Grand Traverse Herald, September 10, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 10, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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7 •

and Travarsa



l^epare for the Big Grand Traverse Region Fair




Six intropid




GOOD PROGRESS MADE BY STATE Enallah HeusswHs la Dellcisnt Ir
Knewtadps ft CaltaORGANIZATIONS.
ary Ara-




London. Sept. C.—Proresaor Bernard
(ProB Prid*r'« Reoord-EMl*.)
Tbe rouDly Grange meeting I
November, tanioos New York sclenJtl • iiMWtIni of tfac offlc«r« tiC tbe
,1 Monroe Centers Thursday was
has come over to leach the BritOrud T«*«r*e R««toB Fair Anoetotended by approxiiustely MO Uraagbuw to wta (be. llilS Olympi
Aloe Md roetordor H *u dwMnI that
from all parts of the cuumy. The
He hi* (omeiv leaih them how
' o !>•» OufUInc. 4«xlM. shouM be
ting waa in (he lodge hall at Meui
gaioa beta at Uu sovt hoMA nsUrTl.e ^necuun between the
tralli to tbe eootb or (he pfeeent
roe ('enter, which bulMtng ia probably
IfV wsro ta
ihtuxs muy not be appaftot a''
belliitM for the Mode aad eeitle chetr.
■the beat Oiled In the mral aertloii*
but in an Interview, be told tfc
A Bee-oriKe beildtoK will oIm be
Grand Trayenie county (or being
Ia Uu absence of tho eMran hhE
n puller- ' I: tbe English people want VIeltors Reyatlr Enl
hem near the entruee ood • new
Many Good Plans For Furthering tl
Delta Given By Fenner Owntre
rue rural aoclal renter. Feaata were
Ice-AalnaB. who vwo aMVoUtaUp
t(> .cgaln their l<«r anpremacy i<
gate will be eat to toelliuto tbe pwaTaken for AiNo Rtaa ThrowGb
Work Were Preunted by
Protect City Apainot Peaolblo
held both at noon and iilghifall. Pro'
C. P. I
-nr field the fli>f sud meat ‘mie-r
of tnttc In end oat of tbe
the Great Oardea Spot
Speakers at tha interOomapte Aritbip From the
grams were carried ont in the
I tsmporarr shabvaa.
Step t> b< taken m tj edip-xti
sdting Seselena.
of MieMpaa.
Mo4feon Caaa.
and evening which were a credit
the average Kngliah bousewneTn Ibe
The coBtu fair, from present lodl-.
a eal ta
eatlona. praalaea to be the largest «nd
mysleiira of the orih degree wet
moved aad sappaetsE
-I'i..ii.s -le course -'*f-<cvertl vUlts
boot ever beta In Nortbem Miehlcan.
Tbe elating meeting of the sixlb na, i..-a.n.:.- be declared, “I hs- ’
Thoro WiU be two bu dars ibU year Traverse City la now the proud plained to aix with all the etaboriilon
nnal session of (be Ulebigaa' 'Stale tbat tbe chalrmaa appoint a ooMttnecessary
ccvp<e-l iii.vt the woBva'i of ib» m-qdic' Kamane association and Aadabon a^ tea of tbroa OB (tmtaoUala. aad CBm.
iaotead «( one. On Wedoeoday. 8ep*.. posseow>r of a nnoidpal Ilgbilnf
The las(.aeotk>D of the county met-t Michigan State Humane Association
claases. eapi-clally In ‘etc clety was held yesterday altrroooa at Bmeraoa. P. K. Brown bM A. B. OarHlcbUaa day wIU be observed, plant an well as a water worha, tbe
^nd Ulcblgan Auduboi. Society <s>eoed
Us were etupM Than H «m MsiE
and 00 Tbonday. Tnyene City day; eonndl at an adoomed aseilni last « waa held (bla oiMmlng. and after
Presbytertan church yesterday don. bas n very rsdimentaw knowl- tbe Fretby-lerlan church.
(east a( noon the Grangeri depart­
of cookinc SIk is alio more
tbe riiy's bli day will ootne. tbe atwws il^t bavins taken over tbe pUnt of
afternoon and will continue ibrougbTbe oiMiing paper was glrea by aad sBMonaa tbat a tiM^fsi m
war-fui.City Rlectrle Light and ed for their respective homes, to meet
.ind rMiorles rkiUBf oa.
and ordwof h
today. The aii.-odsnce Is m>:
Mra. AngeUae f'bvler Bnaeb. of MeSo (be pmfeaaor Inlund* to ah
IV,day will be' ecbool day ar.-: •!.<;> Power Company and all ttb interests again In three montba’to t^i'kle (be lure-, xs both MXleiles are aiuall In
and B. W. Walt. U M.
■The Ulebigaa Bnreau of
movement for itae la.:iigarn"L-ii
M'tdetiU from .11 over are lavi'..-' to .In Ike dly and la Oardeld (ownsUp induatrial and aorlsl pioblema tbs
ibers^lp. bm the interest shewn
Animal Protection.- TbI* excellent Osvtaaad aad J. & Btgipbgr» «W«
for (hem to calve.
attend frot- of eiarso. Tber: sill do whero the power bonte and dam Is
A rarsas of tro talBHM «W
he detagsies more than uukes up .-r.-n air eveuinE cooker.- clavacsV
paper showed Urs. Branch to be an
featurea for thta day whiefa wlB please lorated. The sum of fiM.OM veted
» 1*- o. —— M
for the lark it. numbej-i.. The church
tho yoBHor paopta. and It poasible.
by the taxpayers a( tbe epeclal elec­
lly and one wbo Is (earieoa In ,h,
is-llecoraied lor (be ocrasiot. with
football same wlU be arransod.
tion last May was paid ever
pertartuance of her duty. Mrs. Bmncb! V* wmimlttas M' nmmHna
flowers snd berries, among which are.
On Wedneeday thve will be bo-i
the meeilng and the
Is known aa tbe mbther of tbe state
bnstaiOi NoeaMdai
flower aad inountali. ash. I
raoee and a apeech by P. T. Coi^reve deal formaUy cloted. The deed and:
humane society, aa It'was ibrongh ““
.Umporary lesahlHllM
which arc l«ta for' many kind* of
oa toed rooda. bestaao tka otbomood bUl of Mle were toad
her talDrie that Ibe orgaaixailon was.“*^ P«»aa«l which mo otatlod,
birds' Several examples of bird lioustblags wblr^ are on tho rointiir pro- ildermen and as everythins was
detagaxas to tho Mato goBW
sl.own. which arc very
hlmtn. UuKos the thrw days of
reptable tbe deal was promptly dos­
Inicreslitfc The meeting .eslerdsy af
_ThU wss (oDowed by a short talk
«*«•*• A* EbBOM*
fur there v.M also be apee^ee by ed. Before tbe motkios were put call
by Mr. KliJckler of Hartford. Mtcb,'^ *'
B. U BblPita. OBAo.
JertHM.D w^v called to order b? local
Dr. Alfred Wlsbart « *'Womaa'a Sul- Ins for the paylns ov^ ibe money Was One of First Settirra In Antrim Hnmaue l^n.-er ilei. F. Carwuii. wli-.j
i| Be Awa on Bay Routs For -Bat- wbo bolds tbe offlre of stale bsmaae ». Osdamon. Jaa. MoAnistar ahd
freso;' by T. flocers oa “Good
snee of tbs Ssason at
County Oita influtntlal SuoiBtroekholders of the Queen City
; appointed by Governor ,
,^’ard. Tbo Mato —tWtlhB
il.livdupita Mayor Uermutiie. who gs-.e
Boada." and oa Travme Ctty day
noss Man.
way exeented a bond In the
Osborn, Hts work takes him into »«lJu beta la UosIbg, Otaobw 1.
the delegal«<« ui. appropriate ndurcM
talk by Lsdns WkUnay Waikina.
heart) all parts of (be State.
of flK.oeu to tbe city as a gut.lasteod of 8spt. 18.
weieume. Tl.e res|mnae wuji mad.pnniwalil
tor sarerMr. raotee that say damasea that mlcbi
by I'reuideni Karl G. Klelnstueek of
The commitlee on reqolnttoos pre-1 A eooa^ eoamlttOS oaataMlhB tt
Tho addruow wlU be plvan this ye.>r rasiUt from tbe suit now peadlns In
The "Pe-tosikgs.- I* the asme of sented ihe following report:
,om memlur tram oagR taTMhIp «(
msano. 4.ta srooutt 'of (he taletn a t«tt tahd ^ta will be provided the rlreuli court between Harvey Morof trains some changes war- a new seventy-ffve fnor aiesmer, Ihat
-Resolved. Tbsi tbe Mlrttlgaa State t'ba aunty aad Ward of Ibo taW
fiv tho audleoe^ 'Thoraday atterau-vo Haon and (he oompany would be paid
■ In the prugcam for the afieniuvii. has been purebsaed by Judge W. H Humane astociatkm In Its annual .then choaM. aa (oUaMt JiBa PMMthe taaal dlvWon of naval rooerres by them,'(hut treeing tbe city Horn ed away at bis bome in Central l^kr
I’ralur and wbicb was broogbt here meeilng assembled here In your city. pber. Aenu; Chat. radwMliU. Blnln!
last evening at S o'clock, at. the age
wfl] 'ftvo a driu Ik twUorm. There
ihat direction. Tbe ol 12'^Mra. Ur Cameron waa
interesting, cotering all plissek uf ih* Friday, from 'Peloske.v. by (’apt 'Xpre*.* It* appreciation of rauriestee , Pat Huey. Bkst Bay; (^iaa. Bwtpsh.
«1U be Ptattt.taf taWea abo« the
ork of the aoclcl}
i Bmory. Tbe boat baa. for a number extended by tbe local society, press OarfleM;
kaowB In Grand Traverse county
srauda and M&nt lAalrs wm be p-beep on (be lodtan River
he ciilreas wbo ao kindly took
fiaigucr. Long imka; j. u.
Tha report ot Secteun Jct(craoii|
his death U a loss to the enUre re­
route and wax built eipeclally for aff the dclegBtes for an aaio ride: alto SchaU Grant: Warran BoftM, Jl^
Scotlakan ahd •
to (be mayor, wbo so kindly wtacomed field; Chaa. Wood, Pwndiaa; T. R
paid when tbe ootitoment waa
grea of comfort.
The craft gets Its power from (wo us. at>d,PM^Ier of (ba cHr sebMU Brown, PsmiasuU: .Lowtal BBna,
I aad maontactarera
Whitawawr; H B, IftBtaBM - PW
il new- sucleiles have been formnl Sutton engine*, bas iwln propellorw, tor' his indTri^ive talk
dty la BOW In posaeoalon of tbe prop years of age. in lltiti he ri-iooved
-Resolved. Tlial special (banks .. Ward: i. W, TlaimoMi Bootad
many pli<va. During the year Mr and a speed of ten a.llee or better
hibH woaU do weU to eae Bocretary «ty It would be necessary to have Leevenwurtb. Kaixxis, and from ibt
Butler n.jde 4S addrcbse* on tt.e aul> She i« seventy live feet long, bas a tendered Hon H A Pershing of'.ln'' Ward: John C Homa. Third «Bi«;
H. a hlMtaftw at 0B<* aa be baa Uu. Bomeona In charge until some perms New Mexico. In 18C1
George W. Urdta. tomk Ward; L.
aii.iuji life
arrangemenu could be made for returned to Leevenwurtb and eollsttti
ptano at tha bnUdlasa aita
pacity of one hundred and twentyK. Ctavelaita. Fltlb Waid.
taking cars of tbe plaat
In tbe Pirn Kansu Voluoiecr Infan Ti.ere luta been a greater li.leresi
- subdued.
live pasaangers. although she b cnsl,
At tbe aeeUng It waa aMMUsR
quaBfted person, and upon bis mo- tr}' and urved Uh (uuuiiy until dia- shown m Audubon
- Janiea C. fllll.
vat Uidaa Whltusy Watktaa. ^
Uoo Cliy.Clerk OUlls waa given (em ebaned lb Seiuember isc:i. He ibeii during the paat pear lu tbe public ly capable of rarr>1ug two bnadred
porary charge of tbe properly,
came to Uilkin. Antrim county where
“Ptora Bates.
There are two deck* ou the Tesael,
be wu encaged In agrli-ultural pur­
Aa Ibere Is no ordinance on
Travprae (Tty.
and although there are no.rldsed cabobilealury tu. teach humane
suits until UCX. He then entered
books covering (be Banagemeoi
-(-hrtsUne Heck.
Ins. the rear of the lower deck Is ei
emiiloy of John H. Sllkman. uf Tort-1. Hie publicosfbuols- This la.
aystem of tbit natore
read) been passed and I* In effect Id led with canvas side curtains so that
1 llgbl- ..gke village, and in June Ih&l.
Bored that (be ordl
It cafi be made abeolulely rHa and
o draw with Ihree other brothers, purrbssmi two States. The work of leathln.t
It (his tlBM, II belag
klndnesa and using preveatalivo nieaa 'wenlher proof Tbe boat was de
n ordinance covertiig (he (derat­ the merchaniile snd lumbering Inter
• great fa. tor in reducing signed as so excursion boat, but there
By Weman’a FeealM Htasloaa«r Eaing of (be plant and present it to esu of Mr. Sllkmsn at that pUce. lu
elstr YoatardBj.
ottt^ in the eoanell as soon si poaeible.
l«Ti Mr. Cameron wu married
At the reqoest of ex-l>realdeBt Csr(
to anMusls. crime am<mg cblldreu hs- trull.
1 If. It
G Kleinsioeek, Miss Clara Bate* nxa:
The deed and bill of sale of (Ft Miss EBma R. Smith of Milton,
It has not ret been definitely de­
Tbe Womae't Foralga MMotaaarr
la ptannad to makb lUs meeting the property eovers sH the real yosuie son and three daughters resulUng
poem. -The Horae," writtea by V. society of the Central M. E, charcb
cided wbat run tbe boat will be put
OM o( the iMat proBtabla gatbertags beddings of tbe company in Garfield fromthq union. Wlllism Cameron. Cen­ eac h other. This Bsstx-lalion Is handiA. HimlllOD^gecrelary of the Berrien
at' Ibe bome a( Mra. Tay. Sit
cspp<vl in Us work by a lark of funds.
Ur I'mlor' i*
*Countv Huidtne soeieiy.
of fooe roads ever aaeembled In the township wfalcfa include the power tral Lake. Mr*. Agnes Salchow. Trav­
East Nintb street, Wadaaaday afterkeeping tbe vesel
•» are not enougt. »■> alTonl
adjournmein. a meeting ot
sura Among tte speakers will be boose, dam find M acres of ^Irable erse CHy; Ur». Mar? Vaughn apU means to carry on the work.
oon. The afiernooB waa speot with
touics. If (here Is suffiiicfit patronage
lho*e interested in bird worb wps
Mr. Kins, of Kite
foBv- Jvs* lanA The peteonal inelndM Yhe lines LoulK Cameitm of Central Uke.
ebon program, attar which oBleara
suggested that weslihr people reniem to make It a paying prapositlon For
held Jefleraon teller (rf Ueiroll gave rere electad as (altaws;
* After closing up their Torch l.akc
^hrtar. bwd of tho Ohio Federation and .all equipment naedin carrying
ber the smleiy when making th.-ir be- a (ew'days at least the txat will run
interesting arcouni of faB work
^•i^^ood Roods;. Mr. Dtobl of BnEata:
ImeretU. Ihb brothers removed
Presldeal^kfra. O. P. WUsoo.
Quma along benevolent Hoes,
wild, wherever »he baa a trip, but it
: the year pnd gave many help­
PraaMeat BatebaMor, of tbe Amerf- tioB the
Central Lake, where they conducted humane ottlcenv are needed at large
rirat rice preetaeot—Mra. W. W.
Is altc^ether lossible lUal later on, ful snggesUons for the proferilon
can Antemobllo Assodalhw: State pleto ligbdng ontflf and as It bat
throughout tbe state.
if the secesoary arraugements can be
feeding of ourYcalbered friend*
Midway Gnmmiaslaiier Or. of Mleb- only been In operailoa lor about i
Becoad vice prealdaot—Mra. Oaw«e
W. Wayne of Delmlt. supertn- made, excursions to the'island will
hose wltthlng-fb know Mre about Do was.
and bla deputy Hr. Hogers. A yean, it is practically In as good con­ lime Mr. .Cameron had mked from lemfent of the society for the pre be made for tbe rct^lnder of tbe sea­
* he sogestede* oew bird hook,
scilvs butlnets. On: oi ib( brothers venlluB of CTuelty to cblldreu,
, qoeotlon box aad ecbool of inac­ dition at it was when new.
Third preelds
I. D.
son There Is at least, a mbatb written by Mrs Forinsh. called "I'seJohn and a alsler »!.* Mar>- Read, the Strang paper of ibe session, bla
tion wUI be anwas tbe leadins feaHobbs.
warm weather left, sod
Birds and 'Their Protecllon " THts
both ol Central Lake^aurvlve him. Ii< ai.hject being ' The Boarding of De
tnrea of tbe n^oUns- Thera wUI also
Correspoodlng secretary—Mra. W.
r island tia* never l<een Sq appre
1 be loured by addressing tbe D Hollister.
Is alto survived bv » nephew., .4, F pendent t'hlldren with Private Pwml
be a tarai exhibit of road maetal
elated a.- at i.reseai, when there I* Board of Agrlrultnre. State House.
Cameron and a niece. Mra. O. C. Mof
includlns^ of tbe Uteet laven
He said that .tbe child oee.ts
xvxt mating the trip
Boston. Mass
fill, of Ibis Cii>.
tn this Um. The Beard of Trade of
can; friuu socul aervxv workers '■
A MM is being introduced at Wash­
Tbe fnnerhl scr«l.-es will be held pan-ni* or guardian atv la.klag or
Traasnrer—Mrs. E. P. t
Kalamaaoe wlH have erase of the enington to have (he agricultural de­
t Centra] laike lomurrnw after
tertahtmeat of tha detasatea. -which
unable to guide Ikem, or 1! the fam
partment have charge ot all the miSI 2 o'clock.
11} he hr..ken UP Normal fsmlly con
graiorv bird*. This will protdM our
nglon. Sept. 6.—Old sge and
dition* are often restored by example,
song birds, especially Ihe robin*,
decay bprr stalled the iwssage of one
• ben a child i* Ixarded lu u family
when they are in the south “The robin
of l^e slatellest. mow dlgnlfted trees
:ud Ibe iiarents are allowed to vn
It considered n great dainty la (be
OB Ibe While ilouse srounds. To the
hint. The^s the home life
tenth and I* slaughtered by (be ibouleft of PennsyUanla avenue entrance
a fanilly- and the •■falld ieararv
ssnd. ,
the White House and not (or
0* Ihat arc isken-w.tb htir. wheu
I Prizes sl<ray* add Interest to tbe
durIbe executive offices, has stood tor tbe
he goes back to bla own-home wgain
Be storm Sunday, doing a lit­ work of lbs sorbuy. snd Mr Mersbon
post 15 years a Bne old 'silver-maple
normal ( te brought Into ao
New Tork. Sept. 5—On the result*
of Saginaw ha* had raaj)e soms Dae
As tar as could br learned It In VettbooL tbe World ediloriall:.
luiion A U often found to be A tle damage to walla in tbe boose, and bronze medal* which hb offers to
detriment to him. and very often pos‘ tearing away pan of the'cupola. The those taking [van in the eonteoU. as
Tbe taM titea for Lon Hefsea. non
■«*U“F«"»‘>ed pedigree like said Wednesday:
boll passed through two rooms. Jump­
PiyOKNiib, Maas.. Sept g.->Tba atalh
Of Mr. and Mra. O. E. Hetces. ut
folhiwsing f?5ta-^a liras* knob on a bed.:
ali.vvng a lot of,, bildren w,b.i are
wem sasbib atioeL were beta fro»l'“'‘‘
presidents, but Ifatne. it means a Wilson landslide
Me-lsl for be*l essay on IBr triennial eongreaa ot tha Cesdral Beweak, ovp.-rlitp* vlri.>us. It u»e-l Ihixmgb Ibta wall invn another room, iheTir and Bducatioaal Value of Sung ciety of Hayflowar PiBBiadiafi la
the tsmlli borne Thursday alteraoon j
«“r P^ldentlal Sovember."
In progreoa la this town. Tha.
The TlBies: "For the demorrats the to hW'tbe oM idea ibt a nun's bome
ln*ectivorou* Birds.”
Tho boBso waa BUed with oonowlng
** * dlsHncl oraatiK castle and thst idilldren cunU taking jart of It aluog. .No .one was
trtawds. whRo tbe many floral oirer-l“'“* lo.the grounds of tbe president s Agures JuiUfy not merely the hope but
.Medal for beat essay Ob "Eeo- •oriety iBdodes local htaachoa la
Injured, aa lu.tTly do one mas In
•ebuaetta. New York. Osueetie taken away if the aorhiuDi
the firm belief and full
Ideas hsve. however, either of the roomc Ibraugfa which
PenaBylvaala. llUaola. Nn’ Jer­
SoTTwilJU tS
tbesuperinundeatof tbe^nd. that Gov Wilson fill be Reeled pres, were bad.
Medal lor essay showing great(eared |( would (all over and he or- deni In November''
' llgbiDlng pasaed. Hr Lardle wbo
changed In Ibsi regard and now
knowledge from penonal oboerva- sey. Ohio. WiMtooaia. Rhode Waad.
hold by those wbo knew him beet.
oered it cat down. Right next
i ID the ware bouse when tbe bolt
The Ataerican; • VermoM's Vole In best good for Gie rh.ld is tbe flm
I of life and bablu of our c«m- Colorado. Hichicaa. Mlaaeeota aad
' Tbo ball bearers were cboaea from
a young oak tree which was
The soeietr hold two hvVoosW^ratioa.
I birds.
among bla Intimate young
by President McKinley and also near bolding Ita full vote, but gaining none her of exaa-.plea of the work donwris lumping around In tbe bouse aad was
. Medal to acbool or peraon oak- lasee eeasioixi today, wtfh a fanchoem
Mends; Alfred Hooro. Dr. B.
by ate Bome Jatmaesc trees. All of
Detrait. He favors the family life for surprised to (lad. after (be smoke bad
(be First Church. Tutaoriow the
la feeding
Tfalrtby. my Han. Meryle Crmser. these were la dally danger from tbe from either republican fartloa.'*
The Herald: “The slgnlftcaat feat­ dependent children, rather than Insl;- bhvwn as-sy, Uiai so little'damage 1
ill or otber blrds'dartag tbe wlalsr delegate* win go to Oarire Ulaad.
Ned Koboe. Jay' Smith aad Pred Mir­ old maple, so It had to go. A yonager
ure of the flgares Is tbaf the denKv inllonal llfeu for be says that every been dune.
where tbe Pilgrims wofibiged the
ier. MeaSc was (araUbad by Mrs. tree may be plaated la lu place and
crata tn the lace of tbe boll mo^
speot In' ao orphan asy lum Is i
Ligtanlng also entered th^ wi
5. Medal for school or peraoo do- first day after tbef leaded, at Plyt. U WtHtadP nd Mbs Plor
President fatt auy be Invited. If be campalga aad with an incruaed j^l blank In the child’s life, aad when be bouse, later, by pay of wires fading tog the moot eflkleat work la pro-' asooth. The Caps Cbd..calal aad
■art with Bbr. Omaas OoebUa la estres to de so. to preside gt the
is placed In a family again he mnst into lbs bulUlag^' but ao da
---- tacUag-.birds darug atrmmer of I>12- otber placea ot tatereet «lA ha ViaM. '
ebarya of tho oorvleea.
(CoaUattad oe Poga rota-J
tOnsiriiiaod from pegs two-l



HIIK . HU Fua IMlIlltf












. ,—




Grand Tnsvatse Herald
and Tt*roK 69 Ea^


rnHlim *> thi EMSt ,
-'Ohmnor Oabord haa appointed a
irSl. be to devise ways and ineaiBi fpr .making an exhibit of tiie
. prodseta-of the atate of Miohlgao at the Kew York Land Show,
«hieh<wUJ bo Md ia the aMtro|xdiarr<Hn November 15 to DecemlH-r
A'-^ Mia ia an-excellent idea and an exhibit properly selectr^ and
, pillRod will reaolt in great- benefit to the state. The
'■HB0t,'why go so far eaat with an agricultural and hortL-ultural
. asUUtt- The answer it simple, beonaao New York -h the gateway
Mt-jilieMV world thraugb which the timing milliuna from the old
» in Uwir search for new

FormiTly if haa l*een the
npf.the Toreignera who arrive to make for the large ciliea
. «rdento.oarTe out a fortune which will enable them to return later
to,tb»lMid of their birth and live a life of luxurj- and eaae.'aa the
' ■taMlnid*go on the other Bidn.of the, water.
(N iate the idea of going back to the soil for a living and
liai .taken hold of the fdre^ra in the same maimer that it
hiuiUw utiTe, and the tepdeocy u'becomfng more and seek
n gdaos-where land ia eheap aud plentiful and locate columea of
foreifuws, who by former training, are peculiarly fitted to wake
gMliii^g (Hit of land which the native American cannot force to
*'**^f_ Bifitable ratoma. Several colomn of fun-ignem have beect,
«UtUiBh« Miehigan donag the pastllcw years and they have all
mmmifi.' With these exanpln of Bueeets before them the
d In tbrdeTetopBent of the atate have tamed Uieir attention
A the old world for securing dcmrsble farrem to occupy tiv*
' 1yd.'that were foymeriy occupied by the pine and. hardwood fonats.
■. • lir JukiBg an axltibit of the pcoducU of the state at llie pmnt
' wtare-tka balk of the foreigners land, their attention can be atirieUdIo this land of promise, aa Uiey can aetually'see the prodiiels
tkat ban ben raised by the hand of man 'and therefore be attracted
where it is possible to produce such remarkable r<»
wak ^ny. of.Unma formgners.are very, deairahle^
nifi^wj Thi, wheBAheir intereata becAue located in a eertain place.
IdWtfaHnfti’Mlod in all that makes for good citicenahip. The class
to t|ie turns is more desirable than the one that goes to
, 7hpy become land owners aud permanent residents, for
of a farm Uiey do not have tlAt lougiqg
-totaatam^to the old country that possesses the city dweller, wih>
«sli— U the mills and on the city works. Miehigan will
dfrwdl to put np a showing Uiat will attract this claaa of peojde to
tha.kUto in the fulnrc. It will mean tliuusoiids of new protiorty
owneia.who will he a credit to the commonwealth, and who will
boild.ti^kha'lands that at preseirt are going begging on the market
tior bA-nf'nativ* buyers.
- Another advlntage in rnch an exhibit will be calling atN-ntion
Vtbe people of the east to the rkbness of the opimrtuiiitifs that
lie in Hiekigan. the banner agricultural sute of the imimi. So far
their attoatktn has been held ^v the west, whose land agents tat-e
flaadadthat part of the country with literature p'ieluriug in glowing
apUador the fortimea that await thuse who Uke up famir'iu the
iix^tod Talieyi and droutk-atrieken highlands. The time is uow
ri^ to bring them out of this delusion and show llieni what <-an b<done in this lUU, where no unfair advantage is taken „f the seeker
fi^.o^actinitWH in the agricultural line.
Let Miehigan. aud Westorn UicUigau in particular, lend atruiig
aA>rta in making a abotfing worth while in New York in November.
ag^aiiA a display will pay lai^e fPtuK dividends by biffing seiili
toi tUi state, which is r^idt>- becoming known n.« the real laud of
|»«miae to the man wim is fiWfWy^hi'king a jdaw where soil,
dimate and shipping fadliUes a« aU-U»l;«Hild bu eKpeepd. w lo r.doplt an* certain and irrigatioo aeskr.ja4to be r««.iied to by the

The Andobon Society wa* offanieed for a.pnrpf>M whid> U a
Undahle tne, as.ihe mcmben hare taken it upon themsriTni to
praerre bird life vfa«re¥er H n foiud aadA}^caring the pantag^
of UwR to protect the feathered frieoda of man in ercey way
paaasbie. Their field i> «hit% for the faarreat and the vurker»>f«w.
bat they proceed vitb their work in a manner that
the face of the difficulties that beset them. Bird Jiff, is an essen­
tial factor on the earth, but the zathles.s hand of man and.boy has
out certain breeds of bltds that are valBable. as
iwet gatherers and weed deatnyera. Jl w the missioii of this
socifly to educate the )>eoi>1e upon the value of these birds and to
Ibe that the law in regard to protecting tliem is pruperiy observed.
The song birds aTc being rapidly di.’ciuiated by so-called sportsmen
and for eommcrt-isl purposes, but the aeiitiment created by«this
tocirty baa greatly lessen^ tbe (iemand for ^umage on womrti's
Tiata and in other lines which faabion has deererd they aliould be
nsid; The work of.the society has met with sm-cess in this slate,
and while its growth is s)ow. the creation of heotiineut in iu favsr
has twen rapid, as the reports' of the uffii-ers skuw. If rejircsenU
a worthy cause and every'lover of the feathered deuiscBs of field
and'forest should lend their support to the state-w ide work that U
being carried on.

be far 'ttaa .goad at other muoTata na have been in the pMt. Whan
d tbm^was a,g»t cry from a^
the elertric street
ig;lndlMirf of
■des that it would ruin tbe fa^ini,,
.. the
., . at the.
finmr wawM-no iouger find a saarfeK tie h'm horom. earn. oaU aiwl
hay. TV electric can have sfiiyad and.Ihe priee-that the farwer
receives for hb crops are far in excess of what he received iu the
day* when the street ears of the city were propelled by In.rse
TheViming of the auto ami its demand for a place m .Hie
ecoBtmiic sytdetu of the country brings changes that must be llnetl
into toe great business sywtera. There may be some who are
flnaneially affected by Hu- new factor, 1ml in the end aU wlil-’b.beUer for tbe .eoudiliona made possible by its advent.

Attanwy Oestrai Kstav.
LaBstax. Sept t.—nsnsty Aitonw
GesMsl Hanr Chpae iiiiaiiii il wdsr tbat b* omm realSB «b«a Kabs
ten office. Chase «u ammatsd depI lk»i and aerred sadsr ever?
attocoey xpaenl alsc*. ..Ouse asM
be bad M deBalte !>■«»■ ter the MFred HsMto. *mt- eterh is
franaaesc atao tsoierei Ui rss-

It is lb«nigbt that the imw parcels ptist law that w|tl gn''iut<i
effect on .Isnuary I. Itllli. will pt-uve of great benefit to the ]>eu|>le


of the eoiiiiir.v.os it will enaliW (be imweboM aud emtoowr to«wne-

siniog the shippmr Aif
. Tht*.Uiail oa t£e«ize
of (wckage to be carried will be tin
Hot weigh over elevey
puuuds aud not be over aeventy.t
in Itaigthior diameter
of Koinliag mieh
ekunMl.hyzones, wlii.-li
makes the eiwt of sending
^liwt less than five i-eoU
otf/v Aor J^sh
H. a N. E. TIMC
r city. «n- within
American life insurance companies have placed the ban on of more tlisii fifteen within the limits of a
p. M-ia.
A. M.|P. *.
society wuiaei^ by claasifying tlient as, undcKirable risks on acH-ount toe fifly-uiile zone. (Jweeries and prmluee ,'aii l»* s,-ut through, the hr Trar. aiy. J;» 7:W’
»:»; S:U
of the fast and furiou.n life they lead, wliieii in a few yearx heads mails n lii,-li will euahle nn-rt-liaiits to till onlers on short notiee ami
Cedar CIW
them ilireclly to the grave^ The liabits of tlie buttertly elaas an* tberehy g:iin many new custonien'thal at prewni riiio-r go withX m
Hiiiiga.or else bu.v Ibeiii in large i|uautities iu a far­
irregular and Ihcx, indulge iu praotiees that arc very detriiDeulal
to the buiuan system. Late bourn' and the 4*oiisampttoii of rieh away markrt. The heavy ]iackagea will be ship|H-d in 1iam|>era a*
lake Abb ...
Plan* Birar .
foods ami high-grade beverages tend to Kp«-.-dily wnvk the system is done in Ktiglaiid, and Ihe carrying «if the n-guUr letter mail will
and semi them (o' an early graw. .\s a reaull of a tabulation of imt be iuterfereil with by Ihe addition of tbe |iarvels jHist.
Empire Ms..
inortalily slalistirs for this ela-<s the <-oiu|Umies no longer regard
them as even ]>uur rksks and favor culling off l|ie class from being yeant. but iu geherai llie local m<-rchaiil has op)MMed il <ifi the
ituured. Women in other elaases. ni]M-eiall}’ Ihowr who are self- ground Ihal it would increaae the busineta of the city mail -urtler
supporting, art-Tcgardrsl as good risks and are taken readily by the' houaiw at his ex]M>nse. It is hard to believe’that the law will work
iliKuraiToe eompaiiii-s. Health lrgUlatio»„and hygienic weddinga art? out this way, for it giv^he local merchant nbe preference in the
now advoealed by the iiisiiranee nieii as tin- liesl means for raising nisller of rate*, ao-lfiil the far «ris\awt liouae i-anuut crnijicle with
rharges, wLi,*h n-aeh the minimum within
tbe'standard.of physical |>erfeHion among women, and tim iilca him <m
has heen eudursi-d by h-ading seieutuils and reformers, and will Hie.fifty-mile zone. This part of the law given the loeri merchant
evidently- come into geue^applieati.m in the uear fulnrc. Here- the ]>refi*reiice over the Chicago bouse, whieh if it seiil tho-saiue
diUiiy-diseases ar«* regard^l U the gn-aji-st foe of life conaervatioii. giMsls into Craiicl Traverse uoimly would have iu jwy postage dm au
ihra cunditioii being BUgiiiented by luarriuge of unlieaUliy [letwuus. ■•leveii.|Hiimd |>aekage amuunltng to fifty-ne.ven cent*, whereas the
... l.P. H
lltTStl »;N
whose prop-iiy inherit the weakneMMw of the |>ar<*nts. Life insur- Traxeree City merchant can di-liver the same goods aiiywhMv in
1I;«S< till
aiiee euiiipHiiies'eiulonie the idea of having andidales fur marriage the county fur fifteen eentn. In this way the local luerohant is effeettr«( t:M
undergo a medical e.xaiiiiiiatiim. as they iH-liere it would Iu- a lung tively ]>n>t«H-ted agulust «sHD|>eUtiuu fr«un the wutaide losil order
-le-ciir *

step iu advBiiee towanl the prulongatroii of human life.
io riiiser contarl through the mails, by |

oB kinds uf merehandisaat a reasmuible r



pr-wenl aphimer weather






to si*l the

weather proidieli; to giKwsiiig and all tliepre«lirtiun« that have been
made have l>een gutwicK from first'lo last,

All pres-^-ileiits have he«-n

brushed aside by the fn-aky elements, whieh seem l«i i^ve adopted
a new- schedule of their own and followed it. to IIh- euiisteriiaiioii of
the peopli*. wlio.have lln-ir nnrn y.

This has beeii tin- sloriu-

iesl snuiin'er known in the slate for..4liaiiy y«ars. and tlo- auu'mut
of rain that has fallen seems to s.-t at naught Hie old tiii-ory (bat tinrainfall of the world is growing less each year.

During Hie first

two days of Sepleiidier the Iih-uI rainfall esv^n-ded llml of tin- entire
month of August, which was on-- of Ihe w>-]ii-st niontlis known in
this region.

The hes>y <iowu|>our has noX damaged en>]is in this

section as much as it has farther south, In'cause of the ehanielcr
t^the soil, w-hi<4i easily alisorbs an enormous amount of uiohdure
wiUinut any .lelriment to the erops.

Farther to Ihe south, where

the laiul is of heavy elay underlaid hy linn-sloue’roek. many largareaa haw heen drow-n<st'«iut. with a large the faniK-rs.
('yelunes and heavy wimls have daiiiagisl millions of duliars' worth
of prois-rty ill inaiiy of tin- stales, lull with Ihe exeepiion ».f the
severe slomi of Suiolay night the loss has lo-.-ii light in W.-stepn

When the figures ur>-.cusl u|•'it will lie found that the

peu|ile oflliis seelion of the State are favoriil iihove those uf ollii-r
stah-s. aud that .Miehigan'i's. after all. Ihe best ptaee to live in.
few weeks of giHsI wi-ather now w ill wi|s- out Ihe liamagc tlial ha*.
Iieen clone to epoi« hy ripening a gn-sler yield per sere of the later
cro)n than would have lui-n jiusKible w'ithoul the heavy raiiec of tiniwat mouth.

The. Cuited Staten gorcmmeiit is auxioiu to iuntruct the farm
DetoaU barlBx beea moAe ia t
coaditloBt of a eertala iwntxhxe taada
ers of Miehigan in the Imsiui-ss uf faming, sod with Hist ubjeet ii:
by vJrUi U Isiee. anfl Eaisabelb lai
view has appealed In the state lioard of agriculture to oMiperati
Mt wife,
p. to...............................
to (be LeekBaa
8avmk. a (wporetleB o( emoBS
with il in placing field men at work in several distriets to earry the Intw aaak.
Hay. Ubbli.
work to the fanncni fir*f hat}d. In (i«ler to get the' work under of April A. L .
. _ _
way a iiievliiig has be«-p raui-d hi Detroit nn Keptember IG. wht-n tbe uffh-o uf toe RexUter of B
tbe i-ouuty of UraBd TVavem aad^
Hie hoartls of siqM-rvisur* of the cuuutk-s- and repivseatativc* of kisieuf »lli-blMa.wa ttaBslMh day o(
busiiKws men's asaudatiiMts are exiH-etnl to lie ou hand sitd itelpj Afs-ll. A. U.. inSfi. iB.liber U «d mort*
WUiM«n i«ae 104, OB wbJch Burtsaxe
Work out the prubb-nt. It is probable thal twelve men will be put Iburr U etalnnst-Krtor 4ae al tbe dau
of liibi Holin', for irriarliat and -laterto Work ill the state at a e<wt of alsiul
aiiiinally. This
eel. Ibe-euin of niae Ituadred fertybus l«-,-ii slart,-d in one or two [ilnees in Ho- slat,- und tiraiid Trav­ elchl aad 4vibv dolbtra. aad eti ailoruere fee el (weUy-a>e doUan. aa ewoerse county is iiieludcd hi the. lerrilorj- where fn-e instruction
vldwl tor 111 mid monga**^
fmng provided. Tbo effort baa been suceesaful and the Rovemment saH
or nrereedloxi at lav bavlax
U anxiohs to expand tlii: idra until tbe whole stole it euvefed by a
aaruivd.tiy aaldrtam»affw sr a>iy |iart
cur]w uf iustruclurs whO;have the lAiwwledge and itoility to bring Iberaor. ea<w»( lUt a bUl ot roialdalBI
almul improved cunditioAi,in crojw ^nd general faming methods. was filed In the rirrtili twart.for the
poenor of Qrwttd -mveme.
'ebaaFaipiing it iinw bcii% recogniiiHl as an exnei scienee. and while a eert.oa theMlh day wf'Aaaser. >*12.'
great many farhieni tppreeiale aiijl-vj^e advantage of this fact, im toe (oaHdoaara of gm.sM morlyhatorit- ••<> said luil. bee
there an' thousands Whu-isnitintle to ftfe**- the old iiietho,ls of tlo-ir rasA-tn
->eeu dlii'ulitiulied By Ihe cMn|daIaaBt
furefallH-rs in handling the land, and in cuiisM|UeiH-e reap riir- ll>er.>t.-i; uiel by lod Ih arcoFdaitce
wHtra (wvvialos ta tbe mW awetaas*.
r<-s|MSjding n-tums. The inlnslnelion of mure system aud lietler defaait bavlax Imen made la Urn pattiietlKsls in funitiiig iu general will result in a gain uf many miiiiiHiH iiioBi uf liiaiaUmcuia m IMermk bow
lael ,lue. Ihe ttlortcak^ Heeta lo dweadi year, niid Hh- rederHl aiithorilirs should lb- suptstrlisl in Hieir
tare tbe whole of the |irtael|«l and
altein|>t to bring about iH-tti-r eomlitibiis. Heiiif^llie leading agri- mtereal oa the moneaxe debt dee.
Notice U.kcieb} xlvuo Uut by vir­
eiiltural state of Hi.- I'nion .Mieliigim ahuulii take r-adily to the tue of Ihe l«wer of aali roulelixid tu
taid ByorttBaire. ud 4bej^fi
lule Iu aech
iiiiiovalioii and pn^I by it Iu lb,- fullMt lueaMire.
aitfl provid
Ij dai of C

few weeks uf good wej^ier will bring forth s com

luid iK-aii cTO)» tiiut hits never


______ b

soil. - Stewms are one of nature's w'ays uf ei|usliziug tilings oo
the earth, and alltioiigli |M*o|>le are heavy- losera at tim*^. in the loug

inaniifartiiring plants of the

country have aniiouneed that they tvill double iheir output of ears
duHiig'tlie coming season in order to ki-«-p up wiili the inereasing
deniaiid tbot is evident ..n every liniid for cHuaioereiol und pleasitr*
This is a sure iiidiealion Ihal llie luui-bine bus liiisll.'

lieeii ais-ejtled ns a iieis-ssily by llie .\iiieriraii iie-iple. and thal Ibev
must hiive it whether they e:m afford

(r<mUDtteil from paae one 1

Medel for school ar-pempn build-




The g--o<ml

eUaiigi- tliiit win Ik- far reueliing in its eff.---l. for ill cW-bT to'iiiuk way for it eertain rc'cidjnslsiieiits must

1. oa Tbvrwtobp-T. A. U,

■ lie ell) of Trav- .
line the pUee Where
the Hriull •ouri for the .ooaty of
'iraud Traierve Is held, aell at public

liiK aud proieciluK uiosl >.uo,«sluHv

u gmiertil average is finally stniek.

Auto Here to Stty ■
.Many of tiie large antoniobile



while |>olal<x’s will

average a yield lhatjs only ]Hi>«ible in ordinary years uja’ii very


D. Bicur. O. P. A.

7o Improvf Forming,

N*tare Will Phtvide

■ise.t hirdlluuse.
tl-Zom i^uirda) > Ke.x>idd£acle. 1
The uariorw of the KirM llaptt«>
M*-dal for Ihe two best |ibotodue ou said iuoriXB«s. with aeveu
zrautia. or aeis of i,bo(uKra|dis. lakes rborry'iicxr luuked iiretUer (baa laa:
per <-enl lolerral. aa,l all lexal ooBla.
; w iK ii toe iMtupIv ^ toe BapMart ot Ihe stale ot a Vila blp
toxetber wHft aeid eltomey’s fee. U>Ufl Suudiu acbuoi tcedered e recew
Tb* aeucb half 18. H» of ta*
co»dltloB« are thel each pei
son sutumnine an e>sar niUKt nrir

Iu- ma<b* iu toisiioM ;iml

It'ia to be regretted that the Stale Humaue Asso. other lilies ta uuike a ]>eriiiaiieiit pluii- for it and to pro|H-rly givdation and Sliehigan Audubon «o. trty. which two orgsnieati.nis ais>|ie for its working. Tbe miming into general will make n
h^ their-auRuai meeting here hKt' wii.-k have not a larger differeiiis* in niiiny ways, and espis-hdly will it 1»- felt along lieaembendiip throughout the state, as thewH>rk-(Jiey have eirt
liiitjti that uatiT to the ainiisemenL of the piiblie at larg*''
tbemjl bf vaat iiupMiance to
weffare of t*.-e {Htiple of t
Dnriiig Hie present RUintm-r tin- efTcs-l of Hie .................. bile hii.s
\ great luimy waj-w.
Iteen felt among the more fasliiotiuble re.-iris ..f Nortlnrii Mi,-hi
a to ^&wtiTt 1
Iwiplem of the human race, animals and birds. This heiug the
gall, as their jiatronage has deen-ased in a. iiianni'r that niiole the
U isaasy tomee what a wide field there is for their effons.
ors of many liou-ls l<»k'iil Ho- situation with sliiim and
aands of little children whoae ]>areols aiid giumlians have abiiscil wonder what tin- following years would hrjng them. Tln»e who
them in an iiAuman manner have foond. good boiara and iM-en have iHs-lf ill til,- habit of going to ti far off nwnrt to fiinl th.-ir
Mlghd to fill a useful plaoe in society ihrongh the efforts of the jileasun- iliiriiig the summer moullis i.iow in a sfeioiily iner,-asjng
Hnaune.association, which fact i« enough in itself in re«-<iimu'-n<l ili-gn-e take their idcasun- in the isminoHlious c-nrs whi.-h llo-y- ,,wii
. it/ot'.tha-support of all-good citiaens whose sympathies go out to and have at- tbeif ilis|Misal at auy tinia. Tin* great s|u-,sl wliUdi
their tsilsmr matures in the hour of trial and d'lslnws.
these cars an* eapside of dcveloping-enablc their <M-i-[i)uints to i-ovr-r
In Traverse City ther>- is n i>road field in this worit to he mllarg,' amount of territory at a minininm •'X|»-iis>- and al tb>- saiii,iiratod, aa there are many children who are neglcele<1 and abused time enjoy the inhiI br,-ea,-sHhal are wafipl ov,-r gr,s-n fields ,if Hie
tonttoct by parents in whose hearts the 8|wrk .of isMiilry sale.

hgMBity has gone out. It is oftiniM a delicate matter to interfere
The efi'eet of the automobile is also felt hy the higher
• ^ imtthna caaea. bat eonditioM deiitoud it and the society stands in theaters of the eoiintry. Weausc the )>eo|>|e who f-intn-riy Luiiid
----- niua< Ih,
in ukin, • hud in emn ifieasnre and instno-tion there itr<' niiw apen,iiiig th,-ir evenings
t^-merit attemion, and e
r bring the parents to justice or tak-. riding around the eity
making tri{>s uf an evening to
U^'ehildreu away a'nd place them in piaem weher they, will be n.arliy places whieh they enjoy nior,- than they wunhl U-ing inside
- BSgmrly eared far in Uie future. Like all movements for tlie'lh tler. a lliealer listening to a pLvy (hat takes trienial effort to nimprehen,!.,
atil^ilioaa the stH-iety is handicapped for funds with which Therr arc many other soum-s lAlit are ileeply affei-linl by the
to-aanyon-ittwork. Wealthy
popularity of the motor car. and until things become adjusted to
theeraw sad make ut pepaihle to^wiw foods for prosecuting the the new 'order there will be misgiviiigs on the part of Uwm whose
ifiA PB i oat* .«labomto and effe^re plan.
biuiiMn ia menaced by
tnaaition The change will, however,

<or beraelfi 'and

aoiiK- Inriileoi
ubaervatlon uf Urds oulaide that ae
<iulr»-d III Imokf. Nena are
le kill I.P divided. Into IhrMslkins— I'l-iK-r |■e||lD«ula.
Muitbera .xwoiie* and the eoumle.
lower iieoinula
Tliere »tll le- two sets of |>rUes. on,
for araiuoar teboola a«d«tic for blah
seliouU In the slate. Uealdea a nwda:
will he ebeo to the tewcAer In eaU
»e<;tton bartne tbe lareest oamber 01
-lioUrs »iih aofieiited easaji.
All |,ri*e* will UP, aivco OB Arbor
ain Bird da.i,
Ail <«aavf aad

aud ip<-ial oeolsa for (be imoia<if thft tMihlie aUwola uud toe4.frtwida. -Then, were eMut a tiuidred
aucsls i>Htf-ul awl to* eveui reaaJie.'.
u liu|>i>y eveulBS, wgii a leulenc,'
Lnusma toe leacbera lu lunch wlih
eaih f>tber.dl the very bealnams of the

In^uy Inaiance.

adoption uf the niJouiohile marks the iN-giniiiiig of an ill•1osl^i:ll

Tim^Gooi SodtHn




•ar TbeiMBBilUre In ebarxe uf tb.
t-iiliis bad prepared a dellabilul
I for tbe ocewaiun and I
■ least of tbe eveniuxa t
t addrvm of welcvau «
Irviss aad toe re*|ue*e
hr Sum. L. I. Tyler. Mix* Ka'her
.he Wllbelm aa^ Ulo> Eva Koaer eaf'li
btvred with a
nh Covell and




-aeh gate a splendid r-*iliiis.
> eolo by Mi;*. IixIur aixl a trio

-er by Meoara. Ftniik Auhton.
dtraab and Raynusid ' h*ae roueludeJ
he bauds of the conimUUarob I. Ihfl, ev.ejs iboae ^e profram. Tb,- lurhsa were deit«d Id yellow rrepe p»p<-r. Domerr
aud penaanU of tsHou* ,oiles>-a and
winter hlrdc. Theae rouii be kubmltarhoola. The niiJo
later ibaa AprU le. IKIX.
ifooverted Into u ,-,’n
of Jetthe use of niKB. sofa pillows aud easy
I^n Bacler.
AtMabea aocletv. l>«(n>tl;
sweet cakea were aerred.
UiUitYar. cblef of MteUsen Forest
tee b>

umler .Vo. 4. reJutlBf to l{ie feedlns of-

Scoui^ OsToda. eod


O. Bash.

mast rive th*lr\BH
addreeaea with their ase. alao

All eo

be (orwarded to Mr.

iclerted SBd toe baam-ieCAlr*. A. W
jFeck m Trsveree City 4ps added U

|toa bssrdof dtreemn.* \

PrwAta I" Poultry.
People w bo taake taoney out ©/
toiekpn>. diicka aed oLliei torn h apeak
iBK qi_
tokkeav ifactxe.
aalul tsMllry reiaen aearir.
............ l‘rh>- i; eta- I*er mckexe. t
try ADcrvcBO i>nac More.
Isapeevcd latau.---------------------X Dans, nr
Bivi* Bask BUg, Ttaverm
nverm Qty,


agrfl -mf

imner <S. E..44> of aartloa
IM. township tveaiy-Bve
. of raase alae t*f weal,
1MI act,, of laad;dwre or
•inr n rti imnaiBml isi
tuy tbemif.
BA.VK. MoHnsee.
By a. 8. wiiumera. Catolm.
J. 0.

- Attoraey for Uortxaam.
July 1C lues to OCX t

’“".^saasRsr^witoaai fisia.
druxa to pro '
Foople of
-Kaotar-.aotood of $

^ ,,





a who esatr^ tbatr of. Except to too maar ' tdsUi
where tbe origin of oar (ratt has bekoawa aad wa here saftred bet aad packed it. not beeanae
tber stood bAtaid It. bot bee-----gad'fi
M jklBaa at
aootber mao's iwpmatiao aod
and iwatoa an gotog to make It a

friiaii. ratvte« A Ssr h
r aaptoa

raaatog toto tbe

at ch* Morby tokto tor tb* past
to. ratorate to bto hew at Jockt baa floM. Tm
you caoaei aay that toe weaten app Marflto. rw, tbto meratosWm. Paddna ratnraid to hla Rama
to as pood as the UlcUgao predoet i
Bwt Hatob inarms to bto homo at
eau So. bat K aolla. Aad the pns Moatotoa ikto HMCstas. aner a few at Orate RapMa this montoc star a
week to tbe dly oo buatoiia
mm tram the aalea.
It coats the weat more to grok due to tha etty aa baatotn.
of tte Md.
Aod tba Mg Share of wbateeer piwftt
their applea. Nearly twice as maeh.
tbalr frait may brtog rlctatfallr torn wa bare aold It
(Br cauite P. Bade.)
tonic teme at Ated. has raldfSdi
to fact. It coats them toar tlmce as;
larga bout to Chieage, to there after a lew daya to tte dp'.maeh tor Cnt^L for getttog theta to
U^ac’oreh^ii to to aban srltb
Th« kUrkaUag ew« af FrsH er«wl*t.
Amll F. Nortlnger left this marelas
osw. afasllty la «ba proflta of bto bur truH to eat It to wtoatog flrat
U TOO ara « trait cr««ar TOC an bar or wbolaaalar. wbeaa •»-<
place with them that we mnat sOlrc flaror as flayer goes with na. aetl bto brotbore Braak aad Sandy Bu far Lslate. whore be wiU ba lor a law
a ■aaotaetarar, a prodncat.i Tow to to bar poods to Urge 'balk' ,
ipldly. Ikie warn to a good example
Mr. Bennett w»a tormerty an
erokard to toar Ueurr- Tour trail tlUes aad flod turkeU for thaai. *na
the marrhaodtailK otTbardltt Tet engineer u tbe otenmor City of Trav- Sara oo bMlooaa.
pa^ad ter aUpmaat U reuf radanXa»
Chris Taylor, prapriotor of tte Mtdl
land prodaek Yo«r praWana an
tba snarkeu of the Mtaatoslppl rallay erae ud baa not been here for nbeoi t teat Jordan, retorete to bM baaoa
re caa add flrat tbe addlckmal i
to dbaaglog tba character ot me
ttaaa or a laaaiifaeUinr at btaaUaat
or tba Atlamle seaboard. Already arieu yuM.
ibore today dfur a few days' etsll at
laoda et mdwaad nUk or oaaaad
Aad bacBose there are staar -arer- imytoc
CS Barlthan. fenudy ef-the -lecnl
_______ oar dua ahaie ot tba eener's weatrra Trait goes aeraet tbe wuer,
Wbeo be waa a bey bto
age~ DaBDfacttmra tba wbolaaalar
Crtonell store, new of Petoafcey to to
qnaiiiKlaa ol frail tbai proftt to ear Immeoae predartloa It sad to gaining grotmd rapidly.
laaka. tb* prlra. Tba araraga caooed treat q
Too biTa to utra roar pradoct laQam a Hates returviod ta bb taare
knows that the big or- tbe rliy for s few daya
Btactorar bka to taka tba figore abe arraogsd ( tba sbelres to the win mean Dlllloas of deUars of added
oaife, «ad bov ara roB colag to
at Crraovllle thta moratog aftre k
wbolesator aatnea. Cash keeps celUr for wtotar consomptloB. Tbw rereone wltbeot aay added cost of pr» chartto of New York, aad M)chlgan.
' do 4t vtib-tha craataat praBt to your
Mlia BtM Stator, who to tooWittig wete'a visit to tte dty wUk Matea.
aod tlllDois. Mtoaoon. Iowa. Arkandartton.
aaM? Tbit to tba craataat probtoa __ boalBsas golog. Cash most taaet were apples to barrels or bins.
Mbs Nenie PemaMt wlH apate a
bto pandto aad par lor loatarlal. Aod Mioas were bought by the load.
ttat V7 Maafatxorar teoaa.
already laekllag tkta prebtom to
lodlana and Ohio are gotog
Sbe weat to the grocerr aod boogtat
tew da-vs at the Grate taste* tar.
' Uka otkar atoaelactBrara. yoo wiU
• aaoe. togtcal way that a keen hold tbe domaatle aerket. altar
lb this supplies to QoanUUea to last week*
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Setenkal ot Ue
flod then ^ MO dtrtotooa or profits: producer koewi. ba must perforce
Taptote te^apandtofl
inufaetnrer -woaM.
deal at a Ume. 'Bbe was wbal sbe called
Angele^r-CFl, are vtolting
Flm to tka dlract prollt of tvaa- with blu aod taka tba nooar ba of
Grate Rapids at tlw
Bu It's not the went we hare
factare. vhkb to raatlTsI/ aaktU. Tbu fers.
an toapoctlOB ayatem
Mra. A. P. Hnnter. Ill Western Mldilgan fair.
only to learn frot
Today tba wooiaD buyer, au Ii
bof» that tola PMIUOB
on to coatog
coatof ffrom
• GopA' are not really sold aatll tba iogly larger nutober of ber every year. ............................tba
to ap w'ibe sundard to everr new orebarfl ptoatJnm a.
actual consumer takas them awa> oreri Urea In SO aparuneni. Sbe telephones pack
for Manlptea. *
tray. They expect to make tbeae tbai wiu fight <u tight to the markeU 'll;, and ttHr'A. P. Huntar
grocer for wbat sbe win
r buys by| . ■ the
leave about tbe ITlb for n two week#' wui spend aaveral days before gotog
(tondarda ao well knowa and
the day. She has oo cellar,
rloaeat to ua. tba rlcfaeat anS
aloara will be. Tha **“•
fully lived np if that buying tbeir ap- profitable marketa to tha wortd. ,
vlalt to
couldn't keep a barrel of appli
to CaUfomla whore te eipoeta to
Inromea' sarc
prodaesr works with matartol
plea la as .assy as buying Ivory Soap
Mtchigan frait growera muat waka
her souL She gets her ei
Mrs. Clara Mitokay haa gone to Pe- Stoke hie home. Mra-Van Koras wlU
•thlaca that caa ba baadled mad oootrtand or Qoaker Belled Oats over Ibe coun- from ths grocer's abel'
loakay for a tew da>-a.
ad. piled to haapa aad haakata. aad
Ineter at tbe grocery.
> Utar.
Her bread from the
"^•Oar whole orcbanl II
Mrs. C. W. Klngaiey. who tea bean
paokBd tobosaa.
They will pnt their own reglatered peitda OB a profiuble market for yoor
imily there are probably not
Mrn. L. M. Klnaay, who tea tean
The aaeood dlrtaJot of proBta to
Itiung In CbicUD. Balding
Ibsn two or three all told. Yei label and brand on this frait. and frait. BlibOQt that market your
vtolilag here (or (be past two woaim.
- on a1 product
. ao
- - detog
that of markaUog. of
make that label kfiown by a broad hard la not worth a peony.
Grand Bapida for tbe Mat. three retoraed to bar .tema at Adilas tbto

of fladtog tbe atnJ—
and systematic adverUsing campaign
You muat realUa that keen, active montba. baa raturaed borne.
beys reputattoo. Tba than tbe arerage
Iba ortkard to tbe actnaj
. . castonars
________ ^The cooitM
that will go to tba women in tbe work moat be done not only to win
Jodnan W. Klngday. wWe and baby
of the toult. It to this proflt
back a repuuUeo for Michigan ap­
tloD ago did on
U>L. Dudley and wHo retorted to
tbe graaiML
When this campaign is under way plet. not only to make a markot for Ralph, ot Grand Raplda. are vtaitlad
Bo the fruit grower
'tboir borne at Maabue tUa toonAoB
uat take tba abort that hu real <cosiomars are tbe worn It is gotog to make tbear women buy roar applet, tnii that eflort and mattcy frlanda in the dty.
The dtotdbntor Is ths aa1
_ into and of tbe profit
after aeverai daya* vUlt to the dty
s the maanfactared p
fruK must be of tbe higb and eat more apples. Ttilny years and keen, abrewd braJna are gelag to
Louise Howard toft
. casb. Ahd
r H It
It It reputation that brings tbe It quality. He mnat sec thst It l> ago Americi eonanmsd more tbau ronteat tbeae marketa with yoo after
Otsego, where abe will aapen toe draw,
be soap or o
sa.tbe pHre. Profit follows tbe brasd. And atefully and carefully packed. He one buabel of applea per caplu an­ you tbiok you have them won
L. P. Witoen. wte has baod In tte
1 mind
- 1 Ithat be and th< nually. Today tha consumption a»
" ' belittle tbe baek4o-tbe-Usd tog and manual (raining to (be (nibllr dty (or aeme tlmo oo baalai .reDon't
markti. That li
nually to leas than aI third of a buabel. ovomen.....................................
dir bualneaa
e two terminals of
turned to bl* br o at' Maoebeour Ub
be auficessful marketing of marketing taad. Tbe commlas
ot tbe bo bss gona bark
«rk to tbe farm
to J. H. Oravea returned to hie home
-mt. lor profiui
^by thirty mOllo.
man and Ibe fruit dealer are merely
making a migbiy good traliJacmM. Petoakey today, after a abort visit to
I .
rasson lortbU. Tbe mana­ . Tbe great merchandising manafae- his meaaengera to getting his fnill be lu earning power baa doubtod.
aa a rale. He baa .little to unlearn,
W. J. EuMlek and wUa, of Cblcdts »glarar wotks with the concrete tnrer puts bis own brand,
You apple growers have let tcopt- and knows that be bas mn^ to learn. tbe dty wtib frleDda and relatlrea.
fore the women tbat buy it They
m ftitlMs ks can handle aa he may dl1 his goods. Hee goes
Just as ara tbe transfer delivery suiions^on ral and semi-tropical traits-Ukc s»av It Is the dty man wbo le-toafctog tbe
S. Carwin and vidfa. who tevt >, dfo-v Ibrough (Tom NortbpoH
'fast Tba aalesman deals to that
e can In getting
>g as close as
> good ^arc of >oor msrteA Horlds. Bluer Root and tbe Palonae. tbe We­ been spending tbe anmmer at J*etoa- ycMerday la tboir rord car ate toft
aarlaMa riamant w# call hni
to tbe consumer. He tolls
He must let the women know who California, Honduras. Cotoaibto. Mo­ natchee. tbe Yakima and tbe Rogue ker. arrived In tbe dty today for
ter Fraaktod.
Uin. Bafcm tbe manufacta
tbe eooeumer lust wbat bto goods are. be is.. He must put bis brand ian^ fco. the fruit Irom these pUccs Is River valley faiaoua. It to tbe dty
CapL d. V. MeInteoK an aaoaaiU
the aaleamsa mast Jnst what sfie will get llS every pack­ bto aameon ths frait and he mustI pdt
found on every frait stand In Ihv man. tbe tniilneei mao. wbo to legally abort vlalt with friend* before retorn____ ___ oonsnner's damands fit tbe age of bto goods abe win bay. to bralsf sod m
o(. poor braltk bas goao to West
Ltolon. Tbe good, ssttofying. besUb- reaponalble for tbe ItT^n.OOO apple Int to tbeir bema at Chicago.
making tbai
bto factory be tees chat every pack­ brand mean
ful American apple U troUIng to
Badea. Ite.rTnr-a abort Uma. ate
Ulng to bto •
trees net ytl In btarlng.
L. A vmnar ratunied to hla
Sowadsra the tseoMsIuI aanalac age eonulns Just what be says II
ond place.
MIohigan muat aeUe ber marfceU
Grand Ledge today after k tew days 'will taka tba botba.
.tarar oaamgads ths selltog praflu
The work this orgaotoatlen to s
now, before tbeae Immense new erJ. P. RayneWa. of ContraUa.-W. to
by controlltog (hs channato of his
to undertake Is gotog to go a long etaard plantings Moe to to rob her spent to tbe dty vtolilni with friends
dtoMbmiim. Ht dominatos ths sn
vlsitlH for a (ew days with bb lamwaya to wtonlog back first place tor of ber opportunity. Michigan mnei and relatives.
tm mschtoery of asUtog tnm his him. tbe manutaeturlrf
/ wl ,
ake up to time.
K. N. BaiMrom, who has boon In fly at SOI aablngtOB atreaL
factory u tbs consumer. Ht ‘
--------tha pple*. Hs namea tbs oon- but by raacbiiig bis costonera In their . tbe Michigan apple.
Tbe fruit growera of tbto state iriost (be city for tbe past week InveMIgt
Dr. F. P. Uwton loft yootorday far
as macb of ths sslltog praflt I
dHlona of sale He to tbe dictator. bomes and telling them lost wbal
They are gotog to make fhelr fruit become more than merely average
twtoo. wbera te waa eattod by tte
•sir as be oan. Ha becomn "mer- And to tbls <ny it is be that gets tbe be to doing, bow good his fruit to. In jJamaad. They are going (c
producers. They emst become me- tog farm and frait toada. rMSraed '
Aandlier" as wall as prodai
long end of tbe marketing profit, and where It can be bought and bow to tbe buyers to aA for It by name, to ebandtoera. They mbst create repo- bla borne at Alma today.
■erioos maraa of bit alatef. Mra Vaa
to then anything to tha_______ not tbe wholesaler.
knowjt in tbe stores.
Inalat upon getttog It. Tbto.will make tattoo for their frait ud for themN. R. NafrM Isfl tpla morning on
of tha great "marchaadtolttg' mana-' ■ The frolt grower who allows tbs
Km« to Hhklgsn we can aee for ibeir frail a vaaiiy more profitabl eelves. They mut g« togetber.
C. E. Brighton of Washington. oTfe,
few dart' bnalness (rip Ip ntarlevolx.
. -faetarwri that blaias ais road tor the eomolssloa man to come to and bny ourselvea bow average methods work propOBlUon for- tbe dealer#. Tbe dealOne grower atone ran do but litw'in ba* been vUUnq'la tbr «-Hr iw
more saceeasfal oaikattog of frait? bis frait on tbe trees to an *-arer- out We will have to admit (hat we era are going to he -glad to PMb
Bot tbe growers of tbe eute aa Petoskay and tbe Boo.
Can thaae methods bs applted?
aga" manaftetnrer or prodneer.
Mrs. A O. Anderson and aan Ray­
r lima, toft this momtag (or CMare. broadly apeaklng. Just averag'
All tbls to osptosfve? It'S Boto
srbst will he r tbalr saocast?
So is tbs ATOWar wbo sbips with
PS Our. apples, for Instance. take qaitea goedtob bKol - than any oh
T bcre bo will b lor • U-w 'days
the araraga mantactarer calls his
name or brand to tbs eommlssioB
! flneet flavor and juice. Tbe>
M toVtotIve. Spstetog a' I
will have t
tbe t»st wUk Tlalttog with friends <0 biiatoeaa befo.-o reurniag ir bla
' work dtmo wbsn be bss bto product
> to tbe distant city. And ths
best eating applea. Yet you
mds of dhUars'caatas to beco
and raMilvcb. rMurned to tbeir borne borne ibcra.
potted and ready for stlpmeat He grower wbo paHcs Indtocrlmlnaul
tbfiilly say tbsl the Michigan
pens#] when It adte flnv ce
aays to hlma^ T am not a aalL earelstaly. allpabod In quality ind
C. l^-'Lodge retoraed ta hli horee
apple to nokuown
nokuowi as such in tbs conat Charlotte today.
I am o asskar. a prodnear. Belltog
c. wbat ahall we aay of bin?
sumers marksU.
at Olivet today alter a moath’s eailat
ii o« ot my tea and I wfll tear# that
-jese man are the mtautoMaro
5 buv oar beat paying tavraUneat tbat
(Prom Monday a Rocord-tegle.l
at Bllvar Iteto.
to oatoi oas atoa.'' Bo be doean't wbo must take tbe price that to c. vood
oar r
OR Belli'
L. M. MeLaad, who has -been vIsKe. a Wallaaa and 'vHfT-arTtote to
K wftb tba prohlama of fmwd (hem. They are asdor the^we baren't any r
to speak
It pays big. The :
Igg (or a few daya at (be home of D. tba dty today tjtm Ite Sao'ate *M1
r. Pesroa. rolaraed to hla boM at xtott-bere with (rleada ate rdaUvaa
Cadlllae tbia momtog.
F. a Karbsrt and wifa returnad
Prod AMrieh, wte hM baen Ja tte
Boated from Nadh Carolina Weada tbeir boms at Miukegoo tbia moratoi dty (or the past week, rotoraed to bl«
to Bar Karher. Jtrriving
after a wedt'a vlalt Is tbe city with borne at Grand tapMs today.
Toe Lata.
frleods and relatlvea.
.Wm. O'Brian and aan Chartaa. wM
R. D. Wprner, who hao bwn In tha bavf been riaittog to tbe dty tor t%
city tor some time, left thic tnoratog part week, rammed to tbeir bema at
Bar llarhor. Mo. SopL
Mra. John (or Manistee, wbera be will be tor a OahlHMb. Wla, lofiay.
R. Mct^n died at (:U tbto momtog. few dt^ Qptoaslneoa before ramming
P. W. Wd^otor ' Md famUy, wte
bare brao apeedjng tbo'odmsMf at
Her deatb followed a aenaatlonal d^ to bla home at Grand Raplda.
O. R. Hapoa. who has
by Dr. I.. K.
tbroufb tte dty -to­
at Cbrp Lake, returned to day oo tbeir way borne to DetrelL
(be .Nortb Carolina woods bbro. Barker rncMl iJil milei to the bop* of bb borne at New York dty tbia mom­
Caehbr A J- Maynard of the Traw
reatblng bU paileni to time. Berber tog. HU family wW ramals tor aboot
City Btata bank b to Detroit at
I tending the eanvaatlaa o( tte Amleeched bpr bedaWe laat oigbt (on a week.
K. A Carrel, who baa bean vbHInfl erlran Bankeru' aiemUllan.
tote to do anylblng
to tbr cUy (or tba past (ew dayaArtter Kaltog ot Deoglaaa fi Raltoroed to bla borne at Laaalag I
logg. win leave ihb rvmilag for KatoHas . been remodeled to meet our great increase
________attend Uie HIrhigtn Bbaa
in bigness. Our Alteration Hoom bas been enP. E. JeRrioa ate wife
^ Relrilrra'cMi
borne at Detroit this momtog.
Mra. Prank Camteoil and son Rob­
(From Batordar'a Remrd-Eag
And now Is Itac Ume to bny'
Miaa Maud McMIehael eT Webl after a few day*' vlalt to tbe city with ert ratomod yretorday from Moatottic Boy a New One*
fiienda bod relatives.
after opendlag two week# with
Elgblb atreeC left yesterday
*Cffffjp.p-A Greater Variety of Styles. Colon and
poalBoys' good wearing School Suits. •
at Old Mlasloa. rMnmed ihU momDavid Biebtr Mft today far tte
Prices than we have ever shown beUoa to tbe high acbool.
dark pattenn, ages 3 to 1&
log after a few days te tbe dly on Graod RapidB'tMr. ate from tbare Ito
im. ett be seen in our Ready-to-Wear Dept serges,
leman Oeo. Smith left laat *venbinloeu.
JarkooB aod Detroit to Malt
whipponls. mixtures, cheviots, etc. Plain tailored
Mrs. A Hlb^rd, wrho has cleead ter bb daugbtan. He win rotnra to two
aod fancy trimmed effects. You will not match bur
botrl al To^. left yeeterday (er Bm- week#.
Boys' “Double Wear" Suits, the best!
valors ahown at
plra. where abe will meet tbr boat upsuit made to stand the hard knocks. [
Hade of all wool serge, casdmeres l
. H Bel
aod worsteds. They represent the
Randolph street and friends la tbe
goldcity for a few days.
filled coat chain free with each „„|
Miataa Sue and Emily Rymar rw-i
turned from Roaa Common, after
pludiea, earacttlia. etc., in the most approved styles.
King with relatlrea.
at only^l a gallon. If secured at once will
Greater value cannot be bad than we offer at
W. Branch and wifa. who have been
insure comfort and hapDinesa to your stock.
vlatilng to tbe city (or (be peat wbok.
Tbe cows will more than pay for the
returned to tbetr borne at Mackinaw
expeoBein giving an extra supply of milk,
We are puttiog in the fiaesl line of MEN'S SUITS and
hod by using it on your horses and mules
Stoddard, who tew been wendOVERCOA'I^ever leea in the aty.
Made im^.theUteit
e lime to the dty relurned
you will get much more worit from them and
HKMt appnmd raodeii
of the finest displays ordresaes we have ever shown.
bis borne at 8L Louta today.
at the sanije time save veiy much torment
ityiet foe tbe young man. coosOT^ve
for the
Specially priced for eariytelUng at
S. 0. Wawon returnad to hla home
Used in cmcken boops it ii money well spent
Sute for the legjan. sbas and stouts.
Pim aod rabe* are
It Harbor Sprtoga today, after
not to be esjntSeA nnrv^wfe. We can ssrdy please you U yon
Clyde Smith, wte hac baen
grress a chaace. Cidl aod gat acquaiiMed.
Skirts are in great demand.
Llty for -epme time baying frail resraed to bla bomw at Harbor Bpringa
We carry a complete line of sizes
tbia momtog.
and colors, and the best value to be had at
^iaa Ciady*
spending tbe eommer at ihe Stowe
at 80c per hundred feet is cheap. We have
i-ottage at Neabuwania. retnmod to
ber borne ot Grand RapMa today
a better grads at $1.30, $1.70. $2 and $2^.
New Fig SMbp k
>ew»-. UlM memudedorC. A WItoML who hoa boon In
Do not put off until tomorrow the fixing of
iep,Jl«™r.ped.lpric«. A.e^i^b.d,i..ble.
dty tor (be past raoatb 'on boalnees
your leaky roofe. Winter will soon be here.
"*‘*®‘* « complete line of Infanu' Wear
Trmimiigi suiUble to matoh aD shades, at the sane low
oft Uto'm.orntog (or Mantoteo. wbera
to out chiJdttms department, and can fit any age
You ihould see thu paper to appreciate tbe
wiU be flp a abort time before repcicet.
child completely. Prices very low on every garment.
difference In {Mice.
umtog to bla borne at Kalasu
O. A COK and wile ratviy*
Call at the Corner of Front and Cass StreeU
led Ot Millinery DepX. na wc need the roonia lor donlf.
tbetr home at Ma'neetoBa tbia
ag. after a week In (he city rtolUng
with (HMds and rolatlTM.
P- I- Gregory and wHa. who have
boon at tbalr oouago at Carp Lake,
arriaed to tba dty last sight and stl
er aMSding a few days as tbe gneou
o< Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Be^rs. wUl
mra to ibdr borne at Toledd.Corner Front * Caaa Strarta.
Mita Floronoe HIMa, avte te* P
viMttof tor tte past
lU\ o

InfomAtlMi That WUI Pr«vc «f Valneto the Or*
chardlrt of the Qraod TraverM KefIon.

KS'r,------ -----






Wc Arc Ready, For Fall Trade

Eveiy day, we receive
Fresh Aomtions
Additions to our rapidly growmg Slocks. Never
JVC rresn
' e we had such complete lines, such' Prelfy
before Irave
Sfyks, and such GREAT
VALUES'.i as now. Do your trading early.

Our Ladles’ Wear DepL

ScbofdTlme is Soil


SlS-48. SIS. 17.S5, 21.S0,27.OT


SS.S8. 8 SS. 11.46, n.50 to 2S.SS

$5.98, 7.4S, 9.95. 10.95 to $18

a.48, 2.95. 8.4S, 4.95, 6.49
(Mdren’s and Infants’ Wear

Dress Goods and THinralBOs

Roofing Paper






With K C B«ldn« IWcr my
hoaigwilc can ea^jr 3^ biscait>,cakaB aod pastiia that ftirVM the iwodact ed the wvhTs
BRtfertcbeb. A trial will prove
that to -Toor entire aatisfactioa.


the, -WmoBfl «n«
apeefal trtp
to Cblcaso.
lAallT to those foadlw plaeM. At to
HrL Gerber and Midi Seotl
the sinaooML wneth of biido to tasmers- qnaH are worth from $4 to t: 9er
Vllwankae. are new antrala at Idlaapaaon for eatlag weed seeds Farma-WhJIe.
art ago wntlM to toed goeh Utda dap
Urn. Bteidtaa Dwaa it eaJortaK A
tag tha winter nanA s^
risJt from ber brotbera who live at'
very Ume. often siding w|lh thoi
Coed Ilarbor.
dildHBs Odldpen are always later­
Her. Chat. Blaby. rector eane
al U BOOB at (bey are appeal^
of St. James Bpiaeopal ebnreb ot Cblbabsnaa U.9 nauwany iot;e the
. It at Ray't reaort for bis vacs
Is a^ wUl pmtect them tt thay
Uoa. Mr. Blkhy has spent mom ol
asked to care tar,zhoB. Tbe spao
Mb satnmen on Glea Lake since
^ Brov UM Btw it a very nsoRit btrd at they feedIfS. He U areempnaied by bl
iW young iliiifi^ MUroly on'mosdsuchter. Mrs. North, and bustamL
s ’snabiBtf 4S
nd devoto hautoodu of cMorI'bll Paraoat and wife, who have
rinpssm^ pOnro. Gourds make lac aest plaeos
■pent n m«nUi ni Codhr Sprlnas
tat wrens. Tbe alr-giu In the bknlt
todse left lam week for Des Plaines.
cbIM Is very liable lo protbios a
r bsiBK cmapMM to •• sdM
UL. In their £. M. /. tooring la:
le Osy. and to cet wp atay
faardragd b*y or man. as'-boy
Min Litella Oleson reUroed to
W We elpW.
couMer It manly to kBI. Urn year
ManJtl^ today to resume ber etudcvmytbMK bat M jee btm kidsey. h«*t (here were eight bgys klUed and if
les la tb« Hlph sebooL
pw^maaeaUy wbUe eudsavor
or bladder trouble, it will be foeed >«
O. >1. Day sent bis car to BmpUw UNsmMdyyeaeeed.
It baa beai tbof'
aecnn the twmeent sparrow
11 Saturday to pet live cant of ^Id­ mMi iiiiiii I|i'-11 I •
aacteSbtl that a i^acial an bouau.
ea percb fry from tbe state hatch*
A discussloo on tbe bird <iue«F-v..
t has beca msda by whkbaS
«LUb 111- put Into Glen Lake.
this paper, whe________
who have aid ' .rougbt out many loierealkig toeta-tor
■■d agatnst lbs Eagltoh furrow. Mr
WatMiw of Calumet gave a talk cj
bam sparrow. So OMoy bams
c been burned and ao many borau*
Storm Handleai^ Gathering of 'Lane
rdfMroyed that he
mediae ttwr
Shew FruH.
dWerent. Stork abouM cot ^
’tept In bsMiiients. b« U a fire proof
. KUime & Co..
>bed built aa ah addJUoa to tbe b-ains
Tbe qagatlon •( adeetlog the plare
sr site bottles are t
<r the next nmetlng was dlscuaaed
. Don't aabaany L __
the eihlbli
rr the aaiM, Swamp-Kd
id an lavlUtiqki from Bay City mad
Fair at Grand Kaplds nezl week.
I Swam] ~
---A large’ wad lataiMtcd audisare
It purchased apples last week In
flHed Ike cbarch la the evealdg to
hour the illuatrated lectnre given by
Hon. H. F. Penhlng of South Bend
way irantpurutlun from ibcso polnta. la an iBcrcascd demand (or this (niA
d, on -Birth sad ABlnuto" He
Snmo..o( the largest.
It'itaa ao'far been unsUe lo pel these
prefaced hla plotutes wllh./{kc slat •
Started towapl Grand RapHs. Further- idum scon la tbit recton were
mew that fanners ot'Uie couatry l<wc
Mkbmore, the acason this year it
binim dollan
year throu ,ti
wbat lai<-r than uaiml. and not &a Itran Development burean (inm the C eeots and tM.iW.BOO by weeds aaJ
many of tbe onriy varipUca have oonie \V. lUtght farm, near Hart. Oceenv
sums thmugta the depredaltons ot
einaty. Tbeae idutas have been pa<
naturlly ns has been
Rtasa. and the jars bavr liccn «ae mice sad other vermin. The bslaatv
Fome years, and beenute
advertin the wonderful prodaetl< .of nature U kept In this manner.
them will not be as nisny varleUct
bearty eaten, and conauine (rain:
Ity of the Western hltchlgan i-uantr;
on ctblbilloti as It desired.
toe to lo.oop Insocu pm- day. Through
a new standpoint.
Tbe bureau, however. ezpecU to
coumr.v birds eat gO.IKM.O-hi
make a abewlnp that bill do credit
btuheli of iDeecIa per year. If iT.c
half bushel of pickle cucumber, -Irda eho-ild all be IcIUcd ol tbe vegeto the temury. pnd will help adver­
(■een received from (be Vnuxbii latioa would dK- on account of l«ius
tise the
B Bpplee. and wlU latUrecUy reault t^altins Blailou at Elk Kapida. Thesi' eaten up by tbe Insecta. In the south
be used in proring that tbe \Ve*t irds deatroy Whe cotloa boll weevil,
Mapy Driven From Henva.
Michigan country la a good
and the quail la partiealar U vrr.r fond
Every year. In numy^pant ot lb?
-b to grow cucuniberi Ibul
this Inseri. Bird skint ore no* «n
eoimtry, itunraands arc driven from
laed (or pickles.
their bomce by etwpht and limp dietvh in togup In millinery establish,
rosit. FrletidH r.tid Uutltwwr are l■-•ft
menu this year w necount o' the
behind for other ellnuites. bnt Iblt
"t'/voperaUoD In the Marketing ol
■e 'brougbl to bear by the A-iis rostiv and not always sure. A bel­ 'arm Product^" was cne of tbe topic,
aocirty. foloped *IWes were
ter way—the way ot imilliiudes—Is to
use Dr. Klnp-H New Discovery and ivedconsldcnuion at the fkll mectlas nsed and Prof. Persbl
thing Imliat^ t
cure yourself at 'nmiiv, Slav ripht r tbe Grand Traverse Ononty Grange calls Of many birdh
h ^iirlDg (he 1.
therts. with your friend*, and lake this el^at Monroe fouler yesterday a(
niedlrlne. Tbmni and limp
Icmoon. It was argued by thotc who
The work of the two ancIMIes this
... Anil quiiA rcilef and hculU
ttitb. Hr help In eouptia. cold:., prlp. look part In tbe dlscuwlon that Ik forenoon wss devoted lo
le haa come for tbe farmer to begii iiaslona. lonimlciee work and the ele.'eroul), wiii>opliip.rouK»i and sore Inn;;*
nuike It a positive blesulny. ->0r and
plan to gel betteV reluma for hia
»l. Trial Iwllle 1~-. iiit-red Ij l>r<Hl’iCit. Somi-ol ihc s]>eakcn putoi- :lon ul ofttcers. wbliA reanlted aa tol
«U driwplalB In-Traverte tliy.
liui practiially all
President. Mr. RIchardsoB, Jackson
other Mslness loierests etrept farm aecretsry.. Mrw. Shaniiw Saginaw;
inr has b««n organized so as t
tressurer, E. !<■ Edwards
(air retams for tbe capita! and energy
A cemmlitee on reaotatlons consist,
used. Chaa. P. Burk, ebalrmau of tb< 'ng of James F. HIU. Dotitm: Mlim
Grand Tmverte Fruit foaunlaaloe. Claw Bates. Traverae City, and Mri
was prcsc-nt and suggested a pla.i peck* of Utdlngtom
whereby the sUMlard of Wc
Michigan farm products cmi
greatly improved by the adoption nl
tytumi ot tnst^iuo. He also sue h • ♦ ♦ ♦'«
rested that s campaign (or adventsLabe JaacUoa. Sept. 2.—James Do­
ing Watiem -Michigan fruit product, ran, wife aod aon returned to
should be laid out that tbe people ma home In Detroit, after two meek*-'
be Induced to <«ntuiae more (ruitt I
isll mllb relatives.
Ibe future than they are doing todaM*. E. Payne and family visited
reault ol Ibe aevecal apeaehe George Axtel'aail family Sunday.
uittoe consiatlng of liowcii
Ben Harwood aatLIeinilT of Platte,
Sounj^f KIk J,*ke Grange. E. E. fbai railed on Mr. Ind Mrs.'Oubnnr Son
ploiLof Grant renter Grange, and Mr.
Kingsley o( Summit Grange w
Susie and Xlargaret lAan leave to
t|>pointed from tbe Ccunty Granke
Jay for their work'in Detroit, after
work with the Grand Traverae Fn
heir varaliiD at home
ComroisaioD, wblcb conunissloq la cry
Floyd Huff was at Traverse I'lty,
Ing to discover some way. or evolv<>
having d-ntal work done ,
same way. by which Ibe fruit grow«r>
U. Kewer I* entertaining relatives
or the Grand Traverse section
Indiana at present.
Western MIrbigan ma.i receive better
Nci- Doran s *llo blem-^dowo Sattirreturns for tHelr oithard products.
day evening during tbe wind .-to
tTiarlei Beeman^ abed blew
sod killed a Dice cow.



f-A Hfetime rf plMMBt/Wee-days if you use |


llVw rPWDER asca.

i br ber bet^v Kcotlwr
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦I Tbo bai«e Pbllelua Ea«y«r wu Id
OM HavM. Sept. J.—«ra. BmJa- pon over
on Sondajr.
■ea Newbtll catae over tran North)
, somlaj. with
MaeMoa oa the Miaeonrt aa<I «nok the
Maalitee for Fiaakloit In the evea | '
I Mra. F. A. JJltehrll
loC. .'Prom there abe « It to Tbemp- ManlMee. spent MVeral days ot ia«t
BMvtUe to vlrti her ana Jo!».
jj' ^ Vmi'miUmlB. PUrd cnadi and aoa Dimcan of
Chkaca. apeot a da>- last week with, Nonaan HufTaker and Art Bollman
D. H. 1^.
Chleado. arrtvod on the MlasoDri
H«B00« tame home
Stiaday and went to Loonat Grove
from CJiartevrda last we^ She- wee
on the Nmrowa of Glen
;««. * “*•» ***• 0w»‘'
IX PUIaea. nu
of errat eneray. Surrt-sa, U>de)-.°^ arrived hero on the Miseonrl Sunday
juands h««Hh. To ail U to fall; It‘s end will epend aomc time at. Cedar
tw a man » enduw «;spri„„ j^dae,

w"!,'rp.rssi "■»'

bis Jeet Inal^ onder. -Ftwr bottles ot OIITs Pier are tIsIUdk at the
did me n:«-e real pood tbiin any other of German Cody,
medletne I ever took," write* tTua.J Th- t^„o Mueller took
canto bf
a Allen. Sylvanla. G*. “After years , ^
dork last week.
of eaSorinr with rhcnmstlsin. Vvvr
______ ________
jtomatb disorders
andI do- ‘ Mist Hazel Benacti went to LcUnd
ranimt kidneys. I am anln, l•l.-\nkt yentenJay'wlicro the will
mmer resortera took


; cXrd
To 0« Cus'smenr^ . . —
We wish toconverto iouih' iheM W




It# sirs




Imperials, S^t or Derby
Tbe New EngOsV QoU Hals

Tbe Swelled Caprfn Town

ChUdren’s Vetonr MMHes



MEN'S IMPORTED veloursin


The National Farm Fence
f^KlBV 55m
tlikMi c


"WKcrt Otlieps F'all, .
Thei Feitcct Bnllt for Service
The Natioasi Feme is made in all the popular heighls and
in toiir
tour different
weights, and

^tet, Posts. Stretches, etc.


to . MAKE

We believe we can do beuer by you on the Fence proposition than moat
any i^ne else.

n asn Bonnsio see. and wlti be gudto show tod


The Big Store


(OinilDtMd tTMB page OBC.)
beglo' where be left off- In this pla.y
Of family homes all danger from
laginn arc cllmlnUed. and Ibis In
msillulioiial home Is the grealcsi bus
they hacp to -oflilcnd with. The
too. Is less than the old plan,
an .orphaii asylum the wsi Is If.If
week per cblld, while Ihrv can I
boarded in gadd homes for t: 50 p<
week for cblldren end |2 ior babies.
A noroinallng ecwniniltrc wai ap
pninled consitliOK of Mrs. Sbaenoo
Bagiuaw. Mr. Pulling ul J.cksoii anJ
Mr* Vkialwonil of Bay ('Ity.
An esccllcn. talk wa» given by Mr*
Edith Monger of Ilsrt, who reports on
l-iT work to* the year. Wrd protection
being her sperially. She (ound
HtT children wjfe ignorant of miB»
common btrda. because ibey are
Uugbi to neu Ibeni T*»y nre nlwnyr
there' If they would onl.v look fo:
them. She gave an outline to counly
normal students for work lo uae ie
the county. Engllah sparrowa.
faior fa maa.v pUce* and a bonaty 1«
paid on other than sparrow heads.'
many other birds are killed and the
bouaty coUectad on their heads. Tbe
tlabtmy to a Aae lor kllllag sohg birds
omially cansM more care la the fcii^
of birds killed. Phramrs are Sodlnr
out the vtiue of birds more sad
as tbev are grsat aide la ridding tli.>
(srtna of msrelf. Protecting of birdr
during severe winter wewther It 1
hscelleat Idea. Make the'rwral achoc
a reodi'ng pUcv> br fbi> hlidg. Put
Ing to receiTp all the ne«l*a wblea
rhlldreo have leR fratn’lliAi^ttBiieN'

Whan You am Doubled Up
With crami», cboletn morbus, rheu
allKlB or pimtrisy. yoa need a bottle
on. It gUefi retlel it I* a iiowcrfiil
palnAlller. . J£as«* rbeumatUm. non
raigta. simm sod all Inlernal sn l cs
Icrnat acbe#st>d pain*. Price
l>er bottle. Sold by American Ifrug
Uss of Net and Cald Drinka.
Remember that, ridleahw* tbougk It
■ay sound, rold driske are bMlihlsr
far the luaga la cedd weather, before
going out Into the rold. and boi Hrieka
are heaRhler for. the stomsek la bot
weather. Just after coming la from the
Whet We Ncv«r Focsst
i.conllng to silence., ar- 'he iMnz*
aasoclai^ witb onr earli home lU'-.
kUrh aa Bucklln's Arnica Salv.- tbal
mother or gmdmotber u»ed to euro
i-ur boroa. bolls, scalda Mirna. skin
erupttona. cjla. sprain* or b-ul«e*
Potty year* of core* prove lu merit
\:nnvaled lor piivi. corn* or r.o'J.
aofws Only S5 cvoi* at all druggliu
la mverse Clp.
Ohrlng Up tvWrlMiig.
ope m«*t have departed traik fka
■ttoer whe tanevtod the Mtovlhgi

ueef* Sara heyu
-tt don't Uke more'n ■ glU nr rdfcri
to .gu tidka Into a peeb ef traatito.and a IWlb neglect of
the aama.


tor qtilek reaaltn. Eslg,
and oaly 25 eews at aV.dDigK>sU of
Trateree City.

A SvAstantial Groviflh
The Fb'sl Nattonal Bank
has experienced a ateady and healthy
growth. This U an indication that the pub­
lic ha« not lost aight of the essential require­
ments that maVe a bank aafe and sound.
the principles of conservative banking
y that have governed oux.developroeot in tbe
paht, will shape our future policy.
,Your attention ie called to the report
(iiade to the. Comptroller of the Currency
ft^und in another column of this paper.


THE FAlMtIir $Tif
—-I---------- c----------

Sf^ That Lea^ijiriEbof
You can do this at a very small cost by unng
Prepared Rpormg.
, •
• ^
We sell the famous “Rooftite” which we think
is tbe best roofiag for the money made today*
“Rooftite” is made of pore gum asphalt and gen­
uine rag belt It is cheaper than shingles, earner to
put on and will last longer. We have sold **Ro6ftlte" for ^bt years and have never had a contpl^L,
We else havfc. “CliaMW”
Rex ‘‘Flintkote7

Come in and see our line of roofing before you





a«t Aim. U,tbay .w«m


t pua*»
bavn b.sen a ting thin ■r.etbnd


«tr aad Ughialag,,
iking cTerytblBg Into conaldera three hams id OBtervllte. rraak Wjl j
turn. tadlcatioBS pelst to Ttsraday ax kcwvk‘8 Frill Kopkas and

tor them they Wore all iarnred In tbe
Fanwers- Mutual.



rcm d6|vn fhe lead
-7-^ut down the
kid «dJ trap «w

thU evil by cluing the Tin- Vt«eltung
daw to all except tlwfleBiB who buve yoara at Los Angeb-s. Cal.. < ii Au^rst
13. was .a (briber retldeolul Travel sc
City and the lltllo




known on ibe auutb sUe where ibe
family-lived before gulim *c,i.

September bids (air

nuiic ...n

on rtval Juue at tbe moiub «t w.-dai.igs

aeeount of talUag b«Uta lira v.eWen ^1, M'.r,' Hat six day. of Ibe tnontt.
bamer Induced ber slater Mrs Ore.-ii '
Held 10 take tbe lUtIc gl.l
llial The famlD

Affi>.«.dNnOib wan


(ProiB Baturdar'*- Kecom-Eaglc.i
Mortu a Sona. I'aldv<>lt k Ixindoli,
A. V. f'rMftH). F.
Kvtiprh. Julia

•MiM Mtfi.'«r qtr Puratohud
•InwM ft Tr«v»W cnf Day.

canpbHI. Adal*y t R^e. Bcnith «

I( *M due to tke Ubenllty of tl>«

Keiiott. ni> licMk «(<». ('Itr nrui
Sterr. J«a. K Smtl*: Cuvia rinr ron

Prka. KluuMia Ouh * rrudli (’lota
leg 'noni|uuiy..p»r RIm^I: DuuaIbm

Wuaun mu of tlw dty thai ihe
Koat uiiereuaful TYavefUc ,,

tuny. Auerti-ab
Auorti-aii lira*
!»ni* <\>mpan>. Am

MPrlll • «'Ol'‘.*Ar.ble-A. .Miller. Btefaaut
th*iiliuury' of tbu .dty w«a urr>au
H«~e, R. r. Ia..lV J. A. Mont.«i

I, a» Ibt J

J '

____ _

iri? 't T^-lrTT'


ture Pbce. Albert

Oap..'ti. lUue: Truveiw ( lly. biul-'•
Bunk. atrfc.|>laee Uotul. Wulta-lUr-




There will be a oieeUng at 7<sn
Munday welling at the at


Op.- of the
,i.„ ^..mjittpd

jK«mnul .-..unit; borne u Mr

— -...... -............... Wlillani Heltnlorih


the Hundsv «.huol ol Ibc ipiir.h Aslmry M.
of C^irlsl. while living wlili Mr and; j,

^ LorsI \Marlters
' \
Pnenw oormi-d

.................. ,
refallVffl .


,t> ••gp-iatiiis
door Wc-dding.lhc

(Umrie* IVeldeaUamei

of'l-Lurtl^^ imi^v tsLIog i-late on lb.-
word ol VFCanda of ibc bonir. brly (all
which the directors of the £urd of tbe dentb »f tbe oblid was received
flowery, dahlias, gladlolias and aMcis
Trade, ofllcvra and members of ibv liere on August 23. but was nert givi
In all their bcauilful rulurlttg w-i-o
0u|iuess Mens' aaaoclailua and
rredenro unill a h-tler was received vwed profusel.v. xiic full iliig scrv'irc
board of dlrectora of the naval
rivw the Chief of Polite of Ias
was us,-<l and the attendants were
M-rveu will be prtwent to uigke
gelcs wlilvb Slated tbe r-ntlcc fan
JINs May Itohitis-.n and I'lJsl Helm straw, per. ton ................................lUMMj seccan or «he TVavorw. tfly lu«B ?.|
FARM PR6DUCE-8.11lo,.Prie.. |o( trade. wiU-baa m,m.Bab
tbe ease.
teiUlB^hc oullrc ctntc military bour<’.
Gro<iifletd murdered the child the ccmmoo<~wtsldlng
comprised of eight men. «,ho will
.August 13 while la tbe aeaside tuwii dinner wus ycued (cTthe hridal |-aii>
rive, next Tburoday to look over lh»
of Venice, and fniBi leileia wriili-ii and the i-uest-.^ Maav wedding rHis
i-trloua Tmvrtnw City aites
by him and left in the room uIk-cc ■iiehiOlug •or I lass, sliver, elihui and
i:>aretit I Ani|i grounds fat* n
■be raurder was eommilteed. cthhait linen-, werr- t-s;araenls 'tvf Ibv- hivrii
.( 1Pun
lia encao4>menta. It anms toat
I ihal time Intondeil comiiiliilng regard In whhlr Ibe vuutig iwHiple are
fluruu Is out of the rare aM^Xhe
Mtcldo hut tda eoMrage failed him lieht lA Irit-ndK.
’ Uk>n now Ilea between Traverae (
•acBpod at lire lime, lull was cap
Tlie.v h-fi in ll-c slleraonn frvr IVand laidlacton. It will be a -big -thin;;
tbred In the slUulBlag n>on'y of Ban iroii where they will
make their
If Traverae <*Uy can land tbe prir
snd It la now up to t^e bualneaa mpu llenardiBo un August is and at unce
retiirned lo Lon Angeles'.
Ho was
10 do Urcir beaL
The ddegnles will probably arri-'- igf^en a |■^ellmlua^y examlwatloii and
■ink airer-l.

Tbe llrvc


('onUJIa, Rom 4

um. T.r


•M CiHwuir. Stenaun *-iluater. J.{-----------------

«tude< .a. 0m. IMotan Uimiier Comeuny. Tr**un«. (Rtr arwulng (.'om-

a Hm.-.L.u,

'blcaeu. l.ut laiclv tve (5rc.o •„

Helds moved lo lavs Augrlcs taking
tbe child with Ibem...........................
Narrowed'Oewit to Traventa

The Market*
¥ ■ X te k<

lUB iiTTit am::



Manlu’s. Tbey were all good alzedi
bama. with haaemesu. fortunatefy |

Price* eoirectcd ewvb day by wire I
■hie w.-aiber attll lomaina aaact
der (bin coniHtlm 1. ■adeSwifaa.'’-'- H In tbe right (dace ssd be as Beod to (Jed. Imt men and teams ate workUig (MS CMca««. DetielL TuIrdD ad Btf-1

->• the mall la nent dlroHly to
» tbe tbe Mscacbeei at be war on Traverse oarty and late, as *eU as the railruad falo through United Preen tnlagrapkj
The Burenu ^ Aeeecinted C»^ 'i
I omen and thone wbe
gang to get iratfic
a donaiiun ol ghr- ' J
Utc enrreirondaoM umi run ibt rUk
Trains on the main linckespeti lo
j niea
or Ivtug <<fi*od €!«;
run oo scheduled time tumorruw. but
ilu-s sbiuld be 111
lo wear te
tt if mpected tknt'tbn order will
on^.lhe btaneb to PTv>vem-Bl It will
n(Hetes -dealrwfl
mnh fn grmt good in tbta riiy u
be aome time, as miles of ihe ttacL
eboald be outgrown,
‘city OIri Victim of
them are a law ntiniher of people
U uaderraiued.
worn out. Bend to tbP 1(ur««B hewBStep Pather.
W-iio have been reewirtog tbeir man
qaaners In Ibe Sutberiaad bl-wk. nr
•neral deUreiT. The name
tbe general auperlnlenlkaL
Cbarlea Engepe OiweafleM.
all pUwM. and !t le Itig
Ulaa Knee
‘nteaiion of tlw pnata^utbomk-s tp murdered bis slop dauebler Hvlan



i by ihon

wncMora,. ..............................

tVlf hiail if turned .ptopia tbe biggen >U(««tec day
» nneepmdln^ ci.-ub-,i'!ti-:y
t la raadl»lth aoLvt pentm wboae
elah n» fleas there cafl b
pouibl'e ereefillos
iker want to oopceal Mm tbeir hne the possible
of the weather
wire. Under the sew or­ U J. Plnvlns will show that bU heart


r rAO-S Fira-f

BAOLB. TDBSd'at, SBPT. jlOrtllS -

MtUng ahoin. md wWtb tisey weuM Bsrwea, all MU tei» so boraas, aod Tbe raia «

iWitL work reform


held on a charge of miicder wlihoirt
pmir. TnmM Cuy UUUot Compaav, OLANDRSTINE MAIL TABOOED BV Wadnaadsr night and will be brre n\.-:
Thuraday and PrMar- For euicruin Mil and la ntiw.ln iht- Lns Angrlex
Siuluburi BrmW. BJOklner. Whlllos
H>. ...................................................................... O--" 'IV««
«"»“■ rnterment .
nuiMj Jail wailing trial.
1 It bu been augguied thAT
B«M. T. a ttorcw a romtian}. II
----------. .
;IP the family lo, a. OakWoed.
i. M. BM. J. W. bW, Jou^^lepae Only Tranalerrtv Can Boeuro Mall « feature of Thuraday boa trip to Inlerloebes lor a Aah dlaur at the IntJm. IBpMkA. A. Huhka. Pmp)« 9avCcneral Delivery Window
Ipchea hotel, returning to Traverro
IV. S. AudiTvwin, 111 ■charge ol the
IU« Bonk, (KWe aBubord (Vnpeny.
in Putoee.
I'lly it. tb^ aflernooti. looklfig over ih'r
nsviiu- Uvut twee Ui Is- liHd Tljursdii.v
Keiiok Hroo.. i<bMk Trudo. Sberm u
rruund.- sad wind up with s Uiuquc
fruui Hi.- Wi-uorluug cluh tut uiic ol
a.Sitl, Wa.
lull. INrat .Vatbuinl
Tbn new regulation of llie poilntRi
h.-,c about tea thirty oach morb- '
Itifeature-, of live Matvab-e o^veui^mokr-r
lk».,HitWlaui .ai«oery Co.
department to regard to Uie recHrliia
tveek washed from Ihe n
etoiMug. Automobllo trips «
iiuu. 1.. dettiriHi. ut uiwi.lua itic •-vt-ni
W- . Bamako hihn X, a«dle
mall at iho geoeral delivery
taken U- the various elm that ibe dajk but today our agent at Soi
unc worth wliih-. Tltc iiKire~ ••utrins
do* at pootoTflrm tbroogbout < Uie
i«^;ird may g« a fair view ot t.'-e poa
tbo Bure-eai-iliax will be the euiilewl.
ratnOT hka gone Into effect and i.<
Widen, starting at Tntvcntc nty
hushes Which have been la 1
flbiUllPt nl UUa aoclioo. Sin.llar
Cash jii lxe* ban--lu-.-ii •■tiered lor the "h^oe^ wool' and tallow* .j
working out In a-very •allafactoiT
evcnfiig. U-rl dourai'-d boatx and also (or tl»runllnuoualr eLSt^sinc* July I. Tbsy :
rdng>-»H-nt.- may be made ft-r Friday Maiiisloe. retumliig
maooer., Tlie gimeral dellvory
bringing and taking mail fur ilic niwi wluivers. Mr. Aiideisoti liiviiea every
arc a mac bush sl-nllar to Ibe ertflH •
Poole. J. II. MeAlHaler, Trurerur Oily originally iotouded for tii'e uae of tbe If they auy over (be etuine day.
iltno this week. Vo mail has rcacli<-d Ikci: .-wii.-r in Ihe-eii) lu t-iiler lliis
non rambler but are reputed to pk >
iratellBg publU- and not for realdeo^
bis way -since Saturday.
•smtimtews bloomers Oar of Iho pe­
■x>ii’ir-:l .and
make llu- i.-guila ••tie
of tbe rlHolty In whirb Uie odlce
culiar feaiures of itie buabes Is tbat
' Tbo itcavlcsl rainfall struck
Mf the great features ot the i;'(3 Ma<'
located W It waa for the purpuM
tlio isKinly tin- lost w-c'-k end
Tnlk.w .......................................................... .
wkA as the flowers bogla to gvd.
Lfinging II Cock to lu original fun*
liig .Muoifay murnlng. when tlui muds
Xo. I Ii.T- n bides ............. «liO a*
a hew bud. kbuots out frcM tbo' )
lion that (be new nilli
wore found In u oiiidlltoii worse
er of (be ffhmaom onmiog Into ■
At iweaeni anyooe who rerelww clan
t'(N tK-fure.
.0 as noon as tbe (Malw^sll frdRi ^
deettoe maH at tbe window munt give
part-nl flower
Mollruads were »a“bcd lor miles,
katlifartnrr reaaoua for Being

“pri^’ir;;::!'eaTb rs .':^hrVniTtr-Tu‘^r«bD-'







while hiidgos and '-nhcrlv w,-ic wash

dae tbe lelteri will be delivered Kt
Ihvir place of realdence.
Many Naw Pcatisrn Will be Im
J. Breaina. I,o*iic G fletlUoaa addrona U given Ibe pmi
dueedio Make Oceaslei Me­
f t|bN; a W. HlMo. Beaartata k Ntckol- ' manter ran lawn an order aeudliig
morable One.
'W A. U Joyce • Bod. O, I*. (Sirver the mail by carrier to tbe right adB
Prank Votniba. J. Wi Jack- dreai regardleaa of tbe wlafaea of the
irters of ll
Wklt * Soka. RdwatH UuK 'one to wtm4 the mall fa addrrmed.
tier, 'flie^^niey Oompaiiy.
Tbe object of the order U to pro^
dun In Ibe Andeciion luUMIng uu tiiui.
Oral Company. C a Mraianut. I. i\. lecl young girta who bare.been mlng
streM Is about tbe IhusImu i>laco In iIm
P. —v„-K-.>.
Menagarl. ...
O. A. Jolmaun. itm
, ..
rcIbe general dellrery wladow.’for
city, lor it b bore tbal tbe numerv-n.
•,*»“^J.Nredbacn Bnalneea rclvlix mall which their parvou know
fluts wbicb ^are to be ased In ilngrwudval fraterual alreH parade tin-


order liaa ever knoan are being svii

' ¥(rtisiRr


alnmled and decorated. Uitsy flagcn
dwtly urranglBK buBling; Bowvr
and attractive trlonliics which will
admired by all who see them.

to be

way befure ibe mshiiig (urrcnl.


■ Kg^iic
so m

PflnpbMmdrpaflBlfl. TW,
AfcgffiMfcy mU riiiMiw pndwr.

Stfott’s Emulsion
.l^BewGktaiBcfcpegBieit fircf vigAr anA vitdily tn
■MflaAMr. AlOr-tfwra

dent Taft visited New IsMvdun t.slay
and dcllvrtcd an adi!r>-,s l«roro tbb
rntinn of Ihe

.XIlantlr ' Iv-per

\Vaienvq;s .vc'op laiion.


Tltc aihlre--;

deliv.-ted ;.l UisiC;iic old
(trirwoM. ,.a (ire.on Ih-L-h.s

’Ihe V' «>te

|.reslrh-nt arrlv.d on .tiu- va.hl May



.ir^cif lU- Kioav Itvdi.irs

th.w.r and
.( 21 guns from the loirlesbi:, li.lRi


•lualtir aluek tUi
>>. lentlury. Mr.
l/~>mh: rcfairlK as Iitrreued denaafl '
■ept HUJ‘

line ktod Slaoding (t.o k
pf«-ta-ac« of tbo


.l-r.-ck was
the |ir<-<

•-in.- of ili.u--;.uds o( wciaiurs It -m
oi. non- in the l.arJoi^
\ a.-i.vil -f
all imrts .d 'I..- .•'talc.
The display
(■..iiriccti. ot mlliLa a-i.-.l as
of larm
taised b> U.C Inlu i!u- Hotel Crisnold. wh- iV the |>
•tians I. verv eitslitaUe and .< c.vnIdem was riilei-taii>f-d ;it liinfhc..ii
s.d< rst.k Imeiewi lo the vUiiing lami

fruit Uhd Ove mile, em I of T»»t• iw I'ilv few cvBlv 12<M
Nice flflacta ,-iaiu>. Uive huHdlngw. near
biua.hA. pcKvd
hardwood laBd.
uc-bard, bargain at n.5fl«;
teiuc to ngbl larties. A<(<lre«s F.
r, iturs-ll.
Moflali Huildlb|_ IV
tmii, \lk-higaa
i.<-)rt lu loe. t hnrs-lf

require no small anwaat of work. and>
ytbns tbey are viewed as they pnss
sJoDg tbe str^ Is tbe parade tbe
work cannot help but be apprerlaled.
Allosetber Uiere are l>n Soats Our
^ tba-»n« buutiful b tbe

^jl' Bjthe #%TOng^, THAT MAKES



Uuyuiua MeniurUI Ooau Purr white
bunting enshrouds the rough a-utdea
Joundaibn and a border ot i«le
ender Itoweiw U used for dM-oratlug
the base.


ime»D aiid Pastry

In tbe cmler Is a large

^a-pr-tOmmed erona., Prom eaeb
^r of tbe float ai^s a beautiful
‘vbilr dove, symbolic of .peace and

At Ibe foot of the

isc pbeed a targe piclui* ot Majur
iton. Tba float wilt be drawn by
while borsew with tbe drivers In
while -walking ellber


of tile

The all-American float, which will
bewM by t'nele Baa carrying
Japanese, klaee^see. In which


BEITEU BESraT» win tESS WORK.’» worth-while to choose
Crescent Flonfi far your
bread and pastiy.

(jokXB of the order are uaed exclufiveir: t^'free boapltal
bed float.
wbicb there will be a bed.- two

WewlBta^ latoim our patroa« ttat
Blorc MlU^be
closed OB Wedoesday evcmlag at C:Oa o’clodf. also ^1 day
Thupoday and Friday ot this week, on aecout ol tin Uebrew


II Yon are Interested in sone 01 Ibe Best Valoes
Ever Qilered

CoDiclBto.lnorrow(Wedneseay)1ieloK 6.-M o-cloeli p. m.. or wall
imttl Saturday and sec the

Jheo there 1s the dHU float of while
Ja wbicb a number ot youas girls who

Nim’s Stalts worth SI 2 to $25 at $8.80, lO.W, 1».«S aod 16.50
Ladles’ Smhmer Dresses worth $ I .?5 to $7.50 at $1.25, $2
and $3.00
Boys’ Suits worth $2.50 to $0 at $1.95, 2.45, $.95 and $4 90

will give a drtU are to ride. Poaaibly


Will be Closed Wednesday Evening, Thursday
and Friday

Borwes aad
jwt a hint of pale bloe as the eatur
Bute, are the pcettleet of the auwber.

Olden Be* float. Ia„
radF will be (be (Mi
beme U gold and
this the eotor scheme
flirbita. wttb eac'b of tbe foor
BoMmi be* falTw UtiM iflrb aU In
wWle vrltb goMen wlaga will ride ja
vhia Bubl The Mben an equally
aierahet* of dtfferenl ^vee
VUI oceopy Ibe flaflia.
-Otbor-BmtwMwl tke panBe «1U be


*“■ 3

tot The^lebK ^
r-. (V.h.i«ny of
Till, ■ tlrnt Of .

w Isvtidon. ronn..,8e|vt. fi- I’re i ,


' rmnz.


tfl, tm

T... II »um •lttac«m«n» toN ■Mtac Mr CM. tlDjrMliMW lUbWU *r* .
T«*r. .(Mr.
.h. cmA
ticn. With *11 liU bU b*d> l»c u_.
b:;. hvpear to thl«»e«r tber k*t« ibw*'. • btik- bow loi. I t«,k l| mm i«Im tlw *or« aM* to
vaakor ikaa a tfri.
.oa. -Saa bt* koM* abaka! H, fcoowa Jmt trap oo* ai«fci. ir ,«in
aaawat*. Oa tbo


It *aa crovlai dark la iba hani. whatba'a gatag to cat. Coaaa atoa*.ioe Ifa tba eiJr thiaa I **tr took
^ witb airaoBs ot nibr ll«tat ibroasb ap baraf Tbar dranad bin np tba*\^ tbaraV-~


^tba «*oka troib tba frianoa aaaaal

M< hhm-hm* .

♦ •♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦V
Wbk* folio* ia tbair trala.
I Tba**bria**o|r*om>*aod-*al*ad


I wtu by MMP ta Mm *a ♦
♦ trot abaoTaartblii*.

*•< “ oV^ UooiB* and dark.


a. a. 2



'o rat up any oaa of ua. If yon only aald Duarao.-Thafll to«> voo aa wall
k»*» oooogh. you big lubbar your „ it,, do »a. I rou)di|'( iroal iBau
fber Joared bln moekldgly.
to anybody daa. It a iha oulv thing 1


I'm afraid ball ba bawl- aha—aoy IttUa hurt


Sat tocfcla h with BraMtond win.
. .

toanl it nnlgne Iff that It I. to ba erect- one by one. If the boye rauld onb
ed la gralllude to bird, ol tba air.
ate bim now! He kept cloaa In the

■a iBimiw onaga^ anca auwntw
At doaa^ etiiy fear to try.


what roa do.
aavar vala;

• Irt a pretty .lory-a (ale of rral »hadow a. ha want hark arror. the
llff When Ibe HrM
tattler, raina lo

blow., bat ba tnada no effort to airtka
Plowlr ba retreated, alep by


bit fingar* gamly.
•Tm afraid I would

.apply wa. .Imoat





.. .


*o out ot tba roou

TMr.toantBa bod «Mo* to o noi bafora. aod oow auod Mtod


®f “»• l’«' »' »ball tall >ou no Ilka that. daaUar

“O bothar!"


Only the drriaiva shout, of bl.

to gat bun "

low a-toonirol.

Oaod AMm.


The bird* daalroyad tlia


Baaiila -t—ro • bar cnrty brad and
naatlad It down oa Bddl*-a abnkUar

her Iba latiare myaalt bafora aha goaw.
I gora. .ball koo* iboto andMtwair
by Iha lima I'm wall aoongta to go
Mamma airukad


"Than It Irat a dalay." aba mnaad.



"Tnwt me. will you,

A Ntw Study.

made aa

Mucky Bottom, all empty.

the creak below.


Nortoa. U It a vary




He did not rrv uui. he wa* *'‘'’•'1

at one another
the ,„rDed on Toby.

The boy* looked

«o orbool.

Al IraM. the ahaU know

Aod oo wall did IQddla carry enl bla
reoolutioo. that bafora many wawk*

aide. lbo*a are oeed for wedding dec- were over. Bcrala could even rand

''*T wvrr h^ard o
I BorHt'. aaUing
la.- Hid tin. Chapin laughing.
-Oh. I belirva it's a waa.IT I* It a



"So it i*T Well, you'll have lo
" She looked round eapas-U
"The wild carvoi "
'» l» • »eed!"
"But It's a flower, all tba nai

Chester asked me Berth*.

"TOiy didst I thtok at tt!"—

They how many while borse* 1 aaw oo-my Botociod.
'ay to arhool’"

■ugar bouae oo hi. way boma
made you push blm?' they
■lood back from Iba
iba cow trail oa tbe
Ibe ,pnrQVf.g
"Twa'nl fair"

have that a.nua for not wlablM to go
baa latlern.-

• ' «"<•»» «»t-"
tan'i baa
rtit'a praoy: be"Then It tan'l
ba a wbita

too ,mpea*a «itg „rrer and mlaery.
mamma. " i-riad Thao- “id Carl.
They hrard the thud of UUaga below. Bore, "right in tba mkldk ol tba gaog"Tea. and a pretty Sower." retarwed

The boy* then all waa rtlU.

"tr “Uitla brotbeiwof tbe air." a* the could not uaderauad it.
•aod St. Fraada railed tbeai.
“nonkay" Dolan alopped


"Ob. I know!


Whan Ibr twins came boma at
urwighi 10 mother, i.o tell bet
murii 4* ten dqllare with his two the last loot ot rolld ground, raw
orrurred lo
traps, and SicboUs Bunker bad paid ,-»eHn, nagger and then go plunging •‘'hool
They were
«re what lo
for a suit ol clolbea with bl.
three. Il
hut they Ware >rr> muCb ativk-ks

year briera Toby Trtaer ha.l

Wa Ilka Iba gratitude of the people waa tirade that Ihl. eearan.'bould he

bava watatbiag of iorlag ktodnass for


oratlona. Hna it mnay petal.r
'Tt'm' are »o helpW*." raid Itoa“Million* of them. I bdlleve.“ aaid
-Foutabow tbay iJead with na. Alin-.
' "Dear me. only c s quastira Otoro?
Tohy preaaad hi. band. "1 am be- How murfa ran you wy a ptoai torr

whk-b dwelt In number, in rba reedy hart found glgn. of a baavar near by; in,, ............was loo'uia Thaahah'ing
»rabra on ^b* phore. of the great but ibe trap, were always amply. The rod. had broken loose, was falling l«

and ibelr moBUiiaBi Idea, it la boosd aoeb a ftotore. Tbera were twelve
. to traefa rba comtog goMratioai to traps betwera tba Pppar Dam and

nirf "Wur nrn coagtoa.’ Sav,
. .^.snvnrtraMlotoek:
^ r>diR- to tba ehfld of “BMtfy.* -And “War to t|m chlH of “nm*."


■' »"> W'n* “0* «o ‘A'fr ^1* fAvlilOAab'v Bower toal »owr
f»l* »»rlwaan l'|i|ier natt aad
Bu'iotn" ba
k* aajd.
•aJJ. but ha beat

Somrifalng almciVuvadVla
almo«t aUved hU

mens kept Mm punishing the
Ing lad. -nonkfv Dolan tried
„d they mmgbt in vain for ,be ,o a,«Ik. but there «« the bataful


gtwuboppen and einca then tba town
of ITuh have proiacied tba brauilful.
graceful , wtoged tblaga.

to Baaata

aha OBdatatood tt vaU.

-Thare-a aoiuaiblng rfra/ nuoeto ^bought It miul Iw a roaa ora Illy "
drew him doaii to tha bad. ~I baliava
'H»e« <• rn>« <» nor gardrar aakad

,hiDg 1. *u

N.llb.r mink kor ikl k.d .............. ............ .. ..
j,. ,k„,.
plague of beca captnrad. ihotigh they walrted to bl. body>eemed ta aoihlng to the

Tbaa came a

Balt lake.

't«b Uto who to.atisld to try.


that It *ai not a ladur, b«t I daiAt if

' la H fragraotr
—“So." rapliad Nortoa.

Tbe green land aaamad ibalr traiia taltMully. aalmtng the consuming i4in at hit baart. tba hurt Alnnlng to ondaraiaud." ba raid.—The
Id aartb'a DoMaai work draiioed for dratruriloa.
Biarrailon ban pUraa—dark hole* and ai>ring.v pride the lajuail
BteaJily hark- In'crior.
. faead bard uaka aaamad fated. AnJ ibao came talva- botiams. There were olt^n
frrwh **rd. Man>> ate
ihra aoinaiMn):
•--------------- •-------------Urn la tba ahapa of tba era gull* Ifbcka tn the eofi mud. aod once they happened The
The boy.
cried oul a warn8UN8HINE STORIES.

Ukr tbam bum tnm no daty ly:
toeffkna eopna m to
wtae pi


eddia triad to

o* agra* upoq a fkiwar Uddla’a chair wmtrblM Iba bright tara,
»*-nha cama La. k whaa .utataooad. ol Iba Ilttla pupil, .


good a. you ara vri.'

braver tr^<^ down lo murky bottom
jj,n t you bll barir
1,1, ralf? "
Toby jriser
Trtuer lighlao^
lighiaoed -hi. blow.

-Hiah they bad great difficulty la IrriTba a»ya of Hechbeckla dl.irtci had
gaitog the arid valley.
Their food had had luck with their trai» that aea-

■wk naart toafNrltb pnrpoan tni.

>r or Book or gUrk,
S they grew vlaaaad


~Ho y
talked of .eodlDg yoa to achaoL ho*
trtbulloB lor onr i»ga.
Ha lald ha a dog barking. Ha want daap down
"Trarh him to rob trap.! Give It ' «•» 'r"»' >ou •'van wllh lb*l,“ And f^rl.
clipped It from a pa,>er recenil.v.
Into the l.ruah which edgeil-thewalafy-to him good.-Tohv:Shn* him bowto
thru he told him about tbr itaiw. and"Vea.-replied Alice. indignant
“I hare >on ware? -«*kai do I waoi
to gu to acbool for? 1 don't know bow
tbragkl. It wa. ra Inrarcting Ibai aod parted the laavc. He knew where Bfehir The boy.w.irhad the game h<iw ha wa, woe . to rte*a thru, aven
*« "
ba*r,.-AoOt «oTrad?-_^^'^
yon Suabaam. would be glad to know they were-ooe. two. and Itrtbar four
olghi. "I coulJa i real If I ibougbl
"Doe* li
Kddia tongbad at ba aaawered,—
about ibe bird meimmenl.
more—maty, cruel thing* of
-Ten mink lor
me' Give him a ‘hay’rare 0|wn. It laa't rata to laava Rnthr
A moonmeBl coating about M«.0«l wHh open law., awaiting baliJam. vlr,bcm o|um
alDcIa nlghi. 8oma lliilc
~ "Wall, mamma, rblckto aball not

Phr tMaga oft wear a threatoalag it w be i^ced on the ground, ol ibe itaw-ilmld wllJ thing, that ttuaied
lemplr at Ball lAkerill. Thia nwou-.bini. He abut the nni*ale«ily.

niat BBjIta mured anally:


old c< ;ioa Jarkat fron bio roughly.
ihit ooa.- Ha »miipd faintly.
“W’kai ralor la ur Banba a«kad of aa nauh a* to way “Thta la all lb*
-NV w roU up your alaavaa. ana'
Toby bung bh baad la abana - nirirbool t
wade a* I'll ba nmplra, aad tar fair give ua. Doarao.- ba aaid huubly. “Whita.-Tall yoo what MBtotoa: TH I'wah

wa* only tba lapiJag of tba watar a* wbiia fara. on tba brand rbaec Ha
I' aoofbi It. way tlirough ibeohatnirt- ihraw u|> hU.Anaa to card ol tba

. Another ooa of onr grown-oii “boy.." log aoota aod rock*, a tnothar Wrd

II imi ha Moa. ran deoM year Bki’i
Or ntrmgthr Do not ba acntrMl by



I a»ar

lar. aad
ateta P

Toby Ttinor poabrd to Iba froal. avar took. Toby.- ha rawuuad. -Iiui HI' o**^ aakllad bar auoi'a dlrantooa.
“I think wa aball hav* la aeoJ her tna light Into bin! 1 want tba ba hoaa.i-lf tbara'd baaa apyiblag
i'an nay a.v oaa fair qaaatloa of to aabool bafora long. Ho* wmM you

Ha_#vaa Mo- Btat Cdaoee.

FaarNto Tn Try. ,
your Preeldanfa eourin. Mr. Marrltt parhapa regiknrtag bar
llllla oaee.hack.
"The Igak loofcahard,
addthe' yon Balaa Hollay. ha. alao .rat la a roa- and away acroa. tbr nrldt wmawber-


Tbay-QaaiUt parhapa«»l

Too. «*ch. ar« a aoor* aanb-bona. «»red «> rlkh’ • alnigglin* batll* that lag ao bard I woa'l hair iba bran to know. I rouMa'i bara aarn It auffar.
•*““ l» oaraarary. and la a wav
Aad each baa a key to tba fairy »u<f fallen on n* bark, nod Uy wrig- half bit bln If I wall." Tbay told bla I d bava ukrn « hai^ar ll.-kln* than *» tnl«l»«l yoa. If laaalbla '

To a baontifal boma abova?
«-SaaahtDe,Be.v. 8r.

Banldrt. Hm lenni by
Aad hoiM in^

pdJia iMkad vbara tba Up «( Baa.

Tbal Iba faltiaa. Hvpa. uoJ Ltive.
r:u;hcd Ki_; i.r.1 ; rnr-royil
NIebola* puvbed bln looard -|.al aoyooa dara rail vou a coward
H f*f*e or amalirAod Pallh. and Jo.v, and Bnlfa*. may
At tba creak ba paotad a moment, bla aaaaltont.
agalor Ha rliorhad blii Ihi uvagaiy.
"Savarol Inrbaa arr«a*,- aotwared

tnd lUianad a. wat hi* wool. Thara ' Onca. iwlaa. Toby .track him. In Iba
-.Ne. you wouldai " Itonran undid *»“« H»«b.



tia tbla«a »arr flad toaaa

a alopa noitar tba aura
Im aklaa alraiching orar

gJing In a cowtrork. Tba awaai. atlll
mil you lat Iba dameai roan?
atobt aaenad to approve of tala art.
Or will yoQ keap iban cloaa CManed. He tailed tba fragraal
erral or


-8b* .ra.- *ei>i oa Tbaadera. “that uitk aeraaiBk ~aa* wi nHa o( a aaila a craai team to oaa ho**a *

-----------------------------lia'a ftac.
NanlM tm riaMf.
------------ ......... ............ -AUBt
Kuih. hara roa ibeucbl ot .
. mayba
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ lor'X^’a
_ _
, .bough,
I could
nay oiw gat^U
^ blaakal. Do you
tbota Utou kiiM
I... aakad fianba
«ar,K. Cbapta. ^

•h mattar balag a reward

athamrj of H.

Bat aha '

«laa Pba-ar «aata a. to p. do«a
fta^ ...mbia. al.; ablcb daUcbtla than tba tblaa* •# aaa.'atplalaad ad bar.

you foul DOW. Tou>athcw«bt It waa you. you
kbow. .\o
from aoy that
followed, tba cowirall to iba craak. kola* to plra ua a t
trouDdas. or taka balpleaa tblOR waa avw glad to oaa Play*^ - \
.TK. ....v
__r, ...M
aadapoagy .«
10 ki.
bla oo*
doaa. Il>
ua bafora."
—a^Ta try V
hara faai.
"**“■ or ba Ikkad. Too’ra big aonugh
-Voull faad rham and trad ibamr"
■*» rtabt; It will ba

etappad carafully to avoid
of bird*. OBeamatl living Iblaga lo b li. path, nod

dowa iha

oaa oltba .dak IR-

Ila aathat war* aopia«tlfiiL

) Bidla!" aba a

U tba baat polkr. laaraad a»ia thaa I arar koa. bafor*
That a a oa* ota to ;...........

... Uviof
---------- ----------------• k.r
*«« for (ralo. .So
ihlos *a«
^ W>.
»•* .k..v—-p„y
of -Boakar Dolaa. opa. t.o.
oU naa!
Well loarh you to

t taokad aaroMir

aamrli aad ato«to dtaoaar

aota book.

«•«^ “lio aortir. Ha baard
• «M“J- hara-bti diirUac for a batter

ny falrr iWry............


araamtad .tth a ‘ar«tT


• *«-< fc«nf « oar koo* all aboot It. Dooca. Urtaa. |-„
«!»*«»*. HI ba booad.
Wa ll taaab had n; *)ca opaoad toalcbt
I ,,

Aod hagbiar. aad lovlog worda,

And Iha joyi which rouaa our brari# »*'e» «nr
to thrill.
with great

k A. U

“Tbaraa tba

Thara a tba tana (oaUos that sot
»-“»* «>*d op la Lan a atiaar oat. o. I

* ...

' Ther araUra. aad Hopa and Faith.
aad nunr «.om

At oar eara with Iba
• a


the Old »*4 laoaiai-mlU. aaarcb; «•«■* >«•■ fbir.. . . . .SlcbolaaBaa. .

Ukamabeoaia to tba Mrtb.
* JL.. _ ______.....
Tbay bring kind frtradt, aad brantlful


Tobr ka.>aa ««..

Itf tba bad.

arroai tba ch*«*ti**d
rp la the aaVea a dora dot


♦ ov«T lltrtod thlob.

J dbL

rock lookad '-Lat Ba'tfkiah.-

1.*'*’' *‘***»*^

**kw*rdlr dowa tba bar.
“P «> Ihia


: «!

«bar« a )atUat

^ *"
•“« • -''•o- N»x airf I ^ 1*« -aak. aad tba
------------ •”* ------------------- ---------Milad a«o«0t
for yooraalf. Doakar
nolaar klttao
kltiaa ToJ Gtaatr
Ga^rr pot ib. t.r m.

Mae friaada and braaklac batm:

l«iHtrylo**aahaa.a.. I ♦ Tbaj load tn to poaarty. crlat. aad

. ^ bi Ibr 0*7^^^*^

I *rtll!*vi-a— ■ •■ ■ - ♦



■>** lalrtr I
laM W «( '

tW MHb ibor aw* hoMo
rank M baaa

"Ami in spalling. " piped ap Thaodora. ''when I w.j ei|».^tog ^ to


~lf ynii ilnnt a' flm flaiiiail

qalle well to on.) words, tboagh
fore that aad wa. allatotd aba n
had to raeeoraga both lUdlwand wHh bar favorite aoag:

“it you don't a' trat Bakraad.
Try. U) a-danT-

the unto
Fronew Told Me.
I m a little proaoua.
who. Whosa. whom.

Uy-Dgmaa ara

lYhaa I do aaylbiac. peopto eaB


"wbo." nttca I own aoDwtbtod* SOOIde rail me "wboae"
Wbaa «iBatwd) di>ea aomefblag lo Ba. I BB coJP
bom "
tf ytm aao tna. yoa Bay ba prwtty
mare tbera to




I'm no* Job a ^bbod praaow:
I’m a ratoiiv**proBoffa.;L.^^-

Uka 10
- —
ba''-by av

A FIrn Loaa^
right band aide, aod thick bniih bid
-J dldnl push him; ha JU'I l•.•ked ash me to apall and daflna'frigWa.'To. «0 a-dra’"
keif, aa m> eorato I <who ta a S------------Wbaa "Donkey ■ Dolan rauld choke it from vie*,, Ha puabed iba sliding up." defended Toby.
'eau*- that came i.exi.-«be raid. -Cln
So rang Bessla, In a awact. bigk PtoPonBl ran ba
-Ctont- *ad "Wont' ara coimtoa. too. down the nob* ha lifted hi* lace Irom door open nolaelesMy. and when he
-i>,d ,j,ubit blm vary hard?" q««- rou tall me. Themlori. Iww maov pot* *ev a. *be came bu|.plng downtba
• » ■'•fh a varr aaket rat ot BMW.
"Mo gn alwan oat of-worfc;

vwr "Onal" u ton aw of “Nntnr 1^."
AM -Won’t' to the nw ot “Shirk."
I aWuiMag you- ratopablasa. tbfa.
astoetkott "ffftr and tJas:"

ton saMi

tba hay, aad aat mUarable. TbI.
came oat again ba closed it aecurelv.
aaamad tba Dnal proof of hi. weak- He never forgpt to atop at tbe old

do a daring feat, and here ha


,10,^1 N'ux
•-xo, i didn't.

of flower* iheie nra In the ball win ' atalra*
Not half a* hard a* do»r
ju„* „



track to iha vicinity of their trapa- n, g,.! ,

eye," aaid

Nichola*. and rae;

but .Mia* fbcster'anlff no. 10 tbe doting note.

tag on the hay ilk* a giri. lie looked tbe track of a big h«ra foot. They gnUaiy
"lleMver atruefc you once, and went right on with the latson
»lik a tort of coatompi over bU great conauHad over It egclledly. Hare was um
Wara'i li funnyf

D yos .wooU W a Baa.
aprawllng IlmU and hit man't Mae of a due. They buniad aad found an-n'o. be didn’t " Tohy turned uion
. .
Diceaaa.' diem and walnband.
He was the “otber: then they tracked -Donkey" j,|, greuaer*. “He Just Blood there,
------------------------ ------,
btweel boy la Heckbeckle district. Dolan down through the criiahed mini ,„d p.,
trad off blm. Vou
iji ,b,
boya bad "mumped" and peanyroyal. The tracks were lost
go Tong aod leave me alone.
____ __
He had never___
once in tbe Dolan chip yard. That wa. «in
He. followed 'down the
Wbw your Praaldrat wa* a BtOe proved bl* prowera. He had taken ibe proof enongl
SI they had tbe bank where "Donkey" lay In a heli*
fflrt tbe ktod off atortoa aba Ukml baat
darl.ton of the whole m-bool. culprit. I, '
DoaVey " DoUn.
heap. On >ils knee, beside blm
war* fairy oiaa. Asd alwayi the fairy
,b, ,,,,,
bad been sieallag game
he willed away tbe blood, aod straighttato that bad a raoUr true mraslag
blMaa in It waa tbe one tbe moM ea- meat.

be endured wU^ guilt,

lor- oot only a reward, but a thief

ened the great crumpled Uaibs

ator^ coualed btaveiy. for tbe whole ai hool Toby Triner was Juatly Indignant

vpnD. WrittaD by Mr. .V.
DWtb. or -Snaablah Boy.

L, Wood,ur»ed U|>ob blm. and driven him' liad pUanrd on a m-w rifle cut of
Br.. who from tbe ground with Jeera. It was proceed, of bis lrai» thi. year

bMtoUltiaat lor yon:

ibeo they had changed Ms name Irom


,, „„

ibe ,h„.

-TTiera'. no telling bow miicU he#

,m|an raltage. whither

Tn. try a-den!"

the raid she mm two
What do you
s'poae. mamma, nvide bar aak toeb

, ^

.BO nu offrolic aad fun:



I doa'l know


you 1 would ir. to notice thing, oa
the way to .. hool-,nrt cl.ewhere.

No one but fle.

night, mix of them, hidden under the ,,be.lca1 pain. Joy illumloe-l hl« face.
Vor * niMDeni Ibe mmiier followed
,h, dojqor Into nn adjoining room,

In. mamma -niib-d
aew study come on?

Mfss Chrater a*ke-l

will be gone. Bessie ran acre*, the mm. and
s|,eedl1v seated beraeU ou
: - arm of* raced bi* chair


Only babiet

fad girl*

blue .Wes.

He awung himself lighllv

„„ved uneasll'. then he rracbed out,

He wiped bla eyea over a fallen log-and,came down to for , hand that *.s near bl* own.

on Wa jacket aleeve. mlaerable.
where they wwMed
"T*eef Tweet!"
Tan he waa a coward .No doubt ba be aaid. and a .leepy Quall .tlrred In

“|» there something I ran do for
„„ Dunran?" Tohy* tone* were full


"But that wasn't so

Wasn't that

"Tb.. is an I. Bennie'
~-l? Not the same kind of eyes s
Eddie langhed

antf twlaled on* •

t little sister s bright rurU aruubU
irimme.1 with
o cfilckle.
cfilckle that 1
-O K-ldle: ' cried Bes*lr.
gleefulltfuaay a*

Owl a( ntpiillla.



H'a big -Dougb to batoDff to 1

Peeping la at the 4oor. aod apytog
him looking rather lonely aad woebe


what colored dree. I'rani'ra Pease waa
w-aring K^ay-vou know .be to moa

mean only tblaga.

• lal^aod wrak from a
only wlibln
and ItIt waa
three davsrOai be had been

turrs. -,ell me wha, an? I..' and .be
Pointed her tiny Anger at a raplial ’

were beea 10 cty.

iwo or

hm if | were .bowed to come down sUlra.

without de- him.'
low. Would Tohy ray,ha, It he be'Oh, ir. funnier nnd tunaler'"
Npw today they bad openly
They toy tn wait tor biui the next i„ved blm a ihlet? In s|iH* of the Theodora giggled'Why. mamma.

*R* daooaapbrf* bira.
* .***. *******
door ol dm waa


"I'vb belter to k< you make

Ikldl*. who was elder than

"Sow. Eddie." raid Be«sle. opening
her primer, bright wMh mlorert pk-

"Dookey." would have taken that, and ahellerlag bathes. He cam* along the
be had.atood by belplewly with a old pa'b whlatllng solHv to hIniraK.

to tUagt-

Re*.le „..
by ....
ten yearff -.
or —
' I'ra
gM a tweeaty. 1waaafy. waaiyrat:
Dear K.ldte usually M siroag-aad
ft', gM tba biggaat. I

-l>o you think she'll mat

'great swelling lump la hi* throat. hU .booWera er*«-l- hi. eye* to the
,„g ,b,.. u,-n iloDr togeMii.
At itor in th^|.|»r hall
Hwnd of the aartbly borne of the Ho* he bated- tbit
- lump!
. . It «____ ______ Here he was^noi awkwato or ,abw,rd ailent-e ensued.
Down In queer? Ami n<.b.wly c
fbe alb^leet
allt^lest provoratlon.
provocMlon. and
aad grew
10 HI at ease' He felFibe coafldenre of ,be tamaracks a wbipianrwill kept White goesned M wan
Tbaltwo fglryroom wer^ th«»e:—propOriloB* that It was like
to. labeient right In «he broad -fleld*. the ealllag. calling
Tbe Injured boywaan'i
It was brown,


How does the

R®* Bgay WDDldbap- calied him coward.
Tin tbe day off Ufa to done.

Grateful ere. sought bit froc.i the Idl-


and tbe two sllp|>ered feel Uaded In •<>■* tor yoaraelTaa; ooly ba aura dm
tbe very ceatereol the mat.
,0 put me with tboar aoua. ibai

cueer questions right in lawon-tlBe? ’
At the f.rtXer end of tbe llhrary.
' I think," mamma said, salllagly. curled up la Ibe big arm-clialr. w*s

foo dull aad too alow to flick away the aa poor as Job’, lurke.v. and they gM Blehl*.- rahl Tohy Tiloer, who had Then il she a.k* you.
Aa I farad e'ercliw waakeraera.
idweatlag fliea which buued about
tbdr rent free." Nux Cramer Impan- refiwed to leave the bedside
"it It ready '
Aad Ua ptan rama twiakliag oaa by bla oara.
ed tbe new.
'We’ii *„ n,,. ,0^. | „i,h, have something
The next .la.». a*
Hr flaahed with atom* aa he rat give blm a lesran he won't lorgef.
rh«r* on the hay reealhag lasull aliei Riealtag game. ,Ue aneak' . We llfix


Barale liked It ao bdc* that she
To iblnktof itt' 1 ran go with even
.tapped back on tba «air for aa- tbo« v’O aiuck-ap proper aoura.

Helen Is drradfullv .ryald of dogi. and

had borne the injured Ud. "JurtWe don't anawei iIkI»* '
him a chance to lie still and Theodore, anxionsh

,hink of hi. Mn* a while.- be added.

A Fairy Tala of TnSty.
Oaoraa to -ncakey - li seemed an taken. I presume that', half t^ fam- uughlngly.
.iMtDigbl wbeo Ibe aaa raak beaaa^ apfiropriato title-* big sWldd donkey. Il> live. oa. My father ray . they re
g,n-, ,h,„k hell He a-ake auv

They brodgtat atraag* drrams to me

sot Mar*

-'And *he asked Helen Power*. |q*i other lump, ibl* time iHustrattog bar
Tbe noun 1 go with U railed «y aaafter she had recited a rule In aum- song by irdag to rrach tbe mat that t«»dcat
hers, ir she mei any dog* when .he lav before 1 he library drar
• •»“><* *»»e you a few naatasrao.
«'■« coming to achoo]
"II vou don't a' lfr»i flaxaemk
and rae If you rotiM And M to ib«n:

Once he bad made bold toTro- planned ■ sw iii reiriluition.
It wa. DMblhg woraa than a broken "that she wants you to learn to use
toradtoal agato.l the ramuion spoil of tor-Just let me ralch him one
leg and rareral brolaaa. the donor your eyrs, ra a* to know what you
So aba farti verT aura, today.-th«
tJtteni, but that had not been give him .omethlng to cry ahoui.- „id ,hen fleet young feet brought eee
JM ar« satog to Itop a

. Tba> all lali about paapto.
ranched t» Uat aylto- ibtogs.

naai. tala utter asakauaia—they bod auar bouaa on Ms way iiomr from ypu would If you'd 'l«ean a -pastin'
W-ii. could jou?' asked motbar.
tda and tba tou aialr, aba gatbated up'
Somarima. igooraat paopto pwt air
called him a coward, aad ba faad not .rba creek bottom.
him," retorted Toby. Indlgnanlly.
•Wl.y, no. mamma' A never tboughl all her stfanglb tor a good lump. *»h tboaa ordlaary soasa ttasi Baaa
reullatcd: they bad -atumped" him to
Tbe sagt day the boya found a fraab
-hi, face waa all Mood, i noticed about it
Mary Je|M>n offered, to go which gave a very decided empbask oal> iblaga. Bat 1 batooi to paraoaa


flirtiag over the lewve. tllj .be came

ether queailon! " burst out Theodor*
-Junbefore dlsmlralon
the a.ked

to another i«ge
That's a p I aitow
'cause 11 .ihks down .0 at yer. and

RuU'a UMIaSy.
When Ruth was two yaara old a Iff-,
r hahy brother rama. aad ftolb e
M flad.anybody to alag to
0 bar.
.leeplly iboul O aaday. a
,rontig herrall In hw day id.
swayed bai kw.rd aad fordward, ptolotlvelv trying 10 alag haraell to atoep.
with these word.? "Bye baby—Bt!'
-Vug-h s fomiDOlOC.
.She and Ha.
he waked up eraaa and frMfnl.
And heard ibe rala-dropa pDUa

-W. bras «... Usrara
• ®' repeataoce
' I wish there wra Thomas-dtorve. If Mis. Is that ■ ronod O. I*b t It? |..lo>iag ,o The aua peoped from bla rle*d-haflara ra «»L.
. **• "tot be rauld repudiate It? He bealtaal bunny went on hi* way 10 «>B.e,hlng I could do for yop"
teacher uTNumher *, )u„ across tbe the op|<«lie loge
• lie had be*« drMmtog. maybatomaxD Msaiu gM out- ^,4 never la hi. life abed a drop Of the iuacious ulDI-patch
He was 00
“Donkey" . Dolan grew
inddenlv ball fiom us-nor>- her In a braid
-l.«ok at il agsin. . It l-n ,
t wonder what eao aU her—
ra - ____
Wrad-or brought a cry from any help- airaager here He wa. only rracblag brave ""Tbera
someihlag " be
CM Batter bow wooiy a* aoocaea. lew thing, or made an> living crsoiura b'.s hand toward the-hidden traps ,,id 1 noit'dn'i mind this h-t.- rettch
admit his anpertoriiv of bone and mow when they pouaced uimn him nolnily.
* you. UonkeV
The tmalle.1 boy in the ac^l
“80 It's
-OonkeV DolanDolan' We've
bad doaa more than be. It ora* brave raagbt you at ta»l!" they abouled.
to Sgbl. to hurt, to kill, and he waa "We've found }-ou out. sieallag game!

a b<M tba key

Asd flU tko ■oal boaaa wltt ato.
Or. It ba offMtad tba otbar door.
TItB daoMM wgra aa toat booad
A»d kept ta a darkMtod iwtooa cML



lb# Boat abject coward.
He never tt^y don't yoo run. coward?" they
Thera'a three little aqulrrels
went fabUg
"Donkey dBaaea'i bait uuniad him "Ho* amay mink have uboa* mother was stet. 1 tblak.
a boek.~ was all too iroe: or If be you taken from our trap*, say!—how gaard them crvlng crying. «>me*here

dow„ her lock o- pinned up on faer O: I, Is g
Ih.iti you see i| ha* • Ut
First bedi.Utt know wbnt 10 He mil to it down Hits right-ide’"

with dMreag.

He had been cangbl al

rawsrdiv tricks a* aettlag free a
Ha raa of froc. which had beea Jald
^de ter falare uae. Once they bad
q oKha, Roai wordt “MaBpad'
poke MM flah-eyea
tor bMI.
gWIt oouM
batrad asd fftoBa.
do Ittito thlagt «k* tba, It wa. cow

srdjy tn taka a “dHo" Bn ffsd takas

"I dl.l'- put In Theodora.
basoi grown up >m
He Joenn't look
-Ye*, we both did • Bat ^llu Obes- like hto- mamnia
Ut' you IBlBk yon
Julia Toe tell
And '^la, Mid would know hiitt an'where else?"
If. bad eaougb to be a coward; but
-.v„j „id 1 were bunilag there tost h, never notlrad an'bolv's ba/r
-Lillie a.
reieaied Besale.
to be a coward, aad
a thief " He^toof'^’week.' ptit In Tobr drily. tlooB'*
wonder what ahe 11 ask tomorrow?"
aDMg them siteecble*.
-i .wouldn't have them hart for tb*
-Ohrarve evei-Mhtng as cloraiy-wr-TykDow vtM.aden'"
babyl.h face looked chalk wh^ to tbe aorld " Duncan', eye. sought Toby * po..lble ' mMher ad« Ised them.-ao a.’
"Oh»e. Eddie'
gbe cried triumpbduA.
olib': recurrlag aaapletoa. but Ibe took u> be reedy when vour luros ramr "
vTmfra a boM oae to rama atooc Uwra t^oaeorad btm. -TDaM't a bnay
a', tb* queMtoalag weal qn. m teuM blm
OMaT yoo know enough
Borer dag oot of a com ahock. two of Miaa Cbeaier's p«^ made 41a'


bp pdnt AU iku


yps-va TMt


-nuti Itule' ratal baby "

ny. hot he though, n minute, aad
\jli ve.'
1 jke m- i.unnte'* '»ii'

Happy TDowpMa ara Beat.
,ben said she wore It pinm-d up And You are Mister g. are you* Aad
ga,j ,
“ADPtla. tf all tba
I she wears there A.
n tb* worid ebould tbtok tholr
p abort and curled all
r her head' "But. Fkidle. nhal I' nal HtMe lellow ,
iboagbts oot kmd. wbaxa.rptkat
Two or three
raised our tquailmg down by A?
there would bo!“
baadw?- "
"tYby. thai Is a baby a. .hl.-hle He.

dared, ba eoald not; tb* algbt of the many rau? O. w# raugbt you red- around the big beech It took me half
wriibtog. BBbappy craaturea filled him banded—no way {o aneak obt of If , dav 10 bum them oa,


Asd SB tba ffapto n( trtM sad Mtoto

r mvnelf.
my .elf, 1 hope you don't think
r„ ,u<.b , coward a*
a. to mind a little
ihlng''llke this: but down In ibe old
,ugar house roiseibtag Is waittag for

tagkUA U. wU you? aarkad iBpravoMPl





■ A Smmhtoa Varaa.
little every day—

u'a (ba war
Reeds Id darkaaaa awed and gn
Ttoy Hadee pot lkro«gk tbo am

Nevw a Sowar of May
Leapp to bLnMM to a bara>:
" ewura be has
a. a Ifftle brad to sio*t,. ^,1,. at
'- crotoahay aaa-


That', tba wayt
Jbm a UOto wrory day.

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