aonw other neboDU Well

of her rtaifkt.’Tliey

alay a*, flfiaeu; Oaity

an arrowbaad ba had teat, ba lortad

tnovrd wlowly away: but to-

u »*» that na oaa wmi wai«b-


tlead of burrying oS lu Che M.pouila *«

‘h*« W upoB Bly foria.


aty totare WM ••dro^ the


a bjok« wiug-ouly I, ,... .6. right and-adtoCoB ma. aad atoto Ibaa I
rardt and bottona


lime, la-rad
toatead of tbe
the Wt.
which bad l«an ootairatchvd bmora. ““f

My .Uter'i acbool bat not let


<>«~l ■« mU.m.


Rota Kamey. age oleveii: Nina Tay­
lor. age nine: kriila Boardalay. ate

Her actloaa eeemed to aay:
wanl to eairh anybody,

In varatlon
the SMthtoe good
i know
It hu. ’"
“ Bower bed thU
^ ^ with 'when Ibe'Bowert
that. >o"
item, H-ur I'leeldem
imie ehirkene
I will write ym a few llnm berauoe
r with love.
1 warn to ne»d tou anme naman lor

Anythin* that will make t bov b«T® . long time utoce I wrate to you.

mevdingt. In order to raoal three wetdet.
- - lo bava --------------




out jeL She goet to the blind .<*«>•

X good thing. Irtta bat It aeaioed at chough could hardly
babita of aoimalt will mako a.ftwrin- Sei to write to nuy
M>- nnther
atlug, uludy. An Obaerratien ,Pl..h •»« lieen riek. She haw luwti ulrtt ul

With a whtr tha tbot a few laat to- Wralloaet to tba brtUlaat arrMdt tbal

boll I. (b. ihim |R»].. I h... „ni.
■”* “
tb- iw J * “bbl -—I- .... born . B™ .w-.
5,^,1, !.««.
tuothw one
waa bUdes. aad
!». II. w, ■bl"-<b““ Tl.,
lmll.*,b.,. . .'"b "" -U I.I.. -|« .
»«*• »
' ililt other way. 0 tbe risht. aad look “f
brtnia. The poor ta*-

*4* Oear, Altea Houtnan. Caell ly at good tor girlt. In tbU Club, bo
lorlag Snnbaatn.
Adn Vaaro *■ Btotrtca Daa- n «ald. tbe. boya promiM- to be oh the
lidlib M. Peril
Hand M. Ninwauder
ala. Bmtoa UdMl. Tlaa Klag. itoMl lookout for all nru of ibtog. lu .VtHaasard. aad Mm Bath. DMawr. tore, and Yaport the woudara obey oV
Copeaiab. Mich.
Uleta. Maaaa aaot by Boy UorttoMra. oerre ac ebair maattogs. but each bov |
June g. tsi
May 31. iMLMUa Atbar. Rttaaall Brown. Dora ha.
a rbaoce
to takaa apeclalty. One
brar Pr^toeatarbool
It r»it until next S.-pte3iDorothy Matter, Mexxaaa Ca^ ho>
like, to
watch bug. and brwtia.;
I *ni once moretry- toMj
naarnuay. rt^ luumaA imu Kiaiota. V0M1 ^rdatoy. Datay Taylor,

tofily. and tpeakin* In jrhltparm. the *»« >«u»b aad aetbtac waald ni
tuddoBly darted froin a clnrap of (amt tbaai. Tba Uttto Bowen itol craw
almoai baoeaib their feel.
oi«>u my rloat <Mld not caapare to

' HHok I

tea for boya. boc would be ]u.c etoct- *>?-

meaa lu aaruatry batRto

thaupot wbarehe hadnaea tlfuld Mra.
> »'P« Wttarly tor yaara afw 1
QuaU. She wan not ibare. but at ibav tnad 1 wat daowad to ii«w baataih
walked forward Into tba woodt Tafy tha aarfaca of tba mad. Ur tan

1 rr.nd .

tim mrnl u.,.U»r.

« boi
box. tod wa made tss
* have lott tny uuuon.

more Bimthlny all tba «“»• ^»‘U» «*lrkent. and three beuw

Then tbay wnt im^wiy

and cauilou.1. tin Floyd pototad out

, aronnd with one wing outtiretebed.

««x« U«n that day.
« l»™*raa a

We dkJ
did doc
l■ro|U»tu at all We have

i. ,1,, ,M,.t .1,.


'ba Tina, arte aa I «ai bwa.
I baloa* to a targa fa«Ry. aaaw at
»>' «t>diln. aia aa a»«n wa thai taw
Vaow wa era ralatad. Toharco tt tba
outlaw of wy Ibwliy. aad
do Ml
apaak (o It ahbotiah wa an> n-btrd.
Tban. tbara b batlaitoaua aad baabaua both bto aaaslBi. alttoucb 1 do
*Hb tbaot. JVppar at

In tba UM abera ay btad.
aod tba Mrda dM bat cara for tbe
H|*ened teedt that cam after the
a BO nlea
wUbarad. I waa daiwtaito
iiuer bare. I bava a tpoii^
>*rea( ijtin.
becaote J did aei aaa bow I wat avar
ba »t»n 4'ood
laita,- Ptoyd exrlaimad. alutoat tebeofuetoaayooa. Iwaaaa
Mr routln Roy i


■ “> "'""I"- ”

“eat at the arbool
waaka. Wa havai.

Matnaa aaat by Eltla B. Nettoa.
p. ,.Va


UUI hortm ,h. S.,-

Btort That U eooBfh i
Bicaaa. Oarra«b. Ulrb, R. F. D. Ko. proud, tout li:

nie lAkOi MIcb, K. F.

m,.™ ..

«0 to wrlta to tba Suuiblua

^------------ - ■

I <o u> Saaday ^b«rf aaar>

^ aalglttet
aB*!^. I----------------------------totoUttda. thaa
P‘“* tbat^ grown upM

“ir you

Rut wttb all toy vlriOM Ihwaa aot

I'm wound.H. and caa'i get awa>.~
llui the two intinderw kept right on
Vearrhlng. and all or oore ibr father
whieiiered: -0.1101.. my
Im>, -more


an eeny tbtog tor me to eatabllwb atonrlf In aoclely.
Preindlor waa my
aoemr for a buadrwd ymra or mare,
Peoide dooMe.1 na for geaoraitewi

aM tlbalad ■
'*«•' J"'
ouleily aa you
crawled awlftly to hte aide brinato* dlwaaoe aad death to euau.

the Sunshine tM.ih
Max. «eer, gge
P-Wl under bhi arm.
There mnollleB. aM pmd ana. who taUaHghi. Alice I lout man. ace nine- Veell *rrr three grayteb-brown Moarw to a dnrediiua to Ibefr triaoda Were wniCBd
i!uieml. age ten: Anaa Vmtoi^ age
eleviBi; llealrlee Dennte. age twelve-

eutalde ooea aad rMieuled ea my aoemnl.

Hettine t'delL age eight • Tint Klnx.
age ten: llaxel llaxurd. age tun: Myra
Raab. age eleven.
|r|eaae aeuri ih.-

bu' *»n looking etowe It


und pntoa modneed by Other tbtoga

*■“ *'
Iwween them bud a downy eue pemileaee. Mfony. waa mM lo ba
mottled llu-w wet etone lo- mined by ma.
Tha Pramth tnayta

cards and i.inw ti> me. .You naked why '^"‘rr. Aad rigbl lo tbe renter were stanod that report, but I taa^ve tbma
l» ihe
the :i«
yaara:Ualrin of a aingte neniber. and tat about It la only . ti»nih until the Fourth ,d : .My bfnb.lay will >of Juu.
^ ^^w
it i.
' n hrighi e
x.n be here
to a slcin^ It was a
n bah.................
bai.y quail,.....aoi Imporertebed tonna. In tact 1 hava
' “'" be nln- ,hev were froien oB
m.we 1^ two or three dnys old. but nrtiom tnarmnrvd. I hava goaa fnri
‘‘ '»
<•“ ' " ’
Hharper-at |da>'tog hMe and seek than ward asauagtog boagar. roaaoWaa.
by Franda Bknimn.
A Saum.toe Obnarrailoo nub would l win do yet^lbm expert l win suv
I""- rhickeow,
a boy or girl jif n ibouaand tl
Pondit nukar. age tkt«« year*; be a good plam to atudy-The blrda, at boaie. People around here are Juti
■" *«'n‘os •">» «»" «b. - Mortitnore.
berome an aa angri of merry to all
Raby niabar, age aaa ytar:
Tlaa loo.
yoitr Pmident traata to imi planting tbelr mm
Uai antnmer at
n«*ool.lei out the 24ib «f
Pita Ixike. Mir
raiia and Aiyd wai(-bed-lt for five who must sot.
QaB, agn alx yaara; Caiper Got. age W about aooe prUe* to the ahapa of tbe Ftoirth of Jui, our cm waw kne““
H. P D. N
mlnaien. hiithbe little chap did not
I have inretod miidt. A ibonaand
thraa raara;' Alblaa Clot, age vtotraa mrdala, that are to be oterad tbe bigh, and uow our» la Juat up to we
Now I win
June A
xilr a feather? All Ihis lime tbe anx- romanm might be written alwtn my
auathb Ktototey. Nleh. Na«M teal «-booI ebildrM to ihe ataia for'bird ran tea the rowa.
The wonda are
Hear Pre*id.«i_
ton* mother k^ railing aod Sutter- migrattona laws have brau inmU
by UntM Qnvte. '
atndy. Why.
Why. Rtuiabliieri.
Butabliiera, liIl la
Is torn
Juki ihe
the tooklng
tooklng beauilful
beamiful now
now an.i
ami iI lik..
like ...
I Will write you i -Iriter to.luy
me ami men bave faeae tiuwwa
moat uplendM tbtog!
be to the. w-oodw. We are going to
Floren.-e runiu
mas Bklppy. ito gto

Bhlgpr. nga Bve yaara. PUa Uke. Inamlng to are. by taking Milra of July. 1 wonder what tbe SuDahloere
Mtob. B., P. 0. No. 1. Naniaa aeat rverythtog abma him.
are kolng to b«. | do not know what

Tbara waa a IttU* girl tbay 'aay.
Net tnova jbaa atgbt yaara old;
Who .at h*r*^wtak, or at bar play
Wm ^*r baard no acoM.
Both at'^ beta*, or on tba atraei
Bba'bai a pteaMeg atyla:
Aad avprr om aba chanced ,io

A man vrho Uvea at BnglnaT. Mr. bare wr Siinabtoe .ner^nga at the
-William B. Menboo..wbo l* very- arbool bouie out to the grovf. Wr
S-.uth UoardmlB, Mich,
much totareatad to Mrda. aaM tbat-h.. have a lovely giova mw ax tbev are
« E » -So. I. Box i:..
would give medal* to tbe boy* and fixing it up. I wiA mu conid ba her-luoe A inifirli to tbe auta who wrote the beat with na aome time at our maattogs. i
eaatyt on the three foUowtog anb- will aand jou the word* oi a Sunshine
• tboughi I would write and lel
----------- ——V—• -M..n >•... .«-a>..r. uau US rog>. "
wm* resulted.


I I have tost my wing wg* not iifoken. as »-to.d « iwia into i.riHin for smaagUai am anoas
Will yOu plesne neiiA me an- had known from the Brat: It *lmpl> the hooters of aolpiras. I bar# bad.

I have some name* lor the was a pretty trick that many wild, lo bear the liniDt Of tbe dtefaTora*.
Club, They are Slnrialr Shippy. age leathered mother* employ to tore enr- ro*mln bore u aaatber. I bave beeo
seven; Donald FHkIn*. age seven, f miesawsy from their young.
forbidden to rear my bMd to many
have three name* for the Cradle Roll.
After a little time Flow! whls|>ere-« domslos Of tbe powerful. aN If I bN
They are Ashley Fllklnt. age tbre*:

Nina 8b(pp>. age six; .Melvin Shippy,.
Vainn of Song ' and
Inaectiiorotn I will now have to dote with the best Pka^-d to, aveiyuuiig hnt.trlthmeiii
age five. Will .vod please send me the
1 Eronomir Value of Birds, of good wtabea for
dear Prealdent ' ■“ *o'ak «<> Srt ma a book and
abowlng graaiadt know- and the Suoablnariw
>lew. uml then take, another eumlnii- rardt-atid buttons, and I win giv»
ledge from peraonat obaarratiou of
I am your loving Snnablner
lloo at the leacher-f examinailoa in them to Ihe children. For peta I bate
* calf named .Moii>, and a rat named
life and habita of ear common birds.
Maggie Msesl
KalkasU. The girls all passed exceni
Tbe rondUtooa are that tbe esMy*
one. She passed In what she took.
hYnm .our Sunahtoer.
but did not take cl.II mnernmenl ..r
*"“* *’*
*»n.e Incld13k Rapids, Wich, R F.
H. No
Freeda «k llmar.
®'INfaonalobmrvailon and know- ,
m.v ct
ledge mM galnad from books, ur Hear Fretideni
thing but arlibmellc\ Just us I did. I

a graatad with-a amlle.

-Oosto Join m Sasahlno Band.
Aad give to all a warm glad baad,
Aad avwrbddr amlla. iRMsatl

The children liked llieir lards sii-l P«a»wl In spelling last year, bui'look
Boate boy* aad glrti am apt to frowa. .Coune bird oasts must aol li* disturbbultops
School te out now. | win
>Tar, The trees are all
Bab Wh.te.
AN aasH Umaa avea pom
Medate are also to be given;
go inio tbe aecoad grade reading next ''a'c<l «“l again The irmt trees hs«e There-* ■
imie . l.ei- m
Aad tara 4haD facaa apsM* down
AN goat UMr .mile, to rout.
Thar .mis* tb». Btmshtoe


*'*■”' "

tnrcnaful effort to reeding muill or let out making Sow er Wuie 'ai.d’pit h


wtater o
" Urda during
- -

Vartb aoce Uaa fame or w*«ich.
AN by a frowa aN aNoeaa drear.
Tboy rob tbomaatvw of bealiA

For art^l or person doing moat efl-

Pbr tbe two best pbotograpba or
aeta of photography taken to any
part of the aute of a wIM bird »r

If Woeda War# BIrtte-

Prom HpB of Ups
OiwnN. dear, by you.
tWnaU they, today.,
B* hawks and cr^wa

aN ard d*y wblth coiiMfl In May


w 'Z . *^11'’*.

With dovedike brvam.
TTi ooeor. my dear,


ra b, .bbi«l,W b«


Huttona Bay. Mlt-b.

got n poalal alhum.



From your Huoabtoer. J.
Lite l.lrhlHier

We had .v loctol

; :.x:-rb\"rr

t won-lr

pass my grade, but leacber said I
roul* |iai>a to ahooi three more nio0i;i. Tliei-e 1. n« oile a etol» iltuv
We are to have ib.agaiu!
lie l.-aeber next term
Ify tea- bei'.
Ito'. Whir. - tteb White- to.iVwh^-


«.me 3


W- ha.l that ..n Hear Ibeai.lew -

May. .« .«Uiurday olgfa.

e iialllui: c

I dtdn'i quite f’-r tlie i.tllo".

name la Mr. tilni-lalr
For'pet. 1 ha'.'
lone row and one kitten. The «.«
name 1, Beauty, and the kitten-, nam
la Tom
I have Mote parcolp. u|. quarter of at. Inch blxb


,b, „„

f my- wh. he call.
bit- iliere


ihinl Oiir school la



e hl» plHii)p liiile Wlf-'and Iwhlti


aompttalag ihea Ve bN a sake to ate wS^


about one

Autobiegraphy ef the PeUla.
i'f “®e rome*
"le rtiwtiish -twiata - Imarned
rti who know uiin aay. I leloag to
laniil. which they call ■■

bonte-, 1.




acoanay af

Then. diaesN aN daatb came npea
me mad my kIN one*, aad that bard-

------------ ----------------- SUNSHINE STORIEA

ened the bcarU of men agalaal me for
g time. Half a rontary aad ten years
ago tbe Rot aluekN all growing Pa­
laioea ^
wbalaoovar clime

ebanred to be. Il wm a aad lime with
South tbe world, loo. Ibat reign of the Sol.
Men and wituea and rblMren lay them

.^unit. 1 grow wild In 4be woods jtiM down and •Hed for want ol food Tear,
a. 1 did before Ihe while i«W|.le loun-t were abed In graat profuatoo at. the
meand took me to ihelf home, ». ros. fieMa of Potaloe* drooped aod per-

The euiielilne <1
Iwck. ac ib.-> t
/ay. of light t

b nir Tine*, and r
the dirt off barb Into the cheek, of tbe diil.lrea and w-be had paled beranae I wan not to
.!> ri.le,. I |» tad

ind am not
Toda> 1 am the uerawned king of
lor lood lOT any llting ihtog
foods. I’pon n>> more fmapie lieiwd
not alway.
llvcil lo
the for MrenOh thaa apea any other ooe
wind growing thin*
I am |e the armed

0 i-road of n..- to the earth.

ft. n., ciwlk and Item ramie of tbr warriors aad the pnuw
I wa* oo weak I ml hemtw «f tba tttaNNmaa. Klrb

bh name
me nhtil I wa- bidden
h wa. th.-u i.ig oNber flNa Imayaarv hedroib my
not. n-hlte- Iloh While- iloh w^ite*' (hat I Ideached ••ut and l>eraine a la. kH: the arse inralM propped upoa
-I’uhlic ledger

i.eBuur<>l pinki.h hue. In m> dark i... i.iitow pray, for brolih ihrnuN
h.inie I itdtk ibe wall'll w-bi to iiu- lue uN hla ptarvsa are aaoweved The

The "Little W.ld Hea-a- Ritov.

ri.rruiEh the M-a... aod with the moi,

«-Wdto.r mnnebn. me creedity

-IWpa.'.-rinl FW.vd. ninolM I'lroih

turr i.ttmped up from ib>- earth l.«

torarm and mlirlu with the Iture I

shd I am
glad. I*a|aplanlN w.ovc up i.- hi. father, who rot read
ralAage* for me in Ihe hot tad.
If I Inc nh ih.- cool terwnda oCHUladale
sell my Mhtagn I am goiwg to l>rai. -O taps, ibere's a tumr 'uctle
r. parochial or priTota U^^JLitoriiach look a tax. su'd buy me a

maakea Bay '■
Mildred Pertner i
Tbe coatMl la open to all <«,Nroa I were timber to tbe dtotogn.

le< i<-d

the ua>e. m.i aii~- an-l *• if In «|'lte <!>“ and T«or rtmaume ate High and low .
Thai he waoi. all the world i» know »i„d grid I.illi.c -lin aN troves mui. |«> trlinta ft> my tiaallllea The latol-


t tbtK.gbi I w.oild a few line:


the great watetw.
i.hed all oter the world. Prayers were
llj faUlory 1. a rorioiu one 1 am offered up that the Might might be
neither a twig nor a (niii noi a rout >ta>e«l. and uilons
alihougb p
y »up|o.e
learne-l men to dhine Jhe c«o,.e
I an. iioilimg n>o>e no- Ir..
ni, deray and to devtwe a wa.< that
.ouirade a. I.llihe u^o a nile-t. wluth m.-an> a huini. or
iiixhl. be aparN. When the i-iagne
knob, and OA, arow ing In tbe ground
naat, aN tbe d
r.- BoU-rl While Instead or above
nier.-.r .tarvalton wera buri^. I '
. .
acrl-ienl. I.ui i> wa. .iicti a
■v.-.l.-nt exalted aa the gnotrot g
gbid and amber ,t,ai made me ol-valu--.
• 'lesior. The Beld. aoir

Our arhool

3iih. and l am giad


When the Puckwhef
.tacked IW- corn,
- Iloi. While- Hoh While- Holt Whit.


letter today.

»*’ Hh* Sit*


Alben Fankop

. - June 3. IPi;
The pretty Hitle pansle* made me Hear Ptesideui—
Imoat feel that I
could see .rour
1 will try to write the 1

All ^>. aN pbotograpba must be-*od prngraui. al*o

Blrda btoa aN Irns -

W* ttevor knew

pansies It. this letter, t bave a uam- cl^ (or tbls time.
lor tbe Crndle Roll, it
E""" » Sunahtoer.

pbo ware brave I woold have made
alow progreat to reacbtag my preaeol
pnaliton to


America, and la the valley, of that

the tictas mil. renicc.
hwt w:
whl.ile. at l.reer' l.ra-tti*

not alway* bN bNk of BM-%tee oiws


i.ejo.uiii -

bloesoni. hut tbe wind Itao
‘H* blowmmta all off. Well. I Aortie-t.. ,

will send you some cannot think of anylhliig more, to

■ eaebnr In each tierttoa baring the low roam aad hunted iiean.iu
Urgrot uumbei of sebolar* with ac- <«• who found the mow peanut* *>a
cepieii e**ay«

Or bias, aad tnm. aN awoet—
Who fcMwa?
lAfs ptoy today

That wovda. Uba'hirda.
HN vtoga aN flew.


The suce will be divided Into three
May 23. I!'12
aectlooa upper peoioaula the iwimty. tvat PraaMenielgbl aonihern rounites aod the ronaI thought
would n-rliwB inCr
Ilea north of those to tbe ktoor pen- the Bunthln
We atVbavtog ulce
taaula. There will be
• « sms oi weather now. Itui w.- ate having lot.
pHxes. one (or grami
arbtml, nod of rate, loo.
It ha. rained . little
roe tor tUgh w-bool. Ip the male. Be- bit again ir^ay. Our nrbool waa out
aides a medal wHI I- given In the tbe 22nd of Mny. -We ha.l n itmr.hmal

If words were birds
AN swiftly Sew

Wa rboote Ihe'twwi:

1*13- mg llcwera.

dent work to protecting blrda during Jiiue. Smedley, age one
summer of lair
will rioee for this time
For sebool or person building anti . From.

A nttle atumblne*' In ib* bca.
A aparkle In the ryo.
Wni brigbtM np a draary plaea.
And mak* oor aomws By,
Tbay esiA braokM'a merry toy.
Tbe Unodrlrds gtad refrain.
And drive Ihe'petfta aad frown *wa>;
Imt amllas of etinshtoe teign
-:Coairtbuted by Itoggte NteoaNer.

I have loit of fun alni-e tchool *

"“^tog most

‘-Coo<l-h>e" to the rhick. and the two
went >i<ilei|. swav>>iiieg}iai as soon
a. they were gon- H.e i«d«ood fam-


the r<«»i- I bnlirfed a nq-at that men yi'- him. aod be whose banrle are
fo.m-l m be patolsl.h- aud bard froat pick aN ahovet mnllea aw
and goN Htoce ibsl day f have taeo he »eeu ate stimsitoa kei. orody lo *•■
compelled I

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