Grand Traverse Herald, April 11, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 11, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ind ITravorse





■OARO or TRADE WORKINQ tN country. It U also suted In the report
th.t tbe eame amount of work can be
done thU year with *1.000 in addition
tbe regular hoard ot trade dues. It
Is a splendid report and should be ex­
amined by all who do not believe that
good work was done with the fund.
The money was all well spent and the
work should be coniluucd auoibi^


Pet Luck Supper and Election Monday
The Pii>c Org-mi «In-lc of the Ccnti
{A E. rliurt-b met In the (urlora of ihi
ebureh Monday evrulug for a pot luck
supper and tbe anuiial eleellun <
ficera. Tbe supper was one of tbfinest ot tbe kind ever serv-ed and
goee without saying that the hungr.v
“pot Iwdteni" did ample justhc
all the good things sht before them
After supper and preceding a woeisl
hour the follovting officers were elett
ed for. tbe ensuing rear.
President—Miss Isira I.arkry,
• Vice President—MIKS Bessie 0.s>k.
'Becretary—Miss Annette lardlc.
Treasurer—.Miss Lois t'arus.

At the eondusloo of the report. Dr.
H. II. Csrhor wss called upon to tell
tbe people-of tbe city how they
to realise tbe benefita that they have
been getting through this board, and
ot tbe posalbllltlee that lie at their
. WILL »e RACKCO BY ARLE «OARD very doors. He stated that tbt- adver­
tising that has been done In the past
few years bad Increased the vaii
ARoptiM *f WIfUaiwport Flan Will
from SJ to &0 per cent and that
RaaaR la RtfiltflnB Up tht
the end Is not yet In alght.
very entbusiastic over tbls^ locality
ol tha Taaam.
and urged tbe people to wako up to
their opportimliles.
Tba uaaal banquet and meetlns oV
Dr. Flemtulng Carrow followed
tha Trawaa City Board ot Trade wax
talk on the board and said that tbe
bM TM04»r'»rentii( in the C. S. P. S.
haO with about tfO proaanL which people of the city should support the
He pledged his itcreoc&l
Inetodad the Udlpa who have (or the
Wllllamsbura. April 1<
ellbough he' lives iu i.,eelaasi disaatrouB fire known in this lo<aUty
peat two aaaioM been Invited to at­
tend the annual ereat ot the board. county. Uany good words were eeid
ome time oi-csrred here last evenThe banqMt was aet tor« o'cloek. bol in regard to the work ot the Informa­
when the bsrn of Helsnsy Hamtion bureau, and be believed It would moud of Barker ('reek was wet im fire
it was ooaaWarablr later whi
■bir anaSy met at the Ublea. be a great loss to the
by a passing loromnilve. The fire was
which were aprwd wit ha bountlfol this pert of the work b not kept up discovered shortly after the f> o'clock
anpply ol the Hands that are usually duriag tbe coming season.
had passed aud all the efforts
Suiwrlnlendcnl 1.^ ]<; Tyler made a of the neighbors «> save the structure
aenrad at aneb' an evenL The han«oet was fvaiahed by ibe memheni of rousing speech In favor of slandlitg by
re of no avail In the barn were
the Woman's olnb and wires ot the
ipan of heavy work horses that'
. meabera tt the board, and was pre- the city In every poeaible manner. burnod to death before (bey touH
|wed by the Udies ot the C S. P. 8..
Fred Atkinson of Leelanau county be removed togiilier with all the
who narer tall to provide an elaborate waa called upon for a talk, but be was farm Impleuicuts and feed.
neeau. The banquet proved to be
1 and passed up the
The fire ulao spread to the mber
ot tlM pleaaant features ot the eeaton :haaca.
buildings on the pIsco which wenand bad a epry graUfylnE effect upon
Adrian Oolc told the board members burned with tbe exceptiou of the
1 of the meeUnc that
Id a^ry plcas- bouae aad. lee house. A tcndmeni
ins and empbaUc manner, sutlns that house across the road and some dis­
Aner the banquet bad been dlaposed it- was his belief that the city abould tance awa^ was also burned. There
I O. ftraub called auppon the board ot trade In their were Mb buatieU of poutuea In the
the vtbertag to order and teUdtated work by making an appropriation for cellar of this building which bad been
the u-ork ot devo|yplag IfM but aot delivered whlcbjuBJUuthe woman apoe the paH that
Ihe city.
.mredAlac tn the
tail lean. The bundlngs
An Inspiring Ulk was given by Copaland which were s^e distance
«An ooanuKr. ataUng that every­
thing that Ibey take boM ot ends In Frank Hamilton. In wblcb bo suied away caught fire several limes from
aucceaa. Thalr work U eecuiing a that bo belfovee in the future ot tbo tha sparks but the efforts of the
boHdtal tar, tbe city was mentioned board and of Traverse City. He asked neighbors saved them. The loss silt
and alM> their efforts toward rallcvlng the people to place tbe board in a anioont to *&.mm whii-b sss partially
the neeiU of the poor through the Bu- financial poaltlon where It can go covered by insurauec.
Ma« oTAaeoelated Charitlea He told ahead and accomplish sometblng of
permanent benefit.
of tbe euceess that the bssIncBs
E. r. Person told of ibo prices of
had la eatertalalng oonventlou that
_oom# here, and spoke ot the pouiblll- land' that are prevailing In ,lhis loUea that Ua at the door ot the city calliy and said that good UDd can be
that could be utilUad If the bustneM secured at a nominal price that is ioman could only preaent a nniied front tated only a tew miles from town.
Mm. A. W. Peck gave a Ulk on
wban they go aftm- any kind ot an enGiven PermisTbe dty has an enviable “Civic Beamy" that was very- Inter­
n^at tbe eUte in the esting. and the had a real meesage
Uae of prugreee nnd modem Ideas aad for the clUiena of Traverse City. The
be hoped that tbls repuutkn could be plan for beautifying the Third and (From Wednesday's Record-Eagle.) !
General and nmiine bnstneM has
Fourth wards of tbe €dl.v were given,
made a reality in tbe future.
President Sttanh Introduced George and the need ot simUar work pointed occupied the attention oL tbe superfor tbe other warda It U tbe in­ visors today with several matters com­
O. OoveH as
proved to be aa adept at the work ot tention of the women to clean out tbe ing up (hat are of interest to tbe pub­
Introducing tbe speekers with a tea alleys and secure Ibe consent ot prop­ lic In general. A Burroughs adding ma­
erty holders to keep better lawns dur­ chine of latest improved st>)e was
attlDg remarks.
for use In tbe offices of
ing tbe enmmer TDonths.
Mm. John R. Santo was tbe Bret
At this point In tbe meeting a re­ the clerk and treasurer of the county.
speaker on the regular program and
Tbe baseball assoclsiinn was given
port of the tellers was railed for and
ahe aUed ties the sundpolnt ot the
when given showed that the following >e use of tbe fair grounds as a liall
Woasan'e club. eUting that the obiect
park gratis on any and all.daiea the
ot the club Is to be ot tbe most pracU- had been elected as officers and 01
teams are playing In the city.
ml benefit to the romnonHy and that
R. H. EUworth of the Weatera .Mich
President—W. F. Calkina
the members are alsrays ready to lend
?<] I>eFirst vice president—John G. Straub.
: In making
J. Mercer. fore the board and suggested that
•access ot the boerd erf trade.
LMreclors—George G. Ckrvell. Joseph they appoint one of the suivervisors
M. B. HoUey followed, reading
bold memDersbip in tbe bureau. E
tracts from bis annual report, wbich
O. Lwid was appointed.
showed what had been done duriag H MuMlman. W. W. Smith. John R.
The county clerk was Instruni
the peat year along publlcliy lines. Santo. L F. Titus. C W. Orelllck. C. F.
h the Pere Marquette
This report Is a mastcr^eoe ot suils- Zapf.
Aa Interesting account of (he Wil- railroad In regard to ronnlng a side
Iks and enumerates every act that
track to tbe county infirmary. All
was dona In eaUInc atiention' of the
liave to be hauled
who explained its s-orkiugs
•ulnlde world to Traverse City. It
in detail.
I the farm sod the track would grcaialeu ot nwny peges. and altbougb It
W. F. Calkins, the new president,
ieaaen this |>ari of the work.
cavM not be «»veu at length, the do<
A motion was made that two mrniament te on file la the office ot the was called upon and gave a short talk
the work (hat ta to be done In the ben from the eouniry he added to the
eecTMary ahd ma be Inspected at aay
Una by those who arc laiereirted In (mure. He was in favor of having committee on grotinds and butidings.
(Continued on page (wo.)
WIU B. Gray and Ralph Mirks wire
knowing what work was done through
hy the chairman to HU out
this department. The report shows
tbs committee.

w. I Gptsis FREsmar




thla ragloa. hrooght here directly
Ibrough the advertising put out by
the beard ot trade last epring. Tbeee
Acurea do not Inclnde any of tbe vis­
itors who put up at the local hotels
or in the boarding boneee ot the city.
Tbe people who mmo here dnhng tbe
•earn left at a low eullmate |1,:73.OM la cash In this region, which
n>eans a grmt deal to tbe community.
Most ot these will come again and
bring their friends le spend future
sammera U tbe edvertlslng Is kept np.
Tbe oecessliy for e hospital was
tAulsed amoag other things thst
n^ed tor this cUy.
glvon showing the apmunt of free
'advertising that the region has re­
ceived through the newqapers and
e Of tbe coawry. An I
Ised aecounl ot tbe manner In which
tbe 9Z.m pobUdty fund was apent le
fhon. abowing that the awo«r aU
weM «er thtnfis that worn of graai

Olvaa Up Job.


Indiana Hpraeshoera Want New Law
Honor. April lO.-The 1S12 BcDfie
county boaH of supervisors organized
Hartford Cliy, ind. April U'V-One
jMterday afiemooa by tbe. weIcctiM
of the most Imivorunt subjects to bo
of Horace Stockbllt of Tbompsonvilie
tbe louriecnih annual
as chairman.
conventloD of the Indiana horaesboers
The reslgnltlon of O. U Bristol
and hUcksmiths. which opened here
count}' commlmloner of school was
today for a session of two days. wi|l
celved and accepted, aald ceelgnatloD be the proposition to ask tbe leglsUUke eeffet the last day of April. TL ture for (he pamage of a law which
Elsworth aaalstant aecretary
will raqulre all borsesboers to obtain
the Wcetera Michigan Devriopment aute licenaee. The object of tbe plan
1 before tbe boast and Is'To elevate tbe trade and to protect
a a report as to what had been tbe public from tbe effect of fmor and
done for tbe adrenisement of W'estce the board was in
•eaalon la October. Tbs regnlar comMrm C. U Doimne. who for (he part
aad Che rou few monlbi bas been living with her
Une work jakea up. At 1:J0 o'clock niece. Mrs. C. R. Beach of “10 East
this aftersooa a county
removed todzLv
of achool wlD be elected, also a saper- tbe ohttsa of ber non. Ed Domlne. *63
lataofieatt «T the poor, tooth w vaea»' East n^th RrML Her condition is

Back laproTed.

Manager HamiKon Has FowM Real
Spaed Marvel.


iMinie of Ibe worst bti/^ar>
It is tei..rteJ that Manager llamil-1w mier he bad never failed li
iRtcrcatlng FacU in Regard to County
too ol Ibo Traverse Cilv basel<all team Vtil at the meclihxs
Roada Brought Before
lias sign.-d a young and airotuislng left j He
survived iV' l<»<- .-biMrec.
hander hy Hie name of Harvey Bailev _]|,„uer Ihnsie of Av me. Mrs. i
(From Wed
•- .-Omplele his pHrhtng sUff. Hatiiil jiv
,i H«vne and Mrs ..( A
■on et|ie>-ts this youngster to hum up .’is!er aj1 of this c<ii »--slde» i
the keinole of Hie annual road
the with his plavmg during rbe er. ag.4 “3 years of iKitidiv- and oi
veniiodor nrrthwrmertl Mi'-hlgaii llva< euiiiing season. This amuisKioh to tbe
Sister V'. yean old of llolleway. M|,is bel^ lirld at the v'ourt hotyve Als team assures .Traverse I'lty of having
l-*UQcial sPrvii-es Were held Tn>
afternoon. This lias lieen thi- result the l>est piicbinx staff In the circuit
tiraiige ball Widriesday afteiiiuon
ol the work of Fi
It is said that Bailey is a wecond 3:30. Ilev F K Caller and Rev W \
irdrnt eiittoent of good rna-ls in thir "King " t'ole and win cause the fans ol
MeeKe unoiaiing.
sertioa of the state.
ixmhern Micblgan to rub their e.ves
.S'eariy one hundred were In attend when ihey wee the s|w^ that be dcamw.knd cadi Is taking an active m veloiTi OB the diamond.
lereM Id thU Ibe great question of tbe
Michigan is the pbMieer of tUis
lionani movement, aoii ftoui ihi’
n Order To •• On Bafs tida Tigwri
ports that were given, more •-ouutU-s
*Decldsd to Call New ClaettaA
I.ansiog. April l<> —(kivernor l>s
and townships have lionde>l for good
To Maks the BMida
born has lasned a proclamsiiOD deviroads this year than at an.v tii^e since
the movement was started.

rtank P. Rogers, deinity Mate high
‘Traverwe City win fikVa (• tooM •»Board of Superviaorw
way couiuiissioner. of loosing: tVd K
•Hber apcclsl rtertloa to la«aJiM tfea
W. Muengto^. tbe veteran county road
pun base <d (be Queen City' lUttlng
builder of Manistee «<aini>: William
plant, aa AHorbey Gcoeral Kntoa has
(From Tuesday's liecord-Eagta.
W. for. engineer of the highway
ruled (bat tbe elertloA toaM oa Marcto
The iioard of su|irrv isors (>^n the
nilsshirter'a offi<v at l,ansliig. were Kcv-qnd day of Hie April seMlon (hit:
:■> was iwH auTIclnt. bocMSd «Bly
the priocliial speakers, and Mavoi momiDg at N;3o: grinding out consid
iBxpayrra were altowad to vote,
Wilhelm was present to welcome (he eratile l>uelnesx during the day. Tluwhen tbe coastitutloa of tbe stats rarepreaenutlves who come from An­ r-ommiUee cnmiiosed of L K. (levequires ibat all tbe quaUM glartaea
1 a nn-eljDg of the «C*i.4e(..i:B
trim. Uet^c. Leelanan. Kalkaska and land. J. H. Buell. C. Hrosdfoot. .V. _W
of the rliy .should have toad a vnle*
klioldrcs Tuesday ev<-uiug u
Grand drivers.- counties.
Carlisle and lUIidi lli< ks apiminied' to enil debate ou t>uslness ma’lers v
iheVlectiun. This matoas * pacBllar
Mayor Wlllielm stated that this was ranvass ihe Icval niiHnn aoie made
held and the fullowing ufftieri and tii- Situauno. as heretofore it has bddto ttoa
the ejweh of good road building and heir retain as followv. Tolpl i
clecied for the ensuing ycar. lustom tor only uxpayera to «o(a BpIt was KW<H-|iing tbe country, and we tier of voles ca«i on ihe promyrltkiU.
pngosliluns Involving ttoa •zpatofiL
in tbls iiart of the slate were show I.r.71; yes. MfiS; nu. 3.3T3; majorily Ff.d H.Cmtls, presvldcni; G W, l*ower.
rc of m<me> within the «*ty.
vitv ptesideiit; 11. it .Montague, secinn Olliers bow ll was done, it umkes
The report of Ihe Iward on ihc
At an a^uraed meeting ot ttoa
M-tary: and I. K Titus treasurer:
the liuuling of large load.* longer dikfor landing In the sum of »!« wtiiie Irving C Mnrray. lion S.
At an adjeurard meeting of ttoa coOBlam-cx. and brings the eouniry and Hie
fhr Hie imrcliase of the TfsveriH
ihe date for hcddlng tha ■•* diac•iiy closer together: the markcld are Ciiy I> park was as follows: For. gun. Fled Miller and .Ved Kebnc Will
djds-iois. The weeretary's re- H»n, and April » was deatgMUofi ••
easier reaehed and Hie returns to Hie M'M: against. U*;'2; majorjiy. i-'.S
day for voters wtoo kt«
growerv ot farm iiroducis rcai« the
Th<- iKiara received an invitation to pi-ason Jo the history of Hu- club. 1
not aireudy enrolled. This wOI mast
attend Ihe good roads’meeting to be
duuidc expeeae to the etty for mo
Mr. Rogers saidjhat in dhe eziu>iid- lirbl Bi Hie court house tomorrow ever, tbe outlMk for tbe coming
turc of *l.MKt.O0n It was neecsaaty to evening, y A vote was taken and re­ si>D promises ito break tbe record of purjKise. as (be eomliv MocUotf' Vlll
lie lurrely a rtmflnBatlue of ttoa Mfiadudy economies and al the same lime sulted in favor of allowing the eaunty UM year.
vl tbe taxpayera is ttoaffMtw thoroughly educated ao as to build -ierke' convemlon to be held her<- in
■ - Tbe vote bHor* balBg MSriy
oirelully and wcIL The gtgto is fnlly June, the use of (be ronrt~tiousc-dtir
p to ueo for (to* OKrttoaao ot tha
the imjiortan'e of these ins their sessions.
rtiadz. and so when they offer ihe
Frank ininn s|i|>eared before (he
Mayoc fTu Tem Frank OoodrtA
rewardic the roads must j>e up to Ibe
iKuril this aliemooo. re<]uestlng that Bennie Nickers > LeM Feet When
presided at tbe tSoaUng la tkd atolighesi «iate of perle-.-tion. So saiisluile of road I>e hulll lietween
of May or WHbMsi who was ^
aclory lias l>c-en this hnildiim that
Traverse City and Hie llunn school
'Very effort is put lortli to induce
Rirutsby, .tjiril lu.-I>r. Swaoton. ■>t the city oo li
bouse. While Ibis Is more a matter
iiore townships to follnw the good cxrouiine business waa IransactaJ «t tba
come before the good roads com of Traverpe I'iiv wus railevi here this
amptes set by so many of the entbusl
of n was nterad to
missioner. It w-as taken up at Hie meet- morning t-> huM rvDsuUailoa with lyrs.
uHc workeis along tho-e hues.
which have zAarge aC
aiid disv ussed in aihoroagb man ' Fentnn am] Ruusiill
In the rc|>erts of the (ow-nsblp highli- several^ depsrtaiesta.
IbHVDle S'lckersop, eon of Suiwrviiiuj
Applrratlona from a tnAjority of tha
NiikeraoD. who was air-idrmly shot
siills were whown and advit-e given,
hy K younger I-rolher The two boys sabsiii keepera of the City Ware reand from the way that questions were
were in H«- fields after a dug that Was Cfivcd and referred lo tba Ueatoae cMfeasked showed most conclusively that
■basing a aheep.'wht-n (be shutgun In miiirc to ret*uri upon at ttoa sext
raeh one was there to gain all the luthe hands of St.-riliig was ac<-idr'DHy mtular meeting.
ormatlon possible.
dischatged. Hcmiiir rer-eiving (be full
The water e
Muenefarr Iqld of Ihe groat
charge in his ankle. Ampiitaiiou of
Ibe water main on Case straM
work that baa been done In Manistee Passed Away at Her Home Tuesday tbe lower part <>i (he ||Qh was iii-res
hr extended to Sixteenth atreet ta oiGNight.
county and (be slate-wide reputation
Although the U>y lost coDsid•ocomodaie the peopU U that
:hat that county has. Many
who petitioned tbe council lor
Mrs. Anlce Van Keureii. aged 63. *•«»'»'' Wood and suffered greaUy
e askad him concerning this buildcity water some time ago.
wife of Irwin Van Keuren. 131 F:asti»~>“
'>* '»
TwaKlh street died at eleven o'clock!*''* «
^ riperisd with the proThe
and walks cotsmjUae reTbe board of supervisors adjourned,
mnimended that tbe tool bouse on Bay
I attend
meeting . There will be Taes^,jiight after only a few days'
Mr. N'lckerwut,
Van Keuren unde
street be leased to the Traverae Ctty
an-address by John I. Gibson of the
isaiurday afiernoon
Chair company for (toe ^rpoaa ot
Western Michigan lyr.velopnieut buft supervisois at the time of (hr am atoriug ' material.
and Mr. Rogers, at Ibe me<-ting w hi. h proved nnrrwsHful. hut later [ler
M ID and death ensued
^ dent.
agrees to keep up (be l
]e same place. There will be
turance ou the bulldltog while they
K|>ecial musical numbers, and it
or-i-npy IL
will be well wortli aliendlng. Tlie Iasi and Franklin of this city and on'
M-ssion of tbe convention win l*e rail daughter. Mrs. B<-rtiice ?1elman »>f
A rcaointioa was paaaed aoiharfsGrand Rapids, one smP r. Mrs. liarriei
log tbe city clerh lo advertise for falda
other idihses ot the work will l»c
lor. (he custody of tba city fnada for
aken up.
periods of «me. two and ibrec yaara.
A cliori prayer servine will lie held
lha bids to be M (he ^d^'s office
V\ arhingtoB. I». i'.. .ti-rll I'l —.'tevfrom 'lie home Thuredsy'morning al
by four o'cksA lo thf'' aftcaRoae of
li. Jtev. C M Imiig offlr^sHtig and rial hundred women. dire<ily or Indl- April i;
roily conneiled with the missKinary
■he rcraaiils a. .-oiupaiiied
the f
wmun Lemniol, who baa puretoaeiwrly will leave on ihelt'ci’pS-k anrH of ihr Kouihern Metbodls’ Epiv
fi tbe property of TttnboII to Cook M
M. for her old home
State street was present and asM
Allegan where regular seryty-es and Vernon inace • hurch in this city today
r-ounril to provide him an owtlat
lo aiiend the ..|v>nlng sess'ion of the
t'edar. Mich, April ?.—A-i a UlHnc hutial wdi lake place.
Bcwt-r He desires to drain lota
;-e.und aunual ipccling <if Hie South­
lose to winter frsiiviiirant i|<e ' revi
vewer in the alley between State
luh in Cedar ramc llie l^icr
Mis.sir.nary Coiin- il. The organizaimn and Front sireeu and tn order to do
served to a niimlier of Hie memlerthe
bcwer. wiK have In be extended,
m the wonigr'b department of the g. nSonday at
o'cl.K-k hv .Mr. and Mrs
Tbe matter was referred to.the torr. Vlark at ihetr home The gue^1^ Orin Hezaie Came to Grand Traverse i-rai iMianl of missions ot the .M K
i^smmltien d Inveatigate.
< hull h. Rouib. and the meeting, win. b
Region in CsHy Lumber Oa/S.
ere Mr. ami Mrs. Fred I*ago. Mr. an-l
Alderman Simpson brou^t np the
will oo upy a full w>ck. will lie tuainly
r. George MaMin. Mr. ami Mrs
(Irin llovsle «.| .A.ine aged >>:i years devoted lo the rueiviog ol r*iiirts ■luesitoo of k.wertug tbe grade of tha
Frank Kirt. and Mr ami Mrs, Sfike
R ft 1. tracks where they CTOM
i-olor tuheitie of yellow pre­ |issse-l away late Monday afierncMin from Ihe various miision fields and
f>st Front al reel and suggaatod
vailed in tbe table ai<]»iiitmeni.- and at Ihe home of iiis iJaugliie.'. Mre. iJ. Ihe plsuning of the women's mi.'MoiiHe ary w^rk for Hie -cluing year Mi-s that City Engineer CaMwall be aaot
he dining roi*m was a verv atlrai iive H. Crum. fil3 Welo^u-r street
Grand TUpIds to Interview lha «fthis <vmntry m
waj. Belle II Rennet' of Kiehnintid, Ky . iptemro The ccnu-riuc' e was a plant
of the road and aee If aoma nrIh(.residing
farm ifawf he
»f daffodils and the plai-e .ar-l.- further puli living
nuigqmpQt cannot be made (or ttoa
carried out tbe Karter id.-^ Uinocr located »o in this vi'imiy. B>dh Mr. ibrt-e sessiomi daily and on the last
and Mrs. Hozau- were charter tiietu- day- «{ the meeting l■r•“Il|eIlt and Mrz- wivrk rpon motion Mr. CaMwell waa
snsra-rv.J 111 four cO’1:m-s
im-tructed to tn and sea what coaid
Following this ramc the diuo"r »nd hera nf tbe Grange and for irany- years Taft will receive Ho- dclegaies at ihb- done. This change will be saocaaid i«rty given Mtniday •yemnu in he was overweer.- ^fter Mrs llotue Wbito I10U-.C.
sary before the work Of paring Sm*
the hall, with Mrs fh>orge .Maaoii. Mrt- passed away, over sixteen years
Front street can be o
tkloi and Miss Kthel Cork as the host be hid looked forward lo end Grange
- Easter |iiiee:ing as tbe pleaaaatest place I
The Invl^ior
It bad always been borne
post cards an-l the menu cards 'and
lallles were esmUlly appropHate to bim. and although for many years be
tbe occasion. Seven tables of "iOO'’ has not lieen aide to hear exeepi w-fien
were played, the prizes going to Mr spoken to through an ear trumpet, tl-os Angeles, ' al, April lo.-Many
and Mrs. Fred I*ago. first prixes: con­ rtlll loved to come to the rnceilqg y’.pr
be able to be among those wbrmi of the lead:ng archiiecU of^he Pa«i6e
solations. Hr. Fralirk and Mn Frank
I'-Mst sutes are atixng the members
PotteravUle. April 10.—Tba postThe dining room was eteecilvely he liked to call bis people, and
arranged in green and white and the able to shake ibelr hands. Mr. Hpxs'e attending (he acnoal conventioB of office and aeveral hnsHitoa ttoooo
of the most elaborate
able (or his advanced jewra. and the Architectural league of the Paci­ were broken into nnd rotobad last
fic Coast whlrii opened Its two days nigbt by three yeggs. A talapkoM mserved an*a similar occasion. An Eas- only y-esurdky Juat an hour before
:hange operator heard ttoa nato at
Illy plant was used as a center­ died, he naked owe at the Grange la­ session here today.
1 by the lo- work and roused several riflseai. tout
piece. Tbe out-of-town guests wete dles who was at his bedside if i
men aaeaped. Two aw tow* a*.
Dr. and Mta. FraUck. Mr. and Mra. A. thought they would let him come
»d at LaaMtog thla Maaiff «M
BelUnsrt- and Mlaa Ftora Betllsger of Grange MXt Satnrdar. TbrnogH annMtofiaCttjr.
abiae «r nln aad anany Uaaa ttorongto




FRavisiBROF GORmnmi











4o be there ubUI their botiae U va­
Mrs. Whiiraao. aho has been vUtt-;
iM >lra. AlcDonald. returned to her!
cash yaua Bton.
home in Traverw City Monday.
Cmwar Cass and Freot Sreou. Travaraa ORy. MMx,
Twice • week
The train wai delayed here over an
Guiducled by Frank Hamilton
hoar on account of a car jojui'lnc the
County Hoad OMninissiootf
PsUtoM Tceada) aud .Thuraday ml TraterM Cliy. MieliUaB. I>y
Mra. T. C. WUaoa ot Sand lAke b

vIbIUdk Mra Frank Mcltooald.
To-lhe pupiU of the oeveral sc-hools
.Vunuan Wv.koir. Sunmiii I'll;.
.................... Preaidenl
.,T. BAT«8. . .,
Chan. Hocbradel drove tu Leland
thiwi^oui the county couinbuilug
Mar; Arlu ■Summit City. It K
. .ru-e PrM. and Svr-. one day thia week..
a.. BATES........
.................... Trca surer
iesasya upou the- -Value of Good
li. HACliS..
iKoads.Eulalia Smith. Summit c'itv. it. F.
li U a plcasuie to me. no leas perTHIS DATE IN M»TO(.Y.
the parents aud teaihRumou Hagci. File Log.-. R F.
Arc here wailiiiji for you.
No. 1.
ol the pupiU herein namc-d.
They are preliy. Look lo us
Sth Grade and Below.
..H.iw In Advance a,
J.u,., M, l-ra I
.b ,„1 pri..
for your shoes this reason
....Sue in Advance
___SSe In Advance
Sophia Kulwau. fit;. It V l». Nu
and you will uot regret it
i::.s-nnher Ames, orator ahU ..^ijpn.W tuuch thou*lil. and contri
DuK-ie Williams, Grawu. 3iic4i
atesntan. bom in i>iniani. Maas.,
Mable Sawyer. Grawii. MPti.
ch 2. l*Vk. at the postoSice at Trav
Wed there. Jnly 4.
road*. All were neatb *rlt
Edward R. Somera. fttj. R. F. D
Ts:;:—.More than JOU Uves lost by >n aand the iwnuauabtp In aonie taaer No. L •
Gladys Riley, fiiy. it. y*. u So 2
Reward «T MsrH.
the buralne of the steamboat “Urandyli|BlrouBly marked..
Dlseeverar ef Coal.
GrcuUtioB thb week Z900
ss* roe ef our bijg i-nrporsilros la
Fern Carmicn. irii;. H, F. D, No. 2.
wine" near ilewphia.
1 i w»ut to tfai
each cuntesunt for
The dUcovery 'of cc>al Is.asid to going to do woute hing lor Its oM
Spencer fhauc-y. Wmiamaburg.
bebalf of good
lkC&—tJeucral Lee aurreodcred tojlbclr apleudid
hare been made hv a RelgUn black- cis'ki." ■T.eCd enough! Wtoai fntra
euerah Grant at Appoumltw 'Connii
I bave^likcd.ibe manager of
snlth named litillus. abo lived In thd will It'taker "Weil, after w msa has
Hcfscbc-I Tliuuisr. Grawn. Alii li.
urd-l-^^e u print In full tbe
ouac. Va.
vttUge of Plceeva-ax, near Uege. th
with -hem 23 years, they’re goHarold llortc i^ buiktey. MIcti
under the Good
civil Hlabu bill
lo give him a gold strli»ra^,hla
l,eu la>wr;. fit;..11. F. 1> No 1.
Prealdent Jobdkon'a veto.
iKoada l>epart(ueiic itf the abovo pysloere.'-—LoutarUla CourirrgouroaL
Edgar Ta;hn-, fit;. R. K. ly, .No. <, ^aTe of state tax LANDS.
lit Ml <IWi Tellur
Florence laiuiiog. Yuba.
Board ot Trade held taat ni^i wUi. aivord- ficty diaaoivcd. alter an exUicnic ofjiMwr. To ibow aho aere not priic
vral'.‘ U«-pank,en(.
Vernie-l^luue. Yuba.

winners 1 wlU-'ssy that 1 believe your
tC yaaaiit Indlratl^. reauK la the accompUahmenl ol much good tor ST years. '
lamung. April 1. I"12
-ant an Auctioneer that nitt
Matie E. Benson, fity. U. F I). Nu
ISfc:—l)amc Gabriel KossciH. fa-1 liiiereAt in the aubyt-n i* no less than
N'OTlfi: is bi-r.'li; given lliai cciTn*«n« CHj during the coniins yrar.' Among the ihlaga dUiusaed at the
lin lamb, sliuatcsl in the couJk' vf get ihe prices call and see the vaa the adoplioewt the wmiamaiiort plan, which will give the board moua iwei pnd artlbi. died. Born in the Interest of those who were more
Grand TtavciM- bid off to ilu- sial.- lor
Keua Gtrlanil. City. IL F. IV No.
Ifoniiimtc. 1 hoj»e that this e«r«t ui*QUEEN CITY AUCTION CO.
mSSSmI working raplial tor bringing InduaUiea to Traverue City, alihout 1828.
laXfS ol line, nod previous years, and
John SciHini-. yr, Klugsie;. Midi.
IdtiS—Andrew G. Magralb. a loader ion your pan. baa awakened au IniiT. In slau-oiculs vvli;.-h u.ll Ih- T2T S. I'nion 8t, Traverae CH;'. Mich.
tevlas to mlae the actnal money. Tbla plan will be explained In lull to
Florence Stiuaoii. Kingak-;. MUh.
lorwunlci lo li.t offl.v <il the TreasriUzens phone No. HS32, Bell 181.
the people of Tisverae Oily on April If. by Uot M. I*rrabee ot M'llUamaiiort. in the MM-easton movement in South iest In1 good ruads that
said coauiv. aad ma' It sc-eB
Wilma l.iiiten.. Klusslr;. -Midi
feb l^tbura-tf
cease uotli the roads in >ouv
whoAl noe of lb# promoters of.the ayatem that baa brought that city from Varollna. died Bom Feb. k. ISIS.
ofltK urv-vioU-. to the ua.' <d
Oscar Seegmiller. Summit' fit
lS!>t—A; nunibiT of lives lo't in th<- ship and count; are such as will rend
nUage to one of the leading manufacturing i«tnu in
wile. wiHlrv jtdifvau.uidu auciioo h:
»did tre.isu-.". a: Hit- louni; scat, oi;
the t'nlled Sutes. Tbouasnda ot dollars have beep loaned to induatriea with bumlng of -ibc Uavldaon theatre in er Ihe greatest returns to tbe users Mich.
tliereuf. I shall return all tiianuscriplr
the illM Ti;-->Uav ot May ni-xt. at riu
h«t alight cost to the people of the city.
time and Mail- .uwitmaTiil tor 11.i- .Vu
ISll—Fire In Toklo. Ja|«u. destroy­ lu due time. I have utkeii this i:
A aew aei ot oneara were elected for tbe next year, gnd under the diiii-al Ta.\ Sale, :t imi' lueviousi; iithud of ucknuHlech^iig m; thanks
o( W. P. t^inwa, the new preaidenc resulu can be looked for within ed i.oiw houses.
An Indianapolis woman an(*prlng •leeiued or camelled axoitiuic lu law
the MXt twelve nmnUu. He is an aggresaive worker and a man In whom tbe
an arirertlseinenl about ih« rema) of KaiJ rvremeiii. vouinma piP ilex rip
182^—Maria S. Cummins, antbur ofimuch credit ia due. I shall be plcasi-d rooms offers the following Inducege^ have entire wnAdence He will have Ibe ,^klng of tbe othef officers
“M.vseir and husband are
urn dboctora. all of whom are men of tbe highest character and bualnoas •The iJiBipUghier.” bon» in Sah^ui.!to meet each contcaianl.
. Uied tn Dorchester, Mass., Uyt.I if each-ol the price'wlunci.-; will away all day with a’eam heat, hoi wa*
^le . WKh this force at the helm of tlie leading bnslneiui organisation,
and all modern Improvcmcou."
- |wrlu- me aipiilf*mc their clioP-c '
thy ^ly- has nothing to (oar lor tbe future, providing they are given the au]>- 1. l8tiC.
their work deserves. A streng pull and a pull aliogelher is aH that
t)< Right of Way
Teeth Extracted Ab«ololc«
db^ tn put the city on tbe imluatrUl map so Srtniy that it isunot yearn I'ulicd Sutes aenwtur from Mls- warded. Give headdress.
c giit-n H.MiVKI.I.r
' ly Wllhovi Pain
or Good Kiiado,
iri, died in WashlnElou, U. C. Bom
Let every citUen of Traverse City give the board their fiuanDITIO.N I'owder whiti foruverecvcni'
b» "Ka-olar" meibc>d 1 ran i*
By tbe
Frank llauiiltuU.
in North Carullna. March 4. ITU.
vears has been tlie siaudar.l pi exi«
Have the latest ? .________
gad Mini anpport and then watch ihe resolta.
'V# tl
a-hlng teeth sbw'ilutely
]ggt_Tbe Archduke Maximilian of Price Winners on Easaya “Value o' lenc-e.. Wli; ? lietause Hie Withoi :hose
rhirvery and manufacture my work I
und without tne usa o'
.hout .
in uiHin-ilatc desinTts from the*
Ausirta accepted an offer of the crown
Iieniclc of th«- ■■owihT i-.-rfornis i'. drugs to piod-ii-e unconscloutacKS.
stone Prompt attentwal
IMonffs Life
Names of Centeatantaof Mexico
luoiwr siiate lu the work i-f restoring
givi-ii aft orders no nuilter t>o«r I
A Mtad Peanaylvanla professor has discovered that brain work never
Tu Mr. Frank Hamilton,
IkTe—Ah-vmder T. tStewart. famous
hcahhy rvmdliioiis in >uur stock. Put with Weak iK-a.ta will api.reciaia (bt
small. Call or write for pricce. I
tbe le<’-l and nut-- bow Ih- v will ‘Ka-olar" lueibod of pnlnlesa oxtrwe
kffls^hg; it Is the monotony of work that la falal.- That is tbe reason uews- .New York merchant, died. Horn in Road ''uuiiuisMoucr. tlraud Tiuversc
^ w.
Improve in flesh and spirits under its don.
Igod* toWlov life. There surely Is no monotony In that work. IreUnd In 1803.
Traversa rtl|, .Vfitlt.
Dll W. G. K1NTGN
infliiciii c. Pric.- 2'- 'vnis i-et l at-l.aKc
Ikjlli plioiiea No. 6U).
o^llorlsl columns of a newspaiwr for a few days and you’ll not
Dear Sir:
D6 2P8 \V
Wilboliii Block, with Dr. HoMs
18SH—Bertac Sea procUmatlou
Sold i>v .Vnierlcaii Drifg tilore.
worth. Traverwp'OtT. Mlchiaan.
qBMt’a lime to dwell upon the monotony of life. It puts into a< tivc sued b.' Preildcni CleveUnd.
Tbe Judges cxaminc-d all of tiu- fur
Dte-glvlng energy than any form ot labor, manual or mental. There
UipT—Senator lu Follette of Wis­ ty-six easavs (vrefutl; and bas<-d tlicir WAflTEO - foiiipi-iem girl loi gci
eral housework: small (aniU; at)
petty annoyances, for If you had this colomn of tbe RucortT consin declared in • favor of the rc- CTitk'istn on good English, aigniiienta
Ai-pl.' to Mrs. A R
yon would have littecn thousand or more readers to please noDiluation of Fn-sident Roosevelt.
.in faior of good roads,
setilhal. -'•IT Sixth street. Tuven
Yon couldn't do It. You would sodn learn to go right ahead
mi—Tom L. Johnson, noted Uemo-innd spelilug.
ypa tbongfit was tbe best thing fur Ibe moment. If you iilrased cratir leader, died lu Clerelaud. bora
ao hell w ritten and covered the
id TOO probably would never hear of it. U you displeased hall
ground so tburoughly iu the limlt’-d FARM FOR SALE-i:» a-r.-.-. .me
in Georgetown. Ky. July 18. IsM.
half level. liHliime lulliiic.
dcafc 'ptwne would be bussing all the next day. Does that tend
space that it was a very dlOlculi task
civ-aied. h.-tiaiicc In «n«d timber;
__I Btoi'
U does. You soon learn to do what you think
lo choose the prize wmoers. The list
ope-tliuittf-r uiiii- rrutii rsliool. iwrll;
fencod. Good well, gtauary. clevan
,#£t tllattb TO. ahfl'tb*d«k busier never worrle# you a partk-le.
for the eighth grade and beluw
RefiourccB over $2,200,000.00
crow long upon tbe earth, mid a sweet and very comoruhle iieace
{dried down to three esaava. and Aicse
basement., iu good rejialr. Basement
make an apprupriation for thc were examined and cuiefutly touiparcd
ban 63xr." Two acres old or. hard
work of (Ilf board.
aud tbe first |irize awarded to Flor­
price I-.::'*" on an; kind ol i*a;Jobu R. Santo gave a short talk on ence Holniaii of Mapleiou. and second
Trav-rse ftiy.
meinbersbip and read a leticr from F. prlte to Fern farmlen of l.^>ag loike
Hkt abowlg^ tie northern counties of the state made in tlie Ust crop
.Mlicbell of Manistee, expressing
three essays weie subuiltlpd NOTICE OF HEARING CLAIMS BE
Bwireiaiy ot State Is an noUble it is worthy of atteptlon in this
demandi p:oir<pt and accurate bank(n( ser*
his regrets at not being able to attend from grades alioie eighth giade and
edioL Tbt average condition of rye In the sutc was 86: In tbe lower
STATE OK .MlfiIIGA.N-Tl!e Prothe meeting and enclosing a <hc>-k (ur bolh prizes went to pupils
vice, courteously performed. It la such »erflMiftn of the northern ppnlnsula. 92. Meadows, iute. 8T; northern
Isite Court lor the l.'otiiily uf Grand
gl^B. Vllxeai. slate. 84: northern counties, >0. A|>ples, suie. bu: northern bis next ;ear'a dues. Although .Mr. Kingsley school. The ttrsl tn Beatrice Traverse.
vice that this bank offers you.
Mitchell Is nut a retldeut oi me-city U. Sparling, the seettud to Auua E
Ill the malicr of the esuite of Htraui
Pears. aUle, Tl: nottbera coonties. T4. Peaches. aUte. 32:
Tavlor. d.'ceaiW.
PIgms. slate, dy northern counties, Tl. Cbcnies, be has been a laying nieml>cr of the Uahlsrcii.
With our perfect organization, ample resources
■Notii.- Is itert-b.v given l)i»I fom
board lor a number of years.
hem counUes. 84. Small fruits, suie. bl: northern counUes. bl.
aud experienced officers aud employes, we lielieve
months from ll.c i:ih -la; of JUn li,
Mra. Lortt Roberts
rts read
a well pneLee Horusliy.
;ara Michigan U a pretiy good i{lace to aland In. and a good
A. 1>. 1812, have boc-ii allowiul lor
we a.rc in a jmsition to give you banking Tacililic.s
pared |*i>er upon Ih^subject,
Mrs. Frank Shannou.
f:re.Btors to ;-i.-SL-ni Ilieii .laima
mony In Effort." whuh was crcaily
that are unequalled hi'lhis conunuiiiiy.
Mrs. J. 1. Gibbs—I'uable afialDsi said deceased l.i said court
appreciated and which cumatned
examination and a.IJusUiieiit, and
owing to her abscutxthat alt ci.-dilois of sni.l aic< easnl ar.We want you for a. customer and can only exj>ect
valuable thoughts.
_ ,
.require.1 10 pr.-scut tln-lr ilaiuis to
to retain your busiiiess and good will by liaiidling
'Industrial Problems" was the sub­ ..
asked the height of Lake Michigan above Ude-waief
Names of Those Gompetlng for Pr.*esjsaid .ouit. at the prohau-offt.-.-. iu tl..Tbe roport ol tbe I'nliod Sutes luke Survey for March gives ject of a Ulk by Chas Buck, and be
Above 8th Grad*.
jcity of\Travrrsp fit;, to said
your business with safely, promptness and ac­
Mane Giay. fit'. R. F. U No 1;
,‘>n «’r
loth .lav oi
for all the Great luhes: Ontario.; Hide. 3TI.19: outllQcd some of the difficiiltlea
countered in city building, aud
Auua K Hahlgrcn. Klngslc;. Mich. '
MIlliMl a^ Huron. &T8.2T: Sopeiior. «01Ji<.
ffu (here la a ateady and i>ercepU(>le lowering of the Ureat^ Lakes U preaaed great hopes for the future- of
Bcutri. eJ), Spurlmg. Kiiigsle;. Mich.]
A. “i" . V''i2. “a
Tracerae City.
abeftS toy this report. Superior Is lower than the average of the iwst
Names ef Those Competing for PrizesI.M-lnek in tli.- loreliooii.
Judge I'mlor read a telegram from
8th Grade and Below. ' : Dated March i::th, .V I>, l■■I2
yMito-lB March, by 6.36 loot: Mlcblgu and Huron. ojH foot: Erie. uJid r
Don M IjirrabBeof WllUamsiwrt. Pa..
Glad; Tharp, vily, H. K U.vJ;;o il. ■
« "-M-KKIi
Ctota^ 0.68 foot*
OUttl, Urttst aad Sfrenfrsf BmA u Nortkm ItAigaa.
Ige ol Piobate.
yet Chicago aM for water, more water, and still nioiv water, for stating that he would come lo Trtvla.-uDurp Telk.-i. Inlerlmlien. b
mch 14.
. apl 4
Cliy on April P- and explain the
Imt ^tnage canal. I» luahlstonc times the ouGei of all the npper lakes
tor ^ of Chicago ud the MlaslaalppL Do we want to go hack to those
Matia Whlis.ui. Batra. Mich.
Ik-fnillt Ivaviiie iTt-li ina-le ili llic
meeting will be held In the City opera
tim«^ We ara dangerously close now. it would uee<l but little effort
.Melvin H Rowald. Elk 11 F
l<'onlilllon^ o: a c.-nuii. m.rrtiue- ma.l.
tmi ]^e current of Lake Michigan to the south. NonbweMem Michigan bouse au.l should be well attended. D. No. 1.
;l>; O
va^ than be beaded towards another glacial period. Tbe way tu prevent The closing Ulk of the meeting w
Marie Arnold. Bal.i.. Mli-b,
given by L. F. Titus, who Mated ih
thli ^ to atop putting more water through ibe Chicago canal.
. .Im.Hl tiio .-I.-)aiieaklng as a citUeu and not'as
da; .
-I, A. 1), i:4.
banker, be believed that iliu banks Jdnr; M-Gill. Cit.v. U F. II. No 2. enih
j,nd ict-or.led inIl lb.' ofli.i.e ot tl,. It.-k
A ZYi h. p. Gasellna Engine
life^-d' J ttotciivv Holman. City. U, F, u. No. i»tor of II.—d.
would be ready lo
^_____ man Bled the other day In New York, after a liugcrlng aud ui> sth nroney foi carrying
Graliil Tr.i.-'r>- ar>l S<a'<
Cylinder bore, 4 inches; stroke 41b
trW "*T— the doctors finally diagnosed the case as wsnlUliouorlbus. or If It U adopted.
luy ohaoc. City. R. F. i>. No 1.
laches. Good deeigu. best materisL
ThU man became so obsesed by tbe idea of ssniutlon that
Gilbert Graham. City. R. F. 1>.
:gagM. on ivaa- > on «!.i. i> moi'iwsc
Hopi'or cooled. Weight. 300 IbA SUrta
ha n^mlly died of tbougbi-saggesllon.' At tbe sanitary drinking founulu be
latwi-eaco Anthony. City. «. F U
nier.' i,= • Uinu-d i-- It dvn- t-' the -lat.
easily, runs attsadily; Is economi cat
~ the lexer and aatnrated himself with water, inilde and out. You see.
Jo«l.- Johnson. IJuikU-;. R. F. ,D
reliable, durable sod complets with
ha ODhldn't keep bis mouth In direct line with tbe spurting stream. This dls- ♦ ♦♦40to4444440*44t,^.^ j

lAiiUr. ami Fifi.'-Th
•hl.T .'.-l:!,.
pulley, gaxollne took, bstlery, coll sod
•gcin.'-Kivc l>ollai>.
•Mt^tolm, ao that he tried the taper cup. That crashed lu his hand. He
Foil..wing is live propiam Matclicu'"
iwiich. wired ready to run ypur aepAlftilke the taste ol what waa left of IL Then he tried (he sanitary milk- Suuday acbvKi(, rcndcreil itunday afteisiUltor iirocecdiiig* at law luvn.g l—cii
srstor. wood raw or pump or do suy
tootDaa. He puahed the lop down and that spoiled the milk. Ith trlol tea non lo an appreciative cougregation:
other dulv wltlilb (he raiaciiy of 2H
ItonhB « sparling. Klufcali-y. R, V. luwlltutcd to t-.over the .t)ot.r:.„ a.
and eaSee, hut tbe cupe were aterllixed to a negative polnL and spoiled the
.cured l-v »ai-i u.. ;tg4Sv,or an; lart
Song b; choir.
h. p.; occupies 2x2H <ecu Pries »7E
•aver’ of Us favorite drinks. He did not dare drink the city wiier for he
Manufactured by
Scripanre reading by Pastor.
Leuie C Sparling. Kingsley.
Now, tliercn,v:i1ii-- ot
WM. JACKSON. Traversa City, Mich.
toed hoM told there were T.84U.T46j;2t) microbes to (be square met in that
Keclution by Thelma Box
wr of ivalc r oiUiiK-d iti .aid iiiouiyiac.
UnM He thought it would he safe to ose ihU as -an. external application.
KrciWiOD b;' I'lara L'rapo.
JcMO Fuller. Boinl-'i:. R. F t> No.
Uf bath-room bad been removed all fbe
RectUllon b; Hattie T»;lor
FWa Tompkina, Old Mismoo
... __:urda>. 'I.c Fitl»*eDth ■
_ crash loweU that used to set bU Mood tingling and Injus.- new life
Song by choir.
Edith WeaUi-rbolt. Old .Ujiuiim..
June. A. D,. 1m:, a ; ten o . J.k-I
■a aystem. and he found only llUk pieces o( stenlUcd bloulng |«i«r.
Re.UatJon by lai.ilc Taylor.
pul-llc an* tl«p
forenoon. I ahall m
Harolvl f. Ijirdi--. Old Mixsioii
not «as the Umtu
Solo by BessieJifix.
Ruabel Norrla, City. R. F li No
...... of lb*- Court Ho-ilaid down and died.
ReoUauou ItL-Wrace Pence
iVoU MvrvJiuiaii. I it;. R F. U No "
Semg b; EITO aud Clyra I'lspo.
' ■ '
' ■ ■
'ifianrl Travcfwc •-lit-hican ' t~-’:ne
Reciiaitou by^Laura Hammer.
'HIGAN—The Clr-,the*e wb,-:,- the C*r<uit Court lor
'altended the reception at Maple Ctt>
<-uU Court I
Duet by Lconah and Ueoevs Box.
Count; ot Grand ;^alld Coun - of Grand Tr«verve it
4 la honor of Mrs. .N. W. ilerrlngtou.
.heidi. the
do* ribc<l in ►aid
TraveracReelUtioc by Ho; Hulett.
#4^«A4 4 444444#44 who Is moving to Traverse City.
'lifci-, plaint iff. \ t. Gu» Tip 'inoTteas*-. ■ r so mu. li tber*-of a*> may
Song by "Bods of Hope."
Mrs. Laihrop's aUter. Mrs.
iprii. dcletidaul.
be ne-r«M:-- o.iUvV (tie amount dtiiC«4r. April
Frank McDonald
RecitatHm by Eatl Taylor.
i To Wi.otu U May Contw^;
-.d waid nu-ti^ug*-. with seven per cent
^ SOU bU Uvery to Us aoo-ln-law. man. of Indiana, is here to spend the
Recitation by Resale Box.
! Take .Scijcc i; on the I.Mli dav ol in'*-VcxL and ail legal coxis, together
summer with her.
who la ronnlQg it.
(Januar;. A D 1812 a Writ of .vnmb-,pifh an sttorcey s fee of Tweniv Vi,,
Rev-Uailoo by t'lare Tvlor.
fcst« »l«h
A crowd of young people aUeaded
aAA Johiism apefit
meat wa, lesm-d o-ji «f the Cirruii;Dollars, sz provided
law and a-<
Becllatlon b; Eldo Crapo.
U'/oart tor tlie ew.d -.vueiy of Grand norensnted for therein, the prrmixes
its, retnrslfig to her school the dance at Schomberg last week.
har tSranta
Address by Rev. F. H. Bridgewater. {Traverae ut tbe suit of Jobn H. Crise.'being Jovritwd tn said ii«rigsee as
t IsUpd Monday.
Fred Dago went to the teachers' inb;*»iolr.
llue above name-! plaluUff. agoin«: follows, lowic The EaM Thin;sUluie
Mrds (itver has u
goods. *-hal'HrTUre»- and Ont-Third Feet
Glose*! by rongregatiuB Mogmg doi
oney and eff*-*-ts *■; Gii.. Tii-i*-ii lurl Fort>-Three i4r,i of Oak Heights A-idI
■ Tbe lime has posed when |ood fruit eoold be produoed
ror’s llace as clerk In
Tbe scholars of the rrlmary school ology. Benedlrtiou by Pset*^—
■fee'daai al*ove named, for the ^uID lioo to Ihe Cil» of Travenve c'lt;. **bad a'nlce Easter entertainment last
April 8.
of one tbouoand ■8l'»'0' doltare. wim h - cording to the re<or-led plat ibereof. with little or so aueguioo to the growisg. Now fruiu see
Boe daaa hod g party at 2'riday.
^ a........................
rpfd WTli was returnable on tbe i:-'.U<ia the Countr of Grand Tilve.-tc and good or badr tbe exteat of sstber dependisg os

Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cork,
of culture Bod care vou adopt. To obuia the better grade
Tip From the Waltar.
i Dated (hie 31si da; ol Kei>rvury'. A.. Jlaled at Travi-rwe Citv. Micbigac.
T, »i» M ffolng away.
a boy.
*VTtryUklDg comes to bis
fou must spray systematically aod Shcrwia-WiUiamg loaew
ID lrl2.
’March tiae nineteemh. 1812.
Odd Fellowa Upk F. A. Dan to, Iha agv mill closed last week for' vstts. I suppose." sislb tbe rasb
iicidcs will give satisfactory aod economical results.
Blner ps'lenUy- “Tea. auh." answered
Attorne* (or Plaintiff. ]
Qtty this week to lalMato 4ha wiator'a no.
ttt OTsm 0( the grdsr.
Praak Bri^ and iaany are mov- wbsi woBt welt 4oM geU kle firm." -jBtdg.. Traverae Ctt.r. Mk-hlgSB.
Attnrae;s forSlortmee.
a»A Sl-itm to Jnu u
fob c-UvMpr i tj
liB. A,
«M MgA f.taif*
uta. .

Grand Traverse Herald

Good Roads Department

and Traverse Bay Eagle

Doaglass & Kellogg
Spring Shoes



fw unra TMVEisE omr,

Capifar $200.0^00.00

Surplu* $100,000 00

Your Business


The Lime Wonder

to Doth


Where do Your Apples Go?

[lAf m amh 9Um»a'» bo»e

Wall's Drug Store


Kingsley Pepartment
Conducted by MIm Sdna Wall.

TlUT ytemns'iiDw issuKo

whara they wlO maka thHr tntara t
Mira Emma Halmas wha has hsen


PNOOREaSIVEA CANNOT PRESENT ibU city and a raw days at Empire
Tbomss Normal and Maonal Training CARRIED BTATB OVER TAPf Mt
tbe guam of rrtativen and friends
Melvin Rook returned to his heme
Th» 9»oti» of Kisfiley tod tbe rorrmmdjjf
W. H. Li
Wolvertan, ratum. HarUn today, after a brief vMIt-hkre Julius Crindstwen left here this afMotiy Art aU iatMAd te tfak BepArtaeat.
od Ibis miming to their boma
having brought bit daughtorTMIra Au- teraooD for Fargo. N. O.. oo an extend
after apendUig savaral days nbell bora a few daye ag^ tor medical ed Tiilt.
£ SmU fitAra^^wStSa
Mr. and Mrs- H. PopsL Mna'George
^amUm tead ia i«aM of atvt. pertoatla,
Mrs- Earn Tiaa Ittt hara today
Mrs. O. W. Curran Is in New York CUrence aud L.vun and -daughter.'
9f BMtIbifs, aoUoM of ABttrtAiatba nooo train for Cbtcsgo on a two city, owing to tbe eerioue lllneas of MUees lAicy. Alice and, Mary left t>
I ^haagia poUiC
poUk improremeata
f-r lam .tiiiM-.e*. t'al. wbere'*b«.y
TiaiiId, tilct of real attata
Will e. Bmttb left here today on the will make their future boma
Mm H. R. Puftnar weal te Elk Rap
da tawB or ttwairr, mad
aadiabt other itaait of raanoon train for Bay CUy on a lew days'] .M. Klassen passed through the cHy RESULT MAV'HAVE BCARNtG OM
Ida today on a few days' visit.
«Al' laterwtt Bhad an hamt to «m Xdaa Wall.
,(5day on I.U way froiu Oadfllac
Mm E. L. IcolislA >abo has besn business |rip.
Me ku oharn of tba
Erntm Evans left here this CheU-ygas.
visiting friends at Old Miaslen for the
post weak or lao days, pnssad tfarougb for Detroit and Cleveland. wbe:e be I Mrs. Helen Clendenning went to Wik
tba cltyftoday on her return borne to
MftBitoid ol M««Ueld
and OenaraJ.
i Mr».
Mrs. N. A. Zak roturnsd this mornd*>t vlsiiiug her
yr. aad Ur«. lid MarrJii took OIo »M «>»• tu«> or h«r brtiiher. Peifr
aar Stsday vttb Q. C. ycMaBa* add Mutb. Tandsv.
'Dr. F. P. Lawton, returned here to­ ig to her home avin’erloohetj. alier'**'®•
several doys' visit In ibl* cltv with] Mrs-F. M. Hale .• spending the day
day from Cbitngo. where ha was rail­
Carl Casa, a ho c
at Angel.
ed a taw days ago on arcouni of the
yra. Aaaa JobBtm sawed for Mrs* from Big Kaplds for a fa* days' »»•».
Mra. E. Neshit weid to Kaiamano|
E. Baylor of Bates Chieago Went fee TiA. WhM Qlwgg
eatb of his sIster-lD-law. Mrs. Chas
B. A. Wllooa OM day laat weak.
r^iuraad Toeeda}.
ihli^ornlng. where she will »l»n.l arrived in ibv Ol» this morning for
StMa Divtdsd OMtgatis*—TaPte
Ivan Gore, who U taarfalnt
, Mr. and yra. Uark wars KUtslay
PIsassd Whs. Taw ft
lime vltiilng re'latives and,<>>»day.
Mm Cllbert Grove ratumed to her
acbool formerly taucht by Kara Woo^.
tmllars Bsa^day.
C. L. Seeley returned to his home
tha fteewtL
Washlnaton. April
The hope of home at ftopl.l CUy today, after visit.
Mra. H. A. Orvndy went to Melva
n|ia afternoon, from a snut
Mrs. Laa OIbba aad sen Sualar of a|«a( SiiMlay with bta iiaraBU in
Ing bare m tba guest of bar daugh­
April Jd-Uto
Pita !«ka ara rialilng hHasds and ralter. klrs. jB'ill Bowman, for the inst
Ohlcaso-vonvaBBmaat Powars and Carl Casa s|>ein
George Seale.went to Charieveia toAilrea hara Ibis weak.
'ell will have IMIAW
JobB MIrbaels siM«t SuDdar after- Sanday In TravaTwe CHy.
Mira Ida M.
is spenning a
> (c* days,
Boon at tba Srhicbtals.
J «• H. Powers of Cadillac inBaa<te.l greMivea hare, following iba publlcaweek 81 Grown aa ihe guest of her] Albert Brager is spending a few days aliiy over PresMeai Tuft, LdPMtoUd
.has bean hara visiting (or the peat day
lion of^nncboCs latter in iwply
-ol this wc-k >.1 (‘harleiolt
practlrally having made ao tfwt td
PblUr BrbUhlal ratomod home boaloass bare Friday.
raiurnad home today.
serare ten |»r«e«t of the npoWiM
Tnaaday from Bok>n.

Mrs, Chas. Irish and dauahiar llena lAToUaita's attack on the "deearters.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hirachberg of. Mrs. Alice Richards and
I Mlga Thins Carroll raaumad her peElk Rapids iiassed through the city 10-,»nuad went to Charlevoix i
vote lo (be state. Tha Bimnniglt '
Miai Kata Vood has «traa up her {ware thr geusti of the fornier'e daugb- Tbay axpraaa a faar of a ihree-cor
narad fight at Chicago. This epells slilon In.tba
forces today claimed OS
aahoo) on' ar^at of slrkaaas. >lr. lera tbe Brat «i the week.
day on tbeir way In Atlantic City and nwi. whore they will spend
flee thls'mortiiiig. after eevaral w«.*k»'
of Traraiwe CUy has Uka» her
Jotia. l'<ira and Gtlna Wall si>ent victory for tbe “standpatters." In a
other eastera iwini* on a «TSfen.led time as the guests of relatives and the ronventloB. Lorlmer’e Mrd^hAR
Kaster vUb ibeii mother la Traverse teller daiad February IT.
I to Chic ago U eoncedod
_ _ to
. Taft. Ctok'g
vacation.Mr. and Mm H. . Oavoa raUirnad
cusas'laFolIrcte of braaklng his agraaMira Flora Newcomb is spending | majority over WUaon la
MfB. Sarah BoyW vieitod at the Cli>.
Interto tbalr home this fternoon at Sherfew .•uys at Angel the gtiesi IJo.WH), He will get the
Rnlaklaa last Friday.
Claude< Ilrlains Is working for Cal- mani to fight for prlncipla. and dalochen this morning on account ol the
clarra that LaFolleiia was na.trac se­ man. after D axtendH visit to this llloess of her .laughter.
Irieiidf. V
Ncroiau PIsHwr wont toOiand Rare vir sinrllny..
Emil Kalena left here this afterRooaevsK Smilad.
Ida Tuaadar. where ne has emptoyJohn aporllng, visited reUtUvesalien- riously raoaiderad as n ran.lidata. He
A party .conslstihg of Mrs. J. H.
a. P. Wade of Copamish pawod
nayy HoosavaU Is the only taoiia of ibe
enne Wells. Col., where
Fliisborg. Aiu-ll lO-RooamU ware
mem la a barbar abop.
jthlK waak.
FUber and mods. Wilson.' Uenson and
through tba rliy today on his wny to
Paul Jaekwa waot to Jackacm Tueo- ' yiaa lllanrhe i.a>uirml of Wexfor.1 prcgErfasivni.
Cecil, an.1 daughter. Miss Ethel, and he-exp.-i-ts'ftr reside In the future.
his braaded^'amil^:whth told «w.» ^
Rev. M. C. Guild went te Cadillac carried the llllnoli primary by a wida
work daring the snmmer.
is working for Mrs. Uairheli.
nrather. Mrs. J. I>. Wilkon, wens to Ib.Mr. and Mm A.'0. Darling went to
John ilomilrh visited I 4cm- Wei.
uiargfn. 'That's good, and 1 ahoalBat
UlM Bdaa Wolgnat of Cadinae was
rand today, wbera they will make 3f!i-rnoun to coodurt a funeral.
CadlUac this .aftarnoon. whara they
ta lowa ike first of tbe week vlsiiiiut er’a last FVtda>.
Chao T. Cederaen. of Keystone, re­ he surprised if tbe tide goes oar way,**
ilieir ftiiure residence.
will work foT lha summar.
said tbe colonel. Roosevelt
turned ' home this afterncKRi froi
Harry Taylor and wKc railed at the
Miss Mildred Bearae returned to
Clly. where he will attend the.repol short liuainess trip to this cliy.
yiBs Martha Sorengen, who has Morm boma Snndai*. .
bar homa at Aldan this afternoon from
'tao« la CadUUe for u>ote time last,
Wn. Wright spent Thundny with
liran stole ronvcniioii.
short buslnass trip to this city.
was twme over Bonday.
faU dsuglii.Ts. Mrs. Bogan and Mrs.
Adrian Osle went to Petoskey this
Mra. Will Aamua'ia of Wi
Mn: K. Ia Brett of Alabama who liatutur.'.
morning on buKlneqs for a few days.
Washington. It. C.. April . 10 —A s|M-Bi the day lii the city shoi>|>big.
Tea caaaot drive horahagta*
hta ban here for some lime visiting
by a slngto blow of Urn hUMM.
Mr. Ausirtl las i.urrbased a s|«n of beorlug wns giveo by tbe Hulas (kunA. H. Gruber went to Kingsley this
Mrs. C. Hall of Owe see paoaad
who ttrlkM ni»g||gfr
trtenda and retailvea. left Wednesday mils /rum K. A. Btnitli.
niliaa of Ibe House o( KepreeanU- through thejCUy today oo bar way to
tbs sams,tpot1s b
for Los Angelca, Cal., wbere she will
Claranre ood Kddie Homrlih s|>ent llvas today on the I'odarwood raaoluR. B. Kingin of Grand Rapida whs
Wnilamsluirg to visit (rlands.
lain bar husband and tbay will make Bunduy
Preddle tloR. providing for the naming of a
u been here visiting (rlends for the
C. R. Dockery of Rockford spent the
Ro^eitri'. April 10,—New York reIhalr home.
ist week, returned home iblf mornJoint cwnmiiiea of Congraaa to conald- j,,.
piiblicjins went ou r.-cord as favoring
On Wadnaaday t: friends and
Win lilbW-s folks arr moving.
- er Federal participation in roads build­
Miss Lcda Brewer is spending a few
lor. a
aoigbbars of Mrs. Addia Bowers gathMiss Karl of Hannah vlsfted the K. ing. The hearing v
H. Cold went to Grand Rapide to- and also as squarely opimsed to the In­
----------Mayflald this weak, the gnaai
I at Brentford.
referendum and recall Comp­
orad at tba boma of Mrs. Gibbs' and H. B. Monday momlai;.
lay. where be will spend some time
praawiuilvas of tba Amarloan Road
England. rrawaUr. «a a chteia « ah
had a kltidMa ahowar. Many wefol
U is leiioned that Amoa Nlrkerson Bulldara' aasocUtloo. American Auio-|
I the gueei of relatives andjfriLnd* troller ITendergrast of New York lowing a ferarietis dog te be «|
Clawson wsnt to Manton this
Roosevelt supponer caused a
nrtielaa wars brongbl. wbirb were Is gaining slosly.
Mira Gertrude Taylor of 201 West
mobile saaoclsHon. Kailonsl Orange af,en»oon
pleaded that It was trlendlg t
lUoo by a rigorous speech defend- •ryone but poncomaa. a»d ft h
mneb antprerlnod by Mrs. Bowant. A
Mrs. I.AU1S Morris of Travarae City F'annora' I’nJon aud numerous state,
W. M. Lewis of Old Mission paassd Ninth street we;it to Detroit ibis
.■-■MW, »■..^.Ml
anppor was aarvad.
41 CS.UIlMi;
In tUS
Saturday afioruoon.
uornltg to resume ber thi mg the coyrt and bis principlea.
ar Wtton anyone a
nnd aerti
‘‘ through the city todsy on bis way to
Mrs. Panaa bas been sick with tba{ Tba Bastar danca given by Helm's In Improved blgbwsya
jsilghis to visit friends for a tew days.
grtppa tba past weak.
orcbeatra was wall attaode^.-and a
Edward Weston raturoed this aftciA
Mm. PblUp Srbiristal made a buai- good time bad by all.
noon to bis home at Bhrkley alter sev­
Bess trip to Travorae CUy Tburaday
Mias Clara Homrieb of Travaree
eral days' visit In this city.
and returned boma Piv»y attpnoen. city spent Sunday slib her inrenls nt
' Mrs. L. A. Claaaon returnsd to her
Hr. Simn nr Fife lake baa been ia Hannab.
(From Tuesday'a Record-Eagla.) '
' home In Y|»llBail today. She was actUa rtefalty gaUlng ooatiaeta far euJerome Koetcak «>ni *to Jackson
Herbert Fraeman. of Arcadia, return.
her mother. Mrs. R.
Tueada)'. where he win spend the ed to hla home this monrtng from a
Ruuner. who will make an exlen.lsd
MIm Roaa Oourtnda Is working for aamner.
abort visit here.
Mm Tony MIcbaU.
( Miss Cora Swalnstmt went to KalaO. 8. Weess wsnt to Summit City
^1 Louis A. Franklin left hcri this aftBd nad Tboo Roamer hauled eWar maioo Tuesday, where she has em- this morning to be gone for a week
ernoon lor Grand Rapids to visit hi*
i«att treat Jerome Rhoaseria.
filoymeni In the asylum.
Mrs. McManus was in town Monday-^ Ray Baldwin of Sunimli City was in “john Kirt went to X.I.maeoo t<h
■ The auc^ sale of Mr. KnlcWe* town on business Satunlay.
day. where he will sp<-iid some time
Peter Provenchcr left here late this
was wall auudad and tvaiTlblng aold ^ Ralph ('a>a. who has gone of
as Ibetguasi of (rlends.
afternoon (or Ihiroii. where he will
tcnde.1 trip 10 WssljlnKton. ll. <’.. ex-1 A. M. Verne want to Pontiac thU *
guent ol
Mr. and Mm Wilbur Ctsland and tacts to transnci buslnews there ct ibe tDorning. where he expects to work for
•n-ls sud rehiiives.
two rbililratt hav emornd to town.
ik regard .............
to a <lo<.............______
k being,l>um 'the summer.
C. W. Rogers is spending a few days
' where (bey 'wlU live the comiitl stun- u Aioadla. He will visit several j E. L. Hughes is spsnding the day
CadllUc Ibis week.
placas of Interest befo^ rsturol&g.
i Kingsley.
Oaorgs W«av< r boueht
Slum pt
EaH Bsrker left here this morning' Mra. John Boyd, who has been visit­
Council's Work.
ing fneodt in this city for the pasi
torses of Ira Untsn.
At tbr meeting of the counril last |for Detroit by way of Uaul.tre where
.'7 '
Mm Ams Box U on tbe uWk list WudBFC'lay t>‘x:n
■” will spend a few days with (rienOs „
Ibis wsok.
was nfaed to fl.uOb and the bonds
Ralgfe Hkk> atwoded tbe fomiy gj.tefi, Surat} companies will ooi be Coprmlsh.
(From Wednesday's BecoriJ-Eatle.)
ooaUMtloagt Tmrerae Ctty.
tccepird as bondsmen, but a iU!rsomil
G. W. Jarrelt ratumed This moro-| pira A. L. Tioali returned to her
O. V. Holmes was tn town Saturday. bond mu>i be given In two snratles. lug to bis home at I’laiie Elver, from home at radlllac thiv rt'ormiig, :«ricr
O. C. McManus w«ai to Maaton Fri- ______________ _ .
worth I6.0W.
abort business trip to this cUj.
ipendlng several deys tn iM* city
ter and had soma tsetb axtrarted.
and are compelled to' make a prop­
A. F. Owen left this morning for
jhv guests of irleiuls.
Hoary Bogan is gMtlag tbe uie- erty Btaiemeni. and hi* honieetrad I* Manistee and I.udlngton on a few) w«n. Balanger is spendlr-g the day at
sa tbs grotind for a new bam.
exempt, no matter what U Is valued. days
trip in the Interests ofisilglns.

Wheelbase .102' '—Tires 32x3H—Motor 3*/ix3^—26 Horse power
^ Hayes aad wife weot to Tbs resMeoce of the bomlsroen must
Life Insurance com-] wttr Cou^ retuened this morning to
Equipped with Mohair top with curtains and slip cover—Clear vision wind
I RtaadMh Friday ter a abort vUl with be within tbe village corporailOB. Also Panr.
bis home at Grand Rapids, after vlsltlha fgrsier'a pareata
thr Isw to regard
shield—Prest-O-Lite tank-51060 F. 0. B. Flint.
Jay Bmlth it spsnding the day at ing friends in this city for the par
Hr. ChUaoo of ni* Uke was in games, chairs token out. will Iw en- Lake Ann.
■•va OB tualaiii Pritey.
Has everything needed in a Motor Car with the trouble
tnrred. As yet U seems that of the
A. E. Bhtppard It apandlng the day} Mr. mid Mm Bimon Hahnenbcrg left
Tbe preaaat price of potatosa is foor aaloon keeiwm. John Fischer is at Nansen City.
jure this morning for Alberto. Can .
and expense left onL
I^IJg. bat a aambar of tanaara are the only one that has natlsfaciorT
Mlaa £. B- EngyaU, rsprseentlng tha where they will tpe«d same time as
haMlag (kWR ter $1A0.
amen, or that Ibe council will ae- Manistee MlUlng compas). paase-l the gueai of friends,
Mm L. J. Tadmaa of Bammlt City
through the ciu tbday on her way loj Hubert Flohs. of Bay City returned
‘ was la towa Baturday.
|home today, from an extended vial!
Abont >4 of tbe KlnnltT young'
C. J. Helm ia apsndiAg*the day at to this city with frlends.
paapto atteaded tbe borne talent pUr.
Ita who hare amds thalr.forlnnes
If. M. Hammond left today foe Ra/
Tbe Uwklac Bee.“ at MayAsM last an aot thoae who have had Bee thouW. McCarejr of iKayatone pyid riry. where he will attead tbe Slat,
PrMay alsbt. The paru were well sand dollars gieen them to stort with, through the city uJday on ^ return RopubllcaD convention.
'Tunsd-Op im Msdsi BuiCk Wtto 2S.
raadarad and averyeae eajored it very but Storied fslr and with a wetkearn- home from several days 'visit with' w. L. Templeton returned to hu
Mile Rsee in South.
sd dollar or two—Grace Greenwood.
Ailaaia. March IK—On Thuraday
(rlendt at Omens.
hetee at Cblcapo this morning from
there was held In Muntgomrey, Ala..
T. J. Puriner went to Reed City'several days business trip to this city
SD antomobilc rare meet Tbe rates
tbit monlng.
| Mrs. Arthur Esri left last evening
were rue on a troning borra imck.
Henry Day went to Kingsley tnu for Ottawa. 111., to visit her paraou
mile in .irramleretHe. It had
been raining for prarllcally a
morning for the day.
Ighe was accompanied t>y her aisierPar
BtMlI Orehard ar < .................. tbs man who can....
aud the track was muddy
Dr. H. E Garner of OsU»it le the'in-Uw Miss Carrie Earl,
BOt aBord nor Bad use for big power sprayer equip a
lo the ::.-mile event ibere was tbe
giirac of Hr. K. B. Minor.
j Mr. and Mra.
r.illowlng car* entered, rlx: Om '
Uaad In any Waion ar Cart, or oo a sled—one horse is
C. H. Waeae want to Kingslay this provenuiot. passed througb tbe c-ii.
Kil-F 'TI'." the winner of the Tlsde-uROMh.
aonstod in a bomoi
bonzontal• position
ra<-e at Savannah last
monI trosdiy
'{today on their way to Edmooton. Can
nipniing fm the day.
ptetlgrai or a^ aad heM by amc style adjustable
aa aa regalar wood
talk, this oatBl U not
.. Frost .it spending the day i
tuBted this moraine, afii
cars and une Bulck
eaMIy Bpoec whether
te^ business trip lu this city in the Kl
IW model.
All cara werv' •
asaiar or BDed.
stripped for racing. Tbe M-IT Bul'k
iBtetwst of the Postal Telegraph com-1 W. H.' Jones returned to hta home
Pomp is Outoids—
by Dr Bellerw sinro
si Grasp last eveolng from a few day>
Tb.a ror was tuned
imilton it spending a few visit hvrv on LusiiiM
aaiural way. uvi
up by a local repair man. <' O S*wdayi at Cgdiitar thu w>ek.
| A J- Hsadisy of Thompoonvillc.
Mr. Norman stoned out and
aad b easy to get at
easily took the lead In the first Wile,
Mira E'uia
to Kingsley apent yesterday in this city,
aad more pieaaat to
which he maintained until ih* end nf
this morwlng on b'usinesa.
| J. W. Sunton returned last evening
hiNim Bams pump to
the rare beating the s.ierial E M F
John Dm is spsndmg the day at to his home at B«-odoa; alter a ahor:
racer i.v a half mile, the rest of thiraetioo npraysrm.
Hatcbra Croaalr.g
business trip lo this city.
bUD< b hs'tng been Upped
Time^ for''*hV
m'.ies. 2T minuief
Capacity and MUIng
Mrs. Frank Lexott whs has bos*! Mrs. Fred H. Pratt went to Fenton
; reronds
—Borral holds SO
visiting ralaUves and Meads In the thU meroing. coiled there by tbe sm^
teas. Bobsuoas
city (or the past few*-da>a retunisd ous llluess of her mofber





■ ;i'i:



-> •



Model 35

Biggest Little Car of |he Year




t stool
daobsr. wUeb M tbs
oaly pan taside of the
Uawarteri■ ter
tor Um
tX BprMtaa Bsim

ttea a BaSpSkr bar.

this moralng to her borne at Empire.
Mr. aad Mrs. C. M. Buell uraM to
Mra Joeeph
and eorw Luther. B.vron today lo visit friends -and reU
of Hoaor returned home today from tivee for a short time.
40 oatended visit here with frieod*.- H. C. Boyd and wifa wont to GraM
Mrs. Harry Frankipi was cattsd tq Rapids ibis morning, where the* wifi
Ovtatt this moraine oa.account of the apead a week or twa sa tbe gJeat «'
serious iilneat of her father.
Fred Melchcr is spsnding the day in
J. H. Leuitoii« went to Heed City
Grand Rapids on business.
'this buy bones.
Mias Bums Ooran raturnod today Goo. Wilcmb wife and family left
to Detr^L attar apaadiac bstar la bare tbit moralnf for Mooae Jaw, Can.,{

We are showing the finest exhibit of new cars ever shown at one lime north
of Grand Rapids, as we have the entire line of five new Buick models on our Akor.
Come in and look them over whether interested in a new car or nni

Carage Cass a stale Sis.




: Yin ms.

Arbor Tbnrwday.

SJra. Peck lenalned

lor (leatisec;.
A i»ut»li< dance wa*' sltoo
-own hall Uond^t. -

' '




TUe V.'-omaii's 'I'i’i >ne» w‘;!i Mrs W


4. TboiHaa - Th- r-lub has taken nv

tfattars arrivon In town tVW- cliv Ii>i ih< tm.-uipi

atght l^a t1«lt Willi lt^k lar-

who TOh V-on

the ^lud^ ■oI t«tfcro-r.t work and ilar
Oarthc bad a line

hiT |.aioni» ihe iiaf!’
i/or'*Mlit atoriwl Wrirtf^'n

imM-d lo fcfr work at t'adllloc, FHday.

wer on

-1'rol.lem of I'oveny.” aa li


U ben

Ole.1 by MiM A.iaaiu» at ilnll Hun-e
a fwtdock ao|ip^r «t
lUKtrr » w arVl in tinAlbion AndMUoO. who hl» b.fn ee
ToMda}' fVMtDK........ .. chur<h Sondt^v morn. *__■
«£nnilfl\* rinaaly ill. t--beticr' i.ut U uaaW.- Up
JMml opo««» Monday pontns aW- in‘g und^r the au»j.i.-« of ihc Sunda>
•iVwwkl va<»UoB.
j^-booj. and al«o lu .thP-venin* »n.lrr walk.
■*lr. L. R. Hock end wife w»«» »o the awiiw of tho C. K- acKlcty. Mr.
ABl-AAer Tn«day nomJas. *h«o,!JeniaH *»»«■ • '♦•ry Howlna addr.-s«.
Ml*. Pock will Uke treaimoni.

}hU addrw* being "Tbe

Catarrh of the Lungs
Threatened Her Life.


U» Botbee at Sattsaa Bv aad thi
Kalaaiaioe to call on frMe-l>.
Mr. and Vrt

a b i--r tvul wad «i^

with Mr. and Mm. M. Brown.
I'.ier .twanaon ba*


been oo

Jantiee Siool*’ folk* move.5 on the!
faini near Yuba on Monday


'Ceeacrml Law Practice. laclMcSIna Coltectia

e cer: »orr> to hear iha' Karl

aUc to wait on myae«

,floi;i,.vl u li|. be«l

wlhen 1 l-KannsiOE IL I
sh-wly at »r«(. bul I could eec that Ui

WarM B. Connlac

M> hoi-

Titini. .

Mr. awl Mr' Work al Mbllaiid, Mich., efier s|.-iidlns i i> Tra*er«.' <
Ar»n 5
to ihc'wlDler xialilnc relatix-'*.

jaat week In Rrand Rai'id*.

iky. and Mrs. 8. W. - '
for a lew day. )

Teaverae riiy Frtday



,,».-i.:rUay ID tlje home .v' iheir aeaaaaAaaaaaaaa^#

-After I had uken It a wl lie I enm-'Ai.ii> srd. a eon. and -Aj't ■
• ^mn.
SK-aod U> reitw op a •irinyy. eilrky Tbe funeral was held at ibe house,

the treatnxiu.
“i prew n
forgone t

njij.h K»te» ui lUt. *


Mrs. J. Hafen and Hrw-S-Hoaklns*



Mr. and



Oray. Herberr


week. •

™b.«. .=<

Itli Ibcui.

The ladle* served-a;

i■ol-luck su!-i»T
lea. (r^
coffee, e
L'Booll tff Detroit arrived In tnVn




The K O.'T. M. -M. served an Kas- mo«el1 oa Mrs. Tweddles farm

brr.tifht 1


SuridjE mli;-’) .<! * "i-jr Ib'Hik;





.Mr. end Jlis. Ankerson and ;

iriu-l al Jt'w". Jarretl's .Thursda-.

Building Materials
dl all kinds at
The Big Store

^If 'You Want
~A Roof You Can
RcaBr Depend On


Got otm that is boooMlr ffnaraataed Ukc
, On Three Ply REUAHCE you p*
ee for 10 wlid years and mUhoul pour
^Mfap or aMthW poor'rooffh>m the dap It la Mdf
TkPO piy is coanirteed in a aimiUr way for 6 years.
, w4 <Sis ftr 6 yem Mo other rooEnc made U backed
ba '
In ttia iair ■annrrt^ oU« wffl we yon so well
oe kne A tim at ao low eoM.
DcoT let anyooe dood year jodcnieat: don't let anyone
«ril yen roo&i«*UarLs to ba'iKiMaDily looked after iu order to
. jHipttia{aF«c»iditk& ,


Rubber Roofing


The Big Store Sells Everjthlng ^

Pulp Plaster
Plaster Board
Building Paper
Hydrate ol lime

croiiiianied baiiie by

.A.:-m sUs ..
Tn- r.l«



lake. April y.—Horn

Itoldwin. Mr. liii.i

id NcUl J.ur.ii

ow ti f»rtn wlic-r*- thev

l..-!ari.l visitor



Wia. ^a:


and M


M cjrd>-

UtM Wra Viatoti ane;'ded the *owt^
iminbwr el the leciure cars*- ai

> lluike.

Sup^ J.iliii


i .......

<r.->Lt ■» dm'^iiytu-who liad it in

fami this wiiiuuu-r.


Mr, and

Mn>. Oliver

huildin]! tile arih over the Udh-r,

i-*l1er htM week

Regalar irwtinc of the gmn*e

U isto W Iu.|h4 that ihe nucliiiter;.- |« held Tiiewlay evening. April Mb


Hanilm-Md of


Barker CreoS.]

tuemWi - ore urg.^ to tw pr»-».

Walter SiadclUiM-r i-f Ttaveip.-»

andsG-»ere liwa by fite Satur-'sim-iu

FjUmr Yotimans-ki-pnl SLitur- a' V,,
Cl'dc N'-u-e*.

evMiine, . aimed, h)

snarljo fr<vu_and


1- . Otmunm-r hot- tone tc It. unit j
for Ihevumircr.


in Ipe kept busy the year

EiiRi Side fu-hoot f»r a l-w wfec-k*






lit* latent-.



ruuglit in the r-Tof of hl«'n»|dd nty Saturdo';. . alter »|*ntlln

rha«. Baheoik.'hn* mc^"! .tnj^^j
Edgar To'.iman* ha-*

Traierwe Vlr.i Usiw.ek visHingte- '.
John M liiir risJtcd at tJmwB a «»w
dais last we-kand tVilber StaBord leumed with him Saturday for a short
Avery who has Iwen work­
ing in OeittiR on a streel car. came
Mondat nieht «i> rest u(- a wbll-.

},ay. eruln andj


Eiigem-; .Hill of E!k l::,:<t.

ro.d .

........................ ...

Shinxlcs Dcttber split, w«rp
nor rot. They stand Irori uid
snow, • ■ and' rain, year inaw).
year out. long alter tiigh>prKcd
_ .
cedar shingles are leaky
legky u a sieve

Flexible T^phalt
Slade- Shingles

■ dkeeir
dke«l> tu
tuad b*e*
•ciiuilr .<
ol ibc«.
■r >0 rear.
we tnnw tkjl thrr Ij.i inirA IssreKc.nt.W. AirlUtt MwniSi >tr * > l^,
iBctic. iml Ur < >"rt.. t" ir-' vreath*..
Ksvrr rtrd tu-.'-nj. r«-;U hit. lad
leak a* » ni i- j.-n itit. -hivehad

V choice gpon r>f draft horwea value.! rume-f lionie indu-. alter a

to 'Jieja,
adjolnln,^ 1-liM- ‘ler.-' .-is the
V^fjal „ver
also an adjolnln,^
-.linlsnrt lor a few .lay*.
lenant house and Frank Re*.
ling on,...
once used ••
Phil Thl<?l ha* revisned Ills i-cwiiion
tuodred bu>liel*


'Irs. J.'sisdell a ;, i.


ibarn. emitely dwtrviyitig tin- talllMIltg week's tamiloU wiih jelaliv.-s lier.

i* farm near lake .Ann.



III.- Ilurg has l«w-:i i'*!-',„ov.. ..n -tlie .M^-; While farm for
fiir a few da;-A for the inirp«we nf r- summer.*


vli*» Vi
Viola MUoer is tea.-lriiis the


-niw < bur. b wa- lu-au-

«Bd lhis’|{(uUv d<-coiwi'-l >*»r the otea-ion uud

e hint an ipponunliy «ii g* i

lie hioueht liv*b


visHots borm

ais»’u* l-iuon siwaAlrw da>s

j'l.C K.IC

ting a bou*e awl«li-ani -ti hl.'~>i*n charge.

Tom Ftir.l wny here wlih hi* Uiar

Thit-1. Mi>. ivn

Ih-blo and -\. A. McDermolU’


bir-.r ........... '

Ibinew fanii lor ihe

Ill-on wi'b

\V.«id al .^x lakes

.If TiavergcXar were

sb. I.


.\eirhl»r sStafford has rv-med llie l*r ’ w, II i.-nd.-i—l,

Ml,..her. V

ni a vikll to ber daoabtrr. Mrw. C.

treasurer. Ji

lliiitt ni-nal


H. Vlnion retorned Frtday.

.sb,,nek; hifliway (iitnmtaai.mer,

,-r i-liori.'

•J'.c .-cip p-.*lii,-p-,

rja ■ fomoiiricr.

Mrs. F

a a aaaaa a aa a«'a aaaa!««^««««««.«aaaaaaa
'"'I' a
■‘*,a aaa aa a aa a a aa a a a a
:!.i.!*eh r



last Tbursday nUhi
hi* work

•ju»lpe “! the |~-;i«e. J

Till- foliiiHii’a liikfi v>n» cbiivd

1 EMiiirday la>L

iJ.ilularyor hU

jW. H. folk: IsMird of reiiew,


cai for Mr. l«avent>oi

Bnitders* Hardware
Sash and doors, cellar sash
all sizes of window.s. No.
and 2 pi*'c doors, sash doors
in assorted {intlems. painted
doors, sash weights, pulleys
and cords. . locks, liults.
catches, eicf
Double acting floor hinges.
Several small lots of locks
at closing out prices.


lu-Miiiu fcrli.d aUiur

liaic!i ha* <-ki;eti camp for n

Lalh and Shingles

b<-ea speedlna

v. :;.i-.4ja.jla«ahnw.

ai li.wu MieetitiR und ih.- fofk.wii,




lie W:

A lar*;i- lufilb.; <.l nu.s Were |si:

It-iaiie Ketim-v —.1 ”



PF Jn Klc .Ala an-ived Fridt.'
for a .cticrt vjsU

wilt sla> rhniiR.-s for J»b . ,\;uU.ti. iik

ra; ril'
ITie acbobirs of *be priniarv MBAni

IJexlei. J

w.-'.- uuioli-.:

Fnwu tk«-ie be nspoclt tii fo -

bogau-s; Mclliitej'
paier.-.s. Ml

T. 11
:.‘u- ]ni!l and «i l

'f’]- e; a I«.st
I«iSt card Blms. r oil her birihda-I,

•if.-l T'riiw-JE.- Cilv las*. Wt-i.
Town i!i-*-niie

.v .. . - lor l»etu.i


■ .

! J5;;!.i:;t> K.

l»imritt. .No. -I I.chiwrl Kill-tlicir l.-ath

\1. Kean.

a 4 aaa a • 4

U'WoU'Moure lell last weok for tV-

Mr. and Mrs Frisl War>« •wertoin-

Mi». (T^ this aaimner.

wlip ha-I l-teu visiting here lor
srit-ral do'.v.
Mr*, fl. E.

i.. ,


K-lea* and Mir tu-i.r' KiUBd.m.i liov.

Joe Ton? has. ipiiri-h-a*eil xis anetubwi
The room and tallies were iir.i- i.c.n? iSk^xi.'trd with filendsin ihis
Mn. W. 8. Porter fell Thurw.iay
Hart* itiivtb* hoix- fur use ill hi;’l. • • ,
tllv dcHoraled lor the ochsion.
iti.dehlnirbood Sunday
•ad fractured both wrists.
j MfV Riley is no better al lli;»
Miss Emma
courin.] Mi». BBa Haijimond Is workiBf fer livery siabie.
M.'. <'ha:i y;.5l .uiwti the oiil! todaj
Oartbe. who has been weri

The district tSuoday srbotd ‘cnvec- ins..
Marie, reiura^ from Traycr.e dk;>. Mrs Klgecouili
ediwi repair. 'A'e<fren
oBsly^.-U some better at, this wAt
ion was held ai the Inlan ! ■ hur<-n I
Setson |».-pper pUNhasr-d
a f'
where they hax- Iweu vlsltinf itiej
Ina Oasis siie^t Sunday with
«ta«k ; Sonitp damage
■'■'r.r tbe/!^i(l^»t
.<aturda'. and rhoush iim largely ai ',..ani tme ds> last werti.
(lie Mi<-scs Kdna and lAcria Morion.
'alcsnl., b. Sire.
,l;l*'!;»•••« d'.i^alr
IM..CttweI1 of Manlon is hero sis- I>asl week.
Easter services weiv held In the M.|
h^asi.-r services at the Kan Cai
Mr. and Urw Siiepper visited. nt
tthk blrdaofbier. Mris. I. A. Barnes.
K. ehunh Suliday
l:<-cUa-;M. E. chuit-h were well alicnded
A Urite .-niwil un-iidr-d ihe amiioo. w-eek'e. end w-ih her aa"'tits.
Joe H« ituiTis Ss-;ei.!j . •
A.tWf"«nrer U having his borne
sale at J: W. dfirren s TbursdA'Revival miH-tiiiss are In-jne held
tions. dlalocue* and solos were i. n-'jnrtch enki'cil liv all.
MctA-bBii how has a ipiei-hi-rie
lafw t'ariantc
dere.1 bj Tiienibers
Miss Mil'ire.1 Rvoii s|vent Sundav
■e ill.- lake, chiircb. The Hes. audJ
Mn.-A. Bordewix. who has bw-n ill.
did »b<; work iaiu«-sThomiwoii'iRe .wl’ers Thuiwla:.
4m,» u.nkle or.-
jsirti LfHlan Blue.
M better at this wriilfte>ti** Jvssie ElaworA aud sl.ter re-|
Mr. Brownell |iur<lm««l a i>onv of
RuKsell MvToinnck lias 'Hiiialit AB-i i-t,.- tyiads io ibis Uriiiliy
The toe in tbe bay U breaklnf away and nod lias a g.iod team.
at present. SerersI hav bn.keli; Frank Il:-ul.t reiurned tn II irI.i..h
turti«sl ironi
iU> .'It Prownlns one day Usi w-ek
from the shore.
J H. Monroe of Traverse fily v-bS
irytng M-eget thnnigb. We »'»ee virkln.; bis lainHv siiuda
ttreiil o-clr Easier var-aUoii«.
Mr. and Mr>. .«b<et uVnfyr and
Mr. and Mrs. C. Botisrs. wbo have
I town on Imsines-; Tuesday.
|hope for better siwin.
U n r>-<k iirriv.-il holm- from Ann iMIdr.-n of Nat-hville.
Wis, visited
mat the winter in town. reiora>-d
AlbPTi t'lMSeni of Traverse ri|cj o«|-i <■•^0 anti luniily bale nuived on' l»r. Petdi is i.tici.dlnt two ii-ry li.k



lunUrr vLfi' U' III' keda a sysii to his

Mr ;.i. ! Mr». A J H'liiit- .'f t'.-esoD I'Usi-„b-. s-.- m-.' i.i: 'v liinve* h-'n-. ntieod


-r Bun«?r at ihclr 1-jH Monday.evn-r


Thur>iia> j>d Ua;*-' nas i»iri base-1 a ww ^ « a a a'a a a a a a a a a a a a
bnrw .
CCDAtl R. F- D. KO'- 2. . ^
e .Mishr i Mr. an.i Mn. Fred Wilson. Roii-i «aaaaa'aaaaaaaaaaa

Th<> Ladies' -Aid will meet

.'.i- iw- e-....-..


>Ylsp of Hei.-s Is rlowlv aa a ♦ «
a\ef> severe ill•............ M-n.

Almira cetacterj.


S Mr. nml Mrs. Alfred .Kdsea «|omingi»rty‘at Frankfort
with-Mrs. ft.S. blue.
Miw. C. B.'Kehl had a qoming i»rty .
.Miiridn rciurmd
«o he; roeib.* Alpfil r. a Ipoy.
■t ber home Thureda*
afternoon. |
and Mrs. .Moitonlw’er
fli> Iasi week, a'i-1
Mbs !*r?ra Oavis. wbo has biecn vis
Throe comforters were lied l-y her borne at Tra'
■veiling :V‘'ll-«n
Biii.T. Mrs Weston,
at home Hie iiSsl peelf. has-eone fully surprivd last
CMeti. after^whirh they were Ituiird^er vlslHnf. litw*en a tcfice UDuit>-r of their Ineirds Trs'
1 Serfif has been harlns.h.; t . the cJm to work tor Mrs Hoi-kinSand neiKhlwrsVatKi-roi-liend rbe even- n« -'
ta the dblW room, where sOtPl*er

.vs ‘



Miss Alia Hofflns wa* ih-ILit^y Be>k*lih Tetunied bonwi™.. i b..-, »<. k.n« tor U« sStwet
--fanirt , Tbe tboir iVu-.lried ot .Mrs 'j5a,„-iaj ;
. - -villi —
1 sbcTt
Ell;. Ra'le.
;utretitAI ivKiC.'Mr- En».r-- R.i*r of .Md«
Sidney Bales and MrWalter.Baird i.ek
brrv wlIU (rlrnds i
la^t The remaim were laid
I i-wl :u U.-»i
#-jiirtjv a
his isihei's home.
. .AMrU
u .Mondkv
.M'ondkv n' h’. ...,


.left last Wednerdav fnr a t, ,mpSi j


W aU- U fee m. aooO

K,™ to », ..J M.. Ito! r.„. m

snUitaBee frum my Iudk«. Tht« ct-w
tttsnion of
l«sandl««UiS“»nt*«ya»>‘'^“““”‘* The lallbearer. Wee.. Bertie Kaye,

Cny t«U>r Prtday.
P artffln acomianled by bis rfill- .Monroe iviiur U.-i *eeK.
Martin Teien.-d
1,0. Btuu ..a an.™. n»«
------- --

C. A. Hammond

conisji)me:& coimnine

Al-rU k.

murb and weuid n<'Ver have rami me.
Irstim-iOal In a IVruna
almanac of a eapie similar louilor.attd

Xalil boMl.
Mrt. Bert Beneon


6% KtAL ESIA It LUANs6«pf»%

IVwar and j

M. Jaroan siwni t^aurt

Mi«t Ninclie Hi.nrr, llrainiree. Ver- Ihe »h;k list lor eame llnie and h not
Btp'mi, wriU-»; *•! h»Tt U-.-n eared by ioiuili l-eilcr
WU« Nina Ransom t« the new »u


tte Wdl

B. Hnrlbni of CaHIHac ie working Wlah WV Had- Uved."







*iH jw liirb were stored in Uie .etUr under

tnme his family to the njainlnn-1

The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.


Mr, and 'tr*. .lame* M-hiie went to!

*•• absent

TravorweClty rm Saturday.

Par Benuest is visiting

Mr*. Oscar Siicih at ihe lif.-, vav ilia .
station, for a f.'v days.



xhe hic:i » g-.d carried fire a diaianre in

Me will visit ',,j


r.^!* and »ei fire lo




iiefore l>-ing





a very i-xt*-n»i> i- wie.








couimuisliv. i.if
Juei eoulli of (

For Men. Young Men,and Boys f.«






-liring day*.

Evcri^j^ KlnU ol Hal ta Fastilon
The Spring Stvles in Hats ami Caps are here.
Derby Hnt5. Soft Hats. Crushers. New shapes iu
various colors. At every priceyoiiTl rtml gmid value
and becoming style-fiOc. 75c, SI. $1.2.5. S1.50.
S2.50 and $3.
Our Special S2.50 HaHs a Winaer
aud the equal of anv S;i hat made, both in style,
quality and Bnish. Derbies .^rilh lovs or metliuni
crown (in black only). Soft hats in black, tun. hmwn
grev, etc., in several different bkeks. Our si>e dal at
Men's New Shirts

New NeckUes

Too*.- V.t



r.ipeland's bam roof, though this did

FitiP llrt-ss Shin* with pl.t
vIjiK-d lMm«m.$1.Q0. $t.G0 and *2.
V.-cliy-w- Soft Shift* wi-1i ;.tl:. li.-j
>r drtacln.d *-H --.liar,50c to tZ.iC.
A biy vari.-y.

A *p-. :a' f..;- ...

,j„. )„•, „q|j „„ uU.held ahis f'-'er.Apiil'.lJ

Saturday CIcan-lJj)
Sale of
Easter Novellies

M.-r;;ll ib aMe.t'
jtler hi* ' '
po-l* r,. CM till

Wilron e
; -l*c
■1 -heVeG


or .Niiriiaiii


Choice of

any of


Easier Goods shown in our
Men's New Bose

Y One-Half Price

• tLE l-f IH iK!ll»'-'S <
It lh«- hotne of .Mr

.A C'»«l *!f'®-nr Wav in:*!-•


:-3 an.; .ij lit- ditif.-r g'.oti.

Sev-iai '.ibit-ir* eladdenird the iio-.:*


tea-hrr ou








* ^

Sc'-erJI of Ihe Wyliagitfiurg puidl*
•wlk-l. a* that gchod bad Ibeir Vavte'
vacation »a*i week..Mr. pud Mrg. <Jeo.





The best offet on Eiasltr
Greelings ever made.

Cify Book Store


duxD nkvaa BStAu>, lao tuvxmi bat iaou; rktisraAT, ai^ u. ini.

I U) their ton, HerrT.
Breed has been la very poor heallli
lor some lime.
I Leon Blue will open an Ice cream
Conducted by MIm Mac Dewey.
parlor and confectionerr In the bulldlaa jut vacated by U E. Green, lour
W« wtut to nuke this Deputmeot .of tbo
;doon we« of ihe poetoSIce. on tiercreotoft ponible nine to tU coacerood ud to
,rU street.
1U» esd reqiutt that aU iteau of ponosal mad
I .Mra. P. Sheeman sold off ber Ut*' goanal iatemt be leat to Min Dewif to be
atock and farm Implements at auction
iaoorporated ia the Departmcat. We eapedall^
jMonday and hu rented the farm p
aak that cbnrchet, frateraal aodetiea and the
'Ray rnller, vbo will take poi-aecrioi
Oiaafe fpaiab items of iaterest ia their rcspecthe SOih. Mrs. Sherman uill u»-ai>
Uy* orgaSiaationa. News of social ereaU aad ea> io*n eoon.
tsiamcBts, improvemeats beiac made or coatemI H. N'ailor has told one of hiK farnis
plated, aad basiaen chaages, aad transfers ia
to U ('unninsbam and (he other
real estate ia towa aad coantiy are especially
llodses a Green, lie will aelt bis {
aeeeptable. The above applies not only to the
■onal property at auction Thnrsday.
vilLageof rife Lake, bat to thet sarronadiag
I An Butcr offerins frotti the Babbath
tty.^ Zditor Herald.
schools of 14 doaen of esc* were shi|e
jl>ed from (bis |>otnt to Ihe W..«le.v bosvaluable hor»e Wed-J,,n»] „ Chlcaco. V. doien being from
School opened waiB hiood&r slier
t(. Greni loit
s *eek‘B reretlon.
liktBt boardmsn and
doten front
Fife Lake
Mr*, t C. Brower
In TrtTerBel Un. Qile Emibmib el Chlcso
j Mr. and-Mrs. Fred Case arrlvM here
CItr on buAlDCsa from Wedee«d»j- tm, vIbUJ.........
iis Mr*.
T. Sbennsn.
' J. Scotl of CUInwell la (be cues( of Tuerifi'y from Fibre, upper iwnlnwila.
Ill Samrdex. .
l*® »l>®ud • few seeks with relatives
nen Mnr^ihr left here Thtrada)' for. l^ I'l Bennct(.

Fife Lake Department

The Maiiets
Buffalo. -A^l 10.—Cattle—Receipts
I cars; steady, trade light. $7 T3(<
S.2&. Calves—Actire. £Sc higher. t«G
Sheep—Receipts,; slow,
D :kc loser. S»Ji:iB8.3k: .\o. S, 13
Ve.SO. Hogs—RecelpW. 600: alow. Iti
to .7oc lower. IfcGS i:.. closing st |74i


quoted at^

April 10.—Potatoes


Chitago. April lo.—Wheat. Ii.fMl*
Com. 774»c. Oats, 57c.
Toledo. April 10.—Wheat, ft 31>h
Cora. 78c. Oats. 5SHc.
Detroit. April 10.—Vteal. ll.OI’i
Coro.TC^c. Oats. 60J-.,

npper iltchtnn, B-bere be lias emHo..™ Fl.0.1.™ WOO . Im™ Hon:l
iniac were (be Ruesta of hi* tuotber.
ptoymem. /
iMrA. .P. Sberwn. from Saturday umll
Hogg .....J................................... 6<«6Hc
Wm. Oshcm made m huvIoeM trip
1. E- Green l« nwvinc Into Mrs. J*“ ,Tu^gv
Steari....................................... S'.tr.c
M Cadillac Thurs,lay.
'nle Uarkbam's house on-Bain ctreei.I
p, . Calves .^1.............
r ’'■"'."“.h'
"..'. Ti.....; iH,m
I.,, .n« Cows ................................................. :.

'. oS'"'
w"»-'i.ii' ™ I"Umbs ............................................... <
lUo. Tb.r«l., .ml
| HI.. ,\or. Bom- .|.nl Urn .I...,,.'i'l"«»I"
Farm Protfuea—Buyinp print
Potatoes .............. ............... ...........
Bntter ..................................................
Egg* ...........................................
Hay. per ton ......................................
her.scbool at South Burdman Mon- tonsllliis.
|l.jle and Uahibiser In -honor of the Straw, per ton ...................................*;• "c
day, dfter a week's t^catlOB.
j Mr. and Mr*. Ton AldrMge of Cad- ,
■ Tb, Hlow^sim, 7,1.1*00, »ov 111.. .,.,1.1.10, 10 10,0.
I oh. I.>5n oi.lloo ,olo: PH. lo...
Hannah & Uy C«.
Omi, loot poumoloo o, .t. Bo.r.rlrj Jim. T.O.™. I. oo. ™o,ron.l.l,
Wheat........................... ....................
system here April 1st.
^settled In her new home on From
. sprinclIeM cn .try ;.i wci"
} Th^ folluwlnc officer* were elcled Corn .....................................................
Mrs. L. F. Judkins was In TreverM
"■ 1 Sl.rliiRfieid lownslilj.: Rujtcivieor. Rye ......................................................
• City Thursday.
F. Bardwcll
Ip. tltaiiiphler: clerk.
Traverse aiy Milling Co.
Ml*. .S-lna Ouderkirk went to Grand
y, 'finyder;. hlsbway
WTieat___ T.......................................
'Rapid* Wednesday
'mlssioner. K. lioniDc; juMice of lh«- Com.............XX..,............................
MisB Emma Hodge* returned to Mt.
J. Woodard;
; Pleasant Monday after a week', ta- board of review. J. Snyder,
Oats........................... ........................
Clarion. Sam
Jehta Burkholder of South Uoard-‘'Jones.
Kidney beanm.......... '........................ J2 2-'man wa* ben- on tm*lne»< Monday. I
of officer* in I'nlon
IS quotationsare on hand picked
, Frank Wtlters visited in Ttavei«v',bip *. tollowt.: SniK-rvlsor.' Fred
|Hli! Irmo Tlmrol., oo.ll SomU|.
^.,1, M.,« Hmior: ir™.
^arm Pi^uce-Sellinff Pries.
I »ui.r li.rri. rmoraml lo bl.
o'lll Oork, bltfio.p romml..
....-rr.............................. :
bom. In coin.. a.iord.y.
,.lonor. O. T. Cl.rk: Jm.i™ o, lb.
Egga ....T............................................. :
) Mm. Bm-ion of Tmvomo ritp I.
jo,. ,(4.,.;,, fori Straw
............................................... f
.100,10, . 1.. ..Ob. .lib b.r .1. c.mpb.lU bom, ol r«l.w. Hom»
HWes, Furs end Tallow.
,ter. Mr*. II, ilenaett.
j loeon Blue was a hualness caller at, ^h* ladles' Aid •ofiety met with Calf .......................................................... 1
An Association of
''““**»>Mr* Ja«, l.yle Wedne<td»y «fiernoon Tallow
nent Phvsicians
fivine' M**«f*tn" »- «h«wan and Eu-.le „ ,b^
hotel. The time wa* de- No. 1 honie bides
.11.50 and up
FRFF MMiinI ^rvif*«
• "ti'slonary procrom. pr^
...75«-<i 13.5(1
Services to -Mr. Tn.n..eof radlllac wa* here on
k. Hills,
Bkunk ..........
tne 51CH.
Imalnesi Monday and Tueaday.
.hlch »a* very In.inictlve. the theme Musknt ...
Clark Bennett of Ellensbur*. Wub.. ,^,1, ,ho »rt»aocement and Chrlailan- KlU .............
................. 10c
I* Ttaliln* at M. Hobbs'.
mpg of the negro from the jungle to Weaaels ...
....»< OkOf
I™ Giendennliic 1* doing shoe re- ,h, present
Mink, dark .
............ »SG
pairing aWu. Joann'*tore.
j Sunday serrires at the M, E. church. Mint PBla .
J. B. Banoon went to ThompaoO',„h: SaiiUih school at ll;3«]
For, red ...
vine Tuesday 00 buRtnua..
b. m. Children's Sunshine Prayer
Foi, gray
Mm. K, H Foster went to Alden
3 p. m. Kpworth league at
Saturday to look after.her proiN.r.y 6;so p. m. Topi.. IsaUl.'s J^usnlem
John C. Zeimmer and Miss Dells
Hoove: (he tteesdent City, ATnerl
Jouro. both of (his city; were ui
U Cunningham bought
nistiiage Tuesday ufiernoon by
Rfrrtarhable Sueceu of These Talent- horse of P Sailor
Piescliiiig at 7:3u p. m.. by Rev. t
Justitw of the peai e George W. t
M Ph|ml.l«,., lo 10. Tm«m.ot I
«»•> Bake., jaaioi.
The bridegroom I- ••niployed
of Cbrenl t OlsesM*.
' {pleurisy. HU brother. Harry,
the gas plant. The couide left here
The Norlh^astecn'Fulled Doctor*
a short honeymoon, to teiur
Ucansed by the state for the treatrueDtl
khd Gladya Bechatein * .Mr. and .Mrs. Sperry and grand- the hear future iind tnnke iln ir lion:*. «r deformltles
and all uervotu and >*ere the guests of Mr*. Geo. West at daughter stsmi Wednesday evening at In this ciiv.
; ehrank- dlae
women and ,Mantoti yhurrda}.
the Bar.lwell home.
Ml«i Ruth Forsytb visited at Klllits-j Albert Battenfield has purchased of
Bo’c^igr whi'.i rci.' ««prtbe~rot.t
nu'H Baturdav. |.«m Green and Dick Hodge what
frf medicine.
J »1r. and Mra. F. D. Wright went to called the Murphv farm,
docloci are
con*ldere.l]l.eei*vHle Saturday alie; a week,} M’e aie all glad to welcome good Heitscmald Faared Further Damsg*
to gtatwstts Already Subjected
among America', leading stomach and ' uit with Mt. and Mm. C. Dean.
imer again.
Berre speicallsta and ai* exiiert*
to Hard Usage.
Ihe ireatmeni of all chronic dIseas . { Earl and Floj d Ross of Siwncor are'! Miss VInnIe Vaifpelt of Big Rapids

“nri'Si s.*...!..


As Cenaral Utility Bird* Thsy Are
UflexeeMcd for SIxa and Flash—
They Are Quick Crew>ers. .
The best general utility birds, atUlnlng when mature a Urge aite and
carrying flesh of medium quality, sre
the I'lymouth Rocks, Wyandotte* and
Orpington*. They are. however.' too
coarse in fleab and bon* for the b«-*t:
market* and are also lacking tn
breast devploprae^.(^ tbl* istier de­
fect being particularly noticeable In
the yonng birds. They are. iberefore.
not in demand for tbe bighHlasa
broiler trade, nor for routing chlckof poultry It would seem sdviuble to
supply It and ihi* call be done without
.In any w;iy impairing the wlaier-la;ing qualities ol *-flo<-k of hen* by Jii-

A New Tork woman engaged a nee
housemaid the other day. and wat
immedUtely delighted at the exhibi­
tion of the newr serranl's eBrlency.
N'orah waited on the table with per­
fect mssterr; she answered the front
doorbell with mstt^les* grace;
'never once grumbled when told that
must wear a cap; her duattng
a marvel of orderllnea*.
But the mlsirest of the apaiti
waa aatonlsbed. when the new t
bad been In the house about a week.
10 find that her cherished “Victory of
Pamothrece" waa covered with dust
Tlte beautiful beadle** body stood
gray and unlovely 00 Its pedestal. anO
the "Victory's" owner called N'orah t<
see what the natter might be.
•'I can't understand thl*. Norab.'
she said. “Everything else It kept
*0 apotleat. How have you hati-ened
to neglect the llui* statue. Have you
doated U at all?"
S'or&h admitted that aba bad not.
and said no more.
"Bu( why?" the tniatresa peraitted
“n’tyr* And then, aUacrably. the
maid owoed up.
‘Tn a bit awkward with mo^ngers
aum." she murmured, shyly. "And I
aaw bow had It waa broke, mum. and
I was efrmld o' dtoppln' it an' "—s<b'
At worse."
I Tim*.
Patron—"No uallve prodn.'tlooa on
tho stage st aU this year, ebr' Ellxabetfaan Mknagrr—"No! We'd produce
Esgllth pUya. but we simply cau'i get
them! All the succeaaes of the ae*
e plots that

t Affeeting Undee-

FiMUtg ef VBrisM Kindt «4 Bird*
. Caused hy Uttla Mike.
A minute mUe U tl
tagtons dtsease affecting the tags of
fowta. turkeys, pheataitta. patridgea
comb and beak also. The mltse *sc»Tste placws under tbe skin wW« they
lire end breed.
Tbit very common dtseaM la easily
rscognl^ by' the enlarged rotigbened
appearance it gives Tbs foot sod
BbsnL. Tbe dl waae 1a present tn most
flocks unless especial car* bat bsse
taken to exclude It. It Is aUgkUr ooatagleui. but oanally only a few Mrda.
in a flock appear to be Infsctad.
The'scales on the foot and leg of aa
effected Urd la raised by a croaty aubsunro d^slted beneath them. 1T>e
lesions usually appear ’Hrit near the

idgcar Mutt Not Only Bs In Faalsin. But Bhould Hava>lany Other

hreasi development aud llhqnsss of
flesh and bone. Good uble croaaea
can be made In so msny ways that It
I* hard to aay which I* abeuluiely the
beat. Some, however, are rather more
auKahle than others for certain pur­
poses. When, (or loalaiKe, early
spring chleken* will bring a good
price, one of the Kcytlah gamecocks,
with I'lymouth Ktx^ u^ Wyandotte
hens, makes a good croas. Tbe birds

Edith ii. Weldeufeld. writing of tbe
spring hat In Woman * Home Compao.lon, aay* that the arrangement of the
btir playa a more imporunt pen tn
mUlinery than tbe avera^ woman admlta Tbe average woman, when se­
lecting a bat. bat as Idaa thgt sba
ottfbt to gel the newest tn color, ahap*
and trimming, regardtaa* of Ita ralatlon to the abape od ber bead, the
ceniour of ber face, or tbe arrange__
meet of ber hair. Bbe wonder*, then.'
ii«uro'“tbe"den*rJ beaJih
wby abe doro not like her Ut after
rhe baa wogt It, and H Uke# aevsral |
1,^,6 and son^mee tbe toot
long tntervtew* -itb ber mirror before ^S^'tTbJdly d^STiS^JoS
tbe realise* that tbe bat wbi^ the!
whole toae drop off.
raleeladyaa*nredibarwaetbeBewe*t| 71^ infection from bird to Mrd
thing, and becoming, ta entirely Inap- p^,b»bly takes pUee on the roMU or
proprtate and unrelated to ber own
mother to chick. Tbe ctwdmoha
parileutar style. ’
f„or Its tpiwad In a flock at*
Mta* Woldchfeld goes on to give the t^r. barren runs, saperiatly «e alfcnnewt about spring hau. Following are
In yards MIed wkb aab**'
brief exiractt;
| or cinder* Foul rooaUng pMot* also
“BUB. heavy straw, are no longer,
the aprsad of »* dtoaaa*.
jnodtab; they hav. been aneceedsd by
The diaeate 1a easily cured aad R I*
aofl straw braid*, and many ot tb* worth tbe trouble of any poultryman
new models are covered with laffeU. I to cure all tbe affected blrtta and (s
(sllber ptaln or in ebangeabU eSacts. 1 carefully eumlne any birds parchassd
“Trtmmlngi sre aUpplnc eround^ tt* {that Infected one* may be treated bs-:
Introdoced Into lb*

flavored. For obtaining Inige fowls
of the best form and qualliy a croat
of Dorking or ludlan game male with
ellher.of the utility breeds mt-ulloi>ed
glvea excellent reshlls. producing a
targe proportion ot. drat grade table
fowl*, such as will Kallze the bigbeit
prices aud give aallsfactlvu to tbe
consumer." The raising and fattening
of chickens and ducks fer tbe hotels,
restaurant* and large bonrding house*
I* a profitable Industry. This buiineaa, properly manuged. is more pcx/lltahlc than general faming and Is not very near that polnL For dresa hata.'
so slavltb aa dairying.
trimming. Tpey Ue quite Bat against I used tutcessfully. If ib* otse U not
tbe bat, under or on tbe brim, or they, far adv anced. applicatloa of oil or
KEG FO^ WATERING TOULTRY »t*n<l up very eiralghl and aUff. A ] (>lntment at Inlerval* of two to. Ibre*
tingle oairicb plumd, or two or three days will soon do tbe work.
on of caraway, <1 pari of oil of ear*
Receptacle Should Be Selected of Suit-' Ups In princo of Wales style, sre mors
able S'xe—Ansvyer* Purpet* Bet1 appropriate for aprlbg wear than a away to 3 |>tru whit* vsssIlDel tt
ter Than Aaything Else.
{ cluEtcr-of four or flve feather* writb reenrnmended by many. This sboolB
heavy flues. Wings and ornamenta be rubbed Into tbe leg and footwrerT
To arrange a place for waiering' made of fabrics, lace and straw braid few days until aigns of tb* fljaeieff
fowls, seleti a keg of suiinbtc size, or­ are In good style, and so nre bands of dlrappesr. Another remedy ta a ml^
tiire cf one part of cost oil of kero^
dinarily a 3 gallon or a ■'- gallon keg Irish, Venise or macrazne laca.“
*et,e and two part* raw iins««d oU.
will answer the immoae >cry well.]
With any treatment which iBvoIvaa
aay ajarlier In the Farm and Home.'
Ibe use of kerosene ears muat be UMake a dover for the lop (‘Ut of board- ,
ken not to wet tbe festheri of tb* lag.
•o that it ^11 project a little over;
aa (his causei Iniiatlon and aoiastbe edgei- of the Veg. Nall a I'le.e of 1
limes burns tbe akin.
wood acres* tbe middle of the cover

with BulUbla Cover.
w* mads a pall for feeding dry
ground grains OBt of an oil eaa. sayaa writer In the Farm and
ta 14 Ins. square, with a c?4-er ^'Ith
a can oix-nrr we rut a alK acroaa Iom

Keg for Watering Fowl*.

a the under »(da s-

thti I

In this miiaiirr Ibe
be able to knock it off.
r you
have Ibe tup of the keg.
used Instead of a cover Cut out ei
ery otter stave hetwee.o tbe 1*0'mid­
dle hoops after the tnauner ahown In
tbe Bcolni an.vlug Iltvjslratloc I Lave
been farming (or over sliiy years and
find that this method of Sxlug a k«-g
for waierlug poultry wUkWert (ha psr
pose better than anriblug 1 bs4« eerr

Provide Frash Air.

Bird* are so cvnitlluted by nature
that (bay require an abundance of
•freab sir for health and vigor. They
never do w«;: with a limited aupply
of air. F(jr tfcU reason 'all coop# and
We will be In Tiaverse (.'Hr bIh>uI boxes tn which poultry of any kind
April :•inh with the siandaril l.r«i »ial U kept In the summer tbould be aa
.u-reil In th* open ai possible. Let tbe roof be
Hon. Jan
American Trottii
light to protect from rain, but let at
I King's Son. IIW44. Volut
least one side be owen (or tbe adtnlslulale St>
elon of fresh sir at all times. Tbe
Volume 17. Clydesdele Stud open side may be protected by wire
Book of Amerii-a.
cloth or other maienal that will let
iB air. but keep out rala, eta.
BPrn 11-18
SON 1»1Z.



This shape, which la only becom­
ing 10 tbe long-necked, elender girl,
(wn be Y^iried by making the ruRIea of
I >mbrold<-red batiste cut In deep scallupa. which are cutUned on both the
deep ruO^ with line white fringe If
the nsfflc*'‘at the throat are unbecom­
ing. tbe upper erne may be bnmt.ed.
and Uxs-thtfer edge ot the other can
to tbe foundation 01
net to lotm a tort ot *oit puff.


and BO great and won<lerfuI have been spending a week with i^clr grapdiiar- visited friend* in Fife Uke Friday
their cure* that in many cases it I*
and .vir*. Blddlevorae.
and Batarday.
hard Indeed to find the dlvtdlDg line
Jas. Sirakan. Jr. ha*, bought Mr».‘ John Baticalield, Ji , and fsniilv and
Between skill end miracle.
Diseases of ibe stotnsch. Icustlnes. Taliberer'. former home at South hU fsthe-r *i>eni ISsster with
bean. Town and has Uken possession.
Mr*. Ihui Tlnimous
Ilvet. blood, skin.
Mbs i«da Blower went to Tntv-| John Maihew* and family v.*He4
bed-westing. *e City Sunday.
Sunday at Vena Filklns'
>se sfMrs. flarenre Blake and <laughter. 1 Ed MiUs and family *t<eut Siinda
iillng. tier'll
Violet, visited her cousin. Mrs. Wm. at John Skinner's.
t bsvi- liar
skill of the 1
Scamp, at radllUc. WedDes.lay and
Will Unxa and Ruth •Bardwell wen
Bot fail lO'call.
'matrie.l Wedn.-sdsy evening at Ih.
According to their eysiem no more
Mrs. John Hager went to Dutroit home 01 the i>Hde'» parent*,
for apivendiciits. gall
Wooes, tumors, goiter or cancer. Thev law Saturday to see her father. J. M.| MU* EUle l:htstnuui of Chiraso
were among the iirst In Ameriia to Safford, who is In a very (Tttical (-on- came Silitrday to »uii h.-r moilu-r.
cent the name of live "Bloodies. «ur' ?Mt« KMs Sherman.
* geODS.' by doing uw*.v with knife, with dUlot
Mias \nnnle VanPelt of Big Rapids] .Mrs Geo. MKVlIan was sTrav.-i*.Mood sod with all iwln In the sue
ccMful tteaunent and cure of these was (he guest of (he Misses I.«ds City roller Frjday.
Brower and Ethel SIncUIr from KrI-] Ralph Seeniark retunie.l 1.. Dtii.iin
day nnill Snnday.
after spending a -week siih'hu wife
Mrs. Ves|>er Judkins and little son.] Peter .Saylor soki hi* farm o H(vd^(
. hygiene, diet.
Donald, of Walton visited Mr. and h Green of ntc Uke.
, 4ise and (he Imiortant uses aud 1
.Mr*. 1_ K. Judkln* the Iasi of the) Miss Margsiet Bonner 1* p(.etHlliig
rastages of dothcN ocrv|«tlon. etc.
a week * vsiailon with her psrems
Case* of deafness sre freqwetilly
Armor Frallck left here Friday for] Will Bonner sold his farm 10 Fred
cured In sixt.v dsya. I.osk of al^i.
cataract, gntnulaied -lids and
Manistee, where be win take the sail Min hell last week,
weak, water;, sore* treated
I John Downey wa* in Traverse (*ll
sema. salt
aall rbeui
‘"'ome from Big Bai* Wednesday on huslor*..
* '*■* ***>‘» "»* »wfore reFred Case and wife, w ho have Wn
liter ■pou and chronic diM*es of the
*» “■hool work.
pn the north all winter In cami*. reantee
Mr, and Mrs. P. T. Peterson enter- turned home Tuesday. •
tained the ChrUtUn Worker*'e|llhle( WilUam Uunnltig of Traver*.- City
cl« at their home Friday evening,
i» vfcKing relatives and friend* In ihu
Mr. Bond of Calto. Mich, wa* In vh-lDli>.
* hypodermic iejciilun racihod.
town Monday, a prospective purchaser] Gyant Ijire of .vtouth lloardman i«ir
of II. U Uttar'* unig business.
a hi.rse of S K and Clvrte Sny
JIrs. Jersey GoodwtII and two i-li||. ,jer Usi week
diet, of Siencer arrived Monday to] Mr.v Seemark vlsii.-d a few davs
visit her iwrents. Mr. and Mra. D. H. -i,h /rtend, Ip^uth Boardmsn las.
ba»e bad with other physt.-taus,
The neighbors of Mr and Mrs. FVed
Mlss IJIlie Raney of I'nioa is spenftbe lu xmr advantage lo in-at with the
Koi(bwes( I'nited IkrSor* S|eclal- .'llmoiu gave them a plrosant surfew day* with her graiidiiaiins. Even If your rase ta ln< iiraMe
lh(4' wm site
such ndriro that
(hirteemb birthday ot ihclr daugh­
they wUl relieve
and stay (ho dls- ter. Miss
Cljde Whittle latne back from
If you have kidiwy or bladder trou,„o «aur
u uw
dally sews—per
Bswtpapsr U
tho w>
ol yaoT Smnti BoturdMr. He has vvafeU a *rtng gun; but bs«ld** ita advanii
I0< tor snaj'sls
... .......
f»™ near th.t
that idace -nA
and e.m
will sship m tlmsllnero
and local and
larrled ladle*__________ _
®“"'‘ t“‘««wai. It has crysullted Into a nnaad uiiDors with ^wi’l'oTv
tbeir 4«rMr. and Mrs. A. F. Bfoed came eessUy. while the magaalne stUt ra
borne from radllla. oa MoBday. a<^ mslns'Mo tba luinry colnma.—Ftaak
- .
___________ A. Mnsaar.

Tk* gtri who wooM eccdpr h*r M»-.
nre with work for bar rasmor ward­
robe can make beraeU aos* mil*,
waose popularity attU copBfnyaa in a
roodlM form.
On* new trill that can he bnttoeed
to any putn blouse U made of wbltedotied n*L plestsd to abaU-lnch centrkl band of whit* wash aUk embroid­
ered wtib coin dots. Tbe frill U dou­
ble, and an Inch and a half wide os
tbe right ot th* band, and a Upersd
frill three Inch** wine at tne top and
narrowed to a point on tbe left of the
band. This wide trill baa eet tn It
tbree^uariers of an loch from the
edge a band of the embroidered wash
aUK to match the central strip.
Another frill easily made, U ot
heavy flab net trimmed on the edge,
but not across the top. with an tnco
and a half atrip ot shadow lacektnsertion. Tbe trill U then bound acroaa ihs
top and down tbs aide* with a band
of’inch-wide colored lawn.
.Newer I* the double frill atuched to
a collar that comblnet *tock ahd trUl..
This van !>«'made of while or black
Cbatiilliy lace atuched to the collar
in (WO (Jeep ovr-rlapplog nifflea that
reach alnioR to the w*i»t line. Over
tbe stundiug collar of while net fall*
a U-reeli.L-hruflleof the laie.heW in
place at the top with a narrow velvet
ribbon, with a narrower ruffle falling


Coming to
Traverse City


Good OemipMtan 1
manta I* the Making *f Thsro
Dalntr Orosmsets.


,oi"r“Li'“a^-T';oi,o III .1,.

At the Whiling Hotel
Wednesday, Apr. 24


■ ,1^
A bag of this kind may bs ("fin sp
In relret. fins cloth or etlk; it hM an
luterllnlnr of buckram or very stiff
inuilln. and ta llnad wHb silk.
Tb* U'p ftsp that wraps over ta
edged with a piece of dull gold gal­
loon. and ta tsaumsd by gold cord aad
New Ua* foe Lae*.

Lace* are more modtat than
ages, and that ta oh*
tbsm BO Taluani*. Evsryon*
lac* tor gowns, and ev
eo*L Wa see lac* on hsta, on run
whd on aU kfnd* ot gowns. Botortmaa
tbs lacs ta touched with chenUta or
cBbroldsry. but tor velvet* it la groersUy used piatn. Tb* DMreat os* tor
tace ta putting It about tbe bead* for
youhg msiront, saya tbs IsdUnapoil*
.News. Youhg girls now wear th«lr
hair quiu ptatn Tb* iae* la mosuy
very open, allowing tbs hair to show
tbrongb. and In some case* the hair la >
pulled through, much th* saine *s
mousssUn* wa* pulled through th* JK-1
tJ* interstlca* a few rsara an

A Feeder fer Dry Mash,
corner 2 lo. abov* the bottom anfldrovs th Um ccroer ab(»t 4 ta. Tb*
edges of tos tin were turned doWB
to make It smooth. It ta bug agalaat tbe side of tb* coop just tar aaeuffhfrom the flewr so tb* fowls can roach
It nicely.
Cpr* fer Ufita Fellmro.
Some people prsenm* that yong
ebteka, ducks aad goattttge oogbt 10
have a* much sense as a grown man.
Maybe they have as mneb as aoma .
men but they must be cared tor as
tbougb they bad noL




Springtime is here. This is the^eeson
when Nature comes forth clad in new
garments. We need no better teacher
than Nature; so let us do likewise.


Si^cial Dress Week
Beginning Saturday Morning, April 13, and Continuing
Until Saturday Evening, April 20.


-Big Demonstration of Dresses of All Kinds the Whole Week.

'f iBSW ■
W'S>, A.


We have b^n planning this special Dress Week for the past two months. Out buyer has spent thrw
weeks searchihg the yeat New York markets over, to put before Vou the newest and bestthinp from
the fashion center of our country
has succeeded beyond oar best expectations. QNowhere else
will you find such an array of garments for the small woman, the stout woman, the easy-to-fit woman;
the young lady, the miss and the child. Dresses for graduation, dresses for communion, dresses for


evening wear, dresses for street wear, dresses for house wear, and dresses tor the kitchen ns well as the parlor. In fact, we can
show you a dress for any occasion. You cannot help hut admire the handsome designs, the pretty colorings and the fine fitUug
nuulities of our dresses. A visit places you under no ohiigation to buy. However, it you see a dress you especially desire, we will
gladly lay it away for you upon a small payment. Our Cloak Department will be transformed, for the time being, into a veritable
dress mom. No effort will be too great to make this event especially gratifying to the purcHaser as well as the seller.
Plenty Sales People. No Ironble lo show go^.

Be sure and call

The earlier you come the better selection you may have.

Tbis'will be dress week. Unusual ellorts have been put forth to make It both pleasurable and profitable for ytNU
lo attend. See our East and West windows lor big garment display.
Values wit
I are to be bad In our
•bewlna ol WUIe'
VoUe snO
Dresses. Tbe styles arecxclnslve wtih as.

Extra Special Values for Dress Week

AbtMlKlely tbe areatest values ever
oHereaiulberily are lo be bad In our
lines ol silk and wool dresses
A brief d^riplion cannot give you a con­
ception of their beauty. You must see them
to appreciate their worth.
Miasee' Silk Jacquard dresses, fancy stripes in
Copenhagen shades, some with sailor collar,
others with lace yokes, low necks and short
sleeves.' A dress easily comparing with
dresses sold elsewhere at $9.00.
our price.
Ladies' and Misses’ silk Foulards, dainty dres-'
see in brown, navy. Copenhagen and nile,
low neck and short sleeves, garments you
would pay as high as $10 for
elsewhere, only.......................

sIMy obtain only at tbe
Bargains yon cai
Globe. Tbese prices are good lor Ibis week only.
Don*l delay-yon may be dlsappotirted.
100 children’s dresses, sizes 4 to 14, made up in pretty plaids and
shepherd checks, low neck and short sleeves, very neatly piped
around yoke, belt and cuffs. Retails in many places as ^00
high os 79c, special this week only.
Only two dresses to a customer.
Ladles’ and Misses’ White Lingerie Dresses, prettily trimmed with
luce and insertions.- very pretty dress for afternoon wqar. A
' dress ordinarily soTdlor $1.75, Dress
Week only
Ladies’ and Misses' batiste dresses, tan and blue stripe, low neck
and shorV sleeves, plain color yoke, a very pretty and effwtive
street dress, would be cheap at $1.75. Dress Week
Ladies’ and Misses' all-woolserges In cream and navy very prettily
braided arouud yoke and cuffs. Just the thing for this time of
year. Dresses usuulfy retailing at $7 or $8.
Dress Week only................................................

LdUies' and misses' white dresses in fine lingerie cloth,
neatly embroidered front,
trimmed with German val
ihseition. tucked flounce. A
dress you usually pay O AC
twice our price^or
' Ladies' white dresses, made of
fine SWISS flouncings, double
flounce to skirt, costs as
much for the material as our
low price



$6 96

LadtoiT and Misses’ pin stripe taffetas, some in changeable ef­
fects. Some have pretty lace yokes and cuffs others trimmed with fancy braid and flutipgs. Very
low priced at »8 IS, tSM,
Ladies’chiffon taffeta dresses, in the most popular shadings,
some handsomely trimmed with oriental and macrame laces
some decided one side effects, gaiments wortli
elsewhere from $15 to $20. uur price $12.48,
^4 Q GO
$13.48 and......................................................... .
One ladies' tan embroidered net dress, suitable for evening
wear, heavily embroidered in silk, black velvet ribbon girdle
a gown retailing for $^. Our
low price.


Ladies, and misses' white dres­
ses. very fine balisie, heavily
embroidered, wide cluny la^
in yoke and sleeves, thi^
bands of cluny insertiqn in
skirt, a dress equal iu appear­
ance to a 510 garment^


Ladies' Evening Gowns in light hluemessalipe. rosePeau deCygne.
niie green poplin and lavender silks and wool crepe,' braided.
laee yokes and cuffs, some with large revers in con- ^4 Q
trasting colors, very low priced $14.48, 16.50....... ^±5F***0

Ladies' white Lingerie dresses, extra fine materials, hand­
somely trimmed with five-inch shadow-lace Insertion, one
side effects front and back. Easily worth
$10 elsewhere. Our low price.
Ladles' and misses' white - Voile dresses, very heavily em­
broidered design on waist and skirt, panel effects, wide one
side revers. Dresses retailing at $15.
Our low price
Ladies’ white linen dress, heavy eyelet embroidered yoke,
sleeve^nd flounce, with linen torchon
insertion. Very low priced at.

Ltdies’ and misses’ serge dresses in navy and tan. neatly trimmed
and braided. A street dr^s you will be proud of ami will
compare favorably wiUi many higher priced
^0 gg
dresses, ouly

Many other beautiful dresses we have not room to describe. We Mrnestly invite your presence and as8ure*you that
you will be well repaid for your visit.
Pre^ dugbum, Tlssne, Batiste au4 Percale street dresses.
A showing we feel merits your approval.
IjhiKV* and -tiiKKi-s' Tjiii l.iiion Dri-wii'K,
piTUif.v |>i|M'd u'iMi Mil'' or n-il. Men i. (N-altIc I'annrnl. fnrKir. *-t wi nr. vi-ry


IjulirK* ami
Tan and lihic IVrc*lr .DmwM. t>iiiliri>idiiri'4l
iiind ajm-vea. ni-at dn-aiu'K uiid wirtii
ninok iin»r«* limn «>nr
low iirioo uf.................


mod wiUi i-laiii .'ol.irx. v.t>- preliy

I^di^’ Waah I>riwN. in tan mid Mn>'
ui'W iHJBt I'fTtyjH. wry offwl ivi-ly
triintped wiili frinpi's mid InittoUN.
low prirvd

349 & 3.75

Yon rully cml Inuglne wbal pretty dresses we hsve lor the ehUdreB.
Here’s but m briel deserlpBon ol Ibem.

Ijidi'*«’ Tissno (iincliam. linndsi>m<'d-'Kign. (SiiMion
w-uiWs. lriiiiiii'-<l
uitii liiii' Swi» in.HcrtiiiiiK mill i'.Ik'"liffln liiiiv iim) v'iiiti* striiii-s iiiid
pliiitlK. riiin|vin-K uitli miy #IU
dnuR. Our low
prin- ......................

rtiil.i s i’er'-aie and (tiiiKhani Drc'sv.s,
triHinKil with ]diiin 'nliirs. jir.'tiily
pi|Nsl. Kniiily worth Wh-. ^ a Oiir prn:e

... , ^ —



t'hihl’s Whili' l.aHii I)r.-ss. ». li nniiii il
VTili hii'i' mill .■iiilir"i.I''ry ins.-riHiii.
III! l'^(^■■<■ially jr.osi iminlM-r

ill rliiN.-ks. plaid* and |dnin enlors.
with bias aixl {daiii hands.
would rn«t more to liavi' thi-m inadi'
than wv ask fnrj.

l.adii-s' /I'ldiyr (iiiiKliimi« in liln>' im>l
t'liuniil I.......... ..
fur NUiniiKT wvar.
Wry rlH'Bp at ................... >rO


l,Jili''s' Tiaauo Qiafrbama. liiimNoiU'ly
tinwhiHi. with «slru wiiU- siiinl""'
lai-i' iiiHcrtinn aii^ >>ilk frinp-. Mik'
iir lavndiT. A •Jn-ji'.
l-i on
tri'MnmU. Onr low

Oth'-r <‘'|'iiidly pxmI valims »l |1.S9,
gl.flS and up. .
rhild s
Tiiiti with lirif val iiiH.Tti"Us. wnl.'
•■inbroidiTg doitn'-'-. f
iundsom >
m'Wn for trradnatiniis and wonbl Is'
-ii'-ap at nm<h iiion- limn .

.............. i/*V/

^ \\V also havr \.*ry pr.-ity ^Ir^ipiis in
welts, eiiaiiilirays. erasM-s and otlitr
rim- wasli fatirirs. hm.v of wdpeti cBnimt
••Isiwi liiTi' «s kw as w


ly-Iriiiinii'd with din-<-iiil>n»d<’ry in-'
s'-iiioti. a dri-sN f<|iial in app'-ar*
anr<- to n 42 Kartneul.
only ......................


SpH'-.' diNW not leTinit
st.if and s-o
all. •lust call
them for youno-lf.

Percale and GiaflUam House Dresses

■•Ulbroidrry yokr. w < H made

gannrnts, mily........


Infaata' Short
in plain while
^tid eheek mudin. daintily trim­
med with Uees «od emliroideri.n,
hamUome little drnwa and. very
good valgea at
. ’


Infants' Short* llri’,
' ami laee irimmed. fine ijnality eloih ouly ..........


( hibl's Kxtra Fine Quality White l.inK'-rii- Dn-Ks, low niTk ninl short

lii»- tnrks in waist, fitii-st swiss cmiiroidi-ry and insert inii in rionnm'
iltid hleeV.'s. a ilreHn yini wdiihl not
hexijale to pav $10 for. W g\Q
n»r low priee ..................../,VO


r'-T";.:!'™:’.... 49c

5r~ilit!->■ -t- Qloit
L-ie p

lAidh’s’’O- l)r.-v.s<-s-. bliiek and whit
eh's-ks. navy
hine and ^
a\y h.................
neatly made of (;o.m1 fpulity pereal-.

ike them


u,li™- Wr.|.r.r-'


Jjidi'-s' Wrappers
pi ........... eravTi ami
Mii'-s well niiiile ^arini’iits luirl vvry

.... :.:...79c

T K™*'" “f
Slid fuller

Udies' Kxlr» llravj- IVreale lloiwe
UreMsea. in small i-heeka. triiuia)*<i
with plain l«.n«la. very neat
dre»e«. never had a
Iwtler gar-







Fifty-Five Thousand Dollars
W«rtb«laew FnnriMre, Carpets, lugs, Steves, laoges, Ottes. Sewiog MacblDes, aid everytU^ to fomisli hones conplete is now on exhibition at the J. W. Slater store.
EvintliK is new and dean, Ih^ direct from the Uggtst and best mDls and factories in the conntnr. and at prices snr^singly low. Onr niin store at 120 Front street,
onr Itadndore at Ok Sapiik and onr large fardtore warelioDse are all filled anl by parefeadng in sach aotam lots, enaUes ns to sare from 15 to 25 per cent qnantity dtscHiits. How we are able and are g^ to divide the saving with yon. Nowhere in Nartbem Udi4!an is there a concern that has the ontpot that the J. W. Safer
store has. Conseqoentiy they are nnalde to boy at such tow prices or sen at sech low prices to yon. Don’t boy-one siorle article lor yon home until yon see what the
J. W. Sliier store hu. and get oar prices. We goamatee to onderselt and positively save yoo money.' ook over a few of onr bargains in this ad. They are only examplrs
of the thMBaiids of others here waiting far yoifr infection.

We Arc the Originators in Nortlicrn IVlicliigan of tire
“Easy Way to Ray” F*lan.

•or system of credK ls very liberal, simple and H^riBed.' We give credit to everybody, no matter where yoo five. Oar methods are copied by many, hot equalled by
Booe. iemember IW. Slater is the ori^ largest Pod only exclusive home outfitter in Itorthem Michigan, almost twenty years of practical hoose famishing.

Hoe Leather Couches

at TltfS'

$350 Piano FREE
Plain or Tufted Tops
There is a big demand now for the leather couches, as they are
more stylish and satisfactory than those covered with plush, verona, or velour. They always have the same color and add
grMtly^to the beauty of ^e home. We carry a
^ J 75
splendid assortment of all styles and sizes from___
right along up to $^.00.

Dtning Tables

This maguificeot piano is going to be given uway
absolutely FREE July 15th. 1912. at noon, to the
person, church, lodge, |e£ool or society who gels the
biggest values in certihcales. We give these certif­
icates free with every purchase at our main store
and also our branch store at Elk Rapids. Those who
are in the race for the piano should get all their
friends to trade at our store and give tlieir certifi­
cates to you NOW.

Who Is fioing to 6et It?

$&75 up to $20

Mm t




Exactly like the il­
lustration. Large 16
in. oven. Heavy re­
inforced gray iron
lop. heavy fire box
lining, duplex grates
hunts coal or wool

and is as good a
linker and cooker as can betound in the country at any price. We
’ want you. to see this range. ‘ Oursixecial
price only................................................................... f 9
We also sell Universal Ranges and the world's foinous Quick Meal
Steel Ranges.


Dining Chairs
We want your opinion on our new chairs
which we have just unpacked. Tliey range
iii price from $5.75 |jer set of six 'up to
$24.00. Then we have some big burgaiss
ill odd chairs from 45c each upward. We
also carry a big line of children's chairs
and can save you a lot of money on them
as well as. on ever> thing else.

Refrigerators, Oil
and Gasoline Stoves
Bfwnd and Square Tops
We carry a large and beautiful line of extension tables. The very
newest patteias and can suit your individual tastes perfectly.
' Whatever you want in a table be sure and frC
fn C'lA
look them all over. Square top tabUs4 w Ml

Round Top Tai>le> .......... $8.95 up to 132

Bed Room Suites
We have some fine suites which we have just unlocked and can
' furnish you just what you want. 3 piece suits from ttl.7$
right akmg up to ^5.00.
Tii$a, we have some exceptional values in odd dressers,
commote and chiS6iuer&

Mail Orders
Promptly Filled

It will soon be time for these and our new line for spring and suin-

Bright New

Floor Coverings

iner Is ^ere. We have Refrigerators, all styles and sizes from $^/6cr'
right al\>ng up to any price you feel like paying. We sell the fam­
ous Quick Meal Oil and Gasoline Cook Stoves and also the new

Housecleaning time will soon be here and we feel it our
duty to urge upon you the importance “Of selecting your

Carpets, Rugs and

from an cwcptionally
lly large and l)eautiful collection.
Bear in mind the big^ advantage in having a large lot u*
pick from. Prices are unusually low and you can have it
-^Tharged and pay later if you wish. We will trust you
and give you a|l the chance in the world to juiy for it.
Rugs, room size, S.7$lo......... ............................ 42.00
Carp^ per yard. 15c to................. ......................tM
Lindleniiis, per yard, S5c to .
..................... 175
We also carry Lace Curtains, Curtain Stretchers.
PorQeres and Draperies, all kinds and sizes.,

Children’s Vehickles
We carry nearly ev­
erything for the little
folks. A big line of
G«>-Car^ and Car­
riages froih $4.75 Id
$25.00. Tlien we have
a big line of Express
Wagons. Hand Cars.
Sulkies. Doll Carts,
etc.' Come in and see




WbeB Mr. r. hu doM • dar'm wcrfe U vm lo nw. vu « tlar c»Ub la a
rlrrle. Ut (kM 4o tb« «ort tkMi♦ POEMS THAT HAVE HELPED « l>« alt^ teva to rvsd. ptaf <rUb kit Ultrk fcn«t. ud Um ttearttc had to ♦ FOR YOUR ENTCRTAINDCNT. ♦ mIvm. after RlTtw tken ^ toUa«cRMdt«ii.<irarfaMie>cr bo Ukaa. mad he ba tado hr mr haabaad kotow tra ♦♦•»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦
dlraettaa. VHR a foardeot
doM aot koop at "ork two or Urea cooU ralaa ear c»H. 1 414 tka wOao of tba tonaleat and )oUic*t
■tHa« tied to Ika foot el Ua VooL
ho«ta taMor.^ \t*ken Mra P. Ina done aal vert of a wotnan ea a Rtaa. ioat panka taactaablo la
daacrlbad la aad a potKcd atlck. in* a ciitla aB
Ha Carcth.
« gtaid daja «urt ake vU| aev. oro- aa Uer do todar. baoMaa (kriaclas op Good Cheer aa loUova:
araoad tka peat, leartnc a we
Wiat canii naan?U- It ao^ *®
rtat er anktoMer until badtlne. Men mr t^mOr.and la a^fUUtw I carded
Wa hara wtloned
the Track alMHaea Iwbaa «ia at tka aortk
uauallr ha>a t«o or ttaraa koora nf .rara, e|wn the Uraad. wore tkc cioU. Moat" riven at a partr rMeqtl; and Mda for oa opeMa*. Make a bed alt
That tba aicbta are lam ^
dara ^
bedtime and are readf to aad oeved our clotbea by bud. Cor it no» amot i«U you abont it. oa U ia Incbu vide all aieaad tba rwt e( tba
are dim?
.-~,ale^ aad ret up rented. Women voa belore Ue da)a of oevioc ma- a )oUr vay of catmalalm ona'a Hrcic; Haat tba aaada tear locket
Cam Ha ba teuebed bytba ertaCa1 SmoaUr to to bed so Ured Ibey ara rtloca.
la tact bouartcM belpo. aa frlaada. If ttay ore yoaar. M vIUIm apart.aad baMda aart aaad pm a
not in coodltlou . to rent uaUl it U «a ceeUtam today, ecre aboolulely
to ealer into tbe aplrlt of .tba caav. Potstad mick' fasteaed to a tUtes
unkaowa. Our rookior «aa dune oa aarone U louap enouth for that tnat- reacbla* la tb# lop c( tba poaL It
Our Lent OnaaFor tbe mlati that ye aUiis It
tbe balr?
am Into a bouuvort rut ao *
aiuve. but my wotber, «bo did ler.
«U1 ba*a tba appton
» or a teat
B. .
de«ii tb« they oaaac aea oat They
‘•'‘“W that I dW. had lo do ’ The comi.U) U diUded lato imo
Mrtnca. Whaa the
bar nm. .am tatr. Ima-tw,
----------- ;------------.. A.a
»a a.Ur "
aa'w ». <ilUra a. ih.
the open Bra, In ■ _____________________________________
p»rta, a director of apuru rboaea aad *™**
ivlaa aboat tba
UB.* Oria FalU.
lata tbit .rai, Wtoia » Uaa. bo.
«'rfl*rr. .ad 1 .a . 1,1« „M .
tor arb .W., rto .riaM
-aU . aa«MM PW’
8lb» am lb. blaaa. a ainiba
’’'"™ *"
*111 U« oDn -m -a* » bai b.i™. 1 ...r a.
«o„. »•.»b»a or. I«.r fair
tUr UtUe
Util. can
a. be
a appUed
.ppUa to
t. the
tb. purchaae
pobHaa and
.bb Uow
Uo. can
a. He
H. care
ar. tor
m, llUte
liuk liCe?
Ho. »«.? ilaa H~"rtl H .a . v.o.a.rb.1 ibl.i .o.,, a 0 1. ------------------------------------------- —
preparation of all dried fmlto. say«
an ereolm will yon nee n Ulhcr
-reB«^i«- mere nude, which ^veoia are
Waya With Apples.
Aad yet yon arealvaya«lUi me aad the U'omu's Home Compuloa. Ia And ret > vaat Him to care for me. leave bH buok to bynt hala cwpa or
‘'rr.d In from of the Bfe. InBeal Browa Be<t)-Bmiec a paddiK
Runolns broad Jump. (The
'oR vhea the Umpe bun loa-. buylm eurfa fruile a* apidee aad aprl- N\'hUe 1 live la thla vorld vhtfc the other Ulnsa the youncMcm have loel? •«*'»
a« tr^
I hear your yolce aad aee yoa amlW cola, reirct those a-birt have been
aorwn be;

fl.'bi.'^biTtb.'wi..;... a. ii, «-b.i »•
>1"|« ..a -.«?«r--..ii « pumilbl.r can. the umpire hailac
Juat aa la yean aso.
sulphured (to be rcroralicd by their When the IlcbU die down In the path ^ bleMlor It would be to the child If
<»• P»»«^
of oilced Bcau- apple. P« la altbrtape moasun sod aaaoanclnc 'the dlollsht colon. This proc«a Is objecI Uke;
week, and me ryild oer Uhh i
nale layers of each, addlbd ea lap ol
. tbe taolhec ’ _ I let them hunt
Wiknen with bobble aklrta
, And kaowiai now how much you*« ttowUle. beesasa thoart improvln* Whrt atr.n«U U feebis and friend.
werr happy then. Ju»j as taocc.

the bread bits of batter, aad oa the
apple Humr aad aruted Butmec Uolstand
ta\r. sou
find hle.r"*'
hla.>°“ »*»
"t* aus
*»« tovr.
sod "
■!.... __________.1.
ea alTwiib water, aad bare a this layI woald not aak the fklbor to dre pay. to buy the beat trade.
„„„ «... in b. «« I.HV
b, U..
!.» «T Of erumba Em aad Um. BMs tni
... not...............................
_ . • trrtd
ln.|.it of
of ....
»» niwsured
*"• “O « “W ••
leader aad brawn. addtaE wwar It H
Vrn back a^.
In preparlnc dried Inilt for cooklnc,
1^ me to ailCDcs aad loaelP
k.-.c-.™..- Wo..bc
_____ If every e<rl
elrl dia
dry . and oeearlac It If It
) welt upon •Iha best fellow "**•«'
pretty mu.h Ue aama
roDi kali.
oVa llliut^'^thM
m, rid'-^’^Tu ahi'hinU^
'hey were*!v«t^.y. and u



i.Lzr.'Sr.iTj;™ »b»'rLa..a„ a. - ^'„““

• whites of tso

». to
Our dead wa fcara alwara wlU ua.
k>|iuc tod
and Itotor
under to(
aad tm
ni lb. btorti lb.1 tor. tod irl...
H blUiJpIdbto. tod
9mr or
aad arror

u.. totoa toll to. . a.b,bi. b«ii.r. to.b .biw I. a«r I. tb.i, bto, "•
„a ^
■■ ^iw.
„ ito«™.V
_ _
short; ‘
oioaiy, ___
ihe alto Of
ihirT.?iii« ih^ ,hlr.l^aai
"'•he cr mar our tire, by our w.;
>“481 seleet^
Pare ,ad uusrter tbs ppplea, aad tort
the fire
htHtrs. ant
“the "•
•?*r «1«k
Td<«ht of pa»r
tri for
to aereral
"• Hht.
»» tor
•“ am
“• when l c.aa« Bsht:
,„|t I,
"* Til* "•
A«d Home n.eer iwllevea the BunTnle Iw^
^ «Mbrr
«oker m»y
may b.r.
here b.
be u«d
uud lo
U .tod
_ _________ i.mii, ,„.^,her. i.
to ...
cet out of It. I do •hl». Grshdmothar ho. «rvck th. ^ JTc rlt Taklea Tdtu from ,
r aa imiwoeei
. today and tonorrow, and that It is all
imed up la the words ^rtchl-thlak-^ ^b.
.b.. b^.
‘ let tbeos atlentloas be the escepUoo. »'W-' •“<*
abIsUuK a reteKBisaMs tune.
oae-haU imaad of sasar aad oacfore Uklnx from the Ore. No deOalte
-----------------------Hurdle race
t T»^r.
amount cwii be alven- us* only cnoaih And lores aad parduha beeause lie •"'*
^ .
half cupful of Vlnasar to oat pound of
dies in a veruin limited lima
^a.«hlathaye«nwf«,^^«„^^ ***“”'"'"“‘^
M«y men put In lonyer hour, than
apple, pared and duaitarad. Add sple*.
their wives sad curry very hesvv bur
*“ ® " household there Is -to...,
At tbe
,oe end
enu ck
i>f tbe
loe meet
me«y the
loa perooa ..
. ...
k hart.we dona today?
** Hrt all who «w ami Uk. heart s«.ln. 1«- -ith »crer «. real let up from
“->• who has moa the moot poinu U tmuMr^bca^H
i Btrt oat toM la a princely
Wa are aot aloae la oor boon of the ate.dyjMud. The, du it for.thclt

^----------------H-. hdtoM- .todt totob-n-. .... *^
,„ced bouoekeeper Is fretioeoUy at
uia collspalMe Muaianm
», tiaait Many HaaaahaM ArMIdbM to
rn know
kBdbm- .bat
mSsf lo
In do
<ln w^
wtlW this
Itila t.^. evrryoaa
___ _________
_______ ._la._____
aksH we-five today?
alteniat^ a. a course for
s loaa



111 tba
Combtaatlooa of
•>* >* '
mjff*dBall ddaal a bop.
bept la th.
the place of •
Ha laarta •■■ «wi -u®. ui® ®witu ■■
Wa Ml apeak whk worAa of lore sad
^ ^ nUllsed la asay
Ha Is alsb
^H-ib . ebsar.
deaaerta Wbeo uatac Uploea
h be trouble *hlrt Ha doth
Bat wbal hart we dona today?
or aa*o. aubaUtute atewed and Meved

' f™" »'
•™" Ob. to. lb Pto«, to lb. Lbrt bto.
.. V.totob. to UbbU to. .our.Mlb>“^
iLSn —U b... .. tob. I—J?
»««'' « >«<W ™~l ”? ton. *.tob.
■ .

H=~-5 S-r.-~i?2 :-£™

award Ua tol

the cup.

clothca. If they make ihetn plain and
hav. them well fitted ihs children
All eniata trimmed from toa« < Ut flaent metaJ made:
VouH prise It more
wlH soon are the Injustk-s of ao uucli ftwiu bread used for atufftni meai
poultry, should be put lato a pan
tVhea the mercury aoara.
eiua Mbm.
1 bbo.
.b. bu Ibto sad dried ibut not brewnadl hi a To oaw huatred Ik the ahada
leflton ..J
It's aatuevlic.
...1 I
M bo-to
tn t k pan and the
-put them
.. ..
Anmber^ woman »un
with irusla

- - -brlac to oath
- -haely Ute - aad
aerte with It aa a aauce the alev.....................
>a dball
1 Have —
M toll bl.b.,.. U.b I. ..T„, ,
„ „„ n,,,. ni ,br_ ITO.
btr ».tob.. to.
“« In' lb . Oto. .to tototo ptoto.
When lhofou«kly
Ifs quit* eoHapalbla.
M Mkat hara «a a-~ffcr today
quartered applea la
_____ bw
...h. In .int.r,
- A.iotbe.
WaahaUiirdtoiniUa«raaderWrth. ^““FUDfs, take Urse prunes- that To wahe this life i
b.toj .to U»llr .ito Ob. to, .toto to. ....
"•• »“ • W"" ■to"'
yaked aad pitted, haired
>11 .Inter ,\toib.r noib.i. ..U bef
™“ ibroubh >
Tbe. ijttob. — ■ m.l.ltoolAdd towuadfwt (altk a deeper worth.
I fair
We akaR toad the kuBcerlBE aouM of P**'**"
««*«'* “«“n 1"« Por iboae wboae 1
m..«to ... torto rotor .h,. ... o»o ool. pto«'l« torotol tlto J-™
Juurnc) far
<"■ to »«• O*'**
o-iih ».
aha Uaa DO* toy at home-. One
On a railway «sr

aoft. Dip atewed aprtWa or pe^ea ,-j,
hwo tkelr-low man with three’U.ys baa them wash
Kvery cxperleoced I
' ’ Dat wtNiB bare w. red t
______ 0“A-V,»,
sweep, Vll—M
clean .—*» —to®
ouch l«n»wJ
of kaeplus h VouII find this cup a Diead.
Nixon Wptannaa,H'ltomto.- I" •
'“‘to •»" to
--.-i-,-- G>« cxmvealooca
. —------- ----------------------.--w
owch woft, H
if tbe doorbell rluxa
rlujci they
erumba oa hanti.
pet ^
hoi fat
N® Wtrmo aan ^
i^Maly Olvu.
rtsked dried heraproo op os they are not Th® erumba from the ervaU are e»<>r mlcrohea fret you.
VM. w^ra a thoagfat thafa ««
«■*»«' >
««®- kind w.wds aad Uurtt ibai It I. a dlagraca lo help «Ur»l rot coating beef croqaettaw VotfU b. aafe to yrmr Journey cudBolter Ulck aJIcrt, of auH
lovlag .mile.
Ui^r tooibcr. A\-h«rs chlldreo coebups. and any Iriml food
At her party the ^ouaa w*. p«>
bread. Jay two oo a ptaUer. aod poor
pathway ran. oper.le with Ibeir pareuU 1. the e»- "kick require, a rkt dark brown ft-elf decorated with bigh school
PlM It OB. .
over some of the hot fralt? Rwaat
ibrougb team
ceptfcm not the rtile
For chicken croquettca. Eah aaO CBllece wennaitu. and each side
, It Will wmwly aW the wpair;
until there are three larcm of e»cU. \^^ ace no Joi k all Ue comliw
P®'*»® rlmwk*. and oUcr dell- »t«d a coHcpe yell that made Ulaga
I>aaa It oa.
the. cover with .-platter and a Might ^
"7 cat. fried dlMies the crumb, fronr lively a. each eweat came of. One
Viva It freely. Do wt keep It.
weight M away for half . day. and ^
‘ 'r
'“e «»>IU part of the bread are pro m-y eaert-Ue all the laaeaj^y he po^
rai year neaaure rtilb: then heap it
• » ' ®'" ^
Bread crumba arc really ae*®* l« «ahln* an lodoor •■track
ssrve COM
cold will.
with .cream.
Later you .will ourely reap IL
la tba rtortcake and roly-poly line
«to ■
..r-toi. ib.“
-toHto to cto.b.r .^tob. to to., »to- tototoib, .to b. .to-, b...
Paaalt on.
dried fruits maka a good flillax.
uoi leavw the cliHdren for him lie
■«** betler sud give a lender to try. bard cither.
bealdet beins
------------------- ^
fMm pTM have a Iboughl
“"• apple cake, mit thn, iwpfuU of Boer.
p^fcHI, IneM^.lve
Both from I
iwo inaapooufuls of baking iwwder. g^,
“ui • ‘ > »«--e *®1 mlitakc and
hntlcak and gaainmoiulc point of ‘»I<1 ►•‘*'""‘-<1 «~wb fwle
Page k on.
\\-bea yoe have a thought
icuvooafal of salt and rub ia tOW
w •«..h.
‘“W- " ‘‘®'‘ " *" *■*
not cvmiMn exsa ab'Mld be •»“"
Ublcepooufula of hoMrr. Beal two
"xrtZ.d "ruS Hf Jot M * '‘'"®
Pms It OB.
eggs, add one .uj.ful of milk, and atir
.k-.. w v.^.-. -«,i. ..r
builS^Rre fr,loa. The hot fat
‘""e for two .*r
eirt It qalrkly. vhIM It's vUal.
ln.o the dr, mUiure w»h more mllk
ur4x‘« ®»rt

(Ure it wlU fall right and title.
a. neoesoary to make a .hick baiter
m k7med w^b r^tZa ih*
Uiva It—Bcm seek requital,
Spread half an inch Ukk oa ohallow
* have-lime.
xo* , |„be u,o thlldrea iu good rare
pcJeuai-^'t^* «»'»
Pau It OB.
greased oaua. aud ureas lato tbe bal.
vnj* y-iny Uuabaad.
,n-l sagar lo equal lans U> sweeic-a.

..tok v-to .botobi. .„. itobiub, to?,to.bto... buito „„.»>?to, """sr'."?“'



washed and soaked dried fruit,
.\ljy be beyoud the roach of your laenough pieces lo cover the
Sprinkle thickly with sugar <m»e
^1.1 you . I kiudlj
add a speck of cinnamon), and bake
a quick oven.
To fill her drmiry Ufa with aweet
• The proverbial “sweet tooth" will
ednient ,
be aaUaftwl with this
Win rtutn.
l-rom BunaUn® imiircin Take equal porUona of aotl figu. dales.
DU uuiicuu.
r-i.h.. -„to .toH.torf.
lag after chtgiplng fine (the apricou
* * * to be wakhed soaked for fimr hours.
'*’ ***'
• Do aomeUilas »r sonmbody al- •
^ ^ clZt and oa. h7f
. •
..w____ ■

Wkatnrer may b, ,our erred: • ”
*” "®*'
. Thmavaothla. on canh ca help
into a
— — - --.
They may not need
In the tdm

PasB them on.
They win aurvlag
Paas them «a.
Tbea If rlghUy tbey'iw dirceted
They will nrely be rwflerted
Afid a harveat uaesperted

riaao keya s^oaid be nliwd
a cMb daoipaMd la aleobot. nu
win ekaase tbam wKbout danfer of
luralag them rtUow. ,
. Knamried or pore*lata tuba may be
easily e
better for the aarlaca of the aasme!
than a aaod soapi
To clean Ivory oraamanta rub wsU
«Ith naiaUed btKtar aad place la the
auublas. It dMoelerad It My be
wbtieaed by rubbing arttb a past* eompow-d of burned pumlre aios* aad wa­
ter. aod then pdaclag It wader gloae
Id the auD.
e tray has become
spotted, dip a wpsM ctotk Into a Ut­
ile aucst oil and rub as hard aa pesalWt .

»®'le<J •P®'>‘ «« H* »*H iwr w
pa removed by caretal rubMag with
, d*ogh ball made of tear »«
To deati kwelry maka a oada of
wMlte wlU rtoUlo aeSA to
add a few drops of amaiiwla. Wash
Jewelry, rtaat It aad My la a boi
«, «wduat to dry. or poUah with . hit
«rf chamoU.
ruilroiia tbat kart become epottod

™ - .k—

a piece of pumice atone
To .icaa Blck.l rub It with a pa«a
-'lUu. and a.rthol and polbh with a pi*c* of chamott. ____
-mear a litil* good rtMUaa over tka
h.<t. This preveeu Ik. a»m»M
waahH’frt- tajtwl., U. ehcay. Th.
v.m-ime should aHafward bS caiefallr
,„bbed oE had the backs poIMkod wlU
j„ riotha.


,,„houl you. and you will blame 'tea* dried erumba .re imi auiuble
^dd a pinrh
j^lr bright look aad bacaM d«H
they •«»«"'•
abMiU «•»
too wmii
much motaiurc.
film and Vluv yourself
•» 'hv?
j, dealrtd. a
Plain warm wa^
and are apt to make puddings and
ler aad rnmn
ahoold be asW. and the

a.-»!kpa too dry
Apple Custard-Tpke mellow tpplea ,_________
•ward polished with a
Says lha "fiunabine Giaiidtixrilier.'
Broken pieces of litrsd toi rjiiablo
i„pj|ufn »U<-. f’arr. core and bake M^ectly clean, dry etotb. ^HaUc add
wbo i,„
hap m,.j
lived lo see
ace outchlnerv
atachlnery take for tuaailn:
tuisiin: should Iw fofdal
fofdci] m s _
^^111 (ruder In a alow oven. Press
veak solutloB __
will _______
• vlean tloth and t-laced by tliMadv*. ,hn.ugh a alrtr. To each cupful of upThH |g poiaoo aad
Clubs usuiT nianv old-time home in an empty cracker bin (it. Clean .,1^ pulp add half a cupful of eream. -- i,..,
du«lrt in the last three quaru-rs of • crook Theue may be used fuF“pOT t*„ ic»Vl (ablespoonrula of aucr. lump
clou a aewtaf
ccntury: '
dlDsa. ntuftlnc tor mc»iB and poultry, of butler rlie ol e*g and |vRtHriy .-'-i,.., i, wua uMBiy of cool oil or
'• “
‘u'ereating series qr lor scalloped dishes riecea «■'beaten eg«. While tbe applp pulp Is “rowDe. which M ana and tba name
of anscles about woman's work, in bread whl.-h i
'------- on
“ tbe table ■„,|i
hot. blend Into It the batter. Heat
tmn with It dad ©»
Ho.ue <heer. 1 have enjoyed te.dlng again ahould
folded to a ,br sugar until It I. a syrup sad add „refully every working part Ikai you
--- aiiuiiuntoiMSi
tin b» nr fir», ,h® ,oi|j, of eggs, tov—
then ib.reach- than new rapidly oa s
* >* i Ji® ii ?
>if> »cream
i ..-toMi
r^-Upn, suggestions have been gl'en eotered rn»ck. fnleos It la very hot ,nt beat all viaoretialy. Poor late but- loeleea idece ol
of gr^yq*
good! u>
to dMtrtbute '
can't help liui wondri wbal weather they wilt utually be found lered cups and bake In moderately bot
-ii Then uke a chamola akin
, three hours, turn oat. cut In
...... _i. >..
-to tot ,he _____
- _ ■___
—__ _____V
• —Bev. J. 8. Cutler tu Ualrersallst
Now Is the Umet
t your quit* fre>h eiu.ugh
to *epi-e
your bualnesa woman, and c
Remove spongy t
sen piecu of cloth that
, cubes, and roll In powdered wgar.

wipe up ail
Lastly, when the
lilt . itoto- - - toW
•••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•• iiifv bad Heed In niv div. hr worse In resard t<> thin 1* »o remember that ,ijr stltny lieaten whites of Ibe esgs.^h® surplus oil. It works Ilka magi'
empty and ircah fnilt
Of emtr.e. ibis atreanoaa troauaeat I.
do act despair. l*lck
nomctlniea amorrd at Hi* apt in (he bun? of i-repartng s meal ,b„n
m leebo*. Serve with treaui.
f„f mco In a wkUe; lu ^eral.
four pounds of prune*, soak
'■'Once mole Home Cheer It glad i feeling .that woman's work today I* to rut the usual *upply of broad, anl
Apples Bolkd In . B)TUp-Sele< t
,j,h n, gMSt sawing msefalae
twenty-four hours, (hen sicaiii ■-?
j «ont|ei. too. if they lorget th* aiinwnt that Is already cii'
awde-* «lib |»rfe< i .eklns t'orr
tojar* your amchlaa
twenty minutes Mil together for ten give apace to ibe dltcuoahm of Mr*
rtallr* th* monotony, the *1 and waiting to
used If ^ la I «»
cut Into halve* Holl until im „g, ^„c* In avatr few moRtha lhl»
J mlnntea tw-o pounds of- sugar, one Dial* artlele, printed ■ (e* week* ago
t this depaiuient
iddening monotony of the life stale to go "o Hi* table again, th" ^^r. but so they keeii ibcir ahaiie Hip method U eaeellealAn you one of ika people who haveaverage bualnesa man. who better plan i* t*i tnoka toast of it. put earefully and place in a dish in
. “but one Ulcai" aad feel that you ana Iburth of ao ounce of xlnxer Add
Oavii Feed Cake.
A»’*®*'l®S aplcy communkallo^;
,,^r ,{1,^ |^r and toast may !- aerred in amh a *aich they ar* to be aervod. -\dd to
taanoi apeak out lo meeting or ting. the Pfuaea. aad-almmer genUy uaill '*
Oattohalf a eopfal of creamod bu^.
and plan wajs and mean*, wtil* tbr multitud* of deUrtoo* diabea tkat tbe ,he Jute* reraalolng In tb* k*tilc»tour
r pMy . or do aartblog. In
'® hold? Yea It ia true, but ^ n is shining and th* l>lrd* are alnc- us* of aiale bread Uifthla w.* j* *|. ,j(c*s of lemv an 1 sugar to taav* two i-upfuls of alfted s«»r. two
teader. then ran
Or plrt <—-qr waeV|
fort, that ia worth while? Here la ;* and nak a good grad* of dried aort- obe ankes u
It ii®i«i-.
harder than ..
U -®i®
need be.,
^v* wpmen can at moat uMImlied —Ekthange.
Boll briakly for ati*en miauie*. then »-*« b*alen. oae-haU Pl a capful of
aWM In a aatabell uken frem Ibe ^
If she were prepared for her work bej,p,,
,h* door a doieo Umca
-----------------------pour over the'appic* mill aad serve i,utiertallk. oaa taupoqaful of *oda.
Mlrtlgaa Grange l.«cturer'* BoUetln;
,,,,c* fourtbi of a
*^ *^“ ‘*
a day. even if th* dlrteloth la held In
Raitlu r».
wMh whipped rream
oM-ihlW of a cak* of ehocoUte grated.
"I have heard of one of tbe a»ai
eacar To four poimdt of
*** •'*
FennellA aad ih*
handa. and draw lo great breaihi
Take on* cupful of ratalas. either
Apple rosiard PP^Straln apple (hrra eupfol* of elftad ioar. oae leak valaabla Ofoage membera. He was a frutt add OB* ,-noful
■'* ■”
FenneUa. M'omon
Bow«r-*r*nt*d air. while w*- rest the aemlles* kind or those seeded, and oauve and beat Muooth To each cup apoeofnl e< baking powdar. baa leacupful of
of w-mter
w-ater and
and tbe
the “**
dear old aian who eouM aot speak. sugar, and cook slowly, wuh frequent
night of treat and chop them Bne: add oaa cupful of hot ful add half a cupful of c-ream and .peontal of vaalOa. Bak* la leaf or
D b* posted In BO oiaay llaca of o
rye* w-ith
things growing. And water and on* of browa a^r. Thick- two rtlffly beaten egg* Beat in hnlf layer*. 81ft Ub Soar asdbaklagpowMag or ^ a^ln, ela. for the pns ^
«or|^and be good In all of them. Abat birds and a
gnaw Bat ha always b«4d out tala
(taa^lo ftoae who bad dooe sometbem alt golDg at odre.
' pur aewlog of sfams. out under tbe Sour moistened with a lltUe cold wa- ftavor with vanilla and auuneg- Bake iKitiermllk: dlaaelv* cbaqpMta in (wp(blag aad said: 'You did that well.
Epongc Cake.
Hr. Feanell ’ ■crv'ed''~htk apprentla- shade of the big oak for an hour-la ter. aad cook until tbe mixture thick- with under cruM and put a Ihltk raer- (birds of a cqpfnl •( hot water. Toa
1 was proud of you.' And ao he woe- t*o egga.
Ubteapoonful* of ship, ao wa* prepared for hi* work, the afternoon; while "John is telling ena. A dot of btHter and a pinch -of inguc on top -TaWe Talk.
can add oawhaU of a espfnl of choppod Buta 10 the baUer If deutrad.
derfolly bleaaed that Urange.auger, two Ubleepoonfuli of Sour, aad'too he would hav* good tool* and codfish or drivlee saJU
salt will improve rfa® Savor. Btttaer
Fun fa* Ih*
oae tcoapoonful of lemon extract, plenty of them In order to do good
“But that'lent telling, a* t •larted sac a double bOller. or watch tba cook_ Clvildran.
a bit of sunaUae hits ye,
Equal paru of boiled poUtooa sod
to a Btlg froth, lightly atIr tu the fiour
Hr* reancll may and
may not I was married when I wa* oeveoteeu better to cool the rulaim AUlng allghtb atorslng glory and
Artar'paaata’ cf a doud;
-to- ______
to —to these
ihlldren with a bMta. with a small aqoars nf boUed
Whaa a Si of langhter gli* y«.
and add the Jemon e*ua«: put tbe have ,be*n trained, and atfor kitchen and drove mil day kmg In a drixallnc before poHln* It between tbe
TeVJt^'a'tbkk pfc use a 'c^- ^ Mirta and a baU of twine. Set pork chopped naedlum Sne. and fried
Aa' yer apiac la faeUag proud;
mixture isle well buttered and Sour- uienalte. It la amaalng hew few aome rain, alxty mile* or more, to my bom; If
in- fee<ap for meaaurtag. or double tbe -cm a fivwfoM post, ansipd which the m a H»ld®r. Salt to the MM*, with
DmiT dorgtt ler op aa* Slog It
*4 gem pane Bake in a moderatr women can gat along with, and the In the wUderaea* of
«ne raclite U rtu aw a sxaallcup.
rtHdrwi may plant their seed* la a peppee addql
M"* mi mt*> tbMUf bisa.
ov«B tor a quarter pf aa hour.
ones (hey So have ar* ao potw:
dMaa. Our home, and a

. BoSch.a. kindly deed.

* ^:r'hl^.7^r.Lr^ iT. ""-J"

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