Grand Traverse Herald, October 10, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 10, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Travarsa Bay




•~\Vt have no solidarity In our
life. Tberefore we have none ot Ibe
bcmiUfnl traditions that ran be found
throughout Europe. You must have
your traditions lo have solldarlly.
The opportunity Is now before
f the tenuity ot the BOIL And Uie soU Under tbe extoling plan. Grand Trav­
btt mmly been arratched-Bot devel­ erse and two other counties could
combine and esubllsh an agrl
oped. Ad iDcrette ot ooe bnsbel of
cullnral acbool somewbere to tbls
rye per acre this year ooold mean
Utcretaed value Id tbv cro|i tolal
Tyler forecast
fitly milUoBi.
ew era (or tbe vocsikinal school ■
Tbe ap^ker briefly eketebv^ the was warmly applauded tor bis sp
beUemeiit ot tbe tcrieuUDral coodl- taneous enlbualasm and sound Iddas
tkma Id -Uda country and ibeo took up
L. B. Gardner, of the blgb school
.the auhject ot popoUtloD. Grand facolty, briefly (old of the agrleultural
Tiaverte c^ty be held to be a ililn- courses offered In tbe local instbo
lu example In tbe nOrthwesterD por­ Uon.
tion of tbe Btate, tor here, ond only
e remainder of Ihe program was
here, did tbe popotetlon of ihe
devoted to Ibu address un bsnl
dUtrlcU tnerease more rapidb' than and currency reform by Robert
the popoUUon ot elllve duriOE tbe Boeynge. ot Deuver. former member
flnt decade ot tbb eentory. He named ot confess and now oikAbe monelary
varioas reenliani enU'irom tbls move­ wmiaslon.
ment cltyirard: tbe lou of n good
"You have been told tonight about
man to the farm; tbe comlns of bd In­ the wonderful future that Is to >iorc
capable tenant, vltbout ioteresc In the
igricolinral America," he said
poopeov. without iDceuUve to b
■■But do you know Uiat It will be Im
dnatiious; tbe cbanEe from a wbolepossible for ns to care for Urger
aome atmoepbere In a-bleb to ralae
crops unless w« rcrlse our banking
chUdren, to tbe queeHonable ai
d currency sysiemT We have at the
l^ere of a city. And tbe reawns for
ssent tlipe a system so antiquated
thU. be sen: tbe dmdsery that wa*
won out. that it is tuable to stand
tbe life ot the areiaae'farmer'a wife, any unastuU stress, be It prosperity or
drudgery that made ^er compUUn
and Btcne for a depatlore to lecalt"Wby is It that we have such a uysteoi? Why is it that our panics have
beiHi banking and not Indugmal
try boy; the fact tbat tbe aoll -Is not
. lies? It to not tbe fault of t^
betas made to inereaae Its producUve bankers hor of the monetory power
ability to keep pac* frith Ihe InYet every now and then our banks
ereaeed ooet of lirlas.
themselves unable to care (or tbe
Mere Ur. WlUlamt aald; The bnlImate eommereUI fieevls. Tbe rea­
Unf sent out by slate and nab
ls this: We have been tr^Ung
sovemmonl do not readi the man who onr banking reserves In an nnsclei
reall)' neAdi them, as a rule, lie does
nanner. They are not large and
not knofp bow to improve his condi­ they are scattered from one er
tbe tbe other, pnr system
~1 believe tbat we need a farm ex­ (feet not promote ooafideuM to the
aminer lust as we need a bank ex- snfcera themaelves nor In the pubUc."
asilnar: a man to look after tbe
Ootog OB to show how tbe price of
wee dan the stole o( tbe aoU asd the ■fi money In K*w. York cRyraetbods of cultlratUn.''
hsoUng -center of tbe netion—fluctuColne on with tliMUblect ot i<npule- ales during toe year as the v
Uon and • imlnswb. be made ibis
and go. tbe speaker demonstraliw bopelemly Uagled and Inter­
nn Uliu
e and sU- woven was tbe leglUmate banking sys­
tenths per cent of the-peoide
tem with the specoletive inuirests of
noated to be consumen of ngrlcnl Wail street. %
torsi piodnds and only foomhalbe ol
•TYe mnsi provide a eentral reserve
one per eeet are being ednegted to the i Inspire confidence and to enable
life of an agrlcnltDral produeer."
y'meet any emergency lb* m
Tha weaker then took np an exper arise," be aald. thus, to brief, giving
dtlon of ediwBUoaBl coadlUou and U». meat of tbe Aldrich plan.
methods. leiUng ot tbe nsitoaal move
btosBony-nge went on at length, dis­
among bankers to insidre axrl pelling Ibe idea that the pcoiiosvd
. ml edneaUoa. He spoke of tbe sbange calls (or a c||itral "bankptoatlcliy In the Ugb srtooivsystem. will be eontralled by men high to
ot b^ there was no dlventty. no financial circle*. His talk was of es­
manner to which (be blgb school of pecial Interest lo the bankers.
tbe preeent could be adopted to Ibe
One Ol Ibe tost tbinge to conic be­
toromost needs o( Its teitltory: be fore the mcellng was s moilvm provlddied figum sbowlnc how Mtehlgmn log (oc the appototnient of n resotnbM thlny-flve mUltons of doUsn lo- tlons committee which will put tbe
vipted to bsr teboof sj-stem^nd how club on record as behind tbls move
only two and one-haU per cent of the meM for vocational schools, idedged
beys and ^ ever graduate from to srork aeUvely. Copies of this
high sebod: stated tbat the v-ast >vlk
lion will be sent to tbe various
of (hoee who do go to higher srhooU boards of supen-lsors. '
are being educated lo professional ca­
THe following oni-of-town members
reers: proved by weU-prepared figuree
that siiecial educatloD along agrlculy. P. Hoffstetter. Frankfort: R O.
lural and horticultural lines wUl bold BUbee. East Jordan: G<-o. C. Ctenn.
boys and girU to tbe farm* wber« tbe bat Jordan: ilaus A. Wcndel. Oiiekstereotyped old method of drUUng eeU ama: A. D. Crimnilns. Mesick: Arch
of tacts Into Ibelr minds only serves Uarsball. Bear Uke: Elmer Billman.
to send tbem toward tbe cities.
Cedar; J I. Barker. Honor: I. lYy
'■We want to arouse aenUmeut. that Horton. Mamou: A. H Jones. Urawu:
U all. Tbe rest will cara for Itself." Haro- Olmstead. Centra! Uke: XV. J.
Micluded. "Co borne and eIlte^ Gregorv. Manistee: ' Ellsworth llllltain your supervisors: get tbem Inter­
Kaleva; Fred W. Mayne. Ctiarleested, We Sant a conK-^^intest Id volx: C. XX' Sherwood. Kalkaska: Har­
every iom-nsfal|i ot the stale next year. old D. Whallev. KaHuu-ka; Mark ^
Yon go borne and see to tbat.
Johnson. Kalkaska; CUude Cole. Kal■Develop an Interast in (be other
i: L. A. Larson. Copeiuuli: Git>
feUow, and be s U1 Uke an toternt to A Dunbam. Manistee: A. Huliars.
yon . Uore than any other ctoas of Cbarlevolx:>F. II. Williams. Allegan:
people arc tbe bankers responsible (or 8. A. Keygs. Frovemont
Ibe prosperity of a community. Tbe
er of yesterday was a tuone.v
lender: today be loans money and
giree service. And service lo your felnan U tbe greatest thing that av
of ns can reader."
Case of firust vt. Re's Brought to .
Charloa A Sketeber then sang twice
and reeeiv-ed b««n> ai>l<reelaUOn.
S^pertotendept L. U T> ler of the toral sciKKds «ws next cafled tfiion. His
Tbe- attention of ibe circuit i
Ulk was brief, bnt filled with
as occupied all day TuemUy with
;Ve. He le case of Albert G Brnst vs. Joseph
in pub­ U. Kex. soil on a promissory note. It
lic schools.
i that Kax was to pay all tbe
The people of Michigan have
■mount due * one Ume. bnl failed
too conaervnUve to take on tbe
do BO. but paid a pan of It. Tbe Juo'
per capita com tbat wqold go aiib tbe bro^bt to a verdict In favor of
ItoUoD ot agrieallural srteoU." ptototUt (or
and the case
be said. "Thla, to spite of tbe Uct emsed.
that It would bring them ten dollars
The case of John Patterson
■very one invested ai
Chester Gore, appeal, xa on loda>
tbe value of every sera ot land lor
Three dlvetre cases were h<
fifty rntlea around. In tbe past, bills Uesday, but no decision* have a> .vet
have been klUed tbat would have pro­ been banded dona by Judge Mayne.
vided means (or tbe estahiUbmeBi of They were AdatoMe Lake vs. Ji
these iBstMuttona. We were to blame. E. UU: Aline E. HUI va Hwry Ed­
gar HtU: Jamea F. tXan vs. Anna


tb* -tiny It aUtadtDcc.
YlU b« o( iBpwt besMid TtiM IV the
tsrtetltBrtl Interwu of tbit loctloB
•r tbe tUto. Tlw eratiag wt» dtet
OTtr alnotl MllMly to • ttndy of Uit
tlK CrBwlBC
tor Ui« MUbotfctr oMMt«( lacTMtlDC tht prodnoItett. ptu*. Ufh Mctla tod tturdr optlRtn it «tftdtd ^ro t Trtv«r*e
ettr atbtHBfc tod rntrelj' to ati tod
llatM Is S tstttl mtoDtr Ittt oretUtE
wst to retitire t crett Issidntloo
ror tht nth who tslktd «vo two ot
porpoH^ ssailMhsU]'. Th»r tre allre
to Ut4 iwia tod tta vork «bieh
OTtBlOK If t mu,tUB thst oomtt eW to the Mte tod
IMb| ot trerr ^Untt.
BtHr OtlM today tarrlod
I, etch one

In wort tmrd brlaslhs about poealhlUliaa that are so loaser vngne
-bopea, bdt whieh are beins etubUsbed
oa •oopd. praoUcsl bmOa to o^er'
Stotoa. Tbls woilb U tstfrted thitmsh.
wiU cominface with the county supep
tuoni art educaiori. It wlU then be
onrTtod to Ut«inaM of taxpayers and.
finally, reoca tbe ditldraa thiousti
sew Bcbcui an toeUtuiloB that would
ban boas toagbed aside by Ua old
achetosOc. b« wbldi. today. U taktos

rt '

‘'placo to tbe mtdal of toedtos acHcuJtaml osd bortlcuHurdl dlstrlrta.
More toTrsToroe City, a Uke aumbar wore Importaaed to take up tbe
wort, osd, lodftos by the manoer in
whlrt local mm roaponded to tbe entbstoaw oT tbe Bpeakem. it U a safe
(Moi that tbe ifluiedlate vtcinlt) vlU
set las. at toa»Then. asMe tram'tbU idmse of
HeeUof. tbe mambera ot tbe dub
wore aeaUed to receive first band to
tormatlM, siren to condee. dew
Style, abottftbe Aidrldi plan for Ibe
iWvlBtoB of the bonking afstem of tbe
eeoatry, by a member of tbe n
torr cwsHnlofttoi. the body ot eoono
mtoU and men of sBain who bare

bar# sIMoM the oouu|r} perioulc-ally.
The bwatoean mwllog took but a
few MBOPU. By-tows were adopted
sad tfaoBcon ot tbe temporary ctabL- A well pUDUed bssgoet
thee foUowed. Mrs. Uon 1'. TUni
WHwarod firm on tbe piegiwn with
two ptosatog Toeol ados and an eaooro. sftor whlrt Jndfe F. H: "
w.i« of ABegsB was fnuoducetK’
Jod^ WlUtoma to e^lrmsD of tb*
agrteottsral committee of tbe MlebP
^ State Bsalmn- sModsUos.
finr a aombor of r«i« bas been maktog a thotwogh fltady of coadiUoaia In
Urn rural dMrteto. aet oaly in Uiehl. gan sad la all other atatee of the I'nloo. hot la Suripean cotatrUa.
*‘Ne ooe thtog today U so de>-eh>i>tng tbe todgamat ot baafcmn as Is tbU
agrtooiuiral doeatogl^,“ be aald to
opaatog. Thmw wm be teo bmioni
of doltan valaa to the mops OUs year.
-.€■ bUltoas o(*«idton. prodooed by
tbe air. tbe sonsUae. the water



frtmn. *

KncTED Gnre
filra. WoMpert Pleased With Work of
The meeting of tbe W. R.
at Ibelr rooms to tbe coo
reaterdsy afternoon was weU atlen^
ed and prov ed one of . tbe very pleas-

tbe work of the local corps and
preesed berself as well saUsfied with
(be work done by tbe Traverse City
members. Following the work of (be
aflenwon one of the pot luck anppers tbat only ibe W. R. C. know bow
to praiAfe was served with tbe :
ben of tbe Poet as bonor gneets. An
out of town member, wbo attended tbe
meeUng gas Mrs, George W. Perry of
Elk Rapids

He Has Been a Leading Factor i
firlfiglng Leelanau CeuMy to
the FrenL
Kev. A. lieuiall. pastor ol tbe Flm
Congregs^ional church o( Koribport.
passed ibrough (be city-today on hli
Benxonla. Rev. BenuJl be­
sides his ministerial duties,
tar'y and treasurer of (be Norttaport
Fniit Growers’ assoclatlaa and
such official Is a very busy iww Tbls
latloD is oreanixed aloug co­
operative Hues aud Is
murb for ita membera. especially
those who have but small quanUlles
of friflt lo market. So far this year
(Hi.-oads of Irult ruouluing aplaiely 1.2W barrels have bewn
forwarded. Tbesc have gone to rltles
and towns In three different sutes.
Iteturns bave alceady been received
Irpm four cars and these returns av­
erage SlAg a barrel, tor (be frail
Northport. As ihe associaiton charges

**"■ ctixticc". Ibe
torn lo tbe grower I
$1.S3 s(barrcl.
RPv' Uenull In swaking of tl
work of the aasociation said that i
effort was being made lo build up
reputation for Korthpert fruit at
be eapocis there wlU
be enough private cuaiomvrs to take
large skare of the output of the Teglon. These privsie cuatumera are
aecurad by mcana of labels tbat are
Into tbe packages sent ouL Tbe
people wbo buy tbu apples are pisesed with the fruit and look at the
label and Uie ihicceedlng year, w rite
tbe asaoelalhm at Noribport for a
supply ul tbat wbicb iLry Lad found
good Ibe year belure. A large
number of-leUers lisvc beeu ruiulug
to Kev
Kev. llcDUlI (bis .veer from partlvs
w ho purebased
fruit tost season.
On Sunday, ftev. Beotall tendered
Ua resignation as pastor of the Fim
il churcb of Nonbport.
the resignation to take effev-t Jan­
uary I.-.B^xt. after w-hlih date be w ill
aaseclBted wltb hU brother-in-lawL'harles Day, lo tbv work of promotug Uic fruit Imerests of tbv North
port few lion of XX'estcm Michigan.
Kvv Uenull bvUcvcs that l.««lanau
county Is destined to be tbe big (roll
county of the slate sod as be is (ami
wltb ibe fruit industry becauae of
ay year* vxpvrivnce, hv hellvvi-s
lliai be can use Ills ulents very proOublr In tbv vommuully iu following
of tbv rroposed course

SC O. 82.


TiUH Him


Robert XV Bunv^e of Dvover. Ctilo
would arrive In tbv city hi speak ai
The merting of tbe bankera. which
w in be held this ev-ening. Ur. Bonyage
Is a member of the monel
tnisaioa and w1I| take foe bU sublevl. -Banking Reform."
Jud^v A. II. XVUUaui of .Allvgan.
Mkh-. a weiolx r of tlu, agm-oltoral NEW TRAFFIC AND
nunmltuw ol th.. Mkblgaa 'Stale
lUaklog AWHKiailtMi. . will also
becato give an address, and U Is
There Were TNnga OMi« AM ifeg
Fight Took naee Wrhen. Marinas pehedXtbal the mevUug will pr
Time M Lam NiglWa fisMiNii
Wera Attacked by an trremmnc^
to all the bank.
Ible Mob X¥hcn They En.
tertd Townv el Lean.


sEmoQirwtt NTm

Juan Ik-I Bur. NiuiragUB.. Obt.
a.—The American forces lost two ma­
rines and two blue toeketo killed lo
the auack on Leon and Chlnandega.
wihJrt were occupied by tbe rabris.
Fifty rebeti were killed and msK
wounded. Tb« otbmw have been diaarmed.
Cbtoandega is Ibe capital of tbe
department of tbe same name l)lng
about St miles aouibwest ot Leon.
Botb (owns bave been to tbe hands
the lasurgeota Tor w^ka An?
residema of both pUc^ bare s
I much distres..^;
-Xcvnrdlog to tbe advices recalred
here a large deuebment of martoee
and blue JackeU under Llent-Ool.
proceeded from Corlnto to Tbiwe
Points, on tbe national railroad, Cblegn lo tbe nortbwesc Leon
outbeaai and Cbtebtgalpa. aim
midway betweeh Cblefalgalpa wag tbe

XVlfto the American marines
lue JackeU under UenU-Col. Long
inarched into the city of Leon on 8noday to lake imuteilon Umy were
streets by an irreapOdalble mob
who oisencd Ore. Tl
killed and lour wounded. The
marine* returned tbe fire killing fifty
of ibv mob and wounding forty. Tbe
Mbers pere driven oiit of town.
Amerkas forve
now to the vie now
cinlty of Leon and
bora l.-tm and has'tbe sltnatlOB i
der control.

Adam Utoon. aged S* ywara and
le of tbe gkmeera of (be Grand
Traverse regkm. died at (be borne of
bU son. David Dixon, to Majlfield
towuahlp. at 10 o'clock Tneeday morn
tog. He bad been sick about two
Adam DUoo waa born to Nortbi
beratod, England, and at (be age of S
ycara came to Canada Whh big par­
ents Fon.v-two yeare age be deelde-1
that be wanted to get Into, tbe world
(or blmaeir. He came to Grand Trav­
erse county and purobaaed a piece
uncleared toad In Mayfield town,
aliip. There be worked nolil he bad
Improved his land find eslabUabed
one of (be finest farms to tbe cc
musky, and be endured tbe trials
ship known only in tbe ptoneer
days of tbe firal scUlera ot the connwife and mother preceded him to
death aev-eral yean ago. and
. wbo are aUll raaidenu
Mnua yonag fannera of the
Grand ^verse r^hm. Jctoci of Grant
isbi^. Joeepb of Wexford amd
jamea hod David, both of Mayfield
(ouniy. Mrs. F. R. XXalker of thU

Uarge m fee liUttok DtoMI
as wen aa rt« wstfir Vtofeb' AMfei

Oyer ibongM that Ue caafidl
net competCAt to bangle the
t, a* BM# ot the mMttoii woM
:rictons. Mayer Oermatna took »
cepuon to tbls mlnlmtotog of Ua
ability of tbe eaaacK"aBd waxed «*beedlag wniU ever the mtotor, gaUlt
.. far as to ask AMarmon Dyer tf
be thought (bpt tbo tosyer UwaM
a rummy* ThU tettor qitoOflR
was left imanawared aa the sMentoto
was nwiUtoc to
commit hlmeelf iip<m Uto tone 'to
public. Mayor GcrmatoatoLldt^fito
ouly way to handle Uw qtostln''wfig *
to refer It to toe ways aad mrnm
aad'^.fMtowy tor Ihtor _
D^Mttoff Da> for the fiurtwu of As•oclated Cliarllies waa a great socceas
I Beers adrisod the c
Tuesday, due to (be kindly ' geher0*11} of the people of Traverse CityAutomobiles for gathering tbe aapplies were funiislied by H. 8. HuJL W. proper ahara of edtoetfeow akM| Uto
In too days when Up city 1^^
Cl. Hull and XX'. P- Frotser. and were
to charge of Mrs. W. P. frotser. Mrs.
the water worts. Tba tonttoB
rank Shannon sod Mrs.- George tor creating tot enwigritotow was put
tkiwtu. The genera] soperlBtcndeot. . a vote and raMdiod to -a • to A
Miss Knee, wa* assisted at Ibe oOlGe kc. and Mayor CennfciM deotof^ K
*L t
b> MUs Della Gllleu to tbv nionilng
and Mrs. George Down* In the after.
Aa toe ouuacUmea wero Ml ntU
Tbe articles donated totaled
Clf, aud cvnslsud ot numerous plecoi
ot cloilimg and vailous household srUrles. lucludlug furnliure, all of which
I be used to great advantage to (be
rk of tbe B A C. Thlrty-slx (ams rrrpgtidcd to tlie request (or do- man Dyer to leave the room whn
naiiuus.^nd a nucuber of ivlepboue tbe latter asked toe city attorwey {(
tuvhaaga-s have sinre been rveelved,
really meant what be aiM when
giUug lb.- ad^rc^ of other* who wl»b appealed Ui (or a dedakm to the maP
.louatv anlclvs to this good rauke.
t wbetoer be was merriy attlag
U (be reqt^t ot tbe 11. -A. C. that log the uMDcii. Qniet was finally ■»•
!aD}on<- »tin bavmg soiiplirs (bat can
cuml and tbe vote «a tbe appaal
tv- use.! to »uch good purpose wjil roll
tbe saate as tbe (me » paaa
iftilirL* ibouvYTI. and tbe annivt
rdinanee. 6-3. and Ua nmyw
*■0^ sustolued on the maann n
ciif attorney raUd that n Ua,
<-.-dlnaace tnvnlred to*
of pnbUc moc
majority to eanr it. On MUm



Boutb Hadk-y. Maas.. OcL b.-Houlh
Hadley Is a mass of gay color and
ready for tbv great event to her b
(on. (or today was Inaugurated tbv
dlauiood Juldlvo velebrallon ot Mt.
Holyoke colbgv _Msny visiting edus ot uoli- qro here (or tbe v
brsiiOB. wblib i* to rualtouc over
Dw. Today was given over to (he
alumnae wnb alumnae commemora(lou exercises In the ibapri. (oliowed
by luneboon Iu tbe g>tuua*ftim. and a
l«geant in ibe outdoor aoditorlum
tbls alteriioun. Tomorrow will come
iMcrrolleeiate eomiuemoration exrreises and a lunibeou (or delegates
and ruevi'
llolyukv >-ollcgc was Ihe dm luslliuiion (ouiid-d lii AaKirlya (or the
higher edm-allun ot women. The
founder was .Mafy Lvan. who almowt
unaided *u<-<«eded la her plans lo e»
Inblisli a iK..rmaucbl school (or glrU
foundvl on vital eduiBilonal girincipke. Tbe iDsmuuon opcmvl In l«:7
:h eighty students. Today It bas
>ut o- students enrolled and to tbe
i-M>-nve years ot »► buiory' tte
lollesr lias bestowed diplooiS* ui<on
.X wry pli-asant receptlou was gi-.-‘ nearly r.imo graduates.
u b> tbv luvuibers and friend* of Ibt
Cvniral M. E cburib to Her. aud Mr*
McKee sud Miss. Zov MUebell. tbi|iew deaoouess. Tuesday evening at
the Presbyterian churc-h. It was well
Moiitn-el. O-rt '^ --Tliv I'atuiduia
Old Times To- ('oDlt-rvu'--. ot Cbarl-.ivs and Correc.
atleodvd and a aphmdld r'rumiam reu
dered. Mrs. Jackson was mistreas -j(
II. wbun h»d It- oi>ea!Dg H-re today
-ootiectioo wnb ibv child wellare
_Tbree organ numbers were given by
eviiibiiiop. ua* aitracied to Montreal
the cburxi) organist. Mr*. Bnnknian
l/vxiUgton. K;.. Oc: 8.—.X rvuulon any men and dotuen who bate made
Mias Ruth toMgbey gave a reading ' the survivors of Die battle of Perse.-.D'lfic >tu!y of mran* god metbtbe. "New- rbun-b." and Miss Ball- rj-vlUe, wbicb (Hvurred ju»i 50 year* 1* ot alleusUog suffering among tbe
sang. Prof. Curtis cordially wel­ dga on October t. 1*0:. w«* held on K»^r *c.i -lamping out iwrerty and lu
comed the new pastor in tbe napie o' the bstileHeid today. It wa* a r.- eDiaihvl eviU Tbe I'uUed BUtes as
tbe church, aud the rvwponae wai UDIOD of tbe Blue aud the Grv> sad
as I anada I* reprraented on tbe
by Prof Code Tbe last o" from far and near ib« old war-iors
ot riv^kers. Tbe dlscumloas of
Ibe program mas Mr M.-Kees ad luurnev'-U to tbe field to n-inglv t>i
oDtirence. wbicb will cosUnue
,tich hv exprewacd bis ap­
M-versI iU}s. win be condneted
Id peacw and rxikange fra^-l
preciation ot (be loyMiy of hi* pc>.- ernarNaveilnsa* Many t'oufedc ale under the general beads of pabUe
.« past year
•vierau* of Ketiii’<h> and nvigli’.onrg ebannes. cbiidren d^nqueacy. tbe
and bopvs (or Cvoli
iut«* were lu attendance, while the mental defectives, fsmillto and neigbotauxh (or tbe ouming year.
army of the bjue was rvprwsenied by Corbood*. tbe deUnqueai, pnbUc
Alt then west to the parion
tbe tbe surviving veterans of fiPtb to^ bealib and boosing, stekneas and dechurcb. where they were served hy iana regUnenu which bad a con- pendeaev . and rceieattam and edocatbe (vtneUffivut commiuee.
aidcnoBS pari in tbe battle.


There was aa toHindaoce oE ttmlr
djseuasibu at tbu eooncU toto i-a—M:
tbe liveliest debate betog iriLigllifigt
wbeo.aa ordlwaca was racoJameitfld
by (be ordtoanee and U^ttog '<•»
miuees tor regntoUag tbe wmfcto-gC
^ dty clectrie light and pvw
Tbla (
tbe cresUoB of a
% mam
ibera to be appetoted by the •
cU and wbo abortd amye otfl aME
aprtog. when the^nra to bo atocMd
by the electon of the toty at Ihb amBiml spring etoetkw. The ngpMI^
maoto were to be made « tbe fifet
meeting to October aad their fiWiW
begto at ones. Vbm eleetod tfeflfe
terms of offia an to bo ««a, twogfeg
five yean, ao that tben wmDi «•
praeuc^ aa oU baaed aD tbe Mae
as to'dtFVlaia any radical ilniilfl
any time to tbe fttara by the elaettan of new mambera. The aatoir'gt
each of the iwnmNetewra to to bo
filio per year. TYe rity dert ia to
be cle.-fc of the beard, aad ettjr Umm
nrwr tbair ueaaurwr, natUtor to hnw
to tba aSalra e( Ua totomfe
Uon. Alderman Goodrich «blgM to'
■Btoaioaof tUa kind ti Ai
tbotoht tbat tbe'coaBdl was gfifia

ciMoiu cGunriEs


^ __

■uorvey to aacertaU toa fegailiy of
be ordmaare. and rwpon at the naU
meeUng of . Uto couBdl ta two wodu.
A permit was given (or the een•tnicuon of .toe new addigrai to Ua

case of toe Traveroe Oty I
Bank ra. Tnv«se City was U Ua
bands of toe (dty clert ai
auoraey and ways and x
mlttee was aotoorized to baadle tho

Tbv cUim of toe J. W. MOfikea.
ioc.. (bat they have been cneraaeaaead
tlT€ 6v was referred to the ways and
cans' eammhtee.
ResUrnu and taxpAvera living on
Sooth Spruce stnet asked toat the
Btraet be fitted wtU nrt and gMt«'
(CoatUoed «■ Faga Twe.1




Grand Traverse Herald
and TiaW Bay Eagle

the train to' -look ont for people who may attempt to ero«* the
tneks when the ean are being switebed: Here have been scTcnl
iwiTow escape* at adnie of the eroMbigs, and the eduned thought
Ib4 it would be better to Uke U{1 the qneation and inast on full
luauned trains before some one was killed at tbe dsugeram inter­
sections. It is a good measure and if prd^eriy caf<we^ wHI save
lives and money for botb'the eity and.tbc railroad companies.

iO, IBl

The Maikets

don^lass it ttelh^g
Goto toll#MW.
ostoto Casa «« Ffsto toosto Ttouofao NQMMto

loss aorrsetsS each Cay by wtrs
Ctocago, DstreW. ToMo saS
BsOalo ttoouc* raUcS Prsm tsta
Control .Cold 51*0190^
An ordinance has been pamed by the City Council of Chitago
pulating the time that food prodneU may be kc^t to cold atmage'.
Youcaaactnsd a pair cf iImc* od cor
and when it become* effoetire the chance* are that ttie wtodyjity
will have .better food than it get* nnder present eonditiona. Tbe
•hclvci that to BHcd op with paper, cU •
l«u*sage of the ordinance marked the close of a seven-year single
cloth or aapthtaedM that Bbeald not be
^hy th.v city to get control of (told storage plant*.
la a good oboe. You will In well pleas^
Tt njirovided that no food produeU, except nuts, fruits, cheese
MI b the tho^ we cell yen.
and vepdahli* shall be k(!pt in cold storage for a period excelling
t«u mouths: that butter prodneU kept to cold storage not
t IMS. « the pMt
e than one year, aud. that fish shall not be kept to storage more
Art et CoDsroM ot Martti S. 1ST9.
than six months.

This is a good jiieasurv and if enforced a* it should be will'e Iwgal VotMs ot tb* Oooaty
Funaral aervleas (or tb* laU Prod
Grend Trwvcito. MIchlgaa:
CkenlatioB tU>
]irove of great benefit to the consumer, who under the present
Jkwett wUl be hAd Wedoeoday at it f YOU
urraiigomcitt has to eat eggs, meats and other necessities of life
o'cloek from the borne *-Uaple Orora hat St ibe teneral elerUon lo be bald
Ptull Farm- and at two o'clock from in this stale on Turetoy. Ib« dflb day
that have bci-fi bHd for years iu the Aorage plants waiting'for the
the nrat Baptist cfauTcb In tbs city. of November, Nineteen linodred
price to rise ill n ]K>int where a heavy profit can be reaped by the
Ave. tbe foilowtng officers are to
Hoes I
ReV. C. H. Irving ofllclallng Members -Te
be vo»ed (or U yoor c
owii. ia. The people of the country are entitled'to pure food, and
of a. A. ICTM are requested to
Fifteen elector* (or
th(trc is no reason why the law should not step in and limit tbe
dtn VfiprofitMbU PUn
i:3i)Jo'<iick Bt the ilngbet an- vice president of tbe -t
Ueutesani governor, seereUdg psrl^^wbcre rigs will be
The propoaal to create o }icht3nK* a'nd i>owtf roumiaslon t» lime that it can be held for a rise in price that will satisfy tbe men
stau, state ireanrdr. auditor
Bg to taka uen to the (arm.
‘ feVt ekarce of the nmnicipal lightinp plant appear* on iLr face who get a corner on these prbduets.
. e land oBIca and )utlc*
.^H to be entirely enperfluon* and without warriint, either iu the
Ilfht of past experience or future nwdt. It wvmld he adding to
To the —
FARM PRODUCC-««iybif Rrioa.
tke alr^y cnmbersome macliim-ry of city govrrn:;iont umt alN.>
Pricas corraeted aaeb Monday and AOrnnd.Trav.
Tou AC hereby ootllled i
. t(Bd to aestter responsibiliiy in the o]>cniti(m of an •■ntrrpriso for;
tach day thereat1st U mtrtA varis*.
e&ilment to Section One of
IBuCter..................................................*Se III ot the roBStltnUoo of thta 8UI*. \]\'2
counties of^^
.wHA the taxpayers at largo have invested >
llitlw wisest and s
By Frank HamiltoaIt erne np to the expectations of tin- public uud pay interest
Straw, par ton .
would add gCO.i

e erealioD
of this c
tbe ioTSatment. fce
ol the cbartera of cities ai
. shall be submitted to tb*
ptr year to the rfltiy list carrittd'ljy the eity. wiUi uo rorresponding.
mhleh the county will not Improre.
fin to si^t. It would tend to create frietiou aniong tbe Miinctl j
tlfih. the queitloB will b« These roads wlU nalurdUy be (eedera
ttd sontninion membera that would in time become a defriineut sobmiuoJ to tbe c)<K-tors or Paradise (or. the county roads and make tbe
to Ibe dty, ratoer than a benefit. The Hsluiy fixed in tlie ordinaucc' io«utbi|> wbether 4r not ibe town sysiein complete.
Sheriff Grand Traveree County. hUto.
Tbere are n^y peoiilr wbo look
In wiines* whereof 1 have hereoato
W-toa tow to attract men of the right stamp to gondu' t au enter-, »'>■“ i**
b day A Sepu A.
nnpn s bonding acfaemj. with a (cellnc
set my hand this Klnetaenib day A
pte rf tk.
.r U.. UyWiny pl.«, ..d U,„.by „^k. tb. »•" “» '"»»'«»■ “
b^erlni on (ear. aa 1( it were a
September. 1$1Z.
wept 18. M. o« J. 10. IT. $4. 81
aMmitoiwi a reproach, rather than a oredit to the city.
Tbo qecstion bss been nader dia mortgage on tbeir posaesslona. Atb
Ik order to keep-the plant in proper condition it will become cusAlon (or sevc-ra) wcolci. sad geaw^
basis In (act at tbe
i to the near future to hire a superintendent u bo nnder- oi>lnloB be in Us (avOr. Tbe hM no bai
DcfanJl having been made In tbe
iarmer who hna biB owo best Interest* oflborrowed money when It wUl
his bosmess, and in the sek-etiun of (his man the council
iBdlHoB* of a certain mongage made
bean rannot hcl|> bot (svor the a profll much larger than tbe Intereai
Wlh«x sod Golds WUODX. Connty. kUcElhoB:.^
:»«'SXtorist jnst as good judgment as any other body of men that ]iro|io(l(loii.
and tbe dei<osU for alnklng fund pnr-i
husband and wife, of Old Mlmlao.
You are hereby notified that st -tbe
poaea li good basinna and good flnan•MU' bs ereatsd under present coni^ttous. If ^hc couiieil cannot
Mlctalgan. in favor of Peter P. Lardie, Oenenl EtecUon to be beld tn this
f ralslni
sday. the
uibdar ANotheUibdar
BUM on Tueeday.
4Mop thk n^elty in the matter of sdeating the proper man,
vemb(W. theret ail.
will be eloetad 'a Jas­
setlicra who are (»Btlantl)- com­
tbe Regirtcr of Deed* for Grand Tn
' Iten the psoide eah secure the neccasao' citauga at' the polls.
tiee of the.^nprem* Court tor the
expwae too
ing In will help to par (or the sood
Coonty.ln IJber o» of 3loriga*
lertn ending Decamber thlrty-touL

V^thfe eoptBiiMioai ihotdd not prove equal to the work placed roads and In tbe lueantlme we will be great to enjoj’: rather they arc an In­
on pagM
agM 322
323 sad
and 388 on
. tbe Z3lb d
19IT. to fill vsroncT.
^blcb Imort
A March. A. D-. I!>11. OB wbicb
vestment and one o( the beat.
In wlinesa wbersA. I bays herefN^tMtrthon, it win tsW ycera to get rid of them through the geume tbe nae of Ibctn.
gage tbero Is claimed lo be
A Tanner doe* not hesluie to go In
CrfKxl roads are as esaential
of the ballot, aa they wilt be elected for long temu, and
|iTo»i>e4iV nx ore protiKiioa. *\Vbo deht (or a harvcailng machine
I) (8*3.lui d
■ f: u siirreR. -s
' t4MV-tli t time have almost autberatie powrr, should they
e>er lieanl ot a good road being aban- which ho can save half or two4birds
eedlngs at.l w having
Troverw OooatyHe luoney
been Instltut'
nstltuted te
' igtoexw^ their prerogative to the'conduct of the plant. As the (lonedT Good roa-ls are an abanlaie of Hie .cost of hirveatlng his ero]*,
soy j«ft
d by said u
sMmA has a cheek upon the commission, according to the ordi- 'and i-eraonnl beneAt to ever^- person nor docs the merchant hesitate i
virtue of the
atT^strife betwrsen the two organisations would re.sidt iu a
ford to be wuront theta. Vole >es exi>ecis to make a profit. On Ibe same
togs to the eitg, producing a deadlock that could not be
Me snd thd statpta la sucl» csmbaHt the i>eoiile of towns may (»nsld
tor the
_ .
made and proridad, notice la hereby .
tat yean. Another drawback to the plan Would be that it
Fi^dlse towBihIp-proiiOses to^bond er'bondi for toad bnildlng. Generally
given that on tbe 14th day of DetetoSIMtol bt a very difficult task to get any wmpetent electrical
for $30,000 to build good rosds. ' This no extra taXailon is reqnlred. the n*dber. A. n . ISI8. AlO o-rtoek in the
the flrst In Grand Trav- al levy (or road purposes being
lorenoon. there urtH be sold at public
^*sr to aoeept the positloD of supertotcDdcnt under the. dinwtion township
dent to provide for the Interest snd
wttb w^ basru wDisteMAs tta
itt a osriii of A^toen bosses, when one is all that any real red- cr>.e («tini)- lo i»it up a bonding propretirement: the slight sddIKonal levy
o-liion. Tlie county has buUt
Washington elreet. In tbe city A TrsvMabdsd man ean work with in these streonous times.
miles df road near Kingsley aud tbo bears no iiart lo tbe pUn. when the
erae City. Michigan, that being the
Ho plaoiSgof the management of the plant in the bauds of
township lias built llifce miles: eri- sdvaotages.-of baring the roads n
pUce where (be Cirruil CMurt Tor tbe asMat WUbAm Block, toU Dr.kMto
Conaty A Grand Trover** Is held, the
westh. Trawaa Cttr. MkUtoR
Wfraisston of this elmraeter would make possifdc the use of tin ■lently the proiierty owners .see the
premises described In sAd mortgage,
Money wasted h)- attempts at mainpatnoage to oonnoetion with it a means of pa.ving political debts, value ol good roads and pruinae hav­
nece*lenance would go far l-j laying tbe In­
ing thetuNsThere are lull
aan to w tbe sniount due on said
.. gad toe reanlt would be poor mAuageraent and a fiimueial loss to ship roads m every township which terest on bond* to (szisinict pi
mongage. Including Iniercet and all
'd» toty. The eonunisBOD plan was tried out wfaeu the nalcr wuiks r€H)ulre |-er
nent roads.
legal cosi*,,wlUi au attorney fee ot
ttflecn ($l?i UoUaro.
pnuhased by the city, aud the older residi-uta can testify go
Tbe prcmisce being deserlbed in
toa vaatisfaetoty resnl^ that followed the trial. At the present
uid toslivm^t as foBows:
foUows: That
. .laiffRAl6l£
■ • ofcel ot land Ideated 1n
In the toi
tiiae H is run by a stqterintefldent appointed by the mayor and t
HenlDsnls. room of Grand Traveroe
ibelr vehlrlee through (be downtown
(Continued from Page One.l
4totod by tbe oonn^, and the reaulU are entirely antisfaetor.v.
A i«n pr
suie >( Michigan,
streets, snd also tbe manner In wblcli
ttia method works ont effectively in the wator -worksl why would
between lot previously
nsly sold
to E. J.
as* referred to «hc stmt comnil: they aball be htebed at the curb. All
H not be eqoally us aatiafactoiy if applied to ilie cleclrie lighting K;0north of
shall fare tn the proper direction and
Brinkman and r hlghwej' '
width, vis: 20 feet
ahall when standing not orenpy fur Every Claes A Beau In American It and of the sai
ptanM It wonld be-* wiae thing for t^council to carefully weigh
Tlic (onimlltiM- uu claims and hcparcekot Und being 2(‘ feet wide east
Navy Will Bq In Pari|^
. SD the points tovolved and issue* at stake before deciding to create couuts rt-ported that they had Inve* iber than ten feel Into the
and ai>proxlBiAei
_________ > 30 feet
violations of the ortHnance wlU hs
long north and south, located In tbe
ii(.>d the claim of J<An Blacken
tUs SODuntoDOti, vhieh cannot be viewed et the present time iu an>
« tba Mttot tov*«*N tern
puniabed by a fme of not laaa than
village cAHlboDly known as Old Mla(oUowine the time he was
fltoto light than a superfluous body for a cilv of the size of Traverse
tion. Mtebiton.
o *;-c.
______ _
! salary^ Auiocop Gotlheb «
PETKll 'k^ijIrdie.''
niid ns-(«mni*'iidf<l that his claim be
fuel at
ler month, beginning
nut nlloukHl.
The report of (■|t>-. Kugiiiecr Taboi fym iQo let ol October.
Atlomev 1«T .Vli.rtgagee.
llqdaDD river today
A new ligfaL was orderud plaied
BnslO'-ss address. Iraverro Clly,
At toe eoancil meeting last night an ordinam-c was passed tm lf|c ivcdlllon of .^s>lum ertt-k was
A tbo vo^It are bi
Hannah avenue when tbe two n
ngBlattog toe handlikg of vehicle^ on the public strccta'of the rc4>d and be rgcouinjended that os lights lire put in Ibe BooaviUe di* vary Iu alxe (ron( a
SCI-: 13-thuru-dec 13
Ing to the narrow-nesa and crooked
AowMown district, and if properly efiforeed the meaKure will do
<ourae of tbe cn-elc that it would be
away with the emigestion of traffic that too oflyn occurs wheu the impossible to provide culverts large
A. Wynkoop was present
■Mato are crowded. Drivers of rigs and automobiles arc too <
Ins shout the tnanner in which they keep on tbe right side of the Of Hoods. - He recommended (hat the done a great deal toward building crulscrn. scout cruisers, gnnhoats. tor­
cr^k be Eir.tigbteiied and widened up tbe clly snd srsnted protection for pedo cnfL destroyers, submailnec.
Sinot when moving, and when their vehicles are left standing they
A P/a K p. Osaolin* Engln*
to at leapt 30 feet. Upon motion of his bmidlng tn the teeemd
supply tolps. range tbip, ntln* Isyerv.
'm» too often left Cseing to the wrong direction, lii ease of tTrmi- Aldi inan Goodrich Mr. Tabor was au­ wbldi was burned the.night before,
bosAtA ships and Mber auxlUar
CyUhder boru. 4 lacbca: Arok* 4H
SWSy or oonw other excitement this is liable to result in uimcccssary thorised to prepare an estimilc of the providing It was fit to repair Aier
tia. The arrival tomorrow ot i
thefia*. Good daeign. beit matarlaL
of putting* the creek in proper the fire. He also claimed] that tbe doten addiuonal batGmhipe and i
htosksge, and-perhaps injury or loss of life: Under the. terms of
Hopper cooled. Weight. 8M Iba. fiun*
coudtiioii to oarrv' oB the water !n building had been aet on fire by
iRhnber A auxilisriet will eomplctto* new ordinance all rigs and autos left along tbe curb mus
saally. rnni rtaadUy; U aeeaotatml.
of the reetfiraU
tlmita of freshets
the flaeL which wUl then he read,.
rtilabia, dorable and eoaipUt* wttb
toMsg to the proper direction, and not to extend more thab ten
Tbe ordinance oommltlee^ reported the city and r«*]<
(oMhegrostastiMMIttstion lb* wmp
gtsollna uek. battary. eoU sad
MN out toto
street. They arc also allowed to be two feet away I ordlnaiu-e regulating the dumber
world has cter keen. On To*!i
•erltcb. wired ready te mr> your aep4Nto toe curb ^ule'standing pr hitched. No rigs or auto* will be of men to be omplo.ved by the rail eendlary. Tbe matter w«
day next tb* great fleet wiu be 're­
saw or |l
newed by President Taft.
Atved to tore around on the atreet excq<t at the iutcrsectiims n»ds vn trains doing swiicblng with -X the police, who are exp<
other dwy within the
city IlmHa. U^er the (wdin tbe terreling
b. p.: occeplet 2iZ4k t
tom ii'plenty of room and no danger of running into rigs
The question of purchasing the
ich train ciSw doing swluhlaF
•liBf sad mntog. The ttoming of eorners to a propi-r manner is
CRy. MlaB.
in the diy must conilsl ot an en
tola to bOTNMated by the police, and the cuforcmcut of the ordi
bronght up and
fireman, foreman, mod tw. ihe«qcond ward
diMs will make a great hnprovi'ment to the traffic in she downtown hidpeie. Tnls ordlnann.' was intn althongh tbe bids bad not been Acted
) Sitfiet. The ralea of the nmd arc too IjiUc obscrv.d by drivers, duced for tbe purpose of preventlnr apoB. they were finally bronght up Indunapelia tfayer Aaaigned te Stump
''-'■d’to'ofder to make them live up to the rules this ordinance «fas <* that are Itsbir to bappei. Slid read and the declalon
switching is do.ic hr short train lavor of the segment block offered by
ilfceeaary. Its provision* will b<- cnforciid during all Masons of
wniin are nnsble to properl.'
■ Mlchlgit
ilgan. Sewer Pipe Company

' *
guard the rev o( trains at the crosr
e twsrdin
contract waa indUnapOU*. Urt. x.-Beceus* u:
made by a rote of *-2. Those of the bla toonidpA potato market, wbicii
Aidt^nnan I mloto btongfai np th.> Adermen wbo voted agAnat II did b* OMidBcted last (Ah Major U>
SMiMng OrOuma
duewllOB of havfng the salary of the
the belief that the eontrart^ Shank haa been osalgnA to make rc
bt order to preserve the lives of citizinis who itavc uccasiok. ... i-adge of tbe rscorder'a court nUaed mlgbi not be enUrely legaL bat a
pubUoan campAgn ipeeeh** in the
Have you a pot Dof or huaUaf Dof? II to
Michigan potato bAtS«V«! on the streeta that ape rrosacd by railroad tracks.''the ciiy
the same auocnl af it was before
ve of the company
fct from uo Ine-of ebutte tho booklot “DImoows* lowered soiur years ago.
Njuril has psaed an ordinance prrscribieg the number of men
MillUM of Oeiltra.
00 of the Doe and How to Pood" by Dr. H. Cloy
ate skiff be used on the switching en-ws in order :lmt there tuay leason wa* tbe Iccneaao In the
Are deared even .'ear b> tbe poolUT rnlSwu A tbe fntted Sutea A
^ snoogh to protect paasen by from being mu down at the cross- sT.ouri of bnslans to tbe conn since
Glover, the do* expert. Full of (nod poInU for
large fsrtorvin the prodscUon A tbi.
Aetoenp Gottlieb wsi appointed
ki^ wkiie the ean an being switched. For some tiim- the railroads ilie police force. Judge t’mlor
huge profit Tk HARVBLL-S cond:
the Do* OK nor mod aboolutoly tree.
rtAiHaad 'five mile* aa« et TTb« TK)N POWDER. It keeps laying bens
Maiw barn operating their yard train* with short crews in order to preeect and sUted that If the inIn good condition, makes young chicks
gw dwra expanses, ..ngsrdlcss of the daiigcr they run by t>ot ivease was granted bim-he.wonld
sou farm, fine boUAngi, bear grow rapldhv. ward* off dieesae an.t
Klngiler. good hardwood land, keeps the comb bright and rrJ
plgPNly protoettog the crossings cm the public Arects. Under the make any eialm for back Mlary
referred lo (He ways, and means
yeans erehard. bargain at $SJM: BqaAly as wood ter atoek. It la the
M ofdiainee, whieh h modeled
teruu to right parties. Addraaa F. favorite eondlUoAng powder wuh
P. RasseU.
MoBstt Bnlldlag. Do- breeders A blooded horaea. Price 23c
antf ««■»" doing switehtog in the'eity muA be manned
One A the feature* of tbe mcMI-i.T
par padmge. PoU by Amcrina Druq
to order Uiit at leaA one man can be on tbe nar of as tbe tATodonion ot a tranc ordi
aept Idtasa ihorsdf


Local Martot







aM rn/itc

The litOe Wonder

SMK wia iffiU


WAirS DRUG ^TOltt;


Kinsley Dej^rtment
W« A«n bt cl«d to ten indiffiafeli, etarebte
y^ljteMy ftSnal ■orioHw aaA ' otter oru

1 is iMH of B««i, firoiwtTt,
I Ilf iinUlnii. nrittroi of miwttihi

a«iU, bMiatot teuum ptlbU* improranoBti
tei» jam Of ooBUTltUd. wfii tt rori mff
«te tel ObMfft of tte DepmuoMl, moutw
nmtu.. J;


Wedscslir arurMoa tb« boiM
V MjtoD Broker Mfi-irlli «u the
. MMb or • qoM welKni wbon their
lihclner AUle
oalUl la marrlase
to KemlB nkher of Jarhton. who
* #u I fortier rwaaeol of KJnn^^r natil two rears aso. The hridWwae aiIn Mae BMOMliae. .^whlie the
treoa wore the. aMTesneiial btart
Tber were alteaded by Mlee £doa
Bmwer ot Stonla. tousia or the hrlile.
ate «alM> Maatcold oT ihU i4ace. Mr.
ate Mn. riafber are boih popuhr
yotin* people. MUi - Brower hevlnr
WeHite la the Monte etere tor the
past two yeore. Mr. aad Mra. Fleeher
wtll teoUe In Jaekaon. Their many
frfendi here ewend their heanieet

tuem tnaiiy yean bl bapplneaa and
R • Mej-eA aod wife were ireally
enrprieed by a abort Tlelt Monda.r or
Detroit trlenJa.
Mr. and Mn. Deter Mmh apenl the
• eek-end In Tiaverre City.
Henr;- Mox Uaa,moved V« famll.v
rn>m liie rarm aoalh of (own to the,

•re roU at the present.
Rial waa qolie iU Toeedar
frofn an attaHc .of lapnppe.
I.eels Manifiold aod family or Trarene Cliy were the atmta or Mr. and
Mrs. Oeo. Ohautly the Aral or the
Altrcd Ilomera left tlonday tor
!Cew Tork. hla l>oyhood home, whieh
be ha* not vlilied tor do ream or
Last Batnrday cveolnc Uiaa All
ipert* to hr aooe tor a
Behell, danchler of Bm Behell, wa*
otlted In taarrtaice at the brldO** home 'month
to Wm. Iloward of thi* Hare. »Ir. and I Jor llenllne wn« I Tnrer*e City
* MrA Howard hare both bent Ion* rrs-' vl«lior yioihUy.
tilMit* of thia place, and are popolvr ! KHo> Meyer* anddlenry Hoeflin al­
ia aortal rirrlM. Their frind* wlib tended the ulc ai Summit City vbirU

wa* helil at (be home oMn Oey on
Ur. ate tfra. Homan nkher M>
Tbnodar for ibetr pew home la Jark-

Fife i^ike Department
ilMdscudi lUr MIM Ms* Otway.

^1 Caa« and ^e. oeera.
Mr. and Mra. A. H. Clart dfoee to
^onhport In the Ome ear Sunday.
Earl Case made a bualneaa irip i
Ucaiek on Monday.
There » no aebeol this week owiai
to the potato raeatlon.
BrnnUnn riaitte mates In
Trarene Ctiy Sunday.
Mra..p. L. Eosln waa a ^rene
City rUttor Wadnetday.
Fred Holliday ha* beea ataylnc hi
Traretae City the past week to attend
>nrt owin* to hli'belpl on Jury.
Dayton Srhell and •later Alice Were
Trarerbe City .vfsiters Wedneaday.
The M. E. -Itele*- Alif met at the
home erf Mr*. Earl Case Thnnday
Thla'wa* a apeeial roeetln* owii
the nwrtitape beln* paid
the M.
ranonaice. After the husineaa meetIna two bdle* were arpolnied-te bold
points. Mr. Bosllr of Manton Is at­
a dlih lun which held a bomlnic.tandlc. while Mra. Mike MrCarthy b,umed tending 10 the doctor's htulneaa here
cage. At a late hour a light during their absence.
Tbe farewell i«ny which araa given
wa* senwd whlrh ereryone
for jfrT and Mra. S'onnan Fischer
Mis* Forbnair went to Grayling Sat­ last Wehnewliy evening was wall
Mra. FUrher wUl be greatly
urday. where she will aiwmd her vamissed tn social, circles.
rallno with herd«renis.
Mies Jessie Hdwdea is spendlDg s
Barth is spMidlnR the 'week
week with her paronu at Smamjt
with her iiarent* at Sonhport.
Adam Seegtnlller aorl wife went
->isa Faulloe Nickerson spent'th*
Summit City on business Tuesday.
*1 or the week with relatives in
\Vm. Howard made a buslneas trip
Ttwverae City,
to Troverse Clly Saturday.
Mrs. Simpson or ‘Siandlsb 'arrired
'cKlnesday for an exleodctl visit with
her daughter. Mrs, Ben R. Hayes.
Tbe |.ie soehil Saturday evening
I»r- Fenton and wife are taking an
extended lrl|> to Sturgis. Crtud lUir as a grand nceeaa. XIIsh IMBlfred
idA Kainmarno ted other soulhem Benedtel, tin- kk-al teacher, knows


Einai mmM
BIgteon Hundrte ar. AtjagdIgB BtlM

Oraad RapidA Oct
Sixtea* ^nB^ dalegtiaa from vadoua i«ita wt
The Fife Lake high acbool cloaed:
bare ha state are aneodlns tbe 4tth egnna)
oC tte GWtFriday night for a weeks' vacation for moved Into their new house just
potato barreat.
cently finished ate are comfortab’y m Star of Miebigas.
Dan Way and family and ilts. O. BMIled tor tbe winter.
HulcdilM ot Rapid City were ov
Xtr. ate Xtn t. F. JodUnt drove
- Walton - their auto Sunday.
Default ha* lag hete mB* U tte
Roni, to Mr. aed Mra. Jerry Skeiver Abo day t
Mrs. reaper JvdkHia eotemons of a eenal
PHlnadtii a
n Friday. OcL t. a aon.
staring for home the by Arilutr
wtfe. to.........
Nancy I
Mlia Bvelyn Bechat^e it hone bane became frightened, overtnniag
the lUh day »f G
from Baxter for a two weeks’ vwn- )fae.ieggr and pltnlng Mn Jteklav and recorded ia thi
nteei\^ hugg>- top. and throwing ter ot
aiiss Franrls Pteere ta borne for a Mr. Jud^lna oot. He held onto tbe Travs
two weeks' vwcatioa from IVIIIIams- iltiM ate waa dragged for a few rods
before tbe animal neceedet
irbieh'itencaga then u'cSffite'w M
ting knee and cMne beam.' la^ dee at tbe date «r ^ M ''
and Intervet iheret
Cadillac MoBday. where be has been ing tbe rig badly tUamged. Hr. ffSd
> see hto vrlte at the boepItaLl$C5«.:Sl DelUn. a Bd te atturMyg
Cbas. PrevcM of KUkasha was raleeA
fee. ot Tweaty-FTve
Mn. Ella '
the guest of his mother and almr,
r procetelngi at law havMB
Mra Allg Utemv, on Sundav and CbristUn Wofken- Bible ctasa ai
batae on Bw^d street Friday evening
Mias -Urytle Becdistelqe la heme Ikere were tweBtrtM yaveeM. Th-e
Notice it hereby given that by rD*
from Summit City for a- two weeka' (onpunr waa earved to a Mn^noaa
ae of the pwver of tale ccatninal tB
dinner by tbe honusA
mortnte. ate the statau* U sMb
Prayer meeting at the M. S. ebareb
Mrs. Blanche Bryant was in (Mdll■ mads
provided, an Flidok
every Wednesday rwwlcff M 1:3^ the Hhh day of January, A. D, IMl,
c to aee Mrs. QaackMlbnah' at
Bnnday nerricee at the U. -R. dinrch at : o’clock In’ (he aftaninea. tte tte
boepKal ThutWUay.
wflL at tbe eoun hone la .
Get. n; pemcblng «t »:»• a m. by
Beto. to Mn. Clar^KB-Htesun
City, tfeat h ^
Rev. A. W. Baker. paMor. Stebafh the place where Ihe ctnnH
Sunday. Rept. S9. a
eoert far
acbool ai 1!;4S: Epwonh tiCAgne at the county of Qtate Travene la keS,
Mn. Elmer Befc/made a bnain
«:3U p. m.; tople. "A Man with an acU at public aoetlou. to the btfMf
tp to MaatoB Tbunday.
bidder, (he pnmlaaa deetbed StM
Mr. and .Mrs. Rufus Rates drove
mortgage, or ao much thereof m gte
rer to iturdlc-kvlllc Sunday tn sea fer Tgawee City, froni there retum- an Cnclean aphtt," Mark
be oereaaar}' to pay the amooat ae-te
Pnima 1.
aforroald due oa nald mortgagA «1%
r. aiid Mrs. Asa Palmer and tamllr. g to tHihi.
At tbe bomeSi Mrs E. C- Brower (l P» real intereaL ate
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steel were called
Mr. anil Mrs. Fred WUaon drore
together with aaU aUuiimr*l
KalkaaU Friday by the aertoui Wednesday aflrmoao the Iteiea' Aid fee. to-wit:
over to Platte Sunday to see Mra. IFULots tweaty-tbrea
eociety elected the foBowIng orBeetJ and twenty-four (34) of hloA nw
aoo's parents. XIr. and Mrs. Artimr Ulneaa of tbe former's foster parent
0. C. Church aod family have for the romlng yeer; PreehtenL Mrs. (41, in Perry Hannah'*, Third (Ml
Manlo. and herhrolher Barnard came
Additloo te the etty
CR a
MasiAt with them.
Hills: secm&rT. Mra. Jsa Lyle; tr«l»

MIm Xlinnle bales will leave for
Mn. RatOel Jenka of Kallhata U nrar. Mrs JsA TeerboiiL There
Grand RapMs Tuesday to visit with
•uylng -wlih her niece. Mrs. C Hudr. and Mrs. .tame* Miller before gomeeHng Uri. Brower erwed ftereah t38-84»
«. fnr a few days,
iR on to Bristol. Ind,
RatridA Hicbigaa
m<nts of cakA tea and fnilL
Un. Oliver Caroifaerw wea
oci 10. >7. 34.
The silos have all been filled.
KlDgaicy Saturday on 'bnslnesa.
6. IJ. 19. 2t •
Mr. and Mrs. Xlinrell 1.4ike and Mr.
‘Mrs. Leon Bine, who baa bees in
9d Xlrs. John RfVry were in our vlFannen Ire having fine weather
with typhoid. U able to he eat ualm
cinKv tan week.
trvMt their rtopA
R. p. Burke Is buying nppiv near
D. J. Iwoekard and family are now Honor.
Salmon Brown left Monday for Chi­
^sbingtoB Cox drove to'Sbemsn located In (heir new borne.
after a few weeks' May at Wrol-,.
A. T. Clark. Custer Loop wad Will
Saturday to spend a few days
wood and at hit farm hero.
Kimball were In Traverse City
We hare locatedteiro and wlU aOBwith a sick friend.
MrA Juliet ReyooMa vtalted Meoda
Mrs. Shields and Mr. Batey vUlleJ past week on jon'.
in? durSf**a‘wtnSrmmoT^
’has. Kdgelt Is oo. the slek llsL He here last week while oa her way I
trieiias In Wexford on Wednesday.
handle dfuante poaMry uBiy.

In BalUe Creek.
George Sammons and daughter has been uoable to work for a ooopkTate
BOttee! Db nat.briBg an site
Born to Mr. and Mra Rerben Dex­ thing unlU
baring recaivte InacA
llih went to Kingsley on Salurday of weeks.
uoaa (or UUlag ate drumlag paa^.
Mn. U E. Gteen went to Rapid City ter. OcL 2, n dsugbier:
Xlrs.-W.ili Gravel and Mn. T. G.
Monday few a fear days' vialt with
Sliilaon and daughter Irene drove
Henry Beaton’s ever ^on^.
Mrs. D. Way and family.
Trav.-m- Cliv on Satarday
Mr. Osborn preached at Inland it
Mn. IJbbie Jtrfinaoa went to
'» madr later.
sp<'nd the week end at lllllcresi farm,
a Monday to vialt friendA and from morolng
the guealH of Mn. Shields.
Mias Myrtle Dexter of Traverse.
Harry Sammons has returned from ibete will go to Traverse Caiy for
Sunday at her bOme here.
Xllehigan, Dakota, where he has beea week's vIsiL
Ch^ XlOToe. Frank ReysMfiA Ira as state 8L 'terite Andarm bUg.
Mrs. Tiffany and two tons. Angiia
for svcral monthA He repons snow
aod Joe. left for ML Pleu^anl Mon­ Case and Waller Dexter tpeot Tburo-' oet H0-1M7*
In MonUiiB.
Ned lieggett and iln. Potter Leg day to spend a' couple of weeks with
Mr. and'Hra. EUsha Anidou gave
getl Vvlafted relatives In Traverse City her parontA Mr. and Mn. Bacbelder. party In honor ot Mn. Roland AmlMrs A. W. Baker and guewta. Mn.
Saturday and Sunday.
Ol) 8a
evenlag Hr.
Mn- U Clark and daughter visited . K. Heimnan and Hlia Schlelben ate Mn. Amidenr Jr., are to mm
visited at Boyne Falls and Petoekev
Desn Crwin* on Sand®i’.
Traverse City, where he haa’a posi­
Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Spongier. Ned I.^tB(ell
tion in Ihe Uoo barber shop.
and Mik. Chaa. Dutton wet
Bert Omtsby are elected delecatei
Oct a.
from 'Monroe t enter to aUend the from Cadillac Wednesday to see the
latter'* sister. Mn. B.- BarTU*> who
grawdnodge I. O. O. P, to be held
ibma been very HI.
Detroit next week.
Mary and Allen WOHama went to
Mrs Harris of Madkon wa*
Andrew riavk transacted bnaioeav
meeting at the Pries church Sanday.
leal of Mra. L. E. Green a eouple
Graw-n on TWeaday.
Mn. BMha
caBed oa Mn.
Mra. C. A. SbleM la In Bay City of day* this wee*. Mr. and Mn. HilU Monday.
Harris are moving from Manton to
this week on a bWneaa trip.
Wnilan Helm wak fflUng bla aOo
Cmilng com. digging potauMi and
Mn. John^dy. who underwent an
pulling beans is the order of the day
Mr. ate Mn.
>entIon at the Cadillac Mercy boa- with Xtr. and1 Mn.
an»ng the lannen.
norence on SunXI
Hill Street school has a Iwo weeks’ plisl last' week. Is getting along day./^
potato raculion. eommenclng
Seboot H closed for two weeks.
Mn. Brady Clark and family bare
Bverrho^: Is pulling beans
moxed Into the J. 'Shetler dwelling.
October *. .
The lAdlca' Aid society will have
UlUe MtCarry bad w arm broken
pumpkin pie social at Maccabee lari weelLi
ill rm rriday evening Oct II.
Borfl to Mr. aod Mrs. Joe Nemesfcal
A calf a^R kttled on the Pere Mar­
this. Diornlng. • daughter.
P H Bcrnstelne has returned from quette tnekroouth of neilner
Mr. and Mrs P. A. Flaber ot Petos I'hicagt*.
week'V are vlsitlm: relatlrea here.
\Vm .Wells was the gneet ot
These wh{^ have been sick In this
Ur. and Mrs 8. R, Cate ot Solon her daughter* Mrs J. J. Kelhardt. »l •Igtiborhood are heller,
passed Ihrongh Xtaple City
Hr* Rial wa, *laltlnc at Mn. Mllka
>. S. R. Bark.- aod Mn, Utcey
MrA N. L CIbba of Los AngeleA
to Burdlckvllle today,
(hL. Is the goest of her sUler-lnnumber from here att
Mrs R. Learn, for a few dayg
,ri>*n ehoemno a Bank la we*lch
box aortal at East KassoB last Friday >u1e to New York state.
U depeeit the metitr yeu Wve
J. R. Pelts was home from KlngiPine Grove tebool ha* a short varoenriied for ate aUasBIi
Mr-- ao.1 Mn. D. McQneer spsot ley Saturday and Bnnday.
OB 00 account of potato digglug.
lost of last week si Empire.
Rev. A W. Baker coodneted the
Ml** DaDell went to Tnvene City
Miss Cora SimoDt Is at A. E Bel- funeral aerxleea-at Mr. Sebaffeta Fri­ . visit during varallooDEPOBITB’ la the late
day arteneoe for tbylr daughter, Mn
Wallsce Pish si<>! Georgle McManrwe Milch geveraa Ute Bank
T. Hehrrt had the misforinoe to SfBop. Bko was mardend
! drove to Eummll City Uri week
In ceteuctinfi Ha aUbUb. ate ea
se a good horse.
Mn. Tyler vtolied her daughter
liamshurr last Tneoday. The hcrtal
thla tesla we aetlcH your bankD, A- Clavette asd wife attended look place at LodL
Centnl lake U»t week.
Ing huainMA
church at Etnpin today. i
Eptanm Ranchor left on Wednesday • MrA Hicks called on MrA Pitcher
Mn. Dr. Burke Is enlerUlnlng her for Owo**;. wnere he baa tn);voy- Sunday.
brother and bU wlfe.
Mrs Newmarefa and daughter CecB
tbe railrote. Mrs. ILincber
Xir. and Mn Leon Drake visited will t;ay with his Mater. Mn Brady aod son Earl sttknded tbe fair last
her parents at t^ke Ann today.
Clark, uvrmg his ahaence.
A number from here attended tbe . Hcs-. L, A Bennett returned last
An exciting tneidrnt occurrte at the
fair at Empire Un Week.
ef \Oj V.
Shtindar iram
from a three
laree weeas
weeks' visu-nomc
visit heme oi
«. HolmeA when oae of
Grandma BIomq -has rett^ted from wltb'^er Mrier at Grand Rapids. Her toe inmatn eat compeUed ta barilly
the fenee. belte claatdy followed
mriber. Mn. Cleteool returned
Mrs Van .Soatrand has nwred back ime near Travene Ctlr.
r a buck sheep.
from her cottage at BandickvtUe.
Mias FYsaeea Plareu Is h«M oa a
Bwln iTiTagtefi left hero Hd^j
(i*c. Msmb and wife of-Cddar pav­ fov Pearl. Mkh, wbwe be hat ac WBcatlon.
ed through here today.
The formera aro btey eaUtag'
cdrfed a poottioa of J. T. HriUs U i
Oct. : ■
te diaiBff potatote.
Mta. MBa vWtaB Mn. dark
WAkTCO—Good. Vxnae thotey ate
oa SuBday.
^ver bay. Glebe DepL Suwa.,
Mr. aad Mta Btemea aad'MrA Ty-.
»• in.*>



United States Senator


Dressed Pooilry

IVill be in

Traverse tity



October 15
and will speak upon the
Issues ol Ibe-^eampalgn

W« wiat to ante this DoportMal .«# tte
rtilMl |M*lt telma to oQ nateorate oad to
this aa« i««aMt Itel oU iMM of panoml
fteHol latMtt te ont to Hte D«mr w te
hfinqiprotod la tte Dotoftanat. Wo
ote St ikmtkm, iSSmm mtUUm wit tte
«tM«o mhh ttteo ot laMMM la ihHrotepoe.
ttotlrintiilliilii Vows Mill ffoati Mt M.
_____ ^h^MOdoore____
piM«. aad hateM oho^ tte inatfM la
tool oMalo la Wm oad eotmtry an wtpweUir
oetiftoMi. tte ahoTO wMUm eat
to tte
Tflo(OWnfo UtetettottsnrTMBdlac eoaa>


at Ihe'

Oty Opera House
in the evening.
Eveiybody is invited to come out and hear Michigan's
Seoiirf Senator. His recent investigation of the Titanic disaaler, and Mexican conditions on the border h'ne of the U. S.
brought him into public prominence.





f RPBS jBors ».r

Grand Traverse Region

TRUIBAT, OOT. 10.^%^

her ^ts when xfaag pW nPMkJ
le eoadac week.
Mrs. Oee. LaUmde. who has areal
Ibave reeelTed
the past. two memths here naltlog
A letter fro
lelaUvea, left Jest week for ber borne
I -young lady.
^ •

H. W. Zalamaa-a mother and. sister
#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦»♦♦«♦ «♦¥♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦
enl the Brat of
Hsnnah. Oct.
Mr. sod Mrs. Sen ’ WiMnse. WU. spenj
llr». Gibbs stlMidMl tii« Suoday
r. IzMsman i
•cbeo) ^^mrentton at Traverse tntv Worm and family sod Msffte Horn-, sb week visiting Mr.
etacd Pt-ru-aa?
bis wife.
Bither (ncdl•Mardar. .
Mrs. S: Steinberg left last wert 'or
and tsmUr Sanday eveolng. Tbe evencine bas Its
Grandpa asd Grandina Sargent ver?
was apent io vUItJof and.muite
also fn Traveres City !■>«•>• aud Sat­
adapted for <ne
and slofinf. whMi whs foralsbed by wloKT with her buaband.
urday ramng oB.trteads.
eondltUA. anoth­
! first entmuiament of tbe hi^
Oleo Haller antf' Olera Worm, which
er for anoUier.
Mr. and Mn. Wayne Maelgold
was enjoyed by all. The men pUyed school lectore tpme will be given
Ka-«nr-no la a
ts TraVerae' Oty Tbsraday
better remedy
( ext FHday evealag. Oct.
lIcMins trip: ' ’
for some condl
a' private dance was enjoyed FUda;.'
Olera Worm and Glen Haller called
Ueos than Hu
Ca Vanderr^ was borne ffUday
nlgbi b.J^the young people. Tbe nrt
iwtaed Pe-TUle vjrii bis nwJter.
' '•
as funjlehsd by Mr. and Mrs J.
Joseph'Wonn 1* bavlnf a new house
Mr. sad Mrs. Har^ Sbearer and built. -.Andrew Miller Is dolof tbe BehiSiod'er.
other band, the reelsed Pe-ru-ns
Mrs. Manifold of Kla*al«' wwe rlsa better remedy for some conditli
than Ka-tar>no. They are both
lUsf at Wayne^ Manifolds Sataiday
Anna Fhsel has been asaisllnf Mary
mded aa catarrh remedies. They hi
nd ea’day.
U R. Sogge of SuttoDs Bay loaded both done a great work in reltev .
Snyder with her housework.
Tbaar Is fotef to be qiiHe a
tsar with pAutoes here last week.
catarrh, chronic and acuta
Mrs. John Ocken Is on the sick list.
' rtianfss here os "Jnoviof day.Arthur Deslle, who hat spent I'cc bondr^ of caees of chronic ca
Nettle Hobel spent Sundty mt home.
> I
s recovured while taktag Ka-Ur-no
Colier. Is folof to occap.r his own
ammer here.,left Thursday mornlh:Ite same la true of tbe revised Pe>
#«aaaesDd as ibere were two fsollles
(or Evanston, where be will spend thu
m daring the last aU yean
Waahlngtoa. Oi-t. a—Wu>ne MarBTlof Ibere that will have to
former aliomey geeenl of the

There Is a dllference. bowrve
. sonavliwe and there seems to ^a
Mr. .and Mrs. Msrach. who bsv.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ .rent tbe summer at Cedar I/odge fne two remedlem Whenever catarrh I'nlted States, lestlBed about tbe nim' a acarefty of booses at preaenl. ''
paign contributions to the InvesUgatassociated with coBsilpatlon
Maptoton. Oct. 8.—Frank Bdfecotob
Harold Clbbs la buylof poiatoee
cfwed their cottage Wednerdmy ami
- revised Pc-rv-tta is the best.
irm commHlee todd)'. gfclog bis version
an Andraw Gilmore each lost's b
now. but tb<y are no:
!d. iMs la esfsrUy why the ret
leh for their home In Ohio.
a made, to rneet nich caaes. But
fast aa yel. Tbere are net many who last week.
Ijst week the Fruit Cromers' Asso
I when no laxative is needed, wbere Ihe centroversy,
Mia. Cooledfe; wao has spent
have hniab^ dlfflnf tbeir potatoes.
^tloo shipped about seven hundred Ibowela arc regular or In-.llned to
('barles Edward Rutsel and Judsou
yeara with her s^ Charles ^shels of apples to rUcage.
JobD KlritpalrJck sad wife wer.'
thert the old Pe-ru-na (Ka-tsr- Welliver derlar-d that rtaeVeigh waa
eWilnf at Ws fstbar’a l^>»o over 8n.i- Cooledfs. left Monday for Chleafo.
Walter Steele left Thursday raom- I be) U the better retnhdy.
• * Pe-ru-na U for aatc at autboHly for the stOD' that Mors.-iir
,aad. from there will fo to North Ds- ing for Traverse City. FTankfort and ' —
eonversaiion with
I all drug atores. Tt.oae wlahtng to ebhota.
Oetoter 7.
other placep In Western Michigan.
I tain Ka-tar-na address The Ka-lar-ne either Roosevelt or Harrlman regard
The Btnf parents' aieeUot of tbe
Mrs- Gall and children. -«ho hav.- Co- Columbua, Obta
ine the mi etinirlbutiona. After
SMson sriU be held at tbe scbool- been vlsIUog 81r. and Mra. Geo. Krrbe.
evading the issi^. Chairman Clapp InA
bopse Tnesday, Oeu Sih.
left Thorsday morning for their hoiusluted that -MirVelgh (ell exartly
44A44 A4«44'4 4«44 44
James Chase of Seattle, Wash.. U
Mrs. Helen, who hat 'been the
what be told Welliver. “I did repeal
Seme days wa think'we nre ha^- visiting Us brother. JUv, C. W. Chase. guest of itrs. Geo. Bigelow several
an occurance of this «-hara>-ter."*MacUg Indian aammar.Mr. Chase came all the way from weeks, mumed to her heme in ChiMr. and Mrs. B. a Cbta. with their Seattle In bis aniomoMle. making the
Mrm. n.-imKHise of fieliaire arrit-e-I Velgb noally admitted. "But it
cage Thursday moralnglates altogeitaer to a different person
Sneeta.. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Miller distance of S.06I miles in ST. days.
Mrt. II. J.. Putman left Tuesdav Wrdatwday lew c week's Melt m-iib ihao 1 mus in the office oT
of Commock. visited Irteada at ""
Eftaeraon DeUnw has a crew of men moralog for Venler. South Dakota Mn. Cbarjea .Agerspn.
Mr. TwoniUley m ben he mws called
lar-s HlH.ennday.
picking apples. Mr DeCraw. expects where, she war called by the Hines*
Mrs X. B. >lobka and imo .hlldren
the telephone- Tmomblev came b<
B^trt and Tommy White wheele-J abool JMO harrAs of apples.
.of ber uncle. Her daughter. Mrs.
and said hr had been talkilfg to Harinto TkavarM OKy Smiday and «>en(
Alex Holman has porchaa«d
Busbor. accompanfed her as far vs weeks' visit, m-lih - eeJalivrfs
rlman, and that Harrim^ had been
the day with reUHves.
called to Washington by Roosevelt
Mrs. Anna Caawdll Is'worMiif for
will be services at St. Jo­
Miliaa RcaedlM arrived SatA. H. Mllllken. who was raUed
and that be bad found Roosevelt
Mr. OOrottc In Maple Cityr
seph's ehureh Sunday.
.• take op Ills duties here
Osslan. Ind, by the death of his (at^ ^
anxious to raise a tonalderahle fund
Mr. and Mrs. Q«lffa Beltoer apeni
tr. returned boaie Saturdaj night, in's juixtor. Rev. .S. A. P. Renkes left and llarriman agreed to raise
Sanday at John Pacera. '
I Basil will return Wednesday even T^otndB.v lor bis-oom diargt- tit WexNORTHPOUT
give Bllas »:i0.noo. and that Harrlman
Miss Danir Is spendins har two
Mr. Mllllkcn's mother mill ac­
wiska' vacatloi; at hm- home In Glen- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦444A44444
Mtm. Arch Brown has been laid expected Twombley to give l$f*.000
James Telgard and brother Fredee company him hoii-.e.
III Tmombley said llarrlnuo
.-I. h*}-) y to o;».* t.r I.iii'm.
Mra C. B. Scott left for Chicago a
ng to give.'»:.u.iM>n hlmaelf. and led
John SeoU or Brawler. Cal., eipetis •k left Saturday morning for Silver
at- U oo the gain nom-.
to helleie thil Morgan wax to
m ntam heow USs we^'atlsr mak- City. Mexiro. where they expect
Mr. an/'Mrs. Wui. King spent simapeod
iMAhnrrtad visH with friends around
r another
>r at Aid«. . • '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stafford of Sii;
Imre and MspH <^U'. hli former home.
Mrs. Sai JiHser apd dpuffatcr VioU Tuesday, a boy.
imo days at the Elk Rapids fair next
Scull last areek.
M. liesUe left Monday fo
- cnas from Crescent Friday and art
dt. Campbell of Petoakey tnd
tlMtl^ mlatlvea In Solon bofore aUrt^ home' In Evanston, III.
Mra. Hugh .L Boyd nod sou sni
Mias Maude Telgard left last week Eou of Pollston apent a few days last
'.'-tnf hoasekoeptnf In TrpVerae City.
week visIHag R. E. Campbell and fai»- Viasdlaael Coojier cxpi-rt to h-ai.- Covtrnar Polhicr First French CdnaJoe Buirnl of «if Hnpids Is spend- for Empire, where she wll-spen
tbU w«4k for G»nd 1-dxe to Joi'i
lydian to Become Co.'crnoe.
' ti« Ua veca^loa at hMnn befon leav- few weeks visiting friends and re
Mrs. Boyd. They expert 'o
. las for the waat whore be ha# e poilmake their) future home there

Albert Steele was a Traverae City
thm awaUtnf him wlth-qciic an ad♦44«4444
James E^est of UiCregnr. hi:i a
wialtor Saturday.
I*m>ideni-e. It
torniiT b-i^ne*» man her.-, is icm-«
U 81 Dame and ton CHIman
PeihUr. Ihe firet Kreucli-Canadian
.Monday momlng , lor losing un-1 «b444444444444444 Ing idiracnuiili.iaiices in louii
ever honored with the governorahip of
TliresTiiftg .buCkrteat and l.eans
states, win be
,the order, of "the day here the past
(or a fifth term a> governor of Rhode
Island by tbe republican .aut
Mrs. John Wheeler it doing fltirlv
vemiOD which Is to meet here
iafier her operation. ”
ex|«M-ted that iiraclically
, Mrs. Wlrtter la haviag a Bar ne"Du1
.f the Ollier, stale oSleers will be
all of
barn mtt up on her farm. ' REACTIONARY
ChaWi^, U'Icker is spending bis va­

IVtiHur and lU-tar«o


A large aaronah baa bsM pUeed ai my rlapoml u liad w real estau aicper .«nt aod 4^^ prre>a> for |Ure«ad oicr. 7 grec cent Wader gitO;


RBfs»aT m Eudi



y^ime 9nd Money Saver
Pyis Barrow
Fruit Step Ladder

Doable ladder oa which
I can waA St tbe same time,
j Easily moved
I steel wbeeU act a.
I When closed wlU . carry fOO
pqDods. Takes Ihr place of
, 'hroesa and wagon around the
orchard. Fine for handling
dramod hogs. barveli of apples,
eemeat, etc.

Asmnta Wmntedl
^ Big Profits for Hsatlara

. Michigan Potato Sorter Co.

' "
MndUon Ave. vhI P. M. Ry-

cation here on the farm.
Miss Anna DpBeet of ('bieago-lesr<
for home Friday, after visiting her
,slater. Mn. F J. Baker, the past
Herman Werner wmi to the Nnnli
Manilou to work last meek.
Mlaa Clara Tbereaon Is at home
mlth her ^ber the past week.
■ Arehie Weaver la working for Tore
KeJderbOUae cutting cora.
John Miller Is building a fine
bis farm.
Mn. Nets OlesoD and Mrs. Albert
Prause mere T^vetao Cllj visitors
coe day this week.
Mr. aod Mrs. P. J. Burflend attend­
ed the fair at BmWre Friday. They
'say there waa a Brie display of fniit
and all farm'produce We all i
rhe fair a snccem* next year,
every one turn out an<^ make it r

ill Stop at Flint and Saginaw
On His Trtp Through

Detroit. Oct. S —Colonel Roosevelt
was here this'niomlng and conferred
with Bull Moose leaders Watkins and
Uonjon. He address^ an Armor:
masf milling, referring to Wilson's
speech la wbith the democratic
didate said there is little difference
between ih^ progremslve and demorralir plgMCrms. "There Is a differ­
ence between the imo." sAlil Teddy.
"The progressive platform is progres­
sive. mhlle tbe democratic is re.vctlun.
ary. " He left at 1:2D Ibis sfieniooo


Money fo Loan on Farms

Sep9 1mo WlUielmBdg.,TraverseCtty.Ml^


lapp Comminee Is Bringing Out mlsinsU<-s. mythology, hlatory of rsUgSome Vsluabtc Facts in Con­
loss. ancient'tepography. and Cbrlonection With Republican
Campaign of 1WM.
M’a.hli.cion. 0.1. 9—Harrii
ralieil Sjre<,tN.i in'l9»4 at Booeei.
sl«dsl lequew. Thla maa- the
phallc i.-ftiiuoay given t.niay bcfo.'C
toe t'Ispp coronilltec. directly coniradieting Rooeeveli's tveest sworn <
mem. Ju.lge Robert S. Uotetu chair­
man of the direciorale of ihe’llarrtman lioem. aaiJ that Harrlioan rafred
the fqn.l at. Rooseveli's request. F'drmer S.-naior Sailian S^ti of Wemt
Virginia safil he talked with Roasevelt
on tbe telephone and saWTie wa* go­
ing to mend lor llartliuan to gX more
A»ft(y tor'Ihe New York Hate cam
I'Uign. Itt>oi« recemlv *»ore ihal
Harrlntati .aO'C-i.i Mm aod asked
lt.>os.-veli to have ihe taiioual con
mtiiee help out in tbe New York caw

^ A Two-ejaded Stc.1

Royp' BoH-pr O.ariuat

. r-

Joltn W. Pafcbln
t™;.-; c«y.

Candidalc lor Codorcss

Lauat Invenliena Snown at New York


Xem York, Oci I*.—The iiiyriaJ monderm of elecirlcliv mere never b-iter
lllunirated lliaii in the .-ountl.;-* ex'hlbils at the elevtiiral show mlilcli
oi»ned today in Grand Central lUlscc Cendit.ont of Ancient Nationa Will lie
Koremosi among ilir .-xliibli* i* lhai
Delv«o Into by Five Hunof the federal government. Thl* inI-* a tiilniaiurr reproduction of the
Csiiin section of the Panama canal,
flivnih. Oci 9 —Wlih an attendance
shi.ulag horn- the great l,>.-k* mill be of nearly I>in of the nvist iiiotulnenl
oir-rated by eleitriiiiy mliA romseokigUti. and hitiorians (rom all
pleied. Anoiber gov-erument exhibit
. of the world. rhe*bird Interna­
is the pulnioior. an elecirlra! device tional I'ost.-'-r-. c; .‘-'Vscology asaemadc|.te-l li) tile luireaii of mines tor
ic Hunic loda.' I"- a iM-r*ion of
'n-»iist-iiatitig Miln-r.v o'-i.'im- h,. ,nf

call as a check
live government.
recall Of docirtoni aSertiax
Direct BomlaatloM and elcMlo’
rom iiresldcat dovu.
.Naclobal regulation oT all moss
ate. as omier the loierauta c4
roitetuent of a Urlas a
Child _
Kiienxion of the

r fiuuofiai oAd
._te cunstltullotia easier.

Gov. rntneoi tnduslrtal iBStiraace
Bgalm-t sl^BeM and^nonemidoyne^.
Old age peuslcm*
sep 5«, oct 3. 7. 10. It. 17, 10. it. 3*. 31


Bimdrcds of Soils and Overcoats at $10.90.
$10.05. $16.50. and $10.50 Oiat were
made to seU at $1$ to $1$.



The Clapp commltteo bas
JiatiangJ Fkogretaiva Party.
pcD-ved CetTit J. Dlckereaof MlcJiUnn.
tbspacer of the Taft force* to tell
how much It COM to swing the Mk-blgan delegation to the BeireUteaD
Chicago convention to Taft. ChclrAre you a FrogreusIveT Vot* Tor
- oi.i.n aonounred that a copy of the |«rt) and leaders that repr«eat
• 1901 (omri'ou'lon list was found the i«ople
in storage in Chicago. It will, be |>ro- ,The Natienaf PiogrusslreFurty Btaiadi
.(or.Tisaas Priimiptoa.
duced ajul^naatiOna am expected.


Well. then, if you'll e«m«' ill ami a
Hiiits nml uven-onts anil note the |
selliug thoui. you'll know at i
they an^yott'll realize how a little pim-ttawtiig R/iillT
.VOW will save you many dollaik.
The men's Knits ajui ovemiats were IxuiirhlI ffrom thd
most noted makers of tlris c-ountry. You’ll had iiiauy of
till- highest grade garments in thes<- lois-^the claKsiest
fahrivK—the m>h,l |H-rfeet tailoring—garments to til extra i
till! ami extra short men—as well us {ileniy of the jN‘gulars *
imd Kiniits. 'There are more and better hargains hanging on
will' raeks right now than at any previous time during this
‘lrc« n.vtliiiig Sale. ‘

Over..,Mils worth $l2-'>rt are here nt $9.60; .suits worth
are her.- at $8,80.
In Hoys' Sufis we have five special lots in new and
Bitapity styh-K. ma.le of wann an.l dtirahl.- elolhs. worth
#7.'rti. m.t
I- at $2.45, $3.96, H90. $5.40
One lot of 1)ovk's nits worth ^.yi uiid
at $1.95.
Uoys* and Youths' Ov.-rcoats in nil sir.-s fr.>m :1 to IS
years. Vitim's up to f-S.'si.
$195, $5.40 and $8.00.' One
Oi. lot of Bovs’ Over.-,
tip io L1.W*. are Iwing close.)

five^da>>. The foiled
U re|e
resesied at the coagrewi by a Urge
dlallomlKbevI 'delegaihm. the
members of mblcb include Prof.
George Jk'WhIcher of the ArchaeologInatltote of Aiuertca. Prof. Arthur
Iblnxbam of Prtocolob university,
r Jo,eph Clark -HoppHi of PTOvl.Irn.e, Dr. Ivaa M. Umfortb of the
I'nivt-riiiy of Callforsla. iVof. Charles
Goolmlp of lohlgh uBlvermHy.Smd
Charle. l>en|iod) of Harvard ualv.rxity.
e *e»»ion of the congress today
masTield in the hUlortc Castle of Sau
Aiipel.i. The sul>iei;is to be drelt'wUh
d.irliig the five days of the congtwss
comi'rl*e prehistoric., oriental. pr«e
ilellmic. Italic and. Etniacan arcluenlugy. tbe hlatory of fUasIc art. Greek





Cenmral Law Rpmcttca. toelutfifsa CAlMettaaa
did A* S^
Fm* ^
-WarG B. CdsnnlM
MmM M.Cdsimtoifc

Mayer W. I) <' I'.ermnlne ha* re
celved at. invitation ^.•.a^tead the
ninth'anptial couveoiion of the Rirers
and Harbor* conxress tha' meuls in
Washington. December 4. 2 aod C
He Is also BUilinrlzcd to appoint a
delegation to a< company him on the
trip. He »i!l appoint at lea*i halt
o doren promln.-ni elilten* and the
party will go to the raplioi with the
iBlenii<» of placing Traver-c Citv oi;
letter*. There i- r."
|»alarv- to the .iWM'ior. pav
ts-lnc tuade In hon'i'-a'.i"hie niilPlIC* or 'he , - 'Cl..

CrovS^Wi*. u. 1. '—The northwestern branch of ih- Woreen's Furelgn .Missionary society of the MtHioEpiscopal •bur.-.-) I»x»n I'v nnnua! mertfag in thl* city t-.i,.. -cp-i]
delegate* :n arendac -e fra-i, Mi hi I
gan. Indiana. liMr.ots aud Wisconsin.j
The session* mill i^ntinur until Fri-;
* Pv-hedule.! among the promio.-=lj
speakers are Itiebop* Wanie sn'l Oidba^ and Pr. laasc Headland bt th* .
ValTWBlty of Peking. ;

,The success of your windows
depends on your shades
What adds more to the appearance of yogr home than fresh
Bteolm shades '
-------------Don't put off orde-Ud.
Let ui come out indsv an.J 'how you tamplet of Breniin inaO
* colors and m Brenlin Duplex.
Br,»u» It iwvre faSaa. I.
aamre xmeht ae4 awwa. atmmm’4 arrta
■a aiaOa maB,« It w-n
Miami rMOUipat

famouB shade cloth that you fiod ad­
vertised lo all the leading mafazlDeB U now
found at this Btore aod In no other Io the city.
We arcBOleagentB. There It no Bubatltute
thli cloth. Let us figure with you uo those
new colors.

City Book Store

mip TKAvxko roMiHAMP


Ktn usT itr 8E m

Detroit Orand irntf Mar Laet '
Detroit. Oet. 9.—A grand^urr that
mar bat two x*an>- that will go toio
,r deparuaeni of «*t>' govwai
and that will tboronghlr loveatlgal*
the tmalaeaa aodspoUUeal Uvc
maar men now preaileeu boKwe the
latblle. waa a^aeoaoed aa a eeffalmy

The alleced mnk trum. the at
coal truat the alleged lumber 1
eonnrU pro^lagt In graatlng
mpKW Ucnaea every r««r. alroet
Inga and apecUl tfavora of all klada
granted 10 corporeUona or privau InAll SmIamS* •utpmM an« Town dlvlduab to Ua rlly eonacll. the
board of atoeeaort. (he water board.
in tin Mourninf. Vu
Ue acbooi board, tte departaient of
HMWM Cnvnmd WHU Fl«Bpoblle werka. are a few ol tba thinga
will ceru.lolr come nnder th->
flight of the grand Jury, be aay*.
iUJu o«. A-FdrtxMiM or Uw TicUnu of tb« cmt
powdor 'nxptpnIoB of Uat nlgU
boon ro«o»oced nod ((Dried. ifoK of
(ben were b«Md end torn berend
Betimetee neir place
(be dead et )W. whOe (be lejored will
total anofber 100.
«lMBtbelO.OOOpe(mdaofpovd« lb
the twndiic atorebooae Ut taone H
wai reelled that the kae of Ufa was
cooildereble. bnt not nnUI » aeereh
(Oder of the roofa of bobteo atm
atandlbf end the rttlna of tboao deatforad and the waien of the rlTer
on wboae >»»*« the warebonaa i

flanea. .bat a majorlt? of (be ricUna
were la the crowd (hat latbered
wltnena the Are apeeude. bloat of
thoae killed
Uu (Oder the tbodlae besan to
float Id the river. Br neddeat It waa
leaned that the roota of booaea aleo
hHd bodlei and a
the tact that bodlae and paru of
bodiw had-boib bdrM In aone eaaea
two blodta. lahflbc on the flat tope
of balldliiCT..
Tha propertr loea prehahtr wUI not
aaoaat.ta nore thabI ^100.000. .al.ttoaih three
annerana anall bolldlnca
laboren were deatnred.
Tte ehaater of cotamarOe baa a»
propriated-.auaer-for tha rdlef of aw
TMtlaw. AU-bsttbena la aaapenie
and tha t«Wb la Jn nooral^


inwiTE CUE emma

•tarad a Week In Hartford to Eaiabllah an .Alibi Eanaatlanai
CliargA Made by the
Dietriet Attorney.

Dletrlci Attoner HiUer charged toht
Frank Hlggina and Uiehael Young of
Boaton went with McUanIgal
Sprlagfleld and blew np the aaw
nidpal tower on ApHI IS. 1911. Hlgglpi boasted that the exploalon coat
the aalon tSOO. charged UlUor. Tier
then wMt to Uantord ead from there
wrote they'd been to Hartford a . week
to oatabllab an allU, charged Milter.


Chanetar OUeueaad bp CeenfelM

The acrrleea at the Chrlatma rhnrch
are tDcrehalaihb IntOfeet aad the Inapiriac addteaeea of the evaapeUat
afe.taktw hold of the bearta of the
pro^. He apoke'Tneadar frota the
‘alitb Tone of the BpUtle of Jade, bla
eobleet beln« ‘Horal Adeacr.*' a
tteae who were parntuad to Uatao
thb nuat^ diBOonree will have o
ooa to renwnber what Ood reqelrea
from bonaaltr. and what It takaa to
epoaUleU a character plaaslBC aad
aee«tahla to Hln. Many tonchlBd IIteatratioaa were civea to foroe home
the truth to the bea^ of the people,
•and the aodlaace waa norad to
br hla rooital o^tha coararaloB of Old
ilobn. tha aatanower. la Cbcdlt. Walaa.
FMloarlu la a brief of the diawiirae
laat erealac: - "Character U not de' teraUeod h}' poalUoa. The aocela MI.
ihelr poaiiloa wa* not a naraatea of

Reaaac are Rapanad to Hava CerMrad
•andlW in ttw Naarhy
Fort Smith.. Artu OcL 9.—A Rock
dand paiaencer train waa held
and robbed near the aeeae of the
Kaiuaa CItr Soathen robbery a
dayi (.so. Paaeengan were utxuoleetod. bat .the expreee aafea ware
draamlted. Tbe loot to aal^owu.
M are leported to have eotserel
tbe bandita to Ue bUto.

Fa'fBM Bllad Eiueator Native ef

to>adoa, Oet
Franeb 'l.
CampbeU, tbe noted blind ednentor
and aebnlar wbo for more than tony
r««r« baa boon at tba head of tbe
fcrea 40
Royal Nemal CoI)«a aad Academy
poaltloa in
of Uaale for Ue BUad.
flclaat goaraatee tor Qod'r approhaeightieth birthday aanl
In view of Uo nmay yeart that Sir
Ftanda haa given to Ua Royal Normat oollage it, la not aimirtolBC that

dM net prevent their avldhy for othei
atad with him tbe fact baa been althinga Evea ao with ua. there are a
forgottea that he to a native of
goodlr Bomber, however, who oo
Ue Cnited -Stalea and had" eaUbar their ciiuamataaoet aundeat to
uahed bla repaiaUon aa ah edoeator
of Ue Mind at Ue famoue Perklna
atluiUon to Bocton befcre he cane
aaaeU leli.'
Bnglaad to 1871.
"The ooverelcnltr of the human will
la the groondt of hamaa'rtapMtalMlRr. there U do note eolema a^
welghtr tbooght ever eatered the bamaa mlad thae thb. mao li at ffbertr
Eleven SeK Coaoerwe File Chargee of
to detomlae^b own eooree."



iODdoD .on. •.—The lmi>ertol trade
ranwilaaloB. which hae now praniralIr ajwamgd the foaettoDa of a grand

WaahtogtoB. Ort. J.-Charglag
tallroada wlU dtoerlmlaatloa. n MIUigaa and Ohio sah ooacenu died a
BOW ^plaint wlU Ue Intermaie
commerce coamlaalon today. ‘ They
rate# oe uU have been put in effect
Chieage and Ue Ludiagioii Salt e
pany of Wankegan were forced
give np Ueir
terlocfcing mock owaerahlp. wiU the
Uiehlgan. ladlaaa aad Ulaoto Itoe aad
the LadlBgton Tnuttponattoa
The oomidaiaU contend that
itea aow eatjoyed by Ue Morton aod

eeodKtona. roaoned tia aittlagi todar.
The preaeat tnqolrr la to he eoBdocted with aapiadal refareace to the romRterctal ratottoae ^ the mother eounir>- and other portlooa of the empire
with Canada, which la reprcaemad at
la noaoto and
itae eeafercDce hr He& Oearge S. Forter. mlBlater of trade aad commerer WlacoBala are oni ef all pceportiwi
Id the Borden cablaM. The Ingalrr la (0 Uooe from MteUgaa aad Ohio
to embraeo a imnerni Inveetlgntloa lo- cltiea.
Tbe Mirtiigaa
aorrar of the
eet the Domtnloa.


Delray Balt eompaay. Detroit. .Balt
eompaay mad Mulkey BaU com]
Datrelt; MtehIgBB Balt ameeb

ittr pm

uiTrooT. n. na


•mm. ftm'dftaad Raiddr. Ue etty tor the pa« two wo^a r^'wRl visit here lor a itoert ti
w^he wfil -itoltito- m short time tarard to (heir haami at OataU i»- retaniag to tbetr
I M. a Harkhton retomed to Mo
bdran-ratsfWac to hu hema.
E. atbirtssn retorasd to Ma
V. H. PmWnn'ieft tMe marsdM to^!*-**
Ofaod Bapida today after a
at 8L UMa today eRor speadweeks rutt with (rteM. to Graod abort time to Ue rftj 00 bcMMOA
ing (he poet nwatb to the dty.
M. N. BlddtaforC wSw 1m been In
Tfaahtogion.'J>. c.-.Oci.Thb home at CadOlac today, after a week
toe dty for tbe peat few days oa batwaa the date tmtitirrty «xed by
to tbe dty oa i
left tor hU home at EMaaaha
latermate. commerce cemmimlea tor
B. E. WaR and dMgtoer. Mra Prank
this moratog.
thg expreaa eompaatoe to ehew'caaae
Mra E J.
why the new latea ffxrd W the
Frad Lmeronee returned to Ms
Mta. r. U. PalnA Rev. Detoaa Ceebmbakn abeald dm be adopted by lln. Mrs. Wm. Love and Rev. J9 8. hene at Pert Huran today sfter a
them. Bat aa the new paieeto poet Been left today tor Beaaeato. where short rtstt la Ue diy wHh frtends.
aymern haa ratoed aome eemplica
Mra P. C. Ad*M retoewsd to her
Uey wDl anead Ue flftieU onanl
to U« adjammeat of tbe exprcM ntea.
after a vtalt
iag of Ue Grand Traiene Conwhich tbe eemmlaaiea-na weU m
iikfI ■tonriithw to he held to tM dtr with trteMs aad retetlves.
K. PhUUas te vteWng this week
there Oct. 7. 8 and 9.
< time to ftraUkraa ML ft to re­
with meads at Grand Rapids and Cbl- flEPEATmQ TRAP KILLS RAH
garded as likely that tbe bearlagR on turned from a two «eeto' trip t
new ntee will go over ahtil De­ rions polats to nenUern Mlrbigan.
t F..WervoA wM has Been in
MeManIgi) and McNamarae H«W Up cember.
wbere Uey vlskod (rleads and attend­ Washington, D. C. for Ibe past, nxwlh
Aa Only Onea Who Were Imed tbe Uiaor-MartlBek wedding at Sar- s tMisiaess. returned test night.
pUemed In Wert el DeeJ. L. Baker and Homer Ridgsiy ef
weying Property.
, ef CedHtoA Honor,
"onor. ara I0
in the
tne city
my to stead
ateon tbe
One haa been Invent^ hr a
MfA J. A. I
log of Ue bankers being held liDola man. who decteras that wttb
ladtonapo^B. Ocx. 9.—Tbe delegae
(From MmUay't ftrrnnl Rsflr
one winding li wUl kUl U or mora of
ouUiae ahowa that Ue dynamite eoiithe dtesaes hrMdIag pnsm aad fetek
A F. KUogee risurwad to hto k
apimey defeaac will be Uat Inform­ : CadUlar Uto momlag, after a week
.n-ednewter's Rccord.£asl( etoh one eat of Ue way The gen­
Hr. and MrA O. P.
er MeMtalcal and U* MeSi
Mrtak irt
left this moralna fer eral itsslpi et the trap to ahowa ta
to tbe city on buBlneas.
Irak and Mr. and Mra T. f. Plant
,'',^;tboenL When n rat etepa on Uo pintunnaponad Ue dynamlie witbeot tiw
CadUlar In Mr. Burgras' ma­ f^l9Sihe. 'Ajiere be WUI be (or
Wm. Kemey aad vrtfi

I term la (rant hto weight rateaaee Ue
knowledge of tbe ts drteodanta (toi •: been vtaitlig, to Ue city (or several chine SnadAv.
striking arm. opantod IV
Coonci: Harding ffniahed and waa
E. T. NsMe and wife left tent nigM ^
sgtigg. him ktm a 4mOr
days, left tbto rnomtog for their home
lowed by iadlrtdual attoraryw (or ch­
tor Ihelr home at Grand RapidA after .JS^rratnaJutow. him aeverMtoat
(Frmsi Tocaday's Record-Eagle.)
! Chicago. .
it to appattol that Uc
week's visit to the city wlih frieBdi.
E. D. Wataet ef H^lnaw dly rm
taking of teailiDCKir woukt be began
R. O. Faraan raturned te hla
lommer at Edgewood aad laur was.a
tamed to hU home there UU moraiag,
(hto efuraooa.
: Feteekey this moniiil after
guest at the home of Ckaa. F.
Mr. Harding oald at Ue ootaet It afwer a tow days' visit to the dty wlU has ratumed to her home at Sprliig- dM dais to Ue dt}'
would bo ahowa Uat the exeeatlvo friends.
Ed Miller left this meenlfm ter
fleM. Ma
hoard of tbe Interaatloaal Aaaoclatloa
Hiss Lois Cerpe has aceeptad a pw
Mito Qnoe Hart of Mantetae la tha few days' visit wlU friends and rela­
of Bridge mad Stmctaiul Iroc Wtokrea sltlea to- Ue chmk dMartraeat of E. gnevt of Mlad' Man' Farr of Sixth tives at Charlevoix.
to Jjt Wghelm-a store.
F. K. Peas left Ule merMng fee Cndstreet.
need for dymunlitog. He arked the A P. Reyneldt. wMa. and. INtls
Mr. aod MrA A. V. Frtedrldh srtlli iUar. wbere be will visit witb frleads
tot} to goapead lodgment until after dangler, of
WasUalton sti
party of friends draw to CharleroU snd retetivto before going to Drtrok
wim bhve made Uetr tome to
the wUncosea bad teotlfied.
(or (be winter.
Suaday to Ueir new 1918 CadlUac.
Me ranaected wtu Ue anlM diverted place tor seme mooUs. M(t Satarday
Mia D Aleaander returned to her
Mra. Csra Banberw, wM hH been
tbe tnnda for any Illegal porpoce the to take Ol) their restdeaee
visiting her nnnt. MU> Sarah J. Ue. home et Alpena ibU moraiag aftm
goilty peracaa. he gaid. It would be ter. N. T.
Week's vlait to tbe city trlU frleads.
has returned to her home at
aboWn' were not among Ue pteeeat
Wm. CMadler and wifA wM Mve
----Margaret have retnrmed from a vIMt
Mra Chan A. Wfebb
oan. Jack, been rteillag here for aome time, re"When yoD bare beard all Ue tee- of five weeks to mraUem Ulcblgaa.
1 for
a visit turaed to ibeIr home at New York
have gone to CastoM>R^
W. E. Btrsster retwnted to Ms Mm with relatives.
Umony." eald
Mr. llardJnc.' "efo
t'liy this morning.
t Manlatse this mmlag after sevD. A. HuBBard rMurnod to Ma heme
Mr. and Mrm Ed Benwara have
eral daya to the city on bnalaess.
gone to South Rend. InA. wbere Uey at Munlstog Ihls monUag after a ahort
T. a Fader and orffA vide hove will make their fntnra home.
Hie aelarlou work of dynamlung an-I
viak to U* eliy.
that Uoee three men htve alrealy been rtalting wUh frlenda aad ralaW. L. .WcBBer ef OrtrML wBe haa
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tenna
tivea to the dty for the |mtl week. re. dnugfaier. Miss Hatel Tennant, left, beea la Ue etty for the fims tew days
pleaded gaUty."
Repeottog Rot Trap,
turned to bU home at Chicago Utf test bight (or 1.0s Angeles. CaL. where OB bBalncuA teft Ibis moratog lor Cad­
illac. wbere he wUl vtelt (or a ahort away viU Uo nam moUoa. tt eti'they will locate permsoeatly.
N. C. tOlemond of
taany Ueks him w dedth. Aaethsr
John Btraub and WIRtem Irartg left Ume before retaratog to bli home.
turned to-bla home there yeeterday today for MnskegM. where they wlU
W. Dcnnen and wife and O. E. Jeneu (cutoK efUteirapteUetoet^ao
after a tow daya ta tbe city oa bud- airend the funeral of Mr. Robinson, aad wUa who Mve been at-tbe Denis ten oa It te van .nay vlao
Oeetipanta Had Lively Time Releaeneia.
an old frienA wbo';<ned suddenly at oen cettage at Green lake lor tM past eld redoat that It ta on appwatns to
Ing It From Saad.
be aveSded. A haU. of oeurM. te not
V. B. Hudey ratunwd
returaed to their bom
his home UerA
toauo Ue opoalBA aader (he oCrMiw
When a dve-tmnaeager automohne
T. R. Oeimer returned to hte hema
rats Ara
ara pni
' ~
PS rata
H. N. MeakJe returned te Ms
at Elk Rapids Ibis morning after
to bartod to aand ao Uat the «xtee vidt to tbe dty with Dlaada.
r wHi not be *
Mrs. a K OrWIn. «vM Me Mto short vtoli in the city. Albion this moraing after a few
reat on Ue gtooad. aad when ihe
(lays to tbeplty oa battoesA •
W. A. Hurd and wife returned
ear to tipped ao Uat tt UreatMa to vialtlag with (rteadr to tbe clly tor the
ist few i^a, retoroed to her home Udr home at Buy City this moratog
Rey We<|ibey. wM Ms been vtotelng
overturn at an>' nmneat. Ua uak of
after a few days' rlalt In tbe ctty.wlib here for eeveral dayA left to
getting it out of the pertlooi poalllea : Ann A^r (Ue momlag.
C. K. MptMtse left Ula momlaf 4or friends.
Escaagha. where be wiu be tor some'
FaftoM BMMd Havs JUI Fan* ImpM
1. Uat to the taak whleh
on bustoeaa.
In Uc city for some time, returned to
- nwM In Deed Ordsr to Bo­
faced laat eveblag aad par:
L. Napier and wHa wM have hte home ai 8t. Ignacc this moraiag.
gin WaefcotDaaA
of tbe early bean of Tuesday.
been In tbe city for some time, left
HrA C Howland Md Bttea MartM
L. C. Miller and wife ef Oten H»
TBey started (or a ride out on Ut Ula meralng (or ML Pleasant, where
Welta. who have beea vIsltlBg frleads ...Eara Uo plows, hamwt. oatttiBpeniniala. about a twenty-flvo mile they will visit for a ahprt time before ven are at the Whiting hotel They
here tor some time, returned te thter toib. drills and roBtra to oidm- Isr
trip.' AaMe from being bumped returning to Ueir home at Cleveland. will visit hate fer a few days.
aprtBg work. My to u few oktn glow
0. H. Brnddec uM udfe. whe Mve bomee at Cadiltec this moraiag.
aronnd when rough pieces to Ue road
polaa end bidtA Have Ue hanosr
N. A. Campbell of Peteakey. tor a
<L Temaklno left Ute morning
were.-eBCOuntet«d. Ue trip out was numbrr of jears stage driver out of been to.the city tor tome Umr. left Graad Rapids and Cblcngo, where he tecU aharp. Extra wblOomw nd
> good bamo strtngs nhouM bO
DncvadNtnl. Tbe return trip waa dif­ thu dty before (he railroads were la this moraine torManlttee. whera they will be for about a week on bnali
wUl visit for a abort time before repiavlde^ Tbe
ferent At Ue spot where Ue disas­ operation, has been dslUng here aad
taralng to ihelr home at Chicago.
ter oocurfed Uere is a stretch'of aand at .Sorthpori for ibe imt week.
- moaU^PteotJ
Mra. 0. C. Hetty raturned te her Grand Rapids, where be wlU be
that baa been graded aa a bed (or a
•eu Campbefi ef iWlston and Lpate bone at lit. Pleasant Giia m^lac. few days on buslncaA
tho acaaotouptew. eays a vriur to Up
grdVel highway. On each aide of Ue Campbell of Non^pcM have been visit,
Wm.'^£N|i|rper, who hto been Ma BalUmera Amerideh, Bay. and haal
short visit In tbe dty with
road to a ditch about four (cot deep, lac with frlenda aad rrlativcs in tbe friends.
tba ferilUxer yon nee« Po*. If (bo
lUng hera tor (he rust few days,
la trying to •speed ni>" and gel diy tor the past to* days. .
C P. Brawn ef Detroit, whe haa turned to his bonie at Mt. Pleasant plow or harrow is wore ouL It wtu pay
to bay a good Meel plow and a spMac
Urougb Ue aand wlthoot stopptog.
I. M. WlMils and odto mid O. Kelley been visiiiag to the city (or Ue past tbte morning. tooU harrow and a twoBorsa eoIUVR.
the driver tost mwtrol of (he car, aad and A'lto left Batardayna Mr. ttlaUe's week, returned to hit home (here this
A. V. MeBaden and wlfs rMum
A eon plaater aad a grain drift
into Ue dlicfa wont Ue Mtlre outfit car tor a two weeha' trip to Grand tnoraiiii;.
Ueir home at 1‘ort .Huron this t___
be hired for 8t cents aa sera, tf
Making a hasty Inventory to see if RapIdA LandDg and Detroit.
Harry CMnnInfl returned te
only ptenl lea scree to com aad
they were all Uere. (be party Uea
W. N. Kelley gnd wHe ef DetreH hone at Prtoakey ihls morning, after with friends and relatives.'
seed n tow seres to oata It wlU bo
set abont to get the car Into the road were to Ue city Saturday for a short _ tew days' vlaH In Ue city with
Jee the Turk, who has been la tM Cheeper to hit* Uaa to bey Upae toogala.
cKy (or a few days to c«aaectiod
friends nod reteilvra
MrA Marteh Weelpert of Kal
Tho wbeeU retaaea to "(aka hold*
work as asset for the SalraUtm yon ri
T. U Reed and seHe, wfte Mve hton
to (be eaad. and In aplte of Ue tact Is in ihe.plfy to inspect the local T. speadine (be summer at CbhrlrToIx:- Artny, Irtt this moraiag tor Boyne Ulan tfc. “4 I
often be bad at leas Uaa half tho oelffthat three of tbe party lifted, paab- R. C. Mts. Geo. W. Perry of Elk Rap- arrtved to the city test algbi aad wilt Pans.
tool piloc.
It wm pay to -hay U yo«
ed aad in other wars did what they Ins will also attend tbe meeting aa visit here (or n short time bifore re­
Harold «. Kneeland. ef C L. Jenee need Ue
U. implemeM. bnt do net boy
B Co.. Chicago, wbo has been rtsliliig H bccouae U Is cheap, nor boesseo yeacould to aakliL Ue motor, they could out-of-lawn gneil aad member.
timing to Ueir home at ToledA
not make nay headway. To make
W. U Been left this nmrnina for his (smlLv tor the past week, returned ena hBT It 00 UmA The aete aeea
loday for AnaoU. lad. for a weekY ManteteA where be will be (or tbe re- last evening.
talla due and It eftaa eomra dna wMa
matters worse, there were no i
vlali with old frteada.
Frank M. Colby ef West Tenth yon ara short of ftwdA Do aot pU
fencce around Uat part of Ue co
'ttaluder of tbe week on business.'
yoor neighbor te go oeenrity. M tho
John Boon, of BrgYdsy. CaL. and
A C. Palmer rMurned to hta heme :reet and Chas. 8. Johnson ot
try and they oouM not get pol«e
rails oa whiU to raise Ue oar.. Then' Mbs UlUaa Tbk*. of Maskegoa. who t ADD Arbor this ffloratoA after sev­ West FSeveatb rtreel are In neiroll bank will eet accept Ue aete wtih
attending ^ rnsicr csralry reunloD your wife ns todorwr. do not boyone of Ue party soggesied that they have beee tIiIMv retotives aad eral dsya in tbe'clty on business.
Tbte is sound adrte* and It toltovad
Mra 0. J. Adam left thle meralna which la held there October 9tb as will save you lots of trouble and cobcall on Ue ncarect farmer, and If (rtenda to Uc dty. left Satarday aftUer coold not secure a tow pisahs rmooB for .Uuakecom where they will for Grand RapldA where^she will «U(l 10th. in the C- A. IL Memorial hall.
slder«ble money. Do not go eecnrlty
Ofge W. W^ ef Lake City, ec (or aayooe. It te wrong, aa yea amy
r a few weeks with relallv.
and get the car oai wiU Ueae. to ask be married on Moodv. Oet. T. at (be
V. N. Brennsn of Sl Leuit arrived ot the Misasukcie coonly directors 1 rets yDurseU. and ofteatlmsa ywF
the farmer to hliU up hto borw and
the Woeteni Michigan Deveiopment family as welL
drag tho ear oaL It waa oalte a walk Costeabolt. Tbe couple wui leave Im- In tbe city today (or s week's '
buiwau. is 'n llh- city today for lii wHh friends before conttoulog
down (he road to (he aeareat farm- medUtely for t'elKoraU. where
Me ci( reoaidaflng several Impor.
Marklnsr Uteud snd tbe
boaae. bat they aneceeded to rnualae
phases of tbe work now beluz
_ ... CeuHtr left thismeralng for
Ue occupanta. aa well as the vleioa!>
looking dog and got permltdlon v> use the Parke. Davis Co., of DetroiL re­ Mnuistot, r. IV. Where he will spend Arrled oe tor tie pi-osperlty ot thifsvrrad sectinn. • '
some plsnks which were piled oesr turned home Saturday, after a abort several days on buVneet.
vliii with hla atecc, Mrs. Alice
W. H. Btecle. the Western Mtehigsv Waahing Tt
Mrs. Wm. Dower and son Harry,
Ue bsrnMurphy of INviiloa atreeL
•ry Useful In Praparing ftes
wbo have been vlsiUng in Ur cliy for Deveic^rnt httrenu's appir rypert. is
To make a long story short. U«F
Carceto, PetatoSA ESa
Frankfort iespecting tbe orchards
tbe past week, returned 19 their borne
anally got Uo car out of tbe ditch, tog.
Ur aumt
that pert of Beotie county fer
: Cadillie Uls moratog.
bnt not whhoat workinrlike Trojans
vrday lor
A. H. Ellisen and wHe retuened te purpoM. of locailng fancy fruit.
for eeveral boars. They reached the
Mr. and ilra V. Lufka of &» West
leir boate at I-ansing this n»rnlng
dtr enUrely satisfied with the sdD. O. MoRttord and wtto. wM htos ter a week's visit is ibe rliy wlU .'v'inih stre<n have returned fro
etc., should be freed teem oeU budwe
veaturea of the evening, -la one of bee* TlaHlag witb Moadt and ratafrleads and relatives.
to Uslllinore. Md. Iteirvft
ptedne them on rate aad I knew anthUe party said: "The pathfinder for tirea\ In tbe dly (or -seme Ua>r. reL. M. Prank returned te his hems other lolnte.
tng SO handy na this arruiffimraU
tbe Gliddea toorlsta never got into rarned to ibeir home ai lllltodale to- at SaglUBW this morning after erwraf
Mra T. W. ThiHby left today (ec
saeh position ns Uat car was In. Jlo- day.Detroit,
days in-Uc rltn oa business
toring to gTMt ploasure. hot paaeengM. F. FraUoiM (cN today fer
L. Long and*wl(c rutvfhed to thsir
donT like m«et oat and posh, es- Grand Roplda and (
boim- at Fon Wavoe. Ind, today, after
Den Jarvis left today for CMrietto
pedally 'when ne driver taya "yoa days- bnolaesa trip.
ihoei vlsli in tbe rity wiib friends. and will remain there tor about a
inch aa a child."
C D. CMdvriek and 'ma ef Fstoaksy
D L. Rivet* rMurned te hie heme week on butlcess
retnrtied to Ueir home Uera
J. W. Petehin left today fer Evart.
; Cbirago today, after a week in tbe
iDoraing after several days in (be city ty OB basloeaa
wbere be U bUled tor-, a pMIUral
siting with friends.
FTom there he wilt leave on
Mra E. O. Briggi left todey fer speech.
R. U Oavena raUmned to hi
Batt]^Creek, wbera abe wlU vIHt (or a stumping tear ef the souUeni jian
WosMag Tank and Drying T^
at Milwaukee today, after sei
sbort-s(lme wlib friends aad rels- of tbe cute tor Ihe remainder of Uc
Toddyte CurvsA
spent In tbe dty on bustoess.
wrilaa Mra. H. O. McFhmaoa to Ue
V^M. MartiA «»M hes bscn to IM Chan Havene returned today Yceai
Mr*. W. R. CeldwMI Icf^ today tor FMa aad BomA The tnblA h. to
Bpriagfield. IIL, Oet. 9.-A big city (or tbe past bmdU on
weeA'a bustoesa trip to CInctenatl DetrolL wbere she will Join her hov hlagod to Ue Uak a Tbe 1^ ara
crowd toogbed aad apptooM Viteoo retnmed to Ua heme at Maa
D. K. SJwMd'Mft today fer Ctoiiwbo It teceted there.
atoe btogPL gad wbea not la see 00
today when he said. "I feel I
tec. wbere he wlU Be :
O. L Barry and wHa who Mvs toldad over os Ue uHe aad tbe
the Amerfcaa people an apoloffy for
r. O. Fetger and Wifa Ml tod«x.tor Ur week on bnstoees
brae visiting in tbe eftr tor Ue i«si UMe toMed evw no u to form a M
tor Ue teak, the legs (otdtog tontds.
imtog to ma for Ue proaU
their hasae at ttoaad BapIdA after
oat o( Ue way. TM bottom of Ue
I an toterested awre la kaowlag what
tow dnya-epeat to Ua etty rtHttog Detroit t
e trme to U
task shonu be lewsr at opo eonar
Ue score Is going to hs oa Xovomhor wtu
( Wm. U BulllvaR and wKa wbe Mve
Mmemau wa «etttog an to!
T. O. Itoimn aM Ooa HousBipson., hecc vtetttog at Frtotkey for mmo
who Mve hcee ritiung teftk (Meads la tuae. arrived In Ue city today and




iHf FB TK TEmm

MiTi wu me






lliiy Your House-mrittslilii^s liidw
and buy them from J. W; Slater so as to receive the benefit of his twenty-two years’ experierica buying
house-furnishings. Twenty-two years of experience buying house-furnishings has Uught him when to buy
to get the very lowest prices and from which manufacturers to buy to get the different pieces of housefUrnishlngs to match in finish and style, and in all of his buying experience the one thing utmost in
his - mina has beeh quality.
Without quality a low pr ce does not represent a savings, but with J. W.
Slater’s lohg experience in* buying goods of quality and, his positive guarantee to make good any piece
of house+furnishing he sells that is not perfectly satisfactory, it makes his store ah Ideal store for new
beginners to buy their home furnishings.

le Infiido Of



Ihait win not taniiah.
The lacquer used on the
line ' of brass beds we
sell is guaranteed rcld.
proof aid will last a life
time. ■
ere exclusive
sellers of the Miller &
Hall line of beds in Tra­
verse City. Brass beds in any size, 2in. post, ^in.
flller—W; others at $13.50, $18. $22. and up to $35.

11 you are cors'dtf'ag


’ Thirty 'patterns ih all colors to' select from—up
from $1;88. Folding Child s Beds up Irom $1.75; Wood
Ms^tbe dressers and commodes to which have been
■ehL We are closing the beds out at a fraction of their
redl value. $6. $8. $10 and $12 b^s to close out at
$1.75 12.35. $3 and $S.t)0.

our store . and com­

Extra large, tWo-bin Kitchen Cabi­
net, made of hard-wood through­
out, has hard oil finished top, $8.75
20 styles and finishes to select

pare ihem whether you
wish lo buy or not.

Now is your time to buy a heater
snl J. W. Slater s is the place
buy if you are particular what you
get for your money. 18in. air-tight
stove 95c^ others at $1.25. $1.75
up to $15.


Remember, we are exclusive dis­
tributors of the World Famous Re­
nown • Universal Heater.
stovi that bums the smoke and
' soot and makes a ton of soft coal
go as for as a ton of hard coal in
the best hard coal burner.


' aU you hare to do is to pull it apart and take a kMk for yourmH.^
' C You can (eel with your own hind dw downy wfiiKM a
f daaiciiy of the puie.mnhatyoostoo-feh from which •'Standard'*
arc made. Aafc to tec the "Standard."

ivt” UtllraM IK GwiiUkJ ,

this fall, tfe want you to be sure and see our line. If is truly the best
showing we have ever mad€.

We can furnish you anything you wish in
Kitchen y-ensils at a price that is suipfisingly


Room Size Ingrain Rugs
„ Brussels „
y» Velvet
„ Axminsler „

as low as $3.75
„ „ „ 9 75
ff If f» 12.50
„ „ „ 18.75


„ Willon Velvet Rugs from $28 tO $48

Ingrain Carpets


Some specials and remnants from 10 to 25 yards.
Regular 40c carpet ....... 25c yd. I Regular f>0c Carpet......... $Se yd.
Regular 65c carpet ....... 50c,yd. | Regular 85c carpet . ...€5cyd.

Genuine ground cork LiiJbleum as low as 45c a yard. We are show­
ing about 25 different patterns and several different grades, ranging
in price from 45c up to $1.00



"Standard" MattresMs-

prices and quality.

We will cheeHuUy com-'

SELLER’S Rugs, Carpets and
We are getting m bright, new patterns of Rugs, Carpets and
CABINETS Linoleums
every day. and if you anticipate buying Floor qpverings


C When you ai
after yemr^on a aaiBm, you
just bov h is made. You I
•mfori to consider. The ‘
shows you what is in^

first bring your ralalrgue


Come in and
see this Kitchen
Cabinet and the
many excellent
features it has
and ybu will won­
der why the price
is not higher than
you would have
to pay for a simi­
lar cabinet. ‘Come
in and we will ex­
plain to you the
selling principles
of the msker^ of this cabinet and why you save money by
buying Seller's Kitchen Cabinet


hi u ^-furnialaiga

Irom a catalogue bcuae.

There Should be a

Only One-Motion Bed Made!
Th!a *-ondo-fu!bod opettifrom
r&hor L'ivcnport
10 full f.iie (TCxIT incli Siwitary Brd i r. «a. eptr^.'am.’ A
ftiw comfortkblp M which
UVM /siwutiir. ..fpnw^^a^
...... - - .. . TWB.'vabie
Tei».>vab'ie inatlTr*4|. VoudoB'twtarOOt op-w
,-rfert mechanwn. Coo't gMomtof onhrl LMta * Uf«ttofc
birthlsy gift. A

«id pric* » ^'

You must s«e this range to appreciate its great beau­
ty and construction. The new porcelain fire box. ash
box and oven dpors are creating a sensation among stove
We have saW this range for twenty years without one
single dissatisfied customer. Just think of WMt that
means to one purchasing a range! Be'sure and see it
before buying.
With all the new improvenents put on it this year the
price is the same as last year.
All the little things you need
around the house—tubs, boil­
ers, wringers, wringer bench­
es. clothes bars, sad irons,
wash boards, clothes pins,
clothes lines, ironing boards,
washing machines.
We Furnish Homes Complete



Save This
and Wait
Until Saturday. OcL
12. at 9 o'clock a. m.


The Globe Dept. Store

Gra^> this opportunity^
w^e it it youra.

ktti Every Unt
HeU Every Price
Tlien come and diare
in the buying benefits
of this Great Sale.


Great Importer’ and Manufacturers’









A Great Rush of TTirifty, Ec^omical People to Traverse Gty's
most popular store is bound to follow ibis Great Announcement

The Selling will continue for three weeks, but remember htst
choice is worth somelliiqg, so Come as E"ly as Possible.

5a/c Begins Saturday Morning, Oct. 12th
Two Grand
Bwgaiiis In

with sraj'
ChWeStlfa Coat aitde «t. nnywbMOOMr ihia prlre. A regular
ii.09 CMI. tiricMl lor 2

This is Not An Ordinary Sale, Nor a Commonplace
Trading Event; Its a Great Business Movement.


apeeialtr prlc«l
d at ....9tWi
Bm iMMa pan for a

Black MessaUne SOk
_ Tbe n««lar yanl wide |l.uu'«|iiallty. rich, iuatnM. tdsek. Ta ihla aale at.

r*rd .................................................................


__ „___________________r_______
goods involtred in this Special Bale were
received direct_from importers
and manufactarers. They
. are bright, clean,,
.. Fall
- and.....
. .
before. Included is seasonable
Winter mcrcbindisc
of* . all
all lands
lands at
at savings
brand new goods, and priced■ as seldom
snbstantial and worth while that no rn.p or woman in Traverse City and for many miles aroerd cab afford to miss this rare opportfinity to buy new, fashionable, dependable goods at such extremely low prices. THIS SALE IS HELD FOB A DOUBLE
ling public a buying
PURPOSE: Krat, to dispose hf lai^ quantities of goods while the active season is on
-.................... ... cted is truthful, and
benefit that vnU make this store iMre widely and fevonbly kno’wn than ever before,
idea of the marvelous values that await
every item is-h cold bargain.fact. Prices quoted in this four-page cuxnlar will give yon
year ooming.

Peruse These BargainsrDld You Ever See Their Egual?
No: You Never Did.
Ijlltllv.' 'VI.II. «>...►•
lar. hemitltchc;! HsmlkMvtiieis.. bale j.rirv.


8c 39c

Notion Sale
Boys’ Suit

farturciu. Ja*rnot<> Ihr punl:a«ii
UU^^lisralut! CpiioO.

A apeelal (dterlsg of ileyt' VtJ^radod I'lUS. •
8UIU IB Caaalmrro and Woratod
aBecia; dark pBlienw. mUItarr
■tylr; iiateui leather helt. 3 ts
Extra Quality blioc l.arFS. all l< auih*.
» year mUm. Bale
lalce ......................./....................

"'“IMr.... •

' Then's Lots of Good Nows
In UihiruIJ'Poge 'Ad."
. A TredlnS Event



I Double p
j Stamp Daysk
Saturgay. Oct. ijtn, anO *
eery f riday durlog aale.
Ss<<- M>iir lilxin- S<a; .|-‘ - V
Ibrj an- .ulual.l- «<■ «Mlip
e..c i.o Trartlas siau-, ^,.1,
tmd ot 01.C il :.'J aiM ui^kU
tor Ihem. cu Satu--;:...

l:;h. al.n
rr;ju' Uur .
I Ing »al<- tpu re.r.x.' lO ex-C
■ (Itantlilr.'.# S:au.|-«f


to thiiSaie» e».
son, we will take
Good Care of your
Mail Orders.
Write for samples
of our Silb and
Dress Goodsv

» Iwn U a yard tor



King’s Thread Free

Boys’ Bine
Cheviot Soils
Tt.e.i r :ii- ■!. .iKj«n Jo dark
.T.l.-., and at. luadr with
Kul. I.erlocker
I'ants. Good
P|-~-lalI.' priced





If You Can't Come

While Shaker riannel


CoiniiiBnin& Importance

(i-.-: a rrBula." tic
ti e tnanu ra n iirar Cl y■
. bui you ctD hardly

IT. 0:
Oct 12. itnd at 9 o'clock the selling will
This migiity merebuiusing eveot will come over the horizon c SstnrdaT.
hai reached
• • ont and• ronsded np scores
Prom impoiSen and manufactorera the Icng arm of this store i br.ying department has
have received tbednott wonderfnl
id for
of nnderprioed kits of seasonable goods. 'By porchaaing in large quantities and
' spot cash
Taluet in tiie history of thii bnsinsst. enabling us to present

The Mut Extraordaiary Bargains Ever Offered so Early in the Season.


Exira Spedal Hosiery

ThiUniponcn and Manufociurert Sale
Big iu Every Sense of the Word
Big in QuaoUties
Big in QuaUUee
ITT* Aad above all Big in •



ou» nmMB nuiA A» jUfBM Mur bam nomAT,


ttfe Bkbr—If rw 0i« to the e

♦. m. «» Mt to tbo


Now tf toe cine to b«tlB
ChrtMiBM veriL. The Chriitmu Cbr-

ns. mm. um mam, mm

«■ U maOe vithout t peat ovitot of
Unie ar mooey.

Itove at baado deep craaKewaro laa.

Oe Vow teto
Do roar be« and leave the reat:
Novar mJad lomorroar:

well butter^. Place tbe nan over tbe
doupi aad tuni the pan and plaicer
. xBy this taotbod

Up *bo aorfca alto happy xest
lias ao aeed to borrow



aoarcea. The prices pven are spptox,
, '
For tbo Uraiuinolber-Oae yard of
Unto... or


to a arm

red. joper

ateckiasa. and pic reao of toe iateraaiioaal I’eria WV


liaub tree «llh colloa. “«*• A"«>clalloo
The nin.1 Ida) enmad mark U cviu< to be aa eatabllabed fan to IbU
(tw brtKbtnesa. Tbit ^ket a lovely ^
i«oain'. I'arm rbIMreo wa>
»n to ih, b.w. iW Cl.»lto» or
> rteace
- .rieou
friead ID
to a oBBpitai
boaplul or an
til at name,

appetite* and
make a pretty center^u. .ho need wiib it ih. ..ra.
rteee tor tbe Chrtattna. dtoacr. wl.h
^1.1.^ T
.,,..0.., o, or,...,, oo
aad a lew sarda'of Soe tieael adds to

--------------....--------------- --------------------------- ....
loor Kelatlrea-A kodak Bead
tnodd. twMiy ceau: and atrip of chlf- „rinte.l aetM aood aeaattvei la aafi
>.b|e.p.;onfal of boner with .be boll- f«. .een,v ««,. a,^ (he material.
!!T “«««'« *» •«'«
ton aater aad ,*,ar over the roll.^ke
^rJ.- T.k?!.
Make a books made from l>«ovt-llDled T«l>ef.
(or half ao hour to a hot oaef If.
idato round
--------utol MJWSU-IS
trtm: the
bookUt. with i.reiiv ribhowever, raw apple, are used you will . —--------------bind all aroaad altb riblion. ^ ^n aunt, who
aataj to babe for about Bfiy uinate*.
“• •
and talah neck wl.h pretty ruihe,
.ajoVed ptetarea of South Cbey
Brown Paddlnn—One ces. oae cop
' ^^ne Canyoo, folorado. Another liked
■ III moUasea. one raundlns leaapoontal This la warm aad pretty.

TYpuMp from poaie iBtofo day,
Ttee awecaa will come bia ny/
Do roor beat and leave tbe^rnu
Ho Wbo strives tor duty/
OftoaJtedvttet ho'U MeNtod
Wm life's erowa of beauty;
Daaboa (ptipa lift the load.
BeoM bbom beside (be road.

»w«lal» ralaahle food. a»4 fiietr pms a rtoaa ka)f4»tel faaaket o»ara tte

«lto tiae home.
-life of the eehool I. lourartl oa to ibe
lapor repreaeal rand} . foUovlac ellpfXao froip Ibr ureae bu-

Bcr of Home rk««r «IU eopiato ^rb
vcok bliilB for pretlf proMti' tlwl

ThU Week there are
Bt maoy needs, colled from

»♦,♦♦♦♦♦♦ roMianltloa too ewatitoiade aa4 ifelntow ckap aad Mkr tka
• InlM are alaaei ptea aw. np toe toiUMa ap Mill h ii aU tea. Ptoto'

aM »ro<

tta)- CbrUtB

“ '"**
beeaoae toer «|M4 a cheaae tteto to It. dip to Ih^
err aU ataJIaWe. la other eMimaal. emd. let arbey drato e«. mh to laaw
(tea they are eaieemod aa laxuHea. aad «ork ■aatly «lto the tead'Mtl
aad toe prtree are almoac prahIMlIre.

»ell mixed

fbe avat^bUH) la (be aame lahoth lall M •** «ad} to p« tote the preoa.
autoea, aad aooM Btoke ae dlBer- ,I ae a amall «ood»a bwkel. «lh the'
eare to Ibe teal <oai. bat toe flrat real bettem oat. tor a boep. Sdl this oo a
wakes (be purebaM. aa eenoomr la

rinui koard. plare a cteaa. *et eheeae

uoe toalaiw<- sbd an eatraracaace Ja ckrtb to tte hoop, pot to >'ear mixed
card, aad Md cloth ever ampoibly aa
The aawe iblDx





l“Mlble, pm oa a rooad board or a

t' o( bem :lu .oioaiuaiUr. obeie '‘a^ M tbatt olll fit to. (be booK aad
out esieemid Ha uae aobld be

>°'‘f ielsbto oh. aoi too hmty

K>ea ahere (he price U rather blah
Federation of
nub. and
Inauin' m^u.
of Club,
aad the
the Inauto„„| e.« be.*a». n
«“»*> ‘^'orto.a to
tea sued rood mliboul

“a drj aa peaaibic Lea.e to
i-rc uatll eveato*. Take ooi, .rtm

-h, y xi i- ^

,b. v «•


II ^xelj




1 naba van
panlac for no betler purpoae than

Tlie bead, and leel <rf aeate antoiala
re ulteo

a oae of lit varkaua atody topic.'
VThV tol«l
.m ■J.snVrT'i...


a> food

“f »« oaetea edcM. Put Wk Into
|.rriia on a cleatv wri vUceaerbnh.
other .We up. and put all ibe wHk'hi*
i.mve aatll next worntok

Tbe aastr li


.voriderable. '*>
Im,, toe
toe prior 1. aaaaliy
llacr to a warm, airy room to rlpra.
appointed H.-alth
Bay for all
•(••aoii *•> tor an rrea^toi
required. Keep well rovoTed with a dry cbecoe
•reaaed 1..
by .h—t-—.ofiaian
proicran.. are carried
clotb to lireTeBt file, from getting at
<*»i» »*«( >•«< •*«“ ^ her sraDdchlldreo. A doaen
deielopin* and leacbinx prlaci. .V
II. Tam It aad rub with a hlUe fn«h
Ions and negatives
Cut ta piece fifteen Piece
Inches ton*
and newtlve. «a be nmde In 'err atert
If Lm ”tor.nd^yil«e Sr
butter .-etry day. Tt *U be rewdy for
eleven Incboa wide. Turn under «dsv Ulaa. and wUl coat leas than a
'. (rum aeriout dii
«se to four' week., bm wlU h: better
'*0 inefaea all aropail, mlirr corncra. . For Yoor I'rienda—ilofure (be bull- i
galtf aarttti. r .•xau..ue i- hin.tobed It Irii until alx weak. old.
atltehing them. Flnl-b top'and day nmb b^glna I go to the city and
aeboul *’-'-Wr dlBcrviiri- Iwlat-rii ahal

For Father—I'ae either brown art tbe homea of aeveral retoilves. Grandaoda. one cupful boilint water, butler.
.................................. —- - two cupfuls .Ifted flow, one level «w- «'>•'' o'- »«>''■•• huaiesimn about forty tnolbcr enjoyed a varle.v
of ana,,
apoenftU aali. PrebaWy you will «e(
the beat re*uU. If you use New Sr. Tbe soda to to ba inn
la Ibe liolllBS water—and Uke good

So pour ban tad leovo tbe root:
Whp'a (be aae of worry!
|1m eadeaver etoada tbe teat
. Jtore Ibaa baaie aad burry.

<are that It really is bolUag.

|Uto rowarda will come to blai i
, Wv:
Ww works on wito amlllac

Umi the

egg to a bowl. and. after doing that.
«f evuter back with a tiny purchase « number of little baskets. <.hnj^„ h,*, been foDad to have
e de- **“*•”
'**' todfg«^iij what la ,
Ua« te IlMMd^BUak.
raaglag In imice (1015. ten to twenty- 5,,^
»uttotlca theald
_d toj- to«®rtp cook Id aueb Ibtnga aa lima ' Encliab >tow—Put b lamp ot butter
-iSHected. add tbe motoaaes and a place of but- l‘*««!■'•* nay have i
>. to xailoua aba|w*. dealgsa
titr^bout haU tbe aiae of u egg. aott- Wal la Old BaglUh on tbe frohl, m-e
. bia aa g wabnt Into a aancepaa.
pros* upon (hInUiig people (be great
rtHuEltfirat. Deal well: ibaa add the or they may be aientlled with a very and cclora.'Trom tbe gay little French need of dental
blah before the Wire a large onlim Into tbla slice, and
- O IboB that ploeat to the Iniprla- • hoUliig water cuRUlatog the aoda.' •»»" •“<>«« of labor and exiienac. onrs to Hi- plain wHiow one* shaped ^.hiMren
to servr At any price (r> hf ihe butler uatll qulU“ hivwa
adds mjiterUill> to the Turn ...u upon a warm disk. Out a
tesmt ot the Actual and erk-at • AHe. heating in the finur turn ibe «“'J “• -'•rd of nalertol la required like Hny rioll.e*-bbakri.. a>.one w.s
^be oi*>b air« SprlogfieU
Httorly to tbe god. for a kingdom

• niluorc toto a covered pudding mould Wr half a doien of Ib-.r cover.

urberNn to rule and create, know •


tbig 0f a

be enough for clgllt iwrsons. A liquid
or cream aauee ahould be aerved wUb

tntth: the

tblag tbou •



-for two boars.



There will


For Mother—A -chureb cola hail'-

On Chrlatma, morning

I aeud j„„ _ ,, , .ucceaa. . Bolore ^hS to

^ m-lghboiw and mends, tilled

Pudding- «>n oae comer to form a iiocket. and

'*«S wit Cbrleimaa colon.

children ate given a w-.rm brimkno waale. Whether , walnut into Uc pan and lightly fry..(he u !• of such anlclea la eitrasagant (be hit. of 0
prcimrcd «
Rnara the o
a wrap., blan
their bodies and lega. ! W>t deiK-nda entirely npoD the orig- totbejmn. Add a tcacsitul of bot wa-

A .prig of


n,,„ega. Tbe

Tbne cupful, milk, ooo level eupfol
*“h •
•“d 'hoi* «
white toft of i«per add* thUdivn study meii and are PWfectly
flour, three egim. one-half ica.poontnl buiionbole. The coin for the coJlec- • hit more color. Sometlmea 1 add to ^.omroriabV.
After aaltlBg
...................mBk pul ______
It on
to boll. MeaawbUc btot tbe whltea of


toe egga until they are light, and beat

<»n be allpiwd toto tbU imcket
and token safely to Chun b. of Batsnma orange*, or tiny cocoanui
*^r the Oldest Huugbtrr—Uce I*l| Waculia.

Those 1 make to my kitchen

wtetfTor h mar be. aad tblak any mirringall thitlutr.

dfa -teangepreferable to


«- C. In ^ach stitch of ebatn: «■ hotter, iwcsthlrda eupfol

of sour

^ we an doing the one thins tost dmgdtoh and take for tllieeo or twen- ctaln; thrM a. c. to other end to turn '»«■•

tor US to toe Great Plan of-ij, minute, to a raiheekjulch oven.
** '*?r
Baamroi our prwoat leu-

A# comer:

a c. to






(er. a saliapuonful of pepb^. a haM

Another example of economy u to

uae of a cheaper article to obtain

teaspoon uf salt and a daab of cayenne

Omr (-iosely ai^ pM whore

^vorv mother where there ®l caullfiower aad aaimragus to <r.n>- browned floai.
, Neighborhood Club) totereai f*m“'oly high to moat tommualiiea;
Bralard Boof-Four immids toaor
,1,, •
teacher” and ae- 'heir use In acalleped dishes aad lor c« of round, one quart can of toma
^.v# at Jeoai tream ao»i« is nmr toe line of eiirav- toe*, two c«|oaa. Pm allto an eortben

CoJt for about a —rtaFle oorhci: D. C.--doublc cro- *l#ht brow£ augar. iwo thirds cupful „„

tbe nitante. atm'wilrriag rapidly: then ro-

MteUny Of thatparticular oocupa- move from the stove and stir tbe agga three a c. la too cod to turn eoroer; milk, three egga. beaten arpxraiely.
tjte!- T« to our taasHa we all know
Udhtiy. Turn Into a buttered pnd- a c, la each atlich of other ride of
‘earyiooBful «if soda. salt. Hnnt-

' Inal cu*L

acnooU l.a«..................
again for ‘he
- aaare
aaote reaulta
result, aa are given by a E
1 win Juai simmer, not boll, for at
(he acaton. W-t every .N'eigiiborteod more expmslve article. Tbe first coat hour and a
half. Tblcfcen alto

------------------- tbe yolka into ibetn. Wbea Ibe milk -A ebaap Imr pin. which «n be ‘he day hofore. The Ftogllsh fbrtsiany OM who does not ooo- ^ uolling. rising well la the kettle. Wft ho«hi at any ten-coat store, to used. «»•« mkr* arr made accvrdlng to tbto
traary of toNr rpertol work.
Bear mio it through your fingers. CTocbet chain as tong a. pto. iR. C. <« family reNpe; Tao cupfato of


neceasltatea m,un.l ul round steak lata fach idcee*
l•re|«^alk>a: Muebef |>p, , .^.-und lump of batler-aa big as

pulldlng to cold weather

kereblcr makm a nice gilt. This nay ’[‘to «»•« English Chrialmas cakes,
be made from any dainty hiadkcr- ‘he whole pUced to a aqnarp of tiaaue
chief, with a pretty loedalllon aewed na«^. *hlch la broagfai to te lop and

jj.p prepared toe-tbenaon agaace.

The economical wamaa wui vroct. nitmcd; add butler olae of an

,uneh ^ „,eir rwral rcbtela this year. oWaln ih.- same


flavor by egg.

Cook this

to too oven abeut four

if they leri at a loaaAjr'to how to ad- uatog kohlrabi or cabbage. imhMliutlag hour.. Take out meat. «rain onloas
the tea.-lier to start thU work, bar own skil for money. Fe.w (lenona and tomatoes for vweubtoa. Thkkon-



,he ,drice itat you write

c. alc««F “«■ law. one cupful of raUlua. one


*«Ud know that they were nm eat- tomato sauce with Boor, oaaaoa wttb

AgrtcoUutal Col- lag aaparagu. or cauUfiower.

«« aad iwiver. and pour oVer plal-.

of nuiterial menUoood 9^. catching up tbe back thread of
nut-meata aad oaMourth
addreaa tbe aocretan of the
Te economial woman would atoo «■( V*
enough for aerriag aU perMU tU'eh; contftiue a. c. around and wad «>( »•'“««- Flour ‘a ailffea. intemailonal roagreas of Farm Wo- preiwre Wa«k bean, to a soap that
»tu*affTtootoualu-Trtm nloely and
«oMWrd ot the nle wfll give a nioe aroaad. toeraaalas on corpora to omke prop very maall teaspuonlut. of the men fur toformaiton.

would do duty aa mock nmle and coat

1 bo bone of a good teed ton-

•'®* “*
*• •
, ’*"•
**!-' *"
‘ollowtog give, ae Idea of (be much leaa. The fireteso tmoker would
•‘“k- Bprtnd It with n
•tojwM ahead taomMure^ we wUl
.haid tauce ihoold be nerved wlib He larger (tan the top of your |.la. ««" ‘ouch when baked.
Brush over ,^0.. Ing work of women coanecicd reduce the («et to IliGe mote then the ‘Ireaalag mode pf atale brtad crumte
hbve «
,k-jmldtotolfal)' hare
It til
Ul to
to te
te Otar
ow» again.
again. (t,^B<totog*
Bew around the tack of pin . Bosetie
tere' milk and sprinkle with with ihHr wbool board.; “Tta num- cow of the dried bean. l-eaiiU weald "Obked to cold water aad eqaeoand
gnd With twioe tbe effort that would
----------- to^tog-Oae quart milk, tor center of pto-Make a chain of sraaulated .ugar Jn.t before pnitlng p^r of women m-rriag oi rountyauper- aluo fnrnl.h a dellrkm. water mmp to- “‘F-•••■ h***rh
■•‘k bmtar.
t,bleapoonfnla floor, two aevea atltctae.. and toto to make a •“ ‘k* «▼*■- I have also sent these loieodenis to the dlffereoi auie. va- .toad of using a mere expbaalve «»op ‘howied oatoM. aUt and ympper. red
aM4n prater tad*r..
cupful augar, one-half t«- ring: make eighteen a c. over cbala:
chato: «k«» *«
regulaitoa candy hoars
noae laVomo atotea, among made with stock.
up aad He wfU n atriag. teta hw

bt foq^ if wa Ptoi----- '


- tovaorihteg la mMidoous If we apDoatuI salt. Utrorlng. A simple pte- »»k* chtia of throe, aklp uwo
» a
a C-. through the mall
10 Jl to.. Do tbe other band. *ver| dtog. hot a very mwl one. Reserve a to5 >oln In tblr.1 s. c: .-hain ihrce.





ii.mpshlrv aad Art-


tbe economical woman will ‘hroewaarttaa Of SB beta, bost^ ofl-

la Wyoming. Ibe wok for tbe bones for.which she i«ya
----------------------,0 ,hi. ,t,untn- being 300. wh.-n she l.tivs choi-or .leak, ami umAvoid Baeltoehe.
Muntaim shows sv iwr cent of women n,rm for h.-f soup |.«, If she uses 111
.ttaU ted^'anrroundlnp.
oii the Move to brat. Pour the coU you wriil have Ms chains, or lobes, toMany
tackacbi-mlglii Ih-avvlUfd, county sn|>erimeD<l-nu. Idaho 74 i-cr tk-meat .be will Inw-W Hi a Jar ot ta-ef
. T««n itv
A greater truUm milk on the flour ond bnt until yoa ‘o. each o( ibeae rroebet one a. r.. five “ •■nrh'w-oniati
^n telag
telag her
ber own
own househo,^ oeni, with oth^ .tale, ranging til tbq^.rart i|t a com which toe., bigb:
la what we -----------------------------------------have a au>ooth mixture. ---------------------------Btir this Into vl.---------------------c, one a, c; For
next row make
l-l^niied to
_ ,Uie old tfiylng,'4-Ut
- ... -- tbe
---------- ‘® have every artlrie
,.^,wcei.. If these figure, were her a1to tae ef thl. extract tor maklag
■Hlje it
-To put Jt to Its colloquial the tonwr iiortlon of mOk when that a obato of (our .iltche.-and toto right ■"b *b|ch she must d.> her work ad,, u„,.
conramm*- will demoa.trate
ter li'rtii-uf happy poaalbUIUes. au {bird of (he milk, and after potting skip twu e. r. and toto in third
'BiMier bow common and aliuplv liur itye nil Into the remainder put that Eonltoue this around tlx- rlrcle' and

tom. it la 'top to Ul" la do ter ben. bcdtoe to boll.
TltorUiaWttlOf a ntil. the aboe was «nootb:




Oook natll thick and Wbove where yon toined tbe cbala In


andadd the e«gB.

(»» the

store «rat row. Make alg of thesechalat.

well beaten.Flavor

and otfeach chain

make one

Wr tbq want of a time, the bbrad wa. to suit yourYaatc. Pnt a small part sevao d. c.. one a, c.
of the ammr l^'a dnp! ravered dirt', ‘ta.cad tod sew oa pto.



a height rorrespoodtog with

|»rhaps more women aertc-d on

her own leugib of suiure, toy, the ,^,^001
c.. Mothers


Protably the tall


boards In


tbai .be obutoa her money's

iwtoi arc sadly out of evl- wtnc klad of roup she would have

"«■ heada'ork to planntog eailrr |K>ai-

Itor tte’wfil#?; a bone, the leader oml after poariag Ihe puddlag mixture
the Founeaa-Year*01d - The mobs to du certain kind, of work, but
The distantatl cundlilon of many ru■ ,»M to«.
Into (be dlsb apreod tbe rest of Ufe Itoo linen handkerchief, with a hem- • ven rtu- -hort woman has her dim- „j
^ p, p,.
F^. lbo araat of aiMter. the tattle nigar ever li.

Cover (he dlab tlgblly

aUtebod odgr aad pretty ttaeoratloa. vulilea. as was noMced quite reeeutly


and set nberc tbe poddlag will cool la er^^Wc one from which,, make
Tot -tte htaBOohota oererdreamed
that (hi.
(hit Uit
Uit illill- a «alto> collar. ixHmed at the tack, for
.... .. -r that
togt the fnto of A great aatton bad roritoa I. ooe of tbe tuo.t Important uyouagglrl. You have only to told H
imtt m Ug a»oqUank that ovqnUti «(: aii.

ibroa ooraord Ito and make a sclaaora

ifitetbe «h(ti oM F
e«| iittutii:

“U thou vorhatt at


tmuipUiig.-to Uio •>«>»
*»‘® «“
ahaptog loavea of baixmd thu exact center. Tbea plare

reoerve enough of the dough to ‘**0 faandkerchlef rouml the neck and

IhM wweb la before thee, tollowtog Bake'as manv damnltog. aa you re•*
Take plaeea
neck. Slope
an egg and roll « dradually down to the front potois.

Mito, du-iu wulu .to

when a tody of very diminutive stature
»»* mixing bread and waahtog dtobe.
upon a work table which was rnibvr

thqu boldest to this, expecting noth- ,
tag (Mftog nothing but aatiafiod with
tby praam aeiJrity aceordlag to natwt. aad with haftic troth la avery

mu who It able U prevent this.”
F»r Fall k
a a«e«
"7* every

eaaary to
leer np
n the
flutetdered U naeeaaary
to tear
tig^ao Qom aiUc to eellar twice a

to theea titaea. when reientlflc bourebafptof U a beuaehold word with
. which to conjure, a fall honserlcantoR

of that aort a
room a( ■ mA*- "“f •"'* ^
UBt. m roMVe M extra pollslilng

*!!! ra ‘"h*' d
p In .

'it m wOl Ml bLn
aao If yco


-V u™ all

white, and all |ian. eqatilv tender: If ***•■ ®a*®‘- parked neoily In a Christ'
yt covered the tops will be rrl.p and ““ ***■ F®"
*“■* ma'.c an In'
expensive anil
highly aiq-reeiaied
toovsn.-Uclcs' Home JouraaJ

ttoiw la tfaU way. m-

tl« by Utile.

make to a modatta* oven for


Arabtan net or etn cwtatoi loae
It I. not an (osy matter tor a eroquello*. A chicken for twenty-five
teacher to to- Iwateil from one to cenl. In many coroutunlllc. would fur- 'ibeir tto‘ la erdlaary wathtog and, ru ut 'tiwaya soUtianAr..
„i,es irom her school when ahe m,,.
iiitic. Vi-berr « bkken. arc totortog *•
^itli verr
or two os (bo floor and
‘®'‘ •
*>" '« ^
and. loacber both: cheap, of couiwe. tbe canned -good. Hprateateaot or
m' parafuOr on them,
day*, raw Ibe difficulty, tad vtianiecr- ndilirr 1. It mnduilvc for tbe welfare auuN fihuie butbee.
lay the ggrtaiw.
poru vf^btitad^rara ttwal
rd to saw off the lega and. afier
ot Ihe school for a teacher to perhaps
Rvaporated or dried fruits
Take a dau brush
aisianc- and then have no desirable when caridully pn-iared and ’
or the hud nnd mb til tbrengb the
rlaimed it wa-. tbe biggest help u: 1
r room to herself iwrwnally re,ult lo codputea c-mul lo
(-oruina llou otU of teate tor «
une lliile thing that sliu had «•
and breiaraUon of bur work ^„.ive one.. They form a

rrniu aad ""^le of boara aad the carttias win
cost mach Iraa, The woman who iave, »» **«t«««»

•*"' ■

wonderfully bard work tacauw that
utacbliie Is au very lor one woman s
finsband had a happy rhougbl. and
built a substantial, but not too bt-avy.

Menit Cneosc Making

-----------Econobiy in ^
The follnwing evrarts af’e

•wuie. heated, euply H out osd put In'
ry lew faruicr.' w|vc» ever think
feewb mater. TbU will not only keep
t making
Ibe from your klirbeu. bat «IU
sa.>. 'b- yfange Judd Parmer Uni to
lesreo th- ud-f ot rooking IhronxboM
taken ibeM- iiim-. of high i-rirr* H l-ehoovcs

irem a valusM- an:<K-^n> Ihe Ladies' u. to iiistiage in every may 10 redoc-


■ tup ol sugar: beat well sn-l
. op of floor alfteo (r|th ona-l«onful of hOkUig powder.

bam. rnualto. serai-!, of silk and lae--. to the end of ito- l-ench
ThU allows ih- i-ric- n-ually suked for the arii »IH •■0»' bnt lltrie la ronipsrl-io - '
or and seme ^mide little utiiern. for h,.r 10
.Anyone^v —-g suffi'i'-ot
o stand
stand upon
upon the
tbe floor
floor while dodo- .1.-'
< ■ but
I'ui "tu-u
niU'U u-s
u-s ueb
ucli catniariaou
ootniariaou i>
a fit-- or^lx gallon, of uilft In
ny liaa.1 rubbing and hrings Hi.- 1 Id-.
Th- qii-.nons ol 'v»iue H
,- morning, or |«rt. etenuis s ii'ili• ni.t-hlne up to the proi- r
heigh'- ■ ived" .n-J final -Oil rarely en'er in

Frost rraaberry |nc laMcad 6f uting os rfalrb l<

n the daluiy bati. 1

feet with real little .Uppers and siotkFrees

Relied Jelly Cake,
yolk, and while, of two -ggs
I’.lUec QiU both together.

rontsto- upon (be bench with the oi-cn end lot . ,n:all .um ol money
|t may be s n.ea-ure su|>l,Iy the place ot m- a'.
‘A “«'Rod lU oeaHv folded pieces of town, ging- wUeiv the Washboard if placed, rime that w>m.- .vinuarlson Is Blade aiih and if made to tta home on tli.-


Mfl took like new.

know, bow to develop flavor, by eou- *"
**y they tan be
blning Iroils
For toilBBCe she will «toaned IruBCUUy. orUI never ameU of
e and will
w ir ----------evaporaied appPw for
foaatU----------------- ■
uqu uqu ]um -nough of tbe nwre exDe Avuay W*lh »te«fm Whon Cooking.
airrirois 10 give a dellRbotM yon be annoyed by the great
tbe heightoribriveTage slawt woman financial in-nefii of both teacher and clous fla
Sbe will kiiowr the value
emonat of eteam which u.uaUy at^-omwhile ab« U runnlag that pariicolar pupil.
p( ,.pn,p
ai-pl-s and Uackberri-a.
patiea the cooking of cabbage, onions.
luacblne. but if any hand
ruPbiiic In Nc» J-rs.-- , fpioruJo Rhode lal- maktog
final cost of her tvmiwXc
CH-. Uke ■ deep ltd, or turn the »d of
must be dour, and there are te« iiu- sii-l. and Virginia. »Ule law. have quit-reasonable
your rooking iot up-ldc doan.gnd pul

wtermore or ........................................
less taa-l mb- bei-n lasscd lavoring pension lor r
cold water in It. A. lb* water bebing Is not neccaary. .be Gods, If she Hrliic leacbers. includlni rural «s well

DM You Ever '
The Uttle'Girl's rnrlMnia.—No gin bench about eight.inches high, and \VorI>i
thi-cos'uf llvlf«. and yet be welksuiUake a pit shell, fill with think ai- would bring more pleasure to the IH- several Inches longer and wid-r than
To the major:'- ol people croaomy i-llcd with plenty of wbolewyme and
whipped He gUI th*l a small tell, seven or the machlnr. which U always pUicd meau- rmii-ly i-ur-lia-tag an article natriliou. loud
Now. cheese, will in

®“®‘'®to‘r and serve?
I'in- canned peaa


arave me orotoair taigoi.

doxen dompllns.
There'should be polish, and ibe oilier (or ;hc flr.t rub.
^ IxiHlv. make
ahoo' three times US muvh Juice__
^ covered durtog vet, atufled with couoa, about four hypoking the dumplings will be •** laches, to give the flnai pollah. stop* to think aboni it at all that it 1* a- 'own teacher.

jisi; ssi.'ss.-?- -

tbtog and many hand, wli make light
k vliha

enough for half a V"“®“bole'tbu v-dgci-, one to ai'pb 'the


of boned cblcken for tweaty-flre •W'lak
irons make, dlfflculi tbe.procuring.of cent, ihau to purchase a cblcken and
Dry Claatatf far fdra Cwuina.
good u-Hcberh In rvme rural rommuol- prepare it for .uch thing* as nlad or

.»ve (boue balls to
““m** mI«1» •’M'- »• ««>» ••oBvealeot,
granite dbh having them ttralght afrip of llnun. aad with a toog. light
----------------------------------Mool may U--------------------made
------------------------------------------ ----------------- —Z
U Jtolshed. Cuff,
■Rand ai«n while doing such work, mem of the Teacher's Cottage'' la
orlglnti .toe “> »«‘eb may be added by i-niting a
Protably tbe mo.l tackarblnc work th.- stale ot W'aahlBgton. TbU Innovatlen J
V wol'k 0
,retii or ranaed <)<>nU#« handkerchief dtoioaalb in encuuuiercd by- tic aveiage
half aad binding t1
man comes on wash day.
IVashlng tv luiwrlutendcot. and qvery detail U
1 pleau- of
*teur'ore'r*iUe dumpUiw^aad
*be Bo.'~l*urchaae two boxes of machto«»-<re all manafactured lo fit worked out 10 ihe ntoral. physical aad

op^fd-juti aoted-Aldcb Uioa otterovt. ppUe to a moderate oven for atwot tuo^ aboe polish, oae black and oae
thte tiflt lire tatel- A*d (bereli no
A miart of fruit ‘“Asouarca of flannel, aad

adding OBOiigb tear to beep It logetb
'ta«r-®re mtoUea, boaUag with mell^.butter, lltet cslaup or teUi taoee


teto pan para.aa if thou ahooldat be ,
ta^ to tirt ft back lm»taiately.-lf

'*» 'V'"*
mol.lened with two well bealali ogg.;
'wo j*a.poeta«la of tall aad a aalt-

worth. aW^albl of pepper. Shape lUo a toaf.

Dortbwtatern gbe ba. really saved to inel and time

,b,„ cltowhere. hut auGstlcs ud material and baa ptoctietily the
on thai

Meat-Ixjaf-Cbop flitoly two poenda
'rau Iwef. on- half puuod Of sort
rixf uor euton
HIx (ogriber auO add

------------- ■ ~ ' ^
’ .Imply nepi-lag 1
pUlforni. she It at a cotiveiik-at height

chicken lo layers, using Or*t Inga, tor these details aje whet count tor tarnlng th.- craqk

Ibe calcola'ion.11 ar:irl<n> 1

The real cost o

In six-aklug of two H-ms arc .oapted


» layer of dark meal, then one of mo:t- No mailer bow
many Urge ita arrangement this lady s.ys: "I am ormiaal cos'
white meat, then dark again?
. dolU she baa. ihU Hxlc one Is sure dm halr'*o tired newr after a big washIltly .ng on sight or Gr-i

1 add one-third cup of t>oinnc
Hd a t-Bstmonful ot v.nllla. .
•'iMMCh and bake tn . uuv.k

n Im- nsed providing " t- i» rf---lset,-can nmke delictouv cb—at -!

dpi -ad

a lan of -veulng - ii.ilk
I- u- w'ell b- skluiuicd. a
ram i- likely to
'V'l,.-i, r,a--

u have l-aft!.-d. it r-*iuir-! no mot,Make unall potatoes wi.h a iwtate M> appeal, and for the .mall girl who inc a« when f used
to b*nd nearly is rrri-onfll.!e lor ii.'icL .scoort fry in deep fat and acna- wHh cannot sew very much it will be more double oveV^ that old marhlui- apd al- with i>eui>lc who tucan te
l-aios'al.iruc than
aatlitaciory-. so It Is easier to toaK10*1 breni; my back"
lone -In.c I
meat di.playvd lor nar- <-hurtiinc or l-skinv a Ua'-IMake layer hicken nut cake aad fill cletbaa for it. Uresses may U- made
Tbe IroDlag board, too. might be ad sale
H was m small pieces', suitable brea-I
tola butter, fresh ot tmnned fniH.^ln^
li whipped cream?
loose from the neck down, and held In ______
v>,-w. and
was marked at w-ven (ouii-1
l-laced higher ihau -• for . ^-w.
namon qr nnimeg. pint of boiling waCut eolery In
Iwo-lnrh lenglhs. Phive at the wajsl 1-y tiny belts'and usual
idlag tow over work I* ,vbIs u IOUU-:
'Tti'i first imi-icioD
Takter. am together all of tbe flour e
iringe each end. tot stand in Ice water gay usbea. aq#'allrectlve little mps the cauw of
taoy a '-a— of round was that
hat th- n-a* »a» c!i.a|. »' «-«en
oept g teeepooBtoU the taking powder. ^
uao as a garti.b?
or (rUly hat* may be laahloned from sbouldera. an
It . behoove,
each reB' . ou bavluK two pounds weigbe-I movs '
aaU. and half n tMapooafti attsar.
iho bit. of till, and lace.
:booghUul woman, a. she vtiBes,1i--r om
discoven-d That there was j-rob- o'.a t
il of baiter tote
, V
•'•rat and teur tebbaqe.
girl was delighted with a small doU beallb and her good took*, to se« that al-1;
quarter ol a cupful of meat aad soKed
tWa mtoturfc
0“* 1“n shredded rabhage. two gre-.ata a. a baby; witl, a long cloak ,t| matertah. for doing work
a '.rsc quantfy dl hoae. flevea cent-- AIh. add a Il'tl- vbeese coloring

h before tpresding
Hoove Cheer AppMs.
• l-or- uid quarter harieei or early
ia!l apples, put to deep bakiag dbh
or - r» k w Ith plenty of water to more
liian 'over, and bake slowly at least

houis, sweeten an hour before

ttfklng from oven.

Tb-y will be part­

ly w-bule. partly twoks-d k> a palp, a
ii(h. pijB> rod. and with a flavor afl
their own.

bervo fnr brwafcfaot wNb

cream aad broakfOM food.

They wlO

• taste Uke more."

'■ „——
» 'tf
J^^ahont a
‘■'>l»‘P*ona butu-r. and dre.s. and petilooat. and a tiny iflsred at a hetghi which
requln s a pound lor meat t- not dear, hot it to very Uiiie »iU un«w.-r, fnr oc- does
oot w.n. - he-.- fw. h-ghl- colored
I.'P... Ym.!
tMl Ihla doom ‘o^a«^ • four taWrapoon. brown
sugar, two |*.-e bonnet. For the older girl
who L.rither atooiUra
oor . com.nual q«*e a good ,.r.- tor bone.
qnsKgr of M
tort la Ihlckm^.
tabJeapoon.vinegar, two
tablespoons i. quUe a little seaimdrvas a larger strctrhlns
Wtoo ot V..1 or Ua.b I. <omi*ani- St:- well and cover firs' wah a table.
T«" wry young giria mere beatr
.' Ptouer
jvepper rabtage
to doll with
vw.H wlto
a. .................................
— corres,K,ndtog«.ug pattern.
roueru. Tad
------------------------------- t.^eto cUtoi- so a a cut from the clotU and ov-r that .-v-arl ilikkneta- the auhjeri of tomaewprk
th.tbteofte9*«*l .On toote^ t^eandmld theallcedapidex. Heat materi.Ul.Jmla..creW^^^
fivrari Potato F.ckle.
o„u or rutrix Th- latter hx. the ad- e. ol -omtor or carp,' -Let stmto to st home.

aUJW toIralt


Ur«a fruh.Uko ai^ 7
raw bo^ nij
Nter- I**' «
sntm or ammeff. too;


batter,addcabbage and applew

one who aew*ran ept pattern,

lor on- .>v„h.

peel and grate

on, la.-^ - vantrae 1a the r.c. that there

boHagwater over them
aad deretothlag and drosto. thatwill
an- »we«tpotato m-awi. w Phmustard, n
e«k uatll ^ttoer MU.twr aad oour a-er tta purpoae. bot-rool- louenu ua««rofti each of tet and pePPer
rtil up ten mtoUtos-

•"*'* *® rabhaitw.

Cook mu ,« ,* ,h. UuW

I. ao or i" minutes, or unt.I it becom« like

waste of boaeUnd grtotto' Te live\ thick elabto-red mUt Then cut clear
heart and kidney x of ctive. are rteapNo toe bonom in «aaU «uare.. ('over

One of them sritod:

'Ooe. yotL”

mother he«^ a glrir
"YeMutead,”^ tta rralF-''Jltob-

dros«nte-r'. iv/ditii of cavenne mvd n,. cupful m because there to alaioat no aa.te. and and lei .land a while longer. Thun -r keapa two glrto «M COBtig Md
vinagw. MU waU.
tta flr.t pric« to also tow. to aowe dip off *hat wbey you can. «ito a tta oitar going '

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